k V% - : *%' T^J 1 */* *4. J.S r* L. T m THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES M til ft, CATALOGUE OF THE iBUNBUEY/ COLLECTION OP GREEK COINS. FIRST PORTION. ITALY, SICILY, EUROPEAN GREECE, CRETE, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, JUttionms of |;iierarir ^propcrtj & Morks illustratiirc of t\)t JFine Jlrts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, 15th day of JUNE, 1896, and Seven following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PRESS ! J. DAVY AND SONS, I37, LONG ACRE. LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend this sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. 2.17 INTEODUCTION. The Collection of Greek Coins, the first portion of which is described in the following pages, is perhaps one of the most extensive and most interesting that has ever been formed by a private individual. Commencing quite in his early days Sir Edward Bunbury devoted his whole life to its formation, as well as to that of his collection of Eoman coins, which was sold at this house in June of last year. Sir Edward Bunbury did not confine his attention like some collectors to securing only the finest and most artistic pieces. Copper coins were as interesting to him as those of the finer metals ; in consequence his collection presents us with an exceptionally complete series of Greek coins of all parts, of all periods, and of all metals, viz. gold, silver, and copper. It is pre-eminently the collection of a scholar, and the useful purpose which it served is clearly illustrated by the late owner's numerous literary works. In fact it may be said to have formed the basis of his scholarly History of Ancient Geography published in 1879, his numerous articles in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Bio- graphy and Mythology, and the corresponding volumes of Geography, and his many contributions to the pages of the Numismatic Chronicle. Sir Edward Bunbury was a collector in the highest sense of the word, for not only was he an admirer of the fine works of ancient artists, but he combined with this last study the highest qualifications as a man of letters. His early success at Cambridge, where he graduated as Senior Classic in 1833 and took the Chancellor's Medal, marked him as a scholar of the first rank, and his pursuits and studies in after years well maintained his early reputation. Owing to the great extent of this Collection it has been deemed advisable to dispose of it in two portions. The first portion, which extends to 1258 lots, includes the coins of Italy, Sicily, European Greece, Crete, and the Islands. The second portion will comprise the coins of Asiatic Greece, Africa, &c. 3037472 ( iv ) A perusal of the pages of this Catalogue will show the complete- ness of the collection; nearly every city of Italy and European Greece of any importance and its rulers, of whom coins are known, are represented. The extent of certain sections is almost overwhelming, and shows what pains and perseverance were devoted to the formation of this Collection. Those sections which call for special notice are the more important cities of Magna Graecia (Tarentum, Heraclea, Metapontum, Croton, Ehegium, &c); Sicily (Camarina, Catana, Leontini, Messana, Segesta, and Syracuse) ; the Carthaginian and Siculo-Punic coinages ; Thrace, Macedon, Boeotia, Attica, Elis, and Crete. The series of Syracuse is very complete and comprises the works of nearly all the great die-engravers of that city, especially among these are Kimon, Evae- netos, Eukleides, Eumenes, and Phrygillus. There is also an example of the Demareteion, one of the most remarkable coins of the whole Greek series and no less than seven examples of the Dekadrachms of Kimon and Evaenetos, all in fine condition. The series of Alex- ander the Great is the most extensive ever brought together by a private individual, and includes specimens of the coins struck by that monarch over the whole extent of his wide dominions. The Athenian series, with the numerous tetradrachms bearing magistrates' names, is equally complete, and that of Crete has scarcely ever been surpassed. Of the extreme beauty and fine condition of many of the coins, the plates which are appended to the Catalogue will give some idea, and not a few are as remarkable for their rarity. Seldom does such an opportunity offer itself to collectors to add to their cabinets, and remembering the recent dispersal of the Montagu Collection of Greek coins it seems more than probable that a long time will elapse before another such chance will occur. Under present arrangements the remaining portion of the Bunbury Collection will be sold at this house in December next. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. - - * o o* *^ OD
Gaul., pi. Vin, 2322) ; another, similar, but the rose on the reverse is & *
of conventional pattern, wt. 73 grs. (De la Tour, i.e. pi. vm, 2324), "f
both fine and rare 2
3 Celtiberian, Drachms, obv. Male head to right; rev. Horseman, of
/ Aregrada, Belsina, Carabaca, Ilerda and Salauris, (reading-^ /f
<^V / Iltzurda Salirum), very rare, Osca and Turiaso, all fine 8
^/C-W act*. : ,
Acinipo, Bunch of Grapes ; rev. acinipo, between two ears of corn.
Arsa (?); rev. Horseman and Punic legend. Carteia, Tur-
reted head ; rev. Rudder ; Male head ; rev. Dolphin, carteia ;
Turreted head ; rev. Neptune. Corduba, Head of Augustus ; rev.
Pegasus, cor., &c; rev. Warrior, cordvba. Patricia ; rev. colonia
sp .^ PATRICIA in wreath. Gades, Head of Herakles ; rev. Two fishes,
sizes 8 and 6. Ilipa, Ear of corn ; rev. Fish, ilipense., sizes 9 and 5;
Obtjlco, Female head, obvlco; rev. inscription in two lines (2
varieties). Osca. Head of Augustus; rev. Warrior on horseback,
osca. Julia Traducta, Head of Augustus ; rev. ivlia trad, in
wreath. Ventipo, Head of Mars ; rev. Soldier ; and Ulia, Head
above crescent ; rev. vlia on tablet, mostly fine for these coins 18
Others similar, of Carteia, Gades, Obulco, Osca, Julia Traducta
and Ulia as in last lot ; and of Bilbilis, Head of Augustus ; rev.
iirvrc in wreath, &c. ; another, rev. Horseman. Caesar- Augusta;^/
/i^rev. c. A. in wreath. Carthago-Nova ; rev. Sacrificial implements., -^
C VAR. rvf., &c. Castulo, Head of Augustus ; rev. Sphinx to right
^/t(3 varieties) ; others ; rev. Horseman with palm. Celsa, same rev.
/ type. Emporiae; rev. Pegasus, emporl, mostly fine jot these coins 23 &&
6 Others of Castulo, Celsa, and Emporiae, as in preceding lot ; and of
Ilerda ; rev. Wolf ; Malaga ; rev. Radiate head and Star, both rare.^,. >v^f
e^ctfj^ Saetavi; rev. Horseman ; Saguntum; Segobriga; rev. segobriga
x^^L in wreath; another; rev. Horseman, fine 14
7 C^rabaca ; rev. Horseman and Punic legend. Damania, same type, both
unpublished. Eresi, of same type. Carthago-Nova ; rev. Sacrificial /
/ implements ; and Hispania, in genere, Helmeted head ; rev. Horse-*^
7' j . r man, hispanorvm (2 varieties), &c. ; others, Gaulish, of Massalia ;
^ ' rev. Butting bull, sizes 7, 4 and 2 ; another ; rev. Tripod ; Nemausus,
y/ Imperial, Heads of Augustus and Agrippa ; rev. Crocodile ; and others
- -a male figure is standing before horse with rider, and is crowning
(^ * it (Evans, pi. viii, 4), very fine and scarce 5
^90 Tarentum,. Didrachms, Taras on dolphin; rev. Taras seated holding
y distaff, &c. ; Horseman type varied (3), as in last lot; another
^%^ f Female head to left ; rev. Youth on horse, which he crowns, mostly
fine 5
91 Tarentum, Didrachms of the horseman type, all varied, with rider
// / to left or right, magistrates' initials on obv. and rev., all very fine 5
92 Tarentum, Didrachms of the horseman type, all varied, with different
symbols under or before horse or under dolphin (as Evans, pi. in, 3,
4, 9, and pi. IV, 9) ; another, Horseman bearing large round shield,
*<. Sfr to right, sceptre in right hand ; left resting on his hip ; at his side,
a ram, wt. 132 grs. (var. Mutter, no. 194), well preserved and very rare 1
720 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Half-Stater, KYPAIP. (sic), Horseman to right;
c^y^ ^^ rev. Silphium plant dividing legend, KYAI02, wt. 65 grs. (Miiller,
i*-t* -~-~. -.. ^Lgr /m,^*C^
/721 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321, Half-Drachm, Headof Athena to left, helmeted;
/-// behind AA ; rev. Three silphium plants radiating from one centre,
t. 32 gp f (va%. Mutter, np. 209), fine and very rare 1
72^ Gyrene, b.c. 431-321, Male toad to right, bearded, with ram's horn ;
y /? rev ~ Female head, Kyrene, to right, wt. 13 grs. ; another, similar, but
^Z-y *''* head on obv. to left, wt. 12 grs. (Mutter, no. 214), both fine and rare 2
723 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right ;
behind K ; below I ; before magistrate's name (?) ; rev. Silphium
plant, wt. 206 grs. (var. not in Miiller), fine and rare 1
724 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right,
hair and beard in thick curls ; rev. KYPANA divided by silphium
lantfW. 200 grs. (Mutter, no. 127), well preserved and rare 1
725 t " Cyrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin,
' %> x^Jp^ hair and beard wavy, wt. 202 grs., well preserved and rare 1
.726 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to left; rev.
y^S4 sgr^K^ (retrograde) divided by silphiuni plant, wt. 205 gp.lMjlller, y^-jf
111 /Gyrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, same -fcype as" thepreceding co
ing com,
? ^^but head of different style and diademed, and on rev. the legend
' JCYPANA (retrograde) encircles the silphium plant, wt. 206 grs.
/f&^l y^f (var. not in Miiller), fine and very rare fc 1
/ *** From the Bompois collection.
Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to left;
^,behind magistrate's name, TOMHAE02 ; rev. KYPANA, divided by
V^ilphium plant, wt. 206 grs. (Mutter, no. 140), well preserved and rare 1 v
729 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right;
in front, magistrate's name, NIKI02 ; rev. KYPA (retrograde)
divided by silphium plant, wt. 197 grs. (Mutter, no. 138), fine and
rare, but obv. of rough work 1
730 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, same type and same magistrate's
name as on the preceding coin, but of better work, and on the rev.
the legend is not retrograde, wt. 201 grs., obv. fine, rev. in fair con-
dition, rare 1
.731 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin,
^^^/2 but magistrate's name on obv. NIKI02 (?) reads upwards, wt. 196
yf^grs., somewhat rubbed and scratched 1
32 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 729, but no
<7y^ ^magistrate's name on obv. and no name of city on rev., wt. 205 grs.,
well preserved but chipped at edge 1
33 '^Ctrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to left;
i/^ ^-behind, two laurel-leaves ; rev. Silphium plant ; around which, magis-
**' ^trate's name AIBY2TPATO, wt. 203 grs. (Mutter, no. 41), fine and
ffiy a very rare variety [PI. VII] *^/* - ^^r 1
734 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308, Didrachm, Young head with ram's horn to left;
/ behind, traces of magistrate's name ; rev. KYPA in two lines divided
< ^jt/> " by silphium plant, wt. 129 grs. (var. Mutter, no. 143), fine and rare
735 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308, Didrachm, Young head with ram's horn to left;
J^e/i J4 re v- KY PA in one line divided by silphium plant ; above on either
^"^ side, star, wt. 121 grs. (Mutter, no. 153), fine and rare 1
736 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308, Didrachm, similar type and legend as the pre-
^/y ceding coin, but on rev. 2TO (mon.) to left and star to right of
**~ V^ silphium plant, wt. 117 grs. (Mutter, no. 156), fine and rare 1
737 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308, Didrachm, same type and legend as lot 735, but
/,^ on rev. star to left and 2T (mon.) to right of silphium plant, wt.
~? 122 grs. (Mutter, no. 158), well preserved and rare 1
738 Cyrene, B.C. 321-308, Didrachm, Young head with ram's horn to right j
7^ $/ ~3 rev ' ^ "^ divided by silphium plant, wt. 119 grs. (var. Mutter, no. 148),
^ * ^ * fine and rare [PI. VII] 1
739 Cyrene, circa B.C. 300, Didrachm, Head of Ptolemy, son of Lagus, to
right ; behind, spear-head ; before, aegis (?) ; rev. Silphium plant and
palm-tree divided by legend KYPAN reading upwards, wt. 124 grs.
'Sft,/tf^ (var. Mutter, no. 183), fairly preserved, a unique variety 1
Jf** Miiller 1. c. figures a similar coin in the French collection, and at
^y*#tAAAIKPATH2 ; rev. TAPA2, Taras on dolphin holding Nike and
// trident ; behind NE (mon.), (ib. pi. x. 8), both very fine and very rare
types 2
*** No. 1 from the Hamilton collection.
102 Tarentum, Didrachm, Warrior standing on the off-side of his horse ;
jrev. Taras holding trident and shield on dolphin (Evans, pi. rv, 4) ;
another, the Dioskuri crowned by Nike on horseback to left; rev.
usual type of Taras ; another, similar, but Taras holding Nike and
^ft** 'Jr shield (ib. pi. Vin. 9) ; Drachm, Youth crowning horse ; behind KAH ;
" below 2HPAMBOY ; rev. Taras on dolphin holding aplustre and
sceptre ; others (2) Head of Pallas ; rev. Owl ; magistrates,
EYMHNI02 and AI2TIAIX02, all very fine and rare 6
103 Tarentum, Didrachm, with Dioskuri on horseback, as in last lot ;
another, similar, but Dioskuri to right ; below NIKYA02 (Evans,
/ ^ pi. IX, 5) ; another, Horseman galloping to right ; behind, wreath ;
(jC / * below, OAYMHI2; rev. usual type, Taras holds kantharus and
* cornucopise ; and Drachms (3), as in last lot ; magistrate, SftKAN-
/ c/i/(f*tj$ AS on first type, very fine and rare 6
104 Tarentum, Diobols, Obols and smaller divisions of various types and
periods, Shell ; rev. Female head ; Dolphin ; rev. Pegasus ; Head of
Pallas ; rev. Herakles strangling lion ; similar, Herakles strangling
^ S3 serpents ; Horse's head on both sides ; others ; rev. types, Herakles
V? q and Antaeus, Herakles restraining horse, &c, all fine and interesting
AA before head
, - of Pallas ; (2) Pecten to left of Herakles ; (3) API^TOrE. above
y- "%&'~~i head of Pallas, and rev. Herakles holds in left hand cornucopise
instead of bow ; bucranium to left, all fine and rare 3
112 Heraclea, Didrachms, as before but varied, (1) A0ANAE before head
of Pallas and bow to left of Herakles ; (2) Pecten to left of
Herakles, as in last lot; (3) Pallas with plain helmet, above
HPAKAEION ; rev. Herakles sacrificing before altar ; club and skin
in left hand ; fulmen on left, well preserved, rare, especially the last
coin 3
113 Heraclea, Didrachm, Head of Pallas, helmet ornamented with hippo-
camp ; rev. Herakles and lion ; on left, club and bow ; another,
j>/ similar obv. but Skylla on helmet ; rev. Herakles crowned by Nike,
t/\ &' resting on club and holding lion's skin ; another, similar, but head /
Jfo^'+v/c- of Pallas on obv. to left, well preserved, rare types 3
114 Heraclea, Didrachm, Head of Pallas nearly facing, in large crested
helmet adorned with Triton ; behind APir ; rev. Herakles facing,
~/-j~ i^ resting on club and holding bow and skin, wt. 119 grs. ; and Dras&j^
*- with same obv. type; but rev. Owl and branch, HPAKAEION.,
j&jLfc s +f t ^.V& 58 grs., the first well preserved, the second fine, both very rare 2
*** Both from the Northwick collection.
115 Heraclea, Didrachm, Full-faced head of Pallas with crested helmet; ^ -
rev. Herakles about to strike the lion with his club, wt. 113| grs.,^~ ^^
3 fine work, and in fair condition, though rubbed on both sides, very rare 1
ypv-^^^+'t *** From the Northwick collection.
116 Heraclea, Didrachm, Head of Pallas to right, helmet ornamented
with Triton ; above HPAKAEION ; rev. Herakles resting on club
y A^/c^zxA holding bow, arrow and lion's skin ; on left, one-handled cup,
^ . wt. 122 qrs. ; another. Didrachm (?), similar tvpe, but Pallas wears
wt. 122 grs.; another, Didrachm (?), similar type, but Pallas wears
* H plain helmet : above AAE ; behind EY; below IE, and no arrow in
r hand of Herakles, wt. 100 grs., both extremely fine and rare 2
117 LAiiS, Didrachm, B.C. 550-500, Bull with human head looking back;
j>jfr .^^above AA2 ; rev. Bull as obv. incuse, wt. 117 grs. (Hist. Num. p.Q\),
sp (? we M preserved and extremely rare 1
118 IjAUS, Didrachm, B.C. 500-450, Bull with human head, looking back,
AA2 ; rev. Bull to right not looking back, AA2 (retrograde),
K'S^ w *- H9 grs. ; Half -Drachm, same type, wt. 24 grs.; and Sixth-
ly Stater, Bull looking back ; rev. Acorn, wt. 18 grs., all very rare, and
c/f^%t^**^i n f a i r condition 3
119 Laus, Didrachm, as in last lot; and M, Female head to right of the
finest style wearing sphendone ; rev. AAINON, Crow to right ;
Z - Q symbol, head of ox, the first well preserved, the second very fine and
with a beautiful dark patina, both very rare 2
120 LAUS, Didrachm, as in lot 118, but reading on obv. NOM ; and Meta-
y PONTUM, Didrachms (2), with Ear of corn in high relief, META j
^g rev. Ear of corn incuse ; one has a locust on obv. ; the first in good
x/*^ o condition, the others very fine 3
121 Metapontum, Tetradrachm, Head of Leukippos to right, bearded and
/f //"* **r*^/ /* wearing helmet ; behind, lion ; rev. Ear of corn, METAIIONTINQN,
/ /rf~^* wt. 241 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 65) fine and excessively rare [PI. I] 1
122 Metapontum, Didrachms, (1) Ear of corn in high relief; rev. incuse
a L . of obv. ; (2) similar, but of thick fabric ; (3) Head of Demeter to
/ /^"^y left, hair in net ; rev. usual type, A to left of ear of corn ; and (4)
Head of Demeter to right with veil ; rev. Mouse on leaf of corn-ear
and < below, all fine and interesting types 4
123 Metapontum, Didrachms, as in last lot, same types, but slightly varied j
J./Oc^pB?*^ on no. 3, the head of Demeter is laureate, and behind XT, all fine 4
124 Metapontum, Didrachms, as in lot 122, same types but variea, on
/ S *y / no. 3, the female head is not laureate, in front AAA and torch
^ f * with crossed top ; and on the rev. A to left of corn-ear ; also
. /zA^>/<*^ Drachm f early style with ear of corn incuse on rev., all fine 5
125 Metapontum, Didrachms (2) of incuse type, as before, the second with
/_ ram's head on obv. ; others (2) with usual rev. type ; but obv. types,
^C /' J~^ Head of Demeter to right, hair in net ; Small Dionysiac head to left,
/^?** ^ ^ a ^ r Doun d with ivy; and Drachm of early style as in last lot, all fine 5
126 Metapontum, Didrachms (4) and Drachm, similar types to the pre-
j$ * ceding lot, fine 5
12t Metapontum, Didrachms (5) and Drachm, as in lot 125, similar
_^V" types ; ( 3 ) Head of female without fillet ; rev. usual type META
C^-- J?> ~~ on tablet ; and (4) similar, with vine-branch on rev., fine 5
128 Metapontum, Didrachm of early incuse type; another with ear of
/ corn on both sides in relief and with adjuncts, torch with crossed end
,^^2 i on ^ v "> Drancn on rev -> thick fabric ; others, Female head to left ; rev.
^ Ear of corn with cicada ; Head of Apollo with wreath ; rev. Ear of
Cr s corn ; and Head of Demeter with corn-wreath ; rev. Ear of corn and
^^^^^plough (Hist. Num. p. 65), all fine 5
129 Metapontum, Didrachms (2) of early incuse type; another, with
S,, ^ Female head to left as in last lot ; another, Head of Leukippos
t* , * bearded and helmeted ; rev. Bird on leaf of ear of corn, all fine 4
130 Metapontum, Didrachms, as in the preceding lot, same types ; but
one with Female head to left bound with fillet ; and another, with
^V" 9^ Head of Leukippus, has adjuncts, a lion's head on obv. and club on
' rev., all fine 4
Metapontum, Didrachm, Female head to left, hair rolled and
bound with double fillet ; before it, ampulla ; rev. META, Ear of
^^corn ; on leaf, bird ; another, Dionysiac head to left, with stephane
/> -* ornamented with meander pattern and vine leaves ; rev. usual type,
10 symbol, both fine and rare, especially the second piece 2
132 Metapontum, Didrachms (2) same type as the preceding lot ; on rev.
of first piece, symbol, a hammer ; another, Head of Hygieia to
y/"' v^jight, hair bound with double fillet ; usual rev. type, the first two
//?u tc well preserved, the last fine 3
133 'Metapontum, Didrachm, usual reverse type, Ear of corn ; but on obv.
(1) Female head to right, hair bound with double fillet; (2)
^r^P /+-* Female head to right, hair long and with corn-wreath ; (3) Female
6** ' e head to left laureate; symbols on rev. (1) locust; (2) plough, all
<* / & / **/ fine and scarce 3
134 Metapontum, Didrachm, early incuse type; another, Corn-ear; rev.
f/fiu^ Apollo standing holding branch and bow (Hist. Num. p. 63) ; others
j Afc/- Female head to left ; rev. Tablet inscribed META at side of ear of
corn ; Female head veiled, before AAMATHP ; rev. Ear of corn
f/xJU Mwith K AA and serpent ; and Head of Leukippos as in lot 1 30, all
^ fine 5
1 35 Metapontum, Didrachm, Ear of corn ; rev. Apollo standing at altar
p and holding branch and bow ; Drachm, similar, rev. Apollo holding
//p ' bow, all within wreath; and others, Didrachms (2) Female head to
left with stephane ; and Female head to right with wreath ;
adjuncts on rev. wasp, and bird ; another, Head of Zeus laureate :
behind, fulmen; rev. Ear of corn and KA, mostly fine and rare 5
136 Metapontum, Didrachm, Head of young Herakles to right in lion's
ll^- skin ; rev. META., Ear of corn, fly to left, wt. 114 grs., fine and a
very rare type [PI. I] 1
137 Metapontum, Didrachm, Head of Persephone, three-quarter face to
y rf X left, crowned with barley; rev. META, Ear of corn, bucranium
/i'zL/ above leaf, wt. 119 grs., very fine and a rare type [PL I] 1
'138 Metapontum, Didrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but varied
-/^ .__ slightly in the form of the head of Persephone, wt. 118 grs., very
X~yfine 1
^39 Metapontum, Didrachm, Young male head to right, laureate and
/ & j^ witn ram's horn and ear ; rev. META, Ear of corn, wt. 120 grs.,
/;? jVery fine and scarce [T?l. I] 1
140 Metapontum, Didrachm, with young Head with horn as in last lot;
7 another, Female head of early type, with close hair and head bound
l(l'X-v with double taenia ; all within wreath ; rev. Ear of corn and ME ;
both very fine and rare types 2
141 Metapontum, Didrachms, Ear of corn, META. ; rev. Five corn-grains
in star pattern ; Head of Persephone, three-quarter face ; rev. Ear
// . / of corn ; both very rare but somewhat rubbed ; others (2) Female head
to left or right; rev. Ear of corn and adjuncts cantharus and
t **i <*ioinochoe, fine 4
142 Metapontum, Didrachms (2) usual type, but obv. Female head to left
with long hair ; adjuncts on rev. pincers and griffin ; another, Head of
' Ay. ^ Zeus, EAEY0EPIO2 ; rev. Ear of corn and poppy head ; and Drachm
/ , r with obv. type, Head of Pallas in plain Corinthian helmet ; rev.
(_^ y Ear of corn, wt. 54 grs., all very fine and some rare 4
143 Metapontum, Didrachm, Head of Leukippos to right, helmeted;
, behind, dog ; rev. META, Ear of corn, bird on leaf ; another, Head
^^&/ a f Dionysos crowned with vine-wreath ; rev. usual type, symbol,
^_s a trident, below A A ; another, similar, with Head of Persephone
^y C ^ *V^ * * e ^ on ^ v "> a ^ ver yfi ne an d rare tyP es 3
144 Metapontum, Didrachm, Ear of corn, META; rev. Herakles, naked,
y holding club over shoulder ; another, Head of Pallas in helmet,
jf * / behind 2 A ; rev. usual type, owl on leaf of corn-ear ; others (2)
with Head of Leukippos ; and adjuncts, dog and cross-headed torch
*y on obv., and bird and (- H on rev. ; all veryfine and rare types 4
145 Metapontum, Didrachms (2) with female head to right, one with long
hair ; others, with female head to left with corn-wreath ; and another
i//^ / on either side of the figure on obv., and A below stag on rev., very
c*~ \&/z*hft ne an d rare 3
194 OaULONiA, Staters as in lot 192 ; but on obv. of second coin the stag
/ ? .^ stands on an altar, and on the third piece, the inscription on obv.
<- f*'f KAVAON2ATAM. (?), and on rev. Stag to left ; before, vine leaf, all
foJUt*4t*iftfie, the last a very rare variety 3
19o Caulonia, Staters as in lot 192 ; but (1) rev. type partly in relief and
yfo KAAO. (retrograde) ; and (3) rev. Stag to right ; behind, ivy branch,
/^2 ^KAVAONIATAS., all very fine and rare 3
196 Caulonia, Staters as before of early and later styles ; the second coin
/ a has a laurel-leaf before the stag on the rev. ; and the fourth coin,
^' which is of the same type as the third, has an amphora behind the
't-fiK+t ^S* 1 on ^ e 0Dvers e, well preserved and rare 4
C7V /
L97 Caulonia, Staters as in the preceding lot ; but on the fourth coin the
y *j? y inscription KAVAONIATAM is below the stag, which is running to
(7^ sp rjghtj well preserved, the last a rare variety 4
198 Croton, Stater, B.C. 550-480, Tripod, ?PO. ; rev. same device, incuse,
wt. 123 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 80); another, similar, but of thicker
4 fabric ; ? PO. to right and crab to left of tripod ; rev. Dolphin to
right of tripod and ?POT. to left, wt. 123 grs., both extremely fine
and rare 2
199 Croton, Staters, as in previous lot, but on the second coin a stork to
/,<$(/ left of tripod on obv., and no symbol, &c. on rev., both fine and rare 2
200 Croton, Staters as in lot 198; but the first has a crab to left of
tripod on obv. and to right of same on rev. ; and the second a crab
to left on obv. and a fish to right on rev. ; another with no symbol
on obv. ; but rev. type, a flying eagle, incuse, the first fine, the others
very fine 3
201 r Croton, Staters of the thicker fabric, usual type, (1) stork to right on
obv., and 9 POTON on rev. ; (2) stork to left on obv., and curved
ornament to left on rev. ; (3) similar, but rev. slightly varied ; and
2/ Quarter Stater, same type as last, all fine, these coins are interesting
v as showing a gradual development of the rev. type into two serpents'
y heads 4
202 Croton, Stater, Tripod between 9 POTO ; rev. Eagle flying, incuse ;
.another, similar, but of thicker fabric, ?PO (retrograde) on
/* obv. ; another, similar obv., but crab to right of tripod ; rev. same
Jj/^/^ type incuse, all fine and rare 3
203 Croton, Stater, usual type with rev. incuse of obv. ; stork to right of
> tripod, ? PO ; another with incuse flying Eagle on rev. ; no symbol
y j // on obv. ; another with tripod in relief on both sides ; and Quarter
t' s? Stater, usual type, crane to right of tripod ; rev. incuse of obv., all
204 Croton, Stater, Tripod between stork and ? PO ; rev. Tripod in relief,
y below II ; others, Eagle standing on stag's head ; rev. Tripod
S /tf f _^~ between vine-leaf and PO (B. M. Cat. no. 68) ; Eagle flapping its
^ wings ; rev. as last, but to left, laurel-leaf (ib. no. 74) ; and another,
//feu JLy Head of Apollo, laureate ; rev. Tripod between KPO and filleted
Jf branch, all fine and interesting coins 4
205 Croton, Staters (2), Eagle standing to left on ram's head or to right
on pediment; antelope's skull before; rev. Tripod between ?PO
^ and leaf (B. M. Cat. nos. 67, 70) ; another, Eagle with spread wings ;
behind, BOI ; rev. Tripod with fillet between ?POT and branch;
/^%nf an d another with Head of Apollo as in last lot, all fine and desirable
specimens 4
206 Croton, Staters, similar to the preceding lot, Eagle stands on column,
pediment or branch ; symbols on rev. corn-grain, laurel-leaf or vine-
w* -~ leaf ; another, eagle with wings flapping, and in exergue BOI ; rev.
T^^y Tripod with fillet, PO, (B. M. Cat. no. 76), all fine 4
^207 ^Croton, Staters, usual types, (1) Eagle on branch, rev. symbol, a leaf ;
(2) Eagle on column; before, branch ; rev. Tripod with fillet; (3)
-y Eagle on serpent; rev. symbol, ear of corn, all with ?PO; (4)
, Y'^T^ Head of Apollo; rev. Tripod between branch and KPO, all fine and
208 Croton, Staters (3), all with Eagle standing on branch, wings spread ;
rev. types, Tripod between KPO and A ; Tripod between corn-
^ .,^-ear and serpent; and Tripod, KPOTONIATQN, B in field; and
* Diobols (4) with rev. types, Tripod ; Cuttlefish ; Pegasus ; and Hera-
^^S^^kles strangling lion, OIKI2TA2., some fine 8
209 ^Croton, Stater, Eagle standing on thunderbolt ; before it, terminal
figure holding patera and caduceus ; rev. Tripod with Nike on left ;
^ another, Eagle standing on olive-branch ; behind, KPOTONIATAN ;
rev. Tripod with conical cover between ear of corn and dolphin ; in
^^T^^^field, 4>EAPKMI (B. M. Cat. no. 82) ; both very fine and very rare
varieties 2
210 Croton, Stater, Tripod filleted ; on one side is Apollo shooting at
*y l
<^*^ " on rocks and resting on club, holds branch over lighted altar ; ^-^ /^
/ wearing broad stephane, adorned with honeysuckle design and fore- <& JZU j, a
/ft/S^ P art of griffin ; around, KPOTONO; rev. Herakles, reclining to left^^- 2 ^'
c S f s, y on rocks, holds wine cup in extended right hand ; in field above,
^**w*4h>W and club, wt. 118 grs., very fine and rare [PI. I] 1 *- /
213 Croton, Stater, similar to the preceding, but stephane of Hera adorned ver y fi ne an d rare *
334 Leontini, Tetradrachm, usual type, similar to the preceding coin ; but
j/g^j x the lion's head is also to left and behind it is a laurel-leaf, wt. 271 grs.,
, i/? ,jL very fine and rare 1
33o Leontini, Tetradrachm, Quadriga to right with charioteer, horses
^/y /6 crowne( * by Nike ; rev. Lion's head to right with open jaws ; around, yj ^4OTHC wt. 86 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 133); and Obol, same type,
wt. 11 grs., both very fine 2
. 341 Messana (Zancle), Drachm, wt. 79 grs., and Obol, wt. 11 grs., same
G& S* y types as previous lot, both fine 2
*** Both from the Dupre collection.
^342 Messana, Attic Tetradrachm, under Anaxilas of Khegium, Lion's j^s, /e &$
jC%/$ head facing; rev. Calf's head to left, ME22ENION, wt. 264 fn-tfrfttfH/
\ %&- ^ (Sid. Num. p. 134), fine and extremely rare 1 "2ff*^~
343 Messana, circa B.C. 480, Tetradrachm, Biga of mules, driven to right
&cS- & by bearded charioteer; in exergue, leaf; rev. Hare to right, ME22E- ^r
NION, wt. 269 grs. very fine and rare 1
344^ Messana, Tetradrachm, same type as last, wt. 268 grs., well preserved ^
' ** and rare 1 ^
345 Messana, circa B.C. 480, Didrachm, Biga of mules, driven by bearded Z> fa /
y^/ f^ charioteer ; rev. Hare to right, ME22ENION, wt. 131 grs., very fin^^/.f./z
y^> r and exceedingly rare, a denomination not given in Hist. Num. nor in ^ and readin g MESSANION, wt. 267 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. ^ ^
^sgj; P> i03 ) i and Drachm, Biga to right ; rev. Hare, ME22ENION,
wt. 64 grs., both well preserved
347 Messana, Tetradrachm, Male figure in biga to right, mules crowned
, by Nike; in exergue, leaf; rev. Hare to right; beneath, branch, ^^ ^/o
<7? ?' T , ME22 ANION, wt. 267 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. p. 103), extremely fine *'^L ^ ^
<^*-^*>*^ fln d .rare 1
348 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga to left, crowned by Nike ;
2 s rev. Hare running to right ; on the other side of it, three ears of
copa ; in the exergue, ME22ANION on tablet and corn-grain,
"^""^wl- 264 grs., very fine, of neat work, and a rare variety [PI. II] 1
349 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga to left ; in exergue, two
y ^^jdolphins ; rev. Hare running to left ; beneath, ear of corn ; above,
ec r- $ bird ; before, traces of artist's signature, A (?) ; in exergue, ME22A- * &* xJ^^y
^OS^w^lON, wt. 263 grs., fine and a rare type 1 ' ^
350 Messana, Tetradrachm, similar obv. type to the preceding coin, but y^?
^ Messana is crowned by Nike ; rev. Hare to right ; beneath, head of ^ yt ^
VV ^Pan, ME22ANK)N, wt. 265 grs., very fine and very rare [PL III] 1 ^*
Se?/"**'^ * # * From the Thomas collection. /^^j/
351 Messana, Tetradrachm, same type as the last coin, but before head of
-/^/^/s^ P an under hare is a syrinx, and reading, ME22ANION, wt. 265 grs., *
yfg^rm^ very fine and very rare ( J^t- / 1
352 Messana, Tetradrachm, Finest Style, Messana in one horse chariot to
/ right, horse crowned by Nike walking on reins ; in exergue, laurel-
<; ^Vl/' / ^ leaf and two berries ; rev. Hare to right ; below, dolphin,
^^^^MESSANION, wt. 265 grs., extremely fine and a very rare varie,
/ [PI. Ill] 1
*$* From the Davis collection.
353 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga of mules to right, mules
^/ /4 crowned by Nike ; in exergue, fish; rev. Hare to right; below, a
J^_/$9lphin, MES2ANION, wt. 263 grs., fine and rare 1
354 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga to left ; above, ME2SAN ; ^go-
g in exergue, two dolphins; rev. Hare to left; below, ear of corn, ^** y^
" jS ,^ ME22AN., wt. 267 grs., fine and rare 1
3o5 Messana, Tetradrachm, by Kimon (?), Messana in biga to left ; above,
//T Nike holding wreath and caduceus ; in exergue, fish ; rev. Hare to ^&%?
^ J / left ; below, eagle standing on rock and devouring serpent, ME2-
y* v '*^ 2ANIQN, wt. 256 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 56), fine and extremely rare 1
356 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga, &c, as on no. 354 ; rev.
Hare to left ; below, fly, ME22ANION, wt. 264 grs. j Drachm,
* Biga to right driven by old charioteer, mules crowned by Nike
all well preserved 3
rftr* fits in exergue, leaf ; rev. Within wreath hare to right, ME22ANION,
wt. 63 grs. ; and Litra, Hare to right ; rev. ME2 in wreath, wt. 14 grs.,
357 Messana. Tetradrachm, Early Style, Biga to right with old charioteer,
crowned by Nike ; in exergue, leaf ; rev. Hare to right ; below,
/ ME22ANION, wt. 259 grs. ; Drachm, Head of Pelorias to left
^P IIEAfiPIAS ; behind, A ; rev. Pheraimon with shield and spear,
^*y /irjf ^f-*etf
V yyy y high relief, 2YPAK02IQN ; rev. Free horse to right; in exergue, s&hS& /S^iy
rjl S 2YPAK02IQN, wt. 47 ars. (Head, pi. IV, 2), well preserved and rf>/ys /,/ %Z*/~-/C/?6
y* '"* rare 1 ^&L IAI2TIA02, wt. 63 grs.^"^- 1 6/%
(Head, pi. xi, 6), very fine and extremely rare 1 *
498 Syracuse, Philistis, 16 Litra Piece, usual type with horses galloping
/ to right ; above, crescent ; before, KI2 ; below, ear of corn ; usual
jf /* 4/ legend, wt. 201 grs., well preserved; 5 Litra Piece, as in last lot, but
c\5^// h rses walking, somewhat rubbed, rarity as before 2
499 Syracuse, Hieronymus, B.C. 216-215, Didrachm, Head of king to left, / /, yl
/ diademed; behind, K; rev. BA2IAE02 IEPONYMOY above and r*"W6/ f/(i
jC y-Sr below winged fulmen; above which, KI, wt. 131 grs. (Head, pi. xii, *^5w tyr.^L
^^J,l), very fine, and very rare [PI. TV] ^A^ci.^J, fA
500 JSjraACUSE, Hieronymus, Didrachm, similar to the preceding, but on
7 'Z /f^7// rev - SA above fulmen, wt. 132 grs., very fine and very rare 1 /
501 Syracuse, Democracy, B.C. 215-212, 12 Litra Piece, Helmeted head ^^^7^//^
of Pallas to left : rev. Artemis huntress to left, hound at her feet : , // /. '<
t> before in field, 2fl ; behind, 2YPAK02K2N, wt. 155 grs. (Head, / mJ Ji
pi. XIII, 3); 8 Litra Piece, obv. Same type; rev. Winged fulmen; /, tf^/-
/fcj- above, 2YPAK02IQN; below, YA2, wt. 105 grs. (Head, pi. xiii, 4), * J JL*'hf/'l
7 both very fine and rare 2 "* / V* Li
502 Syracuse. Democracy, 12 Litra and 8 Litra Pieces as in last lot; b^ut < ^**^''*/t/'
J* jfS the former with AA, the latter with YA-2A in field on rev., wts. 158
s/^J&nd 105 grs. respectively, both very fine 2
503 Syracuse, Democracy, 12 Litra and 8 Litra Pieces as in lot 501 ; but
'jj .y the former with MI, the latter with SO in field on rev., wts. 154
~yL++3nd 104 grs. respectively, both fine 2
5Q0r Syracuse, Drachms (2), Archaic period, Female head; rev. Horseman ;
Others (2), with rev. Leukaspis; but with obv. Head to left, or
. ff fr Helmeted head facing ; 3 Litra Piece, Head of Kyane ; rev. Pegasos ;
Half-Drachm, Female head ; rev. Quadriga ; and 2 Litra Piece,
4* ta .-^-M~ .- .
505 Syracuse, Drachms (2), One of Archaic type, with horseman on rev. ;
the other with rev. Leukaspis ; 2| Litrae, &c, Helmeted head
facing ; rev. Horseman ; Female head ; rev. Biga, wheel in exergue ;
another, rev. Female figure with inflated veil ; Diobol, Female head;
rev. Half-Pegasos ; and Obol, Archaic head ; rev. 2YPA in wheel ;
' /// / another with rev. 2X1II, all interesting pieces, mostly fine 10
506 Syracuse, 2 Litrae, Diobols, Obols, &c, with rev. types, Biga;
Female with inflated veil; Half Pegasos; Sepia; Wheel, &c, mostly
' Z fine 16
507 Syracuse, Head of Pallas ; rev. Two dolphins and star, size 8 ; Butting
bull ; rev. Star, size 8 ; Head of Ares ; rev. Pegasos, size 7 ; Head
of Zeus Eleutherios ; rev. Horse, size 7 ; others, sizes 4-2 ; rev. types,
Incuse square and star ; Wheel with 2YPA and two dolphins ;
Dolphin above pecten ; Pegasos ; Horseman ; Butting bull ; Half
Pegasos ; Sepia ; Trident, &c, and others, Head of Zeus Eleu-
therios ; rev. Fulmen, size 6 : Head of Apollo ; rev. Eagle, size 5 ;
Head of Persephone ; rev. Nike in biga, size 6, many very fine 19
508 Syracuse, Head of Pallas ; rev. Two dolphins and star ; Butting bull ;
rev. Star ; Head of Ares ; rev. Pegasos ; Zeus Eleutherios ; rev.
Horse ; others, sizes 4-2, rev. types, Incuse square and star ;
Pegasos ; Butting bull ; Sepia, and Half Pegasos, &c, as in previous
lot. Others, Head of Zeus Eleutherios ; rev. Fulmen, size 6 ; Head
of Persephone to right or left ; rev. Nike in biga, size 5 ; Head of
Apollo ; rev. Eagle, size 6 ; Head of Herakles ; rev. Athene
Promachos (2 varieties), size 6 ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Pegasos, size
5 ; Head of Young Herakles ; rev. Lion, size 5, some very fine 19
509 Syracuse, Head of Pallas ; rev. Two dolphins and star, size 8 ; Head of
Zeus Eleutherios ; rev. Horse, size 7 ; Head of Apollo ; rev. Pegasos,
size 4 ; Head of Persephone ; rev. Butting bull, size 3 ; Head of Zeus
ff ^~" Eleutherios; rev. Fulmen and eagle, size 6; Female head; rev. Nike in
biga, size 6 ; Head of Persephone to right or left ; rev. Nike in biga,
m size 6 ; Head of Herakles ; rev. Athene Promachos, size 5 ; Head of
Pallas ; rev. Pegasos, size 4 ; Head of Persephone , rev. Butting bull,
size 5 ; Head of young Herakles ; rev. Lion, size 5 ; and Head of
Herakles; rev. Triskelis, size 4, all in the finest condition 13
510 Syracuse, Eighteen varieties of types, many as in lot 508, but of the
(. -^y smaller sizes, mostly in fine condition 18
, 5^1 Syracuse, Fifteen varieties of types as before, and others of Hieron II,
fj J. rev. types, Nike in biga, size 9 ; and Horseman, size 7, many fine 17
512 Syracuse, Hieron II, all with his portrait j rev. types, Nike in biga,
size 9 ; Horseman, size 7 (4 varieties) ; Head of Zeus ; rev. Trident,
/ ^ size 5. Gelon, Head of King ; rev. Fulmen, size 5. Agathocles,
''/'? Female head; rev. Fulmen, size 5 (2 varieties), all in the highest state
of preservation, except the coin of Gelon, which is very rare 9
Syracuse, Various types, chiefly of the smaller sizes, some fine 38
~7 Gold, Sfc.
514 Tauromenium, 15 Litrae, Head of Apollo; behind, club; rev.
Tripod, TAYPOMENITAN ; on right EY., wt. 17 grs. Silver, 4 Litrae,
Head of Apollo laureate to right ; behind, star ; rev. Tripod, &c.
as last piece ; monogram on left, API, wt. 50 grs., both very fine and
r / rare 2
515 Tauromenium, 4 Litrae, Head of Apollo ; rev. Tripod as in last lot ;
. 8 Litrae, Head of Pallas in crested helmet ; rev. Pegasos ; below, star ;
' w TAYPOMENITAN, wt. 84 grs. ; Litra, Bucranium ; rev. Bunch of
fa Grapes, wt. 13 grs., all fine and rare
516 Tauromenium; rev. types, Tripod (various sizes); Pegasos; Bull but-
- '/f/f ting to right or left ; Lyre ; Bull walking to left or right ; Owl, &c,
jLjp** u
jft.7 Tauromenium, Twelve varieties of types, similar to the preceding lot ;
, Tyndaris, Veiled female head ; rev. Dioscuri (2 varieties), size 7 ;
/,/f^ Head of Apollo (?) ; rev. TYNAAPITAN, Bunch of grapes, size 3 ;
another, Caps of Dioscuri; rev. TYNAAPITAN in rays of star,
mostly fine and some rare 16
518 Lipara, Island of Sicily, Hemilitron, Head of Haphaestos; rev.
AIIIAPAION, Stern of Galley, size 13, pierced; Trias, same obv. ;
rev. Mark of value, AIHAPA^ION, size 8 ; Uncia ; rev. I ' A, size 5 ;
others, Hephaestos seated ; rev. Dolphin, sizes 7-4 (4 varieties) ;
Head of young Herakles ; rev. Trident, size 5 (2 varieties) ; also
/O^^^^^Hemilitron, Trias, and Sextans of later issue with Hephaestos
/' seated; rev. Marks of value and name of Island, all fine and an in-
teresting series 1 2
519 Carthage, 2| Drachms, B.C. 340-242, Head of Persephone to left,
wearing necklet of pendants and corn-wreath ; rev. Horse standing to
right, wt. 145 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 739), extremely fine and rare
f -/f [PI. IV] 1
* # * Owing to the difference of opinion as to what coins were actually
J? * struck at Carthage or in Sicily, the two series are here catalogued
// *-** 1 j under the above heading.
520 Carthage, 2 \ Drachms, same as the preceding, wt. 154 grs., fine, but /QyV
<*t J> /^/b& fypd of ^Persephone is somewhat injured by a cut 1
5 2 V Carthage, 1\ Drachms, same as lot 519, wt. 115 grs., well preserved,
y /2s though of the earlier type this piece appears, from its weight, to have been
*Jfa*^k*k afar B.C. 242 1
522 Carthage, 3 Drachms, B.C. 241-218, Head of Persephone to left,
// wearing necklet of pendants and corn-wreath j rev. Horse standing __,
c /Ct?-f'(^to right ; above, radiate disk flanked with two uraei, wt. 168 grs. ^-n
./ ^ /- (B. 1$; Guide, pi. 59, 33), very fine and rare [PL IV] 1
^ y523 Carthage, 3 Drachms, similar to the preceding coin, wt. 165 grs., fine
524 Carthage, 2 Drachms, similar to lot 522, but no disk above the
^rf J .3xoTse,wt. 116 grs. (B. M. Guide, pi. 59, M),fine and scarce 1
. nT ,_... ., ^
525 Carthage, 2 Drachms, same as the preceding coin, wt. 112 grs., well
6 f / j ^j- preserved and scarce v^i^,' ^^Z7
*- 526 Carthage, Half Drachm, Head of Persephone to left ; rev. Horse to
p right looking back, wt. 28 grs. ; another, similar, but horse not look- *&**
L L- / ing back, wt. 30 grs. ; and Quarter Drachm (?), Palm tree ; rev. ^#~
./t$J~*4~ Horse's head ; before, triangle of pellets, wt. 10 grs., all fine and scarce,
i^% *-^s '*~* 'especially the last piece 3
527 Heraclea-Minoa (?), Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to right with
corn-wreath, earring and necklet; around, dolphins; rev. Quadriga c^ ^
3 , to left, charioteer crowned by Nike ; in the exergue, Punic legend, **
wt. 262 grs., fine and rare 1
<5-28 Pan
>Anormus, Tetradrachm, Female head to right, hair turned up, broad
, diadem ; around, dolphins ; rev. Similar type to last ; in exergue, J^o^
jC/(, - Punic legend, Ziz, wt. 269 grs., fine and rare, the reverse is similar in
^ style to the coins of Kimon 1
529 Panormus, Tetradrachm, Female head to left, wearing broad diadem ;
y around, three dolphins ; rev. Quadriga to right, charioteer crowned
^W"2^/_bjr_Nike ; in exergue, sea-horse and Punic legend, Ziz, wt. 263 grs.
(B. M. Cat., Sicily, p. 247, 8), extremely fine and rare [PL IV] 1
. similar, with large head on obv. ; and on rev. race-torch before and
// bee behind Pallas (M. no. 445a), struck at Chrysaoris, both very fine
and scarce . 2
619 Tetradrachms, same type as last lot; but (1) before Pallas, head of
^. - Ji n an( ^ monogram of IIAP, and on seat K (M. no. 7), struck at
/ E, Ephesus (M. no. 1015) ; (5) before Zeus, forepart
40 of griffin and HY mon., Phocaea (var. M. no. 986), fine and scarce
^rtypes 5
774 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type; (1) before Zeus, turreted female
head to left ; below, monogram, Smyrna (M. no. 994) ; (2) similar,
but before Zeus 3> above female head to right, Smyrna (not in M.) ;
^(3) before Zeus, kantharos and THI ; under seat, 0E mon., Teos
(var. M. no. 1005) ; (4) before Zeus, bee, Ephesus (M. no. 1018) ;
tttee+Sy (5) before Zeus, standard-shaft above M, (not in M.), all fine and
^/ rare pieces 5
775 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, forepart of boar and
monogram of XPO ; under seat, ME mon., Clazomenae (Num. Chron.
1883,^. I, 6) ; (2) before Zeus, lion to right, star and MI mon. ;
r'**6 under seat, AP mon., Miletus (var. M. no. 1034) ; (3) before Zeus,
4 lion to left, above MI mon. ; behind, VE (mon.) 2. fi., Miletus (not
in M.) ; (4) before Zeus, crab holding club and XAP. mon., Cos
(Num. Chron. 1883, pi. i, 3), all fine and very rare 4
776 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type; (1) before Zeus, lion and mono-
grams, IYE and IM ; under seat, M6 mon., Miletus ; (2) similar,
7^^ with lion only before Zeus and HA mon. under seat, same mint ;
(3) before Zeus, MArN AI NI ; in exergue, Maeander pattern,
Magnesia ; (4) before Zeus, bull butting to left, and monogram ;
under seat, EP mon., Magnesia, all fine and very rare varieties, not
given by Mutter 4
777 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, lion and IM mon. ;
under seat, IAP mon., Miletus (M. no. 1038) ; (2 and 3) similar,
a/* ^2 w ^ tn s^ght variations of same mint (M. nos. 1043, 1047); (4) before
z7 Zeus, IM. mon., Miletus (M. no. 1055) ; (5) before Zeus, monogram
^/%/j/ and maeander in exergue, Magnesia (M. no. 1078), all very fine and
scarce 5
778 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, lion and IM mon. ;
under seat, HAP mon., Miletus (var. M. no. 1038) ; (2) similar, but
j/' 3< SO under seat of peculiar form, club and nA. mon., Miletus (not in M.) ;
(3) before Zeus, monogram ; in exergue, maeander, Magnesia (var.
M. no. 1072) ; (4) before Zeus, sphinx on vase and no ; in exergue,
EENON, Chios (M. no. 1120) ; (5) before Zeus, monogram ; under
seatj bipennis, Caria (M. no, 1136), all fine and scarce 5
779 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type : (1) before Zeus, sphinx and mono-
gram ; under seat, TA mon., Chios (M. no. 1090) ; (2) similar, but
w sphinx on vase, &c. ; and under seat, KPATON, Chios (M. no. 1119) ;
** '/ (3) before Zeus, prow and B., Samos (M. no. 1126); (4) before
^L/^ Zeus, bipennis, Caria (M. no. 1128); (5) before Zeus, pegasus;
'under seat A, Alabanda (M. no. 1146), fine and scarce 5
780 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1 & 2) of Chios, one with
EYKAH2 in exergue (if. nos. 1086 and 1118); (3) of Caria (M.
S y ~ no. 1128) as in preceding lot, with bipennis before Zeus ; (4) before
Zeus, PAYII in mon. within circle ; under seat, bipennis, Caria
(M. no. 1138); (5) before Zeus, tripod; under seat B., Cnidus
(M. no. 1151), fine and scarce 5
KINGS OF MACEDON Alexander the Great (continued).
781 Tetradrachms of Rhodes, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, rose and
monogram; under seat PO (M. no. 1156) ; (2) similar, but mon.
AYBT before Zeus (M. no. 1158) ; (3) similar, but before Zeus,
*^ """ API2TOBOA02 (M. no. 1161); (4) similar, but magistrate's name,
J^%&L TIMAI02 ; no letters under seat (not in M.), all fine and rare 4
782 Tetradrachms of Rhodes, usual type; (1) before Zeus, rose and
AINHTfiP ; under seat PO (M. no. 1160) ; (2) similar, before Zeus,
r y AAMATPI02 (M. no. 1162); (3) similar, but magistrate's name,
^ H$AI2TIQN (M. no. 1165) ; (4) similar, but STATION before Zeus
(M. no. 1166), all fine and rare 4
783 Tetradrachms of Rhodes, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, rose and mono-
y gram ANTUJ (?) ; under seat PO (M. no. 1159), well preserved ; (2)
yiK^/ similar but before Zeus AINHTOP (M. no. 1160); (3) similar,
magistrate's name, TEISYAOS ; (4) another of Attuda ; before
Zeus, pine-cone and staff (M. no. 1173), very fine and rare 4
784 Tetradrachms of Asia, uncertain mints, usual type; (1) reading
BASlAEfiS ; before Zeus, forepart of lion (Num. Chron. 1883, p: 11 ,
_-*y Jft^7); (2) before Zeus, XI mon. and quiver (ib. p. 11, no. 8) ; (3)
X before Zeus, AY mon.; under seat, 3>K mon. ; (4) before Zeus,
(^/f v^SlYTP mon., all fine and rare, not described by Miiller 4
785 'Tetradrachms of Phrygia, &c. usual type ; (1) before Zeus, owl and
/ monogram; under seat, conical object, Attuda, (M. no. 1174) ; (2) j
^ "x^^Tbefore Zeus, head of bull (M. no. 1249) ; (3) before Zeus, diota and
^j 2 (M. no. 1252); (4) before Zeus, EYO mon. (var. M. no. 1266) ;
(yfL (5) Lycia, reading BA2IAEQ2 ; before Zeus M ; under seat AY (M.
no. 1272), all fine 5
786 Tetradrachms of Asia, uncertain mints, usual type ; (1) before Zeus,
/ diota and 2 (M. no. 1252) ; (2) before Zeus, monogram ; under seat
- & > -SEO (?) mon. (var. M. no. 1266); (3) before Zeus, palm-branch and
s? AI mon. (Num. Chron. 1868, p. 319, no. 9) ; (4) under seat, torch
c^^^^, (not in M.); (5) before Zeus, lion and monogram ; under seat AN
'/ mon., Antioch (M. no. 1176 var.) all fine and scarce ' 5
787 Tetradrachms of Lycia, &c, usual type ; (1) reading BASIAEOS ; before
Zeus, M ; under seat, AY (M. no. 1272) ; (2) before Zeus, plough;
under seat, acorn, Cilicia (var. M. no. 1280); (3) before Zeus, bow,
$.~ Cilicia (M. no. 1287); (4) reading BASIAEOS ; before Zeus, TK
sg> y^ mon., Cilicia (M. no. 1294) ; (5) same reading ; before Zeus, BAN
/ mon. ; under seat, MI mon., Cilicia (M. no. 1302), fine and scarce 5
768 Tetradrachms of Syria, &c, usual type; (1) before Zeus, crab ; under
seat, ME mon., Commagene (M. no. 1337) ; (2) before Zeus, forepart
of ram ; under seat, AA Damascus (M. no. 1338) ; (3) before
^ Zeus, Nike, Laodicea (M. no. 1348) ; (4) before Zeus, anchor and
monograms ; under seat SO, Larissa (M. no. 1355) ; (5) reading
BASIAEOS ; before Zeus, ANI mon. in circle (M. no. 1598), all fine,
some scarce 5
789 Tetradrachms of Lycia, &c, usual type; (1) before Zeus, <&A and
two stars; under seat, E mon., Phaselis (M. no. 1276); (2)
reading BASIAEOS ; before Zeus, caduceus ; under seat, AP mon.,
/ -""" Aradus (M. no. 1370) ; (3) before Zeus palm-tree ; under seat AP,
mon. ; in exergue N0, Aradus (not in M.) ; (4) similar, but in exergue
*t, HA., Aradus (not in M.) ; (5) before Zeus, Aramaic inscription,
Ace (M. no. 1426), all fine and scarce 5
790 Tetradrachms of Syria, &c, usual type; (1) before Zeus, forepart of
ram ; under seat AA, Damascus (M. no. 1338) ; (2) before Zeus,
palm-tree ; under seat, AP mon. (M. no. 1380) ; (3) before Zeus, IIIO
mon., Joppa (M. no. 1468); (4) before Zeus, ram's head and feathers;
under seat, AA mon., Egypt (M. no. 1517); (5) reading BASIAEOS ;
before Zeus, IAN mon. in circle (M. no. 1598), all fine 5
791 Tetradrachms of Syria, &c, usual type; (1) reading BASIAEOS;
/ before Zeus, caduceus; under seat, AP mon., Aradus (M.no. 1370);
^^ *(%. 1/ (2) before Zeus, bunch of grapes and XA (?) mon. (var. M. no. 1519) ;
(3) similar, but mon. varied M.T. (?) (not in M.) ; (4) similar, but
under seat, BHA mon. (var. M. no. 1540) ; (5) reading BA2IAEQ2 ;
before Zeus, ATN (?) mon. in circle (M. no. 1598), all fine 5
792 Tetradrachms of various districts, usual type and similar to M. nos. g />*.
tfLt* I \j ,, {S34. 868, 956, 972, 1055 and 1272, mostly well preserved 6 % Jr?
4f r * 793 Tetradrachms, usual type, of Philomelium with letter $ and dates, ,
/ /g^ I, K, IA ; of Aspendus with AS and dates nr (countermarked with
0~ \ ^>^seleucid anchor) and IB. (none in M.), in fair condition 6
794 Tetradrachms, usual type, of Aspendus, &c, with AS before Zeus, and
dates IE, IH, I, Kr, KA (see M. nos. 1215, 1216, &c>) ; another,
with date V only before Zeus, some fine 6
795 Tetradrachms, usual type, of Aspendus, with dates A2, KA (counter- j
-//^/' f ***- marked with Seleucid anchor) and KH (see M. nos. 1216, 1219) ; Z *T
<7 J"/, tyA^' others, without mint name, dates A, ir, IA, and IE, some fine 6
y 796 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type, with dates IA, IH, IE, KA, KB,
g^Z /- /^ KT and KA, some fine 7
797 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type, with dates KA, KE, K, KE, KE ;
/ t ^ r J^ and others (2) with AS before Zeus, Aspendus, and AM before Zeus /ii
^jccu and 21 under seat, Sidon, well preserved 7
798 Drachm of 1st coinage, Head of Herakles in lion's skin j rev. AAEE-
ANAPOY, Eagle standing on club, and looking back, wt. 66 grs.,
extremely rare, unpublished (?) ; another, similar, but eagle to right
/^^ on fulmen ; before it, another eagle's head, wt. 66 grs., rare, both
fine 2
799 Drachms, Head of Herakles ; rev. AAEEANAPOY, Zeus Aetophoros
^, __ seated ; before and under seat, various symbols and monograms,
sf+jflfine 12
800 Drachms, same type, but with varying symbols and monograms, all
y^y- Drachms, sjjmlar to last lot, all fine 12
802 drachms (13),- similar to the preceding; also Half-Drachms (2) and
c?^ /# J9fi ^ t same type, all fine 16
Philip III (Arhleus), b.c. 323-316.
803 Stater, Head of Pallas to right, in crested helmet, ornamented with
/^-*y -j / serpent ; rev. $IAinnOY, Nike standing towards left, holding
* * * wreath and trophy-stand ; before her, serpent, pentagram and MH.
/^fa/fa mop., wt. 132 grs. (M. no. 63), fine and rare 1
/ 804^ Stater, same type as the preceding coin, but before, Nike, AY above
,X tS^/ %*. / V row > an d on right I, struck in Lycia, wt. 133 grs. (M. no. 96),
y . si fine and rare 1
" ^ W Stater, same obv. as in lot 803, but rev. ANTOY ; (3) . . . ALIOS -
XAIPHNOY ; others, similar, of Dyrrhachium, magistrates' names,
^^) AfAQOKAEOS on rev. ; (4) AEQNIAA2- IA12N02, all fine 7
^S- a
856 Dyrrhachium, B.C. 450-300, Stater, Cow to right suckling calf ; rev.
AYP., Stellate square ; on right, cluh, wt. 170 grs. ; another, similar
' but cow to left ; another, same as last, but above cow II, all fine
S^and scarce 3
857 Dyrrhachium, Staters (2), as in last lot, with cow to right ; on obv. of
f . one, ME. Pharos, Half Drachm (?), Head of Zeus ; rev. Goat
?' & ^standing, wt. 43 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xv, 4), fine, the last coin very
/^yrare 3
858 Dyrrhachium, b.c. 350-250, Staters (4), of the Corinthian type, Head
of Pallas to right or left, AYPA (on two specimens) ; rev. Pegasos
//^ to right or left ; various symbols and letters on either side ; Half
Drachm, Head of Herakles to right rev. AYP., Pegasos, wt. 37 grs. ;
^ y another, similar, with Head of Herakles to left, all very fine 6
859' Dyrrhachium, Staters (3), of the Corinthian type, and Half Drachms
. / (3), as in last lot, all with head of Herakles to right, very fine 6
860 Apollonia ; rev. Tripod, size 6 ; Obelisk within wreath, size 4 (2 var.);
Imperial, Geta, rev. AIIOAAItUNIATAN., Herakles leaning on
/ j&vOo, size 9, very fine. Dyrrhachium, rev. Tripod in wreath, size 4 ;
<^C A i 'J Palm-branch and grapes, AYP. MO^AAOY, size 2. Heraklea,
Head of Herakles ; rev. Bow and club, size 6. Issa, Head of Athena ;
rev. Goat, size h\. Pharos, Head of Zeus ; rev. Goat (3 var.), sizes
7-4 ; Head of Dionysos ; rev. Kantharos, size 4, all rare and mostly
fine 13
861 Damastium, circa B.C. 350, Stater, Head of Apollo to left laureate j
yC-/ S rev - AAMA2[TI]NON, Tripod with large " clawed " feet, wt. 196 grs.
(var. B. M. Cat, pi. xv, 10), very fine and scarce 1
862 Damastium, Stater, similar to the preceding, but Head of Apollo to
aC'Y- * yfight/ wt. 200 grs., fine 1
863 DaMtium, Stater, as in lot 861, with Head of Apollo to left and
jrtf^ (T^ between legs of tripod, swastika, wt. 200 grs., fine 1
864 Damastium, Stater, as in lot 861, but Head of Apollo. to right, and
J j reading on rev. AAMA . . ON ; the tripod has smaller feet,
7* ~~ y wt. 200 grs., fine 1
865 Damastium, Staters (2), similar type to lot 861, with Head of Apollo
I j */ to left ; one reads on rev. AAMA2TI ; the other, AAMA2TIM3,
oC '* wt. 208 and 206 grs., both well preserved 2
866 Damastium, Stater, similar to lot 861, but Head of Apollo to right,
and legend on rev. AAMA2[TIN]2N ; the first four letters being
t /v^ on a raised band under the tripod, wt. 202 grs., fine and a scarce
_-, variety 1
867 yOAMASTiUM, Stater, usual type, with Head of Apollo to left, laureate,
/ and on the rev. the Tripod has a large centre foot ; reading
^^^^yT^AAMA AIPP, wt. 188 grs., fine, a very rare variety; this particular
sgpoin is specially mentioned in the B. M. Cat. p. 87 1
868 Damastium, Stater, usual type, with Head of Apollo to right, and
yjr reading on rev. AAMASTINQN KH$ (B. M. Cat. pi. XVI, 2), a rare
& ' ^T variety, but pierced 1
869 Damastium, Half Drachms (3), Female Head to right or left ; rev.
AAMA2TINON, Square object with trumpet (?) ; one is inscribed
in centre KH4> ; another, Head to right ; rev. Square object
enclosing AAMA2TIN12N in three lines ; another, Head to left ;
5/Z/ rev. AAMA2TINQN, Pickaxe, average wt. 47 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xvi,
4 and 8), all fine and scarce pieces 5
870 Pelagia, circa B.C. 350, Stater, Head of Apollo to left, laureate ; rev.
>^~ r/y IIAETAS (retrograde), Tripod; on right, knife, wt. 180 grs., fine
. '^and very rare, of rude work 1
gia, Stater, Head of young Herakles to right in lion's skin ; rev.
EAAA, Tripod, knife to right, wt. 120 grs.; another, similar, but
/oX small tripod to left of large one on rev., wt. 149 grs., both fine ; these
arj Gaulish imitations of the preceding coin 2
872 Epirus, in genere, circa B.C. 250, Didrachm, Heads jugate of Zeus
/ Dodonseus and Dione; behind, 2A ; rev. AIIEIPOTAN, Bull
^^ ^^y^butting to right ; all within oak- wreath ; wt. 154 grs. (Hist. Num.
x -%X P' 274), extremely fine and rare [PI. VI] 1
873 EPIRUS, in genere, Didrachm, similar to the preceding, but behind
& .-heads on obv. EK mon., wt. 149 grs., fine, but cracked in striking 1
874 Epirus, ivr genere, Drachms (4), Head of Zeus ; rev. AIIEIPOTAN,
Eagle standing to right ; all within oak-wreath ; two with magis-
' ^trates' names, IIIIIOKPATH2 and AYKI2KOS, on obv.; the others
with monograms, AY and EK, behind head of Zeus (B. M. Cat.
pi. xvii, 6), all fine and scarce 4
875 Epirus, in genere, Drachms (2), as in previous lot, with (1), MP AX and
t -, AN, and (2) NP mons. behind head on obv. ; Victoriatus, Jugate
1 1 ' . heads of Zeus and Dione, behind KE mon. ; rev. AIIEIPOTAN, -' .
*h \ '/ tJ!AjLv Thunderbolt ; all within wreath, wt. 51 grs. ; and Half Victoriatus, /
/ ^*&& e * similar, but Head of Zeus only on obv ; behind KE mon., wt. 25 grs.,
all fine (,%+ if}***' Ifay 4
876 Ambracia, b.c. 400-342, Stater of Corinthian type, early style, Head
of Pallas helmeted to right ; behind, branch ; rev. Pegasus to right ;
below, A; others, similar, (1) behind head of Pallas, thunder-
bolt ; rev. Pegasus to left ; (2) Head of Pallas to left, crested helmet ;
rev. Pegasus to left ; (3) Head of Pallas to right ; behind, obelisk ;
rev. Pegasus to right; below, A., all fine and scarce 4
877 Ambracia, Stater of Corinthian type, Cupid on dolphin behind head
of Pallas : rev. Pegasus to right ; below, A ; another, similar, A on
obv. behind head, and under Pegasus, kneeling figure taking stone
J\/3./ out f i* s hoof; another, Head of Satyr behind that of Pallas,
which is to left ; rev. Pegasus walking ; below, A., all fine and very
sfi^ rare varieties 3
878 Ambracia, Stater of Corinthian type, with AMIIPAKK2TAN before
and cock behind head of Pallas ; rev. Pegasus to right ; others (3)
/ / with head of Pallas to left, and symbols, torch, tripod and
plumes ; rev. Pegasus to right or left ; the first two are inscribed,
y VAMIIPAKIOTA, ji n6) one pierced 4
879 Ambracia, B.C. 238-168, Drachm, Veiled head of Dione to left; rev.
AM and obelisk in wreath, pierced. Cassope, Drachm, Head of
Zeus ; behind, IflAAMOS ; rev. KA220IIAIfiN, Eagle on thunder-
^ / bolt, all within wreath, wt. 64 grs. (JB. M. Cat. pi. xvm, 8), fine, both
very rare 2
880 Epirus, in genere; rev. types, AIIEIPOTAN, Thunderbolt; Spear-
head, size 5 ; others, rev. Tripod ; Spear-head, size 3. AMBRACIA ;
rev. types, Apollo Actius seated ; Griffin ; Apollo shooting arrow ;
Obelisk (2 varieties), sizes 4-3. Athamanes; rev. A0AMANON,
2* // Pallas standing, size 3. Cassope, KA22QIIAK2N, Turreted female
head ; rev. Dove in wreath, size 4, very rare. Molossi, MOA0220N,
Fulmen on shield ; rev. Thunderbolt in wreath. NiCOPOLlS, Impe-
rial, Augustus ; rev. Nike, NIKOIIOA602 (2 varieties), size 5 ;
Hadrian ; rev. A in midst of ivy-wreath, size 5 ; &c, mostly fine and
rare 1 8
881 Alexander I, B.C. 342-326, y 1 ^ Stater, Head of Helios, facing; rev.
>/_ AAEH., Fulmen, wt. 10 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XX, 2), fine and exceed-
aC *? /^ 7 i
v u? maLv rare 1
tnwj rare
yrrhus, B.C. 295-272, \ Stater, Head of Artemis to right; behind,
quiver and fulmen ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 LTYPPOY, Nike with wreath
/2 ' -~~ and trophy ; before her, crescent and fulmen ; behind her, II ;
ySs/wt- 66 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xx, 9), well preserved and very rare 1
883 Pyrrhus, Didrachm, Head of Achilles to left, helmeted ; rev. BASlAEfiS
y 4/7 J1YPPOY, Thetis riding on hippocamp, wt. 130 grs. (Hist. Num.
/ y&J&iJ$^}' well preserved and very rare 1
884 'Pyrrhus, Oktobol, standard of Syracuse, Head of Persephone to left,
~7^h /& wreathed '> behind, torch ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 nYPPOY, Pallas to left
^ **** y with spear and shield ; to left, star and fulmen ; to right, B, wt.
90 grs. ; another, similar, with head of Persephone to right ; behind,
wreath, and on rev. fulmen before Pallas, and E behind, wt. 86 grs.
(Hist. Num. p. 274), both well preserved and rare 2
885 Pyrrhus, Oktobols (2), as in previous lot, with head of Persephone to
/ fL b^shr left or right ; behind, symbols, rose (?) and vase ; on rev. of first ^-.
/fifjajr piece, fulmen ; and no symbol on second one, both well preserved and
, /a^J,^^- rare 2
886 Pyrrhus, Oktobol, as in lot 884, with head of Persephone to right ;
y behind, fulmen; E and fulmen before Pallas on rev., well preserved.
^ySjf e /2 bronze, Veiled head ; rev. BA2LAEOS nYPPOY, size 6 ; others, rev.
< ^ types, Demeter seated (2 varieties) ; Fulmen in wreath ; and Mace-
donian helmet in wreath, sizes 5-3 ; Alexander I ; rev. AAEEA.
TOY NE, Fulmen within wreath, size 3, all fine and scarce pieces 8
887 Stater, early style, Cow to left, suckling calf; rev. Two star-like patterns
enclosed in oblong incuses, wt. 180 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxi, 2) ;
$ '$ another, similar, but cow to right, wt. 158 grs. (ib. pi. xxi, 41);
(^^/ Half Stater, Forepart of cow to right ; rev. Star pattern within
^^**fn'cuse, wt. 91 grs. (ib. pi. xxi, 3), fine and rare 3
888 Stater, similar to the preceding, cow to left, of somewhat later style,
/ with circle around pattern on rev., wt. 171 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxi,
s* / /. . 14 ) ' otners ( 2 )) similar, one with A on rev. ; the other with KOP>
~all fine and scarce 3
889 Stater, later style, as in the preceding lot, with KOP around double
stellated square, wt. 160 grs ; Half Stater, Forepart of cow to right,
KOPKYPAIfiN ; rev. Double stellated square dividing SO and
^ - bunch of grapes and leaf, wt. 80 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. xxil, 17) ;
Drachm, Cow to right suckling calf ; rev. KOP around stellated
square, wt. 38 grs. ; another, Amphora between KI, two-handled
cup and jug j rev. KOPKYPAI in rays of ornamented star, wt. 38
grs., all fine and scarce 4
890 Stater and Half Stater, similar to preceding lot, but on rev. of second
y piece bunch of grapes and two-handled cup on either side of
*/" y double stellated square ; Drachm, Amphora ; rev. KOP, in rays of
yy plain star ; Half Drachm, early style, Head of Hera ; rev. A in ray
" */ of star of eight points, wt. 36 grs., all well preserved and scarce 4
891 Staters (3), Corinthian type, B.C. 338-300, with Head of Pallas to right
or left; rev. Pegasus to right or left, symbols, &c. on obv., female
with torch (countermarked with monogram KOP), one-handled jug
and A ; Didrachm, Head of Dionysos ; rev. Pegasus ; below, mono-
id grams AtUP and KP., wt. 78 grs. ; another, similar, but mons. on rev.
s\/ MA and KP, wt. 76 grs., the last two fine, the others in fair condition 5 ^
892 Corcyra, rev. types, Amphora with monograms, KOP, &c. ; Satyr
emptying Amphora into crater ; Bull's head facing in wreath ;
Bunch of grapes ; and Prow, sizes 4-1 ; others (3) Heads of Herakles,
Dionysos, &c. ; rev. Prow and magistrates' names, size 5 ; Imperial,
Antoninus Pius, rev. Zeus Casios seated ; Sept. Severus, rev.
Pegasus (3 varieties); Galley (12 varieties); Julia Domna, rev.
Pegasus ; Caracalla, rev. Galley, all size 6|, mostly fine 27
893 Federal Coinage, b.c. 300-250, Stater, Corinthian type, Head of
Pallas ; behind, bunch of grapes ; rev. Pegasus to left ; below, mono-
/ gram of AK ; another, similar, but behind head of Pallas, head of
<\ yt Eiver-god, Acheloiis, and on rev. E under Pegasus ; and another of
- Heracleia, similar type, but head of Pallas to right, and below
v _ / Xp/y^ f , Pegasus HH, all fine and very rare 3
894 Federal Coinage, b.c. 250-167, Didrachm, Head of beardless Acheloiis
/ to right; behind, AYKOYPrOS ; rev. AKAPNANfiN, Apollo % ^
^ // , Aktios seated to left, holding bow ; before, E monogram, wt. * J
>7 A 52 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 283), fine and very rare [PI. VII J 1
895 Federal Coinage, Didrachm, similar to the preceding, but the type
/f more spread and on a larger flan, wt. 155 grs., obv. fine, rev. well
c ^ "vt/x preserved and very rare 1
Al^oinage, Drachm, same type as lot 894, but on the rev. there
is no monogram before Apollo, wt. 77 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxvil, 3),
^ fine and very rare 1
897 Alyzia, B.C. 350-250, Stater, Corinthian type, Head of Pallas to left ;
r~ y- before, A AYEAION (retrograde); rev. Pegasus to left; another ,$/?60
// ' similar, but head of Pallas and Pegasus both to right, and on obv. s^ff
\i o?
J~ ****
"^^ AAYHAK2N before, and quiver with strap behind head, both well
preserved and very rare Jf*/& 2
898 Anactorium, b.c. 350-250, Stater, Corinthian type, Head of Pallas
and Pegasus both to right ; under the latter F, somewhat rubbed ;
another, similar, but with Pegasus to left and fulmen behind head
of Pallas, well preserved ; Drachm, Archaic female head within sunk
y^y square ; rev. Pegasus to right, below F., wt. 42 grs., the last fine,
IA2, OINCXMAOS, Demeter with / 2
a two torches; (3) AMSIKPATH2, APIS (?), EmSTPATOS, two /
} * ffl* ears o{ com . ( 4 ) ANAPEA2, XAPINAYTH2, KPIT, Dionysos and
Demeter, all fine (ZA Jr\w) 4
"%* From this point the coins are arranged so far as possible according
to the alphabetical order of the first magistrate's name.
993 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names,
y &c, (1) AMM0JNT02, EYnOAE, KAAAIA2, two torches ; (2)
y^4 ^J&TIOXOS, NIKOr, NIKONH., elephant ; (3) AnEAAIKfiN,
c^N ^ TOPriAS, XAPE; under griffin, 2102; (4) API, HPA2T0<*>,
API5T0K, club, lion's skin and bow-case, all fine 4
%* Mr. Head (B. M. Cat. p. xli), identifies the Antiochus on this and
the following coins with Antiochus IV of Syria, who was residing
in Athens for some time previous to his accession, B. C. 175.
994 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names,
&c, (1) ANT10X02, KAPAIXOS. ArA0A, elephant ; (2) AIIEA-
V ^ AIKfiN, TOPriAS, APrEI ; under griffin, 02 J (3) API2TIQN,
s; *i4^
back; in front, altar; in exergue, 6T. PNG (= 155), size 9;
another, similar, but size 7 ; Seyenis Alexander^ same type, but cf ^^
date PHT(?) (=163) ; Julia Mamaea frav^TPAIiezOYNTIlUN
, * Turreted female head; in field, AIIP (=181), size 7 ; another, * M * , JtrJ ! hhw jti >^*>*c-
'^^^^^same legend, Tyche holding rudder and cornucopiae, size 8, unpubA /%&,* 'sZty***
lished, all in fair condition and very rare 6 -**mw -
^^ / /* in exergue, 6T. PMT (=143), size 8; Uaracalla/; m same^type, ^*e
^V legend, and date, size 8, &oA in good condition and exceedingly *&&
Jftujfr rare fa*/ J7 **&+*.**, 2
11 Mithradates VI, Eupator, B.C. 121-63, Tetradrachm, Head of king to JZ?, Head of Amazon to left, wearing turreted Stephanos ; x ^tf-^Jv/
t& , above, swastica, wt. 48 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XXI, 1) ; another, sam ^T^ ? *^~
7^ *y type ; but on rev. monogram of KP under chin of Amazon and above
* head, dolphm,^. 53 grs., both fine and scarcl%^^!^^^Z^U ^*
42 Cromna, Tetrobol, samer^ype as the preceding lot, but oeneath chin of
/ Amazon, bucranium, wt. 53 grs. Sinope, circa B.C. 333-306, Drachm, / /C/^j
24 L Head of Sinope to left; before, aplustre ; rev. 2INO, Sea-eagle on( >fo^ */
dolphin ; above, magistrate's name ArPE, wt. 93 grs. (B. M. Cat. \ ^^^^
pi. xxn, 3); another, same type, but name on rev. AIONY., wt. 93 grs., J ^tf _
all fine and scarce v *A~^ ^t*,-^C>e - '&*t*t&/4/t 3 /
43 SlNOPE, Drachm, same type as last lot with name on rev. ArPE,
wt. 92 grs. ; others (2), of lighter standard, similar type, but without
aplustre on obv. ; on one specimen AI above eagle, wt. 75 and 69 grs. ;
Hemidrachm, Head of Sinope; rev. SlNfi., Eagle facing, wings
spread, wt. 48 grs. ; Quarter Drachms (2), same type, but head of ^stf&^y^* *4c -
^Sinope facing, wt. 21 grs. each, well preserved and scarce 6 ^^ y^cA^c'
44 Amastris, Head of Pallas in helmet ; rev. AMASTPEfiN, Perseus facing, ^ _ A#f- ~/&4& "~ ^a,-***^ <^*^ Silver.
LOT . -^&r*m.,
y/,s ^~p *y J^^ Cyme, circa, B.C. 250, Stater, Head of Cyme to right, bound with
! -^c^f- ~^// fillet; hair turned up behind; rev. KY above Horse, which raises
v **^^Jd.j^f*2^/$' f * ts ^ f re_ l e g 5 below, two monograms, wt. 162 grs. (var. B. M. Cat.
^-e^^&l^+tfr' {&*Jypl- xx, 16), fine and exceedingly rare [PL II] 1
132 Cyme, after B.C. 190, Tetradrachm, Head of Cyme to right, similar to
X the preceding ; rev. KYMAION, Horse to right, left fore-leg raised ;
^^ ty fr before it, one-handled cup ; in exergue, KAAAIA2 ; all within laurel-
y^-v^r wreath, wt. 243 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxi, 4), very fine and scarce
/ ' [PL II] 1
133 Cyme, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding, but on the rev. one-
/ /4 a^ handled cup under horse and magistrate's name, 4>IAOAOE02,
fl^^ * wt. 243 grs., well preserved and scarce 1
134 Cyme, Tetradrachm, similar to the last coin, but varying slightly in
/'/j, -y the details on the rev. ; magistrate's name, AM, Bee ; rev. Stag standing to right
/ / /^ before a date-palm tree; magistrates' names, BIANQP, AHMHTPI02,
pCSj , MHTPA2, IIAPMENI2K02 and IIAATON, average wt. 64 grs.
&&*&"$. M. Cat. pi. xi, 4), all fine 5
/ 164 Ephesus, circa B.C. 150, Cistophorus, The cista mystica with half -open
J^k^ 7 ' lid, from which issues serpent ; all within ivy- wreath ; rev. Two
'&<> * // 77 //7 coiled serpents erect ; between them, bow case ornamented with
't''/ <^ ' aplustre ; on right, E$E ; on left, female head (B. M. Cat. pi. xn, 1) ;
/^s^/^thers, same type, but with symbols, bee in wreath and man
ft kneeling on base (B. M. Cat. pi. xn, 1), all fine and scarce 3
*+* The average weight of these and the following pieces is 195 grs.
165 Ephesus, Cistophori, same type as the preceding lot ; but with symbols
f'J./f on rev. stag standing in front of date-palm tree, Artemis and hound,
(s -v^-w and palm-tree, all fine and scarce 3
IAI2K02, wt. 98 and 77 grs., the
r first fine, the other well preserved 2
C^<^ <
194 Miletus, Didrachm, B.C. 300-250, same type as lot 192 ; but magis-
trate's name, AAMA2IA2 ; Drachm, circa B.C. 350, Head of Apollo ;
7 ? rev. Lion looking back ; above, star ; below, 0EOIIPOIIO2,
wt. 54 grs. ; and Hemidrachms (2), same type, with magistrate's
name, EYIIOAI2, wt. 25 grs. each, well preserved and scarce 4
PhOcaea, circa B.C. 400, Hecte, Head of Omphale in lion's skin ; rev.
Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 39 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. v, 5), fine ^^
9*'* .and scarce &Xi^^*&A*SJi ^L*fp^3r v , 1
~ 96 Pitocaea, Hecte, Head of Pallas to left in crested helmet ; rev. Quadri- <^
partite incuse square, wt. 40 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. V, 2), fine and scarce 1 ^
j^ s^ 197 Priene, circa B.C. 250, Drachm, Head of Athena Polias in round crested
*^* J%W^&'/*^- helmet to left; rev. IIPIH, Trident; below, magistrate's name,
*J& 2'A 9 '/%$ / AY ^ Aro 5 a11 in m aeander border, wt. 53 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxiv, *^**
cy d>? t *) Triobol, same type and same magistrate's name, wt. 26 #rs.
^^ * ' (ib. pi. xxiv, 6), both fine and exceedingly rare 2
/ 198 Smyrna, b.c. 190-133, Tetradrachm, Head of Kybele to right, turreted ;
/- / /jf^ rev. IMYPNAION ; below, monogram of TEY; all in oak wreath,
^ wt. 248 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 509), fine and rare 1
s? 199 Smyrna, B.C. 190-133, Tetradrachm, Head of Kybele, as on the pre-
*6~A 4 4 * c^^^V^
/ 2
234 Chios, Sphinx seated; rev. Diota with various magistrates' names,
/f symbols and monograms, all fine 13
235 Chios, Three Assaria Pieces, Sphinx seated, ACCAPIA TRIA ; rev.
/s types, Apollo and Dionysos standing (2 var.); Diota in wreath,
' .XION ; Two Assaria Pieces, Sphinx seated ; rev. types, Diota in
^^ffi^^ wreath ; Naked figure facing, sizes 9 and 7, all fine and scarce 5
236 Chios, Three Assaria Piece and Two Assaria Pieces (3), similar to
Klli^ ^ as ^ ^' ^ ut ^ ar 8 e Diota on one of the latter pieces; and One
/ and a Half Assaria ; rev. Two thyrsi crossed, ACCAPION HMV.,
all fine and scarce 5
237 Chios, Sphinx seated ; rev. Homer seated, size 3. Oenoe, Head of
Dionysos ; rev. OINAION, Bunch of grapes, size 4. Samos, Head
/. /$ of Hera ; rev. Lion's scalp (4 var.), size 2. Imperial, Augustus ;
rev. Peacock, 2AMION, size 3 ; Commodus ; rev. Statue of the
Samian Hera, CAMION, size 3, all fine and very rare 9
229 Samos, Tetradrachm, same type as the last coin, but on rev. magistrate's
^r/?,^ name, HTH2IANAE, and under bull, monogram of HA in a circle, <=-^|?
c ^ y ^j^^r^t. 232 grs., fine and rare 1
230 Samos, Tetradrachm, same type as last coin and same monogram on
/~?^//*v^ rev., but the magistrate's name reads HTH2I only, wt. 232 grs.,
fine and rare 1
Samos, b.c. 494-439, Drachm, Forepart of winged boar to left ; rev.
Lion's scalp in incuse square, wt. 46 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxiv, 16);
another, similar, but boar to right, and on rev. Lion's scalp within
dotted circle, wt. 44 grs. (ib. pi. xxxiv, 17) ; another, Attic standard,
Lion's scalp ; rev. 2AMI, Forepart of bull to right ; under head,
olive-branch ; all in incuse square, wt. 64 grs. (ib. pi. xxxv, 1 2) ;
//->/' another, Ehodian standard, similar to last ; but on rev. 2A, and
monogram under bull's head ; and above, HiTHSIA, wt. 55 grs.
(ib. pi. XXX, 15) ; Diobol, Forepart of winged boar; rev. A2., Lion's
head to right, wt. 20 grs. ; and Obol, Lion's scalp ; rev. Bull's head
to left, wt. 9 grs., all fine and somewhat rare 6
Samos, B.C. 322-205, Didrachm, Lion's scalp ; rev. Forepart of bull to
ght ; below, 2A and olive-branch ; above, magistrate's name,
AAEEH2, wt. 98 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XXXVI, 1) ; One-and-a-Half
Drachm, Lion's scalp within dotted circle ; rev. 2AMK2N, Forepart
/fcZ^f bull to right; below, olive-branch and amphora, wt. 67 grs.
(ib. pi. xxxvi, 6), both very fine and rare 2
233 Samos, Didrachms, same type as that in previous lot ; but on rev.
magistrate's names, AEONTI2K02, EPMOAIK02 and AAEEH2,
all well preserved and rare 3
238 Samos, Geta ; rev. Temple with statue, CAMION, size 8 ; Julia Maesa ;
rev. CAMIfiN, Tyche, size 8 ; Gordian III ; rev. Statue of Hera and
^y //^ Nemesis, CAMIfiN, size 9, pierced ; Gordian III ; rev. Tyche, size 8 ; -&?
Philip II ; rev. River-god, Imbrasos, seated, size 6, all fine and
rare 5
239 Samos, Otacilia Severa ; rev. CAMIfiN, Warrior with shield, foot on
prow, size 8 ; Trajan Decius ; rev. Same type as last, size 7 ;
Etruscilla ; rev. IIY0ArOPHC. CAMIfiN, Pythagoras seated before
pillar with globe, size 8 ; Valerian ; rev. CAMIfiN, Cultus statue of
Hera (2 var.), size 7, all fine and rare 5
240 Alabanda, under the name of Antiochia, B.C. 197-189, Tetradrachm,
Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; rev. ANTIOXEfiN, Pegasos ^^f^^yP
""' galloping to right ; below, magistrate's name, AHMIITPI02,
wt. 248 grs. (Mionnet, Suppl.pl. VII, 1), slightly broken at edge,
*> <*& ^ntfT^o^rit ^'* ^/*s *^^V. _-
241 Antiochia adMajiandrum, b.c. l^^rJchinjHea^of Apollo; rev.
ANTIOXfifi^^^^'buft'wTeH; be^w^&aSer and AIIOA,
wt. 55 grs., rubbed. Aphrodisias and PLAKASA,J)rachm, Bust of ~ j * ' _ yyi /
^^7 Aphrodite veiled; rev. IIAAPASEfiN, &c, Eagle/ on /fulmen; ^
$, /// hehmd., cornucopiae ; before, MYfiN. KAAAIIIOY, wt. 48 grs.
Halicarn^^s, Obd Heaiof Apollo facing ; rev. Head of Pallas ; ts& tf-Jfetf
behind, spear, wt. \$/aHp*^Yyik, Drafihm, jjeadpf Pan facing -
rev. IAYMION, Fig^Teaiwith'in incuse square, wtTo2 grs. ; all very
rare, mostly fine 4
242 Cnidus (?) circa b.c. 650, Stater, Forepart of lion to left; O on
shoulder ; rev. Incuse square divided in centre by straight line, ^/f? ^
^ wt. 171 grs., very fine and very rare 1
243 Cnidus, B.C. 650-550, Stater, Head of lion to right, mouth open ; rev.
AAjj Head of Aphrodite to right, of Archaic style, within incuse square, -^ ^ r,
//v 1 wt. 180 grs., well preserved and of the highest rarity, apparently unpub- "
^JLlished 1
^Jr V From the Whittall collection.
244 Cnidus, b.c. 550-500, Drachm, Head of lion to right ; rev. Head of
Aphrodite to right in incuse square, wt. 97 grs. ; another, similar, ^ j?
jj/yf/^ with KNI around head on rev., wt. 94 grs. ; another, similar, with
head on rev. to left; no legend, wt. 95 grs., all very fine 3
245 Cnidus, Drachm, as in last lot, with rev. Head of Aphrodite, KNI,
wt. 94 grs. ; another, circa B.C. 400, Head of lion ; rev. KNIAK2N,
^z Head of Aphrodite to right, hair turned up, wt. 57 grs., very rare ;
> y / another, B.C. 250, Head of Aphrodite to right, wearing stephane ; Zs^z
rev. KNI, Lion's head ; magistrate's name, EYMEAON, wt. 47 grs.;
another, similar, but magistrate's name, AYTOKPATH2, well pre-
served and scarce 4
246 Cnidus, Drachm, of early style, Head of lion ; rev. Head of Aphrodite,
in incuse square, wt. 97 grs. Mynbus, Drachm, Head of Zeusj ^ /
rev. MYNAION, Head-dr^fT s rsfcAt^
Sjratonicea, Hemidrachm, HeacLof Hekate>: rey.VTPA, Nike to/ '/
ngnt, wt. 20 grs. ; another, of earlier dale, remale head to leti;Hv.
Z//f *" STPATO . . ., Tripod, wt. 22 grs., all very rare, well preserved, the last ^^
(^JUf^Jr^f/f unpublished 4
247 Tabae, Drachm, temp. Nero, Head of Herakles to right ; rev. APTE-
Mf2N nAniOY [AP] TABHNON, Cultus statue of Artemis facing (y^^f
y^/ // between crescent and star, wt. 43 grs. ; another, similar, but on the
c y ' ^ rev. Artemis standing to left, holding torch and bow ; same legend,
..^S^****/^. 34 grs-well preserved and both of the highest rarity ^2 <^>
248 Alabanda, Caracalla ; rev. AAABANA6f2N, Lyre, size 6, very fine ;
/ another, rev. Laurel-branch, size 7. Antiochia, Gallienus ; rev.
-///I View of bridge and the Maeander, ANTIOX612N (Mionnet, no. 97), t^f
M/> frft 1 ) ' s e ^ > Salonina; rev. River-god seated, size 6 (ib. no. 100). ^
/ Aphrodisias and Plarasa, Female head; rev. Eagle, IIAAPA
AOBHT02 3>IAHIIIOY. ; another, same type, but no 6*3
/y^fa/C, caduceus to right, and between serpents' heads magistrate's name,
^ KPATinnOY (ib. I. c), all fine and rare 3
319 Laodiceia, Cistophorus, usual type, as in last lot, with AAO to right
sfy -, and caduceus to left of serpents, and between their heads, IIHIO- Cdf^ri
c^-y s XAITH2 AEINOMAXOY ; another, same type, but between ser- ^
jfe^y p enW heads, AIOAQPOY, both well preserved, the second pierced, rare 2
320 Laodiceia, Cistophorus, usual type, as lot 318, with AAO to left and
caduceus to right of serpents ; between heads, -EEYII2 AIIIIOA-
* . AONIOY TOY AMYNTOY ; another, Consular, similar type, but
outside and between serpents' heads, p. lentvlvs. PR. IMP., **' "*
and below, APTEMIAOPOS AAMOKPATOY, both fine and rare,
especially the second coin 2
321 Laodiceia, Cistophorus, Consular, same as second piece in last lot ;
with P. lentvlvs. PR. IMP. within and without serpents' heads,
but below, KPATIIIII02 ; another, same type, but between ser-
pents' heads, pvlcher. imp., below, AIIOAAONI02 EYAPXOY
/^//^/^/(Num. Chron. 1883, p. 190), both fine and very rare 2
322 Acmonia, Head of Zeus j rev. Asklepios, AKMONEON, size 3 ; Head
of Demos ; rev. Dionysos and Serapis, size 9 (not in Mionnet) ;
/ / Imperial, Nero; rev. Zeus seated, 2 var. with magistrates' names
^Cj ? ' ' size 4, (Mion. nos. 23. 24); Caracalla : rev. Seated figure holding
./,// patera, size 7, (not in Mwn.); Geta; rev. Demeter, size 4; Gordian III ;
/^%%&*in^rev. Asklepios, size 6; Sev. Alexander; rev. types, Tyche, size 10; *Z{
and Artemis, size 6 ; Treb. Gallus ; rev. River-god seated, holding
branch, size 6 ; Gallienus ; rev. Herakles leaning on club, AKMO-
N6I2N, size 8, mostly fine, an interesting series of this city 11
323 Aezani, Head of Senate; rev. types, Cultus-statue of Artemis,
size 8 ; Pallas standing, size 7 ; Head of Artemis, size 3, all with
AIZAN6ITQN; Head of Demos; rev. types, Helios in quadriga,
/ %. * size 7\ ; Hygieia, size 4 ; Head of Boule ; rev. Kybele seated, size 6 ;
^./? Imperial, Claudius I ; rev. Zeus standing, holding eagle (3 var. with
/%Z&&*i/ magistrates' names) ; Gallienus ; rev. Dionysos holding kantharos,
AIZANGITON, size 7 ; Head of Roma ; rev. Zeus, size 8, mostly fine
and like the preceding lot, an interesting series 12
324 Alia, Gordian III ; rev. types, Lunus on horseback, size 6 ; Dionysos
holding kantharos, size 5 ; and Tyche, size 4, all reading AAIHNON,
all rare, in fair condition. Amorium, Head of Demos ; rev.
/ Female figure standing, size 4 ; Bust of Roma ; rev. Two hands
^^ec. S)> clasped, size 6 [Minn, no. 1 37) : Imperial, Augustus; rev. Eagle with ^? Z
'^y y caduceus under wing/me 4 ; Caracalla ; rev. Dionysos and figure
^^fcolding pedum, EIII NLTONIOY AMOPIANON. APT., pierced (not
in Mion.). Ancyra, Head of Senate ; rev. ANKYPANQN in wreath,
? ^,ze 8 ; Faustina Jun. ; rev. Cultus-statue of Artemis, size 4 ; Philip
H/ Jun. ; rev. Tyche, size 6, all rare and in fair condition 10
325 Apameia, Head of Artemis ; rev. Marsyas with panther's skin on
shoulders, AHAME12N, &c, size 4; Head of Pallas; rev. Eagle on
maeander pattern between pilei of Dioskuri ; below, ATTAAOY
y // BIONOP02, size 8 ; others (8), similar types with various magis- - w
trates' names, size 5 ; Head of Zeus ; rev. Statue of Juno Pronuba yo
y^Y /^t (^ var.), with magistrates' names, size 5; Head of Boule ; rev. Bunch
^ of wheat-ears, size 6 ; another ; rev. Tyche, size 6, all fine, some scarce 16
326 ATTAEA, M. Aurelius ; rev. Eagle, ATTAITfiN, size 4 ; Caracalla ; rev.
Poseidon and Asklepios holding right hands, size 7. Attuda, Helmeted
. female head, ATTOYAION; rev. The Dioscuri (?) naked, standing
Zrw / facing, size 4 ; Salonina ; rev. Altar, size 5. Blaundus, Head of c-f^
<^~ ' Demos ; rev. River-god seated, size 6. Bria, Head of Serapis ; rev.
J? -. Isis, BPIANON, size 4, very rare, but pierced. Brusus, Gordian III ;
(sfazS^S rev. types, Eagle, BPOYZHNfiN, size 4 ; Diana Lucifera holding
{/ two torches, size 6 (2 var.). Cadi, Claudius I ; rev. Zeus holding
eagle (2 var.) ; Domitia ; rev. Statue of Artemis, KAAOHNQN, all
size 4, mostly fine and rare 12
327 Ceretapa, Head of Boule; rev. Tyche, KGPeTAIiefiN, size 6.
Cibyra, Head of Domitian ; rev. Dionysos holdiug kantharos,
EIII APXeienS KAAY. BIAN . . . KIBY, size 5 (not in Mion.). ^^
Cotiaeum, Head of Demos ; rev. Kybele seated, KOTIAGfiN, &c, ^ : ^
* J size 5 ; Imperial, Claudius ; rev. Zeus standing, EIII OYAPOY YIOY
[OAE122, size 4 ; Maximinus ; rev. Asklepios and Hygieia (Mion.
no. 476), size 8 ; Philip Jun., rev. Kybele in chariot, 6111 . . . KOA-
PATOY. YIOY. IIIIIAPXOY. KOTIAEON, size 8, all extremely fine,
the first two very rare, the last rare 6
328 Cibyra, Caracalla ; rev. Tyche, size 6 ; Julia Mamaea ; rev. Male figure
/ holding patera, and humped bull, size 8 ; Gordian III ; rev. Tyche,
-fdf <% s i ze 4. Cidramus, Nero ; rev. Juno Pronuba facing, nOAGMON.
/ r J/ C6A6YK0Y KIAPAMHNON, size 5 (not in Mion.). Cidyessus,
S^rA&***~ Julia Domna ; rev. Pallas, KIAYHCC60N, size 6 (not in Mion.) ;
te/ C araca U a ; rev. Zeus, size 6 ; Geta; rev. Asklepios, size 4. Colossae,
Head of Serapis; rev. Isis, KOAOCCHNON, size 4. Cotiaeum,
^ ^ (/(Fellows, pi. 13, 7), fine and rare fa/jTZ //-' 9*hJ^6T/4 ^W&hjf&a
338 Uncertain Dynast, Stater?" circa B.C. 4aW, Bull kneeling to righW^- o >
/ /a and looking back; rev. Ram's head to left in sunk square, surrounded <%Ks /*
^.'V* ' by border of dots, wt. 145 grs., fine and very rare [PI. Ill] 1
339 Uncertain Dynast, Stater, circa B.C. 450, Boar walking to right j rev.
Tortoise in sunk square, and surrounded by border of dots, wt. 141
//.yC dropping stone (?) into vase, A0HNA. ACYAOC. CIAHTON, size 7 (not
s^/ /? inyMion.) ; Valerian I ; rev. Female figure holding patera and sceptre,
/^^W-***<5lAHTON, size 8 (not in Mion.); Gallienus; rev. Tyche, size 8. ^ yQ# palm and cornucopiae ; at her feet, river-god swimming, size 6 yc--?
(Mionnet, Suppl. no. 409), very well preserved and extremely rare 1
381 Tarsus, Imperial, Hadrian, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding, but
n ^ t^o- the bust of the Emperor is in armour, and rev. type, A lion to left de-
/ ^ vouring a bull, size 7 {Mionnet, no. 422), well preserved and very rare 1
" ' V From the WhittaUcolle C tion.^' / ^ /< ^./^ w>i
382 Tarsus, Imperial, Hadrian, Tetradrachm, same as lot 380, hwyrev. -/ 6 -*
type, The god Sandon standing to right on a lion with horns, size 7 -<> c#
/Y (not in Mionnet), well preserved and extremely rare 1
S Bronze.
383 ADANA, Head of Zeus ; rev. AAPIANfiN AAANGON, Half-length figure
of river-god, front, naked, the arms extended, size 4 (var. Mion.
- Suppl. 7W^J2LMs),Jine andyen/rarp. AEGAE_^i~ead of Pallas ; rev.
J?, (a Goat (2 vaf^fsizes 4-3 pfmrSecf feimile1^ea~y+*&.
OY, Pallas Promachos in quadriga of elephants to right ; above, v k
anchor between AY monogram and 0, wt. 255 ars (B. M. Cat. no. 26, <*?*"'
I. i, ), very well preserved and very rare*w>**v- eC^-^ s * * w**' fi&%/ ^^y*
ti&&&chm, similar type to the preceding coin, but on rev. Pallas is
y / \zfi i n a biga of elephants ; above, anchor ; before, monogram in circle, 1%^-g
C/ ^ j^-^a^V^' "^ y rs ' $' ^' ^' $" I ' ^> * n 9d preservation and exceedingly rare 1
^/i>&'9'&> / ** From t ne Huxtable collection.
Tetraafachm, Head of Seleucus to right, in helmet of skin ; horn and ^-
ejir of bull at side ; lion's skin round throat ; rev. BA2IAEOS '*jr % <^^
2EAEYKOY, Nike placing wreath on trophy ; in centre, monogram
f IIPY, wt. 24 4 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. 1, 1 1), in fair condition and very rare 1
c^. ^ (?$<
B.C. 293-261.
435^ Tetradrachm, Head of young Herakles to right, in lion's skin ; rev.
BA2IAE12S ANTIOXOY, Zeus seated to left, holding eagle and
! c?< k7 sceptre ; before him, monogram of AIAr (?) ; under seat, monogram
X of APK, wt. 250 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. in, 1), in fair condition, very
"ty/" rare ^/***^**J> y 1
436 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus *! to right, diademed, middle-aged
portrait in high relief; rev. BA2IAE02 ANTIOXOY, Apollo
naked, holding arrow and bow, seated to left on omphalos ;
on right, monogram of HP ; under omphalos, monogram of
VAiKP, wt. 263 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi- m > 4), extremely fine
4 /? in such high relief ; and on rev. monogram of IIAO to left, and XA
tJZ to right, wt. 259 grs., extremely fine and scarce 1
433&' Tetradrachm, similar to the last, but on rev. monogram of H* to
left and AOPY to right of Apollo, wt. 263 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 15),
extremely fine 1
^'rf *** From the Whittall collection.
439 Tetradrachm, similar, but on rev. monogram of H* to left and AS2P to
right of Apollo, wt. 264 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 16) ; another, similar,
"V^but with monograms on rev. AP and XY in circle, wt. 263 grs.
(ib. pi. IV, 4), both very well preserved 2
44(T Tetradrachms, similar, but monograms on rev., (1) AP to left and
JP to right, wt. 264 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 6) ; (2) AP to left and
XP in circle to right, wt. 263 grs. (ib. no. 7), both very well pre-
served 2
441 Tetradrachm, similar type, but the portrait of Antiochus is older, and
on rev. to left of Apollo, monogram of MOH (?) ; and to right, that
of AE, wt. 262 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. no. 13), very well preserved and
scarce) 1
442 Tetradrachm, similar type, but middle-aged portrait of Antiochus in
high relief, and on rev. Apollo holds two arrows in right hand ; on
left, monogram of IIA, and on right, that of HP, wt. 263 grs., very
fine and a very rare variety [PL III] 1
443 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus to right diademed, in advanced age,
with strongly marked features and with a bull's horn above the
ear ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked seated to left on
-y omphalos, holding bow in right hand, left resting on omphalos;
///' --""" before him, monogram of AI, and in exergue I, wt. 262 grs. (Num.
/" Chron. 1883, pi. iv, 1), very fine and of the highest rarity [PL III] 1
^^ff** This coin is from the Ivanoff collection (1863). Sir Edward
{/ Bunbury has described it in the Num. Chron. 1883, p. 67, seq.
444 Tetradrachm, Elderly head of Antiochus to right diademed, in low
relief; rev. 2QTHPOS ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated to left on omphalos,
"&* holding arrow and bow, usual type, wt. 256 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. Ill, 7),
/'well preserved and extremely rare < ^zt^ ' <^^V>*. 1
445 Tetradrachm, same as the preceding coin, but slightly varied in the
portrait and details of the type, pierced, well preserved, extremely
rare 1
B.C. 261-246. v
446 Tetradrachm, Young head of Antiochus II to right,"" diademed ; rev.
BASIAEOS ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked seated to left on omphalos,
. i^two arrows in right hand, left holds bow; before him monogram of
IIA ; behind, another of HP, wt. 264 grs. (figured in Num. Chron.
1883, pi. iv, 3), fine and airemely rare * -^&*?'^'<&^z 1
*** Professor Gardner (B. M. Cat. Kings of Syria, p. 8, no. 3) attributes
this coin to Antiochus I on account of the rev. type being probably
from the same die as another of his coins (see lot 442). Sir Edward
Bunbury (Num. Chron. 1883, p. 76) considers the portrait to be
that of Antiochus II, who in that case would haveused one of his
father's reverse dies. -*^5*< 40&*/>***+0 j^jesfsf/yt* ^f. - ****-/. <*&\&^
447 Tetradrachm, Youthful head of Antiochus to right, diademed ; rev.
/- j / BA2IAEI22 ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked seated to left on omphalos, g^^
holding arrow and bow ; before him, owl, wt. 263 grs. (var. B. M.
t0e ^Cat. pi. V, 1), extremely fine and rare [PL IV] 1
448 Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin, but portrait older,
and on rev. torch and forepart of Pegasus before Apollo ; and in //**?
exergue, E, wt. 263 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. v, 1), extremely fine and
rare 1
449 Tetradrachm, similar type to last lot, but on rev. torch before Apollo, ^
and in exergue, monogram of IIXP (?) and uncertain symbol, ^'^
wt. 260 grs., very fine and rare 1
450 Tetradrachm, same type as before, but on rev. monogram of ELY before
Apollo, and forepart of Pegasus in exergue, wt. 258 grs., well (/i**z .
v 7 ^preserved 1
451 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus to right, diademed, with wing of
/y Hermes ; rev. BASIAEQ2 ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated to left hold-
t?C/tf. /^~~~ihg arrow and bow ; behind, 7C ; in exergue, horse feeding to left c ^ / ^^
g) y and behind it monogram of IIXY, wt. 263 grs. (var. B. M. Gat.
t/fe/totiS rare 1
474 Tetradrachm, Class III, Head of Antiochus III to right, diademed,
portrait without whisker, but not young ; one end of diadem falls
*%&"' on shoulder; fillet border; rev. BASlAEfiS ANTIOXOY, Apollo l^
seated to left on omphalos ; drapery over right leg ; he holds arrow
~/%^y' an d b w ') m field on left, tripod, wt. 263 grs. (figured in Num.
Cs (S Chron. 1883, pi. v, 5), very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1
*** The peculiarity of this class is that there is always a fillet border on
the obv. and a symbol instead of a monogram on the reverse.
475 Tetradrachm, Class III, same type and portrait as the preceding coin,
but symbol on the rev. a cornucopiae before Apollo, wt. 260 grs., fine
/^ancHrare 1
476 Tetradrachm, Class III, same type &c. as lot 474, but symbol on rev. on
j^^- left, anchor, vjL 263 grs. ; another, similar, with symbol on rev. bow
* in case, wt. 238 grs., well preserved and rare 2
s^tA^m**^ * * Both from the Chaudoir collection.
B.C. 152-144.
505 Tetradrachm, Head of Alexander I to right, diademed ; fillet border ;
Zeus, seated to left, holds Nike, who crowns him, and sceptre ; in
ion. of HPAK (Heracleia), wt. 256 grs.. very fine
exergue, mon. of HPAK (Heracleia), wt. 256 grs.. very fine
-/-// .506 Tetradrachm, similar type and legend as the preceding coin; but in *
<^ y^vy exergue, A, wt. 258 grs., very fine and rare 1 *&4 ^^
07 ^Tetradrachm, same type and legend as lot 505 ; but in the exergue on
the rev. nPO, wt. 261 grs. (see Num. Chron. 1883, p. 98), very fine and
l ~^#f **rtire, counter-struck on the obv. with an eagle, the mark of the Este family 1
5ur Tetradrachm, same type and legend as lot 505 ; but on rev. on left, cornu-
copiae and monogram of AnO ; and in the exergue, date THP
y*+~/ (=163), wt. 255 grs., very fine and rare 1
50w Tetradrachm, same type and legend as before ; but on rev. in the field
y before Zeus, ATO (mon.) ; and in the exergue, date AHP (=164) and *
^p ^J v , t- 260 grs., very fine and rare 1
510 tetradrachm, same type and legend as before ; but on rev. in the field
rSyfr-^ before Zeus, nAXPO (?) (mon.) ; and in the exergue, date EEP ,,
(=165) and mon. An(Apameia?), wt. 239 grs., wellpreserved and rare 1
511 Tetradrachm, same type and legend as before ; but on rev. in the field
before Zeus, AO (mon.) ; and in the exergue, date CjEP (=166) and
, wt. 258 grs., fine and rare I
fiN02 AYTOKPATOP02, Spiked helmet ornamented with ibex-
horn ; before it, monogram of OP (1), wL 63 grs. (B. M. Cat.
pi xx, 2), extremely rare,fin$ ^^>*S-^y( \ , ^ssh^
B.c. 138-129.
535 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus VII to right, diademed ; fillet border ;
rev. BA2IAEQ2 ANTIOXOY EYEPrETOY, Pallas to left, armed
and holding Nike ; before her, A and AI (mon.) ; all in laurel-
wreath, wt. 257 grs. (comp. B. M. C(d. jpl. xx, 6), extremely fine
V From the Northwick collection, ^^jt /&&/
536 Tetradrachm, same type, &c. as the preceding coin and same monogram ^^
^jy on rev - ', but behind Pallas, <&, wt. 251 grs., very fine 1
537 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 535 and same legend, monogram, &c.
>^f /0 on rev. ; but before Pallas O; behind her A, wt. 253 grs.,fine 1 y^^ 1
564 Tetradrachm, same as the preceding coin; but with larger heads of
* ** *? Queen and King, and no date on rev., wt. 251 grs., fine and very rare 1
65^Tetradrachm, same type as last coin ; but on rev. 0EA2 omitted in
legend, and before Zeus IE, and under throne A, wt. 255 grs., very
fine and very rare 1
B.C. 121-96.
566 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus VIII to right diademed ; fillet border ;
yyy^ rev. BA2IAEQS ANTIOXOY Eni^ANOYS, Zeus Ouranios draped,
^ y; standing to left, holding star and sceptre ; before him 3IAQ IEP ^^
/i >V * ' ^
ooU letraaragHm, sati^-fype as^he preceduag coin ; bat on rev. before Pallas,/
___ .Sf star and AAP (mon.) ; and in exergue, date 2 (= 200), wt. 246 grs.,
^? fine and rare 1
\~sOY, Double cornucopiae with fillet,
wt. 426 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. vm, 1), fine and rare [PL VII] 1
y^**^ V From the Whittall collection.
^689 Octadrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but behind head on
^C-^*-'^^op v ; K, wt. 426 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. vm, 4), very fine and a rare type,
**r in higher relief than the last 1
' /f'Sf^es^s *** From the Whittall collection.
rJX.S, **&Z? <4 -yjiJS 3 - ^^^ -Z^^-l
42 Barce, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of. Zeus Ammon to rigl
before, BAP j border of dots ; all within sunk circle ; rev. Silphium
^/^plant, wt. 257 grs. (Mutter, no. 292), well preserved and rare 1
/^?^^ *** From the Northwick collection.
743 Barce, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right, hair
/ / ^ in curls ; before, magistrate's name AKE3I02 ; border of dots ;
Typi - TM- B A divided by silphium plant; border of dots, wt. 195 grs.
(Mutter, no. 318), fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1
4J& gZ***/ *^* From the Dupr( s collection.
Barce, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right ;
rev. BAPKAION (retrograde) in four lines divided by silphium plant,
wt. 196 grs. (Mutter, no. 313), fine and rare [PI. VII] 1
*** From the Northwick collection.
745 Barce, B.C. 431-321, Drachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right ; border of
dots ; the whole within incuse square, at the corners of which are the
/ y letters BAPK ; rev. Silphium plant, wt. 51 grs. (Mutter, no. 287); and
yy/-/^EUESPERlDES, Drachm of /precisely the same type, but on obv. at
y .j, corners of incuse square are the letters EYE2J, wt. 51 grs., both very
//f y ^,A 1 ^ffi ne ' and extremely rare, especially tine second coin 2
p *** No. 2 from the Wigan collection.
746 Cyrene, in genere, Head of Dionysos ; rev. Silphium plant ; another,
similar, but obv . Head of Apollo ; Horse's head ; rev. Wheel, all size 5
Cyrene, Head of Zeus "Ammon; rev. Silphium plant dividing
/'/# KVPINON (5 var.), size 6; others, rev. types, Palm-tree and
s/7 y^silphium, KYPA (2 var.) ; Lyre (2 var.) ; Running horse, all size 3 ;
^% MX- Wheel, size 2. Roman, Bust of Artemis ; rev. L. LOLLIVS, Stag,
/ size 7 ; Ram, above ANTICTPA ; below L ; rev. IIOYIIIOC TAMIAC,
Curule chair, staff, &c, size 5 (Mutter, no. 423), mostly fine and
scarce 1 6
747 Libya (Macae), circa B.C. 200, Didrachm, Head of young Herakles to
left in lion's skin ; rev. Lion walking to right ; above, Phoenician
s/f/ letter ^| ; below, ALB YON, wt. Hi grs., well preserved and exceedingly
748 Leptis Magna, Head of Dionysos ; rev. Club and Punic legend in
wreath, size 5 (Mutter, no. 2) ; Turreted female head ; rev. Club and
thyrsus crossed ; around, Punic legend, size 4 (Mutter, no. 7). Oea,
Imperial, Tiberius, His bust ; rev. Bust of Apollo ; before it, lyre ;
\f ^y wreath border (2 var.), size 8 (Mutter, nos. 36, 37) ; Bust of Livia ;
rev. Bust of Pallas, size 7 (ib. no. 34). Sabrata, Augustus, Head of
s^j( V; Emperor ; behind, CAESAR ; before, lituus ; rev. Head of Serapis,
/ Punic legend, size 6 (Mutter, no. 58). Carthage, Imperial, Julius
Caesar- and Augustus, Their heads conjoined ; rev. Tetrastyle
temple, size 9 (Mutter, no. 319) ; Tiberius ; rev. Temple, size 6, mostly
fine, all rare 8
J749 Masinissa, B.C. 202-148, Didrachm, Young male head to left, bare;^ ^ ^
/ y-^ rev - Horse standing to right in front of palm-tree, wt. 113 grs.
" ' (Mutter, no. \,p. 13), very well preserved and exceedingly rare 1
^^/^y^^^The" coins of Masinissa, Micipsa and Jugjurtha have been of late
restored to Spain by M. Zobel (see Hist. Num. p. 744).
/750 Jugurtha, B.C. 118-106, Didrachm, Head of king to left, laureate ;
/ y rev. Elephant to right; in the exergue, Punic letter, wt. 99 grs., well
J?Z& ^ preserved and extremely rare -*&? #$* ^.*e* ^hm ^^4^^*^^^^
^T51 Juba I, B.C. 60-46, Drachm, Bust of king to right, REX IVBA; rev.^3L*e ~* J^, j^
/ , Temple, Punic legend,^. & grs. (Hist. Num. p. 744). Juba II, ~^~^ -
Z^J*? ? B,C - 25 " A - D - 23 > Head of kin 8 t0 ri ht > KEX IVBA. ; rev. Elephant, - - ~S - ^^
wt. 60 grs. Ptolemy, Head of king, PTOLEMEVS REX; rev.^ ^tf ti ^
RAX LI, Curule chair and axe, wt. 32 grs., all fine and rare 3
752 Micipsa, B.C. 148-118, Bearded head to left, laureate; rev. Horse
galloping to left (4 var.), size 7 (Mutter, no. 25, &c). Juba I, Head
of Zeus; rev. Elephant, Punic legend above, size 8 (ib. no. 56).
/4 Juba II, Head of king ; rev. Crocodile, size 8. Salviana, Bust of
y? Turo-Chusartis ; rev. Horse galloping, size -5 (ib. no. 80). TiNGiS,
^yf^i^yiiesid of Baal ; rev. Two ears of corn, size 7 (ib. no. 216) 8
753 Cossura, Female head with Egyptian head-dress, crowned by Nike ;
/ rev. COSSVEA in wreath, size 5 ; others, similar, but with Punic
^/^^ legend on rev. (4 var.), sizes 7-5. Gaulos, Veiled female head; rev.
<7^ Three divinities of Egyptian appearance (2 var.), size 8 ; others,
rev. types, Eam's head ; Warrior, size 4. Melita, Head of Isis,
MEAITAION ; rev. Four-winged Egyptian figure (4 var.), size 7 ;
another, Veiled head of Demeter ; rev. Tripod, MEAITAION, size 5,
mostly fine and scarce 14
s 754 Tarentum, Half Litra, B.C. 330-272, Head of Helios full face ; rev.
&C2. /^ Fulmen ; above TAPAN ; below AIIOA, wt. 6 grs. (B. M. Cat. Italy,
^y p- 164), very fine, and a very rare little coin 1
754* Athens, Stater, Head of Athena to right, crested helmet; rev. A0E,
J*^S -Y, , OwL head facing, wt. 131 qrs., false
755 Agrigentum, Tetradrachm, Eagles on hare ; rev. Quadriga, much
rubbed ; Didrachms (10) of Velia, Metapontum, Neapolis, Tarentum,
&c. ; and Drachms, &c. (7) of Massilia, Poseidonia, Tauromenium,
Corey ra, &c, some in fair condition 18
<7\ *
756 Alexander the Great, Tetradrachms, usual type, with letters and
symbols, (1) A under chair ; (2), wreath under chair, on left MI ;
(3) HA under chair, on left helmet and MA ; (4) helmet and AA
\' /^ before Zeus ; (5) rose and 2TA2K2N before Zeus ; PO under chair,
&c, well preserved, some of spread fabric 6
757 Alexander the Great, Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) helmet and
AA before Zeus ; (2 and 3) helmet and MA before Zeus (2 var.) ;
\/ // (4) amphora, vine-branch and IIAE before Zeus ; (5) monograms
MH and IIA on left ; (6) AA before Zeus, KO under seat, well pre-
served, of spread fabric 6
758 Alexander the Great, Drachms of the usual type with various
^ ^ s? symbols, monograms, &c. on the reverse, in fair condition 26
759 Alexander the Great, Drachms (10) as in last lot; and Athens,
Sy ^-^Drachms (9) and Half -Drachm, of early and later styles, in fair
condition 20
760 Thebes, Stater, Shield j rev. FAST, Amphora, above which corn grain,
fine ; Gortyna (Crete), Tetradrachm, Europa seated in tree ; rev-
Hull scratching itself ; around AOR (?) ; all in square, rubbed; and
Alexander Aegus, Tetradrachm, with rev. Athene Promachos ; before
/yi^f-^y h er > monograms and eagle, in fair condition 3
761 Tetradrachms, of Thasos, Athens, Ephesus, Cyrene, and Eucratides of
Bactria, usual types, and Stater of Aegina, somewhat rubbed 6
)istophori (p) of Ephesus, Parium, Tralles and Laodiceia with various
symbols and magistrates' names, mostly rubbed; Caesareia (Cappa-
dociae), Tetradrachm of Trajan, rev. Female figure with camel ;
Didrachms of Hadrian and Aurelius ; and Drachm of Caracalla, rev.
The Mons Argaeus, in fair condition 10
763 Drachms, Hemidrachms, &c. of various cities of Italy, Greece and Asia,
*' some in fair condition 36
,^^764 Others, similar 39
765 Tetradrachms of Amphipolis, Archelaus I of Macedon, Athens, Lyttus,
Antiochus IV of Syria, Hippostratus of Bactria &c. ; Didrachms of
Tarentum, Enna, Eretria, &c, and various smaller pieces, Roman
Denarii, &c, all false 30
l //^
766 Carmo (Hispaniae), Helmeted head ; rev. CARMO between two ears of
corn, size 10 j Caen A (Siciliae) Griffin ; rev. Free horse running,
KAINON, size 6 (4 var.) ; Syracuse; rev. types, Horse, Fulmen,
sizes 7-6 ; Tatjromenium, Head of Apollo ; rev. Lyre, size 8 (4 var.) ;
others (2) j rev. types, Butting bull, Tripod, size 6, mostly fine 13
767 Agrigentum, Titras, in form of Tooth, with marks of value : : at base j
' > * also an Astragalos, both fine and rare 2
768 CJampania, rev. types, Horse galloping, Horse's head, Lion, Pegasus
^# &c, with ROMA or ROMANO, and others of Agrigentum, Rhegium,
Syracuse (temp. Agathocles, &c), various sizes, all fine 38
769 Autonomous &c. coins of various districts of the Greek world, mostly
' "~""~* rubbed 110
^^-770 Others, similar 110
Z^/+ f#71 Others, similar 114
^^/fill Others, similar 88
/^773 Others, similar 123
774 Perinthus (Thraciae), Imperial, of Domitian, Trajan, Sept. Severus,
Severus Alexander &c. ; Rhoemetalces I (Thraciae) and Augustus,
^S/ Their busts (3 var.), size 4; another, similar, but with busts of
t^^- ' Rhoemetalces and his queen conjoined, size 6 ; others, Imperial, of
//X^* fc Perga (Pamphyliae) ; Lysias and Tiberiopolis (Phrygiae) ; and
/w Tralles (Lydiae), &c, some well preserved 19
/ 115 Greek Imperial of various cities of the first and second brass sizes,
c ^ / ^i & mostly rubbed 42
776 Others similar, some of smaller size 39
All Antonia Gens, Marc Antony and Augifitus, Aureus, Head of .^Cw^ ^.n?
///^^Antony, ANTONIVS IMP. ; rev. Head of Augustus CAESAR ^nr -<^sQ
<^o ? , AM$., (Bghebiu vol. I, p. 163), in fair condition, rare 1
/<18 Hirtia Gens, Aureus, Head of Pietas veiled, C. CAESAR COS.
^ d6 /? TER. ; rev. Lituus, praefericulum, and hatchet, A. HIRTIYS PR.
c ^- (Babelon, vol. I, p. 543), well preserved and scarce 1
779 Augustus, Aureus, Head of Emperor, CAESAR COS. VII. CIVI-
^jfc/S' BVS SERVATEIS; rev. Eagle facing, holding wreath, AVGVSTVS,
/?/&0jl!%B^ rmrm ^ rare *
780 ^Augustus, Aureus, Head of Emperor; below, AVGVSTVS; rev.
r^^^p, Capricorn, SIGN/IS RECEPTIS, in good condition, very rare 1
781 Byzantine, Leo I, Solidus, Bust of king, holding spear; rev. Victory
^/f^ holding cross, VICTORIA. AVGG. N. CONOB. (Sab. pi. VI, 22) ;
r* jS an ther of Zeno, same type &c. (Sab. pi. vii, 18), both very fine 2
782 Focas, Solidus, Bust of king facing, holding orb ; rev. Victory facing,
/y > holding cross and orb, VICTORIA AVG 4 . CONOB (Sab. pi.
JC"* xxvi, 27) ; another of Heraclius, same obv. type, but rev. Cross on
Cr steps (Sab. pi. xxvm, 8), both fine
783 Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, Solidus, Their busts
facing; rev. Cross on steps, VICTORIA. AVGqS. CONOB (Sab.
\Y 4/ pi. xxix, 18); another of Constantine IV, Pogonatus, Bust facing
holding orb ; rev. as last, but reading AVGM. I\, unpublished, both
very fine 2
784 Leo III and Constantine V, Solidus, Their busts (Sab. pi. xxxix, 20) ;
. another of Constantine XIII, Ducas, Bust of Emperor facing,
//? holding orb ; rev. Bust of the Virgin (Sab. pi. L, 5), both well pre-
^C^- served 2
785 Constantine XII, Monomachos, Solidus, Bust of Emperor holding
^y ^ cross and orb ; rev. Bust of Christ holding book, IHS. XPS., &c.
(Sab. pi. xlix, 5), very fine and rare 1
786 Theodora, wife of Constantine XII, Solidus, Full-length figures of
/ // Theodora and the Virgin holding labarum; rev. Full-length figure
^Cl,'** ^~~" of Christ holding book, IHS. XIS, &c. (Sab. pi. xlix, 13), fine and
(> ^^jery rare 1
787 Romanus IV, Eudocia and her sons Michael, Constantine and An-
dronicus, Solidus, Eudocia and Romanus crowned by Christ ; rev.
^/ ^JThree full-length figures of Michael and his brothers (Sab. pi. L, 1 1) ;
-X another of Alexius I, Comnenus, Emperor and Saint holding cross ;
rev. Full-length figure of Christ, KGPOHOei (Sab. pi. lii, 17), both
fine and scarce 2
788 Solidi of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (Sab. pi. xxix, 18) ;
Nicephorus and Stauracius, Their busts on obv. and rev. (ib. pi. XLI,
17); and Basil II and Constantine XI, Their busts holding cross ;
rev. Bust of Christ (ib. pi. xlviii, 10), pierced or rubbed 3
789 Republican Denarii of the Caesia (rev. Dii Penates), Coelia, Cornelia
and Servilia gentes ; others (2) of the Social War, Female head,
3 EITELIV ; rev. Female holding spear ; at her feet, ox ; and others,
y? s Imperial, of Geta (rev. Securitas) and Hostilian (rev. Two hands
^ joined), some fine and rare 11
790 Siliquae of Leo V and Constantine VII (Sab. pi. XLH, 9) ; Theophilus
and Michael III (ib. pi. xliv, 5) ; and Basil I and Constantine IX
s (ib. pi. xlv, 1), all rare and well preserved 3
791 Siliquae of Leo VI (Sab. pi. xlv, 12) ; Nicephorus II (ib. pi. xlvii, 13),
_^ and Basil II and Constantine XI (ib. pi. xlviii, 17), all rare and in
**9 fair condition 3
792 Aes Grave, Triens of Venusia {rev. Lyre) j Quadrantes of Central Italy
^- (Open hand with club, 3 var.) ; Sextans of Hadrian (Shoe, HAT ;
" ' * /? rev. Cock) ; Uncia of Central Italy (Astragalus) and Semuncia
^P%e&& (Acorn ; rev. 2), &c, some well preserved 8
793 Early Roman, Eepublican, Trientes, Quadrantes and Sextantes, some
--/6j Jvm 33
794 Imperial, First, Second and Third Brass Coins of early and late
Emperors ; some Byzantine ; 2 false of Otho and Trajan ; also
Copper Denarii, many fine 55
795 Electrotypes of silver coins of various cities of Italy, Syracuse, and of
Alexander the Great 26
796 Electrotypes of silver and copper coins of Sicily, Thrace, Macedon,
Athens, Stymphalus, Phrygia, &c. 39
797 Electrotypes of silver and copper coins of Dyrrachium, Elis, Crete,
Pontus, Lampsacus, Tenedos, Chios, &c. 39
798 Others of gold, silver and copper coins of Caria, Syria, Persia, Egypt,
Cyrene, &c. 39
799 A well-made mahogany cabinet, fitted with 22 trays, pierced various
sizes height 11 in., width 10 in., depth 9| in.
800 Another, similar, but fitted with 21 trays, same size
801 Another, similar, but fitted with 22 trays
802 Another, same size
803 Another, same size
804 Another, same size
805 Another, same size
806 Another, same size
807 Another, similar, but fitted with 21 trays, same size
808 Another, same size, chipped
809 Another, similar, but fitted with 22 trays, chipped
height 11 in., width 10| in., depth 9f in.
810 Another, same as last, but chipped
Dryden Press i J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre, London.
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