FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION JULY 1, 1916 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION FUNDAMENTALS OF A COST SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURERS JULY 1, 1916 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 EDWARD N. HURLEY, Chairman. WILLIAM J. HARRIS, JOSEPH E D^S. frWaW< FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION WILL II. PARRY. GEORGE RUHLEE. WASHINGTON LEONIDAS L. BRACKEN, Secretary. July 1, 1916. To the American Manufacturer: The Federal Trade Commission has found that an amazing number of manufacturers, particularly the smaller ones, have no adequate system for determining their costs and price their goods arbitrarily. It is evident that there must "be improvement in this direction "before competition can be placed upon a sound economic "basis. With the object of aiding in the improvement of business generally we have endeavored in this pam- phlet to show briefly the importance of accurate manufacturing costs and the fundamental principles underlying them. I commend it to your attention and feel satisfied that if you will read it carefully you will find many helpful suggestions. The pamphlet has been prepared under my di- rection by Mr. Robert E. Belt, Chief Accountant, and Mr. R. W. Gardiner, Assistant. Trusting we may have your hearty cooperation, I am, Very respectfully yours, :> Building Expense Power Insurance Taxes Depreciation Repairs General Factory Expense Miscellaneous Supplies Miscellaneous Expense 36,288 00 11,834 00 16,152 00 8,302 00 Yearly Hours Per Unit: 306 Days 8 Hours Each 2,448 245 2,448 245 2,448 245 Less 10 per cent Net Yearly Hours Per Unit 2,203 8 17,624 67* 2,203 14 30,842 52* 2,203 25 55,075 15* Number of Unils in Department Yearly Hours per Department Hourly Overhead Rate TOTAL FACTORY COST. The job cost sheet has now been charged with the three elements of cost, viz, material, labor, and factory overhead expense, and the total of these constitutes factory cost, to which must be added the general overhead. COST SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURERS. 17 SHIPPING, SELLING, AND GENERAL EXPENSES. All of the items of factory cost now having been described and the goods completed and placed in the storeroom as finished goods, the next step is the method of handling the shipping, selling, and general expenses of the business. Shipping account is charged each month with its proportion of the fixed charges and with labor, supplies, and miscellaneous expense items. The total of this account is closed out to Profit and Loss. Selling expense is, the next item to be considered. Some include everything under this head that is not charged to the factory. A better plan, though, is to separate the actual selling expense from the general expenses and include in selling only such items as salaries and expenses of the sales force whether on the road or in the office, adver- tising, catalogues, price lists, the cost of handling canceled orders, etc. Under general expenses are included officers' salaries, office expenses (not including factory clerks), discount on sales, bad debts, bad work, franchise taxes, and other items of a general nature. The item Bad Work included in General Expense is defective work. As every manufacturer has to contend with this item of expense it must be included with the other general expenses. An estimate of shipping, selling, and general expenses should be made at the beginning of the year. This amount divided by the estimated cost of the total completed work for the year gives a per- centage for these items. Applying this rate to the factory cost of a job, the amount which must be added to factory cost to ascertain total cost is readily determined. The following schedule shows the method of arriving at this rate: ESTIMATED SHIPPING, SELLING, AND GENERAL EXPENSES. FOR YEAR 191G. Total. Distribution. Shipping. 1 Selling. General. $1,200 1,500 13. 200 4,800 2,500 1 500 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $600 1,500 00 00 i $600 00 Labor Salaries. . . .. $9,000 00 3.600 4,800 00 00 Oflicers' Salaries Commissions . ... 2,500 1,500 00 00 Advertising i Insurance 192 215 200 120 2,300 1,200 750 325 12 15 100 50 00 i 00 ' 00 i 00 180 200 100 70 2, 300 1,200 750 150 00 00 00 00 03 00 CO CO Taxes Depreciation Repairs 75 00 100 00 Estimated cost of completed work, $120,000.00. Percentage or Cost 30,002 00 2,352 00 13, 700 00 13, 950 GO 25% 1 2% 11. 5% H.5Ci 18 COST SYSTEM FOE MANUFACTURERS. CONTROLLING ACCOUNTS. The principles of double entry are carried out in connection with a cost system by means of what is known as "controlling accounts." The advantage of the controlling principle is that it puts the book- keeper in position to check up the work of the cost department in totals, or, in other words, to control it. The control system will not detect an error such as posting to the wrong account, but it is an indubitable proof that the cost clerk has posted "every item to the proper side of some account. It is hard to exaggerate the importance of this feature in any cost system. Materials account is charged with all purchases of materials from the accounts payable or voucher register. The requisitions for the month are totaled and a journal entry effected crediting Materials and charging Work in Process. The balance of the account is the cost of the materials in the stock room. Labor account is charged with the total labor, both direct and indirect. At the end of the month the account is credited with the total labor shown on the cost clerk's labor summaries and Work in Process charged with the direct labor and the departmental expense accounts with the indirect labor. There will be a credit balance in this account which will represent the amount earned by the employees, but not paid. When the end of a pay period falls on the last day of the month, the account should balance. The next type of controlling accounts necessary are those which reflect the overhead expenses. Building Expense account is charged with all expenses of every kind, as heretofore -described, and at the end of the month a journal entry is made charging each department with its proportion of the total and crediting Building Expense account. The entire expense of this account should be absorbed by the departmental expense accounts. Power account is handled in exactly the same manner. The entire expense of this account should also be absorbed by the departmental expense accounts. Insurance is charged with all insurance which applies to the factory, such as fire, accident, boiler, etc. This account is credited each month with one-twelfth of the annual payment and the proper departmental account charged. Insurance on stock, either raw material, work in process, or finished goods, is charged to General Expense and Insurance account credited. The balance of this account is the value of prepaid insurance. Taxes account is handled in the same manner as the Insurance account, but these two accounts should be kept separate. Depreciation account is comparatively simple to handle. A journal entry is made each month charging Building Expense, Power, and the departmental expense accounts with the amount of depreciation COST SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURERS. 19 decided on at the beginning of the year. The credit goes to an account called "Depreciation Reserve," the effect of which is to reduce the book value of the plant and equipment, although it is not a good plan to actually reduce this value on the books. It is better to carry the reserve account and let the plant accounts remain at the original cost figure. The departmental expense accounts have now been charged with their proportion of the fixed charges and with the indirect labor. The only other charges are miscellaneous expenses, supplies, and repairs, and these come from the Accounts Payable Register. These depart- mental expense accounts are now credited with the distributed over- head expense determined by multiplying the number of operating hours by the normal hourly rate, Work in Process account being charged. This total credit should balance the expense accounts, but practically there will be small balances which should be charged or credited at the end of the year to Reserve for Overhead. Work in Process account now stands charged with direct material, direct labor, and the departmental overhead expense. It is credited with the cost of all jobs completed during the month, the charge being to Finished Goods account. The balance of Work in Process account is the factory cost of incomplete work. The charge to offset this credit is to Finished Goods account. When goods are sold, Finished Goods account is credited with the cost and Trading Account charged. This figure is what is known as "Cost of Sales." When goods are returned, Trading account is credited and Finished Goods charged with the cost of the returned goods, so that Cost of Sales will only be the cost of goods actually sold. The Reserve for Overhead is charged or credited to Trading ac- count, so that the balance of the account is the true gross profit on the goods sold. THE CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION SYSTEM. A system for recording the costs of a continuous product is a much simpler one than a system for recording the cost of job work, because in the former costs are figured department ally or by processes instead of by jobs. The accounts are practically the same, except that there is not the necessity for the same detailed analysis as in the job cost system. The business must be departmentalized as the first step, and the departmental divisions carefully observed, as otherwise true costs will not be obtained. The departmental divisions are different from the job cost divisions, as these should be by processes, regardless as to whether the work is of similar character or not. Material is handled in the same way in both systems as far as purchases and delivery to stock room goes, but in a slightly different 20 COST SYSTEM FOB MANUFACTURERS. manner after it is requisitioned out. It will be necessary to open a material account for each department. As the material is withdrawn for use these accounts are charged with its cost whether it be pur- chased raw material or the finished product of some preceding depart- ment. The credit to these accounts will be the cost of the material used on the completed work and the balance will be the cost of the material used on the work in process. Labor is handled in the same manner as described in the Job Cost System, except that it is not necessary to differentiate between direct and indirect labor. It is, however, advisable to keep the direct and indirect labor separate in order to get a detailed analysis of cost in each department, so that any leaks which may exist will be brought .to light. All labor done in a department is part of the cost of operation of that department and must be taken up in the monthly cost sheets. There will be some general labor, such as fore- men, superintendents, etc., whose work must be distributed over several departments. The basis for this distribution depends on the nature of the business. It will be necessary to open departmental labor accounts which will be charged with all labor and credited with the labor cost of the completed material. The balance in these accounts will represent the value of labor done on the work in process. There should be also an overhead expense account for each depart- ment, and these accounts will be charged with their proportion of the fixed charges, with all indirect material or supplies, and with all mis- cellaneous expense items. The credit to these accounts will be the expense incurred on the work completed, and the balance will be the expenses incurred on the work in process. At the end of the month a journal entry is made charging a suc- ceeding department material account, or the finished goods account, as the case may be, with the total cost of the product sent out and crediting each of the departmental accounts with its share of the total cost. When this is done it will be seen that the sum of the bal- ances in these three departmental accounts^ namely, material, labor, and expense, will be the cost of the work in process in that depart- ment. When a department has completed all the work it has and sent its product to some other department these three accounts should balance. In some lines of manufacture, where a continuous product is made, it is the practice to issue a Works Production Order to make a certain quantity of goods, and where this practice is used the Job Cost Sys- tem is used, keeping the cost by order number. After the goods . have reached the Finished Goods account the method of treatment under the Continuous Production System is identical with the Job Cost System. COST SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURERS. FINANCIAL AND OPERATING STATEMENTS. 21 The profit and loss statement should be so arranged as to reflect the actual results of the period, and the figures shown thereon should not need any explanation or qualification. For the purpose of giving the executive information as to the opera- tions of his factory it is well to prepare a statement of factory opera- tions. As all the figures are from the books, the preparation of this statement involves very little work and gives valuable information. A statement of assets and liabilities should also bo prepared, and the difference between assets and liabilities must be the figure shown on the profit and loss statement as surplus or net profit. Where goods are purchased for resale the profit and loss statement should have another division showing the amount of profit on pur- chased goods or merchandising separate from the profit earned on manufactured goods. Where this item is small it may be disregarded and merged into manufactured goods, but the best practice is to keep them separate. The systems outlined are believed to be simple and easy of opera- tion. While a number of details have been explained it must be remembered that the methods outlined are general, and it is not claimed that the outlines as given would fit every business. The one thing above all others that both the manufacturer and the accountant should have in mind in installing a system is simplicity. Simplicity means ease of operation, less liability of error, and what is equally important economy of operation. LEDGER ACCOUNTS AND STATEMENTS. The following schedules show the ledger accounts necessary, the trial balance before the closing entries are made, and forms for a profit and loss statement, statement of factory operations, and balance sheet. In order to enable ready reference to be made to the various entries numbers have been inserted showing the source of the entry. While the ledger accounts show the books as closed, it is not recommended that this be done except at the end of the fiscal year, as statements can be prepared from the ledger without the accounts being closed. MATERIALS. 1. $3 000 00 Work in Process . (11) I $6, 4S4 32 Purchases . .(29) 7,800 00 Balance 4, GOO 00 284 3? 11,084 32 11,084 ::L' J balance.. . 4.600 00 22 COST SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURERS. LABOR. Total Pay Roll. Balance (29) ' $5,692 686 6,379 Balance Work in Process Building Expense Power Repairs General Factory Expense. . . Factory Overhead. Dept. A . " ' " " B. " " " C. Shipping -(14) --(3) ..(4) ..(8) ..(9) -(10) -(11) -(12) .(21) Balance. BUILDING EXPENSE. POWER. INSURANCE. $200 4,444 185 300 . 356 92 246 251 185 117 6,379 07 Labor (2) $185 no General Factory Expense (9) $76 29 Power (Heat and Light) (4) 84 10 Factory Overhead Dept A (10) 101 72 Insurance (5) 12 00 I " " " B" (11) 127 15 Taxes (6) 20 00 " " " C (12) 101 72 Depreciation (7) 40 00 Shipping. (21) 50 86 Repairs (8) 65 00 General Expense (Office) (23) 50 86 Elevator Expenses . --(29) 58 00 Water (29) 16 50 ^______ Miscellaneous Materials (29) 28 00 ^_____ ^ ' 503 60 508 60 Labor (2) $300 8 10 40 325 45 38 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Building Expense (3) $84 252 336 168 10 30 40 20 00 Insurance (5) Factory Overhead, Dept. A... (10) " " * cents (14) Reserve for Overhead (13) $1,311 119 24 COST SYSTEM FOB MANUFACTURERS. FACTORY OVERHEAD, DEFT. C. FINISHED GOODS. 12. Indirect Labor (2) $185 101 168 7 8 43 115 104 20 61 70 72 20 00 75 75 43 30 00 50 Work in Process, 4,418 Hours, at 15 cents (14) $662 IBS 70 65 Building Expense (3) Power (4) Reserve for Overhead (13) Insurance ... (5) Taxes (6) Repairs (8) " Expense. . ..(29) 816 35 816 35 RESERVE FOR OVERHEAD. 13. Factory Overhead, Dept. B...(ll) $119 153 78 65 Factory Overhead, Dept. A. ..(10) Trading --(20) $84 189 32 273 43 273 43 WORK IN PROCESS. 14. Balance $2,000 6,484 4,444 1,207 1,311 662 00 32 67 34 96 70 ! Finished goods (15) $12,086 4,024 13 86 Material (1) ' Balance Labor . (2) Factory Overhead, Dept. A . . .(10) 16, 110 99 16,110 99 Balance... 4.024 86 15. Balance $3,754 12,086 597 00 13 12 Trading (cost of sales) (20) $8,801 7,635 53 72 : Balance Cost of returns (20) LES. 10,437 25 16,437 25 Balance 7,035 72 SA \ 1 5. Sales returns (17) $865 ?0 : Accounts receivable (28) $13,485 60 Sales allowances (18) 50 on Out freight (19) 120 00 ^__^___ ~~~ Trading -(20) 12, 450 f,0 , ^ ' 13,485 60 " 13,485 ffl SAL ES RETURNS. 1 Accounts receivable (28) $805 ?0 Sales (16) $865 fO SALES ALLOWANCES. 18. Accounts receivable (28) $50 00 Salts . (16) $60 00 OUTBOUND FREIGHT. Accounts Payable (29) $120 on Sales (16) $/20 00 COST SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURERS. TRADING. 20. Cost of Sales (15) $8,801 189 4,056 53 11 88 Cost of Returns (15) $597 12,450 12 40 Reserve for Overhead .. (13) Sales .. (16) Profit and loss (27) PING. 13,047 52 13,047 52 5IIII 1 21. Labor (2) $117 50 1 1 8 2 50 6 00 86 00 25 33 00 00 75 Profit and loss (27) 19 Building Expense (3) Taxes (6) Depreciation (7) Repairs (8) Miscellaneous Supplies (29) Miscellaneous Expense (29) 237 19 237 19 SELLING EXPENSE. Salaries .. (29) $800 200 120 00 00 53 Profit and Loss (27) SI, 120 53 Commissions (29) EXPENSE. Advertising (29) 1,120 53 1,120 53 GENE RAL 2, $. Building Expense (3) $50 14 10 S 400 300 186 204 86 00 75 33 00 00 43 30 67 Profit and Loss (%7) tl, 180 67 67 Taxes (6) Depreciation (7) Officers' Salaries (29) Office Salaries . -(29) Delivery Expense (29) Miscellaneous Expense (29) 1,180 1,180 DISCOUNT ON PURCHASES. 24. Profit and Loss (27) 3 .'(7.5 40 Accounts Payable (29) $165 40 ON SALES. DISCOUNT 25. Accounts Receivable (28) $95 00 Profit and Loss (~~) #35 00 BAD DEBTS. RESERVE FOR 26. \ccounts Receivable . (28) $64 131 00 00 Balance $125 70 90 00 \ Profit and Loss (2i) Balance... 195 00 195 00 131 , 00 26 COST SYSTEM FOE MANUFACTURERS. PROFIT AND LOSS. Shipping ---(21) $237 19 Trading.. . (20) 54 056 88 Selling (22) 1.120 53 165 40 General Expense (23) 1.180 67 Discount on Sales (25) 95 00 " Reserve for Bad Debts ... (26) 70 00 ^_____ Net Profit to Surplus (36) / G18 89 ^____^_ ^ 4,222 28 4,222 28 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. 2S. Balance - $6 000 00 Cash (30) $9 875 00 Sales (16) 13 485 60 Returns (17) *865 20 Sales Allowances (18) 50 00 ^ Discount on Sales . (25) 95 00 ^ Bad Debts (26) 64 00 ^^, Balance 8,536 40 ^ 19,485 60 19, 485 60 Balance... 8,536 40 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. 29. Cash (30) ! $15,350 ">0 Balance $6 2.50 00 Discount on Purchases (24) 165 40 Accounts Payable Register... 19,499 71 Balance 10, 233 81 25, 749 71 25, 749 71 Balance... 10. 233 SI CASH. 30. Balance Accounts Receivable (28) 17,061 9,875 00 00 Accounts Payable (29) Balance : S15, 350 11,585 50 50 .ND. 26,936 00 ; 26,936 | 00 Balance ; 11,585 50 -LA i 3 L. Balance 54,000 00 ' BUILDINGS. 32. Balance 12,000 no MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT. 33. Balance S50, 000 00 COST SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURERS. CAPITAL STOCK. 27 34. Balance $100,000 on UNISSUED STOCK. Balance $15 000 00 SURPLUS. 36. Balance . . . $6 518 89 Balance $5 000 00 Profit and loss (27) 1,518 89 6,518 89 6,518 89 Balance 6,518 89 TRIAL BALANCE (BEFORE CLOSING) JANUARY 31, 1916. 1 Materials $4,600 no 2 $686 79 5 Insurance 756 00 6 Taxes 1,000 75 7 1,568 74 10 Factory Overhead Dept. A . . 84 32 11 " B 119 78 12 153 65 14 Work in Process ... _.... 4,024 8fi 15 7,635 72 16 Sales 13 485 fiO 17 865 ?0 IS Sales Allowances . 50 00 1<} Outbound Freight 120 00 Trading 8,204 41 21 Shipping 237 19 22 Selling Exnense 1,120 53 23 1,180 67 24 165 40 25 95 00 26 61 00 ->s Accounts Receivable 8,536 40 29 10,233 SI 30 Cash 11,585 50 31 4,000 00 32 12,000 00 33 Machinery and Equipment 50,000 00 34 Capital Stock 100,000 00 35 15,000 00 30 Surplus 5,000 00 131, 285 66 131, 285 66 . 28 COST SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURERS. PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FOR MONTH ENDING JANUARY 31, 1916. Gross Sales (16) $13, 485. 60 Sales Returns (17) |865. 20 Sales Allowances (18) 50. 00 Outbound Freight (19) 120. 00 1,035.20 Net Sales 12, 450. 40 Cost of Sales (20) 8, 204. 41 Reserve for Overhead (13) 189. 11 8, 393. 52 Gross Profit 4, 056. 88 Snipping (21) 237.19 Selling Expense (22) 1, 120. 53 General Expense (23) 1, 180. 67 Discount on Sales (25) 95. 00 Bad Debts (20) 70. 00 2, 703. 39 Net Earnings 1, 353. 49 Discount on Purchases (24) 165. 40 Net Profit 1, 518. 89 STATEMENT OF FACTORY OPERATIONS, FOR THE MONTH ENDED JANUARY 31, 1916. SUMMARY OF FACTORY OPERATIONS. Material: Inventory at first of Month ?3, 000. 00 Purchases 7, 800. 00 Freight and Express In 284. 32 Total 11,084.32 Less Inventory at End of Month 4, 600. 00 Direct Material Used $6,484.32 Direct Labor 4, 444. 67 Factory Overhead, per detail below : Department A 1, 207. 34 B 1, 311. 96 C.. 662.70 Total Factory Overhead 3, 182. 00 Total Material, Labor and Overhead : 14.110.99 Add Inventory, First of Month: Work in Process 2, 000.00 Finished Goods 3, 754. 00 5, 754.00 19,804.99 Less Inventory at End oi' Month: Work in Process 4, 024 . 86 Fini8hed Goods. . 7, 635. 72 ll.G60.f8 Ccst (>f Sales, per Front and Loss Statement 8, 204. 41 COST SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURERS. SUMMARY OF FACTORY OVERHEAD. Nature of Expense. Total. Depart- ment A . Depart- ment B. Depart- ment C. Building Expense . .. $330 758 218 35 43 522 467 90 683 222 59 90 75 00 75 23 99 00 40 50 $101 252 75 12 15 159 155 30 246 75 72 30 00 00 00 00 90 00 50 60 $127 336 100 16 20 247 207 40 2.51 85 15 40 00 00 00 so 79 00 20 40 $101 168 43 7 8 115 104 20 1R5 61 72 20 75 0!) 75 43 30 00 70 50 Power , Depreciation . Insurance. . . . . Taxes Shop Repairs Miscellaneous Supplies. Indirect Labor Miscellaneous E xpen.se Total 3,371 189 11 11 1,123 84 02 32 1, 431 119 74 78 818 153 35 66 Adjustment in Department Overhead Total Factory Overhead, as above 3,182 00 1,207 34 1,311 96 6G2 70 BALANCE SHEET, JANUARY 31, 1916. Current Assets: Cash (30) $11, 585. 50 Accounts Receivable (28) $8, 536. 40 Less Reserve for Bad Debts (26) 131. 00 8, 405. 40 Raw Materials (1) 4, 600. 00 Work in Process (14) 4, 024. 86 Finished Goods (15) 7, 635. 72 Total Current Assets $36, 251. 48 Deferred Assets: Prepaid Insurance (5) 756. 00 Prepaid Taxes (6) 1,000.75 Total Deferred Assets ]., 756. 75 Capital Assets: * Land (31) 4, 000. 00 Buildings (32) 12, 000. 00 Machinery and Equipment (33) 50, 000. 00 Less Depreciation Reserve. (7) 62, 000. 00 1, 568. 74 60, 431. 26 Total Capital Assets 64, 431. 26 Total Assets. . . 102,439.49 Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable (29) 10. 233. 81 Accrued Wages (2) 686.79 Total Current Liabilities 10, 920. 60 Capital Liabilities: Capital Stock (34) TOO, 000. CO Less Unissued Stock ... (35) 1 5. 000. 00 - 85. 000. 00 Surplus (36) . 5, 000. 00 Total Capital Liabilities 90 ; 000. 00 Net Profit for Month. . . 1 , 518. 89 102, 439. 49 30 COST SYSTEM FOB MANUFACTURERS. USES AND ADVANTAGES OF A COST SYSTEM. The prime object of a cost system is to determine costs, to analyze and compare them, and to use them as a basis for making prices. But the uses and advantages go further. A manufacturer from reliable records is able to make clearer and more intelligent statements to his bank and thereby obtain a larger line of credit than he could without them. BETTER DIRECTION OF SALES FORCE. In most every line of manufacture there are some classes of work done on which the manufacturer loses money. This may be due to the high cost in his own plant, or it may be due to the fact that some competitor is better equipped to make that particular article. A cost system will bring out these facts and will show the manufacturer which lines he should push. Salesmen, like everyone else, are prone to follow the line of least resistance. In salesmanship, the line of least resistance is selling the goods which require the least effort, and in nearly every instance the goods which require the least effort to sell are the least profitable lines. If the selling force know that a line of goods produces little or no profit and are told to use every effort to push another line, the result will be apparent in the profit and loss account. Still other manufacturers have customers on their books to whom they have been selling for years and have been giving some reduction in price or some concession in the way of extra work. A number. of these accounts are decidedly unprofitable, and a cost system will bring these to light and put the manufacturer either in a position to raise his prices to a profitable basis or let some one else have the unprofitable business. ELIMINATION OF WASTE. In every manufacturing business there are bound to occur leaks, either of material, labor, or expense. If statistics are kept showing the amount of material necessary to do certain classes of work, the amount of labor, and the amount of overhead expense, an increase in any of these items will be revealed by a comparison and the execu- tive will be in a position to take the matter up for investigation. It is hardly necessary to say that after a few of these matters have been taken up with the factory the factory people will use a little more care, not only in the use of the material but in the time they spend on the work. A cost system with forms properly designed for giving statistical information is of the greatest aid to factory efficiency. COST SYSTEM FOE MANUFACTURERS. 31 COST SYSTEM AN INVESTMENT, NOT AN EXPENSE. A system will not run itself; neither will it in itself reduce costs nor increase efficiency. This is strictly up to the manufacturer him- self. A system will give him the information, and if this information is properly used, he will unquestionably find that his system is not an item of expense, but a very valuable asset. If a manufacturer purchases a new machine before his old one is worn out, he does so because he expects the amount expended to increase his profits either from economy in operation or from an in- crease in production. He looks on this as an investment and not an expense. Office methods have been improved to quite as large an extent as machinery, and an investment in improved methods will produce a return just as will an investment in improved machinery. One of the strongest arguments in favor of installing a practical cost system is the fact that every manufacturer who has installed one and who has operated it for at least a year is firmly convinced that it is a paying proposition. The Federal Trade Commission is urging manufacturers to give the subject of accurate costs the attention it deserves. It has found that unreliable costs of production and distribution cause a great deal of unfair competition and a heavy business death rate. While the claim is not made that a cost system will save a man from failure, the claim is made that a man who knows where he stands day by (lay is very much less likely to make a failure of his business than One who is directing his business by guesswork. o UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 001 293 330 5 IMM