GIFT OF WJBL'IZWIW 'A 'M ' ; Commissioners: JOHN A. MclLHENNY President CHARLES M. GALLOWAY HARMON W. CRAVEN Form 2OO9. Effective Oct. 15, 1'Jlo. UNITED STATES CIVIJL SERVICE COMMISSION Washington, D. C. REGULATIONS GOVERNING APPOINTMENTS TO THE NAVY-YARD SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH PROMULGATED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY AUTHORIZED BY EXECUTIVE ORDER DATED DECEMBER 7, 1912 WASHINGTON 1915 V EXECUTIVE ORDER. All artisan and supervisory artisan positions under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Navy are hereby included in the competitive classified serv- ice of the United States, unless specifically exempted from examination by law or Executive order. Such positions will hereafter be filled in accordance with the regulations which have been approved by me, except that employment from the present registered lists, without classification, is authorized for the limited period necessary to establish eligible lists through open competitive examina- tion in the manner provided in the regulations. No artisan or supervisory artisan whose position is included in the classified service by this order shall be classified unless he has established his capacity for efficient service or has been examined and found qualified by the labor board and is recommended for classification by the commanding officer under whom he is employed. Eligible registers under the new regulations will be established, and eligi- bility from registered lists established under Navy Yard Order No. 23, revised, shall not be extended beyond June 30, 1913. Persons employed before that date from the present registered lists shall not be eligible to classification except in the manner provided in the regulations. Section 3 of Civil Service Rule III is hereby revoked. Appointments to posi- tions mentioned in snid section will be governed hereafter by the provisions of the civil-service rules. WM. H. TAFT. THE WHITE HOUSE, December 7, 1912. (3) 345837 REGULATIONS GOVERNING APPOINTMENTS TO THE NAVY-YARD SERV- ICE, AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS IN CONNECTION THERE- WITH PROMULGATED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, The following regulations are based upon the civil-service and subsequent acts, the civil-service rules, Executive orders, legal decisions, opinions, and rulings, and no change therein shall be made without the approval of the Secre- tary of the Navy and the concurrence of the Civil Service Commission. These regulations shall take effect October 15, 1915, and supersede all previous instructions not in accordance therewith. In case of doubt as to the application and extent of these regulations refer- ence should be made to the current Annual Report of the Civil Service Com- mission for a full exposition of the law as enacted and construed. The numbering and subjects of the various sections of these regulations correspond with those of the civil-service rules. The expression " head of department " wherever used in these regulations, except in Section XV, shall be construed to mean the officer directly responsible to the commanding officer and in charge of a distinct yard department or divi- sion. As used in Section XV it means the head of an executive department of the Government. Appointments to positions under Groups I, II, and III, Section II, shall be made from registers established as a result of examinations held by the labor board (Sec. IV). Appointments to positions under Group IV (a, b, and c) shall be made from registers established as a result of examinations held by the Civil Service Commission or the district secretary. Labor boards shall assist in connection with any examination upon the request of the commission or the district secretary. Labor is employed at navy yards in ac- cordance with the following provision of law : Labor shall be employed in the several navy yards by the proper officers in charge with reference to skill and efficiency, and without regard to other considerations. (R. S., sec. 1544.) SECTION I. POLITICS AND RELIGION. 1. (a) No information relative to the politics or religion of an applicant, eligible, or employee shall be required, requested, or received. Any communica- tion containing such information which may be offered shall be rejected, and, if written, shall be returned to the tender thereof. No consideration shall be given to such information, and no person shall be employed, promoted, rerated, discharged, or otherwise discriminated against or favored on account of his religious or political opinions. (&) No contribution of money for political purposes shall be required, re- quested, or accepted from any employee. (c) No employee shall take an active part in political management or cam- paigns, nor use his official authority or influence to interfere with or influence the result of an election. (d) A violation of any of the above regulations under Section I shall be considered a just cause for immediate dismissal from the service. (e) Executive order of May 14, 1909. provides as follows: (5) " Whenever iu the opinion of the Secretary of the Navy a strict enforce- ment of the provisions of Section I, Rule I, of the civil-service rules would influence the result of a local election the issue of which materially affects the local welfare of the Government employees in the vicinity of any navy yard or station the Civil Service Commission may, on recommendation of the Secretary of the Navy, and after such investigation as it may deem necessary, permit the active participation of the employees of the yard or station in such local elec- tion. In the exercise of the privilege which may be conferred hereunder persons affected must not neglect their official duties nor cause public scandal by their activity." SECTION II. CLASSIFICATION. 2. All artisan and supervising artisan and other civil positions under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Navy, not specifically excepted by law or Executive order, are included in the competitive classified service. (a) Employees of the Naval Home are pervisory artisan positions at the naval exempted from the provisions of the navy- stations, Cavite and Olongapo, P. I., and yard regulations. (Letter Civil Service Guantanamo, Cuba. Commission, Apr. 2, 1913.) (e) Executive order of Dec. 2, 1910, ex- (&) Executive order of June 13, 1905* cepts from examination paymasters' clerks exempts laborers, skilled and unskilled, at acting as principal clerks to general store- naval hospitals from the provisions of the keepers at navy yards and naval stations, civil-service rules and navy-yard regula- and civilian professors, instructors, and tions. teachers in the Naval Academy at An- te) Executive order of Feb. 21, 1911, ex- napolis. cepts from examination all positions at the (f) Executive order of Apr. 3, 1911, ex- naval stations, Guam, and Tutuila, Samoa. cepts from examination one clerk actually (d) Executive order of Feb. 4, 1913, ex- on duty with each assistant paymaster of cepts from examination artisan and su- the Marine Corps. 3. The force at navy yards and naval stations is divided under four groups, as follows : UNCLASSIFIED. GROUP I. Laborers and others engaged upon manual work which requires no mechanical skill or trade knowledge, such as Attendants, battery. Janitors. Attendants, dispensary. Laborers, common. Attendants, powder factory. Stable keepers. Boys. . Teams, double. Coal handlers. Teams, single. Deck hands. Teamsters. Hod carriers. Teamsters with teams. Hostlers. Positions in Group I shall be tilled by certification from registers prepared raid maintained by the labor board. CLASSIFIED. GROUP II. Apprentices, helpers, and others engaged upon work which re- quires some mechanical skill or trade knowledge, such as Apprentices. Hammer runners. Clothing factory employees : Helpers, blacksmiths'. Apprentice tailors. Helpers, boat builders'. Helpers, cutters'. Helpers, boiler makers'. Cupola men. Helpers, coppersmiths'. Dredgers. Helpers, divers'. Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, Helpers, electricians'. general. laboratory. machinists'. masons'. metal workers'. niolders'. ordnance. painters'. pattern makers' pipe fitters'. plumbers'. riggers'. Helpers, ropemakers'. Helpers, sheet-metal workers' Helpers, ship fitters'. Helpers, shipsmiths'. Helpers, shipwrights'. Helpers, steel workers'. Helpers, woodworkers'. Holders-on. Markers, rifle range. Oakum spinners. Rivet heaters. Tool-room keepers. Weighers. Positions in Group II shall be filled by certification from registers prepared^ and maintained by the labor board. (a) A machinist is supposed to do work that requires both skilled hands and trained intelligence. Similarly, a helper is supposed to be a man possessed of suf- ficient intelligence and manual skill to do plain drilling or rough filing or chipping, etc. If manual assistance alone is required, such as lifting and carrying, it is always rendered by a laborer. Machinists' help- ers are expected to and must do some of the rougher work. The broad line of demarcation between a machinist and a machinist's helper is determined by the fact that the machinist is a skilled me- chanic, and to acquire this skill has passed through a regular apprenticeship for a series of years, or has had experi- ence in shops on work of increasing diffi- culty, equivalent in its results to an ap- prenticeship. A machinist's helper is one GKOUP III. Artisans, such as Clothing factory employees : Box makers. Canvas workers. Checkers. Clothing examiners. Cutters. Inspectresses. Machine operators. Operatives (female). Pressers. Pressers and operators. Second assistant chief cutter. Spongers. Tailors. Trimmers and markers. Woodworkers. having a greater or less acquaintance with machine tools and machinery, with knowl- edge above that of a good laborer, but who need not have the special skill acquired by a regular apprenticeship or equivalent training. The distinction to be made be- tween the duties of a machinist and a machinist's helper is that the former should be occupied upon work in his line that requires the degree of knowledge and skill which can be acquired only as a result of a regular apprenticeship or its equivalent, and that work not requiring such a degree of knowledge and skill should be performed by machinists' helpers or their equivalent ratings. (6) Helpers shall not, except incident- ally, be assigned work ordinarily per- formed by employees under Group I, un- classified. Acetylene operators. Anglesiniths. Armature winders. Blacksmiths. Block makers. Boat builders. Boiler makers. Box makers. Buffers and polishers. Butchers. Cable splicers. Calkers, wood. Calkers and chippers, iron. Carpenters, house. Casting cleaners. Chauffeurs. Concrete workers. Coopers. Coppersmiths. Cranemen. Diesinkers. Divers. Drillers. Electricians. Electric-dredge operators. Electric welders. Electroplaters. Engine tenders. Engine tenders, crane. Engine tenders, electrical. Engine tenders, fire. Engine tenders, hoisting. Engine tenders, locomotive. Engine tenders, pile driver. Firemen. Flag makers. Flange turners. Forgers, drop. Forgers, heavy. Foundry chippers. Frame benders. Furnace men, forge. Furnace men, foundry. Galvanizers. Gardeners. Heaters, furnace. Instrument makers. Joiners. Joiners, ship. Leather workers. Letterers and grainers. Levelers. Linemen. Loftsmeu. Lumber sealers. Machine operators. Machinists. Machinists, all-round. Machinists, electrical. Machinists, floor or vise hand. Machinists, specially skilled. Machinists, tool hand. Machinists, torpedo. Masons, brick. Masons, stone. Mechanics, electrical. Melters. Metallic cartridge case makers. Millmen. Millwrights. Model-machine operators. Model makers, wood. Molders. Molders, steel casting. Motormen. / Oilers. Ordnance men. Packers. Painters. Pattern makers. Pavers. Pile drivers. Pilots, ferryboat. Pipe coverers. Pipe fitters. Plasterers. Plumbers, house. Plumbers, ship. Pressmen. Punchers and shearers. Railroad yardinasters. Riggers. Riveters. Riveters, hand. Riveters, machine. Riveters, pneumatic hammer. Rodmen. Rollers, brass and copper. Roofers. Ropeniakers. Sailinakers. Sand blasters. Saw filers. Seamstresses. Sheet-metal workers. Ship fitters. Shipsmiths. Shipwrights. Spar makers. Steelworkers. Stevedores. Stonecutters. Switchmen. Tinners. Tool dressers. Toolinakers. Tool sharpeners. Tower men. Trackmen. Turbine bladers. Upholsterers. Water tenders. Wharf builders. Wheelwrights. Wiremeu. Wire workers. Positions in Group III shall be filled by certification from registers prepared and maintained by the labor board. GROUP IVa. Supervising artisans, such as Foremen. Quartermen-in-charge. Master mechanics. Leadingmen and quartermen serving Tngmasters. under other supervising artisans. Leadingmen-in-charge. Except as provided in paragraph 53 for the positions of leadingman and quarterinan, positions in Group IVa shall be filled by certification by the dis- trict secretary under the " district system." GROUP IVb. Special employees whose primary qualification is a trade knowl- edge, but who are not required to possess more than a limited educational qualification, such as Progress men. Special mechanics. Shop store supervisors. Positions in Group IVb shall be filled by certification by the district secre- tary under the "district system." GROUP IVc. Special employees who are required to have educational and technical qualifications, such as Assistant inspectors of engineering Metallographists. material. Photographers. Assistant inspectors of hull material. Powder experts. Blue printers. Shelf assistants. Bookkeepers. Ship keepers (see (d) below). Cataloguers. Shoe inspectors. Chemists. Stenographers. Clerks. Stenographers and ti/peirriters. Copyist draftsmen. Store laborers. Custodians. Subinspectors of work or material. Draftsmen. Telegraph operators. Expert aids. Telephone xicitchboard operators. Laboratorians. Timber inspectors. Librarians. Timekeepers. Magazine attendants. Torpedo engineers. Mechanical engineers. Typewriters. Messenger ~boys. Watchmen. Messengers. Weight clerks. Positions in Group IVc the names of which are printed in italics shall be filled by certification by the district secretary under the " district system " ; other positions in the group shall be filled by certification by the Civil Service Com- mission to the Navy Department direct. (c) When a vacancy occurs in any po- who will forward the report to the Secre- eition which is filled upon appointment by tary of the Navy with appropriate recom- the Secretary of the Navy, the head of mendation. the department or division in which the (d) As vacancies occur in the position vacancy occurs shall immediately report of ship keeper they shall be filled by the the fact to the commandant of the yard, appointment of watchmen. 4. Classified employees may be assigned without restriction to any work, pro- vided there is no change in the pay or designation of the employee in question, upon specific authority of the Navy Department. The authority of the depart- ment will not be required in cases of six-day assignments mentioned in clause l_15 2 10 (&) of paragraph 50. Unclassified employees may not be assigned to work ordi- narily performed by classified employees, except incidentally to meet emergen- cies. Keport of all such incidental assignments shall be made to the labor board without delay. (a) Janitors shall keep clean the wash lar duties. They shall not be detailed rooms, water-closets, spittoons, and win- to other duty and shall be certified from dows in the several buildings, of the navy the janitor register upon requisition made yard and perform other miscellaneous simi- in the usual manner. SECTION III. APPLICATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS. 5. Application for employment under Groups I, II, and III may be made at the office of the labor board on each working day of the year. The applicant's name, address, and occupation or trade shall be recorded, together with a brief descriptive list to serve as a means of identification. Labor boards and district secretaries shall furnish to persons interested information concerning appli- cations for employment under Group IV (a, b, and c). 6. Applicants for positions under Groups I, II, and III which appear on the approved annual schedule of wages shall be furnished with the blank forms to be executed by them, and shall be notified that in order to be considered the forms must be returned, properly executed, at least two weeks before the end of the current quarter, and that otherwise they will be considered in the next quarter. (a) When an applicant applies for corder at the second yard shall call upon more than one position requiring the same the recorder at the first yard for his form of examination at the same time and rating, and his name shall be placed for employment in the same yard, he shall upon the register at the second yard with be permitted to make a copy, in his own that rating, upon the establishment of the handwriting, of the entire application, for next register. each position not covered by the original (d) When an applicant files application application. on the prescribed form at another yard for (I)) When an applicant files a second a position different from that for which application for another position within he has applied at the first yard, the re- six months at the same yard, he shall be corder at the second yard shall call upon required to execute a complete applica- the recorder at the first yard for the tion except the medical certificate, and rating on physical condition if the medical shall be given the same rating on physical certificate on the application filed at the condition as in the first application. first yard was executed within six months (c) When an applicant applies at an- of the time that the application is filed at other yard for the same position for which the second yard, and in such a case a sec- he is eligible at one yard, he shall be re- ond medical certificate shall not be re- quired to execute a complete application quired. (Based upon letter Civil Service except the medical certificate and the re- Commission, July 16, 1913.) 7. The labor board shall in all cases make further inquiries as to the appli- cant's character, habits, ability, and efficiency, on the forms provided for that purpose, for consideration in determining the final percentage rating of each applicant. 8. Applicants for employment in the occupations embraced in Group I shall be placed on the eligible list in the order of averages given to them on their physical ability upon physical examination, including a strength test, to be given by a surgeon or physician detailed to the board for the purpose; but where two or more eligibles receive the same average, priority shall be deter- mined by the time of filing completed application, provided that honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, and marines shall be entered above others in cases of equality of ratings. (a) The registration of "boys" shall be (6) The strength test shall be omitted confined exclusively to boys to be employed from the examination of boy applicants on manual labor not suitable for men. for unskilled laborer positions. (Letter Civil Service Commission, May 12, 1913.) 11 9. The physical examination for all positions shall be conducted wholly with a view to determining an applicant's ability to perform the work of the posi- tion to which he seeks appointment and his freedom from disease or defects which would, as a contributory cause, tend to aggravate or prolong a disability resulting from accident or injury received in the performance of his work or which would render him more liable to such accident or injury. 10. The examination for experience and training for all positions embraced under Groups II and III shall be conducted by the labor board and shall con- sist of an examination of the information submitted by the applicant, on the prescribed forms, and of all other information secured by the labor board in the manner provided in paragraph 7. 11. The relative standing of applicants Groups II and III shall be deter- mined by their final marks, or multiples, derived by combining their marks for physical fitness and for trade experience and training in accordance witla the practice, instructions, and regulations of the Civil Service Commission. 12. Applicants for original appointment to positions in Groups I, II, and III shall be rated quarterly, or more or less often, as the needs of the service may require. 13. The positions of leadingman and quarterman, Group IVa, when not filled as provided under Section XI shall be filled by open competitive exami- nation. The positions of master mechanic, foreman, leadingman-in-charge, quarterman-in-charge, and tug master, Group IVa, and positions specified under Group IVb and Group IVc, when not filled by promotion, shall be filled by open competitive examination, examination announcement to be issued upon request of the Secretary of the Navy, except that for positions filled under the "dis- trict system " the district secretary shall announce examinations upon request of the commanding officer. When promotion is made to any position covered by this paragraph it shall be upon such tests of fitness, if any, as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. SECTION IV. LABOR BOARDS. 14. There shall be a labor board at each navy yard or station and at each separate establishment outside of the navy yards where the number of em- ployees is sufficient to require it, composed of one commissioned officer with a rank not lower than lieutenant commander, who shall serve as senior member of the board, three employees permanently assigned to the yard or station, and the district secretary of the Civil Service Commission. In exceptional cases where, because of peculiar conditions, it is not advisable to designate civilian employees, naval officers in addition to the senior member may be selected for board membership. The navy-yard members of the board shall be recommended to the Civil Service Commission through the district secretary after a conference between the commanding officer and the district secretary. 15. The labor board shall be charged with and be responsible for the proper, effective, and impartial enforcement of these regulations, and it shall report, in writing, to the commanding officer without delay any violation of the law or regulations relating to the employment of labor which may come to its knowledge or to that of any of its members. 16. The duties of the labor board are administrative, and it shall not make any change in methods or promulgate instructions which would materially, affect these regulations. 17. For the purpose of conducting examinations such additional officers, clerks, and employees of various departments as may be necessary shall be 12 detailed by the commanding officer, as assistants to the labor board, upon the request of the senior member. 18. The district secretary of the Civil Service Commission shall act as the labor board's adviser in all matters pertaining to the administration of the civil-service law and rules, and with reference to all such matters the labor board shall be under the direct and sole control of the Civil Service Com- mission. 19. There shall be a recorder for the labor board, who shall be present at all meetings and keep the records thereof. He shall be the custodian of all records relating to employment under Groups I, II, and III, of promotion registers of eligibles for leadingrnan and quarterman, and of the service records of em- ployees under Group IVa and Group IVb ; shall notify persons selected for ap- pointment ; shall keep the record of the personnel and perform such other duties as the labor board may direct, except that he shall not participate in the rating of examination papers. He shall invite the attention of the labor board to whatever he considers an infraction of these regulations. Such additional clerical force as may be necessary to perform the work of the office may be detailed by the commanding officer to assist the recorder. 20. The instructions of the Civil Service Commission fixing the relative weights of subjects, the methods to be employed in rating the examination papers, the information to be furnished by the applicant and that to be secured by means of confidential inquiries shall be promulgated for the guidance of the labor board. SECTION V. QUALIFICATIONS OF APPLICANTS. 21. An applicant is required to show to the satisfaction of the labor board that he has the following qualifications in order to have his name placed on the eligible list for appointment : (a) That he is a citizen of, or owes allegiance to, the United States. (6) That he has the necessary knowledge of, and experience in, the occupa- tion or trade in which he seeks employment. (c) That he is industrious and of good character. (d) That he is physically able to perform the work of his occupation or trade, and that he has no physical defect which will, as a contributory cause, tend to prolong a disability resulting from an accident or injury received in the performance of his work or which would render him more liable to such accident or injury. 22. The age limits for employment are as follows : Group I. Boys, between 14 and 18 years, if not in conflict with the laws of the State in which the yard is situated; otherwise to conform with the said laws. All others, 17 years or over. Group II. Ordnance, shipsmiths', blacksmiths', and anglesiniths' helpers, 21 years or over. Apprentices between 15 and 18 years, if not in conflict with the laws of the State in which the yard is situated ; otherwise to conform with the said laws. All others, 17 years or over. Group III. Riveters, 18 years or over. Ordnance men, 23 years or over. Operatives, female, 18 years or over, except that applications will not be accepted from persons more than 40 years of age unless they have had at least one year's experience in operating power-driven sewing machines. All others, 20 years or over. Group IV (a, b, and c). As stated in announcements of examinations. 23. Any of the following is deemed good cause for the rejection of an appli- cant or eligible : 13 (a) Dismissal from the service for delinquency or misconduct within one year next preceding the date of application. (&) Physical or mental unfitness for the position. (c) Criminal, infamous, dishonest, immoral, or notoriously disgraceful conduct. (d) Making a false statement in any material fact or practicing any decep- tion or fraud in securing examination, registration, certification, or appoint- ment. (e) Refusal to furnish testimony as required by Section XIV. (f) The habitual or excessive use of intoxicants or deleterious drugs. 24. Any of the last five foregoing disqualifications shall be cause for the dis- missal of an employee.- SECTION VI. RATING AND ELIGIBILITY REGISTERS. 25. Examination papers shall be rated on a scale of 100, and applicants shall be notified of their ratings. 26. All applicants rated at 70 or more shall be eligible for appointment, and their names shall be placed on the proper register according to their percentage ratings; but the names of persons preferred under section 1754, Revised Stat- utes, rated at 65 or more, shall be placed above all others. 27. The term of eligibility shall be one year, beginning with the date on which the name of the eligible is last entered on the eligible list. An eligible who wishes to have his name reentered on the eligible list at the end of the eligible period of one year must be reexamined. 28. A register of eligibles shall be prepared and maintained by the labor board under each of Groups I, II, and III. The registers under each of said groups shall be divided into three lists, as follows : (a) Furlouf/h list for reinstatement. This list shall include the names of all who have been discharged for lack of work or lack of funds, with ratings of not less than " Very good " in workmanship and " Very good " in conduct, as provided in paragraph 62. (6) Preferred list. This list shall include the names of all eligibles for original appointment who are entitled to preference under the provisions of section 1754, Revised Statutes. (c) General list. This list shall include the names of all other eligibles for original appointment and of all who have been reentered on the list as provided in paragraph 63. On this list honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, or ma- rines shall be preferred for appointment in case of equality of ratings with others. 29. Each. of the above lists shall be subdivided by trades or occupations, and notation shall be made of any particular class of work or branch of a trade in which the eligible is most proficient. (a) A copy of the eligible registers un- up to date by striking off the names of der Groups I, II, and III shall be posted those certified for employment and enter- after each examination, in a conspicuous ing in their proper positions such names place in the yard, for the information of as are restored to the lists, the public. The registers so posted shall (&) At navy yards and stations where be arranged according to trades or occupa- piecework is authorized special lists of tions, showing the names, percentage rat- pieceworkers shall be maintained for all ings, and relative standing of applicants trades for which piecework schedules have according to the furlough list for reinstate- been approved. In addition to individual ment, preferred list, and general list. registration on piecework lists, the labor In order to convey correct information board shall maintain gang lists for such it will be necessary to keep the registers piecework for which gang piece prices are 14 authorized, including " machine riveting gangs," " hand riveting gangs," " angle- smith gangs," and " beam smith gangs." Such gangs shall be composed of the usual number of riveters, holders on, and rivet heaters, or smiths and smiths' helpers. In the event of a vacancy occurring in any piecework gang which has been duly en- tered upon the list, the labor board is au- thorized to fill the vacancy with the first eligible on the individual piecework lists of the trade who desires to form a part of the gang in question. Eligibles on the regular lists of the labor board may on application to the board have their names placed also on the piecework lists in the same relative order for certification for piecework as they occupy on the regular lists. Persons employed from regular lists may also have their names placed on the piecework lists in the same relative order for certification for piecework as they occupied on the regular lists, and the individual mem- bers of each gang formed for employment will notify the labor board at the time of filing their applications, or immediately thereafter, that they desire to be employed as a gang and certified together as a unit. 30. Registers for positions under Group IV (a, b, and c) shall be prepared and maintained by the Civil Service Commission or the district secretary as the needs of the service require, except as provided in paragraph 53. SECTION VII. CERTIFICATION. REQUISITIONS CERTIFICATIONS RETURNS. 31. When the services of artisans or laborers, Groups I, II, and III, are required in any department of the station the head of department shall make requisition on the labor board, specifying the number required for each sub- trade or class of work, and in the case of riveters whether right, left, or both- handed are required. Separate requisitions shall be made for each trade. (a) Both-handed riveters shall be con- sidered as being either right-handed or left-handed, and shall be certified in the order of relative standing on a requisition calling for either right or left-handed riv- eters. When the requisition calls for "riveters," without specifying the hand, those on the register as both-handed, right- handed, or left-handed shall be certified in the order of relative standing. (6) Riveters who have been found on trial to have stated incorrectly their ability to rivet with either hand shall be dis- charged. (c) In making selections, consideration shall be given only to eligibles qualified as shown on the register to perform the work required in the position to be filled. It shall be understood, for example, that car- penters may be stair builders, ship carpen- ters, bridge carpenters, etc., and that the eligible register shall contain information as to the qualifications of each eligible. In making a selection, therefore, the highest eligible having the proper qualifications shall be given first consideration. No eligible should be considered or selected if the compensation to be paid is materially lower than the lowest amount he has indi- cated willingness to accept. (Letter Civil Service Commission, June 16, 1913.) (d) Requisition shall not be made for more than 10 workmen on Navy Yard Or- ders, Form Ga, and an additional Form 6a shall be used for each 10 additional men or less. A requisition shall be considered as filled when the number of men required by it have been certified. A new requisi- tion must be made to supply men (if they are still required) in place of those who fail to report, decline employment, or are discharged during the trial period. A new requisition must also be made to fill a vacancy occurring in a gang subsequent to its employment. This requisition may be filled by the certification of the highest eligible of the proper trade rating from both the regular and piecework lists. (e) An applicant for employment may state the lowest rate of pay that he will accept. If he is rated below this, he may decline employment and retain his position on the eligible register. 32. Upon receipt of a requisition the labor board shall cause notices to report to the office of labor employment on or before a fixed date to be sent to those persons on the eligible lists entitled to certification, in the following order : First: From the furlough list for reinstatement, in the order of relative standing, from those qualified in the required trade to perform the particular work in question. 15 Second: From the preferred list, in tile order of relative standing, from those in the required trade whose examination records show experience in the par- ticular work in question. Third: From the general list, in the order of relative standing, from those in the required trade whose examination records or subsequent records in yard employment show experience in the particular work in question. 33. If at any time there is not a sufficient number of eligibles on the lists to fill the requisitions submitted, temporary appointment may be made as pro- vided in Section VIII. 34. The labor board shall have a list in duplicate of the names of all persons notified to report sent immediately to the head of department concerned. 35. Upon reporting and being identified, the appointee's notice shall be stamped with the date and with the following information to fix his status : (a) If from the furlough list for reinstatement, with the word "Reported." (&) If from the preferred or general lists, with the words " On trial." (c) If from any other source, with the words "Temporary appointment." The appointee shall then be notified to report to the head of the department concerned. 36. The head of department shall cause such tests to be made as he deems necessary to determine the appointee's status in his trade or occupation and shall rate him provisionally as to pay. 37. The final rating as to pny shall be made within two weeks from date of appointment. When any subsequent change in pay rating is made, the reasons for such change shall be filed in writing with the labor board. 38. The head of department shall then return to the labor board one copy of the list of names furnished to him, noting thereon the provisional pay ratings of those employed and any who failed to respond at the time designated or who declined appointment. The second copy of the list shall be returned within two weeks, showing the final pay ratings, when they have been established. The labor board shall be immediately notified by the head of department of any subsequent changes in the force or in the pay ratings. 39. Any person who fails to report at the office of labor employment or to the head of department at the time designated, or who declines appointment, shall be dropped from the eligible list. The labor board may reinstate him on the list upon the presentation by him of reasons which it deems adequate and satisfactory for the remainder of the year of eligibility from the date of entry on the list. 40. In order fully to determine an applicant's qualifications, he shall be first employed on trial for a period of six months. If at any time during the trial period of six months his conduct or capacity is found to be not satisfactory, he shall be notified in writing, and this notice shall terminate his service. He shall be ineligible for reexamination for a period of one year in the same trade or occupation. He may, on his application, be examined in another trade or occupation, except where the mark for conduct is " Poor," in which event he shall be ineligible for examination within one year. Retention in the service after the expiration of the probationary period shall be equivalent to absolute appointment. Reasons for action under this clause shall be a matter of record and filed with the labor board. 41. In order to assist in filling vacancies where the local supply of artisans is insufficient appointment from the eligible list of other stations is authorized of persons willing to accept such appointment. 42. A record shall be made by the labor board of all persons willing to accept appointments to other yards or stations, and the labor boards of the 16 yards or stations concerned shall be informed of the number of persons avail- able in each trade for such certification. 43. When vacancies can not be filled by certification from the eligible lists or by temporary appointment the labor board shall make requisition for certifica- tion from the yards or stations where there are eligibles willing to accept appointment. The labor board on which requisition is made shall immediately notify the required number of eligibles, if available, and shall send a list of those notified to the labor board from whom the requisition was received. A return shall be made to the yard or station which certified the eligibles, to com- plete its record. 44. The Civil Service Commission or the district secretary shall make certi- fications for filling positions under Group IV (a, b, and c), except as provided in paragraph 53. SECTION VIII. TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT. 45. The intermittent character of the work at navy yards and naval stations necessitates employment for temporary periods. It is not deemed, however, for the best interests of the service or in keeping with the spirit of the act or rules governing appointments to the classified service to regard such appointments as temporary, as defined in the civil-service rules. With a view to making appoint- ments to the classified service as nearly permanent as the character of the work will permit, discharges for lack of work from positions under Groups I, II, and III, either during or after the trial period of six months, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 61, 62, and 63, of these regulations. 46. When there are no available eligibles on a register kept by a labor board a vacancy may be filled temporarily, pending the establishment of an eligible list, and continue for such part of 30 days from the establishment of the eligible list as may be required to fill it in a regular manner by selection from the eligi- ble list. If the vacancy can not be filled in such regular manner within this period, or if the public interest requires the services of a temporary appointee for the completion of the particular job of work for which he was appointed, the temporary appointment may be extended, upon the approval of the district secre- tary, for such part of an additional 30 days as required. Temporary appoint- ments shall be made first, from the list of applicants for examination in the order of dates of filing application, a-nd, second, from persons outside the list of whom the labor board may have knowledge or whose names are obtained by means of advertising and posting. Temporary appointments made under these conditions do not confer any right to classification. SECTION IX. REINSTATEMENT. 47. Civil Service Rule IX applies to employees of Group IV (a, b, and c). The reemployment of all other others who have been separated from the force shall be governed by the provisions of Section XII of these regulations. SECTION X. TRANSFER. 48. No transfer of employees shall be made from the force under another executive department or independent Government establishment to or from that of the Navy, except on the approval of the Civil Service Commission. If at any time such transfer should be deemed advisable in the interests of the service, the matter shall be referred to the Navy Department for instructions before any action is taken. 17 49. An employee may be transferred without change of designation or rating from che force of one yard or station to that of another upon his own applica- tion or consent. Such transfer shall be made only on the approval of the commanding officers of the stations concerned, and the transfer order shall fix the pay status of the employee in the station to which he is transferred. Any such case arising shall b*e referred to the Navy Department for instruc- tions. Any employee whose name is borne on a furlough list for reinstate- ment who may change his domicile to the vicinity of another naval station shall, upon his application, have his name entered upon the furlough list for reinstatement at the station in question, in accordance with his rating as shown upon his discharge card. His name may be retained on the list for the yard from which he was 'discharged. 50. Any classified employee serving in a position under Group II or III may, upon request of the head of department or division and approval of the com- manding officer, be transferred or promoted to any other position in the same group if found qualified by the labor board. (a) Commanding officers are authorized possible, by transfers. In all cases the to regulate transfers of laborers and me- transfers shall be made without change in chanics from one department or division the designation and duty of the men trans- to another in accordance with the follow- ferred, and, so far as possible, without ing directions : change of pay. When the transfer is ac- When it is apparent that furloughs or coinpanied by a change of pay the men discharges are necessary for lack of work affected may accept the change or the or funds in any department or division of alternative of furlough or discharge, a navy yard or station it shall be ascer- (&) In cases of necessity heads of de- tained prior to making such furloughs or partments or divisions may assign work- discharges whether or not there is a de- men, if efficient, in allied trades or occu- mand for the particular class of men to be pations for single periods not to exceed six furloughed or discharged in any other de- days, but such period shall not exceed one partment or division. Likewise, addi- day unless authorized by the commanding tional employees shall not be called in officer. The rating and pay of persons so through the labor board until after it has employed shall not be changed on the pay been ascertained whether there are available roll. When it is desired to continue such suitable men in other departments or divi- transfer for a longer period the specific sions whose services may be spared, the authority of the Secretary of the Navy object being the retention of suitable men must be obtained, and the meeting of requirements, wherever SECTION XI. PROMOTION. PROMOTIONS RERATINGS REDUCTIONS. 51. Such reratings as to pay, either advancement or reduction of employees under Groups I, II, or III, as are required from time to time by the efficiency of the employees and the needs of the service, shall be made by the head of the department or division. 52. Any classified employee serving in a position under Group II who has rendered six months' satisfactory service may, upon request of the head of department or division and approval of the commanding officer, be promoted to a position in Group III upon passing the tests of fitness required by the Civil Service Commission. 53. A competitive examination for leadingman and quarterman shall be held in January of each year, or more or less frequently, as required. Competi- tion in such examination shall be confined to employees who have worked at the trade for which examination is to be held in the navy yard for the six months next preceding the date of the examination. An employee may be examined for either or both leadingman and quarterman. The names of 18 eligibles resulting from such examinations shall be placed on the eligible lists for the respective trades in the order of merit as shown by the examination. Such eligibility shall terminate upon the establishment of the register from the next annual examination. Eligibles desiring continuation of such eligibility must pass the examination each year. The labor board shall keep these regis- ters and make certifications therefrom. (a) A head of department or division the name selected by the head of depart- requiring the services of a leadingman or ment or division entered thereon, to the quarterman shall make a requisition for Secretary of the Navy for approval, said leadingman or quarterman on Navy Where the highest eligible is selected the Yard Orders, Form 15b, on the labor board, approval of the commanding officer or in- stating on said requisition his reasons dustrial manager, as the case may be, will therefor. The labor board, upon receipt of be sufficient. said requisition, shall certify to the- head (6) In case the eligible register for of department or division on a separate leadingman or quarterman in any par- sheet the highest three names on the eli- ticular trade or trades should become ex- gible list for promotion to leadingman or hausted and it is necessary to appoint a quarterman, as the case may be, in that leadingman or quarterman in the par- trade. The head of department or division ticular trade or trades before the next shall select one of the three names certi- regular examination for leadingman or fiod and return the certificate to the labor quarterman an examination will immedi- board by indorsement, indicating his selec- ately be requested. The eligibility for ap- tion. In the event that the highest eligible pointment resulting from such examina- on the list is not selected, the head of de- tions will terminate upon the establishment partment or division shall state the rea- of the register from the next annual exami- sons therefor in writing, and the board nation of candidates for leadingman and shall then forward the requisition, with quarterman. 54. Whenever, by reason of an increase in the force, additional leadingmen mid quartermen become necessary they shall be appointed from the eligible registers for such positions. 55. Whenever, by reason of a reduction in the force, the services of leading- men and quartermen cease to be necessary they shall be reduced to the highest grade in the trade in question and shall be given priority of retention on the force as long as, in the judgment of the head of department, their services and conduct entitle hem to this preference. 56. Any leadingman or quarterman who may be reduced in rating in pur- suance of the provisions of paragraph 55 shall be placed upon the eligible list for reappointment ahead of eligibles on the list by examination and shall be given precedence equivalent to the date of his last appointment as leadingman or quarterman, such eligibility to terminate one year from the date of his reduction in rating from leadingman or quarterman. 57. All changes shall immediately be reported to the labor board in order that the employee's record may be correctly posted to date. 58. When reductions in rating or pay are made under the provisions of these regulations for administrative reasons it shall be so stated on the order and on the return to the labor board. 59. Employees under Groups II or III may be demoted to a position under Group I upon passing the required physical test. The reasons for reduction must be made a matter of record in the office of the labor board. 60. The procedure given under Section XII for removals for cause shall be followed in all cases of reduction for delinquency or misconduct. SECTION XII. SEPARATION DISCHARGE RESIGNATION. 61. Whenever, by reason of lack of work or lack of funds, it becomes neces- sary to reduce the force the least efficient shall be first discharged. Retention on the force must be based on efficiency, the most efficient being retained to 19 the last. The head of the department concerned shall be the sole judge of an employee's efficiency, and in determining it must give consideration to work' manship, conduct, punctuality, regularity of attendance, and the physical ability of the employee to perform his work. (a) When, by reason of a temporary good " for workmanship and conduct may suspension of work, it becomes necesary to be furloughed by the commanding officer reduce the force, employees who are enti- for a period not longer than 15 days, tied to a mark of not less than " Very 62. The names of employees under Groups I, II, and III discharged for lack of work or lack of funds whose marks are not less than " Very good *' for both workmanship and conduct shall at once be entered qn the furlough list for reinstatement in the order of merit as shown in their record of discharge, or in case of equality of merit in the order of original appointment. Employees discharged for lack of work or lack of funds whose marks are less than " Very- good" for either workmanship or conduct shall not have their names entered on the furlough list for reinstatement, but shall be required to file an applica- tion for reexamination if they desire reemployment. Discharged employees whose mark for conduct is " Poor " shall not be eligible for examination for any position within one year, and if application for examination is made after the expiration of a year each such case shall be considered and the application accepted or rejected on its individual merits. Discharged employees whose mark for workmanship is " Poor " shall not be eligible for examination within one year for the same position as that from which separated. 63. In case of discharge for lack of work or lack of funds during the trial period of six months, the provisions of paragraph 62 shall apply if the em- ployee concerned has served not less than two months; otherwise his name shall be restored to the general list according to the percentage rating held at the time of certification. When reernployed it shall be on trial until six months' total service is completed. 64. An employee may be suspended without pay for a period not exceeding six days for carelessness, indolence, intemperance, insubordination, or like causes by the commanding officer. Authority for suspension for longer than six days must be obtained from the Navy Department. Any such case arising shall be first investigated by the head of department, who shall report his find- ings, in writing, to the commanding officer. The original record shall, after final action, be sent to the labor board for filing, and the action taken shall be noted on the employee's record. (a) In cases of recommendations for re- ing, inspection, messenger, or watch force, moval when it is evident that the interests etc., must be authorized by the Secretary of of the service will be better subserved by the Navy, except in cases of recommenda- immediately relieving the accused from tions for removal, when suspension may be duty, pending final action on the charges, made pending final action on the charges, that course shall be pursued. The sus- and promptly reported to the department, pension of employees of the clerical, draft- 65. The acceptance of the resignation of any person in the classified service concludes his connection therewith and his record shall be posted accordingly. 66. An employee under Group I, II, or III separated from the force by volun- tary resignation for reasons not involving delinquency, misconduct, or ineffi- ciency on his part, with marks not less than " Very good " for both workman- ship and conduct, may have his name entered on the furlough list for reinstatement if request therefor is made in writing within 30 days from the date of separation. A person so separated whose mark is less than " Very good " for either workmanship or conduct shall be required to file application in the manner provided in paragraph 62. 20 67. An employee who is absent from six consecutive musters without proper authority shall be deemed to have voluntarily separated himself from the force, provided the absence is not due to causes which may be considered as delin- quency or misconduct. An employee under Group I, II, or III so separated may, upon his request within 30 days of the separation, have his name entered on the furlough list for reinstatement in the manner provided in paragraph 62 if his marks entitle him to entry on that list, the period of eligibility to terminate one year from the date of separation. An employee whose absence was due to illness or other valid cause may, in the discretion of the labor board, and upon the presentation of satisfactory evidence that the absence was un- avoidable and due to valid causes, be reassigned to duty without requisition. If, however, a reduction of force is made during such absence, the employee in question shall be considered for discharge in the same manner as if present and on duty on the day the reduction in force was made, and if selected for discharge the labor board and the employee shall be notified accordingly by the head of department. If so selected, his name shall at once be entered on the furlough list for reinstatement as provided in paragraph 62 if his marks entitle him to entry on that list. (a) Discharge cards shall be marked by Very good ; equivalent percentage rating, heads of departments or divisions to show 80 to 90. efficiency, considering workmanship and Good ; equivalent percentage rating, 70 conduct, the general schedule of marks to 80. being : Fair ; equivalent percentage rating, 60 Excellent ; equivalent percentage rating, to 70. 90 to 100. Poor ; equivalent percentage rating, be- low 60. 68. An employee may be removed or reduced for cause. The procedure in such a case is governed by the following law, approved August, 24, 1912: "That no person in the classified civil service of the United States shall be removed therefrom except for such cause as will promote the efficiency of said service and for reasons given in writing, and the person whose removal is sought shall have notice of the same and of any charges preferred against him and be furnished with a copy thereof, and also be allowed a reasonable time for personally answering the same in writing; and affidavits in support thereof; but no examination of witnesses nor any trial or hearing shall be required except in the discretion of the officer making the removal ; and copies of charges, notice of hearing, answer, reasons for removal, and of the order of removal shall be made a part of the records of the proper department or office, as shall also the reasons for reduction in rank or compensation ; and copies of the same shall be furnished to the person affected upon request, and the Civil Service Commission also shall, upon request, be furnished copies of the same." In carrying out the provisions of the above act the commanding officer shall be considered as the officer making the removal in the case of all employees of the yard or station under his command, except those under Group iVc. SECTION XIII. REPORT OF CHANGES. 69. Reports of all changes shall be made as they occur by the heads of departments to the labor board. The district secretary shall make such returns to the Civil Service Commission direct, as may be required by the commission. SECTION XIV. TESTIMONY. (Civil-Service Rule XIV.) 70. " It shall be the duty of every officer and employee in the executive civil service and of every applicant or eligible for a position therein to give to the 21 '..- :: V commission or its authorized representatives all proper* and eoiuijetep,' infer- mation and testimony in regard to matters inquired of arising under the civil- service act and rules and to subscribe such testimony and make oath or affirma- tion to the same before some officer authorized by law to administer oaths." SECTION XV. WITHHOLDING SALARY. (Civil-Service Rule XV.) 71. " If the commission shall find that any person is holding a position in violation of the civil-service act or the rules promulgated in accordance there- with, it shall, after notice to the person affected and an opportunity for ex- planation, certify the facts to the proper appointing officer. If such person be not dismissed within 10 days thereafter, it shall certify that fact to the proper disbursing and auditing officers, and such officers shall not pay or audit the salary or wages of such person thereafter accruing : Provided, That if a ques- tion of law respecting the power to appoint or employ is raised in any such case, the President or the head of a department may obtain the opinion of the Attorney General thereon." SECTION XVI. REGULATIONS. 72. These regulations are isued for the guidance of commanding officers, labor boards, and heads of departments. No change therein or departure there- from shall be made except as hereinbefore provided on page 5. Approved, by direction of the Secretary of the Navy, August 16, 1915. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Approved, by direction of the United States Civil Service Commission, August 3, 1915. JOHN A. MclLHENNY, President. o YC 6241 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY