LIBRARY UhMVIRSITY Of V^AUPORNJA J. %^:aiA ^i ;^^ |V^eries, constituting what is known as the pulse. The pulse wave travels at the rate of 30 ft. per second, but does not, as a rule, extend into the capillaries and veins, becoming extinguished by the friction that the blood in its progress has to overcome, especially from the greater total sectional area of the capillaries, and in these the jerky arterial flow becomes converted into a steady and continuous one. The left ventricle, in health, contracts about 72 times to the minute, as is evidenced by the pulse rate, and during each contraction the arterial blood pressure is, of course, raised. The blood pressure is greatest in the arteries, less in the capillaries, and least in veins, but the onward flow in the veins is arrested by muscular movement and respiration, valves in the veins preventing the blood from flowing backwards. This pulse wave must not be confused with the flow of blood, the latter being much slower, only about a foot a second. We have seen that the blood circulates in a system of tubes^ the smallest, the capillaries, being so numerous as to form a close network in all tissues. These capillaries have exceedingly thin walls, composed of only a single layer of flattened cells united together at their edges. Through these thin walls oxygen and part of the blood plasma (the fluid portion of the blood) pass by diffusion into the surrounding tissue, thus providing nutriment for the adjacent cells and fibres. This nutrient fluid, PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. 7 oozing out of the capillaries and bathing the living tissues, is called lymph. It is important to note that there is no actual contact Highly magnified capillaries, showing walls ot single layer of nucleated epithelial cells. C shows junctions of vessels. between the blood and the tissues, but that the thin membrane separating the two in the capillary vessels allows of the diflPusion of this lymph, which acts the part of middleman between the blood and the tissues. The cells and fibres of the tissue are thus bathed in lymph, and from it they take up nutriment, whilst into it they excrete their waste products. Lymph is a colourless fluid containing in solution, like the blood plasma, proteids, carbohydrates and salts, though the proteids are somewhat less, and the water more in proportion. It also contains some white corpuscles, which have passed out of the blood capillaries, but few or no red ones. Like blood plasma, it possesses the power of coagulating. As well as the oxygen and nutritive material passing from capillaries to the lymph and into the cells, there is also a passage, in the opposite direction, of carbonic acid and waste material from the tissue cells to the lymph, thence into the capillaries, and onwards into the veins to the lungs, etc. A certain quantity of the lymph in the tissues does not find its way into the capillaries, but returns to the blood stream in a roundabout way. Lymphatic vessels. ^The excess of lymph from the blood, and the Avhite blood cells present in it, which do not return into the blood capillaries, lie in minute spaces between the cells of tissues, and these spaces are drained by very small tubes which begin in the tissue, and are called lymphatic capil- laries. These unite to form larger lymphatic vessels, and the lymph is carried by these vessels to be emptied into the venous blood stream at only a short distance from the latter's entrance into the heart. Lymphatic vessels have valves in their interior like the veins, the free edges of which point towards the heart, and the pressure, caused by muscular movements, drives the lymph onwards towards that organ, the valves preventing any reflux. The lymphatic vessels of the small intestine are designated lacteals, because, besides imbibing tissue lymph, they absorb from the intestines the emulsified fat of the food, and thus, after a meal, become filled m ith a white milky looking fluid called chyle. The carbohydrates and the proteids of the food, on the other hand, pass from the intestine directly into the bloocially keeping the bones in place at the joints. A muscle, of course, has two attachments, the more fixed or central one is called the origin, and the more movable or peripheral attachment PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. ii the insertion. For instance^ the external ocular muscles are said to arise from the more fixed bony orbit, and are inserted into the more movable eyeball. The tendon, nearly always much more marked at the insertion end of the muscle, blends with the periosteum of the bone. Muscular Fig-- * A Muscle, showing the tissue passing at each end into tendinous tissue. O Origin. .S" Sheath. T Tendon of insertion. tissue possesses the power of shortening or contraction, so initiating move- ment. Muscles are divided physiologically into two great classes ; the voluntary or striped, which are under the control of the will, and the involuntary, or unstriped, as the iris and pupil, which are not, the latter constituting only a very slight percentage of the muscular system, being confined chiefly to the vascular system. The voluntary muscle, by the naked eye, is seen to consist of small longitudinal bundles termed fasciculi, each fasciculus being covered by a sheath of membrane, derived from the sheath known as fascia, which invests the whole muscle. When a fasciculus is examined microscopically it is seen to comprise a number of fine muscular fibres running lengthwise, and consisting of a semi-fluid, contractile sub- stance, termed muscle plasma, enclosed in a transparent elastic sheath called the sarcolemma of the fibre. Just underneath this membrane can be seen a nucleus. Such a fibre averages about 1 inch in length, but only 1/ 400th inch in diamet-er, and when seen under the microscope it shows an alternate dim and light cross striation, hence the name striped muscular fibre. The muscle fibres are joined together by delicate connective tissue Figr. g. A Muscle fibre torn across, the sarcolemma still joining the two parts. B Musck fibre highly magnified, ^howing strtations and the elongated oval nuclei. 12 PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. (perimysium internum) which also binds the fasciculi together (perimysium externum), and this is continuous with the connective tissue sheath sur- rounding the whole muscle. These various connective tissue membranes, penetrating between muscles and their parts, convey the arteries, veins, capillaries, and nerves. Capillaries do not enter the muscle fibre, the lymph diffusing through the Barcolemma. Unstriped, or plain muscular tissue, consists of fibres that do not show the alternate light and dark striation, each fibre being a spindle-shaped cell with an oval nucleus. Plain muscular fibres are never found attached to bones, but are associated with other tissue, as in the Avails of the alimen- tary canal (stomach and intestines), of blood vessels, etc. A muscle, on being excited or stimulated, contracts by drawing its ends nearer together, at the same time becoming harder and thicker in the middle, though it does not become smaller in bulk. The amount of shortening varies, so that the length of the muscle, when contracted, is from 65 per cent, to 85 per cent, of what it was originally. Each single fibre forming the muscle becomes shorter and thicker^ and as all of them contract at the same time, the muscle contracts as a whole. Contraction may be brought about by dii'ect incita- tion (electrical, mechanical, etc.), but ordinarily it is set up by a nervous impulse. Besides that of form, muscle undergoes changes of temperature, electrical condition, extensibility and elasticity. There are also chemical changes, because, like other living tissues, muscle is taking oxygen and nutri- ment from the blood, whose complex substances are constantly being oxidised into simpler ones, as carbonic acid, etc. The contracted state of a muscle can only endure a short time, this soon being followed by relaxation, and a return to its normal length, but contraction can be excited again after a very short interval of rest. The involuntary muscles contract and relax much more slowly than the voluntary. Though each muscle has a definite action, generally pulling along an axis running between its two points of attachment, yet it must be borne in mind that hardly any single muscle acts alone. Each muscle, as a rule, forms one of a group, acting more or less in harmony with, and antagonised by, other and opposite groups. Nervous Tissue. This is the highest form of all tissue, all the actions of life being regulated by one part or another of the nervous system. It controls muscular action, regulates the processes of secretion in the various glands, and determines the amount of blood supply to a part by acting on the smaller arteries. The impressions of the outer world are also registered by it, and it connects the various parts of the body with each other, co- ordinating them into one harmonious whole. Its relatively great bulk and its extreme complexity constitute two of the most distinctive structural features in man. It is somewhat arbitrarily divided into two closely related parts, the cerebro-spinal nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. The cerebrospinal system consists of the brain, which occupies the cranial cavity, and the spinal cord, lying in the spinal canal, which runs PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. 13 through the centre of the vertebrae. These are continuous with each other, and together constitute the cerebro-spinal axis. Attached to the brain and spinal cord are the numerous nerves which connect the various parts of the body with the central nervous system. There are twelve pairs of cranial nerves, and thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves. The brain and spinal cord are composed of two substances, presenting a different colour to the eye, viz., white matter and grey matter. The former consists chiefly of nerve fibres, the latter of nerve cells. The elements con- stituting nervous tissue are nerve cells, nerve fibres, and a connective tissue called neuroglia. yerve cells are of different shapes, often irregular in form, and they vary in size from l/400in. to l/4000in. The cell consists of a nucleated mass of protoplasm, from which certain processes extend. According to the number of processes they possess, they are called unipolar, bipolar, or multi- polar. Most of these processes break up into branches called dendrons, but one process is distinguished from the rest by non-branching. This un- branched process is continuous with the central part or axis cylinder of a nerve fibre, and is called the axon of the nerve cell. Each nerve cell, with its axon, is an independent struct^^re, and the connection of one nerve cell with another is made by the adjoining of the fine branches, although there is no actual union of these. Fig^. JO. Multipolar cell from grey matter of spinal cord (highly inagtitfied). A Axon, with medullary sheath M. C Cell body. A'' Nucleus, with nucleolus. D Branching processes, which often interlace with those of other cells. Nerve fibres. The cranial and spinal nerves appear to the naked eye as white cords, which, on being teased out and microscopically examined, are seen to consist of bundles of fine fibres held together by their connective tissue, this passing not only between and around the bundles, but also around the individual fibres. The nerve fibre is about 1/ 400th of an inch in diameter, and appears microscopically to consist of three parts. : 14 PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. (1) A central core of semi-solid matter called the axis cylinder, which is the conducting portion of the fibre. (2) A medullated sheath, fatty in nature, serving to insulate and protect the axis cylinder. Sympathetic nerve fibres do not possess this sheath, nor do the optic nerve fibres in the retina, except in abnormal cases, when they appear ophthalmoscopically as a glistening white area continuous with the disc. (3) An outer sheath, called the neurilemma, with a nucleus lying between it and the medullated sheath. A nerve fibre is directly continuous by one extremity with a nerve cell, whilst its opposite extremity breaks up into a number of ramifications, ending freely in i-elation to another cell or to certain tissues of the body, as a muscle fibre, etc., and hence the length of nerve fibres varies greatly. Nerve fibres mereh' conduct the nervous impulse generated by the cell, and so we divide them into two sets. Firstly, there are afferent fibres, which conduct the impulse of impressions from the peripheral organs to the brain, giving rise generally to a sensation of heat, light, sound, etc., and hence often called sensory nerves. Secondly, there are efferent fibres, which con- duct the impulse from the central nervous system to the muscles, glands, etc., and are called motor nerves. Nervous impulses are conducted nor- mally in only one direction ; in efferent nerves from, in afferent nerves to, the nerve centre. When a nerve fibre is divided, that part cut off from the cell degenej-ates, but later the fibre commences to grow from the other cut end. The nature of the nerve impulse is not known, but it is accompanietl by electrical changes in the nerve fibre, and the velocity of the impulse is estimated at about 100 feet per second. The hrain is enclosed in the skull, Avhich is a bony box of many pieces, fitted together by sutures. Besides this bony case the brain is invested by three membranes, firstly, a tough one called the dura mater, which lines the cranial bones and forms its outer covering, closely investing the brain itself, and dipping down into all its furrows. The innermost is a more delicate vascular membrane, called the pia mater, which largely supplies the brain with nourishment. Between the two is another called the arachnoid, large lymph spaces also existing between pia and dura mater and the arach- noid. The brain is an exceedingly complicated structure, and only a bare outline of it will be given here. At the lowest part, continuing the spinal cord upwards is the medulla oblongata; next comes the pons Varolii, or bridge which connects the cerebellum or small brain with the cerebrum or large brain. Through the brain runs a cavity filled with fluid and lined by epithelium. This is continuous with the central canal in the spinal cord, and also with the lymph spaces between the membranes of the brain, and through these Avith the lymph spaces in the nerve sheaths. Any increase of pressure wnthin the brain is manifested in the nerve sheaths, as is evidenced by the appearance of choked discs (see Chap. XIII.) in brain PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. ^5 tumor. The surface of the brain is convoluted, and fissures also run through part of it. Fig. II. Plan, in outline, of the human brain as seen from the right side, the parts being separated from one another more than is natural, in order to show their connections plain!)'. A The cerebral hemisphere, showing fissures and convolutions. B Cere- bellum, which is connected with the cerebral hemisphere by the peduncle. C Pons varolii. D Medulla oblongata, which is continuous below with the spinal cord. Continuous with the lower portion of the brain (the medulla oblongata) is the spinal cord, which lies in the canal between the vertebra;. The spinal cord consists of a central mass of grey nerve cells, the motor cells being stationed anteriorly and the sensory ones posteriorly. Outside the grey cells are placed numerous afferent and efferent white conducting nerve fibres. Sensory nerve fibres arise from the posterior grey cells, and motor fibres from the anterior grey cells. Outside the cord they join to form a single mixed nerve. Sensations that arise on the skin or extremities of the body muscles are conducted by the afferent nerve fibres to the spinal cord, and on through the medulla, in order to reach the cerebral hemispheres, where alone they are interpreted. Also voluntary impulses pass from the cerebral hemisphere.* through the medulla and cord, to reach the motor or efferent fibres that put in action the muscles, glands, etc. Sensations from the face and head pass into the cranial nerves, which pierce the skull in order to enter the brain directly, and the motor fibres pass out in the same direction. Both spinal and cranial impulses are appreciated in the other side of the brain from that of the body from which they emanate, as all the nerve fibres of one side of the body cross over to reach the other side of the brain, and so injury of one side of the brain produces paralysis and loss of sensa- tion in the opposite side of the body. i6 PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. Fio^. 12. Diagrammatic transverse sections of the spinal cord. A, showng a small portion of cord, (i) Anterior fissure between the two sides OH the one of which the anterior grey root is shown, with motor fibres (5) arising from it. (2) Posterior fissure to one side of which is the posterior grey root, with sensory fibres (6) arising from it. (7) Mixed nerve, with sensory and motor fibres. B showing a thin section of cord. The darker coloured central area represents the grey cells, and the lighter coloured peripheral area the conducting aflferent and efferent fibres. The numbers are as in A, (3) showing the anterior grey root, and (4) the posterior grey root. Befiex action. The spinal cord not only acts as a conductor of impres- sions and impulses, but it also has reflex functions. It conducts motor impulses from the brain to the muscles, and also sensory impressions to the Fig- '3- Diagram illustrating reflex action of spinal cord. S A sensory surface from which an impulse passes by a sensory nerve to the spinal cord by the posterior root of a spinal nerve. At P the nerve fibre breaks up and transmits the impulse to a nerve cell A in the anterior horn of grey matter ; from A a motor impulse passes outwards along a motor nerve to the muscle M. Sometimes an impulse passes on to the other side of the cord, and then to a muscle M on the other side of the body. When the brain is concerned in an action, the passage of the impulse to that organ is indicated by the dotted line C, and the passage of an impulse from that organ by the dotted line X. PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. 17 brain ; and when it is crushed or injured those impressions commencing from below the injured part cannot be transmitted to the brain ; yet by tickling that part unconscious movements take place in it, and these are called reflex. Movements which arise from sensory impulses and are carried out without consciousness are also reflex movements. In the case of an injury to the spinal cord in the middle of the back, tickling of the feet will produce a reflex movement of the toes, as the tickling sensation passes along the afferent nerve fibres to the posterior (back) part of the central portion of the spinal cord, in which the sensory cells are situated. They cannot pass up to the brain, owing to the injured cord, but the impression passes on to the motor cells in the front part of the cord, and from there an impulse is transmitted to the muscles of the feet through the efferent nerve fibres. The simplest mechanism or structures necessary for a reflex act are (a) a sensory surface, (h) a sensory or afferent nerve, (c) a nerve cell or centre, (d) a motor or efferent nerve, (e) a muscle or gland. The cerebral hemispheres (brain proper), especially the nerve cells in the grey matter on the outside of the brain, are the seat of conscious sensations, of perceptions, of intelligence, and of will. The lower parts of the brain are the seat for the subconscious, automatic, yet vital processes, of respiration and circulation, and also for many complex reflex actions, but consciousness, memory and judgment are stationed in the cerebral hemispheres alone. Chemical Composition of the Body. All substances are divided by chemists into elements and compounds, the former representing simple or indecomposable substances, and the latter compound ones, formed by the chemical union of two or more elements. The elements found in the body are oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, silicon, fluorine and lithium. The first three occur both free and in combination, whilst the remainder are only present in compounds. Oxygen (O) is an invisible gas that forms about one-fifth part of the atmosphere by volume. It supports combustion, and is absolutely necessary for animal life. It occurs free in the air passages of the lungs, and in the blood it forms a loose combination with the haemoglobin of the red blood corpuscles, the latter giving up the oxygen to the tissues. Nitrogen (N) is an invisible, inert gas forming about four-fifths of the atmosphere by volume. It occurs free in the air passages of the lungs, and is dissolved to a slight extent in the blood. In combination with other elements it forms the greater number of the substances of the body, many of these compounds being of very great importance. Hydrogen (H) is a very light, invisible and combustible gas. A little free hydrogen is occasionally found in the intestines, arising from the fermentation of certain foods. In combination with other elements it is present in many compounds of the body. Carbon (C) is a solid element existing in a variety of forms. Blacklead and diamonds are natural conditions of the element, whilst charcoal is an 1 8 PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. artificial form. When carbon burns it unites with the oxygen of the air to form carbonic acid gas (CO2). Carbon exists in a combined form in most animal and vegetable substances^ and the oxidation or burning of these results in the formation of carbon dioxide (CO2) as one of the products. Carbon does not exist free in the body. Chemical compounds of the body. These are divided into organic and inorganic compounds. Every separate living being, animal or vegetable, is sometimes termed an organism, and the various substances built up or produced by organisms which contained carbon were called organic sub- stances, but as they can now be pi'oduced artificially we include in that term all carbon compounds, however produced, as fats, sugars, starches, and pro- teids. Substances obtained from the earth, that is, from the mineral kingdom, are called inorganic compounds, as clay, common salt, limestone, water, etc. Plants, like animals, consist of living cells that are constantly building up living matter out of the food supplied to them, which in the case of plants consists of the simple inorganic substances found in the soil, and of the carbon dioxide in the air, from which they obtain the carbon they require. So plants live on simple inorganic materials obtained either from the soil or the air, and then convert them into those complex organic sub- stances which form their tissues. On the other hand, man and other animals cannot convert inorganic materials, except water, into the living substances of the body, and so animals must feed on the organic substances formed by plants or supplied by the tissues of other animals that have lived on plants. The chief inorganic compounds found in the human body are Avater, carbon dioxide, sodium chloride and calcium carbonate and phosphate. Water (H.^O) is a compound of the two elementary gases, hydrogen and oxygen. It is present in all the tissues, and forms two-thirds of the body weight. Though a little is produced in the body, yet it is nearly all derived from food and drink. The water acts as a solvent for the nutrient matter, makes certain tissues soft and flexible, and assists processes of secretion and excretion. It also serves for the regulation of the body heat, by evaporation from the lungs and skin. Carbon dioxide (COj) commonly called carbonic acid gas, is formed continuously in the body by the oxidation of carbon, and so is present in all tissues, including blood, from which it is secreted in the lungs. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a compound of hydrogen and chlorine, and exists in small quantities in the stomach, being produced by the cells lining that organ. It is of great service in digestion. Sodium chloride (NaCl) is ordinary common salt, and exists in the blood and many other liquids of the body. Calcium carbonate and phosphate are found chiefly in bone. Many other inorganic salts exist in the body, but only in very small quantities. AVhen a body is cremated various compound gases, chiefly carbonic acid, ammonia and watery vapour, are formed and escape into the atmosphere, whilst the ash which remains is composed chiefly of the incombustible, inor- ganic salts. PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. 19 The organic compounds of the body belong, for the most part, to three great groups- -proteids, carbohydrates, and fats. The proteids are complex nitrogenous bodies containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. The varieties of proteids are many, but they have one point in common, viz., that they contain nitrogen, and are the only class of food which do so. Tissues require nitrogen for growth and repara- tive processes, and hence proteids are often called tissue builders. They can also be used for fuel, being oxidised to produce H^O, carbonic acid and urea, though the chief fuel ingredients of food are carbohydrates and fats. Proteids are most abundant in the lean meat of all animals, the Avhite of an egg, and in such vegetables as peas and beans. Carbohydrates are organic compounds of carbon, hydrogen and ogygen in which there is always the same proportion of hydrogen and oxygen as in water, \iz., two atoms of hydrogen to one of oxygen. The substances known as starches and sugars belong to the carbohydrates, which in the body become oxidised, being converted into carbon dioxide and water, such changes generating heat. Fats are also organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but the oxygen is smaller in proportion to the hydro- gen than in the carbohydrates. Fats and- oils are found in the tissues of some animals, in milk and in certain seeds. The oxidation of fats is one of the chief sources of heat to the body, a given weight of fat producing more heat energy than the same weight of any other food stuff, Proteids and carbohydrates are converted into soluble bodies by the stomach and small intestines, and then pass into the capillaries of the portal circulation, which convey them to the liver. Here a percentage of the carbohydrates is arrested and stored up in the liver cells, whilst the remainder undergoes combustion in the tissues, as likewise does most of the proteid material. The chief waste product of the latter is called urea, excreted principally by the kidneys. Fats are absorbed into the intestinal lymphatics, called lacteals, which carry them into the blood stream, and the latter conveys them to the tissues, where they undergo slow oxidation, producing carbon dioxide and water. The living body may be regarded as a machine, the fuel being the food which undergoes oxidation, producing heat and the energy for muscular and nervous labour. The food is not only an energy producer, but it also fur- nishes the materials for the repair of the waste that is continually going on, and during the early period of life it increases the size of the body and its organs. The body is not only a self repairing, but also a self constructing machine. It loses on an average about eight pounds per day in weight, made up as follows Water. Solids in solution. Carbon dioxide gas. From the lungs .. .. laoz. 36 ounces. From the skin 34 < J oz. salts. Small quantity in solution. From the kidneys 5<> ' 'I " urea. I II salts. i 11 .1 In this daily loss the chief elements are carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. The carbon is lost chiefly in the carbon dioxide given off by the lungs, and the nitrogen disappears in the area dissolved in the urine. There 20 PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. are fifteen parts of carbon given off to one of nitrogen, about eight ounces of the former to half an ounce of the latter. It is evident that if a man is to keep his weight and to continue warm and active, fresh material must be taken into his system in order to repair the waste, and to restore, by oxida- tion, heat and other energy expended, whilst in the young body provision must be made for growth. PATHOLOGY. Pathology is the study of the body in disease, but all pathological changes are merely modified physiological ones, there being no essential difference between the two. Thus, we have seen that serous effusion from the capillaries into the tissues is an ordinary process of healthy nutrition, but that serum, in excess, causes dropsy. The exit of white corpuscles from the capillaries into the plasma is also a normal process, but white corpuscles in excess become the products of inflammation and suppuration (formation of pus). These gradations show how insidiously healthy processes pass into diseased ones. Inflammation. ^When a foreign body, either of a chemical or physical nature, is introduced into the tissues, certain changes are manifested, which represent the reaction of the system, or parts of it, against the injurious effects of irritants, whereby nature endeavours to destroy, counteract, or throw out what is noxious, and also strives to repair what has been injured, and to restore that which has been destroyed. These processes are called an inflammation, a beneficent action representing nature's efforts to expel or render innocuous foreign bodies. The white corpuscles are the cells which chiefly attack and remove foreign bodies, and hence they are called the scavengers of the body, but their activity is largely dependent upon the presence or otherwise of certain complex chemical bodies in the blood plasma. When an irritant is introduced into a tissue the neighbouring blood vessels dilate, so bringing an increased number of white blood corpuscles and serum into the area. The former are also produced in much greater quantities, and they, together with the serum, pass out of the walls of the capillaries into the tissue much more freely than usual, resulting in red- ness and swelling of the latter. An inflammation of a tissue is accompanied by the following signs : Redness, heat, pain and swelling of the inflamed part, and these may be detected externally when the inflammation is not situated too deeply in the body. The redness and swelling are due to the dilated condition of the blood vessels, and to the increased outflow of plasma and white blood cells from the capillaries into the tissue. The degree of swelling in an inflammation varies directly with the density and the vascularity (number of blood vessels) of the tissue ; for instance, in loose vascular connective tissue, such as the subconjunctiva, the swelling may be so great as to partially hide and cover the cornea, whilst in denser vascular connective tissue, like the cornea, the swelling is so slight as to cause merely a minute bulging over the inflamed area. PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. 21 The increased heat arises from the greater cellular activity, and the pain from the increased pressure on the nerves by the over distended tissue. In inflammation the first appreciable change is hyperseraia ^the blood vessels dilating and containing an excessive amount of blood ; later the white blood corpuscles occupy the peripheral, and the red cells the central portion of the capillaries, and later still the white corpuscles and serum pass freely out into the surrounding tissue, causing the latter to appear cloudy and swollen. If the inflammation goes on still further, the red corpuscles also gradually oo25e through the vessel wall, the circulation of the red corpuscles in the centre of the vessel ceasing, and a complete stagnation of the blood in the vessels follows, resulting in the formation of a blood clot, and later in death of that part. A more common termination is recovery from inflammation, the blood vessels gradually becoming less dilated and parsing into their normal condi- tion, the exuded colourless corpuscles either passing back again into the capillaries or breaking up into a granular material, and, together with the increased serum, passing out through the lymphatics into the general blood stream again. An inflammation is merely an exaggeration of the normal nutritive exchanges between the blood capillaries and the affected tissue, and all degrees of severity and extent are encountered, being localised merely to a small area, or involving one or many organs. If the irritant be only mild, recovery without any permanent tissue changes results, but if severe, recovery only takes place at the expense of destruction of tissue, the latter being transformed into pus (matter). Though any foreign body introduced into the tissues acts as an irritant, and causes some inflammatory reaction, yet, if that body contain no microbes, its presence is tolerated by the tissues, the latter enclosing it in a capsule. This foreign body, if small, may become gradually absorbed, or, if of dense structure, may remain encapsuled in the tissues. If very large it may be slowly extruded from the body by the tissues. The innocu- ousness or otherwise of a foreign body in the system does not then depend so much upon its size or density as upon the presence of microbes. Microbes. These are very minute living vegetable organisms, consisting of Fig. 14. Pneumococci. Mag^niiied diameters. 2 2 PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. a mass of protoplasm enclosed in an envelope, and are classified, according to their shapes and their reactions to various staining reagents, into numerous divisions, but such classification is necessarily rather crude. They are very small, varying from one micro-millimetre (1/ 1000th part of a millimetre) in length to a few micro-millimetres. When circular in shape they are called cocci, and when rod shaped, hacilli, whilst others are more filamentous and are called spirillce. These divisions are very broad, and include hundretls of different kinds of organisms in each division. The commonest forms of cocci are perhaps the staphylococci, which arrange themselves in bunches like grapes ; the streptococci, which arrange themselves in lines ; and the gonococci and pneumococci, which arrange themselves in pairs. A picture of the latter is shown, the microbes being taken from the conjunctival sac of a patient suffering from corneal ulcer. Diplobacilli. Magnified 1,000 diameters. Bacilli consist of many different varieties, a common one being the tubercle bacillus. This rarely attacks the eye, which is more often attacked by a Kock Weeks bacillus, causing the pink eye so commonly seen in children. The diplohacilli, so called because of being arranged in pairs, placed end to end, cause angular conjunctivitis (Chapter III.). These living organisms play a great part in the work of nature, as they break up into more simple combinations the complex molecules of the organic substances which form the bodies of plants and animals, or which are excreted by them. In a few cases we know some of the stages of disinte- gration, but mostly we are only familiar with general principles and results. Thus the souring of milk and the ripening of cream and cheese are all due to bacteria. Bacteria are also capable of giving rise to poisonous substances (toxins) within the animal body, and also in artificial media. These are of a very complex character, very little of their actual nature being known, but each kind of organism produces a specific toxin. It is the PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. 23 latter which is so inimical to the tissues of the body, and the rate of pro- duction depends upon whether the conditions are favourable or otherwise to the growth of the organism. The toxins also exercise a prejudicial influence on the organism itself, the latter being frequently killed by the toxin. Bacteria are human-like in their sensitiveness to outside influences, their vitality being increased or decreased by unsuitable temperature and food. Some prefer warmth, others cold ; some thrive on air, others without it, and some grow better on such food as potatoes, others on jellies, etc., and this artificial food we term a culture medium. Excessive heat and cold kill them, as do various chemical agents called antiseptics. Antiseptics are not able to destroy microbes present in the body, as the vitality of the organism is generally greater than that of the cell, and the antiseptic would kill the cell whilst only weakening the organism. The latter rapidly becomes revitalised, the dead cell being an excellent food tonic for the microbe. Antiseptics have, therefore, for this purpose, fallen into desuetude. An aseptic body is one which contains no organisms^ and in surgical operations everything is made aseptic. Though bacteria are necessary to animal life, some of them, as above stated, are prejudicial, waging war upon mankind, and it is with these latter organisms that we are mostly concerned. Many forms of microbes are present in the air, and are carried by it into all the cavities of the body communicating with the external air, as the nose (and its accessory cavities), the bronchi and lungs. The food we partake of carries organisms into the stomach and intestines, many of them being of great assistance in digestion. These mostly only live on dead matter, such as the food, breaking it up into simpler bodies. They are then called saprophytes, but there are also present other bacteria which can attack living animals or plants under certain conditions. These are called parasitic bacteria, and they are commonly found on the surface of the skin and the mucous membrane lining the cavities of the lungs, intestines, etc., but they are not present in the tissues, the epithelial cells being the first of nature's bulwarks protecting the body against the attack of these organisms. If the organism be very virulent, or the epithelial cell be debilitated or injured, the microbe may gain an entrance into the tissue. We will now consider the results ot such an invasion. The blood vessels of the affected part become dilated, and more lymph and leucocytes pass into that area, the i^henomena of inflammation, as pre- viously described, beginning. The leucocytes attack the invading agencies, and, if victorious, the latter are eaten up, and the tissues return to the normal again, but when defeated the tissue cells and leucocytes are killed, lorraing, together with the toxines and the disabled microbes, a whitish fluid called pus or matter. Nature brings up more leucocytes to resist the further encroachment of the victorious microbes into the tissues, and she generally succeeds in forming barricades, consisting of young white blood corpuscles, which surround and cut off the infected area from the general system. This limitation of the affected area leads to the formation of a localised collec- tion of pus called an abscess, which gradually burrows to the surface and bursts, so discharging its contents, and preventing the further absorption 24 PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. into the system of the toxins which are produced in the abscess cavity. Jt is advisable for the surgeon to expedite the liberation of the pus by incising the abscf-ss, thus preventing the absorption by the body of the toxins. When the organism overcomes these barriers erected by nature death of the individual takes place. The ultimate result of the contest between the contending forces of the body and of the microbes depends largely upon the degree of virulence of the latter, and the degree of activity of the white cells of the patient, which, in turn, is largely dependent upon the presence or absence in the blood serum of certain bodies called opsonins, etc., that stimulate and increase the combative power of the white cells. These bodies are distinct and specific for each kind of microbe, and it is the toxins of the latter which incite nature to produce them. When an abscess or severe inflammation occurs in a special tissue, as muscle, the retina, etc., the affected area is not replaced by that, but by ordinary fibrous tissue, and so the function of that area is lost, hence the importance of cutting short an inflammatory attack in a specialised tissue. Catarrhal inflammation is a term applied to mucous membranes such as the conjunctiva, etc., where the inflammatory affection consists only in a more congested (reddened) condition of the part, together with the pro- duction of an increased quantity of mucus by the mucous glands, the latter being present in great numbers on mucous surfaces. The toxins produced by the bacteria at the inflamed area pass into the general blood stream, and may cause an inflammation of another part of the system. For instance, the ciliary body is frequently inflamed (cyclitis) by the toxins generated by the organisms which frequently lodge between the gums and the teeth, and the treatment of that cyclitis consists in the extraction of those teeth. Tubercle or consumption is due to a special bacillus, which, though commonly found in the lung, may attack any portion of the body, although it rarely invades the eye. The resulting pus is frequently caseous (like cheese) in appearance. Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by an organism which belongs to a higher species of microbe called the spirochita pallida. It may be acquired by direct communication with an infected person, or it may be inherited from infected parents. Many eye lesions are due to this disease, the inherited variety causing a deep inflammation of the cornea (so called interstitial keratitis) and also affections of the fundus. The acquired variety frequently affects the iris, causing iritis ; retinitis and choroiditis are also common consequences of this affection. Ulceration. This is essentially of the same nature as the process of suppuration, only that the purulent discharge, instead of collecting in a closed cavity and forming an abscess, at once escapes upon the surface. There is thus a loss of surface epithelium at the part, which appears as an open wound or sore. In the eye a small ulcer on the cornea is not infre- quent, and may be caused by a foreign body carried in by the air, or it may be due to the attack of microbes. PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. 25 Degenbbation. When a tissue is insufficiently nourished it degenerates, losing firstly its highest function. This process is commonly observed in the cornea of old people, appearing as an opaque whitish area (arcus senilis) concentric with the corneal margin. The transparent corneal tissue becomes changed into an opaque tissue, owing to interference with nutrition. Degeneration may affect any tissue in the body, but the higher developed the tissue the greater the tendency to degeneration. Tumor. This is a localised swelling, composed of newly-formed tissue, which fulfils no physiological function. Tumors tend to grow continuously, quite independently of the growth of the body, and there is no natural termination to this. For clinical purposes tumors are arbitrarily divided into two great classes ^the innocent and the malignant. The innocent tumor may consist of any of the normal tissues of the body, as bone, muscle, fibrous tissue, etc. They grow slowly, and are generally surrounded by a fibrous capsule. They differ from malignant tumors by the fact that they do not invade or spread to a different portion of the body, but they may grow to quite a large size, pushing aside and compressing adjacent parts. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, show a marked departure from the normal structure and arrangement of the tissues of the body. They tend to invade the surrounding tissue by sending out prolongations or offshoots into it, and they frequently spread to other parts, being carried either by the blood stream or the lymphatics, and eventually destroying life. Early operation offers the only chance of a complete cure, but the results of such depend largely upon the degree or otherwise of the malignancy of the growth and also upon its situation. 26 EXAMINATION OF THE EYE, Chapter II. The affections of the eye are of such a nature that their salient features are verj' liable to be overlooked, unless great care is exercised, and too much significance cannot be attached to the importance of habitually examining the eye in a methodical manner. Normal visual acuity cannot be accepted as any guarantee against the presence of disease in the eye, and any improvement in vision obtained by use of the pinhole disc is evidence only of some refractive error, but does not exclude the possibility of disease in an ametropic eye a not unusual occurrence. These cases shoAv the importance of not accepting a subjective standard, and additional emphasis is given to this from the fact that the subjective symptoms in ametropia and in pathological conditions are commonly alike. The method to be pursued in an examination of the eye is one which Avill enable us to correct the refractive error, and to exclude any possible pathological change in as expeditious a mariner as is consistent with thorough examination. The following method, almost universally practised, is that which is most advisable for optical students to adopt : 1. The presence and appearance of any gross pathological condition should be noted Avhilst the patient is stating his symptoms. 2. Visual acuity to be taken. 3. The transparency of the media, the healthiness of the fundus, and the refractive error have to be determined, and for these purposes the patient is noAV taken into the dark room, and the eyes examined : (a) By focal illumination, especially Avith the view of detecting slight opacities in the cornea and lens. The pattern of the iris must be noted, and the pupillary actions tested. (&) By transmitted light, using preferably a plane mirror and a low illumination ; the transparency, or otherwise, of the lens and vitreous being further determined. (c) By retinoscopy. (d) By the indirect ophthalmoscopic method, or this may be omitted, and only the direct method used. 4. The objective results are now confirmed by subjective testing ; or the keratometer may be used prior to such testing. 5. The muscular sense, the field of vision, and the light sense may be examined when these are expected to throw any light on the cause of the patient's symptoms, but investigation of the muscular balance is advisable in everv case. EXAMINATION OF THE EVE. 27 The examination of the various parts of the eye is given helo.v in more detail, but it is only necessary to irivestigate them with such minuteness when the patient's symptoms point to a possible lesion. For instance, with muscae volitantes the vitreous must be carefully searched, in order to exclude pathological opacities, or, if lachrymation be complained of, diseased conditions of the lachrymal apparatus would be excluded as explained in Chapter IV. Whilst listening to the statement of the patient's symptoms, the observer must make a rapid survey of the patient's face, brow and orbits, noting especially the pasition, direction and size of the globes. If there be a suspicion of a deviation of one eye, it should be roughly confirmed by directing the patient to look steadily at the observer's finger, held in the middle line, about an arm's length from him. The observer's other hand is now placed in front of one eye, say the left, of the patient, and if the latter's right eye has been fixing the observer's finger, nc movement of it will be detected ; but if the eye had been deviated inwards a little, an outward movement would be made in order to fix the finger, or if the eye were deviated outwards an inward movement would be detected. Also, on the observer withdrawing his hand from the patient's left eye, no movement will be discernible in that eye, if the patient has normal muscular equilibrium (orthophoria), but if esophoria be present, the eye will be seea to move quickly out in order to fix the observer's finger, or an inward movement will be detected if exophoria be present. Testing each eye separately, the elimination of the grosser muscular anomalies can be accomplished in a few moments by this procedure. The position and margins of the lids should be noted, and also the region of the tear sac, when lachrymation is complained of, and if simple inspection discloses no alteration, pressure with the finger over the sac will cause its contents to exude through the puncta. Examination hy Focal Illumination. The lamp is placed at some distance in front and slightly to the side of the patient, and the light is condensed by means of a large lens (about -(- 10 to -}- 20 D), and brought to a focus on the parts to be examined. Fine details may be looked for by means of a corneal magnifier. The eye, as far back as the anterior surface of the lens, can be examined by focal illuminatioir, and opacities in the cornea or in the anterior part of the lens appear white. By focal illumina- tion opacities in the cornea can be recogniseecome inflamed, and not infrequently ulcerated. A constant sense of a foreign body in the eye, accompanit^l by photophobia and lachrymation, is always present. liater, superficial opacities are prodiiccnl on the cornea, chiefly on the lower section. Not infrequently persons are tormented by recurring ulcers, until at length the physician discovers a minute lash, incurved and touching the cornea, which has been the cause of all the trouble. For the natural growth of the lashes it is necessary that the follicles sliall be healthy, and also placed in a proper position in the lid. Trachoma displaces the follicles, and is the most frequent cause of trichiasis. Distichiasis is ^i cwngenital condition in which there are two lows of cilia, one looking forwards, and the other directed backwards. Active treatment must be directed against any cause of the trichiasis wliich may be present, as blepharitis ulcerosa and trachoma. It is not only necessary to opilate the incurved lashes, but the follicles must also be destroyed in order to prevent the lashes growing again. This is generally accomplished by electrolysis. Where many lashes are affected, epilation is not suitable, and the condition is rectified by an operation on the lid. Entropion. In this condition the margin of the lid is rolled inwards. The distinction between entropin and trichiasis is only one of degree. In the latter the border of the lid is properly situated, but the posterior margin of the lid is rounded off^ and the cilia are turned backwai*ds. In entropion the whole margin of the lid is turned in, and we can only see it by <1 rawing it outwards. The evil results of entropion are the same as those of trichiasis. Two varieties of entropion are distinguished according to the causal lesion. Entropion sint.fticuiii. ^fhe incurved margin is ca-.ised by a more or less constant spasm of the orbicularis muscle which closes the eye, especially when the skin of the lid is redundant and flabby. The spasm of the orbi- culosis, so called blepharospasm, is sometimes met with in elderly people. Cicatricial entropion. This is due to a conjunctival scar, resulting perhaps from trachoma, or a burn, contracting and pulling the lid in. Generally operative measures have to be resorte" arc sitiiatttd beneath it. Cornea ha/\ . Pupil contracted, but dilates regularly. Iritis. Not present. Much photophobia. Great pain. Deepest around cornea, pale red in color. and Vessels not distinctly seen, and do not move with conjunctiva, as they are situated beneath it. Generally clear. Pupil contracted, and dilatt irregularly. .\cuit Blennorrhoea (or acute purulent conjunctivitis). This occurs niost frequently in babies about a week old, and is generally due to the gonococcus microbe. The lids and conjunctiva become very red and swollen, and pu.s literally pours from between the lids in a severe case. Infection of tlie cornea frequently takes place, resulting sometimes in its destruction. It is one of the commonest causes of blindness. 46 THE EYELIDS AND CONJUNCTIVA. Chronic Catarrhal Conjunctivitis is rarely the sequel oi an acute attack^ but generally occurs in patients who are below the usual standard of health, and in those whose livelihood entails long-continued use of their eyes for fine work, especially if any refractive or muscular error be present. The eye is red and irritable, and often a sense of discomfort, and some watering (lachrymation), on exposure to light are complained of. Reading tires the eye, and causes it to become more reddened. In old people the frequent dragging upon the lower lid in the act of wiping the eye, on account of the slackness of the tissues, causes the punctum to be slightly drawn away from the eyeball, and the tears overflow on to the cheeks. This excoriates the lids and aggravates the symptoms, forming a vicious circle, and preventing a natural cure from ever taking place. Correction of refractive and muscular errors is most important. Local applications, as boric acid, zinc sulphate, etc., hasten the patient's progress. Where the punctum is everted, surgical measures are generally indicated, such as slitting up the canaliculus. Follicular Conjunctivitis is characterised by the presence of follicles, situated chiefly in the lower fornix, which is seen on everting the lower lid. They are small round granules, slightly smaller than the head of a pin, and of a pale and translucent aspect, puffing up the conjunctiva in the form of small eminences. A few or many may be present, and in the latter case they are arranged in rows. The symptoms are those of conjunctival irrita- tion. The follicles are met with in young boys, especially those with refractive errors, and it is very important to distinguish this affection from trachoma, which is an infectious and very serious disease, owing to the tenacity with which it resists treatment. The differences are shown herewith Follicular Conjunct tint is. Slight redness and irritation of eyes. Follicles gfenerally in lower fornix, but never on palpebral conjnnctiva. Arranged in rows. Does not cause subsequent scarring of con- junctiva. Never infects cornea. Occurs in boyhood, especially in hypernie- tropes, and treatment consists in correction of refractive error. Trachoma. Slight redness and irritation of eyes. Follicles commonly in upper as well as lower fornix, and always on palpebral conjunc- tiva. Scattered irregularly. Always followed by scarring. Commonly causes a gelatinous infiltration of upper part of cornea, so called "pannus." Generally in adolesence and in aliens, especially Jews. Trachoma may cause great diminution in A^ision, when pannus is present, and the subsequent cicatrisation in the conjunctiva predisposes to entropion and ectropion of the lids, and various other sequelae of a per- manent character. The great distinction between follicular conjunctivitis and trachoma is that the latter always affects the palpebral conjunctiva of upper lid, and the former never. In doubtful cases the upper lid should be everted and follicles looked for. Plate I. ^.-TRACHOMA AND PAN N US. Note. Irregularly placed follicles on fornix and pal(>ebral conjunctiva. Gelatinous inBUration of upper part of cornea (pannus). B.- FOLLICULAR CONJUNCTIVITIS. Note. Follicles in rows on fornix, the palpebral conjunctiva being free. Cornea clear. C.-FHLYCTENULAR CONJUNCTIVITIS. .Vote. Three phlyctenes are shown, the redness being chiefly around them, other parts of the conjunctiva being free from injection. )._ANGULAR CONJUNCTIVITIS. Note. The redness is confined to the inner and outer angles of the eye. THE EYELIDS AND CONJUNCTIVA. 47 Conjunctivitis Eczematosa or Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis occurs in child- hood, and photophobia (intolerance to light) is one of the characteristics of this disease. So intense is it that occasionally the child creeps into a dark corner of the room, and strenuously resists any attempt made to open it eyes. The intensity of the symptoms bears an inverse ratio to the severity of the disease, the slighter the case the severer the symptoms. In its simplest form it presents the following picture : A little red swelling, about the size of a millet seed, develops generally at the corneal margin (limbus conjunctivae). At first it is conical, and epithelium covers its apex, but later this breaks down, and a small ulcer is formed. The reddened portion of the conjunctiva is in the shape of a triangular sector, with its apex at the nodule. The remainder of the conjunctiva is normal. Frequently there are several nodules appearing at the same time, and often they form on the cornea. Acne of the conjunctiva and episcleritis are the only condi- tions likely to be confused with this disease. Pinguecula. ^The atmospheric influences (wind, dust, etc.) produce changes in that portion of the conjunctiva exposed to them. This area is called the inter-palpebral part, and in elderly people a thickening of the conjunctival tissue is sometimes noted here. This thickening often assumes a yellowish colour, . largely due to the formation of numerous concretions of a yellowish hyaline substance, and is called a pinguecula. As a result of these changes, the pinguecula does not allow the red colour oF the blood to shine through as plainly as the non-thickened adjacent conjunctiva, and it might be confounded with a small pustule by a beginner. No symptoms are caused, and treatment is rarely indicated. Fiif. 24. Pterygium. Pterygium. This is a pocnliar growth of the conjunctiva and sub- conjunctival tissue. Triangulai- in shaix', with its base (.^o-called body) at the semilunar fold, close to the inner canthus, it extends outwards, tapering to a rounded end (called the head), which gradually spreads on to the cornea, and becomes solidly and immovably united to it. In recent and progressive 48 THE EYICLIDS AM) CONJUNCTIVA. case^ the pterygium is red, flesliy and prominent, but in regres.sivii ones it is pale, membraneous and almost translucent. It rarely spreads beyond the centre of the cornea. Generally it affects patients about middle age. A pterygium probably originates from a pinguecula, the degenerative procesfi which exists there making its way into the limbus, and then gradually upon the cornea itself. The treatment is surgical, and consists in thorougli removal. Lipoma (fatty tumour of eye). This occurs at the outer part of the eye, and is congenital in origin. It appears as a solid, fatty-looking anits are arranged in the form of a triangle, the larger ones being below. B Represents the "mutton fat" form. In inflammation of the ciliary body (cyclitis) there is a deposit upon the back of the cornea of spots of pigment, circular in shape, and often arranged in a pyramidal manner, with the apex about the centre of the cornea, but sometimes the arrangement is irregular. The name " keratitis punctata " (K.P.) is given to this condition. The spots are migratory pigment cells from an inflamed ciliary body, and they can only be seen with a corneal lens and focal illumination. The details oi a corneal condition can be well seen by examining it Avitli the small ophthalmoscopic mirror with a + 30 D behind. First we fix the surface of the cornea, rendered evident by the slight particles of dust floating on it, and then gradually approach nearer the eye until the details ot the iris are clearly seen. In this manner the various parts of the cornea are successively examined. AFFECTIONS OF THE CORNEA. Keratitis is an inflammatory condition of the cornea, and an important distinction is made between superficial and deep keratitis, using the terms not in relationship to the depth they may extend into the cornea, but only in relationship to their arterial supply ; for instance, the blood vessels in superficial keratitis are derived from the conjunctival vessels around the margin of the cornea, the normal cornea being avascular, whilst in deep keratitis they are derived from the ciliary vessels around the limbus. Every keratitis is manifested by a loss of lustre and transparency in that portion of the cornea affected, and is accompanied by inflammatory signs in adjacent tissues. (1) Increased redness of the eyeball, which is most marked around the corneal margin, as it is a ciliary injection (see conjunctivitis for the difference between ciliary and conjunctival injection). The degree of injec- tion bears a direct ratio to the severity of the inflammation. In slight cases it is difficult of detection, whilst in severe ones the injection is not only ciliary, but conjunctival as well, and the globe appears a vivid red. (2) In the slight cases we jget a hypersemia of the iris, and a contraction of the pupil; but in deep keratitis, iritis and iridocyclitis often supervene. s THE CORNEA. Diagrammatic section of the cornea showing new vessels. A Superficial corneal vessels. These are sinuous, and continue unbroken on to the conjunctiva. They branch and anastomose with one another. B Si, C Deep corneal vessels. These disappear at the corneal margin, do not branch, and pursue a fairly straight course. The signs which enable ns to distinguish the two kinds of blood v^sek are as follows : Superficial vessels. Thesti spring from the network of con- junctival vessels near the limbus, and can be traced directly into the conjunctival vessels. Owing to their superficial position they are clearl}' visible, well defined, and of a vivid red color. The vessels branch manner. The abiwe is seen ii afh arborescent Deep vessels. These spring from the ciliary vessels in the sclera, clo>e to ih ; corneal margin, and so appear to suddenly end at the limbus, disappearing behind it to enter the sclera. They are not distinct, owing to cloudy layers of cornea lying in front of them, and are of a dirty red hue. The vessels form fine straight twigs. The above is seen in interstitial kera- titis. (3) A white exudate appears in the anterior chamber, and is called a hypopyon, but it is only evident in severe cases. This exudate, appearing like pus, lies at the bottom of the anterior chamber, and consists of leucocytes (white blood cells, or scavengers), which have escaped from the blood vessels of the iris and ciliary body. There are two important sub-divisions of keratitis : (1) Non-ulcerative or non-suppurativc , in wliich the corneal epithelium remains intact, and where the inflammation does not result in the formation of pus In these conditions a complete restoration of the transparency of the cornea may take place, and normal vision be regained. (2) Ulcerative or suppurative keratitis. The corneal layers and epithelium are destroyed over the portion of the cornea infected, and an ulcer is formed. All ulcerative conditions, wherever in the body situated, heal by the formation of fibrous tissue. This is opaque, and so a return to the natural transparency of the cornea is impossible. The degree of opacity ultimately remaining depends largely on the depth of the ulcer and the age of the patient the deeper the ulcer the greater the opacity, and the younger the patient the more it tends to clear up. Bot>i ulcerative and non-ulcerative keratitis may be situated superficially oi deeply. (a) Superficial forms of non-ulcerative keratitis. Pannus. This is the most common form of superficial keratitis, and is reallj' an affection of the conjunctival layer of the cornea (the corneal THE CORNEA. 59 epithelium). It may be caused by trachoma, in which case the disease affects the upper part of the cornea, or by phlyctenular conjunctivitis, when any part of the cornea may be attacked. Trachomatous pannus (Plate I.) begins at the upper part of the cornea, and consists in the deposition, beneath the corneal epithelium, of a newly- formed, brownish, vascular tissue, which pushes its way from the edge to the centre of the cornea. It appears as a grey, translucent, gelatinous, and superficially-situated, cloudy mass, traversed by numerous blood vessels. These are derived from the conjunctival vessels, and have the distinctive features as previously described. The pannus rarely spreads below the centre of the cornea. In very severe cases it may develop at other portions of the corneal margins, and so completely envelop the cornea. Though in slight cases the condition may clear up, leaving the cornea transparent, yet the newly-formed tissue is frequently partly transformed into fibrous tissue, which appears as a dirty greyish opacity, limited to the upper part of the cornea, with conjunctival vessels ramifying in it. Pannus eczeinatosus. This is due to phlyctenular conjunctivitis, and is differentiated from trachomatous pannus by its being situated in any portion of the cornea. Also an examination of the lids reveals the absence of trachoma. Keratitis vesiculosa. The formation of small .clear vesicles on the surface of the cornea is distinctive of this affection, and it is often associated with neuralgia of the supra-orbital nerve. The vesicles themselves are rarely seen, as their walls consist only of the corneal epithelial layer, and pressure of the lids quickly ruptures them, only a tag of corneal epithelium being noticed. A tendency to frequent recurrences is characteristic of this affection. (6) Deep Keratitis. In these conditions the infiltrate develops in the middle and deep layers of the cornea, and they are often accompanied by inflammation of the uveal tract (the ciliary body and iris). The only common variety of deep keratitis is Interstitial or parenchymatous keratitis. It is a disease of youth, generally appearing between the sixth and twenty-first year, and is nearly always caused by congenital syphilis. Tubercular tendencies are also sug- gested as a causal factor. In congenital syphilis the teeth are abnormally shaped. They -aw jx'^-shaped, and the upper incisor teeth show a deep semi-lunar indentation, and are called "Hutchinson's teeth." These changes exist only in those of the second dentition. ^'S' 34- Teeth in conf^cnital syphilis. (Hutchinson '. Teeth. ) 6o THF CORNKA. There may be slight pain in th(' eye, but photophobia and lachryma- tion are often the only symptoms. Sometimes the disease begins in the centre of the cornea, and at other times at the periphery, but it invariably affects both eyes, first one and then the other. It commences as a diffuse haziness, either centrally or peripherally, accompanied by ciliary injection. The lustre of the cornea is lost over the area attacked. Deep blood vessels (Fig. 33) grow in from the margin, and the haziness gradually spreads, until sometimes the whole of the cornea becomes opaque. Great variations exist with regard to the density and extent of the infiltra- tion, and generally the worst cases are those which commence in the centre of the cornea. Variations also exist with regard to the number of blood vessels present ; in many cases they are so abundant that the cornea presents an appearance like red cloth, whilst in others they are so scarce that the condition appears like white ground glass. H^' 35- Infiltrate in the cornea. The Epithelium {E) and Bowman's membrane {B) over the infiltrate, are preserved. The great variations in the clinical picture of parenchymatous keratitis offer difficulties to the beginner, but one must bear in mind that it never forms an ulcer the corneal epithelium always being intact and that the blood vessels are derived from the ciliary vessels. In this condition, especially in the more severe types, we get an accompanying inflammation of the iris, ciliary body and choroid. The outlook in this disease is unfavourable in the severe cases, as marked diminution of visual acuity generally persists, but in the milder forms vision is only slightly reduced, the cornea becoming more or less transparent again. It is always chronic in its course, averaging about nine months. Other uncommon forms of deep keratitis are sclerosing keratitis and keratitis profunda. Ulcerative keratitis. In these cases there is an infiltrate, situated superficially in the cornea, which rapidly spreads and forms pus. It breaks through the corneal epithelium, and in this way a superficial Joss of substance is produced, resulting in the formation of an ulcer, recognisable as a depression on the corneal surface. An ulcer is stated to exist when there is a discontinuity of the corneal epithelium. THE CORNEA. 6f The symptoms are, great pain, especially on movement of the lids (the patient often assuming that it is only a foreign body in the eye), lachryma- tion and photophobia. The severity of the symptoms bears a direct ratio to the severity of the disease. The eyeball appears reddened owing to conjunctival and ciliary injection, and, in the severe cases, the bulbar conjunctiva becomes swollen. This condi- tion is called chemosis of the conjunctiva. Over the superficially disposed infiltrate in the cornea, tlie surface is dull and the cornea cloudy. Then the epithelium over this breaks down, thus creating an ulcer. This is sur- rounded by infiltrated portions of the cornea (recognised by the grayness of the base and walls of the ulcer), which in severe cases continues to spread both deeply and peripherally, at the same time breaking down, and so making the ulcer both larger and deeper. In some cases this extends as far as Descemet's membrane, which, owing to its great resistive powers, is protruded by the intra-ocular pressure, appearing as a transparent vesicle at the base of the ulcer. This is called a keratocele. Later the vesicle may rupture, and then a perforation of the cornea occurs^ resulting in the escape of the aqueous tumor through the perforation. The anterior chamber being obliterated, the iris and lens, in the region of the pupil, are applied to the posterior layer of the cornea. When an ulcer is extending, we speak of it as in the progressive stage. This is recognised clinically by a gradually increased extension of the infiltrated area, and by greater ciliary and conjunctival injection, and, more- over, inflammation of the ins may later make its api)ea ranee, as evidencecess3s, C, and the ciliary muscle. M, a-'e atrophic and fl .ttened. The cortex of the lens has undergone cataract- ous disintegration, and at /? is s -parated fioni thi capsulj by liquor Morgagni, the nucleus, /T, of the lens being unaltered. Plate II. ^.CONJUNCTIVITIS. Note. Redness less at corneal margrin, vessels branch and are tortuous. Cornea is clear. pupil normal, and pattern of iris well marked. A-CILIARY INJECTION IN CHRONIC IRITIS. Note. Redness at corneal marg^in, and pale in tint, the vessels themselves not being seen. Iris indistinct, pupil contracted C.-CHRONIC IRITIS. Note.- Slight redness at corneal margin, absence of conjunc ival injection.. Pattern of iris ill detined, pupil irregular. /), -ACUTE IRITIS. Note. Conjunctival and ciliary redness. Pattern of iris obscured, pupil contracted. THE IRIS AND CILIARY BODY. 85 Sometimes the entire pupillary margin becomes adherent (seclusio pupillte), and then the posterior (hamber is completely shut off from the anterior, so preventing escape of aqueous into it. As a result, glaucoma (increase of tension) supervenes, and the iris, being attached now at the pupillary as well as the ciliary margin, becomes bowed forwards between those attachments by the continuously increasing fluid in the posterior chamber, and this condition is termed "iris bombe" (Fig. 48). In recurrent attacks of slight acute iritis, or in chronic iritis, it is important to observe how much of the pupillary edge of the iris is bound down, and where nearly the whole of it is involved an iridectomy (removal of part of the iris) must be undertaken when the eye is quiet, in order to prevent the incidence of iris bombe and glaucoma, which cause a complete and permanent destruction of vision in a few hours. The iridectomy allows of the escape of aqueous from the posterior to the anterior chamber, and its egress from the eye through the angle of the cornea. If the area of the pupil be filled wit'^ exudation, the condition is known as occlusio pupillse, which is generally associatetl with seclusio pupillse. In the more severe cases of iritis the exudate more or less fills the anterior chamber, looking like matter or pus, and this condition is called hypopyon. Opacities in the choroid are frequently present, owing to the involve- ment of the ciliary body, and keratitis punctata (see cyclitis) will be observed on the back of the cornea. Beginners are very liable to confuse iritis with conjunctivitis, and below are tabled the chief points of difference (Plate II.) : Coujtin rtivif/s. Pain, as if a foreign body were in the eye. Lids gummed together in the morning:, and mucopurulent discharge is present in the conjunctival sac. Conjunctival injection present. Cornell clear. Iris normal, and pattern well marked. Pupils active and normal. Tension normal. Iritis. Pain Of a neuralgic character, commonly referred to hrow. No gumming of lids, no discharge present in sac. Ciliary injection is chiefly present. In severe cases, also conjunctival injection. Cornea .nppears hazy, owing to turbidity of aqueous humor. Iris discolored, pattern indistinct. Pupils contracted and only slightly active, posterior synechiae present. Tension normal. Cause of Iritis. It may be a primary disease, or it may be secondary to an inflammation of one or other of the coats of the eye, as a corneal ulcer (secondary iritis). . . Primary Iritis is a blood infection, by which is meant that the poison causing the iritis is carried to the iris by the blood. 86 THE IRIS AND CILIARY BODY. Rheumatism and gout very rarely, if ever, cause iritis, though until recently they were mentioned as frequent factors in the cause of this disease. The source of the poison lies generally in the collection of pus (matter) in some part of the body, especially under the gums, around the teeth (calletl Riggs' disease), or in the nasal sinuses (mast commonly the sphenoidal), in which the patient oft^n states he has a chronic catarrh, a condition which practically does not exist. The pus may also be in an abscess of the ear, and in women breast abscesses and infection of the genital organs are fruitful sources of the poison. Probably auto-intoxication from the intes- tine occasionally causes the condition. Gonorrhoea is a common cause, and the attack is frequently very painful and severe. Syphilis commonly causes it, and it is then characterised by a peculiar tendency to the formation of nodules perhaps as large as millet seeds along the margin of the iris. Pain is only slight in syphilitic cases. General infections, such as pneumonia, typhoid and influenza, occasionally give rise to iritis. Prognosis. The length of duration of an attack cannot be foretold at the outset, as it depends largely upon Avhether we are able to determine and eradicate the source of the poison. If not, recurrences are the rule, but fortunately, in the large majority of cases, such determination is possible, but it involves examination of other cavities of tlie body, especially that of the nose. The presence of synechise was formerly thought to increase the tendency to recurrence, and various operations were devised and practised for the excision of these adhesions, but they have been completely aban- doned, as the presence or absence of synechise does not influence the ten- dency to other attacks. Treatment. For the attack, hot fomentations of boric acid, and, in the severe cases, leeches are applied to the temple and behind the ears, and atropine is instilled frequently into the eye until the pupil is dilated. To prevent further attacks, the source of tlie poison must be eliminated. Dark protective glasses should be worn during the attack, and in A-ery severe cases the patient may have to be confined to a dark room or to bed. Chronic Iritis. The symptoms are similar to those of acute, but less intense ; generally only slight pain, chiefly of a neuralgic character, and intolerance to light, are complained of. The visual acuity may be more or less normal. This condition can only be diagnosed on examination of the iris and pupil. Slight ciliary injection is generally present. The pupil will be slightly contracted and irregular, and will react unequally to light, the part not bound down to the iris only reacting to the varied illumination. The iris may be slightly discoloured, the pattern obscured, and blood vessels may be seen running over the surface always a pathological phenomenon. At some part of the edge of the pupil exudate will be observed as a small Avhitish spot, or in the pupillary area brown spots of pigment may be seen, these representing spots where former synechiae e-xisted, and which had been ruptured, leaving a little of the pigment from the posterior layer of the iris upon the capsule. THE IRIS AND CILIARY BODY. 87 In the formation of posterior synechiae, it is not the stroma of the iris, but the layer of retinal pigment covering its posterior surface, which becomes adherent to the capsule of the lens, and when rupture of a synechia occurs, the line of severance is that between the posterior retinal pigment layer and the rest of the iris, owing to the loose attachment of the former to the latter, and not between the posterior retinal pigment layer and the exudate. On instillation of a mydriatic the irregularity of the pupil and the synechise will be brought into greater prominence. Inflammation of the Ciliary Body Cyclitis. In acute cases this is always complicated with iritis, and the clinical picture described for that applies to this condition. Chronic Cyclitis, often associated with chronic iritis, is an insidious and more or less painless disease, and the ciliary body, as the result of the inflammation, produces. an increased secretion into the posterior chamber. This secretion is more viscid than the ordinary aqueous humor, owing to its containing a greater amount of albumen. Symptoms. The earliest symptoms are slight ciliary redness, generally more marked at one spot, accompanied by lachrymation, and sometimes a feeling as if the eyes were too full. In the early stages, and even later, there is little interference with visual acuity. Clinital Signs. The slight ciliary redness at once points to a patho- logical condition, and on examination by focal illumination the cornea wilJ appear transparent and normal, but the anterior chamber is deeper than usual, owing to hypersecretion of the aqueous. The characteristically dis- tinctive sign of cyclitis is the deposition of punctate fibrinous particles upon the back of the cornea (Descemet's membrane), called keratitis punctata, but more commonly spoken of as K.P. (Fig. 32). These particles are generally round in form, of a brownish hue, and arranged in the form of a triangle, with the base downwards, this peculiar shape being doubtless due to gravity, for at first, on leaving the ciliary body, they are suspende great liability of sympathetic inflammation occurring in the other eye. This is most commonly manifested as a chronic cyclitis, whose symptoms and diagnosis have been detailed above. Tumors and cysts of the eye are rare, but easily recognised. The treatment is operative. DISORDERS OF MOTILITY OF THE IRIS. The above manifest themselves in a diminished pupillary reaction^ and in an alteration in the diameter of one pupil. "When afi^ecting one eye, such is easily noticeable, and any inequality in the size of the two pupils is always pathological. The pupil may be dilated (mydriasis) or contracted (myosis). Mydriasis, affecting one eye, is nearly always due to interference with the third nerve or its centre. It may be caused by syphilis or diphtheria, by the instillation of a mydriatic, or by direct injury of the iris or ciliary muscle. Myosis is often associated with spinal lesions and the instillation of myotics. OPERATIONS UPON THE IRIS. The removal of a porton of the iris is called an iridectomy, which may be performed for optical reasons, as when a central opacity of the cornea or lens exists. The new pupillary aperture is called a coioboma, and is narrow and small when made for securing improvement in vision. An iridectomy is also performed in glaucoma, in order to secure a freer exit for the aqueous. In those cases the coioboma is wide, and extends to the periphery of the iris. An iridectomy is also usually performed just previous to extracting the lens in the cataract operation. ^ ABC ^4'-- so. Showing three types of coioboma. (rt) In glaucoma, it is wide and extends to the periphery. (i) For optical reasons it is narrow and does not extend to the edge of the iri>*. (c) In cataract extraction, it is fairly narrow, and extends to the periphery, THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. Chapter VIII. ANATOMY. The crystalline lens is a transparent and colourless structure of lenticular shape and of a soft consistence, enclosed in a tight elastic mem- brane called the capsule. Its circumference is circular, is called the equator, and represents the line of junction of the anterior and posterior halves or surfaces. The posterior surface is more liighly curved than the anterior, and the summit of curvature of each surface is respectively known as the anterior and posterior pole. The sagittal diameter (thickness of the lens) measures in the adult five millimetres, and the equatorial diameter nine millimetres. The lens is imbedded in a shallow cup-shaped depression in the vitreous, known as the fossa patellaris ; the hyaloid membrane separating the posterior capsule from the vitreous. The lens lies within the circle forme<.l by the ciliary processes, but in such a way that its equator is distant about one- half millimetre from the apices of the processes, and this interspace is called the circumlental space. Anteriorly the lens is in contact over the pupillary area with the edge of the iris, but peripherally the latter structure is separated from the lens by a shallow space the posterior chamber. The lens is held in position by the suspensory ligament called the zonule of Zinn, which consists of a series of delicate structureless fibres running from the ciliary processes to the equator, separating before reaching the latter, to form a small triangular lymph space known as the canal of Petit. The capsule of the lens is a homogeneous membrane, thicker upon its anterior than upon its posterior surface. Though clinically we speak of the anterior and posterior capsules, yet they are only differently situated parts of Ihe same membrane. The anterior capsule is distinguished by having a single layer of cubical epithelial cells, from which the lens fibres originate. The lens substance is composed of hexagonal fibres, united to each other by a soft, transpaient substance. They begin and end upon the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens, and are grouped in segments arranged in concentric layers, with their apices towards the poles, and can sometimes be recognised clinically as a stellate-shaped figure, radiating from the centre to the periphery, but this is most typically seen in the early stages of some senile cataracts. 92 THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. The lens grows continuously throughout life by the uninterrupted production and elongation o*^ the cubical cells which line the anterior capsule, and it increases more transversely than antero-posteriorly. It, after removing the capsule, the lens of an elderly man be crushed between the fingers, the softer peripheral masses separate, whilst the hardei- central portions remain uncrushed. The former is called the cortex and the latter the nucleus of the lens. They are not only different in consistence, but also in colour, the cortex being colourless, whilst the nucleus has a yellowish or brownish hue. The continuous production of lenticular Lens hardened in formalin and dissected to show its concentric laminae (enlarged). fibres causes compression of those most centrally situated, and, as a result, they become hardened, or sclerosed, and form the nucleus. Even in early life the lens has a hard core composed of the sclerosed fibres, and this gradually increases, so that in old people the nucleus occupies the greater portion of the lens. There are many individual differences in this respect, persons of the same age having different sized nuclei, this being of some practical importance m the operation for cataract. The sclerosed portion of the lens is hard and rigid, and incapable of changing its form, so that the more advanced the sclerosis, the less able is the lens to make that alternating change in shape so essential to the act of accommodation. Another feature of the youthful lens is that it hardly reflects any light, but in later years, when the nucleus is dense and large, it gives by focal illumination a greyish or yellowish reflex, which is often mistaken for cataract, but by transmitted light no opacity is discernible. The lens is avascular, and nourishment is probably supplied by the ciliary body and the anterior portion of the choroid, such nourishment entering at the equator, and later emptying itself into the anterior and posterior chambers. DEVELOPMENT OF THE LENS. In its early stage the lens consists of a solid rounded mass of cells derived from the epiblast. This later is transformed into a, hollow vesicle lined by a single layer of epithelial cells, and enclosed in a thin elastic THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. 93 membrane (lens capsule). It is surrounded by a vascular capsule (pupil- lary membrane), supplied by the anterior ciliary vessels and the hyaloid artery, the latter arising from the central artery of the disc, and running forward through the vitreous to the lens capsule. Normally this dis- appears about the seventh month, but it may persist in its entirety throughout life, and ofFfer no serious obstacle to vision, or the greater part may disappear, leaving a stalk attached either to the disc or posterior capsule, and easily recognisable ophthalmoscopically. The lens fibres are formed by the cells lining the posterior surface of the capsule growing forward to fill up the cavity, thus forming a solid body. Hence, when the lens is fully developed (at birth) the posterior capsule has no lining cells, since they have formed the lens fibres. Gradual development of the lens goes on throughout life by the proliferation of the cells lining the anterior capsule, but the lens does not increase in bulk to any extent, as the fibres become more closely packed, and lose some of their fluid, this constituting what is known as sclerosis. The older fibres the central ones are the first to sclerose, so accounting for the fact that the nuclear part of the lens is less translucent, and in old people reflects more light. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES OF THE LENS. Absence of the Lens congenital Aphakia. This is so rare as to leave a doubt whether it ever exists. Colohoma of Lens. A defect seen as a notch in the inferior border of the lens, and supposed to be due to arrested development of the zonule of Zinn. It is often associated with colohoma of the iris and choroid. Congenital displacement of lens. Congenital Displacement of Lens, or Ectopia lentis. The lens is invariably displaced upwards, inclining either inwards or outwards. This is supposed to be due to congenital absence of the inferior zonular fibres allowing the superior fibres to draw the lens upwards. (Fig. 52.) Lenticonus. This is a very rare, usually congenital, anomaly of the lens, which presents a conical prominence upon its anterior or posterior surface, appearing as if a drop of oil were situated there. 94 THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. OPACITIES OF LENS CATARACT. Any opacity of the lens is called a cataract, and we distinguish between those situated in the capsule (capsular cataract) and those in the lens substance (lenticular cataract). The causes of cataract are various, ana are enumerated below : (1) Congenital cataract. Present at birth, and due to mal-developnient. (2) Infantile cataract. Arising in early life as a lamellar cataract. (3) Senile cataract. Arising in old age, owing to interference with the nutrition of the lens. (4) Traumatic cataract. Any foreign body coming in contact with the lens renders that part liable to become opaque, but if the capsule be rup- tured the whole lens generally becomes swollen and opaque, and if no nucleus be present (in children), the opaque fibres become more or less absorbed by the aqueous humor. (5) Cataract due to constitutional diseases such as diabetes or albuminuria. (6) Cataract secondary to some inflammatory or degenerative changes in the ciliary body or anterior part of the choroid. Cataracts are clinically classified according to the situation of the opacity :^ (1) Capsular cataracts, in which the opacity is on or just beneath the capsule. (2) Cortical caratact, in which all the cortex is indifferently involved. (3) Perinuclear cataract, Avhere the opacity is arovind the nucleus. The symptoms of lenticular opacities consist in a disturbance of vision, the degree of which depends on the situation and extent of the opacity. Small, circumscribed, dense, opaque opacities, provided they do not occlude the pupillary opening, as, for example, anterior polar cataract, cause little or no interference with sight ; but larger opacities considerably disturb vision,' and often alarm the patient by the production of peculiar phenomena, as musc3e volitantes and polyopia. The appearance of muscse volitantes consists in the patient noticing black spots in the field of vision, which, if caused by opacities of the lens, change their position only with movements of the eye, and hence always occupy the same spot in the field of vision (in contradistinction to vitreous opacities, which alter their place irrespective of movement of the eye). Polyopia monocularis consists in the patient seeing the same object double or multiple with one eye, and it arises from the many images thrown on to the retina by the optically irregular lens. Muscae volitantes and polyopia only occur in the earlier stages of cataract. If the lenticular opacity be situated centrally, vision may be improved when the pupil is dilated, as in the twilight, whilst if placed peripherally vision will be better when the pupil is contracted, as in sunshine or under eserine. THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. 95 Clinical Recognition. No reliance can be placed upon focal illumination in the early stage of cataract, as all lenses in old people, owing to the large nucleus, reflect such a lot of light as to appear grey or opaque by oblique illumination, but in the latter cases, on transmitting light, no shadow is seen in the red reflex. In advanced cataracts, on the other hand, focal illumination shows white or dense grey striae or spots. By transmitted light the diagnosis and position of cataract are con- firmed. A plane mirror and low illumination are preferable, and the opacities appear in the early cases as black dots or striae, which stand out in contrast with the red hue of the pupil. In the advanced stages no red reflex is seen at all, but in these cases recognition is easy by the naked eye, even without focal illumination. The position of the opacity is determined by transmitted light. The further behind the pupil the opacity lies, the greater and quicker is the movement of the shadow on turning the eyeball, the movement of the shadow being in the opposite direction to that of the eye. Clinical Forms of Cataract. Every opacity begins at some special spot in the lens, and it may remain permanently limited to this area (partial stationary cataract), or it may gradually spread over the whole lens, and lead to total cataract. ^r?- 53- Anterior polar cataract. A By focal illiiniination. B Sectional view of lens. (1) Capsular Cataracts. These consist of opacities situated, not in the lens, but in its capsule. They are stationary, and are sub-divided, according to their position, into anterior and posterior capsular cataracts. Their recognition, as also that of partial stationary cataracts, is of some importance, as the treatment, when vision is not below jg, is purely optical. The clinical picture presented by these stationary cataracts is generally so distinctive as to render their discrimination from the earlier stages of progressive cataracts quite a simple matter. (a) AnteHor Capsular Cataract. It appears as a small white dot in the pupillary area upon the anterior pole of the lens, and may be recognised by focal illumination as a whole circular opacity, or by transmitted light as a 96 THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. black dot, wliich, owing to it being practically in the same place as the iris, remains stationary, or moves very slightly against any movement of the eyeball. This condition may be congenital or acquired. In the latter case it is caused by a perforation of the cornea in early childhood, generally the result of ulceration, and confirmation of the latter will be found in the scar on the cornea. Anterior and posterior polar cataract, seen by transmitted light. (&) Fosterior Polar Cataract. This consists of a small dot, similar to anterior capsular, but situated on the posterior capsule of the lens. It is only discovered by transmitted light appearing as a black round dot moving rapidly in the opposite direction from the movement of the eyeball. Posterior polar cataract is congenital in origin, and represents the remains of that part of the hyaloid artery attached to the posterior capsule. This artery runs in the foetus from the retinal, artery at the optic disc to the lens, and generally disappears two months before birth. Occasionally that part of the artery attached to the disc remains, and can be traced ophthal- moscopically, running forwards into the vitreous. (2) Partial Stationary Cataracts Involving the Cortex. (a) Cataracta punctata. They appear as numerous dots of a greenish hue, scattered irregularly through the cortex, and are of congenital origin. ^k- 55- Diagrammatic representation of position ot opacities. A Anterior polar. B Posterior polar. C Lamellar, with its riders D. E Nuclear. (&) Cataracta fusiformis is a spindle-shaped opacity running from the anterior to the posterior pole, also of congenital origin. These opacities in themselves cause only slight disturbance of vision, but the latter is often defective from other causes. Plate III. ^.-ANTERIOR POLAR OPACITY, as seen by fix:al illumination. A-ANTERIOR POLAR OPACITY, as seen by transmitted light. C LAMELLAR CATARACT, as seen by transmitted light (pupil under atropine). Note. Opacity denser at margin than at centre. Riders only on upper half, the lower beinc; the appearance without thorn. Between margin of opacity and edge of pupil is red reflex corresponding to transparent periphery of lens. THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. 97 (c) Lamellar or Perinuclear Cataract. This is the most frequent form of cataract in children, affects both eyes, and originates in early childhood, when there is a tendency to debility and rickets. The cataract presents a peculiar and characteristic appearance. With transmitted light it appears as a central dark disc, surrounded by the transparent, and therefore red and illumined, periphery part of the pupil. The darkness of the disc is greater near the edge than in the centre, so distinguishing it from an ordinary cataract, which is generally densest in the centre at the nucleus. Along the outline of the opacity, which usually is sharply defined, small radiating jagged stride, called riders, are occasionally seen, and they project from the margin of the cataract into the transparent periphery, like the spokes on the steering wheel of a ship. Plate III.) The density of lamellar cataract varies very considerably, so that in some cases a modified red reflex can be obtained throughout the entire opacity when viewed by trans- mitted light, but the central part is always the more transparent. The interference with vision is proportionate to the density of the cataract, and in the slighter forms normal visual acuity may be obtained, whilst in the denser only g% is possible. Lamellar cataract does not progress after childhood. Treatment. When the visual acuity, with the refractive error corrected, equals ^2> no further treatment is advisable, but if the acuity is less than the standard, operative means should be resorted to. The latter may consist in an iridectomy (removal of part of the iris, so making a false pupil) opposite a clear portion of the lens, or removal of the lens by needling. This iridectomy is called an optical iridectomy, and only a small portion of the iris is removed, generally at the inner side. (Fig. 50.) In the latter operation a needle is introduced through the cornea into the lens substance, comminuting the latter, and bringing every portion in contact with the aqueous. The latter may absorb most of the broken down lens, but it is generally necessary to remove it. It takes from three to six days for the lens fibres to become opaque and macerated by the aqueous. In lamellar cataract an optical iridectomy can only be performed when the peripheral transparent zone of the lens is fairly broad, but preference is given to this operation rather tlian destruction of a lens, owing to con- servatism of accommodation. Progressive Cataracts. These begin as partial opacities, and gradu- ally extend until they involve the whole lens. The rapidity of such progress varies greatly, as there are cases where a transparent lens becomes opaque in a few hours, whilst in others it takes years. Senile Cataract. This rarely occurs before fifty years of age. Two main varieties can be distinguished, sometimes occurring in the same eye (1) Nuclear Caiaract. The opacity commences centrally, as an ill-defined haze situated in the perinuclear Jsone. 98 THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. (2) Striated Cortical Cataract. Here the opacity commences peri- pherally, and first shows itself as opaque striae or lines in the lens substance, which radiate from the circumference towards the centre of the lens. This variety is more frequently encountered than the other, and the opacity may begin anteriorly or posteriorly. A cataract is said to be immature when only part of the lens is involved, and mature when the whole is opaque. The latter is the most favourable time for operation , as the lens separates readily from the capsule After a cataract has attained maturity it may slowly degenerate (hyper- mature cataract), the peripheral part becoming a clear fluid, the hard nucleus sinking to tlie bottom, and the pupil again becoming clear. In this case a natural cure has taken place, but such is very rare, and is called a Morgagnian cataract. Most frequently a hypermature cataract consists of a milky fluid, which allows of very slight visual acuity, and greatly preju- dices the good results of an operation. Senile cataracts have always a firm hard nucleus, and when the latter is large the cataract appears of a reddish-brown colour so-called black cataracts. An ordinary cataract appears pearly grey by focal illumination, and black by transmitted light. Of the cause of cataract little is known, but probably interference with the nutrition of the lens is an important factor, though how such arises is pure conjecture. The diagnosis of cataract is confined by transmitting light into the eye, which reveals the opacity as a black body in the red fundus reflex. The opacity appears to move in the reverse direction to that made by the patient's head. It is generally sector-shaped, arranged in a radiating manner, and involving any portion of the lens. If the whole lens, or that part opposite the pupillary opening, be cataractous, no fundus reflex will be found. Symptoms. Both eyes are usually affected, but not simultaneously. The earliest symptoms are vague, sometimes a general mistiness, varying in intensity at different times of the day, according to whether the opacity is central or peripheral. Sometimes the patient complains that the near glasses are too strong, due to an increased refractive index of the lens. The diagnosis is made by focal or transmitted light, a merely sclerosed lens imparting a dull yellowish colour to the pupil by focal illumination, but seeming to be transparent by transmitted light. Treatment. Early recognition of progressive cataract is important, so as to allow examination of the fundus, in order to determine whether an' operation or not will be advisable later. Medical treatment, either local or general, does not influence the progress of the cataract. From time to time various medicines or sera have been zealously but rashly commended as a preventive or cure for cataract, but they hardly survive the light of publicity. So long as the cause of senile cataract be shrouded in mystery, medicinal treatment remains purely empirical. In the early stages lightly tinted neutral ::^rotectors for THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. 99 outdoor use are comforting, and when the opacity is chiefly peripheral stenopaic glasses are sometimes of service. A weak concave glass often improves distant vision, and may be given for occasional use. Convex reading glasses generally have to be weakened as the case progresses. Some patients receive much benefit from amber tinted glasses, which cause in these cases an extraordinary increase in definitioM, a phenomenon due to pyschic causes. Blue or smoked glasses may be ordered when the opacity is central, since these cause a slight dilatation of the pupil. Surgical treatment is undertaken when the cataract is ripe, or w-hen immature, if the visual acuity be much diminished. Surgical measures may be of two kinds : (1) Removal of the whole lens, including its capsule. The advantage of this procedure is that no capsule is left to cause further interference with vision as the result of its becoming opaque, but there is a greater risk of losing some vitreous during this operation, and in this country preference is given to the following method. (2) Removal of the lens by an incision in the capsule, leaving the latter behind. The disadvantage of this operation is that some lens fibres, especially in immature cataracts, are liable to be left behind. These later become opaque, rendering necessary a needling operation. The latter consists in introducing a needle and making an aperture in the capsule, quite a simple procedure. The refractive correction of the aphakic eye after cataract extraction raises a few points of interest. In the emmetropic eye the static value of the lens may be regarded as equivalent to a glass lens of -|- 10 D, but after operations involving incision of tRe cornea there remains 2D to 4 D of astigmatism against the rule, which must be added to the 10 D sph. This lens is not ordered until some six weeks or so after the operation^ and during that time smoked lenses should be worn. The patient at first often experiences much disappointment at his indifferent visual acuity, even when he can read | at the test types, and this is a psychical phenomenon which time gradually remedies. Another curious symptom is occasionally complained of, and comes on shortly after the operation, viz., the colouring of all objects red (erythropsia), which disappears in a few weeks. Traumatic Cataract. This is caused by an injury due to a sharp instrument or to violence. When the lens capsule is ruptured, allowing aqueous to permeate the lens, an opacity always develops. The capsule may be ruptured by sudden violence applied to the eye or the bony parts sur- rounding it, without any injury being sustained to the external coats of the eye. The rent in these cases is not in the anterior, but generally in the posterior capsule, and so the opacity develops posteriorly at first. A blow on the eye may so disturb the nutrition of the lens as to cause an opacity even where the capsule has not been torn, and the cataract then appears as a diffuse opacity. When the traumatism has also caused a tear of the sclera or cornea, the outlook is much more serious. lOD THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. Diabetic Cataract. Its clinical characteristics are similar to senile, but an examination of the urine reveals the presence of sugar. Secondare Cataract. When the opacity of the lens is dependent on and caused by disease of the vitreous, choroid or retina, it is called a secondary cataract. This opacity often commences at the posterior part of the lens, and the prognosis is bad, owing to the accompaniment of disease in the contiguous organs. CHANGES OF POSITION OR DISLOCATION OF LENS. The lens is held in position by the suspensory ligament, or zonule of Zinn, which consists of delicate fibres originating from, the inner surface of the cilla'ry body, and passing over to become attached to the equator, partly in front and partly behind it. Changes of position of the lens are due to changes in the zonule of Zinn, which in the normal eye is tightly stretched, holding the lens so firmly that the latter remains perfectly immovable, even with the most violent motions of the head. Any tremor of the lens, or any displacement from its natural position, is due to a relaxation or destruction of the fibres of the zonule, and this may affect either a part or the entire circumference of the zonule. Dislocation of the lens may be complete (luxation) or partial (subluxation). Luxation of the Lens. In this condition the lens is completely dis- placed, either into the vitreous or into the anterior chamber. Where luxation into the vitreous has taken place the eye behaves like an aphakic one, and, if no further complications be present, the patient can see well with the correcting glass, but unfortunately complications generally ensue, such as secondary glaucoma, and the eye is often lost. The old method of cataract operation, still practised by some native Indians, consisted in depressing the lens into the vitreous, so-called " couching." A luxation nto the anterior chamber is easily recognised, and the lens, when trans- parent, looks as if a drop of oil were lying in the anterior chamber, the upper edge appearing often of a golden hue. Subluxation of the Lens. The lens may be partially displaced vertically or horizontally, or it may be tilted, so that one edge of it looks somewhat forward, and the opposite one somewhat backward. Diagnosis of Displacement. The lens is the chief support of the iris, and when it is withdrawn from any part the latter becomes tremulous over that area on movement of the eyeball. This is best determined by directing the patient to look upwards quickly, when trembling of the iris over the subluxated area will be detected. This is characteristic of luxation. An unequal depth of the anterior chamber is also a prominent sign, and when- ever this is noted there should be a suspicion of subluxation. When the pupil is dilated, or, without this, when the displacement is large, the edge of the lens can be recognised by transmitted light as a semilunar dark shadow, and also by focal illumination, the aphakic part of the pupil appearing quite black, whilst the other part appears faintly grey. THE CRYSTALLINE LENS. loi Til is arises from the fact that a normal transparent lens reflects some light, so that a normal pupil is not quite black, but of a very dark grey, and this is most readily seen in large subluxations. The aphakic area of the pupil is highly hypermetropic, and the area over which the lens extends is generally myopic, owing to the curvature of the lens being at its highest, because of rupture of the suspensory fibres. In "luxation" the anterior chamber is deep, and the iris very tremulous, and sometimes the lens can be detected by transmitted light lying in the vitreous. Causation. ^^This may be congenital, and then it affects both eyes, the lens as a rule being drawn upwards. Acquired dislocation develops as the result of trauma or spontaneously. Traumatic Dislocations. These are generally caused by contusion of the eyeball, and all degrees may be produced, from a slight subluxation of the lens to a complete displacement. Spontaneous Dislocation. This arises from a gradual softening of the zonule, which occurs as a rule in high degrees of myopia, choroiditis, and detachment of the retina. Treatment. Where the dislocation is so great that a part of the pupil is aphakic, we may correct the aphakic portion with a convex glass, or the other portion with a concave, according to which gives the better visual acuity. Often so much irregular astigmatism is present as to render the wearing of glasses useless. VITREOUS HUMOR. Chapter IX. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The vitreous is a transparent, colourless, gelatinous mass which fills the posterior cavity of the eye, and occupies about four-fifths of the interior of the globe. On its anterior surface it has a depression the fossa patellaris in which rests the posterior surface of the lens. By its other aspects the vitreous is applied to the ciliary body, retina and optic nerve. This transparent jelly-like substance consists of a clear fluid enclosed in the meshes of an equally transparent reticulum, in which are scattered a few modified connective tissue cells known as the vitreous corpuscles. It is enclosed in a structureless envelope called the hyaloid membrane, which lies in close' apposition to the pars ciliaris retinae or retina proper. At the disc the union is firmer than elsewhere ; at this spot, in foetal life, the hyaloid branch of the retinal artery runs forAvards through the vitreous to the back of the lens. Though the artery disappears before birth, jet the canal in which it ran remains, persisting as a lymph channel, and called the canal ot Stilling. In front of the ora serrata the hyaloid membrane becomes thickened and strengthened by radial fibres, and it is now called the zonule of Zinn, or suspensory ligament of the lens. The zonule has radial folds, presenting a series of alternate furrows and ridges. The ciliary processes project into and are firmly adherent to the furrows, whilst the ridges are applied to the interciliary depressions, but separated from them by a series of lymph spaces, Avhich may be regarded as diverticula of the posterior chamber, with which they communicate. As the zonule approaches the lens it splits up into two chief layers ; a thin posterior layer, which covers that portion of the hyaloid membrane lining the fossa patellaris, and a thicker anterior lamina, which blends with the lens capsule around the equator, some of the fibres running in front, and others behind the latter. The suspensory liga- ment retains in position the lens, whose convexity varies inversely with the degree of tension of the ligament. The vitreous is avascular, and depends for its nutrition on the blood vessels of the uveal tract, especially those in the ciliary body. Cnlike the aqueous, fresh vitreous is never generated, and a loss of vitreous occasioned by a penetrating wound is rapidly replaced by aqueous. If the amount be small, sufficient aqueous is secreted to keep the tension of the eyeball THE VITREOUS HUMOR. 103 normal, but if a large quantity of vitreous be lost, the supply of aqueous fails to meet the demand, the eye becomes soft and shrinks, and even- tually sight is destroyed. Clinical examination. The vitreous is, in health, transparent, but diseased conditions manifest themselves as opacities. These, unless attached and fixed to the adjacent retina or ciliary body, float about in the vitreous, since its pervading reticulum or network has become destroyed. The opacities change their position with every movement of the eyeball, and they appear to the patient as one or many dark specks or filaments which float in front of the eye, moving independent of it. This is practically characteristic of vitreous opacities, for in no other media do they appear to have such independent movement. Focal illumination. Only an opacity stationed so far forwards as to lie immediately behind the lens can be seen bj^ focal illumination, and it would appear as a whitish body, situated deeply in the e^^e. Transmitted light. A plane mirror and a low illumination should always be used, as a bright illumination renders the detection of fine vitreous opacities very difficult. Whilst standing at some distance from the patient the light IS thrown into the eye, while the patient looks upwards, down- wards, and then straight in front. The opacity will be seen as a black object moving irrespective of the eye. To examine it in greater derail the patient must be approached as for a direct ophthalmoscopic examination, using a + 6 D to + 10 D lens. Very fine vitreous opacities can only be detected by the plane mirror, and when more minute still they only produce a fogging of the fundus, but in these cases the patient complains of dimness of vision, not of specks before the eye. When floating specks are complained of, the vitreous n ust be most carefully examined before concluding that they are only muscse volitantes. Persistent Hyaloid Artery/. This artery, which runs before birth from the central retinal artery to the lens, supplying nourishment to the latter, may persist after birth. It is very rare for the persistent artery to contain any blood, though occasionally a pulsating stump may project into the vitreous. It usually appears as a greyish tag, of varying length, attached by one end to the disc or to the lens, the other lying free in the vitreous. The vision in these cases is generally subnormal. Affections of the Vitreous. ^The vitreous being avascular (without blood) and almost structureless, it cannot become inflamed in the oi-dinary acceptance of the term, and the changes observed are degenerative in nature, often consisting of bodies floating about, and are secondary to affections of the choroid, ciliary body or retina. When a patient complains of motes or bodies floating in his field of vision, it has to be decided whether they are physiological (muscaj volitantes) or pathological. Musca* volitantes occur in normal eyes, as they merely represent the oi-dinary cells in the vitreous, which under certain conditions become obvious to the eye in which they exist, and the patient most fi*equently observes them when looking up in the light or against a white I04 THE VITREOUS HUMOR. surface, especially when his lids are partially closed, as on waking in the morning. They may appear under the form of transpai-ent filaments, or of small, clear, bead-like bodies hanging together, perhaps in rows or clusters, which move not only with the eye, but also spontaneously. They do not interfere with vision, and are most frequently complained of by myopes. Careful examination of the vitreous, both by a plane mirror and by a + 6 D to + 10 D lens, fails to disclose to the observer any opacity, when the symptoms are caused by these physiological cells, as the latter are trans- parent, whilst bodies not normally present in the vitreous (pathological), can be detected by the observer, as they are opaque. PatJiological Vitreous Opacities. These consist generally of particles of lymph or exudate deposited here in the course of inflammation of the ciliary body, choroid or retina, but the larger opacities are often due to haemorrhages from the neighbouring vessels taking place into the vitreous. They are variable in number and shape, and are seen floating before the field of vision, shifting with each movement of the eye. The resulting disturbance of vision, if present, depends partly upon the number of opacities present, and partly upon the disease of the fundus giving rise to them. When the opacities are very minute and numerous, they can only be seen by a plane mirror and a low illumination, dilatation of the pupil being often also necessary. The opacities appear like dark dots or filaments or membranes floating about in the vitreous. Sometimes the opacities are so minute that they can no longer be perceived as distinct points, merely an obscuration of the fundus being observed ; or they may appear as a faint, cloud-like opacity slowly descending in front of the pupil, and best observed after the patient has made a few rapid up and down movements of the eye, looking then straight in front. The larger opacities can be seen and examined in greater detail by using a -I- 6 D to -)- 10 D behind the ophthal- moscopic mirror. In synchisis scintillans, particles of a silvery or golden hue are seen, falling like a shower of gold to the bottom of the eye, when the latter, after rapid movements, is held still. Muscse volitantes must not be confounded with scotomata, which are fixed blind spots in the field of vision, due to a loss of sensibility of a portion of the retina. The treatment of vitreous opacities is that of the causal lesion. The patient must be discouraged from constantly looking for them, and the general health toned up. Liquefaction of the Vitreous and Lynchisis. This is diagnosed when opacities can be seen freely floating about in the vitreous, for the frame- work, in order to admit of this, must have been destroyed. This condition is always the result of disease of the adjacent membranes, and is one of the precursors of a detached retina. Later the vitreous may diminish in volume, as evidenced by a lowered tension of the eyeball. THE VITREOUS HUMOR. 105 Kmmorrhage into the Vitreous. This may be due to rupture of the vessels of the ciliary processes, or to those of the retina or choroid. In the last case the blood must, of course^ break through the retina in order to reach the vitreous. The blood is absorbed very slowly from the vitreous, but it gradually shrinks and becomes paler, appearing by transmitte-d light either as a dark mass or as filaments floating about. The blood ruptures the framework of the vitreous, and the latter exhibits a tendency to shrink, rendering a detachment of the retina a not unlikely consequence. io6 GLAUCOMA. Chapter X. GLAUCOMA. Tiiis is the name given to the group of symptoms caused by an excess ot intra-ocular tension. It is essentially a disease of advanced life, occurring generally in patients over fifty, a large proportion of these being hyper- metropes. When glaucoma occurs independently of any other affection of the eye, it is called primary glaucoma, but when due to previous eye diseases it is known as secondary glaucoma. A gradual increase of intra-ocular tension, if long continued, causes the weakest part of the eyeball to give way and bulge backAvard. The weakest part is where the optic nerve pierces the globe, as only the inner layers of the sclera (the lamina cribrosa) are present here, the outer layers being continued backwards along the optic nerve, forming one of its sheaths. The choroid ceases at the optic nerve entrance. The lamina cribrosa recedes and bulges backwards, and at the same time the optic nerve fibres, which are attached to it as they pass through, also become stretched and recede. As the result of this stretching, the nerve fibres gradually become atrophied, causing a diminution of vision, and if this has set in blindness gradually supervenes, even though the tension be reduced to normal by operation or otherwise. An increased intra-ocular pressure causes some vascular disturbance, owing to the large veins (the vense vorticosse) taking a much more oblique course in their passage through the coats of the eyeball than the arteries, consequently the increased pressure compresses the veins more than the arteries, so causing a greater interference with the outflow than the inflow of blood. In a gradual increae of tension this is compensated for by a corresponding dilatation of the long anterior ciliary veins, which, like the arteries, pierce the coats, near the corneal margin, in a straight manner, and so the blood escapes more readily by these channels than by the venae vorticosse. (Fig. 43.) The anterior ciliary veins are seen beneath the conjunctiva running from the corneal margin towards the fornix, and, when dilated, constitute an omen of some significance. A sudden increase of tension causes an immediate obstruction in the vense vorticosse, and, as the time does not allow of a compensating dilatation of the anterior ciliary veins, the blood GLAUCOMA. 107 escapes with difficulty from the eyeball. The veins become engorged, and as a result the circulation of the lymph through the cornea is interfered with, causing the latter to have a steamy appearance, like glass which has been breathed upon, Friinary Glaucoma. All degrees of severity are encountered, varying greatly in the rapidity of their progress. It may be so acute as to destroy vision in the course of twenty-four hours, or so chronic as to continue for months or years before such a termination occurs. It is, however, always progressive, unless checked by therapeutic or surgical measures. For convenience of description, this condition is sub-divided into acute glaucoma and chronic glaucoma, but the latter may at any time take on an acute course. The symptoms of acute glaucoma may be divided into (1) Those which occur before an acute attack is actually experienced (premonitory symptoms). (2) Those which accompany the actual attack. Premonitory symptoms are seldom absent, though they are frequently unheeded by the patient. Slight attacks of dimness of vision, lasting only a short period, are not uncommon, the patient complaining of a fog or mist in front of the eyes, supervening often after prolonge<:l use of them. A fre- quent symptom is an increasing impairment of accommodation, necessitating a lens for near work of greater strength than the age would justify, it being often necessary to increase the strength of the lens, perhaps several times, in the course of a few months, which should always remind one of the possibility of glaucoma. Artificial lights, such as gas or electric light appear at times to have a coloured ring around them. The premonitory stage may last only a few weeks, or be protracted over months or years, but in the latter cases the eye presents those changes seen in chronic glaucoma. The acute attack is ushered in by intense pain, sudden in onset, often radiating from the eye to the forehead, ears or teeth. Simultaneously the sight rapidly diminishes, the patient only being able to recognise hand movements The eye appears violently inflamed, both ciliary and conjunc- tival injection being present, the cornea cloudy and insensitive to touch. The anterior chamber is shallow, and the pupil dilated and ntore or less immobile. No details of the fundus can be seen, and the tension of the eye is greatly increased. The determination of the tension is performed by palpating the eyeball through the upper lid as follows : The patient, with head erect, looks well downwards, and the tips of both forefingers are placed above the tarsal cartilage in the lid, and gentle pressure is made on the eyeball by one forefinger, whilst the other appreciates the amount of dis- placement of fluid which the pressure occasions. Normal tension is designated Tn, and increased tension T-!-, whilst diminished tension is written as T . Immediate operation must be resorted to, or vision will be permanently lost. io8 GLAUCOMA. Sometimes the attack is not so severe (sub-acute glaucoma), the symp- toms and clinical signs being similar, but less severe. The instillation ot eserine will in these cases cut short the attack. Chronic Glaucoma, or Simple Glaucoma. In this condition the increase of tension occurs so very gradually that no inflammatory signs are produced. The symptoms are those of the premonitory stage of acute glaucoma. Slight pain and a feeling of pressure in the eyes, aggravated by overwork, worry or a debilitated state of general health, are not unusually complained of. Although the visual acuity may be more or less normal until late in the course of the disease, yet the field of vision early becomes contracted, often commencing on the nasal side, but occasionally it partakes more of a circular contraction. Colour vision remains good until late in the disease, in contra-distinction to optic atrophy in which affection diminution of the colour field easily develops. The patient frequently complains that he has to employ stronger and stronger glasses to see his near work; a rapid increase of presbyopia through diminution of the power of accommodation, should always excite suspicion of this affection. Later in the disease the vision becomes greatly reduced, eventually complete blindness, more or less, supervening. Glau- coma affects both eyes, one later than the other, and is met with in emmetropia and myopia, but most frequently in hypermetropia about middle age of life. It may also occur in young people. Clinical Signs. ^^The eye looks quite normal externally, except that the anterior ciliary veins, which run backwards from near the corneal margin to the fornix, appear more prominent and distended. The anterior chamber is rather shallow, and the iris looks thin and attenuated. The pupil is some- what dilated a rather unusual occurrence in elderly people^ and only reacts sluggishly to light. The media are clear, and the tension is more or less normal. The above signs, by no means definite, may be seen in normal eyes, but it is the ophthalmoscopic appearance of the disc which decides whether the case be glaucomatous or not. Ophthalmoscopic Examination. In the early stage the margins of the disc are regular and well defined, but later choroidal changes around the disc are found, the latter being surrounded by a yellowish or whitish areola, the bluish- white lustre of the disc contrasting with the white atrophic area, and preventing the latter from being mistaken for the disc proper. The excavation (cupping) is the most characteristic ophthalmoscopic sign, and this always extends to the margin of the disc, though at first the whole of the disc may not be involved, but only a part. In that part, however, its cupping extends to the edge of the disc, whilst a physiological cupping ceases before it reaches the margin. Later the whole disc becomes deeply cupped, and on the floor of the excavation may be seen the grej' dots of the lamina cribrosa. The cupping is recognised by parallactic displacement, or, in the direct method, by the fact that when the edge of the disc is in focus, the disc itself is only indistinctly seen, owing to it being in a more posterior plane, the substitution of a concave lens being necessary in order to see the papilla clearly (ID = 0.3 mm. in depth. The blood vessels do not emerge at the centre of the papilla, but close to its inner margin. In deep Plate IV. A 'LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF NORMAL PAPILLA Stained with Wei'grerfs stain, which colours medullary sheath and blood black. Note. Cessation of medullary sheath at lamina cribrosa, and contraction of nerve as it passes, also interruption of choroid at nerve entrance. No excavation, and central nerve fibres do not pass over to periphery until their exit. B Ditto, with large cential excavation owing to central fibres passing: over to periphery. Lamina cribrosa not displaced. C PATHOLOGICAL CUPPING (Optic atrophy). Note. Shallow cupping: involves the whole of the disc, lamina cribrosa being normally situated. Z>. PATHOLOGICAL CUPPING (Glaucoma). Note. Deep cupping: involving the whole disc, lamina cribrosa being displaced backwards. Plate V. ./.-NORMAL PAPILLA SEEN OPHTHALMOSCOPICALLY. Note Central physiolosrical cupping paler than rest of disc, with stippling of lamina crihrosa. The black ring is due to choroid, but it is rarely so distinct as this. R-PAPILLA IN GLAUCO.MA. Note. Whitish halo around mar(;in of disc, colour of which is bluish white- Cupping of vessels extends to mar((in of disc, arteries being rather small and veins dilated. C- PAPILLA IN OPTIC ATROPHY. Note. Ed(fe of disc well defined, vessels small, disc white, and cupping: extends to edge of papilla. GLAUCOMA. 109 excavations the vessels cannot be seen ascending the sides of the cup, as they are hidden from view by the overhanging margin, so that those visible on the floor are lost to view as they ascend the side, and reappear, changed in number and position, as they bend round tlie margin of the disc to gain the retina. When associated with staphyloma posticum (myopic crescent) the glaucomatous cup is larger in diameter than usual, appearing oval instead of round, and the sides of the cup are more sloping (not so steep) than in the ordinary glaucomatous cup. The lumen of the arteries is smaller than normal, whilst pulsation may be observed in them, or, if not, slight pressure made by the finger on the globe during ophthalmoscopic examination will cause pulsation to appear. Retinal arterial pulsation is very significant of glaucoma. The retinal veins are more dilated than usual, and pulsation in them is frequently observed, but this also may occur in healthy eyes. The colour of the disc in glaucoma varies from a bluish white, in the earlier stages, to a greenish white later, and the floor of the cup presents the grey dots of the lamina cribrosa. Three kinds of excavation of the disc are differentiated, and their dis- tinctive signs are as follows. (Plates lY. and V.) : Physiological Cupping. Edge of disc normal. Blood Vessels, of usual calibre, are seen ascending on the inner wall of the cup. No iirterial pulsation is observed but venous pulsation may be present. The excavation ni.iv be deep or shallow and ir.clude a small or the larger part of the disc, but it doe> not extend to the margins of the papilla. The cupped area is whiter than the rest of the disc, the latter appearing of a reddish color by contrast. At the bottom of the cup is seen the greyish Atit'pling of the lamina cribrosa. The lamina cribrosa is in its normal ptisition. Glaucomatous Cupping. In later stages a ring of choroidal atrophy is seen around the disc. .Ai teries are smaller but the veins are dilated, and the vessels seem to arise from the nasal margin of the disc. Arterial pulsation is commonly ob- served, as also is venous. The excavation is deep, and at first may not include the whole of the, but it always extends to the margin of the papilla. The whole disc appears of a bluish white colour, though, in the later stages it >eems of a greenish hue. The stippling of the lamina cribrosa is well seen. Atrophic Cupping. (Primary Atrophy of Neri'e.J Edges well defined. Blood vessels small and con- tracted Excavation is shallow saucer sh;iped and extends to the margin of thj disc. The disc appaars quite white, and the lamina cribrosa is clearly discernible. The lamina cribrosa is pushed The lamina cribrosa is in its back, lying more posteriorly normal position, than usual. Diagnosis. ^Though the symptoms in middle-aged people of transient obscurations, or coloured rings around lights, or an increasing abnormal impairment of accommodation, or ocular headaches associated with bilious attacks, are suggestive of glaucoma, especially when the anterior ciliary veins are dilated, and the anterior chamber is shallow, yet its absolute diagnosis depends upon the presence of cupping. Where the latter affords no certain clue, the fields of vision for form or colour should be taken when the above symptoms are present. In glaucoma the contraction of the field no GLAUCOMA. generally commences in the nasal half, and the colour field presents a restriction corresponding with that of the form fields, whilst in optic atrophy the peripheral colour vision, especially for red and green, is markedly deficient. In glaucoma the light minimum is said to bt^ deficient, whilst the light difference is not far from normal, but practically this examination is so difficult to conduct as to render the res^ults unconvincing. Cause of Glaucoma. In order to understand the nature of glaucoma, it is necessary to be conversant with the anatomy of the anterior chamber, and the function of the aqueous humor, as the rise in tension in the eyeball is chiefly due to either increased production of aqueous or interference with its exit. At the corneo-scleral margin, the inner lamellgp of the cornea break up into bundles of fibres, which chiefly afford attachment to the ciliary muscle, though a few are continued around the angle of the anterior chamber into the substance of the iris. These radiating and anastomosing bundles of elastic fibres are called the ligamentum pectinatum, and they are covered Avith endothelial cells continuous with those covering the posterior surface of the cortiea. These cells only form a lining to the bundles, and do not stretch across the intervals betAveen them, the aqueous freely com- municating with the spaces between the bundles of the ligamentum pectinatum. These spaces are called the spaces of Fontana, and they com- municate with another large space situated a little in front of them, close to the corneo-sclerotic junction, and called the canal of Schlemra, or sinus circularis iridis. This canal of Schlemm communicates on the one hand with the aqueous chamber through the spaces of Fontana, and on the other hand with the anterior ciliary veins in its immediate vicinity. The aqueous hurnor supplies nutrition to the adjacent parts, and forms a fluid bed to allow for the free movement of the iris. It is largely secretea by the ciliary processes, and flows firstly into the posterior chamber, passing through the pupil into the anterior, and escaping from the anterior chamber into the anterior ciliary veins through the spaces of Fontana and the canal of Schlemm. There are other lymph paths within the eye by which' its nutrient fluid can escape, as the perichoroidal space between the choroid and sclera, and the canal of Stilling in the vitreous chamber, both of which empty posteriorly into the lymph channel of the optic nerve sheaths, but the anterior lymph circulation through the anterior chamber is by far the most important, and it is to obstruction of these paths that glaucoma is due. The intra-ocular pressure is largely a matter of balance between the inflow and lhe outflow of ocular contents, as the internal capacity of the envelopes remains more or less the same. Though tlie intra-ocular pressure would be raised by an increased inflow unless there was a corresponding increased outflow, yet it is most probable that the cause of ordinary glaucoma is due simply to an interference with the outflow. Priestley Smith has shown that the circumlental space diminishes as age advances, owing to the continuous growth and enlargement of the lens, and when the ciliary body is also large, as in hypermet ropes, this space is still GLAUCOMA. Ill further encroached upon. As a result the iris is pushed forwards, especiallj' towards the ciliary margin, where sometimes at the periphery it is in contact with the posterior surface of the cornea, thus closing the source of exit for the aqueous humor, and, as a consequence, increased tension in the eyeball results. Henderson, of Nottingham, in a recent book, combats the above volumetric theory of glaucoma. His conception of the me<'hanism of intra- ocular pressure is based upon Leonard Hill's discovery that the pressure within the skull is equal to, and varies directly with, the pressure of the blood in the intra-cranial veins, and that the intra-ocular pressure is equal to the intra-cranial, s) that they rise and fall together. This Hill demon- strated experimentally. Intra-ocular pressure, according to this theory, is not dependent upon the relation of inflow of contents and outflow, but is vascular in origin, the pressure being equal to the lowest venous pressure, viz., that in Schlemm's canal, and varying directly with it. The free contact between aqueous and veins causes the intra-ocular pressure to be maintained at that of the blood in Schlemm's canal. In glaucoma the contact is diminished, and the intra-ocular fluids, being contained in an unyielding capsule, act as a rigid volume, which compels the circulation to run in rigid lines. Now, in a rigid system the outflow pressure is always higher than in a similar system of elastic tubes, and in glaucoma the circulatory pressure is that in a rigid system, and therefore the intra-ocular pressure is maintained at a corresponding high level. Henderson maintains that the aqueous is not secreted by the so-called ciliary glands, but oy cells lining the apices of the ciliary processes, and that it pas.^es into the anterior ciliary veins by an active process of resorption, neither the inflow nor outflow of aqueous being a passive filtration, and he also asserts that the cornea is nourished by aqueous diffusing through the ligamentum pectinatum. Treatment. In acute glaucoma the operation of iridectomy is urgently indicated, and, if performed early, a good result is frequently obtained. In simple glaucoma rest to the eyes and abstention from near work is impera- tive. Myotics, as eserine, are instilled into the eye, the resulting contraction of the pupil tending to keep the angle of the chamber more patent, though if such contraction is not obtainable, operative measures are suggestrtion only of fundus being shown). Note. Well-defined edges and varying pigmentation of affected are. crossing light patches, course over them. Choroidal vessels They are broader and Hatter thin retinal vessels which C.-RUPTURE OF CHOROID. Note. The rent is concentric with disc, with retinal vessels in characteristic, with butf colored inlge. front of it. Its shape is For use of srifnii of the Fundus phUes tve are indebted to the />to/>rietors of " Haab\ Atlas of Ophthalmoscopy" THE CHOROID. 117 than the others, thus showing that the formation and enlargement of the staphyloma have taken place at different periods. If the crescent is indis- tinctly defined from the adjacent healthy choroid, it presumes an increase in the myopia, and the case should be seen at short intervals, and near work more or less suspended, whilst if the border is clearly defined and perhaps lined with pigment, the inference is that the myopia is not progressing. Macular Changes in Myopia. This should always be carefully looked for, as the region of the yellow spot is very liable to be involved in the higher degrees of myopia. Slightly lighter-coloured spots are often the only signs at first observed, and these gradually become paler, and tend to coalesce, forming later on rather large whitish areas, with a varying amount of pigmentation in them. Haemorrhages are not uncommon in the macular area, owing to the rupture of a blood vessel in the stretched choroid, and commonly, in high degrees of myopia, a coal-black round spot appears in the macula, which may become as large as the size of the disc. Detachment of the retina, and vitreous opacities arising from the myopic condition^ are dealt with in Chapters IX. and XII. Degeneration of the Choroid. In old people, especially if their eyes have been diseased, small white slightly-raised bodies, about half the size of a pin-head, are seen scattered singly or grouped in little masses, especially about the macula lutea, or between it and the disc. Vision may or may not be affected. It is frequently called Tay's choroiditis, and is due to degenerative changes in Bruch's membrane. Bupture of the Choroid. This expression is used to denote a tear in the choroid coat when accompanied by no changes in the sclera, and is not applied to perforating wounds involving the choroid. It is caused by a severe blow on the eye, and the rupture invariably occurs at or near the posterior pole, as the globe is less supported here. Immediately after the injury the blood escapes into the vitreous, and prevents a clear view of the fundus, but when this has cleared up the rent in the choroid is seen as a sharply-defined jagged streak, over which the choroidal vessels cross. This is due fo the edges of the laceration separating from each other, allowing the white sclera to be seen between them. (Plate VI.) One or more of these linear splits may be observed, but they all lie in the neighbourhood of the posterior pole, usually on the outer side of the disc, and are more or loss vertical in direction, presenting a slight concavity towards the papilla. Treatment chiefly consists in bodily as well as ocular rest. Detachment of Choroid. ^This very rarely occurs. It appears ophthal- moscopically like a detached retina, except that the choroidal vessels would also be distinctly seen. Tumors of the Choroid. ^These are generally malignant, and they at first appear ophtlialmoscopically as a detachment of the retina, which differs from the ordinary kind by the fact that the upper part of it is solid, and appears fairly well defined, but if any new blood vessels or haemorrhages are present over this area, no doubt can exist as to the nature of the affection. ii8 THE CHOROIU. The lower part of the detachment is often only an ordinary serous one, and arisen owing to the disturbance of the choroidal circulation by the growth. All detachments occurring in normal eyes without any history of injury must be viewed with grave suspicion, and in doubtful cases removal of the eye is indicated, as it is wiser to sacrifice that rather than incur any risk to life. There is no difficulty in recognising this affection in its late stages, as the growth invades the vitreous and the other structures of the eyeball. 119 THE RETINA. Chapter XII. ANATOMY. The retina is a delicate membrane containing the terminal end organs of the fibres of the optic nerve, supported by a connecting framework. It lies between the choroid and the hyaline membrane of the vitreous humor, and extends from the optic disc to the ciliary processes, presenting at the latter a finely indented border, the ora serrata. Here most of the indi- vidual retinal elements cease, but they are continued over the ciliary body as a layer of columnar cells, forming a lining to the layer called the pigment epithelium of the retina, which is also continued on to the ciliary body and iris, constituting those previously described layers, the pars ciliaris retinse and the pars iridica retinse. The retina diminishes in thickness from 0.4mm. around the optic nerve entrance, to 0.2mm. anteriorly. It is everywhere easily detached from the subjacent choroid, except at the ora serrata. In the living eye the retina is perfectly transparent, and of a purplish-red colour, the latter depending upon the visual purple present in the rods, but after death it rapidly becomes opaque, appearing as a frail white membrane. Pathological changes in the living retina manifest themselves as opacities, and are easily recognised as such by the ophthalmoscope. Fig- 56. PiR^merUed epithelium of human retina (viewed from the surface). Viewed from the front, the retina presents at its posterior pole a small yellowish spot, the macula lutea, which is somewhat oval in shape, its long axis being horizontal, and measuring from 2 to 3 mm. In its centre is found a small depression, called the fovea centralis. About 3 mm. to the I20 THE RETINA. nasal side of the macula, and about 1 mm. below its level, is a whitish circular disc of about 1.5 mm. diameter, the optic disc, which corresponds with the entrance of the optic nerve. The circumference of the optic disc is generally slightly raised, whilst its central portion is depressed, forming the optic cup. The retina consists of two parts, having different functions. These are: (a) The nervous part; (6) the sustentacular or sustaining part, which pro- vides a framework for the nervous elements. The nervous part, or retina proper, consists of many layers, arranged as follows from choroid to vitreous: (1) The pigmentary layer, (2) the rods and cones, (3) the outer granular layer, (4) the outer molecular layer, (5) the inner granular layer, (6) the inner molecular layer, (7) the ganglionic layer, (8) the nerve fibre layer. Ftg' 57- Diai^rammatic section of the human retina. A The pigment layer. B Rods and cones. C External limiting: membrane. D Outer granular layer. E Outer molecular layer. F Inner granular layer. G Inner molecular layer. H Ganglionic layer. K Nerve fibre layer. L Internal limiting membrane. (1) T/ie pigmentary layer bounds the retina ext-ernally, and is developed from the outer lamina of the optic vesicle. It consists of a single layer of six-sided (hexagonal) cells, whose outer part contains a nucleus and is THE RETINA. 121 devoid of pigment. (Fig. 56.) The inner part is loaded with pigment granules, and it has a narrow, long tail extending into the region of the rods and cones. Immediately external to this pigmentary layer, separating it from the choroid, is a thin homogeneous membrane the membrane of Bruch which is a product of the pigment cells. (2) The layer of rods and cones. These constitute the most important layer, and they are placed at right angles to the plane of the retina. The rods extend externally as far as the pigment layer, and are cylindrical in form. The cones are shorter, thicker, and swollen at their inner extremity, whilst externally they end in a tapering filament, which does not quite reach the pigment epithelium. Both rods and cones are divided into two segments, an outer and inner. The outer rod segments are cylindrical in shape, and are unaffected by stains, but they have a remarkable tendency to split up into highly refractile superimposed discs, like a pile of coins. They are of a purple colour, owing to the visual purple or rhodopsin which they contain. The outer cone segments are similar to the outer rod segments, except that they contain no visual purple, and are conical in shape. The inner seg- ments of both rods and cones are singly refractile, stain readily with carmine, and are larger in diameter than the outer segments, but they taper towards the end. A A cone and two nxis from the hiunnn retina. B Outer part of rod separated into discs. (3) The outer granular layer {outer nuclear). On entering this layer, each rod almost immediately becomes a fine tapering fibre extending down for a variable distance, expanding to enclose an oval transversely striated nucleus, and then continuing on as a fine nodulated fibre to enter the next layer. Each cone enters as a thin filament, and immediately surrounds a nucleus, continuing on into the next layer as a nervous fibre, but slightly broader than that of the rod. 122 THE RETINA. (4) The outer molecular layer contains the terminations of the rod and cone fibres, the former ending in small knob-like expansions, and the latter in broad bases or feet. Both the^e endings are surrounded by a network of fibrils, which are connected with the cells in the next layer. (5) The inner granular layer (inner nuclear) contains two varieties of largo nerve cells. One the bipolar cell has two tail-like processes, one passing up to the preceding layer, and the other in the opposite direction. Each ascending process ends either around the button-like process of a rod in the preceding layer (rod bipolar), or around the foot-like process of a cone (cone bipolar). There are also many horizontal cells in this layer. (6) The inner molecular layer consists chiefly of the descending processes of the bipolar cell of the previous layer, and ascending branches of the cells in the following layer, each branching up into numerous ramifications. (7) The ganglionic or nerve cell layer consists of a single layer of large oval-shaped cells, which, on their outer side, give off numerous branches running into the inner molecular layer, and on their inner side give off a single fibre, which chiefly forms the next layer. (8) The layer of nerve fibres or stratum opticum consists chiefly of the nerve fibres given off by the nerve cells in the preceding layer, and which collectively form the optic nerve at the disc, conducting the retinal sensa- tions to the brain. There are also a few fibres carrying impressions from the brain, and ending in the inner nuclear layers. The sustentacular fibres support the nervous structures, and extend from within outwards through the thickness of the retina as far as the bases of the rods and cones. These fibres begin on the inner surface of the nerve fibre layer in the form of expanded bases, by the apposition of wliich a delicate membrane, the membrana limitans interna, is formed. The fibres pass out to the outer ruclear layer, where they break up into a network of fibrils surrounding the rods and cones, forming the membrana limitans externa. This complicated structure of the retina is practically a series of nerve fibres, with nerve cells interpolated between them, and arises owing to the visual impressions being formed in the cells in the outer portion of the retina (rods and cones). The various nerve fibres conduct the!=e impressions via the optic nerve to the brain. The yellow colour of the macula is due to the presence of pigment in the inner layers of the retina. At the circumference of the macula the nerve fibre layer is greatly thinned, and the rods are few in number, but the ganglionic layer is much thickened, possessing from seven to nine strata instead of only one, as in other parts of the retina. At the fovea centralis the retina is thinner still, as here its nerve fibre and ganglionic laj^er are absent. There are no rods, and the cones are crowded together, but the pigment layer is thicker. THE RETINA. 123 At the ora serrata the retinal nervous elements suddenly cease, the layer ot rods and cones first failing. In front of the ora serrata the retina is prolonged over the ciliary processes in the form of two layers of cells : (a) an inner layer of columnar cells, representing all the retinal layers except the pigmentary, (6) an outer layer, consisting of the retinal pigment layer. The two together form the pars ciliaris retinae, and these two same layers are prolonged over the back of the iris, where both are pigmented, forming the pars iridica retinae. Vessels of the Betina. The retina is supplied by the arteria centralis retinae, a branch of the ophthalmic artery, which pierces the sheath of the optic nerve about J in. behind the eyeball, and makes its appearance in the centre of the optic disc. Here it divides into an upper and a lower branch, and each of these again bifurcates into an internal or nasal, and an external or temporal branch. The resulting four branches ramify towards the periphery of the retina, and are named the superior and inferior temporal, and the superior and inferior nasal arteries. The temporal arteries pass outwards above and below the macula, to which they supply branches, but these do not extend so far as the fovea centralis, which is devoid of blood vessels. The larger blood vessels run in the nerve fibre layer near the limitans membrana internans, and they send branches which penetrate as deep as the inner granular layer, from which the veins arise. The latter accompany the arteries, being generally placed to their outer side. The retinal arteries are terminal, as no anastomosis or connection takes place between the various branches, this having an important bearing in cases of arterial obstruction, for death of that part of the retina supplied by the obstructed artery takes place, as its blood supply is totally cut off. The retinal arteries only nourish the inner layers of the retina, whilst the outer derive their nourishment from the choroid, the macular area being chiefly sup- plied by the choroid capillaries. PHYSIOLOGY. When light falls upon the retina, certain changes of a mechanical, chemical and electrical nature are produced. The pigment of the pigment epithelium cell, together with its fine process, moves forward to embrace the outer segment of the rods and cones, the pigment cells becoming acid in reaction, accompanied by bleaching of the visual purple of the rods. Besides these physical and chemical actions there are also definite electrical changes, and though it is admitted that the above changes take place under the influence of light, yet their relative significance is much disputed. Purkinje's figures and Mariotte's experiment with the cross or dot prove that the images are formed behind the nerve fibre layer, and probably in the rods and cones. As only the latter are present in the fovea centralis, their appreciation of form is much greater than that of the rods. In order that two points may give rise to separate visual impressions, their images must be at least 0.003 mm. apart, for since this is approximately the diameter of the macular cones, images which are nearer together would only stimulate one pone, and so give rise to a single visual impreesion. 124 THE RETINA. Both rods and cones are capable of producing the sensation of hght, but the response to the sensation of colour probably lies only in the cones. The nature of the transformation undergone by the ethereal vibrations in the rods and cones is still hotly disputed, some favouring an electrical change, some a photo-mechanical, and others a photo-chemical, but the resulting nerve stimuli are conducted by the nerve fibres to the brain, where their interpretation takes place. Each rod and cone receives light from one point in the visual field, and from one only, and this correspondence between the element excited and the position of the point from which the light proceeds enables us to judge of the relative position in space of these points. Our judgment, however, receives some unconscious support from other senses, and many sensations which seem to be simply visual such as those of size, distance and solidity are in reality complex, and depend to a certain extent on the teaching of experience, on muscular sense, which tells us the position our eyes are in, on the amount of convergence and accommodation used, and on a comparison with well-known objects. For distinct vision the image must fall on the fovea centralis, and this is called central or direct vision, whilst when it falls upon any other part of the retina it is called indirect or peripheral vision, but in low degrees of illumination the fovea is less sensitive than the surrounding parts. In order that the two retinal images of an object may give rise to a single visual impression, it is necessary that the images should fall on corresponding retinal areas, and the upper halves of both retinae correspond, as also do the lower, but the nasal side of one corresponds with the temporal of the other, and vice versa. Our visual sensations are of three different kinds, inasmuch as in looking at objects we take cognisance of their form, colour and brightness. The faculty by which we recognise the form of objects is called the space sense, which finds its numerical expression in the visual acuity. The faculty by which we distinguish colours is known as the colour sense, and that by which w^e distinguish different degrees of bright- ness is named the light sense. These three faculties are appreciated in the retina, but in different degrees, throughout its extent, and a distinction is made between central and peripheral vision. Central vision is that of the fovea centralis, and will not be treated of in this book. Peripheral or indirect vision is given by the remaining portion of the retina, exclusive of the macula. This is, of course, less sensitive for form than the macula, but movement and slight differences of luminosity are detected by it more quickly. The field of vision is investigated by the peri- meter, or, in a rough manner, by the hand, which is useful for detecting the more gross limitations in the field, and the test can be easily and rapidly carried out. One sits at the same level, directly in front, and at a short distance from the patient. The opposite eyes (R. and L., or L. and R.) of patient and observer are closed, and the open eyes look, and continue to look during the whole time, directly at one another. The observer moves his hand from the periphery inwards in the four principal meridians at an equidistance between himself and the patient, and if the latter's field be THE RETINA. 125 normal, both the observer and he will see the hand at the same distance. This is a very useful procedure, and, where no perimeter is available, will often afford valuable evidence in cases of suspected glaucoma, etc. The normal field does not extend equally in all directions, but it reaches furthest to the temporal side (over 90), and is much less extensive at the nasal and upper parts of the field, due partly to the projection of the nose and eyebrows, and also partly to the fact that the outer and lower parts of the retina are less practised in seeing than are the upper and inner parts, and consequently their functions are less developed. The field extends outwards 95, upwards about 53, inwards about 47, and downwards about 65. The field for colour varies according to the size and intensity of the coloured squares used, and when large and bright these will be distinguished up to the extreme limits of the field, but when examination is made with coloured squares of paper 1 to 2 cm. in diameter the most peripheral parts of the retina are found to be colour blind. The visual field for blue is the largest, yellow being next, then red, green being the smallest. The examination with colours is a more delicate test than with white, and further, it gives some information as to the nature of the lesion, for a lesion of the percipient elements (rods and cones) causes a diminution of the field for blue, whilst a lesion of the conducting elements (affection of the optic nerve, such as toxic amblyopia) causes a diminution in the perception of red and green. The pathological alterations of the visual field consist in its contraction, or there may be gaps, called scotomata, which lie like islands within the field of vision. The contraction of the field may be more or less equal all round, and we then call it a concentric contraction. When contraction is considerable, as in retinitis pigmentosa, and also occasionally in glaucoma, even though central vision be good, the patient experiences great difficulty in walking about alone, owing to his only seeing those objects which lie directly in his line of vision. This can be personally experienced by fastening a long tube in front of the eye, permitting of little more than direct vision, when the importance of peripheral vision in orientation will be appreciated. The contraction of the field is sector-like in detachment of the retina and embolism of a retinal artery. Scotomata are distinguished according to whether they are perceived entoptically (positive scotoma) or not (negative scotoma). A positive scotoma is a dark spot which the patient perceives in his visual field, and its cause may lie in the refracting media or the retina, the opacities in the media casting shadows upon the retina and becoming visible as dark spots. If the opacities are in the vitreous, they move independently of the eye, and are called motile scotomata. Fixed scotomata originate either from opacities in the cornea or lens, or from changes in the fundus, and they are most readily perceived when gazing at a uniformly bright surface. 126 THE RETINA. A negative scotoma is one which is not perceived by the patient, but only discovered when the visual eld is examined. It is called absolute when all perception of light is deficient within the limits of the scotoma, and relative when it is limited merely to non-recognition of colour. THE FUNDUS OF THE RETINA. The normal appearance of the fundus presents so many variations as to necessitate a detailed account of them, in order to prevent their confusion Avith pathological conditions. In the examination of the fundus with the ophthalmoscope the various parts must be observed in the following systematic order: (1) The disc. (2) The macula. (3) The outer, inner, upper and lower paiis of the retina. (1) T/ie Disc. In order to bring this into view, the patient's eyes must be directed horizontally about 15 inwards. In the indirect examination this is attained by directing the patient to look at the observer's ear. The following points with regard to the disc should be noted : (a) The size and shape ; (6) the margin ; (c) the blood vessels ; (d) the relationship of the plane of the disc to that of the adjacent part of the retina ; (e) the colour. The shape of the disc is generally circular in outline, but in astigmatism it appears oval, with its long axis in the direction of the meridian of greatest refractivity, thus, when the astigmatism is with the rule, the disc appears as a vertical oval by direct ophthalmoscopic examination. The papilla or disc often has, in reality, an oval form, and in order to dis- tinguish whether we are dealing with a disc that is anatomically oval, or with astigmatic distortion of a round papilla, we must resort to a com- parison with the inverted image. If the disc is really a vertical oval in shape, it must also appear so when viewed by the indirect method, but if the shape be an astigmatic effect, then the distortion, as seen by the indirect, will be the opposite to that as viewed by the direct, viz., a trans- verse oval. This only applies when the convex lens is held close to the patient's eye. The size of the disc apparently varies a great deal, due to the different degree of enlargement under which the papilla is seen, for the true size of the papilla in enucleated eyes is almost always the same about 1.5 mm. in diameter. The margin of the disc is generally clearly cut and well defined, though it is not unusual to find the nasal margin a little obscured, because of the greater number of nerve fibres which happen to cover it. Surrounding the disc, we often recognise two narrow rings of different colour. The inner one, lying next to it, is white, and is called the scleral ring, its white colour being due to the sclera, which is here exposed to view. It is present when the canal in the sclera, through which the optic nerve passes, is narrowest, not at the retinal end, as is generally the case,, but a little posterior to that, so that the canal, as viewed from the front, forms XI funnel, with the base forwards. The Avail of this funnel, being formed of THE RETINA. 127 white sclera, is seen by the ophthalmoscope as a narrow white ring. The choroid, at the optic nerve entrance, has frequently an excess of pigment, appearing as a black narrow ring, sometimes complete, and at others incom- plete, around its disc. (Plate V.) The blood vessels of the disc consist of the retinal artery and vein. They divide at the head of the nerve into two chief branches, an upper and lower, but various other branches may be given off. (Fig/ 59.) The ophthalmoscopic differences between retinal arteries and veins are easily detected : The arteries are of a bright red color, small, and are generally straight. In the larger arteries a shining white streak is seen running along the centre of the vessels. The veins are darker, of greater calibre, and pursue a more crooked course. The light streak is not commonly seen in the veins, and if present is indistinct. A V C.'iD ^^i- 59- Blood vessels of the disc. A Artery. V Vein. G Scleral ring. Z) Choroidal ring. The artery is usually to the nasal side of the vein, and on leaving the disc the vessels commonly cross one another, either vessel passing in front of the other. This causes some pressure on the under vessel, slightly obstruct- ing it, as is manifested by the dilated condition of the vessel peripherally to the crossing. Sometimes the vessels are observed winding around one another, or one forms a loop through which the other passes. Occasionally a cilio-retinal vessel is seen emerging from the disc (Fig. 60), this arising from the short posterior ciliary arteries, which form in the sclera around the optic nerve a small arterial ring, the latter frequently sending a branch to the optic nerve. A rarer physiological aberration is a persistent hyaloid artery. In foetal life this artery runs from the retinal artery, through the vitreous, to the posterior surface of the lens, to which it supplies nourishment. At about the seventh month it should disappear, but occasionally it persists, either in its entirety or the central part only disappears, leaving an attenuated portion attached either to the capsule or the disc. In the latter case it is recognised ophthalmoscopically as a thin and more or less opaque filament, arising from the retinal artery and running forwards, its terminal 128 THE RETINA. end lying free, in the vitreous. Its lumen is generally obliterated, hence no blood is present in it. If the persistent part be attached to the posterior capsule of the lens, the ophthalmological picture is the same, but the fila- ment is traced running backwards into the vitreous. If an object is pro- jecting forwards into the vitreous, we may determine it by substituting Fig. 60. From the lower and outer margin of the papilla arises a cilio-retinal artery A, making a hook-like bend. The upper retinal vein is seen crossing in front ot the artery, whilst the inferior artery lies in front of the vein. increasing powers of convex lenses, or, in myopia, by inserting weaker convex lenses (direct ophthalmoscopy), and if, when the rest of the fundus is indistinct, the object is distinctly seen, it must be lying in front of the retina, and the stronger the convex lens, or the weaker the concave, with which the object can be seen, the further forwards is it stationed. A difference of level of about 1 mm. corresponds to a difference of refraction of 3 D. PHYSIOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES. Vascular Pulsation. The human heart empties itself (beats) about 7^ times per minute. Each beat is accompanied by a corresponding dilatation of the arteries to accommodate the increased volume of blood, and this may be recognised by the finger as a pulsation wave in any of the superficial arteries of the body, viz., the radial at the wrist, or the temporal in front of the ear. In the smallest arteries and capillaries the pulse Avave is so feeble as to defj' detection, and usually in the veins no pulsation at all is present. Pulsation is recognised ophthalmoscopically in the retinal vessels by an alternate expansion and contraction of their walls, or, if one of the vessels be distinctly curved, as when bending over a physiological cupping of the disc, a slight to and fro movement is seen in the vessel. Venous pulsation is commonly seen in the retinal veins in healthy eyes, though very rarely present in other veins of the body. Bonders gives the following explanation of the venous pulse. At each beat of the heart an additional quantity of blood is driven into the arteries of the interior of the eye, causing a temporary raising of the intra- ocular pressure, and the latter compresses the veins on or near the disc, as THE RETINA. 129 the blood pressure in the veins is not only lowest there, but also the vein commonly makes a dip down into the physiological cup. The blood in the vein becomes dammed up, but it rapidly accumulates, and as the venous pressure rises, it is at last able to overcome the compression, allowing the blood to flow on. This venous pulsation is most readily recognised on the disc, where the vein dips backwards. An arterial pulsation is rare in health, but is commonly seen in glaucoma, and, when present, should always excite sus- picion of the latter disease. The pulsation is only seen in the large arteries near the disc. In som forms of heart disease and in exophthalmic goitre (in which disease the eyes are very prominent) arterial pulsation is often seen. The relationship of the plane of the disc to thai of the adjacent part of the retina is such that normally the optic nerve lies on the same plane as the rest of the fundus, or very slightly in front of it. The disc may lie below the level of the fundus, and is then spoken of as " cupped." This cupping is of two varieties, and it is necessary to be able to discriminate between them. (Plate IV.) (1) Physiological Cupping. As the name implies, this is normal, of no significance, and arises owing to the central fibres of the optic nerve beginning to separate and crowding over to the border or margins of the nerve before they reach the disc. It is recognised ophthalraoscopically by the fact that the cupping does not extend to the margins of the disc, but is confined either to a central part, involving a small or the greater portion of the disc, or to a section of the peripheral part. Such cupping is com- monly situated in the outer half, and may extend as far outwards as the margin. It appears whiter than the rest of the disc, and at the bottom of the excavation, in deep cupping, are seen greyish dots, the lamina cribrosa, giving it a mottled appearance. The retinal vessels generally ascend on the inner side of the cup, and the brilliant white of the cupping forms a vivid contrast with the reddish hue of the unexcavated portion of the disc, but the condition is confirmed by noting parallactic movement. Differences of level of the various parts of the fundus are easily appreciated by this parallactic movement, obtaine