U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL I NDUSTRY Bulletin D. E. SALMON, D. V. M., Chief of Bun I DETERMINATION OF GENERIC 1 TYPES, JST OF Rnrxmvoinr GENERA, WITH THEIR ORIGINAL AND TYPE SPECIES. CH. WARDELL STILES, Ph. D., Zoologist, U. S. I'nh/ic Health and Marine-Hospital Service; Consulting Zoologist , Jlnrcctii of minimal industry, ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C. V. S., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Ahhita/ Industry. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT I' K I N T I X C () K V I C F, . 1905. ORGANIZATION OF THE W REAl OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Chlff: I). K. SALMON, IX V. M. Assistant Chief: A. D. MELVIX, I). V. S. <'hl,'f Clerk: E. B. JONES, LL. M., M. I>. Dairy Division: ED. H. WEBSTER, M. S. chief. In^H'Hltm Division: A. M. FAKRIXGTON-, B. 8., I). V. M., cliii'f. (Juan i lit hie Dirixion: RICHARD W. HICKMAN, Ph. G., V. M. I)., chief. Editor: GEORGE FAYETTE THOMPSON. M. S. Artist: W: S. D. HAIXES. Animal Husbandman: GEORGE M. ROMMEL, B. 8. A. Librarian: BEATRICE C. OBERLY. LABORATORIES. Biochemic Division : MARION DORSET, M. D., chief. Palltoloyical Dinxion: JOHN R. MOIILER, A. M., V. M. D., chief. Zoological Division : BRAYTON H. RANSOM, B. Sc., A. M., acting zoologist. EXPERIMENT STATION. Superintendent, E. C. SCHROEDER, M. D. Y.; expert assistant, W. E. COTTON. INSPECTORS IN CHARGE. Dr. F. W. Ainsworth, Union Stock Yards, Pitts- burg, Pa. Dr. M. O. Anderson, care Geo. A. Horinel it Co., Austin, Minn. Dr. Don C. Ayer, Post-Office Building, South Omaha, Nebr. Dr. G. S. Baker, Sixth and Townsend sts., San Francisco, Cal. Dr. L. R. Baker, South St. Joseph. Mo. Dr. A. E. Behnke, room 432, Federal Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Dr. John A. Bell, VVatertown, X. Y. Dr. S. E. Bennett, room 338, Live Stock Ex- change Building, Kansas City, Kaus. Dr. Eli L. Bertram, care J. S. Gilmore. haven port, Iowa. Dr. Fred Braginton, care Continental Packing Co., Bloomington, 111. Dr. J. J. Brougham, care Missouri Stock Yards Co., St. Louis, Mo. Dr. G. W. Butler, care Drunimond Bros.. Kan Claire. Wis. Dr. J. B. Clancy, Xational Stock Yards, 111. Dr. Lowell Clarke, room 320, Quincy Building. Denver, Colo. Dr. Joel E. Cloud, care The Agar Packing Co., Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Charles Cowie, Ogdensburg. X. Y. Dr. David Gumming, 912 La peer a ve., Port Huron. Mich. Dr. Robert Darling, care Chas. S. Hardy, San Diego, Cal. Dr. E. T. Davison, Rushville, Xebr. Dr. J. F. Deadman. Sault Ste. Marie, Midi. Mr. Albert Dean, room 328, Stock Yard Station, Kansas City, Kans. Dr. F. L. De Wolf, care Chas. Wolff Packing Co., Topeka, Kans. Dr. Geo. Ditewig, care Union Stock Yards, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Dr. E. P. Dowd, care White, Pcvey it Dexter Co.. Worcester. Mass. Dr. O. E. Dyson, 316 Exchange Building. Union Stock Yards. Chicago. 111. Dr. Geo. C. Fuville. P. O. box 7%, Norfolk, Ya. Dr. J. W. Fink, care Swift & Co., Harrison sta., Newark. X. J. Dr. T. A. Geddes, care U. S. consulate, London. England, Dr. H. H. George, 507 Johnson St., Louisville, K.v- Dr. W. H. Gibbs. care Morton-Greirson Co.. Ne- braska City, Nebr. Dr. L. K. Green, care Hammond, Standish it Co., Detroit. Mich. Dr. H. A. Hcdrick. 215 St. Paul st., Baltimore, Md. Dr. O.B. Hess, care Frye-Bruhn Co., Seattle, Wash. Mr. G. S. Hickox. P. ('). box 1115. Salt I, Utah. Dr. A. A. Holcombc, Aurora, 111. Dr. U. G. Houek, care Swift it Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Dr. W. E. Howe, care Western Packing Co., Den- ver. Colo. Dr. Julius Huelscn. care Jersey City Stock Yards Co.. Jersey City, X. J. Dr. K. W. Huntington, U. S. customs office. (J. T. R. R. wharf, Portland. Me. Dr. Robert Jay, care Jacob K. Decker iV Son, Mason City, Iowa. Dr. G. A. Johnson. Exchange Build; I City, Iowa. [Concluded on page 3 of cover.] U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY Bulletin No. 79. D. E. SALMON, D. V. M., Chief of Bureau. THE DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES. LIST OF ROUNDWORM GENERA. WITH THEIR AND TYPE SPECIES. CH. WARDELL STILES, Ph. D., Zoologist, U. S. Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service; Consulting Zoologist, Bureau of Animal Industry, AND ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C. V. S., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Animal Industry. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, Washington, D. O., July W, 1905. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith for publication a techni- cal manuscript entitled "The Determination of Generic Types, and a List of Round worm Genera, with their Original and Type Species", prepared by Doctors Stiles and Hassall. Medical, veterinary, and zoological literature has been inconven- ienced to no slight degree by changes in the technical names, due to a failure on the part of authors to designate lype species for their genera. The present paper is prepared in tne hope of definitely fixing the types for the round worm genera, especially for those of impor- tance in human and comparative medicine, so that confusion in the future may be reduced. The adoption of a rule by the International Commission on Zoolog- ical Nomenclature to the effect that no new generic name may demand recognition in the future unless its author definitely fixes the type at its original publication is worthy of serious consideration, as such a rule would greatly simplify work. Respectfully, D. E. SALMON, Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Summary 7 Part I. Principles involved in designating the types of genera of parasites 10-80 Introduction 10 Genera other than nematodes included in this paper 11 Types designated or not designated 11 Division of work 12 Homonyms 12 Historical review of type designation 12 The principle of generic types foreshadowed by Linnaeus, 1751 12 The British Association (Stricklandian) Code 13 The Call Code, 1 877 15 The American Ornithologists' Union Code, 1886, 1892 17 The Code of the German Zoological Society, 1 894 18 The Merton Rules, 1896 18 Gill, 1896 20 Durrant, 1898 21 Code of Botanical Nomenclature, A. A. A. S., 1904 22 The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1904 23 Axioms relative to type species 24 Rules and recommendations concerning types 24 A. Genera for which types are designated or implied in the original publication 25 1. Genera originally published with only one species. "Mono- typical genera" 25 List of genera (chiefly nematodes) originally published with a single species 25 2. Genera originally published with only one valid species, but also with one or more species inquirendte 29 Nematode genera of this class 29 3. Genera originally published with a species definitely desig- nated as type ( type by original designation ) 30 Round worm genera with types by original designation 31 4. Type by original implication through use of the specific name typicus or typu* 31 Nematode genera with type determined by use of specific name typicus 32 5. Type by absolute tautonymy 32 Cases of type by absolute tautonymy 34 Case of AngioKtorna Dujardin, 1845 34 Case of Anguillula Mueller, 1786 34 Case of Capmlaria Zeder, 1800 37 Case of Chaos Linmeus, 1767 38 6. Type by virtual tautonymy 39 7. Types of rename! genera .*. 40 8. Type by inclusion . 42 9. Genera containing types of several earlier genera 47 Case of Acuaria, Spiroptera, Anthuris, and Dispharagux . . 48 5 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. Principles involved in designating the types of genera of parasites Page. Continued. Rules and recommendations concerning types Continued. B. Genera for which types have been selected in later publications. . 52 10. Type by subsequent designation 52 Roundworm genera with types by later designation 53 C. Genera for which no type has been definitely selected 55 11. Collective biological groups requiring no type species 55 12. Type by elimination 56 Elimination of species Tnquirendse (see p. 29) 57 Elimination of doubtfully referred species 57 Elimination of species selected as types of other genera. . 58 Restricted and unrestricted elimination 58 13. Preference to be shown to species not subsequently classified in other genera 60 14. Type by page precedence 62 15. Sexually mature forms take precedence over larval or imma- ture forms 63 16. Preference to be shown to species examined by author of the genus 63 17. Preference to be shown to species named communis, vulgaris, officinalis, or medicinalis 64 18. The best described, best figured, best known, or most easily obtainable species 64 19. The original generic name to go with the greater number of species 65 20. Special points to be considered in connection with genera of parasitic groups 65 21. Remaining genera mentioned in this paper 66 Correlated nomenclatural questions 67 22. Synonymy by original publication 68 23. Rule of homonyms 69 Roundworm generic names which are absolutely preoccu- pied , ." 70 Roundworm generic names which absolutely preoccupy other names 71 24. Phononyms 72 25. Doubtful homonyms 73 26. Emendation of names 76 27. Nomenclatural status of misprints 78 28. Origin of the Law of Priority 78 29. Rudolphi's Rules of Nomenclature 78 30. Polynomial authors between 1758 and 1819 80 Part II. List of generic names, chiefly nematodes, with their original and type species 81-150 Addenda 150 THE DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, LIST OF ROUNDWORM GENERA, WITH THEIR ORIGINAL AND TYPE SPECIES. BY CH. WARDELL STILES, PH. D., Zoologist of U. S'. Public Health und Marine- Hospital Service; Consulting Zoologist of Bureau of Animal Industry, AND ALBERT HASSALL, M. R. C. V. S., Assistant in Zoology, Bureau of Animal Industry. SUMMARY. Part I contains a general discussion on determination of generic types. A genus without a type species is like a ship without anchor or rudder, and a failure on the part of authors to designate types has heen one of the most fruitful sources of trouble in systematic zoology and nomenclature. The existing codes of nomenclature recognize the importance of type species, but the rules for their deter- mination are not explicit enough, while the views on the method of determination vary greatly among authors. It seems desirable, but at present impracticable, to have complete, objective rules covering type determination, whereby the subjective element may be entirely elimi- nated, and whereby all types may be determined purely from the literature, without reference to the diagnosis or anatomy of an animal. Page precedence, as supported by many systematists, would accomplish this, yet would lead to many difficulties; still it must be admitted that this rule has great advantages despite its disadvantages. Although it seems impracticable at present to attempt to adopt any complete series of rules on type determination which shall be followed seriatim, still satisfactory rules can be formulated which will cover the majority of cases that arise, and these rules may be supplemented by recommendations which bring to mind methods which it will be well to follow, unless strongly contraindicated by practical consider- ations. AVhile urging zoologists to designate the type of every new genus proposed in the future, we shall suggest to the International Commission on Zoological Nomen- clature the following rules and recommendations, as amendments to the Code, for guidance in determining the types in the case of older genera. 1. RULE. A genus proposed with a single original species takes that species as type. (Monotypical genera. ) 2. RULE. The type of a genus (containing, from the standpoint of the original author, both valid and doubtful species) must never be selected from the species which the original author of the genus clearly designated as species inquirendse at the time of the publication of the generic name. 7 8 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. 3. RULE. When in the original publication of a genus one of the species is definitely designated as type, this species should be accepted as type, regardless of any other considerations. (Type by original designation. ) 4a. RULE. If, in the original publication of a genus, typicus or typus is used as a new specific name for one of the species, such use shall be construed as "type by original designation. ' ' 4b. RECOMMENDATION. It is well to avoid the introduction of the names typicus or typus as new names for species or subspecies, since such names are always liable to result in confusion later. 5. RULE. If a genus, without designated type, contains among its original species one possessing the generic name as its specific or subspecific name, either as valid name or synonym, that species or subspecies becomes ipso facto type of the genus. (Type by absolute tautonymy.) 6. RECOMMENDATION. If a genus, without designated type, contains among its original species one possessing as specific or subepecific name, either as valid name or as synonym, a name which is virtually the same as the generic name, or of the same origin or same meaning, preference should be shown to that species in desig- nating the type, unless such preference is strongly contraindicated by other factors. (Type by virtual tautonymy.) 7. RULE. In case a generic name without designated type is proposed as a sub- stitute for another generic name, with or without type, the type of either when established becomes ipso facto type of the other. 8. RULE. If an author proposes a genus, without designating a type, and includes among the original species [i. e., the valid species from his standpoint] the deter- mined type of an earlier genus, such type becomes ipso facto the type of the new genus. (Type by inclusion. ) 9. RULE. If a genus without a designated type contains types of two or more earlier genera, the type of the new genus is to be selected from the contained types (the case being the same as a genus with two or more species, according to the num- ber of types in question), unless it can be shown that such procedure is directly contraindicated by the original author's intentions. 10. RULE. If an author, in publishing a genus with more than one valid species, fails to designate or to indicate its type, any subsequent author may select the type, and such designation is not subject to change. (Type by subsequent designation.) 11. RULE. Certain biological groups which have been distinctly proposed as collective groups, but not as systematic units of generic rank, may be treated for convenience as if they were genera, but they require no type species. Example: Agam odistomum . 12a. RULE. The following species are excluded from consideration in selecting the types of genera: (a) Species which were not included under the generic name at the time of its original publication. (b) Species which were species inquirendie from the standpoint of the author of the generic name at the time of its publication. (c) Species which the author of the genus doubtfully referred to it. (d) Species which have subsequently been selected to serve as types for other genera, unless this applies to all of the available species, in which case the last species so selected becomes the type of the original genus; or unless the species which the original author took as his type has been transferred, in which case the original author's intentions should be carried out. (Type by elimination. ) 12b. RULE. In case of Linnsean genera select as type the most common or the medicinal species. (Linnaean rule. ) 12c. RECOMMENDATION. The following species should be shown preference in selecting the type, unless such procedure is contraindicated by the original author's intentions or by practical considerations: DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 9 (a) If the genus contains both exotic and nonexotic species from the standpoint of the original author, the type should be selected from the nonexotic species. (6) If some of the original species have later been classified in other genera, but not designated as their types, preference should be shown to the species still remain- ing in the original genus. (c) All other things being equal, page precedence should obtain in selecting a type. (d) Species based upon sexually mature specimens should take precedence over species based upon larval or immature forms. (e) All other things being equal, show preference to a species which the author of a genus actually studied at or before the time he proposed the genus. (/) Show preference to a species bearing the name communis, vulgaria, medidnalis, or officinalis. (g) Show preference to the best described, best figured, best known, most easily obtainable species, or of which a type specimen can be obtained. (7i) Show preference to a species which belongs to a group containing as large a number of the species as possible. (i) In parasitic genera, select if possible a species which occurs in man or in some food animal, or in some very common and widespread host. By following the foregoing rules and recommendations, types may be designated for the great majority of genera without reference to any subjective interpretation of diagnosis or anatomical characters and their value; in the majority of cases the type will be selected largely on the basis of the original publication, yet the inconveni- ences connected with the " rule of page precedence" will be very largely avoided. In connection with correlated nomenclatural questions, the conclusion is drawn that the principle of "synonymy by original publication," despite its Draconian nature, is a just rule to follow (p. 68). The "rule of homonyms" for absolute homonyms, as provided for in the Interna- tional Code, is unreservedly adopted (p. 69), but the Merton "rule of phononyms" (p. 72) is rejected, while doubtful homonyms (p. 73) are accepted as distinct names. It is a matter of regret that we do not see our way clear to apply the rule for emen- dation until its supporters accomplish the vast amount of pioneer work (p. 76) which is prerequisite to a practical application of their rule;- hence, for the present, we find ourselves forced to continue to use "original orthography," be this good, bad, or indifferent. Contrary to some authors it is maintained (p. 78) that misprints have a definite nomenclatural status. The Law of Priority is not a new idea, as assumed by some zoologists, but dates from Linnaeus, and contrary to the apparent assumption of some writers, it was accepted by Rudolphi in 1801, who proposed a code of nomenclature (p. 78) which has been very generally overlooked. Some of the difficulties of which some authors complain in helminthological nomenclature could be obviated if the rule relative to polynomial authors (p. 80) were to be more rigidly enforced for authors between 1758 and 1819. By an agree- ment among helminthologists, to the effect that certain doubtfully binomial works were to be considered polynomial, and therefore excluded from consideration in nomenclatural matters, not an inconsiderable number of the difficulties which arise could be avoided. Part II contains a list of all-the roundworm genera accessible in the card catalogue of the Bureau of Animal Industry, together with certain other genera which are cited for practical reasons. With each genus the original species are given, and in most instances the type species is definitely fixed. Bibliographic references in this paper are taken from the Index-Catalogue of Med- ical and Veterinary Zoology (Bulletin No. 39, Bureau of Animal Industry). PART I. PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN DESIGNATING THE TYPES OF GENERA OF PARASITES. INTRODUCTION. Cook (1900) has well .remarked that "botany without designation of types is like geography without position," and the same remark applies with equal force to zoology. The designation of the typical species of genera is one of the most important points in nomenclature. Unfortunately none of the existing codes treats of the subject of type designation in an entirely satisfactory manner. Unfortunately, also, there is considerable diversity of opinion among authors as to the methods to be followed in selecting the type. In rare instances (Snellen), a systematist will deny the advisability of acknowledging that a genus should have a type. Very commonly, more particularly among earlier authors, the selection of generic types has been ignored. Some authors consider that the selection of a type should be made purely by rule, thus eliminating all subjective element; for instance, by selecting the first species in the original list. Other workers con- sider that a comparison of the original generic diagnosis with the orig- inal specific diagnosis is the most important process to be considered. Still other systematists are inclined to ignore the original diagnoses. Some s} T stematists have attempted to formulate a definite series of rules, to be followed seriatim. Others doubt the advisability of rules to cover the subject and maintain that the entire process is one to be governed by the particular case which arises for decision. Some workers consider that the establishment of types is to be based pri- marily upon anatomical study; others maintain it is to be based purely upon a study of the literature. Several systematists have admitted that they disliked to determine types, because it seemed impossible to do so in such a way as to avoid polemic criticism. We have been requested by several authors, botanical as well as zoological, to formulate our views on this subject, and it is partially in compliance with these requests that the present paper is prepared. A further reason for discussing the matter is that we consider it one of the most important subjects in the entire field of nomenclature, and we view the practice of failing to designate the type species as one of the most fruitful sources of confusion in systematic writings. 10 DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 11 Our general position on the subject may be summed up as follows: Types should be determined for all generic names as soon as possible, since a generic name without a definitely established type is always an element of danger in both systematic and bibliographic zoology. Although it does not seem possible to lay down any series of rules for the determination of types which will meet with the approval of all systematists, or which will not in some instances lead to rulings that will arouse criticism on the part of some authors, still it seems justified to adopt certain rules covering the subject and to carry them out con- sistently, even at the risk of disapproval of other workers. These rules should be objective so far as possible; recommendations (in dis- tinction to rules) can not, however, be entirely avoided, since there are some cases in which it hardly seems possible at present to exclude entirely the subjective element. Satisfactory rules can be made which will govern a large percentage (perhaps 80 to 90 per cent) of the cases. Any author who attempts to determine types in the remaining cases will incur criticism from one source or another, no matter what species he selects. In determining types for certain of the nematode genera, this has accordingly been done with full knowledge of the fact that any person who attempts work of this kind subjects himself to criticism, fre- quently expressed in terms more vigorous than diplomatic. In discussing the principles involved, the parasites especially have been held in mind, but the principles involved in helminthology are the same as those involved in other fields of zoology. One can not, therefore, plead for any exceptions in favor of helminthology, since exceptions in this field invite exceptions in other fields, and are thus both dangerous and shortsighted. The more exceptions admitted, the less hope there is for eventually having an international nomen- clature. Better it is by far that a temporary inconvenience be borne than that exceptions be made in favor of any one group. GENERA OTHER THAN NEMATODES INCLUDED IN THIS PAPER. It has been found advisable to include in this list a few names which do not belong to the Nematoda, but which have at one time or another been used as or confused with nemathelminth names. TYPES DESIGNATED OR NOT DESIGNATED. For the generic names collected, an attempt has been made to deter- mine the type in case the proper data were accessible. In some cases in which we have hesitated, for various reasons, to definitely fix the type species at present, species have been suggested with reserve (preceding the specific name by " ?" or "probably") which it would probably be best to take as type, so far as the data are accessible. 12 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. This method is followed in order not to prevent some other author from selecting some other species in case it may seem best for him to do so. The action on these cases in the present paper is not to be interpreted as designation, of type, but simply as an indication of the species which, other things being equal, it seems to be best (so far as data are accessible at the present moment) to select as "anchors" for the genera in question. DIVISION OF WORK. The list of genera (pp. 81-150), upon which the work is based, was originally compiled several years ago. Most of the names were taken from the card catalogue of the Bureau of Animal Industry. In the bibliographic work very material aid has been rendered b} 7 Miss Caro- line Myers, of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and it is a pleasure to express our obligations to her for her painstaking labor, especially in tracing obscure references. The designation of types is the joint work of Stiles and Hassall. Owing to a prolonged absence of Hassall from Washington, during which time joint work was impossible, the dis- cussion of the principles of type designation devolved upon Stiles. HOMONYMS. In the following list the homonyms (identical names) and phononyms (similar names) are given, so far as accessible in the Bureau catalogue. The orthography, authors, and dates of such names have not been per- sonally verified by us, but they have been accepted from the lists by Agassiz, Scudder, the Zoological Record, Zoologischer Anzeiger, Palmer, Sherborn, Waterhouse, etc. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF TYPE DESIGNATION. To give a complete historical review of the subject of type designa- tion would exhaust both the readers and the writers, but in the pres- ent paper reference will be made to some of the more important his- torical data. THE PRINCIPLE OF GENERIC TYPES FORESHADOWED BY LIN- NAEUS, 1751. The idea of the selection of a single species as type for a genus was foreshadowed by Linnaeus (1751, 197) in his Philosophia Botanica as follows: " Si genus receptum, secunclum jus nature et artis, in plura dirimi debet. turn nomen antea commune manebit vulgatissimse et officinali plants?." While Linnaeus referred especially to plants, it has become custo- mary to interpret the Linnsean Code as applicable in zoology also, and it is possible therefore to determine the types of a number of Liniuoan genera on the basis of this passage. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 13 THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION (STRICKLANDIAN) CODE. It would appear that the Stricklandian Code was perhaps the first publication in which the subject of t} 7 pes was discussed and formu- lated in a rather definite manner; hence, from the historical view point the passages in question are important. The British Association Code expressed the law of priority as follows: Law of priority the only effectual and just one. It being admitted on all hands that words are only the conventional signs of ideas, it, is evident that language can only attain its end effectually by being permanently established and generally recognized. This consideration ought, it would seem, to have checked those who are continually attempting to subvert the established language of zoology by substituting terms of their own coinage. But, forgetting the true nature of language, they persist in con- founding the name, of a species or group with its definition; and because the former often falls short of the fullness of expression found in the latter, they cancel it with- out hesitation and introduce some new term which appears to them more character- istic, but which is utterly unknown to the science and is therefore devoid of all authority. If these persons were to object to such names of men as Long, Little, Armstrong, Golightly, etc., in cases where they fail to apply to the individuals who bear them, or should complain of the names Cough, Lawrence, or Harrey, that they were devoid of meaning, and should hence propose to change them for more charac- teristic appellations, they would not act more unphilosophically or inconsiderately than they do in the case before us; for, in truth, it matters not in the least by what conventional sound we agree to designate an individual object, provided the sign to be employed be stamped with such an authority as will suffice to make it pass cur- rent. Now, in zoology no one person can subsequently claim an authority equal to that possessed by the person who is the first to define a new genus or describe a new species, and hence it is that the name originally given, even though it may be infe- rior in point of elegance or expressiveness to those subsequently proposed, ought as a general principle to be permanently retained. To this consideration we ought to add the injustice of erasing the name originally selected by the person to whose labors we owe our first knowledge of the object; and we should reflect how much the per- mission of such a practice opens a door to obscure pretenders for dragging themselves into notice at the expense of original observers. Neither can an author be permitted to alter a name which he himself has once published, except in accordance with fixed and equitable laws. It is well observed by Decandolle, " L'auteur meme qui a le premier etabli un nom n'a pas plus qu'un autre le droit de le changer pour simple cause d' impropriete. La priorite en effet est un terme fixe, positif, qui n'admetrien, ni d'arbitraire ni de partial." For these reasons we have no hesitation in adopting as our fundamental maxim the "law of priority," viz: 1. The name originally given by the founder of a group or the describer of a species should be permanently retained to the exclusion of all subsequent synonyms (with the exceptions about to be noticed). * * * * Generic names to be retained for the typical portion of the old genus. When a genus is subdivided into other genera, the original name should be retained for that portion of it which exhibits in the greatest degree its essential characters as at first defined. Authors frequently indicate this by selecting some one species as a fixed point of reference which they term the "type of the genus." When they omit doing so, it may still in many cases be correctly inferred that the first species mentioned on their 14 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. list, if found accurately to agree with their definition, was regarded by them as the type. A specific name or its synonyms will also often serve to point out the particu- lar species which by implication must be regarded as the original type of a genus. In such cases we are justified in restoring the name of the old genus to its typical signification, even when later authors have done otherwise. We submit, therefore, that 4. The generic name should always be retained for that portion of the original genus which was considered typical by the author. Example. The genus Picumnus was established by Temminck and included two groups, one with four toes, the other with three, the former of which was regarded by the author as typical. Swainson, however, in raising these groups at a later period to the rank of genera gave a new name, Asthenurus, to the former group and retained Picumnus for the latter. In this case we have no choice but to restore the name, Picumnus Temm., to its correct sense, canceling the name Asthenurus Sw. and imposing a new name on the three-toed group which Swainson had called Picumnus. When no type is indicated,, then the original name is to be kept for that subsequent subdi- vision which first received it. Our next proposition seems to require no explanation. 5. When the evidence as to the original type of a genus is not perfectly clear and indisputable, then the person who first subdivides the genus may affix the original name to any portion of it at his discretion, and no later author has a right to transfer that name to any other part of the original genus. A later name of the same extent as an earlier to be wholly canceled. When an author infringes the law of priority by giving a new name to a genus which has been prop- erly defined and named already, the only penalty which can be attached to this act of negligence or injustice is to expel the name so introduced from the pale of the science. It is not right, then, in such cases, to restrict the meaning of the later name so that it may stand side by side with the earlier one, as has sometimes been done. For instance, the genus Monaulus Vieill., 1816, is a precise equivalent to LopJiophorus Temm., 1813, both authors having adopted the same species as their type, and therefore, when the latter genus came, in the course of time, to be divided into two, it was incorrect to give the condemned name, Monaulus, to one of the portions. To state this succinctly: 6. When two authors define and name the same genus, both making it exactly of the same extent, the later name should be canceled in toto, and not retained in a modified sense. This rule admits of the following exception: 7. Provided, however, that if these authors select their respective types from dif- ferent sections of the genus, and these sections be afterwards raised into genera, then both these names may be retained in a restricted sense for the new genera, respect- ively. Example. The names (Edemiaand Melanetta were originally coextensive synonyms, but their respective types were taken from different sections, which are now raised into genera, distinguished by the above titles. No special rule is required for the cases in which the later of two generic names is so defined as to be less extensive in signification than the earlier, for if the later includes the type of the earlier genus, it would be canceled by the operation of 4; and if it does not include that type, it is in fact a distinct genus. But when the later name is more extensive than the earlier, the following rule comes into operation: A later name equivalent to several earlier ones is to be canceled. The same principle which is involved in 6 will apply to 8. 8. If the later name be so defined as to be equal in extent to two or more pre- viously published genera, it must be canceled in toto. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 15 Example. Psarocolius Wag}., 1827, is equivalent to five or six genera previously published under other names, therefore Psarocolius should be canceled. If these previously published genera be separately adopted (as is the case with the equivalents of Psarocolius) , their original names will of course prevail; but if we fol- low the later author, in combining them into one, the following rule is necessary: A genus compounded of two or more previously proposed genera whose characters are now deemed insufficient should retain the name of one of them. It sometimes happens that the progress of science requires two or more genera, founded on insufficient or erro- neous characters, to be combined together into one. In such cases the law of priority forbids us to cancel all the original names and impose a new one on this compound genus. We must therefore select some one species as a type or example, and give the generic name which it formerly bore to the whole group now formed. If these original generic names differ in date, the oldest one should be the one adopted. 9. In compounding a genus out of several smaller ones, the earliest of them, if otherwise unobjectionable, should be selected and its former generic name be extended over the new genus so compounded. Example. The genera Accentor and Prunella of Vieillot, not being considered suf- ficiently distinct in character, are now united under the general name Accentor, that being the earliest. It will thus be seen that the principle of "page precedence" was recognized by this Code, 1, but not as an ironclad law; the principle of type by tautonymy also seems to be referred to, 1; further, the principle of the first reviser is clearly referred to under 5; the prin- ciple of '"type by inclusion'' is evident in 6. The principle of " type by tautonymy," apparently indicated in the B. A. Code, is said to have first been advocated by Newton (1871, 1876, 1879). It was formulated by Carus and IStiles in 1898, and has recently (1902) been formally adopted by a number of American zoologists. THE DALL CODE, 1877. In the Dall (1877a, 39-10) Code the following paragraphs refer directly or indirectly to generic types: LI. When a group or genus is divided into two or more groups the original name must be preserved and given to one of the principal divisions. The division includ- ing the typical species of the primitive genus, if any type had been specified, or the oldest, best known, or most characteristic of the species originally included when the primitive genus was first described by its author, is the portion for which the original name is to be preserved. If there is no section special!}' so distinguished, that which retains the larger number of species should retain the old name (D. C.), but the latter can not be applied to a restricted group containing none of the species referred to the primitive group by its author at the time when it was described or when he enumerated the species contained in it. The majority of the replies to query XII of the circular concur in the above. According to Limueus the name should remain with the most common and offici- nal species; an equivocal expression if there is one which is most common and another the officinal species. The Convolvulus sepiurn and the Erica rntgnris were very common and very anciently named species when Brown made of one the genus Calystegia, and De Candolle of the other, his genus Calluna. It was, however, much better to. do this than to change the names of a hundred species of Convolvulus and 200 of Erica. When there is no authoritative type the number of species should always be taken into consideration. (D. C. ) 16 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. LII. When an author has specified no type, it is then necessary in dividing his genus to retain his name for the subdivision containing the species which the next subsequent author treating of the genus has specified or regarded as the typical exemplar. (B. A.) If no subsequent author has selected a type, the first species of the primitive author may frequently be taken a* the type, or a species may be selected from among those originally specified as belonging to the genus when it was formed, due regard being paid to the necessity of retaining as many of the original species as possible in the division which is to retain the old name. It would manifestly l>e liable to introduce errors and confusion if it were insisted that the first species should invariably be taken as the type, or were it permitted to take species subsequently added to the group, and which the original author did not know when he established his genus. No arbitrary rule will suffice to determine offhand questions of so much complication as is often the decision in regard to the type of an ancient genus which has been studied by a number of authors. In the first of the above cases lists are often arranged in alphabetical or faunistic order, or the aberrant species are placed at or near the beginning and end of the list, while the more generalized and characteristic species are put between the others. In the second case, aberrant species might be added and subsequently taken away from the genus, carrying with them the name consecrated by the primitive author to the very group which the subsequent reviser might then seize on for his own. Still more, the aberrant species carrying the primitive generic; name might subse- quently be found to belong to a genus described before the one revised. Then the name originally given to a valid group might be subject to rejection as a synonym, " while the valid group itself which originally bore that name was rejoicing under a new appellation received from the industrious revisers! Absurd as it may appear, mutations similar to this might be mentioned. The answers received to questions on this point in the circular will be seen to be by a large majority in concurrence with this section. LIII. In dividing a genus of which there are already synonyms, if these syno- nyms or any of them are typified by the same species or group of species as that or those originally selected as types for the primitive genus, the names should be can- celed in toto and not used for the restricted subdivisions. (B. A.) To use strictly equivalent synonyms in a new sense for different divisions in one family is sure to create confusion and necessitate lengthy discriminating passages in subsequent synonymical work. When the so-called synonyms are founded' on spe- cies belonging to different sections of the genus, although the names may have been considered as coextensive in their application, it is desirable to use these names to indicate the divisions of the genus when it may be revised. (B. A.) In fact there is hardly any difference between the latter case and the revival of a valid but for- gotten name for the group properly designated by it and to which another legal name can not be applied. LIV. In the case of the consolidation of two or more groups of the same nature, .the oldest name must be retained for the whole. If both or all are of the same date, the reviser may select the one to be retained. (B. A., D. 0. ) If a name of a genus be so defined as to be equal in extent to two or more pre- viously published genera, it must be canceled in toto. (B. A. ) Example: Tritonmm Miiller was so defined as to be equal to Buccinum, Strombus, and Murex of Linnseus. Hence it should be wholly rejected. Psaracolius Wagler is equivalent to five or six previously published genera, and must, therefore, be canceled. (B. A.) It follows from the above that when it is necessary to unite several groups already named the earliest unobjectionable name must be retained for the consolidated group, with a modified diagnosis. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 17 THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION CODE, 1886, 1892. The American Ornithologists' Union Code (1886, 1892, 42-M) treats generic types as follows: CANON XX. When a genus is subdivided the original name of the genus is to be etained for that portion of it which contained the original type of the genus when this can be ascertained. Remark. This principle is universally conceded and requires no special comment. CANON XXI. When no type is clearly indicated the author who first subdivides a genus may restrict the original name to such part of it as he may judge advisable, and such assignment shall not be subject to subsequent modification. Remarks. This, in substance, is the rule promulgated by the B. A. Committee in 1842, and it has been reiterated in most subsequent nomenclatural codes. Its pro- priety is perfectly apparent, and, as regards the future, no trouble need arise under it. It has happened, however, in the subdivision of comprehensive genera of Linnaeus and other early authors that most perplexing complications have arisen, successive authors having removed one species after another as types or elements of new genera till each of the species included in the original genus has received a new generic designation, while the old generic name, if not lost sight of, has come to be applied to species unknown to the author of the original genus! This, of course, is obviously and radically wrong. ******* CANON XXII. In no case should the name be transferred to a group containing none of the species originally included in the genus. ' Remark. This rule is in strict accordance with the B. A. Code and with current usage. CANON XXIII. If, however, the genus contains both exotic and nonexotic species from the standpoint of the original author and the generic term is one originally applied by the ancient Greeks or Romans, the process of elimination is to be restricted to the nonexotic species. Remarks. The purpose of this restriction in the application of the "principle of elimination" is to prevent the palpable impropriety of the transference of an ancient Greek or Latin name to species unknown to the ancients. By the unrestricted action of the principle of elimination the genus Tetrao, for example, becomes trans- ferred to an American species, viz, Tetrao phasianellus of Linnaeus, the transference being in itself not only undesirable, but, as it happens, subversive of currently accepted names. The working of the proposed modification of the principle of elimination may be thus illustrated. The genus letrao Linn., 1758, contains the following: Nonexotic species. 1. urogallus ( Urogall.us Flem., 1822). Exotic species. 3. canadensis. 5. phasianellus. 2. tetrix. 4. lagopus (Lagopus Briss., 1760). 7. bonasia (Bonasia Steph., 1819, plus Bon., 1828). This leaves tetrix as the type of the genus Tetrao, since Lyrurus Sw. was not established for it till 1831. On the other hand, the process of unrestricted elimination would result as follows: 1. urogallus ( Urogallus Flem., 1822). 2. tetrix (Lyrurus Sw., 1831). 3. canadensis (Canace Reich., 1852). 4. lagopus (Lagopus Briss., 1760). 5. phasianellus (Pediocsetes Bd., 1858). 6. cupido (TympanuchusGlog., 1842; Cupidonia Reich., 1850). 7. bonasia (Bonasia Steph., 1819, plus Bon., 1828). 6328 No. 7905 2 18 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Which would leave, as type for the genus Tetrao, T. phaxirn>llnx, which was the last species to be removed from the genus Tetrao, its removal being made by Baird in 1858, who made it the type of a genus Pediocsetes. No species being now left to bear the name Tetrao, it must be restored either to T. phoManettus (under the unrestricted action of the principle of elimination), or to T. lyrurus (under the above-proposed restricted action of the principle of elimination). In the latter case, this ancient Greek name for a European species of Grouse would be still retained in nearly its original sense. As in the case of Tetrao, so in the cases of many Linnsean and Brissonian genera, it has happened that, in the process of gradual elimination, exotic (or non-European ) species only have been finally left in the original genus, while the European species have successively been made types of separate genera. CANON XXIV. When no type is specified, the only available method of fixing the original name to some part of the genus to which it was originally applied is by the process of elimination, subject to the single modification provided for by Canon XXIII. CANON XXV. A genus formed by the combination of two or more genera takes the name first given in a generic or subgeneric sense to either or any of its com- ponents. If both or all are of the same date, that one selected by the reviser is to be retained. Remarks. The propriety of this rule is too obvious to require special comment. It therefore follows that a later name equivalent to several earlier ones must be can- celed, and that the earliest name applied to any of the previously established genera thus combined is to be taken as the designation of the new combination. CANON XXVI. When the same genus has been defined and named by two authors, both giving it the same limits, the later name becomes a synonym of the earlier one; but in case these authors have specified types from different sections of the genus, and these sections be raised afterwards to the rank of genera, then both names are to be retained in a restricted sense for the new genera. THE CODE OF THE GERMAN ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1894. The Code (1894, 13-14) of the German Zoological Society contains the following provisions regarding types: 25. Sind fur eine Gattung verschiedene zultissige Namen annahernd gleichzeitig aufgestellt worden, so dass die Prioritiit nicht festzustellen ist, so ist derjenige Name '/.VL wahlen, fur welchen eine "typische Art" aufgefiihrt war. In alien dadurch nicht zu erledigenden Fallen ist die Entscheidung des ersten Autors, welcher die Synonymic der verschiedenen Namen nachweist, massgebend. 26. Wird eine Gattung in mehrere neue Gattungen aufgelost, so verbleibt der alte Gattungsname der als Typus anzusehenden Art. Ist eine solche nicht mit Sicherheit festzustellen, so hat der die Auflosung vornehmende Autor eine der urspriinglich in dieser Gattung enthalten gewesenen Arten als Typus zu bestimmen. Werden Unter- gattungen zu Gattungen erhoben, so wird der Untergattungsname zum Gattungs- namen. THE MERTON RULES, 1896. In the "Merton Rules" (Walsingham & Durrant, 1896. 14-1H) are found the following passages relating to types of genera: 40. The type of a genus must be one of the species originally placed in the genus by its founder, but no species can be regarded as a possible type if it can be shown that the founder of the genus had not seen it. [N. B. This and the follomng rule* (40-47) apply with equal force to the sections of any grade.] DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 19 41. A genus from its foundation belongs to one of three classes: (1) MONOTYPICAL (i. e., described from a single species, no other being known, or described from a single specified species with which are associated other species considered to be identical in structure). (2) ISOTYPICAL (i. e., described from more than one species, all of which are congeneric). (3) HETEROTYPICAL (i. e., described from more than one species, these differing in structure). (In class one, the single species described, or the single species cited, is the type. In classes two and three, the sum of the species therein contained constitutes the "type" of the original author, unless it was indicated that one or more of these species were not considered to be typical. ) 42. If the author of an isotypical or heterotypical genus subsequently removes one of his original types to another genus, this species ceases to be a possible type for the genus in which it was first placed. 43. In ascertaining the type of a genus not monotypical absolute adherence must be given to the law of priority. 44. He who first restricts a genus under its own name limits the possible type to one of the species included in his restriction, but if possibly avoidable a heterotyp- ical genus must not be restricted to the detriment of an existing monotypical or iso- typical genus. 45. When a heterotypical genus by restriction or specification of type becomes monotypical, the single species to which it is limited must thenceforth be accepted as the type of the genus, provided that this species had not previously been consti- tuted the type of another genus. 46. Restriction is effected by omission, by elimination, or by specification. 47. The name of a heterotypical genus dates from its publication, but it dates as a genus from the time that it became isotypical or monotypical; e. g., TOETRIX, Jones 1850 (heterotypical for) (1) viridana, Jones. (2) atrana, Jones. HETEHOGNOMON, Smith 1855 (type) liridana, Jones. PANDEMIS, Smith 1855 (type) atrana, Jones. (Jones first published a generic name for which viridana was a possible type, but Smith first established Heterognomon as a genus based on the type viridana. The law of priority forbids the subsequent restriction of Tortrix to the detriment of Het- erognomon, and therefore by elimination atrana was constituted the type of Tortrix, Jones, with which Pandemis, Smith, is synonymous. N. B. For brevity of illustration a fictitious example has bean employed. ) 48. If a subsequent author subdivide a heterotypical genus, distributing its types among differently named genera but retaining the original name as a subgeneric heading in more than one genus to which he refers a type, the law of priority shall be rigidly enforced, and his first limitation shall be taken as restricting the type; but should he in addition make use of the heterotypical generic name in a generic sense, it shall be held that it was his intention to limit the type to the species referred to in this sense, and his previous subgeneric limitation shall be ignored. e. g., (1) Hiibner published the heterotypical genus Eudemis, Verz. bek. Schm. 382 ( 1826) . Stephens adopted this name in a subgeneric sense for the four genera Ditula Stph., Pseudotomia Stph., Cnephasia Crt., and Sericoris Tr. He constituted profundana, F. (=porphyrana, Hb., Stph.) the type of the first subgenus so named under Ditula. The law of priority should prevent any other species from becom- ing the type of Eudemis Hb. 20 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. e.g., (2) Hiibner published the h etero typical genus Notocelia, Verz. bek. Schm. 379-80 (1826). Stephens' first use of this name is as a subgenus of Spilonota Stph., in which sense ocellana F. became the type of Notocelia Hb. But a few pages later he employed Notocelia in a generic sense with the type uddmanniana, L., describing the genus and remarking on its synonymy. It is, there- fore, obvious that it was his intention to retain the full generic value of the name, and his second limitation should be adopted in preference to his first. GILL, 1896. Gill (1896, 20-21), in discussing types, makes the following remarks: TVPONYMS. The question, what is necessary to insure reception of a generic name, is one of those concerning which there is a difference of opinion. By some a definition is considered to be requisite, but by others the specification of a type is only required. But the demand in such case is simply that the definition shall be made. It may be inaccurate or not to the point; it may be given up at once and never adopted by the author himself afterwards or by anyone else. Nevertheless, the condition is fulfilled by the attempt to give the definition. In short, the attempt is required in order that the competency (or its want) of the namer may be known, and if incompetency is shown thereby no matter! The attempt has been made. The indication by a type is not sufficient. Anyone who has had occasion to investigate the history of any large group must have been often perplexed on determining on what special subdivision of a disin- tegrated genus the original names should be settled. The old genus may have been a very comprehensive one, covering many genera and even families of modern zoology, and of course the investigator has to ignore the original diagnosis. He must often acknowledge how much better it would have been if the genus had been orig- inally indicated by a type rather than a diagnosis. Many naturalists, therefore, now recognize a typonym to be eligible as a generic name. Among such are those guided by the code formulated by the American Ornithologists' Union, to which reference may be made and in which will be found some judicious remarks on the subject in Canon XLII. Certainly it is more rational to accept a typonym than to require a definition for show rather than use. Nevertheless, I fully recognize the obligation of the genus-maker to indicate by diagnosis, as well as type, his conception of generic characters. FIRST SPECIES OK A GENUS NOT ITS TYPE. On account of the difficulty of determining the applicability of a generic name when a large genus is to be subdivided, it has been the practice of some zoologists to take the first species of a genus as its type. This, it has been claimed, is in pursuance of the law of priority. It is, however, an extreme, if not illegitimate, extension of the law, and has generally been discarded in recent years. But in the past it had emi- nent advocates, such as George Robert Gray in Ornithology and Pieter Van Bleeker in Ichthyology. A few still adhere to the practice, and within a few months two excellent zoologists have defended their application of names by statements that the first species of the old genera justified their procedure. The contention of one involves the names which shall be given to cray-lishes and lobsters. It is evident that the fathers of zoological nomenclature never contemplated such a treatment of their names, and the application of the rule to their genera would result in some curious and unexpected conditions. Let us see how some genera of DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 21 Linnaeus would fare. The first species of Phoca was the fur seal, the first species of Mustela the sea otter, the first of Mus the guinea pig, and the first of Cervus was the giraffe. These are sufficient to show what incongruities would flow from the adoption of the rule. DURRANT, 1898. An exceedingly interesting and important correspondence on the subject of "Nomenclature of Lepidoptera: Correspondence relating to questions circulated by Sir George F. Hampson, Bart.," was pub- lished by Durrant in 1898. Opinions are cited from Prof. Scudder, Prof. Fernald, Prof. J. B. Smith, Dr. Standinger, Herr P. C. T. Snellen, Prof. Aurivillius, Prof. A. R. Grote, Lord Walsingham, E. Meyrick, esq., W. F. Kirby, esq., and Sir G. F. Hainpson. Of these, Snellen stood alone in totally rejecting the system of generic types. The following is an analysis of the replies of the other ten men: 1. The type of a genus must be a species originally included in it by its founder. (Adopted by all ten men. ) 2. The type must conform to the original description of the genus (a species excluded by the description can not be the type). (Adopted by all ten.) 2 A. Unless direct error of observation can be inferred. (Meyrick and Kirby.) 2n. And to the meaning (if any) of the generic name. (Meyrick, Kirby, Hampson, Walsingham. ) 3. That a species included with doubt can not be type. (Walsingham, Grote, Kirby.) 4. That a name included (without the species being known to the founder) can not establish any claim to the recognition of the species as a possible type. (Adopted by Hampson, Walsingham, and Smith; apparently opposed by Kirby.) 5. The first species, or the first species agreeing with the description to be consid- ered the type. (Adopted by Hampson and Standinger; opposed by other eight.) 6. Subsequent citation or restrictions must be accepted in chronological sequence: GA. If they are not at variance with the original intention of the author. (Wal- singham, Meyrick, Kirby, Fernald, Smith, Scudder, Grote, apparently Standinger.) GB. Disregarding the supposed intentions of the author but not any clear or evident intention. (Grote. ) 6c. Providing that the subsequent author expressly fixed the type or intentionally divided the genus and that he retained the old name for one part; the effect of omission of species from merely faunistic works to be ignored. (Aurivillius. ) GD. A species subsequently removed by the founder to another genus ceases to be a type of the original genus. (Walsingham. ) 7. When the historical method has been exhausted thespecies (or group of species) which agrees best with the description should be regarded as typical. ( Walsingham, Meyrick, Fernald, Smith, Aurivillius.) 7 A. But if all equally agree the type may be fixed at discretion. (Meyrick, Wal- singham, Smith. ) 7Aa. But would assume the type to be a species from the author's own country, the one with which he seems to be most familiar, and if the preparatory stages are mentioned should assume the commonest species (as the one with which he was likely to have the greatest acquaintance) to be the type. (Smith.) ?B. If all agree equally well the first species is the type. (Fernald, Kirby.) 7c. If two or more agree better than the remainder, the first of those that do agree is the type. (Fernald, Kirby. ) 22 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. ?D. If one species is more fully described than the others, or if it is figured, it should be regarded as the type. (Kirby. ) ?E. The majority of homogeneous species should be taken as representing a restricted genus. ( Kirby. ) 8. If the generic characters are better developed in one species (or group of species) this species (or group) must be held typical. (Apparently ignoring previous action. ) ( Aurivillius. ) 9. If the description and included species prove that two or more genera were intended to include the same animals, they must be regarded as synonyms. (See B. A. Code, 6. ) ( Aurivillius. ) 9A. If, however, the original types of these genera were heterotypical each of the genera is valid for its own type. (B. A. Code, 7.) (Durrant. ) OB. If types heterotypical in structure have been assigned to each genus (there being no evidence to disprove the possibility of their having been the original types) the genera should be accepted in their restricted sense. ( Durrant. ) CODE OF BOTANICAL NOMENCLATURE, A. A. A. S., 1904. Of the botanical codes we will mention only the Code of Botanical Nomenclature (1904), which the Nomenclature Commission of the Botanical Club of the American Association for the Advancement of Science has proposed for consideration of the International Botanical Congress (Vienna, 1905) as substitute for the Code of 1867. This newly proposed code contains the following paragraphs regarding types: CANON 15. The nomenclatorial type of a genus or subgenus is the species originally named or designated by the author of the name. If no species was designated, the type is the first binomial species in order eligible under the following provisions: (a) The type is to be selected from a subgenus, section, or other list of species originally designated as typical. Examples. Psilogramme Kuhn, Festschr. 50-Jiihr. Jub. Konigs. Realschule zu Berlin, 332 (1882), is typified by the first-mentioned species of the second section Eupsilogramme, and not from species included in the first section Jamesonia, which is based on a generic name previously published; Phania DC. Prodr. 5: 114 (1826), is typified by P. multicaulis DC. , the only species of the section Euphania. (b) A figured species is to be selected rather than an unfigured species in the same work; or, in the absence of a figure, preference is to be given to a species accompanied by the citation of a figure. Examples. Lespecfeza Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2- 70 (1803), is typified by L. procumbent Michx. loc. cit. pi. 39, the species first figured; Basanacantha Hook. f. in Benth. & Hook. Gen. PL 2: 82 (1873), is typified by Randia tetracantha (Cav.) DC., the second species cited, as this had been figured by Cavanilles, whereas Randia Humboldtiana DC. , the species first mentioned by Hooker, had not been figured. (c) The types of genera adopted through citations of non binomial literature (with or without change of name), are to be selected from those of the original species which receive names in the first binomial publication. The genera of Linnaeus' Species Plantarum (1753) are to be typified through the citations given in his Genera Plantarum (1754). Note. The Species Plantarum contains no generic references, but the 1754 edition of the Genera Plantarum was evidently prepared at the same time and was in effect a complementary volume of the same work. It accords much more nearly than other editions with the treatment followed in the Species Plantarum, and thus DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 23 makes it possible to retain more of the Linnaean generic names in their current application. Examples. Oypripedium L. Sp. PL 951, a genus adopted from Tournefort with a change of his name Calceolus, is typified by Oypripedium Calceolus, the only species common to both authors; Seseli L. Sp. PL 259, a genus adopted from Boerhaave, is typified by the second species of Linnaeus, Seseli montanum, which is the first in Linnaeus of the species common to both authors; Silene L. Sp. PL 416, a genus adopted from Dillenius with a change of his name Viscago, is typified by Silene anglica, the first in Linnaeus of the thirteen species figured by Dillenius; Fritillaria L. Sp. PL 303, a genus adopted from Tournefort, is typified by the fifth species of Linnaeus, Fritillaria Meleagris, which is one of the three species included in Fritillaria by both authors, and is selected from these three because it is the one figured by Tournefort. (d) When a prebinomial generic name is displaced by the publication of a generic name within binomial usage, the application of the displaced name to a species under the new generic name designates the type. Example. Dianthus L. Sp. PL 409, a genus adopted from Tournefort with a change of his name Caryophyllus, is typified by Dianthus Caryophyllus, one of the fifteen original species of Linnaeus. (e) The application to a genus of a former specific name of one of the included species, designates the type. Examples. Amsonia Walt. Fl. Car. 98 (1788), is typified by Tabernsemontana Amsonia L., one of its two original species; Sordaria Ces. & De N. Comm. Soc. Critt. Ital. I: 225 (1863), is typified by Sphseria Sordaria Fr., one of its twelve original species. (/) To avoid change in the current application of a Linnaean generic name, a well- known economic species may be selected as the type, in accordance with the prin- ciple stated by Linnaeus (Phil. Bot. 197. 1751) : "Si genus receptum, secundum jus naturae et artis, in plura dirimi debet, turn nomen antea commune manebit vulga- tissimae et officinali plantae." Examples. Poa L. Sp. PL 67, is typified by P.pratensis L., the commonest of its original species; Mottugo L. Sp. PL 89, is typified by M. verticillata L., the commonest of its original species. THE INTERNATIONAL CODE OF ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE, 1904. The International Codes of Zoological Nomenclature of Paris, 1889; Moscow, 1892; Cambridge, 1898; Berlin, 1901, and Berne, 1904, all treat of types. It will suffice to quote the 1905 (Berne, 1904) edition: ART. 29. If a genus is divided into two or more restricted genera, its valid name must be retained for one of the restricted genera. If a type was originally established for said genus, the generic name is retained for the restricted genus containing said type. ART. 30. If the original type of a genus was not indicated, the author who first subdivides the genus may apply the name of the original genus to such restricted genus or subgenus as may be judged advisable, and such assignment is not subject to subsequent change. In no case, however, can the name of the original genus be transferred to a group containing none of the species originally included in the genus; nor can a species be selected as type which was not originally included in the genus, or which the author of the generic name doubtfully referred to it. Recommendation. In selecting a type, authors should govern themselves by the following: a. A genus which contains a species bearing the same name, either as a valid name or as a synonym, takes that species as type. 24 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. b. Select as type some species which the original author studied personally, unless it can be definitely shown that he had some other species more particularly in mind. c. If the original genus has already been divided without designation of type, the type should be restricted by elimination, namely, by successively rejecting all the species which have already been transferred to other genera; the type is then selected from the species which remain. If the genus contains both exotic and nonexotic species, from the standpoint of the original author, the type is to be selected from the nonexotic species. d. Select as type the species which is best described, or best figured, or best known. AXIOMS RELATIVE TO TYPE SPECIES. In determining the type species of a genus, it is self-evident that such determination should be made in accordance with the original intentions of the original author of the genus, provided his intentions can be definitely recognized. Not only is this proposition in harmony with the spirit of the law of priority, but it has its very practical application, namely, the more closely it is possible to restrict the determination of a type species to the original paper in which the genus was published, the less litera- ture one has to consider and the fewer will be the divergent views which must be discussed. A blind adoption of the rule of "page precedence" (see pp. 62-63) would permit a determination of all types upon basis of the first generic publication, and, radical as the rule is, it must be -admitted, even by those of us who do not believe in it, that it has much in its favor and that it is possibly still an open question as to whether it leads to greater inconvenience or even to greater absurdities than do certain other rules. As a second axiom it may be stated that, according to the spirit of the law of priority, the historical method should be adhered to in case the type can not be determined upon basis of the first publication. Thus, if any author has determined a type for a genus without pre- viously determined type, such determination holds unless it can be shown that it is objectively erroneous. RULES AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING TYPES. In the following discussion, the rules and recommendations formu- lated for determining types of genera are based upon the practices now in existence and upon our own experience. It is not maintained that the points discussed cover all cases or that all points exclude a difference of opinion. It is, however, believed that the suggestions made are more in detail than are those usually found in existing codes, and it is hoped that they will be of use either in stimulating further study on the subject, or in serving as a guide to those systematists who have heretofore paid little or no attention to the subject discussed. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 25 A. GENERA FOR WHICH TYPES ARE DESIGNATED OR IMPLIED IN THE ORIGINAL PUBLICATION. Too much stress can not be laid upon selecting the type on basis of the original publication. The further one goes from this publication in selecting the type, the more complicated the case usually becomes. 1. GENERA ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED WITH ONLY ONE SPECIES. "MONOTYPICAL GENERA." RULE. A genus proposed with a single original species takes that species as type. Thus, X-us 1890, proposed with only one species, albus 1890, retains albus as type, regardless of the number and history of the species which may later be assigned to X-us and regardless of the subdivisions which X-us may later undergo. This is the most simple case which can arise, and the principle involved is so self-evident that it needs no argument. It is fully in accord with the practices of systematists in different groups, both in zoology and botany, so far as these workers have endeavored to follow nomenclatural codes, and it is the logical ruling in accordance with the canons of all codes. Fortunately a considerable number of genera in all major groups come under this rule. In the generic names given in the present list, about 240 are absolutely and irrevocably tied to a single original spe- cific name by reason of their original publication with a single species. Genera of this kind are frequently referred to as " monotypical" Such designation is not entirely free from criticism, since a genus originally published with several species, one of which was definitely designated as type, is also in a certain sense a monotypical genus. The following monotypical genera come within the province of this paper: List of genera (chiefly nematodes) originally published with a single species. Acanthocheilanema Cobbold, 1870b (dra- AmblyonemaLinstow, 1898 (terdentatum). cunculoides) . Ancyracanthopsis Diesing, 1861 a (bila- Acanthocheilus Molin, 1858 (quadridenta- biota). tus). Ancyracanthm Diesing, 1838a, 1839a (pec- Acanthosoma Mayer, 1844 (chrysalis). tinatus=pinnatifidus) . Acanthi-us Acharius, 1780 (sipunculoides). i Ancyrocephalus Creplin, 1839a (para- Acrobeles Linstow, 1877 (ciliatus). doxus). AgchylostomaDubini, 1843a (duodenale). Anguillina Hammerschmidt, 1838 (mo- Agriostomum Railliet, 1902 (iryburgi). nilis). Allantonema Leuckart, 1884 (mirabile). \ Aphanolaimus de Man, 1880 (attentus). Allodapa Diesing, 1861a (ti/pica=allo- ApororhynchusShipley,18Q9(hemignathi). dapa). Aprocta Linstow, 1883 (cylindrica) . Alloionema Schneider, 1859 (appendicu- latum). Ar&olaimoides de Man, 1893 (microphthal- 0- 26 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. List of genera (chiefly nematodex) originally published with a single specie* Continued. Arhynchus Shipley, 1896 (he)tiignathi) . Ascaroides Barthelemy, 1858a (limacis). Ascarophis van Beneden, 1871a (mor- rhute). Ascarops van Beneden, 1873b (minuta). Asconema Leuckart, 1886 (gibbosum). Aspidocephalus Diesing, 1851a (scolecifor- mis). Atractis Dujardin, 1845a (dactyluris) . Atractonema Leuckart, 1887 (gibbosum). Aulolaimus de Man, 1880 (oxycephalus) . Autoplectus Balsamo-Crivelli, 1843b (pro- tognostus). Bastiania de Man, 1876 (gracilis). Bathylaimus Cobb, 1894c (australis). Brachynema Cobb, 1893a (obtusa). Bradynema zur Strassen, 1892 (rigidum). Calyptronema Marion, 1870 (paradoxum). Camacolaimus de Man, 1889 (tardus). Carnoya Gilson, 1898 (vitiensis). Cephalonema Cobb, 1893a ( longicauda ) . Ceratospira Schneider, 1866 (vesiculosa) . Chsdosoma Claparede, 1863a (ophicepha- lum). Chaolaimus Cobb, 1893a (pellucidus). Charac.ostomum Railliet, 1902 (longemu- cronatum). Choanolaimus de Man, 1880 (psammophi- lus). Chordodes Creplin, 1847b (parasitus). Cloacina Linstow, 1898 (dahli) . Conocephalus Diesing, 1861a (typicus). Cosmocephalus Molin, 1858, etc. (dies- ingii). Orino Lamarck, 1801 (truncatus). Ctenocephalus Linstow, 1904 (tiara). Cyathostoma E. Blanchard, 1849a (lari). Cyathostomum Molin, 1861 (tetracanthum) . Cylicolaiinus de Man, 1889 (magnus). Oystidicola Fischer, 1798 (farionis). Cystocephalus Railliet, 1895 (mucronalus) . Dactylim Curling, 1839a (aculeatus). Deletrocephalus Diesing, 1851a (dimidia- tus). Demonema Cobb, 1894c (rapax). Deontolaimus de Man, 1880 (papillatus). Dermatoxys Schneider, 1860 (veligera). Dermofilaria Rivolta, 1884 (irritans). Desmolaimus de Man, 1880 (zeelandicus) . Desmoscolex Claparede, 1863a (minutus). Dicelis Dujardin, 1845 (filaria). Diceras Rudolphi, 181 Oa (rude). Dicyema Koelliker, 1849 (parado.i in// ). Ihkentrocephalus Wedl, 1855 (rrhiaHi*). Dioctophyme Collet-Meygret, 1802a (rc- nale). J}iphtherophorade~M.Sin, 1880 (communis) . Diplogaster Max Schultze, 1857 (micans). Diplolaimus Linstow, 1876 (gracilis). Dipodium Bosc, 1812a (apiarium). Discophora Villot, 1875 (cirrhatus). Ditrachyceros Hermann, 1801 [rude], Dolicholaimus de Man, 1888 (marioni). Dracunculus "Kniphof, 1759," or Gal- landat, 1773 (medinensis). Dyacanthos Stiebel, 1817 (polycephalus) . Echinonema Linstow, 1898 (cinctug). ElapltocephalusMolin, 1860 (octocornutus) . Enchelidium Ehrenberg, 1836(?>iarmMr). Enoplolaimus de Man, 1893 (vulgaris). Epithelphusa Drago, 1887 (catanensis) . Ethmolaimrts de Man, 1880 (pratensis). Eucamptus Dujardin, 1845a (obtusus). Fictitium Diesing, 185 la (cephalopodum ) . Filarina Hammerschmidt, 1838 (mtrea). Filaroides van Beneden, 1858a or 1861a ( m ustelarum ) . Filocapsularia Deslongchamps, 1824q (communis). Fimbria Cobb, 1894c (tennis). Fimbrilla Cobb, 1905 (tennis). Furia Linnaeus, 1758 (inf emails) . Globocephalus Molin, 1861 (longemucro- natus). Gnathoftoma Owen, 1836 (spinigerum). Graphonema Cobb, 1898d (mlgaris). Gyalocephalus Looss, 1900 (capitalus). Habronema Diesing, 1861c (musaf). Htemonchus Cobb, 1898a (conlortw) . Hferuca Gmelin, 1790 (muris). Halalaimus de Man, 1880 (gracilis). Halichoanolaimus de Man, 18S6(robustus). Hamularia Treutler, 1793 (lymphatica) . Hedruris Nitzsch, 1821 (androphora) . Heligmus Dujardin, 1845 (longicirrus) . Hemipsilus Quatrefages, 1846 (species un- named, Quatrefages, 1846,131-132). Heterocephalus Marion, 1870 (laticollix). Heterocheilus Diesing, 1839 (tunicatus). Ifeth Cobb, 1898a (juli). Histiostrongylus Molin, 1861 (coronatus). Hoplocephalus Linstow, 1898 (cinclus). Hydromermis Corti, 1902 (rivicola). Hystrichis Dujardin, 1845a (tricolor). DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 27 of genera (chiefly nematodes) originally published with a single specif s Continued. HystrignatJius Leidy, 1850 (rigidus). Ironus Bastian, 1865 (ignavut). Isakis Lespes, 1856 (migrans) . Koleops Lock wood, 1872 (anguilla). Labiduris Schneider, 1866 (gulosa). Lasiomitus Marion, 1870 (exilis). Lecanocephalits Diesing, 1839 (spinulosiis) . Leiuris Leuckart, 1850 (leptocephalus) . Lepidonema Cobb, 1898a (bifurcata) . Leptodera Dujardin, 1845a (flexilis). Lcptoderes Dujardin, 1845a (flexilis). Leptolaimus de Man, 1876 (papilliger). Lepturis Schlotthauber, 1860 (curvuki). Liniscus Dujardin, 1845a (exilis) < Lissonema Linstow, 1903 (rotundatum) . Litosoma van Beneden, 1873 (filaria). Lobocephalus Diesing, 1838 (heterolobus) . \ Lombricoides Merat, 1821 (rulgaris). Macrolaimus Maupas, 1900 (crucis). Macroposthonia de Man, 1880 (annulata). Mastigodes Zeder, 1800 (hominis = trichi- ura). Meloidogyne Goeldi, "1887" or 1889 (exigua}. Mermis Dujardin, 1842 (nigrescens) . Microlaimus de Man, 1880 (globiceps). Mitrephoros Linstow, 1877 (hsemispheri- cus). Mitrephorns Linstow, 1877 (hsemispheri- cus). Myenchus Schuberg & Schroeder, 1904 (bothryophorus) . Myzomimus Stiles, 1892 (scutatus). Necator Stiles, 1903 (americana) . Nectlconema Marion, 1870 (prinzi) . Nectonema Verrill, 1879 (agilis). Nema Leidy, 1856 (radians). Neomermis Linstow, 1904 (macrolaimus) . Neonchm Cobb, 1893 (longicauda). Nervus Laporte, 1792 (medinensis). Netrorhynchus Zenker, 1827 (blainvillii) . Odontobius Roussel, 1834 (ceti). Odontolaimus de Man, 1880 (chlorurus). Odontophora Buetschli, 1874 (marina). (Esophagodontus Railliet & Henry, 1902 (robmtus). Ollulanus Leuckart, 1865 (tricuspis). Onchocerca Diesing, 1841 (reticulata) . Oncliolaimellus de Man, 1890 ( calvadosicus) . Oncophora Diesing, 1851a (neglecta). Onyx Cobb, 1891 (perfectus). Oxynema lAnstow, 1899 (rectum). Oxystoma Buetschli, 1874 (elongata). Oxyuris Rudolphi, 1803 (curnda=equi). Ozolaimus Dujardin, 1845a (megatyphlon). Paragordius Montgomery, 1898 (varius). Passalurus Dujardin, 1845a (ambiguus). Pelagonema Cobb, 1894 (simplex). Pelodytes Schneider, 1860 (strongyloides) . Peritrachelius Diesing, 1851a (insignis). Phacelura Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828 (paludinse). Pharurus Leuckart, 1848 (alatus). Pharyngodon Diesing, 1861a (acanthurus) . Physocephalus Diesing, 1861 (sexalata). Piguris Schlotthauber, 1860 (reticulata) . Platycoma Cobb, 1894 (cephalata) . Polydelphis Dujardin, 1845a (anoura). Potamonema Leidy, 1856 (nitidum). Prionoderma Rudolphi, 1810 (ascaroides) . Prothelmins Linstow, 1 888 (profundLmma) . Psendalim Dujardin, 1845a (filum). Pseudonymus Diesing, 1857 (spirotheca). Pseudorhabditis Perroncito, 1881 (sterco- ralis). Pterocephalus Linstow, 1899 (vimparus). Pterygodermatites Wedl, 1861 (plagios- toma). Ptychocephalus Diesing, 1861 (spirotheca). Ramphogordius Rathke, 1843 (lacteus). Rhabdogaster Metschnikoff, 1867 (cyg- noides). Rhabdonema Leuckart, 1883 (nigrovenosa) . Rhabdotoderma Marion, 1870 (margtatti). Rhigonerna Cobb, 1898 (breiicollis). Rhytis Mayer, 1835 (paradoxa). Rictularia Froelich, 1802a (cristata). Sabatieria de Rouville, 1903 (cettensis}. Schizocheilonema Diesing, 1861 (inegalo- chilum). Sderotrichum Rudolphi, 1819 (echinatus). Simondsia Cobbold, 1864 (paradoxa). Siphonolaimus de Man, 1893 (niger). Solenolaimus Cobb, 1894 (obtusus). Sphxrolairnus Bastian, 1865 (hirsutus). Sphserularia Dufour, 1837a (bombi). Spinifer Linstow, 1901 (fulleborni). Spinitectus Fourment, 1884 (omflagettis) . Spiropterinavan Beneden, "1858a," 1861 a (coronate). Spiroxys Schneider, 1866 (contorta). Stelmius Dujardin, 1845a (priecinctus) . Stenodes Dujardin, 1845a (acu#). Stenurus Dujardin, 1845a (inflexus). BUREAU OB" ANIMAL INDUSTRY. List of genera (chiefly neniatodes) originally published with a single species Continued. Stephanurus Diesing, 1839a (denlatus). Stomachida Pereboorn, 1780 (vermis). Streptogaster Cobb, 1898 (papillatus). Streptostoma Leidy, 1849 (agile). Strongylacantha van Beneden, 1873 (gly- cirrhiza). Slrongyloides Grassi, 1879 (inlestinalis= stercoralis) . Strongylus Mueller," 1780," 1784 (equinus). Subulura Molin, 1860 (acutissima) . Syngamus Siebold, 1836 (trachealis) . Syncecnema Magalhaes, 1905 (fragile). Synplecta Leidy, 1851 (pendula). Syringolaimus de Man, 1888 (striatocau- datus). Tachygonetria Wedl, 1862 (vivipara). Tanqua R. Blanchard, 1904 (tiara). Teratocephalus de Man, 1876 (terrestris) . Terschellingia de Man, 1888 (communis). Tetracheilonema Diesing, 1861a (quadrtta- biatum ) . Tetradenos Linstow, 1904 (tiara). Tetrameres Creplin, 1846 (paradoxus). Thalassironus de Man, 1889 ( britannicus) . Thalassoalaimus de Man, 1893 (tardus). Thelandros Wedl, 1862 (alatus). Thelastoma Leidy, 1849 (attenuatum) . Thelazia Bosc, 1819 (rhodesii) . Trefusia de Man, 1893 (longicauda) . Tricheilonema Diesing, 1861a ( megalochila). Trichina Owen, 1835 (spiralis). Trichinella Railliet, 1895 (spiralis). Trichoderma Greef, 1869 (oxycaudata) . Trichodes Linstow, 1874 (crassicauda) Trichonema Cobbold, 1874 (arcuata). Trichuris Rcederer & Wagler, 1761, 1762 (trichiura). Tricoma Cobb, 1894 (cincta) . Tropidocerca Diesing, 1851a (paradoxa). Tropisurus Diesing, 1835 (paradoxus). Tylolaimophorus de Man, 1880 (typicus). Tylopharynx de Man, 1876 (striata). Uracanthus Diesing, 1861 (brevispinosus). Urolabes Carter, 1858 (palustris). Vena Gallandat, 1773a (medinensis). Xyo Cobb, 1898 (histrix). Despite the self-evident character of the principle involved, a few genera of this category have later come to be used in a sense entirely different from that in which they were originally intended, as indicated by reference to the type. The explanation of this is clear. Authors have placed additional species in a given genus of this kind; then the species have later been distributed in two or more genera, and the original species has been transferred to some other than the original generic name. As an example of this kind among the nematodes, Strongylus may be mentioned. It is clear that this species was origi- nally (Mueller, 1780, pi. 42, figs. 1-12) based upon Strongylus equinus. It is true that in his text Mueller later (1784, 8) says "Congenerem valde similem claris. Otto Fabricius in intestinis ouium nuper reperit," but the species (S. ovinus) in question can not come into consideration as type of Strongylm, for not only does 8. ovinus not appear to have been described or figured in 1780. but it is clear that Mueller based his genus upon S. equinus. Other species were afterwards added to Strongylus, and Rudolphi (1809a, 35), in suggesting a division of Strongylus, placed both S. equinus and S. ovinus in the Sclerostoina group, thus indicating a transfer of Strongylus s. st. to the newer forms, for which, by the way, another generic name ( Uncinaria) was at that time known to Rudolphi to be available. De Blainville (1828a) carried out Rudolphi's suggestion, definitely separating the two genera, and the generic name Strongylus is now generally used for a group of DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 29 worms namely, for the Strongylus contortus group (see Hsemonchus) which is allied to but quite different from the original type. In cases of this kind the policy to be followed seems not to admit of any hesitation. One should immediately revert to the original type, returning S. equinus to the genus Strongylus. Such action will probably not meet with the approval of those who oppose the Law of Priority, but consistency certainly demands a uni form application of the principle involved. 2. GENERA ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED WITH ONLY ONE VALID SPECIES, BUT ALSO WITH ONE "OR MORE SPECIES INQUIREND.E. In several cases authors have published a genus with only one species which they recognized as valid, but they have added to the genus one or more species which they looked upon as species inquirendsz. Two views might be advanced regarding such cases: First, it might be maintained that since the author was in doubt regarding the validit}^ of certain species, but not regarding one species, he must have had the one valid species especially in mind in proposing the genus, while the insertion of the doubtful species was an after- thought. Such an interpretation would very probably cover the majprity of cases, but circumstances can be imagined which would call for a modification of this view. Thus, an author might notice some variation in certain specimens which might lead him to the view that these possibly represented a species distinct from the one he recog- nized as valid. This second species might, however, contain all the characters he considered as generic and as found in the valid species. In this case the doubtful species might be, in his eyes, just as impor- tant, viewed from the generic standpoint, as the valid species. Cases of this kind, however, would probably represent exceptions. Second, it might be maintained by authors who attach very great importance to "elimination" that if any author selected the valid species (from standpoint of the original author of the genus) as type of a new genus, or transferred it to another genus, the t} 7 pe of the old genus would have to be selected from the species inquirendpe. Personally we prefer the first interpretation, and would suggest the general adoption of the following: RULE. The type of a genus (containing from the standpoint of its author both valid and doubtful species) must never be selected from any species which the original author of genus clearly designated as species inquirendse at the time of the publication of the genus. NEMATODE GENERA OF THIS CLASS. The following genera in this paper come under the class now under discussion:, Cosmocerca Diesing, 1861a, 645; type by present designation, ornata. arnata considered valid by Diesing, 1861a, 645. commutata given as species inquirenda by Diesing, 1861a, 645. 30 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Echinocephalus Molin, 1858, 154; type by present designation, uncinatus. uncinatus considered valid by Molin, 1858, 154. cygni given as species inquirenda by Molin, 1858, 154. Proleptus Dujardin, 1845a, 105; type by present designation, acutus. acutus Dujardin, 1845a, 105; only positive species. obtusus Dujardin, 1845a, 105; given by Dujardin as doubtful. Thominx Dujardin, 1845a, 22-23; type by present designation, manica. manica Dujardin, 1845a, 22-23; only positive species. trident Dujardin, 1845a, 22-23; given as doubtful. Cases of this kind should not be confused with cases like Strongylus, where the genus was distinctly based upon one species, described, dis- cussed, and in some cases figured, but where the author incidentally mentioned that some one found another (unnamed, undescribed, and unfigured) congeneric species. In addition to the ruling on the four genera given above, it may be mentioned that in all four cases, page precedence, if adopted, would call for the same four species, respectively, as type; further, Cosmocerca, is a doubtful homonym; uncinatus could also be construed as type by virtual tautonymy. It is possible that Thominx should be considered as a case under the rule of doubtfully referred species (tridens) instead of species inquirendae. 3. GENERA ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED WITH A SPECIES DEFINITELY DESIGNATED AS TYPE (TYPE BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION). RULE. When in the original publication of a genus one of the species is definitely designated as type, this species should be accepted as type, regardless of any other considerations. Thus, genus X-us, 1890, originally published with the following species: albus, 1890, specifically designated as type. ,, niger, 1885, type of genus Y-us, 1885. flamdus, 1890, type of Z-us, 1900. minutus, 1880, not known to be a type. radiatus, 1875, doubtful species. If an author definitely designates a given species as type, he selects a form which expresses his standard of reference for the genus. If any other species is subsequently selected as standard of reference, such selection is theoretically equivalent to the proposition of a new genus, which may or may not be considered identical with the original genus. Practically, the second selection is therefore, in many cases, at least, the proposition of a stillborn homonym; in other cases it involves an erroneous quotation of the original author's intentions. It is clear, therefore, that the acceptance of the originally designated type is in accordance with the law of priority. Unfortunately, comparatively few of the earlier authors foresaw the necessity of definitely designating types, and to this lack of fore- DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 31 sight we may ascribe much of the confusion in nomenclature which has arisen. Helnrinthologists in general laid little stress upon type species prior to the publication (1898) of the '"Inventory of the genera of the trematode family Fasciolidre.'' Blanchard in particular should be mentioned as preeminent among helminthologists to insist upon the importance of type species (see particularly his writings on nomenclature), while even such eminent men as Rudolphi, Dujardin, Diesing, Molin, Leuckart, and others paid little or no attention to this important part of the generic diagnosis. ROUNDWOEM GENERA WITH TYPES BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION. Exclusive of those cases where an author has intentionally renamed a monotypical genus (to which other species may later have been added), and exclusive of the cases where the specific name typicus or typus has been used, there are only about ten instances in roundworm genera in which the author of a genus (originally containing several species) has definitely determined a type by original designation, namely : AnoplostomaBueischYi, 1874b (viviparum) . Bunostomum Railliet, 1902 (trigonocepha- lum). Desmodora de Man, 1889 (communis). Euchromadora de Man, 1886 (vulgaris). Gongylonema Molin, 1857 (minimum). Heterakis Dujardin, 1845a (vesicularis) . Leptosomatum Bastian, 1865 (elongatum). Monoposthia de Man, 1889 (costoto). Neoechinorhynchus Hamann, 1905 (davse- ceps). Stenolaimus Marion, 1870 (lepturus). In connection with the genera whose types were determined by orig- inal designation, it may be well to note the following hypothetical case as example of instances which are not uncommon: X-us, 1890, with the species albus, 1890, type by original designation. Let us assume that Dr. A, in 1895, suppresses X-us as a synonym of Y-us, 1885, type niger. If later Dr. B, in 1900, separates X. albus generically from Y. niger, reinstituting the genus X-m, albus must of course remain the type of X-us. This ruling is in accord with various codes, and appears to have been first formulated in the B. A. Code (see above, p. 14). Other cases, slightly more complicated, will be referred to under another section. 4. TYPE BY ORIGINAL IMPLICATION THROUGH USE OF THE SPECIFIC NAME typicus OR typus. RULE. If in the original publication of a genus, typicus or typus is used as a new specific name for one of the species, such use shall be construed as " type by original designation." The canon here formulated agrees, so far as we have been able to discover, with the customs adopted by systematists both in zoology and botany. Its adoption will probably meet with general approval. 32 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. The following cases of this kind occur among nematode genera: NEMATODE GENERA WITH TYPE DETERMINED BY USE OF SPECIFIC NAME typlCUS. Allodapa Diesing, 1861 (typica=allodapa) ; also monotypical; also type by absolute tautonymy. Conocephalus Diesing, 1861 (typicus); also monotypical. Dipeltis Cobb, 1891 (typicus); also type by original intention of the author (personal letter). Tylolaimophorus de Man, 1880; also monotypical. Incidentally it may be noticed that Allodapa, Conocephalus, and Tylolaimophorus are monotypical, 1 hence no other species could be taken as types of these genera; further, typicaallodapa would be type by absolute tautonymy. Dipeltis represents an interesting case; it contained minor, new species, which would be type if "page precedence" were adopted blindly; cirrhatus which is type of Dlscophora, 1875 (monotypical, and homonym [1836]); and typicus construed as type by original designation. In this case, accordingly, the last not the first species is type. There is a further justification (if such were considered necessary) for selecting typicus as type of Dipeltis. Suppose cirrhatus were taken as type by inclusion; we should then have a species of Dipeltis (which should be used instead of Discophora, 1875, preoccupied in 1836) with the name typicus yet not type of the genus, and this might lead to later confusion. The same would apply if minor were selected on the basis of page precedence. It can not be said that this method of indicating a tj r pe (by naming a species typicus) is free from criticism, since it is likely to give rise to confusion in future changes of classification. Thus, Conocephalus typicus, 1861, has been placed in the genus Ascaris and is now Ascaris typica, yet it is not the type of the genus Ascaris, 1758. Although, according to the Law of Priority, the name typicus must hold (other things being equal) for the many species for which it has been proposed, it will be well to avoid its use for. new species in the future. Hence the RECOMMENDATION. It is well to avoid the introduction of the names typicus or typus as new names for species or subspecies, since such names are always liable to result in later confusion. For the specific n&mescommunis, medicinalis, officinalis, andvulgaris, see p. 64. 5. TYPE BY ABSOLUTE TAUTONYMY. RULE. If a genus, without designated type, contains among its original species one possessing the generic name as its specific or snbspeciflc name, either as valid name or synonym, that species or subspecies becomes ipso facto type of the genus. Thus, let the genus X-us, 1890, without designated type, contain the species alines, niger, and x-us. The species x-us becomes type of X-us by absolute tautonymy. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 33 There seem to be few principles in nomenclature which are inher- ently more sensible than this one. Further, this canon corresponds with the historic development of not an inconsiderable number of generic names. Many groups originally recognized as of specific value by earlier authors have been elevated to generic rank and the original specific name has been taken as the generic name. Mephitis mephitis, Putorius putorius, and Trutta trutta, represent familiar examples. Among the trematodes, ffeterophyes heterophyes, is known. In these combinations, the words putorius, trutta, and heterophyes, in addition to being specific names, practically mean Putorius par excellence, Trutta par excellence, Heterophyes par excellence, which expressions carry with them the idea of " type species." As other cases of this kind may be mentioned: Anhinga anhinga, Bison bison, Buteo buteo, Cardinalis cardinalis, Coturnix coturnix, Crex crex, Glis glis, Gulo gulo, Histrionicus hwtrionicus, Lutra lutra, Meles meles, etc. Many earlier authors were opposed to tautonymic names, and on this account a new specific name was introduced when an old specific name was raised to generic rank. Thus, Cobbold was evidently influ- enced by this opposition, enunciated in the Stricklandian Code, when he changed the name Distoma heterophyes to ffeterophyes segyptiaca. Diesing, wishing to recognize a distinct genus for Oxyuris allodapa, was evidently influenced by the same view when he named the genus Allodapa, adopting typica as specific name. While- Oobbold was opposed to tautonymy, he did not follow the rule of the Stricklandian Code as to the manner in which tautonymy should be avoided. In later years, tautonymy is admitted as permissible, and some authors, in fact, deliberately proposed tautonymic combinations. It certainly has its advantages. Personally we strongly favor the inten- tional formation of tautonyms, as such combinations aid in recalling the type species. It seems that the principle of type by tautonymy must have been in the minds of the framers of the B. A. Code when they wrote: "A specific name, or its synonyms, will also often serve to point out the particular species which by implication must be regarded as the orig- inal type of the genus." It was definitely formulated in the German and English recommendations of the Committee's report on the Inter- national Code (see above, pp. 15, 23). It has also been formally adopted by a number of prominent systematists (see Science, N. Y., n. s., v. 16, 114r-115, July 18, 1902), particularly in vertebrate zoology. We unre- servedly declare in favor of its consistent adoption. 6328 No. 7905 3 34 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. CASES OF TYPE BY ABSOLUTE TAUTONYMY. The following cases, mentioned in this paper, may be taken as examples of "type by absolute tautonymy:" Allodapa Diesing, 1861 (typica Diesing, 1861 = allodapa Creplin, 1853, renamed); also _ monotypical ; also type by use of name typicus. Angiosloma Dujardin, 1845a (limacis, 1845 = angiostoma, 1866); also type by designa- tion of Schneider, 1866, 148. Anguillula Mueller, 1786 (glutinis, 1783 = anguillula, 1773, renamed = redivivum, 1758, renamed); Bastian, 1865c, 110, has designated A. aceti as type of Anguillula; see special discussion 'below, p. 34. Anthuris Rudolphi, 1819 (anthuris); see special discussion, p. 48. Capsularia Zeder, 1800 (safaris, 1790, renamed capsularia, 1802; halecis, 1790, renamed capsularia, 1802; page precedence calls for Solaris = capsularia) . Chaos Linnaeus, 1767 (chaos, 1758=prottieus, 1767). Cystidicola Fischer, 1798 (farionis, 1798 = cystidicola, 1801); also monotypical. Of the special nematode cases cited above, no author can possibly object to the ruling on Allodapa and Cystidicola, since allodapa is type also because of use of the word typica and since Allodapa and Cystidicola are monotypical. Doubts may, however, arise in the minds of some authors as to Angiostoma, Anguillula, Capsularia, and Chaos; hence a discussion of these cases seems advisable. CASE OF Angiostoma DUJARDIN, 1845. Angiostoma was proposed with two species, entomelas and limacis. Schneider (1866, 157) referred limacis to Leptodera as L. angiostoma, thus giving an implied case of absolute tautonymy, on basis of which we should rule that limacis is type of Angiostoma. Schneider (1866, 148) also appears to have designated limacis as type of Angiostoma, for he says: " * * * zwei von Dujardin zuerst beschriebene Species, deren jede bei ihm zugleich eine Gattung vertritt, * * *, Leptodera flexilis und Angiostoma limacis * *." Accordingly, limacis would seem to be type by Schneider's designation as well as by absolute tautonymy. CASE OF Anguillula MUELLER, 1786. The case of Anguillula is somewhat complicated. The name Vibrio anguillula was proposed by Mueller, 1773, to contain certain worms found "in glutine farinoso et alibi vulgarissimum." Later anguillula was divided, was discarded as a specific name, and reintroduced as a generic name; anguillula thus being raised to generic rank, Anguillula, the species anguillula becomes type by absolute tautonymy of the generic name Anguillula. The history of the species anguillula is, therefore, the important factor in determining the present (restricted) form which should serve as type. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 35 Mueller, 1T73, included Chaos redivivum Linnaeus, 1767, 1326 (which was proposed for certain worms "in aceto et glutine biblio- pegorum"), in the synonymy of Vibrio anguillula; hence anguillula, 1773, equals redivivum, 1767, renamed, and was therefore not justi- fied; accordingly the form to which anguillula, 1773, becomes confined should take redivivum as its specific name, and anguillula should fall into synonymy. In 1774, Goeze advanced the view that the vinegar eel (aceti, 1783) was distinct from the Kleister eel (gluiinis, 1783), but he does not appear to have named the species. Mueller (1776, 281) indicated con- currence in Goeze's view, and later (1783, 161-163) recognized four species, namely: Vibrio fluvialis (the "Anguille vulgaire" of Rozier, 1775); V. aceti (the "anguille du vinaigre" = vinegar eel); V. glutinis (the "Kleisteraek-hen," to which Mueller now confined Chaos redivivum Linnaeus, 1767 = Vibrio anguillula Mueller, 1773 [see above]); and V. marinus. From the facts as thus far given it is clear that glutinis, 1783, is the lineal descendant of anguillula, 1773, seu redivivum, 1767. The next work of importance is Mueller, 1786, 63 (Animalcula Infusoria), which is not accessible to us. According to Gmelin (1790a, 3900-3901) and Sherborn (1902, 1077), Anguillula was proposed by Mueller, 1786, 63, Avith four species, namely: Anguillula "0. F. Mueller, 1786, 63." aceti (Mueller, 1783) Mueller, 1786, 63 \_( = Chaos redivivum Linnaeus, 1767, 1326, in part) = ( Vibrio anguillufa Mueller, 1773, 41, in part) = Vibrio aceti Mueller, 1783; to Gordius by Oken, 1815, 191; to Rhabditis by Dujardin, 1845; to Anguillula by Diesing, 1851; type of Anguillula by Bastian, 1865c, 110]. fluviatilis Mueller, 1786, 65 [= Vibrio fluvialis Mueller, 1783, 161]. glutinis (Mueller, 1783) Mueller, 1786, 64 [= Vibrio anguillula Mueller, 1773, 41, renamed = Chaos rediiivum Linnaeus, 1767, renamed (the latter definitely confined to glutinis by Mueller, 1783, 162) = Vibrio glutinis Mueller, 1783, 162; to Gordius by Oken, 1815, 191; to Rhabditis by Dujardin, 1845]. marina (Mueller, 1783) Mueller, 1786, 163 [= Vibrio marinus Mueller, 1783, 163; as type of Enchelidium\yy Ehrenberg, 1836. See also under Enchelidium and Pontonema in Bastian, 1865c, 140, 174]. In Anguillula Mueller, 1786, there is a species glutinis, 1783, with anguillula, 1773, as synonym, hence (see above) anguillula, 1773, is type by tautonymy of Anguillula, 1786; but as anguillula, 1773, equals redivivum, 1767, renamed, this latter name, in its emended sense namely, as equal to glutinis, 1783 should stand as type species of Anguillula, 1786. The correct name for the " Kleisterselchen " is thus seen to be Anguillula rediviva (Linnaeus, 1767) Stiles & Hassall, 1905. 36 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Later authors have overlooked the fact that Mueller's own writings definitely fixed the type of Anguillula, as will be seen from the fol- lowing complications which have arisen: Oken (1815) transferred aceti and glutinis to Gordius, leaving fluviatilis and marina as the remaining original species of Anguillula, and since marina is type of Enchelidium, 1836, jluviatilis, 1786 (equals fluvialis, 1783), ought to have been taken as type (by elimination) of Anguillula by any author who overlooked the facts given above rela- tive to glutinis. In 1828, Hemprich & Ehrenberg proposed Anguillula as a new genus, to contain the following species: Anguillula Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828, Phytozoa entozoa, not paged, as new genus, containing 5 species: fluviatilis (Mueller, 1786) Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828, pi. 2, figs. 8, 13. $ 9 Includes Vibrio fluiialis Mueller, 1783. inftexa Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828, pi. 1, fig. 12. Includes Vibrio niloticus. coluber (Mueller, 1786) Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828. Sexes not given. Includes Vibrio coluber Mueller. recticauda Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828. Sexes not given. dongalana Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828, pi. 1, fig. 13. Later, in discussing Vibrio, Ehrenberg (1838a, 82-83) gave the fol- lowing species of Vibrio as members of the genus Anguillula: Anguillula aceti, including Vibrio aceti. A . glutinis, including Vibrio glutinis; V. ministerialis given as possible synonym. A. fluviatilis, including Vibrio anguillula, V. fluiialis, and V. lacustris. Vibrio agrostris Steinbuch. V. dongalanus. V. tritici Steinbuch. Dujardin (1845a, 239) pointed out that Anguillula Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a, differed in material characters from aceti and glutinis. He preserved Enclielidium Ehrenberg, 1836, for Anguillula marina; he also retained Anguillula for the five species mentioned by Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a; and he proposed RhaMitis to contain R. terricola (designated type by Bastian), R. aceti ( Vibrio aceti), R. tritici, all of which he examined, and R. glutinis ( Vibrio glutinis equals Anguillula rediviva [type of Anguillula, 1786]), which he does not state that he had examined, and which he was not aware was a type. Thus, from our point of view, Dujardin used Anguillula in an incorrect sense, namely, not in accordance with Mueller's writings. Further, his Rhabditis, 1845, contained the type (glutinis) of an earlier genus, and under ordinary circumstances this would be "type by inclu- sion" for Rhabditis; but under the circumstances it is perhaps best to accept Bastian's interpretation that terricola is type of Rhabditis. (See p. 45.) DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 37 Diesing (1851a) returned aceti, glutinis, and tritici [as graminearum} to Anguillula, while he placed terricola in Angiostomum, thus elim- inating all of the species from Rhabditis which Dujardin had placed in this genus. Bastian (1865c, 110) definitely designated aceti&s type of Anguillula " since this appears to have been so regarded by Ehrenberg." Bas- tian's reasoning in this case meets with the serious objection, however, that aceti was not one of the original species of Anguillula new genus Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828; hence, that it could not under any cir- cumstances be type of " Anguillula Ehrenberg." Bastian further includes in "Anguillula Ehrenberg" A. glutinis (which he was unable to examine); also A. fluviatilis, which he looks upon as an "altogether doubtful animal," which "may perhaps belong to the genus Plectm;" and several other species. According to Minot, "the true name of the vinegar eel is Leptodera oxyphila, but most authors still call them Anguillula aceti. The same worm apparently appears in fermenting starch paste, although the starch worm has received a different specific name, L. glMtinis" Authors differ in opinion regarding the identity of aceti and gluti- nis. If they are specifically identical, then our interpretation of glutinis as type of Anguillula, 1786, amounts to practically the same (from a systematic point of view) as Bastian's interpretation that aceti is type of " Anguillula Ehrenberg," although he and we have argued upon different premises; if aceti and glutinis are not specifically iden- tical, but are so closely allied that authors are in doubt as to their exact status, then they will probably be at least congeneric, and our interpretation that glutinis is type of Anguillula, 1786, will not materially alter the present classification so far as these two species are concerned. CASE OF Capsularia ZEDER, 1800. Capsularia is a much less complicated case. It was proposed with two species Solaris and halecis. In 1802, Rudolphi renamed both of these species capsularia, placing the first in Ascaris, the second in Filaria. The choice is therefore open to select either as type of Cap- sularia, and on basis of page precedence, Solaris may be taken as type. This also agrees with elimination, as halecis was afterward (1824) placed (in part) in Filocapsularia communis. It may be noted that in the case of Anguillula the specific name existed before the generic name was used; in fact, the species was raised to generic rank. In Capsularia and Angiostoma the generic names were later reduced to specific rank. Cystidicola also represents a case in which the generic name was later reduced to specific rank. 38 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. CASE OF Chaos LINNAEUS, 1767. Volvox chaos Linnaeus (1758a, 821; 1760, 821) was based directly upon Roesel's (1755) Der kleine Proteus (Insecten-Belustigung, Niirn- berg, v. 3, 622-624, pi. 101, figs. A-T), with the diagnosis "V[olvox\ polymorpho-mutabilis. Habitat in aquis dulcibus. Forma propria destitutus omnes anomalas assumens et citissime immutans, Proteo incostantior." In 1767, chaos was raised to generic rank, as follows: Chaos Linmeus, 1767, 1326, with five species: redivivum Linnaeus, 1767, renamed Vibrio anguillula, 1773, confined to Anguil- lula glutinis, 1783 = type of Anguillula, 1786. protheus Linnaeus, 1767 (Volvox chaos, 1758, renamed, and specifically based upon RoesePs, 1755, Der kleine Proteus, pi. 101, figs. A-T, and Lederm., micr., 88, f. 48; with the diagnosis "C[haos] gelatinosum polyrnorphomu- tabile. Habitat in aquis dulcibus. Figura propria determinataque nulla, assumens citatissime figuras millenas anomalas " = type of Amiba, 1822. fungorum Linnseus, 1767. ustilago Linnaeus, 1767. infusorium Linnaeus, 1767. It is clear that the original specific name chaos, 1758, was raised to generic rank, Chaos, 1767, and the new Linnaean specific name pro- theus, 1767 ( = proteus Pallas, 1766), introduced. Here we have a clear case of type by absolute tautonymy, the correct name being Chaos chaos [!]. Amiba Bory, 1822a (later changed to Amoeba Ehrenberg, 1830a, and still later changed to Ameba], was proposed with the same species (= Chaos chaos] as type: "Le type du genre est le Protee de Mueller, que ce savant forma d'un animalcule decouvert par Roesel." In a recent discussion on nomenclature one author has referred to the possibility of reviving the generic name Chaos, and from the con- text of his article it would appear that he would not approve of such a course upon the premises then known to him. The premises as given in the foregoing, however, were probably unknown to him. This generic name is here unhesitatingly revived, both as generic and specific. It has as clear a standing in nomenclature as has an} 7 name ever used by Linnseus; it was based upon the same species as Amiba, Amoeba, or Ameba, and no one who does not object to Amiba, Amoeba, or Ameba can logically object to Chaos as generic name; no one who does not object to proteus or prothem can logically object to chaos as specific name. A storm of objection because of this action can easily be foreseen, but there need be no fear for the ultimate adoption of Chaos cfwos. This case will afford excellent material for sarcastic criticism on the part of authors who disapprove of consistency in nomenclatural matters. If an} 7 author objects on principle to type by absolute tautonymy, he might interpret Chaos in either of two other ways: DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 39 First, he might rule by page precedence that redivwum is the type. In this instance he would have to take Chaos, 1767, into consideration as competitive with Anguillula, 1786; or Second, he might rule by elimination that since redivivum has been transferred to Anguillula and since protJieus = chaos is type of Amiba, the type of Chaos should be selected from fungorum, ustilago, and infusorium. See, however, the Linnsean rule, p. 64. 6. TYPE BY VIRTUAL TAUTONYMY. RECOMMENDATION. If a genus, without designated type, contains among its original species one possessing as specific or subspeciflc name, either as valid name or synonym, a name which is virtually the same as the generic name, or of the same origin or same meaning, preference should be shown to that species in designating the type, unless such preference is strongly con- traindicated by other factors. Under type by absolute tautonymy are here classified such cases in which the generic and specific names are literatim identical. Under type by virtual tautonymy are here included those cases in which the specific name is taken as basis for the generic name, or vice versa. It must be admitted that the latter cases are not always entirely free from individual interpretation, but the following cases mentioned in this paper seem to admit of no doubt: Capillaria Zeder, 1800; capillaris Rudolphi, 1809. Trichuris Roederer & Wagler, 1761; trichiura Linnaeus, 1771; also monotypical. Viscosia de Man, 1890; viscosus Bastian, 1865 [de Man has written us that he based the name Viscosia upon the name viscosus and that the latter should be taken as type of the former]. Next comes a class of cases in regard to which it seems to us equally clear what should be done, but opinion will doubtless differ among various authors. Reference is made to cases in which two different words with identical or practically identical meaning are used as generic and specific names. Such cases are often the result of a dislike on the part of many authors to the use of tautonymic combinations. Two instances of this class occur in the present paper. Echinocephalus Molin, 1858; uncinatus Molin, 1858; also type because it is the only original valid species, see p. 29. Heterochdlus Diesing, 1839; heterolobus Diesing, 1838tunicatus Diesing, 1839; also monotypical. As there are other grounds besides virtual tautonymy for selecting uncinatus&nd heterolobus as types of J&hmocephalusand Ileteroeheilus, respectively, no author can vaiidly object to using virtual tautonymy as additional reason for such selection. As other instances of what are considered type by virtual tautonymy, may be mentioned: Bos taurus, Sphserostoma globiporum, Copra hircus, Equus cahallus, Ovis aries, .Scomber scombrus, Sus scrofa, or Sus porous. 40 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. " Type by absolute tautonymy" we accept as a rigid rule; "type by virtual tautonymy " we accept at present as a recommendation, to be followed unless strongly contraindicated. As instances in which "type by virtual tautonymy" seems to be strongly contraindicated, the following may be mentioned: Dipetalonema Diesing, 1861a. This generic name is clearly based upon the specific name Filaria dipetala Molin, 1858. Of this species, however, only the male was known, and unfortunately only a single specimen. Dicheilonema Diesing, 1861a, equals subsection Dicheilostomi, 1851, represents another case in which type by virtual tautonymy (bilabiate) is contraindicated, because of lack of details concerning this species. Dacnitis Dujardin, 1845a, seems open to doubt. The species esuriens might be interpreted as a case of virtual tautonymy, but the genus included Pleurorhynchus, 1786, and Dujardin knew that he was pro- posing a new name for a group for which he was aware that an older generic name was, from his point of view, available. Unless it is interpreted that esuriens represents an indication of t} T pe (see Dujar- din, 1845a, 268, 270) by virtual tautonymy, it would be our view that sphderocephala is type by inclusion. 7. TYPES OF RENAMED GENERA. RULE. In case a generic name, without designated type, is proposed as a substitute for another generic name, with or without type, the type of either when established becomes ipso facto type of the other. It occasionally occurs that an author uses two names for the same genus in the same paper. One of these may be used in the list of genera, the other in the list of species. In some cases it is evident that, for one cause or another, he intentionally introduced a second name; in others it is only evident that the two names are used in identically the same sense. No objection seems possible in these cases to interpreting the genera as representing identical groups, and as they are absolute synonyms, they should take the same t} r pe. As cases of this kind, mentioned in this paper, the following may be cited: Anthuris Rudolphi, 1819a, and Spiroptera Rudolphi, 1819a. Enoplus Dujardin, 1845a, 230, 233, 653, and Tricontus Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. Hserucula Pallas, 1760, 1768, and Tieniola Pallas, 1760, 1768. Laphyctes Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653, and Rictularia Froelich, 1802, see Dujardin, 1845a, 280, 653. Leptoderes Dujardin, 1845a, 2, 653, and Leptodera Dujardin, 1845a, 108, 653. Rhabditis Dujardin, 1845a, 239, 653, and Tribactw Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. Schizocheilonerna Diesing, 1861a, 621, 710, and Tricheilonema Diesing, 1861a, 710. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 41 In some instances an author has published a genus and has repub- lished it under another name in the same or in a later paper, with or without additional species; for example: Arynchus Shipley, 1896 [not Dejean, 1834], renamed Apororhynchus Shipley, 1899. Asconema Leuckart, 1886, renamed Atractonema Leuckart, 1887, because of Askonema Kent, 1870. Cephalonema Cobb, 1893 [not Stimps., ante 1882], renamed Nanonema Cobb, 1905. Ctenocephalus Linstow, 1904 [not Kol., 1857], renamed Tetradenos Linstow, 1904. Cystocephalus Eailliet, 1895 [not Le"ger, 1892], renamed Characostomum Railliet, 1902. Fimbria Cobb, 1894 [not Bohadsch, 1761], renamed Fimbrilla Cobb, 1905. Hoplocephalns Linstow, 1898 [not Cuvier, 1829], renamed Echinonema Linstow, 1898. Lobocephalus Diesing, 1838, renamed Heterocheilus Diesing, 1839. Neorhynchus Hamann, 1892 [not Sclater, 1869], renamed Neoechinorhynchus Hamann, 1905. Pelodytes Schneider, 1860 [not Fitz., ante 1846], renamed Pelodera Schneider, 1866. Pseudonymm Diesing, 1857, renamed Ptychocephalus Diesing, 1861. Triodontus Loose, 1900 [not Westwood, 1845], renamed Triodontopharus Looss, 1902. Tropisurus Diesing, 1835, renamed Tropidocerca Diesing, 1851. The question as to whether the author placed additional species in the genus in the second paper might influence some systematists in judging the case, though it is difficult to see how this factor comes into consideration. In still other cases it is not the original author but a later writer who has intentionally renamed the genus, as Acuaria Bremser, 1811, renamed Anthuris and Spiroptera Rudolphi, 1819. Ascaris Linnaeus, 1758, renamed Fusaria Zeder, 1800. Capillaria Zeder, 1800, renamed Trichosoma Rudolphi, 1819. Ctenocephalus Linstow, 1904, renamed Tanqua R. Blanchard, 1904. Cyathostomum Molin, 1861, renamed Cylichnostomum Looss, 1902. Dioclophyme Collet-Meygret, 1802, renamed Eustrongylus Diesing, 1851. Globocephalus Molin, 1861, renamed Cystocephalus Railliet, 1895. Gnathostoma Owen, 1836, renamed Cheiracanthus Diesing, 1838, 1839. Hamularia Treutler, 1793, renamed Tentacularia Zeder, 1800. He'erodera Schmidt, 1871, renamed Heterobotbus Railliet, 1896. Rhabdonema Leuckart, 1883, renamed Rhabdias Stiles & Hassall, 1905. Spironoura Leidy, 1856, renamed Spirura Diesing, 1861. Trichina Owen, 1835, renamed Trichinella Railliet, 1895. Trichodes Linstow, 1874, renamed Trichosomoides Railliet, 1895. Trichuris Roederer & Wagler, 1761, renamed Trichocephalos Goeze, 1782, Tricho- cephalus Schrank, 1788, and Mastigodes Zeder, 1800. Tropisurus Diesing, 1835, renamed Tetrameres Creplin, 1846. All of the cases cited under renamed genera, together with certain other cases, may be interpreted under the head of type by inclusion. 42 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. 8. TYPE BY INCLUSION. RULE. If an author proposes a genus, without designating a type, and includes among the original species [i. <.. the valid species from his stand- point] the determined type of an earlier genus, such type becomes ipso facto the type of the new genus. Thus, let X-us, 1890, proposed without designation of a type, include the following species: albus, 1890, new species. niger, 1885, type of Y-us, 1885; type of X-us by inclusion. In discussing this proposition with s} r stematists, we find a wide differ- ence of opinion. Some workers consider it altogether too extreme; others consider it inherently just. The general idea of type by inclusion seems to have been first sug- gested but not distinctly formulated in the Stricklandian Code (see above p. 14 " for if the later includes the type of the earlier genus, it would be canceled by the operation of 4"). The cases which come under consideration in this connection natu- rall} 7 fall into several groups. In regard to the cases first to be mentioned the types are or may be definite^ determined .by other principles as well as by inclusion : Characostomum Railliet, 1902, 109; monotypical, and mucronatum is in addition type by original designation; Characostomurn= Globocephalus ( inonotypical ; mucro- natum) and Cystocephalus (monotypical; mucronatum) renamed. Thus, Char- acostomum contains the type of two earlier monotypical names, and it is itself monotypical and in addition has its type determined by original designation. Cylichnostomum Looss, 1902, 86; typetetracanthum; Cylichnostomum is a new name pro- posed for Cyathostomum, which is monotypical (tetracanthus) . Cystocephalus Railliet, 1895; type longemucronatus; also monotypical and equals a monotypical genus, Globocephalus, renamed. Echinonema Linstow, 1898; type cinctum; monotypical and equals a monotypical genus, Hoplocephalus, renamed. Fimbrilla Cobb, 1905; monotypical and is proposed as new name for Fimbria, which is also monotypical. . Heterocheilus Diesing, 1839; type tunicatus=heterolobus; monotypical and equals a monotypical genus, Lobocephalus, renamed; also type by virtual tautonymy. Laphyctes Dujardin, 1845a; type cristata; monotypical and equals a monotypical genus, Rictularia, renamed. Lepturis Schlotthauber, 1860; type currula; monotypical; the only species is type of an earlier monotypical genus, Oxyuris. Mastigodes Zeder, 1800; type hominis = trichiura; Mastigodes was distinctly proposed as new name for an earlier, inonotypical genus, Trichuri*. Pelodera Schneider, 1866; type strongyloides; Pelodera equals the monotypical genus Pelodytes Schneider, 1860 [not Fitz., ante 1846], renamed; strongyloldes would be type by page precedence also. Pseudorhabditis Perroncito, 1881; type stercoralis; monotypical, the only species being type of an earlier monotypical genus, Strongyloides, 1879. Ptychocephalus Diesing, 1861; type spirotheca; monotypical; also equals an earlier monotypical genus, Pseudonymus, 1851, renamed. Tanqua R. Blanchard, 1904; monotypical; also equals an earlier monotypical genus renamed. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 43 Tentacularia Zeder, 1800; type subcompressa, 1803 = lymphatica, 1793, renamed; Ten- tacularia was given as a new name for the monotypical genus Hamularia, 1793; in 1803, Zeder added a second species; subcompressa wonld also be type if page precedence were followed. Tetrameres Creplin, 1846 = the monotypical genus Tropisurus Diesing, 1835, renamed. Tnchinella Railliet, 1895; type spiralis; monotypical and further equals a mono- typical genus Trichina, 1835 [not 1830], renamed. Trichocephalos Goeze, 1782; type trichiura; Trichocephalos is an earlier monotypical genus Trichuris, 1761, renamed; the whipworm of man would also be type by page precedence. Trichosomoides Railliet, 1895; type crassicauda; this is a new name for the mono- typical genus Trichodes, 1874 [not 1782]. Tropidocerca Diesing, 1851; type paradoxa; this is a new name for the monotypical Tropisurus, 1835 [not 1824], and Tetrameres, 1846; and is itself monotypical. Slightly more complicated cases may next be given: Cochins Zeder, 1803, is a new name which Zeder proposed for Gcezia, 1800, because Rudolphi objected to naming worms after men. It is clear, therefore, that Cochins, 1803, equals Gcezia deliberately renamed, hence the type of Goezia should be taken as the type of Cochins. Neither genus is monotypical, nor was a type originally designated. In 1800, Zeder mentioned two species: [Cucullanus ascaroides Goeze, 1782] examined by Zeder. Rudolphi 1801, 57, named it Goezia armata. Goezia inermis Zeder, 1800, examined by Zeder. Rudolphi, 1801, transferred this species to Liorhynchus; Zeder, 1803, transferred it back to Cochins. If page precedence were followed, armata would be type of Gcezia; and if elimination were followed strictly, armata would be type by elimination in 1801. Zeder, 1800a, 98, says: " Da nun der Goeze'sche Rundwurm [armata] aus dem Welse mit mebreren Eingeweidewiir- mern von verschiedenen Gattungen verwandt zu sehrj scheint, ohne jedoch die karakteristischen Kennzeichen einer Gattung ganz zu tra- gen; so nahm ich um so weniger Anstand ihn in einer eigenen Gat- tung aufzustellen, indem mein verehrungswiirdiger Lehrer Herr Prof. Schrank [1788, 98] schon lange hiezu Winke gegeben hat. Und .diesen Schritt rechtfertigt gewiss eine Entdeckung, welche ich im vorigen Jahre gemacht habe." From this quotation it seems clear that it was armata which came into prime consideration in establishing Go&zia, and since, further, such an interpretation agrees with page priority, and in 1801 with elimina- tion, we construe armata as type of Goezia; since, now, Cochlus is simply a new generic name for Goezia we construe the same species as type of Cochlus. Nemato'xys Schneider, 1866, contained the same two species (and no other) which were the two and only original species of the genus Cos- mocerca^.'LSQl. No valid objection can therefore arise to the ruling that Nematoxys, 1866, is identical with Cosmacerca, 1861. In both cases, if page precedence were followed, ornata would be type. As Diesing, 1861a, gave commutata as species inquirenda, it would appear that ornata should be taken as type of Cosmocerca. Having now two 44 . BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. identical genera, one of which has a natural type, we see no possible objection to ruling that ornata is type of Nematoxys by inclusion. For the possibility of designating commutata as type, see under Sclerostoma, page 44. Sclerostoma Rudolphi, 1809, was a subdivision of Strongylus, containing two species of Strongylus, namely: equinus, which is type of the monotypical genus Strongylus, and, if page pre- cedence were followed, type of Sclerostoma. dentatus, which was transferred to (Esophagostomum by Molin, 1861, where it has since remained and of which we have in this paper designated it as type. According to the present status, equinus might be type of toma either by page precedence or by elimination, and the principle of type by inclusion gives the same result. In the case of Nematoxys, cited above, some authors might be inclined to argue that since ornata is type of Cosmocerca, commutata should be taken as type of Nematoxys. If this same argument were applied to Sclerostoma, and dentatus made its type, then the present (Esophagos- tomum would have to be revised, since (E. dentatum would be type of an earlier genus. It is thus seen that the principle of type by inclu- sion settles the case in a less complicated manner. Spirura Diesing, 1861a, contains all of the original species (and no other) of Spironoura; it is distinctly a deliberate renaming of Spiro- noura, and the two genera being absolutely identical it can work no hardship to rule that whatever type is selected for Spironoura should also serve as type of Spirura. If page precedence were followed, gracile would be type in both cases. If Spirura is interpreted as an emendation of Spironoura, no question can arise against selecting the same species as type of both genera. We now come to several still more complicated cases: Cheiracanthus Diesing, 1838, 1839, contained two species: robustus Diesing, for which Diesing gave Gnathostoma hispidum as probable syn- onym ( Gnathostoma is monotypical ) . gracilis Diesing. In this case Diesing knew that he was renaming an earlier mono- typical genus; considering robustus and hispidwm as probably identical specifically, he had no grounds for considering that Cheiracanthus was not congeneric with Gnathostoma. Page precedence, if followed, would make robustus type of Cheiracanthus. To rule that robustus is type by inclusion seems more satisfactory, since it sets a stamp of dis- approval upon such unjustified renaming of preexisting genera. Dochmius Dujardin, 184:5a, represents a case somewhat similar to Dispharagus. Dujardin was well aware of the existence of Uhcinaria, 1789, with two species, metis and vulpis, both of which he included in Dochmius. Dujardin's proposition of a new name was therefore a deliberate renaming of an earlier genus. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 45 It can hardly be advanced against this view that Dujardin's Doch- mius is essentially different from Uncinaria. Aside from crinifortnis [melis as synonym] and trigonocephalus [vulpis as synonym] of Du jar- din, he included in this genus D. ursi which he gave as doubtfully dis- tinct species, and as possibly identical with his trigonocephalus/ cras- sus, of which he examined only the female; and tuo&formis Zeder, for which he gave a description based upon his own study, but not contain- ing any striking characters which would lead us to assume that it was because of this species that he rejected the name Uncinaria. It was because of the inclusion of metis and vulpis in Dochmius that in 1899 (p. 164) we took vulpis as "type by inclusion" for Dochmius. For our reaspns for taking vulpis as type of Uncinaria, see page 54. Fissula Lamarck, 1801, 339, contained two species, namely, intesti- nalis (Bloch) and cystidicola; cystidicola (farionis) was the type of an earlier monotypical genus. Helicothrix Osman Galeb, 1878b, was proposed with four species: spirotheca, upon which two monotypical generic names (Pseudonymus, 1857, and Ptychocephalus, 1861) had already been based; hydrophili; hydroi; and hydrobii. Ophiostoma Rudolphi, 1801, was proposed with the species phocse, globicola, rajse, and farionis (Cystidicola} as positive and with bifida as probable member of the genus. In the same paper, Rudolphi (p. 62) declared in favor of priority in selecting generic names, but (p. 64) objected to names like Cystidicola based upon the habitat. Ophios- toma, accordingly, appears to be a clear case of renaming the earlier genus, hence should take the same type as the older genus. Later (1809, 124) Rudolphi considers rajas and globicola species dubiae and unites (p. 119) phocse, and bifida under the name dispar, retaining cystidicola as valid species. If now objection is raised to making cystidicola "type by inclusion" of Ophiostoma, the only other ruling would be to select phocse, (female dispar in Rudolphi, 1809, 119). From the data stated, a ruling on the principle of tj T pe by inclusion seems to be the best method of proceeding. Ehabditis Dujardin, 1845a, 239, was proposed with four species: ter- ricola, aceti, tritici, and glutinis (type of Anguillula, 1786). From these species (see p. 134) it is seen that if page precedence were fol- lowed, terricola would be type of JRhabditis, and this ruling would agree with the action taken by Bastian, 1865c, who retained in Ehab- ditis only this one of Dujardin's original species; it would also agree with Railliet, 1893a. Diesing, 1851a, the first reviser after Dujardin, eliminated all of Dujardin's original species to other genera, thus totally suppressing Rhabditis. Gervais & van Beneden, 1859b, the next authors we have examined, mention by name only aceti as member of Ehabditis, transferring tritici to Anguillulina. If the principle of the "first reviser" after Diesing were followed, it would be questionable in the minds of some authors whether aceti could be designated as type 46 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. on basis of this publication, as it seems clear that the authors admitted other species to the genus. Bastian, 1865c, clearly took terricola as type of Rhabditis, as he eliminated aceti and glutinis to Anguillula and tritici to Tylenchus, and he further speaks of "the typical Rhab- ditis terricola" which probably refers to terricola as type. Schneider (1866,148) rejected the name Rhabditis on the ground that its rela- tions to Pelodera and Leptodera were so complicated. His P. teres is interpreted by Railliet as synonymous with R. terricola; he elimi- nated aceti and glutinis to Leptodera and tritici to Anguillula. Thus, if we try to settle the type of Rhabditis on the principle of elimination, the citation of Gervais & van Beneden might be inter- preted as a designation of aceti as type, yet this interpretation is by no means free from objection. The exclusion of tritici from further consideration as type, on basis of Gervais & van Beneden, would also be open to question in the minds of some authors. If we adopt unre- servedly the principle of type by later designation, as at present provided for by the International Code, Bastian's action of 1865 would settle the point that terricola is the type of Rhabditis; and as stated above, this ruling would agree with the ruling by page precedence. Rhabditis is thus seen to be the first case in this discussion in connec- tion with which the principle of " type by inclusion " is seriously con- traindicated by existing rules; had Bastian not designated terricola as type, we would now designate glutinis as such on the ground of type by inclusion, but in view of Bastian's designation, type by inclusion is perhaps not admissible in this case. See axiom 2, p. 24. Trichosoma Rudolphi, 1819a, 13, was deliberately proposed as a new name for Capillaria, 1800, and included both of the original species of Capillaria', both of these species have been retained in Trichosoma by Dujardin (1845a), Diesing (1851a, 1861a), and Stossich (1890). Neither of them appears to have been made the type of other genera, so that the principle of elimination does not seem to come into consider- ation. If the case is decided on page precedence, brevicolle, 1809, becomes type of Trichosoma. This species is capillaris, 1819, renamed, which is " type by virtual tautonymy " of Capillaria. It would also be " type by inclusion" of Trichosoma. Triodontophorusljooss, 1902, is Triodontus, 1900 (not 1845), renamed, hence would take the same type; for neither genus was a type origi- nally named, but Looss has since designated serratus as such. Helminthologists, after studying the examples given above, will probably admit that the principle of type by inclusion is in accord with the general spirit of the Law of Priority. That it seems Draco- nian in some cases can not be denied, but it certainly greatly simplifies the method of determining types in not an inconsiderable number of genera and has the great advantage of permitting their determination on the basis of the original publication, thus reducing the number of DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 47 cases in which we must have recourse to the still less satisfactory method of "type by elimination." It may be advanced against the principle of "type by inclusion" that the included type may be a little known or even an invalid species. If, however, the species was invalid from the standpoint of the author who included it in a later genus, or if he doubtfully referred it to his new genus, it would of course be excluded as type; if on the contrary it was simply a slightly known form, and he still unreservedly included it among his valid species, without showing that he did not consider this species as type, the case still represents a renaming of ah earlier genus. It seems quite clear that a "type by original designation" (see p. 30) should take precedence over a " type by inclusion," since the former is intentional and results from a desire to conform to the rules of nomenclature, while the latter is either an accident or due to ignor- ing the rules of nomenclature. Accordingly we might have the fol- lowing case: X-us, 1890, containing . albus, 1890, type by original designation, and niger, 1885, type of Y-us, 1885. In this case an author who would go so far as to explicitly designate albus as type would probably have adopted Y-us if available had he known of its existence and that niger was its type. It seems but just, therefore, to bind X-us to albus, to stand or fall according to the later history -of attnis, not only from the point of view that the author of X-us has complied with the requirements of the case, but because of the fact that by such designation the author of X-us has explicitly stated that he considered albus the standard of reference of X-us. Thus a case of this kind would come under the principle enunciated under type by original designation, page 30. 9. GENERA CONTAINING TYPES OF SEVERAL EARLIER GENERA. RULE. If a genus without a designated type contains types of two or more earlier genera, the type of the new genus is to be selected from the contained types (the case being the same as a genus with two or more species, according to the number of types in question), unless it can be shown that snch pro- cedure is directly contraindicated by the origintil author's intentions. Under this heading may be cited one of the most unnecessary renamings of genera that is known in helminthology. Prosthecosacter Diesing, 1851a, contained four species, three of which were known to Diesing to contain the types of three monotypical genera: inflexus contained as synonym filum, type of the monotypical genus Pzeudalius, 1845; cited by Diesing. minor contained as synonym wflexus, type of the monotypical genus Stenurus, 1845; cited by Diesing. convolutus. alatw, type of the monotypical genus Pfiarurus, 1848; cited by Diesing. 48 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Possibly some authors would argue that convolutus, as the only remaining species, not a type, should be selected as type of Prosthe- cosacter. Not the faintest excuse, however, can be advanced for the generic name Prosthecosacter. Either Pharurus, Pseudalius, or Ste- nurus should have been used by Diesing, regardless of the correctness of his synonymy. We would suggest minor as type of Prosthecosacter. If, now, StenuruS) 1845, is considered invalid because of Stenura, 1834 (see p. 75), Prosthecosacter can be used in its place. CASE OF Acuaria, Spiroptera, Anthuris, AND Dispfiaragus. The genera Acuaria Bremser, 1811a, Spiroptera Rudolphi, 1819a, Anthuris Rudolphi, 181 9a, and Dispharagus Dujardin, 1845a, present a very complicated case of nomenclature and should be considered together, since their histories are so intimately connected: Acuaria was proposed by Bremser, 1811a, 26, with the following short diagnosis: "Vermis teres, elasticus, utrinque attenuatus. Ore papillose." He did not give any specific names to the 14 supposed species he found, but he gave the hosts in which Ihey occur. These species are: l=Spiroptera anlhuris Rudolphi, 181 9a, 25, $ 9 , reported by Bremser from Corvus, Coracias garrula, and Oriolus galbula. It was taken as basis for the genus Anthuris Rudolphi, 1819a, 244, of which it is type by absolute tautonymy, and also clearly by Rudolphi's original intentions; Anthuris is clearly Acuaria renamed, as admitted by Rudolphi; hence by the rule proposed on page 40 it becomes type of Acuaria, which it would also be in case the ruling were made on basis of page precedence. S. anthuris also becomes type of Spiroptera, because Spiroptera is, as admitted by Rudolphi, a new name for Acuaria and Anthuris, and, being Acuaria and Anthuris renamed, it takes the same type (anthuris) . S. anthuris was transferred to Dispharagus by Dujardin, 1845a, 75, of which it becomes the type by inclusion; see below, page 50. Diesing, 1851a, 215, returned anthuris to Spiroptera. Bremser' s original material was reexam- ined by Schneider, 1866, 96, who eliminated the specimens from Coracias garrula as a new species, Filaria capitellata, expressed doubts as to the specimens from Oriolu* galbula, and practically reduced the original material, as Filaria anthuris, to the specimens from Corvus glandarius, which now by elimination becomes the type host. Stossich, 1891, 88, retains anthuris in Spiroptera. 2 = Spiroptera euryoptera Rudolphi, 1819a, 26. $ 9. Hosts: Lanius. Retained in Spiroptera by Dujardin, 1845a, 97; Diesing, 1851a, 218; and Stossich, 1897, 97. 3 = Spiroptera attenuata Hudo\ph\, 1819a, 25. leopteron. Mastophorus Diesing, 1853 . Ufaslopora Eichw.,1840, mollusk. Mitrephoros Linstow, 1877 Mitrephorus Schoenherr, 1837, coleopteron; Sclater, 1859, bird. Mitrophorus Burm., 1844, coleopteron. Monodontus Molin, 1861 Monodon Linnseus, 1758, mammal ; Cu- vier, 1817, mollusk; Schweigger, 1820, mollusk; Gerv., 18 , mollusk. Monodonta Lamarck, 1799, 1801, mollusk. Monodontes Montf., 1810, mollusk. Odontophora Buetschli, 1874 Odontophorus Vieillot, 1816, bird. Oncophora Diesing, 1851 Onchophora Busk., 1855, mollusk. Oncophorus Rudow., 1874, neuropteron; Eppelscheim, 1885, insect. OnyxCobb, 1891 Onix Mayr & Forel, 1884, insect. Oxystoma Buetschli, 1874 Oxystomus Fischer, 1803, mammal : Rafin- esque, 1810, fish; Latreille, 1825, cole- opteron; Swains., 1837, bird. Oxyurifi Rudolphi, 1803 Oxynrus Rafinesque, 1810, fish; Swains., 1827, bird. Oxyurus Lamarck, 1816 Oxyura Bonap. , 1 828, bird. Oxyura for Oxura Kirby, 1817, coleopte- ron. Paradoxites Lindemann, 1865 Paradoxides Brongn., ? date, crustacean. Phacelura Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828 . . Phacettura, ? date, for Phakellura Guild., 1840, lepidopteron. Physocephalus Diesing, 1861 Physocephala Schin., 1861, dipteron. Plectus Bastian, 1865 Plectris Lepell. & Serville, 1825, coleop- teron; changed to DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 75 Round worm genus. Doubtful homonyms. Pin-in* Bastian, 1865 r . Plectus by Scudder, 1882, p. 269, possibly earlier. fPolijporus Gruby, 1840 Polypora M'Coy, 1844, pol. ; Mosel, 1876, coelenterate. Proboscidta " Bruguiere, 1791 " Proboscidia Bory, 1824, rotifer. Proleptus Dujardin, 1845 Prolepta Walk., 1851, hemipteron. Pterocephalus Linstow, 1899 Pterocephala Swains., 1839, fish. Pterocephalia Roam., 1852, crustacean. Rhabditis Dujardin, 1845 Rhabdites Haan, 1825, mollusk.. Spiliphera Bastian, 1865 Spilophora Bohem., 1850, cqleopteron. Spilophorus Lac:., 1856, coleopteron. Spilophora, Bastian, 1865 Spilophorus Lac., 1856, coleopteron. Spironoura Leidy, 1856 Spirnra E. Blanchard, 1849, nematode. Stenuras Dujardin, 1845 Stenura Dejean, 1834, coleopteron. Stenuris Kirby, 1837, coleopteron. Strongylus Mueller, "1780," 1784 Stroggulus Motsch, 1845, coleopteron. Synonchus Cobb, 1894 T . . . Synonycha Chevrolat, 1833, coleopteron. Trirli hia Owen, 1835 Trichinia Bisch. , ? date, worm. Try china Klug., ? date, for Trychine Klug., ? date, coleopteron. Trichodefs Linstow, 1874 Trichotis Felder, 1874, lepidopteron. Trichoda Huebner, 1806, lepidopteron. Trichosoma Rudolphi, 1819 Trichosomus Swains., 1839, fish; Chevro- lat, ? 1881, coleopteron. Trichuris Roederer & Wagler, 1761, 1762 . . Trichurus Wagner, 1843, for Trichosurus Lesson, 1828, mammal. Trichura Huebn., 1816, lepidopteron. Trichiurus Linnseus, 1758, fish. IHcfa'wra'Steph., 1829, lepidopteron. Tricoma Cobb, 1894 Tricomia Walk., 1865, lepidopteron. Trlpula Bastian, 1865 Tripyla Bastian, 1865 Tripylus Phil. , 1845, echinoderm. Uracanthus Diesing, 1861 Uracantha Hope, ante 1846, coleopteron. Judging from published opinions, Braun, Looss, and many other authors would probably construe most of these names under the Rule of Homonyms. One of the points advanced in favor of so doing is that these names, if used as basis for family and subfamily names, might give rise to homonyms in groups higher than genera. This point hardly appears to be so important as might at first seem, for it is the exception rather than the rule that a family has but one genus, and if it has two genera, and one of its generic names is a doubtful homonym, the other generic name could be used as basis for the famih T and subfamily names. Judging from von Linstow's position on absolute homonyms, he would doubtless accept doubtful homonyms as available. Jordan, Everman, Ashmead, and a number of other authors, including our- selves, accept names of this class on the ground that a difference of a single letter in two names precludes the possibility of their being identical, hence they can not be homonyms. (See Art. 36, Internat. Code.) 76 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. 26. EMENDATION OF NAMES. The question relative to the necessity of emending names which were not originally published in accordance with the usages of classical orthography is one upon which there has been very great difference of opinion. Personally we have contended that classical Latin in nomen- clature is a desideratum, but of really relatively secondary impor- tance, and further (unfortunately) an impractical proposition; on this account we have contended, in common with Jordan, Everman, Ash- mead, and a number of other zoologists, for the adoption of the orig- inally published orthography, be it good, bad, or indifferent, and pro- posing that all names that are incorrectly written should be construed under Article 8k, of the International Code, as "arbitrary combina- tions of letters." The International Congress of Zoology, held in Berlin, Germany, in 1901, decided in favor of emendation, hence, emendation is to-day called for by the International Code. (See Article 19.) It is not desired to reopen the question at this time, but attention may be directed to certain work which should be undertaken before emendation is put into practice. It has been those authors who have argued in favor of the law of priority who have undertaken that extensive pioneer work which has made the carrying out of that law possible. Many authors who argued against it have adopted the law of priority in cases where they could do so without too much extra study, or where other men have worked out its application to certain groups. In this same spirit those authors who feel that emendation is an impractical proposition can justly look to their colleagues who think the rule practical to demonstrate its practicability by assuming the necessary burden of pioneer work in collating all the data which are prerequisite to an application of the rule in such a way as not to result in constant instability. One of these prerequisites is a list of generic names which contains not only all generic and subgeneric names thus far proposed, lut also all the variations in orthography of said names (to determine how many of these variations vitiate otherwise valid names by homonymy), and also the authoritatively correct orthography of all these words. To start in on emendation without such a list would be to take a leap in the dark, not knowing what may happen or where we may finally land. We favor the principle of majority rule, but in this case we belong to the conservative minority. As a small contribution to this list, we are endeavoring gradually to collect all the names and variations found in the groups in which we are especially interested. As soon as such a list demonstrates the feasible application of the rule, and places authors in a position so that it can be enforced, we DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 77 believe that all of us who have opposed its adoption should by all means follow the orthography agreed upon by the supporters *of the rule. Until such a list and such a demonstration exists, or until there is at least an agreement upon the most common names and also an agreement as to what are homonyms, we find ourselves forced (much against our will) to continue to use original orthography. As interesting examples of certain cases which will arise in the preparation of such a list 1 as is here suggested we will mention the following nematode genera: The hymenopteron genus Allodape, 1825, seems to have been changed to Allodapus Y>y Fieb., 1861. What influence has this upon Allodapa Diesing, 1861? This case brings up the question as to whether words like Distomus, Distoma, and I)istomum represent homonj'ins. (See Internat. Code, Art. 36.) The Pre-Linnsean generic name Angystonta Klein, 1753, later Schu- macher, 1817, was changed by Agassiz, 1846, to Angiostoma. What effect does this have upon Angiostoma Dujardin, 1845 1 Chromagaster Cobb, 1894, was changed to Chromogaster by Water- house, 1902. How is this influenced by Chromogaster Lauterborn, 1893? Diplolaimus Linstow, 1876, was changed to Diplolsemus, see Scud- der, 1884. How is this influenced by Diplolsemus Bell,- 1843 ? There is a lepidopteron genus Eligma Huebn., 1816, changed to Heligma by ? , date ?. What is the status of Heliymus, 1845? There is a fish genus Enoplosus Lacep., 1832, which does not seem liable to be confused with the nematode genus Enoplus Dujardin, 1845. In 1846, Agassiz emended Enoplosus, 1832, to Enoplus, which is certainly an absolute homonym of Enoplus, 1845. What is the status of Enoplosus, 1832. and Enoplus, 1845 ? Compare Ileterocheilus Diesing, 1839, with Ileterochelus Burmeister, 1844, coleopteron, and Heterocheila Rond., 1857, dipteron (also Hetero- chilus}; Heterocheila Lioy., 1864, dipteron (also Heterocheild). Compare Hoplocephalus Linstow, 1898, with IToplocephalus and Oplocephalus Cuvier, 1829, reptile; Roplocephala Macq., 1845, dip- teron; ITeplacephala Walker, 1857, dipteron; Oplocephala Lap., 1831, coleopteron; Hoplocephala (v.. Oplocephala and Heplacephala). Isakis Lespes, 1856, was proposed for a genus of worms; it appears to have been changed to Isacis by Diesing, 1861; it is given by the Zool. Rec. (1896), 1897, as Isacus. Now, there exists Isacis and Isacus Cope, 1873, mammal. What effect does Isakis, 1856, have upon Isacus, 1873, and would the effect be the same if Isacus had not been used by Zool. Rec., 1897? 1 See also Cockerell, 1905. The letter " k " in zoological nomenclature < Science, N. Y., n. s. (561), v. 22, Sept. 29, 399-400. 78 BUKEAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. There is a coleopteron genus Mitrephorus^ 1837, and a bird genus MitrepJiorus, 1859. What is the status of Mvtnrpkoros von Linstow, 1877, altered form of Mitrepliorm, 1877? Oxyuris Rudolphi, 1803, was altered to Ox-yurux by Lamarck, 1816. What effect does this have upon Oxyurus Raf., 1810 (fish)? Spironoura Leidy, 1856, was apparently emended by Diesing, 1861, to Spirura. There already existed a Spirura Blanchard, 1849, hence, the emended form Spirura, 1861, is excluded since it is a homonym. Spironoura, 1856, is sufficiently distinct from Spirura, 1849, as not to be confused. What is the status of Spironoura, 1856? Is it a homo- nym of Spirura, 1849? 27. NOMENCLATURAL STATUS OF MISPRINTS. Criticisms have been raised because some authors include a citation of typographic errors in synonymy. Misprints seem to have a very definite nomenclatural status, however, and are therefore subject to citation and should be listed. In the first place it is often difficult to distinguish clearly between misprints and emendations, and cases are not unknown (Dermacentor Dermacenter, Hymenolepis'-Hymeno- lepsis, etc.), where a misprint has been adopted by several authors under the supposition that they were using the correct name. Fur- ther, the International Code provides for the admission of arbitrary combinations of letters as available scientific names. Such a name would naturally be a homonym if the same combination of letters had occurred as a misprint. 28. ORIGIN OF THE LAW OF PRIORITY. . There still remain a few zoologists who do not follow the law of priority, and some men seem to be under the impression that this law is a more or less recent idea. It is, however, not a new idea, but seems to have been first proposed by Linnaeus, although he did not follow it out consistently. In helminthology it was adopted by Rudolphi, 1801, but he did not apply it consistently. 29. RUDOLI J HI'H RULES OF NOMENCLATURE. The fact that Rudolphi (1801, 62-65) published a set of rules on nomenclature seems to have been more or less generally overlooked. As they are of importance in interpreting his names, and as his code is very short, the rules are here reprinted for the benefit of helmin- thologists who do not have access to them. It will be seen that in 1801 Rudolphi declared in favor of the law of priority, although he did not adhere strictly to it in later years. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 79 UEBER DIE BENENNCJNGEN DER WARMER. Die Namen der Wurmer darf ich hier nicht ganz vorbeigehen, doch werde ich nur wenige spezielle Bemerkungen dariiber machen. Ueber den Nutzen einer zweck- miissigen Nomenklatur ist man allgemein einverstanden, und die Grundsatze, welche Linne in seiner Philosophia botanica fur die Pflanzenkunde aufstellte, konnen mit wenigen Einschrankungen als fiir alle Naturreiche giiltig angenommen werden. Folgende Grundsatze scheinen mir hier von Wichtigkeit: 1. Ein schon gebrauchlicher Name muss, wenn er irgend ertriiglich ist, und nicht geradezu auf etwas falsches hindeutet, beibehalten werden. Ich lasse daher die Namen A scaris, Trichocephalus, Festucaria, Fasdola, Linguatula, Xfemastehen, dieZeder mit neuen vertauscht hat, obgleich einige dieser neuen Namen wirklich gut sind. Man muss ja ungeachtet dieser neuen Benennungen, die alten doch auch behalten, und in der Folge liessen sich vielleicht wieder bessere finden, so dass des Namen - wechsels kein Ende ware. Wie schwer halt es nicht, die praktischen Aertze dahiii zu bewegen, den wirklich falschen Namen Trichuris oder Ascaris trickiura mit Trichocephalus zu vertauschen; sollten sie nun gar die Namen Tmiia, Ascaris u. s. w. verandern, das wiirde ihnen sehr schwer ankommen, und ist auch iiberfliissig. 2. Wenn wir die Wiirmer in gewisse Familien bringen, so miissen diese Familien freilich einen Namen haben, allein dazu konnen wir den Namen einer hervorstechen- den Gattung im Pluralis gebrauchen, wie wir dies z. B. hiiufig bei den natiirlichen Ordnungen der Pflanzen thun; es ist also darum nicht nothig, einen Gattungsna- men zum Familiennamen zu erheben, und der Gattung selbst einen neuen Namen zu geben, so konnen die Rundwiirmer im Allgemeinen Ascarides genannt werden, und die Gattung Ascaris behiilt ihren Namen dessen ungeachtet. 3. Der Gattungsname muss, wenn es sein kann, etwas charakteristiches ausdriicken, z. B. Echinorhynchus, Liorhynchus, Cysticercus. 4. Der Gattungsname darf von keinem Schriftsteller hergenommen werden, z. B Gcezia, dies ist im Thierreich ungebrauchlich, und hat auch wirklich etwas sonder- bares an sich. Im Pflanzenreich hingegen ist es iiblich, und auch wirklich nicht zu tadeln. 5. Der Name Wurm liisst sich im deutschen Gattungsnamen an bringen, allein in einem systematischen lateinischen oder griechischen Namen passt er nicht; da heisst die Klasse Wurm, und bei der Gattung sagt es nichts, wenn ich es hier auch gebrauche, z. B. Rytelminthus, Alysehninthus. 6. Eben so wenig muss der Gattungsname auf etwas zielen, was der ganzen Klasse zukommt; wenn daher die Wurmer im Allgemeinen (obesgleich Ausnahmengiebt) lentacula zu einem Charakter haben, darf ich keine Wurmgattung Tentacularia nen- nen, so wie ich auch keine Insektengattung Aritennaria nennen wiirde. 7. Von den Aufenthalt des W urines darf ich keinen Gattungsnamen hernehmen, daher ist der Name Cystidicola, den Fischer dem von ihm entdeckten Wurm gab, ganz falsch. Erstlich sind mehrere Wiirmer eben so gebildet, ohne sich in der Fisch- blase aufzuhalten, man sehe oben die Gattung Ophiostoma, und ich glaube sogar den Fischerschen Wurm in dem Darmkanal der Forelle gefunden zu haben. Zweitens sind auch andere Wiirmer l in der Fischblase gefunden. Drittens heisst eine jede Blase Cystis, und man konnte alle in Blasen vorkommende Wiirmer so nennen. Der Aufenthalt ist ja immer nur sehr zufallig. 8. Noch weniger darf der Gattungsname von dem Thier hergenommen werden, worin sich eine Art zeigt, z. B. Strigea, da sich ahnliche Wiirmer auch in anderen Thieren zeigen. (Naturgeschichte der Eingeww. S. 421) fiihrt an, dass Steller in der Schwimmblase des Salmo Eperlanus Wiirmer gefunden habe, die G. zum Fischband- wurm bringen mogte. 80 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. 9. Die Namen, die sich auf aria endigen, taugen freilich nicht viel, indess sind sie schon sehr gebriiuchlich, die aus odes aber nicht; daher nicht Mastigodes. 10. Wollen vvir den Entomologen ihre Namen lassen, sie aber auch dafiir bitten, uns nicht die unserigen, wie z. B. Strongylus, zu nehmen. Diess in Rucksieht der Gattungsnamen. In Ansehung der Trivialnamen habe ich folgendes zu bemerken: Es halt allerdings schwer diese iinnaer gut zu wahlen, indess werden sich doch immer dergleichen finden lassen, wenn man auf die Form im Gan- zen, oder auf die hervorstechende Gestalt einzelner Theile sieht. Von den Thieren, in denen sie gefunden sind, miissen dieWurmer durchaus nicht benannt werden, da sich ein und derselbe Wurm oft in mehreren Arten oder sogar Gattungen von Thieren zeigt; alle so beschaffene Namen miissen daher geiindert werden. Von Schrift- stellern darf der Trivialname auch wohl nicht entlehnt werden, da diess immer bei den Wiirmern sonderbar klingt, besonders da es sonst iiblich war, die Wiirmer nach dem Thier, worin sie sich fanden, zu benennen. 30. POLYNOMIAL AUTHORS BETWEEN 1758 AND 1819. It is often difficult to decide whether or not a given paper should be rejected because of its not being strictly binomial in its nomencla- ture. These papers which are in doubt not infrequently give rise to considerable trouble in nomenclatural matters, and not a few cases of nomenclature could be solved more easily if the publications in ques- tion were to be ruled out of consideration entirely. On account of the difficulty in obtaining an agreement upon the matter, it might pos- sibly be feasible to appoint a committee which should list the papers between 1758 and 1819 which are not entitled to citation in s\ 7 nonymy or to consideration in connection with the Law of Priorit\ T . Of such papers which contain nematode genera, the following may be mentioned as not entitled to any nomenclatural consideration: Pallas (1760, 1768), Pereboom (1780), Fischer (1788b, 1789a), and Werner (1786). As papers in connection with which authors will be more likely to differ in opinion may be mentioned: Bloch (1780a, 1782a) and Graze (1782a). PART II. LIST OF GENERIC NAMES, CHIEFLY NEMATODES, WITH THEIR ORIGINAL AND TYPE SPECIES. The following list includes all of the nematode genera (both free- living and parasitic) which we have been able to find recorded. It also includes all of the species which come into consideration in determin- ing the type species of the genera in question. With a few exceptions (in cases of type by original designation) all of the original species are given under each genus, and under these species cross references are given to the various genera in which they have been placed. For various reasons it has not been found feasible to confine the list entirely to the nematodes; accordingly, occasional references will be found to genera of other groups. abbreiiata Rudolphi, 1819a, 30, 257-258. 1819: Physaloptem. abbreviates Rudolphi, 1819a, 21, 234-235. 1819: Cucullanus. 1845: Dacnitis. abbreviates Villot, 1874, Jan., 57. 1874: Gordius. 1897: Parachordodes. Acanthocephala Rudolphi, 1808a, 198. Ordinal name. Acanthocephali Burmeister, 1837a, 527. Family name. Acanthocephalos Goeze, 1782a, 141; for Acanthocephalus. Acanthocephalus Koelreuter 1771a, 499-500, 503, pi. 26, figs. 5, a-d. Type Echmo- ' rhynchus anguillse Mueller, designated by Luehe, 1905, 329. [Not Acanthocephalus Lap., 1833, hemipteron.] Koelreuter gives no specific name, but the parasite in question is clearly a thornheaded worm reported for Cyprinus rutilus, adhering to the intestinal wall. See also Echinorhynchus lavareti Rudolphi, 1809a, 313. Acanthocheilonema Cobbold, 1870b, 9-14. A. dracunculoides Cobbold, 1870b, 10-14, only species, hence type. Acanthocheilus Molin, 1858, 154-155. A. quadridentatus Molin, 1858, 155, only species, hence type. [Not Acanlhocheila Stal, 1860, hemipteron; Acanthochila Stal, 1873, for Acan- thocheila.'] Acanthopharynx Marion, 1870, 34-37. Type species probably A. affinis. perarmata Marion, 1870, 34-35, pi. K [26], figs. 1-lf. 9 oculata Marion, 1870, 35, pi. K [26], figs. 2-2c. 9 striatipunctata Marion, 1870, 35-36, pi. K [26], figs. 3-3c. 9 affinis Marion, 1870, 36, pi. K [26], figs. 4-4b. $ 9 There seems to be no evidence that males were examined for the first three species. 6328 No. 7905 6 81 82 BUKEAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Acanthophorus von Linstow, 1876, 5-6. Type species ? A. tenuix. See Tropidocerca. [Not Acanthophorus Serv., 1832, coleopteron; Acanthophora Soil., 1873, proto- zoon; Acanthophora Hulst, 1896, insect; Acanthophorys Edw., 1865, crusta- cean.] tennis von Linstow, 1876, 5-6, pi. 1, figs. 7-9. $ horridus von Linstow, 1876, 6, pi. 1, figs. 10-12. $ Acanihosoma Mayer, 1844, 409-410. A. chrysalis Mayer, 1844, 409-410, pi. 10, figs. 5-8, only species, hence type. A larval dipteron which has been interpreted as a roundworm [Not Acanthosoma Curt., 1824, hemipteron; Acanthosoma Owen Ross, 18 , crustacean; Acanthosoma De K., 1842, fish.] Acanthrus Acharius, 1780, 49-55. .1. sipunculoides Acharius, 1780, 49-55, pi. 2, figs. 1-9, only species, hence type. [Not Acanthurus Eichoff, 1886, insect.] acanthura Diesing, 1851a, [591]; spinicauda Diesing, 1851a, 188, renamed. 1851: Ascaris. 1860: Oxyuris. 1861: Pharyngodon (type). acer Bastian, 1865c, 156-157, pi. 13, figs. 187-188. 1865: Theristus (type). aceti Mueller, 1783, 162; and Duges, 1826a, 226. See also glutinis, anguillula, and Anguillula. [1767: Chaos rtdivi-vum in part.] [1773: Vibrio anguillula in part.] 1783: Vibrio. 1786: Anguillula Mueller. 1803: Vibrio [only species in Blumen- bach]. 1815: Gordius. 1838: Anguillula Ehrenberg. 1845: Rhabditis. 1865: Anguillula, 1828 [type, according to Bastian]. 1866: Leptodera. See p. 34. AcJieilostomi -Diesing, 1851a, 264. Section of FUaria, with 21 species. acipenseri Wagner, 1867 (probably later) , 6. [Not accessible to us.] 1867: Cystopsis (probably type, see p. 98). 1875: Cytoopsis. 1902: Cystoopsis. 1902: Cysstoopis. Acrobeles Linstow, 1877, 2-3. A. cilialus Linstow, 1877, 2-3, only species, hence type. [Not Acrobela Foerster, 1862, hymenopteron ; Acrobelus Stal, 1869, hemipteron.] Acuaria Bremser, 1811a, 26. Type Spiroptera anthuris, established by Rudolphi, 1819a, 244. 1819: Spiroptera Rudolphi, 1819a, 22-29, 235-255. Acuaria renamed, hence same type. 1819: Anthuris Rudolphi, 1819a, 244. Acuaria renamed, hence same type; also type by absolute tautonymy. 1845: Dispharagns Dujardin, 1845a, 42, 69-82. Type by inclusion, Spiroptera anthuris. For discussion of this very complicated case see p. 48. arukatm Curling, 1839a, 274-287, pi. 4, figs. 1-5. 1839: Dactylius (type). acuminata Molin, 1860, 930. 1860: Spiroptera. 1897:- Oxyxpirura. acuminatus Eberth, 1863a, 28-29, pi. 1, figs. 6-9. 1863: Odontobius. 1865: Anticoma. acuminatus Bastian, 1865c, 120, pi. 10, figs. 87-88. 1865: Pleclus. acus Dujardin, 1845a, 264-265. 1845: Stenodes (type). (iriiiti Diesing, 1851a, 277-278; includes FUaria colymbi Rudolphi, 181 9a. 1851: FUaria. 1861: Dicheilonema. acutissima Molin, 1860, 332-333. 1860: Subulura (type). DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 83 H-iifx,,, Molin, 1861, 449. 1861: CEsophagostomum. aciitus Dujardin, 1845a, 105. 1845: Proleptus (type). sequaKf Molin, 1858, 383-384. 1858: Filaria. 1861: Solenonema. ;<><, i>hilum Creplin, 1839a, 278-279. 1839: Trichosomum. 1845: Eucoleus (probably type). affine Leidy, 1856, 53. 1856: Spironoum. 1861: Spirura. affinis Marion, 1870, 36, pi. K, fig. 4. 1870: Acanthopharynx (probably type). Agamomermis Stiles, 1903, 15-17. culicis Stiles, 1903, 15-17. Agamomermis is a collective group for immature Mermis-like worms, which have not developed to a stage permitting a definite generic determination. Such a group has no type species. Agamonema Diesing, 1851a, 78, 116-122. A collective group for immature nematodes in fish, and as such it has no type species. Original species: bicolor (Creplin, 1825) Diesing, 1851a, 116. papilligerum (Crepjin, 1846) Diesing, 1851a, 116. capsularia (Rudolphi, 1802) Diesing, 1851a, 116-117. Includes Filocapsularia communis Deslongchamps, 1824q, type. ovatum (Zeder, 1803) Diesing, 1851a, 117-118. cysticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Diesing, 1851a, 118. (Species 6 to 24 are given as species inquirendse.) Agamonematodum Diesing, 1861a, 727. A collective group for immature nematodes, and as such it has no type species. Original species: alausse (Molin, 1859) Diesing, 1861a, 727. paganetti (Molin, 1859) Diesing, 1861a, 727. Agchylostoma Dubini, 1843a, 5-13. A. duodmale Dubini, 1843a, 5-13, only species, hence type. There exist the following variations in spelling: 1845: Ancylostoma Creplin, 1845a, 325. Agchylostoma renamed. 1846: Anchylostoma "delle Chiaje, 1846a, 399." Agchylostoma renamed. 1851: Anchylostomum Diesing, 1851a, 321-322. Agchylostoma renamed. 1851: Ancylostomum Diesing, 1851a, 82. Agchylostoma renamed. 1877: Anhylostoma Parona & Grassi, 1877, 192. Misprint. 1879: Anchilostoma Bozzolo, 1879b, 369-370. Agchylostoma renamed. 1883: Anghylostoma La Clinica de Malaga, 1883, 309. 1885: Ankylostoma Lutz, 1885, 2295-2350, 2467-2506. Agchylostoma renamed. 1886: Ankylostoma Leichtenstern, 1886, Mar. 18, 173; Apr. 8, 238. Agchylostoma renamed. 1895: Ankylostomum Stossich, 1895, 21-25. Agchylostoma renamed. 1897: Anchylostamum Moehlau, 1897, 573. Misprint. 1903: Anchylostomia Henderson, 1903a, Mar., 126. Misprint. agile Leidy, 1849, Oct., 230-231. 1849: Strepiostoma (type). [1849: Aorurus (? type); see also attenuatum.] 1853: Streptostomum (type). ayilis Rudolphi, 1819a, 67, 316-317. 1819: Echinorhynchus. 1892: Neorhynchus, agilis Marion,. 1870, 14-15, pi. B, fig. 1. 1870: Amphistenus (? type). 84 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. agilis Verrill, 1879, Nov. 5, 187-188. 1879: Nectonema (type). Agriostomum Railliet, 1902, 107-108, 110. A. rryburgi Railliet, 1902, 107-108, only species, hence type. agrostidis Bastian, 1865c, 128; includes "Vibrio graminis Steinbuch" and Anguillula graminearum (in part) Diesing. 1865: Tylenchus. agrostis Steinbuch, 1799, 233-253. 1799: Vibrio. [1838: Angtiillula..'] [1859: Anguillulina.'] [? 1865: Tyhnchus.] Alaimus de Man, 1880, 2-3. Type species A. primitivus, designated in letter from de Man to Stiles, dated Nov. 30, 1903. primitivus de Man, 1880, 2-3. $ 9 dolichurus (de Man, 1876) de Man, 1880, 3. $ $ alata Rudolphi, 1819a, 29-30, 256-257. 1819: Physaloptera. alatus R. Leuckart, 1848, 26-28, pi. 2, figs. 3, A-D. 1848: Strongylus. 1848: Pharurus (type). [1851: Prosthecosacter.] alatus Wedl, 1862, 470-471, pi. 2, figs. 20-22. 1862: Thelandros (type). alausx Molin, 1859, 31-32. 1859: Nematoideum. 1861: Agamonematodum. nlbidum Bastian, 1865c, 143-144, pi. 11, figs. 154-155. 1865: Phanoderma. alfocdi Camerano, 1894b, June, 1-3. 1894: Gordius. 1897: Parachordodes. Allantinema R. Leuckart, 1884, 320. Misprint for Allantonema. Allantonema R. Leuckart, 1884, 320. A. mirabile R. Leuckart, 1884, 320, only species, hence type. 1884: Allantinema Leuckart, 1884, 320. Misprint. allodapa Creplin, 1853b, 61-64; = typica Diesing, 1861a, 644. 1853: Oxyuris. [1861: Allodapa (type).] Allodapa Diesing, 1861a, 614, 644. A. typica Diesing, 1861a, 644, only species, hence type; = Oxyuris allodapa Creplin, 1853, renamed. Also type by absolute tautonymy. [Not Allodapa Brunn, 1878, orthopteron; Allodape Lep. Serv., 1825, hymenop- teron; Allodapus Fieb., 1861, hymenopteron.] Alloionerna Schneider, 1859, 25. Sept., 176-177. A. oppendwulatum Schneider, 1859, 177, only species, hence type. alpestris Villot, ' ' 1884, 44-45. ' ' [Not accessible to us.] "1884: Gordius." 1897: Parachordodes. ambigua Rudolphi, 1819a, 19, 229-230. 1819: Oxyuris. 1845: Passalurus (type). ambigua Bastian, 1865c, 98, pi. 9, figs. 14-15. 1865: Monhystera. Amblyonema Linstow, 1898, 470-471. A. terdentatum Linstow, 1898, 470-471, pi. 35, figs. 12-14, only species, hence type. Amblyura Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a, unpaged. Type species probably A. ser- pentulus, see p. 66. serpentulus (Mueller, 1773) Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a, pi. 2, fig. 14. $ 9 gordius (Mueller, 1786) Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a. [Very brief mention.] americana Stiles, 1902, May 10, 777-778. 1902: Uncinaria. 1903: l/ncinaria ( Necator [type]). 1904: Necator (type). DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 85 Amphistenus Marion, 1870, 14-16. Type species ? .1. agilis, by page precedence. [Not Amphisternus Germ., 1843, coleopteron.] agilis Marion, 1870, 14-15, pi. B, figs. 1-lg. ? pauli Marion, 1870, 15-16, pi. B, figs. 2-2b. 9 anacanthura Molin, 1860, 966-967. 1860: Spiroptera. 1897: Oxyspirura. anatis Schrank, 1790, 119. 1790: Trichocephalus. [1803: sub Capillaria tumida (type).] [1809: sub Tri- chocephalus capillaris.] [1819: sub Trichosoma brevicolle.] Anchilostoma Bozzolo, 1879b, 17 giugno, 369-370. Agchylostoma renamed, hence type species Agchylostoma duodenale. Anchylostamum Mcehlau, 1897, Mar., 573. Misprint for Anchylostoma. Anchylostoma "delle Chiaje, 1846a. 399." Agchylostoma renamed, hence type species Agchylostoma duodenale. Anchylostoma Dubini, 1850a, 102-112. Agchylostoma renamed. Anchylostomia Henderson, 1903a, Mar., 126. Misprint for Anchylostoma. Anchylostomum Diesing, 1851a, 321-322. Agchylostoma renamed, hence type species Agchylostoma duodenale. Ancylostoma Creplin, 1845a, 325. Agchylostoma renamed, hence type species Agchy- lostoma duodenale. [Not Ancylostowia Ragonot, 1893, insect.] Ancyloslomum Diesing, 1851a, 82. Agchylostoma renamed, hence type species Agchy- lostoma duodenale. Ancyracanthopsis Diesing, 1861a, 670-671. A. bilabiata (Molin, 1860) Diesing, 1861a, 671, only species, hence type; =Ancyracanthus bilabiatus Molin. Ancyracanthus Diesing, 1838a, 189; 1839a. A. pectinatus Diesing, 1838a, 189, only species, hence type; nomen nudum except for habitat; renamed A. pinnati- fidm Diesing, 1839a, 227-229, pi. 14, figs. 21-27. 1898: Aucyracanthus Zool. Rec. (1897), 1898, v. 34, Verm., 42. Misprint. Ancyrocephalus Creplin, 1839a, 292. A. paradoxus Creplin, 1839a, 292, only species, hence type. Creplin placed this genus among the trematodes. See also Linstow, 1878, 210. androphora Nitzsch, 1821, 48-49. 1821: Ascaris. 1821: Hedruris (type). Anghylostoma La Clinica de Malaga, 1883, 309. For Agchylostoma, hence type duo- denale. Angiostoma Dujardin, 1845a, 244, 262-263. Type species A. limacis. See p. 34. 1845: Angiostomum Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. 1851: Angiostomum Diesing, 1851a, 79, 138-139. [Not Angystoma Schumacher, 1817, 229 (mollusk), for Angystoma Klein, 1753, mollusk, changed to Angiostoma Agassiz, 1846; Angystoma Risso, 1826, 226 (supergeneric) .] entomelas Dujardin, 1845a, 262-263, pi. 4, fig. C. $ 9 limacis Dujardin, 1845a, 263, pi. 4, fig. B. $ $? To Leptodera cmgiostoma Schneider, 1866, 157. Type by designation (Schneider) and by absolute tautonymy. See p. 34. Angiostomum Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. Corrected to Angiostoma Dujardin, 1845a, 653. anguilla Lockwood, 1872, Aug., 449-454, figs. 120-122. 1872: Koleops (type). anguillx Mueller, 1780, 2, pi. 69; "1784, 84." 1780: Echinorhynchus. 1905: Acanthocephalus (type). 86 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Anguillina Hammerschmidt, 1838a, 352, 358. A. monilis Hammerschmidt, 1838a, 358, pi. 4, fig. a, only species, hence type. Hammerschmidt states that there are three species in this genus, but he mentions only one. [Not Anguillinia Rafinesque, 1815, 91, fish, subfamily; "Anguillina" Scudder, 1884, 19, for Anguillinia.] Anguillola Grassi & Calandruccio, 1884a, 22 nov., 492-494. Misprint for Anguillula; for Rhabdonema. Anguillula "Mueller, 1786, 63." Type by absolute tautonymy Vibrio anguillula Mueller, 1773.[=Chaosredivivum Linnaeus, 1767, renamed], confined to Vibrio glutinis by Mueller, 1783, see discussion, p. 34. Anguillula Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a. Type species fluvialis=jluviatitis, by pres- ent designation, based upon page precedence, elimination, and other factors, see p. 34. Bastian's designation of aceti as type can not be admitted, see p. 37. anguillula Mueller, 1773, 41. Equals redivivum, 1767, renamed. See Anguillula. 1773: Vibrio. [1786: Anguillula (type).] 1788: Chaos. Anguillulina Gervais & van Beneden, 1859b, 101-103. Type species probably A . tritici. triad (Steinbuch, 1799, or Bauer, 1823) Gervais & van Beneden, 1859b, 102. To Tylenchm by Bastian, 1865c; returned to Anguillula by Railliet, 1893. dipsaci (Kuehn, 1857) Gervais & van Beneden, 1859b, 102-103. To Ti/lenchus by Bastian, 1865c. [? Vibrio agrostis Steinbuch, 1799, 233-253.] Gervais & van Beneden, 1859b, 101. [? Vibrio phalaridis Steinbuch, 1799, 253-257.] Gervais & van Beneden, 1859b, 101. [? Vibrio graminis Steinbuch in Natnrf., 28, 233, & Analecten 97, 135]; to Tylenchus as T. agrostidis by Bastian, 1865c, 128. Anhylostoma Parona & Grassi, 1877, 192. Misprint for Anchylostoma. Anisakis Dujardin, 1845a, 151, 220-230. Type species? "A. simplex Rudolphi," misdetermined; =A. dussumierii. Subgenus of Ascaris. Ascaris distant Rudolphi, 1809a, 128-129. $ 9 Ascaris simplex Rudolphi, 1809a, 170. $> AnkylostomaLutz, 1885, 2295-2350, 2467-2506; Leichtenstern, 1886, Mar. 18, 173; Apr. 8, 238. Agchylostoma renamed, hence type species Agchylostoma duodenale. Ankylostomum Stossich, 1895, 21-25. Agchylostoma renamed, hence type species Agchylostoma duodenale. annulata de Man, "1880, 59. 1880: Macroposthonia (type). annulosum Dujardin, 1845a, 27. 1845: Calodium (?type). Anoplostoma Buetschli, 1874b, 272-273. Type species Symplocostoma mvipara Bastian, 1865c, 133-134, pi. 11, figs. 123-125; designated type of genus by Buetschli, 1874b, 272. anoura Dujardin, 1845a, 221-222. 1845: Ascaris. 1845: Ascaris (Polydelphis [type]). antarcticus de Man, 1904, 44. 1904: Plectus (Plectoides). Anthraconema zur Strassen, 1904, 301-346, figs, a-j, pis. 15-16. Type by designation of zur Strassen in personal letter to Stiles, dated Oct. 12, 1904, A. weismanni. weismanni zur Strassen, 1904, 302-346, figs, b, c, e, h, pi. 15, figs. 1-4; pi. 16, figs. 6-9. More common species. sagax zur Strassen, 1904, 302-346, figs, a, d, g, j, pi. 15, fig. 5. Anthrocephali Encycl. Americana, v. 7, 1903, Art. Entozoa. For Acanthocephali. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 87 Anthurix Rudolphi, 1819a, 244. Type by absolute tautonymy Spiroptera anthurls Rudolphi, 1819a, 25. It seems positive that Rudolphi based his generic term Anthuris on this species. anthur'is Rudolphi, 1819a, 25. [1811: Acuaria (type).] 1819: Spiroptera (type). 1819: Anthuris (type). 1845: Dispharagus (type). 1866: F'daria. Anticoma Bastian, 1865c, 141-142. Type A. eberthi, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. eberthi Bastian, 1865c, 141, pi. 11, figs. 143-145. $ 9 limalis Bastian, 1865c, 141-142, pi. 11, figs. 146-148. 9 pelludda Bastian, 1865c, 142, pi. 11, figs. 149-150. 9 acuminata (Eberth, 1863) Bastian, 1865c, 142. $ 9 [Not examined by Bastian.] Antoplectus see sub Autoplectus Balsamo-Crivelli, 1843b. Aorurus Leidy, 1849, 230, 231. Type species ? Streptostoma agile. Leidy divided Aorurus into two subgenera, namely, Streptostoma (only species, hence type agile 9 ) and Thelastoma (only species, hence type attenuatum 9 ) Leidy, 1850, 100-102, still retains the same order, namely, one genus divided into two subgenera. Either agile or attenuatum may be taken as type. Aphanolaimus de Man, 1880, 5-6. A . attentus de Man, 1880, 6, only species, hence type. Aphelenchus Bastian, 1865c, 93, 121-124. Type species A. ovens', designated by Bas- tian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. aveniK Bastian, 1865c, 122-123, pi. 10, figs. 97-98. 9 villosus Bastian, 1865c, 123, pi. 10, figs. 99-101. $ 9 parietinus Bastian, 1865c, 123, pi. 10, figs. 102-103. 9 pyri Bastian, 1865c, 123-124, pi. 10, figs. 103a-103c. $ 9 npi'ii'ium Bosc, 1812a, 72-73, pi. 1, fig. 3. 1812: Dipodium (type). Apororhi/nchus Shipley, 1899, Aug., 361. A. hemignathi (Shipley, 1896), only species, hence type. 1896: Arhi/nchus Shipley, 1896, 207-218. [Not Arhynchus Dejean, 1834, cole- opteron.] appendiculatum Schneider, 1859, 25. Sept., 177. 1859: Alloionema (type). appendiculatus Molin, 1861, 544-547. 1861: Kalicephalus. Aprocta von Linstow, 1883, 289-290. A. cylindrica von Linstow, 1883, 289-290, pi. 7, fig. 21, only species, hence type. [Not Aprocta Diesing, 1850a, 478, 481, suborder. Diesing's use of this name in subordinal sense does not invalidate Aprocta, 1883.] aquaticus Linnaeus, 1758a, 647. 1758: Gordius (type). aquaticus de Man, 1880, 60. 1880: Rhabdolaimus. including Ascaris columbie Gmelin, 1790a. Ascaris Linnaeus, 1758a, 644, 648. Type by elimination and designation Ascaris lum- bricoides Linnaeus, 1758a. For discussion, see p. 60. 1780: Stomachida Pereboom, 1780, only species, hence type Stomachida vermis = Ascaris lumbricoides. 1800: Fusaria Zeder, 1800a; = Ascaris renamed, hence type species Ascaris lumbricoides. 1821: Lombricoides Merat, 1821, 225, type vulgaris=lumbricoides. 1896: Ascoria Huber, 1896a, 562. Misprint. . rermicularis Linnaeus, 1758a, 648. To Fusaria by Zeder, 1803a; to Oxyuris by Bremser, 1819a. lumbricoides Linnaeus, 1758a, 648; = Stomachida rermis Pereboom, 1780; to Fusaria by Zeder, 1800a; = Ascaris renamed. ascaroides Goeze, 1782a, 40, 134. See armata Rudolphi. 1782: Cucullanus. [1800: Gcezia (type).] [1801: Cochlus (type).] 1810: Pri- onoderma (type). Ascaroides Barthelemy, 1858a, 41-48. A. limads Barthelemy, 1858a, 41-48, pi. 5, figs. 8-15, only species, hence type. Ascarophis van Beneden, 1871a, 92. Mentions A. morrhuse (from Gadus morrhua), pi. 3, fig. 1, apparently type. See Ascaropsis. Ascarops van Beneden, 1873b, 22. A. minuta van Beneden, 1873b, 22, pi. 5, figs. 6-11, only species, hence type. Ascaropsis Power & Sedgwick, 1880. See Ascarophis van Beneden, 1871a. Asconema R. Leuckart, 1886, 20. Dec., 743-746. A. gibbosum R. Leuckart, 1886, 743- 746, only species, hence type. See Alractonema. [Not Askonema Kent, 1870, Nov. 1, sponge.] Ascoria Huber, 1896a, 562. Misprint for Ascaris, 1758. Aspidocephalus Diesing, 1851a, 80, 208. A. scoleciformis Diesing, 1851a, 208, only species, hence type. [Not Aspidocephalus Motsch, 1839, coleopteron, for Aspicephalus; not Aspido- cephala Burmeister, 1837, crustacean (supergeneric name) ; not Aspidocephali Ritg., 1828, reptile (supergeneric name).] DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 89 Atractis Dujardiii, 1845a, 230, 233, 654. Ascari* dactylurit Rudolphi, 1819a, only species, hence type. Atractonema R. Leuckart, 1887, Apr. 25, 678-703, pi. 3, figs. 1-13; [= Asconema Leuckart, 1886 [not Askonema Kent, 1870], renamed]. Type species A. gibbosum. attentus de Man, 1880, 6. 1880: ApJutnolaimus (type). attenuata Rudolphi, 1803, 3. See also Filaria falconis Gmelin, 1790a. 1803: Filaria (? type, see also quadrispina Diesing, and mortis Gmelin). attenuata Rudolphi, 1819a, 26. [1811: Acuaria.] 1819: Spiroptera. 1845: Dispharagus. attenuatum Leidy, 1849, 231. 1849: Thelastoma (type). [1849: Aorurus.] [1856: Thelastomum (type).] attenuates Dujardin, 1845a, 236. 1845: Oncholaimus (? type, seep. 121). 1851: Enoplus. Aucyracanthus Zool. Rec. (1897) , 1898, v. 34, Verm., 42. Misprint for Ancyr acanthus. Aulolaimus de Man, 1880, 30-31. A. oxycephalus de Man, 1880, 31, only species, hence type. australis Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 409-410, figs. 9, i-iv. 1894: Bathylaimus (type). Autoplectus Balsamo-Crivelli, 1843b, 188. A. protognostus Balsamo-Crivelli, 1843b, 188, only species, hence type. [Not Autoplectus Raffray, 1883, insect; see Zool. Rec. (1883), 1884, v. 20, Index, 2; Waterhouse, 1902, 40, gives this as Antoplectm (probably misprint).] aveme Bastian, 1865c, 122-123, pi. 10, figs. 97-98. 1865: Aphelenchus (type). Axanolaimus de Man, 1889, 3-4. Type species A. spinosus, designated in letter from de Man to Stiles, dated Nov. 30, 1903. spinosus (Buetschli, 1874) de Man, 1889, 3,4. ichdlonema. blfurcata Cobb, 1898a, Mar., 315, figs. 36, i-iv; [Apr.], 453, fig. 127. 1898: Lepidonema (type). bilabiata Diesing, 1851a, 277; includes F'daria sternse Rudolphi, 1819a. 1851: F'daria. 1861: Dicheilonema. Ulabiata Molin, 1860, 343. 1860: Ancyr acanthus. 1861: Ancyracanthopsis (type). "bilinguis Schrank, 1796, 231, n. 1, pi. 2, A, B." [Not accessible to us.] 1796: Linguatula (probably type). 1809: Hamularia. [1851: Filarianodulosa.} [1861: Monopetalonema obtuse-caudatum.'] bioculata Schultze, 1857, pi. 8, fig. 2. 1857: Rhabditis. 1865: Chromadora. bioculata de Man, 1877, 107-108, pi. 8, figs. 13, a-d. 1877: Spira. 1888: Arseolaimus (type). bispinosa Diesing, 1851a, 278. 1851: Filar ia. 1861: Dicheilonema. Uainvillii Zenker, 1827, 53. 1827: Netrorhynchvs (type). bombi Dufour, 1837a, 9, pi. 1 A, fig. 3. 1837: Sphieruloria (type). bothropis Molin, 1861, 549; sp. inq. 1861: Kalicephalus. bothryophorus Schuberg & Schroeder, 1904, 22. Feb., 629-632. 1904: Myenchus (type). Brachynema Cobb, 1893a, Oct., 811. B. obtusa Cobb, 1893a, 811, only species, hence type. [Not Brachynema Fieb., 1861, hemipteron. ] Bradynema zur Strassen, 1892, Oct. 18, 655-747. F'daria rigida von Siebold, 1836, 33, only species, hence type. brevicaudata Zeder, 1800a, 66-68. 1800: Fusaria. 1802: Ascaris. 1845: Heterakis. 1866: Oxysoma (probably type). brevicaudata Mueller, 1894, 113, 116-117, pi. 7, fig. 2. 1894: Strongyluris (type). brevicaudatum Marion, 1870, 24-25, pi. G, fig. 2. 1870: Enoplostoma. breiicaudatus Dujardin, 1845a, 80. 1845: Dispharagus. 1851: Histiocephalus.- 1891: Dispharagus. brevicaudatus Cobb, 1898a, Apr., 440,441, figs. 102-103. 1898: Zoniolaimus. brevicolle Rudolphi, 1819a, 13; =capillaris Rudolphi, 1809a, 86, renamed. [1803: Capillaria tumida (type).] 1819: Trichosoma (type). brevicollis Cobb, 1898a, Mar., 311, "figs. 29, i-iv. 1898: Rhigonema (type). brevipenis Molin, 1860, 921. 1860: Spiroptera. 1897: Oxyspirura. brempenis Molin, 1861, 548-549. 1861: Kalicephalus. brevispinosus Diesing, 1861a, 728. 1861: Vracanthus (type). breirisubulata Molin, 1860, 959. 1860: Spiroptera. 1897: Oxyspirura. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 91 britannicus de Man, 1889, 4-5. 1889: Thalassiromis (type). Bunonema Jagerskiold, 1905, Feb. 28, 557-561, 1 fig. E. richtersi Jagerskiold, 1905, 557-561, 1 fig., only species, hence type. Bunostomum Railliet, 1902, Feb. 7, 108-109, 110. Type by original designation B. trigonocephalum (Rudolphi, 1809) Railliet, 1902, 108. Railliet proposed Bunostomum to replace Monodontus Molin, 1861, but he designated B. trigo- nocephfilwn type of Bunostomum. (See below, p. 121. ) cieca Bastian, 1865c, 169, pi. 13, figs. 239-241. 1865: Chromadora. cams Bastian, 1865c, 163, pi. 13, figs. 213-214. 1865: Cyatholaimus. Calodium Dujardin, 1845a, 4, 25-29. Type species ? C. annulosum. splensecum Dujardin, 1845a, 25-26, pi. 1, fig. A. $ 9 plica (Rudolphi, 1819) Dujardin, 1845a, 26-27. $ 9 annulosum Dujardin, 1845a, 27. $ 9 ( From Mus rattux and M. decumanus. ) longifilum Dujardin, 1845a, 27-28. Only $ . omnium (Dujardin, 1843) Dujardin, 1845a, 28. $ 9 tenue Dujardin, 1845a, 28-29. $ 9 (From Columba domestica. ) As the rat is one of the easiest animals to obtain, it will be better to select C. annulosum as type, unless some author has already selected another species. calvadosicus de Man, 1890, 190-192, pi. 5, fig. 10. 1890: Oncholaimellus (type). Calyptonema Zool. Rec. (1876), 1878, v. 13, Verm., 18. See Calyptronema. Calyptroneitia Marion, 1870, 12-13. C. paradoxum Marion, 1870, 12-13, pi. A, fig. 2, only species, hence type. [1870: Calyptonema Marion. Misprint? Zool. Rec. (1876), 1878, v.13, Verm., 18.] Camacolaimus de Man, 1889, 8. C. tardus de Man, 1889, 8, only species, hence type. candidus Mueller, 1776, 214. Renamed acus Rudolphi, 1802, 51. J776: Echinorhynchus. [[?]: sub Proboscidea verslpellis.'] Capillaria Zeder, 1800a, 5. Type by virtual tautonymy and page precedence Tri- chocephalus capillaris Rudolphi, 1809a; = Capillaria tumida. [Not Capellaria Gistl., 1848; not Capillaria Haworth, 1828, lepidopteron.] 1819: Trichosoma Rudolphi, 1819a, 13-16, 219-223; =Capillaria Zeder, 1800a, renamed. 1839: Trichosomum Creplin, 1839a, 278; for Trichosoma. tumida Zeder, 1803a, 61; iromAnasquerquedula; = Trichocephalus anatis Schrank, 1790, renamed; = Trichocephalus capillaris Rudolphi, 1809a, 86; including Linguatula trichocephala, Schrank, 1797, 232, and Capillaria tumida; renamed Trichosoma brevicolle Rudolphi, 1819a, 13. Type by. virtual tautonymy and page precedence. semiteres Zeder, 1803a, 61. Renamed Hamularia nodulosa Rudolphi, 1809a, 84, and Trichosoma longicolle Rudolphi, 1819a, 221, including Filaria gallinse Gmelin, 1790a, 3040, Gordius gallinas (Gmelin), Tabl. encycl., Linguatula unilinguis Schrank, 1797, 231. capillaris Rudolphi, 1809a, 86-87 ;=anatis Schrank, 1790, and tumida renamed. [1790: Trichocephalus anatis'] [1803: Capillaria tumida sub (type).] 1809: Trichocephalus. [1819: Trichosoma brevicolle sub (type).] capillaris Molin, 1860, 349. 1860: Spiroptera. 1861: Cheilospirura. capitatus Looss, 1900, 191-192. 1900: Gyalocephalus (type). 92 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Capsularia Zeder, 1800a, 5, 7-15. Type by tautonymy and page precedence, Ascaris capsularia Rudolphi, 1802a; = Capsularia salmis. See p. 37. [Not Capsularia Oken, 1815, coleopteron.] salaris (Gmelin, 1790) Zeder, 1800a; renamed Ascaris capsularia Rudolphi, 1802, 27. halecis (Gmelin, 1790) Zeder, 1800a; renamed Filaria capsularia Rudolphi, 1802, 3-5; renamed Filocapsularia communis Deslongchamps, in part halecis. capsularia Rudolphi, 1802, 2-5; = Capsularia halecis renamed; see Filocapsidariu corn- munis. [1800: Capsularia.] 1802: Filaria. [Sub Filocapsularia communis Deslong- champs, 1824q (type).] capsularia Rudolphi, 1802, 27; = Capsularia salaris renamed. [1800: Capsularia (type).] 1802: Ascaris. 1851: Agamonema. Carnoya Gilsdn, 1898a, 335-369. C. vitiensis Gilson, 1898a, 335-369, 1 pi., figs. 1-23, only species, hence type. caianensis Drago, ["1887a"] 1887b, 81-83. Parasitic oligochete. 1887: Epithelphusa (type). caudispina Molin, 1858, 382-383, pi. 1, fig. 4. 1858: Filaria. 1861: Dipetalonema (probably type). Cephalacanthus Diesing, 1853a, Jan., 34-35. Type species probably C. monacanthus. [Not Cephalacanthus Lac., 1802, fish.] monacanthus Diesing, 1853a, 35. Host Tenebrio molitor. triacanthus Diesing, 1853a, 35. Host Geotrupes stercorarius. cephalata Cobb, 1894c, Apr., 399-401, figs. 7, i-iv. 1894: Platycoma (type). Cephalobus Bastian, 1865c, 94, 124-125. Type species C. persegnis, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. persegnis Bastian, 1865c, 124-125, pi. 10, figs. 104-106. $ 9 striatus Bastian, 1865c, 125, pi. 10, figs. 107-108. $> Cephalonema Cobb, 1893a, Oct., 825. 0. longicauda Cobb, 1893a, 825, fig. 41 r only species, hence type. See Nanonema. [Not Cephalonema, Stimps. (? date), worm. SeeScudder, 1884, 58.] cephalopodum Diesing, 1851a, 353. 1851: Fictitium (type). cephaloptera Molin, 1860, 956-957. 1860: Spiroptera. 1861: Cheilospirura. 1897: Oxyspirura (type). Ceratospira Schneider, 1866, 29, 104, 108-109. C. vesiculosa Schneider, 1866, 109, 1 fig, only species, hence type. Cercosoma Brera, 1809a, 106-108. Larva of Eristalis. ceti Roussel, 1834, 326-331. 1834: Odontobius (type). cettensis de Rouville, 1903, 11. Dec., 1529. 1903: Sabatieria (type). Chsetia Hill, 1752a, 14, pi. 2. Pre-Linn^ean, for Gordins aguaticus. Chietosoma Claparede, 1863a, 88-89. C. ophicephaium Claparede, 1863a, 88-89, pi. 18, figs. 2-3, only species, hence type. [Not Chietosoma Dej., ? date, coleopteron; Chsetosoma Westwood, 1851, cole- opteron; Chsetostoma Tsch., 1845, fish; Chuetostoma Rond., 1856, dipteron; Chsdotoma Motsch, coleopteron.] Chaolaimus Cobb, 1893a, Oct., 821. C. pelluddus Cobb, 1893a, 821, fig. 39, only species, hence type. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 93 Chaos Linnaeus, 1767, 1074, 1326-1327. Type by absolute tautonymy Chaos protheus Linnaeus, 1767; = Volvox chaos Linnaeus, 1758a; = Chaos chaos (Linnaeus, 1758) Stiles, 1905 [= Amceba proteus]. For discussion, see p. 38. [Not Chaus Gray, 1843, mammal.] chaos Linnaeus, 1758a, 821. See also proteus and protheus. 1758: Volvox. [1767: Chaos (type).] [1773: Vibrio.] [1786: Proteus.] [1822: Amiba (type).] [1831: Amoeba (type).] Characostomum Railliet, 1902, 109-110. Type species C. longemucronatum (Molin, 1861). Eailliet proposed this generic name as substitute for GlobocepJialus Molin, 1861, because of the existence of GIobicephalus~Lei-son, 1828, mammal. He had previously (1895) proposed Cystocephalas as substitute, but this is preoccupied by Cystocephalus Leger, 1892. Since, however, Globocephalus and Globicephalus are two different combinations of letters, they are differ- ent, hence can not be identical. There is therefore no necessity for rejecting Globocephalus. Cheilospirura Diesing, 1861a, 618, 683-686. Type species by present designation C. hamulosa. 1884: Cheirospirura von Drasche, 1884a, 213. Misprint, posthelica (Molin, 1860) Diesing, 185la, 683-684. $ quadricostata (Molin, 1860) Diesing, 1861a, 684; $ 9 erecta (Molin, 1860) Diesing, 1861a, 684. $ 9 See Spiroptera anabatis. uncinipenis (Molin, 1860) Diesing, 1861a, 684-685. $ 9 . From Rhea ameri- cana. hamulosa (Diesing, 1851) Diesing, 1861a, 685. $ 9 (From Gallus gallus.) To Dispharagus by Stossich, 1890. longestriata (Molin, 1860) Diesing, 1861a, 685. $ 9 cephaloptera (Molin, 1860) Diesing, 1861a, 686. $ 9 To Oxyspirura by Stossich, 1897 (type). capillaris (Molin, 1860) Diesing, 1861a, 686; sp. inq. Cheilospirura hamulosa is here designated as type of Cheilospirura; upon the following grounds: (1) It is a more or less common and widespread species found in a food animal, hence it can be easily obtained; (2) it was examined by Diesing, the author of the genus; (3) it is^the oldest of the original species of Cheilospirura; (4) as the generic name Dispharagus, 1845 (with which hamulosais now usually combined), must drop as synonym of Acuaria 1811 (because of type by inclusion), a selection of hamulosa as type of Cheilospirura, 1861, now gives us a more or less well-know T n name for the hamulosa group. Cheilostomi Diesing, 1851a, 264, 276-279. Section of Filaria with two subsections: Dicheilostond and Tricheilostomi. Cheiracanthus Diesing, 1838a, 189 [nomen nudum except for habitat]; 1839a, 221- 227. Type species by inclusion C. robustus. See Gnathostoma. [Not Cheiracanthus Agassiz, 1833, fish.] robustus Diesing, 1838a, 189 [nomen nudum except for habitat]; 1839a, 222- 225, pi. 14, figs. 1-7. $ 9 See Gnathostoma spinigerum. gracilis Diesing, 1838a, 189 [nomen nudum except for habitat]; 1839a, 225, pi. 14, figs. 8-11. $ 9 Diesing (1839) gives Gnathostoma spinlgeriuii Owen, 1837, as probable synonym of Ch. robustus. Cheirospirura von Drasche. 1884a, 213. Misprint for Cheilospirura. chlorurus de Man, 1880, 61-62. 1880: Odontolaimus (type). 94 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Choanolaimus de Man, 1880, 28-29. C. psammophilm de Man, 1880, 29, only spe- cies, hence type. Chordodes Creplin, 1847b, 161-165. C. parasitm Creplin, 1847b, 161-165, only spe- cies, hence type. Chromadora Bastian, 1865c, 95, 167-170. Type C. ndgaris, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. 1886: Euchromadora de Man, 1886, 67-76; type vulgaris. vulgaris Bastian, 1865c, 167-168, pi. 13, figs. 233-235. $ 9 (Type of Euchromadora de Man, 1886.) nudicapitata Bastian, 1865c, 168, pi. 13, figs. 230-232. $ 9 natans Bastian, 1865c, 168-169, pi. 13, figs. 236-238. $ 9 Cfcca Bastian, 1865c, 169, pi. 13, figs. 239-241. $ 9 filiformis Bastian, 1865c, 169, pi. 13, figs. 242-244. $ 9 sabelloides Bastian, 1865c, 169-170, pi. 13, figs. 245-246. $ papillata Bastian, 1865c, 170, pi. 13, figs. 247-248. $ bioculata (Schultze, 1857) Bastian, 1865c, 170. Sexes? ocellata (Carter, 1859) Bastian, 1865c, 170. $ 9 Chromagaster Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 416-419. Type C. purpurea Cobb, 1894c, desig- nated by Cobb in letter to Stiles, dated Dec. 15, 1903. [Not Chromogaster Lauterborn, 1893, worm.] 1902: Chromogaster Waterhouse, 1902, 75. For Chromagaster. nigricans Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 416-417. $ purpurea Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 417-419, figs. 12, i-iv. $ 9 Chromogaster Waterhouse, 1902, 75. For Chromagaster. chrysalis Mayer, 1844, 409-410, pi. 10, figs. 5-8. 1844: Acanthosoma (type). citiatus von Linstow, 1877, 2-3. 1877: Acrobeles (type). cincta Cobb, 1894c, Apr." 13, 390-391, figs. 2-3. 1894: Tricoma (type). tinctus von Linstow, 1898, 469-470. pi. 35, figs. 3-11. 1898: Hoplocephalus (type). 1898: Echinonema (type). Ciorhynchus Zeder, 1803a, viii. Misprint for Liorhynchus. cirratus Bastian, 1865c, 119, pi. 10, figs. 81-82. 1865: Plectus. drrhatus Eberth, 1863a, 34-35, pi. 2, figs. 20-22; pi. 4, fig. 17; pi. 5, fig. 4. 1863: Enoplus. 1891: Dipeltis. 1875: Discophora (type). clausa Rndolphi, 1819a, 29, 255-256, pi. 1, figs. 2-3. 1819: Physaloptera (type). clavseceps Zeder, 1800a, 130-131. 1800: Echinorhynchm. 1892: Neorhynchus (type). 1905: Neoechinorhynchus (type). Cloadna von Linstow, 1898, Mar., 286-290. C. dahli von Linstow, 1898, 286-290, pi. 22, figs. 13-20, only species, hence type. Cochins Zeder, 1803a, 45-50. Goezia Zeder, 1800a, renamed, hence type species Coch- lus armatu8 = Cucullanus ascaroides. [Not Cochins Humph., 1797, mollusk; Meg. (? date), mollusk.] cocksi Bastian, 1865c, 143, pi. 11, figs. 151-153. 1865: Phanoderma (type). Coleops. See Koleops. collaris Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a. 1828: Crossophorus (? type). columbss Schrank, 1788, 8. 1788: Ascaris. [1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia) maculosa (sub).] DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 95 colymbi Kudolphi, 1819a, 10. Nomen nudum except for host. See acuta. 1819: Filaria. [1861: Dicheilonema.] Comesoma Bastian, 1865c, 95, 158-159. Type C. vulgaris Bastian, 1865c, designated ' by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. i-ulgaris Bastian, 1865c, 158-159, pi. 13, figs. 195-197. $ ? Type. profundi Bastian, 1865c, 159, pi. 13, figs. 198-200. $ ? communis Deslongchamps, 1824q, 399-400. See capsularia Rudolphi, 1802, 2-5. 1824: Filocapsularia (type). communis Buetschli, 1874b, 282-283, pi. 6, figs. 27, a-b; pi. 7, figs. 27, c-d. 1874: SpUophora. 1889: Desmodora (type). communis de Man, 1880, 34. 1880: Cylindrolaimus (type). communis de Man, 1880, 63. 1880: Diphtherophora (type). communis de Man, 1888, 12, pl.-l, fig. 7. 1888: Terschdlingia (type). commutata Diesing, 1851a, 152. Includes "Ascaris brevicaudata Zeder" of Rudolphi, 1819a, 284; from Bufo viridis. 1851: Ascaris. 1861: .Cosmocerca. 1866: Xemaloxys. "commutata Rudolphi," of Schneider, 1866, 113. See commutata Diesing. compar Schrank, 1790, 120. 1790: Ascaris. 1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia). conica Molin, 1858, 412. 1858: Filaria. 1861: Dicheilonema. Conocephalus Diesing, 1861a, 616, 669. C. typicus, only species, hence type. [Not Conocephalus Thunb., 1812, orthopteron; Zenk., 1833, crustacean; Schoenh., 1838, coleopteron; Dum., 1853, reptile.] contorta Rudolphi, 1819a, 25, 242-243. 1819: Spiroptera. 1866: Spiroxys (type). [1866: Spiroxix (type).] contorlus Rudolphi, 1803, 15-17. 1803: Strongylus. 1898: Htemonchus (type). contortus Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 414. 1894: Laxm. conwlutus Kuhn, 1829b, 365-366. 1829: Strongylus. 1851: Prostliecosacter. copulatum Molin, 1861, 462-463. 1861 : Eucyathostomum. coronata van Beneden, ["1858a"]; 1861a, 270-271. [1858: Spiropterina (type).] 1861: Spiropterina (type) coronatus Molin, 1861, 533-534, pi. 6, figs. 1-2. 1861: Histiostrongylus (type). coronatus Eberth, 1863a, 37-38, pi. 3, figs. 13-19. 1863: Enoplus. 1865: Leptosomatum. Coronilla van Beneden, 1871a, 6, 17, 18; [possibly earlier]. Type? C. robusta. [Not Coronella Laur., 1768, reptile; not Coronella Goldf., 1820, rotifer.] sillicola van Beneden, 1871a, 6; [no description]. Host Mustelus rulgaris. minuta van Beneden, 1871a, 17; n. sp.; [no description]. Host Raja batis. robusta van Beneden, 1871a, 18, 19, pi. 3, figs. 2-7; n. sp. Hosts Raja circularis and jf?. clavata. Corynosoma Luehe, 1904, Dec., 231; 1905, 342. Type by original designation C. stru- mosum (Rudolphi, 1802) Luehe, 1904, 231; 1905, 342. Cosmocephalus Molin, 1858, 151-152. C. diesingii Molin, 1858, 151-152, only species, hence type. [Not Cosmocephala Stirups., 1857, worm.] 96 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Cosmocerca Diesing, 1861a, 614, 645-646. C. omata (Dujardin, 1845), only valid species, hence type. 1866: Nematoxys Schneider, 1866, 29, 111-113. [Not Cosmocercus Dej., ? date, coleopteron; Thorns., 1864, coleopteron.] ornata (Dujardin, 1845) Diesing, 1861a, 645. Type. commutata (Diesing, 1851) Diesing, 1861a, 645-646; species inquirenda. costata Bastian, 1865c, 166-167, pi. 13, figs. 228-229. 1865: Spilophora. 1889: Monoposthia (type). costatus Rudolphi, 1819a, 647-648. 1819: Strongylus. 1845: Sclerostoma. 1851: Diaphanocephalus. costellatus Dujardin, 1845a, 116. 1845: Strongylus. 1861: Metastrongylus. crassa von Linstow, 1889, 392-396, pi. 22, figs. 2-8. 1889: Mermis. [1898: Paramermis (type).] crassicauda Bellingham, 1845a, Jan., 476. 1845: Trichosoma. 1874: Trichodes (type). 1895: Trichosomoides ( type) . crassiusculus Dujardin, 1845a, 235. 1845: Enoplus. 1865: Mononchm. Crenosoma Molin, 1861, 435, 437-442. Type probably C. striatum (Zeder, 1800) Molin, 1861. striatum (Zeder, 1800) Molin, 1861, 440-441, pi. 1, figs. 1-2. semiarmatum Molin, 1861, 442. Includes Strongylus decoratus Creplin, 184 "a, 289, and Liorhynchus vulpis Dujardin, 1845a, 283. Unless semiarmatum has already been designated as type, it will be best to select striatum as such. crinalis Wedl, 1855, 384-385, 394, pi. 3, figs. 18-20. 1855: Dikentrocephalus (type). [1861: Dicentroc.ephalus.'] Crino Lamarck, 1801, 339-340. C. truncatus Lamarck, 1801, only species, hence type. [Not Crino Huebn., 1816, lepidopteron; Gistl., 1848, mollusk.] Crino truncatus is based upon "Les Crinons" of Chabert, 1787a, 21-24, which is a heterogeneous group of roundworms found especially in the horse, and found also in dogs and other animals. Scudder attributes Crino to Chabert, 1782, but we have been unable to verify this, cristate Frcelich, 1802a, 9-13, pi. 1, figs. 1-3. 1802: Rictularia (type). 1819: Ophiostoma, [1845: Laphyctes (type).] cristatus Bastian, 1865c, 102, pi. 9, figs. 33-34. 1865: Mononchus. Crossophorus Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a. Type species ? C. collaris. [Not Crossophora Meyrick, 1883, insect. See Zool. Rec. (1883), 1884, v. 20, Index, 4.] collaris Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a. tentaculatus Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a. crucis Maupas, 1900, 578-582, pi. 26, figs. 4-10. 1900: Macrolaimus (type). Ctenocephalus Linstow, 1904, Feb., 12-13 of reprint, a. tiara (Linstow, 1879) Lins- tow, 1904, Feb., 12-13 of reprint, pi. 2, figs. 23-27, only species, hence type. See Tanqua and Tetradenos. [Not Ctenocephalus Kol., 1857, dipteron.] Cuculanus Bloch, 1782a, 34-35. For Cucullanus. Cucullanm Mueller, "1777, 50, pi. 38, figs. 1-11 [not accessible];" see 1779, 99-101, where two species are given. 1782: Cuculanus Bloch, 1782a, 34-35. For Cucullanm. 1803: Cucullus Zeder, 1803a, 50. Misprint. marinus Mueller, 1779, 99-101, for pi. 38, figs. 1-11. See also foveolatus. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 97 Cucullanus Mueller Continued. lacustris (Mueller, 1776) Mueller, 1779, 100. Dujardin (1845a, 245) has designated Cucullanus elegans as type. Not being able to obtain Mueller, 1777, we reserve judgment upon this case. Probably marinus should have been taken as type. cucullanus Schrank, 1788, 50-51. 1788: Tsenia. [1803: Cochins armatus sub.] [1845: Prionoderma ascaroides sub.] Cucullus Zeder, 1803a, 50. Misprint for Cucullanus. culicis Stiles, 1903, 15-17. 1903: Agamomermis. curvula Rudolphi, 1803a, 6-8. See equi. 1803: Oxyuris (type). [1816: Oxyurus (type).] 1860: Lepturis (type). Cyalholaimus Bastian, 1865c, 95, 162-165. Type species C. ocellatus, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. ocellatus Bastian, 1865c, 163, pi. 13, figs. 210-212a. $ 9 ctecus Bastian, 1865c, 163, pi. 13, figs. 213-214. 9 ornatus Bastian, 1865c, 163-164, pi. 13, figs. 215-216. 9 punctatus Bastian, 1865c, 164, pi. 13, figs. 217-218. $ striatus Bastian, 1865c, 164, pi. 13, figs. 219-220. $ gracilis (Eberth, 1863) Bastian, 1865c, 165. $ 9 [Not observed by Bastian.] Cyathostoma E. Blanchard, 1849a, March, 182-185. Cyathostoma lari Blanchard, 1849a, 182-185, pi. 7, fig. 5, only species, hence type. This species is figured in Cuvier's Regne Aniinale (Masson's Ed., 1836-49), v. 20 (Zoophytes), pi. 25, figs. 6, a-b, and short description of figures given. It is also mentioned in Voyage en Sicile, Vers, pi. 23, fig. 5. Cyathostomum Molin, 1861, 435, 451-455. Cyathostomum tetracanthurn (Mehlis, 1831) Molin, 1861, only species, hence type. Renamed Cylichnostomum. [Not Cyathostoma E. Blanchard, 1849a, nematode.] cygni Molin, 1858, 154. 1858: Echinocephalus. cygnoides Metschnikoff, 1867, Aug. 26, 542-543, pi. 31, figs. 9-11. 1867: Rhabdogaster (type). Cylichnostomum Looss, 1902, 38, 86-132; = CyathostQmum Molin, 1861, renamed; hence type species Cyathostomum tetracanthurn. 1861: Cyathostomum Molin, 1861 [not Cyathostoma Blanchard, 1849], type C. tetracanthum. 1903: Cylicostomum Gedoelst, 1903a, 56, 92. For Cylichnostomum. Cylicolaimus de Man, 1889, 1-2. C. magnus (Villot, 1875), only species, hence type. Cylicostomum Gedcelst, 1903a, 56, 92. For Cylichnostomum. cylindrica von Linstow, 1883, 289-290, pi. 7, fig. 21. 1883: Aprocta (type). Cylindrolaimiis de Man, 1880, 34-35. Type species C. communis, designated in letter from de Man to Stiles, dated Nov. 30, 1903. communis de Man, 1880, 34. 9 Type. melancholicus de Man, 1880, 35. $ 9 Cysstoopis Linstow in Zykoff, 1902, 29. July, 452. Misprint for Cystoopsis. cystica Rudolphi, 1819a, 634-635. 1819: Filaria. 1851: Agamonema,. Cystidicola G. Fischer, 1798b, mars, 98; 1798a, 306, fig. 7; 1799a, 95-100; pi. 2, figs. 1-6. C. farionis Fischer, 1798, only species, hence type. Also type by abso- lute tautonymy Fissula cystidicola. 6328 No. -7905 7 98 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Cystidicola G. Fischer Continued. 1801: Fissula Lamarck. Type by inclusion Oystidicola farionis. 1801: Ophiostoma Rudolphi. Type by inclusion Cystidicola farionis. 1839: Ophiostomum Creplin. Ophiostoma Rudolphi, 1801, renamed. Cystidicola Lamarck, 1801, 339; =farionis Fischer, 1798, renamed. [1798: Cystidicola (type).] 1801: Fissula (type). 1809: Ophiostoma (type). 1819: Spiroptera. 1845: Dispharagus. 1866: Ancyracanthus. Cystocephalus Railliet, 1895a, 1302; = Globocephalus Molin, 1861, renamed; hence type Globocephalus longemucronatus Molin, 1861. See Globocephalus and Characostomum. [Not Cystocephalus~L6ger, 1892.] Cystoopsis Zykoff, 1902, 15. Apr., 229-233. See Cystopsis. Cystopsis Wagner, 1867, 6. [Not accessible to us; given on authority of Scudder, 1884, 90, wjio quotes from Marschall.] Probably acipenseri is only species, hence type. Not being able to obtain Wagner, 1867 (probably not pub- lished until later), we are unable to state which is the original orthography. Cytoopsis Melnikoff (1872) 1875, 6. [Not accessible to us, see Cystopsu.~\ Dachmius, 1862, Veterinarian, Lond. (416), v. 35, 4. s. (92), v. 8, Aug., 549-556. Misprint for Dochmius. Dacnitis Dujardin, 1845a, 267-272. Type species ? D. esuriens by virtual tautonymy, very common, and because of host, or fsphserocephala by inclusion. 1900: Dxnitis von Linstow, 1900, 130. Misprint. abbreriata (Rudolphi, 1819) Dujardin, 1845a, 269. $ 9 Not examined by Dujardin, but cited with reserve. globosa Dujardin, 1845a, 269. $ 9 Includes Cucullanus truttse Fabricius, 1794, 30-33, pi. 3, figs. 9-12, and Cucullanus globosus Rudolphi, 1809a, 115, p. p. psuriem Dujardin, 1845a, 270. $ 9 Includes fCticullanusheterochrous Rudolphi, 1809a, 114, ICucullanus heterochrous Creplin, 1839a, 280, and Cucullanus platessx, and Cucullanus solex Rudolphi, 1819a, 22. Mans Dujardin, 1845a, 270-271. $ 9. Includes ? Cucullanus foveolatus Rudolphi, 1809a, 109, p. p., very common. Hosts Pleuronectes solese and P. latus. sphxrocephala (Rudolphi, 1809) Dujardin, 1845a, 271-272. $ 9 Includes Pleurorinchus Nau, 1787, 471, Ascaris sphserocephala Rudolphi, 1809a, 188, Ophiostoma sphserocephalum Rudolphi, 1819a, 61, 305. squali Dujardin, 1845a, 272. 9 Dactylius Curling, 1839a, 274-287. D. aculeatus Curling, 1839a, 274-287, pi. 4, figs. 1-5, only species, hence type. An annelid. [Not Dactylium Megerle, in Scudder, 1884, mollusk.] dactylura Dujardin, 1845a, 654; for dactyluris Rudolphi, 1819a. 1845: Ascaris. [1845: Atractis (type).] dactyluris Rudolphi, 1819a, 40, 272, 581. See also dactylura. 1819: Ascaris. [1845: Atractis (type).] Dimitis von Linstow, 1900, 130. Misprint for Dacnitis. dahli von Linstow, 1898, 286-290, pi. 22, figs. 13-20. 1898: Cloadna (type). Darylaimus von Linstow, 1878, 343. Misprint for Dorylaimus. davainii Bastian, 1865c, 126, pi. 10, figs. 109-111. 1865: Tylenchus (type). decorus Dujardin, 1845a, 78, pi. 3,,fig. K. 1845: Dispharagus. 1851: Histiocephalus. Ddetrocephalus Diesing, 1851a, 82, 298. D. dimidiatus Diesing, 1851a, 298, only species, hence type. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 99 Demonema Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 392-394. D. rapax Cobb, 1894c, 393-394, figs. 5, i-iv, only species, hence type. dentatum Molin, 1861, 459^160, pi. 1, fig. 7. 1861: Eucyathostomum. dentatus Rudolphi, 1803a, 12-13. 1803: Strongylus. [1861: (Esophagosiomum subulatum (sub) (type).] dentatus Diesing, 1839a, 232-233, pi. 15, figs. 9-19. 1839: Stephanurus (type). denticulatus Rudolphi, 1809a, 249-250, pi. 12, figs. 1-2. Includes Gcezia inermis. 1809: Liorhynchus. Dentolaimus Zool. Rec. (1880), 1881, v. 17, Index, 4. Misprint for Deontolaimus. denudatus Dujardin, 1845a, 81, pi. 3, fig. G. 1845: Dispharagus. 1851: Histiocephalus. Deontolaimus de Man, 1880, 3-4. D. papillatus de Man, 1880, 4, only species, hence type. 1881: Dentolaimus. Misprint for Deontolaimus Zool. Rec. (1880), 1881, v. 17, Index, 4. depressus Dujardin, 1845a, 112-113. 1845: Strongylus. 1861: Metastrongylus. Dermatoxys Schneider, 1866, 29, 123-124. D. veligera (Rudolphi, 1819) Schneider, 1866, 123-124, pi. 12, fig. 4, only species, hence type. Dermofilaria Rivolta, 1884, 128-134. D. irritam Rivolta, 1884, 128-134, only species, hence type. Desmodora de Man, 1889, 9. Type by original designation (de Man, 1889, 9) D. corn- munis (Buetschli, 1874). Desmolaimus de Man, 1880, 14-15. D. zeelandicus de Man, 1880, 14-15, only species, hence type. Desmoscolex Claparede, 1863a, 89-90. D. minutus Claparede, 1863a, 89-90, pi. 18, figs. 4-7, only species, hence type. Diaphanocephalus Diesing, 1851a, 82, 297-298. Type species ? D. strongyloides. strongyloides Diesing, 1851a, 297. $ 9 Strongylus galeatus Rudolphi, 1819a, renamed. Host Podinema teguixin, Brazil. costatus (Rudolphi, 1819) Diesing, 1851a, 297-298. $ 9 Hosts Lachesis rhombeata and Hylophis Isevicollis. viperse (Rudolphi, 1819) Diesing, 1851a, 298; sp. inq. Dicelis Dujardin, 1845a, 106, 107-108. D. filaria Dujardin, 1845a, 108, pi. 3, fig. H, only species, hence type. [Not Dicelis Stimps., 1857, worm.] Dicentrocephalus Diesing, 1861a, 727; for Dikentrocephalus Wedl, 1855; hence type species Dikentrocephalus crinalis. Diceras Rudolphi, 1810a, 258; = Ditrachyceros Hermann in Sultzer, 1801, renamed. Diceras rude Rudolphi, 1810a, 258-261, pi. 12, fig. 5, only species, hence type. [Not Diceras Lamarck, 1805, mollusk; Diceros Gray, 1821, mammal.] Dicheilonema Diesing, 1861a, 620, 707-709. Type species ? D. labiatum. Diesing sepa- rated from Filaria the following species: bifidum (Molin, 1858) Diesing, 1861a, 707. $ 9 bilabiatum (Diesing, 1851) Diesing, 1861a, 707. 9 Host Sterna leucopareia. acutum (Diesing, 1851) Diesing, 1861a, 707-708. 9 Hosts Podiceps cristatus and P. cornutus. conicum (Molin, 1858) Diesing, 1861a, 708. 9 labiotruncatum (Molin, 1858) Diesing, 1861a, 708. 9 labiatum (Creplin, 1825) Diesing, 1861a, 708. $ 9 Host Ciconia nigra. rubrum (Leidy, 1856) Diesing, 1861a, 708. Sexes not given in 1856. 100 BUREAU OK ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Dicheilonema Diesing Continued. fusiforme (Molin, 1858) Diesing, 1861a, 709. 9 bispinosum (Diesing, 1851) Diesing, 1861a, 709. $ 9 Hosts Ophis, Tham- nobiuSj and Boa. horridum (Diesing, 1851) Diesing, 1861 a, 709. $ 9 The subsection Dicheilostomi, 1851, which was later (1861) raised to generic rank, originally contained F'daria labiata, F. physalura, F. obtuso-caudata, F. bilabiala, F. acuta, F. horrida, and F. bispinosa. By the principle of vir- tual tautonymy bilabiata would first come into consideration as type, but such a choice is contraindicated by the lack of details given for this worm in both 1851 and 1861. The history of the genus strongly indicates F. labi- ata as type, unless there are other reasons why this should not be taken. F. labiata was the best-known species in 1851. Dicheilostomi Diesing, 1851a, 264, 276-278. Subsection of Cheilostomi of Filaria. See Dicheilonema. Dicyema Kcelliker, 1849d, 59-66. D. paradoxum. Koelliker, 1849d, 59-66, pi. 5, figs. 1-12, only species, hence type. diesingii Molin, 1858, 151-152. 1858: Cosmocephalus (type). Dikentrocephalus Wedl, 1855, 384-385, 394. D. crinalis Wedl, 1855, 384-385, 394, pi. 3, figs. 18-20, only species, hence type. 1861: Dicentrocephalus Diesing, 1861a, 727; for Dikentrocephalus. dimidiatus Diesing, 1851a, 298. 1851: Deletrocephalus (type). Dioctophryme Scudder, 1882, 99. Misprint for Dioctophyme. Dioctophyme Collet-Meygret, 1802a,. 458-464, figs. 1-4. D. renale (Gceze, 1782) Stiles, 1901, only species, hence type. 1851: Eustrongylus Diesing, 1851a. Type Dioctophyme renale. 1884: Dioctophryme Scudder, 1884, 99. For Dioctophyme. Collet-Meygret used only the generic name. Dipe.Uis Cobb, 1891c, Dec. 22, 155-158. Type D. typicus Cobb, 1891c. Renamed Diplopeltis Cobb, 1905. [Not Dipeltis Packard, 1885, crustacean.] minor Cobb, 1891c, 156. cirrhatus (Eberth, 1863) Cobb, 1891c, 156-157. Type of Discophora, 1875 [not 1836]. typicus Cobb, 1891c, 157-158, figs. 9, i-iv. In this genus Cobb has indicated the type by the specific name typicus, and this indication should stand despite the fact that Dipeltis includes the type (cirrhatus} of an earlier genus (Discophora). See p. 30. A personal letter from Cobb, dated March 28, 1904, shows us that it was Cobb's original intention to use typicus as type. dipetala Molin, 1858, 373. 1858: Filaria. [1861: Dipetalonema.'] Dipetalonema Diesing, 1861a, 620, 703-704. Type probably Filaria caudispina. caudispina (Molin, 1858) Diesing, 1861a, 703-704. $ 9 inflexum Diesing, 1861a, 704. $ Filaria dipetala Molin, 1858, renamed. mucronatum (Molin, 1858) Diesing, 1861a, 704. $ Probably caudispina should be taken as type, as it is the only species figured and of which both sexes were known; further, the material was abundant, See also 40. Diphtherophora de Man, 1880, 62-63. D. communis de Man, 1880, 63, only species, hence type. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 101 Diplogaster Max Schultze in Cams, 1857a, pi. 8, fig. 1. D. micans Schultze in Carus, 1857a, pi. 8, fig. 1, only species, hence type. [Not Diplogaster Bigot, 1886, insect. Zool. Rec. (1886), 1887, v. 23, Insecta, 310.] Diplolxmus (?date) for Diplolaimm. See Scudder, 1884, 100. [Not Diploliemus Bell, 1843, reptile.] IHplnlmmuB von Linstow, 1876, 16-17. D. graeilis von Linstow, 1876, 16-17, pi. 2, fig. 38, only species, hence type. Diploodon Molin, 1861, 435, 471-475. Type species D. mucronatum Molin, 1861. [Not Diplodon Spix, 1827, mollusk; not Nitzsch, 1840, bird; not Diplodon Marschall, 1873, for Dioplodon Gervais, 1850; not Diplodon Roth, 1901, mammal; not Dioplodon Gervais, 1850, mammal; not Diplodonta Bronn, 1831, mollusk; not Diplodontus Dug., 1834, arachnoid.] mucronatum Molin, 1861, 474-475, pi. 3, fig. 1. quadridentatum Molin, 1861, 475, pi. 3, fig. 2. Molin examined and figured both species; the description of the male is based upon D. mucronatum and that of the female upon D. quadridentatum. As the male is more important in this group than the female, mucronatum should be taken as type. Further, Molin (1861, 471) practically states that mucronatum was his type. Diplopeltis Cobb, 1905, in Stiles & Hassall, 1905, 101. New name for Dipeltis Cobb, 1891 [not Packard, 1885], proposed in letter to Stiles, dated Dec. 15, 1903. Type species D. typicus, designated by Cobb in letter to Stiles, dated March 28, 1904. 1891 :' Dipeltis Cobb, 1891c, 155-158 [not Packard, 1885, coleopteron] . Dipodium Bosc, 1812a, 72-73. D. apiarium Bosc, 1812a, 72-73, pi. 1, fig. 3, only species, hence type. dipsaci "Kiihn, 1857a, 129." 1857: Angu'dlula. 1859: Anguillulina. 1865: Tylenchus. Discophora Villot, 1875, 463. Enoplus drrhatus Eberth, 1863a, 34-35, pi. 2, figs. 20-22; pi. 4, fig. 17; pi. 5, fig. 4, only species, hence type. See Dipeltis and Diplopeltis. [Not Discophora Boisduval, 1836, lepidopteron; not Discophorus Chevrolat, 1880, insect.] disjuncta Bastian, 1865c, 98, pi. 9, figs. 12-13. 1865: Monhystera. dispar Bastian, 1865c, 97, pi. 9, figs. 1-2. 1865: Monhystera. Dispharagus Dujardin, 1845a, 42, 69-82. Type by inclusion Spiroptera anthuris. For discussion of this very complicated case, see p. 48. diMans Rudolphi, 1809a, 128-129. 1809: Ascaris. 1845: Ascaris (Anisakis). Ditrachicerosoma Brera, 1809a, 140-145, figs. 11-13. Ditrachyceros Hermann, 1801, renamed. Ditrachyceros Hermann in Sultzer, 1801, 1-52, pis. 1-2. 1801: Dytrachiceros Hermann in Sultzer, 1801, 9. Corrected to Ditrachyceros. 1809: Ditrachicerosoma and Ditrachycerosoma Brera, 1809a, 140-145, figs. 11-13. 1810: Ditrachyceras Sultzer, 1802, of Rudolphi, 1810a, 258. 1810: Diceras Rudolphi = Ditrachyceros renamed. No specific name is used, but Sultzer translates Ditrachyceros into Bicornerude. The name Ditrachyceros is used as a generic name. Ditrachycerosoma Brera, 1809a, 140-145, figs. 11-13. Ditrachyceros Hermann, 1801, renamed. 102 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Dochmius Dujardin, 1845a, 267, 275-279. Type by inclusion Uncinaria vulpis Fro> lich.. See Uncinaria. 1845: Docmius Dujardin, 1845a, 114. Misprint for Dochmius. 1861: Doohmius Molin, 1861, 471. Misprint for Dochmius. 1862: Dachmius. Misprint for Dochmius. 1878: Dcemius. Misprint for Dochmius. 1902: Dohmius Loose, 1902, Apr. 5, 424. Misprint for Dochmius. Dochmius originally contained the only two species which up to 1845 had ever been placed in the genus Uncinaria. It is therefore a deliberate and unjustified renaming of a preexisting genus. On this account Dochmius drops into synonymy and takes the same type as Uncinaria. Docmius Dujardin, 1845a, 114. Misprint for Dochmius. Dcemius Sonsino, 1878, 616. Misprint for Dochmius. Dohmius Looss, 1902, Apr. 5, 424. Misprint for Dochmius. Dolicholaimus de Man, 1888, 31-34. D. marioni de Man, 1888, 32-34, pis. 2, 3,fig. 15, only species, hence type. dolichura de Man, 1876, 177-179, pis. 11, 12, figs. 46, a-c. 1876: Monhystera. 1880: Alaimus. dolichurus de Man, 1880, 32-33. . 1880: Prismatolaimus. Donylaimus von Linstow, 1876, 17. Misprint for Dorylaimus. Doohmius Molin, 1861, 471. Misprint for Dochmius. Dorylaimus Dujardin, 1845a, 230-231. Type species probably D. slagnalis. 1876: Donylaimus von Linstow, 1876, 17. Misprint for Dorylaimus. 1878: Darylaimus von Linstow, 1878, 343. Misprint for Dorylaimus. stagnal'is Dujardin, 1845a, 231, pi. 3, fig. C. $ ? marinus Dujardin, 1845a, 231, pf. 3, fig. D. 9 Other things being equal, stagnalis should be type, as Dujardin describes both male and female of this species, while of marinus he describes only the female. dorylaimus Marion, 1870, 27, pi. H, fig. 2. . 1870: Thoracostoma. dracunculoides Cobbold, 1870b, 10-14. 1870: Acanthocheilonema (type). Dracunculus "Ksempfer, 1712a, 524-535." Pre-Linnsean. Dracunculus Kniphof, 1759, 12 [not accessible to us], or Gallandat, 1773a, 103-116, " Dracunculus sive Vena medinensis" only species, hence type. Also type by absolute tautonymy, see dracunculus. Some doubts may arise as to whether this was a valid generic name in 1759 and 1773. 1773: Vena Gallandat, 1773a. Type Vena medinensis. 1792: Nervus Laporte. Type medinensis. [Not Dracunculus Wiegm., 1834, reptile.] dracunculus Bremser, 1819a, 194-221, pi. 4, fig. 1. For medinensis Linnaeus, 1758a. 1819: Filaria. duodenale Dubini, 1843a, 5-13, pi. 1, figs. 1-5; pi. 2, figs. 1-3. 1843: Agchylostoma (type). 1845: Ancylostoma (type). 1846: Anchylostoma (type). 1851: Anchylostomum (type). 1851: Ancylostomum (type). 1877: Anhylostoma (type). 1879: Anchilostoma (type). 1885: Uncinaria. [1886: Ankylostoma (type).] 1895: Ankylostomum (type). 1897: Anchylostamum (type). dussumierii van Beneden, 1870a, 362-363; "simplex Rudolphi, 1809," of Dujardin, 1845a, 220-221, renamed. [1845: Ascaris (Anisal-is [type]).] DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 103 Dyacanthos Stiebel, 1817, 174-179. D. polycephulus Stiebel, 1817, 174-179, pi. 3, figs. 2-5, only species, hence type. A spurious parasite. [Not Diacanthus Siebold, 1817, worm; Latreille, 1834, coleopteron; Diacantha Swainson, 1839, fish; Chevr., 1834, coleopteron.] Dytrachiceros Hermann in Sultzer, 1801, 9. Corrected to Ditrachyceros Hermann in Sultzer, 1801, 42. Mentions no specific name. eberlhi Bastian, 1865c, 141, pi. 11, figs. 143-145. 1865: Anticoma (type). echinatus Rudolphi, 1809a, 98-100. Includes spirillum Pallas, 1781, 111, and lacertx Schrank, 1788, 5. 1809: Trichocephalus. [1819: Sclerotrichum (type).] 1845: Sclerotrichum (type). Echinocephalus Molin, 1858, 154. E. untinatm, only valid species, hence type; also type by virtual tautonymy and page precedence. [Not Echinocephalus E. Schneider, 1875, protozoon.] uncinatus Molin, 1858, 154. cygni Molin, 1858, 154; species inquirenda. echinodiscus Diesing, 1851a, 36, 554. 1851: Echinorhynchus. 1892: Gigantorhynchus (type). echinodon Marion, 1870, 26, pi. H, fig. 1. 1870: Thoracostoma (? type). Echinonema von Linstow, 1898, 20. Oct., 672. Hoplocephalus cinctus von Linstow, 1898, 469, only species, hence type. Hoplocephalus von Linstow, 1898 (not Cuvier, 1829, reptile), renamed. Echinorhycus Nordmann, 1840, 641. Echinorhynchus renamed. Echinorhynchus Zoega in Mueller, 1776, xxviii, 214-215. Type species ? E. gadi or ? E. Ismis. 1779: Echinoryngus. [Not accessible to us.] 1839: Echinorrhyhchus Creplin, 1839a, 283. For Echinorhynchus. 1840: Echinorhycus Nordmann, 1840, 641. For Echinorhynchus. [?]: Echynorhynchus, Echinorynchus, Echinoryncus, Echynoryngus. lacustris Mueller, 1776, 214. To Cumllanus by Mueller, 1779, 100. gadi Mueller, 1776, 214. Renamed E. lineolalus by Mueller, 1779, 96-98. candidus Mueller, 1776, 214. [Renamed Echinorhynchus acus Rudolphi, 1802, 51 ; = Proboscidea versipellis. ] Isevis Mueller, 1776, 215. [Probably includes Echinorhynchus tereticollis and E. nodulosus.~\ Echinorrhynchus Creplin, 1839a, 283; = Echinorhynchus renamed. Echinoryngus [?], 1779, 543. [Not accessible to us.] echiurus Diesing, 1853a, 34. 1853: Mastophorus (probably type). Elaphocephalus Molin, 1860, 343-344. E. octocornutus Molin, 1860, 344, only species, hence type. [Not Elaphocephalus Macleay, 1878, reptile. See Zool. Rec. (1878) 1880, v. 15 Rept, 12.] elegans Zeder, 1800a, 91. 1800: Oucullanus (type by Dujardin, 1845a, 245; see, however, Cucullanus). elegans Bastian, 1865c, 165-166, pi. 13, figs. 221-222. 1865: Spilophora (type). 1865: Spiliphera (type). elegans de Man, 1888, 16-17, pi. 1, fig. 9. 1888: Aneolaimus. elongata Rudolphi, 1819a, 26, 246. [1811: Acuaria.'] 1819: Spiroptera. 104 BUREAtf OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. elongata Buetschli, 1874b, 270-271, pi. 4, figs. 18, a-d. 1874: Oxystoma (type). dongatum Bastian : 1865c, 145, pi. 12, figs. 156-157. 1865: Leptosomatum (type). elongatus Dujardin, 1845a, 234. 1845: Enoplus. [1851: sub Amblyura gordiusf] elongatus Bastian, 1865c, 155, pi. 12, figs. 180-181. 1865: Linhomceus. emeryi Camerano, 1895a, Aug., 6-7. 1895: Gordius. 1897: Paragordius. EncMidium Ehrenberg, 1836, 40-41, 57. E. marinum (Mueller, 1783) Ehrenberg, 1836, 40-41, 57, only species, hence type; = Vibrio marinus Mueller. 1845: Enchilidium Dujardin, 1845a, 238; for Enchelidium. 1867: Euchelidium Leuckart, 1867, 31. Probably misprint. 1884: Enchelydium, see Scudder, 1884, 111. Enchelydium, see Enchelidium. Enchilidium, see Enchelidium. Enoplolaimus de Man, 1893, 118-122. E. vulgaris de Man, 1893, 119-122, pi. 7, fig. 13, only species, hence type. Enoplostoma Marion, 1870. 22-25. Type species probably E. hirtum. hirtum Marion, 1870, 22-23, pi. F, figs. 1-lx. $ 9 [Very common.] minus Marion, 1870, 23-24, pi. G, figs. 1-lh. $ brevicaudatum Marion, 1870, 24-25, pi. G, figs. 2-2c. 9 Enoplus Dujardin, 1845a, 230, 233-235, 653. Type species probably E. tridentatus Dujardin, 1845a, 233-234. [Not Enoplus Reiche, 1859, coleopteron; Enoplus Agassiz, 1846, for Enoplosus Lacep., 1802, fish; Anoplus Schcenh., 1826, coleopteron; Gray, 1840, reptile; Schl., 1842, fish.] 1845: Tricontus Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. tridentatus Dujardin, 1845a, 233-234. #9 (?Type.) stenodon Dujardin, 1845a, 234. Sex? elongatus Dujardin, 1845a, 234. Sex? [Sp. inq. according to Diesing, 1851a, 125; to Amblyura as doubtful by Diesing, 1851a, 127.] microstomus Dujardin, 1845a, 234-235. Sexes? rivali? Dujardin, 1845a, 235. 9 [To Plectus by Bastian, 1865c, 121.] crassiusculus Dujardin, 1845a, 235, as doubtful. 9 [To Mononchus by Bas- tian, 1865c, 103.] Unless other considerations call for some other species as type, it will be best to take E. tridentatus as such. See Tricontus. entomelas Dujardin, 1845a, 262-263, pi. 4, fig. C. 1845: Angiostoma. Epithelphusa Drago, "1887a," 1887b, 81-83. E. catanensis Drago, 1887b, 81-83, only species, hence type. Parasitic oligochete. equi Schrank, 1788, 4. 1788: Trichocephalus. [1803: Oxyuris curvula (type).] equinus Mueller, 1780 or 1784, 6. [Sherborn gives 1784, 6.] 1780 or 1784: Strongylus (type). [1809: Sclerostoma (type).] [1845: Scleros- tomum (type).] erecta Molin, 1860, 927-928. 1860: Spiroptera. 1861: Cheilospirura. esuriens Dujardin, 1845a, 270. 1845: Dacnuis (? type, see also sphaerocephald) . Ethmolaimus de Man, 1880, 21-22. E. pratensis de Man. 1880, 22, 'only species, hence type. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 105 w. We have been unable to trace this word. Possibty it is a misprint for Ethmolaimus. Eubostrichus Greet, 1869a, 117-11 8. Type species ? E. filiformis. - Jiliformis Greet, 1869a, 117-118, pi. 7, figs. 1-4. 9 phalacrus Greef, 1869a, 118, pi. 7, figs. 5-6. $ Encamptus Dujardin, 1845a, 106-107. E. obtusus Dujardin, 1845a, 107, only species, hence type. [Not Eucamptus Chevr., 1833, coleopteron; Dej., 1833, coleopteron.] Euchelidium Leuckart, 1867, 31; probably misprint for Enchelidium. Euchromadora de Man, 1886, 66, 67-76. E. irulgaris (Bastian, 1865) de Man, 1886, 69-76, pis. 12-13, only positive species, hence type. (See also Chromadora) ; also type by original designation. Eucoleus Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 23-25. Type species probably E. ncrophilum. [Not Eucolus Muls., 1853, coleopteron.] serophilum (Creplin, 1839) Dujardin, 1845a, 24. $ 9 (Description more complete. ) tennis Dujardin, 1845a, 24-25. $ 9 (Description less complete.) Eucyathostomum Molin, 1861, 435, 455-463. Type species by present designation E. longesubulatum. dentatum Molin, 1861, 459-460, pi. 1, fig. 7. $ 9 longesubulatum Molin, 1861, 460-462, pi. 2, figs. 1-2. $ 9 (Type.) copulatum Molin, 1861, 462-463. $ 9 Molin examined all three forms, and figured the first and second. He defi- nitely states that his anatomical description is based upon E. longesubulatum, from Cervus campestris and C. rufus, on which account we designate this species as type. The designation of E. dentatum as type would be more likely to lead to confusion. euryoptera Rudolphi, 1819a, 26-27, 248-249. Including Ascaris collurhnis Froelich. [1811: Acuaria.'} 1819: Spiroptera. Eurystoma Marion, 1870, 19-21. Type species E. spectabile. [Not Eurystoma Rafinesque, 1818, mollusk; not Eurystoma Alb., 1850, mollusk; not Eurystoma Koell., 1853, coleopteron; not Eurysoma Gistl., 1829, coleop- teron; not Eurysoma Koch, 1840, arachnoid; not Eurysomus Young, 1866, fish.] spectabile Marion, 1870, 20-21, pi. E, figs. 1-lb. $ 9 (Type.) tenue Marion, 1870, 21, pi. E, figs. 2-2b. $ As the generic name Eurystoma Marion falls under the rule of homonyms, it is immaterial which species is designated as type, except as such designa- tion may possibly affect later established nontypical genera; we here desig- nate spectabile because both sexes were described, and on account of page precedence. Eustrongylus Diesing, 1851a, 82, 325-328. Includes Dioctophyme, 1802; hence type species Eustrongylus gigas = Dioctophyme renale. exiyua. Greldi, ? "1887"; 1889a, 28. Feb., 266; 1892a, 68. ? 1887: Meloidogyne. 1889: Meloidogyne (type). exili* Dujardin, 1845a, 29-30. 1845: Liniscus (type). exilis Marion; 1870, 11-12, pi. A, fig. 1. 1870: Lasiomitus (type). falconis Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. See under Filaria. 1790: Filaria (type). farionis Fischer, 1798a, 304-309, fig. 7; 1798b, 98; 1799a, 95-100, pi. 2, figs. 1-6. 1798: Cystidicola (type). [1801: Ophiostoma (type).] [1801: Pissula (type).] 1845: Dispharagus. 106 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. fasciculatus Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 411-413, figs. 10, i-vi. 1894: Synonchus (type). Fictitium Diesing, 1851a, 353. F. cephalopodum Diesing, 1851a, 353, only species, hence type. Doubtful whether this is a generic name. figuratum Bastian, 1865c, 146-147,. pi. 12, figs. 161-163. 1865: Leptosomatum. Filaraia Rudolphi, 1809a, 69. Misprint for Filaria. Filaria Mueller, 1787, 64-67. Type species by elimination F. martis. In the original reference Mueller (1787) does not give any specific names in connection with this genus, but he gives a number of bibliographic refer- ences arranged under their respective hosts. The species in question, so far as they can be determined by a comparison of Mueller, 1787, and Gnielin, 1790a, are as follows: A. In Mammals: leonis Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. [Sp. inq., in Rudolphi, 1809a, 68; Diesing, 1851a, 280; Molin, 1858, 421; Stossich, 1897, 71.] Zeporis. Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. [Sp. inq., in Rudolphi, 1809a, 69; Diesing, 1851a, 280; Molin, 1858, 421; Stossich, 1897, 72.] martis Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. [Renamed "Filaraia" mustelarum Rudolphi, 1809a, 69; Filaria mustelarum subcutanea Rudolphi, 1819a, 7, 216; F. quadrispina Diesing, 1851a, 271-272; see also F. perforans, Molin, 1858, 387; see also Stossich, 1897, 32.] B. In Birds: gallime Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. [See Capillaria semiteres Zeder, 1803a, 61; Hamularia nodulosa Rudolphi, 1809a, 84; Trichosoma longicolle Rudolphi, 1819a, 14, 221.] falconw Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. [Renamed Filaria falconum Rudolphi, 1809a, 70, sp. dub.; see also F. foveolata Molin, 1858, 375; see also F. nodispina Molin, 1858, 402.] ciconise Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. [See Dicheilonema labiatum.'} C. In Insects: [Probably all Gordiidse or Mermithidse.] scarabfd Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. carabi Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. silphse Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. grylli Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. monoculi Gmelin, 1790a, 3041. lepidopterorum Gmelin, 1790a, 3041. tenlhredinis Gmelin, 1790a, 3041. phryganess Gmelin, 1790a, 3041. Lamarck (1801, 340) mentions only 1 species, namely, Filaria equi Mueller, but this can not be taken as designation of type, since Mueller did not include it in his original (1787) species. Since Mueller distinctly intended to separate Filaria from Gordias, and since all the forms he mentions for insects probably belong to the Gordiidse or Mermithidse, and some of them have already been eliminated from Filaria, it will be best not to consider the insect parasites in determining the type of Filaria; such a procedure of exclusion is further justified by the tendency since Mueller's time to.look upon Filaria as a genus parasitic in warm-blooded animals; it also agrees w^ith the principle of page precedence. In considering the 6 remaining species (3 from mammals and 3 from birds), it may be noted that F. gallinse and F. ciconise have already been elimi- nated; further, F. leonis and F. leporis are viewed as doubtful species, hence these may next be eliminated from consideration. There now remain F. martis and F.falconis. Of these two, conditions clearly favor the selection of F. martis (see F. quadrispina Diesing) . DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 107 filaria Dujardin, 1845a, 108, pi. 3, fig. H. 1845: Dicelis (type). filaria van Beneden, 1873b, 21, pi. 5, figs. 1-5. 1873: Litosoma (type). Filarina Hammerschmidt, 1838a, 351, 358. F. vitrea Hammerschmidt, 1838a, 358, pi. 4, figs, a-b, only species, hence type. Filaroides van Beneden, ["1858a, 267-269"]; 1861a, 267-269. F. mustelarum, only species, hence type. Filiaris J. de med. vet., Par., 1826, v. 3, 167, 168; for Filaria. filiforme Molin, 1857, 220-222, figs. 7-9. 1857: Gongylonema. filiformis Bastian, 1865c, 98, pi. 9, figs. 7-8. 1865: Monhystera. filiformis Bastian, 1865c, 169, pi. 13, figs. 242-244. 1865: Chromadora. filiformis Greet, 1869a, 117-118, pi. 7, figs. 1-4. 1 869 : Eubostrichus ( ? ty pe ) . filiformis de Man, 1889, 3-4. 1889: Axonolairnus. Filocapsularia Deslongchamps, 1824q, 398-400. F. communis Deslongchamps, 1824q, 399-400, only species, hence type; which includes a number of previously named species. Filoria Nordmann, 1832, 11. Misprint for Filaria. filum Dujardin, 1845a, 135 [includes major Raspail, 1829]. 1845: Pseudalius (type). Fimbria Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 420-421. F. tennis Cobb, 1894c, 420-421, figs. 14, i-iv, only species, hence type. See Fimbrilla. [Not Fimbria Bohadsch, 1761, inollusk; Meg., 1811, mollusk; Risso, 1826, mol- lusk; Belon, 1896, insect; Fimbriaria Froelich, 1795, cestode.] Fimbrilla Cobb, 1905, in Stiles & Hassall, 1905. p. 107. New name for Fimbria Cobb, 1894c [not Bohadsch, 1761, etc.]; hence type species Fimbrilla tennis (Cobb, 1894) Cobb, 1905, 107. Fissula Lamarck, 1801, 339. Type by inclusion Cystidicola farionis Fischer, 1798. See Cystidicola. intestinalis (Bloch, 1782) Lamarck, 1801 \_=Gordius intestinalis Bloch]. cystidicola Lamarck, 1801 [_=Cystidicolafarionis Fischer, 1798 (typeof Ci/stidicola) renamed] . Lamarck (1816, Aug., 210) says: " Je crois etre le premier qui ait senti la neces- site de separer des ascarides, le ver que Muller a nomme Ascaris bifida. J'en ai form un genre particulier dans mes lecons, sous le nom de fissule. Ce genre fut ensuite reconnu, mais diversement nomine par les auteurs. En effet, quelque annees apres, M. Fischer 1'etablit sous la denomination de Cystidicola, d'apres une nouvelle espece qu'il fit connaitre; enfin, le docteur Rudolphi, reconnaissant aussi le meme genre, lui assigna le nom d' Ophios- toma." We have been unable to find Fissula prior to Lamarck, 1801, and in this pub- lication Lamarck does not mention Ascaris bifida, which he refers to in 1816, 211 , as synonym of Fissula phocte. In 1816, he does not mention F. intestinalis. From these data it is not clear to us how A. bifida can be accepted as type of Fissula, 1801. Our view in taking farionis as type of Ophiostoma. thus making Cystidicola, Fissula, and Ophioxtoma synonymous, is in harmony with the synonymy of Blainville, 1824a, 518. 108 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. flexilis Dujardin, 1845a, 109, pi. 6, fig. A. [1845: Leptoderes (type).] 1845: Leptodera (type). fluinalis Mueller, 1783, 161; ="fluviat;ii* Mueller, 1786, 65." 1783: Vibrio. [1786: Anguillula.] Type of Anguillula, 1838 not 1786. fluviatiiis "Mueller, 1783, 65;" Mueller, 1786, 65. Seefluvialis. 1783: Anguillula Mueller. 1828: Anguillula Hemprich and Ehrenberg (type.) fovearum Dujardin, 1845a, 236-237. 1 845 : Oncholaimus ( ? type, see also muscorum and attenuatus) . 1865 : Mononchus. foveolatus Rudolphi, 1809a, 109-111, pi. 3, fig. 2; in part, includes marinus Mueller. 1809: Cucullanus. [? 1845: Dacnitis hiavs sub.] fragile Magalhaes, 1905, Jan. 15, 314-318, figs. 4, 1-4. 1905: Syncecnema (type). fulleborni Linstow, 1901, Apr. 20, 418-419, figs. A-E. 1901: Spinifer (type). fungorum Lmnaeus, 1767, 1326. 1767: Chaos, funimlus Deslongchamps, 1824e, 89. 1824: Ascaris. [1845: Ascaris (Ascarldia) inflexa (sub).] Furia Linnaeus, 1758a, 644, 647. F. infernalis Linnaeus, 1758a, 647, only species, hence type. [Not Furia Cuvier, 1828, mammal.] Although Furia, 1758, is no longer looked upon as a valid genus of worms, the name must be recognized as still belonging in zoological nomenclature, and its use by Linnaeus, 1758, invalidates its adoption for any other genus or alleged genus. Fusaria Zeder, 1800a, 6, 16-68. Ascaris Linnaeus, 1758a, renamed; hence type spe- cies Ascaris lumbricoides. Of the two original species of Ascaris, Zeder in 1800 mentioned only Fusaria lumbricoides, but in 1803 he also mentioned Fusaria vermicularis. He dis- tinctly gives Fusaria as Ascaris renamed; hence, Fusaria is a synonym of x Ascaris and takes the same species as type. fusca Rudolphi, 1819a, 5, 211. 1819: Filaria. 1861: Ichthyonema. fusiformis Molin, 1858, 415. 1858: Filaria. 1861: Dichtilonema. fusiformis Bastian, 1865c, 121, pi. 10, figs. 95,96. 1865: Plectus. gadi Mueller, 1776, 214. Renamed lineolatus Mueller, 1779, 96-98. 1776: Echinorkyndius (?type). galeatus Rudolphi, 1819a, 648-649; = strongyloides Diesing, 1851a. 1819: Strongylus. 1845: Sclerostowa. [1851: sub Diaphanocephalux strongy- loides (? type) .] gemmatus Villot, 1884. [Not accessible to us.] 1884: Gordius. 1897: Parachordodes. gibbosa Rudolphi, 1809a, 167-168. Includes Fusaria strumosa Zeder, 1800a. 1809: Ascaris. 1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia). gibbosum Leuckart, 1886, 743-746. 1886: Asconema (type). 1887: Atractonema (type). gibbosus Rudolphi, 1819a, 639. 1819: Trichocephalus. [1851: Oncophora (type).] Gigantorhynchus Hamann, 1892d, 196. Type species G. echinodiscus (Diesing, 1851) Hamann, 1892d, 196. Designated by Hamann in letter to Stiles, dated Nov, 29, 1903. echinodiscus (Diesing, 1851) Hamann, 1892d, 196. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 109 Gigantorhynchus Hainann Continued. tecnioides (Diesing, 1851) Hamann, 1892d, 196. spira (Diesing, 1851) Hamann, 1892d, 196. gigas (Bloch, 1782) Hamann, 1892d, 196, as probable memberof this genus. $ 9 gigas Bloch, 1782a, 26-27, pi. 7, tigs. 1-8. [Bloch appeared prior to Gceze.] 1782: Echinorhynchus. 1892: Gigantorhynchus. gigas Rudolphi, 1802, 2, 42, pi. 1, fig. 2. [Not accessible to us.] 1802: Strongylus. [1802: Dioctophyme (type).] 1851: Eustrongylus (type). glaber Bastian, 1865c, 136, pi. 11, figs. 129-130. 1865: Oncholaimus. 1890: Oncholaimus ( Viscosia). gtobiceps Rudolphi, 1819a, 7, 215. 1819: Filaria. 1861: Ichthyonema (probably type). globiceps de Man, 1880, 15-16. 1880: Miwolaimus (type). globicola Fabricius, 1780a, 268. 1780: Gordius. ? 1790: Ascaris. [1801: Ophiostoma,'] 1803: Fusaria. 1803: Ophiostoma. Eliminated from Ophiostoma by Rudolphi, 1810a, 279. globocaudatus Diesing, 1853a, 34. 1853: Mastophorus. Globocephalus Molin, 1861, 436, 534-537. G. longemucronatus Molin, 1861, 536-537, pi. 6, figs. 3-4, only species, hence type. See also Characostomum. [Not Globicephalus Lesson, 1828, mammal, renamed Globiocephalus Gray, 1843, Globicephalus van Beneden, 1880, Globiceps Flower, 1883 (not Lepelletier and Serville, 1825).] 1895: Cystocephalus Railliet, 1895, 1302. Globocephalus Molin renamed. 1902: Characostomum Railliet, 1902, 109. Globocephalus Molin renamed. globosus Zeder, 1800a, 94-96; Rudolphi, 1809a, 111. 1800: Oucullanus. globosus Dujardin, 1845a, 269. [See also Cucullanm globosus Zeder, 1800a, 94.] 1845: Dacnitis. glomerans Bastian, 1865c, 115-116, pi. 9, figs. 16-17. 1865: Tripyla (type)< glutinis Mueller, 1783, 161; [=anguillula I773=redivivum 1767]. See Anguillula. [1773: Vibrio anguillula.] 1783: Vibrio. 1786: Anguillula (type). 1815: Gordius. [1838: Anguillula.^ 1845: Rhabditis. glydrrhiza van Beneden, 1873b, 13-16, pi. 1, figs. 1-7. 1873: Strongylacantha (type). Gnathostoma Owen, 1836, 123-126. G. spinigerum Owen, 1836, 123-126, only species, hence type. See also C heir acanthus. Gcezia Zeder, 1800a, 6, 96-102. Type by elimination G. armata Rudolphi, 1801, 57; = Cucullanus ascaroides. [Not Gcesia Boeck, 1871, crustacean; not Gcetia Karsch, 1892, insect.] Oucullanus ascaroides Goaze, 1782a, 40, 134; =Gcczia armata Rudolphi, 1801, 57. inermis Zeder, 1800a, 101-102; sub Liorhynchus by Rudolphi, 1801. Gongylonema Molin, 1857, 148-152, 216-223. Type species G. minimum, designated by Molin, 1857, 150. minimum Molin, 1857, 218-220, figs. 1-6. $ 9 Host Mus musculus (type). filiforme Molin, 1857, 220-222, figs. 7-9. 9 spirale Molin, 1857, 222, figs. 10-12. $ pulchrum Molin, 1857, 223, figs. 13-15. 9 Gordius Linnaeus, 1758a, 644, 647. Type species G. aquaticus. aquaticus Linnaeus, 1758a, 647. (Type by Linnaean rule, see p. 64.) argillaceus Linnaeus, 1758a, 647. medinensis Linnaeus, 1758a, 647. To Dracunculus as type, 1759 and 1773. 110 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. gordius "Mueller, 1786, 60." 1786: Vibrio. 1828: Amblyura. gracUe Leidy, 1856, 52-53. 1856: Spironoura (? type). 1861: Spirura (? type). gracile Bastian, 1865c, 145-146, pi. 12, figs. 158-160. 1865: Leptosomatum. gradlescens Rudolphi, 1809a, 248-249. 1809: Liorhynchus. gracilis Diesing, 1838a, 189, nomen nudum; 1839a, 225, pi. 14, figs. 8-11. 1838: Cheiracanthus. 1839: Clieiracardhus. gracilis Leuckart, 1842, 38-39, pi. 1, figs. 11, a-c. 1842: Strongylus. 1861: Metastrongylus. gracilis Diesing, 1851a, 231. Includes Spiroptera bicuspis Rudolphi, 1819a. [1845: Dispharagus bicuspis.'] 1851: Histioceplialus. gracilis Eberth, 1863a, 34, pi. 2, figs. 13-19. 1863: Enoplus. 1865: Cyatholaimus. gracilis Bastian, 1865c, 99, pi. 9, figs. 20-22. 1865: Trilobus (type). gracilis von Linstow, 1876, 16-17, pi. 2, fig. 38. 1876: Diplolaimm (type). gracUis de Man, 1876, 172-174, pi. 11, figs. 43, a-c. 1876: Bastiania (type). gracUis de Man, 1888, 3-4, pi. 1, fig. 1. 1888: Halalaimus (type). granulosus Bastian, 1865c, 120-121, pi. 10, figs. 93-94. 1865: Plectus. Graphonema Cobb, 1898d, Dec. 9, 406-407. O. vulgaris Cobb, 1898d, 406-407, only species, hence type. gulosa Rudolphi, 1819a, 40, 271-272. 1819: Ascaris. 1866: Labiduris (type). Gyalocephalus Looss, 1900, Feb. 12, 191-192. G. capitatus Looss, 1900, 191-192, only species, hence type. Gymnotoma Schneider, 1866, 326. Ordinal name for Rhamphogordius. See also Polygordius. Habronema Diesing, 1861c, 273-274. H. muscte (Carter, 1861) Diesing, 1861c, 274, only species, hence type. Hsematozoon Leisering, 1865, 125. Used in a collective rather than a generic sense, for H. subulatum Leisering, 1865, 117-125, pi. 2, figs. 1-4; nematode found in the blood. hsemisphsericus von Linstow, 1877, 2. 1877: Mitrephorus (type). Hsemonchus Cobb, 1898a, Apr. 8, 447. H. contortus (Rudolphi, 1803) Cobb, 1898a, 447, figs. 120, i-v, only species, hence type. Hseruca Gmelin, 1790a, 3050. H. muris Gmelin, 1790a, only species, hence type; ( =1 'Cysticercus fasciolaris) . [Cuvier, 1798, 637. No species mentioned.] 1840: Hceruca Nordmann, 1840, 641. For Hseruca. Hse-rucula Pallas, "1760, 52;" 1768, 289. No specific name; gives "habitat in ranae, esocis, cernuse, perae, & maxime in Truttse nobilis intestino." See also Tseniola. 1760: Tseniola. "1768: Tseniola.' 1 Halalaimus de Man, 1888, 2-4. //. gracilis de Man, 1888, 3-4, pi. 1, fig. 1, only species, hence type. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. Ill halecis Gmelin, 1790a, 3037. Includes Gordius harangum Bloch, 1782a, 33. 1790: Ascaris. 1800: Capsularia. [1802: to Filaria by Rudolphi, 1802.] [?]: Cucullanus. Halichoanolaimus de Man, 1886, 66; 1888, 36-39. Sp'dophora robusta Bastian, 1865c, 166, pi. 13, figs. 226-227, only species, hence type. Hamularia Treutler, 1793, 10-13. H. lymphatica Treutler, 1793, 10-13, pi. 2, figs. 3-7, only species, hence type. 1800: Tentacularia Zeder, 1800a, 5. Hamularia renamed. hamnlosa Diesing, 1851a, 217. 1851: tipiroptera. 1861; Cheilospirura (type). 1890: Dispharagus. Hedruis Schneider, 1866, 340. Misprint for Hedruris. Hedruris Nitzsch, 1821, 48-49. [H. androphora (Schrnalz)?] Ascaris androphora Nitzsch, 1821, 48-49, only species, hence type. 1866: Hedruis Schneider, 1866, 340. Misprint. Helicothrix Osman Galeb, 1878b, 296-298. (Subgenus of Oxyuris. ) Type by inclusion Oxyuris spirotheca. Oxyuris spirotheca Gyory, 1856, 327-332, figs. 1-15. Type of Pseudonymus Diesing, 1857a. Oxyuris hydrophili Osman Galeb, 1878b, 297, pi. 20, fig. 10. Oxyuris hydroi Osman Galeb, 1878b, 297, pi. 25, fig. 1. Oxyiiris hydrobii Osman Galeb, 1878b, 297-298. Heligmus Dujardin, 1845a, 136, 147-148. H. longicirrus Dujardin, 1845a, only species, hence type. [Not Eligma Huebn., 1816, lepidopteron; corrected to Heligma by ? [see Scudder, 1884, 143]; Heligmus Cand., 1864, coleopteron.] Helmins Schlotthauber, 1860, 128. Nomen nudum except for habitat. It is doubtful whether this should be interpreted as a generic name. nematdideus paradoxus. nematoideus dubius. hemignathi Shipley, 1896, 207-218, pi. 12, figs. 1-15. 1896: Arhynchus (type). 1899: Apororhynchus (type). Hemipsilus Quatrefages, 1846, 131-182. One unnamed species. Bastian, 1865c, 172, gives three species. hermaphrodita Freelich, 1789a, 151-155, pi. 4, figs. 11-13. 1789: Ascaris. [1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia) truncata.] Heruca Scopoli, " 1777, 383." [Not accessible to us.] See also Hieruca. Heteracis Molin, 1858, 149-150. Heterakis Dujardin, 1845a, renamed. Type species Heterakis cesicularis. HeteraTds Dujardin, 1845a, 136, 222-230. Type by original designation (Dujardin, 1845a, 222) H. vesicularis. (Includes Ascaris papillosa Bloch, 1782a; Ascaris teres (minor) Gceze, 1782a. ) 1858: Heteracis Molin, 1858, 149-150. Heterakis renamed. Heterobolbus Railliet, 1896, 161; =Heterodera Schmidt, 1871, renamed on account of Heteroderex Latreille, 1834. Hence type species same as Heterodera. Heterocephalus Marion, 1870, 18-19. H. laticollis Marion, 1870, 18-19, pi. D, only species, hence type. [Not Ileterocephalas Rueppel, 1842, mammal.] Heterocheila. See Heterochella under Heterocheilus. Heterocheilus Diesing, 1839a, 229-232. //. tunicatus Diesing, 1839a, 230-232, pi. 15, figs. 1-8, only species, hence type; Lobocephalus heterolobus Diesing, 1838a, 189, renamed. Also type by virtual tautonymy. [Not Heterocheila Rond., 1857, dipteron; Heterocheila for Heterochella Lioy., 1864, dipteron; Heterochelus Burmeister, 1844, coleopteron; HeterochUus for Heterocheila. ] 112 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. heterochrvus Rudolphi, 1802, 36-38. 1802: Cucullanus. [?1845: Dacnitis emriens sub.] Heterodera Schmidt, 1871. [Not accessible to us.] [Not Heteroderes Latreille, 1834.] 1896: Heterobolbus Railliet, 1896, 161. Heterodera renamed. heterolobus Diesing, 1838a, 189. 1838: Lobocephalus (type). [1839: Ueterocheilus (type).] Heth Cobb, 1898a, Mar., 299, figs. 10, i-iv. H. juli Cobb, 1898a, 299, figs. 10, i-iv, only species, hence type. hians Dujardin, 1845a, 270-271. 1845: Daenitis. hirsutus Bastian, 1865c, 154-155, pi. 12, figs. 178-179. 1865: Linhomceus (type). 1865: Linhomomius (type). hirsutus Bastian, 1865c, 157-158, pi. 13, figs. 192-194. 1865: Sphserolaimus (type). hirsutus Cobb, 1894c, 413. 1894: Synonchus. hirtum Marion, 1870, 22-23, pi. F. 1870: Enoplostoma (probably type). Histeocephalus Molin, 1860, 913. Misprint for Histiocephalus. Histiocephalus Diesing, 1851a, 80, 230-232. Type species ? H. laticaudatus. laticaudatus (Rudolphi, 1819) Diesing, 1851a, 230. $ 9 Host Otis tetrax. In Dispharagus by Dujardin, 1845a. minutus (Rudolphi, 1819) Diesing, 1851a, 230. $ 9 Host Platessa flesus. In Dispharagus by Dujardin, 1845a. gracilis Diesing, 1851a, 231. $ 9 Includes Spiroptera bicuspis Rudolj)hi, 1819a, 24; in Dispharagus bicuspids, Dujardin, 1845a, 79. Host Vanellm melanogaster. spiralis Diesing, 1851a, 231. $ 9 [Includes Spiroptera obvelata Creplin.] To Cosmocephalus alatus by Diesing, 1861a, 763. brevicaudatus (Dujardin, 1845) Diesing, 1851a, 231-232. #9 [ = Dispharagus brevicaudatus Dujardin, 1845a, 80.] To DispJuiragus as sp. inq. by Stossich, 1891, 98. decorus (Dujardin, 1845) Diesing, 1851a, 232. $ 9 In Dispharagus decorus Dujardin, 1845a, 78. Host Alcedo ispida. denudatus (Dujardin, 1845) Diesing, 1851a, 232; sp. ihq.; [= Dispharagus denudatus Dujardin, 1845a, 81]. Histiostrongylus Molin, 1861, 436, 530-534. H. coronatus Molin, 1861, 533-534, pi. 6, figs. 1-2, only species, hence type. histrix Cobb, 1898a, March, 315, fig. 37. 1898: Xyo (type). Hceruca Nordmann, 1840, 641. For Hzeruca Gmelin. hominis Schrank, 1788, 4; =Trichuris IricMura. 1788: Trichocephalus. 1790: Trichocephalus ( type). 1803: Mastigodes( type). Hoplocephalus von Linstow, 1898, 469-470. H. cinctus von Linstow, 1898, 469-470, pi. 35, figs. 3-11, only species, hence type. [Name changed to Echinonema by von Linstow, 1898.] [Not Hoplocephalus and Oplocephalus Cuvier, 1829, reptile; Hoplocephali, see Cephaloplia; HoplocephalaMacq., 1845, dipteron; HeplacephalaWalk., 1857, dipteron; Oplocephala Lap., 1831, coleopteron; Hoplocephala (v. Hepla- cephala, Oplocephala)."] horrida Diesing, 1851a, 278. Includes Filaria rhese Owen. 1851: Filaria. 1861: Dicfoilonema. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 113 horridua von Linstow, 1876, 6, pi. 1, figs. 10-12. 1876: Acanthophorus. hydrobii Osman Galeb, 1878b, 297-298. 1878: Oxyurw (Helicothrix). hydroi Osman Galeb, 1878b, 297, pi. 25, fig. 1. 1878: Oxyuris (Helicothrix). Hydromermis E. Corti, 1902a, 113. H. rivicola Corti, 1902a, 113, only species, hence type. hydrophili Osman Galeb, 1878b, 297, pi. 20, fig. 10. 1878: Oxyuris (Helicothrix). Hypodontolaimus de Man, 1886, 66; 1888, 39-44. Type species (designated by de Man, 1888, 39) H. inscqualis (Bastian, 1865). Hystrichis Dujardin, 1845a, 290-291. //. tricolor Dujardin, 1845a, 290-291, only species, hence type. Hystrignathus Leidy, 1850, 102. H. rigidus Leidy, 1850, 102, only species, hence type. Ichthyonema Diesing, 1861a, 620, 698-699. Type species probably I. globiceps. globiceps (Rudolphi, 1819) Diesing, 1861a, 699. $ ? fuscum (Rudolphi, 1819) Diesing, 1861a, 699. $ congeri vulgaris (Molin, 1859) Diesing, 1861a, 699; sp. inq. ignamis Bastian, 1865c, 104, pi. 9, figs. 34, a-b. 1865: Ironus (type). inscqualis Bastian, 1865c, 166, pi. 13, figs. 223-225. 1865: SpUiphera. [1865: Spilophora.] [1886: Hypodontolaimus (type).] 1888: Hypodontolaimus (type). inermis Zeder, 1800a, 101-102. 1800: Gcezia. [1801: Liorhynchus.] 1803: Cochins, inermis Molin, 1861, 540-542, pi. 7, figs. 1-3. 1861: Kalicephalm (probably type). inf emails Linnaeus, 1758a, 647. 1758: Furia (type). inflexa Rudolphi, 1819a, 38, 268-269. [See also Fusaria inflexa Zeder, 1800a, 36-37.] 1819: Ascaris. 1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia.). inflexum Diesing, 1861a, 704; = dipetala Molin, 1858, 373, renamed. 1861: Dipetalonema. inflexus Rudolphi, 1809a, 227-228. See alsofilum. 1809: Strongylus. 1845: Stenurus (type). 1851: Prosthecosacter. infusorium Linnteus, 1767, 1326-1327. 1767: Chaos, insignis Diesing, 1851a, 210. 1851: Peritrachelius (type). instabilis Railliet, 1893, 442, fig. 301. 1893: Strongylus. 1905: Trichostrongylus. intermedia Buetschli, 1873a, 67-68, pi. 6, figs. 33, a-b. 1873: Monhystera. 1880: Prismatolaimus (type). intestinalis Bloch, 1782a, 33, pi. 10, figs. 8-9. [Not Fabricius, 1780a, 269.] 1782: Gordius. 1801: Fissula. intestinalis Bavay, 1877a, 266-268. 1877: Anguillula. 1879: Strongyloides (type). IrowiH Bastian, 1865c, 93, 103-104. /. ignavus Bastian, 1865c, 104, pi. 9, figs. 34, a-b, only species, hence type. [Not Irona Schicedte, 1883, crustacean (Zool. Rec. (1883) , 1884, v. 20, Index, 7); not Ironeus H. W. Bates, 1872, coleopteron (Zool. Rec. (1872), 1874, v. 9, 301).] 6328 No. 7905 8 114 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. irritant Rivolta, 1884, 128-134. 1884: Dermofilaria (type). Isacis Diesing, 1861a, 614, 634. For Isakis Lespes, 1856. Isacas Zool. Rec. (1896), 1897, v. 33, Verm., 42. For Isacis. See also Isakis. Isolds Lespes, 1856, 335-336. I. migrans Lespes, 1856, 335-336, pi. 8, only species, hence type. 1861: Isacis Diesing, 1861a, 614, 634. For Isakis. 1897: Isacus Zool. Rec. (1896), 1897, v. 33, Verm., 42. [Not Isacis and Isacus Cope, 1873, mammal; compare Isaca Walker, 1857, hemipteron.] juli Cobb, 1898a, 299, figs. 10, i-iv. 1898: Heih (type). Kalicephalus Molin, 1861, 436, 538-549. Type species probably K. inermis Molin. inermis Molin, 1861, 540-542, pi. 7, figs. 1-3. $ 9 strumosw Molin, 1861, 542. $ 9 subulatus Molin, 1861, 543-544. $ 9 appendiculatus Molin, 1861, 544-547. $ 9 mucronatus Molin, 1861, 547-548. $ 9 brevipenis Molin, 1861, 548-549. $ bothropis Molin, 1861, 549. '$ Sp. inq. As Kalicephalus inermis is the only species figured by Molin, this should prob- ably be selected as type. kaschgaricus Camerano, 1897g, 395. 1897: Parachordodes. Koleops Lockwood, 1872, Aug., 449-454. K. anguilla Lockwood, 1872, 449-454, figs. 120-122, only species, hence type. Written Coleops in Scudder, 1884, 74. laUala Creplin, 1825a, 1-4. 1825: Filaria. 1861: Dicheilonema (? type). Labidurus Schneider, 1866, 29, 122-123. L. gulosa (Rudolphi, 1819) Schneider, 1866, 123, pi. 7, figs. 15-17, only species, hence type; = Ascaris gulosa Rudolphi. [Not Labidura Leach, 1817, orthopteron; Labidura Dnm., 1806, orthoptera, supergeneric name. ] labwtruncata Molin, 1858, 412. 1858: Filaria. 1861: Dicheilonema. Labyrinthostoma Cobb, 1898a, Apr., 421. Species apparently not named. lacertie Schrank, 1788, 5; =spirillum Pallas, 1781. 1788: Trichocephalus. 1803: Mastigodes. [1819: Sclerotrichum (echinatum)] type. [1845: Sclerotrichum (echinatum)~\ type. [1781: Tsenia spirillum Pallas sub.] lacteus Rathke, 1843, 238, pi. 12, fig. 1<>. 1843: Ramphogordius (type). 1866: Rhamphogordius (misdetermined). 1868: Polygordius (misdetermined by Schneider, type). lacustris Mueller, 1776, 214. 1776: Echinorhynchus. 1779: Cucullanw (? type). lawis Mueller, 1776, 215. 1776: Echinorhynchus (? type). Isevis Dujardin, 1845a, 117-118. 1845: Strongylus. 1861: Metastrongylus. lawis Bastian, 1865c, 160, pi. 13, figs. 204-206. 1865: Spira. lagopodis Frcelich, 1802a, 46, pi. 1, fig. 21; pi. 2, figs. 1-3. 1802: Ascaris. [1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia) compar (sub).] langrunensls de Man, 1890, 186-188, pi. 4, fig. 8. 1890: Oncholaimus (Viscosia). DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 115 Laphyctes Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653; = Rictularia Fnelich renamed. Hence type species Rictularia cristata. [Not Laphyctes Reichenbach, 1850, bird; Stal, 1853, hemipteron; Foerst., 1878, hymenopteron ; Laphyctisljoew., 1859, dipteron.] lari E. Blanchard, 1849a, March, 182-185, pi. 7, fig. 5. 1849: Cyathostoma (type). Lasiomitus Marion, 1870, 11-12. L. exilis Marion, 1870, 11-12, pi. A, fig. 1, only species, hence type. latastei Camerano, 1895c, 8-9. 1895: Gordius. 1897: Parachordodes. laticaudata Rudolphi, 1819a, 24, 239-240. 1819: Spiroptera. 1845: Dispharagus. 1851: Histiocephalus .(? type). laticeps Rudolphi, 1819a, 23, 238-239. 1819: Spiroptera. 1845: Dispharagus. laticollis Marion, 1870, 18-19, pi. D. 1870: Heterocephalus (type). lavareti Rudolphi, 1809a, 313. See Acanthocephalus. 1809: Echinorhynchus. Laxus Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 413-416. Type species L. longus, designated by Cobb in letter to Stiles, dated Dec. 15, 1903. contortus Cobb, 1894c, 414. longus Cobb, 1894c, 415-416, figs. 11, i-v. Lecanocephalus Diesing, 1839a, 227. L. spinulosus, only species, hence type. [Not Lecanicephalum Linton, 1891, cestode.] Leiuris Leuckart, 1850, 11. Strongylus leptocephalus Rudolphi, 1819a, only species, hence type. [Not Leiurus Ehr., 1829, arachnoid; Leiurus Swains., 1839, fish; Leiurus Gray, 1845, reptile.] Lepidonema Cobb, 1898a, March, 315. L. Mfurcata Cobb, 1898a, p. 315, figs. 36, i-iv; Apr., 453, fig. 127, only species, hence type. leptocephalus Rudolphi, 1819a, 649-650. 1819: Strongylus. 1850: Leiuris (type). Leptodera Dujardin, 1845a, 106, 108-109. L. flexilis Dujardin, 1845a, 109, pi. 6, fig. A, only species, hence type. 1845: Leptoderes Dujardin, 1845a, 2, 653; changed to Leptodera Dujardin, 1845a, 106, 108-109. [NotLeptodeiraYitz., 1843, reptile; Leptodira for Leptodeira; Leptodirus Sturm., 1849, coleopteron; Leptodirus for Leptoderus; Leptoderus Schmidt, 1849, coleopteron.] Leptoderes Dujardin, 1845a, 2, 653; changed to Leptodera Dujardin, 1845a, 106, 108-109. [Not Leptoderes Serv., 1839, orthopteron; Leptoderis Billb., 1820, coleopteron.] Leptolxmus. See Leptolaimus. Leptolaimus de Man, 1876, 168-171. L. papilliger de Man, 1876, 169-171, pis. 10, 11, figs. 42, a-e, only species, hence type. [?]: Leptolxmus. [See Scudder, 1884, 172.] Leptosomatum Bastian, 1865c, 94, 144-147. Type by original designation L. elongatum. [Not Leptosoma Whitman, 1886, worm; Leptosomatium Kraatz, 1895, insect.] elongatum Bastian, 1865c, 145, pi. 12, figs. 156-157. punctatum (Eberth, 1863) Bastian, 1865c, 145. gracile Bastian, 1865c, 145-146, pi. 12, figs. 158-160. bacillalum (Eberth, 1863) Bastian, 1865c, 146. figuratum Bastian, 1865c, 146-147, pi. 12, figs. 161-163. coronatum (Eberth, 1863) Bastian, 1865c, 147. lonffissimum (Eberth, 1863) Bastian, 1865c, 147. subulalum (Eberth, 1863) Ba.tian, 1865c, 147. 116 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. leptura Rudolphi, 1819a, 48, 288. 1819: Ascaris. 1866: Oxysoma. Lepturis Schlotthauber, I860. 126. L. curvula=Oxyuris curmla, only species, hence type. See Oxyuris. [Not Leptura Linnseus, 1758, 1767, coleopteron; Lepturus Brisson, 1760, bird; Leptourus Swainson, 1838, bird.] lepturus Marion, 1870, 16-17, pi. C, fig. 1. 1870: Stenolaimm (type). limacis Dujardin, 1845a, 263, pi. 4, fig. B. Renamed angiostoma Schneider, 1866, 157. 1845: Angiostoma (type). [1866: Leptodera angiostoma.'] limacis Barthelemy, 1858a, 41-48, pi. 5, figs. 8-15. 1858: Ascaroides (type). Hmalis Bastian, 1865c, 141-142, pi. 11, figs. 146-148. 1865: Anticoma. Lineola Koelliker, 1845b, 86-89. [Compare Lineola Beer, 1827, polyg.] Type prob- ably L. sieboldii. Linguatula "Schrank, 1796, 227-232" [not accessible to us]. Type species probably L. bilinguis. [Not Linguatula Froelich, 1789, arachnoid.] bilinguis Schrank, 1796, 231, n. 1, pi. 2, A, B. [Compare Tentacularia cylindrica Zeder, 1803a, 45, pi. 1, fig. 2.] To Hamularia cylindrica (Zeder) Rudolphi, 1809a, 83; to Filaria nodulosa by Diesing, 1851a, 275; compare Monopetalo- nema obtuso-caudatum by Diesing, 1861a, 710. unilinguis Schrank, 1797, 231, no. 2. To Hamularia nodulosa by Rudolphi, 1809a, 84; to Trichosoma longicolle by Rudolphi, 1819a, 14. See Capillaria semiteres. trichocephala Schrank, 1797, 232, n. 3. To Tricltocephalus capUlari* by Rudol- phi, 1809a, 86; to Trichosoma brevicolle by Rudolphi, 1819a, 13. Type of Capillaria., 1800. Linhomceus Bastian, 1865c, 154-155, 178. Type species L. hirsutus, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. 1865: Linhomomius Bastian, 1865c, 94, 178; corrected to Linhomoeus Bastian, 1865c, 154-155, 178. hirsutus Bastian, 1865c, 154-155, pi. 12, figs. 178-179. 9 elongatus Bastian, 1865c, 155, pi. 12, figs. 180-181. $ Linhomomius Bastian, 1865c, 94, 178; corrected to Linhomceus. Liniscus Dujardin, 1845a, 4, 29-30. L. exilis Dujardin, 1845a, only species, hence type. [Not Liniscus Lefevre, insect (Zool. Rec. (1885), 1886, v. 22, Index, 6); Liniscus Hseckel, 1880, crelenterate (Zool. Rec. (1880), 1881, v. 17, Index, 7).] Liorhynchus Rudolphi, 1801, 49. Type species 1L. truncatus. See p. 62. 1803: Ciorhynchus Zeder, 1803a, viii. Misprint for Liorhynchus. 1816: Liorrhynchus Olfers, 1816, 52. For Liorhynchus. 1866: Lyorhynchus Schneider, 1866, 13, 15. For Liorhynchus. Ascaris tubifera Fabricius, 1780a, 273. [To Echinorhynchus by Zeder, 1803a; returned to Liorhynchus by Rudolphi, 1809a.] Ascaris truncata Rudolphi, 1793, 12. Ascaris pulmonalis Gmelin, 1790a, 3035. To Ascaris nigrovenosa by Rudolphi, 1802, 17. Type of Rhabdonema, 1883. Goezia inermis Zeder, 1800a, 101-102. [To Cochins in 1803; returned to Lio- rhynchus by Rudolphi, 1809a.] DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 117 Liorhynchus Rudolphi Continued. LiorhyncJms truncatus is the only species of this genus which Rudolphi examined personally. In 1809, Rudolphi mentions: Liorhynchus truncatus (Rudolphi); Liorhynchus gracilescens Rudolphi, 1809a = A scaris tubifera Fabricius renamed; and Liorhynchus denticulatus Rudolphi, 1809a = Gcezia inermis renamed and figured. Liorrhynchus Olfers, 1816, 52; = Liorhynchus Rudolphi. Lissonema Linstow, 1903, 117-119. L. rotundalum Linstow, 1903, 117-119, figs. 16-20, only species, hence type. Lissonoma Linstow, 1903, 117, 118. Misprint for Lissonema. Litosoma van Beneden, 1873b, 21. L. filaria van Beneden, 1873b, 21, pi. 5, figs. 1-5, only species, hence type. [Not Litosoma Douglas & Scott, 1865, 334-335, hemipteron; Litosomus Lacor- daire, 1866, coleopteron.] Lobocephalus Diesing, 1838a, 189. L. heterolobus Diesing, 1838a, 189, only species, hence type. Nomen nudum except for habitat. See also Heterocheilus. [Not Lobocephalus Kramer, 1898, arachnoid.) Lombricoidea Merat, 1821, 225. L. vulgaris Ascaris lumbricoides, only species, hence type. longemucronalum Molin, 1861, 536-537, pi. 6, figs. 3-4. 1861: Globocephalus (type). 1895: Cystocephalus (type). 1902: Characostomum (type). longestriata Molin, 1860, 958. 1860: Spiroptera. 1861: Cheilospirura. longesubulatum Molin, 1861, 460-462, pi. 2, figs. 1-2. 1861: Eucyathostomum (type). longevaginatus Diesing, 1851a, 317. 1851: Strongylus. 1861: Metastrongylus. longicauda Cobb, 1893a, Oct., 819-820, fig. 37. 1893: Neonchus (type). longicauda Cobb, 1893a, Oct., 825, fig. 41. 1893: Cephalonema (type). 1905: Nanonema (type). longicauda de Man, 1893, 85-86, pi. 5, fig. 3. 1893: Trefusia (type). longicaudata Bastian, 1865c, 98, pi. 9, figs. 5-6. 1865: Monhystera. longicirrus Dujardin, 1845a, 148. 1845: Heligmus (type). longicollis Bastian, 1865c, 133, pi. 11, figs. 119-122. 1865: Symplocostoma (type). longifilum Dujardin, 1845a, 27-28. $ 1845: Calodium. longipene Molin, 1861, 446-448. 1861: (Esophagostoma. longissima Eberth, 1863a, 21, pi. 2, fig. 8. 1863: Phanoglene. 1865: Leptosomatum. longus Leidy, 1851, 225. 1851: Anguillula. 1865: Trilobux. longus Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 415-416, figs. 11, i-v. 1894: Laxus (type). lumbricoides Linnaeus, 1758a, 648. 1758: Ascaris (type). [1780: Stomachida vermis (type).] 1800: Fusaria (type). [1821: Lombricoi'des (type).] 118 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Litmbricus Linnaeus, 1758a, 644, 647-648. Type species L. terrestris; see p. 64. lerrestris Linmeus, 1758a, 647-648. marinus Linnseus, 1758a, 648. Lumbricus terrestris contained, in part, Ascaris lumbricoides, and many earlier authors used Lumbricus for this parasite. Linnaeus's (1758a, 648) use of Ascaris lumbricoides, 1758, should be interpreted as eliminating this species from Lumbricus, and on this account Lumbricus no longer comes into consider- ation in connection with the nematodes. Cuvier (1798a, 630-631) mentions only L. terrestris; by the Linnsean rule, p. 64, this should be type. lymphatica Treutler, 1793, 10-13, pi. 2, figs. 3-7. 1793: Hamularia (type). 1800: Tentacularia (type). Lyorhynchus Schneider, 1866, 13-15; for Liorhynchus Rudolphi. Macrolaimm Maupas, 1900, 578-582. M. crucis Maupas, 1900, 578-582, pi. 26, figs. 4-10, only species, hence type. macrolaimus Linstow, 1904, Sept. 10, 491-492, figs. 13-15. 1904: Neomermis (type). Macroposthonia de Man, 1880, 58-59. M. annulata de Man, 1880, 59, only species, hence type. macrostoma Bastian, 1865c, 101-102, pi. 9, figs. 29-30. 1865: Mononchus. maculosa Rudolphi, 1802, 22-23. 1802: Ascaris. 1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia}. magnum Villot,-1875, 458, pi. 11, figs. 2, a-b. 1875: Leptosomatum. 1889: Cylicolaimus (type). major Raspail, 1829, May, 244, pis. 7-8. [Seefilum, 1845.] 1829: Strongylus. [1845: Pseudalius (type).] manica Dujardin, 1845a, 22-23. 1845: Thominx (type).- marina Buetschli, 1874b, 285, pi. 3, fig. 13. 1874: Odontophora (type). marina Buetschli, 1874b, 269-270, pi. 3, figs. 12, a-c. 1874: Tripyia. [1886: Tripyloides.] marinum Leidy, 1855, 144. 1855: Pontonema. marinus Linnaeus, 1758a, 648. 1758: Lumbricus. marinus Mueller, 1779, 99-101 [or 1777, 50-51, pi. 38, figs. 1-11]. [See also foveolatus.'] [? 1777: Cucullanus (? type).] 1779: Cucullanus. marinus Mueller, 1783, 163. 1783: Vibrio. "1786: Anguittula." 1836: Enchdidium (type). marinus Dujardin, 1845a, 231, pi. 3, fig. D. 1845: Dorylaimus. marioni de Man, 1888, 32-34, pis. 2, 3, fig. 15. 1888: Dolicholaimus (type). marlis Gmelin, 1790a, 3040. See under Filaria. 1790: Filaria (type). Mastigades Zeder, 1803a, 30. Misprint for Mastigodes. Mastigodes Zeder, 1800a, 5-6; = Trichuris Roederer & Wagler, 1761, renamed; hence type species Mastigodes hominis =. Trichuris trichiura. 1803: Mastigades Zeder, 1803a, 30. Misprint. 1816: Mastigoides Lamarck, 1816, 212. Misprint. Mastigoides Lamarck, 1816, 212. Misprint for Mastigodes, 1800. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 119 Mastophorus Diesing, 1853a, 34. Type species probably M. echiurus. [Not Mastopora Eichw.,1840, mollusk; MastigophoraPoey, 1832, lepidopteron. ] globocaudatus Diesing, 1853a, 34. Host Geotrupes stercorarius. Only imma- ture stages observed. echiurus Diesing, 1853a, 34. Host Tmebrio molttor. Only immature stages observed. Probably type, because its host is so common. medinensis Linnaeus, 1758a, 647. Renamed dracunculus Bremser. 1758: Gordius. 1759: Dracunculus (type). 1773: Dracunculus (type). 1773: Vena (type). 1790: Filaria. 1792: Nervus (type). 1795: Furia vena, mediterranea de Man, 1877, 108-109, pi. 9, figs. 14, a-c. 1877: Spira. 1888: Arseolaimus. megalochila Diesing, 1851a, 278-279. 1851: Filaria. [1851: Tricheilostomi (type).] [1861: Schizocheilonema (type) .] 1861: IHcheilonema (type). megastoma Rudolphi, 1819a, 22-23, 236. 1819: Spiroptera. 1849: Spirura. 1866: Filaria. megatyphlon Rudolphi, 1819a, 47, 285-286. 1819: Ascaris. 1845: Ozolaimus (type). 1866: Qxyuris. melancholicus de Man, 1880, 35. 1880: Cylindrolaimm. Meloidogyne Greldi ?, "1887, 67-68;" 1889a, 28. Feb., 266; 1892a, 68. M. exigua, Goeldi?, "1887;" 1889a, 28. Feb., 266; 1892a, 68, only species, hence type. Menopetatonema Linstow, 1878, 74. Misprint for Monopetalonema. Merinthoidea Kraemer, 1853a. See Merinthoidum. Merinthoidum Krsemer, 1853a, 291-293. Proposed as an artificial collective group and as such it has no type species. Originally contained only one species, Merinthoidum mucronatum chironomi plumosi Kraemer, 1853a, 291-293. pi. 11, figs. 9-10, fig. 15 in text. Mermis Dujardin, 1842a, 117-119; 1842e, 129, pi. 6. M. nigrescent, only species, hence type. Metastrongylus Molin, 1861, 437, 588-594. Type species M. paradoxus. longevaginatus (Diesing, 1851) Molin, 1861, 589-590, pi. 8, fig. 7. paradoxus (Mehlis, 1831) Molin, 1861, 591. Isevis (Dujardin, 1845) Molin, 1861, 592. costellatus (Dujardin, 1845) Molin, 1861, 592. polygyrus (Dujardin, 1845) Molin, 1861, 592-593. depressus (Dujardin, 1845) Molin, 1861, 593. minutus (Dujardin, 1845) Molin, 1861, 593-594. gracilis (Leuckart, 1842) Molin, 1861, 594. Molin figures only the first species, but as this is probably identical with the second, and as the second is the most common, best known, and most easily obtained of any of the eight species in question, M. paradoxus is herewith designated type of Metastrongylus. micans Nordmann, 1840, 664. 1840: Phanoglene (? type). micans M. Schultze in Cams, 1857a, pi. 8, fig. 1. 1857: Diplogaster (type). Microlaimus de Man, 1880, 15-16. M. globiceps de Man, 1880, 15-16, only species, hence type. [Not Microlamia H. W. Bates, 1874, coleopteron (Zool. Rec. (1874), 1876, v. 11, 327).] microphthalmus de Man, 1893, 86-89, pi. 5, fig. 4. 1.893: Arseolaimus (Arasolaimoides) [type]. 120 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. microstomus Dujardin, 1845a, 234-235. 1845: Enoplus. m/w//s Lespes, 1856, 335-336. 1856: Isakis (type). minimum Molin, 1857, 218-220, figs. 1-6. 1857: Gongylonema (type). minimus de Man, 1876, 120-122, pi. 6, figs. 16, a-b. 1876: Tylencholaimus. minor Kuhn, 1829a, Apr., 152. See also inflexus. 1829: Strongylus. 1851: Prosthecosacter (type). minor Cobb, 1891c, Dec. 22, 156. 1891: Dipeltis. minor Looss, 1900, 190-191. 1900: Triodontus. 1902: Triodontophorus. minus Marion, 1870, 23-24, pi. G, fig. 1. 1870: Enoplostoma. minuta van Beneden, 1871a, 17. 1871: Coronilla. minuta van Beneden, 1873b, 22, pi. 5, figs. 6-11. 1873: Ascarops (type). minutissima Goeze, 1782a, 40, 110. 1782: Atcaris. minutus Rudolphi, 1819a, 21, 1819: Oucullanus. 1851: Histiocephalus. minutus Dujardin, 1845a, 118. 1845: Strongylus. 1861: Metastrongylus. minutus Claparede, 1863a, 89-90, pi. 18, figs. 4-7. 1863: Desmoscolex (type). mirabile Leuokart, 1884, 320. 1884: Attantonema (type). miraMlis Buetschli, 1873a, 44-45, pi. 19 (3), figs. 14, a-b. 1873: Tylenchus. 1876: Tylencholaimus (type). Mitrephoros von Linstow, 1877, 18. See Mitrephorus Mitrephorus von Linstow, 1877, 2. M. hsemisphsericus von Linstow, 1877, 2, only species, hence type. 1877: Mitrephoros Linstow, 1877, 18. For Mitrephorus. [Not Mitrephorus Schoenherr, 1837, coleopteron; Mitrephorus Sclater, 1859, bird; Mitrophorus Burm., 1844, coleopteron.] monacanthus Diesing, 1853a, Jan., 35. 1853: Cephalacanthus (probably type). Monhystera Bastian, 1865c, 93, 97-99. Type species M. stagnalis, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. 1889: Monohystera de Man, 1889, 7. For Monhystera. stagnalis Bastian, 1865c, 97, pi. 9, figs. 9-11. $ 9 dispar Bastian, 1865c, 97, pi. 9, figs. 1-2. 9 rivularis Bastian, 1865c, 97-98, pi. 9, figs. 3-4. $ longicaudata Bastian, 1865c, 98, pi. 9, figs. 5-6. 9 filiformis Bastian, 1865c, 98, pi. 9, figs. 7-8. 9 disjuncta Bastian, 1865c, 98, pi. 9, figs. 12-13; $ as doubtful member of this genus. ambigua Bastian, 1865c, 98, pi. 9, figs. 14-15; $ as doubtful member of this genus. monilis Hammerschmidt, 1838a, 358, pi. 4, fig. a. 1838: Anguillina (type). DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 121 Monodontus Molin, 1861, 435, 463-470. Type species M. semlcircularis. [Not Monodon Linnaeus, 1735, 1758, 1766, mammal; Monodon Cuvier, 1817, mollusk; Monodon Schweigger, 1820, mollusk; Monodon Gerv., 18 , mollusk; Monodonta Lamarck, 1799, 1801, mollusk; Monodontes Montf., 1810, molhwk; Monodus Schulze, 1897, for Monodon Linnseus, 1758.] wedlii Molin, 1861, 467-469; includes Strongylus cernuus Creplin, 1829 = Strongylus trigonocephalus Rudolphi, 1809 = type of Bunostomum Railliet, 1902. semicircularis Molin, 1861, 469-470, pi. 2, figs. 3-4. Type; from Dicotyles tor- quatus. Molin bases his anatomical discussion directly upon M. semicircularis, which is the only one of the two species he figures, and which further he (p. 464) specifically takes as an argument to justify his genus. Monohystera, de Man, 1889, 7. For Monhystera. Mononchus Bastian, 1865c, 93, 100-103. Type species M. truncatus, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. 1865: Monorchus Marschall, 1873, 436. For Mononchus Bastian, 1865. truncatus Bastian, 1865c, 101, pi. 9, figs. 25-26. 9 papillatus Bastian, 1865c, 101, pi. 9, figs. 27-28. 9 macrostoma Bastian, 1865c, 101-102, pi. 9, figs. 29-30. 9 tunbridgensis Bastian, 1865c, 102, pi. 9, figs. 31-32. 9 cnstatus Bastian, 1865c, 102, pi. 9, figs. 33-34. 9 fovearum (Dujardin, 1845) Bastian, 1865c, 102-103. 9 muscorum (Dujardin, 1845) Bastian, 1865c, 103. 9 crassiusculus (Dujardin, 1845) Bastian, 1865c, 103. 9 A slight complication arises in connection with Mononchus, 1865, and Oncho- laimus, 1845. Of the three original species of Oncholaimus, Diesing (1851a, 125) transferred attenuatus to Enoplus, thus leaving fovearum and muscorum. Under such circumstances one of these species would most naturally be selected as type. Bastian (1865c) returned attenuatus to Oncholaimus and transferred fovearum, and muscorum to Mononchus. Many authors would hold that Bastian was in error in this action, and that Mononchus should fall as a synonym of Oncholaimus on the ground that it contained the only two remaining species of Oncholaimus. Were it not for the fact that Bastian has written us that he intended truncatus as type of Mononchus we should be inclined to follow that ruling, but as the original author's intentions should be recognized, we accept truncatus as type of Mononchus. Oncholaimus now takes attenuatus as type by Bastian' s designation, provided it is admitted that he was justified in returning the species for the sake of establishing the type. Monopetalonema Diesing, 1861a, 620, 710. Type species ? M. physalurum by page precedence, or ? obtuso-caudatum by inclusion. See bilinguis. physalurum (Bremser, 1851) Diesing, 1861a, 710. $ 9 obtuse-caudatum Diesing, 1861a, 710; $ 9 = Filaria nodulosa Rudolphi, 1820; =Filaria obtuso-caudata Rudolphi, 1819a. Monoposthia de Man, 1889, 9-10. Type by original designation Spilophora costata Bastian, 1865c. Monorchus Marschall, 1873, 436. Misprint for Mononchus Bastian, 1865. [Not Monorchis Monticelli, 1893, trematode.] monostichum Diesing, 1851a, 306. 1851: Sclerostomum. 1861: (Esophagostoma. montredonense Marion, 1870, 27-29, pi. I, fig. 1. 1870: Thoracostoma. morrhuze. 1871: Ascarophis (apparently type). 122 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. morstatti Marion, 1870, 31-32, pi. J, fig. 1. 1870: Rhabdotoderma (type). mucronata Molin, 1858, 155. 1858: Filaria. 1861: Dipetalonema. mucronatum Molin, 1861, 474-475, pi. 3, fig. 1. 1861: Diploodon (type). mucronatus Molin, 1861, 547-548. 1861: Kalicephalus. muris Schrank, 1788, 21. [1782: Pseudoechinorhynchus (? type).] 1788: Echinorhynchus. 1790: Hseruca (type). mmcse Carter, 1861d, 30-33, pi. 1A, figs. 1-4. 1861: Filaria. 1861: Habronema (type). muacorum Dujardin, 1845a, 237. 1845: Oncholaimus (? type, see alsofovearum and attenuatus). 1865: Mononchus. "mustelarum \_pulmonalis] Rudolphi," 1819a, 8, 216. See also Ascaris bronchialis. 1819: Filaria. 1858: Filarioides (type). Myenchus Schuberg & Schroeder, 1904, in Schuberg, 1904, Feb. 22, 629-632. M. both- ryophorus Schuberg & Schroeder, 1904, 629-632, only species, hence type. Myzomimus Stiles,, 1892, 65-67. M. scutatus (Mueller, 1869) Stiles, 1892, 65-67, 1 fig., only species, hence type. Nanonema Cobb, 1905, in Stiles & Hassall, 1905, 122. New name for Cephalonema Cobb, 1893a [not Stimps., ante, 1882]; hence type species Nanonema longi- cauda (Cobb, 1893) Cobb, 1905, 122. nawta Rudolphi, 1819a, 23, 238. 1819: Spiroptera. 1845: Dispharagus. natans Bastian, 1865c, 155-156, pi. 13, figs. 182-184. 1865: Tachyhodites (type). natans Bastian, 1865c, 168-169, pi. 13, figs. 236-238. 1865: Chromadora. Necator Stiles, 1903, Aug. 1,312. Uncinaria americana, only species, hence type. Orig- inally a subgenus of Uncinaria. Necticonema Marion, 1870, 32-34. N. prinzi Marion, 1870, 33-34, pi. J, fig. 2, only species, hence type. Nectonema Verrill, 1879, Nov. 5, 187-188. N. agilis Verrill, 1879, Nov. 5, 187-188, only species, hence type. Needhamia Cams. [Not accessible to us.] neglecta Diesing, 1851a, 296; \_= gibbosus Rudolphi, 1819, renamed]. [1819: Trichocephaliis.] 1851: Oncophora (type). Nema Leidy, 1856, 49-50. N. vacilans Leidy, 1856, 50, only species, hence type. Nematodum Diesing, 1861a, 724-726. It is doubtful whether this should be inter- preted as a generic name. It seems rather to be an indefinite collective name "nematode." Nematoideum Diesing, 1851a, 329-342. Collective group of artificial value and with- out any type species. Nematoxys Schneider, 1866, 29, 111-113. Type species by inclusion N..ornatus. See also Cosmocerca. ornatus (Dujardin, 1845) Schneider, 1866, 112-113, pi. 12, fig. 5; pi. 18, fig. 4. Type of Cosmocerca, 1861. commutatus (Diesing, 1851) Schneider, 1866, 113, pi. 12, fig. 2; pi. 18, fig. 3. Schneider apparently overlooked the fact that Diesing, 1861, had proposed the genus Cosmocerca to include these same two species, hence, A r e)iia!n.,- /t ,---= Cosmocerca renamed, and consequently takes the same species, Cosmocerca ornata, as type. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 123 Neoechinorhynchus Hamann in Stiles & Hassall, 1905, 123. Type N. clavseceps (Zeder, 1800) Hamann, 1905, 123. Proposed by Hamann in letter to Stiles, dated Nov. 29, 1903, for Neorhynchus Hamann, 1892d; not Sclater, 1869. Neomermis Linstow, 1904, Sept. 10, 491-492. N. macrolaimus Linstow, 1904, 491-492, figs. 13-15, only species, hence type. Neonchus Cobb, 1893a, Oct., 819-820. JV. longicauda Cobb, 1893a, 819-820, fig. 37, only species, hence type. Neorhynchus Hamann, 1892d, 197. Type species N. clavseceps, designated by Hamann, in letter to Stiles, dated Nov. 29, 1903. Renamed Neoechinorhynchus. clavseceps (Zeder, 1800) Hamann, 1892d, 197. agilis (Rudolphi, 1819) Hamann, 1892d, 197. '[Not Neorhynchus Sclater, 1869, bird; Neorhynchus Milne-Edwards, 1879, crus- tacean.] Nervus [see Laporte, 1792, 531]. Nervus medinensis = Dracunculus medinensis, only species, hence type. Netrorhynchus Zenker, 1827, 53. N. blainvillii Zenker, 1827, 53, only species, hence type. niger de Man, 1893, 100-102, pi. 6, fig. 8. 1893: Siphonolaimm (type). nigrescens Dujardin, 1842a, 117-119; 1842e, 129, pi. 6. 1842: Mermis (type). nigricans Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 416-417. 1894: Chromagaster. nigrorenosa Goeze in Zeder, 1800a, 48. 1800: Fusaria. 1800: A scaris. 1841: Oxyuris. 1882: Angiostomum. 1883: Rhab- donema (type). 1905: Rhabdias (type). nitidum Leidy, 1856, 49. 1856: Potamonema (type). nodulosa Rudolphi [1820], 13. 1820: Filaria. [1861: Monopetalonema.~\ nudicapitata Bastian, 1865c, 168, pi. 13, figs. 230-232. 1865: Chromadora. obtusa Cobb, 1893a, Oct., 811. 1893: Brachynema (type). obtuse-caudatum Diesing, 1861a, 710. See obtuso-caudatum. [1819: Filaria.'] 1861: Monopetalonema. obtuso-caudata Rudolphi, 1819a, 634. See also obtuse-caudatum. 1819: Filaria. obtuso-caudata Kcelliker, 1845b, 88-89. 1845: Lineola. obtusus Dujardin, 1845a, 105. 1845: Proleptus. obtusus Dujardin, 1845a, 107. 1845: Eucamptus (type). obtusus Bastian, 1865c, 128, pi. 10, figs. 117-118. 1865: Tylenchus. obtusus Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 419-420, figs. 13, i-iv. 1894: Solenolaimus (type). ocettata Carter, 1859b, July, 43, pi. 3, fig. 31. 1859: Urolabes. 1863: Phanoglene. 1865: Chromadora. ocellatus Bastian, 1865c, 163, pi. 13, figs. 210-212a. 1865: Cyatholaimus (type). 124 BUKEAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. octocornutus Molin, 1860, 344. 1860: Elaphocepkalus (type). oculata Marion, 1870, 35, pi. K, fig. 2. 1870: Acanthopharynx. Odontobius Roussel, 1834, 326-331. 0. ceti Roussel, 1834, 326-331, only species, hence type. Odontolaimus de Man, 1880, 61-62. 0. chlorurus de Man, 1880, 61-62, only species, hence type. Odontophora Buetschli, 1874b, 285. 0. marina Buetschli, 1874b, 285, pi. 3, fig. 13, only species, hence type. [Not Odontophorus Vieillot, 1816, bird.] (Esophagodontus Railliet & Henry, 1902, 7. Feb., 110-111. 0. robuslus (Giles, 1892) Gedcelst, 1903a, 57, 92, only species, hence type. (Esophagostomum Molin, 1861, 435, 443-450. Type species 0. subulatum = 0. dentatum (Rudolphi, 1803). subulatum Molin, 1861, 445-446, pi. 1, figs. 3-1. $ 9 longipene Molin, 1861, 446-448. $ 9 monostichum (Diesing, 1851) Molin, 1861, 448-449. $ 9 acutum Molin, 1861, 449. $ 9 pachycephalum Molin, 1861, 450. $ 9 As Molin designated no type, we herewith designate as such the species (Esophagostomum subulatum = Strongyhts dentatus Rudolphi, 1803, this selec- tion being made for the following reasons: (1) As this form inhabits a domesticated animal, it is much more easy to obtain than forms inhabiting wild animals; (2) it is the only species Molin figured; (3) Molin evidently intended this species as type, although he did not definitely designate it as type; (4) this designation agrees with the principle of page precedence. Ollulanus R. Leuckart, 1865, 227. 0. Iricuspis Leuckart, 1865, 227, only species, hence type. Onchalaimus de Rouville, 1903, 11. Dec., 1528. Misprint for Oncholaimus. Onchocerca Diesing, 1841, 200 [in J. Hermann, 1841b, 199-200]. 0. reticulata Diesing, 1841, 200, only species, hence type. 1846: Oncocerca Creplin, 1846b, 171; for Onchocerca. Oncholaima Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. Changed to Oncholaimus Dujardin, 1845a, 230, 235-237, 653. Oncholaimellus de Man, 1890, 189-192. 0. calvadosicus de Man, 1890, 190-192, pi. 5, fig. 10, only species, hence type. 'Oncholaimus Dujardin, 1845a, 230, 235-237, 653. Type species probably O. attenu- atus. See discussion under Mononchus, 121. 1845: Oncholaima Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. Changed to Oncholaimus Dujardin, 1845a, 230, 235-237, 653. 1865: ? Mononchus Bastian, 1865c, 93, 100-103; includes both fovearum and muscorum. 1903: Onchalaimus de Rouville, 1903, 1528. Misprint. attenualus Dujardin, 1845a, 236. $ To Enoplus by Diesing, 1851a, 125. Type of Oncholaimus according to Bastian, 1865c, 100, and de Man, 1886, 9. fovearum Dujardin, 1845a, 236-237. 9 To Mononchus by Bastian, 1865c, 102. muscorum Dujardin, 1845a, 237. 9 To Mononchus by Bastian, 1865c, 103. Oncocerca Creplin, 1846b, 171. See Onchocerca. Oncophora Diesing, 1851a, 81, 296. 0. neglecta Diesing, 1851a; = Trichocephalus gib- bosus Rudolphi, 1819a, renamed, only species, hence type. [Not Onchophora Busk., 1855, mollusk; Oncophorus Rudow., 1874, neuropteron; Eppelscheim, 1885, insect.] DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 125 Onyx Cobb, 1891c, Dec. 22, 146-155. 0. perfectus Cobb, 1891c, 153-155, figs. 4, 5, 7, 8, i-v, only species, hence type. [Not Onix Mayr & Forel, 1884, insect (Zool. Rec. (1884), 1885, v. 22, Index, 7)-] ophicephalum Claparede, 1863a, 88-89, pi. 18, figs. 2-3. 1863: Chtetosoma (type). Ophiostoma Rudolphi, 1801, 48. Type by inclusion Cystidicola farionis Fischer, 1798. See Cystidicola. 1839: Ophiostomum Creplin, 1839a, 283. Ophiostoma renamed. [Not Ophiostomus for Ophistomis Dej., 1834, coleopteron.] Ascaris phocse Fabricius, 1780a, 272. [United with Ascaris atax Mueller, 1776, 214, Ascaris neitsib [neitsil] Mueller, 1776, 214, and Ascaris bifida Fabricius, 1780a, 273; (=Proboscidea bifida (Mueller) Lamarck, 1801), by Rudolphi, 1809a, 119, under the name Ophiostoma dispar Rudolphi, 1809a, 119; uniden- tifiable according to Krabbe, 1878.] Ascaris globicola (Fabricius, 1780) Gmelin, 1790a, 3036; [= Gordius globicola Fabricius, 1780a; eliminated from Ophiostoma as doubtful by Rudolphi, 1810a, 279]. Ascaris rajte Mueller, 1776, 214. [To Proboscidea by Tableau encycl., pi. 32, figs. 11-12; to Fusaria and Ophiostoma by Zeder, 1803a, 124, 128; eliminated from Ophiostoma as doubtful by Rudolphi, 1810a, 270.] Ascaris bifida Mueller, 1780, 273. [United with Ascaris phocse by Rudolphi, 1809a, 119.] Cystidicola farionis Fischer, 1798b, 98. [Type of Cystidicola.'] [To Spiroptera by Rudolphi, 1819a, 26-27, 245-246.] Ophiostoma, 1801, was a deliberate renaming of an earlier monotypical genus, hence it takes the same type as the earlier genus. It is quite possible that Ascaris bifida is the type of Proboscidea. See also p. 45. Ophiostomum Creplin, 1839a, 283; = Ophiostoma renamed. ornata Dujardin, 1845a, 144-145, pi. 5, fig. G. 1845: Oxyuris. 1861: Cosmocerca (type). 1866: Nematoxys (type). ornaturn Dujardin, 1843a, 347, pi. 14, fig. B. 1843: Trichosomum. 1845: Calodium. ornatus Eberth, 1863a, 40-41, pi. 4, figs. 13-15; pi. 5, figs. 5-6. 1863: Enoplus. 1865: Symplocostoma. ornatus Bastian, 1865c, 163-164, pi. 13, figs. 215-216. 1865: Cyatholaimus. ovata Zeder, 1803a, 36-37. 1803: Filaria. 1851: Agamonema. oviflagellis Fourment, 1884a, 1-8, pi. 16, figs. 1-11. 1884: Spinitedus (type). Oxiurus Sonsino, 1878, 613. Misprint for Oxyuris. oxycaudata Greef, 1869a, 115-117, pi. 6, figs. 9-10. 1869: Trichoderma (type). oxycephalus de Man, 1880, 31. 1880: Aulolaimus (type). oxycerca de Man, 1888, 10-11, pi. 1, fig. 6. 1888: Monohystera. 1889: Monohystera (Fernanda). Oxynema von Linstow, 1899, 19-20. 0. rectum von Linstow, 1899, 19-20, pi. 5, fig. 56, only species, hence type. Oxysoma Schneider, 1866, 29, 114-116. Type species probably 0. brevicaudatum, by page precedence and because of host. [Not Oxysoma Gervais, 1849, arachnoid; Kraatz, 1865, coleopteron.] 126 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Oxysoma Schneider Continued. brevicaudatum (Zeder, 1800) Schneider, 1866, 114-115, pi. 11, figs. 1-2; $ 9 [= Fusaria brevicaudata Zeder, 1800a; = Heterakis brevicaudata (Zeder) Dujardin, 1845]. Host Rana temporaria. tentaculatum (Rudolphi, 1819) Schneider, 1866, 115, pi. 7, fig. 13; pi. 12, fig. 1; $ 9 [= Ascaris tentaculata Rudolphi]. lepturum (Rudolphi, 1819) Schneider, 1866, 115-116, pi. 7, fig. 14; pi. 12, fig. 3; $ 9 [= Ascaris leptura Rudolphi]. Oxyspirura von Drasche in Stossich, 1897, 123-126. Type species 0. cephaloptera, after Drasche, according to Stossich (letter to Stiles, dated Nov. 1, 1903). acuminata (Molin, 1860) Stossich, 1897, 123. $ anacanthura (Molin, 1860) Stossich, 1897, 123-124. $ 9 brevisubulata (Molin, 1860) Stossich, 1897, 124. $ 9 cephaloptera (Molin, 1860) Stossich, 1897, 124-125. $ 9 sygmoidea (Molin, 1860) Stossich, 1897, 125. $ 9 spirals (Molin, 1860) Stossich, 1897, 125-126. $ 9 bretipenis (Molin, 1860) Stossich, 1897, 126. $ 9 Oxystoma Buetschli, 1874b, 270-271. 0. elongata Buetschli, 1874b, 270-271, pi. 4, figs. 18, a-d, only species, hence type. [Not Oxystoma Dumeril, 1806, coleopteron; Oxystoma Blainville, 1825, mol- lusk, supergeneric; Oxystomata Haan, 18 , crustacean, supergeneric; Blain- ville, 1825, mollusk, supergeneric; Oxystomus G. Fischer, 1803, mammal; Rafinesque, 1810, fish; Latreille, 1825, coleopteron; Swains., 1837, bird.] Oxyuris Rudolphi, 1803a, 6-8. 0. curvula = Trichocephalus equi Schrank, 1788, 4, or Gmelin, 1790a, 3038; = Oxyuris equi, only species, hence type. 1816: Oxyurus Lamarck, 1816, 213-215. For Oxyuris Rudolphi, 1803. 1860: Lepturis Schlotthauber. Type curvula. 1878: Oxiurus Sonsino, 1878, 613. Misprint. [Not Oxyurus Rafinesque, 1810, fish; Swains., 1827, bird; Oxyura Bonap., 1828, bird; Oxyura for Oxura Kirby, 1817, coleopteron.] Oxyurus Lamarck, 1816, 213-215. For Oxyuris Rudolphi, 1803a, hence type species Oxyuris curvula. Ozolaimus Dujardin, 1845a, 136, 145-147. 0. megatypMon (Rudolphi, 1819) Dujardin, 1845a, only species, hence type. pachycephalum Molin, 1861, 450. 1861: (Esophagostoma. paganelli Molin, 1859, 32. 1859: Nematoideum. 1861: Agamonematodum. paludinse Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a, unpaged, appendix. 1828: Phacelura (type). palustrvt Carter, 1858a, June, 414. 1858: Urolabes (type). papillata Bastian, 1865c, 170, pi. 13, figs. 247-248. 1865: Chromadora. papillatus Bastian, 1865c, 101, pi. 9, figs. 27-28. 1865: Mononchus. papillatus de Man, 1880, 4. 1880: Deontolaimus (type). papillatus Cobb, 1898a, Mar., 320, figs. 45, i-iv. 1898: Streptogaster (type). papilliger de Man, 1876, 169-171, pis. 10, 11, figs. 42, a-e. 1876: Leptolaimus (type). papilligera Creplin, 1846b, 173. 1846: Filaria. 1851: Agamonema. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 127 papillosa Schneider, 1866, 153-154, pi. 11, fig. 3. 1866: Pelodera. papillosus Bloch, 1782a, 32, pi. 9, figs. 1-6. 1782: Ascaris. [1845: Heterakis resicularis sub (type).] Parachordodes Camerano, 1897g, 368, 389-398. Type species P. tolosanus (Dujardin, 1842) Camerano, 1897g, 398, by designation of Camerano in card to Stiles, dated Nov. 29, 1903. vejdovskyi (Janda, 1894) Camerano, 1897g, 389. $ raphsdis (Camerano, 1893) Camerano, 1897g, 389. $ 9 alfredi (Camerano, 1894) Camerano, 1897g, 390. $ 9 latastei (Camerano, 1895) Camerano, 1897g, 390-391. $ abbreviates (Villot, 1874) Camerano, 1897g, 391. $ pleskei (Camerano, 1896) Camerano, 1897g, 391-392. $ 9 wolterstorffii (Camerano, 1888) Camerano, 1897g, 392. 9 violaceus (Baird, 1853) Camerano, 1897g, 392-393. $ 9 alpeslris (Villot, 1884) Camerano, 1897g, 393-394. $ 9 prismaticus (Villot, 1874) Camerano, 1897g, 394-395. $ 9 kaschgaricus Camerano, 1897g, 395. 9 gemmatus (Villot, 1884) Camerano, 1897g, 395-396. $ 9 pustulosus (Baird, 1853) Camerano, 1897g, 396-397. $ 9 tolosanus (Dujardin, 1842) Camerano, 1897g, 398. Mermis aquatUis (Dujardin, 1845) von Linstow, 1898, 155-156, pi. 8, figs. 7-10. $ 9 In reply to a personal letter asking Dr. von Linstow for the type of his genus Paramermis he writes under date of Nov. 23: "Die erste unter dem Genus- Namen Paramermis beschriebene Art ist crassa." From this we assume that he considers crassa as type. parasitifera Bastian, 1865c, 159-160, pi. 13, figs. 201-203. 1865: Spira (type). parasitus Creplin, 1847b, 161-165. 1847: Chordodes (type). parietinus Bastian, 1865c, 118-119, pi. 10, figs. 79-80. 1865: Plectus (type), parietinus Bastian, 1865c, 123, pi. 10, figs. 102-103. 1865: Aphelenchus. parvus Bastian, 1865c, 120, pi. 10, figs. 89-90. 1865: Plectus. parvus Bastian, 1865c, 156, pi. 13, figs. 185-186. 1865: Tachyhodites. Passalurus Dujardin, 1845a, 230, 231-233. Oxyuris ambigua Rudolphi, 1819a, 19, 229, only species, hence type. patagonicus de Man, 1904, 41-44, figs. 1-6. 1904: Plectus (Plectoides [probably type]). pauli Marion, 1870, 15-16, pi. B, fig. 2. 1870: Amphistenus. pectinatus Diesing, 1838a, 189. Renamed Ancyracanthus pinnatifidus. 1838: Ancyracanthus (type). Pelagonema Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 391-392. P. simplex Cobb, 1894c, 391-392, figs. 4, i-iv, only species, hence type. pellio Schneider, 1866, 154, pi. 11, fig. 11. 1866: Pelodera. pelludda Bastian, 1865c, 142, pi. 11, figs. 149-150. 1865: Anticoma. pelluddus Bastian, 1865c, 100, pi. 9, figs. 23-24. 1865: Trilobus. pelluddus Cobb, 1893a, Oct., 821, fig. 39. 1893: Chaolaimus (type). Pelodera Schneider, 1866, 29, 148-154; =Pelodytes Schneider, 1860, renamed, hence type species Pelodera strongyloides. Also type by page precedence. 1860: Pelodytes Schneider, 1860, 228 [not Fitz. (?date), or Gistl., 1848]; type Pelodytes strongyloides. strongyloides (Schneider, 1860) Schneider, 1866, 152-153, pi. 10, fig. 9. Type. teres Schneider, 1866, 153, pi. 10, fig. 8. papillosa Schneider, 1866, 153-154, pi. 11, fig. 3. pellio Schneider, 1866, 154, pi. 11, fig. 11. Pelodytes Schneider, 1860, 228, pi. 6, fig. 12. Pelodytes strongyloides Schneider, 1860, 228, pi. 6, fig. 12, only species, hence type. Renamed Pelodera Schneider, 1866, 148. [Not Pelodytes Fitz., ante 1846, or Gistl., 1848, reptile; see Agassiz, 1842-46.] pendula Leidy, 1851, 240. 1851: Synplecta (type). DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 129 Penzancia de Man, 1889, 7-8. Type species Monhystera velox, designated in letter from de Man to Stiles, dated Nov. 30, 1903. Subgenus of Monohystem. [velox (Bastian, 1865) de Man, 1889, 7-8.] (Type.) [oxycerca (de Man, 1888) de Man, 1889, 7.] perarmata Marion, 1870, 34-35, pi. K, fig. 1. 1870: Acanthopharynx. perfectus Cobb, 1891e, Dec. 22, 153-155, figs. 4, 5, 7, 8, i-iv. 1891: Onyx (type). Peritrachelius Diesing, 1851a, 80, 209-210. P. insignis Diesing, 1851a, 210, only species, hence type. persegnis .Bastian, 1865c, 124-125, pi. 10, figs. 104-10H. 1865: Cephalobus (type). perspicillum Rudolphi, 1803a, 9-10. 1803: Ascaris. 1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia). Phacelura Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a, appendix, not paged. /'. paludinx Hemp- rich & Ehrenberg, 1828a, only species, hence type. [Not Phacellura for PhaMlura Guild., 1840, lepidopteron.] phalacrus Greef, 1869a, 118, pi. 7, figs. 5-6. 1869: Eubostrichus (? type). Phanoderma Bastian, 1865c, 94, 142-144. Type species P. cocks! , designated by Bas- tian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. cocksi Bastian, 1865c, 143, pi. 11, figs. 151-153. $ ? albidum Bastian, 1865c, 143-144, pi. 11, figs. 154-155. 9 tuberculntum (Eberth, 1863) Bastian, 1865c, 144. $ 9 [Not examined by Bastian.] Phanoglene Nordmann, 1840, 664. Type species ? 1\ micans; see p. 67. micans Nordmann, 1840, 664; in larva of a neuropteron. barbiger Nordmann, 1840, 664; free form. Piiarurus R. Leuckart, 1848, 26-28. Slrongylus alatus Leuckart, 1848, 26-28 ? pi. 2, figs. 3, A-D, only species, hence type. Phari/ngodon Diesing, 1861a, 614, 642. P. acanthurm (Diesing, 1851) Diesing, 1861 a, 642, only species, hence type. [Not Pharyngodon Cope, 1865, reptile.] phocte Fabricius, 1780a, 272. Includes Ascaris neitsib Mueller. 1780: Ascaris. 1790: Echinorhynchus. [1801: Ophiostoma.] 1803: Ophiostoma. 1816: Fistula. [?]: Proboscidea. Phi/saloptera Rudolphi, 1819a, 29-30, 255-259. Type species P. dausa, by present designation, because of page precedence, only species figured, and common host. clausa Rudolphi, 1819a, 29, 255-256, pi. 1, figs. 2-3. $ 9 i taken Ps. sp. Goeze, 1782a, 138-139, pi. 9b, fig. 12( = ?CijsticercusfasciolariH), as type species. We have our misgivings, however, whether this is alto- gether in harmony with Goeze (1782a, 41), who distinctly says: "Pseudoechino- rhynchus ( Tienia, hseruca Pallas) ." See also Hieruca. Pseudornermis Zykoff, 1902, 61-64, pi. 1. [Not accessible to us.] P&eudonymus Diesing, 1857a, 10. P. spirotheca (Gyory, 1856) Diesing, 1857a, 9-10, only species, hence type. 1861: Ptychocephalus Diesing, 1861; type epecies spirotheca. 1878: Helicothrix (ialeb, 1878b; type species spirotheca. Pseudorhabditis Perroncito, 1881, Dec. 28, 499-519, pi. 19, figs. 1-8. Anguillula sti-rco- ralis B^vay, 1876a, only species, hence type. Pterocephalus von Linstow, 1899, 12-13. P. viwparus von Linstow, 1899, 12-13, pi. 2, figs. 22-24,26-27; pi. 4, fig. 41, only species, hence .ype. [Not Pterocephalus Schneider, 1887, protozoon; Pterocephala Swains., 1839, fish; Pterocephalia Rom., 1852, crustacean.] Pierygodermatile* Wedl, 1861, 464-466. P. plagiostoma Wedl, 1861, 464-466, pi. 1, figs. 5-11, only species, hence type. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 133 tfifchocephalus Diesing, 1861a, 614, 637-638. P. spirotheca (Gyory, 1856) Diesing, 1861a, 638, only species, hence type. See Ifelicothric and Pseudonymus. [Not Ptychocephalus Agassiz, 1843, fish.] pidchrum'Molin, 1857, 223, figs. 13-15. 1857: Gongylonema. pulmonalis Gmelin, 1790a, 3035. 1790: Ascaris. [1801: Llorhynchus.] 1802: Ascaris. [1883: Rhabdonema (type).] punctate, Eberth, 1863a, 20, pi. 2, figs. 5-7. 1863: Phanoglene. 1865: Leptosomatum . punctatus Bastian, 1865c, 164, pi. 13, figs. 217-218. 1865: Cyatholaimus. purjmrea Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 417-419, figs. 12, Mv. 1894: Chromagafter (type). purpureus Schneider, 1866, 326. 1866: Rhamphogordius. 1868: Polygordius. pustulosus Baird, 1853a, 37. 1853: Gordius. 1897: Parachordode*. pyri Bastian, 1865c, 123-124, pi. 10, figs. 103, a-c. 1865: Aphelenchus. quadricostata Molin, 1860, 927. 1860: Spiroptera. 1861: Cheilospirura. qiiadridentatum Molin, 1861, 475, pi. 3, fig. 2. 1861: Diploodon. fjuadridentatus Molin, 1858, 155. 1858: Acanthocheilus (type). qnadrilabiatum Molin, 1858, 417. 1858: Filaria. 1861: Tetracheihnema (type). quadriloba Rudolphi, 1819a, 25, 241-242. 1819: Spiroptera. 1845: Dispharagus. quadrispina Diesing, 1851a, 271-272. Includes F. martis Gmelin, 1790a. 1851: F'daria (? type, see also attenuate Rudolphi, 1803a). rndiatus Rudolphi, 1803a, 13-15. 1803: Strongylus. 1885: Uncinaria. 1900: Strongylatm. rajiK Mueller, 1776, 214. 1776: Ascaris. [1801: Ophiostoma.] 1803: Ophiostoma. [?]: Proboscidea. Ramphogordius Rathke, 1843, 237-238. R. lacteus Rathke, 1843, 238, pi. 12, fig. 16, only species, hence type. 1846: Rhamphogordius Agassiz, 1846, 320, 322. rnpax Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 393-394, figs. 5, i-iv. 1894: Demonema (type). raphselis Camerano, 1893c, 213-215, fig. 1. 1893: Gordius. 1897: Parachordodes. rectum von Linstow, 1899, 19-20, pi. 5, fig. 56. 1899: Oxynema (type). rtdwivum Linnaeus, 1767, 1326 [confined to glutinis by Mueller, 1783, 162; see al*o Anguillula Mueller, 1773, 41]. 1767: Chaos. [1783: Vibrio.'] [1786: Anguillula (type).] reflexa Zeder, ISOOa, 33-36, pi. 4, fig. 7; in part. 1800: Fusaria. [1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia) inflexa sub.] [1845: Heteraki* vesicularis sub (type) . ] retiale Goaze, 1782a, 73. [1782: Ascaris renales.] [1802: Dioctophyme (type).] [1851: Euftrong;/tn* (type).] 1901: Dioctophyme. 134 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. ffiinrdl Lindemann, 1865, 495, pi. 12, figs. 1-6. 1865: Paradoxites (type). reticul-ata Diesing in Hermann, 18411), 200. 1841: Onchocerca (type). i-i'tii-nlata Schlotthauber, 1860, 126. 1860: Piguris (type). retortseformis Zeder, 1800a, 75-77. 1800: Strongylus. 1905: Trichostrongt/lus (type). return Rudolphi, 1819a, 30, 258. 1819: Physaloptera. re valuta Rudolphi, 1819a, 26, 247. [1811: Acuaria.] 1819: Spiroptera. Rhabditis Dujardin, 1845a, 230, 239-243, 653. Type species R. terricola, designated by Bastian, 1865c, or R. glutinis type by inclusion. See discussion, p. 45. 1845: Tribactis Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. Renamed Rhabditis. [Not Rhabdites Haan, 1825, mollusk.] terricola Dujardin, 1845a, 240-241. 9 To Angiastomum by Diesing, 1851a, 139; returned to Rhabditis as type by Bastian, 1865c; retained here by Railliet, 1893a, with Pelodera teres as synonym. aceti (Mueller, 1783) Dujardin, 1845a, 242. $ 9 To Angulllula by Diesing, 1851a, 129; designated type of ^Anguillula Ehrenberg," 1828a, by Bastian [but not one of the original species of ^Anguillula Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a, new genus"]; to Leptodera by Schneider, 1866; generally-retained as an Anguillula by most of the recent authors. tritici ( [Steinbuch, 1799] Bauer, 1823) Dujardin, 1845a, 243, 9 including Vibrio anguilhila y Mueller, and Vibrio agrostis Steinbuch, 1799, 233, and Vibrio tritici Bauer, 1823, 1. To Anguillula by Diesing, 1851a; to Anguillulina by Gervais & van Beneden, 1859b; to Tylenchus by Bastian, 1865c; to Angwllula by Schneider, 1866; to Ti/lenchus by Bastian, 1865c; to Anguillulina, possibly as type, by Railliet, 1893a, 553. glutinis (Mueller, 1783) Dujardin, 1845a, 243, 9 including Vibrio anguillula fl gluthius Mueller and Vibrio glutinis Duges, 1826a, 225. Equals redivinmi Lin- naeus, 1767, type of Anguillula, 1786, not 1828. To Anguillula by Diesing, 1851a, and Bastian, 1865c; to Leptodera by Schneider, 1866, 160. For discussion of this case, see p. 45. Rhabdogaster Metschnikoff, 1867, Aug. 26, 542-543. R. c/ysTrcoicterMetschnikoff, 1867, 542-543, pi. 31, figs. 9-11, only species, hence type. [Not Rhabdogaster Loew., 1858, dipteron.] Rhabdolaimns de Man, 1880, 59-61. Type species R. terrestris, designated in letter from de Man to Stiles, dated Nov. 30, 1903. aquaticus de Man, 1880, 60. 9 terrestris de Man, 1880, 60-61. $ 9 "Sehrhiiufig." Rhabdonema Leuckart, 1883, 89. R. nigrovenosum (Goeze, 1800) Leuckart, 1883, 89, only species, hence type. [Not Rhabdonema Kuetzing, 1844, polygastrica; not accessible to us.] Rhabdonema Perroncito, 1886. [Not accessible to us.] Rhabdotoderma Marion, 1870, 31-32. R. morstatti Marion, 1870, 31-32, pi. J, lig. 1, only species, hence type. [Not Rhabdoderma Reis, 1888, figh.] Rhamphogordius Agassiz, 1846, 320, 322. For Ramphogordim., Rhigonema Cobb, 1898a, Mar., 311, figs. 29, i-iv. R. brevicollis Cobb, 1898a, 311, figs. 29, i-iv, only species, hence type. rhodesii Desmarets, 1828a, 79-81. [1819: Thelazia (type).] 1828: Tbebizin* (type). DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 135 lilnjtis Mayer, 1835, 67-72. R. parndo.ni Mayer, 1835, 67-72, figs. 1-3, only spt-cit-s, hence type. [Not Rhytis Zeder, 1803, worm.] rlrhtersi Jagerskiold, 1905, Feb. 28, 557-561, 1 fig. 1905: Bunonema (type). Rn-tularia Froelich, 1802a, 7-13, pi. 1, figs. l-:t. 7,'. crirtata Froelich, only species, hence type. 1845: Laphyctes Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. rigida von Siebold, 1836, 33. 1836: Filaria. 1891: AUantonema. 1892: Bradynema (type). ritjidw Leidy, 1850, 102. 1850: Hystrignathus (type). rimlis Dujardin, 1845a, 235. 1845: Enoplus. 1865: Plectus. rincola Corti, 1902a, 113. 1902: Hydromermis (type). rindaris Bastian, 1865c, 97-98, pi. 9, figs. 3-4. 1865: Monhystera.- robusta Bastian, 1865c, 166, pi. 13, figs. 226-227. 1865: Spilophora. [1886: Halicttoanolahmix (type).] 1888: HnlichoanolV. fasciculalus, designated by Cobb in letter to Stiles, dated Dec. 15, 1903. fasciculatus Cobb, 1894c, 411-413, figs. 10, i-vi. $ $ Ursutus Cobb, 1894c, 413. $ [Not Synonycha Chevrolat, 1833, coleopteron. ] Synplecta Leidy, 1851, 239-240. S. pendula Leidy, 1851, 240, only species, hence type. Syringolaimm de Man, 1888, 34-36. S. slriatocaudatus de Man, 1888, 35-36, pis. 3, 4, fig. 16, only species, hence type. Tachygonetria Wedl, 1862, 471-472. T. vivipara Wedl, 1862, 471-472, pi. 2, tigs. 24-26, only species, hence type. Tachyhodites Bastian, 1865c, 95, 155-156. Type species T. imlans, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. natans Bastian, 1865c, 155-156, pi. 13, figs. 182-184. $ $> pari-us Bastian, 1865c, 156, pi. 13, figs. 185-186. 9 tienioides Diesing, 1851 a, 23. 1851: Echinorhynchus. 1892: Gigantorhynchus. ttmioides Lindemann, 1865, 496. 1865: Paradoxites. Txniola Pallas, "1760, 52;" 1768, 289. [De Hxrucula seu Txniola onculi* obscurix.] See Hserucula. talpse Gmelin, 1790a, 3032. See also Schrank, 1790, 121. 1790: Ascarls. [1791: Ascaris strumosa.] [1803: Fusaria convoluta.] [1809: Ascaris strumosa.~\ [1819: Spiroptera strumosa-.'] 1849: Spirura (probably type). Tanqua R. Blanchard, 1904, 15. May, 478. New name for Ctenocephalus von Linstow, 1904 [not Kol., 1857]. Hence type species Tanqua tiara (Linstow, 1879) Stiles & Hassall, 1905, 141. 1904: Ctenocephalus von Linstow, 1904, Feb., 12-13 of reprint [not Kol., 1857]. Type Ct. tiara. 1904: Tanqua R. Blanchard, 1904, 15. May, 478. New name for Ctenocephalus von Linstow, hence type T. tiara. 1904: Tetradenos von Linstow, 1904, Aug., 301. New name for Ctenocepholxs von Linstow, 1904, hence type Ct. tiara, tardus de Man, 1889, 8. 1889: Camacolaimus (type). tardus de Man, 1893, 82-83, pi. 5, fig. 1. 1893: Thalassoalaimus (type). Tentacularia Zeder, 1800a, 5; = Hamularia Treutler renamed, hence type T. *ul>- compressa, 1803; H. lymphatica. [Not Tentacularia Bosc, 1797, worm.] tentaculata Rudolphi, 1819a, 658. 1819: Ascaris. 1866: Oxysoma. tentaculatus Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a. 1828: Crossophorus. 142 BUREAU OF ANIMA'L INDUSTEY. tenue Dujardin, 1845a, 28-29. [Includes Trichosoma columbse Budolphi, 1819a.] 1845: Calodium. tenue Marion, 1870, 21, pi. E, fig. 2. 1870: Eurystoma. tenuicaudata Bastian, 1865c, 160-161, pi. 13, figs. 207-209. 1865: Spira. tenuicoUis Rudolphi, 1819a, 30, 258-259. 1819: Physaloptera. tenuicoUis Eberth, 1863a, 41-42, pi. 4, fig. 16; pi. 5, figs. 1-2. 1863: Enoplas. 1865: Symplocostoma. tennis Dujardin, 1845a, 24-25. 1845: Eucoleus. tennis Dujardin, 1845a, 73. 1845 : Dispharagus. tennis Bastian, 186oc, 119, pi. 10, figs. 83-84. 1865: Plectus. tennis von Linstow, 1876, 5-6, pi. 1, figs. 7-9. 1876: Acanthophorus (? type). tennis Cobb, 1894c, 420-421, figs. 14, i-iv. 1894: Fimbria (type). 1905: FimbrUla (type). Teratocephalus de Man, 1876, 137-139. T. terrestris (Buetschli, 1873) de Man, 1876, 138-139, pi. 7, fig. 25, only species, hence type. tenlentatum von Linstow, 1898, 470-471, pi. 35, figs. 12-14. 1898: Amblyonema (type). tere.s Schneider, 1866, 153, pi. 10, fig. 8. 1866: Pelodera. terrefstris Linnaeus, 1758a, 647-648. 1758: Lumbricus (type). terrestris Buetschli, 1873a, 69, pi. 7, fig. 43. 1873: Anguillula. 1876: Teratocephalus (type). ierrestris de Man, 1880, 60-61. 1880: Rhabdolaimus (type). terricola Dujardin, 1845a, 240-241. 1845: Rhabditls (type). 1851: Angiostomum. terncola Bastian, 1865c, 127-128, pi. 10, figs. 115-116. 1865: Tylenchus. Terschellingia de Man, 1888, 11-12. T. communis de Man, 1888, 12, pi. 1, fig. 7, only species, hence type. Mracanthus Mehlis, 1831, 79. 1831: Strongylm. 1861: Cyathostomum (type). 1902: Cylichnostomum (type). Tetracheilonema Diesing, 1861a, Dec. 6, 621, 711. T. quadrilabiatum (Molin, 1858) Diesing, 1861a, 711, only species, hence type. Tetradenos Linstow, 1904, Aug., 301. Ctenocephalns Linstow, 1904, renamed. See Tanqua. Tetrameres Creplin, 1846a, 130, 135, 142; = Tropisurus Diesing renamed, hence type species Tropisurus paradoxus Diesing, 1835. [Not Tetrameres Schaufuss, 1877, coleopteron.] Thalassironus de Man, 1889, 4-5. T. britannicus de Man, 1889, 4-5, only species, hence type. Thalassoalaimus de Man, 1893, 81-83. T. tardus de Man, 1893, 82-83, pi. 5, fig. 1, only species, hence type. TMandros Wedl, 1862, 470-471. T. alatus Wedl, 1862, 47(M71, pi. 2, figs. 20-22, only species, hence type. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 143 riii'liitlviim Leidy, 1849, 231. T. uttenuatum Leidy, 1849, 231, only species, hence type. See also Aorurus. 1853: Thelastomnm Leidy, 1853, 46. For Thdastoma. Thelastomum Leidy, 1853, Apr., 46. For Thelastoma Leidy, 1849. Thelazia Bosc, 1819, 214-215. La Thelazie de Rhodes Bosc, 1819, 214-215, figs. 1-2 (from cattle); = Thelazius rhodesii Desmarets, 1828a, 79-81, only species, hence type. See also Filar la lacrymalis Gurlt, 1831. 1828: Thelazius Desmarets, 1828a, 79. Thelazius Bosc, 1819, 498-499; = Thelazia Bosc, 1819. rhodesii Desmarets, 1828a, 79-81. Themtm Bastian, 1865c, 95, 156-157. Type by elimination T. acer. acer Bastian, 1865c, 156-157, pi. 13, figs. 187-188. $ (Type.) velox Bastian, 1865c, 157, pi. 13, figs. 189-191. 9 [To Monoliystera (Penzancia [type]) by de Man, 1889, 7.] T/ioniin.i- Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 22-23. T. manica Dujardin, 1845a, 22-23, only positive species, hence type. manica Dujardin, 1845a, 22-23. $ tridens Dujardin, 1845a, 23. $ Given as doubtful. Thoracostoma Marion, 1870, 25-30. Type species probably T. ecliinodon. ecliinodon Marion, 1870, 26, pi. H, figs. 1-lk. ["de beaucoup la plus com- mune."] $ 9 dorylaimus Marion, 1870, 27, pi. H, fig. 2. ["assez rare."] $ 9 monlredonense Marion, 1870, 27-29, pi. I, figs. 1-1 f. $ 9 zolx Marion, 1870, 29-30, pi. I, figs. 2-2e. $ 9 tiara. Linstow, 1879, 320, pi. 5, fig. 1. 1879: Ascarw. 1904: Ctenocephalus (type). 1904: Tanqua' (type). 1904: Tetradenos (type). tolosanus Dujardin, 1842a, 118; 1842e, 146-149. 1842: Gordius. 1897: Parachordodes (type). trachealia Siebold, 1836, 105-116, pi. 3, figs. i-ii. 1836: Syngamus (type). Trcfm'm de Man, 1893, 84-86. T. longicauda de Man, 1893, 85-86, pi. 5, fig. 3, only species, hence type. trlacanthus Diesing, 1853a, 35. 1853: Cephalacanthus. Trihactis Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653, renamed Rhabditis Dujardin, 1845a, 230, 239-246, 653. Hence same type species. [Not Tribads Billb., 1820, lepidopteron.] Tricheilonema Diesing, 1861a, Dec. 6, 710-711. T. megalochila (Diesing, 1851) Dies- ing, 1861a, 711; =Sch!zocheilonema Diesing, 1.861 a, renamed, only species, hence type. Tricheilostomi Diesing, 1851a, 264, 278-279. Subsection of Cheilostomi of Filaria. Only species Filaria megalochila. See Tricheilonema. Trichina Owen, 1835, 315-324. T. spiral^ Owen, 1835, 315-324, pi. 41, figs. 1-9, only species, hence type. See Trichinella Railliet. [Not Trichina Meig., 1830, dipteron; Trichina Kirby, 1837, coleopteron; Tri- chinia Bisch., 18 , worm; Tri/china Klug., roleopteron for Trychine King., coleopteron.] Tric.hineHa Railliet, 1895, 1303; = Trichina Owen renamed, hence type species Tri- chinella spiralis. 1835: Trichina Owen, 1835, 315-324. [Not Trichina Meig., 1830.] 1881: Trichinus Fraser, 1881a, 12 pp., 2 pis. * For Trichina. Trichinus Fraser, 1881a, 12 pp., 2 pis. For Trichina. 144 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. ti-irh hint Linnaeus, 1767, 543; 1771, 543. [1761: Trichitrix (type).] 1767: Ascaris. [1782: type of Tncnocephalos Gceze, 1782a, by inclusion.] [1790: type of Trichocephalus Gmelin, 1790a, by inclu- sion.] [1800: type of MaMigodes Zeder, 1800a, by inclusion.] Trichnia Tyson, 1903, 1191. Misprint for Trichina, 1835. trichocephaln Schrank, "1796,232." [Not accessible to us.] 1796: Linguatula. [1803: Capillaria tumida (type).] [1809: Trichocephalus capillaria sub.] [1819: Trichosoma brevicolle sub (type).] Triehocephalia Gceze, 1782a, 119. See Trichocephalos. Trichocephalos Gceze, 1782a, 40, 112-123; = Tr!rhnriK renamed, hence type Trirlmrlx trichiura. Trichocephalus Schrank, 1788, 4-5; Gmelin, 1790a, 3024, 3038-3039. For TrH,,,,;^!,- alos Gceze, 1782a, hence type species Trichuris trichiura. Trichoderma Greef, 1869a, 115-117. T. oxycaudata Greef, 1869a, 115-117, pi. >. ligs. 9-10, only species, hence type. [Not Tr/c/ioetermaSteph., 1835, coleopteron; S wains., 1839, fish; Nonfried, 1894, insect.] Trichodes von Linstow, 1874, 271-286. Trichosoma, crassicauda (Bellingham, 1 845) von Linstow, 1874, 271-286, pi. 8, figs. 1-6, only species, hence type. See Trichosomoides. [Not Trichodes Herbst, 1792, coleopteron; Trichotis Felder, 1874, lepidopteron; Trichoda Huebner, 1806, lepidopteron.] Trichonema Cobbold, 1874h, Feb., 85-87. T. arcnata Cobbold, 1874h, 85-87, figs. a-g, only species, hence type. [Not Trichonema Fromentel, 1875, protozoon; Trichocnemus Stal, 1873, heniip- teron.] Trichosoma Rudolphi, 1819a, 13-16, 219-223; = Capillaria Zeder, 1800a, renamed, hence type T. brericolle equals Capillaria anatis (Schrank, 1790). 1839: Trichosomum Creplin, 1839a, 278. [Not Trichosoma Boisd., 1834, lepidopteron; Trichosoma Swains., 1839, iish; Trichosomus Swains., 1839, fish; Trichosomus .Chevrolat, 1881 ?, coleopteron (see Scudder, 1884, 341).] Rudolphi deliberately renamed Capillaria and included both of Zeder's origi- nals among his original species, namely, (1) Trichosoma brevicolle Rudolphi, 1819; = Trichocephalus capillaris Rudolphi, 1809, which included CapH/'irln tumida Zeder, 1803a, Linguatula trichocephala Schrank, 1797, 232, and Triclm- cephalus anatis Schrank, 1790; (2) Trichosoma longicolle Rudolphi, 1819a; = CapiUaria semiteres, 1803. This latter species Rudolphi (1809a, 84) named Hamularia nodulosa, including as synonyms Capillaria semiteres Zeder, 1803a, Linguatula unilinguis Schrank, 1796, 231, Filaria gallinx Gmelin, 1790a, 3040, and " Gordius gallinx Goeze," 1782, of Rudolphi, 1809a. Trichosomoides Railliet, 1895, 1302; = Trichodes renamed. Type species Trichoso- moides crassicauda (Bellingham, 1845). Trichosomum Creplin, 1839a, 278; = Trichosoma Rudolphi, renamed, hence type species CapiUaria anatis. TrichostrongylusLooss, 1905, 413-417. Type species T. retortteformis (Zeder, 1800). retortseformis (Zeder, 1800) Looss, 1905, 413, 417-418, pi. 1, figs. 1-3. subtilis (Looss, 1895) Looss, 1905, 418-419, pi. 1, figs. 4-6, 8; pi. 2, fig. 7. probolurus (Railliet, 1896) Looss, 1905, 419-421, pi. 2, figs. 9-11. vitrinus Looss, 1905, 421, pi. 2, figs. 12-14. instalsilis (Railliet, 1893) Looss, 1905, 422. trichuira Werner, 1782, 84. Misprint for tricjiim-", DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 145 Trichuris Rcederer & Wagler, 1761, 10. Oct., 243; 1762, 41-12, 18.5-189, 193, pi. 3, figs. 4, a-b. T. trichiura, only species, hence type. Apparently no specific name was used by Roederer & Wagler. Also type by virtual tautonymy. 1782: Trichocephalos Goeze, 1782a; = Trichuris renamed, hence type species is Trichuris trichiura. 1790: TricJiocephalug Gmelin, 1790a. For Trichocephalos. 1800: Mastigodes Zeder, 1800a; = Trichuris renamed, hence type species Tri- churis trichiura. 1801 : Tricocephalus Lamarck, 1801, 338. For Trichocephalu*. Type T. hominis = Trichuris trichiura. [Not Trichurus Wagner, 1843; for Trichosurus Lesson, 1828, mammal; Trichum Huebn., 1816, lepidopteron ; Trichiurus Linnaeus, 1758, fish; 7yc/MraSteph., 1829, lepidopteron.] triciti = tritici, misspelled. See Bastian, 1865c, 126. Tricocephalus Lamarck, 1801, 338. For Trichocephalus. T. hominis is the only species mentioned. tricolor Dnjardin, 1845a, 290-291. 1845: .HystrichiK (type). Tricoma Cobb, 1894c, Apr. 13, 389-391. T. cincta Cobb, 1894c, 390-391, figs. 2-3, only species, hence type. [Not Tricomia Walk., 1865, lepidopteron.] Tricontus Dujardin, 1845a, 3, 653. Changed to Enoplus Dujardin, 1845a, 230, 233- 235, 653. Type species ? Enoplus tridentatus. See Enoplus. tricuspidata Dufour, 1828d, 223-224, pi. 12 C, fig. 1. 1828: Filaria. 1897: Paragordius. tricuspis Leuckart, 1865, 227. 1865: Ollulanus (type). tridens Dujardin, 1845a, 23. 1845: Thominx. tridentatus Dujardin, 1845a, 233-234. 1845: Enoplus (? type). [1845: Tricontus (? type).] trigonocephalu,-< Rudolphi, 1809a, 231-232. 1809: Strongylus. 1845: Dochmius. [1861: Monodontus.] 1886: Uncinaria. [?]: Ankylostoma. [1902: Bunostomum (type).] Trilobus Bastian, 1865c, 93, 99-100. Type species T. gracilis, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. gracilis Bastian, 1865c, 99, pi. 9, figs. 20-22. . $ 9 pellucidus Bastian, 1865c, 100, pi. 9, figs. 23-24. 9 longus (Leidy, 1851) Bastian, 1865c, 100. [Not Trilobus Bruenn., 1781, crustacean.] Triodontophorus Looss, 1902, 13. May, 37, 78-86; =Triodontua Looss, 1900 [not West- wood, 1845], renamed. Type species Triodontophorus serratus, designated as type in a personal letter from Looss to Stiles, dated Oct. 3, 1903. minor (Looss, 1900) Looss, 1902, 82-83, pi. 3, figs. 23-30. $ 9 serratus (Looss, 1900) Looss, 1902, 83-84, pi. 3, figs. 31-38. $ 9 Triodontoporu* Gedoelst, 1903a, 56, 93. For Triodontophorus, 1902. Triodontu* Looss, 1900, 12. Feb., 153, 190-191. Type species by present designation T. serratus. See al?o Triodontophorvs. [Not Triodontus Westwood, 1845, coleopteron; Triodon Cuvier, 1829, fish; Ameghino, 1875, mammal.] 6328 No. 79-05 10 146 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Triodontus Loos.s Continued. minor Looss, 1900, 190-191. $ 9 serratus Looas, 1900, 191. $ 9 robustus (Giles, 1892) Looss, 1900, 190. Type of (Esophagodontus, 1902. Tripula Bastian, 1865c, 93, 178. Changed to Tripyla. Tripyla Bastian, 1865c, 93, 115-116; =Tripula renamed. Type species T. glomerans, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. , 1865: Tripula Bastian, 1865c, 93, 178. [Not TripylusPhil., 1845, echinoderm.] glomerans Bastian, 1865c, 115-116, pi. 9, figs. 16-17. $ salsa Bastian, 1865c, 116, pi. 9, figs. 18-19. 9 Tripyloides de Man, 1886, 60-66. Type species T. vulgaris, designated in letter by de Man to Stiles, dated Nov. 30, 1903. vulgaris de Man, 1886, 61-66, pi. 11, figs. 1-11. [marina Buetschli, 1874] de Man, 1886, 60, 66. tritici Steinbuch, 1799, 251 ; or Bauer, 1823, 1-16, pi. 1, figs. 1-23; pi. 2, figs. 1-2. [Both authors quote Roffredi.] 1799: Vibrio. 1823: Vibrio. [1838: Anguillula.'] 1845: Rhabditis. [1850: An- guillula.~] 1859: Anguillulina (probably type). 1865: Tylenchus. 1893: Anguillulina (probably type). tritici Bastian, 1865c, 120, pi. 10, figs. 91-92. 1865: Plectus. Tropidocerca Diesing, 1851a, 80, 207. T.paradoxa (Diesing, 1835) Diesing, 1851a,only species, hence type; includes Tropisurus paradoxus Diesing, 1835a, Tetra- meres hxtnochrous Creplin, 1846a, and Spiroptera inflata Mehlis. See also Acanthophorus. Tropidurus Wiegmann, 1835, 338, for Tropisurus Diesing, 1835. [Not Tropidurus Neuwied, 1824, reptile.] Tropisurus Diesing, 1835a, 83, 93-105. T. paradoxus Diesing, 1835a, 94-105, only species, hence type. 1835: Tropidurus Wiegmann, 1835 [not Neuwied, 1824, reptile]. 1846: Tetrameres Creplin, 1846a [not Schaufuss, 1877, coleopteron]. 1851: Tropidocerca Diesing, 1851a. [Not Tropidurus \. Neuwied, 1824, lizard.] truncata Rudolphi, 1793, .12. 1793: Ascaris. [1801: Liorhynchus (probably type).] 1802: Liorhynchus. truncata Zeder, 1803a, 105-106 [not Rudolphi, 1793]. 1803: Fusaria. 1809: Ascaris. 1845: Ascaridia (? type). truncata Creplin, 1825a, 12-14. 1825: Spiroptera. 1845: Dispharagus. truncata Plieninger, 1852, 255. 1852: Filaria. truncatus Lamarck, 1801, 340. 1801: Crino (type). truncatus Bastian, 1865c, 101, pi. 9, figs. 25-26. 1865: Mononchus (type). Iruttx Fabricius, 1794, 30-33, pi. 3, figs. 9-12. 1794: Cucullanus. [1845: Dacnitis globosa sub. ] tuberculatus Eberth, 1863a, 38-39, pi. 4, figs. 1-5. 1863: Enoplus. 1865: Phanoderma. tubifera Fabricius, 1780a, 273. Includes Ascaris urksuk Mueller. 1780: Ascaris. 1790: Echinorhynchus. 1791: Proboscidea. [1801: Liorhynchw.] tumida Zeder, 1803a, 61. 1803: Capillaria. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC. 147 tnnbridgensin Bastian, 1865c, 102, pi. 9, figs. 31-32. 1 865 : Mononchus. tunicatus Diesing, 1839a, 230-232, pi. 15, figs. 1-8; = neterolobus Diesing, 1838a, 189, renamed. 1839: Heterocheilm (type). Tylelenchus Bastian, 1865c, 94. Changed to Tylenchus Bastian, 1865c, 125-128, 178. Tylencholsemus. Can not trace (see Scudder, 1884, 330). For Tylencholaimus. Tylencholaimus de Man, 1876, 119-123. Type species T. mirabilis, designated in letter from de Man to Stiles, dated Nov. 30, 1903. mirabilis (Buetschli, 1873) de Man, 1876, 120. 9 minimus tie Man, 1876, 120-122, pi. 6, figs. 16, a-b. 9 zeelandicus de Man, 1876, 122-123, pi. 6, figs. 17, a-b. 9 Tylenchus Bastian, 1865c, 125-128; = Tylelenchus renamed. Type species T. darainii, designated by Bastian in letter to Stiles, dated March 22, 1904. darainii Bastian, 1865c, 126, pi. 10, figs. 109-111. $ 9 iriciti ( = tritici misspelled) Bastian, 1865c, 126-127, pi. 10, figs. 112-114. $ 9 terricola Bastian, 1865c, 127-128, pi. 10, figs. 115-116. 9 obtusus Bastian, 1865c, 128, pi. 10, figs. 117-118. $ 9 dipsaci (Kuhn, 1857) Bastian, 1865c, 128. agrostidis Bastian, 1865c, 128. Includes Vibrio graminis Steinbuch, Anguillula yruinineorum Diesing partim. Tylolaimophorus de Man, 1880, 63-64. T. typicus de Man, 1880, 64, only species, hence type. Tylopharynx de Man, 1876, 116-119. T. striata de Man, 1876, 117-119, pi. 6, figs. 15, a-d, only species, hence type. f I/pica Diesing, 1861a, 644; = aUodapa renamed . [1853: Oxifuria attodapa.] 1861: AUodapa (type). typicut Dieting, 1861a, 669. 1861: Conocephalus( type). 1883: Peritrachelius. 1894: Ascaris (Per itrachelius). typicus de Man, 1880, 64. 1880: Tylolaimophorus (type). typicus Cobb, 1891c, 157-158, figs. 9, i-iv. 1891: Dipeltw (type). 1905: Diplopeltis (type). Unciaria Fischer, 1799a, 99. Apparently a misprint for Uncinaria. Uncinaria Fruelich, 1789a, 130-139. Type species Uncinaria ndpis Froelich, 1789a. 1799: Unciaria Fischer, 1799a, 99. Apparently misprint for Uncinaria. 1845: Dochmius Dujardin, 1845a, 267, 276-279; = Uncinaria renamed; hence type species Uncinaria rulpis. 1902: Unicinaria von Linstow, 1902. Misprint for Uncinaria. 1903: Undnnaria Schmaltz, 1903. Misprint for Uncinaria. [Not Uncinaria Vest., 1867, mollusk.] uncinatws Molin, 1858, 154. 1858: Echinocephalus (type). uncinipenis Molin, 1860, 928-929. 1860: Spiroptera. 1861: Chdlospirura. Undnnaria Schmaltz, 1903, 15. Jan., 42. Misprint for Uncinaria. Unicinaria von Linstow, 1902, 16. Dec. (Zool. Centralbl., Leipz., v. 9 (24-25), 778). Misprint for Uncinaria,. "unilinguis Schrank, 1797, 231, n. 2." [Not accessible to us.] 1797: Linguatula. [1809: Hamularia nodnlosa.] [1819: Trichosoma longicolle.] Uracanthus Diesing, 1861a, Dec. 6, 728. f7. brevispinosm Diesing, 1861, only species, hence type. [Not Uracantha Hope, ante 1846 [see Agassiz, 1842-46], coleopteron; Uracanthus Fitzinger, 1865, bird.] 148 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Carter, 1858a, June, 414. U. palustris Carter, 1858a, 414, only species, hence type. uMilago Linnaeus, 1767, 1326. 1767: Chaos. radiant Leidy, 1856, 50. 1856: Nema (type). mdttatum Leidy, 1855, 144. 1855: Poiitonema (? type). rariu* Leidy, 1851, 263. 1851: Gordius. 1897: Paragordius (type). rejdovskyi Janda, 1895a, 3-4, pi. 6, figs. 1-4. 1895: Gordius. 1897: Parachordodes. veligera Rudolphi, 1819a, 656. 1819: Ascaris. 1866: Dermatoxys (type). relox Bastiau, 1865c, 119, pi. 10, figs. 85-86. 1865: Plectus. velox Bastian, 1865c, 157, pi. 13, figs. 189-191. 1865: Theristus. 1889: Monohystera (Penzancia (type)). Vena Gallandat, 1773a, 103-116. "Qui Dracunrulus dicitur sive Vena Medinensix." See Dracunculus. vermicularis Linnseus, 1758a, 648. 1758: Ascaris. 1803: Fusaria. 1819: Oxyuris. 1905: Oxyurias (type). rermis Perebooni, 1780, 1-24, figs. 1-4. 1780: Stomachida (type). See Ascaris. vesicularis Froelich, 1791a, 85-88, pi. 3, figs. 12-14, emend. Creplin. See papillosa Bloch, 1782a. 1791: Ascaris. 1845: Heterakis (type). vesicularis Rudolphi, 1809a, 129, in part. See also Helerakis vesicularis and Ascaris vesicularis Froelich, 1791a. 1809: Ascaris. [1845: Ascaris (Ascaridia) inflexa sub.] vesiculosa Schneider, 1866, 109, 1 fig. 1866: Ceratospira (type). Vibrio Mueller, 1773, 39-49. Type species very doubtful. lineola Mueller, 1773, 39. To MelaneUa atoma by Bory, 1824; to Vibrio by , Ehrenberg, 1830a, 61, 66, 69, 70; 1831, 69, 70; 1838a, 79. bacillus Mueller, 1773, 40. To Enchelys by Oken, 1815, 36; to Vibrio by Bory, 1824a; Ehrenberg, 1830a, 1831, 1838a. anguiUula Mueller, 1773, 41; =Anguillula glutinis (Mueller, 1783) Mueller, 1786, 64 (type of Anguillula). serpentulus Mueller, 1773, 42. To Amblyura by Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828a (? type). vermiculiis Mueller, 1773, 42-43. To Bursar in intestinalis by Ehrenberg, 1835a, 164; 1838a, 82, 327. undula Mueller, 1773, 43-14. To Spirillum by Ehrenberg, 1830a, 38; 1831, 6H; 1838a, 84. intestinum Mueller, 1773, 44. To Enchelys ? by P^hrenberg, 1838a, 82. proteus Mueller, 1773, 45, or (Pallas, 1766). Includes Proteus Baker, 1752, see Chaos chaos, p. 38; and Brachionus cf. Pallas. To Amoeba (? 1878). Pos- sibly type of Vibrio, by inclusion. falx Mueller, 1773, 46. To TracMius Ehrenberg, 1838a, 82, 323. anser Mueller, 1773, 46-47. To Amiba by Bory, 1822a; to Amphileptus Ehren- berg, 1830a, 43; 1831, 116; 1833; 1835a; 1838a. cygnus Mueller, 1773, 47. To Trachelius, 1803, 56; to Amiba by Bory, 1822a; to Amphileptus anser by Ehrenberg, 1830a, or 1838a, 82. malleus Mueller, 1773, 47-48. To Cercaria by Ehrenberg, 1838a, 82. DETERMINATION OF GENERIC TYPES, ETC* 149 Vibrio Mueller Continued. utriculus Mueller, 1773, 48. ? To Trachelius by Schrank, 1803; Ehrenberg, 1838a, 82, ,323. fasciola Mueller, 1773, 48-49. To Paramsecium by Mueller, 1776, 280; to Trachelius by Ehrenberg, 1830a, 54,56, 78; 1831, 116; 1835a, 164; 1838a, 356. colymbus Mueller, 1773, 49. To Amphileptus by Ehrenberg, 1838a, 82. This case is so complicated that we have no desire to suggest a ruling upon it at present. So far as we have followed it, however, the nematodes seem to be eliminated from any further necessity of consideration as type of Vibrio. Our catalogue does not as yet contain full cross references for this genus, but possibly proteus is type by inclusion. vUiosus Bastian, 1865c, 123, pi. 10, figs. 99-101, 1865: Aphelenchus. 'violaceus Baird, 1853a, 36-37. 1853: Gordius. 1897: Parachordodes. viperx Rudolphi, 1819a, 37. 1819: Strongylus. 1851: Diaphanocephalus. Viscoxia de Man, 1890, 184-189. Subgeiius of Oncholaimus. Type species by virtual tautonymy 0. (Viscosia) viscosus; also by subsequent designation by de Man. Oncholai m us ( I 'iscosia) viscosus Bastian, ]865c, 136, pi. 11, figs. 131-133. $ $> Oncholaimus ( Viscosia) langrunensis de Man, 1890, 186-188, pi. 4, fig. 8. $ J Oncholaimus (Viscosia} glaber Bastian, 1865c, 136, pi. 11, figs. 129-130. $ J viscosus Bastian, 1865c, 136, pi. 11, figs. 131-133. 1865: Oncholaimus. 1890: Qncholaimm ( Viscosia [type]). n'tiensis Gilson, 1898a, 335-369, 1 pi., figs. 1-23. 1898: Carnoya (type). ritrea Hammerschmidt, 1838a, 358, pi. 4, figs. a-b. 1838: Filarina (type). ritrmiis Looss, 1905, 421, pi. 2, figs. 12-14. 1905: Trichostrongylus. viripara Wedl, 1862, 471^72, pi. 2, figs. 24-26. 1862: Tachygonetria (type). viripara Bastian, 1865c, 133-134, pi. 11, figs. 123-125. 1865: Symplocostoma. 1874: Anoplostoma (type). mviparus von Linstow, 1899, 12-13, pi. 2, figs. 22-24, 26-27; pi. 4, fig. 41. 1899: Pterocephalus (type). rritbnryi Railliet, 1902, 107-108. 1902: Agriostomum (type). nilgnris Merat, 1821, 225; lumbricoides, 1758, renamed. [1758: A scaris (type).] 1821: Lombricoides (type). rnlgarix Bastian, 1865c, 158-159, pi. 13, figs! 195-197. 1865: Comesoma (type). nilgaris Bastian, 1865c, 167-168, pi. 13, figs. 233-235. 1865: Ctiromadora (type). 1886: Euchromadora (type). vtilgaris de Man, 1886, 61-66, pi. 11, figs. 1-11. 1886: Tripyloides (type). rulgaris de Man, 1893, 119-122, pi. 7, fig. 13. 1893: Enoplolaimus (type). rulgaris Cobb, 1898d, Dec." 9, 406-407. 1898: Graphonema (type). rulpis Froelich, 1789a, 137-139, pi." 4, figs. 18-19. 1789: Untinaria (type). [1845: Dochmius (type).] n-f (Hi i. Molin, 1861, 467-469. [See Strongylus cernuus and Strongylus trigonocephalus.'] 1861: Monodontus. .[1902: Bunottomum (type).] 150 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. weismanni zur Strassen, 1904, 302-346, figs, b, c, e, h, pi. 15, figs. 1-4; pi. 16, figs. (5-9. 1904: Anthrttconema (type). woUerstorffii Camerano, 1888e, Apr. 6, 6. 1888: Gordius. 1897: Parachordodes. Xyo Cobb, 1898a, Mar., 315. X. histrix Cobb, 1898a, p. 315, fig: 37, only species, hence type. zeelandicus de Man, 1876, 122-123, pi. 6, figs. 17, a-b. 1876: Tylencholaimus. zeelandicus de Man, 1880, 14-15. 1880: Desmolaimus (type). zolit Marion, 1870, 29-30, pi. I, fig. 2. 1870: Thoracostoma. Zoniolaimus Cobb, 1898a, Mar., 312. Type species Z. setifera, designated by Cobb in letter to Stiles, dated Dec. 15, 1903. setifera Cobb, 1898a, Mar., 312, figs. 30, i-v. $ ? brevicaudatus Cobb, 1898a, Apr., 440-441, figs. 102-103. $ $ ADDENDA. Cacullanm Rafinesque, 1815, 151, misprint for Citcullanus. Crinola Rafinesque, 1815, 151, new name for Crino Lain., hence same type. Dacnites van Beneden, 1858a; 1861a, 271; = Dacnitis Duj. Dyctophymus Rafinesque, 1815, 151, new name for Dioctophyme, hence same type: Echiramphus Rafinesque, 1815, 151, new name for Echinorinchus Mueller, hence same type. Hserucula Rafinesque, 1815, 151, new name for "Hseruca L.," hence same type. Ifeteroura Siebeld, 1836, 116; Hedruris Nitzsch renamed, hence type androphora. Loa Stiles, MS. (new subgenus). Type Filaria loa Guyot. 1778. Oxyurias Stiles, MS. (new subgenus). Type Oxyuris vermicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). Rhabdias Stiles & Hassall, 1905,. 123, 150, type R. bufonis (Schrank, 1788), equals Ascaris nigrovenosa. Spherurus Rafinesque, 1815, 151, nomen nudum; new genus of Scolexia to contain species of Ascaris; but these are not mentioned. Toxocara Stiles, MS. (new genus). Type Lumbricus canis Werner, 1782. Trichostrongylus Looss, 1905 (retortseformis) ; add to table of genera, p. 31. o UCSOyTHERNREGIONAL i UBRA i RV i FA|UTY | (Concluded from page Dr. .Tames Johnston, care 1". S. consulate, 20 Chapel st., Liverpool, England. Dr. K. C. Joss, c.-i recursion's Tacking ('o., Tacoma, Wash. Dr. .1. S. Kelly, care Blomer >>c .Michael Co., Quincy, 111. Dr. F. D. Ketehum, South St. Paul. Minn. Dr. A. Long, eareSperry A: Barnes. Xew Haven. Conn. Dr. C. Loveberry, room ioi>, Custom-House (new), Portland. < ireir. Dr. 11. D. Mayne. Malonc, X. Y. Dr. Louis Motsker. room _>_>, X. T. Armijo Build- ing, Albuquerque, X. Mex. Dr. J. Miller, care John Morrell it <'o., Ottumwa, Iowa. Dr. C. L. Moriu.'St. Albans, Vt. Dr. \V. J. Murphy, care Springfield Provision Co.. Bright wood. Mass. Dr. W. X.'Xeil, care John Cudaliy Co., Wichita, Kans. Dr. V. A. Xorgaard, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dr. F. M. Perry. Fort Fairtield, Me. Dr. G. W. Pope, Animal Quarantine Station, Athenia, N. J. Dr. 11. T. Potter, Calais. Me. Dr.J.O. F. Price, care Brittaiu & Co., Marshall- town, Iowa. Dr. R. A. Ramsay, Fargo, X. Dak. Dr. A.