UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES COPIES OF THE SEVERAL TESTIMONIALS TRANSMITTED FROM BENGAL BY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL AND COUNCIL, RELATIVE TO WARREN HASTINGS, Eso^ LATE GOVERNOR GENERAL OF BENGAL. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JOHN STOCKDALE, OPPOSITE BURLINGTON-HOUSE, PICCADILLY. MDCCLXXXIX, ADVERTISEMENT. 'TpHE Editor fuppofed that it would fwell the prefent Publication unneceflarily, if the Names of all the Perfons were printed who have figned the AddreiTes. He has, therefore, contented himfelf with a general Defcription of the perfons who fign each Addrefs, except in a few Inftances. June 25, 1789. A 2 :/3v Extract of General Letter from Bengal, dated 6th November 1788, received by the Ship William Pitt ; and of General Letter from Bengal, dated gth January 1789, received by the Kent, tranfmitting the following Papers, accompanied with the original Perfian Addrefles to the Court of Directors. Extra ft of General Letter from Bengal, dated 6tb November 1788. Par. 309. T"p OUR' feveral Addrefles from the ]j principal Native Inhabitants of Benares, to your Honourable Court, declaring their Sentiments of Mr. Haft ings, were fub- mitted to us by Mr. George Thompfon, late Secretary to Mr. Haftings, at the Requeft of Ally Ibrahim Cawn, the Chief Judicial Magi- ftrate of that City, with the Correfpondence which had pafied with him on the Subject of them. 310. It appeared from the Tenor of this Cor- refpondence, that a Deputation of the Inhabit- ants of Benares had exprefied their Wiihes, through Ally Ibrahim Cawn, to wait upon your Refident Mr. Duncan with thefe Addrefles, as the regular official Channel of Communication ; but that Mr. Duncan had declared it was unn,e- ceflary ( 6 ) cefiary for the Inhabitants to attend him with the AddrefTes, as they did not concern the Com- pany's Affairs. Under thefe Circumftances they were forwarded to Mr. Thompfon, as the At- torney and Friend of Mr. Haftings, with a Re- queft that he would lay them before the Go- vernor General in Council, and take the necef- lary Steps for their being tranflated and tranf- niitted to Europe. 311. In compliance with Ally Ibrahim Cawn's Solicitation, Mr. Thompfon fubmitted thefe Pa- pers to us, as before recited, requefting that they might be tranflated and forwarded to you in due Time ; and under a Suppofition that the Company would not be averfe to receive from its Native Subjects and Allies, the public De- claration of their Sentiments, upon a Queftion of fo much Importance to their Happinefs, and to the Credit of the Englifli Nation, as the Conduct of Mr. Hattings, during his Jong Go- vernment, Mr. Thompfon further requefled, that he might be permitted to receive the Suf- frages which the Native Inhabitants of the Com- pany's PofTeffions were defirous of conveying to the Court of Directors, as their Senfe of Mr. Haftings's Merits ; and that the Judges, Col- lectors, and Rtfidtnts might be informed that he had obtained fuch Permiffion, or that they were their- felves at liberty to receive and tranf- mit to us any Teftimonies relative to Mr. Haf- tings, that might be tendered to them by or on the Part of the Native Inhabitants. 312. With thefe Requefts from Mr. Thomp- fon we complied, having qualified our Orders to the Judges, Collectors, and Refidcnts, in the following Terms : " That the Liberty accorded " was ( 7 ) " was merely to receive and tranfmit Teftimo- e nials ,when offered ; but that they were not " to deduce any Inference from it, that they " were authorifed to exercife any further Inter- " ference." 313. The AddrefTes above mentioned, with Tranflations, and various other Addreffes, &c. from the Nabob Vizier and his Minifters, from the Nabobs of Furruckabad, and thefe Pro- vinces, alfo from the principal Zemindars of Dinagepore, Boglepore, &c. &c. &c. accord- ing to a Lift which accompanies them, attend you in the prefent Difpatch. Extraft of General Letter from Bengal, dated the qtb January 1789. Par. 20. Several further Addreffes, refpefting Mr. Haftings, which were either forwarded by the Collectors, or prefented by Native Vackeels, to the Governor General, having been tranflated purfuant to our Orders, are now transmitted in the Packet of the Kent. We alfo forward an Ad- drefs from the Greeks, with a Translation of it. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Thompfon, dated 27th March 1788. To Earl Cornwall^, K. G. Governor Gene- ral, &c. Fort William, 27th March 1788. My Lord, fjpHE principal Native Inhabitants of Benares * having in Four feveral AddrefTes to the Honourable Company declared their Sentiments of ( 8 ) of Mr. Haftings, were defirous of delivering the Addrefles to Mr. Duncan, the Refident at that Place, in order that he might forward them to the Governor General in Council, and that they might be fo tranfmitted to the Court of Di- rectors. To this End, Ally Ibrahim Khawn, the Chief Judicial Magiftrate at Benares, wrote to Mr. Duncan, requefting that he would ap- point a Time when a Deputation of the Inha- bitants might attend him with the Addrefles : Mr. Duncan returned for Anfwer to Ally Ibra- him Khawn, that as the Addrefles -did not con- cern the Company's Affairs, it was unneceflary that the Inhabitants mould either come or fend to him ; under thefe Circumftances, Ally Ibra- him Khawn, at the Inftance of the Parties who had figned the Addrefies, forwarded them to me, in order that I might prefent them to the Governor General in Council, for the purpofe of being tranfmitted to England. The Circumftances, as I have here ftated them, will appear from Ally Ibrahim Khawn's Letter to Mr. Duncan's Anfwer, and Ally Ibra- him Khawn's Letter to me, Copies and Tranf- lations of which I take the liberty of enclo- fing, N i. In compliance with the Requifition which I have thus received, I have now the Honour to lay before your Lordfhip the feveral Perfian Papers mentioned in the encloled Lift, N 2 ; and as well on the Part of the Native Inhabitants of Benares as of Mr. Haftings, moft earneftly to requeft that your Lordihip will be pleafed to or- der that the faid Perfian Papers may be tranfla- ted into Englilh by the proper Officers, and with i the ( 9 ) the TranQations tranfmitted to the Court of Di- re<5tors by the next Ship. As I humbly conceive that the Honourable Company will not be averfe to receiving from its Native Subjefts and Allies the Public Decla- ration of their Sentiments upon a Queftion of fo much Importance to their Happineis, and to the Credit of the Englifh Nation, as the Conduct of Mr. Haftings during his long Government ; and as I underftand that the principal Native Inha- bitants throughout the Company's PofTeflions are defirous of conveying to the Court of Di- rectors their Senfe of Mr. Haftings's Merits, I take the liberty of requefting that I may be per- mitted to receive their Suffrages, and that the Gentlemen who at as Judges, Collectors, or Re- fidents under the Prefidency of Fort William, may be officially informed that I have obtained fuch Permiffion, and that they have Authority to tranfmit to the Governor General in Council any Teftimonies relative to Mr. Haftings, which may be tendered to them for that Purpofe, by or on the Part of the Native Inhabitants of their refpective Diftricts. I have the Honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordmip's moft devoted and obedient humble Servant, (Signed) GEO. NESBIT THOMPSON. (A true Copy.) E. HAY, t>ec y to the Gov*. B . Firft Enclofure in Mr. Thorn pfon's Letter. of a Letter from Ally Ibrahim Kbawn, ~i the Chief Judicial Magiftrate at Benares, to Jo- nathan Duncan t Ejquire, the Rejident at that Place. >TpHE Inhabitants of this City have prepared, -*- under their Seals and Signatures, feveral Addrefles relative to the beneficent and honour- able Mr. Haftings. They wifh to fend to you certain Peifons on their Part with the faid Ad- dreffes,and to deliver to you a Petition to this Ef- fecV, viz. Be pleafed, in your Kind nefs, to forward theie Addrefles to the Prefence of the Right Honourable Earl Cornwallis, to whom be lailing Proiperity, and to the Honourable Gentlemen of his Council in Calcutta, who having graci- oufly caufed them to be tranflated by the Tranf- lators of the Company, will (it is requeftcd) be pleafed to forward them to the Honourable Directors in England, as has been already fully reprefented to you by Beneram Pundit. When- ever you fhall be pleafed to appoint, the faid Perfons will attend you, and prefent the faid Addrefs, Vranjlation of Mr. Duncan's Anfwer to Ally Ibra- Lrn bim Khawn ' UfuaJ Compliments. Your Letter, informing me that the Inhabi- tants of the City have prepared, under their Seals and Signature?, feveral Addrefles relative tc Mr. Haftings, and are defirous that certain Perfons fhould come to me with the faid Ad^ drefles, ( II ) dreffes, and a Requeft that I will forward them to his Lordfhip in Council, has been received. As the Addreffes have no Connexion with the Bufinefs of the Company, there is no Neceflity that they (the Inhabitants) fhould come or fend to me. Let them do what they think proper. What more ? &c. translation of a Letter from Ally Ibrahim Kbaivn to Mr. Thompfon. The ufual Compliments. The Inhabitants of the Town of Benaris hav- ing prepared feveral AddrefTes, under their Seals and Signatures, relative ro Mr. Haftings, were defirous that certain of the Inhabitants mould carry the Addrefies, and deliver them to Mr. Duncan, in order that he might in his Kindneis forward them to the Council in Calcutta, and re- queft, in behalf of the Inhabitants, that the be- neficent Gentlemen of the Council, having cauf- ed the Addrefics to be tranflated by the Tranf- lator of the Company, the Centre of Profperity, would fend both the Originals and the Tranfla- tions to England, to the Prefence of the Ho- nourable the Directors. I accordingly wrote to Mr. Duncan ; he fent for Anfwer, that as the Addrefles had no Relation to the Bufinefs of the Company, it was therefore unneceiTary that they (the Inhabitants) fhould come or fend to him This you will underltand from the Copies which I fend enclofed of my Letter on this Occafion to Mr. Duncan, and of his Anfwer. As you are the Attorney and the Friend of Mr. Haf- tings, they have therefore fent the Addrefles to you They will be delivered to you by Mirza B 2 Ally Ally Nukky Khawn Behadre. Itisdefired that you will deliver them to the Honourable the Gentlemen of the Council, and take fuch Steps that they may be tranflated and fent to England. What more ? &c. (True Copies.) E. HAY, Secr y to the Gov . Second Enclofure in Mr. Thompfon's Letter. ENCLOSURE, N' 2. A. An Addrefs under the Seals of the Maha Rajah and Ranny, the Kawjies, Mufties, Mowlavies, Munfubdars, Khawns, and other Ferfons of Diftinction at Benaris, bearing 277 Seals. 3-- A Copy of the above Addrefs, with a Sche- dule fpecifying the Names, Offices, and Stations of the Perfons whofe Seals are affixed to the Addrefs. This Copy and Schedule are attefted by the Official Seal of the Kauzy Ally Nukky Khawn. B. Addrefs under the Signatutes of the Pundits of Mehrift and Naugur, and other Bramins at Benares, written in the Shan- fcrtc Language and in the Dio Nugry Character. 178 Signatures. b. Copy of the above Addrefs, marked B. at- fteftcd by the Official Seal of the Kauzy, C. An ( '3 ) C. An Addrefs in the Shanfcrit Language and in the Bengal Character, figned by the Bengal Pundits refiding at Benares. 112 Signatures. C, A Copy of the Addrefs marked C. attefted by the Official Seal of the Kauzy. D. Addrefs in the Hindoftany Language and in the Guzarauty Character, figned by the Bankers of the Now Putty Quar- ter, the Merchants, &c. of Benares. 402 Signatures. Cl. Copy of the above Addrefs marked D. at- tefted by the Official Seal of the Kauzy. (A true Copy.) E. HAY, Sec y to theGov 1 . Refolutions of the Right Honourable the Governor General in Council, on Mr. Thompfon's Letter, 3ift March 1788. Refolutions on Mr. fbompforfs Letter^ in Confut- ation 3 ift March 1788. *"pHE Governor General in Council, having * confidered the Requeft made by Mr. Thompfon, does not conceive himfelf autiio- rifed to preclude Mr. Thompfon, as the At- torney to Mr. Haftings collecting the Suffrages of the Natives, or to reject an Application 3 founded founded in common Juftice, and therefore re folves to admit it, fo far as to authorife the Of- ficers of Government to receive Reprefentations from the Natives, expreffive of their Senfe of Mr. Haftings's Conduct towards them, and to tranfmit them, if tendered, to the Secretary, with refpect to thefe Teftimonials. The Governor General in Council deems it wholly unnecefiary to record any Opinion upon a Subject with which he has no Concern or In- terference. Ordered, That the following Circular Letters be written to the Collectors, Judges, and Re- fid en ts. Mr. Mathew Dawfon, Collector of Moor- fhedabad. Sir, Mr. Thompfon, who appears to be one of Mr. Haftings's Attorneys, underftanding that the principal Native Inhabitants of the Com- pany's Territories are defirous of bearing Tefti- mony to the Merits of Mr. Haftings, has ad- drefled the . Governor General in Council, nr- quefting that he may be permitted to receive their Suffrages, and that the Judges, Collectors, or Refidents under this Prefidency, may have Authority to tranfmit to the Governor General in Council any Testimonies relative to Mr. Haflings, which may be tendered to them for that Purpofe, by or on the Fart of the Native Inhabitants of their refpective Diflricts , with this Reaueft the Governor General in Council has been pleafed to comply ; and I have there- fore to inform you, that mould any fuch Ad- cire'fles be tendered to you by or on the Part of the f '5 ) the Native Inhabitants within your Diftrict, you are at Liberty to receive and forward them to me. The Liberty now accorded is merely to receive and tranfmit Teftimonials when offered; and you are not to deduce any Inference from it that you are authorifed to exercife any further Interference in this Bufinefs. I am, &c. (Signed) E. HAY, Sec y to the Gov'. 3ift March 1788. The fame to Mr. Peter Speke Collector of Rajefhahy, Mr. Suetonius Heatly D of Perneah, Mr. Day W M'Dowal D* of Rungpore, Mr. Geo. Hatch D of Dinagepore, Mr. Rob 1 Bathurft D of Tirhoot, Mr. Montgomiree D of Sircar Sarum, Mr. W ra Brook D of Shawnbad, Mr. Thomas Law D of Bahar, Mr. W m Ledie D of Ramghur, Mr. Rob 1 Adair D of Boglepore, Mr. J. Sherburn D of Beerbhoome, Mr. J. Kenlock D of Burdwan, Mr. Cofby Burrows D of Midnapore, Mr. W m Pye D of 24 Pergunnahs, Mr. Tightman Hinckle D of Jeflbre, Mr. Shearman Bird D of Chittagong, Mr. Mathew Day Dof Daccajeialpore, Mr. W m Wroughton D of Momen ?ing, Mr. John Champain Judge of Dacca, Mr. Ed d Eyre Burgefs Dof Moorfhedabad, Mr. Laurence Meun D of Patna, Mr. Jonathan Duncan Refident at Benares. C. W m Malet, Efq. Refidtnt at Poona. t 16 ) Sir, Mr. Thompfon, who appears to be One of Mr. Haftings's Attornies, underftanding that feveral of the principal Natives of India are de- firous of bearing Teftimony to the Merits of Mr. Haftings, has addrefied the Governor General in Council, requefting that he may be permitted to receive their Suffrages, and that the Officers of Government may have Authority to tranfmit to the Governor General in Council any Tefti- nionies relative to Mr. Haftings, which may be tendered to them for that Purpofe by or on the Parts of the Natives of India. With this Requeft the Governor General in Council has been pleafed to comply j and I have therefore to inform you, that mould any fuch Addrefs be tendered to you, you are at liberty to receive and forward them to me. The Li- berty now accorded is merely to receive and tranfmit Teftimonials when voluntarily offered ; and you are not to deduce any Inference from it that you are authorifed to exercife any further Interference in this Bufmefs. I am, &c. (Signed) E. HAY, 3ift March 1788. Sec y to the Gov'. % The fame to Major Palmer, Refident with Mahajee Sindia, E. O. Ives, Elq. Refident at Lucknow. Ordered that the Perfian Papers, mentioned in Mr. Thompfon's Enclofure, N 1 3 be trani- lated into En^lifh by the Perfian Trantlator, and tranfmitted to the Honourable Court of Direc- tors with the Tranflations by the next Ship. (A true Copy) E. HAY, Sec' to the Gov'. "7 Copy of Three Letters from the Deputy Perfian Tranflator, accompanying Tranf- lation of the different Teftimonials re- fpecting Mr. Haftings. To Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to th Government. Sir, A CCOMPANYING I have the Pleafure to *"* tranfmit you Tranflations of feveral Ad- drefies from his Excellency the Nawob Vizier and principal Officers of his Court ; from the Rajah and refpectable Inhabitants of Benares > from the Nawob of Furruckabad, his Minifters, and Chief Merchants and Bankers of that City; from the Nawob Mobarek ul Dowla, and the principal Perfons of the Nizamut, and Cities of Moorftiedabad and Rajemahl 5 and from the Zemindar of Dinagepore and his Officers; which I have made in purfuance to an Order from the Governor General in Council, communicated to me by you on the 27th April laft. Thofe from Benares, Moorfhedabad, and Ra- jemahl, fent me by you (the latter Places accom- panied by the Letter from the Refident at the Durbar), are in Duplicate in the Periian Lan- guage, as well as thofe from Lucknow, with a Letter from his Excellency the Vizier, to the Governor General in Council. And I have the Pleafure to tranfmit you the Duplicates of the Perfian, &c. Addrefles, with the Tranflations, having compared them with their Counterparts, which I have lodged among the Records of my Office. Thofe from Furruckabad and Dinage- C pore pore I have copied, and, referving the Copies for the above Purpofe, the Originals accompany my prefent Addrefs. The Letters from the Vizier and Nawaub of Furruckabad, appertain- ing to the Perfian Office, and being addrefTed to Earl Cornwallis, I have fent Perfian Copies of them attefted % All the above Papers are more particularly defcribed in the accompanying Lift. Conceiving you would not want thefe Pa- pers until near the Difpatch of the firft Ship for Europe, I have made the Translations when the current and more urgent Bufinels of my Office would permit. This I hope will apologize for the Delay. I am, Sir, Your moft obedient Servant, Calcutta, (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, 30th July 1788. D. P. T r . (A true Copy.) E. Hay, . Sec'. To Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to the Government. Sir, Since I addrefled you on the goth July laft, I have received feveral other Addrefles, of which I have made Tranflations, agreeable to the Order from the Governor General in Council, under Date the 27 th April laft. 4 The ( 19 ) The accompanying Lift will point out the Particulars of' the above Papers, being the Addrefies, with their Tranflations. I am, Sir, Your mod obedient Servant, Calcutta, (Signed) G. F. CHERRY," 1 7th Sept. 1788. Jt). P. T. (A true Copy.) E. Hay, Sec" to the Gov'. To Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to the Government. Sir, I have now the Pleafure to forward you fur^ ther Teftimonials relative to Mr. Haftings, as per feparate accompanying Lift, with Tranfla- tions of each. The Letter from the Collector of Nudea will explain the Circumftance of the Seal of Rajah Seo Chund being affixed to an Addrefs f:om him, which was not delivered until after his Detnife ; and the Letters from the other Col- lectors, which accompanied the Addrefles from the Zemindars, &c. of their rcfpeclive Diftricts, were not fcnt to me. I am, Sir, Your moft obedient humble Servant, (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, Calcutta, D r P. T r . 4th Nov. 1788. (A true Copy.) E. Hay, Sec' to the Gov f . C2 Copy Tranflation of Perfian Addrefs from Benares. OJ >T'lr Tranflation of an Addrefs marked A. under the Seals as under-written: A LL we, *refiding, born, or on a Vifit at *** Benares, whether of the Hindoo Religion, or Followers of Mahomet, have heard that the Gentlemen in England are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Sufpicion that he oppreJTed us In- habitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country j therefore we, upon the Strength of our Reli- gion and religious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to act conformable to the Decrees of God in delivering Evidence, relate the praifeworthy Actions, full of Pru- dence and Rectitude, Friendfhip and Politeneis, of Mr. Haftings, pofiefTed of great Abilities and Understanding; and by reprefenting Facts, remove the Doubts that have poffefTed the Minds of the Gentlemen in England, that Mr. Haf- tings diftributed Protection and Security to Re- ligion, and Kindnefs and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlement ancl Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufnefs and Avidity; during the Period of his Govern- ment no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hard- Ihips from him, nor did the Poor ever -know the Weight of an opprefllye Hand from him. Our Characters and Reputations have bren always guarded in Quiet from Attack by the Vigilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and prefervecj , II ) preferved by the Terror of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards ns and thofe entitled to it, but always applied by Soothings and Mild-" nefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a fingle Fcrfon to be overpowered by Defpair. He difplayed his Friendfhip and Kindnefs to all He deftroyed rhe Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror.- He tied the Hands of Tyrants and Opprefibrs by his Juftice, and by his Conduct "he fecured Happinefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablifhed the Foundation of Juf- tice ; and we at all Times during his Government lived in Comfort, and paiTed our Days in Peace. We are many many of us fatisfied and pleafrd with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of per- forming that which would tend to the Pre- fervation of our Religion and of the Duties of our Sects, and guard the religious Culloms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Ac- cidents. In every Scnfe he treated us with At- tention and Relpect. We have reprefented without Deceit what we nave ourfelves feen, and the Facts that happened from him. The Seals, affixed to this Addrefs. Seals of Caazees, - 6 Of Muftis, 7 Qf Learned Men, - 12 Of Men of Family, and holding Offices, 45 pf the Rajah and his Family, - - 19 Carried over 89 Brought over 89 Seals of Mahomedan Inhabitants and Refidcnts in Benares, - 67 Of refpectable Hindoo Inhabitants, - 33 Of thole who enjoy Penfions and Allow- ances, - 89 Total Seals, 278 Translation of a Paper marked B. The Perfian Tranflation of a Paper, written by the Maharatta Nagtir, and every other Set of Pundits and Bramins, under their Signatures, in the Shanfcrit Language and Deonagur Cha- raflers. " We, who are Inhabitants and Re- fidents in the Country and City of Benares, de- clare, That we are pleated and fatisfied with the Conduct, and Kindnefs of Mr. Haftings ; itf, for his Exertions for the Profperity of Caafhy (Benaris), the Refidence of Bifhefherjee, and the principal Place of Worfhip of all the Hindoos of Hindoftan. 2d!y, For the Eafe and Credit we experienced during his Government. ^dly, Becaufe formerly there were great Opprefiions committed by Gunga Puthan (Brahmins who officiate in the Duties of Religion) on the Pil- grims -, on which Account few Pilgrims came: Thcfe he removed, and conlequently the Num- ber of Pilgrims is now increafcd from all Parts of Hindoftan : This Treatment was never before experienced. 4thly, He appointed theNawaub Ally Ibrahim Cawn for the Protection and Ad- miniftration of Juftice in this City, becaufe this Magiftrate poffc fled Abilities, is juft and difin- te re lied. terefted. He inferred in the Regulations deli- vered to him, that the Decifion of Difputes be- tween Hindoos or Mahomedans muft be made according to their refpeftive religious Tenets. If Mahomedans, according to the Rites of Iflam: And nominated learned Men to expound the Laws of the Khoran. It Hindoos, agreeable to the Shaftah : And appointed Pundits to lay down the Rules of it. And he alfo provided in the Regulations for the Peace and Quiet of us. This Magiftrate exerts hirnfelf for our Peace, and has ftopr all Taxes, Bribery, or other Ex- pence, during his Adminiftration j and we enjoy, during his Adminiftration, more Quiet than during thofe of Rajah Bulwant Sing and Rajah Cheyte Sing. 5thly, That during the Time he refided in Benaris, Mr. Haftings treated us all, on a Vifit to him, with Kindnefs and Refpect, according to the refpeftive Rank' of each j and pleafed every one with his beft Abi- lity, and at all Times was anxious for our Hap- pincfs. 6thly, For erecting, at his own Ex- pence, a Nabut Khana (a Place for a Kind of Drum) at the Door of the Temple of Bimefhur, which is the Place of Worfliip of all Hindoftan* 7thly, That at no Time did he omit any Par- ticular tending to the Protection of the Inhabit- ants of this City -, with refpect to us, that he never was interefted, nor ever was defirous of Detriment or Injury towards us. We have re- prelented, with Sincerity and Truth, what plea- ling and proper Conduct Mr. Haftings obferved towards us. The Fame of the King and Com- pany is fpread through Indoftan ; and we, who have experienced Comfort and Eafe, offer up our ( 24 ) our Prayers for the Profperity of his Majefty, and the Succefs of the Company. " Written in the Month of Cartic Suddee 6th, 1844, Friday, by the Inhabitants of Benaris (Caafhy), October 1787. Total Seals to this Addrefs, - 172 C. Tranflation of the Paper marked C. The Perfian Tranflation of a Paper written by the Bengal Pundits, in the Shawfcrit Language, under their Signatures. " Rcprefentation from the Inhabitants of the City of Benares, and Pilgrims of the Country, to the King of Eng- land and the Company. We are fatisfied with the Conduct and Friendfhip of Mr. Haftings : During his Refidence in this Country, he always inierefted himfelf in our Welfare, and in the Protection of our Reputation and Credit. As from the Effects of Mr. Haflings's Kindnefs, we refivic in the City of Benaris with Comfort and Eafe, and the Promoters of Difturbances are feverely punifhed ; many People come from all Quarters to refide here in conlcquence of know- ing of this Happinefs. He has appointed the Nawaub Ally Ibrahim Cawn, from a Conviction of his Underftanding, Prudence, Fear of God, and Difmtereftednefs, to protect the good and to punilh the bad Men , and to adjuft the Caufes between Mahomedans, according to the Koran 5 and between Hindoos, according to the Shaftar: And And Ally Ibrahim Cawn p.:fiefied thofe Virtues, and acts conformable t,;- cKelr P.-eceuts ; and 'in confequence thereof, our Vcredion and Safety is creater than ciuring the* Government of for- mer Rajahs. When Mr. Haftings came to Be- naris, every Perfon who went to fee him were received with Attention and Refpect, according to their Rank. And in order to pleafe God (Biftiwimer), and to fecure eternal Protection, he eftablifhcd the Nubut, at his own great Ex- pence, on the Door of the Temple of Bifhwimer. During the Time of his Refidence in thefe Pro- vinces, he cherifhed us as his Children. He did not in the kail Inftancc occafion any Injury towards us. On thefe Accounts we have always lived in Peace-, and the King of England, who is our Protector and the Guardian of the Poor, and the Company, have giined great Fame, and we pray for their Profperity. This is the Re- prefcntation of the Inhabitants of Benaris." Total Signatures to this Addrefs, - 113 d. Tranflation of the Paper marked D. The Perfan Tr (inflation of a Paper, written by tie Noputty Bankers^ Mercbanls^ and ethers* under their Signatures, in the Hindoo Language, and Guzzeratty CharaElers. We are Merchants, Bankers, and Refidents in Benaris ; and reprelent, with Faith and Truth, that Mr. Railings never plundered any Man's Property, never injured any one's Cha- D rafter rafter or Reputation, never received any Bribe, never poflefled any Man's Territory or Property by Deceit, nor ever ruined the Country ; bur, on the contrary, laboured at the Profpericy and Satisfaction of all Mankind, plealed every one by his Kindnels and Affability, appointed a Man of refpeclable Character for the Protection of the City, and to adminifter Juftice in it, gave his Afliftance for the Promulgation of the Te- nets of the Mahomedan and Hindoo Religions, and held a Conduct p leafing and fatisfactory. As Mr. Mailings was poflefied of Abilities, and acquainted with the Cuftoms of Hindoftan to a great Degree, he pleafed every Sect with his fu- perior Manners -, he was in the higheft Senfe de- firous of Juftice, and Protection of the Ryotts ; we were very much pleafed and happy at his Conduct. We have reprefented what we knew. The Signatures of the Noputty Bankers and Merchants, &c. 405 E. Copy Letter from the Refident at the Durbar ; and of Tranflation of Perfian Papers which accompanied it. To Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to the Government. Sir, ' TJ I S Highnefs the Nabob Mobarek ul Dowla *"* has fent me the accompanying Papers, re- lating, as he informs me, to Mr. Haftings, de- 6 firing firing 1 will immediately forward them to the Right Honourable the Governor General. I have numbered them i and 2 -, and am, Sir, Your moft obedient, humblexServant. (Signed) PETER SPEKE, Moradbaug, Refident Durbar. I4th Feb. 1788. (A true Copy.) E. Hay, Sec y to the Gov'. Papers received \6th February 1788, and tranf- latedy purfuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, dated ijtb April 1788, marked F. It is written for the Information and Know- ledge of the Gentlemen in Power under the King and Company of England, that we have at this Time learnt by the News from Europe, that a few Perfons, not being fully acquainted with the real State and Cuftoms of this Coun- try, have reprefented Matters with refpect to Mr. Haftings contrary to Truth and Fact, have thrown the Minds of the Minifters and People of England into a State of Doubt, and have injured Mr. Haftings, and afperied his Cha- racter. As Mr. Haftings, from the Time of his Arrival until his Departure, adminiftered the AfiVirs of this Country with great Propriety and Splendour; always lought the Profperity and" Welfare of the Family of Nawaub Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khan, deceafed, according to D 2 the the Purport of the Treaties and Engagements ; laboured for the Satisfaction, for the Preferva- tion of the Character and Honour of every one, according to his Rank and Station; and avoided every Circumftance which could occafion us Diftrefs or Indignity , we were and are pleafed and latisfied with him. It is therefore incum- bent on us to write, without Diminution, and according to the Truth, what we have feen and heard of the Particulars of Mr. Haftings's Con- duct. ift. The whole Period of Mr. Haftings*s Refidence in this Country exhibited his good Conduct towards the Inhabitants. No Op- prefiions nor Tyranny was admitted over any one. He obfcrved the Rules of Refpect and Attention to ancient Families. He did not omit the Performance of the Duties of Polite- nefs and Civility towards all Men of Rank and Station, when an Interview took place with them. 2dly. In Affairs concerning the Government and Revenues, he was not covetous of other Men's Money and Property ; he was not open to Bribery. He reftricted the Farmers and Officers in their OpprefTions, in a Manner that prevented them from exercifing that Tyranny which Motives of Self-interell and private Gain might inftigate them to oblerve towards the Ryotts and Helpleis. 3dly. During his Admini ft ration, no War or Commotion arole in this Country ; no Man's Property was plundered, but every one of every Rank lived in perfect Eafe and Security. 4thly. When, from the great Want of Rain, there were Appearances of a Famine, and it was on ( 29 ) on the Eve of happening, when Thoufands would have perifhed, he laboured wir.h every Exertion to prevent it ; he brought Grain from the Inland Diitricls, and, in order to relieve the People, he abolifhed the Duties on Grain. He feverely threatened the Dealers in Grain, that no Hardship might be felt by any one. jthly. He eftablifhed the Civil and Criminal (Dewanny and Fouzedarry) Courts upon proper Rules, fo that the Lives and Properties of Men were protected from the evil Acts of Thieves and Murderers. He regulated Punifhments according to, the Rules of Koran, and ordained that each Seel: fhould be tried according to its refpective Laws laid down in the Shafter and Koran. 6thly. He ufed great Exertions to cultivate the Country, to increafe the Agriculture and Revenues. He tranfacted the Bufinefs of the Country and Revenues without Deceit, and with perfect Propriety and Rectitude. ythly. Hr refpccted the learned and wife Men ; and in order for the Propagation of Learning, he built a College, and endowed it with a Provifion for the Maintenance of the Students, infomuch thit Thoufands, reaping the Benefits thereof, otfer up their Prayers for the Prolperity of the King of England, and for the Succefs of the Company. Bthly. He was not haughty in Temper, nor was he fond of Srare and Luxury-, he did noc leek his own Eafe, but at all Times laboured for the Profperity of the Country, and the Se- curity of its Inhabitants. gihly. So great was the Strength, and Power, an:i Grandeur, and Fame, and Magna- nimity, ( 30 ) nimity, of the Government of his Majefty, of the Company, and the Engliih Nation, through- out all Hindoftan, during his Adminiftration, that no one could eftablifh the Standard of Re- bellion. In Ihort, he was incomparable for his Difpofition and Virtues -, and, from the Length of his Refidence in this Country, he was fully acquainted with the Manners and Ctiftoms of it, and tranfacled all Affairs accordingly, and with Credit and Propriety. Dated 29th ZefFer 1202, or icth December 1787. The Seals upon this Addrefs. Nawaub Motimin Moulk Mobrack ul Dowla Sied Mobrack Ally Khan Behadre Ferouze Jung, Nazim of Soubahs Behar and Orifa. Nawaub Munny, Beegum of Nawaub MeerMa- hommed Jaffier Khan, deceafed, and Mo- ther of Nawaub Nuzm ul Dowla, deceafed. Jurmab Bubboo Beegum Soheba, Widow of Nawaub Meer Mahomed Jaffier, deceafed, Mother of Nawaub Motimin ul Moulk Be- hadre Ferouze Jung. Kyrum Neffa Beegum, Sifter of Nawaub Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khan, deceafed. Nuffiffaun NeiTa Beegum, Sifter -of Nawaub Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khan, deceaied. Nawaub Meer Murtiza Khan Bahadre Afud Jung, Son of Sadue Ally Khan, deceafed, and Grandlon of Nawaub Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khan, deceafed. Ferteh Ally Khan, Son of Nawaub Sadue Ally Khan, deceafed, and Grandlqn of Nawaub Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khan, deceafed. Sukaun Sultaun Mirza Daoud, Son of Shah Selaman, late King of Iran, and Son-in-Law to Nawaub Sadue Ally Khan, deceafed. Nawaub Iftakhar ul Moulk Afladud Dowla Sied Khulleel ulla Khan Behadre Ghuzenfer Jung, Son of Sultaun Mirzah Daowd, and Son-in-Law to Nawaub Motimin ul Moulk Behadre Feroze Jung. Nawaub Imtiazul Dowla Sied Ahmeed Ally Khan Behadre Gallib Jung, Son of Nawaub Ihtaramul Dowla Behadre, who is Brother of Nawaub Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khan, de- ceafed. Sied Baker Ally Khan, Huiband of the Sifter of Nawaub Meer Mahomed JafHer Khan, de- ceafed^ Juggut Sect Hurk Chund. Sect Oby Chund, Uncle to Juggut Sect Hurk Chund. Sied Mahomed Hofiler Khan, eldeft Brother of Nawaub Khan Khanna Behadre MozufFer Jung. , (A true Tranflation.) (Signed; G. F. CHERRY, Dep y Perf. Trans r . (A true Copy.) E/Hay, Sec y to the Gov r . A fimilar Addrefs from the Inhabitants of Rajemahl, figned by the Nabob Imtiaz ul Dowlah, and 24 of the principal Inhabitants' of Rajemahl. C'3* ) Under the Ss..'.r, r.-> unjer written, marked H. . The humble, Representations of us, Inhabi- tants and Refidents of the Town of Mooriheda- bad, in the Kingdom of Bengil, to His Ma- jefty, the Ministers, and the Directors of the Eaft India Company of England, is as follows : has. The late Governor, Warren Haftings, El- quire, during his Adminiftration in this Coun- try, from the Time of his Arrival until the Pe- riod of his Departure, at all Times gave us the greateft Satisfaction j and we were thankful for his good Conduct, and great good Qualities. He was always engaged in whatever tended to the Eafe of the Ryotts, to the Security, Pro- fperity, and Cultivation of the Country. By his firm and well-formed Regulations, and by his new Syftem for the Civil and Criminal (Dewan- ny and Fouzdarry) Courts, every one was pro- tecled from the Injuries of Robbers and Mur- derers ; Juftice was adminiftered according to the Tenets of each refpeftive Religion and Cuf- tom ; and fuch was the due Vigilance and Care with which he protected this Country, that not one of the troublefome and rebellious Perfons on its Borders could extend over it the Hand of Rapine and Invafion ; by thcfc Means we lived in perfect Peaa- and Quiet. Notwithilanding a Scarcity of Rain, his Meafures prevented the dreadful Effecls of Famine. Mr. Haftings never (hewed a Diipofition coveting the Pro- perty or Riches, nor cenluring or injuring the Reputation or Chara&er of any one, nor did he ever accept of Bribes ; but at all Times with courteous Manners, and proper Behaviour, per- formed ( 33 ) formed the Civilities and Attentions due to Men of Rank and Power, to Men of Learning and Abilities. He eftabliftied Colleges for the Pro- pagation of Learning, and endowed them with Emoluments of a fuitable Nature, infomuch that to this Time Thoufands profit by them, and are employed in Prayers for the Proiperity of His Mzjelty, and for the Duration of the Company's Adminiftration, The Vigour and Power of His Majefty's Kingdom, the Strength of the Company and Englifh Nation, were fo evinced throughout Hindoftan during the Go- vernment of Mr. Haftings, that no one elevated the Standard of Dilobeoience. In fhort, during Mr. Haftings's Government, we lived in per- fecl: Peace and Secur> ; we did not in the lead Refpedt experience Dittrefs or Uneafinefs, but are pleafed and fatisfied with his Virtues and good Qualities. The Seals upon this Addrefs. Seals of Cauzies and Learned Men, and Men of Character 24. Seals of the Perfons of Family and Rank. Omdutnn Neflfa Boko Beegum, Widow of Na- waub Seraje Ul Dowla, deceafed, Perf Ul Dien Ally Khan, Son of Afruf Ally Khan, 'Grandfon to Nawaub Jaffier Ally Khan, deceafed, Sied Haady Ally Khan, Nephew to Nawaub Jaffier Ally Khan, deceafed, Izaz Ally Khan, Son of Nawaub Shucker Ulla Khan, and Grandfon to Nawaub Serfraje Khan, deceafed, E Hoflein ( 34 ) Hoflein Raza Khan, Grandfon to Nawaub Mo- il abeft Jung, deceaied, Sied Khadim Ally Khan, Son' of Nawaub Kha- din Hoflein Khan Behadre, deceafed, Mahobut Ally Khan, Brother to Nawaub Seraje Ul Dowla, deceafed, Sied Ally Khan, High Steward the Nizamut, Son or Sied Baker Ally Khan, Brother-in- Law to Nawaub Jaffier Khan, deceafed, Itbar Ally Khan Behadre, Superintendant to the Houfehold of Nawaub Munny Beegum, Hazy Saadut Muod Khan, Nezir to the De- wanny of Bubboo BeegHm, Hakim Sied Ally Khan, Son of Hackim Meer Mahtaub, King's Officer, Mahomed Afkerry, Son of Nawaub Futtah Ulla Khan Behadre, deceafed, Sied Hoflein Khan, Grandfon to Nawaub Ser- fraz Khan, deceafed, Aferd Ally Khan, Brother-in-Law to Mirza Mahomed Eretch Khan, deceafed, Murza Armed, Nephew to Nawaub Shahamuft Jung, deceafed, Oahed Ally Khan, Brother to Ally Ibrahim Khan Behadre, Omzud Ally Khan, Motahil to Nawaub Fouze Jung Behadre, Mirza Akber Ally, Nephew to Mirza Mahomed Eutch Khan, Father-in Law to Nawaub Se- raje Ul Dowla, /deceafed, Ahmed Hoffein Khan, Son of Abo Mahomed Khan, and Grandfon to Mahomed Eutch Khan, deceafed, Sied Abid, Darogah of the Tofnakman of Na- waub Sezore Jung Behadre, and Nephew to Jaffier Ally Khan, deceafed, Merza ( 35 ) Merza Serjaat Ally, Nephew to Mirza Ma- homed Eutch Khan, deceafeJ, Sheek Golaum Roflbol Khan Behadre, who was Commander of Cavalry in the Time of Na- waub Jaffier Ally Khan, Neamut Ulla Khan, High Steward, Nawaub Khan Khanna Behadre Mozuffcr Jang Ma- homed Reza Khan, Reza Ally Khan Arze Beggy Nawaub Motimen Ul Moulk Behadre Seroze Juhg, Sheer Ally Khan, an old Servant of Nawaub Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khan, and Son to Miza Hockin Beg, and Molhab to Nawaub Mahabut Jung, deceafed, Meer Mafir Ally, Nephew to Nawaub Jaffier Ally Khan, deceafed, Nuzzle Ally Khan, Arge Beggv of Nawaub Ally Jah, and Son of Golaum Hofiein Khan, Futteh Ally Khan, Relation of Mirza Mahomed Eritch Khan, deceafed, Hofiein Ally Khan, Relation to Ditto, Awuzy Ally Khan, Nephew to Nulcrutta Khan, Sied Fetrut Khan, Relation to Nawaub Gyrut Khan, deceafed, Sied Ally Nucky, Mofhab to Nawaub Fc-roze Jung Behadre, Mobarch Kooly Khan, Superintendant of Build- ings to Nawaub Feroze Jung Behadre Mo- barek ul Dow la, Mirza Mahomed Ally Mofheb, Nawaub Ferzc Jung Behadre, Mirza Jumma Beg, Ditto, Ditto, Haazy RofTum Ally, Darogah of the Privy Purfe, and Jebkhaus of Nawaub Ferizc Jung Behadre, E 2 Sied C 36 ) Sied Lootf Ally, Relation to Nawaub Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khan, deccafed, Mirza Meer, an old Servant of Nawaub Meer Mahc med Jaffier Khan, deceafed, Mahomed Goozur Khan, an old Jemautdar of Nawab Meer Mahomed Jaffier Khan, de- ceafed, Sied Year Ally Khan, Meer Juan Ulla, Naib to the High Steward of the Nazamut, Imam Bukfh Khan, Darogah of the Nezamut Elephants, Sied Mahomed Morad, Naib of Om-dtit-un- Nefia, Bhow Beegum, Mirza Gudzuffer Ally, Secundar Khan, Buflunt Ally Khan, Fyze Ullah Khan, Azum Khan, Ferhut Ulla Khan, Mahomed Ryam Khan, Jnad Ul Khan, Affrut Ally Khan, Nazir of Omdut-un Neffa, Bhow Beegum, Golaum Hofiien Khan, Mirza Mahomed Mohtuddy, Sied Rootul Ally Saadaat Serfy, Sied Mazum Ally, Sied Kullub Ally, Bahar Ally Khan, Amanut Khan, Nuzzer Ally Khan, Sied Hofiien Khan Hofleiny, Mirza Mahomedy Khan, Sied Zien ul Abdeen, of the Chiefs of Mecca, Mohomed Baker, Son of Mohomed Hoflien, Steward ( 37, ) Steward to Nazir ul Moulk, Son to Mobarek ul Dowla, Mirza Azum Ally, Grandfon to Golawm Hof- fien Khan Aoze Beggy, Behadre Ally Khan. t Mahomedans 81. Seals of Perfons in Office 42. Seals of Bankers, &c. whofe Houfes are efta- blifhed in feveral Places 10. Copy Tranflation of Letter from the Nabob Vizier of Oude to the Governor General; and of Tranflation of Four Perfian Papers which accompanied it. i. From the Vizier, marked I. Received 8th March 178?. I HAVE learnt thac Mr. Haftings has written to the Gentlemen refiding in Calcutta, to write the Particulars of the Conduct he obferved during his Government in India on the Pare of the Company towards the Chiefs of HindoCcan, and that they fhould firft acquaint you there- with, and obtain your Confent. Your Lord- fhip has been pleafed not to forbid thofe who were inclined to write with their own Free-will. The Chiefs and People of Bengal and Benx# & truc c py- E. Hay, Sec y to the Fort, F Under ( 41 J Under the Seals as under-written, marked M. At this Time it is heard that the Gentlemen in Power in Europe are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, in confequence of Sufpicion thrown out by his Enemies, and reprefented to them* that Mr. Haft ings, from Motives of Avidity, committed A<5b during his Adminiftration and Authority contrary to the Rules of Juftice, and extended the Hand of Oppreflion and Ufurpa- tion over the Property, Country, and Charac- ter of the Chiefs of thofe Countries who had Connection, or were in Friendfhip with the Company , Therefore we, the People of Rank belonging to his Excellency the Vizier, upon the Principle that making a true and faith- ful Evidence is pleafing to the Almighty, de- clare what we have ourfelves feen during the Adminiftradon of Mr. Haftings, and v/rite as true, and faithfully witnefled with our Seals upon this Paper, that from the Commencement of Mr. Haftings's Government, we have not feen or experienced any Oppreflion or Tyranny in regard to our Defires, our Effects, or our Property ; that we have patted our Days in Peace and Security under his Protection ; that no I-njury or Detriment has ever happened from him to the Cultivation of the Lands 5 that no Oppofition or. Hindrance hds ever taken place from him in the Cuftoms of the Religion of any Sett; every Se^fl, whether Hindoo or Mahome- dan, performing its religious Tenets according to its Profefllons and Rites in perfect Security -, the Dignity and Character of every Perlbn was fupported by him according to the refpedive Station ( 43 ) Station of each , and every Perfon, pleafed and fatisfied with his good Conduct and Difpofnion, were always, and continue to be, thankful ; Mankind, from the Efforts of his Mind, and the Power of his Meafures, were protected from Difturbances, and guarded againfl Evils, pa(T- ing their Days in perfect Peace and Quiet. As thefe Particulars are individually true, we have therefore warranted this Paper with our Seals as an Evidence, and tranfmit it to the Gentlemen in England, in order that in giving Evidence of what is true and faithful no Neglect may be attributed to us, who have lien and witnefied the Manner and Conduct of Mr. Haftings dur- ing his Adminiftration. The Names on the Seals affixed to this Addrefs. The Seals. Cafiimally Khan Behadre Kyam Jung, Akbar Ally Khan Behaudre Iftehar Jung, Mirza llhmael Ally Khan Behadre, Ally Kooly Khan Behaudre Sooraut Jung, Ahmed Ally Khan Behaudre Shoukul Jung, Vakeel Sultanut Moktaur Moulk Muder ul Dowla Behaudre, Mahomed Ammee Khan Behaudre Buffalut Jung, Newafifh Ally Khan Behaudre Sirdar Jung, llmafs Ally Khan, Zekaak paij Mahomed, Mufkerit Ul llmafs, Rajah Jagenaut Behaudre, Rajah Tuket Roy, Ibrahim Ally Khan Behaudre, Lutf Ally Khan, F 2 Sheriff ( 44 ) Sheriff Ally Khan Behadre, Ameer Khan Behadre, Ramjte Sorhai Cafhmeery Mull, Rajah Butchraje. lo zianoJt :n3t;p^ sxlg&m 3 . N. B. On the Original is the Seal, Yah Alia Moujood Ally Ullah Wullee. -This Seal is not on the CopyJ3HO A true Tranflate. (Signed) G. F'. CHERRY, Dep. Pers" Trans'. A true Copy. E. Hay, S y to the Gov*. Copy Tranflation of Letter from the Na- bob of Furruckabad to the Governor Ge- neral, and of Tranflate of Three Perfian Papers which accompanied it. From the Nawaub of Furruckabad, marked N : Received ^\fl May 1788. T Have been informed that People in England have accufed Mr. Haftings of a Conduct that carried with it the Deftruction of the Country, and that tended to difgrace the Inhabitants-, and that in order to do away this Accufation, the Inhabitants of Bengal, Benares, and Lucknow, have written, and continue to write, Addrefs. As I have been for a long Time connected with the Company, and have not witnefled any Adt of Mr. Haitings, but that of Civility and Kind- nefs, therefore having, from Principles of Gra- i prepared an Addrels exprefllve of my Satisfaction, ( 45 ) Satisfaction, I fend ic to your Lordfhip, and hope that you will tranfmit ic to England, and thus make me indebted to your Kindnefs. Con- fidering me attached to your Lordmip, I truft you will make me happy by frequent Letters of Kindnefs. A true Tranflate. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T, A true Copy. (Signed) E. Hay, Secr y to the Fort. Papers received 31 ft May 1788, and tranjlated purfuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, dated 2^th April 1788. Under the Seal of Nawaub GuznfFer ul Dowla Ameer ul Moulk Uileer Kimmuc Furzend Khan Behader Mozuffer Jung, and the Seal of Ameer ul Dowla Mozuf- fer ul Moulk Mund Khan Behdre Bub- ber Jung, marked O. "Whereas Rectitude giveth Satisfaction unto God, the Communication of Trurh is the Mean of Salvation, and the Caufe of diffufing the Vir- tues of good Conduct. And as this is agree- able to every Underftanding of Mankind in general, therefore is this Paper written freely, and according to the Inclination of my Heart, and whatever is jult and true is reprefented with great Uprightnefs and Sincerity, [for the In- fqrmationof His Majefty the King of England, the Minifters of the Nation, and the Company That Mr. Haftings, from the Commence- ment ( 46 ) ment of his Administration of the Affairs of Hindoftan, never committed any Aft of Op- preffion towards me, Deleer Himmut Khan Mozu-fler Jung ; on the contrary, I lived under his Kindnefs and Protection in perfect Eafc and Safety, and guarded againft my Enemies by his Conduct. 1 entertained Hopes from him that he would have represented the true State of my Government to His Majefty and the Company, and have fo exerted himfelf as to -have procured it to be reftored to its former State. As I have now heard that Mr. Haftings's Enemies, unit- ing together, have accufed him before the Gentlemen of England of having taken the Property of Men in Hindoftan, of having de- prived the Inhabitants of the Lands they had cultivated, and injured their Reputations by putting Difgrace upon them , it is incumbent on us Mahomedans, according to the Orders of God and his Prophet, and our religious Forefathers, to declare, having our religious Tenets in View, what we know to be juft and true: We now declare to all Men of all Ranks in England the Juftice and good Conduct, the Kindnefs and pleafing Manners of Mr. Haftings, which we have wUneffed ; and at a Time when we are thankful and grateful for his Behaviour we have affixed our Names to this Paper of Satif- faction, and tranfmit through the Government of Calcutta to England. Dated a ill Zeffer 1202, or in December 1787. A true Tranflate. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, A true Cppy. D. P. Trans". E. Hay, Scc y to the Fort. Under ( +7 ) Under the Seals as under-written, marked P. We the Cauzie,Mofti, Students, Men of Rank, Men of Bufinefs, Merchants, Bankers, and Trader- men, Inhabitants of the Town of Furruckabad, bear Evidence to the King of England, Mini- flers, and Directors of the Company, That Mr. Haftings committed no Kind of Dpprefiion on us from the Commencement of his Adminiftra- tion in Hmdoftan, until his Departure. But on the contrary, under his Kindncfs and Pro- tection we lived in Peace and Security, anid were guarded againtl our Enemies. As we have now heard' that Mr. Haftings s Enemies have laid an Accufation againft him before the Minifters of England, that he took the Property of People in Hindoftan, laid wafte their Lands, and blaft- ed their Reputation by Difgraces, it is necefiary that we Mahomedans, agreeable to the Orders of God and his Prophets', and that we Hindoos, according to the Beeds and the Shatter, reprefent and make known what is Fact: We therefore reprefent to all Mankind the Juftice and Kind- nefs of Mr. Haftings, which we have always feen -, and now, when we are grateful and thank- ful for his Kindnefs, we write this Deed of Satisfaction, and from our own free Will affix our Seals thereto, and tranfmit it through our own Sovereign and Chief to Calcutta, in order that the Government there may fend it to Eng- land. Dated 21 Zeffer, 1202, Hijeree, or December 1787. Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs 53. ( 48 ) ri Copy Letter from the Collector of Dinag'e- pore, dated 8th July ; and Copy Tranf- ^j, .late of a Perfian Paper which accom- panied it. ,^d -. ban no Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to the Government. Sir, AT the Requeft of the Zemindary Officers of " Purgunna Havillee Penjeerah, &c. I tranfmit the enclofed Perfian Paper, containing Teftimonies relative to Mr. Haftings. I am, Sir, Your very obedient, humble Servant, Dinagepore, (Signed) G. HATCH, July 8th 1788. Collector Dinagepore. (A true Copy.) E. Hay, S y to the Gov*. Paper received 18/0 July 1788, tranfmit ted ly George Hatch, Efauire> ColleRor of Dinage- pore, and tranflated purfuant to an Order from tbe Governor General in Council, dated 27 th Jpril 1788, marked Q^ I Radanaut, Zemindar cf Purgunnah Ha- vclly Penjuna, &c. commonly called Dinagc- .pore: As it. has been learnt by me, the Muttc- fuddies, and refpectablc Officers of my Zemin- iaitolq 12 O dary, ( 49 ) dary, that the Minifters of England are dif- pleafed with the late Governor, Warren Haftings Efquire, upon the Sufpicion that he opprefied us, took Money from us by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country ; therefore we s upon the Strength of our Religion, which we think it in- cumbent on and necefiary for us to abide by, following the Rules laid down in giving Evi- dence, declare the Particulars of the Acts and Deeds of Warren Haftings Efquire, full of Circumfpection and Caution, Civility and Juftice, fuperior to the Conduct of the moft learned ; and by reprefenting what is Fact, wipe away the Doubts that have pofTefTed the Minds of the Minifters of England: That Mr. Haftings is poflefied of Fidelity and Confidence, and yield- ing Protection to us, that he is clear of the Con- tamination of Miftruft and Wrong, and his Mind is free of Covetoufnefs or Avarice. Dur- ing the Time of his Adminiftration no one fa\v other Conduct than that of Protection to the Hufbandmen, and Juftice; no Inhabitant ever experienced Afflictions, no one ever felt Oppref- fion from him; our Reputations have always been guarded from Attacks by his Prudence, and our Families have always been protected by his Juftice. He never omitted the fmallcft In- (lance of Kindnefs towards us, but healed the Wounds of Defpair with the Salve of Confola- tion, by means of his benevolent and kind Be- haviour, never permitting one of us to fink in the Pit of Defpondence ; he fupported every one by his Goodnefs, overfet the Defigns of evil-minded Men by his Authority, tied the Hand of Oppreflion with the ftrong Bandage of Juftice, and by thefe Means expanded the G pleafing ( 50 ) pleafing Appearance of Happinefs and Joy over us : He re-eftablifhed Juftice and Impartiality. We were, during his Government, in the En- joyment of perfect Happinefs and Eafe, and many of us are thankful and fausfied. As Mr. Haftings was well acquainted with our Manners and Cuftoms, he was always defirous, in every Refpect, of doing whatever would preferve our religious Rites, and guard them againft every Kind of Accident and Injury, and at all Times protected us. Whatever we have experienced from him, and whatever happened from him, . we have written without Deceit 0r Exaggera- tion. Seals to this Addrefs. Maha Rajah Radanaus Behadre, Ram Caunt Roy Naib, Zemindar, Kifperam Sein Mhal, Zemindarry Aumeen, Kimen Caunt Roy, Zemindarry Tehfildar, Meel Caunt, Zemindarry Peimcar, Rada Rohmun Sohay, Peimcar Aumeen, Nundololl Sohay, Zemindarry Peimcar, Raje Kifhen Berjoo, Zemindarry Chuckladur. A true Tranflate. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, Dep. Pers* Tranflator. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y co the Gov*. Copy Tranflations of a Letter and Papers, tranfmitted to the Governor General by the Nabob of Dacca. From tie Naivaub of Dacca to Earl Cornwattis : Received iyth Auguft 1788. AT this Time People of all Ranks, Inhabit- "^ ants of Dacca, have heard that fince Mr. Haftings's Arrival in England an Inveftigation into his Conduct while Governor is carrying on before the High Court of Jullice of England; therefore the Inhabitants of Dacca of Office and Credit have brought to me an Addrefs, authen- ticated by the Cauzy, and fealed with their re- fpective Seals, reprefenting their Satisfaction, and requefted me to affix my Seals thereto. I fent for them into the Hall of Audience, and learnt from each of them the Purport of the Addrefs; when having enquired into it, I put my own Seal to it ; and have the Plealure to cnclole in my prefent Letter to your Lordfhip the Addrefs, a Lift of the Names, and an Ad- drefs from myfelf, with Duplicates of each. Your Lordlhip will perufe them, and be kind enough to tranfmit them to England. I hope your Lordfhip will conceive me to be a fincere Well-wifher and Friend, and honour me fre- quently with Letters of Kindnefs. A true Tranflate. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T r . A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y to the Gov'. G a bns etonbfliji JESTL- Papers received i$th Auguft 1788, and tranjlated furfuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, dated zjfb April 1788. TranQation of Addrefs marked N I. under the Seal of Nuzur ul Moulk Intizam ul Dowla Seyed Allykhan Behadre Nuzrut Jung, and that of his Brother Shumzul ul Dowla, Syed Akmud Allykhan. From the Reports of all Ranks of People, and from the News-papers, the Inhabitants of Hindoftan, but particularly thofe of Bengal and its Dependencies, have learnt, that after the Arrival of Warren Haftings Efquire, in Eng- land, an Inveftigation into the Conduct he ob- ferved in Hindoftan while Governor of Calcutta has been commenced before the High Court of Juftice of England ; and that the Parliament, who are defirous of Juftice, and permit no im- proper Act to pafs, are determined to make a thorough Inveftigation into every Matter, and ieparate Right from Wrong : In confequence, all Clafles of the Inhabitants of Hindoftan have unanimoufly agreed, that as they all live in Eafe and Peace under the kind Influence of the Pro- tection of His Majefty the King of England, and the Parliament, and that on account of the Care taken of them by the Parliament, they are daily more and more attached and zealous; and as Mr. Haftings during the Period of his Ad- miniftration ( 53 ) miniftration always fhewed great Kindnefs and Protection, and obferved drift Juftice towards them, and in confequence of his good Quali- ties, his Care, and Juftice, has great Claim upon them, and that it is incumbent on them for ever to keep in Remembrance this Obliga- tion : Therefore it is necefiary for them to re- prefent every Particular which they are acquaint- ed with, of fuch Matters as the Juftice of the Parliament is about to inquire into, in fuch Manner as that their Reprefentations (hall be noticed, and in a fhort Space of Time beftowed thereto the Truth of every Matter be known. Notwithftanding the Minds of jut! Men are like the Mirror, and what is right is immediately difcovered, and Juftice is not thrown into Doubt by the Declarations of any one, yet religious Rites of every Seel, and the Books of every Prophet, give Sanction to Evidence, and it is a Demonftration in every Matter under In- veftigation ; therefore, all the Inhabitants of this Country are unanimous in the above-written Intention : Among others, thofe of Jehanguir- nar, commonly called Daccas, folely in order to reprefent Facts, which by all Books of Re- ligion and expounded Laws is incumbent on every one, have brought to me an Addrefs, fealed with their Seals, and teftified by the Cauzy, that I may affix my own Seal thereto, and tranf- mit it to the Court of Juftice ; Wherefore, I Syed Ally, commonly called Nuzrut Jung, Grandfon of the deceafed Nawaub Jeffaruc Khan, now, by the Kindnefs, Document of Right and Protection of old Servants, difplayed by His Majefty, the Parliament, and Directors 10 of ( 4 ) of the Company of England, in Charge of the Office of the Nizamut of the faid City, called all thofe who have affixed their Seals ori the laid Addrefs into the Hall of Audience, and have learnt verbally from each the Purport of the Writing, and having examined into it have .affixed my own Seal thereto ; for the Conceal- ment of Truth is a great Crime before God, and revealing it is praife-worthy and pleafing to Mankind j and as among them there are many holy and religious Men, many learned, true, and upright Men, and many Defendants from Fami- lies of high Fame and Rank, who have affixed their Seals, I therefore perceived the Propriety of vouching to their Declarations, that the Par- ticulars may be known, and their Reprefenta- tions obtain Sanction in the Minds of their Hearers. " God is the Difcriminator of Truth, *' and an upright and juft Judge, and I feek " Protection under him againft Falfity and Un- " truth." Written i5th Ramzaan 1202 Hijeree, or pth Afiar 1 195, B'. correfponding with the 8th June 1788, E. S, A true Tranflate. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T r . A true Copy. E. Hay, Secr r to the Gov*. . ( 55 ) T. i of the dddrefs under lie Seals t as under written^ marked N 2 . The Natives and Refidents of the City of Jehanguirnagur humbly reprefent to His Mod Gracious Majefty the King of England, and to the Comptrollers and Directors of the Company, That the former Governor, Mr. Haftings, dur- ing the Period of his Adminiftration, by the Juflice he obferved, by his Complacency and good Qualities, and by his Protection, fecured our Satisfaction and Gratitude. He engaged himfelf in the Relief of our Situations, and in our Profperity. He protected us from Thieves and Aflaffins by the Syftems he laid down for the Ciyil and Criminal (Dewanny and Fouz- dary) Courts, which were purely upon Motives of Goodnefs to Mankind, actuated by a Love for Juftice; he permitted the.Exercife of the Religion of each Sect according to the refpective Tenets and Cuftoms. He never neglected the Safety and Peace of the Inhabitants nor the Cultivation of the Country. During his Go- vernment we flept in the Cradle of Security. He never coveted our Money or Property, nor attacked our Reputation, nor had he ever In- clination to do wrong, but treated every one according to the refpedive Station of each. He obferved a Conduct of Refpect and Veneration towards the learned and experienced Men, and towards Men of Family, according to the De- gree ( 56 ) gree of their Abilities and Science, of whatever SecT: and Religion ; and during his Adminiftra- tion he treated all the Inhabitants with Kindnefs and Encouragement ; and from his good Quali- ties, his Juftice, and his Attention, he has a great Claim upon us. In fuch Matters as vould Jecure the Prayers of us Wellwilhers for the everlafting Duration of His Majefty's Throne, and of the Jurifdiction and Government of the Company, he was conftantly engaged ; for Ii>- ftance, to this Day the Colleges which he builf, and where he eftabliftied Allowances for the Students, remain, and the Students receive the fixed Allowance, and pafs their Lives in Peace and Thankfgiving i and it is incumbent on us for ever to keep in recollection the Obligations we are under to him. It is therefore neceffary that in Matters which have induced the Minds of the Juft to inveftigate, we obey the Orders of God in declaring what we know ; we have there- fore done fo. Further Orders will be iffued by his Majeily. Dated the t5thRamzaan 1202, Hejerie, gth Afi'ar 1195 B 5 . according to the aoth June 1788 '. The Seals to this Addrefs, 78 ; ->?t 3.nj , . In -l^ 1o , ?S, -by'brtuM a ^qbi bfl H ( 57 ) A thdi 10 wig Copy of Two Letters from the Col- le&or of Dinagepore, and of Tranfla- tion of Perfian Papers tranfmitted by biro i arjj TdJBpiafQfwIbW'' au 'io gi^si*! srii aiuast Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to the Go- vernment. Sir, AT the Requeft of Godadur Gofe, the Va- - keel of Seid Buddie ul Z'man, I forward the accompanying Perfian Paper, containing Teftimonies relative to Mr. Haftings. I am, Sir, Your moft obedient humble Servant, Dinagepore, (Signed) G. HATCH, 1 6th July 1788* Coll r Din*. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y co the Gov*. Paper received 2%d Augufl 1788, tranfmitted ly the Colleftor of Silberres^ and tranflated pur- fuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, dated 27 tb July LySS. Under the Seal and Signature of Buddie ul Zeman, Father of Golaum Suttaun, Zemindar of 8 Anna Divifion of Per- gunnah Silberries. As it has been learnt by me, the Muttefud- dees, and refpectable Officers of my Zemindary, H that ( 58 ) that the Minifters of England are difpleafed with the late Governor Warren Haftings, Efquire, upon the Sufpicion that he opprefied us, took Money from us by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country ; therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion, which we think it incumbent on and necelTary for us to abide by, the following Rules laid down in giving Evidence, declare the Particulars of the Acts and Deeds of Warren Haftings, Eiquire, full of Circumfpection and Caution, Civility and Juftice, fuperior to the Conduct of the mod learned , and, by reprefenting what is Fad, wipe away the Doubts that have poffefled the Minds of the Minifters of England; that Mr. Haftings is pofTefied of Fidelity and Confidence, and yielding Protection to us ; that he is clear of the Contamination of Miftruft and Wrong, and his Mind is free from Covetoufneft or Ava- rice. During the Time of his Adminiftration no one faw other Conduct than that of Protec- tion to the Hufbandmen, and Juftice ; no Inha- bitants ever experienced Affliction , no one ever felt Opprefiion from him ; our Reputations have always been guarded from Attacks by his Pru- dence, and our Families have always been pro- tected by hIq -"' in < m^. r> v x-* Sec'tptheGov. io vnfifn '3 all m . E - Ha ' _ ._. r .^ . C1J . Copy of Letter from the Colle&or of Nuddea, and of Tranflation of Perfian Papers tranfmitted by him. To Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to the Government, Fort William. Sir, IN confequence of your Letter of the gift March, I have now the Pleafure of tranfmit- ting to you Three Addrefies in favour of Mr. Haftings. The Firft having been prefented to me by the Rajah of this Diftrift ; the Second by the Four Zemindars of Houghly, the Ze- mindar of Satiyka, and Sixty Talookdars, who pay the;r Revenues to me; and a Third in the Shanfkrit Language, which I have received from the Rajah of this Diftrict, figned by Two hun- dred and Eighty-nine Bramins, Inhabitants of Kuddea, Santipore, and other Places, many of them being the principal Pundits in this Coun- try. This Addrefs had been prepared by the late Rajah Sheo Chund, who intended to have prefented it to me himfelf before his Death. I have the Honour to be, Sir, Your mod obedient Servant, (Signed) F. REDFEARN, Kifhinagur, Coll', the ift Odober 1788. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec ry to the Fort. -Ifi 0330 3V ; -iV Papers tranfmltted fy tie Collector of Nuddea y re- ceived Aftb October 1788, and tranjlated pur- fuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, under Date 27 tb April 1788. W. Under the Seal of Maha Rajah Dheraje Scolhund Behadre. The Refidents, whether Hindoo or Fol- lowers of Mahomed, in the Country, have heard that the Gentlemen in England are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Sufpicion that he op- preffed us Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country. Therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and religious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to aft conformable to the Decrees of God, in deliver- ing Evidence, relate the praife-worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friendfhip and Politenefs, of Mr. Haftings, pofieiTed of great Abilities and Underftanding; and by reprefent- ing Fads remove the Doubts that have poflefTed the Minds of the Gentlemen in England , that Mr. Haftings diftributed Protection and Security to Religion, and Kindnefs and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetouf- nefs and Avidity. During the Period of his Government no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hardfhip from him ; nor did the Poor even know the Weight of an oppreffive Hand from him. Our Characters and Reputations have been al- ways guarded in Quiet from Attack by the Vi- 3 gifancc gilance of his Prudence and Forefight, ancKpre- ferved by the Terror of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards us, and thofe entitled to it, but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Afflic- tion, not allowing a fingle Perlbn to be over, powered by Defpair. He difpl yed his Friend- fliip and Kindnefs to all. He deftroyed the Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror. He lied the Hands of Tyrants and Opprefibrs by his Juftice j and, by this Conduct, he fecured Happinefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablifhed the Foundation of Juftice; and we, at all Times, during his Government, lived in Comfort, and pafled our Days in Peace. We are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of per- forming that which would tend to the Preferva- tion of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Sects, and guard the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Accidents. In every Senfe he treated us with Attention and Refpect. I have reprefented, without Deceit, what I have myfelf feen, and the Facts that hap- pened from him. r OJ 7: .vBrbd agniflfir: A true Tranflate. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, Dep y Per" Trans'. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec" to the Fort. jnsbiJbi srmT gnoi s JRV/ aH ^'j^rjc ^HK n i be franjlation of a Paper > written by tie Pundits and Bramms of Nuddea Santipoor, &c. in the Shanfcrit Language, under ike Signatures as un- der-written. x. That peaceable Difpofition, that mild Tem- per, pofieffing the firft Qualities and the greateft Kindnefs, adorned with Civility and fmcere Af- fability to a Degree as to become the Theme among the Learned of every Clafs, and the Senfible in every Science, endowed with every praife-worthy Quality and Virtue, enlightening the World like the Moon, of Mr. Haftings, the Minifters of England are difpleafed with, on the Sufpicion that he ruined the Property of the. Inhabitants of this Country, under the Com- pany's Authority, taking their Wealth by Force and Deceit. We the Inhabitants of this Coun- try, on hearing this, reprefent and relate the pleafing and kind Qualities and Virtues of Mr. Haftings, who fought the Right, and was Judge of it, in order to remove this Doubt from the Minds of the Chiefs in England, that Mr. Haftings behaved with Honour and Refpect to all the Refidents of this Country of all Ranks, according to their refpedtive Situations in Life, their Profeffior^s, their Religions, and Seels, and treated them with paternal Kindnefs, free from Deceit or Avarice, and (hewed Refpect and Attention to all learned Men and Students in any Science* He was a long Time refidenc I in ( 66 ) to in this Country, and well acquainted with every 5 roper Cuftom and Mode for adminiftering uftice. During the Period of" his Adminiftra- tion, every one, whether great or fmall, living in perfect: Happinefs, profeffed their own Re- ligions, and exercifed their own worldly Con- cerns with perfect Eafe and Q^iiet. This is the inward Sentiment of all the Inhabitants of this Country. The Signatures to this Addrefs, 288. Under the Signatures and Seals as under written-. y We the Zemindars, Chowderies, and Ta- lookdars of Pergunnah Mahomed Amunpoor, and other Mhals, belonging to the Zillah of Nudea in Bengal, have heard that the Gentle- men in England are difpleafed with Mr. Raftings, on Sufpicion that he opprefied us Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country; therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and religious Te- nets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to act* conformable to the Decrees of God in delivering Evidence, relate the praife- worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude* Friendfhip and Politenefs, of Mr. Haftings, pof- fefied of great Abilities and Underftanding j and by reprefenting Facts remove the Doubts that have pofiefied the Minds of the Gentlemen in England ; that Mr. Haftings diftributed Protection and Security of Religion, and Kind- nefs and Peace to us all ; he is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufnefs and Avidity. During 'During the Period of his Government, no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hardmip from him, nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an opprefiTve Hand from him ; our Charac- ters and Reputations have been always guarded in Quiet from Attack, by the Vigilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and preierved by the Terror of his Juftice ; he never omitted the Imalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs to- wards us, and thofe entitled to it, but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a (ingle Perfon to be overpowered by Defpair; hedifplayed his Friendship and Kind- nefs to all ; he deftroyed the Powers of Ene- mies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror ; he tied the Hands of Tyrants and Op- prefibrs by his Juftice, and by this Conduct he fecured Happinefs and Joy to us ; he re-efta- blimed the Foundation of Juftice, and we at all Times, during his Government, lived in Com- Ibrt, and patted our Days in Peace. W r e are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well ac- quainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he v/as always defirous of perform- ing that which would tend to the Preservation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Sects, and guard the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Accidents. In every Senfe he treated us with Attention and Refpect. We have reprelented without De- ceit what we have ourfelvcs Icen, and the Facts that happened from him. The Signatures to this Addrefs, 68. I 2 Copy Letter from the Collector of Bogle- pore ; and Copy Tranflation of a Perfian Paper tranfmitted therewith. To Edward Hay, Efq. Secretary to the Govern- ment General at Fore William. Sir, YOUR Letter of the 31(1 March, by the Di- rection of the Right Honourable the Go- vernor General in Council, authorifed me to re- ceive and tranfmit to you any Addreffes from the Native Inhabitants of this DUlrift, which they might be defirous of prefenting, in Tetfi- meny relative to Mr. Haftings. 1 have herewith the Honour to tranfmit you fundry Papers on this Subject, N 1,2, 3, and 4, which have been tendered to me by and on the Part of the Zemindars, Canongoes, and the other principal Inhabitants of the Diftricls of Bogle- pore and Rajemahl, and of the Hill People, Inhabitants of the Jungleterry. Diftricts. The Papers No. i and 2 appear to contain the Sig^ natures of all the Landholders and Canongoes of my Divifion j and I think it necefiary to ac- quaint you, that thefe, as well as the others, were voluntarily tendered to me, without the fmalleft Interference on my Part to obtain them, I have the Honour to be, Sir, Boglepore, Your moft obedient, 23d Sept, 1788. Humble Servant, (Signed) ROB? ADA1R. A true Copy. Collector. ^wk E. Hay, Secry. to the Fo f . t a a. Papers received the id Oftober 1788, tranfmitted by the Colleger cf Bogk- pore, and tranjlated -pursuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council? dated 27 th April 1788, under the Seals and Signatures as under written. We Canongoes, Zemindars, Choudries, and Talookdars of the Diftrict of Boglepore, in the Province of Behar, have heard that the Gentle- men in England are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Sufpicion that he opprefled us Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country. Therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and reli- gious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to aft conformable to the De- crees of God, in delivering Evidence, relate the praife-worthy Actions full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friendfhip and Politenefs, of Mr. Haftings, pofieflfed of great Abilities and Un- derftanding; and by reprefen ting Facts, remove the Doubts that have pofTcfled the Minds of the Gentlemen in England : That Mr. Haftings diftnbuted Protection and Security to Religion, and Kindnefs and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlement and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufneis and Avi- dity. During the Period of his Government, no one experienced from him other than Pro- tection and Juftice, never having felt Hardfhips from him ; nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an oppreflive Hand from him. Our Characters and Reputations have been always guarded ( 7 ) guarded in Quiet from Attack, from the. Vi- gilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and pre- ferved by the Terror of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards us, and thole entitled to it j but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Af- fliction, not allowing a fingle Perfon to be over- powered by Defpair. He difplayed his Friend- fhip and Kindnefs to all,; he deftroyed the Power of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror; he tied the Hands of Tyrants and OpprefTors by his Juftice ; and by this Conduct he fecured Happinefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablimed the Foundation of Juftice; and we at all Times, during his Government, lived in Comfort, and pafled our Day in Peace. We are many, many of us, fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of performing that which would tend to the Pre- fervation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Seels, and guard the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Ac- cidents. In every Senfe he treated us with At- tention and Refpecl. We have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Fads that happened from him. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 43. Under the Seals and Signatures as under written. 66. We humbly reprefent to the Minifter of the King of England, That we, Inhabitants of Zillah Zillah Boglepoor, and Chuckla .Akbarnagur, have heard that a few Perfons, totally ignorane of the Particulars reFative to this Country, have made falfe calumnious Reports regarding Mr. Haftings, thereby throwing the Minds of the Minifters of England into Doubt, and injured Mr. Haftirfgs, and afperfed his Character : This has much aftonifhed us, as all the Inhabitants of this Country lived in perfect Eafe and Quiet, by the good ConducT: which he followed from the Time of his Arrival until his Departure. Mr. Haftings tranfacted the Affairs of the Country in a proper Manner, at all Times feek- ing the Profperity and Happinefs of the Inha-* bitants, and preierving the Rights and Charac- ters of every one according to their refpeclive Rank, and avoiding every Act which could oc- cafion Diftrefs or Difcredit to us. On this Ac- count we were, and continue fatis-fied with Mr. Haftings. It is therefore incumbent on us to reprefent without Myftery, according to our Religion, a few of the Particulars of his wile Conduct, which we have feen and heard, as fol- lows : Mr* Haftings performed innumerable Benefits on all the Inhabitants of this Country, difapproved of Opprefiion towards any one, difplayed Kindnefs and diftinguifhing Marks of Credit to ancient Families ; and, on an Inter- view with Crowds of Men of Rank and Re- fpect/ carefully avoided the Omiflion of any In- ftance of Civility or Honour. He was not, in the Tranfaction of the Affairs of Revenue or Government, covetous of the Money or Pro- perty of any one, but kept the Farmers and Overfeers from committing Oppreffion. During his Adminiftration, this Country experienced no ( r- ) no Warfare or Commotion ; no Injury hap- pened to the Property of any one ; on the con- trary, every one enjoyed Peace and Security, and Courts of Civil and Criminal Jurifdi&ion were firmly eftablifhed, by which our Lives and Pro- perty were protected from Thieves and Plun- derers, and we were guarded from the Irrup- tions of the Hill People, with which this Coun- try was frequently over-run and deftroyed. He permitted the free Force of our own Laws of Relation , he exerted every Nerve in the Cul- tivation of the Country, and tranfacted the Af- fairs of Government and Finance uprightly, and with Juftice -, and not entertaining in his Difpo- fition the lead Share of Haughtinefs, he labour- ed at our Eafe and Profperity. By thefe Means, the Name and Authority of the King and Com- pany of England were fo eftabliihed during his Government, throughout all Hindoftan, that no one could venture to raife the Head of Rebel- lion. In fhort, Mr. Haftings pofleffed every good Quality, and was well verfed in the Man- ners and Cuftoms of this Country, and always exerted himlelf in the Prefervation of our Re- ligion and Characters. On this Account we, Inhabitants of thefc Diftricts, were happy du- ring his Government, and are highly iatisfied and pleafed with him. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 43. Under the Seals and Signatures as under written. All we Zemindars, Choudries, and Talook- dars, of the Diftrict of Akbarnagur, commonly called Raje'Mhal, in the Kingdom of Bengal, have ( 73 ) have heard that the Gentlemen in England are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings on Suipicion that he opprzffed us, Inhabitants cf this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country; Therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and religious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to a<5l conformable to the Decrees of God in deliver- ing Evidence, relate the praife-worthy Aclions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friendship and Politenefs, of Mr. Haftings, poffeffed of great Abilities and Underftanding -, and by repre- fenting Fads, remove the Doubts that have pofleffed the Minds of the Gentlemen in Eng- land : That Mr. Haftings diftributed Protection and Security to Religion, and Kindnefs and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and that his Heart is void of Covetoufnefs and Avidity. During the Period of his Government no one expe- rienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hardfhips from him ; nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an oppreflive Hand from him. Our Characters and Reputations have always been guarded in Quiet from Attack by the Vigilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and t preferved by the Terror of ^his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards us ancl thofc entitled to ir, but always applied, by Soothings and Mildneis, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a fingle Perfon to be overpowered by Defpair. He difplayed his Friendfliip and Kindnefs to all. He deltroyed the Powers of the Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror. K ( 74 ) He tied the Hands of Tyrants and Opprefibrs bv his Juftice, and by this Conduct he fecured Happinefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablifhed the Foundation of Juftice, and we at all Times, during his Government, lived in Comfort, and pafled our Days in Peace. We are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of theie Countries, he was always defirous of performing that which would tend to the Prefervation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Sects, and guard the religious Cuftoms of each from the LfTefts of Misfortunes and Accidents. In every Senfe he treated us with Attention and Refpeft. We have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Fadts that happened from him. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 54. a Under the Names as under-written. We, Inhabitants of the Hills in Ingleterry, in the Chuckla of Rajemhal and Boglepore, have learnt that the Inhabitants of the Diftrift of Boglepore have written in Praife of Mr. Haf- tings, wherefore why ihould not we, who are praifing Mr. Haftings, write alib, and not re- main filent ? We therefore repreient, that we formerly lived in the Hills, like the Beafts of the Forefts, and during the Government of Mr. HaftingS became like other Men, and the Qua- lities and Honours of Men were inftillcd into us. Formerly our Means of Subfiftence were no other than thofe of Plunder and Rapine, and we exifted with the greateft Difficulty ; but now, ( 75 ) now, by the wife Conduct of that Gentleman, we live at Eafe, and, like others, are happy and fadsfied with the Company. As this Eafe and Civilization, which has produced Refpect to us among Mankind, has been the Effect of Mr. Haftings's Conduct and Management, we have never experienced other than Kindnefs, nor have any one of us heard of any Opprefilon from him ; on this Account we are pleafed with Mr. Haftings. The Names to this Addrefs, 47. Copy Letter from the acting Judge of Patna tranfmitting a Perfian Ad- drefs from that City ; alfo Copy of Two Letters from the Deputy Perfian Tranflator. To Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to the Government at Fort William. Sir, "I W A S favoured with your Letter of the3ift * March lad ; and a Sooruthat refpecting Mr. Haftings having been fent to me by the prin- cipal ^habitants of this City, I now do myfelf the Honour to tranfmit it to you. I am, Sir, Your moil obedient Patna Dewanny humble Servant, Adaulut, 3 d (Signed) H. DOUGLAS, Sept/ 1788. Act 5 Judge, A true Copy. E. Hay, See 7 to the Gov'. K 2 To C 76 ) To Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to th$ Government. Sir, In my Letter of Yefterday's Date, accompa- nying further Advices relative to Mr. Haftings, in order to preferve the Lift of them regular, I inftrted under the Letter Z, an Addrefs from the Inhabitants of Patna, with Tranflation, which was not completed, the Names to it not being made into Englim. The TranQation of them is now in hand j but from the Number and confufed Order of the Seals and Signatures annexed to it, I fhall not be able to prepare it to fill the Place allotted it in the above-men- tioned Letter, to go by the Packet of the Wil- liam Pitt ; I therefore requeft you will annex this Letter to that ot Yefterday's Date, in order to explain the Caufe that the Patna Addrefs does not accompany according to the Lift, and that it may be deferred until the next Difpatch to England. I am, Sir, Your moft obedient Calcutta, humble Servant, 5thNov r 1788. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T% A true Copy. E. Hay, Secr y to the Gov'. To Edward Hay, Efquire, Secretary to the Government. Sir, Having, under Date fth November laft, been under the Neceflity of withholding the Addrefs from C 77 ) from the Inhabitants of Patna, marked in my Letter of the 4th November with the Letter Z, for Reafons already afiigned, I have now the Pleafure to forward you the original Addrefs from Patna, with a Tranflation thereof, under the fame Mark as in the Lift accompanying my Letter of the 4th November. J now forward you fundry orher Addreffes re- ceived fince my lafl, from the Vakeels of the fe- veral Zemindars, &c. with Tranflations of the fame, according to a Lift accompanying. I am, Sir, Your moft obedient Servant, Calcutta, (Signed) G. F. CHERRY. 22dDec r 1788. D.P.T*. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y , to the Gov'. Z. Tranflation of a Perfian Addrefs from the Inhabitants of Patna. (inflation of an Addrefs relative to Mr. under the Seals and Signatures of the Inhabitants of the City of Patna. T having come to the Hearing of all us Men, both high and low, of every Seel: and Perluafion, as well Hindoos as Mahomedans, the Inhabitants and Natives of the City of Pat- na, T * ( 78 ) na, Part of the Territories belonging to the Dewanny of the Englifh Company, that the Gentlemen of England are difpleafed with the late Governor General, Warren Haftings, upon the Sufpicion that exercifing Tyranny and Op- preflicn, and taking from us, by Artifice, and Fraud, and Force, our Property, he laid wafte the Country ; we therefore, according to the Dictates of our feveral Religions and facred Or- dinances, which we hold to be ftrictly binding on our Confciences, and in Obfervance alfo of that Divine Precept, " Bear ye Teftimony," do thus publilh a true Account of the Nature and Circurnftances of the Conduct of Mr. Haf- tings, an honoured Perfonage of efteemed Qua- lities, who was perfect in Caution and Recti- tude, complete in Virtue and Benevolence, and firft amongft thole Characters who are figna- lized by their great Harmony and Wifdom, and was honoured both by the Kings of Hin- doftan and England ; and by thus giving Ut- terance to the Words of Truth and Juftice, cleanfe the Mirrours of the Hearts of the Gen- tlemen of England from the Ruft of Sufpicion. This Perfon is clothed with Probity and Reli- gion as with a Garment, and is adorned by the Protection of the People, and the Prefervation of us the Worshippers of God, as it were with a Jewel ; the Skirt of his Exigence is unfullied by the Stain of Difhonefty or Prejudice, and the Mirrour of his Heart is unclouded by the Duft of Avarice. In the Time of his Government, and during the Period of his Adminiftration, no one has feen in him any Thing but the Pro- tection of the Subjects, and the Difpenfation of 1 J uftices ( 79 ) Juftice ; never did the Dirt of Affliction feat it- felf through him on the Hearts of the People, nor did he ever break "the Glafs like Minds of the lowly with the Stone of Violence. As an Army is kept in Safety by its Watch Guards, fo he protected the Honours of Strangers and Natives by his Vigilance and Forefight, and kept them defended in the Caftle of Security from the Troops of Adverfiry. The Sanctuary of the Welfare of us humble Men was preferved in Safety by the fuperintending Care of his Juftice and Benevolence ; he did not omit the fmalleft Particle of Friendship towards us, and towards whoever elfe were dtferving of it, but always by kind Words and benign Acts admi- niftered the Balm of Comfort to the wounded Hearts of the Afflicted. He left not One of us all, not a fingle Individual, to be melted in the Crucible of Defpair. In his compaffionate Nature and great Kindnefs he favoured us all. The Feet of the Endeavours of wicked Men were broken by the Axe of his Awe, and the oppreffive Hands of Evil Doers were bound by the ftrong Cords of his Juftice. By thele Means the Doors of Happinefs and Delight were opened to us.' He new laid the Foundations of Juftice and the Pillars of the Law. In every Shape we the Inhabitants of this Country, during the Time of his Adminiftration, lived in Eafe and in Peace. We are therefore greatly fatisfied with and thankful to him. As the faid Mr. Haftings was long acquainted with the Modes of Government in thofe Regions, fo the inmoft Purpofe of his Heart was openly and fecredy, in Word and in Deed, bent upon all thofe Things which might maintain inviolate our Re- ligions, liglons, Ordinances, and Perfuafions, and guard us in every the minuteft RefpecT: from Misfor- tune and Calamity. In every Way he cherifh^d us in Honour and Credit. Whatever we have in our own t^rrfons really experienced from him, and whatever has been clearly manifefted by him, and whatever has been clearly, we have for the Sake and in the Name of God, without the Arts of Hypocrify, truly and juftly thus declared. In this there is no Doubt. Seals and Signatures to the above Addrefs. K A U Z I E S *. Moolah Hurreat Ullah Khaun Wauyer, the chief Kauzy. Kauzy Sujed Ameen U Deen. Under this Seal is written, A Supporter of Students, the Son of Kyant Muzzeid, who was the Son of Shurreef Udeen, Proprietor of >the Village Birtooly, in the Purgannah of Rotas, by the Mother's Side, Grandfon of the Kauzy Shooker Ullah, who was the Son of Cauzy Peer Mahommud, the Here- ditary Kauzy of the Purgunnah of Kauter, in the Sircar of Bahar. This Subfcriber is alfo Naib of the Kauzy of the Fouzdar of the Diftrift of Patna, in the Soubeh of Behar. * N. B. The Titles on many of the Seals are very nu- merous. In the Tranflation it has been thought neceffary to retain only the mod familiar. Kauzy Subghut Ullah. Under this Seal is written, The Contents of this Paper are ftrictly true j Kauzy of the Purgunnah of Burragong, and Boonea, and Punwaurah, in the Sircar of Shawa- bad, in Behar. M O O F T I E S. Moofty Sujed Ibrahim Hofein. Under this Seal is written, Fact." Moofty Doft Mahommed. Under this Seal is written, FacV* Moofty Sujed Fuzl Ullah. Under this Seal is written, " Fad.'* Moofty Sheikh MufTy Oolah. Under this Seal is written, Fact." Moofty Sujed Mohummed Hofein. Under this Seal is written, " In Truth, Mr. " Haftings was famous and celebrated for " his Goodnefs." Suddaurut Punnah, i. e. Officers appointed by the Crown to fuperintend the Charity Lands. Zein U Dein Ally Hyder Khawn. Under this Seal is written, < c The Seal of " the Sudder of the Sobah of Bahar ; " whatever is written in this Paper is " flriftly true." Sujed Wully Allum, Motehurully or Procura- tor appointed by the Englifh Government for the Purpofe of fuperintending the Intereft of L thofe ( 82 ) thofe holding Charity Lands in the Diftrift of Bahar. CANOONGOES. Roy Bulwunt Sing. Under this Seal is written, " Roy Bulwunt " Sing, Canoongoe of the Sudder of the " Soubah Bahar, and an immediate Ser- c< vant under the Emperor, bears Tefti- cc mony of the Truth of this Paper." Abdhoo Peim Chund. Under this Seal is written, " Peim Chund, a " Servant of the Emperor, a Mohurrer of * c Roy Bulwunt Sing, and of Roy Purfud " Ram, Canoongoes of the Sudder of Ba- har." Roy Nirmul Sing, Son of Purrein Sing. Under this Seal is written, " Roy Nirmul " Sing, the Canoongoe of the Sudder of " Bahar, bears Teftimony to the Truth of " this Paper." Sittaram Sahoy. Under the Seal is written, tc Sittaram, the " Gomaftah of Roy Nirmul Sing, the " Canoongoe of the Sudder of Bahar, is " perfectly and fatisfkd." Roy Perfudram. Under the Seal is written, " Roy Perfudram, " an immediate Servant of the Emperor, " and Canoongoe of the Sudder Bahar, ct bears Teftimony to the Truth of this " Paper.'* Akund Sing. Under this Seal is written, " The Seal of *' Akund Sing, the Canongoe of the Sud- 13 der ** der of the Purgunnah of Ball, &c. in " Sircar Sarun." The Signature of Khemajeet Roy, the Canon- goe of the Purgunnah of Milkie and Buofau- ry, in the Sircar of Harjee Poor, belonging to Bahar, by the Pen of Behadre Sin^, the Deputy of the faid Canoongoe. The Signature of Roy Anoop Loll and of Rou- fhun Loll, Canoongoes of the Purgunnah of Milkie, in the Sircar of Haujy Poor, belong- ing to Bahar, by the Pen of Behadre Sing, Deputy of the faid Canoongoe. Ram Sahoy Heim Sing. Under the Seal is written, The Signature and Seal of Heim Sing, the Canoongoe of the Purgunnah of Noubut Poor Bullea, in the Soubah of Bahar. Rogonaut Sahoy. Under the Seal is written, The Signature and Seal of Rogonaut Sahoy, the Grandfon of Kimen dew Dofs, and the Canoongoe of the Purgunnah of Soroo, in the Sircar of Shawabad, in Bahar. Bhekun Loll. Under the Seal is written, The Signature of Bhekun Loll, the Gomaftah of Koy Perfud Ram, and Roy Nulwut Ram, the Canoon- goe of the S udder of the Soubah of Bahar. Nufiurrut Ally. Under the Seal is written, The Signature of the Canoongoe of the Purgunnah of Saundeh. The Signature of Behadre Ally, the Servant of the Emperor, the Canoongoe of the Pur- gunnah and City of Azeemabad, in the Sircar and Soubah of Azeemabad. L 2 Under Under the Juftice of Mr. Haftiflgs I was happy. The Signature of Odey Chund, the Gomaftah of Sheikh Behadre Ally, Canoongoe of the Pergunnah of Azeemabad. The Signature of Bowanny Sing, a Servant of the Emperor, and a Canoongoe of the Pur- gunnah and City of Azeemabad, in the Sir- car and Soubah of Bahar. In the Juftice of Mr. Haftings I was pleafed and happy. The Signature of Kimun Chund, the Gomaftah of Bowany Sing, and Canoongoe of the Pur- gunnah Haveylee of Azeemabad. The Signature of Bolaunut, a Servant of the Emperor, and a Canoongoe of the Pergunnah and City of Haveyley Azeemabad. In the Time of Mr. Haftings I was happy, in a State of perfect Eafe. Doorgah Sahoi, the Gomaftah of Bolonaut Ca- noongoe. Omrahs, and the Sons of Omrahs, Khawns, Munfubdars, and Zemeendars, being Maho- medans. Moneer ul Molk Moneer ul Dowlah Khawn Zummaun Khawn Behadre Nadir Jung. Under the Seal is written^ In doing good to Mankind Mr. Haftings had no equal. Mahommed Moftekeem Khawn. Under this Seal is written, Mohummed Mof- tekeem Khawn, Son of the Nawaub Mo- zuffer Khawn, who was the Nephew of the Ameer ul Amrah Nabob Sumfaum ul Dowlah Khaundowran Behadre, who was the Chief Bofhy of all Hindoftan. Mahommed Khawn Behadre ul Molk Delawur- zung. Under Under the Seal is written, The Son-in-latf of the Nawaub Moneer ul Dowlah Reiza Kooley Khan Behadre Nadir Jung. Sujed Mohummed Khawn. Under his Seal is written, Sujed Mohummed Khawn, the Grand ion of the Nawaub Mo- reed Khawn, deceafed. Himmut Khawn Behadre. Under his Seal is written, Grandfon of the Nawaub Azum Khawn Azum ul Dowlart Shumfheer Jung Behadre, who was the Son of the Nawaub Mufleh udeen Khaun MuQeh O Dowla Behadre. Sujed Lutf Ally Khawn. Under his Seal is written, I, the humblefl of the Servants of God, am a Grandfon of the Nawaub Azum Khawn Azum U Dowlah Shumfheer Jung Behadre, and the Son of Su- jed Ameer Mohummtd Khawn Behadre.- I affirm, fwearing by the Prophet, and by the holy Fathers, upon all of whom be the Grace of God, that without ever having feen Mr. Haftings, I am thankful to him. In Truth, that excellent Gentleman was without an Equal. Even in former Times, there were few Rulers fo juft, and poflelTed of fuch Liberality, that all Mankind, from the high to the low, from the great to the fmall, fhouldj on all Accounts, be thank- ful to him ; that not one Individual of the whole human Race fhould complain of him. God is Witnefs, that the late Go- vernor General is one of thofe Rulers who are of diftinguiihed Eminence. Where- ever he is, may God preferve him under his holy Care and Protection. Sujed Sujed Sheer Ally Khawn Behadre. Under his Seal is written, Sujeed Sheer Ally Khawn, Son of Sujed Mohummed Kofeen Khawn Behadre, who was the Son-in-law of Sujed Abdul Ally Khawn Behadre Shujah Jung- Abdul Huflun Khawn. Under his Seal is written, The Son of the Nawaub Himmut Khawn. Hofein Ally Khawn. Under his Seal is written, The Grafldfon of Salim Ally Khawn, deceafed, and the Nephew of Kulb Ally Khawn, deceafed^ Daroga of the Adawlut of the Soubah Bahar. Ally Azeern Khawn Behadre. Under his Seal is written, Ally Azeem Khawn, the Zemindar of the Sircar of Gauzipoor, in the Soubah of Allahabad, and Proprietor of Lands in the Soubah of Bahar. I am perfectly fatisfied with, and grateful to Mr. Haftings. I hereunto affixed my Seal the 2d of Jummady ul Omrah, in the Fuffily Year 1195. Meerza Abdoola^ Under his Seal, Meerza Abdoola, the Son of Kulb Ally Khawn, who was the Son of Ally Cooly Khawn. v Wully ooalla Khawn. Under his Seal is written, Wully oolla Khawn, a Servant of the Emperor, a Jageerdar, is the Son of Gholaum Imaum a Dein Khawn, deceafed, who was the Sifter's Son of the Nawob Ahumed Khawn, deceafed. ^hac^ is written in the Text is exempt from all Doubt. Mohummed Mukkeem Khawn. Under his Seal is written, There is no Doubt in ( 87 ) *in the above. In all that concerned Man- kind, he was wichout an Equal. Wahc-d Ally Beig. Under his Seal is written, Waned Ally Beig Kbawn, Ameen of the Soubah of Be- har, bears Teftimony to this. Sujed Abafs Ally Khawn Ruzvy. Under this Seal is written, Son of Sujed AiTud Ally Khawn, deceafed, who was the Son-in-law of Suraj ul Dowla, deceafed. In truth, he (Mr. Haftings) was a Man of Underftanding, and worthy of governing. Anal Greeb. Under his Seal is written," Well known by the Name of Sujed Fuzl oola Khawn Hofeiny. Mohummed Ally Khawn. Under his Seal is written, Mohummed Ally Khawn, the Daroga of the Foujedary Adawlut for the Diftrict of Azeemabad, and Soubah of Bahar, bears Teftimony to this Paper. The Contents of the Text are true. Sujed Ifmaeel Ally Khawn Behadre. Under this Seal is written, Sujed Ifmaul Ally Khawn, the Son of Sujed Abdul Ally - Khawn Behadre Shuja Jung, who was the Brother's Son of the Nawob Izut Khawn, the Soubehdar of Azeemabad. Mohummud Ally Khawn. Under this Seal is written, Mohummud Ally Kawn, the Son of Khadim Hofein Khawn. Aboo Tooraub Kawn. Under this Seal is written, Palpably true. Aboo Tooraub Khawn is the Son of Abul Cofiim Khawn, deceafed. Hedayet Hofein Khawn. Under ( 88 ) Under this Seal is written, Thank God for all Things I have feen the Truth of what is written in this Paper. Erfhaud Khawn. Under this Seal is written, Erfhaud Khawn, the Son of the Nawaub Ameen ul Dowlah Behadre. Sujed Hyder Ally Khawn. Under this Seal is written, So long as Mr. Haftings was Governor of the Soubah of Bengal, &c. no Evils reached me ; on the contrary, I continued in perfect Eafe. Mohummed Beig Khawn. Under his Seal is written, The Son of Meer Meyer Ally Khawn. Mohummed Reeza Khawn. Under this Seal is written, Mohummed Reza Khawn, the Son-in-law of Abul Coflim Khawn, deceafed. -There is no Doubt o the Juilice and Equity of Mr, Haftings. Hardy Ally Khawn, Phyfician, Nuuwaufim Hofein Khawn. Under this Seal is written, Evidently true. Nuuwaufim Hofein Khawn, the Grandfon of Abul CofTim Khawn, deceafed. Nuuwaufifh Huffun Khawn. Evidently true. Nuwaufifh Huflun Khawn, the Grandfon of Abul Coflim Khawn, de- ceafed. _ ^ M * Ghawzy u Deen Ally Khawn. Under this Seal is written, Evidently true. Bifmilla Khawn. Under this Seal is written, There is no Doubt of this. Abkarkhaun Behadre. Under this Seal is written, Mr. Haftings was the Benefactor of Mankind, and in every Thins: Thing worthy of a Ruler was without an Equal. I am a Munfubdar of the Emperor. Hafiz Ghwolaum Ally Khawn, Munfubdar of the Empire. Mohummed Khawn, Fedvy Shah Allum Bad- fhahy Gauzy. Under this Seal is written, The Son of Fayez Ally Khawn, deceafed, who was the Bok- ftiy and Naib of the Soubah of Azeema- bad under Mohaubut Jung I fwear by my God and my Prophet, that during the Time of Mr. Haftings's Government I lived in perfect Peace, and that I was much concerned at his Departure. Mohnmmud Afkurry Khawn. Under his Seal is written, The Grandfon of Fayez Ally Khan, deceafed, the Bohfhy of Nawob Mohaubut Jung. Mohummud Ally Khawn. Under his Seal is written, In protecting the Subjects, and in whatever was worthy of a Chief, he was unequalled. Mohummed Tucky Khawn Behadre. Under his Seal is written, In protecting the Subjects, and in whatever was worthy of a Chief, he was unequalled. Mohummed Yar Khawn. Under this Seal is written, It is palpably true, and I am fatisfied and thankful. Ally Zamin Khawn. Under this Seal is written, He was a juil Man. Huffun Ally Khawn. Under this Seal is written, Palpably true. Maufoom Ally Khawn. Under this Seal is written, Mr. .Haft frigs Be- hadre was a very juft Man, a Protestor -of M the ( 9 ) the People, and a Benefa&or of the Poor. Mohummed Cooley Khawn. Under this Seal is written, I was, and am fatisfied with, and thankful to him. Meer Mohumed Takir Khawn. Under this Seal is written, Mr. Haftings Be- haudre- may God encreafe his Profperity was a Man of Juftice, and a Proteclor of the Poor. All Mankind are fatisfied with and thankful to him; I alfo Meer Mo- hummed Takir Khawn, the Grandfon of Nawob Akeedutmund Khawn Behadre, am fatisfied with him, and thankful to him. Rajah Yekbaul Ally Khawn Behadre. Under his Seal is written, Rajah Yekbaul Ally Khaun Behadre, the Son of Rajah Kaumguar Kaun Mien, and Zemendar of the Purgunnahs of Nurhot and Summoy, &c. in the Sircar and Soubah of Bahar. Ghwolaum Holein Khaun. UncLer this Seal is written, The Grandfon of Murza Moyeen u Dein Khaun, deceafed. Niffaur Holein Khaun Hofeiny. Under this Seal is written, Notorioufly true. Khulleel Beig Khaun. Under this Seal is written, Notorioufly true. Buddy u Deen Mohummed Khaun. Under this Seal is written, Son of Mohum- med Khaun, deceafed, a Phyfician. From the Commencement of Mr. Haftings's Go- vernment 1 never experienced any Hard- fhip. Meer Ghwolaum Hofein Khaun. Under this Seal is written, From the Com- mencement of Mr. Haftings's Government I never experienced any Hardfhip. Abdvo- Abdvolahkaun. Under this Seal is written, " It is flriflly " true." Sumfaum u Dein Khaun. Under this Seal is written, " It is ftriftly " true." Meer Mohummed Baker Khawn Behadre. Under this Seal is written, In the Juftice of Haftings, and in his Protection of the People, we are all fatisfied and thank- ful; and during the Time of his Govern- ment we led our Lives in great Tran- quillity, and continued in Abundance, infom.uch that the very Name of Oppref- fion was not heard of. Hyder Ally Khaun. Under this Seal is written, There is no Doubt in this. From the Commencement in his Government till his Deparrure for Europe, the Inhabitants and People of tfris Coun- try always continued in Peace and Security, and they pray for the King and Country. BEGUMS, and other Women of Rank. Soubed UNifla Beegum. Under this Seal is written, Daughter of the Nawob Abdul Ally Khaun Behadre, Son of the Nawob Sultaun Khaun Behadre, One of the Nobles of Jehaugur, and the Wife of Shah Ally Khaun. Zaheeut ul Niffau Beegum, Widow of Jullal u Dein Holcn Khaun, deceafed. Sahib ul Nifiau, Wife of Ahmed Ally Khaun. M 2 The ( 9* ) The Widow of Meer Afkerry, dece d . .. Moofummaut Sauly'iau. Under this Seal is written, Notorioufly true. The Seal of the Wife of Imaum Bokfh Kaun, the Son of Kawzy Thiffun Roza Khaun, dece d . Motihaulikaun of Rajah Sadoo Ram, dece 4 . Under this Seal written, From the pru- dent Counfels and perfect Wifdom of Mr. Haftings Behadre, he was in Truth a Man of Juitice, and a Protestor of the People. Fatimah. The World obtained its Deliver- ance by Fatimeh. Noor Bteby : From "poor Beeby," i. e. The Light of a Woman, the World obtained its Redemption. Motehaulikaun Auleh Hofein Khaun. Under this Seal is written, Notorioufly true. . Men of Learning and Wifdom, Prelates, and IJefcendants of the Prophet. Qhwolaum Huflfun. Under this Seal is written, The Defcendant and Representative of the dignified Shah Arzanny, the Model of the Followers of God, the Chief of thole pofleffing Reli- gious Wifdom. May God fanclify his ho- noured Tomb ! The Contents of this Paper are ilrictly true. \Yauris Ally. Under this Seal is written, Witnefs Warris Ally, the Motehwullv (Superintendant of the Charity Lands) in the Pergunnah of Ghyaus Poor, in the Sircar and Soubah of Bahar. Burkut t 93 ) Burkut Ullah Hofeiny. Under this Seal is written, The Seal of th Daroga of the Cuftoms of Arzeemabad. Mohummed Fiez Riozoy Hofeiny. Under this Seal is written, The Keeper of the Stone bearing the Impreflion of the Foot- ftep of the Prophet, near the Garden of Jaffier Khaun, and well known by the Name of Sujed Meer. Tubbyeut ul Huck Hofeiny. Under this Seal is written, The Supporter and Preceptor of Students, well known by the Name of Mefafir ul Hofeiny ul Behary. Mowlavy Fiozl ullah unfaury Calendar Kadry, Under this Seal is written, He (Mr. Haftings) was in Truth a juft Man. Ghwolaum Hofeign Hofeiny. Under this Seal is written, We People were and are always thankful to Mr. Hidings } during his Time we fuffercd not the lead Hard (hi p. Abdul Wahaub. Under this Seal is written, "Strlftly true/' Fiozl Ally, of the Race of Gung S^ukker (a famous Durveiih). Yaur Ahmed. Under this Seal is written, ' Palpably true." Ahmuddy Mokhtaur. Under this Seal is written, There is no Doubt in this. Mutteahu Rehmaum Apfum ul Kuttetaim. Under this Seal is written, There is no Doubt in this, Ahmud Ally. Sheikh Mutteah U Rehmaun, Jemmutdaur un- der the Englilh Government, a Naiive of Iflamabad, Reader of the Khutlah on the Part C 94 ) Part of the King, and under the Fc-uzdar. Meer Sufder Ally. Under this Seal is written, There is no Doubt in this i and in the Conduit which becomes a Chief he was unequalled. Mohummed Afhruff. Under this Seal is written, There is no Doubt in this. Suged Mohummed Taper. Under this Seal is written, I the offending Slave of God, Mohummed Tahir, am the Son of Mohummed Hofein Hofeiny. The Contents of this Paper are ftridlly true. Huflun Ally. Under this Seal is written, The Son-in-Law of Salim Ally Khaun, deceafed, Darogah of si^v the Adaulut. ujed Meer Ally. Under this Seal is written, It is univerfally known that he was a Man of Juftice. Sujed Burkaut Ally, Under this Seal is written, It is notorioufly true that he was a juft Man. Mohummed Moez. Under this Seal is written, Witnefs to the Contents of this Paper. Abu Mohummed. Under this Seal is written, Whatever is writ- ten in the Body of this Paper is nota- rioufly trjje. Wauris Ally. Under this Seal is written, Palpably true, Sujed Kulb Ally. Under this Seal is .written, I Sujed Kulb Ally, the Son of a Prelate, and a Native of Guija s bear ( 95 ) bear this Teftimony, that a Perfon fo en- dowed with all laudable Qualities, never before came from the Country of the Frungs. All Virtues which are proper for the Nature of Man were confpicuous in him. AzeemUllah. Under this Seal is written, A Prelate in the Soubah of Bahar. Kafir Ally. Under this Seal is written, I bear Teftimony to the Truth of this, that a Perfon fo en- dowed with all laudable Qualities never be- fore came from the Country of the Frungs. All the Virtues which are neceflary to the Nature of Man were confpicuous in him. Ghwolaum Neamut. Under this Seal is written, Palpably true. Mohil Ally. Under this Seal is written, Witnefs Mohil Ally, an Amehdar of the Pergunnah Ghyauz Poor. Sujed Shaw Alum, a Prelate. Munooar Ally. Under this Seal is written, God knows and beholds this. Meer Coffim Ally. Under this Seal is written, There is no Doubt of this, that he was a Man of Juftice. 1 am the Son of" Meer Nuffur Ullah. Sujed Sufder Ally. Under this Seal is written, So long as Mr. Haftings Behadre was the Governor of the. Subah of Bengal, &c. on no account did any Hardmip befall me ; on the contrary, I remained in perfect Eafe. i Meer ( 96 ) MeerHofeiny, the Son of Meer Meyher Ally Khaun. Meer Mahommed Hofein. Under this Seal is written, The Seal of Meer Mahummed Hofein, a Merchant. Sullabut Khaun, the Son of Baukir Khaun. Sheikh Mohummed Sullah. Under this Seal is written, a Native of La- hore. Mohummud Waufil. Under this Seal is written, All Men are fatif- fied with, and grateful to, Mr. Haftings for his good Conduct I know he (ludied the Good of the Company to this I fwear by God. Mohummud Hofein. Under this Seal is written, The Seal and Wri- ting of Meer Mohummud Hufiun, Mer- chant. Meer Khier U Dcen Hofein. Under this Seal is written, The Son of Meer Moraud Ally, the Bokfliy of the Nawob Ahtrarum U Dowlah Behadre, the Sou- bahdar of the Soubah of Azeemabad. Shahab Ally. Under this Seal is written, f Tyrants and Oppreflbrs by his Juftice, and by this Conduct he fecured Happinefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablifhed the Foundation of Juf- P lice j tice; and we at all Times during his Govern- ment lived in Comfort, and pafled our Days in Peace. We are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of performing that which would tend to the Prefervation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Seels, and guarded the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Accidents. In every Senfe he treated us with Attention and Refpect. We have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Fads that happened from him. The Signatures to this Addrefs, 26 A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T r . A true Copy. E. Hay, Seci r to the Gov*. Tranflations of the Perfian AddrefTes from the Rajah of Burdwan, and Zemindars of the 24 Pergunnahs, and from Pundits of the 24 Pergunnahs, prefented by their Vackeels. ff. Paper delivered ly tie Vakeel on the Part of tie Rajah of Burdwan, and the Zemindars of the 24 Pergunnahs^ and tranjlated purfuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, dated 27 th A$ril 1788. Petition, under the Signature of Rajah Mullic, Vakeel, on the Part of the Rajah of Burdwan, Radachurn Roy, &c. Zemindar of the 24 Pergunnahs. MpHE Maha Rajah Dherage Teez Chund -* Behader, Zemindar of Purgunnah Burd- wan, &c. has tranfmitted an Addrefs relative to Mr. Haftings, under his own Seal, and the Sig- natures in Bengalefe of 157 Zemindars in the 24 Pergunnahs, with a Copy thereof, authen- ticated by the Cauzy ; and another Addrefs from the Pundits of the 24 Pergunnahs, written in the Shanfcrit Language, with a Perfian Tranflation of it, in order that they may be fent to Europe ; and hopes that your Lordfhip will be pleafed to order them to be tranflated, and tranfmit the Original and Tranflation to England. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T'. A true Copy. E. Hay, Seer 7 to the Fort. P 2 f f. Under the Seal of Maha Rajah Dherage Teez- hund Behader, Zemindar of Pergunnah Burd- wan,&c. and the Signatures of the Choudries and Talookdars of the 24 Pergunnahs, as under written. In the fame Terms as the laft Addrefs. The Signatures to this Addrefs, 158 Mdrefs from the Pundits of the 24 Pergunnabs, under the Signatures as under written. Mr. Haftings's Difpofition was adorned with the Jewel of Patience, Firmnefs, Clemency, and Courage, great Complacency and Politenefs. He enlightened the World by the Brightnefs of his Conduct, the Praifes of which are fung by all learned Men. The Minifters of England, on the Sufpicion that Mr. Haftings took Money by Force and Deceit from the Natives of this Country, and ruined the Country, are difpleafed with him ; We, Inhabitants of the Country under the Company's Dominions, having heard this, in order to remove this Reflection on him who adminiftered Juftice, and to wipe away the Cloud from the Minds of the People of Eng- land, reprefent the good Conduct he followed : That in regard to Inhabitants of this Country, of high, middling, and low, all the Three De- grees, he maintained them in the enlightening jloads of Religion, and cheriflied them with io 7^ parental ( "7 ) parental Kindnefs, without Self-Intereft. He raifed the Credit of Tutors and Students in every Learning, by treating with Refpect every Branch according to its Instructions and Science -, and from having been long relident in this Country, he was well acquainted with the Nature of the Government of it. During his Adminiftration in this Kingdom, the whole World felt no Un- eafinefs or Adverfity, prelerved the beaten Track of their Concerns, and lived in Peace. This was the Cafe with every one. The Signatures to this Addrefs, 25 A true TranQation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, True Copies. D. P. T r . E. Hay, Secry. to the Fort. Papers delivered ly the Vakeels on the Part of tbe Zemindar of Ptrgunnah Jeflore, Mabmoud Sbaby, &c. and tranjiated purfuant to an Order from Governor General in Council, dated ^tb -April Petition from the Vakeels of the Zemindars of Jeflbre and Mahmoud Shahy. AN Addrefs relative to Mr. Haftings, under the Signature of Serrikaunt Roy, Zemin- dar of Pergunnah Jeflbre, &c. and one under the 'Seals and Signatures of the Choudries of Mahmoud Shahy, and the Talookdars of Zel- lah Jefibre, with Copies thereof, having been tranfmitced to the Prefence, we hope that they may be tranflated by Order of Government, and and the Tranflation and Original forwarded to Europe. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY. D. P. T r . A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec 7 to the Fort. Under the- Signature of the Serrikaunt Roy 3 Zemindar of Pergunnah Jofeefpore, &c. I have heard that the Gentlemen in England are difpleafcd with Mr. Haftings, on Sulpicion rbat he opprefled us Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country j* Therefore we, upon the Strength of our religious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to act conformable to the Decrees of God in deliver- ing Evidence, relate the praife-worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friendfhip and Poluenefs, of Mr. Haft ings, poffeffed of great Abilities and Underfianding; and by reprefent- ing Facts, remove the Doubts that have pof- feffed the Minds of the Gentlemen in England. That Mr. Haftings diftributed Protection and Sincerity to Religion, and Kindnefs and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Em- bezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoulhefs and Avidity. During the Pe- riod of his Government no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hardmips from him ; nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an oppreffive Hand from him. Our Characters and Reputa- tions tions have always been guarded in Quiet from Attack by the Vigilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and preferved by the Terror of his Jufttce. He never omitted the fmalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards us and thofe entitled to it, but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a [in- gle Perfon to be overpowered by Defpair. He difplayed his Friendship and Kindnefs to us alL He deftroyed the Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror. He tied the Hands of Tyrants and Opprefibrs by his Juftice ; and by this Conduct he fecured Hap- pinefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablifhed the Foundation of Juftice; and we at all Times during his Government lived in Comfort, and patted our Days in Peace : We are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of performing that which would tend to the Prefervation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Sects, and guarded the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Accidents. In every Senfe he treated us with Attention and Refpect.- We have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Facts that happened from him. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y to the Fort. Under the Seals and Signatures of the Zemin- dars, Chowdries, and Talookdars of the Me- hals of Mahmoud Shahy and Ziilah Jeflbre. We Zemindars, Chowdries, and Talookdars of the Mahls of Mahmoud Shahy and Ze'.lah Jeffore, have heard that the Gentlemen in Eng- land are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Suf- picion that he opprefled us, Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country , Therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and religious Te- nets, which we hold as u Duty upon us -, and HI order to act conformable to the Decrees of God in delivering Evidence, relate the praife-worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friend- Ihip and Politenefs, of Mr. Haftings, poffefTed of great Abilities and CJnderftandirrg; and by reprefenting Facts remove the Doubts that have EofiefTed the Minds of the Gentlemen in Eng- ind. That Mr. Haftings distributed Protec- tion and Security to Religion, and Kindnefe and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufncfs and Avidity. During the Period of his Government no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, ne- ver having felt Hardfhips from him ; nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an opptefiive Hand from him. Oar Characters and Repu- tations have been always guarded in Quiet from Attack by the Vigilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and preferved by the Tenor of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmallcft Inftance of of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards us and thofe entitled to it, but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve or Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a fingle Per- fon to be overpowered by Defpair. He dif- played his Friendfhip and Kindnefs to us all. He deftroyed the Powers of Enemies and"wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror. He tied the Hands of Tyrants and Oppreflbrs by his Juftice , and by his Conduct he fecurtd Happi- nefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablifhed the Foundation of Juftice ; and we at all Times, during his Government, lived in Comfort, and patted our Days in Peace. We are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. ' Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of performing that which would tend to the Prefervation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Sects, and guarded the Religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Accidents. In every Senle he treated us with Attention and Refpect. We have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Facts that happened from him. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 72. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T r . A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y to the Gov 1 . ( 122 ) Tranflation of a Perfian Addrefs from the Rajah of Tannah Bahar, in Cooch Bahaf 5 preferred by his Vakeel. Paper delivered by the Vacked on the Part of the Rajah Hurrindernarrain, Rajah of Tannab Beybar, &c. in Cooch Beybar, and travjlated purfuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council t dated 27 tb April 1788. Under the Seals and Signatures as written. T Rajah Hurrindernarrain, Rajah of Tannah * Beyhar, in Cooch Behar, and other Servants and Dependants on the Lid Raje, whofe Seals are hereunto annexed, have heard that the Gen- tlemen in England are difpleafed with Mr. Haf- tings, on Sufpicion that he opprefTcd us Inhabit- ants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force,, and ruined the Country j There- fore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and religious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to aft conformable to the Decrees or God in delivering Evidence, relate the praife- worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friendfhip and Politenefs, of Mr, Haftings, pofiefled of great Abilities and Un- derftanding ; and by reprefenting Facts, remove the Doubts that have poflefled the Minds of the Gentlemen in England. That Mr. Haftings distributed Protection and Security to Religion, and Kindnefs and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufnefs and Avi- dity. During the Period of his Government no one ( 123 > one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hardfhips from him , nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an oppreflive Hand from him. Our Characters and Reputations have been always guarded in Qjiet from Attack, by the Vigilance of his Pru- dence and Forefight, and preferveJ by the Ter- ror of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalteft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs to- wards us and thofe entitled to it, but always ap- plied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not al- lowing a fingle Perfon to be overpowered by Defpair. He difplayed his Friendship and Kindnefs to all ; he deftroyed the Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror. He tied the Hands of Tyrants and Oppreffbrs by his Juftice ; and by this Conduct he lecured Happinefs and Joy to us. He re- eftablimed the Foundation of Juftice ; and we at all Times during his Government lived in Comfort, and pafied our Days in Pe~.ce. We are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well ac- quainted with the Manners andCuftomsof thefe Countries, he was always defirous of performing that which would tend to the Prefer vation of our Religion, and of the Duties of cur Sects, and guarded the religious Cuftoms of each from, the Effects of Misfortunes and Accidents, in every Senfe he treated us with Attention and Refpect. We have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfeives feen, and the Facts that happened from him. Q^2 The C *24 ) The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs. Maha Rajah Hurrinderain. Maha R-inny, the Mother of Maha Raja Hur- rinderain. Serbanund Goffrin, Superintendant of the Raje Moaindnarain Koar. \ Nazir Deo Jebundernarain Koar. Coffinaut Khaufhnubbtes, the Rajah's Dewan, Suftidhur Dofs, Vakeel at Calcutta. Kifhen Caunt Buckihy. Bilhenperfaud Ameen. Jankeram Sirma, Vackeel at Calcutta. A true Translation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T. A true Copy. E. Hay, Secr y to the Gov*. Tranflation of a Perfian Addrefs from the Ranny of Rajefhahy, and her SOQ Rajah Ramkiffen prefented by her Vakeel. Paper delivered by the Vakeel on the Part of Mala Ranny Bcwanny, and Rajah Ramkiffen^ her adopted Son, Zemindar of Pergunnab Rajejhaby> t3c. and tranjlated purfuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, dated 27/ April 1788. Same as the foregoing Addrefs. Under the Seals of Maha Ranny Bhowany, and her adopted Son Rajah Ramkifhcn, and others, as underwritten. The t "5 ) The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs,, Maha Ranny Bowanny. Rajah Ramkifhen, adopted Son to the above. Ramkilhen, Nien Chunder Serma, Naib of Pergunnah Rajefhahy, &c. Permanund Dofs, Vakeel of Pergunnah Raje- fhahy, &c. Ram Caunt, Seriftadar. Tranflation of a Perfian Addrefs from the Canongoes, Zemindars, &c. of Midna- pore, prefented by their Vakeels. Paper delivered by the Vakeel, on tie Part of the Cannongoes, Zemindars, 'Cbowdries, and Ta- lookdars of Cbucla Midnapore, tranjlated pur- fuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, dated 2jtb A$ril 1788. Same as the foregoing Addrefs, The Seals to this Addrefs, 17 Tranflation of an Addrefs from the Ganon- goes, &c. &c. &c. of Sylhet:, prefented by the Collector. s. s. franflation of a Per/tan Addrefs delivered by the Canoongoes, Zemindars^ Cbowdries, and Talook- dars of Syihet, to Mr. Willis^ Colteftor of the Re- venues of that Diftritt. E the Servants of the Imperial Court, the Canpngoes, Zemindars, Chowdrics, and Talookdars of the Diftrift of Sylhet, a De- pendancy of the Soubah of Bengal, that Paradife of Nations, have heard that the Gentlemen of England are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, upon a Sufpicion, that exercifing Tyranny and Op- preffion over us, he took our Money by Fraud and Artifice, as well as by Force, and that by Mifmanagement he laid wafte the Country. We, hearing this, are much aftonifhed ! For the Skill and Knowledge of Mr. Haftings in the Conduct of Bufmefs, and in managing the Affairs both of Revenue and Government, are notorious throughout all Bengal and Hindoftan. We for our Parts can fay, that he never took from us, humble Men, a fingle Daun or Dhyrrum by Force or Oppreffion, or by Fraud or Artifice; nor was his JDifpofition in any Degree inclined to .Avarice and Covetoufnefs ; on the contrary, he fowed the Seeds of Kincinefs in the Fields of the Hearts of all the Hufbandmen and Sub- jects, jects, and from the Showers which fell from the Clouds of his Benevolence and Generofity, he made the Hearts of the Poor to flourifh like a a Garden. By Law and the Difpenfation of Juftice he improved the Country. From the Sword of the Wicked, who delight in Sedition, he protected us defencelefs People with the Shield of his Beneficence ; and during the Time of his Adminiftration and Government we paffed our Time in Eafe and Pleafure. As he was from a very early Period acquainted with, the Ufages and Cuftoms of this Country, fo he laboured to preferve inviolate the Honour, the Faith, and the Religion of us all. For thefe Reafons we, according to .our Religion and Be- lief, and in purfuance of that holy Precept " withhold not: your Teftimony" have truly and juftly made this public Declaration. The Signatures to this Addrefs, 102 Copy Letter from the ading Collector of Moorfhedabad j with a Tranflation of a Perfjan Addrefs from the Ze- mindars of Rocunpore, &c. &c. tranf- mitted by him., To Edward Hay, Efquirr, Secretary to the Government. Sir, r F t HE Zemindars and Talookdars under this Collectorfhip have delivered to me a Perfian /Vddrefs relative to Mr. Haftings, and an at- ttfled { " 1 tefted Copy of it ; with a Requeft, that I would forward them to the Governor General in Coun- cil, in order that they might be tranfmitted to the Court of Dire&ors. In compliance with their Requifition, I have the Honour to fend you the above-mentioned Perfian Papers, to- gether with a Copy of the Application from the Zemindars and Talookdars to me. I have the Honour to be, Sir, Yourmoft obedient humble Servant, (-Signed) JOHN FENDAL, Ac\ s Coll', Zillah Moorlhedabad, the 5th November 1788. A true Copy. E. Hay, Seci y to the Fort, Petition of tie Zemindars of Rockunpore^ Lttjh-* kerpore^ Jebinguerpore, &c. under the Collec* torjhip of Moorjhedabad* We, your Petitioners, the Zemindars, Ta- lookdars, and Chowdries of the Lands under the Collectormip of Moorfhedabad, have writ- ten, figned, and fealed a Paper in Praife of Mr. Haftings, for the Difpatch of which to the Prefidency we requeft that you will fend the Original, with our Seals and Signatures, to- gether with a Copy thereof, attefted by the Seal of the Cauzey, to the Right Honourable the (jovernor General in Council at Calcutta, and peritipn in our Name that the Right Honour- able the Governor General in Council will be 9 kind ( 129 ) kind enough to order a Tranflation to be made of that Paper, and that the Original with the Tranilate may be forwarded to the Honourable the Court of Directors in England. It is jull, and we have petitioned it. A true Tranflate. (Signed) JN. 1 A true Copy. ' ay> U T7 Sec y to the Fort. Papers delivered by tie Vazed of the Zemindars of Pergunnah Rokumpoor, Lujkerpore* Jthanquir- pore, &c. all the Mbals of Zillab Moor/heda- bad, and tranjlated purfuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, dated 27 April 1788. Petition from the Zemindars of Purgunnah Rokempore, Lufkerpore, Jehanquier- pore, &c. all the Mhals of Zellah Moorfhedabad ; addrefled to the Col- We, the Zemindars, Talookdars, and Chow- dries of Zellah Moorfhedabad, have written an Addrefs on the Virtues of Mr. Haftings, to which we have affixed our Seals and figned our Names. We now petition that you will be pleafed to forward it : One Paper is the Original, with our Seals and Signatures affixed, the other a Copy under the Seal of the Cauzy, which you will be pleated to tranfmit to the Governor General in Council of Calcutta, and requeft his R 130 ) Lordmip will order it to be tranflated, 'and fend th'>' Tranfhrion with the Original to the Court of Directors. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY. A true Copy. D. P. P. E. Hay, Sec' to the Fort. *H Under the Seals and Signatures as under written. We the Zemindars, Chowdries, and Talook- dars, of the Mhals of Zellah Mocrfhedabad, in Soubah of B; ugal, have heaid that the Gcn- tlerntn in England are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Sufpicion that he oppreiled us In- habitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country ; Therefore we", upon the Strength of our Re- ligion and religious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to aft conform-' able to the Decrees of God, in delivering Evi- dence, relate the praife- worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friendfhip and Polite- nefs, of Mr. Haftings, pofltfied of great Abi- lities and Understanding-, and by reprtfenting Fads, remove the Doubts that have poirefled the Minds of the Gentlemen in England : That Mr. Haftings diftributed Protection and Secu- rity to Religion, and Kindneis and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzle- ments and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetouf* Covetoufnefs and Avidity. During the Period of his' Government no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hardfhips from him ; nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an oppreffive Hand from him. Our Characters and Reputations have been always guarded in Quiet from Attack by the Vigilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and prelerved by the Terror of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards us, and thofe entitled to it j but always applied, by Soothings and Mild- liefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a fingle Perfon to be overpowered by Defpair. He difplayed his Friendfhip and Kindnefs to all; he deftro)ed the Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror ; he tied the Hands of Tyrants and OpprefTors by his Juftice ; and by' this Conduct he fecured Happinefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablimed the Foundation of Juftice; and we at all Times, during his Governmenr, lived in Comfort, and pafled our Days in Peace. We are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thele Countries, he was always defirous of per- forming that which would tend to the Preferva- tion of our Religion, and of the Dirties of our Seels, and guarded the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Ac- cidents. In every Senfe he treated us with At- tention and Refpe<5t We have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Facts that happened from him. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 94 R 2 ( 132 > The Four following in the fame Terms as the laft. Tranflation of a Perfian Addrefs from th Canongoes of Jellafore, prefented by their Vakeel. u u. Paper delivered by the Vakeel from the Canoongoes, Zemindars^ Cbowdries> and Talookdars^ of Chucklab Jelafore. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 19 Tranflation of a Perfian Addrefs from the Zemindars of Dacca Jelalpore, prefented by their Vakeel. Paper delivered by the Vakeel on the Part of the Zemindars, Chowdries, and 'Talookdars, of the -Mhals of Pergunnah Jellalpore, &c. in the Diftrift of Dacca. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 106 Tranflation of a Perfian Addrefs from the Zemindars, &c. of Dacca Momun Sing, prefented by their Vakeel. w. w. Paper delivered by the Vakeel on the Part of the Zemindars, Chowdries, and Talookdars of the Mhals of Zillah Momenfing> &c. in the Dijlrift cf Dacca. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 146 ( 133 ) X X. Ttanflation of a Perfian Addrefs from the Zemindar of Beerbhoom, presented by his Vakeel. Papers delivered by Golaum Hyder Khan, Vakeel to the Zemindar of Purgunnab Beerbboom, &JV. Petition under the Signature of Golaum, Hyder Khan, Vakeel to the Zemindar of Purgunnah Bheerbhoom. Conftituent has prepared and written under his own Seal, and that of his princi- pal Servants and Officers, an Addrefs relative to Mr. Haftings, which he has tranfmitted with a Copy to your Lordfhip, in the Hope thac your Lordfhip will be pleafed to direct that it may be translated into Englifh, and the Original and Tranflation be forwarded to Europe* The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 14 A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D, P. T\ A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y to the Gov'. ( '34 ) Tranflation of a Pcrfian Addrefs from Khan Jehan. Khan, and the reft of the Inhabitants of Hoogly, prefented by his Vakeel. y y- Papers delivered ly Mahomed Mhyul Dien Khan, Vakeel to Khan Jeban Khan Behadrejejfarut Jung. Petition under the Signature of Mahomed Mhy Ul Dien Khan, Vakeel to Khan Jehan Khan Behadre Jeflarut Jung. HPHE Refidents and Natives of the Bunder . (Factory). of Roughly have written and affixed their Seals to an Addrefs relative to Mr. Haftings, and have tranfmitted the Original and Copy to your Lordfhip; I humbly requeftyour Lordlhip will be pleafed to order the Addrefs to be tranflated by the public Officer of Go- vernment, and that the Tranflation and Ori- ginal may be fent to Europe. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T r . A true Copy. E. Hay, Stc y to the Gov r . ( '35 ) y y- We, the Inhabitants r,nd Natives of the Bunder (Factory) of Houghly and its Environs, in the Soubah of Bengal, humbly reprefent to His Mod Gracious Majefty the King of Eng- land, and to the upright Aftembly, the Comp- trollers and Directors of the Company, that Mr. Haftings, from his Nomination to the Go- vernment pf this Country until the Time of his Return to Europe, fecured our Satisfaction and Happinefs by his pleafing Deportment and com- mendable Virtues; he prefer ved /the Affairs of this Country of every Denomination in the Channel of eftablifhed Ufage and Cuftom, fo that Mankind, whether Merchants, Officers, Travellers, Strangers, or Tradefmen, with the moil perfect Eaie of Mind and Security em- ployed themfelves in feeking their Subiiitence, in Happinefs and inward Gratitude praying for the Extent of His Majefty's Reign, and the Company's Authority. That Gentleman was fo attentive to the Protection and Sa'fety of the Country,that no Difturber or Rioter on any Side could extend the Hand of Qppreffion and Tyranny. He eitablifhed Courts of*Juftice ac- cording to the refpective Religions and Sects; and notwichftanding the Want of Rain, the dreadful Effects of Famine were warded off by the Wifdom and Prudence of his Meafures and Arrangements. He fettled the Courts of Cri- minal minal and Civil Jurifdiction (Fouzedary and Dewany) on a new Footing, by which Man- kind were guarded againft Thieves and Murder- ers. He founded a College for the Propagation of Learning, and fixed an Income and Degrees for the Students, fo that to this Moment the Learned and Students enjoy the Benefits and Advantages thereof, and pray for the Profperity of His Majefty's Reign, and the Company; and we Moguls and others, whether Men in Service or Merchants, always lived protected from the Frauds of the Times under the Shadow of his Care and Kindnefs. He never coveted our Character, Property, or Wealth, nor did he ever act by Force or Oppofition. In fhort, we, during the Government of Mr. Haftings, enjoyed Peace and Quiet, and in no Refpecc experienced Diftrefs or Hardfhip, and are pleaf- ed with his Qualities and Virtues. ^Written n Shabaan 1202 Hejeree, j;th May 1788. The Seals to this Addrefs, 4 ! a3tthw to nfibnlnnS t niiiK JtrcnQue 31 I : j-3li3iqt[o 3d 3, d v^rtcM iuo iloo? tpi*i.e: ens Tranflatlon of a Perfian Addrefs from the Zemindar of Pachete, preferred by his Vakeel. z z. .P/jp0v delivered ly the Vakal of Mala, Raj&h Ragonaut Narain^ Zemindar of Pachete. Petition under the Seal and Name of Rajah Ragonaut Narain. J HAVE prepared an Addrefs under my Seal relative to Mr. Haftings, and tranfmit it to your Lordfhip, who, I hope, will be pleafed to order it to be publicly tranflated, and the Ori- ginal and Translation be forwarded to Europe. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y to the Gov f . Z Z. Under the Seals and Signatures as under written. I Ragonaut Narain, Zemindar of Pachete, in the Soubah of Bengal, have rteard that the Gentlemen in England are' difpleafed with Mr. Haftings on Sufpicion that he opprefled MS, In- habitants of this Place, took our Money by S Deceit ( '38 ) Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country , * Therefore we, upon the Strength of our Reli- gion and religious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon usv and in order to act conformable to the Decrees of God in delivering Evidence, relate the praife-worhy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friendmip and Politenefs, of Mr. Haftmgs, poffefled of great Abilities and Ur.derftanding -, and by reprefenting Facts, re- move the Doubts that have poflefled the Minds of the Gentlemen in England : That Mr. Haftings diftributed Protection and Security to Religion, and Kindnefs and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufnefs and Avidity. During the Period of his Govern- ment no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hard- Jhips from him ; nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an oppreffive Hand from him. Our Character and Reputations have been al- ways guarded in Quiet from Attack by the Vi- gilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and preferved by the Terror of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalleft Inftance of Kindnefs, and Goodnefs towards us and thofe entitled tq it ; but always applied, by Soothings and Mild- nefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction * ? not allowing a finoje Peifop tq be overpowered by Defpair. He difplayed his Friendfhip and Kindnefs to all; he deftroyed the Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror ; he tied the Hands of Tyrants and Oppreffors by his Juftice, and by this Conduct he fecured Happinefs and Joy tq us. Here-eftabliflied the Foundation of Juftice; ancj ( '39 ) And we at all Times during his Government lived in Comfort, and palled our Days in Peace. \Ve are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted vmh the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of per- forming that which would tend to the Preferva- tion of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Seels i and guarded the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Ac- cidents. In every Senfe he treated us with At- tention and Refpect. We have reprefented without Deceit what ourfelves have feen, and the Facts that happened from him. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs. Maha Rajah Ragonaut Narain. Kifhen Caunt del Serma. Colly Churn Serma. Khofaul Chund Serma. Narain Serma. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T% A true Copy. E. Hay, Secr y to the Gov*. sd p ?iri b^vslqlib J3VO bwiflt>b ad . ijivl aril yd nal/l b3>bi - 3fJi : (cH drii btii? yd brrfi t u'jMiji_ ii.l . v "j aiofi3iqqCX bns ^ ^ ; JisH .211 Tranflation of a Perfian Addrefs from fome of the Inhabitants of Calcutta, which was delivered to the Secretary by Meer Zahed and others. the Inhabitants of the Town of Cal- cutta, having prepared an Addrefs rela- tive to Mr. Haftings, under our Seals and Sic*. natures, do prefenc the fame, together wit h & a Copy thereof, to. the Council, having in their Kmdnefs caufed this Addrefs to be tranflated by the Officers of the Company, will be pleafed to fend both the Original and the Tranflation to England We have thus requefted what was proper. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, A D. P. T% A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec ry to theGov*. tavmrftrffrft hi - . Ilfi rli ^nni T sri o bn.3 ni *Cr0njlaticn of tie Addrefs delivered to Hay* Efq. Secretary to the Government, by Meer Zabid> and ether Inhabitants of Calcutta. We, the great and principal People, Mer- chants, and others, - Men of different Seels and Perfuafions, Inhabitants of the City of Calcutta, Part of the Territories of the Eno;lifh Company (whom may God long prderve in Profperity) having heard that the exalted Rulers of England, and they who prefide over the Courts of Juftice, have received Difpleafure in their humane Hearts again It Mr. Haftings, upon Sufpicion that he took the Money and Effects of us the Inhabit- ants of this Country by Fraud and Treachery, and entirely ruined the Government of rhe Company: Therefore we, the People aforefaid, with a perfect Unanimity, both in Expreffion and Meaning, according to the Precepts of our feveral Religions and Cuftoms, the Obfervance of which we always make the Object of our Hearts, do, for the Ptirpofe pf difpellrng the Doubts of the exalted Gentlemen aforefaid, bring from behind the Curtain of Concealment, and place upon the public Seat of Notoriety, fuch a Representation of the Character, and fuch a Relation of the Words and Actions of Mr. Haftings, whofe Dilpofition is worthy of all Praife, as is true and certain, and fully proved and clearly demonstrated, and free from Orna- ment and Exaggeration, From the Time that he was appointed to, and became in veiled with, the Government of Calcutta, till the End of his Adminiftration, he was always occupied in the Welfare of the Reyats, and the Improvement of C 142 ) of the Country, in the Support of the Weak* in .healing the Opprefiions and JnjuPiice of bad Men, in good Offices to the great and fniall, in the Prefervation of the Rules of Govern- ment, and in Attention to the Ri. ht's and De- grees of Men nobly defcended, in the TFfTdbu- ragemeht of Men of Merit and Learning, in laying the Foundations- of Virtue, as for Ex- ample, by building Colleges and. Schools, in keeping alive "the Learning of every Seel and Perfuafion, in giving Eafe to the Landholders and the Merchants, in difpenfing Juftice to the injured and opprefTed, in fpeakir.g the Language of Confolation to the humble as well as to the great, in conciliating the Hearts of Princes, whether Friends or Enemies, and in the Wel- fare cf the Company. In fhort, throughout the Territories under the Government of the Company there is not a fingle Individual who has not received from the well-fprcad Table of IvJr. Haftings's Bounty whatever he was entitled to ; and we, the Inhabitants of this Town of Cal- cutta, have for our Parts reprcfented only that \vhich we have ourfelves feen of the Kindnefs, the Care, the Knowledge of what was righr, and the Humanity of Mr. Haftings, who could diftinguim what was juft from what was unjuft, who in his Exemption from Avarice was un- equalled, the Fountain of good Difpofidons* and the AfTemblage of Mercies; we were and are in every Way fatisfied with and grateful to Mr. Haftings, and fweet and refrefhing to our Tongues are the Words with which we utter his Praiies. Written on id of Bhaudan, i6th Aug. 1788. The Seals and Signature to this Addrefs, 44.8 9 C 143 ) r /ijfu/oD 9r?jl, upon a Sufpicion- that, taking the Money and Effects of us the Inhabitants of this Country by various Frauds and Artifices, he ruined the Govern- ment of the Company; Therefore we, the People aforefaid, with a perfect Unanimity both in Exp*"efilon and Meaning, do from our Hearts, and according to what we know and have heard, lay before the exalted Gentlemen afore- laid, for the Purpofe of difpelling their Doubts, a true Reprefentation of the Character of Mr. Haitings, from the Time that he was appointed tcs 2nd became invefted with, the Government of Calcutta till the End of his Adrniniftrationv He was always occupied in the Welfare of the Ryocts and the Improvement of the Country, in the Support of the Weak, in healing the Op- prefiions and Injuftice of bad Men, good 'Offices to the Great and Small, in the Pre- iervation. of the Rules of Government, and in Attention to the Rights and Degrees of Men nobly defcended, in the Encourage- ment ment of Men of Merit and Learning, in efta- bliming Allowances for Muflulmen, Doctors, and for Pundits and Srudents, and in fupport- ing Colleges and Schools both for MufTulmans and Hindoos, in keeping alive the Learning of every Sect and Perfuafion, in giving Eafe to the Landholders and the Merchants, in dif- penfmg Juftice to the injured and opprefied, in ipeaking the Language of Confolation to the Humble as well as the Great, in conciliating the Hearts of Princes, whether Friends or Ene- mies, and in the Welfare of the Company. In fhort, throughout the Territories under the Go- vernment of the Company, there is not a fingle Individual who has not received from the Table of Mr. Haftings's Bounty whatever he was en- titled to: And we, the Inhabitants of this Town of Calcutta, have for our own Parts re- prefented only that which we have ourfelves feen and heard of the Kindnefs, the Care, the Knowledge of what was right, and the Huma- nity of Mr. Haftings, who could diftinguifh what was juft from what was unjuft, who, in his Exemption from Avarice, was unequalled, the Fountain of good Dilpofitions, and the Af- femblage of Mercies. We were and are fatif- fied with and grateful to Mr. Haftings; and fweet and refrelhing to our Tongues are the Words with which we utter his Praifes. Writ- ten the 7th of A (Tin, 2ift September 1788. The Seals and S'gnatures to this Addrefs, 160. A true Tranfhtion. G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T. A true Copy. E. Hay, Secr y to the Gov'. T ( 146 ) Tranflation of a Perfian Addrefs from other Inhabitants of the Town of Calcutta, which was delivered to the Secretary by Rauje Chund Roy, and others. Tr (inflation of a Petition delivered to Edward Hay* Efquire, the Secretary of the Government, by Rauje Chund Roy, Pettumber Mittre, Dump Narain, Colly Perfaud Ghofe t Tunnoor Dutt, and others, Inhabitants of the Town of Cal- cutta. \JU"E, your Petitioners, Inhabitants of the Town of Calcutta, prefent to the Council an Addrefs relative to Mr. Haftings, under our Seals and Signatures, together with a Copy thereof} and in behalf of ourfelves, and of the other Perfons who have fealed or figned the faid Addrefs, do requeft, that the Council, having caufed the fame to be tranflated by the Officers of the Company, will be pleafed to tranfmit the Original and the Tranflation to England. What was necefiary we have reprefented. Travjlaticn of the Addrefs delivered to Edward Play, Efquire, Secretary to the Government, by Rauje Chund Roy, Pettumber Mittre, and ethers. We, the greateft and principal People, Merchants, and others, Men of different Sects and Perfuafions, Inhabitants of the City of Cal- cutta, Part of the Territories of the Englifh Company, (whom may God long preferve in Profperity !) ( 47 ) Profperity!) having heard that the exalted Rulers of England, and they who prefide over the Courts of Juftice, have received Difpleafure in their humane Hearts againft Mr. Haftings, upon a Sufpicion that he took the Money and Effects of us the Inhabitants of this Country by Fraud and Treachery, and entirely ruined the Government of the Company, Therefore we, the People nforefaid, with a perfect Unanimity both in Expreflion and Meaning, according to the Precepts of our feveral Religions and Cuf- toms, the Obfervance of which we always make the Objects of our Hearts, do, for the Purpofe of difpelling the Doubts of the exalted Gentle- men aforefaid, bring from behind the Curtain of Concealment, and place upon the pubiic Seat of Notoriety, fuch a Reprefentation of the Cha- racter, and fuch a Relation of the Words and Actions of Mr. Haftings, whofe Difpofuion is worthy of all Praife 3 as is true, and certain, and fully proved, and clearly demonstrated, and free from Ornament and Exaggeration, from the Time that he was appointed to and became invefted with the Government of Calcutta, till the End of the Administration. He was always occupied in the Welfare of the Reyats, and the Improvement of the Country ; in the Support of the Weak, in healing the Opprefilons and Injuf- tice of bad Men, in good Offices to the Great and Small, in the Prefervation of the Rules of Government, and in Attention to the Right and Degrees of Men nobly deicended, in the Encouragement of Men of Merit and Learn- ing, in laying the Foundations of Virtue, as for Example, by building Colleges and Schools, in keeping alive the Learning of every Sect and T 2 Perfuafion, Perfuafion, in giving Eafe to the Landholders and the Merchants, in difpenfing Juftice to the Afflicted and Opprefled, in fpeaking the Lan- guage of Confolation to the Humble as well as to the Great, in conciliating the Hearts of Princes, whether Friends or Enemies, and in the Welfare of the Company , in fhort, through- out the Territories under the Government of the Company, there is not a (ingle Individual- who has not received from the weli-fpread Table of Mr. Haftings's Bounty whatever he was en- titled to. And we, the Inhabitants of this Town of Calcutta, have for our own Part re- prefented { only that which we have ourfelves feen of the Kindnefs, the Care, the Knowledge pf what was right, and the Humanity of Mr. Haftings, who could diftinguifh what was juft from what was unjuft, who, in his Exemption from Avarice, was unequalled ; the Fountain of good Difpofnions, and the Aflemblage of Mer- cies. We were and are in every W 7 ay fatisfied with and grateful to Mr. Hathngs ; and fweet and refrefhmg to our Tongues are the Words with which we utter his Praifes.r Written on the 2d Bhaudun, i6:h Augult 1788. The Seals and Signatures to this Addrefs, 518. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T'. A true Copy. E.Hay, Secr y to the Gov'. Letter ( 149 ) Letter from the Rector and Churchwarden of the Greek Church. To Edward Hay, Efq. Secretary to the Government. c . Sir, pN CLOSED we have the Honour to fend you an Addrefs to the Court of Directors in favour of Mr. Haftings, figned by ourfelves and all other the principal Members of the Greek Church in Bengal. The original Addrefs in modern Greek is accompanied by a Copy and an Englifh TranQation of it. The Original and the Tranflation, we humbly requeft, may be tranfmitted to the Honourable Court of Di- feftors by the earlieft Conveyance. We have the Honour to be, Sir, Fort William, Your moft obedient 8 January 1789. humble Servants, , (Signed) C. PORRTHENIO, Reclor of the Greek Church of Calcutta. (Signed) MAUNODY KYRIAKOR, Churchwarden. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y to the Gov*. Copy t Copy /Tranflation of a Greek Addrefs from the Redor, and other Members, of the Greek Church. of an Addrefs from tbe principal Mem- bers of tbe Greek Church in Bengal, to tbe Ho- nourable Court of Directors of tbe Eaji India C&wpany. the Offspring of Hellafs, called by Eu- ropeans Greeks, no.v refiding for com- mercial Purpofes in Calcutta, and other Places in the Kingdom of Bengal, all and each of whom, except only One or Two, came into this Country fince the Commencement of the .Adminiftration of Warren Haftings, the late glorious and exalted Governor of Bengal, and of all Eaft India, trading in and about thefe Parts free and unmolefted. We, the faid Greeks, during the happy Days of the faid late Gcvernor Warren Haftings, having often been protected, and juftly fupported, by him, and having alfo been encouraged by his noble Suc- cour and AlTiftance to raile, in this City, a holy Temple, in Honour and Glory of our Saviour's Transfiguration in Mount Thabor, to the End that we might be fixed in this Country, and that this our Church mould remain as the Foundation of an Eftablifhment for us, and for our SuccelTors, being of the fame Nation and Religion : We, at the fame Time, confidering ourfelves lawful Subjects of his mod high, powerful, and facred Majefty the King of Great Britain, for whofe Permanence, Profperity, and Ilappinefs, Happinefs, we, as by our Duty indifpenfably bound, do offer up to the Almighty God our daily Prayers : For as much as we have heard, with deep Regret, that the laid late Governor General Warren Haflings is profecuted, and being, on our Parts, moft perfectly and heartily iatisfied with his \yife and upright Government, as well as gratified by the pious and great Works -which he rendered to us with his ulual Benevo- lence do take the Liberty of teftifying and de- claring, by this humble Reprefentation, his Chriftian and univerfal Character, his Benefi- cence and charitable Diipofition towards all Mankind, his juft and impartial Love for all the Native Inhabitants, whether high or low, of this Kingdom, and his fervent Zeal for the Profperity of the Country in general, and of every Individual, manifesting to all and every of them Marks of paternal Affection, and ftretching forth his Hand to thofe whom he found in indigent Circumftances, and deftitute of the Neceflaries of Life. Fie was a zealous Patron for the Difpenfation of Juftice to every Individual, and a faithful Balance of Equity. In a Word, he was enriched with all humane and moral Endowments, and famous not only for his moral and political Virtues, but worthy of Praife, and to be highly fpoken of for his Defire to obtain and to improve the Literature of this Country. All which Excellencies will render him admired, and immortal, throughout the univerfal World. We therefore, the fmall Number of Greeks refiding in Calcutta, and difperled throughout Bengal, in true Teftimony of our great Grati- tude for the many Benefits which we have re- ceived from the late Governor, Warren Haf- 7 - tings, tings, do join with all the World in declaring our Sentiments in favour of the Character of our worthy, wife, and humane Patron, the late Governor General ; and have hereunto humbly fet our Hands, this ijth Day of December 1788, O. S. > OH) Parthenio, Reftor of the Church of Calcutta, and a Native of Corfew. Nathaniel, a Native of Cyphanus, a Prieft and Monk of the Convent of Mount Sinai, and Rector of the Church at Calcutta. Panageotes Alexius, of Philiopolis. Mavrodis Hiriacos, Warden of the Church at Calcutta, and a Native of Phyliopolis. George Leondew, a Native of Smyrna. Demetrius Georgius, from Bythenia. Shereen Hadjy, Ibraheem of Caefaria. Athenafias Theodore, from Prufa. Theo Charis, from Arta. Joannes Demetrius from Mytilyne. Jacobus Haujy Hoi ma, from Csefaria. Angelus Dade'u ;, from Philiopolis. Chriftodolo, Son of Papa Nicolai, from the Ifland of NCOS. Panageotis Demetrius, from Kely. Angeios Doocos, of the liland of Corfew. Chriftodolos Mavrody, of Philiopolis. Emanuel Demetrius, of Albania. Demetrius Galonos, from Athens. Georgius Panageotis, from Phyliopolis. Alexandros Panageotis, from D. Anaftafius L>% from D. Joannes D% from D. Potos Haujy Abraham, from Cafaria. Jacob D* Ifaah, from D. Alexius ( '53 ) Alexius Haujy Abraham, from Csefaria. Simeon D e D% from D. Jofeph D D% from D'. Johannes D Ifaah, from D'. Lucos Theodore, from Magnefia. George Careeda, from Phyliopolis, Sotures Anthony, from D. George Athenafius, from D. Conftantinus Theodorus, from D. D Shahing, from D. Michael Andrew, from D. Demetrius George Calogrethy, from the Ifland of Neos. George Demetrius, from D*. Nicholas Marinus Calonas, from D" Marinus Nicholas Calonas, from D. Demetrius Chriftodolo, from Phylopopolis. Michael, from Conftantinople. George Alexander, from Phylopopolis. Leontheus Chriftodolo, from D. AlexanderKeeriacos, from D. Bafileus Haujy Contrantine, from D. Simeon Georgia, from Georgia. Michael Anthony, from the Ifland of Naxia. George Anthony, Native of Calcutta. Theodorus James> from the Ifland of Samos. Nicholas, from Crete. Sabas, a Sclavonian. Pannagiotis, from Kheletos. George Angelo, from Phylopopolis. Conftantine of Trapazandios. Jordan, from Casfaria. Joannes Garaganos, from Georgia. Anaftafius Conftantine, from Phylopopolis. U ' Soteres ( 154 ) Soteres Slogew, from Phyliopopolis* Nicholas Spiredon, from Crete. George, from Aphalonia. Stamatis Demetrius, from Rhodes. Zacharius, from D. John, from Kely. Athanafius Demetrius, from Phylopopolis. Demetrius Eleijah, from D. George Angala, from D. Anthony Phofkolos, from the Ifiand of Jineus. Mathew Anthony, from D". Joannes, from Khely. Thalifmos Haujy Peter, from Trapezon. Boikos Neno, from Phylopopolis. Paulee Stracee, from Myteline. A true Tranflation. (Signed) C. PARTHENIO. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y to the Gov* yd.b ni nornahn^c arij d ( 155 ) Tranflation of Perfian AddrefTes from the Rajah of Tumlook ; from the Ranny of Myfadel ; from the Ranny of Hidgelee ; from the Rajah of Hidgelee ; and from the Rajah of Sujamootah ; prefented by their Vakeels. kk. Paper delivered by the Vakeel on tie Part of Rajah Anundenarain^ Zemindar of Pergunnab Tumleok 1 7 Anna Share^ and tranjlated purfuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council, dated ijtb April 1788. Under the Seal of Rajah Anundernarain, Ze- mindar of Purgunnah Tumlook (7 Anna Share). T Have heard that the Gentlemen in England -* are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Suf- picion that he opprefied us Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country; therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and religious Te- nets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to act conformable to the Decrees of God in delivering Evidence, relate the praife-worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friend- ihip and Politenefs, of Mr. Haflings, poflefled of great Abilities and Underftanding ; and by reprefenting Facts, remove the Doubts that have pofierTed the Minds of the Gentlemen in England j that Mr. Haltings diftributed Pro- tection and Security to Religion, and Kindnefs U 2 and ( '56 ) and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufnefs and Avidity, During the Period of his Government, no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hardfhips from him, nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an opprefTive Hand from him, our Characters and Reputations have been always guarded in Quiet from Attack by the Vigilance of his Pru- dence and Forefight, and preferved by the Terror of his Juftice; he never omitted the 1'malieft Inllance of Kindnefs and Goodnels towards us and thofe entitled to it, but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnels, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a fingle Perfon to be overpowered by Dcfpair; he difplayed his Friendftiip and Kind- nels to all , he deftroyed the Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror j he tied the Hands of Tyrants and Oppreffors by his Jaftice, and by this Conduct: he fecured Hap- pinefs and Joy to us j he re-eftablifhed the Foun- dation of Juftice, and we at ail Times, during his Government, lived in Comfort, and pafied our Days in Peace. W r e are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haf- tings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of performing that which would tend to the Prelervation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Sects, and guarded the re- ligious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Mif- fortunes and Accidents. In every Senfe he treated us with Attention and Reipect. \Ve have ( '57 ) have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Facts that happened from him. , A true Tranflstion. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY, D. P. T. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec y to the Govern.*. 11. Paper delivered by the Vakeel on the Part of the Ranny Jannekee, Zemindar of Purgunnab Myfau- dul, &c. and tranjlated purfuant to an Order from tbe Governor General in Council^ dated 2jtb April 1788. Under the Seal of Ranny Jannekee, Zemindar of Purgunnah Myfaudel. I have heard that the Gentlemen in England are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Suipicion that he opprefled us Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country ; Therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and religious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to act conformably to the Decrees of God in de- livering Evidence, relate the praife-worthy Ac- tions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friend- fhip and Folitenefs, of Mr. Haftings, poflfefied of great Abilities and Underftanding ; and by reprelenting Facts, remove the Doubts that have poffelTed the Minds of the Gentlemen ia England \ that Mr. Haftings diftributed Pro- tection and Security to Religion, afld Kindnefs and ( 158 ) and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufnefs and Avidity. During the Period of his Government, no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hardfhips from him j nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an oppreflive Hand from him. Our Characters and Repu~ rations have been always guarded in Quiet from Attack, by the Vigilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and preferved by the Terror of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalieft Initance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards us, and thofe entitled to it ; but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a iingle Perfon to be overpowered by Defpair. He dif- played his Friendlhip and Kindnefs to all; he deftroyed the Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror; he tied the Hands of Tyrants and Opprefibrs by his Juftice ; and by this Conduct he fecuted Happinefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablifhed the Foundation of Juftice ; and we at all Times, during his Go- vernment, lived in Comfort, and parted our Days in Peace. We are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haft ings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries he w^s always defirous oJ performing that which would tend to the Prefervation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Seels, and guarded the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Accidents. In every Senfe he treated us with Attention and RefpecY We have rqve- ft-nted without Deceit xvhat we have ourfeives &cn, and the Facts that happened from him. ( 159 ) m m. Paper delivered by the Vaked on lie Part of the Ranny Sougundab^ Zemindah of Doorcodumnam and Mancbamootab, &c. in Cbuda Hidgiee, and travflated purfuant to .an Order from the Governor General in Council ', dated zftb April 1788. Under the Seal of Ranny Sougundah, Zemindar of Dooroodumnam and Manchamoorah, &c. in Ch-jcla Hidgelee. I have heard that the Gentlemen in England are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Sufpicion that he opprefled us Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country Therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and religious Tenets, which we hold as a Ducy upon us, and in order to aft conformable to the Decrees of God in delivering Evidence, relate the praife-worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friend- fhip and Politenefs, of Mr. Haftings, polTefled of great Abilities and Underftanding , and by reprefenting Fads, remove the Doubts that have poffefied the Minds of the Gentlemen in Eng- land ; that Mr. Haftings diftributed Protection and Security to Religion, and Kindnefs and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufnefs and Avidity. During the Period of his Government, no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice, never having felt Hardihips from him ; nor did the Poor even know the Weight, of an oppreJIive Hand from him. ^Our Characters and Reputa- 8 tions < 160 ) tions have been always guarded in Quiet from Attack by the Vigilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and preferved by the Terror of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards us, and thofe entitled to it, but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve of Comfort to the "Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a fingle Perfon to be overpowered by Defpair. He dif- played his Friendfhip and Kindnefs to all. He deftroyed the Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror. He tied the Hands of Tyrants and Oppreflbrs by his Juftice ; and, by this Conduct, he fecured Hap- pinefs and Joy to us. He re-eftablifhed the Foundation of Juftice ; and we, at all Times during his Government, lived in Comfort, and pafled our Days in Peace. We are many, many of us fatisfted and pieafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of performing that which would tend to the Prefervation of our Religion and of the Duties of our Sects, and guarded the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Accidents. In every Senfe he treated us with Attention and Refpect. We have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Facts that happened from him. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F, CHERRY, D. P. T. A true Copy. E. Hay, Sec r to the Gov*. n n. Paper delivered ly tie Vakeel on tie Part of Rajab Beernarain, of Pergunnab Jellamootab, &c. in Chucla Hidgelee, and translated purfuaut to an Order from the Governor General in Council^ dated 7.1 tb April 1788. Under the Seal of Rajah Beernarain, Zemindar of Pergunnah Jellamoth, &c. in Chucla Hidgelee. I have heard that the Gentlemen in Eng- land are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Sufpicion that he oppreifed us, Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country ; therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and religious Te- nets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to act conformable to the Decrees of God in delivering Evidence, relate the prajfe- worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friendlhip and Politenefs, of Mr. Haftings, pof- lefled of great Abilities and Understanding ; and by reprefc-nting Facts remove the Doubts that have pofTefled the Minds of the Gentlemen in England ; that Mr. Haftings diftributed Protection and Security to Religion, and Kind- nefs and Peace to us all ; he is free from the Charge of Embezzlements and Fraud, and his Heart 'is void of Covetoufnefs and Avidity. During the Period of his Government, no one experienced from him other than Protection and Juftice,never having felt Hardfhips from him.Our X Characters Characters and Reputations have been always guarded in Quiet from Attack, by the Vi- gilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and pre- ierved by the Terror of his Juftice. He never omitted the fmalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs towards us, and thofe entitled to it j but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Af- fliclion, not allowing a fingle Perfon to be over- powered by Defpair. He difplayed his Friend- fhip and Kindnefs to all ; he deftroyed the Powers of Enemies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror ; he tied the Hands of Tyrants and Oppreflbrs by his Juftice ; and by this Conduct he fecured Happinefs and Joy to us. He eftablifhed the Foundation of Juftice;" and we at all Times, during his Government, Jived in Comfort, and patted our Days in Peace. We are many, many of us, fatisfied and pleafed \vith him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well acquainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of performing that which would tend to the Pre- fervation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Sects, and guarded the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Ac- cidents. In every Senfe he treated me with At- tention and Refpect. We have reprefented without Deceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Facts that happened from him. A true Tranflation. G. F. CHERRY, A true Copy. D. P. T r . E. Hay, Sec y to the Fort. Comp d Andr w Gardener. 1 6 3 o o. Paper delivered by tie Vakeel on the Part of Rajah Debindurnarain, Zemindar of Purgunnab Sou- jahmootab, and tranjlated purfuant to an Order from the Governor General in Council^ dated 2-jtb April 1788. Under the Seal of Rajah Debindurnarain, Ze- mindar of Purgunnah Soujahmootah. I have heard that the Gentlemen in Eng- land are difpleafed with Mr. Haftings, on Sufpicion that he opprefled us Inhabitants of this Place, took our Money by Deceit and Force, and ruined the Country :- Therefore we, upon the Strength of our Religion and reli- gious Tenets, which we hold as a Duty upon us, and in order to act conformable to the De- crees of God in delivering Evidence, relate the praife-worthy Actions, full of Prudence and Rectitude, Friendfhip and Politenefs, of Mr. Haftings, poflefled of great Abilities and Un- derftanding; and by repreleming Facts, remove the Doubts that have poflcfled the Minds of the Gentlemen in England : That Mr. Haftings diftributed Protection and Security to Religion, and Kindnefs and Peace to us all. He is free from the Charge of Embezzlement and Fraud, and his Heart is void of Covetoufnefs and Avi- dity. During the Period of his Government, no one experienced from him other than Pro- tection and Juftice, never having felt Hardfhips from him ; nor did the Poor ever know the Weight of an oppreflive Hand from him.. Our X 2 Charac- ( 164 ) Characters and Reputations have been always guarded in Quiet from Attack, by the Vigilance of his Prudence and Forefight, and preferved by the Terror of his Juftice ; he never omitted the imalleft Inftance of Kindnefs and Goodnefs to- wards us, and thofe entitled to it, but always applied, by Soothings and Mildnefs, the Salve of Comfort to the Wounds of Affliction, not allowing a fingle Perfon to be overpowered by Defpair ; he diiplayed his Friendmip and Kmd- nefs to all ; he deftroyed the Powers of Ene- mies and wicked Men by the Strength of his Terror , he tied the Hands of Tyrants and Op- preflbrs by his Juftice, and by this Conduct he fecured Happinefs and Joy to us ; he re-efta- blilhed the Foundation of Juftice, and we at all Times, during his Government, lived in Com- fort, and pafled ur Days in Peace. We are many, many of us fatisfied and pleafed with him. As Mr. Haftings was perfectly well ac- quainted with the Manners and Cuftoms of thefe Countries, he was always defirous of perform- ing that which would tend to the Preiervation of our Religion, and of the Duties of our Sects, and guard the religious Cuftoms of each from the Effects of Misfortunes and Accidents. In every Senie he treated us with Attention and Refpect. We have reprefented without De- ceit what we have ourfelves feen, and the Facts that happened from him. A true Tranflation. (Signed) G. F. CHERRY. D. P. T r . A true Copy. E Hay, Secr y to the Fort. CONCLUSION. T N addition to the Teftimomals, which were printed by Order of the Houfe of Commons, the Nabob Fyzoola Cawn tranfmitted a Let- ter to the Court of Directors, in the Year 1786, through Mr. Haftings, exprefiive of his Attachment to the Company, and the Satisfac- tion which that Gentleman's Conduct had given him. A very ftrong Teftimonial has alfo been received from the Nabob of Arcot, by Mr. Haftings ; and another from Madajee Sindia, both fully authenticated ; but as they were not tranfmitted directly to the Company, they could not be laid upon the Table of rhe Houfe of Commons. It may perhaps be deemed ne- ceffary, to complete the Subject, to publifti the Addrefies from the Britifh Inhabitants of Calcutta, and the Officers of the Bengal Army. They have already been publifhed both in India and in England ; but we reprint them, that the whole Subject may appear in one Point of View. To the Honourable Warren Haftings Efquire, Governor General. SIR, , the Britifh Inhabitants of Calcutta, im- prefled with *&l Concern at your Depar- ture from India, intreat your Acceptance of this public Tribute, in Teftimony of our general Satisfaction in the whole Tenour of your long Adminiftration, and our lading Senfe of your many patriotic Exertions. For a Series of Years, we have uninterrupt* cdly enjoyed, under your Government, the Bleflings of private Comfort, and public Tran- quillity, and no one can recollect a Period wherein impartial Juftice, political Wifdom, and a liberal Attention to the Rights of Indi- viduals, were more eminently confpicuous. We have feen you in many of the moft cri- ,tical Situations to which political Life can be cxpoied ; in none of thefe have we perceived you to deviate from the Dignity of your Sta- tion, the Integrity of your Character, or the Vigour of your public Conduct : In every Vicif- litude you have been provident and collected, and whilft you have proved yourfelf invulne- rable to Infurrection,you have equally difplayed yourfelf fuperior to Calumny. The grand Outlines of the Connexion by which this Country is united to Great Britain have ( i $7 ) have been, under your Aufpices, precifely afcertained, and its Continuance decifively fe- cured. The unwieldy Syftem of the double Government has been reduced to Order and Simplicity. The Adminiftration of civil and criminal Juftice, inftead of a Burthen on Indi- viduals, or an Engine of Corruption, has un- der your prudent Reformation become a Bleif- ing to ten Millions of People. Arts have been uniformly patronifed. The Channels of Com- munication between ourfelves and the Natives have, by your liberal Encouragements, been opened, and our Settlement has increased to a Degree of Magnitude and Splendour, which dvinces the Wiidom of your Meafures, and the Mildnefs of your Government. While the reft of India looked up to you alone for their Prefervation from the Diftrac- tions of War and the Defolations of Famine, we have enjoyed an uninterrupted Plenty and Security, Bleffings which, while we continue to poffefs, we mall never ceafe to remember were procured for us by your fpirited Meafures, which have raifed upon the moft folid Bans the Superstructure of public Happiaefs. May that Happinefs, and every other, be fecured to you during the remaining Period of your Life, which can arife from the Polfefiion of unfullied Virtue, and the Confcioufnefs of unremitted Labours for the good of Society ; and may you be bkft, on your Return, with the brightefl Reward a Patriot Mind can court, the Applaufe of your Sovereign, and the Gratitude 6 of ( 168. ) of a Country to which you have proved your- felf fo illuftrious an Ornament. We have the Honour to be, Honourable Sir, Your mod obedient, Calcutta, Humble Servants, i ft Feb. 1785. &c. &c. Signed by 290 Perfons. To Warren Haftings Efquire. SIR, COON after your Departure from Bengal, it was refolved, at a Meeting of Officers at the Prefidency, that an Addrefs to you, as Gover- nor General, mould be figned, and forwarded by the firft fafe Conveyance : And the Officers were pleafed to make choice of us to fend forth the Copies for Signatures, to receive them when figned, and to fend them to you afterwards. The Original confifts of eighteen Copies of the fame Addrefs, which were lent in Duplicate to the different military Stations ; we received all back except two Duplicates, and from the complete Set two notorial Copies have been made of the Addrefs and the Signatures of the whole. We have now the Honour to fend to you one notorial Copy, together with a Copy of our circular Letter. We ( '69 ) We (hall, by the Ships of the Seafon, for- ward the other notorial Copy, and the Set of Originals of Sixteen, together with notorial Copies of the other two ; and we (hall lodge in the Hands of Colonel Pearfe the complete Set of Original, to be ready in cafe of Accidents to thele, and ultimately to be forwarded to you, unlefs the Set of Originals firft fent mould happily arrive , in which cafe he will fend the two which now we deem it neceflary to keep by us, to prevent lofing the Means of convey- ing to you the Sentiments of our Brother Offi- cers, if needful, hereafter. We beg leave to afiure you, that we receive the greateft Happinefs from having been cho- fen to be the Agents of fo refpeflable a Body of Officers, and hope the Share we have had in promoting the Wifhes of our Friends and Con- itituents will prove acceptable to you. We arc, With the higheft Refped, Sir, Your moft obedient Servants, T. D. PEARSE, Calcutta, Colonel. 5th Aug. 1785. JA S MORGAN, Colonel. HENRY WATSON, Lieur. Colonel, and Chief Engineer. To the Honourable Warren Haftings, Efq. Governor General, &c. SIR, WE \vhofe Names are hereunto fubfcribed, Officers of the Bengal Army, with profound Refpect, and moft perfect Efteem, take the Liberty of addreffing you on your Departure from amongft us. Many of us as Citizens have already figned the general Addrefs, which was projected, pre- pared, and figned in the (hort Space of thirty Hours, and prefented to you on the Morning of your Departure, with the Signature of near three hundred of the principal Perfons of the Settlement, to which large Additions have been fince made, and ftill are making. But it was judged, that an Addrefs from the Officers of the Army in their collective Capa- city, after you had left the Settlement, would more fully demonftrate to yourfelf, and to all the World, how very dear you were to them as Soldiers, and afford them an Opportunity of recording the Caufes of their Efteem, by a Re- cital of the Events which produced it. We all know, Sir, either by having feen ir, or by having heard it from thofe who were on the Spot, that you have been very near thirteen Years at the Head of this Settlement : That you came to the Chair as Governor immediate. ly after the moft dreadful Calamity that ever befel a People, and found the Country much depopulated, the Treaiury empty, and a moft enormous enormous Debt contracted : That the Plans which you fo judicioufly laid when Governor, were afterwards carried into Execution by the Governor General and Supreme Council, of which you have hitherto been the Head, and effected a Difcharge of the Debt, filled ^the Treafury with Caih, and reftored Life and Vi- gour to the Country : That during this Period, the Government was convulfed by jarring In- terefts and unufual Oppofition ; but, neverthe- lefs, you maintained your Pod with Dignity to the State, with Honour to yourfelf, and Con- fufion to the Enemies of our Country : That the Natives, taking advantage of what they fuppofed a divided Government, entered into a Confederacy to deftroy the Influence of the English in India, and to fet up that of the French, who fecretly promoted the Union, and afterward joined in League with them : That all thefe Efforts were baffled, and India pre- ferved to us, by your Firmnefs and the Vigour of your Government, from which an Expe- dition planned by yourfelf was fent forth, and an Army under General Goddard traverfed Regions unknown from the Eaft to the Weil of India, and, in fpite of the Diiafters which befel chole who were to co operate, reached the Coafts oi" Surat, and conquered Provinces from the Powers at War with our Nation. It is alfo well known, that in the midft of this Scene of Trouble, the French and Spa- niards, and afterwards the Dutch, joined to at- tack us, and were aided by the late Hyder Alice, who, before the Dutch War, invaded Y 2 the ( 172 ) the Carnatic, defeated the Englifh in Battle, and reduced to his Obedience the whole of that Country, except Madras and Vellore, and Tome few paltry Forts in the Neighborhood of the Prefidency : That when all Men confidered the State of the Carnatic to be defperate, you rofe to refcue them from impending Ruin -, and though Bengal was threatened with Invafions, nobly reiblving to meet the Enemy at a Dif- tance, you fent out two Detachments, which gave Strength and Vigour to the Army under Sir Eyre Coote, thereby faved the Britiih Pof- feflions in that Part of India, and reduced the Enemy to conclude an honourable Peace with- out the fmallcft Lofs of Territory ; and laftly, that the Armies ferving at a Diftance were paid, fed, clothed, and armed, by the Exertions and Refources of your Government. Thus, Sir, under your Adminiftration, have the united Efforts of our numerous and power- ful Enemies been fruftrated ; and India, by the Conquefts there made from the European Powers, has afforded the Means of redeemins what the Nation ioit to them in every other Part of the Globe. We therefore entreat you to accept this juft and grateful Tribute of our Praifes, and our warmeft Thanks for having opened the Paths which led to Glory, and afforded to the Bengal Army the Means of acquiring Honour, and of being ferviceablc to the State at large. Permit us now, Sir, to exprefs our Feelings on your Departure. Time, and the Contem- i plation ( '73 ) plation of your illuftrious Actions, created an Efteem which is deeply rooted in our Hearts ; and our Sorrow at Jofing the Man wijom we confidered as the Father cf the Settlement, is, as it ought to be, great and poignan: ; we mutt therefore feek for Confoiation in our Hopes, that you are going to receive thole Honours and Rewards which are due to iuperior Merit ; and with united Voice we pray that fuch may be the Event. Signed by 4 Colonels, 15 Lieutenant Colonels, 25 Majors, 71 Captains, 324 Lieutenants, 47 Enfigns, 7 1 Lieut. Fife Workers, Surgeons, &c. &c. Total 557 ' :.niJ]firl " to ] no8 - aril ^o 2^nr ndnupad al IQ ^o 3iuoD odji.lo floiiululaH gniwoik ( 175 ) THANKS FROM THE PROPRIETORS and DIRECTORS of the EAST INDIA COMPANY, TN the Month of October 1782, the Court of Proprietors, by -a Majority of near fix to one, returned Mr. Haftings their Thanks for, his Services, and in particular for his Exertions ..during the War, in fupport of the Carnatic and Bombay. In the Month of November 1783, the Court of Proprietors again returned their Thanks to Mr. Haftings for his Services ; and in particular, for having effected a Peace with the Marattas. In March 1784, the Court of Directors ex- prefled, in the {trongeft Terms, their Senfe of the Services performed by "Mr. Haftings, in furniflring Supplies for the Support of the War. In December 1784, the Thanks of the Pro- prietors were tranfmicted to Mr. Haftings, with the following Relblution of the Court of Di- rectors : rectors : " As Peace and Tranquillity arc now " perfectly eftablifhed throughout India, and " this Court being ienfible that this happy Event * - 48 DACCA. From tie Nabob of Dacca, inclofed in a Letter to Earl Cornwallis, 52 From the Men of Rank, and principal Natives of the City of Jehanguirnagur^ 55 SlLBERRES. From the Zemindar of Silberres t - 57 Ditto, Ditto, - 59 NUDDEA. From the Rajah cf Nuddea, 63 From the Bramins and Pundits, 65 From the Zemindars, Chowdries, and Tabokdars of the Province of Nuddea, 66 BOGLEPORE. Letter from Mr. Adair to Edward Hay Efq. Secretary to the Governor General in Z 2 CWtKtl, CONTENTS. Council, inclofmg three Addreffes from the Zemindars, Canongoes* and principal Inhabitants of the Dtflrict of Boglepore ; and one from ike Inhabitants of the Jungleterry, a mountainous Part cf the Dijlrict, firft brought to a State of Civilization in the Government of Mr. Hajlings, Page 68 PATNA. From the Men of Rank and Family , Mer- chants^ Bankers, Cawzies, and principal Natives of the City of Patna, 77 SlLEERRES. From the Zemindars, Chowdries, and Ta- lookdars of Silberres t 1 1 2 BURDWAN. From the Rajah cf Burdwan, and Zemin- dars of the 24 Purgunnahs^ 115 From the Pundits of the 24 Purgunnahs t 116 From the Rajah of. Je/ore, 1 1 7 From the Zemindar s^ Chowdries, and Ta- lookdars of Mahomed Shahy, - 1 20 From the Rajah of Cooch Beyhar^ and his Officer s> ' 122 From the Ranny of Rajefoahy* her adopted Son, and the principal Officers of the Zemindary, 124 From the Zemindars, Cbowdries, and Ta- lookdars of Midnapore, - 125 From the Zemindars andCanongoes cfSylhet, 1 26 CONTENTS. From the Zemindars, tfakokdars, and Chowdries cf Rockunpore, Lujbkerporc, and Jehan^uir pore, Page 128 From the Zemindar 's, Talookdars, and Chow- dries of Zellab Moorjhedabad, 130 From the Zemindar -s, Tatookdars^and Chow- dries of Jellafore, 132 From the Zemindars, Chowdries, and Ta- lookdars of the Diftrift of Dacca, ibid. From the Zemindars, Chowdries, and Ta- lookdars of Zillah Momenjing, - ibid. From the Zemindar of Beer^hoom^ and his principal Officer s^ - 1 3 j From the principal Rejidents and Inha- bitants of Houghly, 135 From the Zemindar of Pacbete, and his principal Officers, - 1 37 CALCUTTA. From the great and principal People, Mer- chants, and others^ Inhabitants of the City of Calcutta, 141 From other Inhabitants and Merchants of Calcutta, - 144 From other Perfom of Rank, and of differ- ent SeBs and Perfua/ions, Inhabitants of the City of Calcutta, 146 From the Greeks refiding in Calcutta, and in other Parts of Bengal, 150 From the Zemindar of T umlook, Rajah Anundernarain, 155 From the Ranny Janekee, Zemindar of Myfaudel, - 157 CONTENTS. From Ranny Sougundah^ Zemindar of Dooroodumnam t Page irg From Rajab Beernarain, Zemindar of Jel- lamootah^ . j 5 x From Rajah Debindurnarain, Zemindar of Soujahmootaby - 162 Conclufion^ - 165 dddrefs frcm the Britijb Inhabitants of Calcutta, X 66 letter from Colonels Pearfe, Morgan^ and Watjon, 1 68 Addrejs from the Officers of the. Bengal Thanks from the Eaft India Company, 175 THE END. This Day it Pullijhed, Jn One large Volume Oftavo, containing near One Thoufand Pages, Price i os. 6d. HISTORY AND PROCEEDINGS or THE LORDS AND COMMONS o r GREAT BRITAIN, IN PARLIAMENT; WITH REGARD TO THE REGENCY j CONTAINING A Full Account of all their SPEECHES on the propofed REGENCY BILL, from November 20, 1788, to March 10, 1789, when HIS MAJESTY'S happy Recovery took place, and put a flop to all farther Proceedings on that Subject. To which are adJed, The THREE REPORTS of the PHYSICIANS; Mr. PITT'S LETTER to the PRINCE of WALES, With HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS's ANSWER: The REGENCY BILL, as it pafled the HOUSE OF COMMONS, and was carried to the LORDS, and there read a Second Time} The SPEECHES of the LORDS and COMMONS OF IRELAND, on appointing the PRINCE OF WALES REGENT WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS; with a Copy of their ADDRESS, and the PRINCE'S ANSWER. Printed for JOHN STOCXDALE. ALSO, A COLLECTION OF TRACTS ON THI PROPOSED R E GEN C Y, In Two large Volumes Octavo, Price 1 1. 10 SHAKSPEARE, with -a Complete INDEX. Iu the Pre/j, and fpeedily will le pullijhed, In One large Volume OSavo, containing near 1400 Pages, Printed upon a fine Royal Paper, and embellifhed with a Head of the Author, SHAKSPEARE, INC LUDING, IN ONE VOLUME. The Whole of his Dramatic Works; WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES, COMPILED FROM VARIOUS COMMENTATORS. To which will be now firft added, A copious Index to all the remarkable Paffages and Words, Calculated to point out the ' different Meanings in which the Words are made ufe of by Shakfpeare : By the Rev. SAMUEL AYSCOUGH, F. A* S. And Afiiftant Librarian of the British Mufeum. LONDON: Printed for JOHN STOCKDALE, Piccadilly. J> The want of an Index to all the beautiful and remarkable Par7age in Shakfpeare has long been regretted, but the difficulty of the under- taking has hitherto prevented every attempt. Mr. Stockdale has al- ready experienced a liberal encouragement from the Public for his Edi- tion of Shakfpeare, in one Volume 8vo. and to whom he begs leave to return his grateful acknowledgments. As the prefent edition will coft him near . 2000, he humbly folicits the afliftance of the ad- mirers of Shakfpeare, by favouring him with their names as fub- fcribers. jj lift of the encoaragers of n vverk loblcb b Intended to make this favturitt author ftill more ttfcfut and agreeable, will it prefxed. The price will not exceed One Guinea j and payment will not be required until the work is publi/hed. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped "below t o ta UWIRL 1966