k V% - : *%' T^J 1 */* *4. J.S r* L. T m THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES M til ft, CATALOGUE OF THE iBUNBUEY/ COLLECTION OP GREEK COINS. FIRST PORTION. ITALY, SICILY, EUROPEAN GREECE, CRETE, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, JUttionms of |;iierarir ^propcrtj & Morks illustratiirc of t\)t JFine Jlrts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, 15th day of JUNE, 1896, and Seven following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PRESS ! J. DAVY AND SONS, I37, LONG ACRE. LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend this sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. 2.17 INTEODUCTION. The Collection of Greek Coins, the first portion of which is described in the following pages, is perhaps one of the most extensive and most interesting that has ever been formed by a private individual. Commencing quite in his early days Sir Edward Bunbury devoted his whole life to its formation, as well as to that of his collection of Eoman coins, which was sold at this house in June of last year. Sir Edward Bunbury did not confine his attention like some collectors to securing only the finest and most artistic pieces. Copper coins were as interesting to him as those of the finer metals ; in consequence his collection presents us with an exceptionally complete series of Greek coins of all parts, of all periods, and of all metals, viz. gold, silver, and copper. It is pre-eminently the collection of a scholar, and the useful purpose which it served is clearly illustrated by the late owner's numerous literary works. In fact it may be said to have formed the basis of his scholarly History of Ancient Geography published in 1879, his numerous articles in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Bio- graphy and Mythology, and the corresponding volumes of Geography, and his many contributions to the pages of the Numismatic Chronicle. Sir Edward Bunbury was a collector in the highest sense of the word, for not only was he an admirer of the fine works of ancient artists, but he combined with this last study the highest qualifications as a man of letters. His early success at Cambridge, where he graduated as Senior Classic in 1833 and took the Chancellor's Medal, marked him as a scholar of the first rank, and his pursuits and studies in after years well maintained his early reputation. Owing to the great extent of this Collection it has been deemed advisable to dispose of it in two portions. The first portion, which extends to 1258 lots, includes the coins of Italy, Sicily, European Greece, Crete, and the Islands. The second portion will comprise the coins of Asiatic Greece, Africa, &c. 3037472 ( iv ) A perusal of the pages of this Catalogue will show the complete- ness of the collection; nearly every city of Italy and European Greece of any importance and its rulers, of whom coins are known, are represented. The extent of certain sections is almost overwhelming, and shows what pains and perseverance were devoted to the formation of this Collection. Those sections which call for special notice are the more important cities of Magna Graecia (Tarentum, Heraclea, Metapontum, Croton, Ehegium, &c); Sicily (Camarina, Catana, Leontini, Messana, Segesta, and Syracuse) ; the Carthaginian and Siculo-Punic coinages ; Thrace, Macedon, Boeotia, Attica, Elis, and Crete. The series of Syracuse is very complete and comprises the works of nearly all the great die-engravers of that city, especially among these are Kimon, Evae- netos, Eukleides, Eumenes, and Phrygillus. There is also an example of the Demareteion, one of the most remarkable coins of the whole Greek series and no less than seven examples of the Dekadrachms of Kimon and Evaenetos, all in fine condition. The series of Alex- ander the Great is the most extensive ever brought together by a private individual, and includes specimens of the coins struck by that monarch over the whole extent of his wide dominions. The Athenian series, with the numerous tetradrachms bearing magistrates' names, is equally complete, and that of Crete has scarcely ever been surpassed. Of the extreme beauty and fine condition of many of the coins, the plates which are appended to the Catalogue will give some idea, and not a few are as remarkable for their rarity. Seldom does such an opportunity offer itself to collectors to add to their cabinets, and remembering the recent dispersal of the Montagu Collection of Greek coins it seems more than probable that a long time will elapse before another such chance will occur. Under present arrangements the remaining portion of the Bunbury Collection will be sold at this house in December next. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. - - * o o* *^ OD

Gaul., pi. Vin, 2322) ; another, similar, but the rose on the reverse is & * of conventional pattern, wt. 73 grs. (De la Tour, i.e. pi. vm, 2324), "f both fine and rare 2 3 Celtiberian, Drachms, obv. Male head to right; rev. Horseman, of / Aregrada, Belsina, Carabaca, Ilerda and Salauris, (reading-^ /f <^V / Iltzurda Salirum), very rare, Osca and Turiaso, all fine 8 v^f e^ctfj^ Saetavi; rev. Horseman ; Saguntum; Segobriga; rev. segobriga x^^L in wreath; another; rev. Horseman, fine 14 7 C^rabaca ; rev. Horseman and Punic legend. Damania, same type, both unpublished. Eresi, of same type. Carthago-Nova ; rev. Sacrificial / / implements ; and Hispania, in genere, Helmeted head ; rev. Horse-*^ 7' j . r man, hispanorvm (2 varieties), &c. ; others, Gaulish, of Massalia ; ^ ' rev. Butting bull, sizes 7, 4 and 2 ; another ; rev. Tripod ; Nemausus, y/ Imperial, Heads of Augustus and Agrippa ; rev. Crocodile ; and others >' ^/ // MA5SA. (3 varieties) ; and others (5) with same rev. type, but with ^^^^auiver behind head of Artemis on obv., all fine 8 9 Others, similar, Head of Artemis without quiver (2), and with quiver / (4) ; another, Head of Artemis and lion both to left ; Obols (3), jC/. // Head of Apollo ; rev. ma. in wheel, all varied. Nemausus, Head of 4> J Pallas; rev. NEM COL. in wreath, wt. 6 grs., all fine, the smaller pieces ^ 7 scarce 11 *^ GALLIA. 3 10 Gaulish Imitations (3) of Tetradrachms of Philip II of Macedon, Head ?V /fy another ; rev. Bull with human face crowned by Nike, same * ^ i legend, size 5. Beneventum, Head of Apollo, BENVEN[TOD] ; v A* rev. Prancing horse, TROrOM., size 5 \ and Frentani, Head of Hermes, &c. as in previous lot, all very fine, except the last piece, and J^'jfc/'' 3 ^* very rare 6 25 Populonia, Triens, Head of Vulcan ; rev. Tongs, hammer, and mark of * - value, size 7. Telamon (?), Sextans, Head of Herakles; rev. Two v - dolphins and spear, size 7. Peithesa ; rev. Owl, size 3. Ariminum, -" " ^ Head of Vulcan ; rev. Warrior, size 6. Aquinum ; rev. Cock and star y ^f/o/< /^2&&>'^ as in last lot. Aesernia ; rev. Zeus in biga, and Human-headed bulfx ^, as in last lot ; another, Head of Pallas j rev. Eagle and serpent, % size 5 ; and Larinum, Quincunx ; rev. Warrior on horseback, below <> %^i LADINOD ; another, Sextans ; rev. Dolphin, all fine and rare 10 26 Populonia, Sextans, Head of Pallas ; rev. Owl (B. M. Cat. p. 5, 25) ; Peithesa \ rev. Owl ; Aesernia ; rev. Zeus in biga, as in last lot ; Tuder, Head of Silenos ; rev. Eagle, size 4 (2 varieties). Larinum ; jp>, rev. types, Warrior on horseback (Quincunx) ; Centaur (Quadrans) ; ^2? * Dolphin (Sextans) ; Cornucopia? (Uncia) ; others, without marks of ^^-^'^Y value, rev. types, Eagle; Thunderbolt; all with legend ladinod, all " fine and rare coins 13 CAMPANIA. Silver. Capua, Didrachm, Head of Pallas, helmeted ; rev. Bull to right, KAM-^^z IIANO (retrograde), fine ; another ; rev. Bull to left, and legend not N ^oy^ retrograde, well preserved, rare 2 SLES* / Didrachm, Head of Pallas to right ; rev. Nike in biga to left, '&zsy< CALENO ; another, same, but head of Pallas to left ; behind, owl. Cumae, Didrachm, Head of Nymph to right; rev. Corn-grain \ 2#a m . "^7/^" above mussel-shell, KYMAION ; another, but head of nymph to > ^ ^ left and bird above mussel-shell on rev., rare. Hyria, Didrachm, .-^^^/'tv^^'Head of Pallas to right ; rev. Androcephalous bull to right, YDlNA,^*^/4u^ all well preserved and scarce 5 29 Cales, Didrachms as before (2), Head of Pallas to right ; symbols s behind, branch and serpent. Cumae, Didrachms (2); rev. types, Ear ^~f^r~ of corn above mussel-shell ; Sea-serpent above mussel-shell, rare ; ~~ and of Hyria, Head of Pallas on obv. to left ; bull to left on rev., - e^y all well preserved and scarce 5 4 CAMPANIA. 30 Didrachms (2), as before of Cales, Head of Pallas to right ; symbols behind, shield and bow ; of Cumae (2); rev. types, Ear of corn above ., , mussel-shell ; and fly above shell, reading KVMAI, a rare variety ; (T^^Y/j both with head to left on dbv. ; and of Hyria, Head of Pallas with owl on helmet ; rev. Bull to left, VDINIA, well preserved and rare 5 7: 31 Didrachm as before of Cales, sword behind head of Pallas, and on rev. Biga to right ; others of Cumae ; rev. types, Ear of corn, wolf, and owl above mussel-shell, the last two types very rare ; and of Hyria, Head of Pallas to left, with eagle on helmet ; rev. usual type, Bull to left, YDINAI, well preserved, scarce, some rare 5 J If 32 Cumae, Didrachm, B.C. 490-480, Head of Pallas, of Archaic style, around KVMAION (retrograde); rev. Crab holding shell, wt. 129 grs., of extreme rarity and in fine condition 1 * From the Northwick collection (lot 40). 33 Cumae, Didrachm, Head of Nymph ; rev. Skylla above mussel-shell, J .\0 a*~^- KVMAION (retrograde), we W preserved; another, Lion's scalp between ^_ two boars' heads ; rev. Grain of corn above shell, KY[MAI]ON ; and Hyria, Didrachm, Head of Nymph ; rev. Androcephalous bull to/*, j right, YPAN02, the last two fine, all exceedingly rare varieties j*/irr ***y 34 Cumae, Didrachm, usual type, but on rev. star above mussel- shell, early style, rare j others of Hyria' with head of Pallas to right or left, ^. /I and bull on rev., also to right or left, reading YPINAI, YPIANOS, w^ Av y YDINA (retrograde), all varied and well preserved 5 " 35 Cumae, Quarter Drachm, Head of Herakles ; rev. Mussel-shell in wreath, KYMEO, wt. 16 grs. ; Obol, Head of Pallas ; rev. Dolphin above mussel-shell, KY, wt. 10 grs. Hyria, Didrachm, usual type, with -7*/. v rev. Bull to right, but reading YPIETE2 ; and Neapolis, Obol, ^p j Female head, NEAIIOAITH2; rev. Nike seated, as on coins of ^ 7 Terina, wt. 10 grs., unpublished ; all of the highest rarity and well " preserved 4 36 Hyria, Didrachm, Head of Hera, three-quarter face, wearing broad / stephane, ornamented with honeysuckle, hair spread ; rev. Andro- _ //f cephalous bull to right, above YDINA (retrograde), wt. 110 grs. /^C/^Jf- M ' Cat P- 92 > 13 )>>*e ^d exceedingly rare 1 ^ 37 Neapolis, Didrachm, Head of Water-nymph three-quarters to right, hair spread ; rev. Androcephalous bull to left, NEOnOAITHS, wt. 115 grs. If I) ^' ^" Cat- p. 94, 11), fine, slight cut on face, and of excessive rarity [PI. I] 1 /, J Jt /. NEAPOLIS. 7 38 Neapolis, Didrachms, Female head to right j rev. Bull to right, NEOIIO, early style; Head of Pallas helmeted to right; rev. Bull to left, NEOIIOAITE2 (sic), escallop between last two letters in exergue ; j, -Female head to right, wearing taenia and earring j rev. Bull to left crowned by Nike, NEAITOAITH2 ; another similar, rev. Bull to -right; and another, with female head to left on obv., behind shield, and bull to right on rev., all fine and scarce 5 *** Nos. 1 and 2 from the Northwick, and no. 4 from the Thomas collection. 39 Neapolis, Didrachms of similar types, with various symbols and magis- ^/jO /^ trates' initials, N., AI, and A on rev. ; the second coin reads NEAIIO- ^ 7^^^AITHS and has no escallop, fine 5 ^40 Neapolis, Didrachms of similar types, but the second coin has the , legend NEOIIOAITHS all above bull; and the others, a varying 7%< */ symbol, crane, term, and amphora on obv., and with female head to ^jg^^Vleft or right, one with magistrate's name xapi, all fine and scarce 5 41 Neapolis, Didrachm, Female head to left, bound with diadem ; behind, elephant ; rev. Nike crowning bull, below which BI ; others (3), of similar type, but head on obv. to right ; behind, female with torch, /fcertJ^if bunch of grapes, and astragalus, and with magistrates' names, XAPI., / AIOANOY2, and APTEMI., all rare and very fine 4 42 Neapolis, Didrachm, usual types with head on obv. to left; behind thyrsus ; others (2), with head to right ; symbol, astragalus and letters K and X ; Drachm, Female head to left ; behind, harpa ; rev. Nike crowning bull, NEAIIOAITHS, wt. 53 grs. ; another, similar, but behind head on obv. shield, all fine and the smaller coins rare 5 43 Neapolis, Didrachms (2), Female head to left; rev. Androcephalous bull to right ; one with mask behind head and IT below ; another with EYE and TAP on obv. ; Drachm, as in previous lot ; and Hemi- drachm, with female head to right ; rev. Nike in biga, well ;^Y<#,iJy preserved, the last piece rare 5 44 Neapolis, Half Drachm, Head of Artemis to right, before NEOIIOAITON; rev. Victory in biga, below LTAK, wt. 25 grs. ; Obol, same as Drachm but head to left; rev. Nike crowning bull, wt. 11| grs. ; Half *c. / Obols (2), Head of Pallas ; rev. Half man-headed bull to left ; Head ce fy o f Apollo ; rev. Herakles strangling lion, NEOnOAITfiN, fine, all v extremely rare 4 45 Neapolis, Didrachm, Head of Nymph to right, wavy hair ; around, four '/ _ * dolphins ; rev. [NEOjIIOAITDN, Androcephalous bull crowned by i '' Nike. wt. 115 ars.. fine and verv rare TP1. II 1 ^/f Nike, wt. 115 grs., fine and very rare [PI. I] rfc* /'/*** ^^ e 0DVerse f tn * s Didrachm is of the same style as the coins of / Syracuse by Evaenetos. 8 CAMPANIA. 46 Nola, Didrachm, Head of Kore to right, broad diadem ; rev. NftAAION, Androcephalous bull to right, crowned by Nike, wt. 110 grs. ; another similar, but on rev. Bull to left, NOAAI02, wt. 109 grs. ; ^y./Z, another, Head of Pallas to right, with owl on helmet; rev. NOAAK2N /r# /> above, Androcephalous bull to right; below, AE mon., wt. 10 grs., ^ t ^ e ^ Ct ^^all well 'preserved, scarce 3 47 Nola, Didrachm, usual type with rev. Androcephalous bull to right, reading NOAIAI02. Suessa, Didrachm, Head of Apollo laureate ; behind, crescent ; rev. One of the Dioskuri on horseback and leading ^ jg-' a second horse, below 2YE2ANO. Phistelia, Litra, Head facing ; rev. Mussel, corn-grain and dolphin above <&I2TVLI2 ; and others d?&4 , a+J&> Uncertain, Head facing ; rev. Lion ; one with star above, the // other with serpent below, mostly fine, scarce 5 48 Nola, Didrachm, as in last lot. Suessa, Didrachms as before, but sym- /. ^ bols behind head on obv. lyre and pentagram ; and Obols of Phis- ^ *** 4, telia and of Uncertain city as in last lot, mostly fine, scarce 5 49 Phictelia, Didrachm, Head of Hera facing, hair loose ; rev. Campanian / bull to left, above w ith no mark of value, Head of Zeus ; rev. Eagle on fulmen, / /CA // size 10 (Carelli, pi. 69, 3), all very fine, the larger pieces very rare 5 57 Capua, Sextans ; rev. Lion with spear in mouth ; Uncise ; rev. types, , Nike crowning trophy, Boar, and Warrior on horseback ; Semun- y^ J?. 7 cia? ; rev. types, Two veiled figures, Lyre, and Ear of corn ; and ^ y Compulteria, Head of Apollo and legend in Oscan characters ; rev. , mos % fi ne an d man y rare 21 APULIA. Silver. 60 Arpi, Didrachm, Head of Persephone, APIIANfiN ; rev. Prancing horse ; above, star; beneath, AAEOY, wt. 103 grs. ; Hemidrachm, Head of ^ - Ares ; rev. Three ears of corn, APIIA, wt. 27 grs. ; Diobol, same S? type, but on rev. Two ears of corn, wt. 21 grs. ; and Obol, Horse to 4 *\7 right, above A ; rev. A, Hook, wt. 9 grs., all very rare and fine, an almost complete series of the silver coins of this rare mint 4 61 Canusium, Obol, Amphora between oinochoe and flower; rev. KA and lyre, wt. 8 grs. ; another, but ornaments on either side of Amphora, _^ /vAiP cornucopiae (?) and vase, wt. 7 grs. Bronze, Male head ; rev. Horse- sp man, KANY2INON (2 var.), size 6 ; Triens, Head of Herakles ; rev. {y&*V Club between KA NY, and marks of value ; and Uncia (?), Head of / Jupiter ; rev. Club and KA in wreath, size 2 (2 var.), all fine and very rare, the last two unpublished (?) 7 10 APULIA. 62 Canusium, silver Obol, as in last lot, flower and oinochoe on either side of Amphora. Rubi, Diobol, Head of Pallas ; rev. Ear of corn, PY ; Obol, Bull's head facing ; rev. Fulmen, PY. Bronze, of same mint, Head of Jupiter ; rev. Eagle on thunderbolt, PY*, size 4 ; Head of Herakles ; rev. Club, bow and quiver (2 varieties) ; others ; rev. types, Owl, PYBA2TEINQN j Female figure with cornucopia?, &c. (3 varie- ties) j another, same type as last, but with head of Pallas instead of Zeus on obv., unpublished, all very rare coins of this scarce mint 12 Bronze. 63 Arpi, Head of Zeus ; rev. Calydonian boar (3 varieties) ; Butting bull, IIYAAO ; rev. Horse (2 varieties) ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Owl and -/y p branch on column. Asculum, Horse's head ; rev. Ear of corn ; Head of Herakles ; rev. Nike with palm, &c. Barium, Sextans, u Head of Zeus ; rev. Cupid on prow ; Uncia, same type ; and Semun- cia, rev. Prow, BA. Hyrium, Head of Pallas ; rev. Rudder and dolphin, YPIATIN . ., all fine and very rare 12 64 Arpi ; rev. types, Calydonian boar (2), and Horse ; Barium ; rev. Cupid on prow (Sextans and Uncia), and Prow with BA ; and Hyrium, as . // in last lot. Luceria, Quincunx, rev. Wheel; Triens, rev. Bow, j . quiver and club ; Quadrans, rev. Dolphin and trident ; Sextans, yy^Aey^^rev. Cockle-shell ; Uncia, rev. Toad ; and Semuncia, rev. Crescent, all fine and mostly rare 14 65 Luceria, Quincunx (2), Triens, Quadrans, and Uncia as in last lot. Mateola, Sextans, Head of Pallas ; rev. Lion with spear in mouth, /y MAT (mon.), very rare. Neapolis, Head of Dionysos; rev. Bunch <& of grapes, NEAII ; and Veiled head ; rev. Ear of corn, NEAIIO. ^^^^Salapia, Head of Zeus ; rev. Calydonian boar ; Head of Apollo ; rev. Horse prancing (2 varieties) ; Horse ; rev. Dolphin (2 varieties), all fine, some rare 14 66 Teate, Nummus, Head of Zeus ; rev. Eagle, TIATE., size 10 ; Quincunx, Head of Pallas ; rev. Owl on column (2 varieties) ; Triens, Head of -Ty/ // Herakles ; rev. Lion ; Sextans, Head of Pallas ; rev. Owl (2 varieties). s, VENUSIA, Quincunx, Head of Zeus; rev. Eagle, VE (mon.); Quadrans, ^^^<^ Head of Hera ; rev. Three crescents, &c. ; Sextans, Head of Pallas ; rev. Owl, fine and rare 10 67 Venusia, Nummus, Head of Bacchus, VE (mon.) ; rev. Bacchus seated, . extremely fine, and most rare in this condition ; Quincunx, Quadrans and f $ Z Sextans as in last lot ; another, Sextans, Head of Pallas ; rev. Two dolphins ; Uncia, Half-length figure of Herakles holding club ; rev. yUtk. t?y Lion with spear in its mouth ; and Semuncia, Boar's head ; rev. Owl, / all very fine for tJiese coins i rare 7 TARENTUM. 11 68 CALABRIA. Gold. Tarentum, Stater, Head of Demeter wearing stephane and veil ; before, J TAPA and dolphin ; below neck, KON ; rev. The Dioskuri on horse- back to left; above, AI02KOPOI ; in exergue, 1A., wt. 133 grs. (Evans, pi. V, 9), fine and very rare [PL I] 1 \* The references are to A. J. Evans "The Horsemen of Tarentum." 69 Tarentum, Stater, Head of Goddess as in the preceding lot ; before, TAPA j rev. Horseman galloping to right, aiming javelin downwards, "/,/ two javelins and shield in left hand ; before, thunderbolt ; below, UjJ^ AIIOA, ivt. 133 grs. (Evans, pi. v, 3), fine and very rare [PI. I] 1 *** From the Dupre collection. 70 Tarentum, Stater, Head of Demeter as in lot 68 ; before, TAP. j rev. * Eider crowning horse ; behind, shield ; above, TAPA2; below, murez, J? %0"S+. an{ i 2, wt. 113 grs. (comp. Evans, pi. V, 2), fine and very rare s %* From the Dupre collection. 71 Tarentum, Stater, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin; rev. TAPAN-j TINON, Taras in biga holding trident; below, API (mon.) and' fulmen, .wt. 112 grs. (Evans, pi. x, 15), obv. fine, rev. well preserved, very rare [PL I] 1 ?+tL& *** From the Blacas collection. - 72 Tarentum, Stater, Head of Zeus, laureate; behind NK (mon.); rex. TAPANTINON, Eagle with open wings on thunderbolt; behind, NIKAP k (?); before, AP (mon.), wt. 113 grs. (Evans, pi. v, 17), obi. /p%a pl- X 5 16), in mint state, very rare [PL I] 1 76 Tarentum, Half Drachm, Head of Apollo, laureate, to right ; behind NK (mon.) ; rev. TAPANTINON (double struck), Eagle on fulmen ; be- < v low IA, wt. 33 grs. (Evans, pi. v, 15), fine and extremely rare 1 //J^cJ^^ *** From the Dupre collection. -3 n &~S&*J&f& 12 CALABRIA. 77 Tarentum, Half Drachm, Head of Apollo, laureate, to right ; behind K ; h I a t^. rev. Eagle on thunderbolt ; before, two diotae ; below, NIKAP, wt. 32 / / /ii ^ 9 rs - > Litra, Head of Herakles to right ; rev. Taras on dolphin hold- yj i UH* fr ing vage ^ &c> T APA2, wL 13 grS} i th fine and rare X "*/ 2 78 Tarentum, Diobol, Head of Apollo to left ; behind TAPA2 ; before %A ; . . ^ rev. Herakles slaying the lion ; infield, bow and club and l~H, wt. 22 / p Au^ 9 rs - > Obol, Head of Goddess to right, wearing stephane ; rev. TAP AN, ' ' yu {> 11'^ uU~~>j Kantharos, wt. 11 grs., both rare and well preserved , 2 Silver. 79 Tarentum, Didrachm, B.C. 530-500, TAPAS (retrograde), Taras on f . j v dolphin ; below, pecten ; border of waves and pellets; rev. TAPAC, /L* Taras on dolphin, incuse, wt. 124 grs. (Hist. Num., p 44), very fine ' and very rare [PL I] 1 y %.* From the Dupre collection. 80 Tarentum, Didrachm, Archaic style, Taras on dolphin to left ; below, / pecten ; behind, TAP. ; rev. Wheel of four spokes (Evans, pi. I, 3) ; sj(J/ t /;? another, same obv. type and TAPA2 ; rev. Winged sea-horse to left ,, (ib., pi. I, 4) ; another, same obv. ; rev. Archaic head within circle t?&#*y (ib. pi. i, 5), all fine and rare 3 81 Tarentum, Didrachms (3) as in last lot ; but on the first and second j^Jl */ pieces, Taras on dolphin to right ; and below sea-horse, pecten, fine *y #i y and rare 3 ^82 Tarentum, Didrachm, Archaic style, TAPA2 (retrograde), Taras on dolphin; below, pecten; rev. Ornamental wheel of four spokes, in ' one of which dolphin ; another, Taras to right ; rev. Winged sea- ^Vv/Jidrse to right ; below, pecten, both very fine, and the second a rare type 2 83 Tarentum, Didrachms (2), with Taras on dolphin to right ; rev. Sea- / horse to right and left ; another, Male head to right bound with ^v ^f ii^aiadem ; behind, pellet ; rev. TAPA2, Taras on dolphin to right ; /? below, murex(?); and Drachm, Female head, behind TA (retro- ^-^^^<*<^grade) ; rev. TAPA2, Half sea-horse to right ; below, pecten, well preserved, the last two very rare 4 84 Tarentum, Didrachm, B.C. 473-400, TAPA2, Taras on dolphin to right ; / below, pecten : rev. Taras seated to left holding distaff and staff t?C - -a male figure is standing before horse with rider, and is crowning (^ * it (Evans, pi. viii, 4), very fine and scarce 5 ^90 Tarentum,. Didrachms, Taras on dolphin; rev. Taras seated holding y distaff, &c. ; Horseman type varied (3), as in last lot; another ^%^ f Female head to left ; rev. Youth on horse, which he crowns, mostly fine 5 91 Tarentum, Didrachms of the horseman type, all varied, with rider // / to left or right, magistrates' initials on obv. and rev., all very fine 5 92 Tarentum, Didrachms of the horseman type, all varied, with different symbols under or before horse or under dolphin (as Evans, pi. in, 3, 4, 9, and pi. IV, 9) ; another, Horseman bearing large round shield, *<. ^y*#tAAAIKPATH2 ; rev. TAPA2, Taras on dolphin holding Nike and // trident ; behind NE (mon.), (ib. pi. x. 8), both very fine and very rare types 2 *** No. 1 from the Hamilton collection. 102 Tarentum, Didrachm, Warrior standing on the off-side of his horse ; jrev. Taras holding trident and shield on dolphin (Evans, pi. rv, 4) ; another, the Dioskuri crowned by Nike on horseback to left; rev. usual type of Taras ; another, similar, but Taras holding Nike and ^ft** 'Jr shield (ib. pi. Vin. 9) ; Drachm, Youth crowning horse ; behind KAH ; " below 2HPAMBOY ; rev. Taras on dolphin holding aplustre and sceptre ; others (2) Head of Pallas ; rev. Owl ; magistrates, EYMHNI02 and AI2TIAIX02, all very fine and rare 6 103 Tarentum, Didrachm, with Dioskuri on horseback, as in last lot ; another, similar, but Dioskuri to right ; below NIKYA02 (Evans, / ^ pi. IX, 5) ; another, Horseman galloping to right ; behind, wreath ; (jC / * below, OAYMHI2; rev. usual type, Taras holds kantharus and * cornucopise ; and Drachms (3), as in last lot ; magistrate, SftKAN- / c/i/(f*tj$ AS on first type, very fine and rare 6 / S* 0^* TARENTUM. 15 104 Tarentum, Diobols, Obols and smaller divisions of various types and periods, Shell ; rev. Female head ; Dolphin ; rev. Pegasus ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Herakles strangling lion ; similar, Herakles strangling ^ S3 serpents ; Horse's head on both sides ; others ; rev. types, Herakles V? q and Antaeus, Herakles restraining horse, &c, all fine and interesting J05 Tarentum, Diobols, Obols, &c, similar to last lot, all fine 40 106 Tarentum, Diobols, Obols, &c, as before, fine 42 <^*'^/B*Jpfi Bronze. 107 Azetini, Head of Pallas ; rev. Owl on column ; Eagle on fulmen ; rev. Ear of corn, AIETIM2N ; Pecten; rev. Dolphin. Brundusium, Semis ; rev. Youth on dolphin ; Uncia, same type. Butuntum, Head of Pallas ; rev. Ear of corn, BYTONTINftN ; Pecten ; rev. y ^ Youth on dolphin. Caelia, Sextans; rev. Pallas running; *^ Uncia; rev. Trophy, and thunderbolt. Graxa, Quadrans; rev. Two ^^7 ,? eagles ; and Uncia ; rev. One eagle. Orra, Head of Herakles ; ^f^^^ev. Fulmen, ORRA. TOR; Quincunx; rev. Cupid playing lyre. Tarentum ; rev. types, Nike crowning trophy ; Taras on dolphin ; Dolphin ; and Uxentum, Semis, Head of Pallas ; rev. Herakles holding club, mostly of the smaller sizes, many fine, an interesting lot 24 108 Azetini, Brundusium, Butuntum, Caelia, Graxa, Orra, Tarentum and Uxentum, similar types as in last lot, an interesting series 26 , AtC?~ LUCANIA. Silver. 109 Heraclea, Didrachm, B.C. 380-300, Head of Pallas to right, bound with olive; around, border of serpents; rev. HPAKAEK2N, j_ ^ "ff y?-* /S? -Herakles reclining on rock and holding vase, wt. 112 grs. (Hist.*^ ' f Num. p. 59), somewhat rubbed, but of the highest rarity 1 110 Heraclea, Didrachms (2), Head of Pallas to right, helmet adorned with Skylla ; rev. Herakles strangling lion, HPAKAEK1N, one with owl between legs of Herakles ; the other with ear of corn on left ; * another with similar obv. ; but rev. Herakles standing facing, right yf^ ^ fa^ftS hand on club, left holds bow and lion's skin ; on his right, one- *~l/A* handled vase, HPAKAHIQN, all fine and rare coins ?^ 3 111 Heraclea, Didrachms, as in last lot, but varied (1) AA before head , - of Pallas ; (2) Pecten to left of Herakles ; (3) API^TOrE. above y- "%&'~~i head of Pallas, and rev. Herakles holds in left hand cornucopise instead of bow ; bucranium to left, all fine and rare 3 16 LUCANIA. 112 Heraclea, Didrachms, as before but varied, (1) A0ANAE before head of Pallas and bow to left of Herakles ; (2) Pecten to left of Herakles, as in last lot; (3) Pallas with plain helmet, above HPAKAEION ; rev. Herakles sacrificing before altar ; club and skin in left hand ; fulmen on left, well preserved, rare, especially the last coin 3 113 Heraclea, Didrachm, Head of Pallas, helmet ornamented with hippo- camp ; rev. Herakles and lion ; on left, club and bow ; another, j>/ similar obv. but Skylla on helmet ; rev. Herakles crowned by Nike, t/\ &' resting on club and holding lion's skin ; another, similar, but head / Jfo^'+v/c- of Pallas on obv. to left, well preserved, rare types 3 114 Heraclea, Didrachm, Head of Pallas nearly facing, in large crested helmet adorned with Triton ; behind APir ; rev. Herakles facing, ~/-j~ i^ resting on club and holding bow and skin, wt. 119 grs. ; and Dras&j^ jfr .^^above AA2 ; rev. Bull as obv. incuse, wt. 117 grs. (Hist. Num. p.Q\), sp (? we M preserved and extremely rare 1 118 IjAUS, Didrachm, B.C. 500-450, Bull with human head, looking back, AA2 ; rev. Bull to right not looking back, AA2 (retrograde), K'S^ w *- H9 grs. ; Half -Drachm, same type, wt. 24 grs.; and Sixth- ly Stater, Bull looking back ; rev. Acorn, wt. 18 grs., all very rare, and c/f^%t^**^i n f a i r condition 3 119 Laus, Didrachm, as in last lot; and M, Female head to right of the finest style wearing sphendone ; rev. AAINON, Crow to right ; Z - Q symbol, head of ox, the first well preserved, the second very fine and with a beautiful dark patina, both very rare 2 /<*^ Drachm f early style with ear of corn incuse on rev., all fine 5 125 Metapontum, Didrachms (2) of incuse type, as before, the second with /_ ram's head on obv. ; others (2) with usual rev. type ; but obv. types, ^C /' J~^ Head of Demeter to right, hair in net ; Small Dionysiac head to left, /^?** ^ ^ a ^ r Doun d with ivy; and Drachm of early style as in last lot, all fine 5 126 Metapontum, Didrachms (4) and Drachm, similar types to the pre- j$ ~~ on tablet ; and (4) similar, with vine-branch on rev., fine 5 128 Metapontum, Didrachm of early incuse type; another with ear of / corn on both sides in relief and with adjuncts, torch with crossed end ,^^2 i on ^ v "> Drancn on rev -> thick fabric ; others, Female head to left ; rev. ^ Ear of corn with cicada ; Head of Apollo with wreath ; rev. Ear of Cr s corn ; and Head of Demeter with corn-wreath ; rev. Ear of corn and ^^^^^plough (Hist. Num. p. 65), all fine 5 129 Metapontum, Didrachms (2) of early incuse type; another, with S,, ^ Female head to left as in last lot ; another, Head of Leukippos t* , * bearded and helmeted ; rev. Bird on leaf of ear of corn, all fine 4 130 Metapontum, Didrachms, as in the preceding lot, same types ; but one with Female head to left bound with fillet ; and another, with ^V" 9^ Head of Leukippus, has adjuncts, a lion's head on obv. and club on ' rev., all fine 4 18 LUCANIA. %< Metapontum, Didrachm, Female head to left, hair rolled and bound with double fillet ; before it, ampulla ; rev. META, Ear of ^^corn ; on leaf, bird ; another, Dionysiac head to left, with stephane /> -* ornamented with meander pattern and vine leaves ; rev. usual type, 10 symbol, both fine and rare, especially the second piece 2 132 Metapontum, Didrachms (2) same type as the preceding lot ; on rev. of first piece, symbol, a hammer ; another, Head of Hygieia to y/"' v^jight, hair bound with double fillet ; usual rev. type, the first two //?u tc well preserved, the last fine 3 133 'Metapontum, Didrachm, usual reverse type, Ear of corn ; but on obv. (1) Female head to right, hair bound with double fillet; (2) ^r^P /+-* Female head to right, hair long and with corn-wreath ; (3) Female 6** ' e head to left laureate; symbols on rev. (1) locust; (2) plough, all <* / & / **/ fine and scarce 3 134 Metapontum, Didrachm, early incuse type; another, Corn-ear; rev. f/fiu^ Apollo standing holding branch and bow (Hist. Num. p. 63) ; others j Afc/- Female head to left ; rev. Tablet inscribed META at side of ear of corn ; Female head veiled, before AAMATHP ; rev. Ear of corn f/xJU Mwith K AA and serpent ; and Head of Leukippos as in lot 1 30, all ^ fine 5 1 35 Metapontum, Didrachm, Ear of corn ; rev. Apollo standing at altar p and holding branch and bow ; Drachm, similar, rev. Apollo holding //p ' bow, all within wreath; and others, Didrachms (2) Female head to left with stephane ; and Female head to right with wreath ; adjuncts on rev. wasp, and bird ; another, Head of Zeus laureate : behind, fulmen; rev. Ear of corn and KA, mostly fine and rare 5 136 Metapontum, Didrachm, Head of young Herakles to right in lion's ll^- skin ; rev. META., Ear of corn, fly to left, wt. 114 grs., fine and a very rare type [PI. I] 1 137 Metapontum, Didrachm, Head of Persephone, three-quarter face to y rf X left, crowned with barley; rev. META, Ear of corn, bucranium /i'zL/ above leaf, wt. 119 grs., very fine and a rare type [PL I] 1 '138 Metapontum, Didrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but varied -/^ .__ slightly in the form of the head of Persephone, wt. 118 grs., very X~yfine 1 ^39 Metapontum, Didrachm, Young male head to right, laureate and / & j^ witn ram's horn and ear ; rev. META, Ear of corn, wt. 120 grs., /;? jVery fine and scarce [T?l. I] 1 140 Metapontum, Didrachm, with young Head with horn as in last lot; 7 another, Female head of early type, with close hair and head bound l(l'X-v with double taenia ; all within wreath ; rev. Ear of corn and ME ; both very fine and rare types 2 // c^a& t< ^a. METAPONTUM. 19 141 Metapontum, Didrachms, Ear of corn, META. ; rev. Five corn-grains in star pattern ; Head of Persephone, three-quarter face ; rev. Ear // . / of corn ; both very rare but somewhat rubbed ; others (2) Female head to left or right; rev. Ear of corn and adjuncts cantharus and t **i <*ioinochoe, fine 4 142 Metapontum, Didrachms (2) usual type, but obv. Female head to left with long hair ; adjuncts on rev. pincers and griffin ; another, Head of ' Ay. ^ Zeus, EAEY0EPIO2 ; rev. Ear of corn and poppy head ; and Drachm / , r with obv. type, Head of Pallas in plain Corinthian helmet ; rev. (_^ y Ear of corn, wt. 54 grs., all very fine and some rare 4 143 Metapontum, Didrachm, Head of Leukippos to right, helmeted; , behind, dog ; rev. META, Ear of corn, bird on leaf ; another, Head ^^&/ a f Dionysos crowned with vine-wreath ; rev. usual type, symbol, ^_s a trident, below A A ; another, similar, with Head of Persephone ^y C ^ *V^ * * e ^ on ^ v "> a ^ ver yfi ne an d rare tyP es 3 144 Metapontum, Didrachm, Ear of corn, META; rev. Herakles, naked, y holding club over shoulder ; another, Head of Pallas in helmet, jf w ^ n Dionysiac head bound with wreath ; all with usual rev. type, Ear /? ^ ofcorn, and symbols, pomegranate, star, rake, club, &c, wellpre- ^ ?***&&* 5 146 Heraclea, Diobols, Head of Herakles ; rev. Lion ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Herakles holding club and lion's skin ; others, rev. type, Herakles contending with lion. Metapontum, Diobols, Ear of corn ; rev. Incuse of obv. ; Head of Demeter ; rev. Two ears of corn ; Head of ^fy 7 /? Pallas, or Head of Ammon ; rev. Ear of corn ; Obols, Ear of corn ; rev. Incuse of obv. ; Pomegranate ; rev. Ear of corn, all fine and interesting pieces 26 147 Poseidonia, B.C. 450-480, Didrachm. FOM., Poseidon to right wielding jUy s trident ; rev. Similar device incuse, FOM retrograde (Hist. Num. ' ^\c? p. 67) ; and Drachm of same type, both veryfine 2 y/sj. 1 48, Poseidonia, Didrachm and Drachm as in last lot, both very fine 2 f49 Poseidonia, Didrachm and Drachm as in lot 147 ; but on rev. of second _ coin FII2, fine, the second a rare variety 2 >iRiS/*and Pyxus, Didrachm, B.C. 560, Bull to left looking back ; in exergue 2IPI ; in field to left NOM (retrograde) ; rev. Same device incuse, FVXOEM, wt. 125 grs. (B.M. Guide, Vlii, 14), extremely fine 4t%c/\M,>and very rare [PI. I] 1 C2 J?.// // <P ye Dul1 ' * 109 9 rs -> well preserved, very rare 1 152 Sybaris, Didrachm or Stater, Bull with head reverted, above YM; f rev. Same device incuse, wt. 126 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 70); Third r'Z Stater, same type, but legend YMB in exergue, wt. 45 grs. ; and Drachm of Poseidonia, with type of Poseidon wielding trident as in lot 147, all fine and rare 3 153 Sybaris, Didrachm and Third Stater; and Poseidonia, Drachm, as in A last lotjjine and rare 3 154 SYBARis^^Tdrachm as in lot 152, but legend YM in exergue; Third /j~ Stater, Head of Pallas ; rev. Bull to right looking back ; in exergue, ^C A, wt. 234 grs., fine and very rare 1 159 Thurium, Tetradrachm, as before but with Skylla on helmet of / \ l/cd**! Athena ; behind IA ; and on rev. OYPIfiN above bull to right; in exergue, fish, wt. 245 grs., very fine and rare [PI. I] 1 160 Thurium, Tetradrachm, similar to last, but head of Athena to Jeft, J*/f- f wt. 246 grs., very fine and rare 1 161 Thurium, Tetradrachm, similar type, but head of Athena to right, and ti/.p. on tn e flank of the bull on rev. VE in monogram, wt. 243 grs., well t %X * preserved and very rare with this monogram 1 162 Thurium, Tetradrachm, similar to last coin, but above bull on rev. I, ^^ /jM and in exergue, two fishes, wt. 240 grs., in good preservation 1 ^ farh SECOND DAY'S SALE. J- 16 LUCANIA continued. LOT 163 Poseidonia, Didrachm, B.C. 480-400, Poseidon wielding trident, n02EI ; rev. Bull, above II02EI. (Hist. Num. p. 67). Thurium, Didrachms (2), Head of Athena in laureate helmet ; rev. Bull to left S Z^ox right, 0OYPIQN (ib. p. 71). Velia, Didrachm, Female head of archaic form, YEAHTON ; rev. Lion ; above, B. (ib. p. 74) j and rachm, Forepart of Lion ; rev. Incuse square, all fine, early coins, mostly rare 5 164 Poseidonia, Didrachms (2) ; others of Thurium (2) (Bull to right) ; ^ /; and Velia (AE in exergue on rev.) ; and Drachm of same city, types ^p as in last lot, all fine 5 165 Poseidonia, Didrachms (2); others of Thurium and Velia (AH in exergue on rev.) as in last lot ; and Drachm of Velia, Female head of . /^ archaic type to left; rev. Owl to left with olive branch, YEAH., all (/(? fine and rare 5 166 Poseidonia, Didrachms (2) as before, one with T on both sides j of Velia, Archaic female head ; rev. Bird above lion ; in exergue _4 ___- YEAHTON. ; Drachms (2) of same city, both with owl on reverse ; ^/ obv. types, Head of Athena in helmet ; and Female head bound with diadem, mostly fine and scarce 5 167 Poseidonia, Didrachms as before; others of Thurium (2) Head of / Pallas in crested helmet ; rev. Bull to right or left, the latter with aJ iijmilar to the preceding lot, but the types slightly varied, all fine 5 169 PoSEiDQjtfiA, Didrachms (2), one of the early incuse type, with bull with / * head reverted ; and others of Thurium (2) and Velia (2) similar ?< S Z/ to lot 167, but on the second piece of Velia the lion is prowling, and J2 -t^ in the exergue, an owl flying, mostly fine 6 170 Thurium, Didrachms (2), usual type, one with K under bull ; and others / of Velia, with rev. types, Lion prowling to right or left ; and Lion 7^ Sz seizing upon a stag ; on the last piece the helmet of Pallas is ^f laureate, all fine 5 s%&~ 9 22 LUCANIA. . 171 Thurium, Didrachms (2) of the usual type; and others of Velia (4), ^ s/.S&''o t\ (Hist. Num. p. 77), extremely fine and of the highest rarity 1 i/ w i tn torch and dog; before, star, wt. 36 grs., all very fine Jj y u Irk ana \ rar6i especially the last coin 4 190 Bruttii, Octobol, with rev. Poseidon; symbols, bucranium on obv., crab on rev. ; others (2) with rev. Dionysos crowning himself ; J/ 4/ symbols (1) two crescents, rev. serpent; (2) star, rev. monogram ^ of AH. ; and Tetrobol, Head of Pallas; rev. BPETTK2N, Eagle on jf thunderbolt; on right, torch, wt. 36 grs., all very fine and rare, es- pecially the last coin 4 191 Bruttii, Octobol, with rev. Poseidon; symbols, amphora on obv. ; crab /f s^eA 71 on rev ' * otners (2) w ith rev. Dionysos crowning himself ; symbols * "^ jj/ (1) Amphora, rev. II. ; (2) star, rev. monogram of AH., all very fine *A)M* andrare 3 r 192 Caulonia, Stater, B.C. 550-480, Naked figure with branch in right / hand and running figure on extended left arm ; before him, stag ; ^< ^. /^ behind KAVA. ; rev. same device, incuse; Others of later style, .^ B.C. 480-388 (1) Naked figure as on last ; rev. Stag to right ; before, /^ / on either side of the figure on obv., and A below stag on rev., very c*~ \&/z*hft ne an d rare 3 194 OaULONiA, Staters as in lot 192 ; but on obv. of second coin the stag / ? .^ stands on an altar, and on the third piece, the inscription on obv. <- f*'f KAVAON2ATAM. (?), and on rev. Stag to left ; before, vine leaf, all foJUt*4t*iftfie, the last a very rare variety 3 19o Caulonia, Staters as in lot 192 ; but (1) rev. type partly in relief and yfo KAAO. (retrograde) ; and (3) rev. Stag to right ; behind, ivy branch, /^2 ^KAVAONIATAS., all very fine and rare 3 196 Caulonia, Staters as before of early and later styles ; the second coin / a has a laurel-leaf before the stag on the rev. ; and the fourth coin, ^' which is of the same type as the third, has an amphora behind the 't-fiK+t ^S* 1 on ^ e 0Dvers e, well preserved and rare 4 C7V / CAULONIA. 25 L97 Caulonia, Staters as in the preceding lot ; but on the fourth coin the y *j? y inscription KAVAONIATAM is below the stag, which is running to (7^ sp rjghtj well preserved, the last a rare variety 4 198 Croton, Stater, B.C. 550-480, Tripod, ?PO. ; rev. same device, incuse, wt. 123 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 80); another, similar, but of thicker 4 fabric ; ? PO. to right and crab to left of tripod ; rev. Dolphin to right of tripod and ?POT. to left, wt. 123 grs., both extremely fine and rare 2 199 Croton, Staters, as in previous lot, but on the second coin a stork to /,<$(/ left of tripod on obv., and no symbol, &c. on rev., both fine and rare 2 200 Croton, Staters as in lot 198; but the first has a crab to left of tripod on obv. and to right of same on rev. ; and the second a crab to left on obv. and a fish to right on rev. ; another with no symbol on obv. ; but rev. type, a flying eagle, incuse, the first fine, the others very fine 3 201 r Croton, Staters of the thicker fabric, usual type, (1) stork to right on obv., and 9 POTON on rev. ; (2) stork to left on obv., and curved ornament to left on rev. ; (3) similar, but rev. slightly varied ; and 2/ Quarter Stater, same type as last, all fine, these coins are interesting v as showing a gradual development of the rev. type into two serpents' y heads 4 202 Croton, Stater, Tripod between 9 POTO ; rev. Eagle flying, incuse ; .another, similar, but of thicker fabric, ?PO (retrograde) on /* obv. ; another, similar obv., but crab to right of tripod ; rev. same Jj/^/^ type incuse, all fine and rare 3 203 Croton, Stater, usual type with rev. incuse of obv. ; stork to right of > tripod, ? PO ; another with incuse flying Eagle on rev. ; no symbol y j // on obv. ; another with tripod in relief on both sides ; and Quarter t' s? Stater, usual type, crane to right of tripod ; rev. incuse of obv., all 204 Croton, Stater, Tripod between stork and ? PO ; rev. Tripod in relief, y below II ; others, Eagle standing on stag's head ; rev. Tripod S /tf f _^~ between vine-leaf and EAPKMI (B. M. Cat. no. 82) ; both very fine and very rare varieties 2 210 Croton, Stater, Tripod filleted ; on one side is Apollo shooting at *y l <^*^ " on rocks and resting on club, holds branch over lighted altar ; ^-^ /^ s.-ttyfc / wearing broad stephane, adorned with honeysuckle design and fore- <& JZU j, a /ft/S^ P art of griffin ; around, KPOTONO; rev. Herakles, reclining to left^^- 2 ^' c S f s, y on rocks, holds wine cup in extended right hand ; in field above, ^**w*4h>W and club, wt. 118 grs., very fine and rare [PI. I] 1 *- / 213 Croton, Stater, similar to the preceding, but stephane of Hera adorned %* 0. I a" I,* strangling two serpents, wt. 117 grs., very fine and very rare^^tiC^-^ ^7[Pi. i] i *W~^ CROTON. 27 216 Croton, Staters, as before, Head of Hera; rev. Herakles seated, as in ^- jt lot 212 j another, Head of Apollo; rev. Infant Herakles strangling 0^ 'J' serpents, both in fair condition and rare 2 217 ^/Croton, Staters, as in last lot ; but on the first piece there is no legend r /? /f^ on ^' an( * on rev - Herakles seated holds cup over tripod,\KPO- ^"^ ^> j? TONIA., both in fair condition 2 218 Proton, Stater, Head of Hera Lakinia, facing, wearing stephane; rev -^// c .,S Z*' /g^s ^p> ' /^ Herakles reclining to left on lion's skin holds cup over tripod; c^C &' % before him, KPOTO; bow and club, and letters MA, obv. fine, rev. ^ ^3 /yj^t f Ptf,very fine, an extremely rare variety 1 219 Croton and Terina, in alliance, Stater, B.C. 550-480, Tripod ; on left ^^ f ?PO., on right TE ; rev. Same device, incuse, wt. 120 grs., a very rare ^-~ /As .j^and interesting coin 1 \* This coin is usually attributed to Croton and Temesa ; but Sir ^^V^k, Edward Bunbury considered it to denote an alliance between Croton " / and Terina; the latter place being a colony of the former. It " would thus precede the earliest coins with legend TEPINA. &C. * 220 Locri, Stater, Head of Zeus laureate ; below IEY2 ; rev. EIPHNH ^^ c AOKPON, Eirene seated on square cippus, wt. 110 grs. (Hist. Num. '* ^,fa,.tp si?/- ^7~ j). 86), well 'preserved and exceedingly rare 1 2y$ *zi\ Locri, Stater, with head of Zeus; rev. Eirene as in last lot, in fair / /? condition ; another, Eagle with spread wings to left devouring hare ; c^ s^f xp- AOKPON, Fulmen and caduceus, fine, both rare 2 222 Locri, Stater, Eagle with spread wings standing to right on hare and ^ // looking back, all within laurel- wreath ; rev. Fulmen dividing AOK- ^-s^- "%*i^y<2y - before, PHriNO reading from right to left, wt. 266 grs. {comp. Hist. ^/J/# //} j. Num. p. 94), very fine and rare 1 w6 fy. j!> RHEGIUM. 29 235 Rhegium, Tetradrachm, same as the preceding coin, but the type is y y a slightly more spread and the legend on the rev. runs from left to /& jlps^> w *' ^7 y rs "> ver y fi m an d mre i 236 JraEGiUM, Tetradrachm, similar to the last coin, but the hair of Apollo f described, all very fine and well patinated 13 25(5 Bruttii, similar coins and types to last lot, all very fine and well Af "patinated 12 251 Consentia, Head of Ares; rev. Fulmen and three crescents, KD2, v -M. size 5 ; Croton, Head of Heracles, rev. Tripod, size 9 ; Dog run- y /* ning ; rev. Tripod, size 8 ; Club ; rev. Bow, size 7 ; others, smaller, sizes 4-1, with rev. types, Eagle on column ; Eagle with serpent ; Three crescents ; Bird looking back ; Winged fulmen ; Fulmen ; Crab ; Owl ; Owl with wings spread ; and Eagle's head, mostly well % preserved, some unpublished 15 kJ^C CROTON, ETC. 31 252 Croton, similar to last lot, with rev. types, Tripod ; Eagle on serpent; Three crescents; Fulmen, and Eagle looking back; HiPPONlUM, B.C. 379-350, Head of Hermes; rev. Eagle, size 6; others, rev. Amphora and Cacluceus, size 4 ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Nike, size 6 ; J( t ty others rev. types, Amphora, size 4 ; and Club with branches, very rare, size 2 ; Vibo Valentia, As, rev. Fulmen ; Semis, rev. Cornu- copia? ; Triens, rev. Owl ; Quadrans, rev. Two Crabs, mostly fine and many rare 18 253 Hipponium, rev. types, Nike and Amphora; Vibo Valentia, rev. types, Fulmen, Cornucopia, and Owl as before ; Locri, Head of Zeus ; rev. Eagle, size 7 ; Head of Persephone ; rev. Eagle on fulmen, J? .jy size 7 ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Seated female holding wreath, size 8 ; same obv. ; rev. Pegasus, size 7 (2 varieties) ; Medma, Female head '^jf facing ; rev. Female head to right ; Nuceria, Head of Apollo ; rev. /y^ * very fine and vwy rare 1 V Silver. 260 Agrigentum, b.c. 550-472, Didrachm, Eagle to left, AKPA ; rev. Crab j j . j^y y another, similar, but below Crab, corn-grain ; and another with* ^\ eagle to right on obv. and on rev. below crab, archaic head, all fine, y^**/* the last two rare 3 261 Agrigentum, Didrachms (3), similar to last; all with Eagle to left ; Jc/. / on rev. below crab, CA2 and helmet, fine and rare 3 262 Agrigentum, Didrachms as in last lot, one with symbol on rev., ^fy! ^y helmet, all fine and scarce 4 2&6 AGRIGENTUM, Didrachm, Eagle to left, AKPACANT02 ; rev. Crab ; / Pentalitron, Eagle standing on top of column ; above HEN ; rev. cC S%- /? Qvdfo ; below, floral ornament. Pentonkion, Eagle, AKPA; rev. /$/tj++^' VfQ pellets, very fine and rare, the last two very rare 3 ** 264 Agrigentum, b.c. 415-406, Tetradrachm, Two Eagles standing on supine hare; one with head lifted, AKPAr ; rev. The monster 4l i jn t ,'tf!P Skylla to left ; above, crab, AKPArANTINON, wt. 264 grs. (B. M. ,. Cat. no 61), very fine and extremely rare [PI. II] 1 265 Agrigentum, b.c. 415-406, Tetradrachm, Eagle to left standing on , supine hare on rock, AKPArANTINON ; rev. Crab above fish ; on / , /Ak^ left, pecten ; on right, conch, wt. 264 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 59), very fine //**<[& **^ y^ and very rare 1 (W Cfi&**~y # From the Dupre collection. ^ff AGRIGENTTM. 33 266 Agrigentum, B.C. 415-406, Tetradrachm, Two Eagles to right on / supine hare on rock; around, magistrate's name 2IAAN02; rev. ,^/Z Nike in quadriga to left ; above, on tablet, partly legible, AKPA- f TANTIN, boustrophedon ; in the exergue, club. wt. 267 grs. (B. M. <^^**j^Cat. no. 55), very fine and exceedingly rare [PI. II] 1 r %* See lot 259 for same magistrate's name. 267 Agrigentum, B.C. 415-406, Tetradrachm, Two Eagles, &c, as on last / coin ; above to left, fly, AKPArANTINOX ; rev. Quadriga to right ^ %T ^ cZ\ *" driven by female figure ; above, Nike with wreath ; in exergue, z^^wi^Fao, wt. 261 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 57), fine and very rare 1 268 Agrigentum, b.c. 472-415, Tetradrachm, Eagle with closed wings to ff-v^. left, AKRACAXT02 : rev. Crab (B. M. Cat. no. 38) ; another, same ^ type, but below crab a fish, both fine and rare (&& 2 269 Agrigentum, Tetradrachms, as in last lot ; but below crab on one ^f3 /a piece is a floral scroll (B. M. Guide, pi. XVI, 15), both fine and rare 2 y^nsv; *** No. 2, from the Brit. Mus. duplicates. AiJRlGENTUM, Tetradrachms, as in lot 268, but beneath the crab on y % f.^ one specimen is Nike flying and carrying wreath, both fine and ^ uC^y rare 2 271 Agrigentum, Tetradrachms, as in lot 268, but the first coin has small >/} /0 t^, letters, very fine ; and the second has a bird under the crab, well y ./ ^ preserved, both rare (c^-j 2 272 Agrigentum, Half-drachm, Eagle standing on supine colt; on left, barley-corn ; rev. Crab above pistrix to right with fish in its mouth, id. 33 grs. ; another similar, but eagle stands on hare, and the S pistrix on rev. is to left ; Litrae (3), Head of Zeus to right or left ; /yf* J' rev - Eagle 5 Eagle ; rev. Crab ; and Drachm, B.C. 279-241, Head of ^"J^Zea*; rev. Eagle, T in field, AKPArANTINQN, ail fine and scarce 6 273 Agrigentum, Half -Drachm, Eagle to right on hare ; rev. Crab above pistrix to left ; another, Eagle to left ; rev. Crab above fish ; " 4 Litrae (3), Head of Zeus ; rev. Eagle ; Eagle on hare ; rev. Crab ' above fish : and Eagle to left : rev. Crab ; and Drachm, with Head Ky 278 Camarina, Didrachm, Horned head of the River-god, Hipparis, to ^ * y^ right, KAMAPINAIO rev. The Nymph Camarina with inflated (?Cy<* ' veil riding on swan, wt. 128 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 18), very rare and ^J&fot/h*.** y 00 ^ con dition though rubbed on both sides 1 279 Camarina, Diobol, Head of the Nymph Camarina, KAMAPINA (retro- grade) ; rev. Swan on waves ; below, fish, wt. 14 grs., very rare ; others r/ <9 // (2), Nike above swan, within wreath; rev. Pallas standing, jf ^ KAMAPINAION j and Catana, Diobol, Head of Silenos, laureate ; (/L&&fZ/ rev - Winged thunderbolt, KATANAK2N ; and another with head of & Silenos not laureate, mostly fine, all rare 5 280 Catana, circa B.C. 480, Tetradrachm, Man-headed bull walking to /y right ; above, Nike ; below, serpent ; rev. Nike advancing to left cA^'^ and bearing fillet, KATANAION., wt. 255 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. /^fZ^J?*f/ft> - 6), very well preserved, very rare 1 281 Catana, b.c. 461-415, Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo to right, laureate, / . hair at back in rolls ; before, KATANAION ; rev. Quadriga to right ^CSr<-~ driven by male figure, horses walking, wt. 266 grs. (comp. B. M. y^+^y/ Cat. no. 17), very fine and rare [PI. II] 1 282 Catana, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding, but the head of -^JAi^^/7/i) y Apollo is to left, and his hair is turned up behind ; bow (?) on -y^} ^>' <^Cj,/2 shoulder ; legend retrograde, wt. 267 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. no. 24), ^ j&fifjC^ fine an d very rare 1 283 Catana, Tetradrachm, similar to no. 281, with Head of Apollo to ^ ^i/t* ^ right ; hair straighter ; on rev. Nike is crowning the horses, wt. /*< /i%&/ ^^ y rs "> fi ne an ^ rare 284 Catana, Tetradrachm, same type as the last ; but the hair of Apollo ^ 2 $ /tj at the back is in rolls, wt. 268 grs., fine and rare 1 28jr Cabana, b.c. 461-415, Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo to right J -2^ /fcK laureate, hair straight ; behind, parsley -leaf ; before, KATANAI02 ; / , ^ rev. Biga to right with driver crowned by Nike, wt. 266 grs. \? k^ft y** A r V (&' M. Cat. no. 25), an extremely well preserved coin and a very rare (/ variety [PL II] 1 %* From the Northwick collection. CATANA. 35 286 Catana, circa B.C. 415, Tetradrachm by Evaenetos, Head of Apollo to / v left, laureate ; before, bell attached to knotted fillet ; behind, cray- /^ Sj. fish partly visible ; above, KAT \ NAIfiN ; rev. Victorious quadriga to rtd left ; above, Nike holding wreath and tablet inscribed EYAIN ; in exergue, crab, wt. 2621 g rSi (_g. _flf # (j a t. no. 35), extremely fine, ex- ceedingly rare, "a masterpiece of this great artist " [PI. II] 1 V 287 Catana, circa B.C. 415, Tetradrachm by Evaenetos, same as the preceding coin, but on the obv. more of the crayfish is seen, and on the rev. the goal, which the chariot is passing, is shown ; the head of Nike ^e ^ <<"'"' an d the tablet, which she holds, are off the coin, wt. 259 grs., fine, ' ""l/"* /p^^J^^^iceedingly rare 1 288 Catana, B.C. 415-403, Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo laureate, facing ; on either side, bow and lyre ; below, AIIOAAfiN ; rev. Quadriga /^^ ^^/^ /fy_ driven to right by charioteer, who is crowned by Nike ; beyond the ., ^ horses, a fluted Ionic column : in the exergue. KATANAIfiN and ifi^***^ crayfish, wt. 267 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 34), very well preserved and of ** very great rarity 1 289 Catana, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding coin but the hair of Apollo more spread and no adjuncts on either side or name below ; rev. same as last, wt. 259 grs., well preserved, obv. slightly blurred by rf** Y oxidation, very rare 1 290 Catana, B,c. 415-403, Tetradrachm, by Eerakleidas, Head of Apollo-^H^^^^^g^. y? nearly facing, hair spread ; on right, HPAKAEIAA2 ; rev. Quadriga ^ wi - 66 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 37), fine and very rare, this coin is by ^^^ f Evaenetos 1 %* From the Thomas collection. 292 Catana, Drachm, same as the preceding coin, but the rein of the y^ . S^^ farthest horse hangs loose, and the last letter of the legend is in the ^y^^JJxergue, wt. 66 grs., fine and very rare 1 293 Catana, Drachm, Head of Amenanus nearly full-face, slightly to right, ^ yy// ~S> Z,yj y/ with short flowing hair; river-fish on either side; rev. Fast ' * < * quadriga similar to lot 291 ; KATANAIfiN in exergue, wt. 64* grs., ^^~ /fc/if'y fine and exceedingly rare 1 *** From the North wick collection. <^w*y 36 SICTLIA. 294 Catana, Drachm, Head of Amenanus three-quarters to left, hair spread ; on either side, fish ; above, AMENAN05 ; rev. Quadriga to 2 j right, driver crowned by Nike ; on right, HPAKAEIAA2 (?) ; below, ^o a. meander pattern, and below that KATANAIQN (?), wt. 63 grs., in r&s^jj^fair condition, legends partly legible 1 295 Catana, Hemidrachm, Horned and bald senile head facing ; rev. Head of Apollo to right, KATANAIQN, wt. 31 grs. ; Litra, Head of //^ Silenos with wreath ; rev. Winged fulmen between two shields ; others (2), similar, but with head of Silenos to right or left bare ; and another, Female head ; rev. Bull butting. Entella, Litra, ^y Female figure sacrificing; rev. Man-headed bull, ENTEAAA., " wt. 10 grs., mostly fine, all very rare, especially the last two 6 296 Eryx, Drachm, ERIKINON (retrograde), Eagle on capital of column to y right ; rev. Crab, wt. 63 grs. ; and Half Obols, Eagle to right ; rev. crC*?' " Crab, wt. 6 grs. ; Female head, hair in knot ; rev. Dog, wt. 6 grs., all /^2e^ very fine and very rare 3 Bronze. 297 Abacaenum, Female head to right ; rev. Forepart of man-headed bull to right, size 5 ; similar, but rev. Forepart of bull, not man-headed, to left, size 4. Acrae, Head of Persephone ; rev. Demeter standing with torch and sceptre, AKPAK2N, size 5. Adranum, Female head /2f//* to left, rev. Lyre, size 6. Aetna, Head of Apollo radiate ; rev. ' AITNAIQN, Warrior, mark of value ... (2 varieties), size 4 ; Head of Persephone ; rev. Cornucopia?, size 3. Agrigentum, the tyrant Phintias, Head of river-god ; rev. Wild boar, BA2IAE02 SINTIA, size 5. Agyrium, Eagle ; rev. Wheel, ArYPINAI ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Club, size 5 ; Head of Zeus, EHI CfiHATPOY ; rev. Iolaos and dog, ArYPINAIfiN., size 6, mostly fine, all rare 11 298 Aetna, Head of Apollo ; rev. Warrior ; Agrigentum, Phintias, Head of river-god ; rev. Wild boar (2 varieties) as in previous lot. Alaesa, Head of Zeus ; rev. Eagle, sizes 5 and 4 ; Female head ; rev. Apollo beside lyre, size 5 ; Head of Apollo ; rev. Lyre, size 3. Aluntium ; rpv. types, Man-headed bull; and AAONTINQN in wreath. <3B ^* / ^****'Amestratus, Head of Artemis ; rev. Apollo with lyre, size 6 ; Head of Dionysos; rev. Warrior, size 3. Assorus, Head of Apollo, ASSORY ; rev. Chrysas holding amphora, &c, size 5 ; another ; rev. Two oxen, size 4. Catacte ; rev. types, Owl, Grapes, Caduceus and Club, sizes 5-l|, many fine, all rare 18 299 Agrigentum, Hemilitra, Eagle devouring hare : rev. Crab, below /Q pistrix ; Eagle on fish; rev. Crab and sepia; Eagle, wings open; rev. Crab and crayfish ; Head of Akragas ; rev. Eagle on column ; rw/fafAf another, counterstruck with female head ; and Quadrans, Eagle on hare ; rev. Crab and crayfish, all extremely fine and rare 6 i AGRIGENTUM. 37 300 Agrigentum, Hemilitra (5), and Quadrans, similar to previous lot, with symbols, Skylla, sepia, crayfish, head of Akragas, &c. ; Head of / Apollo ; rev. Naked Warrior thrusting spear, AKPArANTINON, s* value ; others (3) with rev. Owl, but varying obv. type, Gorgon ^ ^' ^ head, Head of Pallas, &c. ; others, 'period of decline, Head of Pallas ; sp&^&'rev. Horse, size 3 ; and Head of Pallas ; rev. Owl with spread wings, an interesting series of the coinage of this mint, fine 9 303 Catana, Head of Serapis ; rev. Isis standing, at her side Harpo- krates ; KATANAION, size 7 ; Janif ormed head of Serapis ; rev. Persephone holding ears of corn and long torch, size 6 ; Head ~j /f^w Zeus Ammon ; rev. Aequitas holding scales, size 5|; all from the ' Wigan collection ; Head of young Dionysos, KATANAKiN ; rev. //Tc<* <"V Dionysos in chariot drawn by panthers, size 6 ; others of smaller (/ module with rev. types, the Catanaean brothers, Herakles, Helmets of the Dioskuri, one of the Catansean brothers bearing female figure, and Thunderbolt, sizes 4|-2, mostly very fine 9 304 Centuripae, Head of Persephone, as on Syracusan medallions ; rev. ^./. /^Leopard, KENTOPIIIINfiN, size 9, Wigan collection; Head of \jg/ Zeus ; rev. Thunderbolt, size 7 ; Trias, Head of Artemis, rev. Tripod, size 6 ; another, similar, size 4 ; Hexas, Head of Demeter ; rev. Plough ; another, rev. Club, all exceedingly fine and rare in this state 6 305 Cephaloedium, Head of Herakles ; rev. Herakles standing, KEA, size 7 (2 varieties) ; another ; rev. Club, bow, quiver and lion's skin, f size 5 ; Head of Apollo ; rev. Apollo with lyre, size 4 ; another, rev. ^ Seated figure, size 5, all inscribed KEA. Enna, Head of Perse- t?uz+?y phone ; rev. Torch between two ears of corn, size 7 ; as a Roman f* /? Ionic column, wt. 266 grs. (B. M. Gat., no. 10), fine, and a very rare c^ryC^/^variety of this type 1 311 Gela, b.c. 466-415, Tetradrachm, Forepart of man-headed bull to right, crowned by Nike ; above 202I[nOAl2], retrograde ; rev. Quadriga^/^ of walking horses to right with charioteer ; the horses crowned by ' tX Nike ; in exergue, TEAOI[ON] retrograde, wt. 257 grs. {Num. Chron. f 1883, pi. ix, 4), fine and excessively rare [PL II] 1 M- 312 Gela, Tetradrachm, Transition Period, Forepart of man-headed bull to right, above [CE]AA2 ; rev. Biga of horses walking to right with t ^"charioteer, the horses crowned by Nike ; in the exergue, honey- suckle between two volutes j wt. 273 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 36), fine and a rare variety 1 /& * 313 Gela, Tetradrachm, Finest Art, Forepart of man-headed bull to right; above, barley-corn ; below, TEAA2 (retrograde) ; rev. Fast Quadriga -2>/Cr to left driven by youth ; above, eagle in flight ; behind, TEAOION ; ^p a, in exergue, ear of barley, wt. 265 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 58), very rare Wa^y and very fine [PL II] 1 314 Gela, Tetradrachm, Full length man-headed bull to left ; before, branch ; o/2 above, TEAA2 ; in exergue, barley-corn ; rev. Fast Quadriga to left, "^P %?* on ^ ne P rece di n S com > u 't- 263 grs., fine and excessively rare 1 GELA. 39 315 Gela, Didrachm, Forepart of man-headed bull to right ; below, CEAA2 ; rev. Horseman to right wielding spear ; another, similar, but legend retrograde ; another, Forepart of man-headed bull to left ; above? ^ 3 TEAA2 ; rev. Horseman to right, rider facing and thrusting his spear to left, the first two very fine, the last well preserved and a very l ^'*' t tre variety of type 3 ofa* 316 Gela, Obols (3), Horse with loose rein to right; rev. Forepart of man- headed bull ; above, TEAAS ; Horseman with shield ; rev. Same y / type; Half Obols (24), types, Male head to right; rev. Wheel; ~ c/w/ others, similar, with female head on obv. ; or Forepart of bull to ^e*r ***"' right, all well preserved and somewhat scarce 27 *^* The above came from a small hoard found on the ancient site of Gela. *t- 40 SICILIA. THIRD DAY'S SALE. SICILIA continued. Silver. LOT 317 Heraclea Minoa, circa B.C. 409, Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to , / right, wearing wreath of corn, hair in spirals ; around, dolphins ; rev. * fH fe'J7j'$l y^^ ^^/Quadriga to right, driven by charioteer crowned by Nike, horses in ^.-^9^ (s^ * high action; in the exergue, Punic inscription, Rest Melkarth, wt. /O ?> k ~270 grs. (B. M. Cat. p. 251, 6), very fine and exceedingly rare 1 18 Heraclea Minoa, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding, but slightly # S .varied in small details, wt. 262 grs., well preserved and very rare 1 319 Heraclea Minoa and Cephaloedium, Hemidrachm, Head of young Herakles to right, wearing lion's skin ; before, legend KE^AAOI- . AIOY?; rev. Butting bull to right; above, HPAKAETON, wt. C?. Sf* &> 26 grs., well preserved. Thermae Himerenses, Obol, Head of Hera yp , wearing ornamented Stephanos ; before, EPMITAN ; rev. Herakles y ^^ rev. as in lot 320, all fine and scarce 3 ^323 ^HlMERA, Drachms (2), of early and later types as before ; Hemidrachm of later style, Horseman to right ; rev. Nike ; another, similar, with rt Youth on goat to left on obv. ; Obols (4), Forepart of winged goat ^ ' with human face to left or right ; rev. Youth on goat ; Cock to left; //P J}^ rev - Mill-sail incuse ; and Bearded head with large horn, HIME. ; J rev. Helmet, wt. 10 grs. each, mostly fine, the smaller pieces rare 8 u^a HIMERA. 41 324 Himera, Tetradrachm, Transition Period, B.C. 472-415, The Nymph / , /in ?{ sacrificing at altar ; behind her, Silenos kneeling on the base of a \ y~ ^/^ountain and washing himself in a stream of water, falling from a i# ^*^ ^ "** *^^* yt '/' & lion's mouth; above, wheel; rev. Quadriga to left, charioteer-^/^~ -^^V^vij /> j^ crowned by Nike; in exergue, IMHPAION, wt. 265 grs., fine and x J > ^r ^_ base of the fountain ; above, barley-corn ; and on rev. the Quadriga ^^^^ -^ >? ^L**^ st0 right ' wt ' 266 grs ' (B-M. Cat. no. 31), fine and rare 1 * ^326 MiMERA, Tetradrachm, similar to the last coin, but Silenos facing ^ . /^* y SS- -^ rev. Victorious quadriga to right, charioteer crowned by Nike ; in //? e. exergue, lion, wt. 265 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 130), well preserved and " ? ver y rare i y 328 Leontini, Tetradrachm, same as the preceding coin, but the hair of fjQ^- /*frt4? Apollo is shorter, wt. 260 grs., well preserved and rare 1 ^29 j^eontini, Tetradrachm, Transition Period, B.C. 466-422, Head of y Apollo laureate to right, hair turned up at back ; rev. Lion's head ^ yC /' ' ver y fi ne an d rare * 334 Leontini, Tetradrachm, usual type, similar to the preceding coin ; but j/g^j x the lion's head is also to left and behind it is a laurel-leaf, wt. 271 grs., , i/? ,jL very fine and rare 1 33o Leontini, Tetradrachm, Quadriga to right with charioteer, horses ^/y /6 crowne( * by Nike ; rev. Lion's head to right with open jaws ; around, yj ^4OTHC wt. 86 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 133); and Obol, same type, wt. 11 grs., both very fine 2 . 341 Messana (Zancle), Drachm, wt. 79 grs., and Obol, wt. 11 grs., same G& S* y types as previous lot, both fine 2 *** Both from the Dupre collection. ^342 Messana, Attic Tetradrachm, under Anaxilas of Khegium, Lion's j^s, /e &$ jC%/$ head facing; rev. Calf's head to left, ME22ENION, wt. 264 fn-tfrfttfH/ \ %&- ^ (Sid. Num. p. 134), fine and extremely rare 1 "2ff*^~ 343 Messana, circa B.C. 480, Tetradrachm, Biga of mules, driven to right &cS- & by bearded charioteer; in exergue, leaf; rev. Hare to right, ME22E- ^r NION, wt. 269 grs. very fine and rare 1 344^ Messana, Tetradrachm, same type as last, wt. 268 grs., well preserved ^ ' ** and rare 1 ^ 345 Messana, circa B.C. 480, Didrachm, Biga of mules, driven by bearded Z> fa / y^/ f^ charioteer ; rev. Hare to right, ME22ENION, wt. 131 grs., very fin^^/.f./z y^> r and exceedingly rare, a denomination not given in Hist. Num. nor in ^ and readin g MESSANION, wt. 267 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. ^ ^ ^sgj; P> i03 ) i and Drachm, Biga to right ; rev. Hare, ME22ENION, wt. 64 grs., both well preserved e*f* MESSANA. 43 347 Messana, Tetradrachm, Male figure in biga to right, mules crowned , by Nike; in exergue, leaf; rev. Hare to right; beneath, branch, ^^ ^/o <7? ?' T , ME22 ANION, wt. 267 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. p. 103), extremely fine *'^L ^ ^ <^*-^*>*^ fln d .rare 1 348 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga to left, crowned by Nike ; 2 s rev. Hare running to right ; on the other side of it, three ears of copa ; in the exergue, ME22ANION on tablet and corn-grain, "^""^wl- 264 grs., very fine, of neat work, and a rare variety [PI. II] 1 349 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga to left ; in exergue, two y ^^jdolphins ; rev. Hare running to left ; beneath, ear of corn ; above, ec r- $ bird ; before, traces of artist's signature, A (?) ; in exergue, ME22A- * &* xJ^^y ^OS^w^lON, wt. 263 grs., fine and a rare type 1 ' ^ 350 Messana, Tetradrachm, similar obv. type to the preceding coin, but y^? ^ Messana is crowned by Nike ; rev. Hare to right ; beneath, head of ^ yt ^ VV ^Pan, ME22ANK)N, wt. 265 grs., very fine and very rare [PL III] 1 ^* Se?/"**'^ * # * From the Thomas collection. /^^j/ 351 Messana, Tetradrachm, same type as the last coin, but before head of -/^/^/s^ P an under hare is a syrinx, and reading, ME22ANION, wt. 265 grs., * yfg^rm^ very fine and very rare ( J^t- / 1 352 Messana, Tetradrachm, Finest Style, Messana in one horse chariot to / right, horse crowned by Nike walking on reins ; in exergue, laurel- <; ^Vl/' / ^ leaf and two berries ; rev. Hare to right ; below, dolphin, ^^^^MESSANION, wt. 265 grs., extremely fine and a very rare varie, / [PI. Ill] 1 *$* From the Davis collection. 353 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga of mules to right, mules ^/ /4 crowned by Nike ; in exergue, fish; rev. Hare to right; below, a J^_/$9lphin, MES2ANION, wt. 263 grs., fine and rare 1 354 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga to left ; above, ME2SAN ; ^go- g in exergue, two dolphins; rev. Hare to left; below, ear of corn, ^** y^ " jS ,^ ME22AN., wt. 267 grs., fine and rare 1 3o5 Messana, Tetradrachm, by Kimon (?), Messana in biga to left ; above, //T Nike holding wreath and caduceus ; in exergue, fish ; rev. Hare to ^&%? ^ J / left ; below, eagle standing on rock and devouring serpent, ME2- y* v '*^ 2ANIQN, wt. 256 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 56), fine and extremely rare 1 356 Messana, Tetradrachm, Messana in biga, &c, as on no. 354 ; rev. Hare to left ; below, fly, ME22ANION, wt. 264 grs. j Drachm, * Biga to right driven by old charioteer, mules crowned by Nike all well preserved 3 ^S ??? S* rftr* fits in exergue, leaf ; rev. Within wreath hare to right, ME22ANION, wt. 63 grs. ; and Litra, Hare to right ; rev. ME2 in wreath, wt. 14 grs., c^V 44 SICILIA. 357 Messana. Tetradrachm, Early Style, Biga to right with old charioteer, crowned by Nike ; in exergue, leaf ; rev. Hare to right ; below, / ME22ANION, wt. 259 grs. ; Drachm, Head of Pelorias to left ^P IIEAfiPIAS ; behind, A ; rev. Pheraimon with shield and spear, ^*y -^ MOTYAION ; rev. Dog to right; above, corn-grain,^. 126 grs. ; another, Head of nymph to right ; around, dolphins ; rev. Horse- 0*e-* l *~y man to left, wt. 124 grs., both rare, but in poor condition 2 359 Motya, Didrachm, Head: of nymph to right ; behind, leaf ; before, Punic legend ; rev. Dog standing on stag's head ; above, head of Pan, wt. 132 grs. , another, Female head facing ; rev. Crab ; below, /i?rAe/Zi**/ Punic legend, wt. 121 grs., both rare, but not well preserved 2 360 Naxus, Drachm, Archaic type, Head of Dionysos to left with pointed /, beard; rev. Bunch of grapes, NAXION, wt. 83 grs. ; Obol, same c ^ type, wt. 14 grs. ; another, with head of Dionysos to right, of later <&*"fy style ; and Half Drachm, Head of Apollo, NAXIQN ; rev. Silenos " kneeling, wt. 32 grs., well preserved, the early pieces rare 4 361 Naxus, Tetradrachm, Early Style, B.C. 461-415, Head of Dionysos to l ^J-Jc& oCj. - right, with long beard, hair in bunch behind and bound with \\y ^w*^XC/jr ^>* J? 3. /f^ivy, hair in bunch behind ; rev. Silenos seated towards left, hold- y^C s/foe/&*JB% wine cup, left hand on knee, NAXION, wt. 67 grs. (comp. B. M. '/yt^j Cat. no. 9), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Northwick collection. 366 NAXUS, Drachm, similar to the preceding coin ; but hair of Dionysos oC %. 4 flatter behind, and left hand at his side, wt. 67 grs. (B. M. Cat. {-f**'-*#& no. 9), fine and very rare 1 *** From the Thomas collection. NAXUS, ETC. 45 367 NAXUS, Half Drachms (2) Head of Apollo ; rev. Silenos seated, both /i y, / varied ; Obols (2), one of the same type, the other, earlier style, Head ' '' " of Dionysos with pointed beard. Messana, Obol, Hare to right ; %gy*''WEiS in wreath ; another, same, but legend reading retrograde. Motya, Obols (3), Head facing ; rev. Crab ; Head of Gorgon ; rev. Tree (2 varied), all with Punic legends, all well preserved and interest- ing coins 9 ^&'> Bronze. 368 CATANA, Head of Serapis ; rev. Demeter with torch and ear of corn, /j, size 7 ; Head of Dionysos ; rev. The Catanean brothers, size 5. Cen- ' . another, rev. Wheatsheaf, size 4. Lilybaeum, Veiled head ; rev. i-^^/^/^Serpent around tripod, size 8 ; others, rev. Lyre, size 5 ; Tripod, size 4. Menae, rev. types, Lyre, Nike in quadriga, Asklepios, Two torches crossed, and Tripod, sizes 5-2. Messana, rev. types, Pheraemon in fighting attitude (2 varieties), size 6 ; Head of Poseidon ; rev. Trident and dolphins, size 7, and Head of Herakles ; rev. Lion, size 5, mostly fine, many rare 15 371 Leontini, rev. types, River-god; Two ears of corn; Menae, rev. -^^ Lyre ; Nike in quadriga, and Two torches crossed ; Messana, rev. <7^ ' ~~ Pheraemon fighting, and Trident as in last lot ; others, rev. Cuttle- ^^^Y fi sn > size 4, and Nike in quadriga, size 5. Mamertini, Head of P Ares ; rev. Eagle, MAMEPTNION, size 7 ; Head of Zeus ; rev. War- rior, size 8 ; Head of Ares ; rev. Dioskuros and horse, size 7 ; another, rev. Butting bull, size 6. Morgantina, Head of Pallas ; rev. Lion devouring prey, size 7 ; Head of Apollo ; rev. Lyre, size 3, fine and some rare 15 46 SICILIA. 372 Mamertini, rev. types, Eagle, Warrior with shield, Bull butting, / ^ Dioskuros and horse, and Figure seated on rock, all size 7, and tfCv'J mostly Pentonkia ; others, rev. types, Butting bull, Eagle, Warrior ^^ ,^y (2 varieties), Dog, Omphalos, and Naked warrior, sizes 6-2^ ; and V (/ Morgantina, Head of Pallas ; rev. Lion devouring prey, size 7, all very fine and interesting types 14 *** For coins of Panormus with Punic legends see Carthaginian and Siculo-Punic coins, p. 63. Silver. 373 Segesta, Didrachm, Archaic period, Head of Segesta to right, hair ^C S> turned up under her diadem, SErESTAIIBESl ; rev. Hound to rfx^^Y right on ^e scent (B. M. Cat. no. 5) : another, similar type, but y Hound on the scent as in last lot ; another, Head of nymph to 'y^^,^ right ; rev. Hound on the scent ; above, SErESTAIIB retrograde Jy^n^ exergue, ErAl^TAIIB. ; rev. Youthful hunter and one dog similar < v f * / ' to the preceding coin ; no legend, wt. 267 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 34),^^i? jA fine and very rare 1 *c* SEGESTA. 47 379 Segesta, Didrachm, Head of Segesta to right, hair long, diadem and / s~ /J / necklet of pearls ; rev. Hound to left, wt. 142 grs., very fine ; another, ^ ' head of Nymph, hair insphendone; rev. Hound on the scent to /&%&**- right; behind, three ears of corn; in exergue, SErESTAUB (retrograde), wt. 133 grs., very well preserved, and rare 2 380 Segesta, Didrachms, similar to last lot, but on the first piece the hair ^^.of the Nymph is en queue ; before, ErESTAION, wt. 128 grs. ; and on the second piece the hair of the Nymph is turned up, before ^r*y ErESTAION, and the legend on the rev. is not retrograde, wt. * 128 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 39), both fine and rare 2 381 Segesta, Didrachm, Head of Segesta to right, hair turned up behind ; -d? S/r? ^-behind, leaf ; ErESTAION ; rev. Hound standing on stag's head TION, wt, 261 grs., well preserved and very rare Tr* 391 Selinus, Tetradrachm of the finest period, Nike in quadriga to right ; ^ S y -^ / above, wreath ; in the exergue, 2EAINONTION and ear of barley ; /A^V 1 cr- "' rev. Selinus, naked, sacrificing at altar ; behind, bull on a pedestal ; A,$ti A'/h/a-**/ aDove > l ea f j * n tne exergue, fish, id. 265 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 44), * j very fine, but the head of Selinus is off the field, very rare ^yjt *+* From the Northwick collection. 392 Selinus, Didrachm, Herakles contending with bull, which he is about 3^/*JK & y ^nlne w i tn n i s cmD > rev - The River- god Selinus sacrificing at 47^ ^ _. altar, on the side of which is a serpent ; behind him, a crane and ' ~ / ^ eJ *\? a selinon-leaf, 2EAINONTION, wt. 127 grs., fine and excessively rare 1 393 Selinus, Didrachm, Herakles contending with bull as on the pre- 4 j y^y -y^, ceding coin, 2EAINONTION ; rev. Hypsas naked, sacrificing at c ^~ altar, around which is entwined a serpent ; behind him, crane and IP'** ityfa^**^ selinon-leaf, HY*A2, wt. 133 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 34), icell preserved J^ ', and rare, plated but of ancient fabric 1 > 394 Selinus, Didrachm, similar type to last coin, wt. 131 grs., in fair ^/ u <* ^^^J^ condition, rare 1 * * 395 Selinus, Half Drachm, Head of Herakles to right in profile ; rev. Nike v l A in quadriga ; above, selinon-leaf ; in exergue, 2EAINONTION, jjK "./%/ w t. 28 grs. ; another, similar, but obv. type, Head of Herakles three- sp quarter face to left, wt. 28 grs. ; Obol, Nymph seated holding^/^,, fte-V^r gerpent . rev Man-headed bull, 5EAINOE2, wt. 10 grs. (3 varieties, \ j/ A one reading 2EAINONTION), all very well preserved and interesting types 5 Bronze. 396 Panormus, Bust of Pallas, IIANOPMITAN ; rev. Head of Persephone, / crowned with barley, size 9 ; another, similar ; behind head of Per- left) hair in sphendone ornamented with stars, earrings ; before, ^f^ 2YPAK02IQN; rev. Herakles strangling the lion, wt. 100 grs. /irjf ^f-*etf V yyy y high relief, 2YPAK02IQN ; rev. Free horse to right; in exergue, s&hS& /S^iy rjl S 2YPAK02IQN, wt. 47 ars. (Head, pi. IV, 2), well preserved and rf>/ys /,/ %Z*/~-/C/?6 y* '"* rare 1 ^&L la^ coin, but symbol on obv., a bow, wt. 56 grs., very fine j^^v^, ^ ^^*/Vj 404 Syr^Tuse, 50 Litra Piece, electrum, same type as lot 402, but behind rfC * ^V jj*ad f Apollo, star, wt. 56 grs., fine 1 405 Syracuse, 50 Litra Piece, electrum, same type as lot 402, but behind 7^S//s ne ad of Apollo, wreath, and on rev. II between legs of tripod, *~yp c/?sy wt. 54j?rs., well preserved 1 406 Syracuse, 30 Litra Piece, electrum, B.C. 345-317, Head of Zeus Eleu- y 'v * therios to left, ZEY2 EAEYQEPIOS ; rev. Pegasos to left; below, ~4**Sjff.s~f nec k tne artist's name, EYAINE. in large letters ; rev. Quadriga ^*** /L, to left, the charioteer crowned by Nike ; in exergue, armour, wt. 668 jrs.. very fine and very rare [PI. Ill] 1 /& Uu*y / * From the Thomas collection. 414 Syracuse, Medallion or Dekadrachm, by Evaenetos, similar to (fL u* "In. ^Ay*^/ the preceding coin, but behind head of Persephone is a scallop shell / J / ^\ ^7 to lot 414; but A under the chin of Persephone; and on there- s/fj{ ^ */"' VflrsA hftlnw tho arm a in tno aTOrmio A(Si\ A iiii (\(\ nre IMIWI Urnp. a/P -jf ssi. verse below the arms in the exergue, A0AA, wt. 664 grs., very fine *? /f /0&S^* /****&- vnd ver y rare 1 '4 18 Syracuse, Medallion or Dekadrachm, by Evaenetos, usual type, fy similar to lot 414 ; hair slightly more spread; no symbol on ok, <-V?^ and on the rev. the chariot and charioteer are well placed in the ^^ZtV^field of the coin, wt. 667 grs., extremely fine and very rare [PI. Ill] 1 '41 419 Syracuse, Tetradrachm of the Geomori, circa B.C. 500, Slow quadriga -/'7~//f ( j i ' c S/<'-/j. y with charioteer to right ; above, SYPA90210N j rev. Incuse square ^ 7 p /% S0 divided into four parts; in centre, archaic head of Nymph, wt. ^"*^^'^<^5 f<7&y/i4$&grs. (Head, pi. i, 1), fine and extremely rare 1 42r Syracuse, Tetradrachm, B.C. 500-478, Female head to right of archaic y type, hair indicated by dotted lines, diadem ; around, four dolphins ^s ^^^xr, and 2YPA?02I0N; rev. Quadriga to left with charioteer ; above, ^$Tj t/fca* Tike alighting on the yoke and holding wreath in right hand, left placed on horse's head, wt. 263 grs. (Head, pi. I, 3), very fine and very -a^y rare [PI. HI] 1 ^y *** From the Huxtable collection. 421 Syracuse, Didrachm, same obverse type as last coin, but head within /&*/ /&/*-/%%; *-/^ ^ ^--^linear circle ; rev. Nude horseman to right, leading a second horse, ^j.V-v* *&. cS* s a? wi y)- ff rs -> very fine and very rare of this early type 1 ' *? yf ] 422 Syra^se, Tetradrachm, Female head similar to lot 420, but hair A, indicated by cross lines; around, dolphins and 2YPA?02I0N ; rev. <^&*t/' J &$ /'&%' J( ^fr Quadriga to left, charioteer crowned by Nike; in exergue, 2YPA, yfsv //ai/ ^ wt ' ^7 y rs -> very fine and a rare type [PI. Ill] 1 /$%&&* <+. *** From Dr. Nott's collection. 423 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, similar type to last, but on the obv. tlje hair y is indicated by dotted lines and turned up behind, 2YPAK02ION ; ^fyfryjy rev - Quadriga to right, horses crowned by Nike, below whom, 2YPA, ^f< ^ '' ' wt. 265 grs. ; Didrachm, obv. as Tetradrachm ; rev. Horseman to -^. right leading a second horse, wt. 130 grs. (Head, pi. i, 5), both well- * c/ ^*f l ** x *preserved and scarce 2 (/ e2 52 SICILIA. 424 Syracuse, Tetradrachm and Didrachm, similar to the preceding lot, but / < 2 ^ on the second coin the female head is to the left and the inscription// **/ , is retrograde, both fine and scarce 2 425 Syracuse, Tetradrachms, usual archaic type with female head to right /* ^ and quadriga to right ; one reads 2YPA?02ION, the other 2YPA- ^ /^^^/feiKOSlON, no legend on rev., both fine and scarce 2 6 Syracuse, Tetradrachms, as in last lot, but one with head of female -^ to left, both with legends, 2YPAK02ION, both fine and rare 2 ^427 Syracuse, Tetradrachms (2), similar types as last lot, with female head '/^ ^^V' to right or left, the latter has the hair en queue, both fine and scarce 2 42# SyJ^acuse, Tetradrachms (2), Archaic type, both with female head to Tt^ ' & /r^i^$^ U^* on one ^ e / ^// // bound with a broad diadem, above which at the back projects a ft v^ 7 ^ th^k lock of hair, wt. 269 grs. (Head, pi. n, 11), very fine and rare 1 SYRACUSE. 53 436 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, usual type, with female head to right, hair in rolls at back ; rev. Quadriga to right, &c. j pistrix in exergue (similar to lot 433) ; another, similar, but female head bound with broad diadem, a thick lock projecting behind, and no symbol in ^p rt exergue on rev., similar to the preceding lot, both well preserved and ^^y rare 2 437 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, time of the Democracy, B.C. 466-406, Female / head to right, the hair completely concealed in a sakkos pointed :^ /^?T ^"behind and ornamented with meander pattern ; around, dolphins ; t^^*^ j 2YPAK02ION ; rev.lQuadrigaf to right, horses crowned by Nike, ^*^y/ wt. 263 grs., fine and a very rare variety [PI. IV] 1 " *#* From the Thomas collection. 438 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin, but the / # / sakkos is less pointed at the back ; and on the rev. Nike crowns the^^J^ <^ / ' I, ^charioteer, wt. 265 grs. (comp. Head, pi. m, 2), fine and very rare 1 439 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, usual type, but hair of female bound with // ^^ fillet, which passes three times round the head ; and on rev. Nike ^jfjtf* ^ *?' crowns the horses, wt. 268 grs. (Head, pi. in, 4), very fine and a rare j~& variety [PI. IV] 1 440 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding coin, but on the female head the hair is gathered in a net and bound by a fillet, which passes three times round the head ; a small lion's head is <~y .-behind, artist's name in full, EYMHNOY j rev. Quadriga to left with /sfi~tr* vji$f horses in perspective, as on last coin ; charioteer crowned by Nike ; in exergue, EYMHNOY (?), wt. 268 grs., very fine and very rare SJ- ' ^^[Pl. IV] 1 <*- 445 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, by Eumenes, and Evaenetos, Female head with h /? * / hair rolled, &c, as lot 442 ; below, artist's name, EYMENOY ^^ ^f ? 4 /, ( s ^ c -)' rev - Quadriga to right; above, Nike holding tablet inscribed ^^* '/ft& ' * * EYAINHT02 ; in exergue, two fishes, wt. 264 grs. {Head, pi. m, 13) p? on diadem, artist's name EYMH. ; around, dolphins ; ^Civi ^" above, 2YPAK02ION ; rev. Quadriga to left, charioteer crowned by --if/ /4? as Nike ; horses in perspective ; in exergue, two dolphins, wt. 267 grs., ^/f ^ " y fine and rare 1 447 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, by Sosion, Female head to left, &c, similar to J- g /- the preceding, but diadem not inscribed ; necklet of large pearls, i^^ ,/ to which is appended a ram's head; rev. Quadriga to left, as on last i/" " //Wt^/****^ coin ; no dolphins in exergue, wt. 265 grs. (comp. Head, pi. Ill, 12), well preserved ; the works of this artist are rare 1 448 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, by EuMeides and Eumenes, Female head to / left, hair turned up at back, &c. ; under chin, tablet inscribed ^ <*~' / EVKAEIAA in two lines; rev. Quadriga to left, charioteer crowned *"^5jP/* P **L by Nike ; under horses, EY. ; in exergue, two dolphins, wt. 269 grs., ' W~fo&l fine and very rare [PL IV] 1 449 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, by Eukleides and Eumenes, same as the pre- r ceding coin ; but with artist's name EYMHNOY in the exergue on / , y /_/ the rev., this coin has suffered from oxydation 1 ' Z- A /!/--** This coin is of importance as it identifies the artists of the pre- ceding and following coins. 450 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, by Eukleides and Eumenes, usual type, female , y head to left wearing sphendone, ornamented in front and at back " r with stars, 2YPAKOSION in thick letters ; rev. Quadriga to left, SYRACUSE. 55 452 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, by Phrygillos and Euth , Head of Perse- phone to left, wreath of barley, hair bound with cord ; necklet with ^y^, ^^amphora attached ; around, four dolphins and 2YPAKOSION; below, c?C> *&"* $PYriAA02; rev. Quadriga to right, charioteer, who has large rfs^-Zy' wings, crowned by Nike ; in exergue, Skylla with trident, &c, and ^ EY, wt. 268 grs.(B. M. Cat. no. 156), very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 453 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, by Eumenes and Euth , Head of Perse- , phone to left, as on last coin, with corn-wreath, but no cord around ^y t^ <^'^-y' ^around, dolphins and SYPAKO^ION ; rev. Quadriga to right, &c. S jz&k/^t same as ^^ e ^ as ^ w ^' ^ y rs '' fi ne an ^ ver y mre * 454 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, by Phrygillos, Female head to right, hair in sphendone ornamented with stars at back, and diadem inscribed ?jp 4>PY ; around, dolphins and 2YPAK02ION ; rev. Quadriga to left, t/&' Persephone as charioteer holding torch and crowned by Nike ; in ^ cr ^Kc ^7 a-- exergue, ear of barley, wt. 262 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 158), obv.fine, J* rev. somewhat rubbed, rare 1 * From the Dupre collection. 455 Syracuse, Tetradrachm, by Phrygillos, similar to the preceding coin, but behind head a stork's head ; and above on left legend in large ,/?{, letters; rev. same as last coin, wt. 261 grs., well preserved and rare 1 ACUSE, Tetradrachm, Female head to right, hair gathered in knot at back of head ; pendant attached to necklet ; around, dolphins and yy >^ 5YPAK02ION ; rev. Persephone in quadriga to left, holding torch / ' and crowned by Nike ; in exergue, ear of barley, wt. 261 grs. v^/ neao - ^ Ares, and last three letters of legend on rev. in exergue, <^ xT~ A^,/ W M^ 9 rs - (Head, pi. viii, I), fine and rare 1 471 Syracuse, Agathocles, b.c. 307-289, Stater, Head of Pallas to right in ^^ Corinthian helmet, ornamented with griffin ; rev. Winged fulmen,- ^^(/y^ 6fo?^s dividing ArA0OKAEO2 BA2IAE02 $., wt. 88 grs. (Head, pi. IX, ^Ff, S ^0), very fine and very rare [PI. IV] 1 y^'*L //. f tf*^ Silver. 472 Syracuse, Agathocles, B.C. 317-310, Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone / to left, wearing corn-wreath ; around, three dolphins ; below, N K ^*e 474/ Syracuse, Agathocles, Tetradrachm, same type as no. 472, but under //^^ jl/,~ /JL/J* 6 ^ f Persephone NI, wt. 259 grs., fine and rare 1 v^O 475 Syracuse, Agathocles, Drachm, Head of young Herakles to left, laureate ; behind, trophy ; before, SYPAKOSIfiN j rev. Triskelis rf*/ % 7 58 SICILIA. 476 Syracuse, Agathocles, B.C. 310-307, Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to right, hair long and bound with corn- wreath ; behind, KOPA2 ; ^y/ t // feo. Nike erecting trophy ; on right, A 7 " ; on left, triskelis ; in exergue, s? ArA0OKAEO2, wt. 263 grs. (comp. Head, pi. IX, 2), very fine and a sJt^ '/* ^- wry rare type 1 477 Syracuse, Agathocles, Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding J$~sS J J Q y coin, but on rev. no monogram, and legend, ArA0OKAElO5 in [jf,H $<^ ^ jf?. field to left, wt. 263 grs. (Head, pi. ix, 2), very fine and very rare S&J& [PL IV] 1 478^Syracuse, Agathocles, B.C. 307-289, Didrachm, Head of Pallas in / crested helmet to right ; rev. Pegasos to left ; below, triskelis ; (^Oj^V^^arpund, 2YPAK02H2N; another, similar, behind head of Pallas, *^ trophy ; and on rev. flower below and triskelis above Pegasos ; / /^ another, Head of Pallas to left, helmet without crest ; rev. Pegasos ; jY> S&, '' below, triskelis ; no legend, very fine and scarce 3 s 479 Syracuse, Agathocles, Didrachms, as in previous lot, fine, scarce 3 ** 480 Syracuse, Agathocles, Didrachm, Head of Pallas to right, helmet not crested ; rev. Pegasos to left ; another, similar, Head of Pallas to left ; and triskelis under Pegasos ; another, Head of Pallas to right ; rev. exergual line under Pegasos to left, the last very fine, the others Jj/ne, all rare varieties 3 Gold. 481 Syracuse, Hicetas, B.C. 287-278, Drachm, Head of Persephone with corn- wreath to left ; behind, cornucopia? ; before to left, SYPAKQSIfiN ; A*^f/44& * y / rev. Nike in biga to right ; above, star ; below, ear of corn ; in ex- J / ergue, EIII IKETA2, wt. 66 grs. (comp. Head, pi. x, 1), very fine and rare 1 482 Syracuse, Hicetas, Drachm, similar type to the preceding, but behind head of Persephone, fly ; and on rev. annulet enclosing pellet 7 j- under horses ; no legend, wt. 66 grs., very fine, exceedingly rare, un- published [Vl.TV] 1 ^^ Silver. left; above, star; in exergue, 2YPAKOSIQN, wt. 197 grs. (Head, jf/irtrfiti pi. x, 3), extremely fine and very rare in this state [PI. 1VJ 1 483 Syracuse, Hicetas, Tridrachm, Head of Persephone to left, with / corn-wreath, hair long; behind, fly; rev. Nike in quadriga to %* From the Thomas collection. A 484 Syracuse, Hicetas, Tridrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but fjp' behind head on obv. x., wt. 196 grs., fine and rare \ W v ~, /? *** From Dr. Nott's collection. SYRACUSE. 59 Gold. 485 Syracuse, temp. Pyrrhus, B.C. 278-275, Drachm, Head of Perse- phone to left, hair long ; behind, bucranium ; rev. Nike in biga ; in )^^ exergue, 3YPAK02ION, wt. 67 grs. {Head, pi. x. 9), very fine and *''* very rare [PI. IV] 1 C&>. y^i^hfX The coins of Pyrrhus with his name are described under Epirus (see lots 881-886). * c^f. 486 Syracuse, Hieron II, B.C. 275-216, Drachm, Head of Persephone ^ ^yy to left, hair long, wearing necklace and earring, hair bound with >> ,, ? 2(s? barley ; behind, cornucopise ; rev. Nike in biga ; below A and / ^^ / ^Y- ^~4/ ^y IEPONOS., wt. 66 grs., very fine and scarce ^o&~Sf / J f 7 ^ ?^t ^/?^ '-/y rEAONO^ ; no exergual line, wt. 105 grs. (Head, pi. xi, i),fine and v ]/><- very rare 1 *** From the Thomas collection. 491 Syracuse, Gelon, 4 Litra Piece, Head of Gelon diademed to left ; ^ \, ^ /^^p rev. Eagle; behind, BA; before, K; around, 2YPAK02IOI FEAONOS, ^^/ * ^ wt. 52 grs. (Head, pi. xi, 5), well preserved and exceedingly rare 1 .^ j? <% 492 Syracuse, Philistis, 16 Litra Piece, Veiled head of the Queen to left ; behind, star ; rev. Nike in quadriga to right, horses walking ; ~^&*>/ IAI2TIA02; before, 1., wt. 211 grs. (Head, pi. xi, 8), very fine and scarce 1 493 Syracuse, Philistis, 16 Litra Piece, similar to the preceding, but ^ ^ ^ behind head of Philistis, thyrsos, and on rev. above quadriga, t^c ** ** crescent, wt. 205 grs., very fine and scarce 1 *oy sykauuse, lieion, o ijitra nece, neaa oi ueion aiaaemea to lett ; ~^below, E ; above, BA2IAI22A2; in exergue , 3>IAI2TIAA02, wt. Aqf ' /7 . 209 grs. (Head, pi. xi, 7), extremely fine and a rare variety with ^J&*>~#^qu(tdriga to left 1 495 Syracuse, Philistis, 16 Litra Piece, similar to the preceding, but on / ^ rev. Quadriga to right, horses galloping ; same symbol on obv. and / e letter on rev., wt. 209 grs., very fine 1 496 "Syracuse, Philistis, 16 Litra Piece, same as last coin, but the action ^ of the horses is less vigorous, they appear to be cantering ; same * symbol and letter, wt. 198 grs., fine 1 497 Syracuse, Philistis, 5 Litra Piece, Head of Philistis to left, veiled ; behind, palm-branch ; rev. Nike in biga to right, horses galloping ; before, E; above, BA2IAI22A2; below, IAI2TIA02, wt. 63 grs.^"^- 1 6/% (Head, pi. xi, 6), very fine and extremely rare 1 * 498 Syracuse, Philistis, 16 Litra Piece, usual type with horses galloping / to right ; above, crescent ; before, KI2 ; below, ear of corn ; usual jf /* 4/ legend, wt. 201 grs., well preserved; 5 Litra Piece, as in last lot, but c\5^// h rses walking, somewhat rubbed, rarity as before 2 499 Syracuse, Hieronymus, B.C. 216-215, Didrachm, Head of king to left, / /, yl / diademed; behind, K; rev. BA2IAE02 IEPONYMOY above and r*"W6/ f/(i jC y-Sr below winged fulmen; above which, KI, wt. 131 grs. (Head, pi. xii, *^5w tyr.^L ^^J,l), very fine, and very rare [PI. TV] ^A^ci.^J, fA 500 JSjraACUSE, Hieronymus, Didrachm, similar to the preceding, but on 7 'Z /f^7// rev - SA above fulmen, wt. 132 grs., very fine and very rare 1 / 501 Syracuse, Democracy, B.C. 215-212, 12 Litra Piece, Helmeted head ^^^7^//^ of Pallas to left : rev. Artemis huntress to left, hound at her feet : , // /. '< t> before in field, 2fl ; behind, 2YPAK02K2N, wt. 155 grs. (Head, / mJ Ji pi. XIII, 3); 8 Litra Piece, obv. Same type; rev. Winged fulmen; /, tf^/- A /fcj- above, 2YPAK02IQN; below, YA2, wt. 105 grs. (Head, pi. xiii, 4), * J JL*'hf/'l 7 both very fine and rare 2 "* / V* Li 502 Syracuse. Democracy, 12 Litra and 8 Litra Pieces as in last lot; b^ut < ^**^''*/t/' J* jfS the former with AA, the latter with YA-2A in field on rev., wts. 158 s/^J&nd 105 grs. respectively, both very fine 2 503 Syracuse, Democracy, 12 Litra and 8 Litra Pieces as in lot 501 ; but 'jj .y the former with MI, the latter with SO in field on rev., wts. 154 ~yL++3nd 104 grs. respectively, both fine 2 5Q0r Syracuse, Drachms (2), Archaic period, Female head; rev. Horseman ; Others (2), with rev. Leukaspis; but with obv. Head to left, or . ff fr Helmeted head facing ; 3 Litra Piece, Head of Kyane ; rev. Pegasos ; Half-Drachm, Female head ; rev. Quadriga ; and 2 Litra Piece, 4* ta .-^-M~ .- . SYRACUSE. 61 505 Syracuse, Drachms (2), One of Archaic type, with horseman on rev. ; the other with rev. Leukaspis ; 2| Litrae, &c, Helmeted head facing ; rev. Horseman ; Female head ; rev. Biga, wheel in exergue ; another, rev. Female figure with inflated veil ; Diobol, Female head; rev. Half-Pegasos ; and Obol, Archaic head ; rev. 2YPA in wheel ; ' /// / another with rev. 2X1II, all interesting pieces, mostly fine 10 506 Syracuse, 2 Litrae, Diobols, Obols, &c, with rev. types, Biga; Female with inflated veil; Half Pegasos; Sepia; Wheel, &c, mostly ' Z fine 16 JeC/~u* ***KS Bronze. 507 Syracuse, Head of Pallas ; rev. Two dolphins and star, size 8 ; Butting bull ; rev. Star, size 8 ; Head of Ares ; rev. Pegasos, size 7 ; Head of Zeus Eleutherios ; rev. Horse, size 7 ; others, sizes 4-2 ; rev. types, Incuse square and star ; Wheel with 2YPA and two dolphins ; Dolphin above pecten ; Pegasos ; Horseman ; Butting bull ; Half Pegasos ; Sepia ; Trident, &c, and others, Head of Zeus Eleu- therios ; rev. Fulmen, size 6 : Head of Apollo ; rev. Eagle, size 5 ; Head of Persephone ; rev. Nike in biga, size 6, many very fine 19 508 Syracuse, Head of Pallas ; rev. Two dolphins and star ; Butting bull ; rev. Star ; Head of Ares ; rev. Pegasos ; Zeus Eleutherios ; rev. Horse ; others, sizes 4-2, rev. types, Incuse square and star ; Pegasos ; Butting bull ; Sepia, and Half Pegasos, &c, as in previous lot. Others, Head of Zeus Eleutherios ; rev. Fulmen, size 6 ; Head of Persephone to right or left ; rev. Nike in biga, size 5 ; Head of Apollo ; rev. Eagle, size 6 ; Head of Herakles ; rev. Athene Promachos (2 varieties), size 6 ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Pegasos, size 5 ; Head of Young Herakles ; rev. Lion, size 5, some very fine 19 509 Syracuse, Head of Pallas ; rev. Two dolphins and star, size 8 ; Head of Zeus Eleutherios ; rev. Horse, size 7 ; Head of Apollo ; rev. Pegasos, size 4 ; Head of Persephone ; rev. Butting bull, size 3 ; Head of Zeus ff ^~" Eleutherios; rev. Fulmen and eagle, size 6; Female head; rev. Nike in biga, size 6 ; Head of Persephone to right or left ; rev. Nike in biga, m size 6 ; Head of Herakles ; rev. Athene Promachos, size 5 ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Pegasos, size 4 ; Head of Persephone , rev. Butting bull, size 5 ; Head of young Herakles ; rev. Lion, size 5 ; and Head of Herakles; rev. Triskelis, size 4, all in the finest condition 13 // 510 Syracuse, Eighteen varieties of types, many as in lot 508, but of the (. -^y smaller sizes, mostly in fine condition 18 , 5^1 Syracuse, Fifteen varieties of types as before, and others of Hieron II, fj J. rev. types, Nike in biga, size 9 ; and Horseman, size 7, many fine 17 ir/fynOiH^ 62 SICILIA. 512 Syracuse, Hieron II, all with his portrait j rev. types, Nike in biga, size 9 ; Horseman, size 7 (4 varieties) ; Head of Zeus ; rev. Trident, / ^ size 5. Gelon, Head of King ; rev. Fulmen, size 5. Agathocles, ''/'? Female head; rev. Fulmen, size 5 (2 varieties), all in the highest state of preservation, except the coin of Gelon, which is very rare 9 Syracuse, Various types, chiefly of the smaller sizes, some fine 38 ft&pf ~7 Gold, Sfc. 514 Tauromenium, 15 Litrae, Head of Apollo; behind, club; rev. Tripod, TAYPOMENITAN ; on right EY., wt. 17 grs. Silver, 4 Litrae, Head of Apollo laureate to right ; behind, star ; rev. Tripod, &c. as last piece ; monogram on left, API, wt. 50 grs., both very fine and r / rare 2 Silver. 515 Tauromenium, 4 Litrae, Head of Apollo ; rev. Tripod as in last lot ; . 8 Litrae, Head of Pallas in crested helmet ; rev. Pegasos ; below, star ; ' w TAYPOMENITAN, wt. 84 grs. ; Litra, Bucranium ; rev. Bunch of /&0 fa Grapes, wt. 13 grs., all fine and rare Bronze. 516 Tauromenium; rev. types, Tripod (various sizes); Pegasos; Bull but- - '/f/f ting to right or left ; Lyre ; Bull walking to left or right ; Owl, &c, jLjp** u jft.7 Tauromenium, Twelve varieties of types, similar to the preceding lot ; , Tyndaris, Veiled female head ; rev. Dioscuri (2 varieties), size 7 ; /,/f^ Head of Apollo (?) ; rev. TYNAAPITAN, Bunch of grapes, size 3 ; another, Caps of Dioscuri; rev. TYNAAPITAN in rays of star, mostly fine and some rare 16 518 Lipara, Island of Sicily, Hemilitron, Head of Haphaestos; rev. AIIIAPAION, Stern of Galley, size 13, pierced; Trias, same obv. ; rev. Mark of value, AIHAPA^ION, size 8 ; Uncia ; rev. I ' A, size 5 ; others, Hephaestos seated ; rev. Dolphin, sizes 7-4 (4 varieties) ; Head of young Herakles ; rev. Trident, size 5 (2 varieties) ; also /O^^^^^Hemilitron, Trias, and Sextans of later issue with Hephaestos /' seated; rev. Marks of value and name of Island, all fine and an in- teresting series 1 2 CARTHAGE. 63 CARTHAGINIAN AND SICULO-PUNIC COINS. Mectrum. 519 Carthage, 2| Drachms, B.C. 340-242, Head of Persephone to left, wearing necklet of pendants and corn-wreath ; rev. Horse standing to right, wt. 145 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 739), extremely fine and rare f -/f [PI. IV] 1 * # * Owing to the difference of opinion as to what coins were actually J? * struck at Carthage or in Sicily, the two series are here catalogued // *-** 1 j under the above heading. 520 Carthage, 2 \ Drachms, same as the preceding, wt. 154 grs., fine, but /QyV <*t J> /^/b& fypd of ^Persephone is somewhat injured by a cut 1 X'S 5 2 V Carthage, 1\ Drachms, same as lot 519, wt. 115 grs., well preserved, y /2s though of the earlier type this piece appears, from its weight, to have been *Jfa*^k*k afar B.C. 242 1 Cf 522 Carthage, 3 Drachms, B.C. 241-218, Head of Persephone to left, // wearing necklet of pendants and corn-wreath j rev. Horse standing __, c /Ct?-f'(^to right ; above, radiate disk flanked with two uraei, wt. 168 grs. ^-n ./ ^ /- (B. 1$; Guide, pi. 59, 33), very fine and rare [PL IV] 1 ^ y523 Carthage, 3 Drachms, similar to the preceding coin, wt. 165 grs., fine 524 Carthage, 2 Drachms, similar to lot 522, but no disk above the ^rf J .3xoTse,wt. 116 grs. (B. M. Guide, pi. 59, M),fine and scarce 1 . nT ,_... ., ^ 525 Carthage, 2 Drachms, same as the preceding coin, wt. 112 grs., well 6 f / j ^j- preserved and scarce v^i^,' ^^Z7 *- 526 Carthage, Half Drachm, Head of Persephone to left ; rev. Horse to p right looking back, wt. 28 grs. ; another, similar, but horse not look- *&** L L- / ing back, wt. 30 grs. ; and Quarter Drachm (?), Palm tree ; rev. ^#~ ./t$J~*4~ Horse's head ; before, triangle of pellets, wt. 10 grs., all fine and scarce, i^% *-^s '*~* 'especially the last piece 3 Silver, 527 Heraclea-Minoa (?), Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to right with corn-wreath, earring and necklet; around, dolphins; rev. Quadriga c^ ^ 3 , to left, charioteer crowned by Nike ; in the exergue, Punic legend, ** wt. 262 grs., fine and rare 1 <5-28 Pan >Anormus, Tetradrachm, Female head to right, hair turned up, broad , diadem ; around, dolphins ; rev. Similar type to last ; in exergue, J^o^ jC/(, - Punic legend, Ziz, wt. 269 grs., fine and rare, the reverse is similar in ^ style to the coins of Kimon 1 ykltt1i4*tns 64 CARTHAGE, ETC. 529 Panormus, Tetradrachm, Female head to left, wearing broad diadem ; y around, three dolphins ; rev. Quadriga to right, charioteer crowned ^W"2^/_bjr_Nike ; in exergue, sea-horse and Punic legend, Ziz, wt. 263 grs. (B. M. Cat., Sicily, p. 247, 8), extremely fine and rare [PL IV] 1 ^^Persephone more after the style of Evaenetos, and on the reverse ^f// ctC ^XlLtherej^s a star above the horses' heads, wt. 257 grs., fine and rare 1 Panormus (?), Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, with corn- // wreath; around, dolphins; rev. Prancing horse to left, passing palm- J/j^ ^ ^' tree, wt. 263 grs., very fine and very rare, the obverse type is similar toijm work of the artist Evaenetos ; it might be by the artist himself 1 Panormus (?), Tetradrachm, obv. same as the preceding coin; rev. / /K ^--Horse's head to left ; behind, pine-tree ; below, Punic legend, Am $j/ ^ s>J /f H e[ ch ana 't> w t- 261 grs. (camp. Hist. Num. p. 738, no. 395), extremely /^/m and rare [PL IV] 1 534 Panormus (?), Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding coin ;j but the y//r^ y a head of Persephone is of quite a different style, it is smaller and in ^s? , higher relief ; and on the rev. below the horse's head the Punic ^-^^^^tle^er, M., wt. 268 grs., extremely fine and rare 1 535/ Panormus (?), Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding; but under horse's ^ ^ neck Punic legend Am Machanat ; another, with same reverse type <7^ *' C and legend ; but on obverse, Head of Herakles in lion's skin, both jZ^/ fine and scarce //" ^Z 2 * 536 Panormus (?), Tetradrachms, similar/to the last lot, but on the first piece the head of Persephone is to right, legend on rev. Am Machanat ; and on the second one the Punic legend reads, /? ~rf/j *~" / Mechasbim (the Quaestors), and before the horse's head is an un K /ulf"^ certain object, both fine and scarce $t ^ 2 537 Panormus (1), Tetradrachms, similar to the preceding, but on the first /y piece the head of Persephone is to left ; and under the chin is JZ- **' ' a scallop shell, the style closely resembles the work of Evaenetos ; on /0-*i*S the second coin a club before horse's head ; legends as on last Am S {/ Machanat and Mechasbim, both fine, the first a rare variety 2 538 Panormus (?), Tetradrachms, similar to last lot ; but no shell under ^y) # chin of Persephone ; and on the second piece before the horse's head ^ ^ is a caduceus, same legends as lot 536, both fine 2 '^ca.^c^t^ jf-/. PANORMUS. 65 539 PANORMUS (1), Tetradrachms, similar types and legends, but no symbol before horse's head on second piece, fine 2 540 Cartilage (1), Tetradrachm, Forepart of horse to right, crowned by ^K//^ J^Z/ s^s* Nike; before, corn-grain; below, Punic legend, Kart Chadasat ; ^gs y ^ ^ /'^fsz ^7\/4S< "~* " rev. Palm-tree dividing Punic legend, Machanat, wt. 263 grs.,fine -^ / //?/ /? and O; very rare type 1 ^X^J 541 CAR^HAefE (?), Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding, but on the obv. . the horse and Nike are to left, no legend ; and on the rev. the c^yS- -"'palm-tree divides the legend Kart Chadasat, wt. 269 grs., fine and a ^g^Et%* [PL IV] 1 542 Carthage (?), Tetradrachm, Prancing horse to right crowned by Nike ; >1/f S, rev. Palm-tree, no legend on either side, vet. 260 grs., very fine and a /'s v&r y rarpype [PI. IV] 1 543 Panormus (?), Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left ; before, caduceus and dolphin ; rev. Horse's head ; behind, flower on long stalk ; below, Punic letters, M. M. ; another, Head of Persephone / to right ; around, three dolphins ; rev. Horse prancing to right, <^>2s ^-^-another, Head of Persephone to right ; around, three dolphins ; behind, the symbol of Baal ; rev. Horse standing to right in front /j/&%^i~i& palm-tree ; before on right, caduceus, both fine, the last a rare variety 2 546 Panormus (?), Head of Persephone to left ; no dolphins ; behind, the Punic letter M ; rev. Horse walking to left before a palm-tree ; another (Carthage), Head of Persephone to left wearing necklet of pendants ; rev. Horse standing to right ; above, star, both well preserved and rare types, the obverse of the second piece is of the same ^-"' size 4 ; another, similar, but magistrate's name, AIArOPA ; Bust ^ of Apollo ; before, lyre and XEP j rev. 6A6Y06PA2, Artemis ^r huntress, size 6, very fine. Olbia, Gorgoneion ; rev. Sea-eagle on fish, size 11, mostly well preserved, all very rare 5 ^ 556 Panticapaeum, Head of Pan, &c. ; rev. types, Bow and arrow, IIANTI, size 7 ; Bull's head to left, size 7 ; others, similar, smaller, sizes 4f-2; rev. types, Eagle, Lion's head to left, Half-griffin to right or left, '" Bow and spear-head, Bull's head, Quiver, Star, ITANTIKA, and f '/ (Jornucopiae between two pilei. Olbia, Female head to left; rev. OABIO, Eagle on fish, size 6 ; others, Head of Pan ; rev. types, Battle-axe, and Bow-case (5 varieties), sizes 5-4, all varied, mostly fine 23 557 Dacia, Imperial, Philip I ; rev. provincia dacia an. i., Dacia holding sword and vexillum, standing between bird and lion, size 7|, Wigan collection. Viminacium (Moesiae), Imperial, Gor- Ss dianus Pius, rev. types, P.m.s.COL.vim.an., Moesia standing between bull and lion, size 8 ; similar, but AN. II., size 5 ; Trebonia- nus Gallus, rev. same type, but AN. XIII, size 7 ; Volusian, same type, an. xin. Callatia (Moesiae Inf.), Autonomous, Head of Dionysos ; rev. Panther carrying thyrsus, size 7 (2 varieties) ; Im- perial, Gordian III, rev. Serpent, KAAAATIANQN ; Philip I, rev. Zeus seated and male figure sacrificing at altar, KAAAATIANS2N. Istrus, Septimius Severus, rev. Cybele on panther, I2TPIHNON, the last not in Mionnet, mostly fine and very rare 1 1 558 MARCiANOPOLis,/mpenaZ, Sept. Severus, rev. types, YIT. IP. $IAOIIANTO V, &c, Female figure holding patera and sceptre ; Gordian III, rev. VII. MHNO*IAOY, &c, Ceres with corn and sceptre, rare ; Gordian III and Tranquillina, their busts face to face ; rev. YLT. TEP- TYAAIANOY, &c, Jupiter holding sceptre, right hand raised ; another, same magistrate, but Ares holding shield and spear, mostly fine and rare 1 1 f2 68 THE TAUEIC CHERSONESE, ETC. 559 Nicopolis AD Istrum, Imperial, Sept. Severus, rev. types, Asklepios, Pallas, size 7 ; Young Herakles ; Eagle, size 3 ; Caracalla, rev. Cybele seated on lion, VH. AVP. TAAAOV. NIKOIIOAITON EPOC. ICTPO ; Nike holding wreath and leaning on column V. AOYAIIIAN, &c. ; Geta, rev. similar to last, but Dionysos holding kantharos and thyrsus ; Diadumenian, rev. Female seated, holding ears of corn and sceptre. Tomi, Head of Poseidon ; rev. "Within /^^^^vxeath eagle, TOMI. AICXPI. (comp. B. M. Cat., no. 1) ; Imperial, S Commodus, rev. Head of Serapis, MHTPOn. nONTOY TOM60C ; Julia Domna, rev. Nike ; Caracalla, rev. Herakles ; Gordian III, rev. Female figure standing, holding cornucopias and sceptre, MHTPO. IlfiNTOY. TOM60C; Gordian and Tranquillina, their busts; rev. Fortune holding rudder, &c. ; Maximinus, rev. Asklepios, size 5 ; &c, mostly fine, all interesting types, some rare 16 THRACIA. Silver. '$*,#*&*< - v 560, Abdera, Octadrachm, Earliest style, B.C. 500-450, Griffin with rounded /> ^^ wing, seated to left with one paw raised; behind, cone-shaped object; t/ : J *-> rev% Shallow incuse square, divided into four parts, wt. 455 grs., in /s /&+**-' fine condition, extremely rare {f^> -? 4/ 1 561 Abdera, Tetradrachm, circa B.C. 500-450, Griffin to left as before; ^^/^a /#, ^ J/p./sr^* 1 front, dancing Satyr ; above, 2MOP. ; rev. Incuse square as on pre- d^^ietr- f ' 232 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 19), very fine and very rare 1 / 564 Abdera, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding coin, but no fish and j/fat/fct- * sC rt'Hf no legend, and before griffin, wine-cup; on rev. Em 2M[OP]^ wJ ^**'*''^ i AOTOPMOKAA, wt. 230 grs., very fine and rare [PI. V] 1 * 565 Abdera, Tetradrachm, Griffin rearing to left ; wings pointed ; beneath, A*- i pomegranate (?) ; rev. EIII ME2TI02 in incuse square, &c. as fajfaMmt^k lot 563, wt. 230 grs., obv. extremely fine, rev. not quite so fine, very J? /i, ( /& t rare 1 ' J h %* From the Wigan collection. ' //* ABDERA. 69 566 Abdera, Tetradrachm, Griffin rearing to left as on last coin; rev. Z^^ HrHSArOPHS around sides of incuse square and enclosing young ^ male head, surrounded by linear square, wt. 213 grs., well preserved s^%jfeS%+<4;nd very rare ^' J ** yty6&,/^M^^^^&~&*^\ 567 Abdera, Tetradrachm, Aeginetic standard, Griffin rearing to left j rev. ^jr^ ^ Tripod; at sides, IIY0ON ; all in incuse square, wt. 195 grs., (B. M. <-z&/^ Cat., no. 32), well preserved and an excessively rare type , -^ <^/ 1 568 Abdera, Tetradrachm, Persic standard, B.C. 408-350, Griffin seated to y left; above, EIII; in exergue, IIAY2ANIO; rev. ABAHPITEON, ctC^, _ - Head of Apollo, 4 wt. 163 grs. ; another, Griffin seated to right; o^_-< above and in exergue, ABAHPITEON ; rev. Head of Apollo, EIII t? j? AIONY^AAOS, wt. 155 grs., both well preserved and rare 2 569 Abdera, Tetradrachms, similar to last lot, with Griffin to right or left ; legend on obv. of ftoth ABAH PITEON ; on rev. Magistrates' names, / / t*~> EIII EYPHSinnpY, EHI AHMHTPIOY, both well preserved and 570 Abdera, Didrachm, Griffin with pointed wings seated to left, one paw y^_^ raised ; before, ABAHPIT ; rev. Lion to right in linear square ; c&t/f around, En OPXAMO, wt. 93 grs., well preserved ; Triobol, Griffin as on last, but with rounded wings ; rev. EXEKPATHS around sides of shallow incuse square, and enclosing quadripartite square slightly raised, wt. 46 grs., very fine, both very rare 2 571 Abdera, Triobols (5), Griffin seated ; rev. Head of Apollo within linear _y^ square; around, various magistrates' names. Bronze, Head of Apollo ; <*-* rev . Griffin rearing, ABAHPITEON, size 5 ; Head of the River-god, &< -^Strymon ; rev., Griffin seated, usual legend, size 4 ; another, same 'fev., but obv. Head of Apollo; around, EIII MIKOSTPATI, size 3, mostly fine and scarce 8 572 Aenus, Tetradrachm, B.C. 450-400, Head of Hermes in profile to right, -S-j s wearing petasus ; rev. AINI, Goat to right ; before, stand sur- mounted by human head, wt. 253 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 213), fine and rare 1 *** From the Northwick collection. 573 Aenus, Tetradrachm as in last lot, but before goat on rev. diota, wt. 250 grs., well preserved, but for cut across face on obv., rare 1 574 Aenus, Tetradrachm, B.C. 400-350, Head of Hermes facing, wearing petasus ; rev. AINION, Goat to right ; before, star, wt. 244 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 214), very fine and very rare [PI. V] 1 ^ /# 70 THKACIA. 575 Aenus, Tetradrachm, same type as the last coin, but before goat on rev., yi ?- / ^^^gpain of coin and bunch of grapes, wt. 233 grs., fine and rare 1 576 Aenus, Tetradrachm, type as lot 574, but before goat, trophy, wt. 245 yC^- - 'y&Zj& s ">J}? ce an ^ rare i 577 Aenus, Drachm, Head of Hermes in profile; rev. AIN, Goat; be- fore, diota, wt. 60 grs. ; Diobol, same type, wt. 18 grs. ; Tetrobol, ^? ~~ Head of Hermes facing ; rev. Usual type with amphora before goat, ^^^^^AlINON, wt. 36 grs. : Drachm, Head of Hermes, three-quarters Viacing, wearing broad petasus ; rev. AIXIOX, Chair or throne ; on left, diota, wt. 55 grs. (B. M. Cat., no, 23), the lust piece very fine and extremely rare, others well preserved 4 Bronze. 578 Aenus, Head of Hermes; rev. Caduceus and ram's head, AINION, , size 4 J ; Head of Poseidon ; rev. Hermes holding purse and caduceus, -f'-g y AINIQN, size 5. Anchialus, Imperial, Maximums I, rev. Dolphin *- between two tunnies, ArXIAAEfiN ; Gordian and Tranquillina, rev. /r*c&i &Fpv$>, Fortuna with rudder, Female figure holding cornucopia, and Temple, all reading OYAmANQN ATXIAAEfiN. Bizya, Female head ; rev. Bacchus and large diota, BIZYANfiN, size 4 (Mionnet, no. 163), extremely rare ; Imperial, Philip I, rev. Fortuna, BIZVHM2N, all fine and rare coins 8 ^ Silver. 579 Byzantium, Tetradrachm, b.c. 277-270, Head of Demeter veiled ; rev. Poseidon seated on a rock, holding aplustre and trident ; behind, ^/*f^monogram of HY ; before, MAT (mon.) ; in exergue, EHI OAYMIIIO- ^^t^^n^wt. 207 grs. (Hist. Num., p. 230), extremely well preserved and of a high degree of rarity [PL ~ST\ 1 %.* From the Thomas and Xorthwick collections. 580 Byzantium, Drachms (3), Bull standing on dolphin, above, ELY (mon.) ; A rex. Incuse square, all varied, average wt. 80 grs. ; and Half Drachm, ^ *' same type, wt. 38 grs. Maroneia, Half Drachm, Forepart of horse ; ^&9+*f rev. Earn kneeling, in incuse square, wt. 30 grs. ; others (2), Fore- ; ^%c/^*<^MAPONlTEfiN around linear square divided into four sections, wt. 110 grs., both fine and rare 2 587 Maroneia, Tetradrachm, Horse prancing to left ; above, wheel ; rev. <*> a- /^jgyjgJJ*! tyP e > around square, MHTPO s?rev, caduceus after magistrate's name, EIII IKE2IO ; (3) no symbol c^^^^on obv. and on rev. ear of corn after name, EIII II02IAEIOY, all very well preserved and scarce 3 592 Maroneia, Staters (3), usual type as lot 590, (1) trident under horse, j/y s magistrate's name, EIII IIOAYNIKOY ; (2) no symbol on obv., A&//r magistrate, EIII AIIEAAEO; (3) similar, but legend on rev. MAPfi- ^^^^^JITEON, all fine and scarce 3 593 Maroneia, Tetradrachm, circa B.C. 150, Head of Young Dionysos to right ; rev. AIONY20Y 20THP02 MAPONITfiN, Dionysos holding ""' ' ' bunch of grapes ; on left, MAO (mon.), on right, A, (Hist. Num. p'-Jv' P. ^17), fine 1 Bronze. 594 Maroneia, Turreted female head ; rev. Dionysos, size 3| ; Horse ; rev. Vine-branch and magistrates' names (2 varieties), size 2 ; Head of Dionysos ; rev. Dionysos standing, AIONY20Y 20THP02 /< <* (2 varieties), size 6 ; Imperial, Domitian (?), rev. Dionysos ; Treb. ^^^^Gallus ; same reverse, MAPONEITON. Messembria, Autonomous, IMademed female head; rev. Athene, METAMBPIANON (3 varieties), size 4 ; Imperial, Philip Jun. and Serapis, their busts ; rev. Apollo standing holding lyre, &c, METAMBPIANON. Odessus, Auto- nomous, rev. Eiver-god seated, OAH2ITON (2 varieties), size 3 ; Im- perial, Antoninus Pius (1), rev. Female with cornucopise, OAHCC6I- TfiN, size 8, rare ; Sept. Severus, rev. similar type, size 6| ; Gor- dian IH and Serapis, their busts ; rev. Aesculapius ; and Gordian and Tranquillina, rev. Fortuna, OAHCCAITI2N, mostly well preserved, many scarce 17 cfrt. PAUTALIA, ETC. 73 595 Pautalia, Faustina Jun., rev. Fortuna, size 5 ; Sept. Severus, rev. types, Eagle on globe, and Serpent erect ; Caracalla, rev. Serpent erect ; and Geta, rev. Star above crescent, EEAYTAAIQTQN. Pe- RINTHUS, Autonomous, rev. types, Serpent issuing from basket, Tripod, ry, _ size 3 ; Head of Janus ; rev. Wolf and Twins, IIE ; Imperial, Lucius ,*%? s Verus, rev. Zeus seated, HEPINQIfiN j Sept. Severus, smaller ; ^*^^ :r "^sizes ; rev. types, Dionysos, Hermes, Female holding branch ; Caracalla, rev. Zeus seated, and Artemis with bow ; and Gor- dian III, rev. IIEPIN0ION AI2 NEOKOPfiN, within wreath, mostly fine 18 596 Philippopolis, Imperial, Domitian, Bust of Emperor ; rev. ^IAIIIIIO- / ^/^/ < f^ HOAEITI2N, Turreted female figure standing before river-god, j4 > e ^S^size 9, very fine and very rare, valued by Mionnet at 100 frs. 1 597 Terinthus, Imperial, Sept. Severus, rev. Tetrastyle temple, IIEPIN- / ION NEQKOPON, size 9 ; Caracalla, rev. Two temples, # r ^ist. Num. p. 227), both very fine 2 ^tjut^y * # * Both from the Northwick collection. 604 Thasos, Stater, type as last lot, wt. 135 grs. ; and Quarter Stater, same type, wt. 53 grs. ; Didrachm, Head of Dionysos ; rev. 0A2ION, ^//^/^t ^Herakles shooting with bow, id. 105 grs. ; Drachm, same type, before Herakles palmette ornament, wt. 54 grs. ; and Half-Drachm, Double head of Silenos ; rev. Two amphoras in opposite directions, wt. 25 grs., all fine and scarce * 5 605 Thasos, Quarter Stater of the kneeling Satyr type ; Drachms (3), Head y?' *. 6 f Dionysos ; rev. Herakles shooting with bow ; symbols, fire-drill, ^ /* lyre, &c. ; Half Drachm ; rev. Club in wreath ; Quarter Drachm, ^ y Silenos kneehng, holding kantharos; rev. Amphora; Obols and Half Obols, Head of Silenos; rev. Dolphins, &c, mostly fine 11 606 Thasos, Tetradrachms (2), after B.C. 146, Head of Dionysos ; rev. Herakles holding club, &c, HPAKAEOY2 2THPOS A2K2N ; &*, monogram in field, wt. 262 grs. and 258 grs., extremely fine 2 07 JfHASOS, Tetradrachms (3), same type as the preceding lot ; but with varying monograms on rev., very fine 3 75 KINGS OF THRACE. Lysimachus, b.c. 323-281. Gold. 608 Stater, Head of the deified Alexander with horn of Ammon ; rev. S, BA2IAEQ2 AY2IMAXOY, Pallas Nikephoros seated to left; ^ 1 ""before, KAA (mon.) Callatia(?), wt. 130 grs. (comp. Mutter, pi. I, 9), /^%&&a*&efy fine and of fine style [PI. V] 1 *** From the Thomas collection. The references are to Miiller, Die Miinzen des Thracischen Konigs Lysimachus. 609 Stater, same type as the preceding coin, but before Pallas AH (mon.), > > wt. 132 grs., very fine and of fine style 1 /t//&*~s^ *** From the Huxtable collection. 610 Stater, usual type, but before Pallas, monogram of MYO (?) (M. no. 504), S?/* . similar, with large head on obv. ; and on rev. race-torch before and // bee behind Pallas (M. no. 445a), struck at Chrysaoris, both very fine and scarce . 2 619 Tetradrachms, same type as last lot; but (1) before Pallas, head of ^. - Ji n an( ^ monogram of IIAP, and on seat K (M. no. 7), struck at / y^ exergue, crescent (M. no. 399), struck at Sigeum, both fine, the first / very rare 2 622 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, bee (M. no. 424). struck ^ A ^ at Ephesus ; (2) before Pallas, race-torch ; in exergue, mseander x? -pattern (M. no. 444), struck at Chrysaoris, both fine 2 623 /Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, throne (?) ; in exergue, corn- y^ J? / # r '^g ram ? (M. no. 123), struck at Aenus; (2) before Pallas, caduceus; ^ behind, cornucopia? (not in M., see Num. Chron. 1869, p. 5), both fine, ^^ / ' very rare varieties 2 <^ A; '^g y under seat, club ; in exergue, ear of corn, struck at Ephesus ; (2) s/#f /? before Pallas, monogram of HA (not in M.), both fine 2 625 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before, Pallas, monogram of II AX; (2) j/^f7 ^before Pallas, % and AX(1) in wreath (M. no. 302), the first not in Miiller, both fine 2 626 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, leaf (not in M.) ; (2) before Pallas, HP mon. and acrostolium (M. no. 356) ; (3) before Pallas, HP (mon.) ; in exergue, crescent (M. no. 401), struck at Sigeum, all fine 3 627 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, terminal figure (M. no. 85), y struck at Sestus ; (2) before Pallas, monogram of AI and terminal s?^ ? ' ~~ figure (M. no. 91), struck at Sestus; (3) before Pallas, standard and terminal figure ; in exergue, nE (M. no. 287), well preserved 3 628 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, monogram; in exergue, 77 ^ /7$Kmon. (M. no. 544); (2) before Pallas, monogram and race-torch ^,J^Mtf$h pellet (M. no. 442), struck at Amphipolis, both very fine 2 629 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before, Pallas, monogram and race-torch / y with fillet ; in exergue, mseander (M. no. 444), struck at Chry- f 7 saoris ; (2) before Pallas, flower (M. no. 331), struck at Traelium ; (3) before Pallas, female head and <3> (M. no. 408), struck at Smyrna, all fine, the last rare 3 630 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, standard and crescent; T^rf y\ X m exergue, nA in monogram (M. no. 293) ; (2) before Pallas, X' / standard and n; in exergue, crescent (not in M.); (3) before /^^^^^^Pallas, monogram of PAN and thyrsus ; in exergue, En (1) mon. (not in M. ; see Num. Chron. 1869, p. 2), all fine, the last rare 3 631 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, ME mon. ; in exergue, t / ^' / trident (M. no. 141); (2) similar, but under seat BY; (3) similar, ^r before Pallas, monogram of KP(?) and under seat BY; in exergue, ,^^^/^/trident (M. no. 199), all struck at Byzantium, first and last fine, the last of flat fabric 3 632 Tetradrachms, usual type, all with BY under seat and caduceus in Ji 3. /^exergue, but with varying monograms before Pallas (M. nos. 190, //?)e&+&%5 and 220), struck at Byzantium, all fine and of flat fabric 3 633 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1-3) with BY under seat and caduceus in y(# exergue, but with varying monogram before Pallas (M. no. 166, s^/ y & c -)> struck at Byzantium ; another, with A0ANAIO before Pallas, ^ / ^ ,B ^** 1 and ear of corn and KAAXA in exergue (cf. M. no. 376), struck at Calchedon, all of spread fabric, the first three fine, the last pierced and rubbed 4 ^ 78 KINGS OF THRACE. 634 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, IIYO ; behind, <$K; in / exergue, HA, all monograms ; (2) before Pallas, AI ; behind, XE, /?\,7. ^ monograms ; (3) before Pallas, monogram and forepart of Griffin, . j^jf stall fine and apparently not in Milller 3 635 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) on seat HP mon. ; in exergue, club / (M. no. 365), struck at Heraclea ; (2) before Pallas, monogram and /\a7-sf^-^ club; in exergue, bow in quiver and Ar mon. (M. no. 413), ^. . Erythrae ; (3) before Pallas, monogram of MY (?) (cf. M. no. 535), ' all fine and of good work 3 636 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, monogram of A I, and in exergue, ear of corn (M. no. 248), struck at Callatia ; (2) before JT^ Pallas, bee and mon. of AP ; in exergue, mon. of ME (M. no. 432), ^p struck at Ephesus ; (3) before Pallas, mon. of HAI0 (?) ; in exergue, y*&"*-*msr<>l 4>K. (M. no. 544), all fine 3 *T/- 637 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, caduceus and H united ; r , behind, mon. of EX (M. no. 102), struck at Aenus; (2) before * Y* Pallas, mon. of AT? : in exergue, E mon. (M. no. 316) ; (3) mon. Sfa/f AO before Pallas; on seat, head of Sol ^K^a^ 3 638 Tetradrachms, usual type, (1) before Pallas, AA mon. ; (2) before / - .Pallas, mon. of nAP ; in exergue, mseander ; (3) before Pallas, HA ^ X'?mon. in circle; behind, torch, all very well preserved and apparently ^^/^fe?> miler 3 639 Tetradrachms, usual type, but head on obv. small, and on rev. Pallas is /. ^without a spear, and her shield is ridged and furrowed, (1) in ^l /7 ^exergue, owl and mon. of IAB ; (2) in exergue, owl between two J^r/f /? elaborate monograms (see Num. Chron. 1869, p. 1 ; not in M.), very ^^^pm, of flat fabric and very rare varieties 2 640 Drachms (7), Head of Herakles ; rev. Zeus Aetophoros, all with varying monograms and symbols ; others (6), Head of Alexander ; rev. Pallas Nikephoros ; all with similar varieties, two struck at Ephesus /l 2/^U*^*^ 1 b ee and E$ before Pallas, very rare, all very fine 13 KINGS OF PAEONIA. Silver. 641 Patraus, circa B.c. 340-315, Tetradrachm, Young male head to right ^ * /^ with short hair, laureate ; rev. Horseman spearing prostrate foe ; j below, HATPAOY; above on left, monogram, wt. 196| grs. (comp. ~%++*>X. Hist. Num. p. 207), fine and a rare variety [PI. V] 1 %* From the Northwick collection. PATRAUS. 79 642 Patraus, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding coin, but no monogram / on rev. and the legend encircles the type, wt. 189 grs. (as Hist. ^ X ' /3 Num. p. 207), fine and scarce 1 ^"P^*^ r *' ' *** From the Bank collection. 643 Patraus, Tetradrachm, similar type to the last coin, but behind ctC^T ^ f, horseman ME mon., wt. 193 grs., very fine and scarce 1 644 Patraus, Tetradrachm, type as before, but legend on rev. retrograde, y - no monogram, wt. 193 grs., well preserved and scarce 1 ^ * - *#* From the Loscombe collection. 645 Au^OLEON, circa B.C. 315-286, Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas facing, / wearing crested helmet ; rev. AYAOAEONT02, Free horse to right j7\ *?' ' with loose rein across neck ; below between fore-feet mon. AX and yp^^p^ ,l ar g e pellet between hind-legs, wt. 189 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 208), fine // and very rare [PI. V] 1 646 Audoleon, Tetradrachm, similar type to last coin, but the loose rein ^/-/-^ does not cross the horse's neck and the monogram is between the rf ^ j; hino^feet, wt. 190 grs., fine and of different style to the preceding coin 1 /*%a/^<^ *^ From the SubM collection> 647 Audoleon, Drachm, similar type to the last coin, wt. 46 grs. ; Half- y Drachm, Head of Pallas as before, facing; rev. AYAOAEONT02, jj *$ Forepart of horse to right ; below, AX mon., wt. 32 grs. Patraus, S Drachm, Laureate head to right ; rev. DATPAOS, Forepart of boar /&7te/m torjght ; behind ro, wt. 50 grs., all fine and very rare pieces 3 MACEDONIA. Silver. 648 Macedonia, in genere, Tetradrachm, Bust of Artemis in centre of / Macedonian shield ; rev. MAKEAONQN IIPOTH2, The Club of (?C 4, *- Herakles ; above and below, monograms ; all within a wreath of z? + oak, wt. 252 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 209), extremely fine 1 649 "Macedonia, in genere, Tetradrachm, same as the preceding; but y monograms on rev. varied ; another, Macedonia, a Roman Province, XV^^ Head of Alexander the Great; below, MAKEAONfiN; rev. ^<$ttl~A-. AESILLAS, Quaestorial insignia, all within wreath (Hist. Num. ' p. 210), loth fine 2 650 Macedonia, in genere, and Macedonia, a Eoman Province, Tetra- j/^y yq drachms, similar types to last lot, both fine 2 80 MACEDONIA. <&, 651 Macedonia, in genere, and Macedonia, a Roman Province, Tetra- drachms, similar to lot 649 ; but the second coin reads C2E. PR. '^ /> t Quadripartite incuse square ; around which, AKAN0ION, wt. f vf **jl?^ & rs ' (^ ^' ^ m n0, fy>fi ne an ^ ver y rare * 658 Acanthus, Tetradrachm, b. c. 424-400, Phoenician standard, similar y type to the preceding coin, but AAEEI2 in exergue on obv. ; and * on rev. the quarters of the linear square are granulated, wt. 211 grs. IIIOAITEON, Torch, wt. 53 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 7); Hemi-Drachm, same type, wt. 25 grs. Apollonia, Hemi-Drachm, Lion's scalp; rev. AIIOAin quarters of incuse square, wt. 22 grs., all fine and scarce 7 664 Chalcidice, B.C. 392-379, Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo to left in high relief, laureate ; rev. XAAKIAEfiN around a hepta-chord lyre ; jfl/\r^^ il below, AE (?) ; wt. 222 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 185), very fine and rare [PL V] ^i^. r 1 %* From the Wigan collection. . to/fa ^ \^vC p 665 Chalcidice, Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but no ^ * ~ .- J-L* ^ letters under lyre, wt. 219 grs., very well preserved < 1 'y ** ffj A^66 Chalcidice, Tetradrachm, similar type to lot 664, but the head of Apollo is to right, and under the lyre the magistrate's name EM JtA-4 API2TON02, wt. 221 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 9), well preserved and rare 1 667 Chalcidice, Tetradrachm, type as last coin with head of Apollo to /J/ /f" right ; on rev. traces of magistrate's name under lyre . . IAP . . . (?), 4/^ W ^' ^^ 9'' we M P reserve d an d a rare variety 1 Jcr**t. %* From the Northwick collection. 82 MACEDONIA. y* 668 Chalcidice, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 666, with traces of magis- trate's name under lyre . . . AAMO . . . wt. 219 grs., well pre- /?/// served and rare, as the preceding coin 1 669 Chalcidice, Tetrobols (2), Head of Apollo to left; rev. Lyre, XAIKIAEQN, both varied j others (2), similar, but head of Apollo to right ; Obol, Head of Apollo ; rev. Tripod. Eion, Obol (?), Goose looking back ; above, lizard ; rev. Incuse square, wt. 15 grs. Philippi, yrp ' n Hemi-drachm, Head of Herakles ; rev. Tripod, wt. 23 grs. Poti- y (jt^vSy DAEAj Tetrobol, Poseidon on horseback ; rev. Female head of Archaic style, wt. 40 grs., all well preserved and interesting coins 8 670 Lete, Stater, early type, before B.c. 500, Naked Silenos standing to right before a woman and seizing her by the wrist ; rev. Kough >^y. f incuse square, wt. 154 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 177) ; another, later type, ^ /? after B.C. 500, Naked Silenos kneeling on one knee and holding in ^"^ his arms a nymph ; rev. Incuse square, wt. 140 grs., both very fine and scarce 2 671 Lete, Staters, same types as in the preceding lot, wts. 149 grs. and c^C^d' ^t/Q+^jfi 9 rs -> th fi ne an d scarce 2 r m uJ j 672 Le'Je, Staters, same types as lot 670, well preserved a^/: i^Urr^ 2 -d- 673 Lete, Stater, later type, B.C. 500-480, Silenos holding nymph in his arms; rev. Incuse square, wt. 150 grs. ; Triobol (?), same type, wt. '/3 53 grs. ; and 1| Obols (4), with obv. types, Silenos kneeling or x^^^ysquatting, wt. 19 grs., &c, all fine 6 674 Lete, Stater, early type, Silenos seizing woman by the hand as in /^/ t /2 ^l Qt 670, wt. 157 grs. Orrescii, circa B.C. 500, Stater, Centaur 9^ l*J& kneeling and holding nymph on his knees; rev. Quadripartite f* 1 ^ incuse square, wt. 144 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 9), both fine and rare 2 675 Lete, Stater, wt. 153 grs., and another of Orrescii, wt. 147 grs., same //' y^d /xr-^tyP es as m the preceding lot, but the second piece is inscribed on y?'Jy obv. ORH2KKJN (retrograde), the first very fine, the second well pre- -SCCfrH ' Serve ^ b th rare 2 676 Orrescii, Stater, as in lot 674, no legend on obv., but crescent be- j[4 9 j6 hind centaur, wt. 147 grs., well preserved. Neapolis, Stater, Gorgon ' head; rev. Incuse square, wt. 144 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 175), both fine J//a **^**^mounted warrior holding two spears as on last coin ; rev. Quadri- partite incuse square, wt. 65 grs. ; and Half-Drachm, Free horse ; rev. as last, wt. 33 grs., all fine and rare 3 686 Mosses (Bisaltae) and Alexander I of Macedon, Drachms as in last lot, but no helmet in field of first piece ; and Half-Drachm, Free J, 1 16 *"i horse; rev. Helmet in sunken square, wt. 29 grs., well preserved and J/.tf/U^ . 3 f 687 Mosses, Drachm as in lot 685 ; Alexander I, Half-Drachm, Free horse ; rev. Helmet in sunken square ; ARCHELAUS I, Obol, Head ^jr~^^^* f Herakles ; rev. Forepart of wolf ; above, club ; before, APX, wt. C& * ' ^14 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 10). Bronze, Perdiccas II, Head of Hera- /y^^^^Jdes ; rev. IIEPAIKKA2, Lion holding spear in its mouth, size 3 ; and Pausanias, Young male head with taenia ; rev. IIAY2ANIA, Forepart of lion, size 2, mostly fine, all rare 5 688 Alexander I, B.C. 498-454, Drachm, Dismounted warrior holding two /* spears, standing near his horse ; rev. AAEHANAPO around incuse ^\ 6' "* square quartered, wt. 61 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 4) ; ARCHELAUS I, Jfc/fy Half-Drachm, Free horse to left; rev. APXEAAO. around helmet, wt. 27 grs., both fine and very rare 2 689 Archelaus I, B.C. 413-399, Stater, Young male head to right wearing r "P // taenia ; rev. APXEAAO in incuse square containing horse walking P*" * to right, loose rein, wt. 161 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 4), in good condition, y&4t*> ' H ver y rare 4 690 Pausanias, b.c. 390-389, Stater, Young male head as on last coin ; rev. / IIAY2ANIA, Horse with loose rein to right, wt. 146 grs. (B. M. /^ / 7* v Cat. no. 1), in fair condition, very rare 1 /; %* A British Museum duplicate. AMYNTAS III. 85 691 Amyntas III, B.C. 389-383, Stater, Head of bearded Herakles in lion's y, skin to right ; rev. AMYNTA, Horse to right, wt. 146 grs. (B. M. Cat. 4 H 7 ^' ^jfi fle m d SCarCe [Pl> "V"I] 1 692 Amyntas III, Stater, same type as the preceding coin, wt. 136 grs., in fair condition and scarce 1 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. Gold. *& 693 Stater, Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; rev. *~ well preserved, the last piece a rare variety 3 -^^ 713 Tetradrachm, similar type to last coin in preceding lot, with horse and rider to left; under horse, fulmen ; in exergue AH., Pella (M. no. 16); .v? /jl< another, same type, but with saddle distinctly shown with em- jfes /r broidered edge; under horse's foreleg M. (M. no. 292), both fine and rare types 2 714 Didrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin ; rev. $IAiniIOY, J- -y *0 Naked boy -rider to right crowning his horse ; beneath, fulmen ; in /^ exergue N., Pella (M. no. 11), fine and very rare [PI. VI] 1 J' 714* Didrachm, same type as the last coin, but on rev. Horseman to left, wearing kausia and chlamys, right hand raised ; under horse's fore- ** leg, star, Acroathon (M. no. 92), well preserved ; Tetrobol, Head of .j& is Apollo bound with taenia ; rev. *** From the Northwick collection. 717 Stater, Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with / - ^^-serpent ; rev. AAEEANAPOY, Winged Nike standing to left, holding < ^V wreath and trophy-stand ; before her, fulmen, struck at Pella, wt. - /S*^&**m grs. (M. no. 1), very fine [PI. VI] 1 718 Stater, same type as the preceding coin, with same symbol on rev., (X *? / a, but f n k sucn fi ne W01 "k, wt. 133 grs., fine 1 719 Stater, usual type, with fly and star before Nike, Apollonia and ~/^y, ? Acroathon, wt. 133 grs. (M. no. 179), very fine 1 720 Stater, usual type, with eagle before Nike, Aphytis, wt. 132 grs. vZ" J/.f^m.w. 182), fine 1 721 Staterfusual type, with leaf and TI in wreath before Nike, uncertain Jf. --^elty of Macedonia, wt. 132 grs. (M. no. 247), fine 1 722 Stater, usual type, with griffin's head before Nike, Abdera, wt. 132 grs. cpC t 6 (M, no. 293), very fine 1 723 ^t^r^asualtype, with ram's head to right before Nike, Samothrace, f ' f~T ^-wt. 13% grs. (var. M. no. 299), fine 1 724 Stater, usual type, with foreparts of two horses before Nike and mono- ^s gram of AO (?) united, Perinthus, wt. 133 grs. (M. no. 394), fine, am a'scarce symbol 1 725 Stater, usual type, with rudder before Nike, uncertain city of Mace- y^S/. /Y <)w\^wt. 132 grs. (M. no. 632), very fine 1 /726 Stater^usual type, with athlete before Nike, uncertain of Macedonia, p#~/t~^ tvj, 132 grs. (M. no. 638), fine 1 727 Stater, usual type, with athlete and monogram of AO before Nike, j/- ), very fine A *>X' [Pi. vi] 1 /f~%grs. (M. no. 1373), very fine 1 735 'Stater, usual type, with 21, palm branch, and monogram before Nike, c%S' ^ -Sidon, wt. 132 grs. (M. no. 1409), very fine 1 736 Stater, usual type, with EY before Nike, uncertain of Asia, wt. 132 grs. ^< ^ ^ xp^Mxfl 10 ' 1575), very fine 1- 737 Stat/w^ usual type, with monogram in circle before and behind Nike, t^> J^J^r U }j^ s - ( M - no - 1593 )> extremely fine [PI. VI] 1 738 Stater, us^ltl type, with monogram of KITH before Nike and T shaped ^1 ^ XHjnamejit behind her, wt. 133 grs. (comp. M. no. 847), very fine 1 739 Stater j/isual type, with monograms in circle before and behind Nike, ^- J\ '~T r J^. / ^33 grs, (comp. M. no. \%Q0),fine 1 740 Stater, usual type, but with legend AAEEANAPOY before Nike, and ./ jU n behind her, wreath, uncertain of Macedonia, wt. 132 grs. (M. t/7 m .5W), extremely fine and a rare variety [PI. VlJ 1 741 'Stater, usual type, but same variety as last piece ; behind Nike, mono- a 4^* Z JjPP m of HA > ** 133 9 rs - (M. no. 760), very fine 1 742 Stater, usu^T type, but same variety as lot 740, but with griffin instead /^ ? / of serpent on helmet of Pallas ; behind Nike, small letters YO (?), 0^ ij? wtyl33 grs., extremely fine, but of rather barbarous work 1 743 Stater, usual type, but reading on rev. AAEEANAPOY BA2IAEQ2 ; I . before Nike, head of Silenos ; behind, monogram in wreath, wt. 132 ji ^grs. (M.no. 729), well preserved and a rare symbol and variety 1 744 StaJr, usual type, but same variety of legend as last coin, before Nike y- # ^,3*1* behind, MP in wreath (var. M. no. 731), wt. 131 grs., fine 1 745 Sfeteryusual type, but same variety as lot 743, but with 2 behind y L Jiead of Pallas, and on rev. monogram of AP before Nike, Aradus, <* ' wt. 133 grs. (M. no. 1366), very fine [PL VI] 1 ^. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. 89 746 Stater, usual type, same variety as no. 743, but with behind y head of Pallas, and monogram of En above O before Nike {not in *^ C ''tj*HrU wi - 132 9^., fine 1 747 Quarter-Stater, Head of Pallas as on Stater; rev. AAEHAN, Nike holding wreath, &c. j before her, monogram of HA (comp. M. ^/fj? no. 761), wt. 33 grs. ; another, same obv., but rev. AAEHANAPOY, ^? j dividing fulmen, bow and club, wt. 33 grs., both fine and very rare 2 Silver. 748 Tetradrachms of Macedonia, Head of Herakles wearing lion's skin ; / rev. AAEHANAPOY, Zeus Aetophoros seated ; before, fulmen p y, (M. no. 3) ; others, (1) with BASlAEfiS ; before Zeus, racing-torch, Amphipolis (M. no. 25) ; (2) before Zeus, rose ; under seat, #/.AIO, Traelium (M. no. 124); (3) under seat on rev. , Therma, (M. no. 197), all very fine 4 749 Tetradrachms of Macedonia, usual type; (1) before Zeus, fulmen; under seat AI, Pella (M. no. 7) ; (2) before Zeus, torch and A ; *//' under seat, star, Amphipolis (M. no. 62) ; (3) reading BA2IAEQ2 ; ;)*>/? before Zeus, Nike ; under seat, AN mon., Therma (M. no. 199) ; (4) v^^Defore Zeus, caduceus, Pelagonia (M. no. 207), all very fine 4 750 Tetradrachms of Macedonia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, torch and AT mon. ; under seat E, Amphipolis (M. no. 56) ; (2) reading BA^IAEfiS ; before Zeus, Nike ; under seat, AN. mon., Therma (M. no. 200) ; (3) before Zeus, helmet ; under seat, $K mon. (M. no.^ 230) ; (4) before Zeus, crescent-moon (M. no. 259), all very me 4 751 Tetradrachms of Macedonia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, fulmen and / I ; under seat, dolphin, Pella (M. no. 16) ; (2) reading BA2IAE02 ; ^ / S before Zeus, helmet (M. no. 224) ; (3) before Zeus, TI ; under seat, ^ leaf (M. no. 249) ; (4) before Zeus, crescent-moon (M. no. 259), all very fine 4 752 Tetradrachms of Macedonia, usual type; (1) before Zeus, torch and A; under seat, kantharos, Amphipolis (M. no. 60); (2) similar, but with ME mon. under seat (not in M.) ; (3) before Zeus, leaf; under seat, HAP mon. (M. no. 250); (4) reading BA2LAEOS /S2^ before Zeus, crescent-moon and AT mon. ; under seat, AYP mon. yM>fa circle (M. no. 269) ; (5) before Zeus, wing ; under seat n., (M. * no. 280), all very fine 5 753 Tetradrachms of Amphipolis (5), usual type ; all with torch and A before Zeus ; but under seat, kantharos (M. no. 32) ; AP mon. -y ^ (M. no. 43) ; tripod (M. no. 59) ; star (M. no. 62) ; and dolphin '' * (M. no. 73),; [fine 5 1. J?./? ME2AMBIIN (sic) ; (5) before Zeus, H. ; in exergue, ME2AMB- / ^/^^^*i/PIAM2N., all unpublished by Muller, well preserved, and an interesting series of this mint 5 758 Tetradrachms of Macedonia, &c, uncertain mints, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, dolphin ; under seat, n. (M. no. 542) ; (2) before / y^Zeus, wreath (M. no. 548) ; (3) before Zeus, wreath ; under seat, n. (M. no. 549); (4) reading BA2LAEQ2 ; before Zeus, wreath; under seat, AI. (M. no. 550), all extremely fine 4 759 Tetradrachms of Macedonia, &c, uncertain mints, usual type ; (1) reading BA2IAEI22 ; before Zeus, laurel-branch ; under seat, n. (M. no. 560) ; (2) same reading ; before Zeus, ear of corn ; under Ji^j? seat, H. (M. no. 570) ; (3) before Zeus, Pegasus ; under seat, mono- ^^%rtm of nA. (M. no. 601) ; (4) before Zeus, star on cone and X ; V under seat, n. (M. no. 643), all extremely fine 4 /* ALEXANDER THE GREAT. 91 760 Tetradrachms of Macedonia, &c, uncertain mints, usual type; (1) before Zeus, ear of corn ; under seat, II. (M. no. 571) ; (2) before Zeus, knife and monogram IIAK (?) ; under seat, IIE mon. (M. ^ no. 635); (3) before Zeus, star on cone and ; under seat, ME ., * mon. (M. no. 645) ; (4) reading BA2IAE02 ; before Zeus, Athene ^*"-a/+*J < M. no. 650), all extremely fine 4 761 Tetradrachms of Macedonia, uncertain mints, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, star on cone and ; under seat, II (M. no. 644) ; (2) reading BA2IAE02 ; before Zeus, Pallas (M. no. 650) ; (3) before Zeus, Nike ; under seat, mon. and M. (M. no. 687) ; (4) before Zeus, AX mon. ; under seat, HP mon. (M. no. 728), all very fine 4 762 ^Tetradrachms of Macedonia, uncertain mints, usual type; (1) before Zeus, trident and M. ; under seat, monogram (M. no. 680) ; (2) yf *P /^reading BA2IAEQ2 ', before Zeus, MAP mon. in wreath ; under seat, KA. (M. no. 717); (3) same reading; before Zeus and under ^y/ seat, monogram (M. no. 719) ; (4) same reading; before Zeus, MTP mon. in wreath; under seat, MI. (M, no. 734), all extremely fine 4 y<-j><. ^7. J&& 763 Tetradrachms of Greece Proper, usual type; (1) before Zeus, shield; under seat, serpent, Thebes (M. no. 754) ; (2) before Zeus, HA j mon. (M. no. 762) ; (3) reading BA2IAE172 in exergue ; before , Zeus, KA mon. (var. M. no. 814) ; (4) before Zeus, dolphin; under y , seat, TO mon. ; in exergue, tortoise, Aegina (M. no. 899), all very fine, the last piece rare 4 764 Tetradrachms of Greece Proper, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, shield ; under seat, serpent, Thebes (M. no. 754) ; (2) before Zeus, prow, -/y t /^Tistisea (M. no. 758); (3) reading BA2IAEOS; before Zeus, ^ ' Anro (?) mon. (M. no. 861) ; (4) same reading ; before Zeus, Phrygian cap (M. no. 854), all extremely fine 4 765 Tetradrachms of Greece Proper, usual type; (1) before Zeus, shield, Thebes (M. no. 752) ; (2) reading BA2IAEI22 ; before Zeus, mono- gram (M. no. 860); (3) before Zeus, Chimera; under seat, NO., ''/0 Sicyon (M. no. 864) ; (4) before Zeus, figure of Spes ; under seat, x cj/- 1 NO., same mint (M. no. 875), all very fine 4 766 ^Tetradrachms of Greece Proper, &c, usual type; (1) before Zeus, eagle's head (not in M.) ; (2) before Zeus, Herakles leaning on club ; under seat, API mon., Sicyon (not in M. ; see Num. Chron., 1883, p. 7) ; (3) before Zeus, figure with knotted cord and 2 ; under seat, r/ HAP mon., Sicyon (M. no. 867); (4) reading BA2IAE02; before j& 6jZeus, similar figure as on last coin but to right ; under seat, NO. 7 (M. no. 874), all very fine and rare symbols 4 92 MACEDONIA. 767 Tetradrachms of the Peloponnesus, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, Pallas; under seat, AE. (3f.no. 881); (2) before Zeus, trident; under seat, no mon. (M. no. 885) ; (3) reading BASIAEQS ; before Zeus, horse's head; under seat, AE. (M. no. 891) ; (4) before Zeus, Dioscuri to left ; under seat, AAE. (M. no. 893), all struck at Sicyon, in the highest condition of preservation 4 8 Tetradrachms of the Peloponnesus, &c, usual type; (1) before Zeus, acrostolium ; under seat, AO, Sicyon (var. M. no. 887) ; (2) before Zeus, fulmen ; under seat, $1, same mint (M. no. 896) ; (3) before O yj% Zeus, boar's head, Lyttus (Crete), (M. no. 900) ; (4) before Zeus, - Nereid with trumpet; under seat, monogram, Itanus (M. no. 901, ,^C-^<- . var -)' a M well preserved and very rare symbols 4 769 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type; (1) before Zeus, tripod and torch; under seat, AY mon. in wreath, Cyzicus (M. no. 910) ; (2) before Zeus, griffin, Assos (M. no. 928) ; (3) before Zeus, diota, Myrina 4 Z (M. no. 936) ; (4) before Zeus, IIA mon. above lyre, Mytilene gj a (M- no. 974), very fine and rare mints 4 r/t*i?^t Tjhe Tetradrachms of Asia are chiefly of somewhat wide-spread fabric. 770 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type; (1) before Zeus, horse and mono- gram of AE ; under seat, AI, Cyme (not in M. ; see Num. Chron. 1868, p. 310, 1) ; (2) before Zeus, forepart of horse ; and cup with - y^/^bne handle ; in exergue, AIONY2I02, same mint (ib. p. 310, 2) ; (3) IIPIH., impressed as countermark behind head of Herakles ; on ^ rev., before Zeus, vase, branch of vine and monogram IIA and E, Temnos in Aeolis (ib. p. 312, 3), well preserved and exceedingly rare varieties, not given by Muller 3 * # * The coins in this lot and some in the next one were published by Sir Edward Bunbury in the Num. Chron. I. c. 771 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, horse above AI, Cyme (not in M.) ; (2) before Zeus, lyre and mon. IA in wreath; under seat, 4>A mon., Mytilene (Num. Chron. 1883, pi. I, 1) ; (3) } before Zeus, female head veiled and turreted ; under seat, KA mon., Smyrna (ib. pi. I, 4), all fine and exceedingly rare, not given by Muller 3 /( 772 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type; (1) before Zeus, vase, vine-branch and two monograms, Temnos (M. no. 958) ; (2) before Zeus, vase t n and vine-branch ; above which, EXENIK02 ; under seat, TEITA2, same mint (M. no. 966) ; (3) before Zeus, lyre and TP mon., Myti- lene (M. no. 976) ; (4) before Zeus, forepart of griffin, Phocaea (M. no. 986), all fine and very rare 4 ^v ,*> / ALEXANDER THE GREAT. 93 773 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, vase, vine-branch and MY(?) and 20 mons., Temnos (M. no. 959) ; (2) before Zeus, turreted female head above monogram, Smyrna, (var. M. no. 994) ; '- ^ jy (3) before Zeus, lyre, Colophon (M no. 1011); (4) before Zeus, * ' bee above EE, Ephesus (M. no. 1015) ; (5) before Zeus, forepart 40 of griffin and HY mon., Phocaea (var. M. no. 986), fine and scarce ^rtypes 5 774 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type; (1) before Zeus, turreted female head to left ; below, monogram, Smyrna (M. no. 994) ; (2) similar, but before Zeus 3> above female head to right, Smyrna (not in M.) ; ^(3) before Zeus, kantharos and THI ; under seat, 0E mon., Teos (var. M. no. 1005) ; (4) before Zeus, bee, Ephesus (M. no. 1018) ; tttee+Sy (5) before Zeus, standard-shaft above M, (not in M.), all fine and ^/ rare pieces 5 775 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, forepart of boar and monogram of XPO ; under seat, ME mon., Clazomenae (Num. Chron. 1883,^. I, 6) ; (2) before Zeus, lion to right, star and MI mon. ; r'**6 under seat, AP mon., Miletus (var. M. no. 1034) ; (3) before Zeus, 4 lion to left, above MI mon. ; behind, VE (mon.) 2. fi., Miletus (not in M.) ; (4) before Zeus, crab holding club and XAP. mon., Cos (Num. Chron. 1883, pi. i, 3), all fine and very rare 4 776 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type; (1) before Zeus, lion and mono- grams, IYE and IM ; under seat, M6 mon., Miletus ; (2) similar, 7^^ with lion only before Zeus and HA mon. under seat, same mint ; (3) before Zeus, MArN AI NI ; in exergue, Maeander pattern, Magnesia ; (4) before Zeus, bull butting to left, and monogram ; under seat, EP mon., Magnesia, all fine and very rare varieties, not given by Mutter 4 777 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, lion and IM mon. ; under seat, IAP mon., Miletus (M. no. 1038) ; (2 and 3) similar, a/* ^2 w ^ tn s^ght variations of same mint (M. nos. 1043, 1047); (4) before z7 Zeus, IM. mon., Miletus (M. no. 1055) ; (5) before Zeus, monogram ^/%/j/ and maeander in exergue, Magnesia (M. no. 1078), all very fine and scarce 5 778 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, lion and IM mon. ; under seat, HAP mon., Miletus (var. M. no. 1038) ; (2) similar, but j/' 3< SO under seat of peculiar form, club and nA. mon., Miletus (not in M.) ; (3) before Zeus, monogram ; in exergue, maeander, Magnesia (var. M. no. 1072) ; (4) before Zeus, sphinx on vase and no ; in exergue, EENON, Chios (M. no. 1120) ; (5) before Zeus, monogram ; under seatj bipennis, Caria (M. no, 1136), all fine and scarce 5 94 MACEDONIA. 779 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type : (1) before Zeus, sphinx and mono- gram ; under seat, TA mon., Chios (M. no. 1090) ; (2) similar, but w sphinx on vase, &c. ; and under seat, KPATON, Chios (M. no. 1119) ; ** '/ (3) before Zeus, prow and B., Samos (M. no. 1126); (4) before ^L/^ Zeus, bipennis, Caria (M. no. 1128); (5) before Zeus, pegasus; 'under seat A, Alabanda (M. no. 1146), fine and scarce 5 ^ 780 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type ; (1 & 2) of Chios, one with EYKAH2 in exergue (if. nos. 1086 and 1118); (3) of Caria (M. S y ~ no. 1128) as in preceding lot, with bipennis before Zeus ; (4) before Zeus, PAYII in mon. within circle ; under seat, bipennis, Caria (M. no. 1138); (5) before Zeus, tripod; under seat B., Cnidus (M. no. 1151), fine and scarce 5 ALEXANDER THE GREAT. SIXTH DAY'S SALE. c^V KINGS OF MACEDON Alexander the Great (continued). Silver. LOT 781 Tetradrachms of Rhodes, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, rose and monogram; under seat PO (M. no. 1156) ; (2) similar, but mon. AYBT before Zeus (M. no. 1158) ; (3) similar, but before Zeus, *^ """ API2TOBOA02 (M. no. 1161); (4) similar, but magistrate's name, J^%&L TIMAI02 ; no letters under seat (not in M.), all fine and rare 4 782 Tetradrachms of Rhodes, usual type; (1) before Zeus, rose and AINHTfiP ; under seat PO (M. no. 1160) ; (2) similar, before Zeus, r y AAMATPI02 (M. no. 1162); (3) similar, but magistrate's name, ^ H$AI2TIQN (M. no. 1165) ; (4) similar, but STATION before Zeus (M. no. 1166), all fine and rare 4 783 Tetradrachms of Rhodes, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, rose and mono- y gram ANTUJ (?) ; under seat PO (M. no. 1159), well preserved ; (2) yiK^/ similar but before Zeus AINHTOP (M. no. 1160); (3) similar, magistrate's name, TEISYAOS ; (4) another of Attuda ; before Zeus, pine-cone and staff (M. no. 1173), very fine and rare 4 784 Tetradrachms of Asia, uncertain mints, usual type; (1) reading BASlAEfiS ; before Zeus, forepart of lion (Num. Chron. 1883, p: 11 , _-*y Jft^7); (2) before Zeus, XI mon. and quiver (ib. p. 11, no. 8) ; (3) X before Zeus, AY mon.; under seat, 3>K mon. ; (4) before Zeus, (^/f v^SlYTP mon., all fine and rare, not described by Miiller 4 785 'Tetradrachms of Phrygia, &c. usual type ; (1) before Zeus, owl and / monogram; under seat, conical object, Attuda, (M. no. 1174) ; (2) j ^ "x^^Tbefore Zeus, head of bull (M. no. 1249) ; (3) before Zeus, diota and ^j 2 (M. no. 1252); (4) before Zeus, EYO mon. (var. M. no. 1266) ; (yfL (5) Lycia, reading BA2IAEQ2 ; before Zeus M ; under seat AY (M. no. 1272), all fine 5 786 Tetradrachms of Asia, uncertain mints, usual type ; (1) before Zeus, / diota and 2 (M. no. 1252) ; (2) before Zeus, monogram ; under seat - & > -SEO (?) mon. (var. M. no. 1266); (3) before Zeus, palm-branch and s? AI mon. (Num. Chron. 1868, p. 319, no. 9) ; (4) under seat, torch c^^^^, (not in M.); (5) before Zeus, lion and monogram ; under seat AN '/ mon., Antioch (M. no. 1176 var.) all fine and scarce ' 5 '/* 96 MACEDONIA. 787 Tetradrachms of Lycia, &c, usual type ; (1) reading BASIAEOS ; before Zeus, M ; under seat, AY (M. no. 1272) ; (2) before Zeus, plough; under seat, acorn, Cilicia (var. M. no. 1280); (3) before Zeus, bow, $.~ Cilicia (M. no. 1287); (4) reading BASIAEOS ; before Zeus, TK sg> y^ mon., Cilicia (M. no. 1294) ; (5) same reading ; before Zeus, BAN / mon. ; under seat, MI mon., Cilicia (M. no. 1302), fine and scarce 5 768 Tetradrachms of Syria, &c, usual type; (1) before Zeus, crab ; under seat, ME mon., Commagene (M. no. 1337) ; (2) before Zeus, forepart of ram ; under seat, AA Damascus (M. no. 1338) ; (3) before ^ Zeus, Nike, Laodicea (M. no. 1348) ; (4) before Zeus, anchor and monograms ; under seat SO, Larissa (M. no. 1355) ; (5) reading BASIAEOS ; before Zeus, ANI mon. in circle (M. no. 1598), all fine, some scarce 5 <*$ 789 Tetradrachms of Lycia, &c, usual type; (1) before Zeus, <&A and two stars; under seat, E mon., Phaselis (M. no. 1276); (2) reading BASIAEOS ; before Zeus, caduceus ; under seat, AP mon., / -""" Aradus (M. no. 1370) ; (3) before Zeus palm-tree ; under seat AP, mon. ; in exergue N0, Aradus (not in M.) ; (4) similar, but in exergue *t, HA., Aradus (not in M.) ; (5) before Zeus, Aramaic inscription, Ace (M. no. 1426), all fine and scarce 5 & 790 Tetradrachms of Syria, &c, usual type; (1) before Zeus, forepart of ram ; under seat AA, Damascus (M. no. 1338) ; (2) before Zeus, palm-tree ; under seat, AP mon. (M. no. 1380) ; (3) before Zeus, IIIO mon., Joppa (M. no. 1468); (4) before Zeus, ram's head and feathers; under seat, AA mon., Egypt (M. no. 1517); (5) reading BASIAEOS ; before Zeus, IAN mon. in circle (M. no. 1598), all fine 5 791 Tetradrachms of Syria, &c, usual type; (1) reading BASIAEOS; / before Zeus, caduceus; under seat, AP mon., Aradus (M.no. 1370); ^^ *(%. 1/ (2) before Zeus, bunch of grapes and XA (?) mon. (var. M. no. 1519) ; (3) similar, but mon. varied M.T. (?) (not in M.) ; (4) similar, but under seat, BHA mon. (var. M. no. 1540) ; (5) reading BA2IAEQ2 ; before Zeus, ATN (?) mon. in circle (M. no. 1598), all fine 5 792 Tetradrachms of various districts, usual type and similar to M. nos. g />*. tfLt* I \j ,, {S34. 868, 956, 972, 1055 and 1272, mostly well preserved 6 % Jr? 4f r * 793 Tetradrachms, usual type, of Philomelium with letter $ and dates, , / /g^ I, K, IA ; of Aspendus with AS and dates nr (countermarked with 0~ \ ^>^seleucid anchor) and IB. (none in M.), in fair condition 6 794 Tetradrachms, usual type, of Aspendus, &c, with AS before Zeus, and dates IE, IH, I, Kr, KA (see M. nos. 1215, 1216, &c>) ; another, with date V only before Zeus, some fine 6 <^>, ALEXANDER THE GREAT. 97 795 Tetradrachms, usual type, of Aspendus, with dates A2, KA (counter- j -//^/' f ***- marked with Seleucid anchor) and KH (see M. nos. 1216, 1219) ; Z *T <7 J"/, tyA^' others, without mint name, dates A, ir, IA, and IE, some fine 6 y 796 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type, with dates IA, IH, IE, KA, KB, g^Z /- /^ KT and KA, some fine 7 797 Tetradrachms of Asia, usual type, with dates KA, KE, K, KE, KE ; / t ^ r J^ and others (2) with AS before Zeus, Aspendus, and AM before Zeus /ii ^jccu and 21 under seat, Sidon, well preserved 7 798 Drachm of 1st coinage, Head of Herakles in lion's skin j rev. AAEE- ANAPOY, Eagle standing on club, and looking back, wt. 66 grs., extremely rare, unpublished (?) ; another, similar, but eagle to right /^^ on fulmen ; before it, another eagle's head, wt. 66 grs., rare, both fine 2 799 Drachms, Head of Herakles ; rev. AAEEANAPOY, Zeus Aetophoros ^, __ seated ; before and under seat, various symbols and monograms, sf+jflfine 12 800 Drachms, same type, but with varying symbols and monograms, all y^y- Drachms, sjjmlar to last lot, all fine 12 802 drachms (13),- similar to the preceding; also Half-Drachms (2) and c?^ an d on right I, struck in Lycia, wt. 133 grs. (M. no. 96), y . si fine and rare 1 " ^ W Stater, same obv. as in lot 803, but rev. IAinnOY, Bow and club ; / * below, a trident, wt. 33 grs.; Eighth-Stater, Head of Herakles; ^ ( 3 ) without BA2IAEOS ; before ' - Zeus, O; under seat, SI, Sidon (M. no. 107), all fine and scarce 3 809 Tetradrachms, same type as lot 807 ; (1) before Zeus, head of Helios ; / under seat, KY, Cyzicus (1) (M. no. 117) ; (2) without BA2IAEQ2 ; y J^ % -~- under seat of Zeus, IIY (M. no. 131) ; (3) as last, but under seat, i/?/?V monogram of MAIO (?), Mallus (M. no. 104), all fine, but the last ^-^^^ 'piece is pierced 3 810 Drachms, Head of Herakles; rev. Zeus Aetophoros as on Tetradrachms, / / yji with various monograms and symbols on rev., all fine and scarce 10 'Demetrius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283. Silver. 81 1 Tetradrachm, Nike standing on prow, blowing trumpet and holding /, trophy-stand ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 AHMHTPIOY, Poseidon wielding ? P *h ///t A ^dent to left ; before, tripod ; behind, I and ME mon., wt. 254 grs. ") { q/j f*-*** {Hist. Num. p. 202), fine and rare J^fpr ->flf 1 'J'M" 4r 812 Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin, but the prow on the ^/- O , *r obv. is much larger ; and on the rev. before Poseidon, HAP mon. ; -pj^^behind, star, wt. 263 grs., fine and rare 1 813 'Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius, diademed and with bull's horn; rev. / BA2IAEQ2 AHMHTPIOY, Poseidon standing to left, resting foot sX'/o on rock and leaning on trident ; before, nA<3> mon. ; behind, AP mon., wt. 264 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 202), a very fine and well-spread coin, rare [PI. VI] 1 J< <^y J-? *** From the Thomas collection. 814 Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin, but on rev. AN mon. to i left, and KA mon. to right of Poseidon, wt. 265 grs., fine and >' scarce 1 815 Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius, diademed and horned as in lot 813 ; ^ rev. AHMHTPIOY BA2IAE02, Poseidon seated on rock, holding up an aplustre and leaning on trident ; before, ATP. mon. and I ; /^^e^jjehind, HP mon., wt. 254 grs., fine and extremely rare [PI. VI] 1 816 Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but on the rev. behind / / 4 ZPoseidon, AI mon., wt. 260 grs., well preserved and very rare /tjiaS^ J cS antigonus gonatas. 99 Antigonus Gonatas, b.c. 277-239. Silver. 817 Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield with head of Pan in centre; behind, pedum; rev. BA2IAEQ2 ANTITONOY, Athena Alkis hurling ". /, // thunderbolt; before, helmet; behind, HP raon., wt. 265 grs. (Hist. Num. no. 203), very fine and scarce 1 818 Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but behind Athena, -? ^>-^monogram composed of the letters MEP, wt. 263 grs., very fine and scarce [PI. VI] 1 il9 Tetradrachm, similar, with large head of Pan on obv., and large lettering c^C J^. 3 iP* 1 rev '^ De hi Q d Athena, HA mon., wt. 263 grs., fine and scarce 1 THradrachm, similar to lot 817, but behind Athena, HA mon., wt. 820 aCt 264 grs., fine and scarce Antigonus Doson, b.c. 229-220. Silver. 821 Tetradrachm, Head of Poseidon to right, bound with marine plant, hair long; rev. BA2JAEQ2 ANTirONOY inscribed on prow, on ^ ' " which is seated Apollo holding bow; below, monogram of TI, wt. ^/V*-W^261 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 203), fine and extremely rare 1 ^T/^, *** From the Huxtable collection. 822 Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding, but on rev. behind Apollo, star ; ^/- y* and beneath, monogram as on the last coin, ivt. 263 grs., in good < ^ /--'*' Condition and extremely rare 1 / Philip V, b.c. 220-179. Silver. 823 Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield with head of Perseus in centre ; be- hind, sword ; rev. BA2JAEG2 $IAinnOY, above and below Club ; all within oak- wreath, wt. 260 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 205), very fine and scarce 1 Tetradrachm, same type as last coin, but on rev. to left, outside oak- wreath, the letter M, wt. 262 grs., very fine and scarce 1 C *jfc *** ^rom * ne Subhi collection. 825 Diflrachm, Head of Philip diademed to right and slightly bearded ; rev. Same type as the Tetradrachm ; but above legend, 10 mon. , below, ME and 21 mons. ; and outside wreath to left, trident, wt. ,129 grs.; Drachm, same type; but below legend on rev. ME and f MH mons. ; on left of wreath, tripod, wt. 60 grs., both fine and rare 2 H 2 100 MACEDONIA. ; below, AN mon. ; under wreath, plough, wt. 230 grs., well preserved and very /[ j rare 1 Jjl. T, Bronze. 830 Amyntas II, rev. Eagle and serpent (3 varieties) ; Philip n, rev. Horse- man (3 varieties) ; Alexander the Great, rev. Eagle (2 varieties), / and Bow, quiver, and club (4 varieties) ; Cassander, rev. Horse- jj ^.sma.n; Spear and lion; Eupolemus, Three shields ; rev. Sword with belt, EYIIOAEMOY ; Antigonus Gonatas, rev. Satyr erecting trophy (2 varieties) ; Philip V, rev. Fulmen, Horseman, and Club, all very fine 23 831 Others, similar, of Philip II, Alexander the Great, Cassander, Anti- / gonus Gonatas, and Philip V ; also various types of Philip III, 0KS* ' Alexander IV, Perseus, and Lysimachus of Thrace, mostly fine 29 THESSALIA. Silver. 832 Thessalia, in genere, after B.C. 146, Double- Victoriati, Head of Zeus, / J" u_> crowned with oak; rev. 0E22AAON, Pallas Promachos to right ' (Hist. Num. p. 264); magistrates' names, (1) KE$AAOY; (2) jfS L/nUmJM. 's\ 4 Arethusa ; rev. AAPI2AK3N, Horse to right, grazing, left fore-leg raised, wt. 93 grs., fine and rare, slight indentation on rev. 1 ^t f- /* 102 THESSALIA. 842 Larissa, Drachm, similar type to the preceding coin, but on the rev. a /, , mare with its foal walking to right, wt. 90 grs. (B. M. Cat., pi. vi, 3), C/C' *?' ^well preserved; another, Head of Larissa to right in profile, hair in ^/%,;.^/sakkos ; rev. AAPI2IA, Horse running to left, loose rein, wt. 93 grs., / very fine, both rare 2 843 Larissa, Drachm, Youth to left restraining bull ; rev. AAPI2 A, Horse / to right ; another, similar, but youth and bull to right on obv. ; p(//' Sv another, Head of Larissa to right in profile ; rev. AAPI2AIA, Horse running to left, loose rein, all very fine and scarce, especially the last 'piece 3 844' Larissa, Drachms, similar to last lot, but reverses slightly varied ; on the third piece the head of Larissa is to left, and on rev. /^ Horge cantering to right with loose rein, all very fine and scarce 3 845 /Larissa, Drachms (3), Youth to left restraining bull; rev. Horse / galloping to right or left ; Half Drachm, Head of nymph, three- tfC'x*/?' q uarters to l e ^; wv. AAPI^AION, Horse feeding; Trihemiobol, afj/ Horseman to right ; rev. Nymph seated, pierced, all fine except the last ,y &/** pi ece 5 846 Phalanna, Drachm, Young male head to right; rev. /^ and 2. Atrax, Laureate head ; rev. Horseman, size 4|. Crannon, y^/7/ Horseman ; rev. Hydria on wheels, size 3|. Gomphi, rev. Zeus ^^vf*** . seated, size 4. Gyrton, rev. Horse, size 5. Heracleia, rev. Club in wreath, size 2, &c, all fine and mostly rare 14 851 Thessalia, in genere, as in last lot (3 varieties). Larissa Cremaste, rev. Thetis on hippocamp, size 4 (2 varieties) ; and Harpa in wreath, size 2. Magnetes, rev. Asklepios seated, size 3, very rare. Malienses, / rev. Herakles shooting arrow, size 2. Perrhaebi, Head of Zeus ; rev. & j '. %^ IIEPPAlBfiN, Hecate seated, size 5, very rare. Phalanna, rev. Female head, size 4 (2 vars.). Pharsalus, rev. Horseman, size 5 "(2 varieties). Pherae, rev. Hecate standing, size 3 ; and Lion's head, size 3. Peparethus, rev. Ram's head in wreath (3 vars.), size 3 ; &c, mostly fine, all rare, some very rare 19 / ILLYRIA. Silver. 852 Apollonia, Stater, Cow suckling calf ; rev. AIIOA., Double floral j / / *2. pattern within square, wt. 171 grs., well preserved; Denarius, Head/^aj(^->- / of Apollo, AYSON ; rev. AIIOA, Three Nymphs, magistrate's namc^ U*& ? / C n^s AIONYSfiAOPOS ; another reading obv. ATONinnOY; rev. AI- n, /. jtf~-+0/s/ NOKPATH2 EPIMNASTOY, both fine, all scarce j i^X. 3 853" Apollonia, Denarii, with rev. type Nymphs, as in last lot, reading, (1) y obv. APXEAA02; rev. API2TOMOY ZHN02; (2) obv. ANAPfi- p// /f^ ^ i rev - TIMHNANAPO j (3) Head of Apollo, to right, IAfiNIAA, Lyre ; rev. AHOAAONIA- TAN API2TOAOX02, Obelisk (Mionnet, U, p. 31, 41) wt. 14 grs., all very fine, the last piece very rare 4 854 Apollonia, Victoriati, Cow and calf ; rev. ALTOA, Stellate square ; magistrates' names, (1) API2THN-*YAAOY; (2) AYSANIA2 - t * IYAOY ; (3) AONAE - IIOITINOY ; others, similar type, of Dyrrha- , chium, but reading AYP on rev. ; magistrates' names, MNA2HN- EHAKESrOY; (2) MAXATA - EOPTAIOY ; (3) Eagle on staff above cow, HENON - XAPOni . , all fine ' 6 855 Apollonia, Victoriati, as in last lot ; magistrates' names, (1) NIKHN . . jq AYTOBOYAOY ; (2) AOKP02-EAANTOY ; (3) . . . ALIOS - XAIPHNOY ; others, similar, of Dyrrhachium, magistrates' names, J? (1) APXIMHAH2 - IIAPMENI2KOY; (2) EYNOY2 KAEITOPIOY ^^) AfAQOKAEOS on rev. ; (4) AEQNIAA2- IA12N02, all fine 7 104 ILLYRIA. J/3 ^S- a Ss. 856 Dyrrhachium, B.C. 450-300, Stater, Cow to right suckling calf ; rev. AYP., Stellate square ; on right, cluh, wt. 170 grs. ; another, similar ' but cow to left ; another, same as last, but above cow II, all fine S^and scarce 3 857 Dyrrhachium, Staters (2), as in last lot, with cow to right ; on obv. of f . one, ME. Pharos, Half Drachm (?), Head of Zeus ; rev. Goat ?' & ^standing, wt. 43 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xv, 4), fine, the last coin very /^yrare 3 858 Dyrrhachium, b.c. 350-250, Staters (4), of the Corinthian type, Head of Pallas to right or left, AYPA (on two specimens) ; rev. Pegasos //^ to right or left ; various symbols and letters on either side ; Half Drachm, Head of Herakles to right rev. AYP., Pegasos, wt. 37 grs. ; ^ y another, similar, with Head of Herakles to left, all very fine 6 859' Dyrrhachium, Staters (3), of the Corinthian type, and Half Drachms . / (3), as in last lot, all with head of Herakles to right, very fine 6 Bronze. 860 Apollonia ; rev. Tripod, size 6 ; Obelisk within wreath, size 4 (2 var.); Imperial, Geta, rev. AIIOAAItUNIATAN., Herakles leaning on / j&vOo, size 9, very fine. Dyrrhachium, rev. Tripod in wreath, size 4 ; <^C A i 'J Palm-branch and grapes, AYP. MO^AAOY, size 2. Heraklea, Head of Herakles ; rev. Bow and club, size 6. Issa, Head of Athena ; rev. Goat, size h\. Pharos, Head of Zeus ; rev. Goat (3 var.), sizes 7-4 ; Head of Dionysos ; rev. Kantharos, size 4, all rare and mostly fine 13 ILLYEIO-EPIROTE COINAGE. Silver. 861 Damastium, circa B.C. 350, Stater, Head of Apollo to left laureate j yC-/ S rev - AAMA2[TI]NON, Tripod with large " clawed " feet, wt. 196 grs. (var. B. M. Cat, pi. xv, 10), very fine and scarce 1 862 Damastium, Stater, similar to the preceding, but Head of Apollo to aC'Y- * yfight/ wt. 200 grs., fine 1 863 DaMtium, Stater, as in lot 861, with Head of Apollo to left and jrtf^ (T^ between legs of tripod, swastika, wt. 200 grs., fine 1 864 Damastium, Stater, as in lot 861, but Head of Apollo. to right, and J j reading on rev. AAMA . . ON ; the tripod has smaller feet, 7* ~~ y wt. 200 grs., fine 1 865 Damastium, Staters (2), similar type to lot 861, with Head of Apollo I j */ to left ; one reads on rev. AAMA2TI ; the other, AAMA2TIM3, oC '* wt. 208 and 206 grs., both well preserved 2 DAMASTIUM. 105 866 Damastium, Stater, similar to lot 861, but Head of Apollo to right, and legend on rev. AAMA2[TIN]2N ; the first four letters being t /v^ on a raised band under the tripod, wt. 202 grs., fine and a scarce _-, variety 1 867 yOAMASTiUM, Stater, usual type, with Head of Apollo to left, laureate, / and on the rev. the Tripod has a large centre foot ; reading ^^^^yT^AAMA AIPP, wt. 188 grs., fine, a very rare variety; this particular sgpoin is specially mentioned in the B. M. Cat. p. 87 1 868 Damastium, Stater, usual type, with Head of Apollo to right, and yjr reading on rev. AAMASTINQN KH$ (B. M. Cat. pi. XVI, 2), a rare ; another, Head to right ; rev. Square object enclosing AAMA2TIN12N in three lines ; another, Head to left ; 5/Z/ rev. AAMA2TINQN, Pickaxe, average wt. 47 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xvi, 4 and 8), all fine and scarce pieces 5 ^~ r/y IIAETAS (retrograde), Tripod; on right, knife, wt. 180 grs., fine . '^and very rare, of rude work 1 gia, Stater, Head of young Herakles to right in lion's skin ; rev. EAAA, Tripod, knife to right, wt. 120 grs.; another, similar, but /oX small tripod to left of large one on rev., wt. 149 grs., both fine ; these arj Gaulish imitations of the preceding coin 2 EPIRUS. Silver. 872 Epirus, in genere, circa B.C. 250, Didrachm, Heads jugate of Zeus / Dodonseus and Dione; behind, 2A ; rev. AIIEIPOTAN, Bull ^^ ^^y^butting to right ; all within oak- wreath ; wt. 154 grs. (Hist. Num. x -%X P' 274), extremely fine and rare [PI. VI] 1 S 873 EPIRUS, in genere, Didrachm, similar to the preceding, but behind & .-heads on obv. EK mon., wt. 149 grs., fine, but cracked in striking 1 874 Epirus, ivr genere, Drachms (4), Head of Zeus ; rev. AIIEIPOTAN, Eagle standing to right ; all within oak-wreath ; two with magis- ' ^trates' names, IIIIIOKPATH2 and AYKI2KOS, on obv.; the others with monograms, AY and EK, behind head of Zeus (B. M. Cat. pi. xvii, 6), all fine and scarce 4 *e. 106 EPIRUS. /./. 875 Epirus, in genere, Drachms (2), as in previous lot, with (1), MP AX and t -, AN, and (2) NP mons. behind head on obv. ; Victoriatus, Jugate 1 1 ' . heads of Zeus and Dione, behind KE mon. ; rev. AIIEIPOTAN, -' . *h \ '/ tJ!AjLv Thunderbolt ; all within wreath, wt. 51 grs. ; and Half Victoriatus, / / ^*&& e * similar, but Head of Zeus only on obv ; behind KE mon., wt. 25 grs., all fine (,%+ if}***' Ifay 4 876 Ambracia, b.c. 400-342, Stater of Corinthian type, early style, Head of Pallas helmeted to right ; behind, branch ; rev. Pegasus to right ; below, A; others, similar, (1) behind head of Pallas, thunder- bolt ; rev. Pegasus to left ; (2) Head of Pallas to left, crested helmet ; rev. Pegasus to left ; (3) Head of Pallas to right ; behind, obelisk ; rev. Pegasus to right; below, A., all fine and scarce 4 877 Ambracia, Stater of Corinthian type, Cupid on dolphin behind head of Pallas : rev. Pegasus to right ; below, A ; another, similar, A on obv. behind head, and under Pegasus, kneeling figure taking stone J\/3./ out f i* s hoof; another, Head of Satyr behind that of Pallas, which is to left ; rev. Pegasus walking ; below, A., all fine and very sfi^ rare varieties 3 878 Ambracia, Stater of Corinthian type, with AMIIPAKK2TAN before and cock behind head of Pallas ; rev. Pegasus to right ; others (3) / / with head of Pallas to left, and symbols, torch, tripod and plumes ; rev. Pegasus to right or left ; the first two are inscribed, y VAMIIPAKIOTA, ji n6) one pierced 4 4// j 879 Ambracia, B.C. 238-168, Drachm, Veiled head of Dione to left; rev. AM and obelisk in wreath, pierced. Cassope, Drachm, Head of Zeus ; behind, IflAAMOS ; rev. KA220IIAIfiN, Eagle on thunder- ^ / bolt, all within wreath, wt. 64 grs. (JB. M. Cat. pi. xvm, 8), fine, both very rare 2 Bronze. 880 Epirus, in genere; rev. types, AIIEIPOTAN, Thunderbolt; Spear- head, size 5 ; others, rev. Tripod ; Spear-head, size 3. AMBRACIA ; rev. types, Apollo Actius seated ; Griffin ; Apollo shooting arrow ; Obelisk (2 varieties), sizes 4-3. Athamanes; rev. A0AMANON, 2* // Pallas standing, size 3. Cassope, KA22QIIAK2N, Turreted female head ; rev. Dove in wreath, size 4, very rare. Molossi, MOA0220N, Fulmen on shield ; rev. Thunderbolt in wreath. NiCOPOLlS, Impe- rial, Augustus ; rev. Nike, NIKOIIOA602 (2 varieties), size 5 ; Hadrian ; rev. A in midst of ivy-wreath, size 5 ; &c, mostly fine and rare 1 8 KINGS OF EPIRUS. 107 KINGS OF EPIRUS. Gold. 881 Alexander I, B.C. 342-326, y 1 ^ Stater, Head of Helios, facing; rev. >/_ AAEH., Fulmen, wt. 10 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XX, 2), fine and exceed- aC *? /^ 7 i v u? maLv rare 1 tnwj rare yrrhus, B.C. 295-272, \ Stater, Head of Artemis to right; behind, quiver and fulmen ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 LTYPPOY, Nike with wreath /2 ' -~~ and trophy ; before her, crescent and fulmen ; behind her, II ; ySs/wt- 66 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xx, 9), well preserved and very rare 1 Silver. 883 Pyrrhus, Didrachm, Head of Achilles to left, helmeted ; rev. BASlAEfiS y 4/7 J1YPPOY, Thetis riding on hippocamp, wt. 130 grs. (Hist. Num. / y&J&iJ$^}' well preserved and very rare 1 884 'Pyrrhus, Oktobol, standard of Syracuse, Head of Persephone to left, ~7^h /& wreathed '> behind, torch ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 nYPPOY, Pallas to left ^ **** y with spear and shield ; to left, star and fulmen ; to right, B, wt. 90 grs. ; another, similar, with head of Persephone to right ; behind, wreath, and on rev. fulmen before Pallas, and E behind, wt. 86 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 274), both well preserved and rare 2 885 Pyrrhus, Oktobols (2), as in previous lot, with head of Persephone to / fL b^shr left or right ; behind, symbols, rose (?) and vase ; on rev. of first ^-. /fifjajr piece, fulmen ; and no symbol on second one, both well preserved and , /a^J,^^- rare 2 886 Pyrrhus, Oktobol, as in lot 884, with head of Persephone to right ; y behind, fulmen; E and fulmen before Pallas on rev., well preserved. ^ySjf e /2 bronze, Veiled head ; rev. BA2LAEOS nYPPOY, size 6 ; others, rev. < ^ types, Demeter seated (2 varieties) ; Fulmen in wreath ; and Mace- donian helmet in wreath, sizes 5-3 ; Alexander I ; rev. AAEEA. TOY NE, Fulmen within wreath, size 3, all fine and scarce pieces 8 COROYRA. Silver. 887 Stater, early style, Cow to left, suckling calf; rev. Two star-like patterns enclosed in oblong incuses, wt. 180 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxi, 2) ; $ '$ another, similar, but cow to right, wt. 158 grs. (ib. pi. xxi, 41); (^^/ Half Stater, Forepart of cow to right ; rev. Star pattern within ^^**fn'cuse, wt. 91 grs. (ib. pi. xxi, 3), fine and rare 3 888 Stater, similar to the preceding, cow to left, of somewhat later style, / with circle around pattern on rev., wt. 171 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxi, s* / /. . 14 ) ' otners ( 2 )) similar, one with A on rev. ; the other with KOP> ~all fine and scarce 3 108 CORCYRA. 889 Stater, later style, as in the preceding lot, with KOP around double stellated square, wt. 160 grs ; Half Stater, Forepart of cow to right, KOPKYPAIfiN ; rev. Double stellated square dividing SO and ^ - bunch of grapes and leaf, wt. 80 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. xxil, 17) ; Drachm, Cow to right suckling calf ; rev. KOP around stellated square, wt. 38 grs. ; another, Amphora between KI, two-handled cup and jug j rev. KOPKYPAI in rays of ornamented star, wt. 38 grs., all fine and scarce 4 890 Stater and Half Stater, similar to preceding lot, but on rev. of second y piece bunch of grapes and two-handled cup on either side of */" y double stellated square ; Drachm, Amphora ; rev. KOP, in rays of yy plain star ; Half Drachm, early style, Head of Hera ; rev. A in ray " */ of star of eight points, wt. 36 grs., all well preserved and scarce 4 891 Staters (3), Corinthian type, B.C. 338-300, with Head of Pallas to right or left; rev. Pegasus to right or left, symbols, &c. on obv., female with torch (countermarked with monogram KOP), one-handled jug and A ; Didrachm, Head of Dionysos ; rev. Pegasus ; below, mono- id grams AtUP and KP., wt. 78 grs. ; another, similar, but mons. on rev. s\/ MA and KP, wt. 76 grs., the last two fine, the others in fair condition 5 ^ Bronze., 892 Corcyra, rev. types, Amphora with monograms, KOP, &c. ; Satyr emptying Amphora into crater ; Bull's head facing in wreath ; Bunch of grapes ; and Prow, sizes 4-1 ; others (3) Heads of Herakles, Dionysos, &c. ; rev. Prow and magistrates' names, size 5 ; Imperial, Antoninus Pius, rev. Zeus Casios seated ; Sept. Severus, rev. Pegasus (3 varieties); Galley (12 varieties); Julia Domna, rev. Pegasus ; Caracalla, rev. Galley, all size 6|, mostly fine 27 ACARNANIA. Silver. 893 Federal Coinage, b.c. 300-250, Stater, Corinthian type, Head of Pallas ; behind, bunch of grapes ; rev. Pegasus to left ; below, mono- / gram of AK ; another, similar, but behind head of Pallas, head of <\ yt Eiver-god, Acheloiis, and on rev. E under Pegasus ; and another of - Heracleia, similar type, but head of Pallas to right, and below v _ / Xp/y^ f , Pegasus HH, all fine and very rare 3 894 Federal Coinage, b.c. 250-167, Didrachm, Head of beardless Acheloiis / to right; behind, AYKOYPrOS ; rev. AKAPNANfiN, Apollo % ^ ^ // , Aktios seated to left, holding bow ; before, E monogram, wt. * J >7 A 52 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 283), fine and very rare [PI. VII J 1 FEDERAL COINAGE OF ACARNANIA. 109 895 Federal Coinage, Didrachm, similar to the preceding, but the type /f more spread and on a larger flan, wt. 155 grs., obv. fine, rev. well c ^ "vt/x preserved and very rare 1 Al^oinage, Drachm, same type as lot 894, but on the rev. there is no monogram before Apollo, wt. 77 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxvil, 3), ^ fine and very rare 1 897 Alyzia, B.C. 350-250, Stater, Corinthian type, Head of Pallas to left ; r~ y- before, A AYEAION (retrograde); rev. Pegasus to left; another ,$/?60 // ' similar, but head of Pallas and Pegasus both to right, and on obv. s^ff - Pallas and Pegasus to right; on obv. symbol, tripod in wreath, mostly fine 5 900 Anactorium, Staters (5), Corinthian type, with head of Pallas and Pegasus to left; symbols on obv., (1) omphalos; (2) tripod in r^'/ y% wreath ; (3) temple-key ; (4 and 5) lyre (2 varieties, on one of ^ which the helmet of Pallas is wreathed), all fine, the last a rare ^^variety 5 901 /Argos Amphilochicum, b.c. 350-250, Stater, Corinthian type, Head of Pallas to right ; below, APrEI ; behind, tripod : rev. Pegasus ; below A and dog seated, well preserved ; another, Head of Pallas to left ; before head, AM$I ; behind, ABP and staff ; rev. Pegasus to left, rare ; another, similar, AM before and staff behind head of Pallas ; rev. Pegasus to right ; another, APrEI before and helmet 'behind head of Pallas ; rev. Pegasus to left, mostly fine 4 902 Argos Amphilochicum, Staters (2), Corinthian type, with dog under /Pegasus and AM*I before head of Pallas as in last lot ; others (3) with head of Pallas and Pegasus to left; symbols, (1) helmet on obv. ; (2) helmet on obv. and dog's head under Pegasus ; (3) shield ^f /j an d AJ on obv. , mostly well preserved 5 r: Hi ? 110 ACARNANIA. 903 Heracleia, time of Lysimachus, B.C. 302-281, Didrachm, Head of Herakles to right in lion's skin ; rev. HPAKAEOTAN, Dionysos f j/f seated to left, holding kantharos and thyrsos, id. 140 grs., fair " ' preservation, but slightly chipped at edges, extremely rare 1 /fr\ &J r Sir Edward Bunbury following Imhoof attributed this coin to 6/L&f~y Acarnania; Head, Hist. Num. p. 442, gives it to Bithynia. 90^ Leucas, B.C. 350-250, Stater, Corinthian type, Archaistic style, Head of Pallas to left ; rev. Pegasus to right ; below, A ; others (4), with Pegasus to left; symbols, &c, (1) bow ; rev. AEY; (2) shell and A ; rev. AEY ; (3) patera and A ; rev. A ; (4) kantharos and AEY ; rev. A, all fine 5 k . 905 Leucas, Staters as before, with head of Pallas and Pegasus to left ; / symbols, &c. on obv. ; (1) vine-branch ; (2) shell ; (3) amphora ; j{ /. / (4) shield and caduceus ; (5) no symbol, AEYKAAK2N; all the others have AEY on obv., fine 5 906 Leucas, Staters (2) as in lot 904, with head of Pallas to right and / Pegasus to left; symbols on obv. ; (1) thyrsos ; (2) Hermes tying ^ before, monogram of AY. tot. 144 ars. (B. M. Cat. vl XXXi), line and /* s* ' 7 f before, monogram of AY, wt. 144 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XXXi),fine and very rare [PI. VII] J>, h/,/ 1 Bronze. 914 Alyzia, rev. types, Bow, club and quiver, AAY2AK3N, very rare ; Head of Herakles, AAY, size 4. Argos, rev. types, Bull butting, APrEION, size 3 ; Dog, size 4. Heracleia, rev. Lion and club, j/f HPAKAHOTAN, size 2|, very rare. Leucas, rev. types, Chimera ^ -^ to right or left (4 varieties) ; Lyre (2 varieties) ; Trident, and Club ^Ty/^ varieties) -all about size 3. Oeniadae, Head of Zeus ; rev. Head of / Acheloiis to right, I2NIAAAN (5 varieties), size 5 ; Head of Pallas to left ; rev. Head of Acheloiis to left, size 4, mostly fine, and many rare 20 AETOLIA, LOORIS AND PHOCIS. Silver. 915 Aetolia, Federal coinage, B.C. 279-168, Tetradrachm, Head of Herakles in lion's skin ; rev. AITOAQN, Aetolia wearing 1 "usia, seated to ^^y/ right on pile of shields ; right hand leaning on spear ; short sword in left ; before her, monogram and 25, wt. 261 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 284), very fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Northwick collection. 916 Aetolia, Federal coinage, Didrachm, Young male head (Aetolos) to right, laureate ; below, $1 ; rev. AITOA12N, Naked warrior ^y^/f ^--^Aetolos), his kausia hanging at his back and sword under his arm, standing to left, his foot on rock, and leaning on spear ; before him, Kwo monograms of ATY and n AT (?), wt. 157 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxx, 6), fine and exceedingly rare [PI. VII] 1 917 Aetolia, Federal coinage, Didrachm, same type as the preceding y~/ y coin; but on rev., before Aetolos A, wt. 159 grs., fine and exceedingly <* *' & rare j ^ 112 AETOLIA, ETC. 918 Aetolia, Federal coinage, Drachm, Head of Artemis to right ; behind, quiver and bow ; rev. AITfiAfiN, Aetolia seated to right on Gaulish s// shield, head facing, leaning on spear and holding sword ; before her, monogram of TAY (?), wt. 76 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxx, 7), well pre- served and very rare 1 919 Aetolia, Federal coinage, Half -Drachms, Head of Atalanta wearing kausia ; rev. AITQAfiN, Boar, (3 varieties with varying symbols and ^ monograms). Locri Opuntii, Half-Drachms, Head of Persephone ; rev. AOKP12N, The Locrian Ajax with sword and shield, (3 varieties 'with varying monograms and symbols on rev.) ; Obols (2), Amphora, ' / OIION ; rev. Star, mostly well preserved 8 920 Locri Opuntii, Tetradrachm, circa B.C. 369-338, Head of Persephone to left, with corn-wreath ; rev. OIIONTIfiN, The Locrian Ajax to / /? right, with sword and shield, the latter ornamented with griffin ; ^V /> //.vfoQtweeri his legs, AIA2, wt. 184 grs. {Hist. Num. p. 285), rare, fine, but has been slightly tooled on both sides 1 se- 921 Locri Opuntii, Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin ; but on rev. the shield of Ajax is ornamented with a serpent and between / js-^fcis feet is a helmet, wt. 188 grs., a fine specimen, but unfortunately 'erced, which, however, has taken but little from its original weight 1 S& x>/ e 922 Zocri Opuntii, Tetradrachm, usual type, as lot 920, but on rev. ser- pent on shield and spear-head between feet of Ajax, wt. 181 grs., fine and also pierced with a somewJiat larger hole 1 923 Locri Opuntii, Tetradrachm, similar to lot 920, but on rev. lion on / . shield and helmet between feet of Ajax, wt. 184 grs., in fair con- 924 Locri Ozolae, B.C. 350-250, Staters, Corinthian type, Head of Pallas and Pegasus to left ; on obv. AOKPfiN ; symbols on rev., and caduceus fulmen ; another, similar, but head of Pallas to right ; before, y/ t ~^ AOK ; behind, eagle's head,^ne and somewhat scarce 4 *** Mr. Head, Hist. Num., gives these coins to Locri Epizephyrii in Bruttium ; Sir Edward Bunbury to Locri Ozolae. 925 Locri Ozolae, Staters (2), as in last lot with head of Pallas to left ; symbol on rev., fulmen; another, with head of Pallas to right; . p> under Pegasus AO ; Half-Drachms, Head of Pallas to left in leather cap, AOK ; rev. Pegasus (2 varieties) ; and Locri Opuntii, Half-Drachms (2) with rev. Ajax ; and Obol, with Amphora and Star as in lot 919, well preserved 8 AKTOLIA, ETC. 113 Bronze. 926 Aetolia, Federal coinage ; rev. types, AITOAfiN, Herakles standing (3 var.) ; Spear-head and jaw of boar (4 var.), sizes 4-3. Amphissa (Locris) ; rev. AM$I22EQN, Spear-head, jaw of boar and star, size 3, / rare. Locri Opuntii ; rev. AOKPON, Bunch of grapes (3 var.), ^y? size 2 ; Quadriga ; rev. Pallas Promachos ; Head of Zeus ; rev. <^0^> Warrior with spear, &c, both size 4. Locri Epicnemidii ; rev. / Bunch of grapes (2 var.), size 2. Elateia (Phocis), Bucranium, EA ; rev. Athena in fighting attitude (2 var.), size 4, mostly fine, many rare 17 Silver. 927 Phocis, circa b.c. 450, Triobols (3), Bull's head facing; rev. l?0\)o\, Bull's head facing; rev. Forepart of boar, wt. 14 grs. Delphi, Trihemiobol, Head of ram ; rev. Goat's head in incuse (^X^square, wt. 22 grs. ; Tritemorion, Tripod ; rev. Circle with pellet in centre, wt. 12 grs., all somewhat rare and well Reserved 7 928 Phocis, Triobols (3) as in previous lot with Head of Apollo and D on rev. ; Obols (2), with forepart of boar on rev. ; and Delphi, Tri- j?7 sS s-^ -hemiobols (2), Head of ram to right or left ; rev. Goat's head ; one ^ '* & inscribed AEA., all well preserved and somewhat rare 7 '? Bronze. 929 Phocis, Three bulls' heads facing; rev. Laurel-wreath with T (Trichalkon), size 5 ; Bull's head facing ; rev. <0 in wreath (7 var.), sizes 3-12 others, rev. types, OISYMAPXOY and AAAIKOY in wreath, size 3 Head of Apollo, <12KEON (3 var.), sizes 4-3. Delphi, Imperial rev. types, Omphalos ; Lyre on rock ; Bird ; Antoninus Pius, rev. // Head of Demeter ; Faustina Senior, rev. types, Temple ; Apollo with lyre ; Pallas Promachos ; IIY0IA in wreath ; and Head of Demeter, sizes 5-3, well preserved and mostly rare 22 BOEOTIA. 930 Boeotia, in genere, circa B.c. 380, Stater, Boeotian Shield ; rev. BOIfi divided by Amphora; above which, club, wt. 188 grs. (comp. B. M- y. rev. g in centre of incuse square, wt. 185 grs. ; another, similar, but y ' x ^ j^hhield on obv. without border, wt. 185 grs., both fine 2 * 937 938 / Haliartus, b.c. 387-374, Stater, Boeotian shield ; on which, trident ; ., rev. ARIARTI02, Poseidon naked, striking with trident, wt. 177 grs., . M. Cat, pi. vii, 16), well preserved and exceedingly rare 1 HOMENUS,B.c. 387-384, Stater, Boeotian shield; rev. EPXO on either side of Amphora ; above, EYD ; on right, ear of corn, wt. 167 grs., very well preserved and very rare 1 Orchomenus, b.c. 387-384, Stater, Boeotian shield ; rev. Free horse to right; below, EPX; above, EYAOPO, wt, 177 grs. (B. M. Cat. i^./v hr~s pl- viii, 8), rubbed, but of excessive rarity /, /* //" L^jtk) 1 940 Pharae, B.C. 550-480, Stater, Boeotian shield ; rev. & in centre of incuse a . mill-sail pattern, wt. 188 grs. (B. M. Cat. pl ix, 1), fine and extremely 939 I- It? <-+-)& IS^U rare *+* From the Bompois collection, TAN AGRA. 115 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. BOEOTIA continued. Silver. LOT 941 Tanagra, b.c. 387-374, Stater, Boeotian shield ; rev. TA above fore- / /u i^s P art ^ norse springing to right in concave field, wt. 181 grs., well *"(/~-2f/?-)/y preserved and very rare JL + fa- 1 942 Tanagra, Stater, same type as the preceding coin ; but on rev. Forepart of horse in sunk square, wt. 187 grs. ; and Half-Stater, Boeotian -^f yy shield ; rev. TT in alternate divisions of mill-sail pattern, wt. 94 grs. ; another, similar, but with TA at sides of shield on obv., wt. 88 grs., O^I^i well preserved and rare 3 943 Tanagra, Half-Stater, as in previous lot, pierced ; Quarter-Staters (2), / usual type, with forepart of horse to right or left on rev., wt. /7{//t /*7 ^ $ rs ' eac ^ > anc ^ O^ols (7), of similar types but varied, well pre- y served and an interesting series 10 944 Thebes, Staters (2), early style, B.C. 600-550, Boeotian shield; rev. ^4, (B in centre of mill-sail incuse, wt. 190 grs. and 188 grs. (B. M. (P^*' '" Cat. pi. xi, 1), both well preserved and rare 2 945 Thebes, Stater, type as in last lot, wt. 485 grs. ; and Quarter-Stater, same, wt. 46 grs. ; also Half and Quarter-Staters, with mill-sail ' / A^incuse only on rev. ; no in centre, wis. 94 and 46 grs., all well pre- r/^served and interesting pieces 4 946 Thebes, Stater, usual type, with in centre of rev. ; Half-Staters (2), similar, one with rough incuse, the other with mill-sail incuse, wt. ^t/<7 94 grs. each ; and Quarter-Stater, Boeotian shield : rev. Amphora in / /sunk square ; on left, , wt. 45 grs. all well preserved for these coins and scarce 4 / C *r* (shield above) ; EXE (leaf to right) ; EO (caduceus above) ; HIKE /jfft f irALf ( C ^ U ^ aDove ; leaf to right), average wt. 184 grs., all fine 4 956 Thebes, Staters, same type as lot 953 ; with magistrates' names, EXE /y /jf^ (club above, leaf to right and left) ; KAAAI ; KAIO ; KPAT., wt. ' f^/ft^ 9 rs - eacn > very fine 4 957 Thebes, Staters, same type as lot 953 ; with magistrates' names, HEAI ; /y ^^TIMI (club above; leaf to left); #APO (wreath above); XAPO (pi Yi /ff >^ wreath above), average wt. 186 grs., all fine 4 958 Thebes, Stater, same type as lot 953 ; magistrate's name, IITOI, wt. 186 grs. ; Half-Drachms (4), Boeotian shield ; rev. EB or EBH, > Amphora ; above which, club, average wt. 39 grs. ; Obol, Shield ; rev. ^/. r E, Head of Young Herakles. Thespiae, Obol, Shield ; rev. E2II, Two crescents, wl 11 grs. ; others, (3), rev. ES above crescent, vt. 12 grs. each, well preserved, some fine 10 9 BOEOTIA, ETC. 117 Bronze. 959 BOEOTIA, in genere ; rev. types, BOIQTON, Nike hurling thunderbolt (3 var.), size 4 ; Poseidon standing (2 var.), size 3 ; Trident (3 var.), size 1. Orchomenus, Shield ; rev. Star, EPXO. in rays, size 2, rare. Plataea, Shield ; rev. IIAA across field, size 5^, very rare. Tanagra, Shield ; rev. TAN across field, size 5 ; Imperial, Germanicus ; rev. Apollo facing ; Antoninus Pius ; rev. Dionysos in temple, size 7 ; M. Aurelius; rev. Hermes (1) facing, TANArPAION, size 6. Thebes ; S/fcfg/7 Wp> Club, with shield, caduceus, arrow, and bow (6 var.), size 2 ; Imperial, Head of Herakles ; rev. EIII APXI LTEMMTIAOY, Club and thyrsos crossed, size 4|. Thespiae ; rev. Lyre in wreath, size 3, (3 var.) ; Shield ; rev. ES across field, size 5, many fine and some rare 25 EUBOEA. Silver, 960 Carystus, Didrachm, circa B.C. 313-265, Cow suckling calf; rev. ?/^sjfr^ KAPY2, Cock to right, wt. 114 grs., (B. M. Cat pi. xvm, 5), very C*' f/^ fine and extremely rare [PI. VII] 1 96TT Carystus, Drachm, Head of Herakles in lion's skin; rev. KAP above recumbent bull, wt. 57 grs. ; another, similar type, with club _^>y under bull and legend KAPY, wt. 57 grs. ; Diobol (?), Head of (pC^ & ' -< * .^Apollo; rev. Cock, wt. 20 grs. ; another, of earlier date, Bull to right, KA. ; rev. Mill-sail incuse, wt. 17 grs. Chalcis, Tetrobol, /^^*^WxJ^ ea, d f Hera facing ; rev. XAAKI above prow ; below, 222IIIA, wt. 41 grs. (Mionnet, no. 30), very rare. Eretria (?), Half-Drachm, Head of Nymph to left ; rev. EY, Bull's head facing, wt. 36 grs:, mostly fine 6 962 Chalcis (?), Didrachm, B.C. 600, Wheel of four spokes ; rev. Incuse ^/t? ^--^square, wt. 132 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 303) ; Drachm of same type, wt. i^y ^ 9 rs ' > an( ^ Cbols (2), wt. 10 grs., all fine and very rare 4 963 Chalcis, Drachms, Female to right ; rev. XAA, Flying eagle with ser- pent ; symbols, wreath, trophy, &c. (5 varieties) ; Half-Drachms (2), . similar, but eagle holds hare in its claws. Eretria (1), Half-Drachm, as in previous lot. Histiaea, Drachm, Head of Maenad ; rev. I3TI, Bull and vine with grapes, wt. 51 grs. ; Tetrobols (3), Head of Maenad ; rev. Histiaea seated on prow, average wt. 34 grs., mostly fine 12 964 Eretria (X), Tetradrachm, circa B.C. 500, Gorgon head facing; rev. Incuse square, within which lion's head facing, tot. 261 grs. (B. M. 4 ' '"Cat. pi. xxn, 8), fine and extremely rare, but pierced [PL VII] 1 <^A 118 EUBOEA. 965 Eretria (?), Didrachm, circa B.C. 600, Gorgon head facing ; rev. Rough j/\f^ J" Jriicuse, wt. 130 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxil, 3), fine and very rare 1 966 Eretria, Tetradrachm, B.C. 480-445, Cow to right, scratching herself , with her right hind foot ; on her back, a swallow ; rev. Sepia ; to ^fyf J-^ left, E (retrograde), wt. 268 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 306), extremely fine and very rare, of thick fabric [PI. VII] 1 967 Eretria, Didrachm, B.C. 480-445, Cow to right, scratching herself with her right hind foot ; below E ; she stands on ground ; rev. Sepia in incuse square, wt. 131 grs., extremely fine and very rare, of it fabric [PI. VII] 1 stria, Didrachm, similar type to lot 966, with E retrograde on rev. ; ^Sepia in incuse square, vjL 124 grs. ; Drachm, similar type, but j/ftf. & with cow to left, wt. 62 grs. ; and Obol, head of bull facing ; rev. Sepia, wt. 10 grs., all rare and well preserved 3 Bronze. 969 CARYSTUS; rev. types, KA, Bull's head facing, size 3 (2 var.) ; / Dolphin, size 3. Chalcis, rev. types, Eagle with serpent (2 var.) ; V^ __JWreath, size 3 ; Imperial, Nero, rev. Turreted female head, ^ XAAKIAEQN, size 5 ; Lucius Verus, rev. Female seated holding patera, same legend, size 6. Eretria, rev. Bull recumbent, size 3 : HiSTlAEA ; rev. types, Bull's head facing ; Forepart of bull ; and Bull to right, size 2, mostly fine 15 ATTICA. Silver. 970 Athens, Tetradrachm, Archaic style, B.C. 590-525, Head of Athena, y wearing round earring and close-fitting crested helmet ; rev. A0E, ' O Owl to right, head facing in incuse square ; on left, olive spray, wt. 249 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. I, 3) ; another, similar, but no legend visible on rev., wt. 264 grs. (ib. pi. I, 2), both well preserved and rare 2 971 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar type and style to the preceding lot ; /+ one piece is of globular form, wts. 264 grs. and 263 grs., both well P l T ' 10 and 9 )' ' /Q/k**j both well preserved and rare 2 975 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar type and style to lot 970 ; on one specimen, around the neck of Pallas is the aegis knotted, two / serpents proceeding from it ; and on the rev. the positions of the ^y^V^-legend and the olive-branch are transposed, wt. 259 grs. (Num. Chron. 1881, pi. iv, 2) ; on the other piece the hair of Athena is /S? * represented by dots and dotted lines ; the helmet is ornamented (/J^**y \n\h leaves; behind owl, crescent., wt. 265 grs., both well preserved, rf the first a very rare variety 2 976 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar type and style to lot 970 ; on one specimen the hair is represented by dotted lines and hangs over the neck en queue, and the incuse square on the reverse is well defined, /// , wt. 265 grs. (figured in Num. Chron. 1881, pi. iv, 2) ; and on the other the helmet of Athena is ornamented with leaves; behind owl, crescent., wt. 264 grs., both very fine and rare 2 & 977 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar to last lot, but on the first piece the hair of Athena is represented by wavy lines ; and on the rev. the v 4 6 olive-branch has six leaves, wts. 264 and 254 grs., both well preserved and rare 2 978 Athens, Tetradrachms, B.C. 527-430, Head of Athena to right, of some- what less Archaic style ; her helmet is ornamented with three leaves ; -/^y //r^ rev ' ^ w l t righ^ nea( l facing ; before, AE ; behind, olive-branch and crescent, wt. 265 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. in, 2) ; another, similar, xJ.'.v/ slightly varied, wt. 265 grs., both very fine 2 979 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar to the preceding lot ; one has necklace / jA large pearls ; on the other the hair falls low down the neck, and 7\^*/a is represented by dotted lines ; both struck on oblong flans, wts. 264 and 265 grs., both very fine 2 980 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar type and style to last lot, but struck ^?S* 3 ffl round flans, wts. 263 and 265 grs., both very fine 2 981 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar type and style to the preceding lot, /> f ./f*s w t, 261 grs. each, both fine //$ ' J\ L/" 2 982 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar type and style to lot 980, wt. 265 grs. _ , / & ^each, both well preserved 2 983 Ajhens, Tetradrachms, similar, wts. 254 and 263 grs., both fine 2 984 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar, wts. 258, 260 and 264 grs., the second fine, #, yx^^ the others well preserved 3 -1 120 ATTICA. 985 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar, but two are of Asiatic work, (B. M. ^-//fu^> ^ at ' $" VII ^' wi ' "^ 9 rs ' eac ^ } Me first fine the others well pre- a ' served ZJ 3 ^ 986 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar, but of rather rough work, and struck . 6 \*** on irregularly shaped flans, wts. 265, 264 and 263 grs., in fair con- C/j *u */o i*" dition 3 987 Athens, Didrachms (2), of Archaistic style, usual type, the helmet of ^S/> y yAthena is ornamented with leaves, wts. 132 and 117 grs. ; Drachms ^ / (5) of same style and type, average wt. 65 grs. ; and others (2) with Cr/?/ janiformed Head on obv. ; and rev. Owl facing between two branches -&&T. *ho{ olive, wts. 61 and 60 grs., all well preserved, the last two a rare type 9 988 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 220, Head of Athena to right, wearing crested helmet, ornamented with griffin and foreparts of -7 ^-^four horses; rev. AE, Owl standing facing on amphora; on either ^ /' *^ side, monogram ; to right pilei of Dioscuri ; all within wreath (B. M. Cat. no. 296) ; another similar, with different monograms ; to left, rudder (ib. no. 287) ; another, similar ; to right of Owl, aplustre ; to left IIP (var. ib. no. 302), all extremely fine and rare varieties 3 *3.* The coins of this lot and the succeeding ones to no. 1029 are all of the wide spread fabric. 989 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar to the preceding lot; (1) with monogram / on either side of owl ; on right, pilei of Dioscuri ; (2) with mono- c\< grams and no name of AE (B. M. Cat. pi. xm, 7) ; (3) Magis- trate's name AHMH. IEPO., Macedonian helmet surmounted by star (ib. no. 367), all fine and rare 3 990 Athens, Tetradrachms, similar to no. 988; (1) with monograms and no name of AE ; (2) Magistrate's name, AHMH. IEPO., helmet y^V ^"with star, both as in last lot ; (3) monogram, and AO, ME, AY^IA ; to right, forepart of horse (B. M. Cat. no. 307), all fine and rare 3 991 Athens, Tetradrachm, with name of Mithradates VI, King of Pontus, / usual type, with rev. legend BA2IAE. MI0PAAATH2, API2TIQN, cK 'f' and star between two crescents (B. M. Cat. pi. xm, 5, and Num. Chron. 1881, p. 85, and pi. iv, 4), somewhat oxydised on rev., exceedingly rare 1 992 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196 (B. M. Cat. pi. x, seqq.), similar , tVtot"988,jwith magistrates' names, &c. (1) AMMONI02, HPAKAE, /'/*" KAAAIA2, two torches ; (2) AMIA2, OINCXMAOS, Demeter with / 2 a two torches; (3) AMSIKPATH2, APIS (?), EmSTPATOS, two / } * ffl* ears o{ com . ( 4 ) ANAPEA2, XAPINAYTH2, KPIT, Dionysos and Demeter, all fine (ZA Jr\w) 4 "%* From this point the coins are arranged so far as possible according to the alphabetical order of the first magistrate's name. ATHENS. 121 993 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, y &c, (1) AMM0JNT02, EYnOAE, KAAAIA2, two torches ; (2) y^4 ^J&TIOXOS, NIKOr, NIKONH., elephant ; (3) AnEAAIKfiN, c^N ^ TOPriAS, XAPE; under griffin, 2102; (4) API, HPA2T0<*>, API5T0K, club, lion's skin and bow-case, all fine 4 %* Mr. Head (B. M. Cat. p. xli), identifies the Antiochus on this and the following coins with Antiochus IV of Syria, who was residing in Athens for some time previous to his accession, B. C. 175. 994 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) ANT10X02, KAPAIXOS. ArA0A, elephant ; (2) AIIEA- V ^ AIKfiN, TOPriAS, APrEI ; under griffin, 02 J (3) API2TIQN, s; IAP0M0, ^^^JPegasus drinking ; (4) APXI, TIM02, AHMHTPI, Isis, fine 4 996 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, y &c, (I) ANTI0X02, KAPAIK02, EIPHNA, elephant; (2) AIIEA- corn; (2) AHMHTPI02, ArA0innO2, pilei of Dioscuri; (3) AlOrE, nOSEI, AHMH, Demeter ; (4) AI0NY2, AI0NY2I, ANTI^A, Helios in quadriga, all fine 4 // ^ 3./f /// // 122 ATTIC A s 1000 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) AAMfiN, 202IKPATH2, KPITfiN, quiver and bow ; (2) AHMEA2, EPMOKAH2, 2021, head-dress of Isis; (3) AHMHOS, TPIArA0innO2, OAY, pilei of Dioscuri ; (4) AIONY2I02, MNA2JAFOPA2, Dionysos holding kantharos and thyrsos, all fine, the last piece extremely rare if not unique 4 1001 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) AHMHTPI02, ArA0IIIIIO2, pilei of Dioscuri; (2) AIO- NY2I, AIONY2I, API2TO, Helios in quadriga; (3) AIOTIM02, EYPAI02 (t), MArAS KAE, no symbol ; (4) AOPO0E, AlO$, fore-part of lion, all fine 4 1002 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, / &c.,(l) AIONY2I, AIONYSI, APIS, Helios in quadriga; (2) AOPO0E, <%% AIOKAE, AIO*, fore-part of lion ; (3) EnirENH, 202ANAP02, Jj/fy/ KAAAIKPA, eagle ; (4) EYMHA02, KAAAIM2N, HP A, Tyche, all J&jy*fine 4 1003 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) AHMHTPI02, ArA0innO2, An, pilei of Dioscuri ; (2) EnirENH, 202ANAP02, EYMH, eagle ; (3) EIIirENH, 22AN- AP02, HAIOAO, eagle ; (4) EYMHA02, KAAAKM2N, HPA, Tyehe, all fine 4 1004 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c., (1) AIONY2I, A10NY2I, APIS, Helios in quadriga; (2) EIII- ^y z^TENH, 202ANAP02, EYMH, eagle ; (3) EYMAPEIAH2, KAEO- ^ \ MEN, ASK, Triptolemus in car ; (4) EYMHA02, EOEENAH2, ^Je^/tH Theseus (1), all fine 4 1005 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) AIONY2I, AIONY2I, MHTPO, Helios in quadriga; (2) - /,/0^, EnirENH, 202ANAP02, EYMH, eagle; (3) EYMHA02, KAA- ^ AI all fine 4 1007 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) EYPVKAEI, APIAPA, BENOKPA, the three Charites ; /# _j(2) ZQIA02, EYANAP02, Z0IAO2, bee; (3) HPAKAEIAK2, *> ?' EYKAH2, AIOK, Nike dropping tessera into vase ; (4) HPAK- AEI AH2, EYKAH2, AlONV20T.(?), same symbol, mostly fine 4 / <*. c^ CK~4 ATHENS. 123 1008 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c.,(l)EmrENH, 202ANAP02, M 02X1, eagle; (2) EYPVKAEI, /s^r APIAPA, KAAAI, the three Charites ; (3) EMI2TO, EOIIOM- X II02, API2TO, trophy on prow; (4) EOAOT02, 2OTA2, KAEO$ANH2, no symbol, fine 4 1009 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) EMI2TO, 0EOIIOM, ^IAONI, trophy on galley ; (2) 'y// EMI2TO, EOIIOMII02, MENOI, trophy on galley; (3) ' * EO^PA, 2TA, HPAKON, winged fulmen ; (4) KAPAIX, EPrOKAE, $EIAI, prow of galley,^ 4 1010 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) 0EOAOTO2, 2OTA2, KAEO$ANH2, no symbol; (2) ^^EO^PA, 2OTA, IAQTAA(!), seated figure crowned by Nike; (3) AY2AN, TAAYK02, SlAOKrA, cicada; (4) AY2AN, TAAYKOS, A0HNOBI, cicada, fine 4 %* Kointos is probably Quintus Caecilius Metellus (B.C. 146). 1012 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, / ^&c, (1) KAEO$ANH2, EIIIETE2, conical stone draped; (2) KOINT02, KAEA2, AIONY2I, seated figure crowned by Nike ; (3) KTH2I, ETMA, Nike with wreath; (4) AY2ANAP02, OINO^IAOS, poppy-head and two ears of corn, all fine 4 1013 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, v <* \A &c, (1) AY2AN, TAAYK02, SIAOKPA, cicada; (2) MENEA, y ^ -, EniTENO, OSEAO, Asklepios resting on staff; (3) MIKIQN, 6% <*- '' EYPYKAEI, API2TO, two naked figures; (4) MIKI, EOPA, ^^r^Nike in quadriga, all fine 4 1014 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, / &c, (1) AY2AN, TAAYK02, NIKAM2P, cicada; (2) MENEA, ^C^>^EIlirENO, AAEEA, Asklepios; (3) MIKIflN, EYPYKAEI, TOPrin, two naked figures ; (4) MIKI, EO^PA, Nike in quad- ^^; riga, all fine 4 1015 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) MENEA, EHirENO, NIKOr, Asklepios; (2) MHTPO- ^ jg^MtPOX, ANTISANH2, MIATIAAH2, bunch of grapes ; (3) MHTPO- AOP02, EYKPA, AHMO20EN, same symbol; (4) MHTPO- AOP02, M IKY, AHMO20E, same symbol, all fine 4 124 ATTICA. 1016 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, > &c, (1) MIKION, EYPYKAEI, API2TO, two naked figures ; (2) J^y// MIKION, EYPYKAEI, BOYKATTH2, same symbols; (3) MNA- ^ '' 2EA2, NE2TOP, plemochoe and ears of corn; (4) NIKHTH2, rf/ AIONY2I02, EMBI, Gorgon head, all fine 4 1017 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c.,(l) MIKION, EYPYKAEI, API2TO, two naked figures ; (2) same ^y^but last name IIAPA ; (3) NIKHTH2, AIONY2I02, ME, Gorgon ^"head; (4) EENOKAH2, APMOEEN02, seated figure, facing, 6/^^/ unpublished, all fine 4 1018 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) MIKION, EYPYKAEI, A2KAH, two naked figures; (2) J-y /j NIKHTH2, AIONY2I02, AH, Gorgon head ; (3) NIKHTH2, ^ ' ^ AIONY2I02, MENE, same symbol ; NIKOrENHS, KAAAIMAX02, KAAAIE02, no symbol, all fine 4 1019 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) MIKION, EYPYKAE, AHMO, two naked figures ; (2) MIKI, EO$PA, Nike in quadriga; (3) EENOKAH2, APMOEEN02, dolphin and trident ; (4) nOAEMON, AAKETH2, nATPO, tripod, all fine 4 ft b u~> 1020 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) MIKION, EYPYKAEI, AP22TOS (sic), two naked figures ; (2) EENOKAH2, APMOEENOS, dolphin and trident ; (3) IIOAEMON, AAKETHS, nATPO, tripod ; (4) IIOAVTI. Z., mono- gram, all fine, the last coin belongs to the earlier period, B.C. 220-197 4 1021 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, , &c, (1) NIKOrENES, KAAAIMAX02, KAAAI0EO2, no symbol ; -/.//, */ (2) similar, but under amphora IT for AI ; (3) EENOKAH2, &^ yfoy , APMOEEN02, seated figure leaning on staff"; (4) similar, symbol, /^%^**sefpent, all fine 4 1022 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names % y - &c, (1) nOAEMON, AAKETH2, 0EOAOTO2, tripod ; (2) yy^ /^nOAEMON, AAKETH2, TIMON, tripod; (3) IIOAEMON, AAKETH2, APIS, tripod; (4) similar, last name AIIOAAOAO, tripod, all fine 4 f * i / 1023 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &e., (1) nOAEMON, AAKETH2, AHOAAOAO, tripod ; (2) IIOAY- if* /fX'RPM, NIKOr, EMI2TOKAH, winged caduceus ; (3) similar, but /fy/ >hird name, KAPAIXOY : (4) similar, third name, $lAOA, all fine 4 ATHENS. 125 1024 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, s &c, (1) 20KPATH2, AIONY20AO, A0HNI, Apollo (1) holding C^ figures of three Charites ; on either side, griffin ; (2) TIMAPXOY, / 3 NIKAro, MNA2IK, anchor and star ; (3) similar, third name, fcANOKAE ; (4) XAPINAYTHS, AIONY, API2TEA2, Demeter ^^^^^Jjolding two torches, all fine 4 1025 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) SOTAAH2, EMISTOKAH2, bundle of twigs ; ff/f fiA** ^ 2 ) TIMAPXOY, NIKArO, AY2IA, anchor and star; (3) $IAO- X KPATH2, KAAAI4>fiN, Nike; (4) XAPINAYTH2, AIIOAAOA, **"* API2TEA2, Demeter with torches, all fine fjjjk V" ' 4 1026 Athens, Tetradrachms, after b.c. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) AM$IKPATS, EYA, EIH2TPAT02, two ears of '// corn; (2) ANTIOX02, NIKOr, NIKfiNH, elephant; (3) API2- TK2N,$IAfiN, HrE (f), pegasus ; (4) APOII02, MNASArO, AnOA, Eros crowning himself, in fine condition 4 (7C 6*-t 1027 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' names, &c, (1) AHMHTPI02, ArAOIIIIIOS, $1, pilei of Dioscuri ; (2) KAPAIX, EPrOKAE 0EMI, prow of galley; (3) MENEA, ?/^ EnirENO, AIOA, Asklepios; (4) IlOAENfiN, AAKETH2, TIMO, tripod ; (5) SANOKAH2, AIIOAAflNIO, BAKKIOS (?), Artemis with torch, in fair condition 5 <7va> 1028 Athens, Tetradrachms, after B.C. 196, usual type, magistrates' / a ^^ names, &c, (1) MIKJfiN, EYPVKAE, IIAPA, two naked youths; / ' (2) nOAYXAPM, NIKOr, 0EMI2TOKAH, caduceus ; (3) XAPI, fjfr ~ / i HPA, cock, pierced; (4) XAPINAYTH2, NIKA, API2TEA2, \ 'f-^'ll'ly Demeter holding two torches; (5) EIIirENH, 202ANAP02 .... eagle, in fair condition L/)Jh Ve. 5 r< 1029 Athens, Tetradrachms (3), B.C. 220-197, usual type but earlier style; on rev., (1) two monograms and Nike ; (2 and 3) two monograms and trophy ; others, of later style, after B.C. 196, magistrates' names &c, / j& (1) MIKION, EYPYKAEI, TOPriP, two naked figures; (2) ' #^ t EYMEPEIAH2, AAKIAAMO, Triptolemus in chariot drawn by / serpents, in fair condition, the first three are all pierced iJfjL /v^V 5 1030 Athens, Drachms (8) of the early and later periods, and Triobols, f y 9 Diobols, Obols, &c, chiefly of the earlier period ; usual types, mostly fine 31 y- 1031 'Athens, Drachms (9), similar to last lot, but all of later period; also Triobols, Diobols, Obols, &c, usual types, mostly fine 34 <^v c/ ( 1 26 ATTICA. Bronze, 1032 Athens, Autonomous &c, after B.C. 220 ; rev. types, Zeus hurling fulmen ; Demeter in car drawn by serpents ; Pallas j Promachos ; Owl on amphora ; Athena holding spear ; Athena *~ *V seated before tree ; Amphora; Owl ; Bucranium ; Athena standing s^s/? // holding Nike ; Athena seated holding Nike, &c, sizes 5-4, very well /y^"''P rese ' rve ^f or ^ se coins, some rare 18 1033 Athens, Autonomous &c, similar to the preceding lot ; rev. types, C y / Zeus hurling fulmen ; Owl ; Bucranium ; Pallas holding spear ^ and shield ; Pallas holding Nike ; sizes 5-4 ; others of smaller sizes, jdfi/ f .J> S-^rm. types, Owl ; Torch ; Prow of ship ; Pig ; Two owls, &c, mostly well preserved 25 1034 Athens, Autonomous coins, &c, similar types to last lot, mostly of j/ S*. 4 ^ihtjsmaller sizes, well preserved 29 1035 Athens, Imperial ; rev. types, the Acropolis with view of temple, y grotto, &c. (2 varieties), size 6 ; Poseidon and Athene standing on ^ *2 //-"either side of tree with serpent and owl, size 6 ; Theseus slaying the Minotaur, size 5 ; Agonistic table on which head of Athena to right or left, size 5 ; Triptolemus (?) in chariot, size 5, all fine and rare 7 1036 Athens, Imperial ; rev. types, ^sculapius ; Demeter holding two torches ; Sphinx ; Athena seated holding Nike ; Tripod ; Athena _ /?. standing near tree ; Herakles with' the lion's skin ; Tree between / amphora and owl ; Apollo holding lyre ; Soldier on galley ; Pallas holding shield ; Nike in quadriga, sizes 6-5, mostly fine 14 1037 Athens, Imperial; rev. types, Triptolemus in chariot; Sphinx; Po- seidon and Athene standing near tree ; Athene standing near tree ; Tree between urn and owl ; Agonistic table with head of Athena ; /& Theseus slaying the Minotaur ; Athena holding spear and shield, &c, sizes 6-4, all well preserved, some fine 15 //. MEGARIS, AEGINA, &c. Silver. 1038 Megara, before B.C. 338, Stater, Head of Apollo to left, laureate ; ) /rev. MErAPE, Lyre, wt. 120 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxi, 1), 'somewhat ' ^ubbehbut exceedingly rare, even in this state 1 3ARA/Tentobol (?), Head of Apollo to left, laureate ; rev. MErA between spaces formed by five crescents, wt. 50 grs. (B. M. \ /J Cat. pi. xxi, 2); Triobol (?), similar, but MEr in intervals ^ S formed by three crescents, wt. 24 grs. (ib. pi. xxi, 3); and Half- ,^/eft}\ y Drachm, later style, Head of Apollo to right; rev. MErAPEfiN, Lyre, wt. 31 grs. (ib. pi. xxi, 6), all well preserved and exceedingly AEGINA. 127 1040 Aegina, Stater, early type, Tortoise with plain shell and row of dots down the middle ; rev. Rough incuse square, wt. 189 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XXIII, 3) ; another, similar, but the incuse on the rev. is ?^*d divided into five compartments, wt. 190 grs. (ib. pi. xxiv, 1) ; another, similar, on which the structure of the shell is shown ; rev. Rough incuse square, wt. 181 grs. (not fig. in B. M. Cat.), all fine and -scarce 3 1041 Aegina, Staters (3), similar to the preceding lot, but the second piece has the incuse on rev. mill-sail pattern ; and on the third, which y ^r-sbows the scales on the tortoise back, the incuse on rev. is divided into five compartments, ids. 180, 191 and 185 grs., all fine and scarce 3 X/ 1042 Aegina, Stater, early type, with row of pellets down the centre of the tortoise ; rev. Incuse mill-sail pattern, wt. 1 90 grs. ; another, with J^ S& structure of shell clearly shown on obv. ; rev. Square divided into ^V *j4 ' ' dolphins ; Nike ; forepart of horse ; Poseidon with sceptre ; candle- ,^/^^v^Sfrtick ; hand holding torch ; Nike carrying thymiaterion, all fine 8 1056 Corinth, Staters, after B.C. 400, usual type ; symbols on rev., lituus ; / / ^M, ?, and dolphin ; EP and Nike holding thymaterion ; forepart pV '/of horse ; flower ; N and bucranium ; Poseidon (?) ; head wearing <* Phrygian cap, all fine 8 1057 Corinth, Staters, after B.C. 400, usual type ; symbols on rev., open / ^\, hand ; pomegranate ; prow ; quiver (?) ; A and figure of Dionysos ; c\/f> y N and figure of Ares ; I and Nike carrying fillet ; Dionysos, all ^ffj^fi^ji 8 105o Corinth, Staters, after B.C. 400, usual type ; symbols onm;., acanthus J' / - ornament ; Macedonian shield ; oval shield ; bucranium ; astragalus ; <7* /' /^API and cock ; cock pecking ; hatchet, all fine 8 1059 Corinth, Staters, after B.C. 400, usual type ; symbols on rev., cock ; /. sy ^Thessalian helmet ; A and wreath ; quiver ; shield ; AI and pine- <5< **" cone (?) ; astragalus, all fine 8 1060 Corinth, Staters, after B.C. 400, usual type; symbols on rev., Nike ys ^^holding serpent (?) ; I and Demeter with torch ; AN mon. in wreath ; ^ * .^head of Helios; thyrsos; dog; bird in wreath, all fine 8 1061 Corinth, Staters, after B.C. 400, usual type; symbols on rev., j/y /y thyrsos ; wreath ; rose ; owl ; A and bee ; AI and Pallas with spear ; ^ " /^Herakles shooting arrow, all fine 7 1062 Corinth, Staters, after B.C. 340, usual type, but helmet of Pallas, y y j wreathed ; symbols on rev., AP and Chimaera ; AP and shell (?) in ^v "^ ^? wreath ; AP and triton ; cornucopia? and ears of corn ; AP and ^T^^af ; AP and plough ; and wolf, all fine 7 1063 Corinth, Staters (2), after B.C. 340, usual type, helmet of Pallas not wreathed ; symbols on rev., A A and mask of satyr ; M and dolphin ; / others (4) with helmet of Pallas wreathed ; symbols on rev., AP and tTSsf* r eagle ; Gorgon head in wreath ; AP and Pallas Promachos ; AP and Chimaera ; Drachms (4), Pegasus ; rev. types, Head of Aphro- ^? * dite to left, hair in sakkos ; another, similar, Head of Aphrodite to ^'^wjfright ; another, Head of Aphrodite with long flowing hair ; another, p Head of Aphrodite, hair close and bound with fillet, average wt. 38 grs., all fine, the smaller pieces scarce 10 1064 Corinth, Trihemidrachm, circa B.C. 350, Bellerophon naked on / Pegasus; rev. Chimaera to right at bay, wt. 65 grs. (B. M. Cat. X /tfft- n > 22) ; another, similar, but Bellerophon is clothed in chlamys, ' &c, and strikes downwards, and on rev. the Chimaera is to left ; wt. 63 grs., both very fine and rare 2 *** No. 1 from the Wigan collection. K 130 CORINTHIA. 1065 Corinth, Drachms, after B.C. 400, Pegasus; rev. types, Head of Aphrodite, hair in sakkos ; hair long, with letters r, KE, and mono- gram ; hair twice bound with diadem, and mon. KP on obv. ; and head laurate, average tot. 36 grs. ; Hemidrachm, Forepart of Pegasus ; rev. Head of Persephone, wt. 20 grs. ; Diobols (5), Pegasus flying ; rev. Pegasus walking; various letters, average wt. 14 grs.] Tri- / fl? /Jiemiobol, with rev. Gorgon head ; around, TPIH. ; wt. 9 grs. (comp. " U *jfe. M. Cat. pi. vin, 4), &c, all fine, some rare 20 Bronze. 1066 Corinth, Autonomous, Head of Pallas ; rev. Trident, size 3 ; Imperial, Augustus, rev. types, Pegasus, M. BELLIO. PROCVLO. IIVIR. COR. ; Pegasus, P. VlPSANIO AGRIPPA., &c. ; Temple on rock, 4 , 2 c - PAVLO. IIVIR., &c. ; Bellerophon on Pegasus attacking Chi- maera, Q. CAECIL. NIGER., &c. ; Livia, rev. Temple, L. FVRIO. <~ytfjy LABEONE. IIVIR. COR.; Agrippina, Jun., rev. Two togate ^tj&f** ' figures ; Nero, rev. Wreath enclosing ISTHMIA ; Domitian, rev. / Chimaera, COL. IVL. AVG. COR. ; Zeus holding thunderbolt and eagle, &c, sizes 5-4, mostly fine 14 1067 Corinth, Imperial, Hadrian, rev. types, the Nymphs Lechaeum and Cenchreae, LECH. CENCH., size 4; Within wreath, ISTHML, size 6 ; Ant. Pius, rev. Helios in quadriga, size 7 ; M. Aurelius, rev. Figure on dolphin, C. LI. COR., size 6 ; Commodus, rev. types, t 'Eagle on rock, size 5 ; Within wreath, ISTHMIA., size 7 ; Female holding patera and cornucopise, size 6 ; Caracalla, rev. Seated figure and stag(?) before temple on rock, size 5 ; others, without Emperor's head ; rev. types, Lioness on ram ; Aphrodite holding shield ; Pegasus, &c, mostly fine 12 PELOPONNESUS. ACHAIA, SICYONIA, ELIS, &c.f Silver. 1068 Pellene, Triobol, Head of Apollo laureate ; behind, TE mon. ; rev. nEA in wreath, wt. 43 grs. ; Phlius, Triobol (?), Bull butting to right ; >y / in dotted square within incuse, wt. 41 grs. ; another, Bull butting / (s to left ; rev. * in wreath, wt. 44 grs. ; another, similar, but 3> and V> bird in wreath on rev., wt. 43 grs. ; Obol, Forepart of bull to right ; O^rev. & in incuse, wt. 13 grs. ; another, similar, but bull to left, wt. 12 grs., all rare and fine 6 PHLIUS. 131 1069 Phlius, Drachm, circa B.C. 430-322, Bull butting to left; in exergue, 4>AEIA (retrograde) ; rev. 2ION around wheel in incuse square, wt. 90 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. vi, 21), very fine, and extremely rare ***? [PI. VII] 1 *** From the North wick collection. Bronze. 1070 Aegira, Forepart of horse, AiriPATAN j rev. AA in wreath, size 2 ; Imperial, Plautilla, rev. AiriPATfiN, Turreted female holding spear and cornucopise, size 5. Aegium, Head of Zeus ; rev. Zeus hurling e^/r*^"^ thunderbolt, size 5 ; Aurelius, rev. Female figure holding spear, &c, AiriGtUN., size 4 ; Caracalla, rev. Female figure holding two torches, same legend, size 5. Dyme, Head of Pallas ; rev. AY and V} cap in wreath, size 3. Patrae, Head of Herakles ; rev. Pallas s > holding spear and shield, and magistrates' names MHTPOAfiPOC, we ^ i >mem ^> ver y rare 1 1083 Elis, Stater, B.C. 480-420, Eagle with wings open to left, devouring hare ; various counter-marks in field ; rev. F A, Winged fulmen, wt. 191 grs., well preserved, rare 1 t:^ \* From the Loscombe collection. 1084 Elis, Stater, B.C. 480-420, Eagle standing to right, wings spread, struggling with serpent ; in field [A] A ; rev. F A, Winged fulmen, within beaded circle, wt. 190 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. XI, 8), extremely fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 Ilis, Stater, B.C. 480-420, FA, Eagle flying to left, holding serpent ; rev. [F] A, Fulmen with wide spread wings, wt. 186 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xi, 6), fine and very rare *4fa/T' -^a/jf--* 1 ''Elis, Stater, B.C. 480-420, Eagle with closed wings, standing to right on hare and devouring it ; rev. FA, Fulmen with wings at base ; all Y '/?p in^ olive- wreath, wt. 185 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xi, 9), very fine and rare 1 1087 El^C Stater, B.C. 480-420, Eagle's head to left; below, leaf; rev. Similar type to the preceding coin; but the wings are at the top (rf^fT* nfai+Ckt m 334 . the fulmen, wt. 188 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xn, 1), obv. very fine, rev. //' ^ mil preserved, very rare [PI. VII] ) ZfitxZocP-tctfo 1 1088 ELjjgfStater, B.C. 480-420, Eagle to left with raised wings; before it, small bird(?); various countermarks ; rev. AAEION, Nike seated to right in pensive attitude, her legs crossed, and resting her head on ^ y^ her left hand ; in right, wreath ; all in incuse square, wt. 183 grs. /^Z^ (upt in B. M. Cat), fine and of the highest rarity [PI. VII] 1 1089 ELH^Stater, B.C. 480-420, Eagle to right, wings raised, hare in its claws ; rev. F A, Nike with open wings, clad in long chiton and / x? (B. M. Cat. pi. xii, 9), extremely fine and excessively rare, " One of the (/L& 2> mos t striking compositions in Greek numismatics" {Hist. Num. - ^355) [PL VII] 1 ^' * From the Wigan collection. 6 * 1090 Elis, Stater, B.C. 420-370, Head of Hera to right, wearing broad rare [PI. VII] 1 stephane, adorned with flowers ; rev. F A, Winged fulmen ; all within olive- wreath, wt. 187 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. xii, 11), fine and <7 17 ) > another, Eagle's head ; rev. FA, Winged fulmen, all within wreath, wt. 44 grs. (car. ib.pl. XII, 2), all fine and rare 3 // ELIS. 135 1101 1100 Elis, Drachm, Eagle with open wings on hare to right; rev. FA, Winged fulmen, wt. 73 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XV, 10) ; Hemidrachm, FA, Head of Hera, wearing stephane inscribed HPA ; rev. Eagle to ./ left, looking back, wt. 41 grs. (ib. pi. XIII, 15) ; another, Eagle to ft/df right on hare ; rev. FA, Winged fulmen, vet. 43 grs. (ib. pi. XI, 10); Obol, Head of Zeus (1), laureate ; rev. Fulmen withm wreath, wt. 15 grs., all fine and rare 4 Elis, Hemidrachm, Head of Zeus ; rev. FA, Eagle on column, wt. 41 grs. ; another, similar, but rev. FA, Eagle to right, before A (Aristotimus), wt. 35 grs. ; others (2), same obv. ; but rev. FA, y Fulmen in wreath; another, same, but on rev. legend FA. API, wt. /* /J 40 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XV, 4) ; Diobol (1), Bird with open wings ; rev. Incuse square, wt. 22 grs. ; Obols (2) with obv. types, Eagle's head and leaf; Head of Hera; rev. FA, Fulmen, wt. 13 grs. each; and Half -Obol, Female head ; rev. FA, Fulmen, wt. 5 grs., all fine and mostly rare 9 Bronze. 1102 Elis, Head of Hera to left ; rev. FA, Eagle to right, size 5; Head of ^^, Zeus ; rev. Eagle to left ; in front, serpent erect, size 4 ; Head of ' /& Zeus ; rev. FA, or FA, AP, Horse, size 4 (4 varieties) ; Female head; ^Z' /? rev. FA, Zeus thundering, size 4 (3 varieties); others; rev. types, St^t ' FA or FAAEIfiN in wreath, size 5 (3 varieties) ; Imperial, Hadrian ; rev. HA6ION in wreath (2 varieties), sizes 7 and 8, all fine, some scarce 14 136 ISLANDS OFF ELIS. EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. ISLANDS OFF ELIS. Silver. LOT 1103 Cranium (Cephalleniae), Triobol, B.C. 500-430, KRANI, Ram to left ; rev. Bow in incuse square, wt. 46 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xvi, 10) ; an- other, similar, but with pellet at side of bow on rev., wt. 45 grs. ; Trihemiobol, Forepart of ram to left ; rev. TRI in incuse square, wt. 22 grs. (ib. pi. XVI, 12) ; Obol, Head of ram; rev. Bow in incuse v square, wt. 13 grs. (ib.pl. XVI, 13) ; others (2), B.C. 431-330, Head of ram to right; rev. KPA, Ram's foot, wt. 12 grs. each (ib. pi. xvi, 16), all rare and fine and interesting coins 6 Bronze. 1104 Cranium (Cephalleniae), Ram; rev. H; Poseidon holding trident; , rev. KPA mon. ; Bull's head ; rev. K and KH ; Ram's head (1) ; rev. '/& K in circle ; Ram to right ; rev. Bow (2 varieties) ; Bull's head ; rev. /fy/ /? H (3 varieties), sizes 3-2, all fine and rare 1 1 Silver. /rv< 4 & farf? J*p 1 105 Pale (Cephalleniae), Tetrobol, young Male head to right ; at sides of neck IIA; rev. KEAA, Cephalus, naked, seated to right on rock; 7f $ over which his garments, wt. 58 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xvn, 10), in fair J l*-' condition ; another, Head of Persephone to left ; at sides of neck IIA ; rev. KE Vty fiv&, both rare ^u bft 2 1106 Proni (Cephalleniae), Triobol, Heatl of Cephalus to left; rev.. IIPONNON, Club, wt. 40 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi, xvm, 4), in fair con- dition, very rare. Same (Cephalleniae), Tetrobol, Head of Pallas facing; rev. 2AMA . . , Ram to left, wt. 38 grs. (ib. pi. xvm, 12). Zacynthus, Tetrobol, Head of Apollo; rev. I A, Tripod, wt. 57 grs. /left*' (ib.pl. xix, 8); and Half-Obol, same type, wt. 8 grs., all rare, well preserved 4 ZACYNTHUS. 137 1107 Zacynthus, Stater, B.C. 357, Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; rev. AK2N02, Tripod, between legs of which I A, wt. 153 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xix, 23), in fair condition, has lost weight from oxydation, extremely rare 1 1108 Zacynthus, Drachm, B.C. 394-357, Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; / rev. IA, Tripod ; all within wreath, wt. 59 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xix, c>C x? 2TPA to left and crescent to right of tripod, no wreath, wt. 56 grs. rt^*z* / y' ^ ^ XX) 2)j well preserved, both rare 2 Bronze. /A 1109 Pale, Head of Demeter ; rev. HA mon., size 3 ; Dolphin; rev. U and Corn-grain, size 2 (2 var.). Proni, Head of young Herakles (?); %, rev. Club in wreath, size 3, rare. Same, Head of Cephalus ; rev. 2AMAION, Dog running, size 3 (2 var.); Bull's head; rev. 2A; Head of Pallas ; rev. 2 in wreath, size 3 ; Prow ; rev. 2 in wreath, ^y size 4. Zacynthus ; rev. types, Tripod in wreath ; Quiver with * '* ' strap ; Star and IA, all in wreath ; Pegasus, all size 3 ; Imperial, L. Verus ; rev. ZAKYN0ION, Zeus facing holding sceptre ; at his feet, eagle, size 7. Ithaca, Head of Pallas ; rev. Head of Odysseus ; Head of Odysseus ; rev. IA, Cock ; similar, but rev. Thunderbolt in wreath, all size 3, mostly fine and many rare jf*, ^*-l/r- 16 MESSENIA & LACONIA. Silver. 1110 Messenia, Tetrobol, after B.C. 280, Head of Zeus to left; rev. ME2 and Tripod in wreath, wt. 37 grs. ; another, but head of Zeus on y obv. to right, wt. 34 grs. Corone, Tetrobols, Head of Pallas ; rev. ?$ KOP and Bunch of grapes in vine-wreath (2 var.), wt. 38 grs. each, very rare. Lacedaemon, Tetrobol, Head of Zeus ; rev. Amphora between A A, pilei of Dioscuri, monogram, and ME; all in wreath, wt. 34 grs., fine, all rare 5 Bronze. 1111 Messenia, Head of Demeter; rev. ME mon., Zeus Ithomates, size 4; others (3), similar, with magistrates' names AK2N, AEEIA2 ; another, rev. ME, size 4 ; others, rev. types, Bunch of grapes, Tripod (3 var.), sizes 3-2. Cyparissia, Head of Eoma, POM A ; rev. KOA KYIIAPICCIA AAKETI, Artemis (?) holding branch, size 5, very rare. Thuria, Head of Demeter ; rev. OY, Zeus Ithomates ; before, ear of corn, size 6, rare ; Head of Zeus ; rev. OY, Pallas to left; before NIKQNYM02, size 4, rare, all well preserved 12 y^/ yf rev. Eagle, size 4 ; Head of Apollo, ^^* 'size 8 ; Head of Dioscuri ; rev. APIS! 138 MESSENIA, ETC. 1112 Laced AEMON, Head of Apollo j rev. AA, Eagle, size 4 (2 var.) ; Heads of Dioscuri ; rev. Two amphorae within wreath, size 4 ; Female head; rev. Two helmets, AAKEAAIMONK2N, size 4; Head of /_ ^ Herakles ; rev. Club in wreath, size 3 ; Head of Lycurgus ; rev. /'/o Club and caduceus combined, size 6 (4 var.) ; Head of Atratinus ; rEPONTQN; rev. Artemis, API2TOKPATHC in wreath, size 7 ; Head of Pallas ; rev. Dioscuri, APICTANAPOC, size 8 j Female head ; rev. Artemis in wreath, size 6, all fine, some scarce 1 4 1113 Laced aemon 3 rev. types, Eagle, Two amphorae, Club and caduceus combined, APlSTfiKPATHC in wreath as in preceding lot ; another, Head of Zeus j rev. Club, EIII EYPYKAE02, size 5 j Imperial, -^J >^^Claudius, rev. Caps of Dioscuri, EIII AAKONOEAA, size 7 (2 var.) ; ^ " Hadrian, rev. Dioscuri, size 7 ; Club, size 4 ; Geta, rez?. Herakles -^^y/ seated, size 6. Gythium, Caracalla, rev. Dioscuri holding their *//** horses, rYEATON, mm 5. Las, Caracalla, rev. Tyche at altar, size 5. Cythera, Head of Apollo; rev. Dove, KYH, si^e 3, all fine, some rare 15 ARGOLIS. Silver. 1114 Argos, Stater, circa B.C. 550, Two dolphins in opposite directions; / y< jrev. Eough incuse square, wt. 190 grs. (Num. Chron. 1884, pi. xil, 12); o <** '* Half-Stater, same type, wt. 96 grs., both fine and rare 2 c^v^/M^t^The attribution of these coins to Argos or Delos is somewhat uncertain (Hist. Num. p. 366). 1115 Argos, Stater, b.c. 400-322, Head of Hera wearing broad stephane, decorated with floral ornament ; rev. APrEIfiN, Two dolphins in opposite directions; between them, wolf to right, wt. 186 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 367), fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 Argos, Stater, similar to the preceding, but on rev. between dolphins, a tripod ; above which, leaf; below, AI and rose, wt. 186 grs., well preserved and rare 1 Argos, Stater, similar type to lot 1115 ; but between dolphins, quiver, wt. 187 grs., in fair condition, rare (U fajfi/t fU yfyp 1 'vjp^* Argos, Half-Drachms (6), B.C. 468-400, Forepart of wolf to right or left ; rev. A in shallow incuse square, with varying symbol on obv., /^ &c, average wt. 46 grs. ; Tetrobols (4), B.C. 322-229, Forepart of ^ wolf to right or left; rev. A in incuse square and magistrates' *%* * names EENOSIAOY, IEPQN02, AAMO20E, TP and various sym- bols, all fine 10 ARGOS. 139 1119 Argos, Tetrobols (10), B.C. 322-229, as in last lot, with magistrates' names 0>1AOKAH2, $IAKAH2, AYAIAAA, HENO^lAOY, EYY- KAE02, AAMOS0E, AP, nY, and HP, and varying symbols ; and r& Obols (3), Head of wolf ; rev. A and symbols ; another, Wolf to r-^^^^^^^^left ; rev. Helmet, average wt. 10 grs., all fine 14 4 120 Argos, Tetrobols (12), as in previous lot, with magistrates' names, s^Ss AP, ZEY > ArA0OKAEO2, 3>A, OIAOKAH2, AEYKIAS, EEUKPA- ^ ' ' TE02, IIEAASrOS, AAMAP, ZEY, &c. ; and Obols (2), Head of /^ft^/^ wolf; rev. A in incuse square, all fine 14 1121 Cleonae, Obol, 5th cent. B.C., Head of Herakles; rev. K in incuse j square, wt. 15 grs. Epidaurus, Hemidrachm, Head of Asklepios j 7^/ 4 *w. EII mon. in wreath, wt. 40 grs. Hermione, Head of Demeter ; rev. EP mon. in corn-wreath, wt. 44 grs. ; another, similar, type in ^***5Tjigher relief, wt. 40 grs. ; Obol, Head of Demeter ; rev. EP and * Torch in wreath, wt. 11 grs., all fine and rare 5 Bronze. 1122 Argos; rev. types, A and symbol, wolf, Pallas Promachos, sizes 3-2; y Imperial of Lucius Verus, Severus, Julia Domna, and Caracalla. -ff* Cleone, Head of Zeus : rev. KA and Club in wreath, size 3 ; another ; ^~\~~. r $P- KAEfi in wreath, size 2, rare. Epidaurus ; rev. types, EII and i/ly( ^serpent, size 3 ; E in wreath, size 2 ; EII mon., and Epione holding / phial and patera, size 3, (2 var.), mostly fine 21 1123 Hermione ; rev. types EP and Torch in wreath, size 3, (2 var.) ; EP in wreath, size 1. Methana ; rev. type, ME mon. in wreath, size 1\. ' j* Thyrea, Head of Hera ; rev. Quiver, helmet, &c. (3 var.) size 4, rare ; others, Head of wolf ; rev. Similar type to last (2 var.), size 3 ; 140 AKCADIA. 1126 Y,/^ 1127 Arcadian League, Triobols (6), b.c. 550-420, Zeus enthroned, holding eagle and sceptre ; rev. Archaic, female head in incuse square ; around AP, APKA, or APKAAIKON, average wt. 47 grs. ; others (3), B.C. 370-300, Head of Zeus ; rev. Pan seated on rock j in field, APK mon. and A A, wt. 36 grs. ; Obol, Head of Pan ; rev. APK mon. ; below, syrinx, wt. 10 grs., all very fine 10 Alea, Obol, b.c. 430-370, Head of Artemis ; rev. AA, Bow, wt. 11 grs. Cleitor, Triobol, B.C. 400-320, Head of Helios facing ; rev. KAH, Bull butting to right, wt. 44 grs. ; Obol, B.C. 400-320, Head of Pallas; ret;. KAH, Horse, wt. 13 grs. Megalopolis, Triobol, b.c. 300, Head of Zeus to left ; rev. MEr, Pan seated on rock ; before him, eagle, wt. 30 grs., fine and all very rare 4 ANTINEIA, Triobol, B.C. 500-400, Bear to left ; rev. MA, Three acorns in incuse square, wt. 43 grs. (B. M. Cat pi. xxxiv, 19), fine. Pheneus, Triobol, B.C. 400-362, Head of Demeter to left ; rev. ^ Heraea, Triobol, B.C. 550-500, Head of Hera veiled ;.rev. E P retro- grade in incuse dotted square, wt. 46 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxiv, 1) ; Trihemiobol, Head of Pallas ; rev. EPA, Three E 's back to back, wt. 20 grs. (ib. pi. xxxiv, 8) ; another, Gorgon head facing ; rev. Three at S3 E's back to back, wt. 19 grs. Pheneus, Obol, B.C. 400-360, j0 Head of Hermes with petasus hanging on his shoulders ; rev. AAION, / 1 Bird's head to left, wt. 11 grs. Tegea, Triobol, after B.C. 370, Head of Athene Alea to right ; rev. TErE, Owl on olive-branch, wt. 40 grs. ; ^ another, same obv., but rev. TErEATAN, Warrior armed with shield ; Obol, preservation, and all very rare 4 *^ n> V ''/)^r^~ and sword advancing to right ; at his feet, spear, wt. 42 grs. ; Female head to left ; rev. T in field, wt. 1 1 grs., all in fair preser // AKCADIA, ETC. 141 Bronze. 1 133 Arcadia, Head of young Pan to right or left ; rev. ARK mon. ; below, Syrinx (3 vars.), sizes 3-2 ; Head of Zeus ; rev. APK, mon. ; below, Syrinx and fulmen, size 4, Head of Zeus ; rev. APK, mon. and Syrinx in wreath, size 4. Caphya, Female head to right; rev. KA$Y, Artemis (?) standing to right, size 3. Cleitor, Head of Helios ; rev. K H, size 2. Heraea, Head of Pallas ; rev. H, size 4 ; others, rev. H, Artemis kneeling, size 3 ; H between hound and bow, size 2. Mantineia, rev. types, MAN, Poseidon hurling trident, size 4 ; Poseidon seated, size 3 ; Trident, size 2, all fine and mostly very rare 12 1134 Arcadia, rev. types, APK, mon. and Syrinx ; same type within wreath. Caphya, rev. Artemis, as in last lot. Megalopolis, Head of Zeus ; rev. MEr, Pan seated ; monograms in field, size 5 ; / , jr^ another, rev. Eagle within wreath, size 4. Orchemenus, Artemis ^7V ' kneeling ; rev. Callisto seated, size 4 ; Imperial, Julia Domna ; rev. /^Z/f* PXOMENK2N, Female figure standing near altar, size 5 ; Cara- / calla; rev. Asklepios, size 4. Pheneus; rev. types, *m a* facing, resting on club, wt. 68 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. ii. 2), somewhat ***'.'* rubbed, but extremely rare /w.flL ' \. ~S jy / 1 142 CRETE. ^ 1138 Aptera, Stater, B.C. 350-300, AIITEPAlfiN, Head of Artemis to right, wearing necklet, earring and stephane ; rev. IITOAl[OlT02], Warrior with shield standing to left near a tree, his right hand f //// raised, wt. .170 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. II, 4), well preserved and very 1139 Aptera, Hemidrachm, circa B.C. 200, Head of Artemis to right; rev. /? AIITAPAIQN, Warrior armed with spear and shield walking to left ; / / *^^ before, NIKA, wt. 39 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. n, 8) ; another, Head of f ff Zeus; rev. AIITAPAIfiN, Hermes standing to left, wt. 29 grs. (ib. *~* pi. II, 11), both well preserved and very rare v ~~ "4^ A^-Jy*. 2 1140 Axos, Half Stater, B.C. 400-300, Head of Apollo to right, laureate; ' rev. Tripod, wt. 91 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. xiv, 11) ; Half Drachm, same a/~ <^ type, wt. 42 grs., both well preserved and very rare 2 *^.* These coins, formerly given to Axos, were attributed by Mr. Wroth //^^-tx (B- M. Cat. Crete) to Naxos ; but have since been restored by M. Svoronos to Axos. 1141 Chersonesus, Stater, B.C. 350-300, Head of Britomartis to right, / laureate; rev. XEPONA5ION, Apollo seated to right on omphalos, (-^/v* <- holding lyre and plectrum; before him, thymiaterion, wt. 173 grs. ^i^fi^^ (B. M. Cat. pi. iv, 1), well preserved and rare 1 1142 Chersonesus, Stater, b.c. 350-300, Head of Britomartis to left, laureate ; rev. XEP20 (retrograde), Herakles striking to left with club, wt. 173 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. iv, 3), fine and rare 1 Ctf^c> ' "^ centre, wt. 168 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. pi. v, 2), fine and rare 1 1151 Cnossus, Stater, similar type to the last, but countermark, large ;/ / pellet within circle of dots behind head of Demeter ; and on rev. (- ^^ *^* ' ^ floral ornament in centre of labyrinth, and below BPI (retrograde), /ffi^/? wt- 167 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. v, 2), well preserved and rare 1 1152 Cnossus, Stater, similar type to lot 1150, but on the rev. the pattern of ry ^y^ the labyrinth is continued to the centre, and there is no ornament ; ^s^' 7 jP f below, BPI (retrograde), wt. 175 grs., in fair preservation, very rare 1 M-03 Cnossus, Stater, b.c. 350-220, Head of Hera to left, wearing stephane -^/-^j decorated with floral ornaments ; rev. Square labyrinth ; below, C>C&? _ KNQ2IGN; on right, P and fulmen, wt. 166 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. v, ^p^J^t**^]-), well preserved and rare 1 /"a 154 Cnossus, Stater, similar to the preceding coin, but on the reverse the CZ^\_^ *?. 6? legend KNfi^IQN is above the labyrinth, and there is no ornament, /fr%^/? & c - m tne field, wt. 170 grs., in good condition, rare 1 1155 Cnossus, Drachm, b.c. 350-220, Head of Hera to left, wearing stephane with floral ornaments ; rev. Square labyrinth ; below, KN122I ; on either side, AP, wt. 79 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi v, 12), fine and scarce 1 - 1156 Cnossus, Drachm, similar type to the preceding lot, 80 grs., well pre- ^> /6/rft~~ served and scarce 1 - /ArSj-^ Cnossus, Drachm, similar type to lot 1155, wt. 78 grs. ; Half Drachm, V / / Head of Apollo to left ; rev. Square labyrinth ; below KM2 ; on left, ^^/ ?" ArEI ; on right, fulmen, wt. 41 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. v, 13), both well /h^Jfcf^f* preserved and scarce j ^ 2 1158 Cnossus, Tetradrachm, b.c. 116-67, Head of Zeus diademed to right ^g^Sfe. /& * n high relief, and dividing the legend N I K A ; rev. KN12 % I ON ^ /? arranged around square labyrinth, wt. 256 grs. (Svoronos, pi. vm, 4), '*-*/'' an extremely fine wide -spread coin, and of the highest rarity [PI. VIII] i s L S}^ 144 CRETE. 1159 Cnossus, Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but no legend /_ ^^. on the obv. except A under neck of Zeus, wt. 261 grs. (B. M. Cat. fy pi. VI, 6), extremely fine and very rare */!trt ^/P f~ &y 1 '-IS" %* From the Bank collection. 1160 Cnossus, Didrachm, B.C. 116-67, Head of Zeus, laureate to left; rev. K*N 02ION arranged around square labyrinth, wt. 137 grs., fine and of unusually good style, but considered by M. Svoronos not to be genuine (see Num. de la Crete, pi. xxxi, wo. 26) 1 1161 Cydonia, Stater, B.C. 350-300, Dionysiac female head to right, crowned with vine-leaves and grapes ; behind, in rather indistinct jtters, NEYANTOS EEEOEI; rev. KYAON, Kydon as a naked archer standing to left, and stringing his bow, wt. 174 grs. 7 ^(Svoronos, Num. de la Crete, pi. ix, 3), very fine and of the highest '"rarity [PI. VIII] 1 \* From the Dupre collection. LI 62 Cydonia, Stater, Similar type to the preceding coin ; but there is no ^4 ^ legend on the obv., and on the rev. before Kydon is a dog, and <5^~ "* above it a pruning knife, wt. 143 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. vii, 1), /Af/i-&/**-~- well preserved and rare 1 1163 Cydonia, Stater, Similar to the last coin, but before the female ^//r^ head on the obv. is a counter-mark of a double caduceus, and behind, 7^~ ^ f traces of a monogram ; and on the rev. an astragalus (?) in front of /i^^n. the dog, wt. 168 grs., in fair preservation, rare 1 1164 Cydonia, Stater, B.C. 400-300, Youthful head to left, wreathed with -?/ 12 ivy ; rev. KYAON, Kydon stringing his bow ; before him, dog ; 7^^' " above which is an arrow-head and K, wt. 150 grs. (B. M. Cat. { K^&4*Jy--yl. vn, 3), fine and rare 1 1165 Cydonia, Stater, B.C. 400-300, Youthful head to left, wreathed with / / ivy ; rev. KYAON (in exergue), Hound to left, suckling the infant ^y^ X?C* Kydon, wt. 147 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. vn, 4), fine and exceedingly rare ^/^X IPLVIII] 1 s/V/Let* ~ *^* From tne Dupre collection. 1166 Cydonia, Drachm, B.C. 400-300, Dionysiac female head to left, */7 wreathed with ivy ; rev. KYAON, Kydon stringing his bow, wt. 82 ^frff***+^rs. (B. M. Cat. pi. VII, 5), fine and very rare 1 U67 Cydonia, Drachm, B.C. 400-300, Head of Pallas to right in crested / yt helmet ; rev. KYAON (in exergue), Hound stickling Kydon, wt. ^&C- & 56 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. vn, 7); Drachm, B.C. 200-100, Head of w' ^ Artemis to right, laureate ; behind her neck, quiver ; rev. KYAONI- ^^^"'***^X.TON (partly in exergue), Hound suckling Kydon; above, fulmen, wt. 40 grs., the first very well preserved, the last somewhat rubbed, both scarce 2 ELEUTHERNAE. 145 1168 Eleuthernae, Stater, b.c. 431-300, Head of Apollo to left, bound ^ with triple wreath of peculiar work ; rev. EAEY . . NAION, '//- & Apollo naked, standing facing, holding stone and bow, wt. 163 grs. /&&L^*^ (Svoronos, Num. dela Crete, pi. xi, 16), well preserved, a rare variety 1 1169 Eleuthernae, Stater, same date, Head of Zeus to right, laureate; rev. Apollo walking to left, stone in upraised right hand ; bow in <; *% " & ' left, wt. 165 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. viii, 7), in good condition, rare 1 1170 Eleuthernae, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Headof Apollo to left, laureate ; -7^^ ^ rev - Apollo naked, standing facing, holding stone and bow in out- C^^ ** ' "C- stretched hands, wt. 174 grs. (Svoronos, Num. de la Crete, pi. xi, 24), ^ j/r%h&&* somewhat rubbed and oxydised, but rare 1 1171 Eleuthernae, Drachm, circa B.C. 300, Head of Zeus to right; rev. s^Xsf-^ EAEY0EPNAION, Apollo naked, standing towards left, holding c (comp. B.M. Cat.pl. x, 6), very fine and rare 1 c^ &e4z 146 CKETE. 1179 Gortyna, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Europa seated in tree, her right hand jf'/^ res *'S on eagle, her left holds staff surmounted by bird ; rev. Bull ,/f^yr standing to right, looking front, his forelegs stretched forwards ; /yr/i &** ~~ beneath, a fly, wt. 173 grs., very fine and extremely rare 1 1180 Gortyna, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Europa seated in tree, head front; y J . with left hand she raises her peplos, which covers her lower limbs ; ^ ' 3 * ' rev. Bull standing to right, head front; beneath, dolphin, wt. 174 grs., "t^fine, a rare variety 1 1181 Gortyna, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Europa seated in leafless tree; her . right hand raises her peplos above her head, her left rests on vv S> eagle with outstretched wings before her ; rev. Bull standing to ^^ ^? bound with corn-wreath ; rev. Head of Bull to right, similar to last piece, wt. 81 grs. (ib. pi. xi, 2), both very fine and scarce 2 1183 Gortyna, Drachm, B.C. 300-200, Europa seated to right in tree and / ^ ^^- looking back at eagle standing on bough behind her ; with left c<. IEPAnY ; and on right, magistrate's name IMEPAI02 TE, wt. c ^^ A,y* y - 117 grs., fine and rare 1 1189 Hierapytna, Didrachm, similar to lot 1187, but legend IEPATIY; ^/ ' *4 , _and on right, magistrate's name MENE20E and monogram, wt. // 111 grs. , well preserved and rare 1 fO Hierapytna, Denarius, struck under Eoman Domination, TIBEPI02 /^ KAI2AP 2EBA2T02 Eni AAXH, Head of Tiberius to right, c^^J< /^laureate ; rev. E02 2EBA2T02 KPHTE2 IEPAnYTNIOI, Head /jfc^ / of Augustus to left, radiate, wt. 39 grs. (Svoronos, pi. xvm, 3), very fine and exceedingly rare 1 1191 Hyrtacina, Drachm, B.C. 400-300, Head of wild-goat to left; behind, arrow-head ; above on right, YP (retrograde) ; rev. Bee, wt. 80 grs: -^ &) j (var. B. M. Cat. pi. xn, 5), fine. Lappa, Hemidrachm, circa B.C. C^~ <*' 200, Head of Apollo, laureate ; rev. AAIIIIAI., Apollo holding lyre; before him magistrate's name, 2YAOK02, wt. 44 grs. (ib. pi. xiii, 11), in fair condition, both very rare 2 1192 Itanus, Stater, B.C. 480-430, Sea-god, Glaukos, to right; trident in /'Vr/Vv^ right hand, left raised; rev. Within linear square, ornamental / ** star with pellet in each angle; all in incuse square, wt. llbgrs.-^^^^y/^ /// a JjBjj^'^ ai - Pi' XII "0> fi ne an ^ ver y rare &\h/c. 1 1193 Itanus, Stater, B.C. 480-430, similar type to the preceding coin ; but on rev. the corner rays of the star are lis-shaped, wt. 177 grs. (Svoro- y-^rp~ nos,pl. xvm, 23), extremely fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 1194 Itanus, Stater, B.C. 480-430, similar type to lot 1192 ; but on rev. the / star is plain and the rays are separate from the centre, wt. 168 grs. * ^/* (Svoronos, pi. xvm, 28), very fine and very rare 1 1195 Itanus, Stater, B.C. 480-430, Sea-god, Glaukos, to right, as in 4^2^Lj lot 1192; rev. ITA, Two crested sea-monsters facing each other; /P y4 ^"^ a11 within dotted square, wt. 177 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. XVII, 1), fine and very rare 1 1196 Itanus, Stater, B.C. 400-300, Head of Athena Salmonia in crested helmet to left ; rev. ITANION, Eagle standing to left, looking back ; J on right, Glaukos holding trident ; all in incuse square, ivt. 160 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. pi. xm, 6), in good condition, somewhat oxydised, r t-//^^ rare w .1 1197 Itanus, Drachm, b.c. 480-430, The sea-god, Glaukos, with trident; rev. ITA (?), Two crested sea-monsters facing each other, pierced, "fV* 1& extremely rare, unpublished (?); another, B.C. 400-300, Head of Athena to left; rev. ITANON, Eagle, &c, precisely as Stater in previous ''fat, wt. 79 grs. {B. M. Cat. pi. xm, 6), fine and rare 2 h 2 148 CRETE. 1198 Itanus, Hemi-Drachm, b.c. 400-300, Head of Athena to left in crested helmet ; IT ANION, Eagle ; behind, Glaukos, wt. 32 grs. (Svoronos, pi. xix, 21) ; another, similar, but head of Athena to right ; and on rev. there is no figure of Glaukos in the field, wt. f , f // 40 grs. ; Obols (5), Head of Athena ; rev. Star (2 var.) (B. M. Cat. ' '' r pi. xiii, 7 and 8); Figure of Glaukos; rev. Star (ib.pl. xm, 4) // / / (3 var.), average wt. 10 grs., the first two very rare, the others scarce, fl"* well preserved A%iK 7 ^V*" ^5 *S* 1199 Lyttus, Stater, B.C. 450-330, Eagle flying to left; rev. AYKISON, Boar's head to right, all in linear square, wt. 187 grs. (var. Svoronos, pi. xxi, 16), in fair condition, very rare 1 1*200 Lyttus, Stater, B.C. 450-330, similar type to the preceding coin, 2 but reading on the rev. AYTTION, wt. 185 grs. (B. M. Cat, pi. xm, "*^f f^-Qh well preserved and very rare 1 1201 Lyttus, Stater, B.C. 450-330, similar type and legend as on the pre- /^^T/^ 6? ceding coin; but eagle on obv. flying to right, wt. 170 grs. (Svoronos, J^V. fc pi- xxi, 14)> fine and very rare [PI. VIII] 1 1202 Lyttus, Stater, B.C. 450-330, similar type to the preceding coin, but ' , eagle flying to left ; and on the rev. the legend AYTTION is in two lines and retrograde, wt. 17 4 grs. (Svoronos, pi. xxi, 26), well pre- /^7*&>*+*served and rare 1 1203 Lyttus, Stater, B.C. 450-330, similar type to the last coin, but no legend on rev., wt. 157 grs., well preserved and rare 1 /^f^^gZ&Lm* V From the Davis collection. 1204 Lyttus, Drachm, B.C. 450-330, Eagle flying to left ; rev. AYTTION, Boar's head to right within linear square, &c, wt. 90 grs. (Svoronos, pi. XXI, 13), fine ; another, Eagle alighting to right ; rev. AYTTSON, Boar's head to right, wt. 92 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xm, 15), well preserved, both very rare 2 /-// 1205 Lyttus, Hemidrachm, B.C. 450-300, Eagle flying to- left; rev. AYTISOS, Boar's head to right, all within linear square, wt. 44 grs. )^^^/^% (B. M. Cat. pi. xrv, 5), fine ; others (2) of similar type ; but varied ( l + r *~<( * in the form of the boar's head and legend, wt. 43 and 39 grs., well | ^/~/7<- preserved y # J irf jfaj} W Juf *-*<- 3) 1206 Mod A, Stater, Head of Zeus (?) to right; rev. MQAAK2N, Head of Bull facing, wt. 179 grs. (Svoronos, pi. xxn, 21), fine and of the (ft/C^ highest rarity [PI. VIII] 1 jy %* This remarkable coin, formerly attributed by Pellerin to Per- //l^fy gamum and by Sestini to Medeon in Phocis, is now given to Moda 1 in Crete by Von Sallet and Svoronos. PHAESTUS. 149 1207 PHAESTUS, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Herakles standing front, holding club fj^ and bow ; on left, lion's skin ; on right, barleycorn ; around, four *S' ^- ! - globules ; rev. Bull's head facing within three sided frame, wt. ^^^^,^79 jts. (B. M. Cat. pi. xiv, 15), very fine and very rare 1 1308 Phaestus, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Herakles standing facing, holding y s club, bow and lion's skin ; on right, tree ; on left, serpent ; rev. (s^f' ~~~~ Bull, hobbled, to right, all within wreath, wt. 174 grs. (B. if. Cat. ^^^i^^Pj- XV, 4), fine and very rare 1 ^TzO^ _ Phaestus, Stater, similar type to the preceding coin, but slightly riedinthe details, wt. 179 grs., fine and very rare 1 [AESTUS, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Herakles standing front, holding club and bow ; on left, lion's skin ; on right, barleycorn ; rev. Jc{~ CAIMTIKON (retrograde), Bull to left, feeding on grass and hobbled, wt. 80 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xv, 1), in fair condition and extremely rare ^ff /op 1 ^211 Phaestus, Stater, B.C. 431-300, $Al2TION, Herakles to left, striking '^^3 ^tt^Hydra with his club; rev. Bull walking to left, wt. 180 grs. p> clj$- M. Cat. pi. xv, 6), very fine and rare [PL VIII] 1 1212^haestus, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Herakles striking at Hydra, &c, / y same as the last, but no legend; between his feet, a crab; rev. cr <3>AI2TION (retrograde), Bull butting to right, wt. 168 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. XV, 6), fine and a very rare variety 1 1213 Phaestus, Stater, B.C. 431-300, same type as the preceding coin, but ^^(j^ on rev. the legend <3?AI2TIQN is not retrograde and the bull walks "'j^^'y^to right, wt. 179 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xv, 6), very fine and rare 1 1214 Phaestus, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Zeus Velchanos seated to left in tree ; in right hand he holds a cock which stands upon his knee ; before --him EEAXAN02 (retrograde); rev. $Al2TION, Bull butting to .right, wt. 178 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. xv, 10), very well preserved and exceedingly rare 1 1215 Phaestus, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Herakles seated on rock to left, head y/^-..--- front, club in left hand ; before him, tree on which hangs his bow pZ- f&. ad quiver ; behind, traces of legend 3>AI2TION ; rev. Bull walking yy s? to right within wreath ; below on the wreath is inscribed EY, ^K< ^\ probably the artist's initials, wt. 159 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. xv, 9), / fine, and probably a unique variety [PI. VIII] 1 1216 Phaestus, Stater, b.c. 431-300, TAAON, Talos winged, facing; he hurls stone with right hand and holds another in left ; rev. j 3>AI2TION, Bull butting to right (B. M. Cat. pi. XV, 11), plated and ^- damaged by a deep cut ; another, Female head to right, hair rolled ^nd bound with sphendone ; rev. Forepart of bull to right, wt. 174 grs. (Svoronos, pi. xxiii, 4), rubbed, both very rare 2 t&Sy s&& 150 CRETE. 1217 Phaestus, Drachm, B.C. 431-300, Female head to left, wearing / / stephane ; behind A ; rev. <&AI, Head and neck of bull to right, '^ **' *^*^ wt. 85 grs. (Svoronos, pi. xxrv, 11), well preserved and probably unique, '/j*.<^- as &** is the only specimen cited by Svoronos 1 1218 Phalasarna, Stater, B.C. 431-300, Head of Artemis Diktynna to y^yy right, hair twice bound with cord, earring ; rev. <&A between forks <^V ''' of trident with ornamented handle, wt. 169 grs. (B. M. Cat. py^L**j*- XVI ' 7 )' ver yfi ne and rare [Pi- viii] i '1219 Phalasarna, Drachm, B.C. 431-300, similar type to the preceding ,/"""" coin, but the head of Artemis has the hair rolled, and is not bound ^/y/ by cord j and on rev. border of dots, wt. 83 grs. (B. M. Gat. //^ pi. xvi, 9), well preserved and very rare 1 .-1220 Polyrhenium, Stater, B.C. 330-280, Head of Zeus to right, laureate j r//rt /a rev. Bull's head facing with fillet ; around, ITOAYPHNION, and J * above and at side, XAPI20ENH2 partly legible, wt. 173 grs. (B. M. oZd'*t,ctrtff\/ Cat. pi. xvi, 13), very fine and very rare 1 1221 Polyrhenium, Stater, b.c. 330-280, similar type to the preceding coin, but the head of Zeus on the obv. is in lower relief, and on the c/4fc ret)' the name of the city and that of the magistrate (reading XAPI20EN) are differently placed, wt. 179 grs. (Svoronos, pi. XXV, c '**2.*^22), fi ne an d ver y mre * 1222 Polyrhenium, Drachm, B.C. 330-280, POAYPHNK2N, Bull's head ~// /A facing with fillet ; rev. IIOAYPHNI, Aj^^nead, wt. 81 grs, (var. * '9 B. M. Cat.pl. XVI, 15), fine and rare; Half Obol, Head of Bull ; fie& JZi rev - Incuse square, wt. 5 grs. ; another, similar, but Arrow-head on /j obv., wt. 5 grs., fine 3 1223 Polyrhenium, Tetradrachm, circa B.C. 200, Male head (Philip V of Macedon ?), with whisker to right ; bow and quiver at his shoulder ; rev. IIOAYPHNK2N, Artemis Diktynna (?) seated to left, holding Nike in outstretched right hand ; below her seat MO mon., wt. 227 grs. (var. B. M. Cat.pl. xvn, 1), somewhat rubbed, but of the highest rarity, and a variety not in British Museum nor described in Svoronos ^.^^^^C ti/%*r# 1 1224 Praesus, Stater, circa B.cf 450, Naked Herakles kneeling to right J. / and shooting with bow ; lion's skin over left arm ; rev. Eagle with ^L, $ spread wings flying to left, within linear square, wt. 178 grs. (var. OuX^ B. M. Cat. pi. xvn, 7), very fine and very rare [PL VIII] 1 122 Praesus, Stater, circa B.C. 400, Zeus Diktaeus seated to left, looking _A front ; bird on right hand ; left resting on sceptre ; rev. IIPAl, Bull o\ O. S^ butting to right, wt. 163 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xvn, 8), fine, but slightly $rU*to**. rv bbed on rev 'i ver y rare 1 '/ %* From the Bompois collection. ^Ua^- PRAESUS. 151 1226 Praesus, Stater, circa B.C. 400, Zeus Diktaeus seated to left, &c, as / on the preceding coin, but head in profile ; rev. Forepart of goat to (pC^Af left, looking back, wt. 165 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. XVII, 9), very fine ^ g and very rare [PL VIII] 1 1227/ Praesus, Stater, circa b.c. 350, Head of Apollo to left, laureate ; rev. -/-<3 Forepart of goat to left, looking back ; behind, arrow-head, wt. sz> (L^ 163 grs ' V*' M ' ^ at ' ^' xvn ' 10 ^' weii P reserved and vm J rare 1 1228 ^Praesus, Stater, circa B.C. 350, same type as the preceding coin, but on the rev. above the arrow-head is the monogram IIPA., wt. 166 grs., somewhat rubbed, probably unique, as this is the only specimen cited by Svoronos, p. 290 1 * # * From the Whittall collection. #>-1 /At?*/* 1229 Praesus (1), Drachm, circa b.c. 300, Head of Persephone to right, crowned with corn-wreath ; border of large dots ; rev. Bull butting to right, wt. 88 grs. (Svoronos, pi. XV, 9), very fine and probably unique as it is the only specimen cited by Svoronos [PI. VIII] 1 Svoronos gives this coin to Gortyna, but Sir Edward Bunbury was of opinion that it should be classed rather among the series of Praesus (see obv. of next coin and rev. of lot 1225). 1230 Praesus,. Drachm, circa B.C. 300, Head of Persephone to right as on the preceding coin ; rev. IIPAI., Bull's head facing ; on left, rose, wt. 75 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xvn, 12), somewhat rubbed; Hemi-Drachm, Head of Apollo to right, laureate, hair long ; rev. Bee, wt. 42 grs. (Svoronos, pi. xvm, 9), fine. Ehithymna, Hemi-Drachm, circa B.C. 300, Head of Pallas to right in crested helmet ; rev. Trident with PI between forks, wt. 33 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xix, 9), in fine condition, all scarce 3 A231 Priansus, Stater, B.C. 430-300, Female figure seated towards left, J- / , her right hand on serpent's head ; behind, date-palm ; rev. I1PIAN- C*- *^' SIEQN, Poseidon standing to left, dolphin in right hand, trident ivfy in left; before him II, wt. 163 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. xvm, 6), fine // and extremely rare 1 1232 Priansus, Drachm, B.C. 431-300, Female head to right, hair rolled and tied in bunch at back ; rev. IIPIAN2IEON, Date-palm between dolphin and rudder, wt. 81 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xvm, 8), fine and rare 1 f/ 1233 Ehaucus, Stater, circa B.C. 430, Poseidon naked and holding trident, leading horse to right; rev. PAYKION (boustrophedon), Trident, \ /0 wt. 164 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xix, 1), very fine and rare, struck on oblong flan 1 * 152 CRETE. 1 234 Rhaucus, Stater, of somewhat later date, same type as the preceding, / wt. 178 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. xix, 4), very fine and very rare, struck ?// V on circular flan [PI. VIII] 1 ^^L^*^^ *** From the Wigan collection. 1235 Tylissus, Stater, B.C. 400-300, Head of Hera to right, wearing /j stephane ornamented with floral pattern ; rev. TYAI2I02, Apollo &(/'/& standing to left, holding phiale and how ; behind, laurel-branch, wt. <3tfj/ fuaM%y 158 grs. (Svoronos, pi. xxi, 7), a good deal oxydised, but exceedingly // rare 1 1236 Tylissus, Stater, B.C. 400-300, Head of Hera to right as on the pre- j /> , ceding coin ; rev. TYAI5K2N (retrograde), Apollo standing to left, / " holding goat's head and bow ; before him arrow-head, wt. 169 grs. > J fa j- r (B. M. Cat. pi. xix, 15), in fair condition, but double-struck on rev., I VJl-A^r" very rare wl/%%%' ^^ \J ' %* From the Whittall collection. 1237 Crete (?), Attic Didrachm, Head of Athena to right, wearing ya crested helmet ornamented with owl ; rev. Man-headed bull to ~~ j' right; above, uncertain inscription IIOAINO(?) (retrograde), wt. 109 grs., fine 1 1238 Crete, various, Gortyna, Female head to right; rev. Bull's head facing, wt. 70 grs. (comp. Svoronos, pi. xv, 3). Phaestus, Hemi- drachm, Head of young Herakles to right ; rev. Bull's head facing (ib. pi. xxiii, 22), both in good condition ; Roman Imperial Coinage, '' Denarius, Head of Trajan, usual legend in Latin ; rev. AIKTYNNA, -^-^^^f^Biktynna holding infant Zeus seated to left ; before and behind her one of the Curetes ; in the exergue KPHTON (ib.pl. xxiii, 23), well preserved 3 1239 Crete, Roman Imperial Coinage, Caligula, Tetradrachm, obv. VMO% J, KAI2AP. 2EB. TEPM. APX, &c, Bust of Caligula to right, sceptre cZ/' over shoulder; rev. Augustus seated to left, holding patera and /PLjfJ-iA sceptre ; around, seven stars, wt. 110 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. I, 1), well / preserved and very rare, 1 1240 Crete, Roman Imperial Coinage, Caligula, Drachm or Denarius, obv. ( ft same as the preceding ; rev. Head of Augustus to left, radiate ; ^ ' around, seven stars, wt. 38 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. I, 2), fine and very \^Auiwlt rare 1 / ' 1241 Crete, Roman Imperial Coinage, Caligula, Drachm or Denarius, same 7! y / 'w type, &c. as the preceding, wt. 37 grs., fine, but slightly chipped 1 '\- t*jr fit** 1242 Crete, Roman Imperial Coinage, Claudius, Tetradrachm, obv. TI . KAAYAI02. KAI2AP. 2E. TEPM. APX &c, Head of Claudius jp / with riders ; before and around, stars, wt. 150 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. I, / ' *Pf '/ t-^ no. 6), very well preserved and very rare ^fj^^l^A^^ 1 APTERA, ETC. 153 Bronze. '// /// y 1243 ApterA; rev. types, Warrior with shield and spear to left, size 3 (2 var.) ; Warrior facing, size 3 ; Race-torch (3 var.), sizes 3-1 ; and Bow and spear-head, size 1 (2 var.). Arsinoe ; rev. types, Helmeted figure with shield, &c, AP2I, size 4 ; Two Dolphins, AP2I, size 2. Axus ; rev. types, Tripod, FAHION, size 4 (2 var.) ; Winged fulmen, AH, &c, size 4 (3 var.) ; others (3), similar type, but counterstruck with head of Hermes. Chersonesus ; rev. types, Dove flying ; Prow (3 var.), size 3, mostly well preserved and scarce 22 1244 Axos; rev. types, Tripod; Fulmen. Chersonesus; rev. Prow as in last lot. Cydonia, Young male head ; rev. KYAfi, Dog, size 1 (3 var.). Eleuthernae ; rev. types, Apollo seated holding stone, EAEY- t f EPNAK2N, size 3 (2 var.), rare; Club between EA, size 2; and Lyre, size 1. Gortyna ; rev. types, Bull standing to left, TOPTY- ^< .> rev. KOPH, Bee, size 4. Iulis, rev. IOYAI, Bunch of grapes, size 3 ; / Bee, size 2 ; and Fly in wreath, IOY, size 1. Cythnos, rev. types, KY0N, Lyre, size 4 ; KY, Rose, size 3, mostly fine, all scarce 17 1257 Ceos, rev. Forepart of the dog, Sirius, as in last lot (2 var.). Delos, rev. AH, Lyre, size 3 ; others (5), similar, all varied, size 1 ; Date palm and AH, size 1. Ios, Head of Homer ; rev. IHT, Palm-tree, size 3. Melos, Pomegranate; rev. MHAK2N, Pallas Promachos, size 6. Imperial, Head of Pallas, MHAIQN ; rev. Eni TJ. nAN- KAEOS TO. T in wreath, sizes 4 and 3 ; another, rev. MHAION in olive-wreath, size 7. Myconos, Head of Dionysos, three-quarter face ; rev. MYKO, Bunch of grapes and grain of corn, size 3. Naxos, rev. Bunch of grapes, size 3 (2 var.) ; and Kantharos, size 1, (2 var.), mostly fine and many rare 19 1258 Paros, rev. types, nAPI, Goat kneeling, size 4 ; others (3), Goat / standing, size 4 ; HA, Ear of corn, size 1. Seriphos, rev. types, 7^^^.^-Gorgon head, size 2 ; Gorgon head and harpa, 2EPI, size 4 ; ^ Harpa, sizes 3-2 (3 var.). Siphnos, rev. 21$, Eagle flying, size 3. {/&/ Sf\ Syros, rev. Goat to right or left, 2YPI, sizes 3-2 ; Imperial, Domi- / tian, rev. Two heads, face to face ; between them ear of corn, size 5, rare. Tenos, rev. types, Bunch of grapes, TH (3 var.), size 4 ; Poseidon, THNK2N (2 var.), size 4 ; Trident (2 var.), size 4, mostly fine and scarce 1 END OF SALE. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre, London. BUNBURY COLLECTION. BUNBURY COLLECTION 4 BU NBURY COLLECTION BU N BURY COLLECTION BUN BU RY COLLECTION. 840 840 BU N BURY COLLECTION. BUNBURY COLLECTION. %ri 3 j | ici N77 ,#j <* 1249 BUNBURY COLLECTION. y-7/ w CATALOGUE OF THE BUNBURY COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS. SECOND AND FINAL PORTION ASIA MINOR, AFRICA, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, AuriionEm of liitcrarg property Jfe lltorks illwstratittc of tJtj-c Jfine Arts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, 7th of DECEMBER, 1896, and Five following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, 137, LONG ACRE, LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6^., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend this sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. INTKODUCTION. THIS Catalogue contains a description of the second and final portion of the extensive collection of Greek Coins formed by the late Sir Edward Bunbury. It comprises the various issues of Asia Minor, Africa and the adjacent Islands. Though this series may not include such fine artistic coins as were to be found in the first portion of the Collection, yet it is none the less remarkable. In some districts of Asia Minor such as Caria, Lydia, Phrygia, Pisidia and Cilicia, the coinage was principally of copper ; but even amongst these are very many coins, which are equally as interesting to numismatists as those of the finer metals. As regards completeness this part of the collection is quite equal to the previous one. The series, however, which above all others calls for special notice is that of the Seleucid Kings of Syria. We may safely remark that never before has so fine a series of these coins, both in extent and for condition, been brought together by a private collector. In this respect it can well be compared with those of the Kings of Macedon and of Athens, which formed part of the previous sale. It is well known that Sir Edward Bunbury in his classification of the coins of the Seleucidae was not quite en accord with other numis- matists both of the past and of the present time. In an article which he contributed to the Numismatic Chronicle (Third Series, vol. XIII, pp. 65-107) Sir Edward Bunbury explained the principal points, on which he differed from other writers on the subject. . The difference of opinion was chiefly in the attribution of certain coins to Antiochus III, which had been previously given to his predecessor Antiochus Hierax, and in the classification of the coins generally of the former. It would be quite out of place here to go into any detailed account of Sir Edward's views, beyond stating that he divided the coins of Antiochus III into ( iv ) five principal classes according to the portrait of the King, which in his opinion marked the various issues of the chief districts of his extensive dominions. This classification under classes has therefore been adopted in describing these coins in this catalogue. The other parts of the col- lection will be found to contain a number of very remarkable coins in gold and silver ; and as it would far exceed our limits to enumerate even a small portion of them, we think it better merely to call attention to the seven autotype plates appended to this catalogue, where a selection of the chief rarities are illustrated. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON ft. HODGE. *n-m - w 1 * o A - * = B 5 I 51 s s 3 jes o/Z. iv, 8). Colchis, Hemidrachm(?), B.C. 400, Archaistic female 4 head ; rev. Bull's head to right, wt. 30 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. I, 9), * fine <**# W**~ /'ft/ PONTUS. Bronze. (Bospon), Hea# of Apollo ; Phanagoria (Bospori^ He^a of Apollo ; rev. Lyre with quiver and arrow ; on left, monogram, size 6, very rare ; another, rev. <1>A, Bow and arrow, size 2 D ioscurias (M^ ^^m. fjggv^^^ j/; 2/ KOYPIAA02., Thyrsus, Me 3. Amasia ; rev. Sword m sheath, V^ y AMA22EIA., size 5. Imperial, Caracalla ; rev. Altar ; at the sicteT IT /2 *^s^ ^W/'faw tree; above, CT. C0 (=209), size 8; another, same Emperor; rev.sa^^^y^^ AAP. CGY. AMACIAC. M. N6. 6T. Pn, Tyche holding rudder ancf^ 2 ^ ^ ^eornucopiae ; in field, CT. CH (= 208), mostly fine and rare 6 ^f 4 Amasia, Sept. Severus, Bust of Emperor ; rev. AA. CCY. ANT. ^ ~ AMACIAC. MHT. NEfiKE. HO., Altar on which eagle; on left, ^ ^ ' ?* ,< tree ; below, 6T. CH (= 208) ; Geta, obv. II. C6IITI0C T6T. . ., egg '*- Bust to right ; rev. AAP. C6. ANT. AMACIAC. MHT. NCQK. nPT. /^/|/ /7/nON., same type as last and same date, size 9, both fine and* &* 6, apparently unpublished 2 5 Amisus, rev. types, AMISOY, Eagle on fulmen (2 var.) I Nike ; Cista mystica (4 var.) ; Sword in sheath (2 var.) ; Tri^oa^_aW^size 4 ; / others, Head^of Zeus ; rev. AMffbf , Eagle on fulmen,17ze 8 ; Head ^T ~^y of Pallas ; rev. AMI2QY Perseus, siz e.7 ; Head of Perseus ; rev. Pegasus /^ t ^f drinking, size 5 ; &o^allfine, some scarce 14 . /^ ,6 .Amisus. same types as in last lot, all varied, fine 18 Cabeira ^is^JABHPgN, Nike with palm, size u. X ^^^ Head ofPerseus ; r^/XABACTON, Pegasus drinkii 5. Chabacta^ drinking, size 5 ; Heaa 1 w2!k ^APNAKIAS, Eagle on fulmen (2 var.), Lead of Ares ; rev. HIMQAI2QN, Sword in sheath/\2 varX sizp 4, well preserved, all very scarce 1 1 8 Neocaesarea, Septi mus Severus \riv. KOIN. nO. NCOKAIC. MHTPO. \ *^_ 6T. PMB (= 142), Tempte %rtih five columns, size 9; i|calla: +>t,S.. *i4^ back; in front, altar; in exergue, 6T. PNG (= 155), size 9; another, similar, but size 7 ; Seyenis Alexander^ same type, but cf ^^ date PHT(?) (=163) ; Julia Mamaea frav^TPAIiezOYNTIlUN , * Turreted female head; in field, AIIP (=181), size 7 ; another, * M * , JtrJ ! hhw jti >^*>*c- '^^^^^same legend, Tyche holding rudder and cornucopiae, size 8, unpubA /%&,* 'sZty*** lished, all in fair condition and very rare 6 -**mw - 10 ^/ ^^ / /* in exergue, 6T. PMT (=143), size 8; Uaracalla/; m same^type, ^*e ^V legend, and date, size 8, &oA in good condition and exceedingly *&& Jftujfr rare fa*/ J7 **&+*.**, 2 r- / KINGS OF PONTUS. Silver. 11 Mithradates VI, Eupator, B.C. 121-63, Tetradrachm, Head of king to JZ?, Stag feeding to left; before and behind which is a mono- ttT^/g^Z?^ /gram ; E under legend, and date AK2 (=224), wt. 254 grs. (Hist. --- ^^^-___ Num. p. 428), extremely fine and rare [PI. I] 1 14 Mithradates VI, Eupator, Tetradrachm, same type as last; same -y^f ^ monograms on rev. ; I under legend, date 12 (=219), wt. 256 grs., C^W''" i ^ jz^mely fine and rare 1 15 #rTHRADATES VI, Eupator, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 13; one . ^ -fSj^ f monogram only on rev., which is in front of stag ; B under legend ; 4- ' 2U &L //. M %* This to lot 37 are all electrum coins more or less^de^ased. 20 Rhoemetalces, Stater, same type as the preceding coin ; but no symbol on obv. ; and date on rev. AMY (=441), wt. 120 grs., fine ^^l^u^and scarce 1 21 Rhoemetalces, Stater, same type as lot 19, with club on obv., and date S%4+/ JB rev - EMY (=445), wt. 120 grs., well preserved, scarce 1 **&'& 22^EUPAT0R, A.D. 155-171, Stater, BA5IALUC 6YIIAT0P0C, Bust of king ? to right, diademed ; rev. Busts face to face of Aurelius and Verus ; ' ' between them, sword; below, date NY (=459), wtf. 119 grs. (B. M. ^^ v^^ Cat. pi. xv, 7), well preserved and scarce J> ^^^ j&4'^> xLs I 23 Eupator, Stater, same type as the preceding coin j but on rev. date BHY f tf7& (=462), wt. 119 grs., well preserved 1 ^^ 24 Eupator, Stater, same obv. type as lot 22 ; but club before bust of king ; - / y{ rev - Head of Verus, laureate, to right ; below, date AEY (=464), wt. c^ 119 grs., well preserved, scarce 1 25 SAUROMATES II, A.D. 172-211, Stater, BAICA6UJC CAYPOMATOY, Bust k^&. JZh* ^ of king to right, diademed; rev. Head of Commodus to right, v %^^*^s ^ "J? laureate; before, spear; below, date BOY (=472), wt. 120 grs^x^^ ~ ,, ^/f 6 ^ (B. M. Cat. pi. xv, 11), fine, and a rare variety*^?*? ^~-~ *^~- * 1 ^JU^s/ 26 Sauromates II, Stater, similar to the preceding ; bufr on rev. before jfc % 3 nea d f Commodus large pellet within circle of dots; date ZnY/'^-^^C rf&ffi^ ( =487 )' wt 119 9 r s-,fine 1 27 Sauromates II, Stater, similar obv. type to lot 25; rev. Head of ^VW*- Severus to right, laureate ; before, pellet ; below, date, B4Y ** M- ^CU- a (=492), wt. 119 grs., well preserved SAUROMATES II. 5 28 Sauromates II, Stater, similar type to last coin ; but on rev. before head ^^ -/J?./?" of Severus, star ; below, date rTV (=493), wt. 120 grs., fine 1 29 Sauromates II, Stater, same type and same symbol on rev. as last 4 ^3. ^ coin ) out date ATV (=494), wt. 119 grs., pale eleclrum, fine 1 30 Sauromates II, Stater, usual type, obv. as lot 25 ; rev. Busts of Severus /// and Caracalla face to face, laureate ; between them, trident ; below, (^C^/f date e^Y (=495), wt. 120 grs., fine and rare [PI. I] 1 ^^ 31 Sauromates II, Stater, usual type, obv. as lot 25 ; but on rev. bust of jr^/f Severus to right, laureate; before, trident; below, date HTV * *S (=498), wt. 120 grs., fine 1 32 Sauromates II, Stater, usual obv. type, as lot 25 ; but on rev. Busts of _ Severus and Caracalla face to face, laureate ; between them, sword ; 6 ^ '~)(?-/tsr an ther, same type and date ; but before bust of Cotys, uncertain object, wt. 114 grs. ; others, billon, of ^^Ehescuporis V, A.D. 240-276, BAEIA61UC PHCKOYIIOPIA, Bust f of king diademed ; rev. Bust of Philip I, laureate ; before, club ; below, date CM3> (=546) ; another, similar ; but before bust of Ehescuporis, trident ; and on rev. Bust of Gallienus ; before it, club ; below, date A2$ (=561), in fair condition, all scarce 4 V- ^v (A* <# 6 BOSPOKUS. Bronze. 38 Rhescuporis I, Heads of Tiberius and Rhescuporis, IB on rev., size 5. Cotys I, Heads of Claudius and Agrippina, IB on obv., size 7. Rhescuporis II, Head of king ; rev. Horseman galloping ; below, MH ; Head of king between club and trident ; rev. MH, Nike ; J- A another, similar, no symbols on obv. ; another, Curule chair between 6 ** ' ** sceptre with human head and shield ; rev. MH, in wreath, all size 7. \J/ i+kk Sauromates I, King seated, holding sceptre &c. ; rev. Shield / surrounded by arms, below MH ; others, with head of king on obv. ; and rev. types, MH in wreath ; MH and Nike ; Shield surrounded by various arms &c. ; others, Curule chair, sceptre and shield on obv. ; and rev. types, MH in wreath (2 var.), and Shield surrounded by arms, all size 7, mostly fine, which is unusual for these coins 14 39 Sauromates I, Curule chair &c. ; rev. MH in wreath, as in last lot (2 var.). V^W / Cotys II, Bust of king ; rev. Shield surrounded by arms ; below MH, "^ V size 6 ; others, rev. type, MH in wreath (3 var.), sizes 7, 6, and 5. s^\/? / Rhoemetalces, Bust of king; rev. MH in wreath (4 var.), sizes 6 and 5; / another, rev. MH and Nike, size 6. Eupator, Head of king; rev. MH in wreath ; another, monogram in wreath ; rev. KAnE, Temple, size 5. Ininthimeus, Busts of Ininthimeus and Aphrodite face to face ; rev. Aphrodite seated (2 var.) size 5. Rhescuporis V, Bust of king ; rev. Aphrodite seated to left, size 5, mostly fine, the later pieces very rare 16 PAPHLAGONIA. Silver. 40 Amastris, circa B.c. 300, Stater, Head of Mithras in Persian head-dress, v cXs? / /^ laureate and ornamented with star ; rev. AMASTPIEON, Seated^^, w< ^ > ^_ ^^ (/ %% k> female figure, wearing modius and holding Nike and sceptre ; in-^**^ **6~i field, a rose^fttf. 141 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xix, 4), fine and very rare * f *zS#- [PI. 1\^Z'^ J/w* /i%&,S/V-~ Head of Amazon to left, wearing turreted Stephanos ; x ^tf-^Jv/ t& , above, swastica, wt. 48 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XXI, 1) ; another, sam ^T^ ? *^~ 7^ *y type ; but on rev. monogram of KP under chin of Amazon and above * head, dolphm,^. 53 grs., both fine and scarcl%^^!^^^Z^U ^* 42 Cromna, Tetrobol, samer^ype as the preceding lot, but oeneath chin of / Amazon, bucranium, wt. 53 grs. Sinope, circa B.C. 333-306, Drachm, / /C/^j 24 L Head of Sinope to left; before, aplustre ; rev. 2INO, Sea-eagle on( >fo^ */e - '&*t*t&/4/t 3 / SINOPE. 7 43 SlNOPE, Drachm, same type as last lot with name on rev. ArPE, wt. 92 grs. ; others (2), of lighter standard, similar type, but without aplustre on obv. ; on one specimen AI above eagle, wt. 75 and 69 grs. ; Hemidrachm, Head of Sinope; rev. SlNfi., Eagle facing, wings spread, wt. 48 grs. ; Quarter Drachms (2), same type, but head of ^stf&^y^* *4c - ^Sinope facing, wt. 21 grs. each, well preserved and scarce 6 ^^ y^cA^c' Bronze. 44 Amastris, Head of Pallas in helmet ; rev. AMASTPEfiN, Perseus facing, ^ _ A#f- ~/&' similar, with magistrates' names, MIAHT02, and IIPOEENOS, all *^*.&+-&& r ^ y^7 fine and scarce ^Z*^ ^**&S?****' t *'*t, I ^?y HPAKAElA, in^nat ineuse, containing quadnpaptite square, wt. 26 ^-**. ^^*. oi Jf grs. (B. M. Cat. t l. XXIX, 8) ; Tetrobol^c.jp.^34^d o^op ^**t~jgu ^ <>/. /& Herakles ; beneath, club ; rev. HPAKAEIA, Female bead tcfleffin s ' >??/ turreted sphendone, wt. 54 grs. (ib. pi. XXX, 1) ; l Obol, B.C. 394- *_^- ''Nero ; ret>. N6KAI6 on an altar j^abozewhich, thyrsos^cprnucopiae, z^y^slobe and capricbrn ; arounct^TI^PKYITlQY, #c. (Mb^neffiuppl. no. 417), very fine, all very rare 3 54 Calchedon, Heads^f Elagabalus ; and quiver ; imperial, Traijmiillina; rev. KIAj^Nf Tyche, size 7; another; rev. Two goatsreanng over ainpnora, sizeo; Irelb. Gallus^refl. Zeus seated, size 7. TTiA, ISea^f^u&^re^^AIA, Eagle on f ulmen/^ C\(x-' size 4, wry rare. Heracleia, Salonina'; rev. types, Venus naked, c f^' and Poseidon, size 5. both unpublished, all rare, and mostly well pre- served *^^t^^^^4f^^m^4^*f^^^^Ca^ s&4'~y / * 9 55 NiCAEA, Head of young Dionysos ; rev. EELI TAIOY nAniPIOY, &c. Roma holding Nike, size% ; imperial, Antoninus Pius ; rev. NIKA- IEI2N, Head of lion radiate, size 4 ; M. / r*fr6***/f V Q. Athene, size i,moply fine, all very rare " 6 KINGS OF BITHYNIA. Silver. 57 Prusias I, B.C. 228-180, Tetradrachm, Head of Prusias to right, bearded, diademed; rev. BASlAEfiS IIPOY2IOY, Zeus standing to left _^^^^^ ///a , holding wreath and sceptre ; in field to left, monograms, , ^ ^^t wt. 25 4 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxvn, 2), extremely rare, has been ^*t^s ' oxydised and subsequently cleaned, otherwise well preserved 1 <^'^^ 58 Prusias II, B.C. 180-149, Tetradrachm, Beardless diademed head of ^ygZ,-^! j?ANOY2 NIKOMHAOY, Zeus * <2~*zZ*f ?&s. V l r~- holding wreath &c, as on the preceding coin ; before him, eagle on ^ s^Ss ' s-ffitf J f ulmen and monogram, wt. 256 grs., very rare and fine [PI. I] 1 J<^~Z, ^ss y * # * On account of the youthful head of the king, and from the fact ^ . ' that this coin bears no date, it belongs probably to the first year of ' y' * g? his reign. sf& 60 Nicomedes II, Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding, but the a s portrait of the king is older and the head larger ; and on the rev. y ^ 7 , before Zeus is the date AHP (= 161), wt. 257 grs., very fine and an ^n*^- unpublished date [PI. I] 1 j 61 Nicomedes II, Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but date w ^- ^0 grs., very fine 1 64 TSTicomedes II, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 60, but date on rev. TOP j^f*^ y"2. z 6 ( 173 ^ "* 256 v rs -> ver y fi ne * 65 Nicomedes II, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 60, but date on rev. IIP <~p ^ //f {=180), wt. 255 grs., fine ' - 1 ** ^ fy 10 BITHYNIA. 66 Nicomedes II, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 60, but date on rev. AIIP feX' , , (==,181), wt. 264 grs., very fine 1 Nicomedes II, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 60, but date on rev. EIIP j, jr^ f l = J^85)> w t- 260 grs., very fine 1 '68 Nicomedes II, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 60, but date on rev. ZIIP T-/^ -j^V sz sfrvf^^ 187), wt. 259 grs., well preserved 1 69 Nicomedes II, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 60, but date on rev. 2 ^^4 /& g, (=5_200), wt. 258 grs., fine 1 70 Nicom^d'es III, B.C. 95-74, Tetradrachm, same type as the coin of his ^^ ^V , . father, Nicomedes II, but date on rev. HS (= 208), wt. 248 grs.,*^^ y very well preserved and very rare 1 71 Nicomedes II, Tetradrachm, same type as last coin, but date on rev. N2 -|^ 'y/* " lr t *~ r ' Z ^ =207), wt. 251 grs., well preserved, very rare 1 ,. / I j *** From the Laborde collection. Bronze. 'L 72 Prusias I, B.C. 228-180, Head of Apollo; rev. Nike with shield and wreath, size 8. Prusias II, B.C. 180-149, Head of Dionysos; rev. \/fa&i\ BA2IAEQ2 IIPOY2IOY, The Centaur Cheiron (3 var.), size 5; others, rev. types, Fulmen, Lyre and Herakles, sizes 4-3, all fine and %, rare 8 MYSIA. Silver. /A &*>"' 73 ADRAMYTEUM, Cistophorus, B.C. 133-67. The cista mystica with half-/ open lid, from which issues a serpent ; all within ivy- wreath ; revl /4j Two serpents erect ; between them, bow case ornamented witl aplustre ; on left, monogram of AAP (Adramyteum) ; on right hyrsos ; above, two monograms, wt. 176 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. I, 7) well preserved and very rare IIaW^'**^^ 74 Adramyteum, Cistophorus, similar type to the preceding coin ; but V on rev. to right, diota ; and above, serpents, one monogram, wt. 185 grs., well preserved, very rare, a new symbol 1 75 Atarneus, Cistophorus, same type as lot 73 ; but on rev. above/ f<2 s, serpents, monogram of ATAP (Atarneus) ; and on right, lighted/ 9******~ x *^. ^ / *** From the Whittall collection. 81 Cyzicus, circa B.C. 450, Hecte, Naked satyr kneeling to left and holding ^ > tunny by the tail ; rev. Incuse square of mill-sail pattern, wt. 40 grs. I^S^ &' f*& fine and a very rare type N - ^s>^*>~ J^> *&/?, S/%, \ Silver. 82 Cyzicus, b.c. 400-330, Stater, SOTEIPA, Head of Persephone to left, *&y*e*7<3&~4*i / with corn-wreath and veil; rev. KYII, Head of lion to lef t ; <&f- *>*S< <*"* ^^t^Ay^y. w-S k divided by flaming torch ; above and below, monograms ; all within ^fa? y J 7 -^ ^|/^oak- wreath, wt. 261 grs. (B. M. Cat. vl. x, 1), well preserved and of }/ e ^' <*'3- the highest rarity ~^**/<^f- >*' ^'A// / rev ' ser P en ^' s nea cl CO, and wreath, fine, both rare symbols 2 89 Pergamum, B.C. 200-133, Cistophori, same type as lot 87, but on rev. " / t/) /x mono g ram f HEP to left of serpent, and bunch of grapes to right ; t^j& / c** ' others (2), same, but symbols on rev. leaf, and cup without handle, A placed horizontally, all scarce symbols, well preserved . 3 90 Pergamum, Cistophori, same type and monogram as last lot; but / ,,. symbols on rev. eagle, caduceus, both placed horizontally, and ear of corn, well preserved, but the last piece pierced, scarce 3 91 Pergamum, Cistophori, same type as lot 89, but with symbols on rev. sfrfjj flower, trident, and cup with two handles, the last placed ' (7*' c ** s? horizontally, well preserved and scarce 3 92 Pergamum, Cistophori, same type as lot 89, but with symbols on rev. // race-torch, caduceus, both placed horizontally, and trident, welt*?** ovv * w(* preserved, scarce 3 93 Pergamum, Cistophori, usual type as before ; but on rev. to left of // /K serpents, HEP (mon.); to right, thyrsos ; above, A; another, same, 0%**& but above serpents AP (mon.) ; another, same, but above An and IIPYT (mon.) and star, all fine 3 J94 Pergamum, Cistophori, same as in the preceding lot ; but above ^ serpents, (1) IIPYT (mon.) AS ; (2) IIPYT (mon.) AI ; (3) IIPYT * ' (mon.) KA, all very fine and scarce 3 PERGAMUM. 13 95 Pergamum, Cistophori, same type as lot 93, but above serpents, (1) y^. HPYT (mon.) KT; (2) IIPYT (mon.) TEY; (3) nPYT (mon.), in wreath M02, the first two very fine, the last pierced, scarce 3 96 Pergamum, Cistophorus, B.C. 58-57, same type as lot 93, but above serpents, C. FABI. M. F. PRO. COS. ; and below, magistrate's name, AHM6AC {Num. Chron. 1883, pi. x, 4), well preserved and exceedingly rare 1 97 Pergamum, Cistophorus, B.C. 55-54, same type as lot 93, but above ser- pents, C. PVLCHER PROCOS ; and below magistrate's name, MHNOAtUPOC, well preserved and exceedingly rare 1 98 Pergamum, Cistophorus, B.C. 49-48, The cista mystica with half-open lid, from which issues a serpent ; all within ivy-wreath ; rev. Two y*~ serpents face to face, erect ; between them, legionary eagle ; on left, monogram of IIEP; and around, Q. METELLVS. PIVS. SCIPIO. IMPER., wt. 189 grs. (B. M. Gat. pi. xxvi, 6), very fine and very rare 1 Bronze. * J* eCTa/* 99 The Abbaeti, Head of Zeus ; rev. MYSQN ABBAITQN, Thunderbolt, / size 4. Adramyteum ; rev. types, Forepart of Pegasos, size 3 ; Cor- s^Z*^ /%/ s ^ zes 3-1 ') another. Head of Roma ; rev. Pentagram on shield, size 2. s? Ay Poemaninum, Head of Zeus; rev. IIOIMANHNfiN, Fulmen, size 6. ^55^ " /7 Imperial, Julia Domna ; rev. Serpent around tripod, size 5, unpub- lished. Proconnesusj rev. One-handled vase, size 1, all extremely rare, and mostly well preserved 8 102 Cyzicus, Female head ; rev. KYZIKHNfiN, Tripod (2 var.), sizes 8 and j 6 ; others, Prow ; rev. Bucranium" /within wreath, size 7 ; Bull *-^o%^ f*!//^ hutting; rev. Club, size 5; others, rev. types, Tripod (2 var.), Lyre, p C^ < ** i KYZI in wreath, size 4; Head of Cyzicus; rev. Two staffs, around J \ which are entwined two serpents, size 6 ; another, rev. KYZIKH- ) NfiN N60K0., Pallas, size 6, all fine and scarce 11 14 MYSIA. 103 Cyzicus, Imperial, Commodus ; rev. types, KYZIKHNON N60KOPON, Two staffs, around which are two serpents, size 8 ; Galley, size 7 ; - KYZIKHNON. N60K within wreath, size 7 ; Serpent around staff, *fv size 7 ; Calf, size 5 ; Julia Domna ; rev. Homonoia sacrificing at altar, size 6; Caracalla; rev. KYZIKHNON N60K0. in wreath, size 7 ; Gordian III, similar type, size 8 ; &c, mostly well preserved and scarce 9 104 Germe, Imperial, Trajan; rev. Head of Apollo, size 4 ; Herakles leaning on club, size 4; Gordian III ; rev. 6III API2TO. N6IK. rePMHNON, / j Tyche, size 7. Lampsacus, rev. Forepart of Pegasus, size 4 ; Imperial, *{.{) Caracalla; rev. Female sacrificing at altar, size 5. Pergamum, / rev. Nike (3 var.), size 4 ; Sept. Severus ; rev. nePrAMHNON B. /fasHse**?? N60KOPJ2N, Homonoia sacrificing at altar, size 6, well preserved, some scarce 12 105 Germe, Imperial, Geta ; rev. Apollo with lyre, leaning on column ; behind, serpent on tree, EIII. CTP. TAYKONOS. B. TEPMHNON, J?IAETAIPOY (to jr/l right of type), Athena seated to left, her right hand on shield before /7-7y ?C ' *' ' her, spear in left ; on seat A ; ivy-leaf above her arm ; on right of inscription, bow, wt. 263 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxm, 12), very fine and % very rare [PI. I] 1 / y *** From the^Northwick collection. sftfU6 <^/* /.^ f08 Phile'taerus, TetradracKm, same type as the preceding com, but no letter on seat of Pallas, and in exergue A within circle, wt. 257 grs., f /J L ^y ??} serv jd ^. / ny< : t *** **&*&*/ laureate, hair turned up; rev. Anchor between A and lobster; on -, cj "^^^^^-^T 1 ^ 6 ^ magistrate's name, UOAYANAE, wt. 260 grs. (B. M. Guide, ^^ (/ 4ffr (?& ^ pi" x > 21), fine and of the highest rarity [PI. I] * ^^- 1 ' / J? *** The coins of the above type are now by some numismatists attri- t/flk. Zu&f buted to Ancore in Bithynia, the ancient name of Nicaea, and considered a type parlant. Abydos is the old attribution. y 120 Abydos, circa B.C. 450, Drachm, Gorgoneion; rev. Anchor^between A /$&/ *'*^^ffi / 4 w*^m& lobster, wt. 49 grs., rare ; another, similar, but orlater style, s^^^f/^jffi^**^ & with A to right and lobster to left of anchor, wt. 48 grs., rare; fjfrt'" / V^f / Hemidrachm (?), B.C. 300, Head of Apollo to left, laureate ; rev. ABY, Eagle to left; behind, magistrate's name [II]PQTArOPAS, wt. 38 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. I, 15), well preserved 3 121 ' Abydos, after B.C. 196, Tetradrachm, spread fabric, Bust of Artemis to right, draped, wearing stephane ; bow and quiver at her shoulder - -yZp rev. ABYAHNfiN, Eagle with open wings to right ; before, palm branch ; in exergue, AIIOAAO$ANO[Y] ; all within laurel- wreath,^^^^ wt. 260 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. n, 11), fine and r^^Jj^^^ / 122 Abydos, Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding, but type in higher $^ relief, and on rev. thyrsos before eagle, and in exergue, magistrate's (y ^ name ANAEArOPOY, vjt. 253 grs., well preserved and rare 1 123 Ilium, after B.C. 189, Tetradrachm, Head of Athena to right, wearing crested helmet ; rev. A0HNA2 IAIAAOS, Athena Ilias to right, holding spear and distaff; behind her, monogram; before her, Pegasos drinking ; below, magistrate's name MENEPON02TOY MENE$PON02, wt. 253 grs. (B.M. Cat. pi. XI, 10), very fine but slightly scratched, and very rare ^w^v*- 'ftf^ <-&a^i . 1 Ilium, Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin, but of more spread fabric, and on rev. owl before Athena, and magistrate's j^^U^^me . . THKETOY, wt. 237 grs., much oxydised, rare ****" ^****p y # 125 Tenedos, after B.C. 189, Tetradrachm, of later style, Janiformed head ; " /*//) C^ ev - TENEAK2N, Double axe ; on left, bunch of grapes and mono- c ^4& "~ ^a,-***^ <^*^ Silver. LOT . -^&r*m., y/,s ^~p *y J^^ Cyme, circa, B.C. 250, Stater, Head of Cyme to right, bound with ! -^c^f- ~^// fillet; hair turned up behind; rev. KY above Horse, which raises v **^^Jd.j^f*2^/$' f * ts ^ f re_ l e g 5 below, two monograms, wt. 162 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. ^-e^^&l^+tfr' {&*Jypl- xx, 16), fine and exceedingly rare [PL II] 1 132 Cyme, after B.C. 190, Tetradrachm, Head of Cyme to right, similar to X the preceding ; rev. KYMAION, Horse to right, left fore-leg raised ; ^^ ty fr before it, one-handled cup ; in exergue, KAAAIA2 ; all within laurel- y^-v^r wreath, wt. 243 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxi, 4), very fine and scarce / ' [PL II] 1 133 Cyme, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding, but on the rev. one- / /4 a^ handled cup under horse and magistrate's name, 4>IAOAOE02, fl^^ * wt. 243 grs., well preserved and scarce 1 134 Cyme, Tetradrachm, similar to the last coin, but varying slightly in /'/j, -y the details on the rev. ; magistrate's name, AM rev. MYPINAION, Apollo Gryneus to right, holding patera and fA^i/'fr-v lustral branch; before him, omphalos and amphora; on left, IIA f. Cat. pi. xxvn, 2),Jine and scarce^ 1 type as the preceding coin, but monogram \ (f~ on rev. KA, wt. 242 grs., well preserved 1 137 Myrina, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 135, but on rev. to left are three monograms, wt. 239 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. xxvii, 4), very fine and a rare variety [PL II] 1 (/ZeaJy D p Bronze. 138 Aegae; rev. Goat's head, size 3. Cyme; rev. types, Horse walking; / Eagle ; Cup ; Forepart of horse, all small sizes ; Imperial, Head of (-^L ot- ~ Cyme turreted ; rev. types, Tyche ; Isis Pelagia on ship ; Kiver-god ; {jdt.'njfc Hermes, &c, size 6, mostly in good condition, some scarce 16 /* J^-f r %^ ELAEA, ETC. 19 139 Elaea, Head of Athena; rev. Corn-grain in wreath, size 3 ; others, rev. types, EA in wreath ; EAAITQN, Torch, all in corn-wreath, size 3. MYRINA; rev. Amphora, MYPI (3 var.), sizes 3-1. Neon- jlc tichos; rev. Owl, NE, size 1. Temmos; rev. Pallas holding Nike, size 4 ; Imperial, Turreted head of city ; rev. Tyche, size 3. Eresus, Head of Hermes: rev. EPE2I, Ear of corn and grapes, size 4. Mytilene ; rev. types, Terminal figure of Dionysos ; Lyre ; Tripod, &c, sizes 4-2, mostly well preserved, some very scarce 20 140 Aegae, Severus ; rev. Emperor in quadriga, Air AGON, size 9, unpub- /u lished; Sev. Alexander; rev. Pallas, size 8 (Mionnet, Suppl. no 15). >L(/'/v Cyme, Gallienus; rev. Isis holding sistrum and sceptre, size 7 /frz^/L^/ (*& n0 - 79) : another, rev. Naked figure and horse, KYMAK2N, size 5 ; Valerian Sen. ; rev. Figure standing in temple and holding disk above his head, size 8 (Mionnet, no. 78). Myrina, Caracalla ; rev. Female figure standing front and sacrificing at altar, MYPA1NAIQN, size 9, unpublished, mostly well preserved, all rare 6 Mectrum. / %?S4p**r* 141 Lesbos, Hecte, circa B.C. 480-440, Lion's head; rev. Calf's head incuse, /^. pi. xxxii, 10), both fine and scarce 2 /1 42 Lesbos, Hecte, B.C. 440-350, Head of Apollo ; rev. Female head in incuse square, wt. 39 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxiv, 2) : another, Head ^. of Apollo ; rev. Female head, hair in saccos ; behind, serpent, ' , / nnear square, hair in knot, wt. 39 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxiv, 4); * ( ^/ d..j6 4 is^ n 9^ ner > Head of Hermes in petasos ; rev. Panther in linear square, J** 4 ^ w t. 40 grs. (ib. pi. xxxiii, 11), both fine and scarce 2 144 Lesbos, Hecte, B.C. 440-350, Head of Apollo; rev. Female head in r$* ^ linear square, wt. 39 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxiv, 1); another, Head C& ?f " , of Zeus Ammon ; rev. Eagle looking back, in linear square, wt. 40 grs. (ib. pi. xxxiv, 22), the first well preserved, the second fine 2 45 Lesbos, Hecte, B.C. 440-350, Head of Ares; rev. Female Head in ? t linear square, wt. 38 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XXXIV, 9), well preserved ; &<& ,&/' /* pi. xxx, 20) ; another, similar type, 170 grs., both fine 2 148 Lesbos,' Stater, same type as last lot, wt. 172 grs\; Half -Stater, Head ^r^ / st _^ of calf to left; rev. Small incuse square, wt. 83 grs., both fine 2 Silver. 149 Mytilene, b.C. 400-300, Stater, Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; ; jrev. MYTI, Lyre with fillet ; on left, plectrum, wt. 168 grs. (B. M. Cat. jpl- xxvn, 21), fine and extremely rare [PI. II] " * -^ yxf~ 1 *** From the Northwick collection. 150 Cjraus. Diobol, RCU 500-480, Two boars' heads face to face, KI0I; rev. Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 28 grs. Methymna, .Triobol, y^y m MA0Y,' Lyre ; on ,/ circa B.C. 300, Head of Pallas in helmet ; rev. MA0Y, Lyre , //. /f^ left, dolphin, wt. 43 grs. MytilenEj Triobol, B.C. 350, Head of Sp^jb, Apollo laureate; rev. MYTI, Lyre; -"on left, fulmen, wt. 40 grs. ; sp J another, but symbol on rev. caduceus, wt. 42 grs. Clazomenae * (Ioniae), Drachm, circa B.C. 350, Head of Apollo three-quarter face ; rev. KAA, Swan to left, magistrate's name, ANTISANJIS, WL64 grs., allfine and scarce ^,^*&#i*a^ r ^ ^^ S Bronze. ^ 151 Mytilene, Faustina Jun. (?) ; rev. MYTAIAHNION, Female figure seated, size 7 ; Caracalla ; rev. Emperor crowned by Nike, size 10 ; i * Valerian ; rev. Tyche holding patera and term seated ; in exergue, ^^f ' * / MYTIAHNAION, size 8 ; Gallienus ; rev. Artemis running ; at her ri // /of ee K dog (Mionnet, no. 185), allfine and rare 4 IONIA. Electrum. 152 Clazomenae, B.C. 450, Hecte, Forepart of winged boar; rev. Incuse / . of lion's head, wt. 39 grs. {see B. M. Cat., Lesbos, pi. xxxi, 7), fine *v-^ 7 % ^ aru ^ rare * / >#^* The attribution of this coin to Lesbos (see B. M, Cat. l. c.) is open to doubt ^**v^ S/te&S^J.,^ Jfc*Jy **wy}S. fa vi CLAZOMENAE. 21 Silver. 153 Clazomenae, B.C. 500, Didrachm, Forepart of, winged boar to right j &. ilf. Ui. $. vi, p; another, "V? -^x same type, but rev. Incuse square, w. 104 -ANTI$ANH2, wt. 63 grs. Kolophon, Drachm, B.C. 350, Head of ^f&r ** ^ / Apollo, to right, laureate, hair rolled; rev. KOAO$>QN, Lyre ; all in s^ t ^ ^ ,* {J%/mi/3 '*inj8use square, wt. 85 grs. (B. M. Cat. pLyjeii, 2), well preserved, both ^s ia^*^ rare, especially the second coin / *'* * **&" 2 156 Ephesus, B.C. 387-295, Tetradrachm, E3>, Bee with straight wings; ^/^j^y ^irev. Forepart of stag kneeling to right, looking back ; behind, palm- ^/ r ^J > ? & 0'S* tree; magistrate's name, MNH2I$IA02, wt. 233 grs. (Hist. Num. ^ \&i ^ ,'z ^W 4 ftn j >^495) ; another, similar, but magistrate's name, ILYArOPH2, -^~~^^<^:^ v wt. 231 grs., both fine and scarce 2 "^ ^v 157 Ephesus, Tetradrachms, same* type as the preceding lot; but with ^ ?" *jfr magistrates' names, KAYTI02 and E0EA0QN, wt. 230 grs. each, /c / Ajdr well preserved 2 '~p EPHESUS^-Tetradrachms, same type as lot 156; but magistrates' ^^ / ^ fern^sfWASYMHAHS and KOMH2, wt. 224 grs. each, in fair '* ^Ajmrttimdition 2 15y Ephesus, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 156; but magistrate's name, J^^ y / AIOTIM02, wt. 231 grs., well preserved ; Octobol, same type, hut^^,.^:^^^ ^^ V'7- / magistrate's name, AATOKAHS (?), wt. 11 grs., well preserved Y^^f^- " <#**, fj Drachm, B.C. 480-450, E$, Bee; rev. Incuse square, wt. 51 grs. ^^, Bee ; rev. Stag standing to right / / /^ before a date-palm tree; magistrates' names, BIANQP, AHMHTPI02, pCSj , MHTPA2, IIAPMENI2K02 and IIAATON, average wt. 64 grs. &&*&"$. M. Cat. pi. xi, 4), all fine 5 / 164 Ephesus, circa B.C. 150, Cistophorus, The cista mystica with half -open J^k^ 7 ' lid, from which issues serpent ; all within ivy- wreath ; rev. Two '&<> * // 77 //7 coiled serpents erect ; between them, bow case ornamented with 't''/ <^ ' aplustre ; on right, E$E ; on left, female head (B. M. Cat. pi. xn, 1) ; /^s^/^thers, same type, but with symbols, bee in wreath and man ft kneeling on base (B. M. Cat. pi. xn, 1), all fine and scarce 3 *+* The average weight of these and the following pieces is 195 grs. 165 Ephesus, Cistophori, same type as the preceding lot ; but with symbols f'J./f on rev. stag standing in front of date-palm tree, Artemis and hound, (s -v^-w and palm-tree, all fine and scarce 3 ^ / left; sword caseC?) with strap and date IIA (=81) to left; above, ^^^^ ^tC */, & c. pvlchri procos. ; below, AAEEANAP., in fair preservation, J^s& extremely rare 1 *** C. Clodius Pulcher was proconsul in Asia, B.C. 55-54. 175 Ephesus, Half-Cistophorus or Didrachm, B.C. 202-133, Lion's skiru_- <^^-^>^v* hanging over club ; all within wreath ; rev. E3>E, Bunch of grapes , on vine-branch, wt. 89 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. ~K.il, 3), well preserved; ' Quarter Cistophorus or Drachm, same type ; but on rev. E< and */4^ ^^^^^ figure -of Diana (?) to right of vine-branch, wt. 46 grs. (ib. pi. xii, 5), ' fine, both excessively rare 2 *** No. 2 from the Wigan collection. 176 Ephesus, Tetradrachm or Medallion of Claudius, Head of Claudius /i ^\a~^ to left. TI - CLAVD. caes. AVG. ; rev. Tetrastyle temple with figure ^gz of Artemis, between DIAN. EPHE., wt. 173 grs., very fine and rare ^'**& ^> 1 177 Ephesus, Didrachm of Nero, Head of Nero to right, laureate, . NEPtUNOC KAICA[POC 2E]BA2T ; rev. AIAPAXMON, Simpulum ^^ *> and lituus, below, EPr(?) wt. 116 grs. (var. B. M. Cat.pl. xm, 4), ^/72e^Lupell preserved and very rare *^<**t - 2^w o^ l 178 Ephesus, Drachm of Nero, Head of Nero, &c, same as the preceding . . coin ; rev. APAXMH, TripodU abom EPr (1), ivt. 54 grs. (B. M. '' ' *""' Cat. pi. xm, 5) ; and D^n^uToi^espasiamBust of Emperor ; ^^ rev. AVG epe in wreath, wt. 50 grs., the lasTfiw? 'tfie l $fst well pre- served, both very rare 2 179 Erythrae, b.c. 480, Didrachm, Naked horseman cantering to right; ^^wT^*^^.^ / rev. Eough incuse square, wt. 109 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xv, 1) ; &t>*S<&' *~*>y * '/^"~" Drachm, Naked man holding horse, walking to left; rev. EPY0, *&?*. 3&^S -**2 Stellate flower; all in incuse square, wt. 72 grs. (ib.pl. XV, 3), botli^**^ ***+**+ * very fine ; and Diobol, Pegasos to right ; above, pileus ; below, A ; rev. same as last, wt. 21 grs., well preserved and all rare 3 24 IONIA. 180 Erythrae, B.C. 387-300, Tetradrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin ; rev. EPY, Club and bow in case ; between them, 3>AN- ^>f y ,~^NOEMI2; in field, owl and monogram, wt. 218 grs. (B. M. Cat. ^ pi. xv, 9), fine and exceedingly rare '^Z*^ ^^^z'^*' 1 /k /?/ *** From the Merlin collection. ^*^&4 3+UfJfcf>*'-*^ 181 Eryt^hrae, Drachms, same type as the preceding coin, but with-magis- /y trates' names, ABPfiN; AIIEAAA2, owl in field; AIONY2I02, ^ c^S'/V Qwl in field and kantharos . ASKAHHIAAH2 AHMAA02, bird, ^ all fine, the last rare x S2/* 4 182 ERYTHRAE/Drachms, same type as lot 180 ; magistrates' names, AIONY- /y 2102, in field, owl and kantharos; API2TEA2, owl in field; s? c'''f AIOIIEI0H2, owl ; $ANN0EMI2, owl and monogram, all fine, *''* the last scarce 4 y y 183 Heracleia ad Latmum, circa B.C. 190, Tetradrachm, Head of Athena cs&Stn <*y "J j to right, in crested helmet, adorned with the foreparts of five horses 'J5^^2S*Z /? C and Pe S asos i rev - HPAKAEfiTfiN, Club to right ; below, Nike and tj ^C/z^i/^^/'yi * wo mono g rams ; all within oak-wreath, wt. 238 grs. (B. M. Cat. S^. 4 wearing stephane; behind shoulder, bow and J&/&. Sffs* ^AS^J^tyffiffi* > rev - MATNHTON, Apollo standing to left on maeander <^4j&> Jwiy*,^/*-^/' ^jf' pattern, filleted branch in right hand, left elbow rests on tripod ; * ^ J***/'** * 1 ^^~>^^y.^^j% 9 ^ m the Neligan collection. 187 Magnesia ad Maeandrum, after B.C. 190, Tetradrachm, same type as / - the preceding coin and with same magistrate's name, wt. 250 grs., ol%? - If also extremely fine and without the flaw on the rev. 1 MILETUS. 25 Electrum. 188 Miletus, circa B.C. 550, Third-Stater, Head of Lion to right with open ^y^^fy^^^^. / jaw; rev. Oblong incuse, divided into two parts, wt. 73 grs., very Ir/** ^^gl- ?C^ *S fine and rare 1 ^ff^ 189 Miletus, Third-Stater, similar type to the preceding coin, but on the r obv. above lion's head, sun ; and on the rev. is a rough incuse square, wt. 73 grs., fine and rare 1 190 Miletus, circa B.c. 500, Hecte, Head of lion to left with open jaw ; rev. Eough incuse square, wt. 40 grs., fine and scarce 1 ^*t Silver. ^ TTorninnrnviiie T~)rar>Inn TToarl rvf lirn r C^/ *%> 191 Miletus, circa b.c. 391, Time of Hecatomnus, Drachm, Head of lion with open jaw ; above EKA ; rev. Incuse square containing orna- , mented star, wt. 65 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxi, 5) ; another, similar, & without legend on obv., same wt. ; Diobols (3), Head of lion ; rev. Star as on last piece, average wt. 1 8 grs. ; and Phocaea, Diobol, Head of Athena in helmet, to left ; rev. Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 18 grs., all fine and scarce 7 J* 192 Miletus, Stater, B.C. 250-190, Head of Apollo to left, laureate; rev. Lion standing to left looking back ; above, sun ; before, two mono- f!%r& ^ grams; below, EIIIKPATpS, wt. 163 grs. (BUM. Cat.pl. xxi, 13), well preserved and rare * : Z%iy6r <**Lt*~*S, si.~* &+ ^ \S.Jl '-. i 193 Miletus, Didrachms, similar type to the preceding, but on rev. magis- trates' names, BA2IAEIAH2 and IAI2K02, wt. 98 and 77 grs., the r first fine, the other well preserved 2 C^<^ < 194 Miletus, Didrachm, B.C. 300-250, same type as lot 192 ; but magis- trate's name, AAMA2IA2 ; Drachm, circa B.C. 350, Head of Apollo ; 7 ? rev. Lion looking back ; above, star ; below, 0EOIIPOIIO2, wt. 54 grs. ; and Hemidrachms (2), same type, with magistrate's name, EYIIOAI2, wt. 25 grs. each, well preserved and scarce 4 Electrum. PhOcaea, circa B.C. 400, Hecte, Head of Omphale in lion's skin ; rev. Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 39 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. v, 5), fine ^^ 9*'* .and scarce &Xi^^*&A*SJi ^L*fp^3r v , 1 ~ 96 Pitocaea, Hecte, Head of Pallas to left in crested helmet ; rev. Quadri- <^ partite incuse square, wt. 40 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. V, 2), fine and scarce 1 ^ 26 IONIA. Silver. j^ s^ 197 Priene, circa B.C. 250, Drachm, Head of Athena Polias in round crested *^* J%W^&'/*^- helmet to left; rev. IIPIH, Trident; below, magistrate's name, *J& 2'A 9 '/%$ / AY ^ Aro 5 a11 in m aeander border, wt. 53 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxiv, *^** cy d>? t *) Triobol, same type and same magistrate's name, wt. 26 #rs. ^^ * ' (ib. pi. xxiv, 6), both fine and exceedingly rare 2 / 198 Smyrna, b.c. 190-133, Tetradrachm, Head of Kybele to right, turreted ; /- / /jf^ rev. IMYPNAION ; below, monogram of TEY; all in oak wreath, ^ wt. 248 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 509), fine and rare 1 s? 199 Smyrna, B.C. 190-133, Tetradrachm, Head of Kybele, as on the pre- b ' c - 394 - 300 > Drachm, Griffin to right with pointed wing; left t^t^ift^Z***. ^t^^M2 re ^ e ^ ra * se d > rev ' Quadripartite incuse square, the divisions of i ^ c p^ p \yj2^/ which are inscribed THION ATNON ; surface granulated, wt. 54 grs. 7 , (B. M. Cat. pi. xxx, 10) ; another, same obv. type ; rev. THI, Kan- O tharos ; below, API2TON, wt. 54 grs. (ib. pi. xxx, 13) ; and Diobol, same types but magistrate's name on rev. AIOrENHS, wt. 22 grs., all Y/// fine and very rare, especially the first piece 3 >* CLAZOMENAE. 27 Bronze. 207 Clazomenae, Head of Pallas to right or facing ; rev. Ram to right, magistrates' names, APMI2 and LTY0EO2, size 4 ; others, rev. types, Anaxagoras seated (2 var.), size 4 ; KAAZOMENON in quadripartite ' / square, size 3 ; Ram recumbent or standing, sizes 3-2 (3 var.) ; K in ^J^ linear square, size 2 ; Imperial, Sabina ; rev. Aesculapius, size 5 ; and Valerian ; rev. Female with turreted head-dress seated, 0EA KAAZ0M6NH, size 7, all fine, some scarce 13 J*/ &z 208 Colophon ; rev. types, Horseman ; Apollo with lyre, KOA03>fiNIQN (2 var.), all size 4 ; Forepart of horse, size 2 ; Imperial, Otacilia Severa; rev. Cultus image of Artemis (Mionnet, Suppl. no. 166), 'size 7. Ephesus, Bee ; rev. Stag and palm-tree ; another, rev. Stag kneeling, size 5 ; Imperial, Commodus ; rev. Carpentum drawn by two horses, 6eCmN IIPfiTON ACIAC, size 11; Gallienus; rev. Artemis and sklepios, size 10 (not in Mionnet), very fine, all extremely rare 3 211 Erythrae, Head of Herakles ; rev. Quiver and club, with various magistrates' names (12 var.), size 5 ; others (6) with name of magis- <^V ' / jf~ trat e and of city across field in four lines, size 3 ; another, rev. . Modius with corn, 6PY0PAIQN, size 4, all well preserved, an /$**&&* 'interesting series 19 212 Gambrium, Head of Apollo ; rev. Star, TAM (3 var.), size 3. Heracleia, Julia Domna ; rev. Tetrastyle temple, size 8 (Mionnet, Suppl. no. 979) ; ^^another, rev. Female figure holding torch (1) size 5. Magnesia ; rev. /v types, Bull butting ; Statue of Artemis, size 3 ; Imperial, Caracalla ; /y / rev. Tetrastyle temple, size 7 ; Gordian III ; rev. Ram before conical building (Mionnet, Suppl. no. 1112), size 9; another, rev. Three Graces, size 8, all fine 11 fee 28 IONIA. 213 Metropolis, Julia Domna; rev. Kybele seated, size 8; Salonina; rev. Tyche of city holding figure of Emperor, size 7. Miletus ; rev. Lion crouching, MIAHCIQN, size 4. Phocaea, Head of Hermes ; rev. C *j Griffin, size 4 ; Dog seizing dolphin, size 4 ; Imperial, Bust of a ' ^ Senate ; rev. types, Serapis seated ; Prow and caps of Dioscuri ; '^r Otacilia Severa : rev. Poseidon, size 5. Phygela ; rev. Bull butting, sizes 4, 2 and 1 (3 var.) ; and Priene ; rev. Tripod &c, mostly fine, some scarce 14 214 Magnesia, Geta ; rev. Temple seen in perspective, OMON01A. / MArNHTON, size 10, unpublished. Phocaea ; rev. Isis Pelagia in fc^f y^^/. *f vessel, size 8 ; Imperial, Caracalla ; rev. River-god seated ; below, <&OKAeON, size 10 ( Mionnet^ no. 868), all extremely rare and mostly well preserved '"fy 1 3 215 Smyrna; rev. types, Homer seated (3 var.) with magistrates' names, y^y size 5 ; Aphrodite Stratonikis holding Nike (2 var.) ; Homer seated ^y anotner > similar, but Amazon holds temple and bipennis. & y^Aj, ajnphora surmounted by bunch of grapes ; rev. Quadripartite incuse ^^^^e- fat ^cxyt/fsqxxaxQ, wt. 237 grs. (B. M. Gat.pl. xxxijl 2), fine and extumely rare ^^^ ^^-^^ ^^ V From the Whittall collection. 222 Chios, B.C. 490, Drachm, same type as the preceding coin, but no ,. /f grapes above amphora, which is much smaller, wt. 121 grs. (B. M. yy%f Cat. pi. xxxii, I), fine and very rare 1 223 Chios, Drachm, same type as the last piece, wt. 120 grs. ; Tetrobol, _. y similar, but bunch of grapes above amphora, wt. 40 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxii, 5), both fine and rare 2 224 Chios, Drachm, of later style, with amphora surmounted by grapes before sphinx on obv. ; and on the rev. the surface of the square is granulated, wt. 55 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi xxxii, 7) ; another, similar, t^f* with magistrate's name, IIANOKAH2 on rev., wt. 52 grs. ; another, rj after B.C. 84, Sphinx seated to left ; before it, bunch of grapes ; rev. XIOS, Amphora ; on left, cornucopiae ; on right, AEPKYA02 ; border of dots, wt. 55 grs. (ib. pi. xxxii, 12), all fine and scarce 3 225 Samos, B.C. 494-439, Tetradrachm, Lion's scalp; rev. Bull's head to jgsj.^ ^ ^ , right in incuse square, wt. 202 grs. (B. M..Cqt. pi. xxxiv, 9), very ' finejmd very <*>*#**- * **> #&-' <^ J *^^ *-*?%<& 226 ^Samos^.C. 439-394, Tetradrachm, Lion's scalp ; rev. 2A above fore _//<. part of bull to right ; behind, olive-branch ; all in incuse square, ////t wt. 201 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxv. 1). extremely fine and very rare <^*&**>< jf 4*. & 227 SAmos, Tetradrachm, s?raie type as the preceding coin, but before fore- y *~~- p ar t f k u u on reVi jj #j w ^ 204 grs., fine and rare 1 ^^ 228 Samos, B.C. 394-365, Tetradrachm, Lion's scalp; rev. 2A before forepart of bull to right ; above, magistrate's name, IIPOTHS j on ^^^p left, olive-branch ; all in shallow incuse square, wt. 229 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxv, 14), very fine and rare ZZzy^. #az^* *6~A 4 4 * c^^^V^ 30 ISLANDS OF IONIA. 231 232 //y Bronze. / 2 234 Chios, Sphinx seated; rev. Diota with various magistrates' names, /f symbols and monograms, all fine 13 235 Chios, Three Assaria Pieces, Sphinx seated, ACCAPIA TRIA ; rev. /s types, Apollo and Dionysos standing (2 var.); Diota in wreath, ' .XION ; Two Assaria Pieces, Sphinx seated ; rev. types, Diota in ^^ffi^^ wreath ; Naked figure facing, sizes 9 and 7, all fine and scarce 5 236 Chios, Three Assaria Piece and Two Assaria Pieces (3), similar to Klli^ ^ as ^ ^' ^ ut ^ ar 8 e Diota on one of the latter pieces; and One / and a Half Assaria ; rev. Two thyrsi crossed, ACCAPION HMV., all fine and scarce 5 237 Chios, Sphinx seated ; rev. Homer seated, size 3. Oenoe, Head of Dionysos ; rev. OINAION, Bunch of grapes, size 4. Samos, Head /. /$ of Hera ; rev. Lion's scalp (4 var.), size 2. Imperial, Augustus ; rev. Peacock, 2AMION, size 3 ; Commodus ; rev. Statue of the Samian Hera, CAMION, size 3, all fine and very rare 9 o& & 229 Samos, Tetradrachm, same type as the last coin, but on rev. magistrate's ^r/?,^ name, HTH2IANAE, and under bull, monogram of HA in a circle, <=-^|? c ^ y ^j^^r^t. 232 grs., fine and rare 1 230 Samos, Tetradrachm, same type as last coin and same monogram on /~?^//*v^ rev., but the magistrate's name reads HTH2I only, wt. 232 grs., fine and rare 1 Samos, b.c. 494-439, Drachm, Forepart of winged boar to left ; rev. Lion's scalp in incuse square, wt. 46 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxiv, 16); another, similar, but boar to right, and on rev. Lion's scalp within dotted circle, wt. 44 grs. (ib. pi. xxxiv, 17) ; another, Attic standard, Lion's scalp ; rev. 2AMI, Forepart of bull to right ; under head, olive-branch ; all in incuse square, wt. 64 grs. (ib. pi. xxxv, 1 2) ; //->/' another, Ehodian standard, similar to last ; but on rev. 2A, and monogram under bull's head ; and above, HiTHSIA, wt. 55 grs. (ib. pi. XXX, 15) ; Diobol, Forepart of winged boar; rev. A2., Lion's head to right, wt. 20 grs. ; and Obol, Lion's scalp ; rev. Bull's head to left, wt. 9 grs., all fine and somewhat rare 6 Samos, B.C. 322-205, Didrachm, Lion's scalp ; rev. Forepart of bull to ght ; below, 2A and olive-branch ; above, magistrate's name, AAEEH2, wt. 98 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. XXXVI, 1) ; One-and-a-Half Drachm, Lion's scalp within dotted circle ; rev. 2AMK2N, Forepart /fcZ^f bull to right; below, olive-branch and amphora, wt. 67 grs. (ib. pi. xxxvi, 6), both very fine and rare 2 233 Samos, Didrachms, same type as that in previous lot ; but on rev. magistrate's names, AEONTI2K02, EPMOAIK02 and AAEEH2, all well preserved and rare 3 Tzc &o ^^ 4 SAMOS. 31 238 Samos, Geta ; rev. Temple with statue, CAMION, size 8 ; Julia Maesa ; rev. CAMIfiN, Tyche, size 8 ; Gordian III ; rev. Statue of Hera and ^y //^ Nemesis, CAMIfiN, size 9, pierced ; Gordian III ; rev. Tyche, size 8 ; -&? Philip II ; rev. River-god, Imbrasos, seated, size 6, all fine and rare 5 <*& 239 Samos, Otacilia Severa ; rev. CAMIfiN, Warrior with shield, foot on prow, size 8 ; Trajan Decius ; rev. Same type as last, size 7 ; Etruscilla ; rev. IIY0ArOPHC. CAMIfiN, Pythagoras seated before pillar with globe, size 8 ; Valerian ; rev. CAMIfiN, Cultus statue of Hera (2 var.), size 7, all fine and rare 5 CARIA. Silver. 240 Alabanda, under the name of Antiochia, B.C. 197-189, Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; rev. ANTIOXEfiN, Pegasos ^^f^^yP ""' galloping to right ; below, magistrate's name, AHMIITPI02, wt. 248 grs. (Mionnet, Suppl.pl. VII, 1), slightly broken at edge, *> <*& ^ntfT^o^rit ^'* ^/*s *^^V. _- rare 241 Antiochia adMajiandrum, b.c. l^^rJchinjHea^of Apollo; rev. ANTIOXfifi^^^^'buft'wTeH; be^w^&aSer and AIIOA, wt. 55 grs., rubbed. Aphrodisias and PLAKASA,J)rachm, Bust of ~ j * ' _ yyi / ^^7 Aphrodite veiled; rev. IIAAPASEfiN, &c, Eagle/ on /fulmen; ^ $, /// hehmd., cornucopiae ; before, MYfiN. KAAAIIIOY, wt. 48 grs. Halicarn^^s, Obd Heaiof Apollo facing ; rev. Head of Pallas ; ts& tf-Jfetf behind, spear, wt. \$/aHp*^Yyik, Drafihm, jjeadpf Pan facing - rev. IAYMION, Fig^Teaiwith'in incuse square, wtTo2 grs. ; all very rare, mostly fine 4 242 Cnidus (?) circa b.c. 650, Stater, Forepart of lion to left; O on shoulder ; rev. Incuse square divided in centre by straight line, ^/f? ^ *4. ^ wt. 171 grs., very fine and very rare 1 243 Cnidus, B.C. 650-550, Stater, Head of lion to right, mouth open ; rev. AAjj Head of Aphrodite to right, of Archaic style, within incuse square, -^ ^ r, //v 1 wt. 180 grs., well preserved and of the highest rarity, apparently unpub- " ^JLlished 1 ^Jr V From the Whittall collection. 244 Cnidus, b.c. 550-500, Drachm, Head of lion to right ; rev. Head of Aphrodite to right in incuse square, wt. 97 grs. ; another, similar, ^ j? jj/yf/^ with KNI around head on rev., wt. 94 grs. ; another, similar, with head on rev. to left; no legend, wt. 95 grs., all very fine 3 & ^ 32 CAKIA. 245 Cnidus, Drachm, as in last lot, with rev. Head of Aphrodite, KNI, wt. 94 grs. ; another, circa B.C. 400, Head of lion ; rev. KNIAK2N, ^z Head of Aphrodite to right, hair turned up, wt. 57 grs., very rare ; > y / another, B.C. 250, Head of Aphrodite to right, wearing stephane ; Zs^z rev. KNI, Lion's head ; magistrate's name, EYMEAON, wt. 47 grs.; another, similar, but magistrate's name, AYTOKPATH2, well pre- served and scarce 4 246 Cnidus, Drachm, of early style, Head of lion ; rev. Head of Aphrodite, in incuse square, wt. 97 grs. Mynbus, Drachm, Head of Zeusj ^ / rev. MYNAION, Head-dr^fT s rsfcAt^ Sjratonicea, Hemidrachm, HeacLof Hekate>: rey.VTPA, Nike to/ '/ ngnt, wt. 20 grs. ; another, of earlier dale, remale head to leti;Hv. Z//f *" STPATO . . ., Tripod, wt. 22 grs., all very rare, well preserved, the last ^^ (^JUf^Jr^f/f unpublished 4 247 Tabae, Drachm, temp. Nero, Head of Herakles to right ; rev. APTE- Mf2N nAniOY [AP] TABHNON, Cultus statue of Artemis facing (y^^f y^/ // between crescent and star, wt. 43 grs. ; another, similar, but on the c y ' ^ rev. Artemis standing to left, holding torch and bow ; same legend, ..^S^****/^. 34 grs-well preserved and both of the highest rarity ^2 <^> Bronze. 248 Alabanda, Caracalla ; rev. AAABANA6f2N, Lyre, size 6, very fine ; / another, rev. Laurel-branch, size 7. Antiochia, Gallienus ; rev. -///I View of bridge and the Maeander, ANTIOX612N (Mionnet, no. 97), t^f M/> frft 1 ) ' s e ^ > Salonina; rev. River-god seated, size 6 (ib. no. 100). ^ / Aphrodisias and Plarasa, Female head; rev. Eagle, IIAAPA A66), well w ^Y '' '" and spear, walking to right, wt. 229 grs. LtList. Num. p. 566), wetl <*rir*+*f p^ preserved, rare ^ff^W * cffcZ&Z^ SX.S. V^^^y^., J&J& &S^ ^ (A^**/? wi - 235 grs. (B, M. Guide, pi. xx, 38), extremely fine and rare in this -^^< ^j^- state [PL II] 1 ^X *x* From the Merlin collection. 272 Rhodes, Tetradrachm, same type and style as the preceding coin, but /^^ on rev. to right of rose, owl, and below to left, 2, wt. 236 grs., fine tfig.^ &^t. 4*~*S ' rf&ZZ. a Vd rare WvC <^e^^ y **^ *** From the Whittall collection. *+* ^zg^fS^^ 273 Rhodes, circa B.C. 250, Tetradrachm, Head of Helios facing towards c left of rose, fulmen and A, wt. 102 grs., both fine and scarce of this Z^-S" issue /^^y 2 277 Rhodes, Bidrachm, same type, symbol &c. as the first piece in the fieJl /, preceding lot, wt. 107 grs. ; Drachm, same type, but on rev. the rose V % ** * * has two buds ; to right I, wt. 51 grs. ; and Hemidrachm, same type, // ^ Ut ^ e ^ ow rose P0 an( i to ^ e ^ A wi - 2 ^ 9 rs -* a ttfi ne an d rare 3 278 Rhodes, b.c. 304-166, Didrachm, Head of Helios nearly facing, radiate ; / / rev. PO, Rose with bud ; on left, hippocamp ; above, magistrate's (\ 7* Tf name, TOPrOS ; others, same type, but symbols and magistrates' ^& \s ^bMiS^ names, (1) bird, EPA2IKAH2; (2) Athena holding aplustre, 99 MNA2IMAX02, average wt. 103 grs., all fine 3 279 Rhodes, Didrachms, same type as the preceding lot, but symbols and //> magistrates' names, (1) bird, EPA2IKAHS ; (2) Athena holding ^c^ aplustre, MA2IMAX02 ; (3) ear of corn, ANT1IIATP02 ; (4) bird, TIMO0EO2, all very fine 4 D 2 ^tea^ 36 ISLANDS OFF CARIA. 280 Rhodes, Didrachms, same type as lot 278, but symbols and magis- / trates' names, (1 and 2) Artemis with torch, ArHSlAAMOY, 2 var., <^f *> jC*' / one pierced ; (3) eagle, AP2YTA2 ; another, similar, but POAION above rose ; to left, Apollo with lyre ; below AKE2I2, well "j preserved 4 281 Ehodes, B.C. 304-166, Drachms (3) Head of Helios facing to right or left ; rev. PO, Rose with bud; symbols, &c.,(l) caducous, AINHTOP; (2)bow J /. // and quiver, rOPrOS; (3) dolphin, 2IMYA02, average wt. 38 grs. ; ^ Hemidrachm, similar type ; symbol, fish hook, TOPrOS, wt. 20 grs. ; ^\y^ also Attic Drachm, B.C. 88-43, Head of Helios towards left, radiate ; rev. Full blown rose seen in front ; below PO, and ear of corn ; ?k i L above, BA2IAEIAH2, pierced, but fine ; another, similar, but head towards right ; and on rev. below rose, leaf and ear of corn ; above, ELTIKPATH2, wt. 60 grs., mostly fine, the last two rare 6 282 Rhodes, Drachms (4), B.C. 304-166, same type as last lot ; but symbols and names, (1) torch, rOProS; (2) bow and quiver, same name;' <^>f ^f^ IV) ^ (3) club, STATION; (4) caduceus, magistrate's name uncertain; y/ 1 Ills others, B.C. 166-88, Head of Helios in profile to right, radiate ; rev. P PO, Rose, in shallow square ; symbols and magistrates' names, (1) H / ./ aplustre, ArEMAXOS ; (2) cornucopiae, API2TOKPIT02 ; (3) Lyre, P 1* EENOKPATHS, mostly fine and scarce 7 283 Rhodes, Drachms, same type as last, with head of Helios to right, - / radiate ; rev. Rose in sunk square ; symbols and magistrates' names, ^Jf i/Z^ y/cf^(l) head-dress of Isis, APTEMON ; (2) tripod, PA2YMENH2 ; (3) club, API2TOBOYA02 ; (4) lyre, HENOKPATH2 ; (5 and 6) star, 2TA2IQN (2 var.) ; (7) owl, ^IAOCTPATOS, all fine 7 Bronze. 284 Calymna, Helmeted head ; rev. KAA, Lyre, size 2. Cos, Head facing ; rev. KOION, Bow in quiver and club, size 4 ; Head of Asklepios ; , rev. Serpent- staff, sizes 6 and 3 (3 var.); Septimius Severus; rev. s/7 s Asklepios, size 6. NiSYROS, Female head ; rev. Dolphin and trident, ^ ^ >^W^*^ s i ze 1- Rhodes, Head of Zeus ; rev. Rose, size 4 (3 var.) ; Head of Sol ; rev. Rose, sizes 7 and 4, well preserved 13 285 Rhodes, Head of Helios facing, radiate ; rev. Rose seen from front, in Jfrf wreath, size 10 ; Head of Helios to right; rev. AIAPAXMON, Nike * t rf crowning trophy, size 10; Head of Dionysos to right; rev. YiTSl/i&C ANTIHAfcOY TAMIA, Nike with trophy and wreath to left, size 10, all very fine and rare 3 %* All from the Wigan collection. RHODES. 37 286 Rhodes, Head of Dionysos to left; rev. POAION, EIII ^AINIAA., / i tp*^ Nike to left with wreath and palm, size 10 ; Head of Helios to left ; / rev. EIII AAMAPATOY, Nike to right, size 10 ; another, similar, but Pj? Head of Helios to right ; same magistrate, size 10, well preserved yu 14/1/^ ' f * and rare 3 287 Rhodes, Head of Helios to left ; rev. Nike to left, and magistrate's name ; Head of Dionysos to left ; rev. Nike to right ; both size 10 ; ^<2f" Head of Helios ; rev. Rose, size 7 (2 var. with symbols on rev. hook, and Phrygian cap), all fine and rare 4 LYDIA. Silver. 288 Lydia, circa B.C. 550, temp. Croesus, Half Stater, Foreparts of lion and ^ ^ /y ss~ -bull facing each other; rev. Oblong incuse divided into two parts, e^L^Jpsz*. _# < (7^ wt. 53 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 546); another, similar, but somewhat^^^ ^ J&% /^^^^*^varied in details of type, wt. 52 grs., both fine and rare 2 ~^^cc- c^^. < 289 Lydia, Half Stater, same type as previous lot, wt. 53 grs. ; One-sixth >^ -//>/ Stater, same type, wt. 27 grs., both fine, the second a very rare- ' ^ /&sri?jy denomination not given in Hist. Num. I. c. 2 290 Wysa, Cistophorus, B.C. 110, The cista mystica with half open lid, from Itte^/y^./ y which issues serpent; all within wreath of ivy; rev. Two serpents k^^^/ =^>4s ~/^Z //K erect ; between them, bow case ornamented with aplustre ; on left ^>~> ctCs **' -jvjy on right, female figure ; between serpents' heads, AN > ^^.aJ^y NEQTEPOS ; to right, date Kr (=23), very fine, unusually so for this <* W^"' iP>'<, type, but SAP mon. on rev., and symbol, a club, fine, both rare, ^2? /7%#/a^ especially the first piece 2 *** The Cistophori of this city are amongst the rarest of the series. 292 Sardes, Cistophorus, usual type as lot 290 ; but on rev. CAP to left, csp**.- oZ^/^ -, and swan on nest (?) to right of serpents ; another, similar, but on rev. SAP mon., and symbol, a spear head, both fine and rare 2 293 Sardes, Cistophorus, dated, usual type with SAP to left and lion to right -^^ _ of serpents ; between their heads, cornucopiae and TA ; above, ^ <&+x^ date KB (=22), very fine and very rare 1 *** From the Whittall collection. 294 Sardes, Cistophorus, dated, usual type with SAP to left and figure of /y Dionysos holding bunch of grapes to right of serpents ; between <~S^p? cpiC^'S their heads, monogram, and within coil of serpent on left, date E (=6), well preserved and very rare of this early date 1 38 LYDIA. A /i 295 Sardes, Half-Cistophorus, Lion's skin hanging over club ; all within vine- wreath ; rev. Bunch of grapes on vine-leaf ; below on right, y^/ / _ ^ ^ monogram of SAP ; and on left, thyrsos (?) wt. 93 grs. (Num. Chron. 1883, pi. x, 5), well preserved, unique (?) 1 296 Tralles, Cistophorus, usual type, with cista mystica on obv. and ser r y ^ pents erect on rev. with elaborate bow case between them ; on left of serpents TPAA ; on right, butting bull ; another, same type but /* z^^^*^symbol on rev. laureate head of Zeus, both fine and rare 2 297 Tralles, Cistophorus, usual type ; on rev., head of Helios to right of /yj ^^P e i^ s monogram below and star between heads j another, ^p^s ijZ. **' *& simflar,*~with maeander pattern to right of serpents, same legend as &j2L /Iff / before, both fine and rare ~^ branch ; above, c. FAN. PONT. PR. ; below, magistrate's^ w , , ^fc^Tname, API2TOKAH[C], well preserved, very rare JtV&fefJ*- *V&*1j&jL / (fly V EteH4ieJaaii4&ai^^ 304 Tralles, Half-Cistophorus, Lion's skin hanging over club ; all within vine-wreath ; rev. Bunch of grapes on vine-leaf ; on left, TP and y^eagle on fulmen ; on right, female figure (?), fine ; another, similar ; but on rev. TPA to left of leaf ; symbol, head to right ; above, APICTON, well preserved, both very rare, the Half and Quarter Cisto- plwvi are much rarer than the Cistophorus / 2 ^ TRALLES. 39 305 Tralles, Half-Cistophorus, same type as last lot, but on left of leaf on rev. TP ; on right, Eros with bow ; Quarter-Cistophorus, same type ; but on rev. TPA to left, bird to right, and monogram below (Num. Chrori: 1883, pi. x, 8), both fine and very rare, especially the ^&- &* ^^5 / ^/^ ii A^ x jsecond piece 2 Bronze. 306 Acrasus, Geta ; rev. Statue of the Ephesian Artemis ; Pallas sacrificing, size 5. Apollonis, Julia Titi (?) ; rev. AnOAAONIAGON, Eagle, size 6. Apollonos Hieron, Nero; rev. AIIOAAfiNIEPEITON, Apollo holding lyre, size 3. Attalia, Bust of Pallas ; rev. JZ.S& ATTAAGATON, Tyche; Severus ; rev. Asklepios, both size 4. "v**? BAGIS, Hadrian; rev. QUI AAOYKIOY(?) BArHNON TO. T., jeus holding eagle ; Caracalla ; rev. same type, but reading KAICAP60N BArHNON, both size 6, and unpublished, mostly well preserved, all rare 9 307 Blaundus (Phrygiae), Head of Demos ; rev. types, Tyche, size 7 ; Zeus, size 5; Antoninus Pius j rev. APX. KA. CYMMAXOY BAAYNAGfiN. */ yJMAKGAO, Apollo with lyre, size 9 (Mion. Suppl. wg. 75), Wigan 7^ *' collection; Caracalla; rev. Herakles slaying the lion ffiino. 116V^f> jfeZ/ Faustina II ; rev. Tyche, size 8 (not in Mionnet). Philadelphia ; Head of Demos ; rev. types, Lion ; Artemis running ; Seated female, size 6, all well preserved, mostly scarce 1 2 40 LYDIA. 310 Nysa, Head of Zeus, NYSAEftN; rev. Female figure, AYENIOS (1) HNArOPAS YPATH, size 5, rare ; Valerian ; rev. EOrAMIA in wreath, size 7. Philadelphia, Plotina ; rev. 3>IAAA6A3>eON in /'wreath, size 4, very fine, Wigan collection. Silandus, Sept. Severus ; svt^it rev. Pallas, size 6. Temenothyra, Head of Boule ; rev. Jupiter ^^^^^/seated, size 7 (Mion : jri(L_32i)--, Julia Domna ; rev. Tyche, size 6 (not in Mion,). Thyateira, Uordian III ; rev. Pallas. Tralles, Vale- rian I ; rev. same type, size 7, Wigan collection, all scarce, mostly fine 8 311 Thyateira, Bust of the Senate to right ; I6PA CYNKAHTOY; rev. /^/ ELH. CTPA. M. IIOAAIANOY. YAT6IPHNON, Female figure x/v- y standing to left and holding statue of Hephaistos, size 13 (Mionnet, /df/LA^S n J$&r ver y fi ne and ver V rare s "*****> & T&sLpwfa&Kv* 1 "^ ^y^ ' %* This fine medallion is valued by Mionnet at TOO frs. ZS*f ^U 312 Nysa, Saettae, Sardes, Tabala, Thyateira, various Autonomous and Imperial coins, mostly of the smaller sizes, many interesting -. 3 y types, mostly well preserved 25 PHEYGIA. Silver. 313 Apameia, Cistophorus, The cista mystica with half open lid, from which ^ issues serpent ; all within ivy-wreath ; rev. Two serpents erect, ^^^' fcfc&r between them bow-case, ornamented with aplustre ; on left, AIIA ; . /S^ on right, double flute ; between heads of serpents, magistrate's cfcg ^ ?p y2 ** name, AIIOAAONIOY ; others, similar type, but with magistrates' ^^^*^^names, ATTAAOY TIMO and MIPA MYON, fine and scarce (see {/ Num. Chron. 1883, p. 191) 3 314 Apameia, Cistophori, same type as the preceding lot, but with magis- ( A_yy trates' names, AIOAQPOY, AIOTPE^OYS, and MANTIAIAO, fine ^ c ^/ ' df/J^ and scarce magistrates* names ^ v 3 /315 Apameia, Cistophori, same type as lot 313, but with magistrates' v y// names, AIIOAAQNIOY, MYTA, and 20KPATOY, fine and scarce 3 316 Apameia, Cistophorus, Consular, usual type, as lot 313, but outside $^>/. J&&*~* y and between serpents' heads, p. lentvlvs. pr. imperator;^^^~ &'+ * I* below, MYI^KOY ; another, similar, but between serpents' heads^w^if'^/ &*'+ ^dd***^' PVLCHER - PROCOS; below, same magistrate's name, MYESKOY, r&**& *^J^ well preserved, both rare 2 317 Apameia, Cistophorus, Consular, usual type, as last lot; outside and . between serpent's heads, P. LENTVLVS. PR. IMPERATOR; below^^fr'/l v -/ J'/f^ KA2TOP02 ; another, similar type, but on rev. instead of ' ' j bow-case, circular temple surmounted by figure between serpents ; ^~ above, C. FAN. PONT. pr. ; below, M. ANTI0EO2. M. ANTI0EOY, ^'JfT^ bytljfjine and rare, especially the second piece 2 LAODICEIA. 41 318 Laodiceia, Cistophorus, usual type as before, see lot 313 ; but on rev. to left of serpents, AAO ; to right, lyre (Num. Chron. 1883, p. 190); / y another, similar ; but to right of serpents, caduceus, and between L ^ &C^A 4 their heads, AOBHT02 3>IAHIIIOY. ; another, same type, but no 6*3 /y^fa/C, caduceus to right, and between serpents' heads magistrate's name, ^ KPATinnOY (ib. I. c), all fine and rare 3 319 Laodiceia, Cistophorus, usual type, as in last lot, with AAO to right sfy -, and caduceus to left of serpents, and between their heads, IIHIO- Cdf^ri c^-y s XAITH2 AEINOMAXOY ; another, same type, but between ser- ^ jfe^y p enW heads, AIOAQPOY, both well preserved, the second pierced, rare 2 320 Laodiceia, Cistophorus, usual type, as lot 318, with AAO to left and caduceus to right of serpents ; between heads, -EEYII2 AIIIIOA- * . AONIOY TOY AMYNTOY ; another, Consular, similar type, but outside and between serpents' heads, p. lentvlvs. PR. IMP., **' "* and below, APTEMIAOPOS AAMOKPATOY, both fine and rare, especially the second coin 2 tf*2 321 Laodiceia, Cistophorus, Consular, same as second piece in last lot ; with P. lentvlvs. PR. IMP. within and without serpents' heads, but below, KPATIIIII02 ; another, same type, but between ser- pents' heads, pvlcher. imp., below, AIIOAAONI02 EYAPXOY /^//^/^/(Num. Chron. 1883, p. 190), both fine and very rare 2 Bronze. 322 Acmonia, Head of Zeus j rev. Asklepios, AKMONEON, size 3 ; Head of Demos ; rev. Dionysos and Serapis, size 9 (not in Mionnet) ; / / Imperial, Nero; rev. Zeus seated, 2 var. with magistrates' names ^Cj ? ' ' size 4, (Mion. nos. 23. 24); Caracalla : rev. Seated figure holding ./,// patera, size 7, (not in Mwn.); Geta; rev. Demeter, size 4; Gordian III ; /^%%&*in^rev. Asklepios, size 6; Sev. Alexander; rev. types, Tyche, size 10; *Z{ and Artemis, size 6 ; Treb. Gallus ; rev. River-god seated, holding branch, size 6 ; Gallienus ; rev. Herakles leaning on club, AKMO- N6I2N, size 8, mostly fine, an interesting series of this city 11 323 Aezani, Head of Senate; rev. types, Cultus-statue of Artemis, size 8 ; Pallas standing, size 7 ; Head of Artemis, size 3, all with AIZAN6ITQN; Head of Demos; rev. types, Helios in quadriga, / %. * size 7\ ; Hygieia, size 4 ; Head of Boule ; rev. Kybele seated, size 6 ; ^./? Imperial, Claudius I ; rev. Zeus standing, holding eagle (3 var. with /%Z&&*i/ magistrates' names) ; Gallienus ; rev. Dionysos holding kantharos, AIZANGITON, size 7 ; Head of Roma ; rev. Zeus, size 8, mostly fine and like the preceding lot, an interesting series 12 /&/ 42 PHRYGIA. 324 Alia, Gordian III ; rev. types, Lunus on horseback, size 6 ; Dionysos holding kantharos, size 5 ; and Tyche, size 4, all reading AAIHNON, all rare, in fair condition. Amorium, Head of Demos ; rev. / Female figure standing, size 4 ; Bust of Roma ; rev. Two hands ^^ec. S)> clasped, size 6 [Minn, no. 1 37) : Imperial, Augustus; rev. Eagle with ^? Z '^y y caduceus under wing/me 4 ; Caracalla ; rev. Dionysos and figure ^^fcolding pedum, EIII NLTONIOY AMOPIANON. APT., pierced (not in Mion.). Ancyra, Head of Senate ; rev. ANKYPANQN in wreath, ? ^,ze 8 ; Faustina Jun. ; rev. Cultus-statue of Artemis, size 4 ; Philip H/ Jun. ; rev. Tyche, size 6, all rare and in fair condition 10 325 Apameia, Head of Artemis ; rev. Marsyas with panther's skin on shoulders, AHAME12N, &c, size 4; Head of Pallas; rev. Eagle on maeander pattern between pilei of Dioskuri ; below, ATTAAOY y // BIONOP02, size 8 ; others (8), similar types with various magis- - w trates' names, size 5 ; Head of Zeus ; rev. Statue of Juno Pronuba yo y^Y /^t (^ var.), with magistrates' names, size 5; Head of Boule ; rev. Bunch ^ of wheat-ears, size 6 ; another ; rev. Tyche, size 6, all fine, some scarce 16 326 ATTAEA, M. Aurelius ; rev. Eagle, ATTAITfiN, size 4 ; Caracalla ; rev. Poseidon and Asklepios holding right hands, size 7. Attuda, Helmeted . female head, ATTOYAION; rev. The Dioscuri (?) naked, standing Zrw / facing, size 4 ; Salonina ; rev. Altar, size 5. Blaundus, Head of c-f^ <^~ ' Demos ; rev. River-god seated, size 6. Bria, Head of Serapis ; rev. J? -. Isis, BPIANON, size 4, very rare, but pierced. Brusus, Gordian III ; (sfazS^S rev. types, Eagle, BPOYZHNfiN, size 4 ; Diana Lucifera holding {/ two torches, size 6 (2 var.). Cadi, Claudius I ; rev. Zeus holding eagle (2 var.) ; Domitia ; rev. Statue of Artemis, KAAOHNQN, all size 4, mostly fine and rare 12 327 Ceretapa, Head of Boule; rev. Tyche, KGPeTAIiefiN, size 6. Cibyra, Head of Domitian ; rev. Dionysos holdiug kantharos, EIII APXeienS KAAY. BIAN . . . KIBY, size 5 (not in Mion.). ^^ Cotiaeum, Head of Demos ; rev. Kybele seated, KOTIAGfiN, &c, ^ : ^ * J size 5 ; Imperial, Claudius ; rev. Zeus standing, EIII OYAPOY YIOY [OAE122, size 4 ; Maximinus ; rev. Asklepios and Hygieia (Mion. no. 476), size 8 ; Philip Jun., rev. Kybele in chariot, 6111 . . . KOA- PATOY. YIOY. IIIIIAPXOY. KOTIAEON, size 8, all extremely fine, the first two very rare, the last rare 6 328 Cibyra, Caracalla ; rev. Tyche, size 6 ; Julia Mamaea ; rev. Male figure / holding patera, and humped bull, size 8 ; Gordian III ; rev. Tyche, -fdf <% s i ze 4. Cidramus, Nero ; rev. Juno Pronuba facing, nOAGMON. / r J/ C6A6YK0Y KIAPAMHNON, size 5 (not in Mion.). Cidyessus, S^rA&***~ Julia Domna ; rev. Pallas, KIAYHCC60N, size 6 (not in Mion.) ; te/ C araca U a ; rev. Zeus, size 6 ; Geta; rev. Asklepios, size 4. Colossae, Head of Serapis; rev. Isis, KOAOCCHNON, size 4. Cotiaeum, CIDYESSUS, ETC. 43 ^C ^^Head of Demos; rev. Lunus (?)'on horseback, size 4; &c, rrwstlyrare 10 335 Synnada, Lucius Verus ; rev. Temple of Dionysos, 111. IIPY. KAO- ri, &c, EYNNAA60N, size 10 (Mion. no. 992\ZJGallienus ; rev. <^-y Modius in temple, size 9^Temenothyrae and Bagis, in alliance, 7 Gallienus ; rev. The goo Lunus and Tyche standing facing each Jf *, other, KAI2APJ2N. BArHNflN. K. THMMO0YPI2N OMONOIA. ^ ^ (/(Fellows, pi. 13, 7), fine and rare fa/jTZ //-' 9*hJ^6T/4 ^W&hjf&a 338 Uncertain Dynast, Stater?" circa B.C. 4aW, Bull kneeling to righW^- o > / /a and looking back; rev. Ram's head to left in sunk square, surrounded <%Ks /* ^.'V* ' by border of dots, wt. 145 grs., fine and very rare [PI. Ill] 1 DYNASTS OF LYCIA. 45 339 Uncertain Dynast, Stater, circa B.C. 450, Boar walking to right j rev. Tortoise in sunk square, and surrounded by border of dots, wt. 141 / 1^)> well preserved and rare 1 0*~~l? 343 Cragus, Federal coinage, Hemidrachm, Head of Apollo ; rev. Lyre^^g^" ^^&^-^ between K P (2 var.), one with palm branch to left, the other to o^^J?. (J^Lr--- / , right of lyre. ^^A^^^emidrachm. sametype^uton rev^ K. Y. r^***' ^* ^->C S'/3 AYKIQN and vine^branch. LiM^^fsi^^bi&^OT^jf^^^^ ,* AYKK2N. Masicytus, similar, but MA and mpoof/olrre?.' ^nol^er/y^x &>"s> ^^^^.same place, oZw. Head of Augusti*^; rev. Two lyres, between ^^ M A ; above, owl ; between, palm-branch, mostly fine amTscatee 6 344 Masicytus, Federal coinage, Hemidrachm, Head of Augustus ; rev. Two / lyres ; below, MA;, above, pecten ; between, plectrum (?) ; another, ( ^j^.y 'J/t^y similar, but on rev. one lyre only and to right, tripod ; another, ' ' A? similar rev., but obv. Head of Apollo ; others, similar, of Olympus, /^^^^^Am^H, symbols onj^i helmet, shield and spear ; of Phaselis, tne obv. type of which is as Babelon, "*&-*Uy pi xni, 1, appears to be a trial-piece or pattern. No coins of this y precise type are known. ^< **/-' 46 PAMPHYLIA. PAMPHYLIA. 347 Aspendus, B.C. 500-400, Stater, Naked warrior to right armed with -^^^ - round shield and spear; rev. ES, Triquetra of human legs; all in incuse ^ 6^ C? ^ /if* J^ w t- 1^3 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 581), well preserved and rare 1 348 (^pendus, B.C. 400-300, Stater, Two wrestlers contending ; between ^ ^ -/^sZf, S%s tn em, EX; rev. E2TFEAIIV2, Slinger; before, triquetra, wt. 169 Jy * ^~I, . ^rs. ; another similar, but between wrestlers 2 A. ; on right, counter- .- 4&^^'**rcMck, Gorgoneion (?) wt 168 grs., both very fine *&*y*?* ;t jnaic^legend, Apollo sacrificing at Altar ; in left hand, sceptre, from^^^V-^/^ ^ /fC77'/? quiver and with mint names (1) 2TPA. (Stratoniceia) ; (2) IIEP. ^y imum) ; and (3) 2YN. (Synnada), well preserved and scarce 3 358 Side, Tetradrachms, usual type, two countermarked on obv. with bow in quiver; mint names, (1) IIEP. Pergamum ; (2) IIA. Parium; *^^V 4/ and (3) with the Seleucidan anchor, mostly well preserved, scarce 3 " Bronze. 359 Aspendus, Philip I; rev. Zeus seated, ACnCNAION, size 9 (not in Mion.); // ^^Salonina j rev. 6MIAOC TO. E in wreath, size 8 (Mion. no. \%)/fas ^^ l?' Attalia, Herennius Etruscus ; rev. Statue of Artemis of Perga/rn/^ ^^^temple, ATTAACON, size 6 (not in Mion.). Casa, Gordian III ; rev. ^J^ z*** 1 Pallas seated, KACATON, size 9 (not in Mion.), well preserved and all very rare 4 360 Attalia, Antoninus Pius ; rev. Asklepios, ATTAACQN, size 5; Valerian Jun. ; rev. I6POC. ATTAA60N. OAYMfflOC. OIKOYM6NIKOC, / in five lines, size 9 (Minn^n n^ 4-fi) t ubbed, Perga, Vespasian ; rev. S/.yC dropping stone (?) into vase, A0HNA. ACYAOC. CIAHTON, size 7 (not s^/ /? inyMion.) ; Valerian I ; rev. Female figure holding patera and sceptre, /^^W-***<5lAHTON, size 8 (not in Mion.); Gallienus; rev. Tyche, size 8. ^ ^, Forepart of lion; Fulmen (2 var.); Imperial, Caracalla; rev. Female figure holding patera and bucket, COL. IVL. AVG. FE. CREMNET1 (1), size 6 (not in Mion.) ; Geta ; rev. Seated female, size 4. IsiNDUS, Autonomous, rev. types, Horseman (2 var.) size 4 ; Sword case, size 2 ; and Hermes seated, I2INA6QN, size 5, mostly well pre- served and scarce 16 368 Apollonia, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin, AAEIA. KTIC. AnOAAONIA ; rev. River-god seated, mnOPAC, size 9 (Mion. A Car ia no. 171 )^- Cremna, Aurelian ; rev. Turreted female figure standing %$ SAGALASSUS, ETC. 49 369 SAGALASSUS, Claudius II ; rev. Tetrastyle temple with figure of Tyche, CArAAACCGfiN, size 10 (Mion. Su^lnoS^y-^other, rev. Apollo seated holding lyre on pedestal, size 10 (ih.Jrjup- pl, T 721- RrcT/rcTTriTA y /Sf AD Taurum, Claudius II j rev. Tyche, KAAYAIOCGA^YKeON, size *l' 9 (ib. ^M^wfi,J^)-j--TERMESSUS, Head of Zeus, TePMHCCGON "%& \Jfafan . AYTONOMfiN -/rtv. Pallas holding Nike ; on right, trophy, TfiN M6IZ0N0N, size 10 (not in Mion.), all very rare, mostly fine 4 370 Lyrbe, Gordian III, rev. Tyche, size 7. Sagalassus, Nero; rev. Dioscuri, size 4 ; Gallienus ; rev. Bust of Lunus, size 7. Seleucia, __Claudius II ; rev. The god Lunus standing with foot on prow, KAAYAIOCeAGYKefiN, size 9 (Mion^r^JM^re Gordian III ; rev. Head of Pallas, size 7. Selge, Antoninus^ius ; rev. Two light- houses on stand, size 6 (ikj^lJ^TJu^-TERMESSUS, Autonomous ; rev. types, Tyche, size 8 ; Mars, size 5 (/mr.) ; and Iconium (Lycaoniae), Nero and Poppaea, Head of Nero ; rev. Poppaea seated, size 6 (Mion. w^OXj-and Gallienus ; rev. Herakles, size 6 ( ib. no. V JXr-Mostly well preserwd and rare y^ 11 Tzy CILIOIA. Silver. 371 Celenderis, circa B.C. 450-400, Stater, Naked horseman holding whip, y(/t~-^y^ y riding sideways on prancing horse to left ; below HA ; rev. KEAEN, s&^fs?^ C& *s y *' ^ Goat kneeling to left, looking back in exergue A. wt 165 grs.', well yr J^&^^reserved and very r^^ y ^ txt^j, &L^L&y ^ 372 Celenderis, circa B.C. 450-400, Stater, Naked horseman, as on the pr< 'y^ ^/J.7^ ceding coin; in exergue KEA; rev. Goat kneeling to left, looking 'T>^^ ^"^ J&fe & ^Wback ; above, astragalus, wt. 166 grs., fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 373 ^Celenderis, circa B.C. 400-350, Stater, Naked horseman, similar to lot 371, but riding to right; rev. KEAEN, Goat kneeling to right, looking back, wt. 164 grs. (Hist. Num. p. 600), extremely fine and rare ^-^*^ y^^f [PI. Ill] l y *** From the Dupre collection. 374 Celenderis, Stater, same as the preceding coin, but on the rev. Goat y^-y f? /f to ^ * aDove > K EA. ; before on left P., wt. 160 grs., very fine and *wj>***j **-*/&&<&. yt>- \ **fe**^s Xrf V V Ffm fine Whittalf collection. <&' - ***- &p* Zll Soli, b.c. 450-385, Stater, Head of Pallas to right, in crested helmet, /?A^S4 ornamented with griffin ; rev. Bunch of grapes within dotted square, <^ *^ "v all in incuse square, wt. 146 grs., well preserved and a rare variety /first 0*4 */ without legend on rev. 1 378 Soli, Stater, similar to the preceding, but on rev. SOAI, and type not I'lf*^ 5> rC^in incuse square, wt. 163 grs., fine and rare 1 379 Soli, b.c. 385-333, Stater, Head of Pallas to right, in helmet with large crest ; rev. 20, Bunch of grapes ; in field, kantharos, owl, and ^ ^^magistrate's name, IHN02, wt. 151 grs. ; Tetrobol, Male figure ^ yQ# palm and cornucopiae ; at her feet, river-god swimming, size 6 yc--? (Mionnet, Suppl. no. 409), very well preserved and extremely rare 1 381 Tarsus, Imperial, Hadrian, Tetradrachm, similar to the preceding, but n ^ t^o- the bust of the Emperor is in armour, and rev. type, A lion to left de- / ^ vouring a bull, size 7 {Mionnet, no. 422), well preserved and very rare 1 " ' V From the WhittaUcolle C tion.^' / ^ /< ^./^ w>i 382 Tarsus, Imperial, Hadrian, Tetradrachm, same as lot 380, hwyrev. c# /Y (not in Mionnet), well preserved and extremely rare 1 S Bronze. 383 ADANA, Head of Zeus ; rev. AAPIANfiN AAANGON, Half-length figure of river-god, front, naked, the arms extended, size 4 (var. Mion. - Suppl. 7W^J2LMs),Jine andyen/rarp. AEGAE_^i~ead of Pallas ; rev. J?, (a Goat (2 vaf^fsizes 4-3 pfmrSecf feimile1^ea//6$&- rt2J?y/ \^1/ ^ a *** The references are to Babelon, Les Perses Am6m6nides. /C&e?/ DATAMES, b.c. 378-372. 389 Stater, Head of the nymph Arethusa, nearly facing, slightly turned to * left, hair spread, necklet and earring ; rev. Datames, in Aramaic inzj. - ^J/^r to right, holding in both hands arrow; before him, bow and the tfv/, '. behind, Baaltars ; all within crenelated border ; rev. Datames seated -&&r*&. (A&ify disc of Ormuzd ; behind, legend, Datames (B. pi. IV, 15), well pre- /(,/ served but pierced, very rare 1 / MAZAEUS. 53 MAZAEUS, B.C. 361-333. 395 Stater, Baaltaars seated to left, holding ear of corn and bunch of grapes jp*/ 7 in extended right hand ; left resting on sceptre ; under seat, the x, ^ crux ansata ; behind him in Aramaic characters, Baaltars ; rev. Lion * ' ~^ devouring stag, both to left ; above in Aramaic characters, Mazaios ; ^ ^ ' ^ below, M ; all surrounded by square dotted border and in slightly ^ /<^V^^***^sunk square, wt. 165 grs. (var. B. pi. v, 3), fine and a scarce variety 1 ^ ""*** tc&jfo 396 Stater, similar to the preceding, but on rev. below the stag is the letter / C*^ 9> the type is within a square slightly sunk; no border of dots, ^&*& wt. 166 grs. (B. pi. v, 1), well preserved 1 397 Stater, similar type to lot 395, but there is no symbol under the seat / /t-^ of Baaltars ; and on the rev. the type is not in a sunk square, but JsT 4 ^ o^~ss? is surrounded by a plain circle ; below the stag, the Aramaic ^^^lettexi^", wt. 164 grs. (var. B. pi. v, 4), very fine [PL III] 1 398 St^eV; same type and same varieties as the preceding coin, but under / _^^f /^ seat of Baaltars is a ram's head, wt. 169 grs., very fine 1 ^-399 StaferHBaaltars seated to left, head front, holding eagle on right hand, a j left resting on sceptre ; before him in field, A ; behind Baaltars ; u^ rev. Lion to left devouring stag ; above, Mazaios ; below, Ma (initials of Mallus 1), wt. 166 grs. (B.pl. v, 9), very fine and rare 1 400 Stater, Bust of Athena facing, slightly turned to left ; rev. Baaltars / ' y^p seated to left ; right hand resting on sceptre ; on left, bunch of ^jf^*^** 6^?^ cpi ^ y '^'grapes ; on right, B ; beneath seat, I (initial of Issus), wt. 165 g rs .'^ r "~^ e -'*~*''^'t/ 0^^^&J^ VI > 1). fine and scarce 1 &fc^J?.sj?^ * ^ 401 Stater, similar type to the preceding coin; but on obv. crested helmet &** y/_ to left of head of Athena ; and on rev. bunch of grapes and ear of ^ > CP^iaK- J/ corn before Baaltars ; behind, B and ivy-leaf ; under seat, T (initial <^*^f Tarsus), wt. 165 grs. (B. pi. vi, 4), fine and scarce 1 40,2 Stater, similar type, but on obv. to right of head of Athena, T ; and on rev. bunch of grapes and ear of corn before Baaltars, and under ^"^ ^ j> .seat, L wtf. 163 grs., very well preserved 1 403 Tetradrachm, Baaltars seated to left, holding sceptre ; rev. Lion walking~^***r-e..r^v^'^ $ __^- to left; above r, wt. 247 grs. (var. B.pl. vii, 3), fine and rare 1 <^^^' *** 404 Tetradrachm, similar to the last coin, but on rev. above the lion is an // anchor, wt. 259 grs. (var. B.pl. vn, 12), well preserved 1 405 Tetrad^tfchm, similar type, but on the rev. above the lion is the name of Mazaios in Aramaic characters, wt. 261 grs. (var. B. pi. VI, 17), in %/ fair condition and rare 1 4U4 40 54 GYPKUS. CYPRUS. Gold. 406 CiTlUM, Pumiaton, B.C. 361-312, Hemi-stater, Herakles to right, brandishing club in right hand ; lion's skin over left arm ; before, the crux ansata; rev. El-Melik Pymiaton (in Aramaic characters), z 7 v* ^ion to right devouring stag; in field, to right, date WC (=30), s wt.^ 64 grs. (B. pi. xix, 14), fine- and rare [PLJill] _/. y 1 ^ " y-^^^ <&&*'&- Silver. 407 Salamis, Evelthon, B.C. 569-525, Stater, Ram couchant to left; above sfr'M and below, traces of legend EWeAetfwve; rev. Plain, wt. 166 grs. B. pi* XVI, 1), fine and rare ~^%>w^ r'Za&Py 1 ALAMIS, Evelthon, B.C. 569-525, Tetrobol, same obv. type as the preced- ing coin : but on rev. The crux ansata in sunk square, wt. 54 grs. (B. ^p ^ pi. XVI, 9) ; Diobol, similar, but rev. plain, wt. 27 grs. (ib. pi. XVI, (Sc?"^ 5) ; and Obol, Head of goat to right ; rev. The crux ansata, wt. 13 grs. (ib. pi. xvi, 13), all fine and scarce 3 409 Salamis, Evagoras II, B.C. 361-351, Tetradrachm, The king of Persia, Artaxerxes III, half-kneeling to right, shooting with bow and arrow ; rev. The king Evagoras on horseback galloping to right and brandishing spear; behind, human hsad, wt. 218 grs. (var.B. ^&**y pi. xvil, 15), well preserved, rare^^^^'^^^^^^^^^^4/^^ 410 Imperial, Vespasian, Head of Emperor to left, laureate ; rev. 6T0YC. N60Y. I6POY. H (year 8), Temple of Aphrodite Paphia, size 6 (Mion. no. 9) ; Bronze, Trajan, Bust of Emperor to right ; rev. KOINON KYLTPIfJN, &c. ; Jupiter facing holding patera, and on left hand, bird, &c, size 10 (ib. no. 29) ; Caracalla, Bust of Emperor to, right; rev. KOINON KYIIPK2N, Statue of Aphrodite Paphia in ^ 3^^-f emple, size 9^ (ib. no. 39), all well preserved and scarce 3 KINGS OF GALATIA. Silver. Amyntas, b.c. 36-25. 411 Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas to right in crested helmet : rev. BA^IAEflS ^f ' c- /% y y AMYNTOY, Nike to left bearing scenfcre bound withjjllet, wt. X^ 43 ** "mfi* [Pi. ni] '9^vi?^ fyjL .Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin, wt. 242#rs, fine 1 ^413 Tetradrachm, similar to lot 411 ; but behind head of Pallas, EAA (mon.), /. y&rf and* before Nike on rev. date IB (=12), wt. 243 grs., very fine 1 414 Tetrad^ichm, same as the last, with same monogram on obv. and letters on rev., wt. 247 grs., very fine 1 /y ANCYRA. 55 GALATIA. IMPERIAL COINAGE. Bronze. 415 ANCYRA, Antoninus Pius; rev. ANKYPA. H. MHTPOnOAIC, &c, Amazon holding anchor and bipennis, size 7 (Mio7kj^Q^2i^-y-^ax&- ^ calla ; rev. Female figure (Ceres) holding ears of corprand sceptre, X ^ size 8 (ib. Suppl. wo.22Lf-another, rev. Octastyle temple, size 8 (ib. y^>^^^i^>-^^l^aaother, rp: Two urns with palms, MHTPOIIOA. ANKWAC. ICO. IIY0IA, size 8 (not in Mion.), all fine and scarce 4 yANOY2 ; date A (=30) ; Ariobarzanes I, same type, but /rf^^rf^ reading BASIAEfiS APIOBAPZANOY 3>IAOPI2MAIOY ; date KA ^V^ (=24), all fine G 56 CAPPADOCIA. IMPERIAL COINAGE. 419 Caesareia, Vespasian and Titus, Didrachm, Their busts (Mion. Suppl.*^*?^, s&fa ^>2> before Zeus, and under his seat another of APK, wt. 261 grs. ; <^^ r' V another, similar, but before Zeus, same monogram and dolphin^^d-^^*^^*^ j- ^^^v^^ttnder seat monogram of ANB., wt. 260 grs., both very well preserved 2 429 Tetradrachm, usual type as lot 426, but on rev. NO in field before ^yy.^J^wyi^ grs., fine /^tf^7 ! 43u xetraaracnm, usual type as loy / 426, ~y+*&. OY, Pallas Promachos in quadriga of elephants to right ; above, v k anchor between AY monogram and 0, wt. 255 ars (B. M. Cat. no. 26, <*?*"' I. i, ), very well preserved and very rare*w>**v- eC^-^ s * * w**' fi&%/ ^^y* ti&&&chm, similar type to the preceding coin, but on rev. Pallas is y / \zfi i n a biga of elephants ; above, anchor ; before, monogram in circle, 1%^-g C/ ^ j^-^a^V^' "^ y rs ' $' ^' ^' $" I ' ^> * n 9d preservation and exceedingly rare 1 ^/i>&'9'&> / ** From t ne Huxtable collection. Tetraafachm, Head of Seleucus to right, in helmet of skin ; horn and ^- ejir of bull at side ; lion's skin round throat ; rev. BA2IAEOS '*jr % <^^ >* 2EAEYKOY, Nike placing wreath on trophy ; in centre, monogram f IIPY, wt. 24 4 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. 1, 1 1), in fair condition and very rare 1 c^. ^ (?$< 58 KINGS OF SYRIA. ANTIOCHUS I, SOTER. B.C. 293-261. 435^ Tetradrachm, Head of young Herakles to right, in lion's skin ; rev. BA2IAE12S ANTIOXOY, Zeus seated to left, holding eagle and ! c?< k7 sceptre ; before him, monogram of AIAr (?) ; under seat, monogram X of APK, wt. 250 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. in, 1), in fair condition, very "ty/" rare ^/***^**J> y 1 436 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus *! to right, diademed, middle-aged portrait in high relief; rev. BA2IAE02 ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked, holding arrow and bow, seated to left on omphalos ; on right, monogram of HP ; under omphalos, monogram of VAiKP, wt. 263 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi- m > 4), extremely fine J* J* 4 /? in such high relief ; and on rev. monogram of IIAO to left, and XA tJZ to right, wt. 259 grs., extremely fine and scarce 1 433&' Tetradrachm, similar to the last, but on rev. monogram of H* to left and AOPY to right of Apollo, wt. 263 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 15), extremely fine 1 ^'rf *** From the Whittall collection. * 439 Tetradrachm, similar, but on rev. monogram of H* to left and AS2P to right of Apollo, wt. 264 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 16) ; another, similar, "V^but with monograms on rev. AP and XY in circle, wt. 263 grs. (ib. pi. IV, 4), both very well preserved 2 J/' 44(T Tetradrachms, similar, but monograms on rev., (1) AP to left and JP to right, wt. 264 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 6) ; (2) AP to left and XP in circle to right, wt. 263 grs. (ib. no. 7), both very well pre- served 2 441 Tetradrachm, similar type, but the portrait of Antiochus is older, and on rev. to left of Apollo, monogram of MOH (?) ; and to right, that of AE, wt. 262 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. no. 13), very well preserved and scarce) 1 442 Tetradrachm, similar type, but middle-aged portrait of Antiochus in high relief, and on rev. Apollo holds two arrows in right hand ; on left, monogram of IIA, and on right, that of HP, wt. 263 grs., very fine and a very rare variety [PL III] 1 ANTIOCHUS I. 59 443 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus to right diademed, in advanced age, with strongly marked features and with a bull's horn above the ear ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked seated to left on -y omphalos, holding bow in right hand, left resting on omphalos; ///' --""" before him, monogram of AI, and in exergue I, wt. 262 grs. (Num. /" Chron. 1883, pi. iv, 1), very fine and of the highest rarity [PL III] 1 ^^ff** This coin is from the Ivanoff collection (1863). Sir Edward *. 1 445 Tetradrachm, same as the preceding coin, but slightly varied in the portrait and details of the type, pierced, well preserved, extremely rare 1 (A /s. ANTIOCHUS II, THEOS. B.C. 261-246. v 446 Tetradrachm, Young head of Antiochus II to right,"" diademed ; rev. BASIAEOS ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked seated to left on omphalos, . i^two arrows in right hand, left holds bow; before him monogram of IIA ; behind, another of HP, wt. 264 grs. (figured in Num. Chron. 1883, pi. iv, 3), fine and airemely rare * -^&*?'^'<&^z 1 *** Professor Gardner (B. M. Cat. Kings of Syria, p. 8, no. 3) attributes this coin to Antiochus I on account of the rev. type being probably from the same die as another of his coins (see lot 442). Sir Edward Bunbury (Num. Chron. 1883, p. 76) considers the portrait to be that of Antiochus II, who in that case would haveused one of his father's reverse dies. -*^5*< 40&*/>***+0 j^jesfsf/yt* ^f. - ****-/. <*&\&^ s//t 447 Tetradrachm, Youthful head of Antiochus to right, diademed ; rev. /- j / BA2IAEI22 ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked seated to left on omphalos, g^^ holding arrow and bow ; before him, owl, wt. 263 grs. (var. B. M. t0e ^Cat. pi. V, 1), extremely fine and rare [PL IV] 1 ^%^^^4 448 Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin, but portrait older, and on rev. torch and forepart of Pegasus before Apollo ; and in //**? exergue, E, wt. 263 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. v, 1), extremely fine and rare 1 440 449 Tetradrachm, similar type to last lot, but on rev. torch before Apollo, ^ and in exergue, monogram of IIXP (?) and uncertain symbol, ^'^ wt. 260 grs., very fine and rare 1 60 KINGS OF SYRIA. 450 Tetradrachm, same type as before, but on rev. monogram of ELY before Apollo, and forepart of Pegasus in exergue, wt. 258 grs., well (/i**z . v 7 ^preserved 1 451 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus to right, diademed, with wing of /y Hermes ; rev. BASIAEQ2 ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated to left hold- t?C/tf. /^~~~ihg arrow and bow ; behind, 7C ; in exergue, horse feeding to left c ^ / ^^ g) y and behind it monogram of IIXY, wt. 263 grs. (var. B. M. Gat. t/fe/totiS > ^ wt^S2 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 6), very fine and rare 1 45^o^etradrachm, same type and varieties as the preceding coin, but on -/^rf\^ Tev - the monograms before Apollo are differently placed and ^ s there is an exergual line below Apollo, wt. 247 grs., fine and fc?Pf<**sUrce 1 454 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus II to right, diademed; rev. BA2JIAEQ2 j ANTIOXOY, Herakles seated to right on lion's skin, placed on rock ; sr'j/it, ^-his right hand rests on club ; in the exergue, two monograms of M\& ^V^^*-6d HP, wt. 261 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. m. 2), very fine and a very rare * De l w > two monograms of 3>T and nAP (1), wt. 260 grs. rf^Jy?.r. B. M. Cat. pL V, 6), fine ^ ^^ , ^^aJL (/ *** From the Whittall collection. rf 456 Tetradrachm, same type as the last coin, but on the rev. kantharos on 1 /a (p a right behind Herakles, and below, monogram of AI and arrow-head, x-i ^T/7 ~y / 2EAEYK0Y, Apollo naked standing to left, resting left arm on <*C^f./f^ *-< / ' f/" ^tripod ; arrow in right hand ; on left, monogram, MYP, wt. 264 grs.,^rr~& ^ & & ~ ^/J re ^^ very fine portrait, scarce [PI. IV] ^i^Y^ ^ #2 y^***' <^r^ Tetradrachm, same type as last coin, but on rev. monogram to left, HA ; ^^ ^&tf,/S^ ^ to right, MP, wt. 263 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. vi, 1), fine and scarce 1 * o%? ^^60^Tetradrachm, same type as lot 458, but on rev. to left, NA, wt. 259 grs. / (figured in Num. Chron. 1883, pi. iv, 8), a fine portrait and rare with ^^ ^cSft7 "^ letters on the reverse instead of monogram 1 <^&s^^ Sir Edward Bunbury (Num. Chron. 1883, p. 82) considered the p letters on the reverses of this and the following coin to be dates. / 4 461 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 458, but on rev. before Apollo, the V^f^ "" letters A% and NX, wt. 261 grs. (figured in Num. Chron. 1883, pi. iv, 7), fine and very rare 1 462 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 458, but on rev. monogram to left, /f*J&? EAA to right, 3, wt. 255 grs., well preserved and scarce 1 ^i/ ANTIOCHUS HIERAX. B.C. 227. 463 Tetradrachm, Young head of Antiochus Hierax to right, diademed ; ^ x^*^ rev. BA2IAEQ2 ANTIOXOY, Apollo, naked to the waist, seated to ^*y^y^^ ' left on omphalos ; bow in right hand, left rests on omphalos ; no *^p 1mt *' p^fr-j^l S*(?' monogram in field, wt. 260 grs. (figured in Num. Chron. 1883, pi. iv, "J^^^X ^2 9), well preserved and very rare 1 Vy6<*s*t2~/tr3 *** P r f- Gardner (B. M. Cat. pp. 20-21) has classed other tetradrachms with similar portrait to the above, but with rev. Apollo holding arrow, to Antiochus Hierax ; but Sir Edward Bunbury attributed them to Antiochus III (see Num. Chron. 1883, pp. 89-93, and lots 469-472, Class II). SELEUCUS III, CERAUNUS. B.C. 226-222. 464 Tetradrachm, Head of Seleucus III to right, diademed, slight whisker ; rev. BASIAEfiS 2EAEYKOY, Apollo naked, but for slight drapery 7 / ' ~ ~ over right leg, seated to left on omphalos ; arrow in right hand, ^t^i^Y bow in left j on left, rose and monogram of HY ; on right, PtU, V wt. 263 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. vii, 6), fine and extremely rare 1 62 KINGS OF SYRIA. ANTIOCHUS, SON OF SELEUCUS III. B.C. 222. 465 Tetradrachm, Head of the child Antiochus to right, diademed ; fillet border j rev. BA2IAE02 ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked seated to left r A^A"^ on omphalos ; arrow in right hand, bow in left ; to left in field, yj tripod; in exergue, monogram, wt. 262 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. VIII, 1), <^ well preserved and very rare -^^ J*2jL JS^^^'SS*' %* From the Loscombe collection. ' T / ^ ANTIOCHUS III, THE GREAT. b.c. 222-187. 466 Tetradrachm, Class I, Head of Antiochus III to right, diademed, slight whisker; rev. BA2IAE02 ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked, but for .^^ J drapery over right leg, seated to left on omphalos ; arrow in right V/ < hand, bow in left; in field on left, monograms of PtU and EY, <* ^ 4/' /J~~ wt. 261 grs. (figured in Num. Chron. 1883, pi. ^3), fine and rare ^ [Pi. iv] Y (B. M. Cat. p. 20, no. 10), yy wt. 263 grs., fine and rare 1 473 Tetradrachm, Class II, same type and portrait as the preceding coin ; ?^/ / // but on rev. monograms, on left HA ; on right HA, wt. 260 grs. / i? rare 1 474 Tetradrachm, Class III, Head of Antiochus III to right, diademed, portrait without whisker, but not young ; one end of diadem falls *%&"' on shoulder; fillet border; rev. BASlAEfiS ANTIOXOY, Apollo l^ seated to left on omphalos ; drapery over right leg ; he holds arrow ~/%^y' an d b w ') m field on left, tripod, wt. 263 grs. (figured in Num. Cs (S Chron. 1883, pi. v, 5), very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 *** The peculiarity of this class is that there is always a fillet border on the obv. and a symbol instead of a monogram on the reverse. 475 Tetradrachm, Class III, same type and portrait as the preceding coin, but symbol on the rev. a cornucopiae before Apollo, wt. 260 grs., fine /^ancHrare 1 476 Tetradrachm, Class III, same type &c. as lot 474, but symbol on rev. on j^^- left, anchor, vjL 263 grs. ; another, similar, with symbol on rev. bow * in case, wt. 238 grs., well preserved and rare 2 s^tA^m**^ * * Both from the Chaudoir collection. c&f. & and of the Hierax type ; usual rev. type, but no monogram, wt. 263 grs. "* y/^ A y-v/(f'9 ure ^ ^ n Num. Chron. 1883, pi. v, 9), extremely fine and rare 1 483 ^etradrachm, Class V, similar type to lot 480, but the head of the king is larger and the features are very strong and of pure Bactrian type ; ^j <^ "usual rev. type, but on left AI, wt. 262 grs., somewhat coarse work, very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 ^ j?t- ?+\ SELEUCUS IV, PHILOPATOR. B.C. 187-175. 484 Tetradrachm, Head of Seleucus IV to right, diademed ; behind, wreath ; ,S , y ', /f^ rev. BA2IAE02 2EAEYKOY, Apollo naked, but for drapery over 4 ^*^*^ right leg, seated to left on omphalos, holding arrow and bow ; in ' s^t/A^o^W ^>the exergue, AN, wt. 263 grs. (comp. B. M. Cfit. pi. x, 6), fine < ' rare [PL IV] *??&& * *** *' *^ *&''6P*t-4&f~+ *TJ?< and, 485 Tetradrachm, same le as the preceding coin, but no wreath bgjnnd head on // * > '/ ^ ? *' an( ^ aroun d> n ^ et border ; on rev. palm-branch on left before ^ ^ ' /* P Apollo, and in the exergue, monogram of NP, wt. 260 grs., very well &~ **/ //y/iecA>+t/ preserved, rare 1 SELEUCUS IV. 65 486 Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin j but on the rev. on left SA above club, and on right, monogram of IIA, wt. 256 grs.,fine, Tv and a very rare variety 1 'Ss^*** Prof - Gardner (B. M. Cat. p. Ill) attributes a coin of AntiochusIV ts f with the same letters on the rev. to Salamis in Cyprus. 487 Tetradrachm, similar type to lot 485 ; but on the obv. the head of the king is older and more widespread; and on the rev. Nike holding, <^^ wreath before Apollo, wt. 264 grs., fine, but with slight cut, a rare variety 1 ANTIOCHUS IV, EPIPHANES. B.C. 175-164. 3 488 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus IV, diademed to right ; fillet border ; ^< J 100 J ^X^^y / rev - BA 2IAE02 ANTIOXOY, Apollo naked, but for drapery -over ^^ J^ right leg, seated to left on omphalos, holding arrow and bow ; on ^z^y^r <7&=& f> y^/C^^ left > l J Te > wt - 261 9 r s-, very fine and rare [PI. IV] W^^'^^*^ *** From the Northwick collection. 489 Tetradrachm, same type as the last coin and same symbol on the rev. ; ^** /^fY'Zf* & Dut m exergue monogram of I A, wt. 264 grs. (var. B. M. Cat. pi. xi, ^Sg^ c: ^~^ v^P^ f ^Y ') fi ne an ^ rare * AN[0Y2], Zeus seated to left, ^ff-'VXZ ^ jg^jf' "T" - /? holding Nike, who crowns him, and sceptre, wt. 251 grs. (see Num. \f&fr*,, &- 6% we**^~Chron. 1883, pp. 97-98), fine, and a very rare variety 1 ^g^-g <^3-/f 491 Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin ; but legend on the rev., *** _--BA2lAE122 ANTIOXOY 0EOY EIII wt. 260 grs., very fine and scarce 1 //^^**S *** From the Loscombe collection. 493 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 490; but on the rev. Nike to left - , and legend BA2IAEOS ANTIOXOY 0EOY Em$ANOY2, and J%& in exergue NIKH<&OPOY; in field on left, monogram of IA, wt. 258 grs., very fine and scarce 1 494^ Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin ; but on obv. behind head y of king, monogram of AB ; and on rev. Nike crowns Zeus, and legend ^^ y7 arranged in five lines behind and before him ; on left in field, palm ; J& ^ tj j and in exergue, monogram of AB and A2, wt. 260 grs. (B. M. Cat. y&**rjf pi XI> y^ very fine and scarce 1 *** From the Whittall collection. 4 KINGS OF SYKIA. ANTIOCHUS V, EUPATOK. b.c. 164-162. 495 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus V to right, diademed ; fillet border; &%, / rev. BA2IAE02 ANTIOXOY ; below, EYnATOPOY; in field on left, " IIT (mon.) (Ptolema'is). wt. 258 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xin, 12), very fine 496 Tetradrachm, same as the preceding coin ; but head of king larger and * ^S tjft __ on rev. IA (?) (mon.) in field on left, wt. 257 grs. (B. M. pi xin, 14), tPg/jP V ^ V very fine and rare 1 ;497^ Tetradrachm, same type and same monogram on the rev. as on the preceding coin; but head of king larger and more spread, wt. 255 grs., ^_/? well preserved and, rare 1 DEMETEIUS I, SOTER. b.c. 162-150. y 498 Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius I to right, diademed ; border of dots ; ^^^ . V ' yj rev. BA2IAE02 AHMHTPIOY, Apollo naked, seated to left on J*%^ df / omphalos, holding arrow and bow; on left IIP (mon.), wt. 259 grs. J?^ ^-Sg&*"H{B. Ms Cat. pi. xiv, 3), well preserved, exceedingly rare yy&to* - 499 Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius I to right, diademed ; border of laurel- ^3*4, // /wreath; rev. BA2IAEQ2 AHMHTPIOY, Tyche seated to left on^^^g 4(/6 ^re?*'/*' round seat, ornamented with two winged monsters, holding sceptre /* y syf and cornucopiae ; on left IA Q) (mon.), wt. 258 grs., extremely fine and^^>*f-J- Z/ // ,/ a very rare variety [PI. V] 4 ^ty*- * ' J*/ 1 J^V ~ "7" 1 *. Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding com ; but on rev. Tyche is / .seated on throne supported by one winged monster ; on left, mono- gram and club ; and on right, AC (mon.) and wing, wt. 258 grs. /^/^ (var. B. M. Cat. no. 35) ; another, similar ; but on rev. legend, BA2IAE02 AHMHTPIOY 20THP02 ; on left, mons. nA and ANT (Antioch), and in exergue, date HP (=160), wt. 257 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 11), both very fine 2 501 Tetradrachms, same types as the preceding lot; but (1) on rev. on left, rq ,/' ni (mon.) wt. 257 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. xiv, 2); (2) on rev. on left, *'* / mons. nA and HP (Heracleia), and in exergue, date AHP (=161), ^iffet^i. 259 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 17), both fine 2 502^ Tetradrachms, usual type as lot 500 ; but both with legend BA^IAEfiS AHMHTPIOY 2OTHP02; (1) mons. of nA and AH (Apameia) in . jf t fi field on left, and date NP (=159) in exergue, wt. 259 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 7) ; (2) mons. of nA and HP (Heracleia) in field on left, and ' date HNP (=158) in exergue, wt. 257 grs., both fine 2 %4a' v0*& DEMETKIUS I. 67 503 Tetradrachm, same type as last lot ; but on rev. on left, IIA (mon.) and j ^ IITO (mon.) (Ptolemais), and in exergue, date BHP (=162), ^^ /? ' <* wt. 258 grs., a rare mint ; another, similar, but on rev., legend, & C V //l&g^y 2QTHP02, in exergue ; no date ; on left HP (mon.) (Heracleia), y wt. 257 grs., a rare variety, both fine 2 504 Tetradrachms, same types, mints, and varieties as in the previous lot ; >? ^ ^/y^ but on the second coin on left on rev. palm-branch and mon. HPK ^ & B.C. 152-144. 505 Tetradrachm, Head of Alexander I to right, diademed ; fillet border ; J^ rev. BA2IAE05 AAEEANAPOY EOnATOPOS EYEPPETOY^?/ ^g // Zeus, seated to left, holds Nike, who crowns him, and sceptre ; in ion. of HPAK (Heracleia), wt. 256 grs.. very fine exergue, mon. of HPAK (Heracleia), wt. 256 grs.. very fine X* J& f^- -/-// .506 Tetradrachm, similar type and legend as the preceding coin; but in * <^ y^vy exergue, A, wt. 258 grs., very fine and rare 1 *&4 ^^ 07 ^Tetradrachm, same type and legend as lot 505 ; but in the exergue on the rev. nPO, wt. 261 grs. (see Num. Chron. 1883, p. 98), very fine and l ~^#f **rtire, counter-struck on the obv. with an eagle, the mark of the Este family 1 5ur Tetradrachm, same type and legend as lot 505 ; but on rev. on left, cornu- copiae and monogram of AnO ; and in the exergue, date THP y*+~/ (=163), wt. 255 grs., very fine and rare 1 50w Tetradrachm, same type and legend as before ; but on rev. in the field y before Zeus, ATO (mon.) ; and in the exergue, date AHP (=164) and * ^p ^J v , t- 260 grs., very fine and rare 1 510 tetradrachm, same type and legend as before ; but on rev. in the field rSyfr-^ before Zeus, nAXPO (?) (mon.) ; and in the exergue, date EEP ,, (=165) and mon. An(Apameia?), wt. 239 grs., wellpreserved and rare 1 511 Tetradrachm, same type and legend as before ; but on rev. in the field before Zeus, AO (mon.) ; and in the exergue, date CjEP (=166) and , wt. 258 grs., fine and rare I A ^>^ &.* & & monogram of TYP (Tyre) on club; behind it, H and date rEP-^K^^^. Xf.- dU$*+&< (= 163 )> wt - 218 9 rs -> very fine and rare [PL V] l^***^rK^ \* Tetradrachms struck at Tyre, &c, with the Eagle type, are of the^=^^^*/^*<4~ Phoenician standard. t^XZ^Jf^ .?? F 2 <7 / 68 KINGS OF SYEIA. /513 Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin, and with the same 7^/t 1 monogram before and date behind eagle ; but below date, monogram ^' /&$, wt. 218 grs. (B. M. Cat. no 1), fine and rare 1 514 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 512 ; but on rev. monogram of TYP (Tyre) ^^S J? on club before eagle, and behind it THP (mon.) and date ASP ESP (=165), wt. 218 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat, no. 4), fine and rare 1 516 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 512 ; but on rev. monogram of TYP (Tyre) on club before eagle, and behind it THP (mon.) and date ESP (=166), wt. 217 grs., fine and rare 1 ^etradrachm, same type as lot 512 ; but on rev. monogram of TYP (Tyre) 'S J on club before eagle, and behind it EXB (?) (mon.) and date C^EP y (=166), wt. 217 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. no. 4), extremely fine and rare 1 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 512 ; but on rev. monogram of TYP (Tyre) 3 on club before eagle, and behind it THP (mon.) and date ISP lf^^^(=167), wt. 216 grs., extremely fine and a fine portrait [PI. V] 1 61 9 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 51 2 ; but on rev. monogram of TYP (Tyre) ^ on club before eagle, and behind it EXB (?) (mon.) and date ISP V (=167), wt. 219 grs. (B. M. Cat. no. 4), fine and rare 1 520 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 512 ; but no drapery around neck, and y/i ^ on rev. no beak of vessel under eagle's feet, and before it, date TSP (=163), and behind, 2IAO and aplustre, struck at Sidon, wt. *& U1B / 196 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. no. 6), well preserved, but plated, a very rare mint 1 521 Tetradrachm, same type and mint name as the preceding coin; but % ja y before eagle, date ESP (=166), wt. 201 grs., well preserved and very rare 1 522 Tetradrachm, usual type, as lot 520 ; but no drapery around neck, and M A ~/ on the rev. there is no palm over the shoulder of the eagle, (?\s *V* before it, monogram of A*0 (1) and date TSP (=163), and behind (/c&/zJry it, winged trident, struck at Berytus, wt. 218 grs., very fine and very (/ rare 1 523 Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin, and same monogram and /% // ^J^ t _^ symbol on rev., but date qSP (=166), struck at Berytus, wt. 217 grs., ^J/i? j extremely fine and very rare [PI. V] 1 DEMETRIUS II. 69 FIFTH DAY'S SALE KINGS OF SYRIA (continued). Silver. DEMETRIUS II, NICATOE. First Reign, b.c. 146-138. LOT 524 Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius II to right, diademed ; fillet border ; rev. BA2IAE02 AHMHTPIOY EOY IAAAEA$OY NIKATOP02, ^ **& ^S'Krjs"*/ 1 V From the Wigan collection. ^^^3. s^/f^ 7^y /525 Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin ; but on rev. before Apollo, (: -^r^Y? monogram of HY(1), and in the exergue, date IHP (=167) and 6 * //t^A^i^ty Hr (mon.), wt. 253 grs., fine and rare 1 526 tetradrachm, same type as lot 524 j on rev. same monogram before J^$, Apollo and same date as on last coin ; but monogram in exergue < ~^t/J > y IITO (?), struck at Ptolomais, wt. 250 grs., well preserved, but ~/***Y Pureed 1 " 527 Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius II to right, diademed ; around, fillet border; rev. BA2IAEQ2 AHMHTPIOY IAAAEAOY NIKA- f, /C TOP02, Tyche seated to left, holding sceptre and cornucopiae ; in ^6^s /? /> d, before it, LTA (mon.) and date HP (=169) ; behind, aplustre x>^7 and name of mint 2IAO (Sidon) j between its legs TP (mon.) wt. y / ** %y 2\3 grs. (comp. B-J&- Cat. pi. xvn, 7), very fine and a rare type of this mint [PI. V] <^R^- /Vr A Z ^^/ /f*- / * ^/ -**. <*C^,.~ <^ 529 Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin ; but on the rev. Eagle .s stands on beak of galley, before it TYP (Tyre) (mon.) on club j be- ' -^ hindlLHP (mon.) and date IEP (=167), wt. 212 grs., fine and scarce 1 70 KINGS OF SYKIA. 530 Tetradrachm, same type, mint and date as the preceding coin; but behind eagle, thyrsus (?), wt. 218 grs., fine; another, similar, but on a/* - "*" rev. Eagle stands on palm branch ; before it, A*0 (mon.), and behind, date -CEP (= 167), and winged trident, struck at Berytus, wt. 212 grs., well preserved, the second a scarce mint 2 ANTIOCHUS VI, DIONYSUS. b.c. 145-142. 531 Tetradrachm, Youthful radiate and diademed head of Antiochus VI to ^^-^^y^ 2^ a ^- right; fillet border; rev. BA2IAEOS ANTIOXOY EIII$ANOY2 A m s*-V3/ ^r/ '/ AIONY20Y, The Dioscuri on horseback charging to left ; behind ^/^^^/^ '^fe^'.tfPY (Tryphon) and AX (mon.); below, date EP (== 169), and^'^ W^ 2TA (Staphylus); all within floral wreath, wt. 261 grs. (B. M. Cat.^f' /' /S Y* pi. xix, 1), a very fine portrait and rare [PL "VJ/*- y s^^, 1 ^fa***/**"^' 32 Tetradrachm, same type, date, &c. as the preceding coin ; but behind Dioscuri, HAP (mon.), wt. 257 grs., a fine portrait, and rev. very fine, fiN02 AYTOKPATOP02, Spiked helmet ornamented with ibex- horn ; before it, monogram of OP (1), wL 63 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi xx, 2), extremely rare,fin$ ^^>*S-^y( \ , ^ssh^ ANTIOCHUS VII, SIDETES. B.c. 138-129. A*** M 535 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus VII to right, diademed ; fillet border ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 ANTIOXOY EYEPrETOY, Pallas to left, armed and holding Nike ; before her, A and AI (mon.) ; all in laurel- wreath, wt. 257 grs. (comp. B. M. C(d. jpl. xx, 6), extremely fine V From the Northwick collection, ^^jt /&&/ 536 Tetradrachm, same type, &c. as the preceding coin and same monogram ^^ ^jy on rev - ', but behind Pallas, <&, wt. 251 grs., very fine 1 Crt* ANTIOCHUS VII. 71 537 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 535 and same legend, monogram, &c. >^f /0 on rev. ; but before Pallas O; behind her A, wt. 253 grs.,fine 1 y J* 538 Tetradrachm, same type and legend as lot 535, but before Pallas, monogram of TYP (Tyre) on club, which divides the legend IEP c^Vc* A^Y, wt. 259 grs.,fine and a very rare variety 1 539 Tetradrachm, Bust of Antiochus VII to right, diademed, wearing chlamys; dotted border; rev. ANTIOXOY BA2IAEQ2, Eagle with ^palm, standing to left on beak of galley ; before it, monogram of V^TYP (Tyre) on club, and APE ; behind, A2Y and date TOP ( - 177); ^-V' ^y and between its legs, TH (mon.), wt. 219 grs., very fine and scarce *-,* From the Northwick collection. * >> 540 Tetradrachms, same type as the preceding coin, and same mint ; but V^/^ dates HP (=180), and rnP ( = 183), wis. 216 and 219 grs., bothfine, C/ ^ "y^*-+~s the first a rare date 2 p 54* ' , atSidon, wt. 214 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. xx, 4), very fine, and a very rare yt^^fy mint of the reign 1 542 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 539, and same mint (Tyre), but with J/,Sf dates behind eagle, HOP (= 178), and OP (= 179), both well ^^ tt ^9jeserved 2 543 Tetradrachm, similar type, struck at Tyre, but with date BIIP (=182) ; ^/ another, with rev. Pallas holding Nike, same as lot 535 ; before her, C^ A, and monogram of AI, in fair condition 2 544 Didrachm, Bust of Antiochus VII to right, diademed and wearing /s^ chlamys ; rev. ANTIOXOY BA2IAEQ2, Eagle with palm standing st^v. -" to left on beak of prow ; before, PE and monogram of TYP (Tyre) on /y ^^?dub ; behind, A2Y and date COP ( = 176), and between its legs, 2, wt. 109 grs., very fine and an extremely rare denomination [PI. V] 1 DEMETRIUS II, NICATOR. Second Reign, b.c. 130-125. 545 Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius II to right, diademed, with slight , beard and moustache ; fillet border ; rev. BASlAEfiS AHMHTPIOY ^^, -~- EOY NIKATOP02, Zeus seated to left, holding Nike and sceptre ; J7s y^ 7 under right arm AN; in exergue, date TIIP ( = 183), wt. 254 grs. / {figured in Num. Chron. 1883, pi. vi, 4), fine and of the highest rarity, probably unique with this portrait [PI. V] 1 72 KINGS OF SYRIA. / 546 Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding ; but the king has a long js?*'/i beard and thick locks of hair; and on rev. NA below seat of Zeus, /f ' % ~/ "^ and in exergue, date AIIP (= 184), wt. 241 grs., fine and scarce 1 r 547*^ Tetradrachm, same type and portrait as the preceding coin j but on obv. IAHyY fillet border ; and on rev. %I (Sidon?) under seat of Zeus; and in ^^ 'j exergue, date EIIP (= 185), and MY (mon.), wt. 241 grs., very fine * and rare 1 * 548 Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin ; but on rev. before Zeus, ^/y 7. & monograms A$ AY, and under seat HA (mon.); and in exergue, ^ j /? date ^HP (= 187), wt. 253 grs., extremely fine and rare in this state s 549 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 547 ; but on rev. before Zeus, IT, and and rn (mon.) between legs of eagle; (2) date IIIP ^^y (= 187 )> and MY (mon.) between legs of eagle, wts. 217 and 219 J^**^/ grs., both well preserved 2 * 554 Tetradrachm, same type, &c. as lot 550 ; but on rev. Eagle with palm v'V ^ stands on fulmen (?) ; before it, MY. (mon.) and date EIIP (= 185) \ j7\ 1 behind it, 2UAO (Sidon), and aplustre, wt. 213 grs. (figured in ^/rAi^/U^^Num. Chron. 1883, pi. vi, 8), very fine and probably unique, as no specimen is mentioned in Mionnet, nor in B. M. Cat., nor by Babelon, Rois de Syrie [PI. V] 'faS* - - 1 555 Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius II to right, diademed and with long y beard ; border of dots ; rev. AHMHTPIOY BA2IAEQ2, Eagle to ^ ^C/'/ K & leit on thunderbolt; before HA (mon.) and nTO (mon.), struck at &"&> .J?* Ptolemais ; behind it, date EHP (= 185) ; and between its legs ^J^^/*^ MY ( mon -)> wt ZlGjrs- (see Num. Chron., 1883, J?. 102), fine and of the highest rarity %&/{ n -wr *>)?/& f^ft^t y't&vtfy DEMETKIUS II. 73 556 Didrachm, similar type to lot 550; with obv. Beardless bust of Demetrius II to right, diademed and draped ; and on rev. Eagle with palm on beak of vessel ; before it, APE and TYP (Tyre), mon. * on club ; behind, A2Y (mon.) and date TIIP (= 183) ; and between ~y its legs ZB. (mon.), wt. 106 grs. ; another, same; but on rev. date y^^%^ Anp (= 184), and between legs of eagle M, wt. 107 grs., both fine ? _--- seat, 5 (retrograde), wt. 257 grs., very fine and scarce 1 CLEOPATRA and ANTIOCHUS VIII. b.c. 125-121. 563 Tetradrachm, Busts of Cleopatra and Antiochus VIII conjoined to right ; she is diademed and veiled ; he is diademed ; dotted border ; ^ rev. BA2IAIS2H2 KAEOnATPAS 0EA2 KAI BA2IAEQ2 ?vy^^ 1 ^ \jf/f>a 74 KINGS OF SYRIA. 564 Tetradrachm, same as the preceding coin; but with larger heads of * ** *? Queen and King, and no date on rev., wt. 251 grs., fine and very rare 1 65^Tetradrachm, same type as last coin ; but on rev. 0EA2 omitted in legend, and before Zeus IE, and under throne A, wt. 255 grs., very fine and very rare 1 " ANTIOCHUS VIII, GRYPUS.. B.C. 121-96. 566 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus VIII to right diademed ; fillet border ; yyy^ rev. BA2IAEQS ANTIOXOY Eni^ANOYS, Zeus Ouranios draped, ^ y; standing to left, holding star and sceptre ; before him 3IAQ IEP ^^ / both fine and scarce 2 572 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus VIII to right, diademed ; fillet border ; // rev. BA2IAE02 ANTIOXOY Eni$ANOY2, Pallas standing to left, & U holding Nike and spear and shield ; before her IE and NHO (mon.) ; ^cmtd'^afa ^AT^'all within, laurel-wreafch, wt. 250 grs- extremelufine, a rare type of rev. X* . * 573 Tetradrachm, }$ad of Antiochus ANTIOXOY EIII$ANOY2, The Altar of Sandan; in field on left, two monograms, wt. 253 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. no. 23^and pi. XXIV, 3), fine and very rare [PL VI] 4 &na&* u ' * " thunderbolt; before, M; behind, date E1P (= 195), wt. 218 grs., ^J^^ragL^^pM- -B- M. Cat. pi. xxm, 8), extremely fine and a very rare type [PL $/ VI] V^> ^*^L^$f^-^ 1 576 Tetradrachm, same as the preceding coin, but date on rev. TIP (= 193), ^^ $ ^ wt. 207 grs., somewhat rubbed, very rare 1 ANTIOCHUS IX, CYZIOENUS. B.C. 116-95. 577 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus IX to right, diademed ; fillet border ; rev. BASIAEQS ANTIOXOY $IAOIIATOP02, Zeus seated to left, -" holding Nike and sceptre ; on left, letters E, A and A ; all - ^k^X \vjfehin laurel-wreath, wt. 253 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. pi. xxv, 1), very "^ -^pi? '^*R0****fa and a rare type [PI. VI] ly /i&^i/ ' 1 s&^^a^f/ ** 248 grs., fine and rare 1 $1^r Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus I X to right, diademed, slight whiskers ; J : fillet border ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 ANTIOXOY 3>IAOIIATOP02, Pallas S /j ' standing to left, holding Nike and spear and shield; before her 2IAJ2 ^, ^ (Sidon) IEP, ASY and E2 (mon.) ; below, date % (= 200); all within ^^.^ J^ /? ^Z&<*^f wreath, wt. 253 grs. (comp^Ji. M.Gat. pi. xxw^QYfine and extremely ^tyj_ ''l i >V * ' ^ ooU letraaragHm, sati^-fype as^he preceduag coin ; bat on rev. before Pallas,/ ___ .Sf star and AAP (mon.) ; and in exergue, date 2 (= 200), wt. 246 grs., ^? fine and rare 1 \~s ANTIOCHUS X, EUSEBES. B.C. 94-93. 588 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus X to right, diademed, whisker j fillet/^^^f,^ border; rev. BA2IAE02 ANTIOXOY EY2EBOY2 lA.Onk-^ng+~& JT* a TOP02, Zeus seated to left, holding Nike and sceptre ; on leJL^g^- j ^ ; ^^^*W'traces of monogram ; all in wreath, wt. 238 grs. (comp. B. M. Cat. pi. C s** xxvi, 1), in fair condition, extremely rare, . y ,^ . y 1 ANTIOCHUS XI, PHILADELPHIA. b.c. 92. 589 Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus XI to right, diademed ; fillet border ; rev. BA2IAEOS ANTIOXOY Eni$ANOY2, Zeus seated to left holding Nike and sceptre ; before him on left, EP (mon.) and A ; and frf^jthf under seat, AI (mon.); all within wreath, wt. 252 grs. (comp. B.M. Cat. a pi. xxvi, 3), very fine and very rare [PL VI] T^k^y-^y^^*^ 590 Tetradrachm, same type and same monogram^c. on ftv. as the ceding coin, wt. 251 grs., very fine and very rare 1 589 r l x/'K fltaih 7 PHILIPPUS. 77 PHILIPPUS, PHILADELPHUS. b.c. 92-83. 591 Tetradrachm, Head of Philip to right, diademed; fillet border ; rev. BA2IAE22 4>IAIIIIIOY EIIIANOY2 3>IAAAEA$OY, Zeus seated '/CC^ to left, holding Nike and sceptre ; on left NA j under seat AI (mon.) ; <^ /hJ^- m wrea th, wt. 247 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxvi, 9), very fine and rare ^^/[Vl. VI] 1 592 Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin ; but of different work ; '/*/? before Zeus, I, wt. 233 grs., well preserved 1 TIGEANES OF ARMENIA. B.c. 83-69. 593 Tetradrachm, Bust of Tigranes to right draped and wearing Armenian > f&jL tiara, ornamented with star between two eagles; fillet border; '$^s<^\7 > 3r y t /4 t rev. BA2IAE122 TirPANOY, Antioch wearing mural crown, seated -^ay? JTf. & to right ; holding palm ; at her feet swims the river Orontes ; before-^**^ -fCsf 1 / j/^Zrf** *y her K2 (mon.), and under her seat XP (mon.); all in wreath, wt. ^^ 2-/0-< // 255 grs. IB. M. Cat. pi. xxvn, 6), fine and very rare [PI. VI] V^S*' * *?** *** From the Northwick collection. p The following are chiefly Drachms. 594 Seleucus I, Drachm, Head of Zeus to right, laureate ; rev. BA2IAEOS 2EAEYKOY, Pallas in quadriga of elephants, wt. 64 grs. ; another, Head of horse ; rev. same legend, Anchor, wt. 61 grs. ; Hemidrachm, %&*Jy Head of Seleucus in helmet of skin ; rev. BASlAEfiS 2EAEYKOY, y /? (/ Nike crowning trophy, wt. 32 grs. ; Obol, Tripod ; rev. Bow and /lj%&r/ quiver, wt. 10 grs., the last three pieces fine and extremely rare 4 595 Antiochus III, Drachms; rev. BA2IAEQ2 ANTIOXOY, Elephant j/ /6 (2 var.) ; others of Antiochus IV ; rev. Apollo seated on omphalos, cz*^ <** ' holding arrow and bow (2 var.); Demetrius I; rev. BASIAE02 /? AHMHTPIOY 2OTHP02, Cornucopiae (4 var.), with dates NP \^/42g/s*i. , (=159), EP (=160), AEP (=161), and various monograms;; another; rev. Apollo seated on omphalos, average wt. 62 grs., all fine 9 596 Alexander I, Drachms (3) ; rev: BA2LAEQ2 AAEEANAPOY 0EOIIA- TOP02 EYEPrETOY, Apollo seated, usual type ; in exergue, A, HPK(mon.) (Heracleia), average wt. 62 grs.; Hemidrachm, Rude head of king ; rev. BASlAEfiS AAEEANAPOY, Apollo standing, holding arrow and bow, wt. 27 grs., very rare. Antiochus VI, Drachms (3), rev. Apollo seated ; dates HEP (=168), 0EP (=169), and OP (=170) ; another, rev. Helmet, average wt. 60 grs., mostly fine 8 78 KINGS OF SYRIA. 597 Antiochus VI, Drachms (3), as in last lot, with rev. types, Apollo seated (2 var.); and Helmet; others of Antiochus VII ; rev. BA2I- /, AE02 ANTIOXOY EYEPrETOY, Nike to left (2 var.), very rare ; and ^ '/ of Antiochus IX; rev. BA2IAE02 ANTIOXOY $IAOLTATOP02, ^(7 O Tyche holding rudder and cornucopiae ; in field on left, MATE, Jr extremely rare, average wt. 61 grs., mostly fine 6 Bronze. 598 Seleucus I ; rev. types, Pallas Promachos (2 var.) ; Nike standing ; Horse's head ; Tripod ; and Butting bull, sizes 5-4. Antiochus I ; J - rev. types, Elephant (2 var.) ; Pallas Promachos ; Apollo seated (3 var.) ; Tripod, sizes 4-3 ; another, Head of king ; rev. Tripod, < e ~9ize 5, all very fine 15 #. 599 Seleucus II ; rev. types, Apollo seated or standing (3 var.), size 4. Antiochus III ; rev. types, Horse feeding ; and Elephant, size 6 ; 2 g Nike, size 4. Seleucus IV; rev. Galley (2 var.), sizes 5-4; and Apollo standing, size 5. Antiochus IV ; rev. types, Zeus standing ; ,/<^- ^^^/Cybele seated ; Eagle to right or left, size 4. Demetrius I ; rev. types, Elephant's head ; and Bow and torch, size 3, mostly very fine 18 600 Achaeus, Head of Apollo ; rev. BA2IAEQ2 AXAIOY, Eagle, size 2, very rare. Alexander I ; rev. types, Apollo with arrow and bow ; ^ Nike; Pallas; Tripod (2 var.), sizes 4-2. Demetrius II; rev. /%/ types, Apollo seated (2 var.), sizes 6-5; Forepart of galley (2 var.), size 4| ; Tripod, size 4. Antiochus VI ; rev. types, Elephant 16 A size 4 J ; Inpod, size 4. Antiochus VI; rev. types, s/?/*&$*t^> (3 var.), size 5 ; Amphora, size 5 ; Panther, size 4, all fine 601 Antiochus VI ; rev. types, Elephant (2 var.), size 5 ; Amphora, size 4 ; y, / Apollo standing, size 4. Tryphon; rev. Helmet (3 var.), size 3. C7CZS'" Antiochus VII ; rev. Helmet (5 var.), size 3 ; and Trident, size 5, ^'^c^/fdlfine 13 602 Tryphon; rev. type, Helmet (2 var.), size 3. Antiochus VII ; rev. types, Helmet (2 var.), size 4 ; Club (2 var.), size 3. Alexander II ; rev. types, Cornucopiae ; Apollo standing, size 4. Cleopatra and K /f^ Antiochus VIII; rev. types, Owl (4 var.), dated P s? but Eagle standing front, wreath in beak, AHMAPX. 6H YIIATOCf^'<^ s/%&a*isyq T, wt. 200 grs., very fine; and others (2), of Caracalla, similar 'S^iw.^r**. type, with Head of Emperor, and Eagle to right or left, fine Ji/<^ ^J^^f 609 Seleucia, Tetradrachm, Head of Tyche to right, turreted ; fillet bor- der; rev. 2EAEYKEQN TH2 IEPA2 KAI AYTONOMOY, Fulmen on throne; below, date ZI (=27) and, M. wt. 229 grs^fine and a s? I very rare date-^&ere*^--^ ~&1 2'J**' ! *i&2^J.jf%T' **?5M Bronze. 610 Antiochia ad Orontem, Head of Antiochus VI ; rev. Zeus standing, size 4 ; others, Head of City ; rev. types, Ram (3 var.), Altar (2 var.), yf 4~^ size 3| ; Imperial, Vespasian ; rev. Head of city, size 5. Philip I ; rev. ANTlOXefiN MHTPO. KOAQN., Bust of City; above, ram Cfce^L+JP var.), size 8. Philip Jun. ; rev. Eagle, size 7, all fine 11 PHOENICIA. Silver. 611 Aradus, Stater, B.C. 370-350, Head of Melkarth to right, laureate; ^47 ^ ^> rev. Galley with rowers on waves ; above in Phoenician letters, ^-"~ ''szffniMk Arad. [PL VI] 612 Aradus, Tetradfachm, B.C. 13646f Bust of the Tyche of Aradus toy right, veiled and turreted ; rev. APAAION, Nike standing to left, fjjft holding aplustre and palm-branch; before her, date AAP (=131) ^t/^/a^J^ an( ^ ^ i a ^ * n laurel-wreath (comp. Hist. Num. p. 667) ; another, same, but on rev. before Nike, date TAP (=133), Phoenician letter and C, both well preserved 2 %* The average weight of this and the following similar pieces is 230 grs. 613 Aradus, Tetradrachms, same as the preceding lot; but on rev. before Nike, (1) date AAP (=134), 9 and C. ; (2) date BMP (=142), r 'jfA^/7 Phoenician letter and AN, the first well preserved, the second in good ^^^^condition 2 6 14^-, Aradus, Tetradrachms, same type as lot 612, but on rev. before Nike, -?/ ^h^(l) date BHP (=162), Phoenician letter and N ; (2) date AHP j /< & 4 (=164) letter and MS, both well preserved 2 618 Aradus, Tetradrachms, same type as lot 612, but on rev. before Nike, (1) date B5P (=192) 3 and MS ; (2) date T5P (=193) A and MS, h,oth well preserved 2 619 Aradus, Tetradrachms, same type as lot 612, but on rev. before Nike, ^ 3 #^Q) date ?^y s/j AI (mon.), and in exergue, date AS (= 201) ; all within laurel- //* / r*^*'^ y ^ wreath, wt. 226 grs. (Babelon, Les Perses Achiminides, pi. xxxin, 21), well preserved and of the highest rarity 1 fayr-. S&T- ^^.^^ **^VW^ y*^^^ 82 PHOENICIA. 627 Tyre, Stater, B.C. 405-309, Melkarth holding bow, riding on sea-horse to right ; beneath, waves and dolphin ; rev. Owl to right, head efore Eagle, date AI (= 14); behind ZB (mon.), the first well preserved, the second fine ' 2 631 Tyre, Tetradrachms, same type as lot 629 ; but on rev., (1) before ^A y ss Eagle, date L A (= 4) ; between legs ZB (mon.) ; (2) before ^L Eagle, date I (= 19); behind it, HPA (mon.), the first well pre- served, the second fine 2 632 Tyre, Tetradrachms, same type as lot 629 ; but on rev., (1) before j& ^ Eagle, date LK(= 20) ; behind it, ZB (mon.) ; (2) before Eagle, date AK (= 21); behind it, HPA (mon.); between legs, Phceni- P^^ J?S- cian letter, the first fine, the second very fine 2 633 Tyre, Tetradrachms, same type as lot 629 ; but on rev., (1) before y Eagle, date AK (== 24) ; behind it, MY (mon.) ; (2) before Eagle, ^ date TH (= 63) ; behind it, 3>A (mon.) ; between legs, Phoenician r*^.^M*Ietter, &o/A very fine 2 634 Tyre, Tetradrachms, same type as lot 629 ; but on rev., (1) before Eagle, v^/ * date 0N (= 59) ; behind it, $A (mon.) ; and between legs, Phceni- c^^L /? cian letter ; (2) before Eagle, date TH (= 63) ; behind it, premve& 2 TYKE. 83 636 Tyre, Tetradrachms, same type as lot 629; but on rev., (1) before / Eagle, date Or (= 73) ; behind, 3>A (mon.) ; between legs, Phceni- ~'LJst/& cian letter; (2) before Eagle, date IIA (== 81); behind it, BY -j s7 (mon.) ; between legs, Phoenician letter, the first fine, the second very ^V*.<^ *vp 638 Berytus, Imperial, Caracalla; rev. types, COL. IVL. AVG. PEL. BEE., Temple of Astarte with her statue (2 var.), sizes 8-6 ; Neptune raising kneeling woman, size 7 ; Two birds, COL. BEE. in wreath, & size 4 ; Macrinus ; rev. Temple of Astarte, &c. as before, size 8. Byblus, Caracalla ; rev. I6PAC. BYBAOY, Temple with figure of Astarte, size 6 ; Diadumenian, same type, size 6, rare and fine. SiDON ; rev. types, Europa on bull ; Nike standing ; Nike seated on prow, size 5. Imperial, Hadrian ; rev. Europa on the bull, 3IAQNOC. EAC, size 6 ; Caracalla ; rev. same, but reading SID. CO. METE, size 7, all fine 12 639 Tripolis, Imperial, Julia Domna ; rev. TPinOAITfiN. ZK$ (= 527), Temple of Astarte, size 7 ; Caracalla, rev. same type (2 var.), size 7 ; j Macrinus, same type, size 8 ; Diadumenian ; rev. TPIIIOAITON ^--? y K< (= 529), The Dioscuri standing, each holding bunch of grapes, <^L y^iS'/owi obv., date ^\f^ {= year 2), wt. 109 grs. {Madden, p. 68), well 4J?0sj,s*+~J? reserve d and rare 1 Bronze. 644 Simon Maccabeus, b.c. 143-135, Cup or chalice, " The Redemption of Zion ; " rev. Shenath Arba {= in the fourth year), Bundle of branches between two ethrogs, size 4 {Madden, p. 72, 3). Herod Agrippa I, Umbrella, BASlAEfiS ArPIII ; rev. Three ears of corn between date L. Cy {== year 6), size 3 {ib. p. 131, 1). Annius - y , Eufus, Procurator, A.D. 12-15, Ear of corn, KAICAPOC ; rev. ?< & Palm-tree, and date L. A (year 39), size 4 {ib. p. 175, 3) ; another, "" *,, ysame, but date L. MA. (year 41), size 3. Nero, Palm, L. G. KAI- '&*"**&*& CAPOC ; rev. NSPtUNOC in wreath, size 3 {ib. p. 185, 4). Simon Barcochab, A.D. 132-135, Palm-tree dividing legend, Simon ; rev. Vine-leaf, "The Deliverance of Israel," size 7 {ib. p. 240, 21). Titus, Head of Emperor; rev. Trophy, size 5 {ib. p. 217, 2). Gaza, Nero {%); rev. Fortuna and City (?) grasping hands, TAZeitUN, size 5. Edessa (Mesopotamia), Imperial, Gordian III ; rev. King Abgarus presenting Nike to Emperor seated, size 10, all rare and an interesting series 9 PARTHIA. Silver. 645 Phraates IV, B.C. 37, 2, Tetradrachm, Head of king; rev. King ,, receiving palm from Tyche, BA2IAEQ2 BASIAEfiN, &c. ; anotherjj^/^.^ of Vologeses IV, AD. 147-190, similar type; and Drachms of XERXES. 85 PEESIA. Gold. 646 Xerxes, B.C. 485-465, Daric, King clad in long robe, kneeling to right e%v 6fL &2 ^ on one knee and holding spear and bow; rev. Irregular incuse, **&*S $ %^-t ^^ wt. 127 grs. (comp. JBabelon, pi. I, 16), very fine and rare 1 c j^y^r & *r< 647 Artaxerxes I, B.C. 465-425, Daric, similar type to the preceding coin, ^^"^ * *. /,/,*- but on tne rev - tne incuse is oblong and less irregular, wt. 127 grs., (comp. Babelon, pi. I, 22), fine and rare 1 648 Artaxerxes I, B.C. 465-425, Daric, same type as the last coin, but the incuse on the rev. is oblong and still less irregular, wt. 127 grs., fine and rare 1 Silver. V^*v**-*^- 649 Darius I, &c. Sigloi (2), King kneeling to right on one knee, holding T^^y j diademed; rev. BA2IAEQ2 EY0YAHMOY, Herakles seated to^^Jf ^ ,, left on rock j in right hand, club which rests on rock, wt. 251 grs. # ^ j'TCfe -*//"- { c 0mp . b. m. cat. m i, id, ife-up m- % / ^_ \4L6tu . y 656 Euthydemus I, circa B.C. 220, Tefradrachm, similar to the preceding ; ^?^*%f\ - but w ^h different portrait on obv., and on rev. PK (mon.) behind ^5^" ^^ -^rtrrL^rir, wt. 254 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. n, 4), well preserved and rare 1 x>m Euthydemus II, circa B.C. 185, Tetradrachm,' Bust of king to right, y diademed and draped; rev. BA2IAEQ2 EY0YAHMOY, Herakles yy ^^c^tfT* facing, ivy-crowned, holding wreath in right hand and club and / ^~" ^^^.^^^Jlion's skin in left ; to left, PK (mon.), wt. 261 grs. (B. M. Cat.pl. m, V--^^> AT Z), fine and very rare [PL VI] ^^^^^^T^^A 658 Eucratides, circa B.C. 181-147, Tetradrachm, Bust of king to right, dia- (Z demed and draped ; fillet border ; rev. BA2IAEOS EYKPATIAOY, *& ^^> y Apollo wearing chlamys, standing to left, holding arrow and bow;u^<^ff- c ji5^^ - ^ ^C^y "-""' before him, HA (mon.), wt. 256 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. V, 4), very fine ^t^WV^md very rare [PI. VI] v2^ *4*~4 & /&-/&*/ 1 659 Eucratides, circa b.c. 181-147, Tetradrachm, Bust of king to right, / . diademed and wearing crested helmet, ornamented with ear and \ , IIIII02TPATOY, Bust of king to right, diademed and draped ; rev. Horseman, Pehlevi legend, wt. 150 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xiv, 4). Her- maeus, Tetradrachm, BA2IAE02 20THP02 EPMAIOY, Bust of king diademed and draped ; rev. Zeus seated, Pehlevi legend, wt. < ~^^/ zfXjQ f 143 grs. Azes, circa B.C. 40, Tetradrachm,, BA2IAED2 BASlAEfiN-^*^ *?J/&& MErAAOY AZOY, Horseman with spear, rev. Zeus, wt. 151 grs.; pZ^tg/s-^*^ another similar, but rev. type Nike, wt. 133 grs. ; and Azilises,-^^^-^ at ^[ = circa B.C. 20, Tetradrachm, BA2IAEQ2 BA2IAEQN MErAAOY AZIAI20Y, Horseman with spear ; rev. Nike, Pehlevi legend, v~**re/&f <* 115 grs., mostly fine and scarce 5 " Bronze. 664 Pantal'eon, Female figure ; rev. Panther, size 4. AGATHOCLES, others (2), same type. Eucratides, Head of king ; rev. Dioscuri on horseback (4 var.), sizes 5-2 ; others (2), Head of Elephant ; rev. a?, . Club, size 3. Antialcidas, Head of Herakles ; rev. Caps of Dios- curi and palm-branches (3 var.), size 4. Diomedes, Dioscuri standing; /rf^ ^f rev. Humped bull, size 4. Apollodotus, Apollo with arrow and f^ bow ; rev. Tripod (4 var.), sizes 5-4, all square coins, mostly fine, some rare 17 665 Apollodotus, Apollo ; rev. Tripod, size 7. Menander, Head of king; rev. Nike, size 3 ; Head of elephant ; rev. Club, size 2, both square. Philoxenus, Tyche ; rev. Humped bull, size 5. Hermaeus, Head of king ; rev. types, Zeus seated ; Herakles standing, size 6. Maues, Head of elephant; rev. Caduceus, size 7. Spalirises, King on horseback ; rev. Herakles naked, seated on rock (2 var.), size 5, square; Panther ; rev. Humped bull, size 7. Gondophares, Bust of king ; rev. Nike (2 var.), sizes 5-4, some fine and rare 13 666 "Basileus Soter Megas," Kadphises, Kanerkes, &c, various types, v ^" mostly well preserved 21 88 KINGS OF EGYPT. SIXTH DAY'S SALE. AFKICA. KINGS OF EGYPT. ALEXANDER IV, AEGUS, B.C. 323-311. Silver. LOT 667 Tetradrachm, Head of Alexander to right, wearing elephant's skin, r yj ^^ aegis around neck ; rev. AAEHANAPOY, Zeus seated to left, holding ^ **S.a>6yA 669 Tetradrachm, same type and same monograms astnepreceaing coin, / sf ^/ but the face on the obv. is countermarked with a star, wt. 241 grs., ^/Crt'd very fine and scarce [PI. VII] 1 670 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 668, but countermark on king's face, and ^/ 4 on rev. helmet above eagle ; and in field on left, star ; on right, HP r* ' (mon.), wt. 236 ars., fine and scarce 1 (mon.), wt. 236 grs., fine and scarce 671 s Tetradrachm, same type as lot 668, but on rev. helmet above eagle, and before Pallas 3>AO (mon.), wt. 243 grs., fine and scarce 1 672 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 668, but countermark on king's face, and , - on rev. above eagle, AT (mon.) ; and in field on left, IIA (mon.) (Pa- phos) ; on right, <1>A0 (mon.), wt. 243 grs., very fine and scarce 1 673 Tetradrachm, same type as lot 668, but on rev. before Pallas MHP(mon.), wt. 241 grs. ; Drachm, same type, but on rev. in field on left, All ^ (mon.) ; on right, EY, wt. 57 grs., both well preserved, the second a very jp rare denomination 2 / 671 //A PTOLEMY 1. 89 PTOLEMY I, SOTER. B.c. 323-284. Gold. 674 Pentadrachm, Head of king to right, diademed and wearing aegis ; rev. T^**^/^ ^j^i LTTOAEMAIOY BA2IAEQ2, Eagle to left on thunderbolt ; ^^^^^^2^ r 'J(. ' it IIA (mon.) and ear of corn; behind, countermark, wt. 275 grs., <&*>* -^J^ss^ s^^Zf' y fi ne an d extremely rare of this denomination [PI. VIIj^ *" y ^*\ 675 Stater, Head of king to right, diademed and wearing aegis ; rev. Sj^ HTOAEMAIOY BA2IAEQ2, Quadriga of elephants to left, the ^C'"' """"" charioteer (Alexander) holding thunderbolt ; in the exergue OTIA, wt. 110 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. 11, 10), fine and very rare 1 676 Quarter Stater, Head of king to right, diademed and wearing aegis ; 2S rev. LTTOAEMAIOY BA5IAEQ2, Eagle standing to left on thunder- "y ^ s&* t; before it A (Alexandria), wt. 27 grs., very fine and very rare 1 Quarter Stater, same type as the preceding, wt. 28 grs., fine and very rare 1 Silver. Tetradrachm, Head of king to right, diademed and wearing aegis ; jrev. IITOAEMAIOY BA2IAEfi2, Eagle standing to left on thunder- , bolt ; on left, HY (mon.), wt. 223 grs. ; others (2), similar type, but no monogram on rev., both varied, wt. 220 grs. each, all very fine 3 PTOLEMY I AND PTOLEMY II. B.C. 305-284. Silver. 679 Tetradrachm, Head of king to right, diademed, wearing aegis ; rev. HTOAEMAIOY BA2LAE02, Eagle standing to left on thunderbolt ; . /Jff before, 2A (mon.) (Salamis) ; others, similar, but on rev., (1) before eagle, MY (mon.) ; (2) before eagle, XA (mon.), average wt. 228 grs., all fine 3 680 Tetradrachms, same type as the preceding lot, but on rev. before eagle, / (Tyre) ; behind, A and monogram ; (2) before eagle, club and TYP / (mon.) (Tyre); behind A and AB (mon.); between legs, N, all ~Y- pie 3 684 Tetradrachms, same type as lot 682; all reading EtTOAEMAIOY / 20THP02 ; and on rev., (1) before eagle, club and TYP (mon.) ^Y /* j(Tyre) ; behind, A and AB (mon.) ; between legs, A ; (2) before y eagle, MN (mon.) and 21 (Sidon) ; behind KO. (mon.) ; (3) before ^//^^A eagle HP A (mon.), AN (mon.) and HT (Ptolemais) ; and between legs, KT (mon.), mostly fine 3 685 Tetradrachms, same type and legend as last lot, but on rev., (1) before / eagle, club and TYP (mon.) (Tyre) ; behind, A and AB (mon.) ; yS/2 -^between legs, ; (2) before eagle, AI and 21 (Sidon); behind, A, ^^^^ chipped; Drachms (3), similar type, but reading nTOAEMAIOY /^ >?BA2IAEOS, and two with P before eagle and IB and IZ behind it, well preserved ,v 5 PTOLEMY II AND HIS FAMILY. Gold. / 686 Octadrachm, Busts conjoined to right of Ptolemy II and Arsinoe II ; he is diademed and draped, she is diademed and veiled ; behind, 5*xiyr__ /////.*> ' '/ r shield ; above, AAEA<3>ON ; rev. Busts conjoined to right of^^^rf^ y t / Ptolemy I and Berenice; he is diademed and draped, she is^^ < 2t/ ^-^^ diademed and veiled; above, EON, wt. 428 grs. (B. M. Gat. ^"f*- pi. VII, 2), fine and very rare jr^*^ ^^y^t - -^-^3 "/ <*/*) \ *** From the Northwick collection. V^ 687 Tetradrachm, same type and legends as the preceding coin and same ^ CS^ symbol, shield on obv., wt. 214 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. VII, 1), very fine ^IAAAEAOY, Double cornucopiae with fillet, wt. 426 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. vm, 1), fine and rare [PL VII] 1 y^**^ V From the Whittall collection. ^689 Octadrachm, same type as the preceding coin, but behind head on ^C-^*-'^^op v ; K, wt. 426 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. vm, 4), very fine and a rare type, **r in higher relief than the last 1 ' /f'Sf^es^s *** From the Whittall collection. 9 rJ 690 Octadrachm, same type as the preceding coin and same letter on obv. behind head, wt. 423 grs., fine and rare 1 Silver. *^Zr*+S^^, 691 Decadrachm, Head of Arsinoe to right, diademed and veiled; behind,^ . jf/f" 7^^t^ erown 0) behind KI, (all struck at Citium) ; (5) before eagle, date LA (year 4) ; behind %k (Salamis) ; above on either side, cap of Dioscuri, all very fine 5 699 Tetradrachms, same type as lot 697, but on rev., (1) before eagle, date y LA (year 4) and 2A ; behind, helmet ; above on either side, cap of _^ /f ' /tf^ Dioscuri ; (2) similar, but date LE (year 5) ; helmet before and 2A ^>^ behind eagle; (3) before eagle, date LI (year 19); behind 2A; p (4) same but date LAT (year 33), all struck at Salamis, fine 4 700 Tetradrachms, same type as lot 697, but on rev., (1) before eagle, star and 7/// date LAA (year 31) ; behind 2A ; (2) same, but date LA (year 39), , 31, 33 and 39), fine and scarce 5 PTOLEMY VIII, EUERGETES II, &c. B.C. 170-117. Silver. 703 Tetradrachm, Head of Ptolemy I to right, diademed and wearing aegis ; rev. IITOAEMAIOY BASlAEfiS, Eagle to left on thunderbolt; ^ ' 4/ before it, date LA (year 1) ; behind IIA (Paphos) ; others (4) %ng*4 similar, but with dates LZ, L, LI, LIB (years 7, 9, 10 and 12), all well preserved . 5 704 Tetradrachms, same type and mint as the preceding lot, but with dates jSj&Js " L0, LE, LI, LKA, LKH (years 9, 13, 19, 21, 28), well preserved 5 705 Tetradrachms, same type as lot 703 ; but on rev., (1) before eagle, date LNr (year 53) ; behind IIA (Paphos) j (2) before eagle, date LKH behind KI (Citium) ; (3) same, but before eagle, date LAr (year 33) and sceptre with fillet ; (4) before eagle, date LMA (year 44) ; behind KI j (5) before eagle, date LAr (year 33), and sceptre with fillet ; behind 2A (Salamis), well preserved 5 jgfSt PTOLEMY XI, &c. B.C. 114-88. Silver. 706 Tetradrachm, Head of Ptolemy I to right, diademed and with aegis ; rev. IITOAEMAIOY BA2IAEOS, Eagle standing to left with palm ; . j before it, date LK (year 29) ; behind IIA (Paphos) ; Didrachm, f *'^ Dionysiac bust to right, head bound with ivy, thyrsos over left /^| >^ shoulder, draped; rev. IITOAEMAIOY BA2IAEQ2, Eagle to left *^ K 'on thunderbolt, wt. 101 grs. (B. M. Cat. pi. xxvn, 12), extremely rare and fine; Ptolemy XIII, Tetradrachm, usual type ; but on rev. Eagle with palm; before it date LIB (year 12); behind IIA (Paphos), the first and last well preserved, rare 3 94 KINGS OF EGYPT. Bronze. 707 Ptolemy I and Ptolemy II, Head of Zeus ; rev. Eagle, various symbols J*Sy/ an d monograms (8 var.), sizes 13-4 ; others (3) Head with elephant's _^5 ^^"skin; rev. Eagle (3 var.), size 5, all fine 13 70o Ptolemy I and Ptolemy II, similar to the preceding, but varied with j?s{& * two eagles on rev. or eagle holding sceptre, all fine 14 709 Ptolemy III, Head of Zeus ; rev. DTOAEMAIOY BA2IAEQ2, City facing, wearing modius (3 var.), sizes 7-4. Ptolemy VIII, Head of *&'/ '*/ Cleopatra as Isis ; rev. Eagle (5 var.), size 8-3 ; and others of various reigns and various types, mostly fine 21 710 Ptolemy V, Young bust of king to right ; rev. Eagle (2 var.), size 5. y .Ptolemy VIII, Head of Zeus Ammon ; rev. BA2IAE02 IITOAE- ^/^ j MMOY EYEPrETOY, Eagle on thunderbolt ; before it K (Citium), y size 9 (2 var.). Cleopatra VII, Bust of queen to right, Ptolemy ,/^^^jk^^^VI as Eros in her arms ; behind her shoulder, sceptre ; rev. KAEOI1ATPA2 BA2IAI2SH2, Double cornucopiae ; another, bust of queen to right ; rev. Eagle to left ; before it, cornucopiae ; behind II (Paphos ?), all well preserved and interesting coins 6 711 Cleopatra VII, Bust of queen to right; rev. KAEOIIATPA2 BA2IAI22H2, Eagle to left ; before, cornucopiae ; behind, II J^Js./y (Paphos), size 7 (2 var.) ; others (2) similar, but behind eagle on rev. j? M, size 4 ; another, Cleopatra and Marc Antony, obv. BACIA. EA. /^ipfajA $? in three lines ; rev. ANTIU. YEA. T in three lines, size 1\, all r well preserved and interesting pieces, rare 5 ALEXANDEIA. Large Brass. \ 712 Trajan ; rev. types, Zeus seated on eagle ; date LI (year 10) ; Victory / ^ in biga ; date LIB (year 12) ; Trophy, same date ; Spes, date LIA ss?^ c>^/^w ear 11) > Quadriga of elephants; date LIA (year 11); River-god, Nilus, reclining; date, LIE (year 15); Emperor in quadriga of -^Vv^K-^^^elephants ; date LIE (year 15); Emperor in quadriga of horses, same date, all extremely fine 8 713 Trajan; rev. types, River-god, Nilus, reclining ; date ICJ (year 16); Abundantia and Pax holding hands, same date ; Nike crowning y emperor, same date; Sphinx, date LIH (year 18); Hadrian; rev. types, River-god, Nilus, reclining, date LIC, (year 16); Fortuna, /*-** date LIZ (year 17) ; Isis Pharia holding sail ; before, Pharos ; date LIH (year 18) ; Sphinx, same date, all very fine 8 '4:/* ALEXANDRIA. 95 714 Had rian ; rev. types, Zeus and Emperor standing at altar within temple, date LIH (year 18); Gateway of city, date L. 6NN6A. K. A (year 19) ; Head of Serapis, same date ; River-god, Nilus, reclining, "no date(?); Antoninus Pius; rev. types, Aequitas seated, TPIC. KAI. A (year 13); Nilus reclining, L. 6NATOY (year 9); Roma seated, same date ; Faustina II ; rev. Cybele seated, L. A (year 4), all very fine 8 Second Brass and Potin. 71,5 Augustus and Tiberius, Their busts ; Augustus ; rev. L. M in wreath ; Nero and Poppaea, Their busts ; Nerva ; rev. Serpent and caduceus ; Antinous ; rev. Horseman ; Severus Alexander ; rev. Serapis, L. f 4 // neMIITOY; and others of Philip I, Otacilia Severa, Gallienus, j, a Salonina, Valerian and Aurelian, with various reverse types, all rf**~Pfm 14 716 Nomes, Hadrian ; Arsino'ite, rev. Head of king, APCI. LI A ; Herakleo- polite, rev. Head of Herakles, HPAK. L. IA ; Memphite, rev. Isis, *^

Sfr to right, sceptre in right hand ; left resting on his hip ; at his side, a ram, wt. 132 grs. (var. Mutter, no. 194), well preserved and very rare 1 96 CYRENAICA. 720 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Half-Stater, KYPAIP. (sic), Horseman to right; c^y^ ^^ rev. Silphium plant dividing legend, KYAI02, wt. 65 grs. (Miiller, i*-t* -~-~. -.. ^Lgr /m,^*C^ /721 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321, Half-Drachm, Headof Athena to left, helmeted; ^ /-// behind AA ; rev. Three silphium plants radiating from one centre, t. 32 gp f (va%. Mutter, np. 209), fine and very rare 1 72^ Gyrene, b.c. 431-321, Male toad to right, bearded, with ram's horn ; y /? rev ~ Female head, Kyrene, to right, wt. 13 grs. ; another, similar, but ^Z-y *''* head on obv. to left, wt. 12 grs. (Mutter, no. 214), both fine and rare 2 Silver. 723 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right ; behind K ; below I ; before magistrate's name (?) ; rev. Silphium plant, wt. 206 grs. (var. not in Miiller), fine and rare 1 724 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right, hair and beard in thick curls ; rev. KYPANA divided by silphium lantfW. 200 grs. (Mutter, no. 127), well preserved and rare 1 725 t " Cyrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, same type as the preceding coin, ' %> x^Jp^ hair and beard wavy, wt. 202 grs., well preserved and rare 1 .726 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to left; rev. y^S4 sgr^K^ (retrograde) divided by silphiuni plant, wt. 205 gp.lMjlller, y^-jf 111 /Gyrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, same -fcype as" thepreceding co A& ^ y<7- ing com, ? ^^but head of different style and diademed, and on rev. the legend ' JCYPANA (retrograde) encircles the silphium plant, wt. 206 grs. /f&^l y^f (var. not in Miiller), fine and very rare fc 1 / *** From the Bompois collection. Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to left; ^,behind magistrate's name, TOMHAE02 ; rev. KYPANA, divided by V^ilphium plant, wt. 206 grs. (Mutter, no. 140), well preserved and rare 1 v 729 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right; in front, magistrate's name, NIKI02 ; rev. KYPA (retrograde) divided by silphium plant, wt. 197 grs. (Mutter, no. 138), fine and rare, but obv. of rough work 1 730 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, same type and same magistrate's name as on the preceding coin, but of better work, and on the rev. the legend is not retrograde, wt. 201 grs., obv. fine, rev. in fair con- /f. dition, rare 1 ZA CYRENE. 97 .731 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, similar type to the preceding coin, ^^^/2 but magistrate's name on obv. NIKI02 (?) reads upwards, wt. 196 yf^grs., somewhat rubbed and scratched 1 32 Cyrene, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, same type as lot 729, but no <7y^ ^magistrate's name on obv. and no name of city on rev., wt. 205 grs., well preserved but chipped at edge 1 33 '^Ctrene, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to left; i/^ ^-behind, two laurel-leaves ; rev. Silphium plant ; around which, magis- **' ^trate's name AIBY2TPATO, wt. 203 grs. (Mutter, no. 41), fine and ffiy a very rare variety [PI. VII] *^/* - ^^r 1 734 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308, Didrachm, Young head with ram's horn to left; / behind, traces of magistrate's name ; rev. KYPA in two lines divided < ^jt/> " by silphium plant, wt. 129 grs. (var. Mutter, no. 143), fine and rare 735 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308, Didrachm, Young head with ram's horn to left; J^e/i J4 re v- KY PA in one line divided by silphium plant ; above on either ^"^ side, star, wt. 121 grs. (Mutter, no. 153), fine and rare 1 736 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308, Didrachm, similar type and legend as the pre- ^/y ceding coin, but on rev. 2TO (mon.) to left and star to right of **~ V^ silphium plant, wt. 117 grs. (Mutter, no. 156), fine and rare 1 737 Cyrene, b.c. 321-308, Didrachm, same type and legend as lot 735, but /,^ on rev. star to left and 2T (mon.) to right of silphium plant, wt. ~? 122 grs. (Mutter, no. 158), well preserved and rare 1 738 Cyrene, B.C. 321-308, Didrachm, Young head with ram's horn to right j 7^ $/ ~3 rev ' ^ "^ divided by silphium plant, wt. 119 grs. (var. Mutter, no. 148), ^ * ^ * fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 739 Cyrene, circa B.C. 300, Didrachm, Head of Ptolemy, son of Lagus, to right ; behind, spear-head ; before, aegis (?) ; rev. Silphium plant and palm-tree divided by legend KYPAN reading upwards, wt. 124 grs. 'Sft,/tf^ (var. Mutter, no. 183), fairly preserved, a unique variety 1 Jf** Miiller 1. c. figures a similar coin in the French collection, and at X.S, **&Z? <4 -yjiJS 3 - ^^^ -Z^^-l 42 Barce, b.c. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of. Zeus Ammon to rigl before, BAP j border of dots ; all within sunk circle ; rev. Silphium ^/^plant, wt. 257 grs. (Mutter, no. 292), well preserved and rare 1 /^?^^ *** From the Northwick collection. 743 Barce, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right, hair / / ^ in curls ; before, magistrate's name AKE3I02 ; border of dots ; Typi - TM- B A divided by silphium plant; border of dots, wt. 195 grs. (Mutter, no. 318), fine and very rare [PI. VII] 1 4J& gZ***/ *^* From the Dupr( s collection. Barce, B.C. 431-321, Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right ; rev. BAPKAION (retrograde) in four lines divided by silphium plant, wt. 196 grs. (Mutter, no. 313), fine and rare [PI. VII] 1 *** From the Northwick collection. 7 745 Barce, B.C. 431-321, Drachm, Head of Zeus Ammon to right ; border of dots ; the whole within incuse square, at the corners of which are the / y letters BAPK ; rev. Silphium plant, wt. 51 grs. (Mutter, no. 287); and yy/-/^EUESPERlDES, Drachm of /precisely the same type, but on obv. at y .j, corners of incuse square are the letters EYE2J, wt. 51 grs., both very //f y ^,A 1 ^ffi ne ' and extremely rare, especially tine second coin 2 p *** No. 2 from the Wigan collection. Bronze. 746 Cyrene, in genere, Head of Dionysos ; rev. Silphium plant ; another, similar, but obv . Head of Apollo ; Horse's head ; rev. Wheel, all size 5 Cyrene, Head of Zeus "Ammon; rev. Silphium plant dividing /'/# KVPINON (5 var.), size 6; others, rev. types, Palm-tree and s/7 y^silphium, KYPA (2 var.) ; Lyre (2 var.) ; Running horse, all size 3 ; ^% MX- Wheel, size 2. Roman, Bust of Artemis ; rev. L. LOLLIVS, Stag, / size 7 ; Ram, above ANTICTPA ; below L ; rev. IIOYIIIOC TAMIAC, Curule chair, staff, &c, size 5 (Mutter, no. 423), mostly fine and scarce 1 6 LIBYA. 99 LIBYA, SYRTIOA, &c. Silver. 747 Libya (Macae), circa B.C. 200, Didrachm, Head of young Herakles to left in lion's skin ; rev. Lion walking to right ; above, Phoenician s/f/ letter ^| ; below, ALB YON, wt. Hi grs., well preserved and exceedingly Bronze. 748 Leptis Magna, Head of Dionysos ; rev. Club and Punic legend in wreath, size 5 (Mutter, no. 2) ; Turreted female head ; rev. Club and thyrsus crossed ; around, Punic legend, size 4 (Mutter, no. 7). Oea, Imperial, Tiberius, His bust ; rev. Bust of Apollo ; before it, lyre ; \f ^y wreath border (2 var.), size 8 (Mutter, nos. 36, 37) ; Bust of Livia ; rev. Bust of Pallas, size 7 (ib. no. 34). Sabrata, Augustus, Head of s^j( V; Emperor ; behind, CAESAR ; before, lituus ; rev. Head of Serapis, / Punic legend, size 6 (Mutter, no. 58). Carthage, Imperial, Julius Caesar- and Augustus, Their heads conjoined ; rev. Tetrastyle temple, size 9 (Mutter, no. 319) ; Tiberius ; rev. Temple, size 6, mostly fine, all rare 8 NUMIDIA. Silver. J749 Masinissa, B.C. 202-148, Didrachm, Young male head to left, bare;^ ^ ^ / y-^ rev - Horse standing to right in front of palm-tree, wt. 113 grs. " ' (Mutter, no. \,p. 13), very well preserved and exceedingly rare 1 ^^/^y^^^The" coins of Masinissa, Micipsa and Jugjurtha have been of late restored to Spain by M. Zobel (see Hist. Num. p. 744). /750 Jugurtha, B.C. 118-106, Didrachm, Head of king to left, laureate ; / y rev. Elephant to right; in the exergue, Punic letter, wt. 99 grs., well J?Z& ^ preserved and extremely rare -*&? #$* ^.*e* ^hm ^^4^^*^^^^ ^T51 Juba I, B.C. 60-46, Drachm, Bust of king to right, REX IVBA; rev.^3L*e ~* J^, j^ / , Temple, Punic legend,^. & grs. (Hist. Num. p. 744). Juba II, ~^~^ - Z^J*? ? B,C - 25 " A - D - 23 > Head of kin 8 t0 ri ht > KEX IVBA. ; rev. Elephant, - - monograms and eagle, in fair condition 3 761 Tetradrachms, of Thasos, Athens, Ephesus, Cyrene, and Eucratides of Bactria, usual types, and Stater of Aegina, somewhat rubbed 6 )istophori (p) of Ephesus, Parium, Tralles and Laodiceia with various symbols and magistrates' names, mostly rubbed; Caesareia (Cappa- dociae), Tetradrachm of Trajan, rev. Female figure with camel ; Didrachms of Hadrian and Aurelius ; and Drachm of Caracalla, rev. The Mons Argaeus, in fair condition 10 763 Drachms, Hemidrachms, &c. of various cities of Italy, Greece and Asia, *' some in fair condition 36 ,^^764 Others, similar 39 765 Tetradrachms of Amphipolis, Archelaus I of Macedon, Athens, Lyttus, Antiochus IV of Syria, Hippostratus of Bactria &c. ; Didrachms of Tarentum, Enna, Eretria, &c, and various smaller pieces, Roman Denarii, &c, all false 30 Bronze. l //^ 766 Carmo (Hispaniae), Helmeted head ; rev. CARMO between two ears of corn, size 10 j Caen A (Siciliae) Griffin ; rev. Free horse running, KAINON, size 6 (4 var.) ; Syracuse; rev. types, Horse, Fulmen, sizes 7-6 ; Tatjromenium, Head of Apollo ; rev. Lyre, size 8 (4 var.) ; others (2) j rev. types, Butting bull, Tripod, size 6, mostly fine 13 767 Agrigentum, Titras, in form of Tooth, with marks of value : : at base j ' > * also an Astragalos, both fine and rare 2 tiffin 102 APPENDIX. J?~ 6 768 CJampania, rev. types, Horse galloping, Horse's head, Lion, Pegasus ^# &c, with ROMA or ROMANO, and others of Agrigentum, Rhegium, Syracuse (temp. Agathocles, &c), various sizes, all fine 38 769 Autonomous &c. coins of various districts of the Greek world, mostly ' "~""~* rubbed 110 ^^-770 Others, similar 110 Z^/+ f#71 Others, similar 114 ^^/fill Others, similar 88 /^773 Others, similar 123 774 Perinthus (Thraciae), Imperial, of Domitian, Trajan, Sept. Severus, Severus Alexander &c. ; Rhoemetalces I (Thraciae) and Augustus, ^S/ Their busts (3 var.), size 4; another, similar, but with busts of t^^- ' Rhoemetalces and his queen conjoined, size 6 ; others, Imperial, of //X^* fc Perga (Pamphyliae) ; Lysias and Tiberiopolis (Phrygiae) ; and /w Tralles (Lydiae), &c, some well preserved 19 / 115 Greek Imperial of various cities of the first and second brass sizes, c ^ / ^i & mostly rubbed 42 776 Others similar, some of smaller size 39 ROMAN AND BYZANTINE. All Antonia Gens, Marc Antony and Augifitus, Aureus, Head of .^Cw^ ^.n? ///^^Antony, ANTONIVS IMP. ; rev. Head of Augustus CAESAR ^nr -<^sQ <^o holding cross and orb, VICTORIA AVG 4 . CONOB (Sab. pi. JC"* xxvi, 27) ; another of Heraclius, same obv. type, but rev. Cross on Cr steps (Sab. pi. xxvm, 8), both fine 2 j6 ,6 APPENDIX. 103 783 Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, Solidus, Their busts facing; rev. Cross on steps, VICTORIA. AVGqS. CONOB (Sab. \Y 4/ pi. xxix, 18); another of Constantine IV, Pogonatus, Bust facing holding orb ; rev. as last, but reading AVGM. I\, unpublished, both very fine 2 784 Leo III and Constantine V, Solidus, Their busts (Sab. pi. xxxix, 20) ; . another of Constantine XIII, Ducas, Bust of Emperor facing, //? holding orb ; rev. Bust of the Virgin (Sab. pi. L, 5), both well pre- ^C^- served 2 785 Constantine XII, Monomachos, Solidus, Bust of Emperor holding ^y ^ cross and orb ; rev. Bust of Christ holding book, IHS. XPS., &c. (Sab. pi. xlix, 5), very fine and rare 1 786 Theodora, wife of Constantine XII, Solidus, Full-length figures of / // Theodora and the Virgin holding labarum; rev. Full-length figure ^Cl,'** ^~~" of Christ holding book, IHS. XIS, &c. (Sab. pi. xlix, 13), fine and (> ^^jery rare 1 787 Romanus IV, Eudocia and her sons Michael, Constantine and An- dronicus, Solidus, Eudocia and Romanus crowned by Christ ; rev. ^/ ^JThree full-length figures of Michael and his brothers (Sab. pi. L, 1 1) ; -X another of Alexius I, Comnenus, Emperor and Saint holding cross ; rev. Full-length figure of Christ, KGPOHOei (Sab. pi. lii, 17), both fine and scarce 2 788 Solidi of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (Sab. pi. xxix, 18) ; Nicephorus and Stauracius, Their busts on obv. and rev. (ib. pi. XLI, 17); and Basil II and Constantine XI, Their busts holding cross ; rev. Bust of Christ (ib. pi. xlviii, 10), pierced or rubbed 3 Silver. /s-7 ^. 789 Republican Denarii of the Caesia (rev. Dii Penates), Coelia, Cornelia and Servilia gentes ; others (2) of the Social War, Female head, 3 EITELIV ; rev. Female holding spear ; at her feet, ox ; and others, y? s Imperial, of Geta (rev. Securitas) and Hostilian (rev. Two hands ^ joined), some fine and rare 11 790 Siliquae of Leo V and Constantine VII (Sab. pi. XLH, 9) ; Theophilus and Michael III (ib. pi. xliv, 5) ; and Basil I and Constantine IX s (ib. pi. xlv, 1), all rare and well preserved 3 791 Siliquae of Leo VI (Sab. pi. xlv, 12) ; Nicephorus II (ib. pi. xlvii, 13), _^ and Basil II and Constantine XI (ib. pi. xlviii, 17), all rare and in **9 fair condition 3 M 104 APPENDIX. Bronze. 792 Aes Grave, Triens of Venusia {rev. Lyre) j Quadrantes of Central Italy ^- (Open hand with club, 3 var.) ; Sextans of Hadrian (Shoe, HAT ; " ' * /? rev. Cock) ; Uncia of Central Italy (Astragalus) and Semuncia ^P%e&& (Acorn ; rev. 2), &c, some well preserved 8 793 Early Roman, Eepublican, Trientes, Quadrantes and Sextantes, some --/6j Jvm 33 794 Imperial, First, Second and Third Brass Coins of early and late Emperors ; some Byzantine ; 2 false of Otho and Trajan ; also Copper Denarii, many fine 55 795 Electrotypes of silver coins of various cities of Italy, Syracuse, and of Alexander the Great 26 796 Electrotypes of silver and copper coins of Sicily, Thrace, Macedon, Athens, Stymphalus, Phrygia, &c. 39 797 Electrotypes of silver and copper coins of Dyrrachium, Elis, Crete, Pontus, Lampsacus, Tenedos, Chios, &c. 39 798 Others of gold, silver and copper coins of Caria, Syria, Persia, Egypt, Cyrene, &c. 39 CABINETS. 799 A well-made mahogany cabinet, fitted with 22 trays, pierced various sizes height 11 in., width 10 in., depth 9| in. 800 Another, similar, but fitted with 21 trays, same size 801 Another, similar, but fitted with 22 trays 802 Another, same size 803 Another, same size 804 Another, same size 805 Another, same size 806 Another, same size 807 Another, similar, but fitted with 21 trays, same size 808 Another, same size, chipped 809 Another, similar, but fitted with 22 trays, chipped height 11 in., width 10| in., depth 9f in. 810 Another, same as last, but chipped END OF SALE. 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