VVIRING DIAGRAMS OF 1917 - 1318 - 1919 1917-1918-1919 AUTOMOBILE WIRING DIAGRAMS Published By AMERICAN BUREAU OF ENGINEERING, Inc. ie>01-03 South Michigan Avenue CHICAGO, ILL., U, S. A. INDEX NAME OF CAR MODEL YEAR SYSTEM Daniels < < O >5 O 6J OH, 61, 6K 1918 1917-18-19 1917-18-19 1918 1917 1916-1917 1917-18-19 1917-18-19 1919 1919 1917 1918 1917 1918-1919 1917-1918 1919 1918-1919 1919 1918 All Years Westinghouse Delco Delco Bijur Splitdorf-Aplco Dyneto Dyneto Northeast Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Dyneto Dyneto Wagner Wagner Autolite Delco Heinze Springfield Heinze Springfield Davis Davis Denby Motor Truck Deneen Truck Dixie Flyer . . . 2200 and above Dixie Flyer Cars 3.500 and up Dod&re Passenger Cars and Trucks "6-80" "K-4" 6 & 11.11T D, E, F, G D,E, G Dorris Dorris Truck Dort First half of Season . . . Dort Elcar Elcar Elgin "Six" Elgin "ii" 50, 51. 70. 70 A \" m Empire Essex Ford Ford Ford Lights & Ignition System Franklin After 11,700 Cars. . Franklin Light and Horn Wiring .. All Ser. 9 Ser. 9 Ser. 9 6-40 "6-40" 6 "G" 10-11-15-16 21 1918-1919 1918-1919 1918-1919 1916-1917 1918-1919 1917 1918-1919 1919 1917 1917-18-19 1916-1917 1917 1918-1919 1919 1917-18-19 1916-7-8-9 All Years 1917 1917-1918 1917-1918 1917-1918 1917 1918 1917 1918-1919 1916-1917 1917-1ft-1Q Dyneto Dyneto Dyneto Westinghouse Westinghouse Wagner Wagner Remy Westjnghouse Remy Leeee-Neville Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Dyneto Allis-Chalraers Splitdorf-Aplco Delco Westinghouse Bijur Remy Autolite Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Robbins & Meyers Biiiir Franklin Light and Horn Wiring Glide Cars 9,000 to 10,255. . . Glide Grant Grant Grant Truck H-A-L Twelve Harroun Haynes 36, 37, 37R 40, 40R-41 38, 39 & 4r> All "176" (I O 1 J O Super Six N R T. TR 349 671 2017 B "C" E. EE "BE." "F" Haynes Haynes . . Holmes Hollier Hollier Hudson Hupmobile Cars After 75,000 Hupmobile Interstate Jackson Jeff ery Jefifery Truck Jordan Jordan King King . INDEX NAME OF CAR MODEL YEAR SYSTEM 100 Ft. Six 1917 Remy Kissel 100 Pt. Six 1918 Remy 12 cyl. 1917-18-19 Delco Kline 6-36 1917 Westinghouse Lawson Truck 1917 Splitdorf-Aplco Lexington 6-0-17 1917 Westinghouse Lexington 1918-1919 Westinghouse Liberty 6 1916-7-8-9 Delco Liberty 10B 1919 Wagner Lippard-Stewart Truck "M2" 1917 Remy LocoTnohile 1917-18-19 Westinghouse Madison "6-40" 1919 Remy A-4 cyl. 1917-18-19 Disco B-6 cyl. 1918-1919 Wagner Marion Handley 6-40 1917 Westinghouse Marmon 34 1918-1919 Bijur Maxwell Early model 25 1917 Simms-Huff Maxwell Late model 25 1917 Simms-Huff Maxwell IT Truck 1917-1918 Autolite Maxwell 25 1918-1919 Simms-Huff McFarlan 1917-1918 Westinghouse McFarlan Six 1919 Westinghouse Mercer 1917-1918 U. S. L. Mercer Ser. 4 1918-1919 Westinghouse Metz 25 1919 Gray & Davis Michigan Hearse 1917-18-19 Delco Mitchell Cars 5000 to 11,500 1917 Westinghouse Mitchell-Lewis 1917-1918 Splitdorf-Aplco Mitchell E40-E42 1919 Remy Moline-Knight G-MK50, C-MK40 1917-18-19 Wagner Moon (2 Button Switch) Moon (4 Button Switch) ..... Monitor . 6-66 6-66 1918-1919 1918-1919 1919 Delco Delco Dyneto Moline Tractor 1919 Remy Nash 671 1918 Bijur Nash 681, 82, 83, 84 1918-1919 Delco National "6" 1918 Westinghouse National First 125 cars ..... Ser. AF3 1919 Westinghouse National After first 125 cars . National Ser. AF3 "12" 1919 1917 Westinghouse Bijur National 12 cyl. 1918-1919 Bijur Nelson 1917-1918 U S L. Oakland 32B. 34 1917 Delco Oakland 34B 1918-1919 Remy Old Hickory Trucks Dixie Cars to No. 2,200 1916-17-18 Dvneto Oldsmobile 37 1917-1918 Delco Oldsmobile :W 1918 Remy Oldsmobile 45 & 45A 1918-1919 Delco Overland 75B 1916-1917 Autolite Overland, 4 cyl . . 83 DE 1917 Autolite INDfcX NAME OF CAB MODEL YEAB SYSTEM Overland, 4 cyl 85-4-SN, C, T, B 85-B, SN, T, C 88T, SN, Lim. 88T, SN 89CLB, T, 86B 90B, OEX, T, PLD 88-4-SN 89 90 2-25, 2-35 325, 335 325, 335 325, 335 325, 335 6-38 39 6-55 "A-B" 32 56 56 56 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1917 1918-1919 1918-1919 1918-1919 1918-1919 1917 1918-1919 1919 1919 1917 1917 1917 1918-1919 1917 1919 1919 1916-7-8-9 1918-1919 1918 1917 1917 1917-18-19 1918-1919 1918 Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Bemy Autolite Disco Gray & Davis Autolite Autolite Wd Leonard Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Delco Splitdorf-Aplco Heinze Autolite Remy Remy Bemy Westinghouse Westinghouse Bijur Bijur Bijur Robbtns-Meyers Wagner Detroit Wagner Delco Delco Wagner ilemy Westinghouse Allis-Chalmers iushmore C^pKt i n crTi mi co Overland, 6 cyl Overland, 4 cyl Overland, 8 cyl Overland, 6 cyl Overland, 4 cyl Overland, 4 cyl Overland, 6 cyl Overland, 4 cyl Packard Packard Packard (Body Wiring) Packard (Body Wiring) Packard (Body Wiring) Paige Detroit Paisre , ..... Paige Panhard Truck Partin Palmer Peerless Peerless Peerless Phianna Pierce-Arrow Pierce-Arrow Truck 2-Ton All Cars 6C & 6B ''4-24" J J 4 & P, M & N T &U F 3 & 4-Ton 3 & 4-Ton Pierce-Arrow Premier Pullman .. . Regal Regal Reo Reo Reo Truck No 12789 to date Riker Truck with headlamps Riker Truck with Search- lights Roamer 1917 1917 1918-1919 1917 1917 1916-1917 1916-7-8-9 1916-1917 1917-18-19 1916-1917 1918 1917-18-19 1919 Roamer Cars 14,005 to 15,736 Roamer Cars 15,737 and up. . Ross BA, BAC "D-4-75." "C-6-54" 8 4 6 Saxon Saxon Saxon Sayers & Scovill, 6 cyl Sayers & Scovill 6 cyl. "4"&"8" "6-39" & "40" Scripps-Booth Scripps-Booth Service Truck Seneca D &H 5 E Simplex Standard . , 1917 INDEX NAME OF CAR MODEL YEAR SYSTEM Standard "F" 1917 Splitdorf-Aplco Standard 8 1919 Westinghouse Steams-Knight "Four" Series 32 1917 Westinghouse Steams-Knight "Eight" Series 32 1917 Westinghouse Stephen 60, 65 1917 Autolite Stephens Salient Six 70 & 75 1918-1919 Delco Stewart 1917 Westinghouse Studebaker 1916-17-18 Wagner Studebaker 4 & 6 1918-1919 Wagner Stutz 1918-1919 Remy Sun Light Six 1917 Remv Velie 27 1917 Remy Velie 28 1917 Remy Velie 38 & 39 1918-1919 Remy Westcott 17&18 1917-18-19 Delco White 1917-1918 Leece-Neville Winton 22 1916-7-8-9 Bijur Winton 22A 1916-7-8-9 Bijur Winton Body Wiring for LirnoiisiTie 22 & 22A 1916-7-8-9 Biiur MDJ..K5HT REMV- 1QIG-J9I-7 ABBOTT-DETROIT - MODEL a TAIL. HD. LAMP ALLEN MODEL'S*/'* HOISN IQN1TION SWITCH >fZ% &*> V ' % 'LW ALLEN -MOD .37- ISI7 WESTINC5HOUSE L.ATEK PART OF YEAR HORN HQL-AMP STARTING SWITCH Hb L.AMP ALLEN MOD. 41 118 & 1919 ; AUTOUITE: HD.I-AMP DYNAMO TYPE <3A DISTRIBUTOR AMMETER DASH LAMP K3NTITIONJ SW. / CUTOUT START1NS SWITCH LIGHTING SWITCH AMERICAN*SJX-MOD/B"-"l9l8' <3RAV I7-I917 DELCO W |6NITIOM"-BIJUK ST& LIGHTING - KSNITION COIL- |"|* 7 1 DISTRIBUTOR. eus BAR PUSE BUOCK HEX LAMP APPER50M "6-48; '6-58; 1916 8c G-\7, 3-17-1917 nh LAMP ^ ""V BICTUR . \ } IGNITION COIL START! NJ i_i<3H~riN_^' J 'LATO 1 . DASH LI6HT Qjn> 1 1 1 t*^ / \ TAI Ht>. AUBURN "6-39" 1917-1918 REMY INTERNAL AUBURN G-^W-ISIT 8c ISIS N'RUAMP DEL-CO LJSHTINa S: I6N ITION SWITCH AMMETE R AUSTIN -12 CYL. 1917 6c 1918 R . H < D .L.AMfs L.HQI-AMPS DEL-CO STARTING! MOTOR NSI-4- COWL. COMB, L-I<5HTIN<3 Qc I6N. N20 >VOL.T BATTETPV H'P Mb. L.K5HT PL. I T C?O R F= -ARI.CO 6VOL.T BATTER V HP LAMP BRISCOE "4-24" 1917-1918-1919 AUTOLJTE HD. LAMP SEARCHLT STARTING SWITCH BATTERY TAIL. L-ISHT BUIC K -D-34 & D-35 DEL.CO HUL.AMP HORN c~ -H p-0> HORN BUTTON r DISTRIBUTOR ^U \ IGKU.COIU. MOTOR DVNIAMO LIGHTING SWITCH DASH LT; 6 VOUT BAT re R v MODELS ES^K'O/ADSTEE'-ESSTOUE'. DELIVERY TO SPARK PU/QS 4 * * ITION COIL K3NITION BW. MODELS *E^44*- 4-S'-^f6--^-'7'~-49<3c BO PEk-CO ,*>VS *<8 . jf* >**+<, *> f/*^ j-tmttut !ooiC 4 CHICAC^ ICU. ~ EXIDE XC- 1=5-1 VOL.T HD.I-AMP BU1CK-H-44-45-46-47-49-50-I9I9 HP. DEL.CO - VOL.T- BATTER-V TONNEAU tR TAIUL.R HQ LAMP HORN! BUSH - DVNETO HD.L.AMP HM ~riTr y m^o f~ L l"TrtirTL STARTJNa H MOTOR ^ . r^ u AMMETER \ ^ VOLT BATTERV TAIL. Mod. 55-1917 CADILLAC Mod. 57-1918 & 1919 DECCO HP.LT HD.L_I<5HT HQ LAMP CASE U18 1918-1919 WESTINGrlOUSE DVNAtviO TYPE NST60 STARTING! TYPE NS 7IO TON OM STEERINS | I r-Ol IIIVIN.I j STARTING COWL. S.OTW. 56 VOLT WILL, BATTERY STEEF?lNj POST SWITCH A ' ^- TONNEAU LAMP .TAIL CHALMERS '1918 & 1919" USED AFTER 1ST-IOOO B-SPECIALS WESTINQHOU STARTING MOTOR K5NITIOM 8c LIGHT SWITCH 6 VOLT BATTERV CHANDLER-IBIS' n L' H ORN 1 r i~" SB, . F^4 S a^ -fl- PR fT ^^! *\~1 it: l" J? L ^ ] 1 ^ -A TJ * * J-/ r PYfvLAMO J [-* > t ^(n _r <0 JNsmeuMENT /BOARD 1 i.,,.,, -J - rTT* " . ...,../ VT i L -f ^ 1 2 | ' n .4 ^ W r~ T\, J " n= Y^ | I 8 1 < f f i^kiiii kr ^ J 0^>^ mL.. i r I-, r i v in ps JL, z ^ ^ rSTAC' T'lvi<5 A\ K -^^^ r ~ II 1 ' c H ^ , A WIUL.IARD-SP-1- |6VOL.T BATTER V r 5 z (P 8 o 'p ' P +o 5 -\aHii /B/ A ^AM W/*^^. *i. a^ " 5 Sk C *9Q tv>' t ^ ;$>i y ^^ KO.t,TS. CHALMERS SIX 30 1917 MODEL 35 WESTINGHOUSE HD.LTS, HD.L.AMP rf^ -n? w CHEVROLET MODEL "490" 1917 & 1918 AUJOLITE H'D.UAMP ^JUNCTION BOX NOTEN THIS TYPE OF CUTOUT USED ON CARS AFTER 7I,OOO i-phj DVMAMO MODEU-QH Fl F ^, ' HORM MOrrOE? - M.) OLTP-OUT HORN BUTTON CHEVROLET MODE |_*FE>' 1919 AUTO LITE crrzea CHEVROLET 8 CYL. Mod. "D" 1918 & 1919 USED AFTER 1000 CARS AUTOLITE |*-DYN AMO - <5. H K5NITER DISTRIBUTOR STAR-TIN <3 MOTOJ2 TYPE "ME" DYN+ - O STARTING SWITCH LJGHTlNGi 8c SW. WIL.L.ARO VOL.T BATTERV TONNEAU I. AMP ,./ / V M 1 1 - IH \ / r{ 1 w_ V mmm CHEVROLET-MOD D -1318- 8CYL. AUTOLITE USED ON FIRST IOOO JOBS IGNITER DISTRIBUTOR DOME L./6HT CHEVROLET Mod. "FA" 1917 & 1918 USED ON FIRST 7925 CARS AUTOLITE ALSO MODEL F '1917" PRODUCTION CHEVROLET MOD>A. I9I8-I9O USED AFTER T^rZB CARS AUTOLJTE HDI SEN. "DISTRIBUTOR STARTING SWITCH H&.UAMP CHEVROLET 1918-1919 ONE TON TRUCK HD.LAMP AUTOLITE LIGHTING 8c IGNITION 6W. H'U LAMP COLE -8CYL.- 1916, 1917, 1918. ~~ DEL.CO HORN BUTTONI IGNITION CO!L_ - DYNAMO STARTING! MOTOJ? Qf. IGNITION SWITCH BATTERY TAIL- HU 1-1 COLUMBIA 1917-1918-1919 ROBBINS & MEYERS Ht*MSHT STARTING MOTOR, ST/VRTlNGi SWITCH HD.LAMP COLE AERO-EIGHT fcTO* I9I8&I9 PEUCLO LIGHT DISTRIBLTPDRI l_ _J S N TARTIN^ 'lOTOR. > COMB1MATIOM SW ITCH COWL L.T; SWITCH DOME LIGHT- SEDAN OMLV TAIL LR CORNER L_lY MOTOR TRUCK Bi JUR DIMMER ia-ONE T-QN TRUCk 12 A- SPECIAL ONE TON TRUCK 15 -TWO TONl M O D E SPLIT POP? F-APL-CO^- IQI7 DENNEE N -TRUCKS . LI(5HT TAIL. DVNETO - IQIG- DIXI e Fl-VB R CARS " Qc ABOVE HD. DIXIE FLYER 1917-1918-1919 CARS No. 3500 AND ABOVE DYNETO HQL.P? DISTRIBUTOR KSNIT/ON CO/L, NSIDE t-'P SEDAN eVOL-T BATTETRV L..HD. LAMP DODGE 1917-1918-1919 PASSENGER CARS AND TRUCKS NORTHEAST R. HD.UAMP DORPIS G-8O~-I919 WESTIMGHOUSE nb. LAMP DYNAMO e T'eo STARTING MO "TOP? 710 FUSE AMMETER BLOCK. STARTING SWITCH TO MA5NETO 6 V. 6ATTERV SOCKET FOR INSPECTION L'P TAIL LF? Hb.LAMP TRU CK " K-4" 1919 H ' R WESTING HOUSE V A HORN DYNAMO FUSE BLOCK STAR-TIN <3 MOT"OR. MS 71 O AMMETER MAG Kl ETC 6Rb WIRE. WILLARD SJR - e V. BATTERY STARTINJQ swrrcH TAN . L.I? H'D. LAMP DORT-MOQ 6 8c 9 - 1917 WESHNGHOUSEnh L.AMP FIRST HALF OF SEASON! M~ STARTING SWITTCH TA I U l_/\MP rn ilfl "1 DO RT- MODEL WEST !NQ HOUSE R.H'[>. LAMP N 14 ARMOUR ED CABUE STARTING Monrof? - 10 r^^ 5 > z ^ H TO, \ ** X \ ^J f**^ V A 1 JO ] U^i SI r Ai^ k. n m o IGNITION -AM p LIGHTING SW N2 16 RED AMMETER MS 14- RED ^: MS 1-4 BLACK HD.L.K5HT DVNETO JQ/7 ELCAR -MODELS to- k-X-CS' i i H> HORN QENERATd BRUSH TAIL. HP. LAMP EL CAR- D-E-G - I9I8-I9IS HD LAMF> DYNETO STARTING MOTOR 6 VOt-T BATTERY TAIL. UP H'D. 1-K5HT ELGIN "SIX"- 191 7-1 91 8 WAGNER HDUIQHT O (> SWjTCH TAIL. ELGIN -SERIES Vl 19/9 HD LAMP RIGHT .TUNIC TION BL-OCK STARTING SW ITC H = VOLT BATTERY TYPE S.J.W.3 TAIL. L.R HD. L.AMPS ESSEX -MOD A DELCO 1919 HD. STAR.T||M<3 MOTOR TYPE 130 COMBINATION L_K3HTIN<3 Sc IGNITION L.AMP EX IDE 6 VOUT TYPE ^- t-.HD. L.AMP EMPIRE 4 & 6 CYL. 1918 & 1919 MOD. 50-*51-70-70A AUTOLITE _/"\_ CONNECTICUT) IC5NITION ' C.OIL. DISTRIBUTOR NOTE :- FOR MOD. TO S-TOA e CABLE -^DISTRIBUTOR IS USED 1 T/MU FORD- MOD. T -IQJ8 HEIMZE -SPRINGFIELD HD UAMP FORD MAGNETO CONT/VCT" FORD WIRE TO REMOVED SROUND ON FORD TPANS- CASE CON/ER VOL.T BATTER V COMBINATION SWITCH CARS -ALL HE1NZE -SPR/NQFIELP Mb LIGHT FRANKLIN "SERIES NINE" 1918 & 1919 AFTER 11700 CARS DYNETO w MOTOR DVNAMO VIBRATOR COIL. CAROL <3AS HEATER MOTE!- ST/VRTER ^ IQNJTION VA/IRIN6 SAME ON ALL. FOR THE WIRINQ OF L.K5HTS AND HORN ON THE DIFFERENT MODELS SEB POL LOW IN Q TXVIL. VOLT-SXR 27-Wll.l.ARD BATTER V SPEEDOMETER LX SPEEDOMETER L.T. STEPUdHT DOOR SWITC DOOR SWITCH DOOR SWITCH L_lv<^ CWt*liI.I. * HOLJGHT HAYNE$-1917 MODELS 40-40R-41 TAIL. HP. LAMP Mod. 38-39 HAYNES Mod. 45 M'D^UAMP 1918 LEECE-NEVILLE 1919 DVrvJAMO E-4-OO L.IGHTINQ AUTO. C/RCUIT e VOLT &ATTERV START SWITCH HD HOLLIER"Mod. 176" 1917-1918-1919 ALLIS-CHALMERS HD.UGHT INSTRUMENT RANEL. DIMMER RESISTANCE HOLLIER "8" 1916-17-18-19 SPLITDORF-APLCO HUDSON SUPER-SIX 1316-17- 18-19' DEL-CO. DISTRIBUTOR VOUT" BATTER V TAIL H'RLAMP HOLMES- DVNETO Mb. L.AMP __ A-__- _ J. WITCH DOOR L_IHT ON TDURINQ CAR TARTIMS Be IGNITION SWITCH HOLMES-ISIQ 2 DOOR SEDAN BODY WlRlNiq -HOLMES-1Q1Q LIMOUSINE BODV > I (A Ir H j DOME L.IQHT DOOR S\A/ITCH CORKIER LIGHTS HOLMES-I9I9 CABRIOLE T BOOY \A/IRINJ<5 e e- HOLMES- FOUP DOOR SEDAN BODY W)PIM<3 e DOME L.KSHT LAMP HUPMOBILE -MODEL/R''-l9J7<8clM8 tf ^. Q_ y l/ I** ^ ^ DYNAMO GROUNDED INJTERNALV TVPS P2IO. *??J5!* DASH I- AMP AMMETTER e VOL.T BATTERV TAIU INTERSTATE T & TR 1917-1918 REMY DIMMER. RESISTANCE. -iy I / dc AUTOLJTK (_IQHTIN(5 & IGNITION SW. e BATTERV HD.L.IQH, TAIL TOL.AMP JEFFERV "TRUCK 1 9 IS HD.UAMP &1J-UR MODEL. 20'"7 DISTRIBUTOR VOL.T BATT ERV FAIU L.AMP HD.L^MP # +** ^t* "-;\ fTXl^^r ?M>Brt* CM CONTR. TYF>EC-C> ^ n t-9- VOLT BA HQ MADISON RE MY HD. ^ T tiL ! ^F7^ LIGHTING 8c. IGNITION SWITCH * STARTlfSlQ SWITCH 6 \/Ol_T B/XTTERY T^i II I *3 HP.L.T. WESTIN GROUSE TO SPARK-PLUGS IGNITION SWTCH HO. LJ<5HT SPLITDORF - APLCO - LAWSOM TRUCK QI7 Hfa. l_/<5Ht* TAIt- ANNO i I^IN o-v^-i / WEST/NG HOUSE I-SAMRPUSB FUSE BOX AMF? FUSES START! MQ, p SWITCI-ONQ AMMETER lOISllTION SWITCH U<3HTIN START/ NJ -1 m j r 3 TINS re M H 2 TAIU. 19 MARIQM-HANDLEY SIX WESTIK1GHOUSE MODEL 6-4O 17 TAIL LT. HD. MARMON "34" 1918-1919 BIJUR HttL-AMP JUNCTION BLOCK "-J U7 JUNCTION BLOCK L.IHTINJQ SWITCH TONNEAU L-AMP SWITCH ,l\fl WT lo lt ^^~ OJ **^-?l!^u**" S ^^\ T~ ^5Lt > L_ TAIL. L.AMP MAXWELL -25 1917 SIMIS-HUFF EARLY MODEL STORAGE BATTERY MAXWELL-25 1917 SIMMS-HUFF GE BATTERY TA1LLP CM mo i? 4O CM D O O 'Ol cm mo Oi mo MAXWELL "25" 1918 & 1919 SIMMS-HUFF ATWATER KENT K3NITIOM SYSTEM MOTOR- DYNAMO TYPE H M BUTTON DASH LAMP CUTOUT Be REGULATOR FLD. L.I6HTINQ ISNITION SW. SWITCH LJOCK HEAD LIGHT" DIMMER CLOCK BUTTON START! W^ SWITCH TAIL U(? VO LT B ATTE R V MAXWELL -ONE TON TRUCK 19I7&I8 -AUTOLITE, HEADLK3HT DIMMER f" / M- O >6N. VOL.T BAT7-ERV LI6HT Mb. LAMP HD. LAMP VV ESTl N <5 HO U E. INSTRUMENT UQHT FUSE BLOCK Be. HOUSING TAIL. HANP WARMER. HCXUAMP MICHIGAN HEARSE 1917-1918-1919 DELCO H L.AMP DOME -4 BUT' TO NJ DEL.CO SW.TCM L.IGH7TS RN VICTOR^ MODEU RE-MV STARTING MOTOR. COMBIMATIOM SW. QVAT, JO; 3 $tesS& / 'Sizing "'c^ao, \v; 6 VOL-T ByATTERV TAIL- I_R HD. LAMP M ITCHELL - 1 9 17- USED ON CARS 5OOO TO II, BOO STARTING MOTOR JUNCTION BLOCK ^ l \^ v\ . ~^__L -f * _____ _________ MITCHELL-LEWIS 1917-1918 SPLITDORF-APLCO TAI MOLINE-KNIGHT "G" MK50 & "C" MK40 1917-1918-1919 WAGNER I lL |iu t > z h UAY HO*N ^r< ^- a SW. UK5HT1NS SW. TAIL-- HD. LAMP MONITOR- 191 DYNETO FIRING ORDER l- HD.L^XMP DISTRIBUTOR STARTING MOTOR CUTOUT- AMMETER STARTING SWITCH LIGHTING IQMITION SWITCH TAIL. L.F? HD.LAMP MOON "6-66" 1918 & 1919 Two Button Switch DELCO DYNAMO U<3H-TJMQSc K5NITION4 SWITCH 6N/OLT BATTERV TAIL. HO. LAMP MOON "6-66" 1918-1919 H'D.LAMP Four Button Switch DELCO KSNITION 8c U<5HT!N<3 SWITCH J\ A A START! NI SWITCH NASH-"671"-1918 BIJUR ; TAII. NASH 1918-1919 Models 681-682-683-684 DELCO STARTING! MOTOR TAIL. LAMP 6 vot_r BATTEKV HD.LAMP NATIONAL *G* 1918 WESTJN CHOUSE nh LAMP e VOLT BATTERY NATIONAL HIGHWAY HD.L.AMP NATIONAL 12 CYL. 1918-1919 BIJUR HD. LAMP Sc IGNITION /A SWITCH e VOL.T BATTERV HDUAMP NATIONAL -SER. AF5-13I9 FIRST- 125 C/^R S WESTINQHOUSE HP. LAMP DISTRIBUTOR MORN BUTTON MOTOR IGNJITIONJ COIU AMMETER COMBINATION SNA/ITCH CUTOUT IN STARTING SWITCH 6 VOL.T BATTERV TA/L. L.AMP H'D.L_AMP NATION AL-SER.AF3 -1919 AFTER FIRST 125 CARS WESTIKKaHOUSE HQLAMP DISTRIBUTOR CUTOUT IN DYNAMO STARTING MOTOR IGNITION COIL- DASH I AMP AMMETER STARTING SWITCTH COMBINATION SWITCH 6 VOL.T BATTERY TAIL L-AMP -"l9IT"~ ~\B\&" Ht> U6HT BUSS BAR I/ Ik > JiK-n! ft- i' V m 1 U) y p i / > O I J2VOUT BATTER.V ^5 ^e. ^ &US BAR. 4- TAIL OAKLAND 32-B^34 OMBINATION SWITCH HU LAMP OAKLAND "34-B" 1918-1919 REM? . l_AMP> TYPE-^OT-A RTING MOTOF? STARTIKKq SWITCH COMBINATION SWITCH 611-R.H. PRESTO LITE 6 VOL /sssn TAIL, DIXIE CARS TO No. 2200 AND OLD HICKORY TRUCKS . 1916-1917-1918 DYNETO O OLDSMOBILE 37-I9I7&I9/S DELCO LIGHTING 8c IQN. SW. STARTING VOLT- BAT TE.RV TAIL LAMP HQLAMP OLDSMOBILE - "37" - 37A. 1918-1919 REMV HUUAMP DYNAMO 16 N IT! ON COI DISTRIBUTOR CUTOUT- MOTOR TYPE 3O7-A DASH LAMP LIGHTINQ fie I6N/TION SWITCH VOL-T BATTER V TA1L.I.AMP HD.LT. OLDSMOBILE 8 CYL. DELCO Mod. 451917-1918 Mod. 45A 1919 HD.J-T HD.L.AMP OVERLAND-MOD. "75B- 1916-17 H h LAMP AUTOLJTE USED AFTER FIRST DISTRIBUTOR 5OOO CARS tt CIRCUIT- BREAKER STARTINQ SWITCH 6 VOL.T BATTERY TAIU HORN AUTO MODEL- XMJTOLITE -OVERLAND 'MODELS 5-*-SN 8S-*-G O5-- *-T HORN AUTOLITE -OVERLAND 191 "7 Mode us es-e-R. aer-e-SN BS-G-T GS->T TAIL. AUTOLJTE -OVER LAND \S\~7" MODEL-. 88 4-T ec. Se-~* ervl Qc. 6S--4 1-lfVt AUTOMATIC SWITCH UHD^LI^KT AUTOLITE -OVERLAND MODELS 88- 8T 8c 8S-8-SN AUTOLITE-OVERL.AND AUTO LITE -OVERLAND 'l9IT" MODELS O~R. 9OOEX SO-T 3O-PLD H'OLAMP OVER LAND -1918- MODEL. -4-CYL. - AUTOLITE' HD. to DOME f/ LIGHT / T ~ --.>. *">,. " QUARTER QVELAND-ISI8 - MODEL, CYL. - AUTOLITE BODIES ~TOURIN<3~ CLUB-SIX ~ SEPAN SWITCH RUSE L,HQU<5HT OVERLAND- 1 SIS -MODEL bo *^~? 4 CYL. -AUTO LJTE. MODEL. * COIL. ~- BODIES TOURING ROADSTER SEPAN COUN4TKY CLUB DELIVERY HEAP Bfc'lr AUTOMATIC CUT- OUT i _ TAIL. R^CKARD 2-25 2-35 FT: HP. AUX.HQ PACKARD 12 CYL. 1918-1919 MODEL 325 & 335 BIJUR tf) DEL-CO DISTRIBUTOR? ? - - I 1 JTZZIT: LI6HTIN6 Qc INITION SW LJj - ^ BODY DISCONNECTOR^ TYPE T^ EODV L. l6 rHT5 00 2S, ^ If-, ^-i - 27 c B i^ /1MSTEK fCIU MENT CSv LJQHT p. % ll 1 I ft 3 SWITCH iM-ee/ ^ y ^Bfe^ I 5 - 7 PASS. IMP LIMOUSIN E MODEL. \~7B-\~7& 7 PASS. LIMOUSINE MODELS B o o n WHE.EL SCR.EW BOSS TONNEAU u UJ z z o 8 a Ill t* T h lfcO-1 I. I Of D b > vy vy ir *? nxzD Q ssiii^ TAP HDLT 1 9-PA i GC ~ PETRO 1T-17 MODEL 6-38 HP LAMP PAIGE "Mod. ^9" 1918-1919 GRAY & DAVIS WIL_L_ARD . SL.-4 BATTE fPV ...TAlt. L.R HQLAMP PAIGE G-5S "1 REMV HD. UAMP X QVAT, 1Q, S rfti&S& ,0' **L. ~2*t, :-%3Mg>\ fc %^;i HEAD U\MP HDU-AMP PEERLESS-SG - 19IT /\UTOL_lTE HQLAMP IGNITION TIMER TAIL. PEERLESS "Mod. 56" 1918-1919 AUTOLITE Ha LAMP SO. LAMP < STARTIMO SWITCH TAIL, Mb. LAMP PHIANNA -*I918* WD. HCIUAMP* VOLT BATTE RV TAIL FIERCE-ARROW 1916-17-18-19 ALL CARS WEST1NGHOUSE H'g UI^HTT l n rJSS ii i - ^ r*. u- .-% vir-'i^ - **4r^3/ l IJ.MP* ^ ' I i ' ^^ NOTE: _.^ ^ ,_ ~ i ; J QcWlRJNQ SHOw'w DOTTED . "V \ AE USED ON THE ENCL-OSEO C f^cStci H^MP p, E RCE -ARPOW ALL MODELS WESTINGHOUSE f~~ "^L STARTING ^MOTOR FRAME PIERCE -ARROW "2 -TON WEST1N6HOUSE SWITCH Ll6HTINa SWITCH TAIL. PREMIER-DELCO "6B-1917" "60-1918-1919" DISTRIBUTOR fie TIMER ST>\RTfN<=j MOTOR IGNITION COIU V. DYNAMO N HORNJ EyjTTON 6 VOL.T BATTERY COMBINATION SWITC INSTRUMENT LAMP STARTINQ SWITCH TA1U L.IVE7PASH FOR POUBL.E PLUG CON- NECTION FOR SPOTLIGHT TO MAGNETO <5EAR SHIFT HD.l_l t*> AW, TAIL- UAMP ROAMER-MOD RA & F?AC-I9I7 CARS FROM I4-OO5 TO I573G STARTING MOTOR 6 VOL.T BATTERV f$5&s&\ P ex, **-e * * TAll- ROAMER Mod. "D-4-75" "C-6-54" 1918-1919 H'D. LAMP CAR NO. 15737 AND UP BIJUR VOLT BATTERY DASH /\MMETTER LJ<3HTIN<5 SWITCH TAIL- I AMP HD.LAMP ROCKFALLS HEARSE -NJ2 WESTIMGHOUSB CUTOUT fftJtt^n I I l~f*3 2 Li ^.1^ < Am STARTING SWITCH L-!<5HTIN<5 Sc. SWITCH SIDE TAIL- Rose- s-i^iy ROBBING -. ori'6' oot GofinecfiOft art, Horn Bufion Hb.i-AMP SCRIPPS-BOOTH "6-39"-"4O" 1918-1919 HCXLAMP RBMV DYNAMO - HORN HORN BUTTON ON COLUMN MOD 307-/A START-IN G MOTOR LI<5HTIN<5 Gc ISNITIO SWITCH s IKJSTRUMEfsrT LAMP TAIL. r HQ L.AMP SERVICE TRUCK 1917-1918-1919 WESTINGHOUSE HP. LAMP .JUNCTION &OX UGHTJN<5 SWITCH 6 VOLT- I2OAMR WIL.LARO TAIL. LAMP \ O /L.HEAP LT. JLJCI f rvoy SIMPLEX MOD. 5. J1MORE STEERINSCOLU SWITCH ..Hllt (Q CONNECT THIS PLUG TO SOCKET IN CHASSIS FRAME WHEM KQ DOME LI&HT IS USED. k. TAIL LIGHT- OH O O O O 6V.BR.TT. O OH ^ STANDARD E 1917 WESTINGHOUSE STANDARD-MODEL. F I S PL-IT DOF2F-APE L.CO WESTINJQHOUSE -I STEA WESTINQ HOUSE- UAMP HD. LAMP HCll-AMP MODEUS eo ec es TAIL. u , I.HP STEPHENS SALIENT SIX 1918-1919 ROADSTER MQD ?0 TOURING MOD. 75 DELCO DYNAMO MS 123 STARTING MOTOR N2 \OO AMMETB COWL. L-AMP 6 VOL.T BATTERV WIL.I-ARD S.JTW. HORN BUTTOW ON STEERING WHEEL. T>\|L. LAMP 19 STEWART-TOURING 17 WESTIMGHOUSE HD.LT. HP. LT. .TAILJLT. HRL.AMP STUD3AKER-4Sc6CYL. 19183: 19 HQL_AMP> WAGNER STARTING MOTOR. jfi .JUN/CTION BLOC K %- 1 TDNNEAU JLAMP RELAY ( > ^AMM e VOLT BATTERY UAMP STUTZ 1918-1919 REMY HEX l_AMR JUNCTION BL.OC.K TAIU 6VSOLT BATTERY SUN LIGHT SK 1917 RMY VELJE - 5 HORNI * L ( * ^ h SPOT LI6HT cf TAIL. REN/IV-laiT"" H'D. UQHT TAIL. MR LAMP VELIE "38-39" 1918-1919 REMY DYMAMO MOO. I6I-C MOTOR MOCX ISO-A Sk I6NTONJ SW. e VOL.T- Series 1917 Series 1918-1919 HP. LT. WHITE 1917-1918 LEECE-NEVILLE CIRCUIT REAKE SPOTLJQHT Ht> 22 - 19/6-17- 18 - 19 BI rurouT * w(g i u, (> -ft rn* TROUBLE SHOOTER consists of three main parts, forming a complete and invaluable system for quickly diag- nosing and locating any trouble in the Electric Starting and Light- ing Systems of all American made Automobiles. These parts are: (1) The Ambu Instrument. This is a combined ammeter and voltmeter which has a special patented set of movable dials by which trouble is quickly diagnosed. This instrument may also be used as an ordinary ammeter or voltmeter. The ammeter has three scale readings 1-0-5; 5-0-25; 100-0-500. The voltmeter readings 0.3-0-3; 3-0-30; 15-0-150. It is of a very rugged construction designed for use i the repair shop. (2) Instruction Charts. Tells you the location of every unit. Fourteen volumes of a lent size, containing over 3000 pages of accurate, systematized instructions for quickly rouble; over 200 wiring diagrams, showing exact internal connections of generators, >rs, regulators, cutouts, etc.; lamp equipment tables; battery equipment tables; and com- .ete descriptions of construction and design of the various makes of generators and motors including a 150 page book giving complete information on the new F. A starting and light- ing equipment on Ford cars. (3) Over 700 Wiring Diagrams, showing the complete external connections of the :mg, Lighting and Ignition circuits on cars made in the United States since 1911. All parts are placed in the same relative positions they occupy on the cars, and are clearly labeled and explained. In addition to these three main parts, there is also a 300 page book telling all about auto- mobile batteries, their theory maintenance and manufacture, and giving complete and prac- tical instructions for making any repairs, charging, etc. This book is profusely illustrated by especially made drawings and photographs. A set of Cadmium Test leads is also included; also a twelve chapter clearly written and easily understood course of Ignition, Starting and Lighting; a complete set of sugges- tions for advertising your shop in local newspapers, with the loan of cuts and illustrations; and expert consultation on any electrical subject. Ambu is as Essential to You as An Engine Is to An Automobile. The claim made by Ambu is that it is the repairmen's best friend. There is indisputable evidence to prove that this claim is correct. Men who have installed the AMBU TROUBLE SHOOTEB Service in their shops, say they could not handle half the jobs they do now if they did not have it. Not only do they get the trade which comes from those who need efficient electrical repair service, but they are also able to make many hundreds of dollars through the sale of accessories to the car owners with whom they are brought into contact by AMBU. If you want to be able to handle any electrical repair job, if you want to make more money and greater profit, get the AMBU plan, become an AMBU man. Complete Trouble Shooter Price on request American Bureau of Engineering, Inc. Automobile Department 1603 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, 111. PRODUCTS Cadmium Voltmeter In order to make accurate Cadmium Tests, you must have a fine reading voltmeter. Most ordinary voltmeters are not suitable for this purpose, and to get a voltmeter" of sufficient accuracy, you usually .pay from $50.00 to $100.00. The AMBU CADMIUM VOLTMETER is made especially for Cadmium Tests, and is therefore absolutely certain to give you accurate results. A complete instruction book for making Cadmium Tests, goes with each instrument. Voltmeter only ..... $22.50 Voltmeter with Cadmium Leads $25.00 Your jobber can supply you now. If not write direct. Plate Burning Racks When you burn-in new plates, or attach a whole group of plates to a plate strap, you need a burning rack to hold the plates in position while the lead is melted in. WHAT THEY ABE. The Ambu Plate Burning Racks have guiding slots cut in the base as well as in the iron bar, or "comb*" In this way the plates are .held at exactly the right distance, apart both at the top and bottom. Bases are made of hardwood. The small rack will take care of practically -all % inch plates made by Willard, Gould, Philadelphia, and TJ, S. L. It will, also accommodate all: thin plates such as the Exide 3XC, Willard, and Gould. The large rack will tak care of many other types, being de- signed to accommodate fully 95 per cent of all the types of plates which are made at present. - s Special iron fittings are furnished which are placed around the plate lugs on the comb so as to hold the plates firmly in position, and to prevent the hot lead from running off. WHAT IT DOES. Enables you to burn-in plates in half the time required when using the ordinary rack. Plates are held at exactly the correct distance apart. The hot lead cannot run off. No iron touches the bottoms of the wet plates. Shipping weight of small rack, 10 Ibs. Shipping weight of large rack, 15 Ibs. Price of small rack $ 7.50 Price of large rack 12.50 F: (X B. Chicago. Order through; your jobber -or direct. BUSINESS BUILDING <^> PRODUCTS Cadmium Leads How often you have said, "If I only had some way of knowing which set of plates is in a bad con- dition, without first opening up the whole battery!" That is pre- cisely what you can do with the CADMIUM LEADS. These Cadmium Leads consist of two heavily insulated flexible wires, each four feet long, at one end of which are brass prods with wooden handles, and at the other end of which are forked terminals for attaching to the voltmeter. Fastened at right angles to one of the brass prods is a rod of chem- ically pure cadmium. With these <3HB> CADMIUM LEADS you can make abso- lutely reliable tests in a few moments, and you must have the means to make such tests if you want to know whether each set of plates is functioning properly, and able to give good service while under load. The Cadmium Test will show up a poor set of plates, be they positive or negative plates, instantly. No battery should be taken off the charging bench, or sent out of your shop until a Cadmium Test shows that both positive and negative plates are fully charged and ready to give good service. Give this matter your immediate consideration. Order now. Can be used with any voltmeter that has readings as fine as five hundredths volts. CADMIUM LEADS Per pair $3.25 Complete, easily understood instructions furnished with each pair of leads Order through your Jobber or direct. BUSINESS BUILDING PRODUCTS Burning Lead Mold Here's a convenient, inexpensive lead mold which will be quite welcome to you in these days of conservation. Every battery shop has an accumulation of scrap lead from post drillings, old connecting straps, and old plates. Such scrap makes good burning lead, and should be saved until enough has accumulated to be melted and poured off in molds. The AMBU BURNING* LEAD MOLD is made of heavy sheet iron, diestamped into six slots into which the lead is poured. The mold gives very handy sized barn for lead burn- ing. The slotted iron is mounted on a strong wooden base which has a handle At one end, making it possible to handle the mold when lull of hot lead. A sheet of asbestos protects the wooden base from the heat of the melted lead. - The sheet-iron construction absorbs very little heat, making it easy to pour the lead. This is a decided advantage over a cast-iron mold, which absorbs so much heat that the lead eools quickly and is hard to pour. Price, each $1.75 Price, per pair $3.25 MftN.MS ..tAC MCVLO F. O. B. Chicago. Order through your Jobber or direct. Battery Turn Table When you once lift a battery up on the work bench, you do not want to move it around any more than necessary. It is too heavy for easy handling. Tet in lead burning, seal- ing, repairing the handles, repairing the case, or painting the ease, you often must be able to get at all sides cf the battery. To eliminate the back-breaking lifting and turning around of the battery, the<^g|l>BATTERY TURNTABLE was designed. Every battery man should have at least- one of these handy turntables. A battery on this turntable can be turned around with one finger. The turntable is not fastened to the work bench, and may be taken to the battery, in- stead of carrying the heavy battery to it. It is made of well-seasoned hardwood, is ball bearing, and will last for years. Price, each. , $4.00 F. O. B. Chicago. Tour Jobber can supply you now. If not, write to us direct. TXiRM TASA.B BUSINESS BUILDING PRODUCTS Battery Carrier "Carry a Battery Like a Suitcase." You would not think of carrying a heavy suitcase by hold- ing it in front of you with both hands. Yet that is the way a battery is generally carried, not because it is heavy, but be- cause of the way the handles are attached to the battery box. WHAT IT IS. The Ambu Battery Carrier consists of a stout hardwood handle having a swinging steel arm at each end to which is attached a strong steel hook for engaging the handles on the battery box. WHAT IT DOES. The construction is such that the terrific strain on the handles of tha battery is lessened to a minimum. A strap with hooks should never be used, because there is a side pull that soon causes the handles on the battery to give way. Enables you to carry a battery like a suitcase, with the least strain on your arms. One man can carry two bat- teries at once because he can hold them down at his side. Also useful in lifting a battery out of the car, and putting the battery back in the car. Shipping weight, 1 Ib. each, or 2 Ibs. per pair. Price, each $1.76 Price, per pair 3.25 The Automobile Storage Battery Its Care and Repair A 300-page book devoted entirely to starting and lighting bat- teries. Gives theory, manufacture, and maintenance. Complete instructions on running a battery- shop, tools needed, shop equip- ment, charging methods, opening batteries, work on plates, jars, case. Profusely illustrated with especially made etchings and half tones. The most complete and authoritative book on the subject. Price $5.00 F. O. B. Chicago. Order through your jobber or direct. BUSINESS BUILDING PRODUCTS Armature Tester AMB(J ARMATURE TESTEP This is an accurate, positive device for quickly detecting and accurately locating open circuits, short-circuits, grounds, and reversed commutator connectors on the armatures of motors or generators which are equipped with commutators. Will Test Any Sized Armature. Any sized armature, no matter how small or large, no matter what its resistance, may be tested with equal facility. No connections are made to the armature, and the armature need not be removed from the machine if it is possible to get at the commutator. May Be Used on Any A. C. or D. C. Circuit, The AMBU AEMATUEE TESTEE may be used on any direct or alternating current circuit, and on any voltage from 6 to 220, No change or adjustment is necessary in chang- ing from a direct to an alternating, or from alternating to direct, current circuit. For the various voltages, it is only necessary to use lamps of the proper voltage or no lamps at all, as the ease may be. Construction Is Very Simple. Current from the supply circuit is led through a current interrupter, which is bridged by a condenser. This current is sent into each consecutive pair of segmefnts through the Contact Making Pins shown in the illustration. The two Transformer Arms shown in the illustration touch the commutator also, and lead to the telephone receiver circuit through ft specially designed transformer coil. Indications Are Positive. The variation in the sound heard in the receiver tells what the nature of the trouble is, and just where it is. In making a test, the contact making pins are brought down on each pair of consecutive segments, the Transformer arms resting on the commutator several segments on either side of the contact making pins. This testing is all done with one hand. An open circuit is indicated by a sudden and marked louder sound, a short-circuit by a sudden and marked dimmer sound, reversed com- mutator connections by louder sounds on every second pair of segments as long as they last. Grounds are located by testing between each segment and the armature core or shaft. The segment which is nearest the grounded point of the winding is indicated by a sudden dimming of the sound in the receiver. THE AMBU AEMATUEE TESTEE has been in daily use in a large armature repair shop for over three years, and has been given a thorough and severe tryout. There is nothing to get out of order, no delicate or adjustable parts. The entire outfit weighs less than seven pounds, and may easily be carried about. Price each fSO.OO F. O. B. Chicago. Your Jobber can supply you now, or order direct. BUSINESS BUILDING PRODUCTS Battery Plate Press The most common fault of negative battery plates is the bulging out of the active material caused by the forma- tion of lead sulphate as the battery dis- charges. This active material must be pressed back flush with the grids if the battery is to give good service again. Moreover, both positive and negative plates become bent out of shape, and buckled, and must be straightened. Many battery men use an ordinary iron bench vise, for this purpose, but this is a poor practice. The iron vise soon becomes corroded and rusted from the acid squeezed out of the plates. It also becomes stiff and hard to operate. Moreover, there is always danger that particles of iron will get on the plates from the vise, and iron is the worst enemy of battery plates, because it causes the battery to lose its charge quickly and it is almost impossible to remove this iron. < The AMBIT BATTERY PLATE PRESS is designed to do away with all the disadvan- tages of the iron vise. Three sets of plates may be pressed at once between the large wooden jaws. No iron or any other metal can touch the plates. The upper jaw is movable and is operated by a large hand-wheel. No acid can drip on the operating screw. A trough is placed so as to catch the acid squeezed from the plates, thus eliminating the rotted, acid soaked floor which results from the use of the iron bench vise, and which ruins shoes and clothes. Fittings with instructions are furnished with the Press for mounting it on the wall of the shop. The press may also be mounted on a stand, which is not, however, furnished with the Press. This stand can be easily made. The lower jaw is removable, and may be lifted out and replaced if it becomes acid soaked. All parts are coated with acid-proof paint. A complete set of transite boards of the proper thickness for placing between the plates are included in the cost price. Price, with transite boards, and fittings, for mounting on waJl $32.50 Transite Boards only set complete 6.90 F. O. B. Chicago. Order through your Jobber, or direct from us. American Bureau of Engineering, Inc. Automobile Department 1603 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, 111., U. S. A. BUSINESS BUILDING PRODUCTS THE FORD STANDARD ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT This is one of the 47 illustrations showing details of Ford starting and lighting system. CUTOUT cove*? CONTACT POINTS* INSUUATEO PL. ATE TO AMMEX6R GENERATOR FRAME INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF CUT-OUT MOUNTED ON GENERATOR This book of ,150 pages gives in detail everything about the new Ford Elec- trical equipment, including starting and lighting, battery and ignition. It is highly illus- trated with 47 photos, written for the every-day man in easily understood English. De- scribes the construction and installation of the F-A system now standard equipment on Fords. Also complete instruction on how to locate and correct starting and lighting troubles. Ford ignition with tests fully given. No man attempting to handle electrical repairs on Ford cars should be without this book. Bound in leather. Price $2.50 BUSINESS BUILDING PRODUCTS Battery Steamer and Still BATTERY STEAMEB AND CONDENSER. Softens Battery Compound Within Fifteen Minutes. Will Give 5i/ 2 Gallons Dig- tilled Water in 7 Hours. You can easily open any battery without the use of a gas flame or blow torch with an AMBU BATTERY STEAMER And while the Steamer is working away, softening the sealing com- pound, the repairman does some other work. From five to thirty minutes and the sealing compound is so soft that it can easily be removed with the point of a screw driver, and this will take only five minutes, because of the thorough job done by the steamer. STEAM DISTILLED WATEH STEAMING TUBE Steamer Cuts Dirt and Grease. is that the steam cuts all the dirt Cloth > Needs No Attention After Stove Is Lighted. needs to be filled but steam is lined and needs only to be Water tank boiler, steaming- box and condenser 8teaming box Steaming box only ....... .!. 1 !...!!! ^" ' F. O. B. Chicago. Order through your jobber or direct.* LIST OF WIRING DIAGRAMS IN STOCK The following list of wiring diagrams are obtainable from your jobber or the American Bureau of Engineering, 1601-03 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago at 25 cents each. When placing order be sure to mention the diagram number as well as model and make of car. Drawing Number Name of Car Tear Model System 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 234 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 235 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 401 416 417 418 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 913 14 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 Abbott -Detroit 1913-1914 1916 1916-1917 Autolite Autolite Remy Delco Autolite Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Autolite Remy Disco Gray & Davis Westinghouse Gray & Davis Bijur Bijur Westinghouse Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Gray & Davis Aplco Remy Remy Delco Remy Autolite Remy Remy Delco Delco Disco Splitdorf-Apelco Splitdorf-Apelco Splitdorf Splitdorf Splitdorf-Apelco Autolite Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Dyneto Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Autolite Westinghouse Entz Gray A. Davis Entz Entz Ents Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Westinghouse Autoltte Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Gray & Davis Wes'tlnghouse -8" 6-44 Allen 1914 1914-1915 1916 1916 1916 1917 1918-1919 1916 1914 1918 1919 1913 1914 1915 1916 1916 1917 1916 1917 1918-1919 1913 1913 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1917-1918 1917-18-19 1917-1918 1817-1918 1916 Allen Allen Dimmer Bulbs Allen Resistance Dimmer. . . Allen Resistance Dimmer. . . Allen First 375 car* 37 37 41 Allen Alter 6-"B" B 45-55 Apperson 4_n 1405 Glide Cars up to 7388'. . , 1915 "30" J 4 ?6 Glide Cars 7389 and above. . . 1407 Glide Cars up to 9049... 1915 1916 "30" "6_40" Westinghouee 1408 Glide 1916 "fi A(l>* 1409 Glide Cars 9000 to 1025*5. . . ; Glide 1916-1917 1918-1919 6-40 Westinghouse Gramm Bernstein Truck Westinghouse L413 Grant ... 1915-1916 1915-1916 "4" "6" Allis-Chalmers Allis-Chalmera 1415 Grant 1917 1918-1919 6-40 "G" Wagner 1416 Grant Truck. . 1919 10 11 it ifl l01 H-A-L 1917 91 1634 Halladay .... 1914 602 Halladay . . . 1915-1916 1100 604 Ha,Sr HearS " '"' "''.'. 1916 Autolite leos Haiiaday ...::::::::: 1916 1916 1. Westinghouee Harley-pavidson Motorcycle, [<507 w s itc h in Lamps Splitdorf 1607 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle i Rft Combination Swltch Harley-Davidson 1915 Splitdorf Remy 1610 Haynes .'.','.'.'.', Haynes 1612 TTavneQ 1917-18-19 1915 1916 "30"-"3'3" "34" "35" Remy Leece-Nevllle Leece-Nevflle 1613 Haynes 1916-1917 1917 36, 37. 37R 40, 40R-41 Leece-Neville Leece-Neville Henderson First Models ...'.'. SI Hon?e e r rS n ~ Later Models ' ' ' ' 1618 Hollier 1918-1919 1914 1914 1916 Mod. 38, 39, 45 "8" Leece-Nevllle Ward Leonard Ward Leonard Splitdorf-Apelco 1619 Hollier ! ! ! ! ' L635 Holmes ii sstsg?^^'"^ 1917-18-19 1916-17-18-19 1919 1913 "176" "8" ALL "L" AHis-Chalmera Splitdorf-Apelco Dyneto North East 622 Howard . 623 Hudson 1914 1913 "6" "54-37" Jesco Del co 625 Hudson .. 1916 All "V>ari "6" Delco 626 Hupmobile 1915 Westinerhouae LIST OF WIRING DIAGRAMS IN STOCK Continued Drawing Number Name of Car Year Model System 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2220 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2401 2402 2403 2404 2404 2406 2407 8408 2409 3410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2416 2428 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 1916 1915 1916 1918 1916 1917 1917-1918 "K" "32" "N" "N" "N" N R Westinghouse Westinghouse Bijur Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Bijur Splitdorf North East North East North East Apelco Apelco Apelco Apelco Remy Remy Remy Remy Autolitc Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite U. S. L. U. S. L. U. S. L. Bijur Bljur Bijur Bijur Leece-Neville Gray & Davis Bijur Bijur WeBtlnsrhouee Ward Leonard Ward Leonard Ward Leonard Ward Leonard Robbins & Meyers Bijur Esterline Esterline Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Remy Remy Delco Westinghouse Bijur Disco Disco North East Briggs Remy Splitdorf-Apelco Remy Remy Jesco Jesco Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Delco Dyneto Dyneto Rushmore Westinghouse Rushmore Electric Lighting System Westinghouse Adlake Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Gray & Davis r " , ,, Hupmobile with ammeter Hupmobile Cars after 75,000.. International Motor Truck. . . "D" "G" "L" International Motor Truck... International Motor Truck... 1913 191$ "40" "41" "42" "45" "50" "61" "52" 1913 1915 1915 1916 1917-1918 1913 1915 1916 1916 1916 1917-1918 1914 1916 1916 1915 1916 1917 1918 1915 1916 1917 1918-1919 "T" T, TR "43" "44" "68" "348" "4-34" 349 "6" "4" "6" 6" "4-462" 671 2017 B "C" Kelly- Springfield Truck King 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916-1917 1917-18-19 1913-1914 1913-1914 1915 1915 1916 1917 1918 1917-18-19 1917 "B" "C-4" "8" "8" E, EE "EE," "F" "4-40" "6-48" "6-60" "4-36" "6-42" "4-32" "4-36" 100 Pt. Six 100 Pt. Sir 12 Cyl. 6-36 King King King King King Kissell Kissell Kissell Kissell Kissell Kissell Kissell Kissell Kline Knox Tractor Krit 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1917 1915 1915 1914 Krit Krit "M" Lambert Lawson Truck Lewis Motor-Generator Lexington 51 6M "6L" "6-N" "0" 6-0-17 Lexington '1915-1916 1916 1916 1917 1918-1919 1916-17-18-19 Lexington Lexington Liberty 6 Lippard-Stewart Truck, At- Lippard-Stewart Truck, Mag- Locomobile 1911-1912 Ml. M2, & Rl Locomobile Closed Bodies... Locomobile Locomobile Closed Cars Locomobile All Models . . 1911-12-13 1914-1915 1914-1915 1913 1915 1915 1915-1916 1917-18-19 1913-1914 30-38-48 "38" "48" "38" "48" Locomobile Open Cars...... Locomobile Body Wiring. . . . Locomobile . Locomobile Lozier . "77" LIST OF WIRING DIAGRAMS IN STOCK Continued Drawing Number Name of Car Tear Model System 2428 2427 2603 2604 2644 2601 2602 2645 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2646 2647 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2648 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2649 2626 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2650 2651 2640 2641 2642 2643 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 8001 3002 3003 3004 8005 3006 8007 3008 3009 8010 3011 8012 1018 8014 8015 8016 8017 8018 8019 8020 1914 1914-1915 1916 1916 1919 1917-18-19 1918-1919 1916 1917 1913 1914 1915 1916 1916 1918-1919 1914 1915 1915 1916 1917 1917 1918-1919 1917-1918 1917-1918 1919 1914 1915 1916 1917-1918 1914 1915-16-17 1919 1917-18-19 1913 1914 1915 1915-1916 1911 1916 1917-1918 1914 1914-1915 "84" Gray & Davis North East Remy Remy Remy Disco Wagner Westinghouse Westinghouse North East Jesco Bosch Bosch Bosch Bijur Deaco Gray & Davia Simms-Huff Simms-Huff Simms-Huff Simms-Huff Simms-Huff Autolite Westinghouse Westinghouse Rushmore U. S. L. U. S. L. U. S. L. North East Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Delco Esterline Remy Remy Splitdorf-Apelco Splitdorf-Apelco Westinghouse Splitdorf-Apelco Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Remy Dyneto Autolite Delco Delco Delco Bijur Delco Remy Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Bijur Bijur U. S. L. Allis-Chalmers Deaco Delco Deaco Delco Delco Remy Delco Delco Remy Dyneto Delco Delco Delco Delco Delco Remy Delco U. S. L. Autolite Gray & Davis 6-40 A-4cyl. B-6cyL *'K* 6-40 "48" "41" "41" "34" "34" A-35 25 25 25 1 T Truck Six "35" "22-70" "22-72" Metz Metz "25" 25 Metz Michigan Hearse Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell "4" Mitchell Mitchell "8" Mitchell-Lewis . Moline-Knlght First Series MK 40 Second Series MK 40 MK 50 "MK 40" "40" "40" G-MK50, C-MK40 Moline -Knight Moline-Knlght 12 volts... Moline-Knlght 1914-15-16 1915 1911 1917-18-19 1919 1919 1915 1914 1918-1919 1918-1919 1918 1918-1919 1914-1915 1916 1916 1918 1917 1918-1919 1917-1918 1916 Moline Moline-Knlght Moline Tractor Monitor Monroe "42" 6-66 6-66 671 681, 82, 83, 84 Moon 2 Button Switch Moon 4 Button Switch Nash Nash National National "6" "12" "6" "12" 12cyl. National National National ... National Nelson k New Era Northeast Single unit sys- "G" "35-42" "42"-"6-60" "35-42" "48-62-43" Oakland 1913 1913 1914 1914 1915 1916 1916 1917 1918-1919 1916-17-18 1918 1915 1918 1916 1917-1918 1918 1918-1919 1913 1913 1914 Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland Oakland 32 "50" 32B-34 34B Oakland Oakland Oakland Old Hickory Trucks Dixie Cars to No. 2200 Oldsmoblle ... "53" "42" "4-43" "g-44" 37 37 45 & 45A "69" "71" "69" "71" "79" Oldsmobile .. Oldsmoblle .. Oldsmoblle ... Oldsmobile ., Oldsmoblle .. Oldsmoblle Overland LIST OF WIRING DIAGRAMS IN STOCK Continued Drawing Number Name of Car Year Model System 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 S031 8032 3033 1084 5035 3201 8202 3203 8235 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3236 8237 3214 8238 3240 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3239 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 8241 3230 3231 3232 3244 3242 3243 3233 3234 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3623 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3624 3614 3615 3625 3626 8627 3628 8616 3617 3618 3619 5620 3621 1915 1915 1916 1916 1916-1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1912 1913 1914 1913-1914 1915 1916 1917 1918-1919 1918-1919 1918-1919 1918-1919 "80-82" "82" "81" "83" "75" 83DE 85-4-SN, C, T, R 85-R, Sn, T, C 88T, SN, Lim 88T, SN 89CLR, T, 86B 90R, OEX, T, PLD 88-4-SN 89 90 Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Autolite Bijur Bijur Delco Delco Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Disco Disco Gray & Davis Remy Autolite Allis-Chalmers Disco Delco Delco Deaco Westinghouse Westinghouse Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Autolite Ward Leonard Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Remy Remy Remy Delco Westinghouse Splitdorf Splitdorf-Apelco Splitdorf- Apelco Dyneto Rush more Dyneto Dyneto Heinze Autolite Remy R. E. V. Remy Remy Remy Remy Remy Remy Remy Westinghouse Remy WestlnghoustS Westinghouse Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Bijur Bijur Bijur Westinghouse Detroit, W. L. Robbins & Mevers Overland First 5000 cars.... Overland 4 cyl Overland 4 cyl. Overland 6 cyl Overland 4 cyl Overland 8 cyl Overland 6 cyl Overland 4 cyl Overland 4 cyl Overland 6 cyl Overland 4 cyl Packard Packard "48" "138" "138" "6" "12" 2-25, 2-35 325, 335 325, 335 325, 335 325, 335 Packard Packard Packard Packard Packard Body Wiring Packard Body Wiring 1 Packard Body Wiring Paige-Detroit, "Little Six".. Paige 1918 1917 1913-1914 1913-1914 1918-1919 1919 1919 1915 1917 1914 1915 1914 1915 1916 1916 1917 1918-1919 1918 1913 1914 1915 1915 1916-17-18-19 1919 1914 1915 1915 1918-1919 1913 1915 1916 1917 1915 1915 1915 1915-1916 1917 1918 39 6-38 25 25 39 6-55 A-B Paige-Detroit Paige, without side lamps. . . . Paige, with side lamps Paige Paige Panhard Truck Partin-Palmer Partin -Palmer 32 "32-33" Paterson Paterson Pathfinder "6" Pathfinder Pathfinder Peerless Peerless "8" B6 56 Phianna Pierce Arrow 48-B 48-B2 48-B3 Pierce Arrow Pierce Arrow Pierce Arrow Pierce Arrow All Cars 2 Ton Pierce- Arrow Truck Premier Premier Premier Model "M" Generator Model "MJ" Generator 6C & 6B 4-S6, 44, 55. 6-66 "4-24" Pullman Pullman Pullman Pullman "4-24" E RR, R. RD, D "4" "4" and "8" 5 J Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Regal Remy Tractor Equipment... Renault Reo 1914 1915 1915 1916 1917-18-19 1918-1919 1916 Reo Reo Reo ,. 4> , ,. e ,, 4 & 6. M&N T & TT 11000 to 12789 Reo Reo Reo Truck Republic Motor Truck Republic Motor Truck Riker Truck (with headlights) Riker Truck (with search- light) 3 & 4 Ton 3 & 4 Ton Roamer 1916 1916 1917 1917 1918-1919 Roamer No. 3 Cont. Mag. Ign. Roamer Roamer Cars 14005 to 15736. Roamer Cars 15737 and up.. Rockfalls Hearse RA, RAC "D-4-75," "C-6-54" No. 7 "8" 8 Ross 1916 1917 Ross LIST OF WIRING DIAGRAMS IN STOCK Continued Drawing Number Name of Car Tear Model System 1622 J801 J802 3803 8804 3805 3806 8807 8808 3809 8810 8841 3811 3812 3813 8814 8815 3816 1817 1818 (819 3820 3821 3842 3822 3823 3824 8825 3826 3827 3828 8829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 4001 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4619 4620 4601 4602 4603 (604 1106 1606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4621 4622 1915 1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 1916-1917 1916-17-18-19 1917-18-19 "32'"48" Bljur Detroit Gray & Davis Wagner Detroit Wagner Delco Bijur Bijur Wagner Remy AllisChalmera Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Bosch-Rushmor* Rushmore Rushmore Rushmore Splitdorf-Apelco Westinghouse Westinghouse Splitdorf-Apelco Westinghouse Splitdorf-Apelco Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Westinghouse Westinghouse Autolite Delco Delco Delco Westinghouse Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Remy Remy Leece-Nevllle Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Remy Remy Remy Remy Jesco Jesco Delco Delco Entz Entz Entz Entz Leece-Neville U. S. L. Autolite Autolite Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Gray & Davis Bijur Gray & Davis Bijur Bijur Bijur Bijur "6" 4 6 "VcylV" Saxon Sayers & Scoville 6 cyl Scripps Booth Cars above 1101 1915-1916 1916-1917 1918 1919 "4" "8" "6-39" "40" D, & H Service Truck, all models Service Truck 1915 1917-18-19 1914-1915 1915 "38" "50" Series "E" 5 1916 1915 1917 1917 1919 Standard Touring & Limou- "6" E F" 8 Standard 1913 1914-1915 1914-1915 1917 1917 1917 1918-1919 "6" Stearns "4" Series 32 Series 32 60, 65 70 & 75 "D" "D" Stearns Knight Four Stearns Knight Eight .... Stephens Salient Six Stevens-Duryea, Internal .... Stewart Tourist 1917 1913 1913 1914 1914 1915 1916-17-18 1915 191&-1919 1916 1914-1915 1915 1916 1917 1917 1918-1919 1913 1914 1915 1917-18-19 1914 1914 1915 1916 1917-1918 1915 1916 1916 Studebaker Studebaker "35" "EG" Studebaker Studebaker Studebaker Studebaker Stutz Stutz Thomas Velie Velie Velie "22" 27 28 38 & 39 "4-40" "0-30" "U 50" "O 35" 17 & 18 Velie Velie Velie Westcott Westcott Westcott White Ventilator Control... White Steering column con- trol White White White Willys-Knight Willys-Knight Willys-Knight "84" M 20 21 21 21 21 "21A" 22 22A 22 & 22A Winton, Early part of 20 Season Winton. Latter part of 20 Season Winton, with grounded start- er switch Winton, with insulated start- er switch Winton Winton 1915 Winton Winton 1916-17-18-19 1916-17-18-19 1916-17-18-19 Winton -. Winton Body Wiring for limousine UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY