II mMl^i^ri'inlii?!'' CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3 1822 00786 5991 'LIBRARY UNlVErS(TY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO U 'Iwt^'rfe-^t;' LIBRARY OF THE Society op K^hio. <> ^--^ ■^7*-'»--% ? ^ l^^^^'^^^^f^^'^. r^.'^^i^. ■^■^V^C^ ^ liilf ffi 3 1822 00786 5991 APPLETON'S ILLUSTRATED JIAILWAY GUIDE IS TIIK OFFIflAL OHGAN OF THE EAILWAY COMPANIES. IT CONTAINS A LARGE STEEL PLATE MAP, representing tlio Railways in actual oporation througliout the United States and the Canadas. OVER SEVENTY MAPS delineating the most important Railways througliout tho United States and the Canadas ; together with stations, distances, &e. THROUGH ROUTE MAPS, representing the principal through routes to and from New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wheeling, Pittsburgh, Cincin- nati, St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Roches- ter, Albany, &c., &c, ".. '■ ' ■ . A TIME INDICATOR, showing tho difftlrence of tiiiio between the different cities of the United States, with illustrations. A MONTHLY ACCOUNT of Railways and their Progress. A MONTHLY ACCOUNT of New Inventions. AN I N D EX of Upwards of 2000 of tho Principal Towns, Cities, and Villages through- out the United States, situated upon Railways, IMPORTANT HINTS TO TRAVELLERS, Caution against ticket swindling. Advice in reference to luggage, hacks, itc, &c. A GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES, arranged under the separate maps, corrected from month to month. RAILWAY TIME TABLES, corrected semi-monthly, under the direct supervision of the Railway Companies. A GUIDE TO THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. As much attention is given to this depiirtment, the travelling community can depend upon its accuracy. D. APPLETON & Co., Publishers. No. 346 & 848 Broadway, New York. For Sale by all the principal Periodical and News Agents, and at all the Bookstores, and by all tho boys who sell papers, &c., upon the cars throughout the United States and Canadas. I^T" APPLETON'S EAILWAY GUIDE contains nearly .300 pages. Sold at the low price of 25 cents per copy. ' UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA SAN D^ 3 1822 00786 5991 HB r^^^' '- <> X ^ [ ; kj V ^^. r THE BOOK OF THE §xai ^ailluair Ctlcbrations OF 1867, EMBRACING A FULL ACCOl'XT OF THE OPENING OF THE OHIO & MISSISSIPPI, AND THE MARIETTA & CINCINNATI RAILPvOADS, AND THE NORTHWESTERN VIRGINIA BRANCH OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, HISTORIES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SAME; AND AN ACCOUNT OF THE SUBSEQUENT EXCURSION TO BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON AND NORFOLK, AND THE EECEPTIOXS AND EXTERTAINMEXTS THERE OF THE STATE AUTHORITIES OF OHIO, AND THE MUNICIPAL REPRESEX- TATIVES OF ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI AND CIIILLICOTHE. By AVM. PRESCOTtJ smith. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. FIRST EDITION. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON & CO., 346 and 348 Broadway. 1858. ,VP Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. By WILLIAM PEESCOTT SMITH, In the clerk's office of the U. S. District Court of Maryland. CONTENTS. Part Jirst. I. — General Preface. II. — Inteoduction. III. — History op the Baltimore and Ohio Railway. 1. Its Origin by Philip E. Thomas, in 1826. 2. Serious Legislative Struggles— Washington Branch Road built, 1834. 8. Finished to Harper's Ferry— President Thomas retires, 1836. 4. Hon. Louis McLane, President— Open to Cumberland, 1842. 5. Hon. Thos. Swann, President— Completed to Wheeling, 1853. 6. Wm. G. Harrison and Chauncy Brooks, Presidents— Various Connections mninleted. niifl the Riiad r.iiiirHv