JACOB HAMBLIN, A NARRATIVE OF HIS PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, AS A FRONTIERSMAN, MISSIONARY TO THE INDIANS AND EXPLORER, DISCLOSING interpositions of providence, Revere privations, perilous Situations and Remarkable (Escapes. FIFTH BOOK OF THE FAITH-PROMOTING SERIES, Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day Saints. JUVENILE INSTEUCTOK OFFICE, Salt Imlte City, Utah. 1881. THE FlITH-PROMOTING SERIES. i. MY FIRST MISSION, by Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon. Price, 25 eta. II. A STRING OP PEARLS, from the pen of Prest. Taylor and others. Price, 25 cts. III. LEAVES FROM MY JOURNAL, by Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Price, 25 cts. IV. OEMS FOR THE YOUNG FOLKS, by Bp. A. A. Kiraball, Bp. Benj. Brown, and others. Price, 25 cts. Y. JACOB HAMBLIN, a narrative of his personal experience, as a frontiers- man, missionary to the Indians and explorer. Price, 35 cts. 5cts. . DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its faith and teachings. 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