COLLECTION Ol' BRITISII AUTITOES TAITCITNITZ EDITION. VOL. 1419. FOE LOVE AND LIFE BY MES. OLIPIIANT. IN TWO VOI.IMES. VOL. L "Tlie device on his shield was a young oak tree pulled up by the roots, with the Spanish word Dcsdir/iado, signifying Disinherited." FOR LOVE AND LIFE. MRS. OLIPHANT, AUTHOR OF 'chronicles of CARLINGFORD," "OIMBRA," "mAY," ETC. COPYRIGHT EDITION. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LEIPZIG BERNHARD TAUCHNITZ 1874. The Right of Translation is reserveiU # FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER I. Oil the Shores of Loch Arroch. Three people were walking slowly along to- gether by the side of the water. One of them an invalid, as was apparent by the softly measured steps of her companions, subdued to keep in har- mony with hers. These two attendants were both young; the girl about twenty, a little light creature, with the golden hair so frequent in Scotland, and a face of the angelic kind, half- childish, half- visionary, over-brimming with meaning, or almost entirely destitute of it, according to the eyes with which you happened to regard her. Both she and the invalid, a handsome old woman of about seventy, were well and becomingly dressed in a homely way, but they had none of the subtle traces about them which mark the "lady" in conventional parlance. They were not in the smallest degree what people call "common -looking." The girl's beauty and natural grace would have distinguished her anywhere, and the old lady \vas even dignified in her bearing. But yet it was plain that they were of a caste not the highest. They moved along the narrow path, 6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. skirting the newly-cut stubble, with the air of people entirely at home, amid their natural surroundings. The homely farm-house within sight was evidently their home. They belonged to the place and the place to them. Notwithstanding the angelic face of the one, and the natural stateliness of the other, they were farmer folk, of a kind not unusual on that proud half-Highland soil. I will not even pretend to say that good blood gave a grace to their de- cayed fortunes; I do not believe their race had ever held a more exalted position than it did now. They were independent as queens, proud yet open- hearted, sociable, courteous, hospitable, possessed of many of the special virtues which ought to be- long to the nobly born; but they were only farmer folk of Loch Arroch, of a family who had lived for ages on that farm, and nothing more. It would have been unnecessary to dwell on this particular, had not the appearance of the young man upon whose arm the invalid leant, been so different. As distinctly as they were native to the place, and to the position, was he stranger to them. He was not so handsome by nature as they, but he had about him all those signs of a man "in good society" which it is impossible to define in words, or to mistake in fact. His dress was extremely simple, but it was unmistakeably that of a gen- tleman. Not the slightest atom of pretension was in his aspect or manner, but his very simplicity was his distinction. The deferential way in which he bent his head to hear what his companion was say- ing, the respect he showed to them both, was more ON THE SHORES OF LOCH ARROCH. 7 than a son or brother in their own rank would ever have dreamed of showing. He was kind in all his words and looks, even tender; but the ease of familiarity was wanting to him; he was in a sphere different from his own. He showed this only by a respect infinitely more humble and anxious than any farmer-youth or homely young squire would have felt; yet to his own fastidious taste it was ap- parent that he did show it; and the thought made him condemn himself. His presence introduced confusion and difficulty into the tranquil picture; though there was nothing of the agitation of a lover in his aspect. Love makes all things easy; it is agitating, but it is tranquillizing. Had he been the lover of the beautiful young creature by his side, he would have been set at his ease with her old mother, and with the conditions of her lot. Love is itself so novel, so revolutionary, such a break- down of all boundaries, that it accepts with a cer- tain zest the differences of condition; and all the ■embarrassments of social difference such as trouble the acquaintance, and drive the married man wild, become in the intermediate stage of courtship de- lightful auxiliaries, which he embraces with all his heart. But Edgar Earnshavv was not pretty Jeanie Murray's lover. He had a dutiful affection for both of the women. Mingled with this was a cer- tain reverential respect, mingled with a curious painful sense of wrong, for the elder; and a pitying and protecting anxiety about the girl. But these sentiments were not love. Therefore he was kind, tender, respectful, almost devoted, but not at his 8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. ease, never one with them; in heart as in appear- ance, there *was a difference such as could not be put into words. "I cannot accept it from you," said old Mrs. Murray, who was the grandmother of both. She spoke with a little vehemence, with a glimmering of tears in the worn old eyes, which were still so bright and full of vital force. She was recovering from an illness, and thus the tears came more easily than usual. "Of all that call kin with me, Edgar, my bonnie lad, you are the last that should sacrifice your living to keep up my auld and weary life. I canna do it. It's pride, nothing but pride, that makes me loth to go away — loth, loth to eat other folk's bread. But wherefore should I be proud? What should an old woman like me desire better than a chair at my ain daughter's chimney-corner, and a share of what she has, poor woman? I say to myself it's her man's bread I will eat, and no hers; but Robert Campbell will be kind — enough. He'll no grudge me my morsel. When a woman has been a man's faithful wife for thirty years, surely, surely she has a right to the gear she has helped to make. And I'll no be that useless when I'm weel; there's many a thing about a house that an old woman can do. Na, na, it's nothing but pride." "And what if I had my pride too?" he asked. "My dear old mother, it goes against me to think of you as anywhere but at Loch Arroch. Mr, Campbell is an excellent man, I have no doubt, ON THE SHORES OF LOCH ARROCH. Q and kind— enough, as you say; and his wife very good and excellent — " "You might say your aunt, Edgar," said the old lady, with a half-reproach. He winced, though almost imperceptibly. "Well," he said with a smile, "my aunt, if you prefer it. One thing I don't like about you proud people is, that you never make allowance for other people's pride. Mine demands that my old mother should be independent in her own old house; that she shovdd have her pet companion with her to nurse her and care for her." Here he laid his hand kindly, with a light momentary touch, upon the girl's shoulder, who looked up at him with wistful tender eyes. "That she should keep her old servants, and continue to be the noble old lady she is — " "Na, na, Edgar; no lady. You must not use such a word to me. No, my bonnie man; you must not deceive yourself. It's hard, hard upon you, and God forgive me for all I have done to make my good lad unhappy! We are decent folk, Edgar, from father to son, from mother to daughter; but I'm no a lady; an old country wife, nothing more — though you are a gentleman." "We will not dispute about words," said Edgar, with a shrug of his shoulders. "What would be- come of Jeanie, grandmother, if you went to your daughter, as you say?" "Ah!" cried the old woman, pausing suddenly, and raising both her hands to her face, "that's what I canna bear — I canna bear it! Though I must," 10 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. she added hurriedly, drying her eyes, "if it's God's will." "I would go to my uncle in Glasgow," said Jeanie; "he's not an ill man. They would take me in if I was destitute; that's what they aye said." "If you were destitute!" cried Edgar. "My poor little Jeanie destitute, and you, my old mother, eating the bread of dependence, watching a coarse man's look to see if you are welcome or not! Im- possible! I have arranged everything. There is enough to keep you both comfortable here — not luxuriously, as I should wish; not with the comfort and the prettiness I should like to spread round you two; but yet enough. Now listen, grandmother. You must yield to me or to some one else; to me or to — Mr. Campbell. I think I have the best right." "He has the best right," said little Jeanie, look- ing in her grandmother's face. "Oh, granny, he would like to be good to you and me!" "Yes; I should like to be good to you," said Edgar, turning to the girl gratefully. "That is the truth. It is the highest pleasure you could give me." "To heap coals of fire," said the old woman in her deep voice. "1 know nothing about coals," said Edgar, laughing; "they should be more in Mr. Campbell's way, who trafficks in them. Come, Jeanie, we must take her in, the wind grows cold. I shall go off to Loch Arroch Head to get the newspaper when the boat comes, and you must persuade her in the ON THE SHORES OF LOCH ARROCH. I I meantime. You are my representative. I leave it all to you." A flush ran over Jeanie's angelic little coun- tenance. She looked at him with eyes full of an adoring admiration as he led the old woman care- fully to the door of the farm-house. He patted her pretty shoulder as she followed, looking kindly at her. "Take care of the old mother, Jeanie," he said, smiling. "I make you my representative." Poor little innocent Jeanie! There was no one like him in all her sphere. She knew no other who spoke so softly, who looked so kindly, wlio was so thoughtful of others, so little occupied with himself. Her little heart swelled as she went into the low, quaint room with its small windows, where the grandmother had already seated herself. To be the parlour of a farm-house, it was a pretty room. The walls were greenish; the light that came in through foliage which overshadowed the small panes in the small windows was greenish too; but there were book -cases in the corners, and books upon the table, for use, not ornament, and an air of well- worn comfort and old respectability were about the place. It was curiously irregular in form; two windows in the front looked out upon the loch and the mountains, a prospect which a prince might have envied; and one on the opposite side of the fire-place, in the gable end of the house, in a deep recess, looked straight into the ivied walls of the ruin which furnished so many stories to Loch Ar- roch. This window was almost blocked up by a 12 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. vast fuchsia, which still waved its long flexile branches in the air laden with crimson bells. In front of the house stood a great ash, dear northern tree which does not disdain the rains and winds. Its sweeping boughs stood out against the huge hill opposite, which was the background of the whole landscape. The blue water gleamed and shone beneath that natural canopy. Mrs. Murray's large high-backed easy-chair was placed by the side of the fire, so that she had full command of the view. The gable window with its fuchsia bush was behind her. Never, except for a few months, during her whole seventy years of life, had she been out of sight of that hill. She seated herself in the stillness of age, and looked out wistfully upon the familiar scene. Day by day through all her lifetime, across her own homely table with its crimson cover, across the book she was reading or the stocking she was knitting, under the green arch of the ash-branches, she had seen the water break, sometimes with foam- ing wrath, sometimes quietly as a summer brook, upon the huge foot of that giant hill. Was this now to be over? The noiseless tears of old age came into her eyes. "We'll aye have the sky, Jeanie, wherever we go," she said, softly; "and before long, before long, the gates of gold will have to open for me." "But no for me," said Jeanie, seating herself on a stool by her grandmotlier's side. The little girlish face was Hashing and shining with some illumination more subtle than that of the firelight. "We canna die when we will. Granny, you've often said that; ON THE SHORES OF LOCH ARROCH. 1 3 and sometimes," the girl added shyly, "we might not wish if we would." This brought the old woman back from her momentary reverie. "God forbid!" she cried, putting her hand on Jeanie's golden locks; "though Heaven will scarce be Heaven without you, Jeanie. God forbid! No, my bonnie lamb, I have plenty there without you. There's your father, and his mother, and my ain little angel Jeanie with the gold locks like you — — her that I have told you of so often. She was younger than you are, just beginning to be a bless- ing and a comfort, when, you mind^ — oh, so often as 1 have told you! — on the Saturday after the new year — " "I mind," said Jeanie softly, holding the withered hand in both of hers; "but, granny, even you, though you're old, you cannot make sure that you'll die when you want to die." "No; more's the pity; though it's a thankless thing — a thankless thing to say." "You canna die when you will," repeated Jeanie. "Wasna your father ninety, granny, and Aunty Jean a hundred] Granny, listen to me. You must do what he says." ''He, Jeanie]" "Ay, he. I might say his name if there were two like him in the world," said Jeanie, with enthu- siasm. "It's your pride that will not let him serve you as he says. It would make him happy. I saw it in his kind e'en. I was watching him while he was speaking to you. It was like the light and the 14 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. shadows over Benvohrlan. The brightness gHnted up when he spoke, and when you said 'No,' granny, the cloud came over. Oh, how could you set your face against himi The only one of us a' (you say) you ever did an ill turn to; and him the only one to bring you back good, and comfort, and suc- cour." "Jeanie, you must not blame the rest," said the old woman. "They have no siller to give me. They would take me into their houses. What more could they dol No, Jeanie; you may be just to him, and yet no cruel to them. Besides, poor lad," said Mrs. Murray with a sigh, "he has a rich man's ways, though he's rich no more." "He has the kindest ways in all the world," cried Jeanie. "Granny, you'll do what he says." The old woman leant back in her chair, cross- ing her thin hands in her lap; her musing eyes sought the hills outside and the gleam of the water, her old, old counsellors, not the anxious face of the child at her feet. She was but a farmer's wife, a farmer herself, a lowly, homely woman; but many a princess was less proud. She sat and looked at the blue loch, and thought of the long succession of years in which she had reigned as a queen in this humble house, a centre of beneficence, giving to all. She had never shut her heart against the cry of the poor, she who was poor herself; she had brought up children, she had entertained strangers, she had done all that reigning princesses could do. For forty years all who had any claim on her kindness had come to her unhesitatingly in every strait. Silver ON THE SHORES OF LOCH ARROCH. I 5 and gold she had little, but everything else she gave, the shelter of her house, her best efforts, her ready counsel, her unfailing help. All this she had be- stowed munificently in her day; and now — had she come to the point when she must confess that her day was over, when she must retire from her place, giving way to others, and become dependent— she who had always been the head of her house"? I do not say that the feelings in the mind of this old Sovereign about to be dethroned were entirely with- out admixture of ignoble sentiment. It went to her heart to be dethroned. She said to herself, with a proud attempt at philosophy, that it was the natural fate, and that everything was as it ought to be. She tried to persuade herself that a chair in the chimney- corner was all the world had henceforth for her, and that her daughter and her daughter's husband would be kind — enough. But it went to her heart. She was making up her mind to it as men make up their minds to martyrdom; and the effort was bitter. I do not know whether it ever occurred to her pain- fully that she herself, had she been in the fulness of her powers, would never have suffered her old mother to be driven from that homely roof which she loved — or if something whispered in her soul that she had done better by her children than they were doing by her; but if such thoughts arose in her mind, she dismissed them unembodied, with an ex- ercise of her will, which was as proud as it was strong. Her very pride prevented her from assum- ing even to herself the appearance of a victim. "It is but the natural end," she said, stoically, trying to I 6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. look her trouble in the face. She was ready to ac- cept it as the inevitable, rather than own to herself that her children failed in their duty — rather than feel, much less admit, that she had expected more of them than they were willing to give. The cause of this deep but undisclosed pain was, that things had been going badly for some time with the Castle Farm. Mrs. Murray herself was growing old, and less strong than is necessary for a farmer, and she had been absent for some time, a few years before, an absence which had wrought much trouble in the homestead. These misfortunes had been complicated, as was inevitable, by one or two cold springs and wet autumns. It was October now, and the harvest was but accom- plishing itself slowly even on the level fields on the loch side. The higher lying acres of corn land still lay in sickly yellow patches on the braes behind the house, half-ripened, damp and sprouting, sodden with many a rain-storm; a great part of the corn would be fit for nothing but fodder, and what re- mained for the woman-farmer, unable to cope with these difficulties as she once had done, before strength and courage failed — what remained for her to do? She had made up her mind to abandon the old house she loved — to sell all her belongings, the soft-eyed cows whom she called by their names, and who came at her call like children — and the standing crops, the farm implements, even her old furniture, to denude herself of everything, and pay her debts, and commit the end of her life to Pro- vidence. This had been the state of affairs when ON THE SHORES OF LOCH ARROCH. I 7 she fell ill, and Edgar Earnshaw was summoned to come to her, to receive her blessing and farewell. But then, in contradiction to all her wishes, to all that was seemly and becoming, she did not die. When she knew she was to get better, the old woman broke forth into complainings such as had never been heard from her lips in her worst moments. "To lead me forth so far on the way, and then to send me back when the worst was over — me that must make the journey so soon, that must begin all over again, maybe the morn!" she cried, with bitter tears in her eyes. But Heaven's decree is inexorable, whether it be for life or death, and she had to consent to recover. It was then that Edgar, her grandson, had made the proposal to settle upon her a little income which he possessed, and which would secure her a peaceful end to her days in her old home. That he should do this had filled her with poignant emotions of joy and shame. The only one of her kith and kin whom she had wronged, and he was the one to make her this amends. If she accepted it, she would retain all that she desired — everything that was personally important to her in this life. But she would denude him of his living. He was young, learned (as she thought), accomplished (as she thought), able "to put his hand to anything," doubt- less able to earn a great deal more than that, did he choose to try. It might even be for his advan- tage, as he said, to have the spur of necessity to force him into exertion. All this was mingled to- gether in her mind, the noble and generous feeling For Love Mid Life. I. 2 1 8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. that would rather suffer than harm another, rather die than blame, mixed with sharp stings of pride and some sophistries of argument by which she tried to persuade herself against her conscience to do what she wished. The struggle was going on hotly, as she sat by her homely fireside and gazed out at the loch, and the shadow of the big ash, which seemed to shadow over all Benvohrlan; things which are close at hand are so much bigger and more imposing than things afar. EDGAR. 19 CHAPTER II. Edgar. Edgar set off on a brisk walk up the loch when he parted from the two women at the door of the farmhouse. The previous history of this young man had been an extraordinary one, and has had its record elsewhere; but as it is not to be expected that any — even the gentlest reader — could remember a story told them several years ago, I will briefly recapitulate its chief incidents. Till he was five- and-twenty, this young man had known himself only as the heir of a great estate, and of an old and honourable name, and for some few months he had been in actual possession of all the honours he believed his own. He was a great English squire, one of the most important men in his district, with an only sister, to whom he was deeply attached, and no drawback in his life except the mysterious fact, which no longer affected him except as a pain- ful recollection, that his father, during his lifetime, had banished him from his home, and apparently regarded him with a sentiment more like hatred than affection. But Clare his siste: loved him, and Edgar, on coming to his fortune, had begun to form friendships and attachments of his own, and had been drawn gently and pleasantly — not fallen wildly 20 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. and vehemently — into love with the daughter of one of his near neighbours, Augusta (better known as Gussy) Thornleigh, whom he was on the very eve of asking to be his wife, when his whole existence, name, and identity were suddenly altered by the discovery that he was an innocent impostor, and had no right to any of the good things he enjoyed. I do not attempt to repeat any description of the change thus made, for it was beyond de- scription — terrible, complete, and overwhelming. It plunged him out of wealth and honours into in- digence and shame — shame not merited, but yet clinging to the victim of a long-continued deception. It not only took from him all his hopes, but it embittered his very recollections. He lost past, and present, and future, all at a blow. His identity, and all the outward apparel of life by which he had known himself, were taken from him. Not only was the girl whom he loved hopelessly lost to him, but she who had been his sister, his only relative, as he supposed, and his dearest companion, became nothing to him — a stranger, and worse than a stranger — for the man whom she loved and married was his enemy. And in place of these familiar figures, there came a crowd of shadows round him who were his real relations, his unknown family, to whom, and not to the Ardens, he now belonged. This fatal and wonderful change was made all the harder to him fnm the fact that he was thus trans- planted into an altogether lower level, and that his new family was little elevated above the class from which he had been in the habit of drawing his \ EDGAR. 2 1 servants, not his friends. Their habits, their modes of speech, their ways of thinking, were all strange to him. It is true that he accommodated himself readily to these differences, as exhibited in the old grandmother whom I have just presented to the reader, and the gentle, soft-voiced, poetic Jeanie; but with the other members of his new family, poor Edgar had felt all his powers of self-control fail him. Their presence, their contact, their familiarity, and the undeniable fact that it was to them and their sphere that he actually belonged was terrible to the young man, who, in his better days, had not known what pride meant. Life is in reality so much the same in all classes that no doubt he would have come to perceive the identity of substance notwith- standing the difference of form, had he not been cast so suddenly into this other phase of existence without preparation, without anything to break the fall; but as it was, he had no preparation, and the blow went to his heart. This fall had taken place nearly three years be- fore the time at which this story opens, and poor Edgar, stunned by his overthrow, repelled by his new relatives, vaguely wretched, notwithstanding the stoutness of heart with which he had braced him- self to meet calamity, had done but little with his life for these two years. A small provision had been secured for him from his successor in the estates of Arden, the rightful heir whom he had unwittingly wronged, and to whom he did instant iustice as soon as he heard of the wrong; and this '■.tie provision had been augmented by the small 22 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. property of the Rector of Arden, Mr. Fielding, who had left him everything he possessed. He had thus enough to support him, that most dangerous of all endowments for a young man. Poor fellow! he had made his sacrifice with great bravery, and had wrenched himself away from all he cared for with the smile of a hero, neither sinking under the blow, nor exaggerating its force. "Courage!" he had said to himself, when he lost the place where he had been lord and master, and went forth poor, humble, and nameless, to face the world. He meant nothing less than to make a new life for himself better than the last, to assert the superiority of a guiltless heart and free conscience over fate. But, alas, it is so easy to do this in the general, so difficult in detail! "We will make our lives sublime," says the poet, with such cheap magniloquence — and how many an enthusiast youth has delighted himself with the thought! Edgar was a very sensible, reasonable young fellow, but yet it was a consolation to him, in his sudden fall, to reflect that every man may conquer circumstances, and that will and energy are better than riches. He had dreamt of "doing something," if not to make himself known and famous, at least to be of use in this life to his fellow-creatures and to himself. He meant it firmly up to the day when he left everything he knew or cared for, and he meant it the next day, and the day after, and even the next year; but up to this moment he had done nothing. For after all what was there to do? Young Paladins cannot kill fiery dragons, cannot/ EDGAR. 2^ meet giants in single combat, cannot deliver a whole district no\v-a-days by the stroke of a sword. To be sure, a man whose tastes lie that way may tackle the giant, Sewage, or attack the dragon, Ignorance; but that is slow work, seldom of a pri- mitive, straightforward kind, and leading the fighter into many entanglements, dubious company, and very uncertain results. So the consequence was that poor Edgar meaning to do much, did nothing — not because he loved idleness, but because he did not know what to do. He wandered off abroad very soon disgusted with everything; with his down- fall and his inability to surmount that downfall; with the meanness of estimating worth by rank and wealth, and the still greater meanness of his own incapacity to get quite free from that standard, which, so long as he was himself rich and great, he had disowned manfully. Cheerily he had laughed at the frivolity of the young men of fashion sur- rounding him when he was as they, but his laugh now had a certain bitterness, and he felt himself turn with a sickening of the heart from intercourse with a lower class, and then deeply and bitterly despised himself for this ignoble sentiment. His state of mind, indeed, though strange and miserable to himself, was no more than was natural and to be looked for in a man forcibly transplanted from the place of his natural growth, and from all the habits and traditions of his previous life. Therefore, these three years had been a failure with Edgar. He had done nothing with them, he ^ who had gone out of his old existence firmly de- 24 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. termined to do so much. He had wandered about over the face of the earth, to and fro, an unquiet spirit — but no good had come from any of his wanderings. He could not help being kind and charitable; it was no virtue on his part, but "just a carnal inclination;" and except this inevitable goodness, which was an affair of temperament, nothing had come of him , nothing had come from him, in these years. Thus, probably, he would have continued, if not always, until weariness had come on, and his vital strength was broken. He would have become, without vice, one of the thousand English vaga- bonds of quality who haunt every thoroughfare in Europe; and what a downfall would this have been for Edgar! — a greater downfall even than that which circumstances had brought upon him. The sudden summons which had brought him to Mrs. Murray's sick-bed, the sudden call upon his charity, so characteristically adapted to move him, arrested him in the painful insignificance of this career. He had resolved to make the sacrifice which was in- volved, before it even occurred to him how much that sacrifice would involve; for he was of that species of humankind which, bestowing help and succour does first and considers afterwards. It cost him no struggle, no conflict with himself, to decide that everything he had must go at once to the aid of his mother's mother, to her preservation in com- fort—notwithstanding that she had wronged him, and that the tragic confusion and aimlessness of his life was her fault. He had taken all the steps at EDGAR. 25 once which were necessary to carry out this transfer, and it was only now, when he had fully resolved upon it, that the cost to himself occurred to him. He counted that cost as he walked, stepping out as if he trod on air to the head of the loch. What would it cost himi It would take away all his certain living, every penny he had; it would force him to work one way or another in order to maintain himself. After his brief experience of wealth and its ways, and after the vague and un- satisfactory existence which he had led when he had just "enough to live on," he must make a fresh start again, like any country lad setting forth to seek his fortune. The third start, he said to him- self, with a certain rueful amusement; for Edgar was one of those who could laugh at his own mis- fortunes. I cannot tell how it was that this prospect did not discourage him, but certainly it did not; a certain exhilaration crept into his soul as he faced the wind, walking fast with joyous defiance. The third time of beginning must be lucky at last; was it not a mystical number, acknowledged by the very children in their games'? He had heard an urchin assuring another that very morning that "the third ca' was canny." It was poor Edgar's third trial. The first time he had been foiled by no fault of his — by arbitrary circumstances. The second time he had foiled himself by want of purpose, absence of anything direct to do, and languor of motive for attempting anything. But the third ca' would be canny — nature and necessity would help him. He would be driven to work by infallible potency of 26 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. need, and he would make something of it; so he said to himself. There was something exhilarating in the day, or else he thought so. The high wind was of itself a blessing after days of that weary rain, which is so common in the west of Scotland. The damp corn out on the fields, the still damper corn which stood in faint whiteness upon the hillside was shaking off some part of its superabundant moisture in the cheerful breeze. The white clouds were scudding over the mountains, throwing a poetic and perpetual interchange of light and shade over those silent spec- tators who occupied so large a share in the land- scape, and whose sudden glories and brightness gave a human aspect to their everlasting strength. The deep blue of the distance, deep, and dark, and dreamy, against the open of the lighter sky; the thousand soft tones of purple, of grey, of brown, and soft green; the whiteness of a sudden peak starting into sunshine; the dark unfathomable depth of water, across which a sudden shadow would fall dramatically like an event, made even the silent country a partaker in the commotion which filled the young man's mind. In this dramatic tumult of the elements, there was no knoll, no hollow, no tree, which had not its share. And in the midst of the animated scene, a sudden rush of alien sound, the rustle and sputter and commotion of the little steamer fretting its busy, fussy way to the head of the loch, which was the chief medium of communication with the out- side world, struck upon Edgar's ear with not un- EDGAR. 27 pleasant discord. It was work, it was life, it was the labour by which a man could live and serve his generation, that was embodied to him in this little noisy interruption which he had so often con- demned as alien to the scene. Yes, it was alien to the scene. But to be reminded of the world with- out, of the noise, and movement, and high-pressure of life, was pleasant to Edgar at this moment of his existence; it helped to stimulate the thrill of new energy which seemed to be rising in liis heart. There was, however, a motive less elevated which, I am bound to admit, affected the young man in his toleration of the steamer and its dis- cord. He was eager to get away from Loch Ar- roch back into the world, where, at least, he would escape from the contemplation of that contrast be- tween his present and his past, which was forced upon him here. All the confusion of his life, its conflicts between the sentiments which he felt he ought to entertain and those which, in spite of him, came uppermost in his mind, were kept painfully and constantly before his eyes. Every detail of the homely farmhouse existence brought them before him. The chief sting in all this was his vexation with himself for feeling these details to be of im- portance. Had he retained his original position, so little affected was he really by external circum- stances, that I believe he would have found the life at the Castle Farm infinitely more reasonable, sen- sible, and natural than that which, as a man of fortune and fashion, he would himself have been compelled to lead. The simple fare, the plain 28 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. rooms, tlie absence of luxuries, and even some of those everyday luxuries which we call comforts, did not really distress him; it was the sense of missing them, the quick and vivid consciousness of this and that a-wanting, which made the young man sore, and bitter, and ashamed of himself And he felt in his heart that everything would be easier to him when he could but get away. I must add, however, that Edgar never showed his consciousness of the change of sphere to others, deeply as he felt it. The farmhouse servant, and little Jeanie, and even old Mrs. Murray herself, who had more insight, considered him much more "easy to please" than any other man of the kindred. "He gives just nae trouble," Bell said, "and aye a 'thank you. Bell,' for every hand's turn I do for him. Eh! when it's Johnnie Campbell that's i' the house, ye can see the difference. It's Bell here, and Bell there, like as I had nothing a do but wait upon him. But it's a pleasure to serve Mr. Edgar, night or day." This was the testimony of one very clear-sighted witness; and even Mrs. Murray concluded, with a relief which it would have been impossible to put into words, that the change had passed lightly over her grandson's head without affecting him. "He has one of those blessed natures that are aye con- tent, and take everything easy from the hand of God," she said to herself, with a mixture of joy and disappointment; for this blessed nature, blessed as it is, is secretly looked down upon by persons con- scious of more acute feeling. I believe my good Edgar had thus something in his character of what EDGAR. 29 is commonly called humbug. He deceived people as to his own feelings by very consideration for their feelings. It was so absolutely indispensable to his being to set his companions at their ease, and make them comfortable so far as he could, that he took them in habitually, to use another vulgar expression, and was believed by everybody to be as happy as the day was long at Loch Ar- roch, while all the while he was secretly longing to get away. I believe that in some respects this kind of nature (not a very common one) is less good, being less honest, than that more general disposi- tion which, when uncomfortable or dissatisfied itself, loses no opportunity of making others so, and states its sentiments frankly, whether they are likely to please its companions or not. I allow that Edgar's special peculiarities had their disadvantages. I do not attempt to excuse him, I only state what they were. Just as he came in sight of Loch Arroch head — the village which, seated at the extremity of the loch, was the post town and general centre of the district — Edgar was joined by Robert Campbell, the husband of his eldest aunt, a man to whom he was expected to give the title of uncle, and who regarded him with a mingled feeling of rough amity, respect (for, was he not independent, with an income of his own, and able to live like a gen- tleman?), and conscientious conviction that some- thing might be got out of him. He was a land- agent, in not a very great way, a factor for some of the less important land-owners of the district, a man not without education and information in his 30 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. way, with considerable practical knowledge of law, and still greater of agriculture, racy of the soil, the sort of person whom a great landed proprietor from England, such as poor Edgar had been a few years before, would have appreciated mightily, and quoted for months after their meeting. But to enjoy the shrewdness and profit by the conversation of such an individual, when you are elevated a whole world above him, — and to take him into your heart as one of your own relatives, are very different things. Edgar shrank with a whimsical sense of moral cowardice as he saw this personage approaching. He laughed ruefully at himself. "Oh, why are uncles made so coarse, and nephews made so fine?" he said. But to see the fun of a situation does not always enable you to bear it with equanimity. He would have been very glad to get out of Robert Camp- bell's way had that been possible; but as it was not possible he did his best to meet him with a smile. "How's the auld leddy the day?" said Camp- bell, stretching out a huge hand to grasp Edgar's; "living, and like to live, I'll be bound. We maunna grumble, for she's given an aixcellent constitution to her descendants, of which my lad is one as well as you. But, puir body, if it had been the Al- mighty's will — lang life's a grand thing when you're well provided for," Mr. Campbell concluded, with a sigh. "I hope none of her descendants will grudge her the little she wants," Edgar began — "Saftly, saftly, my man! nobody grudges her the little she wants. The difficulty is, wha's to EDGAR. 31 provide that little," said Campbell. "We're all de- cently well off in one sense, with no scrimping of meal or milk and a good suit of black for a Sun- day or a funeral, and a silk gown for the wife. But to keep up a farm upon our joint contributions, as I hear is what you're thinking of — a farm, the chanciest thing in creation! — I allow I canna see my way to that. Excuse me, Mr. Edgar, for speak- ing my mind, but you're young, and your notions are too grand for the like of us — I'm no saying it's your fault. We maun cut our coat according to our cloth. I'm no fond of relations in the house; but she's a harmless body, and I'll stretch a point for once: and John Bryce, in Sauchiehall St., will take Jeanie. He's a man in a very decent way of business, and I've no doubt he could make her use- ful in the shop." "But cannot you see," cried Edgar, with a start and sudden wince, interrupting him, "that my poor old grandmother would be wretched without Jeanie? And Jeanie herself is too delicate a creature for any such life. They must stay together. Surely, surely," cried the young man, "when she is helpless who has done so much for everybody, it is not too much that we should provide for something beyond her mere existence — her happiness as well." Campbell had watched him very closely while he made this speech. The generous feeling with which he spoke brought the colour to Edgar's cheek; he was unsuspicious of the meaning of the close scrutiny to which he was thus subjected, and made no effort to conceal this glow of natural emotion. ^2 FOR LOVE AMD LIFE. "If it's Jeanie you're meaning," said Campbell, with a laugh and significant look, "no doubt there are other arrangements that might be thought of; and a good man's aye the best thing, especially when he has enough to live on. If that's your thought, my lad, I am not the one to say you nay." "If what is my thought^" said Edgar, be- wildered. I do not think the idea had ever occurred to him before, and I cannot describe the thrill of wounded pride with which he received this shock. Jeanie! A child — a creature altogether out of his sphere. Jeanie! with her pretty peasant manners, and poetic homely dialect, a little girl whom he could be kind to, as he would be kind to the maid who milked the cows, or the child who ran his errands! In all the course of the three painful years that were past, I do not think Edgar had received any such cutting and sudden blow. He realized all his own humiliation when he saw himself placed in the imagination of the neighbourhood by little Jeanie's side — her cousin, her often companion, her so-possible wooer! The thought stiffened him up all at once to stone. He forgot even his usual con- sideration for the feelings of others. "I have no thought of any kind in respect to Jeanie," he said, coldly, "except in so far as con- cerns my grandmother. The two ought not to be separated. I cannot indeed allow them to be separated," he added, still more proudly. "I have a little money, as you know, and if nobody else will do it, I must do it. I will make over to my EDGAR. 33 grandmother my little income, such as it is. She can live and keep her favourite with her, if she has that." "Your — income!" Mr. Campbell could scarcely gasp out the words, so breathless was he and dumb- foundered. "Your — income! And what will you do yoursel'l But you mean an allowance; that's a different matter," he added, recovering himself. "You'll give in proportion to what the rest of us give? Ay, ay. I can understand that." Por Love and Life. I. 34 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER III. Jeanie. Edgar did not come home till the evening -was considerably advanced. He -.vent with Campbell to his house, and partook of the substantial family tea in the best parlour, which Mrs. Campbell, his aunt, called the drawing-room — so that it was late before he returned home. "There's a moon," Campbell said. "Ye need be in no hurry. A young fellow in certain states of mind, as we a' know, takes to moonlight walks like a duck to the water." At which speech Mrs. Campbell laughed, being evidently in the secret; but John, the only son, who was a student at the University of Glasgow, and just about to set out for the winter session, looked black and fierce as any mountain storm. These inferences of some supposed sentiment, which he was totally ignorant of, might have passed quite innocuously over Edgar only a day before, but they filled him now with suppressed rage and deep mortification. Perhaps unreasonably; but there is nothing which a man resents so much as to be supposed "in love" with some one Avhom he con- siders beneath him. Even when there is truth in the supposition, he resents the discovery which JEANIE. 35 brings all the inappropriateness of the conjunction before his mind; and if there is no truth in it, he feels himself injured in the tenderest point — ill-used, humbled, wronged. Edgar's impulse was to leave the house where he was thus insulted by inference; but partly pride, partly his usual deference to other people's feelings, and partly the necessity which was now stronger than ever of carrying out his intentions and leaving the place where he was subject to such an insane suggestion triumphed over his first im- pulse. Even Campbell was staggered in his vulgar notion that only Jeanie and her fresh beauty could account for the young man's prolonged stay and unusual devotion, when he began to perceive the munificence of Edgar's intentions. A young man who wanted to marry might indeed be guilty of a great many foolishnesses; he might be ready, Mr. Campbell thought, to burden himself with the old mother for the sake of the pretty child; but to alienate a portion of his income (for Edgar did not enter fully into his plan) was a totally different and quite impossible sort of sacrifice. What could be his motive? Was it that Jeanie might be educated and made a lady of before he should marry her? As for pure duty towards the old mother, honour of her long and virtuous life, compassion for the downfall of so proud a spirit, being motives strong enough for such a sacrifice, at this the worthy man guffawed loudly. "I'm no the man to be taken in with fine words," he said, with a broad smile. 36 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. While these jokes and discussions were going on in the best parlour at Loch Arroch Head, Jeanie, unconscious of any debate in which her name could be involved, went about her usual occupations at home. She got the tea ready, coming and going with soft steps from the parlour to the kitchen, carrying in the tray, and "masking" the tea with her own hands. As for Bell, she was "suppering" the kye, and looking after the outdoor work, and had no time for such daintier service. Jeanie would steal a moment now and then, while she prepared this simple meal, to step noiselessly to the ever open door, and cast a wistful look up the loch-side to see "if he was coming." The gloaming grew darker and darker, the stars came out over the hill, the moon rose, and still Jeanie strained her eyes to see if any figure approached on the long line of almost level road by the side of the loch. Once her heart leaped up, thinking she saw him; but it was only a shearer taking his way home from tlie West Park, where, taking advantage of a good day, the harvest had gone on as long as the light permitted. Poor Jeanie! what a difference there was between this heavy rustic form as it drew near, relieved against the dark yet gleaming water of the loch, and the erect, light-footed, elastic figure she looked for! As she washed the old china cups brought out in his honour, and put the tea-things away, she wondered with a pang in her kind little heart what could have kept him? Had he met some of his grand friends, sportsmen arriving by the boat, or those tourists whom the natives looked JEANIE. 37 upon with mingled admiration and scorn? or could any accident have happened? a thought which blanched her pretty cheek with fear. She would have liked to talk to her grand- mother about Edgar, but she did not venture to do more than wonder "what could be keeping him?" a question to which Mrs. Murray responded placidly that no doubt he was "drinking tea" with some- body at Loch Arroch Head. The old lady was not discomposed by Edgar's absence as Jeanie was; and poor Jeanie, in the flutter and warmth of her feelings, could have cried with vexation at the con- trast between her own agitated heart and this calm, which she thouglit indifference. Her grandmother "did not care." "Oh, how could she help caring, and him so good to her!" poor Jeanie said to her- self. And Bell went about her work out of doors, cheerily singing, in her full rustic voice, as she prepared the supper for the kye, and carried it out to the byre, coming and going in her strong shoes, with clink of pails, and loud talking now and then to Sandy, who was helping. Nobody cared but Jeanie that he was so late of coming home. Then she went upstairs with her grandmother, who was still an invalid, and helped her to bed, and read "the chapter" with which the day was always concluded; and put a great old stick, with a gold head, which had belonged to some ancestor, by the bedside, in order that Mrs. Murray, if she wanted anything, should "knock down," for there were not many bells in the little farmhouse. The sitting-room was immediately below, and this was 38 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. the recognised way at the Castle Farm of calling for the attendants. When this last duty was done, Jeanie was free for the night to "take her book" or "her seam," and do as she pleased, for she had never had anything to do with "the beasts" or out- door matters. By this time Bell had finished with her clinking pails. She was in the kitchen, still moving about, frying the cold potatoes into a savoury mess, with which Sandy and she were about to regale them- selves. Where Bell's strong shoes were, and her hearty voice, not to speak of Sandy's, which was very deep bass, there could scarcely be stillness in the house; but when the kitchen door was closed, and the two (who were sweethearts) talked lower, the spell of the quiet grew strong upon Jeanie. She put down her seam, and stole out very quietly to the door, which still stood innocently open; for at the Castle Farm they feared no evil. If you could but have seen her, no prettier figure ever watched for a tardy lover. She was dressed in a plain little brown frock, without any furbelows, with a little rim of white collar round her neck. Her golden hair was fastened up with a large tortoise- shell comb, thought "very old-fashioned" by all the girls about Loch Arroch, which had belonged to Jeanie's mother, and of which, as a valuable article, costing originally "more than a pound-note," as her grandmother had often told her, Jeanie was proud. The comb was scarcely visible in the soft bright mass of hair, which Jeanie had not neglected to twist up in its abundance into some semblance of JEANIE. 39 "the fashion." .She leant against the doorway with her chin propped in the hollow of her hand, and one folded arm supporting the elbow of the other. The stars shone high over head, high up above the big summit of Benvohrlan, which shut out from her half the heavens. The moon was behind, silvering over the red roof of the house, and falling glorious upon the dark water, making it one sheet of silver from where it opened out of the bigger loch up to the very foot of the mountain. The side of Benvohrlan was almost as light as in the day-time, and Loch Long on the other turn of the gigantic corner formed by the hill, went gleaming away into invisible space, betraying itself in un- definable distance by here and there a line or speck of silver. All up the loch side, at Jeanie's left hand, the path lay clear and vacant, without a shadow on it. On the other side, the glimmering lightness of the stubble field, with its sheaves look- ing like strange animals in the moonlight, extended to the water edge, rounding out to where if too gained the margin of the parent loch. I do not know any finer combination of hill and water. The level fields of the Castle Farm on one side, and Big Benvohrlan on the other, form the doorway by which the lesser loch enters the greater; on one side an angle of cultivated land: on the other a gigantic angle of mountain. But little Jeanie thought little of the familiar scene around her. The moon, newly risen, cast a soft shadow of her little figure, the same way as her heart went, upon the road 40 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. from the loch-head by which Edgar was coming. He saw this shadow with a Uttle impatient vexation as he approached the house, but not till long after little Jeanie's heart had jumped to perceive him. Poor little gentle soul! her large eyes made larger and softer still by her wistful anxiety and longing for his presence, had watched with patience unwavering for more than an hour. She had not minded the chill wind nor the weariness of stand- ing so long, with no support but the doorway. The attitude, the strained look, the patience, were all characteristic of Jeanie. She was the kind of being which in all second-rate poetry, and most second- rate imaginations, is the one sole type of woman. Looking for some one who was the lord of her life, or looking to some one — with soft eyes intent, with quick ears waiting, with gentle heart ready to receive whatever impression he wished to convey, the soft soul turned to the man who had caught her heart or her imagination as the flower turns to the sun. To use the jargon of the day, poor little Jeanie was receptive to the highest degree. She never originated anything, nor advised anything, nor took any part as an individual being in the conduct of life, either her own or that of others. Hers were not those eager youthful opinions, those harsh judgments, those daring comments which belong as much to youth as its bloom. She was too artless to know anything of the prettiness of her upUfted eyes, or the delicious flattery which lay in her absolute submissiveness. Poor Jeanie did not know that these were charms much more potent JEANIE. 4 1 than the talents which she was aware she did not possess. She listened, and looked, and watched for those signs of guidance, which she obeyed by instinct with the docility of a dumb creature, be- cause it was her nature. She did not even intend to please; though she was happy beyond description when she found that she had pleased, she did but act as she could not help acting, according as her disposition moved her. Edgar, who had not been used to this kind of woman, had been half annoyed, half amused by her powerlessness to advise or help, her soft devotion of look, now addressed to himself, now to Mrs. Murray. He had wondered at it, and objected to it; yet he had been moved like any other man to a softening sense of protection and almost tenderness. He was flattered too in spite of himself to find her thus watching for him. It made him more than half angry, but yet it pleased him involuntarily, "You will catch cold standing out here in the night air," he said pettishly at the first moment. Then he added with compunction, "It is kind of you to look for me, Jeanie; but you should not stand out in the cold without a shawl." "I'm glad you're come home," said Jeanie, with instinctive policy ignoring this reproof, "Grannie is in her bed, and it is lonely without you. Will I make you some teal or will you haye your supper? You've been long away." "Not so very long," said Edgar, touched by the soft complaint, "but I ought to have recollected that you were alone. Are you afraid, Jeanie, at 42 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. night with no one but Bell and the granny to take care of you? It is a lonely house." "Oh, no," said Jeanie, looking brightly round upon him, as he followed her into the low parlour, where two candles were flickering on the table be- fore the fire. "But it is a lonely house?" "Oh, yes," she repeated softly, "but what o' that? Nobody would meddle with us. Granny is as well known as Loch Arroch Kirk. Nobody dares meddle with us. I'm never lonely, except when granny is ill and goes to her bed, and I can hear Bell and Sandy in the kitchen. That makes me think I would like somebody to speak to, too." "But Bell and Sandy,"— Edgar began: if he was going to be so incautious as to add, — "are sweet- hearts," I don't know what would have become of him; but happily Jeanie, with a sudden blush inter- posed. "I was not meaning Bell and Sandy; any voices have the same sound. They make you feel how lone you are." "That is true," said Edgar, seating himself by the fire, which Jeanie had kept bright, with a clean- swept hearth, and a clear red glow for his coming. He sat down meditatively in the old mother's chair. "That is truc,"<, he repeated slowly, "I have felt it often of winter nights when I have gone upstairs to my chilly room, and heard the people chatting to- gether as I passed their doors." " Voti have felt that, too?" said Jeanie timidly, JEANIE. 43 with reverential wonder, "but you need never be your lane unless you like." "1 assure you I have often been 'my lane,' as you call it, when I did not like at all," said Edgar smiling, "you have much too high an opinion, Jeanie, of what I can do 'if I like.' " "Oh, no," said Jeanie, "you are not the same as the like of us; you are a man, which is a great difference, — and then you're a grand gentleman." "Jeanie, my foolish little Jeanie! I am your cousin and your granny's child like you," he cried, putting his hand upon hers, to stop her in the little outburst of innocent enthusiasm, which was, he felt, for an ideal Edgar — not for him. "It's very hard to understand," said Jeanie shaking her head softly with a little sigh, "why you should be yonder the greatest of the land, and now only granny's son, like me. I'll no try. When I think, I get back a pain in my head like what I had —when I was ill." "You must not think," said Edgar, "but, Jeanie, tell me, did you do my commission? Did you per- suade granny to let me do what I wish?" "Yes," said Jeanie eagerly; she came forward and stood by him in the pleasure of making this report of her own faithfulness, — and the cheerful ruddy gleam of the firelight flickered about her, shining in her hair and eyes, and adding a tint to the colour on her cheek, which was pale by nature. "1 told her a' you said, I did not miss a word. I said it would be fine for her, but better for you; that you would do something then, and now you 44 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. were doing nothing; and tliat you would be glad aye to think of Loch Arroch, and that there was a house there where you were thought upon day and night, and named in a' the prayers, and minded, whatever you did, and whatever we did." "That was your own, Jeanie," said Edgar, taking her hand, and looking up at her with gratified ten- derness. She was to him as a little sister, and her affectionate half-childish enthusiasm brought a suf- fusion to his eyes. "If it was, may I no say what I think — me tool" said Jeanie, with modest grace. "I told her that you couldna bear the thought of her away in an- other man's house, after so long keeping her own over a' our heads, that the siller was nothing to you, but that her — and me — were something to you, your nearest friends in this world. Eh, I'm glad we're your nearest friends! though it's strange, strange to think of," said Jeanie, in a parenthesis. "I told her that though she couldna work and I couldna work, you could work, and win a fortune if you liked. I did not forget a single word," cried the girl, "not a word! I told her all you said." For a moment Edgar made no reply. He listened with a half smile, wonderingly endeavouring to put himself in the place of this limited yet clear in- telligence, which was capable of stating his own generous arguments so fully, yet incapable, as it seemed, of so much reflection as would make her hesitate to expound them. Jeanie, so far as her personal sentiment went, accepted his sacrifice with matter-of-fact simplicity, without ever thinking of jEANIE. 45 his side of it, or of the deprivations involved. She took his offer to denude himself of everything he had, with the same absolute pleasure and satisfac- tion with which a child would accept a present. Was it her unbounded confidence in his power to win a fortune if he liked? Or was it her simple instinct that this was natural, and that the weak and helpless had a right to the services of the strong? Edgar was bewildered by this question which never entered into Jeanie's mind. He was almost glad of her incapacity to see beyond the surface of things, and yet wondered at it with something between amusement and pain. Here was the primitive na- ture, commonplace, unsophisticated, he said to him- self, which believed what was said to it simply de- manding without motive or reason. No second thoughts troubled the limpid surface of Jeanie's gentle mind. She believed unhesitatingly not only that he meant what he said (which was true), but that the arguments she repeated were infallible, without perceiving the sophistry of which Edgar himself, the author of them, was fully conscious. Truly and sincerely she made as light of his self- renunciation as he himself had made — a thing which is bewildering to the self-sacrificer, though it may be the thing which is most desirable to him and suits his purpose best. I do not know if Jeanie was aware of the half tone of descent in the moral scale which made itself apparent in Edgar's voice. "You have been a clever advocate, Jeanie," he said with a smile, "and I hope a successful one," and with that he dropped her hand and took out 46 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, his newspaper. Was there anything amiss, or was it merely his lordly pleasure to end the conversa- tion 1 With a momentary sense of pain, Jeanie wondered which it was, but accepted the latter ex- planation, got her seam, and sat down within reach of the pleasant warmth of the fire, happy in the silence, asking nothing more. A FAMILY CONSULTATION. 47 CHAPTER IV. A Family Consultation. A FEW days after, various members of the family arrived at the Castle Farm, with the intention of deciding what was to be done. An arrangement had been partially made with a young farmer of the district, who was ready to enter upon the remainder of the lease, and whom the factor on the part of the Duke was ready to accept as replacing Mrs. Murray in the responsibilities of the tenancy. This, of course, everybody felt was the natural step to be taken, and it left the final question as to how the old lady herself was to be disposed of, clear and unembarrassed. Even Edgar himself was not sufficiently Quixotic to suppose that Mrs. Murray's feelings and pride should be so far consulted as to keep up the farm for her amusement, while she was no longer able to manage its manifold con- cerns. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell arrived first in their gig, which was seated for four persons, and which, in- deed, Mr. Campbell called a phaeton. Their horse was a good steady, sober-minded brown horse, quite free from any imaginativeness or eccentricity, plump and sleek, and well-groomed; and the whole turn- out had an appearance of comfort and well-being. 48 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. They brought with tiaem a young man whom Edgar had not yet seen, a Dr. Charles Murray, from the East-country, the son of Mrs. Murray's eldest son, who had arrived that morning by the steamboat at Loch Arroch Head. From Greenock by the same conveyance — but not in Mr. Campbell's gig^came James Murray, another of the old lady's sons, who was "a provision merchant" in that town, dealing largely in hams and cheeses, and full of that re- verential respect for money which is common with his kind. Lastly there arrived from Kildarton on the other side of Loch Long, a lady who had taken the opportunity, as she explained to Edgar, of in- dulging her young people with a picnic, which they were to hold in a little wooded dell, round the corner of the stubble field, facing Loch Long, while she came on to join the family party, and decide upon her mother's destiny. This was Mrs. Mac Kell, Mrs. Murray's youngest daughter, a good- looking, high-complexioned woman of forty-five, the wife of a Glasgow "merchant" (the phrase is wide, and allows of many gradations), who had been living in sea-side quarters, or, as her husband in- sisted on expressing it, "at the saut water," in the pleasant sea-bathing village of Kildarton, opposite the mouth of Loch Arroch. The boat which de- posited her at the little landing-place belonging to the Castle Farm, was a heavy boat of the district, filled with a bright-coloured and animated party, and provided with the baskets and hampers neces- sary for their party of pleasure. Mrs. MacKell stood on the bank, waving her hand to them as A FAMILY CONSULTATION. 49 they hoisted the sail and floated back again round the yellow edge of the stubble field. "Mind you keep your warm haps on, girls, and don't wet your feet," she called to them; "and oh, Andrew, my man, for mercy's sake take care of that awful sail!" This adjuration was replied to by a burst of laughter in many voices, and a "Never fear, mother," from Andrew; but Mrs. MacKell shook her good- looking head as she accepted Edgar's hand to ascend the slope. All the kindred regarded Edgar with a mixture of curiosity and awe, and it was, perhaps, a slight nervous shyness in respect to this stranger, so aristocratical-looking, as Mrs. MacKell expressed herself, which gave a little additional loudness and apparent gaiety to that excellent woman's first ad- dress. "I'm always afraid of those sails. They're very uncanny sort of things when a person does not quite understand the nature of our lochs. I sup- pose, Mr. Edgar, you're in that easel" said Mrs. MacKell, looking at him with an ingratiating smile. He was her nephew, there could be no doubt of it, and she had a right to talk to him familiarly; but at the same time he was a fine gentleman and a stranger, and made an impression upon her mind which was but inadequately counter- balanced by any self-assurances that he was "just an orphan lad — no better — not to say a great deal worse off than our own bairns." Such representa- tions did not affect the question as they ought to have done, when this strange personage, "no better, For Love and Life. I. 4 50 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. not to say a great deal worse" than themselves, stood with his smile which made them slightly un- comfortable, before them. It was the most open and genial smile, and in former times Edgar had been supposed a great deal too much disposed to place himself on a level with all sorts of people; but now-a-days his look embarrassed his humble relations. There was a certain amusement in it, which bore no reference to them, which was entirely at himself, and the quaintly novel position in which he found himself, but which nevertheless affected them, nobody could have told why. He was not laughing at them, respectablest of people. They could not take offence, neither could they divine what he was laughing at; but the curious, whimsical, and often rueful amusement which mingled with many much less agreeable feelings, somehow made itself felt and produced an effect upon which he had never calculated. It was something they did not understand, and this consciousness partially irritated, partially awed these good people, who felt that the new man in their midst was a being beyond their comprehension. They respected his history and his previous position, though with a little of that characteristic contempt which mingles so strangely in Scotland with many old prejudices in favour of rank and family; they respected more honestly and entirely his little property, the scraps of his former high estate which made him still independent; but above all they now respected, though with some ir- ritation, what seemed to them the unfathomableness of his character, the lurking smile in his eyes. It A FAMILY CONSULTATION. 5 I confirmed the superiority which imagination already acknowledged. "I have not had much experience of the lochs," said Edgar, following with his eyes the clumsy but gay boat, with its cargo of laughter, and frankly gay, if somewhat loud, merry-making. Mrs. MacKell saw his look and was gratified. " You'll not know which are your cousins among so many," she said; "and, indeed, the girls have been plaguing me to write over and ask you to come. They were all away back in Glasgow when my mother took ill, and just came down last week on my account. It's late for sea-bathing quarters in Scotland; and, indeed, when they took it into their heads about this pic-nic, I just raged at them. A pic-nic in October, and on the loch! But when children set their hearts on a thing the mother's aye made to give way; and they had to be kept quiet, you see, while my mother was ill, not knowing how it might end." "That is true," said Edgar; "otherwise, so far as my poor grandmother is concerned, this cannot be called a very joyful occasion." "I don't see that for my part," cried Mrs. Mac- Kell, feeling herself attacked, and responding with instant readiness. "Dear me! if I were in my mother's position, to see all my children about me, all that remain, would aye be a joyful occasion, whatever was the cause; and what better could she do at her age than go up the loch to my sister Jean's comfortable house, where she would be much made of, and have all her old friends about her? 4* 52 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. My mother has been a good mother. I have not 3L word to say against that; but she's always been a proud woman, awfully proud, holding her head as high as the Duchess, and making everybody stand about. I'll not say but what it has been very good for us, for we've never fallen among the common sort. But still, you know, unless where there's siller that sort of thing cannot be kept up. Of course, I would like it better," added Mrs. MacKell, "to have my mother near, where I could send the bairns — excuse me for using the words of the place." "Oh, I like the words," said Edgar, with a laugh, which he could not quite restrain — better than the sentiments, he would have said. "Where I could send any of my young folk that happened to be looking white, at any moment," she went on; "far different from what 1 could do with Jean, who has the assurance to tell me she always invites her friends when she wants them, though her son has his dinner with us every Sunday of his life during the Session! Therefore it's clear what my interest is. But you see, Mr. Edgar," she con- tinued, softening, "you have the ways of a rich man. You never think of the difficulties. Oh! Charles, is that youl I'm glad to see you looking so well; and how are things going in the East country? and how is your sister Marg'ret, and little Bein If my young folk had known you were here, they would have wanted you away with them in the boat. But I must go ben and see my mother before all the folk come in. I suppose you are A FAMILY CONSULTATION. 53 .going to look over the farm, and the beasts, with the rest." The young doctor — upon whom as a man of his own age, and one more like the people he had been accustomed to than those he now found around him, Edgar had looked, with more interest than any of his other relations had called from him — came up to him now with a face overcast with care. "May I speak to you about this painful subject," he said, "before the others come in?" "Why a painful subject?" asked Edgar, with a smile, which was half tremulous with feeling, and half indignant, too proud for sympathy. "It may not be so to you," said the young man, ^'She brought us up, every one of my family; but what can I do? I have a brother in Australia, too iar off to help, and another a clerk in London. As for me, I have the charge of my eldest sister, who is a widow with a child. You don't know what a hard fight it is for a young medical man struggling to make his way." "No, not yet," said Edgar, with a smile. "Not yet? How can you know? If I were to take my grandmother home with me, which I would do gladly, she would be far from everything that she knows and cares for — in a new place, among strangers. Her whole life would be broken up. And I could not take Jeanie," the young man added, with a thrill of still greater pain in his voice. "There would be other dangers. What can we do? I cannot bear to think that she must leave this place. 54 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. But I have so little power to help, and consequently so little voice in the matter." "I have not very much," said Edgar; "but yet enough, I think, to decide this question. And so long as I have a shilling, she shall not be driven away from her home. On that I have made up my mind." His new cousin looked at him with admiration — then with a sigh: "What a thing money is," he said; "ever so little of it. You can take a high hand with them, having something; but I, to whom Robert Campbell and Mr. MacKell have both lent money to set me going—" Edgar held out his hand to his companion. "When this is settled I shall be in the same position," he said; "worse, for you have a profes- sion, and I have none. You must teach me how I can best work for daily bread." "You are joking," said the young doctor, with a smile. Like the others, he could not believe that Edgar, once so rich, could ever be entirely poor; and that he should denude himself altogether of his living for the sake of the old mother, whom they were all quite ready to help — in reason, was an idea im- possible to be comprehended, and which nobody believed for a moment. He said nothing in reply, and the two stood together before the door waiting for the other men of the party, who were looking over "the beasts" and farm implements, and cal- culating how much they would bring. A FAMILY CONSULTATION. 55 James Murray, the provision merchant, was the typical Scotchman of fiction and drama — a dry, yellow man, with keen grey eyes, surrounded by many puckers, scrubby sandy hair, and a constant regard for his own interest. The result had been but indifferent, for he was the poorest of the family, always in difficulties, and making the sparest of livings by means of tremendous combinations of skill and thought sufficient to have made the most fabulous fortune — only fortune had never come his way. He had been poking the cows in the ribs, and inspecting the joints of every plough and har- row as if his life depended upon them. As he came forward to join the others, he put down in the note-book which he held in his hand, the different sums which he supposed they would bring. Alto- gether, it was a piece of business which pleased him. If he had ever had any sentimental feeling towards his old home, that was over many a long year ago; and that his mother, when she could no longer manage the farm, should give it up, and be happy and thankful to find a corner at her daughter's fireside, was to him the most natural thing in life. The only thing that disturbed him, was the impos- sibility of making her seek a composition with her creditors, and thus saving something "for an emer- gency." "James has aye an eye to what may come after," Mr. Campbell said, with his peculiar humour, and a laugh which made Edgar long to pitch him into the loch; "he's thinking of the succession. Not that I'm opposed to compounding with the creditors 56 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. in such a case. She's well-known for an honest woman that's paid her way, and held up her head with the best, and we all respect her, and many of us would have no objection to make a bit small sacrifice. I'm one myself, and I can speak. But your mother is a woman that has always had a great deal of her own way." "More than was good for her," said James Murray, shaking his head. "She's as obstinate as an auld mule when she takes a notion. She's been mistress and mair these forty year, and like a' women, she'll hear no reason. Twelve or fifteen shillings in the pound is a very fine composition, and touches no man's credit, besides leaving an old wife something in her pocket to win respect." "And to leave behind her," said Campbell, laughing and slapping his brother-in-law on the back. This was at the door of the farm-house, where they lingered a moment before going in. The loud laugh of the one and testy exclamation of the other, sounded in through the open windows of the par- lour, where the mistress of the house sat with her daughters; probably the entire conversation had reached them in the same way. But of that no one took any thought. This meeting and family consultation was rather "a ploy" than otherwise to all the party. They liked the outing, the inspec- tion, the sense of superiority involved. The sons and the daughters were intent upon making their mother hear reason and putting all nonsense out of her head. She had been foolish in these last A FAMILY CONSULTATION. 57 years of her life. She had brought up Tom's bairns, for instance, in a ridiculous way. It was all very well for Robert Campbell's son, who was able to afford it, to be sent to College, but what right had Charlie Murray to be made a gentleman of at the expense of all the rest? To be sm^e his uncles and aunts were somewhat proud of him now that the process was completed, and liked to speak of "my nephew the doctor;" but still it was a thing that a grandmother, alV whose descendants had an equal right to her favours, had no title to do. "My bairns are just as near in blood, and have just as good a right to a share of what's going; and when you think how many there are of them, and the fight we have had to 'give them all they require," Mrs. MacKell said to Mrs. Campbell. "Many or few," said Mrs. Campbell to Mrs. MacKell, "we have all a right to our share. I've yet to learn that being one of ten bairns gives more claim than being an only child. Johnnie ought to be as much to his grandmother as any grand-bairn she has — as much as Charlie Murray that has cost her hundreds. But she never spent a pound note on my Johnnie all his life." "There have been plenty pound-notes spent on him," said the younger sister, "but we need not quarrel, for neither yours nor mine will get any- thing from their grandmother now. But I hope the men will stand fast, and not yield to any fancies. My mother's always been a good mother to us, but very injudicious with these children. There's Jeanie, 58 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. now, never taught to do a hand's turn, but en- couraged in all her fancies." "I would like to buy in the china," said Mrs. Campbell. "Auld china is very much thought of now-a-days. I hear the Duchess drinks her tea out of nothing else, and the dafter-like the better. You'll be surprised when you see how many odds and ends there are about the house, that would make a very good show if they were rightly set out." "My mother has some good things too, if all the corners were cleared, that are of no use to her, but that would come in very well for the girls," said Mrs. MacKell; and with these kind and reverential thoughts they met their mother, who perhaps also — who' knows 1 — had in her day been covetous of things that would come in for the girls. This was the easy and cheerful view which the family took of the circumstances altogether. Not one of them intended to be unkind. They were all quite determined that she should "want for no- thing;" but still it was, on the whole, rather "a ploy" and pleasant expedition, this family assembly, which had been convened for the purpose of de- throning its head. THE FAMILY MARTYR. 59 CHAPTER V. The Family Martyr. I NEED not say that the feehngs with which the old woman awaited the decision of her fate were of a very different character. She had lain awake al- most the whole night, thinking over the long life which she had spent within those walls. She had been married at eighteen, and now she was seventy. I wonder whether she felt in herself one tithe of the difference which these words imply. I do not believe she did; except at special moments we never feel ourselves old; we are, to ourselves, what we always were, the same creature, inexhaustible, un- changeable, notwithstanding all vulgar exterior trans- formation. Poor old Mrs. Murray at seventy, poor, aged, ruined, upon whom her children were to sit that day and give forth her sentence of banishment, her verdict of destitution, never more to call any- thing her own, to lodge in the house of another, to eat a stranger's bread — was to her own know- ledge the same girl, eighteen years old, who had opened bright eyes in that chamber in those early summer mornings fifty years ago when life was so young. Fifty years passed before her as she lay with her eyes turned to the wall. How many joys in them, how many sorrows! how tired she had lain 6o FOR LOVE AND LIFE. down, how lightly risen up, how many plans she had pondered there, how many prayers she had murmured unheard of by any but God, prayers, many of them never answered, many forgotten even by herself, some, which she remembered best, granted almost as soon as said. How she had cried and wept in an agony, for example, for the life of her youngest child, and how it had been better al- most from that hour! The child was her daughter, Mrs. MacKell, now a virtuous mother of a family; but after all to her own mother, perhaps it would not now have mattered very much had that prayer dropped unheard. How many recollections there are to look back on in seventy years, and how be- wildering the effort to remember whether the dreamer lying there is eighteen, or forty, or seventy! and she to be judged and sentenced and know her doom to-day. She did not shed any tear or make any com- plaint, but acknowledged to herself with the wonder- ful stoicism of the poor that it was natural, that nothing else was to be looked for. Jean and her husband would be kind — enough; they would give the worn-out mother food and shelter; they would not neglect nor treat her cruelly. All complaint was silent in her heart; but yet the events of this day were no "ploy" to her. She got up at her usual time, late now in comparison to the busy and active past, and came down with Jeanie's help to the parlour, and seated herself in the arm-chair where she had sat for so many years. There she passed the morning very silent, spending the time THE FAMILY MARTYR. 6r with her own thoughts. She had told Jeanie what to do, to prepare for the early dinner, which they were all to eat together. "You would be a good bairn," she had said with a smile, "if you would take it upon you to do all this, Jeanie, and say nothing to me." Jeanie had sense enough to take her at her word, and thus all the morning she had been alone, sitting with eyes fixed on Benvohrlan, often with a strange smile on her face, pondering and thinking. She had her stocking in her hands, and knitted on and on, weaving in her musing soul with the thread. AVhen her daughters came in she received them very kindly with a wistful smile, looking up into their faces, wondering if the sight of the mother who bore them had any effect upon these women. Still more wistfully she looked at the men who followed. Many a volume has been written about the love of parents, the love of mothers, its enthu- siasms of hope and fancy, its adorations of the un- worthy, its agony for the lost; but I do not remem- ber that anyone has ventured to touch upon a still more terrible view of the subject, the disappoint- ment, for example, with which such a woman as I have attempted to set before the reader — a woman full of high aspirations, noble generosities, and per- haps an unwarrantable personal pride, all intensified by the homely circumstances of life around her — sometimes looks upon the absolutely commonplace people whom she has brought into the world. She, too, has had her dreams about them while they were children and all things seemed possible — while 62 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. they were youths with still some grace and freshness of the morning veiling their unheroic outlines. But a woman of seventy can cherish no fond delusions about her middle-aged sons and daughters who are to all intents and purposes as old as she is. What a dismal sense of failure must come into such a woman's heart while she looks at them! Perhaps this is one reason why grandfathers and grand- mothers throw themselves so eagerly into the new generation, by means of which human nature can always go on deceiving itself. Heavens! what a difference between the ordinary man or woman at fifty, and that ideal creature which he, or she, ap- peared to the mother's eyes at fifteen! The old people gaze and gaze to see our old features in us; and who can express the blank of that disappoint- ment, the cruel mortification of those old hopes, which never find expression in any words'? Mrs. Murray, from the household place where she had ruled so long, where she had brought up upon her very life-blood like the pelican, those same commonplace people — where she had succoured the poor, and entertained strangers, and fed from her heart two generations — looked wistfully, half won- deringly at them as they all entered, and sat down round her, to decide what was to be dope with her. Something of a divine despair, like that God Him- self might have felt when the creation he had pro- nounced good, turned to evil — but with a more poignant thrill of human anguish in the fact of her own utter powerlessness to move to good or to evil those independent souls which once had seemed THE FAMILY MARTYR. 63 all hers, to influence as site would — swept through her like a sudden storm. But to show any outward sign of this was impossible. Theirs now was the upper hand; they were in the height of life, and she was old. "When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest; but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not;" she said these words to herself with a piteous patience and submission; but unheard by any soul, — unless, indeed, it was by those sympathisers in Heaven, who hear so much, yet make no sign that we can hear or see. They came in quite cheerfully all of them, full of the many and diversified affairs which, for the moment, they were to make the sacrifice of laying aside to settle the fate of their mother, and held over her body, as it were, a pleasant little family palaver. "The children have gone down the loch for a pic-nic; they would have come in to see Granny, but I said you would have no time for them to- day. The weather is just wonderful for this time of the year, or I never would have allowed such a thing." "It's all very well for you town-folk to praise up a good day," said Mr. Campbell, "which is no doubt pleasant when it comes to them that have no interest in the land — but a kind of an insult to us after all the soft weather that has ruined the corn. What's the use of one good day except for your pic-nics and nonsense? nothing but to make the 64 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. handful of wheat sprout the faster. And the glass is down again — We'll have more rain the morn." "You'll find it very dry in the East country, Chairles," said Mrs. Camj^bell; "more pleasant for walking, but very stour and troublesome to keep a house clean, and a great want of water. Your sister Marg'ret was aye ill to please about the weather; but after a' that's come and gone, I hope she's no so fanciful now"?" "You'll be setting up a gig soon?" said James Murray, "or, perhaps, you've done it already"? It's expensive, but it's a kind of necessity for a doc- tor." "Indeed I cannot see that; a strong young man like Charles that's well able to walk! but some folk are always taking care of themselves," said Mrs. MacKell. "In Glasgow, the richest men in the place think nothing of a walk, wet or dry — and my bairns, I assure you, are never spoiled with such luxurier." "A gig to a doctor is like a spade to a labour- ing man," said Robert Campbell, sententiously; "that's an expense that I approve. Keep you up appearances, Charles- — that's as long as you can do it out of your own pocket," he said with a laugh, thrusting his hand deep into his own. "I know where you could lay your hand on a very decent machine, cheaper, I answer for't, than anything you'll get in the East country," said James. "And I am sure you have plenty of old harness that could be cleaned up, Robert," said Mrs. Camp- bell, "if it's thought necessary. To be sure, if he THE FAMILY MARTYR. 65 was sent for in a hurry to some country place, per- haps, or the other side of the town — " "Thank you all," said the young doctor, "but I have a — conveyance. I could not do without it. I took it from my predecessor, along with the house and the goodwill." "Did you hear what he said?" said Mrs. Mac- Kell, aside, to Mrs. Campbell, "a conveyance, not a gig, as we were all saying. Depend upon it, it's some grand landau, or something, where Marg'ret can lie and take her ease. To think how my mother spoiled these bairns!" Mrs. Murray took no part in all their talk. She sat with her old eyes sadly turned upon them, eyes that were clear with the pallid liquid light of a sky just cleared from rain. I think the only one who was at all interested in the old woman, beyond the matter-of-fact interest which belonged to her as the cause of the meeting, was Edgar, who had seated himself close to her, and who now laid his hand, in a silent sympathy which nobody else felt, upon the hand with which she held the arm of her chair. Her hand was grey- white, the colour of old age, with all the veins visible on the wrinkled surface. When he put his young warm hand upon it, it felt almost as cold as death. "Don't you think," he said, with some abrupt- ness, "that my grandmother's concerns ought to be settled before we talk of anything else?" They had all, as I have said, a respect for Edgar, and his voice had an immediate effect. 'That's true," said Mr. Campbell, "it would be For Love and Life, I. 5 66 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. better to settle everything before dinner;" and with this comfortable levity they all gathered more closely round the table. The drawing in of chairs and the little noise of coughing and clearing throats which heralded the commencement of a new sub- ject, occupied the first minute; then James Murray edged slightly away from the table the chair which he had drawn close to it, and prepared to speak. But before he had opened his lips an unforeseen interruption arose; Mrs. Murray herself took the initiative, a thing entirely unexpected by her chil- dren, who had felt, with a sense of security, that they had her fairly in hand. "Bairns," she said slowly, and at first in a low tone, while they all turned upon her with surprise, "bairns, I am leaving you to settle everything. I am old; I would fain have gone to them that's passed before me, but the Lord hasna been of my mind. Things have gone badly with the farm, partly by His providence, partly by my fault — you know that as well as I do. In my time, I've com- manded you and done what I thought best. Now the power has gone out of my hands; settle as ye will, and I'll no complain, so long as every man has his ain, and no debt is left, nor any person to rise up against me and call me an unjust dealer. I've done my best for you while it was in my power. Now, do your best, I'll no complain. Beggars should not be choosers. It's all in your hands." "Mother, you shouldna speak like that! as if you doubted that we could think of anything but THE FAMILY MARTYR. 67 your good," cried both her daughters in a breath; "and as for beggars — not one of us would use Such a word." "It's what I am," said the old woman firmly. "And there's but one word I have to say. You ken all of you what I would like best; that's all I'll say; every one of you kens what I would like best. But, failing that, I'll do whatever's settled on. I'll no complain." "What you would like, we all know very well," said James Murray, hastily; "but it's impossible, mother, impossible. You canna afford the farm, you canna afford to keep up a house, doing nothing for it, or to keep up a family. There's j^o?*;, and we'll do our best." She made a little gesture with her hands, and relapsed into the stillness which she had not broken when they talked of other affairs. The discrowned monarch sat still to let whoever would take her sceptre from her. She took up the stocking she had laid in her lap, and began knitting again, look- ing at them with eyes out of which the wistfulness had faded. An almost stern submission had re- placed the wondering anxious look with which she had looked round to see if anyone would under- stand her, if any would deal with her as she had dealt by them. "For you see," continued James Murray, dog- gedly, "mother, we are none of us rich, to be guided by your fancies. If we were great ones of this earth, and you the auld Duchess, say, for ex- ample's sake, you might have your will, whatever it 5* 68 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. cost. But we're all poor folk — or comparatively poor folk. We may give you a welcome to our houses, such as they are, and a share of what we have; but as for siller we have not got it, and we cannot give you what we have not got to give." "That's just about the real state of the case," said Robert Campbell. "There are many things more rife among us than siller. We've all sense enough to see what's for our advantage, and we're all industrious folk, doing our best; but siller is not rife. As for us, Jean and me have long made up our minds what to do. It's our duty, or at least it's her duty, as the eldest of the daughters; and your mother was always a kind guid-mother to me, and never interfered or made mischief; so I would never oppose Jean's righteous desire. We'll take the old leddy in. vShe shall have a room to herself, and nothing to do, one way or other, more than she pleases. If she likes to do any small turn in the house, in the way of helping, well and good; but nothing will be asked from her. And anything that the rest of you think that you could spare — I'm not a man to haggle about my good-mother's board. She shall have her share of all that's going the same as one of ourselves; but if any of you have anything to spare " "Would it not be more satisfactory to us all, and more agreeable to my grandmother," said Edgar, suddenly, "if, without charging Mr. Camp- bell above the rest, we were to make up a little income for her, to enable her to keep her own house?" THE FAMILY MARTYR. 69 This suggestion fell like a sudden cannon-ball into the group. There was a universal movement. "Well, well, I'm no forcing myself on anybody. Try what you can do," cried Campbell, offended, pushing his chair from the table. "It's just all stuff and nonsense!" cried his wife, reddening with anger. The other two elder people regarded Edgar with a mixture of disapproval and dismay. And the young doctor, the only one of the party who showed some sympathy for him, grew very red, and hesitated and cleared his throat as if to speak — but said nothing. After a moment's pause, James Mur- ray turned upon the inconsiderate speaker with a certain solemnity. "Who are you, young man," he said, "that you should put in your word and do what you can to unsettle a well-considered family arrangement"? You heard me say not ten minutes since that just the thing we were wanting in was money. We're no in a position to make up incomes either for auld wives or young lads. We're all ready to acknow- ledge our duty to my mother, and to pay it in kind according to our ability. If she tires of Jean, she may come to me; none of us would shut our houses against her; but as for an income, and to leave her free to make her house a refuge for the destitute, as she has aye done, more's the pity — " "Mother," cried Mrs. MacKell, suddenly, "what for are you looking so at me? Do you think I wouldna rather, far rather, see you in your own house? But I'm no an independent woman as 70 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. you've been a' your days. I'm a man's wife that has plenty to do with his siller. I brought him not a sixpence, as ye well know, but a large expensive family, that wants a great deal mair than ever we got, as I often tell them. And what can I do? I went to my man without a penny, and how can I ask him to spend his siller on my folk? Mother," and here Mrs. MacKell burst into hasty sudden crying, half-vexation, half-shame, "it's awfu' unkind, when you ken how I am situate, to give such looks at me!" "I gave you no looks, Agnes," said the old woman. "Oh, Sirs, hold all your tongues. I'm the mother that bore you, and never counted the cost for aught that was in my power to get for you. But I will have no strife of tongues over me. Ye shall not quarrel what you're to give, or how little you're to give. I canna bear it. Edgar, my bonnie man, you mean well, but every word is another stab. Robert Campbell, I take your offer kindly. I'll no be much trouble. I canna promise that I'll no last long, for that's in the Lord's hand, and waes me, I canna cut it short, no by an hour. But it's little I want, and I'll give little trouble — " She paused, with a piteous smile upon her face, gulping down something which rose in her throat. With this smile she made her abdication, looking round upon them with an anguish of submission and endurance so curiously compounded of a hun- dred different ingredients of pain, each giving sharpness and poignancy to the others, that to de- scribe them all exceeds my power. THE FAMILY MARTYR. 7 I "We'll go ben and get our dinner," she added hurriedly; "we'll say no more about it. I take it a' for granted, and the rest you can settle among your- selves." "But I cannot take it for granted," said Edgar. "Stop a little. I will not give any stabs, my old mother. Look here, my aunts and uncles." He said this with a momentary hesitation, with the half- smile which they resented; but still they listened, having a respect for him and his independence. "I am not like you," said Edgar, still with that half- smile. "The only thing I have is money, a little, not worth speaking of, but still it is mine to do what I like with it. Is it not true that there is some talk of building a new farmhouse for the new far- mer, as this one is old and in want of repair? I think I heard you say so the other day." "It's true enough — what's about it?" said Camp- bell, shortly. "Then my grandmother shall stay here," said Edgar, decisively; "she shall not be turned out of her home, either by her creditors, or — by her sons and daughters. I have nobody to stop me, neither wife, nor sister, nor child, nor duty. Thank heaven, I have enough left for that! If you will take the trouble to settle all about it, Mr. Campbell, I shall be grateful; it is all we will ask you for, not your hospitality, only a little trouble. I don't suppose the Duke will make any difficulties, nor the young farmer whom I saw yesterday. Thank you for your kind intentions. My grandmother will not be able to set up a refuge for the destitute, but no doubt 72 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. she will serve you all when you require her ser- vices, as she has been used to do all her life," said Edgar, with some excitement. "Mother, not a word; it is all done, past my power of changing as well as yours." They all sat and looked at him with momentary stupefaction, staring, turning to give questioning looks at each other. Was the young man mad? When Edgar ended by pushing some papers across the table to Campbell, they all drew close to look, James Murray taking out eagerly, and putting on with hands that trembled, a large pair of clumsy spectacles. All the four heads of the elder people clustered about these documents; they read the papers each over the other's shoulder. "It's all in order— all in order. Young idiot! he's bound himself as long as she lives," Campbell muttered in an undertone. "Why the deevil didn't ye let us know your intentions and save us a' this trouble 1" he exclaimed aloud, putting away the women from behind him with a gesture, and turn- ing with wcll-put-on indignation to the young man, whose excitement had not yet calmed down. "Saftly, saftly," said James Murray, "we must not let ourselves be carried away by our feelings. I approve the lad; it's just what I would have done myself had I been without the burden of a family, and plenty of siller to come and go upon. I'll shake hands with you, Edgar, my lad; it's well done and well thought! Robert, here, may have a little feeling on the subject, as being the one that offered his house; but for my part, I've no hesita- THE FAMILY MARTYR. 73 tion in saying it's well done, Edgar — well done — just what, in your circumstances, I would have done myself!" "By George! you're a clever fellow, Jamie Mur- ray!" cried Campbell, with a loud laugh. The two women did not say anything; they looked at each other, and Mrs. MacKell, who was the most soft-hearted, began to cry. "It's what we would all have liked to have done," she said feebly, after an interval. Her sister turned round sharply and scolded Jeanie, who had been sitting behind backs looking on, and who now looked up at Edgar with a face so radiant that it struck her aunt with sharp offence — more sharp than the real offence of the stranger's superior generosity, of which it was a reflection. "What are you doing there," she said, "you little idle cutty? Did not Granny tell you to see after the dinner? It may be good for her, but it's ruination to you, if you had the sense to see it. Dinna let me see you sit there, smil — smiling at a young lad! I wonder you dinna think shame! It's all my mother's fault," she added bitterly, placing herself in the chair by the window, which Jeanie, in dismay and tears, hastily evacuated; "ive were kept to our work and kept in order, in our day; but she's spoiled every creature that's come near her since. I'm glad I've nae girls mysel that she can ruin as she's ruined Jeanie!" "Poor thing, she has nae mother to keep her right," said the softer sister. I think, for my part, that the sharp offence and 74 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. bitterness of the women at the sudden turn that things had taken, showed a higher moral sense than the eager satisfaction with which, after the first moment, the men received it. Murray and Camp- bell both felt the immediate relief, as far as they themselves were concerned. The women felt first the shame and stigma of not having attempted to do for their mother what this stranger was so ready to do. The result was much less pleasant and less amiable to witness, but it showed, I think, a higher feeling of right and wrong. A PARTY IN A PARLOUR. 75 CHAPTER VI. A Party in a Parlour. The dinner which followed was not, the first part of it at least, a very comfortable meal. Mrs. Murray herself was profoundly shaken by the con- ference altogether. She was unable to say anything to her grandson except the almost wild "No, lad; no, Edgar, my bonnie man!" with which she had endeavoured to stop him at first. After this she had not uttered a word. She had taken his hand between her old and worn hands, and raised her face as if to God — praying for blessings on him? No — I do not think her mind was capable of such an effort — she was looking up to the Divine Friend who had been her refuge in everything these seventy years, in a strange rapture of surprise and joy. How much part the sudden change in her circumstances had to do with the joy, I cannot tell — very little I think, infinitesimally little. "I have one son, one true son, after all; heart of my heart, and soul of my soul!" This was the predominating thought in her mind, the half-ecstatic feeling which flooded her old being like sudden sunshine. Amid all the griefs and disappointments to which such a soul is liable, there remains to one now and then the tender and generous delight of seeing others do by her as she ^6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, would have done by them. How sweet it is; before all delight in gifts, or even in affection! We think of the golden rule more often in the way of a com- mand, employing it to touch our own souls to lan- guid duty; but there are occasions when it is given back to us, so to speak, in the way of recompense, vivified and quickened into rapture. This old wo- man had practised it as she could all her life, and others had not done to her as she had done to them; but here, at the end of her existence, came one — her reward, one heir of her nature, one issue of her soul. Thus she had her glimpse of heaven in the very moment of her lowest humiliation. She had done little personally for him — little — nothing — except to harm him; but she had done much for others, sacrificing herself that they might live, and the stranger, in whose training she had had no hand, who had with her no link of union but the mystic tie of blood, gave back to her full measure, heaped up, and running over. I must leave to the imagination of the reader the keen satisfaction and joy, sharp and poignant almost as pain, with which this aged soul, worn out and weary, received full in her heart, all at once, as by a shot or thunder- bolt, the unthought of, unhoped-for recompense. The men, as I have said, were the first to re- concile themselves to the sudden revolution. If any thrill of shame came over them, it was instantly quenched, and ceased to influence the hardened mail, beaten by much vicissitude of weather, which covered them. The women were thinner-skinned, so to speak, more easily touched in their pride, and A PARTY IN A PARLOUR. 77 were sensible of the irony with which, half-con- sciously to himself, Edgar had spoken. But, per- haps, the person most painfully affected of all was the young doctor, who had listened to Edgar with a painful flush on his face, and with a pang of jealous pain and shame, not easy to bear. He went up to the old lady as soon as the discussion was over, and sat down close by her, and held a long conversation in an undertone. "Grandmother," he said, the flush returning and covering his face with painful heat, "you do not think me ungrateful or slow to interfere? You know it is not want of will, but want of means. You know — " "Charlie, was I asking anything, that you speak so to me? I know you could not interfere. You are in their debt still, poor lad?" "Yes, I am in their debt still. I don't know how to get out of it; it grinds me to the ground!" cried the young man. "But what can I do?" Mrs. Murray patted his hand softly with her old worn fingers; but she was silent, with that silence which the weak nature, eager for approbation, but unable to make a bold effort after good, feels so profoundly. "You don't say anything," said Dr. Charles, with a mixture of petulance. "You think I might have done more?" "No, Charlie, no," said the old woman; "as you say not. I would be glad to see you free of this bondage; but you must know best yourself" "There is so much to do," said the young doctor. "I must get a position. I must make an 78 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. appearance like others in my profession. So many things are necessary that you never think of here in a country place; and you know Margaret has no health to speak of. There is so much expense in every way." "She was always handless," said Mrs. Murray, "She should come to me with little Bell, and let you take )'Our chance. Living costs but little here, and what is enough for one is enough for two," said the old woman, with her perennial and in- stinctive liberality of heart. "Enough for one! Jeanie is going to leave you then, as the Campbells told me," said the young man hastily. "He is to marry her as they said?" "I ken nothing about marrying or giving in marriage," said the grandmother, with some severity of tone. "If that is still in your mind, Charlie — " "It is not in my mind — it was never in my mind," he said with an eagerness which was almost passionate. "She has a lovely face, but she never was or could be a fit wife for a man in my posi- tion. There never was anything in that." "Charlie, my man, you think too much of your position," said the old woman, shaking her head; "and if there was nothing in it, why should you gloom and bend your brows at the thought that Edgar might care for the bonnie face as well as youl He does not, more's the pity." "And why should you say more's the pity? Do you want to be rid of Jeanie? Do you want to be left alone?" "I'm but a bruised reed for anyone to trust to," A PARTY IN A PARLOUR. 79 she said. "Soon, so(5h I'll have passed away, and the place that now knows me will know me no more. I would be glad to see my poor bairn in somebody's hand that would last longer than me." A momentary flush of strong feeling passed over the young man's face. "Grandmother," he said, "you were too good to me. If I had been bred a farmer like your- self—" "You would have made but a weirdless farmer, Charlie, my man. It's not the trade that does it," said Mrs. Murray, with some sadness. "ButMarg'ret had better come to me. She may hinder you, but she'll no help you. The bairns are maybe right; I was injudicious, Charlie, and grieved for you that were all delicate things without a mother. I should have known better. You are little able to fend for yourselves in this world, either Marg'ret or you." "I don't know why you should say so, grand- mother. I am making my way in my profession," said Dr. Charles, not without offence, " and Margaret is very greatly thought of, and asked to the best houses. If you have nothing more to blame your- self with than you have in our case — " Mrs. Murray sighed, but she made no answer. It was not for nothing that her daughters had re- proached her. Charles Murray and his sister Mar- garet had been the two youngest of the flock, her eldest son Tom's children, whom the brave old woman had taken into her house, and brought up 8o FOR LOVE AND LIFE. with the labour of her own ifknds. The others were scattered about the world, fighting their way in all regions; but Charlie and Margaret had been as apples of her eye. She had done everything for them, bringing up the son to a learned profession, and "making a lady of" the gentle and pretty girl, who was of a stock less robust than the other Hur- rays. And as Mrs. Murray had no patent of ex- emption from the failures that follow sometimes the best efforts, she had not succeeded in this case. Charles Murray, without being absolutely unsuccess- ful, had fulfilled none of the high hopes entertained concerning him; and Margaret had made a foolish marriage, and had been left in a few years a pen- niless widow dependent upon her brother. No one knew exactly what the two were doing now. They were "genteel" and "weirdless," living, it was feared, above their means, and making no attempt to pay back the money which had been lent by their wealthier friends to set the young doctor afloat. This was why the children she had trained so carefully could give their old mother no help. Margaret had cried bitterly when she heard that the old home was about to be broken up, and Charles's heart was torn with a poignant sense of inability to help. But the tears and the pain would have done Mrs. Murray little good, and they were not of any profound importance to the brother and sister, both of whom were capable of some new piece of ex- travagance next day by way of consoling them- selves. But though Mrs. Murray was not aware of A PARTY IN A PARLOUR. 01 it, the sharp shock of Edgar's unlooked-for muni- ficence towards her, and the jealousy and shame with which Dr. Charles witnessed it, was the most salutary accident that had happened to him all his life. The contrast of his own conduct, he who was so deeply indebted to her, and that of his unknown cousin, gave such a violent concussion to all his nerves as the young man had never felt before; and whatever might be the after result of this shock, its present issue was not agreeable. A sullen shadow came over him at the homely dinner to which they all sat down with such changed feelings. He had been the only one to whom Edgar had turned in- stinctively for sympathy, and Edgar was the first to feel this change. James Murray and Robert Campbell were the only two who kept up the languid conversation, and their talk, we need not add, was not of a very elevated kind. "The mutton's good, mother," said James; "you've aye good mutton at Loch Arroch; not like the stuff that's vended to us at 1 canna tell how much the pound. That's a great advantage you have in the country. Your own mutton, or next thing to it; your own fowls and eggs, and all that. You should go on keeping poultry; you were a very good henwife in the old days, when we were all young; and there's nothing that sells better than new-laid eggs and spring chickens. Though you give up the farm, I would advise you to keep them on still." "And I would not wonder but you might have grass enough for a cow," said Campbell. "A cow's For Love and Life. I. 6 &2 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. a great thing in a house. There's aye the milk whatever happens, and a pickle butter is never lost. It sells at as much as eighteen pence a pound on the other side of the loch, when those Glasgow people are down for the saut water. Asking your pardon, Agnes, I was not meaning the like of you; there are plenty Glasgow people that are very decent folk, but it cannot be denied that they make everything very dear." "And what is that but an advantage to every- body as long as we can pay, aye, the double if we like'?" cried Mrs. MacKell, forgetting her previous plea of comparative poverty. "We like everything of the best, I don't deny it; and who has a better right, seeing our men work hard for every penny they make?" "For that matter so do the colliers and that kind of cattle, that consume all they earn in eating and drinking," said Campbell. "I like a good dinner myself; but the way you Glasgow folk give yourselves up to it, beats me. That's little to the purpose, however, in the present case. James's advice is very good advice, and so you'll find is mine. I would not object to being at the expense of buying in that bonnie brown cow, the one you fancied, Jean — women are aye fanciful in these matters — if there will be anybody about the house that could supper and milk a cow?" He looked doubtfully at Jeanie as he spoke, and they all looked at her, some suspiciously, some contemptuously. They all seemed to Jeanie to A PARTY IN A PARLOUR. 83 reproach her that she was not a strong, robust " lass " ready to help her grandmother. "I can milk Brounie; she's so gentle," said Jeanie, half under her breath, looking wistfully at her critics. James Murray uttered a suppressed "humph!" "A bonnie young woman for a farm-house!" he said, "that can milk a cow when it's gentle. I hope you'll save the lad's siller as much as possible, mother; no running into your old ways, taking folk into your bosom, or entertaining strangers on the smallest provocation, as you used to do." "I hope my grandmother will do precisely as she likes — in the way that pleases her best," said Edgar with emphasis. "I am saying," said Campbell with emphasis, "a cow; and the cocks and hens, according to James. An honest penny is aye a good thing, however it's got. If young Glen gets the farm, as is likely, he'll be wanting a lodging till the new house is built. I would take the lad in and give him ac- commodation, if it was me. In short, there's a variety of things that would be little trouble, and would show a desire to make the best of what's given you; and any assistance that I can be of, or Jean—" "Oh my mother's above my help or yours either," said Mrs. Campbell, with some bitterness. "You need not push yourself in, Rob, when neither you nor me are wanted." Mrs. Murray listened to all this with grave patience and forbearance. She smiled faintly at 6* 84 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. her daughter's petulance, and shook her head. "Bairns," she said, gently, "I guided my own concerns before you were born." It was the only reproof she attempted to administer, and it was followed by a pause, during which the sound of knives and forks was very audible, each individual of the party plying his as for a wager, in the sudden stillness which each affronted person thought it doubly incumbent on him and her to keep up. Mrs. Murray looked round upon them all with a smile, which gradually softened into suppressed but genial humour. "I hope you are all making a good dinner," she said. The afternoon after this passed as a Sunday afternoon often passes in a family gathering. They all stood a little on their defence, but, with a keen appreciation of the fact, that the mother, whom they all intended to advise and lecture, had cer- tainly got the upper hand, and had been on the verge of laughing at them, if she had not actually done so, were prudent, and committed themselves no further. They all went out after dinner to see the site where the new farm-house was to be built, and to speculate on the way in which young Glen would manage the farm, and whether he would succeed better than its previous occupant. The women of the party visited "the beasts," as the men had done before dinner, and the men strolled out to the fields, and weighed in their hands the damp ears of corn, and shook their heads over the length of the straw, and pointed out to each other how badly the fields were arranged, and how the crops A PARTY IN A PARLOUR. 85 had been repeated year after year. "It's tirhe it was all in other hands," they said to each other. As for Dr. Charles, he avoided the other members of the party — the uncles who might ask for the money they had lent him, and the aunts who might inquire with an vindue closeness of criticism into his proceedings and those of his sister. He sat and talked with his grandmother in the parlour, answer- ing her questions, and making conversation with her in a way which was somewhat formal. In short, it was very like a Sunday afternoon — and the sense of being in their best clothes, and having nothing to do, and being, as it were, bound over to keep the peace, was very wearisome to all these good people. The little excitement of pulling to pieces, so to speak, the house which had sheltered and reared them, was over, and thus a certain flat of disappointment and everyday monotony mingled with the sense of something unusual Avhich was in their meeting. Their purpose was foiled altogether, and the business manque, yet they could not but profess pleasure in the unexpected turn that things had taken. It was very like a Sunday afternoon. And it is impossible to tell what a relief it was to all, when the big fishing-boat came heavily round the corner with the picnic party, and Jeanie, in her plain brown frock, ran down to the landing to bid her cousins come into tea. There were some six or seven in the boat, slightly damp and limp, but in high spirits; three of whom were girls, much more gaily dressed than Jeanie, yet with a certain general resemblance to her. They all rushed 86 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. fluttering in their gay ribbons up to the farm-house, glad of the novelty, and threw themselves upon "Granny," whom they admired without the criticism in which their mother indulged less than her brothers and sisters. They did not take much notice of Jeanie, but Dr. Charles was full of interest for them, and the unknown Edgar, who was still more em- phatically "a gentleman," excited their intensest curiosity. "Where is hel which is himl" they whispered to each other; and when Bell, the youngest, exclaimed with disappointment, that he was just like Charlie Murray, and nothing particular after all, her two elder sisters snubbed her at once. "If you cannot see the difference you should hold your tongue," said Jeanie MacKell, who called her- self Jane, and had been to a school in England, crowning glory of a Scotch girl on her promotion. "Not but what Charles is very nice-looking, and quite a gentleman," said Margaret, more meekly, who was the second daughter. The presence of these girls, and of the young men in attendance upon them, to wit Andrew, their brother, and two friends of his own class, young men for whom natural good looks did not do so much as for the young women, and who were, perhaps, better educated, without being half so presentable — made the tea-table much merrier and less embarrassed than the dinner had been. The MacKells ended by being all enthralled by Edgar, whose better manners told upon them, (as a higher tone always tells upon women,) whose superiority to their former attendants was clear as daylight, and who was not A PARTV IN A PARLOUR. 87 stiff and afraid to commit himself like Charles Murray; "quite a gentleman," though they all held the latter to be. As for Edgar himself, he was so heartily thankful for the relief afforded by this in- road of fresh guests, that he was willing to think the very best of his cousins, and to give them credit — that is the female part of them — for being the best of the family he had yet seen. He walked with them to their boat, and put them in, when sunset warned them to cross the loch without delay, and laughingly excused himself from accepting their eager invitations, only on the ground that "business" demanded his departure on the next day. Mrs. MacKell took him aside before she embarked, and shook his hand with tears gathering in her eyes. "I could not say anything before them all," she said, with an emotion which was partly real; "but I'll never forget what you've done for my mother — and oh, what a comfort it is to me to think I leave her in her ain old house! God bless you for it!" "Good-bye," said Edgar, cheerily, and he stood on the banks and watched the boat with a smile. True feeling enough, perhaps, and yet how oddly mingled! He laughed to himself as he went back to the house with an uneasy, mingling of pain and shame. FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER VII. Gentility. Charles Murray did not return to the Camp- bells' house for the night as he had originally intended. The relatives were all out of sorts with each other, and inclined to quarrel among themselves in con- sequence of the universal discomfiture which had come upon them, not from each others' hands, but from the stranger in their midst. And as it was quite possible that Campbell, being sore and irritable,' might avenge himself by certain inquiries into Dr. Charles's affairs, the young man thought it wiser on the whole to keep out of his way. And the grand- mother's house was common property. Although only a few hours before they had all made up their minds that it was to be no longer hers, and that she thenceforward was to be their dependent, the moment that she became again certain of being mistress in her own house, that very moment all her family returned to their ancient conviction that they had a right to its shelter and succour under all and every kind of circumstances. James Murray went away arranging in his own mind that he would send his youngest daughter "across" before the winter came on, "to get her strength up." "One bairn makes little difference in the way of meals, and she can bring some tea and GENTILITY. 8g sugar in a present," he said to himself; while Dr. Charles evidenced still more instantaneously the family opinion by saying at once that he should stay where he was till to-morrow. "It seems much more natural to be here than in any other house," he said caressingly to his grand- mother. She smiled, but she made no reply. Even, she liked it, for the position of a superior dispensing favours had been natural to her all her life, and the power to retain this position was not one of the least advantages that Edgar's liberality gave her. But even while she liked it, she saw through the much less noble sentiment of her descendants, and a passing pang mingled with her pleasure. She said nothing to Dr. Charles; but when Edgar gave her his arm for the brief evening walk which she took before going to rest, she made to him a curious apology for the rest. Charles was standing on the loch-side looking out, half-jealous that it was Edgar who naturally took charge of the old mother, and half glad to escape out of Edgar's way. "We mustna judge them by ourselves," she said, in a deprecating tone. "Charlie was aye a weak lad, meaning no harm— and used to depend upon somebody. Edgar, they are not to be judged like you and me." "No," said Edgar, with a smile; then rapidly passing from the subject which he could not enter on. "Does he want to marry Jeanie?" he asked. "That I canna tell — that I do not know. He cannot keep his eyes off her bonnie face; but, Edgar, go FOR LOVE AND LIFE. the poor lad has strange fancies. He has taken it into his head to be genteel — and Marg'ret, poor thing, is genteel." "What has that to do with it?" said Edgar, laughing. "We are not genteel, Jeanie and me," said the old woman, with a gleam of humour. "But, Edgar, my man, still you must not judge Charlie. You are a gentleman, that nobody could have any doubt of; but the danger of being a poor man's son, and brought up to be a gentleman, is that you're never sure of yourself. You are always in a fear to know if you are behaving right — if you are doing some- thing you ought not to do." "Then, perhaps," said Edgar, "my cousin would have been happier if he had not been brought up, as you say, to be a gentleman." "What could I make him? Farming's but a poor trade for them that have little capital and little energy. Maybe you will say a Minister? but it's a responsibility bringing up a young man to be a Minister, when maybe he will have no turn that way but just seek a priest's office for a piece of bread. A good doctor serves both God and man; and Charlie is not an ill doctor," she added, hurriedly. "His very weakness gives him a soft manner, and as he's aye on the outlook whether he's pleasing you or not, it makes him quick to notice folk's feelings in general. Sick men, and still more sick women, like that." "You are a philosopher, grandmother," said Edgar. GENTILITY. Q I "Na, na, not that," said the old woman; "but at seventy you must ken something of your fellow- creature's ways, or you must be a poor creature indeed." Meanwhile Charles Murray had gone back to the house, and was talking to Jeanie, who for some reason which she did not herself quite divine, had been shy of venturing out this special evening with the others. Perhaps the young doctor thought she was waiting for him. At all events it was a relief to go and talk to one in whom no criticism could be. "You feel quite strong and well again, Jeanie 1" he said. "Oh yes, quite strong and well — quite better," she said, looking up at him with that soft smile of subjection and dependence which most people to whom it is addressed find so sweet. "You should not say quite better," he said, smiling too, though the phrase would by times steal even from his own educated lips. "I wonder some- times, Jeanie, after passing some months in England as you did, that yo\i should still continue so Scotch. I like it, of course — in a way." Here Jeanie, whose face had overcast, brightened again and smiled — a smile which this time, however, did not arrest him in his critical career. "I like it, in a way," said Charles, doubtfully. "Here on Loch Arroch side it is very sweet, and appropriate to the place; but if you were going out — into the world, Jeanie." "No fear of that," said Jeanie, with a soft laugh. "On the contrary, there is much fear of it — or 92 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. much hope of it, I should say. There are many men who would give all they have in the world for a smile from your sweet face. I mean," said the young man, withdrawing half a step backward, and toning himself down from this extravagance, "I mean that there is no doubt you could marry ad- vantageously — if you liked to exert yourself." "You should not speak like that to me," cried Jeanie, with a sudden hot flush; "there is nothing of the kind in my head." "Say your mind, not your head, Jeanie; and like the dear good girl you are, say head, not heed," said Dr. Charles with a curious mixture of annoyance and admiration; and then he added, drawing closer. "Jeanie, do you not think you would like to go to school 1" "To school I am not a little bairn," said Jeanie with some indignation, "I have had my schooling, all that Granny thought I wanted. Besides," she continued proudly, "I must look after Granny now." "She has asked Margaret to come to her," said the young man, "and don't you think, Jeanie, if you could be sent to a school for a time — not to learn much you know, not for lessons or anything of that kind; but to get more used to the world, and to what you would have to encounter if you went into the world — and joerhaps to get a few accomplishments, a little French, or the piano, or something like tliaf?" "What would I do, learning French and the piano?" said Jeanie; her countenance had over- clouded during the first part of his speech, but GENTILITY. 93 gradually gave way to wonder and amusement as he went on. "Are you thinking of Jeanie MacKell who can play tunes, and speak such fine English? Granny would not like that, and neither would I." "But Granny is not the only person in the world," he said, "there are others who would like it. Men like it, Jeanie; they like to see their wife take her place with anyone, and you cannot always be with Granny — you will marry some day." Jeanie's fair soft countenance glowed like the setting sun, a bright and tender consciousness lit up her features; her blue eyes shone. Dr. Charles, who had his back to the loch, as he stood at the farm-house door, did not perceive that Edgar had come into sight with Mrs. Murray leaning on his arm. "May-be all that may be true," said Jeanie, "I cannot tell; but in the meantime I cannot leave Granny, for Granny has nobody but me." "She has asked my sister Margaret, as I told you — " "Margaret instead of me!" said Jeanie, with a slight tone of wonder. "It is strange how disagreeable you all are to my sister," said Dr. Charles with some impatience. "It need not be instead of you; but Granny has asked Margaret, and she and the little one will come perhaps before winter sets in — the change would do them good. I should be left alone then," he said, softening, "and if Margaret stays with Granny, I should be left always alone. Jeanie, if you would but get a little education and polish, 94 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. and make yourself more like what a man wishes his wife to be — " Jeanie was looking behind him all the time with a vague dreamy smile upon her face. "If that is a' he wants!" she said dreamily to herself. She was thinking not of the man before her, whose heart, such as it was, was full of her image; but of the other man approaching, who did not think of Jeanie except as a gentle and affectionate child. If that was a' he wanted! though even in her imagi- native readiness to find everything sublime that Edgar did, there passed through Jeanie's mind a vague pang to think that he would pay more re- gard to French and the piano, than to her tender enthusiast passion, the innocent adoration of her youth. "If you would do that, Jeanie — to please me!" said the unconscious young Doctor, taking her hand. "Here is Granny coming," said Jeanie hastily, "and — Mr. Edgar. Go ben the house, please, and never mind me. I have to see that the rooms are right and all ready. Are you tired, Granny? You have had a sore day. Mr, Edgar, say good night to her now, she ought to go to her bed." Thus Dr. Charles was thrust aside at the moment when he was about to commit himself. Jeanie put him away as if he had been a ploughman, or she a fine lady used to the fine art of easy impertinence. So little thought had she of him at all, that she was not aware of the carelessness with which she had received his semi-declaration, and while he v.'ith- GENTILITY. 05 drew stung all over as by mental nettles, abashed, insulted, and furious, she went innocently upstairs, without the faintest idea of the offence she had given. And Edgar went into the parlour after his cousin humming an air, with the freshness of the fields about him. The uisouciance of the one who had that day given away his living, and the dis- turbed and nervous trouble of the other, self-con- scious to his very finger points, irritated by a con- stant notion that he was despised and lightly thought of, made the strangest possible contrast between them, notwithstanding a certain family resemblance in their looks. "I am staying to-night," said Dr. Charles, with a certain abruptness, and that tone of irritated apology which mingled more or less in all he said, "because it is too late for me to get home." "And I am staying," said Edgar, "because it is too late to start, I must go to-morrow. I suppose our road lies so far in the same direction." "You can get the London express at Glasgow, or even Greenock. I am going to Edinburgh." "I have business in Edinburgh too," said Edgar. He was so good-humoured, so friendly, that it was very hard to impress upon him the fact that his companion regarded him in no friendly light. "You will leave the loch with very pleasant feelings," said Dr. Charles, "very different to the rest of us. Fortune has given you the superiorit}^ What I would have done and couldn't, you have been able to do. It is hard not to grudge a little at such an advantage. The man who has nothing 96 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, feels himself always so inferior to the man who has something, however small." "Do you think so?" said Edgar, "my experience would not lead me to that conclusion; and few people can have greater experience. Once I sup- posed myself to be rather rich. I tumbled down from that all in a moment, and now I have nothing at all; but it seems to me I am the same man as when I was a small potentate in my way, thinking rather better than worse of myself, if truth must be told," he added with a laugh. "I wish I had your nothing at all," said Dr. Charles, bitterly; "to us really poor people that is much, which seems little to you." "Well," said Edgar, with a shrug of his shoulders, "my poverty is absolute, not comparative now. And you have a profession, while I have none. On the whole, whatever there may be to choose between us, you must have the best of it; for to tell the truth I am in the dismal position of not knowing what to do." "To do! what does it matter? you have enough to live upon." "I have nothing to live upon," said Edgar, with a smile. The young men looked at each other, one with a half-amusement in his face, the other full of wonder and consternation. "You don't mean to say," he asked, with a gasp, "that you have given her alii" "I have no income left," said Edgar. "I have some debts, unfortunately, like most men. Now a GENTILITY. 97 man who has no income has no right to have any debts. That is about my sole maxim in political economy. I must pay them off, and then I shall have fifty pounds or so left." "Good heavens!" said the other, "and you take this quite easily without anxiety " "Anxiety will not put anything in my pocket, or teach me a profession," said Edgar. "Don't let's talk of it, 'Sufficient unto the day is the evil there- of.'" "But," cried the other, almost wildly, "in that case all of us — I too — " "Don't say anything more about it," said Edgar. "We all act according to impulses. Perhaps it is well for those who have no impulses; but one cannot help one's self. I should like to start by the early boat to-morrow morning, and before I go I have something to say to Jeanie." "I fear I am in your way," cried Dr. Charles, rising hastily, with the feeling, which was rather pleasant to him than otherwise, that at last he had a real reason for taking offence. "Oh, dear no, not at all. It is only to give her some advice about our old mother," said Edgar; but they both reddened as they stood fronting each other, Charles from wild and genuine jealousy — Edgar, from a disagreeable and impatient conscious- ness of the silly speeches which had associated his name with that of Jeanie. He stood for a moment uncertain, and then his natural frankness broke forth, "Look here," he said, "don't let us make any mistake. I don't know what your feelings Fo>- Love and Life. L 7 98 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. may be about Jeanie, but mine are those of an elder brother — a very much elder brother," he went on, with a laugh, "to a child." "Every man says that, until the moment comes when he feels differently," said Charles, in his un- easy didactic way. "Does he? then that moment will never come for me," said Edgar, carelessly. Poor little Jeanie! she had opened the door, the two young men not observing her in their pre- occupation, and Edgar's words came fully into her heart like a volley of musketry. She stood behind them for a moment in the partial gloom — for they were standing between her and the light of the feeble candles — unnoticed, holding the door. Then noiselessly she stole back, closing it, her heart all riddled by that chance discharge, wounded and bleeding. Then she went to the kitchen softly, and called Bell. "My head's sair," she said, which on Eoch Arroch means, my head aches. "Will you see if they want anything in the parlour. Belli" "My poor lamb!" said Bell, "I wish it beena your heart that's sair. Ye are as white as a ghost. Go to your bed, my bonnie woman, and I'll see after them. Lord bless us, what a bit white face! Go to your bed, and dinna let your Granny see you like that. Oh ay! I'll see to the two men." Jeanie crept up-stairs like a mouse, noiseless in the dark staircase. She needed no light, and to hide herself seemed so much the most natural thing to do. White! Jeanie felt as if her face must be scorched as her heart seemed to be. Why should GENTILITY. 99 lie have volunteered this profession of indifference? It seemed so much the worse because it was un- called for. Did anyone say he cared for her] Had any one accused him of being "fond" of Jeanie? Shame seemed to take possession of the little soft creature. Had she herself done anything to put such a degrading idea into his mindl Why should he care for her? "I never asked him — I never wanted him," poor Jeanie cried to herself. Edgar never knew the second great effect he had produced on this eventful day. When Jeanie appeared at the early breakfast before he set out next morning, he was honestly concerned to see how pale she looked. "My poor dear child, you are ill," he cried, drawing her towards him, and his look of anxious kindness struck poor Jeanie like a blow. "I'm not ill. It's my head. It's nothing," she said, starting away from him. Edgar looked at her with mild astonished eyes. "You are not vexed with me this last morning? Take care of the dear old mother, Jeanie — but I know you will do that — and write to me sometimes to say she is well; and talk of me sometimes, as you promised — you remember?" His kind friendly words broke Jeanie's heart. "Oh, how can you look so pleased and easy in your mind!" she said, turning, as was natural, the irritation of her personal pain into the first possible channel, "when you know you are going away with- out a penny, for our sake — for her sake " 100 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "And yours," Edgar added cheerily. "That is what makes me easy in my mind." And he smiled, and took both her hands, and kissed her on the forehead, a salutation which made little Scotch Jeanie — little used to such caresses — flame crimson with shame. Charles Murray looked on with sullen fury. He dared not do as much. This way of saying farewell was not cousinly or brotherly to him. A RAILWAY JOURNEY. 10 1 CHAPTER VIII. A Railway Journey : The Scotch Express. The two young men set out together from Loch Arroch. The old lady whose children they both •were, waved her handkerchief to them from her window as the steamer rustled down the loch, and round the windy corner of the stubble field into Loch Long. They stood on the deck^ and gazed at the quiet scene they were leaving till the farm- house and the ruin died out of sight. How peace- ful it all looked in the bright but watery sunshine! The ivy waving softly from the walls of the ruin, the smoke rising blue from the roof of the farm- house, which nestled under the shadow of the old castle, the stocks standing in the pale field glisten- ing with morning dew. Bell stood at the door in her short petticoats, shading her eyes with one hand as she watched them, and old Mrs. Murray showed a smiling, mournful face at her window, and the long branches of the fuchsias waved and made salutations with all their crimson bells. Even Bell's shadow had a distinct importance in the scene, which was so still — still as the rural country is be- tween mountain and water, with mysterious shadows flitting in the silence, and strange ripples upon the beach. The scene was still more sweet ''from the 102 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. shore, though not so entirely enveloped in this peaceable habitual calm; for great Benvohrlan was kept in constant life with moving clouds which crossed the sunshine; and the eyes of the spectators on the land did not disdain the bright, many- coloured boat, floating, as it seemed, between three elements — the water, the mountain, and the sky. The shadow-ship floated over the side of the shadow- hill among all the reflected shades; it floated double like the swan on St. Mary's Lake, and. it was hard to tell which was the reality and which the symbol. Such were the variations of the scene from the loch and from the shore. But though Bell was visible and Bell's mistress, Jeanie was not to be seen. She had disappeared within the ruins of the Castle, and watched the boat from behind an old block of masonry, with eyes full of longing and sadness. Why had she been so harsh, so hard? Why had she not parted with him "friends'?" What did it matter what he said, so long as he said that he looked upon her as an elder brother'? Was it not better to be Edgar's sister than any other man's beloved? She cried, re- flecting sadly that she had not been so kind, so gentle as she ought to this man who was so unlike all others. Like an elder brother — what more could she wish for? Thus poor little Jeanie began to dree her fate. The day was fine, notwithstanding the prophecy of "saft weather" with which all the observers of sea and sky in the West of Scotland keep up their character as weather prophets as Edgar and Charles A RAILWAY JOURNEV. IO3 Murray travelled to Edinburgh. There was no subject of quarrel between them, therefore they did not quarrel; indeed Edgar, for his part, was amused, when he was not pained, by his cousin's perpetual self-consciousness and painful desire to keep up his profession of gentleman, and conduct himself in all details of behaviour as a gentleman should. The young Doctor nervously unbuttoned his over-coat, which was much more spruce and glossy than Edgat's, when he observed that his companion, never a model of neatness or order, wore his loose. He looked with nervous observation at Edgar's portmanteau, at the shape and size of his umbrella. Edgar had lived in the great world; he had been (or so at least his cousin thought) fashionable; there- fore Dr. Charles gave a painful regard to all the minutite of his appearance. Thus a trim poor girl might copy a tawdry duchess, knowing no better — might, but seldom does, having a better instinct. But if any one had breathed into Charles Murray's ear a suggestion of what he was consciously (yet almost against his will) doing, he would have for- given an accusation of crime more readily. He knew his own weakness, and the knowledge made him wretched; but had any one else suspected it, that would have been the height of insult, and would have roused him to desperate passion. Thus they travelled together, holding but little communication. The young Doctor's destination was one of the smaller stations before they reached Edinburgh, where Edgar saw, as the train approached, a graceful young woman, with that air of refinement I04 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. which a slim and tall figure gives, but too far off to be recognizable, accompanied by a little girl — waiting by the roadside in a little open carriage, half phaeton, half gig. "Is that your sister?" he asked, taking off his hat, as the lady waved her hand towards them. "Yes," said Dr. Charles, shortly, and he added, in his usual tone of apology, "a doctor can do nothing without a conveyance, and as I had to get one, and Margaret is so delicate, it was better to have something in which she could drive with me." "Surely," said Edgar, with some wonder at the appealing tone in which this half statement, half question was made. But a little sigh came from his heart, against his will, as he saw Charles Mur- ray's welcome, and felt himself rolled away into the cold, into the unknown, without any one to bear him company. He too had once had, or thought he had, a sister, and enjoyed for a short time that close, tender, and familiar friendship which only can exist between a young man and woman when they are thus closely related. Edgar, who was foolishly soft-hearted, had gone about the world ever since, missing this, without knowing what it was he missed. He was fond of the society of women, and he had been shut out from it; for he neither wished to marry, nor was rich enough so to indulge him- self, and people with daughters, as he found, were not so anxious to invite a poor man, nor so com- placent towards him as they had been when he was rich. To be sure he had met women as he had met men at the foreign towns which he A RAILWAY JOURNEY. IO5 had chiefly frequented during the aimless years just past; but these were chiefly old campaigners, with all the freshness dried out of them, ground down into the utmost narrowness of limit in which the mind is capable of being restrained, or else at the opposite extreme, liberated in an alarming way from all the decorums and prejudices of life. Neither of these classes were attractive, though they amused him, each in its way. But somehow the sight of his two cousins, brother and sister, gave him a pang which was all the sharper for being entirely unexpected. It made him feel his own forlornness and solitude, how cut off he was from all human solace and companionship. Into his ancient surroundings he could not return; and his present family, the only one which he had any claim upon, was distasteful beyond description. Even his grandmother and Jeanie, whom he had known longest, and with whom he felt a certain sympathy, were people so entirely out of his sphere, that his intercourse with them never could be easy nor carried on on equal terms. He admired Mrs. Murray's noble character, and was proud to have been able to stand by her against her sordid re- lations; he even loved her in a way, but did not, could not adopt the ways of thinking, the manners and forms of existence, which were natural and seemly in the little farm-house. As for Jeanie, poor, gentle, pretty Jeanie! A slight flush came over Edgar's face as her name occurred to him; he was no lady-killer, proud to think that he had awakened a warmer feeling than I06 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. was safe for her in the girl's heart. On the con- trary, he was not only pained, but ashamed of him- self for the involuntary consciousness which he never put into words, that perhaps it was better for Jeanie that he should go away. He dismissed the thought, feeling hot and ashamed. Was it some latent coxcombry on his part that brought such an idea into his head? His business in Edinburgh was of a simple kind, to see the lawyer who had prepared the papers for the transfer of his little income, and who, knowing his history, was curious and interested in him, asked him to dinner, and would have made much of the strange young man who had descended from the very height of prosperity, and now had denuded himself of the last humble revenue upon which he could depend. "I have ventured to express my disapproval, Mr. Earnshaw," this good man had said; "but hav- ing done so, and cleared my conscience —if there is anytliing I can be of use to you in, tell me." "Nothing," said Edgar; "but a thousand thanks for the goodwill, which is better than anything." Then he went away, declining the invitation, and walked about Edinburgh in the dreamy solitude which began to be habitual to him, friendly and social as his nature was. In the evening he dined alone in one of the Princes Street hotels, near a window which looked out upon the Castle and the old town, all glimmering with lights in the soft darkness, which was just touched with frost. The irregular twinkle of the lights scattered about upon A RAILWAY JOURNEY. I07 the fine bank of towers and spires and houses op- posite; the dark depth below, where dark trees rustled, and stray lights gleamed here and there; the stream of traffic always pouring through the street below, notwithstanding the picturesque land- scape on the other side — all attracted Edgar with the charm which they exercise on every sensitive mind. When the bugle sounded low and sweet up in mid-air from the Castle, he started up as if that visionary note had been for him. The darkness and the lights, the new and the old, seemed to him alike a dream, and he not less a dream pursuing his way between them, not sure which was real and which fictitious in his own Hfe; which present and which past. The bugle called him — to what? Not to the sober limits of duty, to obedience and to rest, as it called the unwilling soldiers out of their riots and amusements; but perhaps to as real a world still unknown to him, compassed — hke the dark Castle, standing deep in undistinguishable, rustling trees — with mists and dream-like uncertainty. Who has ever sat at a dark window looking out upon the gleaming, darkling crest of that old Edinburgh, with the crown of St. Giles hovering over it in the blue, and the Castle half way up to heaven, without feehng something weird and mystical beyond words, in the call of the bugle, sudden, sweet, and pene- trating, out of the clouds'? What- Edgar had to do after the call of this bugle was no deed of high emprise. He had no princess to rescue, no dragon to kill. He got up with that half-laugh at himself and his own fancies which was habitual to him. Io8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. and paid his bill and collected his few properties, and went to the railway. Other people were begin- ning to go to bed; the shop windows were closing; the lights mounting higher from story to story. But a stream of people and carriages was pouring steadily down into the hollow, bound like himself, for the London Express. Edgar walked up natur- ally, mechanically to the window at which first- class tickets were being issued. But while he waited his turn, his eye and his ear were attracted by a couple of women in the dress of an English Sisterhood, who were standing in front of him, holding a close conversation. One of them, at least, was in the nun's costume of severe black and white; the other, a young slim figure, wore a black cloak and close bonnet, and was deeply veiled; but was not a "Sister," though in dress closely ap- proaching the garb. Edgar's eyes however were not clever enough to make out this difference. The younger one seemed to him to have made some timid objection to the second class. "Second class, my dear!" said the elder. "I understand first class, and I understand third; but second is neither one thing nor another. No, my dear. If we profess to give up forms and cere- monies and the pomps of this world, let us do it thoroughly, or not at all. If you take second class, you will be put in with your friend's maid and footman. No, no, no; third class is the thing." "To be sure. What am I thinking of!" said Edgar to himself, with his habitual smile. "Of course, third class is the thing." A RAILWAY JOURNEY. lOg It liad been from pure inadvertence that he had been about to take the most expensive place, no- thing else having occurred to him. I do not know whether I can make the reader understand how entirely without bitterness, and, indeed, with how much amusement Edgar contemplated himself in his downfall and penniless condition, and what a joke he found it. For the moment rather a good joke — for, indeed, he had suffered nothing, his amour propi'e not being any way involved, and no immediate want of a five-pound note or a shilling having yet happened to him to ruffle his composure. He kept the two Sisters in sight as he went down the long stairs to the railway with his third-class ticket. He thought it possible that they might be exposed to some annoyance, two women in so strange a garb, and in a country where Sisterhoods have not yet developed, and where the rudeness of the vulgar is doubly rude, perhaps in contrast with, perhaps in consequence of (who knowsl) the general higher level of education on which we Scotch plume ourselves. They had given him his first lesson in practical contempt of the world; he would give them the protection of his presence, at least, in case of any annoyance. Not to give them any reason, however, to suppose that he was following them, he waited for some minutes before he took his seat in a corner of the same carriage in which they had established themselves. He took off his hat, foreign fashion, as he went into the railway carriage (Edgar had many foreign fashions). At sight of him there seemed a little flutter of interest no FOR LOVE AND LIFE. between the Sisters, and when he took his seat they bent their heads together, and talked long in whispers. The result of this was that the two changed seats, the younger one taking the further corner of the same seat on which he had placed himself; while the elder, a cheerful middle-aged woman, whose comely countenance became the close white cap, and whose pleasant smile did it honour, sat opposite to her companion. I cannot say that this arrangement pleased Edgar, for the other was young — a fact which be- trayed itself rather by some subtle atmosphere about her than by any visible sign — and his curiosity was piqued and himself interested to see the veiled maiden. But, after all, the disappointment was not great, and he leaned back in the hard corner, say- ing to himself that the third class might be the thing, but was not very comfortable, without any particular dissatisfaction. Two other travellers, a woman and a boy, took their places opposite to him. They were people from London, who had gone to Scotland for the boy's holidays after some illness, and they brought a bag of sandwiches with them and a bottle of bad sherry, of which they ate and drank as soon as the train started, preparing themselves for the night. Then these two went to sleep and snored, and Edgar, too, went partially to sleep, dozing be- tween the stations, lying back in the corner which was so hard, and seeing the dim lamp sway, and the wooden box in which he was confined, creak, and jolt, and roll about as the train rushed on, A RAILWAY JOURNEY. I I I clamping and striding like a giant through the dark. What a curious, prolonged dream it was — the dim, uncertain light swaying like a light at sea, the figures dimly seen, immoveable, or turning uneasily like spectres in a fever, veiled figures, with little form visible under the swaying of the lamp; and now and then the sudden jar and pause, the un- earthly and dissipated gleam from some miserable midnight station, where the porters ran about pale and yawning, and the whole sleepy, weary place did its best to thrust them on, and get rid of the intruder. Just before morning, however, in the cold be- fore the dawning, Edgar had a real dream, a dream of sleep, and not of waking, so vivid that it came into his mind often afterwards with a thrill of wonder. He dreamt that he saw standing by him the figure of her who had touched his heart in his earlier years, of Gussy, who might have been his wife had all gone well, and of whom he had thought more warmly and constantly, perhaps, since she became impossible to him, than when she was within his reach. She seemed to come to him out of a cloud, out of a mist, stooping over him with a smile; but when he tried to spring up, to take the hand which she held out, some icy restraint came upon him — he could not move, chains of ice seemed to bind his hands and arrest even his voice in his throat. While he struggled to rise, the beau- tiful figure glided away, saying, "After, after — but not yet!" and — strange caprice of fancy — dropped over her face the heavy veil of the young sister 112 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. who had excited his curiosity, and who was seated in the other corner of this same hard wooden bench, just as Edgar, struggUng up, half awake, found that his raihvay wrapper had dropped from his knees, and that he was indeed ahnost motionless with cold. The grey dawn was breaking, coldest and most miserable hour of the twenty-four, and the other figures round him were nodding in their sleep, or swayed about with the jarring movement of the carriage. Strange, Edgar thought to himself, how fancy can pick up an external circumstance, and weave it into the fantastic web of dreams! How naturally his dream visitor had taken the aspect of the last figure his musing eyes had closed upon! and how naturally, too, the physical chill of the moment had shaped itself into a mental impos- sibility — a chain of fate. He smiled at the com- bination as he wrapped himself shivering in his rug. The slight little figure in the other corner was, he thought, awake too, she was so perfectly still. The people on the other side dozed and nodded, chang- ing their positions with the jerking movement of restless sleep, but she was still, moving only with the swaying of the carriage. Her veil was still down, but one little white hand came forth out of the opening of her black cloak. What a pity that so pretty a hand should not be given to some man to help him along the road of life, Edgar thought to himself with true English sentiment, and then paused to remember that English sisterhoods could take no irrevocable vows, at least, in law. He toyed A RAILWAY JOURNEY. 1 1 3 with this idea, he could not tell why, giving far more attention to the veiled figure than half-a-dozen unveiled women would have procured from him. Foolish and short-sighted mortal! He dreamed and wondered at his dream, and made his ingenious little theory and amused explanation to himself of the mutual reaction of imagination and sensation. How little he knew what eyes were watching him from behind the safe shelter of that heavy black veil! For Love and Life. I. 114 FO^ LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER IX. Alone. Edgar did not well know where to go on his arrival in London. He knew nothing about Lon- don except in its most expensive regions, and the only place to which he could direct the driver of the cab into which he jumped, was the chambers in Piccadilly which he had occupied in his earlier days. He said to himself "For a day or two it cannot matter where I live;" and, besides, the season was over and everything cheap, or so, at least, Edgar thought. The first thing he had to do was to see that his lawyers had carried out his directions and paid his debts — the number of wliich ap[)alled him — out of his capital. Decidedly it was time that he should do something, and should shake himself out of those habits of a rich man, which had, in these three years, though he had no idea of it, compromised him to the extent of half his little fortune. This debt he felt he could not trifle with. The more indifferent he was about money, and the better able he was to do without it, the more necessity was there for the clearing off to begin with, of everything in the shape of debt. After all was paid, and the residue settled on the old lady at Loch Arroch, ALONE. 115 there remained to him about a hundred pounds in the bank, besides the two ten-pound notes which he had in his pocket-book. "I must not touch the money in the bank," he said to himself, with a prudence which contrasted beautifully with his other extravagances, "that must remain as something to fall back upon. Suppose, for instance, I should be ill," Edgar reasoned with himself, always with a delicious suppressed consciousness of the joke in- volved under the utter gravity and extreme rea- sonableness of his own self-communings, "how necessary it would be to have something to fall back upon!" When he had made this little speech to himself, he subsided into silence, and it v/as not until half-an-hour later that he permitted himself to laugh. Both of his own suggestions seemed so oddly impossible to him. To be ill — he, in whose veins the blood ran so lightly, so tunefully, his pulse beating with the calm and continued strength of perfect harmony; or to want a pound or two — he who had possessed unlimited credit and means which he had never exhausted all his life. The change was so great that it affected him almost childishly — as a poor man might be affected by coming into a sudden fortune, or as a very young wife is sometimes affected by the bewildering and laughable, yet certain fact, that she, the other day only a little girl in pinafores, is now at the head of a house, free to give as many orders as she pleases, and sure to be obeyed. The extreme humour of the situation is the first thing that strikes a lively Il6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. girl, under these circumstances, and it was the humour of it which struck Edgar: a fact, perhaps, which may lower his character in the reader's eyes. But that, alas, I cannot help, for such as he was, such I must show him, and his character had many defects. Often had he been upbraided that he did not feel vicissitudes which looked like ruin and destruction to minds differently constituted. He did not — he was the most insouciant, the most care- hating of men. Up to tliis period of his life he had found the means, somehow, of getting a smile, or some gleam of fun, out of everything that hap- pened. When he could not manage this the cir- cumstances were very strange indeed, and I suppose he felt it; but at all events, in such cases, he kept his failure to himself. As soon as he had refreshed himself and break- fasted, he went out to see his lawyer, who received him with that air of melancholy disappointment which distinguishes all agents who are compelled to carry out what they think the foolish will of their principals: but who submitted the accounts to him, which showed that his directions had been obeyed, explaining everything in a depressed and despondent voice, full of the sense of injury. "I am compelled to say, Mr. Earnshaw," said this good man, "that, as you have paid so little attention to our wishes, I and my firm would hence- forward have declined to take charge of your business transactions, if it had been the least likely that you would have had any more business to do; but as this is not possible, or at least probable — " ALONE. 117 "You will continue to do it," said Edgar, laugh- ing. "I hope so; it would be kind of you. No, I don't suppose I shall have much more business to do." "And may I ask without offence," said Mr. Parchemin, who was an old friend of Edgar's old friend, Mr. Farqakerley, and had taken up the foolish young fellow on the recommendation of that ex- cellent and long-established family solicitor. "May I ask how, now you have given away all your money, you mean to live?" "I must work," said Edgar, cheerfully. "Clearly; but what can you work atV "You have hit the difficulty exactly," said Edgar, laughing. "To tell the truth, I don't know. What do you suppose I could do best? There must be many men in my position, left in the lurch by cir- cumstances — and they must have some way of providing for themselves. What do they generally dol" "Go to the dogs," said Mr. Parchemin, succinctly, for he was still offended, and had not yet forgiven his impracticable client. "I sha'n't do that," said Edgar as briefly — and with, for the first time, and for one of the first times in his life, a shade of offence on his face. "There are a good many other things they try to do," said Mr. Parchemin; "for instance they take pupils — most men feel themselves capable of that when they are driven to it; or they get into a public office, if they have interest and can pass the ex- amination; or they read for the bar if they have n8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. friends who can support them for a dozen years; or they write for the papers — " "Stop a httle," said Edgar; "I have no friends to support me — I can't write — I don't think I could pass an examination — " "After twenty, and unless you've been crammed for the purpose, I don't know anyone who could," said Mr. Parchemin, solemnly. "And I doubt whether I could teach anything that any man in his senses would wish to know." "I doubt it also," said the lawyer, "judging, if you will pardon me for saying so, by your guidance of your own affairs." "But a tutor does not teach boys how to guide their own affairs," said Edgar, recovering his sense of the joke. "That is true too. A man may be very wise in giving good advice, and admirable on paper, and yet be fool enough in other respects. There was Goldsmith, for instance. But why shouldn't you write? Plenty of stupid fellows write in the papers. You are not stupid — " "Thanks," cried Edgar, laughing. "Of course, you have read what Thackeray says on that subject — in 'Pendennis,' you know — how it is all a knack that anybody can learn; and it pays very well, I have always heard. There is no sort of nonsense that people will not read. I don't see why you should not try the newspapers; if you know any one on the staff of the Tunes, for instance — that is a splendid opening — or even the News or the Telegraph" ALONE. 119 "But, alas, I don't know anyone." "Do you mean to say you never met any of those press fellows'? when you were a great man, you know, when you were fashionable? At your club, for instance? You must have met some of them. Think! Why, they go everywhere, it's their trade; they must have news. And, by the way, they have made their own of you first and last; the Arden estate, and the law-suit that was to be, and the noble behaviour of the unfortunate gentle- man, &c., &c. You have figured in many a para- graph. Some of them you must know." "Newmarch used to dabble in literature," said Edgar, doubtfully. "Newmarch — Lord Newmarch! Why, that is better still. He's in the Ministry, a rising young fellow, with the Manchester interest, and a few hundred thousands a-year behind him. He's your very man; he'll get you something; a school-in- spectorship, or something of that sort, at the very least. What is he, by-the-bye? Education and that sort of thing is his hobby, so, of course, he's put somewhere, like Dogberry, where there shall be no occasion for such vanities. Ah! I thought so; Foreign Office. He knows about as much of foreign politics, my dear Sir, as my office boy. That's why he's put in; that's the present people's way." "I don't think I should like to ask a favour of Newmarch," said Edgar, with hesitation; and there suddenly rose in his mind a spiritual presence which he had never before recognised nor expected to 120 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. see, a something which was Pride. He himself was so unaffectedly surprised by the apparition that he did not know how to encounter it; but sat silent, wondering, and unable to understand the new dilemma in which he found himself. No; New- march was the last person of whom he should like to ask a favour, he said to himself. "Is there any one else whom you would like better?" said Mr. Parchemin, somewhat satirically. "So far as we have got, Lord Newmarch's is much the most practicable aid you could get. Would you prefer to ask your favour from any- one else?" "You are quite right," said Edgar, rousing him- self. "The fact is, I don't like asking favours at all. I suppose I expected the world to come to me and offer me a living, hat in hand. Of course, it is absurd." "Lord Newmarch is probably too high and mighty to prefer a friend unless he is sure it will be for the public interest, &c.," said Mr. Parchemin. "He will say as much, at least, you may be sure of that. And I advise you to be prepared for a great deal of this sort of lofty rubbish; but don't pay any attention to it. Don't take offence." Edgar laughed; but the laugh was unexplainable to anyone but himself He had not been in the habit of taking offence; he had never borne any- body a grudge, so far as he knew, in his life; but along with the new-born pride which had arisen in him, was the faculty of offence coming too? These were the first fruits of poverty, spectres which had ALONE. 121 never crossed his sunny pathway before. And though he laughed, not with amusement, but in a kind of dazed acknowledgment of the incongruity of things, the sense of the joke began to fail in Edgar's mind. The whimsical, pleasant fun of the Avhole proceeding disappeared before those appari- tions of Anger and Pride. Alas, was it possible that such a vulgar material change as the loss of money could bring such evil things into being? His friendly, gentle soul was appalled. He laughed with pain, not with amusement, because of the strange unlikeness of this new state of mind to any- thing he had known before. "Newmarch, I suppose, is not in town; he can't be in town at this time of the year," he said, with a momentary hope of postponing his sufferings at least. "Ah, my dear Sir," said the lawyer, "he is one of the new brooms that sweep clean. Besides, there is something going on between Russia and Prussia that wajits watching, and it's Lord Newmarch's busi- ness to be on the spot. If you'll take my advice, you'll see him at once. Before the season begins he can't have so many applicants. Go, if you'll take my advice, at once." Edgar winced, as a man cannot but wince who is thrown into the class of "applicants" at a blow. Why shouldn't he be an applicant? he said to him- self as he went out. Better men than he had been obliged to kick their heels in great men's ante- rooms; but fortunately the reign of patrons was so far over now. Was it over? While human nature 122 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. continued could it ever be over? or would it not be necessary as long as the world lasted that there should be some men holding out the hand to ask, and others to give? Not so very long ago Lord Newmarch had come to him, Edgar, hat in hand, so to speak, wanting not place or living, but the good graces of a rich and fair young lady with whom her brother might advance him. Her brother! There gleamed up before Edgar, as he walked through the dusty October streets, the sudden glimpse he had seen at the roadside station of Margaret waiting for her brother. Alas, yes! Most people had sisters, if not something still dearer, to greet them, to hear the account of all they had done, and consult what remained to do. I do not know how it was that at this moment something brought into Edgar's mind the two ladies who had travelled with him from Scotland. Probably the mere word Sister was enough; or perhaps it was because one of them, the elder, was just turning the corner of the street, and met him two minutes after. She smiled with a momentary hesitation (she was forty at the least), and then stopped to speak. "I had not a chance to thank you for getting our cab and looking after our luggage. It was very kind; but my young friend was in a great hurry." "She was, I suppose, of your sisterhood, too," said Edgar, with a curiosity which was quite un- justifiable, and for which he could not account. "Who? Miss . Oh! dear no," said the ALONE. 123 good-humoured Sister. "She is what we call an associate, and does what she can for our charges, the poor people — in -something like our dress; but it is far from being the dress of a professed sister," the excellent woman added, adjusting her cross and collar. "I daresay you will meet her some day in society, and you need not tell her great friends that a Sister of the Charity House made her travel third class. We always do it; but fine people do not like to know." "I should have to betray myself," said Edgar laughing, "if I betrayed you." "That is true," said the Sister. "If you ever pass by the Charity House at Amerton ask for Sister Susan, and I shall be glad to show you over it. I assure you it is something to see." "I shall come some day or other," said Edgar, not quite knowing what he said. Who was she then, the girl with the veil who kept herself shrouded from him? She had not seemed yarc>«f^^ or unfriendly. She had waited quietly while he did what he could for them at the railway station. She had even touched his hand lightly as he put her into the cab; but there had seemed to be three or four veils between him and her countenance. During all the long journey he had seen of her nothing but the little white hand stealing from under the cover of her cloak; but somehow his dream came back to him, and wove itself in with the semblance of this veiled stranger. Absurd! but sometimes an absurdity is pleasant and comforting, and so it was in this case. He could not have 124 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. said what fancies came into his head, or if he had any fancies. No, he was past dreaming, past all that kind of boyish nonsense, he said to himself. But yet the recollection of the veiled maiden was pleasant to him, he could scarcely have told why. Lord Newmarch was at his office, and he was ready after some time to see his visitor, whom he greeted with sufficient friendliness and good feeling. Lord Newmarch had been very democratic in his day; he had taken workmen in their working clothes to dine with him at his club in his hot youth, and had made them very uncomfortable, and acquired a delightful reputation himself for ad- vanced ideas; which was a very great thing for a new lord, whose grandfather had been a small shopkeeper, to do. But somehow he was a great deal more at his ease with the working men than with his former friend and equal, now reduced to a perfectly incredible destitution of those ordinary circumstances which form the very clothing and skin of most men. Edgar was in soul and being, no doubt, exactly the same as ever; he had the same face, the same voice, the same thought and feelings. Had he lost only his money Lord New- march would not have felt the difficulty half so great, for indeed a great many people do (what- ever the world may say) lose their money, without being dropped or discredited by society. But some- thing a great deal more dreadful had happened in Edgar's case. He had lost, so to speak, himself; and how to behave towards a man who a little ALONE. 125 while ago had been his equal, nay his superior, and now was not his equal, nor anybody's, yet the same man, puzzled the young statesman beyond expres- sion. This is a very different sort of thing from entertaining a couple of working men to the much astonishment (delightful homage to one's pecu- liarities) of one's club. The doctrine that all men are brothers comes in with charming piquancy in the one case, but is very much less easy to deal with in the other. Lord Newmarch got up with some perturbation from his seat when Edgar came in. He shook him warmly by the hand, and said, "Oh, Arden — ah, Earnshaw," looking at the card. "I beg your pardon. I am delighted to see you." And then they both sat down and looked at each other after the warmth of this accost, and found, as so often happens, that they had nothing more to say. I do not know a more embarrassing position in ordinary circumstances, even when there is no additional and complicating embarrassment. You meet your old friend, you shake hands, you commit yourself to an expression of delight — and then you are silent. He has sailed away from you and you from him since you last met, and there is nothing to be said between you, beyond that first unguarded and uncalled for warmth of salutation, the emblem of an intimacy past. This is how Lord Newmarch accosted Edgar; and Edgar accepted the salutation with a momentary glow at his breast. And then they sat down and looked at each other; 126 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. they had given forth all the feeling they had toward each other, and how could they express sentiments which had no existence 1 They had to glide in- voluntarily into small talk about the empty state of town, and the new Minister's devotion to business, and the question between Prussia and Russia which he had to keep at his post to watch. Lord New- march allowed, with dignified resignation, that it was hard upon him, and that an Under Secretary of State has much that is disagreeable to bear; and then he added politely, but thinking to himself — oh, how much easier were two, nay half-a-dozen working-men, than this! — an inquiry as to the nature of his old friend's occupation. "What," said the statesman, crossing and uncrossing his legs two or three times in succession to get the easiest posi- tion, and with a look at his shoes which expressed eloquently all the many events that had passed since their last meeting, "What are you doing yourself? " A NOBLE PATRON. 12 7 CHAPTER X. A Noble Patron. When two men who have met in careless inter- course, without any possibility of obliging or being obliged, except so far as interchange of courtesy goes, come suddenly together in relations so changed, the easy question, "what are you doing?" spoken by the one whose position has not altered, to the one who has suffered downfall, has a new world of significance in it, of tacit encouragement or repul- sion of kindly or adverse meaning. It means either "Can I help youl" or, "Don't think of asking me for help." If the downfallen one has need of aid and patronage, the faintest inflection of voice thrills him with expectation or disappointment — and even if he is independent, it is hard if he does not get a sting of mortification out of the suspected bene- volence or absence of it. Edgar listened to Lord Newmarch's questions, with a sudden rising in his mind of many sentiments quite unfamiliar to him. He was ashamed — though he had nothing to be ashamed of — angry, though no offence had been given him — and tingled with excitement for which there was no reason. How important it had become to him all at once that this other man, for whom he felt no particular respect, should be favourable 128 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. to him, and how difficult to reconcile himself to the process of asking, he who had never done anything but give! "I am doing nothing," he said, after a momen- tary pause, which seemed long to him, but which Lord Newmarch did not so much as notice, "and to tell the truth, I had a great mind to come cap in hand to you, to ask for something. I want occu- pation — and to speak frankly, a living at the same time. Not pay without work, but yet pay." "To be sure," said Lord Newmarch; but his countenance fell a little. A new applicant cannot but appear a natural enemy to every official per- sonage noted for high-mindedness, and a sublime superiority to jobs. "I should think something might be found for you — in one department or other. The question is what would you like — or perhaps — what could you do?" "I can do anything a man can usually do, who has never done anything in his life," said Edgar, trying to laugh. "You know how little that is — a great deal that is absolutely useless — nothing that is much good." "Yes," said Lord Newmarch, looking much more grave than his applicant did, whose levity he had always disapproved of. "It is very unfortunate that what we call the education of a gentleman should be so utterly unpractical. And, as you are aware, all our clerkships now-a-days are disposed of by competitive examination. I do not commit myself as to its satisfactory character as a test of capacity — there are very different opinions I know on that A NOBLE PATRON. I29 subject; but the fact is one we must bow to. Pro- bably you would not care at your age to submit to such an ordeal?" "I don't care what I submit to," said Edgar, which was totally untrue, for his blood was boiling in the most irrational way, at the thought that this man whom he had laughed at so often, should be a Minister of State, while he himself was weighing the probabilities of securing a clerkship in the great man's office. Nothing could be more wrong or foolish, for to be sure Lord Newmarch had worked for his position, and had his father's wealth and in- fluence behind him; but he had not generally im- pressed upon his acquaintances a very profound respect for his judgment. "But I don't think I could pass any examination," he added with an uneasy laugh. "Few men can, without special preparation," said the Under Secretary, whose face grew gradually longer and longer. "Do you know I think the best thing I can do will be to give you a note to the Home Secretary, who is a very good friend of mine, Lord Millboard. You must have met him I should think — somewhere — in — " "Better days," said Edgar, struck by a sudden perception of the ludicrous. Yes, that was the phrase — he had seen better days; and his com- panion felt the appropriateness of it, though he hesitated to employ the word. "Yes, indeed; I am sure no one was ever more regretted," said Lord Newmarch, spreading before him a sheet of note-paper with a huge official stamp. For Love and Life. /. 9 130 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "I don't think Arden half fills your place. All his interest goes to the other side. You hear I sup- pose sometimes from your sis — I mean from Mrs. Arden? What kind of post shall I say you wish to haver' "Say out the word you were going to say," said Edgar, "my sister! I have not seen anyone who knew her for ages. No, I thought it best not to keep up any correspondence. It might have grown a burden to her; but it does me good to hear you say my sister. How is she looking*? Is she happy? It is so long since I have heard even the name of Clare." "Mrs. Arden is quite well, 1 believe," said Lord Newmarch doubtfully, not knowing whether "the family" might quite like inquiries to be made for her by her quondam brother. He felt almost as a man does who is caught interfering in domestic strife, and felt that Clare's husband might possibly take it badly. "She has a couple of babies of course you know. She looked very well when I saw her last. Happy! yes, I suppose so — as every- body is happy. In the meantime, please, what must I say to Lord Millboard? Shall I recall to him your — former position? And what shall I say you would like to have? He has really a great deal of patronage; and can do much more for you if he likes than I." "Tell him I have seen better days," said Edgar with forlorn gaiety, "I have met him, but I never ventured to approach so great a potentate. Tell him I am not very particular what kind of work I A NOBLE PATRON. I3I do, SO long as it is something to live by. Tell him • — but to be sure, if you introduce me to him I can do all that myself." "That is true," said Lord Newmarch with a little sigh of relief, and he began to write his note. When, however, he had got two or three lines writ- ten in his large hand, he resumed talking, though his pen still ran over the paper. "You have been abroad I heard. Perhaps you can tell me what is the feeling in Germany about the proposed unifica- tion? I am rather new to my post, and to tell the truth it is not the post I should have chosen; but in the service of the country one cannot always follow one's favourite path. 'A gentleman of high breeding and unblemished character, whose judg- ment could be relied upon,' that will do, I think. Millboard should find something to suit you if any one can. But to return to what we were talking about. I should very much like to have your opinion as an impartial observer, of the attitude of Bavaria and the rest, and how they take Bismarck's scheme?" "Does not the principle of competitive exami- nation exist in Lord Millboard's department? " said Edgar. "Not to the same extent," said Newmarch. "He has always a great deal in his power. A word from Millboard goes a long way; he has a hand officially or non-officially in a great many things. For in- stance, I like to consult him myself before making an important appointment; he knows everything. He might get you some commissionership or other. 9* 132 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Some of them are very good things; a literary man got one just the other day, by Millboard's influence. Did you read for the bar? Nol Ah, that's a pity. But you might, perhaps, be made an inspector of schools; very high qualifications are not required for such an appointment. By-the-by, now that I think of it," he continued, pausing after he had folded his letter, and looking up, "you were brought up abroad? You can speak all the modern lan- guages; you don't object to travel. I believe, after all, you are the very man I want." Here he paused, and Edgar waited too, attentive and trying to be amused. As what did the great man want him"? As courier for a travelling party? While Lord Newmarch pondered, Edgar, puzzled and not very much delighted with his position, had hard ado to keep just as quiet and respectful as became a man seeking his living. At last the Minister spoke. "What I was thinking of," he said, "was the post of Queen's Messenger. You know what that is] It is not badly paid, and the life is amusing. I cannot tell you how important it would be to me to have a man I could thoroughly trust in such a position. You would be simply invaluable to me; I could rely upon you for telling me how people were really thinking in foreign capitals. I cannot, of course, in my position, travel about as a private person can, and there are a great many things I am most anxious to get up." Here he paused for some reply; but what could Edgar reply? Lord Newmarch was not thinking of A NOBLE PATRON. I 33 him, but of his own need of information. Should the apphcant distract the Minister's thoughts back from this greater channel to that of his own private case? or should he throw his own case, as it were, overboard, and give all his sympathy to the Under- Secretary's elevated needs'? The position was comical, but perhaps Edgar was not sufficiently at ease in his mind to see its comic side. "You see how important it is," Lord Newmarch said, very gravely, looking at Edgar for sympathy; "everything depends upon genuine information — what the people are thinking, not the on dits that fly about in diplomatic circles. My dear — ehl — Earnshaw," he cried, with enthusiasm, and a glance at Edgar's card, "I can't tell you how much use you might be to me." Edgar could not restrain a hasty laugh, which, however, had not much enjoyment in it. "I am delighted to hear it," he said. "Your name shall be put upon the list directly," said Lord Newmarch. "One of our men, I know, talks of resigning; and the very first vacancy, I think I may almost say, without further reflection, shall be yours. What are you going to do with yourself for the autumn? I leave town next week, I hope, but I shall be back before Christmas; and if you don't hear from me by that time " "Before Christmas!" cried Edgar; he could not prevent his voice from expressing a little dismay. What was he to do till Christmas? Live upon his two ten-pound notes? or break into his precious little capital? or The situation appalled him. 134 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. I suppose he thought, having once found something which he could be so veiy useful in, that it was in Newmarch's power to give him an appointment at once. "Of course," said Newmarch, benignantly, "if you are in the country, don't come to town on pur- pose. Any time in spring would probably do; but if you don't hear from me in a few months, come and see me. When so much important business is passing through one's hands, a little thing — and especially a personal matter — is apt to slip out of one's head." "To be sure," said Edgar, rising hastily, "and I am taking up, about a mere personal matter, your valuable time, which belongs to the nation." "Oh, don't apologise. I am delighted to see you. And you can't think of how much use you might be to me," said the great man, earnestly, shaking hands with the small one, impressing upon him, almost with tears in his eyes, the importance he might come to, "if this man will only be so good as to resign." Edgar went away with a singing in his ears, which he could scarcely understand at first. In all his kindly careless life there had been so little oc- casion for that thrilling of the blood to the brain, in defence of the Self assailed, which now at once stimulated, and made him dizzy. He scarcely knew Avhat it meant, neither could he realize the bitter- ness that came into his heart against his will, a most unusual guest. He went out from Lord New- march's office, and walked long and far before he A NOBLE PATRON. 1 35 quite came to himself. Walking has often a similar effect to that which the poet tells us rhyme has, "the sad mechanic exercise, like dull narcotics numbing pain." When he gradually emerged from the haze and heat of this first disagreeable encoun- ter, Edgar took characteristic refuge in the serio- comic transformation which the whole matter under- went in Lord Newmarch's hands. Instead of a simple question of employment for Edgar Earnshaw, it became the great man's own business, a way of informing him as to the points in which his educa- tion was defective. Finding employment for Edgar interested him moderately; but finding information for himself, fired his soul; — the comical part of the whole being that he expected the other, whose per- sonal interests were so closely concerned, to feel this superior view of the question as deeply as he himself did, and to put it quite above the vulgar jDreliminary of something to live by. To serve Lord Newmarch, and through him the Government, and through the Government the country, was not that, Edgar asked himself at last, feeling finally able to laugh again, a much more important matter than securing bread and butter for our thriftless man? As soon as he had laughed he was himself again, and the after processes of thought were more easy. By-and-by he persuaded himself that on the whole Newmarch had behaved quite naturally, and not unkindly. "As a matter of course," he said to himself, "every man's own affairs are more interest- ing to him than any other man's." It was quite natural that Newmarch should think of his own 136 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. business as most important. It ivas the most im- portant, Edgar continued, in his ingenious and pecuhar style of reasoning, since it was the business of the country — whereas Edgar's business was only his own, and of importance to nobody but himself. Equally, of course, it was more important to secure a good public servant, even in the humble capacity of a Queen's Messenger, than to secure bread and butter for Edgar Earnshaw; and, on the whole, there was a great deal to be said for Newmarch, Avho was a good fellow, and had been generally friendly, and not too patronizing. The only worm- wood that remained in his thoughts by the time evening approached, and he turned his steps to- wards his club in search of dinner, concerned the long delay which apparently must occur before this promised advancement could reach him. Before Christmas; Edgar had very little idea how much a man could live upon in London; but he did not think it very likely that he could get through two months upon twenty pounds. And even if that should be possible, with his little knowledge and careless habits, what should he do in the mean- time? Should he linger about town, doing nothing, waiting for this possible appointment, which might, perhaps, never come to anything? This was a course of procedure which prudence and inclination, and so much experience as he possessed, alike con- demned. Hanging on, waiting till something should turn up! Was this all he was good for? he asked himself, with a flush on his face. If only the other man would be so obliging as to resign, or to be A NOBLE PATRON. I 37 killed in a railway accident, or swamped in a steam- boat, or to take some foreign fever or other, of the well-known kinds, which haunt those places to which Queen's Messengers are habitually sent! This was a lugubrious prayer, and I don't think the actual Queen's Messenger against whom the anathema was addressed would have been much the worse for Edgar's ill-wishes. These virulent and malignant sentiments helped him to another laugh, and this was one of the cases in which for a man of his temperament to laugh was salvation. What a good thing it is in all cir- cumstances! and from how many troubles, angers and ridiculousnesses this blessed power of laughter saves us! Man, I suppose, among the fast narrow- ing list of his specialities, still preserves that of being the only animal who laughs. Dogs some- times sneer; but the genial power of this humorous expression of one's sense of all life's oddities and puzzles belongs only to man. There were few people about at the club where he dined alone, and the few acquaintances who re- cognised him were very shy about ^is name, not knowing how to address him, and asking each other in corners, as he divined, what the deuce was his real name, now it had been found out that he was not Arden? for it must be remembered that he had gone abroad immediately after his downfall, and had never been known in society under his new name, which by this time had become sufficiently familiar to himself. His dinner, poor fellow, was rather a doleful one, and accompanied by many 130 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. thoughts. He went to one of the theatres after- wards, where the interregnum between one season and another still lasted, and foolishness more foolish even than that which is permitted at other periods, reigned riotous. Edgar came away wearied and disgusted before the performance was over, and had walked about aimlessly for some time before he recollected that he had travelled all night, and had a right to be tired — upon which recollection his aimless steps changed their character, and he went off briskly and thankfully through the bustling streets under the stars, which were sharp with night frost as they had been at Loch Arroch. Looking up at them as they glowed and sparkled over the dark house-tops in London, it was natural to think what was going on at Loch Arroch now. The kye would be "suppered," and Bell would have fastened the ever open door, and little Jeanie upstairs would be reading her "chapter" to her grandmother be- fore the old lady went to bed. He had seen that little, tender, pious scene more than once, when Granny was feeble, and he had gone to her room to say good-night. How sweet the low Scotch voice, with its soft broad vowels, had sounded, reading reverently those sacred verses, better than invocation of angels to keep the house from harm! What a peaceful, homely little house! all in it rest- ing tranquil and untroubled beneath the twinkling stars. He went home to his rooms, through streets where very different scenes were going on, hushed by the thought of the rural calm and stillness, and half thinking the dark shadows he felt around him A NOBLE PATRON. 139 must be the dew-breathing shadows of the hills. And when Edgar got up to his bachelor refuge in Piccadilly, which he called home for the nonce for lack of a better, he did the very wisest thing a tired man could do, he went to bed; where he slept the moment his head touched the pillow, that sleep which does not always attend the innocent. The morn, as says our homely proverb in Scotland, would bring a new day. 140 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XI. Waiting for a Situation. Edgar's calculations, which he began next morning, and carried on for a great many days after, were of a kind which many men have made before him, that it would be foolish to call them original. He made elaborate calculations upon various pieces of paper, by which he made out that with economy, he could perfectly well live upon his twenty pounds for two months. To be sure his rent in these rooms in Piccadilly was preposterously high, and could not by any means be brought within that calculation. But then he reflected to himself that moving is always expensive — (he pos- sessed two portmanteaus, a box of books, and a dressing-case, all of which could have gone in a cab) — and that very probably he might fall among thieves, and get into the hands of one of those proverbial landladies who steal the tea, and drink the brandy, in which case it would be no economy at all to save a few shillings on rent. In short, Edgar said to himself, loftily, these petty little savings never tell. You are much less comfortable, and it is just as expensive. For the same reason, he felt it was much the best way to continue dining at the club. "It may be sixpence dearer, but it is WAITING FOR A SITUATION. I4I SO infinitely more comfortable," he said to himself; and, after all, comfort was worth an additional six- pence. By striking off the rent of his rooms alto- gether from the calculation, it seemed to him that he could afford his dinners at the club; and if he got his appointment by Christmas, as he certainly must, it would be so easy to pay the lodgings in a lump. He jotted down these calculations so often, and upon so many bits of paper, that he grew to believe in them as if they had been a revelation. By this it will appear that his doubts about hanging on, and waiting for the possible Queen's Mes- sengership which he had at first set down as out of the question, did not continue to appear so im- practicable as time went on. He said to himself every morning that it was absurd, but still he did nothing else, and gradually the Queen's Messengei*- ship grew to be a certain thing to him, upon which he was to enter at Christmas, or a little later. After all, what did it matter how he spent a week or two of his time? At eight-and-twenty, life does not ap- pear so short as some people have found it. A week or two, a month or two, were neither here nor there. I can scarcely tell how Edgar occupied himself during these wintry days. For one thing, he had not been accustomed to regular occupation, and the desultory life was familiar to him. The days glided past he scarcely knew how. He did a great m.any perfectly virtuous and laudable actions. He went to the British Museum, and to all the collec- tions of pictures; he even, in sheer absence of any- 142 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. thing else to do, went to the Charity House, which was a little way out of London, and was taken over it by Sister Susan, his travelling companion, and for an hour or so was seized upon by the charity fever, which is very contagious, and for some days kept thinking, as he went about the streets, of all the miserable souls — not to say bodies — consuming there, in dirt, and disease, and ignorance. I do not mean to give any account of the Charity-House — at least, not here and at this moment. But Sister Susan undeniably exercised a powerful attraction over the young man, as she dis- coursed in her cheery voice of her orphans, and her patients, and her penitents, all of which classes Avere collected round and in "the House." She was not "the Mother," who was rather a great per- sonage, but she was one of the elders in the Sister- hood, and her conventual talk was very amusing to Edgar, who was not used to it. He did all he could to make her talk of the journey in which they had been fellow-travellers, and of her young companion; and Sister Susan was cunningly open in certain particulars: Yes, she had been in Scotland, in the North, where it was thought things were ripening for a great work, and where it had been suggested a Sisterhood might be of use in helping to restore a benighted people to Christian unity in the bosom of the afflicted Church of Scotland, the only real representative of Apostolic Christianity among the Presbyterians, who usurp even that faithful remnant's name. But it did not carry out their expectations, WAITING FOR A SITUATION. 1 43 Sister Susan allowed. The Presbyterians were very obstinate and bigoted. Poor creatures, they pre- ferred their own way, though it could lead to no- thing but darkness; and the idea had to be re- signed. "Was your companion with you on your mis- sion? Miss- I forget what you said was her name," said deceitful Edgar. Sister Susan shook her head. "She has not sufficient experience for that," she said, decidedly. "No, no, no. We must not employ new beginners in such delicate work. She was on a visit, and was anxious to get home. I took charge of her at Lady — I mean at the request of a relation of hers; and I made her do a little bit of self-denial, as you saw," said Sister Susan, laughing, "which is an excellent thing always — not very com- fortable for the body, perhaps, but excellent for the soul." "Do you think so?" said Edgar, whose present experience was not much in that way, whose giv- ings up had hitherto cost him little, and who had begun to suspect that, notwithstanding all that had happened to him, and all that he had bestowed upon others, he had not even begun yet to find out what self-denial meant. "Not a doubt of it," said Sister Susan. She was so sure of everything that it was a pleasure to see her nod her confident little head, and cross her hands. "She laughs about it now, and makes a great joke; though, after all, she says it was a cheat, and the third class was quite as good as the first 144 ^OR LOVE AND LIFE. — no originals in it, nor genuine poor people — only you." "Did she know me?" The question burst from him in spite of him- self, and it had a somewhat uncomfortable effect on Sister Susan. "Know you?" she said. "What — what — a curious question, Mr. Earnshaw! Now, how could she know you? You never saw her before." "I suppose not," said Edgar, doubtfully. "Why, you know you never did," said Sister Susan, with her usual confident tone, and indeed Edgar felt that she must be right. "You took her for a Sister," she added, with a merry laugh. "How should I know the difference?" asked piteously the young man. "Why, she had not this, nor this, nor this," said the Sister, triumphantly touching one part of her dress after another. "She had on a simple black dress, and cloak, and veil — that was all. A good little girl," she continued, "our orphans are all fond of her, and she is very nice to those young sisters of hers, who are much more taken out now-a-days than she is, and carry everything before them — especially since she went off so much, poor dear." "Has she gone off?" Edgar asked, more and more interested, he could scarcely tell why. "Oh, dreadfully; lost her pretty colour, and her hair used to come out in handfuls; she has been obliged to have it cut off to save it. She is not like what she was, poor thing; but I hope," added Sister Susan devoutly, "that thinking so much more WAITING FOR A SITLIATION. 145 seriously than she used to do, the change will be of great benefit to her soul." "Poor Miss — ! You have not told me her name," said Edgar. "Haven't 11" said Sister Susan. "Dear, dear, there is the bell for chapel, and I can't stay with you any longer. There are a few benches near the door where strangers are allowed to go, if you wish to stay for evensong." Edgar stayed, chiefly, I fear, out of mere list- lessness, and took his place in the corner by the door allotted to Philistines of the male gender, with much submission and docility. The little chapel was very richly decorated, the light intercepted by small painted windows, the walls one mass of mural ornament. He compared it in his imagination, with a smile, to the bare little convent chapels he had seen and heard of in countries where the in- stitution appeared more natural. Here there was a profusion of ecclesiastical luxury, an absolute parade of decoration. It struck him with a double sense of incongruity, but there was no one to whom he could express this evil sentiment: Sister Susan did not appear again as he had hoped, and he wended his way back to town with some additional informa- tion, which he had not possessed when he left. AVhy should he be so curious about Miss , the nameless onel He had thought her another Sister, and entertained no profuse curiosity in respect to her at first; but now it seemed to him that only a little more light might make her visible to him. There was no reason why he should find her out. For Love and Life. I. lO 146 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. or why he should wish to do so; but great is the perversity of human nature — perhaps this was the special reason why the thought occupied him so much. It was very strange to so friendly a soul to have no friends whom he could go to, whom he could talk to, no friendly house where the door would open to him, and faces smile at his sight. It is true that for three years he had been severed, to a great degree, from domestic pleasures, which do not thrive at foreign centres of cosmopolitan resort — but yet he had never been without a large circle of acquaintances, and had occasionally seen the old friends of his boyhood here and there; but in Lon- don, in October and November, whom could he expect to see? The stray man who dropped in now and then at the club, was on the wing between two country houses, or was going to join a party somewhere, or home to his people. Some men, of course, must live in London, but these men, I pre- sume, did not go much to their club, or else they were so little among tlie number of l^dgar's friends that they did not count. Now and then one would join him at dinner, or in one of the long walks he took, and he made a friend or two at the Museum, among the books and prints. But he was like an Australian emigrant, or other exile in savage places. These were all men, and he never saw the face of a woman except in the streets or shops, unless it was his landlady, who did not interest him. How strangely different from the old days, in which so many fair women would smile and listen WAITING FOR A SITUATION. I47 to the young man who was at once so rich and so original, a great landed proprietor, with the opinions of a revolutionary. It was not his downfall, how- ever, which had made all the difference, which was a comfort to him; for, indeed, the families whom he had once visited were out of London. Sometimes it occurred to him that if the Thornleighs had been in town, he would have gone to them and asked leave to be admitted just once or twice, for pure charity, and he had walked several times past their house in Berkeley Square, and gazed at its closed shutters with half a notion of calling on the house- keeper, at least, and asking to see the place in which he had spent so many pleasant hours. He used to live all over again his first visit to London, with an amused pleasure in recalling all his own puzzles and difficulties. He seemed to himself to have been a boy then, almost a child, playing with fate and his life, and understanding nothing of all that was around him. To have ten thousand a year one time, and no income at all the next, but only a hundred pounds iu the bank "to fall back upon," and the vague promise of a post as Queen's Messenger at Christmas — what a change it was! Though to be sure, even now, Edgar said to him- self, there were more people in London worse off than he, than there were people who were better off. A hundred pounds in the bank is, in reality, a fortune — as long as you can keep it there; and a man who has the post of Queen's Messenger is independent, which is as much as any prince can be. 148 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. All these philosophisings were wonderfully true, but they did not take away the uncomfortable, de- solate, profitless sensation of living alone in Lon- don without friends, doing nothing except live, which, when you live for the mere sake of living, and because you can't help it, is, perhaps, the dreariest occupation on earth. And in November — when London is at its worst, and the year at its worst, when the gloomy daylight is short, and the weary nights are long, and when everything that bears the guise of amusement palls upon the man who has nothing to do but amuse himself Sometimes Edgar, in momentary desperation, thought of rushing off to his former haunts abroad, sometimes of turning back to Loch Arroch, helping in whatever might be doing, getting some share in human life, and some place among his fellows; but then the remembrance would strike him that, now- a-days, he could not do what he pleased, that he had no money but that hundred pounds in the bank, and no way of getting any now till the ap- pointment came. By-and-by, however, his opinion began to change about the hundred pounds in the bank. It changed by slow degrees after he had changed his second ten-pound note, and saw those last precious sove- reigns slipping out of his grasp, which they did with a strange noiseless celerity inconceivable to him. How did they go"? When he counted up all he had si)cnt, every sixpence seemed so modest, so natural! and yet they were gone, he knew not how; vanished even, he thought, while he was looking at WAITING FOR A SITUATION. 149 them. Then the thought arose in his mind, why keep a hundred jDOunds in the bank"? It was a waste of capital, money which brought in no re- turn; and for that matter, if it was merely to se- cure something to "fall back upon," fifty pounds were just as good as a hundred. The income of a Queen's Messenger was good, he said to himself (he had not, in reality, the least idea what it was!), and when he got his appointment it would be very easy to put back the other fifty pounds if he found it expedient. But the more he thought of it the less he saw any need for keeping so much money lying useless. He never could get any income from so small a sum, and the fifty pounds was quite enough for any sudden emergency. Or supposing, he said, seventy-five 1 Seventy-five pounds was magnificent as a fund to fall back upon; and it was with a feeling that twenty-five pounds had been somehow added, not taken from his capital, that he went to the bank one day in December and drew out the quarter, not the half, of his little stock of money. With twenty-five pounds in his pocket and seventy-five in the bank, he felt much richer than with the poor little undivided hundred. And some- how every day as he grew poorer, he became more convinced that it would be the most shortsighted economy to remove from his Piccadilly lodgings, or to relinquish his dinners at the club. Why, they were cheap, absolutely -cheap, both the one and the other, in comparison with the nasty meals and wretched lodgings for which, no doubt, he might pay a little less money. He even became slightly 150 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. extravagant and disposed to buy little knick-knacks, and to consume little delicacies as his means grew smaller and smaller. I cannot tell what produced this curious state of feeling in Edgar's mind. There is a kind of giddiness and desperation of poverty which seizes a man when he is in the act of spending his last parcel of coin. It must all go so soon that it seems worse than useless to menagcr the little remnant, and a kind of vertige, a rage to get it all over, comes upon the mind. Perhaps it is the same feel- ing which makes men in a sinking ship leap wildly into the water to meet their fate instead of waiting for it; and as time went on the impulse grew stronger and stronger. The seventy-five pounds of capital seemed magnificent in December; but after Christmas it seemed to Edgar that even his fifty pounds was too much to be lying useless; and he had a little bottle of champagne with his dinner, and resolved that, as soon as the bank was open, he would draw, say ten pounds. After all, what was the use of being so particular about "some- thing to fall back upon?" Probably he would never want it. If he fell ill, being a Queen's Messenger, it was much more likely that he should fall ill in Berlin or Vienna, or Rome or Naples, than at home — and then it would be some one's duty to mind him and take care of him. And if it should be his fate to die, there would be an end of the matter. Why should he save even forty pounds? — he had no heir. Poor Edgar! it was a kipd of intoxication that vVAITING FOR A SITUATION. I5I had seized him, an intoxication caused by idleness, loneliness, and the separation of his life from that of every one else around him. Somehow, though Christmas came and passed and he heard nothing, he could not pluck up courage to go to Downing Street again. Of course the appointment would come some day, most likely to-morrow. He was not going to worry Newmarch to death by going to him every day. He could wait till to-morrow. And so things went on till it ran very hard with the solitary young man. It occurred to him one day that his clothes were getting shabby. To be sure he had unlimited credit with his tailor, having just paid a large bill without inquiry or question; but the fact of feeling yourself shabby when you have very little money is painful and startling, and gives the imagination a shock. After this his mind lost the strange ease which it had possessed up to this moment, and he grew troubled and restless. "I must go to Newmajch again," he acknowledged at last to himself, and all at once wondered with a sudden pang whether his Messengership was as cer- tain as he had hoped. "I must go to Newmarch to-morrow," he said over and over again as, some- what dazed and giddy with this sudden thought, he went along the pavement thoughtfully towards the club, which had become a second home to him. It was the end of January by this time, and a few more people were beginning to appear again in these regions. He went in to his dinner, saying the words to himself mechanically and half aloud. 152 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XII. Disappointment. It is very curious how often the unintentional movements of other men concur in making a crisis in an individual life. When Edgar went to his club that evening he knew no reason why anything unusual should happen to him. His mind had been roused by sudden anxiety, that anxiety which, seiz- ing a man all at once upon one particular point, throws a veil over everything by so doing, and showed yellowness or blackness into the common light; but he had no reason to suspect that any new light would come to him, or any new interest into his life, when he went dully and with a headache to his habitual seat at his habitual table and ate his dinner, which was not of a very elaborate character. There were more men than usual in the club that evening, and when Edgar had finished his dinner he went into the library, not feeling disposed for the long walk through the lighted streets with which he so often ended his evening. He took a book, but he was not in the mood to read. Several men nodded to him as they came and went; one, newly arrived, who had not seen him since his downfall, came up eagerly and talked for ten min- utes before he went out. The man was nobody in DJSAPPOlNTiUENT. 1 53 particular, yet his friendliness was consolatory, and restored to Edgar some confidence in his own identity, which had seemed to be dropping from him. He put up his book before him when he was left again alone, and behind this shield looked at his companions, of whom he knew nothing or next to nothing. One of the people whom he thus unconsciously watched was a man whom he had already noted on several evenings lately, and as to whose con- dition he was in some perplexity. The first evening Edgar had half stumbled over him with the idea that he was one of the servants, and in the glance of identification with which he begged pardon, decided that, though not one of the servants, he must be a shopkeeper, perhaps well off and retired, whom somebody had introduced, or who had been admitted by one of those chances which permit the rich to enter everywhere. Next evening when he saw the same man again, he rubbed out as it were with his finger the word shopkeeper, which he had, so to speak, written across him, and wrote "city- man" instead. A city-man may be anything; he may be what penny-a-liners call a merchant prince, without losing the characteristic features of his class. This man was about forty-five, he had a long face, with good but commonplace features, hair getting scanty on the top, and brown whiskers growing long into two points, after the fashion of the day. The first time he was in evening dress, having come in after dinner, which was the reason why Edgar took him for one of the attendants. The next time 154 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. he was in less elaborate costume, and looked better; for evening dress is trying to a man who has not the aii- noble which christianizes those hideous garments. The third night again, Edgar, in imagination, drew a pen through the word "city- man," and wondered whether the stranger could be a successful artist, a great portrait-painter, some- thing of that description, a prosperous man to whom art had become the most facile and most lucrative of trades. On this particular night he again changed his opinion, crossed the word artist and put man about town, indefinitest of designations, yet infinitely separated from all the others. Thus blurred and overwritten by so many attempts at definition, the new-comer attracted his attention, he could scarcely tell why. There was nothing remarkable about the man; he had grey eyes, a nose without much cha- racter, loose lips disposed to talk, an amiable sort of commonness, eagerness, universal curiosity in his aspect. He knew most people in the room, and went and talked to them, to each a little; he looked at all the papers without choice of politics; he took down a great many books, looked at them and put them back again. Edgar grew a little interested in him on this special evening. He had a long con- versation with one of the servants, and talked to him sympathetically, almost anxiously, ending by giving him an address, which the man received with great appearance of gratitude. Might he be a physician perhaps? But his bearing and his looks were alike against this hypothesis. "Benevolent," Edgar said to himself. DISAPPOINTMENT. 155 His attention, however, was quite drawn away from this stranger by the sudden entrance of Lord Newmarch, who Hke himself was a member of the club, and who came in hurriedly, accompanied by some one less dignified but more eager than him- self, with whom he was discussing some subject which required frequent reference to books. Edgar felt his heart stir as he perceived the great man enter. Was it possible that his fate depended, ab- solutely depended, upon the pleasure of this man — that two words from him might make his fortune secure, or plunge him into a deeper and sickening uncertainty which could mean only ruin? Good heaven, was it possible? A kind of inertness, moral cowardice, he did not know what to call it — perhaps the shrinking a doomed man feels from actual hear- ing of his fate — had kept him from going to the office to put the arbiter of his destinies in mind of his promise. Now he could not let this opportunity slip; he must go to him, he must ask him^ what was to be the result. Up to this morning he had felt himself sure of his post, now he felt just as sure of rejection. Both impressions no doubt were equally unreasonable; but who can defend himself against such impressions'? Gradually Edgar grew breathless as he watched that discussion which looked as if it would never end. What could it be about? Some vague philanthropico-political question, some bit of doctrinarianism of importance to nobody — while his was a matter of death and life. To be sure this was his own fault, for he might, as you will per- ceive, dear reader, have gone to Lord Newmarch 156 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. any day, and found him at his office, where pro- bably, amid all the sublime business there, Edgar's affairs had gone entirely out of his head. But if you think the suggestion that it was his own fault made the suspense now a straw-weight more easy to him, this is a point on which I do not agree with you. The consequences of our own faults are in all circumstances the most difficult to bear. Oddly enough, the stranger whom Edgar had been watching, seemed anxious to speak to Lord Newmarch too. Edgar's eyes met his in their mutual watch upon the Minister, who went on dis- puting with his companion, referring to book after book. It was some military question of which 1 suppose Lord Newmarch knew as much as his grandmother did, and the other was a hapless soldier endeavouring in vain to convey a lucid de- scription and understanding of some important tech- nical matter to the head of the Secretary of State. In vain; Lord Newmarch did not try to understand — he explained; to many people this method of treating information is so much the most natural. And the stranger watched him on one side, and Edgar on the other. Their eyes met more than once, and after a while the humour of the situation struck Edgar, even in his trouble, and he smiled; upon which a great revolution made itself apparent in the other's countenance. He smiled too; not with the sense of humour which moved Edgar, but with a gleam of kindness in his face, which threw a certain beauty over it. Edgar was struck with a strange surprise: he was taken aback at the same DISAPPOINTMENT. 157 time, he felt as if somehow he must have appealed to the kindness, the almost pity in the other's face. What had he done to call forth such an expression 1 His newborn pride jumped up in arms; and yet there was no possibility of offence meant, and no- thing to warrant offence being taken. Edgar, how- ever, averted his eyes hastily, and watched Lord Newmarch no more. And then he took himself to task, :and asked himself Was it an offence to look at him kindly? Was he offended by a friendly glance? Good heavens! what was he coming to, if it was so. Presently Edgar's heart beat still higher, for Lord Newmarch's companion rose to go, and he, having caught sight of the stranger, remained, and went up to him holding out his hand. Edgar could but wait on, and bide his time; his book was still before him, at which he had never looked. A sickening sense of humiliation crept over him. He felt all the misery of dependence; here was he, so lately this man's equal, waiting, sickening for a word from him, for a look, wondering what he would say, questioning with himself, while his heart beat higher and higher, and the breath came quickly on his lips. Good heavens, wondering what New- march would say! a man whom he had so laughed at, made fun of, but who was now to be the very arbiter of his fate, whose word would make all the difference between a secure and useful and worthy future, and that impoverishment of hope, and means, and capability altogether, which some call ruin— and justly call. 158 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. While Edgar sat thus waiting, excitement gradu- ally gaining upon him, he saw with some surprise that the man to whom he had given so ' many different descriptions, was drawing back and push- ing Lord Newmarch towards him; and seeing this, he got up, with a half-shrinking from his fate, half- eagerness to hear it. "All right," said the unknown, "your turn first. The great man must give us all audience in turn;" and with a little nod he went to the other end of the room and took up a newspaper, of which he probably made as little use as Edgar had been do- ing of his book. "Droll fellow!" said Newmarch, "how d'ye do, eh, Earnshaw? I have been in town this month past, but you have never looked me up." "I feared to bore you," said Edgar, hastily. "It is my business never to be bored," said Lord Newmarch, with a certain solemnity, which was natural to him. "Where have you been — in the country? what here all this time! I wish I had known; 1 seldom come here, except for the library, which is wonderfully good, as perhaps you know. That was Cheeseman that was arguing with me — Cheeseman, you know, one of those practical people — and insists upon his own way." "I wonder," said Edgar, uneasily, "whether you have ever thought again of a small matter I went to you aboutl" "What, the messengcrshipl" said Lord New- march, "what do you take me for — eh, Earnshaw? Of course I have thought of it; there is never a DISAPPOINTMENT. 159 week that I do not hope something may happen to old Runtherout; I don't mean anything fatal of course; but there he sticks from month to month, and probably so he will from year to year." Edgar felt his countenance falling, falling. He felt, or thought he felt, his jaw drop. He felt his heart go down, down, like a stone. He put a miserable smile upon his miserable face. "Then I suppose there is no chance for me," he said. "Oh yes, my dear fellow, certainly there is a chance — as much chance as there ever was," said Lord Newmarch, cheerfully, "these things, of course, cannot be altered all at once, but as soon as old Runtherout gives up, which cannot be long — I do not mind for my part what anyone says, I shall put you in. If you only knew what it would have been to me to have you in Berlin now! You speak German quite fluently, don't you? Good heavens, what a loss to me!" And, good heavens what a loss to me! Edgar felt disposed to say. As much chance as there ever was! then what had the chance been at first, for which he had wasted so much time and all his little stock of money. God help him! he had to receive the news with a smile, the best he could muster, and to listen to Lord Newmarch's assurance that a few months could make very little difference. "Oh, very little difference!" echoed poor Edgar, with that curious fictitious brassy (why he thought it was brassy I cannot tell, but that was the adjec- tive he used to himself) brassy imitation of a smile; and Lord Newmarch went on talking somehow up l6o FOR LOVE AND LIFE. in the air beside him, about a number of things, to which he said yes and no mechanically with some certain kind of appropriateness, I suppose, for no- body seemed to find out tlie semi-consciousness in which he was — until the great man suddenly re- collected that he must speak a few words to Totten- ham, and fell back upon the man with worn grey eyes and loose lips, who sprang up from behind his newspaper like a jack in a box. Edgar, for his part, dropped down in his chair something like the same toy when shut up in its hiding-place. There was a buzzing in his ears again as there had been when he had his first interview with the Minister — but this time the giddiness was more overpowering; a hundred thoughts passed through his mind in a moment, each crowding upon each, a noiseless, breathless crowd. What was he to do? Everything seemed to be shown to him in the space of a mo- ment, as fable says, a whole lifetime is shown in a moment to those who die suddenly. Good God! a few months! what was he to do? Some people can face the prospect of living for a few months on nothing quite i)leasantly, and some people do it habitually (without being at all bad people), and get through somehow, and come to no tragical end. But Edgar was young and unaccustomed to poverty. He was even unaccustomed to live from hand to mouth, as so many of us do, light- hearted wretches, without taking thought for the morrow. It was some time, it was true, before he was roused to think of the morrow at all, but, when he did, it seized upon him like a vulture. He DISAPPOINTMENT. 1 6 I sank back into his chair, and sat there Hke a log, with vacant eyes, but mind preternaturally busy and occupied. What was he to do? He was roused from this outward stupor, but inner ferment, by seeing Newmarch again come up accompanied by the stranger, whose very existence he had forgotten. "Mr. Tottenham, Mr. Edgar Earnshaw," said the Under-Secretary, "one of my best friends. Come and see me, won't you, in Eaton Place, I must go now; and come to the office soon, and let us talk your affair over. The mo- ment old Runtherout will consent to take himself out of the way — As for you, Tottenham, I envy you. All your schemes in your own hands, no chief to thwart you, no office to keep on recom- mending this man and that, when they know you have a man of your own. You may thank heaven that you have only your own theories to serve, and not Her Majesty. Good night, good night." "Good night," said Edgar, absently. Mr. Tottenham said nothing, but he gave Lord Newmarch a finger to shake, and turned to his new companion, who sat with his head down, and paid little attention to his presence. He fixed his eyes very closely on Edgar, which is a thing that can scarcely be done without attracting finally the notice of the person looked at. When he had caught Edgar's wondering but dazed and dreamy look, he smiled — the same smile by which Edgar had al- ready been half pleased, half angered. "Mr. Earnshaw," he said, "you have a story, and I know it. I hope I should have tried to be- For Love and Life. J. I • 1 62 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. have as well myself; but I don't know. And I have a story too. Will you come into the smoking-room if you have nothing better to do, and I'll tell it youl I call it the history of a very hard case. Newmarch left you to me as his substitute, for he knew I wanted to talk. I like the exchange. He's a profound blockhead, though he's Secretary of State. Come and smoke a cigar." Edgar rose mechanically, he scarcely knew why; he was pale; he felt his legs almost give way under him as he moved across the passage to the smoking- room. He did not want to smoke, nor to know Mr. Tottenham's story; but he had not strength of mind to resist what was asked of him. "A few months," he kept saying to himself. It seemed to him that a sudden indifference to every- thing else, to all things greater and more distant, had come into his mind. For the first time in his life he was self-engrossed, self-absorbed, able to think of nothing but his own necessities, and what he was to do. So strange was this to Edgar, so miserable did he feel it, that even on the short journey from one room to another he made an effort to shake off the sudden chains with which this sudden necessity had bound him, and was appalled by his own weakness, almost by a sense of guilt, when he found that he could take no interest whatever in Mr. Tottenham, that he could think of nothing but himself. For the first time, there was nobody but himself involved; no justice to be done, no kindness to be shown to others. Wherever other people arc concerned, a certain DISAPPOINTMENT. 1 63 breadth, a certain freedom and largeness, come into the question, even though the other people may be poor and small enough; but how mean the generous man feels, how petty and miserable, when he, and he only, becomes by any twist of fortune the centre of all his thoughts! 164 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XIII. A new Friend. "I HOPE I should have done exactly as you did in that Arden business," said Mr. Tottenham; "but I can't tell. The amount of meanness and falseness to all one's own rules which one feels in one's self in a great emergency is wonderful. I never put any dependence on myself. Now I will tell who, or rather what I am. The pronoun Who is inap- propriate in my case. I am nobody; but when you know what I am — if, indeed, my name does not tell you — " "No," said Edgar, forcing himself into attention. "It is not a bad name; there are fine people, I believe, who bear it, and who hold up their heads with the best. But if you belonged to a middle- class London family, and had a mother and sisters, you would have no difficulty in identifying me. I am not a Tottenham with a Christian name like other people. I am Tottenham's, in the possessive case." "I begin to understand," said Edgar. What an effort it was to him! But he grew more capable of making the effort as he tried to make it, and actually looked up now with a gleam of intelligence in his eye. A NEW FRIEND. 165 "You begin to realize me," said his companion. "I am Tottenham's. I have been Tottenham's all my hfe. My father died when I was only a small boy. I hope, though I don't know, that he might have had sense enough to habituate me to my fate from the beginning, which would have made it much easier. But my mother, unfortunately, was a lady, or thought herself so. She brought me up as if there was not such a thing as a shop in the world. She buys everything at Howell and James's of set purpose and malice prepense, when she could get all she wants at cost price in our own place; to be sure she can afford it, thanks to the shop. I never knew anything about this said shop till I was at Eton, when I denied the connection stoutly, and fought for it, and came off triumphant, though the other fellow was the biggest. When I went home for the holidays, I told the story. 'You were quite right not to give in to it, my dear,' said my mother. 'But is it truel' said I. Poor dear, how she prevaricated! She would not have told a lie for the world, but a tiny little bit of a fib did not seem so bad. Accordingly I found it out, and had to go back to Eton, and beg the fellow's pardon, and tell him it wasn't a lie he told, but the truth, only I had not known it. I don't think any of them thought the worse of me for that." "I should think not," cried Edgar, beginning to rouse up. "No, I don't suppose they did; but from that day I became thin-skinned, as people call it, and scented the shojD afar off in everything people said. 1 66 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. My mother's contempt for it, and. shame of it, got deep into my mind. I grew sensitive. I did not Hke to give my name when I went anywhere. I felt sure some one would say, 'Oh, Tottenham's!' when my card was taken in. I can't tell you the misery this gave me all through school and college. I hated the shop, and was afraid of it. I was morbidly ashamed of my name. I went and wandered about in vacation, wearing other men's names as I might have borrowed their coats. Not without their con- sent, mind you," he added, sharply. "I did nothing dishonourable; but I had a horror of being Totten- ham, a horror which I cannot describe." "That was strange!" "You think sol Well, so do I 7iow; and it was very unfortunate for me. It got me into many scrapes; it almost cost me my wife. You don't know my wifel I must take you out to see her. I was introduced to her under somebody else's name— not a very distinguished name, it is true. Smith, or Brown, or something, and under that name she accepted me; but when I told her how things really were, her countenance flamed like that of the angel, do you remember'? in Milton, when Adam says something caddish — 1 forget what ex- actly. How she did look at me! 'Ashamed of your name!' she said, 'and yet ask ?fic to share it!' There is pride and pride," said Mr. Tottenham to himself with musing admiration. "The poor dear mother thought she was proud; Mary is so; that makes all the difference. I got into such trouble as I never was in all mv life. She sent me right A NEW FRIEND. I 67 away; she would have nothing to say to me; she cast me off as you might cast away that cinder with that pair of tongs. For a time I was the most miserable fellow on the face of the earth. I wan- dered about the place where she lived night and day; but even then, if you will believe me, it cost me a very hard struggle indeed to get to the shop. When I was desperate, I did." "Why is he telling me all this, I wonder?" said Edgar to himself; but he was interested, he could not tell how, and had raised his head, and for the moment shaken off something of the burden from his own back. "I made up my mind to it, and went at last,'' said this odd man, puffing at his cigar with a vehemence that made it evident he felt it still. "1 found that nobody wanted me there; that every- body preferred not to be interfered with; that the managers had fallen each into his own way, and had no desire for me to meddle. But I am not the sort of man that can stand and look on with his hands in his pockets. You will wonder, and perhaps you will despise me, when I tell you that I found Tottenham's on the whole a very interesting place." "I neither wonder nor despise," said Edgar. "What did you do?" "What didn't I do?" said Mr. Tottenham, with rueful humour. "I did all the mischief possible. I turned the whole place upside down. 1 diminished the profits for that year by a third part. I changed the well-known good order of Tottenham's into 1 68 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. confusion worse confounded. The old managers resigned in a body. By-the-way, they stayed on all but one afterwards, when I asked them. As for the assistants, there was civil war in the place, and more than one free fight between the different sides; for some sided with me, perhaps because they ap- proved of me, perhaps because I was the master, and could do what I liked; but the end was that I stayed there three months, worked there, and then wrote to Mary; and she took me back." "I am very glad to hear it," said Edgar; and he smiled and sighed Avith natural sympathy. He had become quite interested in the story by this time, and totally forgotten all about his own miseries. He came out of his cloud finally just at this point, and took, at last, the cigar which his new friend had from time to time offered him. "Ah! come now, this is comfortable," said Tot- tenham. "Up to that moment mine had been a very hard case, don't you think so? I don't pre- tend to have anything more to grumble about. But, having had a hard case myself, I sympathize with other people. Yours was a horribly hard case. Tell me now, that other fellow, that Arden scamp! I know him — as proud as Lucifer, and as wicked as all the rest of the evil spirits put together — do you mean to say he allowed you to go away, and give him up all that fine property, and save him thou- sands of pounds in a lawsuit, without making some provision for youl Such a thing was never heard of." "No," said Edgar; "don't be unjust to him. It A NEW FRIEND. 1 69 was a bitter pill for me to take a penny from him; but I did, because they made me." "And you've spent it all!" Edgar laughed; he could not help it. His elastic nature had mounted up again; he began to feel sure that he could not be ruined so completely after all; he must be able to do something. He looked up at his questioner with eyes full of hu- mour. Mr. Tottenham, who was standing in front as grave as a judge, looked at him, and did not laugh. "I don't see the fun," he said. "You shouldn't have done it. You have let yourself drop half out of recollection before you asked for anything, whereas you should have got provided for at once. Hang it all! I suppose there are some places yet where a man in office may place a friend — and some opportunities left to put a good man in by means of a job, instead of putting in a bad man by competition, or seniority, or some other humbug. You should have done that at first." "Possibly," said Edgar, who had been amused, not by the idea of having spent all his money, but by that of making a clean breast to this man, whom he had never spoken to before, of the most private particulars of his life. Mr. Tottenham made a few turns about the room, where there was for the moment nobody but themselves. He said then suddenly, "I take an interest in you. I should like to help you if I could. Tottenham's is no end of a good property, and I can do what I like " I/O FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "I am sure I am very much obliged," said Edgar, laughing. "I should thank you still more warmly if it were not so" funny. Why should you take an interest in meV "It is odd, perhaps,-" said the other; but he did not laugh. A smile ran over his face, that was all, and passed again like a momentary light. Then he added, "It is not so odd as you think. If I could conceal from you who my wife was, I might be tempted to do so; but I can't, for though I'm only Tottenham's, she's in the peerage. My Mary is sister to Augusta Thornleigh, who- -well, who knew you, my dear fellow. Look here! She's fashion- able and all that; she would not let you see her daughters, at present, if she could help it; but she's a good woman, mind. I have heard her tell your story. If ever there was a hard case, that was one; and when I heard of it, 1 resolved, if I ever had the chance, to stand by you. You behaved like a gentleman. Since we have been made acquainted, Earnshaw, we have not shaken hands yet!" They did it now very heartily; and in those restless grey eyes, which were worn by sheer use and perpetual motion, there glimmered some mois- ture. Edgar's eyes were dry, but his whole heart was melted. There was a pause for a minute or more, and the ashes fell softly on tlie hearth, and the clock ticked on the mantel-piece. Then Edgar asked, "How are they all?" with that sound in his utterance which the French in their delicate discri- mination call tears in the voice. "Quite well, quite well!" said Tottenham hur- A NEW FRIEND. I71 riedly; and then he added, "We didn't come here to speak of them. Earnshaw, I want you to come to my house." "It is very kind of you," said Edgar. "I think I have seen Lady Mary. She is very sweet and hvely, like — some one else; with fair hair " "Isn't shel" cried Lady Mary's admiring hus- band; and his eyes glowed again. "I want you to come and stay with us while this business with Newmarch gets settled." "Why?" said Edgar, with genuine surprise; and then he added, "You are a great deal too good. 1 should like to go for a day or two. I haven't spoken to a lady for months." "Poor fellow!" said Mr. Tottenham, taking no notice of the "Whyl" "We live only a little way out of town, on account of the shop. I have never neglected the shop since the time 1 told you about. She would not let me for that matter. Nobody, you see, can snub her, in consequence of her rank; and partly for her sake, partly because I'm rich, I sup- pose, nobody tries to snub me. There are many of my plans in which you could help me very much — for a time, you know, till Newmarch comes .off." "You are very kind," said Edgar; but his atten- tion wandered after this, and other thoughts came into his mind, thoughts of liimself and his forlorn condition, and of the profound uncertainty into which he and all his ways had been plunged. He scarcely paid any attention to the arrangements Mr. Tottenham immediately made, though he remem- 172 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. bered that he promised to go out with him next day to Tottenham's, as his house was called. "The same as the shop," he said, with a twinkle in the corner of his grey eye. Edgar consented to these arrangements passively; but his patience was worn out, and he was very anxious to get away. And so this strange evening came to an end, and the morning after it. The new day arose, a smoky, foggy, wintry morning, through which so many people went to work; but not Edgar. He looked out upon the world from his window with a failing heart. Even from Kensington and Bromp- ton, though these are not mercantile suburbs, crowds of men were jolting along on all the omnibuses, crowds pouring down on either side of the street — to work. The shop people went along the road getting and delivering orders; the maid-servants bustled about the doors in the foggy, uncertain light; the omnibuses rushed on, on, in a continuous stream; and everybody was busy. Those who had no work to do, pretended at least to be busy too; the idlers had not come out yet, had not stirred, and the active portion of the world were having everything their own way. Edgar had revived from his depression, but he had not regained his insonci-- ance and trust in the future. On the contrary, he was full of the heaviest uncertainty and care. He could not wait longer for this appointment, which might keep him hanging on half his life, which was just as near now as when he began to calculate on having it "about Christmas;" probably the next Christmas would see it just as uncertain still. He A NEW FRIEND. I 73 must, he felt, attempt something else, and change his tactics altogether. He must leave his expensive lodgings at once; but alas! he had a big bill for them, which he had meant to pay off his first quar- ter's salary. He had meant to pay it the moment that blessed money for which he should have worked came; and now there was no appearance, no hope of it ever coming — at least, only as much hope as there had always been, no more. Poor Edgar! he might have rushed out of doors and taken to the first manual work he could find as his heart bade him; but to go and solicit some- body once more, and hang on and wait, dependent upon the recollection or the caprice of some one or other who could give employment, but might, out of mere wantonness, withhold it — this was harder than any kind of work. He could dig, he felt, and would dig willingly, or do any other thing that was hard and simple and straightforward; but to beg for means of working he was ashamed; and there seemed something so miserable, so full of the spirit of dependence in having to wait on day by day doing nothing, waiting till something might fall into his hands. How infinitely better off working men were, he said to himself; not thinking that even the blessed working man, who is free from the restraints and punctilios which bind gentlemen, has yet to stand and wait, and ask for work too, with the best. He went back to Mr. Parchemui that morning. "I have been waiting for Lord Newmarch," he said; "he promised me a post about Christmas, and 174 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. now he tells me there is just as much hope as ever, but no more. 1 must do something else. Could you not take me in as clerk in your own office 1 I should not mind a small salary to start with; any- thing would do." Mr. Parchemin laughed, a dry and echoing "Ha, ha!" which was as dusty and dry as his of- fice. "A strange clerk you would make," he said, looking over his shoulder to conceal his amuse- ment. "Can you engross 1" "Of course not. How should 11 But if a man were to try — " "Do you know anything about the law? Of what possible use could you be to us? No; you are a fancy article, entirely a fancy article. Govern- ment," said the old lawyer, "Government is the thing for you." "Government does not seem to see it in that light," said Edgar. "I have waited since October." "My dear Sir! October is but three months off. You can't expect, like a child, to have your wants supplied the moment you ask for anything. A slice of cake may be given in that way, but not an appoint- ment. You must have patience, Mr. Earnshaw, you must have patience," said the old man. "But I have spent the half of my hundred pounds," Edgar was about to say; but something withheld him; he could not do it. Should he not furnish the old lawyer by so doing with an unquestionable argument against himself? Should he not expose his own foolishness, the foolishness of the man who A NEW FRIEND. I 75 thought himself able to give up everything for others, and then could do nothing but run into debt and ruin on his own account? Edgar could not do it; he resolved rather to struggle on upon nothing, rather to starve, though that was a figure of speech, than to put himself so much in anyone's power; which was pride, no doubt, but a useful kind of pride, which sometimes keeps an erring man out of further trouble. He went back at once, and paid his landlord a portion of what he owed him, and removed his goods to a small upstairs room which he found he could have cheap, and might have had all the time had he been wise enough to ask. It Avas the room in which his own servant had slept when he travelled with such an appendage; but the new-born pride which had struggled into existence in Edgar's mind had no such ignoble part in it as to afflict him on this account. He was quite happy to go up to his man's room, where everything was clean and homely, and felt no derogation of his personal dignity. Thank Heaven, this was one thing done at least — a step taken, though nothing could be gained by it, only something spared. In the afternoon Mr. Tottenham met him at his club, driving a pair of handsome Ijorses in a smart phaeton, such a turnout as only a rich man's can be, everything about it perfect. Edgar had not in- dulged in any luxurious tastes during his own brief reign; it had been perhaps too short to develop them; but he recognised the perfect appointments of the vehicle with a half sigh of satisfaction and reminiscence. He did not say, why should this man 176 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. be lucky enough to have all this when I have no- thing'? as so many people do. He was not given to such comparisons, to that ceaseless contrast of self with the rest of the world, which is so common. He half smiled at himself for half sighing over the day when he too might have had everything that heart could desire, and smiled more than half at the whimsical thought that he had not taken the good of his wealth half so much then as he would have done now, had he the chance. He seemed to himself —knowing how short Edgar Arden's tenure was — to be aware of a hundred things which Edgar might have done to amuse and delight him, which indeed Edgar Arden, knowing nothing of his own short tenure, and believing life to be very long and much delight awaiting him, never dreamt of making any haste to procure. A curious sense of well-being seemed to take hold of him as he bowled along the suburban roads by Mr. Tottenham's side, wrapped in one of the fur coats which the chill and foggy evening made comfortable, watching the long lines of lamps that twinkled and stretched out like a golden thread, and then were left behind as in the twinkling of an eye. To hear of Lady Mary Totten- ham, who was Lady Augusta's sister, and aunt to all the young Thornleighs, seemed somehow like being wafted back to the old atmosphere, to the state of affairs which lasted so short a time and ended so suddenly; but which was, notwithstanding its brevity, the most important and influential moment of his life. THE ENCHANTED PALACE. I 77 CHAPTER XIV. The Enchanted Palace. Tottenham's was about five miles from London on the Bayswater side. It was a huge house, stand- ing upon a httle eminence, and surrounded by acres of park and clouds of thick but leafless trees, which looked ghostly enough in the Winter darkness. The fog had faded away from them long before they got so far, and had been replaced by the starlight clear- ness of a very cold evening; the sky was almost black, the points of light in it dead white, and all the landscape, so far as it was perceptible, an Indian ink landscape in faintly differing shades of black and deepest grey. Nevertheless it was a relief to breathe the fresh country air, after the damp fog which had clung to their throats and blinded their eyes. The roads were still hard, though there were signs of the breaking up of the frost, and the horses' hoofs rang as they dashed along. "It's a nice place," Mr. Tottenham said, "though I, of course, only bought it from the old people, who fortunately were not very venerable nor very desirable. It had a fine name before, and it was Mary's idea to call it Tottenham's. As we cannot ignore the shop, it is as well to take the full advan- tage of it. The worst thing is," he added lowering Foy Love and Life. /. 12 178 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, his voice, "it hurts the servants' feeHngs dreadfully. We have at last managed to get a butler who sees the humour of it, and acknowledges the shop with a condescending sense that the fact of his serving a shopkeeper is the best joke in the world. You will notice a consciousness of this highly humorous position at once in his face; but it is a bitter pill to the rest of the household. The housemaids and our friend behind us, cannot bear any reference to the degradation. You will respect their feelings, Earnshawl I am sure you will take care to show a seemly respect for their feelings." Edgar laughed, and Mr. Tottenham went on. He was a very easy man to talk with; indeed he did most of the conversation himself, and was so plea- santly full of his home and his wife and his evident happiness, that no one, or at least no one so sym- pathetic as Edgar, could have stigmatized with unkind names the lengthened monologue. There was this excuse for it on the other hand, that he was thus making himself and his belongings known to a stranger whom he had determined to make a friend of Few people dislike to talk about themselves when they can throw off all fear of ridicule, and have a tolerable excuse for their fluency. We all like it, dear reader; we know it sounds egotistical, and the wiser we are the more we avoid exposing our weakness; but yet when we can feel it is safe and believe that it is justified, how pleasant it is to tell some fresh and sympathetic listener all about ourselves! Perhaps this is one of the reasons why youth is so pleasant a companion to age, because THE ENCHANTED PALACE. > 1 79 the revelations on each side can be full and lengthened without unsuitability or fear of misconstruction. Edgar, too, possessed many of the qualities which make a good listener. He was in a subdued state of mind, and had no particular desire to talk in his own person; he had no history for the moment that would bear telHng; he was glad enough to be carried lightly along upon the stream of this other man's story, which amused him, if nothing else. Edgar's life had come to a pause; he lay quiescent between two periods, not knowing where the next tide might lift him, or what might be the following chapter. He was like a traveller in the night, looking in through a hospitable open window at some interior all bright with firelight and happiness, getting to recognise which was which in the household party round the fire, and listening with a gratitude more warm and effusive than had the service been a greater one, to the hospitable invitation to enter. As well might such a traveller have censured the openness which drew no curtains and closed no shutters, and warmed his breast with the sight of comfort and friendliness, as Edgar could have called Mr. Tottenham's talk egotistical. For had not he too been called in for rest and shelter out of the night? He felt as in a dream when he entered the house, and was led through the great hall and stair- case, and into the bright rooms to be presented to Lady Mary, who came forward to meet her hus- band's new friend with the kindest welcome. She was a littJe light woman with f[uantities of fair hair, lively, and gay, and kind, with nothing of the worn l80 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. look which distinguished her husband, but a fresh air, almost of girlhood, in her slight figure and light movements. vShe was so like some one else, that Ed- gar's heart beat at sight of her, as it had not beat for years before. Gussy Thornleigh had gone out of his life, for ever, as he thought. He had given her up completely, hopelessly — and he had not felt at the time of this renunciation that his love for her had ever reached the length of passion, or that this was one of the partings which crush all thoughts of possible happiness out of the heart. But, notwith- standing, her idea had somehow lingered about him, as ideas passionately cherished do not always do. When he had been still and musing, the light little figure, the pretty head with its curls, the half laugh- ing, half wise look with which this little girl would discourse to him upon everything in earth and heaven, had got into a way of coming up before him with the most astonishing reality and vividness. "I was not so very much in love with Gussy," he had said to himself very often at such moments, with a whimsical mixture of surprise and complaint. No, he had not been so very much in love with her; yet she had haunted him all these three years. Lady Mary was only her aunt, which is not always -an attractive relationship; generally, indeed, the likeness between a pretty girl and a middle-aged woman is rather discouraging to a lover, as show- ing to what ])lump and prosaic good condition his ethereal darling may come, than delightful; but Ed- gar had no sham sentiment about him, and was not apt to be assailed by any such unreal disgusts, even THE ENCHANTED PALACE. 15 I had there been anything to call them forth. Lady Mary, however, was still as lightfooted and light- hearted as Gussy herself. She had the same abun- dant fair hair, the same lively sweet eyes, never without the possibility of a laugh in them, and never anything but kind. She came up to Edgar holding out both her hands. "You are not a stranger to me," she said, "don't introduce him, Tom. The only difficulty I have about you, is how to address you as Mr. Earnshaw — but that is only for the first moment. Sit down and thaw, both of you, and I will give you some tea — that is if you want tea. We have nobody with us for a day or two fortunately, and you will just have time to get acquainted with us, Mr. Earnshaw, and know all our ways before any one else comes." "But a day or two ought to be the limit — " Ed- gar began, hesitating. "What! you have said nothing"?" said Tady Mary, hastily turning to her husband. He put his finger on his lip. "You are a most impetuous little person, Mary," he said, "you don't know the kind of bird we have got into the net. You think he will let you openly and without any illusion put salt upon his tail. No greater mistake could be. Earnshaw," he added calmly, "come and let me show you your room. We dine directly, as we are alone and above cere- mony. You can talk to my wife as much as you like after dinner — I shall go to sleep. What a blessing it is to be allowed to go to sleep after dinner," he went on as he led the way upstairs. I 82 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "especially on Saturday night — when one is tired and has Sunday to look forward to." "Why should it be especially blessed on Satur- day night r' "My dear fellow," said the host solemnly, usher- ing his guest into a large and pleasant room, bril- liant with firelight, "it is very clear that you have never kept a shop." And with these words he disappeared, leaving Edgar, it must be allowed, somewhat disturbed in his mind as to what it could all mean, why he had been thus selected as a visitor and conducted to this fairy palace; what it was that the wife won- dered her husband had not said — and indeed what the whole incident meant? As he looked round upon his luxurious quarters, and felt himself re- stored as it were to the life he had so long aban- doned, curious dreams and fancies came fluttering about Edgar without any will of his own. It was like the adventure (often enough repeated) in the Arabian nights, in which the hero is met by some mysterious mute and blindfolded, and led into a mysterious hall, all cool with plashing fountains and sweet with flowers. These images were not exactly suited to the wintry drive he had just taken, though that w^as pleasant enough in its way, and no bed of roses could have been so agreeable as the delight- ful glimpse of the fire, and all the warm and soft comfort about him. But had he been blindfolded — had he been brought unawares into some bene- ficent snare? Edgar's heart began to beat a little quicker than usual. He did not know and dared THE ENCHANTED PALACE. I 83 not have whispered to himself what the fancies were that beset him. He tried to frown them down, to represent to himself that he was mad, that the cu- rious freak of his new friend, and his own long fasting from all social intercourse had made this first taste of it too much for his brain. But all that he could do was not enough to free him from the wild fancies which buzzed about him like gnats in Summer, each with its own particular hum and sting. He dressed hurriedly and took a book by way of escaping from them, a dry book which he compelled himself to read, rather than go crazy al- together. Good heavens, was he mad already 1 In that mysterious palace where the hero is brought blindfold, where he is waited on by unseen hands, and finds glorious garments and wonderful feasts magically prepared for him, is there not always in reserve a princess more wonderful still, who takes possession of the wayfarer? "Retro, Satanas!" cried poor Edgar, throwing the book from him, feeling his cheeks flush and burn like a girl's, and his heart leap into his throat. No greater madness, no greater folly could be. It was no doing of his, he protested to himself with indignation and "dismay. Some evil spirit had got hold of him; he refused to think, and yet these dreamy mocking fancies would get into his head. It was a relief beyond description to him when the dinner bell rang and he could hurry down- stairs. When he went into the drawing-room, how- ever, all the buzzing brood of thoughts which flut- tered within him, grew still and departed in a mo- ment; his heart ceased to thump, and an utter quiet 184 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. and stillness took the place of the former commo- tion. Why? Simply because he found Lady Mary and Mr. Tottenham awaiting him calmly, without a vestige of any other convive, except a boy of twelve and a girl two years younger, who came up to him with a pretty demure frankness and put out their hands in welcome. "My boy and my girl," said Mr. Tottenham; "and Molly, as your mother is going in with Mr. Earnshaw, you must try to look very grown up for the nonce, and take my arm and walk with me." "And poor Phil must come alone!" said the little girl with mingled regret and triumph. No, it was very clear to Edgar that he himself was not only a fool of the first water, but a presumptuous ass, a coxcomb fool, everything that was worst and vainest. And yet it had not been his doing; it was not he who had originated these foolish thoughts, which had assailed, and swarmed, and buzzed about him like a crowd of gnats or wasps — wasps was the better word; for there was spitefulness in the way they had persisted and held their own; but now, thank heaven, they were done with! He came to himself with a little shudder, and gave Lady Mary his arm, and walked through the ordinary passage of an ordinary house, into a room which was a handsome dining-room, but not a mystic hall; and then they all sat down at table, the two children opposite to him, in the most prosaic and ordinary way. "You think it wrong to have the children, Mr. l^arnshaw?" said Lady Mary, "and so do I — though THE ENCHANTED PALACE. 1 85 I like it. It is only when we are alone, and it is all their father's doing. I tell him it will spoil their digestion and their manners — " "If it spoils Molly's manners to associate with her mother the more's the pity," said Mr. Totten- ham, "we shall try the experiment anyhow. What we call the lower classes don't treat their children as we do; they accept the responsibility and go in for the disagreeables; therefore, though we hate having those brats here, we go in for them on prin- ciple. Earnshaw, have you considered the matter of education] Have you any ideas on the subjecf? Not like your friend Lord Newmarch, who has the correct ideas on everything, cut and dry, delivered by the last post. I don't want that. Have you any notions of your own?" "About education?" said Edgar, "I don't think it. I fear I have few ideas on any abstract subject. The chances are that I will easily agree with you whatever may be your opinions; heaven has pre- served me from having any of my own." "Then you will just suit each other," said Lady Mary, "which he and I — forgive me for letting you into our domestic miseries, Mr. Earnshaw — don't do at all, on this point; for we have both ideas, and flourish them about us immercifully. How happy he will be as long as he can have you to listen to him! not that I believe you will be half as good as your word." "Ideas are the salt of life," said Mr. Tottenham; "that of course is what has made you look so lan- guid for some time past." 1 86 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Edgar looked up in surprise. "Have I been looking languid^ Have you been observing me?" he cried. "This is after all a fairy palace where I have been brought blindfolded, and where every action of my life is known." Upon this, Mr. Philip Tottenham, aged twelve, pricked up his ears. "Were you brought here blind- folded'?" he said. "What fun! like the Arabian Nights. I wish somebody would take me like that into a fairy palace, where there would be a beauti- ful lady—" "Phil, you are talking nonsense," said his mother. "Where the dinner would come when you clapped your hands, and sherbets and ices and black ser- vants, who would cross their arms on their breasts and nod their heads like images — It was he began it," cried Philip, breathless, getting it all out in a burst before anyone could interpose. "You see how these poor children are spoilt," said Lady Mary; "yes, he has been observing you, Mr. Earnshaw. I sent liim into town three days in succession, on purpose." "You have looked as languid as a young lady after the season," said Mr. Tottenham calmly, "till I saw there was nothing for you but the country, and a sharp diet of talks and schemes, and the ideas you scorn. When a man is happy and prosperous, it is all very well for him to do nothing; but if you happen to be on the wrong side of the hill, my dear fellow, you can't afford to keep quiet. You must move on, as Policeman X would say; or your THE ENCHANTED PALACE. I«7 friends must keep you moving on. To-morrow is Sunday, unfortunately, when we shall be obliged to keep moderately quiet — " "Is it wrong to talk on Sunday?" said the little girl, appealing gravely to Edgar, whom for some time she had been gazing at. "Not that I know of," Edgar replied with a smile; but as he looked from one to the other of the parent pair, he said to himself that there was no telling what theory upon this subject these excellent people might have. They might be desperate Sab- batarians for anything he could tell. "Why do you ask Mr. Earnshaw, Molly 1" said Lady Mary. "Because," said Molly, "I saw his picture once. I knew him whenever I saw him, and when I asked who it was, they said it was a very good man. So I knew it must be quite right to ask him. Papa talks more on Sunday than on other days, though he always talks a great deal; and yet just now he said because it is Sunday we must be quiet. Then I said to myself, why must we be quiet on Sunday? is it wrong?" "This child is too logical for our peace of mind," said Mr. Tottenham; "if it were Phil it would not matter so much, for school would soon drive that out of him." "But he is not going to school," said Lady Mary quickly. "Not yet, perhaps — but some time or other, I hope; a boy has not half lived who has not been to school. I suppose politics are your strong point. 100 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Earnshawf Foreign politics, to judge from what I heard Newmarch saying. That fellow wants to pick your brains. I should not think it a subject that would pay, unless you made it your cheval de hataille, like Gordon Grant, who knows everything that happens abroad better than the people themselves do — ^wlio never, he tells us, see half what is go- ing on." "Quite true," said Lady Mary, "they never do; one doesn't in one's own experience. One finds out all the little incidents afterwards, and pieces them into their places." "Only it is Earnshaw who is to find out the little incidents, and Newmarch who is to piece them into their places," said her husband; "hard work for the one, great fun, and great glory besides, for the other. I don't think I should care to be jackal to New- march; especially as he means all this to be done, not by a Secretary of Legation, but by a Queen's Messenger. Do you know what kind of life that is % " Edgar shook his head. He knew nothing about it, and at this moment he did not care very much. The buzzing and persecution of those thoughts which were none of his, which had a separate existence of their own, and tortured him for admission into his mind, had recommenced. What had he been brought here for? Why did they attempt to disgust him with the only career oi)en before him? What did they intend to do with him? The father and his boy might be ordinary beings enough, with wliom he THE ENCHANTED PALACE. l8g could have kept up an ordinary intercourse; but Lady Mary and her Httle daughter had the strangest effect upon the young man. One of them was full grown, motherly, on the border of middle age — the other was but a child; yet the tone of their voices, the turn of their heads, all suggested to him some one else who was not there. Even little Molly had the family gestures, the throwing back of the light locks, the sweet brightness of the eyes, which were so playful and soft, yet so full of vivacious spirit and life. Poor Edgar was kept in a kind of con- fused rapture between the mother and the child; both of them reflected another face, and echoed an- other voice to him; between them they seemed to be stealing all the strength out of him, the very heart from his bosom. He had been absent three years and had it all come to this, that the soft strain of enchantment which had charmed him so softly, so lightly, never to any height of passion, had grown stronger with time, and moved him now more deeply than at first? These persecuting thoughts made a swoop upon him like a flight of birds, sweeping down through the air and surrounding him, as he sat there helpless. Why had he been brought to this magician's palace? What did they mean to do with him now? The child had seen his portrait, the father had been sent to watch him, the mother asked had anything been said. What was about to be said? What were they going to do with him? Poor Edgar looked out as from a mist, gradually overwhelmed by his own excitement, and finally left the doors of his helpless heart open, as it were, I 190 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. making it a highway through which any kind of futile supposition might flit and dance. He sat helpless, excited and wondering. What were they going to do with him"? He did not know. REALITV. 191 CHAPTER XV. Reality. The frost hardened again in the night, and Tottenham's was all white and shining when Edgar looked out from his window in the morning. The house was square and somewhat ugly, but the great semi-circle of trees which swept round it was made into something magical by the feathery silvering of the rime which coated every branch and every twig. He made an exclamation of pleasure when he looked out. The grass, the trees, the glistening pinnacles of the great conservatory which stretched to the south, just catching a glimpse of frosty and waver- ing sunlight upon their metallic tops, were all virgin white, though here and there it began to melt in the sun. Edgar had been far from thinking himself happy when he fell asleep on the previous night; he was still confused and harassed by his thoughts, keeping up a hopeless struggle against them; but he woke up in a state of causeless exhilaration, he did not know why. The hoar frost and the red sunshine went to his head. His heart beat more lightly than usual, the blood coursed pleasantly through his veins. He was like most imaginative people, often glad, and sorry he did not know why, and a certain un- reasonable capricious confidence in his fate came 192 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. over him to-day. Something good was coming to him he feh sure. The breakfast table at Tottenham's was lively enough. Lady Mary and her husband were in full and animated discussion about something or other, with a shoal of opened letters lying before them, and all the newspapers that could be had, when Edgar made his appearance somewhat late. The children who were present on the previous night were flanked by another small pair, too small to be restrained by mamma, who chattered and crowed, and made themselves very happy. A bright fire was burning, and the red sunshine shone in, glint- ing over the white covered table and its shining- dishes. "Mr. Earnshaw will agree with me," Lady Mary cried as he went in, appealing to him. "Come along, Earnshaw, you will take my side," said Mr. Tottenham. They were both eager to claim his help, and the elder children looked up at him with the freedom of perfect ease and intimacy. "Nobody can ever call Molly the late one, now Mr. Earnshaw is here," cried Phil exulting. They all received him as one of themselves, and in every- thing they said there was a silent suggestion that he belonged to them, that he was to remain with them, which bewildered him beyond words. The letters on the table were about every subject under heaven. They had their domestic correspondence, I suppose, and family affairs of their own; but these epistles were all about "schemes" of one kind and another, REALITY. 193 plans for the reformation of heaven knows how many classes of society, and for the improvement of the world altogether, which indeed has great need of improvement. I cannot tell what the spe- cial question might be that morning; there were so many of them that it was difficult for a stranger to discriminate; and as Lady Mary had told him, she and her husband very seldom agreed. They were both intensely in earnest, and both threw themselves with all their might into everything they did. Edgar, however, was not in a mood to utter any oracles, or to associate himself with one scheme or another. He was disposed to enjoy the strange holiday which had come to him, he could not tell how. He left the father and mother to themselves, and addressed himself to the children. "Phil," he said, "you and I are ignoramuses, we don't know about these deep matters. Talk to me of something within my capacity; or Molly, if Phil will not talk, do you." The reply to this was that both children talked together. "Mr. Earnshaw, the ice is bearing; what an awful pity it's Sunday!" said the boy, "I wanted to tell you whenever you came in — " and "Oh, Mr. Earn- shaw, come to church with us, and PU show you the village and my pet old woman who tells us stories," said the little girl. Edgar was delighted. He asked about the ice, what it was, an ornamental piece of water, or the village pond; and told Molly he would go and see her village, and try whether he or she could re- Fo>- Love and Life. L 13 194" FOR LOVE AND LIFE. member most of the sermon. Phil interfered when he heard this bargain. He shook his head over the rashness of his new friend. "She has an awful good memory," he said, "I wouldn't try against her, Mr. Earnshaw, if I was you. She remembers what people said ages and ages ago, and comes down upon you after you have forgotten all about it. I wouldn't go in against Moll." "But I haven't such an awfully good memory for sermons," said Molly, with modest deprecation of the excessive praise, "though I do remember most things pretty well." "Molly will win of course; but I shall try my best," said Edgar. The children suited him best on this day of Exhilaration when his heart was so foolishly free. He caught the father and mother looking at him, with significant glances to each other, while this conversation was going on, and was bewildered to think what they could mean. What did they mean? It was altogether bewilder- ing and perplexing. The man who attended him that morning had informed him that he had been told off for his especial service, and had looked somewhat offended when Edgar laughed and de- clared he required no particular tending. "I 'ad my borders. Sir," said the man. Everybody seemed to have their orders; and if that curious insanity of thought which had assailed him yesterday, a running riot of imagination, for which he did not feel him- self to be responsible — if that came back again, REALITY. 195 tearing open the doors of his heart, and pouring through them, was it his fault? The village lay at the park gates; but vil- lages so near London are not like villages in the depths of the country. This was one where there Avas a number of smaller gentlefolks, tributaries on all great occasions of Tottenham's; but when they had a chance, very glad to note any deficiency on the part of the man whom they called a nouveau riche, and even a shopkeeper, which was the title of deepest reproach they could think of. Indeed if Mr. Tottenham had not married Lady Mary, I be- lieve he would have had many little pricks and stings from his poor yet well-born neighbours; but a Lady Mary in English village society cannot do wrong. It was a pleasant walk to church, where they all went together, the children walking demurely in honour of Sunday, though Phil's eye and heart were tempted by the long expanse of white which showed between two lines of green at the right side of the road. "It is hard enough to bear the big town car- riage," he said confidentially to Edgar, "or one of the farmer's huge carts." "We'll go and see it after church," said Edgar in the same tone; and so the little procession moved on. Perhaps Lady Mary was the one who cared for this family progress to church the least. Mr. Tottenham, though he was given over to schemes of the most philosophical description, was the simplest soul alive, doing his duty in this respect with as light a heart as his children. But Lady Mary was 196 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. very "viewy." She was an advanced liberal, and read the "Fortnightly," and smiled at many things that were said out of the pulpit once a week. Some- times even she would laugh a little at the "duty" of going to church, and hearing old Mr. Burton maunder for half an hour; but all the same she respected her husband's prejudices, and the tradi- tions of the superior class, which, even when it believes in natural equality, still feels it necessary to set an example to its neighbours. Lady Mary professed sentiments which were inclined towards republicanism and democracy; but nevertheless she knew that she was one of the gods, and had to conduct herself as became that regnant position among men. "There goes the shopkeeper and his family," said Mrs. Colonel Witherington from her window, which looked out on the village green. "Girls, it is time to put on your bonnets. A man like that is bred up to be punctual; he comes to church as he goes to the shop, as the hour strikes. There he goes — " "As ostentatiously liumble as ever," said one of the girls. "And he has got one of the shopmen with him, mamma," said Myra, who was the wit of the family. "Not a bad looking draper's assistant; they always have the shopmen out on Sundays. Poor fellows, it is their only day." "Poor fellows, indeed! I sui)pose Lady Mary thinks because she is an earl's daughter she can do whatever she likes; introducing such people as these into the society of gentle-folks," cried the mother. REALITY. 197 '*Myra, don't stand laughing there, but put on your things." "We need not go into their society unless we please," said Myra. "And to be sure an Earl's daughter cajt do what- ever she likes; no nonsense of that description will make her lose caste," said the eldest Miss Wither- ington, turning away from the window with a sigh. This poor young lady, not being an Earl's daughter, had not been able to do as she liked, or to marry as she liked, and she felt the difference far more keenly than her mother did, who was affected only in theory. This was one of the many scraps of neighbourly talk which went on at Harbour Green when the party from Tottenham's were seen walking through the village to church. Lady Mary was an Earl's daughter, and she did take it upon her to do precisely as she liked; but her neighbours directed most of their indignation upon her husband who had no such privileges, a man who was civil to everybody, and whom they all confessed, whenever they wanted anything of him, to be the best-natured fellow in the world. The service in the little church was not so well- conducted as it might have been, had Lady Mary taken more interest in it; but still the lesser authori- ties had done something for the training of the choir, and a gentle Ritualism, not too pronounced as yet, kept everything in a certain good order. Lady Mary herself did not take the same honest and simple part in the devotions as her husband and children did; various parts of the service went 198 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. against her views; she smiled a little as she listened to the sermon. A close observer might have noticed that, though she behaved with the most perfect decorum, as a great lady ought, she yet felt herself somewhat superior to all that was going on. I can- not say that Edgar noticed this on his first Sunday at Harbour Green, though he may have remarked it afterwards; but Edgar's mind was not at the present moment sufficiently free to remark upon individual peculiarity. The sense of novelty or something else more exciting still worked in him, and left him in a state of vague agitation; and when the service being over. Lady Mary hurried on with the children, on pretence of calling on some one, and left Mr. Tottenham with Edgar, the young man felt his heart beat higher, and knew that the moment at last had come. "Well, Earnshaw! you have not had much time to judge, it is true; but how do you think you like us?" said Mr. Tottenham. The question was odd, but the questioner's face was as grave as that of a judge. "We are hasty people, and you are hasty," he added, "so it is not so absurd as it might be; how do you think you shall like US'? Now speak out, never mind our feelings. I am not asking you sentimentally, but from a purely business point of view." "I am so hasty a man," said Edgar, laughing, with a much stronger sense of the comic character of the position than the other had, "that I made up my mind at sight, as one generally does; but since then you have so bribed me by kindness—" REALITY. 199 "Then you do like us!" said Mr. Tottenham, holding out his hand, "I thought you would. Of course if you had not liked us our whole scheme would have come to nothing, and Mary had rather set her heart on it. You will be sure not to take offence, or to think us impertinent if I tell you what we thoughf?" "One word," said Edgar with nervous haste. "Tell me first what it has been that has made you take such a warm interest in me?" Mr. Tottenham winced and twisted his slim long person as a man in an embarrassing position is- apt to do. "Well," he said, "Earnshaw, I don't know that we can enter into it so closely as that. We have always taken an interest in you, since the time when you were a great friend of the Thornleigh's and we were always hearing of you; and when you behaved so well in that bad business. And then some months ago we heard that you had been seen coming up from Scotland — travelling," Mr, Totten- ham added, with hesitation, "in the cheap way." "Who told you thati" Edgar's curiosity gave a sharpness which he had not intended to his voice. "Come, come," said Mr. Tottenham good- humouredly; "that is just the point which I cannot enter into. But you may permit us to be interested, though we can't describe in full detail how it came about. Earnshaw, Mary and I are fanciful sort of people, as you perceive; we don't always keep to the beaten path; and we want you to do us a favour. What I am going to ask may be a little 200 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. irregular; it may sound a little obtrusive; you may take it amiss; though I hope not — " "I shall not take it amiss in any case," Edgar managed to say; but his heart was beating very loudly, and an agitation for which he could not account had got possession of his whole being. His mind went wildly over a whole world of conjec- ture, and I need not add that he was utterly astray in everything he thought of, and did not reach to the faintest notion of what his companion meant to be at. "In the first place," said Mr. Tottenham ner- vously, "it is evident that you must wait till there is an opening in that business with Newmarch. I don't doubt in the least that he wants to have you, and that he'll give you the first vacancy; but he can't kill off a man on purpose, though I dare say he would if he could. I don't go on to say in the second place, as I might perhaps, that a Queen's Messenger has a very wearisome life, and not much to make amends for it — " Here he paused to take breath, while Edgar watched and wondered, getting more and more bewildered every moment in the maze of conjecture through which he could not find his way. "Of course," said Mr. Tottenham, himself dis- playing a certain amount of rising excitement, "I don't mean to say that you ought not to accept such an appointment if it was offered. But in the meantime, what are you to do? Live in London, and waste your resources, and break your spirit with continual waiting? I say no, no, by no means; and this is what put it into my head to say what I REALITY. '20 1 am going to say to you, and to insist upon your coming here." What was he going to say? Still Edgar, sub- dued by his own excitement, could make no reply. Mr. Tottenham paused also, as if half fearing to take the plunge. "What we meant, Earnshaw," he said abruptly, at last, "what Mary and I want, if you will do it, is — that you should stay with us and take charge of our boy." The last words he uttered hastily, and almost sharply, as if throwing something out that burned him while he held it. And oh! dear reader, how can I express to you the way in which poor Edgar fell, fell, low down, and lower down, as into some echoing depth, when these words fell upon his dis- mayed and astonished ears! Take charge of their boy! God help him! what had he been thinking about? He could not himself tell; nothing, a chimera, the foolishest of dreams, some wild fancy which involved the future in a vain haze of brightness with the image of the veiled maiden in the railway carriage, and of Gussy, who was never veiled. Oh, Heaven and earth! what a fool, what a fool he was! She had nothing to do with it; he himself had nothing to do with it. It was but a benevolent scheme of people with a great many benevolent schemes about them, for the relief of a poor young fellow whom they knew to be in trouble. That was all. Edgar went on walking as in a dream, feeling himself spin round and round and go down, as to the bottom of some well. He could hear that Mr. Tottenham went on speaking, and the hum of his voice made, 202 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. as it were, a running accompaniment to his own hubbub of inarticulate thoughts; Edgar heard it, yet heard it not. When he woke up from this confusion, it was quite suddenly, by reason of a pause in the accompanying voice. The last words his bewildered intelligence caught up were these: "You will think it over, and tell me your deci- sion later. You will understand that we both beg you to forgive us, if we have said or done anything which is disagreeable to you, Earnshaw. You pro- mise me to remember that?" "Disagreeable!" Edgar murmured half con- sciously. "Why should it be disagreeable ?" but even his own voice seemed to be changed in his own ear as he said it. He was all changed, and everything about him. "I must go across to the pond before I go in," he added, somewhat abruptly. "I promised Philip to look at the ice;" and with scarcely any further excuse, set off across the grass, from which the whiteness and crispness of the morning frosts had been stolen away by the sun. He could not get free of the physical sensation of having fallen. He seemed to himself to be bruised and shaken; he could do nothing with his mind but realize and identify his state; he could not dis- cuss it with himself. It did not seem to him even that he knew what he had been thinking of, what he had been hoping; he knew only that he had fallen from some strange height, and lay at the bottom somewliere, aching and broken in heart and strength, stunned by the fall, and so confused that he did not know what had happened to him, REALITY. 203 or what he must do next. In this state of mind he walked mechanically across the grass, and gazed at the frozen pond, without knowing what he was doing, and then strode mechanically away from it, and went home. (How soon we begin to call any kind of a place home, when we have occasion to use it as such!). He went home, back to his room, the room which surely, he thought to himself, was too good for Mr. Tottenham's tutor, which was the post he had been asked to occupy. Mr. Tottenham's boy's tutor, that was the phrase. It was his own repetition of these words which roused him a little; the tutor in the house; the handy man who was made to do everything; the one individual among the gentlemen of the house whom it was possible to order about; who was an equal, and yet no equal. No, Edgar said to him- self, with a generous swelling of his heart, it was not thus that a dependent would be treated in Mr. Tottenham's house; but the very idea of being a dependent struck him with such sharp poignancy of surprise, as well as pain, that he could not calm himself down, or make the best of it. He had never tasted what this was like yet. When he had made his application to Lord Newmarch, the experience had not been a pleasant one; but it was short at least, and the position he had hoped for had been independent at least. In it, he would have been no man's servant, but the Queen's, whom all men delight to serve. Mr. Tottenham's tutor was a very different thing. He sat at his window, and heard without know- 204 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. ing the great luncheon-bell peal out through all the echoes. He felt that he could not go downstairs to confront them all, while still in the confusion and stupor of his downfall; for he had sustained a downfall more terrible than anyone knew, more bewildering than he could even realize himself; from vague, strange, delicious suspicions of some- thing coming Avhich might change all his life, down to a sickening certainty of something come, which would indeed change everything in every way, in the estimation of the world and of himself Mr. Tottenham walked home very seriously on his side, after this interview. He had some sort of comprehension that the proposal he had just made was one which, at the first hearing, would not delight his new friend; and he was sufficiently friendly and large-minded to permit the young man a little moment of ruffled pride, a little misery, even a little offence, before he could make up his mind to it, notwith- standing that it was, on the part of the Tottcnhams, an impulse of almost pure and unmixed charity and kindness which had suggested it. They were impulsive people both, and fond of making them- selves the Providence of poorer people; and the very best thing that can be said of them, better even than their universal and crotchety willingness to serve everybody who came in their way, was their composure when the intended recipients of their bounty hesitated, or, as sometimes happened, kicked at it altogether. Their kindnesses, their bounties, their crotchets, and their theories were all mixed up together, and might occasionally be less good, and REALITY. 205 do less good than they were meant to do; but the toleration which permitted a prospective protege to weigh the benefit offered, without any angry con- sciousness of his want of gratitude, was admirable, and much more unusual in this world than even the kindness itself Mr. Tottenham hurried off to his wife, and told her all about it; and the two together waited for Edgar's decision with sympathetic excitement, almost as much disturbed in their minds as he was, and with no indignant feeling that their good intentions were having scanty justice. On the contrary, they discussed the matter as they might have done something in which their amour propre was not at all engaged. "I hope he will see it is the best thing for him," said Mr. Tottenham. "Of course it is the best thing for him, and he must see it," said the more impetuous Lady Mary; but neither one nor the other declared that he would be a fool or ungrateful if he neglected this opening, as so many intending benefactors would. They discussed it all the afternoon, taking their Sunday stroll together through the greenhouses, which were splendid, and talking of nothing but Edgar. "He must do it; we must insist upon it, Tom," Lady Mary cried, growing more and more eager. "I cannot make him, dear, if he don't see it," said the husband, shaking his head. Thus both upstairs and downstairs there was but one subject of consideration. The ugly things about dependence, about domestic slavery, about 2o6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. the equal who would not be an equal, which Edgar was saying to himself, found no echo in the talk of the good people, full of wealth and power to benefit others, who puckered their brows on the subject downstairs. In this respect the thoughts of the poor man whom they wanted to befriend, were much less generous than theirs who wanted to befriend him. He judged them harshly, and they judged him kindly. He attributed intentions and motives to them which they were guiltless of, and thought of himself as degraded in their eyes by the kindness they had offered; while, in fact, he had become a most important person to them, solely on that account — a person occupying a superior position, with power to decide against or for them, to honour or discredit their judgment. Indeed, I am bound to allow that Edgar was not generous at all at this moment of his career, and that his hosts were. But ah me! it is so much easier to be generous, to be tolerant, to think the best, when you are rich and can confer favours; so difficult to keep up your optimist views, and to see the best side of every- thing, when you are poor! "He will either come down and tell us that he accepts, or he will pack his things and go off to- night," said Lady Mary as they waited. They were seated in the conservatory, in the centre circle under the glittering glass dome, which had been built to give room for the great feathery branches of a palm tree. This was the favourite spot in which all the pretty luxury of these conservatories culminated. Some bright-coloured Persian rugs were laid on the REALITY. 207 floor, here and there, upon which were some half- dozen chairs, half rustic and wholly luxurious. All the flowers that art can extract or force from nature in the depth of Winter were grouped about, great moon-discs of white camellias, heaths covered with fairy bells, spotless primulas rising from out the rough velvet of their leaves. The atmosphere was soft as a moderate gentle Summer, and the great palm leaves stirred now and then against the high dome of glass. Mr. Tottenham lounged on a rustic sofa, with a cloud of anxiety on his face, and Lady Mary, too anxious to lounge, sat bolt upright and listened. Why were those good people anxious? I cannot tell; they wanted, I suppose, to succeed in this good action which they had set their hearts on doing; they did not want to be foiled; and they had set their hearts upon delivering Edgar from his difficulties, and making him comfortable. Along with their other sentiments there was mixed a certain generous fear lest they should have been precipi- tate, lest they should have hurt the feelings and wounded the pride of their friend whom they wished to serve. I wish there were more of such people, and more of such susceptibilities in the world. They sat thus, until the twilight grew so deep and shadowy that they could scarcely see each other. It was very cold outside, where everything began again to congeal and whiten, and all the world resigned itself with a groan to the long, long interval of dead darkness, hopelessness, and cold which must deepen before day. At the end of a Vista of shrubs and great evergreen plants, the red 208 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. glow of the drawing-room fire shone out, shining there like a ruddy star in the distance. Lady Mary drew her shawl round her with a little shiver, and her husband got up and yawned in the weariness of suspense. Had he gone away without giving an answer] Had they done nothing but harm, though they had wished so much to do good. They both started like a couple of guilty conspirators when at length a step was heard approaching, and Edgar appeared, half hesitating, half eager, against the glow of the distant fire. A PAIR OF PHILANTHROPISTS. 209 CHAPTER XVI. A Pair of Philanthropists. I NEED not describe the many struggles of feeling which Edgar went through on that memorable Sun- day, before he finally made up his mind to accept Mr. Tottenham's proposal, and do the only thing which remained possible for him, his only alternative between work of some sort and idleness — between spending his last little remnant of money and beginning to earn some more — a thing which he had never yet done in his life. It was very strange to the young man, after so long an interval of a very different life, to return vicariously, as it were, not in his own right, to the habits and surroundings of luxury. He felt a whimsical inclination at first to explain to everybody he encountered that he was, so to speak, an impostor, having no right to all the good things about him, but being only Mr. Tottenham's upper servant, existing in the atmo- sphere of the drawing-room only on sufferance and by courtesy. People in such circumstances are generally, I believe, very differently affected, or so at least one reads in story. They are generally pictured as standing perpetually on the defensive, looking out for offence, anticipating injury, and in a sore state of compulsory humility or rather hu- For Love atid Life. I. 14 2-1 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. miliation. I do not know whether Edgar's humorous character could ever have been driven by ill-usage to feel in this way, but as he had no ill-usage to put up with, but much the reverse, he took a totally different view. After the first conflict with himself was over, which we have already in- dicated, he came to consider his tutorship a good joke, as indeed, I am sorry to say, everybody else did — even Phil, who was in high glee over his new instructor. "I don't know what I am to teach him," Edgar had said to the boy's parents when he came down to the conservatory on the memorable Sunday I have already described, and joined the anxious pair. "Teach him whatever you know," Lady Mary had answered; but Edgar's half mirthful, half dis- mayed sense of unfitness for the post they thrust upon him was not much altered by this impulsive speech. "What do I know?" he said to himself next morning when, coming down, early before any one else, he found himself alone in the library, with all the materials for instruction round him. Edgar had not himself been educated in England, and he did not know whether such knowledge as he possessed might not suffer from being transmitted in an un- usual way without the orthodox form. "My Latin and Greek may be good enough, though I doubt it," he said, when Mr. Tottenham joined him, "but how if they are found to be quite out of the Eton shape, and therefore no good to Phil?" A PAIR OF PHILANTHROPISTS. 2 I I "Never mind the Eton shape, or any other shape," said Mr. Tottenham, "you heard what Mary said, and her opinion may be reHed upon. Teach him what you know. Why, he is only twelve, he has time enough for mere shape, I hope." And thus Edgar was again silenced. He was, however, a tolerably good scholar, and as it hap- pened, in pure idleness had lately betaken himself again to those classical studies which so many men lay aside with their youth. And in the library at Tottenham's there was a crowd of books bearing upon all possible theories of education, which Edgar, with a private smile at himself, carried to his room with him in detachments, and pored over with great impartiality, reading the most opposite systems one after another. When he told Lady Mary about his studies, she afforded immediate advice and informa- tion. She knew a great deal more about them than he did. She had tried various systems, each antago- nistic to the other, in her own pet schools in the village, and she was far from having made up her mind on the subject. "I confess to you frankly, Mr. Earnshaw," said Lady Mary, "sometimes I think we have nothing in the world to trust to but education, which is the rational view; and sometimes I feel that I put no faith in it at all." "That is something like my own opinion," said Earnshaw, "though I have permitted you to do yourselves the injustice of appointing me tutor to Phil." "Education, like everything else, depends so 14* 2 I 2 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. much on one's theory of life," said Lady Mary, "Mr. Tottenham and I think differently on the sub- ject, which is a great pity, though I don't see that it does us much harm. My husband is content to take things as they are, which is by much the more comfortable way; but that too is a matter of tem- perament. Phil will be sure to get on if you will bring him into real correspondence with your own mind. Molly gives me a great deal more trouble; a man can get himself educated one way or another, a woman can't." "Is it sol" said Edgar, "pardon my ignorance. I thought most ladies were terribly well educated." "Ah, I know what you mean!" said Lady Mary, "educated in nothings, taught to display all their little bits of superficial information. It is not only that women get no education, Mr. Earnshaw, but how are we to get it for theml Of course an effort may be made for a girl in Molly's position, with parents who fully appreciate the difficulties of the matter; but for girls of the middle classes for in- stance? they get a little very bad music, and worse French, and this is considered education. I dare say you will help me by and by in one of my pet schemes. Some of my friends in town have been so very good as to join me in a little effort I am making to raise the standard. The rector here, a well-meaning sort of man, has been persuaded to join, and to give us a nicish sort of schoolroom which hapi)ens to be unoccupied, and his coun- tenance, which does us good with old fashioned people. I have spent a good deal of time on the A PAIR OF PHILANTHROPISTS. 21 ^ scheme myself, and it is one of my chief interests. I quite reckon upon you to help." "What must I dol" said Edgar with a plaintive tone in his voice. Alas, worse had happened to him than falling into the hands of thieves who could only rob him — no more. He had fallen into the hands of good Samaritans who could do a great deal worse. He thought of ragged-schools and un- ruly infants; his thoughts went no further, and to this he resigned himself with a sigh. "Then you will really help?" cried Lady Mary delighted, "I knew from the first you would be the greatest acquisition to us. My plan is to have lec- tures, Mr. Earnshaw, upon various subjects; they last only during the winter, and a great number of girls have begun to attend. One of my friends takes Latin, another French. Alas, our German lecturer has just failed us! if you could supply his place it would be perfect. Then we have history, mathematics, and literature; we cannot do much of course, but even a little is better than nothing. It would not take up very much of your time; an hour and a half a week, with perhaps a moment now and then to look after exercises, &.c." "Am I expected to teach German to anybody in an hour and a half a weekl" said Edgar, laughing. "It is a small expenditure for so great a result." "Of course you think it can only be a smatter- ing — and that a smattering is a bad thing?" said the social reformer, "but we really do produce very good results — you shall see if you will but try." 214 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "And what branch, may I ask, do you take?" said the ignorant neophyte. "/, Mr. Earnshaw! why I learn!" cried Lady Mary; "if I could I would go in for all the studies, but that is impossible. I follow as many as I can, and find it an admirable discipline for the mind, just that discipline which is denied to women. Why do you look at me so strangely? Why do you laugh? I assure you I mean what I say." "If I must not laugh, pray teach me some more philosophical way of expressing my feelings," said Edgar, "I fear I should laugh still more if you did me the honour to select me as one of your instruc- tors. A year hence when I have been well trained by Phil, I may have a little more confidence in my- self." "If you mean," said Lady Mary, somewhat offended, "that instructing others is the best way to confirm your own knowledge, I am sure you are quite right; but if you mean to laugh at my scheme — " "Pray pardon me," said Edgar, "I can't help it. The idea of teaching you is too much for my gravity. Tell me who the other learned pundits are from whom Lady Mary Tottenham learns — " "Lady Mary Tottenham would learn from any man who had anything to teach her," she answered with momentary anger; then added with a short laugh, extorted from her against her will, "Mr. Earn- shaw, you are very impertinent and unkind; why should you laugh at one's endeavour to help one's A PAIR OF PHILANTHROPISTS. 215 fellow-creatures to a little instruction, and one's self—" "Are you quarrelling 1" said Mr. Tottenham, stalking in suddenly, with his glass in his eye. "What is the matterl Earnshaw, I want to interest you in a very pet scheme of mine. When my wife has done with you, let me have a hearing. I want him to drive in with me to Tottenham's, Mary, and see what is doing there." "I hope Mr. Earnshaw will be kinder to you than he has been to me," said Lady Mary; "at me he does nothing but laugh. He despises women, I suppose, like so many other men, and thinks us beneath the range of intellectual beings." "What a cruel judgment," said Edgar, "because I am tickled beyond measure at the thought of hav- ing anything to teach you, and at the suggestion that you can improve your mind by attending lec- tures, and are undergoing mental discipline by means of mathematics and history — " "Oh, then it is only that you think me too old," said Lady Mary, with the not unagreeable amuse- ment of a pretty woman who knows herself to be not old, and to look still younger and fresher than she feels; and they had an amiable laugh over this excellent joke, which entirely restored the friendly relations between them. Mr. Tottenham smiled re- flectively with his glass in his eye, not looking into the matter. He was too seriously occupied with his own affairs to enter into any unnecessary merri- ment. "Come along, Earnshaw," he said, "I want you 2l6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. to come into Tottenham's "with me, and on the way I will tell you all about my scheme, which my wife takes a great interest in also. You will come to the next evening, Mary? It is always so much more successful when you are there." " Surely," said Lady Mary with a vague smile, as she gathered up a bundle of papers Avhich she had produced to show Edgar. She shook her head over them as she turned away. Her husband's schemes she patronized with a gentle interest; but her own occupied her a great deal more warmly as was na- tural. "You have not given me half the considera- tion my plan deserves," she said half pathetically, "but don't think I mean to let you off on that ac- count," and with a friendly smile to both the gen- tlemen she went to her own concerns. The library had been the scene of the conversation, and Lady Mary now withdrew to her own special table, which was placed in front of a great bay-window over- looking the flower-garden. It was a very large room, and Mr. Tottenham's table had a less favourable aspect, with nothing visible but dark shrubberies from the window behind him, to which he judi- ciously turned his back. "Mary prefers to look out, and I to look in," he said; "to be sure I have her to look at, which makes a difference." This huge room was the centre of their morning occupations, and the scene of many an amiable controversy. The two tables which belonged to the pair individually were l:)Oth covered with papers, that of Lady Mary being the most orderly, but not A PAIR OF PHILANTHROPISTS. 217 the least crowded, while a third large table, in front of the fire, covered with books and newspapers, offered scope for any visitor who might chance to join them in their viewy and speculative seclusion. As a matter of fact, most people who came to Tottenham's, gravitated sooner or later towards this room. It was the point of meeting in the morning, just as the palm-tree in the conservatory was the centre of interest in the afternoon. "I am writing to Lyons to come to my next evening," said Mr. Tottenham, taking his place at his own table, while Lady Mary with her back towards the other occupants of the room scribbled rapidly at hers. "Do you think they will care for Lyons?" asked Lady Mary without turning round, "you forget always that amusement and not information is what they want — " "Amusement is what we all want, my dear," said her husband, with apologetic mildness. "We ap- proach the subject in different ways. You call in the same man to instruct as I do to amuse. We agree as to the man, but we don't agree as to the object; and yet it comes to the very same thing at last." "You think so," said Lady Mary, still with her back turned; "but we shall see by the results." "Yes, Lyons is coming," said Mr. Tottenham. "I don't know if you have heard him, Earnshaw. He has been in Africa, and all over the world. My own opinion is that he is rather a stupid fellow; but, so long as other people don't think so, what 2l8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. does that matter? He is coming; and, my dear fellow, if you would listen to what I am going to tell you, and take an interest in my people — " "What would happen?" said Edgar, as the other paused. He was half amused and half alarmed by the turn that things were taking, and did not know what strange use he might be put to next. "Ah, I don't know what might not happen," said Mr. Tottenham, yielding for a moment to the influence of Edgar's distressed but humorous coun- tenance. "However, don't be frightened. You shall not be forced to do anything. I don't approve of over-persuasion. But supposing that you should be interested, as I expect, a great deal more than you think—" This he said in a deprecatory, propitiatory way, looking up suddenly from the letter he was writing. Edgar stood in front of the fire, contemplating both parties, and he was half touched as well as more than half amused by this look. He did not even know what it was he was called upon to interest himself in; but the eagerness of his companions, about their several plans, went to his heart. "You may be sure, if there is anything I can do — " he said, impulsively. "You should not allow Mr. Earnshaw to commit himself till he has seen what it is," said Lady Mary, from the opposite table; and then she, too, turned half round, pen in hand, and fixed an earnest gaze upon him. "I may write to my people and tell them the German class will be resumed next week?" she said, with much the same entreating look as A PAIR OF PHILANTHROPISTS. 2ig her husband had put on. It was all Edgar could do to preserve his gravity, and not reply with in- decorous gaiety, like that which had provoked her before; for Lady Mary, on this point at least, was less tolerant and more easily affronted than her husband. "If you think I can be of any use," he said, trying to look as serious as possible; and thus, be- fore he knew, the double bargain was made. It would be impossible to describe in words the whimsical unreality of the situation in which Edgar thus found himself when he got into Mr. Tottenham's phaeton to be driven back to town, in order to be made acquainted with the other "Tottenham's." Only a few days had passed since the wintry even- ing when he arrived a stranger at the hospitable but unknown house. He was a stranger still ac- cording to all rules, but yet his life had suddenly become entangled with the lives which a week ago he had never heard of He was no visitor, but a member of the family, with distinct duties in it; involved even in its eccentricities, its peculiarities, its quaint benevolences. Edgar felt his head swim as they drove from the door which he had entered for the first time so very short a while ago. Was he in a dream 1 or had he gone astray out of the ordinary workday world into some modern version of the Arabian Nights? "You remember what I told you, Earnshaw, about the shopl" said his companion. "It is for the shop that I bespeak your interest now. I told you that my wife had no false pride on the subject, and how 2 20 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. she cured me of my absurdity. I draw a great deal of money out of it, and I employ a great number of people. Of course, I have a great responsibility towards these people. If they were labourers on an estate, or miners in a coal-pit, everybody would acknowledge this responsibility; but being only shopmen and shopwomen, or, poor souls, as they prefer to have it, assistants in a house of business, the difficulty is much increased. Do I have your attention, Earnshaw?" "I am listening," said Edgar; "but you must excuse me if my attention seems to wander a little. Consider how short an acquaintance ours is, and that I am somewhat giddy with the strange turn my life has taken. Pure selfishness, of course; but one does rank more highly than is fit in one's own thoughts." "To be sure, it is all novel and strange," said Mr. Tottenham, in a soothing and consolatory tone. "Never mind; you will soon get used to our ways. For my own part, I think a spinning mill is nothing to my shop. Several hundreds of decently dressed human creatures, some of the young women looking wonderfully like ladies, I can tell you, is a very bewildering sort of kingdom to deal with. The Queen rules in a vague sort of way compared to me. She has nothing to do with our private morals or manners; so long as we don't rob or steal, she leaves us to our own guidance. But, in my do- minions, there is all the minuteness of despotism. My subjects live in my house, eat my bread, and have to be regulated by my pleasure. I look after A PAIR OF PHILANTHROPISTS. 22 1 them in everything, their religious sentiments, their prudential arrangements, their amusements. You don't listen to me, Earnshaw." "Oh, yes, I do. But if Phil's lessons and Lady Mary's lectures come in to disturb my attention, you won't mind just at first? This is the same road we drove down on Saturday. There is the same woman standing at the same door." "And here are the same horses, and the same man with the same sentiments driving you." "Thanks; you are very kind," said Edgar, grate- fully; "but my head goes round notwithstanding. I suppose so many ups and downs put one off one's balance. I promise you to wake up when we come to the field of battle." "You mean the shop," said Mr. Tottenham; "don't be afraid of naming it. I am rather excited, to tell the truth, about the effect it may have upon you. I am like a showman, with something quite original and out of the common to show." 122 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XVII. The Shop. Tottenham's is situated in one of the great thoroughfares which lead out of the heart of London, towards one of its huge suburbs. It consists of an immense square pile of building, facing to four different streets, with frontage of plate-glass windows, and masses of costly shawls and silks appearing through. To many people, but these were mostly ladies, Tottenham's was a kind of fairyland. It represented everything, from substantial domestic linen to fairy webs of lace, which money could buy. In the latter particular, it is true, Tottenham's was limited; it possessed only the productions of modern fingers, the filmy fabrics of Flanders and France; but its silks, its velvets, its magnificences of shawl and drapery, its untold wealth in the homelier shape of linen and cambric, were unsurpassed anywhere, and the fame of them had spread throughout Lon- don, nay, throughout England. The name of this great establishment caused a flutter of feeling through all the Home Counties, and up even to the Northern borders. People sent their orders to Tottenham's from every direction of the compass. The mass of its cHents were, perhaps, not highly fashionable, though even the creme de la creme sometimes made THE SHOP. 22^ a raid into the vast place, which was reported cheap, and where fashionable mothers were apt to assure each other that people, who knew what was what, might often pick up very nice things indeed at half the price which Elise would ask, not to speak of Worth. Persons who know what Worth has last invented, and how Elise works, have an immense advantage in this way over their humble neighbours. But the humble neighbours themselves were very good customers, and bought more largely, if with less discrimination. And the middle class, like one man, or rather like one woman, patronized Totten- ham's. It bought its gowns there, and its carpets and its thread and needles, everything that is wanted, in a house. It provided its daughters' trousseaux, and furnished its sons' houses out of this universal emporium; not the chairs and tables, it is true, but everything else. The arrangements of the interior were so vast and bewildering as to drive a stranger wild, though the habitues glided about from counter to counter with smiling readiness. There were as many departments as in the Home Office, but every- body looked after his own department, which is not generally the case in the Imperial shop; and the hum of voices, the gliding about of many feet, the rustle of many garments, the vague sound and senti- ment of a multitude pervaded the alleys of counters, the crowded passages between, where group was jostled by group, and not an inch of space left un- occupied. , Edgar's entrance into this curious unexplored world, which he had been brought here expressly 224 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. to "take an interest" in, was made through a private way, through the counting-house, where many clerks sat at their desks, and where all was quiet and still as in a well-ordered merchant's office. Mr. Totten- ham had a large room, furnished with the morocco- covered chairs and writing-tables consecrated to such places, but with more luxury than usual; with Turkey carpets on the floor, and rich crimson cur- tains framing the great window, which looked into a small court-yard surrounded with blank walls. Here Mr. Tottenham paused to look over a bundle of business letters, and to hear some reports that were brought to him by the heads of departments. These were not entirely about business. Though the communications were made in a low voice, Edgar could not help hearing that Mr. So-and-So was in question here, and Miss Somebody there. "If something is not done, I don't think the other young ladies will stand it, Sir," said a grave elderly gentleman, whom Edgar, eyeing him curi- ously, felt that he would have taken at least for a Member of Parliament. "I will look into it, Robinson. You may make your mind quite easy. I will certainly look into it," said Mr. Tottenham, with such a look as the Chancellor of the Exchequer may put on when he anticipates a failure in the revenue. "You see. Sir," added Mr. Robinson, "a piece of scandal about any of the young ladies is bad enough; but when it comes to be the head of a department, or at least, one of the heads — and you remember it was all our opinions that Miss Lock- THE SHOP. 225 wood was just the fit person for the place. I had a little difficulty myself on the point, for Miss Innes had been longer in the establishment; but as for being ladylike-looking, and a good figure, and a good manner, there could, of course, be no com- parison." "I will look into it, I will look into it," said Mr. Tottenham, hurriedly. The head of a State has to bear many worries, in small things as well as in great; and the head of Tottenham's was less a constitutional than a despotic ruler. Limited Monarchies do not answer, it must be allowed, on a small scale. The respectable Mr. Robinson withdrew to one side, while other heads of departments approached the Sultan of the Shop. Edgar looked on with some amusement and a good deal of interest. Mr. Tottenham was no longer speculative and viewy. He went into all the busi- ness details with a precision which surprised his companion, and talked of the rise in silks, and the vicissitudes in shirtings, with very much more ap- parent perception of the seriousness of the matter than he had ever evidenced in the other Totten- ham's, the wealthy house in which the shopkeeper lived as princes live. Edgar would have retired when these business discussions, or rather reports and audiences, began; but Mr. Tottenham restrained him with a quick look and gesture, motioning him to a seat close to his own. "I want you to see what I have to do," he said in a rapid interjection between one conference and another. For Love a?id Life. I, 15 226 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. The last of all was a young man, studiously elegant in appearance, and in reality, as Edgar found out afterwards, the fine gentleman of the establishment, who had charge of the recreations of "the assistants," or rather the employes, which was the word Mr. Watson preferred. Mr. Tottenham's face lighted up when this functionary approached him with a piece of paper, written in irregular lines, like a programme, in his hand — and it was the programme of the next evening entertainment, to be given in the shop and for the shop. Mr. Wat- son used no such vulgar phraseology. "Perhaps, Sir, you will kindly look over this, and favour us with any hint you may think neces- sary?" he said. "Music is always popular, and as we have at present a good deal of vocal talent among us, I thought it best to utilize it. The part- songs please the young ladies, Sir. It is the only portion of the entertainment in which they can take any active share." "Then by all means let us please the ladies," said Mr. Tottenham. "Look, Earnshaw; this is an entertainment which we have once a month. Ah, Watson, you are down, I see, for a solo on your instrument?" "I find it popular. Sir," said Mr. Watson, with a smirk. "The taste for music is spreading. The young ladies, Sir, are anxious to know whether, as you once were good enough to promise, her Lady- ship is likely this time to do us the honour—" "Oh, yes, Watson; you may consider that settled; my wife is coming," said Mr. Tottenham. THE SHOP. 227 "Trial Scene in Pickwick? Yes; very well, very- well. Duet, Mr. Watson and Miss Lockwood. Ah! I have been just hearing something about Miss Lockwood—" "She has enemies, Sir," said Mr. Watson, flush- ing all over. He was a fair young- man, and the colour showed at once in his somewhat pallid com- plexion. "In an establishment like this, Sir — a little world — where there are so many employes, of course, she has her enemies." "That may be," said Mr. Tottenham, musing. "I have not inquired into it yet; but in the mean- time, if there is any latent scandal, wouldn't it be better that she took no public part?" "Oh, of course. Sir!" cried Watson, bundling up his papers; "if she is to be condemned un- heard — " Robinson, the respectable Member of Parlia- ment, approached anxiously at this. "I assure you, Mr. Tottenham," he cried, with a warmth of sincerity which appeared to come from the bottom of his heart, "I don't want to judge Miss Lockwood, or any other young lady in the establishment; but when things come to my ears, I can't but take notice of them. The other young ladies have a right to be considered." "It is jealousy. Sir; nothing but jealousy!" cried Watson; "because she's a deal more attractive than any of 'em, and gets more attention — " "Softly, softly," said Mr. Tottenham. "This grows serious. I don't think I am apt to be moved by jealousy of Miss Lockwood, eh, Watson? You 15* 528 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. may go now, and if you know anything about the subject, I'll see you afterwards." "I know as she's the best saleswoman, and the most ladylike-looking young lady in the house," cried Watson; and then he perceived his slip of grammar, and blushed hotter than ever; for he was an ambitious young man, and had been instructed up to the point of knowing that his native English stood in need of improvement, and that bad gram- mar was against his rising in life. "That will do then; you can go," said Mr. Tot- tenham. "Opinion is not evidence. Come, Robin- son, if it's making a feud in the house, I had better, I suppose, go into it at once." "And I, perhaps, had better withdraw too," said Edgar, whom this strange and sudden revelation of human tumults going on in the great house of busi- ness had interested in spite of himself. "Stay; you are impartial, and have an unbiassed judgment," said Mr. Tottenham. "Now, Robinson, let us hear what you have got to say." Robinson approached with a world of care upon his face. Edgar having allowed his fancy to be taken possession of by the Member-of-Parliament theory, could not help the notion that this good worried man had risen to call for a Committee upon some subject involving peril to the nation, some mysterious eruption of Jesuits or Interna- tionalists, or Foreign Office squabble. He was only the head of the shawl and cloak department in Tottenham's; but it is quite marvellous how much THE SHOP. 229 humanity resembles itself, though the circumstances were so unlike. Mr. Robinson had not much more than begun his story. He was in the preamble, discoursing, as his prototype in the House of Commons would have done, upon' the general danger to society which was involved in carelessness and negligence of one such matter as that he was about to bring before the House — when a tap was heard at the door, a little sharp tap, half defiant, half coquettish, sound- ing as if the applicant, while impatient for ad- mittance, might turn away capriciously, when the door was opened. Both the judge and the pro- secutor evidently divined at once who it was. "Come ih," said Mr. Tottenham; "Come in!" for the summons was not immediately obeyed. Then there entered a — person, to use the safe yet not very respectful word which Mr. J. S. Mill rescued from the hands of flunkeys and policemen — a female figure, to speak more romantically, clad in elegant black silken robes, very well made, with dark hair elaborately dressed; tall, slight, graceful, one of those beings to be met with everywhere in the inner recesses of great shops like Tottenham's, bearing all the outward aspect of ladies, moving about all day long upon rich carpets, in a warm luxurious atmosphere, "trying on" one beautiful garment after another, and surveying themselves in great mirrors as they pass and repass. The best of feminine society ebbs and flows around these soft- voiced and elegant creatures — duchesses, princesses, who look like washerwomen beside them, and young ^30 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. girls often not more pretty or graceful. They are the Helots of the female fashionable world, and, at the same time, to some degree, its despots; for does not many a dumpy woman appear ridiculous in the elegant garb which was proved before her eyes so beautiful and becoming upon the slim straight form of the "young person" who exhibited and sold if? Miss Lockwood entered, with her head well up, in one of the attitudes which are considered most elegant in those pretty coloured pictures of the "Modes," which, to her class of young ladies, are as the Louvre and the National Gallery thrown into one. She was no longer, except from a profes- sional point of view, to be considered absolutely as a "young lady." Her face, which was a handsome face, was slightly worn, and her age must have been a year or two over thirty; but, as her accuser admitted, and as her defender asserted, a more "ladylike-looking" person, or a better figure for showing off shawl or mantle had never been seen in Tottenham's or any other house of business. This was her great quality. She came in with a little sweep and rustle of her long black silken train; her dress, like her figure, was her stock-in- trade. "Oh, I beg your pardon," she said in an abrupt yet airy tone, angry yet sensible withal of those personal advantages which made it something of a joke that anyone should presume to find fault with her. "I hear my character is being taken away THE SHOP. 23 I behind my back, and I have come, please, to defend myself." Edgar looked at this kind of being, which was new to him, with a mixture of feelings. She had the dress and appearance of a lady, and she was unquestionably a woman, though she would have scorned so commoft a name. He rose from his seat when she came in with the intention of getting a chair for her, as he would have done to any other lady, but was deterred, he could scarcely tell why, by her own air and that of the other two men who looked at her without budging. "Sit down, sit down," said Mr. Tottenham hastily, aside to him, "of course I know what you mean, but that sort of thing does not do. It makes them uncomfortable; sit down; she will give us trouble enough, you will see." Edgar, however, could not go so far as to obey. He kept standing, and he saw the new comer look at him, and look again with a lighting up of her face as though she recognised him. So far as he was aware he had never seen her before in his life. "Miss Lockwood, I do not think this is how you should speak," said her employer, "you know whether I am in the habit of permitting anybody's character to be taken away, without giving the ac- cused full opportunity to defend themselves." "Oh yes. Sir, to defend themselves," she said Avith a toss of her head, "after all the harm's done, and things has been said that can't be unsaid. You know as well as I do, Sir, it's all up with a young 232 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. lady the moment things has been spoke of pubhcly against her." "I hope not so bad as that," said Mr. Totten- ham mildly. He was a little afraid of the young lady, and so was the worthy parliamentary Robin- son, who had withdrawn a step behind backs, when interrupted in his speech. "Well, Mr. Tottenham! and what does it mean, Sir, when you put a stop to my duet, me and Mr. Watson's duet, and say it's best I shouldn't take part publicly? Isn't that judging me. Sir, before ever hearing me — and taking all the stories as is told against me for true*?" "I know none of the stories yet," said Mr. Tottenham, "pray compose yourself. Mr. Robinson was going to explain to me; but as you are here, if it will at all save your feelings, I am quite ready to hear your story first." "Mr. Tottenham, Sir!" said Mr. Robinson, roused to speech. "Well! you can have no motive, and I can have no motive, but to come to the truth. Take a seat. Miss Lockwood, I will not keep you standing; and begin — " "Begin what?" the young woman faltered. "Oh, I am not going to be the one to begin," she said saucily, "nobody's obliged to criminate himself And how can I tell what my enemies are saying against me? They must speak first." "Then, Robinson, do you begin," said the master; but it was easier in this case to command than to obey. Robinson shifted from one foot to the other. THE SHOP. 2^^ he cleared his throat, he rubbed his hands. "I don't know that I can, before her," he said hoarsely, "I Ijave daughters of my own." "I knew," said the culprit in triumphant scorn, "that you daren't make up any of your stories be- fore my face!" Robinson restrained himself with an effort. He was a good man, though the fuss of the incipient scandal was not disagreeable to him. "It's — it's about what is past, Sir," he said hurriedly, "there is no reflection on Miss Lockwood's conduct now. I'd rather not bring it all up here, not before strangers." "You may speak before as many strangers as you please, I sha'n't mind," said the accused, giving Edgar a glance which bewildered him, not so much for the recognition which was in it, as for a certain confidence and support which his appearance seemed to give her. Mr. Tottenham drew him aside for a moment, whispering in his ear. "She seems to know you, Earnshawl" "Yes; but I don't know how. I never saw her before." "I wonder — perhaps, if I were to take Robinson away and hear his story — while you might hear what she has to say?" "11 But indeed I don't know her, I assure you I have never seen her before," said Edgar in dismay. "Never mind, she knows you. She is just the sort of person to prefer to confide in one whom she does not see every day. I'll leave you with her, 2 34 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Earnshaw. Perhaps it will be best if you step this way, Robinson; I shall hear what you have to say here." Robinson followed his superior promptly into a smaller room. Edgar was left with the culprit; and it is scarcely possible to realize a less comfortable position. What was he to do with her? He was not acquainted either with her or her class; he did not know how to address her. She looked like a lady, but yet was not a lady, and for the present moment she was on her trial Was he to laugh, as he felt inclined to do, at the shabby trick his friend had played him, or was he to proceed gravely with his mission? Miss Lockwood solved this question for herself. TWO CULPRITS ON THEIR TRIAL. 2 35 CHAPTER XVIII. Two Culprits on their Trial. "You're surprised, Sir, that a stranger should be so ready to speak up to you," said Miss Lock- wood, "you don't know me from Adam? but I know you. You are the gentleman that was in the great Arden case, the gentleman as gave up. You wouldn't think it, but I am mixed up with the Ardens too; and as soon as I set eyes upon you, I said to myself, 'Here is one that will help me to my rights.' " "Have you, too, rights that involve the Ardens?" said Edgar, startled yet half amused. "Alas, I fear I cannot help you. If you know my story you must know I am no Arden, and have no influence with the family one way or another." "You mightn't have influence, Sir, but you might hate 'em — as I do," she said, with a gleam in her eyes which changed the character of her otherwise commonplace though handsome countenance. "Hate them!" cried Edgar, still more startled. "Why, this is a tragical way of approaching the subject. What have the Ardens done to you that you should hate them?" "That's my story," said Miss Lockwood, meeting him full with a steadfast look in her eyes, which 236 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. bewildered Edgar still more. She had taken a seat, and the two sat looking at each other across Mr. Tottenham's writing table. Edgar had not even heard the name of Arden for years past, and no- thing was further from his thoughts on entering this most commonplace of scenes, the great shop, than to be thrown back into his own past hfe, by the touch of one of the young ladies in the shawl and mantle department. His curiosity was awakened, but not in any high degree, for it was absurd to suppose that a shopwoman in Tottenham's could have any power to affect the Ardens one way or another. He felt that this must be a tempest in a teacup, some trifling supposed injustice, something, perhaps, about a cottage on the estate, or the ran- cour of a dismissed servant; for he had heard vaguely that there had been considerable changes. "I am afraid I cannot sympathize with you in hating the Ardens," he said; "if you know so much about me, you must know that I was brought up to regard Mrs. Arden as my sister, which I still do, notwithstanding the change of circumstances; and no one connected with her can be to me an object of hate." "yj/rj. Arden, indeed!" said Miss Lockwood with contemptuous emphasis, tossing her handsome head. "Yes. What has Mrs. Arden done to youl" said Edgar, half angry, half amused with what seemed to him the impotent spitefulness; the ab- surdity of the woman's scorn struck him with ludi- crous effect; and yet a certain uneasiness was in TWO CULPRITS ON THKIR TRIAL. 237 the puzzle. Clare Arden had never possessed that natural instinctive courtesy which makes dependents friends. Probably she had wounded the amour propre of the shop woman; but then no doubt shop- women have to make up their minds to such wounds, and Mrs. Arden was much too well bred and much too proud to have gone out of her way to annoy a young lady at Tottenham's — any offence given or taken must have been a mere inadvertence, whatever it was. "Done to mel Oh, she haven't done nothing to me, not meaningly, poor creature," said Miss Lockwood. "Poor thing! it's me that has that in my power, not her." "I wish you would tell me," said Edgar seriously, leaning across the table towards her with deepened interest and a certain alarm, "I entreat you to tell me what you mean. You are right in thinking that no subject could be more interesting to me." "Ah! but it ain't, perhaps, the kind of interest I expected," said Miss Lockwood with coquettish familiarity, pushing back her chair. She belonged to the class of women who delight to make any conversation, however trivial or however important, bear the air of a flirtation. She was quite ready to play with her present companion, to excite and tantalize his curiosity, to laugh at him, and delude him, if fortune favoured her. But a chance alto- gether unforeseen interrupted this not unpleasant operation, and threw Miss l>ock\vood and her mystery into, the shade. When the conversation had ad- vanced thus far, a new personage suddenly appeared 238 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. on the scene. With a little preliminary knock, but without waiting for any invitation, a lady opened the door, the sight of whom drove even Clare Arden out of Edgar's mind. She was no longer young, and her days of possible beauty were over. At sight of her Edgar rose to his feet, with a sud- den cry. For a moment the new-comer stood still at the door, looking at the unexpected scene. Her face was care-worn, and yet it was kind, revealing one of those mixtures of two beings which are to be seen so often in society— the kind, genial, gentle woman made by nature, with the conventional great lady, formed for her position, and earnestly striving as her highest duty to shape herself into the nar- rowness and worldliness which it demanded. This curious development of mingled good and evil has not, perhaps, had so much notice as it deserves from the observer. We are all acquainted with characters in which a little germ of goodness strives against natural dispositions which are not amiable; but the other compound is not less true, if perhaps more rare. Lady Augusta Thornleigh, who was Lady Mary Tottenham's sister, was born one of the kindest souls that ever drew breath. She had it in her even to be "viewy" as Lady Mary was, or to be sentimentally yielding and eager for everybody's happiness. But all her canons of duty bound her to regard these dispositions as weakness, almost as guilt, and represented worldliness to her as the highest of virtues. She sighed after this as the others sigh after the higher heights of self-denial. TWO CULPRITS ON THEIR TRIAL. 239 Her searchings of heart were all directed (uncon- stiously) to make the worse appear the better cause; she tried to be worldly, believing that was right, as other people try to be unworldly. But I do wrong to keep T^ady Augusta standing at the door of Mr. Tottenham's room, while I describe her characteristics to the reader. She came in, calmly unexpectant of any sight but that of her brother-in-law; then start- ing to see two people, man and woman, seated on either side of the table with every appearance of being engaged in interesting conversation, made a step back again, bewildered. "I beg your pardon, I thought Mr. Tottenham was here," she said, dropping her veil, which she had raised on entering. Miss Lockwood sprang up from her chair which she pushed back with an appearance of flurry and excitement, which was either real or very well counterfeited; while Edgar, deeply vexed, he could scarcely have told why, to be found thus, rose too, and approached his old friend. He would have liked to put himself at her feet, to kiss her hand, to throw himself upon her old kindness, if not like a son with a mother, at least like a loyal servant of one of those queens of nature whom generous men love to serve like sons. But he dared not do this — he dared not exceed the bounds of conventional acquaintance. He went forward eagerly but timidly, holding out his hands. I cannot find words to say how bewildered Lady Augusta was by the sight of Edgar, or with what consternation she recognised him. Whatever the motive had been which had drawn to him the atten- 240 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. tion of the Tottenhams, Lady Augusta Thornleigh was altogether ignorant of it. She had no expecta- tion of seeing him, no idea that he could cross her path again. The profound surprise, the rush of kindly feeling which the first sight of him called forth, the thrill of terror and sense of danger which accompanied it, made her tremble with sudden agitation. Good heavens! what was she to dol She could not decline to recognise him; her heart indeed yearned to him, the subject of so much misfortune; but all the new complications that his presence would produce, rose up before her as he approached and made her heart sick. Oh, if he would only take the hint given in her hesitating look, and the veil which she had dropped over her face! But Edgar was fond of his old friend. She was the sister of his hostess, and he had felt ever since he went to Tottenham's that one day or other he must meet her. He tried even at that moment to forget that she was anything beyond an old friend and Lady Mary's sister; he tried to put the thought out of his mind that she was the mother of Gussy, his only love; he tried to forget the former relations between them. He had not seen her since the day when, leaving his former home, a nameless being, without either future or past to console him, he had been touched to the heart by her hurried farewell. He was then in all the excitement of a great sacri- fice; he was a hero, admired and pitied everywhere; he had been almost her son, and she had called him Edgar, and wept over him. What a difference! he was a stranger now, in a totally different sphere, TWO CULPRITS ON THEIR TRIAL. 24 1 fallen out of knowledge, out of sympathy, no longer a hero or representing any exciting break in the ordinary level of life; but a common man probably desirous of asking some favour, and one for whom all his former friends must have the troublesome sensation of feeling something ought to be done for — I do not know if this occurred to Edgar's mind, who was little apt to make such claims, but it did occur to Lady Augusta. "Is it you? — Mr. V she said faltering. She was not even sure of his new name. "Earnshaw," he said; "Edgar Earnshaw; you recollect me even after all these years'?" "Oh, surely. Of course I cannot but recollect you," she said; "but I am taken by surprise. I did not know you were in England. I never could have expected to find you here." "No," said Edgar, chilled by her tone, and letting the hand drop which she had given him, he felt, with hesitation. "It seems to myself the last place in the world where I could be; but Mr. Tot- tenham is so kind as to wish — •" What was Mr. Tottenham so kind as to wish? I cannot describe Lady Augusta's perplexity. Did it mean that Edgar had been so far reduced as to require employment in the shop? Had he come to that — he who was all but engaged to Gussy once? The idea gave her an indescribable shock; but then, how foolish of Mr. Tottenham, knowing all he did of Gussy and her obstinacy, and how she had all but broken her parents' hearts by refusing the best of ofifers, and threatened to go into a sisterhood, For Love and Life. I. J" 242 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. and came constantly to this very place to visit and influence the "young ladies" of the establishment! Lady Augusta grew red and grew pale in the agita- tion of her feelings; but what could she say? She could not ask him point-blank if this were so; she could not, after all these years, throw herself once more upon his chivalry, as she had done before, and implore him to keep out of her daughter's way. The only way of outlet she found for her excite- ment and confusion was to look severely at Miss Lockwood, who stood with her hands folded, and an ingratiating smile on her face, stooping slightly forward, as who should say. What can I have the pleasure of showing your ladyship? Lady Augusta gave this "person" a withering glance. She was indignant with her for appearing to be on intimate terms with this man, whom, had Lady Augusta been wise, she would have gladly married off at once to anybody, so that he might be got out of her child's way. But, being a very natural woman, with a great many tender prejudices and motherly feelings, she was a little haughty and offended that, having known Gussy, he should de- cline to such a level as Miss Lockwood. Gussy was not for him, and his very existence was a danger for her; but still, that he should be incon- stant to Gussy, was to her mother a wrong and offence. "I fear," she said, in her stateliest tone, "that I am interrupting you - — that you were particularly engaged." "Oh no, your Ladyship, nothing but what can TWO CULPRITS ON THEIR TRIAL. 243 wait," murmured Miss Lockwood, gliding off with a curtsey, and adding a sidelong half nod of leave- taking to Edgar, which made him hot with anger, yet was too absurd in its impertinence to be re- sented. Lady Augusta drew herself up more and more. "I can't tell you how sorry I am to have inter- rupted a — conversation — an interview. I expected to find my brother-in-law here." "Indeed, you have interrupted nothing," said Edgar. "Mr. Tottenham, I don't know why, left me here with this — lady, while he went to make some inquiries about her; he will return directly. She had offered to explain her case, of which I knew nothing, to me," he continued, with an em- barrassed laugh, feeling himself grow red against his will. What did it matter to Lady Augusta whom he might converse with? But, notwith- standing, her manner was as that of a woman offended, and forming an unfavourable judgment, and Edgar was affected by this unspoken judgment in spite of himself. Then a pause ensued. Miss Lockwood had glided out of the room with her long train rustling, but no other sound, and Lady Augusta, like other less exalted persons, did not know what to say to carry on this curious conversation. She was not sufficiently in friendship with Edgar to say anything further to him on this subject, either as warning or reproving, and there was an awkward pause. He would have liked to put a hundred questions, but did not know how to begin. 16* 244 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "I hope all are well," he said at last, with some timidity. "Oh, quite well. There have been various changes in the family, as no doubt you have heard; and more are in prospect,'' Lady Augusta said pointedly: "That is the worst of grown-up sons and daughters. After twenty, their father and mother have very little enjoyment of them. I was not aware you knew my brother-in-law." This she said with something of a jerk, having forestalled all possible inquiry on Edgar's side, as she thought. "I only met him a few days ago," said Edgar. "Perhaps I had better tell you at once my position in respect to him. He has offered me the post of tutor to his boy; and having nothing to do for the moment, poor as my quahfications are, I have accepted it. I need not tell you, who know them, how kind to me both he and Lady Mary have been." "Tutor to — his boy!" Lady Augusta repeated the words, thunderstruck. This was something more terrible, more alarming than she had conceived possible. "Tutor to PhiH" She did not seem able to do more than repeat the words. "You may well be surprised," said Edgar, try- ing to laugh; "no one could be more so than my- self; but as they were so good as to overlook my deficiencies, what could I sayl" "I was not thinking of your deficiencies. Oh! Mr. Earnshaw, oh! Edgar, could not your old TWO CULPRITS ON THEIR TRIAL. 245 friends have helped you to something better than this?" Poor Lady Augusta! she was unfeignedly grieved and sorry to think of him as a dependent. And at the same time she was struck with terror unbounded to think that he would now be always in her way, in Gussy's way, never to be got rid of. She was not fond of exercising what influence she possessed lavishly, for she had many sons and nephews; but she began to reflect immediately what she could do to promote Edgar's interests. A tutor, and in Tottenham's, for ever; or in Berkeley Square, al- ways at hand, never to be got rid of — "Dear me!" she cried, "tell me whom I should speak to. We must not let you vegetate in such a post as this." I don't think Edgar had much difficulty in divining what she meant, or which branch of, the subject had most effect on her mind. And, per- haps, he was slightly irritated by his insight, though this effect very soon went off". "Thank you," he said, "for the moment I am well enough pleased with my position. Everybody is very kind to me; and, after so long abstinence, a little pleasant society is an agreeable change." He was sorry after he had said this, for he liked Lady Augusta. Her countenance fell. She gave an alarmed glance at the door, where there was a passing sound as of some one approaching. "I should not have thought you would have liked it," she said, with a little sigh. "Do you know where Mr. Tottenham is? I want to speak to 246 FOR LOVE AND LTFE. him just for a moment. Thanks so much. I will wait here till he comes." "I shall attend to it — you may be sure I will attend to it," said Mr. Tottenham's voice, making itself audible before he himself appeared. "You were quite right, Robinson, quite right, and you may be sure I will pay every attention. Ah, Lady Augusta, you here. What! and you have found out our friend? I meant that for a little surprise to you. Yes, here he is, and I hope to hold him fast, at least till something very much better turns up — a thing which will happen, I am afraid, quite too soon for us." "Let us hope so, for Mr. Earnshaw's sake," said Lady Augusta, with a little solemnity. How dif- ferent her tone was from that of her brother-in-law! Perhaps, on the whole, her personal liking for Edgar was stronger than his was; but there were so many things mingled with it which made this liking im- possible. Her very person seemed to stiffen as she spoke, and she made a little pause, as Lord New- march had done before pronouncing his name. "Mr. — Earnshaw." To be sure it must be difficult, having known him by one name to speak to him by another; but someliow this little pause seemed to Edgar another painful reminder that he was not as he had once been. And then there ensued another embarrassed pause. Edgar could not say anything, for his feel- ings at the moment were somewhat bitter; and as for good Mr. Tottenham, he was perplexed and perturbed, not perceiving any reason why his TWO CULPRITS ON THEIR TRIAL. 247 sister-in-law should put on so solemn an expression. He had expected nothing less than to please her and all her family, by his kindness to the man whom he persisted in considering their friend. He was profoundly perplexed by this stiffness and air of solemnity. Had there been some quarrel, of which he knew nothing, between them? He was dumb in his bewilderment, and could not think of anything to say. "Did Miss Lockwood tell you much? or was she frightened]" he said. "It is a troublesome story, and I wish people would not be so horribly officious in reporting everything. Did she open her heart at all to you?" Mr. Tottenham looked at him with calm matter- of-fact seriousness, and Lady Augusta looked at him with suspicious disapproval. To the woman of the world the question seemed absurd, to the man of ideas it was as simple as daylight; between them they embarrassed the altogether innocent third party, who had a clue to both their thoughts. "She told me nothing," said Edgar, "as indeed how should she, never having spoken to me before to-day? She had seen me, she says, three years ago, at the time of the arrangement about Arden, and she chose to talk to me of that, heaven knows why." "Was that what you were talking about when I came in?" said Lady Augusta, with a cold ring of unbelief in her tone, a tone which irritated Edgar deeply in spite of himself. "It was what we were talking of," he said, con- 248 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. cisely; and then Mr. Tottenham felt sure there had been some previously existing quarrel of which he knew nothing, and that his attempt to give pleasure had been so far a failure. This momentarily dis- couraged him — for to do harm, where you would fain have done good, is confusing to every well- intentioned soul. "Mary will be glad to hear something of your movements," he said. "She has been anxious for some time past to know what you were going to do." "I came to tell you," said Lady Augusta. "We are in town for a few weeks, chiefly about business, for my little Mary has made up her mind to leave me; and as it has all been made up in a hurry, there will be a great deal to do." "Made up her mind toTeave you?" "Yes, don't you understand? She is going to marry Lord Granton, the Marquis of Hautville's son. Yes, you may congratulate me; it is very pleasant, and just such a match as one could have wished; and after Helena's sad business," said Lady Augusta, with a sigh, "we wanted something to con- sole us a little." "I think Helena's was a very sensible marriage," said Mr. Tottenham; "just the man for her; but I am glad your pride is going to have this salve all the same, and I daresay Mary will be delighted, for she is a dreadful little aristocrat, notwithstanding her own foolish marriage, and all she says." "If every foolish marriage ended as well as Mary's — " said Lady Augusta. TWO CULPRITS ON THEIR TRIAL. 249 "Ah! you mean if Qvcxy parvenu was rich?" said Mr. Tottenham; "but that, unfortunately, is past hoping for. So you have come to town for the trousseau? I hope your Ladyship means to patronise the shop." "My dear Tom — " Lady Augusta began, her face clouding over. "Before your sister's time, I too was ashamed of the shop," he said, "if I am not now, it is Mary's doing. And so her little godchild is to be a great lady! I am very glad for your sake, Augusta, and I hope the little thing will be happy. Does she know her own mind? I suppose Thornleigh is very much pleased." "Delighted!" cried Lady Augusta, "as we all are; he is a charming fellow, and she is as happy as the day is long." "Ah, we are all charming fellows, and everybody makes the best of us at that period of our lives," said Mr. Tottenham; "all the same I am glad to hear everything is so pleasant. And Gussy? What does Gussy say?" "Mr. Tottenham!" Lady Augusta cried in an indignant whisper; and then she added, "tell Mary I shall come and tell her all about it. I must not detain you any longer from your business. Good- bye, Mr. Earnshaw." "Earnshaw will see you to your carriage," said Mr. Tottenham, "I am very busy — don't think me careless; and I know," he added in a lower tone, "you will like, when you are happy yourself, to say a kind word to an old friend." 250 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Happy herself! does a woman ever inquire whether she is personally happy or not when she has come to Lady Augusta's age, and has a large family to care fori She took the arm which Edgar could not but offer with an impatient sigh. "Mr. Earnshaw does not require to be told that I wish him everything that is good," she said, and allowed him to lead her out, wondering how she should manage to warn Beatrice, her youngest daughter, who had come with her, and who was looking at something in one of the many depart- ments. The young Thornleighs were all fond of Edgar, and Lady Augusta dared not trust a young firebrand of nineteen to go and spread the news all over the family, without due warning, that he had appeared upon the scene again. Edgar's short- lived anger had before this floated away, though his heart aclied at the withdrawal from him of the friendship which had been sweet to his friendly soul. His heart melted more and more every step he walked by her side. "Lady Augusta," he said at last hurriedly, "you were once as kind as an angel to me, when I wanted it much. Don't be afraid of me; I shall never put myself in your way." "Oh, Mr. Earnshaw!" she cried, struck by com- punction; "I ought to ask your pardon, Edgar; I ought to know you better; don't judge me harshly. If you only knew — " "I don't ask to know anything," he said, though his heart beat high, "my sphere henceforth is very different from yours; you need have no fear of me." TWO CULPRITS ON THEIR TRIAL. 25 I "God bless you, whatever is your sphere! you are good, and I am sure you will be happy!" she cried with tears in her eyes, giving him her hand as he put her into her carriage; but then she added, "will you send some one to call Beatrice, little Beatrice, who came with mel No, don't go your- self, pray don't go — I would not give you so much trouble for the world!" Edgar did not feel sure whether he was most inclined to burst into rude laughter, or to go aside to the nearest corner and dry his glistening eyes. 252 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XIX. Schemes and Speculations. Edgar went home in the evening, feeHng a degree of agitation which he had scarcely given himself credit for being capable of. He had been on so low a level of feeling all these years, that he believed himself to have grown duller and less capable of emotion, though he could not explain to himself how it should be so. But now the storm- winds had begun to blow, and the tide to rise. The mere sight of Lady Augusta was enough to have brought back a crowd of sensations and re- collections, and there had lately been so many other touches upon the past to heighten the effect of this broad gleam of light. Even the curious recognition of him, and the apparently foolish enmity against the Ardens, which the young lady at Tottenham's had shown, had something to do with the ferment of contending feelings in which he found himself. Hate them! no, why should he hate them? But to be thus called back to the recollection of them, and of all that he had been, had a strangely dis- turbing influence upon his mind. In his aimless wanderings alone over Europe, and in his sudden plunge into a family life quite new to him in Scot- land, he had believed himself utterly set free from SCHEMES AND SPECULATIONS. 253 all the traditions and associations of the former existence, which was indeed more like a chapter out of a romance than a real episode in life. Taking it at the most, it was nothing but an episode. After years of neglected youth, a brief breathless moment of power, independence, and a kind of greatness, and then a sharp disruption from them all, and plunge into obscurity again. Why should that short interval affect him more than all the long tracts of less highly coloured life," from which it stood out like a bit of brilliant embroidery on a sombre webl Edgar could not tell; he felt that it did so, but he could not answer to himself why. Mr. Tottenham talked all the way back about one thing and an- other, about Miss Lockwood, and the scandal which had suddenly shocked the establishment, about little Mary Thornleigh and her brilliant marriage, about the evening entertainment to be given in the shop, which was quite as important to him. Fortunately for Edgar, his companion was capable of mono- logue, and went on quite pleasantly during their drive without need of anything more than a judicious question or monosyllable of assent. "I'll tell you one thing, Earnshaw," he said, "in such undertakings as mine the great thing is never to be discouraged; never allow yourself to be dis- couraged; that is my maxim; though I am not al- ways able to carry it out. I hope I never shall give in to say that because things go wrong under my management, or because one meets with dis- appointments — therefore things must always go wrong, and nothing good ever come of it. Of 254 ^^^^ LOVE AND LIFE. course, look at it from a serious point of view, con- certs and penny readings, and so forth are of no importance. That is what Gussy ahvays tells me. She thinks religion is the only thing; she would like to train my young ladies to find their chief pleasure in the chapel and the daily service, like her Sisters in their convent. I am not against Sisterhoods, Earnshaw; I should not like to see Gussy go into one, it is true — " "Is there any likelihood of that?" Edgar asked with a great start, which made the light waggon they were driving in, swerve. "Hallo! steady!" cried Mr. Tottenham, "likeli- hood of it? I don't know. She wished it at one time. You see, Earnshaw, we don't sufficiently understand, seeing how different they are, how much alike women are to ourselves. I suppose there comes a time in a giul's life, as well as in a man's, when she wants to be herself, and not merely her father's daughter. You may say she should marry in that case; but supposing she doesn't want to marry, or, put the case, can't marry as she would wish? What can she do? I think myself they overdo the devotional part; but a Sisterhood means occupation, a kind of independence, a position of her own — and at the same time protection from all the folly we talk about strong-minded women." "l)Ut does it mean all this?" said Edgar sur- prised, "that is not the ordinary view?" "My dear fellow, the ordinary view is all non- sense. I say it's protection against idiotic talk. The last thing anyone thinks of is to bring forward SCHEMES AND SPECULATIONS. 255 the strong-minded abuse in respect to a Sisterhood. But look here; I know of one, where quite quietly, without any fuss, there's the Sister Doctor in full practice, looking after as many children as would fill a good-sized village. She's never laughed at and called Dr. Mary, M.D.; and there's the Sister Head-Master, with no Governing Body to make her life miserable. They don't put forward that view of the subject. Possibly, for human nature is very queer, they think only of the sacrifice, &c.; but I don't wonder, for my part, that it's a great tempta- tion to a woman. Gussy Thornleigh is twenty-five, too old to be only her mother's shadow; and if nothing else that she likes comes in her way — " Mr. Tottenham made a pause. Did he mean anything by that paused Poor Edgar, who felt him- self to be a sport to all the wild imaginations that can torture a man, sat silent, and felt the blood boiling in his veins and his heart leaping in his throat. It was as well that his companion stopped talking, for he could not have heard any voice but that of his own nerves and pulses all throbbing and thrilling. Heaven and earth! might it be possible that this should come about, while he, a man, able and willing to work, to slave, to turn head and hands to any occupation on the earth, should be hanging on helpless, unable to interfere? And yet he had but this moment told Gussy's mother that she need not fear him! A strong impulse came upon him to spring down from the waggon and walk back to town and tell Lady Augusta to fear everything, that he would never rest nor let her rest till he won her 256 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. daughter back to a more smiling life. Alas, of all follies what could be so foolish? he, the tutor, the dei^endent, without power to help either himself or her. The waggon rushed along the dark country road, making a little circle of light round its lamps, while the sound of the horses' feet, and the roll of the wheels, enveloped them in a circle of sound, separating, as it were, this moving speck of light and motion from all the inanimate world. It would have been as easy to change that dark indifferent sphere suddenly into the wide and soft sympathy of a summer evening, as for Edgar, at this period of his life, to have attempted from this hopeless ab- straction, in which he was carried along by others, to have interfered with another existence and turned its course aside. Not now — if ever, not yet — and, ah, when, if ever? It was a long time before he was able to speak at all, and his companion, who thus wittingly or unwittingly, threw such firebrands of thought into his disturbed mind was silent too, either respectful of Edgar's feelings, or totally un- conscious of them, he could not tell which. "May I ask," he inquired, after a long pause, clearing his throat, which was parched and dry, "what was meant by 'Helena's sad businessi' What has become of that Miss Thornleigh?" "What has become of her is, that she's married," said Mr. Tottenham. "A very natural thing, though Helena, I believe, was a little ashamed of herself for giving into it. She married a man who has no- thing but his brains to recommend him — no family to speak of, and no money, which, between our- SCHEMES AND SPECULATIONS. 257 selves, is a good deal worse. He is a professor, and a critic, and that sort of thing — too clever for me, but he suits her better than anyone I know. Helena is a totally different sort of person, sure to have her own way, whatever she takes into her head. Now Gussy, on the contrary " "Mr. Tottenham," said Edgar, hoarsely, "for God's sake, don't say any more." "Ah!" said the other; and then he added, "I beg your pardon, I beg your pardon," and flourished his whip in the air by way of a diversion. This manoeuvre was so successful that the party had quite enough to think of to keep their seats, and their heads cool in case of an accident, as the spirited beasts plunged and dashed along the remaining bit of way. "That was as near a spill as I remember," Mr. Tottenham said, as he threw the reins to the groom, when, after a tearing gallop up the avenue, the bays drew up at the door. He was flushed with the ex- citement and the struggle; and whether he had put Edgar to the torture in ignorance, or with any oc- cult meaning, the sufferer could not discover. The momentary gleam of danger at the end had how- ever done even Edgar good. Lady Mary met them at dinner, smiling and pretty, ready to lend an ear to anything interesting that might be said, but full of her own projects as when they left her. She had carried out her plans with the business-like despatch which women so often excel in, and Edgar, whose mind had been so remorselessly stirred and agitated all day, found For Love and Life. J. '7 258 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. himself quite established as an active coadjutor in her great scheme at night. "I have sent a little circular to the printers," said Lady Mary, "saying when the German lectures would be resumed. You said Tuesday, I think, Mr. Earnshaw? That is the day that suits us best. Several people have been here this afternoon, and a great deal of interest has been excited about it; several, indeed, have sent me their names already. Oh, I told them you were working half against your will, without thinking very much of the greatness of the object; indeed, with just a little contempt — for- give me, Mr. Earnshaw — for this foolish fancy of women trying to improve their minds." "No, only for the infinitely odd fancy of think- ing I can help in the process," said Edgar, dragging himself, as it were, within this new circle of fantastic light. His own miseries and excitements, heaven help him, were fantastic enough; but how real they looked by the side of this theoretical distress! or so at least the young man thought. I cannot tell with what half-laughing surprise, when his mind was at ease — but half-irritated dismay when he was troubled — he looked at this lady, infinitely more experienced in men and society and serious life than himself, who proposed to improve her mind by means of his German lessons. Was she laughing at him and the world? or was it a mere fashion of the time which she had taken up? or, most wonderful of all, was she sincere and believing in all this? He really thought she was, and so did she, not perceiving the curious misapprehension of things and words SCHEMES AND SPECULATIONS. 259 Involved. It is common to say that a sense of humour saves us from exposing ourselves in many- ways, yet it is amazing how little even our sense of humour helps us to see our own graver absurdities, though it may throw the most unclouded illumina- tion upon those of other people. "That is a polite way of concealing your senti- ments," said Lady Mary; "but never mind, I am not angry. I am so sure of the rightness of the work, and of its eventual success, that I don't mind being laughed at. To enlarge the sphere of ideas ever so little is an advantage worth fighting for." "Very well," said Edgar, "I am proud to be thought capable of enlarging somebody's sphere. What do lectures on German niean^ Before T be- gin you must tell me what I have to do." "You must teach them the language, Mr. Earn- shaw." "Yes, but where shall we begin? with the al- phabet? Must I have a gigantic black board to write the letters on?" "Oh, not so rudimentary as that; most of the ladies, in fact, know a little German," said Lady Mary. "I do myself, just enough to talk." "Enough to talk! I don't know any more of English, my native tongue/' said Edgar, "than just enough to talk." "Don't laugh at me, Mr. Earnshaw. I know no- thing of the grammar, for instance. We are never taught grammar. We get a kind of knowledge of a language, just to use it, like a tool; but what is the principle of the tool, or how it is put together, or 17* 26o FOR LOVE AND LIFE. in what way it is related to other tools of the same description, I know no more than Adam did." "She knows a great deal more than I do," said Mr. Tottenham, admiringly. "1 never could use that sort of tool, as you call it, in my life. A wonderfully convenient thing though when you can do it. I never was much of a hand at languages; you should learn all that when you are quite young, in the nursery, when it's no trouble — not leave it till you have to struggle with verbs, and all that sort of thing; not to say that you never can learn a foreign language by book." Mr. Tottenham uttered these sentiments in a comfortable leisurely, dressing-gown and slippers sort of way. He did not give in to these indulg- ences in reality, but when he came upstairs to the drawing-room, and stretched himself in his great chair by the fire, and felt the luxurious warmth steal through him, after the chill of the drive and the excitement of its conclusion,, he felt that inward sense of ease and comfort which nerves a man to utter daring maxims and lay down the law from a genial height of good-humour and content. "Tom!" cried Lady Mary, with impatience; and then she laughed, and added, "barbarian! don't throw down all my arguments in your sleepy way. If there is anything of what you call cjiivalry left in the world, you men, who are really educated and whom people have taken pains witli, ought to do your best to help us who are not educated at all." SCHEMES AND SPECULATIONS. 26 1 "O! that is the state of the easel Am I so very well educated'? I did not know it," said Mr. Totten- ham, "but you need not compel us to follow Dog- berry's maxim, and produce our education when there's no need for such vanities. I have pledged you to come to the shop, Mary, on Wednesday week. They think a great deal of securing my lady. They are going to give the trial scene from Pick- wick, which is threadbare enough, but suits this sort of business, and there's a performance of Wat- son's on the cornet, and a duet, and some part songs, and so forth. I daresay it will bore you. This affair of Miss Lockwood's is very troublesome," Mr. Tottenham continued, sitting upright in his chair, and knitting his brows; "everything was work- ing so well, and a real desire to improve showing itself among the people. These very girls, a fort- night since, were as much interested in the glacier theory, and as much delighted with the snow photo- graphs as it was possible to be; but the moment a private question comes in, everything else goes to the wall." "I suppose," said Edgar, "the fact is that we are more interested about each other, on the whole, than in any abstract question, however elevating." "Why, that is as much as to say that everything must give place to gossip," said Lady Mary, severely, "a doctrine I will never give in to." "And, by the way," said Mr. Tottenham, sinking back into dreamy ease, "that reminds me of your 262 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. sister's great news. What sort of a family is it] I remember young Granton well enough, a good- looking boy in the Guards, exactly like all the others. Little Mary is, how old? Twenty-one? How those children go on growing. It is the first good marriage, so to speak, in the family. I am glad Augusta is to have the salve of a coronet after all her troubles." "What a mixture of metaphors!" cried Lady Mary, "the salve of a coronet!" "That comes of my superior education, my dear," said Mr. Tottenham. "She doesn't deny it's a comfort to her. Her eyes, poor soul, had a look of satisfaction in them. And she has had anxiety enough of all kinds." "We need not discuss Augusta's affairs, Tom," said Lady Mary, with a glance at Edgar, so care- fully veiled that the aroused and exciting state in which he was, made him perceive it at once. She gave her husband a much more distinct warning glance; but he, good man, either did not, or would not see it. "What, not such a happy incident as this?" said Mr. Tottenham; "the chances are we shall hear of nothing else for some time to come. It will be in the papers, and all your correspondents will send you congratulations. After all, as Earnshaw says, people are more interested about each other than about any abstract question. I should not wonder even, if, as one nail knocks out another, little Mary's great marriage may banish the scandal about Miss Lockwood from the mind of the shop." SCHEMES AND SPECULATIONS. 203 Lady Mary for some seconds yielded to an im- pulse quite unusual to her. "What can the shop possibly have to do — " she began, hastily, "with the Thornleigh affairs'?" she added, in a subdued tone. "If it was our own little Molly, indeed, whom they all know — " "My dear Mary, they interest themselves in all your alliances," said Mr. Tottenham, "and you for- get that Gussy is as well known among them as you are. Besides, as Earnshaw says — Don't go, Earn- shaw; the night is young, and I am unusually dis- posed for talk." "So one can see," said Lady Mary, under her breath, with as strong an inclination to whip her husband as could have been felt by the most un- cultivated of womankind. "Come and look at my prospectus and the course of studies we are ar- ranging for this winter, Mr. Earnshaw. Some of the girls might be stirred ap to go in for the Cam- bridge examinations, I am sure. I want you so much to come to the village with me, and be in- troduced to a few of them. There is really a great deal of intelligence among them; uneducated in- telligence, alas! but under good guidance, and with the help which all my friends are so kindly willing to give — " "But please remember," cried Edgar, struggling for a moment on the edge of the whirlpool, "that I cannot undertake to direct intelligence. I can teach German if you like — though probably the first Ger- man governess that came to hand would do it a great deal better." 264 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "Not SO, indeed; the Germans are, perhaps, better trained in the theory of education than we are; but no woman I have ever met had education enough herself to be competent to teach in a thoroughly effective way," cried Lady Mary, mount- ing her steed triumphantly. Edgar sat down humbly by her, almost forgetting, in his sense of the comical position which fate had placed him in, the daily increasing embarrassments which filled his path. All the Universities put together could scarcely have made up as much enthusiasm for education as shone in Lady Mary's pretty eyes, and poured from her lips in floods of eloquence. Mr. Totten- ham, who leaned back in his chair abstractedly, and pondered his plans for the perfection of the faulty and troublesome little society in the shop, took but little notice, being sufficiently occupied with views of his own; but Edgar felt his own posi- tion as a superior being, and representative of the highest education, so comical, that it was all he could do to keep his gravity. To guide the eager uneducated intelligence, to discipline the untrained thought, nay, to teach women to think, in whose hands he, poor fellow, felt himself as a baby, was about the most ludicrous suggestion, he felt, that could have been made to him. But nothing could exceed the good faith and earnestness with which Lady Mary expounded her plans, and described the results she hoped for. This was much safer than the talk about little Mary Thornleigh's marriage — or the uncxplainable reasons which kept Gussy Thornleigh from marrying at all — or any other of SCHEMES AND SPECULATIONS, 265 those interesting personal problems which were more exciting to the mind, and much less easily- discussed. 2 66 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XX. The Village. The next afternoon was appointed by Lady Mary as the time at which Edgar should accom- pany her to Harbour Green, and be made acquainted with at least a portion of his future pupils. As I have said, this was a safe sort of resource, and he could not but feel that a compassionate under- standing of his probable feelings, and difficulties of a more intimate kind, had something to do with Lady Mary's effort to enlist him so promptly and thoroughly in the service of her scheme. Both hus- band and wife, however, in this curious house were so thoroughly intent upon their philanthropical schemes, that it was probably mere supererogation to add a more delicate unexpressed motive to the all-sufficing enthusiasm which carried them forward. Shortly, however, before the hour appointed, a little twisted note was brought to him, postponing till the next day the proposed visit to the village, and Edgar was left to himself to pursue his own studies on Phil's behalf, whose education he felt was quite enough responsibility for one so little trained in the art of conveying instruction as he was. Phil had already favoured him with one of those en- THE VILLAGE. 267 grossing and devoted attachments which are so pleasant, yet sometimes so fatiguing to the object. He followed Edgar about wherever he went, watched whatever he did with devout admiration, and copied him in such minute matters as were easily practicable, with the blindest adoration. The per- sistence with which he quoted Mr. Earnshaw had already become the joke of the house, and with a devotion which was somewhat embarrassing he gave Edgar his company continually, hanging about him wherever he was. As Edgar read Lady Mary's note which the boy brought to him, Phil volunteered ex- planations. "I know why mamma wrote you that note," he said, "it's because Aunt Augusta is there. I heard them saying — " "Never mind what you heard them saying," said Edgar; and then he yielded to a movement of nature. "Was your aunt alone, Phill" he asked — then grew crimson, feeling his weakness. "How red your face is, Mr. Earnshaw, are you angryl No, I don't think she was alone; some of the girls were with her. Mamma said she was engaged to you, and they made her give it up." "Naturally," said Edgar, "any day will do for me. What do you say now, Phil, as I am free for the afternoon, to a long walk?" "Hurrah!" cried the boy, "I wanted so much to go up to the gamekeeper's, up through the woods to see the last lot of puppies. Do you 268 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. mind walking that wayl Oh, thanks, awfully! I am so much obliged to Aunt Augusta for stopping mamma." "Come along then," said Edgar. He was glad to turn his back on the house, though he could not but look back as he left, wondering whether, at any moment at any door or window, the face might ap- pear which he had not seen for so long — the face of his little love,' whom he had once loved but lightly, yet which seemed to fix itself more vividly in his recollection every day. He could not sit still and permit himself to think that possibly she was in the same house with him, within reach, that he might hear at any moment the sound of her voice. No, rather, since he had given his voluntary promise to her mother, and since he was so far separated from her by circumstances, rather hurry out of the house and turn his back upon a possibility which raised such a tumult in his heart. He breathed more freely when he was out of doors, in the damp wintry woods, with Phil, who kept close by his side, carrying on a monologue very different in subject, but not so different in character from his father's steady strain of talk, 'inhere is a certain charm in these wintry woods, the wet greenness of the banks, the mournful stillness of the atmosphere, the crackle of here and there a dropping branch, the slow sail- ing through the air now and then of a leaf, falling yellow and stiff from the top of a bough. Edgar liked the covert and the companionship of trees, which were denuded like himself of all that had made life brave and fair. The oaks and beeches, THE VILLAGE. 26g stiffening in their faded russet and yellow, stood against the deep green of the pine and firs, like forlorn old beauties in rustling comt dresses of a worn-out fashion; the great elms and spare tall poplars spread their intricate lacework of branches against the sky; far in the west the sun was still shining, giving a deep background of red and gold to the crowded groups of dry boughs. The rustle of some little woodland animal warmly furred among the fallen leaves and decaying husks, the crackling of that branch which always breaks some- where in the silence, the trickle of water, betraying itself by the treacherous greenness of the mossy grass — these were all the sounds about, except their own footsteps, and the clear somewhat shrill voice of the boy, talking with cheerful din against time, and almost making up for the want of the birds, so much did his cheerful aimless chatter resemble their sweet confusion of song and speech, the ordinary language of the woods. "I could hit that squirrel as easy as look at him. I bet you a shilling I could! only just look here, cocking his shining eye at us, the cheeky little brute! Here goes!" "Don't," said Edgar, "how should you like it if some Brobdingnagian being took a shot at you? What do you think, Phil — were those ladies going to stayT' "Those ladiesT' cried Phil in amazement, for indeed they were dragged in without rhyme or reason in the middle of the woods and of their walk. "Do you mean Aunt Augusta and the girls? 270 FOR LOVK AND LIFE. Oh, is that all? No, I don't suppose so. Should you mind? They're jolly enough you know, after all, not bad sort of girls, as girls go." "I am glad you give so good an account of them," said Edgar, amused in spite of himself. "Oh, not half bad sort of girls! nicer a great deal than the ones from the Green, who come up sometimes. But, I say, Myra Witherington's an ex- ception. She is fun; you should see her do old Jones, or the Rector; how you would laugh! Once I saw her do papa. I don't think she meant it; she just caught his very tone, and the way he turns his head, all in a moment; and then she flushed up like fire and was in such a fright lest we should notice. Nobody noticed but me." "Your cousins, I suppose, are not so clever as that," said Edgar, humouring the boy, and feeling himself as he did so, the meanest of household spies. "It depends upon which it is. Mary is fun, the one that's going to be married," said Phil, "I sup- pose thai will spoil her; and Bee is not bad. She ain't so clever as Mary, but she's not bad. Then there's Gussy, is a great one for telling stories; she's capital when it rains and one can't get out. She's almost as good as the lady with the funny name in the Arabian Nights." "Docs she often come here?" said Edgar with a tremble in his voice. "They say she's going to be a nun," said Phil; "how funny people are! I can't fancy Cousin Gussy shut up in a convent, can you? I'd rather marry, THE VILLAGE. 2"] I like Mary, some great swell; though they are never any fun after they're married," Phil added paren- thetically with profound gravity. As for Edgar he was in no humour to laugh at this precocious wis- dom. He went straight on, taking the wrong way, and scarcely hearing the shouts of the boy who called liim back. "This is the way to the game- keeper's," cried Phil, "Mr. Earnshaw, where were you going^ You look as if you had been set think- ing and could not see the way." How true it was; he had been set thinking, and he knew no more what road he was going than if he had been blindfolded. Years after, the damp greenness of the fading year, the songless season, the bare branches against the sky, would bring to Edgar's mind the moment when he shot off blankly across the path in the wood at Tottenham's, not knowing and not caring where he went. Next day Lady Mary fulfilled her promise. She drove him down in her own pony carriage to the village, and there took him upon a little round of calls. They went to the Rectory, and to Mrs. Witherington's, and to the Miss Bakers who were great authorities at Harbour Green. The Rector was a large heavy old man, with heavy eyes, who had two daughters, and had come by degrees (though it was secretly said not without a struggle) to be very obedient to them. He said, "Ah, yes, I dare say you are right," to everything Lady Mary said, and gave Edgar a little admonition as to the seriousness of the work he was undertaking. "No- thing is more responsible, or more delicate than 2"] 2 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. instructing youth," said the Rector, "for my part I am not at all sure what it is to come to. The maids know as much now as their mistresses used to do, and as for the mistresses I do not know where they are to stop." "But you would not have us condemned to ignorance, papa," said one of his daughters. "Oh, no, I should not take it upon me to con- demn you to anything," said the old man with his quavering voice, "I hope only that you may not find you've gone further than you had any intention of going, before you've done." This somewhat vague threat was all he ventured upon in the way of remonstrance; but he did not give any encouragement, and was greatly afraid of the whole proceeding as revolutionary, and of Lady Mary herself, as a dangerous and seditious person sowing seeds of rebellion. Mrs. Witherington, to whom they went next, was scarcely more encou- raging. Her house was a large Queen Anne house, red brick, with a pediment surmounting a great many rows of twinkling windows. It fronted to the Green, without any grassplot or ornamental shrubs in front; but with a large well-walled garden behind, out of which rich branches of lilac and laburnum drooped in spring, and many scents enriched the air. The rooms inside were large, but not very lofty, and the two drawing-rooms occupied the whole breadth of the house, one room looking to the Green and the other to the garden. There were, or ought to have been folding doors between, but these were never used, and the opening was hung with curtains THE VILLAGE. 273 instead, curtains which were too heavy, and over- weighted the rooms. But otherwise the interior was pretty, with that homely gracefulness, familiar and friendly, which belongs to the dwelling of a large family where everyone has his, or rather her, habitual concerns and occupations. The front part was the most cheerful, the back the finest. There a great mirror was over the mantelpiece, but here the late Colonel's swords, crossed, held the place of honour. The visitors entered through this plainer room, which acted as ante-chamber to the other, and where Mrs. Witherington was discovered, as in a scene at the theatre, seated at a writing table with a pile of tradesmen's books before her. She was a tall spare woman, having much more the aspect which is as- sociated with the opprobrious epithet, old maid, than that which traditionally ought to belong to the mother of nine children — all except the four daugh- ters who remained at home — out and about in the world. She had three sons who were scattered in the different corners of the earth, and two daugh- ters married, one of whom was in India, and the other a consul's wife in Spain. The young ladies at home were the youngest of the family, and were, the two married daughters said to each other when they met, which was very seldom, "very differently brought up from what we were, and allowed a great deal too much of their own way." Neither of these ladies could understand what mamma could be thinking of to indulge those girls so; but Mrs. Witherington was by no means an over-indulgent person by nature, and I think she must have made For Love and Life. J. lo 2 74 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. up her mind that to indulge the vagaries of the girls was safest on the whole and most conducive to domestic peace. Fortunately each of these young women had a "way" of her own, except Myra, the youngest, who was the funny one, whom Phil and most boys ad- mired. The others were — Sissy, who was under- stood to have a suspended love affair, suspended in consequence of the poverty of her lover, from which she derived both pain and pleasure, so to speak; for her sisters, not to speak of the other young ladies of the Green, undoubtedly looked up to her in consequence, and gave her a much more impor- tant place in their little world than would have been hers by nature; and Marian, who was the mu- sical sister, who played "anything" at sight, and was good for any amount of accompaniments, and made an excellent second in a duet; and Emma, who was the useful one of the family, and possessed the handsome little sewing-machine in the corner, at which she executed yards upon yards of stitch- ing every day, and made and mended for the esta- blishment. Sissy, in addition to having a love af- fair, drew; so that these three sisters were all well defined, and distinct. Only Myra was good for no- thing in particular. She was the youngest, long the baby, the pet of the rest, who had never quite realized the fact that she was no longer a child. Myra was saucy and clever,- and rather impertinent, and considered a wit in her own family. Indeed they all had been accustomed to laugh at Myra's jokes, almost as long as they could recollect, and THE VILLAGE. 275 there is nothing that estabhshes the reputation of a wit Hke this. Mrs. Witherington was alone in the ante-room, as I have said, when Lady Mary entered, followed by Edgar. She rose somewhat stiffly to meet her visitors, for she too being of the old school disapproved of Lady Mary, who was empha- tically of the new school, and a leader of all inno- vations; though from the fact of being Lady Mary, she was judged more leniently than a less distin- guished revolutionary would have been. Mrs. Wi- therington made her greetings sufficiently loud to call the attention of all the daughters, who came in a little crowd, each rising from her corner to hail the great lady. One of them drew the cosiest chair near the fire for her, another gave her an em- broidered hand-screen to shield her face from its glow, and the third hung about her in silent ad- miration, eagerly looking for some similar service to render. Myra followed last of all, rushing audibly downstairs, and bursting into the room with eager exclamations of pleasure. "I saw the pony-carriage at the Rectory gate, and I hoped you were coming here," cried Myra; who stopped short suddenly, however, and blushed and laughed at sight of the stranger whom she had not perceived. "This is Mr. Earnshaw, Myra," said Lady Mary, "whom I told you of — who is going to be so good as to teach us. I am taking him to see some of the ladies whom he is to help to educate." "Please don't convey a false impression," said Edgar. "You are all a hundred times better edu- i8» 276 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. cated than I am. I don't make any such preten- sions." "We are not educated at all," said Sissy Wither- ington, folding her hands, with a soft sigh. She said it because Lady Mary said it, and because soft sighs were the natural expression of a young heart blighted; but I don't think she would have liked to hear the same sentiment from any one else. "Indeed, I think it is extremely disagreeable of you all to say so," said Mrs. Witherington, "and a reflection on your parents, who did the very best they could for you. I am sure your education, which you despise so, cost quite as much, at least for the last year or two, as the boys' did. I beg your pardon, Lady Mary — but I do think it is a little hard upon the older people, all these fine ideas that are being put into the girls' heads." "But, dear Mrs. Witherington, how could you help if?" said the rebel chief. "The very idea of educating women is a modern invention; nobody so much as thought of it in the last generation. Women have never been educated. My mother thought exactly the same as you do. There was absolutely no education for women in her day." "Well," said Mrs. Witherington, more erect than ever, "I had an idea once that I myself was an edu- cated person, and I daresay so had the countess — till my children taught me better." "I declare it is hard on mamma," cried Myra; "the only one among us who can write a decent hand, or do anything that's useful." THE VILLAGE. 277 "Of course nobody means that," said Lady Mary. "What I say is that every generation ought to improve and make progress, if there is to be any amelioration in the world at all; and as, fortunately, there has sprung up in our day an increased per- ception of the advantages of education — -" Here Emma's sewing-machine came to a little knot, and there was a sharp click, and the thread broke. "Oh, that comes of talking!" said Emma, as she set herself to pull out the ravelled thread and set it right again. She was not accustomed to take much share in the conversation, and this was her sole contribution to it while the visitors re- mained. "Well, a sewing-machine is a wonderful inven- tion," said Mrs. Witherington; "don't you think so, Mr. Earnshaw? Not that I like the work much my- self. It is always coarse and rough on the wrong side, and you can't use it for fine things, such as baby's things, for instance; but certainly the number of tucks and flounces that you can allow yourself, knowing that the machine Avill do dozens in a day, is extraordinary. And in a house where there are so many girls! — Emma does a great deal more with her machine, I am sure, than ever Penelope did, who was one of your classical friends, Lady Mary." "And she can undo her work still more quick- ly," cried Myra, with an outburst of laughter, "as it's only chain-stitch. What a pity Penelope did not know of it." "But then the question is," said Sissy, "whether 278 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. we are so very much the better for having more tucks and flounces. (By the way, no one wears tucks now, mamma.) The good of a sewing ma- chine is that it leaves one much more time for im- proving one's mind." "In my day," said Mrs. Witherington, going on with her private argument, "we had our things all made of fine linen, instead of the cotton you wear now, and trimmed with real lace instead of the cheap imitation trash that everybody has. AVe had not so much ornament, but what there was, was good. My wedding things were all trimmed with real Mechlin that broad — " "That must have been very charming," said Lady Mary; "but in the meantime we must settle about our work. Mr. Earnshaw is willing to give us an hour on Tuesdays. Should you all come? You must not undertake it, if it will interfere with other work." "Oh yes, I want to know German better," said Sissy. "It would be very nice to be able to speak a little, especially if mamma goes abroad next sum- mer as she promises. To know a language pretty well is so very useful." Lady Mary made a little gesture of despair with her pretty hands. "Oh, my dear girls," she said, "how are you ever to be thoroughly educated if you go on thinking only of what's useful, and to speak a little German when you go abroad? What is wanted is to make you think — to train your minds into good methods of work — to improve you alto- gether mentally, and give you the exactness of THE VILLAGE. 279 properly cultivated intellects; just the thing that we women never have." Myra was the only one who had courage enough to reply, which she did with such a good hearty ringing peal of laughter as betrayed Edgar out of the gravity becoming the situation. Myra thought Lady Mary's address the best joke in the world. 2 80 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XXL wisdom and Foolishness. "It is astonishing," said Lady Mary, mournfully, "how entirely one is misunderstood in all one's deeper meanings — even by those one has, so to speak, trained one's self." "Yes," said Edgar, hesitating, with the modesty that became his humble pretensions; "but, after all, to desire a piece of knowledge because it is useful, is not an unworthy sentiment." "Oh, no, not at all an unworthy sentiment; in- deed, very right in its way; but totally subversive," said Lady Mary, sadly, "of the highest principle of education, which aims at thorough cultivation of the mind rather than at conferring certain common- place matter-of-fact acquirements. Considered in that point of view, professional education would be the highest, which I don't think it is. Unless edu- cation is prized for itself, as a discipline of the mind, and not merely as teaching us some things we don't know, we can never reach the highest level; and that truth, alas!" Lady Mary sighed, still more sadly, with all the disappointment of a baffled reformer, "women have not even begun to WISDOM AND FOOLISHNESS. 251 perceive. You laugh, Mr. Earnshaw, but, for my part, I cannot laugh." Edgar made the best apology he could for his untimely merriment. He was very much inclined to adopt the primitive Adamic argument, and de- clare that it was Myra's fault; but either high prin- ciple, or terror of Lady Mary (I think the latter) intervened, and he refrained from thus committing himself. They walked along the sunny side of the Green together, the ponies having been sent home on account of the cold. It was a pretty place, like a village of romance , a succession of irregular houses surrounding a large triangular green, which was very green, and very well kept, and almost en- tirely appropriated to the gentry, though now and then. a ragged donkey of the lower classes would graze peaceably in a corner, to the great advantage, pictorially, of the scene. Some of the houses were, like Mrs. Witherington's, of Queen Anne's time, not antique, but pleasantly old-fashioned and character- istic; others were white cottages, half hid in shrub- beries. In one, which was very red, and very close upon the road, and had its rows of windows still more crowded than the others— a thin house, only one room in depth, with a very brightly polished brass knocker, and very white steps — there were signs of confusion which caught Lady Mary's eye. She explained to Edgar that it was the doctor's house, that he was going away, which was not much loss, as he was an old-fashioned man of the old school, and did not keep pace with the times; and that she trusted the new man, who was coming 262 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. from Scotland, would be better. Edgar listened politely, without paying much attention, for, in his ignorance, he did not feel much interest in the new doctor. "I must ask Miss Annetta about him," said Lady Mary, as she led the way into a house which turned only its gable to the Green, and possessed a carriage drive and a wilderness of lofty shrubs. The cottage itself was damp and weedy, and rather dark, with blinds and curtains half drawn over the little windows, and a sort of dim religious light, green in tone, and very limited in degree, pervad- ing the place. When Edgar's eyes became ac- customed to it, he saw that the little drawing-room was plastered over with corner cupboards, and velvet-covered shelves, and brackets, laden with old china and other curious things. The room was so crowded with these ornaments, and with old furni- ture, that it was scarcely possible to move without displacing something — a drawback which was all the more apparent, as both the Miss Bakers were large persons, many sizes too big for their house. They were not a well-matched pair. The eldest was a harsh-featured woman, looking fully forty- five, and calling herself so, with a total disregard to the feelings of Miss Annetta, who, all the world knew, was but two years younger. Miss Baker was clever, and the other was silly; but yet Miss Annetta was the most calculated to attract the attention of the sympathetic spectator, who could either laugh at her, or weep over her, as his nature prompted. She had no remnant of youth in the foolish face WISDOM AND FOOLISHNESS. 283 that had once been pretty enough; but her entire development, mental and moral, seemed to have been arrested when she was about seventeen, at the age when croquet (if croquet existed— I am afraid it did not exist at so early a period) and new pat- terns for worsted work, and crochet, were the furthest limits of her desires. Poor soul! to look at her, she was forty-three, bieti sofines, but to listen to her soft little voice and its prattle, she was seven- teen, not a day more. This curious fossilised girl was left to Edgar's share in the heat of the con- versation, which immediately ensued between Lady Mary and Miss Baker — who sympathised deeply on the educational question, and had a great deal to say to each other. After Edgar had been introduced as being "so good as to be disposed to help" in the great work, he was for the moment forgotten, while the two ladies talked of committees and schemes of lectures, and a great many things which he felt to be quite above his humble intelligence. Miss Annetta was exactly in the same position. The talk was a great deal too old and too serious for her. She sat silent for a minute or two, feeling somewhat coy of ad- dressing that wonder and mystery, "a gentleman," giving him little looks, half-saucy, half-timid, and betraying an inclination to go off into giggles of laughter, which filled Edgar with the gravest sur- prise. Finally, she made a bold step, and addressed him, giving the curls which she wore on each side of her face a little shake and toss of conscious at- tractiveness before she began. 284 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "You have not been long in the neighbourhood, Mr. Earnshaw? Do say you like it. Dear Lady Mary makes Tottenham so charming, so charming! It is such an acquisition having her. Have you had nice skating lately? I hear some of the young ladies from the Green have been at the pond. I have not gone yet myself, for I don't skate, though everybody does now-a-days. They tell me I should learn directly if I only had the courage to try; but I am such a little coward, I really daren't venture. Of course you will laugh at me; but I dare not. I really haven't the courage." "I am not at all surprised that you have not the courage," said Edgar, looking at her smiling face, and much disturbed in his mind as to what to say. "One must make up one's mind to a good many tumbles; which are all very well for boys and girls — " "Oh, I shouldn't like that," cried Miss Annetta; "children, as you say, don't mind. What a pity you did not come in the summer, Mr. Earnshaw. It is such a sociable neighbourhood. We had a garden party somewhere, at least twice a week, and they are such nice things for bringing young people together — don't you think so? Better than evening parties; you can see so much more of people, go- ing at four or five o'clock — and if you're intimate, staying for high tea and a little music after. It is a delightful way of spending the day. There is no- thing that can take the same place in winter. To be sure if a girl is bold and knows how to skate — ■ WISDOM AND FOOLISHNESS. 285 but I really daren't try, I haven't the courage; — and you don't give me much encouragement, Mr. Earn- shaw, it must be allowed." Edgar looked on in dismay while Miss Annetta shook her curls at him, and giggled as she had done when she was pretty and seventeen, just twenty-six years ago. What could he say] He was trying to find something polite and pleasant with which to carry on the conversation, when Lady Mary suddenly turned from her grave interview with the elder sister, and interfered for his salva- tion. "Miss Annetta," said Lady Mary, suddenly, "I am sure I can get information from you about the doctor. Has he gone? and has the new one come? and who is he? I hope he is not a mere stupid country practitioner. I saw a great commotion at the house." "Oh, poor Mrs. Franks," said Miss Annetta, "they were just preparing to go; but she, poor thing, though I don't like to speak of such things before gentlemen, went and had a baby this morn- ing. It has put them all out so dreadfully! and she had nothing ready, not so much as a little cap. Just like her, you will say; and of course they can't go away now for ever so long." "Poor soul," said Lady Mary, "I must send and ask if we can do anything." "Indeed, I think it wicked to encourage such people," said Miss Baker. "How dare she go on having babies, knowing she can't afford it? I have 286 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. no pity for such a woman. Of course she brings it all on herself; and if she were the only one to suffer, I shouldn't mind. But just fancy a woman of my age, subject to bronchitis, left to the tender mercies of her ninny of a husband, probably for six weeks longer, just the worst time of the year — not to speak of Annetta, who is a perfect martyr to rheumatism." "Oh, Jane!" exclaimed Miss Annetta, feebly, "Though I think it's gout," said Miss Baker. "When gout is in a family, I believe it never lets you go much beyond forty without entering an appearance; which is my great reason for hoping I shall escape scot-free, seeing I'm forty-five." "You must not believe all my sister says; she is so fond of her fun," said Miss Annetta, in an aside to Edgar. "Oh, I have heard a great deal about the new doctor, Lady Mary. He is quite young, and very handsome and nice, people say. He is coming straight from Scotland, so I suppose he must be very clever, for so many new medical things are found out there. I hear he has dark hair and eyes, and tall, and a very nice manner.'' "Well I suppose these are interesting details," said Lady Mary; "but I should have liked to know a little more of his qualifications, I confess." "And he has a charming sister, a widow, who keeps his house; so that he will be able to ask people, which a bachelor never is, except men, and they don't count as society;" cried Miss Annetta, continuing with breathless haste her report; for if WISDOM AND FOOLISHNESS. 287 Lady Mary had a fault, it was that she was too ready to interrupt uninteresting speeches. "The Franks are so poor, and they have so many chil- dren, they never were any good, not even for a garden party; but you must not think from what I say that I don't love children, Mr. Earnshaw. I adore theui! When are Phil and little Mary coming for a romp, and to see all our curiosities? I do feel so much at home with them. Lady Mary, you can't think. Jane there says we are three romps all together, and she doesn't know which is the worst." "They will be delighted to come," said Lady Mary, rising. "Oh, but I suppose I must ask permission of Mr. Earnshav/ nowl" said Miss Annetta. "If you will come too, you will see that your charge does not get into mischief, Mr. Earnshaw, and I am sure you will be quite an addition. You are not one of the stern tutors that frighten poor little things like me." "Indeed I must carry Mr. Earnshaw off. We have no time to spare," said Lady Mary. "Little fool!" she cried, severely, as soon as they had left the cottage. "I hope you don't mind her imper- tinent chatter? I am sure nothing could be further from my intention than to subject you to any such disagreeable comment." "Disagreeable! to call me what I am, Phil's tutor?" said Edgar. "Why, what a mean-spirited wretch you must think me. To accept a post, and be ashamed of the name of it — " 266 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "But, Mr. Earnshaw, you know that is not how we think. We consider you only as a friend — and take it as the greatest kindness you can do us." Then Lady Mary, witli a flush of generous senti- ment, took a warm little hand out of her muff, and gave it to Edgar, who was a great deal more touched by the a?Jiende than he had been hurt by Miss An- netta's innocent assault. "Thanks," he said, with moisture in his eyes, "so much the better for me, and so much the less reason for being ashamed of my post. If you snubbed me, I might have some excuse perhaps for making a fool of myself." "Mr. Earnshaw!" said Lady Mary again, but this time with hesitation, and almost timidity. "I wonder if you will think I mean to snub you — if I say something which I am almost bound to say?" "Say it!" said Edgar, smiling. He felt in a moment that he knew what was coming, and looked into her tremulous countenance with all the supe- rior calm of a man prepared for pain, and prescient of what was to come. "You will not be angry? Oh, Mr. Earnshaw! if you only knew how I fret at such restrictions — how I wish we could put aside mercenary conside- rations, and acknowledge ourselves all to be equal, as I am sure we are by nature!" "I don't think we are equal by nature," said Edgar; "but never mind the abstract question. I WISDOM AND FOOLISHNESS. 289 promise not even to be wounded. And I think I know what you are going to say." "It is just this," said Lady Mary, hurriedly, "Forgive me! The young Thornleighs, Mr. Earn- shaw, have always been very much with us. I am fond of them, and so is Mr. Tottenham, and they are always coming and going. It would be un- generous to you as well as unkind to them, if we were to send them away because you are here." Edgar did no more than bow in assent. A cer- tain sense of personal dignity, quite new to him, kept him from doing more. "It would be thoroughly ungenerous to you," said Lady Mary, warmly, "and contrary to the per- fect trust we feel — both my husband and I — in you, our friend." "Just one word. Lady Mary," said Edgar, "and pardon me if it seems harsh. Why did you not think of this before 1 I came here in a mist, not knowing very well what was to happen to me; but you knew the whole, both my side and the other. I need not say send me away, which is the most natural thing to do, for you were aware of all the circumstances the other day when you brought me here. Of course, at any moment, I am ready to go." "That is not quite generous," said Lady Mary, with an appealing look, "of course we knew, and trusted you as we trust you now — fully. But, Mr. Earnshaw, forgive me! I promised to Augusta to say just one word." For Love and Life. L 19 290 • FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "I have already said to Lady Augusta all that can be said," said Edgar; "that she need not fear me — that I will not put myself in her way." They had, by this time, reached the avenue, and were walking unconsciously fast in the roused state of feeling which this interview had called forth, between the long level lines of leafless trees, on the edge of the sodden, bright green wintry grass, which tempted the feet with its mossy soft- ness. It was afternoon, and the long slanting lines of sunshine lighted up, but scarcely had the better of, the creeping shadows which bided their time in every corner. Lady Mary put out her hand again suddenly, with an excitement which she did not seem able to control, and laid it on Edgar's arm. "Mr. Earnshaw!" she said, the tears coming to her eyes. "It is not for you. Augusta, like myself, trusts you entirely; it is not you." "What then?" said Edgar, suddenly stopping short, and facing her. "Mr. Earnshaw! Oh! how can I put into words the strange service — the thing beyond words, which Augusta thinks she can trust you enough to ask for. Oh! Mr. Earnshaw, see how absolute is our faith in you! It is not you she fears. It is the im- petuosity — it is the it is her own child." Edgar stood still, and did not speak — how could he? In his life he had had enough to chill him one way or another; now, all at once, there seemed to burst forth a fountain of warmth and life within WISDOM AND FOOLISHNESS. 29 1 him — in his very heart. The water came to his eyes. If he had been alone I beheve it would have over- flowed, so poignant was the touch of this sudden, scarcely comprehensible happiness. "Ah!" he cried, summing up in that little syllable, as is done so often, worlds of sudden understanding, of emotion inex- pressible in words; and so stood gazing at the un- lucky emissary, who had put things inconceivable, things unbelievable, all at once into his throbbing brain. "Oh, God forgive me!" cried Lady Mary, with a devoutness quite unusual to her. "What have I done — what have I done]" "Look here," said Edgar, feeling a strange dif- ficulty of articulation, and with a consciousness that, instead of being eloquent, as he ought to have been in the circumstances, his words were homely, almost rude; "So far as I am myself concerned, nothing will make me swerve from my word. Lady Augusta need have no fear for me; but if — " and here he paused, "if the happiness of another were any way involved. It is not my supposition, par- don me, it is yours. If then I will be bound by no word, no promise, nothing but — her will whatever it is. I am ready to balk myself, to give up the desire of my heart, to say never a word, so far as I am concerned. But her I will not balk; it is not my place. Her will she shall have if I can get it for her — at any risk, with any pains! Lady Mary, bid me go, or take the consequences; this is all I will say." 19* 2g2 t'OR LOVE AND LIFE. "Oh, Mr. Earnshaw!" cried Lady Mary, in a burst of injudicious sympathy. "Oh, Edgar! now I under- stand them;" and with that, this very foolish, very clever, little woman sat down upon the stump of a tree, and cried with all her heart. She was to- tally taken by surprise. She had believed him to be so good, so ready to obliterate himself, that she half despised him through all her generous com- passion and liking. I think it is Mr. Charles Reade who describes, somewhat coarsely perhaps, but very powerfully, the woman's surprise at discovering her- self to be, for the first time, face to face with a male of her own species. The surprise, I believe, is common to both sexes, and as much when love is out of the question as when it is deeply involved. It is one of the most penetrating of mental sensa- tions — a sudden revelation. Lady Mary felt this as she sat down on the stump of the tree, and called Edgar Earnshaw by his Christian name, and cried, suddenly abandoning her colours, giving up her cause, owning herself utterly conquered. It was a great deal to be accomplished by so few words, and Edgar himself was so entirely moved and shaken by what had occurred, that he was not half sensible of his own success. All he knew was that Lady Mary felt for him, understood him; and this gave him comfort, wlien he suddenly dropped down after the exaltation of his sudden transport into a sadness which was its natural consequence. Lady Mary fell too, out of her sudden enthusiasm into a sense of absolute foolishness and the in- discreetest of sympathetic ebullitions, and picked WISDOM AND FOOLISHNESS. 293 herself up and went meekly along the avenue by Edgar's side, trying to talk about the children, and raking up nursery stories of Phil's cleverness to tell him, in what she would herself have thought the very imbecility of motherhood. Poor Lady Mary! she had the additional misery of thinking that Edgar perceived her utter downfall and change of sides — which he, poor fellow, with his heart jumping in his throat, was far too much agitated to do. But when they came to the great door, and were about to separate, she "thought it her duty" to leave him with a final word of counsel, "Mr. Earnshaw," she said, almost timidly, "you saw that I was carried away by my feelings — for I feel for you, however I may be obliged to side with my sister in what she thinks to be best. You will forget all I have been so foolish as to say — and keep to what you said to her, won't you? Don't let me have done harm instead of good." "I will keep to what I said to her, religiously; she has my word," said Edgar, "but don't think I can ever forget what you have said to me." "Mr. Earnshaw, it was in confidence." "In closest, dearest confidence," he said, "but not to be forgotten — never to be forgotten; that is not possible. It will be wiser to tell Lady Augusta what I have said; and remember, dear Lady Mary, you, who have been so good to me, that, at a mo- ment's notice, at a word, at a look, I am ready to go away." "Not if I can help it," she said, half crying again, holding out her hand; and in sight of the 294 FO^ LOVE AND LIFE. biggest of the powdered footmen, and of the porter, and of one of the under-gardeners, all looking on in consternation, he kissed it, absolutely indifferent to what any one might say. To be sure it was only a little glove he kissed, warm out of her muff. THE OPPOSITE CAMP. 2g5 CHAPTER XXII. Tlie Opposite Camp. The Thornleigh family, or at least the feminine portion of it, was, as has been indicated to the reader, in town — though it was still very early in the year — for the purpose of looking after little Mary's trousseau, as her wedding was to take place at Easter. Lady Augusta's family numbered eight altogether — five girls and three boys; and if I could tell you half the trouble she had gone through with them, you would no longer wonder at the wrinkles on her forehead. Her girls had been as trouble- some as her boys, which seldom happens, and that was saying a great deal. Harry, the eldest son, was a prodigal, constantly in debt and in trouble; John, the second, who, it was hoped, would have dis- tinguished himself by his brains, had been plucked for his degree; and the regiment of which Reginald, the youngest son, was an ornament, had been sent off to India, contrary to all prognostications. As for the daughters, though the youngest was nine- teen, only one was married — a terrible thought for an anxious mother, as anxious to do her duty 2g6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. by her children as I.ady Augusta was — and that one! The eldest was Ada, who, when her lover, only a poor clergyman at the best, died of typhus fever, caught in his work, never would look at another man, but retired meekly into old maidenhood. The second, Helena, was the clever one of the family. She had more brains than all the rest put together, everybody said, and so indeed she herself thought — more than she knew what to do with. If that head could only have been put on her brother John's shoulders, what a blessing to everyone con- cerned! for, alas! all the good her brains did her, was to betray her into a marriage with a very clever and very learned professor, painfully superior to everybody else, but altogether out of "her own class." The third was Gussy, who had been always Lady Augusta's most dearly beloved, and who, three years ago, had been all but betrothed to the best match in the county — young Edgar Arden; but when Edgar was ruined, and disappeared, as it were, off the face of the earth, Gussy, instead of abandoning him as a sensible girl should have done, clung with the obstinacy which distinguished the Thornleighs, to the very recollection of him — which, as he was still living and marriageable, though no match at all, was a fanaticism much less manageable than Ada's. For Ada, if she insisted upon considering herself a widow, was at all events quite submissive in other matters, and content to be her mother's right hand at home; but Gussy, who had by no means given up her personal pos- THE OPPOSITE CAMP. 297 sibilities of happiness, and whose hopes were still alive, had been very restless, and worried her family with many vagaries. Schemes and crotchets ran, I suppose, in the noble blood which Lady Augusta had transmitted to her daughters. It showed itself in different ways in the sisters: Helena's ways had been all intellectual, butGussy, who was benevolent and religious, was more difficult to deal with. The melancholy seclusion, which to an English mind is the first characteristic of a convent, has little to do with the busy beehive of a modern sisterhood; and a young woman connected with such an institution has claims made upon her which are wonderfully embarrassing to a fashionable mother. Helena, in her wildest days, when she had all sorts of com- mittees going on, could be taken to her meetings and lectures in the carriage, like a Christian, and could be sent for when these seances were over; but Gussy had to trudge off on foot to all sorts of places in her long black cloak, and to visit houses in which fever, and every kind of evil, physical and moral, abounded; and was not to be shaken by any remonstrances. Indeed, the parents had been glad to compromise and consent to any amount of As- sociate-ship, so as to keep off the dreaded possi- bility of a determination on Gussy's part to enter the Sisterhood for good and all. I do not think that Gussy herself ever threatened this, though she thought of it sometimes as her best alternative, if — ; but there was still an if, a living and strong perad- venture in her mind. Other good-natured friends, however, strongly pressed the possibility on Lady 2g8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Augusta's mind; they did all they could to persuade the anxious mother to take forcible steps in the matter, and constrain Gussy, on her obedience, to give up her objectionable charities and devotions. Fortunately Lady Augusta did not belong to that class of women who take pleasure in worrying their children for their good. She shook her head when her pretty daughter, still as pretty as in her first season, went out in her black cloak, and the hideous bonnet, which the mother would not allow to her- self was "becoming," notwithstanding its intrinsic hideousness. She moaned over the dirt, the dis- ease, the evil smells and sights which her child was about to encounter, and about the risk of infection to which she would expose herself. "Who can tell what you may bring back with you, Gussy? — fever, or one does not know what," Lady Augusta said, piteously. "It is so different with our poor people at home, whom we all know." "I will shut myself up in my room, mamma; or I will go to the House, when there is anything in- fectious about; but I cannot give up my work," said Gussy, filial, but determined. "Oh, work, child! what do you mean by work?" cried Lady Augusta, driven to her wits' end. "Home is surely better than the 'Llouse,' as you call it, and I am sure Ada and I find plenty to do at home. Why cannot you do as we do?" "Perhaps because Ada and you do it all," said Gussy, unmoved by that despairing appeal which THE OPPOSITE CAMP. SQQ the old is always making to the new. Why cannot you do as we do? Poor Lady Augusta! It was she who had to give in, not her daughter. And you may easily understand, dear reader, how such a good mother was affected by the break-down of all her elder hopes — Ada, Helena, Gussy. Her three eldest children — all failures! What a heart-breaking thought it was to a woman of fashion, surrounded by contemporaries who had married their daughters well, and whom no man could reproach as negli- gent of their highest duties! She would wake some- times in the middle of the night, and ask herself was it her fault] Had she put foolish notions into the heads of the girls'? Certainly on the Thornleigh side there were no "views" nor "crotchets;" and Lady Augusta was aware that she herself had ac- complished her own fate, not altogether because she preferred it, and had, perhaps, smothered personal predilections, which her children showed no in- clination to smother. "Why cannot they do as I did?" she would say in her heart, with a sigh. But now at last a moment had come, in which her natural cares were rewarded. When Lord Granton proposed for Mary, her mother had almost cried with joy. For the first time here was a satis- factory — a completely satisfactory conclusion. So unexceptionable a young man, such a title, such estates, and a family which any girl might be proud to enter! The delight was all the sweeter from being so long deferred, so sadly missed. She for- gave Helena her bad match, and Gussy and Ada 300 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. their no matches at all, in the exhilaration of this happy moment. All her little grievances and grudges vanished in the sudden flood of sunshine. She was reconciled to all the world, even to Helena's hus- band, the Professor, over whom, too, a heavenly radiance would be flung, when he was brother-in- law to a marquis. Poor Lady Augusta! In the full height of her exhilaration she betook herself to Tot- tenham's to send the good news to her sister, feel- ing that now at least, perhaps for the first time, there was no trouble to lessen her happiness; and there she encountered, without any warning, Edgar! Heaven help her! a man still more objectionable, because more hopelessly penniless than Helena's professor, a man without a name, without a shilling, without a connection! but whom Gussy, her favourite daughter, was ready, she knew, to follow to the end of the world. When she drove out to the rural Tottenham's after this, to tell her sister the story of Mary's engagement, is it wonderful that her agitated mind should have poured forth all its mingled strain of joy, tribulation, content, and alarm 1 The wholly joyful part of her budget was soon swallowed up in the revelation of her fears about Gussy, and in the reproaches she could not quite restrain. Why had her sister so added to her burdens, by this injudi- cious, this uncalled-for interference in Edgar's fortunes'? He was not so friendless. Lady Augusta protested, half indignant, half weeping, that they, of all the world, should have rushed into the breach, and taken him up — bringing him even into their house, where he could not fail to see Gussy one THE OPPOSITE CAMP. 30 1 time or other. And then the anxious mother cried, and told her sister that she had no confidence in Gussy. In Edgar she had every confidence; he had promised never to thrust himself into her way; but Gussy had made no such promise, and her mother did not even dare to speak to her on the subject, knowing that she would be met by unanswerable arguments. Thus the two ladies, talking over the whole matter, fell into a not unnatural snare, and resolved to confide in Edgar, and trust to him to keep Gussy, as well as himself, right — not fore- seeing how that confidence would change to him the whole aspect of affairs. When Ada heard how far her mother's revelations had gone, and of the step Lady Mary was commissioned to take, she did not give it her approval, as Lady Augusta had hoped, but looked very grave, and doubted much the wisdom of the proceeding. "He promised never to stand in my way," Lady Augusta said, much de- pressed by her privy-councillor's disapproval. "But he did not promise for Gussy — what right would he have to undertake for Gussy T' said Ada, shaking her head. It was an idea which had not entered her mother's mind, for Lady Augusta had that kind of confidence in Edgar, as of a man born to set everything right, which women, especially when sur- rounded by practical difficulties, are so ready to place in an ideal man. He had never objected to her commands hitherto; why should he now? Never- theless, when Ada disappeared, Lady Augusta began to quake lest she should have done more harm than good. 302 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "We must try to get something for him to do," she said, faltering, "something abroad. Notwith- standing all those absurd new arrangements, people of influence can still command situations abroad, I hope, if they choose to take the trouble. I shall speak to Lord Millboard, Ada; and I am sure Granton, dear fellow, would take any trouble, if he knew how important it was." "Because he is happy himself, to prevent poor Gussy from being happy?" said Ada. "Oh, I am not saying anything against it, mamma. I suppose it will have to be." "Of course it will have to be," said her mother, "you are all very unkind — you girls. Not one of you has exerted herself as I had a right to expect. Do you think that I thought of nothing but pleasing myself when I married? And who has lost the most in losing Edgar? Well, Gussy, you may say, in one way; but I too. What a help he would have been to me! so kind and so understanding. Oh, Ada! if you knew how much it goes against my heart to shut him out. But it must be; what would your father — what would every one say?" To this, Ada could return but little answer, ex- cept to murmur something about "leaving it in the hands of Providence," which was not so consolatory to Lady Augusta as it was meant to be. "It is all very well to say, leave it to Providence!" cried that much tried mother, "if you had lived as long as I have, Ada, you would have found that all the most inconvenient things that happen in the THE OPPOSITE CAMP. 3*^3 world are said to be brought about by Providence — especially in the way of marriages. No, we must take precautions; Gussy must not go near Totten- ham's while he is there; and I'll tell you what I will do. Harry is at home doing nothing particular, and probably quarrelling with your poor papa, who has so much to vex him. I have just been wondering how they could possibly get on with all of us away. I will write and tell him to offer himself to your aunt Mary for a visit." "Harry! what good will Harry doV asked Ada, wondering. "Well, my dear, at least he will be on the spot," said Lady Augusta; and she breathed a long sigh, as if a weight had been taken off her mind. Any stop-gap, however imperfect, which takes, or seems to take, a responsibility off the mind, is enough to give a sense of relief to one so overborne by many businesses as Lady Augusta was. "And now, my dear, let us look over Mary's patterns," she said, drawing a chair towards Ada's table, on which a mass of samples, of linen, silk, muslin, and every other fabric, known to human ingenuity, were lying, ticketed and arranged in packets. This was a little bit of pure enjoyment, which refreshed the anxious mother in the midst of all her cares. I need not tell what commotion was made in the household when the news crept out and stole secretly from one girl to another, that Tidgar had come back. Mary and Beatrice put their curly heads together over it, and the result was a communication to the 304 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. young Granton, which effectually fortified him against making himself a tool of any of poor Lady Augusta's schemings to get rid of the danger. These two were the children of the house, and the elder sisters paid but little attention to their innocent conspiracies. The elders were more interesting personages than little Mary and Bee, though Mary was a predestined marchioness, and there was no knowing what Bee might come to in the way of matrimonial elevation. There are people, no doubt, who will think the old maid of the family its least interesting member; but you, dear unknown friend, my gentle reader, are not of that complexion; and there may be others who will feel that Ada's obscure life was a poor enough thing to settle down to, after all the hopes and all the disappointments of youth, both of which are more exciting and sustaining than the simple monotony of such a commonplace existence. I am not sure, however, for my own part, whether Ada's soft self-renunciation never expressed in words, and her constant readipess in trouble, and the numberless frocks she made for her poor children — and even her mother's meetings, though the family laughed at them — were half so bewildering an anti-climax to the high aspirations of youth as was Helena's Pro- fessor, and the somewhat humdrum, if highly intel- lectual routine into which she had dropped with him. Helena, herself now and then, had a confused and giddy consciousness that ministering to a man's comforts, who was not at all a demi-god, and attend- ing lectures at the Royal Society was a very odd and sudden downfall from all her dreams of social THE OPPOSITE CAMP. 305 amelioration and "a great work;" but fortunately she was happy, a thing which deadens the moral perception. Ada was happy, too, in her different way; but Gussy was not happy. She had not the tranquil soul of her elder sister, nor that curious mixture of sense and talent, and self-confidence and absence of humour which made Helena what she was. She had not "given up," as in various ways both of them had done. She was dissatisfied, for life as yet had lost none of its possibilities, neither by fulfilment nor renunciation. All clouds might yet be cleared away from her sky, and what she considered perfect happiness might yet be waiting for her somewhere. This remnant of possibility that the soul may still have all it craves, ought, you might think, to have kept Gussy's heart alive, and given her a secret support; but it was in fact a very fire of restlessness within her. The first step towards attaining the secondary happinesses of life, is to have given up and recognised as impossible the primary and greater happiness. Gussy had been compelled to occupy herself closely, in order to save herself from becoming discontented, morbid, sour, and miserable, by reason of this sense within her, that everything might yet come right. "Why should you say it was injudicious?" she said to her sister, when they at length discussed the subject, "why should not they help him, since he wants it, because of the chance of meeting me? I heard what mamma said as I came in. If he does meet me, I dare say he has forgotten all about me For Love and Lije. I. 20 306 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. by this time, or at least remembers me only as a friend. It would be hard indeed if any ghost of me, after all these years, were to come in his way." "And you," said her sister, "could you meet him as a friend whom you remembered? Would that be all?" Gussy's lip quivered in spite of herself. "I hope I could do — whatever was necessary," she said proudly. But in the midst of uttering these two or three words, a sudden tear fell unexpectedly out of her eye and betrayed her. "How silly!" she said, dashing it away; "you forget I did see him. Oh, Ada, fancy travelling with him all those hours, and never saying a word! It was as if we were in two different worlds — like looking into another existence, and seeing those whom one has lost, without any power to communicate with them." "Ah! but we are not permitted to do even that," said Ada; "do you think he did not recognise you? Not at all? That is so strange to me." Gussy shook her head. "I don't think he did; but you must remember," she said humbly, "that he never was what you might call so very much in love with me. He liked me; he was even fond of me — but not exactly in love. It is different — I always felt that, even when you all made so sure. And what he thinks of me now, I don't know. If I saw him once, I should be able to tell you; but I shall try not to see him. It is best I should not see him," said Gussy very low, "best in every way." THE OPPOSITE CAMP. 2)'^'J "My poor child!" said Ada; but she did not contradict her, as her sister almost hoped; and Gussy went away immediately after, with her heart full, to put on her black cloak and close bonnet, and to go forth into some very unsavoury region indeed, where a serene Sister, so smiling and cheery that you might be certain her mind was taken up by no possible happiness, was hard at work. Gussy had some very disagreeable work allotted to her which gave her full occupation till it was time to return to "the world," and as long as she was thus engaged she was able to forget all about her- self and Edgar, and everything else in the other existence. Thus Rag Fair was good for her, and gave her a certain amount of strength with which to return to Berkeley Square. But the reader will perceive that if Edgar's mind was disturbed by what he had heard, a similar, if less violent commotion had been raised, by the mere intimation of his return, in the opposite camp, where every member of the family instinctively felt the danger, though the young and the romantic among them welcomed it as rather an advantage than a peril. Gussy went about her ordinary work, whether in "the world" or out of it, with a soft perpetual tremor, feeling that at any moment, round any corner, she might meet him with whom her youthful thoughts had wandered all these years. I will not say that she was not somewhat anxious and uncertain as to the effect which this long interval might have had upon Edgar's mind; for women seldom have a very strong faith, unassisted by evi- 20* 308 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. dence, in the fidelity of a long absent lover; but she had no sense of having given love unsought, or shame in her own secret devotion. She knew that if Edgar had remained rich and prosperous she would have been his wife long ere now, and this gave to Gussy's maiden love that sweet legiti- macy and pride of duty which is so much to a woman, and emboldens her to give without shame, and with all her heart. In the meantime, however, Lady Augusta took that other precautionary measure which had suddenly occurred to her, to Ada's great surprise and con- sternation, and sent private orders to her son, Harry — who was at that moment under a cloud, and doing his best to act the part of a good son to a very irritable father who had just paid his debts for him, and was taking them out in abuse of every description at Thornleigh, while the mother and sisters were in town. I don't believe she had the least notion what good Harry could do; but it re- lieved him from a very trying ordeal, and the young man jumped at it, though Ada shook her head. "He will be on the spot at least, my dear," said Lady Augusta, all unconscious of slang. She ex- plained to her husband that the Tottenhams had taken one of their fancies to Mr. Earnsliaw, whom they had all once known so well as Edgar Arden, and that she thought it would be well that one of the family should be there to keep an eye upon him, lest he and Gussy should meet. "For you know, Gussy has not been the same since that affair," wrote the careful mother. Mr. Thornleigh, THE OPPOSITE CAMP. 309 who had a more than ordinaiy contempt at this moment for Harry's capabihties, wrote her a rather rude letter in reply, telling her that she was a fool indeed if she trusted in anything her hopeful son could do; but nevertheless, he made no objection to the visit. Thus it will be seen how emphatically their own doing was all the confusion that followed this momentous step, which the Thornleighs all combined in their ignorance to make Harry take — and which he accepted as he would have accepted any change, at that moment; not having the least idea of what was wanted of him, any more than of what fate had in store for him. Lady Augusta went on more calmly with her preparations for little Mary's grand wedding when she had thus, to her own satisfaction, secured a representative at Tot- tenham's. And Ada studied the patterns indefati- gably, and gave the mother the very best advice as to which was most suitable; and Gussy had a per- fect carnival of work, and spent almost all her time in Rag Fair — with occasional expeditions to the shop, where Mr. Tottenham had established a chapel, chiefly to please her, and where one of the clergy- men attached to the Charity-House kept up daily service. This was much more dangerous, had Lady Augusta been aware of the fact, than the rural Tottenham's, where Harry was set to be sentinel without knowing it. And thus the first cold lingering days of spring — spring only in name, with all winter's cold, and less than winter's comfort, dragged themselves along. Only to Lady Augusta, who was busy with the 310 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. trousseau, and little Mary, who was making love, the days were not long enough for all that had to be put into them; though the others were of a different mind. END OF VOL. L COLLECTION Ol' BEITISn AUTHOPiS TAUCITNITZ EDITION. VOL. 1420. FOR LOVE AND LIFE BY MRS. OLIPIIANT. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. TAUCHNITZ EDITION. By the same Author, TIIIC LAST OF THE M0KTIJ113KS .... 2 vols. MARGAIiKT MAITLANl) 1 vol. AGN'ES 2 vols. 5IAJ)ONNA MARY 2 vols. TlIK minister's wife 2 vols. THE RECTOR AND THE DOCTOr's FAMILY 1 vol. SAI,EM CHAPEL 2 vols. THE PERPETUAL CURATE 2 vols. MISS MARJORIBANKS 2 vols. OMBRA 2 vols. MEMOIR OF COUNT I>E MONTALEMIiERT . 2 vols. MAY 2 vols. INNOCENT 2 vols. FOR LOVE AND LIFE. MRS. OLIPHANT, author of 'chronicles of carlingford," "'omrra," "may," etc. COPYRIGHT edition: IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. LEIPZIG BERNHARD TAUCHXITZ 1874. The Right 0/ Translation U 7-e.iei-!>ed FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER I. Intoxication. There is, perhaps, no such crisis in the life of a man as that which occurs when, for the first time, he feels the welfare and happiness of another to be involved in his own. A woman is seldom so entirely detached from ordinary ties of nature as to make this discovery suddenly, or even to be in the position when such a discovery is possible. So long as you have but yourself to think of, you may easily be pardoned for thinking very little of that self, for being careless of its advantage, and letting favour- able opportunities slip through your fingers; but suppose you find out in a moment, without warn- ing, that your interests are another's interests, that to push your own fortune is to push some one else's fortune, much dearer to you than yourself; and that, in short, you are no longer jyou at all, but the active member of a double personality — is as startling a sensation as can well be conceived. This was the idea which Edgar had received into his mind for the first time, and it was not wonderful that it ex- 6 FOR LOVK AND LIFE. cited, nay, intoxicated him, almost beyond his power of self-control. I say for the first time, though he had been on the eve of asking Gussy Thornleigh to marry him three years before, and had therefore realised, or thought he realised, what it would be to enter into such a relationship; but in those days Edgar was rich, and petted by the world, and his bride would have been only a delight and honour the more, not anything calling for sacrifice or effort on his part. He could have given her everything she desired in the world, without losing a night's rest, or disturbing a single habit. Now the case was very different. The nevv-born pride which had made him, to his own surprise, so reluctant to apply to anyone for employment, and so little satis- fied to dance attendance on Lord Newmarch, died at that single blow. Dance attendance on Lord Newmarch! ask any- body, everybody for work! Yes, to be sure he would, and never think twice; for had he not now her to think of? A glow of exhilaration came over him. He had been careless, indifferent, sluggish, so long as it was himself only that had to be thought of. Thinking of himself did not suit Edgar; he got sick of the subject, and detested himself, and felt a hundred pricks of annoyance at the thought of being a suitor and applicant for patronage, bearing the scorns of office, and wanting as "patient merit" in a great man's ante-room. But now! what did he care for those petty annoyances'? Why should he object, like a pettish child, to ask for what he wanted? It was for her. He became himself acrain INTOXICATION. 7 the moment that the strange and penetrating sweet- ness of tliis suggestion (which he declared to him- self was incredible, yet believed with all his heart) stole into his soul. This had been what he wanted all along. To have some one to work for, some one to give him an object in life. Lady Mary had not a notion what she was doing when she set light to the fire which was all ready for that touch — ready to blaze up, and carry with it her own schemes as well as her sister's pre- cautions. I suppose it was by reason of the funda- mental difference between man and woman, that neither of these ladies divined how their hint would act upon Edgar. They thought his virtue (for which they half despised him — for women always have a secret sympathy for the selfish ardour of men in all questions of love) was so great that he might be trusted to restrain even Gussy herself in her "im- petuosity," as they called it, without considering that the young man was disposed to make a god- dess of Gussy, to take her will for law, and compass heaven and earth to procure her a gratification. Gussy, though she held herself justified in her unswerving attachment to Edgar, by the fact that, had it not been for his misfortune, she would long ago have been his wife, would, notwithstanding this consolation, have died of shame had she known how entirely her secret had been betrayed. But the betrayal was as a new life to Edgar. His heart rose with all its natural buoyancy; he seemed to himself to spurn his lowliness, his inactivity, his depressed and dejected state from him. That 8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. evening he beguiled his hosts into numberless dis- cussions, out of sheer lightness of heart. He laughed at Lady Mary about her educational mania, boldly putting forth its comic side, and begging to know whether German lectures and the use of the globes were so much better, as means of education, than life itself, with all its many perplexities and questions, its hard lessons, its experiences, which no one can escape. "If a demigod from the sixth form were to come down and seat himself on a bench in a dame's school," cried Edgar, "why, to be sure, he might learn something; but what would you think of the wisdom of the proceeding?" "I am not a demigod from the sixth form," said Lady Mary. "Pardon me, but you arc. You have been among the regnant class all your life, which of itself is an enormous cultivation. You have lived famili- arly with people who guide the nation; you have spoken with most of those who are known to be worth speaking to, in England at least; and you have had a good share of the problems of life submitted to you. Mr. Tottenham's whole career, for instance, which he says you decided—" "What is that?" said Mr. Tottenham, looking up. "Whatever it is, what you say is quite true. I don't know if it's anything much worth calling a career; but, such as it is, it's all her doing. You're right there." "1 am backed up by indisputable testimony," said Edgar, laughing; "and in the face of all this, INTOXICATION. Q you can come and tell me that you want to educate your mind by means of the feeblest of lectures! Lady Mary, are you laughing at us? or are the dry lessons of grammar and such like scaffolding, really of more use in educating the mind than the far higher lessons of life?" "How you set yourself to discourage me," cried Lady Mary, half angry, half laughing. "That is not what you mean, Mr. Earnshaw. You mean that it is hopeless to train women to the accuracy, the exactness of thought which men are trained to. I understand you, though you put it so much more prettily." "I am afraid I don't know what accuracy means," said Edgar, "and exactness of thought suggests only Lord Newmarch to me; and Heaven deliver us from prigs, male and female! If you find, however, that the mass of young university men are so accurate, so exact, so accomplished, so trained to think well and clearly, then I envy you your eyes and perceptions — for to me they have a very different appearance; many of them, I should say, never think at all, and know a good deal less than Phil does, of whom I am the unworthy instructor — save the mark!" he added, with a laugh. "On the whole, honours have showered on my head; I have had greatness thrust upon me like Malvolio; not only to instruct Phil, but to help to educate Lady Mary Tottenham! What a frightful impostor I should feel myself if all this was my doing, and not yours." Lady Mary laughed too, but not without a little flush of offence. It even crossed her mind to lO FOR LOVE AND LIFE. wonder whetlier the young man had taken more wine than usual'? for there was an exhilaration, a boldness, an elan about him which she had never perceived before. She looked at him with mingled suspicion and indignation — but caught such a glance from his eyes, which were full of a new warmth, life, and meaning, that Lady Mary drojiped hers, confused and confounded, not knowing what to make of it. Had the porter, and the footman, and the under-gardener, who had seen Edgar kiss Lady Mary's hand, been present at that moment, they would certainly have drawn conclusions very un- favourable to Mr. Tottenham's peace of mind. But that unsuspecting personage sat engaged in his own occupation, and took no notice. He was turning over some papers which he had brought back witli him from Tottenham's that very day. "When you two have done sparring," he said — "Time will wait for no man, and here we are within a few days of the entertainment at the shop. Earn- shaw, I wish you would go in with me on Wednes- day, and help me to help them in their arrangements. I have asked a few people for the first time, and it will be amusing to see the fine ladies, our customers, making themselves agreeable to my 'assistants.' By- the-way, that affair of Miss Lockwood gives me a great deal of uneasiness. I don't like to send her away. She seemed disposed to confide in you, my dear fellow — " "I will go and secure her confidence," said Edgar, with that gay readiness for everything which Lady Mary, with such amaze, had remarked already INTOXICATION. 1 I in Ills tone. Up to this moment he had wanted confidence in himself, and carried into everything the hisoucia7ice of a man who takes up with friend- liness the interests of others, but has none of his own. All this was changed. He was another man, liberated somehow from chains which she had never realised until now, when she saw they were broken. Could her conversation with him to-day have any- thing to do with it? Lady Mary was a very clever woman, but she groped in vain in the dark for some insight into the mind of this young man, who had seemed to her so simple. And the less she understood him, the more she respected Edgar; nay, her respect for him began to increase , from the moment when she found out that he was not so absolutely virtuous as she had taken him to be. Next day, as soon as Phil's lessons were over, Edgar shut himself up, and, with a flush upon his face, and a certain tremor, which seemed to him to make his hand and his writing, by some curious paradox, more firm than usual, began to write letters. He wrote to Lord Newmarch, he wrote to one or two others whom he had known in his moment of prosperity, with a boldness and freedom at which he e and Life. I J, ^ 82 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. room day," cried Harry, half conscious of this very distinct commentary upon his words. "Never mind, I'll tell the gardener. I suppose there are heaps more." "How delightful to have heaps more!" said Margaret. "I don't think poor folk should ever be brought into such fairy places. I used to think my- self so lucky with a half-a-dozen plants." "Then you are fond of flowers'?" said Harry. What woman, nay, what civilised person of the present age, ever made but one answer to such a question? There are a few people left in the world, and only a few, who still dare to say they are not fond of music; but fond of flowers! "I do so wish you would let me keep you supplied," said Harry, eagerly. "Trouble! it would be the very reverse of trouble; it would be the very greatest pleasure — and I could do it so easily — " "Are you a cultivator, then?" said Margaret, "a great florist?" she said it with a half-consciousness of the absurdity, yet half deceived by his earnest- ness. Harry himself was startled for the moment by the question. "A florist! Oh, yes, in a kind of a way," he said, trying to restrain an abrupt momentary laugh. A florist? yes; by means of Covent Garden, or some ruinous London nurseryman. But Margaret knew little of such refinements. "It would be such a pleasure to me," he said, anxiously. "May I do it? And then you will not be able quite to forget my very existence." Margaret got up, feeling the conversation had IN LOVE. 83 gone far enough. "May not I see the — orchids? It was the orchids I think that Lady Mary said." "This is the way," said Harry, almost sullen, feeling that he had fallen from a great height. He went after her with his huge handful of velvety jas- mine flowers. He did not like to offer them, he did not dare to strew them at her feet that she might walk upon them, which was what he would have liked best. He flung them aside into a corner in despite and vexation. Was he angry with her? If such a sentiment had been possible, that would have been, he felt, the feeling in his mind. But Margaret was not angry nor annoyed, though she had stopped the conversation, feeling it had gone far enough. To "give him encouragement," she felt, was the very last thing that, in her position, she dared to do. She liked the boy, all the same, for liking her. It gave her a soothing consciousness of personal well-being. She was glad to please everybody, partly because it pleased herself, partly because she was of a kindly and amiable character. She had no objection to his admiration, to his love, if the foolish boy went so far, so long as no one had it in his power to say that she had given him encouragement; that was the one thing upon which her mind was fully made up; and then, whatever came of it, she would have nothing with which to reproach herself. If his people made a disturbance, as they probably would, and put a stop to his pas- sion, why, then, Margaret would not be to blame; and if, on the contrary, he had strength of mind to persevere, or they, by some wonderful chance, did 84 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. not oppose, why then Margaret would reap the benefit. This seems a somewhat selfish principle, looking at it from outside, but I don't think that Margaret had what is commonly called a selfish nature. She was a perfectly sober-minded unim- passioned woman, very affectionate in her way, very kind, loving comfort and ease, but liking to partake these pleasures with those who surrounded her. If fate had decreed that she should marry Harry Thornleigh, she knew very well that she would make him an admirable wife, and she would have been quite disposed to adapt herself to the position. But in the meantime she would do nothing to commit herself, or to bring this end, however desirable it might be in itself, about. NO ENCOURAGEMENT. 85 CHAPTER VII. No Encouragement. "You must not take any more trouble with me," said Margaret, "my brother will come up for me; it will be quite pleasant to walk down in the gloam- ing — I mean — " she added, with a slight blush over her vernacular, "in the twilight, before it is quite dark." "Oh! pray don't give up those pretty Scotch words," said Lady Mary, "gloaming is sweeter than twilight. Do you know I am so fond of Scotch, the accent as well as the words." Margaret replied only by a dubious smile. She would rather have been complimented on her Eng- lish; and as she could not make any reply to her patroness' enthusiasm, she continued what she was saying: "Charles wishes to call and tell you how much he is gratified by your kindness, and the walk will be pleasant. You must not let me give you more trouble." "No trouble," said Lady Mary, "but you shall have the close carriage, which will be better for you than Harry and the ponies. I hope he did not frighten you in the morning. I don't think I could give him a character as coachman; he all but upset 86 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. me the other night, when we left your house — to be sure I had been aggravating— eh, Harry?" she said, looking wickedly at him. "It was very good of you to let me have my talk out with the Pro- fessor; ladies will so seldom understand that busi- ness goes before pleasure. And I hope you will do as he asked, and come to the lecture to-morrow." "I am not very understanding about lectures," said Margaret. "Are not you? you look very understanding about everything," said Lady Mary. She too, as well as Harry, had fallen in love with the doctor's sister. The effect was not perhaps so sudden; but Lady Mary was a woman of warm sympathies, and sudden likings, and after a few hours in Margaret's society she had quite yielded to her charm. She found it pleasant to look at so pretty a creature, pleasant to meet her interested look, her intelligent attention. There could not be a better listener, or a more delightful disciple; she might not perhaps know a great deal herself, but then she was so will- ing to adopt your views, or at least to be en- lightened by them. Lady Mary sat by, and looked at her after the promenade round the conservatories, with all a woman's admiration for beauty of the kind which women love. This, as all the world knows, is not every tyj^e; but Margaret's drooping shadowy figure, her pathetic eyes, her soft paleness, and gentle deferential manner, were all of the kind that women admire. Lady Mary "fell in love" with the stranger. They were all three seated in the con- servatory in the warm soft atmosphere, under the NO ENCOURAGEMENT. 87 palm tree, and the evening was beginning to fall. The great fire in the drawing-room shone out like a red star in the distance, through all the drooping greenness of the plants, and they began half to lose sight of each other, shadowed, as this favourite spot was, by the great fan branches of the palm. "I think there never was such delightful luxury as this," said Margaret, softly. "Italy must be like it, or some of the warm islands in the sea." "In the South SeaT' said Lady Mary, smiling, "perhaps; but both the South Seas and Italy are homes of indolence, and I try all I can to keep that at arm's length. But I assure you Herr Hart- stong was not so poetical; he gave me several hints about the management of the heat. Do come to- morrow and hear him, my dear Mrs. Smith. Botany is wonderfully interesting. Many people think it a dilettante young-lady-like science; but I believe in the hands of a competent professor it is something very different. Do let me interest you in my scheme. You know, I am sure, and must feel, how little means of education there are — and as little Sibby will soon be craving for instruction like my child—" "I suppose there is no good school for little girls here?" said Margaret, timidly; her tact told her that schools for little girls were not in' question; but she did not know what else to say. "Oh!" said Lady Mary, with momentary annoy- ance; "for mere reading and writing, yes, I believe there is one; but it is the higher instruction I mean," she added, recovering herself, "probably you 88 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. have not had your attention directed to it; and to be sure in Scotland the standard is so much higher, and education so much more general." Margaret had the good sense to make no reply. She had herself received a solid education at the parish school of Loch Arroch, along with all the ploughboys and milkmaids of the district, and had been trained into English literature and the Shorter Catechism, in what was then considered a very satisfactory way. No doubt she was so much better instructed than her patroness that Lady Mary scarcely knew what the Shorter Catechism was. But Margaret was not proud of this training, though she was aware that the parochial system had long been a credit to Scotland — and would much rather have been able to say that she was educated at Miss So-and-So's seminary for young ladies. As she could not claim any such Alma Mater, she held her tongue, and listened devoutly, and with every mark of interest while Lady Mary's scheme was propounded to her. Though, however, she was extremely attentive, she did not commit herself by any promise, not knowing how far her Loch Arroch scholarship would carry her in comparison with the young ladies of Harbour Green. She consented only conditionally to become one of Lady Mary's band of disciples. "If I have time," she said; and then Lady Mary, questioning, drew from her a programme of her oc- cupations, which included the housekeeping, Sibby's lessons, and constant attendance, when he wanted her, upon her brother. "I drive with him," said NO ENCOURAGEMENT. 89 Margaret, "for he thinks it is good for my health — and then there is always a good deal of sewing." "But," said Lady Mary, "that is bad political economy. You neglect your mind for the sake of the sewing, when there are many poor creatures to whom, so to speak, the sewing belongs, who have to make their livelihood by working, and whom ladies' amateur performances throw out of bread." Thus the great lady discoursed the poor doctor's sister, who but for him would probably have been one of the said poor creatures; this, however, it did not enter into Lady Mary's mind to conceive. Margaret was overawed by the grandeur of the thought. For the first moment, she could not even laugh covertly within herself at the thought of her own useful sewing being classified as a lady's amateur performance. She was silent, not ventur- ing to say anything for herself, and Lady Mary resumed. "I really must have you among my students; think how much more use you would be to Sibby, if you kept up, or even extended, your own acquire- ments. Of course, I say all this with diffidence, be- cause I know that in Scotland education is so much more thought of, and is made so much more important than it is with us." "Oh, no!" cried Margaret. She could not but laugh now, thinking of the Loch Arroch school. And after all, the Loch Arroch school is the point in which Scotland excels England, or did excel her richer neighbour; and the idea of poor Margaret being better educated than the daughter of an Eng- go FOR LOVE AND LIFE. lish earl, moved even her tranquil spirit to laughter. "Oh, no; you would not think that if you knew," she said, controlling herself with an effort. If it had not been for a prudent sense that it was best not to commit herself, she would have been deeply tempted to have her laugh out, and confide the joke to her companions. As it was, however, this suppressed sense of ridicule was enough to make her uncomfortable. "I will try to go," she said gently, changing the immediate theme, "after the trouble of the flitting is over, when we have got into our house." Lady Mary fell into the snare. She began to ask about the house, and whether they had brought furniture, or what they meant to do, and entered into all the details with a frank kindness which went to Margaret's heart. During all this conversa- tion, Harry Thornleigh kept coming and going softly, gliding among the plants, restless, but happy, He could not have her to himself any longer. He could not talk to her; but yet she was there, and making her way into the heart of at least one of his family. While these domestic subjects were dis- cussed, and as the evening gradually darkened, Harry said to himself that he had always been very fond of his aunt, and that she was very nice and sympathetic, and that to secure her for a friend would be wise in any case. It was almost night before Dr. Murray made his appearance, and he was confounded by the darkness of the place into which he was ushered, where he could see nothing but shadows among the plants and against the pale NO ENCOURAGEMENT. 9 1 lightness of the glass roofs. I am not sure, for the moment, that he was not half offended by being received in so unceremonious a way. He stood stiffly, looking about him, till Lady Mary half rose from her seat. "Excuse me for having brought you here," she said; "this is our favourite spot, where none but my friends ever come." Lady Mary felt persuaded that she saw, even in the dark, the puffing out of the chest with which this friendly speech was received. "For such a pleasant reason one would excuse a much worse place," he said, with an attempt at ease, to the amusement of the great lady who was condescending to him. Excuse his introduction to her conservatory! He should never have it in his power to do so again. Dr. Charles then turned to his sister, and said, "Margaret, we must be going. You and the child have troubled her Ladyship long enough." "I am delighted with Mrs. Smith's society, and Sibby has been a godsend to the children," said Lady Mary. "Let us go into the drawing-room, where there are lights, and where we can at least see each other. I like the gloaming, your pretty Scotch word; but I daresay Dr. Murray thinks us all rather foolish, sitting like crows in the dark." She led the way in, taking Margaret's arm, while Margaret, with a little thrill of annoyance, tried through the imperfect light to throw a warning look at her brother. Why did he speak so crossly, he who was never really cross; and why should he say 92 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. ladyship? Margaret knew no better than he did, and yet instinct kept her from going wrong. Dr. Murray entered the drawing-room, looking at the lady who had preceded him, to see what she thought of him, with furtive, suspicious looks. He was very anxious to please Lady Mary, and still more anxious to show himself an accomplished man of the world; but he could not so much as enter a room without this subtle sense of inferiority betray- ing itself. Harry, coming after him, thought the man a cad, and writhed at the thought; but he was not at all a cad. He hesitated between the most luxuri- ous chair he could find, and the hardest, not feeling sure whether it was best to show confidence or humility. When he did decide at last, he looked round with what seemed a defiant look. "Who can say I have no right to be here?" poor fellow, was written all over his face. "You have been making acquaintance with your patients? I hope there are no severe cases," said Lady Mary. "No, none at all, luckily for them — or I should not have long answered for their lives," he said, with an unsteady smile. "Ah! you do not like Dr. Franks' mode of treat- ment? Neither do I. I have disapproved of him most highly sometimes; and I assure you," said Lady Mary, in her most gracious tone, "I am so very glad to know that there is now some one on the spot who may be trusted, whatever happens. With one's nursery full of children, that question NO ENCOURAGEMENT. Q3 becomes of the greatest importance. Many an anx- ious moment I have had." And then there was a pause. Dr. Murray was unbending, less afraid of how people looked at him. "My cousin Mr. Earnshaw has not yet come back'?" he said. "He is occupied with some business in town. I am only waiting, as I told your sister, till he comes. As soon as he does so, I hope we may see more of you here; but in the meantime, Mrs. Smith must come to me. I hope I shall see a great deal of her; and you must spare her for my lectures, Dr. Murray. You must not let her give herself up too much to her housekeeping, and all her thrifty occupations." "Margaret has no occasion to be overthrifty," he said, looking at her. "I have always begged her to go into society. We have not come to that, that my sister should be a slave to her housekeeping. Margaret, remember, I hope you will not neglect what her Ladyship says." "After the flitting," said Margaret, softly. "Ah, yes; after our removal. We shall then have a room more fit to receive you in," he said. "I hear on all hands that it is a very good house." At this moment some one came in to announce the carriage, which Lady Mary had ordered to take her visitor home; and here there arose another con- flict in Dr. Murray's mind. Which was best, most like what a man of the world would do? to drive down with his sister or to walk? He was tired, and the drive would certainly be the easier; but what if 94 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. they should think it oddl The doctor was saved from this dilemma by Harry, who came unwittingly to the rescue, and proposed to walk down the avenue with him. Harry had not fallen in love with him as with his sister; but still he was at that stage when a man is anxious to conciliate every- body belonging to the woman whom he loves. And then little Sibby was brought down from the nursery, clasping closely a doll which had been presented to her by the children in a body, with eyes blazing like two stars, and red roses of excitement upon her little cheeks. Never in all her life before had Sibby spent so happy a day. And when she and her mother had been placed in the warm delicious carriage, is it wonderful that various dreams floated into Margaret's mind as she leant back in her corner, and was whirled past those long lines of trees. Harry had been ready to give her his arm down- stairs, to put her into the carriage. He had whispered, with a thrill in his voice: "May I bring those books to-morrow 1" He had all but brushed her dress with his face, bowing over her in his solicitude. Ah, how com- fortable it would be, how delightful to have a house like that, a carriage like this, admiring, soft-man- nered people about her all day long, and nothing to do but what she pleased to do! Had she begun to cherish a wish that Harry's fancy might not be a temporary one, that he might persevere in it, and overcome opposition? It would be hard to expect from Margaret such perfection of goodness as never to allow such a train of thought to enter her mind; NO ENCOURAGEMENT, 95 but at the same time her practical virtue stood all assaults. She would never encourage him; this she vowed over again, though with a sensation almost of hope, and a wish unexpressed in her heart. For ah! what a difference there is between being poor and being rich — between Lady Mary in the great house, and Margaret Murray, or Smith, in Mrs. Sims' lodging! — and if you went to the root of the matter, the one woman was as good as the other, as well adapted to "ornament her station," as old-fashioned people used to say. I think, on the whole, it was greatly to Margaret's credit, seeing that so much was at stake, that she never wavered in her determination to give Harry no encourage- ment. But she meant to put no barrier definitively in his way, no obstacle insuperable. She was willing enough to be the reward of his exertions, should he be successful in the lists; and Lady Mary's kind- ness, nay, affectionateness towards her seemed to point to a successful issue of the struggle, if Harry went into it with perseverance and vigour. She could not help being a little excited by the thought. Lady Mary, on her side, was charmed with her new friend. "The brother may be a cad, as you say, but she is perfection," she said incautiously to Harry, when he came in with a glowing countenance from his walk. "What good breeding, what grace, what charming graceful ways she has! and yet al- ways the simplicity of that pretty Scotch accent, and of the words which slip out now and then. The children are all in raptures with little Sibby. Fancy q6 for lovf. and life. making a graceful name like Sybil into such a hideous diminutive! But that is Scotch all over. They seem to take a pleasure in keeping their real refinement in the background, and sliowing a rough countenance to the world. They are all like that," said Lady Mary, who was fond of generaliza- tions. Harry did not say much, but he drew a chair close to the fire, and sat and mused over it with sparkling eyes, when his aunt went to dress for dinner. He did not feel capable of coherent thought at all; he was lost in a rapture of feeling which would not go into words. He felt that he could sit there all night long not wishing to budge, to be still, not even thinking, existing in the mere at- mosphere of the wonderful day which was now over. Would it come back again? would it prolong itself? would his life grow into a lengthened sweet repeti- tion of this day? He sat there with his knees into the fire, gazing into the red depths till his eyes grew red in sympathy, until the bell for dinner began to peal through the silent winter air. Mr. Tottenham had come home, and was visible at the door in evening costume, refreshed and warmed after his drive, when Harry, half-blind, rushed out to make a hasty toilette. His distracted looks made his host wonder. "I hope you are not letting that boy get into mischief," he said to his wife. "Mischief! what mischief could he get into here?" Lady Mary replied, with a smile; and then they be- gan to talk on very much more important matters — • NO ENCOURAGEMENT. 97 on Herr Hartstong's visit, and the preparations at the Shop, which were now complete. "I expect you to show a good example, and to treat my people like friends," said Mr. Tottenham. "Oh, friends! — am not I the head shopwoman?" asked Lady Mary, laughing. "You may be sure I intend to appear so." The entertainment was to take place on the next evening, after the botanical lecture at Harbour Green, It was, indeed, likely to be an exciting day, with so much going on. And when the people at Tottenham's went to dinner, the Murrays had tea, for which they were all quite ready after the sharp evening air. "You were wrong to speak about your housekeeping, and all that," the doctor said, in the mildest of accents, and with no appearance of suspicion, for in the bosom of his family he feared no criticism. " Re- member always, Margaret, that people take you at your own estimate. It does not do to let yourself down." "And it does not do to set yourself up, beyond what you can support," said Margaret. "We are not rich folk, and we must not give ourselves airs. And oh, Charles, one thing I wanted to say. If you wouldn't say ladyship — at least, not often. No one else seems to do it, except the servants. Don't be angry. I watch always to see what people say." "I hope I know what to say as well as anyone," said the doctor, with momentary offence; but, never- theless, he made a private note of it, having con- fidence in his sister's keen observation. Altogether, For Loz't' and Li/c. II. 7 98 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. the start at Harbour Green had been very success- ful, and it was not wonderful if both Dr. Charles and his sister felt an inward exhilaration in such a prosperous commencement of their new life. THE KNTERTAINMENT. CHAPTER VIII. The Eiitertainmeiit al the Shoj). The botanical lecture passed off very well in- deed , and was productive of real and permanent advantage to Harbour Green, by giving to Myra AVitherington a totally new study of character. She talked so completely like Herr Hartstong for the rest of the day, that even her mother was deceived, and would not enter the drawing-room till she had changed her cap, in consideration of the totally new voice which she heard proceeding from within. Strange to say, Harry Thornleigh, who last time had been so contemptuous, had now thrown himself most cordially into Lady Mary's plans, so cordially that he made of him.self a missionary to gain new converts for her. "I will take those books you promised to Mrs. Smith, and try to persuade her to come to the lec- ture. Is there anyone else I can look up for you. Aunt Mary?" said this reformed character. "Do, Harry; go to the Red House, and to the Rectory, and tell them half-past twelve precisely. We did not quite settle upon the hour," said Lady Mary. "And you might ask Sissy Witherington to send round to some of the other people; she knows I 00 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. them all. You will meet us at the schoolroom 1 So many thanks!" "I shall be there," said Harry, cheerily, marching off with his books under his arm. If Lady Mary had not been so busy, no doubt she would have asked herself the cause of this won- derful conversion; but with a lecture to attend to in the morning, and an entertainment at night, what time had she for lesser matters? And she had to send some servants to Berkeley Square to get the rooms ready, as the family were to dine and sleep there; altogether she had a great deal upon her hands. Harry had his difficulties, too, in getting safely out of the house without Phil, who, aban- doned by Edgar, and eluded by his cousin, was in a very restless state of mind, and had determined this morning, of all others, not to be left behind. Harry, however, inspired by the thoughts of Mrs. Smith, was too clever for Phil, and shot down the avenue like an arrow, with his books under his arm, happy in his legitimate and perfectly correct errand, to which no one could object. He left his message with the VVitheringtons on his way, for he was too happy not to be virtuous, poor fellow. It damped his ardour dreadfully to find that no plea he could put forth would induce Margaret to go to the lecture. "I don't take any interest in botany," she said, "and I have no time for it, to keep it up if I began." "What of that," said Harry; "do you think I take an interest in botany?" THE ENTERTAINMENT. 10 1 "But you are a great florist, Mr. Thornleigh," she said, demurely. It was some time before he remembered his pretence about the flowers. "I shall bring you some specimens of my skill to-morrow," he said, laughing, with a flush of plea- sure. At least, if she would not come to-day, here was an excuse for making another day happy— and as a lover lives upon the future, Harry was partially consoled for his disappointment. I don't think he got much good of the lecture; perhaps no one got very much good. Ellen Gregory did not come, for botany was not in her list of subjects for the pupil- teachers' examination, and Lady Mary did not take any notes, but only lent the students the encourage- ment of her presence; for she could not, notwith- standing what she had said, quite disabuse her own mind from the impression that this was a young- lady-like science, and not one of those which train the mind to thought. So that on the whole, as I have said, the chief result was that Myra "got up" Herr Hartstong to the great delight of all the light- minded population at Harbour Green, who found the professor much more amusing in that audacious young mimic's rendering than in his own person. In the afternoon the whole party went to London. "Everybody is going," said little Milly, in huge ex- citement. "It is like the pantomime; and Phil is to do the cheering. Shouldn't you like to be him, Harry] It will almost be as good as being on the stage oneself." "Don't talk of things you don't understand," said Phil, who was too grand to be spoken to 102 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. familiarly, and whose sense of responsibility was almost too heavy for perfect happiness. "I sha'n't cheer unless they deserve it. But the rehearsal was awful fun," he added, unbending. "You'll say you never saw anything better, if they do half as well to-night." Tottenham's was gorgeous to behold when the guests began to arrive. The huge central hall, with galleries all round it, and handsome carpeted stairs leading on every hand up to the galleries, was the scene of the festivity. On ordinary occasions the architectural splendour of this hall was lost, in con- sequence of the crowd of tables, and goods, and customers which filled it. It had been cleared, however, for the entertainment. Rich shawls in every tint of softened colour were hung about, coloured stuffs draped the galleries, rich carpets covered the floors; no palace could have been more lavish in its decorations, and few palaces could have employed so liberally those rich Oriental fabrics which transcend all others in combinations of colour. Upstairs, in the galleries, were the humbler servants of the establishment, porters, errand boys, and their relatives; down below were "the young ladies" and "the gentlemen" of Tottenham's occujjying the seats behind their patrons in clouds of white muslin and bright ribbons. "Very nice-looking people, indeed," the Duchess of Middlemarch said, as she came in on Mr. Totten- ham's arm, putting up her eyeglass. Many of the young ladies curtseyed to Her Grace in sign of personal accjuaintance, for she was a constant patro- THE ENTERTAINMENT. IO3 ness of Tottenham's. "I hope you haven't asked any of my sons," said the great lady, looking round her with momentary nervousness. Mr. Tottenham himself was as pleased as if he had been exhibiting "a bold tenantry their country's pride" to his friends. "They are nice-looking, though I say it as shouldn't," he said, "and many of them as good as they look." He was so excited that he began to give the Duchess an account of their benefit societies, and saving banks, and charities, to which Her Grace replied with many benevolent signs of interest, though I am afraid she did not care any more about them than Miss Annetta Baker did about the lecture. She surveyed the companj'^, as they arrived, through her double eyeglass, and watched "poor little Mary Horton that was, she who married the shopkeeper," receiving her guests, with her pretty children at her side. It was very odd altogether, but then, the Hortons were always odd, she said to herself — and graciously bowed her head as Mr. Tottenham paused, and said, "How very admirable!" with every appearance of interest. A great many other members of the aristocracy shared Her Grace's feelings, and many of them were delighted by the novelty, and all of them gazed at the young ladies and gentlemen of the establishment as if they were animals of some un- known description. I don't think the gentlemen and the young ladies were at all offended. They gazed too with a kindred feeling, and made notes of the dresses, and watched the manners and habits of "the swells" with equal curiosity and admiration. I04 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. The young ladies in the linen and in the cloak and mantle department were naturally more excited about the appearance of the fine ladies from a book-of- fashion point of view than were the dressmakers and milliners, who sat, as it were, on the permanent committee of the "Mode," and knew "what was to be worn." But even they were excited to find themselves in the same room with so many dresses from Paris, with robes which Worth had once tried on, and ribbons which Elise had touched. I fear all these influences were rather adverse to the due enjoyment of the trial scene from Pickwick, with Miss Robinson in the part of Serjeant Buzfuz, The fine people shrugged their shoulders, and lifted their eyebrows at each other, and cheered ironically now and then with twitters of laughter; and the small people were too intent upon the study of their betters to do justice to the performance. Phil, indeed, shrieked with laughter, knowing all the points, witli the exactitude of a showman, and led his claque vigorously; but I think, on the whole, the employes of Tottenham's would have enjoyed this part of the entertainment more had their attention been undisturbed. After the first part of the per- formances was over, there was an interval for "social enjoyment;" and it was now that the gorgeous footmen appeared with the ices, about whom Mr. Tottenham had informed his children. Lady Mary, perhaps, required a little prompting from her hus- band before she withdrew herself from the knot of friends who had collected round her, and addressed herself instead to the young ladies of the shop. THE ENTERTAINMENT. IO5 "Must we go and talk to them, Mr. Tottenham? Will they like it? or shall we only bore them?" asked the fine ladies. The Duchess of Middlemarch was, as became her rank, the first to set them the example. She went up with her double eyeglass in her hand to a group of the natives who were standing timorously together — two young ladies and a gentleman. "It has been very nice, has it not," said Her Grace; "quite clever. Will you get me an ice, please? and tell me who was the young woman — the young lady who acted so well? I wonder if I have seen her when I have been here before." "Yes, Your Grace," said one of the young ladies. "She is in the fancy department. Miss Robinson. Her father is at the head of the cloaks and mantles. Your Grace." "She did very nicely," said the Duchess, conde- scendingly, taking the ice from the young man whom she had so honoured. "Thanks, this will do very well, I don't want to sit down. It is very kind of Mr. Tottenham, I am sure, to provide this enter- tainment for you. Do you all live here now? — and how many people may there be in the establishment? He told me, but I forget." It was the gentleman who supplied the statistics, while the Duchess put up her eyeglass, and once more surveyed the assembly. "You must make up quite a charming society," she said; "like a party in a country-house. And you have nice sitting-rooms for the evening, and little musical parties, eh? as so 106 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. many can sing, I perceive; and little dances, per- haps?" "Oh no, Your Grace," said one of the young ladies, mournfully. "We have practisings sometimes, when anything is coming off." "And we have an excellent library. Your Grace," said the gentleman, "and all the new books. There is a piano in the ladies' sitting-room, and we gen- tlemen have chess and so forth, and everything ex- tremely nice." "And a great deal of gossip, I sujDpose," said Her Grace; "and I hope you have chaperoris to see that there is not too much flirting." "Oh, flirting!" ^aid all three, in a chorus. "There is a sitting-room for the ladies, and another for the gentlemen," the male member of the party said, somewhat primly, for he was one of the class of superintendents, vulgarly called shopwalkers, and he knew his place. "Oh — h!" said the Duchess, putting down her eyeglass; "then it must be a great deal less amusing than I thought!" "It was (juite necessary, I assure you, Your Grace," said the gentleman; and the two young ladies who had been tittering behind their fans, gave him each a private glance of hatred. They com- posed their faces, however, as Mr. Tottenham came up, called by the Duchess from another group. "You want me. Duchess?" how fine all Totten- ham's who were within hearing, felt at this — especially the privileged trio, to whom she had been THE ENTERTAINMENT. IO7 talking, "Duchess!" that sublime familiarity elevated them all in the social scale. "Nothing is perfect in this world," said Her Grace, with a sigh. "I thought I had found Utopia; but even your establishment is not all it might be. Why aren't they all allowed to meet, and sing, and flirt, and bore each other every evening, as people do in a country house?" "Come, Duchess, and look at my shawls," said Mr. Tottenham, with a twinkle out of his grey eyes. Her Grace accepted the bait, and sailed away, leaving the young ladies in a great flutter. A whole knot of them collected together to hear what had happened, and whisper over it in high excitement. "I quite agree with the Duchess," said Miss I-ockwood, loud enough to be heard among the fashionables, as she sat apart and fanned herself, like any fine lady. Her handsome face was almost as pale as ivory, her cheeks hollow. Charitable per- sons said, in the house, that she was in a con- sumption, and that it was cruel to stop her duet with Mr. Watson, and to inquire into her pact life, when, poor soul, it was clear to see that she would soon be beyond the reach of all inquiries. It was the Robinsons who had insisted upon it chiefly — Mr. Robinson, who was at the head of the depart- ment, and who had daughters of his own, about whom he was very particular. His youngest was under Miss Lockwood, in the shawls and mantles, and that was why he was so inexorable pursuing the matter; though why he should make objections to Miss Lockwood's propriety, and yet allow Jemima I08 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. to act in public, as she had just done, was more than the shop could make out. Miss Lockwood sat by herself, having thus been breathed upon by suspicion; but no one in the place was more con- spicuous. She had an opera cloak of red, braided with gold, which the young ladies knew to be quite a valuable article, and her glossy dark hair was beautifully dressed, and her great paleness called attention to her beauty. She kept her seat, not moving when the others did, calling to her anyone she wanted, and indeed, generally taking upon her- self the role of fine lady. And partly from sym- pathy for her illness, partly from disapproval of what was called the other side, the young ladies and gentlemen of Tottenham's stood by her. When she said, "I agree with the Duchess," everybody looked round to see who it was that spoke. When the pause for refreshments was over, Mr. Tottenham led Her Grace back to her place, and the entertainment recommenced. The second part was simply music. Mr. Watson gave his solo on the cornet, and another gentleman of the establish- ment accompanied one of the young ladies on the violin, and then they sang a number of part songs, which was the best part of the programme. The excitement being partially over, the music was much better attended to than the Trial Scene from Pick- wick; and all the fine people, used to hear Joachim play, or Patti silig, listened with much gracious re- straint of their feelings. It had been intended at first that the guests and the employes should sup to- gether, Mr. Robinson offering his arm to Lady Mary, THE ENTERTAINMENT. lOQ and so on. But at the last moment this arrangement had been altered, and the visitors had wine and cake, and sandwiches and jellies in one room, while the establishment sat down to a splendid table in an- other, and ate and drank, and made speeches and gave toasts to their hearts' content, undisturbed by any inspection. What a place it was ! The customers went all over it, conducted by Mr. Tottenham and his assistants through the endless warehouses, and through the domestic portion of the huge house, while the young ladies and gentlemen of Totten- ham's were at supper. The visitors went to the library, and to the sitting-rooms, and even to the room which was used as a chapel, and which was full of rough wooden chairs, like those in a French country church, and decorated with flowers. This curious adjunct to the shop stood open, with faint lights burning, and the spring flowers shedding faint odours. "I did not know you had been so High Church, Mr. Tottenham," said the Duchess. "I was not prepared for this." "Oh, this is Saint Gussy's chapel," cried Phil, who was too much excited to be kept silent. "We all call it Saint Gussy's. There is service every day, and it is she who puts up the flowers. Ah, ah!" Phil stopped suddenly, persuaded thereto by a pressure on the arm, and saw Edgar standing by him in the crowd. There were so many, and they were all crowding so close upon each other, that no FOR LOVE J^ND LIFE. his exclamation was not noticed. Edgar had been conjoining to the other business which detained him in town a great deal of work about the entertain- ment, and he had appeared with the other guests in the evening, but had been met by Lady Augusta with such a face of terror, and hurried anxious greeting, that he had withdrawn himself from the assembly, feeling his own heart beat rather thick and fast at the thought, perhaps, of meeting Gussy without warning in the midst of this crowd. He had kept himself in the background all the evening, and now he stopped Phil, to send a message to his father. "Say that he will find mc in his room when he wants me; and don't use a lady's name so freely, or tell family jokes out of the family," he said to the boy, who was ashamed of himself. Edgar's mind was full of new anxieties of which the reader shall hear presently. The Entertainment was a weariness to him, and everything connected with it. He turned away when he had given the message, glad to escape from the riot — the groups trooping up and down the passages, and examining the rooms as if they were a settlement of savages — the Duchess sweeping on in advance on Mr. Tottenham's arm, with her double eye-glass held up. He turned away through an unfrequented passage, dimly lighted and silent, where there was nothing to see, and where nobody came. In the distance the joyful clatter of the supper-table, where all the young ladies and gentlemen of the establishment were enjoying them- selves came to his ears on one side — while the soft THE ENTERTAINMENT. I I I laughter and hum of voices on the other, told of the better bred crowd who were finding their way again round other staircases and corridors to the central hall. It is impossible, I suppose, to hear the sounds of festive enjoyment with which one has no- thing to do, and from which one has withdrawn thus sounding from the distance without some symptoms of a gentle misanthropy, and that sense of superiority to common pursuits and enjoyments which affords compensation to those who are left out in the cold, whether in great things or small things. Edgar's heart was heavy, and he felt it more heavy in consequence of the merry-making. Among all these people, so many of whom he had known, was there one that retained any kind thought of him — one that would not, like Lady Au- gusta, the kindest of them all, have felt a certain fright at his reappearance, as of one come from the dead? Alas, he ought to have remained dead, when socially he was so. Edgar felt, at least, his resur- rection ought not to have been here. With this thought in his mind, he turned a dim corner of the white passage, where a naked gas- light burned dimly. He was close to Mr. Totten- ham's room, where he meant to remain until he was wanted. With a start of surprise, he saw that some one else was in the passage coming the other way, one of the ladies apparently of the fashionable party. The passage was narrow, and Edgar stood aside to let her pass. She was wrapped in a great white cloak, the hood half over her head, and came forward rapidly, but uncertain, as if she had lost 112 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. herself. Just before they met, she stopped short, and uttered a low cry. Had not his heart told him who it wasi Edgar stood stock still, scarcely breathing, gazing at her. He had wondered how this meeting would come about, for come it must, he knew — and whether he would be calm and she calm, as if they had met yesterday? Yet when the real emergency arrived he was quite unprepared for it. He did not seem able to move, but gazed at her as if all his heart had gone into his eyes, incapable of more than the mere politeness of standing by to let her pass, which he had meant to do when he thought her a stranger. The difficulty was all thrown upon her. She too had made a pause. She looked up at him with a tremulous smile and a quivering lip. She put out her hands half timidly, half eagerly; her colour changed from red to pale, and from pale to red. "Have you forgotten me, then?" she said. MISS LOCKWOOD'S STORY. II3 CHAPTER IX. Miss Loclcvvood's Story. I AM obliged to go hack a few days, that the reader may be made aware of the causes which de- tained Edgar, and of the business which had oc- cupied his mind, mingled with all the frivolities of the Entertainment, during his absence. Annoyance, just alloyed with a forlorn kind of amusement, was his strongest sentiment, when he found himself ap- pointed by his patron to be a kind of father-con- fessor to Miss Lockwood, to ascertain her story, and take upon himself her defence, if defence was pos- sible. Why should he be selected for such a deli- cate office? he asked; and when he found hmiself seated opposite to the young lady from the cloak and shawl department in Mr. Tottenham's room, his sense of the incongruity of his position became more and more embarrassing. Miss Lockwood's face was not of a common kind. The features were all fine, even refined, had the mind been conformable; but as the mind was not of a high order, the fine face took an air of impertinence, of self-opinion, and utter indifference to the ideas or feelings of others, which no coarse features could have expressed so well; the elevation of her head was a toss, the curl of her short upper lip a sneer. She placed herself For Love and Life. IL o 114 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. on a chair in front of Mr. Tottenham's writing-table, at which Edgar sat, and turned her profile towards him, and tucked up her feet on a foot-stool. She had a book in her hand, which she used sometimes as a fan, sometimes to shield her face from the fire, or Edgar's eyes, when she found them embar- rassing. But it was he who was embarrassed, not Miss Lockwood. It cost him a good deal of trouble to begin his interrogatory. "You must remember," he said, "that I have not thrust myself into this business, but that it is by your own desire — though I am entirely at a loss to know why." "Of course you are," said Miss Lockwood. "It is one of the things that no man can be expected to understand — till he knows. It's because we've got an object in common, sir, you and me " "An object in common?" "Yes; perhaps you're a better Christian than I am, or perhaps you pretend to be; but knowing what you've been, and how you've fallen to what you are, I don't think it's in human nature that you shouldn't feel the same as me." "What I've been, and how I've fallen to what I am!" said Edgar, smiling at the expression with whimsical amazement and vexation. "What is the object in life which you suppose me to share 1" "To spite the Ardens!" cried the young lady from the mantle department, with sudden vigour and animation. Her eyes flashed, she clasped her hands together, and laughed and coughed — the laughter hard and mirthless, the cough harder still, MISS LOCKWOOD's STORY. Il5 and painful to hear. "Don't you remember what I said to yoni All my trouble, all that has ever gone against me in the world, and the base stories they're telling you now — all came along of the Ardens; and now Providence has thrown you in my way, that has as much reason to hate them. I can't set myself right without setting them wrong — and revenge is sweet. Arthur Arden shall rue the day he ever set eyes on you or me!" "Wait a little," said Edgar, bewildered. "In the first place, I don't hate the Ardens, and I don't want to injure them, and I hope, when we talk it over, you may change your mind. What has Arthur Arden done to you?" "That's my story," said Miss Lockwood, and then she made a short pause. "Do you know the things that are said about mel" she asked. "They say in the house that I have had a baby. That's quite true. I would not deny it when I was asked; I didn't choose to tell a lie. They believed me fast enough when what I said was to my own disad- vantage; but when I told the truth in another way, because it was to my advantage, they say — Prove it. I can't prove it without ruining other folks, or I'd have done it before now; but I was happy enough as I was, and I didn't care to ruin others. Now, however, they've forced me to it, and thrown you in my way." "For heaven's sake," cried Edgar, "don't mix me up with your scheme of vengeance! What have I to do with iil" He was alarmed by the calm white vehemence with which she spoke. Il6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "Oh! not much with my part of the business," she said Hghtly. "This is how it is: I'm married — excuse enough any day for what I'm charged with; but they won't take my word, and I have to prove it. When I tell them I'm only a widow in a kind of a way, they say to me, 'Produce your husband,' and this is what I've got to do. Nearly ten years ago, Mr. Earnshaw, if that is your name — are you listening to me"? — I married Arthur Arden; or, rather, Arthur Arden married me." "Good God!" cried Edgar; he did not at first seem to take in the meaning of the words, but only felt vaguely that he had received a blow. "You are mad!" he said, after a pause, looking at her — "you are mad!" "Not a bit; I am saner than you are, for I never would have given up a fortune to him. I am the first Mrs. Arthur Arden, whoever the second may be. He married me twice over, to make it more sure." "Good God!" cried Edgar again; his coun- tenance had grown whiter than hers; all power of movement seemed to be taken out of him. "Prove this horrible thing tliat you say — prove it! He never could be such a villain!" "Oh, couldn't he? -much you know about him! He could do worse things than that, if worse is possible. You shall prove it yourself without me stirring a foot. Listen, and I will tell you just how it was. When he saw he couldn't have me in any other way, he offered marriage; I was young then, and so was he, and I was excusable — I have always MISS lockwood's story. 117 felt I was excusable; for a handsomer man, or one with more taking ways — You know him, that's enough. Well, not to make any more fuss than was neces- sary, I proposed the registrar; but, if you please, he was a deal too religious for that. 'Let's have some sort of parson,' he said, 'though he mayn't be much to look at.' We were married in the Methodist chapel up on the way to Highgate. I'll tell you all about it — I'll give you the name of the street and the date. It's up Camden Town way, not far from the Highgate Road. Father and mother used to attend chapel there." "You were married — to Arthur Arden!" said Edgar; all the details were lost upon him, for he had not yet grasped the fact — "married to Arthur Arden! Is this what you mean to say?" "Yes, yes, yes!" cried Miss Lockwood, in high impatience, waving the book which she used as a fan — "that is what I meant to say; and there's a deal more. You seem to be a slow sort of gentle- man. I'll stop, shall I, till you've got it well into your head?" she said, with a laugh. The laugh, the mocking look, the devilish calm of the woman who was expounding so calmly some- thing which must bring ruin and despair upon a family, and take name and fame from another woman, struck Edgar with hot, mad anger. "For God's sake, hold your tongue!" he cried, not knowing what he said — "you will drive me mad!" "I'm sure I don't see why," said Miss Lockwood — "why should it? it ain't anything to you. And Il8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. to hold my tongue is the last thing I mean to do. You know what I said; I'll go over it again to make quite sure." Then, with a light laugh, she repeated word for word what she had already said, throwing in de- scriptive touches about the Methodist chapel and its pews. "Father and mother had the third from the pulpit on the right-hand side. I don't call myself a Methodist now; it stands in your way sometimes, and the Church is always respectable; but I ought to like the Methodists, for it was there it happened. You had better take down the address and the day. I can tell you all the particulars." Edgar did not know much about the law, but he had heard, at least, of one ordinary formula. "Have you got your marriage certificate?" he said. "Oh! they don't have such things among the Methodists," said Miss Lockwood. "Now I'll tell you about the second time — for it was done twice over, to make sure. You remember all that was in the papers about that couple who were first married in Ireland, and then in Scotland, and turned out not to be married at all? We went off to Scotland, him and me, for our wedding tour, and I thought I'd just make certain sure, in case there should be anything irregular, you know. So when we were at the hotel, I got the landlady in, and one of the men, and I said he was my husband before them, and made them put their names to it. He was dreadfully angry — -so angry that I knew I had been MISS LOCKWOOD S STORY. IIQ right, and had seen through him all the while, and that he meant to deceive me if he could; but he couldn't deny it all of a sudden, in a moment, with the cer- tainty that he would be turned out of the house then and there if he did. I've got that, if you like to call that a marriage certificate. They tell me it's hard and fast in Scotch law." "But we are in England," said Edgar, feebly. "I don't think Scotch law tells here." "Oh! it does, about a thing like this," said Miss Lockwood. "If I'm married in Scotland, I can't be single in England, and marry again, can I? Now that's my story. If his new wife hadn't have been so proud " "She is not proud," said Edgar, with a groan; "it is — her manner — she does not mean it. And then she has been so petted and flattered all her life. Poor girl! she has done nothing to you that you should feel so unfriendly towards her." "Oh! hasn't she?" said Miss Lockwood. "Only taken my place, that's all. Lived in my house, and driven in my carriage, and had everything I ought to have had — no more than that!" Edgar was like a man stupefied. He stood holding his head with his hands, feeling that every- thing swam around him. Miss Lockwood's defender? — ah! no, but the defender of another, whose more than life was assailed. This desperation at last made things clearer before him, and taught him to counterfeit calm. "It could not be she who drove you from him," he said, with all the composure he could collect. I20 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. N "Tell me how it came about that you are called Miss Lockwood, and have been here so long, if all you have told me is true?" "I won't say that it was not partly my fault," she replied, with a complacent nod of her head. "After awhile we didn't get on — I was suspicious of him from the first, as I've told you; I know he never meant honest and right; and he didn't like being found out. Nobody as I know of does. We got to be sick of each other after awhile. He was as poor as Job; and he has the devil's own temper. If you think I was a patient Grizel to stand that, you're very much mistaken. Ill-usage and slavery, and nothing to live upon! I soon showed him as that wouldn't do for me. The baby died," she added indifferently — "poor little thing, it was a blessing that the Almighty took it! I fretted at first, but I felt it was a deal better off than it could ever have been with me; and then I took another situa- tion. I had been in Grant and Robinson's before I married, so as I didn't want to make a show of my- self with them that knew me, I took back my single name again. They are rather low folks there, and I didn't stay long; and I found I liked my liberty a deal better than studying his temper, and being left to starve, as I was with him; so I kept on, now here, now there, till I came to Tottenham's. And here I've never had nothing to complain of," said Miss Lock- wood, "till some of these prying women found out about the baby. I made up my mind to say nothing about who I was, seeing circumstances ain't favour- able. But I sha'n't deny it; why should I deny it? MISS LOCKWOOD's story. 121 it ain't for my profit to deny it. Other folks may take harm, but I can't; and when I saw you, then I felt that the right moment had come, and that I must speak." "Why did not you speak before he was married 1 — had you no feeling that, if you were safe, an- other woman was about to be ruined 1" said Edgar, bitterly. "Why did you not speak then?" "Am I bound to take care of other women?" said Miss Lockwood. "I had nobody to take care of me; and I took care of myself — why cotildn't she do the samel She was a lady, and had plenty of friends — I had nobody to take care of me." "But it would have been to your own advantage," said Edgar. "How do you suppose anyone can be- lieve that you neglected to declare yourself Arthur Arden's wife at the time when it would have been such a great thing for you, and when he was com- ing into a good estate, and could make his wife a lady of importance? You are not indifferent to your own comfort — why did you not speak then?" "I pleased myself, I suppose," she said, tossing her head; then added, with matter-of-fact compo- sure, "Besides, I was sick of him. He was never the least amusing, and the most fault-finding, ill- tempered — One's spelling, and one's looks, and one's manners, and one's dress — he was never satis- fied. Then," she went on, sinking her voice— "I don't deny the truth — I knew he'd never take me home and let people know I was his real wife. All I could have got out of him would have been an allowance, to live in some hole and corner. I pre- 122 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. ferred my freedom to that, and the power of get- ting a little amusement. I don't mind work, bless you — not work of this kind— it amuses me; and if I had been left in peace here when I was comfort- able, I shouldn't have interfered — I should have let things take their chance." "In all this," said Edgar, feeling his throat dry and his utterance difficult, "you consider only your- self, no one else." "Who else should I consider?" said Miss Lock- wood. "I should like to know who else considered me? Not a soul. I had to take care of myself, and I did. Why should not his other wife have her wits about her as well as me?" Then there was a pause. Edgar was too much broken down by this disclosure, too miserable to speak; and she sat holding up the book between her face and the fire, with a flush upon her pale cheeks, sometimes fanning herself, her nose in the air, her finely-cut profile inspired by impertinence and worldly selfishness, till it looked ugly to the disquieted gazer. Few women could have been so handsome, and yet looked so unhandsome. As he looked at her, sickening with the sight, Edgar felt bitterly that this woman was indeed Arthur Arden's true mate — they matched each other well. But Clare, his sister — Clare, whom there had been no one to guard — who, rich in friends as she was, had no brother, no guardian to watch over her interests — poor Clare! The only thing he seemed able to do for her now was to prove her shame, and ex- tricate her, if he could extricate her, from the MISS lockwood's story. 123 terrible falseness of her position. His heart ached so that it gave him a physical pain. He had kept up no correspondence with her whom he had looked upon during all the earlier part of his life as his sister, and whom he felt in his very heart to be doubly his sister the moment that evil came in her way. The thing for him to consider now was what he could do for her, to save her, if possible — though how she could be saved, he knew not, as the story was so circumstantial, and apparently true. But, at all events, it could not but be well for Clare that her enemy's cause was in her brother's hands. Good for Clare! — would it be good for the other woman, to whom he had promised to do justice? Edgar almost felt his heart stand still as he asked himself this question. Justice — justice must be done, in any case, there could be no doubt of that. If Clare's position was untenable, she must not be allowed to go on in ignorance, for misery even is better than dishonour. This was some comfort to him in his profound and sudden wretchedness. Clare's cause, and that of this other, were so far the same. "I will undertake your commission," he said gravely; "but understand me first. Instead of hating the Ardens, I would give my life to preserve my sister, Mrs. Arden, from the shame and grief you are trying to bring upon her. Of course, one way or another, I shall feel it my duty now to verify what you say; but it is right to tell you that her interest is the first thing I shall consider, not yours." 124 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. '■'■Her interest!" cried Miss Lockwood, starting up in her chair. "Oh! you poor, mean-spirited creature! Call yourself a man, and let yourself be treated like a dog — that's your nature, is it? I suppose they've made you a pension, or something, to keep you crawling and toadying. I shouldn't wonder," she said, stopping suddenly, "if you were to offer me a good round sum to compromise the business, or an allowance for life — ?" "I shall do nothing of the kind," said Edgar, quietly. She stared at him for a moment, panting — and then, in the effort to speak, was seized upon by a violent fit of coughing, which shook her fragile figure, and convulsed her suddenly-crimsoned face. "Can I get you anything?" he asked, rising with an impulse of pity. She shook her head, and waved to him with her hand to sit down again. Does the reader remember how Christian in the story had vile thoughts whispered into his ear, thrown into his mind, which were none of his? Profoundest and truest of parables! Into Edgar's mind, thrown there by some devil, came a wish and a hope; he did not originate them, but he had to undergo them, writhing within himself with shame and horror. He wislied that she might die, that Clare might thus be saved from exposure, at least from outward ruin, from the stigma upon her- self and upon her children, which nothing else could avert. The wish ran through him while he sat helpless, trying with all the struggling powers of his mind to reject it. Few of us, I suspect, have escaped a similar experience. It was not his doing, MISS lockwood's story. 125 but he had to bear the consciousness of this in- human thought. When Miss Lockwood had struggled back to the power of articulation, she turned to him again, with an echo of her jaunty laugh. "They say I'm in a consumption," she said; "don't you believe it. I'll see you all out, mind if I don't. We're a long-lived f;xmily. None of us ever were known to have anything the matter with our chests." "Have you spoken to a doctor 1" said Edgar, with so deep a remorseful compunction that it made his tone almost tender in kindness. "Oh! the doctor — he speaks to me!" she said. "I tell the young ladies he's fallen in love with me. Oh! that ain't so unlikely neither! Men as good have done it before now; but I wouldn't have any- thing to say to him," she continued, with her usual laugh. "I don't make any brag of it, but I never forget as I'm a married woman. I don't mind a little flirtation, just for amusement; but no man has ever had it in his power to brag that he's gone further with me." Then there was a pause, for disquiet began to resume its place in Edgar's mind, and the poor creature before him had need of rest to regain her breath. She opened the book she held in her hand, and pushed to him across the table some written memoranda. "There's where my chapel is as I was married in," she said, "and there's — it's nothing but a copy, so, if you destroy it, it won't do me any harm — the 126 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, Scotch certificate. They were young folks that signed it, no older than myself, so be sure you'll find them, if you want to. There, I've given you all that's needed to prove what I say, and if you don't clear me, I'll tell the Master, that's all, and he'll do it, fast enough! Your fine Mrs. Arden, forsooth, that has no more right to be Mrs. Arden than you had to be Squire, won't get off, don't you think it, for now my blood's up. I know what Arthur will do," she cried, getting excited again. "He's a man of sense, and a man of the world, he is. He'll come to me on his knees, and offer a good big lump of money, or a nice allowance. Oh! I know him! He ain't a poor, mean-spirited cur, to lick the hand that cuffs him, or to go against his own interest, like you." Here another fit of coughing came on, worse than the first. Edgar, compassionate, took up the paper, and left the room. "I am afraid Miss Lockwood is ill. Will you send some one to herT' he said, to the first young lady he met. "Hasn't she a dreadful cough? And she won't do anything for it, or take any care of herself. I'll send one of the young ladies from her own department," said this fine personage, rustling along in her black silk robes. Mr. Watson was hovering near, to claim Edgar's attention, about some of the arrangements for the approaching festivity. "Mr. Tottenham bade me say, sir, if you'd kindly step this way, into the hall," said the walk- ing gentleman. MISS lockwood's story. 127 Poor Edgar! if he breathed a passing anathema upon enhghtened schemes and disciples of social progress, I do not think that anyone need be sur- prised. 128 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER X. A Plunge into the Maze. "Her plea is simply that she is married — that seems all there is to say." "I am aware she says that," said Mr. Totten- ham. "I hope to heaven she can prove it, Earnshaw, and end this tempest in a tea-cup! I am sick of the whole affair! Has her husband deserted her, or is he dead, or what has become of him? I hope she gave you some proofs." "I must make inquiries before I can answer," said Edgar. "By some miserable chance friends of my own are involved. I must get at the bottom of it. Her husband — if he is her husband — has mar- ried again; in his own rank — a lady in whom I am deeply interested " "My dear fellow!" said Mr, Tottenham, "what a business for you! Did the woman know, con- found her? There, I don't often speak rashly, but some of these women, upon my honour, would try the patience of a saint! I daresay it's all a lie. That sort of person cares no more for a lie! I'll pack her off out of the establishment, and we'll think of it no more." "Pardon me, I must think of it, and follow it out," said Edgar; "it is too serious to be neglected. A PLUNGE INTO THE MAZE. I2g Altogether independent of this woman, a lady's — my friend's happiness, her reputation, perhaps her life — for how could she outlive name and fame, and love and confidence^" he said, suddenly feeling himself overcome by the horrible suggestion. "It looks like preferring my own business to yours, but I must see to this first." "Go, go, my dear Earnshaw — never mind my business — have some money and go!" cried Mr. Tottenham. "I can't tell you how grieved I am to have brought you into this. Poor lady! poor lady! — I won't ask who it is. But recollect they lie like the devil! — they don't mind what they say, like you or me, who understand the consequences; they think of nothing beyond the spite of the moment, I am in for three quarrels, and a resignation, all because I want to please them!" cried the poor master of the great shop, dolorously. He accom- panied Edgar out to the private door, continuing his plaint. "A nothing will do it," he said; "and they don't care for what happens, so long as they indulge the temper of the moment. To lose their employment, or their friends, or the esteem of those who would try to help them in everything — all this is nought. I declare I could almost cry like a baby when I think of it! Don't be cast down, Earnshaw. More likely than not it's all a lie!" "If I cannot get back this evening in time for you — " Edgar began. "Never mind, never mind. Go to the Square. I'll tell them to have a room ready for you. And take some money — nothing is to be done without Far Love and Life. II, 9 130 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. money. And, Earnshaw," he added, calling after him some minutes later, when Edgar was at the door, "on second thoughts, you won't say anything to Mary about my little troubles'? After all, the best of us have got our tempers; perhaps I am in- judicious, and expect too much. She has always had her doubts about my mode of treatment. Don't, there's a good fellow, betray to them at home that I lost my temper too!" This little preliminary to the luitcrtainmcnt was locked in Edgar's bosom, and never betrayed to anyone. To tell the truth, his mind was much too full of more important matters to think upon any such inconsiderable circumstance; for he was not the Apostle of the Shop, and had no scheme to justify and uphold in the eyes of all men and women. Edgar, I fear, was not of the stuff of which social reformers are made. The concerns of the individual were more important to him at all times than those of the mass; and one human shadow crossing his way, interested his heart and mind far beyond a mere crowd, though the crowd, no doubt, as being multitudinous, must have been more im- portant. Edgar turned his back upon the establish- ment with, I fear, very little Christian feeling towards Tottenham's, and all concerned with it — hating the Entertainment, Aveary of Mr. Tottenham himself, and disgusted with the strange impersonation of cruelty and selfishness which had just been revealed to him in the form of a woman. He could not shut out from his eyes that thin white face, so full of 5^cir, so destitute of any generous feeling. A PLUNGE INTO THE MAZE. 131 Such stories have been told before in almost every tone of sympathy and reprobation; women betrayed have been wept in every language under heaven, and their betrayer denounced, but what was there to lament about, to denounce here? A woman sharp and clever to make the best of her bargain; a man trying legal cheats upon her; two people drawn together by some semblance of what is called passion, yet each watching and scheming, how best, on either side, to outwit the other. Never was tale of misery and despair so pitiful; for this was all baseness, meanness, calculation on both hands. They were fitly matched, and it was little worth any man's while to interfere between them — but, O heaven! to think of the other fate involved in theirs. This roused Edgar to an excitement which was al- most maddening. To think that these two base beings had wound into their miserable tangle the feet of Clare— that her innocent life must pay the penalty for their evil lives, that she must bear the dishonour while spotless from the guilt! Edgar posted along the great London thorough- fare, through the continually varying crowd of passers-by, absorbed in an agitation and disquiet which drove all his own affairs out of his head. His own affairs might involve much trouble and distress; but neither shame nor guilt was in them. Eleaven above! to think that guilt or shame could have anything to do with Clare! Now Clare had not been, at least at the last, a very good sister to Edgar — she was not his sister at all, so far as blood went; and when this had been 1^2 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. discovered, and the homeliness of his real origin identified, Clare had shrunk from him, notwith- standing that for all her life, in childish fondness and womanly sympathy, she had loved him as her only brother. Edgar had mournfully consented to a complete severance between them. She had mar- ried his enemy; and he himself had sunk so much out of sight that he had felt no further intercourse to be possible, though his affectionate heart had felt it deeply. But as soon as he heard of her danger, all his old love for his sister had sprung up in Edgar's heart. He took back her name, as it were, into the number of those sounds most familiar to him. "Clare," he said to himself, feeling a thrill of renewed warmth go through him, mingled with poignant pain — "Clare, my sister, my only sister, the sole creature in the world that belongs to me!" Alas! she did not belong to Edgar any more than any inaccessible princess; but in his heart this was what he felt. He pushed his way through the full streets, with the air and the sentiment of a man bound upon the most urgent business, seeing little on his way, thinking of nothing but his object — the object in common which Miss Lockwood had sup- posed him to have with herself. But Edgar did not even remember that — he thought of nothing but Clare's comfort and well-being Avhich were con- cerned, and how it would be possible to confound her adversaries, and save her from ignoble persecu- tion. If he could keep it from her knowledge alto- gether! But, alas! how could that be done? He went faster and faster, driven by his thoughts. A PLUNGE INTO THE MAZE. 1 33 The address Miss Lockwood had given him was in a small street off the Hampstead Road. That strange long line of street, with here and there a handful of older houses, a broader pavement, a bit of dusty garden, to show the suburban air it once had possessed; its heterogeneous shops, furniture, birdcages, perambulators, all kinds of out-of-the-way wares fled past the wayfarer, taking wings to them- selves, he thought. It is not an interesting quarter, and Edgar had no time to give to any picturesque or historical reminiscences. When he reached the little street in which the chapel he sought was situated, he walked up on one side and down on the other, expecting every moment to see the build- ing of which he was in search. A chapel is not a thing apt to disappear, even in the changeful dis- trict of Camden Town. Rubbing his eyes, he went up and down again, inspecting the close lines of mean houses. The. only break in the street was where two or three small houses, of a more bilious brick than usual, whose outlines had not yet been toned down by London soot and smoke, diversified the prospect. He went to a little shop opposite this yellow patch upon the old grimy garment to make inquiries. "Chapel! there ain't no chapel hereabouts," said the baker, who was filling his basket with loaves. "Hold your tongue, John," said his wife, from the inner shop. "I'll set you all right in a moment. There's where the chapel was, sir, right opposite. There was a bit of a yard where they've built them houses. The chapel is behind; but it ain't a chapel 134 POI^ LOVE AND LIFE. now. It's been took for an infant school by our new Rector. Don't you see a little bit of an entry at that open doorl That's where you go in. But since it's been shut up there's been a difference in the neighbourhood. Most of us is church folks now." "And does nothing remain of the chapel — nobody belonging to it, no books nor records?" cried Edgar, suddenly brought to a standstill. The woman looked at him surprised. '*! never heard as they had any books — more than the hymn-books, which they took with them, I suppose. It's our new Rector as has bought it — a real good man, as gives none of us no peace " "And sets you all on with your tongues," said her husband, throwing his basket over his shoulder. Edgar did not wait to hear the retort of the wife, and felt no interest in the doings of the new Rector. He did not know what to do in this un- foreseen difficulty. He went across the road, and up the little entry, and looked at the grimy building beyond, which was no great satisfaction to his feel- ings. It was a dreary little chapel, of the most ordinary type, cleared of its pews, and filled with the low benches and staring pictures of an infant school, and looked as if it had been thrust up into a corner by the little line of houses built across the scrap of open space which had formerly existed in front of its doors. As he gazed round him help- lessly, another woman came up, who asked with bated breath what he wanted. "We're all church folks now hereabouts," she A PLUNGE INTO THE MAZE. 1 35 said; "but I don't mind telling you, sir, as a stranger, I was always fond of the old chapel. What preach- ing there used to be, to be sure! — dreadful rousing and comforting! And it's more relief, like, to the mind, to say, 'Lord, ha' mercy upon us!' or, 'Glory, glory!' or the like o' that, just when you pleases, than at set times out o' a book. There's nothing most but prayers here now. If you want any of the chapel folks, maybe I could tell you. I've been in the street twenty years and more." "I want to find out about a marriage that took place here ten years ago," said Edgar. "Marriage!" said the woman, shaking her head. "I don't recollect no marriage. Preachings are one thing, and weddings is another. I don't hold with weddings out of church. If there's any good in church — " Edgar had to stop this exposition by asking after the "chapel-folks" to whom she could direct him, and in answer was told of three tradesmen in the neighbourhood who "held by the Methodys," one of whom had been a deacon in the disused chapel. This was a carpenter, who could not be seen till his dinner-hour, and on whom Edgar had to dance attendance with very indifferent satisfac- tion; for the deacon's report was that the chapel had never been, so far as he could remember, li- censed for marriages, and that none had taken place within it. This statement, however, was flatly con- tradicted by the pork-butcher, whose name was the next on his list, and who recollected to have heard that some one had been married there just about 136 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. the time indicated by Miss Lockwood. Finally, Edgar lighted on an official who had been a local preacher in the days of the chapel, and who was now a Scripture-reader, under the sway of the new Rector, who had evidently turned the church and parish upside-down. This personage had known something of the Lockwoods, and was not disin- clined — having ascertained that Edgar was a stran- ger, and unlikely to betray any of his hankerings after the chapel — to gossip about the little defunct community. Its books and records had, he said, been removed, when it was closed, to some central office of the denomination, where they would, no doubt, be shown on application. This man was very anxious to give a great deal of information quite apart from the matter in hand. He gave Ed- gar a sketch of the decay of the chapel, in which, I fear, the young man took no interest, though it was curious enough; and he told him about the Lock- woods, and about the eldest daughter, who, he was afraid, had come to no good. "She said as she was married, but nobody be- lieved her. She was always a flighty one," said the Scripture-reader. This was all that Edgar picked up out of a flood of unimportant communications. He could not even find any clue to the place where these denominational records were kept, and by this time the day was too far advanced to do more. Drearily he left the grimy little street, with its damp pave- ments, its poor little badly-lighted shops and faint lamps, not without encountering the new Rector in A PLUNGE INTO THE MAZE. 13/ person, an omniscient personage, who had already heard of his inquiries, and regarded him suspicious- ly, as perhaps a "Methody" in disguise, planning the restoration of dissent in a locality just purged from its taint. Edgar was too tired, too depressed and down-hearted to be amused by the watchful look of the muscular Christian, who saw in him a wolf prowling about the fold. He made his way into the main road, and jumped into a hansom, and drove down the long line of shabby, crowded thoroughfare, so mean and small, yet so great and full of life. Those miles and miles of mean, mono- tonous street, without a feature to mark one from another, full of crowds of human creatures, never heard of, except as counting so many hundreds, more or less, in the year's calendar of mortality — how strangely impressive they become at last by mere repetition, mass upon mass, crowd upon crowd, poor, nameless, mean, unlovely! Perhaps it was the general weariness and depression of Edgar's whole being that brought this feeling into his mind as he drove noisily, silently along between those lines of faintly-lighted houses towards what is im- pertinently, yet justly, called the habitable part of London. For one fair, bright path in the social, as in the physical world, how many mean, and darkling, and obscure! — how small the spot which lies known and visible to the general eye! — how great the confused darkness all round! Such reflec- tions are the mere growth of weariness and despon- dency, but they heighten the depression of which they are an evidence. 130 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. The whole of noisy, crowded London was as a wilderness to Edgar. He drove to his club, where he had not been since the day when he met Mr. Tottenham. So short a time ago, and yet how his life had altered in the interval! He was no longer drifting vaguely upon the current, as he had been doing. His old existence had caught at him with anxious hands. Notwithstanding all the alterations of time, circumstances, and being, he was at this moment not Edgar Earnshaw at all, but the Edgar Arden of three years ago, caught back into the old sphere, surrounded by the old thoughts. Such curious vindications of the unchangeableness of character, the identity of being, which suddenly seize upon a man, and whirl him back in a moment, defy- ing all external changes, into his old, his unalterable self, are among the strangest things in humanity. Dizzy with the shock he had received, harassed by anxiety, worn out by unsuccessful effort, Edgar felt the world swim round with him, and scarcely could answer to himself who he was. Had all the Lock- wood business been a dream 1 Was it a dream that he had been as a stranger for three long years to Clare, his sister — to Gussy, his almost bride? And yet his mind at this moment was as full of their images as if no interval had been. After he had dined and refreshed himself, he set to work with, I think, — notwithstanding his anxiety, the first shock of which was now over, — a thrill of conscious energy, and almost pleasure in something to do, which was so much more im- portant than those vague lessons to Phil, or vaguer A PLUNGE INTO THE MAZE. 139 studies in experimental philosophy, to which his mind had been lately turned. To be here on the spot, ready to work for Clare when she was assailed, was something to be glad of, deeply as the idea of such an assault upon her had excited and pained him. And at the same time as his weariness wore off, and the first excitement cooled down, he began to feel himself more able to realize the matter in all its particulars, and see the safer possibilities. It began to appear to him likely enough that all that could be proved was Arthur Arden's villainy, a subject which did not much concern him, which had no novelty in it, and which, though Clare was Arthur Arden's wife, could not affect her more now than it had done ever since she married him. Indeed, if it was but this, there need be no necessity for communicating it to Clare at all. It was more probable, when he came to think of it, that an edu- cated and clever man should be able to outwit a dressmaker girl, however deeply instructed in the laws of marriage by novels and causes celi'bres, than that she should outwit him; and in this case there was nothing that need ever be made known to Clare. Edgar was glad, and yet I don't know that a certain disappointment, quite involuntary and una- wares, did not steal into his mind with this thought; for he had begun to cherish an idea of seeing his sister, of perhaps resuming something of his old intercourse with her, and at least of being known to have worked for and defended her. These thoughts, however, were but the secondary current in his 140 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. mind, while the working part of it was planning a further enterprise for the morrow. He got the directory, and, after considerable trouble, found out from it the names and addresses of certain officials of the Wesleyan body, to whom he could go in search of the missing registers of the Hart Street Chapel — if registers there were — or who could give him definite and reliable information, in face of the conflicting testimony he had already received, as to whether marriages had ever been celebrated in it. Edgar knew, I suppose, as much as other men generally do about the ordinary machinery of society, but he did not know where to lay his hand on any conclusive official information about the Hart Street Chapel, whether it had ever been licenced, or had any legal existence as a place of worship, any more than — you or I would, dear reader, were we in a similar difficulty. Who knows anything about such matters? He had lost a day already in the merest A B C of preliminary inquiry, and no doubt would lose several more. Then he took out the most important of Miss Lockwood's papers, which he had only glanced at as yet. It was dated from a small village in the Western Highlands, within reach, as he knew, of Loch Arroch, and was a certificate, signed by Helen Campbell and John Mactaggart, that Arthur Arden and Emma Lockwood had that day, in their pre- sence, declared themselves to be man and wife. Edgar's knowledge of such matters had, I fear, been derived entirely from novels and newspaper reports, A PLUNGE INTO THE MAZE. I4I and he read over the document, which was alarm- ingly explicit and straightforward, with a certain panic. He said to himself that there were no doubt ways in law by which to lessen the weight of such an attestation, or means of shaking its importance; but it frightened him just as he was escaping from his first fright, and brought back all his excitement and alarm. He did not go to Berkeley Square, as Mr. Tot- tenham had recommended, but to his old lodgings, where he found a bed with difficulty, and where once more his two lives seemed to meet in sharp encounter. But his head by this time was too full of schemes for to-morrow to permit of any personal speculation; he was far, as yet, from seeing any end to his undertaking, and it was impossible to tell what journeys, what researches might be still before him. 142 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XL In the Depths. Next morning he went first to his old lawyer, in whom he had confidence, and having copied the cer- tificate, carefully changing the names, submitted it to him. Mr. Parchemin declared that he knew nothing of Scotch law, but shook his head, and hoped there was nothing very unpleasant in the circumstances, declar- ing vehemently that it was a shame and disgrace that such snares should be spread for the unwary on the other side of the border. Was it a disgrace that Arthur Arden should not have been protected in Scotland, as in England, from the quick-wittedncss of the girl whom he had already cheated and meant to betray? Edgar felt that there might be something to be said on both sides of the question, as he left his copy in Mr. Parchemin's hands, who undertook to consult a .Scotch legal authority on the question; then he went upon his other business. 1 need not follow him through his manifold and perplexing inquiries, or inform the reader how he was sent from office to office, and from secretary to secretary, or with what loss of time and patience his quest was ac- companied. After several days' work, however, he ascertained that the chapel in Hart Street had indeed been licensed, but only used once or twice IN THE DEPTHS. 1 43 for marriages, and that no record of any such marriage as that which he was in search of could be found anywhere. A stray record of a class-meet- ing, in which Emma Lockvvood had been admon- ished for levity of demeanour, was the sole mention of her to be found; and though the officials admit- ted a certain carelessness in the preservation of books belonging to an extinct chapel, they declared it to be impossible that such a fact could have been absolutely ignored. There was, indeed, a rumour in the denomination that a local preacher had been found to have taken upon himself to per- form a marriage, for which he had been severely reprimanded; but as he had been possessed of no authority to make such a proceeding legal, no re- gister had been made of the fact, and only the reprimand was inscribed on the books of the com- munity. This was the only opening for even a conjecture as to the truth of Miss Lockwood's first story. If the second could only have been dissi- pated as easily! Edgar's inquiries among the Wesleyan authorities lasted, as I have said, several days, and caused him more fatigue of limb and of mind than it is easy to express. He went to Tottenham's — where, indeed, he showed himself every day, getting more and more irritated with the Entertainment, and all its preparations — as soon as he had ascertained beyond doubt that the marriage at Hart Street Chapel was fictitious. Miss Lockwood, he was informed, was an invalid, but would see him in the young ladies' dining-room, where, accordingly, he found her, look- 144 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. ing sharper, and whiter, and more worn than ever. He told her his news quietly, with a natural pity for the woman deceived; a gleam of sudden light shone in her eyes. "I told you so," she said, triumphantly; "now didnt I tell you so? He wanted to take me in — I felt it from the very first; but he hadn't got to do with a fool, as he thought. I was even with him for that." "I have written to find out if your Scotch wit- nesses are alive," said Edgar. "Ahve! — why shouldn't they be alive, like I am, and like he is?" she cried, with feverish irritability. "Folks of our ages don't die! — what are you think- ing of? And if they were dead, what would it matter? — there's their names as good as themselves. Ah! I didn't botch my business any more than he botched his. You'll find it's all right." "I hope you are better," Edgar said, with a com- passion that was all the more profound because the object of it neither deserved, nor would have ac- cepted it. "Better — oh! thank you, I am quite well," she said lightly — "only a bit of a cold. Perhaps on the whole it's as well I'm not going to sing to-night; a cold is so bad for one's voice. Good-bye, Mr. Earnshaw. We'll meet at the old gentleman's turn- out to-night." And she waved her hand, dismissing poor Edgar, who left her with a warmer sense of disgust, and dislike than had ever moved his friendly bosom be- fore. And yet it was in this creature's interests he IN THE DEPTHS. 1 45 was working, and against Clare! Mr. Tottenham caught him on his way out, to hand him a number of letters which had arrived for him, and to call for his advice in the final preparations. The public had been shut out of the hall in which the Entertainment was to be, on pretence of alterations. "Three more resignations," Mr. Tottenham said, who was feverish and harassed, and looked like a man at the end of his patience. "Heaven be praised, it will be over to-night? Come early, Earnshaw, if you can spare the time, and stand by me. If any of the performers get cross, and refuse to perform, what shall I do?" "Let them!" cried Edgar; "ungrateful fools, after all your kindness." Edgar was too much harassed and annoyed him- self to be perfectly rational in his judgments. "Don't let us be uncharitable," said Mr. Totten- ham; "have they perhaps, after all, much reason for gratitude? Is it not my own crotchet I am carrying out, in spite of all obstacles? But it will be a lesson — I think it will be a lesson," he added. "And, Earnshaw, don't fail me to-night." Edgar went straight from the shop to Mr. Parchemin's, to receive the opinion of the eminent Scotch law authority in respect to the marriage cer- tificate. He had written to Robert Campbell, at Loch Arroch Head, suggesting that inquiries might be made about the persons who signed it, and had heard from him that morning that the landlady of the inn was certainly to be found, and that she per- fectly remembered having put her name to the paper. For Love and Life- II. 10 146 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. The waiter was no longer there, but could be easily laid hands upon. There was accordingly no hope except in the Scotch lawyer, who might still make waste paper of the certificate. Edgar found Mr. Parchemin hot and red, after a controversy with this functionary. "He laughs at my indignation," said the old lawyer. "Well, I suppose if one did not heat one's self in argument, what he says might have some justice in it. He says innocent men that let women alone, and innocent women that behave as they ought to do, will never get any harm from the Scotch marriage law; and that it's always a safe- guard for a poor girl that may have been led astray without meaning it. He says— well, I see you're impatient — though how such an anomaly can ever be suffered so near to civilization! Well, he says it's as good a marriage as if it had been done in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of Canter- bury. That's all the comfort I've got to give you. I hope it hasn't got anything directly to say to you." "Thanks," said Edgar, faintly; "it has to do with some — very dear friends of mine. I could scarcely feel it more deeply if it concerned myself." "It is a disgrace to civilization!" cried the lawyer — "it is a subversion of every honest principle. You young men ought to take warning " " — To do a villainy of this kind, when we mean to do it, out of Scotland?" said Edgar, "or we may find ourselves the victims instead of the victors? IN THE DEPTHS. I47 Heaven forbid that I should do anything to save a scoundrel from his just deserts!" "But I thought you were interested — deeply in- terested " "Not for him, the cowardly blackguard!" cried Edgar, excited beyond self-control. He turned away from the place, holding the lawyer's opinion, for which he had spent a large part of his little remaining stock of money, clutched in his hand. A feverish, momentary sense, almost of gratification, that Arden should have been thus punished, possessed him — only for a moment. He hastened to the club, where he could sit quiet and think it over. He had not been able even to con- sider his own business, but had thrust his letters into his pocket without looking at them. When he found himself alone, or almost alone, in a corner of the library, he covered his face with his hands, and yielded to the crushing influence of this last certainty. Clare was no longer an honoured matron, the possessor of a well-recognized position, the mother of children of whom she was proud, the wife of a man whom at least she had once loved, and who, presumably, had done nothing to make her hate and scorn him. God help her! What was she now? What was her position to be? She had no relations to fall back upon, or to stand by her in her trouble, except himself, who was no relation — only poor Edgar, her loving brother, bound to her by every- thing but blood; but, alas! he knew that in such emergencies blood is everything, and other ties count for so little. The thought made his heart 148 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. sick; and he could not be silent, could not hide it from her, dared not shut up this secret in his own mind , as he might have done almost anything else that affected her painfully. There was but one way, but one step before him now. His letters tumbled out of his pocket as he drew out Miss Lockwood's original paper, and he tried to look at them, by way of giving his overworn mind a pause, and that he might be the better able to choose the best way of carrying out the duty now before him. These letters were — some of them, at least — answers to those which he had written in the excitement and happy tumult of his mind, after Lady Mary's unintentional revelation. He read them as through a mist; their very meaning came dimly upon him, and he could with difficulty realize the state of his feelings when, all glowing with the pro- spect of personal happiness, and the profound and tender exultation with which he found himself to be still beloved, he had written these confident ap- peals to the kindness of his friends. Most likely, had he read the replies with a disengaged mind, they would have disappointed him bitterly, with a dreariness of downfall proportioned to his warmth of hope. But in his present state of mind every sound around him was muffled, every blow softened. One nail strikes out another, say the astute Italians. The mind is not caj^able of two profound and passionate pre-occupations at once. He read them with subdued consciousness, with a veil before his eyes. They were all friendly, and some were warmly cordial. "What can we do for you?" they all said. IN THE DEPTHS. 14^ "If you could take a mastership, I have interest at more than one pubUc school; but, alas! I suppose you did not even take your degree in England," one wrote to him. "If you knew anything about land, or had been trained to the law," said another, "I might have got you a land agency in Ireland, a capital thing for a man of energy and courage; but then I fear you are no lawyer, and not much of an agriculturist." "What can you do, my dear fellow f said a third, more cautiously. "Think what you are most fit for — you must know best yourself — and let me know, and I will try all I can do." Edgar laughed as he bundled them all back into his pocket. What was he most fit for? To be an amateur detective, and find out secrets that broke his heart. A dull ache for his own disap- pointment (though his mind was not lively enough to feel disappointed) seemed to add to the general despondency, the lowered life and oppressed heart of which he had been conscious without this. But then what had he to do with personal comfort or happinessi In the first place there lay this tremendous passage before him — this revelation to be made to Clare. It was late in the afternoon before he could nerve himself to write the indispensable letter, from which he felt it was cowardly to shrink. It was not a model of composition, though it gave him a great deal of trouble. This is what he said: — "Sir, "It is deeply against my will that I address you, 150 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. SO long after all communication has ended between us; and it is possible that you may not remember even the new name with which I sign this. By a singular and unhappy chance, facts in your past life, affecting the honour and credit of the family, have been brought to my knowledge, of all people in the world. If I could have avoided the con- fidence, I should have done so; but it was out of my power. When I say that these facts concern a person called Lockwood (or so called, at least, be- fore her pretended marriage), you will, I have no doubt, understand what I mean. Will you meet me, at any place you may choose to appoint, for the purpose of discussing this most momentous and fatal business? I have examined it minutely, with the help of the best legal authority, from whom the real names of the parties have been concealed, and I cannot hold out to you any hope that it will be easily arranged. In order, however, to save it from being thrown at once into professional hands, and exposed to the public, will you communicate with me, or appoint a time and place to meet me? I entreat you to do this, for the sake of your children and family. I cannot trust myself to appeal to any other sacred claim upon you. For God's sake, let me see you, and tell me if you have any plea to raise! "Edgar Earnshaw." He felt that the outburst at the end was in- judicious, but could not restrain the ebullition of feeling. If he could but be allowed to manage it IN THE DEPTHS. I5I quietly, to have her misery broken to Clare without any interposition of the world's scorn or pity. She was the one utterly guiltless, but it was she who would be most exposed to animadversion; he felt this, with his heart bleeding for his sister. If he had but had the privilege of a brother — if he could have gone to her, and drawn her gently away, and provided home and sympathy for her, before the blow had fallen! But neither he nor anyone could do this, for Clare was not the kind of being to make close friends. She reserved her love for the few who belonged to her, and had little or none to expend on strangers. Did she still think of him as one belonging to her, or was his recollection alto- gether eclipsed, blotted out from her mind? He began half a dozen letters to Clare herself, asking if she still thought of him, if she would allow him to remember that he was once her brother, with a humility which he could not have shown had she been as happy and prosperous as all the world be- lieved her to be. But after he had written these letters, one after another, retouching a phrase here, and an epithet there, which was too weak or too strong for his excited fancy, and lingering over her name with tears in his eyes, he- destroyed them all. Until he heard from her husband, he did not feel that he could venture to write to his sister. His sister! — his poor, forlorn, ruined, solitary sister, rich as she was, and surrounded by all things ad- vantageous! a wife, and yet no wife; the mother of children whose birth would be their shame! Edgar rose up from where he was writing in the intolerable 152 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. pang of this thought — he could not keep still while it flashed through his mind. Clara, the proudest, the purest, the most fastidious of women — how could she bear it? He said to himself that it was impossible — impossible — that she must die of it! There was no way of escape for her. It would kill her, and his was the hand which had to give the blow. In this condition, with such thoughts running over in his vexed brain, to go back to the shop, and find poor Mr. Tottenham wrestling among the difficulties which, poor man, were overwhelming him, with dark lines of care under his eyes, and his face haggard with anxiety — imagine, dear reader, what it was! He could have laughed at the petty trouble; yet no one could laugh at the pained face, the kind heart wounded, the manifest and quite overwhelming trouble of the philanthropist. "I don't even know yet whether they will keep to their engagements; and we are all at sixes and sevens, and the company will begin to arrive in an hour or two!" cried poor Mr. Tottenham. Edgar's anxieties were so much more engrossing and terrible that to have a share in these small ones did him good; and he was so indifferent that he calmed everybody, brought the unruly performers back to their senses, and thrust all the arrangements on by the sheer carelessness he felt as to whether they were ready or not. "Who cares about your play?" he said to Watson, who came to pour out his grievances. "Do you think the Duchess of Middle- march is so anxious to hear you? They will enjoy IN THE DEPTHS. 153 themselves a great deal better chatting to each other." This brought Mr. Watson and his troupe to their senses, as all Mr. Tottenham's agitated re- monstrances had not brought them. Edgar did not care to be in the way of the fine people when they arrived. He got a kind word from Lady Mary, who whispered to him, "How ill you are looking! You must tell us what it is, and let us help you;" for this kind woman found it hard to realise that there were things in which the support of herself and her husband would be but little efficacious; and he had approached Lady Augusta, as has been recorded, with some wistful, hopeless intention of recommending Clare to her, in case of anything that might happen. But Lady Augusta had grown so pale at the sight of him, and had thrown so many uneasy glances round her, that Edgar with- drew, with his heart somewhat heavy, feeling his burden rather more than he could conveniently bear. He had gone and hid himself in the library, trying to read, and hearing far off the din of ap- plause — the distant sound of voices. The noise of the visitors' feet approaching had driven him from that refuge, when Mr. Tottenham, in high triumph, led his guests through his huge establishment. Edgar, dislodged, and not caring to put himself in the way of further discouragement, chose this mo- ment to give his message to Phil, and strayed away from sound and light into the retired passages, when that happened to him in his time of extremity which it is now my business to record. 154 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XII. A New Kvent. "Have you — forgotten me— then?" "Forgotten you!" cried Edgar. Heaven help him! — he did not advance nor take her hands, which she held out, kept back by his honour and promise — till he saw that her eyes were full of tears, that her lips were quivering, unable to articulate anything more, and that her figure swayed slightly, as if tottering. Then all that was super- ficial went to the winds. He took her back through the half-lighted passage, supporting her tenderly, to Mr. Tottenham's room. The door closed behind them, and (jussy turned to him with swimming eyes — eyes running over with tears and wistful hap- piness. She could not speak. She let him hold her, and looked up at him, all her heart in her face. Poor Edgar was seized upon at the same moment, all unprepared as he was, by that sudden gush of long-restrained feeling which carries all be- fore it. "Is this how it is to hel" he said, no louder than a whisper, holding her fast and close, grasping her slender arm, as if she might still flee from him, or revolt from his touch. But Gussy had no mind to escape. Either she had nothing to say, or she was still too much shaken to attempt to say it. She let her head drop like a flower overcharged, A NEW EVENT. 155 and leaned on him and fell a-sobbing— fell on his neck, as the Bible says, though Gussy's little figure fell short of that, and she only leaned as high as she could reach, resting there like a child. If ever a man came at a step out of purgatory, or worse, into Paradise, it was this man. Utterly alone half an hour ago, now companied so as all the world could not add to him. He did not try to stop her sobbing, but bent his head down upon hers, and I think for one moment let his own heart expand into something which was like a sob too — an in- articulate utterance of all this sudden rapture, un- expected, unlocked for, impossible as it was. I do not know which was the first to come to themselves. It must have been Gussy, whose sobs had relieved her soul. She stirred within his arm, and lifted her head, and tried to withdraw from him. "Not yet, not yet," said Edgar. "Think how long I have wanted you, how long I have yearned for you; and that I have no right to you even now." "Right!" said Gussy, softly — "you have the only right — no one can have any right but you." "Is it so"^ — is it sol Say it again," said Edgar. "Say that I am not a selfish hound, beguiling you; but that you will have it so. Say you will have it so! What I will is not the question — it is your will that is my law." "Do you know what you are saying — or have you turned a little foolish'? " said the Gussy of old, with a laugh which was full of the tears with which her eyes were still shining and bright; and then she paused, and looking up at him, blushing, hazarded 156 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, an inquiry — "Are you in love with me now?" she said. "Now; and for how long? — three years — eveiy day and all day long!" cried Edgar. "It could not do you any harm so far off. But I should not have dared to think of you so much if I had ever hoped for this." "Do not hold me so tight now," said Gussy, "I shall not run away. Do you remember the last time — ah! we were not in love with each other then." "But loved each other — the difference is not very great," he said, looking at her wistfully, making his eyes once more familiar with her face. "Ah! there is a great difference," said Guss)^ "We were only, as you said, fond of each other; I began to feel it when you were gone. Tell me all that has happened since," she said, suddenly — "everything! You said you had been coming to ask me that dreadful morning. We have belonged to each other ever since; and so much has hap- pened to you. Tell me everything; I have a right to know." "Nothing has happened to me but the best of all things," said Edgar, "and the worst. I have broken my word; I promised to your mother never to put myself in the way; I have disgraced myself, and I don't care. And this has happened to me," he said low in her ear, "my darling! Gussy, you are sure you know what you are doing? I am poor, ruined, with no prospects for the moment " "Don't, please," said Gussy, throwing back her A NEW EVENT. 157 head with the old pretty movement. "I suppose you don't mean to be idle and lazy, and think me a burden; and I can make myself very useful, in a great many ways. Why should I have to think what I am doing more than I ought to have done three years ago, when you came to Thornleigh that morn- ing? I had done my thinking then." "And, please God, you shall not repent of it!" cried the happy young man — "you shall not repent it, if I can help it. But your mother will not think so, darling; she will upbraid me with keeping you back — from better things." "That will be to insult me!" cried Gussy, flaming with hot, beautiful anger and shame. "Edgar, do you think I should have walked into your arms like this, not waiting to be asked, if I had not thought all this time that we have been as good as married these three years'? Oh! what am I saying?" cried poor Gussy, overwhelmed with sudden confusion. It had seemed so natural, so matter-of-fact a state- ment to her — until she had said the words, and read a new significance in the glow of delight which flashed up in his eyes. Is it necessary to follow this couple further into the foolishness of their mutual talk? — it reads badly on paper, and in cold blood. They had forgotten what the hour was, and most other things, when Mr. Tottenham, very weary, but satisfied, came suddenly into the room, with his head full of the Entertainment, His eyes were more worn than ever, but the lines of care under them had melted away, and a fatigued, half-imbecile smile of pleasure was 158 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. hanging about his face. He was too much worn out to judge anyone — to be hard upon anyone that night. Fatigue and reUef of mind had affected him like a genial, gentle intoxication of the spirit. He stopped short, startled, and perhaps shocked for the moment, when Edgar, and that white little figure beside him, rose hastily from the chairs, which had been so very near each other. I am afraid that, for the first moment, Mr. Tottenham felt a chill of dread that it was one of his own young ladies from the establishment. He did not speak, and they did not speak for some moments. Then, with an attempt at severity, Mr. Tottenham said, "Gussy, is it possible? How should you have come here?" "Oh! uncle, forgive us!" said Gussy, taking Edgar's arm, and clinging to it, "and speak to mamma for us. I accepted him three years ago. Uncle Tom. He is the same man — or, rather, a far nicer man," and here she gave a closer clasp to his arm, and dropped her voice for the moment, "only poor. Only poor! — does that make all the difference? Can you tell me any reason, Uncle Tottenham, why I should give him up, now he has come back?" "My dear," said Mr. Tottenham, alarmed yet conciliatory, "your mother — no, I don't pretend I see it — your mother, Gussy, must be the best judge. Earnshaw, my dear fellow, was it not understood between us? I don't blame you. I don't say I wouldn't have done the same; but was it not agreed between us? You should have given me fair warn- ing, and she should never have come here." A NEW EVENT. 159 "I gave Lady Mary fair warning," said Edgar, who felt himself ready at this moment to confront the whole world. "I promised to deny myself; but no power in the world should make me deny Gussy anything she pleased; and this is what she pleases, it appears," he said, looking down upon her with glowing eyes. "A poor thing, sir, but her own — and she chooses it. I can give up my own will, but Gussy shall have her will, if I can get it for her. I gave Lady Mary fair warning; and then we met unawares." "And it was all my doing, please, uncle," said Gussy, with a little curtsey. She was trembling with happiness, with agitation, with the mingled ex- citement and calm of great emotion; but still she could not shut out from herself the humour of the situation — "it was all my doing, please." "Ah! I see how it is," said Mr. Tottenham. "You have been carried off, Earnshaw, and made a prey of against your will. Don't ask me for my opinion, yes or no. Take what good you can of to-night, you will have a pleasant waking up, I promise you, to-morrow morning. The question is, in the meantime, how are you to get home? Every soul is gone, and my little brougham is waiting, with places for two only, at the door. Send that fellow away, and I'll take you home to your mother." But poor Gussy had very little heart to send her recovered lover away. She clung to his arm, with a face like an April day, between smiles and tears. "He says quite true. We shall have a dreadful l60 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. morning," she said, disconsolately. "When can you come, Edgarl I will say nothing till you come." As Gussy spoke there came suddenly back upon Edgar a reflection of all he had to do. Life had indeed come back to him all at once, her hands full of thorns and roses piled together. He fixed the time of his visit to Lady Augusta next morning, as he put Gussy into Mr. Tottenham's brougham, and setting off himself at a great pace, arrived at Berkeley Square as soon as they did, and attended her to the well-known door. Gussy turned round on the threshold of the house where he had been once so joyfully received, but where his appearance now, he knew, would be regarded with horror and consternation, and waved her hand to him as he went away. But having done so, I am afraid her courage failed, and she stole away rapidly upstairs, and took refuge in her own room, and even put herself within the citadel of her bed. "I came home with Uncle Tottenham in his brougham," she said to Ada, who, half-alarmed, paid her a furtive visit, "and I am so tired and sleepy!" Poor Gussy, she was safe for that night, but when morning came what was to become of her? So far from being sleepy, I do not believe that, be- tween the excitement, the joy, and the terror, she closed her eyes that whole night. Mr. Tottenham, too, got out of the brougham at Lady Augusta's door; his own house was on the other side of the Square. He sent the carriage A NEW EVENT. l6l away, and took Edgar's arm, and marched him solemnly along the damp pavement. "Earnshaw, my dear fellow," he said, in the deepest of sepulchral tones, "I am afraid you have been very imprudent. You will have a mauvais quart d'heure to-morrow." "I know it," said Edgar, himself feeling some- what alarmed, in the midst of his happiness. "I am afraid — you ought not to have let her carry you off your feet in this way; you ought to have been wise for her and yourself too; you ought to have avoided any explanation. Mind, I don't say that my feelings go with that sort of thing; but in common prudence — in justice to her " "Justice to her!" cried Edgar. "If she has been faithful for three years, do you think she is likely to change now? All that time not a word has passed between us; but you told me yourself she would not hear of— anything; that she spoke of retiring from the world. Would that be wiser or more prudent? Look here, nobody in the world has been so kind to me as you. I want you to un- derstand me. A man may sacrifice his own happi- ness, but has he any right to sacrifice the woman he loves'? It sounds vain, does it not? — but if she chooses to think this her happiness, am I to con- tradict her? I will do all that becomes a man," cried Edgar, unconsciously adopting, in his excite- ment, the well-known words, "but do you mean to say it is a man's duty to crush, and balk, and stand out against the woman he loves?" "You are getting excited," said Mr. Tottenham. Fo> Love and Life. 11. H l62 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "Speak lower, for heaven's sake! Earnshaw; don't let poor Mary hear of it to-night." There was something in the tone in which he said poor Mary, with a profound comic pathos, as if his wife would be the chief sufferer, which almost overcame Edgar's gravity. Poor Mr. Tottenham was weak with his own sufferings, and with the blessed sense that he had got over them for the moment. "What a help you were to me this afternoon," he said, "though I daresay your mind was full of other things. Nothing would have settled into place, and we should have had a failure instead of a great success but for you. You think it was a great success? Everybody said so. And your poor lady, Earnshaw— your — friend — what of her? Is it as bad as you feared?" "It is as bad as it is possible to be," said Ed- gar, suddenly sobered. "I must ask further indul- gence from you, I fear, to see a very bad business to an end." "You mean, a few days' freedom? Yes, cer- tainly; perhaps it might be as well in every way. And money — are you sure you liave money? Per- haps it is just as well you did not come to the Square, though they were ready for you. Do you come with me to-night?" "I am at my old rooms," said Edgar. "Now that the Entertainment is over, I shall not return till my business is done — or not then, if you think it best." "Nothing of the sort!" cried his friend — "only till it is broken to poor Mary," he added, once A NEW EVENT. 1 63 more lachrymose. "But, Earnshaw, poor fellow, I feel for you. You'll let me know what Augusta says?" And Mr. Tottenham opened his door with his latch-key, and crept upstairs like a criminal. He was terrified for his wife, to whom he felt this bad news must be broken with all the precaution pos- sible; and though he could not prevent his own thoughts from straying into a weak-minded sympathy with the lovers, he did not feel at all sure that she would share his sentiments. "Mary, at heart, is a dreadful little aristocrat," he said to himself, as he lingered in his dressing- room to avoid her questions; not knowing that I.ady Mary's was the rash hand which had set this train of inflammables first alight. Next morning — ah! next morning, there was the rub! — Edgar would have to face Lady Augusta, and Gussy her mother, and Mr. Tottenham, who felt himself by this time an accomplice, his justly indig- nant wife; besides that the latter unfortunate gen- tleman had also to go to the shop, and face the re- signations offered to himself, and deadly feuds raised amongst his "assistants," by the preliminaries of last night. In the meantime, all the culprits tried hard not to think of the terrible moment that awaited them, and I think the lovers succeeded. Lovers have the best of it in such emergencies; the enchanted ground of recollection and imagination to which they can return being more utterly se- vered from the common world than any other refuge. The members of the party who remained longest 164 fOR LOVE AND LIFE. up were Lady Augusta and Ada, who sat over the fire in the mother's bed-room, and discussed every- thing with a generally satisfied and cheerful tone in their communings. "Gussy came home with Uncle Tottenham in his brougham," said Ada. "She has gone to bed. She was out in her district a long time this morn- ing, and I think she is very tired to-night." "Oh, her district!" cried Lady Augusta. "I like girls to think of the poor, my dear — you know I do — I never oppose anything in reason; but why Gussy should work like a slave, spoiling her hands and complexion, and exposing herself in all wea- thers for the sake of her district! And it is not as if she had no opportunities. I wish you would speak to her, Ada. She oug/ii to marry, if it were only for the sake of the boys; and why she is so obstinate, I cannot conceive." "Mamma, don't say so — you know well enough why," said Ada quietly. "I don't say you should give in to her; but at least you know." "Well, I must say I think my daughters have been hard upon me," said Lady Augusta, with a sigh — "even you, my darling — though I can't find it in my heart to blame you. But, to change the subject, did you notice, Ada, how well Harry was looking] Dear fellow! he has got over his little troubles with your father. Tottenham's has done him good; he always got on well with Mary and your odd, good uncle. Harry is so good-hearted and so simple-minfled, he can get on with anybody; and I quite feel that I had a good inspiration," said A NEW EVENT. 1 65 Lady Augusta, with a significant nod of her head, "when I sent him there. I am sure it has been for everybody's good." "In what way, mamma?" said Ada, who was not at all so confident in Harry's powers. "Well, dear, he has been on the spot," said Lady Augusta; "he has exercised an excellent influence. When poor Edgar, poor dear fellow, came up to nie to-night, I could not think what to do for the best, for I expected Gussy to appear any moment; and even Mary and Beatrice, had they seen him, would have made an unnecessary fuss. But he took the hint at my first glance. I can only believe it was dear Harry's doing, showing him the utter hopelessness — Poor fellow!" said Lady Augusta, putting her handkerchief to her eyes. "Oh! my dear, how inscrutable are the ways of Providence! Had things been ordered otherwise, what a comfort he might have been to us — what a help!" "When you like him so well yourself, mamma," said gentle Ada, "you should understand poor Gussy's feelings, who was always encouraged to think of him — till the change came." "That is just what I say, dear," said Lady Au- gusta; "if things had been ordered otherwise! We can't change the arrangements of Providence, how- ever much we may regret them. But at least it is a great comfort about dear Harry. How well he was looking! — and how kind and affectionate! I almost felt as if he were a boy again, just come from school, and so glad to see his people. It was by far the greatest pleasure I had to-night" I 66 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. And so this unsuspecting woman went to bed. She had a good night, for she was not afraid of the morrow, dismal as were the tidings it was fated to bring to her maternal ear. BERKELEY SQUARE. I 67 CHAPTER Xni. Berkelej' Square. At eleven o'clock next morning, Edgar, with a beating heart, knocked at the door in Berkeley Square. The footman, who was an old servant, and doubtless remembered all about him, let him in with a certain hesitation — so evident that Edgar reassured him by saying, "I am expected," which was all he could manage to get out with his dry lips. Heaven send him better utterance when he gets to the moment of his trial! I leave the reader to imagine the effect produced when the door of the morning room, in which Lady Augusta was seated with her daughters, was suddenly opened, and Edgar, looking very pale, and terribly serious, walked into the room. They were all there. The table was covered with patterns for Mary's trousseau, and she herself was examining a heap of shawls, with Ada, at the window. Gussy, expectant, and changing colour so often that her agitation had already been remarked upon several times this morning, had kept close to her mother. Beatrice was practising a piece of music at the little piano in the corner, which was the girls' favourite refuge for their musical studies. They all stopped in their various occupations, and 1 68 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. turned round when he came in. Lady Augusta sprang to her feet, and put out one hand in awe and horror, to hold him at arm's length. Her first look was for him, her second for Gussy, to whom she said, "Go — instantly!" as distinctly as eyes could speak; but, for once in her life, Gussy would not understand her mother's eyes. And, what was worst of all, the two young ones, Mary and Beatrice, when they caught sight of Edgar, uttered each a cry of delight, and rushed upon him with eager hands outstretched. "Oh! you have come home for It! — say you have come home for It!" cried Mary, to whom her approaching wedding was the one event which shadowed earth and heaven. "Girls!" cried Lady Augusta, severely, "do not lay hold upon Mr. Earnshaw in that rude way. Go upstairs, all of you. Mr. Earnshaw's business, no doubt, is with me." "Oh! mamma, mayn't I talk to him for a mo- ment]" cried Mary, aggrieved, and unwilling, in the fulness of her privileges, to acknowledge herself still under subjection. But Lady Augusta's eyes spoke very decisively this time, and Ada set the example by hastening away. Even Ada, however, could not resist the im- pulse of putting her hand in Edgar's as she passed him. She divined everything in a moment. She said "God bless you!" softly, so that no one could hear it but himself Only Gussy did not move. "I must stay, mamma," she said, in tones so vehement that even Lady Augusta was awed by BERKELEY SQUARE. I 69 them. "I will never disobey you again, but I must stay!" And then Edgar was left alone, facing the offended lady. Gussy had stolen behind her, whence she could throw a glance of sympathy to her be- trothed, undisturbed by her mother. Lady Augusta did not ask him to sit down. She seated herself in a stately manner, like a queen receiving a rebel. "Mr. Earnshaw," she said, solemnly, "after all that has passed between us, and all you have pro- mised — I must believe that there is some very grave reason for your unexpected visit to-day." What a different reception it was from that she had given him, when — coming, as she supposed, on the same errand which really brought him now — he had to tell her of his loss of everything! Then the whole house had been pleasantly excited over the impending proposal; and Gussy had been kissed and petted by all her sisters, as the heroine of the drama; and Lady Augusta's motherly heart had swelled with gratitude to God that she had secured for her daughter not only a good match, but a good man. It was difficult for Edgar, at least, to shut out all recollection of the one scene in the other. He answered with less humility than he had shown before, and with a dignity which impressed her, in spite of herself, "Yes, there is a very grave reason for it," he said — "the gravest reason — without which I should not have intruded upon you. I made you a voluntary promise some time since, seeing your dismay at my 170 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, re-appearance, that I would not interfere with any of your plans, or put myself in your way." "Yes," said T.ady Augusta, in all the horror of suspense. Gussy, behind, whispered, "You have not! — you have not!" till her mother turned and looked at her, when she sank upon the nearest seat, and covered her face with her hands. "I might say that I have not, according to the mere letter of my word," said Edgar; "but I will not stand by that. Lady Augusta, I have come to tell you that I have broken my promise. I find I had no right to make it. I answered for myself, but not for another dearer than myself The pledge was given in ignorance, and foolishly. I have broken it, and I have come to ask you to forgive me." "You have broken your word? Mr. Earnshaw, I was not aware that gentlemen ever did so. I do not believe you are capable of doing so," she cried, in great agitation. "Gussy, gO' upstairs, you have nothing to do with this discussion — you were not a party to the bargain. I cannot — cannot allow myself to be treated in this way! Mr. Earnshaw, think what you are saying! You cannot go back from your word!" "Forgive me," he said, "I have done it. Had I known all, I would not have given the promise; I told Lady Mary Tottenham so; my pledge was for myself, to restrain my own feelings. From the mo- ment that it was betrayed to me that she too had feelings to restrain, my very principle of action, my rule of honour, was changed. It was no longer my duty to deny myself to obey you. My first duty HERKELRY SQUARE. I7I was to her, Lady Augusta — if in that I disappoint you, if I grieve you— — " "You do more than disappoint me — you horrify me!" cried Lady Augusta. "You make me think that nothing is to be reUed upon — no man's word to be trusted, No, no, we must have no more of this," she said, with vehemence. "Forget what you have said, Mr. Earnshaw, and I will try to forget it. Go to your room, Gussy — this is no scene for you." Edgar stood before his judge motionless, saying no more. I think he felt now how completely the tables were turned, and what an almost cruel ad- vantage he had over her. His part was that of fact and reality, which no one could conjure back into nothingness; and hers that of opposition, disapproval, resistance to the inevitable. He was the rock, and she the vexed and vexing waves, dashing against it, unable to overthrow it. In their last great en- counter these positions had been reversed, and it was she who had command of the situation. Now, howsoever parental authority might resist, or the world oppose, the two lovers knew very well, being persons in their full senses, and of full age, that they had but to persevere, and their point would be gained. Lady Augusta felt it too — it was this which had made her so deeply alarmed from the first, so anxious to keep Edgar at arm's length. The mo- ment she caught sight of him on this particular morning, she felt that all was over. But that cer- tainty unfortunately does not quench the feelings of 172 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. opposition, though it may take all hope of eventual success from them. All that this secret conviction of the uselessness of resistance did for Lady Augusta was to make her more hot, more desperate, more achartiee than she had ever been. She grew angry at the silence of her opponent — his very patience seemed a renewed wrong, a contemptuous evidence of conscious power. "You do not say anything," she cried. "You allow me to speak without an answer. What do you mean me to understand by this — that you defy me? I have treated you as a friend all along. I thought you were good, and honourable, and true. I have always stood up for you — treated you almost like a son! And is this to be the end of iti You defy me! You teach my own child to resist my will! You do not even keep up the farce of re- specting my opinion — now that she has gone over to your side!" Here poor Lady Augusta got up from her chair, flushed and trembling, with the tears coming to her eyes, and an angry despair warring against very different feelings in her mind. She rose up, not looking at either of the culprits, and leant her arm on the mantelpiece, and gazed unawares at her own excited, troubled countenance in the glass. Yes, they had left her out of their calculations; she who had always (she knew) been so good to them! It no longer seemed worth while to send Gussy away, to treat her as if she were innocent of the complot. She had gone over to the other side. Lady Augusta felt herself deserted, slighted, injured, with the two BERKELEY SQUARE. 173 against her — and determined, doubly determined, never to yield. "Mamma," said Gussy, softly, "do not be angry with Edgar. Don't you know, as well as I, that I have always been on his side?" "Don't venture to say a word to me, Gussy," said Lady Augusta. "I will not endure it from you!" "Mamma, I must speak. It was you who turned my thoughts to him first. Was it likely that / should forget him because he was in trouble? Why, you did not! You yourself were fond of him all along, and trusted him so that you took his pledge to give up his own will to yours. But I never gave any pledge," said Gussy, folding her hands. "You never asked me what I thought, or I should have told you. I have been waiting for Edgar. He has not dared to come to me since he came back to England, because of his promise to you; and I have not dared to go to him, because — simply because I was a woman. But when we met, mamma — when we viel, I say — not his seeking or my seeking— by accident, as you call it- " "Oh! accident!" cried Lady Augusta, with a sneer, which sat very strangely upon her kind face. "Accident! One knows how such accidents come to pass!" "If you doubt our truth," cried Gussy, in a little outburst, "of course there is no more to say." "I beg your pardon," said the mother, faintly. She had put herself in the wrong. The sneer, the first and only sneer of which poor Lady Augusta 174 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. had known herself to be guilty, turned to a weapon against her. Compunction and shame filled up the last drop of the conflicting emotions that possessed her. "It is easy for you both to speak," she said, "very easy; to you it is nothing but a matter of feel- ing. You never ask yourself how it is to be done. You never think of the thousand difficulties with the world, with your father, with circumstances. What have I taken the trouble to struggle for? You yourself do me justice, Gussy! Not because I would not have preferred Edgar — oh! don't come near me!" she cried, holding out her hand to keep him back; as he approached a step at the softening sound of his name — "don't work upon my feelings! It is cruel; it is taking a mean advantage. Not because I did not prefer him — but because life is not a dream, as you think it, not a romance, nor a poem. What am I to do?" cried Lady Augusta, clasping her hands, and raising them with unconscious, most natural theatricalness. "What am I to do? How am I to face your father, your brothers, the world?" I do not know what the two listeners could have done, after the climax of this speech, but to put themselves at her feet, with that instinct of na- ture in extreme circumstances which the theatre has seized for its own, and given a partially absurd colour to; but they were saved from thus commit- ting themselves by the sudden and precipitate en- trance of Lady IvLiry, who flung the door open, and suddenly rushed among llicm without warning or preparation. "I come to warn you," she cried, "Augusta!" BERKELEY S(^UARE. 175 Then stopped sliort, seeing at a glance the state of affairs. They all stood gazing at each other for a mo- ment, the others not divining what this interruption might mean, and feeling instinctively driven back upon conventional self-restraint and propriety, by the entrance of the new-comer. Lady Augusta un- clasped her hands, and stole back guiltily to her chair. Edgar recovered his wits, and placed one for Lady Mary. Gussy dropped upon the sofa be- hind her mother, and cast a secret glance of triumph at him from eyes still wet with tears. He alone remained standing, a culprit still on his trial, who felt the number of his judges increased, without knowing whether his cause would take a favourable or unfavourable aspect in the eyes of the new occu- pant of the judicial bench. "What have you all been doing 1" said Lady Mary — "you look as much confused and scared by my appearance as if I had disturbed you in the midst of some wrong-doing or other. Am I to divine what has happened? It is what I was coming to warn you against; I was going to say that I could no longer answer for Mr. Earnshaw — " "I have spoken for myself," said Edgar. "I,ady Augusta knows that all my ideas and my duties have changed. I do not think I need stay longer. I should prefer to write to Mr. Thornlcigh at once, unless Lady Augusta objects; but I can take no final negative now from anyone but Gussy herself" "And that he shall never have!" cried Gussy, with a ring of premature triumph in her voice. Her 176 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. mother turned round upon her again with a glance of fire. "Is that the tone you have learned among the Sisters?" said Lady Augusta, severely. "Yes, go, Mr. Earnshaw, go — we have had enough of this." Edgar was perhaps as much shaken as any of them by all he had gone through. He went up to Lady Augusta, and took her lialf-unwilling hand and kissed it. "Do you remember," he said, "dear Lady Augusta, when you cried over me in my ruin, and kissed me like my mother? / cannot forget it, if I should live a hundred years. You have never aban- doned me, though you feared me. Say one kind word to me before I go." Lady Augusta tried hard not to look at the supplicant. She turned her head away, she gulped down a something in her throat which almost over- came her. The tears rushed to her eyes. "Don't speak to me!" slie cried — "don't speak to me! Shall 1 not be a sufferer tool God bless you, Edgar! I have always felt like your mother. Go away! — go away! — don't speak to me any more!" Edgar had the sense to obey her without an- other look or word. He did not even pause to glance at Gussy (at which she was much aggrieved), but left the room at once. And tlien Gussy crept to her mother's side, and knelt down there, clinging with her arms about the vanquished Rhadamantha; and the three women kissed each other, and cried BERKELEY SQUARE. I77 together, not quite sure whether it was for sorrow or joy. "You are in love with him yourself, Augusta!" cried Lady Mary, laughing and crying together be- fore this outburst was over. "And so I am," said Gussy's mother, drying her kind eyes. Edgar, as he rushed out, saw heads peeping over the staircase, of which he took no notice, though one of them was no less than the curled and shin- ing head of the future Lady Granton, destined Mar- chioness (one day or other) of Hauteville. He escaped from these anxious spies, and rushed through the hall, feeling himself safest out of the house. But on the threshold he met Harry Thornleigh, who looked at him from head to foot with an insolent surprise which made Edgar's blood boil. "You here!" said Harry, with unmistakably dis- agreeable intention; then all at once his tone changed — Edgar could not imagine why — and he held out his hand in greeting. "Missed you at Tottenham's," said Harry; "they all want you. That little brute Phil is getting unendurable. I wish you'd whop him when you go back." "I shall not be back for some days," said Edgar shortly. "I have business " "Here?" asked Harry, with well-simulated sur- prise. "If you'll let me give you a little advice, Earnshaw, and won't take it amiss — I can-'t help saying you'll get no good here." "Thank you," said Edgar, feeling a glow of offence mount to his face. "I suppose every man For Love and Li/e- II. 12 178 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. is the best judge in his own case; but, in the mean- time, I am leaving town — for a day or two." "Au fi'Z'Oir, then, at Tottenham's," said Harry, with a nod, half-hostile, half-friendly, and marched into his own house, or what would one day be his own house, with the air of a master. Edgar left it with a curious sense of the discouragement meant to be conveyed to him, which was half- whimsical, half-painful. Harry meant nothing less than to make him feel that his presence was undesired and inop- portune, without, however, making any breach with him; he had his own reasons for keeping up a cer- tain degree of friendship with Edgar, but he had no desire that it should go any further than he thought proper and suitable. As for his sister's feelings in the matter, Harry ignored and scouted them with perfect calm and self-possession. If she went and entered a Sisterhood, as they had all feared at one time, why, she would make a fool of herself, and there would be an end of it! "I shouldn't interfere," Harry had said. "It would be silly; but there would be an end of her — no more responsibility, and that sort of thing. Let her, if she likes, so long as you're sure she'll stay." But to allow her to make "a low marriage" was an en- tirely different matter. Therefore he set Edgar down, according to his own consciousness, even though he was quite disinclined to quarrel with Edgar. , He was troubled by no meltings of heart, such as disturbed the repose of his mother. He liked the man well enough, but what had that to do with it? It was necessary that Gussy should. BERKELEY SQUARE. I7Q many well if she married at all — not so much for herself as for the future interests of the house of Thornleigh. Harry felt that to have a set of little beggars calling him "uncle," in the future ages, and sheltering themselves under the shadow of Thorn- leigh, was a thing totally out of the question. The heir indeed might choose for himself, having it in his power to bestow honour, as in the case of King Cophetua. But probably even King Cophetua would have deeply disapproved, and indeed interdicted beggar-maids for his brother, how much more beggar- men for his sisters — or any connection which could detract from the importance of the future head of the house. l80 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XIV. A Suggestion. Having found his family in considerable agita- tion, the cause of which they did not disclose to him, but from which he formed, by his unaided genius, the agreeable conclusion that Edgar had been definitely sent off, probably after some pre- sumptuous offer, which Gussy at last was wise enough to see the folly of — "I see you've sent that fellow off for good," he said to his sister; "and I'm glad of it." "Oh! yes, for good," said Gussy, with a flash in her eyes, which he, not very brilliant in his percep- tions, took for indignation at Edgar's presumption. "He is a cheeky beggar," said unconscious Harry; "a setting down will do him good." But though his heart was full of his own affairs, he thought it best, on the whole, to defer the con- fidence with which he meant to honour Lady Augusta, to a more convenient season. Harry was not particularly bright, and he felt his own concerns to be so infinitely more important than anything concerning "the girls," that the two things could not be put in comparison; but yet the immediate pre- cedent of the sending away of Gussy's lover was perhaps not quite the best that could be wished for A SUGGESTION. l8l the favourable hearing of Harry's love. Besides, Lady Augusta was not so amiable that day as she often was. She was surrounded by a flutter of girls, putting questions, teasing her for replies, which she seemed very little disposed to give; and Harry had somewhat fallen in his mother's opinion, since it had been proved that to have him "on the spot" had really been quite inefficacious for her purpose. Her confidence in him had been so unjustifiably great, though Harry was totally ignorant of it, that her unexpected disapproval was in proportion now. "It was not Harry's fault," Ada had ventured to say. "How could he guide events that happened in London when he was at Tottenham's?" "He ought to have paid more attention," was all that Lady Augusta said. And unconsciously she turned a cold shoulder to Harry, rather glad, on the whole, that there was somebody, rightly or wrongly, to blame. So Harry returned to Tottenham's with his aunt, hurriedly proffering a visit a few days after. Nobody perceived the suppressed excitement with which he made this offer, for the house was too full of the stir of one storm, scarcely blown over, to think of another. He went back, accordingly, into the coun- try stillness, and spent another lingering twilight hour with Margaret. How different the atmosphere seemed to be in which she was! It was another world to Harry; he seemed to himself a better man. How kind he felt towards the little girl! — he who would have liked to kick Phil, and thought the Tottenham children so ridiculously out of place, 1 82 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. brought to the front, as they always were. When little Sibby was "brought to the front," her mother seemed but to gain a grace the more, and in the cottage Harry was a better man. He took down with him the loveliest bouquet of flowers that could be got in Covent Garden, and a few plants in pots, the choicest of their kind, and quite unlikely, had he known it, to suit the atmosphere of the poky little cottage parlour. Mr. Franks had begun to move out of the doc- tor's house, and very soon the new family would be able to make their entrance. Margaret and her brother were going to town to get some furniture, and Harry volunteered to give them the benefit of his experience, and join their party. "But we want cheap things," Margaret said, true to her principle of making no false pretences that could be dispensed with. This did not in the least affect Harry; he would have stood by and listened to her cheapening a pot or kettle with a conviction that it was the very best thing to do. There are other kinds of love, and some which do not so heartily accept as perfect all that is done by their object; and there are different stages of love, in not all of which, perhaps, is this beautiful satisf^iction apparent; but at present Harry could see nothing wrong in the object of his adoration. Whatever she did was right, graceful, beautiful —the wisest and the best. I do not suppose it is in the nature of things that this lovely and delightful state of senti- ment could last — but for the moment so it was. A SUGGESTION. I03 And thus, while poor Lady Augusta passed her days peacefully enough — half happy, half wretched, now allowing herself to listen to Gussy's anticipations, now asking bitterly how on earth they expected to exist — this was preparing for her which was to turn even the glory of Mary's approaching wedding into misery, and overwhelm the whole house of Thorn- leigh with dismay. So blind is human nature, that Lady Augusta had not the slightest apprehension about Harry. He, at least, was out of harm's way — so long as the poor boy could find anything to amuse him in the country — she said to herself, with a sigh of satisfaction and relief. At the other Tottenham's, things were settling down after the Entertainment, and happily the result had been so gratifying and successful that all the feuds and searching of hearts had calmed down. The supper had been "beautiful," the guests gra- cious, the enjoyment almost perfect. Thereafter, to his dying day, Mr. Robinson was able to quote what Her Grace the Duchess of Middlemarch had said to him on the subject of his daughter's performance, and the Duchess's joke became a kind of capital for the establishment, always ready to be drawn upon. No other establishment had before offered a subject of witty remark (though Her Grace, good soul, was totally unaware of having been witty) to a Duchess — no other young ladies and gentlemen at- tached to a house of business had ever hobbed and nobbed with the great people in society. The in- dividuals who had sent in resignations were too glad to be allowed to forget them, and Mr. Tot- 184 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. tenliam was in the highest featlier, and felt his scheme to have prospered beyond his highest hopes. "There is nothing so humanizing as social inter- course," he said. "I don't say my people are any great things, and we all know that society, as re- presented by Her Grace of Middlemarch, is not overwhelmingly witty or agreeable — eh, Earnshaw] But somehow, in the clash of the two extremes, something is struck out — a spark that you could not have otherwise — a really improving influence. I have always thought so; and, thank heaven, I have lived to carry out my theory." "At the cost of very hard work, and much an- noyance," said Edgar. "Oh! nothing — nothing, Earnshaw — mere baga- telles. I was tired, and had lost my temper — very wrong, but I suppose it will happen sometimes; and not being perfect myself, how am I to expect my people to be perfect?" said the philanthropist. "Never mind these little matters. The pother has blown over, and the good remains. By the way, Miss Lockwood is asking for you, Earnshaw- — have you cleared up that business of hersi She's in a bad way, poor creature! She would expose herself with bare arms and shoulders, till I sent her an opera-cloak, at a great sacrifice, from Robinson's department, to cover her up; and she's caught more cold. Go and see her, there's a good fellow; she's always asking for you." Miss Lockwood was in the ladies' sitting-room, where Edgar had seen her before, wrapped in the warm red opera-cloak which Mr. Tottenham had A SUGGESTION. 1 85 sent her, and seated by the fire. Her cheeks were more hollow than ever, her eyes full of feverish brightness. "Look here," she said, when Edgar entered, "I don't want you any longer. You've got it in your head I'm in a consumption, and you are keeping my papers back, thinking I'm going to die. I ain't going to die — no such intention — and I'll trouble you either to go on directly and get me my rights, or give me back all my papers, and I'll look after them myself." "You are very welcome to your papers," said Edgar. "I have written to Mr. Arden, to ask him to see me, but that is not on your account. I will give you, if you please, everything back." This did not content the impatient sufferer. "Oh! I don't want them back," she said, pet- tishly — "I want you to push on — to push on! I'm tired of this life — I should like to try what a change would do. If he does not choose to take me home, he might take me to Italy, or somewhere out of these east winds. I've got copies all ready directed to send to his lawyers, in case you should play me false, or delay. I'm not going to die, don't you think it; but now I've made up my mind to it, I'll have my rights!" "I hope you will take care of yourself in the meantime," said Edgar, compassionately, looking at her with a somewhat melancholy face. "Oh! get along with your doleful looks," said Miss Lockwood, "trying to frighten me, like all the rest. I want a change — that's what I want — 1 86 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. change of air and scene. I want to go to Italy or somewhere. Push on — push on, and get it settled. I don't want your sympathy — that's what I want of you." Edgar heard her cough echo after him as he went alpng the long narrow passage, where he had met Gussy, back to Mr. Tottenham's room. His patron called him from within as he was pass- ing by. "Earnshaw!" he cried, dropping his voice low, "I have not asked you yet — how did you get on, poor fellow, up at the Square?" "I don't quite know," said Edgar — "better than I hoped; but I must see Mr. Thornleigh, or write to him. Which will be the best?" "Look here," said Mr. Tottenham, "I'll do that for you. I know Thornleigh; he's not a bad fellow at bottom, except when he's worried. He sees when a thing's no use. I daresay he'd make a stand, if there was any hope; but as you're determined, and Gussy's determined " "We are," said Edgar. "Don't think I don't grudge her as much as anyone can to poverty and namelessness; but since it is her choice- " "So did Mary," said Mr. Tottenham, following out his own thoughts, with a comprehensible dis- regard of grammar. "Tliey stood out as long as they could, but they had to give in at last; and so must everybody give in at last, if only you hold to it. That's the secret — stick to it! — nothing can stand against that." He wrung Edgar's hand, and patted him on the liack, by way of encourage- A SUGGESTION. 1 87 ment. "But don't tell anyone I said so," he added, nodding, with a humorous gleam out of his grey eyes. Edgar found more letters awaiting him at his club — letters of the same kind as yesterday's, which he read with again a totally changed sentiment. Clare had gone into the background, Gussy had come uppermost. He read them eagerly, with his mind on the stretch to see what might be made of them. Everybody was kind. "Tell us what you can do — how we can help you," they said. After all, it occurred to him now, in the practical turn his mind had taken, "What could he dol" The answer was ready — "Anything." But then this was a very vague answer, he suddenly felt; and to identify any one thing or other that he could do, was difficult. He was turning over the question deeply in his mind, when a letter, with Lord Newmarch's big of- ficial seal, caught his eye. He opened it hurriedly, hoping to find perhaps a rapid solution of his dif- ficulty there. It ran thus: — "My dear Earnshaw, "I am sorry to be obliged to inform you that, after keeping us in a state of uncertainty for about a year, Runtherout has suddenly announced to me that he feels quite well again, and means to resume work at once, and withdraw his resignation. He at- tributes this fortunate change in his circumstances to Parr's Life Pills, or something equally venerable. I am extremely sorry for this contretemps, which at once defeats my desire of serving you, and deprives l88 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. the department of the interesting information which I am sure your knowledge of foreign countries would have enabled you to transmit to us. The Queen's Messengers seem indeed to be in a preter- naturally healthy condition, and hold out few hopes of any vacancy. Accept my sincere regrets for this disappointment, and if you can think of any- thing else I can do to assist you, command my services. "Believe me, dear Earnshaw, "Very truly yours, "Newmarch. "P.S. — What would you say to a Consulship?" Edgar read this letter with a great and sharp pang of disappointment. An hour before, had any- one asked him, he would have said he had no faith whatever in Lord Newmarch; yet now he felt, by the keenness of his mortification, that he had ex- pected a great deal more than he had ever owned even to himself He flung the letter down on the table beside him, and covered his face with his hands. It seemed to him that he had lost one of the primary supports on which, without knowing, he had been building of late. Now was there nothing before Gussy's betrothed — he who Ivid ventured to entangle her fate with his, and to ask of parents and friends to bless the bargain — but a tutorship in a great house, and kind Mr. Tottenham's favour, who was no great man, nor had any power, nor anything but mere money. He could not marry Gussy upon Mr. Tottenham's money, or take her to A SUGGESTION. 1 89 another man's house, to be a cherished and petted dependent, as they had made him. I don't think it was till next day, when again the wheel had gone momentarily round, and he had set out on Clare's business, leaving Gussy behind him, that he ob- served the pregnant and pithy postscript, which threw a certain gleam of light upon Lord New- march's letter. "How should you like a Consul- ship?" Edgar had no great notion what a Consul- ship was. What kind of knowledge or duties was required for the humblest representative of Her Majesty, he knew almost as little as if this func- tionary had been habitually sent to the moon. "Should I like a Consulship?" he said to himself, as the cold, yet cheerful sunshine of early Spring streamed over the bare fields and hedgerows which swept past the windows of the railway carriage in which he sat. A vague exhilaration sprang up in his mind — perhaps from that thought, perhaps from the sunshine only, which always had a certain en- livening effect upon this fanciful young man. Per- haps, after all, though he did not at first know what it was, this was the thing that he could do, and which all his friends were pledged to get for him. And once again he forgot all about his present errand, and amused himself, as he rushed along, by attempts to recollect what the Consul was like at various places he knew where such a functionary existed, and what he did, and how he lived. The only definite recollection in his mind was of an of- fice carefully shut up during the heat of the day, with cool, green persiane all closed, a soft current I go FOR LOVE AND LIFE. of air rippling over a marble floor, and no one visible but a dreamy Italian clerk, to tell when H. B. M.'s official representative would be visible. "I could do that much," Edgar said to himself, with a smile of returning happiness ; but what the Consul did when he was visible, was what he did not know. No doubt he would have to sing exceedingly small when there was an ambassador within reach, or even the merest butterfly of an attache, but apart from such gorgeous personages, the Consul, Edgar knew, had a certain importance. This inquiry filled his mind with animation dur- ing all the long, familiar journey towards Arden, which he had feared would be full of painful recol- lections. He was almost ashamed of himself, when he stopped at the next station before Arden, to find that not a single recollection had visited him. Hope and imagination had carried the day over everything else, and the problematical Consul behind his green persiane had routed even Clare. The letter, however, which had brought him here had been of a sufficiently disagreeable kind to make more impression upon him. Arthur Arden had never pretended to any loftiness of feeling, or even civility towards his predecessor, and Edgar's note had called forth the following response: — "Sir, — I don't know by what claim you, an entire stranger to my family, take it upon you to thrust yourself into my affairs. I have had occasion to resent this interference before, and I am certainly still less inclined to support it now. I know no- A SUGGESTION. IQI thing of any person named Lockwood, who can be of tlie slightest importance to me. Nevertheless, as you have taken the hberty to mix yourself up with some renewed annoyance, I request you will meet me on Friday, at the 'Arden Arms,' at Whitmarsh, where I have some business— to let me know at once what your principal means — I might easily add to answer to me what you have to do with it, or with me, or my concerns. "A. Arden. "P.S. — If you do not appear, I will take it as a sign that you have thought better of it, and that the person you choose to represent has come to her senses." Edgar had been able to forget this letter, and the interview to which it conducted him, thinking of his imaginary Consul! I think the reader will agree with me that his mind must have been in a very peculiar condition. He kept his great-coat buttoned closely up, and his hat down over^ his eyes, as he got out at the little station. He was not known at Whitmarsh, as he had been known at Arden, but still there was a chance that some one might recognize him. The agreeable thoughts con- nected with the Consul, fortunately, had left him perfectly cool, and when he got out in Clare's county, on her very land, the feeling of the past began to regain dominion over him. If he should meet Clare, what would she say to him? Would she know him? would she recognize him as her 192 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. brother, or hold him at arm's length as a stranger 1 And what would she think, he wondered, with the strangest, giddy whirling round of brain and mind, if she knew that the dream of three years ago was, after all, to come true; that, though Arden was not his, Gussy was his; and that, though she no longer acknowledged him as her brother, Gussy had chosen him for her husband. It was the only question there was any doubt about at one time. Now it was the only thing that was true. With this bewildering consciousness of the revolutions of time, yet the steadfastness of some things which were above time, Edgar walked into the little old-fashioned country inn, scarcely ventur- ing to take off his hat for fear of recognition, and was shown into the best parlour, where Mr. Arden awaited him. THE ARDENS. I93 CHAPTER XV. The Ardens. Arthur Arden, Esq., of Arden, was a different man from the needy cousin of the Squire, the hanger-on of society, the fine gentleman out at elbows, whose position had bewildered yet touched the supposed legal proprietor of the estates, and head of the family, during Edgar's brief reign. A poor man knocking about the world, when he has once lost his reputation, has no particular object to stimulate him to the effort necessary for regaining it. But when a man who sins by will, and not by weakness of nature, gains a position in which virtue is necessary and becoming, and where vice involves a certain loss of prestige, nothing is easier than moral reformation. Arthur Arden had been a strictly moral man for all these years; he had given up all vagabond vices, the peccadilloes of the Bo- hemian. He was range in every sense of the word. A more decorous, stately house was not in the county; a man more correct in all his duties never set an example to a parish. I do not know that the essential gain was very great. He took his vices in another way; he was hard as the nether millstone to all who came in his way, grasping and tyrannical. He did nothing that was not exacted from him, either by law, or public opinion, For Love and Life. II. 1 3 194 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. or personal vanity; on every other side he was in panoply of steel against all prayers, all intercessions, all complaints. Mrs. Arden made him an excellent wife. She was as proud as he was, and held her head very high in the county. The Countess of Marchmont, Lord Newmarch's mother, was nothing in com- parison with Mrs. Arden of Arden. But people said she was too cold in her manners ever to be popular. When her husband stood for the county, and she had to show the ordinary gracious face to all the farmers and farm-men, Clare's manners lost more votes than her beauty and her family might have gained. She could not be cordial to save her life. But then the Ardens were always cold and proud — it was the characteristic of the family — ex- cept the last poor fellow, who was everybody's friend, and turned out to be no Arden at all, as anyone might have seen with half an eye. Mr. Arden's horse and his groom were waiting in the stableyard of the "Arden Arms." He him- self, looking more gloomy than usual, had gone up- stairs to the best room, to meet the stranger, of whom all the "Arden Arms" people felt vaguely that they had seen him before. The landlady, passing the door, heard their voices raised high now and then, as if there was some quarrel between them; but she was too busy to listen, even had her curiosity carried her so far. When Mrs. Arden, driving past, stopped in front of the inn, to ask for some poor pensioner in the village, the good woman ruslied out, garrulous and eager. THE ARDENS, I 95 "The Squire is here, ma'am, with a gentleman. I heard him say as his horse was dead beat, and as he'd have to take the train home. What a good thing as you have come this way! Please now, as they've done their talk, will your ladyship step up- stairs?" "If Mr. Arden is occupied with some one on business — " said Clare, hesitating; but then it sud- denly occurred to her that, as there had been a little domestic jar that morning, it might be well to show herself friendly, and offer to drive her hus- band home. "You are sure he is not busy?" she said, doubtfully, and went upstairs with somewhat hesitating steps. It was a strange thing for Mrs. Arden to do, but something impelled her uncon- scious feet, something which the ancients would have called fate, an impulse she could not resist. She knocked softly at the door, but received no reply; and there was no sound of voices within to make her pause. The "business," whatever it was, must surely be over. Clare opened the door, not without a thrill at her heart, which she could scarcely explain to herself, for she knew of nothing to make this moment or this incident specially im- portant. Her husband sat, with his back to her, at the table, his head buried in his hands; near him, fronting the door, his face very serious, his eyes shining with indignant fire, stood Edgar. Edgar! The sight of him, so unexpected as it was, touched her heart with a quick, unusual movement of warmth and tenderness. She gave a sudden cry, and rushed into the room. 196 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Arthur Arden raised his head from his hands at the sound of her voice- — he raised himself up, and glanced at her, half-stupefied. "What has brought you here?" he cried, hoarsel}^ But Clare had no eyes for him, for the moment. She went up to her brother, who stood, scarcely advancing to meet her, with no light of pleasure on his face at the sight of her. They had not met for three years. "Edgar!" she said, with pleasure so sudden that she had not time to think whether it was right and becoming on the part of Mrs. Arden of Arden to express such a sentiment. But, before she had reached him, his pained and serious look, his want of all response to her warm exclamation, and the curious atmosphere of agitation in the room, im- pressed her in spite of herself. She stopped short, her tone changed, the revulsion of feeling which follows an overture repulsed, suddenly clouded over her face. "I see I am an intruder," she said. "I did not mean to interfere with — business." Then curiosity got the upper hand. She paused and looked at them — Edgar so determined and serious, her husband agitated, sullen — and as pale as if he had been dying. "But what business can there be between you twol" she asked, with a sharp tone of anxiety in her voice. The two men were like criminals before her. "What is it?— what is it?" she cried. "Something has happened. What brings you two together must concern me." "Go home, Clare, go home," said Arthur Arden, THE ARDENS. I 97 hoarsely. "We don't want you here, to make things worse — go home." She looked at Edgar — he shook his head and turned his eyes from her. He had given her no welcome, no look even of the old affection. Clare's blood was up. "I have a right to know what has brought you together," she said, drawing a chair to the table, and suddenly seating herself between them. "I will go home when you are ready to come with me, Arthur. What is it? for, whatever it is, I have a right to know." Edgar came to her side and took her hand, which she gave to him almost reluctantly, averting her face. "Clare," he said, almost in a whisper, "this is the only moment for all these years that I could not be happy to see you. Go home, for God's sake, as he says " "I will not," said Clare. "Some new misfortune has occurred to bring you two together. Why should I go home, to be wretched, wondering what has happened? For my children's sake, I will know what it is." Neither of them made her any answer. There were several papers lying on the table between them — one a bulky packet, directed in what Clare knew to be his solicitor's handwriting, to Arthur Arden. Miss Lockwood had played Edgar false, and, even while she urged him on, had already placed her papers in the lawyer's hands. Arden had thus known the full dangers of the exposure 198 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. before him, when, with some vague hopes of a compromise, he had met Edgar, whom he insisted on considering Miss Lockwood's emissary. He had been bidding high for silence, for concealment, and had been compelled to stomach Edgar's indignant refusal, which for the moment he dared not resent, when Clare thus burst upon the scene. They were suddenly arrested by her appearance, stopped in mid-career. "Is it any renewal of the pasti — any new dis- covery? Edgar, you have found something out — you are, after all " He shook his head. "Dear Clare, it is nothing about me. Let me come and see you after, and tell you about myself. This is business — mere business," said Edgar, anxiously. "Nothing," his voice faltered, "to in- terest you." "You tell lies badly," she said; "and he says nothing. What does it mean? What are these pa- pers? — always papers — more papers — everything that is cruel is in them. Must I look for myself?" she continued, her voice breaking, with an agitation which she could not explain. She laid her hand upon some which lay strewed open upon the table. She saw Edgar watch the clutch of her fingers with a shudder, and that her husband kept his eyes upon her with a strange, horrified watchfulness. He seemed paralyzed, unable to interfere till she had secured them, when he suddenly grasped her hand roughly, and cried, "Come, give them up; there is nothing there for you!" THE ARDENS. 1 99 Clare was not dutiful or submissive by nature. At the best of times such an order would have ir- ritated rather than subdued her. " "I will not," she repeated, freeing her hand from the clutch that made it crimson. Only one of the papers she had picked up remained, a scrap that looked of no importance. She rose and hurried to the window with it, holding it up to the light. "She must have known it one day or other," said Edgar, speaking rather to himself than to either of his companions. It was the only sound that broke the silence. After an interval of two minutes or so, Clare came back, subdued, and rather pale. "This is a marriage certificate, I suppose," she said. "Yours, Arthur! You were married, then, before'? You might have told me. Why didn't you tell mel I should have had no right to be vexed if I had known before." "Clare!" he stammered, looking at her in con- sternation. "Yes, I can't help being vexed," she said, her lip quivering a little, "to find out all of a sudden that I am not the first. I think you should have told me, Arthur, not left me to find it out. But, after all, it is only a shock and a mortification, not a crime, that you should look so frightened," she added, forcing a faint smile. "I am not a terma- gant, to make your life miserable on account of the past." Here Clare paused, looked from one to the other, and resumed, with a more anxious voice: "What do you mean, both of you, by looking at me? Is there more behind"? Ay, I see!" her lip 200 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. quivered more and more, her face grew paler, she restrained herself with a desperate effort. "Tell me the worst," she said, hurriedly. "There are other children, older than mine! My boy will not be the' heir?" "Clare! Clare!" cried Edgar, putting his arm round her, forgetting all that lay between them, tears starting to his eyes, "my dear, come away! Don't ask any more questions. If you ever looked upon me as your brother, or trusted me, come — come home, Clare." She shook off his grasp impatiently, and turned to her husband. "Arthur, I demand the truth from you," she cried. "Let no one interfere between us. Is there — an older boy than mine? Let me hear the worst! Is not my boy your heir?" Arthur Arden, though he was not soft-hearted, uttered at this moment a lamentable groan. "I declare before God I never thought of it!" he cried. "I never meant it for a marriage at all!" "Marriage!" said Clare, looking at him like one bewildered. "Marriage! — I am not talking of mar- riage! Is there — a boy — another heir?" And then again there was a terrible silence. The man to whom Clare looked so confidently as her husband, demanding explanations from him, shrank away from her, cowering, with his face hidden by his hands. "Will no one answer me?" she said. Her face was ghastly with suspense — every drop of blood seemed to have been drawn out of it. Her eyes THE ARDENS. 201 went from her husband to Edgar, from Edgar back to her husband. "Tell me, yes or no — yes or no! I do not ask more!" "Clare, it is not that! God forgive me! The woman is alive!" said Arthur Arden, with a groan that seemed to come from the bottom of his heart. "The woman is alive!" she cried, impatiently. "I am not asking about any woman. What does he mean? The woman is alive!" She stopped short where she stood, holding fast by the back of her chair, making an effort to understand. "The wo- man! What woman"? What does he mean?" "His wife," said Edgar, under his breath. Clare turned upon him a furious, fiery glance. She did not understand him. She began to see strange glimpses of light through the darkness, but she could not make out what it was. "Will not you speak?" she cried piteously, put- ting her hand upon her husband's shoulder. "Arthur, I forgive you for keeping it from me; but why do you hide your face? — why do you turn away? All you can do for me now is to tell me everything. My boy! — -is he disinherited? Stop," she cried wildly; "let me sit down. There is more — still more! Edgar, come here, close beside me, and tell me in plain words. The woman! What does he mean?" "Clare," cried Edgar, taking her cold hands into his, "don't let it kill you, for your children's sake. They have no one but you. The woman — whom he married then — is living now." "The woman — whom he married then!" she re- 202 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. peated, with lips white and stammering. "The wo- man!" Then stopped, and cried out suddenly — "My God! my God!" "Clare, before the Lord I swear to you I never meant it — I never thought of it!" exclaimed Arden, with a hoarse cry. Clare took no notice; she sat with her hands clasped, staring blankly before her, murmuring, "My God! my God!" under her breath. Edgar held her hands, which were chill and trembled, but she did not see him. He stood watching her anxiously, fearing that she would faint or fall. But Clare was not the kind of woman who faints in a great emer- gency. She sat still, with the air of one stupefied; but the stupor was only a kind of external atmo- sphere surrounding her, within the dim circle of which — a feverish circle — thought sprang up, and began to whirl and twine. She thought of every- thing all in a moment — her children first, who were dishonoured; and Arden, her home, where she had been born; and her life, which would have to be wrenched up — plucked like a flower from the soil in which she had bloomed all her life. They could not get either sound or movement from her, as she sat there motionless. They thought she was dulled in mind by the shock, or in body, and that it was a merciful circumstance to deaden the pain, and enable them to get her home. While she sat thus, her husband raised himself in terror, and consulted Edgar with his eyes. "Take her home — take her home," he whispered behind Clare's back — "take her home as long as THE ARDENS. 2O3 she's quiet; and till she's got over the shock, I'll keep myself out of the way." Clare heard him, even through the mist that surrounded her, but she could not make any reply. She seemed to have forgotten all about him — to have lost him in those mists. When Edgar put his hand on her shoulder, and called her gently, she stirred at last, and looked up at him. "What is it? — what do you want with meV she asked. "I want you to come home," he said softly. "Come home with me; I will take care of you; it is not a long drive." Poor Edgar! he was driven almost out of his wits, and did not know what to say. She shuddered with a convulsive trembling in all her limbs. "Home! — yes, I must go and get my children," she said. "Yes, you are quite right. I want some one to take care of me. I must go and get my children; they are so young — so very young ! If I take them at once, they may never know " "Clare," cried her husband, moaning, "you won't do anything rashi You won't expose our misery to all the world?" She cast a quick glance at him — a glance full of dislike and horror. "Take me away," she said to Edgar — "take me away! I must go and fetch the children before it is dark." This with a pause and a strange little laugh. "I speak as if they had been out at some baby-party," she said. "Give me your arm. I don't see quite clear." •204 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Arden v/atched them as they went out of the room — she tottering, as she leant on Edgar's arm, moving as he moved, like one blind. Arthur Arden was left behind with his papers, and with the thought of that other woman, who had claimed him for her husband. How clearly he remembered her — her impertinence, her rude carelessness, her man- ners, that were of the shop, and knew no better training! Their short life together came back to him like a picture. How soon his foolish passion for her (as he described it to himself) had blown over! — how weary of her he had grown! And now, what was to become of him? If Clare did anything desperate — if she went and blazoned it about, and removed the children, and took the whole matter in a passionate way, it would not be she alone who would be the sufferer. The woman is the sufferer, people say, in such cases; but this man groaned when he thought, if he could not do something to avert it, what ruin must overtake him. If Clare left his house, all honour, character, position would go with her; he could never hold up his head again. He would retain everything he had before, yet he would lose everything — not only her and his children, of whom he was as fond as it was possible to be of any but himself, but every scrap of popular regard, society, the support of his fel- lows. All would go from him if this devil could not be silenced — if Clare could not be conciliated. He rose to his feet, feeling sick and giddy, and from a corner, behind the shadow of the window- curtains, saw his wife — that is, the woman who was THE ARDENS. 205 no longer his wife — drive away from the door. He was so wretched that he could not even relieve his mind by swearing at Edgar. He had not energy enough to think of Edgar, or any one else. Some- times, indeed, with a sharp pang, there would gleam across him a sudden vision of his little boy, Clare's son, the beautiful child he had been so proud of, but who — even if Clare should make it up, and brave the shame and wrong — was ruined and dis- graced, and no more the heir of Arden than any beggar on the road. Poor wretch! when that thought came across him, I think all the wrongs that Arthur Arden had done in this world were avenged. He writhed under the sudden thought. He burst out in sudden crying and sobbing for one miserable moment. It Avas intolerable — he could not bear it; yet had to bear it, as we all have, whether our errors are of our own making or not. And Clare drove back over the peaceful country, beginning to green over faintly under the first im- pulse of Spring — between lines of ploughed and grateful fields, and soft furrows of soft green corn. She did not even put her veil down, but with her white face set, and her eyes gazing blankly before her, went on with her own thoughts, saying nothing, seeing nothing. All her faculties had suddenly been concentrated within her — her mind was like a shaded lamp for the moment, throv/ing intense light upon one spot, and leaving all others in darkness. Edgar held her hand, to which she did not object, and watched her with a pity which swelled his heart almost to bursting. He could take care of 2o6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, her tenderly in little things — lift her out of the car- riage, give her the support of his arm, throw off the superabundant wraps that covered her. But this was all; into the inner world, where she was fighting her battle, neither he nor any man could enter — there she had to fight it out alone. THE OLD HOME, 20"] CHAPTER XVI. The Old Home. Clare went to her own room, and shut herself up there. She permitted Edgar to go with her to the door, and there dismissed him, almost without a word. What Edgar's feelings were on entering the house where he had once been master, and with which so many early associations both of plea- sure and pain were connected, I need not say; he was excited painfully and strangely by everything he saw. It seemed inconceivable to him that he should be there; and every step in the staircase, every turn in the corridor, reminded him of some- thing that had happened in that brief bit of the past in which his history was concentrated, which had lasted so short a time, yet had been of more effect than many years. The one thing, however, that kept him calm, and restrained his excitement, was the utter absorption of Clare in her own troubles, which were more absorbing than anything that had ever happened to him. She showed no consciousness that it was anything to him to enter this house, to lead her through its familiar passages. She ignored it so completely that Edgar, always impressionable, felt half ashamed of himself for recollecting, and tried to make believe, even to himself, that he ignored it too. He took her to the 2o8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. door of her room, his head throbbing with the sense that he was here again, where he had never thought to be; and then went downstairs, to wait in the room which had once been his own library, for Arthur Arden's return. Fortunately the old servants were all gone, and if any of the present household recognised Edgar at all, their faces were unfamiliar to him. How strange to look round the room, and note with instinctive readiness all the changes which another man's taste had made! The old cabinet, in which the papers had been found which proved him no Arden, stood still against the wall, as it had always done. The books looked neglected in their shelves, as though no one ever touched them. It was more of a business room than it once was, less of a library, nothing at all of the domestic place, dear to man and woman alike, which it had been when Edgar never was so happy as with his sister beside him. How strange it was to be there — how dismal to be there on such an errand. In this room Clare had given him the papers which were his ruin; here she had entreated him to destroy them; here he had made the dis- covery public; and now to think the day should have come when he was here as a stranger, caring nothing for Arden, thinking only how to remove her of whom he seemed to have become the sole brother and protector, from the house she had been born in ! He walked about and about the rooms, till the freshness of these associations was over, and he began to grow impatient of the stillness ana sus- THE OLD HOME. 20g pense. He had told Clare that he would wait, and that she should find him there when he was wanted. He had begged her to do nothing that night — to wait and consider what was best; but he did not even know whether she was able to understand him, or if he spoke to deaf ears. Everything had hap- pened so quickly that a sense of confusion was in Edgar's mind, confusion of the moral as well as the mental functions; for he was not at all sure whether the link of sympathetic horror and wonder between Arden and himself, as to what Clare would do, did not approach him closer, rather than separate him further from this man, who hated him, to begin with, and who was yet not his sister's husband. Some- how these two, who, since they first met, had been at opposite poles from each other, seemed to be drawn together by one common misfortune, rather than placed in a doubly hostile position, as became the injurer and the defender of the injured. When Arden came in some time after, this feel- ing obliterated on both sides the enmity which, under any other circumstances, must have blazed forth. Edgar, as he looked at the dull misery in Arthur's face, felt a strange pity for him soften his heart. This man, who had done so well for him- self, who had got Arden, who had married Clare, who had received all the gifts that heaven could give, what a miserable failure he was after all, cast down from all that made his eminence tenable or good to hold. He was the cause of the most ter- rible misfortune to Clare and her children, and yet Edgar felt no impulse to take him by the throat, For Love and Life. IL 14 2lO FOR LOVE AKD LIFE. but was sorry for him in his downfall and misery. As for Arthur Arden, his old dislike seemed ex- orcised by the same spirit. In any other circum- stances he would have resented Edgar's interference deeply — but now a gloomy indifference to every- thing that could happen, except one thing, had got possession of him. "What does she mean to dol" he said, throw- ing himself into a chair. All power of self-asser- tion had failed in him. It seemed even right and natural to him that Edgar should know this better than he himself did, and give him information what her decision was. "1 think," said Edgar, instinctively accepting the role of adviser, "that the best and most delicate thing you could do would be to leave the house to her for a few days. Let it be supposed you have business somewhere. Go to London, if you think fit, and investigate for yourself; but leave Clare to make up her mind at leisure. It would be the most generous thing to do." Arthur stared at him blankly for a moment, with a dull suspicion in his eyes at the strange, audacious calmness of the proposal. But seeing that Edgar met his gaze calmly, and said these words in perfect single-mindedness, and desire to do the best in the painful emergency, he accepted them as they were given; and thus they remained together, though they did not talk to each other, waiting for Clare's appearance, or some intimation of what she meant to do, till darkness began to fall. When it was nearly night a maid appeared, THE OLD HOME. 2 I I with a. scared look in her face, and that strange consciousness of impending evil which servants often show, like animals, without a word being said to them — and brought to Edgar the following little note from Clare: — "I am not able to see you to-night; and I can- not decide where to go without consulting you; be- sides that there are other reasons why I cannot take the children away, as I intended, at once. I have gone up to the nursery beside them, and will remain there until to-morrow. Tell him this, and ask if we may remain so, in his house, without being molested, till to-morrow." Edgar handed this note to Arden without a word. He saw the quick flutter of excitement which passed over Arthur's face. If the letter had been more affectionate, I doubt whether Clare's husband could have borne it; but as it was he gulped down his agitation, and read it without betraying any angry feeling. When he had glanced it over, he looked almost piteously at his com- panion. "You think that is what I ought to do?" he said, almost with an appeal against Edgar's decision. "Then I'll go; you can write and tell her so. I'll stay away if she likes, until — until she wants me," he broke off abruptly, and got up and left the room, and was audible a moment after, calling loudly for his servant in the hall. Edgar wrote this information to Clare. He told her that Arden had decided to leave the house to her, that she might feel c[uite free to make 212 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. up her mind; and that he too would go to the vil- lage, where he would wait her call, whensoever she should want him. He begged her once more to compose herself, not to hasten her final decision, and to believe that she would be perfectly free from intrusion or interference of any kind — and bade God bless her, the only word of tenderness he dared venture to add. When he had written this, he walked down the avenue alone, in the dusk, to the village. Arden had gone before him. The lodge-gates had been left open, and gave to the house a certain forlorn air of openness to all assault, which, no doubt, ex- isted chiefly in Edgar's fancy, but impressed him more than I can say. To walk down that avenue at all was for him a strange sensation; but Edgar by this time had got over all the weaknesses of recol- lection. It was not hard for him at any time to put himself to one side. He did it now completely. He felt like a man walking in a dream; but he no longer consciously recalled to himself the many times he had gone up and down there, and how it had once been to him his habitual way home — the entrance to his kingdom. No doubt in his painful circumstances these thoughts would have been hard upon him. They died quite naturally out of his mind now. What was to become of Clare? — where could he best convey her for shelter or safety? — and how provide for her? His own downfall had made Clare penniless, and now that she was no longer Arthur Arden's wife, she could and would, he knew, accept nothing from him. How was she THE OLD HOME. 2I3 to be provided for ? This was a far iiiore important question to think of than any maunderings of per- sonal regret over the associations of his past life. Next morning he went up again to the Hall, after a night passed not very comfortably at the "Arden Arms," where everyone looked at him curi- ously, recognising him, but not venturing to say so. As he went up the avenue, Arthur Arden overtook him, arriving, too, from a different direction. A momentary flash of indignation came over Edgar's face. "You promised to leave Arden," he said. "And so I did," said the other. "But I did not say I would not come back to hear what she said. My God, I may have been a fool, but may I not see my — my own children before they go? I am not made of wood or stone, do you suppose, though I may have been in the wrong 1" His eyes were red and bloodshot, his appear- ance neglected and wild. He looked as if he had not slept, nor even undressed, all night. "Look here," he said hoarsely, "I have got an- other letter, saying she would accept money — a compromise. Will you persuade Clare to stay, and make no exposure, and hush it all up, for the sake of the children — if we have her solemnly bound over to keep the secret and get her sent away? Will you? What harm could it do you? And it might be the saving of the boy." "Arden, I pity you from my heart!" said Edgar; "but I could not give such advice to Clare." "It's for the boy," cried Arden. "Look here. 214 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. We've never been friends, you and I, and it's not natural we should be; but that child shall be brought up to think more of you than of any man on earth — to think of you as his friend, his — well, his uncle, if you will. Grant that I'm done for in this world, and poor Clare too, poor girl; but, Edgar, if you liked, you might save the boy." "By falsehood," said Edgar, his heart wrung with sympathetic emotion — "by falsehood, as I was myself set up, till the time came, and I fell. Better, surely, that he should be trained to bear the worst. You Avould not choose for him such a fate as mine?" "It has not done you any harm," said Arden, looking keenly at the man he had dispossessed — from whom he had taken everything. "You have always had the best of it!" he cried, with sudden fire. "You have come out of it all with honour, while everyone else has had a poor enough part to play. But in this case," he added, anxiously, in a tone of conciliation, "nothing of the kind can hap- pen. Who like her son and mine could have the right here — every right of nature, if not the legal right 'I And I declare to you, before God, that I never meant it. I never intended to marry— that woman." "You intended only to betray her." It was on Edgar's lips to say these words, but he had not the heart to aggravate the misery which the unhappy man was already suffering. They went on together to the house, Arden repeating at intervals his en- treaties, to which Edgar could give but little an- THE OLD HOME. 215 swer. He knew very well Clare would listen to no such proposal; but so strangely did the pity within him mingle with all less gentle sentiments, that Edgar's friendly lips could not utter a harsh word. He said what he could, rather, to soothe; for, after all, his decision was of little importance, and Clare did not take the matter so lightly as to make a compromise a possible thing to think of. The house had already acquired something of that look of agitation which steals so readily into the atmosphere wherever domestic peace is threat- ened. There were two or three servants in the hall, who disappeared in different directions when the gentlemen were seen approaching; and Edgar soon perceived, by the deference with which he himself was treated, that the instinct of the household had jumped to a conclusion very different from the facts, but so pleasing to the imagination as to be readily received. He had been recognised, and it was evident that he was thought to be "righted," to have got "his own again." Arthur Arden was any- thing but beloved at home, and the popular heart as well as imagination sprang up, eager to greet the return of the real master, the true heir. "Mrs. Arden, sir, has ordered the carriage to meet the twelve o'clock train. She's in the morning- room, sir," said the butler, with solemnity. He spoke to Arthur, but he looked at Edgar. They were all of one Avay of thinking; further evidence had been found out, or something had occurred to turn the wheel of fortune, and Edgar had been restored to "his own." 2l6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, Clare was seated alone, dressed for a journey, in the little room which had always been her favour- ite room. She was dressed entirely in black, which made her extraordinary paleness more visible. She had always been pale, but this morning her coun- tenance was like marble — not a tinge of colour on it, except the pink, pale also, of her lips. She received them with equal coldness, bending her head only when the two men, both of them almost speechless with emotion, came into her presence. She was perfectly calm; that which had befallen her was too tremendous for any display of feeling; it carried her beyond the regions of feeling into those of the profoundest passion — that primitive, unmingled condition of mind which has to be diluted with many intricate combinations before it drops into ordinary, expressible emotion. Clare had got beyond the pain that could be put into words, or cries or tears; she was stern, and still, and cold, like a woman turned to stone. "I want to explain what I am about to do," she said, in a low tone. "We are leaving, of course, at once. Mr. Arden" (her voice faltered for one moment, but then grew more steady than ever), "I have taken with me what money I have; there is fifty pounds — I will send it back to you when I have arranged what I am to do. You will wish to see the children; they are in the nursery waiting. Edgar will go with me to town, and help me to find a place to live in. I do not wish to make any scandal, or cause any anxiety. Of course I can- not change my name, as it is my own name, as THE OLD HOME. 2iy well as yours, and my children will be called what their mother is called, as I believe children in their unfortunate position always are." "Clare, for God's sake do not be so pitiless! Hear me speak. I have much — much to say to you. I have to beg your pardon on my knees " "Don't!" she cried suddenly; then went on in her calm tone — "We are past all the limits of the theatre, Mr. Arden," she said. "Your knees can do me no good, nor anything else. All that is over. I cannot either upbraid or pardon. I will try to forget your existence, and you will forget mine." "That is impossible!" he cried, going towards her. His eyes were so wild, and his manner so excited, that Edgar drew near to her in terror; but Clare was not afraid. She looked up at him with the large, calm, dilated eyes, which seemed larger and bluer than ever, out of the extreme whiteness of her face. "When I swear to you that I never meant it, that I am more wretched — far more wretched — than you can be — that I would hang myself, or drown myself like a dog, if that would do any good !" "Nothing can do any good," said Clare. Some- thing like a moan escaped from her breast. "What are words?" she went on, with a certain quickening of excitement. "I could speak too, if it came to that. There is nothing — nothing to be said or done. Edgar, when one loses name and fame, and home, _you know what to do." "I know what I did; but I am different from you," said Edgar — "you, with your babies. Clare, let us speak; we are not stones — we are men." 2l8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "Ah! stones are better than men — less cruel, less terrible!" she cried. "No, no; I cannot bear it. We will go in silence; there is nothing that anyone can say." "You see," said Edgar, turning to Arden — "what is my advice or my suggestions now? To speak of compromise or negotiation " "Compromise!" said Clare, her pale cheek flam- ing; she rose up with a sudden impulse of insup- portable passion — "compromise! — to me!" Then, turning to Edgar, she clutched at his arm, and he felt what force she was putting upon herself, and how she trembled. "Come," she said, "this air kills me; take me away!" He let her guide him, not daring to oppose her, out to the air — to the door, down the great steps. She faltered more and more at every step she took, then, suddenly stopping, leaned against him. "Let me sit down somewhere. I am growing giddy," she said. She sat down on the steps, on the very threshold of the home she was quitting, as she thought, for ever. The servants, in a group behind, tried to gaze over their master's shoulders at this extra- ordinary scene. Where was she going? — what did she mean? There was a moment during which no one spoke, and Clare, to her double horror, felt her senses forsaking her. Her head swam, the light fluttered in her eyes. A moment more, and she would be conscious of nothing round her. I have said she was not the kind of woman who faints at a great crisis, but the body has its revenges, its THE OLD HOME. 219 moments of supremacy, and she had neither slept nor eaten, neither rested nor forgotten, for all these hours. It was at this moment that the messenger from the "Arden Arms," a boy, whom no one had noticed coming up the avenue, thrust something into Ed- gar's hand. "Be that for you, sirl" said the boy. The sound of this new, strange voice roused everybody. Clare came out of her half- faint, and regained her full sense of what was going on, though she was unable to rise. Arthur Arden came close to them down the steps, with wild eagerness in his eyes. Edgar only would have thrust the paper away which was put into his hands. "Tush!" he said, with the momentary impulse of tossing it from him; then, suddenly catching, as it were, a reflection of something new possible in Arden's wild look, and even a gleam of some awful sublime of tragic curiosity in the opening eyes of Clare, he looked at the paper itself, which came to him at that moment of fate. It was a telegram, in the vulgar livery which now-a-days the merest trifles and the most terrible events wear alike in England. He tore it open; it was from Mr. Tottenham, dated that morn- ing, and contained these words only: — "Miss Lockwood died here at nine o'clock!' Edgar thrust it into Arden's hand. He felt something like a wild sea surging in his ears; he raised up Clare in his arms, and drew her wonder- ing, resisting, up the great steps. "Come back," he cried — "come home, Clare," 220 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XVII. Harry's Turn. It would be vain to tell all that was said, and all that was done, and all the calculations that were gone through in the house in Berkeley Square, where Edgar's visit had produced so much emotion. The interviews carried on in all the different rooms would furnish forth a volume. The girls, who had peered over the staircase to see him go awa)'^, and whose state of suspense was indescribable, made a dozen applications at Gussy's door before the audience of Ada, who had the best right to hear, was over. Then Mary insisted upon getting admis- sion in her right of bride, as one able to enter into Gussy's feelings, and sympathise with her; and poor little Beatrice, left out in the cold, had to content herself with half a dozen words, whispered in the twilight, when they all went to dress for dinner. Beatrice cried with wounded feeling, to think that because she, by the decrees of Providence, was neither the elder sister, nor engaged to be married, she was therefore to be shut out from all participa- tion in Gussy's secrets. "Could I be more interested if I was twice as old as Ada, and engaged to six Lord Grantons!" cried the poor child. And Gussy's prospects were in that charming state of uncertainty that they would HARRY S TURN. 22 1 stand discussing for hours together; whereas, by the time Lord Granton had been pronounced a darUng, and the dresses all decided upon, even down to the colour of the bridesmaids' parasols, there remained absolutely nothing new to be gone over with Mary, but just the same thing again and again. "When do you think you shall be married 1" said Beatrice, tremulously. "I don't know, and I don't very much care, so long as it is all right," said Gussy, half laughing, half crying. "But what if papa will not consent?" said Mary, with a face of awe. "Papa is too sensible to fight when he knows he should not win the battle," said the deliciously, incomprehensibly courageous Gussy. There was some gratification to be got out of a betrothed sister of this fashion. Beatrice even began to look down upon Mary's unexciting loves. "As for your affair, it is so dreadfully tame," she said, contemptuously lifting her little nose in the air. "Everybody rushing to give their consent, and presents raining down upon you, and you all so self-satisfied and confident." Mary was quite taken down from her pedestal of universal observation. She became the com- monest of young women about to be married, by Gussy's romantic side. Alas! the Thornleighs were by no means done with sensation in this genre. Two days after these events, before Edgar had come back, Harry came early to the house one morning and asked to see 211 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. his mother alone. Lady Augusta was still immersed in patterns, and she had that morning received a letter from her husband, which had brought several lines upon her forehead. Mr. Thornleigh had the reputation, out of doors, of being a moderate, sen- sible sort of man, not apt to commit himself, though perhaps not brilliant, nor very much to be relied upon in point of intellect. He deserved, indeed, to a considerable extent this character; but what the world did not know, was that his temper was good and moderate, by reason of the domestic safety- valve which he had always by him. When any- thing troublesome occurred he had it out with his wife, giving her full credit for originating the whole business. "You ought to have done this, or you ought to have done that," he would say, "and then, of course, nothing of the kind could have happened." After, he would go upstairs, and brush his hair, and ap- pear as the most sensible and good-tempered of men before the world. Mr. Thornleigh had got Mr. Tottenham's letter informing him of the renewed intercourse between Edgar and Gussy; and the Squire had, on the spot, indited a letter to his wife, breathing fire and flame. This was the pre- face of a well-conditioned, gentlemanly letter to Mr. Tottenham, in which the father expressed a natural regret that Gussy should show so little considera- tion of external advantages, but fully acknowledged Edgar's excellent qualities, and asked what his pro- spects were, and what he thought of doing. "I will never be tyrannical to any of my chil- Harry's turn. 22^ dren," Mr. Thornleigh said; "but, on the other hand, before 1 can give my sanction, however un- wilhngly, to any engagement, I must fully under- stand his position, and what he expects to be able to do." But Lady Augusta's letter was not couched in these calm and friendly terms; and knowing as she did the exertions she had made to keep Edgar at arm's length, poor Lady Augusta felt that she did not deserve the assault made upon her, and conse- quently took longer to calm down than she generally did. It was while her brow was still puckered, and her cheek flushed with this unwelcome communica- tion, that Harry came in. When he said, "I want to speak to you, mother," her anxious mind already jumped at some brewing harm. She took him into the deserted library, feeling that this was the most appropriate place in which to hear any confession her son might have to make to her. The drawing- room, where invasion was always to be feared, and the morning-room, which was strewed with patterns and girls, might do very well for the confession of feminine peccadilloes, iDut a son's ill-doing was to be treated with a graver care. She led Harry ac- cordingly into the library, and put herself into his father's chair, and said, "What is it, my dear boyl" with a deeper gravity than usual. Not that Harry was to be taken in by such pretences at severity. He knew his mother too well for that. "Mother," he said, sitting down near her, but turning his head partially away from her gaze, "you have often said that my father wanted me — to marry." 224 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "To marry! — why, Harry? Yes, dear, and so he does," said Lady Augusta; "and I too," she added, less decidedly. "I wish it, too — if it is some one very nice." "Well," said Harry, looking at her with a certain shamefaced ostentation of boldness, "I have seen some one whom I could marry at last." "At last! You are not so dreadfully old," said the mother, with a smile. "You, too! Well, dear, tell me who it is. Some one you have met at your Aunt Mary's? Oh! Harry, my dear boy, I trust most earnestly it is some one very nice!" "It is some one much better than nice — the most lovely creature, mother, you ever saw in your life. I never even dreamt of anything like her," said Harry, with a sigh. "I hope she is something more than a lovely creature," said Lady Augusta. "Oh! Harry, your father is so put out about Gussy's business; I do hope, dear, that this is something which will put •him in good-humour again. I can take her loveliness for granted. Tell me — do tell me who she is?" "You don't mean to say that you are going to let that fellow marry Gussy?" said Harry, coming to a sudden pause. "Harry, if this is such a connection as I hope, it will smooth everything," said Lady Augusta. "My dearest boy, tell me who she is." "She is the only woman I will ever marry," said Harry, doggedly. And then his poor mother divined, without further words, that the match was not an advan- HARRY S TURN. 225 tageous one, and that she had another disappoint- ment on her hands. "Harry, you keep me very anxious. Is she one of Mary's neighbours'? Tell me her name." "Yes, she is one of Aunt Mary's neighbours and chief favourites," said Harry. "Aunt Mary is by way of patronizing her." And here he laughed; but the laugh was forced, and had not the frank amusement in it which he intended it to convey. Lady Augusta's brow cleared for a moment, then clouded again. "You do not mean Myra Witheringtonl" she said, faintly. "Oh! not one of that family, I hope!" "Myra Witherington!" he cried. "Mother, what do you take me for'? It is clear you know nothing about my beautiful Margaret. In her presence, you would no more notice Myra Witherington than a farthing candle in the sun!" Poor Lady Augusta took courage again. The very name gave her a little courage. It is the commonest of all names where Margaret came from; but not in England, where its rarity gives it a certain distinction. "My dear boy," she said tremulously, "don't trifle with me — tell me her name." A strange smile came upon Harry's lips. In his very soul he, too, was ashamed of the name by which some impish trick of fortune had shadowed his Margaret. An impulse came upon him to get it over at once; he felt that he was mocking both himself and his mother, and her, the most of all, who bore that terrible appellation. He burst into a For Love and Life. II. '5 2 26 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. harsh, coarse laugh, a bravado of which next moment he was heartily ashamed. "Her name," he said, v.ith another outburst, "is — Mrs. Smith!" "Good heavens, Harry!" cried Lady Augusta, with a violent start. Then she tried to take a little comfort from his laughter, and said, with a faint smile, though still trembling, "You are laughing at me, you unkind boy!" "I am not laughing at all!" cried Harry, "except, indeed, at the misfortune which gave her such a name. It is one of Aunt Mary's favourite jokes." Then he changed his tone, and took his mother's hand and put it up caressingly to his cheek to hide the hot flush that covered it. "Mother, you don't know how I love her. She is the only woman I will ever marry, though I should live a hundred years." "Oh! my poor boy — my poor boy!" cried Lady Augusta. "This is all I wanted to make an end of me. I think my heart will break!" "Why should your heart break?" said Harry, putting down her hand and looking half cynically at her. "What good will that do? Look here, mother. Something much more to the purpose will be to write to my father, and break the news quietly to him — gently, so as not to bother him, as I have done to you; you know how." "Break the news to him!" she said. "I have not yet realised it myself. Harry, wait a little. Why, she is not even . Mrs. Smith! You mean that she is a widow, I suppose?" HARRY 3 TURN. 22"] "You did not think I could want to marry a wife, did youT' he growled. "What is the use of asking such useless questions? Of course she is a widow — with one little girl. There, now you know the worst!" "A widow, with one little girl!" Lady Augusta looked at him aghast. What could make up for these disadvantages? The blood went back upon her heart, then rallied slightly as she remembered her brother-in-law's shopkeeping origin, and that the widow might be some friend of his. "Is she — very rich?" she stammered. To do her justice, she was thinking then of her husband, not herself; she was thinking how she could write to him, saying, "These are terrible drawbacks, but nevertheless " But nevertheless — Harry burst into another loud, coarse laugh. Poor fellov/! nobody could feel less like laughing; he did it to conceal his confusion a little, and the terrible sense he began to have that, so far as his father and mother were concerned, he had made a dreadful mistake. "I don't know how rich she is, nor how poor. That is not what I ever thought of," he cried, with lofty scorn. This somehow appeased the gathering terror of Lady Augusta. "I don't suppose you did think of it," she said; "but it is a thing your father will think of. Harry, tell me in confidence — I shall never think you mercenary — what is her family? Are they rich people? 228 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Are they friends of your uncle Tottenham? Dear Harry, why should you- make a mystery of this with meV "Listen, then," he said, setting his teeth, "and when you know everything you will not be able to ask any more questions. She is a cousin of your Edgar's that you are so fond of Her brother is the new doctor at Harbour Green, and she lives with him. There, now you know as much as I know myself." Words would fail me to tell the wide-eyed con- sternation with which Lady Augusta listened. It seemed to her that everything that was obnoxious had been collected into this description. Poor, nobody, the sister of a country doctor; a widow with a child; and finally, to wind up everything, and make the combination still more and more terrible, Edgar's cousin! Heaven help her! It was hard enough to think of this for herself; but to let his father know! — this was more than any woman could venture to do. She grew sick and faint in a horrible sense of the desperation of the circum- stances; the girls might be obstinate, but they would not take the bit in their teeth and go off, determined to have their way, like the boy, who was the heir, and knew his own importance; and what could any exhortation of hers do for Harry, who knew as well as she did the frightful consequences, and had always flattered himself on being a man of the world? She was so stupefied that she scarcely under- stood all the protestations that he poured into her ear after this. What was it to her that Margaret HARRY S TURN. 229 was the loveliest creature in the world? Faugh! Lady Augusta turned sickening from the words. Lovely creatures who rend peaceful families asun- der; who lead young men astray, and ruin all their hopes and prospects; who heighten all existing difficulties, and make everything that was bad be- fore worse a thousand times — is it likely that a middle-aged mother should be moved by their charms? "It is ruin and destruction! — ruin and de- struction!" she repeated to herself. And soon the whole house had received the same shock, and trembled under it to its foundations. Harry went off in high dudgeon, not finding the sympathy he (strangely enough, being a man of the world) had looked forward to as his natural right. The house, as I have said, quivered with the shock; a sense of sudden depression came over them all. Little Mary cried, thinking what a very poor-looking lot of relations she would carry with her into the noble house she was about to enter. Gussy, with a more real sense of the fatal effect of this last complication, felt, half despairing, that her momen- tary gleam of hope was dying away in the darkness, and began to think the absence of Edgar at this critical moment almost a wrong to her. He had been absent for years, and she had kept steadily faithful to him, hopeful in him; but his absence of to-day filled her with a hopeless, nervous irritability and pain. As for Lady Augusta, she lost heart altogether. "Your father will never listen to it," she said — 230 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "never, never; he will think they are in a conspiracy. You will be the sufferer, Gussy, you and poor Edgar, for Harry will not be restrained; he will take his own way." What could Gussy reply? She was older than Harry; she was sick of coercion — why should not she, too, have her own way? But she did not say this, being grieved for the unfortunate mother, whom this last shock had utterly discomposed. Ada could do nothing but be the grieved spectator and sym- pathizer of all; as for the young Beatrice, her mind was divided between great excitement over the situation generally, and sorrow for poor Gussy, and an illegitimate, anxious longing to see the "lovely creature" of whom Harry had spoken in such raptures. Why should not people love and marry, without all these frightful complications'? Beatrice was not so melancholy as the rest. She got a certain amount of pleasure out of the imbroglio; she even hoped that for herself there might be preparing something else even more romantic than Gussy's — more desperate than Harry's. Fate, which had long forgotten the Thornleigh household, and permitted them to trudge on in perfect quiet, had now roused out of sleep, and seemed to intend to give them their turn of excitement again. Edgar made his appearance next day, looking so worn and fatigued that Lady Augusta had not the heart to warn him, as she had intended to do, that for the present she could not receive his visits — and that Gussy had not the heart to be cross. He told them he had been to Arden on business Harry's turn. 231 concerning Clare, and that Arthur Arden had come to town witli him, and that peace and a certain friendship reigned, at least for the moment, between them. He did not confide even to Gussy what the cause of this singular amity was; but after he had been a little while in her company, his forehead began to smoothe, his smile to come back, the colour to appear once more in his face. He took her aside to the window, where the girls had been arranging fresh Spring flowers in a ja7-diniire. He drew her arm into his, bending over the hyacinths and cyclamens. Now, for the first time, he could ask the question which had been thrust out of his mind by all that had happened within the last few days. A soft air of Spring, of happiness, of all the sweetness of life, which had been so long plucked from him, seemed to blow in Edgar's face from the flowers. "How should we like a Consulship?" he said, bending down to whisper in her ear. "A what]" cried Gussy, astonished. She thought for the moment that he was speaking of some new flower. Then Edgar took Lord Newmarch's letter from his pocket, and held out the postscript to her, hold- ing her arm fast in his, and his head close to hers. "How should you like a Consulship?" he said. Then the light and the life in his face com- municated itself to her. "A Consulship! Oh! Edgar, what does it mean?" "To me it means you," he said — "it means life; it means poverty too, perhaps, and humility, which 22,2 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. are not what I would choose for my Gussy; but to me it means Hfe, independence, happiness. Gussy, what am I to say?" "Say!" she cried — "yes, of course — yes. What else? Italy, perhaps, and freedom — freedom once in our lives — and our own way; but, ah! what is the use of speaking of it?" said Gussy, dropping away from his arm, and stamping her foot on tlie ground, and falling into sudden tears, "when we are always to be prevented by other people's folly, always stopped by something we have nothing to do with? Ask mamma, Edgar, what has happened since you went away." Then Lady Augusta drew near, having been a wondering and somewhat anxious spectator all the time of this whispered conversation, and told him with tears of her interview with Harry. "What can I do?" she cried. "I do not want to say a word against your cousin. She may be nice, as nice as though she were a duke's daughter; but Harry is our eldest son, and all my children have done so badly in this way except little Mary. Oh! my dears, I beg your pardon!" cried poor Lady Augusta, drying her eyes, "but what can 1 say? Edgar, I have always felt that I could ask you to do anything, if things should ever be settled between Gussy and you. Oh! save my boy! She cannot be very fond of him, she has known him so little; and his father will be furious, and will never con- sent — never! And until Mr. Thornleigh dies, they would have next to nothing. Oh! Edgar, if she is HARRY S TURN. • 2^^ sensible, and would listen to reason, I would go to her myself— or Gussy could go." "Not I," said Gussy, stealing a deprecating look at Edgar, who stood stupefied by this new compli- cation — "how could II It is terrible. How can I, who am pleasing myself, say anything to Harry be- cause he wants to please himself? — or to /ler, who has nothing to do with our miserable and mercenary ways? Oh! yes, they are miserable and mercenary!" cried Gussy, crying in her turn; "though I can't help feeling as you do, though my mind revolts against this poor girl, whom I don't know, and I want to save Harry, too, as you say. But how dare I make Harry unhappy, in order to be happy my- self? Oh! mamma, seek some other messenger — not me! — not me!" "My darling," said Lady Augusta, "it is for Harry's good." "And it was for my good a little while ago!" cried Gussy. "You meant it, and so did they all. If you could have persuaded me to marry some one I cared nothing for, with my heart always long- ing for another, you would have thought it for my good; and now must I try to buy my happiness by ruining Harry's?" cried the girl; "though I, too, am so dreadful, that I think it would be for Harry's good. Oh! no, no, let it be some one else!" "Edgar," said Lady Augusta, "speak to her, show her the difference. Harry never saw this — this young woman till about a fortnight since. What can he know of her, what can she know of him, to be ready to marry him in a fortnight? Oh! Edgar, try 234 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. to save my boy! Even if you were to represent to him that it would be kind to let your business be settled first," she went on, after a pause. "A little time might do everything. I hope it is not wrong to scheme a little for one's own children and their happiness. You might persuade him to wait, for Gussy's sake — not to make his father furious with two at a time." Thus the consultation went on, if that could be called a consultation where the advice was all on one side. Edgar was fairly stupefied by this new twist in his affairs. He saw the fatal effect as clearly as even Lady Augusta could see it, but he could not see his own way to interfere in it, as she saw. To persuade Harry Thornleigh to give up or post- pone his own will, in order that he, Edgar Earn- shaw, might get his — an object in which Harry, first of all, had not the slightest sympathy — was about as hopeless an attempt as could well be thought of; and what right had he to influence Margaret, whom he did not know, to give up the brother, in order that he himself might secure the sister"? Edgar left the house in as sore a dilemma as ever man was in. To give up Gussy now was a simple impossibility, but to win her by persuading her brother to the sacrifice of his love and happiness, was surely more impossible still. OTHER people's AFFAIRS. 235 CHAPTER XVIII. Other People's Affairs. Thus, after the long lull that had happened in his life, Edgar found himself deep in occupation, in- termingled in the concerns of many different people. Arthur Arden had come with him to town, and, by some strange operation of feeling, which it is diffi- cult to folloAv, this man, in his v;retchedness, clung to Edgar, who might almost be supposed the means of bringing it about. All his old jealousy, his old enmity, seemed to have disappeared. He who had harshly declined to admit that the relationship of habit and affection between his wife and her sup- posed brother must survive even when it was known that no tie of blood existed between them, acknowledged the fact now without question, al- most with eagerness, speaking to the man he had hated, and disowned all connection with, of "your sister," holding by him as a link between himself and the wife he had so nearly lost. This revolution was scarcely less wonderful than the po- sition in which Edgar found himself in respect to Clare. Not a reference to their old affection had come from her lips, not a word of present regard. She had scarcely even given him her hand volun- tarily; but she had accepted him at once and in- stinctively as her natural support, her "next friend," 236 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. whose help and protection she took as a matter of course. Clare treated him as if his brotherhood had never been questioned, as if he was her natural and legal defender and sustainer: up to this moment she had not even opened her mind to him, or told him what she meant to do, but she had so far ac- cepted his guidance, and still more accepted his support, without thanking him or asking him for it, as a matter of course. Edgar knew Clare too well to believe that when the marriage ceremony should be repeated between her husband and herself — which was the next step to be taken — their life would simply flow on again in the same channel, as if this tragical interruption to its course had never occurred. This was what Arthur Arden fondly pictured to himself, and a great many floating intentions of being a better husband, and a better man, after the salvation which had suddenly come to him, in the very moment of his need, were in his mind, softening the man im- perceptibly by their influence. But Edgar did not hope for this; he made as little answer as he could to Arthur's anticipations of the future, to his re- morseful desire to be friendly. "After it's all over you must not drift out of sight again, — you must come to us when you can," Arden said. "You've always behaved like a brick in all circumstances; I see it now. You've been my best friend in this terrible business. I wish I may never have a happy hour if I ever think otherwise of you than as Clare's brother again." All this Edgar did his best to respond to, but OTHER people's AFFAIRS. 22,"] he could not but feel that Arden's hopes were fallacies. Clare had given him no insight into her plans, perhaps, even, had not formed any. She had gone back into the house at Edgar's bidding; she had dully accepted the fact that the situation was altered, and consented to the private repetition of her marriage; but she had never looked at her husband, never addressed him; and Edgar felt, with a shudder, that, though she would accept such atonement as was possible, she was far, very far, from having arrived at the state of mind which could forgive the injury. That a woman so deeply outraged should continue tranquilly the life she had lived before she was aware of the outrage, was, he felt, impossible. He had done what he could to moderate Arden's expectations on this point, but with no effect; and, as he did not really know, but merely feared, some proceeding on Clare's part which should shatter the expected happiness of the future, he held his peace, transferring, almost in- voluntarily, a certain share of his sympathy to the guilty man, whose guilt was not to escape retribu- tion. Edgar's next business was with Mr. Tottenham, who, all unaware of Harry's folly, showed to him, with much pleasure, and some self-satisfaction, the moderate and sensible letter of Mr. Thornleigh above referred to, in which he expressed his natural regret, etc., but requested to know what the young man's prospects were, and what he meant to do. Then Edgar produced once more Lord Newmarch's letter, and, in the consultation which followed, almost 238 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. forgot, for the moment, all that was against him. For Mr. Tottenham thought it a good opening enough, and began, with sanguine good-nature, to prophesy that Edgar would soon distinguish himself — that he would be speedily raised from post to post, and that, "with the excellent connections and interest you will have," advancement of every kind would be possible. "Why, in yesterday's Gazette,'' said Mr. Totten- ham, "no farther gone, there is an appointment of Brown, Consul-General, to be Ambassador some- where — Argentine States, or something of that sort. And why should not you do as well as Brown? A capital opening! I should accept it at once." And Edgar did so forthwith, oblivious of the circumstance that the Consulship, such as it was, the first step upon the ladder, had been, not offered, but simply suggested to him — nay, scarcely even that. This little mistake, however, was the best thing that could have happened; for Lord Newmarch, though at first deeply puzzled and embarrassed by the warm acceptance and thanks he received, nevertheless was ashamed to fall back again, and, bestirring himself, did secure the -appointment for his friend. It was not very great in point of im- portance, but it was ideal in point of situation; and when, a few days after, Edgar saw his name gazzetted as Her Majesty's Consul at Spezzia, the emotions which filled his mind were those of hap- - piness as unmingled as often falls to the lot of man. He was full of cares and troubles at that particular moment, and did not see his way at all clear before OTHER PEOPLES AFFAIRS. 239 him; but he suddenly felt as a boat might feel (if a boat could feel anything) which has been lying high and dry ashore, when at last the gentle persuasion of the sunshiny waves reaches it, lifts, floats it off into soft, delicious certainty of motion; or perhaps it would be more correct to say, as shipwrecked sailors might feel when they see their cobbled boat, their one ark of salvation, float strong and steady on the treacherous sea. This was the little ark of Edgar's happier fortunes, and lo! at last it was afloat! After he had written his letter to Lord New- march, he went down to Tottenham's, from which he had been absent for a fortnight, to the total neglect of Phil's lessons, and Lady Mary's lectures, and everything else that had been important a fort- night ago. He went by railway, and they met him at the station, celebrating his return by a friendly demonstration. On the road by the green they met Harry, walking towards Mrs. Sims' lodgings. He gave Edgar a very cold greeting. "Oh! I did not know you were coming back," he said, and pursued his way, affecting to take a different turn, as long as they were in sight. Harry's countenance was lowering and overcast, his address scarcely civil. He felt his interests entirely antagonistic to those of his sister and her betrothed. The children burst into remarks upon his bearishness as they went on. "He was bearable at first," said Phil, "but since you have been away, and while papa has been away, he has led us such a life, Mr. Earnshaw," 240 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "He is always in the village — always, always in the village; and Sibby says she /^a/t-j him!" cried little Molly, who was enthusiastic for her last new friend. "Hush, children — don't gossip," said their mo- ther; but she too had a cloud upon her brow. Then Edgar had a long conversation with Lady Mary in the conservatory, under the palm-tree, while the children had tea. He told her of all his plans and prospects, and of the Consulship, upon which he reckoned so confidently, and which did not, to Lady Mary's eyes, look quite so fine an opening as it seemed to her husband. "Of course, then, we must give you up," she said, regretfully; "but I think Lord Newmarch might have done something better for an old friend." Something better! The words seemed idle words to Edgar, so well pleased was he with his pro- spective appointment. Then he told her of Mr. Thornleigh's letter, which was so much more gra- cious than he could have hoped for; and then the cloud returned to Lady Mary's brow. "I am not at all easy about Harry," she said. "Mr. Earnshaw — no, I will call you Edgar, because I have always heard you called Edgar, and always wanted to call you so; Edgar, then — now don't thank me, for it is quite natural — tell me one thing. Have you any influence with your cousin?" "The doctor?" "No, not the doctor; if I wanted anything of him, I should ask it myself His sister; she is a very beautiful young woman, and, so far as I can see, very sensible and well-behaved, and discreet — OTHER PEOPLES AFFAIRS, 24 I no one can say a word against her; but if you had any influence with her, as being her cousin -" "Is it about Harry?" asked Edgar, anxiously. "About Harry! — how do you know? — have you heard anything'?" "Harry has told his mother," said Edgar; "they are all in despair." "Oh! I knew it!" cried Lady Mary. "I told Tom so, and he would not believe me. What, has it come so far as that, that he has spoken to his mother 1 Then, innocent as she looks, she must be a designing creature, after all." "He may not have spoken to her, though he has spoken to his motlier," said Edgar. Was it the spell of kindred blood working in him? for he did not like this to be said of Margaret, and in- stinctively attempted to defend her. Lady Mary shook her head. "Do you think any man would be such a fool as to speak to his parents before he had spoken to the woman?" she said. "One never knows how such a boy as Harry may act, but I should not have thought that likely. However, you have not an- swered my question. Do you think you have any influence, being her cousin, over her?" "I do not know her," said Edgar. "I have only spoken to her once." Would this be sufficient defence for him? he wondered, or must he hear himself again appealed to, to interfere in another case so like his own? "That is very unfortunate," said Lady Mary, For Love and Lift:. II, 1 6 242 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. with a sigh; but, happily for him, she there left the subject. "I cannot say that she has ever given him any encouragement," she said presently, in a sub- dued tone. Margaret had gained her point; she was acquitted of this sin, at least; but Lady Mary pro- nounced the acquittal somewhat grudgingly. Perhaps, when a young man Is intent upon making a foolish marriage, it is the best comfort to his parents and friends to be able to feel that slie is artful and de- signing, and has led the poor boy away. Edgar went out next morning to see his cousins; he announced his intention at the breakfast-table, to make sure of no encounter with poor Harry, who was flighty and unpleasant in manner, and seemed to have some wish to fix a quarrel upon him. Harry looked up quickly, as if about to speak, but changed his mind, and said nothing. And Edgar went his way — hoping the doctor might not be gone \\\\o\\ his round of visits, yet hoping he might; not wishing to see Margaret, and yet wishing to see her — in a most uncomfortable and painful state of mind. To his partial surprise and partial relief, he met her walking along the green towards the avenue with her little girl. It was impossible not to admire her grace, her beautifui, half-pathetic countenance, and the gentle maternity of the beau- tiful young woman never separate from the beau- tiful child, who clung to her with a fondness and dependence which no indifferent mother ever earns. She greeted Edgar with the sudden smile which was like sunshine on her face, and held out her hand to him with frank sweetness. OTHER PEOPLES AFFAIRS. 243 "I am very glad you have come back," she said. "It has been unfortunate for us your being away." "Only unfortunate for me, I think," said Edgar, "for you seem to have made friends with my friends as much as if I had been here to help it on. Is this Sibbyl I have heard of nothing but Sibby since I came back." "Lady Mary has been very kind," said Margaret, with, he thought, a faint flush over her pale, pretty cheek. "And you like the place 1 And Dr. Charles has got acquainted with his patients'?" "My brother would like to tell you all that himself," said Margaret; "but I want to speak to you of Loch Arroch, and of the old house, and dear granny. Did you know that she was ill again?" Margaret looked at him with her beautiful eyes full of tears. Edgar was not for a moment unfaithful to his Gussy, but after that look I believe he would have dared heaven and earth, and Mr. Thornleigh, rather than interfere with anything upon which this lovely creature had set her heart. Could it be that she had set her heart on Harry Thornleigh, he asked himself with a groan"? "No," he said; "they write to me very seldom. When did you hearl" "Mr. Earnshaw, I have had a letter this morning — it has shaken me very much," said Margaret. "Will you come to the cottage with me till I tell yoni Do you remember"? — but you could not re- member — it was before your time." i6' 244 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "What? — I may have heard of it — something which agitates your' "Not painfully," said Margaret, with a faltering voice and unsteady smile; "gladly, if I could put faith in it. Jeanie had a brother that was lost at sea, or we thought he was lost. It was his loss that made her so — ill; and she took you for him — you are like him, Mr. Earnshaw. Well," said Margaret, two tears dropping out of her eyes, "they have had a letter— he is not dead, he is perhaps coming home." "What has become of him, then? — and why did he never send wordl" cried Edgar. "How heartless, how cruel!" Margaret laid her hand softly on his arm. "Ah! you must not say that!" she cried. "Sailors do not think so much of staying away a year or two. He was shipwrecked, and lost everything, and he could not come home in his poverty upon granny. Oh! if we were all as thoughtful as that! Mr. Earnshaw, sailors are not just to be judged like other men." "He might have killed his poor little sister!" cried Edgar, indignantly; "that is a kind of conduct for which I have no sympathy. 7\nd granny, as you call her " "Ah! you never learnt to call her granny," said Margaret, with animation. "Dear granny has never l)een strong since her last attack — the shock, though it was joy, was hard upon her. And she was afraid for Jeanie; but Jeanie has stood it better than any- body could hope; and perhaps he is there now," OTHER people's AFFAIRS. 245 said Margaret, with once more the tears faUing suddenly from her eyes. "You know him?" said Edgar. "Oh! hioiv him! I knew him hke my own heart!" cried Margaret, a ilush of sudden colour spreading over her pale face. She did not look up, but kept her eyes upon the ground, going softly along by Edgar's side, her beautiful face full of emotion. "He would not write till he had gained back again what was lost. He is coming home captain of his ship," she said, with an indescribable soft triumph. At that moment a weight was lifted off Edgar's mind — it was as when the clouds suddenly break, and the sun bursts forth. He too could have broken forth into songs or shoutings, to express his sense of release. "I am glad that everything is ending so happily," he said, in a subdued tone. He did not trust himself to look at her, any more than Margaret could trust herself to look at him. When they reached the cottage, she went in, and got her letter, and put it into his hand to read; while she herself played with Sibby, throwing her ball for her, enter- ing into the child's glee with all the lightness of a joyful heart. Edgar could not but look at her, between the lines of Jeanie's simple letter. He seemed to himself so well able to read the story, and to understand what Margaret's soft blush and subdued excitement of happiness meant. And yet Harry Thornleigh was still undismissed, and hoped to win her. He met him as he himself returned to the house. Harry was still uncivil, and had barely acknowledged Edgar's presence at break- 246 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. fast; but he stopped him now, ahiiost with a threat- ening look. "Look here, Earnshaw," he said, "I daresay they told you what is in my mind. I daresay they tried to set you over me as a spy. Don't you think I'll bear it. I don't mean to be tricked out of my choice by any set of women, and I have made my choice now." "Do you know you are mighty uncivil"?" said Edgar. "If you had once thought of what you were saying, you would not venture upon such a word as spy to me." "Venture!" cried the young man. Then, calming himself, "I didn't mean it — of course I beg your pardon. But these women are enough to drive a man frantic; and I've made my choice, let them do what they will, and let my father rave as much as he pleases." "This is not a matter which I can enter into," said Edgar; "but just one word. Does the lady know how far you have gone? — and has she made her choice as well as you?" Harry's face lighted up, then grew dark and pale. "I thought so once," he said, "but now I cannot tell. She is as changeable as — as all women are," he broke off, with a forced laugh. "It's their way." Edgar did not see Harry again till after dinner, and then he was stricken with sympathy to see how ill he looked. What had happened? But there was no time or opportunity to inquire what had happened to him. That evening the mail brought him a letter OTHER PEOPLE S AFFAIRS. 247 from Robert Campbell, at Loch Arroch Head, beg- ging him, if he wanted to see his grandmother alive, to come at once. She was very ill, and it was not possible that she could live more than a day or two. He made his arrangements instantly to go to her, starting next morning, for he was already too late to catch the night mail. When he set out at break of day, in order to be in time for the early train from London, he found Margaret already at the station. She had been summoned also. He had written the night before a hurried note to Gussy, announcing his sudden call to Loch Arroch, but he was not aware then that he was to have companion- ship on his journey. He put his cousin into the carriage, not ill-pleased to have her company, and then, leaving many misconceptions behind him, hurried away, to wind up in Scotland one portion of his strangely-mingled life. 248 FOR LOVE AND LIFE, CHAPTER XIX. Margaret. The relations between Harry Thornleigh and Margaret had never come to any distinct explana- tion. They had known each other not much more tlian a fortnight, which was quite reason enough, on Margaret's side, at least, for holding back all explanation, and discouraging rather than helping on the too eager young lover. During all the time of Edgar's absence, it would be useless to deny that Harry's devotion suggested very clearly to the ])enniless young widow, the poor doctor's sister, sucli an advancement in life as might well have turned any woman's head. She who had nothing, who had to make a hard fight to get the ends to meet for the doctor and herself, who had for years exercised all the shifts of genteel poverty, and who, before that, had been trained to a homely life anything but genteel — had suddenly set open to her the gates of that paradise of wealth, and rank, and luxury, which is all the more ecstatic to the poor for being unknown. She, too, might "ride in her carriage," might wear diamonds, might go to Court, might live familiarly with die great j^eople of the land, like Lady Mary; she who had been bred at the Castle Farm on Loch Arroch, and had known MARGARET. 249 what it was to "supper the beasts," and milk the kye; she who had not disdained the household work of her own Httle house, in the days of the poor young Glasgow clerk whom she had married. There had been some natural taste for elegance in the brother and sister, both handsome young people, which had developed into gentility by reason of his profession, and their escape from all the associa- tions of home, where no one could have been de- ceived as to their natural position. But Dr. Charles had made no money anywhere; he had nothing but debts; though from the moment when he had taken his beautiful sister to be his housekeeper and com- panion, he had gradually risen in pretension and aim. Their transfer to England, a step which al- ways sounds very grand in homely Scotch ears, had somehow dazzled the whole kith and kin. Even Robert Campbell, at Loch Arroch Head, had been induced to draw his cautious purse, and contribute to this new establishment. And now the first fruits of the venture hung golden on the bough — Mar- garet had but to put forth her hand and pluck them; nay, she had but to be passive, and receive them in her lap. She had held Harry back from a prema- ture declaration of his sentiments, but she had done this so sweetly that Harry had been but more and more closely enveloped in her toils; and she had made up her mind that his passion was to be allowed to ripen, and that finally she would accept him, and reign like a princess, and live like Lady Mary, surrounded by all the luxuries which were sweet to her soul. 250 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. It is not necessary, because one is born poor, that one should like the conditions of that lowly estate, or have no taste for better things. On the contrary, Margaret was born with a love of all that was soft, and warm, and easy, and luxurious. She loved these things and prized them; she felt it in her to be a great lady; her gentle mind was such that she w^ould have made an excellent princess, all the more sweet, gracious, and good the less she was crossed, and the more she had her own way. I am disposed to think, for my own part, that for every individual who is mellowed and softened by adversity, there are at least ten in the world whom prosperity would mollify and bring to per- fection; but then that latter process of development is more difficult to attain to. Margaret felt that it was within her reach. She would have done no- thing unwomanly to secure her lover; nay, has it not been already said that she had made up her mind to be doubly prudent, and to put it in no one's power to say that she had "given him en- couragement?" But with that modest reserve, she had made up her mind to Harry's happiness and her own. In her heart she had already consented, and regarded the bargain as concluded. She would have made him a very sweet wife, and Harry would have been happy. No doubt he w^as sufficiently a man of the world to have felt a sharp twinge some- times, when his wife's family was brought in ques- tion; but he thought nothing of that in his hot love, and I believe she would have made him so good a wife, and been so sweet to Harry, that this MARGARET. 2^1 drawback would have detracted very little from his happiness. So things were going on, ripening pleasantly towards a denouement which could not be very far off, when that unlucky letter arrived from Loch Arroch, touching the re-appearance of Jeanie's brother, the lost sailor, who had been Margaret's first love. This letter upset her, poor soul, amid all her plans and hopes. If it had not, however, un- luckily happened that the arrival of Edgar coincided with her receipt of the letter, and that both to- gether were followed by the expedition to Loch Arroch, to the grandmother's deathbed, I believe the sailor's return would only have caused a little tremulousness in Margaret's resolution, a momentary shadow upon her sweet reception of Harry, but that nothing more would have followed, and all would have gone well. Dear reader, forgive me if I say all would have gone well; for, to tell the truth, though it was so much against Edgar's interests, and though it partook of the character of a mercenary match, and of everything that is most repugnant to romance, I cannot help feeling a little pang of regret that any untoward accident should have come in Margaret's way. Probably the infusion of her good, wholesome Scotch blood, her good sense, and her unusual beauty, would have done a great deal more good to the Thornleigh race than a Right Honourable grandfather; and she would have made such a lovely great lady, and would have enjoyed her greatness so much (far more than any Lady Mary ever could enjoy it), and been so good a 252 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. wife, and so sweet a mother! Tliat she sliould give up all this at the first returning thrill of an old love, is perhaps very much more poetical and elevating; but I who write am not so young or so romantic as I once was, and I confess that I look upon the interruption of the story, which was so clearly tend- ing towards another end, with a great deal of regret. Even Edgar, when he found her ready to accom- pany him to Scotland, felt a certain excitement which was not unmingled with regret. He felt by instinct that Harry's hopes were over, and this thought gave him a great sense of personal comfort and relief It chased away the difficulties out of his own way; but at the same time he could not but ask himself what was the inducement for which she was throwing away all the advantages that Harry Thornleigh could give her? — the love of a rough sailor, captain at the best, of a merchant-ship, who had been so little thoughtful of his friends as to leave them three or four years without any news of him, and who i)robably loved her no longer, if he had ever loved her. It was all to Edgar's ad- vantage that she should come away at this crisis, and what was it to him if she threw her life away for a fancy? But Edgar had never been in the way of thinking of himself only, and the mingled feelings in his mind found utterance in a vague wnrning. He did not know either her or her circumstances well enough to venture upon more plain speech. "Do you think you are right to leave your brother just at this moment, when he is settling down?" Edgar said. MARGARET. 253 A little cloud rose upon Margaret's face. Did not she know better than anyone how foolish it was? "Ah!" she said, "but if granny is dying, as they say, I must see her," and the ready tears sprung to her eyes. Edgar was so touched by her looks, that, though it was dreadfully against his own interest, he tried again. "Of all the Avomen in the world," he said, "she is the most considerate, the most understanding. It is a long and an expensive journey, and your life, she would say, is of more importance than her dying." He ventured to look her in the face as he spoke these words, and Margaret grew crimson under his gaze. "I do not see how it can affect my life, if I am away for a week or two," she said lightly, yet with a tone which showed him that her mind was made up. Perhaps he thought she was prudently retiring to be quit of Harry — perhaps withdrawing from a position which became untenable; or why might it not be pure gratitude and love to the only mother she had known in her life? Anyhow, Avhatever might be the reason, there was no more to be said. I will not attempt to describe the feelings of Harry Thornleigh, when he found that Margaret had gone away, and gone with Edgar. He came back to Lady Mary raving and white with rage, to pour out upon her the first outburst of his passion. 254 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "The villain! — the traitor! — the low, sneaking rascal!" Harry cried, foaming. "He has made a catspaw of Gussy and a fool of me. We might have known it was all a lie and pretence. He has car- ried her off under our very eyes." Even I^ady Mary was staggered, strong as was her faith in Edgar; and Harry left her doubtful, and not knowing what to make of so strange a story, and rushed up to town, to carry war and devastation into his innocent family. He went to Berkeley Square, and flung open the door of the morning-room, where they were all seated, and threw himself among them like a thunderbolt. Gussy had received Edgar's note a little while be- fore, and she had been musing over it, pensive, not quite happy, not quite pleased, and saying to her- self how very wrong and how very foolish she was. Of course, if his old mother were dying, he must go to her — he had no choice; but Gussy, after wait- ing so long for him, and proving herself so excep- tionally faithful, felt that she had a certain right to Edgar's company now, and to have him by her side, all the more that l.ady Augusta had protested that she did not think it would be right to permit it in the unsettled state of his circumstances, and of the engagement generally. To have your mother hesitate, and declare that she does not think she ought to admit him, and then to have your lover abstain from asking admission, is hard upon a girl. Lord Granton (though, to be sure, he was a very young man, with nothing to do) was dangling con- stantly about little Mary; and Gussy felt that Edgar's MARGARET. 255 many businesses, which led him here, and led him there, altogether out of her way, were inopportune, to say the least. Harry assailed his mother fiercely, without breath or pause. He accused her of sending "that fellow" down to Tottenham's, on purpose to inter- fere with him, to be a spy upon him, to ruin all his hopes. "I have seen a change since ever he came!" he cried wildly. "If it is your doing, mother, I will never forgive you! Don't think I am the sort of man to take such a thing without resenting it! When you see me going to the devil, you will know whose fault it is. Her fault? — no, she has been deceived. You have sent that fellow down upon her with his devilish tongue, to persuade her and delude her. It is he that has taken her away. No, it is not her fault, it is your fault!" cried Harry. "I should have grown a good man. I should have given up everything she did not like; and now you have made up some devilish con- spiracy, and you have taken her away." "Harry, do you remember that you are talking to your mother?" cried Lady Augusta, with trem- bling lips. "My mother! A mother helps one, loves one, makes things easy for one!" he cried. "That's the ordinary view. Excuses you, and does her best for you, not her worst; when you take up your role as you ought, I'll take mine. But since you've set your mind on thwarting, deceiving, injuring me in my best hopes!" cried Harry, white with rage, 256 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "stealing from me the blessing I had almost got, that I would have got, had you stopped your d— d interference!" His voice broke here; he had not meant to go so far. As a gentleman at least, he ought, he knew, to use no oath to ladies; but poor Harry was be- side himself. He stopped short, half-appalled, half- satisfied that he had spoken his mind. "Harry, how dare yoni" cried Gussy, facing him. "Do you not see how you are wounding mammal Has there ever been a time when she has not stood up for you? And now because she is grieved to think that you are going to ruin yourself, unwilling that you should throw yourself away " "All this comes beautifully from you!" cried Harry, with a sneer — "you who have never thought of throwing yourself away. But I am sorry for you, Gussy. I don't triumph over you. You have been taken in, poor girl, the worst of the two ! " Gussy was shaken for the moment by his change of tone, by his sudden compassion. She felt as if the ground had suddenly been cut from under her feet, and a dizzy sense of insecurity came over her. She looked at her mother, half frightened, not knowing what to think or say. "When you have come to your senses, Harry, you will perhaps tell us the meaning of this!" cried Lady Augusta. "Girls, it is time for you to keej) your appointment with Elise. Ada will go with you to-day, for I don't feel quite well. If you have anything to say to mc another time," she added MARGARET. 257 with dignity, addressing her son, "especially if it is of a violent description, you will be good enough to wait until Mary has left the room. I do not choose that she should carry away into her new family the recollection of brutality at home." Lady Augusta's grand manner was known in the household. Poor Gussy, though sad and sorry enough, found it difficult to keep from a laugh in which there would have been but little mirth. But Harry's perceptions were not so lively, or his sense of the ridiculous so strong. He was somehow cowed by the idea of his little sister carrying a recollection of brutality into so new and splendid a connection as the Marquis of Hauteville's magni- ficent family. "Oh, bosh!" he said; but it was .almost under his breath. And then he told them of Edgar's de- parture from Tottenham's, and of the discovery he had made that Margaret had gone too. "You set him on, I suppose, to cross me," said Harry; "be- cause I let you know there was one woman in the world I could fancy — therefore you set him on to take her from me." "Oh! Harry, how can you say sol /set him on!" cried Lady Augusta. "What you are telling me is all foolishness. You are both of you frighten- ing yourselves about nothing. If there is anyone dying, and they were sent for, there is no harm in two cousins travelling together. Harry, did this lady — know what your feelings werel" "I suppose," said Harry, after a moment's hesita- For Love and Life. II. I J 258 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. tion, "women are not such fools but that they must know," "Then you had said nothing to her?" said his mother, pursuing the subject. Perhaps she permitted a Httle gleam of triumph to appear in her eye, for he jumped up instantly, more excited than ever. "I am going after them," he said. "I don't mean to be turned off without an answer. Whether she has me or not, she shall decide herself; it shall not be done by any plot against us. This is what you drive me to, with your underhand ways. 1 shall not wait a day longer. TU go down to Scot- land to-night." "Do not say anything to him, Gussy," cried Lady Augusta. "Let him accuse his mother and sister of underhand ways, if he likes. And you can go, sir, if you please, on your mad errand. If the woman is a lady, she will know what to think of your suspicions. If she is not a lady " "What then*?" he cried, in high wrath, "Probably she will accept you," said Lady Augusta, pale and grand. "I do not understand the modes of action of such people. You will have had your way, in any case — and then you will hear what your father has to say." Harry flung out of the house furious. He was very unhappy, poor fellow! He was chilled and cast down, in spite of himself, by his mother's speech. Why should he follow Margaret as if he suspected her? What right had he to interfere with her actions? If he went he might be supposed to insult her — if he stayed he should lose her. MARGARET. 259 What was he to do? Poor Harry! — if Dr. Murray- had not been so obnoxious to him, I think he would have confided his troubles to, and asked advice from, Margaret's brother; but Dr. Charles had re- plied to his inquiry with a confidential look, and a smile which made him furious. "She will be back in a week or two. I am not afraid just now, in present circumstances, that she will forsake me for long," he had said. "We shall soon have her back again." We! — whom did the fellow mean by we 1 Harry resolved on the spot that, if she ever became his wife, she should give up this cad of a brother. Which I am glad to say, for her credit, was a thing that Margaret would never have consented to do. But the Thornleigh family was not happy that day. Gussy, though she had never doubted Edgar before, yet felt cold shivers of uncertainty shoot through her heart now. Margaret was beautiful, and almost all women exaggerate the power of beauty. They give up instinctively before it, with a conviction, which is so general as to be part of the feminine creed, that no man can resist that magic power. No doubt Edgar meant to do what was best; no doubt, she said to herself, that in his heart he was true — but with a lovely woman there, so lovely, and with claims upon his kindness, who could wonder if he went astray? And this poor little scanty note which advised Gussy of his neces- sary absence, said not a word about Margaret. She read it over and over again, finding it each time less satisfactory. At the first reading it had been 26o FOR LOVE AND LIFE. disappointing, but nothing more; now it seemed cold, unnecessarily hurried, careless. She contrasted it with a former one he had written to her, and it seemed to her that no impartial eye could mistake the difference. She sympathized with her brother, and yet she envied him, for he was a man, and could go and discover what was false and what was true; but she had to wait and be patient, and betray to no one what was the matter, though her heart might be breaking — yes, though her heart might be breaking! For, after all, might it not be said that it was she who made the first overtures to Edgar, not he to her? It might be pity only for her long constancy that had drawn him to her, and the sight of this woman's beautiful face might have melted away that false sentiment. When the thoughts once fall to such a catastrophe as this, the velocity with which they go (does not science say sol) doubles moment by moment. I cannot tell you to what a pitch of misery Gussy had worn herself before the end of that long — terribly long, silent, and hopeless Spring day. LOCH ARROCH once MORE, 26 I CHAPTER XX. Loch Arroch once more. Edgar and Margaret (accompanied, as she al- ways was, by her child) arrived at I,och Arroch early on the morning of the second day. They were compelled to stay in Glasgow all night — she with friends she had there, he in an inn. It was a rainy, melancholy morning when they got into the steamer, and crossed the broad Clyde, and wound upward among the hills to Loch Arroch Head, where Robert Campbell, with an aspect of formal solemnity, waited with his gig to drive them to the farm. "You're in time — oh ay, you're in time; but little more," he said, and went on at intervals in a somewhat solemn monologue, as they drove down the side of the grey and misty loch, under dripping cloaks and umbrellas. "She's been failing ever since the new year," he said. "It's not to be won- dered at, at her age; neither should we sorrow, as them that are without hope. She's lived a good and useful life, and them that she brought into the world have been enabled to smooth her path out of it. We've nothing to murmur at; she'll be real glad to see you both — you, Marg'ret, and you, Mr. Edgar. Often does she speak of you. It's a blessing i62 FOR LOVE AND LlFE. of Providence that her hfe has been spared since the time last Autumn when we all thought she was going. She's had a real comfortable evening time, with the light in it, poor old granny, as she had a right to, if any erring mortal can be said to have a right. And now, there's Willie restored, that was thought to be dead and gone." "Has Willie come back?" asked Margaret hastily. "He's expected," said Robert Campbell, with a curious dryness, changing the lugubrious tone of his voice; "and I hope he'll turn out an altered man; but it's no everyone going down to the sea in ships that sees the wisdom o' the Lord in the great waters, as might be hoped." The rain blew in their faces, the mists came down over the great mountain range which sepa- rates Loch Arroch from Loch Long, and the Castle Farm lay damp and lonely in its little patch of green, with the low ruins on the other side of the house shining brown against the cut fields and the slaty blueness of the loch. It was not a cheerful prospect, nor was it cheerful to enter the house itself, full of the mournful bustle and suppressed excitement of a dying — that high ceremonial, to which, in respect, or reverence, or dire curiosity, or acquisitiveness, more dreadful still, so many spec- tators throng in the condition of life to which all Mrs. Murray's household belonged. In the sitting-room there were several people seated. Mrs. MacColl, the youngest daughter, in her mother's chair, with her handkerchief to her LOCH ARROCH ONCE MORE. 263 eyes, and Mrs. Campbell opposite, telling her sister, who had but lately arrived, the details of the ill- ness; Jeanie MacColl, who had come with her mother, sat listlessly at the window, looking out, depressed by the day and the atmosphere, and the low hum of talk, and all the dismal accessories of the scene. James Murray's wife, a hard-featured, homely person, plain in attire, and less refined in manner than any of the others, went and came be- tween the parlour and the kitchen. "They maun a' have their dinner," she said to Bell, "notwithstanding that there's a dying person in the house;" and with the corners of her mouth drawn down, and an occasional sigh making itself audible, she laid the cloth, and prepared the table. Now and then a sound in the room above would make them pause and listen — for, indeed, at any moment they might all be called to witness the exit of the departing soul. Bell's steps in the kitchen, which were unsubduable in point of sound, ran through all the more gentle stir of this melan- choly assembly. Bell was crying over her work, pausing now and then to go into a corner, and wipe the tears from her cheeks; but she could not make her footsteps light, or diminish the heaviness of her shoes. There was a little additional bustle when the strangers arrived, and Margaret and her child, who were wrapped up in cloaks and shawls, were taken into the kitchen to have their wraps taken off, and to be warmed and comforted. Edgar gave his own dripping coat to Bell, and stole upstairs out of 264 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. "the family," in which he was not much at home. Little Jeanie had just left her grandmother's room on some necessary errand, when he appeared at the top of the stair. She gave a low cry, and the little tray she was carrying trembled in her hands. Her eyes were large with watching, and her cheeks pale, and the sudden sight of him was almost more than the poor little heart could bear; but, after a mo- ment's silence, Jeanie, with an effort, recovered that command of herself which is indispensable to wo- men. "Oh! but she'll be glad — glad to sec you!" she cried — "it's you she's aye cried for night and day." Edgar stood still and held her hand, looking into the soft little face, in which he saw only a tender sorrow, not harsh or despairing, but deep and quiet. "Before even I speak of her," he said, "my dear little Jeanie, let me say how happy I am to hear about your brother — he is safe after all." Jeanie's countenance was moved, like the loch under the wind. Her great eyes, diluted with sor- row, swelled full; a pathetic smile came upon her lips. "He was dead, and is alive again," she said softly; "he was lost and is found." "And now you will not be alone, whatever hap- pens," said Edgar. I don't know what mixture of poignant pain came over the grateful gleam in little Jeanie's face. She drew her hand from him, and hastened down- stairs. "What does it matter to him, what does it LOCH ARROCH ONCE MORE. 20^ matter to anyone, how lonely I ami" was the thought that went through her simple heart. Only one creature in the world had ever cared, chiefly, above everything else, for Jeanie's happiness, and that one was dying, not to be detained by any anxious hold. Jeanie, simple as she was, knew better than to believe that anything her brother could give her would make up for what she was about to lose. Edgar went into the sick-room reverently, as if he had been going into a holy place. Mrs. Murray lay propped up with pillows on the bed. For the first moment it seemed to him that the summons which brought him there must have been altogether uncalled for and foolish. The old woman's eyes were as bright and soft as Jeanie's; the pale faint pink of a Winter rose lingered in her old cheeks; her face seemed smoothed out of many of the wrinkles which he used to know; and expanded into a calm and largeness of peace which filled him with awe. Was it that all mortal anxieties, all fears and ques- tions of the lingering day were over? By the bed- side, in her own chair, sat the minister of the parish, an old man, older than herself, who had known her all her life. He had been reading to her, with a voice more tremulous than her own; and the two old people had been talking quietly and slowly of the place to which they were so near. I have no doubt that in the pulpit old Mr. Camp- bell, like other divines, talked of golden streets, and harps and crowns, in the New Jerusalem above. But here there was little room for such anticipa- 266 FOR LOVE AND LTFE. tions. A certain wistfulness was in their old eyes, for the veil before them was still impenetrable, though they were so near it; but they were not excited. "You're sure of finding Him," the old man was saying; "and where He is, there shall His people be." "Ay," said Mrs. Murray. "And, oh! it's strange lying here, no sure sometimes if it's me or no; no sure which me it is — an auld woman or a young woman; and then to think that a moment will make a' clear." This was the conversation that Edgar inter- rupted. She held out her withered hand to him with a glow of joy that lighted up her face. "Jlfy son," she said. There was something in the words that seemed to fill the room, Edgar thought, with an indescribable warmth and fulness of meaning, yet with that strange uncertainty which belongs to the last stage of life. He felt that she might be identifying him, unawares, with some lost son of thirty years ago, not forgetting his own individuality, yet mingling the two in one image. "This is the one I told you of," she said, turning to her old friend. "He is like his mother," said the old man dreamily, putting out a hand of silent welcome. They might have been two spirits talking over him, Edgar felt, as he stood, young, anxious, care- ful, and troubled, between the two who were linger- ing so near the calm echoes of the eternal sea. "You've come soon, soon, my bonnie man," LOCH ARROCH ONCE MORE. 267 said Mrs. Murray, holding his hand between hers; "and, oh, but I'm glad to see you! Maybe it's but a fancy, and maybe it's sinful vanity, but, minister, when I look at him, he minds me o' mysel'. Ye'll say it's vain — the like of him, a comely young man, and me; but it's no in the out- ward appearance. I've had much, much to do in my generation," she said, slowly looking at him, with a smile in her eyes. "And, Edgar, my bonnie lad, I'm thinking, so will you " "Don't think of me," he said; "but tell me how you are. You are not looking ill, my dear old mother. You will be well again before I go." "Oh! ay, I'll be well again," she said. "I'm no ill — I'm only slipping away; but I would like to say out my say. The minister has his ain way in the pulpit," she went on, with a smile of soft humour, and with a slowness and softness of utterance which looked like the very perfection of art to cover her weakness; "and so may I on my death- bed, my bonnie man. As I was saying, I've had much, much to do in my generation, Edgar -and so will you." She smoothed his hand between her own, caressing it, and looking at him always with a smile. "And you may say it's been for little, little enough," she went on. "Ah! when my bairns were bairns, how muckle I thought of them! I toiled, and I toiled , and rose up early and lay down late, aye thinking they must come to mair than common folk. It was vanity, minister, vanity; I ken that 26S FOR LOVE AND LIFE. weel. You need not shake your head. God be praised, it's no a' in a moment you find out the like o' that. But I'm telling you, Edgar, to strengthen your heart. They're just decent men and decent women, nae mair — and I've great, great reason to be thankful; and it's you, my bonnie man, the seed that fell by the wayside — none o' my training, none o' my nourishing Eh! how the Lord maun smile at us whiles," she added, slowly, one linger- ing tear running over her eyelid, "and a' our vain hopes! — no laugh. He's ower tender for that." "Or weep, rather," said Edgar, penetrated by sympathetic understanding of the long-concealed, half-fantastic pang of wounded love and pride, which all these years had wrung silently the high heart now so near being quieted for ever. She could smile now at her own expectations and vanities — but what pathos was in the smile! "We must not put emotions like our own into His mind that's over all," said the old minister. "Smiling or weeping's no for Him." "Eh, but I canna see that," said the old woman, "Would He be kinder down yonder by the Sea of Tiberias than He is up there in His ain house? It's at hame that the gentle heart's aye kindest, minister. Mony a day I've wondered if it mightna be just like our own loch, that Sea of Galilee — the hills about, and the white towns, as it might be Loch Arroch Head (though it's more grey than white), and the fishing-cobbles. But I'm wandering — I'm wandering. Edgar, my bonnie man, you're Loch arroch once more. 269 tired and hungry; go down the stair and get a rest, and something to eat." Little though Edgar was disposed to resume the strange relationship which linked him to the little party of homely people in the farm parlour, with whom he felt so little sympathy, he had no alter- native but to obey. The early dinner was spread when he got downstairs, and a large gathering of the family assembled round the table. All difference of breeding and position disappear, we are fond of saying, in a common feeling — a touch of nature makes the whole world kin; but Edgar felt, I am afraid, more like the unhappy parson at tithing time, in Cowper's verses, than any less prosaic hero. With whimsical misery he felt the trouble of being too fine for his company — he, the least fine of mortal men. Margaret, upon whom his eye lingered almost lovingly, as she appeared among the rest, a lily among briers, was not ill at ease as he was; per- haps, to tell the truth, she was more entirely at her ease than when she had sat, on her guard, and very anxious not to "commit any solecism," at Lady Mary's table. To commit a solecism was the bugbear which had always been held before her by her brother, whose fears on this account made his existence miserable. But here Margaret felt the sweetness of her own superiority, without being shocked by the homeliness of the others. She had made a hurried visit to her grandmother, and had cried, and had been comforted, and was now smiling softly at them all, full of content and pleasant anti- 2/0 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. cipations. Jeanie, who never left her grandmother, was not present; the Campbells, the IMacColls and the Murrays formed the company, speaking low, yet eating heartily, who thus waited for the death which was about to take place above. "I never thought you would have got away so easy," said Mrs. Campbell. "I would scarcely let your uncle write. 'How can she leave Charles, and come such a far gait, maybe just for an hour or two?' I said. But here you are, Margaret, notwith- standing a' my doubts. Ye'll have plenty of servant- maids, and much confidence in them, that ye can leave so easy from a new place?" "We are not in our house yet, and we have no servant," said Margaret. "Charles is in lodgings, with a very decent person. It was easy enough to get away." "Lodgings are awful expensive," said Mrs. Mac- Coll. "I'm sure when we were in lodgings, Mr. MacCoU and me, the Exhibition year, I dare not tell what it cost. You should get into a house of your ain — a doctor is never anything thought of without a house of his ain." "I hope you found the information correct?" said Robert Campbell, addressing Edgar. "The woman at Dalmally minded the couple fine. It was the same name as your auld friend yonder," and he pointed with his thumb over his left shoulder, to denote England, or Ardcn, or the world in general. "One of the family, perhaps?" "Yes." "Oh! I v/ant to spy into no secrets. Things of LOCH ARROCH ONCE MORE. 2"] I this kind are often turning up. They may say what they like against our Scotch law, but it prevents villainy now and then, that's certain. Were you interested for the man or the leddy, if it's a fair question? For it all depends upon that." "In neither of them," said Edgar. "It was a third party, whom they had injured, that I cared for. When is — Jeanie's brother — expected back?" "He may come either the day or the morn," said Mrs. MacColl. "I wish he was here, for mother's very weak. Do you not think she's weaker since the morning? I thought her looking just wonderful when I saw her first, but at twelve o'clock — What did the doctor think?" "He canna tell more than the rest of us," said James Murray's wife. "She's going fast — that's all that can be said." And then there was a little pause, and every- body looked sad for the moment. They almost brightened up, however, when some hasty steps were heard overhead, and suspended their knives and forks and listened. Excitement of this kind is hard to support for a stretch. Nature longs for a crisis, even when the crisis is more terrible than their mild sorrow could be supposed to be. When it appeared, however, that nothing was about to happen, and the steps overhead grew still again, they all calmed down and resumed their dinner, which was an alleviation of the tedium. "She's made a' the necessary dispositions?" said James Murray's wife, interrogatively. "My man is 272 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. coming by the next steamer. No that there can be very muckle to divide." "Nothing but auld napery, and the auld sticks of furniture. It will bring very little — and the cow," said Robert Campbell. "Jean likes the beast, so we were thinking of making an offer for the cow." "You'll no think I'm wanting to get anything by my mother's death," said Mrs. MacColl; "for I'm real well off, the Lord be thanked! with a good man, and the bairns doing well; I would rather give than take, if there was any occasion; but Robert has aye had a great notion of the old clock on the stairs. There's a song about it that one of the lassies sings. I would like that, to keep the bairns in mind o' their granny. She's been a kind granny to them all." She put her handkerchief to her eyes, and Margaret and Jeanie MacCoU cried a little. The rest of the company shook their heads, and assented in different tones. "Real good and kind, good and kind to every- body! Ower guid to some that little deserved it!" was the general burden, for family could not but have its subdued lling at family, even in tliis moment of melancholy accord. "You are forgetting," said Edgar, "the only one of the family who is not provided for. What my grandmother leaves should be for little Jeanie. She is the only helpless one of all." At this there was a little murmur round the table, of general objection. LOCH ARROCH ONCE MORE. 2'J i^ " Jeanie has had far more than her share already," said one. "She's no more to granny than all the rest of the bairns," cried another. Robert Campbell, the only other man present, raised his voice, and made himself heard. "Jeanie will never want," he said; "here's her brother come back, no very much of a man, but still with heart enough in him to keep her from wanting. Willie's but a roving lad, but the very rovingness of him is good for this, that he'll not marry; and Jeanie will have a support, till she gets a man, which is aye on the cards for such a bonnie lass." This was said with more than one meaning. Edgar saw Margaret's eyelashes flutter on her cheek, and she moved a little uneasily, as though unable to restrain all evidence of a painful emotion. Just at this moment, however, ^ shadow darkened the win- dow. Margaret, more keenly on the watch than anyone, lifted her eyes suddenly, and, rising to her feet, uttered a low cry. A young man in sailor's dress came into the room, with a somewhat noisy greeting. "What, all of you here! What luck!" he cried. "But Where's granny 1" He had to be hushed into silence, and to have all the circumstances explained to him; while Jeanie MacColl, half-reluctant to go, was sent upstairs to call her cousin and namesake, and to take her place as nurse for the moment. Edgar called her back softly, and offered himself for this duty. He cast For Love and Life. IL lo 274 ^OR LOVE AND LIFE. a glance at the returned prodigal as he left the room, the brother for whom Jeanie had taken him, and whom everybody had acknowledged his great likeness to. Edgar looked at him with mingled amusement and curiosity, to see what he himself must look like. Perhaps AVillie had not improved during his adventurous cruise. Edgar did not think much of himself as reflected in his image; and how glad he was to escape from his uncle and his aunt, and their family talk, to the stillness and loftier atmosphere of the death-chamber upstairs! THE END OF A DRAMA. 275 CHAPTER XXL The End of a Drama. Mrs. Murray lived two days longer. They were weary days to Edgar. It seems hard to grudge another hour, another moment to the dying, but how hard are those last lingerings, when hope is over, when all work is suspended, and a whole little world visibly standing still, till the lingerer can make up his mind to go! The sufferer herself was too human, too deeply experienced in life, not to feel the heavy interval as much as they did. "I'm grieved, grieved," she said, with that emphatic repetition which the Scotch peasant uses in common with all naturally eloquent races, "to keep you waiting, bairns." Sometimes she said this with a wistful smile, as claiming their indulgence; sometimes with a pang of consciousness that they were as weary as she was. She had kissed and blessed her prodigal returned, and owned to herself with a groan, which was, however, breathed into her own breast, and of which no one was the wiser, that Willie, too, was "no more than common folk." T cannot explain more than the words them- selves do how this high soul in homely guise felt the pang of her oft-repeated disappointment. Children and grandchildren, she had fed them not with com- 18* 276 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. mon food, the bread earned with ordinary labours, but with her blood, like the pelican; with the toil of man and woman, of ploughman and hero, all mingled into one. High heart, heroic in her weak- ness as in her strength! They had turned out but "common folk," and, at each successive failure, that pang had gone through and through her which common folk could not comprehend. She looked at Willie the last, with a mingled pleasure and anguish in her dying mind — I say pleasure, and not joy, for the signs of his face were not such as to give that last benediction of happiness. Nature was glad in her to see the boy back whom she had long believed at the bottom of the sea; but her dying eyes looked at him wistfully, trying to penetrate his heart, and reach its excuses. "You should have written, to ease our minds," she said gently. "How was I to know you would take it to heart so? Many a man has stayed away longer, and no harm come of it," cried Willie, self-defending. The old woman put her hand upon his bended head, as he sat by her bedside, half sullen, half sorry. Slie stroked his thick curling locks softly, saying nothing for a few long silent moments. She did not blame him further, nor justify him, but simply was silent. Then she said, "You will take care of your sister, Willie, as I have taken care of her? She has suffered a great deal for you." "But oh!" cried Jeanie, when they were alone together — kneeling by the bedside, with her face THE END OF A DRAMA. 277 upon her grandmother's hand, "you never called him but Willie — you never spoke to him soft and kind, as you used to do." "Was I no kind?" said the dying woman, with a mingled smile and sigh; but she kept "My bonnie man!" her one expression of homely fondness, for Edgar's ear alone. They had more than one long conversation before her end came. Edgar was always glad to volunteer to relieve the watchers in her room, feel- ing infinitely more at home there than with the others below. On the night before her death, she told him of the arrangements she had made. "You gave me your fortune, Edgar, ower rashly, my bonnie man. Your deed was so worded, they tell me, that I might have willed your siller away from you, had I no been an honest woman." "And so I meant," said Edgar, though he was not very clear that at the time he had any meaning at all. "And there is Jeanie " "You will not take Jeanie upon you," said the old woman — "I charge ye not to do it. The best thing her brother can have to steady him and keep him right, is the thought of Jeanie on his hands — Jeanie to look for him when he comes home. You'll mind what I say. Meddling with nature is aye wrong; I've done it in my day, and I've repented. To make a' sure, I've left a will, Edgar, giving every- thing to you — everything. What is it] My auld napery, and the auld, auld remains of my mother's — most of it her spinning and mine. Give it to your aunts, Edgar, for they'll think it their due; but 278 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. keep a something — ^what are the auld rags worth to you? — keep a Uttle piece to mind me by — a bit of the fine auld damask — so proud as I was of it once! I've nae rings nor bonny-dies, like a grand leddy, to keep you in mind of me." She spoke so slowly that these words took her a long time to say, and they were interrupted by frequent pauses; but her voice had not the painful labouring which is so common at such a moment; it was very low, but still sweet and clear. Then she put out her hand, still so fine, and soft, and shapely, though the nervous force had gone out of it, upon Edgar's arm. "I'm going where I'll hear nothing of you, maybe, for long," she said. "I would like to take all the news with me — for there's them to meet yonder that will want to hear. There's something in your eye, my bonnie man, that makes me glad. You're no just as you were -there's more light and more life. Edgar, you're seeing your way?" Then, in the silence of the night, he told her all his tale. The curtains had been drawn aside, that she might see the moon shining over the hills. The clearest still night had succeeded many days of rain; the soft "hus-sh" of the loch lapping upon the beach was the only sound that broke the great calm. He sat between her and that vision of blue sky and silvered hill which was framed in by the window; by his side a little table, with a candle on it, Avhich lighted one side of his face; behind him the shadowy dimness of the death-chamber; above him that gleam of midnight sky. He saw nothing THE END OF A DRAMA. 2 79 but her face; she looked wistfully, fondly, as on a picture she might never see more, upon all the cir- cumstances of this scene. He told her everything — more than he ever told to mortal after her — how he had been able to serve Clare, and how she had been saved from humiliation and shame; how he had met Gussy, and found her faithful; and how he was happy at the present moment, already loved and trusted, but happier still in the life that lay before him, and the woman who was to share it. She listened to every word with minute attention, following him with little exclamations, and all the interest of youth. "And oh! now I'm glad!" cried the old woman, making feeble efforts, which wasted almost all the little breath left to her, to draw something from under her pillow — "I'm glad I have something that I never would part with. You'll take her this, Edgar — you'll give her my blessing. Tell her my man brought me this when I was a bride. It's marked out mony a weary hour and mony a light one; it's marked the time of births and of deaths. When my John died, my man, it stoppit at the mo- ment, and it was long, long or I had the heart to wind it again and set it going. It's worn now, like me; but you'll bid her keep it, Edgar, my bonnie man! You'll give her my blessing, and you'll bid her to keep it, for your old mother's sake." Trembling, she put into his hand an old watch, which he had often seen, but never before so near. It was large and heavy, in an old case of coppery gold, half hid under partially-effaced enamel, want- 28o FOR LOVE AND LIFE. ing everything that a modern watch should have, but precious as an antiquity and work of art. "A trumpery thing that cost five pounds would please them better," she said. "It's nae value, but it's old, old, and came to John from a far-off for- bear. You'll give it to her with my blessing. Ay, blessings on her! — blessings on her sweet face! — for sweet it's bound to be; and blessings on her wise heart, that's judged weel! eh, but I'm glad to have one thing to send her. And, Edgar, now I've said all my say, turn me a little, that I may see the moon. Heaven's but a step on such a bonnie night. If I'm away before the morning, you'll shed nae tear, but praise the Lord the going's done. No, dinna leave it; take it away. Put it into your breast-pocket, where you canna lose it. And now say fare-ye-weel to your old mother, my bonnie man." These were the last words she said to him alone. When some one came to relieve him, Edgar went out with a full heart into the silvery night. Not a sound of humanity broke the still air, which yet had in it a sharpness of the spring frosts. The loch rose and fell upon its pebbles, as if it hushed its own very waves in sorrow. The moon shone as if with a purpose — as if holding her lovely lamp to light some beloved wayfarer up the shining slope. "Heaven's but a step on such a night," he said to himself, with tears of which his manhood was not ashamed. And so the moon lighted the traveller home. THE END OF A DRAMA. 251 With the very next morning the distractions of common earth returned. Behind the closed shut- ters, the women began to examine the old napery, and the men to calculate what the furniture, the cow, the cocks and hens would bring. James Murray valued it all, pencil and notebook in hand. Nothing would have induced the family to show so little respect as to shorten the six or seven days' interval before the funeral, but it was a very tedious interval for them all. Mrs. Campbell drove off with her husband to her own house on the second day, and James Murray returned to Greenock; but the MacColls stayed, and Margaret, and made their "blacks" in the darkened room below, and spoke under their breath, and wearied for the funeral day which should release them. Margaret, perhaps, was the one on whom this interval fell most lightly; but yet Margaret had her private sorrows, less easy to bear than the natural grief which justified her tears. The sailor Willie paid but little attention to her beauty and her pathetic looks. He was full of plans about his little sister, about taking her with him on his next voyage, to strengthen her and "divert" her; and poor Margaret, whose heart had gone out of her breast at first sight of him, as it had done in her early girlhood, felt her heart sicken with the neglect, yet could not believe in it. She could not believe in his indifference, in his want of sympathy with those feelings which had outlived so many other things in her mind. She went to Edgar a few days after their grandmother's death with a letter in her 282 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. • hand. She went to him for advice, and I cannot tell what it was she wished him to advise her. She did not know herself; she wanted to do two things, and she could but with difficulty and at a risk to herself do one. "This is a letter I have got from Mr. Thorn- leigh," she said, with downcast looks. "Oh! Cousin Edgar, my heart is breaking! Will you tell me what to do?" Harry's letter was hot and desperate, as was his mind. He implored her, with abject entreaties, to marry him, not to cast him off; to remember that for a time she had smiled upon him, or seemed to smile upon him, and not to listen now to what anyone might say who should seek to prejudice her against him. "What does my family matter when I adore youl" cried poor Harry, unwittingly betraying himself And he begged her to send him one word, only one word — permission to come down and speak for himself. Edgar felt, as he read this piteous epistle, like the wolf into whose fangs a lamb had thrust its unsuspecting head. "How can I advise you how to answer?" he said, giving her back the letter, glad to get it out of his hands. "You must answer according to what is in your heart." Upon this Margaret wept, wringing her lily hands. "Mr. Edgar," she said, "you cannot think that I am not moved by such a letter. Oh! I'm not mercenary, I don't think I am mercenary! but to have all this put at my feet, to feel that it would THE END OF A DRAMA. 283 be for Charles's good and for Sibby's good, if I could make up my mind!" Here she stopped, and cast a glance back at the house again. Edgar had been taking a melan- choly walk along the side of the loch, where she had joined him. Her heart was wrung by a private conflict, which she could not put into words, but which he divined. He felt sure of it, from all he had seen and heard since they came, as well as from the impression conveyed to his mind the mo- ment she had named the sailor Willie's name. I do not know why it should be humbling for a woman to love without return, when it is not humbling for a man; but it is certain that for no- thing in the world would Margaret have breathed the cause of her lingering unwillingness to do any- thing which should separate her from Willie; and that Edgar felt hot and ashamed for her, and turned away his eyes, that she might not see any insight in them. At the same time, however, the question had another side for him, and involved his own fortunes. He tried to dismiss this thought altogether out of his mind, but it was hard to do so. Had she loved Harry Thornleigh, Edgar would have felt himself all the more pledged to impartiality, be- cause this union would seriously endanger his own; but to help to ruin himself by encouraging a mer- cenary marriage, this would be hard indeed! "Are you sure that you would get so many advantages? — to Charles and to SibbyT' he cried, with a coldness impossible to conceal. She looked at him startled, the tears arrested 284 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. in her blue eyes. She had never doubted upon this point. Could she make up her mind to marry Harry, every external advantage that heart could desire she felt would be secured. This first doubt filled her with dismay. "Would I no?" she cried faltering. "He is a rich man's heir, Lady Mary's nephew — a rich gentle- man. Oh! Cousin Edgar, what will you think of mel I have always been poor, and Charles is poor — how can I put that out of my mindl" "I do not blame you," said Edgar, feeling ashamed both of himself and her. And then he added, "He is a rich man's son, but his father is not old; and he would not receive you gladly into his family. Forgive me that I say so — I ought to tell you that I am not a fair judge. I am going to marry Harry's sister, and they object very much to me." "Object to you! — they are ill to please," cried Margaret, with simple natural indignation. "But if you were in the family, that would make things easier for us," she added, wistfully, looking up in his face. "You have made up your mind, then, to run the risk?" said Edgar, feeling his heart sink. "I did not say that." She gave another glance at the house again. Willie was standing at the door, in the morning sunshine, and beckoned to her to come back. She turned to him, as a flower turns to the sun. "No, I am far, far from saying that," said the young woman, with a mixture of sadness and gladness, turning to obey the summons. THE END OF A DRAMA. 285 Edgar stood still, looking after her with wonder- ing gaze. The good-looking sailor, whose likeness to himself did not make him proud, was a poor creature enough to be as the sun in the heavens to this beautiful, stately young woman, who looked as if she had been born to be a princess. What a strange world it is, and how doubly strange is human nature! Willie had but to hold up a finger, and Margaret would follow him to the end of the earth; though the rest of his friends judged him rightly enough, and though even little Jeanie, though she loved, could scarcely approve her brother, Mar- garet was ready to give up even her hope of wealth and state, which she loved, for this Sultan's notice. Strange influence, which no rtian could calculate upon, which no prudence restrained, nor higher nor lower sentiment could quite subdue! Edgar followed his beautiful cousin to the house with pitying eyes. He did not want her to marry Harry Thornleigh, but even to marry Harry Thorn- leigh, though she did not love him, seemed less de- grading than to hang upon the smile, the careless whistle to his hand, of a man so inferior to her. I don't know if, in reality, Willie was inferior to Mar- garet. She, for one, would have been quite satisfied with him; but great beauty creates an atmosphere about it which dazzles the beholder. It was not fit, Edgar felt, in spite of himself, that a woman so lovely should thus be thrown away. As this is but an episode in my story, I may here follow Margaret's uncomfortable wooing to its end. Poor Harry, tantalized and driven desperate 286 . FOR LOVE AND LIFE. by a letter, which seemed, to Margaret, the most gently temporising in the world, and which was in- tended to keep him from despair, and to retain her hold upon him until Willie's purposes were fully manifested, at last made his appearance at Loch Arroch Head, where she was paying the Campbells a visit, on the day after Edgar left the loch. He came determined to hear his fate decided one way or another, almost ill with the excitement in which he had been kept, wilder than ever in the sudden passion which had seized upon him like an evil spirit. He met her, on his unexpected arrival, walking with Willie, who, having nothing else to do, did not object to amuse his leisure with his beautiful cousin, whose devotion to him, I fear, he knew. Poor Margaret! I know her behaviour was ignoble, but I regret — as I have confessed to the reader— that she did not become the great lady she might have been; and, notwithstanding that Edgar's position would have been deeply com- plicated thereby, I wish the field had been left clear for Harry Thornleigh, who would have made her a good enough husband, and to whom she would have made, in the end, a very sweet wife. Forgive me, young romancist, I cannot help this regret. Even at that moment Margaret did not want to lose her young English Squire, and her friends were so far from wanting to lose him that Harry, driven to dire disgust, hated them ever after with a strenuous hatred, which he transferred to their nation gene- rally, not knowing any better. He lingered for a day or more, waiting for the answer which Margaret THE END OF A DRAMA. 287 was unwilling to give, and tortured by Willie, who, seeing the state of affairs, felt his vanity involved, and was more and more loverlike to his cousin. The issue was that Harry rushed away at last half mad, and went abroad, and wasted his substance more than he had ever done up to that moment, damaged his reputation, and encumbered his pa- trimony, and fell into that state of cynical disbelief in everybody, which, bad as are its effects even upon the cleverest and brightest intelligence, has a worse influence still upon the stupid, to whom there is no possibility of escape from its withering power. When Harry was fairly off the scene, his rival slackened in his attentions; and after a while Mar- garet returned to her brother, and they did their best to retrieve their standing at Tottenham's, and to make the position of the doctor's family at Harbour Green a pleasant one. But Lady Mary, superior to ordinary prejudices as she was, was not so superior as to be altogether just to Margaret, who, though she deserved blame, got more blame than she deserved. The Thornleighs all believed that she had "laid herself out" to "entrap" Harry — which was not the case; and Lady Mary looked coldly upon the woman who had permitted herself to be loved by a man so far above her sphere. And then Lady Mary disliked the doctor, who never could think even of the most interesting "case" so much as to be indifferent to what people were thinking of himself. So Harbour Green proved unsuccessful, as their other experiments had proved, and the brother and sister drifted off again into the 288 I'OR LUVE AND LIFE. world, where they drift still, from place to place, always needy, anxious, afraid of their gentility, yet with that link of fraternal love between them, and with that toleration of each other and mutual sup- port, which gives a certain beauty, wherever they go, to the family group formed by this handsome brother and sister, and the beautiful child, whom her uncle cherishes almost as dearly as her mother does. Ah, me! if Margaret had made that "good match," though it was not all for love, would it not have been better for everybody concerned'? ANOTHER WINDING-UP. 289 CHAPTER XXII. Another Winding-up. I HOPE it will not give the reader a poor idea of Edgar's heart if I say that it was with a relief which it was impossible to exaggerate that he felt the last dreary day of darkness pass, and was liberated from his melancholy duties. This did not affect his sorrow for the noble old woman who had made him at once her confidant and her in- heritor — inheritor not of land or wealth, but of something more subtle and less tangible. But in- deed for her there was no sorrow needed. Out of perennial disappointments she had gone to her kind, to those with whom she could no longer be disappointed. Heaven had been "but a step" to her, which she took smiling. For her the hearse, the black funeral, the nodding plumes, were inap- propriate enough; but they pleased the family, of whom it never could be said by any detractor that they had not paid to their mother "every re- spect." Edgar felt that his connection with them was over for ever when he took leave of them on the evening of the funeral. The only one over whom his heart yearned a little was Jeanie, who was the true mourner of the only mother she had ever For Love and Life. II. 19 290 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. known, but who, in the midst of her mourning, poor child, felt another pang, perhaps more ex- quisite, at the thought of seeing him , too, no more. All the confusion of sentiment and feeling, of mis- placed loves and indifferences, which make up the world were in this one little family. Jeanie had given her visionary child's lieart to Edgar, who, half aware of, half disowning the gift, thought of her ever with tender sympathy and reverence, as of something sacred. Margaret, less exquisite in her sentiments, yet a loving soul in her way, had given hers to AVillie, who was vain of her preference, and laughed at it — who felt himself a finer fellow, and she a smaller creature because she loved him. Dr. Charles, uneasy soul, would have given his head had he dared to marry Jeanie, yet would not, even had she cared for him, have ventured to burden his tottering gentility with a wife so hojnely. Thus all were astray from the end which might have made each a nobler and certainly a happier creature. Edgar never put these thoughts into words, for he was too chivalrous a man even to allow to himself that a woman had given her heart to him unsought; but the complications of which he was conscious filled him with a vague pang — as the larger complications of the world — that clash of interests, those broken threads, that never meet, those fulnesses and needinesses, which never can be btought to bear upon each other — perplex and pain the spectator. He was glad, as we all are, to escape from them; and when he reached London, where his love was, and where, the first thing he ANOTHEK WINDING-UP. 2gi found on his arrival was the announcement of his appointment, his heart rose with a sudden leap, spurning the troubles of the past, in elastic revul- sion. He had his little fortune again, not much, at any time, but yet something, which Gussy could hang at her girdle, and his old mother's watch for her, quaint, but precious possession. He was scarcely anxious as to his reception, though she had written him but one brief note since his absence; for Edgar was himself so absolutely true that it did not come into his heart that he could be doubted. But he could not go to Gussy at once, even on his arrival. Another and a less pleasant task remained for him. He had to meet his sister at the hotel she had gone to, and be present at the clandestine marriage — for it was no better — which was at last to unite legally the lives of Arthur Arden and Clare. Clare had arrived in town the evening before. He found her waiting for him, in her black dress, her children by her, in black also. She was still as pale as when he left her at Arden, but she received him with more cordiality than she had shown when parting with him. There was something in her eyes which alarmed him — an occasional vagueness, al- most wildness. "We did wrong, Edgar," she said, when the children were sent away, and they were left to- gether — "we did wrong." "In what did we do wrong, Clarel" "In ever thinking of those— those papers. We should have burnt them, you and I together. What was it to anyone what happened between us? We Ig2 tOR LOVE AND LIFEl. were the sole Ardens of the family — the only ones to be consulted." "Clare! Clare! I am no Arden at all. Would you have had me live on a lie all my life, and build my own comfort upon some one else's wrong?" "You were always too high-flown, Edgar," she said, with the practical quiet of old. "Why did you come to me whenever you heard that trouble was coming 1 Because you were my brother. In- stinct proves it. If you are my brother, then it is you who should be master at Arden, and not — any- one else." "It is true I am your brother," he said, sitting down by her, and looking tenderly into her colour- less face. "Then we were wrong, Edgar — we were wrong — I know we were wrong; and now we must suffer for it," she said, with a low moan. "My boy will be like you, the heir, and yet not the heir; but for him I will do more than I did for you, I will not stop for lying. What is a lie? A lie does not break you off from your life." "Does it not? Clare, if you would think a moment " "Oh! I think!" she cried— "I think!— I do no- thing but think! Come, now, we must not talk any more; it is time to go." They drove together in a street cab to an ob- scure street in the city, where there was a church which few people ever entered. I doubt if this choice was so wise as they thought, but the in- cumbent was old, the clerk old, and everything in ANOTHER WINDING-UP. 293 their favour, so far as secrecy was concerned. Arthur Arden met them there, pale, but eager as any bridegroom could be. Clare had her veil — a heavy veil of black lace — over her face; the very pew-opener shuddered at such a dismal wedding, and naturally all the three officials, clergyman, clerk, and old woman, exerted all their aged facul- ties to penetrate the mystery. The bridal party went back very silently in another cab to Clare's hotel, where Arthur Arden saw his children, seizing upon them with hungry love and caresses. He did not suspect, as Edgar did, that the play was not yet played out. "You have never said that you forgive me, Clare," he said, after, to his amazement, she had sent her boy and girl away. "I cannot say what I do not mean," she said, in a very low and tremulous voice. "I have said no- thing all this time; now it is my turn to speak. Oh! don't look at me so, Edgar! — don't ask me to be merciful with your beseeching eyes! We were not merciful to you." "What does she mean?" said Arthur Arden, looking dully at him; and then he turned to his wife. "Well, Clare, you've had occasion to be angry — I don't deny it. I don't excuse myself. I ought to have looked deeper into that old affair. But the punishment has been as great on me as on you." "Oh, the punishment!" she cried. "What is the punishment in comparison? It is time I should tell you what I am going to do." "There, there now!" he said, half frightened, 5 94 ^'OR LOVE AND LIF£. half coaxing. "We are going home. Things will come right, and time will mend everything. No one knows but Edgar, and we can trust Edgar. I will not press you for pardon. I will wait; I will be patient " "I am not going home any more. I have no home," she said. "Clare, Clare!" "Listen to what I say. I am ill. There shall be no slander — no story for the world to talk of. I have told everybody that I am going to Italy for my health. It need not even be known that you don't go with me. I have made all my arrange- ments. You go your way, and I go mine. It is all settled, and there is nothing more to say." She rose up and stood firm before them, very pale, very shadowy, a slight creature, but immovable, invincible. Arthur Arden knew his wife less than her brother did. He tried to overcome her by protesta- tions, by entreaties, by threats, by violence. Nothing made any impression upon her; she had made her decision, and Heaven and earth could not turn her from it. Edgar had to hold what place he could be- tween them — now seconding Arden's arguments, now subduing his violence; but neither the one nor the other succeeded in their efforts. She consented to wait in London a day or two, and to allow Edgar to arrange her journey for her — a journey upon which she needed and would accept no escort — but that was all. Arden came away a broken man, on Edgar's arm, almost sobbing in his despair. "You won't leave me, Edgar — you'll speak for ANOTHER WINDING-UP. 295 me — you'll persuade her it is folly — worse than folly!" he cried. It was long before Edgar could leave him, a little quieted by promises of all that could be done. Arden clung to him as to his last hope. Thus it was afternoon when at last he was able to turn his steps towards Ikrkeley Square. Gussy knew he was to arrive in town that morn- ing, and, torn by painful doubts as she was, every moment of delay naturally seemed to her a further evidence that Edgar had other thoughts in his mind more important to him than she was. She had said nothing to anyone about expecting him, but within herself had privately calculated that by eleven o'clock at least she might expect him to explain everything and make everything clear. Eleven o'clock came, and Gussy grew distraite, and counted unconsciously the beats of the clock, with a pulsation quicker and quite as loud going on in her heart. Twelve o'clock, and her heart grew sick with the deferred hope, and the explanation seemed to grow dim and recede further and further from her. He had never men- tioned Margaret in his letters, which were very short, though frequent; and Gussy knew that her brother, in wild impatience, had gone off two days before to ascertain his fate. But she was a woman, and must wait till her fate came to her, counting the cruel moments, and feeling the time pass slowly, slowly dragging its weary course. One o'clock; then luncheon, which she had to make a pretence to eat, amid the chatter of the girls, who were so merry 2g6 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. and so loud that she could not hear the steps with- out and the knocks at the door. When they were all ready to go out after, Gussy excused herself. She had a headache, she said, and indeed she was pale enough for any headache. He deserved that she should go out as usual, and wait no longer to receive him; but she would not treat him as he deserved. When they were all gone she could watch at the window, in the shade of the curtains, to see if he was coming, going over a hun- dred theories to explain his conduct. That he had been mistaken in his feeling all along, and never had really cared for her; that Margaret's beauty had been too much for him, and had carried him away; that he cared for her a little, enough to fulfil his engagements, and observe a kindly sort of duty to- wards her, but that he had other friends to see, and business to do, more important than she was. All these fancies surged through her head as she stood, the dark damask half hiding her light little figure at the window. The days had lengthened, the sounds outside were sounds of spring, the trees in the square gar- den were coloured faintly with the first tender wash of green. Steps went and came along the pavement, carriages drew up, doors opened and shut, but no Edgar. She was just turning from the window, half blind and wholly sick with the strain, when the sound of a light, firm foot on the stair caught her ears, and Edgar made his appearance at last. There was a glow of pleasure on his face, but care and wrinkles on his forehead. Was the rush with which ANOTHER WINDING-UP. 2g7 he came forward to her, and the warmth of his greeting, and the h'ght on his face, fictitious'? Gussy felt herself warm and brighten, too, involuntarily, but yet would have liked best to sit down in a corner and cry. "How glad I am to find you alone!" he said. "What a relief it is to get here at last! I am tired, and dead beat, and sick and sorry, dear. Now I can breathe and rest." "You have been long, long of coming," said Gussy, half wearily, half reproachfully. "Haven't 11 It seems about a year since I arrived this morning, and not able to get near you till now. Gussy, tell me, first of all, did you see iti — do you know?" "What?" Her heart was melting — all the pain and all the anger, quite unreasonably as they had risen, floating away. "Our Consulship," he said, opening up his news- paper with one hand, and spreading it out, to be held by the other hand, on the other side of her. The two heads bent close together to look at this blessed announcement. "Not much for you, my darling — for me everything," said Edgar, with a voice in which bells of joy seemed to be ringing, dancing, jostling against each other for very glad- ness. "I was half afraid you would see it before I brought the news." "I had no heart to look at the paper this morn- ing," she said. "No heart! Something has happened? Your father — Harry — what is it?" cried Edgar, in alarm. 298 For love and life. "Oh! nothing," cried Gussy, crying. "I was un- happy, that was all. I did not know what you would say to me. I thought you did not care for me. I had doubts, dreadful doubts! Don't ask me any more." "Doubts — of me!" cried Edgar, \vith a surprised, frank laugh. Never in her life had Gussy felt so much ashamed of herself. She did not venture to say an- other word about those doubts which, with such laughing, pleasant indifference, he had dismissed as impossible. She sat in a dream while he told her everything, hearing it all like a tale that she had read in a book. He brought out the old watch and gave it to her, and she kissed it and put it within her dress, and cried when he described to her the last words of his old mother. Loch Arroch and all its homely circumstances became as a scene of the Scriptures to Gussy; she seemed to see a glory of ideal hills and waters, and the moonlight filling the sky and earth, and the loveliness of the night which made it look "but a step" between earth and heaven. Her heart grew so full over those details that Edgar, unsuspicious, never discovered the com- punction which mingled in that sympathetic grief. He told her about his journey; then paused, and looked her in the eyes. "Last year it was you who travelled with me. You were the little sister ]" he said. "Ah! yes, I know it was you. You came and kissed me in my sleep " "Indeed I did not, sir!" cried Gussy, in high in- ANOTHER WINDING-UP. 2Qg dignation. "I would not have done such a thing for all the world." Edgar laughed, and held her so fast that she could not turn from him. "You did in spirit," he said; "and 1 had it in a dream. Ever since I have had a kind of hope in my life; I dreamt that you put the veil aside, and I saw you. When I woke I could not believe it, though I knew it; but the other sister, the real one, would not tell me your name." "Poor sister Susan!" cried Gussy, the tears dis- appearing, the sunshine bursting out over all her face; "she will not like me to go back into the world." "Nor to go out to Italy as a Consul," said Edgar, gay as a boy in his new happiness, "to talk to all the ships' captains, and find out about the harbour dues." "Foolish! there are no ship captains, nor ships either, nor dues of any kind^" "Nothing but the bay and the hills, and the sunsets and the moonrises; the Riviera, which means Paradise — " "And to be together — " "Which has the same meaning," he said. And then they stopped in this admirable fooling, and laughed the foolish laughter of mere happiness, which is not such a bad thing, when one can have it, once in a way. "What a useless, idle, Sybarite life you have sketched out for us!" Gussy said at last. "I hope 30O FOR LOVE AND LIFE. it is not a mere sunshiny sinecure. I hope there is something to do." "I am very good at doing nothing," Edgar re- pHed— too glad, at last, to return to homely reality and matter of fact; and until the others came home, these two talked as much nonsense as it is given to the best of us to talk; and got such good of it as no words can describe. When I^ady Augusta returned, she pretended to frown upon Edgar, and smiled; and then gave him her hand, and then inclined her cheek towards him. They had the paper out again, and she shook her head; then kissed Gussy, and told them that Spezzia was the most lovely place in all the world. Edgar stayed to dinner, as at last a recognised belonging of the household, and met Lord Granton, who was somewhat frightened of him, and respectful, having heard his praises celebrated by Mary as something more than flesh and blood; and for that evening "the Grantons" that were to be, were nobodies — not even redeemed from insignificance by the fact that their marriage was approaching, while the other marriage was still in the clouds. "How nice it would be if they could be on the same day!" little Mary whispered, rather, I fear, with the thought of recovering something of her natural consequence as bride than for any other reason. "As if the august ceremonial used at an Earl's wedding would do for a Consul's!" cried saucy Gussy, tossing her curls as of old. And notwith- standing Edgar's memories, and the dark shadow of ANOTHER WINDING-UP. 3OI Clare's troubles that stood by his side, and the fear that now and then overwhelmed them all about Harry's movements — in spite of all this, I do not think a merrier evening was ever spent in Berkeley Square. Gussy had been in a cloud, in a veil, for all these years; she had not thought it right to laugh much, as the Associate of a Sisterhood — which is to say that Gussy was not happy enough to want to laugh, and founded that grey, or brown, or black restriction for herself, with the ingenuity of an unscrupulous young woman. But now sweet laughter had become again as natural to her as breath. 302 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. CHAPTER XXIII. H.B.RL's Consul.— Conclusion. Clare carried out her intentions, unmoved by all the entreaties addressed to her. She heard everything that was said with perfect calm; either her capabilities of emotion were altogether ex- hausted, or her passionate sense of wrong was too deep to show at the surface, and she was calm as a marble statue; but she was equally inflexible. Edgar turned, in spite of himself, into Arthur Arden's advocate; j)leaded with her, setting forth every reason he could think of, partly against his own judgment — and failed. Her husband, against whom she did not absolutely close her door, threw himself at her feet, and entreated, for the children's sake, for the sake of all that was most important to them both — the credit of their house, the good name of their boy. These were arguments which with Clare, in her natural mind, would have been unanswerable; but that had happened to Clare which warps the mind from its natural modes of thought. The idea of disgrace had got into her very soul, like a canker. She w-as unable to examine her reasons — unable to resist, even in herself, this overwhelming influence; it overcame her principles, and even her prejudices, which arc more difficult H.B.M. S CONSUL. 3O3 to overcome. Tlic fear of scandal, which those who knew Clare would have supposed sufficient to make her endure anything, failed totally here. She knew that her behaviour would make the world talk, and she even felt that, with this clue to some profound disagreement between her husband and herself, the whole story might be more easily re- vealed, and her boy's heirship made impossible; but even with this argument she could not subdue her- self, nor suffer herself to be subdued. The sense of outrage had taken possession of her; she could not forget it — could not realize the possibility of ever forgetting it. It was not that she had been brought within the reach of possible disgrace. She was disgraced; the very formality of the new mar- riage, though she consented to it without question, as a necessity, was a new outrage. In short, Clare, though she acted with a determination and steadi- ness which seemed to add force to her character, and showed her natural powers as nothing else had ever done, was not, for the first time in her life, a free agent. She had been taken possession of by a passionate sense of injury, which seized upon her as an evil spirit might seize upon its victim. In the very fierceness of her individual resentment, she ceased to be an individual, and became an ab- straction, a woman wronged, capable of feeling, knowing, thinking of nothing but her wrong. This made all arguments powerless, all pleas foolish. She could not admit any alternative into her mind; her powers of reasoning failed her altogether on this subject; on all others she was sane and sensible, 304 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. but on this had all the onesidedness, the narrowness of madness — or of the twin-sister of madness — irre- pressible and irrepressed passion. Without knowing anything of the real facts of the story, the Thornleighs were admitted to see her, on Clare's own suggestion; for her warped mind was cunning to see where an advantage could be drawn from partial publicity. They found her on her sofa, looking, in the paleness which had now become habitual to her, like a creature vanishing out of the living world. "Why did you not let us know you were illl You must have been suffering long, and never com- plained!" cried I>ady Augusta, moved almost to tears. "Not very long," said Clare. She had permitted her husband to be present at this interview, to keep up ap])earances to the last; and Arthur felt as if every word was a dart aimed at him, though I do not think she meant it so. "Not long! My dear child, you are quite thin and wasted; this cannot have come on all at once. But Italy will do you all the good in the world," Lady Augusta added, trying to be cheerful. " They^ you know, are going to Italy too." "But not near where I shall be," said Clare. "You must go further south'? I am very sorry. Gussy and you would have been company for each other. You are not strong enough for company] My poor child! But once out of these cold spring winds, you will do well," said kind Lady Augunta. H.B.M. S CONSUL. 305 But though she thus took the matter on the surface, she felt that there was more below. Her looks grew more and more perplexed as they dis- cussed Edgar's appointment, and the humble begin- ning which the young couple would make in the world. "It is very imprudent — very imprudent," Lady Augusta said, shaking her head. "I have said all I can, Mrs. Arden, and so has Mr. Thornleigh. I don't know how they are to get on. It is the most im- prudent thing I ever heard of" "Nothing is imprudent," said Clare, with a hard, dry intonation, which took all pleasant meaning out of the words, "when you can trust fully for life or death; and my brother Edgar is one whom every- body can trust." "At all events, we are both of us old enough to know our own minds," said Gussy, hastily, trying to laugh off this impression. "If we choose to starve together, who should prevent us?" Arthur Arden took them to their carriage, but Lady Augusta remarked that he did not go upstairs again. "There is something in all this more than meets the eye," she said, oracularly. Many people suspected this, after Lady Augusta, when Clare was gone, and when it came out that Mr. Arden was not with her, but passing of his time in London, knocking about from club to club, through all the dreary winter. He made an effort to spend his time as virtuously as possible that first year; but the second year he was more restless and less virtuous, having fallen into despair. For Love and Life. II. 20 306 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. Then everybody talked of the breach between them, and a great deal crept out that they had thought buried in silence. Even the real facts of the case were guessed at, though never fully established, and the empty house became the subject of many a tale. People remarked that there were many strange stories about the Ardens; that they had behaved very strangely to the last proprietor before Arthur; that nobody had ever heard the rights of that story, and that Edgar had been badly used. Whilst all this went on, Clare lived gloomy and retired by herself, in a little village on the Neapolitan coast. She saw nobody, avoiding the wandering English, and everybody who could have known her in better times; and I don't know how long her reason could have stood the wear and tear, but for the illness and death of the poor little heir, whose hapless position had given the worst pang to her shame and horror. Eittle Arthur died, his mother scarcely believing it, refusing to think such a thing possible. Her husband had heard incidentally of the child's illness, and had hurried to the neighbour- hood, scarcely hoping to be admitted. But Clare neither welcomed him nor refused him admission, but permitted his presence, and ignored it. When the child was gone, however, it was Arthur's vehement grief which first roused her out of her stupor. "It is you who have done it!" she cried, turning upon him with eyes full of tearless passion. But she did not send him out of her house. She felt ill, worn out in body and mind, and left everything in his hands. And by-and-by, when she came to H.B.M.'S CONSUL. 307 herself, Clare allowed herself to be taken home, and fled from her duties no longer. This was the end of their story. They were more united in the later portion of their lives than in the beginning, but they have no heir to come af- ter them. The history of the Ardens will end with them, for the heir-at-law is distant in blood, and has a different name. As for the other personages mentioned in this story, Mr. Tottenham still governs his shop as if it were an empire, and still comes to a periodical crisis in the shape of an Entertainment, which threatens to fail up to the last moment, and then is turned into a great success. The last thing I have heard of Tottenham's was, that it had set up a little daily newspaper of its own, written and printed on the establishment, which Mr. Tottenham thought very likely to bring forward some latent talent which otherwise might have been lost in dis- sertations on the prices of cotton, or the risings and fallings of silks. After Gussy's departure, I hear the daily services fell off in the chapel; flowers were no longer placed fresh and fragrant on the temporary altar, there was no one to play the harmonium, and the attendance gradually decreased. It fell from a daily to a weekly service, and then came to an end altogether, for it was found that the young ladies and the gentlemen preferred to go out on Sunday, and to choose their own preachers after their differ- ing tastes. How many of them strayed off to chapel instead of church, it would have broken Gussy's heart to hear. I do not think, however, that this 20* 3o8 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. disturbed Mr. Tottenham much, who was too viewy not to be very tolerant, and who liked himself to hear what every new opinion had to say for itself. Lady Mary was very successful with her lectures, and I hope improved the feminine mind very much at Harbour Green. She thought she improved her own mind, which was of course a satisfaction; and did her best to transmit to little Molly very high ideas of intellectual training; but Molly was a dunce, as providentially happens often in the families of very clever people; and distinguished herself by a curious untractableness, which did not hinder her from being her mother's pride, and the sweetest of all the cousins — or so at least Lady Mary thought. The marriage of "the Grantons" took place in April, with the greatest iclat. It was at Easter, when everybody was in the country; and was one of the prettiest of weddings, as well as the most magnificent, which Thornleigh ever saw. Mary's presents filled a large room to overflowing. She got everything possible and impossible that ever bride was blessed with; and the young couple went off with a maid, and a valet and a courier, and in- troductions to every personage in Europe. Their movements were chronicled in the newspapers; their letters went and came in ambassadorial despatch boxes. Short of royalty, there could have been no- thing more splendid, more "perfectly satisfactory," as Lady Augusta said. The only drawback was that Harry would not come to his sister's wedding; but to make up for that everybody else came—all H.B.M.'S CONSUL. 309 the great Hauteville connections, and Lady Augusta's illustrious family, and all the Thornleighs, to the third and fourth generations. Not only Thornleigh itself, but every house within a radius of ten miles was crowded with fine people and their servants; and the bells were rung in half a dozen parish churches in honour of the wedding. It was de- scribed fully in the Momiiig Post, with details of all the dresses, and of the bride's ornaments and coiffure. "We shall have none of these fine things, I sup- pose," Gussy said, when it was all over, turning to Edgar with a mock sigh. "No, my dear; and I don't see how you could expect them," said Lady Augusta. "Instead of spend- ing our money vainly on making a great show for you, we had much better save it, to buy some use- ful necessary things for your housekeeping. Mary is in quite a different case." "Buy us pots and pans, mamma," said Gussy, laughing; "though perhaps earthen pipkins would do just as well in Italy. We shall not be such a credit to you, but we shall be much cheaper. There is al- ways something in that." "Ah! Gussy, it is easy to speak now; but wait till you are buried in the cares of life," said her mother, going away to superintend the arrange- ments for the ball in the evening. So grand a wedding was certainly very expensive; she never liked to tell anyone how much that great ceremonial cost. A little later, the little church dressed itself in 3IO FOR LOVE AND LIFE. a few modest spring flowers, and the school- children, with baskets full of primroses — the last primroses of the season — made a carpet under Gussy's feet as she, in her turn, went along the familiar path between the village gravestones, a bride. There were not more than a dozen people at the breakfast, and Lady Augusta's little brougham took them to the station afterwards, where they set out quite humbly and cheerily by an ordinary train. "Quite good enough for a Consul," Gussy said, always the first to laugh at her own humbleness. She wore a grey gown to go away in, which did not cost a tenth part so much as Lady Granton's, and the Post took no notice of them. They wandered about their own country for a week or two, like the Babes in the Wood, Gussy said, ex- pected in no great country house, retiring into no stately seclusion, but into the far more complete retirement of common life and common ways. Gussy, as she was proud to tell, had learned to do many things in her apprenticeship to the sisters of the Charity-house as associate of the order; and I think the pleasure to her of this going forth unattended, unsuspected, in the freedom of a young wife — the first smack of absolute freedom which women ever taste — had something far more exquisite in it to Gussy than any delight her sister could have in her more splendid honeymoon. Lord and Lady Granton were limited, and kept in curb by their own very greatness; they were watched over by their servants, and kept by public opinion in the right way; but H.B.M.'S CONSUL. 3 I I Edgar and Gussy went where they would, as free as the winds, and thought of nobody's opinion. The Consul in this had an unspeakable advantage over the Earl. They got to their home at last on a May even- ing, when Italy is indeed Paradise; they had driven all day long from the Genoa side along the lovely Riviera di Levante, tracing the gracious curves from village to village along that enchanting way. The sun was setting when they came in sight of Spezzia, and before they reached the house which had been taken for them, the Angelus was sound- ing from the church, and the soft dilating stars of Italian skies had come out to hear the homely litany sung shrilly in side-chapels, and out of doors, among the old nooks of the town, of the angelic song, "Hail, Mary, full of grace!" The women were singing in an old three-cornered piazzetta, close under the loggia of the Consul's house, which looked upon the sea. On the sea itself the magical sky was shining with all those listening stars. In Italy the stars take more interest in human life than they do in this colder sphere. Those that were proper to that space of heaven, crowded together, Edgar thought to himself, to see his bride. On the horizon the sea and sky blended in one infinite softness and blueness; the lights began to twinkle in the harbour and in its ships; the far-off villages among the woods lent other starry tapers to make the whole landscape kind and human. Heaven and earth were softly illuminated, not for them — ^for the dear common uses and ends of existence; yet un- f ,12 FOR LOVE AND LIFE. consciously with a softer and fuller lustre, because of the eyes that looked upon them so newly, as if earth and heaven, and the kindly light, and all the tender bonds of humanity, had been created fresh that very day. THE END. PRINTING OFFICE OF Tilli PUBLISHER. 5U3 \S^H THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. ^ 3 1205 02089 5635