J- li I rosiOTiTO. I. ->-■-•' L. .A. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ■ <.-fc? •■■^, tf .'^-.&,„-L , ..:-v.. ■■■■■' ■ ■ ■ '1 -_ - ^■v?-!i^'--* ^■i -«■,■:>- 'V.Uwv/ ,n-/ c" .'• ^^t'^J^'''' -/'^ i^.-> '"''1*^ ". **. '-^. ' ^\:< *«5S(('T»*' .\' . ." ' '. r. • * . ffl I - ' • If . » ' , '/*'"■ '• < " . Ik ■» >'■ 'J^V^ "^ »**A^_^-1P^ 7r? SONGS AND mi0Ce;l,i,ane;ou^ poejM)^ BY JOHN IMRIK, WITH MU^IG AND II,I,U^TRATI0N3 AND AN INTRODUCTION KV G. MERCER ADAM, Toronto. .1.50. TORONTO: IMRIE & GRAHAM, 26 & 28 Coi.borne Stkf.ki. 1891. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year 1891, by Imrik & Graham, in the OflBce of the Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. CONTENTS. PR ¥^l'Z -^3^^ — ^^e^ivj^ CONTENTS. Author's Prefack vii Introduction, by G. Mercer Adam ix Patriotic 19 Love, Home and Friendship 85 Miscellaneous Poems •• 149 Sacred Compositions 267 Sonnets . . 292 Alphabetical Index . . 342 ■-'■-£\(^<^^^'^ 1 - ^"^ 1 A, 7 1 ■ * " m — ,-- — *— -•^- -e— -^— ^- rm ^ ^ 1 ^ J ev er stand. Fair Can - a da ; |fe .fl tf. ^ Long may we ev - er be Sons of the -$¥- IZHZZ X- l=:t: — I brave and free, Faith - ful to ^ :tz — 0. —tr- :t: ^^: g God and thee, Fair Can - a - da ! 21 IMRIE'S POEMS. SONG OF FREEDOM. Copyrighted. ff Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone, Toronto. -4 -d5 ■• — I. Free - dom's glad song we sing ; Free mf !?:^zq=-^z:1 m^i2-s_ ZI0' --^----- a- IZTZiT^l ■^.zzt: as a bird on wing, — Free as the sweet, pure air. EiiS Free as the sun-light fair. Shout vif _ ff \tti-t:: Free - dom's ho - ly song; We no - thing fear but wrong;For rit. ^^^ a tempo. Freedom, God, and Right . . We'll no-bly stand and fight ! For /TS a tempo. =^~^" ^^r- * Last verse only — Death or Li - bi'.r - ty !" Freedom, God, and Right, We'll no - bly stand and fighl ! ! 22 PATRIOTIC. SONG OF FEEEDOM. §PKEEDOM'S glad song we slug; 1^5 Free as a bird on wing, Free as the sweet, pure air. Free as the sunhght fair, Shout Freedom's holy song : — We nothing fear but wrong ; For Freedom, God, and Eight, We'll nobly stand and fight ! While life and strength remain We will our rights maintain; Our hardy sons of toil Shall guard their native soil: From every hostile foe. From traitors lying low. From all that dare oppress, Our swords shall find redress ! We shed no craven tear, No tyrant's threat we fear ; Before no foe we fly. We dare be free — or die ! To death we only bend, — Our foe, and yet our friend ; The watchword of the free Is: — "Death or Liberty!" 23 IMRIE'S POEMS. WELCOME HOME, BRAVE VOLUNTEERS! Song of Welcome, sung by the School Children at the City Hall, Toronto, in honour of the Volunteers' return from the North-West Kebellion, 1885. ,ELCOME home, brave Volunteers 1 Welcome, welcome home ! Gone are all our anxious fears, Answer'd now our pray'rs and tears, Welcome home 'midst ringing cheers, Welcome, welcome home 1 Welcome to our loving arms, Welcome to your rest ; Welcome home from war's alarms, Safe from death and all that harms. Victory hath crown'd your arms, Welcome to your rest. Canada is proud of you — Soldiers brave and true I Ye have dar'd to win or die, Ye have made the rebels fly, Let your standards wave on high, Soldiers brave and true ! 2i PATRIOTIC. Welcome home, though wounded sore, Battling for the right ; Dreadful marches now are o'er, Safe from deadly bullets' pour, Silent now the cannons' roar, Heroes from the fight ! Welcome home, but some we miss, Brave hearts, where are they ? Gone where noble spirits are, Gone beyond the reach of war. Sleeping peacefully afar, 'Neath the sod and clay. Welcome home, our soldiers dear, Welcome, welcome home ! Rebel threats no more we hear, War's alarms no more we fear. Now we smile and dry the tear, As we welcome home ! 25 IMRIE'S POEMS. ^y f^ NIAGAEA FALLS. j\H, Niagara ! as at thy brink I stand, My soul is filled with wonder and delight. To trace in thee that wonder-working Hand, Whose hollow holds the seas in balance light ! Worthy art thou to be a nation's pride, — A patriot's boast — a world's unceasing wonder ; Like some bold monarch calling to thy side Subjects from every clime in tones of thunder I Deep on my soul thy grandeur is impress'd, Thy awful majesty — thy mighty power — Thy ceaseless tumult and thy great unrest, Like nations warring in dread conflict's hour ! Eainbows of glory sparkle round thy shrine. Cresting thy waters with effulgence bright ; And in thy foaming currents intertwine Kara coruscations of commingl'd light I Like roar of battle, or like thunder's call, Thy deep-toned echoes roll with solemn sound ; Like pillar'd clouds thy vapours rise, and fall Like spa.kling pearls upon the thirsty ground ! 2d NIAGARA FALLS. Naught but the hand of God could stay thy course. Or drive thee back to Erie's peaceful keep ; Then onward press with thj' f;i;^antic force, Till in Ontario's bosom lull'd to sleep ! Emblem of Freedom ! who would dare essay To bar thy noisy proprress to the sea ! Then onward pros ! while bord'ring nations pray For strength and wisdom to be great and free ! FAT RIO TIC. Rush on ! rush on ! in thy uncheck'd career, With avalanchic power thy course pursue ; While rending rocks quake as with mortal fear, And stand in awe to let thy torrents through ! Naught but the hand of God could stay thy course, Or drive thee back to Erie's peaceful keep ; Then onward press with thy gigantic force. Till in Ontario's bosom lull'd to sleep ! Emblem of Freedom ! who would dare essay To bar thy noisy progress to the sea ? Then onward press ! while bord'ring nations pray Eor strength and wisdom to be great and free ! 28 PATRIOTIC. THE LINKS THAT BIND US. i)H ! the fond links that bind us to this earth, ^ Strong as bands of iron — yet fine as gold ; Partings and tears oft mingle with our mirth, — If loving much love never can grow cold ! Ah ! were it not for partings now and then, Love of home and friends were never tested, — Hardship and trial make the noblest men : Present pain is future joy invested ! The patriot's wistful eyes are dimm'd with tears When parting from his much-lov'd native soil, His heart doth throb with many doubts and fears. Yet hope points forwakd though his soul recoil 1 But when the weary years have come and gone. And o'er the sea he homeward ploughs his way. He finds his former doubts and fears have flown — Midnight with him hath changed to dawn of day I A mother parts with one — her only son, Each shews but half the anguish that they feel, — The voyage finished, or the battle won, What depths of love the meeting doth reveal ! Methinks such joy is ours when God, at last, Shall find us gather'd 'neath Heaven's azure dome ; Our journeys, tears, and partings of the past Will be as naught if we but reach our home ! 29 IMEIE'S POEMS. THE DOMINION OF CANADA, AN HISTORICAL SKETCH. |NLY a few acres of snow!" s^ Our country first was styl'd, By French explorers long ago, In winter bleak and wild. An hundred years roll'd on apace, Again they sought our shore, As summer beamed with smiling face, Inviting to explore. The noble Champlain and his band On Quebec's height did raise The flag of France, with eager hand, 'Mid thankful prayer and praise. They fought and toil'd for many years, And till'd the virgin soil, Till happy homes dispell'd their fears. And fortune sweeten'd toil. Grim War again chang'd peaceful scenes To carnage and dismay ; But British prowess intervenes, And finally holds sway. bO PATRIOTIC. Then hand-in-bancl, a peaceful band, The Briton and the Gaul Agree'd to sub-divide the land, Together stand or fall ! May peace and honour ever keep The brothers thus entvrined ; With patriotism — pure and deep — Fidelity enshrined ! At last, like fair unfolding floTver, The New Dominion stands, — Upper and Lower Canada Embrace with loving hands ! Thus July first of every year, Our great Dominion Day, Her loyal sons hold ever dear, In honour and display ! The fairest flower on this fair earth, The freest of the free ; Whose sons are proud to own their birth, And claim their homes in thee ! IjlllllH'' f"^'''a^ -«i!|li Af '- bi UIRIE'S POEMS. CANADA'S DEFENDEE8. Written on the occasion of the return of our brave Volunteers from the North-West Expedition, 1885. ^f OME again our Volunteers, ^i^Home again 'mid ringing cheers Vanishing our anxious fears, Canada's defenders ; From the scenes of strife and war, From the rifle-pits afar, True as steel or Polar star, Canada's defenders. Back to home and kindred dear, Back to lov'd ones waiting here, Back from death and every fear, Welcome, brave defenders ; Ye did make a noble stand. Under Middleton's command, For the honour of our land, Welcome, brave defenders. Welcome back to peace and joy, Welcome back to your employ, Eebel threats no more aunoj^, Canada's defenders ; Stretching wide from sea to sea, Canada may boast of thee, Soldiers daring, brave, and free, Canada's defenders. PATRIOTIC. Let us join the merry throng, Welcoming with shout and song, Singing praises loud and long, To our brave defenders ; Ye have made the rebel Eiel, Cower 'neath your charge of steel. Own your pluck, and then appeal To our brave defenders. ■63 IMRIE*S POKMS. CN?y(S^^J*K5VT3 "SOOTTY." ^^ES 1 ca* me " Scotty " if ye will, n^^ For sic' a name can mean nae ill, 0' a' nick-names just tak' yer fill, — I'm quite content wi' " Scotty I " To be a Scot is nae disgrace, Maist folk can trust a guid Scotch face, He's never lang oot o' a place, — The honest, faithful " Scotty !" A Scotchman has the knack to plod, Through thick an' thin he'll bear his load, His trust is aye in richt an' God, — The perseverin' " Scotty 1 " He's 'tentive baith to kirk an' mart, To friends he's true an' hard to part, In life's great race he needs nae start, — *• I'll win or dee," says " Scotty ! " 34 PATRIOTIC. An' if he meets wi' ane or twa Scotlan's sons when far awa', They'll 'gree like brithers ane and a',- A " clannish " man is " Sootty I " Though aft he travels far frae hame, He's aye a Scotchman a' the same, An' prood to crack o' Scotlan's fame, — A loyal son is " Scotty ! " Should Scotlan' ever need his help, He'll gie her enemies a skelp, An' make them howl like ony whelp. And gie respect to '• Scotty I " Then ca* me " Scotty " if ye will, Nick-name like that can mean nae ill, I'll shake yer han' wi' richt guid will, Whan ere ye ca' me " Scotty ! " 85 IMRIE'S POEMS. QUEEN VICTOEIA'S JUBILEE.* Copyrighled. J, h'^^-w ^ 1 f — t Mus'c by Prof. J. F. Johnstone. '^ ±^JZ \ Our no - ble Queen, all hail I On this thy Ju - bi - leo; 9 0- :d: _^_t_a— J- a-^o -^ -A- a ± --^— IS True hearts shall never fail To love and hon • our thee. 4, ^9-^-C—9 — --r-—\ t=?=t:=?";^- :t: ^-9 -f tz-^n \ Vic - to • ri - a, to thee, From loy - al hearts and free, 4, , ^ 1 , ^—^--35 1 : ^ ^ F3-«f' ^z£=-FF: A Y-A-\ O—^--0-\-<5>- -It: \ At this glad time, from ev'-ry clime. Come shouts of Ju-bi - lee —4, r-0-^-P—9 — --1 — ^ \ i rzzczrz:?: -t^- -G-^-& it=fc3gj^-j| .=:to: Vic - to - ri • a, to thee, From loy • al hearts and free, w ^'- =p^— ^.^^d fii£l.r.r -b^ t o ^ 1 At this glad time, from ev' -ry clime. Come shouts of Ju-bi-lee. •Lines in honour of the 49th anniversary of Her Majesty's acces- sion to the Throne of England, June 20th, 1837 : thus 1886—87 may be termed " Queen Victoria's Jubilee," and all loyal subjecta will rejoice with her on whose Dominions, it is said, " The sun never seur m PATRIOTIC. QUEEN VICTOKIA'S JUBILEE i)UE noble Queen, all bail I On this thy Jubilee ; True hearts shall never fail To love and honour thee. Chorus. — Victoria, to thee ! From loyal hearts and free, At this glad time, From every clime, Come shouts of Jubilee 1 From every land on earth Thy sons send greetings full. And proudly own their birth Beneath thy sovereign rule. — Chorus. In many scenes of life Our hearts round thee entwine ; As mother, Queen, or wife. Thy virtues nobly shine. — Chorus. Let rebels point with scorn, Or cowards quake with fear, Thy true sons — British-born, In memory hold thee dear. — Chorus. God spare thee many years, In trouble send relief ; At last a nation's tears Shall wet thy grave in grief! — Chorus, 37 IMRIE'S POEMS. QUEENSTON HEIGHTS. A VEBBAL PICTUEE. ^H I that I had the artist's power to touch The speaking canvas with a master-hand, I'd pa'int a scene I truly love as much As any landscape in this fair new land ! That picture would be Queenston's lovely lieight, 'Neath which Niagara's rushing waters gleam, Like molten glory in the sunset bright, Or fancy's vision in a pleasant dream I Here two great nations meet as if to kiss, Divided only by a silver line ; Peace, welfare, harmony, and mutual blisa Link fruitful branches of a parent vine ! The setting sun would tint Niagara Town With gilded glory as he sinks to rest ; A noble steamer bearing swiftly down Toward Ontario's heaving, billowy breast I The stately monument of Brock would stand In bold relief against the azure sky, — The valiant leader of a noble band Who for their country's honour dar'd to die ! A picture thus I'd paint in IJature's praise, And worship at the threshold of her door ; Before the scene I stand in rapt amaze — In silence dumb — yet love it all the more ! 3S QUEENSTON HEIGHTS. Here two great nations meet as if tokiss, Divided onlj* by a silver line ; Peace, welfare, harmonj-, and mutual bliss Link fruitful branches of a parent vine ! Paok S9. IMRIE'S POEMS. SONS OF SCOTLAND. Respectfully dedicated to Eobert Burns Camp, No. 1, S. O. S., Toronto. tONS of Scotland ! land of freedom 1 Sons of noble sires, all hail ! Let your watchword aye be " Freedom !" You shall evermore prevail ! Let the wrong be deeply hated, Let the right be prized like love, Martyr-courage unabated, Trusting in your God above ! Sons of Scotland ! bards historic Sang your deeds of noble fame. Let not tyranny plethoric Tarnish your unsullied name ; History gives us what we cherish, Ours to still maintain the right. May that history never perish, Though we perisli in the fight ! Like the waters from our fountains, Giving strength to flesh and bone ; Like the thistle on our mountains. Harmless, if but let alone ! Ours to shield the needy stranger, Ours to put the erring right ; Ours to stand in time of danger. And, if need be, ours to fight ! ■iO IMRIE'S POEMS. SONS OF SCOTLAND. Copyrighted. Music by Geo. W. Stratliy, Mus. Doc, Toronto. :V- ^^- --^ — ^- :b: ^f-3= :^ I. Sons of Scot - land ! land of freedom ! ifznr ^— I — g-j -^^ ^— #— #^ - ■•-N- "ifv— 1— g-v Sons of no - ble sires, all hail ! Let your watchword -P- r^-#-^— •- :t: :t: -i — :t: -^^ aye be " Freedom !" You shall ev - er T^- ^=T '-r tzid^zitzip: I more pre -vail! Let the wrong be deep - ly ha - ted, rail. qrzq^zqz:^ ■^-zt: .tziil Let the right be prized like love, Mar - tyr cour-age ■^- :p: izzf-ti^. -^-1 ; un - a - ba - ted, Trust -ing in your God a-bove ! 41 IMRIE'S POEMS. Dear old Scotia I land of flowers, Laud of mountain, hill and vale. Land of sunshine, shade and showerg, Land of river, loch, and dale ; Land of ever-changing beauty, Land of liberty and love ; Scotchmen ! tread the path of duty, Till you reach the land above] 42 PATRIOTIC. L. ODE TO LAKE ONTAEIO. ^HOU inland sister-sea, Ontario ! To glide upon thy bosom is sublime ; There note thy peaceful, steady, onward flow, Ceaseless and constant as the course of time ! Thy waters seem the same, — yet ever new — Fed by a thousand streams on either side ; The same clear sky, the same thy depths of blue. Free as the nations bord'ring on thy tide 1 Vast upper-lakes feed thee with lib'ral hand, From higher lands as new as thine hath been ; "Where still the Indian and his wigwam stand, He half amaz'd with what his eyes hath seen 1 To thy embrace — like gallant lover bold — Niagara rushes in his mad career, Till tir'd and spent, past whirling eddies cold. He calmly sinks to rest when thou art near I Last of the inland seas ! — yet nearest home — • Thy waters soon shall swell the mighty deep, Ajid mingle with the ocean's briny foam, There shalt thou rest — and there for ever sleep ! 43 UIRIE'S POEMS. THE THISTLE. *' f?^^^^» ^^y ^° Scotchmen use the Thistle M^ As emblem of their country dear ; A useless plant, with many a bristle, One scarce can touch without a fear ! " There must be some good cause, I gather, Why such a flow'r should be their pride ;" I ask'd the question of my father. But he my ignorance dia chide 1 " My boy, let history truly tell, Of by-gone years of war and strife, When noble sires fought long and well, And for their country gave their life I " O'er flood and field, o'er brake and fen, The fierce invader sought our land ; Out-numbered were our gallant men. But, ah ! they made a noble stand I u PATRIOTIC, " One morn, before the break of day, Our foes crept near our slumb'ring camp; They might by stealth have won the day, Did not one on a Thistle stamp I " A cnj^ of pain our sentries heard, A quick alarm then was given, At once each gleaming sword was bar'd, And backward Scotland's foes were driven ! " Since then the Thistle is our pride, ^Gae, touch me if ye daur,' it says ; And Scotchmen true, where'er they 'bide, Kevere the Thistle all their days ! " 45 IMRIE'S POEMS. TO GLASGOW, SCOTLAND. |EAE Glasca 1 aft I think o' thee, An' happy days lang syne, Though distant, thou art dear tae me, By memory's sacred shrine ; Aft hae I clim'd Balmano's steep, An' ran doon Portlan' brae, An' gather'd " gushes " in a heap, Wi' mony a gled '• hurra I " In summer time, whan schule was out, An' we had got " the play I " I've wannert mony a mile about The hale lang simmer's day ; A favourite place was Glasca Green, By bonnie banks o' Clyde, Where Nelson's monument is seen, — Our hero an' our pride ! An' aft we went by Broomielaw, Tae Eenfrew's cosy toon, There mony a noisy luckless craw We manag'd tae shoot doon I Then ower the Clyde, tae Kelvinside, We took oor hameward way, Weel pleased tae ride tae whaur we'd bide, Sae tired were we that day I 46 PATRIOTIC. Ob I Glasca, dear ! I've drapt a tear 0' happiness an' joy, At a' thy memories sae dear Whan I was bit a boy ! Three thoosan' miles are stretch'd atween, My new hame an' my auld, Yet in my heart sweet memories green, S'all bide till I'm deed cauld ! 47 THE DYING SCOT ABROAD. " Ah, me ! ah, nie ! An' maun I dee, Sae far f rae kith an' kin ; How prood I'd be, If spared tae see, The Ian' my heart bides in 1" Page 49. PATRIOTIC. THE DYING SCOT ABEOAD. H, me ! ah, me ! ^An' maun I dee, Sae far frae kith an' kin ? How prood I'd be, If spar'd tae see The Ian' ma heart bides inl " I've wannert far, In peace an' war, An' fought for Scotlan's Queen, Yet here I dee, Sae far frae thee, — Saut tears fill up my e'en. "Dear freens an' kind, Please bear in mind, An' send this message hame: My mither dear Wad like tae hear — I trtist in Jesus' name." 'Mid friends' sad sighs He clos'd his eyes. And pass'd from earth to Heav'n; Yet, e'en in death, With latest breath, His thoughts to "home" were giv'n. 49 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE SWEETEST WOED ON EAETH IS HOME. Copyrighted. Music by PrDf. J. F. Johnstone, Toronto. , f^ I. The sweet - est word on earth is home, To 'j=M-:^7Z-^ :^: ^■=j-s^7j-,7:t:rg^ =^i=i^; lev • ing hearts most dear ; Where • 'er our :lii---=lzq Zz^zr.Jzz-m-t^--. P^Sm 7'it. :^-:^- t^l ^--'Sm-- :^i: foot - steps seek to roam. Home thoughts are ev a tempo. er near The mem'-ries sweet of life's spring -day Keep 5;?2i.-zp:q-iqr: ,--> Mt-^ t:-q -g^-*- q-?>^-T-F-i J-H H— I 1 — fresh and green for ev ' - er. Like fra-grant flowers, they rit. m L-J : =-^*r-=t: tH 1- -M±^j-:-'^^^- scent the way A - down life's wind - ing riv CMORVS. :lriq=?2-«qzzq=qqi^--^ er. issub: -I ^±^^±^LZ The dear - est spot be-neath the skies Is that we call our home ! 'Tistherewelookwithlongingeyes, Tho'o'ertheearthweroam, 5U PATRIOTIC. THE SWEETEST WOED ON EARTH IS HOME. ^HE sweetest word on earth is home, To loving hearts most dear ; Where'er our footsteps seek to roam, Home thoughts are ever near. The mem'ries sweet of life's spring-day Keep fresh and green forever, Like fragrant flowers they scent the way Adowu life's winding river. Chorus. — The dearest spot beneath the skies Is that we call "our home!" 'Tis there we look with longing eyes, Though o'er the earth we roam ! Our homes may be where mountains rise Like dark-green clouds to Heaven ; Or where the valley-lily lies Our humble lot be given ; Or on an island of the sea Oft by the tempest prest : No matter where our homes may bo, To each that home is blest. 51 IMRIWS POEMS. The strongest love within man's breast Is love of life and home ; Like fledglings hovering round their nest Our thoughts encircle home ; Our years may reach three-score-and-ten, And full of changes be,. Yet scenes of home will haunt us then When life was pure and free. Where love hath cast her golden spell And kindest deeds are done, Where loving hearts unite to dwell, 'Tis heaven on earth begun ; Then cherish home with jealous care And let not strife prevail ; Thus for our '• lieavenly home" prepare, Secure within the vail. PATRIOTIC. cr<§/(&^3K«>o MY HEAET IS SCOTLAND'S YET. jH, weel I loe the Scottish tongue, ^i The language o' my hame, An' weel I loe a sang that's sung In praise o' Scotland's fame ; It mak's me think o' happy days An' scenes o' beauty rare, There's something in my heart that says : There's nae Ian' half sae fair I Chorus. — My heart is Scotland's yet, Though I bide ower the sea I never can forget The Ian' sae dear tae me I "When travelin' in a foreign Ian' I hear a Scottish voice. Instinctively I gie my han', An' baith o' us rejoice; An' then we crack o' Scotland's fame, Eecite her battles ower, An' feel we yet could daur the same Our faithers daur'd before ! - Chohus — My heart is Scotland's yet ! Ob IMRIE'S POEMS. MY HEAKT IS SCOTLAND'S YET. Copyrighted. Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone, Toronto. ) ^ A . m H^ -1 -^- jL^ ^ a 1 -■• « ^^ K f^ ''i . L • * if \ m v \) 4 m J » . 1 • *> • e -I I. Oh, weel I loe the Scot - tish tongue, The -1-0 -# ^:=r. ■^T- :t: ::qz=:1z zj'-tzitiiit .__v_ 1-q: -_i language o' rl- 1 1 1 my hame ; An' weel — ^— A- I loe a 1' diq — -^^— -- i sang that's sung In praise o' Scot-land's fame ; They ::1^ fvrtfi ht-^ mak' me think o' happy days An' scenes o' beauty rare. There's i i; -i^J ^=S: I. sj i something in my heart that says: There's nae Ian' half sae fair. ^ CHORUS. 1^ X-.5I=i f^T :tz£zzz -1- My heart is Scotland's yet, Though I bide o'er the sea 4 — -^ /rs J ±z:'^iztz±:: A-n — ^ li^zizq: -i 0—^.-0 m nev - er can for - get the Ian', The Ian' sae dear to me. ui Oh, Scotland is a bonnie place, Wi' scenery sublime ; Whaur Nature smiles wi' fairest face That Stan's the test o' time ! Eitcli mountain, river, loch, or glen, Are fu' o' storied fame ; Wha reads the history o' her men Can ne'er forget their name ! ■•o^ Chorus. — My heart is Scotland's yet f In every Ian' roun' a' the earth Are leal hearts true tae thee ; An' prood are they tae own their birth Ayont the wide saut sea, Whaur towers the mountains bold an' gran' Like guardians o' the free, — Oh, here's my heart, an' there's my ban', Dear Scotland, aye tae thee ! Chorus. — My heart is Scotland's yet ! 65 IMRIE'S POKMS. ff^a/ta^^SKs^ THE BONNETS 0' GLENGAERY. a' the hats that e'er I saw, €^ The brawest ane amang them a' Is made o' neither felt nor straw, The bonnets o' Glengarry 1 For comfort they can ne'er be beat, They're baith a pleasure an' a treat, They fit the croon o' man sae neat, The bonnets o' Glengarry ! They stan' the test o' wind an' weather, "When buskit wi' a braw big feather, An' twa three sprigs o' Hielan' heather, The bonnets o' Glengarry ! Whan Scotlan' was in sore distress. Her sodger lads, in Hielan' dress, Rose up in airms her cause to bless, Wi' bonnets o' Glengarry I 56 PATRIOTIC. Whan England fought at Waterloo, She cau'd for Scotlan's help sae true, An' tae the front oor laddies flew, Wi' bonnets o' Glengarry. Then get awa' wi' this an that, Your "gerry," " lum " an' " cockit hat!" A fig for them that's sneenn' at My bonnet o' Glengarry ! Noo, let me say "guid-bye" to you, An' tak' my Hielan' bonnet noo, Nae ither clout shall croon my broo. Than that frae auld Glengarry I 67 JUBILEE SONG. THE GOLDEN-WEDDING OF A NATION. LL hail to thee — Victoria I A name we all revere, Thy loyal sons in Canada Send forth a British cheer ; Across the ocean's briny foam We hail thy Jubilee, — Thou knowest that we love thee well, Thy subjects true are we. Chorus : Then sing the praise of England's Queen, Whose many virtues crown her station ; O'er all the earth this day is seen The golden-wedding of a nation. The sun ne'er sets on thy domains, Thy flag floats o'er the free ; Thy colonies, like precious gems, Bespangle ev^ery sea ! ' Thy ships of war, like buttresses, Defend thy honour true, And not a son of thine would shrink To shed his blood for you ! Chorus. — Then sing the praise, etc. 58 PATRIOTIC. may thy life, our noble Queen, Be spared from grief and pain, And may the land we love so well, Her prominence maintain ; For fifty years thy loving rule Hath blessed us day by day ; Ah ! we shall miss thee, gracious Queen, When thou art called away ! Chorus • Then sing the praise of England's Queen, Whose many virtues crown her station ; O'er all the earth this day is seen The golden-wedding of a nation. 59 IMRIE'A POl'.MS. YOUNG CANADA! i/.Hw?f' OUNG Canada I Arise ! Arise ! 1^^ Let Wisdom open wide your eyes. Be lulled by neither threats nor lies, Stand well the test of nations ! Though others sell their birthright cheap, Be ours inviolate to keep The rights and liberties we reap Through contact with great nations ! Be true to country, Queen, and laws, Defend the •' Statutes " clause by clause. Stand by the right and Freedom's cause, A peer among the nations ! Our sires were men of noble birth, 'Moug nations foremost on the earth, Where mountains rise, and seas engirlh The glad homes of free nations ! CO PATRIOTIC. Our heritage — from sea to sea — A glorious home for men shall be, As long as they shall dare be free, - And stand among the nations ! Our boast shall be " The Maple Leaf ! " Our toil's reward — the golden sheaf! Enough for us, and for relief Of other poorer nations ! We envy not our neighbour's land, We'll guard our own with sword in hand. And by our attitude command Ilespect from other nations. ci IMIUE'S POEMS. THE SONS OF ENGLAND. ^icspcctfuUg ^ebicatcb to the (Sons of (Englaui in (Can.iiia. Copyrighted. > Prof. J. F. Johnstone, Toronto. llJiT*: ^4 -_j- p. . ^ u I. The sons of England are her boast, They love her as of ^^-=\-, P=M. 9^ ^ — ;> ' — •_ _• z — -^T- ^' -> •-i: ^^^= ^=^ yore; Then pledge to her a loy - al toast, As oft we've done be pi CHOItUS. ff ■r-i^- T-«-i*- -F^ fore ! Her sons are free ! By land or sea, They :=szziii=Jir=:Til: :t: tf— =J — A A * • • f'- 1 1 -^ cz - •- know not era - ven fear ! They dare to fight For /TN :i q: At- n-^— #- ^- 1- ^_* -Ua*- _^i.. t:z±-iz:z I God and right, For home and kin - dred dear. 62 PATRIOTIC. THE SONS OF ENGLAND. RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE SONS OF ENGLAND IN CANADA. ^HE sons of England are her boast, They love her as of yore, Then pledge to her a loyal toast. As oft we've done before 1 Chorus. — Her sons are free, By land or sea, They know not craven fear ! They dare to fight For God and right, For home, and kindred dear I Should foreign powers invade her strand And taunt her with their boasts, Her free-born sons from many a land Would rally round her coasts, Chorus. — " Her sons are free !" America would send her share Across Atlantic's wave. In Freedom's cause their swords declare, Their mother-land to save. Chorus. — " Her sons are free ! " 63 IMRIE'S POKMS. From Canada would gladly go, Rose, Thistle, Shamrock green 1 They'd help to fight a common foe And shield their royal Queen. Chorus. — " Her sons are free! " From far across old Neptune's line Behold ! a loyal band, Australia — India — would combine To lend a helping hand. Chorus. — " Her sons are free I " From distant islands of the sea Would rise a gallant host. To prove that England shall be free, And guarded well her coast. Chorus. — •• Her sons are free J " 64 PATRIOTIC. THE CANADIAN NATION. AN ACROSTIC. The Canadian Nation ! This fair new land ! Her name shall yet among great nations stand, Each son a link in one true loyal band ! Canadian to the core ! — where prairies roll, And northward far to the untrodden pole. No limit East or West but boundless sea, — All this fair land is ours ! — and we are free ! Down through the ages yet to come and go I n this new land a nation strong shall grow. And send her produce o'er the earth afar, N or shrink to guard her own in time of war ! N ation from Nations ! — all of them were free ! A patriot's boast is — "boundless faith in thee!" The Briton and the Gaul shall brothers dwell, I n all that makes for peace seek to excel ; One name, one language, and one destiny, N home for traitors shall be found in thee ! G5 IMRIE'S POEMS, THE BRITISH ARMS. Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone, Toronto. 1. Old England's flag floats o'er the free,— The Cross, Red, White and Blue, The British Arms, by land or sea, Defends the brave and :q_qq-ff^__q_:iq-ff-i fZ2^_IZS±t^+ '9~9' -9- E^Hz 3=taq true ; Then let us sing her prais - es well, The land we love 80 x: :t -I — •— « — \ — *-#— r-^ :tt± =^ =1=q: ®^ d=s-J:^-:3 dear, And of her many conquests tell, Won by a British // CHOBVS. —<5>- cheer ! Hur • rah ! hur-rah ! w r- ^9 SEEg the Brit ■ ish Arms ! All :t: -#- -i — Si ty - rant threats de - f y ; We fear no foe. nor -9- — ^— :ziArj: — ^ » O - <5^- :t; =1 war s « - larms. Our mot-to— "Win or die!" C6 PATRIOTIC. THE BRITISH ARMS. j)LD England's flag floats o'er the free, — ^ The Cross, Red, White and Blue, The British Arms, by land or sea, Defends the brave and true ; Then let us sing her praises well, The land we love so dear, And of her many conquests tell, Won by a British cheer ! Chorus : Hurrah ! hurrah ! the British Arms ! All tyrant threats defy ; We fear no foe, nor war's alarms. Our motto — " Win or die I " Old England's steel has stood the test On many a foreign field. Her sons, the noblest and the best. They know not how to yield ; Her colonies, like precious gems, Bespangle every sea, Victoria's well-worn diadems Shine o'er the brave and free ! Chorus : Hurrah ! hurrah ! the British Arms ! All tyrant threats defy ; We fear no foe, nor war's alarms, Our motto — " Win or die ! " 67 IMRIE'S POM MS. THE HIELAN' FLING. DEDICATED TO THE GAELIC SOCIETY, TORONTO. 'AE 'wa wi' a' your fancy trash, ■>.iiiQ The piper to me bring ! The dances noo are wishy-wash, Gie me the Hielan' fling ! It makes my bhiid loup like a boy's To hear the bagpipes skirl, Baith young an' auld may weel rejoice To see the kilties birl. Bring oot yer lads an' lassies fair Upon the village green. An' let me see them dance aince mair,- A sicht for auld Scotch e'en ! I feel as licht's a feather noo — Ma feet '11 no 'bide still ; I think I'll jine the lassies too, An' dance wi' richt guidwill ! 68 Hech ! Geordie, man ! that sounds fu' weel, Whan ye blaw up yer chanter ! I feel I maist could fecht the deil, An' mak' him tak' a canter I Noo, in their place, they a' advance, An' beck an' bow thegither, An' lauch to see us jine the dance — Their faither an' their mither I An' what for no I I'd like to ken, Should we no feel sae jolly ? A turn like this ta'en noo an' then Is cure for melancholy ! Then blaw awa', guid Geordie, man, An' geist in "double time ! " A'm sure we'll dae the best we can, Hech I this is unco' prime ! 09 IMRIE'S POEMS. A BUNCH 0' HEATHEE. ADDKES9 ON RECEIVING A BUNCH OF HIGHLAND HEATHER IN AMERICA. ^lEAE token frae my native Ian', S^ Thou bonnie bunch o' heather 1 I'll shelter ye wi' tender ban' Frae oor extremes o' weather ; I'll plant ye in a pat o' mod Brought a' the way frae Oban, An' slocban ye wi' water cool An' clear as frae Loch Loman' 1 An' when the Scotchman's day comes roon- Saint Andra's day sae cheerie — I'll tak' ye wi' me to the toon. To busk my auld Glengarry ; An' you'll see faces there you ken, Wha speiled wi' me the heather, — Braw Hielan' lasses an' their men Shall dance a reel thegither ! 70 PATRIOTIC. Then will I gie ye bit-by-bit, Each ane a sprig o' heather, — To keep ye a' I'll no be fit Aince we meet a' thegither ! At sight o' ye we'll a' feel good, We loe sae ane anither ; For, ye maun ken, we're unco prood 0' Scotlan' an' her heather ! How aft your purple face has seen Auld Scotia's heroes gather ? How aft the martyr's bluid hath been Spill'd ruthless on the heather ? For Freedom, Liberty, an' Eight, Eead Scotlan's deathless story, Oor faithers left us by their might A heritage o' glory 1 71 IMRIE'S POEMS. CANADA ! NATIONAL ANTHEM. Copyrighted. g=e; '-J- ■=(- Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone, Toronto. i-i-* -&-'- -0 — :t=:= I. Come, let us all nite. To q=:: I — ^-t-^-T — + -^- ::j: E-E^^ -^ sing our coun-try's praise ; For God, and home, and It: — . — i — -fS- :t=d l!^i right, Our voi - ces -9- now we raise : — CHOMUS. t: £EEEE — <^-^ :i Dear Can a • da, to thee ! Home -^ 7:rM: it--^ :-z;±z:mz----4 -^' of the brave and free ! With heart and voice We -0- ±- It: -0— N-r ^— 0—0^ :t: _j^._ 9 now re - joice, To sing in praise of thee ! 72 PATRIOTIC. CANADA 1 NATIONAL ANTHEM. IIOME, let us all unite, To sing our country's praise ; For God, and home, and right, Our voices now we raise : — Chorus — Dear Canada, to thee, Home of the brave and free, With heart and voice We now rejoice To sing in praise of thee ! From sea to sea our land Extends her vast domain, 'Mid scenes sublime and grand We sing this glad refrain : Chorus — " Dear Canada to thee ! " &c. We'll welcome, with a cheer, Each hardy son of toil ; For happy homes are here, With fruitful virgin soil ! Chorus — " Dear Canada to thee !" &c. Let prairie, wood, and field. Re-echo this our song ; Our sons shall never yield. What rights to them belong ! Chorus — " Dear Canada to thee !" &c. Then wave our flag on liigh The Maple-leaf and Rose, For Canada we'll die Or vanquish all her foes ! Chorus — " Dear Canada to thee !" &c. 73 IMRIE'S POEMS. ON A VISIT TO THE "OLD COUNTEY." CEOSS the wide Atlantic sea %i? Our steamer speeds her way. Great biUows rolling grand and free Eest not by night or day. At last the land recedes from sight, — The great new land of hope, Where enterprise and honest might Find fair and ample scope. A week has pass'd, yet sea and sky Seem all of earth to me, Until at last the welcome cry Is heard with joy and glee : — " Land, ho ! — land, ho ! " — a sailor cries, But naught to us is seen ; An hour or two, and then our eyes Behold the welcome scene : — Great headlands rise, like sentries bold. Or guardians of the land ; Their tops, like helmets, shine with gold In sunset hues so grand ! Still on we speed, with hope and joy Our hearts feel like to sing ! Our thoughts on "home" find sweet employ As early scenes up- spring ! 74 PATRIOTIC. The fair green hills of Ireland rise, Resplendent to the view, And seem an earthly Paradise To loving hearts and true ! 'Tia hard to leave the deck to-night, I scarce can go to sleep ; I toss and dream, till morning light Comes shining o'er the deep ! Now, dear old Scotia's mountains rise As np the Clyde we steam, Like friends of old they cheer our eyes, Or like a pleasant dream ! At last we reach the same old pier Where years ago we parted. Here once we wept, now joy's glad tear From loving eyes has started ! Oh, friends of early days, and " home " Of childhood's happy years ! My thoughts are yours where'er I roam, For you my prayers and tears 1 75 HAME— YET NO AT HAME ! MTOOK my way ayont the sea Wi' thoughts on pleasure bent, Nigh twenty years had gane ower me Since frae my hame I went. Bit noo I'm here I stranger feel Than if I were abroad, I find the spots I kent sae weel Caw'd some new-fangled road ! I daunder up an' doon the street Where aince I used to play, An' scarce a kent face dae I meet The lee-lang simmer's day I My heart is sair — I canna tell The reason why it's sae — An' aftentimes I ask mysel' Why do I feel sae wae ? I ask for Jock, an' Tarn, an' Will — My cronies a' o' yore : Some gane awa' — some cauld an' still — An' few are to the fore 1 Imagination's a' at faut I find oot to my cost — For Time his subtle change has wrought;, Kent faces a' are lost ! 76 PATRIOTIC. I pictur'd them as when I last Beheld each bonnie bro', — The lads an' lassies o' the past Were men an' women noo ! An' some had even quite forgot That ever I had been, Until we minded o' a lot 0' scenes we each had seen ! Then had we mony a hearty laugh At a'e thing an' anither, An', as a social cup we'd quaff, We felt each like a brither. We took a trip far doon the Clyde Amang the hills an' heather, 'Twas then I thocht I'd like to bide In Scotlan' a' thegither ! The hills were just the very same, The lochs an' glens sae bonnie, I felt aince mair I was at hame — An' proud o' hame as ony. Ohl Scotlan', thou shalt ever be A patriot's boast an' glory; I'll brag o' you when ower the sea. An' aften tell this story ! 77 BRUCE AND BANNOCKBURN. IN COMilEilORATION OF JUNE 24tH, 1314. J||^:ET Scotia's sons with honor tell ^^ Of how our fathers fought so well, And how proud Edward's legions fell Upon the field of Bannockburn ! Our sires knew well that on that day The fate of Scotland's future lay, Yet eager were they for the fray Upon the field of Bannockburn ! De Bruce reviewed his trusty band, And o'er them stretched his brave right hand ^'Fiijht for your rights and this fair land, Or die with me at Bannockburn 1 " The dawn of day crept o'er the hill, The Scottish army — calm and still — Committed to God's holy will The loss or gain of Bannockburn ! 78 PATRIOTIC. On I on ! the English forces flew, A hundred men to one I trew, Yet routed were they by a few Brave Scottish Clans at Bannockburn I Ere yet that evening's sun had set The field with English blood was wet, For there the Sons of Scotland met To claim their rights at Bannockburn ! Let sires their sons this history tell Of how our fathers fought and fell, For Freedom that they loved so well And won for us at Bannockburn I 79 IMRIE'S POEMS. SCOTCH DAINTIES. Copyrighted. Music by E. Corlett, Toronto. =^^^== ■1^ I. Gie a Scotchman a guid cog o' brose, Wi' tfirl^;:^: milk just new drawn frae the coo' ; ~9 — W~~ Feth, ye'll i 3; ^-: _v-J— •?-*• v- * — HJV #^ 3.J_5_^ no see him turn up his nose, CEOItUS. But A-#^ 0—4 -^ 0^-e-^-0--^- tak' them, an' then smack his moo' ! Brose, parritch, kail, haggis an' -0 ■ -^i-^-'^-'—S^ — '}- A- A--^- :^- ^'f-^-A- «> ban-nocks, Are dainties a-bune a' \ compare ! Nae " V tf re f^ '^ a ^ ^-^—^- i ^ • f " ^ '^zH-^-izz S^z • • - * - ^ - English, French, Yankees, or Cannucks, Could H N — ^■ -0 — -0- E^E^iB mak' such gran' bill o' fare I 80 PATRIOTIC. SCOTCH DAINTIES. ?;IE a Scotcliman a guid cog o' brose, ^^Sfs Wi' milk just new drawn frae the coo', Feth ye'll no see him turn up his nose, But tak' them, an' then smack his moo' ! Choeus : Brose, parritch, kail, haggis an' bannocks, Are dainties abune a' compare ! Nae English, French, Yankees or Canucks, Could mak' such a gran' bill o' fare ! Guid parritch for weans is sae healthy, It mak's them grow strong, fat an' weel, Dyspeptics are aye 'mang the wealthy, — They eat what wad sicken an eel ! Choeus. — " Brose, parritch, kail," &c. Noo, what is sae guid as Scotch kail, Wi' carrots, an' turnips, an' leeks ; Hielan'men are braw, hearty an' hale — Yet gang a' the year without breeks ! Choeus. — " Brose, parritch, kail," &c. But the haggis is king o' the table, — A Scotchman's maist toothfu' delight, By dining on that he is able To match ony twa in a fight ! Chorus. — " Brose, parritch, kail," &c. 81 PATRIOTIC. When spying for game in Glen Sannox, Ahint a wheen stanes on my knees, What's sweeter than crumpin' oat bannocks, An' eating a' whang o' guid cheese ? Chorus. — " Brose, panitch, kail," &c. Brose, parritch, kail, haggis an' bannocks Wad mak' lean consumptives grow fat, Though they'd sleep oot at nicht in hammocks, They'd ne'er be a bit waur o' that ! Chorus. — "Brose, parritch, kail," &«. Then gie us oor dainty Scotch farin', We'll honour the auld muckle pat ! For pastry an' pies we're no carin', Scotch laddies are no built wi' that I Chorus : Brose, parritch, kail, haggis an' bannocks. Are dainties abune a' compare ! Nae English, French, Yankees or Canucks, Could mak' such a gran' bill o' fare ! 82 — !t.^l^^.-^*>— i^ovEj, home;, and frie;ndship. WHERE DOTH BEAUTY DWELL? ^ipOOK for the first faint streaks of morn *J^ That gild the eastern sky, Another day in beauty bom, As mounts the sun on high ; Tinting the tops of highest towers With crimson and with gold, Melting the dew-drops from the flowers That peepingly unfold : ' There doth "the beautiful" abide In calm security; The rosy morn — deck'd like a bride — Of virgin purity I Look for the eyes that beam with love, And sparkle with delight, To meet thy gaze — like stars above — Brightest in thy dark night ; Dispelling eveiy thought of sin From out thy heart's great deep, Chasing the darkness from within, Or soothe thy fears to sleep : There doth " the beautiful " abide Li full maturity ; And there may thy fond heart reside Through all futurity I 85 IMRIE'S POEMS. HEAKT QUESTIONINGS. 7/; HAT stirs an emotion >As deep as' the ocean, And strong as the hills that tower above ? 'Tis the sound of a sigh, As the zephyrs go by, That tells in a breath the presence of Lovel What is seen in the glance, As true lovers advance, That kindles a flame which never can die ? 'Tis a spark from above, From the altar of Love, Dropp'd unerringly down from on high I As the loving hands clasp, What is told in the grasp That quickens the pulse and glows on the cheek ? 'Tis " the story of old," In that loving enfold, The language of Love that words cannot speak ! Whence the tones that can thrill, Without effort or will. And woo the heart's fond admiration? They are notes from the choir, With the golden lyre. Tuned by Love's sublime inspiration! 86 LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. Oh! from whence comes the bliss Of love's first fervent kiss, That rapturous outflow of feeling ? 'Tis a faint echo given Of earth's foretaste of Heaven, By fond hearts their fulness revealing I Whence the breathings of soul That defies our control, ' Those sweet communings of heart with heart ? 'Tis a gift from above, 'Tis the token of love, Once possesss'd, time or death cannot part ! 87 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE STAK OF LOVE. S Love a star? 5Yes, 'tis a star Of heav'nly magnitude afar ; In darkest night The purest light, No baneful doubt should ever mar. It is a star — The Polar star — That guides the sailor on the sea, Where'er he roam, To love and home, Across- the boundless ocean free. Storms may arise In life's pure skies, And gathering clouds bedim our day ; But Love's bright eye. Like star in sky. Will seek to guide us on our way I Love reigns supreme. An endless theme, Love rules the world with gentle hand; As captives, we Desire to be Encircl'd with her golden band I 88 LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSUIP. THE STAE OF LOVE. Cheerfully. tbz^-: —Sl-i-i-^ Music bY Ernest E. Leigh, Toronto zqizn z?*: -"-f^-*- .^_u :^^ 3 I. Is Love a star? Yes, tis a I? ^-•— f^: :=t:: star. Of heav - - en - ly mag - ni - tude. - far ; In dark - est night, The I^it q=d: "^' It :^-_#: tzzt (5? • -p ::^i -<$'^- pur - est light, No bane - - - ful doubt should REFRAIN. h -^'---0 qiq: ^^-a .M< . * J *£i2Sjl:,='=^i^^iEi5fi^'E'^ 9-0- ev er mar Love is a star, Yes, Love is a ff\ -i — t-- _«A \'-U V- t: mMm^Si star, A beau -ti- ful, beau -ti- ful star. 89 IMBIE'S POEMS. A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS. jHE present you send, ?My dear loving friend — A beautiful bouquet of flowers, — Is precious to me, As coming from tbee, With perfume of bright sunny bowers. It reminds me of home, Where once we did roam, ' Mid flow'rs in the garden at play ; As swift pass'd the hours In Flora's sweet bowers. And short seem'd the summer's long day. But life, like the flowers, Hath changeable hours, And sunshine and show'r intervene ; Yet love in the heart Can beauty impart. And help to make life " evergreen, It Let friendship and truth Encompass our youth, From sorrow and trouble 'twill save ; In sweetest content Our lives shall be spent, And flow'rs strew our path to the grave! 90 LOVE, HOME, AND FrxIENDSHIP. '!"« ■% '^). ■ 5 4'\ TEUE LOVE. ^fjjf^IS a magic spell, wSi^Wbich lovers know well, In Bunshine and shower the same ; Ever old, yet new, Both constant and true. And seeks neither self nor fame. Unheard or confest, As seemeth it best, Its tale it may never mifold; Yet all know the pow'r Of Love's happy hour, Its memory never grows old! 'Tis a golden key. Be it sigh or plea, That opens the door of the heart; And treasures untold Doth ever unfold, Which riches could never impart. 91 IMRIE'S POEMS. Then cherish with care A jewel BO rare, And dim not its lustre with soom; 'Twill lighten the gloom From cradle, to tomb, And heal the heart bleeding and torn. Love never can die. Its home is on high, And God will yet claim what He gives ; And love He hath giv'n. To make earth a heav'n. True love in the heart ever lives 1 92 LOVE AND CHAEITY. ^iH 1 for sweet and tender Love, '^^ Pare and faithful ever, Wooing like the gentle dove, Flowing as a river I Smiles, like flowers, adorn her path. Peaceful — soul-refreshing, Freely giving all she hath. Earth's most potent blessing 1 Love and Charity are one — Not of earth's conceiving. To possess is heaven begun, Toil and care relieving ; Let Love lead us hand-in-hand A-down the misty years, Guiding to the better land — Where God shall wipe all tears. 93 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE HUMBER "FAIRY." Copyrighted. Lightly, trippingltj . --fv — N — ^v — ^vn r-"^^- Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone, Toronto. — N — N — ^ — V— Ji—ZMI f~3t i t- I, Heard ye of the Hum - bar " Fai - ry?" ~iS — \ — \ — ^^- — N — \ — "^j — ^-^ — ^ — \ — \— v-i -#— # — 9- -9 — tf ^-9- -#— g— ip- Know ye that her name is Ma - ry ? Queen of beau-ty, i mt. /T\ 9 9- __ ^_^ 9. > 1^- ^E£eIe _!»_« _ -»-T :^iiz^±=t=t -^— •- light and ai • ry ; Win-some, yet so shy;.,, -^- -y 1- -^^— V- V- .9. l^ZIIZ^d In a cot - tage by the riv - er. M — " WTiere the green ferns nod and quiv - er, 'There my fan - cy ^ ^ _^. -f; — 9--— 9 — ^ — ^- —-—I — ^- -^- HIB turn - eth ev - er, For her smile I sigh!. 01 LOVE. HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. THE HUMBEK "FAIRY." _ EAED ye of the Humber "Fairy"? ^5<"Kno-w ye that her name is Mary ? Queen of beauty — light, and airy, Winsome, yet so shy ; In a cottage by the river. Where the ferns nod and quiver, There my fancy turneth ever, For her smile I sigh I When the sun is slowly setting, Then, my heart with fulness fretting, All but love of her forgetting, To my skiff I hie ; Off to "my Fairy-land" I glide, Each feather'd oar on either side Like Cupid's wings, they skim the tide — O'er the waters fly I O'er the Bay the moon is stealing. All her loveliness revealing, Then to each fond heart appealing, Love looks eye to eye ! Glide we up the Humber river, Where the rushes sigh and quiver, Plight our love to each for ever, — Love that will not die I IMRIE'S POEMS. A SOUVENIE OF LOVE. Tenderly. :H-P- ^-^ (Copyrighted.) >ri T ^-^ Music by E. GledhiU. H- t^- V^^W I N ^ -^-^ fl« Jl L, 1 Dearest, sweetest, fondest, best, Leaa your head up-on my breast; HV: -flj --fe#==^^ * -t^- :^±^-^--\ ^ 1^' -^ V-a- ±^± t Lov-ing arms shall thee entwine, Loving hands be placed in mine; i -N-N P-»-^ -<5^0- — N-N ■V- H — ly-K iS'**-^ -f—vA-v- ^ 6 ^-w~^ 3*J Throbbing hearts with pleasure beat, Happy eyes in gladness meet ; -19- Peace and joy now reign supreme. Love our ail absorbing theme. -fi !v V| ^-^ ^ -<^^ _i — ,. ^-N-N-A .-^-glCa- Dearest, sweetest, fondest, best. Lean yonr bead up-on my breast ; re^s^E ;? :t tirJH +--fia: hg^V-p-li — ^ Lov-ing arms shall tbeeen-twiae, Loving hands be placed in mine. 'JG LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. A SOUVENIR OF LOVE. jEAEEST, s^weetest, fondest, best, ^Lean yonr head upOn my breast; Loving anna shall thee entwine. Loving hands be placed in mine ; Throbbing hearts with pleasure beat, Happy eyes in gladness meet ; Peace and joy now reign supreme. Love our all-absorbing theme. Picture of a living love. True as angel-notes above ; Constant as the Polar star Shining in the heavens afar; Deep and bomidless as the sea, Ever pure and ever free ; Warm and bright as Southern skies. Earthly Eden — Paradise I Love like this doth ever sing, Echoes wake and echoes ring ; Love and pain duuj sometimes meet, Love can make the pain a sweet; Grief and care shall flee away, Darkest night be turn'd to day, Winter snows to Summer showers, Autumn leaves to Spring's fresh flowers. 97 IMRIE'S POEMS. Sordid pleasures have their day, Truth and Love shall ne'er decay ; Heaven and earth their blessings give, Love and Truth shall ever live. Then, let Love our bosoms thrill, Empty hearts may have their fill ; The poorest may be rich in love, Bless'd on earth and crown'd above I 98 LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. EMBLEMS OF FRIENDSHIP. IPRIENDSHIP is a Golden Band ^^^ Linking life with life, Heart to heart, and band to hand, Antidote to strife. Friendship is a Sileen Oord Beautiful and strong, Guarding, by each kindly word, Loving hearts from wrong. Friendship is a Beacon-light On life's rocky shore, Brightest in our darkest night When the breakers roar. Friendship is an Iron Shield Where life's cruel darts Ever may be forced to yield Ere they wound true hearts. Friendship is the Gift of God Freely to us given, As the flowers that gem tbo sod. Or the light of heaven ! 99 II^iniE'S POEMS. EYES THAT SPEAK. Copyrighted. Music by Prof. J. F.lohnstone, Toronto. p=:^-:^F•Il-lz±: " —0^-a^-t^- 1. Give me the eyes that speak of Love, And spar - kle in their :^=f-.-^ ±: -^-•-^-?-'-^^: -/-/-i^-/- •*ji_tf_(f t_«ii V— ^-^- glad ness. Like twinkling orbs of light a - bove ; ?^^^f='^ ••J;«-^»-«- ■r-;— i — r — r-i r- — /■-•— n— (-- ^_^- H- eeeij!; iEgi Dispelling care and sad-ness, Dispelling care .... and sad-ness. — ^-^ — '=?-r-^E: i-t^-b^-r-- AMiich makes this earth a Par-a-dise, The' hum-ble be Our r\ ^ t^ m fi x " — ~r\ • ■ r^ 9 m — r 1 r ^> « « yfe^i ^ ' -/— V— 1 h- -#— •— ^ h- ^ • t-^ 1 — 1 1 — V^' ^ L. , L dwelling ; And causing thoughts of love to rise From hearts with fulness welling, And causingthoughtsof love to rise From hearts with fulness welling. 100 JS^ EYES THAT SPEAK. ^IVE me the eyes that speak of Love, ;*s5^ And sparkle in their gladness, Like twinkling orbs of light above, Dispelling care and sadness ; Which make this earth a Paradise, Though humble be our dwelling, And causing thoughts of love to rise From hearts with fulness welling. Give me tlie eyes whose tears of Grief Are shed for our condoling. Whose sympathy is sure relief To hearts that need consoling ; More precious than the jewel rare That glistens in its setting, Are eyes that speak the love ihey bear, All selfishness forgettmg. Give me ^he eyes that speak of Peace And shed a halo o'er us, Whose beams can cause all strife to -IFTY years of wedded life, Half a century of bliss, Since we first were man and wife, What a consummation this 1 Through the sunshine and the shower, Bound by golden bands in one. Hand-in-hand in darkest hour, We the race of life have run. True to vows of early years, Faithful to e; c'l other's love, Yet with tenderness and tears, Eipening for the courts above. Years of joy, and love, and peace, Full of happiness and trust ; Learning, as the years increase, God is ever wise and just. Soon at last His voice vnll call One or other hence away ; Still remaining one through all, Wedded through eternity 1 loO LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. TO MY FEIENDS. PRIENDS of my earliest days and years, i^»Ye who dispell'd my infant fears, And o'er me spent your prayers and tears, Father, Mother ; And let me pay a tribute meet To those who watch'd my infant feet, And shower'd on me their kisses sweet, Sister, Brother. Friends of my school-days or of play, When all was joyous, bright, and gay, Companions dear of life's spring-day, Again we meet ; As memory paints the scenes anew, In colours of the brightest hue. When life was good, and pure, and true. And friendship sweet. Friends of those years when hopes were high, And hearts beat true, and love was nigh. And echoes woke which ne'er shall die, But echoes give ; While fleeting years roll on apace, Within my heart there is a place That bears the likeness of each face. And thoughts that live I 131 * IMRIE'S POEMS. Friends dead and gone — friends far and near — Friends tried and true — friends ever dear, Though sunder'd far, yet all are here, Close to my heart ; And all along life's rugged way The smile of friendship crowns the day. And hearts are young though heads be grey : — Friends never part I ( ^^^^^P ^^ ^W9 IK V^^Sf^^^^ ■^ -^V^Mk ^^^^^^^'"■' ^**v^^ ^^^m ^^B^^^i^^/iy//5^^'^^vV^l''W ^^S ^^g^^^^**^ ^^a^jy*' . ^^^^^^ ^^-^\a!J@S^g-^^^^^*g^fefc^,: "H- :=I =3=2: home at last. With ful • ness of joy for ev • er 1 134 LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. I MISS A DEAK FACE. ^I| MISS a dear face ^3 From its wonted place, And my iieart is full of sadness ; But looking above To the God of love, The sorrow is chang'd to gladness. Eefrain — Oh ! we yet shall meet On that golden street, Oh I never again to sever ; Earth's troubles all past, In our home at last. With fulness of joy for ever ! Ah ! I know that there, In that purer air — The home of our heavenly Father — Is the one I miss, In that land of bliss. Where the angels love to gather. Eefrain — " Oh ! we yet shall meet," etc. A dear voice that cheers, Through the silent years, Is heard with its sweet, soft pleading ; And a hand that guides Through earth's stormy tides Hath mine in its kindly leading. Eefeain — " Oh ! we yet shall meet," etc. I will not repine But daily incline The path of my lov'd to follow ; Then, let the years pass. Like sands in a glass. Or sighing winds o'er the hollow ! Eefrain — " Oh 1 we yet shall meet," etc. 135 r" IMRIE'S POEMS. A HUSBAND'S BIRTHDAY GEEETING. ^jlARLING, awake ! and let the sweet, glad light, ^^Fill eyes that love hath made so pure and bright ; So calm and deeply true, so free from guile, So winning in their artless love-lit smile, That I would fain obey their least behest, And clasp thee fondly to my throbbing breast. And tell, with untold kisses, sweetest dear. That thou hast entered on another year ! How sweet the memory of the blissful past, When o'er our paths love's glad spring-flowers were cast. As fresh and pure as when in Eden's bowers The first fond pair spent earth's creative hours ; Yet, dear, 'twas but the dawn of brighter days, Such as we now enjoy, 'mid grateful praise To Him who crowns our years with peace and love, A sweet fore-taste of purer joys above ! Ah ! clinging dear ! the ivy and the oak Are not more near when thou dost thus provoke To deeds and words of love that plainly tell That Love is king, and all he doth is well ; The hot tears flow, but not because of grief, 'Tis heartfelt joy which thus must find relief; And mutely eloquent each throbbing heart Proclaims the other as its counterpart I 136 LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. God bless our love, for He alone can bind In perfect union, both of heart and mind. All those who seek in Him their source of bliss, Of love and joy, of peace and happiness. Oh, may thy future bright and joyful be. From every sorrow may thy lot be free, And through life's journey to the very cud Heaven's choicest blessings all thy way attend 1 137 I IMRIE'S POEMS. ^ <-^ ° \3^ ^ A WIFE'S LAST GOOD-BYE. J«H, husband dear, though now we part, »»^ And I must cross the river, I fain would cheer thy lonely heart — We do not part for ever ! I go to brighter, holier ground, Where friendships are not hollow, Where peace and love are ever found, And thou wilt surely follow. Oh, brightly beams that happy land Of light, and love, and gladness, Wliere we shall stand, at God's right hand. Free from all care and sadness. Let faith foresee with hopeful eyes, That even now may borrow A cheering ray from brighter skies To dissipate thy sorrow. Oh, husband dearest, fondest, best, To whom my love was given, In Jesus' love find sweetest rest, We'll wait for thee in Heaven ; Death cannot enter there, my love, Nor tears bedim the sight ; An endless love is ours above, With angels ever bright. 138 LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. One child is safe with me in Heaven, The other left with you, May wisdom from above be given To make him kind and true ; And when at last we four shall meet, Beyond the surging river, We'll lay our crowns at Jesus' feet, And praise His love for ever I rdr niRIE'S POEMS. MOTHER'S VOICE. Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone, Toronto. 1. Oh ! the sound of mother's voicej 'Twas like music to my ear, y=t=:zt: f^^3-^3^ : '^z-m±-^z :t:d-j=-*d Oft it made my heart re-joice, Oft dis-pelled my anx - ious P --— i — \-& — *-i— • — - — *H 1 — a '^EEn|g=?; fear ; But, 'tis hush'd in si - lence now, And of grief I've had my fill, Her last kiss up - on my brow Seems to leave its CHORUS. t2= im-press still. Oh ! the sound of moth - er's voice. As it ech-oes i:=J: :t=- zzqzqqiig^q ~:3: --^H-^-«H rH-'^ — I i-jr::>-^H-^-|— through the years, How it makes my heart rejoiee.Thoughit melts my eyes to tdiciz'EdiEztd j_i :=^: :^zzz^ :iq-qqr=i==: ici: tears ! While I live I'll ne'er for - get Tones so full of ten Bit. der love ; Moth-er, dear, I'll meet thee yet, In our heavenly home a-bove 1 140 LOVI':, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. MOTHER'S VOICE. j)H I the sound of mother's voice, 'Twas like music to my ear, Oft it made my heart rejoice, Oft dispell'd my anxious fear ; But, 'tis hush'd in silence now, And of grief I've had my fill, Her last kiss upon my brow Seems to leave its impress still ! Chokus — Oh ! the sound of mother's voice, As it echoes through the years, How it makes my heart rejoice. Though it melts my eyes to tears ! While I live I'll ne'er forget Tones so full of tender love ; Mother, dear, I'll meet thee yet In our heavenly home above ! Mother's voice ! I hear it still, Seems to come from heaven above, Keeping back my froward will. Full of tenderness and love ; In my dreams I oft recall Each kind look of love and joy. Now, I understand it all — How a mother loves her boy ! Chorus — " Oh I the sound of mother's voice," &c. 141 IMEIE'S POEMS. Oh ! the sound of mother's voice Are the sweetest notes of earth, There is nothing half so choice, Full of love, and hope, and mirth ; Though to Heaven she has gone, Yet the wealth of love she gave Hath a power to cheer me on From the cradle to the grave ! Chorus — Oh ! the sound of mother's voice As it echoes through the years, How it makes my heart rejoice, Though it melts my eyes to tears ! While I live I'll ne'er forget Tones so full of tender love, Mother, dear, I'll meet thee yet In our heavenly home above I 142 'L0V1<:, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. CROSS'D LOVE. VISION cross'd my path one day, 'Twaa like a dream of pleasure, And left a halo 'long life's way, For memory to treasure ! Cross'd love can live a life of hope, Nor all life's ills can kill it, Though Love be blind, yet he can grope If fate doth only will it ! Time smoothes the furrows of our grief, And Patience grows with sorrow, The future brings a sure relief, Let Care wait till — to-morrow ! Smile ! — thougk thy heart be full of pain, There's nothing gain'd by grieving, A vision yet will come again. All former ills relieving. The rose that's left upon a tree May be a thing of beauty ; But, oh ! the Eose that pleaseth me Counts sacrifice a duty ! When Love, and Truth, and Honour binds, Fond hearts have their fulfilling. No life is perfect till it finds Its wealth of love distilling ! 143 IMEIE'S POEMS. THE TENDER PASSION. *RE Love had set my heart on fire, And tuned me to devotion, 1 could the fairest face admire Without the least emotion : I felt as free As wind or sea, Each day was full of gladness ; But when at last Love's die was cast, My joy was ting'd with sadness ! For only when my love was near I felt the sun was shining, Love's presence is a foe to fear When hearts are intertwining ! A world of bliss Was in each kiss, They set our hearts a-singing ; When call'd to part Sad was each heart, True lover's fears up-bringing ! 144 LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. At last to ease my heart's deep pain I made a fair eonfesgion, And kiss'd her o'er and o'er again, — Reward for Love's eoncession : We now are one Still shines the sun ! — All earth is full of beauty ! Though Love be blind She's wondrous kind And mindful of her duty I U5 IMRIE'S POEMS. BETEOTHED. AN ALLEGORY. ir^WO lofty mountains soar d o'erhead, ^^^^^^^ Each side a vale of vast extent, They knew each other well, 'twas said, With hoary age their forms were bent ! They guarded well that lovely vale, And watched, as with a mother's pride, Two silver streams that swept the dale, Yet had their source on either, side. On, on they sped, like friends at play, — Now almost caught, now far apart ; Till — ha ! ha ! ha ! — they lost their way, And join'd themselves no more to part ! The mountains smiled, and clapped their hands, And wished the lovers happy day ! The setting sun lent golden bands. The moon threw silver o'er their way ! ^Yide, wide, they spread their pebbly bed. United now were they for ever ; The mountains stretched their necks o'erhead. To see their image in the river ! U6 LOVE, HOME, AND FRIENDSHIP. THE WORKINGMAN'S WIFE. ^EOM day to day, from morn till night, She works with an earnest will, To make the home look clean and bright — Her mission on earth fulfil. No selfish thought pervades her mind, In " HOME " is her great delight ; By look, and word, and tone so kind, She leads her children aright. The best the cupboard can afford For her husband she prepares, Well content with a kindly word, As reward for all her cares. The children know a tender spot For them in her heart is given ; — Her Lord hath said — " Forbid them not, Of such the kingdom of Heaven." The day will come when mother's face Shall be white and cold as snow ; No one on earth can fill her place. Her value we then shall know. Ilark I how she pleads in earnest pray'r That God would her dear ones save ; Oh, seek then to lighten her care — Brighten her path to the grave ! 147 IMRIE'S POEMS. DINNA HIDE THE HEAET-LOVE ! (0f)H ! dmna bide the heart-love, ^^ Speak it oot ! — tell it oot I A' guid thocbts come frae above, 0' that there is nae doot ! Whan the heart wi' love is fu', Einnin' ower ! — rinnin' ower ! Let some draps like Heaven's dew, Wat some wee thirsty flower ! Licht the sunshine o' yer face, Wi' a smile ! — wi' a smile I Gie nae sorrow there a place Life's happiness to spoil 1 Angry words cut like a sword, Britber, mine ! — sister, mine ! Speak the honest, kindly word, To mak' leal hearts entwine I Life at best is unco short, Mak' it guid ! — mak' it guid ! Hurtin' feelin's is nae sport. Aft causin' hearts to bluid ! Lift the fallen, shield the weak, A' ye can ! — a' ye can ! Aye some word o' comfort speak, To cheer your britber — man ! lis — (S^^"l)t5^-^®' MivSdELLANEous Poems. (^1, ii A SUMMER'S DAY; OR, MOENING, NOON, AND NIGHT. Introduction. ,PRING show'rs have wasb'd the winter snows away, And Nature smiles at the approach of May, Clad in the brightest green, and deck'd with flowers. Which speak of balmy winds and sunny hours ; When birds, and bees, and butterflies abound, And flowers in rich profusion deck the groimd, Strewn here and there by Flora's wanton hand. And Hope sings merrily o'er all the laud : Oh I then, 'tis surely summer I I.— MORNING. ^jj^IS morning I for the rising sun ^^His daily journey hath begun ; Flooding the earth with glory bright, Chasing away the gloom of night ; 151 IMRIE'S POEMS. Closmg the eye of every star That twinkles in the heavens afar ; Pahng the moon's soft, silvery light, Till it recedes from mortal sight I All hail ! thou ruler of the day, Nature delights to own thy sway ; At thy approach the smallest flower On hill, or dale, or verdant bower, Lifts up its head, though wet with dew, And spreads its petals out to view. To cheer the heart, and glad the eyes, A dainty morning sacrifice ! At Sol's glad light the feather'd throng Make woods resound with cheerful song, And, full of grateful, glad surprise, Flv out to meet thee in the skies ; The milkmaid sings a merry lay, As through the fields of fragrant hay She gaily trips to meet the cows. Whose welcome noise the echoes rouse. Sweet morning hours ! — first-fruit of day — None but the slothful spurn away Thy gifts of beauty, health, and light, And, slumb'ring, turn thee into night ! When glory gilds the eastern sky, And Nature lifts her voice on high. Why should not man, with grateful heart, Join in and take a noble parb? 152 MISCRLLANEOUS. II.— NOON. iHE sun Lath reached meridian's height, lAnd robed the earth in glory bright ; Flora, arrayed in all her charms, Looks up and smiles ; with loving arms Seeks to invite his presence near, Like perfect love which hath no fear, And tliinks no evil, though now a show'r Should hide his face in noontide's hour ! Bright noon ! when all around is life, And hum, and stir, and busy strife ; Nature, in all her various forms — Like angry waves in wintry storms — Strives life with life for daily bread, For all must live and all be fed, Each eager to secure a prey Before noontide shall pass away I The butterfly enjoys the hour. And sips sweet nectar from the flower; The humble bee doth homeward bring Her treasures sweet on laden wine: : The cheerful sparrow on the ground A dainty mid-day meal hath found, — All nature knows the time of day. Nor lets it idly pass away ! lo:^ UIRIIPS POEMS, ' Tis noon ! and from tbo village scliool A joyous host, released from rule, Rush out with hearts as light as air. Without a sorrow or a care, But to improve the fleeting hour Whether in sunshine or in shower. For noon's short hour flies fast away When given to joyous mirth and play I III.— NIGHT, wflHE evening shades are falling fast, ^pLong shadows on the ground are cast, The western sky is all aglow With fiery glory sotting low ; The hill-tops glance with changing hue, A noble back-ground to the view, As mountain, river, lake, and plain. Are bathed in glory once again 1 Sweet evening hours ! suggesting rest, To weary toilers thou art blest ; See yonder cottage at whose door The children look for *' Pa " once more, And by the welcome they impart Lid all the cares of day depart; Domestic joys arc life's sweet flowers. Full blooming in the evening hours ; 154 MISCELLANEOUS. As evening deepens into night, A host of stars shed purest light ; Fair Lima comes upon the scene, With halo of bright, silv'ry sheen, To woo the lover out to stroll The shady walks with love-lit soul, And pour into the maiden ear The soulful words she loves to hear 1 At last the midnight hour is past, The stillness of the grave is cast On all around with potent spell, — The day is past and all is well ! For Israel's God doth ever keep His watchful eye o'er those who sleep ; Tired Nature rests, while God alone With heavenly love protects His own I 155 IMRIE'S POKMS. LIFE'S SUPEEME MOMENTS. I. y/f HEN first to earth a living soul is brought, Out of the depths of darkness, doubt, and pain, Ere yet its being hath the power of thought To measure life as either loss or gain ; Our time of birth is moment most supreme, Call'd into being by the will of God, To wond'ring angels a delightful theme, From first to last to mark the pathway trod 1 II. Another moment' most supreme is when The lisping infant stammers out " Mamma ! " Or, when the father, coming home at e'en, Hears baby-lips lisp out the first " Papa ! " Oh, these are moments when the heart beats fast With ecstasy and fond parental love, The sweets of life are all too short to last. Else would we never sigh for those above I III. When first the human mind grasps holy things, And God is known and felt within the soul, 'Tis then the blood-bought one exults and sings The praise of Him who doth our lives control ; That is a moment of supremest joy Which feels the transfer of our heart to God ; To bless and praise Him is its lov'd employ, Even to the kissing of His chast'ning rod ! 15S MISGELLANliOUS. IV. Whene'er our heart is sore with bitter grief, And clouds of darkness seem to hover near, 'Tis then we find in prayer a sweet relief. An antidote to each dark doubt and fear ; These are sweet moments that we call supreme When soul and body seem to soar on high, And bask contented in some heavenly theme, When God, and Love, and Purity are nigh ! V. The memory of school-days I — how they tint Our after-years with sunshine and delight ; School is to life the intellectual muit From whence is won the stamp of genius bright ; Where, after many sessions wisely spent. Comes forth the youth to battle with his fate : Those knowing most with knowledge less content Than those whose lesser knowledge makes elate ! VI. It is a moment most supreme "to find That Wisdom is the currency of heaven. And that to cultivate the human mind To those who would be wise the taste is given ; Knowledge is true greatness — the mind expands And oft is index'd on the human face ; He is most humble who most understands And nearest God who loves His law to trace ! 157 IMRIE'S POEMS. VII. Oh, Love ! thou art the elixir of life, The sweet'ning draught in sorrow's bitter cup, An antidote to selfishness and strife — Humbling the proud, the humble raising up 1 When love at first beholds its counterpart The die is cast for future peace or pain, 'Tis answered by a fluttering of the heart — This " supreme moment " never comes again ! VIII. Oh, happy state ! the only life complete. Two loving hearts in one pure purpose bent, God's wise provision for communion sweet, — Felicity and love, with sweet content ; Love is the keynote of a happy life, To which fond hearts in unison accord, Ileaven's greatest gift to man — a loving wife, " Tender and true " in every thought and word ! IX. Thus portion'd out, life is a pleasant dream, Though here and there some trials intervene ; No clouds without some bright and hopeful gleam, With rays of sunshine darting in between ! In every life supreme sweet moments come. Like sunshine after rain enjoy'd the more, — A deed, a word, a look, a smile to some May echoes wake to live for evermore ! lo8 MIS CELL A NE US. X. As there are moments of supremest joy, So there are seasons of deep inward pain — Sometimes ingratitude our hearts annoy, Sometimes we lose when all our plans were gain ! Such is the sum of human smiles and tears, But we might often smile, instead of weep ; And such the record of our hopes and fears. Instead of anxious vigils — we might sleep ! XI. If that our life were hid with Christ in God, We might defy the rocks and shoals of life ! If we would walk the path that Jesus trod. We might be spared much anxious care and strife ; So, that, at last, our closing moments near, They might be those of supreme happiness, Despoil'd of every doubt, care, grief, or fear. Such is the entrance to the gates of bliss I XII. Death is a blessing when it comes with peace, And frees the soul from all its suff'rmg clay ; To die is gain when Death but brings release. And turns our darkness into endless day ! Oh ! moment most supreme when first a soul Beholds its Saviour face to face in Heaven, And finds its name inscribed upon the scroll Eeserved for those who for " the prize " have striven ! 159 IMIilE'S POEMS. NATUKE'S TEMPLE. ^j[%IS sweet to sit in pensive mooa, ?'Mid Nature's grand, stern solitude, Where warbling birds. pour forth their lays, In happy, joyous songs of praise. Or watch some noble cat'ract bound From giddy height to lowly ground, Where echoes ring from peak to peak, And God in Nature seems to speak. With praise to God the woods resound, Surrounding hills repeat the sound, And in my heart an echo rings. Which joy and consolation brings. There doth my soul find sweet relief, And gather strength for future grief; For life's stern duties now prepare, By supplicating God in prayer. Oh, God ! to be alone with Thee, In Nature's Temple — rich and free ; And for a time forget the strife Of man with man — of Death with Life. Oh, happy hour 1 oh, sweet retreat ! With Thee, my Father, thus to meet ; And learn from Nature to adore The God of Nature evermore ! 160 NATUKIC'.S TE.MrLr.. Paok Kid Or watch some i olile cataiaol b mi 1 I'l'oiii friddy lit'ij,'ht to lowly giouiKl, Where echoes riii^f frniii )ie.i to i-eak, Ami God in Nature seems t ^pcak. UIRIE'S POEMS. A CHEISTMAS CAEOL. Copyright. Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone. Toronto. 1— X- H 1 ^ 1 :::=-fzszizdi:i-=t: I. Ring out the mer ■ ry Christ - mas bell That -I — 9-f- -^—-•—•~ -I — I — p-*— ^ fg^=^z:^:=g= :P4igz::i^-zA: :|z^-^ -^_^. tells of joy and glad - ness, Our hap - py hearts with if :d=i!: ■^ _^_.^ z:^"itzj-jz:qz:j^z -•— #— ^— # H- -<$'- pleas ure swell, This is no time for sad -ness; This IeSfJ ?1=i: -^— * H:^tzE=3 :t: IS the crown - ing of the year, A :q?1: * :tz: ;i^: :it: ^dziz^niiiqflzrzq r: iti^tiit ■I — day of mer - ry - mak - ing, With feast and song our :± -9 9- :dziq=:q"^i:: •lI±-9-*IW_._^ US hearts we'll cheer, All anx-ious cares for sak - ing. 162 MISCELLANEOUS. ja.» A CHRISTMAS CAROL. ji^F^ING out the merry Christmas bell C^53 That tells of joy and gladness. Our happy hearts with pleasure swell, This is no time for sadness ; This is the crowning of the year, A day of merry-making, With feast and song our hearts we'll clieer, All anxious cares forsaking. *Twas Christmas-tide when Jesus lay All lowly in a manger, He came to take our sins away, And save our souls from danger ; The shepherds on the hills at dawn Heard angel-voices singing : ' Now peace on earth, goodwill to men. We are this morning bringing." 'Tis eighteen hundred years and more Since that glad Christmas morning, Yet once a year, on every shore, Are happy hearts adorning The Christmas tree with presents rare, Its dark-green boughs are laden. And round it dance the children fair, The lover and the maiden I 163 IMRIE'S POEMS. Oh ! merry, liappy Christmas Day, For young and old together, The very snow-flakes seem more gay, Though bitter cold the weather ; As round th^ family fireside The dear ones we are meeting, Let peace and harmony abide, With loTO each other greeting. 1G4 MISCELLANEOUS. FAITH ILLUSTEATED. ^HE night was calm and still, the moon shone bright, And lent the silver-sweetness of her light To guide the lonely patrol on his beat, As, with a measured step, from street to sti?eoA, His echoing footsteps beat a solemn tread ; And from the city towers, far over head, The midnight hour rang out with mournful chiene, Telling the wakeful of the march of time. *o But hark ! what awful sound is that I hear. Which falls liko thunder on my closing ear ? — Fire ! fire ! fire ! 'tis the patrol's warning cry That rings from house to house, from earth to sky, Bousing the wakeful, scattering the dreams Of love and joy, and for a moment gleams From face to face — from eye to eye — A terror as of death or danger nigh. Fire ! fire/ fire ! onward press the anxious crowd, With rushing, hasty steps, and noises loud, To yonder mansion, where the ruddy glare Speaks louder than the groans of dark despair ! The greedy flames surround with furious power The doomed abode ; and in that midniglit hour Strong men are weak, and none but they are brave Who look to Him whose power alone can save. 165 IMIUE'S POEMS. Thus felt a father when he saw his child, F?.v out of human reach, 'mid danger wild, On top-most storey, and in blank despair, His piteous cries resounding through the air. At last he heard his father's well-known voice. Which made his sinking heart with hope rejoice, — " Spring to my arms, my son ! do not delay, Haste I haste ! and I shall bear thee safe away ! " The brave child heard and, stepping on the sill, Prepared to execute his father's will ; He looked irom death to life with anxious eyes. And ceased his murmur and despairing cries. Then, with his tiny arms outstretched to Heaven, Heroic courage to his soul was given ; He. fearless, sprang from all the dread alarms, And fainting, dropped into his father's arms. let such FAITH be mine, — such childlike faith In Thee, God ; then neither fear nor scathe Shall hinder me from clinging to Thine arm. For Thou alone canst save from fear or harm! And when, at last, Thy call from earth I hear. No doubt shall hinder, nor despairing fear ; But, looking up to Thee with heart and eyes. Thou wilt accept and bear me to the skies I 166 MISCELLANEOUS. A BIETHDAY GKEETING. jIME is ever on the wing, Fast our moments fly away ; Let us prize them, though they bring Joy and sorrow mixed alway I Had we joy alone, my friend, We would seek no other sphere ; Did God only sorrow send, We would wish the end was near I God is wiser far than we, And He knoweth what is best ; Let us in His wisdom see That He seeks our faith to test I May we live, as though this hour Were our last on earth to spend ; And, come sunshine, shade, or show'r, God's best blessing will attend I Let the years roll on apace. Heaven is nearer than before ; Let us bravely trials face. Waves break loudest near the shore ! Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, All within one year are bound ; Let us through each season sing Songs of praise the whole year round I 16. IMRIE'S POEMS. FLOWERS ! UPLOWERS are loved by ycung and old, ^-'SAs they gracefully unfold Sweetness caught from Eden's bowers, When at first God made the flowers : Kich in every tint and hue, Smiling, through tlieir tears of dew; Beauty's glory crowns their head, As they peep from grassy bed ! Purit;/ the Lily seems, As she in the sunlight gleams ; Humility the Pansy knows, Happiness bespeaks the Rose, Love the laughing Daffodil, Pinks our eyes with Beaut]/ fill ; Every flower, a charm its own. Fills a place on Flora's throne 1 Flowers may teach the heart of man, As no ether teacher can : God's creative hand was there, When He made the flowers so fair ; iGo MISCELLANEOUS. Out of cliaos formed the earth, Spake, and planets had their birth ; To adorn the human race. Lent the beauty of His face 1 He who loves the tiny flower Something knows of Heaven's power, Which will hope and courage give, Strength and sweetness while he live ; Like the flowers we pass away, Short, yet sweet, is life's brief day — Let good deeds and thoughts sublune, Stand the touch and test of time I 169 IMRIK'S POEMS. SONG OF THE " DEUMMER.' Ml SING you the song of the " drummer " bold, 5 Who sighs for the comforts of home ; But goods must be bought, and goods must be sold, And therefore the " drummer " must roam ! CnoKus — All aboard going East ! all aboard going West ! Is the cry that I often hear ; And my hobby, I confess, is to travel by exjjre.-s, And of accidents I have no fear ! I'm happy and gay to " spot a live town," Where business is "booming," you know ! While humming a song my " samples " lay down, And manage to make " a good show ! " — Cuouus. When customers come I welcome them all To " sample rooms " in my hotel ; I'm proud to see them, and they like to call, I treat all my patrons so well ! — Chokus. I live " by the way," yet fare very well, Some flirting I do if I can ! Of these escapades I'm not going to tell, For that is not down in my plan. — Choeus. In commerce and trade it is hard to compete, Quotations are " 'way down below ;" When I " take the road," I'm not to be beat. Good orders I always can show! — Chokus. 170 MISCELLANEOUS. SONG OF THE "DKUMMER." Copyright. Music by Prof. J. F. Johnstone, Toronto. A — v-H- *- V— I Nr — V- -i^x^^-' -• — # — # 1- I. I sing you the song of the "drummer" bold, Who !— H^H V — Nh-^. ^• K Tm ■ 1 r« -^ ^^-^-l^#-^ V-it-t: sighs for the com-forts of home; But goods must be bought, and -0 0^-9 -I K— bt y— p/-tf— t- :^:-^=^~A-J-T -0—0 !±i: -i- -<^^ 1 goods must be sold, And therefore the "drummer "must roam ! CHORUS. '^-? -\ -»^-0-\ -O — 0—0—0- v-^ I :i^ifebq=:>rHVziz=:>r:ip^: "All a-board going- East! all a-board going West I" Is the N^ — nziq— N-n -A • — 0- ,#-p :^izf-f: .0—0S—0 -y,— 1 ^ -|- ^-'>— b^-b^ g— rv-b^H cry that I of - ten hear ; And my hob-by, I con-fess, is to :^d-_^ :qr:q: •-H^t-J+e. t tra-vel by express, And of ac - ci-dents I have no fear ! 171 LIFE'S PROGRESS. Rivers rolling to the sea Loose themselves in ocean, Bearing on their bosoma free Noble ships in motion. Ah ! soon we'll reach life's ocean strand, Just like the winding river, Safe in the hollow of that Hand Which holds the stas for ever. Paok 173. MISCELLANEOUS. LIFE'S PEOGEESS. ]OWN the mountains, clown the hills, Trickling on for ever; Gentle springs make little rills, Little rills the river. Eivers rolling to the sea Lose themselves in ocean, Bearing on their bosoms free Noble ships in motion. Such is life, a constant change, Still from small to greater ; Let us learn the lesson strange Taught by our Creator : Life is giv'n for noble ends, Lofty thoughts and actions, Wmning to our bosom — friends Gain'd in life's transactions. Ah! soon we'll reach life's ocean strand, Just like the mighty river, Safe in the hollow of that Hand Which holds the seas for ever. 17' IMRIE'S POEMS. TO THE PANSY. |H, Pansy I with the velvet hue, 5 And spots of gold, and pearly dew ; How gracefully you hang your head, Scarce rais'd above your humble bed. I love you for your queenly grace, Your happy smile, your winsome face ; In sweet retreats you love to dwell, And lend the vale thy beauty- spell. Sweet emblem of a "heart at ease,"* Thy form my inmost fancies please ; In quiet beauty you excel All other flowers in wood or dell. Thou mightest well be Flora's queen, If thou wouldst let thy charms be seen; And seek to vie with other flowers That deck with beauty kingly bowers. But thou art wise to grace the spot Where God has cast thy humble lot ; And there, secure from rude alarms. Display thy modest, winsome charms I When I look up from thee to God, And see His glory in the sod. My heart in sweet tranquility Would learn from thee "humility!" * This flower is sometimes called " Heart's-ease." 174 MISCELLANEOUS. A LESSON FKUM THE CLOCK. jICK, tick, tick, tick, iC^Time flies so quick, With never ceaseless motion ; Our moments pass Like sands in glass, Or wavelets of the ocean. Thus moments go, For weal or woe, And none returneth ever ; How mindful we Should ever be To spend with wise endeavour. The life of man Is but a span. Short, transient, and fleeting ; With here and there A joy or care, A parting or a meeting. Then let each hour, Like beauteous flower. Some fragrance send to Heaven To God above, In grateful love, Lot ransomed powers be given. 175 IMRIE'S POliMS. MYSTERY ! f IRTH of a soul ! what mystery Enwraps thy silent history, — In dumb amaze We stand and gaze, Own baffled with thy mystery I Oh, Love ! thou art a mystery. Yet old as earth's dim history, — From birth till death We feel thy breath. Oh, wistful, blissful mystery ! Oh, Life, thou art a mystery ! Each living soul a history Of hopes and fears. Of joys and tears, — An ever-present mystery ! Oh, heart of man ! thy history Is oft eushrin'd in mystery, — Yet God can scan The heart of man And flood with light its mystery, 176 MISCELLANEOUS. Oh, death 1 thou art a mysterj', Who knows thy after-history '? From heaven or hell None come to tell The living of thy mystery. Oh, Life beyond ! Oh, mystery ! We yet shall know thy history, — So live each day, That, come what may, Our souls shall fear no mystery. Oh, realms of bliss ! what mystery Enshrouds thy sphere and histox'y,- No finite eyes Can pierce the skies To scan thy bHssful mystery. Oh, God I Thou art a mystery, Thy love a world's history, — Most humbly we Shall worship Thee, Till Thou shalt solve all mystery ! s^ 177 I — I IMRIE'S POEMS. TWO POOR ORPHAN BOYS. (^%0D Lelp poor orphans, for they need •i^^Our Father's watchful care indeed ; Out in the cold wide world alone, Where strangers speak with freezing tone ; W^ith none to take them to their heart, Or dry the burning tears that start From sunken eyes and hollow cheek. Which want, neglect, and hunger speak. Two years ago their father died. And soon their mother, by his side In one cold grave was laid at rest, And join'd the everlasting blest ; The greatest pain she felt at death Was whisper'd with her dying breath : ♦« God keep my boys when I am gone, Poor, helpless orphans, all alone ! " Ah ! how they struggl'd for their bread, And oft went supperless to bed ; And, sometimes, neither bed nor board Their scanty pittance could afford. Oft in the storm, and snow, and sleet, They travell'd on with cold, wet feet. And sought that kindly ]^ssers-by Would pity the poor orphans' cry I 178 Sometimes a crossing neatly swept, By one at either end, was kept. Where, now and then, an honest cent Was earned by them with great content. As long as work is brisk they feel No evil tempting them to steal, Or beg, or whine, or seem dismay'd, Or of their lot feel half afraid. Dear Christian people, help such boys, Who little know of earthly joys : Do speak to them with kindly tone, And make the orphan's cause your own ; Try if your purse can spare a cent — Or e'en a dime — to God 'tis lent, And make their sad and painful lot By kindness almost half forgot I I7y IMEIE'S POEMS. LAUGHING. ^H, bow I love the hearty laugh ^ That rings with a mercy peal ! The outcome of some' witty " chaff," Which makes one cheerful feel ; A laugh which almost racks tlie jaw, A regular side-splitter ! In which all join with " loud guffaw," And nothing in't that's bitter ! I -love when children laugh outright, And shout in their playful glee, When all run out to see the sight, Or join in the sport so free ! A laugh that knows not care or ill, The frolicsome laugh of fun ! Which speaks of naught but right good-will. As they skip, and laugh, and run J I hate the haughty laugh of scorn. From the dudish fops called " 7)nm,'' Who sneer at worth if humbly born. And smile at " the upper ten f " Whose empty laugh shows lack of brain Their language devoid of wit. Their greatest fea4i to " twirl a cane," Ox display "a perfect fit!" 180 AN HONEST MAN. " An honest man "s the noblest work of God." — Burns. (^^HEW me the man of true and honest heart, —0- -9 — #- :::t=|:: -^- -&- :^^: ^q tlitz: Come, join to - geth - er heart and hand, U - ni - ted ^' -l_.. ■+- -zt .^li22:±s^: we shall ev - er stand ; En - cir ■ cle earth by itz.-tdit=z=d±±=t=d i^TL-iiig: '0- .^^gj} sea and land, With Friendship's lov - ing gold - en band. J95 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE YOUNG MUSICIAN. Copyrighted. Simply. Music by Prof J. F. Johnstone. Toronto. E H 1 h a-a-s-a wrw i&- :qi=t: ^ q==t: is: :t A, B, C D, E, F, G, That's the scale as you may see; i ^=^ ^jr -9—0- "^ On the lines and in the space; Each in or-der youmaytracel CHORUS. .)fl_^_sz:»: -(^ :]: q=4 *— tf- •^^= ± A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A mu • sic - ian 1 would be; srzff ::t^ t *+• t:j=q= Oh, it is such mer-ry fun, Up and down the scale to run 1 i .». -<9- ^ — I — I- .g}-!^-.- — jj — I ii_t_tn_i?_i_^± E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E, D, C, B, A, G, F, E, .fl_«- ±:r:J=: €—• :qzq: »~ fcllE TAYS HER DEBTS WITH KISSES. Paok 200. At niifht when I come home to tea She liribes me with her "kishes," Then plants herself upon my knee And tastes of all my dishes ! IMRIE'S POEMS. THE WOBKINGMAN'S HALF-HOLIDAY. 'OD bless the men of means wlio try ^® To sweeten Labour's cup, By list'ning to the earnest cry To lift " the masses up " Above the drudgery of life, ^ The needful hours to spare, A short respite from busy strife, Sweet Nature's joys to share ! 'Twill prove the best investment sure. These hours to toilers given, 'Twill tend to make them good and pure. And pave their way to Heaven ; Respect and honesty will spring From hearts made glad and free. To duty more attention bring, Thy grateful servants be. And, then, what pleasure to thy heart, To mark the happy faces, As pleasure parties gaily start For rural, healthy places. To breathe the sweet pure air of heaven, By mountain, lake or river, And use the means thus kindly given As best would please the giver ! ^^J■i MISCELLANEOUS. Then give without a grudge or fear The boon so much desired, The patient wife and children dear With hope shall feel inspired ; Life shall be then worth living for, Dull care shall fly away, And once a week no cloud shall mar Their glad half-holiday 1 20a IMRIE'S POEMS. -J>^ THE DYING CHILD. •^^ESIDE the death-bed of her child " A mother bent in grief, But to her pain and anguish wild There came a sweet relief. The dying child, in accents mild, And full of tender love. The silence broke while thus she spoke Of brighter scenes above : " Oh, mother dear, you need not fear Nor fret yourself for me. Dry from your cheek the falling tear, I soon shall happy be. •'I soon shall reach that 'happy land,' And join that blessed throng. Who ever stand at Grod's right hand Singing the angels' song. " I'll wait for you and father dear On that bright, happy shore. Where death nor sorrow cometh near, And friends depart no more. iiOi MISCELLANEOUS. ••Then let me go — I must not stay, I hear my Saviour's voice ; The angels beckon me away, And bid my soul rejoice." The angels fair have come and gone, They bore that child away ; Another soul is at the throne, H^re but the lifeless clay. Oh, friends bereaved, weep not for those Whom Jesus died to save ; Througli Him they conquer'd all their foes And triumphed o'er the grave I 205 IMRIE'S POEMS. ON MY FORTIETH BIRTHDAY. IRORTY years of age to-day ! i^lAh ! how time doth pass away ; Like a pleasant summer's day, Or like children's hours of play I Now I've reach'd ripe manhood's prime, Fain would bar the march of time ; Raven locks now tipp'd with grey, Show the signs of sure decay. Grateful love my heart doth fill, — Reach'd the summit of life's hill ; Safe through many an anxious care, " Thank Thee, Lord," my daily prayer. Now a-down "life's other side," Knowing not what may betide ; Trusting where I cannot trace, Till I see God face to face ! Let the years, then, come and go, Fraught with weal or mix'd with woe ; I will trust my Father's love Till I reach His home above I 206 MISCELLANEOUS, PEIDE. ^^)EIDE is Satan's favourite plant. I^r A noxious weed infernal ; A passion-flower of waste and want, To poison souls eternal ! How foolish is the pride of man, The creature of a day, Whose life is measur'd by a span, And then returns to clay I When first our eyes beheld the light No claim to pomp had we ; All men are equal in God's sight, Sustain'd, belov'd, and free ! Our Saviour died for all mankind, A full and free salvation ; Then why should we be so unkind, As sneer at dress or station ? The Son of God had humble birth, Yet now He reigns in Heaven ; Those who oppress the poor on earth Shall from His throne be driven! 2U'( IMRIE'S POEMS. LOVE AND SYMPATHY. I^HE balm of sympathy how sweet In trial's pensive hour, When wave on wave of sorrows beat, And clouds of darkness lower. 'Tis then that Friendship's gentle hand May half our burden share ; 'Tis then we fully understand The love to us they bear. Oh ! Love and Sympathy how dear To those bow'd down with care ; Thy angel-face dispels our fear, Makes hearts feel light as air. Though Ophir's wealth were wholly mine, All jewels rich and rare, For love of friends I yet would pine, And find my treasure there. Our first experience at birth Was sympathy and love, And when at last we leave this earth We'll find its Source above. 208 THE HAPPY HEAET. fjl|HE happy heart is a foimt of joy, ^^^^^^ A bubbling spring of pleasure, 'Tis a source of constant sweet employ, A never- failing treasure ! Keady to smile with the flowers of Spring, Or sing with the birds of air ; In Nature's praise aye willing to sing, Finds happiness ev'rywhere. The happy heart is so full of love That it speaks in every tone, And the eyes of love, like stars above. Hath a glory all their own ! Like a beacon-light, in Grief's dark night, We long for the happy heart. To shed o'er our pathway, calm and bright, A light that may not depart. The happy heart is a gift from Heaven Above all treasure or gold. Alike to the rich or poor 'tis given. It cannot be bought or sold ! The happy heart is the home of love, A solace for every woe ; Let us cherish this gift from above. As we seek our peace below. 209 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE OLD YEAE AND THE NEW. IPISTEN to the midnight bell, ^^^ Tolling out the old year's knell, O'er our hearts there comes a spell Such as when we say — '' FareivelU" As we ponder o'er the past. Eyes are dim and overcast, Silent falls full many a tear As we part with thee — Old Year ! Seasons come and seasons go, Summer's flowers and Winter's snow, Like the ocean's ebb and flow, — Joy and pain, and weal and woe ! Birthday greetings — glad and gay- Wedded hearts were linked for aye, Not a churchyard but a mound Tells what reaper Death has found. 210 MISCELLANEOUS. Yet we welcome thee, New Year, And approach thee without fear, Though we know not what may ba Portion 'd out for us in thee ; Let us hope, and watch, and pray, Growing wiser day by day ; Learning lessons from the past, As this year may be our last ! Though the Old Year now must go, Shrouded in a sheet of snow ! May the snow an emblem be Of the New Year's purity ! As our footsteps in the snow Show the path we wish to go, May each day our record be — Coming nearer, God, to Thee ! 211 IMIilK'S POEMS. THE VOYAGE OF LIFE. )H, life is like the ocean wide, 3 With constant ebb and flow ; And we the ships upon its tide, A-sailing to and fro ; Each steering for some lovely isle Beyond the setting sun, Hope on our pathway seems to smile. As on life's course we run. Some ships sail well from first to last, With fair winds all the way, At last their anchorage is cast Within some tranquil bay ; While other scarcely leave the shore Ere dark clouds hover nigh. And loud the angry tempests roar, Kude lightnings rend the sky. But let us trim our sails aright, No storms shall overwhelm. If we are brave and do the right, Let Faith direct our helm ; We'll ride the waves, though mountains high, And sing our triumph-song. Until we see the haven nigh To which our ships belong ! 212 MISCELLANEOUS. THE BITTEK OR THE SWEET. J HE bitter or the sweet of life Is often ours to choose, Sweet love is antidote to strife — The bitter, then, refuse. Let not the angry word be said, At home, at work, or play ; Like waters pure from fountain-head Let smiles cheer up thy way. Let Mara's bitter waters flow Alone on deserts wild ; On life's highway, whereon we go, Let looks and words be mild. Let wreaths of smiles chase every frown From God's own image fair ; Then friendship's loving hands shall crown Thy head with blessings rare. Now, all along life's rugged way Let flowers displace the thorn, And grief and care shall flee away From hearts that erst were torn ! 2i:i IMRIE'S POEMS. THE " DEAD-BEAT." * Jfl^ET'S beware of " the man (?)" who scorns ^^ to work, Yet dare not refrain from eating t In the core of his heart doth meanness lurk, In spite of his bland, fair greeting ! He may talk and look like " a gentleman," And dress in the height of fashion ; He'll " run on credit " wherever he can, If " dunn'd " — gets into a passion ! He will oft-times talk of rehgion, too. And pray with seeming devotion ; He may go to church, yet pay for a pew — Of that he ne'er had a notion ! He carries his head like an English lord. Though he sometimes tastes of hunger t He will eat at the widow's frugal board. And " skip " when she " trusts " no longer I * "Dead-beat." — A well-known American phrase to denote one who is too lazy to work — a loafer ! 814 MISCELLANEOUS. His heart is devoid of affection dear, — He'd live off his poor old mother ! And will "sponge" on his friends both far and near, Claiming each one for a brother ! Oh ! out on the man with a heart of stone. Who knows not the pleasure of giving ; Who will whimper, and whine, and beg, and groan — " That the world owes him a living !" He who " will not work " should not dare to eat The bread of another's earning ; For rather a thousand times sweep the street, Thereby independence learning 1 215 IMRIE'S POEkS. THE "EIGHT-HOUE" MOVEMENT. d^ET the toilers have more leisure, ^^ Listen to their urgent call, Gain is not the only treasure, Liberty is sweet to all ; Why should lives be spent in labour, Early morn till darkness fall ? When, alas! a needy neighbour Hath no work to do at all ! Why this labour agitation All along the busy line ? 'Tis the groaning of the nation — Toilers feel they must combine ; Ere their rights have legislation, Ere their wants shall have redress. They must band in combination — Ask their rights — and take no less ! Shorten, then, the hours of toiling, Thus make work for idle men ; Cease this constant, weary moiling : Eight hours work instead of ten ! Justice doth exalt a nation. Right is might, and truth shall stand, Health is wealth in every station, God shall prosper such a land ! 216 MISCELLANEOUS. THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. j\UR Father — God, His children — we, 5 No matter where our birthplace be — 'Mid Arctic snows, or torrid clime, One family since the first of time I We should not bind our fellow-man, Though he be yellow, black, or tan j Or seek to keep him trodden down By haughty sneer, or cruel frown. A mother's love, like that of Heav'n, Alike to all her sons is giv'n, — All men are free as God's pure air. And all alike His image bear. "o"- Far better we should ever try To ease the load, or soothe the sigh ; Each other's burdens kindly bear, Each other's joys or sorrows share ! How can we pray to God abore. And daily seek His care and love. Unless our hearts for others' woe With sympathetic love o'erflow ? -U IMRIE'S POEMS. YACHTING SONG. Copyrighted. Music by Herbert L. Clarke, Toronto. ;§-:» ^—0 — ^- — \ ±it=5z=t=: TS^ i 1 1. See! the "white caps "dance o'er the spark-ling bay, With a A— ^— v~\ 3=^=^^ -^^--A -N-^-^- h-^-- fresh, strong breeze from the West;... Let ua weigh the an - chor and i /r\ H^- ^^'- — ^— N N— >sr -^\ n m —I— I — I- -*— » 1— tv- -\- -df- :i;=^ sail a - way, For our joy is the wave's white crest.. CHORUS. — I — p 1 -4- ^?: :^=^- Oh, ho ! yah, ho ! way we go, Like H '- A=|!!=i: a^-0-^0-^- gull o'er the bound-ing wave With sails trim set from rr\ A_q_i__^ -^-^: ~K- i stern to bow — Tacht-ing is the sport of the brave.. 218 MISCELLANEOUS. YACHTING SONG. jjEE the " white caps" dance o'er the sparkling bay, With a fresh strong breeze from the West ; Let us weigh the anchor and sail away, For our joy is the wave's white crest ! Chorus — Oh, ho ! yah, ho ! away we go, Like a gull o'er the bounding wave ! With sails trim set from stern to bow — Yachting is the sport of the brave ! Let us sing the songs of the brave and fres As we merrily glide along, And waken the echoes along our lee While we carol our yachting song ! Choeus — " Oh, ho ! yah, ho ! away we go," &c. As we leave the bay for the open lake Our hearts seem to swell with the tide. Yet no fear have we though the billows break O'er our craft on the windward side ! Chokus — " Oh, ho ! yah, ho ! away we go," &c. We seek no danger, yet we fear no fate. As we bend to the squall or gale ; And are happy as kings who ride in state, While we spread every inch of sail ! Chorus — " Oh, ho ! yah, ho ! away we go," &c. 21ii IMRIE'S POEMS. THE BATTLE OF LIFE. OT where deadly bullets rattle ^*^^ Is the only hero -ground, Nor upon the field of battle Are the most of heroes found ; There are lives pure, noble and great, Yet we never hear their name, Martyrs to duty — yet their fate Illumes not the page of fame ! In the daily struggle for bread There are scenes of direst woe. The aching heart and throbbing head Doth company keep, we know ; Life's great battle goes bravely on,— We hear but a smothered sigh, The cross is kiss'd — the crown is won — ■ As the vanquish'd heroes die ! Labor's pay is meagre and scant, The poor are but slaves to wealth ; The hardest wrought know most of want,- May starve when broken in health ; Dives still looks at the palace gate Where Lazarus moaning lies, Nor seeks to ease his brother's fate — Through neglect and want he dies ! ?2Q MISCELLANEOUS. Oh ! there are lives so fraught with grief And the sum of human woe, In sleep alone is found relief From the cares that overflow ; Yet on they plod from day to day, Treading the Slough of Despond, Hoping 'gainst hope — but to give way To the aching void beyond ! Oh ! for the heaven beyond earth's cares, The love that dispels our fears, God's answer to our fervent prayers And the Hand that wipes all tears ; The more of trial on earth we know The greater our joy iq heaven. Our empty hearts shall then o'erflow — The crown for the cross be given ! 221 HIS ONLY PAIR OF PANTS. Come, shed your pants this very mitinit, Until I put some stitches in it ! Boys will be boys, No matter how ; An' as for noise, Losh I what a row Thej' do kigk up from morn' till night, An' tease, an' squeeze, an' quarr'l, an' fight An' that's the way, 'Most every day. Your pants at knees and seat are bursted, Tho' made o' strongest kind o' worsted ! If they were made, As oft I've said, Of half-inch, solid, vvell-tann'd leather, I'm sure I don't know if they'd weather Such sad abuse. An' constant use, An' hold your restless limbs together Without the 'tention o' your mither ! Paqr 223. MISCELLANEOUS. HIS ONLY PAIR OF PANTS. ^f^OME here, you little rag-a-niuffin ! s^ I'll give your ears a right good cuffin' ! I do declare, Your only pair Are torn again, an' fit for nuffin' But nails, an' twine, an' marbles' stufiin'l Your nut-brown knees, By climbin' trees, Have made some rents as big's a muffin, An' yet you say, " It's done by mithin /" Come, shed your pants this very minnit, Until I put some stitches in it ! Boys will be boys, No matter how ; An' as for noise, . Losh ! what a row They do lack up from morn' till night, An' tease, an' squeeze, an' quarr'l an' fight An' that's the way, 'Most every day, Your pants at knees and seat are bursted, Tho' made o' strongest kind o' worsted I If they were made, As oft I've said. Of half-inch, solid, well-tann'd leather, I'm sure I don't know if they'd weather Such sad abuse. An' constant use, An' hold your restless limbs together Without the 'tention o' your mither ! 223 IMRIE'S POEMS. See, there, my stars! your pants are patch'd, With scarce an inch o' cloth that's match'd ! Now, put them on, An' get to school, But, mind you, John, I've made a rule : — If you come back like that again. An' from your climbin' don't refrain, I'll turn you oot, Without a suit. To wander in the wind and rain, An' dare you to come back again. An' then, my lad, You will be glad To take more pains to save your knees. When climbin' fences, posts, and trees, An' me the 'tendin' o' your wants, To patch your " only pair o' pants I" 224 WHAT SHALL I SING ? JNG a merry, happy lay, y2£S Bj-igiit as Summer's golden day, When the hours fly swift away, Oh ! sing of these to me ! Sing of birds, and bees, and flowers. Sing of Flora's lovely bowers, Sing of early childhood's hours. Oh ! sing of these to me ! Sing the songs that touch the heart, Causing tears of joy to start, — Sing of friends that never part. Oh ! sing of these to me ! Wooing like the gentle dove. Sing of happiness and love, Sing of brighter joys above Oh ! sing of these to me ! Sing of these, and I shall sing, As if borne on angel's wing To the presence of the King, There evermore to be ! 225 IMRIE'S POEMS. TODDLIN' HAME! BONNIE sicht it is to see A bairnie " toddlin hame, " Wi' ootstretched airms an' muckle glee, It lisps its faitber's name ! In a guid sense we're a' like weans, Toddlin' beavenward bame ! Stap clear o' a' life's stum'lin stanes As ye gang " toddlin' bame ! " Wale oot tbe flowers alang life's way — Dae riclit, an' daur tbe blame, Mak' life be as a simmer's day — Year in, year oot, tbe same ! Some folks bae joy frae morn' to nicht, Cbeerily " toddlin' bame ; " 'Mang bope, an' bappiness, an' licbt, Tbey wale tbeir fitstaps bame I 22fi .Jlj MISCELLANEOUS. Ithers seem fash'd wi' doots an' pain, As they gang hirplin' hame ! Like some wee, puir, forsaken wean, That's tint its faither's name ! Some reach their hame afore midday. Whan' mornin' glories bloom ; Some tread a lang and thorny way Afore they reach the tomb ! Oor Faither waits ayont life's stream. An' welcomes a' the same ; The love-licht in His e'e doth gleam To see us " toddlin' hame I " 227 IMRIE'S POEMS. MY MITHEK'S GRAVE. STAN' beside the cauld head-stane, An' wat it wi' my tears ; An' whisper, " Mither, here's your ivean You hav'na seen for years ! " Whan last I saw your dear, sweet face, An' heard your kindly tone, I little thought that this dread place So soon would olaim its own. I plann'd to tak' you ower the sea To comfort an' to ease, Whaur you could end your days wi' me, An' dae maist as you please ; But, ah ! the Lord had ither plans, An' sent for you Himsel' ; His ways are no' aye like to man's. Yet does He a' things well ! 228 But, though you cannot come to me, I yet shall gang to you. When death shall set my spirit free I'll mount the starry blue, Where grief an' partings are no more Nor Death, nor any pain, You'll welcome me on Canaan's shore, We'll never pairt again ! Farewell ! most sacred spot to me. My dear auld mither's grave, I'll think o' thee when ower the sea, Ayont Atlantic's wave ; Our graves may yet be far apart. Our spirits joined shall be. There's aye a green spot in my heart. My mither dear, for thee ! 229 JMRIE'S POEMS. OUE FAITHER ABUNE. ^I^HE liclit o' the mornin' should see us a-steer ^^^^ The wark o' the day to begin, Bit afore we commence our hearts it wad cheer To speak to our Faither abune ; Each day has its cares, an' its trials, an' toil, Its pleasures, its praise, an' its blame ; As dew to the grass, or as rain to the soil — God's bleesin' afore we lea' hame ! Devotion uplifts us on wings o' the dove, An' sets a' our heart in a flame, To feel that our Faither is watchin' above An' kens us each ane by our name 1 It maks us feel strong for the battle o' life, An' gies us baith courage an' vim. To fight wi' temptation, an' win in the strife, Prayer brings us aye nearer to Him ! An' when we come hame, ere we gang to oor bed, Oor prayers to forget is a shame. For in His Guid Book how aften 'tis said : " I loe them that ca' on My name ! " " The secret o' God is wi' them that Him fear," He'll shield them frae a' Satan's blame ; An' whan we lie doon for to dee He'll be near To bring His ain bairnies a' hame ! 260 MISCELLANEOUS. ««IS THIS LIFE WORTH LIVING?" '"^S this life worth living ?" you ask ; "^^ Perhaps not — to those who repiue, And murmur at life's daily task, Commencing each day with a whine ! The cowards who fret at their lot, And listlessly pass time away, Are not worth the " six-by- three plot," Or the shroud that'll wrap their dead clay ! Yes, life is worth living ! thank God ! To those who are honest and true ; Who smile at misfortune, and plod Till success doth crown them anew ! Oh ! life is God's blessing to man. Though ever so humble our lot ; Let each do the good that he can, — 'Tis better to " wear out " than rot ! Then, let not a murmur be heard. Let duty encompass each hour ; Thank God for the life that is spar'd, — In labor is honor and power ! '^■6i IMRIE'S POEMS. WHEN LOVE IS KING I Q^OVE'S youthfu' years are swift an' sweet, An' fu' o' hope sae clieerie, ! Whan heart wi' heart in union meet 0' love they never wearie, ! This life to them is naught but bliss, To each they're a' that's dearie, 1 Whan vows are answer'd wi' a kiss How can this life be drearie, ? Chorus, — Noo, dinna fash yer head ava', Wi' cares an' worries drearie, ! Whan Love is king just mind his law, 0' that you'll never wearie, ! Bind hearts wi' Love sae firm an' fast, Nae bands like His can tether, ! Love's sunnie smiles through life should last, And brave life's wintry weather, ! Our riper years shall fruitful be, An' happy a'thegither, ! It's time enough to wish to dee When ower us grows the heather, I Chorus, — Noo, dinna fash yer head ava'! Wi' cares an' worries drearie, ! Whan Love is king just mind his law, 0' that you'll never wearie, ! 232 TOBOGGANING SONG. ^IS " Hurrah ! hurrah !" and away they go, Like an avalanche o'er the crispy snow ! With a rush and a bound they clear the ground, While the snow, like spray, dashes all around 1 They think not of death. Yet they hold their breath, — Now in a hollow ! — now cresting a hill ! — There, guiding the craft to prevent " a spill ! " See 1 the fresh warm blood to their faces rush. As they peep from their robes with roses' blush I In the clear moonlight, What a happy sight, — As the maiden clings with a tender fear To the kind loving arm that holds her near ! Through the clear cold air of the frosty night The twinkling stars seem to dance with delight ! With speed of the wind — Leaving all behind — They rush to the plain with a shout of glee. As merry and happy as hearts could be ! 233 UIRIE'S POEMS. THE GOLDEN KULE. tPEAK a kind word when you can, Kind words cost but little, ' This is far the better plan, Human hearts are brittle. Life is all too short for strife, Peace and love are golden ; For they serve to lengthen life, So say sages olden ! Let us lend a helping hand To each weary brother. Are we not a pilgrim band Bound to one another ? Our reward shall greater bo When we get to heaven, If to duty faithfully We have daily striven ! Life to us is like a school Where our good behaviour Should be as " the Golden Eule " Taught us by our Saviour : — "Do to others as you would That they should do to you ;" Then shall we be truly good. And life's regrets be few ! 234 MISGELLANliOUS. jt^ TO-MOREOW! irs^xi'xJ'S lessous from the past we borrow,- m To-day is ours, but not to-morrow ; Then, smile to-day, leave care and sorrow One day a-head, say — " Yes, to-morroiv /" Make friends to-day for use to-morrow, They'll help to drive away dull sorrow ; And from their friendship sweetness borrow To bless each day and crown each morrow. Make love to-day ! — make more to-morrow ! You'll have to spare when others borrow ! 'Twill be an antidote to sorrow Should it perchance arise — to-morrow ! " To-morrow never comes," but each "to-day," Links out life's chain from cradle to decay ! •^{i^^-' "''* 235 IMRIE'S POEMS. SABBATH CHIMES. Moderato. Music by Geo- W. Strathy, Mus. Doc. ."^^^ a=q: -&- zz\: — !- I. Ding-le, ding-le, dong, Hear ihe hap - py \—(^ ^=t- song, Come a - way, -9 t-,^=lzr.i:z Sab - bath day, I tzlit -(S*- :t; Join the ho - ly throng. Come both old and ^=.:tT Iztzitz^ =^=^: :q: 12^ :f —n^ x._, — I ^z^j.^c^ — ^ — ^. young, Come the weak or strong, Ding - le -^- S (^ • :ti: :qzT .__^___^__ a dong ! Happy song, Cheer-ing us a - long. 23 S MISCELLANEOUS. SABBATH CHIMES. IINGLE, dingle, dong! Hear the happy song : Come away, Sabbath day, Join the holy throng. Come, both old and young. Come, the weak or strong, Dingle dong ! Happy song. Cheering us along. Children, young and fair, Seeking God in prayer. Voices raise, In His praise. Feeling God is there. Plainly all may see, Happy hearts have we, God above. Full of love. Keep us near to Thee I 237 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE BONNIE AEEAN HILLS! As seen on board of an ocean steamer by the writer, a native of Scotland, when returning from a prolonged absence in America. QJL^S I approach thee, lovely Clyde, '^^ My heart wi! rapture thrills, My longing eyes behold wi' pride The bonnie Arran hills ; The graceful bend o' Brodick Bay Calls back the scenes o' yore, When many a happy summer's day Was spent upon thy shore ? Chorus — Oh, Arran hills ! dear Arran hills ! I've long'd sae aft to see ; Wi' native pride, my bosom thrills, Weel may I sing o' thee ! And there, defying change o' Time, Stan's clear against the sky, The mountain-tap I used to climb, Dear auld Goat Fell sae high ; Glen Sannox nestles at thy fit — The sight my rapture wins — An' roon thy sides the swallows flit, 'Mang heather, flowers, and whins ! Chorus — Oh, Arran hills ! dear Arran hills ! I've lang'd sae aft to see ; Wi' native pride, my bosom thrills, Weel may I sing o' thee ! 238 MISCELLANEOUS. The bonnie Arran hills for me Wi' sunlit taps o' glory, Fit emblem o' the brave an' free 0' ancient Scottish story ! When far frae thee o'er ocean wide, Fond memories come to cheer me, I'll sing o' thee wi' loyal pride, An' wish I was but near thee ! Chorus — Oh, Arran hills ! dear Arran hills ! I've long'd sae aft to see ; Wi' native pride my bosom thrills, Weel may I sing o' thee ! 239 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL INFANT CLASS. I JXTY little smiling faces, KAll in their accustom'd places ; Each a happy household's treasure, Teaching them a perfect pleasure. Sixty pair of eyes, whose gladness Shews no trace of care or sadness, Are fix'd on me with glances bright, Like twinkling orbs of purest light. Sixty voices in a chorus : '^Childhood's years are passing o'er us;" May those years to God be given, Walking in the way to Heaven. Hopeful hearts are rais'd in pray'r, Craving God's peculiar care ; Waiting for the children's blessing, Faith and love their hearts possessing. Childish words, brimful of trust : •♦ Jesus, Thou canst make us just," May we now and ever share In our Father's watchful care,'* How they listen to the story Of redeeming love and glory : That Jesus took the sinner's place, In boundless love and matchless grace. 2i0 MISCELLANEOUS. Simple words and illustration, Suited to tlieir humble station ; *' Line upon line " they learn to know The Word of God, and wiser grow. Their minds, thus stor'd with heavenly truth, Will fence them from the snares of youth, And thus a safe foundation lay To lead them through life's rugged way. Oh, blessed are the children dear Who love the Lord, and in His fear Do walk in His most holy way That leads to everlasting day t And blessed is the teacher's part, To educate the infant heart ; A Saviour's love to them unfold, Truths ever new and never old t 241 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE ABSENT SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHEE. ^H ! children dear, SSbe is not here, Your teacher loving and true ; But gone above, Where all is love, Waiting and watching for you. For you her tears, And pray'rs, and fears, Will not have been spent in vain ; If lessons taught Are not forgot. You shall meet with her again I In that bright land. At God's right hand, Where Jesus shall claim His own, — With smiling face. Appoint a place Around His glorious throne. Oh ! happy land, Thrice happy band. Beside the shining river ; In Jesus' praise Your voices raise In songs that last for ever I 2 [-2 MISCELLANEOUS. t '« FABEWELL 1 " ^I^HE saddest word we ever hear, ?:^)?Full-fraught with sorrow, hope, and fear, The fount of many a bitter tear: Farewell ! Farewell ! Eefrain : Farewell ! Farewell ! Ah ! who can tell What bitter tears, What hopes and fears. Surround thy spell ? Sad word: "Farewell!" As, branch by branch, the family tree Is snapp'd and floated o'er life's sea, How sad a parent's heart must be, To say : " Farewell ! " Eefrain : " Farewell ! Farewell ! " etc. How sad for loving friends to part For distant scenes — so wide apart — That mem'ries must suffice the heart That says : " Farewell ! " Eefrain : " Farewell ! Farewell ! " etc. 264 MISCELLANEOUS. How sad to hear the deep-toned bell Eing out a dear friend's funeral knell. And feel your very heart-strings swell To say : " Farewell ! " liEFRAIN : " Farewell ! Farewell ! " etc When we have said our last " Farewell," And gone the ranks of heaven to swell, Rejoice to know — Death breaks the spell — All 's well! all's well! Refrain : With God to dwell, No more, "Farewell!" No more sad tears I No doubts ! no fears 1 Each tongue shall tell : ' ii 'Tis well! 'Tis well!" '^^^^^ 1 1 2G5 FEAGMENTS FOE AUTOGEAPH ALBUMS. FEW short years i Of hopes and fears, j And then -we pass for ever, i Where answer'd prayers Shall banish cares, Beyond the shining river 1 Blest land above. Sweet home of love, With joy we'll reach thy portals ; 'Mid angel throngs, Eecite the songs Sung by redeem'd immortals ! FEIENDSHIP. ^HE friendship of the good and true ^ Is more to me than gold, And, while I welcome one that's new, I'll treasure well the old ; Old friends are like the goodly tree Whose leafy branches throw A grateful shelter over me When adverse winds may blow I A BIETHDAY WISH. lETHDAY greetings now I send, ^^' Full of gladness, love, and joy, May this year, my loving friend, Bring thee peace without alloy ; Keep this token as a charm. Proof of Friendship ever dear, Fain would I shield thee from harm All this happy golden year 266 I ^ Sagred Gompositions. l^^s^*^^ A PRAYEE, Jfj^OWLY and prostrate, ^^ Kneeling before Thee, Craving the spirit of prayer ; Wretched and lonely, Seeking Thee only, Leave me not now in despair. I'ather of mercies, And God of all might, Hear Thou the sigh of my heart; Groping through darkness, Yet seeking the light, Pardon and peace now impart. Oh ! to be nothing, And Christ to be all, Oh I to be ransomed by Thee ; Saved from destruction And pow'r of the fall, Tlirough Jesus, who died for me. Humbly I ask Thee, Jesus, my Saviour, Bend Thou Thine ear to my cry ; For strength and for grace While running life's race — Lead Thou me on till I die i 269 IMRIE'S POEMS. AN ANXIOUS SOUL COMFOETED. (jjJ.OOE erring soul ! thou art not yet forsaken, fc^ A Father's loving heart still beats for thee ; Eenounce the steps in sin which thou hast taken, And thou shalt have a pardon full and free. Let not the sins of former days deter Thy heart from seeking after truth and God ; Thou shalt not seek in vain, do not defer, Fly to the Cross, and Christ shall ease thy load. A Father's arms are opened to receive, A Saviour's blood was freely shed for thee ; Trust not thy erring self, in Him believe, Who bore thy sins upon the cursed tree. No more in darkness shalt thou doubting tread, A brighter Light shall guide thee on thy way ; No more in sin shalt thou be blindly led, Nor in the paths of vice be found to stray. Thy soul shall then in glorious measure feel The Spirit's power, which changes mind and will ; And thou shalt not be able to conceal The love which thy enraptur'd soul shall fill. Then shalt thou grow in grace from day to day. And thus be fitted for the home above ; Till God shall call thy ransom'd soul away To swell the praises of His m-atchless love. :70 SACRED. "COME UNTO ME!" " Him that cometh unto Me, I irill in no wise cast out,'' i0|LOME ! weary, fainting, contrite heart, ^^ And bid thy doubts and fears depart, Though tears of penitence may start From downcast eyes, — Come ! though your sins are crimson red, For you a Saviour's blood was shed, For you He bow'd His thorn-crown'd head, 'Mid groans and sighs : Oh ! Come ! Come ! Come ! Come ! wliile God's Spirit pleads with power, Come ! linger not another hour, Come ! ere the clouds of doubt shall lower And mar thy sight ; Come ! now, while yet 'tis call'd " To-day ! " Come ! from the snares of sin away. Come ! ere thy feet have learn'd to stray From God and right : Oh ! Come ! Come ! Come ! Come ! in the attitude of prayer, Come ! cast on God your every care, Come ! all your wants and sins declare, God's mercy seek ; To thee the Comforter shall bring " Peace ! " that shall cause thy heart to sing ; Then to The Rock for ever cling. His praises speak : Oh ! Come ! Come ! Come ! 271 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE PRE ACHE E'S WARNING., Remember, O youth! in thy early prime, ^Ss^ The God of thy fathers in olden time : The Creator of heaven, and earth, and spheres, With whom one day is as a thousand years ; While the years of man are as early grass, To-day in health, but to-morrow doth pass In natural course of decay away. To mingle again with its mother — Clay ! Ere the evil days come and years draw nigh, When pleasure and hope give way to a sigh ; And the eye whose lustre was clear and bright, Gives forth but a dim and uncertain light ; And the step, once firm and lithe in the dance. Be crippled, and weak, and slow to advance ; Oh ! young man, beware, and remember now Thy Creator — God, and thy father's vow ! Let faith and prayer like daily incense rise To God above, beyond the starry skies ; Seek wisdom from on high as daily food, Let not thy left hand mar thy right hand's good; But grow in grace, and in the knowledge rare Which maketh rich, and Christ's atonement share; Then shall thy path be as the rising sun, And God at last shall say — Well done, well done! m JESUS' LOVE. ^H, wondrous love ! oh, matchless grace I v^5That Jesus took the sinner's place ; And left His heavenly home on high, On earth to live, to iveep, to die. To live on earth that we might rise To brighter scenes beyond the skies ; And dwell in mansions fair and bright, 'Mid endless glory, love, and light. To weep, that we might sing for joy, And all our ransom'd powers employ ; Our hearts and voices gladly raise In happy songs of love and praise. To die, that we might never die, But live with Him in bliss on high ; And meet around that glorious throne, Where Jesus gathers in His own. The love of Jesus, like the sea, Is rich and boundless, full and free ; No seeking soul need e'er despair. Or fail to find a portion there. I 273 UmiE'S POEMS. THE BELIEVEK'S EEFUGE. I^T|]^IS sweet to feel that God is near ^C^ In times of trouble or distress, — To quell the doubt, or calm the fear, To pardon, comfort, heal and bless. When all around is dark and drear, And sorrow shades the brow with care, How sweet to know that God will hear The anxious soul's imploring prayer. How sweet to lean upon that arm, And in its strength a refuge find ; Secure from every fear or harm. Which would disturb our peace of mmd. Jesus, thou Eefuge ever sure, Where all is peace, and joy, and rest ; Safe as the rock that doth endure, Oh ! let me lean upon Thy breast. Then let the world its warfare wage, And Satan tempt my heart with pride ; Let friends disown, and scoilers rage. To turn my heart from Thee aside — They all shall fail ! but Thou alone Shalt be my portion evermore ; I'll cling to Thee — the world disown — Thy love confess — and Thee adore! 274 SACRED. THE MISSIONAEY'S PEAYER. with thine arm support our cause, a^ While, in obedience to thy laws, We raise Thy banner, plead Thy pow'r, To save when in the trying hour. Lord, send Thy soldiers to the field. And make the pow'rs of Satan yield To thy strong arm, that arm of might, Which shieldeth those who do the right. Lord, put Thy Word into our heart, That we to others may impart The knowledge of Thy saving grace, To every tribe of every race ! Then shall we praise Thy mighty name, And in all lands Thy right proclaim ; Where prayers of gratitude will rise. Like grateful incense to the skies. 275 THE CHEISTIAN'S HOPE. H^E cannot meet with undimm'd eye The sun's efflulgent, piercing rays ; No more can we, while 'neath the sky, Fathom our great Creator's ways. Still let us search, with humble awe, And scan His wondrous works with care ; And round His glorious footstool draw In humble, pleading, fervent prayer : That He who rules celestial spheres, And holds the oceans in His hand, Would free our hearts from doubts and fears, And lead us to that glorious land, Where doubts no more disturb the mind. And fears no more distress the heart ; Where we shall full fruition find, And kindred meet no more to part. Oh ! may we stand on heavenly ground, Where sweetest music charms the ear; Where peace, and joy, and love abound — For God Himself is ever near. Oh ! glorious land of endless day. Oh 1 happy home so bright and fair ; Where saints unceasing homage pay To Him whose blood has brought them there. 1 . . — _ . — . .J 27P THY CHOICE — WHICH ? ilH ! which shall I choose, Accept, or refuse, — The pleasures of sin for a season? Or cling to the Cross, Through profit or loss. Oh ! tell me, and give me a reason ? The reasons I give All others outlive, — The pleasures of sin are deceiving ; And aocn pass away. Like winter's short day. And leave the soul dark with its grieving: Then cling to the Cross, And count it not loss To sacrifice earth's empty pleasure ; Think nothing of pain, If Heaven thou gain, And there have thy storehouse of treasui-e ! 277 UIRIE'S FOEMS. MY POETION. ^M zrtzffzzl: =«=«z'asi2^=*E*E^= 1. The Lord is my Portion,Then what need I fear? Though foes gather .--Z3qzzd=ni: round me, my Help - er is near ; Let troubles as ■ sail me, or i^t=*3E^-R==^ diaziiz?*; :=]— q- dark storms a - rise, I'm safe on the ' ' Strong Tower " that points to the skies. I^HE Lord is my Portion, then what need I fear ? ^'^^ Though foes gather round me, my Helper is near ; Let troubles assail me or dark storms arise, I'm safe on the " Strong Tower" that points to the skies. The Lord is my Portion, the Lord is my Friend, My hope from beginning, my joy to the end ; No other His place in my heart can supply, Which wells with its fulness when Jesus is nigh. The Lord is my Portion in life and in death, In lisping His name I shall spend my last breath, I'll praise Him for ever for thinking of me. And dying to save me on Calvary's tree. The Lord is my Portion, — earth's portion is vain, 'Tis burdened with sorrow, and sickness, and pain ; Oh ! gladly I'll leave it on hearing His call. Then prostrate before Him in gratitude fall ! 278 SACUEB. THE TOUCH OF THE DIVINE. (j^'ACH grain of sand by sounding sea, "^^ Each trembling leaf on quivering tree, Each blade of grass on dewy lea, Speaks volumes of God's love to me ! The pearls that deep in ocean lie, The twinkling stars that gem the sky. The sunbeam, caught from noontide's eye, Direct my thoughts, oh God, to Thee I The flowers that deck the fragrant dell, And o'er me cast their beauty-spell, I love them — for they seem to tell The story of God's love to me 1 No matter where I wander free, By river, lake, or boundless sea. The touch of God's dear hand I see. And know by these He loveth me ! Oh, God ! Thou doest all things well, Earth, sea, and sky Thy wisdom tell. In heaven what must it be to dwell For ever, my God, with Thee ! 279 niEIE'S POEMS. CONSECEATION. Jot my will, but Thine, Lord 1 ) Trusting to Thy promis'd Word ; Keep me ever near to Thee, All through life my guardian be. Teach me all I ought to know, Guide me where I ought to go, Be my Comforter and Friend, Till I reach my journey's end I Let my heart its fulness tell, Gratitude mv bosom swell ; Patient, humble, mild, and meek, Let my lips Thy praises speak. Darkness Thou hast turn'd to day, Swept my guilty fears away ; Thou art all in all to me, — I am naught compar'd to Thee ! When at last life's battle o'er, — Landed safe on Canaan's shore, I shall see Thy blessed face Lighten up that glorious place ; Prostrate at Thy feet I'll fall, There Thy wondrous love recall, — Love so boundless, deep, and free. That it compass'd — "even me I " 280 SACRED. HYMN OF PRAISE. ^JI^HOU God that rulest earth and Heaveu, ^^^^ To Thee be praise «ijid glory given ; Let all on earth behold Thy power And goodness in each passing hour. How shall we praise Thy matchless love In Thy Son's mission from above ? Who came to raise a fallen race, And fit them for a nobler place. Oh, touch us all with holy fire, Our breasts with gratitude inspire ; That we may teach all those who stray. The narrow, sure, and only way. Oh, keep us in the narrow road, Until in Heaven we meet our God ; Then shall we endless praises sing, And Heaven with " hallelujahs " ring ! 281 IMniE'S POEMS. THE HOUSE OF GOD. ^HiENCE ! every thought of worldly care, ^^ This is the House of God ; My soul, as for a feast prepare, Thy burdens here unload. The pealing organ sweetly rings Its cadence everywhere ; From pew to pew brignt angel-wings Seem floating through the air ! Ah ! God is here — how very near — We speak to Him in prayer ; His voice so dear dispels our fear, And soothes our every care. From out His Holy Word we read His promises secure ; " Yea and Amen " they are indeed, And ever shall endure. The man of God, with solemn voice. Expounds " the message " given ; And as he speaks our hearts rejoice As if approaching Heaven. Ho dwells upon the love of God, So boundless, pure, and free ; And of His Son, who bore the rod. And died upon the tree. z,oJ The rich and poor, the young and old, Here like one family meet, — One heavenly shepherd and one fold, And one communion sweet. Dear day ! the best of all the seven, My heart with rapture swells ; 'Tis as the melody of Heaven, The sound of Sabbath bells I Like doves unto their downy nest, Our souls fly out to thee : Sweet foretaste of that heavenly rest For souls from sin set free. 283 IMRIE'S POEMS. THE CHEISTIAN'S AEMOUE. Ephesians vi., 10 — 18. i|H ! Christian brother ! would'st thou know •^ From whence thy strength should be, When wrestling with thy bitter foe, Who seeks to conquer thee ? With might from God, the Lord, be strong. And in His strength prevail ; With heavenly armour battle wrong, And thou shalt never fail. Thy loins be girt about with truth, The truth of God is sure ; 'Twill compass all the snares of youth, And keep thee ever pure. Let righteousness thy breastplate be, To ward thee in the fight ; Love God and man — deep, strong, aiid free. By morning, noon, and night. Shod with the preparation Of holy Gospel peace. The footsteps of the godly man From strength to strength increase. The shield of faith, above all, see That it be clear and bright ; From it the fiery darts shall flee, And vanish from thy sight. 284 SACRED. Salvation's helmet guards thy head, And shields from hurt thy face ; Inscrihed upon it may be read : *' A SINNER SAVED BY GBACE." Thy right hand grasps the two-edged sword, With firmness and with might ; The true- dividing of God's Word Is justice, truth, and right. Then polish up thy armour bright, With vigilance and care, And thou shalt conquer in the fight, By patience, faith, and prayer. Let prayer like incense ever rise To God from souls set free ; Until we gain the heavenly prize, And His own image see 1 185 THE LORD'S PRAYER, (pakaphrased). 1. '• Our Father, which art in Heaven.** HIaTHER of Lights and God of Love, .€^J Thrice Holy is Thy name ; Thou King of Kings, enthron'd above, Thou ever art the same. 2. " Hallowed be Thy name." Forever hallowed be Thy name By hosts in earth and Heaven ; In heathen lands make known Thy fame, And saving mercy given. 3. " Thy Kingdom come.''* Thy kingdoms stretch from pole to pole, Throughout earth's utmost bound ; Till gathered in each blood-bought soul. That on the earth is found. 4. " Thy ivill he done on earth as it is in Heaven," Thy will be ours from morn till night. Obedient to Thy Word; Then shall our path be clear and bright, And sin shall be abhorr'd. 5. " Give us this day our daily bread." That man shall nothing be denied, Who truly seeks Thy face ; Our earthly wants are all supplied With bounty, love, and grace. 2RR SACRED. 6. *' And forgive us our trespasses. '^ Our sins and failures we confess, On bended knee entreat ; Thus, trusting to Thy tenderness, We'll worship at Thy feet. 7. ^' As ice forgive them that trespass against us." And may Thy love our hearts incline, To mercy bend our ear ; To pardon others who combine To cause us hurt or fear. 8. •' And lead us not into temptation, hut deliver us from evil. " From Satan's tempting snares of sin, Thy right hand shall deliver ; Our God shall keep us pure within, Though Hell's foundations quiver. 9. ' For Thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever." Thine are the kingdoms of the earth, And thine the glory ever ; This world did own Thee at her birth, Thou everlasting Giver. 10. ''Amen!" Amen ! Amen ! so let it be, God's counsel faileth never ; The Truth of God is pure and free, And shall prevail for ever ! •Zb-i THE LONGING SOUL. ^H ! blessed Jesus, cast on me One look of pitying love ; That moment shall my soul be free, And sing with saints above. Thy all-sufficient love is such That none need ever fear, Or think that they can ask too much, Nor doubt Thy presence near. In life or death, in weal or woe, In sunshine, shade, or shower, To Thee in pray'r my thoughts shall go, And bless each passing hour. Then, Saviour, teach me what Thou wilt, Oh, save me from my sin ; Cleanse Thou my soul from all its guilt. And make me pure within. Then shall I walk with God on earth, And dwell with saints in Heaven ; Thus sanctify this second birth By saving mercy given. 288 SACRED. OH! FAINTING HEART. i)H ! fainting heart ! why dost thou fear The hour of dissolution ? 'Tis then thy Saviour is most near, To grant thee absolution. The soul that rests on God shall live, Through all earth's tribulation, To His beloved He shall give All needed consolation. God hath sustained us all through life, From infancy to manhood, Then let us cease all needless strife. His Word doth always stand good ! When passing through death's sullen stream, His hand shall safely guide thee, Behind the cloud there still doth gleam The Light of Life beside thee. Then look not back on things of earth, Thy sins are all forgiven, The fulness of thy second birth Is registered in Heaven ! There, robes of spotless white are thine. To cover doubts and fears ; God's everlasting arms entwine, His hands shall wipe all tears. •289 IMRIE'S POEMS. STAND THOU THE TEST ! " I will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried, they shall call on My name, and I will hear Ihem. — Zech. xiii. 9. Jlf^ET not your heart, my friend, ^^ Be troubled, nor afraid. Thy God relief shall send. Trust, then, His promised aid ; He doth not sleep, He will thee keep. If thou on Him doth stay He'll guide thee on thy way 1 Trust not to self, my friend, But put thy trust in God ; Thy heart in meekness bend. Even 'neath His chastening rod : Stand thou the test, Tried gold is best, From dross and sin set free — The Master's image see ! 290 SACRED. Walk ever bravely on — God is at thy right hand, His strong arm lean upon — Firm shalt thou ever stand ; By night or day • He knows the way, He'll guide thee with His eye Up to the realms on high ! Soon shall thy journey end In perfect peace and love, Where angels shall attend And welcome thee above ; Life's race well run. Well done ! well done ! Thus enter into rest Those that have stood the test I 291 IBIEIE'S P0K2IS. " LORD, I BELIEVE !" "r^ORD, 1 believe ! " yet oft I fear, C^ My faith is like the mustard seed ; 'Tis then I pray that Thou be near — A present help in time of need ! '•Lord, I believe " Thy promise true, That Thou art near to those who seek ; The fainting heart Thou wilt renew And words of heavenly comfort speak ! "Lord, I believe !" though vision fails To see the Hand that points the way ; That man who trusts in Thee prevails, Nor sin, nor death, o'er him holds sway! •' Lord, I believe " that Thou hast died To save me from the power of sin ; Then let me near to Thee abide Till Thou to glory draw me in I 202 SACRI'.D. BRING ANOTHER TO JESUS. "And he brought him to Jesus." — John i. 42. PIRST give thyself to Jesus, ^^ Then bring your nearest friend, He beckons to receive us And loves us to the end ; Thus shall we haste the coming Of our dear absent Lord, His love our souls consuming Shall magnify His Word. Then still bring more to Jesus As jewels for His crown, The world will soon believe us And lay its tribute down, Exchanging doubt and sadness For Jesus' loving glance. Our hearts shall sing with gladness To see His cause advance. Then tell the love of Jesus O'er all the earth around, No other hope could cheer us, No other help be found ; The One whom Satan feareth Shall come in power again, When that glad day appeareth Our Lord and King shall reigu i 29.S IMRIE'S POliMS. THERE IS A. GODl ,HERE is a God !— I know full well, Though I have never seen His face ; Earth, sea, and sky, His power tell, His handiwork in these I trace. There is a God ! — the heavens declare His gracious presence night and morn ; Sun, moon, and stars in God's pure air Laugh Infidelity to scorn. There is a God ! — each flower I see Seems but to live to speak His praise ; Each blade of grass, each leaf-crown'd tree, Their heads in grateful gladness raise ! There is a God ! — thus saith the sea, Eock'd in the cradle of His hand ; Emblem of God's immensity, Mov'd by the winds at His command. There is a God ! — the mountains high Point to His heavenly throne above ! The stars that twinkle in the sky Proclaim a God — a God of love ! Thou art my God ! — Thy word doth show The imprint of Thy hand divine ; 'Tis from its pages that I know My soul is kindred soul to Thine ! 294 — «^<^i^3k^— SONNE^T'S. SONNETS. §$m\rts. THE LAST ENEMY — DEATH. ^!^EATH conies to all, no man can stay liis band ; ^^If he but calls, tbe proudest in tbe land His summons must obey, and tben be led By his cold, icy hand 'mong silent dead ; There to remain till Death himself shall die, And He who conquered Death shall reign on high. Oh, Death ! where is thy sting if Jesus save ? Where, then, thy victory, cruel grave ? Thou hast no power o'er him whom God defends. For him all things subserve most glorious ends. Death but relieves from earthly pain and woe, A friend, though in the guise of mortal foe. Oh, may the grave to me be but a door To that bright land where Death shall reign no more 1 297 IMBIE'S POEMS. THE MASTEE'S CALL. ,#^0 work to-day I the fields are white to view, *'-^^The harvest truly great, the labour'rs few ; To you the call is giv'n, reapers, obey ! Work mightily, while yet 'tis called to-day ! The night approacheth when no man can work, And sin and vice do in the darkness lurk. The fields are many and the world is wide, O'er trackless forests, deserts, stormy tide Proclaim that love which makes all mankind kin, And saves the soul though steep'd in direst sin ; Which frees the captive, gladdens the oppress'd. And leads the erring to the Saviour's breast ; Where pard'ning mercy, love, and joy are giv'n To make this earth a sweet foretaste of Heaven. <^-^-^^^^^^ ^^^>^ 298 SONNETS. THE SABBATH SCHOOL TEACHER'S REWARD. |i^)H, teacher, faint not ! thou art not alone, "^^He who hath called thee will thy labour own ; And though, at first, no grateful fruit appear. Think not 'tis labour lost, but persevere ; Yield not the conflict to the Master's foe, But still "from strength to strength " unwearied go. Plant thou the seeds of heav'nly truth with care, And water oft with fervent, pleading prayer. Then leave the rest to God, whose Spirit's power Shall cause the seed to grow, the plant to flower. Till in due course the ripen'd fruit appears To cheer thy heart, reward thy prayers and tears, And make thee sing for joy, — that peace bestow Which they who serve the Lord alone doth know. J 299 IMRIE'S POEMS. •-^21 -^ It^* A PRAYER FOR WISDOM. 1 Kings iii., 11, 12 ; Prov. iii., 13—18. )H ! let me ever walk in Wisdom's way, ^^Tbat I may wiser grow, and day by day Prove that her paths are pleasantness and peace ; And, therein walking, may my years increase In fruitful days of labour and reward, Of love, and joy, and peace, and sweet concord. Grant me the work which angels most enjoy, — A life well spent in Heaven's blest employ, In deeds of love, and works of holy zeal. And in that occupation may I feel The kind approval of a God of grace. Who owns his servants with a smiling faco ; My work accepted, and my sins forgiv'n, Bless'd while on earth, and doubly bless'd in Heaven. 3G0 SONNETS. JESUS, MY EEFUGE. " A hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest ; as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." — IsA. xxxii. 2. )H, grateful shelter from the storms of life, ^'From cares corroding or from worldly strife ; Fain would my panting soul Thy shadow seek, And, shielded safe, in grateful accents speak Of all Thy love to man, whose strength Thou art, Whose refuge sure, the upHfter of the heart Of him who strives to seek Thy safe retreat, And loves with Thee to dwell — there at Thy feet Lay sorrow's burden down ; Thy gracious gift Accepts with thankful heart, nor seeks to lift With sinful hands once more the heavy load That bars the soul's communion with his God ; Ah ! there would I in calm repose abide, Safe as The Kock near which I seek to hide. fS^ 301 IMRIE'S POEMS. *. Tin/' CHEISTIAN, AWAKE I ^HKISTIAN, awake ! thy life is not a dream, ^You cannot glide for ever with the stream ; 'Tis like the ocean in her changing moods Of great uproar, or calm, deep solitudes ; Her varying tides a ceaseless motion keep, And danger ever haunts the mighty deep ; Yet o'er her bosom in majestic pride The noble vessel doth in safety ride. Defying all the stormy winds that blow, — Making a highway of a raging foe. Till the bright haven doth appear in view, "Which speaks of rest to aU the weary crew ; Where, sails all furl'd, anchor firm and fast, They rest the sweeter for the dangers past ! rw)2 SONNETS. THE NAME OF JESUS. jjWEET name ! what cadence in the very sound ! ^^What heav'nly music in the utt'rance found, When whisper'd in the ear of dying saint, Tho' spent with pain, and pulse and heart beat faint ; Yet, at the name of " Jesus " doth his eyes Seek ours in love, and peace, and glad surprise, And then forever close in sweet content To open them in Heav'n — a life well spent I Oh, Jesus I Thine the ever-potent power To charm, to heal, to bless, in trial's hour ; Let all the world Thy name with rev'rence hear. And trust Thy pow'r to save ; with holy fear Approach the footstool of Thy matchless grace, And find in Thee their soul's dear resting-place ! 303 IMRIE'S POEMS. vi:: THE SABBATH-DAY. ^WEET day of rest 1 most precious of the seven, '^■^God's gracious gift to man, in mercy giv'n That he may cease from toil and worldly care. And for that brighter rest his soul prepare. Blest harbinger of that eternal day, Whose beams shall never fade or pass away. Oh, may we ever watch with jealous eye. And careful guard the hours that swiftly fly, That nought but heav'nly themes our thoughts sngage, And with temptation hourly warfare wage ; Oft by " the footsteps of the flock " be found, Within the house of God, on praying ground, And there our grateful hearts shall homage pay, To Him who rose triumphant on that day. ro4 SONNETS. "'"N,',i"" "^i<;i?''''.2 c 'III. i'S„, S ^nlli'"" THE IMAGE OF THE HEAVENLY. LMIGHTY God ! in all Thy works display'd, ^For man in Thine own image Thou hast made ; How should we, then, Thine every law respect, And mourn in dust and ashes if neglect Of ours should once but mar that Image bright. And, grieving Thee, turn sunshine into night. Let not our hearts from Thee be turn'd aside, But let Thy Holy Spirit with us 'bide ; Then shall our life be like the flowers in June, Displaying sweetness, and our hearts in tune To the pure melodies of heav'nly song, Which to the ransom'd hosts of Heav'n belong ; Thus here below let glorious anthems rise To mingle with the songs of Paradise. ii05 TMBIE'S POEMS. ^u.^:^^^^. THE PEACE OF GOD. jHEEE IS a peace the world can not bestow 'Nor take away ; and they in joy do go Who but possess it, for its charm is sure, And doth through all the ills of life endure ; It makes the soul rejoice, the weak feel strong, The troubled soul burst forth in joyous song, Which may be heard above the din of strife, — An antidote for all the cares of life t Oh ! peace of God ! may I thy pow'r enjoy. Then in thy praise my life shall find employ ; Thou shalt me 'fend from every evil way, Make all my darkness turn to brightest da}'. Till, safe within the everlasting arms. My soul shall rest secure from all alarms 1 % iiOo SONNETS. c^^^^^^M^^^^ CONSCIENCE. tONSCIENCE is the true monitor of God For our approval, or a very rod Of direst chastisement for evil deeds, Or wicked thoughts that grow like noxious weeds Within the garden of the human heart, To mar the buds and flowers which would impart A fragrant solace to the weary soul Of God-made man, thus strengthen and control His better nature in Temptation's day. And drive the hateful thoughts of sin away, To hide themselves for very shame of sin, And, hence renewed, the better life begin : Thus, Conscience, listened to, will safely guide Where perfect peace and happiness abide I S07 IMRIE'S POEMS. SEEKING AFTEE " KNOWLEDGE. J^ISDOM is the true currency of Heaven, ^.^XS) From fools withheld, but to the prudent given ; In her pursuit let us in earnest be. If we would prosper, therefore, let us see That all our energies be so combin'd As best to cultivate the heart and mind. This occupation is the best that can Engage the youth, or occupy the man In leisure hours, which, be they rightly spent, Are of great moment, and by Heaven lent To sweeten toil, and relaxation give To dull and cank'ring cares, which, while we live, Must be our lot; our time, then, let us spend Aa best becomes us, knowing not our end 1 308 SONNETS. " FAITH, HOPE AND CHAEITY." " THESE THREE. ^|f AITH is the starting-point to higher ground, i^l Each step — sure-footed — on The Eock is found ; No backward gazing at our former fears, But stronger growing as recede the years ! Hope is the telescope that scans afar, — Each heavenly thought seems like a new-found star ! Though for a season bound by earth's employ, Hope sings on earth sweet heavenly songs of joy ! Sweet Charity ! true bond of love and peace, Thy kindly counsel maketh strife to cease ; Thou rulest with a loving, gentle hand. And, smiling, points us to the better land ! Faith, Hope and Charity! oh, truth sublime. These three shall bridge us o'er the sea of Time. 30; t IMEIE'S P0E2IS. PLEADING. |H ! theme of wondrous power ! — with God to s^? plead — And speak to Him in our great times of need ! With faith's bright eye peer through earth's darkest night And read the meaning of the Infinite ! Oh ! gift of gifts ! to erring mortals given- Kneeling on earth, yet, kneeling, soar to heaven I To lisp and stammer, yet prevail with God To turn aside from us His chastening rod 1 More liberty with God than angels know Have they who seek His ear in time of woe ! Claiming the merits of a Saviour's love To gain a hearing in the courts above ! He who doth mark each sparrow's fall with care Counts all tears and answers fervent prayer 1 310 SONNETS. INFIDELITY. ^IS foolish to affirm " there is no God," When all around us lie the evidence : The smallest flower that gems the verdant sod Speaks to us mutely of His Providence ; The starry firmament proclaims His might While it defies our finite minds to know The why and wherefore of the Infinite, And all our calculations overthrow ! Oh ! puny man ! why dost thou upright walk While other creatures crawl, or lowly bend, As if in awe of God ? — yefc dost thou talk Of wisdom, power, and knowledge without end ! Infidelity is spiritual blindness, — God all around — yet will not Him confess ! ail IMRIli'S POEMS.