3Db 357 
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Sintered, according to Act of Congress, in tne year 1887, by thf 
 u. TUDD CO, 
 fotfce Ofcce ot tike librarian of Congress, at Washfrgton. 
 PRIXTED ix U. S. A. 
SB 35 
 It is now twenty-five years since I wrote the first 
 edition of the STRAWBERRY CULTURIST. At that time 
 but little attention had been paid to the cultivation of 
 this best of all berries, and, with the exception of an oc- 
 casional basket or crate of the Hovey and Wilson, New 
 York markets were mostly supplied with the little Crim- 
 son Cone and Scotch Runner raised in New Jersey. 
 From time to time new varieties had been intro- 
 duced at home and from abroad, and by copying all the 
 names found in both European and American nursery- 
 men's catalogues, 1 was enabled to make a list of nearly 
 five hundred varieties, of which only a few survive. 
 Among these may be named the Hovey, Wilson, Triom- 
 phe de Gand, Leimig's White, Downer's Prolific and the 
 Monthly Alpines, but, with one or two exceptions, these 
 are very sparingly cultivated. The others have been dis- 
 carded for inferiority of size or flavor, lack of produc- 
 tiveness, want of adaptability to a wide range of climate 
 and soils, or for other good and sufficient reasons, and 
 their places have been filled by varieties supposed to be 
 better, and in such numbers as to confuse seekers after 
 the best. But which is or are the best of all the varieties 
 known would be a difficult question to answer ; for the 
 one that gives entire satisfaction in one section often 
 proves a failure in another, and only experiments or 
 close observation will teach one how to choose. Much 
 credit is certainly due to those who have aided in pro- 
 ducing new varieties, but the perfect Strawberry, equally 
 well adapted to all kinds of soils and climates has not as 
 yet appeared in cultivation. 
 During the last quarter of a century botanists have 
 somewhat changed their ideas in regard to the number 
 and distribution of the species of the Strawberry, and 
 while this may be of no especial importance to the prac= 
 tical cultivator of this fruit, still I have arranged the 
 species to conform to the more recent discoveries of our 
 As regards the culture of the Strawberry I find little 
 to change and less to add. In writing the STRAWBERRY 
 CULTURIST (my first attempt at book making) I aimed 
 to give the public the result of my practical experience 
 in plain words. I have since that time experimented 
 largely, but have learned nothing that induces me to 
 change materially the directions therein given. 
 This little treatise has been re-written to supply a 
 want of the present generation, and, with the hope that 
 jt will serve as did its predecessor to stimulate its readers 
 in renewed efforts to produce the best of Berries and in 
 the greatest abundance, I send it forth on its humble 
 KIDGEWOOD, N. J., Jan., 1887. 
 A genus of low perennial stemless herbs with run- 
 ners, and leaves divided into three leaflets ; calyx open 
 and flat ; petals five, white ; stamens ten to twenty, 
 sometimes more ; pistils numerous, crowded upon a cone- 
 like head in the center of the flower. Seeds naked on 
 the surface of an enlarged pulpy receptacle called the 
 The Strawberry belongs to the great Eose family, and 
 the name of the genus is Fragaria, from the Latin Fraga, 
 its ancient name. The French name of the strawberry 
 is Fraisier ; German, Erdbeerpflanze ; Italian, Planta 
 di fragola ; Dutch, Aadbezie ; Spanish, Freza. The 
 South American Spaniards call the wild Strawberries of 
 the country, Frutila. 
 The well-known unstable character of the species 
 makes it rather difficult to determine the limit of varia- 
 tion, but the following classification is in accord with 
 the experience of practical cultivators of the Strawberry 
 as well as with the more recent arrangement of the spe- 
 cies in botanical works. 
 Fragaria vesca. The common wild Strawberry of 
 Europe, including both the White and Red Wood, also 
 the annual and Monthly Alpine Strawberries. Of the 
 latter there are varieties with both white and red fruit, 
 growing in stools or clumps producing no runners, o? 
 Tery sparingly. This species is also indigenous to North 
 America and found plentifully in our more northern 
 States, and westward to the Rocky Mountains, where it 
 grows in the more elevated and cooler regions. The 
 plants are slender, with tnin, often pale-green leaflets ; 
 fruit small, oval, oblong, or sharp pointed ; seeds quite 
 prominent, never depressed. 
 Fragaria Californica. A low-growing species 
 closely allied to the F. vesca, but thought to be specifi- 
 cally distinct by some botanists. The entire plant cov- 
 ered with spreading hairs ; leaves rather thin, wedge- 
 shape and broadest at the tip. Flowers, small white ; 
 calyx shorter than the petals, and often toothed or cleft ; 
 fruit small, and seed as in vesca. On the hills and moun- 
 tains of California and in northern Mexico. There are 
 no varieties of this species in cultivation. 
 Fragaria Yirginiana. The Wild Strawberry of 
 the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. Plant, 
 with few or numerous scattering hairs ; upper surface 
 of leaves often very dark green and shining, also very 
 large, thick, coarsely toothed. Flowers, white, in clusters 
 on erect scapes. Fruit red or scarlet, often with long 
 neck ; seeds in shallow or deep pits on the surface of the 
 receptacle. This species is the parent of an immense 
 number of varieties, like the Wilson, Boston Pine, Early 
 Scarlet, &c. 
 Variety. Illinoensis is found in the rich soils of the 
 Western States and is a larger and coarser growing 
 plant, more villous or hairy than the species, and the 
 fruit is usually of a lighter color. Some of the most 
 popular varieties ir, cultivation are descended from this 
 indigenous western variety, such as the Charles Downing, 
 Downer's Prolific, &c. 
 Fragaria Chiliensis. A widely distributed species, 
 especially on the west coast of America, where it is found 
 from Alaska on the north, southward to California, and 
 thence to Chili and other countries in South America. 
 It is usually a low-growing, spreading plant with large 
 thick cuneate, obovate leaflets, smooth and shining 
 above ; with silky appressed hairs underneath. Fruit 
 stalks very stout ; flowers white, large, often more than 
 an inch in diameter and with five to seven petals. For- 
 merly these large flowered varieties from South America 
 were supposed to belong to a distinct species the F. 
 grandiflora, or Great-Flowering Strawberry ; but more 
 recent investigation has shown that all belong to the one 
 species, viz., F. Chiliensis. This species is the parent 
 of the most noted European varieties, some of which have 
 long been cultivated in this country, but the varieties of 
 the Virginian and Chili Strawberry have become so in- 
 termingled by crossing that it is now scarcely possible 
 to trace their parentage. 
 Fragaria Indica. A small species from Upper In- 
 dia, with yellow flowers, and small red, rather tasteless 
 fruit. Often cultivated as a curiosity and ornament, as 
 the plants bear continuously through the summer and 
 Fragaria elatior. Hautbois or High wood Straw- 
 berry. Indigenous to Europe, principally in Germany. 
 Plants tall growing ; fruit usually elevated above the 
 leaves, and the calyx strongly reflexed ; petals small, 
 white; fruit brownish, pale red, sometimes greenish, 
 with a strong musky, and, to most persons, a disagree* 
 able flavor. Only sparingly cultivated. The plants are 
 inclined to be dioecious, i. e. 9 the two sexes on different 
 plants, even in their wild state. 
 How the name of Strawberry came to be applied to 
 this fruit is unknown, as the old authors do not agree ; 
 some asserting that it was given it because children used 
 to string them upon straws to sell, while others say that 
 it took its name from the fact of straw being placed 
 around the plants in order to keep the fruit clean. Its 
 name may not have been derived from either of these, 
 but from the appearance of the plant ; for when the 
 ground is covered with its runners, they certainly have 
 much of the appearance of straw being spread over the 
 ground. We have found nothing conclusive on this 
 The Strawberry does not appear to have been culti- 
 vated by the ancients, or even by the Romans, for it is 
 scarcely mentioned by any of their writers, and then not 
 in connection with the cultivated fruits or vegetables. 
 Virgil mentions it only when warning the shepherds 
 against the concealed adder when seeking flowers and 
 " Ye boys that gather flowers and strawberries, 
 Lo, hid within the grass a serpent lies." 
 Several other ancient authors mention the Strawberry, 
 but all refer to it as a wild fruit, not cultivated in gar- 
 dens ; but there do not appear to have been any im- 
 proved varieties in cultivation until within about one 
 hundred years, although the wild plants were transferred 
 to gardens only in the fifteenth century, as we learn 
 from works published at that time. 
 Casper Bauhin, in his " Pinax," published in 1623, 
 mentions but five varieties. Gerarde, in 1597, enumer- 
 ates but three the white, red, and green fruited. 
 Parkinson, in 1656, describes the Virginian and 
 Bohemian, besides those mentioned by Gerarde. Quin- 
 fcinie, in his " French Gardener/' translated by Evelyn 
 in 1672, mentions four varieties, and gives similar direo- 
 tions for cultivation as practised at the present time, 
 viz., planting in August, removing all the runners as 
 they appear, and renewing the beds every four years. 
 Only four or five varieties are mentioned by any of 
 the writers on gardening earlier than about 150 years 
 The Fressant Strawberry, mentioned by Quintinie, 
 was the first seedling we find mentioned, and it was 
 claimed to be superior to its parent, the wild Wood or 
 Alpine Strawberry of Europe. 
 The Hautbois was -long supposed to be indigenous 
 to America, and both Parkinson and Miller state that it 
 came from this country, and the former, in his " Paradi- 
 sus Terrestris," 1629, says that the Hautbois had been 
 with them only of late days, having been brought over 
 from America. It is now known, however, that this 
 species is a native of Germany, where it is called the 
 " Haarbeer." 
 The Chili Strawberry was formerly supposed to have 
 been introduced into South America by the Spaniards 
 from Mexico; and while plants may have been intro- 
 duced as stated, still, botanists assure us that the same 
 species is indigenous to both countries. This species 
 was introduced into France by a traveler named Frazier, 
 in 1716, but whether by seeds or living plants is not 
 known. Philip Miller introduced the Chili Strawberry 
 into England in 1729, but he says it was so unproduc- 
 tive that he finally discarded it. He also refers to the 
 irregular shape of the fruit, a characteristic of many of 
 the varieties of this species in cultivation at this time. 
 The varieties of the Chili Strawberry are usually 
 larger and milder in flavor than those of the Virginia 
 Strawberry, but the plants are rarely as hardy or succeed 
 as well, in our Northern States, except in sheltered situ- 
 ations. In Europe, however, the varieties of the Chilian 
 Strawberry have long been preferred to those of the Vir- 
 ginian, probably on account of their large size and mild 
 Savor, as most of our American varieties require a high 
 temperature to develop their saccharine properties. 
 No improvement was made in the Strawberry by 
 European gardeners until the introduction of the 
 American species, but it was not until the beginning of 
 the present century that practical experiments were 
 made in England for improving this fruit. In 1810 
 Mr. N. Davidson raised a new variety, which was named 
 the Roseberry. T. A. Knight raised the Downton in 
 1816 ; Atkinson, the Grove End Scarlet in 1820 ; and 
 in 1824 Keen's Seedling appeared. Knight raised the 
 Elton in 1820. During the twenty years from 1810 down 
 to 1830 not more -than a half dozen improved varieties 
 were produced in England, but Myatt soon followed 
 with his British Queen, which remained the leading 
 variety of that country for almost a half century. 
 The French, German, Belgian, and other continental 
 gardeners soon entered the field, and now the Strawberry 
 has become one of the most popular fruits throughout 
 Europe as well as in America. 
 Although we possessed the materials from which we 
 could have readily produced new and improved varieties 
 of the Strawberry, adapted to our soil and climate, very 
 little was attempted in this direction until long after 
 the Strawberry had become popular in Europe, and even 
 when it began to attract attention in this country, our 
 fruit growers were content to import varieties from 
 abroad instead of attempting to raise new and mor* 
 valuable ones at home. 
 The introduction of the Hovey in 1834 proved that it 
 was possible to raise large and productive varieties of 
 the indigenous species, and while a few cultivators may 
 be said to have taken the hint, or avail themselves of 
 this discovery, the larger majority continued to import 
 varieties of the Chili Strawberry only to be sadly disap- 
 pointed with the result, for, with few exceptions, these 
 are of little value for cultivating in this country. 
 As the Strawberry belongs to the Rose Family, its 
 flowers should in their natural state contain both 
 stamens and pistils, and they usually do, and the flowers 
 are said to be perfect or bi-sexual. But when plants are 
 taken from their native habitats and placed under cul- 
 tivation, they often assume forms quite different from 
 their natural ones. Sometimes a particular organ is 
 suppressed, while others are enlarged, and thus we pro- 
 duce deformities and monstrosities among almost every 
 family of cultivated Dlants. 
 The effects of stimulation or starvation, exposure and 
 protection are different upon different species of plants. 
 The effect of stimulation, through cultivation, upon the 
 Rose proper appears to have forced the stamens to en- 
 large and become petals circling inward, and smother- 
 ing the pistils, which are attached to the inside of the 
 rose-like receptacle. But in the Strawberry the receptacle 
 is the reverse of that of the rose, being 
 conical as shown in an enlarged cross- 
 section of a flower, Fig. 1. 
 Every so-called seed of the Straw- 
 berry has one style attached to it; 
 consequently, it is a very important 
 organ, inasmuch as it is through this 
 organ that the influence of the pollen 
 reaches the ovule or seed vessel. The 
 stamens are situated on the calyx, and 
 they may be artifically removed or sup- 
 pressed by nature, in which case we 
 Fig. 2. PISTIL- WQuld }iaye what ig called a pistillate 
 LATE FLOWER. -, -, -,, -, ., . ,-, 
 USUAL SIZE flower, which will produce fruit, if the 
 pistils are fertilized from another flower. 
 It is not important whether a flower produces its own 
 pollen or is supplied from some other source. 
 From some unknown cause the F. Virginiana and 
 the F. elatior or Hautbois Strawberry of Europe occa- 
 sionally give varieties 
 in which the stamens 
 or male organs are un- 
 developed or entirely 
 wanting, and these uni- 
 sexual plants have long 
 been known as pistil- 
 lates; the Hovey Straw- 
 berry being one of the 
 first to attract special 
 attention in this coun- 
 try. Fig. 2 represents 
 pistillate flower of the 
 Fig. 4.-PERFECT FLOWBR. ^^ ^ and in Fig> 3 
 the same enlarged. By comparing these with Fig. 4, 9 
 perfect flower, and the same enlarged in Fig. 5, the 
 difference may readily be seen. 
 These abnormal or pistillate varieties are likely to oc- 
 cur among the seedlings of any of the improved or cul- 
 tivated varieties, and they are occasionally preserved and 
 multiplied, although in no instance that has come under 
 my observation have they proved to be superior to other 
 varieties with perfect flowers. That they are often pre- 
 served and propagated must be considered more as a 
 matter of personal pride or opinion on the part of the 
 originator, than a necessity or advantage to fruit growers 
 in general. But so long as such imperfect varieties are 
 disseminated, they must be recognized, if for no other 
 purpose than to place the inexperienced propagator on 
 his guard against planting them alone, expecting to ob- 
 tain a crop of fruit. At one time it was supposed or 
 claimed that these pistillate varieties were, and would 
 ever remain, totally barren unless fertilized by pollen 
 from some perfect flowered sort, but as the stamens in 
 the pistillate varieties are merely suppressed organs, it is 
 not at all rare to find an occasional one fully developed 
 and producing pollen. Where this occurs, and it is 
 frequent in such varieties as the Manchester, a moder- 
 ate crop of fruit will be produced where no pollen can 
 reach the flowers from any other source. But these 
 partly undeveloped stamens cannot be depended upon 
 for supplying the necessary amount of pollen, and where 
 varieties designated as pistillates are cultivated, a perfect 
 flowered one should be grown near by, or even the plants 
 intermingled in the same bed or row. In cultivating a 
 pistillate variety a person must set out a perfect flower- 
 ed one near by, in order to obtain a crop of fruit from 
 the imperfect ; or, in other words, he must plant two 
 varieties to be certain of obtaining fruit from the one. 
 There might be some excuse for this doubling up if the 
 pistillates were in any way superior to the best of the bi- 
 sexual or perfect flowered varieties, but as they are not, 
 I fail to see the economy or advantage of cultivating 
 pistillates at all. 
 When writing the first edition of this work, a quarter 
 of a century ago, I had occasion to refer to the assertion 
 of certain cultivators, who claimed that the pistillate 
 varieties when properly fertilized were more productive 
 than those bearing perfect or bisexual flowers, but facts 
 to substantiate the claim were then wanting, and they 
 certainly have not appeared since, and it is very doubt- 
 ful if any one cultivating the Strawberry extensively 
 Would knowingly select a pistillate in preference to a bi- 
 sexual variety, provided both were otherwise of equal 
 The best pistillate varieties in cultivation may be 
 fully equal in every respect to the best bisexual or stam- 
 inates, as they are often termed, but what I claim is 
 that they are no better, besides being objectionable be- 
 cause they must be fertilized by pollen from some other 
 source than their own flowers in order to bear a crop of 
 fruit. This defect in the flowers of the pistillate 
 varieties makes them worthless for cultivating alone in 
 field or garden, for, in order to secure a crop of fruit, a 
 pollen-bearing variety must be cultivated near by, and 
 there is always more or less danger of the plants inter- 
 mingling, and it can only be prevented by care and at- 
 tention, while the runners are growing rapidly in sum- 
 mer. There is, however, no real danger of the plants 
 of different varieties intermingling, if they are placed in 
 adjoining beds or rows, and the paths between kept free 
 from runners; but cultivators of the strawberry are often 
 negligent in such matters and mixing of varieties is the 
 If the small central organs or pistils of a Strawberry 
 flower are not fertilized by pollen from its own stamens 
 or that from some other plant, they soon die away and 
 no fleshy receptacle or fruit is produced. This pollen 
 is an impalpable dust-like powder and yet so important 
 that the production of the Strawberry is dependent upon 
 its presence and potency. There must be not only an 
 abundance of pollen, but it must be supplied by some 
 closely allied species or variety of the Strawberry, to be 
 available. Pollen from the wild or uncultivated Alpines 
 or the Hautbois Strawberries will not fertilize the pistils 
 of the varieties of either the Virginia or Chili Straw- 
 berry, neither will the pollen of the latter two species fer- 
 tilize the pistils of the former. But the Virginia and 
 Chili Strawberries are so closely allied that they readily 
 hybridize ; consequently, varieties of either may be em- 
 ployed as the male or pollen-bearing for pistillate varie- 
 ties, provided, of course, that they bloom at the same 
 time, that is, the plants that are to yield the pollen and 
 those to receive it must bloom together. 
 There is a great difference in the potency of the pol- 
 len of the different varieties of plants of the same spe- 
 cies, and it is not at all rare to find bisexual plants the 
 pollen of which will not fertilize their own ovaries, while 
 it is perfectly potent when applied to the stigmas of 
 another plant of the same species. Thus one variety of 
 the Strawberry may, in appearance, have perfect flowers, 
 and in the greatest abundance, and both stamens and 
 pistils be fully developed, and still ninety per cent, or 
 even more of the flowers wiH fail to produce fruit. In 
 such instances of non-productiveness we may be quite 
 tertaiu that there is something wrong in the sexual or- 
 gans, but it may be very difficult or impossible to deter 
 mine what it is. 
 At a very extensive exhibition of Strawberries held at 
 the American Agriculturist office, N. Y., on June 18th, 
 19th and 20th, 1863, I was awarded, among other prizes, 
 the one offered for the "best flavored variety/' This 
 was one of the many unnamed seedlings then growing 
 in my grounds, and, although a fine fruit in appearance 
 and flavor, it was utterly worthless owing to the unpro- 
 ductiveness of the plants, and for this reason it was never 
 distributed. The plants were hardy, blossomed freely, 
 and to all outward appearance the flowers were perfect ; 
 still neither their own pollen or that from other varieties 
 would fertilize the pistils except in rare instances. 
 Every one who has attempted to raise new varieties of 
 the Strawberry must have had a similar experience, some 
 being very productive and others almost barren, and yet 
 their sexual organs may have appeared to be perfect. 
 With a large majority of the bisexual or perfect flowered 
 varieties self-fertilization is the rule, but occasionally a 
 little outside aid in supplying pollen may be beneficial, 
 and in instances of this kind the raising of several varie- 
 ties in close proximity will largely increase the yield of 
 The pistils of each flower must be supplied with a 
 certain amount of pollen from some source, else no fruit 
 will be produced. If only a part of the pistils are fer- 
 tilized, a deformed fruit will be the result, because the 
 enlarging of the receptacle is for the sole purpose of sup- 
 porting the seeds resting upon its surface; therefore, we 
 may say, no seeds, no fruit. It has been claimed by many 
 Vegetable physiologists that the influence of the pollen 
 reaches no further than the seed, but upon a close in- 
 spection of the flower of a Strawberry we find that the 
 receptacle, embryo seed and all other parts are formed 
 and in progress towards perfection before any pollen is 
 seen, and yet, if the latter fails to do its work, or is im- 
 potent, the entire structure decays, and even the fruit 
 stems and their appendages wither away. In conduct- 
 ing some of my earlier experiments with the Strawberry,, 
 I noticed that the influence of the pollen did extend be= 
 yond the seed, for it not only caused the receptacle to 
 enlarge and reach maturity but often changed its form 
 and flavor. This was most readily observed when em- 
 ploying different staminate or perfect flowered varieties 
 for supplying pollen to the pistillates. But as in all 
 similar experiments in the fertilization of the ovaries, 
 the results were not uniform, showing that the female 
 plant often exercises such a powerful influence over its 
 own seed and seed-vessels as to effectually obscure that 
 of the pollen-bearing or male plant. It is not to be sup- 
 posed, however, that because an effect is not prominently 
 apparent that it does not exist. 
 In the first edition of " The Small Fruit Culturist," 
 1867, I casually referred to this subject of the influence 
 of the pollen upon the character of the fruit, for I had 
 previously discovered that in raising the pistillate varie- 
 ties, the staminate employed for supplying their flowers 
 with pollen had more or less influence on the size and 
 form of the fruit of the former. It is probably unneces- 
 sary to state that this has been denied by many cultiva- 
 tors of the Strawberry up to the present time, while 
 others who have carefully experimented for the purpose 
 of determining the truth, admit that the influence of 
 the pollen does reach beyond the seed and is often read- 
 ily seen in the changed form of the f ruit. But as I have 
 discussed this subject quite fully in another work,* it is 
 *Propagation of Plants. 
 only necessary to say here that in cultivating pistillate 
 varieties of the Strawberry, it is better to select a large 
 and good flavored one to supply it with pollen than one 
 that is small and of inferior quality. 
 If we closely examine the varieties of any one species 
 of the Strawberry, we find that they resemble each other 
 in their general habits or manner of growth. No one 
 at all familiar with these plants would ever mistake an 
 Alpine Strawberry for one of any other of the well-known 
 species, and even the Hautbois Strawberry, which, in 
 some respects, resembles the Alpines, is sufficiently dis- 
 tinct to be easily recognized. There are varieties of the 
 "Wood or Alpine species that produce no runners, grow- 
 ing in clumps or stools ; still the foliage plainly showa 
 their origin, and, as we have no hybrids between the Al- 
 pines and other species, there is no difficulty in recogniz- 
 ing them wherever found. But with the North and 
 South American species or Virginian and Chilian Straw- 
 berries the line of demarcation is not so easily deter- 
 mined as formerly, because they hybridize so readily that 
 their specific characteristics have become almost obliter- 
 ated in the cultivated varieties. 
 The Chili Strawberry in its wild state produces larger 
 and milder flavored fruit than our common American or 
 Virginia Strawberry, and probably for this reason it has 
 been a favorite with the cultivators of the Strawberry in 
 Europe, and nearly all of the noted varieties raised 
 abroad are of this species. This is why so few of the 
 European varieties, as they are termed, succeed in this 
 country, having descended from a semi-tropical species. 
 But in recent years the European and native sorts have 
 been crossed and so thoroughly intermingled that it is 
 only occasionally that we can detect the peculiar and dig- 
 tinct characteristics of either species in the common cul- 
 tivated varieties. 
 In the old Triomphe de Gand Strawberry we have a 
 pure descendant of the Chilian species, and in the Wil- 
 son's Albany and Charles Downing, pure native blood. 
 The Wilson may be considered as a large representative of 
 the Wild Strawberry of the Eastern States, and the Down- 
 ing of the Western or of F. Virginiana var. Illinoensis. 
 The varieties of our native species usually have long 
 thread-like or wiry roots, which penetrate the soil deeply 
 and spread widely in search of nutriment and moisture, 
 while the roots of the pure Chilian varieties appear to be 
 more fleshy, shorter and not so hard and firm. 
 Another peculiarity in the form and structure may 
 be observed by an examination of the old and mature 
 plants. In our native varieties, like the Downing and 
 Boston Pine, they appear to remain low down in the soil 
 not inclined to push above the surface dividing nat- 
 urally, as shown in Fig. 6, while the Chilian varieties as- 
 sume the form shown in Fig. 7, which is an exact represen- 
 tation half natural size of a three year old plant of the 
 Triomphe de Gand. It will be observed, by examining 
 the illustration, that all of the crowns are united to the 
 main or central one, with little inclination to separate 
 from it. These elevated crowns contain the embryo 
 fruit-buds, and the more they extend above the surface 
 of the soil the more likely they are to be injured by the 
 frosts of winter. 
 Varieties of this form of root or crown soon extend so 
 far above the surface that their new roots cannot, or at 
 least do not, take a firm hold of the soil in sufficient num- 
 bers to supply the plant with nutriment. 
 There are many excellent varieties in cultivation that 
 are inclined to assume this form of growth, and they re- 
 quire somewhat different treatment from those with 
 shorter and low-spreading crowns, as shown in Fig. 6. 
 When the latter are cultivated in hills or single rows, the 
 soil may be drawn up against the plants as their crowns 
 protrude above the surface, covering the new lateral 
 rcats, thereby increasing the vigor and prolonging the 
 life of the plants. 
 The three most common modes of propagation of the 
 Strawberry are, viz., by seeds, runners and divisions of 
 the crowns or stools. The first mode, or by seeds, is 
 practiced mostly for the purpose of producing new 
 varieties, but the wild plants of all the species reproduce 
 themselves from seed with very slight variations, and it 
 is only from the already improved varieties that we can 
 expect to raise new ones of any considerable value. If, 
 however, we fertilize the pistils of a wild plant with pol- 
 len from an improved one, we stand a fair chance of ob- 
 taining seedlings showing an advance upon the wild or 
 parent plant. However, unless there is some special 
 object in view such as extreme hardiness, or the 
 adaptation of a variety to a certain soil or situation it is 
 better to save seed from the improved sorts than to go 
 back or resort to the primitive or wild species for a 
 To obtain seed it is only necessary to select the ripe 
 berries, and either crush the pulp and spread it out and 
 dry it with the seeds, thus preserving both, or the fruit 
 may be crushed and the seeds washed out. The sound 
 good seeds will fall to the bottom, and the pulp and 
 false ones remain on the surface, from which both may 
 be readily removed. I have found seed preserved in th 
 dried pulp of the Strawberry remain sound and good f 01 
 several years, and, if it is to be kept for any considerable 
 time, I should much prefer to have it preserved in the 
 pulp than to have it removed or washed out, but the 
 berries should be thoroughly dried and then put away 
 in paper bags as usually practised with clean seeds. I 
 have received dried Strawberries from Europe that were 
 several years old, the seeds of which, when soaked and 
 washed out, sprouted almost as readily as fresh ones. 
 My usual practice in raising seedling Strawberries has 
 been to gather the largest and best berries, then mix 
 them with dry sand, crushing the pulp between the 
 hands and so thoroughly manipulating the mass that no 
 two seeds will remain together. Then set away the box 
 containing the sand and seed in some cool place until 
 the following spring. Then sow the sand and seed to- 
 gether either in some half-shady situation in the garden, 
 or in pots, boxes or frames. The soil in which the seed 
 is sown should be of a light texture, to prevent baking 
 of the surface after watering. The seed should be 
 scattered on the surface, and fine soil sifted over them 
 to a depth of not more than one-quarter of an inch, or 
 less than one-eighth. Apply water freely with a water- 
 ing pot or garden syringe, using a fine rose in order that 
 the water shall fall on the surface in the form of spray 
 instead of a stream, as the latter is likely to wash out the 
 seed. By keeping the soil moist the plants will usually 
 appear in two to four weeks after sowing, and, if sown 
 under glass or in warm weather, in less time. 
 If the plants do not come up so thickly as to be 
 crowded, they may remain in the seedbed during the 
 entire season, but usually it is better to transplant them 
 into rows in the open ground where they can have more 
 room for development. All runners should be removed 
 the first season in order to secure as vigorous growth of 
 the original plant as possible. The following season the 
 plants will bear fruit, when the best and most promising 
 may be preserved and the others destroyed. It must 
 not, however, be expected that a one-year-old seedling 
 is a fully developed plant, and for this reason it is well 
 to preserve all which give promise of excellence. 
 If the seed is sown as soon as it is removed from the 
 freshly-gathered fruit in summer, it will sprout in two 
 or three weeks, and produce plants with several well de- 
 veloped leaves before the end of the season, and, if given 
 protection the first winter, they will make a vigorous 
 growth the next, and become somewhat larger plants 
 than those raised from seed sown in the spring of the 
 eame year. It is best to give the seedlings some protec- 
 tion in cold climates in order to secure their full develop- 
 When the plants come into bloom they should be 
 carefully examined, and those with pistillate flowers 
 as these will usually be the least numerous marked so 
 that they will be known when the fruit is ripe. When 
 a variety has been raised that promises to be valuable, 
 the plant should be carefully lifted during rainy 
 weather and set out by itself for propagation. 
 The plants may be removed from the seedling bed or 
 rows soon after the fruit is mature, or its character 
 fully determined if carefully lifted, and then given 
 plenty of water and shaded a few days after re-planting. 
 It is not at all difficult to raise new varieties, but to ob- 
 tain one worthy of propagation and dissemination is 
 quite another matter, and the chances are not more than 
 one in a thousand of obtaining a new variety from seed 
 equal to the best of the old ones now in cultivation. It 
 is well enough, however, for every person who has the 
 time to spare and inclination to experiment, to try, be* 
 cause there is not only a chance of producing varieties 
 better than any now in cultivation, but in addition the 
 pleasure of watching one's own seedlings grow and bear 
 Propagation by Runners. This is the natural 
 method of propagation of all the species and varieties ex- 
 cept the Bush Alpines. The first runner produced on a 
 plant in summer is usually the strongest and best for 
 early removal, but those that are produced later in the 
 season on the same runner are equally as good when of 
 the same age and size. Certain theorists have, however, 
 claimed that the first plant formed on a runner near the 
 parent plant was naturally stronger and better in every 
 way than those following or produced later, but long ex- 
 perience has not proved this to be true. If the second, 
 third or fourth plant should happen to thrust its roots 
 into richer soil than the first one, they will become the 
 larger and stronger plants before the end of the season. 
 To insure the rooting of the young plants, the surface of 
 the soil should be kept loose and open, and if a top 
 dressing of fine old manure can be applied just before or 
 at the time the runners are pushing out most rapidly, it 
 will greatly facilitate the production of roots. 
 Pot Plants. In the last few years what are called 
 " pot-grown plants" have become very popular among 
 amateur cultivators, who may desire to purchase a few 
 plants and have them in the best possible condition to 
 insure rapid growth and early planting. To accommo- 
 date this class of buyers our Strawberry growers have made 
 these pot-grown or layered plants a distinct feature of 
 their business. In propagating plants by this mode 
 small two or three-inch flower pots are filled with rich 
 soil and then plunged in the ground, around the old 
 stools and in such positions as will admit of placing a 
 young plant while attached to the runner in each, or on 
 the surface of the soil in the pot so that the new roots 
 will penetrate it. When the new plants have produced 
 a sufficient number of roots in these pots to form a some- 
 what compact mass or ball of the earth within, they are 
 carefully separated, the pots lifted, and either sent to 
 the purchasers in the pots or knocked out, and each plant 
 rolled up separately in a piece of paper or some similar 
 Plants that have become well established in the pots in 
 time for planting out early in the fall will often yield a 
 moderate crop of fruit the following season, which the 
 amateur cultivator may value far more highly than the 
 professional who raises fruit for market. Pot-grown 
 plants cost more than those raised in the ordinary way, 
 and they are worth more, especially to persons who are 
 anxious to test a new variety or see Strawberries ripen- 
 ing in their own garden. 
 This mode is seldom practiced except with the Bush 
 Alpines, which do not produce runners. To propagate 
 these varieties the old stools should be lifted early in 
 Spring and divided, leaving only one or two crowns to a 
 plant. If the old or central stems are very long, the 
 lower or older part may be cut away, leaving only the 
 upper and younger roots attached. In setting out again, 
 the crown of the plant should be just level with the sur- 
 face of the soil in order that new lateral roots may spring 
 out above the old ones on the central stalk or stem. 
 In its wild state the Strawberry is found growing in 
 a great variety of soils, from the rich alluvial depositi 
 along rivers, up to the sand hills and even bleak rock^ 
 ridges of Alpine regions. But as the largest species and 
 varieties are found growing in the richest soils, so in cul- 
 tivation we will ever find that large fruit, and this in 
 abundance, can only be secured by supplying a corres- 
 ponding amount of nutriment. New soils, free from 
 weeds and noxious insects, are certainly preferable to old, 
 worn and badly infested; but as the Strawberry grower 
 can seldom have his choice in such matters, he must use 
 such as he has and overcome natural obstacles with arti- 
 ficial remedies. A rather light soil or what would be 
 called loamy soil, is preferable to heavy clay, or the oppo- 
 site extreme as seen in sand and gravel. But natural 
 defects can usually be remedied, for the stiff cold clay 
 can be improved by underdraining and subsoiling, also 
 by adding vegetable matter in large quantities. The 
 main point to be observed is to secure a good depth of 
 soil with good drainage and plenty of nutriment for the 
 plants. Next in importance after supplying what may 
 be termed the substantial elements in the form of nutri- 
 ment comes moisture, for the Strawberry plant will use 
 an immense amount if it is obtainable, but stagnant 
 water at the roots or a constantly water-soaked soil are 
 conditions to be avoided. A soil that will allow the 
 water falling in the form of rain to pass down through 
 it in a few hours, and still hold enough in suspension to 
 keep it moist for weeks, is a proper one for the Straw- 
 berry, whatever may have been its original nature or con- 
 Land that will produce a good crop of corn or pota- 
 toes may be considered in a fair condition for Strawber- 
 ries,, provided that it is not so situated as to be in dangei 
 of flooding during the time of the usual overflow of 
 streams in winter and spring. But the Strawberry re- 
 quires a deeper soil than corn, and this may be rea(Jily 
 secured by deep plowing, or what is better, turning over 
 the surface soil shallow, and following with a subsoil 
 plow, and in this way avoid bringing the poorer subsoil 
 to the surface. The land, if naturally hard and compact, 
 should be cross-plowed in the same way, and, if manure 
 is to be applied at all, let it be spread over the surface be- 
 fore the first plowing, in order that it may become well 
 mixed and intermingled with the soil before the plants 
 are set out, that is, if ordinary kinds of composts or barn- 
 yard manure are used. When commercial manures are 
 employed they are usually applied in the form of top- 
 dressings at the time of setting out the plants, or at va- 
 rious times afterwards as the plants may show the need 
 of more stimulants and nutriment. 
 Manures. The Strawberry is not so capricious as to 
 refuse nutriment in almost any form when presented to 
 its roots, but the quantity and quality may be varied ac- 
 cording to circumstances. * On the rich prairies of the 
 Western States, or on newly-cleared land in the East, no 
 manure may be necessary in order to secure a heavy crop 
 of fruit, but the plants require nutriment in abundance, 
 and, if it is not natural in the soil, we must place it 
 there in some form. As for the kind of fertilizer to 
 use, I have never, as yet, found anything to excel 
 thoroughly decomposed barn-yard manure. On light, 
 warm, sandy soils I prefer cow manure to that of the 
 horse, as it is of a cooler nature, but if manure from barn 
 yard or stables is left in the yard until it has become well 
 rotted, or is composted with muck, leaves and similar 
 materials, it may be used on sandy soils, and in liberal 
 amounts without danger of over stimulating the plants. 
 Bone dust, superphosphate of lime, sulphate of ammo- 
 nia, muriate of potash, and wood ashes, may all be used 
 where the land is poor or extra stimulants are needed to 
 force the growth and increase the size of the fruit. 
 While it is perfectly practicable to transplant the 
 Strawberry at any and all seasons of the year except 
 when the ground is hard frozen and covered with snow 
 still there appear to be certain months during which 
 this operation may be performed with less labor and 
 more uniform success than during any other of the 
 twelve. In warm climates, as in our Southern States, 
 the best time for setting out the plants is late in the 
 autumn or at almost any time during the winter, but 
 the earlier the better, in order to secure the benefits of 
 the cool moist weather during which the plants become 
 well established and in condition for growth at the ap- 
 proach of warm weather in spring. But in cold cli- 
 mates late fall planting will,.in most instances, result in 
 a total loss, as the frosts of winter will lift the plants 
 from the soil and destroy them. The two seasons most 
 favorable for planting the Strawberry in cold climates are 
 early fall, or from the middle of August to the first week 
 in September and early in the Spring. Fall planting, 
 however, of the Strawberry is not generally practiced in 
 ths Northern States except by amateurs and with pot- 
 grown plants. But in this matter of transplanting much 
 depends upon the season ; if there is an abundance of 
 i^*in during the summer, strong, well-rooted plants may 
 be obtained in August or by the first of September, and 
 if these are set out, and the weather continues favorable, 
 they will become well established by the time cold 
 weather sets in, and the following season make a much 
 better growth than if the planting was delayed until 
 spring. But favorable seasons are so uncertain that 
 autumn planting is not a general practice among those 
 who make Strawberry culture a specialty. 
 When transplanting in the spring, the half-dead 
 leaves should be removed and the roots shortened one- 
 third or one-half their length. In Fig. 8 is shown a 
 terminal plant on a runner as taken from the ground. 
 A, the runner connecting it with the parent plant. B, 
 the tip of the runner which would have extended and 
 produced another plant had it not been checked by frost. 
 C D, the cross line showing the point at which the 
 roots should be cut. This pruning or shortening of the 
 roots causes the production of a new set of fibres from 
 the severed ends. It also causes other roots to push out 
 from near the crown, and if a plant thus pruned be taken 
 up in a few weeks after planting, its roots will appear 
 somewhat as shown in Fig. 9. This pruning of the 
 roots is not so generally practiced as it deserves to be, 
 especially with plants that have been out of the ground 
 for several days, or until the roots are withered or hare 
 commenced to decay at the ends. No matter how'care- 
 fully the plants are taken up, some of the fibres will be 
 broken off, and it is much better to sever all iihe roots 
 with a clean cut than to plant them with ragged and 
 broken ends. Boots pruned in this way are more readily 
 spread out when placed in the ground again than when 
 left intact or of full length. 
 Selection of Plants. Young runners of one sea- 
 son's growth are best, and old plants should not be used 
 for transplanting, if it can be avoided. But, if a variety 
 is scarce and valuable, the old stools may be taken up 
 and pulled apart, and the lower end of the central stalk 
 cut away as recommended for the Bush Alpines, and 
 then set out again, planting deep enough to ensure the 
 emission of new roots above the old ones. 
 The cultivators of the Strawberry are not all of one 
 opinion in regard to the best mode of cultivation either 
 in the field or garden ; consequently, we hear much 
 about raising Strawberries in hills, rows, matted beds, 
 annual renewal systems, etc., all of which may give good 
 results, with productive varieties and on rich soils. 
 But different varieties often require a different mode 
 of culture in order to obtain the largest yield and the 
 largest berries. The large, coarse-grown varieties of the. 
 Chili species, or the hybrid between these and the Vir- 
 ginia Strawberry, succeed best when grown in hills or sin- 
 gle rows, and they are usually quite unproductive if the 
 plants are permitted to run together and become in the 
 least crowded. The Triomphe de Grand, Jucunda, 
 Champion, Agriculturist and Lennig's White are well- 
 known varieties of this type ; while others, such as 
 Charles Downing, President Wilder, Green Prolific and 
 Manchester, will yield well either in narrow rows 01 
 wide beds, and where the plants become matted. 
 In the " hill system " the plants are usually set out 
 in rows about three feet apart, and the plants eighteen 
 inches to two feet apart in the row. The ground is kept 
 thoroughly cultivated among the plants during the en- 
 tire season, and all runners removed as soon as they ap- 
 pear, or at least once a week. This treatment will in- 
 sure very large and strong plants, with numerous crowns 
 or buds, from which fruit-stalks will push up the follow- 
 ing spring. In cold climates and where the plants are 
 likely to be exposed to alternate freezing and thawing, 
 or to cold winds during the winter, they should be pro- 
 tected by a light covering of hay, coarse manure, or 
 some similar material just enough to protect the crown s 
 from injury but not enough to prevent freezing. In 
 the spring the materials used for protection may be re- 
 moved, and the plants given a good hoeing or a cultiva- 
 cor run between the rows to soften up the soil, which may 
 have become hard and compact during the winter; but 
 this cultivation in the spring will depend somewhat upon 
 the character of the soil, for, if it is light and of a sandy 
 nature, it will not be necessary, but it will certainly do 
 no harm and may prove of great benefit to the plants. 
 After the beds are cleared up and before the plants come 
 into bloom, the entire surface of the ground should be 
 covered with long straw or some similar material as a 
 mulch to keep the soil moist and the fruit clean when it 
 ripens. It is almost a waste of time to undertake to raise 
 the large varieties in hills without mulching the plants, 
 for the largest berries are almost certain to become 
 splashed with soil during heavy rains. 
 "When grown in single rows the plants may be set 
 about twelve inches apart in the rows, and for garden 
 culture the rows should be about three feet apart, but 
 for field culture I prefer to allow a little more space be- 
 tween the rows, or four feet, but the distance may be 
 varied according to the habit of the plants some of the 
 rank-growing varieties requiring more room than those 
 of a medium growth, but it is much better to allow the 
 plants plenty of room than to have them crowded. 
 During the first season the plants must be given good 
 cultivation, and the more the soil is stirred among them 
 the better, provided the roots are not disturbed by the 
 implements employed in this work. In the field a one- 
 horse cultivator is the best implement to use for keeping 
 the soil loose and free from weeds between the rows, 
 and, while the hoe may be used early in the season to 
 stir the surface about the plants, it will have to be 
 abandoned later on when the runners push out, for these 
 are to be allowed to take root in the row, and form a bed 
 about one foot wide, and all that extend out beyond 
 this may be cut off or torn up with the cultivator. Some 
 cultivators allow the runners to take root over a space of 
 eighteen to twenty-four inches wide, leaving just room 
 enough between the narrow beds to give a path in which 
 to stand in gathering the fruit the following season. It 
 is doubtful, however, if any more fruit will be obtained 
 from a larger number of small plants than from less but 
 of a stronger and more vigorous growth, as they are more 
 likely to be, if restricted to a narrow row. 
 If protection in winter is necessary and usually it is 
 in our Northern States it should be given as soon as 
 the ground begins to freeze in the fall or early winter. 
 If applied before the weather has become cool and the 
 nights frosty, there is danger of the plants sweating and 
 bleaching. Still, it is not well to delay covering up un- 
 til snow falls and prevents it. 
 Coarse, strong manure from the stable or barnyard, 
 scattered along over the crowns of the plants, makes an 
 excellent winter protection, but as such material contains 
 many weed seeds, it should be employed only on beds 
 that are to be plowed up after fruiting the ensuing sea- 
 son. In fact, it will seldom pay the cultivator to clean 
 out an old weedy plantation, for it costs less to set out a 
 new one. 
 Bed or Matted System. In this mode two or 
 three rows are planted in beds four feet wide, and the 
 plants allowed to cover the entire surface until they form 
 a close mat or bed ; hence the name. One or two crops 
 are taken and then the plants are plowed up as usual 
 when cultivated in rows. But, by thinning out occa- 
 sionally, the beds may be kept in a moderately produc- 
 tive condition for several years, especially with some of 
 the more slender growing of our native varieties. Some 
 cultivators, who raise Strawberries for market, adopt what 
 may be called an annual system, setting out plants 
 in spring either in single rows or narrow beds, giving 
 them extra care during the first season, then, after the 
 fruit is gathered the next summer, the beds are plowed 
 up. This mode necessitates the making of a new plan- 
 tation annually. On very rich soils and with the larger 
 varieties which generally command the highest price in 
 market this system is no doubt an excellent and profit- 
 able one. But amateurs and others, who have only a 
 limited space to devote to this fruit, will prefer either 
 the hill or row system, because, by devoting a little more 
 labor to cultivation and removing the runners, the beds 
 may be kept in good condition for fruiting a half dozen 
 years. By an occasional top-dressing of old and well 
 rotted manure, and forking in the materials used for pro- 
 tecting the plants and a mulch, the soil will be kept in 
 fine condition for insuring a vigorous growth of plants. 
 Old beds, however, are usually more likely to be infested 
 by noxious insects than new ones, in addition to weeds s 
 such as white clover, which are difficult to eradicate 
 without disturbing the roots of the plants. 
 Planting. The surface of the bed or field to be 
 planted should be made smooth, level and free from 
 lumps and stones. If it is uneven and there are many 
 little hillocks and depressions, as are naturally left after 
 plowing, the plants will follow these undulating lines, 
 and some will be buried too deep and others have their 
 roots exposed after the first heavy shower. 
 Always choose a cloudy day for planting, and it is far 
 better to heel the plants in for a few days and give them 
 a little water and shade than to set them out in dry 
 weather. Draw a line where you are to set a row of 
 plants, keeping it a few inches above the ground, so 
 that you may plant under it instead of along one side. 
 Use a transplanting trowel for making holes for the re- 
 ception of the roots, and these should be spread out 
 evenly in all directions, or spread apart, so that they 
 will lie against one side of the hole made with the trowel, 
 Cover the plants as deep as possible without covering the 
 crowns, and then press the soil down firmly around the 
 roots. Some cultivators use a small wooden dibbe-r for 
 planting, merely making a round hole in the soil into 
 which the roots are thrust all in a clump. Plants may 
 live under such treatment, but careful planting with a 
 trowel is far the best mode. If the weather should 
 prove dry after planting, watering will, of course, be 
 beneficial ; but is only practicable on a small scale, as in 
 gardens, or where it may be necessary to save some new 
 and choice variety. ' 
 Where pistillate varieties are raised for the main crop 
 then every fourth or fifth row should be planted with 
 some hermaphrodite or perfect flowering variety, which 
 blooms at or about the same time as the pistillate. 
 If the plants are cultivated in wide beds, then about 
 every third one should be planted with some perfect 
 flowering sort to supply pollen to the pistillate plants. 
 But, as I have said elsewhere, there is no need of , or good 
 reason for, cultivating these imperfect flowering varieties 
 at all, and, unless one should appear better than any as 
 yet known, they might all be discarded without loss to 
 either cultivators or consumers of this fruit. 
 To Raise Extra Large Fruit. First of all secure 
 plants of varieties known to grow to a large size, then 
 plant in rich soil, remove the runners as soon as they ap- 
 pear, keep the weeds down, stir the surface of the soil 
 frequently, apply water as often as necessary, which will 
 be at least twice a week in dry weather, also give liquid 
 manure occasionally; in fact, force the plants to make a 
 strong and vigorous growth. In the fall, or at the ap- 
 proach of cold weather, cover the plants with hay, straw, 
 or some similar material, and in the spring remove it and 
 spade or fork up the ground between the rows, after 
 which spread over the ground sufficient mulch to keep 
 the soil moist even during the time of drought. Under 
 such treatment extra large berries may usually be pro- 
 duced. The cost of raising fruit by such modes of cul- 
 tivation is, of course, seldom taken into consideration, 
 and it really ought not to be any more than any other 
 amusement devised for our own pleasure or that of our 
 Of course, it is not to be supposed that large and fine 
 fruit cannot be raised without extra and expensive modes 
 of cultivation, but I have yet to learn of an instance 
 where " astonishing " large Strawberries have been pro- 
 duced without a corresponding outlay in manure, labor 
 and care. 
 It often occurs that Strawberries ripening out of sea- 
 son are far more valuable than those maturing in the 
 usual or natural season. Kipe Strawberries in mid-win- 
 ter or even a month or two in advance of the crop ripen- 
 ing out of doors, always command an extra price in our 
 markets ; and, if a person does not care to raise fruit to 
 sell, he may take pride in having them on his own table 
 out of the regular season. 
 It is not at all difficult to raise Strawberry plants in 
 pots and force them into fruiting at almost any season 
 as desired, provided a person has a greenhouse, pit or 
 hot-house in which the plants may be stored and forced 
 with artificial heat during cold weather. 
 The plants to be forced may be of either one or two 
 seasons' growth. If strong plants are desired and such 
 as will produce a number of fruit-stalks, small young 
 plants should be potted in the spring, using four or five 
 inch pots for this purpose. The pots containing the 
 plants should be plunged in the open ground, and where 
 water can be given as required, and all runners removed 
 as soon as they appear, also flower and fruit stalks. In 
 June or July shift the plants into eight-inch pots, using 
 very rich and compact soil. A few pieces of broken pots 
 or old sods should be placed in the bottom of the pots 
 for drainage, but the ball of earth about the roots must 
 not be broken when transferring from the smaller to the 
 larger pots. Give water to settle the soil in the pots, 
 then plunge the pots in a frame where they will continue 
 to grow without check until the approach of cold 
 Plants wanted for an early crop may be brought into 
 the house in November, as it will take from ten to twelve 
 weeks from the time they are placed in the house before 
 ripe fruit can be obtained. The pots may be plunged 
 in tan or some similar material in the forcing house or 
 merely placed on the benches or shelves, but more care 
 is required in giving water, if the pots are exposed, than 
 when plunged in tan or soil. 
 If a succession of crops is desired, then only a por- 
 tion of the plants should be brought in at one time. 
 The temperature of the house should be only moder- 
 ate at first, but increased gradually as the plants com- 
 mence to grow and the fruit stems appear, when it 
 should range from 65 to 75 degrees during the day and 
 about ten degrees lower at night. 
 The plants will be benefited if syringed or watered 
 overhead once or twice a week until they come into 
 bloom ; then omit it until the fruit is set, after which 
 it may be continued as before. While the plants are in 
 bloom, admit as much air as possible without lowering the 
 temperature to a dangerous degree, and, as there will be 
 neither wind or insects to scatter the pollen, it is usually 
 necessary to scatter it artificially. This can be done very 
 rapidly with an ordinary camel's hair brush or pencil, 
 lightly touching the stamens and pistils as each flower 
 becomes fully expanded. This is not necessary with 
 every variety, but a larger and more uniform crop will 
 usually be secured if practised on those fruiting most 
 freely in the house. 
 The plants that are kept for forcing later in the sea- 
 son should be stored in a cold frame or pit, where they 
 will remain in a dormant state until ready for use. 
 Plants of one season's growth or those struck in pots 
 during the summer will answer well for forcing in win- 
 ter. The plants will not be as large as older ones, or 
 produce as many berries, but, as they are smaller, a 
 greater number can can be forced in a given space. The 
 first or earliest runners should be selected for this pur- 
 pose, and a three or four-inch pot plunged in the ground 
 underneath, or if roots have formed on the young plant 
 when the pots are set in place, they may be thrust into 
 the pot and good soil filled in about them. These pot- 
 grown plants should be lifted early, or about the first of 
 October, and shifted in to five or six-inch pots, filled 
 with very rich compost and plenty of drainage thence- 
 forward treated as advised for older stock. 
 Such pot-grown plants may be fruited in the win- 
 dows of an ordinary dwelling, provided the temperature 
 does not fall below 40 or 45 degrees at night. The best 
 varieties of the Strawberry for the purpose, however, are 
 the Monthly Alpines, as they will thrive in a lower tem- 
 perature than those of other species, and, with ordinary 
 care, will continue to bloom and bear fruit all the year 
 round. Fruit is not produced in any great abundance 
 at any one season, but, the crop being a continuous one, it 
 amounts to a pretty fair quantity during the year. As 
 an ornamental window or greenhouse plant there are very 
 few bearing edible fruit worthy of more care or atten- 
 tion than the Monthly Alpine Strawberry. 
 Nearly all of the perfect flowering varieties succeed 
 when forced under glass, but the largest and most pro- 
 lific are to be preferred, because size and quantity are 
 properties sought more than high flavors in a Strawberry 
 "out of season/' An eminent English authority (G. 
 W. Johnson) in referring to that subject in a work pub- 
 lished some forty years ago, very truly says that " no 
 plant is more certain of producing a good crop, when 
 forced, than is the Strawberry, if properly treated ; and 
 none will more assuredly disappoint the gardener's hope, 
 after a fair promise, if he adopts the too common error 
 of forcing too fast." The Strawberry naturally blooms 
 in the spring when the nights are cool and the day tem- 
 perature far lower than later in the season ; consequently, 
 a high temperature is neither required nor beneficial to 
 plants when first placed in the forcing house. Air 
 should be admitted freely during the night, and the tem- 
 perature kept low until the plants come into bloom, then 
 an increase of several degrees is admissible, but at no 
 time is a very high temperature required. 
 The larger varieties, such as Sharpless, Miner's Pro- 
 lific, Seth Boyden, Cumberland Triumph, and American 
 Agriculturist, are all excellent sorts for forcing, espe- 
 cially when extra size berries are an object. 
 In Europe forcing the Strawberry is practised more 
 extensively than in this country, but the demand for 
 this fruit out of its natural season is constantly increas- 
 ing, and will, no doubt, continue to increase for many 
 years to come. Twenty-five years ago the Strawberry 
 season in our large cities scarcely extended beyond a 
 period of six weeks, but now it is nearly six months, for 
 ripe Strawberries come North from the Gulf States before 
 the frost has left the ground in the Northern, and before 
 these two early berries reach us from the South, those 
 raised by forcing houses may be found in limited quan- 
 tities in our fruit stores. Of course, this early or forced 
 fruit commands a high price, but those who are able and 
 willing to pay for such luxuries should be, and are 
 usually, accommodated. 
 Almost any ordinary greenhouse may be used as a 
 forcing house for the Strawberry, provided it is so con- 
 structed that the plants can be placed near the glass. 
 If the plants are placed several feet below the roof or 
 glass, they are likely to be drawn, as it is termed, the 
 leaves and fruit-stalks growing tall and slender. Low 
 houses are, therefore, better for this purpose than high 
 ones, and even low-walled pits, heated by brick flues or 
 earthern pipes, answer well for forcing the Strawberry. 
 Until within the past decade or two the Strawberry 
 was rarely injured at least not to any extent by either 
 insect or disease. But as its cultivation is extended it 
 naturally encounters a greater number of enemies. Prob- 
 ably the most destructive pest is known under the com- 
 mon name of White Grub, or larva of the May Beetle. 
 There are, however, over sixty distinct species of the May 
 Beetle inhabiting the United States, but, as their habits 
 are very nearly the same, they may for all practical pur- 
 poses be considered as one. There is scarcely a mile 
 square of good arable land in the United States that will 
 not yield to the careful collector at least a half dozen 
 species of Lachnosterna or May Beetles. They are more 
 or less abundant in the Gulf States, and northward to 
 Canada; thence westward to California and along the en- 
 tire Pacific coast. These insects are usually more abun- 
 dant in grass-lands, prairies, meadows and pastures than 
 elsewhere, as the principal food of the grubs is the roots 
 of grass and small herbs like the Strawberry. They 
 sometimes become so abundant in meadows and pastures 
 that, if such land is plowed up and planted with Straw- 
 berries, the grub will destroy every plant almost as soon 
 as it is put into the ground. As these insects remain 
 in the grub stage two or three years, they consume a large 
 amount of food, and they appear to prefer the roots 
 of the Strawberry to those of the common kinds of 
 Owing to the wide distribution of these insects, and 
 their almost universal presence in old meadows and pas- 
 tures, these lands should be avoided whenever possible. If 
 broken up and cultivated for a year or two, or until the 
 grubs have passed into the beetle stage, there can be no ob- 
 jection to such lands if otherwise adapted to the Straw- 
 berry. The female beetles usually resort to uncultivated 
 fields to deposit their eggs ; consequently they are not 
 likely to become very abundant in those that are con- 
 stantly kept under cultivation. 
 The Strawberry worm (Empliytus maculatus) is oc- 
 casionally very abundant and destructive. It is a small, 
 slender, pale-green worm about five-eighths of an inch 
 long, attacking the leaves, eating large holes in them at 
 first, but eventually entirely denuding the plant of fol- 
 iage. Dusting the plants with lime when the leaves are 
 wet with dew, or with Paris green, will usually check 
 this pest. 
 In Canada and some of the Western States an insect 
 known as the Strawberry Leaf -Roller is occasionally quite 
 abundant and destructive. It is the larva or caterpiller 
 of a small and handsome moth, the Anchylopera fra- 
 garia. It is quite probable that Paris green would be an 
 effective remedy and might be safely used after the fruit 
 was gathered in summer. 
 There are also several species of beetles that attack 
 the crowns and stalks of the Strawberry, and the com- 
 mon Strawberry Crown-borer ( Tyloderma fragaria) at- 
 tacks the embryo fruit-stalks in the spring, thereby de- 
 stroying the most important organ of the plants. The 
 only remedy known is to immediately plow under the 
 plants and destroy the grubs while in an immature stage. 
 In my own experience, however, I have never, as yet, en- 
 countered an insect enemy of the Strawberry which could 
 not be readily vanquished by clean cultivation and fre- 
 quent renewal of the beds on plantation. 
 "What varieties to plant is one of the puzzling ques- 
 tions which every inexperienced cultivator desires to 
 have answered. If he consults the catalogues of dealers, 
 he is certain to find that the newest and highest-priced 
 variety is the one above all others that he should select. 
 But if he pursues his investigations a little farther in this 
 direction, and examines the lists of a dozen different 
 dealers in plants, he will probably find that no two agree, 
 each having some special variety to offer, as the very best 
 and most promising one known. But as society is now 
 constituted it is considered as perfectly legitimate for a 
 dealer to extol his wares, even far above what their merit 
 would warrant if the actual truth about them was told ; 
 consequently, we are not surprised to be informed by the 
 introducer of new varieties, that each and every one of- 
 fered is far superior to anything of the kind heretofore 
 known. "Yielding double the quantity of any other 
 variety " has become a stereotyped phrase in advertising 
 new varieties, and yet every experienced cultivator of 
 Strawberries knows that the Wilson, introduced nearly 
 thirty years ago, has never been excelled in productive- 
 ness. A variety, which, under the same conditions, 
 would produce double the quantity of this old favorite, 
 might certainly be considered something unique in the 
 way of a Strawberry. 
 Strange as it may appear to the novice in fruit cul- 
 ture, varieties which are most highly praised at their in- 
 troduction, are quite frequently the first to disappear from 
 cultivation, while others gain a prominent position in 
 spite of all opposition. The Wilson, when first exhibited, 
 and for years afterwards, met with opposition and was 
 denounced as unfit for cultivation or use by some of the 
 most prominent pomologists in the country. Yet it 
 continued to grow in favor until, within the past decade 
 or less, it was more extensively cultivated than any other 
 variety, and probably there were more acres planted with 
 it than all the others put together, and even at this late 
 day it is considered a standard and profitable berry. 
 This variety was said to be too acid and too dark 
 colored for a market berry, and the late berries on the 
 plant were too small, all of which is true, but the fruit 
 is very firm, withstands long carriage and rough hand- 
 ling, and when it comes to filling the baskets and crates 
 at gathering time the Wilson rarely disappointed the 
 cultivator or consumer, who sought the markets for his 
 supply of Strawberries. 
 The lesson to be learned from the erratic reputation 
 of the Wilson is that first impressions are not always 
 trustworthy, and a variety may prove better than it 
 promises when first introduced, although it must be ad- 
 mitted that the chances are ten to one against the very 
 best of new sorts. 
 In the following select list of varieties I propose 
 mentioning only those which have gained a local or 
 widespread reputation for excellence, without regard to 
 the length of time they may have been in cultivation. 
 Pistillate varieties are indicated by the letter P. 
 Agriculturist. Very large, irregular, conical ; with 
 long neck, large specimens often flattened or coxcomb 
 shape ; color light red or reddish crimson. A large and 
 valuable variety for garden culture, but when cultivated 
 in beds the fruit is only of medium size, as shown in 
 Fig. 10. 
 Bidwell. Large, irregular, conical ; bright scarlet ; 
 flesh only moderately firm ; quality excellent. A vigorous 
 grower, and in heavy soils quite 
 productive. Its reputation as a 
 market variety is rather local. 
 Black Defiance. Large, ir- 
 regular in shape ; dark glossy 
 crimson ; flesh moderately firm ; 
 high flavored. Color too dark 
 and dull for market, but a good 
 berry for home use. 
 Brooklyn Scarlet. Medium 
 to large, regular conical with neck, 
 as shown in Fig. 1 1 ; color bright 
 light scarlet ; flesh rather soft, 
 sweet and rich ; quality best. 
 An excellent variety for home use, but now rarely seen 
 in cultivation. 
 Fig. 10. AMERICAN 
 Champion (Windsor Chief. P.) Large round; 
 bright crimson ; flesh rather soft and of a spicy acid 
 flavor, only second best. Plants vigorous and exceed- 
 ingly productive when planted in rich soils and near a 
 variety yielding an abundance of pollen. 
 Charles Downing. Medium to large, round ob- 
 tuse conical ; very regular in form ; bright scarlet, be- 
 coming darker when fully ripe ; flesh moderately firm, 
 pink, juicy, with a rich, sprightly subacid flavor. One 
 of the very best and most popular varieties in cultiva- 
 tion, and now extensively cultivated for market in all 
 of our Northern States. The 
 plants are very hardy and 
 yield a heavy crop when cul- 
 tivated in rows or matted 
 Crescent. Medium to 
 large, somewhat irregular 
 conical ; bright scarlet ; flesh 
 rather soft for a market 
 berry, but will carry well for 
 a short distance ; quality fair 
 but not rich ; the plants, 
 however, are so productive 
 that this variety has been 
 called "The lazy man's 
 Cumberland Triumph (Jumbo). Very large ob- 
 tuse conical, but under high culture, or when forced 
 under glass, is somewhat irregular ; light bright scarlet ; 
 flesh pale pink of excellent flavor, A vigorous grower 
 and very productive in strong fertile soils, Very popu- 
 lar among amateur cultivators of the Strawberry. 
 Downer's Prolific. Medium, globular, light scar- 
 let ; seed deeply imbedded ; flesh rather soft, acid, not 
 rich, but highly perfumed. This is an old variety, but 
 so very hardy and prolific that it is still cultivated more 
 or less extensively for market. 
 Durand. Large, oblong or oblong conical (Fig. 
 12), sometimes flattened, seeds but slightly imbedded ; 
 Fig. 11. BROOKLYN 
 Fig. 12. DURAND. 
 color scarlet; flesh firm, solid; nearly white, of good 
 flavor. This variety has only a moderate local reputa- 
 tion among amateurs. 
 Forest Hose. Large, ir- 
 regular, obtuse conical; 
 bright scarlet ; flesh firm, of 
 good flavor ; a superior mar- 
 ket variety, but does not suc- 
 ceed well in all kinds of 
 soils that are usually consid- 
 ered well adapted to the 
 Strawberry. (Fig. 13), 
 Glendale. Large, regu- 
 lar, conical ; dull scarlet ; 
 flesh firm, acid, not first 
 quality, but a valuable late 
 variety for market. Succeeds best on rather firm soils 
 and poorly on sandy land. 
 Green Prolific. Large round ; pale crimson or 
 deep scarlet ; seeds slightly 
 sunken, rather soft, acid, 
 without richness, but highly 
 perfumed. A wonderfully 
 hardy and productive variety; 
 extensively cultivated a few 
 years since for market, as it 
 succeeds on a great variety of 
 soils, and when left to grow 
 with little or no cultivation. 
 Fig. 14 shows a berry about 
 average size from matted rows 
 and beds. 
 Fig. 13. FOREST ROSE. 
 Hovey (P.). Large conical ; bright crimson ; sub- 
 acid, sprightly and good. The oldest American variety 
 of any note, and, although it has been in constant culti- 
 vation for nearly a half century, it is still popular in re- 
 stricted localities, and especially 
 in Massachusetts where it origi- 
 nated. Three prizes are offered 
 for the Hovey by the "Massa- 
 chusetts Horticultural Society" 
 at its forthcoming Strawberry 
 Exhibition, June 21 and 22. 
 Jewell. Very large, obtuse 
 conical ; bright crimson ; very 
 Fig. 14. GREEN PRO- firm and of fine flavor. This 
 LIFIC. variety was awarded a silver 
 medal by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 
 1880. Highly recommended for home use and market. 
 Jessie. This new variety was raised in 1880 by Mr. 
 F. W. London, of Wisconsin ; it is a seedling of the 
 Sharpless, and partakes of all the most desirable quali- 
 ties of its parent. The originator describes the plant 
 as "a stout, luxuriant grower, with Iight 7 green, large 
 and clean foliage, which has never shown signs of rust ; 
 the berry very large, continuing of good size to the last 
 picking ; it is of beautiful red color, fine quality, good 
 form, colors even with no white tips, and is firm enough 
 for shipping great distances/' From all that I can learn 
 about this new variety it seems to be well worthy of 
 Jucunda. Large conical ; bright crimson, excellent 
 flower ; a strong and vigorous grower on rich and heavy 
 soils, but almost worthless on light or sandy soils. A 
 foreign variety, first disseminated in this country under 
 the name of Knox's 700. It is still cultivated about 
 Boston but rarely elsewhere. (Fig. 15). 
 Kentucky. Medium to large, conical ; bright scar- 
 let ; flesh white, moderately 
 firm, excellent flavor ; ri- 
 pens late and continues in 
 fruit a long time. Plants 
 vigorous, hardy and very 
 productive. Succeeds well 
 on light soils. 
 Fig. 15. JUCUNDA. 
 Lennig's White. 
 Large obtuse conical; seed 
 prominent and of a pink or 
 light crimson color in the 
 sun; fruit almost white, but 
 with a delicate blush on the 
 side exposed to the sun. 
 This is evidently a seedling of the Chili species, and it 
 is rather tender and unproductive, but withal an excel- 
 lent variety. 
 Miner's Great Prolific. Large to very large; 
 somewhat irregular but inclining to a globular form ; 
 deep bright crimson : flesh pink, firm and of good 
 flavor ; plant vigorous, leaves large, light green, quite 
 glossy. A very popular variety among amateurs as well 
 as those who cultivate Strawberries extensively for mar- 
 President Wilder. Medium, obtuse conical, very 
 regular ; seeds yellow ; skin bright glossy scarlet ; flesh 
 firm, but juicy and very high flavored. One of the 
 handsomest varieties in cultivation, but the plants are 
 rather delicate and the leaves burn during the hot 
 weather in summer. Said to succeed well in the New 
 England States, but I have not learned of its success 
 Seth Boyden. Very large, irregular, conical with 
 long neck ; dull crimson ; flesh firm, rather dry, sweet 
 and of excellent flavor ; plant, extra vigorous and pro- 
 ductive when cultivated in hills and in a rich soil. One 
 of the very best and most valuable of all the extra large 
 Sharpless. This is another of the mammoth va- 
 rieties and the more remarkable because it has proved 
 to be all that was claimed for it when first introduced. 
 Uniformly large ; often broadly wedge-form and wider 
 at the top than at the calyx; light glossy red; flesh 
 firm, juicy, rich and highly perfumed ; plant vigorous 
 and productive. One of the very best. 
 Triomphe de Oand. One of the most popular 
 and valuable varieties ever introduced. Very large ir- 
 regular, conical, but often flattened or coxcomb shape 
 as in Fig. 16, pale or bright ; flesh very firm, crop not 
 rich, but of a mild and pleasant flavor. This variety 
 has probably been more extensively cultivated, antf given 
 better satisfaction than any foreign variety, and it has 
 no superior to this day for size or production of the 
 Wilson or Wilson's Albany. An old and well- 
 known variety. Large, irregular, conical ; dark crimson 
 when fully ripe ; flesh crimson, very firm, acid, but good 
 and bears transportation well. One of the most produc- 
 tive varieties known. 
 Henderson. Said to be of the largest size, early 
 and unusually productive, and of exquisite flavor. 
 Indiana. Claimed to be an improvement on the 
 Charles Downing, but similar in size, color and quality. 
 Lida (P). One of Mr. Durand's seedlings, claimed 
 to be of very large size ; heart shaped ; bright red color, 
 excellent flavor, and the plants very productive. 
 May King. Seedlings of the Crescent, and resembles 
 its parent, but the flowers are perfect. Berries are not 
 large but ripen early and are produced in great abund- 
 Old Iron Clad or Phelps. I obtained this variety 
 under the last name, and have been much pleased with 
 it. Fruit medium, conical ; bright crimson ; firm and 
 rather acid but good. Plants very productive. 
 Parry. Highly recommended for its large size, and 
 has been awarded several prizes at various Strawberry 
 shows in New York and elsewhere. Plants said to with- 
 stand droughts better than any other variety. 
 All of the varieties of the Hautbois Strawberry (Fro* 
 garia elatior) have a rather strong musky odor, which 
 is rather disagreeable to most persons, and the fruit is 
 usually of a dull red or greenish color and not very at- 
 tractive in appearance. They are altogether inferior to 
 the varieties of other species, and for this reason are 
 rarely cultivated except in the gardens of botanists. 
 The Alpine Strawberry (F. vescd), on the contrary, 
 is of a very mild flavor with a delicious perfume. There 
 are quite a large number of varieties in cultivation in 
 Europe, and, while none yield very large berries, they are 
 mostly quite prolific and will thrive in cold exposed po- 
 sitions where those of other species would perish. 
 In the catalogues of European nurserymen and those 
 who make Strawberry growing a specialty, we may find 
 thirty or more varieties of the Alpine Strawberry de- 
 scribed, but the larger proportion of the names used in 
 these catalogues are mere synonyms, and it would probably 
 be difficult to find a dozen really distinct varieties of this 
 species in all Europe. There are, however, four really 
 distinct varieties, all long known in this country, and 
 now generally cultivated in European countries although 
 under various names. These are : 
 Red-Bush Alpine. Fruit medium size, conical > 
 bright red ; seeds prominent, not sunken as usual in the 
 common Strawberry ; flavor mild, not highly but deli- 
 cately perfumed. Plants continue bearing from June 
 till checked by frosts in autumn. In rich soils the plants 
 will yield well throughout the entire season. As they 
 produce no runners they must be propagated by divi- 
 White-Bush Alpine. In every respect the same 
 as last except the fruit is pure white. 
 Red- Monthly Alpine. Fruit very similar but 
 usually a little larger than that of the Bush- Alpines, but 
 plants produce runners freely, and the new plants on the 
 runners bloom and bear fruit the first season,, thereby 
 keeping up a succession of berries from June to the close 
 of the season. 
 White-Monthly Alpine. This is a variety of the 
 last, but with pure white fruit. The Monthly Alpines 
 with runners are elegant conservatory plants, or they 
 may be used for trailing over wire screens and for hang- 
 ing baskets in window gardening. 
 Persons who have had no experience in raising Straw- 
 berries, but are considering the subject of cultivating 
 them for market, are usually very desirous of ascertain- 
 ing in advance what the prospects are for deriving a 
 profit on their proposed investment. Unfortunately, 
 however, for the would-be investor in such an enter- 
 prise, results depend greatly upon circumstances, such 
 as available markets within a reasonable distance ; plenty 
 of labor at a moderate price and at a season when need- 
 ed most ; cheap lands and fertilizers, and last, but not 
 least, favorable seasons. If a^man must depend upon 
 hired labor to gather his fruit he is never certain, in 
 these days of " Strikes, 5 '' what it is going to cost him to 
 gather and prepare it for market. The most clear profit 
 made in the cultivation of the Strawberry for market is 
 by the small farmers and gardeners in the suburbs or 
 within a moderate distance of our large cities, who have 
 children to assist in gathering the fruit or can always 
 depend upon those of their neighbors to lend a hand 
 when needed. An acre of Strawberries under high cul- 
 tivation, with the fruit gathered and marketed in the 
 very best condition, will often yield more clear profit ^o 
 the grower than ten acres under opposite conditions. 
 Circumstances have changed since the first edition 
 of this little treatise was written, for at that time our 
 large cities and villages were wholly supplied with small 
 fruit, by the farmers and gardeners in their immediate 
 vicinity, and, if the seasons were unfavorable, the price 
 of fruit advanced in proportion, and the grower was sure 
 of obtaining a fair remuneration for his labor whether 
 he had a large or limited crop of fruit. But all this is 
 now changed, for railroads have practically annihilated 
 distance in the transportation of perishable commodities 
 of all kinds, and the Strawberry growers of no one local- 
 ity or region of the country are masters of their own 
 local markets, for those residing a hundred or even five- 
 hundred miles away may become their most persistent 
 and successful competitors. If a market is not fully 
 supplied, and prices go up in consequence, the telegraph 
 conveys the information to those who may be able to 
 supply the deficiency; hence local monopolies are no lon- 
 ger possible. The Strawberry season in our Northern 
 cities opens with fruit from Florida, and continues until 
 the last crate comes in from Maine or Canada, and yet, 
 fresh, choice, large fruit usually commands a fairly re- 
 munerative price in all of our large cities and villages 
 throughout the entire country. 
 While the profits of Strawberry culture are not so 
 large as they were twenty or thirty years ago, still, they 
 are sufficient to induce those who have longest made the 
 cultivation of this berry a specialty, to continue in the 
 business. On good land, with the best and. most pro- 
 ductive varieties, one to three hundred dollars per acre 
 profit are usually realized, which is a far greater sum 
 than is generally obtained from any of the leading farm 
 ALPINE Strawberry 
 Anchylopera Fragaria 4 
 Artificial Fertilization 4< 
 BED or Matted System 36 
 British Queen 1 
 Bush Alpine 2~ 
 CHILI Strawberry (Figured) 21 
 Chili Strawberry 
 DIFFERENT Modes of Cultivation.. 33 
 EFFECTS of Root Pruning 31 
 Emphytus Maculatus 44 
 FBESSANT Strawberry 9 
 Forcing Houses 43 
 Fragaria Calif ornica 6 
 Chiliensis 7 
 elatior 7 
 Indica 7 
 var. Illinbensis 6 
 Vesca 5 
 Virginiana 6 
 GBOVE END Scarlet Strawberry 10 
 HATTTBOIS and Alpines 54 
 High wood Strawberry 7 
 History of the Strawberry 8 
 Hovey Strawberry 11 
 How and When to Plant . 30 
 INFLTTENCE of Pollen 16 
 Insect Enemies 43 
 KEEN'S Seedling Strawberry 10 
 MANCHESTER Strawberry 14 
 Manures 29 
 May Beetles 43 
 NEWER and Less Known Varieties. 53 
 PERFECT Flower of Strawberry 13 
 Perfect Flower, Enlarged 13 
 Pistillate Flower 12 
 Pistillate Flower, Enlarged 12 
 Plant with Roots Pruned 31 
 Planting 37 
 Pot Plants 26 
 Pot Culture and Forcing 39 
 Preserving Strawberry Seed 24 
 Profits of Strawberry Culture 56 
 Propagation 23 
 Propagation By Division 27 
 Propagation By Runners 26 
 Pruning the Roots 31 
 RAISING Seedlings 23 
 Red Bush Alpine 55 
 Red Monthly Alpine 55 
 Roseberry Strawberry 10 
 SELECTION of Plants 33 
 Sexuality of the Strawberry 11 
 Soil and Its Preparation . . 28 
 Strawberry Crown-borer 44 
 Strawberry Leaf -Roller ... 44 
 Structure of Plants 19 
 TEMPERATURE of Forcing House. . . 40 
 The Strawberry Worm 44 
 To Raise Extra Large Fruit 38 
 Triomphe de Gand 22 
 Tyloderma Fragaria 44 
 VARIETIES for Forcing 41 
 Varieties, Names of 45 
 Agriculturist 47 
 Alpine Red Bush 55 
 Red Monthly. 55 
 White Bush 55 
 Bidwell White Monthly 47 
 VARIETIES, Names of continued. 
 Black Defiance 47 
 Brooklyn Scarlet 47 
 Champion 47 
 Charles Downing 47 
 Crescent 48 
 Cumberland Triumph 48 
 Downer's Prolific 48 
 Durand 48 
 Forest Rose 49 
 Glendale 49 
 Green Prolific 49 
 Henderson 53 
 Hovey 49 
 Indiana 53 
 Jessie 50 
 Jewell 50 
 Jucunda 50 
 Kentucky. 61 
 VARIETIES, Names of continued. 
 Lennig's White 51 
 Lida 53 
 May King 53 
 Miner's Great Prolific 51 
 Old Iron Clad or Phelps 54 
 Parry 54 
 President Wilder 51 
 Seth Boyden 52 
 Sharpless 52 
 Triomphe de Gand 52 
 Wilson or Wilson's Albany 58 
 Virginian Strawberry 10 
 Virginian Strawberry, Figured. 20 
 White Monthly Alpine 55 
 White Bush Alpine 55 
 White Grub 43 
 Wood itrawbarry 9 
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