UC-NRLF *B 57T fi?b I :. 9 GIFT OF GIFT APR 30 1918 Banking Service for Foreign Trade ruaranty Trust Company of New York Facilities Offered to American and Foreign Banking Institutions and Importers and Exporters Foreign Department Guaranty Trust Company of New York A ' Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140 Broadway FIFTH AVENUEOFFICE MADISON AVENUE OFFICE Fifth Avenue and 43rd Street Madison Avenue and 60th Street LONDON OFFICES 32 Lombard Street, E. C. 5 Lower Grosvenor Place, S. W. PARIS OFFICE Rue des Italiens, 1 and 3 MA/I ' I ' & ^ Copyright, 1918 Guaranty Trust Company of New York The Foreign Department of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York THE Guaranty Trust Company of New York — with banking offices in New York, London, and Paris, the three great commercial and financial centers of the world — offers its facilities to bankers, manufacturers, and merchants, and in- vites them to consult the officers of its Foreign Department regarding the most economical and practical methods for financing foreign business. The Foreign Department of the Guar- anty Trust Company of New York is a bank complete in itself. It is adminis- tered by a Vice-President and nine other officers, and employs more than three hundred clerks. The staffs of the London and Paris offices number more than one hundred employes, and are constantly increasing. The Company also main- tains offices in Buenos Aires, and has representatives and travelers in many other countries In addition to these offices, the Com- pany has more than one thousand cor- respondents through which it is in direct [3] 373733 and constant communication with every foreign trade center of any importance. Many of these correspondents are among the leading banking institutions of the world; they have been long established in their respective localities and are thor- oughly familiar with local commercial and financial conditions. Through this great organization of branches and correspondents, the Guar- anty Trust Company of New York pro- vides direct, safe, and prompt banking service with every part of the globe. It is prepared to furnish to its clients and others engaged in foreign business, the best available credit information and data regarding foreign trade conditions and opportunities, and to assist them in get- ting in touch with foreign customers. It offers its best effort and service toward furthering and safeguarding the interests of its customers, and of all others engaged in international trade. [4] Facilities Offered by The Foreign Department of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York Current Accounts and Special Deposits Opens checking accounts in dollars or in foreign moneys in New York. Pays interest on balances of $1,000 and over; in London, on balances of £250 and over, and in Paris, on balances of Fes. 5,000 and over. On deposits not to be with- drawn within a definite period, a higher rate of interest can generally be allowed than on checking accounts. Purchase and Sale of Exchange Buys checks, money orders, bills of exchange, or documentary drafts, drawn at sight or at time on any foreign place. Issues checks and time drafts in foreign currency payable in the principal cities of the globe. Effects transfers of funds and makes payments by mail or by cable to any part of the world at current rates of exchange. [5] Insurance against Foreign Exchange Losses Secures in advance, whenever practica- ble, definite future rates at which time drafts will be paid, thus insuring its customers against possible loss of foreign exchange on transactions for future ship- ment or delivery. Travelers 9 Letters of Credit Issues circular letters of credit and travelers' checks in dollars, pounds ster- ling and francs, available in every part of the world. Direct Drafts on Foreign Banks Makes special arrangements for banks who are its regular customers by which they can draw drafts direct on the foreign branches of the Guaranty Trust Company. Discounts Discounts domestic and foreign bills of exchange drawn and indorsed or ac- cepted by satisfactory banking institu- tions and commercial firms and corpora- tions. Foreign Moneys Buys and sells foreign gold or silver coin, as well as foreign bank notes. [6] Collections and Payments Effects collection of sight or time drafts, payments for consignments, insurance claims, legacies, etc., in any part of the world. Import and Export Credits Opens confirmed and unconfirmed cred- its in any of the principal commercial centers of the world, and effects payments in settlement of imports and exports. Acceptances Accepts for account of its customers time drafts issued in dollars on New York, in sterling on London, or in other foreign currencies, for the purpose of financing purchases, consignments and shipments to or from the United States. Deals in prime bankers'acceptances which arise out of transactions involving the importation or exportation of goods. Is prepared to meet the requirements of banks and others desiring high grade, short term investments of this character. The Guaranty Trust Company has had a longer experience in accepting drafts on behalf of clients than any other bank in New York City, since its charter as a State bank permitted it to undertake such business at a time when national [7] banks were unable to do so. By reason of its wide experience and large facilities, therefore, this Company is enabled to be of exceptional service to its customers. Advances and Loans Makes advances in dollars or any foreign moneys against approved col- lateral, especially bills of lading or ware- house receipts representing goods stored in the United States or abroad. Advances against collections on foreign countries. Sale of Merchandise Disposes (through its Merchandise Division) of straight consignments at current market prices, and attends to purchases of commodities for clients abroad. Financial Agent Acts as collecting and disbursing agent for foreign Governments, municipalities, and banks, as well as for steamship, rail- road, and other industrial organizations. Foreign Securities Buys and sells bonds, notes, and Treasury bills of foreign Governments and municipalities, and other acceptable foreign investment securities. [8] Custody of Securities Receives securities for safe-keeping in New York, London or Paris, subject to the direction of the owner; detaches and collects coupons, crediting customers' ac- count or remitting on order; advises in regard to called bonds, reorganization, rights to subscribe, etc. Credit Information Places at the disposal of its correspond- ents and other customers, the services of its credit and commercial information department. Foreign Trade Service Maintains a special division devoted to the study of foreign commercial condi- tions and export trade, whose services are at the disposal of those interested. Maintains in its New York and foreign offices, classified indexes of foreign and domestic manufacturers and dealers, for the purpose of bringing buyers and sellers in closer contact. Special Foreign Representatives Sends special representatives to foreign countries to study commercial and eco- nomic conditions and to make financial and statistical investigations, in order to [9] assise its customers in developing their foreign trade. London Offices 3£ Lombard Street, E. C. 5 Lower Grosvenor Place, S. W. Paris Office Rue des Italiens, 1 and 3 Invites American banks and bankers to use as their correspondents in Europe its London and Paris offices, which open checking and current accounts, and offer complete banking facilities on terms which may be ascertained at the London, Paris, or New York office. [10] THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO BO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAY 1 1938 ;x LD 21-95m-7,'37 373733 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY