**.NEW SCHOOL LAWS Passed by the Thirty- Seventh Session of the Nebraska Legislature SXH A I N Oij BHJ. HO W. H. CLEMMONS, Superintendent Lincoln, Nebraska GIFT OF Department of Public Instruction State of Nebraska Laws Passed by the Thirty-Seventh Session or the Nebraska Legislature Pertaining to Educational Matters. For the information of county superintendents and school boards, we are sending out this lulletin. It contains a complete copy of all changes in the school law passed by the thirty-seventh session of the legislature. A careful study of these will be helpful, in order that school authorities may act intelligently and carry out the provisions of the law. W. H. CLEMMONS, State Superintendent. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA MAY 1, 1919 INDEX HOUSE ROLLS Page Child Welfare Bureau, H. R. 344 25 Aggregate school tax, metropolitan cities, Art. XXII, H. R. 190 14 Bonds, amount, Art. VI H. R. 217 .'. 15 County Superintendent's salary, H. R. 246 18 Employment certificate for child labor, H. R. 143 11 Exhibit of school work, H. R. 384 30 Levy for building fund, H. R. 207 29 Normal training appropriation, H. R. 268 19 Parochial schools, etc., H. R. 64 5 Payment of teachers during epidemic, H. R. 199 31 Relating to vocational schools, H. R. 293 22 School district bonds, amount, (Section 451) H. R. 321 25 School district londs, amount, (Section 451), H. R. 559 28 Teachers required to be citizens, H. R. 106 9 Tuition of non-resident pupils, H. R. 69 9 Wearing of dress or garb indicationg religious order, H. R. 115 .,... 10 SENATE FILES Certificates, teachers', S. F. 180 .... ................................................................ 44 Condemnation of property for school purposes, S. F. 192 .................... 51 County roads to public schools, S. F. 260 ........................................ - ....... 53 Course of study for rural schools, S. F. 73 ............................................ 37 Free High School tuition, S. F. 48 ................................................................ 34 Free High School tuition, S. F. 85 ................................................................ 38 Languages, teaching of, S. F. 24 .................................................................... 32 Medical examination of pupils, S. F. 93 .................................................... 41 Merger of metropolitan and other cities, S. F. 158 ................................ 43 Powers of regents of county high schools, S. F. 110 ................... - ........ 42 Qualif ications.oj*. voters^ at jspfcpel flections, S. F. 49 .................... ........ 35 Qualifications o*4tate' siipertnte'nQent, S. F. 189 ............................ --.-. 50 Re-districftnfc,: Si ift j20l^-:-----:---.\V- v -- ; - ........................................................ 54 Tax levyiriOt)'mili : s**Art*vi,*S* F* 3*7 ...., .................................................. 32 Tax levy of 100 mills, bonds, Art. XXII, S. F. 70 .................................... 36 House Roll No. 64 Introduced COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION TITLE A bill for an act to regulate public, private, denominational and parochial schools, to amend sections 6924, 6925, 6926, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, relating to schools, and to repeal said original sections and to declare an emergency. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section 6924, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 6924. In school districts other than city and metropolitan city school districts every person having a legal or actual charge or control of any child or children or youth not less than seven nor more than sixteen years of age, shall, during each school year between the second Monday of July and the last Monday of June following, cause such child or children or youth to attend the public, private, denomi- national or parochial day school for a period of not less than twelve weeks, and if the public day school of the school district in which the person or persons, having charge or control of such child or children or youth, may reside shall be in session during the school year between the second Monday of July and the last Monday of June fol- lowing, more than twelve weeks, then the person having legal con- trol of such child or children or youth shall cause each of them to attend such public, private, denominational or parochial day school not less than two-thirds of the entire time the public schools shall be in session during the school year as aforesaid; and in no case shall such attendance be for a less period than twelve weeks. In city and metropolitan city school districts every person residing within such school district, who has legal or actual charge or control of any child or children or youth not less than seven nor more than sixteen years of age, shall cause such child or children or youth to attend the public, private, denominational or parochial day school for the full period of each school year in which the public day schools of such school district are in session. The portion of this article requiring attendance in public, private, denominational or parochial day school shall not apply in case where the child or youth being of the age of fourteen years, is legally and regularly employed for his .Qwn^suppQrt.or. tjifc Support of those actually dependent upon him eft-Ma caseVw64r*4 %ke child or youth is physically or mentally meaajcjta*3d, f or he WQtk'done in the schools, or in any case where the' c clttid or S r outh Wes" nfo'fe than two miles from the school by the nearest practicable travelled road unless free transportation to and from such school is furnished to such child or youth. In case exemp- tion is claimed on account of mental or physical incapacity, the school authorities shall have the right to employ a phyysician or physicians who shall have authority to examine such child or youth, and if such physician or physyicians shall declare that such child or youth is capatle of undertaking the work of the schools, then such child or youth shall not be exempt from the requirement of this article. In case exemption is claimed and granted on account of a child or youtli of the age of fourteen years being legally and regularly employed for his own support or the support of those dependent upon him, such child or youth may, in the discretion of those charged with the enforcement of this article, be required to attend a public, private, denominational or parochial evening school for not less than two hours each school day and not less than three days each week for a school year of not less than twenty weeks. All persons of from seven to eighteen years of age who are residents of this state anrl who by reason of partial or total blindness or deafness are unable to obtain an education in the public, private, denominar.ional or parochial schools of this state, shall under the provisions of this article te required to attend the Institute for the Blind or the School for the Deaf, unless such persons are being privately or otherwise educated or unless they are not subject for admission to the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institute of the State of Nebraska. It is hereby made the duty of each teacher in all of the public, private, denomi- national and parochial schol of this state to keep a record showing the name and age of the children enrolled, the number of the school district in which said school is located and the county of their residence, the number of days each pupil was present an-i the num- ber! of days absent, and at the end of each month of school to make and furnish a report to the County Superintendent and a duplicate thereof to the director or secretary of the school district in which such child or children reside, on blanks to be furnished or prescribed by the State superintendent of Public Instruction, which report shall cover said items of record as above, except that in such districts organized under the provisions of Articles XXII, XXIII, and XXIV of this Chapter, such report shall be made to the Superintendent of the city school of such district. It is hereby made the duty of such county or city superintendent, upon the receipt of the report for the first month of school in the district and in each two weeks thereafter, to compare such reports with the last census report on file in his office from such district and , prepare a list of all children or youth resident in such district who are not receiving instruction, as in this article provided, and to transmit the list to the officer or officers in such district whose duty it is to enforce the provisions of this article. All private, denominational and parochial schools in the State of Nebraska and all teachers employed or giving instruction therein shall be subject to and governed by the provisions of the general school laws of the state so far as the same apply to grades, qualification and certification of teachers and promotion of pupils. All private, denominational and parochial schools shall have adquate oauipment and supplies and shall be graded the same and shall have courses of study for each grade conducted therein substantially the same as those given in the public schools where the children attend- ing would attend in the absence of such private, denominational or parochial schools. Sec. 2. No person shall after September 1, 1919, be employed to teach or teach in any private, denominational or parochial school who has not obtained a teacher's certificate entitling such teacher to teach corresponding courses or classes in public schools where the children attending would attend in the absence of such private, denominational or parochial school. Sec. 3. Nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to interfere with religious instruction in any private, denominational or parochial school. Sec. 4. For the purposes of this act the owner or governing board of any private, denominational or parochial school shall have the authority to select and purchase text books, equipment and supplies, to employ teachers and to have and exercise the general manage- ment of the school, subject to the provisions of this act. Sec. 5. All public, private, denominational and parochial schools shall give in the proper grades such courses in American History and in Civil Government, both state and national, as will give the pupils therein a thorough knowledge of the Hstory of our country and its institutions and our form of government and shall conduct such patriotic exercises as may be prescribed from time to time by the state superintendent. Sec. 6. The County Superintendent of the county, or the City Superintendent of the city, where any private, denominational ov parochial school is located shall inspect such school and report to the proper officers any evidence of the use of any text books or of any activities, instruction or propaganda therein subversive of American institutions and republican form of government or good citizenship or of failure to observe any of the provisions of this .act. Sec. 7. In case any private, denominational or parochial school after a final determination by the proper authorities under this act fails, refuses or neglects to conform to and comply therewith, no person shall be granted or allowed a certificate to teach therein and the pupils attending such school or schools shall be required to attend the public school of the proper district as provided by law in like manner as though there were no such private, denominational or parochial school. Full credit for certification under the law shall be given all teachers who have taught in private, denominational or I-arochial schools the same as though they had taught in public schools. Sec. 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five ($5.00) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail not to exceed three (3) months. Sec. 9. That section 6925, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, be amended to read as follows: Sec. 6925. Boards of education in cities, villages and metropoli- tan cities shall appoint one or more truant officers, who shall qualify as police officers; shall enforce the provisions of this law in the wards or district for which they severally act; shall have authority to apprehend and take to his home or to some public, private, demoni- national or parochial school any child found in violation of this ar- ticle, and shall be compensated for his or her services in such sums as shall be determined by the Board of Education to be paid out of the general school fund of the city or village. In all school districts in this state, any superintendent, principal, teacher or member of the Board of Education, who, shall know of any violation of this article on the part 'of any child or children of school age their parents, or persons in actual or legal control of such child or children or any other person shall as soon as possible report such violation to the superintendent of public instruction of the county who shall immedi- ately investigate the case, and if necessary give written notice to the person or persons violating this article warning him or them to com- ply with its provisions; and, if in one week from the time such notices are given, such person or persons are still violating this article, then such county superintendent shall file a complaint against such per- son or persons before the county judge of the county charging such persons with violation of the provisions of this article; Provided, if the violation occurred within any city or village the superintend- ent of said city or village may, in his discretion, file such complaint before the police judge, or police magistrate of such city or village. Sec. 10. That said original sections 6924, 6925, 6926, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, are hereby repealed. Sec. 11. Whereas, an emergency exists, this act shall be in force from and after its passage and approval. House Roll No. 69. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE C. M. McGRATH OF CHASE COUNTY TITLE A bill for an act relating to schools. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. When any child of school age shall reside with his parents or guardian 'more than two miles from the school house, in the school district of his residence, and more than two and one-half miles from a school house in an adjacent district, and the school board of such residence school district shall refuse to furnish free transportation for such child 'to such school house upon the written request of such parents or guardian, such child may attend the public school in any school district in the State of Nebsraka, and such school district refusing to furnish free transportation shall be liable for the tuition of such child at the public school which he shall attend. House Roll No. 106. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE HENRY C. McKEE OF OTOE COUNTY TITLE A bill for an act relating to schools. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That no person shall be qualified, licensed or per- 9 mitted by the state or county superintendents of public instruction to teach in any public, private and parochial school in the State of Nebraska unless such person is a natural born or duly and fully naturalized citizen of the United States. House Roll No. 115. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE F. E. ANDERSON OF CEDAR AND KNOX, and SENATOR C. H. RANDALL OF CEDAR AND KNOX TITLE A bill for an act declaring the wearing in the public schools of this state by any of the teachers thereof of any dress, or garb, indicating the fact that such teacher is an adherent or member of any religious order, sect or denomination, to be a misde- meanor, providing a punishment for the violation thereof and imposing a fine upon the Board of Directors or other school officers of any public school permitting the same. Be it Enacted l>y the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. Any teacher in any public school in this state who shall wear in said school or while engaged in the performance of his or her duty any dress, or garb, indicating the fact that such teacher is a member or an adherent of any religious order, sect or denomi- nation, shall upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars and the costs of prosecution or shall be committed to the county jail for a period not exceeding thirty days or both. Sec. 2. In case of violation of section 1 of this act by any teachers employed in any public school, notice of which having been previously given to the school board, board of education or board of directors employing such teacher, it shall be the duty of such school board, I oard of education or board of directors to suspend such teacher from employment in such school for the term of one year. In case of the second offense by such teacher, it is the duty of the board of education, board of directors or school board to disqualify permanently such teacher from teaching in such school and any public school director, member of a board of education or school 10 board who fails to comply with the provisions of this act shall be> guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by ai fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars and costs of prose- cution. Sec. 3 Whereas an emergency exists, this act shall be in force from and after its passage and approval. House Roll No. 143 Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE JOHN LARSEN OF DOUGLAS TITLE A bill for an act to amend Sections 3581 and 3583, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, relating to employment of child labor, and to repeal said original sections. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That section 3581, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 3581. The superintendent of public schools in all cities and town having a population of more than one thousand according to the last official census and the presiding officer of all other school boards shall furnish a duplicate copy of all certificates issued- under the provisions of this article to tke Commissioner of Labor. The duplicate certificate as to form shall be as set forth in Section 3583 of this article, and must be filed with the Commissioner of Labor at the time of the issuance of the original certificate. Sec. 2. That section 3583, Revised Statutes of Nebraska tour 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 3583. The age and schooling certificate provided for hereia shall be made out upon blank forms furnished in triplicate by the state commissioner of labor and shall be in the following form: 11 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE . Nebraska (Name of school) City or town) 19 (date) This certifies that.... (signature of child) has completed the work of the th grade, can read and write legibly simple sentences in the English language. ' This also certifies that according to the records of this school and in my belief the said (name of child) was born at in (city or town) county, state of on the (date) and is now years and months old, and has attended said school within the the past twelve months the following period (name of parent or guardian) (residence) (Signature) Teacher (Signature Principal AGE AND SCHOOLING CERTIFICATE Nebraska 19 (city or town) (date) This certifies that I am the of (father, mother, guardian or custodian) : and that was born (name of child) at in county state of on the jand is now _ years ..months old. (signature of father, mother, guardian or custodian) 12 Nebraska 19 ., (name of city or town) (date) There personally appeared before me the above named and being sworn (name of person signing) testified that the foregoing certificate by signed is (him or her) true to the best of knowledge or belief. (his or her) I hereby approve the foregoing certificate of , (name of child) height feet inches, weight pounds ounces, complexion hair (fair or dark) (color) eyes having not sufficient reason to doubt that (color) (he or she) is of the age herein certified. I hereby certiy that ... ......... (he or she can or cannot) read at sight and write legibly simple sentences in the English language, that said child has appeared before me and been personally examined by me; that all certificates and papers required by law have, in due form, been presented to, and approved by me and the same have been placed on file. (In case the child is attending school insert here the following:) I further certify that is regularly attending (he or she) the (name of school) This certificate shall continue in force only so long as the regular attendance of said child at said school is certified weekly by a teacher thereof. This certificate belongs to (name of child) and is to be surrendered to the superintendent of schools whenever : leaves the service of the person, firm, corporation holding (he or she) same as employer. (signature and official title of person authorized to approve and sign.) ^ Place employed Authority for age Hours.... Certificate valid until.... 13 EVENING SCHOOL ATTENDANCE 'CERTIFICATE This certifies that is registered (name of child) in and regularly attends the evening school. This also certifies that according to the records of my school and in my belief was (name of child) born at on the (name of city or town) day of 19 and is now old. (Name of parent er guardian) (Signature of teacher) (Signature of principal) Duplicate copies of such certificates shall be retained in all cases by the person or officer issuing the same and kept on file by the super- intendent of schools or school directors of the county in which the same are issued. Sec. 3. That said original sections 3581 and 3583 Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913 are hereby repealed. House Boll No. 190. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE J. FRANK BURGESS TITLE A bill for an act to amend Secttion 7028 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1913, as amended by Chapter 126, Session Laws of Nebraska for 1915 and Chapter 130 of the Laws of Nebraska, 1917, and to repeal said section as now existing, and to declare an emergency. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section. 1.. That section 7028 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska 14 1913, as amended by Chapter 126, Session Laws of Nelraska for 1915 and Chapter 130 of the Laws of Nebraska, 1917, le and the same is herel y amer.ded to read as follows: 7028. Section 329. The aggregate school tax shall not in any one year exceed 50 mills on the dollar upon all the taxable property of the district. Sec. 2. That said Section 7028 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1913, as amended by Chapter 126, Session Laws of Nebraska for 1915 and Chapter 130 of the Laws of Nebraska, 1917, be and. the same is herel y repealed. Sec. 3. Whereas an emergency exists, this act shall be in effect and force upon its passage and approval. House Roll So. 217. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE J. REII) GREEN OF LANCASTER TITLE A I ill for an act to amend Section 6801 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska for 1913, as amended by Chapter 121 of the Session Laws of Nebraska for the year 1917 to provide for or all of the purposes mentioned in saidtEE7afNebraskOcllGD the issuance of bonds and to legalize bonds already issued for any or all of the purposes mentioned in said section, and to repeal said section and all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, and to declare an emergency. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 6801 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska for 1913, as amended by Chapter 121 of the Session Laws of Nebraska for the year 1917 be amended to read as follows: 6801. Sec. 102. School districts of more than one hundred and fifty pupils annual statement tax bonds. The said trustees shall present at each annual meeting a statement in writing of all receipts and expenditures on behalf of the district, for the preceding year, and of all funds then on hand, and an estimate of the amount neces- 1S sary to le raised by the district, in addition to the money to be received from the primary school fund and other sources, for the support of the schools of said district for the ensuing year, and for incidental expenses thereof and the said district may, at the annual meeting, vote such sums to be raised by tax upon the taxable property of said district, as may be required to maintain the several schools thereof, for the ensuing year. The amount of money so voted as being necessary for the maintenance of the schools for the ensuing year shall le certified by the district school board to the county clerk of the county in which such school board is located, and the arjiount so certified shall be levied by the county board on the assessed value of the school district, and be collected as other taxes; Provided, the amount so levied shall not exceed in any one year, thirty-five mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation in such school district. Provided, that a levy not exceeding 100 mills may be made after submitting the proposition of the increased levy at an election called for the purpose or at any regular election, notice whereof shall have been given for at least 20 days in one or more papers published in the district or county to the qualifed voters of the district, and if 60 per cent of the votes cast at such election shall be for; the proposed increased levy, the board may make the levy in such amount as may le named in the election notice. Provided, that in addition to the foregoing, a tax to create a special fund for the erection of a school house in said district may be levied when authorized by a majority of the qualified electors voting in any special or regular meeting or election called or held after such proposition including the sum to be raised or the amount of the tax to be levied, the period of years and the whole regulation including the time of its taking effect or having operation has leen stated in the notice of any such meeting or election, and if a majority of the qualified electors at any such meeting or election vote in favor thereof, the record of the meeting or election shall be certified to the county loard, which upon being satisfied that all the requirements have been sul stantially complied with, shall cause the preceedings to be entered upon the record of the county board and shall make an order that the levy le made in accordance therewith, and collected as other taxes. The provisions of sections 7.5, 76, 77 and 78 of Chapter 8 of the revised statutes of 1914 relating to special funds for erection of court houses shall apply so far as practicable to the procedure under this section, the school board of district trustees having power to contract for the erection of the proposed building under the same restrictions as the county board in case of the erection of a court house, and any residue of such tax going into the school district general fund: Provided further, the amount of such special 16 tax so levied shall not exceed ten mills on the dollar valuation above the amount allowed by law for general school purposes, and the total amount voted for the period of years shall not exceed ten per cent of the assessed valuation of the school district: Provided further, if a majority of the qualified electors vote in favor thereof, the school t oard may at once proceed to carry out the pur- pose of the levy, and to do so, are hereby authorized to issue war- rants, as needed, not to exceed eighty-five per cent of the amount raised by the levy, against the fund voted, and the interest on any such warrants shall be paid annually. The board of education may borrow money upon bonds which they are herety authorized and empowered to issue, bearing a rate of interest not to exceed 6 per cent per annum, interest payable annually or semi-annually at such place as may be mentioned upon the face of the bonds which loan shall be paid and reimbursed, in a period of not exceeding thirty years from the date of said bonds, a,nd, the same shall be paid from the proceeds of a special levy for that purpose. Provided, no bonds shall be issued nor the question of issue submitted to the voters without the consent of two-thirds of the members of the board of education and offered in the open market and sold to the highest bidder for not less than par value on the dollar; and provided, further, no bonds shall be issued by the board of education without first submitting the proposition of issuing the bonds at an election called for that purpose, or at any regular elec- tion, notice whereof shall be given for at least 20 days in one or more papers published within the district or county to the qualified voters of the district and at such election, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters the question of the issuance of bonds of the district and if a majority of the ballots cast at such election shall be for issuing bonds, the board may issue bonds in such amount as may be named in the election notice, not exceeding thirty per cent of the assessed valuation of the last completed assessment. Sec. 2. Where bonds have been heretofore issued by any school district having more than one hundred fifty pupils for any or all of the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, and the procedure provided in Chapter 121 of the Session Laws of Nebraska for 1917 has been complied with, and said bonds do not exceed in amount 30 per cent of the last completed assessment of the school district issuing same, said bonds so issued are hereby declared to be valid and legal obligations of 'the school district that issued same. Sec. 3. That said original Section 6801, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913 as amended by Chapter 121 of the Session Laws of Nebraska for 1917, as it now exists is hereby repealed. 17 Sec. 4. Whereas, an emergency exists, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. House Roll No. 246. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE E. H. GERHART, MADISON COUNTY TITLE A bill for an act to amend Section 2452, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, as amended by Chapter 47, Session Laws of 1917, relating to county superintendents, and to repeal said original section. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 2452, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, as amended by Chapter 47, Session Laws of 1917, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 2452. The county board, at the first regular session of each year, shall determine the compensation to te paid to the county superintendent, but in counties containing a school population of fifteen thousand or more, such compensation shall not be less than twenty-five hundred dollars per annum; in counties containing a school population of seven thousand and less than fifteen thousand, such compensation shall not be less than twenty-four hundred dollars per annum; in counties containing a school population of six thousand and less than seven thousand such compensation shall not be less than twenty-one hundred dollars per annum; in counties having a school population of not less than four thousand and not more than six thousand, such compensation shall not be less than nineteen hundred dollars; in counties containing a school population of two thousand five hundred and less than four thousand, such com- pensation shall not be less than seventeen hundred dollars per annum; in counties containing a school population of two thousand and less than two thousand five hundred, such compensation shall not le less than fifteen hundred dollars per annum; in counties con- taining a school population of fifteen hundred and less than two thousand, such compensation shall not be less than thirteen hundred dollars per annum; in counties containing a school population of less 18 than one thousand five hundred, the county superintendent shall receive not less than seven dollars per day for each day actually employed in the performance of the duties of the office, but the total compensation in this class shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars per annum. The number of days necessary for the perform- ance of said duties shall be determined by the county superintend- ent, but the number of days so employed shall not be less than two times the number of districts in the county, and one day for each precinct thereof for the examination of teachers. The county board at their option may allow the county superintendent such clerk hire as they deem necessary, and the county superintendent shall receive in addition to his or her salary, an amount sufficient to pay his or her traveling expenses at the rate of ten cents per mile for each mile actually and necessarily traveled in the performance of his or her official duties, in visiting the various schools under his or her supervision as provided by law. For said traveling expenses the county superintendent shall present such sworn statements and! receipts as the county board may require, and the amount due shall be paid out of the county general fund; provided, that the county board may at its option restrict said mileage to one visit each year to each school in the county. Provided, however, in counties where the assessed valuation of county is not in excess of the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, the number of days necessary for the per- formance of said duties may be determined by the county board, I ut the number of days so employed shall not be less than two times the number of districts in the county, and one day for each precinct thereof for the examination of teachers. Sec. 2. That said original section 2452, Revised Statutes of 1913, as amended by Chapter 47 of the Session Laws of 1917, is hereby repealed. House Roll No. 268. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE E. H. GERHART, MADISON COUNTY TITLE A bill for an act to amend Section 6840, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, relating to normal training and to repeal said origi- nal section. 19 Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 6840, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 6840. The sum of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars for the biennium shal be paid for the appropriation made for that purpose to each schol district in which a class of not less than ten is organ- ized and instructed in accordance with the provisions of this act; Provided, that funds derived from this appropriation shall be devoted exclusively to the payment of the salary of a special instructor or supervisor of Normal Training subjects who has the qualifications prescribed by the state superintendent of public instruction. Sec. 2. That the said original Section 6840 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913 is hereby repealed. House Roll No. 293. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVES E. E. GOOD AND E. H. GERHART TITLE A bill for an act relating to the establishment, regulation,, super- vision and maintenance of vocational schools, departments or classes, and the training of teachers of vocational subjects; to provide for the support of same from federal, state and dis- trict funds, and to appropriate moneys for such purpose; to define the authority and duties of the State Board for Vocational Education; to repeal all conflicting acts or parts of acts; and to declare an emergency. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. Any board in control of any public school, state school, college or university may establish in cooperation with the State Board for Vocational Education a vocational school, department or class giving instruction of less than college grade in agricultural, trade or industrial or home economics subjects to persons over four- teen years of age who have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon the work of the farm, a trade, or the home. 20 Sec. 2. A vocational agricultural school, department or class shall be one which gives all-day, part-time or evening instruction in agricultural subjects to persons who have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon the work of the farm. When organized as an all-day school, department or class, the instruction in vocational agriculture shall extend over a term of at least nine months and a half of the time shall be given to purely agricultural instruction. A part-time agricultural school, department or class may be organized for the same purpose as the all-day school, said part- time school to give at least one hundred forty-four hours of instruc- tion during the year. An evening agricultural school, department or class may be organized to give instruction to persons who have entered upon the work of the farm. The agricultural school, department or class shall provide for at least six months supervised practice for each pupil in attendance. Sec. 3. A vocational trade or industrial school, department or class shall be one which gives all-day, part-time or evening instruc- tion in trade and industrial subjects to persons who have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon employment in a particular/ trade or industrial pursuit. When organized as an all-day school, department or class the instruction shall be for persons who are preparing to enter upon the work of a particular trade or industrial pursuit; it shall cover a period of at least nine months and shall provide for at least thirty hours of instruction per week. At least half the time of instruction must be devoted to work on the useful or productive basis and the remainder of the time to related subjects and to subjects necessary to build a well rounded course of training, provided that for cities and towns of less than twenty-five thousand population according to the last preceding United States census the local board with the approval of the State Board for Vocational Education may modify the conditions as to the length of the course and hours of instruc- tion a week. When organized as a part-time school, department or class, the instruction shall be provided for persons who have entered upon employment; it shall cover a period of at least one hundred forty- four hours per year; and may include instruction supplementary to the employment in which the pupils are engaged, instruction in a different employment or instruction in elementary or secondary 21 subjects given to continue the general education of the pupils ia attendance. \ When organized as an evening school, department or class the instruction shall be provided foV persons over sixteen years of age who have entered upon the work of a particular trade or industrial pursuit and shall provide for instruction supplemental to the daily employment. 'Sec. 4. A vocational home economics school, department or class shall le one which gives all-day, part-time or evening instruction in home economics subjects to persons who, as housewives, home daughters or otherwise, have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon employment in the home. When organized as an all-day school, department or class the Instruction shall be for persons who are preparing to enter upon the work of the home; it shall cover a period of at least nine months and shall provide for at least thirty hours per week, provided that for cities and towns of less than twenty-five thousand population, acording to the last preceding United States census, the local board with the approval of the State Board for Vocational Education may modify the conditions as to the length of course and hours of instruc- tion a week. At least half the time of instruction must be devoted to home economics subjects or to home economics subjects and related subjects, and the remainder of the time to subjects necessary to build a well-rounded course of training. When organized as a part-time school, department or class the instruction shall le for the persons who have entered upon employ- ment; it shall cover a period of at least one hundred forty-four hours a year, of which time at least seventy-two hours shall be devoted to home economics instruction. When organized as an evening school, department or class the instruction shall be designed to supplement the work of the home and shall be given to persons over sixteen years of age. Sec. 5. The State Board for Vocational Education shall have all necessary authority to cooperate with the boards authorized by this act to establish vocational schools, departments or classes and to cooperate with the Federal Board for Vocational Education in the administration of the act of Congress as provided for by Chapter 227 of the Session Laws of Nebraska for 1917. It shall also have the power to administer the funds provided by the Federal Government under said Federal act and the State of Nebraska under the pro- visions of this Act for the promotion of vocational education in such 99 subjects as an essential and integral part of the public school sys- tem of education in the State of Nebraska and to provide for the preparation of teachers of such subjects. It shall have the author- ity to appoint such officials and assistants as may be necessary to administer the Federal Act and this Act for the State of Nebraska and to fix the compensation of such officials and to pay such com- pensation and other necessary expenses of administration from funds appropriated by this Act. It shall have authority to make studies and investigations relative to vocatonal education; to promote and aid in the establishment of vocational schools, departments or classes in communities giving training in such subjects and to cooperate with local toards in the maintenance of the same; to prescribe qualifica- tions and to have full authority to provide for the certification of teachers and supervisors of vocational and related subjects: to- cooperate in the maintenance of classes supported and controlled by the public for the preparation of teachers and supervisors of voca- tional and related subjects or to maintain such classes under its own direction and control; to establish and determine by general regulations the qualifications to be possessed by persons engaged in the training of vocational teachers. Sec. 6. Whenever any school, department or class giving instruc- tion in vocational subjects as provided for in this act and the rules and regulations adopted by the State Board for Vocational Education shall have been approved by the State Board for Vocational Educa- tion it shall be entitled to share in the Federal and State funds avail- able to the extent of not less than three-fourths the salaries of teachers of such vocational subjects; provided, that if the amount of Federal and State funds shall not be sufficient to reimburse in full the amounts due the schools, the State Board for Vocational Educa- tion may prorate the sums available among the vocational schools, departments or classes entitled to reimbursement; and provided further that the amounts still due shall be valid claims against the State of Nebraska to be paid from the first funds available thereafter for the promotion and support of vocational education. Sec. 7. The board in control of the public school of any public school district in the state having at least fifteen children between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years who hold employment certi- ficates in force, shall establish a part-time school or class and shall require minors holding such employment certificates to attend said! school or class regularly for not less than eight hours a week white so employed and until they reach the age of sixteen years provided} that no person over sixteen and under twenty-one years of age shall; be barred from attendance upon said part-time schools or classes. If any such minor between the ages of fourteen and sixteen shall 23 fail to attend regularly upon such part-time school or class as herein required the employment certificate of such minor shall be cancelled. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to employ any such minor between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years of age for more than forty hours in any one week, nor more than eight hours in any one day, nor before the hour of six o'clock in the morn- ing or after the hour of eight oclock in the evening nor unless such minor shall attend regularly upon such part-time school or class as herein required. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense. The local board of any such school district is hereby authorized to raise and expend moneys for the support of such part-time schools or classes in a manner similar to that by which moneys are raised and expended for other school purposes, provided that said boards may make a levy sufficient to cover expenses of such schools over and above the amount now provided for school purposes. Such part-time schools 01". classes shall be organized in accordance with, the rules and regulations which may be established by the State Board for Vocational Education. Such part-time schools or classes shall provide instruction which shall continue education in elemen- tary or secondary school subjects or instruction supplementary to the employment in which such minors over fourteen and under six- teen years of age are engaged. Whenever such part-time schools or classes shall be established they shall share in any Federal and State funds available for the promotion and support of Vocational Educa- tion in the State of Nebraska. Sec. 8. The State Board for Vocational Education shall make a biennial report to the Legislature showing the progress of vocational education in the State of Nebraska, together with a list of schools, departments or classes receiving reimbursement, and a detailed statement of expenditure of Federal and State funds available for vocational education. Sec. 9. There is hereby appropriated out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated the sum of one hundred thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary to enable the State Board fop Vocational Education to cooperate with the Federal Board for Voca- tional Education and to carry out the provisions of this act. Sec. 10. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 11. Whereas, an emergency exists, this act shall take effect .and te in force from and after its passage and approval. 24 House Roll No. 321. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE D. S. HARBIN OF HARLAN COUNTY TITLE A Bill for an act to amend section 451, Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, to repeal said original section, and to declare an emer- gency. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Sec. 1. That said original section 451, Revised Statutes of Ne- braska for 1913 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 451. The amount of bonds shall in no case exceed one thousand dollars in those districts having less than twenty-five children and not less than twelve of school age; and the amount of bonds shall not exceed two thousand dollars when the number of children of school age is twenty-five or more and less than fifty; and the amount of bonds shall not exceed five thousand dollars when the number of children of school age in the district is fifty or more but less than one hundred; and in districts having one hundred or more children of school age, such amount as may be agreed upon, not to exceed twelve per cent of the assessed valuation of the last complet- ed assessment. Sec. 2. That said original section 451, Revised Statutes of Ne- braska for 1913 is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. Whereas an emergency exists, this act shall take effect from and after its passage and approval. House Roll 844. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVES HOSTETLER, MILLER, GOOD, REYNOLDS, CROZIER, TRACEWELL, RICKARD and J. REID GREEN TITLE A bill for an act to provide for child welfare in the State of Nebraska?. 25 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. There is hereby established in the state department of public instruction a bureau to be known as the State Child Welfare Bureau. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is hereby author- ized to provide sufficient quarters and equipment for the said bureau In the state department of education. Sec. 2. Within thirty days after* this law goes into effect, the Governor shall appoint for a term of two years a director who shall have charge of the working organization of the State Child Welfare Bureau. The Governor shall likewise appoint for a period to termi- nate May 11, 1921, a special investigating committee to be known as the "The Children's Code Commission," which commission shall be an independent branch of the State Child Welfare Bureau, but shall be cooperative with all other workers in the Bureau. Said Com- mission shall be composed of not less than five nor more than fifteen persons, residents of Nebraska, specially qualified by experience and study to deal with the problems relating to child welfare in Nebraska. Any vacancy which may occur in said commission, by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, shall le filled ly appointment by the Gov- ernor. The Director of the State Child Welfare Bureau may or may not be a member of the investigating commission. Sec. 3. The Director of the State Child Welfare Bureau shall have special training and knowledge of the principles underlying political and social welfare. He shall receive an annual compensa- tion of $2400.00, together with necessary traveling expenses, not to exceed $800.00. Said Director shall have authority to organize, employ and secure such assistance, within the funds available through this act, as he deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this act. Sec. 4. The members of the Children's Code Commission shall receive no salary, except a secretary as herein provided tut may receive actual traveling expenses while going to and in attendance upon the meetings of the commission within Nebraska, or otherwise exclusively engaged within said state upon the business of said com- mission. The Commission shall choose one of its members as presi- dent, and shall have power to select a secretary from within or outside its membership. The secretary shall le paid a salary -.f not to exceed $150.00 per month. Stenographic and other assistance as necessary may le employed, within the appropriations available under this act. Sec. 5. It shall le the duty of the director who is in charge of the working organization of the State Child Welfare Bureau, to 26 organize, make rules and regulations for a supervised system of recreation, and to devise ways and means for securing and placing playground equipment in urban, village and rural communities, where needed. Said bureau shall keep a record of the birth of every child born in Nebraska, which information shall be secured from the State Department of Health. This, and other records, shall be carefully preserved in the office of the State Child Welfare Bureau. The State Child Welfare Bureau shall endeavor, in every way possible to lessen and prevent penal trials and punishments for children. It shall assist in equalizing the opportunities for thec hildren of Nebraska. It shall maintain a live children's survey of the state. The bureau shall be a unifying agency, through which the state may cooperate with individuals and organizations among all classes of people, on matters pertaining to children's aid and benefit, and this bureau shall offer an avenue through which government agencies functioning in the interests of children may operate. No representa- tive of the said tureau shall force its authority over and above the recognized head of any household. Sec. 6 The Children's Code Commission of the Child Welfare Bureau shall make a careful study of the subject of child welfare with special reference to the problems presented in Nebraska, and, as part of its duties, shall investigate social and other conditions affecting child welfare in Nebraska, shall make a study of compara- tive legislation relating thereto, to point out, and make recommenda- tions for removal of, inconsistent, obsolete or otherwise undesirable laws, and recommend new legislation for promotion of child welfare in said state and shall embody said recommendations and the results of said investigation in a written report to the Governor on Decem- ber 1, 1920, which report the Governor shall transmit to the legisla- ture next convening. Prefixed to such report shall be submitted a brief abstract, prepared by said commission, containing in condensed form the substance of the complete report. Not to exceed five thous- and copies of said report shall le published and distributed by the commission, the expense thereof to be paid out of the appropriation herein made. The record and reports of the Children's Code Commis- sion shall be at all times available to the Director of the Child Wel- fare Bureau, and shall te filed permanently with other records and reports of the bureau. Sec. 7. The Children's Code Commission shall have free access to all books and records in the several departments of the state gov- ernment and in the counties, cities, villages and school districts in this state including the books and records of all municipal, county and state institutions; and also to the books and records of all private agencies having the custody of or the placing out of children. 27 The Commission may call upon the Legislative Reference Bureau for room and any assistance which may properly be asked from that Bureau. Sec. 8. There is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the State of Nebraska the sum of $15,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the payment of salaries and other expenses herein authorized, which shall be paid out upon presentation of vouchers approved by the Governor. One-half of the amount herein appropriated shall be available to the Director of the State Child Welfare Bureau for the work in his charge; one-half shall be avail- able to the Childrens Code Commission for the discharge of their duties. House Roll No. 55*. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE J. REID GREEN OF LANCASTER. TITLE A bill for an act to amend Section 451 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska, for the year 1913, as amended by H. R. 321 of this present session and to repeal said original section. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 451 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska for the year 1913 is amended to read as follows: Sec. 451. The amount of bonds shall toe such amount as may be agreed upon not to exceed twenty per cent of the assessed valuation of the last completed assessment. Sec. 2. That Section 451 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska, for the year 1913, as amended by H. R. 321 of this present session as heretofore existing, hereby is repealed. 28 House Roll No. 207. Introduced By REPRESENTATIVE J. REID GREEN OF LANCASTER TITLE A till for an act to amend Section 6743, Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska, for 1913, and to repeal said original section. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 6743, Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska for 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 6743. TAX FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. The legal voters may also, at any annual or special meetings, determine the number of mills, not exceeding ten mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation, which shall te expended for the building or building an addition thereto, purchase, or lease of schoolhouse, in said district, when ther