•::->.^;^if;-x:-»vv;Avv^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES INDEX TO AN Exposition of the Bible EDITED BY FORREST MORGAN THE S. S. SCRANTON CO., HARTFORD, CONN. 1911. INDEX. ^6 111 Aaron, anointing of, i. 282 : 2. — appointed jMoses' prophet and assistant, i. 139:2. — as high priest, prefiguring Christ, i. 287: I. ■ — death at Mount llor, {.443:2. — meeting with Moses, i. 140:2. — objects to 2\Ioses marrying an Ethinpian, i.4i9:2. — priesthood of, i. 438:1. — and his rod, i. 151 : i, ^36 : 2 (cf. Moses', i. 139: I)- — and his stock, i. 392 : i. — and Closes, mission of, iii. 265:1. Aaronic priesthood, revolt against, iii. 267 : 2. Abbott, Dr. Ezra, quoted, ii. 534 : 2. Abd-el-\Vahal, and simpHcity of desert life, i. 580 : 2. Abdcmon, the Tyrian, ii. 246:2. Abdiel, the seraph, type of noble courage, i. 700: i. Abel, clioice of career as indicating his nature, i. 12 : 2. ■ — cry of his blood like to Christ's, i. 14: i. — sacrifice acceptable from a sound faith in God, i. 13 : 2. — typical character in human life, i. 12: 2, 13: i. faith of, vi. 534 : 2. Abiatliar, David's priestly helper, ii. 16: i, 89: I, 90: I. — career of, ii. 241 : i. — deposition of, ii. 241 : 2. — and Zadok, see Zadok. Abigail, wife of Nabal, ii.99:i. — marriage to David, ii. 100: i. Abihu and Nadab, non-Hebrew rites, 1.296:1. Abij;ili or Abijam, King of Judah, ii. 291 : i, 549:1. Abijah, son of Jeroboam, death as a judgment on his father, {1.287:2,288:1. Ability, same reward to equal or unequal, iv. 788: I. Abimelech, perhaps a title, iii. 89: 2. — son of Gideon, i. 795 : i ; ii. 46 : 2. — elected king, i. 795 : 2. Abinadab, Ark at house of, ii. 27 : i. Abiram and Dathan, i.434: i. Abishag, the Shunemite, ii. 230: I. — *■ Jewel of Solomon's seraglio." ii. 24T : i. Abishai, Joab's brother, exploit of, ii. 191 : I. — rage over Shimei, ii. 238: i. — sent after Sheba, ii. 193 : 2. Abner, activity in David's cause, ii. 128: r. — sets up Ishbosheth, ii. 122:2; defies him, 126: 2. — assassination of, ii. 129: i. — burial of, ii. 129: 2. — David rails at, ii. 96 : 2, 97 : i ; reproaches for carelessness, ii. 127:1. — defeats David's kindness, ii. 122:2. — insolence to Joab, ii. 124: i. — overture to David, ii. 127:1; war against, 123: I. — offense summarized, i. 676:1. Abraham, blessing of, vi. 7: 2, 12:2. defined, v. 857-861. — call of, i. 25 : 1,2. — cliaractcr in Old Testament, v. 858: 2, 859: I. — children tlie sons of God, v. 870:1. — Christ as his seed, v. 863:4. — Christians heirs of his promise, vi. 524: i. — covenant sealed, i. 45:2. — faitli of, i. 26: I, 40 : I ; iii. 265:2. • — • — instanced in wanderings and Isaac, vi. 532-5, 594- — father of monotheistic belief, i. 25: i. of the faithful, iii. 679: 2. — founder of religion of Yahweh, i. 622 : 2. — friend of God, iii. 264 : 2. — God's covenant with, i. 39:1. manifestation to, when living, i. 38: i. — God's oath to, sure of performance, vi. 513- promise to, 1.25:2. — grief at Sarah's death, i. 61:2. — "heir of the world," v. 547:2. — in Egypt and Gerar, iii. 264:1. — inadequate conception of God, i. 50:1. — intended sacrifice of Isaac, i. 55: i, 2. — intercession for Sodom, i. 49: i, 2. — migration of, i. 25, 26. — moral position and promi.se, v. 544-550. — refuses king of Sodom's offers, i. 37 : 2. — seed or stock of, vi. 7 : 2. — and Alelchizedek, vi. 514-516. Absalom, banishment and return, ii. 165 : 2. 234 : I. — burial of, ii. 182: I. — compared with Balaam, i. 465 : I- — conspiracy of, ii. 177-80, iii. 114:2. — counseled by Ahithophel and Hushai, il 17S: I, 2. 1SS6439 Abs EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 4 Absalom, David's lament over, ii. 183 : r. — defeated and slain, ii. 180:1, 234:1, 2. — dissimulation of, ii. 170:1. loses respect by it, ii. 177-8. — popular but hollow policy of, ii. 169: i. — rebellion of, ii. 168:2, 234:1, iii. 145:2. David during, iii. 14:2. — relations with Aninon, ii. 162:2, 164:2 (causes his death), 233:2. — strange death of, ii. 181 : i, 234:2. — type of self-debased Christian, ii. 177: 1-2. Absolutism, Nemesis of, ii. 677:1. Abstinence, pledge of, i. 400: i. — see also Temperance. Abu Gabshan of Mecca, proverbial for selling his birthright, i. 70: i. Accommodation, law of, i.6:i-2. Achan, awful punishment of, i. 678:1. — confession of, i. 677 : 2. Achish of Gath, ii. 87:2, 102:1, 242:1. Achsah, Caleb's daughter, i. 706:1, 747:2. Actions, binding character of, iii. 368:1. " Acts," apocryphal, v. 297. — of the inartyrs, v. 367. Acts, Book of, how its reports of speeches were taken down, v. 322:1-2. — name, i. 297 : i. — on contemporary prophets, vi. 355:2. — origin and authority, i. 297-302. — all ascriptions to other than Luke failures, i. 299 : 2. Adam, Christ and, v. 553-5. — Paul on efifects of his sin, v. 706: I. Adam of St. Victor, quoted, vi. 778 : 2. Admonition, need of tact for, vi. 231 : 2. — necessity in Church life, vi. 350. Adoni-bezek, Canaanite ruler of West Palestine, i. 745 : I. Adonijah, son of David, downfall and death, ii. 240-1. — hoodwinks Rathshcba, ii. 240:2. — rebellion of, ii. 234-7. Adonizedec, king of Jerusalem, i. 688:2. Adoption, Paul on, vi. 13:2. — in Roman law, vi. 13:2. Adoram, fills new office of tribute, ii. 194:1, 280 : 2. Adoration, aim and effect of, iii. 285:2. — highest form of prayer, iii. 607:2. — of God, ii. 661 : 2. Adullam, cave of, David at, ii. 88: 2, iii. 150: 2. Adultery, a capital offence under Mosaic law, i. 344: I. — as symbol for faithlessness to God, vi. 610. — Christ's definition of, iv. 715:1. — licensed under Oriental systems, 1.334:2. — prohibition of, 1.201:1. Advent, Second, see Jesus Christ, Second Coming of. Adversity, develops culture, iii. 605 : 2. — prosperous suffer more from, iii. 592 : i. — softening influence of, iii. 573:2. Affliction, as test of faith, iii. 264:2. — borne with resignation, iii. 200: 2. — precursor of triumph, [[{.264:2. — punishment for religious blindness, iv. 77 : i. — the man that hath seen, iii. 569: 2. — victiin hampered, iii. 572:1. Africa, Christian atrocities in, vi.34i:2. Agabus, V. 442 : 2, vi. 355 : 2. — his prophecies, v. 501:1. Agag, killed by Samuel, ii.66:2. — spared by Saul, ii.65:i. Agapse, see Love Feasts. Age, old, godless, iii. 507 : r. — mistake of, ii. 603 : 2. Aged, bright lights ahead of, iii. 184:2. Ages of faitli, ii. 218:2. Agnosticism, vi. 65 : i, 2. — the real religion of early imperial Rome, V. 339:2, 340: I. Agony of Christ, not mentioned in John, iv. 909: 2. Agreement among religious leaders, i. 77^: I. Agriculture, most honored pursuit in Israel, i. 591 : 2, iii. 414: 1-2. — of Judah, neglected, iii. 706:1. Agur, son of Jakeh, quatrains quoted, iii. 442-5. Ahab, king of Israel, ii. 293 : 2, 297 : 2, iii. 121 : 2. — a builder, 11.328:2. — action toward Elijah, ii. 305-6. — affair of Naboth's vineyard, 11.327:2. — conduct in the famine, ii. 305: 1-2. — converted by the rain, ii.3io:l. — death of, ii. 333 : i ; iii. 177 : 2. — defeats Benhadad, 11.325:1,2. — doom predicted by Elijah, 11.329:2. — driven to straits by Benhadad, ii. 323: 1-2. — Elijah's message to, ii. 301:1. — Jehoshaphat visits, 11.330:2. — last scenes of life, 11.330:2. — marries Jezebel, ii. 297 : 2. — political folly of, 11. 325-7. Ahasuerus, character of, ii. 677-9. — identified with Xerxes, 11.674:2. — realism of portraiture, 11. 675 : i. — typical of Oriental courts, 11.677:2. Ahaz, king of Judah, 11.404:2,518:2,111.621:2, 643: I. — alliance with Assyria, iii. 659:1. — apostasies of, 11. 407-10. — likened to Charles I., 111.642:1. — Judas of Old Testament, 111.646:2. — moral of his career, 11.523:1. — obduracy of, iii. 645: 2. — relations with Isaiah, 11.405:2. — spoils his promising age, iii. 646:2. — 'typical apostate, 11.521:1. EXPOSITION Ol' 'Jill': I'.lI'.Li: — INUKX. A mo Ahaz, king of Judali, and Iiuinan sacrifice, ii. 407 : 2, 408 : I . — and Urijali, ii. 409 : 2. Aha/iali. king oi Israel, ii. 341 : i, ii. 567 : 2. — and Klijah, ii.34.>:2. — worships Baal-Zcbub. ii. 342 : i, 2. Aha/iali, kinj;- of Juckdi, ii. 365 : 2, 366 : I. — (k'alh of, ii. 370 : r. Ahijali of Shiloli, acted paralilc toward Jeroboam, ii. 2"/"/ : 2 ; iv. 7'8>-2, 79 : j. — and the wife of Jeroboam, ii. 287: 2. Ahimaaz and Jonathan, messengers of David, ii. 172 : 2, 176: I. Ahimclech, tlie priest, ii. 86 : T, 2, 89 : 2. — before Saul, ii.9o:i; skiin by him, ibid. — son of Abiathar, represents family of Eli, ii. 147: 2, 148: I. Ahilhophel, almost inspired counsel of, ii. 173:1. — most astute counsellor of Absalom, ii. 178: i. — sent for by Absalom, ii. 170:2. — suicide of, ii. 179 : i. — treachery of, iii. 115 : i, 145 : 2. Aholiab, the craftsman, i. 228:1. Ai, capture of, i.68i:2. — -Joshua's defeat at, i.674:2. Akkadian civilization, i. 549:1-2. Alaric the Goth, anecdote of, vi. 541 : i. Alexander the Great, anecdote of, vi. 594:2. — conquering and colonizing activity, iv. 666 : 2. — deliverance of empire of, iv. 667:1. — dies "as the fool dieth," ii. 232 : i, iv. 415 : 2. Alford, H., cited, vi. 108: i, 368 : 2, 481 : 2. Aliens, employment of by Israelite kings, iv. 330 : 2. — in nations, often needless bogies, i. 125:1. — interpretation of song of Solomon by, iii. 537 : 2. of Scripture in general by, i. 187: i. Allegory, legitimate and illegitimate uses of, v. 883:1-2. Almighty, the all-methodical, iii. 658:1. Almond, the true fruit unknown in the West, iii. 507 : 2. Almsgiving, an investment, v. 785 : 2. — a universal language, v. 786:1. — dangers of, v. 344-5. — difficulty of fair distribution, v. 357. — not a religious duty, iv. 716:2. — not the whole of Christianity, v. 690:2. — Paul on, V. 781-6. — Christian duty of, v. 684:1. — ^stimulates brotherly love, v. 786 : 2. — -two sides to, vi.8o4:2. Altar, Araunah gives threshing floor for, ii.2o8:2. — David required to build, ii.2o8:2. — in valley of Shechem, 1.684:2. — of burnt-offerings, ii. 601 : I. — of human sacrifice, iv. 109:1. — of the Tabernacle, 1.205:2,220:1. Altar of the Temple restored, ii. 292: i. — sacrificial consecration of the, iv. 325 : 2. — service of the, iv. 331:1. Altar Ed, i. y2^-y2y. Amalck, Amalekites, defeat by Moses, i. 184-5. — by Joshua, i. 639. — exterminated by Saul, ii.65:i. — war with Israel, not invented, i. 185:2. .'\masa, given Joab's place, ii. 186:2. — policy of his appointment, 11.193:2. — slain by Joab, ii. 193:2. Amasai, brings South-Palestinian I)and over to David, ii. 102 : i. .'\maziah, king of Judah, ii. 381 : 2, 571 : i. — death of, ii. 383 : 2. — successful efforts to reconquer Edom, ii. 383:1. Amaziah, the priest, libels .\mos to Ilosea, ii. 390: I, iv. 468: 2. — denounces Amos, iv. 471-2. — type of orthodox suppressors of dissent, iv. 471 : 2. Ambition, Paul's censure of, vi. 55 : 2. — essentially unchristian, vi. 328:1. — perpetual despite warnings, 111.597:1-2. — self-regarding, ii. 685: 1-2. Ambrose, St., a classical scholar, vi.442:2. — shrinks from leadership, ii. 45 : i. Amestris, wife of Ahasuerns, historical identifica- tion of, ii. 674-5. Amiel, Henri Frederic, on duty, 11.713:2. — on Job, ii. 762 : i. — tone of, vi. 795 : 2. Amnion, Ammonites, atrocities of, iv. 475:1. — country and people, iv. 277:2. — fate denounced by Jeremiah, iv. 263:2. — promise of restoration, iv. 181 : i. — relations with Israel, iv. 181 : i. — vindictiveness of, 11.46:2,47:1. — and Moab, absorbed by .Arabs, iv. 278: i. Amnon, infamous character and conduct of. ii. 163-5. — murder by Absalom's men, 11.233:2. Anion, king of Judah, reintroduces idolatry, ii. 432: 1,581 :2. .■\morites, great stature and poor highland country, i. 424: i, 758: 2. — Israel overthrows, 1.448:1. makes peace with, 11.30:2,1.758:2. Amos, the prophet, a herdsman, ii. 390:2. — a realist, iv. 463 : 2. — a recruit from common life, iv. 463:1. — condemns ritualized form of worship, iv. 481-7. — emphasizes morality, iv. 467 : 2 sq. — his ministry, iv. 468: 2. — last words to Israel, iv. 472:1. — metaphors of, iv. 461 : 2. — presents a new picture of exile, iv. 400:1. Aiuj EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Amos, problem left by, iv. 498 : 2. — the man and the prophet, iv. 460:1. — vision of the plummet, iv. 470:2. — and Amaziah, the priest, ii. 390:1. — and Edom, iv. 474 : i sq. — and Israel, ii. 388:1. Amos, Book of, genuineness, text, etc., iv. 456-460. — non-ceremonialism of, i. 400 : 2. — period of, iv. 457 : 2. — symbolism of Joseph's brethren, i.88:2. — three disputed passages, iv. 492 : 2. Anak and his sons, i. 424: i, 551 : 2, 746: i. Anakim, cut off by Joshua, {.694:2. Analogy in Scriptural history, sound and unsound arguments from, i. 187:2. Ananias, of Damascus, v. 417-423. Ananias and Sapphira, v. 349 : 2, 350 : I. Anarchy, national, calamity of Israel, iii. 629:2. Anathema, use of the term, v. 825-6. — anathemas of the mediaeval Church, v. 826. Ancestor-worship, of Hebrews before Moses, i. 579 : 2. Ancient law inapplicable to modern circumstances, i- 593 : 2. " And,"' the word, numerous books of O. T. begin with, i. 121 : I. Andree, M. Tony, cited, iv. 618:2. Angel of the Covenant, i. 665: i. Angel of Jehovah or of The Lord, announces the birth of Samson, i. 810:2. — appears to Moses, i. 132 : 2. — as intercessor, iv. 636 : 2. — who was the? i. 212, 1-2, iii. 90: 2. Angelic agency of evil, ii. 540: i. Angels, as intermediary beings, v. 119:2. — as universal messengers, vi. 840:1. — Christ's description of, vi. 49:1. — go astray, ii. 718 : 2. — in Zechariah's visions, 629:1,635:2,636:1. — meaning of word in the Bible, iv. 399-400, V. 394 : I. — ministry of, vi. 688 : 2, 689 : I. — orders of, Paul on, vi. 26:2. — question of their office, vi.740: i. — reality of, vi. 46:2, 47. — taught by human events, vi. 45-48. — the fallen, vi. 737: 2, 738: i, 739: 2, 740: i. — sin and punishment of, vi. 654: 2, 655 : i. .— their form in human appearances, v. 107:2, 108:1. — visit Lot. i. 51 : I. — and the Son, vi. 500-5. "Anrels," of the early churches, vi. 840. Anger, exegesis of, in Psalm iv., vi. 74. — harm of, vi. 260:1. — of the Lord, iii. 628:2. — and folly, iii. 398: 2. — and wisdom, iii. 399 : i. Animals, clean and unclean, i. 306 : 2. — our mediatorship toward, iii. 665 : i. — our proper relationship with, iii. 664: 2. — provided for by the Almighty, iii. 339 : 2. — relative size and intelligence, iii. 443 : 2. — taming of, iii. 665:1. — trust of, in man, iii. 665 : i. — wild, ancient terror of, iii. 664: i. Anointed One, see Israel, kingship of, Jesus Christ, and ^Messiah. Anointing, of Jesus' feet, v. 592-63. — to Christ, V. 730 : 2. Anointing oil, use and ingredients, i. 227 : i. - — for the tabernacle, i. 287 : 2. Antediluvians, abnormal wickedness of, i. 19 : i. Anthropomorphic representations of Gad,_ in. 653 : -2- Ansclm of Canterbury, " Order for visitatiui-. of the sick" quoted, i. 248:1. Ant, the, points moral for man, iii. 369 : i, 443 : 2. Anthropomorphism, in Scripture, an accommoda- tion to common use of language, i. 19-20, iv. 48: 2, 104: 2. — an advance toward true thoughts of God, i. 176: I. — avoided by the Psalmist, iii. 242:2. Anthusa, the mother of Chrysostom, i. 672 : 2. Antichrist, in i John, vi. 797-9. — Paul on, vi. 366-9. Antinomianism, as argument to the enemy, v. 894: 1-2. — co-ordination with conduct, v. 520 : i. — false basis of, v. 471 : i. — pedigree of modern, v. 328:2,329. — principle of evil in all religions, v. 899:1. — results of, i. 200:1. Antioch, Christianity begins in, v. 4403. — important church incidents at, v. 418:1. — status under the empire, v. 439-443. Antiochus Epiphanes, blasphemies of, iii. 196:2. — character and policy, iv. 416:1. — details of reign of, iv. 424:2. — Daniel's "little horn," iv. 372:1. — persecution under, iii. 193: i, iv. 155:2, 412 : 2. Anti-Semitic rage, a venomous hate beyond an- ger, ii. 646 : 2. Apocalypse, each soul had to seek its own in Job's time, 11.743:2. '' Apocalypse," The, see Revelations, Book of. Apocrypha, of Old Testament, preceded most of New, vi. 572 : 2. — a bridge between Old and New, vi. 574:2. — on the Apostles, v. 315:2, 316: i. — .some of the, v. 303 : i. — unjust neglect, and reasons, vi. 574: 2, 575 : I. Apocryphal Letter, of Jeremiah, iv. 63 : i. Apollinarian heresy, v. 326:2. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE -INDEX. Asa Apollos, V. 482 : 2. Apostasy, punishment of. iii. 268:2. Apostate, Ahaziah typical, ii. 521:1. Apostates, in the Psahns, iii. 156: i. Apostle, use and evolution of the term, v. 424:2, 817: 1-2. — call of an, v. 818 : i. — signs of an, v. 772-5, 803: 2. Apostles, the, and their confirmation, v. 386-9. — calling of the first four, v. 47-51. — commonplace nature and Christ's remodel- ing, V. 287 : 2. — conduct in the transition, v. 334:2. — confession of, i v. 866:2. — fallible humanity of, v. 463 : I. — filling of vacancy among, v. 311-316. — in Jerusalem after Stephen's murder, v. 379 : 2, 380. ■ — limitations of the, iv. 731 : 2. — nature and limits of supernatural power, v. 498: 1-2. — Paul on their experiences, vi. 182: 2. — power of mediation conferred, v. ^T^, '■ 2. — question of succession from, v. 649 : 2, 650 : I. — tell all needful truth regarding Christ, V. 241 : 2. — the great missionary, vi. 763 : 2, 764 : i. — the two great quarrels among, v. 462-7. — their commission, v. 74 : 2. Apostles' Creed, original form of, v. 397 : 2. Apostolical Constitutions, cited, vi. 418:1. — ordination forms, vi. 425:1. — quoted, vi. 493 : i. Appearance, choice and, ii. 68 : i. Apuleius, cited, vi. 478: i. Arabia, God's chosen place for his prophets' retreat, v. 425 : i, 833 : 1-2. — inscription referring to Joseph, i. 99 : i. Aram, assailing Israel, i. 760:2. Aram-Naharaim (i. e. Mesopotamia), {.759:2. Aratus, " Ph;enomena " cited, vi. 441 : i. Araunah, the Jebusite, dignity of conduct, i. 749: 2 ; ii. 208: 2. Archippus, vi. 289-290, 293 : i. Architecture, Gothic, Grecian, and Oriental, i. 195: I. Argyll, Duke of, on origin of man, v. 530: I. ".Ariel, Ariel," discussion of, iii. 668-671. Aristarchus, Paul's companion, sketch, vi. 284:2. — his ■' Apology," v. 292-3. Aristides, " Apology " of, v. 292-3. 397 : 1-2. — on Jewish ritualism, v. 477 : 2. — cited, v. 454:2,455: I. Aristotle, on self-control, vi.444:2. — cited, v. 904 : 2, vi. 510:2, 593 : 2, 603 : I. Ark, Noah's, where stranded, i. 22 : 2. Ark of the Covenant, among the Philistines, ii. 24: I. Ark of the Covenant, at house of Abinadab, ii. 27: r. — at house of Obed-Edam, ii. 138: i. — brought to Jerusalem, ii. 137: i, 139: i. — carried before the host, 1.414:1,657:2, 659: I. • — 'David refuses to receive, ii. 172:1-2. — degraded into a fetish, ii. 258:2. — Eleazer keeper of, ii. 27: i. — in the Temple, ii. 254-5, 258: i. — installed at Jerusalem, ii. 506: i. — leaves land of Philistines, ii. 25 : 2. — manner of removal to Hebrew soil, ii. 25 : i. — nature and purpose, i. 215-216. — on Zion, iii. 176: i. — restoration of the, iii. 205 : i. — sacred symbol, iv. 38 : 2. — symbol of Angry God, ii. 24 : 2. — taken by Philistines, ii. 21:1; iii. 205 : I. into battle, ii.22:i. ^ to Shiloh, ii. 21 : i. — terror to Bethshemesh, ii. 26:2. — Philistines, 11.24:1,25:2. — to be borne by Levites, ii. 137:2. — wanderings of, iii. 317:1. — and the Cherubim, ii. 257:2, 259:1. — and Manasseh, ii. 429 : 2. Armageddon, Har-Magedon, vi. 898:1. Arnobius, cited, vi. 441:2. Arnold, Matthew, futile endeavor in philosophy, i. 460 : 2. — on ethics, vi. 818:1. — on French uncleanness, v. 901:1-2. — on Paulinism in Christianity, v. 642:1. — on Paul's idea of the resurrection, v. 698 : 2. — shadowy theory of Christianity, v. 339:2. — and Balaam, i. 460 : 2. — " Empedocles on Etna " quoted, ii. 715 : 2. — " Obermann Once More " quoted, v. 630 : 2, vii. 25: T,35: i. — quoted, iv. 279: i, v. 333 : r, 407: i- iii. 70": U vi. 787: I. Arnold, Dr. Thomas, anecdote of, vi.294:2. — intolerance toward opponents of toleration, V. 369 : 2. — quoted, iv. ;^72 : 2. Arrian, cited, vi. 599:2. Arrogance (see also Pride), its temptations, vi. 722 '. 1-2. Artaxerxes, in Ezra, identification of, ii. 6i8:l. — friendliness of, ii. 635 : 2. Artificial kings and gods, iv. 510: 2, 513 : i. Aryan mind and Semitic mind, 1.558:2. Asa, king of Judah, bribes Benhadad I. to save his kingdom, ii. 292 : 2. — defeats Zcrah, ii. 292 : i. — great military forces, ii. 552-3. — Jehosaphat succeeds, ii. 293:1. — piety but imperfect success, ii. 292 : 1,552:2. Asa EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 8 Asa, king of Jiidah, reformation under, ii. 292 : i, 554-5- — restores altar of Temple, ii. 292:1. Asahel, Joab's brother, pursuit of Abner and death at his hands, ii. 123-4, 238: i. Ascension, the, see Jesus Christ, especially v. 307-311. — of Elijah, see Elijah. Asceticism and penances easier than heart sur- render, vi. 252 : 2. - — compatible with all evil passions, vi. 252:2, 253: I. — evolution of, and misfit in Christianity, vi. 251. — moral basis of, vi.398:2. — Paul on, vi. 419-423. — 'twin of sybaritism, vi. 251 : 2. Ashdod, centre of revolt against Assyria, iii. 666 : 1-2. — the Ark at, ii.24:2. Asher, the territory of, i. 713 : 2. Asher, the tribe, prophecy of Moses regarding, i. 621 : I. Ashtaroth, Asthtoreth, cult of, 1.334:2,1.377:1. — Saul's armor in house of, ii. 112: i. — and the harlot-priestesses, 1.654:1. — see also Astarte; also Baalim. Asia Minor, richness of province, vi. 10 : i. — Scythian invasion of, iv. 9 : 2. — churches in, Paul's letter to, vi. 10: i, 21 : 2, 22: I. false philosophy in, vi. 15:2. have Christianized Europe, vi. 283:1. struggling heresies in, vi.65:i. their great conflict, vi. 102:1. Asiarchs, duties and burdens of, iv. -190:1. Ass, the, the rich man's riding animal, v. 202:1. Assault, Mosaic legislation upon, i.2o6:2. Assize of the world, divine, never proclaimed, ii. 763 : I. Assurbanipal, in.scription of, ii. 462 : i. — reign and conquests, i v. 563 : 1-2. Assyria, advance of, 111.674:2. — Darius as king of, ii. 615:1. — empire of, iii.64S: i. — in Damascus and Samaria, menace to Judah, i. 503 : 2. — its forces besiege Samaria, 11.399:2. — kings of, table, ii. 460:1, 2. — petty clans of, iii. 641: 2. — relations with Azariah of Judah, 11.392:2, — religion of, i. 528 : 2. — shattered the tribal theory of religion, iv. 455 : 2. — spiritual service of, iv. 453 : i. — symbol of unity, iv. 455 : 2. — water system of, iii. 648:1. — and Egypt, 11.402:2,408:2,413:1,2,414:2. — — Hezekiah, 11.419:1. Assyria and Jehu, 11.375:2. Alenahem, 11.395:2. Syria, 11.385:2. Assyrian invasion of Judah, iii. 630:1. Assyrians, referred to as "young lions," iv. 30, 2. Astarte (Ashtorcth), Canaanite deity, 1.752:2. — the Babylonian Ishtar, 1. 755 : i. — worship of, i. 334 : 2. Athaliah, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, bloody fate of, ii. 378. — marriage to Jehoram, 11.331:1. — outwitted by Jehosheba, ii. 377:1. — ruthless character, ii. 376-7. Athanasius, St., apocryphal " Synopsis " of, vi. 825 : 2. — on the general Epistles, vi. 560:1. — cited, vi. 644: 2. — compared with Paul, v. 473 : 2. Atheism, born in cities, iv. 55 : i. — mankind in danger of, iii. 660:1. — of fear, iii. 658: 2. — of force, 111.658:2. — practical, due to arrogance, 111.32:2. to indifference, iii. 76: 2. — and Christianity, no middle ground between, V. 167 : 1-2. — and faith, iii. 660:2. — and the French Revolution, iii. 440 : 2. Atheist-Socialist, the, 111.803:2,804:1. Athens, beginnings of its church, v. 477. — religious condition in Paul's time, v. 475-6. Athenagoras, on second marriages, vi. 418:1. Athletics, symbol of Christian life, vi. 470-1. Atonement, the word, 1. 247 : 2. — an aspect of, iii. 436. • — idea of, iv. 344: 2. — in the Jewish ritual, iii. 634: 2. — necessity and way of, v. 549 : 2. — theory of substitution, 11.264:1. — the Vicarious, a cardinal fact, vi.905:2. basis of righteousness to God, vi. 156: 1-2. extent of, vi. 783-4. heart of the Gospel, v. 770-2. must not be ignored, 111.439:1-2. not a Pauline invention, vi. 329:1. result, V. 550. — day of, description, 1. 353 : 2, 473 : 2, ii. 261 : 2, iv. 791-805. origin — genuineness, i. 353 : i. ungenuineness, 11. 260 : 2, 265-6. Augsburg confession, teaching of, 1. 197 : 2. .A.ugury, prohibited, 1. 339 : 2. Augustine, St., against Manichreus, vi. 605 : 2. — " Confessions," 111. 583 : 2. — on Christ as anchorage, vi. 796: r. — on God visible and invisible, i. 214:1. — on his mother, vi.642: 1-2. — on Paul, v. 516. EXPOSITION OF THE B1BLI-: — IXUEX. Bui Augustine, St., on prc-Chrislian Christians, v. 520: I. — on retribution in kind, i. 207: i. — on St. Peter's dissimulation, v. 343 : r. — cited or quoted, iv. 84H: i, v. 186: 1,215 : 2, 470 : 2, 495 : 1-2, 608 : i, vi. 476 : 2, 557 : 2, 571 : 2, 627 : I, 628 : i, 629 : 2, 644 : i, 661 : 2, 775 : 2- — as persecuted and persecutor, v. 354: i. — his work, vi. 62 :i. — reasons from his own heart tn humanity, ii. 740: I. — strong classical student, vi. 442:1. — use of heathen learning, i. 170; i. — and the law, i. 192: t. Aurelius, Marcus, quoted, v. 180:2. — Renan on his philosophj', vi.472: T. Authority (see also Obedience), fallibility of, v. 170: I. — church, kinds and bases of, v. 734 : 2, 735 : i. — divine sanction of, vi. 617:2. Authorized Version, corrections in, ii. 39 : 2. Avarice (see also Covetousncss), vi. 327:1. — Paul on, vi. 432-5. Avites, unsubdued by Joshua, {.696:2. Ayoun Musa, springs of Moses, 1.174:2. Azariah (same as Uzziah), King of Judah, reign of, ii. 392-3, 572-4. — industrial conditions under, iv. 450:1:2. — smitten a leper, ii. 393 : i, iii. 278: 2, 631 : 2. — supremacy of Judah under, iii. 621: i. Azariah, high priest, orders Azariah the King out of Holy Place, ii. 393:1. — official priest of Solomon, ii. 249:1. Azazel, meaning of, i. 304: i. Azubah, wife of Asa, ii. 293 : 2. Baal, generic term for Phoenician local gods, i. 755: 1-2. — the Sun-God, 11.307:2. Baal (specifically), cult of, iv. 28:1. — Elijah challenges, 11.306:1,307:2. — prophets of, slain, ii. 309:1. Baal-Peor, festival of, 1.463:1. — Moabitish worship of, iii. 268: 2. Baal-perazim, David smites Philistines at, ii. 136: I. Baal-Zebub, Ahaziah worships, 11.342:1,2. Baalim and Ashtaroth, worship of, al)andoned, ii. 27 : 2. Baalis, king of Amnion, ii.456: i. Baanah and Rechab, murderers of Ishbosheth, ii. 130: 2. Baasha, king of Israel, ii.289: T. I'abel, confusion of tongues, iii. 147:1. Babylon, a type of Jerusalem, vi. 898 : 2, 899: I. — captives of, iii. 551 : i. — centre of civilization, 111.744:2. — character of, ill. 777-781. Babylon, fall of, vi. 906-8. — change from enemy to fellow-citizen-, iii. 224: I. animosity to sympathy, iii. 224:2. — Cyrus' second campaign against, 111.767:1. — gods of, iv. 186: I. — Israel's bondage, iii. 272:1. — God's vengeance against, iv. 184-6. — "house of books" at, ii.6ii:i. — Jews' return from, ii. 597 : 2, iii. 273 : 2. — meaning of, in Revelations, vi. 902-3. — self-worship of, 111.780:2. — taunt-song against, 111.719:2,779:1. — wicked city, 111.717:1. — and the Beast, vi. 899-905. Babylonia, culture of. 11.615:2. Babylonian Judaism, 11. 590: i. Backsliders, effective corrupters of others, vi. 743, 744: I. — from worldly content, v. 857:1. Backsliding, its cause, v. 254:1-2. — its progress, vi. 743 : 2. — wrong of yielding to discouragement, v. 245:1. Bacon, Francis, on marriage, v. 663 : 2. — -on truth, ii. 219: 2. — alleged corruption, 1. 595 : 2, 821 : 2. Baethgen, Friedrich, on Psalms, ill. 46 : 2, 48 : 2 50:2,63:2, 110:1, 120:2, 124:2, 132:1 137: 2, 148: 2. 151 : I, 154: 2, 156: I, 158: 2 162 : 2, 169: 2. 171 : 1, 178: 2, iSo: i, 183: 2 185 : 2, 194: 1, 196: 1, 200: 1, 211 : 2, 213: I 232 : I, 236 : I, 239 : 2, 253 : 2, 261 : 2, 276 : 2 281 : 1, 289 : I, 291 : 2, 304 : 2, t,22 : i, t,2t, : 2 330:2, 332:2, 334: I, 343:2. Bagehot, Walter, on military advantages of religion, iii. 644: 2. — "Physics and Politics" cited, also, iii. 780: i. Bailey, P. J., " Festus " ciuoted, 11. 762 : 2. Balaam, adventure of, 1. 449-461. — case of, as symbol, vi. 662 : 1. 741 : 2, 743 : i. — character of, 1. 452 : 2, 1. 698 : i. — compared to Absalom, i. 465:1. — first parable of, 1.457:2. — heathen prophet, but clings to Inspired word, iii. 565 : 2. — invoked, i. 450 : 2. — judged by Peter, John, and Jude, 1.450:2. — knowledge of Jehovah, 1.451:1. — prophecy of, iii. 278: i. — reputation as soothsayer, 1.450:2 — second appc;d to, i. 452:1. — second parable of, 1.459:2. — slain in battle, 1.464:2. — third parable of, 1.461:1. — will not go to Moab, 1.451:2. Balaamltes, the. vi. 773:1. Balak, king of the Moabites, 1. 449-452. 459-464» 761 : 2. Bal EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. lO Balance, a just, in the Lord's judgment, iii. 401-4. Balkis, the queen of Sheba, ii. 270:1. " Ealm in Gilead," iv. 54:2. Banioth-Baal, goal of Balaam's searcii, i. 457:1. — worship of, half heathen, i. 505 : 2. Ban. in modern life, i. 542:2. — law of the, i. 376 : 2, 539 : i. — use of " Cherem " to mean, i. 538:2. — varying significance of the word, 1.539:2. Baptism, a confession of hereditary sin, ii. 483 : 2. — by immersion, pouring or sprinkling, v. 330:2,331 : I. — Christian substitute for circumcision, vi. 240-1. — Christ's sacrament of sorrow, iv. 884 : 2, 885:1. — conversion does not dispense with, v. 422 : 2, 423: I. — daily, the basis of a sect, v. 3S7 : i. — dual rite, vi. 528 : 2. — general discussion of, v. 330-r. — infant, in early church, vi. 95 : i. — nature of, vi. 57-2, 58 : i. and proper form, vi. 241 : i. — negative and positive aspects, vi. 709:1. — of converts, question of delay in, v. 330 : i. — of Christ, V. 483 : 2. — of Jesus, V. 31:1-2. — of John, whence was it? iv. 889:1. — of water and spirit, v. 30:2. — prime importance attached to, in the Scrip- tures, v. 422-3. — regeneration by, vi. 455-7. — relation to the new birth, v. T41. — Scriptural insistence on, v. 437 : 2. — symbolic of contrast to flood, vi. 709:1. national purification, iv. 815 : 2, 816: t. — symbolism in great causes, v. 676: 2, 677 : i, 678:1. — vicarious, for the dead, v. 704:1-2. — why Jesus sought, iv. 816:2. — and the Bride of Christ, vi. 92 : i. — and sealing, v. 731. Barak, agreement with Dtborah, 1.772:2. — personal and political aims, 1.767:1. Barbarism and civilization, differing atrocities of, iv. 472 : 2. Bargain, fraudulent, crime under ]\Iosaic law, i. 278: I. Barnabas. St., personality and function of, v. 347-9- — character, v. 441 : 1-2. Barrenness, curse denounced against the fig-tree, iv. 8S7 : 2. — of seasons, afflicts returned Biahylonian exiles, iv. 615:2. Barry, Bishop, on offerings, 11.264:1. Bartimaeus, healing of, iv. 885 : 2, sq. Baruch. son of Neriah, scribe for Jeremiah, ii. 445 : 2, 616 : I, iv. 16 : 1-2, 129 : 2, 135 : i. Barzillai. the Gileadite, David and, ii. 188-191. Bashan, reduction of, i. 448: 2, iii. 176: 2. Basil, on title of " Ephesians," vi. 9:2, 10:2. Basilides, on Gnosticism, vi. 398:1. — cited on Pauline Epistles, vi. 389: t, 390 : i. Bathsheba, crowns Solomon with her own hand, ii. 240 : 2. — David lusts for, ii. 155: 2. takes to wife, 11.157:2. — David's oath to, ii. 235 : 1,236: i. — duped by Adonizah, ii. 240: 2, 241 : i. — forces Solomon's succession on David, ii. 235 : 2. — her child to die, ii. 160: i. — mother of Solomon, iii. 532:1. — name not in Chronicles, ii. 505 : i. — and Uriah, iii. 1,38:2. Bauer, B., cited on Pauline Epistles, vi. 390:1-2. Baur, F. C, critical work on Galatians, v. 815 : 2. - — on Epistle of James, vi. 589: 1,2. — cited, v. 746 : 2. 844 : 2, 847 : 2. Bax, E. B., "Religion of Socialism," iii. 804:1. Baxter, Richard, disfavored toleration, v. 319:1. — on beauty of God, ii. 52:2. Beasts, of the Apocalypse, vi. 877 : i, 880: 2, 885- 890, 899-905, 908-913. Beating of criminals, humane restrictions of Mosaic law, i.6o6:2. Beatitudes, the, iv. 711: i. Beauty, as a gift, ii. 684: i. — -consecration of, by Esther, ii.684: i. — different kinds of, iii. 448: i. Beck, J. T., on Satan, vi. 29-2, 30-1. Bedan, name of, a clerical mistake, ii. 53 : i. Bede, the Venerable, on Celtic Christians, v. 366: 2. — on demoniac possession, vi. 592 : 2, 593 : i. — on unction of sick, vi. 636: i. Beet, J. A., cited or quoted, v. 741 : i, 754: 2, 774: i,vi. 558: 1.2,624: 1,627: I. Beer, in the wilderness. 1.447:2. Beersheba, southern limit of Palestine, 1.429:2, 706 : 2. Beetles, or dog-flies, plague of, 1.155:2. Beginnings, time for thoughtfulness, ii.669:2. Belial, children of, 11.46:1. Belief, genuine, sometimes belied by conduct, V. 281 : 2. — in God brings peace, iii.65S: i. — justly rewarded by salvation, vi. 248:2. — mysteries of attaining, v. 275 : 2. — not a matter of indifference, v. 276 : 2. — not necessarily credulity, vi. 812:1-2. — partial may lead to complete, v. 265 : I. — unreasonable refusal of, v. 274: 2, 275 : i. ■ — useless w'ithout conduct, vi. 580:2. 1 1 EXPOSITION Ol '11 r.iiuj':— ixi)i:x. Bis lU-licvcrs, (Ir.ty as to marriage with unbelievers, V. 7/6. — final rewards, \\.g22.2. — temporar)-, v. 65 : 1-2. — their donblc joy, vi. 716-718. — nnion with Christ, v. S52-3. Bellarmine, R. 1'. R.. on confession, vi.637:2. Belshazzar. deliles (iod's iemple, iv. 404:1. — never a king, iv. ,^()7 : 2 sq. Belteshazzar, Daniel is called, iv. ,365:2. lienaiah, captain of Solomon's l)ody-t;nard, ii. 241 : r. — exjiloits of, ii. igy: 1,242: i. — made head of Solomon's arm\-, ii. 242: r. — ordered to kill Joab, ii.24i:2; does so, 242: I. -Shimii and does so, {{.242:2. Benediction, the double, of Aaron, i. 295 : 2. *' Benedictus," the, characterized, v. 17:2. Bengcl, J. H., cited or quoted, v. 747 : 2, 755 : 2, 792:1, 795:2, 801:1, vi.48:i, 81:1, 344: 1,513: 1,634:2. Benhadad, Syrian king, beseiges Dothan, ii.357: i. — cajitains of, deluded, ii.358:2. — death of, ii. 364 : 2. — defeat by Ahab, ii. 325 : 1,2. — gift to Jehoram, ii. 353 : 2. — relations with Ahab, ii. 323-4. — message to Elisha, ii.362:2. Benhadad III., feeble son of Hazael of Damascus, ii. ,385 : 2. Benjamin, cup found in his sack. i. 102:1. — Joseph preferred to, i. 86 : 2. — " Son of the right hand." iii. 209: 2. Benjamin, the tribe, almost exterminated, i.832: i. — meaning of Moses' special blessing. i.620:2. — cognizance of. i. 113: t. — inheritance of, i. 712: 1.2. — Judah and, iii. 178: i. — territory of, ii. 36: i. Berkeley. Bishop G., quoted, v. 395 : I. Bernard of Clairvanx, 86 homilies on part of Song of Solomon, iii. 536 : 2. — quoted, vi. 299 : i. Bernardine a Piconio. on magnitude of the divine building, vi. 51 : t. Besor. brook of, David leaves troops at, ii. 108:2. Bestiality, a capital offence in Mosaic law, '•344: I. Betliany, the idyl of, v. 83-86. — hills of, i. 75 : i. — see Samuel, Circuit of. Bethesda, the cure at, v. 156-8. Bethhoron. battle of, i. 689:1,2. — -flight of Canaanitish king from. iii. 215:2. Bethlehem, birthplace of David, iv. 543 : 2. — how linked with Nazareth, v. 22. — Samuel finds Saul's successor at. ii.67;2. liethlehem, scene of Ruth's story, {.839:1. — the shepherds at, v. 23 : 2, 24: i. Bethmerhak, "the place far off," ii. 172: i. Bethsaida, environment of, v. 75 : i. Bjth-Shan, Saul's body fixed to wall of, ii. 112: l. r>ethshemesh, the .A-rk at, ii. 26:1. — curiosity of inhabitants, ii.26:i,2. — Israel and Judah battle at, ii. 386: 2. Bellul or l.uz. an ancient shrine, iv. 451 ; i. — captured by stratagem, {.749:2. Beza, T., theory as to b'phesians, vi. 10: i. — cited, vi. 69: 2, 659: I. Bezaleel, constructor of the Tabernacle, i. 205 : 2. — the craftsman, i. 288 : i, ii. 42 : 2. I'ible. authorized version, principles of transla- tion, vi. 584:2, 585: I. — characterized, i. 7 : i, iii. 441 : 2. — declaimed against, ii. 239:1. — " Do right '' at the bottom, v. 595: 1-2. — doubt of. means doubt of God, i. 426: r. — faith and scientific knowledge, {.770:1,2. — limitations no disproof of truths, vi.231: i. — literature of, iii. 514: 2. — must not be worshiped like Christ, V. i6[ : 1.2. — must not be made a fetish, ii. 217:1. — no miracle to preserve text, ii.222: 2. — not strictly historical, ii. 675:1. — Old Testament, basis of religious instruc- tion, i. ^t;^ : 2. ■ — Christian guide in the first century, vi.734:2. vital to education, {.534:1. ceremonial sacrifice in relation to Christianity. {.565:1. — purposed ve{l{ng of time element, v. 10: 2. — study of, importance of maps, v. 428: i. — supernatural origin ev{nced by contrar{ness to human nature, v. 585 : 2, 586 : i. — supreme in the capt{v{ty, {ii. 514:2. -^wisdom offered by, iv. 52:1. "Bible for Young People" cited. vi.436:2. liickell. on Psa'ms. {{(. 154:2. 176: i. 178: 1,226: i, 278 : 2. B{gotry, defens{ble s{de of, v. 369. Bildad, bitterness of, {{.745:1. — character of, {{.717: t. — first speech to Job, ii. ~2~, : 2. — second speech to Job, {{.744:2. — third speech to Job. {{.746:2. Biography tends to idealize. {{.500:2. B{rth, mystery of concept{on, ii{. 326:1. P.ishops Csee also Episcopate; also Church, early, government of) : — .Apostle James the first Chr{st{an. vi. 583 : 2. — early, same as elders, v. 499, vi. 117 : 2, i. 721 : I. Pisniillah of the Mohammedan, {.331:1. Bit EXPOSniOX OF THE BIBLIC— INDEX. 12 Bitterness, latter end, ii. 1.25: i. — of the heart, sources, iii.396:i-2. Blanca Guarda of the crusaders, iv. 380:1. Blasphemers, character of, vi. 738-9. Blasphemy, vi. 400 : 2. — penalty of, i. 359 : i. "Blessed," tlie keynote of the gospel, iv. 711:1. Blessing, of the priests, i. 401 : 2, iii. 83 : 2. Blessings, givers of are blessed, vi. 704:6. — in the Psalms, i. 402:1. — of Aaron, i.402: 1. ^ — of Ciod, given only to those cle>iring them, vi. 729 : 2. — of salvation, safeguarded, iv. 320: i. — of the tribes, not single but joint, i. 108: i. — recognition of God's, not cant, ii. 135: i. — without money, without price, iv. 731:2. Blind, the, and the deaf, i. ^t,/ : 2. Blindness, Jesus' special sympathy with, v. 41:2, 42. Blood, atonement for the soul, i. 245 : 2. — of Jesus, i. 245 :i. — (see also Atonement). — plague of, i. 153 : i. — prohibition of eating, i. 261 : 2. — sprinkling of. 1.244:2.271 : t. — upon the mercy-seat, i. 216:1. Blood revenge, i. -;84 : 2. " Bloody Way," scene of the Good Sam:iritan parable, v. 81 : 2. Boasting, Amar's proverb regarding, ii. 324:1. Boaz, a kinsman of Elimelech, i. 845 : 2. — addresses Ruth, i.846: i. — at the city gate, i. 850-853. — and Ruth, piety of, ii. 71 : 2. Bochim, the first prophet voice, i. 750-3. Eodenstein, A. R., quoted, vi. 562 : i. " Bodily exercise," meaning of, vi. 419-423. Body, the, ancient vilification of, v. 697 : 2. — as seat of evil passions, vi.239:2. — as temple of the Holy Ghost, v. 662. — bond between the material and the spiritual, i. 201 : I. — duties towards, and to keep under, v. 676: i. — impulses contrasted with spirit, v. 34 : 2. — infiuencc on the liiglier nature, i. 201 : i. — not in itself of the Kingdom of God, v. 141 : 2, 142 : I. — of death and life, v. 565-570. — ornament of, not to be neglected, vi. 702 : 2, 703: I. — Paul on its relations to the Kingdom, V. 660 : 2. — Plato held purely evil, vi.6o8:2. — resurrection of, v. 96 : i, 697-8, vi. T74, 205 : i. consequences of denying, v. 703-7; no baj)- tism for the dead, 704: 1-2; folly of good life, 704-5; no risen Christ, 705-7. Body, sanctification of, vi. 358:1. — surrender to llie Lord, v. 596 : 2, 597 : i. — temptations and need of curbing, vi. 240. — the spiritual, v. 707-710; normal process of evolution, 708:2. — and spirit, i. 2or : i. r.ody-guards, king's, duties of, iv. 330:2. Boehme, Jacob, divides book of Jonah, iv. 6S4: i. — on the divine shining, i. 402:1. — on Malachi, iv. 6-l2:i. Boethius, quoted, ii. 762:1. P)uils, the plague of, i. 157: i. Bond, a, antithesis of the covenant, iv. 72 : 2. Bondage, godless life, iii. 272: i. Bondswoman, see Concubiuape. Book of the Dead, Egyptian, ii.744: i. Book of Life, iv. 98:2. Book of the Law, explained, ii. 439: 1-2. — found by ililkiah, ii. 437 : i, iv. 10: 2. Book of the Wars of Yalnveh, i.496: i. Book of Yashar, i.496: i. Books (see also Reading), vital point in religious struggles, \i. 766: 1,767: i. Booth, General, work of, vi.3-;2:i. — on conversion, vi.8ii : i. Borgia, Alexander, l^li's sons compared to, i i . 16; I . Borrower and lender, i.6o6:2. Bowing in House of Rimmon, ii. 354:2. Bradlaugh, Charles, beginning of alienation from Christianity, v. 390:1. Bra/^en serpent, making of, i.446:2. — symbolism of, i.447: i. Bread of God, i. 244 : i. — -of life, manna symbolizes, i. 183:1. meaning of the figure, i. 164. — -of the soul, i. 547 : 2. Ijreastplate of judgment, i. 286:1. — -of the ephod, i. 286:1. I'redenkauip, C. J., (pioted, iii. 675 : 2, 781 : 2, 800: I. I'reeding, good, i. 122:1. Briber}-, ancient and modern, ii. 49 : 2. 50 : T. Bride, exhortation to, in the Psalms, iii. 124:1. P)riggs, C. A., cited on Isaiah, iii. 808 : 2, 813 : 2, — -on " Mcssiar.ic Prophecy," iii. 735 : 2. Bright, John, private affliction opens public career, iv. 501 : 2, 502 : I. I'ritish viceroys of India, i. 576:1. lirooks, Phillips, quoted, v. 86: i. Brotherhood, Christian, vi. 691-4. — Christian meaning of, vi. 194:2. — of man, ii. 600 : i. — practice of u>in-y contrary to, ii.65i:2. Brotherly kindness, ii. 650:2. — love, see Love. — imity, iii. 318 : 2. Brown, D., cited or qu ited, v. 56S : 2, vi. 882 : 2. 13 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Cal Browne, E. G., " A Year among tlie Persians '' quoted, i. 6i6: i. Browning, Robert, on use of miracles, v. 686:2, 687: I. — quoted, i. 458:1, 504:2, 5^0 :j, 524:1, 530:1. 843:1; iii- 22:1, 136:2, 139:1, 434:1, 632:2, 671:1, 705:1; V. 124:2, 540 : 2, 653 : 1-2. Bruce, A. B., quoted, vi. 345 : i, 504 : 2. Brugsch, H., on Egyptian religious reactions, iv. 176: I. Bryant, W. C, quoted, ii. 320:1. Brvce, James, on locusts in South Africa, iv. 658:1. Budde, Karl, on Jonah, iv. 682 : 2. Iiuddha, career and work of, vi. 794 : 2, 795 : i. - — doctrine of Karma, iii. 366:1. — in contact with pain and misery, i. 608:2. — not a figment, i. 622:1. Buddhism, a missionary religion, vi. 785:1. ■ — central ideas and results, vi. 795. P.unyan, John, as God's instrument, ii. 14:2. — self-revelation, ii. 727 : i. — " Grace Abounding," characterized, iii. 583 : 2. — "Holy War," cited, v. 601:1. — " Pilgrim's Progress " quoted, v. 555 : 2, vi. 339:2. P»urdens, bearing of others', v. 907-911. Burnet, Bishop Gilbert, cited on the Thirty-nine Articles, v. 342 : 2. Burns. Robert, quoted, iii. 665 : i, v. 56 : 2, vi. 339: I- Burnt-offerings, altar of, ii.6oi:r. — continual, i. 251 : 2. — human, of Ahaz, ii. 408:1. — lesson of, ii. 29: i. — not acceptable, ii. 438:1,2. — ritual of the, i. 245 : 2. — symbols of entire self-sacrifice, {1.264:2, 265: I. — symbols of offering to and acceptance by God, i. 249: 2, 250: I. — useful in time of special danger, iv. 45 : 2. — see Altar. Bushnell, Horace, on immortality, v. 191 : 2. lUisiness, absolute devotion to, iii. 488: 2. — advantages of, iii. 487 : i. — base origin of, iii. 484:1. — highest good in, iii. 484:1. — in conformity with God's will, iii. 403: 2. — wears off every mask, iv. 547:2. — and pleasure, iii. 489:2. Butler, Joseph, advice on religious controversies, vi. 475: i. — "Analogy" cited, iv. 841 ; i, 301 : i, 435 : 2. — on religion, vi. 579 : 2. — on Balaam, vi. 339:1. Buying and selling, absolute righteousness in, i. 341 : I. Byron, Lord, on history, ii. 226:2. — tone of, vi. 795 : 3. — "Curse of Minerva" quoted, v. 619:3. — "The Giaour" quoted, vi. 815:1. Caesar, Julius, anecdote of, vi.625:2. Caesarea Philippi, Gentile town of, iv. 752:1. Ca'sareas, the two, v. 428. Caiaphas, the high priest, at the trial of Christ, iv. 800: I, 913 : I. — character of, v. 193 : 2, 194 : i. — diplomatic policy of, v. 259. Cain, descendants of, i. 12:1. — fate of, iii. 157 : i. — offering of, a mere form, {.13:1. — punishment of, i. 15:1. — symbolism in story of, i. 12: i. — and Abel, moral contrast, vi.534:2. Caine, Hall, on recompense and righteousness, i. 613:2. Cainites, sect of, vi. 400:1. Cairnes, J. E., " Essays on Political Economy " quoted, i. 594: 2. Cajetan, Cardinal, cited on confession, vi. 637-1. Calamities, metaphors for, iii. 118:1. Caleb, beautiful character, a pleasure to meet, i. 698 : 1-2. -descendants of, ii. 482 : i, iii. 316: 2. — inheritance of, i. 698-701. — not an Israelite, i. 428:1. - — -one of the spies, {.422:2. — and Joshua, 1.641:2,699:1. Calf-worship in Israel before Moses, i. 509:2. Caligula, emperor, attempts to establish his own worship, V. 427 : i. Call. God's to Ezekiel, iv. 229:2. — to Isaiah, iii. 634: r. — to Jeremiah, iv. 21 : 2, sq. — to Levi, iv. 829:1 sq. — to the ministry, iii. 635: 2. — of Christ to the first disciples, iv. 70Q : 2, sq., 834: r..sq. "Calling," meaning of, in .Scripture, vi.339:2. Callousness in worship, iii. 633 : 2. Calm after storm, iii. 78:2. Calumny, love of believing, 328:2. Calvary, v. 106: i. Calvin, John, on church dissensions, vi. 57:1. — on "dignities," vi. 655 : 2. — on mean pride, vi. 662 : 1-2. — on moral dangers of prosperity, iii. 147:2. — on moral right of stratagem, i. 681 : 2. — on post-exilic date of Isaiah, iii. 734:2. — on prayer, vi. 633:1. — on revenge, vi. 100: r-2. — on St. Paul's ordination, v. 449:1. — on sonship of Jesus, v. 188:1,2. Cal EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 14 Calvin, John, on spiritual death, vi. 28 : 2. — cited or quoted, 1.136:2, iii. 14:2, 79:2, 102:1, 119:2, 120:2, 193:1, 207:2, 828:2, 840:1, v.49i:2, 749:1, 756:1, 757:2, 758:2, 770:1, 776:1, 778:2, 848 : 2, S49 : I, 879 : 2, vi. 345 : i, 634 : 1-2, 659:1- Calvinism, answer to an objection to, vi. 374: 1-2. — based on God's earnestness, vi. 359:1. — secret of its vigor, iii. 609:2. Canaanite and merchant synonymous, i. 591:1. Camp, of the marcli from Egypt, described, i. 391 : 2. Cana, the marriage feast at. v. 133-6. Canaan, Abraham's return to, i. 31:1. — conquest of, iii. 119: 2, 176: i. — deities of, 1.513:2,529:2. worship of, {.542:1. — ntness for its purpose, i. 743 : i. — geography of, i. 482 : 2. — its people degenerate, 1.744:1. — promised to the Jews, i.634: i. — report of spies on, i.423: i. — restoration of Israel to, iv. 298:2. Canaanites, a doomed race, 1.728:1-2. — civilization seductive, i. 752 : 2. — easy admittance to privileges of the Jews, 1.430:2. — figured stones of, 1.482:1. — in union, 1. 685 : 2. — Israelite extermination of, 1.540:2. — moral debasement of, 1.377:1,540:2. — subject to forced labor, 1. 609: i. — to be driven out, 1.482:1. Candelabrum of the Tabernacle, 1. 404 : 2. — symbolism of, 1.404:2. Candlestick of the Holy Place, imitation of an almond tree, 1. 356: 2. Can::iba]lsm, from famine in siege, 11.359:2, 360: I. Canon of Holy Scripture, 1.526:1. — includes Book of Job, 11.699:1. Caper-berry, as condiment, 111.507:2. Capernaum, condition in Jesus' time, v. 57:2, 58:1. — Christ's last words at, iv. 759:2. Capes, W. W., " Age of the Antonincs " cited, v. 333 : 2. Capital punishment, Scriptural view of, 1.200:2. Captivity, an expression for death, 111.727:1. — a new sin to Jews, 111.744:2. ■ — Babylonian period of, ill. 462 : i. — beginning of, 11.397:2. — children of, 11. 613:1. — education compulsory after, iii. 510: 2. — first, an easy one, 111.745:2. — number of persons in, iii. 739:1. — history of, iii. 461:1. — holy Scriptures supreme during, 111.514:2. Captivity, inliabitants of Samaria in, 11.400:1, 401 : 2. — Jews gained from Persian faith, 111.465:2, — length of, 11. 583 ; 2. — literary activity in, iii. 510:1. — longing for divine word, 111.514:2. — Persian period of, iii. 463 : i. — results of, iv. 698: i. — see also Exile. Carchemlsh, Hittite stronghold, 1.759:2. Carlyle, Thomas, misdescription of life, v. 238:1. — on the Bible, iii. 671: i. — on chief end of man, iii. 809:2. — on deliverance from bondage of ignorance, i- 5-23 : 2. — on habits and morality, v. 660:1. — on "mud gods," vi.69:2. — on music, v. 14 : 2. — on speech, iii. 810:1. — on sublime sorrow, 11.709:2. • — cited or quoted, 11.14:2,50:2,68:2,746:2, vi. 595:2. Carmcl, Mount, Elijah on, ii. 306:1. — Nabal's, 11.66:1,98:2. Caroline, queen (of George II.), death-bed of, V. 319: 1-2. Carpocrates, Gnostic sensualist, vi. 400:1. Cassiodorus, cited, vi. 557:1. Caste, a religious Institution, 11.480:2. — in Eastern countrie.s, i. 591 : 2. — moral dangers of, 1. 125 : 2. Casuistry, moral danger of, v. 410-2, 411 : i. Cathari, sect of, vi. 418:1. " Catholic," earliest use of the term, vi. 557 : 2. Catholic Church, the idea of unity in, iii. 408: 2. — see also Roman Catholic Church. Catholicity, definition of, v. 633 : 2. Catullus, quoted, vi. 343:2. Cave. William, on types, 11. 501:1. Cecil. Richard, on privileges vs. precepts, v. 595 : 2. — and his boy, 1.640:2. Cedars of Lebanon, 11. 602 : i. Celibacy, see Marriage. Cellini, Benvenuto, "autobiography" cited, vi. 400: I. Cclsus, taunt against Chrisllanity, vi. 448:1. — on the Resurrection, vi. 814:1. — cited, vl.634:2. Censoriousness, invasion of God's prerogative, vi. 616-618. — responsibility for, vi. 603 : i, 616-618. — results in self-blindness, 617:1. — to be guarded against, iii. 781 : i. Censure, indiflference to good and bad of, ill. 494: I. Census of Israel, 1. 226. — object and character, 1.389:2. Centurions, Roman, favorable portraiture in New Testament, v. 429. 15 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Chi Ceremonial duties, the use of, i. 396 : 2. scrupulosity in, v. 608-9. — law, its religious worth and inspiration, i. 387:1. — worship of Baalim and Ashtaroth, {.755:2. Ceremonialism, apt to turn into hypocrisy, v. 916 : 2. — better than self-indulgence, v. 612:1. — death of spiritual life, v. 853 : 2. — nothing beside character, v. 918-921. — perpetual rise of, v. 825:1. — overstraining in religion, v. 878 : 2. — power over the imagination, v. 856: i. — principle of evil in all religions, v. 899:1. — tenacity in public observances, v. 481:1. Cerinthus, doctrine of, vi. 772 : 2, 812 : 2. Certificates, see Recommendations. Chaldea, fertility of, iii. 744:1. Chaldean idolaters, i. 194: r. — invasion, iii. 193 : i. Chaldeans, the, capture Zedekiali, ii. 453 : 2. — famed as astrologers and soothsayers, ii. 769: I. — laws against defilement, {.314:2. ■ — terrible character given by Habakkuk, ii. 435 : I. — and Judah, ii. 445 : i, 446 : 2. Chaldeo-Babylonian divination, {.450:1. Chalmers, Dr. G., struggles of, ii.29:i. Championship of distressed, iii. 391 : 2. Channing, W. E., on development of doctrine, vi. 647: I. Chaos, picture of, iii. 126: i. — moral, none established by God, ii. 758:1. Chaotic disorder of social life, {.832:2. Character, a necessary basis of knowledge, vi. 511:2. — a royal inheritance, ii. 522:1. — beauty and purity of, ii.38:i. — capacity to distinguish, iii. 680:2. — conduct not a full index to, v. 281 : 2. — consistency of divine, iii. 75:1. — defined by choice of action, v. 207 : 2, 208 : i. — determines future destiny, v. 96:2, 97:1. — loyalty the salt of, vi. 378: 2, 379 : i. — new type of, created by the gospel, v. 920: 2, 921 : I. — of God determines that of worshipers, iii. 67: 2. — precedes conduct, v. 91 : 2. — -test of. in bearing consequence-;, v. 257 : 2, 258:1. — tests usually unexpected, v. 257 : 1-2. Chariots, Israel's dislike for, i. 575:1. Charitable work, need of organization, v. 345 : r. — public, characteristic of Christianity alone, vi. 3J2: T. Charity ("of feeling; see also Eove, as in t Corin- thians), for the suffering, \'\.72t,:2. Charity (feeling), good in, iii. 503 : 2. — most plentiful where standard is highest, V. 911 : I. — and compassion, iii. 281 : 2. — and patience, i. 477 : 2. Charity (alms) (see also Charitable Work), practical, a test and germination of Christianity, vi. 297. — evils of overdoing, vi. 343:1. — two sides to, vi. 804 : 2. Charles II., of England, compared to Manasseh, ii. 428: I, 2. — and Cromwell, iii. 657:1. Chastity, law of, {.332:1,601:1. — of women, i. 602:1. Chaucer, Geoffrey, '" Canterbury Talcs " quoted, vi. 722 : 2. Chedorlaomer, Chaldean king, {.35:1. Chemosh, God of the Moabites, {.456:1,755:2. Cherem, the word for Ban, i. 538 : 2. Chereth{tes (see Pelethltes and). Cher{th, the brook, {{. 301 : 2. Cherub{m, above the mercy-seat in the Taber- nacle, i. 216: 2. — in the Temple, who were the, {{.258:2. — in Revelations, \\. 851 : 2. "Chevy Chase" quoted. {{{. 6_i6:r. Cheyne, T. K., " Commentary," {{{. 734 : 2. — on Book of Job, ii. 695 : i. — on character of Isaiah lvi{{., iii. 735 : 2. — on history of Isaiah, {{i. 617: i. — on meaning of judgment, {{{.804:2. — on the Resurrection, {{{.49:1. — on "Sons of the Elohim," {{.701:2. — on the Vampire's daughters, ii{. 443:1. — on Psalms, {{{.14:1,17:1,21:2,23:2,25:1, 2,2 : 2, 34 : 2, 35 : I, 37 : 2, 44 : 2, 46 : 2, 50 : 2, 57: 2, 59: r, 6r : 2, 78: i, 80: 2, 83: i, 84: 2, 95:1, 109:2, 113:2, 117:2, 120:2, 122: I, 131:1, 136:1, 137: T. 151:2, 164: I, 180: I, 200: 2, 213: I. 233 ■ h 248: I, 265: I, 285: I, 316:2, 332 : 2, 336 : 2. — cited or quoted, iv. 123:1, 129:2, 130:1, 140:1, 2, 141:1, 167:1, 172:2, 191:1, 2or : I, 507 : 2, 517 : i. 531 : i, 532 : 2, 576 : 2, 609 : I, 61 T : I. 637 : 2, 645 : 2, 646 : I, 647 : 2» 681 : 2, 687 : 2. Child, love of man for a, iv. 524:1. Child-birth, purification after, {.317:2. — held as unclean, i. 3r^:'- 145: 2, 149: 2, 160: I, 161: 2, 170: I. 174: I, 193: I, 195: 2 210: 2, 212: 2, 226: I, 231: 2, 242: I, 246: 2, 253: 2, 261: 2, 275: I, 278: I, 291 : 2, 310: I, 139: I. 141: '. 2 153: I, 158: If 165: 2 167: 2 185: I, 192: I. 207: 2, 209: I, 214: 2, 216: 2 236: I. 240: I, 250: I, 251: 2. 268: I, 272: 2, 286: 2, 289: I, 322: I, 330: 2, <3hi EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. i6 Childhood, Christian laws for, vi. 95-96. — possible divine consecration of, v. 28 : 1-2. Childlessness, i. 603 : 2. Children as heirs of riches, iii. 491 : 2. — bear sins of fathers, iii. 603 : 2. — comfort for death of, ii. 185:2. — cry of the, iii. 561 : l. — duty to parents, vi. 273-4. — early impressions, iii. 362:1. — early training contrasted, iii. 364:1. — gladness in religion for, {'1.671:2. — hereditary tendencies of, iii. 562:1. — innocence of, iii. 562:1. — lack of, the heaviest Jewish misfortune, i. 603 : 2. V. 12 : 2. — mystery of suffering of, iii. 562:1. — of captivity, ii. 613:1. — of devout parents may be wicked, ii. 17: i. — only games of, in Palestine, v. 59:1-2. — sacrifice of, ii. 408: 1,430: i, iv. 46: 2. — selling of, by creditors, ii.651: i. — training of, ii. 182 : 2 ; iii. 361 : 2. — wrongs of, are elements in life-history, iii. 562 : 2. Chittim, the isle of, i. 461:1. Oioice and appearance, ii.68:i. Qirism, vi. 798: i. Christ, see Jesus Christ. ■Christendom, cause of its dissensions, v. 316. — social blots on, v. 678 : 2. — unity of, ii. 665 : 2. "Christian," first use of name, v. 356:1,442. Christian, a, divine gladness of, ii. 660:2. — obligation of, ii. 664:2. — qualifications of, iii. 43:1. — and heathen, modern parallels, iv. 172:2. Christian charity, rule of, iv. 103 : 2. — Church, see Church; the Christian. — country, a, iv. 56 : 2. sq. — England — compared to Israel, {.132:1. — faith, ii. 219: i. — ideal, luminous character, vi. 347:1. triumphs, ii.228:2. ■Christian life, a partnership with Jesus, v. 238. a pilgrimage, vi. 697-9. a race, vi. 164-8. absolute purity the requisite in, vi.2i6:2. active and passive, both meritorious, vi. 165. aim, to please Christ, vi. 202, 307: i. an armor against revilers, vi. 706: 1-2. as a debt, v. 570-2, 571. as triumphant "captivity" to God, v. 739- 7A2. as war, athletics, and hu:^bandry, vi. 469- 47T. basal ethics laid down in Old I'estament, V. 895 : 2. Christian life, basis of, v. 159: 2, iGo: i, vi. 200 : 2, 201 (cf. 307: I, 511 : i). basis of sonship, v. 159 : 2, i6d: i. birth of, connected with victory, vi. 809- 812. cannot combine incompatibles, v. 679:1. Christian service, vi. 699-701. circumstances cannot spoil, vi.705:2. combined freedom and obedience, v. 602-4. competition in, different from secular games, vi. 165 : i. -courage of speech demanded, vi. 280:1. details of conduct, v. 598-601. duty of being constantly prepared, vi. 750:2,751: I. ^ vigilance against snares, vi.753:2, 754: I. -mediating Christ to tlie world, v. 251 : I. easier at work than idle, vi. 342 : 2. elements in surrender to God's will, v. 597- escape from tiie lusts of the world, vi. 729: I. — • — evolved through personal response, vi. 729:2,731: I. free-will the law of, vi. 303:1. fruitfulness, its test, vi. 202:2. fruits of, v. 783-6. generosity in rules of, v. 783:1-2. grave inequalities in, vi. 180 : 2, i8r, — • — growth its principle, vi. 205 : 2. hardest trial of, v. 284 : 1. helps from God toward, vi. 167: i. — •—ideal of, and steps toward, vi. 689-691. ideals of conduct, vi. 265-g. in the power of Christ's pres:nce, v. 605-8. initial factors of, vi.5ii:i. internal and external, vi. 910:1. involves abstinence, decision, earnestnes'^, V. 674-6. action as well as belief, vi. 580:2 (cf. 297). presence and power of Holy Spirit, v. 567 : 2. joy the object of, v. 733 : 2, 734 : i. lack of perseverance in, v. 673-6. marred by slackness, vi. 167: i. must be based on the Incarnation, v. 122 : 1-2. must begin with seeing and curing wrong, vi. 257. must not forecast failure, v. 157:1-2. -must obey the law^ of Clirist, v. 157:2. -need of discipline, vi. 544 : 2, 545 : i. needs persistent effort, v. 648:1. not properly a dismal one, vi. 423. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Chr Cliristian life, obligation to guard from tk-basc- ment, v. 776. Paul's idea of, v. 615:2, 616. picture of, v. 903-4. perils to, of doctrine of justification, vi. 520: I. permanence of discipline needed, vi. 470. perpetual need of pardttn, vi. 775 : J. personal intercourse with Jesus the core of, V. 2-/ 2 : I. practical beuehceuce the condition of spiritual growth, vi. 297 (cf. 580:2). pleasing Christ the foundation motive, vi. 307: I. principle of resistance to downsliding, v. 606: 2. progress its law, vi. 201 : i. rejoicing and striving at once not in- consistent, vi. 164 : 2. — ■ — should include solidarity of believers, v. 247: I. shown in bearing crosses, vi. 322 : 2. simultaneously in heaven and upon earth, vi.884:2. stages of its journey, vi. 697 : 2. standard of duty, v. 651 : 2, 652 : i. the issue of Christian truth, v. 595-8. the state of conflict, vi. 542-5. the true medium of giving and receiving, V. 85: 2, 86: I. type of, contrary to general respect, vi. 266 : 2, 267. — ^ unfruitfulness indicates break with Christ, V. 236 : I . — vain except for the Resurrection, v. 704-5. — varied obligations of, vi. 520:1. — would be paralyzed by too exact knowledge, V. 305 : 2. Christian ministry's neglect, iv. 648:1. — religion, see Christianity. — service, essence of, iii.278:T. — spirit, iii. 54: 2. — submission to Cod, iii. 360:1. — work, .'shrinking from, ii. 46:1. — symbols, i. 433 : t, "Christian Socialism," v. 345:2. 346:1, 711:2, 712: I. Christianity (see also Jesus Christ; Faith: Church, the). — an earthly golden age impossible, vi. 174. — as conferring secular judgment. Paul on, V. 656-7. — as stripping off of old nature, vi. 261 : 2. — as emancipator from sense. vi.239:2. — basis other than tradition and ceremonial, vi. 237 : 2, 238. — begins in a.sking pardon, vi. 207. — belief in, best of human life bound up with, iii. 440: 2. 441 : I. 2 Christianity : body of believers, an organism, v. 688-690, vi. 408-9. — both active and passive required, vi. 142. — brotherhood of, what it implies, vi. 305 : i. — cannot live on a merely human Savior, vi. 295 : 2. — changes social spirit, not merely forms, vi. 274:2,275:2,301,302:1. — childhood and maturity in, vi. 166. — Christians responsible for, v. 536:2. — citizenship in, vi. 171-4. — civil duties, v. 601-4. — civilization and, iv. 480:1. — common purposes of, justifies sects, v. 251 : 2. — -compatible with different opinions on small indulgences, vi. 171. — conditions of fruitfulness, v. 67:1. — confessions vs. truth, v. 637 : i. — dangers from supine content, vi. 133:1. — demands thoroughness of reform, v. 139:2. — • " development " in, vi. 647 : 8. — discipline of sufferings, vi. 163. — divinity shown by constituents of Church, V. 640 : I -2. — doctrine the necessary basis of morals, vi. 200. men must not pick and choose in articles of. vi. 479: 2. — does not dispense with moral law, i. 191: r. — does not give false hopes, v. 222 : 2, 223 : i. — does not involve asceticism, v. 136:1. — nor is ascetic in genius, vi. 251. — duty of civil obedience, vi. 698:1-2. — ■ — • — individualism, v. 609:2, 610: i. — ^emancipates from pagan thraldom, v. 876: 1-2. — essence of, v. 282:1. -in death with Christ, vi. 250:2. — essentials in human life, vi. 150 : 2, 151, 160: I. — ethics of. vi. 91-95. ■ — - — non-Christian sources, vi. 77-2. — final purpose of, vi. 216. — folly of sectarian hate in, v. 648: 1-2. — foreshadowing of spirit, iii. 172: i. ■ — -founded on historical faith, ii. 616:2. — generates the highest love. vi. 330 : 2. — genuine, implies steadfastness, v. 730 : 2. — grades of. v. 644 : 2, vi. 145 : 2, 146. — grounds of faith, vi. 706:1. — heirship of the Old Covenant, v.H-2-s,S.76-j. — hindered by frivolous intellectual curiosity, V. 131: 1-2. — holds the solution of all problems, vi. 231 : r. — hostility to, from disappointed speculators, V. 219: 1-2. — how dissensions may be made profitable, v. 464 : 2. — ideal and purpose, vi. 22 : 2. 23 : r. Chr EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 18 Christianity, ideal not exhausted by patience, v. S07: I. ■ — identical with sainthood, vi. 194:1. — individualism dwelt on, ii. 634:1. — ineradicable moral basis, vi. 785 : 2. — injured by indiff jre;itism, vi. 129: i. 130. 131. — service from selfish motives, v. 797:1-2. • — injustice of worldly distinctions in, v. 769 : 2, vi. 122 (also vi. 305 : i, 3^7)- — intellectual hindrances to practical, vi. 170: I, 248. homage, emptiness of mere, vi. 582 : 2. — involves mutuality of soul and Christ, v. 185 : 2. — irrelevance of historical realism to, v. 767 : 2. — its own reward for opprobrium, v. 182:2. — its propagandism needs study and educa- tion, v. 393. — its teaching on law vs. conscience, v. 377: i. — knows no temple, ii.268:2. — Latin and Teutonic, i. 520:2. — liberating but anti-revolutionist, v. 602-4. — maj' be paralyzed by speculation, vi. 248. — may have various true sources and ties, v. 208: I. — meaning of the "eleventh-hour parable," v. 873 : 2. — means belonging to Christ, v. 610: i. — means vs. end, vi. 152:2. — message not separable from Christ, vi. 223 : 2, 224. — modern defection from, discussed, v. 165 : 2, 166. social stratification, vi. 305 : i, 317. — moral regeneration from conversion to, vi. 262, 300 : 2. a continuous product, vi.262:2. — morality of self-indulgence, v. 660. — more than a doctrine, v. 328:1. — must rest solely on Christ, v. 646:2. — mystery of, vi. 221-2. — needs work for continuance as well as beginning, v. 648 : i. — neglect of spirit of, ii. 192:1,2. — non-resistance, duty of, after Christ's pattern, v. 658. medium between and resistance, v. 659: i. — not a mere luxury, v. 163: i. a negative creed, vi. 787 : 2. esoteric or for a select few only, v. 639: 2, vi. 22;i : I, 225 : 2, 226, 248 : 2. geographical, ii. 53 : 2. harmed by science, v. 370: i. obligated to coldness of temper, vi.352:2. — of intellect and sentiment, vs. of soul, vi. 169. — of the Crusades, iii. 708:1. — one-sided abstractions of. vi, 802 : 2. S03 : I. — opposed by intellcrtual class, v. 258 : 2, 259 : i. Christianity, outward and inward, v. 678: 1-2. — political rcgeneratix e power evidence of truth, V. 136: _•. — position toward, dctcrniines secular diuie^, V. 631 : I. — practical beneficence the condition of spiritual growth, vi. 297. elements in. vi. 157:2,158. — practicality of, v. 304 : 2. — private work most efficient in spreading, v. 508: I. — public charities, special to, vi. 342:1. — pure intellect a minor factor in, vi. 753 : 2. — question of wholeness in, v. 245 : i. — racial contributions to, v. 634. — relations with philosophy, v. 641:1. social culture, v. 631 : 2. — slavery, vi. 274, 301, 431-2,446: 2. • — result of, iii. 400: 2. — seed and soil, v. 63-67. — selfish ambition not ennobled by serving, V. 805 : 1-2. — should be made repugnant only to the evil, V. 375 : 2. — sociability narrowed from early times, vi. 317- — social disgraces, v. 678 : 2. obligations, v. 600-1. — solidarity of its creed, vi. 807 : I. — summary of, v. 889 : 2. — supplies highest motive of action, vi.729:2. — temporary, v. 65 : 2. 131 : t. — tendency to explain away the supernatural in, V. 592 : 2. — the Christian hope, v. 759-763. — the called and the chosen, vi. 875 : 2. — the dispensation not effeminacy, vi. 860:1. — transmutes duty to love, vi. 201 : 2. — true, leveling social democracy of, v. 56:2, vi. 251 : 2, 252, 263 : 2. 264. — truths of, 11.219:2. • — twin aspects of its life, vi. 85. — twofold aspect, corporate and individual, v. 319: 2. 320: I. — iinirrateful sin of. maltreating Jews, v. 589. — unity of. growing, v. 824 : 2. essential, vi. 130 : 2, 131. its great bulwark, vi. 726:1. — universal adaptability, v. 162 : 2, 163 : i. racial fitness, vi. 330:1. and embracingness, vi. 53:1. and cosmopolitan iiitlucxc, vi. 785 : 2. only universal religion, vi. 222:2. social implications of this, v. 476: 2. — unselhshness a p'lrt of. vi.752:2. — use and abuse of emotion in, vi. 444-6. — vs. Stoicism, v. 379:1. — victory over Paganism, iv. 392:1. promise of, vi. 81 1 : 2, 812 : 1. 19 EXPOSITION Ol- llll': lUnu:— INDEX. Chu Cliristianit}-, victory over paganism, Jolm's antici- pation of, vi. 849-854. — vital, perpetually menaced by ceremoni- ali.sm, V. 825 : I. — vital element not attainment but progress, vi. 120 : 2. force of fellowship in, vi. 118-119. — vitalized by doubt, vi. 132:2. — was Paul the creator of? v. 542 : 2, 843 : r. — work for social reform a part of, v. 712: 1-2. — worst enemies its backsliding professors, vi. 168-171. — ^and Atheism, no middle ground between, v. 167 : 1-2. — and "comparative religions,"' v. 795:1. — and pleasure, v. 66 : 2. — and sympathy, vi. 804:1. Christianitj', early : credal doctrine of, v. 325 : 2. — even earliest forms based on Christ's god- hood, V. 418-419. — and Judaism : -Judaism in, vi. 125. beginnings of broadening out from, v. 1 98 : 1 . 204 : I . not an outcome of, v. 303 : 2. 304 : i. not inconsistent with, v. 355 : 2. 356 : i. logical development from, v. 453 : 2. disengaged from and extended beyond by Paul, V. 624 : 1-2, vi. 246 : i. — spread dependent on the Ascension, v. 309: i, 310: I. — as development from old dispensation, v. — t"irst spread by gift of tongues, v. 321. — then through dispersion of Jews, v. 323 : 1-2. — origin of the ministry, vi. 412-416. — how the world was prepared for, v. 429 : 2, 430: I. — slow beginnings and spread, v. 449 : 1,482:2, vi. 266: 2. .;67. ■ — why it had to be gradual, v. 436. ■ — rapid, cpiiet diffusion, v. 510 : 2, 51 1 : i. • — subversive of pagan social order, v. 604:1, 666,680: I. — public and private adverseness to, vi. 129:2. — founders not discordant, vi.42:i. — conversions among imperial family, vi. T23:2. — -advanced by Paul's imprisonment, vi. 124-6. — spirit of, vi. 182: 2. — brotherhood unintelligible to outsiders, vi. 194 : -'• — reform of ancient morals, vi. 264: 1-2. — revolution in gentile life, vi. 316: 2, 317 : i. — Paul on relations with outsiders, vi. 278- 280. - — sociability, vi. 317. — its golden age of unity a myth, vi.450: 1-2. Christianity (earliest) outward failure, real suc- cess, vi. 483-4. — Asiatic contaminations of, vi. 765 : 2. Christians, admonished and warned, ii. 161 : i. — as Pilgrims, vi. 697-9. • — kings to God, ii. 70: i. — ^ spirit of their work, vi. 711:1. — succeed Jews as " chosen people," vi. 696 : 2. — the light of the world, iv. 713:1 sq. — the salt of the earth, iv. 712:1. Christlieb, Professor, on the scattering of Israel, 1.370:2. Christopher, St., legend of, vi. 549:2. Chronicles, Book of, loss of a, iv. 17:2. — (present), accuracv of its statistics, ii. 486:1. age of, ii. 471 : 1,492: i. authorship, ii. 471:1. — — historical setting, ii.47i:2. — ■ — impoftance of, ii. 475 : 2. ^ omissions of, ii.505:2. sources and mode of composition, ii. 473- I- Chronology, Hebrew years and seasons, i. 470:4. Chrysostom, St.. vi. 924:1. — lectures on Acts, v. 323 : 2. — on Christianity's effect on slaves, vi. 448:1. — on confession, vi. 637 : 2. — en friendship, vi. 55 : 2, 56 : r. — on Judaism, vi. 396:1. — on lawful striving, vi.470:2. ■ — on law and grace, v. 868:1. — on St. John, vi. 774 : 1-2. — on St. Paul's humility, vi. 401: 1-2; on his inspiration, vi. 479:1; on his exultation, vi. 482 : 2. — on w'omen's dress, vi. 412:1. • — on slavery, vi.4J7:T. — cited or quoted, v. 75 : 2. 495:2, 721:2, 7-19: I- 793:^, 830:1, 890:1, vi. 408:2, 418: r, 475:2. 490:2, 636:1, 764:1. Church, Dean R. W., quoted, iv. 286:1. "Church," use of word in preference to "syna- gogue," iv. 753: I. Church, a. overweening power of age and dignity in. v. 856. Church, the Christian (see also Ministry; Giris- tianity) : — a body as against individualists, v. 319:2, 320: I. — alliance with earth, vi. 885:1. — as city of God, 11.641:1. — as God's flock, vi. 720-3. — as God's human temple, vi. 39-42. ■ — bases of authority in, v. 734 : 2, 735 : r. — bond of unity in. vi. 2..|9:r. — caltminiated for its bad members, vi. 737- I- Chu EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 20 Church, the Christian, catholicity the divine in- tention, vi. 51:2. — character depend.s on members, v. 652 : 2. — Christ's headship of. vi. 171-4. reconciling work in, vi. J14. words for guidance of, iv. 783: i. — clerical and lay fellowship needed, v. 911:2, 912: I. — conditions of peace in, vi. 55^57- — constantly progresses in understanding, vi. 799: I. - — criticised, ii. 763 : 2. — dangers from supine confidence, vi. 133 : I. — degenerate, a persecutrix, vi. 903 : 2. — degraded by worldly compliance for victory, vi.878: 1-2. — different kinds of order in, vi. 233:1. — discipline in, aim and force of, v. 735-8. duty of, to censor the fellowship, vi. 380. evils of lax, vi. 405 : 7. — divine citizenship in, vi. 171-4. — divisions in, mischiefs of, v. 317-318. — doctrine of official monopoly, vi. 355 : 2. — evils of over-personality in, v. 763 : 2, 764: i. — fundamental unity, vi. 55-58, 130: 2, 131. — function in specializing society, v. 689:1-2. — gifts to, not a test of generosity, 11.672:2, 673:1. — growth of, vi. 62-65. — historic basis, vi. 349:1-2. — individuality to be preserved in, vi. 249: i. — injured by leaving all functions to one class, V. 359. — its three standing orders, vi. 351-4. — loss and gain with age, vi.383:2. — must take cognizance of secular interests, V.358: T. — mystery of union with Christ, vi. 155. — needs a lay business organization, vi. 282 : 2. — notes of the true, v. 633-4. — obligations to teachers, 11.503:2. — old and new meanings, vi. 361 : i. — on the field of history, vi. 839-849. — origin of idea, iii.649: i. — paradoxical position, vi. 884:1-2. — pastor's duty regarding presbyters, vi. 427-9. — Paul's idea of and prayer for, vi. 50:2, 51. — perfection or infallibility not granted to, V. 357 : 2. — picture of a prosperous, in Romans, ii.46: i. — present age a hopeful one, vi. 451:1. — priestly vs. ministerial theory, vi. 224. — problem of continuance, iii. 714:1. — promise of victory, vi. 811 : 2, 812 : i. and reward. 844:1. — prototype of, iv. 752 : i. — results of sectarian disunity, v. 636-7. revivals in, defects of, v. 65 : 2. — road to reunion, vi. 296:1. Church, the Christian, its sects founded on liberty of preaching, vi. 355 : 2. — sellish ambitions not ennobled by serving, v. 805 : 1-2. — sole foundation in Christ, v. 646 : 2, 726 : 9, 820: I. — .sole source of power in. v. 384 : 2. — sometime narrowness of, iii. 408:2. — .sonnd material more important than size, V. 6-17. — symbolism of stones in its structure, vi. 695: I- — the devil's opportunities in, v. 738:1-2. • — the foes of, vi.pS-TOi. the three great, vi. 880-890. — the two great classes in, vi.875:2. — the visible, vi. 131 : i. — theories of ministry in, v. 649: 2, 650: i. • — tlieory of priesthood, results of acceptance or negation, vi.416: i. ■ — -traditions in, vi.374:2. - — • value of its prison literature, vi. 220. — visible and invisible, v. 632 : 2, 633 : i. — vision of universal, iii. 223: 2. ■ — what constitutes catholicity, v. 633 : 2. "labor" in, vi. 349. — • worship an essential function of the, iv. 3.^0 : 2. • — -the manifestation of Girists' word, vi. 269- 271. — and praise of God, vi. 54. — the early: founding of, iv. 751:2, sq. germinal nucleus, v. 278:1-2. founded to expiate sin. 11.542:2. -foundation alone made Christ's teaching permanent, v. 381.384:1. first prelude to congregations, v. 27 : 2. others than the seven, vi.840:2. Judaizers in, vi. 125. issue of circumcision, v. 456-8. sporadic formation of churches, v. 510:2, 511:1. widening from Jewish to universal, vi. 840 : 2, 842 : 2. first council, v. 455-462. laymen's share in its councils, v. 460. spread dependent on the Ascension, v. 309: 1,310: I. brotherly love its chief recommenda- tion, vi. 341 : T. charitable work in, vi. 341 : 2, 342 : t. hospitality in, vi. 714:2. communism in, v. 342-6, 362 : 2. mistake of, v. 343-4. — — discipline in, vi. 349: 2, 350: i. expected Christ's second coming soon, vi. 173- 177: I. government of: evolution of, v. 438: 2, 412-416. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Cla Cliurch, the early, government of: niachincrj', v. 499, vi. 425 : 1,466-9, 634-6, 721 : 1-2. Paul on, vi. 65-2, 66: I. -forerunner of free parliamentary dis- cussion, V. 359 : 2. principle of selecting officials, v. 360. unorganized forms of, vi. 288:2. "love feasts" in, vi. 741:1. abused for libertinism, v. 469 : 1-2, vi. 74T : 1-2. methods of teaching in, vi. 467-9. ministry, Paul on, vi.221. origin of, vi. 412-416. perversions of. vi. 123: i. practical i)roblenis, social, ceremonial, etc., v. 629 : 2. self-seeking imposture in, vi. 737 : 2. services, Paul's view of conducting, v. 695-6. as full of dissension as in later times, V. 458-9. no period of unity, vi. 607 : 2. golden age of unity a myth, vi. 450: t-2. -hatred between Jewish classes, v. 358-9. personal factions in. v. 635-8. causes of disunity, vi. 130. special dangers and discords, v. 356 : 2, 357: 1,823: 2. unification by its conditions, vi. 131 : i. unity of spirit, v. 317 : 2. 318 : t, 7S4 : i. authenticity of its historj^ vindicated, v. 367. benefits from Paul's imprisonment, v. 507 : 2, 508. persecutions of, effects on, vi. 131 : 2, 132. typified by seven-headed beast, vi.8S6: i. -practice in second century best com- mentary on sacred writers, v. 494:1-2. sufferings correspond with Christ's, vi. 908: 2. and conquest reflected in the Apoca- lypse, V. 240 : 2. Roman unfriendliness to, vi. 129:2. position in Nero's time, v. 9:1. .seeming failure for a time, vi. 483. surrounded by hostility, vi. 710:1. women's influence in, vi. 174-5. — — finance, ii. 666:1. Church of England, spiritual decadence in eighteenth century, v. 319. — old narrowness of spirit, v. 333 : 2. Church, Roman Catholic, power of prescription and dignity, v. 856. Church and state, unity of, among the Jews, V. 657 : 2. Churches, among infidels, i.652: i. — apostasy of, ii. 299:2. ChurcliLS, Christian, essential unity, vi. 130: A 131. — danger of cliquish egotism, v. 791 : 2. — early Asian, characteristics, vi. 849:1-2. — strong organism breeds arrogance, v. 790: 1-2. — not disparaged by Stephen, v. 373:1. — unity of purpose justifies diversity of form, v. 25 1 : 2. Cicero, on gladiatorial shows, v. 310:2. — on the Jews, v. 479 : 2. — quoted, 505 : i. Circumcision (see al.so Judaism), a badge of dis- cipleship, i. 46: i. — ancient over-estimate of rite, v. 538:1. — as mere bodily rite, heathenish, v. 893 : i. — chief sacrament of Old Covenant, i.46:2. — hygienic value of, i.316: I. — important issue in early Christianity, v. 456-8, 839 : 2, 840 : I, vi. 285 : 2. — neither profitless nor all-in-all, v. 537 : 2. — of Israel at the Jordan, i. 662: i. — of the heart, 1.46:2. — old equivalent of later baptism, v. 537: 2. — ordinance of, i.316: i. — Paul on unimportance of, v. 886-9, 891-2, 918 : 2, 919. on the true, vi. 239-242. his views instanced in Timothy's case, vi. 393: I. — representative rite, v. 546 : 2. — suspended in the wilderness, i. 662:1. — symbolic, its responsibility, v. 537 : i, 147 : 2, 148: 1-2. — and uncircumcision, iv. 60: i. Cities, distinctive individuality of, iii. 548:1. — of refuge, i. 714: 2. — unbelief of the Judean, iv. 734: T. Citizens give true character to city, ii.669:2. Citizenship, feeling aroused by Nehemiah, ii. 640 : 2. — -public duly of. ii.668:2. City missions and meal offering, i. 253 : i. City of God, the, vi. 171-4. Civic duties, sacredness of. 11.640:2. Civil war, .sometimes inevitable, i. 807:1. Civilization, evilness of modern, v. 822 : 1-2. — original meaning of word, ii.640:2. — responsibilities of, iii. 626:1. — two features of corrupt, iii. 626:2. — without morality, {.477:2. — wrongs against lower races, vi. yj '• 2. — and Christianity, iv. 480:1. — and judgment, iv. 477 : 2. Clarke, Dr., on Esdraelon, ii. no: i. Class barriers not existing in Israel, i. 591 : 2. — hatred, stirring up, unchristian, vi. 432, — lines in Christianity, vi. 305 : i. Cle EXPOSITIOX OF THE DTBLK — TXDEX. 22 Cleansing', Jewish ceremonial of, {.307:1,-130:1. — of the leper, i. 324 : i. Clement of Alexandria, cited or quoted, v. 316: i, vi. 389: 2, 390: 2. 41 1 : I, 412 : I. vi. 418: i, +25 : 2, 435 : 2, 442 : I. 468 : 1 -2, 467 : i, 478 : I, 558 : I, 564 : 2, 565 : i, 574 : 2. 602: r, 607:1, 629:2, 644:1, 649:1, 656 : 2. Clement of Philippi, vi. 175:2. Clement of Rome. Epistle to Church of Corintli. vi. 561 : I. — cited or quoted, v. 300 : 2, 361 : 2, 389 : 2, 391:2, 411:1, 414:1-2, vi. 435:2, 487:1, 561 : I, 587 : I, 594 : 2, 607 : 2, 626 : i, 627 : r, 674. Clement IV., Pope, iv. 144:2. "Clementine Recognitions," v. 353 : 2. Clergy (see also Ministry), evolution of the vi. 634. Clifford, W. K., allusion to, v. 186: i. Clothes, Hebrew symbols of duty, v. 30:1, — spiritual symbolism, i. n : r, vi. 693 : 2, •j'jt, : 1. — symbolism of " girding up," vi. 689. — the priestly robes, vi. 857 : 2, 858: i. — and public worship, v. 585 : i. Cloud as a .symbol, i.408: 1-2. — as liome of the Lord, in Isainli, 1.407:2. — pillar of the, i. 408 : i. Coccius, and his school, on covenants, vi. 517:2. Codes, comparison of, iv. T^iji : 2. Coifi, cited, v. 95 : i. Coldness may paralyze correctness, vi. 153: t. Coleridge, S, T., " The Devil's Drive " (|uotcd. vi. 247 : 2. Coliseum, the, its dust that of martyrs, v. 576 : 2. Colonial settlers, obligation to aid, i. 652:1. Colonies, ancient meaning of, v. 467 : 2, 468 : i. Colossce, city and church, vi. 191:2. — angel-worship at. vi.26:2. — heresy of, vi. 65 : i. Colossians, Paul and tiie, vi.8: I. — his assurance to. vi.48:r. — his attitude toward, vi.9:2. Colossians. Epistle to the. vi. 382 : 2, 395 : 2. — characterized, vi. 318: 2. — companion of Ephesians, vi.8: 2,9: I. — contrasted with it, vi.9: 1-2. — moral teaching of. vi. ,399:2. — Paul's style in chapter ii, vi.62:2. — universality of idea of life in Christ, vi. 7: 2. — and Cnosticism, v. 500:1. — cited, vi. 318: 2. 360: r. Columbanus. .St.. v. 298:2. Comfort, derived from God. ii. 13: T. — for children's deatlis, ii. 185 : 2. Commandments, for Jerusalem, ii, 622:2. — the Ten. {.512-52:. — sec I^ecalogne. Commerce among the Israelites, i. 591 : i. — -glories of Phoenician, iii.688:2. ■ — of Solomon, ii. 251 : 2. Commercial morality, iv. 337:1, Commission of Isaiah, iii. 636:1. — the great, iv. 731 : i,sq., 807 : 2, sq. Commonwealth, a, without religion inconceivable, 1.533: I- Communion between God and liis worshi;)ers, i. 562:1. — -with God. brings safety, iii. 51:1. — celebration in early cinirch. v. -:95 : 1-2. — origin and functiors, v. 6 '5 : 2, 686. — question of its frequency, \-. 6."!4 : 2, 685 :i. — Roman usage, in one kind, v. 6.^4:I-2. Communism, in early church, v. 3.12-6, 362 : 2. — and theft, i. 201 : 2. Companionship, uncongenial, iii. 72 : 2. Compassion (see also pity), auakeiied by knowl- edge, iii. 555 : 2. — of God, iii. 574: 2, 601 : 2. — restrained by Christ, iii. 555: 2. — pity and charity, iii. 281 : 2. — and mercy, justice tempered by, iv. 77 : 2. Compensation for murder, in old law, {.207:2. .Competence, endeavor to obtain, laudable, iii. 492 : 2. — method of one who seeks a, iii. 498:1. Compctitirn, in Christianity and secular jjursuits differ, vi. 165 : \. ■ — jealous and unscrupulous, iii. 487:2. — the legitimate and the vicious, iii. 356:2, Complaints, uselessness of, iii. 579: 2. Comprehension distinct from tolerance, ii.6o5:2. — limits of, ii.(5o3:2. Compromise, its part in life, v. 503 : 2. — and silence, iii.6T8:T. Comte, Auguste, deifying of humanity, iii. 440: 2. — on evils of positivism, v. 667 : i. — on promises of religion, vi. 79:2. Concealment, defended, ii. 67 : 2, 68: I, Conceit, of the fool, iii. 503:1. Concentration of purpose, iii. 363 : 2, 364 : i. Concubinage, ancient, as a recogni/ed status, i, 338 : 2. — Israelitic ;nid modern, i.83o:i,sq. — Levitical laws of, {.338:2. Condor, Captain, on Jonathan's exnloit. ii.5S:2. Conduct, evidence of faith tlirough, ii. 684:1. — ground of judgment of God, iii. 582:2. - — ;ind wisdom, {{{.355:1. Confcss{on of s{ns. a^ter repentance, {{{ 584:1. — first cond{Mon of pardon, {{.623:2. — moral value of, {{{.437:1. — must not include self-deception, {{{.606:2. — pubh'c and private, vi. 63(>-640. -^ to priests, iii. .137:2. Confessional, the, harmful power of. vi. 90. Comidence, as plea for God's liel]). iii. 151:1. 23 EXPOSITION OF TIIK 151 DLH — INDEX. Cou Confidence, misplaced, iii. 163: i. Confirmation, rite of, v. 387-90. Conflict, Christian state of, vi. 542-5. Confucius and the Golden Rule, iii. 517: 2. Congregations, importance of small ones, v. 468 : 2. Con(|uests, b.v force, intellect, love, ii. 69:2. — Christ's method of, ibid. Conscience, a simple religion, iii. 704: i. — awakened, a necessity for receiving God's gifts, V. 150: 1-2. by God. iii. 618; 1,816: i. — civic, rekindling of the, iii. 831:1. — demands of. iii. 658:1. — in Isaiah and Peter, iv. 850:2. — injuries to, by yielding to example, v. 668 : 2. — intuitive link of physical and moral worlds, iii. 810: 2. — is ininishincnt, iw 526 : 2. — must not be compelled, v. 61 1 : 2, 612 : i. — needs to be enlightened, vi. ,^,^7 : 2. — of service, iii. 803: i. — popularity of compromises with, iii. 494: I. — -reproach of God's love. iii. 619: 2. — results of pagan lack of, vi. 338 : 2, 339 : i. — social applications of, iii. 620:1. — the best guide, iv. 57:2. — the evidence of trutli in the Gospel, v. 532: 2. — the mainstay of hope, v. 243 : i. — trouble arouses, iii. 552 : 2. — universal, imposes universal responsibility, V. 535: I- — valid against plausibilities, vi. 371:1. — witness to the unity of God, iii. 740:2. Consciousness of sin, iii. 226: 2. Consecration of lust and cruelty, iv. iio:i. — of self, i. 144: 2. iii. 316: I. — priestly, i. 224 : i ; ii. 642 : 2. — sacrifices, 1.289:1. Conservatism, excusable for some intolerance, v. 369. — may be united with progressiveness. iii. 5f3: I. Consolation, beautiful words of. iv. 782 : i. — embarrassing in choice of methods, ii. 741 : 2. — in peace of God, iii. 571 : 2. — may be mistaken but sincere, ii.7i2:2. Consort, as Persian "queen," iii. 122:1. Constancy of divine nature, iii. 120: i. Constantinc, emperor, prudential view of baptism, V. 330: I. Contagion of crimes, i. 343 : 2. Contempt, not to be visited on criminals, i.607: T, Contentment, easy, of women, iii. 682 : 2. Controversy, spirit of (see also Disputatiousness'), Paul's warning against, vi. -^74-5. — the condition of holding truth, vi. 770: 1-2. — true principles of, v. 450: 2. 452 : i. — religious, its three classes, vi. 770:2. Conventionalism, false, blocks progress, iii. 681:2. Conversation, changed meaning of word, vi. 602 : 2. Conversion, vi. 323-6. — associated witii the Passion, vi. 28: i. — Christian doctrine of, iii. 583:1. — not necessary for young, iii. 583:1. — question of unconscious, vi. 811:1. — reality of, vi. 262:1. — judgment needed in, vi. 641-2. — sudden, common in early ages, vi. 34: i. — the work of, vi. 640-3. Conviction of duty, individual results of, ii. 60:2. Co-operation in business life, iii. 490:2. Corban, magic word, iv. 747 : 2. Corinth, position and importance, v. 629:1. — church at, backsliding of, v. 332 : 2. evils of, vi. 405. divine assurance to Paul concerning, vi. 321 : f. — Epistle to Thes.salonians written at, vi.315. — St. Paul at, V. 478-480. Corinthians, the, Paul to, vi. 15 : 2. — his warning to, vi.33: i. • — as to Timothy, vi. 395 : i. — and the gift of tongues, v. 321 : 2,322: i. — dissolute character, v. 629:1. Corinthians, Epistles to the : — characterized, vi. 318 : 2, 401 : i, 404 : 2. — first epistle, on a primitive congregation, vi.3S4:2. cited, 315:2. — second epistle, vi.382: i. lack of preliminary graciousness, vi. 196: I. tone of, vi.483:i. vehemence of, vi.294:2. Cornelius the centurion, lessons from his career, V. 429-430. Cornelius a Lapide, justilies persecution of Protestants, v. 354. — on PauTs conversion, v. 416: i. — cited, vi. 345: 1,894: 2, 895: I. Cornill, Karl Heinrich, cited or quoted, iv. 198: r, 199 : I, 234 : r, 237 : i, 247 : 2, 251 : i, 254 : i, 267:1, 272:1, 274:1, 280:1-2, 284:1, 289:2, 292: 1-2, 3^7: I, 341 : I, 348: I, 447 : I, 460 : I, 485 : 2, 490 : 2, 493 : 2, 495 : r, 498 : I, 517 : I, 530 : 2, 570 : 2, 581 : i, 590 : i, 600: 2, 640: 1-2, 668: I. Corn-mills, iii. 508:1. Corporal punishment, objections to, iii. 424: i. Corporate responsibility, i. 268: i. Corrupt judgment common in Israel, i. 596: r. Corruption through lust, iv. 512:1. Cosin, Bishop, on prayer for the dead, vi.466:i. Councils, church, the first, v. 455-462. — laymen's share in, v. 460. Cou EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 24 Courage, from trust in God, iii. 15: i. — moral, injurious lack of, v. 504: I. and cowardice, v. 258-9. Court and home, an Eastern, ii. 232-4. Courtesy and consideration, their lack cause so- cial bitterness, i. 607 : 2. Covenant, of divorce, ii. 624 : 2. — of death and hell. iii. 656: i. — of Noah, i. 22: 2. — with the Devil,. ii. 47 : i. Covenant (see also Dispensation), of promise, with Israel, i. 189 : i, v. 861-4. — a divine ordinance, ii. 664:1. — book of the, iv. 10:2. — broken, iv. 70-8, 156 : 2. — everlasting, iii. 280: i. — implication of mutuality, iii. 264: I. — Nehemiah and the, ii. 663 : 2. — Nehemiah quotes terms of, ii. 633 : i. — Christian, not visibly exhibited, ii.664: 2. — one of emancipation, iv. 194: i. — ratification of, i. 213 : i, iii. 265 : 2. — relation to God's mercy, ii.632:2. — tokens suppressed by Antiochus, iii. 194:1. Covenants, the two, Paul on, v. 745-9. 749-751. — heirship of New to Old, v. 872-5. 876 : 2, 877:1. — the New, iv. 206 : i, vi. 518-527. Covetousness, corrupting quality of, ii. 772 : 2. — disguises of, vi. 327:1. — forbidden, i. 203 : 2. — in business, iii. 487 : 2. — prayer not meant to gratify, vi. 609 : 2. — progressive evil of, v. 219. — relations with lust, vi. 258: I. — unchristian essence, vi. 328: i. Cowardice (see also Timidity), moral, v. 258-9. — one brave man can shame a crowd out of, ii. 648: 2. Cowper, William, recovery from first madness, v. 543:2, 544: I. — quoted, iii. 22: 2, 609: 2. Craft, entraps itself, i. 74: i Creation, assures moral hope. iii. 807: 2. — Biblical account not conveying physical in- formation, i. 5 : I. not new to contemporaries, i.6:i. — Christ's part in, vi. 209-210. — God's law, iii. 376: i. — implies a judge, vi. 746 : 2. — man's place in, iii. 376:2. — new and sinless, iii. T40: i. — problem of, vi. 397 : i. — process of, iii. 260: i. — reason validates account in Genesis, i.8:i. — wonder of process of. iii. 88: i. Creative Power of God, iii. 807: 2. Creator, responsibility of, iii. 63: i. Credner, Karl A., on Pauline epistles, vi. 390:1. Credulity, not the Apostles' state, vi. 812:1-2. Creeds, not the only religious fetters, vi. 236:2. Cretans, anarchic turbulence of, vi. 452:1. Crete, church in, and its organization, vi. 438-440. Crimes, social, iii. 835 : I. Criminal law, modern and Mosaic code, i.343:2. Criminality of sin, i. 2^1 : i. Crispin, St., v. 335 : 2. Criticism, injuries from the spirit of, vi. 362 : 2. -:- function not solely censorious, vi. 357:1. — religious, compatible with faith, i. 493 : 2. defects of German, v. 299: 2, 300: r. — — the ■' iiighcr,"' ii. 217 :i, 261 : i, 458: l- 460 : I. positive results of, ii. 219:1. Croesus consults oracles, iii. 759:1. — defeat by Cyrus, iii. 766 : 2. Cromwell. Oliver, after storming of Bristol, i. 771 :2. — compared to Isaiah, iii. 626 : 2, 657 : r. — fourth speech to Parliament, iii. 671: I. — letter to the Scotti.'^h Kirk. iii. 657 : i. — quoted, iii. 305 : i. Cross, the (see also Jesus Christ, Crucifixion of) : — Christ bearing, in art, vi. 245:1. — doctrine of, vi. 168-9. — enemies of, vi. 168-171. — foretold, iv. 865: i. — message of, iii. 65 : i. — ordeal of, iv. 753 : 2. — shadow of, iv. 732:1. — symbolism of inscription over, iv. 697 : I. — writing on, iv. 803 : 2. Crowd, a, demonstrations valueless, v. 203:1-2. Crown of thorns, iv. 803:1. repaid by that of gold, iii. (3o:i. Crucifixion, the, see Jesus Christ. Cruelty, allied to lust, vi.260: i. — law against, iii. 781 : i. — of vanity, ii. 681 : i. Crusades, Christianity of. iii. 708:1. Cruse of ointment, (lie, iv. 901:1. Culture as enemy to the faith, iii. 704:1. — increases pleasure and pain, ii. 185:1. Cup-bearers, high place at court, ii. 629:1. Cupidity, see Covetousness. Cure, often undesircd, v. 156:1. Curiosity, prelude to temptation, i. 10: i, 568: I. — of men of Hcthslicnicsh, ii.26:i,2. "Curse," mistaken use of, v. 103:1. Curses, of love vs. those of hate. vi. 600:1. — and blessings, iv. 96: 2, 97 : i. Cursing father or mother, a capital offense, i. 344 : I • Cush, the Bcnjamite, ii. loi : i, iii. 224: 2. — question as to identity, iii. 23: 2. Cutting of one's self for mourning, forbidden, i. 340: 1,570:2. 25 EXPOSITION 01- Till': BIBLE — INDEX. l>ar Cyaxares, overcomes ihc Scythians, iv. lo: i. Cynicism, fatal to youlh, iii. 577:1. — in effect is false witness, i. 203:1. Cyprian, St., on conlirmation, v. 389: i. — on the Eucliarist, v. 495 : 2. Cyprus, stronghold of the Jews, v. 348. — proconsulate of, v. 452. Cyrenaics, basis of their doctrine, vi. 619 : 2. Cyril, St., of Jerusalem, v. 312:2. — cited, vi. 418: 1,469: I, 560: I. " Cyropaedia," of Xenophon, iii. 773: 2. Cyrus, king of Elam and Persia, ii. :si '■ -. 591 : 2. — advent of. iii. 731: 2. — an elect instrument, iii. 272:1. — career and character, iii. 758 : 1-2, 771-4. — chosen servant of Jehovah, iv. 14:2. ^divine election of, iii. 772:1. — edict of, ii. 594: 2. — Hebrew and Greek views of, iii. 773:1. — Jehovah's claim on, iii. 763:1. — Lydian campaign of, iii. 766: 2. — one of the unpredicted nczij things, iii. 782: I. — righteousness of, iii. 762 : 2. — search for edict of, ii. 611:1. — second campaign against Babylon, iii. 767: I. " D.," hypothetical author of Deuteronomy, i. 494 : 2. Dagon, the fish-god, Babylonian origin of, i-755: I. — temple of, the ark carried into, ii.24:2. Saul's head fastened up in, ii. 112:1. Daily food a peace-offering, i. 330: 2. — meal-offering, i. 256 : 2. — oblations, i. 470 : 2. Dale, R. W., on God's forgiveness, vi. 14:2, 15. — on eschatology, vi. 17:2. Damascus, political status shortly after Christ, V. 413: I- power, luxury, and moral fall, iv. 182 : 2. — "Straight Street" in, v. 417:2. Damien, Father, vi. 802:1. Dan, meaning of his father's prophecy, i. T15: 2. Dan, city of, was a golden calf at? ii. 463:1. Dan, tribe of, Moses characterizes, i. 621:1. — cognizance of, 1.113:2. — conquer Canaanite land, i.828: i. — steal sacred images, i. 828:1. — -territory of, i. 713 : 2. Dance, of David before the .^rk, ii. 139:1. — of Mahanaim, iii. 534 : 2. Dances in public worship, i. 175:2. Daniel, bidden to hide his vision, iv. 416:2. — great historic dubiousness of, iv. 353-7. • — heroism of his three friends, iv. 396: I. — in the lions' den, iv. 408:2. Daniel interprets dream of Nebuchadrezzar, iv. 400 : I . — Josephus on his vision, vi. 370. — legends of, iv. 356 : i, 357 : i. — made ruler of wise men, iv. 394:1. — prayer of, iii. 266: 2, iv. 419 : i. — pretty certainly a eunuch, iii.83i:i. — spirit of, vi. 11:2. — the ram and the he-goat, iv. 414: i. — visions of the seventy weeks, iv.4i7:2. of the wild beasts, iv. 409:2 sq. concluding vision, iv. 423 : i sq. Daniel, Book of, origin and nature, iv. 355 sq. — admission into Canon no proof of genuine- ness, iv. 378 : 2. — chronological tables for, iv. 431:2. — denied place among prophetic books, iv. 378-9. — earliest specimen of its kind, iv. 372 : 2. — epilogue of, iv. 428-431. — evidence in favor of genuineness, uncertain and inadequate, iv. 376-8. — external evidence for, iv. 378-382. — general structure of, iv. 370:1. — Greek words in, iv. 360-1. — Hebrew used in, iv. 359 : r. ^ internal evidence, iv. ^y;^ : 2. — linguistic peculiarities of, iv. 357-360. — -musical instruments mentioned in, iv. 360: r. — not meant for sober history, iv. 369 : i. — peculiarities of apocalyptic and prophetic section, iv. 371 : 2. — historical section, iv. 364 : i. — moral element rather lacking in, iv. 363 : r. — prophetic section of, iv. 409. sq. — reverses method of prophecy; standpoint of, iv. 362-3. iv. 374: I. — style of, iv. 358 : 2, 359, 361 : 2, 362 : i. — theology of, iv. 371 : i. — tone of, iv. 361 : 1-2. — unity of. iv. 360 : 2. Danites, modern representatives of, i. 829:1. — see also Dan. Dante, his " disio " and " pace " same as Israel's watchwords, i. 586 : 2. — quoted or cited, ii. 701 : i, iv. 388: i, 393 : 2. 788 : 1-2. V. 71 : 2, vi. 763 : i. "Darius, the Mede," who was he? iv. 368:2, .369: I. Darius, king of Persia, endorses decree of Cyrus, ii. 612 :i. — friendly' to Jews, ii. 612:2. — real founder of Persian Empire, ii. 612 -.2. — .styled "King of Assyria," ii. 615:1. — succeeds Cambyses, ii. 606:2. Dark color of Ethiopians made symbol of a moral taint, i. 419: i. Darkness, emblem of death, i. 162 : i. l>ar EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. 26 Darkness, plague of. i. 161 : 2. — prophecy of light, iii. 281 : 2. — Scriptural meaning of. vi. _'oC): i. — see also Light. Darwin, Charles, on animals" trust in man, iii. 664: 1.665 •' '■ — on design in the universe, iv. 739: i. — reverential study of nature, iii. 33-' : 2. 353 : i. Dates. Ciospels lacking in. v. to: 2. Dathan and Ahiram. i. 434:1. David, accession oi. iii. 205:1. — -administration of kingdom, ii. 145 : 2. — anointed hy Samuel, ii. 67 : i. 69 :i. — antithesis of Saul, ii. 58: i. — as a soldier, ii. 507 : i. — as God's viceroy, iii. 252: i. — as menace to evil-doers, iii. 253:1. — asks counsel of God. ii. 121 : i. — at Adullam. Mizpeh and liareth. ii.8S:2. — at Keilah. Ziph and Maon, ii.gi :2; delivers Keilah. ii. 92 : 2. — at Naioth. ii. 81 : 2. — at Nob and at Gath, ii. 85 : 2. — at Ziklag, ii. 102 : i, 106 : i, 117 : i. • — author of many psalms, ii. 504:2. — authorship of Psalms, iii. 9-343. — band called freebooters, ii. 231 : i. — beloved bj' Jonathan, ii.76:2. — brings ark to Jerusalem, ii. 137 : i, 139 : I. — captain of Achish's guard, ii. 103: i. — captures Jerusalem, ii. 133:2. — cause of pestilence, ii.208: i. — character imperfect, ii. 100: r. — chastised, ii. 162 : 1-2, 207 : 2. — chosen captain in exile, ii. 89: — Christ typified by, ii. 132: i. — confidence in fight with Goliath, iii. 74: I. — conquest of Jerusalem, vi. 59 : i. — contest with Goliath, ii. 73-76. inspires other youth to like deeds, ii. 198:2. its lesson, ii,76: i. — contrition over Ahimelech's death, ii.9o:2. — court life of, ii. 232: i. — crown of gold, iii. 59:2. — curses Joab, ii. T29: i. — date of birth, ii.7i:i. — death of, ii. 2^,7 : 2. 507 : 2. — deceives Ahimelech, ii. 86: 2. 87 : i. — decrepitude of, ii.229:2. — defeats Syrians and allies, ii. 153:2, 154: I. — desire for God as an ally. iii. 252: 2. — despair of, ii. loi : i. — distrust of, ii.93:2. — divine protection to, ii.94:l. — domestic life of, ii. 126:1. — dwells with Achish. ii. 102:1. — dynasty assured, ii. 141 : i. David, dynasty threatened, iii. 650:2. — early life of. ii. 70: i. years compared to career of Job. ii. 77: i. — ecclesiastical administration, ii. 147:2. — Eliab rebukes, ii. 74: 1. — establishment of house of, iii. 650:1. — extent of conquests, iii. 55: i. — faith of, ii. 74 : 2, 176: 2, 181 : I. — famine in reign of, ii. 198:2. — flees from Gath, ii. 87: i, 88: i. from Jerusalem, ii. 171 : 2. to Gath. ii. 100: 2, 102: I. to Mahanaini. ii. 174 : i, 176 : I. to Samuel. ii.8i:2. — foreign wars of. ii. 142:2. — God's sentence on, ii. 159: i. — Goliath scorns, ii.75:i. — grieves for Absalom, ii. 183-5. — harper to Saul. ii.7o:2. — -lliram a friend of, ii. 135:2. — his following increases, ii. 102:1. — ideal kingship of, ii. 508:2. — in land of Moab, ii. 89: i. — in the civil war. ii. 123: i. — insurrection of Sheba against, ii. 191 : 2. — Joab remonstrates with, ii. 207:1. — kindness of Mephibosheth. ii. 150: i. to Saul's friends, ii. 122:2. — king of all Israel, ii. 131 : 2. — lament for Absalom, ii. 183:2. — for Saul and Jonathan, ii. 117:1. — last battles of, ii. 197:2. prayer of. ii. 546:1. words of, ii. 203 : 2. — life sought by Saul, ii.8o:i. — lust of, ii. 155 : I, 156: 2. — lying, ii. 102 : 2. — marries Abigail, ii. ioo:l. Bathsheba. ii. 157 : 2. — — IMichal. ii. 79: i. — massacres Amalekites, ii. t02:t. — meets Jonathan in woods of Ziph, ii.93:i. — Messiah foreshadowed in, 11.77:2. — moral position of, v. 544-7. — munificence of, ii. 547:1. — nearly exterminates the Amalekites, ii. 108 : 2. — numbers Israel, ii. 206:2. — oaths regarding Solomon's succession, ii. -'.35: I- — ofiicial dignity of, ii. 508:2. — on meal-offering, {.254:1. — perfection of, ii.500:l. — personal history of. ii. 504:1. — polygamy of. ii.232:2. not a boon, ii. 126:2. — popularity after Saul's death, ii. 506:2. — prayer of. ii. 141 : 2. -/ EXPUSITIOX OF TJ1I-: BlDLi: — INDEX. I>ca David, pride in subjects, ii. 537:2. — proposes a temple, ii. 140: i. — prosperity of, ii. 134:1. — reassures followers, ii. 186: r. • — -reigns at Hebron, ii. uo: i. — relations with Abigail, ii. 9cS : t (meets), JOG : I (marries). Abner, ii. 96:2, 97:1 (rails al), 127:1 (Abner makes overtures to), i2S:i (Abner in league with). Absalom, ii. 168-183 (AbsahMu's re- bellion and death) ; during Absalom's re- volt, iii. 14: 2. Adonijah, ii. 16:2,234:2 (rebellion of). Araunah, ii.2o8:2. — Barzillai. ii. 188: i. Bathsheba, ii. 155 : 2. Hanum, ii. 151 : 2. Mcphibosheth, ii. 148:2. • Nabal, ii. 97 : 2. -Nathan, ii. 157 : i, 236 : i. Samuel, ii.7o:i. Shimei, ii.75;i (abused by), 187:2 (pardon asked by). Uriah, ii. 154:2. — repentance of, ii. 160:1. — represented by image, ii.8o:i. — required to build an altar, ii. 208:2. — restraint of. ii.g7:i. — retribution of. ii. 159: i. — returns to Jerusalem, ii. 187:1. to Judah, ii.89:2. — review of life of. ii. 21 1 : i, 230 : 2. — Saul jealous of, ii. "/(i : 2. • makes efforts against, 11.78:1.79:1. sends for, ii. 74: i. • — shines in adversity, ii. 174:1. — song of thanksgiving, i. 263 : i ; ii. 200: 2. — sons of, ii. 233 : 2. — spares life of Saul. 11.94:2.96:2. — .spirit of, vi. 71 : 2. — spiritual declension of, 11,155:2. — submission and penitence of, 11.176:2. — successor of Joshua and Moses, 11.143:1. — superiority to Saul, ii. 145: i. — trials in e.xile, 11.92:1. — tribe and dynasty of, ii. 501 : 2. — typifying Christ, ii. 69 : t, 76 : i. 109 : i, 132 : i, 175 : 2, 186: 2, 200: I. — visits Saul's camp, ii. 73 : 2. — warned I)y Michal. ii.8o: i. — wars with the Philistines, 11.136:1. — weakness of, ii. i66:t. — wearied by Saul's persecution, 11. 86:1. — why unpopular, ii. 170: 2, 171 : i. — wives of, 11.100:1,101:1,126:1,135:2. — Ziba and. 11.174:2. — and Jonathan, ii. 82 : 2. David and Jonathan, agree to test Saul, ii. 84: i. friendship unparalleled, 11.83:1. make solemn covenant, ii.84: i. — part \\\ sorrow, ii. 85 : 1. -and Solomon, as types, ii. 501 : i. Davidson, A. B., on Epistle of James, vi. 582: 2 583: I. — -on meaning of judgment, iii. 804: 2. — on Moses, i. 625 : i. — on revelation, 111.789:2. — cited or quoted, 11.695:1,715:2,767:2 TJZ : 2 ; 111. 734 : 2, 806 : 2, 809 : i, iv. 142 : 2 247 : 2, 249 : 2, 267 : 2, 269 : i, 270 : i, 291 . 2 315:1, 320:2, 326:1-2. 469:2, 567:1 570: 2, 571 : I, 574 : 2, 582 : I, 589 : 2, 590 : 2 595 : I, 596 : 2, 637 : 1, 655 : i, 656 : i, 665 : 1 vi. 565 : 2. Davidson, Samuel, on writer of Job, 11.693:2. — cited, iv. 363 : i. Davies, T. L., cited, vi. 459 : 2. Day of Atonement, i. 303 : 1,302:2. — see also Atonement, Day of, and Jesus Christ. Day of Rest, see Sabbath. " Day of the Lord," iii. 717 : 2, vi. 346-8. — good purpose in delaying, vi. 753:1. Deaconesses, in early church, vi. 425. Deacons, in early church, vi. 117:2,360-6. Dead, the burial of, at Jerusalem, 11.645:2. — defilement by the, 1. 439 : 2. — the prayer for, vi. 464-6. Death, a disease, iii. 507:1. — -a sign of God's anger, i. 11 : i. — as a penalty, 1. 342 : 2. 343 : 2. — as captivity, iii. 727:1. — as seal of spiritual condition, v. 185: 2. — bodily and spiritual, i. 314: 1, vi. 816: 2. may cure spiritual, v. 185. — certainty of, influences life, i.6i: i. Giristian, vi. 162. 2's. life to, vi. 127-9. identical with resurrection, vi. 253 : 2. — comes to all, 111. 500 : 2. — concealing the knowledge of, anecdote, vi. 793 : -2- — conception of, iii. 80 : 2, 227 : r. — -conjunction with sin, v. 851:2. — contrasted conditions after, ill. 133: i. — curse from sin, 1. 12: i. — final, iinpossible for the believer, v. 191: 1-2. or not? 11.737:2. — 'gives true perspective of life. vl.304:2. — God's love best shown in, v. 246: i. — hate of is hate of God, vi. 793 : 2. — ignored in human plans, vi. 619. — in early church, subordinate to Christ's sec- ond coming, vi. 177: 2, 178. — in life, iii. 227 : 2. Dea EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. 28 Dcatli, in or with Christ, meaning of, vi. 249-251, ■i-:^3 ■■ -'• 343-6. — inevitable, iii. 705 : i. — medium of God's best gift, v. 246: i. — metaphor of, iii. 30 : 2. — necessary for germination of life, v. 206:1. — of a friend, iii. 711:2. — of the lirst-born, the plague of, i. 169:2. — often necessary to make life useful, v. 144: 2. — Old and New Testament contrasted on, vi. 794- — on the pale horse, vi. 856 : 2, 857 : i. — pagan view of, 343 : 2. — Paul holds to be proof of guilt, v. 553 : 2. — place in man's life, v. 78 : 2, 79 : 2, 80: i. — repose of, ii. 715:1. — the first, i. 12: i. — the two sides of, v. 709 : 2, 710: i. — whether Christ has power over, v. 192 : 2. — and life, absolute, not relative, vi. 366: i. Deborah, the prophetess, i. 765:1-2. — a mother in Israel, i. 773 : 2. — not unmerciful, i. 771 : 2. — song of, i. 769: I, 772 : i ; iii. 174: 2. — soul outraged by Canaanite ravages, i. 765 : 2. Deborah, Rachel's nurse, gives name to Tabor, ii. 42 : I. Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, dies, i. 83 : 2. Debt, is debt for poor as for rich, i.279:2. — vicarious payment of, vi. 305 : 2. Decalogue, the first commandment, i. 193: i. — second commandment, i. 194:2. — third commandment, i. 196: 2. — fourth commandment, i. 197:2. — fifth commandment, i. 199 : i, 515 : 2. — sixth commandment, i. 200: i. — seventh commandment, i. 201:1. — eighth commandment, i. 201 : 2. — ninth commandment, i. 202 : 2. — tenth commandment, i. 203 : i. 516: 2. — la.st five commandments, i. 516: i. — as ethical code, i. 509: i. — given to Israel in Moses' day. i.509:2. — its attributes of Yahweh, i. 515:1. — not a purely Jewish law, i. 512: i. — original form, {.511:2. — prologue to the, i. 192: 2. — purely negative form of. {.519:2. — structure and arrangement, i. 192:1. — textual chronology of, {.511:1. — wide .scope of, i. 518: i. — work of one mind, 1.512:2. — see Fas of the Romans. Decay, inward, iii. 370: i. — result of sin, iii. 234: i. Deceit, in religious profession, i. 72 : 2. — penalty of, iii. 594: i. " Dedication," confuses two meanings, ii. 669 : 2. — feast of the, ii. 255 : 2, 575 : 2. — fruit of years given to God, ii. 613 : 2. — of walls of Jerusalem, ii. 669:2. — to poor and fatherless, i.6ii: i. — see Temple. Defilement, i. 307 : 1,312:2, 396: 2, 400: 2,439 : 2. — ceremonial, {.347:1. Defoe, Daniel, quoted, v{.736:2. Deism and posit{v{sm, ii. 780:2. Del{berat{on, value of, In Chr{st{an work, v. 431 : 2, 432: I. Dehlah and Samson, i. 821 : i. Delitzsch, Fr{edrich, open-m{n(lcdness, Iv. 350:2. — on authorship of Deuteronomj', {.494: i. — on harp and psaltery, {{{.87:2. — on mean{ng of B'ne EHm, {{{.77:2. — on meaning of judgment, {{{.804: 2. — on the Day of Atonement, 1.474: i. — on the fall of Samar{a, {{{.653:2. — the old and new theology, {.240:2. — on Psalms, {{{.10:2,24:1,30:1,34:2,36:1, 54:1, 61:2, 83:1, 101:2, 102:2, III: I, 116: I, 120: 2, 122 : 1, 124: 2, 125 : 2, 128: t, 129: I, 136: 2, 151 : 2, 156 : 1, 159: I, 161 : 2, 173 : 2, 182 : 2, 183 : 2, 188 : i, 191 : i, 194 : i, 196: I, 198 : I. 199 : I, 204: I, 206: I, 207 : 2, 210: I, 211 : 2, 215 : I, 224: 2, 226: 2, 229: I, 236 : I, 238 : 2, 242 : 2, 248 : 2, 249 : 2, 251 : 1, 254 : I, 257 : 2, 264 : 2, 268 : 2, 273 : i, 275 : i, 279 : 1, 279 : 2, 281 : i, 283 : i, 288 : 2, 300 : 2, 305 : I, 308 : I, 310 : I, 316 : 1, 318 : 2, 321 : i, 326 : I, 328 : 2, 330 : 2, 334 : i. 335 : 2, 339 : i, 341 : 2. — c{ted or quoted, iv. 270 : i, 365 : 2, 369: i, 384:2, 386:1, 569:2, 597:1, 669:1, v. 234: i,v{. 515-518. — and Ke{l, on the census of Israel, {.390: i. Deliverance, answer to prayer, {{{. 16:2. — {n extreme peril, {{{.64:1. — occasion for praise, {ii. 110:2. — Israel's commemorated liy Samuel, {{.31:1. — of Judah and Jerusalem, {{.562:2. — recogn{t{on of trust, {{{.72: i. Deluge, the, {. 18-21. — Chaldean legend of, {. 20: 2. — l{m{ted scope, {.18:2,19:1. — moral aspects of, {. 19: 1-2. result notlung, {.21:2. use {n New Testament, 1.20:2. — s{gn{ficance of iiarrat{ve, {. 19: i. — sp{r{tual aspect of, v{. 707-9. — strange om{ss{on {n narral{ve, {.20:2. — miiversal tradit{on of, {. 18: i. Dcmas. v{. 2^7. Demetr{us of F.phosus, v{. 825 : 2, 862 : i. Democracy, {n rc]ig{on, see Chr{stian{t}\ 29 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Dis Demons, identity with pagan gods, vi. 592-3. — Jesus' method of exorcism, W/J: 1. — Paul's method, v. 469: 2, 470: i. — New Testament theory of, vi. 99:1,2. — producing leprosy, i. 398 : i. ■ — -special activity in early Christian times, vi. 100 : r. — word displaced hy "devils," vi. 591 : 2, 592: i. — and dcmonology, question of, v. 45. Demosthenes, power and responsibilities, iv. 374: 2. Denarius, the, vi.856: i. Deposit, unlawful use of a, i.278: i. Depravity, hope for, iii. 655:1. — of human nature, vi. 214: i. Desert, the, a school of vigilance, iv. 462:1. — ^ hordes attacking Israel, i. 777 ;isq. Desire, of devout souls, iii. 74: 2. Desires, order of, iii. 69:2. Desolation and depopulation of Israel, 1.370:2. Despair, causes of, ii. 314: i, 2, 315 : i, 2. — faith born of, v. 724-6. Despondency, how God deals with, ii.316: i. — see also Doubt. Despotism, its eternal curse, i. 124:2. Destiny, not man's choice, ii.232: i. — of the individual, ii. 695 : 2. Destruction, mouse a symbol of, iii. 706:2. — women luring men to, iii. 372: 2. Determinism, difficulties of, vi. 578-9. Detraction, cowardice of, vi. 694:1. Deuteronomy, Book of, iv. 10 : 2 sq., 219: 2. — analysis of its closing chapters, i. 612 : 2. — authorship and age of, i. 493 : i. — compared with Roman law, i. 522:1. — legislation, i. 557 sq. — not written by ]\Ioses, i.494: i. — period of, i. 503 : i. — the three first chapters, 1.505:2. — and prophec}', i. 560: i. Deutsch, Emmanuel, on the Mosaic code, iii. 512: 2. — splendid article on the Talnuul, iii. 510: i. Development of doctrine, see Christianity. — of principles, often unforeseen by authors, v. 324: 1-2. — potencies of, v. 142: 2, 143 : i. Devil, use of word in place of "demon," vi. 591 : 2, 592: I. Devil, The, see Satan. Devils, casting out of, vi. 766: 1-2. ■ — question of their existence, v. 45 : 1-2. — see also Demons. Devotion, religious test of, iii. 45: r. - — to business, as opposed to God's will, iii. 489:2. • — -correctives of, iii. 489: 2. takes enjoyment from life, iii. 488: 2. Devotions, quiet, importance in God's plan, v. 425. Diaconate, early history of the, v. 117: 2, 360-6. — see Deacons, and Church, the early. Diana (Artemis, Anaitis), magniticent worship at liphesus, V. 487-491. Didron, M., cited, 111.663:1,697:2. Didymus of Alexandria, cited, vi. 644: 2, 656: 2. Dies Irae, quoted, 111.589:2. Ditiidence (see also Timidity), removed by Chris- tian faith, v. 132 : i. Diligence, iii. 415 : i. Dillmann, August, on the consecration of Aaron, i. 282 : 2. — on the Day of .Atonement, i.302: i. — on the Israelitic kingship, 1.574:2. — on worship of he-goats, 1.330:1. — view of righteousness, iii. 827:1. — cited or quoted, iii. 814: i, 824: i, iv. 371 : 2. Dio Cassius, cited, vi. 634: i. Diogenes Laertius, cited, vi. 458:1. Dionysius the Areopagite, v. 477. Diotrephes, vi. 825 : 1-2, 826. Disappointments noi occasion for despair, iii. 597 : 2. Disciples, the twelve, call of the, iv. 709: 2, 819: i. — characteristics of, iv. 834 : 2. — choice of, iv. 833:1. — the first, V. 130-3. — Jesus and, iv. 874 : i. S76 : r. - — -mission of and conmiis-^ion, iv. 730: 1,731 : i, 856: I. — their ambitions and suspicions, v. 213-215. Discipline, aim and force of, v. 735-8. — elements of, vi. 462 : 2. — God's method of ordering the world, v. 429:2,430: I. — of faith, iii. 806 : i. — theory of Church, v. 653:1. — vs. zeal, vi. 22,2, '■ 2. — weakened by cognate sins in punishers, v. 737- I- Discontent, impiety of, vi. 661-2. Discord, iii. 371 : i. Discouragement, mistaken, ii. 608:2. Discretion in women, iii. 683:1. Discrimination, between poor and rich, vi. 585-8. — in worship is practical unbelief, vi. 582-5. — not in the Mosaic code, 1.344:2. — of persons, vi. 662 : 1-2. — worldliness of makers, vi. 663 : 2. Disease, of the soul, v. 47:1. Dishonor, in defeat, iii. 120:2. Disillusionment, pain of, ii. 219:1. Disobedience, to parents, ii. 182 : 2. — see also Obedience. Dispensation (see also Covenant), old and new contrasted, v. 40: 2, 312. Dispersion, the, iv. 698:1. Disposition, passionate, 111.398:2. ]>is EXPOSITION OF THI': lURLl' — IXDEX. 30 Distribution, tlie law of. i. 701-704. — of wealth, i. 364 : 2. Disputatioiisness (see also CoiUrovcrsy), evil in Christian life, vi. 141. Divi-.iation, forbidden, i. 339:2. Divine antagonism, persistence of, iii. 572:1. — communication, ii. 244:1. — consolation, iii. 589 : i. — government, ii. 505 : 2. — greatness, Job's tribute to, ii. 766:2. — hardening of man's heart, i. 508:2. ■--judgment, fear of, iii. 518:1. — -justice, iii. 648: 2. — message, cf Isaiah, iii. 708:1. — observation, ii. 610:1. — ordination, tokens of, ii.42:l. — response to prayer, iii. 586 : 2. — retribution, ii. 552 : 2, iii. 275 : i. — right of kings, iii. 598:2. — righteousness questioned, i\ 259:2. — sacrir:ce for sin, iii. 635:1. — side of prayer, iv. 91:1. — vocation discouraging, i. 416:1. — see also God. Divinilj-. of God, iii. 761 : 2. Division for the eastern tribes, i.697: t. Divorce among Jews, freedom of, ii. 625 : 2. law of, iii. 826: 2. — Christ on. iv. 764 : 1,^77:2. — cruelty of, iv. 648:2. — in early Christian times, vi. 416 : 2, 417 : r. — in the time of Ezra, ii.624: i. — no law of, i.6o2:2. Docr.-ina'.ism, not the whole of Christianity, vi. 802: 2,803: 1,2. Doctrine (see also Christianity), perversion of, necessitates care in teaching, v. 364:1. — to Paul only a means, vi. 185: i. Doddridge, Philip, on living, iii. 506:2. Doe-, the Edomite, ii. 86: r, 2, 87: i, 89: 2, 90: i, iii. 141 : 2. — executes Saul's vile command, ii.90: r. — wretched character of, ii. 91 : i. Dog, as a symbol of Christian degradation, vi. 744 : 2. Dcma, necessity of formulating. vi.823:2. Doketism, vi. 771 : 1-2, 772 : 2. 77^, : i. Dollinger, J. J. I., on Greek philosophy, vi. 67. — on unction of the sick, vi. 635: 1-2. — cited, v. 43S : 2. Domestic happiness, iii. 312:1. — life, sanctity of, ii. 627:2. Donatello, anecdote of, iii. 393 : 2. Donne, John, on personal relation of God, iii. 79:2. Dorner, I. A., on baptism, vi.93:l. — cited, vi. 584 : i, 649 : 2. Dothan, Benhadad besieges, ii. 357 : I. Dothan, Elisha at, ii. 357:1. Doubt, folly of, iii. 84:1. ■ — how to he rid of, iv. 431 : i. — not a Christian frame of mind, v. 619:1-2. — of God's presence, i. 425 : 1,2. — vitalism of. vi. 132:2. — see also I'aitli. Doughty, C. M., on justice among Rcdouins, !. 596: I. — cited or quoted, ii. 697 : 2, iii. 778 : i, 790 : i, iv. 473 : 2, 476 : T, 489 : I, 540 : 2. 602 : 2, 657 : 2. Dove, sending out of Noah's, i.22:i. — symbolism of, on Jesus, v. 31:2. Dragon, of the Apocalypse, vi. SSo : 2, 881 : I. 2, 88-5,915. Drama, not cultivated among the Jews. iii. ^27 : 2. Dramas of Old Testament, ii. 35: i. Dreams, interpreters of, i. 96 : 1. — of Pharaoh's servants, i.92:i. — Pharaoh's dream, i.95:i. ■ — real truth in revelation of character, i. S7 : i. — when significant, ibid. Dress (see also Clothes), Scriptural altitude toward, vi. 702 : 2. 703 : i. Drink, evil effect nf, iii. 417: 2. — use and abuse, iii. 417: 2. — victim of, iii. 367 : 2. Driver. S. R., on authorsl.ip of Deuterononiy, i. 494 : 2. • — on the Book of Josliua, i. 63(3: 2. - — -on Deuteronomy as a standard, ii. 221 : 2. — on Psalm ex.. iii. 277:1. - — cited or quoted, iii. 616 : 2, 734 : 2, iv. 181 : 2, 193:1, 199:1. 200:1, 324:1, 358:1, 359 : 2, 371 : 2, 497 : 2, 591 : i, 595 : i, 599: I, 652: 2, 653: 1, 658: 2, 671 : T. Droiigln. the .great, and its mor-:l iniiilications, i v. 83-99. Drowning of male liebrew infants, i. 126:2. Drunkenness, a national sin, 1.300:2. — degrading influence of, ii.677:2. — liorrors of^ iii. 416:1. --in North Israel, iii. 656:1. — universal popular habit and governmental detestation, iii. 627 : 2. — vs. sobriety, v. <)n3. vi. 347 : 2. 3.;8 : i. — weakness and self-deception from, iii. 418: r. Dryden, John, " Absalom and .'\chitophel " (juoted, vi. 299: T. Dualism, in early Christian theory, vi. 771 : 2. — of the Avesta. iii. 579:2. Duhm, Bernhard, cited or quoted, iv. 2.:9:2, 476: I, 493 : 2, 532 : 2. 654: i, 673 : i. Dullness, often the result of indolence, ii. 652:2. Duties, domestic, iii. 43:1. — to God should be willingly performed, i. 555 : 2. 31 EXPOSITIOX or THE BIBLE — INDEX. Edq Duty, an outside standard necessary, vi. 179:2, 180. — chief aim of, iii. 505:1. — Christian, v. 598-612. mutual tenderness and tolerar.cc, v. 608- 612. — combination of love and law, v. 894:2, 895: I. — consciousness of, iv. 309 : 2. , — created by love to the highest, 1.531:1. — danger of neglecting, iv. 687:1. — difficulty of, ii. 683 : 2. — hrst to one's own, v. 266 : I-2. — godly man's, iii. "ji : 2. — "keep close to." ii. 713:2. — mingled of sacred and secular, v. 25 : 2. — not to be neglected, iii. 66:1. — parent's, to child, in. 422:2. — shaped by beliefs, ii. 654:2. ■ — -the reality of life, v. 191 : 2, 192 : I. • — to one's community, ii. 668:1. — too high a standard may end in too low, vi. 792 : 2. — turning from, iv. io6:T. — and enjoyment, 1.775:1. Dyer. Sir Edward, iii. -135:2. Dyserinck, on Psalms, iii. 195 : 2, 272 : 2. ''Earnest,'' what it implies, v. 731 : 2, 732. Earnestness of inquirers vs. carelessness of hear- ers, iv. 741 : I. — worth of, iii. 643: I. Earth(iuake, in the prophets, iii. 629:1, iv. 488:1. — the great, iv. 458:2. East, the freedom of its social life, v. 60:1-2. — poetry native to the people, v. 14 : 2. — the "ten pieces of silver" in the, v. 87. — time element neglected in, v. 10:2. Eating, holiness in, 1.329:2. — -injurious, a sin, 1.312:2. — -of the sacrifice, i. 258: i. Ebal and Gerizim, 1.28:2, 684: i. l-^bed-melich, the Ethiopian, intercedes for Jere- miah, iv. 162 : 2. T'benezer, stone named by Samuel, ii. 31 : i. Ibionitism, vi.773: i. — • spirit of. vi. 576 : i. l^cclcsiastcs. Book of, authorship and date, iii; I 456:1. — familiarity, iii. 512 : i. — form, iii. 456 : i. — -purpose, iii. 459: 2. — theme, iii. 476 : i. — translation, iii. 468:1. Exclesiastical administration of David, ii. 147 : 2. — - systems, ii. 543 : i. Ecclesiasticus, relation of James's Epistle to, vi. 572-3. Economic aspects of Israelite life, 1.589-595- Economic legislation of Israel, i. 592:1. Edersheim, Alfred, on Epistle of James, vi. 572: 2, 573 : -'- — cited or quoted, ii. 263: i, 264: i, iv. 701 : i, 795 ■• I. Edinburgh Review on the .\pocrypha, vi. 575 : i. I{dom, ally of Israel, ii. 348: r, iv.604: i. — and Amaziah's efforts to recover, 11.382:2, 383: I. — citadel a stronghold for plunder, iv. 181 : 2, 182 : 1,602: 2. — close relations with Israel, 11.481:2. — combined fertility and security, iv. 602 : 2. — doom of, pronounced by Amos, iv. 474-5. Ezekiel, iv. 278 : 2, 304-5. ■ — Jeremiah, iv. 181-2. Obadiah, iv. 598-600. — — — not fullilled, iv. 182:2. — -exultation of Malachi over, iv. 645 : 1-2. — famed for shrewdness, iv. 603:1-2. — fine situation on trade routes, iv. 278:1, 603 : I . — fusion with Israel, danger of. 11.481:2. accomplished, i v. 27S : 2. — • — results in destruction of Jewish nationality, iv. 604: i. — garrisoned by David, ii. 144:2. — horrible feud with Israel, iii. 599: 1-2.725:2, iv. 278: 1,304-5,602-4. good reasons for this, iv. 305 : 1,602:2. — -including religious hostility, iv. 305:1. Edomites partly to blame, iv. 305 : i. — irreligiousness of, iv. 603 : i. — Israel debarred from, 1.442:1. — the wise men of, iv. 603 : 2. — -Jeremiah on Israel's relations with, iv. 181-3. — Jews consider its revolts to be treacherous rebellion, iv. 181 : 2. 182: i. — people expelled by Nabatean Arabs, iv. 600: 2, 645 : 1-2. — psalm on Israel's struggle against, iii. 155: i. — prophetic curses on, not realized, iv. 182:2. — regains its freedom, ii. 365 : i. — rules over Israel, iv. 1S2 : 2, 304 : 2, 604: r. — under suzerainty of Judea. 11.294:2. — undying hatred of, by Jews, iv. 182:2, 602 : I. of Jews by, iv. 278: 1-2. 304 : 2, 305: I. Edomites. behavior of its people when Jerusalem fell, iii. 599 : i, iv. 278 : 2, 603 : 2, 645 : 2. Education, its bearing on future happiness, ii. 522 : 2. — Mosaic view of, i. 532, 533. — sometimes fails of its purpose, 11.570:2. — the child's thought of the parent, iii. 361-4. — the parent's thought of the child, iii. 422-5. Edw EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 32 Edwards, Jonathan, self-scarifying, ii. 740:1. Effort, individual, results of, ii. 61 : i. Eglon. of Moab, claiming authority over Israel, i. 762: I. Egotism, cruelty of, ii. 680: i. Egypt, Abraham in, i. 29. — allegory of cedar in Lebanon, iv. 290 : 2. — Assyria and. in relation to Israel, ii.402:2, 408:2,413-414. — coming tribulations foretold, iv. 170: i. — crocodile natural symbol of, iv. 288 : 2. — Ezekiel's utterances on, iv. 287-93. — great world power, iv. 287:2. — indebted to Joseph, i.99: 1,2. — intrigue in, iii. 666: i. — -Israelites' sojourn in, iii. 265: i. ^ trust in, iv. 25-35, 245-6. — Jeremiah goes into, iv. 168: i sq. — Jeremiah's utterances on, iv. 175-8. — Judah seeks alliance with, ii. 413 : 2, 414 : i (in Hezekiah's time), iii. 671 : 2, 694-5 (i" Isaiah's). ~ — -drifting to, iii. 665-864. — nicknamed Rahab, or "Braggart" (or "crocodile"), iii. 672:1. — not left without supernatural agency, i. 634 : 2. — plagues of, iii. 204 : 2. — the Psalmist cites wonders in, iii. 203 : 2. — repute for bluster and quiescence, iii. 672: I. — religion of, i. 528: i. — Solomon's alliance with, ii.247:2. Ehud, the regicide, i. 761 : 2. — kills Eglon, 1.763:1. Eichhorn, J. G., cited, vi. 390 : i. Eight, symbolism of the number, 1.317:1. Ekron, ark at, ii. 24 : 2. — and Baal-Zebub, ii. 342:1,2. El (or Kronos) reigned at Byblos, 1.755:2. Elah, king of Israel, 11.289:2. — Valley of, now Wady-Es-Sunt, ii. 73:1. Elani, as great West- Asian power, i. 35:1. — Jeremiah in relations with Israel, iv. 184. Eldad and Medad, 1.417:2. Elders or sheiks, i. 573 : i. Elders, seventy, appointed to assist Moses, i. 417: I. — begin to prophesy, 1.417:2. I'-lders, see also Church, Government of. Eleazer, elder son of Aaron, ii. 15:2. — death of, i. 72,3 : i. — invested with Aaron's office, {.443:2. — and Ithamar, 1.392:2. Eleazer, captain in time of Judges, exploit of, ii. 199: I. Eleazar, the Scribe, tortured to death by An- tiochus, iv. 412 : 2. Eleazar, keeper of ark at Kirjath-jearim, ii. 27 : i. Election (see also Foreordination), controversies over and nature of, vi. 682-4. — doctrine of, v. 575, vi. 12 : 2. — God's in history, 1.552:1. — mystery of, v. 578 : 2, 579. — national vs. individual, v. 587:1. — of grace and rigor of law, 1.557:1. — Paul's analysis of, v. 420, 586-7. — signs of, vi. 320-3. Elephantiasis, a form of leprosy, 1.320:1. Eli, son of Ithamar, ii. 16 :r. — claim to priesthood valid, ii. 16: i. — death of, ii. 23 : 2. — degradation of House of, ii. 17:2. — feeble course with sons, 11.16:2,17:1. — Hannah rebukes, ii. 9 : 2. — Hears God's message to Samuel, ii. 20:1. — House of, ii. 15 : i. — fulfillment of curse on, 11.90:2,243:1. — reproved, ii. 15 : 2, 17 : 2. — resignation of, ii. 20:1. — Samuel brought to, ii.i2:T. — ^ Wickedness of sons of, 11.15:2, 16:1,2. Eliab, son of Jesse, ii. 68: i. — rebukes David, ii. 74:1. Eliakim, renamed Jehoiakim, iv. 14: i. Eliakim, son of Hilkiah, iii. 695: 2. Eliam, son of Ahithopel, ii. 199:1. Elias, as shadow of New Testament on Old, v. 26 : 2, 27. Eliashib, high priest, 11.642:1. Eliezer. at the well, i. 66:1. Elihu and Job, ii. 774 : 2. Elijah, comes brilliantly on the scene, li.300: I. — ascension of, ii. 345 : 1-2. — at Sarepta, ii. 303 : 2. — brings the fire from heaven, ii. 343.: 1,344: I, 2. the rain, ii.3ii:i. — challenges Baal. 11.306:1,307:2. — compared with John the Baptist, ii.300:2. — with Solomon, 11.333:2,334:1. — despairs of accomplishment, ii. 312:1, 314: I. — did ravens feed? 11.302:1,2,303:1. — "Elijah's fruits," 11.306:2. — flees from Jezebel, ii. 301 : 2, 31 1 : i. — God speaks to, 11.318:2. — grotto of, 11.306:2. — ■ in Jewish and Mohammedan legends, ii. 346:1. — Mount Carnicl now named from, ii. 306:2, — on the mountains, ii. 306:1. — parts waters of the Jordan. 11.345:2. — predicts doom of Ahab, 11.329:2. — prediction fulfilled, ii. 333:1. — raises dead, 11.304:2. — relations with Ahab, 11.305:1. Ahaziah, 11.342:2. 33 EXPOSITION OF TIIIC BIBLK — INDEX. Eph iilijali, relations with Elisha, ii. 345 : 1,2,350:2. Obadiah, ii. 305 : 2.' — return of, iv. 650:2. — transfiguration of, iv. 756 : 2, 870: r. — slays prophets of Baal, ii. 309:1. — three missions of, ii. 319:1. — unwelcome message to Ahab, ii. 301:1. Elimelech goes to IMoab, i. 839 : 2. "Eliot, George," her mental career, vi. 771:2. — on Israelite devotion, ii. 684 : 2. — cited on social need of God's light, iii. 809 : 2. — cited, ii. 501 : 2. Eliphaz, tlie Temanito, character of, ii. 717:1. — tirst speech to Job, ii. 717:2. — God reveals himself to, ii. 320: i. — jealous for God. ii. 738:1,2. — pride of race, ii. 738:1. — religion of, ii. 720:1. — second speech to Job, ii. 737:2. — seems right in argument, ii. 720:1. — third speech t-.=;62. Epochs, followed by commonplace, 1.642:2. Equality, Christian ordinance to, i. 181 : 2. Equality, before the law, i. 595 : 2. — of ability obtains equal reward, iv. 788:1. Erasmus, as champiun of peace, v. 349:1. — blunder of, i. 775 : 2. — on Stephen's defense, v.2,(>7'-2- — cited, vi. 641 : i. Erskine, Thomas, cited, vi. 317:2. Esarhaddon, exploits and character, ii. 425 : i. . — incursion into Palestine, 11.430:2. — inscription of, i. 259: i ; ii. 462 : i. — Judah tributary of, iv. 13:1. Esau, character of, i. 69 : 2. — creature of impulse, 1.73:1. — repentance futile, i. 'jt, : 2. • — replies to Jacob's message, 1.78:2. — sells his birthright, 1.70:1. — wished self-indulgence without penalty, i. 72,-2. — and his birthright, moral of, vi. 544:1-2. Eschatology (see also Immortality; also Jesus Christ, Second Coming of) : — argument from rectification of injustice, vi. 363 : 2. — change at death, vi. 206. — " Day of the Lord," vi. 346-8. — death exchanges probation for retribution, V. 185 : 2. impossible for the believer, v. 191 : 1-2. — eternal life the prize of Christian competi- tion, vi. 165 : 2. Christ's resurrection sole basis of, vi. 197^8. • — or eternal punishment, iv. 791 : 2. — final judgment individual and not collective, V. 611 : 2. — future life and the Sadducees, v. 339 : 2. conditions present one, v. 704-5. world ruled by the spirit of Christ, V. 659: 1-2. — happiness in proportion to capacity, vi. 728:1. — how the dead are raised, v. 79:2. 80:1. — immortality alone gives life a meaning, vi. 304: I. — necessary constitution of world to come, V. 656: 2.657: T. — no revelation on non-Christian dead, vi. 345 : 2. — of the Gospel, v. 95-8. based on the resurrccticm, vi. 160. — pagan vs. Christian, vi.3i3:2. — Paul's, v. 760-2, vi. 79-80. — reward and punisluucnt. vi. 364:1. — slaves, hopeful future for, vi. 275-6. — surety of future life pives enjoyment of prc-c't. vi. 2'5 : 2. 2=6. — tlie final iu(l"niont, vi. 7.17-8. 750: I. do. of tlie unrighteous, vi.720: 1,918: I. 35 EXroSlTlON OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Evo Eschatology: Judgment Pay, iii. i i : i. idea first in Book of luiocli, vi. 654. a finality, \i. 365 : 2, 366 : i. in the New Testament, vi.So6-8. — ■ — -solidarity of hell and redemption, vi. 807: I. fiery punishments, vi. 892 : 2, 893 : r. and rewards, vi. 529-530. not called eternal, vi. 893:1. — ■ — -the feast upon the wicked, vi.9ii:i-2. -the lake of lire. vi.in of, iii. 676:1. — of God's mercies, 111.267:2. Forgiveness, iii. -'25-7. — anecdote of. vi. 820:1. — by expiation, iii. 168: i. — effects of. 111.425:2,696:1. — God's, of sins. iv. 313 : 2. 345 : 2, 726 : 2, vi. 79, 158, 242: I. — inherent in f!od"s nature, 111.314:1. — joy and satisfaction of. iii. 84 : 2, iv. 763 : T. — knowledge of God obtained by, ii. 580 : 2. — of enemies. 111.2/5:1. — of trespasses, iv. 762-^. — power for generating grace, v. 61. — reward of, iii. 427 : 2. — spirit of Christ, iii. 16: i. — • unlimited duty of, v. 93 : 2. Forms, religious, see Ritualism. Fornication, Paul on, v. 659-662. — stronger type of sin than adultery is, vi. 902 : 2. — universality in pagan times: evils, v. 900:2, 90[ : I. Fortitude a merit, iii. 568:1. F'ortune. reversals of, iii. 592 : 2. Forty, symbolic meaning of, 1.318:1. Foundling hospitals, origin and abuse, v. 346: I. Fou EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 40 Fountain of living water, iv. 98 : 2. Fountains of Elisha, see Elisha. — Solomon's, ii. 269 : i. Fragrance, see Savor. Francis de Sales, St., cited on small congrega- tions, V. 468 : 2. Francis of Assisi, St., temporal tragedy of, ii. Frankincense for the sacrifice, i. 254:1. Fraud, rebuked by the Bible, i. 588:1. — unprotkableness, i. 688 : i ; ii. 88 : i. — " pious." meaning of. i. 687 : 2. Frederick the Great, despair after Kunersdorf, i. 130:2. Freebooters, David's band called, ii.23r : i. Freedom (see also Liberty) : — Christian, glories and abuses, v. 733. of interpretation, v. 749: 2, 750 : i. vs. authority, v. 734 : 2, 735 : i. — consistent with foreordination, 35 : 2. — human, iii. 409-412. — moral, great religious truth, iv. 259:1. how God constitutes, v. 238:1. — of the soul, iv. 831 : 2. — religious, perils of, iii. 846 : 2, v. 893-6. — true, divine law of, vi.744: i. Free-will (see also Determinism; Election; Free- dom), V. 160: 2. — essential to virtue, vi. 303:1. — explains salvation of a few, v. 580:1. — God's purpose for men, vi. 401 : 2. — necessary to salvation, v. 471:!. — necessity for rational life, vi. 578-9. — power to come to repentance, vi.749:2. — reason of, vi. 397-8. — to choose perdition, iii. 846 : 2, v. 587 : 2. — vs. foreordination, ii. 35 : 2, iv. 259 : i, v. 238:1. Free-will offerings, i.263: i. French Revolution and atheism, iii. 440 : 2. Friedlander's " the Jewish religion," quoted, i. 534: I. Friend, God the perfect, iii. 569:1. Friends, false, iii. 76: 2. " I'Vicnds " (Quakers), and non-resistance of, ii. 565 : 2. Friendship, iii. 404-7. — doubles faculties, iii. 405:1. — freedom in expression tlic test, iii. 602:1. — in adversity, 111.405:2. — loss through breaking, iii. 406:1. — lower than Christian love, 111.404:2. — of Jesus Christ, 11.85:2. — of the young, ii. 85:1. — ripens with time, iii. 405 : 2. — selfishness of much, iii. 83:1. — too rarely formed on Christian lives, vi. 289- 290. — with God, iii. 406 : 2. Frogs, the plague of, 1.154:2. Fronmiiller, G. F, C, cited, vi. 653 : 2. Froude, J. A., on God in history, i. 507 : 2. Fryth, John, reply to Sir Thomas More, iii. 515: I. Fuller, J. Al., on Daniel, iv. 408:1. — on Psalm Ixvi, iii. 171 : 2. Fuller's well, 11.234:2. Future, the, 618-622. — confidence in, presumptuous, in men, vi. 618-622. Future life (see also Eschatology), beliefs made real by Christ's death, v. 228:1-2. — faith in a, iii. 500:2. — double promise of, in Old Testament, iii. 764 : 2. Gaal, son of Ebed, i. 798 : i. Gabriel, the archangel, v. 13. — first mentioned, iv. 414:2. — warning to Daniel, iv. 419:2. Gad, praised by Moses, i.621: i. — sagacity and energy, ibid. Gad, tribe of, agree to form van of Canaanite invasion, i. 478: 2. — insignificant figure in history, 1.479:2. — Moses' displeasure with, 1.478:1. — tenacious courage, i. 116:2. Gad, the prophet, "David's seer," 11.89:1,207:2, 235 : 2. Galatia, settlement and character, v. 465 : 2, 466 : I, 818:2. Galatians, the, circumcision prejudicial among, vi. .393: I- Galatians, Epistle to, vi. 382 : i, 390 : I. — cited, vi. 373, 590: i. — vehemence of, vi. 294 : 2, 318 : i. — an epistle of faith, vi.3i8:2. — controversial atmosphere, vi. 7 : 2. — idea of universal salvation in, vi. 7 : 2. — lack of preliminary graciousness, vi. 193:1. — on remission of sin, vi. 14:2. — Paul's self-assertion in, vi. 193:1. — place in Pauline epistles, vi.9:2. Galilee, Christ begins ministry in, iv. 708-10. — crisis in, iv. 743:1. — stronghold of Judaism, v. 408: i. — and Judaea, "the two orthodox provinces," iii. 178: I. Gallio, character and action of, v. 630: 1,631: i. — and Jewish sect law, vi. 586 : 2. — and the trial of St. Paul, v. 479-48o. Gamaliel, character and position, v. 409:2, 410. — counsel of, v. 351-5. Gambling, spirit of, 111.356:2. Gardiner, Capt. Allen, antarctic explorer, ii. .358:2. Garrison, William Lloyd, persecution of, 11.315:2. "Gate, proselytes of the," v. 430:1-2. 41 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Gie Gath, the Ark at, ii. 24 : 2. — city of Goliath, ii. 73 : i, 87 : 2. — David at, ii. 85 : 2, 87 : i ; iii. 14S: 2. — gigantic men of, ii. 198: 2. Gaiitier, Leon, iv. 325:1. Gaza, religious conservatism of, v. 395 : 2. — Samson in, i. 819-822. Geba, Jonathan defeats Fliilistines at, ii. 55 : 2. Gedaliah, Jewish satrap of Nebuchadrezzar, put over Judah, ii. 455 : i. — murdered, iv. 136 : i, 167 : i, 294 : 2. Gedor, conquest of, ii. 489 : 2. Gehazi, servant of Elisha, ii. 351: 1,2,362: i. — cupidity of, ii. 354 : 2, 355 : i, 2. - — made a leper by Elisha, ii. 356 : i. Genealogies, Biblical, ii. 480-5. their moral and impression, ii. 483 : 2, 484:1. • — of antediluvian period, ii. 481 : 2. — of Chronicles, ii. 476 : i. — of Israel's tribes, {.466:1,2. — of Matthew, iv. 698:1. — of patriarchal period, ii.48i:2. — women ignored in, ii. 484 : 2. Genealogy of the Lagidje, etc., iv. 432. Generations, the old and the new, i. 465 : 2. Generative power, affected by God's curse, i. 314: I- Generosity commanded by wisdom, iii. 359:1. — golden mean of, ii. 484:2. — involved with energy, iii. 384: i. — succeeds, ii. 130: i. Genesis, Book of, sole aim, i. 5 : 1-2. Genius, popularly dispensed from ethical canons, vi.8r8. fallacy of the idea, 819. Gentile priesthood, i. 186:2. Gentiles, the, at outset of Christianity: — anti-Jewish prejudice, v. 919: 2, 920: t. — cause of their turning to Judaism, vi. 35 : i. — condition of pre-Christian, vi.3i6:2. — differentiated from Jews, vi. 34:2. — faith vs. Jewish unbelief, v. 581-5. — first convert among, v. 429-430. — Jesus' inclusion into Jewish fold, v. 81. — Jewi.sh grudge against their baptism, v. 385:2, vi. 330: I. — Luke's go.spel that of tlieir inclusion, v. 8 : i. — pressed to Judaize, v. 915:2. — relation of converts to Judaic rites, vi. 246: I. — responsibility through moral consciousness, V. 535 : I. — seed of union with Jews into Christians, v. 198: 1,204: I. — separation from Jews effected by Chris- tianity, vi. 264: I. — shut out from Israel's hope, vi.35:2. — slow conversion of, v. 482 : 2. Gentiles, spiritual union with Jews, vi. 17:2, 18: i. — struggle of Jews to compel circumcision, v. 846-7. — the "eleventh hour" laborers meant in the parable, v. 873: 2. — their status the crux of the church, v. 7 -.2. -^treatment of, crux of early Christianity, v. 839: 2,840: I. — walk of, vi. 66-69. Gentleman, the word dehned, iii. 681 : 2. Gentleness, iii. 806 : 2. George III, exalted notion of prerogative, iii. 445: I. Gerizim, Ebal and, 1.684:1. Gershom, the lirst-born of Moses, i. 131 : 2. Gershonites, had charge of the Tabernacle, i. 718:2. — ofifice of, i. 396: i. Gesenius, F. H. W., on meaning of B'ne Elim, iii. 77 : 2. Geshur in Syria, ii. 164 : 2, 165 : 2. — king of, ii. 234: i. Geshuri, not subdued by Joshua, {.696:2. Gethsemane, Christ in, iv. 797 : r sq.. 908: 2 sq. — destruction of garden of, iii. 559:1. — the watch in, v. (j8-ioi. Gezer, ii. 247 : 2. Gibbon, Edward, on causes of Christianity's progress, i. 634: i. — cited or quoted, iii. 707 : i, iv. 138 : 2, vi. 697: 1,792: I. Gibborem, Solomon's body-guard, {{.236:2. Gibeah, crime of, i. 830 : i. — Jonathan's army at, {{.55:2. — of God (also of Saul), {{.41:2,42:1. — of Saul, {{.47:2,196:1. — Saul returns to, {{. 45 : 2. — shocking immoraHty of, {v. 190:1. G{beon, pool of, {{. 123: i. — ■ Tabernacle at, {{. 147 : 2. G{beon{tes and their stratagem, {.686:1. — reduced to drudgery, {. 687 : r. G{deon, son of Joash, {. 778 : 2. — death of, {. 795 : i. — defeats the M{d{an{tes, {. 788 sq. ; i{i. 215 : 2. — the eccles{apt{c, {.791-5. — '■ fa{nt yet pursu{ng," {.790:1-2. — {conoclast and reformer, {. 780-3. — in M{(l{an{te camp, 1.7^17:2. — name changed lo Jerubbaal, {. 781 : 2. — refuses to be k{ng. {.791:2. — scourges elders w{th thorns and br{ars, i. 790: I. — thre.sh{ng, {. 778 : 2. •-and the angel of the Lord. {.779:2. G{esebrecht, Er{edr{ch, c{ted or quoted, iv. 130:2,. 140: I, 163: I, 172: 2, 173 : I, 174: 2. 177: I, 178: 2, 180:2, 183: I, 185:2. 187: 2, 199: I, 2, 201 : I, 202 : I, 2, 204 : i, 534: i. Gif EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— UXDEX. 42 Gift of intense spiritual life, ii. 5^7: t. Gifts (see also Giving), Paul on, vi. 181-4. — requital of, v. 572. — to be proportionate, 1.404:1. Gifts (talents), exaggerated valuation in Church work, V. 763: 2,764: I. — nemesis of neglected, vi. 462-3. — of God, use and responsibility, vi.715. through Christ, vi. 204-7. — spiritual, v. 686-690. no test of Christianity, v. 687 : 2. — supernatural, in early churches, v. 855 : i. Giiion. Solomon at, ii. 236 : 2. Gilboa. Mount, effect of battle at, ii. 111:2. — Saul at, ii. 104 : i. — Saul defeated at, ii. 110:2. ■Gilead, i. 798-802. — description of charm and fertility, 1.799:1. — "Is there no balm in?'' iv. 54:2. •Gilgal, the name, i. 662 : 2. — Bethel's rival, iv. 451:2. — Elisha at, ii. 352 : i. — see Samuel, circuit of. ■Ginsburg, C. D., on wealth, iii. 486:1. Gittitcs, faithful to David, ii. 172:1. (liver, Christ as complete, v. 149:1-2. — God as the great, v. 148: i. ■Giving (see also Charity), courage in, a social need, v. 165 : i. — Christian, Paul on, v. 781-6. rules of, V. 783:1-2. — gain from, iii. 504:2. — should be in proportion. ii.6oT : i. ■Gladiatorial shows, pagan and Christian views of, V. 310: 2. Gladness in religion for cliildrcn, ii. 671 : 2. Glass, seeing through a, v. 693:1. Gleaning and reaping. {.590:2. Gloom, characteristic of history, ii. 226:1. — November, psychological aspect of, ii. 625 : i. Glory, as attribute of God, v. 752:1. — Christ's, subject of tlie Gospel, v. 754:2, 755:1. — earthly vs. spiritual, v. 673 : 2, 673 : I. — God become visible, iii. 809:1. — not to be sought in God's service, v. 364:2. Gnats, the plague of, i. 155: i. Gnosticism, characteristics. vi.65:i. — chief error of, vi. 210:1. — essence, vi. 248 : 1-2. — emanation theory, vi. 500:1. — in early Asian Churches, vi. 704 : 2, 771 : I. — in Ionia, vi. 766: i. — moral teaching, vi. 398-400, 649 : 2. — problem of, vi. 395-8. — results in sterile monasticism, v. 334:1. — vagueness, vi. 763:1. Gob. ii. 198: I. God, a consuming fire, iii. 699: i. — a living person, {.20:1,135:2. — a stronghold in trouble, iii. 103:1. — absence of, ii. 23 : 2, 27 : 2. — access to, iii. 18: 2. — accomplishes purposes, ii. 37 : 2. — adoration of, ii. 661 : 2. — against the wicked, iii. 386: 2. — agents, humble ori;4in of, ii.69:r. — anger of, iii. 585:1. — angry, ark the symbol of, ii.24:2. — anthropomorphism of, proi)hets regarding, iii. 764 : 2. — appearing as fire, i. 132:2. — approval and censure of, iii. 403:1. — argument from history, iii. 757:1. — as a champion, iii. 243 : i. — as a conqueror, iii. 198:1. — as a guide, iii. 271 : 2. — as a husbandman, iii. 169: i. — as a person, i. 20: i. ■" He," iii. 768: i. — as a potter, iv. 103-8. — as a refuge, iii. 126: i, 217 : i. — as a shield, iii. 218: 2. — as ally of one. iii. 93:1. — as an educator, iii. 242:2. — as an enemy, iii. 558:1. — as commanding an extermination, {.540:2. — as Creator, vi. 532 : i. infinite, 1.2^:2. creating through mediate beings, theory of, vi. 208 : i, 209 : 2. — as king of Israel, ii. 32: 2. — as the absolutely unknowable, i. 20:r. — as the avenger, i. 132: i. — -as the giver of law, i. 132:2. — as the ultimate source, iv. 67 : r. — attitude towards repentance, ii. 580:2. — submissive expectance, iii. 110:2. — attributes of, to the non-holy, vi. 520:1. — belittlinpj of, bad for society, v. 531:1. — blessings, the recognition of is not cant, ii. U5- I- — call of, to souls, ,'.501:2. — cannot be unjust, iii. 57S : i, v. 579. — -care of the afllictcd, iii. 174:2. — choice, proof of love for mankind, iv. 72 : i — Christians, kings to, ii. 70:1. — comfort derived from, ii. 13:1. — commandments of, iii. 516:1. — compassion of, iii. 574:2. — compensation for human sin, v. 197:1. — constitutes natural retribution, v. 531 : 1-2. — contrasted calm and wrath of, iii. 12:2. regard of, iii. 109:1. — creative power of, iii. 807: 2. 43 I'XiHJsrriox oi- tvw. r.ip.Li-: — index. God Cod, dolivcranccs of, ii.^S""^- '• — desires men to cliny to liini, iii. J^j:.'. to convince by Inve, iii. 750: i. — destroys Iii-- dun tenijile, iii. 559:1. — disper.ser of victory, i. 185: i. — displeasnre of, .synonyms for, iii. 104:1. — divincst attributes, v. ui. — does not neglect, iii.6oj:i. — drawn to Ills dependants, iii. 580:2. — duties to, a part of secular life, v. 631:1. to obey will of. vi. 180. — dwelling- witb iiien, iii. iJ-7(>- — one of a family of giants, ii. 198: 1-2. Good, evil taken for, iv. 9.^: i. — in business, iii. 482:1. — in pleasure, iii.480: i. — in the golden mean, iii. 492 : 2. — in the wise use of life, iii. 484 : r. 499 : 2. — in wealth, iii. 491 : i. — in wisdom, iii. 479:1. — injustice against, iii. 482 : 2. — not in wisdom, iii. 500:1. — obstructed by divine ordinances, iii. 482:1. — out of evil, iii. 63: 2,80: I. iv. 770: I. — rejection of, iv. 839 : i. — self-indulgence in doing, vi. 135:2. — survival of, iii. 239 : 2. — the chief, iii. 476: 1. — and evil, divine origin of. iii. 579: 2. Good blood in Western countries, i. 591 : 2. Good breeding, i. 122:1. Good name more than riches, ii. 642:1. — proper to acquire, iii. 493 : 2. Goodness, see also Righteousness, iii. 385-8. — action vs. character, v. 245:1. — cause of hatred, iii. 93: 2. — conventional, iv. 765 : 2. — is happiness, v. 206 : 2. — its own reward, iii. 385: 2. — lack of, reason for not acknowledging Christ, V. 125: I. — means fruit. vi.202:2. — not apart from God, i v. 50:1. Goshen, Israel in, i.85:2. Gospel, anticipations of a universal, iii. 168:2. — Isaiah's, iii. 838-9. Gospel, the (see also Christianity; Bible), gen- esis of, V. 7-10. — above human approval, vi.328:2. — aim of its preaching, vi.7i2:2. — as spiritual food, v. 162:2. — as the word of Chri.st, vi. 269-270. — authenticity and wcigiit different questions, vi. 382 : 2. — based on God's wrath, v. 769-770. — character and purpose, vi. 768. — Christ's, three strands of, v. 40:2. — contrast with human thoughts, vi. 199:1. — creates a new type of character, v. 920:2. — danger of staling, vi. 321 : 2. — debt of Christians to, Paul on, vi. 197-9- — defined by Paul, v. 753-6. — duty of obedience to, vi. 365. — errors of extremes in interpretation, vi. 917: I. — eschatology of, v. 95-98. — ethics of, V. 91-95. ■ — great object of, iv. 735:1. — inexhaustiblencss of. vi. 198. Gospel, its subject the glory of Christ, v. 754:2, - — limitations of effect, v. 754:1. — meaning of, v. 521 : 2. 522 : i. ■ — must contain sure truths for effect, wjz^: I. — must have a divine Christ, v. 794 : 2. — of the Kingdom, iv. 710:2. — no race unlit for it, vi. 330:1. — not an esoteric mystery, vi. 360 : 1.728: i,vi, 22^ : T . 225 : 2, 226. — opposed effects on different natures, v. 741 : I. — Paul's analysis of, vi. 326-8. — plain fact and not mysticism, yet mystery. vi. 733: 1-2. — truth its whole essence, vi. 198: i. evidenced by spread, vi. 198:2. fruitfulness in character, vi. 198:2, 199,329: I. — unity of, Paul on, v. 823-6. Gospels, The Four, are memorials, iv. 699 : i. — common traits of, vi. 813-816. — different position in early Christian times, V. 300: 1-2. — early ones imperfect, v. 9:1. — genuine, differences from .\pocrypha, v. 316:2,317: I. — imperfection of anthologies of, vi. 779:1-2. — lack of date.s, v. 10:2. — origin of variations, vi. 715:2. — their recitals a complement of Christ's teacliing, v. 231 : 2. ■ — • unity of, v. 7 : i. Goulburn, E. M., on personal religion, v. 433 : I. — cited. V. 291, 393 : 2, 394 : 1. Government (see also Church, government of). duty of obedience to, vi. 698: 1-2. — essentially of divine origin, ii. 510:1,2, . 602, 603-4. — good, as consequence of piety, ii.56o:2. — neutrality advocated by ministers, i. 268:2. Grace (see also Election), God's attainable only through Christ, vi.689:2. — basis of Chri-stianity, vi. 159:1. — begins true relations with God, i.5o6:2. — defined, vi. 117:2, 118. — Esau's misconception of, i.74:2. — faith and, iv. 208: 2. — nature and results, v. 362. — of God, and sin of man, ii. 662:1. aimed at the human heart, iii. 749: 2, 750; I. — Paul aufl tlie doctrine of, vi. 14:1. ^ element in liis theology, v. 850: i. and law, v. 888: i. his use of the word, vi. 195.317:2. — Peter's proclamation of universal, v. 435:1. Grace at table, function of, i. 331 : i. 47 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Han "Graces," Greek and Christian, vi. 319:1. (iractz, H., on Psalms, iii. 14: t, 17 : i, 21 : 2, 32 : 2, 100: 2, 125 : I, 136 : 2, 160: I, 163 : i, 195 : 2, 196 : I, 226 : I, 257 : 2, 268 : i, 272 : 2, 284 : i, 286:2, 314: I, 322: I, 330: 2, 332: 2, 334: I. — cited or (luoted, iv. 165 : 2, 486 : 2, 494 : 2, 645 : 2. Gr;if-\\'cllshauscn, llieory of Jtrcnnah's dale, iv. 25 : 2. Grandeur, tawdry, iii. 592:2. Gratitude, expansive, iii. 79: 2. — Chri.stian, source of highest nobihty, vi. 235 : -^• Graves of lust, i..ii8:2. Gra}^ Asa, as to design in nature, iv. 738: 2,739: i. (ireat Britain, national character, vi. 330 : 2, 331 : i. Greatness, law of, iv. 885: i. (jreed, commandment aimed at, {.336:2. — of gain, iii. 336 : i. Greek literature, Cyrus in, iii. 771 : 2. — Jews first mentioned in, iv. 667 : i. — view of Cyru.s, iii. 773 : i. Greeks, coming of the, iv. 672 : i. — development their watchword, i. 520:1. — Israel and the. iv. 666 : i sq. — pity for unfortunate, iii. 724:1. — racial contribution to Christianity, v. 634. — slaughter of the, iv. 673:1. Gregory the Great, pope, forbids study of heathen literature, vi. 443 : i. Gregory Thaumaturgus, cited, vi. 442 : i. Grief at death, i.346: 1,2. — before God, iii. 568 : 2, 584 : i. — Christian attitude toward, ii. 184 : 2. — expression of, iii. 568:1. — for the dead sacred, ii. 183 : i, 2, 280: i. — repression of, iii. 106 : 2. — selfishness of, iii. 22 : 2. Gros.sness, spiritual, iii. 432:1. Grotius, on Paul's prudence, v. 505:1. — on Porphyry's work against Christianity, iv. 375 : 2. Guidance, need of, iii. 70: i. Guilt, expiation of, ii. 580: i. — -its debt extinguished, iii. 598:2. Guilt-offering, i. 264 : 2, 276 : i ; iii. 820 : I. — reparation in, i. 276 : 2. — ritual of, i. 277 : i. — Guyon, Mme., anecdote of her maid, v. 598 : 2. llabakkuk, as skeptic, iv. 591-4. — contemporary of Jeremiah, iv. 18 : i, 591 : 2. — denounces evil gain, iv. 18: i. — high sense of religious duty, iv. 593:2. — his problem tiie commonplace of high spirits, iv. 593: I. — on stagnation of the law, ii. 437 : 2. 43S: I. llabakkuk, oracle through vision, iv. 592 : 1,2. — originator of new religious attitude, iv. 591 : 2. — pain of doubting God, iv. 593; 1-2. — ^ prays for revival of great deeds, iv. 596: i. — psalm of, iv. 596 : 2, 597 : 1-2. — series of lyrics, iv. 594 : 2, sq. — -steadfa.st faith of, iv. 594:2. — subordinates law to faith, 1.191:1. Habakkuk, Book of, iv. 587-591. Habit, influence of, iii. 637 : 2. — judgment according to, iii. 582:2. Habits, making of wealth perpetuates, iii. 722: I. Hachilah, hills of, ii. 93 : 2, 96: 2. Hadad, prince of Edom, ii. 276: i. Hadadezer, king of Zobah, ii. 144: i. — defeated by David, ii. 144: i. Hades (Sheol), in Scripture, vi.856:2. — Semitic conception of, iii. 719:1. Hagar, story of, i. 41-4. — expulsion of, i. 58:1. ■ — flight of, i. 42 : 2. — Paul on her story, v. 882-6. — resentment of, i. 59:1. — returns to Abraham, i. 44:1. — talks with God, i. 43 : i. — and Sarah, iii. 443 : 2. Haggai, personality of, ii. 607: 1-2. — prediction, vi. 548 : 2. — and the building of the Temple, iv. 615:1 sq. ITaggai, Book of, iv.613: r. Hail, the plague of, i. 158: t. Hail-storm at Bethhoron, i. 689:1. Hair-trimming, forbidden fashions of, i. 339 : 2. Halevy, J., on Psalm cxxxvii, iii. 322:1. Hall, Bishop J., on Ahithophel, ii. 179: T. — on Elijah, ii. 343 : 2. — on Elisha, ii.35o:2. — on God, ii. 138: 2. — -on grudging intellectual acceptance of truth, ii. 79: 2, 80: I. — on leprosy of Gehazi, ii.356: i. — on numbering Israel, ii. 207: r. — on Solomon, ii. 275 : 2. Hall, S. C, " Picturesque Ireland" cited, v. 298: i. Hallel, first psalms of, iii. 282: 2. I lam, son of Noah, 1.24:1. Haman, Judas of Israel, ii. 679:2. Hammond, Henry, cited, vi. 757. Hananiah, false prophet, ii. 449 : 2, ii. 668: I. — death of, ii. 450: i, iv. 153 : i. — Jesuitic nature, iv. 150:1. — opponent of Jeremiah, iv. T50-3. — self-deceived, iv. 153: i. Hands, laying on of. the rite. v. 387-90. — derivation and continuity, v. 498 : 2, 499 : I. — early importance, v. 483 : 2. Hail EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 48 Hannah, wife of Elkanah, ii. 7 : 2. — faith of, ii. 9 : 2. rewarded, ii. 10: i. — foresees kingdom, ii. 15:1. — nobility of her spirit, ii. 12:2. — rebukes EH, ii. 9 : 2. — song of, compared to songs of Mary and Elizabeth, ii. 13 : i. in Mary's strain, ii. 14:1. thanksgiving, ii. 12 : 2. — trial and trust of, ii.7: i. — vow of. ii. 9 : i. — wonderful fulfillment of her consecration, ii.32: I. Hannington, James, "Life" cited, vi. 323: i. Hanun, David and, ii. 151 : 2. Happiness from self-sacrifice, v. 206:2. — home, foundation of, iii. 312:1. — issue of faith, ii. 703 : 2. — its highest estate, v. 276 : 2. — mankind's distrust of, ii. 538:2. ■ — -mistakes as to nature and means of, v. 144: I. — pain and, ii.706 : i. — remembrance of, iii. 117:1. — selfi.shness of, iii. 312:2. — supreme, of imparting God's purpose, v. 251:2,252: I. Ilareth, David at, ii. 88 : 2. — forest of, ii. 89: 2. Harless, G. C. A. von, on deism, pantheism, and Christianitj', vi. 35. — on self-seeking, vi. 74:1. Harnack. A., cited, vi. 624:2. Harod. the spring of, i.784: i. Harosheth of the Gentiles, i. 765 : i. Harper, Father James, quoted, vi.648:i. Harris, J. Rendel, discoveries, v. 292. Harvest, analogies of, in life, v. 912-914. — the Lord's, vi. 892-5. Haste, misery from, i. 726:1. Hatch, Edwin, on early clnnch government, vi. 3.S0: I. — on prophets and preachers, vi. 355 : 2. Hate, Hatred, envenomed by doing injustice, v. 261 : 1-2. goodness sometimes cause of, iii. 93: 2. — mingled with pity, iii. 326:2. — sinful, varieties of, vi. 260. Haughtiness, a leading sin, iii. 370:2. Hauran, the district of, ii.697: i. Hausrath. A., on Pauline Epistles, vi. 484:2. Hazacl, king of Syria, ii. 364:2. — death of, ii. .385 : 2. — Elisha reveals future to, ii.363:2. — smites Israel, ii.37S:2. — and Elisha, ii. 362:1. — and Judah, ii. 381 : i. Hazor, Canaanite capital, i. 692 : 2. — destroyed, 1.693:2. Hazor, its identity, iv. 183-4. Healing, the miracles of, v. 71-74. Health, a religious duty to preserve, i. 439 : 2. Hearers, two classes of, iv. 722 : 2. "Heart," meaning in the Scriptures, vi. 229:1. — God speaks to the, iii. 749 : 2. — preparing the, ii. 27 : 2, iv. 702 : i, 2. Heathen conception of creation, iii. 376: i. Heathen, see Pagans. Heathenism, see Paganism. Heave-ofifering, i. 430: 2. Heaven, as a symbol, vi. 880:1. — as the goal of endeavor, vi. 172: I. — kingdom of, see God, Kingdom of. — meaning of, vi. 205 : 11. — nature of, v. 96: 1-2, vi. 916: 2, 917: i. — taught by earth, vi. 45-48. — queen of, iv. 170-3. her worship, iv. 264: r. — the manifestation of God, iv. 817:2. — the new, 483 : 2, vi. 918-921. Heavens, the, type of duration, iii. 229:2. Heber, the Kenite, i.748:2. Hebrew culture, i. 335 : 2. — fanaticism, iv. 856 : i. — language, effects of mi.xed marriages on, ii. 673 : 2. no history of its growth and decay, i. 496: I. — • manuscripts, ii. 222 : 2. — monarchs, injustice of, iv. 337:1. — monotheism, unique quality of, iii. 763:1. — poetry, i. 173 : i, iii. 718 : i. elegies, iii. 541 : i. Gnomic school of, iii. 458: 2. — prophets, belief in supremacy of God, iii. 599 : 2. strength and originality of, iii. 642:1. — racial disposition of the, iii. 790:1. — ritual, importance of .sacrifices for sin, ii. 614: I. — seers, universalism of, iv. 38:1. — view of Cyrus, iii. 773:1. Hebrews (see also Israel; also Jews), influence of the, ii. 229: 2. — severance from other races, 1.430:2. — religious system of, iii. 791 : 2. — wisdom adapted to practical needs, iii. 516: 2. Hebrews, Epistle to the, origin and date, v. 388 : i. — on Abraham and Sarah, vi. 703:1. — on Abraham's purchase of a sepulchre, i. 63:2. — on altar of incense, 1.225:2. — on Isaac's faith, i. 71 : i. — on prefiguring of Christ by Abel, iv. 14:2. — on purification of the body, vi. 358:1. 49 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Hiff Hebrews, Epistle to the, on rites outside the camp, i.274: I. — on the sprinisliiig of blood, [.272:2. — Psalni viii. in, ui. 2/ : 2. — cited, vi. 393: 2. Hebron, i. 746: i. — Abner buried at, ii. 129:2. — David reigns at, ii. 120: i. — patriarch's tomb at, ii. 129:2. Hedonism, prevalent at Christian era, vi.35:l,2. ilegesippus, on James the brother of Jesus, v. 461 : I. — on murder of James the Just, vi. 565. — cited, vi. 468: 1,645 : 2. He-goats, worship of, i. 330: i. Heine, Heinrich, "confessions,"' iii. 656:1. — quoted, iii. 676 : 2. Heinrich, K. F. G., cited, v. 720: i, 745 : i, 766 : r, 782 ; 2, 799 : 2, 806 : 2. "Hell," misleading translation, v. 326:1. — of evil-doers, ii. 708:1. — the waste-heap of a burned-out life, iv. 530: I. — see Eschatolog\'. Help, God's, mode of, ii. 31:1,2. Helpers, ii. 45 : 2. Hemero-baptists, the, v. 387: i. Hengstenberg, E. W., on Psalms, iii. 61 : 2, 141 : 2. 207 : 2, 211 : I, 231 : 2, 244: 2, 256: i, 257 : 2. — cited on Jude, vi. 650: i. — cited or quoted, iv. 361 : i, 374: i, 375 : l, 376: 1,377: 1.379: I- vi. 920: 2. Henry II. of England, temper of, iii. 399: i. Hephzibah, wife of Hezekiah, ii.4i8:2. Herbert, George, poem quoted, iv. iii:i. Hercules, the Samson of sacred history, i.812: l. Herder, J. G. von, on John's gospel, vi. 813 : 2. — on Psalm Iviii., iii. 175:2. Hereditary character of Jewish religion, ii. 482 : 2. — legitimacy, ii. 502 : i. — 'Succession in ministerial office, 11.551:2. — tendencies of children, iii. 562:1. Heredity, ii. 480-5. — law of, iii. 604: i. — of original sin, iii. 139:1. — religion a matter of, 11.483:2. — solidarity of the race, ii.484: i. — and guilt, i. 196 : l, iii. 276 : i. Heresies, of the Asian churches, vi. 773. — Jewish, of exclusiveness, not extinct, ii. 483 : I. Heresy, meaning in the New Testament, vi. 457- 460. — connected with superstition, vi. 479: 1-2. Hermas, the " Shepherd " of, model of early church conduct, v. 388 : 2. — cited, vi. 418 : i. Hermit-life a failure, i. 710:1. Hermon, Mount, scene of the Transfiguration, v. 77:2. — pluralized in Psalm xlii, iii. 117:2. — Sidonian " Sirion," iii. 78: i. Hero, a, always wanted, 1.796:2. Hero-worship, iii. 774: i,iv. 68: i. Herod (the Great), days of, in Hebrew history, v. r I : 2. — fate of his family, vi. 443 : 2. — founds two CjEsareas, v. 428:1-2. Herod Agrippa, v. 443-8. Herod Antipas, character and action, iv. 856:7. — luxury of his court, iv. 701 : i, 2. — murder of John the Baptist, iv. 743 : 2. — reproved by John, iv. 704:2. — ruined by a woman, iv. 856:1. — scheme to rid himself of Jesus, iv. 701 : 2. — weakness and self-in.dulgence lead to wick- edness, iv. 856 : 2. Herodotus, on Apries, iv. 178: i. — • on Cambyses' dream, iv. 399 : 2. — -on death, 111.483:2. — on defeat of Sennacherib, ii. 425 : 2, iii. 706 : 2. — on Median siege of Nineveh, iv. 565 : i. capture of it, i v. 566:1. — on the Persians, iii. 464 : i, iv. 93 : 2. — -on the Scythian invasion, ii.434: i,iv. 219:2, 316: 2. Herzog, J. J., cited, v. 216: i. Hexateuch, the, i. 636 : 2. Hezekiah, king of Israel, ii. 41 1-415, 574-8. Hezekiah, abolition of high places, sealed with God's approval, iv. 127: i. — Assyria and, ii. 419: i. — chastises Philistines, {1.413:1. — death, and reaction following, iv. 561 : 2. — despair of the future, 111.713:1. — in sack-cloth, iii. 652:1. — Manasseh succeeds, ii. 427 : i. — renounces vassalage to Assyria, iv. 34 : I. — reorganizes priests, 11. 577 : 2. — sickness of, 11.415:2; iii. 710:2. — sign of the shadow, iii. 712:1. — temptation of, iii. 712:2. — unrecorded incident of reign of, iv. 128: I. — and Isaiah, i. 503 : 2 ; ii. 415 : i sq., 418 : 2, iii. 711 : I. — and Judah's independence, 1.503:2. — and Merodach-Baladan, ii. 417 : 2, 418: i, iii. 667:1. — and Sennacherib, 11. 421 : 2 ; iii. 696 : 2. " Hidden Life," see Life. Hierarchy honored, 11. 665 : 2. — official, iii. 486: i. "High places" of Canaan to be destroyed, i. 482: I. — Hezekiah destroys, iv. 127: i. Hij EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 50 High priest, The, death of, i. 485 : 2. — incumbents of office in Paul's time, and their position, V. 413. — Jehoiada first held title, ii. 378:2. — sin ranked with congregations, i. 268: i. — Christ our, iv. 922 : 2. Hilgenfeld, A., cited, vi. 568, 646: i. Hilkiah, high-priest to Josiah, ii. 435 : 2. — finds Deuteronomy, i. 505 : i ; ii. 437 : i. — not father of Jeremiah, iv. 7:1. "Hill of the Lord," vi. 729-731. Hindoo laws against uncleanness, {.314:2. Hindooism, modern reformed, {.334:2. — not a missionary religion, vi. 784: i. Hindrances, worth of, iii. 237 : 2. Hinton, " ^Mystery of Pain" quoted, iii. 8iS:i. Hippolytus, cited, vi. 418:2. Hiram, king of Tyre, makes alliances with David, ii. 135:2. with Solomon, ii. 251 : 2. — guessing match with Solomon, ii. 246:1. ■ — falls out with Solomon, ii. 271:1. Hire for servants, i. 607:1. Historj', a philosophy, iii. 680: i. — contemporary perspective often false, v. 351:2,352: I. — controlled by religion of Jehovah, iii. 770: i. — God in, ii. 225 : 2. — imagination a qualification for writing, v. Z2T. I. — Jewish gloomy, paralleled, ii, 226: 2, 227 : i. — lessons of, ii. 228: i, iv. 265 : i. — main nourishment of religious thought, i. 533 : 2. — no finality in, ii. 671 : 2. — philosophy of, iii. 206 : 2, 803 : i. — qualifications for judging, v. 300:1. — relevance to Christianity, v. 767 : 2. — religion of, ii. 661 : i. — supreme romance of, iv. 514:2. — topography the foundation of, v. 428:1. — universal law of, iii. 320:1. — width of vision from study of, ii. 667:1. — with a purpose, ii. 227: 2. — Biblical, characteristic of, ii. 610:1. two forms compared, ii.4i:i. — of Old Testament: naturalistic method with, i. 633 : i. supernatural method with, i.633: i. Hittites, i.647: 1,758: 2. Hitzig, F., on Tsaiah, liii. 1-3, iii. 816:2. — on Jeremiah's self-immolation, iv. 9:1,24:2, 27: T, 37:2, 45:1, 75:2, 83:2, 95:2, 361 : 2, 418: I, 420: 2. — on Pauline Epi.stles, vi.484:2. — ■ on Psalms, iii. 14 : 2, 23 : 2, 34 : 2, 91 : 2, 120 : 2, 121 : 2, 124 : 2, 125 : i, 132 : i, 145 : 2, 158 : i, 160: I, 185: 2, 194: I, 261 : 2, 281 : I. Hobab, the Kenitc, 1.411:2. — refuses to join Israel, 1.412:2. — second appeal to, 1.413:1,2. Hofmann, A. G., on Christ's renouncing divine attrilnitcs, vi. 137 : i. — on the church, vi. 13:2. — on Ephesians, iv., — vi.69:2. — on magnitude of the divine building, vi. 51: I. — on Paul's Christian armory, vi. 103:1. — cited, V. 725 : i, vi. 504: 2,652: i. Hokhama, ii. 694 : 2, 696 : 2. "Hold," the, a hiding place, ii. 136:1. Holiness (see also Godliness), a condition of the prophetic gift, vi. 736:1. — by the spirit, and the glories to follow, v. 5/0-3- — ceremonial, iv. 333:1. — end justification, v. 555-9. — Hebrew conception of, iv. 327 : 2. — Hebrew term, negative in origin, iii. 632: 2. — law of priestly, 1.345:2. — more divine than power, v. 167: 2, 168: i. — not sinlessness, vi. 775 : 2. — only road to, through self-slaying, vi. 257:2. ■ — -springs from patient waiting, vi.750: I. — the end of election, vi. 683. — ye shall be holy, 1.335:2. Holsten, L., cited, v. 843 : 2. Holtzmann, H. J., on Colossians, vi.9:l. ■ — cited, V. 719 : t. Holy City, three views of, iii. 129 : i. Holy convocations, 1.351:1. — crown of tlie high priest, 1.286:2. — garments, the, i. 221 : i. — light, i. 356: 2. — living, i. 329 : 2. — seed, i. 419 : i. — things of the Lord, i. 2"/"] : 2. Holy Ghost (see also Holy Spirit; Trinity), de- fined, vi. 32T : 2. Iloly of Holies (called also Oracle), 11.254:2, 259: I. Holy Spirit, convinces of sin, ii. 28:1. — "earnest of our inlicritance," vi. 16: T. — intercession in us as well as for us, v. 574: r. — presence meant same in Christ's time as now, V. 371 : 2, 372 : i. — recognition of source of the early church's vitality, v. 449: 2,450: i. — the heart of justification, v. 550 : 2. 551 : 2. — used by man for regeneration, v. 564 : 2, 565:1- Holyoake, G. J., his system of secularism, v, 630:2. Homage, feigned, iii. T70: t. Home, an eastern court and. ii. 232:1. — influence of the, iii. 361 : 2. — love of mother, iii. 535:1. 51 EXPOSITION OF THE B1BLI-: — INDEX. Hun Home, sacrifice to the cluircli, ii. Ojj : j. — sanclilies of, i. 164: i. Homelessness, penalty for deceit, iii. 595 : 2. Homer, on Greek heroes, ii.83:i. — (luoted. vi. 143; 2. Honey, prohibition of, i. 255:1. Hooker, Ricliard, on analogy of tlic church to Eve, vi. 95 : I. — on confession and penance, vi. 638:1, 2. — -on music in worship, vi. 633. Hooker, R., on rule of interpreting Scripture, v. 422, vi. 455 : 2, 566 : 2, 653 : 2, 810 : 1-2. — on the power of grace, v. 591 : 2. — on the "separators," vi. 664:1. — cited, vi. 571 : 2. Hope, as a Christian force, vi. 320, 449-451. — conscciuent upon forgiveness, iii. 314:1. — door of, through suffering, ii. 709 : i. — for tlie world at large, iv. 256:1. — God's gift, iii. 89: I. — man based upon, ii.7i3:2. — of divine justice, iii. 505 : 2. — of immortality, iii. 115: t. — of Job. 11.743:1,749:1,754:1. — Paul's meaning by. vi. 197. — relation to faith, vi. 324: 1-2. — ultimate end of prophecy, ii. 609: I. Hophni and Phinehas, compared to beasts, ii. 12 : 2. — slain, ii. 22, : i. H-or, Mount, i. 443 : i. Horace, quoted, v. 605 : 1,620: i. Horeb, Mount of God, ii. 316:2. Horses, terror to the Israelites, i. 575:1, vi. 870: T. Hort. F. J. A., on Epistle to Romans, v. 516. — see Westcott and Hort. Hosea, a native and citizen of Israel, iv. 499 : 2, sq. — a prophet of love, iv. 499 : i. — describes the knowledge of God, iv. 523: I- — no miracle is adduced by, iv. 524:1. — and Amos, contrast between, iv. 496 : 2, 526 : I . — and Israel, ii.391: i. Hosea, Rook of, iv. 494: i .sq. — authenticity of, iv. 497 : 2. — text of, iv. 496 : 2 sq. — allegory of the prodigal wife, i. 673 : 2, iv. 499 : 2 sq. — calling of the son out of Egypt, 1.187:1, 188:1. — interest not to be taken from a brother Is- raelite, i. 591 : r. — non-ceremonialism of, 1.400:2. — ranks Canaanites as cheating traders, i. 591 : r. Hoshea, king of Israel, ii. 398-404. — attempts to throw ofif Assyrian vassalage, 111.653:2. — defeated and taken prisoner, iii. 654: i. Hosnier, J. K., on health and longevity of Jews, i. 310:2. Hospitality in early church, vi. 714:2. — of wisdom, iii. 378: 2. Hostility between man and beast, iii. 664:1. House of God, the, a refuge, ii. 8: i. House of God, see Nob. Howitt, A. W., on the Australians' religious be- lief, i.517: I. " Iludibras," quoted, iii. 413. Hugo, Victor, cited, vi. 781 : 2, 782 : i. Huldah, the prophetess, ii.436: i,iv. 566:2. Human anguish, cry of, iv. 179: i. — frailty, ii. 735 : 2. Pluman nature, differences in understanding of, vi. 781 : 2. — essential imperfection, vi. 257:1. — ever the same, iv. 56: 1,2. — list of vices and temptations, vi. 257 : 2, 258:1. — lofty view of, iii. 592 : 2. — perfectibility of, v. 121 : 2, 122 : r. — reformers often undervalue, v. 153 : i. — and the kingdom of God, v. 142-3. Human sacrifices, 11.349:2,408:1,430:1,111. 269 : I . Humanitarianism — invertebrate doctrine, vi. 806:2. — modern, iii. 560 : 2. — not the whole of Christianity, vi. 803 : 1-2. Humble, God reveals himself to the, iii. 395: i. Humiliation of Jew.s, iii. 602 : 2. Humility, a requisite, iii. 65 : i. — affected, vi. 247 : 2, 24S. — base of true Christianity, v. 640:2. — basis of regeneration, vi.615. — the centurion's, fine type of, v. 58:1-2. — distinctive of Christian system alone, v. 904:2,905. — duty of, vi. 723-5. ■ — germ of a new hope, iv. 256 : i. — God's knowledge of, iii. 54 : 2. — in Christian life, vi. 265 : 2, 266 : I. — injury from too much, vi. 232:2. — listens to counsel, 111.393:2. — proper, vi. 139 : 2. — sole entrance to the house of wisdom, iii. 379 : 2. — way of eternal life, v. 92 : 2. — -and pride, 111.392:2. Hunger as a revelation of God's will, 1.584:2. — of the soul, 111.726:2. Hunt, W. Holman, picture of the crucifi.xion, v. 99:2. Hup EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 52 Tlupfcld. Hermann, commentary on B'ne Elim iii. T] : 2. — ' on Psalms, iii. 9: i, 14 : i, 19 : 2, 23 : 2, 30: i 36 : I, 54 : T. 60 : I, 68 : i, 74 : 2, 80 : 2, 89 : 2 94:2, 100:2. 106:2, 120:2, 124:2. 132:1 147 : 2, 151 : 2, 153 : i, 160 : i, 164 : i. 171:1 174 : 2, 182 : 2, 190 : I, 195 : 2, 196 : i , 200 : i 206: I, 207 : 2, 209 : I, 211 : I, 212 : 2, 213 : i 217 : 2, 224 : I, 227 : 2, 229 : i, 231 : 2, 233 : i 236 : I, 242 : 2, 245 : i, 248 : i, 257 : 2, 261 : 2 278: I, 281 : I, 286: 2, 291 : I. 317 : 2, 322 : i 329 : I, 330 : 2, 332 : 2, 339 : i . 34^ : 2. Hnrd, Bishop Richard, quoted, iv. in: i. Husbandmen, the, parable of, iv. 891 : i. Husbandry, God's, v. 645-9. — symbol of Christian life, vi. 471:1. Husbands, see Marriage; especially vi. 90-91, 703-4- Hushai, the Archite, ii. 173:1. — counsel of, ii. 176: i, 178: I, 2. — with Absalom, ii. 177:1,2. Huss, John, persecuted, ii. 315 : 2. Hutchinson, Colonel, the Puritan, 1.544:1. Hu.xlcy, Prof. T. H., " Lay Sermons " quoted, i, 557: I. — on the Bible, ii.229:2. — on evolution and creation, i. 7: i. Hybrid forms, prohibition of raising, i. 338: I. Hygiene, laws of, i. 310: i. Hygienic observance a religious duty, 1.311:1. Hymn to the seven evil spirits, 1.529:1. Hymns, see Psalmody. Hypatia, iii. 812 : i. Hypocrisy, relations to iniquity, iv. 486:1. — religion suffers from, iii. 595:1. ■ — tj'pe of character, iii. 370: i. — - universality, iii. 636 : 2. — of Absalom, ii. 170: i. — of scribes and Pharisees, iv. 781 : I. — and Puritanism, i. 477 : 2. Hypocrites, vi. 168-171. — contradictions of, iii. 136:1. Hyssop, of the Passover, i. 168:2. Ichabod, birth of, ii.23:2. Iconium, v. 450: i. Ideal spiritual life, 11.526:2. Ideal, the, elevated in absence of the real, ii. 615:2. — of God for men, iii. 624:2. — present in heaven, i. 218:1. Idealism in calamities of Job, ii. 708:2. — of Isaiah, iii. 622: 2. — of types of Chronicles, ii. 500 : 2. — work revealed, iii. 624: 2. Ideals, inactive ones perilous, vi. 801-4. — lofty, need of help to attain, 111.305:2. Idleness, iii. 412-415. — a curse, i. 710: T. — ereniy of Christian life. vi.342:2. — Paul reprobates, vi. 379. Idol of gold, the, iv. 394:2. lilolatcrs. all money-bringers equally acceptable to their God, 1.562:2. Idolatry (see also Sacrifices. Ritual), a religion of bribery, i. 562 : 2. — atrocities involved in, i. 344 : T, iv. 253 : 2. — chains men to moral indifference, {.562:2. — charge against Jeroboam unjust, 11.284:2. — congenial to the natural man, i. 193:2. — connected with unnatural lust, 1.334:2, iv. 253 : 2, V. 901 : 2, 902 : i. — contrasted with worship of the true God, iv. 62-70, 775 : 2. — criticised with ill-orncc 193: moderns, 1. IV Michal, ii. — David represented with image 80: I. — destroys moral character and etliical reli- gion, i. 562 : 2. — does not demand righteousness, iii. 387 : I. — even the seeming to be avoided, 1.329:2, 330 : 2. — in Israel, persistent tendency to, 1.514:1, iii. 44 : 2, i V. 190 : 1 , 253 : 2, 569 : 2. tenacity in Judah, 11.574:2; where it and skepticism are rife, iv^. 569:2. reason for these, ii.27:2. denounced by Ezekiel, iv. 264: 2. by Isaiah, 111.754:1,845:2. by Jeremiah, 569:2. • reluctant abandonment, 11. 2"] : 2. rooted out by pious kings, 11.582:1. only by divine intervention, iii. 707 : 2. restored by Cyrus, iii. 775 : i. — lurking in preparation of daily food, i. 330: 2- — necessarily high treason in a theocracy, i. 3 '3: 2. 3^4: r. — sin of sins, iii. 211:2. — symbolic, results in practical, v. 477:1. Idolatry of self, iii. 780: 2. Idomeneus, king of Crete, ii. 243 : i. Idumaea, Ilerods of, see Herod. Ignatius, St., nnisical passion, vi. 776:2. — h'pistle of, vi. 395 : 2. on Christian life, vi. 776:1. on the diaconate, v. 362:1. on the Episcopate, vi. 415: 1,776:2. cited or quoted, v. 499 : 2, vi. 389 : 2, 425 : 2, 435 : 2, 468 : 2, 477 : 2, 478 : i, 557 : 2, 5^7 : t, 606 : 2, 623 : I, 626 : t, 658 : i, Tili '■ i- Ignorance, divine enlightenment of, vi. 699 : I. — heathen, etc., its sin, vi. 365:1. — not a moral excuse if wilful, v. 264 : 2, 265 : i. 53 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. Ins Ignorance of the future necessary for ct'fcctive life, V. 305 : 2, 306. — and atonement, i. 264 : i. Ignorant, tlie, instruction of, iii. 391:2. Imagery, not forbidden, i. 194:2. Images, as trophies, ii. 505: i. Inmianuel, l)irth of the ChiUl, iii. 646:1. — conception sprang from Israel's darkest days, iv. 699 : 2. — idea and meaning of, ibid. — Isaiah's use of word, iii. 642: 2. — not descendant of David, iii. 650:2. — origin vague, iii. 650:2. — prince-of-the-Four-Names, iii. 79S: i. — promised king of Israel, iii. 650: 2. — symbolic name, iii. 126: i. Ininicr, A., on Pauline Epistles, vi. 484 : 2. Imniorality in literature and art, i.477:2. Immortality (see also Eschatology), instinct of, vi.784: 1,2. — is present life, v. 193: i. — presumptive evidence for, vi. 815 : 2. — the Psalmist's hope of, iii. 45 : 2, 46 : i, 133 : 2. Impatience, see Patience. Imi)enitence, misery of, iii. 85:1. Imposition of hands, see Hands, laying on of. Imprudence, a fault, iii. 554:1. — pain and, ii. 707 : i. Impurity (see also Purity), distinguishing mark of paganism, vi. 6g, 76 : i. — of speech, vi. 601 : i. — spiritual, vi. 891 : 2. Incarnation (see also Jesus Christ), compared to Jacob's staircase, {.76:1. — credibility entire, iv. 699 : i. — crowning end of creation, i. 8: I. — lessons of, v. 120 : 2, 121 : 2. — possible methods of, v. 18: 2, 19 : i. — Old Testament prophecies of, iii. 765 : 2 sq. — and redemption, iii. 374: i. Incense, altar of, i. 225-6, 227 : i. — connection with prayer, i.216: i. Incest, a capital offence in Jewish law, 1.344: i. — among cultivated heathen peoples, i. 333:1. — prohibitions of, i. 3:^2 : 2. Independence, a Christian need, vi. 343 : r. Indifference not wisdom, iii. 495 : 2. IndifTcrentism, injury to Christianity, vi. 129, 130, 131. Individual conviction, ii.6o:2. — effort, ii. 61 : i. — gospel of Isaiah i,s, iii. 714: i. — life in God, i. 530:2. — responsibilities, iii. 781 : i. Individual, the, destiny of, ii. 695 : 2. — importance in history, i. 127:1. — instrument in God's hands, ii. 61 : I. — Jeremiah's vindication of, iii. 741 : i. Individual, th.e, reli^:ion of, iv. 256:1. Individualism, dangers of over-accentuating, v. 345:2,346: I. — in Psalms, ii. 695 : 2. Indulgence in evil hardens in evil, {.508:2. Industry, better esteemed than genius, iii. 415: i. — good in, iii. 504 : 2. — of man depicted, ii. 768 : 2. — Paul on duty of, vi. 379: i. Infallibility, ascribed to Persian monarchs, ii. 636 : 2. Infallibilit}', a.scription to man is idolatry, iv. 68: I. — theory of, v. 372: i. Infatuation, difficulty of ridding one's self of, iii. 431 : 2. Infidelity, as a fashion of moral cowardice, v. 258:2,259: I. Intinity, of God, ii. 663 : 2. Influence, belongs to the unselfish, i. 96 : 2. Ingathering, feast of, i. 354:1. Ingratitude, common, iii. 94: 2. — for God's miracle, iii. 204: i. — for too great bounty, ii. 703 : i. Inheritance, Roman law of, v. 872 : 2, 873 : I. — meaning of Christian, vi. 204-5. — of evil manners, vi. 691 : I. — the heavenly, vi. 684-6. Iniquity, rebukes for, iii. 108 : 2. " Iniquity " of the Tabernacle services, i. 437 : 2, 438:1. Innocence in the home, ii. 163: i. — the Psalmist's conviction of, iii. 47:1. Innccent. the, suffer often from false accusations, ii. 89 : 2. — suffering with guilty, i. 91 : 2, ii. 344 : i. Innocents, massacre of the, iv. 892 : 2. Inquiry, moral duty of, v. 265 : i. — into low'er religions forbidden, i. 568:1. Inquisition, the, ii. 567 : i. Insanit}^ culmination of vanity, ii. 680 : 2. Insincerity, caused decay of Greek philosophy, iii. 565 : 2. Inspiration (theological sense), nature of, iiL 709: 2, vi. 481 : 2,482: I. — claimed by Elihu, ii. 776:1. — colored by personality, v. 7: i. — limitations of, v. 343, 498 : 1-2. — method of human growth of, 9: 1,2, 10: I. — of the author of Job, ii.70o:2. — of the Bible, meaning of, 333: 2. verbal, iv. 652-3. not thought essential by apostles, vi. 695 : 2. — Paul's view of, v. 644 : 1-2. — perhaps unconscious, v. 30 : 2. — power and method of, v. 520 : 2. — Quaker doctrine of, v. 341 : i. — supreme need, ii. 640: i. Ins EXPOSITIOX OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 54 Ins])iration (figurative sense), in artist and crafts- man, i. 228 : 2. — of noble lives, ii. 642 : i. Instincts, God's promises, iii. 598:1. Institutions, national, carried abroad by colonists, V. 361 : I. Inlollect, by itself may binder Cbristian rcceptive- ness, V. 1 50- 1. — conquests by. ii. 69 : 2. — minor part of Christian faitb, vi. 753:2. — not God's cliief instrument for eartbly work, V. 756 : 2. in conflict witb religion, i. 133: i. — — tbe wbole of wisdom, vi. 605 : 2, 606 : I. — regeneration tbrougb tbat of heart, vi. 606. — t'leory of superiority to morals, vi. 400: I. Intemperance, discussed, v. 903. — in early churcb, vi. 86-88. Intercession, answer to, iv. 243:1. — ■ prevailing, i. 229-30. — prevails only through faith, 1.437:2. — Samuel's, ii. 29 : i. Intermarriage, see ]\Tarriage. Intermediate state, doctrine of, v. 326 : i. Interpretation, variety of, not to be lamented, i. 9: I. Intolerance, necessary degree of, v. 824:1. — in the cause of toleration, v. 920: i. Introspection, over-much creates morbidity, iii. 582 : 2. Intrusion of outsiders into tabernacle service banned, i. 437 : 2. Ira, the Jairite, ii. 194: i. Ireland, church of, lay share in councils, v. 460:2. Irenseus, v. 671. — on bishops, vi. 468:1. — on the Diaconate, v. 2f^2 : i. — on the Episcopate, vi.414: 2, 415 : i. — on the gift of tongues, v. 320:2. — on heretics, vi.457:2. — on Luke's gospel, v. 508:1. — on Pauline Epistles, vi. 389 : 2, 390 : 2. — on Polycarp, v. 300:1. Irreverence, evil of, 1.332:1. — on Simon Magus' followers, vi. 662:1. — cited, vi. 435 : 2, 469 : i, 476 : 2, 487 : i. 765 : I. Irving, Edward, pathos of his position, iii. 594:2. — on Old and N^ew Testament economv, i. 566:1. Isaac, apathy of, i. 68 : i. — conception of God and life, i. 56: i, 2. — contempt for God's purpose, i. 71 : 2. — death of. i. 84: i. — disproportionate length of his story, ii. 41 : I. — in Gerar, iii. 264:1. — the laugher, i. 46 : 2. — marriage of, i.65:l. — patience of. 1.65:1. Isaac, relations with Ishmacl. v. 884. — sacrit'ice of. i. 54 : i. — -shock and submission, 1.71:2.72:1. — weaning of. i. 57 : 2. Isaiah, against idolatry, iii. 754:1. — alone steadfast among the despairing, iii. 1^7 ■ 2. — appeal to the people, iii. 647: i. — apprenticeship of, iii. 621 : 2. — call of, iii. 634: i. — charge to women, iii. 682:1. — citizenship in Jerusalem, iii. 621 : 2. — commission of, iii. 636:1. — compared to Cromwell, iii. 657: I. Job, 11.695:1. Mazzini, iii. 638: i. Moses, 111.639:1. — conscious of speaking in vain, vi. 321 : i. — contrasted with Jeremiah, 111.737:2. — conviction of one supreme God, iii. 644: r. — death of, 111.707:2. — describes Judah, 11.405:1. — divine message of, ill. 708 : i, — doctrine of the " tenth," iv. ^,7 : 2. — exults over fall of Samaria, 11.400:2. — Ezekiel and. iv. 228:1. — faith prevails over materialism, 111.648:2. — family of, iii. 621 : 2. — first doctrine of ]\Iessiah, iii. 651:1. — gospel for the individual, ill. 714: I. -of forgiveness, 111.698:1. — habit of appealing to people, iii. 647 : I, iii. 666 : 2. — ideal of individual, iii. 715:1. — idealist, iii. 622 : 2. — individual experience of sin. iii. 714: 2. — inspiration of, 111.622:2,709:2. — message to Judah, 11.393:2. — messages mocked, 111.655:2. — ]\Iessiah of, 11.407:1. — IMessianic creed of, iii. 652 : 2. — method of God's revelation, iii. 670: 2. — not a fatalist, 111.644:2. — on darkness, the ninth plague. 1.162:2. — on future and progress of his people, iii. 67S: I. — on the God of the commandments, 1.215:1. — on the Sabbath, 1.198:2. — opposition to teaching of, iii. 625: i. — personality of, iii. 635 : 2. — political and spiritual problem of. iii. 730:1. — prophecies not relating to time of. iii. 716: r. — prophecy his life work. iii. 631:1. of a Deliverer, iii. 653:1. of Israel's exile to Babylon, iii. 667: I. of its long duration, iii. 737:1. of Jerusalem's overthrow, 111.623:1. on inviolability of Zion, 111.652:1,742:1. 55 EXPOSITION OF THE BlULE — INDEX. Isr Isaiah, prophet of the Lord, iii. 624-5. — range of vision, iii. 729:2. — realist, iii. 623 : i. — regard for animals, iii. 664: 2. — relations with Ahaz, ii. 405-7, iii. 621 : 2, 643 : 2. Hezekiah, i. 503 : 2, ii. 415-417,418: 2, iii. 711: I. ]\Ianasseh, {.504:1. — revelation of unity of God, iii. 651 12. — review of predictions of, iii. 708:2. — sanity of, iii. 644:1. — satire of, iii. 676: i. — saved from the popular drift, iii. 647: 2. — scorn of, iii. 656: 2. — sees no virtue in Babylon, iii. 779: 2. — self-control, iii. 649:1. — son of Jerusalem, iii. 622:1. — stripped and barefoot for a sign, iii. 666 :r. — threefold vision of, iii. 622: 2. — to the despairers of the Lord, iii. 755:1. — ^to the foreign nations, iii. 684: i. — to women, iii. 682:1. — vindication of, iii. 694: 2. — vision of, iii. 622 : i, 631 : 2. — warning from Samaria, iii. 655: I. — W'orldly-wisdom of. iii. 669: 2. — youth of, iii. 621 : 2. Isaiah, Book of, character of first chapter, iii. 617: I. — chronology of, iii. 616:2. — commentaries on, iii. 730:2. — composite, iii. 621 : i. — in Talmud, iii. 736 : 2. — plurality of authors, iii. 735 : I. — table of dates, iii. 616: 2, 731 : i. Isaiah, '"Second," iii. 730: 2. — authorship of, iii. 732:1. — date of. iii. 731 : 2. 733 : 2 (see also Note, IZl : I ) . — post-exilic elements in xl.-l.xvi.. iii. 732 : 2, 833: 1,843:2. — pre-cxilic elements in xl.-l.xvi., iii. 732:2 sq, 832 : I. — unity of, iii. T^,2 : 2. 832 : 2. Ishbosheth. pretender, set up by Abncr, ii. 122 : 2. — -murdered, ii. 130: 2. — murderer of. slain, ii. 130:2. Ishmacl, birth of. {.43:1. — before and after the expulsion, i. 58-59. — destiny of his seed, i. 43 : r, iii. 215 : i. — expulsion a blessing in disgui.se, i. 59:2. — rouses Sarah's jealousy, i.58:r. Ishmael. allegorical use of, for Judaic covenant. V. 883-6. Lshmael. son of Ncthaniah. Johanan offers to kill. ii.456: I. — murders Gedaliah, ibid. Ishtar, worship of, at Nineveh, 1.529:1. Isis and Osiris, Phoenician affiliations, i. 755 : r. Isles, use of word by Isaiah, iii. 757 : 2. Isolation, evil results of, iii. 380 : i, 407 : i. Israel, Israelites (see also Hebrews, Jews), a historical miracle, i. 370 : 2. — abandon idolatry, ii. 27 : 2. — affront Samuel, ii. ZZ '■ 2. — after the flesh and after the spirit, iv. 747 : 2. — apostasy of, iv. 28:1. — appeal to Rehoboam. ii. 279:2. — arraigned by Samuel, ii.44:i. — assemble at Mizpah, ii. 28:1. — at peace with Amorites, ii.3o:2. — Babylonian restoration of, i. 371 : 2. — beginning of captivity, {{.397:2. — benefited from captivity, iii. 604:1. — birthright of covenant and Christ, vi.7:2. — called from Babylon, iii. 781 : 2. — choice of, liy God, ii. 54 : 2, iii. 67 : 2. — chronological tables, i v. 441-443. — circumcision of, iv. 59:2. — comfort in overthrow of Edom, iii. 599: 2. — command to be holy, vi. 13: i. — commerce with Tyre, ii. 135 : 2. — compared with modern people, {{.44:1. — consecrated army. i. 185:2. — confusion of the nation, iv. 509:1. — contrasted with Judah, iv. 36:1. — conversion of. iv. 312:1. — corrupt in every faculty, iv. 189:1. — crushed by Philistines, ii. 111:2. — David king of all, ii. 131 : 2. — death of strong men of, iii. 751 : r. — defeat of, by Philistines, ii. 22 : 2. — deliverance from Egypt, iii. 210:1. by the Lord, iii. 748: i. — delivered from Philistines, {{.29:2. — demand a king, ii. 32:2. — dependence on Jehovah, ii. 547: i. — desolation of, i. 370 : 2. iii. 209: i. — desperate state of, described in Psalms, iii. 158:2. — destiny of, iii. 805 : i. — destruction of material forms of faith, iii. 741 : 2. — disruption "of the Lord." ii. 283: I. — dissolution begins, ii.394: i. - — distinctive feature of, vi.34:2. — divided kingdom of, ii. 280 : 2. — early date of army. iii. 58:2. — early religion of. 1.513:2. — eighth century in, iv. 450:1. — election to service of God, iii. 789:1. — experience of vicarious suffering, iii. 818: 2. — faithlessness to God. iii. 263:1. — first captivity, iii. 640: 2. — first victory in battle, {.185:2. Isr EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 56 Israel, Israelites, formation of ihe new, iv. 293 : 2. — from the return to building of the Temple, iv. 606 : 2 sq. — God as king of, ii. 2,2 : 2. — Hazael smites, ii. 375 : 2. — helped bj^ Ass3'rian invasion, iv. 455:1. — helplessness against the Philistines, ii.56: i. — history since Old Testament days, i. 369 : 2. — hope of resurrection, iii. 728 : 2. — hostility to Canaanites, 1.85:1. — humiliation under Philistines, iii. 205:1. — • ideal of its kingship, iii. 1 1 : 2, 12 : i. — idolatry of, see Idolatry in Israel. — in Egypt, i. 121 sq. — in exile, iii. 74-8. — in fear of hostile tribes, i. 179:1. — insulted by King Nahash, ii. 47 : i. — intermarriage with other nations held an abomination, 1.419:1. — itinerary of, i. 480: I. — jealous of Jehovah, iv. 690: i. — Jehovah's chosen people, 11.481:1. — Jezebel introduces Baal worship in, 11.298:2. — kernel of history of, iii. 123: i. — kingdom established, ii. 134: i. — kingship of, foreshadowed Anointed One, iii. 428: I. — last judgment on, iii. 844-6. — laws of, no distinction between secular and religious, i. 589 : 2. — literature of, Babylonian entirely, i. 528: i. shows national heroes as mediators, i. 522 : 2. — long ingratitude of, iii. 175: i. — loss of territory, iii. 629 : i. — loses strength by idolatry, 1.756:1. — migration to Egypt, 1.84:2. — missionary career of, iii. 742:1. — monotheism of, iii. 740: i. — murmur against Moses, 1.173:2. — nation typified by the seven candlesticks, vi. 838:1. — near to God, iii. 341 : 2. — not a commercial people, 1.591:2. — not great, but true, i.386: t. — numbered by David, ii. 206:2. — of Isaiah's time, iii. 738:1. — of Jeremiah's time, iii. 738: i. — on entering Canaan, i. 535 : i. — on the eve of return, iii. 828 : 2. — one God, one people, iii. 788: 2. — "Our ^Mother of Sorrows," iv. 548:2 sq. — particularism of, 1.552:1. — pestilence over, ii. 208 : i, 538 : 2. — Philistines invade, ii. 21 : 2, 28 : 2, 73 : i. ■ — plan of settlement, 1.481:2. — postponements of restoration, ii. 66g:i. Israel, poverty of the exile, iii. 726: I. — prominence to, given by God, iii. 788 : 2. — punishment greater than Sodom, iii. 591 : I. — purification of, 11.614:2. — redemption of. Four Herald Voices, iii. 748 : I. — refused passage through Edom, i. 442 : 2. — repentance and reformation of, ii. 26 : 2. — reproaches Moses, 1.130:1. — restoration of, iii. 283 : i, 823 : i. — — — predicted, 1.371:1. — return and sovereignty of, iii. 665 : 2. — righteousness of, 111.784:2. — Samuel as judge of, ii. 32: i. his dealings with people of, 11.52:1. his protest to, disregarded, 11.34:2. — Saul's proclamation to, 11.48:1. — servant of the Lord, iii. 792 : 2. — seventh century in, iv. 561 : i. — shuttlecock between Assyria and Egypt, ii. 402 : 2. — sins of, iii. 769: 2. — spirit of, iii. 708: i. — starvation of, iii. 753 : i. — staunchness of, iv. 454:1,2. — supernaturally directed through the wilder- ness, i. 635 : I. — trampled down by Canaanites, i. 765 : I. — three years' famine in, 11. 301 : I. — threshed at Megiddo, 111.738:2. — to become God's warriors, 1.184:1. — under sovereignty of Egypt, i. 528 : i. — warfare with neighbors, 11. 488 : 2. — and Edom, ii. 481 : 2. — and the Greeks, iv. 666: i. — see also names of individual rulers. Israel, Kingdom of, formed by disruption of united Jewish realm, ii. 28osq. — Hoshea the last king, 11. 399: i. — kings of, table, 11.463:2. from Zimri to Ahab, 11.295:2. - — see also Amos and Rosea. Issachar, the tribe, prophetic characterization by Jacob, i. 114: 2. — in the time of Deborah, i. 115 : i. — sea traffic of, i.621 : i. — territory of, 1.621:1,713:2. " Issues," physical, regarded as moral defilement, 1.314: 1-2, 1.313:2-, 314: 1-2. Isthmian games, v. 673 : 2. Ithamar, younger .son of Aaron, ii. i6:l. Ittai, ii. 172: I, 173: 2. "J. E.," 1.494:2. Jabal, "increase," 1. t6: i. Jabesh-Gilead, relief of l)y Saul, ii. 46-9. — men of, 11. 47: t. bury Saul and his sons, ii. 112:1. 57 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Jec Jabiii, king of ITazor, i. 692 : 1,765: r. Jacob, at Penicl, i. 8c : 2. — blesses his sons, i. 108:2. — character of, i. 69 : 2. — clinging love for Benjamin, i. io6:l, — crosses the Jabbok, i.79: i. — ■deceives Isaac. i.7i:2. — despair over Joseph's death, iii. 199:2. — escapes from Laban, 1.78:1. — his dream, i. 75 : r. — his llight, i. 74: I. — his punishment, 1.73:1. — inheritance of, iii. 128:1. — introduced to Pharaoh, i. 107: i. — lameness of, i. 80:1. reflections on, 1.82:1. — love for Rachel, iii. 540:2. and service for her, iii. 790:1. — moral of his staircase, i. yj : i. — prophecj' of Shiloh, v. 29 : 2. — relations with Esau: in fear of him, 1.78:2. resolves to placate him, 1.78:2,79:1. results, 1.79:1-2. — relations witla Josepli, i. 86 : 1-2, 106 : T. — reluctant to shift encampment, i. 106 : 2. — renamed Israel, i. 80:1. — returns to Bethel, 1.83:1. — well of, location, v. 146 : 2, 147 : i. — wiser than Joseph, i. 106:1. — wrestling of, iv. 749 : i. — and Esau, choice between, vi. 13:1. Jael, sla>ys Sisera. i. 767 : 2, 768 : i. Jair, successor of Sola, i.799: i. Jairus and Jesus, iv. "jz"] : 2, 851 : 2. — resurrection of his daughter, vi. 304:2. James, the Apostle, first seen, iv. 709:2. career and fate, v. 444. — importance of, iv. 835:1. — against antinomianism, vi. 530 : 2, 531 : I. — on abuse of term " faitli." vi.530:2. James, Epistle of, authenticity, vi. 559-562. — Christology of, vi. 582-5. — contained in Syriac version, vi. 561 : I. — doubts fully recanted, vi. 560 : 2. — harmony of character witli St. James, vi. 561 : 2. — Luther's slur at, vi. 561 : 2. — main thought of. vi. 579:1. — on anointing of the sick, vi. 635-6. — on censoriousncss, vi. 616-618. — on confession of sins, vi. 636-640. — on conversion, vi. 640-3. — on demons and pagan gods, vi. 592-3. — on elders of the church, vi. 634-5. — on humility as indispensable, vi.6iS. — on Jdb and patience, vi. 625-8. — on justification by faith, vi. 591-5. James, Epistle of, on lusts, vi. 607-610. compared with Plato's " Phado," vi. 608: I. — on power of Satan, vi. 613-614. — on presumption in ovcrhope, vi. 619-621. — on probabilism, vi. 621-2. — on Rahab, i. 672 : 2, vi. 593 : 2. — on responsibilities of teachers, vi. 595 : 1-2. of the tongue, vi. 596-601. — on swearing, vi. 628-630. — on the rich, vi. 622-5. — on the world and the divine jealousy, vi. 610-613. — on wisdom from below, vi. 601-4. from above, vi. 604-7. — on worship, related to emotion and conduct,, vi. 632-3. — parallel of sayings to Christ's, vi. 630-1. — reason for delay in knowing, vi. 560: 2,561 : I. — relation to Ecclesiasticus and Wisdom of Solomon, vi. 572-5. to writings of Peter and Paul, vi. 569- 57^- of Paul. vi. 588-590. of Luther's writings to Paul's and James',. ibid. — the audience addressed, vi. 566-9. — varied in style, vi. 585:1. — who is the James meant? vi. 562-6. James the Just (Jesus' brother), character and views on circumcision, v. 461. Jannes and Jambres, the magicians, withstand Moses, i. 157 : 2. — tradition of, and Paul on, vi. 487-9. Japheth, son of Noah, i.20: i. Jasher, the Book of, i. 690: l. ii. 118: 2. Jashobeam, exploit of, ii. 199:1. Jealousy, among church leaders, i. 77Z '■ i- — good and ill, vi. 603 : i, 604: I. — image of, iv. 240 : 2. — of God, i. 195 : i. — of Saul, ii. 76: 2. • — of the humble and godly. 1.13:1. — ordeal to remove, 1.399:1. — water of, i. 3C)9: i. Jebusites, occupy ]Mt. Zion when Israelites come, 11.39:2. — Jerusalem long in the hands of, ii.7o:2, — left in possession of citadel. 1.749:1.70:2. Jeconiah (or Jehoiachin), king of Judah, reign of, iv. 141-5, 446 8. — abominations charged against : selling him- self to the devils, etc., 11.446:2. — " cast out," iv. 79 : 2. — captured and deposed by Nebuchadrezzar, iii. 229 : I, iv. 18 : 2. — Evil-Merodach and, 11.457:2. Jed EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 58 Jc'didah, qucen-motl'.er, iv. 79:2. Jeffrey, George. Jud;^e, 1.595:2. Jchoahaz, king of Israel, ii. 383-.1. — a vassal, ii. 384: i. Jchoahaz, king of Judah, ii. -)j2-3. — anarchic conditions in time of, iv. 123-4. — Ezekiel on. i v. 247:1.2. — imprisoned 1)y Necho, iv. 13 : 2. — lands ravaged hy Egyptians, iv. 86:2. Jehoiada, regent and high priest of Judah, ii. 378 : 2, iv. 330 : 2. — and Joash, ii. m : 2, 568 : 2. Jehoiakim, king of Israel, ii. 4J3-6. Jehoiakini, king of Judali, set up by Necho of Egypt, iv. 14: I. — career and fate, iv. 137-T41. — carried off by Nebuchadrezzar, iv. 384:2. — hated by Jeremiah, iv. 124:2. — submits to Babylonians, again rebels, iv. 17: 1,384: I. • — a vicious tyrant, iv. 14: i. Jelionadab, tlie Kenite chief, fierce fanatic, ii. 373 ■■ 2. - — ^ horrible massacre of Baal-worshipers, ii. 374: 1-2. Jehoram, king of Israel, ii. 347 : 2. — advances his kingdom through weakness of Damascus, ii. 367:1, — Benhadad's gift to, ii. 353:1. — generosity to Syrians, ii. 359:1. — death of, ii. 370: t. Jehoram, king of Judah, reign, vices and calam- ities, ii. 365 : 1-2, iii. 122 : i. — depravity, ii. 566 : ] . — marries Athaliah, ii. 331:1. — curse of his marriage, ii. 294 : 2, 365 : i, 566 : i. — death of, ii. 365 : 2, 366 : i. Jehoshaphat, king of Judali, reign of, ii. 293-5, 559-566. — deliverance of, iii. 125 : 2. — league against, iii. 214:2. — visits Ahab, ii.330:2. Jehoshaphat, the recorder, ii. 147:2. Jehosheba outwits Athaliah, ii. 377:1. — and Joash, ii.377: 1,2. Jehovah (see also God), a general, ii.542: i. — a man of war, 1.176:2. — absolute supremacy of, i. 232.2. — as a nature-divinity, i. 827 : i, iii. 250: 2. — champion of Israel, i. 727-730. — claim on Cyrus, iii. 763: i. — creative and sustaining power, iii. 244 : I. — divinity of, iii. 761 : 2. — final victory of, iv. 315-318. • — has regard for his name, iv. 312:2. • — history confirms judgment of, iv. 175:2. ■ — holy because of righteousness, iii. 250: I. — idea of kingship of, iv. 227 : 2. Jehovah, is king, iii. 240:1. — Israel's jealousy of, iv. 690:1 sq. — knowledge of, is life eternal, iii. 255 : 2, — land of, iv. 303 : i .sq. — manifested in Messiah, iii. 256: 2. — name of, 1.135:1,11.478:2,111.674:2. avoided In Daniel, iv. 370:2. — of hosts, conception of, iii. 68 : 2. — one god among many, i.756: i. — personal urgency of. iii. 767 : 2. — proves divinity against idols, ill. 770:1. — similitude as seen by Moses, I.421 : 2. — slow to anger, 1. 427 : 2. — sole owner of land in Israel, 1. 590: i. — the keeper. Hi. 306: i. — tribute of, after Midian war, 1. 477 : i. — vindicated, 11. 785 : i. — and the nations, Iv. 173-5. Jehu, revolt of, 11.366:2. — anointed, 11.368:1. — commissions Jehonadab to massacre Baal- worshipers, 11. T,7S '■ -■ — established on throne, 11.371-2. — death of, ii. 376 : 2. — dynasty of, 11. 383 : 2-392 : r. — extirpates Ahab's race, 11. 372 : 2, 374 : 2. — — ^ Baal-worship, 11.374:1,2. — hypocritical plea of Jehovah's command, 11. 372 : 2. — massacre of royal houses of Israel and Ju- dah, ii. 373: I- — orders Jezebel slain, 11.370:2,371:1. - — slays Jehoram of Israel and Ahazlah of Ju- dah, 11. 370 : I. — see also Shalmane^er IT. Jephthah, chosen judge, 1. 801 : 2. — lament to his daughter. Hi. 144:2. — terrible vow of. 1. 802:1, 11.243:1. — victories over the Ammonites. 11.46:2.47: i. Jeremiah, after the capture of Jerusalem, iv. 164-8. — apocryphal letter of, iv. 63:1. — call and consecration of, iv. 21 : 2. — cautions the people, ii. 458 : 2. — characteristic expressions of, iv. 186:2. — concerning danger from the north, ii.433: I. — conflict with Hananlah, 1.588:1. — contradictory position of, iv. 142:1. — contrasted with Isaiah. 111.737:2. — devotes himself to Deutcronomlc propa- ganda, i. 505 : 2. — encouraged to persevere, iv. 132:2. — goes into Egypt, iv. 168-170. — ill-treated by Pashur, 11. 447 : i, iv. iii : i. — imprisonment of, iv. 160:1. — in "the stocks/' iv. 111:2. — joins Gedaliah at Mizpah, iv. 166:1. — life and times of, iv.7: 1-21:2. — life of rigid asceticism, iv. 91:2. 59 EXPOSITION OF THE P.TBLE — TXDEX. Jer Jeremiah, mission of, iv. 124: 2. igi : 2. — on Ammoii, iv. 181 : i. — on Babylon, iv. 184-6. — on Damascus, iv. 182-3. — on Edom, iv. 181 : i, sq. — on Ejfypt. iv. 175-9. — on Eiam, iv. 184: 1-2. — on foreign nations, iv. 173-5. — on Kedar and Hazor, iv. 183-4. — on Moab, iv. 179-181. — on New Covenant, paraphrased, v. 746:1-2. — on the Philistines, iv. 178-9. — only New Testament mention is in Matthew. iv. 2ir : I. — persecuted, ii. 457 : 2, iv. in: i. — priestly origin of, iv.7: i. — precursor of Jesus, iv. 211:2. — prophecies fulfilled, ii. 453 : 2. — prophecy to Jelioiakim, ii.445:2. — rebukes Jehoiakim. ii.444:2. — remains in Jerusalem, 11.454:2. — roll of, iv. 129-132. — sense of iniquities of Israel, borne by, iii. 799: I. — suffered for the people, iii. 741 : 2. — teaching concerning Israel and Judah, iv. 186: I. — traditions of, iv. 166: 2. 173: i. — tried for heresy, iv. 124:2. — vicarious suffering of, iii. 819:1. — vindication of the indi\idual, iii. 741 : i. — warns Zedekiah, ii. 449 : 2. — well treated by Nebuchadrezzar, ii. 454:2. — and Ezekiel, iv. 221-5. — and his prophecies, ii. 451-3. Jeremiah, Book of, author's introduction to, iv. 21 : I. — on sacrifices, 1.198:2. " Jeremiah, Lamentations of." origin and char- acter discussed, iii. 541 sq. — not by Jeremiah, iv. 210:2. Jericho, Christ journeys througli, iv. 770:2. — fate of, i. 668: i. — no better than Sodom, i. 666:1. — scheme for capture of, 1.667:1. — spies in, i. 653 : 2. Jeroboam, son of Nebat, made " boss " of Solo- mon's corvees, 11.276:2. — appointing priests for the he-goats, i.330: t. — chosen king of the ten tribes, ii. 280:2. — idolatry of, 11.284:1,2. — "made Israel to sin," 11.283-5. ■ — multiplicity of condemnation, 11.283:2. — name, import of, ii. 251:1. — reign of, 11. 283-5. — utilizes tribal jealousy of North Israel, ii. 276-2. 277: r. — and the man of dod, ii. 286-7. Jeroboam II., king of Israel, ability and conquests of, ii. 386: 2, 387: 2, iv. 450: I. — kingdom nearly as large as David's, ii. 386 : 2. — "Savior of Israel,"' 11.387:1. Jerome, St., essayist on scholarship, vi. 442 : 2. — his version of the Scriptures, v. 294. — on Arianism, vi. 397:1. — on Baruch and Jeremiah, iv. 136:1. — on Christian ministers, v. 817:2. — on the Irish legion, v. 322 : 2, 323 : i. — on Paul and Luke, vi.473:2. — on Paul's parentage, v. 407 : 2, 408 : i. — on Peter's dissimulation, v. 343:1. — cited or quoted, v. 293, vi. 643 : 2, 661 : 2, 758, 773- I. Jcrubliaal, (lideon's new name, 1.781:2. Jerusalem, old Jcbusite fortress, {.707:2,11.70:2, 133:1- village portion captured by Judah, i. 746: I. citadel captured by David, 11.133:2. capture celebrated in Psalms, vi. 59:1. — — becomes capital of the Jews, ii. 133:2. capital and principal fortress of Judah, iv. 41 : I. — an ideal history, iv. 251-6. — anarchy in, Hi. 623:1. — appeal of, 111.555:1. — Ark brought to, ii. 137: i, 139: i. — as a beautiful shepherdess, iv. 82 : 2. — as seen In Isaiah's visions, 111.621:1,624:2. — at lowest ebb. iii. 692:1. — at time of Absalom's conspiracy, 111.146:2. — builders of several classes. 11.642:1. — centre of Jewish worship, i. 564: i ; 11. 147: — change in fortunes of aristocracy, iii. 591 — changed condition in Christ's time, v. 885 — Christ goes to, iv. 764:1 sq. royal entry into, iv. 771 : T, 886 : 2. — church on site of Last .Supper, v. 202:1. — dedication of walls of, 11.669:2. — deliverance of, iii. 706:1. the great, 11.422:1. — desecration of, 111.554:2. — desolation of, iii. 549:1. — destruction of. 111.547:1,683:2. ■ foretold, iv. 233 : 2 sq.,898: 2 sq. made Rome spiritual centre of Chris- tendom, vi. 40 : 2. — disappearance of beleaguering force, iii. 669: r. — distinction of, 11.134:1. — drifting to Egypt, iii. 665 : 2 sq. — failure of Egyptian alliance. 111.597:1. — fall of, ii. 453: I. — fate of, iv. 82: i, 2. — first reception of Christ by, iv. 700:1 sq. tJer EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 60 Jerusalem, gates burnt, ii. 630: i. — gates of, ii. 644: i. — Holy City, ii. 666:1. — immortality of, iii. 548:2. — importance of its pre-eminence, ii. 667 : 2. — insignificance in Isaiah's time, iii. 647 : 2. — inviolability of, iii. 596 : i, 652 : i. — Judah versus, iv. 676:1. — loss to Jews, iii. 547:2. — metaphors of distress of, iii. 556:1. — " ]\Iark ye well her bulwarks," ii. 643:1. — military protection of, ii. 667:2. — Nehemiah governor of. ii. 639:1. rebuilds, ii. 640:1. — not permitted to hide grief. 111.563:1. — not to be compared with Babylon, iv. 189: i. — personified as speaker, 111.556:2. — population of, ii. 666 : 2. — prophets charged with overthrow, iii. 593:1. — real and ideal, 111.623:1. — relapse into idolatry, 111.707:2. — religious metropolis of the world, 11.644:1, iii. 548: I. — rich memories of, 111. 547 : 2. — results of the deliverance of, iv. 677 : i. — Sabbath profanation in, ii. 673 : i. — safety in submission, iii. 597:1. — saved from pestilence, ii. 539:1. — seat of worship, iii. 306:2. — secession of Christians from, v. 504:1. — shame of, 111.553:2. — splendor of temple, iii. 590:2. — spoliation of. iii. 554:1. — striking scenic views of, v. 202:1. — temple worship of, iii. 694: I. — treacherous return of Assyrians to, iii. 702: I. — troubles attributed to God, 111. 556 : 2. — unique character of, 111.126:1,548:1. — vain hopes of, iii. 595 : 2. — virgins of, 111.561:2. — water supply of, 11.269:2,412:2. — women of, iii. 623 : 2. — world's watch-tower, 111.686:2. — Sennacherib and, iii. 692:1-2. defeated before, 11.424:2,425:1,2. Jerusalem, the New, vi. 918-921. — the two Jerusalems in symbolism, vi.877:2. Jeshimftn, ii. 93 : 2, 96 : 2. Jeshurun, the upright people, i.6i7:2. Jesse of Bethlehem, ii. 67 : 2. Jesuits, missionary zeal of, v. 333:1. — resist charges of Protestant iimovation, iv. no: 2. Jesus Christ (see also Messiah) : — position in the universe, vi. 14:1. — question of His pre-existence, v. 128:1,136, 246: 2,247: 1,250: 1-2. Jesus Christ, part in creation, vi. 209-210. — various theories of His composite nature, V. 326: I, 687: 2. — Gnostic doctrine as to His duality, vi. 70-71. — failure in attempts to define, vi. 780:1. — threefold and sevenfold essence of, vi. 836:1. Godhood : claim of equality with God, v. 159. — — Paul on above, vi. 136-7. image of invisible God, i. 20:2. omnipotent as God, v. 74:1. sonship to God, vi. 207-211, 837 : i. proved by His solitary perfection, vi. 3^4 : -2- proofs spiritual, iii. 652:2. recognition of, v. 159 : 2, 187-190. as the complete revelation of God, v. 226, \i. 497-500. embodiment of the fullness of God, vi. 2T2 : I. iclentilles himself with kingdom of God, V. 68: I. the earliest basis of Christianity, v. 419. — as prophesied Divine Savior, iii. 766:1, 839:2,651:2. this prophecy fulfilled by. 111.796:2. — as the omnip'.tent Redeemer, vi.836:2. nature of redemption through Him, vi. 206-7. redemptive work of, ii. 758:1 — power over death, iv. 193:1-2. — justly crucified if not divine, v. 190: I. — influence due to His authenticity, vi. 771 : 2, -■]2: I. — evidence of His divinity: threefold, v. 226-230. initiative in Christian influence, v. 230:1. His own authentication, v. 178 : 2, 179 : I. witnessed by the Spirit, v. 240-5. witness to, in the individual life, vi. 816: I. from John's confidence in, v. 285. from catholicity, v. 324 : 2. the gospels (on evidence nf the Resur- rection), v. 700-3, vi. 813-S16. lack of divine marks essential to His mis- sion, V. 269. — ultimate purpose of God tln-ough, vi.2i5:2j 216. — difference made by, iii. 710: 2. to make men sons of God, v. 873-5. — God's work in, vi. 24-27. — came to a world prepared for Him. v. 522 : I. — and the Old Testament : Old Testament gathered up in, v. 728: 2. God's promises summed up in, v. 729:1. and Adam, Paul on, v. 553-5. 6i EXrOSITION OF THE P.I RLE — INDEX. Jes Jesus Christ, culmination of the prmuisc to Ahra- Jesus ham, V. 863-4. Abraham's heir, i.43:i. — -a Jew, iii.jgj:!. — — and ]\loses : dispensations funchnueufally — one, vi. 505-8. — tiieir work contrasted, vi. 506. — Old disphiced l)y New Covenant, vi. 518- — 5^7- — symbolized by brazen serpent, v. t_|.|. — as the Passover, v. 653 : 2. — as tlie rock smitten for water, v. 677 : 2. — distinction from the prophets, v. 246:2. — correspondence to Isaiali's "Servant of — God,"' iii. 801 : I, 821 : 2. — — foreshadowed in prophecy, iv. 542 : 2. — ■ — -in Israel's kingship, iii. 428: I. — — Book of Job prepares for, ii. 7,89: i. — — signihcance of " tlie "' Christ, vi. 50:1. — — choice of human career and death, v. 78: 1-2. — — question of renouncing divine attributes, — vi. 137. — — theory of becoming mere man at the Cruci- — lixion, V. 687 : 2. — — the Incarnation: reasons for, v. 121 : 2. — why delayed, v. ti:i. — — His personality fundamental, vi. 64. — — His historical presentation the basis of our — religion, vi. 154: i. — the Jesus of the gospel different from — Paul's, vi. 154. — — human cannot liave tlie effect of divine, v. 794 : 2- — cannot nourish Christian faith, vi.295:2. — a belitthng conception, vi. 191 : r. — evolution of His manifestation, v. 49 : 2. — His human career, germinal results of, v. — 206 : I . • — Paul's summary of, vi. 420. — purpose of, vi.7To: i. — — the three epochs in His life, v. 54. — manifestation in glory the last stage, vi. — 255:1- — — contrast with John the P>aptist, v. 32:1. — — human characteristics: — — — abstinence from politics, v. 712:1. — ■ charity and compa-^^ion, iv. 766 : 2, v. 73 : 2, — - 74:1. — His chosen prerogative, vi. 895 : I. — cosmopolitan sacrii.ce, vi.783:2. — ■ -delight in man, iii. 378:1. — disregard of social distinctions, v. 56, 69 : 2. — friends]ii]i, ii.85:2, — makes human beings freinds and i>artners, — V. 238. universal human sympathy, v. 76:1.83:1, — 245 : 2, vi. 509: 2. — Clirist, own need of prayer, v. 54:1, 53 : I - — • 'l"he Lord's Prayer, v. 52-53. — need of the Holy Spirit, v. 129:1. — ideality of, iii. 27 : 2, 60 : i, 122 : 2, 521 : i. — immovable serenity, v. 231 : 2, 22,2 : i. — meta])hors of, iv. 877:2. — mind of, vi. 132-8. — oneness witli Hi^ people, vi. 908:2. — patriotism, iv. 94:2. perfection : — divinity makes it surpass Iniman, v. 209 : 2. — of a kind apart, v. 166 : 2, 167 : i. — the one perfect thing on earth, v. 163:2, vi. 324: 2. — made perfect by suffering, iii. 570:2. — manhood sinless, iii. 680: i. — resistance to sin, iii. 680: i. — realizes the Psalmist's ideal, iii. 124:1. — complete pattern of duty, v. 94 : 2, 95 : i. pattern of life, v. 651:2. — example of, v. 613-616. — — of personal influence, iii. 680: i. — life of, appeals to men, iii. 150: 2. — the strength of weakness, vi. 685 : 2. practicability of His worldly ideal, vi. 24: i. relative fewness of har:-^h words and acts, vi. 600: I. — reason for those, v. 375 : i. — way of making trifles inllnitely important, vi. 788. — attitude toward women, vi. 7or-2. — human career teaches angels also. vi. 45-48. Relations with the luimau race: as son of man, vi.838: 1-2. a man with men, ii. 545 : 2. as representative of man, vi. 502-4. as bridegroom of humanit\', iii. 124: i. as judge and friend, v. 528 : 2. 529 : i. became sin for us, v. 145: r. bears all His lielievers' sufferings, vi. 220:1. — special burden, v. 269 : 2. " becoming a curse," v. 860 : 2. companion in sorrow, iii. 331:1. as universal mediator, vi. 119. — -mediation not rebated to merit, ii. 721 : 2. — sufferings for mediation, vi.709:2. as reconciler, vi.211-219. — our reconciliation stirs divine dejitlis in, V. 197: I. interces.sory prayer, ii. 252 : 2, v. 249-252. perpetual intercession, vi. 518 : 2, 519. measure of His love, v. 763-5. Course of His human life: coming of. iv. 697 : i. Jew and Gentile gcnealogv' of, iv. 698:1. Jes EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 62 Jesus Christ: Jesus old historic name, iv. 699 : i. — child Jesus, heir of the promise, iv. 700 : 2. — reticence of infancy records, i\. 700: i. ■ — little known of Ilis infancy, iv. 700:1. — not a child prodigy, v. 3S : 2. — growth of, typified by Samuel, ii. 15:2. — His baptism, iv. 704 : i sq.,8i6: 2 sq., v. 31 : i- 2. — the temptation, iv. 706: 1.818: i, v. 33-38. ^resistance of Satan, ii. 544:2. temptations proportionate to greatness, vi. 507-1. — His reception, iv. 700:1. — begins His Galilean ministry, iv. 708:2. — calls the first disciples, iv. 709 : 2, 819: i. — Sermon on the Mount, iv. 710:2. — miracles of, iv. 72;^ : 2 sq., 820 : 2 sq., 832 : i, 846 : 2 sq. — — -factor in His career, v. 134:2. as a miraculous person, connotes miracu- lous power, V. 227 : i. object of, V. 227 : 2, 228. first one the beginning of special career, V. U3-2. 134: I. of healing, v. 71-74. principle of selection in, v. 73: i. knowledge of bodily structure shown in, v. 73 : 2. chief claim non-miraculous, v. 227:1-2. — disciples sent forth, iv. 731 : i. — John's message to, iv. 732:2. • — and the Sabbath, i. 19S : 2, iv. 736 : i, 2, 737 : i, 2, 831 : 2 sq. — parables of, iv. 740: 1,840:2. — ^employs story of Jonah, i v. 683:2. — feast of, and Herod's banquet, iv. 743 : 2 sq. — and the Syro-Phoenician woman, iv. 748:2. — and tlie Saddncce',. iv. 150 : 2. 778 : 2, 894 : I sq. — last words at Caperna-mi, iv. 759:2. — and the children, iv. 760: i sq., 875 : 2, 879 : t. — goes to Jerusalem, iv. 764: i, sq.,886: 2. — ^ meaning of His riding on an ass, v. 202-3. — question of one or two visits to Nazareth, V. 39- — last days in Perea, iv. 764: i. — and tlie ricli young man, iv. 765 : 2, st]., 880 : 2 s(i. — and reward.s, iv. 767: i. — conflict in the Temple, iv. 773 : 2, 888 : 2. — challenged, iv. 774:1. — inward sustainment of, iii. 777:1. — and the ordeal of questions, iv. 778:1. — prophecy on the Mount, iv. 782:1. — anointed by Mary, iv. 793 : i, 901 : 2. — Lord's supper instituted, i v. 794: i, 904: 2. — and His disciples at the Passover, iv. 794: i. • — trial before the council, iv. 799 : 2 sq., 913 : i sq. Jesus Christ, in solitude, iv. 824:1. — and Beelzebub, iv. 837:1. — friends of, iv. 839 : i. — and Nazareth, ibid. — walking on the water, iv. 859:1. — and tradition, iv. 859 : 2 .sq. — ^ and things which defile, iv. 860:2. — the children and the dogs, iv. 861 : 2 — and the Gentiles, iv. 861 : 2 sq. — and the disciples, iv. 874: i. — bids farewell to Galilee, iv. 877:2, ■ — why to be lietrayed, v. 217: i. • — in Gethsemane, iv. 797 : i ,sq., 908 : 2, v. 98- lOI. — arrest of, iv. 798 : 2, 911:2. — before Pilate, iv. 801 : 2 sq., 915 : 2 sq. — cup and baptism, iv. 883 : 2. — and the barren fig-tree, iv. 887 : 2 sq. — and the triliute money, iv. 893:1. • — -and the discerning scribe, iv. 895 : 2 sq. — His warning to the eleven, iv. 907:1. ■ — His death — Crucifixion, Passion: the Passion, iv. 791 : 2, 804: 2, 917: i, 918: 2, V. 101-7. Paul on, vi. 137-8. place in His life, v. 80:1. — His life based on, vi. 162. — — purpose of, vi. 707-8. ■ a sin-atonement, ii. 708 : i, iii. 439 : I, 822 : I . the means of reconciliation, vi.2i4:2. — — — as scapegoat, v. 193-7. • — • came to repeal sacrifices, 11.267:2. ■ — ■ substitution of sacrifice, vi. 523. b!ood as a price, vi. 14:2. — our burnt-offering, 1.^50:2. triumph over powers ol evil, vi.244:2, 245- varied aspects of His sacrilicial death, v. I9S-6. died for men even in human sense, v. 195:2. 196. for the ungodly, v. 551:2. immensity of sacrifice, ii. 707 : 2, 708 : i. — sufferings to fulfill prophecy, iii. 812: 2. — ■ — the judgment of the world, v. 244 : 2. — ■ necessary to Ilis work, v. 228, 851:2. associated with human conversion, vi. 28: t. germinal resuUs, v. 205 : 2. rather th;in His teaching, the source of His power, v. 631 : 2. vain without obligatory faitli, v. 853 : i. fundamental to Paul's theology, v. 851. abolishes the law, vi. 242-5. final rupture with Mosaism, v. 891 : 2, 892: T. glorious effect on human life, v. 917. 63 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Jes Jesus CLrist, death : is crucifixion of the workl, v. 918: I. unifying effect, v. 197:1-2. — attractive force of the Cross, v. 207-210. superior attractiveness to His life, v. 209 : 1-2. bodily sufferings: as ours, v. 765. not a mere pageant, v. 203 : 2, 210 : i. moral of, v. 268. shame and torture, iv. 798 : 2, iii. iSi : 2. agony, not mentioned in John, iv. 909: 2. — his and earthly sufferings incom- mensurable, v. 722 : I. Paul on what was "lacking" in, vi. 219-220. — descent into "Hell" a mistranslation, v. 326: r, vi. 708: I. — passage from earth to heaven, vi.526: i. — the Resurrection, iv. 806 : i, 920 : i, 2, v. 107- III, vi. 24-26. place in the Christian Creed, v. 696-700: as proof, 699:1-2; as link between the tW'O worlds, 699:2; as type of present and future life, 700: i. necessary complement of His death, v. 755: I. basis of salvation and character, vi. 160. — • — Jesus justified by, v. 139:1-2. — ■ — — and the doctrine of, iv. 894 : 2 sq. sole hope of future life, vi. 197-8. — • — analogous to resurrection in human spirit, vi. 254. power of belief in, vi. 471-4. — • — Incarnation proved by, vi. 473:1. cause of His headship of Church, vi. 211. proof: various theories, v. 700-3. character of His post-Resurrection ap- pearances, V. 302-3. • why not manifested to more, v. 435 : 2, 436: I. — the Transfiguration, v. 77-80. — the Ascension, the complement of the In- carnation, V. 308: 2, 309: I, 310: I. follows from the Resurrection, v. 307. elevating character of doctrine, v. 311 : 1-2. — concomitants of, iii. 128:2. — enthronement of (jod, iii. 177:1. — Mark's account of, iv. 921-2. — Matthew does not mention, iv. 809:2. sq. — the Transfiguration, iv. 7S7 : t, 2. 869 : i sq. — .sospel of. ii. 131 : I. — "body of.'' the total of believers, v. 688-9. — meaning of "in Christ." vi. 155 : i, 194-5. "death witli Ciirist." vi. 249-251. — and followers, unity of organic life, v. 234:2,235: I. Jesus Christ, mysteries of sharing in, v. 729- 732- — sifting of His followers, v. 166-8. — and His Church: — — founding of, iv. 751:2. relation to, v. 638 : i. • — 'mysterious, vi. 155: i. — — headship of, vi. 210: 2, 211. worked out in Galatians, vi. 7:2. cause of His supremacy, vi.46:i. — • — gifts to, vi. 58-62. priesthood of Jesus, iv. 922 : 2. promise to believing prayer, 1.147:2. as Bridegroom, v. f 27 : 2, vi. 91-95, 910. — the Bread of Life, v. 164-5. — as the Day-Star, vi. 735 : i. — the Door of Life. i. 14: i,v. 1S3-4. — as the great Emancipator, v. 42 : 2, 43 ; from sense, vi. 239 : 2. — as the great Fact, v. 607 : 2. — as the great High Priest, vi. 50S-510; or Priest-King, vi. 516-518, 838:2. — — assumption of priestly cleansing power, v. 72: I. -power to cleanse the foulest, vi. 302 : 2. — as the iron-sceptred Conqueror, vi. 882-1, 883:1. — the one real EvangeHst, v.40: 2.41:1. — as the key to all perplexities, v. 751:1. as King, iii. 427:1. — as the Lamb on Mount Zion, vi. 891. — the Life, v. 224-5. — as the Perfecter, vi. 544:1. — as type of victory through endurance, vi. 544: 1-2. — as Sanctifier, vi. 92-93. — as the Shepherd, v. 184-7. — as the solvent of heresies, vi. 192:2. — the Truth, v. 223-4. ■ — -as Warrior, iii. 60:2. — the Way, v. 224 : 2, 225. — as the "Word," v. 120:2. — as the World's Healer, v. 41-42. — Jewish embarrassment over, v. 193 : 2. 194. — not separable from His message, vi. 223 : 2, 224. - — -three strands of His mes.sage, v. 40 : 2. — doctrine not a Jewish outcome, v. 303 : 2, 304: I. — and the ethical system, v. 91-95. — borrowings from old philosophies, vi.77:2. ■ — religion of, summed up, v. 889 : 2. — final master of morality, v. 904:1. — gospel of: beginning of, iv. 815: i. a plain fact and not a mysticism, vi. 733- I. but a mystery, vi. 733:1-2. what it reveals, ii. 64:2. Jes EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 64 Jesus Christ, teachings of, effect on the Apostles, V. 537 : 2. — fresh " logia " in Epistles, vi. 577 : 2, 580. — His esch.atology, v. 95-98. — lui.man and Divine authority, ii. 544:1. ■ — only source of knowlec'.ge of God, vi. 208:2, 209. of spiritual life, v. 128: i. of earthly inspiration toward good, v. 759 : 2. — the light of the world, v. 175-7. — His self-sacrilice the supreme revelation, v. 210: I. — succeeded hy meeting felt need, v. t86: i. — kingdom of, what constitutes, v. 208 : 1-2. — — universality, v. 208 : 2. — -resulting from inwardness, v. 209:1. -His earthly, vi. 917:1. — see also Kingdom of Christ. — rives aid only for felt need, v. 229:1-2. — realizing (as present, not past), need of, v. 231 : I, vi. 210: 2. difficulty of, V. 229 : 2. Paul on, vi. 69-71. — contemplation of, the safeguard against error, vi. 232 : i. — acceptance may he virtual denial, vi. 737:1. • — present life manifested in us, v. 230 : i. ■ — ^comprehension of, vi. 48-51. — knowledge of, vi. 152-5. — ■ — -disclosed to the believer in His progress, vi. 154:2. -"after the flesh," v. 766. per.-or.al relation to Chri^tinnity, \.y6~. — mourning His ?.bserce is fmding Him, v. 271 : 2. His initiative in Christian inlu-ncc, v. 230: I, 238: 2. — influence due to His hein.g, not to His his- tory, V. 790: T. • — -best uses of life only t'nroujh Him, v. 236: 2, 237: I. — union with, vs. bodily impurity, v. 661-2. — alone gives life dignity of purpose, v. 23S : i. — transforming power, v. 276:2. — His love a symbol and cau!-e cf lunnan love, vi. 302 : 2. the fountain of all love for humanity, V. 239: 2, 240: I. chief stay of social character, vi. 377. — love for, the strongest human bord. v. 266: I. — as central point for human solidarity, vi. 78-79- — the principle of all Chrisli:in victory, v. 607: I. — victory over the world, v. 248 : 2. — continuity of His work, v. 706: 2, 707 : i. Jesus Christ, men's duty toward : of unconditional submission to, i. 100:1 responsibility, v. 263:1. to investigate claims of, v. 265. to have an opinion on the Crucifixion, v. 266 : 2. obedience of mind due to, v. 73g:i. faith in, fundamental, iv. 752 : i sq. of spirit rather than inttle-i- , x. 170: 2, 171 : I, T74: 1-2, 177 : 2. denial of, brings its punish •'/,e t. ii. 35: 1,46: I. pleasing Him the great moral end, vi. 202. -• — • — the foundation of Cln-istian lif'.', vi. 307: I- — - — He must have a monopoly, v. 167:1. forgotten by many bereficiaries, v. 158: r. rejected by what He had made, v. 123-5. in His own country, iv. 708:2, 853 : 2 sq. reasons why, v. 179: 2, i?o: i. difference between forgetfulness and betrayal, v. 281 : i. personal love to, i:ivo'.ves social lo\e, v. 200 : 2. love to, the purer fn;m His ab:iencj. v. 201 : T. not loving, identical with not loving good-. ness, V. 282 : 2. love of, evokes highest part of nature, v. 282 : 2, 283 : I. human debt not insisted on, vi. 306:1. — His one requirement, v. Tf;8:i. — Judge as well as Sufferer, v. S07 : 1-2. — in balance vith the world, vi. 151 : 2. — Savior of the body, vi.8:2. — the one sure victor over t'le b^dy, vi.24o:2. — Peace, Word, and Name, vi. 268-9. — -imitation of, vi. 322-3, 730 : i. — what "remembering" Him does, vi. 471-3. — -in what His glory consists, iv. 755 : 2 sq., vi. 503--!- — yoke of, a badge of honor, iii.603: r. — -vs. Nero, vi. 71 : 2, 72. — ^ the "Day of the Lord," vi. 346-8. — the liunian Epistles of, v. 744-5. — ■ doctrine of offences, iv. 875 : 2 sq. — election of a sinr.er, how shown, i. 104-5. ■ — -no civilization without, iv. 838:1. — on character in prayer, v. 52:1-2. — on divine fatherhood, v. 51:2, 52:1. — on marriage and divorce, iv. 764:1. — on pride, v. 92 : 2. — on sin re suffering, v. 180:2. — Orphic utterances, v. 225 : 2. — allegory of the Vine, \. 22,^-7. — views on demonology, v. 45:1-2. 65 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Jew Jesus Christ, on a personal devil, vi. 406: 2, 613: 2, 614: I. — recompense of, ii. 545:1. — sole prophet, priest and king, iv. 780 : 2. — teaching with authority, iv. 819:2 sq. — typified by David, ii. 69: i, 76 : i, log : i, 132: I, 175 : 2, 186: 2, 200 : I. — Second Coming of, v. 304-6, vi. 172-3, 859: 2, 902:2, vi. 177, 344-5, 346:2, 361, 477:2, 478:1, 490:1, 528:2, 5-29:1, 623, 625:2, 626: I, 688, 691 : 1-2, 713, 745: I, 750: I. cause of communistic idea, v. 343 : 2, 343: I- the emancipating crisis of Nature, v. 572:2,573: I. as bearing on conversion of Israel, v. 593. -early expectation of, v. 605-8. and end of the world in the disciples' minds, iv. 782 : 2. hope of, vi. 320:1. evils in, vi. 342:1. test of Christian earnestness, vi. 449:2, 450: I. implicit in the first, vi. 324 : 2, 325 : i. Paul on its delay, vi. 366-372. restraint upon, vi. 369-372. — — mainstay of belief in God, vi. 807:1, mockers of, vi.746: i. — and heart-unity, iii. 409:1. — and Jeremiah, iv. 210:2. — and Leviticus, l)oth inspired, 1.239:1. — and order of the sacrifices, i. 295 : i. — and sins of ignorance, i. 264 : 2. — and the common people, iv. 544:2. — and the great day of atonement, i. 306: r. — and the guilt-offering, 1.279:2. — and the ninth commandment, i. 202 : 2. — and the peace-offering, i. 261 : i. — and the shadow of the cross, iv. 732:1. — and the tithe. 1.378:1. — identification of sites connected with, v. 313: I. Jesus "Justus," vi.285:i. Jethro of Midian, Moses' kinsman, i. [41 : r, 186: r, 411 : I. Jewish community in time of tlie Clironicles, ii. 492-6. — nationality, decline and fall of, iv. 219:1. — religion, hereditary character of, 11.482:2. jealous of the Divine prerogatives, i. 176: I. purposed inheritance of humanity, iii. 688 : 2. state endowment of, ii.6i8:2. universality of spirit, iii. 688:1. — self-esteem, fable of, iv. 366:2. — theory of sin not accepted, iii. 552: I, — year a round of festivities, ii. 602:1. Jews (see also Hebrews; also Israel; also Judaism) : — beginning of history of, 11.289:2. — distinctive national features, iii. 829: 2, vi. 34 : 2, 330 : 2. — love of law, ii. 664 : 2. — aim to honor law of Moses, iii. 513:1. — ■ Sabbath-keeping ne.xt to circumcision, ii. 673:1. — loyalty to foreign government, ii. 685 : 2. — money-getting race, iii. 501 : 2. — spirit of trade, iii. 689:2. — not a maritime people, iii. 563 : 2. — moral progress over other nations, ii. 541 : 2. — most hated of nations, throughout history, iii- 585: I. — pure monotheists, ii.6ir:i. — unity of church and state among, v. 657 : 2. — racial exclusiveness of, 11.590:1,663:2. — supernatural support in the wilderness, v. (^"77 : I. — collect plunder of Amnion, Moab and Edom, ii. 563 : 2. — hardening of hearts in Old Covenant, v. 749-751- ■ — on fulfillment of promises to, v. 728 : 2, 729: I. — religious primacy of, v. 534:1. — spiritual claims and advantages, v. 538-541. — universal object of their commission, v. 543 : 2. — mystery of, v. 578 : r. — delight in parables, iii. 511:1. — their history a parable, vi.687:2. — immunity from contagious diseases, i. 178:2, 310: 2. — their own denouncers through history, v. 585:2,586-1. — wretchedness under Assvrian invasions, iii. 585 : 2. — alliances, disfavored by Isaiah, iii. 673-4. — humiliation of, iii. 602: 2. — march from Jerusalem to Babylon, iii. 743: I- — captivity a new sin tn, iii. 744: 2. — fortune of, in a foreign land, 111.745:2. — in exile, application to commerce, 111.746:2. social condition, 111.745:1. — two classes at close of exile, 111.733:2. — servitude of, 111. 602 : 2. — culture brought from Babylon, 11.615:2. — crucial period in their history, vi. 102:1. — God's discipline of, 111.742:2. — restoration foretold by Paul, v. 591-5. — liberation of, 11.593:1. • — return from Babylon, 11.597:2. — haughty exclusiveness over new Temple, ii. 604: 2. *iew EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 66 Jews, sudden revival of activit}' after return, ii. 608:2. — new difficulties met in manly spirit, ii. 6og: i. — Ezra's reformation among — material ruin and racial salvation, ii. 628:1. ■ — invasion of Sabbath-breaking habit, ii. 673: I- — fall overruled for high good, v. 588-591. — break-down of nationalism paved the way for Christ, vi. 520: i. — dispersion of, vi. 568. results of, vi. 681. paves the way for Christianity, v.s^S- i- 2, vi. 569: I. — as chosen people, succeeded by Christian body, vi. 696 : 2. — in Christ's time : political conditions, v. 124:1. — — influence at Rome, vi. 124: i. allowed large autonomy by Rome, vi. 586:2. non-conformists of the Roman world, v. 533 : 2. — Eastern expectation of their world-rule, v. 522: I. — special moral pride, v. 536:1. — isolation and bitterness, vi. 36-37. — hatred of Hebraizing to Grecizing, v. 358 : 2. — relations with Gentiles : separation from, effaced by Christianity, vi. 264: I. encouraged as equal with, vi. 505 : 2. union in the sacrifice of Christ, vi. 17-20, 36: I. differentia between, vi. 35-37. unbelief vs. Gentile faith, v. 581-5. Jesus' inclusion of, v. 81. — and Christianity : causes of di.sbelief in Jesus, v. 158-161. political embarrassment over Jesus, v. 193 : 2, 194. disappointment in Jesus' Messiahship, v. 195 : 2. sin and ingratitude of their maltreat- ment by Christians, v. 589. Paul's prophecy of their reunion with Christianity, v. 590. conversion of, and Christ's second com- ing, V. 592-3. chief persecutors of early Cliristianity, vi. 367: 2,370: I, 376: 2. struggle to retain circumcision as Cliris- tian rite, v. 456-8. Jezebel of Sidon, Ahab's queen, as syml)ol of social evil, vi. 843: 2, 847 : i. — attempts to extirpate worship of Jehovali, ii. 299: 2. — Elijah's flight from, 11.301:2,311:1. Jezebel, first author of religious persecution, ii. 299 : 2. — frightful death of, ii. 370:2. — introduces Baal worsliip in Israel, 11.298:2. — Jehu orders slain, 11.370:2,371:1. — judicial murder of Naboth, 11.329:2. — not meant in Psalm xlv., iii. 121:2. — terrible type of queen, ii. 299: i. — weds Ahab, ii. 297 : 2. Jezreel, plain of (same as Esdraelon), 1.784:2 ii. 366: 2, 367 : 2. Joab, David's nephew, ii. 123 : i. — Abner's insolence to, 11.124:1. ■ challenge to, ii. 123:1. — character of, 11.123:1,238:1. — counsels David, 11.184:2. — cursed by David, ii. 129:1. — defeats Syrians, 11.153:2. — head of David's army, 11.123:1,147:1. — murders Abner, 11.129:1. Absalom, ii. 182:1. — — ^ Amasa, 11.193:2. — not entitled to privilege of refuge, i. 207 : i — remonstrates with David, ii. 207:1. — restored to rank, 11.194:1. — review of career of, ii. 238:1,2. — steady adherence to David, ii. 123 : 2, 170 : i, 2, — slain, ii. 2.^2 : i. — stratagem of, ii. 166:2. — superseded by Amasa, ii. 186:2. Joash. king of Israel, prosperous reign of, 11. 384:2. — challenged by Amaziah of Judah, 11.383:2, 386: I. — defeats him, 11. 383 : 2, 386 : 2. — defeats Syrians, 11. 385 : 2. — visits the dying Elisha, 11.384:2,385:1. Joash, king of Judah, 11. 377-381, 568-572. — saved by Jehoiada's wife, Jehosheba, 377- 1.2. — delivered and enthroned by Jehoiada, 377 ■■ 2. - — causes Zechariah to be stoned to death, 379 : 2. — death of, 11. 381 : 2. Job (sec also Bilclad, Ellphaz, and Znphar), al- legorical beauty of speech of, ii. 723 : i. — as illustration of patience, ii. 39 : i, vi. 626. of God's human love, vi.23:2. — bold expostulation of, 11.724:2. — character of, 11. 699 : 2. — comforters of. 11.712:2. — cf)m]iared with Isaiah, 11. 695:1. — cry from the depth, 11.712:2. — demands vindication, 11.743:1,2. — dilemma of faith, 11.709:1. — early 3'ears of David compared to, 11.77:1. 67 EXPOSITION OI- THE HIP.Ll INDEX. Joh Job, I'.Iihii aiui, 774:2. — faith of, 11.709:1.722:2. - — false judgment of, 11.713:1. — • family of, ii. 698: i. — liistorical personage, 11.693:1. question wlietlier, vl. 627 : 2, 628 : I. — home of, 11.697:1,2. — hope of, 11. 7.13: 1.749: 1,754: r. — -made priest, 11.790:1. — patience of. 11.39:1. — prosperity of, 11.699:2. — refutation by, 772:1-774:1. — religion of, ii. 698 : 2. — replies to Bildad. 11.726:2,746:1,765:2. to Ellphaz, Ii. 721 : i, 741 : i, 760: i. to Zophar, 11.731:2,754:1. — reviews his life. ii. 770:1. — shadow of (iod's hand, 11.704:2. ■ — spirit of, vi. 11:2. — stricken with leprosy, 11. 710:1. — time of, 11. 700 : i. — trials of, 11.117:2,708:1. — tribute to divine greatness, 11.766:2. — wife of, ii. 711 : i. Job, Book of, the author and his work, ii. 693: I. — inspiration of, 11.721:2. — logic of, ii. 763 : 2. — main controversy of, 11.717:1. — offered new theology. 11. 696: r. — opening scene in heaven, ii. 700:2. ■ — • on earth, 11.697:1. - — poem of the soul, 11. 693: t. ■ — poetical art of. 11.693:2. — philosophy of, 11.786:1. — place In the canon, 11.699:1. — precursors of, 11.693:1. — prepares for Christ, 11.789:1. — teaches justness, 11.729:1. Jobbery, results of the spirit of, in religion, v. 464: I. Joel, Dr., on Daniel, Iv. 363 : 2 ; 379 : i. Joel, the prophet, call to repentance successful, iv. 662 : I. — motive of, Iv. 657 : i. — on Greece, iv. 666:2. — on judgment of the heathen, iv. 665 : i. — on locusts, 1. 160: I. — revival of old nature-religions, iv. 659 : 2. Joel, Rook of, iv. 651: ISC). — Interpretation of, iv. 654 : 2, sq. — text and style of, iv. 657:1. — unity of, in doubt, iv. 665:1. Johanan, son of Kareah, warns Gedallah. ii. 456: I, iv. 167: I. John. St., character of, iv. 835 : i, vi. 83 : 2, 764 : 1-2. — contrast between and St. Peter, vi. 763 : 2, 764: 1-2. — Dante on, vi. 763 : i. John, St., home in Ephesus, vi. 765 : i. — inspired old age, 11. 607-2. — loftiness and insight, vl. 764:1-2. — not confused or shadowy, vl. 763:1. — peculiarities of spiritual nature, vi. 773-7. — Plato and Aristotle of the Twelve, vl. 774: i. — regard for veracity, vi. 781 : i. — self-praise, vl. 401 : 2. — »style of, vi. 763: i. — theological Indebtedness to Paul, vi.45: i. ■ — where his views coincide with Paul'--, vl. 194 : 2. John. Epistles of, denounce Antinomlan licen- tiousness, vl. 399: 2. ■ — I'"lrst, not creedless, vi. 763 : 2. connection with John's gospel, vl. 7O7-770. date of, vl. 764 : 2, 765 : i. -dogmatic theology of, vi. 774 : 2, 775 : i. — — eschatology of, vi. 706-8. on the Atonement, vi. 784-5. • on the character ard Influence of Christ, iv. 786-9. on Christian l)irth and victory, vl. 809- 8T2. ■ — • — on deadly sins, vl. 816^820. on knowing all things, vl. 797-9. on love and charity, vi. 701-4. on witness of the gospel, vi. 812-816. on the Word, vl. 779-780. on the world and its vanity, vl. 790-6. polemic element in, vl. 770-2. style and language, vi. 777-8. three warnings, vi. 823 : 2. — Second, an individual letter, vi. 822 : 1-2. Christian truths of, vi. 824: 1-2. — Third, addresses of, vi. 825-6. spiritual truths of, vl. 826-7. John, Gospel of, vi. 767 : 2, 768: i. — -on identity of life and Christ, vi.253:2. John the Baptist, family and birth, v. 12-13. — prefigured in Old Testament, v. 26 : 2, 2y. — early life and mission, v. 28-32. — baptizes Chrl-t, iv. 704 : i sq., 816: 2 sq. — compared to Elijah, 11.300:2. — decisive testimony to the Messiah, iv. 890:2, V. 125-9. — greatness not aided by miracles, 11. 350: 2. — herald of Christ, iv. 702:2. — -Herod's wavering over, Iv. 856:1. — in doubt, iv. 'J2>'2 '■ 2. — in prison, iv. 709:1. — metaphors of, ill. tt : T. — realism of his preaching, 11.759:1. — refuge in the desert, ii. 696 : 2. — seeming failure of, iv. 709:2. — tragic end of, iv. 743 : 2. Johnson. Dr. S., story of, vl. 273 : 2. — quoted, vi. 818:2. Jon EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 68 Jonadab or Jehonadal), tlie Rcchabitc fanatic, al- liance witli Jehu, i. 580 : 2. ii. 373 : 2. iv. 133:2. — massacres Baal-worshipcrs, ii. 374:1. Jonadab, son of Shimeah, base pimp to Amnon, ii. 163: 2. — hides Absalom's purpose to kill Amnon, ii. 165: I. — grim reassurance to David, ibid. Jonah, son of Amittai, called to denounce Nineveh, iv. 685: i. — refuses, ibid. ■ — second call, iv. 688 : 2. — adventure with the great fish, iv. 687-8. — and the repentance of Nineveh, iv. 689-90. — Psalm or Prayer of, iv. 688: i. — Christ employs story of, iv. 683 : 2. — the messenger of Jehu, ii. 367 : 2, 368 : i, Jonah, Book of, iv. 679:2. — character of, iv. 681 : i. — date of, iv. 680: i. — divided by Kohler and Bohme, iv. 684:1. — purpose of, iv. 681:1. — unity of, iv. 683 : 2. Jonathan, son of Abiathar, deserts Adonijah, ii. 236 : 2. Jonathan, son of Gershom ( ?Moses' grandson), idolatrous priest to the Danites, i. 719:1. — and the stolen gods, i. 826 : 8. Jonathan, son of Saul, army at Gibeah under, ii. 55 : 2. — bones buried at Jabesh-Gilead, ii. 197:1. — censures his father, ii. 62 : 2. — condemned to death by Saul, {1.61:2,63:2. — David beloved by, ii. 76 : 2. — David laments for, ii. 117:1. — eats wild honey, ii. 62:2. — exploit at IMichmash, ii. 58-61. — faith in God, ii. 58 : 2, 59 : i, 2. — faith rewarded, ii.6o:i. — rescued by the people, ii. 63 : 2. — routs Philistines, ii.6o:i. — Saul in ra,c;e with, 11.84:2. — slain at Gilbn.-i. ii. 110:2. Jones, Prof., on individual and st^icty, v. 688:2, 689: I. Jr.'ppa, description of, v. 432 : 1-2. Joram, son of Toi, 11.144:2. Jordan, the river, 1.656:2,657:1. — reached by the Israelites, i. 656-659. — divided, i. 659-662. — crossing the, i. 645 : i, 660 : i, iii. 170 : 2. — Christ and St. John at the, iv. 816:1. — Elijah parts waters of, 11.345:2. — Elisha parts waters of, 11.346:1. Jortin, J., on demonology, v. 352 : r. Joseph, administration of Egypt, 1.98:1,2. — affair with Potiphar's wife, 1.90:2,91:1-2. Joseph, bones of, i. 172: i. — burial of, i. 7;},;^, : i. — cast into the tank, i.88:l. — character of, 1.86:1,91:1-2. — chosen for steward by Pharaoh, 1.96:2. — combined highest qualities of his ancestors, 1.86: I. — commits his sons to Jacob, i. 110:2. — concerning Pharaoh's dream, 1.96:1. — compared with Jesus, 1.89:1,93:1. — contrasted with David and Daniel, 1.86:1. — death of, i. 108: i. — detains his brethren, i. loi : i. — distrusted by his brethren, i. 107:1. — dreams of, i. 84-9. — generosity and faith, i. 107 : 2. — hated by his brothers, 1.87:2,101:1. — healthiness of his nature, 1.90:1. — hides his cup in Benjamin's sack, i. loi : 2. — history of, suggests themes to the Psalmist, iii. 209: 1,264:2. — in prison, compared to Christ on Calvary, i. 89: 2. ■ — inheritance of, i. 708-711. — interprets fellow-prisoners' dreams, i.92:r, — introduces new element into Hebrew ex- perience, i. 87 : 2. ■ — invites his father's household into Egypt, 1. 105 : 2. — marriage to Asenath, 1.97:2. — memory of, unregarded, i. 124:1. — natural favorite of his father, 1.86:2. — overseer in Potiphar's house, 1.90:1. — purity overshadowed by mercy, 1.91:1. — rare self-control, ibid. — recognizes coming of good through evil, i. 98: I. — the "pit" and its horrors, 1.90:1. — second to Pharaoh, 1.97:2. — speech to his brethren, i. 103: i. — unburied coffin, 1. 108: T. — unconditional submission to God's delegate, 1.99:2. Joseph of Arimathea granted the body of Jesus, iv. 805 : 2, 919: 2. — Jesus in tomb of, iv. 920:1. Josephus, Mavius, on the mines of Cyprus, v. 348:1. — on Daniel's vision, vi. 370. — on David's army, ii. i8o:l. tomb, V. 326 : 2. — on the Essenes, vi. 501 : i. — on Herod Agrippa's death, v. 448 : i. — on Herod's foundation of Caesarea, v. 428:2. — on the High Priest Annas, vi. 565 : 2, 566: i. — on the Holy Place, v. 338:2. — on Jewish rebellions, v. 352 : 2, 353 : i. — on prophets of Baal, ii. 309: i. 69 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. J lid Josephus, on the refusal of Moses, i. 138:-'. — on Solomon's garden, iii.48o:2. — on Syrian besiegement, ii. 358: i. — on the Zealots, vi. 705:1. their massacre, vi.624:2. — silence concerning Christ, v. 361 : 2. on Christianity, v. 486 : 2. — cited, vi. 568 : 2, 609 : i , 629 : 2, 635 : i. Joshua, a believing soldier, i./^^:2. — as a spy, i. 422 : 2, 641 : i. — call of, i. 644-7. — change of name, 1.641:1. — charge to the people, i. 650-653. — death of, i. 753 : 2. — deeply loved by Jiloses, i.639: r. — defeated at Ai, 1.674:2. — defeats the Amalekites, i. 639 : 2. — designation as Moses' successor, i. 469 : i. — divine inspiration of, 1.636:1. — encouragement of, i. 647-650. — gave the people "rest," 1.638:1,735:1. — jealous for Moses, 1.418:1,614:1. — last appeal of, i. 730-733. — modesty of claim, 1.714:1. — no prophet, 1.636:1. — old age of, i. 695-8. — on the Egyptian bondage, i. 126:1. — patience of, i.640: i. — pedigree of, 1.638:2. — resemblances to Jesus, 1.638:1. — ruggedness of type, 1.732:2. — sends out surveyors, 1.712:1. — stratagem at Ai, i. 681 : i. — successor to Moses, i. 642. i. — trustworthiness confided in by Moses, i. 639: I. — unwonted despair at Ai, 1.674:2.675:1. — visited by Angel of the Covenant, i. 666:2. — the warrior, i. 185: i. — with Moses on Momit Sinai. {.640:1. — work for Israel, 1.7.^3-7- work continued that of Moses, 1.636:1. — and Caleb, alone worthy to enter promised land, i. 641 : 2. revolt against, 1.426:1. Joshua, Book of, a history of the settlement, i. 734 : 2. — absurdity of complicated schemes of author- ship, i. 636: 2, 637 : T. — alleged Jehovistic and Elnhistic elements in, i. 636 : 2. — compiled from various documents. 1.637:2. — dual authorship not probable, i. 735 : 1. — part of the Divine purpose, 1.636:1. — ■ place in the history of revelation, 1.636:2. — query, symholicil ? 1.638:1. — regarded as a Divine Cliarter, iv. 191 : I. — spiritual lesson of, 1.638:2,639:1. Josiah, king of Judah, reign and reforms of, li. 433-5. 5« I -3- — accepts Deuteronomy thoroughly, i.503: i. — contemporary of Jeremiah and Zephaniah, iv. 10: I. — death of, 11.441:1,111.738:2. — dispels idolatry, 11.436:1,437-2. — placed on the throne l)y national movement, iv. 563 : 2. — reformation of, 11. 435 : 2. — temporary success and tragic death, ill. 738 : 2. — transient nature of reformation, iv. 72 : 2. Jotliam, king of Judah, reign of, 11.393:2,394:1, 574: 1-2. — success of, 111.621:2. Joy (see also Rejoicing), Christian obligation to, vi. 176. — communion with God, iii.46:i. — contrasted with .sorrow, iii.79:2. — double, of the believer, vi. 716-718. — exhilaration of, 11. 660:1. — for destruction of the wicked, 111.154:2. — fruit of the Spirit, v. 905:2, 906. — God's desire for humanity, v. 246:1. — in present, aided by certainty of future, vi. 255 : 2, 256. — in suffering, vi. 219-223. — in worship, 111.244:1. — note of .sadness in, 11.603:1. — object of Christian life, v. 733 : 2, 734 : i. — of the Beatitudes, iv. 712:1. ■ — of the Lord, ii.658: i. - — of the righteous, ill. 155:1. — of the soul, 111.396:1. — proportionate to duration of trials, ill. 235 : I. • — temptation may be a source of, vi. 571. • — ■ true, 11. 52 : i. -unshared is fleeting, 111.398:1. Joyous worship, il. 671 : 2. Jubal, the father of music, 1. 16:2. Jubilee, of the lleljrews, 1.360:2-362:2. ■ — the gospel of, v. 39-43. — year of, v. 40: 2. Judah, son of Jacob, character and symbol, i. 113: 1. — "sceptre rot to depart from," 1.113:1. — speech to Joseph, 1.103:1. — symbol for Christ, 1.113:2. — territory assigned to, 1.705:1. Judah, the tribe, characterized by Moses, 1.619:2. — lands and cities of, i. 704-8. Judah, the kingdom, chronology of, 11.410:2. — compared with Israel, ii. 280: 1,2. — decline and fall of, iv. 219:1. — earlier kings of, 11.289:2. — end of the monarchy, iv. 244-8 sq. — in ruin.s, ill. 182 : 2. J lid EXPOSITIOX OF THE BIDLE — INDEX. ro Jjtlali, invasions of by Assyria, ii. 630 : i. iii. 617 : 1 . 630 : I . by Syria and Israel, iii. 617 : i. (>-i3 : i. — kings of, table, ii.-i63:2. — last kings of. ii. 581 : 2. — limited monarchy, iii. 561 : i. • — loss of patriotism, iii. 648: i. — necessity of exile, iii. 738:1. ^persistent apostasy of, ii. 365 : 2. 366 : i, iv. 190: I. — petty principaluN, iii. 6-7: 2. — profitless alliance with Egypt, iii. 671 : 2. — prosperity of, for a time, iii. 621: i. — rebuked by Zechariah, ii.379:2. — reference in .-\.mos dnhious, iv. -;76: i. - — religions reform l)y Hczckiah, ii. 411:1.2. 412 : I. — rnin of, iv. 193-6. — Sargon IT. and, ii.^;iQ:T. — social and reli;:ions corruption, iv. 1S7: t. — terribly harried by llazael, ii. 381:1. — tribal cognizance. 1.113:1. — V. icked kings of. ii.5i7:2. ■ — wild grapes of. iii. 626: 2. — see also names of individual kings. Judais:n. a domestic reli .'ion, ii. 598:1. - — a missionary religion, vi. 785:1. — best of, an e.xotic. ii.615: T. — liistoric progress. vi.396:2. — its treat sin. vi. 888 : 2. 889: i. — legalism of, ii. 658:1. — preparatory dispensation, iii. 68S: i, v. 868 : i. — preserved by Jewish exclusivene'^s. ii.605: i. — pride in claim from Abraham, v.S:^7:2. — prominence given to Sabbath-keeping, ii. 673: T. — rudimentary character, v. 876 : 2, 877 : 2, 878. — and the story of llagar. v. S82-6. — rites : impracticable ceremonialism, v. 410:2. absurdity of. vi. 522 : 2. 523. living and dead contrasted, vi. 536:1. abolished by the Crucifixion, vi. 244:1. suspicion and dislike of Jesus, v. So: 2, 82: I. — in Christ's time : corrupted cfMidilinn, v. 8S5: T,vi. 586:2. 587: I. decadence, v. 44 : t. finer vital side ( f. v. 12: i. Galilee its stroiv.'hold, v. 408:1. in early churcli, v. 520 : 1-2 vi. 125. modern apo'ogetics for, v. 834 : 2. not at first inconsistent with Christianity, V. 355: 2,356-1. Christianity disengaged from by Paul, V. 642 : 2. ■ observances rnid Centile converts, vi. 246: I. Judaism, unchristian grudgingness of, vi. 330:1. struggle aainst the Centiles ov.r circu:n- ci^on, V. 846-7. the Judaizers as mischief makers, vi. 147-8, 168, 285 : I, 326 : 2. struggle to dominate Christiarity, v. 456-8. particularism opposed to Christian idea!.> V. 303: 2.304: T. crafty policy of. v. 915 : 2. 916 : i. insincerity of. v.gi6:i-2. development into pro- and ar.ti Chr'stian- ity, vi. 574:2. ritualistic, and the Colos^ian Church, \i. 192 : I. 2. — ■ — the mortal persecutor of Christianity, vi. 329:2.330: I. summary of relations to Cliristiainty, v. 872-5, 876-7. Judas Iscariot. general character and action of, iv. 836-7. V. 216-220. 902-3. — bargain for betraying Jesus, v. 101-2. — believed his betraxal would not iKirm Jesus, V. 9TI : 2, 912 : I. — criticises waste of ointme't, iv. 792: i. 793: I. — compared with Ahithophel. ii. 179:1. — half ignorant of what he did, iv. 791: i. — irdurated hypocri--y. iv. 795 : i. ■ — Jesus" relations with. v. 214: I. — not wor:e at heart than other Mammon- worshipers, iv. 794: I. — only non-Galilean Apostle, iw 730:2. — remorse of, i v. 801:1.2. — reproached by Jesus, iv. 798 : 2, 799 : i. — slayers of Jesus all one Judas, iv. 801:1. — treachery a necessary link in Divine ])urpose. iv. 795 : i. Judas not Tscariot. v. 230 : 2. Jude. Epistle of. audience addressed, vi. 646:1, 649: 1-2. — authenticity of, vi. 643-6. — d:ite of, vi. 3()g : 2. — min.'Uory i)reaching of, \i.736:2. — on impious di'^^content and greed, vi. 661-3. — on libertines at the love-feast<. vi. 657-8. — on sediti m and anarchism, \-. C-55 sq. — on self-building and rescue of others, \ i. 663-6. ■ — on the sin of t1ie angels, \-. 653 : 4. — purjjose of, \-i. 646-8. — relation to 2 Peter, vi. 649-651. ■ — ^use of apocryi)h;d literature, vi. 656-7. — \'erb:d ips])iration as regards, vi. 652-5. — writer of, vi.6-'5: 1-2. Jiul'ies, period and function of the. i. 115:2. y^j : I, Judges, P)Ook of, a second (Genesis, i. 743 : r. — full of warlike ardor, i.7-|3:2. — its topics secular, i.7-'3:i. 71 EXPOSITION OF Till-: lUlJL IXUEX. Kin Judymcnt, civilization and, \\.^yj:2. — dividing line of. iv. 790:1. — God's, as essential as His mercy, ii.64:2. day of, or God's final, see Eschatology, and Jesus Christ, Second Coming of. future, iv. 650: i. great scene of, iv. 789 : j. the last, 111.844:1. His (]reat Assize never sii'^, ii.763:r. impending, iii. 196: i, iv. 899 : i. in Isaiah, a mistranslation, iii. 804:2. in this life. vi. 719. not affected by non-moral considerations, V. 534: I- prospect of, a safeguard, iii. 506-2. three, on a wicked world. \i. 855-6. true prophecies of, vi. 7 15 : 2. twofold, upon Israel, iv.J59:l. — -human, unfair basis of, v. 763 : 2. — inspires carefulness, i. ,300-1. — just, basis of modern social order, i. 595-2. — law of. lenient and fair, v. 92:1. — mutual, duty of charity, v. 608:1-2. — of the heathen, iv. 665 : i !~q. — of Israel, iv.5i7:2. — of jud.ges, iii. 213: 2. — on Christ is self-judgment, v. 125:1. ■ — parables and pictures of, i v. 784:2. — sure to come, iii. 24:2. — symbol of. iv. 108:1. — vision of, iv. 789:1. Juli;m, emperor, forbids Christians teaching in public schools, vi.442:2. Justice, equality rf. ii. 146:2. — in human life, 11.750:1.751:2. — in Israel, i. 595-600. — in punishment, ii. 166:'^, — miscarriage of, iii. 819: 2. — of God, ii. 13 : 2. — of God, concrete, iii. 700:1. — poetic, ii. 681 : 2. — poverty rf, iii. 725 : 2. — and power, iii. 123:2. — and truth endure. 11.229:1. Justification by faith, as illustrated bv Abraham, v.548:2. — by works vs. rrace, v. 888 : i. — by both, vi. 910 : i. — dependent on the Resurrection, v. 549 : 2. — distortion of the doctrine, v. 539 : 2. — meaning of, v. 5.12 : 2. 5_i3 : i. — meaningless if religion is not iustice, iii. .388:1. — AlosesC?) on, 583: i. — not for the unrepentant, v. 329. — propagates unselfish devotion, 1.531:2. — relation of works to the gospel, v. 534 : 2. Justification, St. Paul and St. James not dis- crepant, V. 547 : I. — and holiness, v. 555-563. — the Justified, — peace, love, and joy for, v. 550-2. their life in the Holy Spirit, v. 567-570. Justin .Martyr, how converted, vi.698:l. — on baptismal fornuda, v. 397:1. — on the diaconate, v. 362:1. — on Jewish polygamy, vi.4i6:2. — on Simon Magus, v. 382. — on Sunday observance, v. 494 : 2. — cited or quoted, vi. 41 1 : i, 468 : 2, 557 : 2, 587: I, 661 : 2, 719: I. Junexal, on Antioch's immorality, v. 440 : 2. — on Chaldean astrology, iii. 780: i. Kadc-h, mustering at. i.440: i. — position debated, iii. 78:1. Kalisch, M. M.. on Ishmael, v. 884 : 2. — on retribution in kiixl, 1.207:2. Kant, I., on maxims of duty. \-i. 787:2. Kautsch, Emil. cited or quoted, iv. 177 : i. 178 : 2. 180:2, 198:1. 199:1, 2, 20r : I, 204: r, 206 : 2, 652 : 2, 669 : 2. Keats, John, quoted, iii. 572: i. Keble, J.. "Christian ^'car " cited, v. 301 : 2, 351 : f- .1S5: I. 421 : 2. 58T : 2. Kedar, great nortliern tribe of Ara!)ian desert, iii. 305 : T, iv. 183 : 2. Keilah. David at. 11.91:2,92:2. Keim. T.. on the facts of tlie Resurrection, v. 697 : 2, 698: I. Kenites, the, i. 41T : 1,748: i. Khalid, tlie "sword of the Lrrd," i.6c9:2. Kindness, in Christian life, vi. 265. — laws of. i. 605 : i. • — returned wilh kindne.-s, 11.152:2. — true, ii. 122 : i. — and truth, ii. 122 : T. King, exactions of a. ii.3{: t. — the good and bad. 11.273:1.2. — Roman hatred of the title, v. 469 : 2. — the, can do no wrong, iv. -'oS : 2. ■ — in Israel, a speaker for Cod, i. 573-576. demanded by people. 11.32:2. dependent upon Jehovah. 1.573:2. God as. 11.32:2. no provision made for his nnintenance. i. 574: I. -the ideal one, 1. 574 : i sq. Kingdom of Christ, the gospel of, iv. 710:2. — invitation to enter, iv. 720:2. — law of, iv. 714 : i. — nature and constitution of. iv. 711 : i. — parables of. iv. 740:1. — place in. iv. 766 : t sq.. 882 : 2 sq. — signs of, iv. y2T, : r. Kin EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 72 Kingdom of God, Jiulah's scant realization of, iv. T93: I. Kingliness of lowliness, iv. 772: i. Kings, Book of, not two but one, ii. 219-223. — aim of historian of. ii. 224: 1,2. — chronology of, ii. 223 : i. loose, ii.359: 1.3^5: T, 393: 2, 411: I. First Book, 334:1-335:2. — compiler unknown, ii. 221:1. — date of, ii. 221 : i. — greatness of hi'^torian of, ii. 227:2. — text of, ii. 222:2. King's Dale, ii. 23 1:2. Kingship, first connecting lir.k between God and His people, i. 5S8-9. — of God, iii. 336: I. — of Israel, foreshadowed Anointed One, iii. 428: I. was a failure, iii. 429: 2. was mere episode in Israel's polity, i. 574: I. Kirharaseth, chief ]\Ioabite fortress, dreadful tragedy at, ii. 349-50. Kiriath(Kirjath)-huzoth, great sacrifices at, i. 457: I- Kirjath-jearim, ark at, ii.27:i, iii. 316:2. Kirjath-Sepher, " lio ok-town " of the Canaanites, i. 528: I, 746 : 2. ri.kpatrick. A. F., quoted, iv.6oi:r. Kish, Saul's father, "rodless," ii. 43 : 2. — "'mighty man of power." ii. 36: T. I'ishon, the brook, Elijah sla}S priests at, ii. 309: 1,2. Kiss, of Christian salutation, vi. 359 : 2. 727 : i. Kitto, Jolm, misfortune he:_ins greatness of, i. 664 : 2. Klostermann, Aug., quoted, iv. 23T : 2, 2^3 : 2, 639 : 2. Knowledge, as antithesis to love, v. 905:1. — evils of, apart from love, v. 667 : 1-2. — fleetingness of, v. 692 : 2. — gift of God, vi.512. — mind hungers for, ii. 720:2. — moral, relation to fruitful life, v. 203:1. — must be ba.sed on character, vi. 511:2. — "of all things," meaning of, vi. 798: 1-2. — of God through forgiveness, ii. 580:2. — of man second to that of God, u.6~6: 2. — priesthood of, iv. 647 : 2. — starts from recognition cf God. iii. 353:1. — true vs. fantastic, vi. 728:1. — vs. ignorance, corresponds to devotion vs. indifference, vi. 68. Knox, Alexander, on the double truths of re- ligion, vi. T52-3. Knox, John, his work. vi.62:i. Kohathites, duties of, i. 395 : 2, 718 : 2. Kohler, August, divides Book of Jonah, iv. 684: i. Korachite psalms, iii. 116:1. Korah. fate of, iii. 165:2. — • his claim, i. 433 : 2. — his doom, i. 434 : 1. — revolt of, i. 433 : 2 ; iii. 267 : 2. — symbolism of, vi. 663-6. Kosters, W. H., on unhistoricalness of Ezra, iv. 608-9. — cited, 619 : i, 622 : i, 625 : 2. Krenkel, M., on Pauline Epistles, vi.484:2. Krethi and Plethi, David's old body-guard, ii. 236: I. Krochmal, on Psalms, iii. 125 : i, 195 : 2. Kuenen, A., on the Decalogue, i. 509:2. — on Ezekiel and Jeremiah, iv. 222:1. — on the " Queen of Heaven," iv. 172 : 2, 173 : i. — on image-worship, 1.513:2. — on the Sabbath, iv. 100 : 2. — on supernatural origin of religions, 1.213:2. — cited or quoted, 363 : i, 393 : i, 446 : 2, 493 : i, 497:2, 501:1, 580:1, 588:2, 590:2, 605:2, 608:1, 610:2, 669:1, 670:2, 680: I. Kurtz, J. H., on meal-offering, 1.253:1. Kyria, recipient of John's Second Epistle, vi. 822-4. Laban, character of, 1.77:2,78:1. — tricks Jacob with his own weapons, 1.77:2. — outwitted by him, i. 80 : 2. Labor (see also Work), abundant blessings of, iii. 414 : 2. — cause of, injurious suspicions too often mark, i. 608 : 2. — early imperative, i. 12:1. — rewards of, iii. 310:2. — rights of, V. 670 : 2. Lachish. Nebuchadrezzar makes headquarters at, ii-453: i- — Sennacherib makes headquarters at, ii. 421 : 2. Lachmann, Karl, criticised, vi. 758. Lacordaire, J. B. H., quoted, as to sadness, iii. 470 : 2. Lactantius, cited, iv. 138: 2, vi. 441 : 2. Laing, S., on consolations of Christianity, iii. 440: 2,441 : I. Lamb of God, i. 244 : 2. — of the Passover, i. 165 : 2. Lamech, descendants of, i. 12:2. — family of, show Cain's blood, i. 16: i. — self-sufficing pride of, i. 17: 1-2. Lamentations of Jeremiah, date of, 111.544:1. — Hebrew elegies, iii. 541 : i, 543 : 2. — not a book of consolations, iii. 563 : 2. — origin of, iii. 543: 2. — theme of, 111.546:2. Land division among tribes of Israel, i.467: T. — individual ownership forbidden, 1.365:1. — law, iii. 627 : I. . i 72> EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX liCgr Land and land tenure, i. 590: r. Landels, W., on woman, v. 682 : i. Landor, W. S., on the air, W. 2,20: 2. Lange, J. P., cited, vi. 627 : 2. Langland, "Piers Plowman" quoted iv. 478:2, 482 : 2, 538 : 2. 540 : 2. Language, use of, iii. 681 : 2. Laodicea, church of, vi. 841 : 2, 843 : 2, 848 : 2, 849 : i. — type of its cliurch, vi. 191 : 2. Laodiceans, Epistle to Ephesians, sometimes en- titled as to the, vi.9:2. Lardner, D., cited, vi. 656:1. Last, first shall be, iv. 768:1, 2. "Last Days," meaning of, vi. 477 : 2, 478 : r. Latimer, Bishop H., denounces national clergy, iv. 150: I. Laver, of the Tabernacle, 1.220:1,227:1. Law (natural), common-sense and the reign of, iv. 491 : 2. Law (in general), of compensation, iii. 550:2. — of greatness, the, iv. 885 : i. — of physical decay, iii. 239:2. Law (moral and religious obligation), a chal- lenge, i. 191 : I. — as dead ceremonialism, v. 887 : 2. bringing a curse, v. 859-860. — as jailor of mankind, v. 867 : 2. — as its tutor, v. 868 : i. — as revealer of sin, v. 565 : 2, 566 : r. — contrasted with grace, v. 850 : 2. — design of, v. 864-8. to develop sin, v. 865-6. — fountain of wisdom, iii. 299 : i. — function in the spiritual life, v. 563-7. — God's against man's, iii.8o:T. antagonism to human nature, vi. 243. effect of, iii. 57: i. equivalent to liberty, vi. 582: i. foundation of permanence, iii. 102 : 2. "Honor Me" eternal rule of, ii. 18:1. of the kingdom of Christ, iv. 714: i. synonyms for, iii. 56 : 2. — ideal, iii. 112 : i. — inexorability of, v. 541 : 1-2. — method, contrasted with faith, v. 860: i. — moral and physical, iv. 47 : 2. — not an enemy of moral life, i. 559: 2. — our schoolmaster, i. 123: 1,207: 2. — partnership with love, v. 895 : i, 896: i. — practice of, high moral functions, v. 657:1. — salvation by, vs. faith, v. 857 : 2. Law (formal), ancient, noble precepts of, iv. 74 : 2 sq. — Eastern, crinu'nal jurisdiction unfixed, i. 575 : I. — land, the proper, iii. 627:1. — parallels in Deuteronomic and Roman, i. 522: I. Law, Paul on invoking, v. 656-9. — popularization of the, 11.656:2. — and justice, rule of, iv. 94:1. "Law" (old Jewish covenant), a novelty to the Jews, ii. 657 : 2. — abolished by faith, v. 899:1-2. by the Crucifixion, vi. 242-5. — adoption of, by Jerusalemites, ii. 590 : 2. — an organic whole, i. 191-2. — covenant of, symbolized, ii. 259 : 2. - — the lesser, i. 204 : i. — !\Tosaic, ii. 665-8. — — ignorance of, among Jew.s, ii. 260:1. — new in itself, 11.657:2. — of the one sanctuary, iv. 323:1. — of worship, 1.205:2. — rabbis legislated in spirit of, 111.512:2. — Sabbath, not elastic, 11. 53 : 2. — and Christianity, v. 377:1, vi. 155:2. — and gospel, iii. 115: i. and the nations, v. 535 : i. — and the new covenant, vi. 520 : 2, 526 : 2,. 527: I- — and the promise, v. 862-8. — and prophecy, correspond to first two- Psalms, iii. 9:1. — and religion, 1. 557 : 2. — and the Sermon on the Mount, i. igi : 2. Law, William, effect of his " Serious Call." iii. 609: I. Lawful food, {.329:2. Lawrence, St., martyrdom of. v. 362:1. Lawrence. Lord, viceroy of India, 1.576:1. Laws of nature, ways of God, iii. 560:1. Laws, old Jewish, against idolatry, i. 568-573. might avert modern social crisis, i. 589:1. Laws, modern code of. what is meant by, 1.557:2. "Laws of Manu," 1.558:2. Laying on of hands, i. 246 : 2. Laymen, relation to church rites, i. 435 : 2. — share in Church councils, v. 460. — see also Church. Lazarus, resurrection of, vi. 30 : 2. Lazarus and Dives, v. 97-98. Leah, i. "j-j : 2. Leaven, barred out during Passover week, ii. 614: 2. — 'as symbol of corruption, 1.254:2,255:1, V. 655. Lebanon, Mount, dominates landscape of north Israel, iv. 519: 2, 520: i. — cedar of, iv. 245 : 2, 290 : 2. 399 : i sq. Lecky, W. H., on sin visitation, 11.226:2. Lee, Archdeacon, cited, vi. 915:2. Legalism of Judaism, ii.658: i. Legislation, not an Oriental custom, i. 575 : i. — for the millennium, iv. 322:1. Leg EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 74 Lci:islativc cedes of the Mosaic writings iv. 3^3- I- Le Ilir, Abbe, quoted, vi. 773 : 2. Leihr.itz, G. \V., on love, v. 604:2. Lemmc, L., on PauFs Epistles, vi. 485 : i. Lender and borrower, i. 606:2. Lent, anticipated by tlie Jews, ii. 661:1. LepL'rs, iii. 593-5. — at siege of Samaria, ii. 361 : i. — cleansing of the, i. 324 : i. — symbolic of .society, iii. 595 : i. — spiritual, iii. 594:2. sj'mbol of sin, i. 322 : i, 2. 397 : 2. type of sin, i\.825:i. Leprosy, ceremonial uncleanness of, 1.319:1, 321 : T, 2. — diagnosis of, i. 320 : 2. — excluded from the Jewish camp, 1.397:1. — healed by Christ, iv. 723 : 2, 825 : i. — Xaaman's healed, 11.353:2. — and the priestly touch, v. 72 : r. — the word "leprosy,"' 1.319:2. Leprous garment, its purification, 1.329:1, — house, its purification, 1.328:1,2. Lesson, from Saul's career, ii. 112:2. • — for aged, ii. 191 : 2. — of David's clash with Xabal, 11.98:1. fight with Goliah, 11.76:1. — of dilatoriness, 11.287:1. — of faith, in Book of Kings, ii.460: i. — of godliness, 11. 145: t. — of Ha:?ael and Elisha, 11.364:1. — of mercy. 11. 321 : i. Lessons, from Samuel's intercession, il.29:i. — of experience disregarded, 111.597:2. — of failure, 1. 680:2. — of history, 11. 228:1. — of Jonathan's faith, 11. 60: 2. — of past ignored, 11. 218:1. — of vanity, 11.272:2. — taught to Elijah, 11.304:1. — to parents and children, ii. 182:2. "Letter,'" the. vs. sjiirit, y.7^7:2. Levi, son of Jacob, type of character, 1.112:2. — not an attractive type, 1.718:1. Levi, the tribe, their claim to priestly office, 1. 620: I. — guardians of Jewi-li camp, 1.391:1-2. — selected as the sacred triht'. i. 112: 1-2,620: i, 718:2. Levi, the publican. Christ's call to. iv. 828:2. Levirate marriage, i. 604:1. Levltes added to Ezra's company, 11.620:2. — cleansing and consecration of, i.3i;5:i. — had no inheritance, i. 718 : i, iv. 331 : i, — cities of the, 1.483:2,719:2. — duties of the, 111.116:1,524:2. — in Deuteronomy, 1.577:1. Levltes, not secluded, 1. 483 : 2. — number of, compared to priests, 11.599:2. — retention of nomadic life, 1.580:1. — second to priests, 11.665:2. — shared in dues paid to God, 1.578:1. — - substituted for the firstborn, i. 171 : i. — teachers of the Law, 11. 665 : i. — to be bearers of Ark, 11.137:2. — and Hezeklah, 11.575:1. Levltic Ritual, growth of the, ii. 260:1. Levitical law, i. ..193 : 2. and modern leniency, 1.345:2. — priesthood, 1. 283 : 2. Leviticus, authenticity discussed, 1. 237-241. — origin and authority of, 1.237:2. — occasion and order of, 1.241:1-2. — present-day use of, 1.242:2. — purpose of, 1.241:2. — revelation of Christ, 1.243:1. of God"s character, 1.242:2. from Jehovah, i. 2Ti7 : 2. — summary of, 1. 379 : 2. — and the New Testament, 1.378:2. Lewln. '1"., cited, v. 505:1. Llbanius. on .A^ntioch's water supply, v. 440:1. Liberal spirit of nineteenth century, 11.503:2. Liberalism, ii. 605 : i. " Libertines," the, v. 367 : 2. Liberty, has limitation, ii. 785 : 2. — in Christ, subversiveness of old social order, v. 680: I. — in Christian observances, vi. 246:1. — Jesus' gospel one of, v. 40 : 2, 42 : 2, 43. ■ — not curtailed by predestination, ii.40:i. — of judgment, strained views of, vi. 356. — personal, not inconsistent with social sub- ordination, V. 681 : I. — the Christian's true, vi. 711:1. — the harmony of law and will, i. 191 : 2. — vs. love, V. 666-9. Llddon, II. P., on the Ascension, v. 310:1. — on Epistle of James, vi. 584:2. — cited, V. 37i> : 2. Lie, living in a, i. 105: i. Life, analogies to nature, v. 912-914. — as a commentary on Christ, vi. 154:2. — as a school, iii. 243: 1. — a.spccts of. Hi. 66: 1. — based on^ death, vi. 162: i. — birth linked to defeat, vi. 809:1. — Chri.stian, comprises both enjoyment and sacrifice, vi. 162-3. a race, vi. 164-8. a hidden one, vi. 254: 2, 255. and the parable of the "Virgins, iv. 786:2. — conditions of best fruitfulncss, v. 236-7. — country, as opposed to court. Hi. 528:2. — crown of, vi. 577-9. 75 EXPOSITION OF THE BIHLI' — IXDIiX. Lioa hife, daily vigilance of, iii. 811:2. — disorder of human, 111.476:2. — does not cease at death, iii. 519:2. — effect of great sorrow upon, iii. 712:2. — eternal, hope of, iii. 6f) : 2. distinction from earthly, v. 250:1. is present, v. 193:1. — fleetingness, vi. 620. — for enjoyment, 11.705:1. — futile if prolonged by shirking duly. v. 19T : 2, 192 : 1. — governed by faith, iii. 710:1. — hardest duty of, iii. 712: 2. — hereafter, iii. 150 : 2. — human, darkness of, 11.765:1. — '—first given sanctity by Chrlslianily, v. 310 : 2, 31 1 : t. • justice in, 11.750:1.751:2. - — • — sacred and secular, 1.743:1. — in the flesh vs. in the spirit, v. 569. — inevitable, ill. 366 : 2. — inward. Hi. 395 : 2. ^law of the seed in, v. 204 : 2, 205 : i. — long enough for our work, v. 249 : 2. — mere feeling is not, iv. 840: i. — metaphors of, iii. 107: i. — new, in Christ, v. 557-8. — not estimated according to length, ill. 218: i, — obligations of present determined by future, V. 631 : I. — of Solomon, slgnilicance of, 11.515:2. — of the spirit, one of resurrection, vi. 254. — of wisdom, 111.358:2. — present, the scene of religious discipline, vi. 159: 2, 160. — prevails in God's world. 111.262:1. — relation to heavenh' citizenship, vi. 178-181. — religious, essentials of, ill. 91:1. — rewards life, ii. 790:1. — royal dignity of, ii. 522:1. — sacred and secular sides too much de- limited, V. 25 : 2. — sanctity of domestic, ii. 627 : 2. of human, {.714:2. — spiritual, source within, v. 149:1. function of the law in, v. 563-7. — tendency of, iii. 6og:i. — the future, see Kschatology. — the regenerate, as God's gift, v. 561. — the three-fold. vi. 253 : 2. 254. — the universe an exhausllcss fountain of, v. 224: 1-2. — true elixir of, ii. 603 : 2. — union with God, iii. 97 : 2. — value of, lies in hazard and conflict, 1.89:2. — vigor in earthly range, ii. 755:2. — vs. death, to the Christian, vi. 127-9. — -and death, are absolute, not relative, vi. .366: 1. Light, the children of, v. 211:1. — heavy penalty of sinning against, vi. 743:2, 744: '■ — how brought to the spirit, vi. 698:1. — in darkness, Hi. 71:1. — Jesus' gospel one of, v. 40:2, 41-2. — metaphor of the lamp, vi. 734-6. — of the word, iv. 713 : 1, 843 : 2, 844 : i, vi. 142:2, 143. -outward and inward, v. 182 : 2, 183 : 1-2. — same as heaven, \i. 204-5. — ■ spiritual, from God, Hi. 98 : i, iv. 786 : 2. • — spiritual symbol, v. 42. — wilful quenching of, vi.730:2. — and darkness, Paul on, vi. 81-84. Lightfoot, J. B., on the Apostles, v. 424 : 2. ■ — on baptism, vi. 241 : 1. — on "Caesar's household," vi. 184: i. — on diaconate, v. 360 : 2. — on Epistle to Romans, v. 516. — on Galatia, v. 465 : 2. — on Jewish ritualism, v. 877 : 2. — on Jews in Asia, v. 501 : 2. — on Judaizing, vi. 147: 1,2. — on Paul's angelology, vi. 26:2. J. B., on Paul's early ministry, v. 423 : 2. — on Paul's Macedonian experiences, vi. 174-5. — on Paul's prayer in Ephesians, vi.53:i. — on Paul's Roman friends, v. 620:1-2. — on reconciliation, vi. 213:1. — on the word of Christ, vi.26g:2. — cited or quoted, v. 29, 336:2, 472:2. 473:1, 806 : 2, 818 : I, 837 : 2. 866 : 2, 8-^3 : 2, 884 : 2, 889:1, 908:1, vi. 10:1, 45:2, 228:2, 244:2, 425:2, 561:1, 6-14:1, 663:2, 667 : I . Lightfoot, John, against the Apocryplia, v!.574:2. — on Stephen's nuirder, v. 376 : 2. — cited or quoted, v. 326 : 2, 331 : 2, ^:^2 : i, 339: I. 352: 1-2, 358:2, 361 : I, 504:2. Lind, Jenny, quoted, vi. 814:2. Linus, Hrst bishop of Rome, vi. 487:1. Lions, young, symbols of Assyrians, iv. 30:2. Literature came with civilization, iv. 451:1. — genesis of true, vi. 768:1. — of Bible, Hi. 514: 2. — religious, ii. 499: 2. — unchri.stian sort, vi. 441-4. Liturgy of gratitude, i. 611:1. Lives that are starved, iv. 664:1. — wondrously restored. ]H"cternatura!lty of. iv. 853:2. ' Living day by day, iii. 434: I. Living God, the, 11. 285 : 2. Livingstone, David, bearing the cross, 11.315:2. — faith of, ii. 108: i. — gratitude for parents. 11.14:2. — one with b.is reli'inn, 1.633:2. Loaves, miracle of t' e, v. 7 '-77, 161-5. Lioc EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 76 Locusts as food, iii. 507 : 2. — four different names of, iv. 660:2. — plague of, i. 160: I ; iii. 204: I. — and the day of the Lord, iv. 657 : i sq. "Logia," of Christ, in early cliurch, vi.7i5:2. — fresh ones in Epistles, vi. 577 : 2, 580. — -and Epistle of James, vi. 630-1. London, danger to other parts of English empire, V. 309 : 2. Loneliness of a young wife, i.6o6:2. Lord's Prayer, essential elements, v. 52:2, 53:1. — carping criticism of, vi. 819 : 2, 820 : I. — language of, ii. loi : 2. Lord's Supper; instituted, iv. 794: i, 904 : 2. — abuse of the, in early church, v. 683-6. Lot, the patriarch, Abraham rescues, i. 36. — as a Christian symbol, vi. 738. — cause of his failure, vi. 122:2. — character of, ii. 51 : 2. — chooses Sodom as a dwelling-place, '1.32:2. — compared to Judas, i.52:T. — his praj'cr different from Abraham's, i. 50:2. — separates from Abraham, i. 2- '• i- — visited by angels, i. 51-2. — wife of, i. 53: 1,2. Lotze, H., " Microcosmos " quoted, iii. 718: 2. Louis XIV., dreary old age of, ii. 232:1. — similarity of acts to Saul's, ii. 61:2. Love, a remedy for false witness, i. 203 : i. — absolute, knows no measure, v. 200:1. — antidote to over-zeal for truth, vi. 845 : I. — art of courtship, iii. 528:2. — as a working force, vi. 319-320. — as condition for receiving the gospel, vi. 775 : T. — as condition of life, v. 91 : 2. — as God's climax, vi. 714:1. — as the one fount of holiness, vi.337:i. — basis of successful dealing with sin, v. 7.35: 1-2. — bribery of. iii. 530:2. — brotherly, in Christian life, vi. 340. — can alone draw out all lunnan capabilitie-^, V. 239: I. — Christian, its obligation, vi.296:i. — conquers evil temper, iii. 400:1. — conquests by, ii. 69:2. — constancy in, iii. 534:1. — craving for, a part of unselfish love, vi. 335 : 2. — Divine attribute of, iii. 765:2. — Divine educator, iii. 424:1. — duty of Church to mingle with censure, vi. 380 : 2. — embraces "w-hole duty of man," v. 92 : 2. — essence and result of, v. 604. of useful suffering, v. 269:2, of worthy freedom, v. 895-6. Love, first predominant in Christian system, v. 904 : 2. — for fellows, contingent on love for Christ, V. 239 : 2. — for our fellow-man, 1.564:2. — fulfilment of the law, i. 191 : 2 ; iii. 265 : 2. — God's, in place of human, iii. 228: i. to man, iii. 51 : i. — grief from rejected, iii. 62 : 2. — incompatible with arrogance, vi. 298-9. — inseparable from pain, iv. 528 : 2. - — is happiness, v. 206 : 2. — its standard of measure, vi. 801 : 2. — jealousy of the divine, vi. 610-613. — Jesus' gospel one of, v. 40:2, 41. — law of Christian morals, vi. 303:1. — less misused than faith, vi. 319. — makes life its own reward, v. 239: i. — makes tasks sweet, iii. 540 : 2. — more potent than violence, ii. 320 : 2. — not bought, iii. 535 : 2. — not synonymous with tameness, vi.776:2. — of God, ii. 663 : i. the law of life, i. 524: 1-532 : 2. — of the noble, iii. 248: i. — only source of discrimination in moral life, vi. 122. — partnership with law, 895:1,896:1. — Paul on, as moral panacea, vi. 75 : 2, 76. ■ — — on its supereminent position, vi. 134:2. — Paul's inculcation of, vi. 55-56. — power of, iii. 535: 2. — practical, iii. 834:2. * — public declaration of, iii. 112:1. — root of punishment, iii. 80: i. — St. John's brief sermon, vi. 802 : 2. — the seed of eternal life, v. 81: i. — sin against, iv. 528:1. — source of Christ's rule, vi. 299: i. — .special word for, vi. 697. — spiritual, results on character and action, vi. 714. — stimulated by unworthiness, v. 213:2. — 'Supreme function in Christian life, vi. 267. — supreme gift, v. 690-3. — that bears its fellows' sins, iii. 818: 2. — the security of moral trust, v. 282:1. — triumph over polygamy, iii. 528:1. — true and tested, iii. 530:1. — true character of, vi. 120: 2, 121. • — undivided for God, iii. 223 : i. — unlawful, iii. 365 : 2. — unquenchable, iii. 533 : i. — values only free-will, vi. 308: 1-2. — vs. fear, as religious motives, v. 658:2, 659: I. — vs. liberty, v. 666-9. — wedded, subordinates all other, iii. 124 : I. — with fear, iii. 354 : 2. 77 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Mai Love and fear, 1.527:1. — and reverence, iii. 124:2. ■ — and wisdom, iii. 362:1. Love Feasts, in early church, v. 495 : 1-2, vi. 658 : 2, 741:1. — abuse of, v. 683-6. — libels on, v. 469 : 1-2. "Love your enemies," iv. 716:1. Lowe, on false tongues, iii. 20:2. — on Psalm xlix., iii. 133 : 2. Lowell, J. R., on history, ii. 226:2. Lowly, the importance of, vi. 132 : 2, 292: 2. — exaltation of, 575-7. Loyalty, every heart instinct with. iii. 430: i. — of Mordecai, ii. 685 : 2. — results of lack, v. 463:2, 464: i. — to Jesus, iii. 430: 2. — to unseen ruler, iv. 98:1. — to work of daily life, vi. 378 : 2, 379 : i. Loyola, Ignatius, view of God, ii. 322:1. Lucian, on early Christian poor-relief, v. 362 : 2, 363: I- — on philosophers, v. 741 : 2. Lucifer, as tyrant of Babylon, iii. 718: I. Lucretius, idea of God, i. 136: i. — on pagan religions, vi. 68 : i. — quoted, v. 824: i. Luke, St., vi. 287 : i. — possible allusion to, v. 784:1. — sketch of, V. 7 : 2, 8, 14: I. — source of his knowledge of Samarian events, V. 381 : I. Luke, St., Gospel of, question of authorship, vi. 473 : 2. — evidence of early date, v. 299 : i. — probable place of composition, v. 508:1. Lust (see also Impurity), allied to cruelty, vi. 260: I. — David's, a warning, ii. 156:2. — " graves of," i. 418 : 2. — relations with covetousness, vi. 258:1. — "the corruption that is through," iv. 512-513. — true significance of, v. 897 : 1-2. Luther, Martin, anecdote of, vi. 285 : 2. — commentary on Galatians, v. 815:1. — defines God, 1.194:1. — his work, vi. 62 : i. — humbles himself, ii. 29 : t. — on book of Esther, 11.674:2. — on David, ii. 203 : i. — on Epistle of James, vi. 561 : 2. — on faith and works, 1.191:2. — on "field-devils," 1.330:2. — on Jonah's prayer, iv. 684 : 2. — on justice, iii. 243:1. — on Onesimus, vi. 291 : i. — on Peter's Epistles, vi. 676, 681 : r. — on shrinking from Christ, v. 528 : 2. — on sin, iii. 13S: 2. Luther, Martin, on sorrow, iii. 38:2. — reformer, ii.3i5:j. — relation of iiis teacliing to Paul's and James', vi. 591- — and Melanchthon, i. 773 : i. — cited, V. 883:2, vi. 575:2, 626:2, 657:2, 658:2, 666: I. Luzzites, i. 749 : 2. Lycus Valley, church in, \i. 10:2. Lydia, the country, Cyrus conquers, 111.767:1. Lydia, the widow, position and importance of, v. 468 : 2. Lying tongue, iii. 370 : 2, 389 : 2. Lying (see also. Falsehood), the commandntent against, i. 336 : 2. — David's, ii. 102: 2. — habit of, iii. 565 : 2. — tongues must be trained to, iv. 56: 2. Lyons and Vienne, martyrdoms at, v. 488 : r. Lystra, scene of Paul's rabbling, v. 454-5, vi. 393 : r, iNTaacah, Absalom's mother, ii. 165 : 2. Maachar, queen-mother to Asa, ii. 292: i. Macedonia, generositj' of churches in, v. 781 : 2, 783:2,785: I. Machir, son of Ammiel, ii. 176: I. Machpelah, cave of, ii. 182:2. — purchase of, i.62:i. Madness, ancient belief in inspiration of, iii. 588:2. Magic, among the Orientals, v. 382 : 2. 383 : i. — Jewish ideas concerning, v. 341 : 2. — practice and books in early Christian times, vi. 765 : 2, 766: T. — struggle with Christianitv in Ephesus, v. 485. Magicians, Pharaoh's, sincerity of, i. 95 : r. — vanquished by Moses and Aaron, i. 151 : i. "Magnificat," the, limitations of, v. i6:r. Mahanaim, David flees to, ii. 174: i, 176: i. — residence of Ishboshetli, ii. 122:2. Maher-shalal-hash-baz, iii. 647 : i. Mahomet, scene at announcement oi his death, v. 701 : 2. — see Mohannncdanism. Mahratta rule described by Tupper, i. 596: i. Maine, Sir H., on wills, vi. 426:1. — cited, iv. 79 : i. Makkcdah, the cave of. 1.689:2. "Malachi," Rook of, i v. 640-2. — tlie name a figment, iv. 643. — on imrnt-offering, 1.246:1. — peculiarity of its prophecy, iv. 644: t. — original in attitude toward heatlien, iv. 644: r. — purpose and style, iv. 643 : 2, 644 : \. Malalas, John, on the church of Antioch, v. 441 : 2. Malebranche, N., on the passions, vi. 531 : 2. Malice, nature and action of, vi.260: 1-2. Mam EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 78 Mammon, Christians too often serve, iii. 385:1. Man (see also Human Nature), arbiter of his own fate, iv. 28 : 2. — -as imitator of God. iii. 221 : i. — attitude to God, iii. 97:1. — chief work of God, i. 7 : 2. — choice of, iii. 279:1. — composite nature of, iv. 90:2. — corrupt /;; posse if not in esse, v. 532: t. — duty to mediate Christ to the world, v. 25 1 : T . — lilted to l)car troul>lc, iii. 238:1. — free-will of, iii.8_;6:2. — fruit of past, seed of future, i. 136: i. — given up to his own way, iii. 212:1. — God's intimate knowledge of, iii. 397 : i. — has knowledge but not willingness, v. 529 : i- 2. — has no deserts for God's love, v. 552 : i. — ideal, the, iii. 509:1. — in sympathy with nature, iii. 720:2. — industry of. depicted, ii.768:2. — judgmentdeferred to future life, ii. 581.2. — limit of God's bestowals to, iii. 212:1. — limitations of worldly, iii. 49:1. — must be immortal, iii. 440: 2. • — mystery of God's purpose in, vi. 42-45. — object in God's creating, v. 236. — not intended to be moral slave, v. 237 : 2, 238:1. — of peace, perfect, iii. 103: r. — per se, fir.st given dignity by Christianity, V. 310 : 1-2. — personal relations with God, v. 683 : i. — place in creation, iii. 376: 2. — power of a great, iii. 680: i. ■ — prerogative of labor, iii. 260:2. - — primitive condition of, 1.9:1. - — product of his circumstances, i. 135:2. — responsibility to Jesus, v. 263:1. — service lo, iii. 803:1. — solidarity in Christ, vi. 78-79. — spiritual instincts, vi. 784 : i. 2. — started with belief in God, v. 530: i. — stranger on earth, iii. 293: T. — study of mankind, iii. 351: 2. — succession of generations, iii. 233 : 2. — tears of, iii. 5S6: t. — thoughts determine the, i'i. 617:1. — true care is himself, iii. 504:2. — two types of, vi. 69-73. — universal guilt of, v. 532-5, 540 : i, 541 : 2. — univer.sality of moral disquiet, v. 563 : 2. — vices not changed with civilization, v. 903: 2. — vs. brute, vi. 740 : 2. — and political economy, iii. 448:1. " Man of God," characteristic of Book of Kings, ii. .304 : I. — first called " Seer," iv. 446: i. ]\Ian of Sin, the. vi. 366-9 ]\Ianassch, son of Joseph, 1.97:2. Manasseh, the tribe, prophetic characterization oj' Moses, i. 620 : 2. Manasseh, king of Judah, reign of, worst and longest, ii. 427-432. — captive to Assyria, iv. 504:2. — Chronicles ar.d Kings compared on, ii. 431:2. — denounced liy prophets, ii.430: i. • — -idolatry of, 11.429:1,430:1:111.707:2. — introduces Sabaism, 11.429:2. — partial reformation of, 11.431:1,2. ■ — repentance of, ii. 579: t. — revival of paganism under, iv. 561-2, i. 503: 2, 504- — savage fury of, 1.504:2. — tributary to Assyria, i. 503 : 2, iv. 13 : I. — wickedness of, 11.578:2. — and human sacrifice, ii.430: i. Manger of Christ's birth, probable location, v. 26: I. Manhood, ideal, iii. 27:1. — of Christ, sinless, iii. 680:1. — triple ideal of, iii. 810:2. Manlchaeanism, vi. 605 : 2. Alanna, nature of, 1. 180:2. — complained of, 1.415:1. — fall of, iii. 204: I. — glorified, i. 415 : 2. — not given to teach sloth, i. t8t : I. — prefiguring Christ, 1.183:1. — spiritual meat, i. 182:1. Manoah, prayer of, i. 811 : i. Mansel, H. L., on Jude and Peter, vi. 650:1. Manslayer, the involuntary, 1.715:2. — and cities of refuge, i. 485 : 2. Mail-stealing, a capital offence under Mosaic law, 1. 206 : 2. Manufacturing limited among the Israelites, i. 591 : 2. M;!ps, essential to historical and Bible study, v. '-'8: 1. A'-,-l,_ bitter waters of, 1.177:2. INTprallina. tlie sister of .Ambrose, 1.672:2. Marc'i in the wilderness, i. .110:2. — last. I if the hraelltes, i. 445-46-47. — ^ order of Isr.ielites, 1.410:2. M.-'rcion, teaching of, v. 361 : 1, 919: 2. — ascetic Gnostic, vi. 399:2. — mutilation of I.nkc's gospel, v. 299:1. — on Pauline F.plstlcs, vi. 389 : i, 2, 390: i, 2, 391 : T. — Tertullian against, vi.9:2. Marcion perhaps partly right, vi. io:i. — theory of New Di.spensation, v. 748:2. — cited, vi. 435 : 2. Marcus Aurelius, see Aurelius, Marcus. Mark, St., action of and lessons from, v. 463-4. 79 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Mee Mark, or John Mark, Paul's companion, vi. 284:2, 285: I. Mark, Gospel of, character and style, iv. 815: i sq. — omits a striking incident, iv. 892 : 2. Marriage, always " arranged " among Greeks and Jews, V. 663 : I. — as symbol of union with God, v. 561-3. — Christ on, iv. 764:1. — evil effects of royal, ii. 568:1. — figure of religion, iii. 828 : 2. — foreign, consequences of, ii. 566: i, 621 : i. and Nehemiah, ii. 673:2. — in early church, arguments pro and con, vi. 426 : 1-2. — law, holiness of, 11.625:2. — loveless, 111.443:2. — neither well nor ill in itself, v. 664 : 1,2. — of believers and unbelievers, v. 680:1. — of Jews and Egyptians, ii. 488:1. — old Jewish laws and customs of, i. 601 : 2. — Paul on, v. 663-5, vi. 88-91. on moral miscegenation, v. "]"]() : 2, TJ"] : i. -on reciprocal duties, vi. 272-3. — -questioning its sanctity a national sin, i. 629 : I. — safeguard of, iii. 365 : 2. — sanctity of, iii. 366:1. — second, early Christian views on, vi.4[6- 419. — -a test of Hebrew prophecy, 111.828:2. — too much encouraged by public feeling, v. 664 : 2. — whether or not a failure, 1.748:1. — and holiness of priesthood, 1.346:2. — and public or religious service, v. 663 : 2, 664: I. — and the after-life, v. 96:2. ^Martial, epigram quoted, v. 371 : i. Martyr, the name, iii. 812:1. — prophet and, Hi. 808:1. Martyrdom, class of men which suffers. Hi. 811:2, 812: I. — the iirst Christian, v. 373-9. — not absolute proof of regenerate heart, v. 691 : I. — to be met, not courted, v. 599 : 2. Martyrs, three classes of, v. 374:1. — made by spirit even without act, vl.879:2. — the Christian, vi. 857. • " Acts " of the, V. 367. ^of God, ii. 357: 2. 'Marx, Karl, "capital is robbery," 1.337:2. Mary, the Virgin, character and probable kinship, V. 20-21. — the angel's salutation to, vl. 14:1. - — as the Vinn'n Mother, v. 18-23. — ^interrupts Christ, iv. 739:1. — legends of, vs. gospel story, v. 313:1-2. — Roman " Mariolatry," v. 19 : 2, 20 : I. Mary, type of character, iii. 683: i. Mary, sister of Lazarus, anoints Christ, iv. 793 : r, 901 : 2. — and ^lartha, iii. 683 : i, vi. 83-86. Mary ^Magdalene at Christ's sepulchre, iv. 805:2, 920 : 2. Mary, song of, see Hannah. Material delights of people of Judah, iii. 648:1. — possessions necessary, iii. 381 : 2. Materialism of Spencer, ii. 705 : 2. — in France, i. 550: i. — and religious faith, i. 771 : i ; iii. 660 : 2. ]Maternal instinct, iii. 591 : i. — reversal of, ill. 591 : 2. Mattaniah, ii. 448: i. Matter, theories of its intrinsic corruption, v. 697 : 2, vi. 396 : 2, 398 : 2. — ' these theories and Colosslan heresy, vi. 192 : r. Matthew, St., see Levi, Christ's call to, iv. 828-30. — character, iv. 829 : 2. — forged gospel and legends of, v. 3x6:1. • — literary style, iv. 7:1. Matthew, St., Gospel of, opening of, iv. 697:2. — properly lirst, iv. 697, i. — style, iv. 829: 2. ]\Iaurlce, F. D., on God as a deliverer, iv. 546:1. — on Jeroboam, 11.285:2. Mazzini, Giuseppe, long left alone in struggle, iv. 794 : 2. — made heroic by what made meaner souls selfish, ill. 6t,S : i. — quoted, iv. 464: i. ]\Ieal-offering, 1. 252-6. — and burnt-offering, differences between, i. 252:2. — and drink offerings, 1.429:2. — significance of, i. 252 : 2. — the word, i. 252 : i. Measure, the sin of the scant, iv. 546 : 2. — unjust scales and short, iv. 548 : I. Meath. Lord, on alms-giving, vi.8o4:2. Medad and Eldad, of the Seventy, i. 417 : 2. Meddling, the apostles' warning against, vi.7rS: i. Mede, Joseph, on " Zechariah," iv. 668:2. IMedes, first mentioned by Shalmaneser II., iv. 565: I. ^Icdia, ill. 757 : T. Mediator, desire for a, ii. 728 : i. — see also Jesus Christ. Mcdiatorship of INToses, 1.522:1. Medicine, practice of, in old Palestine, 11.558:1. Meekness, not resentful. Hi. 400:1. — one aspect of faith, v. 906 : 2, 907 : i. — required for dealing with offenders, v. 908 : 2. — in Christian life, vi. 266:1. Christian, meaning of, vi. 603 : I. Mee EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 80 Meekness, operative cause of, iii. 806: i. Megiddo, famous battlefield, i. 708: i ; iii. 738: 2, iv. 87: 2,677: I. Mckhashsheph, i. 584:1. Melcarth, the Baal of death, i. 755 : 2. Melchizedek, meets Abraham, 1.36:2. — name, a title, i. 37: i. — nearer to God than Abraham, i. y? '• I. — spirit of, vi. II : I. — allegory of, vi. 515-518. Melito of Sardis, cited, vi. 624. Men, as God's guests, iii. 42: 2, 108: 2. — ■ great, how they benefit human life, iii. 679 : 2. Menahem, king of Israel, ii. 395 : i. Mendes in Egypt, he-goat vi^orship of, 1.334:2. Menephtah, death of the son of, i. 169 : 2. — name of. i. 161 : 2. — Pharaoh of the Exodus, i. 143 : 2. — tomb of, i. 161 : 2. Mephibosheth, David and, i. 347 : i ; ii. 148 : 2, 187 : 2. — David's kindness to, ii. 150: i. — history of, ii. 149:2. — property given to Ziba, ii. 174:2. — Ziba and, ii. 174:2. Mephistopheles, ii. 701 : 2. Merab, daughter of Saul, ii.78:i. Merarites, i. 718: 2. — office of, i. 396 : i. Mercantile pursuits, not to be banned by Israel- ite example, i. 593 : 2. Mercenary spirit, iii. 688:2. Mercy, a better thing than sacrifice, iv. 831 : 2. — core of judgment, iii. 198:1. — covenant and, ii. 632 : 2. — for the merciful, iii. 114: i. — mainspring of God's actions, iii. 70:1. — of God, 111.19:2,96:2. — vision of God, 111.53:2. Mercy and truth, iii. 438: i. Mercy-seat, 1. 215 : 2. "Meredith, Owen," quoted, vi. 744:1. Meribah, a rock in Horeb, 1. 184: i. — waters of, iii. 211:2. Merodach-Baladan, ii. 420 : i, iii. 667 : i, 710 : 2. — and Hezckiah, 11.417:2, 418: i. Merom, battle of, 1. 693 : 2. — geographical location, 1.693:1. Meroz cur.sed, 1. 775 : 2. Mesha, king of Moab, ii. 348 : i, 349 : 2. — and the Moabite Stone, 11. 341 : 2,342: i. — sacrifices his son, 11.3^9:2. Meshech, barbarous tribes of Cllicia, iii. 305: i, Meshullam, "servant" of the Lord, 111.795:2. Mesopotamia, iii. "j^z : 2. — ancient and modern, 1.614:2. — or Aram-Naharaim, i. 759 : 2. Messiah, the, age of, vi.920: i. Messiah, character as unfolded by Isaiah, 111. 662 : 1-2. — doctrine of, as developed in Daniel, iv. 371 : 2. in Isaiah, 11.407:1,111.650-3. in Micah, iv. 542-5. — forecast of nature of, iv. 78:1. — foreshadowed in David, 11. Tj : 2. — foretold by Isaiah, ii. 41 : 2. — ideal king, 111.59:2. — in Hebrew prophecy, 111.277:1,798:1. — Jehovah manifested in, 111.256:2. — of David, 11. 204 : i, 2 ; 205 : i, 2. — personal, recognition of, iii. 800:1. — "prince" as applied to tlie, iv. 302:1. — referred to by Hannah, ii. 15: i. — Saul the Lord's anointed, 11. 41 : 2. — the Only Anointed, 11. 41 : 2. — the true, ii. 34: i. — title fourfold, ill. 651:1. — see also Jesus Christ. Messlahship, the, culmination of history, vi. 16:2. — Eastern idea of its world-rule, v. 522: i. — Jesus' idea of, v. 178. — Jewish conception of, v. 303, vi. 520 : i. of its limitations, v. 187 : 2, 189-190. coiitradicted by Jesus, v. 210: 2, 211 ; i. — • — — disastrous results, v. 436: 1-2. — John the Baptist's testimony to, v. 125-9. — meaning of its universal dominion, iii. 13: i. — true nature of, and Jesus' claim to, v. 202 : 2, 203: I. — necessities of, v. 19: i. — Paul's interpretation of, vi. 315 : i. — and visible rule of God, iii. 12:1, Messianic creed of Isaiah, 111.652:2. — expectation, vi. 35 : 2. — hope of Israelites, 111.652:2. ■ — kingdom, the prophets' Imagined, iv. 298:1, v. 70 : r. — prophecy, iii. 653. i. — teaching of Chronicles, 11. 543 : i. ■ — ^year, v. 40: 2. Metaphor of arrow and bow, iv. 55 : 2. — of idol and cistern, iv. 28:2. Mctaphrastes, Simon, v. 291. Meyer, F., on advancing culture, 1. 527 : 2. Meyer, H. A. W., on St. Barnabas, v. 348 : 2. — on Christ's renouncing divine attributes, vi. 137: I. — on the diaconato, v. 360 : 2. — on Judaizing, vi. 147: i. — on Paul's language, vi. 17:1. — on woman in marriage, vi.90. — cited, V. 745: I, 751:2, 752: I, 7f'0: t, -Jl^i: i, 799: 2, 806: 2, 837: I, 869: I, vi. 16: I. Micah of Mt. Epliraini, and the stolen gods, i. 826-9. — and his private chapel, 1. 827 : I. — and Jonathan, 1.827:2. 8i EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Mir Micali, the prophet, attitude toward national problems, ii. 414: i. — does not denounce Ahaz' IMoloch-horrors of idolatry, ii.408:2. — prophet of the poor, iv. 534:2. Micah, Book of, iv. 530-4. — famous prtipiiccy of. iv. 532:2. Micaiah, the prophet, believed in by Ahab, ii. — tricks Ahab into self-condemnation, ii. 327 : 2. — warns Jehoshaphat, ii. 294:1. — (doubtful identification) : prophesies victory to Ahaz, ii. 324 : i. Mice, golden, ii. 25 : i. Michael, the archangel, vi. 8S2: 2,883 : i. — contest with Satan for Moses' bodv, vi. 656:1. Michaelis, on Stephen's defense, v. 367 : 2. Michal, daughter of Saul, promised to David, ii. 78: 1,79: I. — aids David's escape, ii.8o:i. — frivolous character, ii.8o:2. I^Iichmash, army under Saul at, ii. 55 : 2. — Jonathan's exploit at, ii.58:i. Ivlidianites or Kenites, atonement of soldiers after war with. i. 477 : i. — necessity of their extermination, {.477:1. — number of the, i. 476:1.2. — plot against Israel, {.462:2. — relations with Israel, 1.411:1. — routed by Moses, 1.475:2,476:1. — slaughter of, by Gideon, iii.2i5:2. — to be vexed, i. 464: i. — under Zcbah and Zalmunna, 1.777:1. — who were the, 1.449:2. Alidwives, Jewish, their disobedience to Pharaoh, i. 126: 2. Migdar, "the wilderness," 1.707:1. IMiletus, Paul at, vi. 9:2. Mill, John Stuart, on Christ as faultless ideal, iv. 913:2. — on Christian ideal, vi.787:2. — on the Creation. 1.7:1:11.755:2. — on needed moral model, vi. 786: 1-2. — on non-benevolent God, iv. 308:1. — on origin of evil, vi. 397 : i. — on the religion of Israel, 1.586:2. — on successful persecution, ii. 320:1. — on taking others' points of view, v. 672 : 2. Millennium, the (see also Jesus Christ, Second Coming of), vi. 913-916. — false expectations of, v. 306:2. Milligan, W,, on the Resurrection, v. 699:1-2. Milman, H. H., quoted, iv. 144: 2, 159: 2. Milner, J., quoted, v. 604:1. Milton, John, a Puritan, 1.554:2. — apology for Samson, i. 825 ; 2. — on death, iii. 438: i. 6 Milton, John, on foreknowledge, iii. 495 : 2. — on grief, iii. 547 : i. . — on relation of sexes, iii. 381 : i, — on Satan, in Job, ii. 701 : i. — Satan of, 111.363:1. — quoted : — — " Areopagitica," iii. 794 : 2. " Comus," v. 211:2. '■ Lycidas," vi. 285 : i, 721 : 2. "Paradise Lost," iv. 393 : 2, ii. 324: i, 818 : I, V. 876 : r, vi. 76 : 2, vi. 104 : i, 209 : 2, 213: 1,374: 1,740:2,776:2,784: I. '"Paradise Regained," iv. 880:1. " Samson Agonistes," iv. 387 : 2. — cited, iv. 147:2, 721:2, 850:1, v. 151:2. Mind, sometimes enemy of spirit, vi. 170:1. Mining, pictured in Job, ii. 768:2. Ministry, Christian (see also Church; Preach- ing) : — origin, vi. 412-416. — evolution, v. 361 : i. — theories and functions, v. 649-652. — anointing to, v. 730 : 2. — basis is character, v. 742 : 2. is the Holy Spirit, v. 744:1-2. — church, payment of, ii. 534: i. evils and benefits of a paid, 11.528:1, V. 671 : 1-2. — first claim on human activities, ¥.650:2. — ideal of, v. 7i2> '■ -■ ■ — inferior to the church, v. 808 : r. — irregular, 1.418:1. — ministers, proper function, v. 359 : 2. in early church, duties of, vi. 715:2. St. Jerome on varieties of, v. 817:2. — modern, where is analogue to the prophet? ii-533: l- — must have mutual confidence betw-een pastor and congregation, v. 726 -.2. — must not harbor resentments, v. 805 : 2. — not a profession, iv. 147 : 2. — obligation to work among the morally wrecked, iv. 347 : 2. — people's obligation to support, v. 478 : 2. — obligation to give no hold to the neglectful, y.772>- 1-2. — proper relation to laity, v. 695 : 2. — right to maintenance, v. 669-673. — sacredness, v. 498:1. — success a certilicate of calling, v. 743 : 2. — theme, methods, and aim, vi. 225-7. — universal sympathy the glory of, v. 799 : r. ■ — varied corruptions in, v. 741 : 2, 742 : i. — witness in its experiences, v. 774:2. — and St. Paul, v. 492-500. Minority, the, maintainers of moral standards, i. 531 : 2. Miracles (see also Tongues), as factor in Christ's work, v. 134 : 2, 135. Mir EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 82 Miracles, Christ's, iv. 72^, : 2 sq., 820 : 2 sq., 832 : i, 846 : 2 sq. method in, v. 436 : 2, 437 : i. ■ not creative, iv. 858:2. — evidential character, v. 226 : 2, 227. — first apostolic, v. 332-8. — manifestations in early church, v. 855 : T. • — miscalled from unique events, v. 703 : 2. — not identical with God's working, vi. 18:2. — not mythical because disused, v. 686 : 2, 687:1. — of the apostolic age, v. 352 : i. — of the New Testament, aspects of, v. 803 : 2. — possibilities, vi. 46 : 2, 47 : i. — reasons for God's variations in, v. 446 : I. — true purpose, v. 286-7. — wrought by Elisha's bones, ii. 385 : 2. — and natural law, i. 181 : i, ii. 29 : 2. — apparent, simply providential, 11.348:2. (Individual) : — blind man of Bethsaida, iv. 865 : i sq. — centurion's servant, iv. 724:1. — deaf and dumb man, iv. 862 : 2 sq. — demoniac boy, iv. 872 ; i sq. — demons cast out, iv. 726: i, 824: i, 849: i. — Elijah and Elisha at the Jordan, ii. 345 : 2, 346: I. — Elisha's, ii. 350-2, 356 : 2. — fever patient, iv. 724 : 2. — feeding the five thousand, iv. 744 : 2, 858 : i. — feeding the four thousand, iv. 863 : 2 sq. — Jairus' daughter, iv. 727-8, 851 : 2 sq. — Lazarus, vi. 30 : 2. — leper healed, iv. 723 : i, 825 : i. — lost faculties restored, iv. 729:1. — sick of the palsy, iv. 826 : i sq. — sins forgiven, iv. 726 : 2. . — storm stilled, iv. 725 : 2, 746 : i, 2, 847 : i sq. — withered hand, iv. 832 : i sq. Miriam, the prophctes.s, i. 175: i. — death of, i. 440: i. — jealousy of, i. 419:1. — punishment of, i. 422:1. — and Pharaoh's daughter, i. 129: i. Mirror, the, symbolism of, vi. 581. Mirtli and wisdom, compared, iii. 481:1. Misanthrope, the, iii. 407:1. Mischief, lovers of, denounced in i)ro\crl)s, iii. 371 : 1,390: 1-2. Misfortune, difference in East and West, iii. 724: 2. Missionary work amongst the hcallu'n, cleaning Augean stables, ii.6i4:2. Mission work, discouragements, needs, and possi- bilities, V. 583:2, 584. — difficulty from Christian dissensions, v. 317:2. from deeds of nominal Christians, v. 536 : 2. — education needed for, v. 393 : 1-2. Mission work, foreign, share of home church in, 11.596:2. — forms a universal brotherhood, v. 525 : i. — middle course in methods, v. 2)2)i '■ 2. — motives to, iv. 730: i. — noble work of, vi. 341 : 2. — proper angle, v. 391:1. — religions of missionarism, vi. 785 : i. — to do of less consequence than to be, v. 601 : 1-2. — true principles, v. 344. — true spirit, v. 526 : 2. — early, and the gift of tongues, v. 321. union of Gentile and Jew, v. 592 : 2, 593: I- Misunderstandings, iii. 397 : t, iv. 521 : 2. Mitre of the high priest, i. 285 : 2. Mivart, St. George, cited, v. 311:1. Mite, the widow'.s, iv. 897 : 2. " Mizar," iii. 117 : 2. Mizpeh, Gedaliah murdered at, ii.456:l. — assembly of Israel at, ii. 28:1. — David at, ii. 88 : 2. — 'Samuel calls people to, ii.44:i. ■ — ^ see Samuel, Circuit of. Moab (country and people), absorbed by Arabs, iv. 278: I. — arrogance of, iii. 685:1. — attack Israel, 1.761:2. — crushed by David, 11.143:2,144:1. by Jehoram, 11.347:2,348:1. — doom denounced by Amos, iv. 475 : i. by Ezekiel, iv. 278:1. — by Jeremiah, iv. 179-181. by Zephaniah, iv. 576:1. — king of, ii. 89 : i, 2. — revolt against Ahaziah, 11.341:2. Moabite Stone, importance of its records, ii. 222: I, 2,22 : 2, 341 : 2, iv. 278 : i. Mockers, cause and result of their action, vi. 663: I. Moderation, obligatory, vi. 730:1. — and wisdom, 111.384:2. Modesty, difference between ancient and modern standards, iii. 553 : i. — false, is akin to vanity, 11.636:1. Mohammedanism, a missionary religion, vi. 785 : T. • — ^ condones yielding to temptation, 111.776:2. — perpetuates slavery, vi. 431:1. — repeats the story of Israel, 1.535:2. Moliammedans, conversion of. forl)idden in East- ern churches, iv. 690:2. Mohler, on comnuniion in one kind, v. 684:1-2. .Molcch or IMoloch, worship of, 1.377:1. immolation of children under, 1.334:2. Monarch, old-world ideal of a, iii. 122:2. Monasticism, age-long impulse to, v. 425 : 2. — cowardice of, v. 463 : 2. • — special vice of, 11. 560 : 2, 561 : i. 83 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Mos Monasticism, tendencies bad, 375:2,376: i. Moncj- (see also Riches, Wealth; also Covetous- ness) : — assaying as metaphor of religious testing, vi. 357: I- — ethics of spending, v. 199 : 2. — godliness as a means of gaining, vi. 433-5. — its limitations, iii. 830:1. — love of, iii. 497 : 2. — money-changing, exigent at the Temple, v. 137- — money-lending on interest, 1.364:2. system in day of Nehcmiah, ii. 651:1. — prudence in responsibility for, v. 784 : 1-2. — snare of, vi. 737: 1-2. — spiritual effects of craving for, v. 219:1, vi. 434-5- — use, a test and germination of Christianity, vi. 297. N. T. use as such test, vi. 184:1. Monica, the mother of Augustine, i. 672 : 2. Monod, A., on discipline of children, vi. 96 : 2. — on human excitements, vi. 86 : 2. ■ — on Paul and James, vi.33:i. — on union of soul and Christ, vi.33:i. — on universal sinfulness, v. 540-2. Monotheism developed from faith of Israel, iii. 705 : 2. — in Israel, iii. 740 : i, 762 : i. — intellectually elevating, iii. 768:2. — not inconsistent with use of " gods,"' iii. 244: I. — of advantage to men, iii. 644: 2. — vindication of, iii. 707:1. Montaigne, W. E. de, quoted, v. 153:2. Montanus and ]\Iontanists, heresy of, v. 333 : 2, vi. 404: 2. Montgomery, James, cited, v. 574 : 2. Moore, Thomas, " Lalla Rookh " quoted, v. 29:1. Moral blindness, iii. 680 : 2. — character of God's rule, iii. 230:1. — evils, denunciation of, 1.562:1. — forces oppose material forces, ii. 554 : i. — law, illustrations from, iv. 715:1. • and wisdom, iii. 377:1. the, violation of, iv. 44:1. — leprosy, ii. 574 : I. — standards compared, iii. 113:1. — taints, i. 422 : i. Moral unity of mankind, iv. 455 : 2. Moral life (see also Christian life), grave inequal- ities in, vi. 180: 2, 181. — outside standard necessary, vi. 179-180. — passive as well as active is meritorious, vi. 142. — Paul urges moderation in, vi. 177:1. — slackness in, vi. 145 : 2, 146. — struggle of personal wills, vi. 332-3. — venial vs. capital things in, vi. 122. .Moral life, theory vs. practice in, vi. 167:2. Morality, Amos emphasizes, iv. 467 : 2 .^q. — ancient, Christianity's reform of, vi.264: 1-2, — as the sum of religion, iv. 467:2. Morality, decay of, in Israel, iv. 505 : i sq. — differs from emotionality, vi. 802:1. — genius popularly dispensed from, vi. 818, — human model needed, J. S. Mill on, vi. 786: 1-2. — of man and God, vi. 783:1. — instinct of, vi.784: 1,2. — too high a standard may end in too low, vi. 792 : 2. — and religion, 1.772:1. Morals, must have philosophic basis, vi. 201 : i. — Christian, vi. 66-69. — public, material effects of, declension, i. 615: I. — relation to religion, iii. 91:1. Mordecai, 11.675:1,684:2. — guardian of Esther, ii. 682 : 2. — loyalty of, ii. 685 : 2. Morlc}', John, quoted, 11.229:2. Mortality, blessing of, iii. 258: 2. Mosaic prayer, iii. 174: i. Moses as Divine lawgiver, i.635: I. • — at the rock, i. 184 : t, 441 : i. — at the Transfiguration, iv. 756 : 2, 870: I. — author of Israel's faith in Jehovah, i. 468: I. — awakes to activity, 1.635:2. — birth and early life of, i. 128:1. — blessing of, i.6i8:2. — character of, 1.621:2. — choice of, 1.129:2. — coalition against, 1.433:2. — commission of, i. 134: i, 137:2. - — communion with God, 1.421:2. • — conduct different from Eli's, 11.17:1. — contrast between his and nation's habits, i. 129 : 2. — Dathan and Abiram defy, 1.436:1. — different tone toward, in O. T. and N. T., vi. 536: I. — dispensation fundamentally part of the Christian, vi. 505-8. — educated in the wisdom of Egypt, 1.129:1. — faith of, i. 468 : 2, vi. 535-540. — farewell speeches of, 1.613:1. — founder of a new religion, i. 622 : 2. — genealogy of, 1.127:2. — God's servant, i. 643 : i, 2. — growing old, 1.440:2. — hesitation before leadership, 1.138:1,2. — his law provisional and mediatorial, v. 865-7. — in Midian, 1.130:2. — intercedes with God for the people, i. 472 : i, 434: I, iii. 268: I. • — judgment of, 1.441:2. Mos EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 84 Moses, law of, ii. 665 : 2. — life a lonely one, 1.131:2. — meekness of, i. 180: i. — miracles of, 1.139:1. — no king (but mediator), i. 573:1. — no priest, i.386: i. yet priestly functions exercised by, iii. 250 : 2. — obeys the call of God. i. 141 : i. — orders death of JNlidianitish women, i. 476: I. — Paul on, V. 749-751. — position of, 1.421:1. — possessing Divine magnanimity, 1.422:1. — prays for deatli, 1.417:1. — punishment and exile of, 1.130:2. — refused by Pharaoh, 1.144:1. — renewer of a higher faith, 1. 622 : 2. — -reproaches God, 1.145:1. — sees the burning IkisIi, 1. 133: i. — Sinai contrasted with Zion, vi. 546-S. — slays the Egyptian, i. 130: i. — slow of speech, 1. 139: i. — song of, 1. 616: I. — speaks with God, 1.404:1. — Stephen's account of, 1. 128: i. — strain on, as loader, i. 416:1. — supernaturally directed, 1.635:1. — work and mission, vi. 536:2. work contrasted with Christ's, vi. 506. — and Aaron, mission of, Hi. 265 : i. — and Manu, 1.558:2. — and Nehemiah, ii. 633 : 2. — and the Reubenites, 1.436:1. — and the vision of God, 1.230: i. IMothcr, inllucnce of, iii. 445:1. Motherhood, 1. 809 : 2 ; ill. 845 : i. Motives, unjust imputation of, v. 726: 1-2. Mount Ebal, 1. 611 : 2. ]\Iount Esau, in Edom, Iv. 602 : 2. ]\lount Moriah, ii. 208:1. — site of temple. 11.252:1. Mount of corruption, 11.243:1. Mount of Olives, proi)]iecy of Christ on the, iv. '/?<2 : I sq. !Mount Seir, 11.489:2. Mount Zion, ii. 133 : 2. — in possession of Jebusites, ii.39:2. Mourning in silence, i. 299 : 2. Mouse, legendary cause of Sennacherib's defeat, iii. 706: 2. — see Mice. Mull)erry trees, 11.136:2. Muratorian canon, cited, vi. 644. Muratorian Fragment, the, v. 298 : 2, vi. 557 : i. Murder, charged on Jewish religious leaders by Jeremiah, Hi. 593 : i. — forbidden, i. 200 : i ; ill. 370 : 2. — Jesus on, iv. 715 : t. Murmuring against God. 1.415:1. Murmuring at what displeases us, 1. 180: i. — habit of, evil in Christian life, vi. 141. Murrain, the plague of, 1.156:2. Music, allowed in Israel, iii. 210:2. — expansion of language, 11.572:2. — influence of, 11.70:2,72:2. — praise and, ii.262:2. — religious value of, 11. 578: i. — use in worship, vi. 633. in early Cln-istian worship, vi. 87. Mussus, Cornelius, quoted, vi. 647 : 2, 648 : i. Mussy, N. G., de, on clean and unclean animals, 1.310:2. Mustering of Israel, 1.389:1. " My people," 1. 133 : 2. Mysteries, Christian, v. 729-732. — pagan vs. Christian meaning, vi. 230 : 2, 231, 418: 1-2. — in Christian teaching, obnoxious to Paul, vi. 222, : I, 225 : 2, 226. Mystery, needful to maintain .solemn feelings, i. 395 : 2. Mysticism, buttressed by ritualism, vi. 192:2. — Indefiniteness of, 11. 616 : 2. Myth, 1. 809 : 2. — and history, i. 141-142. Naamah, sister of Tubal-Cain, i. 16:2. Naamah, the Ammonite, ii. 290:1. Naaman, tlie .Syrian, story of, ii. 352 : 2 sq. — brought to truth by a servant, ii.37:i. — leprosy of. 1.320:1. Naas-enians, the, vi. 773:1. Nabal, David and, ii. 97 : 2. Nabi, or prophet, i.420: 1,2. Nablous, in the valley of Shechem, 1.684:1. Nabonidus, Assyrian emperor, stele of, iv. 566:1. Nabopolassar, Babylonian emperor, 11.434:2. Naboth, Ahab and Vineyard of, 11.327:2,369:2. — and his sons, stoning of, \\.y2g\2. Nad:.b, king of Israel, ii.289: i. Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron, i.392: 1,2. — strange fire of, and God's punishment, i. 296: I. Naliasli, king of the Ammonites, insults Israel, ii. 47 : T, 151 : 2, 238: i. — death of, ii. 151 : 2. — possible grandsons of, ii. 238:1. Nahshon, son of /\mina(lal). 1.390:2. Nalinni, the prophet, traditions of his residence, iv. 579: 2,580: T. — probably of Judah, iv. 58T : i, 582 : i. — date of, iv. 582: i. — inferior ])ro]->lict but powerful poet, Iv. 582:2. — sound prophecies on Nineveh, iv. 583-7. — two great poems of, iv. 586-7. Nahum, Book of, iv. 579-82. — a pnem, 5'^2 : i. 8= EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Neh Nain, the woman of, ii.3i:2. Naioth, David at, ii. 8i : 2. Name of God, profane use of, i. 358: I. Names, favorite, of Bible, ii. 480:1. — Hebrew, in chronicles, ii. 476:1. — meaning of Divine, ii. 479:1. — significance of, {1.476:2. — and practical religion, 11.478:2. Naomi, burden of, 1.840:2. — returns to Bethlehem, i. 844 : 2. — Ruth and, i. 842 : 2. — Ruth's words to, 11.71:2. — and her daughters-in-law, 1.84i:is(i. N;ip1Uali, the tribe, cognizance of, 1. 113: i. — prophetic assignment by Moses, 1.6ji:i. — territory of, 1. 713 : 2. Napoleon, retribution reaches, 11. 18: i. — after Moscow, 111.676:2. — at St. Helena, quoted on Christ. 11.69:2. — follows old strategic lines in Syria, 11. no: I. — weeping on the road to Elba, 1. T31 : i. Nathan, the prophet, and Adonijah's rebellion, 11.235: I- — David and, 11.157:1. — David confers with, ii. 140:2. — oracle of, ill. 229:1. — parable of. 11.158:1. — prophecy concerning kingship of Israel, Hi. IT : 2, 13 : T. — rebukes David, 11. 158: i. — tells David not to build temple, 11. 140:2. Nathan, son of David, 11.249:1. Nathaniel, prayer of, i. /S : 2. Nation, larger than the individual, 11.687:2. — responsible to God, 1.269:1. — service of, to religion, ill. 7;-'9:i. National calling, 1.530:2. — character, closely identified with the knowl- edge of God, 1. 25 : I. evolution of, vl. 330 : 2. Nationalism, break-down in Israel paved the way for Christ, vi. 520: T. Nationality, sentiment of, power in modern poli- tics, i. 164: I. Nations, accountable for actions of rulers, 1. 124: 2. — prophecies concerning foreign, Iv. 173:2, 274 : 2 sq. "Natural religion," ends witli a sigh, 11.762:2. — finest type of, in Job, 11.698:2,784:2. — source of, 11. 736 : i. Nature, analogies to human life, v. 912-914. — forces of. Hi. 661:1. — In sympathy with man, 111.720:2. — its emancipating crisis the manifestation of Christ, V. 572: 2. ^JT^: i. — its relation to religious and moral fidelity, i. 613: 2. Nature, laws of, not resisted with impuniiy, ill. 560: I. — redemption of, 111.664:1. — revelation of God, ill. 340:1.' — secular, 1. 809: i. — stability of, ill. 29f David and Jesus, ii. 72 : I. Rock, symbolism of, vi. 694: 2, 695 : i. Rock of Ages, i. 136: i. Rod of Moses, i. 139: i. Rogers, H., cited on divine origin of llie Bible, V. 586: I. Roll, The, of Jeremiah, iv. 129: i. Roman Catholic Qiurch, administrntive wisdom, V. 359 : T. — cause of Protestant secessions toward, v. 458: 1-2. — lack of unity, v. 458 : 2. — less dangerous than corrupt commercialism, iii. 780: 2. Roman Catholic Church, marked as faithless by treatment of Scripture, vi. 360:1. — results of its defining religious truth, v. 301 : 2. — theory of "development," vi. 647-8. Roman Emperors, "Household" of, v. 620:2, vi. 123:2, 184. — early conversions among imperial family, vi. 123: 2, 184 : 2. Roman Empire, early agnosticism the religion of, V. 339 : 2, 340 : I . — allowed large Jewish autonomy, vi. 586 : 2. — antagonism of Christianity to its basis, v. 604: I. — condition in Christ's time, v. 123 : 2, 124: i. in Paul's, v. 900: 1-2. — fine portrayal of soldiery in N. T., v. 429. — fine quality of military officers, vi. 469:2. Roman Empire, jealousy of voluntary organiza- tions, V. 491 : 2, 492 : I. and suppression of popular share in politics, vi. 317: I. — protects Paul and early Christianity against the Jews, vi. 370: r. — provincial administration, v. 491 : 1-2. — reaction on the Church, vi.37: 1,2. — social unhopefulness under, vi. 35 : 2. — subjects directed to pay Roman tribute, iv. 893:1. — unfriendHness to unrecognized religious communities, vi. 129:2. — and the Beast, vi. 901 : 2, 902: i, 905. Roman jus, i. 521 : 2. Romans, the, antagonism to Eastern mysticism, V. 630 : 2. Romans, Epistle to, characteristics, thought, and tone of. vi. T91 : T, 318: 2, 329. — as to remission of sin, vi. 14:2. — doxology in, vi. 667: i. — idea of universal salvation in, vi.7:2. — on creators of divisions, vi.663:2. — on the sprinkling of blood, 1.272:2. — resemblance to i Peter, vi. 672. — cited, vi. 550: i. Rome, city of, base and dreadful conditions at Christian era, vi. 35 : 2. — early church at, prol)al)le composition of, v. 613 : T. Paul's services to, v. 508:1. — heritor of Jerusalem's spiritual position, vi. 40: 2. — Jewish influence in, vi. 124: i. — miracle of Christian life surviving in, v. 525: T. — place of judicial trials in, vi. 489: 1-2. of Paul's imprisonment, vi. 123 : 2. Ruhnus, cited, vi. 4 '2 : i. Ruin from evil counsel, iv. 242:2. — of human lives, iii. 590:2. lO: EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — L\DEX. Sac Ruler, good. Shepherd synonymous with, ii. 69 : i. Rulers, bad, may be God's instruments, vi.698:2. — Christian duty of obeying, vi. 698:2. — responsibility of, i. 269 : i. Ruskin. John, nominal and practical religion, iv. 286: I. — on the gloom of history, ii.226:2. — on modern commerce, i. 593 : 2. — on a thunder storm, i. 159: i ; ii. 320: I. — quoted, i. 518: 2; ii. 782: 1,2, 787: i. Ruth, carries on the house of David, iv. 179:2. — descendants of, i.853: i. — her marriage, i. 852 : i. — in the harvest-field, i. 845 : 2. — and Naomij i. 842 : 2. — see also Boaz. Ruth. Book of. date, i.850: i. ■■ Rutherford. Mark," on Job's comforters, ii. 712:2. Rutherford, S., cited or quoted, v. 742 : 2. vi. 322 :2. Sabaism. ii. 429 : 2. Sahatier, M., cited or quoted, v. 725 : 2, 761 : I, 846: I. Sabbath (see also Sunday"), fourth commandment discussed, i. 197-9. — breaking of, obliterates distinctive sign of the religious, i. 432:1. prime cause of Jewish hostility to Jesus, V. 158 : 2. — Christ and the, i. 432 : 2, iv. 736 : 1-2. 737 : l- 2,831 : 2, 832: I. — a Day of Rest imperative, vi.247:2. — exalted by Isaiah, iii.834:2. — God's fair claim on our time, 1.336:1. — in Chaldea, i. 471:1. — Jeremiah's warnings against neglecting, iv. 99-102. — Jesus' views on, v. 158-9. — keeping of. great moral benefit. 1.512:2. — -law of. not elastic, ii. 53 : 2. — made for man, ii. 673 : 2, iv. 832 : i. — means of unity, i.432:2. — oblations, i. 471 : 2. — observance required before the Command- ments were promulgated, i. 179:2. — observed by early Babylonians, vi.247:l. — of Babylonian origin, i. 471 : T. — permanent or temporary, i. 197-9. — pre-j\Iosaic. vi. 247:1. — profanation in Jerusalem, ii. 673:1. — re-enforced by Isaiah, iii. 746:1. — rest from labor the rudimentary, iv. 99:1. — social aspect of the, i. 432 : 2. — the weekly, i.3?o:2. — and Nehemiah. ii.673: i. — and new moon, days of worship and rest- iv. 452 : I. Sabbatic ideas, rest and redemption, i. 351 : i. — year, i. 360: i, iv. 95 : 2. favorable to new preachings, v. 30:1. Sabellius, doctrine of, vi. 501 : 2. Sacerdotalism, origin of, {.394:1. Sacrament of sorrow, iv. 885 : i. Sacrament, the paschal, i. 472 : 2. Sacraments, relation to salvation, v. 546 : 2. — Romish doctrine of, ii. 22:1. Sacred enclosures, iv. 327 : 2. — moral obligations violated, iv. 253 : 2. Sacrifice (see also Self-sacrifice; Sufferings), as a good-will offering, vi. 183-4. — dedication in. iv. 266:1. — of a grateful heart, iii. 141 : i. — of Jesus Christ for us, ii. 708: r. atoning, i v. 342 : i . 343 : i sq. symbolism of, vi. 524 : 2, 525 : I. — of prayer, iii. 19: i. — Paul on, vi. 143: 1-2. — relative value of, iii. 141 : r. — sin atoned for by, iv. 542 : i. — spirit of, i. 56, 57- — spiritual, iii. 635 : i. — symbolical, of believers, vi. 695. — worth of, iii. 135 : 2. Sacrifice, Sacrifices, ceremonial, 1.248:1, — analogy of, ii. 208 : 2. — Christ came to repeal, ii. 267 : 2. — deprecated, ii. 266 : i. — doctrine of the, i. 164:2. — early Christian difficulties regarding, v. 666. — feasting on, iii. 64 : 2. — human, ii. 349 : 2, 408 : i. 430 : i. iii. 269 : I. — idea underlying, v. 194 : 2. 195 : i. — in Israel, iii. 387 : 2. — institution of antiquity, iv. 49: i. — Jewish and pagan paralleled, iii. 844:2. — laws of, i. 561 : 2. — main part of Temple ritual, ii. 262: I. — of burnt-offering, {.243:2. — of the early days. i. 165 : i. — of the Levites, {1.525:2. — of Mesha's son. ^.349:2. — order of, i. 293 : i. — relation to Christianity, i. 565 : i. — scheme of, {{.264:2. — significances of, i. 165 : 2. — Temple, ii. 263 : 2. — to propitiate god^^. iii. 387:1. — two kinds, {{.614:1. — and e.xp{atory, figure of the Lamb, v. 128: 1-2. — see also Jesus Christ, and Offerings. Sacr{ficial burn{ng, d{rect{ons, 1.249:1 — eating, i. 258: 2. -— **"! •■■'.. \. 250 : I. 290 : T. — - ?if*.s, i. 561 : 2. Sac EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 1 06 Sacrificial meals, 1.565:1. Sacrilegious, barrenness of the, i.392: i. Sadducees, character of teaching, v. 339-340. — chief early antagonists of Christianity, ibid. — doctrine and tone, v. 352 : 2. — Jesus and, iv. 894-5. — the Jewish aristocracy, iv. 750:2. — strike hand-^ with I'harisees, iv. 750:2, 77S : 2. Safety, in connnunion with God, iii.74;2. — in God's care, iii. 83:2. — metaphor of, iii. 51:1. — of present calm, breeds carelessness, iii. 80:2. " Saints, the," Scriptural meaning of term, v. 419:2, 633:1. vi. T16-117, 119:1, 193:2, 194, 646: 2, 647 : I. — Paul's use, v. 620: i-2, vi. 13: i. — clerical and lay use, vi. 193 : 2, 194. Saints, condition of. during the thousand years, vi. 914: 2, 915 : I. — heritage in Christ, vi. i6:i. — " natal " days of, v. 374. — spirit of prayer in, and welfare, v. 573-6. — their stay in trouble, vi. 887 : 2. — witnesses in heaven to good deeds on eartli, vi.542: 1-2. — as a body, f.tness for secular judgment, v. 656-7.' '■ Saith,"' the word, how used, ii. 203 : 2. Salmanassar IV., besieges Samaria, iv. 454:1. Salmon, hill in Central Palestine, iii. 176:1. Salmon, the husband of Rahab, i. 671 : 2. Salmon, Dr. G., '" Introduction to N. T.,'' cited, V. 297:2, 298:2, 299:1, 329:1, 382:2, .397: I, vi. 569:2, 589:2. on Apocrypha, vi. 572 : 2. on Apostles' Creed, v. 397:1. reply to Zeller on the Acts, v. 401-2. — on infallibility of tlic Church, v. 372: i. Salt, for the sacrifice, i. 255:1. Salt of the earth, iv. 712:1 sq. Salvation (see also Justification by Faith; Re- demption), as a hope, v. 573 : 2. — as spiritual armor, vi. 348:1. — at once a fight and a rest, vi. 164:2. — by destruction. 1.21:1. — comes from, and is, God, iii. 162:1. — comes of mercy, vi. 719: 2, 720: I. — effect of message of, iv. 842 : 2. — for God's servants, iii. 113:1. — God's end in. vi. 31-33. — in repentance, ii. 150:2. — in sight, iii. 836: i. — inward result of, iv. 314:2. — just reward of belief, vi.248:2. — legalist vs. Pauline schemes, v. 860:1. • — metaphors of, iii. 54:1. ■ — method. vi.3^8:2. Salvation, needs confession as sign of faith, v. 583:1-2. — of the godly, iii. 41 : 2. — of the Jews, iii. 789:1. — only through the Son, vi. 502. — Paul on, vi. 12: i. — process of, iv. 306 : i sq. — question of gradual, vi. 810:1. — requisites, v. 470 : 2, 471 : i. — rests on feeling, not knowledge, v. 195:1. — self-working of, vi. 139-140. — set by Jesus above judgment, v. 32:1. — teaching the child, iii. 362:2. — through the Flood, vi. 708-9. — to whom due, vi. 372: 2, 373 : t. — universality, question of, v. 594:1. contingent on free-will, vi. 922:2. Peter's proclamation of, v. 435:1. taught in Scriptures, vi. 119. Salvation Army, work of, vi. 342:1. Samaria, iii. 653 : 2. — besieged by Shalmanescr II., ii.399:2, 409: r. — Elisha and the siege of, ii. 359:1. — fall of, i. 503 : I, iv. 454 : I. — famine in, ii. 359:1. — idolatry at, ii. 298 : 2. — inhabitants in captivity, ii. 400: i, 401 : 2. — long siege under Salmanassar (Shal- manescr), iv. 454 : I. — new inhabitants of, ii. 400: i, 401 : 2, 403 : I, 2. — warning from, iii. 655:1. — see Shechem. Samaritan, the Good, v. 80-83. Samaritans, feud with the Jews, v. 82 : 2, 147 : I, 3S5 : 2. — history after captivity by Assyrians, ii. 404: 1.2. — origin of, v. T47: i. Sammael. a demon, same as Azazel, i. ,304:1. Samson, birth announced by the angel, i. 810:2. — dauntless in battle, i. 816-819. — death of, i. 825 : 2. — faith and character of, i. 812:1. — fallen hero, 1.822:2. — in Gaza, i. 819-822. — in prison, i. 825 : T. — marriage of, i.8T3sq. — most conspicuous of Judges of Dan, i. 115:2. — no record of early life, i. 813:1. — plunging into life, i. 812-816. — riddle of, i. 815 : 2. — strengthened by the spirit of God, ii. 42 : 2. — to be a Nazarite. i. 81 1:2. — and the bees, 1.815:1. — and the city-gate of Gaza, 1.821:1. — and Delilah, i. 821:1. I07 EXPOSITION OF THE P.TP.T.r. — INDEX. Sat Samson and the lion, 1.814:2. Samuel affronted by Israel. 11.33:2. — after death appears to Saul, 11. 105 : r. — anointing of David, ii. 67 : i, (x) : i. of Saul, ii. -11 : I, iv. 447 : I. — arraigns Israel, 11.44:1. — as Judge, 11. 3J : i. — beauty and purity of cliaractcr, 11.38:1. — brought to Eli, 11. i_': i. — burnt-offering to God, ii. 29:1. — calls people to Mizpeli. 11.44:1. — circuit of, ii. 32 : i. — comforts people, ii 54: 1. — commemorates Israel's deliverance. 11. 31:1. ■ — compels Israel to abandon Idolatry. 11.27:2. • — consecrated to God's work. 11. 11 : 1, 12: i. • — David's Intercourse with. 11. 70:1. — dealing with people, 11.52:1. — defines a kint;, 11.34:1. — demonstrates God's power to people, ii. 54: I- — early control of himself shown. 11.19:1,2. — first of the prophets, 11. 7: i. — -grieved with Saul, 11.65:2. — growth of. typifying Christ, 11. 15:2. — hears voice of God, ii. 19:1. — Import of name, ii. 11 : i. — intercession of. ii.29: r. — Israel demands a king of. 11.32:2. — journeys to Bethlehem, li.68: i. — kills Agag, 11.66:2. — lessons derived from Saul's seeking. 11.37:2. — message of God to. 11. 19:2. — predicts to Saul, 11.41:2. — priestly functions exercised by. iii.25o:2. — protest of, to Israel, disregarded. 11.34:2. — recognized as prophet of God. ii.20: 2,21 : i. — review of life of, ii.2io:T. — Saul is brought to, 11.35:1. — significance of God's message to, 11. 19:2. — uncorruptcd by lull's sons, 11. 18:2. — \indlcalion of himself, 11.49:2. — vision of, ii. 18 : i. — and Saul, at Gilgal. 11.49:1,66:1. first meeting of, 11. 38.: i. first and last meetings comp.-ired, ii. 40: T, 2. — and Witch of Endor. 11. 105 : i. Samuel, books of, 11.209:2. Sanballat the Horonite, 11.646:2. Sanctification, as stripping off spiritual evil cloth- ing, vi. 693 : 2. — as unity with God. vi. 338: 1-2. — in common life, Iv. 349:2. — of the body, vi. 338:1. — of the spirit, vi. 35S : 2, 359 : T. — true meaning of. v. 419: 2, vi. 116-117. — see Holiness. Sanctity not sinlessness, vi. 775 : 2. Sanctuaries. local Jewish, hard to keep idolatry from, 1. 563 : 2. Sanctuary, the old Jewish, 1. 215-217. — central, established, 1.563:1. — Ezekiel and. iv. 324 : 2. — half-shekel of, 1 v. 888:2. — Iniquity of, 1.485:1. Sanctuary, right of, 1.485:1. Sanday, Dr., on Psalm ex.. 111.277:1. Sanhedrin at Jerusalem, composition and func- tion, V. 340: I, 505 : T. — supreme privileges, v. 413. — and the Apostles, v. 340, 341-2. Sarah, Abraham's wife, 1. 29-30. — death of, 1. 6r : i. — jealous of I lagar, 1. 42 : 2. — laughter of, i. 47:1. — not patient, 1. 41 : 2. — and Hagar, 111.443:2. Sardis, taken by Cyrus, 111.766:2. — Church of. ii. 58: 2, vi. 841 : 1-2, 843 : 2, 847: 2,848: I. Sargon II., accession of, 11.419: i. — campaign against Egypt, iv. 532:1. — captures Samaria, ii. 400:1. — defeats Merodach-Baladan, 11.420:1. — inscription of, 11.461:1. — overthrows Samaria, 111.654:1. — prayer to Assur, 111.667:2. — replaces population of Samaria, ii.40«: r, 401 : 2,403: I, 2. — sends priests to Samaria, 11.403:2. Sarpl. Father Paul, last hours of, v. 543 : 2. Satan, as the modern god, v. 754:1. — as tempter of Jesus, v. 35-37. — challenged. 11.704:1. — " delivering over to.'' vi. 405-7. — desired to have the disciples, iv. 914:2. — disappears, 11. 710:1. — double relation, subjecting" and subjected, vi. 883: 2, 884: 1,886:2. — father of censoriousness, vi. 617 : 2. — final judgment of, vi. 913-918. — his question, ii. 702 : 2. — in Chronicles, ii. 536:1. — in the parable of the Sower, iv. 842 : i. — limited by Divine control, ii. 541 : i. — not primary cause of evil. iil. 579:1. — not successful, 11.542:1. — of Dante, 11. 70T : i. — of Job, 11.700:2,709:2.710:2. — of Milton, ii. 701 : t. — opportunities from Church weaknesses, v. 738: 1-2. — persecutor of Job, 11.537:2. — power of, ii. 702 : i. — question of personality, vi. 332, 406-7, 504 : 2, 613: 2,614: T, 725 : 2. in New Testament, vi. 99. Sat EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 1 08 Satan, belief in personality necessary for virtue and hope, vi. 614. — tempts Christ, iv. 70O : ! sq., 818 : i sq. — theory of his activity, vi. 406: i. — the noun as lir^t used, iv. (137: r. — the rabbis on his abode, vi. 29:->. — transformation to angel of light, v. 796:2, 797:1. — Zechariah and the, iv. 630:1. Satisfaction of outraged justice, 1.343:1. Saul, address at Gibeah, ii.89:2. — anointed by Samuel, ii. 41 : I. — antithesis of David, ii.58:l. — army at JMicmash under, ii. 55:2. — at Endor, ii. 103 : 2. — at the Feast, ii. 39:2. — at Mount Gilboa, ii. 104:1. — at the Sacrilice, ii.39:i. — Bible inaccuracies of reign of. ii. 55:1,2. — bones buried at Jabesh-Gilead, ii. 197:1. — brought to Samuel, ii. 35:1. — chosen king, ii. 43 : 2. — commanded to exterminate Amalek, ii. 65 : i. — compared to Louis XIV., ii.6i:2. — condemns Jonathan to death, ii. 61 : 2, 63 : 2. — contact with supernatural, ii. 42:1. — cunning of, ii. 78:1. — David harper to, ii. 70 : 2. — David laments for, ii. 117:1. — David rebukes, iii. 24:1. — defeated at Gilboa, ii. 110:2. — desecration of body of, ii. 112:1. — disobedience of, at Amalek, ii.65:2. — disregards Samuel's instruction, ii.57:i. — efiforts against David, ii. 78: l, 79: l. — expediency of, ii. 57 : 2. — final rejection of, ii. 64 : i, 66: i. — first meeting with Samuel, ii. 38:1. — God fails to advise, ii.63: t, 104:2. — great error of, ii. 63:1. — hatred of David, iii. 155:2. — hides himself, ii.45:i. — in rage with Jonathan, ii.84:2. — jealous of David, ii. 76:2. — lesson of career of, ii.67: i. — life spared by David, {1.94:2,96:2. — massacres priests of Nob. ii. 90:1. — murderous mood transformed, ii.82:i. — not chosen as ideal king, ii.36:2. — orders injudicious fast, ii.62:i. — people delighted with, ii.48:i. — Philistine oppression in time of, ii.38:2. — points lacking in, ii. 36:1. — prediction to, by Samuel, ii.4i:2. — proclamation to Israel, ii.48:i. — recognizes God as the King, 11.48:2. — reign of, ii. 502:1. — relieves Jabcsh-Gilead. 11.46:2. — returns to Gibeah, ii. .^5 : 2. Saul, review of life of, ii. 112: 1,2,210:2. — Samuel, after death, appears to, ii. 105: i. — seeks David's life, ii. 80:1. — seeking Samuel, lessons derived from, ii. — sends for David, ii. 74:1. — slays Ahimelech, ii. 90:1. — spares Agag, ii. 65 : i. — Spirit of the Lord and, 11.48:1. — suicide of, ii. 110:2. — touched by David's generosit\', ii. 95 : 2. — willfulness of, ii. 61 : i, 104 : i. — and his sons buried, ii. 112: i. — and David, building of altars by, iv. 339: I. — see Samuel and Saul. Saul of Tarsus, see Paul. Saul (Paul), among the prophets, 11.42:2,43:1. Savings banks, parochial, v. 345:1-2. Saviour, see Jesus Christ. Savonarola, martyrdom of, iii. 594; 2. — persecuted, 11.315:2. " Savor," of knowledge of God, v. 740. Sayce, A. H., cited or quoted, ii. 612: 2, iii. 775 : 2, iv. 172:2, 185:1, 360:1, 368:1, 369:2, 395:2, 565: I, 687: I. — see also "Records of the Past." Scapegoats, public, qualities for, v. 194:1-2. Sceva's sons, i. 197 : i. Schaff, Philip, cited, vi. 402:1. Schism, whether justifiable, v. 637:1. Schleiermacher, F. E., on Christ's teaching, vi. 406 : 2. Schmiedel, P. W., on Paul's eschatology, v. 761 : 1,2. — cited, V. 749 : 1-2, 757 : 2, 771 : i, 775 : 2, 782 : 2, 806 : 2. Schmidt, P., cited, vi. },12 : i. Scholasticism, ii. 616 : 2. Schopenhauer, A., quoted, i. 523 : 2 ; iii. 597 : 2. Schott, II. A., cited, v. 849: i, vi. 652 : i. Schrader, E., cited or quoted, iii. 693: i,iv. 366: i, 367 : 2, 368 : 2, zi}, ■■ 2, 384 : 2, 389 : i, 485 : 2, 603 : T, 61T : 2. Schultz, H., quoted, 11.545:2,111.651:2,738:1, iv. 467: T, 5-!2: 2. Schrader, E., cited nr quoted, iii. 693 : i,iv. 366: I, Science, limitation of, iv. 90:1. — need not harm religion, v. 370:1. — proves need of revelation, iii. 441 : 2. — and philosophy, iii. 351:1. Scientific knowledge not revelation, iii. 441 : i. — not sufficient, iv. 90:1. — and Bible faith, 1.770:1,2. Scientist, modern, analogy to prophet, iii. 710: I. .Scillitan martyrs, v. 300:2. Scorn for the weak-willed, iii. 373:1. Scorner, the, 111.379:1. Scott, Sir Walter, vi. 768:1. — on writing liclion, vi. 782 : I. I09 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Sea Scott, Sir, W., " Lady of tlie Lake " quoted, vi. 250: I. — "Legend of Montrose" quoted, iv. 133:2. — " Quentin Durward " quoted, iv. 103:1. Scott, r., on Christian life, v. 5g5 : 2. — on Cliristian obedience vs. resistance, v. 603. Scottish fast-days, i. 474:1. Scourge, the overflowing, iii.656:2. Scribes, ii. 616: i. Scribism, feature of later days of Israel, ii.6r6: i. Scriptures (see also Bible; Inspiration, Verbal), impartiality of, i. 138 : 2. v. ;i4^ : i. — inner and outer meanings of phrases, v. 40 : i. — mode of regarding, ii. 218: i. — neglected by Jews, iii. 514:2. — not an adversative to tradition, vi. 374:2. — reading of, in Jewish exile, iii. 746:2. — to be used in temptation, iv. 708:1. — verbal exactness not thought essential by Apostles, vi. 695 : 2. — ]\Iuratorian canon, vi. 389 : 2. — - — fragment, vi. 391 : 2. — Syriac version (Peshitto), vi.389:2. Scythians, the, ii. 434: i, iv. 9: 2. Sealing, to Christ, v. 730:2, 731. Seals, see under Revelation, vi. 855-860. Sechinah, light of, iii. 164:1. Second Advent, see Jesus Christ, Second Coming of. Sects, see Church. Secularizing religious buildings, 1.227:2. Seeking a sign, iv. 864 : 2. Seen vs. unseen, v. 759. Seer, the term, iv. 447:1. Selden, John, on Jewish poor-relief, v. 362 : 2. Seleucid kings, the, iv. 411:2. Self, necessity of slaying, vi. 256-261. — those who worship, v. 64:1. Self-aggrandizement, evil of motive even in good w-orks, v. 797 : 1-2. Self-conceit (see also Vanity), enemy to Chris- tian life, vi. 164 : i. Self-confidence, aided by others' agreement, vi. 229 : 2, 230. Self-consciousness, a barm to efficiency, v. 337 : i- 2. — implies lack of earnestness, ii.639:2. — not necessarily self-righteousness, iii. 72:1. Self-consecration, iii. 636:1. — behind act of dedication, ii.6i3:2. Self-control, most needed when in the right, v. 787 : 2. — in Christian life, vi.689:2. Self-deception, ii. 159: i. Self-cjenial, the cross of, iv. 868:2. — rca!, t? giving self to God, iv. 755 : T. Self-determination, part of a direct and civilized development. i.530'T. Self-effacement, difficult, ii. 620:1. Self-humiliation before God, ii.620:2. Self-encouragement a W'ork of faith, iii. 75:2. Self-indulgence (see also Sybaritism) vs. moral life, vi. i()9-i70. — of the will, vi. 252: i. — fatal to sound character, 111.415:2. Selfishness dies out, under love of God, 1.531:1. — inimical to society, iv. 548 : i, 716: I, 769 : 2. — injury in Christian life, vi. 135:1-2. — is atheistic, iii. 780:2. — is a serpent, ii. 179:2. — of human nature, 11.709:2. — -of pain and pleasure, iii. 547: i. — of vanity, ii. 680:2. — refined, iii. 504 : i. — uninfiuential, 1.96:2. — and its reward, ii. 99:1. Self-knowledge, great difficulty of, 111.582:1. Self-preservation not the first duty, iii. 35:1. Self-reliance, paralyzed l)y an overseer, v. 309 : 2. Self-righteousness, essence of, iii. 620: 2. Self-sacrifice, as test of spirit of God, vi.322:2. - — compensations of, v. 205:1. — condition of likeness to Christ, vi. 162. — essence of holiness, v. 254 : 2, 255 : i. — essential to Christianity, vi. 152:1. — exemplified, v. 83 : 2. — instinct of, vi. 784 : I. — must include small things also, v. 134 : 2. — must be permanent, based on love, and not impracticable, v. 206 : 2. — needful for true life, v. 206:1. — power comes from Christ, 111.823:1. — self-multiplying, v. 781 : 2, 782 : i. Self-sacrificing devotion of Jewish exiles, iv. 3.^-? : 2. Self seeking is self-destruction, v. 206:1. Self-surrender, obligations of. v. 597-8. Self-vindication may inflict vvor-e wrong, 1.832:2. Self-will, perils of, iv. 880 : i. Semites had no interest in future life, iii. 715:1. Semitic conception of underworUl. iii. 7j8:i. — idolatries, i. 562 : 2. — mania among Egyptians. 1,97:1. — question, 11.593:1. — religion, i. 527 : i ; ii. 736 : 2. Seneca, L. A., on slavery, vi. 284. — quoted, vi. 441 : 2. Sennacherib, " the Great King " of Assyria, ii. 420: I. — at Lachish, 11.421:2. — attack on Babylon, iii. 668:1. — demands surrender of Jerusalem, iii. 697:1. — his defeat at Jerusalem, ii. 424 : 2, .125 : T, 2. iii. 125 : 2, TJ3 : t. 10; : 2. — irscriptions of, ii. j6t : 2. — pobcy of, towards Syri.i., iii. 702:2.- — retreat of, iii. 706:1. Sen EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. IIO Sennacherib, retreat of, historical similes to, iii. 707: I. — succeeds Sargon, iii. 667 : 2. — and Judah, ii. 420: 2, 421 : i, 2. Sense vs. spirit, vi. 664. Sensuality, escape from, iii. 655 : i. — moral condonation of, vi. 398 : 2. — penalty of in insensitiveness, vi. 339. — moral life, vi. 169-170. Separation equivalent to mutilation, 1.603:1. Separatism, selfish folly of, v. 2_!7;i. Sepharad, iv. 601 : 2. Sepher Melakim, 11.219:2. Septenary periods, Sabbatic system of, i. 366: r. Septuagint, remarkable omissions in, iv. 63 : 2. — translators divinely guided, vi. 695 : 2. — oldest translation of Jeremiah, iv. 23 : 2. Seraiah, the Scribe, ii. 147 : 2, iv. 135 : 2. Seraphim of Isaiah's vision, 1.438:1. Serf and son, i.6o:2. " Sermon on the Mount," Gospel of the Kingdom, iv. 710: 2. — ^paralleled in Book of Job, ii. 787:2. — resembling the Israelite law, 1.592:2. Sermons, see Preaching. Serpent, not symbolical of Satan, i.8:2. ■ — ^responsibility for wickedness, ii. 541 : I. — -the Brazen, as symbol, v. 144. Serpent, the fiery, 1.446:1. "Servant of God." "of the Lord," in Isaiah, ii. 696: I, iii. 788: I sq. — an individual's objections answered, iii. 797: I sq., S<27: T. — as a nation, iii. 789-T. 794 : i. — as a part of a nation, iii. 794: i. — as prophet and martyr, iii.So8:isq. — as realized by one man, 111.798:2. — character of, iii. 793: 1,2. — chief end of, iii. 809:1. — Christ's relation to, iii. 821: 2. — God's commission of, iii. 764:1. — fulfilled by Christ, 111.796:2,801:1,802:2, 819: T. — God's indispensable aeent, iii. 790:2. — in the New Testament, iii. 799: i. — passages on, iii. 788: i. — personification of, iii. 796:1. — sufifering of, iii. 813:2 sq. Servants (see also Slavery), duty to masters, vi. 275-7- — frequent indebtedness to, 11.37:1. — of God, i. 644: I. of God, allowance for weakness of, iv. 789:1. — parable of the faithful and unfaithful, iv. 785:1- — relations with masters, vi. 97-98. Service, for God's glory, vi. 713-716. — fruit of, iii. 436 : 2. Service, Christian, ii. 527 : 2, 617 : I, vi. 699-701. — of God, iii. 802 : i. — of speech, iii. 809:2. — power behind, iii. 807: 2. — public, ii. 171 : i. — self-forgetful, of men, iii. 801 : 2. — social, iii. 833 : i. — substance of, iii. 804 : 2. — temper of, iii. 805 : 2. — to humanity, 111.436:1. — to man, iii. 803 : i. Setli, descendants of, 1. 12: i. — family of, i. 17 : 2. Seti I., i. 126-2. Settlement of the tribes of Israel, i. 478: i. Seven, the perfect and mystic number, 1.217:2. — the sacred number, i. 288:1. — St. John's use of, vi. 830: i, 840: 2, 841 : i. Seven Churches, The, 1.217:2. Seventh day of rest known to the Accadians and Babylonians, i. 471 : i. Seventh month, festival of the, i. 473 : i. — typical meaning of feasts of the, 1. 354 : 2. Seventy weeks of Daniel, iv. 417:2. Severity fails, 11. 130: i. — of the law, i. 242 : i. Sexes, relation between, iii. 381 : i. Shadow, Hezekiah's sign of the, iii. 712:1. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, iv. 395 : 2 sq. Shaftesbur}', Earl of, acknowledges obligation to pious parent, ii. 37: i. Shakespeare, William, quoted : — "As You Like It," iv. 387:2. — " Hamlet," v. 210: i. — " Henry V.," vi. 268 : i. — '■ Henry VIII.." vi. 7S2 : T. — " Julius C;rsar," ii. 635 : i. — "King Lear.'" iv. 629:2. — " Macbeth,'' ii. 316 : i, vi. 257 : 2. — "Merchant of Venice," 111.489:1. — " Othello," v. 682. — "Romeo and Juliet," iv. 849:2. — Sonnets, iii. 465 : 2, 489 : i. — his " Shylock,'' iv. 837:1. Sliallum, king of Israel, ii.394: i. S!:almaneser II., black obelisk of. 11.376:1, 460: 2. inscription on, 11.460-1. — Jehu as groveling vassal of. ii. 376:1. Shalinaneser IV. and Hoshea, 11.399:1,2. — and Samaria, 11.409:1. Siiame, first result of sin, 1. 10 : 2, 1 1 : i ; iii. 364 : 2. — Paul on, vi. 475 : 2, 476 : t. — why an clement in Christian faith, v. 527 : 2, 528. .Shamgar, the Judge, exploit with the ox-goad, i. 764: 1,76^:2. Sh;immali, exploit of, ii. 199:1. Shaphan, scribe to Josiah, ii.435:2. Ill EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Sin Sharon, Plain of, ii. 104: t. Sheba, the queen of, and Solomon, ii. 270:1. — see also Balkis. Sheba, Son of David, insurrection of, ii. 192:2. Shcbna, upstart vizier to Hezekiah, iii. 695 : 2. Shecaniah, influential convert of Ezra, ii. 624:1. Shechem, i. 28 : 2, 70S : 2, 795 : i. — Joshua and Israel at, 1.730:1. — the valley of, {.684:1. — and Succoth, iii. 159: i. Sheep Gate, ii. 642 : 2. Shekel of the sanctuary, i. 2yy : i. Shelley, P. B., cited or quoted, iii. 531 : 2, 547 : i, 597 : 2. iv. 846 : I, vi. 683 : i. Shem, son of Noah, i.24: i. Shemaiah, the Prophet, ii. 277: 2. — checks Rehoboani's military ardor, ii. 290: I, 293 : 2. — opposes Jeremiah, ii. 380 : 2, iv. 155 : 2. Sheol, as figured in O. T., iv. 282 : i. — existence in, iv. 292 : i. — in ITosea, iv. 518:1. — Isaiah's idea of, iii. 718: 2. — no hell of torment, {1.754:2. — no hope in, {{.743:2. — not the end of all things, {1.769:2. — notions of, {{.766:1. — pra{se of God {mposs{ble {n, {ii. 22:1. — remembrance in, {{.737:1. Shephelah, valley of, {. 707: i. Shepherd, the true, v. 184 : 2. Shepherds, allegory of good and b:id, Iv. 299 : 2. — at Bethlehem, the, character of, v. 25. — bad, and false prophets, iv. 145-150. — business of, .symbol of kingslnp, {v. 146-7, 200 : 2. — Hfe {n Dav{d's t{me, {{.69:1. — name synonymous with good rulers, ibid. — of Israel, Iii. 208 : i. Shewbread, i. 216 : 2, 357 : i sq. Shibboleth, original incident of, i. 807 : 2. Shibboleths, i. 806-809. Shiggaion, as to meaning, {{1.23:1. Shiloah, the, aqueduct of Jerusalem, {{i. 648:1. Shiloh destroyed, {{. 24: i ; iii. 205 : i. — Elkanah's offering at, {{.11:2. Shiloh, home of the Ark, Iv. 126:1. — in ruins, ii. 39 : 2. — " peace-making," i. 1 13 : i, 2. — Temple of the Lord, {{.9:1. — sanctuary of Israel, {.711:1,2. — unattractive, {1.12:2. " Shiloh," coming of, justifies Jacob's prophecy, ■"{. 29: 2. Shimei, abuses David. {{.175:1. — asks David's pardon, {{.187:2. — forgiveness only temporary, {{.239:1. — slain, ii. 242 : 2. — and Rei, ii. 235 : 2. Shishak, king of Egypt, invades and plunders Judah, ii. 290: I, iii. 229: I. — painted vaults of, ii. 222:1. Shitiim, Israel at, {.656:2. Shobi, son of Nahash, {{. 176: i. Shomeron, cap{tal of Israel, 11.297:2. Short-hand, in use in apostolic times, v. 328, .371 : I- Shulammlte, the br{de {n the Song of Solomon, {{{.527: I .sq. Shuncm, hLlislia at, {1.351:1. — ■ Lady of, ii. 35r : i, 362 : i. Shur, the wilderness, {.177:2. Sickness, of the Suffering Servant, {{{.819:2. S{don, short oracle on, { v. 287:1. Sidonians not subdued by Joshua, {.697:1. S{ght, spiritual, a mirror of the soul, v. 42 : 2. Sign, of the shadow, {{{.712:1. S{hon, king of the Amorites, routed by the Israelites, i. 448 : i, 508 : i. Silas, vi. 316 : i. Silence and compromises, {i{.6iS:i. — ^and speech, iii. 106:2. — and the tongue, iii. 392:1. — under chastisement, {{{. 108:1. — under suffering, {{{.819:2. — see also Speech. Slloam Inscription, ii. 462 : i. Siloam, Pool of, ii. 240:1. Simeon, son of Jacob, his father's dubious blessing, i. 112 : i. — totally unblessed by Moses, {.112:2. — and Levi, massacre of tne Sliechemites, i. 83:1. .S{meon, Charles, quoted, {.664:2. Simon and Andrew, fishermen of Galilee, iv. 709 : 2. Simon Magus, character and action of. v. 390-2. — • and the conversion of Samaria, v. 379-385. Simon of Gyrene, bears Jesus' cross, iv. 803 : i, 917:2. Simon, the Zealot, iv. 731 : i. Simony, various forms of, v. 391 : 1-2. Sin (see also Sinners; Sins), abhorrent to God, iii. 19: 2. — Adam's accountabiHty for, v. 552-5. — aga{nst God, {{{.138:2. — against light, vi. 339 : 2. 340 : i, 62T. — against love, iv. 528:1. — aggravated in proportion to universality, i 269 : r . — akin to disease, v. 73:2, 74:1. — "all unrighteousness," vi. 8x7-820. ■ — -as dcatli of soul, vi.242:l. — as d{'^t{nct from sinners. ii{. 25:1. — as forerunner of the sinner, v{. 428: 2, 429. — as judged by God and man. Iv. 97:2. — as spiritual sickness, vi. 701 : i. — atoned for by sacrifice, i v. 542:1. Sin EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 112 Sin begets sin, ii. in : i, 2. — binding results of, iii. 366:1. — blindness to one's own, ii. 159: I. — blunder of, v. 244: i. — bodilj' vs. spiritual, vi.368:2. — breaks union with God, vi. 241 : 2. — cause of all trouble, 1.675:1. — cause of sickness, iii. 272 : 2. — characteristic effect of, iii. 826:1. — chief punishment within, v. 173 : 2, 174: I. — children punished for fathers, iii. 603 : 2. — confessed and covered, 1.678:1. — confession implies its existence, iii. 606:2. — confession of, public and private, vi. 636- 640. — conjunction with death, v. 851:2. — contaminating power, vi. 666. — continuance in never a necessity, 1.14:1. — conviction of, immense results, v. 242:1-2. is spiritual enlightenment, v. 129:2. — covered only by pain and blood, i. ii:i. — a curse, ii. 194: 2. — deliverance from, v. 899 : 2, 900 : i. — Divine grief over^ v. 90 : 2. — doer must bear burden, iii. 138:1. — does it bring suffering? 11.730:1,2,731:1. — effect upon circumstance, iii. 722:1. — effects of, ii. 104: i. — enormous vitality, v. 158:1. — essential demerit of, 11.33:2. — eternal, iv. 838: i. — Ezekiel's conception of, iv. 255:1. — falling into new forms of, i. 24 : I. — fearlessness in attacking, ii.76:i. — forgiveness of, iv. 726 : 2. through Christ's mediation, vi. 158. and penalty, vi. 207:1. — fortifying against, ii.28:i. — glamours of, 111.365:1. — habitual, iv. 106 : 2. — harms the sinner, iii. 330:1. — impossible to the reborn, vi. 810: 2, 811 : I. — ingratitude to Jesus, v. 210:2. — inherent in human life, vi. 775 : 2. — inveterate habit of, iii. 153: 2. — is slavery, i. 187 : 2, v. 559-560. — lack of earnestness in fighting, v. 675 : 2, 676: I. — made worse by partial good, v. 219:2. — material effects of, iii. 720:1. — the mortal one, v. 243 : i. — Nemesis of, 11.230:2. — not abated by knowledge or faith, vi. ^^2 : 1-2. — not helped by shirking blame, v. 263 : 2. — not a necessary experience of life, v. 28: r. — not overcome by har.shness, v. 735 : 1-2. — of revenge, iv. 715:2. — of scant measure, iv. 546:2. Sin, of worldly policy, ii. 285 : i. — the one means of overcoming, v. 242 : 2. — original, its implication, v. 532-5. — part of the original creation, iv. 818:2. — past, motive for moral self-slaying, vi. 259. — penalty delayed, vi. 748: i. not evaded by repentance, vi. 428:1. — permanence of its manifestations, vi. 711:2. — persistence in, makes chief guilt, v. 256:2. — personal, effects of, iii. 104:2. — personal quality of, 11.663:2. — pertains not only to action, but to being, i.315: I. — physical consequences of, 11.243:2. — powerful habit of the individual, iii. 680:1. — preachers cautioned against, ii. i8:r. — private utilizing of public authority, iv. 141 :2. — problem of its origin, vi. 397-8. — proved by death, v. 553 : 2. — punishment of, 11.707:1. — reaction of, iii. 367: i. — reality misunderstood by the proud, v. 821 : 2. incompatible with positivism, vi. 579:1. — recognized through law, v. 565 : 2, 566 : i. — results transmitted, iii. 206 : 2. — retribution follows, ii. 66 : 2. — same as death, vi. 28 : 2. — a serpent, 11.194:2. — the soul's ruin, 11.59:1. — the supreme apostasy, 11.557:2. — three aspects of, iii. 85 : i. — synonyms for, iii. 19: 2, 138: i. — to be fought by prayer, 11. 29:1. — to those ripe in, seems a virtue, iv. 93:1. — trivial, iii. 367: i. — true punishment of, 11.559:2. — universality, v. 540-1. of sense of, v. 563 : 2. — wages of, iii. 92 : i. — ways and issues of, 111.364:2. — and grace, v. 850: 2. — and guilt offerings, iv. 343 : 2. — and law of retribution, 11.740:2. — and the sinner, v. 92: i, vi. 85S: 2, 893 : i. — and sorrow, connection of, iii. 104:2. — and shame, 111. 604 : 2. — and suffering, iii. 552:1. — see Holy Ghost. Sin-bearing, vicarious, 11. 622:1. Sin-offering, in Jewish ceremonial, 1.264:1, 273 : 2; 11. 264: I. — expiation of guilt, 1.276:2. — general O. T. silence respecting, 11.265:2. — a new stadium in spiritual training, 1. 266: i. — ritual of, 1. 270: 2. — sanctity of the, 1.274:2. Sin-visitation, Lecky on, ii.226:2. 113 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Soe Sinai, Elijah at. ii. 316: 2, 317 : 2. — its geographical position, i.48o:2. — reached in third niontli from Exodus, i. 188:2. Sinai, Mount, as a syml)ol. vi. 546-8. — symbolic, in the sanctuary, iii. 176:2. Sinaitic Codex, vi.9:2. Sinaitic legislation, i. 591 : 2. Sincerity conditions effective preaching, v. 728 : i. — desire of God, iii. 139:2. — of mind, sole claim on God, ii. 734:2. — vital in Christian life, v. 655 : 2, 656 : I, vi. 121 : 2. Sinful, the, contrasted with godly, iii. 20:1. Singularity, ii. 34 : 2. Sinlessness, iii. 662 : 2. Sinners, potentiality of grace, v. 6i:t. — provoked by obstacles to wrong-doing, ii. 573 : 2. — reclamation of, work and reward, vi. 640-3. Sins, deadly vs. venial, vi. 816 : 1-2, 817. — churchly, the seven chief varieties, vi. 843. — of barbarism and civilization compared, iv. 472 : 2. — of ignorance, i.264: I. — of others, i. 24:1. — of speech, iii. 20: i. Sisera, Canaanite commander, i. ']^'} : 1-2. — routed and flies, i. 767 : 2. — slain by Jael, 1.767:2,768:1. — the deed unnecessary, i. 768 : 2. — Deborah gloating over the dead, iii. 175:2. Six, the number, ill-omened to the Jews, vi. 889 : 2, 890 : I . Skepticism, practical, iii. 595:1. — the Psalmist's conquered, iii. 191 : i. — and revolt against morality, vi. 29 : 2. Slackness in combating evil, sin of, vi. 846 : 2. Slander, forbidden by Mosaic law, i. ;i;i/ : 2. — see also Calumny. Slanderous tongues, iii. 327: 2. Slavery, Roman, vi. 429-431. — Biblical attitude toward, i. 608 : 2, 609, v. 699-700. Slavery, Eastern, ii. 488:1. — effect of Christianity on, v. 311:1. — effects of, i. 144: 2. — fugitive slaves, Onesinius a type of, vi. — Hebrew, i. 206 : i, 362 : 2, 608-9. female, i.2o6:2. and non-Hebrew. 1.609:1. — moral effects on slaves, vi. 447:1. and owners, vi. 300: i, 430. — overthrow of American, 11.554:1,606:1, iii. 750: 2. — pagan vs. Christian views, vi. 96-98. — Paul's attitude toward, vi. 429 : 2, 431-2. Slavery, recognized in O. T., 1.338:2. — relations with Christianity, vi. 274-5, 301, 446: 2. — slow growth of opposition to, v. 476 : 2. — slaves, duty as servants, vi. 275-7. must profess master's religion, 1.609:2. — symbolism of, in obedience to God, v. 559- 560,572: I. Slavery of avarice and care, iv. 719: i. Sleep, spiritual, vi. 347. Sloth, as deadly sin, vi.817. Sluggard, the, iii. 368:2. Smend. Rudolf, cited or quoted, i. 586:1, iv. 270:1, 291:2, 326:1, 341:1. 343:1, 348:2, 371: I, 630: I, 635: I. Smith. James, of Jordanhills, his work on Paul's voyage, v. 509: i. Smith, W. Robertson, on age of Deuteronomy, i. 500: r. — on ancient heathen piacular sacrifices, i. 566 : 2. — on first birth of a fellowship of faith, iii. 648:2. — on Isaiah, iii. 667:1. — on Semitic religions, 1.527:2. — on the Syrian wars, i. 592:2. — cited or quoted, ii. 221 : 2, 222:1, 224:2, 703 : I, iii. 616 : 2. 651 : 2, 737 : i, 79T : 2. iv. 241 : I, 303 : I, 320 : 2, 333 : i, 340 : 2. 34b : 1, 362:2, 447:2, 451:2. 469:2, 476:1, 485: I, 493: I, 496: I, 501 : I, 5'^9:2, 519: 2, 520:2, 536:1, 569:1. 570:2. 613:2, 616 : I, 635 : I, 640 : I, 641 : i. 647 : i, 651 : 2, 652:2. 654:1, 662:1. 683:1. Smyrna, Church of, vi. 841 : i, 843 : i, 845 : 1-2, 846: I. Sobriety, of conduct, see Zeal and Zealots. Social amelioration or reform, an expression of God. V. 181 : I. often too shallow, v. 174 : 2. 175 : i. true means of. v. 122:1-2. — crimes, iii. 835 : r. — instinct, the, iii. 408:1. — life in chaotic disorder, i. 832 : 2. — morality, i. 562 : 2. — obligations, i. 651 : 2. — pariahs, i. 397 : 2. — reorganization, i. 422 : 2. — service, iii. 833:1. Social wrongs, revolts against, iv. 537 : 2. Socialism, as reaction against individualism, v. 345:2, 346: I. — charges that society is stereotyped in reactionism, iv. 189: 2. — "Christian," v. 71 r : 2. 712 : r. — confiscatory plans, iv. 882:1. — has no Biblical sanction, i. 164: T. — ■ revolutionary and otherwise, iii. 382 : 1-2. — sometimes anti-religious, 111.382:1. Soc EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX 114 Socialism, unjust theory of religion vs. society, iii. 803:1. Societies, responsibility of, i. 268:1. Society, an organism, v. 688-690. as such, duty of members to, v. 689- 690. — its action needed to form moral standards, vi. 179: 2, 180. — ^leprosy of, iii. 595 : i. — needed reform in present system, v. 710:2, 711. — regeneration of, iii. 624:1. Society (company), choice of, i. 33 : i. Socinianism, vi. 525 : 2. Socrates, not saved by virtues, iii. 812: r. — on evil of wrong use of words, iii. 681 : 2. — to Glaucon, i. 217:2. — cited, V. 904 : 2, 909 : 2. '■ Sodden,'' i. 168: i. Sodom, Abraham's intercession for, i. 47-51. — chosen by Lot for a residence, i. 32:2. — dangerous prosperity of, {.32:2,33:1. — king of, vainly tries to hire Abraham, i. 36: 1,37:2. ■ — sin of, iv. 254 : 2. — -wiped out by fire, 1.51-54. Sodomy, capital punishment under Mosaic law, i.344: I. Soldiers ruled by fear of God, 1.734:1. Solidarity, of family, iii. 102:1. — of Jewish race, ii. 633 : 2, 663 : 2, — of mankind, 1.676:1. — of nation, iii. 203:1. Solitary confinement, develops insanity, iii. 588: i. Solitude, a school of eloquence, iii. 811: i. Solomon, age at coronation in doubt, 11.243:2, 244: I. — alliance with Egypt, 11.247:2. — anointing of, 11.236:2. — apostasy of, 11.274:1,275:1. — at Gihon, 11.236:2. — authorship of Psalm Ixxii., iii. 185: t. — authorship of Song of Solomon, 111.527:1. — beginning of reign of, ii. 240:1. — bribery of love, iii. 530: 2. — career of magnificence, 11.269:2. — choice of, 11.245:1. — commercial treaty with Hiram, 11.251:2. — constitution of his court, 11.248:2,249:1, 2, 250: I. — court and kingdom of. ii. 247:1. — death of, ii. 278: i. — dedicatory prayer in Temple, 11.256:1. — depths of fall, 11.273:1. — disenchantment of, ii. 272 : 2. — expensive king, ii. 250:1. — fame threefold, 11. 510: 2. — flattery of Shulammlte, Hi. 530:2. — foreign commerce of, 11.269:1. Solomon, fortifies kingdom, ii. 247:2. — fountains of, ii. 269: i. — harem of, 11. 274: i, 2; iii. 529: i. — hollow prosperity of, ii. 270: 2. — in all his glory, ii. 248: 2, 268 : 2; iii. 529: 2. — judgment of, ii. J.15 : 2. — justice hall of, 11. 269: i. — last days of, 11.275:2. — legend of death of, 11.278:2,279:1. — Nathan's charge, 11.235:1. — not author of Ecclesiastes, 111. 456: i. of Song of Solomon, 111.529:1. — old age of, 11. 272 : 2 ; iii. 478: t. — reformation in character of, 111.528:1. — reign of, 11.510:2.111.277:2. — reverence for the Shulammlte, 111.533:2. — riches of, ii. 51 1 : i. — seeks Jeroboam's life, 11.278:1. — splendor of Temple of, 11. 611:2. — Temple of, i. 564: i ; Hi. 316: i. — wisdom of, ii. 511:1. — wisdom of boy-king, ii. 243 : 2. — wise choice of, 11.245:1. — ■ wives of, Ii. 511:2. — and David as types, 11. 501 : i. — and Elijah compared, 11.333:2,334: i. — -and Hiram, 11.271:1,511:2. — and the Queen of Sheba, 11.270:1. — and the Temple, ii. 251 : i ; ill. 266: 2. " Son," as Hebrew bar, iii. 14: i. Son of God, Son of Man, see Jesus Christ. Song, see Music. Song Book of the Pilgrims, iii. 304: r. "Song of the Bow," ii. 118:2. Song of Deborah, 11.282:1. Song of Moses, 1.175:1. Song of Miriam, ill. 24:1. Song of Solomon, iii.527:isq. — a drama, iii. 527: 2. — canonicity of, 111.539:1. — mystical interpretation of, 111.536:1. — -and Ahishag. 11. 241 : i. Song of Songs, 11.282:1. "Song of the .Sword," iv. 262:1. Song of the Tiirce Children, iv. 397:2. Song of the Well, 1.447:2. Sonshlp, a revelation of God, 1.147:1. — of Christ and man, v. 873-5. — of Israel to God, iv. 514:2. Sophistry, bluntness best rei)ly to, 11.654:2. Sorcerers in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, i. 584 : t. Sorcery (see also Magic), accompanying vices in pagan times, v. 902 : 1-2. — and Mosaic law, i. 208:2. Sorrow, as discipline in Christian life, vi. 163. — eloquent and dumb, 111.226:2. — God a help, Iii. 21 : 2. — knowledge is. ill. .'79: 2. — loneliness of, ill. 94:1. 11=; KX POSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Sta Sorrow, man's alniso of, iii. 630:1. — of short duration, iii. 38 : 2, 80: i. — recrudescence of, iii. 105:1. — sanctity of, ii. 659:1. — thanksgiving for, vi. 354:1. Soul, tlie, iii. 116: 2. — distinction from spirit, vi. 358 : 2, vi. 604 : i, — —from sense, vi. 169-170. — agony relieved by prayer, iii. 587: 2. — as source of action, v. 91:2. — hunger of, iii. 726 : 2. — ?;: extremis, cry of, iii. 589:1. — kingdom of God in, v. 70 : 2. ■ — longings of the, iii. 117: r. — progress of, through Christianity, vi.i65:2, 166. — responsibility for moral choice, v. 248. — satisfied with God, iii. 165:1. — the shallow, the unclean, the care-burdened, the pleasure-stifled, v. 64-66. Sound, scientific notation of, vi. 773 : 2. Sound mind in a sound body, i.313: i. '■ Sour grapes," proverb of, iv. 257: i. Southern Confederacy, anecdote of the, vi. 612 : 1-2. Soutkhu, God of the Hittites, i. 755 : 2. Sower, parable of the, iv. 841-3. Sowing and reaping, iii. 250: 2, v. 91 1-914. Spain, Paul and, v. 618: i. " Speaker's Commentary "' on Offerings, ii. 25 : r. — referred to, ii. 221 : i, 261 : i, 265 : 2. Specialization, secret of successful work, iii. 789:1. Speech, art of, iii.8ii:l. — censorious, vi. 618. — excessive, iii. 390: 2. — idle, harmfulness of, vi. 75-77. — impure, vi. 601 : i. — index of corruption, iii. 36:1. — Oriental, iii. S33 : i. — physical punishment for, iii. 812: I. — reckless, responsibility for, vi. 595-601. moral contradictions of, vi. 598-601. — service of, iii. 809 : 2. — sins of, iii. 142 : r. — timely, iii. 391 : 2. — to tell of God's grace, iii. 171 : i. — vituperative, among the sins, vi. 260:2. Speeches, early Christian, how reported, v. 367. Spencer, Herbert, and soul-progress, iii. 441 : I. — philosophy of, ii.705:i. Spenser, Edmund, {.544:1. Spies, the Israelite, despatched, 1.422:2. — doom of the ten false, 1.428:2. — evil report of, i. 423:1. Spirit, a living and conscious, must underlie the universe, i. 7 : 2. — dangers of allying sense with, vi. 237:2. — endowment of, {.417:2. Spirit, human, distinction from soul, vi.358:2. human or divine? v. 707 : 2, 708: i. nourished by social activities, vi. 297:1. — impulses contrasted with flesh, v. 34:2. — must underlie the material universe, v. 308: I. — only discerner of spiritual things, v. 230:1. — the spiritual body, v. 707-710. — things of, alone safe from destruction, vi. 750 : 2. — and matter, borderland between, i. 95 : 2. Spirit, Holy, as Christ's witness, v. 240-5. — as the inspiration of the Church, vi. 354-7. — as .seed-plot of the human spirit, vi.692:2. — chief agent in Paul's conversion, v.83i:i. — does not extirpate human infirmities, v. 331 : 2. — "earnest" of, v. 731 : 2, 732. — effects of, in early churches, v. 855. — essential to religious harvest, v. 328:1. — fellowship of, vi. 134:1. — function of enlightening and convincing, v. 241-2. — -in worship, vi. 149:1. — part in election of Christians, vi. 683. — personality of, v. 241 : i, 318-319, 320-r. — relations to Jesus, v. 302:1-2; work in glorifying, v. 241-2. — ^ selective agency in inspiration, v. 9:1. — to be utilized but not commanded, v. 143 : r. — various powers, v. 129:1. — and the Bride, vi. 924:1. — and the flesh, v. 896-900. Spirit of God, as a dove, iv. 817:2. — ■ in man and animals, iii. 661 : 2. — outpouring of, iii. 683:2. — and Israel, iv. 664 : 2. Spirit of the Lord, and Saul, ii.48:i. Spirits, theory of a hierarchy, vi. 208 : i, 209 : 2. Spirits, evil, see Demonology. Spiritual evolution, ii. 707:1, — impression, iii. 588 : 2. — life, ideal, ii. 526:2. — prosperity', estimation of, ii. 614:1. — religion — always in the minority, 1.13:2. — truths self-attesting, iv. 52:2. Spiritualism, forbidden, 1.340:2. Siurituality of God, implied in Jewi^^h religion, iii. 765 : I. Spoil, of the Passover, i. 170: i. Springs, importance in the East, vi. 742 : 1-2. Sprinkling of blood, i. 248 : 2. Stade, Bernhard, on Book of Kings, ii. 222 : i, 2. — on religion of Lsrael, ii. 283 : i. — cited or quoted, iv. 302 : i, 326 : r, 562 : I, 673 : 2. Stanley, A. P., on David's troop, ii. 91 : 2. — on Elijah, ii. 300:1. — on Elisha, ii. 321 : i. Sta EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Il6 Stanley, A. P., on tlie gift of tongues, v. 320 : 2. — on Jeroboam, 11.285:2. — on passage of the Red Sea, iii. 201 : i. — cited, ii. 136 : 2, v. 395 : 2, 473 : 2. Stanley, H. iM., African expedition, vi. 341 : 2. — consciousness . of being an instrument, i. 228 : 2. Stanton, V. II., on the Messiah and Messi.-mic prophecy, ill. 653 : i, vi. 364 : 2. Stars, "counting a number for," iii. 339: 2. State and community instructors in religion, i. 533 : 2. Statistics, Biblical, accuracy of, 11.485:2. — in Chronicles^ 11.485:1. — value of, 11. 486: I. Steadfastness, obligation of, vi. 752-3. — Paul's Insistence on, vi. 129-132, 216-218, 233 : 2. Stealing, Mosaic law on, 1.201:2,336:2. Stephen, St., career of, v. ,365-6. — defense, and the doctrine of inspiration, v. 366-373- — last argument of, iv. 892:1. — martyrdom of, v. 373-9. — and evolution of the ministry, v. 360-6. Stewardship, see Church. St'er, Rudolf, on hearing as a doubtful blessing, Iv. 863 : 2. — on Psalms, 111.88: t, 129:1, 139:1, 236:1, 289: I. — on unction of the sick, vi. 634 : 2, 636 : l. — cited, V. 160: 2, 199: 2, vi. 627 : 2. '■ Stigmata," v. 923-4. Stinginess, 1. 336: 2. Stoicism, its noble training, 111.724:1-2. — vs. Christianity, v. 379: i. Stoics, attempts to reform paganism, v. P;3Ti : 2. Stone of Zoheleth, 11. 234: 2. Stones, figured, of Canaanites, 1.482:1. Storm, self-manifestation of God, Iii. 78:2. — voice from the, 11.783:2. — at sea, depicted in Psalms, 111.272:2,273:1. Storms, their influence In history, 1.159:2. — terrific violence in the East, 111.508:2. — the two on the lake, iv. 847:1. — (figurative) in the spiritual world, iv. 726:1. Strabo, cited, vi. 635:1. "Strange fire" of Nadab and .'\I)ihu, 1.297:1. Strangers long admitted to Jewish religious fel- lowship, 1. 430: 2. — rights of, i. 209 : 2. Stratagem, legitimate, i.68r:2. — at Al, see Ai. Strauss, D. P., " Life of Jesus," efifect on George Eliot, vi. 771 : 2. — on the Resurrection, v. 699: r. ' — on sinlessness of Jesus, iv. 913:2. — cited, iv. S81 : r, vi. 407 : i, 6^7 : 2. Stray domestic animals, i. 607 : i. Strength, given as result of toll and conflict, vi. 227. — given by Jesus' words, Iv. 720:1. — spiritual, 111.148:1. Strenuosity of old theocratic leaders, 1.477:2. Students, kinds of, 111.509:1. Study, warning against much, 111.513:2. Submission of the Hebrews, i. 126:1. — and penitence of David, 11.176:2. Subordination to arbitrary power, 1.607:2. — to God, Hi. 276: 2. Substitution, Christ's, as evinced in his arrest, v. 255-6. Success, cost of an Idealist's, li.626: i. — dangers of, 111.357:1. — personal, a Divine end, 1.770:2. — subtle breeder of cruelty, ill. 781 : I. — wisdom not sufficient for, iii. 501 : 2. Succoth and Gideon, 1.790:1. • — Israelite stage in march, 1.172:2. Sufifering, as cessation from sin, vi. 710: 2, 711 : I. — as discipline, 11. 706 : 2, 707 : i, v. 686 : i, vi. 163. — as preparing soil for harvest, v. 64:2. — aspect of, blinds us to its meaning, Hi. 817: I. — as stimulus to righteousness, v. 802:1. — Christ's example a call to, v. 614:1, vi. 700 : 2. — divine appointments and other, vi.7i6:2. — does sin bring? 11.730:1,2,731:1. — door of hope through, 11.709:1. — earthly, an argument for future life, vi. 3(^3-6- — for well-doing, rewards of, vi. 471 : 2, 472 : i, 706-710. — joy in and service of, vi. 219-223. — for Christ, profitable; for self, dubious, v. 722-3, 724: I. — for righteousness' sake, vi. 719:1. — gains a hearing to the sufferer, v. 268:1. — gives power to comfort others, v. 723-4. — kinship of, iii. 822:1. — lessons of, vi. 710-713. — men great by. Hi. 570:2. — not useful per sr, but only from hxe, v. 269 : 2. — not uselessly to be encountered, vi.717: 1-2. — of Christ, 11.707:2. — of Chri.stians, as a test, vi. 716:1-2. — of the good, theory of divir.e object, v. 180: 2, t8i : I, vi. 334: I, 706-710. — of the "Servant of the Lord," vi. 688:1. — of sin, Hi. 373 : r. — perplexing moral law of. v. 180:2. — problem answered, iii. 579: I. — redemptive. Hi. 818: 2. — temporary. Hi. 571^:1. 117 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Tea Suffering, use of, ii. '/OT.2. — vicarious, iii. 818:1 sq. Suicide, commented on, ii. rio:2. — not in Job's mind, ii. 716: 1,722: I, 2. Suicides of B)il)le, ii. 722 : 2. Sun, metaphors of, iii. 56:1. — worship of, iv. 241:1. — and moon .standing still, 1.690:1. Sunday, origin of its observance, v. 494-S- — growth of observance, vi. 247. — desanctiiied by sloth, vi. 817:1-2. — the first, V. 107-1 11. • — "the Lord's day" in revelations? vi. 837 : 2. Sr.porerogation (see also Meddling), spirit of, v. 284 : 2. — works of, i. 375 : 2. Supernatural, the, Saul's contact with, ii.42:T. Supernaluralism, indispensable in a rcvehition, V. 12 : T. Superstition during ALanasseh's reign, {.504:1. Supplication, logic of, iii. 332: 2. Supremacy of state over the Church, ii. 510:1. Suretyship for another, folly of reckless, iii. 368: I. Su-^a, ii. 675 : I, iv. 414: r. Swearing, habit of, ii. 355:1. — prohibition of, i. 197 : i, vi. 628-631. Sweating system, iii. 356: 2. Sybaritism, the twin of asceticism, vi. 251:2. Sycamore, the, iv. 461:1. Sycophancy, ii. 636 : 2. Symbolism, of Ark to angry God, 11.24:2. — of the mouse, iii. 706: 2. — of the olive-tree, iv. 73 : 2. — of Sinai, iii. 176 : 2, vi. 5 ;6 : 8. Symbols of God's holiness, i.40: 1,2. Sympathy, cheapness of inactive, vi. 802 : i. — chief social need, v. 122:1-2. — condition of Christian success, vi. 228. — in joy and sorrow, iii. 90:1. — longing for, iii. 396 : 2, 555 : i. - — manifestations of, iii. 483 : 2. — of Job's friends, ii.7i2:2. — reflex blessing of, iii. 94:2. — value of entering into others' minds, v. 672 : 2. — with the poor. 1.564:2. Syntiietic paralleli-^m, in verse, i. 617:1. Syria and Jehu, 11.375:2. — and Ptolemy, iv. 667:1. — see also Damascus; Ksdraelon ; Megiddo; Philistia and Philistines; Sidon ; Tyre. Syrian wars, i. 592 : 2. Syro-Ammonite war. iii. 173:2. Tabcrah, the disaster at, 1.415:1. Tabernacle, the, i. 218 : 2 ; ii. 257 : 2. ■ — curtains of, i. 210:1. — description of, i. 220:2. Tabernacle, enclosure of, i. 220: i. — entrance to, i. 219 : 2. — inauguration of the service of, i. 292 : i. — inner, of acacia wood, 1.219:1. — old abandoned, ii. 255 : 2. — rites of, and new ministry of, vi. 522. — outer court of, i. 220:1. — ■' the tent," i. 219: 1. — typical meaning of, 1.283:2. Tabernacles, feast of, i. 354 : 1, 474 : i ; ii. 255 : 2 ; iii. 210:1, V. 169:1, vi. 863:2, 864:1, 878:1. 'i'abor, Mount, and the Transliguration, v. 77 : 2. Tabnr, plain of, ii. 42 : i. Tacitus, on expected Jewish world-rule, v. 522 : i. — on origin of Christianity, v.'^2'j:2. — on savage slave-laws, v. 310; 2, 311 ; i. — cited, iv. 175 : 2. Tact, utility of, \'i.2gg:2. ■ — -Paul advises in religious behavior, vi. 279. Tale-bearing, iii. 390: i. Talents, parable of the, iv. 787:1. Ta'ith, a badge of honor, 1.433:1. Talk, see Speech. Talmai, king of Geshur, ii. 165 : 2. Talmud, the, vi.236:2. — anecdote from, vi.6i9:2. — Isaiah in, 111.736:2. — no hell in, iii. 518: l. - — on charity, iii. 503 : 2. — on a good name, 111.493:2. — on students, 111.509:1. — unspiritual doctrine of, iv. 38 : 2. Tamar, Amnon and, ii. 164:1. Tammuz, Babylonian deit\', iv. 241 : i, — the myth of, i. 752 : 2. Tanit, the Ashtoreth of the Hittites, i. 7S5 : 2. Tanners, outcast trade among the Jews, v. 432 : 2. Tarsus, v. 832 : i. — intellectual and moral status, v. 409 : 2. — Saul of (Paul), ii. 60:2. Tassels, memorials of obligation, 1.433:1. Tatian, ascetic Gnostic, vi. 399:2. — the " Diatessaron," v. 292. — cited, vi. 389 : i, 435 : 2. Tattenai. the Satrap, ii. 612:1. Tatur, Arabic for circumcision, i. 316:1. Taunt song against Babylon, 111.719:2,779:1. Taylor. Isaac, cited, v. 123:2. Taylor, Jeremy, on feeling of wounds, 11.314:2. — on unction of sick, ■vi.6;^6: 1-2. — on the way of knowledge, v. 466 : 2. — prayer for the Church, quoted, v. 318:1. Teachers, j)ower c^f, iii. 5ir:i. -progressive and conservative, iii. 512:1. — responsibilities of, iii. 594 : 1, v. 505-6. — false, work and punishment of, vi. 739. TeachiiiL' bv anachronism, 11.497:1. — by t\pes, ii. .'99 : 2. Tea EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Il8 Teaching, Christian (see also Preaching), an im- perative need, vi. 466-7. — moral, impotent without Christ, vi. 225:1. involves work of both preacher and hearer, vi. 225 : 2. — office of, vi. 6. — time needed to lit for, v. 426. — interpreted by experience, ii. 617:2. Tears, expression of sympathy, iii. 586:1. — of Joseph, i. 104: I. — significance of, iii. 149 : 2. Tekoa, the wilderness of, iv. 460:2. Tekoah, woman of. ii. 166:2. Teman, ii. 698 : 2, 699 : i, 736 : i. Temper, bad, iii. 398-401. Temperance (see also Intemperance), blessings attending, iv. 387 : i. — Christian duty of complete, v. 674. — needs power of the Spirit, iii. 418:2. — Paul to Timothy on, vi. 428: 1-2. — place in Christian virtues, v. 907. Telemachus the monk, and the gladiatorial shows, V. 310: 2. Temple, The, building of, ii. 251-6, 512 : i. — aliens in the first, iv. 330: 2, 331 : 1-2. — altar restored by Asa, ii. 292: i. — class of labor on, ii.252:2. — clerg}', the, in sympathy with the prophetic Li movement, 1.505:1. — contributions of Jews towards rebuilding, ii. 595 : 2. — dedication of, 11.255:2,612:1. — defiled by Belshazzar, iv. 404:1. — defilement of, ii. 268 : i, 429 : 2, 432 : i. — despoiled by Shishak, ii.290:2. — devastation of, iii. 193:2. — fanatical trust in inviolability of, iv. 45 : 2. — God's, see Shiloh. — Haggai and the building of, iv. 615: i sq. • — ministry, successive orders of, 11.599:2. — Mount Moriah, the site of, ii.252: i. — of Ezekiel, iv. 324:2 sq. — of Solomon, splendor of, ii.6ii:2. — on Zion, i. 564 : i. — partially restored, 11.379:1,2. — plundered, 11.454:1. — poll-tax for, 11.569:1. — predicted destruction of, iv. 126:2. — proposed by David, ii. 140: i. — purification of, 11.435:2,436:1,2,111.79:1, iv. 344: I. — rebuilding of, ii. 595:1. — revenues of, 11.526:2. — sacrifices, ii. 262 : i, 263 : 2. — second cleansing of, iv. 888:2. — significance of, ii. 256 : 2. — solid character of the building, ii. 612:1. — the new, ii. 600: 2. Temple, threshing floor of .'\raunah to be site of, ii. 208: 2. — tribute, iv. 759: 2. • — worship, ii. 261 : 2, 525 : i, iv. 342 : 2. Temple at Jerusalem, great mart and bank, v. 137- — Jesus' cleansing of, v. 137:2. — meaning of, vi. 873-5. — captain of, v. 338 : 2, 339 : i. — downfall of, v. 139:1. Temple, ¥., Archbishop, cited, v. 259:1. Temporal advantage destroys heavenly faith, i. 479 : ^- — good, not sufficient, iii. 497:1. Temptation aided by intellectual opinions, v. 705 : 2. — an evil force, 11.541:2. — comes like a serpent, 1.9:2. — enforces charity, v. 908 : 2. — fair disguises of, v. 797 : i. — from within more serious, i. 22, : 2. — in the Christian life, vi. 163 : i, 742 : 2, 743 : T. — increases with endowment, v. 634 : 2. — may be a source of joy, vi. 571. — meaning and results, vi. 717. ■ — of Christ, iv. 706: I sq., 818: I sq. — of Jesus, V. 33-38. as symbolizing human ones, v. 35-38. — of moral weakness, v. 258-9. — order of human progress in, vi. 791 : 2, ■ — source, vi. 577-9. — succeeds by exciting curiosity, i. 10:1. — the great human ones, vi. 790 : 2, 791. — to impurity, iii. 355 : 2. — to highway robbery, iii. 355:1. — to unfaith, vi. 725 : 2. — withstanding, wins the crown of life, vi. 577:2,578: I. Paul on, vi. 121 : 2. — and safeguards, iii. 372 : T. — and the will, iii. 372:1. Tempters, in Christian life, vi. 742 : 2, 743 : I. Ten Commandments, see Decalogue. Ten Tribes, end of the, 11.401:1,599:1. — revolt of the, iii. 203 : 2. Tennyson, Alfred, " The Brook " quoted, iii. 478:1. — " Geraint ar.d Enid" quoted, iv. 163:2. — "Guinevere" (lunicd, iv. 504:2. — "In Memoriam," vi. 295:1. — — ^ quoted, v. 51 : t, 192 : i. — " Locksley Hall " quoted, iii. 531 : 2. — '"Merlin and Vivien" quoted, vi. 83-84. — " 'l"he Princess" quoted, 111.567:1. — cited, iii. 65s : I, vi. 624: 2. Tent of the meeting, i. 229 : 2, 243 : 2. — symbolism of, i. 405 : r. Terah, i. 25 : 2. Terence, quoted, v. 336 : I. 119 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Tit Tercphah, i. 572 : 2. Terror, the substance of Assyrian religion, i. 529: I. — see also Ark of God. Tcrtiillian, date and evidential position as to Clirist, V. 297 : 2, 298. — on baptism ami fa'-tiiiL;, i. I79;i. — on Ciiristian duty, \i.-;o9: i-J. — on Ciiristian life as soldiers, vi. 469 : 2,470: I. — on early Christian teachers, vi. 46S : 2. — on Ephesians, vi.9:2. — on Eucharist, v. -{95 : 2. — on forms of prayer, vi.411: r,2. — on gladiatorial show";, v. 310: 2. — on heresy, vi. 457 : 2. 458 : i, 459 : r. — on laying on of hands, v. 388 : 1-2, 389 : 1-2. ■ — on Pauline Epistle^, vi. 389 : 2, 390: 2. — on Paul's "thorn in the flesh," v. 417:1. — on penance, vi. 637 : 2. — on Peter's audience, v. ^22 : 2. — on prayer, v. 433:1. — on second marriages, vi. 418:2. — on resurrection with Christ, vi. 476 : 2. — on unction of sick, vi. 635 : 2. — on women's dress, vi. 412:1. — miscellaneous, iv. 20:2, v. 450:1, 499:2, vi. 418 : I, 425 : 2, 441 : 2, 541 : 2, 563 : 2, 629: 2, 644: I, 661 :.2, 781 : T. Testament, Biblical use of term, v. 862. — teaching of Old and New, iii. 76:2. Testimony, persuasiveness of, v. 57 : i. Tests, of character, unexpectedness of, v. 257 : 1-2. — of the kingdom of Heaven, ii.43: i. — of prophets, i. 584 : 2. Tetter, i. 320: 2. Thank-ofiferings, i. 263 : i ; ii. 264 : 2. Thanksgiving, as a "standing order" of the Church, vi. 333 ■ ^. 354- — David's song of, i. 263 : i ; ii. 200: 2. — Hannah's song of, ii. 12:2. Thanksgiving day and the Feast of Tabernacles, i- 354:1- Thebez, Abimelech killed at, i. 798:2. Thecla, Acts of Paul and, v. 297. Theocracy, a problem of Moses', 1.386:1. — the ideal, iv. 318:2 sq. — relinquished, ii.34: i. Theodore of Tarsus, cited, vi.636:l. Theodoret, cited, vi. 773:1. Theodorus, quoted, v. 882 : 2. "Theologia Germanica," iii. 609: 2. Theology, new beginning in, ii. 696:1. Theophany. cause and result, iii. 52 : 2. Theophilus of Antioch, vi.389:2. — cited, vi. 674. Theory vs. practice in moral life, vi. 167:2. Thessalonians, the, Paul's warning to, vi. 33 : r. — upset by hope of Christ's second coming, V. 305:2, 306: I. Thessalonians, Epistle to, compared with Acts, V. 472:2, 473: I. — Paul's form of address, vi. 193 : i. Thessalonica (Saloniki), vi. 315 : i, 317: i. Theudas, identity disctissed, v. 353. Thieves, Paul's injunction to, vi. 74:2. Thirty-nine .Articles, Burnet on the, v. 342 : 2. Thomas, St., iv. 836:1. Thomas a Kempis, on love, v. 691 : 2. Thomas the Doubter, v. 273-6. Thomson, Rev. Wm., on leprosy, \. 32\ : 2. ■ — on locusts, iv. 658:1. Thotmes III., records of reign of, ii. 110:1. Thoughtlessness of women, iii. 683:1. Thoughts determine the m:.n, \\.6\7: i. Thousand years, vi. 913-916. Threatenings, God's, i. 369:1. Threats and Deuteronomy, i. 611 : 2. Three, the number, constant use in Revelations, vi. 835 : 2. "Three Heavenly Witnesses," text, vi. 419:2. Three Jerusalems, iii. 621:1. Thyatira, church of, vi. 841 : i, 843 : 2, 846: 2, 847. Tibni, elected king by part of Israel, ii. 296:1. TiglatlirPileser I, aids .\haz, ii. 397 : i, iv. 453 : 2. — invades Israel, ii. 395 : 2. Tiglath Pileser II., iii. 641:1. — invades Damascus, ii.4o8:2. — records of, ii. 461 : i. Tillotson, John, neglect of mediatory side of religion, \-i. 152 : 2. Time, element neglected in the Gospels, v. 10:2. — God's measure of, vi. 748 : 2. — importance of, scanted in the East, v. 10:2. — measurement of, ii. 417:1. — on the horizon of, iv. 540:2. Timidity, need of heartening up, vi. 350 : 2, 351. — overcome by divine strength, v. 788 : 1-2. Timoth}', character, vi. 316. ■ and career, vi. 392-5. • — beginning of career, v. 465. — Paul's relations with, vi. 144-6. — — association with in Colossians, vi. 193:1. — and the Thessalonians, see vi. 315-383 passim. Timothy, Epistles to, vi. 382 : i. — rejected by jMarcion, vi. 389:2. the second, as to Paul's cheerful facing of death, vi. 299: 2. Tirshatha, Persian title of Nehemiah, ii. 665:1. Tirzah, the city, equal of Jerusalem, iii. 529:2. Tirzah, wife of Jeroboam, 11.287:2. Tischendorf, L. F. K. von, and the general Epistles, vi. 558 : 2. — his edition of Codex Amiatinus, vi. 758. Tithes, given the Levites and the poor, iv. 641 : I. — law of, i. 377 : 2 sq., i. 438: 2. — repentance by, iv. 6 19 : 2. — and the New Testament, {.378:2. Tit EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. 1 20 Titus, Epistle to, vi. 382:1. — rejected by Alarcion, vi.389:2. Tobiah, ii. 672 : i. Toi, king of Hamath, ii. 144:2. Toil a blessing, i. 710: i. — result of man's, iii. 107 : 2. Tola, Abimelech's successor, i. 799:1. Toleration, difficulty of establishing, v. 449:2. — distinct from comprehension, ii. 605 : 2. — offensive idea in Christian fellowsliip, i. 'Ill •■ 2. — when absurd, v. 824: i. — as indifferentism, vi. 460:2. Tomb (a), first landed property of the patriarchs, i. 62: I. " To-morrow " of God, i. 693 : i. Tongue, good uses of, iii. 391 : i. — power of the, iii. 388 : 2. — slanderous, iii. 166 : 2. — see also Speech. Tongues, the gift of, and the spread of Chris- tianity, V. 320-1, 437 : 1-2, 694. Torah, the, iii. 561 : i. — fundamental ground of faith, ii. 657:1. — of Ezekiel, i v. 334:1. — of Jehovah, iv. 134:2. — root idea of, ii.6oi:2. Torture, not in ^Mosaic code, i.344:2. Toshab, i. 609 : 2. Trade among Israelites, i. 591 : 2. Tradition, authenticity of oral, in transmitting Scripture accounts, v. 367:1-2. • — ^in the Church, not adversative to Scripture, vi. 374 : 2. — Jesus Christ and, iv. 859:2 sq. — long reach through long lives, v. 297 . 2, 298: I. — noxious to religious growth, vi. 236:1-2. — power in religious ceremonies, v. 481 : i. Traducianism, vi. 534:1. Transfiguration of Christ, see Jesus Citrist. Transgression, fruits of, iii. 96:1. Transience, of earthly things, iii. 107:1. Transjordanic tribes, i. 651 : i. Treachery, of friends, iii. 114:1. Treason, in Jerusalem, ii. 655:1. Tree cast into the waters, i. 178: i. — of knowledge, i. 9:2. — of life, {.9:2. Trcffry, R., cited, v. 189:2. Trench, R. C, on miracles, v. 394:1-2. — on the loaves and fishes, iv. 864:1. — on origin of name "Christian," v. 442. — cited, v. 274: I. Trent, council of, on faith, v. 527:1. Trespass, atonement for, {.398:2. — equivalent of guilt, 1.276:1. — forgiveness of, iv. 762 : i sq. — on property rights of man, i. 278: i. Trials (see also Sacrifice and Sufferings), human, in ratio to evolution of soul, ii. 72:2. — God's, no less beneficent than His joys, ii. 708: I. • — sent for the glory of Gnd, ii. 705 : i. — special form of modern Christian's, vi. 718: I. — test of principle, ii. 117 : 2, 118: i. Tribal inheritance, 1.486:1. Tribute money, Jesus on question of tlic, iv. 893:1.' — termed an " oblation," iv. TjT,"? '■ 2. Trifles, non-existent in Christian work, vi. 297-8. — never really such ; anecdote, vi. 7S8 : 2. Trinitarianism and i John, vi. 774 : 2. Trinity, the, co-operation in the New Birth, vi. 454-7- — doctrine of. Biblical origin, v. 809:1-2. — expressed in Ephesians, vi. 11 : 2. 12 : i. — work in man's election and salvation, vi. 681. Trouble, appeal to God in, iii. 22: 2. — arouses conscience, iii. 552:2. — illuminating, ii. 61 1 : i. — men born to, 11.760:2. — relative period of, iii. 66:1. — self-inflicted, iii. 82: 2. True kindness, see " Kindness and Truth." Trumpets at festivals, 1.410:1. — feast of, i. 353: i- — in war time, 1.409:2. — silver, i. 409: 2. — see under Revelation, vi. 865-880. Trust, coexistent with fear, iii. 149:1. — consolatory, in God, iii. 486:1. — gives peace, iii. 65:2. — God our only, ii.79:2. — God's deeds an answer to, iii. in : i. — imperfect, yet real, iv. 873 : 2. — in God, iii. 58: 1,287: 2,491 : I, iv. 23: I. — in riches, iii. 491 : 2. — negative aspect of, iii. in : i. — test of, iii. 83: i. — vindication of, iii. 69: 2. — see Faith. Truth, an essential attribute of God, i.3o:i. — ascertainment of, ii.2i8:2. — Christian unity a help toward, vi. 229:2, 230. — danger in over-7.eal fnr, vi. 8-15:1. — defined, vi. 83-84. — (litTercnt tests of scientific and religious, vi.826: I. — doctrinal, ba.us of all religion, vi.8_|5: i. — fanatical zeal for, may pervert, vi. 603:2. — finally triumphs, ii.56:i. — gain from sects in the Church, \-.6;^6:2, dyj: I. — intellectual vs. moral, v. 479 : 2, 480 : I. 121 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Yal Truth, persistent rejection blinds to, v. 211 -.2. — relativity of, vi. 799 : 2. — safeguarded by conscience, vi. 371-2. — subjective vs. objective, vi. 83 : 2. — why left obscure by God, v. 301 : 1-2. — will prevail, ii. 320:1. — and justice endure, ii. 229: i. Truths suggested by Levitic ritual, iv. 345:1. — of Christianity, ii.2i9:2. Tsara'ath and nega, a stroke, i. e. leprosy, i.320: i. Tubal-Cain, i. 16: 2. 'i'urkcy, social righteousness and private morality low, i. 614: I. Twelve, Book of the, iv. 443 : i. Twelve, the number, as used in Revelations, vi. 919: I. Twilight, i. 67. Tychicus, sketcli of, vi. 280-3. — mission to Asian churches, vi. 10: I, 2, 106. Tyndall, John, on creation, i. 7 : i. — on religious sentiment, 1.192:2. Types, teaching by, ii.499:2. Tyranny, is suicide, iv. 594:2. — rouses revenge, iii. 590:1. Tyrant, to be used, iii. 502 : 2. Tyre, census taken by David, ii. 207 : 2. — godless luxury, iii. 224: 2. — in time of Amos, iv. 474: i. of Ezekiel, iv. 279: i sn. — Israel's commerce with, ii. 135:2. — and the mercenary spirit, iii. 688: 2 sq. — and Sidon, joined in bad symbolism, iv. 134:2. Unbelief, caused by thirst for knowledge, i. 10:2. — cosseting of, v. 274:1. — cry of, iv. 864: 2. — culpable, v. 274 : 2. 275 : i. — doom of, i. 427 : 2, ii. 206 : i. iii. 204 : I. — encouraging by indirection, v. 259:1. — final hope for, v. 754 : 2. — gradual and unnoticed growth, vi. 232. — mysteries of conquest of, v. 275 : 2. — of tlie cities in Clirist, iv. 734:1. — respectability the precipitate of, iv. 573 : 2. I'lilhorn, G.. on early Cliristian unity, vi. 549:1. Unclean animals prohibited as food, i. 571 : i. Unclean, power of the, iv. 618: i. Uncleanness (see also Impurity), of lips, iii. 634: I. — of spirit, v. 901 : 1-2. — real, iv. 860:2. sq. Uncleanness, ceremonial, banished, 1.398:2. — occasioned by death, i. 439 : 2. — -of the new-born child, i.3i7:2. Unction (see also Anointing; Extreme Unction), spiritual indefinite but real, v. 730:2. Uncovenanted mercies of God, 1.607:1. Unequal ability gains some reward, iv. 788:1. Unhlial conduct, iii. 443:1. Ungodly, doom of the, ii. 206:1. Unitarianism, not the doctrine of primitive Chris- tians, v. 325 : 2. United States, alleged corruption in judges of lower courts, i. 595 : 2. Unity, Assyria the symbol of, iv. 455 : 2. — Christian, defense even again^rt intellectual error, vi. 229 : 2. help toward truth, 229:2,230. reason of its being Christ's desire, v. 251 ■2. — of Christendom, ii. 665 : 2. — of the Church, Paul on, vi. 130. — of God, iii. 651 : 2. conscience a witness to, iii. 740:2. Universal conscience of mankind, iv. 715 : i. — dominion of God, iii. 740:2. — Providence, iv. 489 : 2. Universalism, teaching in the Scriptures, vi. 119. Universality in legal precept, i.5io:2. Universe, creation of the, vi. 397:1. Unknowable, knowing the, vi. 51-54. Unleavened bread, feast of, i. 351 : 2; ii. 614: 2. — of the Passover, i. 168: i. "Unseen Universe," the, cited, v. 308:1. Ur of the Chaldees, iv. 782 : 2. — capital of Accad, {.25:2. Uri, ii. 42 : 2. Uriah the Hittite, brave captain of David, ii. 199: r. — David dishonors his wife, 11.155:2. ^- — sends him to death, 11.155:2,156:1. Uriah the prophet, hunted down and slain, iv. 128:2. Urijah, High-priest of Ahaz, ii. 408:2 sq. L'rijah, tlie prophet, 11.444:1. Urim and Thummim, i. 222 : t, 286 : 2. 469 : 2. ii. 244: 2. 600: I. Ussher. J., favored forcible conformity, v. 319:1. — theory on Ephesians, vi. 10: i. Usury, forbidden by old Jewi.'^h code. i. 591 : 2. — law and usage among later Jews, ii. 649-652. — practice contrary to brotherhood, ii. 651:2. — see Interest. Utilitarianism, meanness in education and reli- gion, v. 199 : I. I'tterance and deed, iv. 464:2. Uz, land of, ii. 697 : i. l^zzah, smitten by God, ii. 13S: r. Uzziah, see Azariah, king of Israel. Vacillation, see Weakness. Vainglory (see also Vanity, Pride, Pharisaism), evils in Christian life, v. 909 : 2, 910: i. 911 : I, vi. 135 : I. Valentinian, Emperor, revokes Julian's anti- Christian laws, vi. 442:1. Valentinus, cited on Gnosticism, vi. 398:1. Val EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 122 Valley of Dry Bones, vision of, iv. 309: i. — of the host of Gog, iv. 317: i. Van Oort, Prof., on Elijah, ii. 320:2. Vanity (see also Pride, Pharisaism, Vainglory), basis of ccnsoriousness, vi. 616-618. - — cruelty of mortified, ii. 680:1. — feeding of, iii. 480 : 2. — lessons of, ii. 272: 2. — riches feed, iii. 492:1. — ruin of Absalom, ii. 178:2. — takes form of polemics, vi. 599:1. — and lies, iii. 444: 2. "Vanity of vanities," ii. 232 : i, 272 : 2. Vashti, queen of Ahasuerus, ii. 677:1. Vatican codex, vi.9:2. Vaughan, C. J., on early church, v. 350:2. ^ on literal inspiration, v. 372 : 2. — on Revelation, vi.859:2. Vengeance, dreadful disproportion to offense, i. 716: I. — follows vice, iii. 357 : i. — inconsistent with Christian ethics, iii. 93: 2. — of the covenant, i. 368 : 2. — of Esther, ii. 684 : 2. — of God, iv. 582-3. — on a fallen rival, iii. 599:2. — thirst for, voiced in Psalter, iii. 157:1. Venial vs. capital things in moral life, vi. 122. Vernal and autumnal festivals, i. 472 : i. Via media, Christian-atheist, no logical standing- ground, V. 167 : 1-2. Vials of wratli, not vials, vi. 896:1-2. Vicarious payment of debts, vi. 305 : 2. — suffering, guilty pardoned, iii. 601:1. Vices, Paul's catalogue of, v. 902-3. Victory, of our faith, iii. 704 : 2. — often but a phantom, ii.77:i. — promise to Cliurch and individuals, vi.8ii- 812. Victim of the burnt-offering, i. 245 : 2. — presentation of the, i. 246: i. Vienne and Lyons, martyrdoms at, v. 488:1. View of life, the true, i.2o:2. Vigilance, as to answer to prayer, iii. 19:1. — in controlling temper, iii. 400: 2. — the desert a school of, iv. 462: i. Vindication, Job demands, ii. 743: 1,2. — of the most hi.gh, {.343:1. Vindicator, God the, ii. 751:1. Vine, as symbol of Christian body, v. 234. — and branches, allegory of, iv. 245 : 2. Vinet, on human vs. divine self-sacrifice, v. 722 : I . — on unction, v. 730:2. Vineyard of the Lord, iii. 625 : i. Vintage, symbol for harvest of sin, vi. 894: T-2. Virgil, prophecy of a golden age, vi. 35 : 2. — " ALne\d" cited, v. 606:2. Virgin, see Mary. Virtue, licroic quality of, ii. 117:2. — - in appearance, iii. 363 : 2. — without religion, iii. 809:2. Virtues, pagan vs. Christian catalogue, v. 904: 1-2. Virtuous woman, praise of, iii. 446: i. Vision of Eliphaz, ii.718: i. — of Daniel, the concluding, iv. 423 : i. — of destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple, iv. 239 : T sq. — of doom of Zephaniah, iv. 574: 1,2. — of the glory of God, {.213:2 (Ezekiel's), iv. 225 : I sq. — of Hades (Ezckiel), iv. 291 : 2. — of the ram and tlic iie-goat (Daniel), iv. 414: I. ■ — of Samuel, ii. iS: i. — of the seventy weeks (Daniel), iv. 417:2, — of a theocracy (Ezekiel), iv.3i9:isq. • — of the valley of Dry Bones, i v. 309:1. — of the wild beasts (Daniel), iv. 409:2 sq. Vision and action, i v. 24:1. Vision, see also Sight. Visions of Amos, iv. 457 : 2 sq. — of Zechariah, iv. 625 : i sq. Vogiic, M. de, on the new generation, 1.550:1. — cited on Temple, v. 336 : 2. Voices, two in the high places, iii. 378:2. Voltaire, romanticizing history, vi.782:2. — on Pascal's logic, v. 753 : 2. — cited, vi. 784 : 2, 793 : i. Vow, exclusions from the, {.376:1. Vowing, i. S73 : i sq. Vows, in Levitic ritual, i. 262 : 2, 263 : r, 372-7, 474:2, 475: 1-2. — and New Testament ethics, i.375: i. — discharged by a price, i. 373 : 2. — law of, i. 474: 2. — of women, i. 475 : i. Wady-es-Sumt, see Elah. Wages, retention of, i. ^7,7 : i. Waiting, harder than action, iii. 577:2. — quiet, iii. 575-8. • — see al.so Patience. Walking with God, {.17:2. Wallace, A. R., on land nationalization, quoted, i- 504 : 2. War, horrors of, iv. 107:2. — civil, David and the, ii. 123:1. — law of, in Deuteronomy, {.559:2. — methods of, i{. 123: i. — not {nherently Immoral, 1.184:2. — ruthlessness ofj i. 682 : i. — settled by champions, ii. 123:2. — a sad necessity, i. 745 : i. — and defeat, ii{. 629 : 2. Warn{ng, of Chr{st to the eleven, iv. 907 : i. — see Admonition. Washing with water as a ceremony, 1.284:2. 123 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Wil \\'astcfiilncss, contrary to diviiio wishes, ¥.76:2. Watchfulness, tlic ua}- to, iv. yoo:2. Water, as creative and destructive aj;ent, vi. 747. — failure in tlie desert, i. 183 : 2. — for pollution, i. 439:1. — fountain of living, iv. 98:2. — from the rocks, iii. 203 : 2. — in St. Jolni's use. vi.8io: 1-2. — spiritual, the living, v. 148-9. — symhol of drawing and pouring, ii. 28: 1.2. — system of Assyria, iii. 648:1. Waters, divided, see Jordan. — drying up for safety of (lod's people, vi. 897 : 2. — of Marah, not potable, i. 177:2. \\'aterland, 1).. on frcciuency of communion, v. Wave-offering, i. 289: 2. — of first fruits, i. 352 : i. Way, the, original term for Ciiri^tianity, v. 413:2, 414: I. Wayfarer, freedom jiermitted to, i. 607:1. Weak, God bears the, iii. 777 : i. Weakness, real test of Christian energy, v. 284 : i. — moral, identical with sinfulness, v. 262 : 2. — spiritual, need of supporting, vi. 351:1. Wealth, iii. 381-5. — advantages of, iii. 382:1. — cannot satisfy, iii. 490:1. — care of, iii. 486 : i. — curse of ill-gotten, iii. 722: i. — detrimental to spiritual life, i. 479:1. — disadvantages of. iii. 383:1. — distribution of, iii. 381 : 2. — making of, perpetuates man's habits, iii. 722: I. — pursuit of, iii. 384:1. — true, iii. 359 : i. — money, see also Riches. Wealthy feed upon the poor, iv. 539:2. Web, spider's, with God is as a wall, ii. 358:1. Weiss, B. E.. cited, vi. 392 : 2, 572 : 2, 573 : 2, 574 : t. Weisse, C. Tl., on Pauline Epistles, vi.484:2. Weizsiickcr, C. xon, cited, v. 794:1. Wellhausen, J., on ancient sacrifices, i. 165 : i. — on cultus, i. J63 : 2. — -on the Decalogue, i.509:2. — on image-worship, i. 514:1. — on law, freedom, and prophecy, 1.560:1. — on theocracy, 1.386:1. — cited or quoted, iii. 789:1, iv. roi : 2, 323:2 333:1. 47-1:1- -', 475:1. 479:2, 482:1 487:1, 488:1. .198:1, 505:2, 506:1 507:1, 508:2. 510:2. 5ti:t. 512:1, 2 513:2, 514: I, 516: T, 518: 2, 520 524:2, 533:1, 2, 534:1, 536:1, 538 543:1, 2, 544:2, 569:1, 574:1. 2, 575 576:1, 577:2, 578:2, 583:1, 5%: I, 2 587: I, 590: I, 592:2, 593: I, 595:2. 596 2, 597: I, 2, 600: I, 2, 601:2, 60S: I, 610: 2, 611:2, 618:2, 619:1, 622:1, 623:1, 629: I, 630: I, 2, 631 : I, 2, 632: I, 2, 633: 1, 2, 634: I, 2, 635: I, 638: I, 639: I, 640: 2, 641 : 2, 645 : 2, 646 : 2, 647 : i, 648 : r, 649: I, 2, 661 : 1, 2, 662: I, 667: 2, 673: 2, 674: r, 2, 675:2, 677:2, 678: I, 2, 679: r. Wellington, Duke of, on war and victory, i. 682: I. \\'esley, John, evidential position of his disciples, V. 297 : 2, 298 : I. — his work, vi. 62 : i. — preaching of repentance, v. 328. — emphasis on points of exhortation, v. 534 : 2. — on Methodist establishments, V.3S1. — on writings of the fatliers. v. 494:1. — quoted, vi. 535: 2. Westcott, B. F., vi. 759. — on Enoch, vi. 659 : 2. — • cited or quoted, iv. 362 : 2, ^77 : i . v. 160 : 2, vi. 55S: I. — and Hort, F. J. A., cited, vi. 10 : l. 588: 2, 652 : I. Westminster Assemljly. favored forcible con- formity. V. 319 : T. Westminster Confession, i. 197 : 2. Wetstein, J. J., cited, vi.627:2. Wette. de. on St. John's Gospel, v. 116. Whately, Archbishop, on anti-scriptural vs. un- scriptural things, v. 422:1. Whitman, Walt, quoted, vi. 750:2. Whittier. John G.. on forgiveness, iii. 427:1. Wicked kings, ii. 517 : 2. Wicked, the, arrogance of. iii. 38:1. — -as beasts of prey, iii. 33 : i. — as renouncing God, iii. y2 : 2. — fate of, iii. loi : 2. — furnish a feast for the birds of prey. vi. 9TI : 1-2. — - perish, iii. 386 : 2. — -problem of their prosperity, iii. 189:2, v. 239 : 2. Wickedness, essence of, common to all, ii. 522 : i. — in iiigh places, iv. 508:1. — a mistake, iii. 385 : i. — and worship, iii.6iS:i. Wickliffe, see Wyclif. Widows, see Women. Wiedemann, Alfred, iv. 292 : 2. Wife. Ilosea's prophecies based on study of, iv. 52 [ : I. — relation to husband, iii. 446: 2. — story of the prodigal, iv. 499 : 2. — value of a good, iii. 446:1. — and children, symbolism of. in Ilosea, iv. 494 : 2. Wilderness, Israel's support in the. i.634:2. Will, tirmness of. needed, v. 674 : 2. — — Jesus' high esteem of. v. 68 : 2, 69 : r. Wil EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. 124 Will, weakness of, fatal, v. 69: i. as result of worldly yielding, vi.613: 1-2. loss through, v. 48 : 2, 49. — worship of, 1.297:1. Will of God immutable, iv. 20:2. — permanent reality of, iii. 88:2. Williams, I., against Antinomianism, v. 329. — on Balaam, vi. 662:1. — cited or quoted, vi. 852 : i, 864: i, 907 : 1-2, 919: 2, 920: I. Wir.c, iii. 415-418. — ancient prohibition of, i. ,?oo:i. — Rechabitcs abstained from, iv. 134:1. — see Intemperance. "Wine and oil," vi. 856:1-2. Wisdom, as a guide of conduct, iii. 354:2. — as divine philosophy, iii. 352:1. — better than wealth, iii. 493 : 2. — chief good not in, iii. 480: i, 500: i. — from above, vi. 604-7. — from below, vi. 601-4. — indispensable, iii. 376: i. — intellectual only partial, vi. 605 : 2, 606: I. — more precious than rubies, iii. 360:2. — not in mirth, iii. 480:1. — not sufficient for success, iii. 501 : 2. — of the Hebrews, iii. 351 : i, 516: 2. — of laws of the visible world, iv. 67:1. — of the ])ast, ii. 725 : 2, 739 : i. — of the serpent, ii. 652:1. — of Solomon, ii. 243 : 2, 516 : i. — of understanding, iv. 386:2. — person of, iii. 374: 2. — prophetic, iii. 371:1. — quest of, ii. 768: I. — rewards of, iii. 357:2. — search for, iii. t,^~ : 2. — • universal love in, iii. 375 : 2. — value of, iii. 375 : i. — and folly, iii. 378: 2. — and mirth, compared, iii. 481:1. Wisdom, Book of, i. 162 : i : iii. T,yy : 2. "Wisdom of Solomon,'" relation to, of Epistle of James, vi. 572-3. "Wi=e men" (i. e. magicians'), i. 96: i. — from the East, iv. 701 : 2. \A'i>hes, often the outcrop of capacities, i.86:2. Witch-doctors, i. 584 : i. Witness (see also Testimony), method of pro- pagating Christianity, v. 13T : 2. — of the Christian body, vi.876:2. — of men, vi. 813-816. — to bases of Christian truth, vi. 768, 812-813. — unreasonable demand for. v. 274 : 2, 275 : i. Witnesses, " a cloud of." vi. 540-2. — the three heavenly, vi. 812-813. Witnessing, vi. 8i2:t. WivC'i. subjection to husbands, ii.678:2. — see Marriatrc: Woman. Wizards, i. 340: 2. W'olsey, Cardinal, fall of, ii. 14: 2, 181 : 2. ^\■onlan, Women, age-long distrust of, iii. 494:2. — ancient lot as captives, i. 609:1. — besetting sin of, iii. 682:2. — change in position wrought by Christianity, vi. 292-3, 701-2. — claim to equality, i. 419:2. — considered as men's property, i. 602 : i. — contentiousness, iii. 445 : 2. — degraded position in pagan Greece, vi. 69: 1-2. — duties of Christian wives, vi. 701-4. — Eastern and European compared, iii. 585 : 2. — economy of, iii. 447:1. — fortune-tellers, iv. 250 : 2. — generosity of, iii. 447: 2. — godless, iii. 448 : 2. — a good one, iii. 445 : i. — ignored in genealogies, ii. 484:2. — in Israelite history, i. 601 : 2. — in public worship, i. 175:2. — life of, ii. 711:1. — lure to destruction, iii. 373: 2. — natural relations to men, v. 681-2. — preaching of, ii. 533 : 2. — prominence of, at the Resurrection, iv. 807 : 1 . 2. — relations to man in marriage, vi. 8891. — right of inheritance began new elevation of character, i. 467 : 1-2. — Scriptural examples of well-doing, vi. 703 : 1-2. — strength of, iii. 447: i. — subjection as wives imposed, vi. 272. — suffering from Eve's sin, i. 318:1. — supreme place, iii. 445 : 2. — thoughtlessness of, iii. 683:1. — the virtuous, in Proverbs, iii. 446: i sq. — womanhood degraded by intemperance, ii. 678 : 2. — and flattery, iii. 530:2. — and her duties, i.747:2. — -in the early church: influence in Macedonian churches, vi. 175. Paul on their church conduct and func- tions, V. 679 683, vi. ji r-412. on pastor's behavi .r to, vi. 424-7. — the clinrch wid(Tw, vi. 424-7. Woman's rights, diiYerent classes of, ii.678:l. — and Christianity, vi. 89-90. "Word," the (Logos), v. 1 19-120, vi. 779-780. — creative force of, v. T22-3. Word of God, power of, iii. 637: I. — sown broadcast, iv. 842:1. Word of life. vi. 142:2. 143. Words, vs. deeds, vi.6or-2. — Paul again-^t controversy over, vi. 475 : I. Wordsworth, Christopher, cited, vi. 420:1. 125 EXrOSITTOX OF THE BIBLE — 1XI)I:.\. Wro W'tirdswortli, \V., " Ode to Duty " c|noted, v. 607 : 2.895:2. — "Ode on tlic Tnlimations of Inininrtality " (luoted. vi. 534: 2.535: I. — same cited, iv. 760:2. — ■' Tintern Abbey"' quoted, iv. 228:2. Work, blessings of, iii. 414:1. — Christian value of, vi.37S-3.S1. — condition of Christian service, vi.226:2, 22-J. — God's, no justification for refusing', ii. 643: I- — human, true character of. v. 249 : 2, 250: i. — incompjetion a curse, v. 783:1. — long hours of, iii. 31 1:1. — missionar}-, ii.6i4:2. — motives to missionary, iv. 730:1. — must supplement divine grace, vi.729:2, li"^-- I- — not all, iii. 31 1 : i. — not incompatible with spirituality, v. 306:1- 2, — of old age, ii. 607 : 2. — over-estimate in moral life as against medi- tation, V. 425 : I. — .should overshadow the worker, ii. 641 : 2. — and worship, v. 20 : 2. not sharply separated from v. 25 : 2. Works, futility without Jesus, v. 821:2. — relation to Justification, v. 534 : 2. — salvation by vs. faith, v. 86o: i. — teachings of Scripture concerning, vi. 119:2. — and Christ's sacrifice, v. 853:1. World, the, as a mirror, iii. 276:1. — Christ's kingdom of, vi. 879:1. — contrasted with kingdom of God. v. 70:1-2. — creative force of. v. 122 : 2. 123 : i. — degradation of giving up to, vi. 711:2. — distinctions of, injurious to Christianity, v. 768 : 2. — evangelization of, iii. 172:2. — evil elements of, \ i. 790 : 2, 791 : I. — fleetingness of, v. 665 : 2. — has its place in religious work, v. 358:1. — in Isaiah's day. iii. 639: 2. — its irreligious influence typil'ied, vi. 887:1-2. — Jesus' meaning by, v. 248 : i. — modern, evilness of, v. 822:1-2. — multifold character of. vi. 6it: r. — Paul on its sequence, vi. 12: t. — religious damage of life in, v. 463 : 2. — seductions of. vi. 610613. — sense of its vanity, vi. 793-6. — subjuc-ated, vision of, iii. 179:1. — the Christian's escape from, vi. 729:1. — the one not to be loved. vi.790:3. — true medium in attending to. v. 599:2. — nnsatisfyineness of. v. 635:1. — the unseen, groping after facts of, v. 225 : 2. Worldliness (see also Self-indulgence; Sensual- ity), bitterness toward religion, 1.13:1. — burden of care on the soul, v. 66. — Jesus' victory over, v. 248 : 2. — paralysis of worship, v. 64:1. — shown in material over-anxiety, v. 859. — small details of, relation to Christianity, vi. 171. — the soul's responsibility for, v. 248. Worldly, the, i. t,;},. — limitations of, iii. 49:1. Worship, Christian, advantage of even formal attendance, v. 156: 2, 157: r. — an essential function of the church, iv. 350 : 2. — as an outlet for excitement, vi. 632-3. — connection with conduct, vi. 632-3. — devotional exercises vs. preaching, v. 695 : T. — distinct from ceremonial, vi. 237 : 2. — edification its chief end. v. 696:1. — elements of, vi. 407-410. — fine places of, ii. 140:2. — formal may be insincere, iii. 488 : 2. — forms of, Amos on, iv. 481-2. should be the best, v. 152:1-2. 'Should embody true symbolism, iv. 319:2,320: I. — happy and effective method of, 111.485:1. — Holy Spirit in, vi. 149. — jubilation in, ii.6o2:2. — manifestation of Chri.-t's Word, vi. 269-271. — medium between formalism and formless- ness, V. 151:2. 152. — more important than the house, ii. 602:1. — music in, iii. 322 : r, vi. 633. — necessity of organized public, v. 468:2. — not dampened by any place, v. 44 : 2. — not sharply separated from work. v. 25 : 2. — of God and the king, ii. 53 : i. — pedantically fcrmal not genuine, vi.252: 1-2. • — predominance of self, v. 64:1. — proper decorums in. vi. 410-412. — respect of persons in, is unbelief, vi. 582-5. — ritual, may be divorced from morality, ii. 5t:2. substitute for personal intercourse, ii. 25 : 2. growth of Levitic, ii. 260:1. — sincere, iii. 490: 2. — that of heaven and earth, iii. 77: 2. — Temple, ii. 261 : 2. — true, hard, 11.427:2. — ■ "^ee Baal-worship. Worthlessness, iii. 369: t. \\'nith. of God, iii. 52: i. W^riting, an early accomplishment. 1.621:2, 74C1 : 2. Wrong-doing, its own punishment, iii. 152:1. — root of miserv, iii. 102: T. Wro EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. 126 Wrongs, which men inflict, iii. 490:1. Zcbulun, tribe of, boundaries, 1.713:1. — and spiritual gifts, v. 693-6. — sca-farers, i. 1 13 : 2, 114 : i, 620 : 2, 621 : i. — and wickedness, iii. 618:1. — and Naphtali, wliy grouped for praise, iii. Wratli. sec Anger. 178:1. Wrath of God, visitations of prophesied by Zeeliariali, son of Jclioiada, appeals lo Joash, ii. Jeremiah, iv. 93:2. 570: i. Wright, A., cited, vi.349: I. — stoned to death, ii.379:2. Writing on the wall, iv. 404 : 2. Zeeliariali. prophet of the Restoration, iii. 309:1, Wyclif (WicklifFc), John, cited, v. 914:2. iv. 523:1. — visions of, iv. 625-635, vi. 261 : i. Xavicr, St. Francis, exaggerated crucifying of Zeeliariali, Book of, golden candlestick of, i. affections, ii. 322:1. 217:1,356:2. Xcnophanes, of Colophon, neither monotheist nor — claim of double authorship, iv. 670: 1,2. anthropomorphist, iii. 762:1. Zedekiah, false prophet, ii. 331 : 2, 332 : 2. Xenophon, basis of truth in his " Cyropaedia," Zedekiah, last king of Judah, ii, 448, 451, iv. 164 : 2, iii. 771 : 2. 244: 2. Xerxes, see Ahasuerus. — capture of, iii. 598: i, iv. 245 : i. — made king by Nebuchadrezzar, iv. 18:2, Valnveh, see Jehovah. J"^V "' 11 • r c. 1 - 1 -.T-, , - ■ t- Zeller, K., lavorabic view of btephen s speech, v. \ ibbv^m, 1. 604: I. ^ p J » Yoke, bearing the, iii. 577: I. Yoma, i. 301 : 2. Youth, duty of obedience to age, vi. 723:1-2. — need of diversion, ii. 522:2. 368: I. — views on the Acts, v. 401. — cited, v. 844 : 2. Zelopheliad, l')aughters of, i. 467:1. Zephaniah, the prophet, ii. 433:1. — vision of doom, iv. 574:1,2. Zabud. .son of N^athan, lay-priest, ii. 249:1. Zephaniah, Book of, iv. 568:2 sq. Zachariah, king of Israel, debauchery and assas- Zephath, Edomite fortress, 1.748:2. sination of, 11.391:2. Zerach, the Ethiopian, defeated by Asa, ii. 292:1. Zadok, one of two high-priests under David, ii. Zeru;ih. mother of Jeroboam, ii.276:2. 16:1,11.147:2. Zerubbabel, heir to throne of David, {1.598:2. — genealog}' of, 11.242:2. Zerubbabel, as rebuilder of Temple, iv. 632:1. — made high priest, ibid. Zeruiah, David's sister, and her sons, ii.23S: — and Abiathar, sent to Judah, ii. t86:2. 1,2, with .'\rk, ii. 172:1,2. Ziba, Saul's retainer, saves his own fortunes, ii. Zadokites, priesthood of, iv. 332:1. MQ:^- Zahn, T., cited, vi. 644 : 2. — denounces Alcphiboshcth to David, ii. 174: 2, Zaphnath-Paaneah, Joseph's Egyptian name, 5. 1^75: i- 97:2. Zidon, same as Sidon. Zarathustra (Zoroaster), his rclipion noblest of Zidonians or Phoenicians, 1.758:1. pagan ones. 1.513:2,622:1. Ziklag, David at, ii. 102 : i, 106 : i, 117 : i : iii. 84: t, — sublime tenets of. iv.69:T. 116:1. Zarcphath, Sidonian city of, 11.303:2. — invaded. 11.107:1. Zeal, always colored by a personality, v. 138:1. Ziuiri, king of Israel, atrocious crimes to attain — Christian, its reward, vi. 705. the throne, 11.295:2. — dangers of, vi. 845:1. — terrible punishment, 11.296:1. — self-deceptions of, vi. 133:1. Zinzendorf. Count, over-stress on mediatory side — vs. indiflferentism, vi. 148:1. of religion, vi. 152:2. "Zeal of the Lord," true meaning of term, ill, Zion. Mount, believed an invif)lable sanctuary, iv. 649: 2. 103 : 2. Zealots, often foes to progress, vi 713:2. — symbolism of, vi. 545-9. Zealots, the (Jewish party"), political policy of, vi. — see also Mount Zion, 622:2,705:1. '"Zion" (symbolic), deliverance of, iii. 129:2. — massacre by them in Jerusalem, vi.624:2. — establishment of, 111.224:2. Zebah and Zalmunna, Canaanite leaders, fate of, —forsaken of God, 11.31:2. 1.790:2. — glory of. iii. 129:1. Zebaoth, divine name. iii. 156: I. — population of. 111.225:1. Zebedee, his wife's petition, v. 445. — the name. iii. s::i : 1. Zebul. prefect of Shechem. i. 798:1. — "woe to iho^e at ea-^e in." iv. -'85 : 2 127 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Zup- Zipli, David at, ii.Qira, 93: i. Znphar, first speech to Job, 11.729:2. — men of, called "strangers," iii. 144:1. — second speech, ii. 751 : 2. Zijiporah, wife of Moses, circumcises her son, i. — probable third speech, ii. 767 : 2, 768: I. 141:2. — speech of, not an echo, ii. 731:2. Zizith, 1.433:1. Zophim, i. 459:1. Zoan, field of, iii. 203:2. Zoroaster, see Zaratluistra. Zoheleth, stone of, ii. 234:2. Zoroastrianism, ii.6i2:2. Zophar, character of, ii. 717:1. Ziiph, land of, ii.36: i. II. — INDEX OF TEXTS. Acts i. I — V. 582 : I. Acts v. 24, 29 — iv. 111:2. 2 — iv. 921:2. 31 — iii.6oi : I. 3 — iv. 806 : 2. 36-37 — vi. 609 : i. 4 — V. 875:1. 40 — iv. iit:2. ■ 5 — v.875:i. 41 — iv. 111:2, vi. 571:2, 587:1, 707:2, 7 — V. 605: 2. 873: 2, 902: I. 717:2. 8 — i. 291 : 2. iv. 713: I. — vi. i — vi. 426 : 2. 713 : 2, 714: 2. 9 — iv. 921:2. 3 — vi. 704:1. II— V. 593: 2,605: I, vi. 713: r. 4-6 — vi. 415:2. 13 — vi. 559: 1.562: 1,645: I. 10 — vi. 602: I. 13 — vi.563: I. 13, 14 — iv. 126:2. 14 — vi. 563: 1,564: 2,645: 2,701 :2, 704: I. — ^vii. 5 — vi. 284:2. 15 — iv. 808:1. 6 — i. 170:2. ■ 17 — vi. 728:1. 20 — vi. 537:1. 19 — V. 7: 2. 22 — i. 139: 2, vi. 538: I. 20 — iii. 275 : 2. 25 — i. 142 : 2. — ii. 5- 1 1 — vi. 568: 2. 2(i — vi. 616: I. 6 — vi. 584:1. 37 _vi. 536:1. 9 — vi. 747:2. ^38 — vi. 715:2. 10 — v. 519:2. 42 — V. 530:1. 16 — vi. 584:1. 44 — ii. 257:1,2. 17 — vi.89:2. 46 — vi.652:2. 18 — vi.89:2. 47 — ii.5ii:i. 22 — vi. 717:2. " 49 — iii. 844:2. 23 — iv. 918:1. V. 575: I, vi. 682: 2, 882: I. 51 — iv. 918:1. 24 — iv. 918: I. 52 — iii. 801 : 2. vi. 625 : I, (^2T. i. 29 — ii. 2J0: T, 504: r. 53 — ii. 317 : 2, iv. 918: i, vi. 500: 2. 30 — ii. 142: 2, 531 : r. 56 — iv. 827: 2. 31 — vi. 708: I. 58 — ii. 329: I. V. 829: I. 38 — V. 731 : I, V. 456 : r. — viii. 1-3 — v. 829 : i. 44 — {.336:2. 4 — V. 601:1. 45 — '-.336:2. 13 — vi. 651: 2. 46 — vi. 704:1. 20,21 — V. 826:2. — iii. 6 — vi. 635 : 2. 22 — v. 826 : 2, vi. 693 : 2. 13 — iii. 801 : 2, iv. 918: I, 26 — iii. 271 : 2. 14 — iii. 801 : 2, iv. 918: l, vi. 625:1. 28 — iii. "j^i : 2. 15 — vi.625:i. 30 — iii.8oT:2. 16 — vi. 635:2. 2,2 — vi. 481:2. 19-21 — i. 356: 1,366:1. 35 — vi. 481: 2. 21-25 — V. 522: 2. 39 — ii. 305 : 2, V. Soo: i. — iv. V. 339:1. — ix. I — V. 829: T, vi. 586: I. 19 — vi. 706:2. 1-19 — v. 828:1. 23-30 — vi. 571 : 2. 2 — vi. 567:2, 586:1, 586:2. 24 — vi. 704:1. 5 — V. 521 : 2. 27-28 — ii. 228: I, iii. 801 :2. 10-19 — v. 831 : i. • 29-30 — iii. 801 : 2. 13 — vi. 646: 2. 2,2 — vi. 704:1. 14 — vi.7i7:2. — V. 10 — vi.635:2. 15 — v. 521 : 2. 17 — vi.458: 1,603: I. 16 — V. 773:2, 128 129 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Acts Acts ix. 19-25 — V. S33 : 2. 25 — iv. 864: I. 26,27 — V. 834: I, 835:2, vi. 564:2. 28. 29 — V. 835 : 2, vi. 564 : 2. 30 — V. 835 : 2, 836 : I, vi. 564 : 2, 704 : r. 32 — vi. 646: 2. 34 — vi. 635: 2. 39 — vi. 426 : 2. 41 — vi. 426 : 2, 646 : 2. 43 — vi. 714:2. — X. I to xi. 18 — V. 846:1. 2 — V. 523:2. 4_i.256: I. 8 — V. 523 : 2. 10 — V. 764: I. 14 — iv. 386: I. 20 — vi.564: 1,585:2. 34. 35 — ii- 594: I- 3!^ — i. 288: I. V. 727: r. — . — 42 — vi. 717 : 2. 43 — V. 522 : 2. 44 — V. 855: 1,855:2. 45 — iv. 664 : 2, v. 855 : 2. 46 — V. 855:2. 47_v. 855:2, vi. 19: I. 48 — V. 855: 2. — xi. 5 — V. 764: I. 8_iv.68o: I. 15. t6 — V. 855: 1,855:2, vi. 20: T. 17 — V. 843 : 2, 855 : I, 863 : I, 875 : 2. 18 — V. 855 : I , vi. 20 : i . 19-21 — V. 836: I. 26 — vi. 714 : 2, 719: I. 27-30 — V. 836 : 2. 2S — vi. 3-!Q : 2, 403 : 2. 29 _ vi. 704 : I, 839 : I, 844 : 2. 30 — V. 839 : 1 , 844 : 2. — xii. 2 — iv. 757 : I, vi. 562 : i. 6-7 — vi.653: 2. 12 — vi.727: I. 17 — vi.562: 2,564:2. 20 — ii. 251 : 2, iv. 401 : 2. 22 — i v. 366 : 2. 23 — iv. 366 : 2. 401 : 2. 24 — vi.692:2. — xiii. — iv. 836: 2. I — V. 623 : I. vi. 41 : 2. 1-4 — i. 223: 2, V. 836: 2. 2 — V. 838:2. 2-3 — i V. 830 : 2, vi. 403 : 2. 3 — i. 137: 2, vi.427:2. 7 — V. 838:2. 10 — vi. 600: I. 13 — V. 838: 2. 15 — iv. 820: I. 21 — i.713: I, ii.55:2. 26 — vi. 7 : 2, 694 : I. 32 — vi. 652 : 2. 9 Acts xiii. 33 — iii. 9 : i, [, 13 : I, vi. 27 : 2. 36 — v. 576 : 2. 43 — v.838:2. 46 — V. 838: 2. 47 — iii. 802: I. 50 — v. 838 : 2, vi. 342 : 2. — xiv. v. 836: 2. . 4 — V. 796 : 2. II — iv. 366: 2. . 12 — iv. 366 : 2, V. 838 : 2. ■ 14 — iv. 394 : I , V. 796 : 2, 838 : 2. 15 — iv. 394: i,vi.69i : i. 15-17 — V. 878: 2. 17 — vi. 68: 2. 23 — vi. 721 : I. — XV. V. 838 : I, 839 : T, 2, 840 : 2, 845 : 2, 846: I, vi. 115: I, 315:2, 570:2, 681: r. 2 — V. 838 : 2, 839 : I, vi. 568 : 2, 580 : 2. 3 — v. 836:2. 4 — v. 839 : 2. 5 — vi. 458: I. 6 — V. 839 : 2. ■ 6- 1 1 — V. 846: I. 7 — V.844: I. 10 — V. 887: 2. II — V. 850 : 2. 12 — V.803: 2,838: 2. 13 — vi.562: 2,564:2. 19 — V. 840: 2. 22 — vi . 48 1 : 2. 23 — V.841 : I, vi. 558: I. 23-24 — V. 836 : 2. 24 — V. 841 : I, vi. 147: 2. 28 — V. 840: I. 32 — vi. 726: 2. ■ 36-40 — V. 838 : 2. 38 — vi. 485: 2. 41 — -v. 836: 2. — xvi. T-3 — V. 887 : 1 , 890 : 2. 3 — V. 829: I. 6 — V. 8t8 : 2, vi. 726 : 2. 6ff. — vi. 320: I. 6-7 — vi. 404: I. 6-10 — V. 526: 2. 9 — V. 800: 2,830: I, vi.445: t. 13 — iv. 414: I. 15 — vi. 714:2. 23, 24 — iv. 111:2. 26 — vi. 653 : 2. — xvii. 4 — vi. 315: I. 5 — V. 623: I. 6 — V. 893 : 2. 7 — vi. 714 : 2. 12 — vi. 342: 2. 18 — ii. 415: I, vi. 717: 2. 22-31 — V. 878: 2. . 26 — ii. 481 : 2. iv. 361 : i, vi. 72: 2. 27 — iv. 361 : I. Acts EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 13c Acts xvii. 28- vi.441 : I- -^^'^^^ -^-^^- 25-^9 — vi. 106: 2. 29 — i. 195: I. 29 — vi. 29: 1,486:2. 30 — ii. 239:1. V. 876: 1, 68: 2. 38 — v. 893 : i, vi. 609: I. — xviii. 2 — vi.486:2. — xxii. 5-16 — v. 828 : i. 8-9 — V. 830: I. ^ 12-21 -V. 831: I. 9 — V. 800 : 2, vi. 404 : 2. M vi. 625 : i. 18 — i. 375:2, V. 890: 2. 16 — vi.456: I. ■ V. 836 : 2, 846 : 1, 892 : 2. ' 7^- — ^'- 8°° ' ~- 22 , _ , 23 — V. 818: 2.836: 2.846: I. 17-18 — V. 830: I. j6 — v.62i:i,vi.702:i. 17-21 — vi. 404: i. 27 — V. 742:2. 17-22 — V. 836: I. -xix. i-7"vi.7o:i. 2i-v.836:i. 2-vi. 19:2. 22-v. 923:2. io-vi.io:i. -xxiii. 2-5-v.88o:2. i3-20-vi.479:i. 6-v.5.39:2, 829:1, 888:2. vi. 717:2. i5-v.45:2. ii-v.S28:i. 18-19 -vi. 86: I. 12-v. 103:1. 20-vi.692:2. 12-21 -VI. 609: I. 2i-v.5i9:i. 29-vi.653:2. 22 - vi. 486 : 2. — -^^>^- 5 - VI. 458 : I. 26 — vi. 825: 2, 826: I. 14 — vi.458:i. 33_vi.486:i. i5-v.888:2. 34 -vi. 481: 2. 20-21 -V. 539: 2. . 35 _ vi. 408 : I. - ^^^'- 23 - VI. 580 : 2. 40 -vi. 652: 2. ->^-^^'i- 5 -vi. 458: I, 150: I. — XX. V.618: i.vi. 165: 1,324:1. 6-8 — V. 888: 2. 2-vi.ii5:i. 7-iv.66o:i. 2-6-v.8i8:i. io-vi.546:2. 4_v.623:i, vi. 106:2, 284:2, 485:2, """"-^'^o'o' 486:2 12-18 -V. 828:1. 6 — vi. 115: I 7- I I — v. UjC — — 10 — ii. 304: 2. 15-28 — vi. 721 : I 17 — iv. 297: 2, vi. 721 : I. ~y. ' -'-•'■•'■: o . „ — xxvii. v. 798 : 2, 18-3S — VI. 70:1. ' 23 — vi. 404: I. 13 — vi. 906: I. ''^'o' -14 — iv. 662: I. V. 621 : 1,829: 2, vi. 597: I. V. 050 : I. ^ o /- . 20 — V. 617: 2, V. 836:2. 24 — vi. 444: I. 28 — vi. 652 : 2, 719: I. 23 — VI. 403:2. . 28 — V. 581 : T. vi. 61 : 2, 92 : I 29 — vi.888: t. 29ff. — vi. 367 : I. vi. 281 : 1,284: 2. 9 — ii. 260: 2. 23 — vi. 445: I. 24 — vi. 404: I. 26 — vi. 754: I. 20 — VI. 754:1. 29-30 — VI. 459: 2. 477: I. ... , . ,^ ^^ ^^^ . ^' — xxvin. 6 — IV. 366:2. 31 — V. 585 : I, VI. 9: 2. ^ ^ CO' ^ jQ — VI. 123:2. x^ — IV. 297 : 2. r .^ ^o 17 — V. 536:1. — XXI. v.6i8:i. ^^ ^ 21 — v.9i4:2. 4-v..404:i. 22 -vi. 124: 1,458:1. 9- v.. 701: 2. 23- V. 522: 2. II— VI. 403: 2,404: I. 28 — vi. tS: I. 30 — vi. 473:2. . 13 — V. 619: 2. 15-16 — V. 836:2. 17 — vi. 564:2. Amos i. i — ii. 348: i, 388: 2, 3S9: i, 390: 2, 393: l, ■ 17-25 — V. 845:2. iv. 678:2. 17-26 — V. 890: 2. 2 — ii. 306: 2, iv. 26: I. 18 — vi. 562:2. 3 — iv:78, T. 20-26 — v. 829 : 1, 890 : 2. 3, 4 — ''. 375 : 2. 21 — v. 919: I, vi. 21 : 2,919: I. 6-15 — ii.376:l. 27-30 — iv. 126: I, V. 840: I. 7, 8 — ii. 388: 2. 27-36 — vi. 100:1. 9 — iv:652, I. I^I EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 1 Cliron. Amos i. Ti — ii. .^75 : I, 38J : 2, iv. 48: I, 602 : I. Amos vii. u — ii. 454 : 2, iv. 449: 2. 1.? — ii..595: i- 13 — ii- 284: i,iv. 4:1:2. — ii. I— ii. 349: 2, 375: I, 437: I, iv. 87: I, 14 — ii. 390:2, iv. 460: I. 487: I. 16 — iv. 112:1. 1-3 — ii. 350: r. — viii. i — ii. 390:2. 3 — iv. 78: i; 45S: I. 2 — ii. 394: I, iv. 237: i. 4, 5 — ii. 401: I. 5 — i. 33<^- I, 47-2: I, iii- 834: 2, iv. loi : i, • 4,8 — iv: 188,2. 337 ■'i- 5 — 11-389: I- 7 — iv.28:i. 6-r3 — ii. 389: I. 8 — ii.388:2. 7 — iv. 300:2. 9 — iv. 81 : 2. '8 — i. 606: 2. 14 — ii. 281 : 1,311 : 2,398: I. n — i. 399 : 2, ii. ^y^ : 2. — ix. i — ii. 286 : 2. — — 14 — iii. 330: 2. ■ 1-3 — iii- ^77 '■ 2, vi. 861 : i. — iii. I — iv. 27: I ; 269: I. ■ 3 — i- 677 : i, ii- 305 : 2, 306: 2, iv. 451 : 2. ■ 2 — i. 6_'6 : I, ii. 389 : 2, v. 5S6 : 1. 5> 6 — iv. 66 : 2. — — 4 — ii- 388 : 2. • 7 — ii- 397 : 2, iv. 39 : I. 6 — iv. 593 : I, 636 : 2, 661 : 2. 9, 10 — ii. 390 : 2. 7 — iii. 793 : 2. 1 1 — ii. 504 : 2, iv. 61 : I, 301 : I. — — 9-15 — ii.389: I. ■ II — ii. 225: 2, v. 461 : I. — — 14 — ii.286: 2. ■ 11-15 — ii.39o: i,39i '- i- 15 — ii. 269:2, 333: I. ^ 12 — i. 438: r,ii. 225:2, V. 461: i,vi. 587: i. — iv. I — iv. 300:2. — — 13 — iv. 346:2. — —1-3 — ii. 394:1. 14— iv. 201:2. 1-13 — ii.389: I. 2 — ii. 431 : I. Banich i. 10 — vi. 594: i. 4 — ii-345: I, iv. 451:2,432:1. — — 4,5 — •ii.703:2. I Chronicles i. 5 — ii. 434:1. — — 6- 1 1 — ii. 388:2. 10 — ii.487: 1,2. -6-12 — iii. 629: I. 19 — ii.487: 1.2. — ■ — 7 — ii. 301 : I. 40 — ii.487: 2. -9 — iv. 614: I, 619: I. 46 — ii. 487 : 1,2. 10 — i. 178: 2, iv. 33: I. ■ — ii. 3 — i- 147: i. ii- 241 : L — — II — ii. 388: 2, vi. 666: i. — — 3 — ii- 487: i- -12 — iv. 577:2. 6 — ii.246:i. 13 — iv. 562:2. 7 — ii.487: I. — V. 2 — iii. 541 : 2. ■ 15 — ii.5o6:2. 5 — ii. 281 : I, 311 : 2, iv. 506: I, t6 — ii. 238: i. 8 — iv. 66:2, 80:2. 17 — ii. 238:2, 475:2. -9 — iv.54:i. 19 — iii. 316:2. II — -ii. 281:2. -34 — ii. 487: I. 13 — iv. 538: I. 34-41 — ii.487: 2. -18 — iv. 196 : 2, vi. 745 : I. 38 — ii.366:2. 19 — iii. 502 : 2. 42-49 — ii- 495 : 2. — ^21-23 — ii. 266: I. -53 — iii- 316: 2. — — 25 — V. 370 : 2. 50-55 — ii- 495 : 2. — — 26 — ii. 389 : I, V. 370 : 2. 55 — ii- 300 : 2, 345 : i, 488 : 2, 496 : 1.^ — vi. I— iv. 505:2. — iii- i — iv. 356:2. i-14 — ii. 389:2. 1-9 — ii. 233:2. 2 — ii.388:i. ■ 5 — ii. 241:1. 4 — ii. 269 : 2, iv. 650: 2. ■ 8 — ii. 298: I. 4-6 — ii. 281 :2. 15 — ii. 442: i, iv. 13:2. ■ 5 — ii. 262:2. 17 — ii. 240: 1,447:2, iv. 144: 2.J — — 14— ii.3S7: 2,442:2. 19 — iv. 612:2. — vii. I — ii. 388 : 2. — iv. 9- 10— ii. 487 : i, 488 : 2. 1-9 — ii. 389 : 2. 13 — i- 698 : 2. • 4 — ii. 388 : 2, iv. 452 : I. 14 — ii- 483 : 2. 9. ii. 286:2. 15 — 1.698:2, ii. 482: I. 1 Cbron. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 132 I Chronicles iv. 18 — i. 638: 2, ii. 487: i, 2, 488: I. 21 — ii. 483 : 2, 489: I. 22 — ii. 483: 2,487: 1,489: I. 21-23 — ii- 496: I. 23 — ii. 483: 2. 24-43 — ii. 280 : 2. 2-j — ii. 487: I. 34-43 — ii- 487: 1,489:1. 35 — ii- 366: 2. — — 41 — ii. 489: 2, 561 : I. 43 — iii-^iS: I- — V. 10 — ii. 487: I. 17 — ii.474: I. 18-22 — ii.487: I. 39 — iv. 7: I- — vi. 1-12 — ii. 569: 2. 2 — ii. 392 : 2. 4-8 — ii. 482 : I. 4-13 — ii. 433: r. 4-15 — ii. 471: I. — ■ — 12 — ii. 147 : 2. 13. 14 — ii. 454: I. 15 — iv. 614: 2. 18 — ii. 392: 2. 28, 34 — i. 720 : 2. 31-48 — ii. 493: 2. 33. 37 — ii- 493: 2- 41,42 — ii. 512:2. 44 — ii. 246: I. 49-53 — ii- 482 : I. 56 — ii. 482: I. 60 — ii. 241 : 2. — vii. 4-15 — ii.242:2. — — 5 — iii. 77: 2. 8 10 — ii. 512:2. 13-15 — ii. 512:2. 14 — ii.477: I. — — 20, 21 — ii. 491 : I. 20-27 — i. 638 : 2. 21-23 — ii. 487: I. 22 — i. 499: I. 26 — i. 638 : 2. 27 — i. 499: I. 29 — i. 709: T. — viii. 3. 4 — ii. 512 : 2. 12 — ii. 652 : 2. 12-16 — ii. 512: 2. 13 — ii.487: 1,491:2. 33-40— ii. 482: 2. 34— ii. 475:2. 36 — ii. 289: 2. — ix. 3 — ii. 495: 2, 556:1. 19 seq. — iii. 116: I. 26-32 — ii. 493 : 2. 28 — ii.5r3: i. 31 — ii-513: I. 31,32 — ii- 494: 2. I Chronicles ix. 33 — iii. 319: I. 35-44 — ii. 482: 2. — X. 14 — ii. 506: 1,509: I. — xi. 1-9 — ii. 506: I. 2 — ii. 506: I. 3 — ii.509: I. 8 — iv. 617: 2. 10-25 — ii- 506 : 2, 10-47 — ii- 506 : 2. II — ii. 199: I. — 15-19— ii. 508: I. 16 — iv. 340: I. 36 — ii.241 : I. — xii. 1-19 — ii. 506:2. 3 — ii. 366: 2. 5 — ii. 298: I. 8 — ii. 396: 1,2. 8 — ii. 490: T. 18 — ii. 199: 1,531: I. 19 — ii. 505: I. 20 — ii. 506: 2. 21 — ii. 490: I. 23 — ii. 506: I. 23-28 — ii. 524 : 2. 23-37 — ii. 485 : 2, 38 — ii.509: I. — xiii. I — ii. 509: 2. 1-14 — ii. 510: I. ■ 2-4 — ii. 509: I. . 8 — ii.525: I. 10 — ii.525: 2. — xiv. 3, 5 — ii- 513:2. 3-7 — ii. 233: 2. 7 — ii- '2Z7> : 2, 298 : 1. 12 — ii.505: I. ■ — XV. 2 — ii. 138: 2. 4-10 — ii. 485: 2. 8-14 — ii. 513:2. 13 — ii- 137:2. 16-20 — ii. 493 : 2. 17, 19 — ii. 246: I. 18, 19 — ii. 513:2. — xvi. 2 — ii. 525 : I. 8-36 — ii. 507: 2. 12 — ii. 515 : T. ■ 13, 17- ii. 546:2. 34,41 — 1.659: I. 34 — ii-295: i- 38, 42 — ii. 493 : 2. 39> 40 — ii. 244 : i. — xvii. 4-15 — ii. 509:2. 6 — ii. 475:2. 513:2. 7-9_ii. 513:2. 16-27 — ii- 507 : 2. 21 — i. 166: 2. — xviii. I — ii. 143 : 2. 7 — ii- 254: 2. — xix. 18 — ii. 154: I. 133 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 2 Chron. I Clironiclcs xx. i — iv. 136: I. 3 — ii. 507: I. 4-8 — ii. 506: 2. 5 — {1.505:2. 37 — "-515: I- — xxi. I — iii. 579 : i. iv. 637 : i, vi. 592 : 1. II —ii. 513:2. 12 — ii. 208 : I. 12-15 — ii. 529: I. 26 — ii. 512: 2. . 29 — ii. 147 : 2, 244 : I. — xxii. I — ii. 255: 1,514:2. 6-9 — ii. 235: I. 9 — ii.512: I. 14 — ii.251 -.2. — xxiii. I — ii. 230 : i. 1-15 — ii. 514: 2. 4 — ii. 147:2. — — 5 — ii. 168 : 2, 262 : 2. 24-27 — i. 395 : I. ii- 494 : I- 1 24-32 — ii. 493 : 2. 26 — ii. 494 : 2, 582 : 2, — xxiv. 1-14 — ii. 513:2. 1-19 — ii.495: I- 3 — iv. 7: I. 4 — ii. 242 : 2. 6 — ii. 494: I. — — 9 — iv. 112:2. 9, 14 — iv. 112:2. 18-22 — ii. 529 : I. 20-27 — ii. 515: r. 20-31 — ii. 495: r. 21, 24 — iv. 294 : I. — XXV. I — ii. 348 : 2. I, 2 — ii. 509: 2. 4 — ii. 262 : 2, 477 : 2, 514 : I. 5 — ii.246: I. II — ii. 515: I- -14-27- ii. 515: I. 15, 16 — ii. 529: 2. ■ — xxvi. I — ii. 514: 2. 16-23 — ii. 515: I. 18 — ii. 253:2. 29 — ii. 494: 2. 30— iv. 394: I. 30-32 — ii. 524: I. 31- ii.396: I. — xxvii. I — ii. 147 : 2. 5 — ii. 524:2. 6 — iv. 280: I. 16-22 — ii. 147 : 2. 23. 24— ii. 538: I. 25-31 — ii. 249: 2. 27 — ii. 235: 2. 32 — ii.235: I. — xxviii. I — ii. 147 : 2, 249: 2, 509: 2. 2-10 — ii. 509: 2. 9_ii. 570: I. 1 Chronicles x.xviii. 4 — vi. 853 : I. II — i. 215: 2. 11-19 — ii. 252 : I. 19 — ii.251 : 1,543: I- 27 — ii. 521 : I. — xxix. I — ii.244: 1,257: 1,497: 1,509: I- 4 — 11.251:2. 5,7 — ii- 497: I- 10-19— ii. 525: 1,546: I. 19 — ii. 257: I. 20 — ii. 232 : 2, 508 : i. 20-22 — ii. 507 : 2. 22 — ii. 509 : I, 2. 23 — ii. 272 : 2, 512: I, iii. 277: 2. 24 — ii. 512: I. 25 — ii.511 : I. 27 — ii. 506: 2. 28 — ii. 507: 2. • 29 — ii. 473:2. II — vi. 667 : 2. — XXX. 2 — ii. 514 : I. — xxxii. 20 — ii.53o:l. 25-33 — ii. 515: I. — xxxiii. 10-18 — ii.530:l. 16 — ii. 514 : I. 25 — ii. 514:2. — xxxiv. 25, 29 — iv. 346 : 2. — XXXV. 20-27 — ii.5i5:i. 21,22, 25 — ii. 530: I. — xxxvi. I — ii. 514:2. — -xliv. 3 — iv. 342 : 2. — xlv. 15, 17 — iv. 344:2. 18 — iv. 341 : I. 20— iv. 344:2. • 22 — iv. 342 : I. 25 — iv. 341 : I. — xlvi. 12 — iv. 342:2. 13, 15 — iv. 343: I. — xlvii. I, 12 — iv. 346 : I. 13 — iv. 346: I. — xlviii. 35 — iv. 346:1. 2 Chronicles i. 3 — ii. 244 : i, 251 : I, iv. 47 : 2. 3-6— ii.244: I. 7-13 — ii-5i2: I. 10 — ii. 245 : I. 14-17 — ii-5ii: 1,512: I. — ii. 2 — ii. 511 : 2. 16 — V. 432: I. 17, 18 — ii. 511 : 2. 13 — ii. 252 : I. — iii. I — ii. 252: 1,255: I. 5 — ii-485:2. II — ii. 254: 2. 14 — ii. 254 :2, 265 : 2. 17 — ii.254: 1.447:2. 18 — ii.447: 2. — iv. I — ii. 253 : 2, 409 : 2. 2 Cbron. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 134 2 Chronicles iv. 8 — 11.254:2. 9 — ii. 561 :2. 12 — ii. 342: I. 16 — ii. 252: I. — V. 5 — ii.256: I. 6 — ii.255:2. 13-11.256: 1,295:1. 14 — 11.256: I. — vl. 13 — 11.270: 1,378: I. 28 — 11. 561 : 2. 42 — Hi. 830: I. — vll. 1-3 — 11.512:2. 3 — 11. 256: 1,295: I. :: — 11. 582 : 2. 12 — 11. 263 : 2. 14 — vl. 587: I. 19-11.570: I. — vill. 1,2 — 11.271:1,512:1. 3-11.247:2. 4 — i. 213 : 1, 11. 247 : 2. 6-11.255:2. 7-10 — 11. 511 : 2. 9 — ii-253: i- II — 11. 248: I. 511 : 2. 12 — 11. 256: 2. 13 — 11.256: 2.257:2. — Ix. I — 11. 516: 2. 4 — 11. 270 : I, 410: I. — —15. 16— 111. 93: I. 17 — vi. 475: 2. 21 — 11.269:1,2. 22, 23 — 11. 511 : T. 25 — 11.250:2. 29 — ii. 220 : I, 286 : I, 277 : I, 2, 473 : 2. — X. 2 — 11. 279 : 2. 15 — 11. 550: I. — xl. 5 — ii-553: i- 6 — 11. 269 : 2, 389 : I. 9 — 11. 383 : 2, 421 : 2. 10 — 11. 491 : 2. 13, 14 — 11. 523:2. 15 — i. 3.30: T. 11. 285: I. 18-23 — 11. 291 : I. 23 — 11. 291 : I. — xii. T — 11. 502 : 2. 2-8 — ii. 549: I. 3 — 11. 292 : T. — — 4 — iv. 81 : 2. 5 — 11. 28,6 : r, 290 : 2, 570 : i. 5-8 — 11. 529: I. 6 — H. 502: 2. 12 — 11. 518: T, 549: I. 13-11.235: 1. 14 — 11. 549: I. 15-11.277: 1,473:2. 16 — 11. 29T : I. — xlll. 3 — ill. 29T : 2. 3-19 — 'i- 29T : 2. 2 Chronicles xlll. 3-32 — ii. 549 : 2. 5 — 11.291 : 2, 377:2. 7 — 11. 235 : I, 241 : I, 280: I, 290: I. 10 — 11. 570: I. II — 11.254: 2. 12 — 11. 524: 2. 22 — 11. 277: I, 286: I, 291 :2, 295: I, 473; 2, 474 : 2. — xiv. I, 7 — 11. 552:2. 3 — 11.411:2. 3-9 — ii. 552:2. 9-i5_ii. 223:2, 553: I. II — 1. 669: I. — XV. I — 11. 277: I. I-15 — ii. 293: I, 2 — il. 570: I. 3 — ii-S24: L 8 — 11. 409 : 2. 9-15 — 11.378:2. 16 — 11. 292 : I, 412 : T. 17-11.513:2. — xvl. 7-10 — 11.289:1.556:2. 8 — 11. 223 : 2, 292 : I. 9_ii. 293: 1,493: I. 10 — 11. 293: I, iv. Ill : 2. II —11.473:2. 12-11.557:2. — xvii. 7 — 11. 494 : 2. 8 — 11.485:1. 9 — 11.494:2. 12 — 11.553: I. 17 — ii. 298: I. — xvili. 1-3 — 11.560:1. 2 — 11.331 : I. 31 — ii-. 333: I- — xlx. 1-3 — 11. 560: I. 2,3-11.529: T. 4-II — 11. 494: 2, 560: 2. 9 — 594: I. IT — 11. 254: 2. — XX. 1-25 — 11.223:2. 1-30 — 11. 348: I, 561 : I. 2 — 111. 2T4 : 2. 3 — 11. 620 : 2. 4-13 — 11. 525: I. 7-111.406:1, v. 544:2, vi. 594:2, 858:2. 14-18,37—71.529: I. 20 — il. 389: T,493 : I, iv. 460: 2. 21 — ii. 295 : I. 28 — Hi. 210 : 2. 33-11.513:2. 34 — ii. 220: I, 289: I, 473 : 2. 36 — 11.295: I. 37 — il. 282: I. 294: 2, 295 : I. — xxi. 2 — 11. 295 : 2, iv. 617 : 2. 2-4 — il. [Kjy : I, 566 : 2. 3 — ii. 295 : 2. 10 — 11. 570: I. 135 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 2 Chron. 2 Chronicles xxi. Ii — 11.365:2. 2 Chronicles xxviii. 4 — iv. 96: I. ii-ig — ii. 566: 2. 5-15 — ii. 520: I. 12 — ii. 346: I. 6 — ii. 570: I, iv. 142:2, 14, 17 — iv. 599: r. 7 — 11.406: I. 16, 17 — iv. 652: I. 8 — iv. 142: 2. 17 — ii- 377: I- 15 — 11.299:1. — xxli. 1 — 11.567:2. 16-25 — 11.520:2. 2-11.567:2. 17 — 11.383:1. 7 — ii. 567:2. 18 — 11.386: 2,413: I. 8 — 11.373:1- 19 — ii- 406: I. 9 — 11.370:1. 20 — 11.410:1. II — 11.377:1. 22 — 1.276:1. — xxili. 7-11.524:2. 23 — 111.642:1. ii_ii.378: 1,380: I. 24-11.514: I. 13-11.378: I. 26-11.325:2,473:2. 14 — 11.553:1. — xxix. 4-11-11.524:1. 17-31: -2. 6 — 11.493:1,570:1. — xxiv. 1,2 — 11.379:1. 10 — 11.378:2. 6 — 11.257:2,378:2. 16-11.292: I. 7 — 11-365:2,379: I. 22-11.485: I. 8-10 — 11.379:2. 24-11.265:2. 9-1.226:2. 25 — 11.529:1. II — 11. 379 : 2. V^ -28 — ii. 493 : 2. 14-22 — 11. 569 : 2. 34 — ii- 5^3 : 2. 576 : 2. 15, 16 — 11. 379 : 2. — x>^-^- 3 — ii- 576 : 2. 17 — 11. 427: I. 6-11.427: 1,546:2. 21 — iv. 623:2. 6-9 — 11.525:1. 23 — 11.384: I. 6-11 — 11.399: i.lv. 40: I. 24-11.564:2. II — ii.576:j,lv. 37:2. 25 — 11.369: 1,380: I. 14-11.292: 1,576:2. 26-11.369: I. 17 — i- 165:2,167:2. 27-11.295: 1,379:2. 381:2,473:2,474:2, 18 — 11.576: i,lv.37:2. iv. 682:2. 18-21 — 11.525:1. — XXV. 2-11.382:2,568:2. 22 — 11.485:1. 4-11.505:2. 27 — 11.523:2,525: I. 5-10 — 11.383:1. — xxxl. 1-11.411:2,427:1. 5-13-11.571:1- 2-11.495:1. 11-11.441:1. 2-21-11.411:2. 12-111.329:2. 3-5 — ii- 526:2. 13-11.383:1. 10 — 11.526:2. 26 — 11.473:2. — xxxli. I — 11.426:1,111.692:2. 27 — 11.421:2. 2-8 — 11.577:2. — xxvll. 2 — Iv. 474:2. 3 — ii. 407:1- ■ 2-15 — 11.392:2. • 4 — 11.463:1. 6-8-11.223:2. ■ 5 — ii-4S3:i- 6 — 11.388:2, iv. 458:1. 7-8 — vl. 850: I. 7-11.370: 1,561 : I. 9 — H.421 :2. iv. 81 :2. 9 — 11-553: 1,645:1. 9-23-111.692:2. 16 — iv. 30:1. 18 — 11.423:1. 16-23 — 11. 525 : 2. 20 — 11. 577 : 2. 17,20 — 11. 393: I. • 23 — ii. 425: 2. 21 — 11. 393: T. • 30 — 11.407: 1,412: 2,462:2, 22 — 11.473:2. 31 — 111.711:2. -xxvll. 3-11.431:1. 32 — 11.473:2. 4 — ii. 553:1. — xxxlii. 3 — 11.290:1,429:2. 7 — H.473: 2.474: I. — — 6 — li.243: I. — xxviii. 2 — 11.410:1,429:2. 7 — iv. 240:2. 3 — ii. 243: I, 40S: I, iv. 100: 2. 9 — ii- 5^8: 2. 3 Cliron. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 136 2 Chronicles xxxiii. 11 — 11.418:2,424:1,425:1, 430 : 2, 432 : I, iv. 563 : I. 11-13 — ii. 223: 2. 11-19-11.579: I. 11-20 — ii. 518: I. 14-11.453: I. 15 — 11.431:2. 18 — ii. 220: 1,473:2, 502:2, iv. 683: I. 19-11.4.^1 : 1,473:2. 21-11.43-^: I- — xxxiv. 1-3 — 11. 4-27 : I- 3 — iv. 10 : 2, 31 : 2, 34 : 2. 4 — 11.436:2. .6 — iv. 13: 1,26: 1,37:2. 8-11.445:2. 9 — iv. 26: I. 13-11.494: I- 22 — iv. 47 : 2, 25 — 11.570: I. 31 — 11.378:2. 33 — iv- 40: 2. — XXXV. 1-19 — 11.437:2. 3-11.494: 1,2. II — 1. 167: 2. 17,18 — iv. 418:2. 20-22 — 11. 440: I. 21 — 11. 440: I, Iv. 388: 2. 22 — 11. 440: I, 2, iv. 677: I, vi. 8g8: i. 22 — vl.898: I. 23 — 11.441: I. 24 — 11. 441 : I. i v. 13: 2. 25 — 11.441 : 1.474: 1,111.542: i,iv.58:2. 26,27-11.473:2. — xxxvi. 3-11.443:1. ■ 5 — ii- 518:2. 6-11.583:1. • 7 — iv. 384 : 2. • 8 — ii.446: 2,518: 2, iv. 142:2. . 9 — 11.447: i,lv. 79:2. 10 — iv. T46: I. . II — 11. 518: 2. 13-11.450: T. 14-21 — 11. 448 : 2. • 15 — i- 155:2. ■ 17-11.454: X. . 21 — iv. 95 : 2, 418: 2. 22 — ill. 763: 2, iv. 422: 2. 23 — ill. 763 : 2. Colossians i. 2 — vi. 10:2, 293 : 2, 920 : i. 4 — V. 869: I, vi. 21 : 2, 295: I. 8 — vi. T06: I, 664: 2. 10 — V. 613: 2. II — vi. 182 : 2, 626 : I. 12-14 — vi. 16: I. 13-22 — vi. 12: I. 14-15 — vi. 12 : 2. 14-18 — vi. 94: I. Colossians 1. 15 — v. 874: i,vi. 500: I. 15-16 — V. 572: 2, 870: I, vi. Ti: I. 15-17 — V. 852: I, vi.88:2. 15-18 — V. 820: I. 15-20 — vi. 17: 1,27: 2,853: 2. 16 — vi. 26 : 2, 653 : 2, 740 : i. 16-17 — vi. 94: 2,499: 2. < 18 — V. 874: I, vi. 26: I. 19 — vi. 27 : 2, 50: I, 500: I. 19-20 — vi. 753: I. 20 — 1. 284: 2, 287 : I, vi. 17: I. 20-22 — 11.268: I. 21-22 — VI. 27 : 2. 22 — vi. 667 : I. 23 — vi. 32 : 2. 24 — iv. 884: I, V. 722: I, 923: 2. 25-28 — vi. 42 : 2. 26 — vi. 11: I, 853 : I. 2"] — vi.910: 1,920: I. 28 — vi. 596 : 2. — 11. I— V. 525. 1-2 — vi. 10: I. 2 — V. 522 : 2, 606 : 2, vi. 65 : 2. 2-2, — vi. 42 : 2, 102 :2. 4 — vi. 15:2,581: I. 5 — vi. 350:2. 7 — vi. 665 : I. 8 — vi. 15: 2,459: 2. 8-23 — vi. 70 : 2. 9 — ^Iv. 379:2, 900:1, V. 874:1, vi. 49:2, 87:1. 9-10 — vi. 27: 2. 10 — vi. 653:2. II — i. 317 : 2. 11-13 — V.855: 2,869: 2,898: I. 12 — vi. 457: I. 15 — V. 739 : I, vi. 653 : 2. 16 — 1. 307 : 2. 18 — 1. 157 : 2, vi. 652 : 2. 18 — vi. 652: 2. 19 — iv. 906: 2, vi. 65 : I. 20-22 — 1. 312 : I. 20-23 — i- 307 : 2. 22, — vi. 652 : 2. 23 — V. 571 :2. — ill. vi. 8 : I. 32 : 2. 3 — vi. II : 2. 4 — V. 552:2. 5_v.898: i. 5 — ■•395: I- 5-8 — vi. 711 :2. 8,9-1.395: I. TO V. 758: 2. 10- 1 1 — V. 870: T. 1 1 — ii. 434 : 2, 481 : 2, V. 853 : i, 853 : 2. — —13 — vl. 78: 2. 14 — vi. 55:2. 16 — vl. 56: 1,87: 2,481 : 2. 127 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 1 Cor. Colossians iii. i8 — vi. 89 : i. I Corinthians iv. 5 — vi. 489 : I. 18-19 — vi. 90:1. — — 6-21 — V. 742:1. 22 — vi.699:2. 8 — i. 189:1. 22 to iv. I —vi. 97: 1,429:2. 9-13 — vi. 182:2. 24 — i. 126: 2, 97: I. T4-16 — V. 881 :2. 25 — V. 841 : 2. — — 14-17 — V. 91 1 :2. — iv. 2 — vi. 353: I. — — 15 — V. 733: 1,804: I. 3-4 — vi. 105 : 2. 17 — V. 486 : I, 720 : 2, 392 : 2. 5 — vi. 85:2. •18-21 — V. 825:2. 7 — vi.485:2. ^21 — v. 908:2. ■^-^ — vi. 106 : r. — V. — V. 736 : i, 778 : i, 780 : i. 8 — vi. 106: I. — — I — i.333: I, V. 719: 1,2. 9 — vi. 106:2. — — 1-2 — vi.847:i. 11,14 — V. 7:2. 1-8— V. 825:1. 14 — vi. 485: 2. 2 — V. 719: 1,736: I. 15 — vi. 293:1. 3 — V. 609:1. — 16 — vi. 10:1. • 4 — v.7i9:i. 17 — vi. 292:1. ■ 5 — 'vi. 600:1. 18 — vi. 382:1. 5 — V. 719:1-2. '6^ vi. 846: 2. I Corinthians i. 2 — v. 378 : i, 419 : I, vi. 10 : 2, 13 : I, ~~ — 6-8 — v. 893 : i. 92 : 2, 920: I. 7 — i. 255: 1,35-2: I, ii. 614:2. 8 — vi. 119:2. 8 — 1.352:1. — — 10 — v. 908 : 2. 9 — V. 720: 2, 775 : 2, vi. 646: 2, 652: 2. 12 — v.636: 1,844: I. 9-11 — V.901: I. __i7_v.482:2. — vi. — — vi.8o: I. 18 — V. 754:2. 2 — vi. 586:1. 2:^ — V. 754 : 2, 891 : 2, 905 : I. ' 4 ^ vi. 586 : i. 26-28 — ii. 228: I. 7 — V. 600:1. __ 27-31 — V. 841 :2. — — 9 — V. 858:2, vi. 569:2. — — 30 — vi. 15:2,920: I. • 9-10 — V. 899:1. 33 — V. 576:1. 9-11— vi.74:2. _ii. i-7_vi. -jTtZ: I- ~~ II — vi.92: 2,456: 1,910: I. — — 2 — vi. 717:2. 13 — V. 571: i,vi.489: i. 3 — V.880: i,2,vi. 139:2. 13-20 — V. 900:2. •4-14 — V.719: I. 14 — ii. 626: I. 6 — vi. 596:2. — — 15 — V. 557: I- __8 — v. 499:2, 752: 1,905: I. 17 — V. 557: 1,562: 1,853: i,vl.8:i. — — 9 — V. 759:1. 19 — V. 853:1. 12 — vi.6ii: 1,887: I. • 19-20 — V. 874 : 2, vi. 18:2. 14 — iv. 841 : 2, V. 774: I, vi.6o3:2. 20 — i. 313: i, v. 571 : L — iii. 5-11 — v. 824 : I. — vii. i — v. 720 : 2, vi. 417 : 2. 9 — V. 553:1. 5 — iv.83o:2. — — 10-15 — V. 910:2. 7-8 — vi. 417:2. .II- v.665:i. — -— 9 — vi. 417:2. 11-15 — V. 611 : I. ■ 10 — vi.489: I. 13 — ii.64i:2, iv. 68: i,vi.748: I. ■ 12 — vi.489: i. — — 15 — v.6ii:2. — — 14 — vi.95: I. — —16 — 1.283:2. ■ 16 — vi. 703:2. . ,7_v. 778: i,vi.4i9: I. 18-19 — v. 919: 2. • 19 — vi. 627: I. 19 — iv. 60: I, v. 918: 2. 20 — vi. 585:2. — — 20-24 — vi. 97:1. '21-23 — V. 872:1. — — 21 — vi. 700:1. -22 — ^. 576: 1,844: I. 22 — vi. 575: 2. 22-23 — V. 820 : 2. 25 — ■vi.666:2. — iv. 1-5 — V. 910: 1. 26 — iv. 764: 2. 2 — iv. 407: 2, vi. 506: I. 28 — vi. 417:2. 3-4 — v. 818: 1,823: 1. 29 — vi.914: I. 1 Cor. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 138 I Corinthians vii. 31 — i. 329: i. 3J — vi.4i7:2. 34 — vi. 417:2. 489: I. 35 — vi. 34^ : ^- 36 — vi. 417: 2. 39 — i- 346 : 2, vi. 417:2. 40 — vi. 417: 2. — viii. I — • v. 905 : i. — — 2 — vi.417: 2. — — 3 — v. 905: I. — — 4 — iv. 27 : I, v. ^76 : I. 6 — v. 867: I. — ix. V. 478: 2,743: I. 1-27 — V. 742: I. ■ 2 — V. 803 : 2, 817 : 2. — — 5 — V. 46 : 2, 844 : I, vi. 563 : i , 645 : 2, 672, 727: I. 6 — V. 464 : 2. 9 — i. 610: 2. 10 — vi. 469: I. II — V. 911 : 2. 13 — i. 272, : 2, 282 : I, vi. 480 : 2. 14 — i. 282 : I. vi. 722 : i. 14 — V. 795:2. 20 — V. 829: I. 21— V. 881:2. — — 22 — V. 539 : 2. V. 589 : 2. 24 — vi.8Q5: I. 25 — vi.469: 1,471 : I. 27 — iv. 830 : 2, v. 420 : 2, 907 : 2, vi. 471 : I, 640:2.743: I. — X. 1-4 — V. 411 : I. 2-4 — vi. 712: 2. 3 — - i. 182: I. 3-4 — vi. 882: 2. 4 — vi. 652 : I. 6-8 — V. 901 : 2. II— vi.713: 1,877: I. 13 — V. 908 : I, vi. 716 : 2, 884 : 2. 16 — vi. 550: 2. 17 — iv. 905: I. 20 — v. 876 : 1 . 592 : 2. 20-21 — vi. 100: I. 26 — vi.489: I. 27 — vi. 444: I. 29 — vi.675. 31 — i. 253: 2, 312: 2, vi. 449: I. 33 — vi. 145: I- — xi. I — vi. 2,22 : 2. 722 : 2, 730 : i, 751 : 2. 2-15 — vi. 89: I. 3-12 — vi. 94: 2. 7 — iv. 894 : I . vi. 703 : 2. 13-15 — vi. 89:2. T7-34 — vi.86: 1,658: I. 19 — V. 902 : 2, 457 : 2, 458 : i, 2. 21 — vi. 741 : T. 22 — i. 186: 2. 24 — iv. 795:2. Corinthians xi. 25 — iv. 386: I. 28 — iv. 794 : 2. 29 — vi.596: 1,799:2. ■ 30 — vi. 636: 2. 30-32 — i. 298 : I. 22 — vi. 719: I. — xii. v. 830: I. 2- — ^ vi. 652 : 2. 3 — V. 825 : 2, 827 : 2. 4 — V. 525:2. 4-11 — V. 855: I. 7 — vi.715: I. 7-10 — vi. 445:2. 8-10 — vi. 442: I. 9 — v. 525:2. 10 — vi. 356: 2. — —12-27 — v. 597:2. 13 — vi. 57:2. 21— V. 597:2. 24 — vi. 342:2. 28 — v. 525 : 2, vi. 403 : 2, 404 : i, 415:2. 30, 31 — V. 525:2. — xiii. V. 600:2. 604:2. 904:1, vi. 134:2, 318:2, 441: I, 697: I. 1-3 — V. 905: I. 2 — vi. 107 : 2. 4 — iii. 400 : I, vi. 609 : 2. 5 — vi. 488: 2. 7 — V. 906: 1,2. 8 — V. 912 : 2. 1 1-12 — V. 912 : 2. 12 — V. 762: I. 13 — vi. 714: T. — xiv. V. 830 : I. vi. 404 : I. 14-18 — v. 764: 2. 15 — vi.633: I. 18 — v. 320 : 2. 830 : I, vi. 445 : I. ■ 20 — vi. 166: T. 23 — vi. 714: T. 26 — vi. 61: 2, 595:2. 26-34 — vi.88: I. 29 — vi. 356 : 2. 31 — vi. 595:2. 32 — V. 597 : 2. 2t2> — vi. 604 : I. 35 — vi.90: 2. — XV. vi. 375 : I, 441 : i. I — iv. 815: I. ■ T — V. 827 : 2. 3 — V. 542 : 2. 3-4 — V. 852: I, vi. 717:2,845:2. 4-8 -V. 835:1. 5 — V. 672. 5-8 — vi. 420 : 2. 6 — iv. S07 : I, V. 549 : 2. 7 — V. 424 : 2, vi. 564 : 2. ■ 8 — iv. 815 : T. V. 523 : 1. 8-TO — V. 851 : I. EXPOSITION OK TIIK I'.IBLE- INDEX. 3 Cor. ^ . ,. „ ,. ,,,-T 2 CoriiUhiaiis i. 17-18 — V. 835:2. r Corinthians xv. 9— .\. 41-2- i- „ . ' . ^ . 18 _ VI. 630: I. — . — n — VI. 50O.I. . „ ^ ,, 20-22 VI. 18:2. g-IO— V.84I :2. . ,o-v.8t8: 1,837: -^84.V.T.S43:-^ 910:1. _-2i -i. 291 : 2, v. 863 . i. n -V. 843: 1,852 K '3-ri97M:v.S35:^,vi.63o:i. 17 — V. 549:2, VI. 562: 3. . -^ 20-vi.892:i. _ii.2-v..2i,:2. 20-57 -V. 861: 2. 4 -V. 823: 2. 23-v.852:i. 5-11 — 908:2. 23-24 -vi. 915: 2. i2-T3-v.823:i. •* ^ . .^ 13 — v. 492:2,922:2. 24 — VI. 26:2. . o -.or i4_iv. 114: i,v.9i7: 1-922: I. 24-28— VI. 53: 1- ;: . ,„\ 26-v.888:i.vi.i8:l. 16-1.268:1. 28-vi.879:i. ,7- ,v. ,.4: i, v^826: 2. 30 -V. 922: 2. ^7 to III. i-v.840:2. ..,^., 18 — VI. 728: 2. 31 — VI. 630:1. ' _ , .Q>,.,-,--T _iii. I— V. 636: 1.846:2. 32 — V. 486: 1. /2.-, . T. • '2>7, — v. 409 : 2, vi. 440 : T, 569 : 2. i-3 — v- 803 : 2. 33-34 -vi. 68: 2. 4- VI. 143: I ^-^^^ 4-8 — V. 562: 6 — iv. 209 : 2 12 — i. 230: 2 12 to iv. 6 — V. 831: 2. 21-23 — V. 915 : I. 22 — vi. 713 : I. 2 Corinthians i. 1— v. 621 3 — vi. 21 : 2. 4 — i. 346:2. . ^ J.-8 — V. 562 : 2. 34 — VI. 699: I. Z ■ 35-vi.569:2. 6-iv.209:2. 44-v. 96: 1.603:2. 12-1.230:2. Ii:^;8:^^52:.. _-i3-i8_v.8^:2. 45-49 — 82:1. __i4-i6-v. 589:2. 46-vi.6o3:2. __ 16-17- v. 850: 2. 47_v 554-1 18 — i. 230:2, v.899:2, vi.26:2. 77.2. ci_vi.25:"2,'623:i. _ iv. i - vi. 666 : 2. ^ . ^„ , ._v.8i8: 1.826:2,840:2. 53 VI. 490: I. -V.J 56 — v. 850 : 2. 865 : 2, 899 : I. 2-4 — vi. 72 : 2. — xvi. I - i. 378 : 2, V. 845 : I • 3 - IV. 841 : 2. T-4_v.6i8:2. 3-4 -vi. 69: I. 2 - i. 378 : 2, V. 878 : 2. 4 - iv- 738 : 2. vi. 29 : 2, 99 : L 725 : 2. 5 -V. 719: 1.727: I. ■'^'"'''■^"^'"qqo . 8-9-v.7i9:i. 7-v.499:2,88o:2. 9_v.72S:i. 7-ii-vi.49:2. TO -V. 720: 2. 780: 2. 8-ii-v.823:i. ,off.-v.72i:2. g_iv.9i9:2.vi.488:2. 12 — V. 720: 2. 10 — V. 923:1. 13 — vi.49: 1.745:2. 11 — V1.71 : I. 15 — vi. 892:1. 14 — VI. 215: 2. ,5 ff._vi.349:i. i6-v..703:i. ,7_v.720:2. i8-v.9ii:t. ,9-v.62i:i.vi.288:l. _ v. i-io- v.922 : 2. . 20-vi.727:T. 2 -VI. 612: I. 2i-v.4i7:i- 5-v.2i:i. 22 — i. 177: I, vi.490: I. 7_v.6ii : T. 21— vi.382:i. g-vi. 488:2. 9-12 — v. 823: I. 10 — V. 611 : T. 10-12 — V. 910: I- 12 — V. 843: T. 13 — vi.445: I. 13-15 — i. 294:2. 5-vi:688:i. ^^"'^ -^'- ^^'^ ^•^V^"' 7 r6 • x 7.0- 8-io-v.823:i. T7-' 3T7:2. v.82S:2. vi. 4o6 . I, 750. 2. 19 — VI. 8: I. VI. 36: 1. 20 to vi. I— '•850:1. 10 — V. 922 : 2. 12 — V. 910; T. 2 Cor. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 140 2 Corinthians v. 20-21 fF. — vi. 8: i. 2 Corinthians xi. 16 to xii. 13 — v. 818: I. 21 — i. 224: 2, 275 : 2, 294: I, iii. 801 : 2, v. — — 22 — v. 407: 2, 636: i. 99:2, vi. 156: 1,2. 23 — vi. 182:2. — vi. I — vi. 640 : 2. — — 23-27 — V. 923 : i. 3-10 — V. 81S: I. 24 — V. 355: 1,891 -.2, vi. 586:2. 4 — vi. 182:2. 25 — V. 470:1. 4-6 — vi. 626 : I. 26 — V. 840 : 2, 922 : 2. 5-6 — V. 492 : 2. 31 — vi. 630 : i, 684 : 2. 10 — V. 905:2, vi. 686: l. 33 — vi. 717: 2. 11-13 — V.911 :2. —xii. 1-5 — v.844:i. 13 — v.88o:i. 1-6 — v.830:r. I5ff. — vi. 551 : I. 1-7 — vi. 445: I. 16 — i. 215:1. 4 — vi. 838:1. 18 — V. 869 : I. 7 — iii- 579 : i, v. 880 : 2. — vii. I — i. 326 : 2, vi. 13 : 1. 7 — iii- 579 : L 5 — v.922:2. 7-9 — vi. 635:2. 5-7 — V.823: I. 7-10 — V. 574: 1,880:2. 6-16 — V. 922:2. 8-9 — vi. 182:2. — — 7 — vi. 612 : I. 9 — V. 923 : 2, vi. 884 : 2. 8 — v.823:2. ■ 9-10 — V. 601 : I, vi. 884:2. 9 — vi.686:i. II — v.844:i. 10 — vi. 611: I. 13 — i. 282: I. ■ II — i. 301 : 2, 6x2 : 1. '5 — v. 881 : 2. 15 — vi. 139:2. 19 — v.823: I, vi.630: I. — viii. I— V. 827:2, 20 — vi. 694: I. 1,2 — V. 472 : I. — >;iii- i-io — v. 825 : 2. 7 — i. 278:2,379:2, 4 — V.874: 1,924: I, vi. 837:2. 9 — {.379:2,615:2. 5 — V. 524:2. vi. 116:2. 15 — i. 181 : 2. II — V. 908:2, vi. 107: I, 147: I. 17 — vi. 103:2. 12 — vi. 727:1. 18 — V. 508:1. 13 — vi. 134:1. 23 — vi. 106: I. — ix. 9 — iii. 282: I, vi. 569: 1. Daniel i. i — iv. 357:1. 13 — vi. 296:2. 2 — iv. 404:1. 14 — vi. 612:1. 3 — ii. 422: I, iv. 384:2, — x. T — V. 880 : 2. 5 — iv. 680 : 2. i-il — V. 825:2. 6 — ii. 418: 2,445: I. 2 — V. 843:1. -10 — iv. 680:2. 2-5 — vi. 100:1. II — iv. 366:1, 7 — V. 636 : I. 18 — i V. 680 : 2. 7 to xii. 18 — V. 636:1. — ii. I — iv. 389: I. 10 — V. 880: 2,923:2, 5 — ii. 374: 2, iv. 389:2. 17 — V. 844:1. 18 — iv. 371:2. 18 — vi. 475: 2. 30 — iv. 390:2. 23 to xi. I — v. 666-9, 38 — iv. 402: 2, 410; 2. — xi. vi. 150:2. 48— iv. 355:2. I — v. 844:1. — iii. 6 — ii. 417:1. 2 — iv. 830 : 2, vi. 93 : 1, 846 : 2, 891 : 2. — — 7 — iv. 404 : i. 2 — i v. 830:2. 16 — iv. 396:1. 3-4 — V. 840:2. 22 — vi.877:i. 5 — V. 8i8:r, 29 — iv. 404:1. 6 — V. 880:2, — iv. 3 — iv. 413 : 2. 10 — vi. 630:1. 14 — iv. 371:1. 12-22 — V. 840: 2. 30 — iv. 139: 2. 13 — V. 636 : 1 , 835 : I, 846 : 2. 2 — ■ ii. 298 : i, iv. 403 : I. 13-15 — V. 834: 2, vi.459:2. 2, 11,22 — iv. 368: i. 14 — vi.99:2. II — iv. 367 : 2. 15 — V. 636:1. 28,31 — iv. 411:1. 141 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. I>eut. Daniel iv. 29 — iv. 355 : 2. — vi. 2 — iv. 355 : 2, iv. 407 : 2. 6 — iv. 408: I. 10— 10: 357: I- 16, 22, 23, 27 — iv. 413 : 2. 28 — iv. 355: 2. — vii. 2-8 — vi. 886: i. 5 — iv.4i4:2. 7 — vi. 901 : I, 2. — — 8 — iv. 431 : 21, vi. 890: 1,901 : 2. 9 — i. 180 : 2. iv. 7-1, vi. 747 : 2. 10 — i. 180: 2, iv. 7: I. 12 — iv. 390: 2, 413: I. 13, 14 — iv.914: I. 18 — vi. 646 : 2. 22 — vi. 646 : 2. 23 — vi.901 : I. 25 — vi. 639 : I, 646 : 2, 876 : I. 26 — iv. 413: I. — viii. 10 — vi. 882: I. ^13 — iv. 414:2. 16 — iv. 43 : 2. 26 — vi. 922 : I. — ix. 2 — i V. 362 : 1 , 369 : 2. 4 — i. 526 : I , iv. 382 : 2. 5 — iii- 267: I. 6 — iv. 362: I. 9 — ■ iii- 314: I- — —10 — iv. 362 : I. 19 — iv. 382: 2. 25 — iii. 650: I. 27 — vi. 876: I. — X. — V. 415: I. I — iv. 357: I. 5 — iv. 66 : 2. 13 — vi. 883: I. 18— iv. 357: I. 19— i. 150: I. 20 — iv. 285 : 2. ■ 21 — vi.883: I. -- xi. 4 — iv. 672: 2. 12 — iv. 359: I. 21 — iv. 411 : 2. 22, 24 — iv. 431 : 2. — • — '29 — iv. 94: I. — — 31 — iii. 554: 2. 34 — iv. 382: I. — xii. 1-3 — vi. 883 : r. 2 — iv. 310: 2, 371: I. 4 — vi. 922 : I. 7 — vi. 639 : I. — — 12 — vi. 746 : T. Deuteronomy i. v. .^53 : I. 4 — iii. 289: 2. — — 9-15 — i- 187: I. 16 — i. 598 : I. T7 — i. 149:2, iv. 334: I. Deuteronomy i. 27 — iii. 268 : 2. 36 — iv. 99: I. 37 — iii. 269: I. — ii. I — i.445: 2. 5 — i. 541 : 2, iv. 600: I. — — 6— i. 541:2. S— iv. 600: I. 12 — iv. 600: I. 13 — ii. 348: I. 19 — i. 541:2. 23 — i. 696: 2. 25 — ii. 30: 2. 30— i. 150: I. 34 — 1-538:2. — iii. 6 — i. 538:2. 23 — vi. 724 : 2. 24 — iii. 222 : 2, 26 — iii. 269: I. — iv. 1-40 — i. 611 : I. 3 — iv. 58: I. 7 — iii. 196: I. — —12, 15 — ii. 317:2. 18 — iv. 58: I. 19 — ii.402: 1,429: 2, iv. 68:2. 20 — i. 157 : I. 23 — ii.404: I. 24 — ii. 344:2. 28 — iv. 93 : I. 34 — iii- 321 : I. 40 — iii. 334: I- — V. I — iii. 211:2, iv. 369 : I. I-21 — i. 509: T. 4 — ii- 3iU '■ 2. 7.8 — ii. 402: T. II — iv. 641 : 2. 12 — iv. 100 : 2, lOT : 2. 14 — -iv. 102 : I. 15 ^ i. 351 : T, iv. 102 : r. 16 — i. 150: I. 22-23 — i- 521 : 2, ii. 317 : 2, 22-28 — ■ v. 866 : 2. 28, 29 — i. 523 : I. 32 — ii.404: r. — vi. 3 — iv. 40: I. 4 — i- 524: I, iii. 211 : 2, 223: i. 4-9 — i. 534: I. 5 — i. 524 : I, iv. 207 : 2, v. 80 : 2, 611 : 2. 6 — iv. 207: 2. 625 — i. 532: I. 8 -ii. 378:1. 13 — vi. 629: 2. 22— iv. 399: I. 25 — V. 91 : I. — vii. 1-4 — ii. 274 : i. 2 — i. 419 : I, 430: r. 3 — ii- 275: 1,488:2. 5 — ii. 411 : 2. Deut. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE -INDEX. 142 Deuteronomy vii. 6 — iii. 3-°^ i> vi. 20: i, 646 : 2. 9 — i. 196 : 2, ii. 632 : i, iii. 258 : 2. 15 — 1.152:2. 16 — iv. 26: 2. 25 — i- 376 : 2, iii. 721 : I. 26 — iii. 721 : I. 2^ — iv. loS : 2. — viii. 3 — i- 182:2.354:2. — ix. 7 — i. 552: 2. 8-12 — iii. 268: I. 16 — vi. 547: I. 19— iv. 58: I, vi.547: I- 25 — iii. 268: I. — X. 6 — i.499: I- 8 — ii. 261 : I. 12-13 — vi. 611 : 2. 17 — iii. 321 : T. 20 — ii. 404: i,iv. 40:2, vi. 629:2. 22 — V. 370 : 2. — xi. 6 — iii. 268: I. 10 — i. 517:2. 13-20 — i. 532: I. 13-21 — i. 534: I- 22-25 — i. 554 : 2. 14 — vi. 626: 2. 24 — iii. 209: I. 30 — ii. 345: I. — xii. 2 — ii. 402: I. 3 — ii.jn:2. 5-19 — ii. 260:1. 6 — 1.258:2,500:2. 7-1.258:2. 8 — i. 497 : 2. iv. 618 : I. 10 — iv. 96 : I. II — iv. 641 : 1,650: I. 12 — i. 610: I. j2-i8 — v.825:2. 13. 14- ii. 244: T. 1 5 — i. 330 : I . iv. 386 : I. 17-1.258:2.500:2. 18 — 1.258:2. 30 — 11. 402 : T. 31 — 11. 402 : I, 408 : 1. 44 — iii. lOi : 2. — xiii. I — iv. 445 : 2. 1-3 — i. 209: 2. 1-5-1.151:1. 5 — 1.588:2, 11. 556:1. 6-9 — ii. .309: 2. 6.18 _ii. 437: I. 7 — iii. 721 : T. 9 — ii. 5.56: T. 15 — 1. 538:2.11.556: I. — xiv. T — ii. 260 :2, iv. 92 : I. 2 — vi. 646: 2. 14 — 11. 302: T. 17 — iv. 576:2. Deuteronomy xiv. 21 — 1. 610 : 2, vi. 646 : 2. 28 — iv. 4S2: I. — XV. 1-6 — ii. 651: I. 3-1.572:2. 3-6-11.651 :2. 6 — ill. loi : 2. 7,8 — 11.652: I. 10 — iv. 12:2. 12 — iv. 158: 1,206: I. 20-11.325:2. 23 — 1.512:2. 28 — ill. loi : 2. 29 — 1.512:2. — xvi. I — iv. 341 : I- 3 — 1. 167:2. 4 — iv. 108: 2. 9 — iv. 341:2. II — 1. 160: 2. II — i.6io: I. 13 — iv. 341:2. 13-15 — 1-354:2. 14 — i.6io: I. 17 — iv. 341:1. 21 — ii. 290: I. 402: i,iv. 641 : I.. 22 — ii. 411 : 2. — xvil. 2-4 — 11.309:2. 2-5 — 11.437: I- 3 — 11. 402 : I, 429 : 2. 8-13 — 1-598: I. 9 — 1.576:2. 14 — 1-573: 1,11.273:2. 16 — ii. 168:2,250: 2, 511 : I. I7_ii.5ii: I. 18 — 11.273:2. 20 — i. 573 : T, 597 : 2, ii. 273 : 2. — xviil. I — 1. 499 : 2, ii. 261 : I. 1-8 — 1. 576:2. 3 — 1 v. 334:2. 4 — iv. 26: 2. 6 — iv. 331 :2. 6-12 — 11. 291 : 2. 8 — iv. 3?,i : 2. 9-22 — 1.583:2. 10— 11. 402: T,4o8: i,iv. 374: 1- T2 — iv. T2: 2. 15-1. 218: i,lv. 49: I. 16 — iv. 108: 2. 18 — 11.535:2. 20 — 11. 328: T. iv. 33: 2. 21 — iv. 9S : 2, 690 : I. 22 — 1\'. 690: T. — xix. 1-13 — 1.714:2. 4_lv. 715: I. 13-11.242: I. 15 — V. 806: T. — XX. 5-7-11.669:2. 13-11.358: 2. 13-18—1.538:2. 143 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Deut. Deuteronomy xx. 17 — '■ 54i '■ -• 19, 20 — ii. 348 : 2. — xxi. 1-9— i. 597: -2. 13 — ii. 622 : 2. 17 — ii. 345: 2. — xxii. 4 — i. 610: 2. 6 — i. 610: 2. 8 — i. 60s : -■ 9— i. 177:1. 10 — V. 776: I. 12 — i. 433: I. 23,24—1.338:2. — xxiii. I — V. 893:1. 1-8 — ii. 622 : 2. 2 — iv. 596 : 2. 3 — iv. 672: 2. 7 — ii. 248: I, iv. 645: I. 8 — ii. 248: I, iv. 48: I. — — 15 — i. 609: 2. 18 — i. 602: r. 22 — i. 373: 1.375: r- 24 — i. 590: 2, iv. 99 : I. — xxiv. 1-4 — i. 602 : 2, iv. 34 : i. 6,10 fif. — i.6o6:i. 14 — i. 607 : I, vi. 623 : 2. 15 — vi. 623: 2. 16 — ii. 505 : 2, iv. 257 : I. 17 — i. 597 : 2, vi. 606 : i, 62;^ : 2. — XXV. 1,2 — i. 597: 2. 1-3 — i. 606: 2. -4 — i. 21 1 : 2, 610 : 2, iv. 513 : 2. 5-10 — i. 333: 1,2,603:2. 13, 14 — i. 340: I. 17 — i. 639: I. 18 — i. 179: I, 185: 2,639: I, iv. 469:2. — xxvi. 5 — ii. 228 : 2, 401 : i. 10 — iv. 26 : 2. 13-16 — iii. 402 : I. 15 — ii. 577: I. — xxvii. 4 — 1.684:2. 4-19-1.683:2. 8-1.684:2. — —15 — iv. 71 : 2, 96: 2. 16 — V. 859:2. — xxviii. 1-68 — 1.612:1. 3-5 — vi. 11:2. 6 — 11. 245 : I. 12 — ii. 30T : I. 15 — iv. 58 : I, V. 859 : 2. 20 — iv. 96 : 2. — — 21 — iv. 87: I. 25 — iv. 12 : 2, 50 : 2, 108 : 2. 26 — 11. 287 : 2, iv. 87 : 1, 108 : 2. 27 — 1. 178: 2. — — 30 — iv. 52:2. 574:2. 34 — iv. 448:2. — — 36 — iv. 58:2, 93: I. 37 — iv. 108: 2. Deuteronomy xxviii. 44 — iv. 82 : 2. 52-58-11.359:2. 53 — iv. 108:2. 59 — iv. 108: 2. 64 — ill. 268: 2, iv. 58: 3,93: I- — xxix. 4 — V. 587 : 2. 17 — iv. 58:2. 19 — iv. 37:2. 29 — V. 584: I. — XXX. 6 — vi. 239 : 2, 61 1 : 2. 11-14 — 11.438: I. 12-14 — v. 582: I. 17 — Iv. 55: I- — xxxl. 6, 7 — 1. 150 : I. 9 — 11.255:2. 14 — 1.642: I. 16 — 11. 402: I. 23 — 1. 150: 1,6-12: I. 26 — 1.215: 2, ii. 255: I. — xxxii. 4 — iii. 239 : 2. iv. 27 : i. 7 — iv. 653:2. 8 — 11. 354: I, iv. 39: I, 68: 2,675 : 2. 9 — iv. 68: 2. 10 — iv. 498 : 2. -II — ill. 236: 2. 11-12 — vi. 884: I. 12 — iv. 498 : 2. 13, 14 — iii. 212 : 2. 15 — iv. 30: I. 180: I. 16 — iv. .^8: I. 17 — 111. 269 : T, vi. 592 : I. 21 — iv. 48: I, V. 585: 2. — — 22 — iii. 222 : 2. iv. 88 : i. • 24 — iii. 237 : I . iv. 414 : 2. 31 — V.657: 2. 35 — V. 600: I. — — 36 — 11. 287: 2, ill. 320: I, 793: 3, iv. 130: T. 39 — iv. 55: I. -43 — V. 615: I. — xx.xiil. 2 — ii. 317 : 2, ill. 176 : 2, iv. 590 : 2, V.866: I. 6 — iv. 55: I. S-ii — i. 720 : I. 17 — ii. 284 : 2, 331 : 2. t8 — iv. 509 : I. 19 — 11.397: i.iv. 509: I. — - — 20 — ii. 490: I. 26 — vi. 733:2. 27 — 111.233: l,iv. 509: I. -29 — vi. 724: 2. — xxxiv. I — 1. 459 : 2. 3 — 11. 346: 2. 5-6 — vi. 656:2. 7 — iv. 73:2. 9 — 1. 224 : I, v. 364: T. 10 — i. T-i6: I. 585 : i. 11. 317: 2. • — xxxvi. i-S — ii._|40:2. Eccles. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 144 Ecclesiastes i. i — • ii. 272 : 2. i-ii — iii. 476: I. 2 — ii. 270: 2. 6,8 — iii. 354: I. 12 — ii. 272 : 2, iii. 479 : I. 14 — iii. 351 : I. — ii. 4-6 — ii. 269 : 2. — — 4-8 — iii. 465 : I. 8 — ii. 246: 2. 24-26 — iii. 519: I. 26 — iii. 479: I. — iii. I — iii. 482 : i. 1-8 — iii. 489 : 2. 1-16 — iii. 482: 1,2. II — iii. 490: I. 16 — iii. 465 : I, 490: I. 18-21 — iii. 488: I. — iv. 3 — iii. 482 : 2, 490 : i, 2. 9-16 — iii. 490 : I, 2. 4-8 — iii. 484 : 1, 487 : 2. — — 9-16 — iii. 484: I. — V. 1-7 — • iii. 485: I, 490: 2. 1-17 — iii. 488: 2. 5,6- i. 375: I- 8-17 — iii. 486: 1,491: I. — — 8-20 — iii. 486 : 2, 5 19 : i. 9 — iii. 384: I. 10-17 — iii. 489 : 2. 20 — iii. 482 : I. — vi. iii. 491 : i, 2. i-ii — iii. 496: 2. 7-12 — iii. 497:1. II, 12 — iii. 492: I. • — vii. iii. 491 : I, 492 : 2. I — iii. 497 : 2. 14-29 — iii. 499 : I, 2. 15-20 — iii. 493 : 2, 498 : 2. 21-29 — iii- 494: I) 2. 24 — iii. 351 : I. 25 — iii. 351:2. — viii. 1-13 — iii. 499:1. I -14 — iii. 498: I, 2. 1-15 — iii. 491: 1,492:2,495:1,2. 15 — iii. 497:2. 16 — iii. 499 : 2, 500 : i. — —17 — iv. 60: 2. -31 — iii. 493: 2. — ix. 5 — ii. 737:2. 6 — ii. jyj '■ 2, iii. Soo : I. — — 7 iii. 364: I. 7-13 — iii. 500: 1,2. II, 12 — iii. 465 : 2. -15 — ii. 356:2. — X. 4 — iii. 391 : I. 3 — iii. 400: I. 6 — iii. 321 : 2, 465 : 2. 7 — iii. 465 : 2. 8 — iii. 465 : 2. Ecclesiastes x. 9 — iii. 465 : 2, 505 : 2. 10 — iv. 674: I. — • — 16 — iii. 465 : I. 18-20 — iii. 465 : 2. — ■ — 20 — iii. 501 : 2. 25- iii. 394: I- — ■ — '27 — iii. 382 : 2. — xi. 1-8 — iii. 501 : 2. — xii. 7 — iii. 499 : 2, 505 : 2. '8-14 — iii. 509: I. 14 — i. 677: I. — XV. 11-20 — iii. 409:2. — XX. 20 — iii. 391 : 2. — xxiv. 3 — iii. 352: I. — xxvii. 16 — iii. 390: i. — xxix. 14-19 — iii. 368:2. Ecclesiasticus i. 23 — vi.573:i. 26 — vi. 573: I. 28 — vi. 573:2. 30 — vi. 573:2. — ii. 1-5 — vi. 573: I. 12 — vi. 573: 2. 13 — vi.573: I- 22 — vi.573: I. — iii. 8 — vi.573: 2. — v. 1-3 — vi. 619: 2. II— vi.573: 2. 13-14 — vi. 598: I. — vi. 37 — vi.573: I- — vii. 10 — vi. 573 : 2. — xi. 18-19 — vi.6i9:2. ■ 27 — vi. 582: I. — xii. lo-ii — vi. 572 : 2, 573 : 2. — xiii. 3 — vi. 573 : 2, 575 : i. 17-18 — vi.573: 2. 19 — vi.573: I. 20 — vi. 575: I. — XV. 11-12 — vi. 573 : 2, — xviii. 9-14 — vi. 749:2. 18 — vi.573: I. — xix. 20 — vi. 582 : 2. • 23 — vi.573: 2. — XX. IS — vi.573: I- — xxi. 23 — vi. 573 : 2. — xxviii. 9-23 — vi. 598:1. 12 — vi. 598: I. 13-14 — vi. 600: 2. 18 — vi. 600: 2. • — xxix. 10 — vi.573: 2. — xxxi. 1-9 — vi. 573:2. — xxxiii. 2 — vi. 573 : I. — xxxiv. 21-22 — vi. 609 : 2, 623 : 2. — XXXV. 16-17 — vi. 573:2. 18 — vi. 749: I. — xxxviii. 9 — vi. 634 : 2, 12-13 — vi. 634: 2. — xii. 22 — vi. 573:2. 145 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. l^phes. Ecclesiasticus xliii. 22 — vi. 573:1. — xliv. 19-20 — vi. 591:1. 20 — vi. 593: 2. — xlviii. 3 — vi. 639: I. Enoch i. 8 — vi. 656: i. — ii. vi. 660 : I. — vi. 4 — vi.656: I. — X. 6-9, 15, 16 — vi.654:2. — xiv. 2 — vi. 654: 2. — xvi. 2 — vi.6S4: 2. — xviii. 6, 7, 13-16 — vi. 659: 2. — XX. 5 — iv. 373: I- — xxi. 2 — vi. 659: 2. 3 — vi. 654: 2.659:2. 5 — vi.659: 2. 6 — vi. 654 : 2, 659 : 2, — xxii. 5. 9 — vi.654:2. — xxvi. 2 — vi. 656:1. — xxxvii. I — vi. 659 : 2. — xxxviii. 2 — vi. 661 : I. — xl. I, 2 — iv. 373: I. — xli. I — vi. 656: I. — xlvi. I — iv. 373 : I. — xlvii. II — vi. 660:1. 3 — iv. 373: I- — 1. I, 3 — vi. 661 : I. — li. 4 — vi.66i : i. — Ix. 10- 1 1 — vi. 661 : I. — Ixi. 10 — vi. 661 : I. — Ixviii. 39 — vi. 661 : I. — xcii. 4 — vi. 659: 2. — xciii. S, 15 — vi. 654:2. — xcix. 5 — vi.654: 2. — civ. 2 — vi. 661 : I. 3 — vi.654: 2. Ephesian? i. i — v. 419:1. 3 — iv. 368 : 2. vi. 684 : 2. 3-6 — vi. 672. 4 — vi. 667 : I. 5 — vi.707: T. 5-9 — V. 850: I. 9 — vi.707: I- 13 — vi. 692 : 2. 13 ff. — V. 731 : T, 732 : T. T3-14 — v. 888 : I, vi. 684 : 2. 14 — V. 898:2. 15 — V. 869: I. vi. 295 : I. T7-21 — v. 831 : 2. 18 — vi. 807: 2. 21 — vi. 709: 2. 740 : I. — ii. 2 — ii. 2-2 : 2, vi. 739: 2, 898 4-7 — vi. 753: I- 7 — y.S22: 2.851 : t. 8 — V. 850: 2. vi. 910 : T. TO — V. 768 : I, vi. 706: 2. 11-13 — V. 766: r. 10 Ephcsians ii. 11-22 — v. 871:1. 12 — ii. 518: I. 15 — V. 871 : 2. 20 — vi. 665 : I. 21 — vi. 481 : 2. 22 — i. 215 : I, V. 574: 2, vi.664: 2. — iii. V.415: I- i-ii — V. 832: I. 2 — V. 523:2. 843:2. 4-6 — V. 871 : I. 5 — iv. 362: I. 7-8 — v. 843 : 2, 851 : 1. 8 — 523:2,589:2. 10 — vi. 653 : 2, 854 : I. 12 — vi. 695 : 2. 13 — vi.719: I. 15 — i- 199:2.334:1- 16-17 — V. 569:2. 17 — V. 607: 2. • 19 — V. 522 : 2. — iv. I — vi. 201 : 2. 2 — vi.481 : 2,752: I. 3 — vi.705: I. -~- — 4-6 — v. 844 : 2. 8 — iii. 177: i.v. 395. 9 — i. 322: 2. 10 — v. 801 : 1,874: I. II — v. 617: I, vi. 403: 2, 404:2, 415: 2. 13 — v. 871 : 2. 14 — vi. 367 : I. 15 — vi.6i7:2. 17 — vi. 691 : I. 22 — vi. 262 : 2, 602 : 2. 25 — iii. 36: 2. 28 — i. 202 : I. 30 — v. 898 : 2. 32 — vi. 704: I. — V. 1-2 — V. 898 : 2. 2 — i.245: T. 251 : I, iv. 485: T. 5 — V.899: I. 6 — V. 139: 2. 9 — vi. 63 : 2, 858 : 2. 13 — v. 601 : I. 15 — v. 596 : I. 16 — iv. 389: 2. 19 — vi. 633: 1,2. 22-33 — iii. 537: T. 26 — vi. 455 : 2. 27 — vi. 215: 2, 658: r, 667: r. 22 — iv. 830 : 2. — vi. 2 — i. 197 : 2. 5 — vi. 699: 2. 5-9 — vi. 429: 2. 9 — V. 84T : 2. TO — vi. 489: T. 11-17 — V. 606: T. 13 — V. 607 : 2, vi. 469 : t, 653 : 2, 740 : i. 15 — 353: I- £phes. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 146 Ephesians vi. 16 — vi. 692:2. 17 — vi. 102: I. iS — vi. 664 : 2, 706 : 2. — — 21 — vi. 485:2. 24 — V. 855:2. 2 Esdras v. i — vi. 591 : I. — vi. 28 — vi. 591 : I. — vii. 34 — 591: I- — ix. 7-8 — vi. 591: I. — xiii. 23 — vi. 591: I.' Esther i. i — iv. 407 : 2. 2 — ii. 246: 2. 3, 4— iv. 403:2. 14— ii.454: I. — ii. 5 — ii. 242 : 2, 684 : 2, 6 — ii. 684: 2. — iii. 1-6 — ii. 679:2. 2-5 — ii. 232 : 2. 7 — iv. 390: I. 15 — ii.68i : i. — iv. I, 2 — ii. 684: 2. 10 — ii. 682: I. 14 — ii. 676: I. — V. I — iv. 390 : 2. 9-14 — ii. 679 : 2. 13 — ii.68o: i. — vi. I — ii. 248: 2. 8.9 — iv. 404:2. 10, 1 1 — ii. 684 : 2. — vii. 1-4 — ii. 682: I. 5-10 — ii. 679: 2. 7 — iv. 389 : 2. — — 8 — i. 162 : I, iv. 914: I. — viii. 10 — iv. 417:2. — ix. 1-4 — ii.684:2. 12, 13 — ii.682:i. 13. 14 — iv. 409: I. 22 — vi.878: I. — X. I — iii. 757 : 2. Exodus i. I — i. 121 : i. 1-6 — i. 121 : I, 122: 2. 5 — v. 370:2. 7 — i. 122: I. /-22 — i. 124 : I. II — iii. 211 : I. 14 — iv. 53: I. — ii. l-io — i. 127: I. 2 — i. 160: T, vi. 537 : I. 6 — iv. 8: 2. II — vi. 538: I. 11-15 — i. 129: 2. 16-22 — i. 130 : 2. 2:i — vi. 623 : 2, 624 : I. — iii. V.4T5: I. I — ii. 316: 2. Exodus iii. 2,4 — i. 212:2. 5 — iv. 32: I. — — 6 — iv. 714: I, V. 119: I. • 7 — iv. 47:2, 714:1. • 8 — iv. 714: I. 12 — i. 137:2. 13 — iv. 238:2. 14 — i. 134: 2, iv. 238: 2, 810: 2. 15 — i. 212: 2, iii. 320: I. 22 — i. 163 : I. • — iv. 1-17 — i. 138: 2. 6 — ii.356: I. 10 — i. 129; 2, iv. 24: 2. • 14 — i. 499: I. — — 18-31 — i. 141 : I. > 21 — i. 150: I, ii. 540: 2. 22 — i. 153:2, 187: I, 352: I, V. 35, 577:2. — v. 1-23 — i. 143: I. • 2 — iv. 396 : I. 4 — iii. 211 : I. 6 — iii. 369: I. ■ 9 — i. 150: I. — vi. 1-30 — i. 145:2. 3 — i. 622 : 2. 6 — iii. 211 : I. 8 — iii. 268:2. ■ 18 — ii. 392: 2. 18, 22 — ii. 575 : I. 20 — i. 127:2,333: I, ^ vii. 3 — i. 149: I. 4 — i. T48: I. II — iv. 389 : I. 13 — i. 149: r: 2. 14 — i- T51 :2. 14-25 — i. 153:2. 15 — i. 152: I. 20-21 — vi. 867 : 2. 22, 23 — i. 149 : 2. — viii. I-15 — i- 154:2. 3 — i. 154:2. • 15 — i- 149:2. ■ 16-19 — i. 155: I. 19 — i. 149: 2, 152 : I, 229: I. 20 — i. 152 : I. 20-32 — i. 155:2. 21 — i. 155:2. 32 — i. 149:2. 42-52 — i. 156: I. ■ — ix. 1-7^ — i. 156: 2. 6, 25 — i. 157: T. 7 — i. 149:2. 8-12 — i. 157: I. II — i. 152: I. 12 — i. 149 : 2, 150 : I. 13 — i. 152: I. 13-35 — i- T57:2. 15-16 — vi. 698: 2. 23-25 — vi. 867 : 2. j^- EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Exod. Exodus ix. 29 - i. 364 : 1. ^-^-^^"^ -^^'- 20 - "• -l-^^ • '' ''■ ^^' '■ ^- 31 _i. 153: I. 21 -HI. 88:2. _x. i_i. 150:1. 22-7 — 1.177:2. 1-20 — 1. 159:2 14 — i. 160: I. ly — iv. 662: 2. — 27 — IV. 49: 17 — i. 149 ■• 2, 150; — 24 — 111. 170: 2. 28 — iii.267: 2. ■ Q — 111. 24: T. 13 — 111. 201 : I. XVI. 1-14 — 1- 179: I- i3-iii.204:i. 15-36-1.180:2,182:1. 20 — i. 609 : I. ._i6_v.579:i. 23-iv. 102:1. 34— ii.255: 1,378: I. 21-23 — vi. 868: I. — >^vii. i-7-i. i83:i,620:i,iii.245:i. 21-29 - i. 161 : 2. 6, 7 — iii- 211:2. 29 — 1. 152: 1, iv.5o:2. 8-16 — i. 184: I. II — IV. 00: 2. — 12 — iii. 250 : 2, iv. 594 : i. — xi. i-io — i. 163: I. 3 — i. 148:2. c)_iii. ,39:1. 13-1.639:2. J3 _ ii. 424 : 2. 16 — iv. 402 : 2. — xii vi.S5o:2. — xviii. 1-27 -i. 186: i-28-i. 163:2. II — iv.402:2. 6-i.i65:2. 12 — i.257:i. ii_iv.90S:i. 13 — i. 598: I. i2_i. 151:2. 19 — iv.3i:i. 14 — iv. 795: 2. 25 — iv. 334: I- i5-i.406:i. —xix. 1-25-1. 188: 3 — IV. 714: I. .'9- ?6 — i. 169 : 2. 3-4 — vi. 884 : i. :^^ — iii. 265 : 2, iv. 113:1. 5 — ii- 263 : i, iv. 714:1, vi. 20 : i. 37-42 — i. 170 : I. 5-6 — vi. 696 : 2. 3g_i. i5q:i. 6 — ii. 260:2, iv. 81:1, 189:1, 7M : I, ▼• 40-41—^.863:1. 617:1. vi. 695:1. 46 — i. 187:2. 9. 16 — iii. 247: I. — xiii. I — i. 171:1. iS — vi.896:2. 8— i. 164:1. — XX. 1-17 — i.i9i:i. g — i. 164: 1,532:2. 2 — i. 192:2. iii. 211 : 2. ID- i. 164: I. 6 — i. 5^6: r. iii. 258:2, iv. 419: I- II — 1.394: 2. 8 — iv. 100:2. 12-15 — i. 166:2,376:1. 8-ii — i. 197:2. I5_^i. 150: I, iii. 320: I. 9. 10 — iv. 100:2,101:2. 16 — 1.532:2. II— i. 511:1. 18 — i. 170 : 2. 12 — i. 150 : I, vi. 95 : 2. 19 — i. 172 : I. 638 : 2. 17 — V. 565 : 2. _xiv. 1-31 — i. 173: I. i8-xxiii. 33 — i. 204: i. 4 — 1.150:1. 19 — v.866:2. 22-26 — i. 205 : 2. 18 — 1.150:1. 23 — ii.284:2. ig — iv.635:2. 24— i. 496:-'. ii.244: r, 260: i, 355: 24-26 — ii. 253 : 2. iv. 323 : I. 27 — iii. 321: I. — xxi. 1-32 — i. 206: I. 2 — i. 610 : T. .^o — i. 174 : 2, ii. 563 : 2. ^-^7 — i- ?i(^.^ '■ ^■ — — 31 — i. 174: 2, iii. 267:2. 4 — iv. 94: i- XV. I— vi.895:2. 6 — ii. 260 : i. iii. 123? i. 1-22 — i. 175: I. 7 — i- 338: 2. ii. 651 : I, iv.94: L 3 — 11.526:2, iv. 66: I. 9 — iv.94: I- 4 — iii. 88: 2. T2 — i.358:2. 8 — iii. 88: I. 13- i.7i4:2. 15 — 1.342 II — iii. 200: 2: 222: 2. 18 — 1.495:1. 1. 597: T. _— 17 — 111.88:2. ■ 23-26-1.358:2. Exocl. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 148 Exodus xxi. 28 — ii. 298: i. 32 — iv. 675: I. 33->^-^ii- 15 — 1-207:2. — xxii. 2 — iv. 3^ : 2. 7 — ii. 260: I. 8 — ii. 260: I, iii. 123: I. 9 — iv. 44: I- 15 — '-495: I- 16 — i. 208: 1,601 :2. 17 — i. 584: T. 19 — i. 539: I. 20 — ii.556: I, 21 — i. 209: 2. 25 — ii.650: I. 28 — ii. 329: I. 29 — iv. 47: I. 31 — 1.572: I. — xxiii. I — i. 196:2. 4 — i. 607 : I, iv. 75: I. 5 — iv. 75: I. 8 — iv.66:2. 9 — i. 209: 2. II — i. 610: 2. 12 — iv. 102 : I. 13 — ii. 404: 1,429: I. 14 — i v. 341 : I. 16 — i. 165: I. 17 — ii 385: T,iv. 341: I. 18 — iv. 49: 2. 19 — i. 208 : I, iv. 26 : 2. 20 — v. 119: I. 20-33 — i. 211 : 2. — xxiv. I — i. 297: 2. 4 — ii. 411 : 2. 4-8 — ii. 265 : 2. 5 — ii. 261 : I. 6 — vi. 116 : 2. 7 — i. 368 : 2, ii. 260 : i, iv. 206 : I. 9 — i. 297: 2. 10 — i. 297 : 2, ii. 317 : 2, iv. 226: I. 13 ^ i. 640: 1. ■ 14 — iv. 44: I. — XXV. 1-40 — i. 215:1. 9 — i. 217: 2. 10 — iv. S7'- 2. 16. 21 — ii. 378 : I. 22 — ii. 257 : 2. 23, 30 — iv. 326: T. 31-40- i. 356: 2. 40 — i. 217 : 2, ii. 257: I. — xxvi. I — vi. 850 : 2. 2 — i. 2x8: 2. 30 — ii. 257: I. 31 — iv. 66 : 2. — x.xvii. 20 — ii. 19: I. — xxviii. 2 — ii. 436: i, iv. 81 : I. 17, T9 — iv. 286: 2. 31 — ii. 244 : 2. Exodus xxviii. 33 — ii.26o:I. 38 — 1-303: I- 39— iv. 333:2. 41 — ii. 284 : I , iv. 24 : I. 42 — iv. 333:2. — xxix. I — vi.667:i. 9-35 — ii- 284: I. 10 — ii. 257: 2. 36 — i v. 24 : 1 , 420 : I, 38, 42 — iv. 343 : I. 42, 43 — ii. 257 : 2. 45 — ii. 257:2. — xxx. i-io — i. 225 : 2. 7 — ii- 19: 1.573:2. ■ 8 — ii. 19: I. 1 1- 16 — i. 226: I, ii. 569: I, iv. 337: 2. 12 — ii. 207 : I. 13 — iv. 337: I- 17-38 — i. 227 : T. 19. 21 — iv. 9: 2. 22. 23 — i. 287 : 2, 39.40 — 1.256:2. — xxxi. 1-18 — i. 228:1. 12-17 — i. 367 : 2. 13 — i. 351: I. 14, 15 — iv. 100: 2. — xxxii. I — i.64o:i. 4 — ii. 284 : 2. 4 — i. 160: I, ii. 284: 2. 5 — i. 160: I. 6 — i. 257: I. 8 — ii.284:2. 9 — iv. 192: r. II — iv. 86 : 2. • 26 — i. 718: 2. 26-29 — i. 620 : I. 26-35 — ii. 524 : I- 30-32 — iii. 250 : 2. 3T — ii.623:2. — — 32 — ii. 623:2, iv. 98:2. — x.xxiii. 2 — 1.640:1. 6 — ii. 316: 2. 7 — i- 579: 2. II — ii. 245 : I, 317 : 2, iii. 406 : I. — — 12 — 625 : I. 13 — iii. 33- '■ I- 15 — i . 2 1 6 : 2. 18 — i. 134:2. 20 — iv. 416 : 2. 22 — ii. 316: 2. — xxxiv. 2 — ii. 317 : 2. 6 — 1.134:2, iii. 222:2, 335:2, iv. 85:1, 548: 2, vi. 7^2: 2. 7 — iii. 258: 2. 10-28 — ii. 260 : I, iv. 323 : I. IT-17 — ii. 274 : I. I2-t6 — ii. 275 : i. 15 — iii. 537 : I, iv. 385 : 2. 149 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Kzek« Exodus xxxiv. i6 — ii. 657 : i, iii. 537: l. 18,22 — iv. 341 : I. 19 — V. 579: I. 23 — i. 351:1- 29-35 — V. 749 : 2. 33 — V. 7-19 : 2. 34 — V. 750: I. — XXXV. 3 — iv. 102 : I. 22 — i.2S-': I. 35 — iv. loi : I. — xxxvii. 16 — i. 357:1. — xxviii. 35 — i. 286 : 2, 42.43 — 1.287:2. — xxxix. 27 — iv. 333 : 2. — xl. 18 seq. — iii. 250:2. Ezckiel i. 2 — ii. 447: 1,2. 3 — ii. 348:2. 4 — ii.318: I. 10 — • ii. 258: 2. 22 — i. 180: 2. 26 — i. 176 : 2, iv. 413 : I. — ii. I — iv. 415 : I. 6-8 — V. 788: I. 9 — vi. 871 : 2. 9-10 — vi. 852: 2. 18 — iii. 836: I. — • iii. 4 — vi. 871 : 2. ■ 12-14 — ii. 305:2. 16-21 — iii. 594 : I. — iv. 1-3 — ii. 450: 2. 16-17 — vi. 856 : I. — V. 10 — ii. 452: I. — ' vi. II — vi. 855 : 2. 13 — iv. 96: I. — vii. 6— ii. 453: I- 16 — ii. 450: 2. 2S — iv. 188: 2. 26 — ii. 380 : 2, — • viii. I — • ii. 447 : 2. 3 — ii-305:2. 14 — iv. 677:2. 17 — ii.449: I. — ix. — • — vi. 861 : I. 2 — ii.453:2. 6 — vi. 719 : 2. — X. 14 — ii. 258: 2. — xi. 19 — V. 744:2. 22 — ii. 452: I. — xii. 2 — ■ iv. 187 : 2. ^12 — ii. 453: 2. 13 — ii. 453: 2. — — 24 — iii. 545: 2. — .xiii. 1-23 — ii. 450 : I. '6 — iii. 545 : 2. 7-9 — ii- 328: I. 9 — iv. 650 : 2. 10 — ii. 451 : I. Ezel^icl xiii. 15-20 — il. 252:1. — xiv. 14 — iv. 47 : I, vi. 627 : 2. 16 — vi. 627: 2. — — '20 — vi. 627 : 2. '21 — iv. 87 : I. — xvi. 3 — iv. 26 : 2, 7 — iv. 500 : 2. — — 8 — iv. 26: 2. •15-34 — ii- 449: I. 16 — ii. 429: 2. — — 21 — ii. 408: I. 23 — iii. 537: I. • 25 — iv. 34 : 2. ■ 34 — iv. 31:2. ^53 — iii. 41:2. — xvii. 1-6 — ii.448:2. 4 — i. 591 : I, iii. 462: 2. 7-10 — ii. 450 : I. 10 — vi. 576: 2. 12-14 — ii- 448: I- 13 — ii.445: I, iv. 146:1. 14 — ■ iv. 146 : I. — — 15 — ii-445: i,450: i. 16 — - ii. 450 : I. — — 17 — iv. 158: 2. 18, 19 — ii. 450: I. — • — 21 — ■ iv. 661 : 2. • 22 — iii. 815 : I. 25 — ii.450: I. — xviii. 2-30 — ii. 344: x. 3, 4 — iii. 604: I. 20 — ii. 579 : 2, iv. 205 : I. 21-23 — ii.5So: I- — xi.K. 1-4 — ii. 442:1. 3,4--iv. 124: I. ^,7 — iv. 142 : 2. 5-9 — ii- 443: I- — — 6-9— ii.447:2. — XX. 6 — i. 330 : I, iv. 414 : 2, 416 : 1. 8 — i. 126: I. • • II •— i. 150: 2, 198: 2. 12 — i. 198: 2. 13-30 — ii. 401 : I. 18 ^iv. 64: 2. 23 — iii. 268 : 2. 25 — i. 150:2. 32 — V. 351: I. — xxi. 3 — iv. 73 : 2. 20-24 — ii. 450 : 2. 21 — ii. 385 : I, 402 : I. 22 — li. 402: I. — xxii. 25 — vi. 725: 2. 26 — ii. 380: 2. 28— iii. 545: 2. 28-32 — ii. 450 : 2. — — 30 — iii. 268: I. — xxiii. 14-16 — iii. 462: 2. 1 5 — iii. 463 : I, iv. 403 : 2. Ezek. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 150 Ezekiel xxiii. 27 — vi. 610:1. 35 — Ji- 287 : 2. :S7 — ii. 408: I. — xxiv. I — ii. 447:2. 7 — iv. 391: I. — XXV. 4, S, 10 — iv. 6cx) : i. 9 — iv. 180: I. 12-14 — iii. 599: I. — xxvi. I — ii. 447 : 2. 9 — iiS73: I- 10 — ii. 369: I. — — 16 — iv. 82 : I. — xxvii. 3 — iii. 545: 2. 7 — iii- 757: 2. 9 — 11-252: I. 10 — iii. 845 : 2. 17 — ii. 251:2, 270: I, V. 447: I. 18 — iv. 182 : 2. 23 — ii. 424: I. — — 27 — ii. 303: I. — xxviii. 12 — iii. 545 : 2. 13 — vi. 896: r. 13-15 — 11-259: I. 25 — iii. 790: 2. 24 — V. 801 : 2. ■ — xxix. 3 — vi. 882 : i. ■ 4 — ii. 424: I. • 5 — ii. 287 : 2. 6 — ii. 422 : 2, iv. 288 : 2. 7 — iv. 288 : 2. 10 — ii. 457: 2. ■ 13 — iv.i77:2. 14 — ii.457: I. 15 — ii.457: iJv. 177:2. — XXX. 3 — vi. 745: I- 5 — iii. 845: 2. 15 — ii. 425:2. 17 — ii. 397:2. 18 — ii.457: I. — xxxi. 2, 15 — iv. 406 : 2. 6 — ii. 307: 2. II — iii. 651 : 2. — xxxii. 21 — iii. 651 : 2. 26, 27 — ii. 434: r. — xxxiii. 6 — ii. 408 : i. ■ 22 — ii. 348: 2. 30 — iii. 833: I. 31 — ii. 268: I. — xxxiv. 2 — iv. 147 : i, vi. 658: 2. 5 — iv. 147: I. 8 — vi. 658:2. 16 — ii. 309: 2. 23, 24 — ii. 504: 2. 31 — i- 167:2. — — 33 — iii. 830: I. — XXXV. 5 — iv. 603 : i. 10-15 — iii. 726: I. — xxxvi. 20 — V. 536 : I. Ezekicl .x.x.xvi. 25 — iv. 677:2. -26 — iii. 140 : I, iv. 744 : 2. — — 35 — iv. 661 : 2. — xxxvii. 9 — iv. 357 : i, 3S1 : i. — -^ 16, 17 — i. 708: I. 24 — ii. 504: 2. -25 — ii. 504 : 2, iii. 790 : 2. — x.x.xviii. 2 — ii. 434: i. — -4 — 11.424: 1,431: I. 8 — iv. 50: 2. -21 — ii. 362: I, iv. 678:2. — xxxix. 9 — vi. 913 : 2. 14 — vi.914: I. 17 — ii. 287: 2. 17-20 — vi. 911 : I. '29 — iv. 677: I. — xl. I — iv. 414: I. '1-2 — vi. 919: 2. — — 2-5 — vi.874: I. 7 — ii. 291 : I. — xli. 22,, 24 — ii. 265 : 2. — xliii. 2 — vi. 920 : i. — — 3 — iv. 25: I. — — 15, 16 — iii. 668: 2. — — 17 — ii. 253: 2. — xliv. 1-3 — vi. 920 : I. 9 — iv. 109: I. 9-16 — ii. 599:2. • ■ 10-16 — ii. 261 : I. — xlv. 2 — ii. 252 : I. 9, 10 — iv. 337: I. — — 12 — iv. 337: I. 13, 16 — iv. 337: I. 18-20 — ii. 260: 2. — xlvi. 15 — iv. 660 : I. — • — ■ 18 — ii.329: I. — xlvii. 18 — iv. 662:2. — — 19 — ii. 247 : 2. — xlviii. 24 — ^ i. 7 13 : i. — — '28 — ii. 247 : 2. 35 — iii. 767 : 2. Ezra i. I ^ ii. 591 : 2. 2 — ii. 631 : 2, iii. 467: I, 763: 2. '2-4, 7-TI — ii. 594 : 2. — — 3 — iii. 467: I. 5 — 1.712:2, ii. 599: I. — — 7-1 1 — ii. 447:2. 8 — iv. 607: I. — ii. r — • ii. 597 : 2, iv. 607 : 2. 1-67 — ii. 597:2. — ■ — 2 — ii. 502 : 2, 628 : 2, iv. 605 : 2. 16 — iv. 607 : I. 36-39-11-495: I- 36 — iv. 332 : 2. 38 — iv. 112: 2. 40 — iv. 352 : 2. -42 — iv. 580 : 2. 151 liX POSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Gal. Ezra ii. 58 — iv. 332 : 2. Ezra vii. 14 — ii. 619:1,2. 61-63 — ii. 481:1. — • — 21 — ii. 631:2. 63 — ii. 528: 2,597:2. 23 — ii. 619: 1,631 :2. 64 — iv. 607: I. 25 — ii. 619: 2,656: I. 65 — ii. 262:2. 26 — ii. 656:1. 68 — ii. 600:2. 27 — ii. 615 : 2, 619 : I. — iii. 2 — ii. 614: I, iv. 607: I. 28 — ii. 619: 1,637: I. 3. 7 — iv. 607 : 2. — viii. i — ii.628:2. 8, 13 — iv. 611 : I. 2 — iv. 355 : 2, 356 : 2. II — iii. 289 : I. 15, 20 — iv. t,2>2 '■ 2. 12 — ii. 472: I. 22 — ii. 620:2. — iv. I — ii.404:i. 25 — ii. 265 : 2. 1-5. 24 — ii. 603 : 2. 26 — ii. 618: 2. 2 — ii. 403 : 2, iv. 29 : 2. 31 — ii. 620 : 2. 6 — ii. 626:2. — ix. I — ii. 261 : 2, 488: 2,621 : I. 6-23 — ii. 626: I, iv. 642: 2. — • — 2 — ii. 275 : i. 7 — ii. 627 : I, iv. 399 : i, 605 : I. -4 — ii. 624 : 2. -/-I}, — ii. 655 : 2. • 5 — iv. 343 : i. 8 — ^ ii. 614 : 2, 627 : I. 6 — ii. 622 : i. 8, 25 — iv. 606: I. 6-15 — ii.633 : 1,661 : 2. -TO — ii. 220: 2, 402 : I, 403 : 2,604: 1,627: 2. 7 — ii. 261 : 2. 12 — -ii. 626:2. — • — 8 — ii. 623:1. 13 — ^ii. 647:1. — — 9 — ii. 621 : 2. 21 — ii. 636 : 2. — — II — ■ii.623:l. 21 — ii. 627 : I. -15 — ii. (^2}^ : i, 2, 624 : I. — — 24 — ii. 61 1 : 2, iv. 607 : 2, 61 1 : 2. — x. 2 — ii. 624 : i. — V. I — ii. 248: 2, 530: 2, iv. 610: I, 621: 2, — ■ — 3 — ii. 624:1. 623: I. — — 15 — ii. 625: 2. 1,2 — ii. 606 : 2. ■ 30. },}, — ii. 419 : i. 3 — ii. 609:1,2. — • — 4-t — ii. 625 : 2. 4 — ■ ii. 609: 2. -5 — ii. 609 : 2, 617 : x. Galatians i. 5 — vi. 490 : 2. 6 — ii. 270: 2, iv. 611 : 2. 6 ff. — ^ v. 794: 2. — ■ — 8 — ii. 611 : 2. — ■ — 6-9 — V. 794: I, vi. 647 : I. 9 — ii.6ii:2. — ■ — 7-8 — V. 459 : 2. 14 — iv. 607 : I. 8 — ii. 286: 2, v. 609: 2. 16 — iv. 608:1. — — 13 ^v. 412: I, vi. 602: 2. — vi. I — ii.6ii:i. — ■ — 14 — iii. 773 : i. 2 — • iv. 414: I. 15 — v. 420: I, vi. 12 : I. 4 — li. 611:2. 15 ff. — -v. 756:1. (i-21 — ii. 612: I. 15-17 — \'- 423 : I. 10 — ii.6r2:i,63i:2. 16 — -v. 4:^0: i, 756: i, vi. 12: i, 150: 2. II — ii. 374: 2, 613 : I, iv. 389: 2. ■ 18-19 — vi. 564: 2. 14 — ii- 530 : 2, iv. 605 : 2. 19 — v. 799 : 2, vi. 562 : i. 15 — ii. 611 : 2. • 20 — V. 539 : 2, vi. 630: I. 16 — ii.669:2. 21 — v. 841:1. — — 17 — ii. 613 : T, 614 : I. • 23 — vi. 698 : i. 18 — ii. 495 : I, 614: I, 2, 627: I. — ii. — v. 459 : i. 21 — ii.6i4:2. — — 1-3 — vi. 436 : i. 22 — ii,6i4:2. — — 3 — v. 457 : 2. — vii. I —ii. 454: I. — — 4 — vi.675. i-io — ii. 615 : I, 2. -7-10 — vi. 55 : 2. •6 — i. 239: I, ii. 617: 2. 9 — V. 523: 2, vi. 509: 2, 558: 2, 562: 2, — • — 8 — ii.6oo:2. 564:2. 9 — ii. 600: 2, iii. 304 : I. 10 — i. 336: 2, v. 781 : i. — — II — ii.6i8:i. 12 — v. 459:1. ■ 1 1-26 — ii. 615 : 2. 11-21 — V. 846: I. 12 ^ ii. 631 : 2. 12 — vi. 562 : 2, 564 : I. Gal. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 152 Galatians ii. 16 — v. 850:2. 18 — vi. 569:2. 20 — iv. 906 : 2, V. 521 : 2, 595 : i, 606 : 2, vi. 8: 1,91 : 2, 92: I. — iii. I — vi. 459 : 2. 2 — vi. 19:2.459:-. 6 — vi. 593:2. 7 — vi. 7 : 2, 19 : 2, 43 : 2. 8 — V. 579 : I , vi. 712 : 2. lo-ii — V. 850: 2. 10-13 — vi.8: I. 12 — V. 850: 2. 13 — i. 295: i,v. 551:2, vi. 587: I. 14 — vi. 7 : 2, 18 : 2, 19 : 2. 15 — V. 736: I. 16 — i. 188: I. 17 — i. 170: 2, iv. 714: I. 18 — iv. 714: I. -19 — ii. 317: 2, iv. 850: 2, vi. 148: I, 500: 2. 21 — iii. 298: 2. 23 — i. 406 : 2. 28 — i. 318 : 2, vi. 264 : I. — ^ 29 — i. 188 : I, 189 : 2. — iv. 1-3 — i. 312: I. 1-5 — i. 378:2. 3 — i. 205: I. 4 — ii. 593 : 2, V. II : i,vi. 713: I. 5 — V.850: i,vi. 13: I. 6 — V. 894: I. 6-7 — vi. 20: I. 9 — V. 894: I. 9-1 1 — V. 478: I. 13 — V. 466: I. 14, 15 — V. 417 : 1, 801 : 2. 16 — vi.63 : 2. 19 — vi. 746: I. 21-31 — V. 411 : I. 22 — i. 57: 2. 24 — iv. 209: I. 25 — iv. 905: I. — V. 5 — vi.43: 2. 6 — iv. 60; I, vi. 107: I. 10 — vi. 596: T. 13 — vi. 649: 2, 675. 14 — vi. 587: I. ■ 15 — V. 609: 2. 19— i. 157: 2. 19-21 — i. 179: I. 20 — i. 157: 2, vi. 457: 2, 458: I, 603: I, 22-23 — V. 571 : 2, vi. 81 : 2. — vi. I — i. 338: I, i. 206: I. 2 — ii. 652: I. 7 — vi.469: 1,569:2. 8 — ii. 275: 2. 9 — vi. 469: I. II — V. 623 : 2. 14 — V. 536:2. 754:2, vi. 887: I. 15 — iv. 60: I, V. 768: I. Galatians vi. 16 — iii. 309 : 2, vi. 107 : i, 507 : 2, 567: 1,862: I. 17 — i. 206: I. Genes SIS 1. — m. 321 : I. — 4 — iv. 59: I. — 5 — iv. 416: 2. — 9 — iv. 37:2. — II - -iv. 55:2. — 16- -vi. 881: I — 22- -iv. 94: I. — 24- -i. 331: I. — 27- -vi.33: I. ii. 2,3 — iv. 100: 2. — 4 — i. 403: I, iv. 66: 2. — 7 — iii. 258: I, iv. 648: 2, v. 311: I. — 14- - iv. 80: 2. — 23-24 — vi. 91 : I. — 24- -i.603: I. iii. 4-5 — vi. 725 2. — 5 — iv. 522: I. — 5-7 — vi. 791: 2. — 7 — iv. 522: I. — 16- -i.3i4: I, iv. 698: I. — 17- -i.35i: I, v. 100: 2. — 17-] 9 — i. 366 I. — 18- -i. 351: I. — 19- -iii. 233: 2, iv. 698: I. — 24- - iv. 66: 2, vi. :ji:2. iv. 5- -iv. 37: I- — 6 — iv. 680: 2. — 10- - i. 272: 2, iv. 36: 2, 113: 2, vi. 623: 2 — 12-24 — i. 14: 1,18:2. — 15- -ii. 424:2 — 26- -i. 145:2. V. 24- -iii. 133:2. vi. 2 - -iv. 397: I , vi.654: I. — 3 — V. 897 : 2, vi. 738: I. — 7 — vi. 547: I. — 14- -i. 247:2, iv. 37:2. — 17- - iv. 664: 2 , vi. 708: 2, 712: 2. — 19- - iv. 664 : 2 vii. II — vi. 747: I. — ■ 18, 19 — iv. 55: 2. — viii. 20 — vi. 594: I. ■ — 22 — iv. 208: I. — ix. 5 — i. 207: 2. — — 6 — iv. 894: I. 9-10 — vi. 547: I. II — vi. 747: 2. — 20-27 — • i. 2 r : 2, 24 : 2. •X. 2 — ii. 434: I, 627: 2, iv. 666: I. — 4 — iv. 666: i. — 10 — •ii.4i8:i, 627: 2. — II — ii. 418: I, iv. 584: 2,689: I, — ■12 — iv. 691 : 2. ■xi. 1-9 — ii. 418: I. • — 7 — iii- 334: I. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE -INDEX. Gen. Genesis xi. 27-xii. 5- i- ^4: -', 28: 2. Genesis xxi. 8-10 - v. 884 : i. — xii. V. 544: 2. — 9 — V. 884: 2. 2-W.712: I, V. 863:2. 12-V.578: I. 3-iv.40:2,v.863:2. i9-iv.28:2. 6 -i. 495: 2, 684: I. _xxii.2-ii.252:i,v..697:i. 6-20 — 1.28:1,31:2. 10-1.57:2. 7_i 684-1 II — 1.132:2,212:2, m. 843: 2. 8-lv.483:2. 12-1.212:2. — xiil. 7 — 1.495: I 10 — 11. 346: 2. •xlv. 5 — Iv. 486: 2. 14—1. 145:2. 16 — ill. 264: I. 16-18 — V. 863:2, vl. 594: I- 7-1. '.5:1,639:1- 18-111.185:2. 14 -1.693:1,1V. 29: I. — xxni. 3 -IV. 92: I. 15-1.693:1- 4-n.547:l- ,9->ii.375:2. 8-iv.9:t. — 22 — ill. 375:2, iv. 430:2. """'■ ^.^^:^ — xxlv. 7 — 11.631: 2, iv. 390 : 2, 397 : 2. 19 — iv. 8: 2. 23 — 11.353: 2. — XV. I — lil. 589: I- V. 544: 2, 545: I. 42-iv.9:i. 2-6-v.863:2. 47->v.623:i. 4-6-vl. 594:1- 53-vi. 702:2. 4-8-v.863:2. _ xxv. 4- vi. 659: 2. 6-iii. 268: 2, V. 545: 2, 594: 2, 857: 2, 13 -IV. 59: 2,600: I. g,g. 2 14-11.411:2,111.350:1. ,5-i'. i7o:2,v.ii9:l. 15-11.490:2 16 — 1. 689: I. 23 — V. 578: I. 17-11.448:2,111.321:1. 29-iv.56:i. 18 — 11. 144:1, vi. 869: 2. —xxvi.- ill. 264:1. -xvl. 11-1.212:2. ^-'^■^^''- 12 — 11.490: 2,111.271:2. ■ 4 — I'l- 185: 2. 13-1.212:2,11.610:1. ,8 -VI. 698: I. _^vii. 5-v.548:i. -^^^''■- 1-^^46:1 — 7 — V. 863: I. 15 — iv. 617: 2. 1.316:1. 28-iv.304:2 2. 10-14 o ^ • ^ • -.r. 13-1.316:2. 36-iv.56:i,vi.o45. 15-21 -v. 863: 2. 41-1- 74: I- i8-v.884:i. -xxvlli. 11-19-11.284:1. 23-iv.59:2. 16-11.639:2. 23-26 — V. 884: I. — xvlil. 10 — V. 578: I. 12 — vi. 703: I. 14 — V. 578: I. . i7_vi. 594: 2 ^17 — 1. 133: 2. 18 — i. 288: I. — — 20 — 11. 489: I- 22 — 1. 216: 2,377: — xxix. 5-11. 248: 2. 19-1.49:1- 20-111.540:2. 20-iv.36:2. 26-iv. 37: 2. 2i-iv.ii3:2. --^>^>^- 14-111.531:1. 22-v. 119:1. -'^^^'- 35- VI. 702:2. 25-111.578:2. --42, 53- IV. 65: I. — xix. 11-11.358:2.1 v. 56:1. 54 — 1-257: I- 12-lv. 546:2. -----ii- 13-1.252:1. T3-iv. 113:2. 22-11.282:2. ,6-17- vi. 666: I. 28 -11. 546: 2, V. 577: 22 -iv. 396: 2. 29 -IV. 635: 2 — XX. lil. 264: I. -3- iv. 390:2. 5_iv. 388:2. 6 — iv. 522: I. 7 — lil. 264: 2, iv. 388:2. — . — 30 — 11. 282: 2, iv. .-4: 2. — xxxlii. 13 — 11.280:1. 20-11. 489: I. — xxxiv. 19 — iv. 8:2. 25 — 1.662: 1,718: I. Oen. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. I.-4 Genesis xxxiv. 30 — iii. 264:1 38 — iv. 603: I. — XXXV. 2 — i. 190: I. 3 — iii. 58: I. 8 — ii. 42: I. -9-15 — ii- 284: I. — — 20 — ii. 437: I. — xxxvi. II — i. 428: I. 12 — i. 639: I. 15 — i. 428: I. 24 — ii. 487: 2. 31-39 — i- 495: 2. — xxxvii. 2 — iv. 1 14: 2. 17 — ii.357: I- 22 — iv. 162: 2. 34, 35 — ii- 491: 2. 36 — ii. 453: 2. — xxxviii. 12 — ii. 241 : I. 14 — iv. 34: I. 21 — ii. 402: I. 24 — iv. 254: I. 26 — iii. 784 : 2. 28 — iv. 94: I. — xxxix. II — iv. 100 : 2. 21 — iv. 387: I. — xl. 5 — 1.495:2. 13 — ii. 457: 2. 15 — i. 495: 2. 20 — ii.457: 2. — xli. I — ii. 440: I. 8 — iv. 389: I. -34- iv. 25: I. 40 — i. 133:2. 45 — i- 638 : 2, iv. 385 : I, 390 : 2. 51 — ■ i. 142: I, ii. 419: I, 427: I. — xlii. 19 — iv. 51 : i. — xliii. 8 — ii. 245: i. II — i. 252: I, ii. 270: I. 30 — vi. 704: I. 34 — ii- 345: 2. — xlv. i. 104: I, 108: 2, 8 — ii. 252: I. 18, 20 — iv. 2T. 2. 22 — ii.353: I. 2T, iv. 27: 2. — xlvi. 2 — vi. 540: I. 9 — vi. 659: 2. 16 — iv. 614: 2. 27 — V. 370 : 2. 34 — iv. 77: I. — xlviii. 5 — i. 708: I. 7 — i. 81 : I, iv. 79: 2. 10 — i. 150: I. — xlix. 3 — i. 394: I. 5 — i.467: I. 7 — i. 223: I. 9 — iii. 49: i,vi.852:2. Genesis xlix. 10 — iv. 263 : 2, v. 29 : 2. 12 — iii. 417: I. — — 14, 15 — ii.289: I. 19 — iv. 597:2. 22 — iii. 209: I, 2. 24 — • iii. 208: I, iv. 146: 2. — 1. 13 — V. 370:2. 19, 20 — i. 100: I. Habakkuk i. 2, 3 — iv. 113:2, 5-10 — vi. 870: I. 5-11 — ii.435: I. 6, 7 — iv. 194 : 2. 6-8 — iii. 463: I. 7 — ii- 445:1- ^11 — i. 194: I. 12 — iii. 477 : 2, V. 858 : 2. — ii. 1-19 — ii.435: I. 3 — i-723: I. ii. 757:2. 4 — ii. 757 : 2, V. 411:1, 858 : 3 860 : 1. 9-11 — ii.443:2. 20 — iv. 569 : 2. — iii. I — iii. 2}, : i. 3 — i- 480 : 2, iv. b-/2, ■ 2, vi. 749 : I. 3-16 — ii. 318: 2. — — 7 — i. 480 : 2. iv. 43 : 2. 10-15 — iii. 201 : I. 17-18 — vi. 177: I. Haggai i. i — ii. 599 : i, 607 : i, 2, iv. 420 : 2. 2 — iv. 609 : 2. 4 — iv. 615:2. 5 — ii. 607 : 2. 6 — iv. 639: 2. 7 — ii. 607 : 2. — — 12 — iv. 609 : 2. — — T4 — ii. 599: I. - — ■ ii. I — ii. 607 : 2. 3 — iv. 605 : 2. 4— i. 158: I. 6 — iv. 357: 1,618: I. 6-8 — ii. 596: i. 7 — iv. 357: 1,381 : I. 9 — ii. 607 : I, 2. iv. 618: I. 12, 14 — iv. 333: I. — — 20 — iv. 357: I, 381 : I. 23 — ii. 504 : 2, iv. zh"/ : i, 381 : I. Hebrews i. i — ii. 616 : 2. v. 591 : i. 2 — vi. 662: 2, 713: I. 3 — vi. 604 : 2, 667 : 2, 709 : 2. 5 — ii. 142 : 2. 6 — V. 24: 2. 7 — ii- Z^T- 2, V. 866: i. 10 — vi. 726: 2. • 14 — vi.99: 2. 18. 2 T — iv. 627: 2. — ii. 2 — ii. 317 : 2, 866 : i. 155 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Heb. Hebrews ii. 3 li. 317 : 2, v. 855 : i. Hebrews x. 1-18 — v. 868:1. 4 — V. 855: I. 2 — vi. 92: 2, 653: I. 5 — vi.854:i. 4 — ii. 267:1. 9 — V. 850: I, vi.92: I. 5 — i- -yi : I- 10 — iii.604 : I, vi. 709: 2. 5-7 — iii- ^^-' ^- 12 — vi. 54: 2. — — S-IO — i. 250: 2,266: 2. 13 — iv.753:2. 7 — i. 291:1. 14 — i. 305: I, vi. 883:2,886:2. 9 — i. 275:2. 15 — vi. 883: 2. 10 — i. 291 :2,vi. 92:2. 16 _v. 591:2. II — i. 223:2, ii. 301: I. 17 — i. 306:1. 12 — i. 223: 2. 18 — i. 210 : I, 346 : 2, iii. 574 : 2. 14-18 — vi. 92 : 2. _iji. i_vi.704:2. 19-23 — i. 291 : I. 17-19 — vi. 653: 2. 20 — i. 215: I. iv. 905:1. — i v. I — iv. 644 : I • -- — ^'[- 695 : ^- 2 — vi. 652: 2, 709: 1.712:2. 23 — vi.456: I. 8 — i. 722:2. 25 — vi. 750:1. 9_i.356:i, 367:1. iii. 598:1, v. 906:1. 26 — vi. 728:2. 12 — vi. 692: 2.693: I. 27 — i. 377:2. ii. 244: 2. ,5 _ iii. -.74:2. 29ff.-vi. 502:1. i6-i.204:2. 31 -V. 528: 2. — v. I — vi.440: I. — 36 — vi. 728: 2. 4_i.283:i. 37 — IV. 594: 2, vi. 713: I, QU: I. 38 — iv. 594:2. 3 — vi.726: 4 — vi. 652 : 2. ir-i2 — V. 863 : 2,884:2. 17 — vi. 593:2. 7 — IV. 900: I. 8 — iii. 570:2. V. 874: I, vi. 709:2. 39 — VI. 20: i. 9 - iii. 570 : 2. vi. 708: 2. -^'- vi. 319: 2, 696: I 14 — vi. 166: I. — vi. v. 3^U: I- 4 — vi. 653: T. 10 — iii. ^01 : r. o^ • , 22 — i. T04: I. 172 : 2, vi. 732: 2, 12 — v. 862: 2. VI. T04: I. . 7, , „ . , 23 — 1.128:1. t6-i8 — VI. 630: I. ^ 24-5-1.142:2. — vu. 1-4 — 1.223:2. ^ ' . 26 — 1. 129: 2. 14 — 1.223:2,11.545:1. t ■ :1 — 27—1.213:2. — 26 — 1. 177: 1. • ^ - 31— VI. 561: 1,595: I. 27 — 1. 200: 2. ../ . ' . .r 35 — "■390: I. -vni. I -IV. 9-^2: 2. VI. 667: 2. ^^_ j^, _,^. ^ 3-yi.44o:T. 39-40 -vi. 858:1. J — i ''2'^ ■ 2. • ^ ■♦ — ■^ 40 — VI. 465 : 2. 5_i.2T7:2. 242:1. 283:2, ii. 257:1. _^ii. i_vi.465:2. 6 — i.287:T. 6 — vi.4o6:i. 8-13 — v. 920: 2. 10 — iv.9T7: I. — ix. I— v. 873:1. 13 — iv. 917: I. vi.896:2. ■ 3 — ii. 265 : 2. j_^ — iv. 329:2. 4 — i. 215: 2. 225:2. 16 — iv.603: 1.645: I. 5 — i.2i6: T. 18-22 — V. 884 : 2, vi. 683 : 2. 8-1-223: 1,302:2, iv. 329:2. . 18-25 — i. 190: 2. 9 — i-.302: 2. ii.263: 2. 21- i. T89: 2, 204: T.v. 790:2. TO — ii. 263: 2, iv. 209: I, 329: 2. V. ^(:^: 2, 22 — vi. 49: T.864: 2. '^I'S : T . 22-24 — vi. 89 1 : I . ■ II — i. 287: I. 23 — vi.49: 1,864:2. i-l — V. 102 : I. vi. (^f)"/ : T, 891 : 2. — — 24 — ■ i. 272 : 2. 16-18 — V. 862 : I. 25 — vi. 460: I. 23-6 — i. 2_!2:i. 27 — iii. 607:2. 24 — i. 284: T. 29 — iii. 560: 2, 592 : T. v. 528:2. 26 — i. 305: 2. V. 713: T. 37 — ii. 343: T. 28 — i. 2q6 : T, 366 : i, v. 503 : 2. vi. 665 : 2. — xiii. i — • vi. 692 : i. — X.I — vi. 652 : 2. • 7 — vi. 564 : 2, 602 : 2. Ueb. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 156 Hebrews xiii. 10-12 — 1.274: i. II, 12 — i. 224: 2. 13 — i. 177: I, V. 722: 1,885:2. 14 — V. 885:2. • 15 — vi. 695: 2. 16 — ii. 267: I, vi. 183: 2. 17 — vi.414: 1,634: I. 20 — V. 549 : 1, 863 : I. 2"] — ■ vi. 490 : 2. Hosea i. i — ii. 410: 2. 4 — ii. 289 : 2, 350 : i, 1-72 : 2, 375 : I. 5 — ii. 399 : 2. — — 10 — vi. 696: 2. — ii. 2 — iii. 537 : I, vi. 610: I. 7 — iv. 31:2. 8 — V. 801:2. II — iv. loi : I. 14 — iv. 267 : 2. 15 — i. 679 : 2, iv. 26 : 2, 267 : 2. 16 — ii. 298:1, iv. 830:2. 17 — ii. 298: I. 18 — iv. 300 : 2. 19 — iv. 574: I- 22 — iv. 594 : I. — — 21 — iv. 639 : 2, V. 579 : 2, vi. 696 : 2, — iii. 3 — iii. 537: i. 4 — ii- 403 : 2, iv. 448 '• i, 45i : 2. 5 — ii- 390: I, 504 : 2, iv. 300: 2. — iv. I — iv. 188 : 2. 2 — ii. 380: I, 394: I, iv. 188: 2.. 3 — iv. 49: I. 4 — ii.393: 1,398:2. 6 — iv. 334: I. 8 — ii. 264:2. 9 — ii. 280: 2. 14 — ii. 402: I. 15 — ii.285: 1.345: I- 15-19 — ii. 391 : I. 16 — ii. 270: I. — V. I — ii. 398 : 2, iv. 451 : i. 2 — ii. 394 : i. 11-13 — ii. 396: T. 13 — ii. 390 : I , iv. 829 : 2. — vi. I — iv. 110: 2, 179: 1,829: 2. 2-3 — vi. 853: I. 4 — iv. 159: I. 5 — vi. 104: I. 6 — ii. 266: 2, iv. 60: 1,829:2. 7 — iv. no: 2. 9 — ii. 391 : I. 398: 2. II — iv. 525:2. 13 — iv. 34: I- — vii. 3-7 — ii. 289: 2,391 : 2. 7 — 11-394:2. 8-12 — ii. 396 : I. 9. 10 — ii. 398: I. ^11 — ii.391 : I. Hosea viii. 3 — ii.394:2. 4 — ii.394: I, iii. 139: I. 5 — ii.285: 1,391: 1,397:2. 6 — ii. 283 : 2. 9 — ii.391 : 1,396: I. 10 — ii. 396: I. 14 — iv. 450:2. — ix. 3 — ii. 399 : I, iv. 235 : i, 385 : I. 3-6 — ii.391 : I. 4 — iv. 235: I. 7 — iv. 194 : I, 449 : I, 522 : i. 10 — iv. 40: I. 12 — ii. 399: I. __ 15 — 11.285: 1,391 : i,iv. 29: 1,76:2. ■ 16 — iii. 254: I. 17 — 11.399: I. — X. I — iv. 252: 1,451:2. — — 2 — ii. 411 : 2, iv. 451 : 2. 5 — ii- 398 : I, 432 : 2, 436 : 2, iv. 505 : 2, — — 6 — ii.396: 1,399: I- — — 7 — ii. 398:2. -10 — ii. 398: 2. 13 — ii. 391 : I, iv.662: 2. 14 — ii- 363 : 2, 375 : 2. 391 : i, 395 : L 15 — ii. 398:2. — ^xi. I — i. 187:1, iii. 796:2, iv. 26:2, 59:!, no : 2, 646: I. 4 — iii. 665: I. 5 — ii.391: I. 8 — iv. 201 : 2. 8-n — ii. 399: I. 9 — - ii. 401 : I, iii. (iT^2: 2, 765 : i, iv. 202: I • — xii. I — ii. 391 : i. 3 — i. 212 : 2. 4 — iv. 56: I. 5 — i. 212 : 2, iv. 666: i. 6 — iv. 493 : 2. 7 — i. 591 : I, ii.27i:2, 388:1, iv. 9:1. 8 — ii.388: I. 13 — ii-545: I- — xiii. 2 — ii. 285 : 1,319: I. — — 3-16 — ii. 399: I. 4 — iv. 493: I. -6 — iv. 44: I. ^7-11— ii. 399:2. 9 — vi. 742 : I. 13 — ii. 399 : 2. 14 — i. t66: 2. iii. 2y] : i. 16 — ii. 363: 2, 375:2, 395: I, 400: 1. — xiv. I — iv. 40: I. ^3 — vi.695:2. 4 — iv. 40: I. 2, 10 — iv. 519 : 2. 3 — ii- 391 : I, iv. 679 : I. 4-7 — 11-399: I- 5 — iv. 314: T. 7— iv. 73:2. 9 — iv. 58:1. 157 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — IX1)I':X. Isaiah Isaiah i. v. 453: I. I — ii. 410: 2. 3 — 11.639:2. 4 — Iv. 44: 2. 5 — iii- 104: 2. 6 — ill. 104: 2, vi. 635: I. 7 — iv. 26: 2. 7-9 — 111.694:1. • 7-24 — 11.405: I. 8 — iv. 41 : I. 9 — V. 580 : I . 10 — vi. 877: 2. 903: I. — — 10-17 — 11.393:2,111.554:2. II — iv. 73: I, lOi: I. 11-15 — ili. 694: I. 11-16 — ii. 266: 2. -13 — 1. 167: I, Hi. 632: I, iv. 83: I. 13-14 — vi. 875: I. 14 — iv. loi : I, V. 878: I. 17 — Hi. 836: I. — — 15 — 111-355: I. iv. 47- i- 18 — iv. 31 : I. — — 19 — 11. 426: I. iv. 27: 2. 20 — ii. 426: I. 21 — iv. 622: I, vi. 877: 2, 903: I. 26 — iv. 37: 2. 273: I, 639: T, 622: I. — 11. 1-5 — ill. 622: 2. 1-22 — 11. 405: I. 2 — iv. 38: 1.393: 1,532:2,713: l,vi. 687: 2. 2-4 — 11. 405: I. 2-5 — iii. 622 : 2. 631 : 2. 3 — 11. 435: 2, iii. 440: I, iv. 28: 2, 6 — Hi. 622: 2, 623: I. 7 — ii. 250: 2. 13, 14 — iii. 78: I. 19 — vi. 859: I. 21 — 11. 307: 2. — Hi. 1-12 — 11. 405: I. — — 4 — 11. 404: 2, vi. 662: 2. 6 — ill. 623: 2, iv. 569: I. 8 — • ill. 623: I. 10 — 11. 243: 2. 12-111. 503: I. 16 — ii. 405: 2. 17-11.347: I. 18-23 — vi. 702: 2. — ■ — 23 — iv. 631 : I. 24-11.347: I. 26 — iv. 82 : I, 633 : I. — iv. I — 11. 405: 2, ill. 623: I, iv. 47: I. 1-4 — iii. 631 : I. 2 — ii. 504: 2, ill. 623: 2, iv. 200: 2, 630: 2. 2-6 — HI. 624: I. 4 — 1. 284: 2, Hi. 700: 2. 5 — i- 173: 1,407:2. 6 — ili. 74: 2. II — 1. 610: 2. Isaiah v. i — ili. 725 : 2. vi. 31 : i, 252 : i. — • — 1-7 ^ Hi. 626: I. 1-30-11.405: 2. — — -6 — Hi. 725: 2. 7 — 11-405:2. 8 — 11. 651 : I, iv. 537: 2, 538: I, 590: 2. 8-24 — ill. 626: 2. 9 — Hi. 619: i,vl.624: i. — — 25 — iii. 620: 2, 628: 2, 629: I, iv. 36: 2, 473: I- 26 — iv. 371 : I. 26-29 — 11. 395:2, iv. 415: 2. 26-30 — 11. 426: I, Hi. 628: 2. 30 — iv. 81: 2. — vi.— — V. 415: I. 2 — i. 180: 2. 3 — iii- 249: 2, iv. 48: I, vi. 850: 2. — — 3 — vi.85o:2. 5 — • i V. 66 : I . — — 7 — V. 31: I, 522: 2. 1 1- 13 — ii- 426: I, Hi. 708: 2. 13 — ii. 406: 2, iv. 37: 2. — vli. 1-25 — 11. 407: I. 3 — iii. 619: I. ■ 8 — 11. 406: 2, Hi. 650: 2, iv. 84: 2, 311 : 2. 9-11.493: I. 12 — iii. 642: I. 13 — iii- 650: 2. 17 — 11. 556: 2. 18 — 11. 426: I, Hi. 708: 2, iv. 371: I. — viil. I — ill. 619: I, iv. 574: 2, 623: 2. 2 — 11. 518: 2, iv. 623: I, 668: 2. 3 — ii-436: I. 5-8 — vi. 869: 2. 6-11. 397: 1,462: 2, Iv. 347: I. 7 — ii- 397: I, iii- 709: i> iv. 30: 2. 8 — iv. 597: 2. 12-13 — vi. 705: 2. 13 — iv. 24: 1,65: I. 14^ V. 580: 2, vi. 696: r. 18 — ii. 405: 2,424: 2, ili. 709: I, vi. 504: I. 19 — i. 338: 2. -20 — iv. 81: 2. 21 — iv. 66: I. 22 — iv. 81 : 2. — ix. I — 1.713:2.11.271:1. 1-8 — Hi. 642. 2 — - 1. 713: 2, iii. 272: I. — — 3 — Hi. 215: 2. 6 — i. 222: I, ii. 145: 2. 7 — ii. 504: I, ill. 678: 2. — ■ — 8 — Hi. 625: I, 628: 2. — • — 8-12 — ill. 629: I. — — 8-17 — 11. 397: 2. 9 — 11. 296: 2. 10 — ii. 296: 2, iv. 450: 2, 452: 2. 1 1-16 — 11. 398: I. 13-17 — Hi. 629: I. Isaiah EXPOSITION OF THE BlBLi: — INDEX. 158 Isaiah ix. 1S-21 — iii. 629:1. Isaiali xiv. iS, 20 — iv. 292 : i, 5S7: 2. — X. 1-4 — iii. 629:1. ■ 2Ji — iii. 717:1. 2 — iv. 300: 2. — • — 24-32 — iii. 684: I, 2. 4 — iii. 625 : I, 62S : 2. 29 — ii. 392 : 2. ■ 5-34 — iii- 653: 2, 65S: 2, iv. 316: 2. —^29-32 — ii. 400: i, 426: i. 7 — iv. 316:1. -31 — iv. 194: I. — — 8 — ii. 396: I. — — 3-' — iii. 686: i, 687: 2, 709: I. 9-11 — iii.654: I. —XV. I — ii. 349: 1,387:2. 10 — vi. 698: 2. 2 — ii. 347: 1,387: 2. II — ii. 412: I, 2, iii. 709: I. 3 — vi. 622: 2. 12 — vi.698:2. 4 — iv. 179: i. 14 — ii. 414:2. 7 — ii. 387:2, iv. 487: I. — —17 — i. 133: I, 176: 2. — xvi. T — i. 277; 2, ii. 348: I. 18 — iv.27;2. 'i-ii — ■ii.409:i. 24-31 — ii. 433: 2. 'S — ii. 504: I, vi. 751: i. 28 — i. 713: I. ii- 414: l.iv. 535: 2,536: I. 6 — iv. 50: 2, 180: i, 278: I. 28-32 — iii. 709: I. — ■ — 7-10 — ii. 556: 2. 28-34 — ii.426:i. — '^ 10 — iv. 27: 2. — — 32 — i. 713: I, ii. 86: I, 414: I. 12, 13 — ii. 387: 2. 33 — ii- 424: 2, 426: I, iii. 709: i, iv. 406: 2. — xvii. i-ii — iii. 685: i. — xi. I — ii. 424: 2, 504: 2, iii. 678: 2, 800: I, vi. 6 — ^vi. 848:1. 852: 2. 12 — iii. 686: i, iv. 409: 2. 1-5 — iii. 651:2. 13 — iii. 686: I. 2 — iv. 37: I. 12-14^ iii. 685: I, iv. 629: I. 4 — ii- 319: iJv. 597: I, vi. 104: I. — — 14 — ii.424: 2. 5 — iv. 594:2. — xviii. 2 — -iii. 686:2. 8 — iv. 53: 2. — — 4 — iii. 687: 2, iv. 507: 2. 10 — V. 615:1. — xix. 3 — ^iv. 108:2. II — iii. 757: 2, iv. 652: 2. 5 — ii. 694: 2. 12 — iii. 661 : 2, iv. 38: 2. 11 — ii. 246: i. 13 — iv. 205:2. 14,15 81:2. ■15 — ii. 426:2. 16 — iii. 687:2. — —15-16 — vi. 897: 2. lS-22 — ii. 457: T. 27 — iv. 44:1. 19 — iv. 533:2. — xii. 2 — i. 176: I. 24 — ii. 427: I, iii. 686: i, vi. 79: 2. 3 — vi. 742: 2. 2S — ii. 427: I, iii. 686: i, iv. 178: I, 8 — V. 858:2. vi. 79: 2. -12 — ^iii.7i7:i. — xx. i — ii. 400: i, 420: i, 422: i. — xiii. 2 — iii. 717: I. 1-6 — -ii.4i9:2. 6 — ii. 479: 2, iv. 661 : l, vi. 622: 2, 745: I. 2 — ii. 360: i. 9 — vi. 859: I. — — 3 — ii.424: 2. 360: I. 10 — iv. 65: I, vi. 859: I. 6 — iii. 757: 2. 11-16 — ii.375:2. — xxi. i-io — iii. 665: 2, 685: 2. 13 — ii. 319:2. 2 — iv.407:i. 15 — ii. 363:2. ^6-10 — ii.420:i. 16 — ii. 363: 2, 395: I. II — iii. 685: 2. 16-18 — iii. 322: 2. — ^ 13-17 — iii. 685: 2. 17 — iv. 41 1 : I, 650: 2, 14 — iii. 686: 2. 19 — ii.4i8:i. — xxii. i — ii.448:i. 19-22 — vi. 906: I. I- 13 — ii. 422: 2. 21 — ii.285:i. 2 — ii. 448:1. — xiv. I — iii. 717: 2. 3 — ii. 240: i, iii. 694: 2. — ■ — 2-23 — iii. 716: I. 5 ^ iv. 547: I. '4 — ii. 418: I, iii. 541 : 2, iv. 391: I. 6 — iii. 685: i. 8 — ii. 424 : 2. 8 — iv. 586 : 2. 9 — iv. 415: T, 674: I. 9-1 1 — ii. 407: I, 578: I. 14 — iii. 25:2. II — iv.24:i. 16 — iii. 463: I. 12 — iii. 685: 2, vi. 624: 2. 159 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLl': — LXDEX. Isaiab Isaiah xxii. 13 — vi. 624:2. 14 — iii. 698: I. 15 — 11.249:2. 17, 18 — ii. 413: 2. 21 — ii. 248 : 2, 422 : 2, vi. 838 : 2, S48 : 2, 22 — ii. 422 : 2, vi. 848 : 2. 2^ — iv.98: I. — xxiii. 2, 6 — iii. 757 : 2. 8 — i. 591 : I, iv. 366 : i. T7 — iv. 53.3: I- — xxiv. 1-12 — ii. 423 : 2. 2 — ii. 380: 2. 10 — vi. 907 : I. 19 — vi. 750: I. 21 — iv. 636 : 2, 402 : 2. 23 — vi.847: 2,918: I. — XXV. i. 259: I. 1-4 — iii. 725:2. 6 — iv. 573: I. 6-8 — iii. 72s: I. 6-9 — iii. 727: I. 7, 8 — i. 162: I. 9 — iii. 726: 2. 10. 1 1 — iii. 723 : I. — xxvi. 2 — iii. 290: I. — — -4 — vi. 694: 2. — — 8 — iii. 726: 2. 9 — iii. 723: i,iv. 398: 1 ■ 10 — iii. 72;^: I. II — ii. 344:2. 13 — iv. 37: I. 14-19 — iii. 727: I. 15 — iii. 724: I- 19 — iv. 310: 2, vi. 84: 2. — — 21 — iii. 725: 2. — xxvii. I — • iii. 725: 2, iv. 410: 2, 689: 2. 6 — iii. 724: I. — — 9 — ii.412: 1,2,723: 1,724: i,v. 59>:i. 9 — iii. 724: I. 9-13-111.723: I. 12 — iii. 723: 1,724: I. 13 — iii. 723: I, 726: 2. 29 — iv. 628: 2. — 'Xxviii. I — i. 708: 2, iv. 82: I. 1-4 — ii. 296: 2,400: 2. • 1-15 — ii.426: I. 2 — ■ iii. 237: r. ■ 7 — iv. 81:2. 7-22 — ii. 415: I. 14 — ii.427: I. — — 15 — ii.401: I. 16 — V. 580 : 2, 5S2 : 2, vi. 695 : 2. 23-29 — iii. 402: I. 29 — ii. 695: I, 619: I. — xxix. 1-8 — iii. 709: I. — — 4 — iii. 683: 2. 5-8 — ii. 426: I, iii. 709: I. 6 — -ii. 320: I. Isaiah xxix. 7 — iii. 685: I. 10 — V. 587: 2. II — ii. 412: T. ■ 13 — ii. 268: I, iv. 74:2, vi. 251:2. 14 — ii. 268: I. 16 — iii. 258: I. 17 — iv. 27: 2. — XXX. I — iii. 709: I, iv. 30: 2, 34: i. 1-7 — ii. 414: 2,422: 2. 5 — iv. 34: I. 3 — ii.556:2. 6 — iv. 517: I. 9 — ii. 328: 1,412: I, 2, iii. 709: I. 10 — ii. 328: I, iii. 709: I. / 14 — iv. 81 : 2. 16 — ii. 226: I, 250: 2. 17 — ii. 250: 2. 18 — iii. 619: I. 19-26 — iii. 709 : I. 20 — iv. 251 : 2. 20-26 — ii. 426: I, iii. 709: 2. 21 — 'iv. 251: 2. 22 — ii.412: 1,2. 26 — iv. 397: I. 27 — iv. 229 : 2. 30-33 — ii.426: i. 28 — • ii. 424: I, 431 : I. 29 — vi. 694 : 2. — — 30-33 — iii. 709: 2. '33- iii. 700: 2. . — xxxi. I — ii. 556: 2, iii. 709: I, iv. 66: I. 1-3 — ii. 250: 2. 2 — ii. 246: I, iii. 619: I, 673: 2, iv. 66: I. 4 — iii. 696: 2, 709: I. 5 — iii. 709: I. 9 — iii. 668: 2, v. 395: i. — xxxii. I — ■ iv. 55: 2, 299: I. ■ 1-8 — iii. 678: I. 2 — iii. 715: I. 9-20 — iii. 682: I. 14 — iii. 709: I. 15 — iv. 314: I- 17 — iv. 53-95. — xxxiii. 1-6 — iii. 697: 2. 2 — i. 176: I. 3 — ii.424:2. 8 — ii.422: 1,423:2. 9 — ii. 306: 2. 13-16 — iii. 43: 2. 14 — • i. 215: I, iii. 67: 2, 254: I. 16, 21 — iv. 201 : 2. ■ 17 — iii. 652: I. 18 — ii. 424: 2, iii. 706: I. 21 — iii. 125: 2. 22 — ii.439: 1,652: I. — xxxiv. 2 — vi.859: I. 4 — V. 859: I, vi. 747:2, 730: C. II — ii. 432: I. Isaiah EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. i6o Isaiah xxxv. 2 — ii. 306 : 2, iii. 2jj : 2. 10 — i. 166: 2, vi. 891 : I. — xxxvi. I — ii. 426: I, iii. 692: i, iv. 81: 2. -2 — iii. 692 : 2, iv. 81 : 2. 3 — ii. 248: 2, iii. 695: 2. 6 — iii. 596: 2. 19 — ii.403: I. — xxxvii. 2 — ii. 414: I. -8 — i. 707: I. — — 13 — ii.403: I. — ■ — 25 — - iii. 706: 2. 29 — ii.431: I. 30 — ii. 424: 2. 31 — iv-37:2. 33 — iv. 91:2. 34 — 82: I. 35 — ii- 504: I- 38 — ii.425: I. — xxxviii. I — iii. 710: 2. 5 — ii. 504: I. 6 — ii. 426: I. 7 — iii. 709; 2. 10-20 — ii. 416: I, 417: 2. 12 — iii. 727: I, vi. 603: 2. 17 — i. 2i6:i,ii. 228: 2, 415: 2, vi. 710: 2. 18, 19 — iii. 80: 2, 286: I. — xxxix. 6 — ii. 431 : i, iv. 384: 2. 7 — ii- 447 : 2, iv. 384 : 2. — xl. I — i. 133: 2, iv. 503:2. I-II — iii. 748: I. 2 — iii. 219: 2, iv. 94: I. 5 — iii. 247: 2. 6-7 — vi. 575: 2. 6-8 — vi. 570: I, 693: I. 9 — iii. 796: I. 12 — iii. 208: 2. 12-31 — iii. 752: I. 17 — iv. 65: 2. 18 — iv. 590: 2. 19 — ii. 285: I. 20 — iv. 66: 2. 21 — iii. 752: I. 22 — ii. 695: I, iv. 67: I, 25 — iii. 632: 2, vi. 887: I. 26 — vi. 863: 2. 26-29 — iii. 339:2. 31 — vi. 720 : 1 , 884 : I, 39 — iii. 820: I. — xli. 2 — iii. 771 : i, vi. 855: I. 3 — iii- 767: I- 5 — iii- 757: 2. 8 — v. 544:2,594:2. 8-20 — iii. 788: 2, 792: 2. 14 — ii. 401 : I, iii. 62: 2, 589: I. 15 — vi. 667: 2. 18 — iii. 273: I. 2.^ — iv. 65 : 2. 24 — iv. 65: 2. Isaiah xli. 25 — i. 184 : 2, iii. 758 : 2, 767 : I, 771: I. — xlii. I — iii. 564: 2, iv. 9: I. 1-3 — iii. 802: I. 3 — V. 908 : 2. 1-7 — iii. 792: 2. 1-7 — iii. 795 : I, 802 : I. 2, 3 — ii. 309: 2. 4 — iii. 757:2. 7 — iii. 272 : I. 10 — iii. 247: 1,757:2. — — 12 — iii. 757: 2. 13-17 — iii- 763: 2. 15 — iii. 758: I. 17 — iii. 248: I. 18— iii. 792: 2,795:2. — — 19 — iv. 682: I. 21 — i. 280: 2, iii. 787: 2. 22 — iii. 745: 2. 24 — iv. 682: I. — — 25 — ii. 195: I. — xHii. 1-7 — iii. 794: i. 2 — iv. 406: 2. — — 5-10 — iii. 792: 2. 8 — iii. 795:2. 9 — • iii. 770: I. 10 — iii. 770: I. 789: I, 795: 2. — — 12 — • iii. 770: I. -14 — iii. 462 : 2. -19 — iv. 402: 2. — • — 22-24 — iii- 769 : 2. — — 25 — iii. 439: I, vi. 521: I. — xiiv. I — iii. 791 : i. 5 — iii- 763 : i, v. 923 : 2. 7, 8 — iii. 770 : i. ■ 9 — iii. 139 : I, 248: T, 285 : 2. 9-20 — iii. 285 : I, iv. 395 : i. II — iv. 506 : 2. 15-17 — i. 195: I. — — 21— iii. 793:2. ■ 23 — iii. 249: I. 24 — iii. 256 : I , iv. 24 : i. — — 24-28 — iii. 772: I. • 25 — i. 93 : I, iv. 404 : 2, 406 : 2. 26 — iii. 770: 2. 28 — i. 93: I, ii. 286:2, 594:2, iii. 463:1, 771 : I, iv. 357: I, 609: I. — xlv. I — iii. 463: I. 650: I, 772 -2, iv. 357 •-• 1-3 — iii. 767: I. 2 — iii. 272 : I. 3 — iii. 763:2, 772:2. — — 4 — iii. 763: 2,772: 1,2, 5 — 772: I- 7 — ii. 540: 2. — — 8 — iii. 221 : i, 787 : 2. 9 — iii. 823: 2. • 9-13 — iii. 772 : 2. 13 — iii. 771 : 2. 786:2. i6i EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Isaiah Isaiah xlv. .8-111.787: I. Is^'^1^ '"• 1-6 -m. 828: i. 19-25-111.787:1. 7-v.583:2. . 23- V. 611: I. 7-9_vi.i03:i. -xlvl. i-lil.467:i,iv.62:2. 9-in-249:i. 3-111. 8.9: I, iv. 4.^0: I, vi. 887:1. 10-1.1.247:2,249:1. , ... ^ II— 1... 783:2, IV. 385:2, V. 776:1, VI. ■ 4 — .11. 019 • J^. 5_vl.887:i. 7o6:i. 6-n-.394:i. 12 -.... 783 : 2, 824 : i. 7_iv. 30:2,62:2. 13 -....792: 2, 813: 2. 9-1 1 — .... 77^ : 2 14 — ill. 62 : 2. IS — V. 617:2. II — 111. 771 : I. , •• o •• /;, r — I'll- v.. 700:2. -xlv... 1-8 -....463: I. i-v.585:i. 4 — IV. 493:2. ^ ^ 6-11.289:2,111.745:2. '-r-.^'^--'- . 13-11. 426:1, Iv. 62:2, 64:2, 406:2. 4 -111. 105: I, v.. 701: I. , ... . — — 4-6 — ..1.601:1. — X v.... I — .V. 40:2. 5 — .... 104: 2, V. 100: I. 6 — .V. 200:1. ;: . , -6 — .. 167: 1. 7, 8 — ..1.94: I. . , ••• ., . o 7 — 1.167:1,111.105 10 — IV. 57:2, 180:2. [^ . \^^\^ ..; 13 — • ill. 256: I. .4. 15 -iii. 771: I, 772:2. ';°i:^v.885:2. 18 — ....785:2,837: I. 20 — ill. 783 : 2, 793 : 2. — xlix. I — 111.757:2, V. 833: 2. ... ■ ^.^ ^ ... 00 o ., ^ I — .... 283: I, VI. 742: 2 1-9-111.792:2,808:1,813:2. ^ . o ' /-+- ■' ... S — 1 (O^ ■ 2 2 — 11.307:2. 319:1, 111.249:1, 790:1, V -4 . . 833 : 2. 10 — 1. 167:1, ill. 63:2, iv. 885:2, vL 716: 2. — — 12 — Hi. 329: 2. — liv.— — V.885: I. 10 — ill. 256: I. — —17 — iv. 407: I. . • 10 — 111. 254: 1,734: 2, vl.864:2 -12 — ill. 271 : I. t-u — ui. /yj .1. , ... ^ , .. ... o ^ — V. 2 — .11. 746: 2. . 6—11.503:2,111.802:1. 8-111.795: I, 823: 2, v. 773: I. — — 3 — v.4.->3: I- ... o 10 IV. 25:1. . 9 — 111.272:1,823:2. ... '', :„ :.:,.....,.... ,M 8^,. o II -111. 746 :2.1V. 25: I. — • — -12 — ^ iii. 249: 2. — Ivi. 7 — 11. 6ot: t. 13 — i...249:i. r, ••• 00 ^ . . 8 — ..1.277: 2, 828: 2. .15 v.. 720:2. ■■ o ^ ... — — 9 — ..1.831 : T. 16 — .11.742:2. ^ .. ^ • <-. , 10 — .1.409: 2, VI. 655: I. T <> ..I/I. 2. .. ./fo . ' , II .1.409: 2, VI. 658: 2. 23 — iv.366:2. , .. .. "^ I . .. — Ivii. 1-4 — 1..430: 2. 26 ^ VI. 667 : 2. ^ . . . , . ^ 5-9 — ■11.430:1. — I. I — 1.603: 2, VI. 613: I. ^^ ... ^-^ .:. o 14 — 111.174:1. 4-7 — .1..801 : I. ^ ... ir , ^' ... — . — 1:5 — 111.282:2.632:2. — — 4-10 — 111.792:2. -^ .. . ... ' o ^ 16—11.726:1. 4- 1 1 — ....808:1. . ' . , 8-111.802:1. 19 -iv. 647: I, v.. 36: I. ... „ — — -20 v.. 659:1. 10— ..1.823:2. , ... „ ''^ o/; — Iv.ii. 2 — 785: 2,786: I. — — IT — .V.413: I. / J ,/ 3 — IV. 130:2. 5 — Iv. 831 :i. 5-11 — i. 198: 2. 3 — 111. 249: I. ^ •=5-111.247:1,757:2.804:2. ..'."+"■ ■ . o '^ ... ^^ . -7- 1... 800: 2, .V. 831 : I. 6 — ..i.2s6: I.V.. 747:2. ; . ... ' ^8 — IV. 130:2. 7 — .. I. 786: I. . ^ .. , 10 — ..162:2. 9 — 11.414:2,695:1. . o ■• f • o^.,.^ 13, 14 — IV. 831:2. 10 — ...414:2, 695:1, v.. 897: 2. ' ;;;^ — ii- 287 : 2. — viii. I — vi. 613 : i. 2 — ii. 287 : 2, 402 : i, 429 : 2. 8 — ii. 449 : I, iv. 266: 2. TO — iii. 593 : T, 2. II — ii. 45' : i, iii- 593: i,2. 16 — ii. 434: I. 18 — iii. 544:2. 22 — ii. 270: T. • — ix. I — iii. 544: 2. 2 — iii. 145 : 2. 10 — ii. 434: 2. __22 — ii. 287 : 2. 24 — V. 530 : 2. 33 — iv. 5S7: 2. — X. 5 — iii. 372: I. Jcreiuiah x. 13 — iii. 320: I. 19 — iii. 200 : I. • 22 — iii. 834: I. 23 — iii. 104: I. 24 — iii. 21 : 2. 25 — iii. 205 : 2. — xi. 3,4— ii. 437: 2. 15 — ii. 266 : 2. 19-21 — ii. 454: 2, — xii. 5 — ii. 444: I. 6 — ii. 454:2. 16 — vi. 629: 2. — xiii. 27 — iv. 274 : i. — xiv. 2, 6 — iv. 654 : r. 7 — iii. 602 : 2. — — 9 — vi. 587: I. — — 12 — iv.653: I. • 14 — vi. 736:2. 21 — iii. 575:2. 22 — ii. 310: I. XV. I — ii. Z2 ■ r, iii- 250 : 2. 1-9 — ii. 432: I. 4 — iv. 224: 2. 8 — iv. 575 : 2. 9 — 1.398: r- 10- ii. 535: I. ^15 — iii. 181 : I. 16 — vi. 587: I. 19— iv. 569: I. • — xvi. 6 — ii. 260 : 2. 7 — iv. 274:2. 13 — iii. 334: I- 19, 20 — ii. 401 : T. — xvii. 1-4 — 11.438:1. 6 — 111.255:2. 9 — iii. 606 : 2, V. 540 : I. 9-1 1 — ii.438: I. 15 — vi. 746: I. 21 — V. 157 : 2. 24, 25 — i. 198:2. — xviii. I — iv. 592 : I. 7 — ii-3T9: t- — — 23-111.425:2. — xix. — iv. 801 : I. 2-6 — ii.430: I. 3 — ii.430: I. 5 — ii. 408: I. 9-11.359:2. 13 — ii- 402 : I, 429 : 2, 437 : I. — XX. 1-18 — ii. 313: 2. 2 — ii. 277: 2,447: I. 5 — iv. 675: I. 7,8 — 11. 441 : 2. — xxi. I — ii. 454 : i, iv. 571 : 2. i-io — ii. 451 : I. 6 — 1. 6to: 2. 13, 14 — iv. 82 : I. — xxll. 10 — 11.441:1. 10-12 — ii. 443: I. Jer. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 164 Jerftiniali xxii. 11 — ii. 442:1. 13 — iv. 46 : I, 567 : 2, 595 : 2, vi. 623 : 2. 13-17 — 11-444: I. 13-19 — 11.443: I. 15 — ii-439: i,iv. 567:2. 16 — 11.439: I. 17 — ii. 3-28 : I . 111. 355 : 2, vi. 741 : 2. 18 — 11. 286 : 2, 441 : I, iv. 384: I. 19 — ii. 446: 2. 23 — 11.444: I. 24-30-11.447: I. 30—11.447:2. — xxiii. I — 11. 444 : i, iv. 299 : 2, 675 : I. 4 — iv. 299 : 2. 5 — ii. 504: 2, ill. 816: I. 6 — 11. 448 : I, 504 : 2. 7-8 — vi. 629 : 2. 8 — iv. 675: I. 9-32 — 11.449:2. II — ii. 380 : 2, iii. 593 : i. 14 — 111.593: I. 19,20 — ii.318: I. 20-40 — 11. 328 : 2. 21-25 — 11.330:2. 21-40 — 11. 328 : I. 28 — ii.450: I. 29-11.450: I. 31-33 — ii- 449: I. — xxiv. 2 — ii. 372 : I. • 7 — ill. 140: I. — XXV. 4 — 1. 155:2. 9-11.445:1,447:2. 10 — ill. 508: I. II — ii. 593: 2, iv. 418: I. II — ii. 593:2. 12 — iv. 627 : 2. 20 — 11. 697 : I. 22 — iv. 287: I. 24 — ii. 270: 2. 26 — 11. 406: I. 27 — iv. 595:2. 29 — ii. 362: I. 30 — 11. 287 : r. Z2 — ii. 318: I. 35 — iii- 330: 2. — xxvl. 5-1. 155:2. 6-11.445: 1,543: T. 7-111.593: I. 8-24 — 11. 414: I. 9 — ii. 24: I. 18 — 11. 444 : I, iv. 535 : I. 20-23 — 11.443: I, 444: I. 22 — 11. 447 : I. 24 — 11. 455 : 2, iii. 545 : 2. — xxvii. — iv. 261 : i. 1-8 — 11. 449: 2. 3 — ii-449: I. 6-11.447:2,593:2. 12-18 — 11. 449: 2. Jeremlali xxvii. 20 — iv. 384:1. — xxvlil. II — ii. 449 : 2. 13-16 — ii. 450: I. — xxix. 2 — 11.447:1. 3 — iii- 545:2. 4-7 — 111.462:1. 9 —ii. 314:2. 10 — ii. 593: 2, iv. 418: I. II — iv. 418 : I. 19 — i. 155:2. 20 — 11. 380: 2. 21-23 — 11.449: 2. — — 22 — iv. 365: 1,394:2. 24-32-11.381 : I. 25-27 — 11.459:2. 26-11.378:2,447: i,iv.449: 1,362: 1. — XXX. 9 — Hi. 830 : i. 10 — iii. 790: 2. 17 — 111.834: I. 23 — 11. 318: I. — xxxi. I — V. TJ"] : 2. 1-34-11.451: I. 9 — V. 777 : 2. 12 — HI. 834: I. 15-17 — ii- 455: I. 18 — 11. 270: I. 24 — iv. 673:2. 27 — iv. 392: I. 29, 30 — Iv. 256 : 2. 31 — ii- 438: 2. 31-34 — ii- 266: 2, vi. 519:2. 32-11.438:2. 33 — ii-449: I, iv. 314:2, V. 316:2. 34 — ii-449: I- 38-11.645: I. — xxxii. 5 — iv. 288:1. 7-11.433: i,iv. 288: I, V. 348:2. 20 — iv. 420 : I, 672 : 2. 21 — ^^1. 574: 2. 29-11.437: I. 35 — ii-430: I. 39 — Hi. 223 : I. 44 — iv. 420 : I. — xxxiil. 6 — ill. 834: I. 14-26 — ii. 266 : 2. 15 — ii- 504 : 2, iv. 301 : 2. 17 — iv. 301 : 2. 18 — H. 267 : 2, 438 : 2. — xxxiv. I — 11.449:2. 3 — ii-453:2. 7 — ii. 421 : 2. 8-1 1 — ii. 448: 2. 14 — iv. 336:2. 19 — 11. 448: 2. — XXXV. 1-19 — 11.373:2. 6, 7, 19 — 1. 580 : 2. — xxxvi. 5 — 11. 287 : 2. 10 — 11. 253 : 2. 12 — ii.456: I. i65 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE- INDEX. Job Jeremiah xxxvi. 20-31 — 11.443:1. 26 — 11.301 : 2,446; I. 29 — 11.445: I- 30 — 11.446:2. — xxxvll. 1-17 — 11.451:1- 3 — 11.450:2,454:1. 7,8 — 111. 596: 2. 11-15 — 11.451:2. 21—11.452: I- 30 — Iv. 568: I. — xxxvlil. 5 — 11. 448 : 2, 451 : 2. — — 6 — 111. 586: 2. 9 — ii-452: i- — . — 10 — 11. 452: 2. — xxxlx. 2 — 11. 455 : 2. 3 — 11- 422 : I, iv. 367 : i, 384 : 2. 4 — 111.551:2,598: I. 5 — 11. 449 : 2, ill. 551 : 2, 598 : I. 9 — il. 453 : 2, Iv. 293 : 2. 13 — ii- 453: 2. — xl. 1-6 — 11.454: 2. 2 — iv. 680: 2. 5-111.545:2. 12 — 11.454: 1,455:2. — xll. 1 — 11.455:2. 2 — Iv. 638: I. 5 — 11. 260: 2. 5-9 — ii- 292 : 2. 7-11.456:2. 8 — 11.454: I- 9 — 11.456: I. 17 — 11. 242: 2, V. 26: I. — xlli. 4 — Hi. 564: I- 6 — 11. 221 : I. 7 — 11. 221 : 1,564: I, iii- 545: I. 13 — 111. 820: I. — xliil. 8 — iv. 292: 2. 10 — 11. 447: 2. 13-11.411 : 2,457: i,iv. 292: 2. 14 — 11. 457: I. — xliv. I — 11. 457 : I. 17 — 11. 412: I. 29 — 11.424:2, 111.820:1. — xlv. 1-5 — 11.445: 2. 5-11.636: I. — xlvl. 1-12 — 11.445:1. 2 — iv. 365 : 2. s — 11. 445: 1- 9 — Hi. 845 : 2. 10 — vl. 745: I. II — 11. 270: I. 15 — 11.397: 2. 17 — il. 450: T. -18 — il. 306: 2. 20 — Hi. S20: I. 25 — Iv. 587: I. ■ 1"/ — HI. 7Qo: 2. — xlvli. 4 — Hi. 757: 2. 6—11.447:2. Jeremiah xlviii. 1 1 — iv. 573 : I. 13 — 11.387:2. 24 — iv.475: I. 29 — ill. 685: I. 31 — ii-349: L 42 — 111. 685: I. 45 — 1.461 :2. — xllx. I — Iv. 277 : 2. ■ 7 — iv. 278 : I, 603 : 2. ■ 9 — iv. 599: I- . 16— iv. 599:2. 19 — 11. 287 : I, 403 : 2, — 1. 2 — ill. 467 : I. • 16 — Iv. 666: I. 19 — 11. 306 : 2. 37 — Iv. 587:2. . 44 — ii- 403 : 2. • — 11. 4 — Hi. 820: I. 9 — iv. 384:2. II — iv. 369 : 2, 392 : 2. 16 — ill. 320: I. 20 — Iv. 586: I. 25 — vl. 807 : 2. 28 — iv. 369 : 2, 407 : I. 34 — iv. 682 : 1, 687 : 2, 37 — Iv. 587:2. 41 — 11. 406: I. 44 — iv. 682 : I, 687 : 2. 45 — iv. 687:2. 56 — ill. 242: I. 57 — iv. 407: I. 58 — iv. 595:2. 59-11.445:2. 64 — 11. 221 : I. — HI. 2 — Hi. 545: I. 3 — H. 450: I, Hi. 545:1. 6 — 11. 452: I. II — H. 453: 2. 12 — Iv. 638: I. 20 — 11. 510: 2. 21-23-11.254: I. 24-11.263:2,435:2. 28-30 — 11. 454 : 2, iv. 365 : 2, 384 : I. 29 — Iv. 384: I. 30 — 11. 455 : 2, 1 V. 294 : 2. 31,34— iv. 143: I. 1x1. I Iv. 384: 2. — Ixv. — Hi. 741 : I- Job 1. 1-5 — 11. 697: I. 6 — iv. 371 : I. 6-12 — 11. 700 : 2, Hi. 579 : I. 7 — vi.725:2. 9-1 1 — 1.305: I. 13-22 — 11. 704 : 2. — — 20 — vl. 632 : 2. 21 — 11. 418: 2, vl.632:2. — il. 1-7 — Hi- 579: I- 8 — iv. 108: I. Job EXPOSITION OF TllK DlBLi: — INDEX. i66 Job ii. 13 — iv. 82: I. — iii. 8 — iv. 687: 2. 19 — iii. 226: 2. — iv. 16 — iii. 211:1. 18— ii. 738: I. — V. 13 — vi. 627: I. 16 — iii. 2T2, : 2. 20-22 — ii. 301 : 2. 25 — iii. 185: 2. — vi. 17 — ii. 303:2. — vii. 6 — ii. 724: I. 9 — vi. 620: I. 10 — iii. 258: 2. 17, 18 — iii. 2"] : I. — viii. 4 — ii. 726 : i. 7 — iv. 510:2. 9 — ii. 547: I. 16 — iii. 815 : I. — i.x. 8 — ii. 69s : i. 9 — ii. 389: I, iv. 484:1. 15 — iv. 578:2. 21 — ii. 778: I. 22, — '\\.^2T.2. 26 — vi. 851: 2,868:2. 27 — iv. 54: I. — .X. 2-'^ — ii. 729 : 2. 3 — iii- 304:2. 8 — IV. 527: I. II —iii. 325:2. • 20— iv. 54: I. 21 — iv. 27 : 2. 21,22 — i. 162:1. — xi. 5,6— ii. 695: I. 20 — i. 398: I, iii. 330:2. — xii. 6 — ii. 754: 2. II — iv. 57: I. 12 — ii. 288: 2. 21 — iii. 273 : I. 24 — ii.695: I, iii. 273: I. — xiii. 3 — ii 7}^},: I- 4,5 — ii- 734: I- 10. II — ii. 734: I. 15 — ii. 417: 2, 734 : 2, vi. 720 : I. — xiv. I — V. 874: I. 2 — vi. 575:2. 6 — iv. 31 : 2. 7 — iii. 815: I. 10 — iv. 65 : 2. II — ii. 694: 2. 15 — iv. 575: I- — XV. 1-13 — ii. 738: I. 15 — ii- 7.38: I, iv. 400: I, 30 — iii. 815: I. — xvi. 10 — ii. 332 : 2. — xvii.3 — ii.374: I. 5 — iv. 114:2. — xix.4— iv. 55:2. 13 — iv. 522: T. — XX. 5 — ii. 327: 2. Jub ii. 15 — ii.396: I. -23 — ii. 768: I. — — 25,28 — ii. 768: I. — xxi. 14 — ii.25:2. 15 — ii. 779: 2. 16 — ii. 756 : I. 22 — ii. 700 : 2. 33 — iv. 30:2. — xxii. 19 — • iii. 2"]}, : 2. 29 — vi.615: 2. — xxiv. 5 — iv. 31 : 2, 650 : I. ^13 — ii.764: I, iii. 834: I. -16 — ii. 764 : I. — • — • 18-21 — ii. 764: I. 20 — ii. 764: I. — • — 22 — ii.764: I, iii. 76: 2. — XXV. 2 — ii. 700 : 2. — xxvi. 12 — ii. 414 : 2, 695 : I. — ■ xxvii. II — ii. 767 : 2. ■ 12 — ii. 767 : 2, iv. 27 : I. — — 13 — ii. 768: I. — ■ — 15, 16 — iii. 481 : 2. .20 — ii. 768: I. -21 — ii. 768: I. — • xxviii. 3 — iii. 66 : i. 8-iv.55:2. — ■ — -12 — vi. 600: 2. 23-28 — ii. 246 : 2. 26 — iv. 673 : 2. — • xxix. 12 — iii. 185 : 2. — XXX. 9 — iii. 181 : i. — • xxxi. 26 — iv. 678 : 2. 26-28 — ii. 402 : I. 30 — iv. 74:2. 37 — iv. 114:2. — xxxiii. 20-22 — iii. 272 : 2. — xxxiv. 9 — ii. 779 : i. — ■ — 16 — ii. 778: 2. 28-30 — ii. 778 : 2. 31— ii. 779: I. — XXXV. 9 — ii. 780: T. 14 — ii. 780: I. — xxxvi. 16 — iv. 477 : I. — — '22-25 — i'- 781 : 2. 23 — iv. 569: 1,577:2. -26 — ii. 781 : 2. — - xxxvii. 2 — iv. 596 : i. 14 — ii. 781 : 2. 19, 20 — ii. 781 : 2. — xxxviii. I — ii. 318: I, 345 : 2, 786: I. — • — 4 — iv. 68: I. 16. 17 — iv. 410: 2. 22, 23 — i. 159: 2. .31 — ii.389: I. — — 38-41 — ii. 787:2. 39-11.787: T. — xxxix. 25 — iv. 51:2. — xl.4 — V. 541: T. 6 — ii.3i8:i. 167 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Johu Job xli. 5 — iii. 261 : 2, v. 581 : 2. 6 — i. 591 : I, V. 581 : 2. 10-13 — iii. 52: r. — xlii. 1-6 — V. 545: I. 5-6 — vi. 615: 2. 7-17—11-789:2. 10 — iii. 41 : 2. Joel i. 15 — ii.479: 2. 18 — iv. 689: 2. — ii. i-ii — i. 161 : I. ■ 2 — iv. 65 : I, 428 : 2. 7 — iii. 53:2, 443:2. 9 — iv. 59: 1,508: I. 10 — iv. 65 : I. II — vi.74s': I. 13 — iv. 314: I- 21 — vi. 626 : 2. 28 — ii. 607: 2. -30,31 — iv. 65: r. 3-' — vi.745:2. — iii. 2 — ii. 295 : 2, iv. 652 : r. 4 — iv. 183: 1,654: r. 15 — iv. 65 : I. Jolm i. I — iv. 900 : 1, vi. 499: 2. 2 — vi. 611 : I. • 3 — iii- 378: I. vi. 499: 2. 4 — V. 852: I. 5 — vi.88i:2. 7 — vi.837: I. 9 — v. 852: I. vi.837: I. 12 — iv. 514: 2. • 13 — iv. 514: 2, vi. 591: 2. 14 — i- 215: I, V. 2y. 2, vi. 728: 2, 864: 2, ^jy. I. 887: I. 15 — V. 852: I. 16 — V. 852: I, vi. 2T. 2, 873: I. 17 — vi.536: I. ■ 18 — iii. 378: I. 19 — iv. 774: I. 23 — iii. 732: 2. — — 27 — iv. 774: I. 29 — i. 245: r. 31 — vi. 889: 2. 44 — V.46: I. 45 — vi. 852: 2. — ii. i-ii — vi. 910: I. 4 — vi.866: i. — — T I — i. 174: 2, vi. 728: 2. 12 — vi. 563 : 1 , 563 : 2, 564 : I. 17 — iv. 68: 2, vi. 603: i. 19 — iv. 867: 2, 876: 2, vi.473: I. 19-21 — i. 284: I. — — 21 — V. 874: 2. 22 — vi. 873. I. 23-5 — iv. 730: 2. 24 — iv. 751: 2. Jolm iii. 5 — vi.455:2. — — 7 — iv. 259: I. 8 — ii. 486 : 2, i v. 738 : 2. 13 — iv- 817: 2, V. 499: 2. 29 — iii. 537: I, iv. 727: 2, vi. 865: I, 910: I. 16 — vi. 31 : 2, 610: 2. '23 — i. 707: 2. 26 — iv. 819: I. 27 — vi.453: I. '28 — vi. 910: I. 34 — i. 288: I. — iv. 10 — iv. 28: 2. 10-14 — vi. 577: I. — ■ — 12 — ii. 404: 2. 13 — vi. 864: 2. 14 — vi. 864: 2, 924: I. 20 — ii. 404: 2. '21 — ii. 602: I. 21-24 — V. 918: 2, 919: I. — • — 22 — V. 578: I. 22, — ii. 602: I. 24 — V. 590: 1-2, 591 : 2, vi.917: I. 26 — vi.473: I. 2"] — ii. 351 : 2, vi. 701 : 2. 31 — i.548:2. — • — Z2 — vi. 889: 2. 52 — iv. 771: I. — V. I — ii. 687: 2. 4 — v. 394: 1,2,397: I. 16 — iv. 838:2. 17 — i. 199: I. 18 — V. 874:1. 19 — vi.837: I. — • — 20 — iv. 900: I. 24 — V. 760 : I . 24-25 — vi. 30:2. 25 — i v. 3 II : I , vi. 84 : 2, 914 : 2. 26 — vi. 499: I. 27 — iv. 827 : 2, V. 535 : I, vi. 838 : I, 866:2. • 28 — vi. 914: 2. 29 — iv. 827 : 2. ■ 39 — iii. 422: 2, V. 522: 2, vi. 481 : 2. 40 — V. 585 : 2. — — 46 — i. 238:2,242: I, V. 522:2, 536: I, vi. 582: 2. 47 — i. 238:2. — vi. 4 — iv. 744:2. 10 — V. 75: I. ■ 15 — iv. 771: 2. 27 — vi.86i: 2. — — 31 — v.44:2. — ■ — 2>^ — i. 182: r. — — 33 — i- 260: 2. 35- iv. 906:1. 38— i. 283: I. 39-40 — V. 888 : 2. 44 — V. 888:2. John EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. l68 John vi. 47. 48 — iv. 906 : i. ■51^1. 260: 2. 51-55 — vi. 550:2. 52 — i. 260: 2. 54— iv. 867:2. 55, 57 — i. 260:2. 60 — vi. 597: I. 62 — vi. 685: I. 67 — iv. 752: I, 794: 2, 836: 2. 69 — iv. 822 : 2. 70 — iv. 752: 1,794: 2, 836:2, vi. 592: I. — vii. I — vi. 717: 2. 3-5 — vi. 564:2. 4 — vi.875: I. 5 — iv. 76: I, vi. 645 : 2. 7 — vi. 61 1 : I. 17 — • vi. ^22: I, 729: 2. 37 — i. 474: I, vi. 864:2, 37-39 — vi. 864: I. 38 — vi. 577: 1,864:2. 48 — vi. 699 : 2. 50, 5 1 — iv. 799 : 2, 805 : 2. 52 — iv. 579:2. — • viii. I — V. 84: I. I sq. — iii. 381 : i. 4 — vi. 738: I. 12 — iv. 713: I, vi. 864: 1,877: I. • 14 — vi. 636: 2. 23 — vi. 611: I. 28 — vi. 322: 2. 31-44 — V. 870: I. 33 — iv. 38:2, V. 885: I. 35 -v. 885: I. 33-59 — v. 857: 2. 38 — vi.695: I. 44 — vi.99: I. 56 — V. 545: I, vi.465: 1,858:2. 58 — iii. 378: I. 59 — vi. 717: I. — ix. 5 — iv. 713: I. 22 — iv. 390: I. 24 — iv. 80: I. 25 — vi. 701 : I. 34 — vi.875: 2. 35 — V. 523: i,vi.9o6:2. 41 — V. 876: I, vi. 621 : I. — .X. I — iv. 59: I. 1-15 — vi. 873: 2. I-18 — i. 250: 2. 4 — vi. 722: 2. 7 — vi. 906: 2. 10 — V. 561 : 2, vi. 856: 2. II — vi. 587: I. 16 — vi. 904: 2. 17 — vi. 472: 2. 18 — vi. 92: I, 472: 2, 509: 2. 22 — iv. 412: 2, V. 338: 2. 23 — V. 338: 2. John X. 28 — vi. 119: 2, 667 : I. 34 — i- 176: I. .34-38- iii. 213: I. — —35 — iii. 123: 2. — — 38 — vi. 636:2. — xi. I — V. 84: I. ^5 — V.84: I. 12 — vi. 635:2. 25 — vi. 636: 2. ^33 — vi. 420: 2. 34 — 910: I. — xii. I — iv. 792:2. — — 2 — v. 84 : I . 6 — V. loi : 2. 27 — iv. 910: I, vi. 420: 2, 866: i. • 28, 29 — V. 415: 2. — — 31 — iv. 803: I, V. 918: I, vi. 611 : I. 725: 2, 883:2. — — Z'2 — iv. 805 : 2, vi. 701 : 2. ■ 36-38 — vi. 890 : 2. .37-40- i. 163:2. ■ 38 — iii. 732: 2. .41 — • V. 522: 2. — ■ — 45 — . vi. 692 : 2. — — 49 — i. 250: 2, vi. 137:2. .50- i. 250:2. — xiii. 1-30 — vi. 909:1. — — 2 — vi. 862: 2. 4 — vi.723:2. .8 — vi. 691 : I. 17 — vi. 631 : 2, 731 : 2. — — .21 — . vi. 420: 2. — — 29 — iv. 795: I. • 30 — iv. 795: I. — — 35 — V. 898:2. — xiv. 3 — vi. 546:2. — ■ — 6 — vi. 499: I. 9 — vi.499: I. — —12 — V. 327: I. • • 14 — vi. 635:2. 15 — iv. 740: I. . -16 — V. 875: I. 17 — V.875: I. 18 — iii. 602: 2, vi. 924: 2. 21 — iv. 740: 2. 23 — v. 607: 2, vi. 26: 2, 153: 2, 635: 2. 26 — vi. 72)2 : I. 27 — i. 296: 2, iii. 589: I, V. 906: I, vi. 865:1. • .30 — vi. 29: 2, 611 : I, 739: 2. — XV. i-S — vi. 577: I- 3 — vi. 752:2. 5 — V. 888: i,vi. 885: i. 6 — v. 826: 2, 888: i,vi. 577: 1,885: I. — — 8-1 1 — V. 905 : 2. — —14 — iii. 406: 2. 1 5 — V. 873 : 2, vi. 594 : 2. 16 — V. 596: I, vi. 440: I, 402: I. 169 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 1 John John XV. 19 — vi. 631 : 2,885 : I- 20 — vi.488: 2,837: 1,845: I. 22 — vi. 621 : 2. — — 24— i. 151: I. 25 — iii. 180: 2. 26-27 — vi. 42 : 1 , 924 : r. — xvi. 2 — vi. 599: 1,837: I. 7 — V.875: I. 8 — vi. 709: I. — — II — V. 918: I, vi. 883: 2. 13 — V. 592: 2, vi.683: 1,873: I. 14 — vi.873: I. 15 — vi.683: I (2). 16 — V. 42: I. 21 — vi. 882: I. — — 30 — i. 174:2. 32 — ii. 314: 2, v. 488: 2. — xvii. 3 — V. 530: I. 4 — vi. 715: 2,877: 1,909: I. 5 — vi. 503:2,695: I. 6 — v. 616: 2. — — 8 — vi. 93: I. — • — 10 — V. 616: 2. • II — vi. 837: 2. 12 — vi. 863: 2. 13 — vi.865: I. 14 — vi. 631 : 2. 18 — • vi. 322: 2. 19 — i. 250 : 2, vi. 92 : 2, 710 : 2. — — 20-23 — v. 87 1 : 2. 21 — vi. 41 : I. -22 — vi. 54: 2, 916: I. 24 — i. 296: 2. — 'xviii. 13 — V. 102:2. 15 — iv. 799: I. 23 — i. 359: I. • 28 — vi. 911: 2. 29 — iv. 801: 2. 30 — vi. 718: 2. 37 — vi. 842: I. 38 — iv. 801 : 2, 803 : I. — xix. II — vi. 453: I, 617: 1,698: 2. 12 — ■ iv. 471: I, vi. 888: 2. 24 — vi. 481 : 2. 25 — vi. 562 : I, 2. 28 — vi. 481 : 2. 30 — vi. 853: 1,877: I. 36 — i. 187: 2, vi. 481:2. •37 — vi. 481: 2. ■ — XX. 9 — v. 108: 2. — — II — vi. 582: I. 17 — vi. 563: 1,684:2. 19 — V. 494: I. 21 — iv. 807: 2, vi. 884: I. 22 — V. 831 : I. 2.2, — vi. 639: 2. 27 — vi. 580: 2. I 28 — V. 522: 2, 580: I. John XX. 29 — i. 174 : 2, v. 600 : 2, — xxi. 13 — vi. 732: 2. 15 — iv. 807: I. 17 — iv. 807: I, vi. 686: i. 19 — V. 610: 2. — — 22 — iv. 52: I, vi. 891 : 2. 25 — vi. 600: I. John i. I — V. 124: 2. 1-3 — vi. 733: r. 6 — v. 898 : 2. 7 — i. 245 : 1 , 270 : 2. 8 — V. 564: I. 9 — ii. 623:2, iii. 584:1, 607:1, vi. 637:2. — ii. I — vi. 596: I. 6 — vi. 649: I. 8 — vi.853:i. 14 — vi. 692 : 2. 15 — vi. 610 : 2. 16 — vi. 621 : I. 17 — vi. 611 : I. 18 — i. 269:1, vi. 476:2, 477:2, 623:1, 662: 2, 713: I, 885: I, 890: I. 19 — vi. 885: I. 20 — i. 288: I, 291 : 2, v. 652 : I, 730: 2. 20-29 — vi. 65 : 2. 22 — vi.459:2. — ■ — 26 — vi. 459 : 2. 29 — iii. 387 : 2, 388 : 2. — iii. 2 — V. 869: I. 3 — vi.320: I. 4 — V. 850 : 2. 7 — iii. 387: 2. 8 — vi. 99: I, 614: 2. 9 — vi. 916: I. 10 — iii. 387 : 2, vi. 99 : I. 12 — vi. 712 : I. 'IS — vi. 609 : r. 16 — V. 905 : 1,909: I. 19 — vi. 63 : 2. 24 — vi. 18: 2. — iv. I — i. 588:2, ii. 286:1, 654:1, vi. 18:2, 459:2, 888: I. 2 — i. 588: 2. 3 — i- 588 : 2, vi. 459 : 2, 477 : 2. 6 — ii. 332 : 2. 7 — V. 600: 1,905 : I. 7-11— V.853: I. 8 — V. 905: I. 9 — V. 905: r- 10 — i. 294 : 2, V. 905 : I. 14 — V. 917: 2, vi.6i : I. 15 — vi. 64: I. 16 — v. 552: 1,917:2. 20 — vi. 587 : 2, 61 1 : 2. 730 : I. — v. 4 — vi. 725 : 2, 883 : 2, 884 : i. 6 — i. 326: I. 8 — vi. T]},: 2. 18 — vi. 614: 2, 883: 2, 916: I. 1 JohD EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 170 I John V. 19 — i. 305 : i, vi. 611 : I. JO- J I — vi. 891 : 2. 3 Joliii 2 — vi. 464 : 2, 610 : I. — 7 — V. 601 : I, vi. 587 : i. — 9 — vi. 414: I, 646: 2, 652 : 2. — • 10 — vi. 414: I. Jonah i. i — iv. 679 : 2. 6 — vi. 84: 2. — ii. 6 — iv. 82 : I. 8 — V. 580 : 2. 9 _iii. 333:2. — iv. 3 — ii.312: I. 7 — iii.254: I. 8 — vi. 576: 2. Joshua i. 2 — i. 642: i. 2-5 — i. 644 : 2. 5 — vi. 549:2. 6-9 — i. 647 : 2. 10-18 — i.650: I. — ii. — i.653:2. 8 — iv. 509: I. 9, 10 — i. 158: 2. 22 — i. 650 : 2. — iii. i. 659 : 2. — — 1-7 — i. 656:2. — — 3 — ii-255:2. -IT. 13 — iii. 247 : 2. 15 — i. 645: I. — iv. 13 — i.651: I. I9_ii. 345:1. 20 — iv. 451:2. — v. 9 — ii.345: I. 10 — i. 388:2, ii.345: I. II, 12 — iv. 53:2. 13 — ii- 539: T. 13-15 — i- 664: I. — — 14 — iv.415: I- — vi. I — iv. 82: I. 4 — iii. 210: 2. 6 — ii. 255:2. 8-27 — i. 668: I. 17 — i- 671 : T. ii. 341 : 2, 364: I. 21 — ii. 364: I. 22-25 — i- 671 : T. 23 — vi. 595: T. 26 — ii. 299: I. — vii. i. 376: 2. I — i. 276: I. 19 — iv. 80: I, vi. 579:2. 21 — iv. 62: 2. 25 — ii. 306: I. — viii. 1-29 — i.68o:r. 30-32 — i . 684 : 2. .30-35 — 1-683: I. 32-35 — V. 859. T,?, — i.612: I. Joshua ix. i. 685 : 2. 5-12 — ii. 287 : 2. 18 — ii. 324: I. 27 — iv. 331: I. — X. i.688:2. 1,3 — ii- 133: I- 6 — ii. 383 : 2. 10, II — iii. 215 : 2. 12 — i.496: I. 29-39 — ii. 365:2. 31 — iv. 333:2. 37 — i- 734: 2. ■ 9 — iii- 333: 2. 17 — ii. 397:2. 20 — ii. 540: 2. — xii. 2 — ii. 281 : I. 7 — ii-397:2. — xiii. 15-28 — iv. 180 : I. 17 — iv. 108: 2. 26 — ii. 366: I. 27 — ii. 292 : 2. — xiv. 6 — ii. 482: I. 6-15 — i. 698: I. — XV. i. 704 : 2. 4 — i. 172: I. -7 — ii-234:2. 8 — ii. 277: 2. -17 — i. 698: 2. 28 — ii. 281:1. 32 — iv. 678: 2. 37 — iv. 537: I- 38 — ii. 383: I. — — 39— ii-383:2. 44 — iv. 537: I. 58 — ii.489: I. 63 — ii. 538: I. — xvii. 3 — i. 710: I. 7, 8 — ii. 395: T. 15,18 — ii. 234:2. — xviii. 16 — ii. 234:2, 277 : 2, iii. 178:1 21-25 — ii. 244: I. 22 — ii. 291 : 2, 549 : 2. 25 — ii. 292: 2. 28 — ii. 538: I. — xix. 13 — iv. 680: I. 18 — ii. 230: I. 22 — ii. 386: 2. 27 — ii. 271 : I. — — 42 — ii. 491 : 2. • 43 — ii- 421: I. 44 — ii. 289: I. — XX. i. 714 : 2. 4 — 1-485: I- — xxl. 1-42 — i. 718 : I. 17 — ii. 292 : 2. 18 — ii. 241 : 2, V. 348 : 2. 23 — ii. 289: I. 24 — ii. 491 : 2. 42 — i. 497: I. 171 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE -IXDEX. JiKlges Joshua xxi. 43-45 — i. 721 : i. — xxii. i. 7-4- I- 5 J-526: I. 16, 17 — iii.213: I. — — 19 — iv. 303 : 2, V. 540 : 2. — xxiii. 7 — ii. 404: i- 12 — 11.488:2. 14 — 11. 239: 2. — xxlv. I — 11. 285 : I. 14 — 1. 126: I. 15 — 1. 194:2. 24— 1. 188:2. 31 — 1.536:2. 32-1.638:2. 32 — 1.683:2. Jmle I — vl. 562 : 2. — 4— vi. 596: I. — 6 — vi.99: 2,883: I. — 8-16 — vi. 459: 2. — 9 — vl. 656 : 2, 882 : 2. — II — 1. 189: I. — 12 — vl. 741 : I. — 14 — vl. 336: 1,712: I. — 15 — vl. 597: r- — 16 — vl. 742 : 2. — 18— vi. 168: I. — 19 — vl. 603 : 2. — 20 — v. 571 : 2. Judges i. i-ii — 1.743: I- 4 — 1-734:2. 7-11.457:2. 8 — 11.538:1. — ■ — 12-26 — 1. 746: 2. 14, 15 — 1. 706: I. 17 — 11.489: 2. 21 — 11.75:2.538: I. 22-26 — 11. 489 : 2. 31, 32 — ii. 271 : I. 34,35 — 1-713:2. — ^ii. 1-3 — ill. 269: I. 1-5 — 1.750: I. S — 11. 260: I. 7-23 — 1.753:2. 9—1.714:1. — iii. — I-IT i. 757: 2. — iii. l-li — i. 757: 2. 5-7-11.412:1. 8 — iv. 597: T. 12-31 — i. 761 : 2. 28 — ii. 299: T. — iv. i. 765 : I. 2 — i. 692 : 2. 734 : 2, ii. 271 : I, 4 — ii. 4.^6: T. IT — i. 69S: T. T3 — ii. 271 : T. 17 — i. 6q8: t. 23 — 11.440: T. Judges v. 1. 769 : i, vi. 898 : I. 4 — 1.480: I, ii. 318: I, iv. 595: 2. 5-1.480: I, iv. 595:2. 6,7-11-555:2. 13 — iv. 371:1. 14 — Iv. 507: I. 16 — ill. 175: 2. -21 — iv. 592 : 2. 23 — iv. 371: 1,635:2. 28 — vi. 924 : 2. — — 31 — 1.526: I. — vl. 1-14 — 1. 776: r. 2 — iv. 40: I. II —11.555:2. 12 — iv. 635: 2. 15 — 1.780: I. 19-21 — ii. 264 : I. 24 — ii. 244 : 1 , 260 : i. 25 — 11.412: i,lv. 57: I. 32 — 1.780: I. 33-vil. 7 — 1-783:2. — vii. 8-vlii.2[ — 1.787: I. — viil. 8 — 11. 282: 2. 15-17 — 11.555:2. 16 — vl. 406: 2. 17 — 11. 282 : 2. 21 — ill. 215 : 2. 22-28 — 1. 790 : I. 23-27 — 1. 192 : I. 27 — 11. 260: I. 29 — ix. 57 — i.795: I- — ix. 8 — ii. 386: I, 549: 2. 9 — iv. 73: 2. 17-111.334: I- 28 — iv. 25 : I. — x. I — i. 798 : 2, 11. 289 : I. 3-5 — 1-495:2. 8,9 — 11.53: t- 12 — 11. 561 : I. — xi. II — i. 798 : 2, ii. 324 : I. 12-40 — i. 802 : 2. — xll. 1-7 — i. 806 : I, ii. 555 : 2. ' 5 — iii. 316 : 2. — xiii. 1-18 — i. 809: I. — • — 19 — 11. 244: I. 22 — V. 119: I. 23-1.177: I- 24-xiv. 20 — i. 812 : 2. — xiv. 12 — iv. 415 : I. 20 — iv. 99 : I. — .XV. 1. 816: I. 5 — i. 696 : 2. — xvi. T-3 — i. 819: 2. 4-31 — i. 822 : 2. 21 — ii. 453 : 2. — xvii. 3 — iv. 24 : I, 513 : 2. 4 — iv. 57: T. 7 — 1.484: T. • — xviii. 7 — 1. 719: 2. Judges EXPOSITIOx\ OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. 172 Judges xviii. iS — ii. 612:1. i Kings vi. i — ii. 220 : 2, 251 : 2. 30 — i. 1+2:1, 148:1, 223:1, 719:1, ii. 2 — ii. 611:2. 284: 1.432: 1,463: I. 21 — ii. 265:2. 31 — ii.2S4: 1,463: I. 22 — i. 225: 2. — XX. I — ii. 200: I. 31.32 — ii. 265:2. 2 — iv. 674 : I . 36 — ii. 61 1 : 2. 12 etc., 16 — i.7i2:2. 38 — ii. 220:2. 18 — ii. 284 : I. — vii. 8 — ii. 416 : 2. 26 — i. 263: I, ii. 284: I, 620: 2. 18 — ii. 342: I. 26-28 — ii. 284:1. 21 — ii. 378:1. — xxi. 2, 4 — ii. 260 : I. 23-29 — ii. 410 : I. 19 — i. 711:1. 48 — ii.254:2. 49 — iv. 631 :2. I Kings i. 3 — iii. 527:1. — viii. 1-5 — ii. 285:1. 8— ii. 235:2. i-ii — ii.255:2. — — 9-25 — ii. 235: I. 2 — ii. 220:2. 12 — ii. 235 : 2. 3 — ii- -^55 : 2, 256 : i. — ii. 1-12 — ii. 235 : 2. 4 — ii. 223 : i, 256: i. 3 — ii. 222:1. 5 — ii.582:2. 4 — ii. 222: I, iv. 36: 2. 8 — ii. 220: i, 265 : 2. 7 — ii. 242 : 2, V. 26: I. 9 — ii. 255 : i. 25-11.453:2. 12 — ii.220: 1,223: 1,255:2. 26 — ii. 433: i,iv. 7: I. 13 — ii.220: 1,223: I. 35 — ii- 453 : 2, iv. 7 : i. 22 — ii. 378 : i, vi. 41 1 : I. 36 — ii. 224 : 2, 242 : I. 2y — v. 368 : 2. 46-11.453:2. 47-111.267:1. — 111. 1-3 — 11. 247 : 2. 50 — iii. 269 : 2. 1-4 — 11.244:1. 62 — 11.285:1. 2 — 1.597:1,11.221:1,244:1. -63 — 11.613:2. 3 — i- 497:1,597:1,526:1,11.244:1. 64-11.409:2. 4 — 1. 687 : 2, 11. 147 : 2. 65 — 11. 512 : 2. 5 — 1.712:2. . -66 — 11.256:2. 5-25 — 11.244:1. — Ix. 1-9 — 11.222:1,247:2. 7 — ii- 244: I, iv. 8:2. 3 — iv. 24: i. 10 — 11.244:1. 6-9 — 11.268:2. II — iv. 74:2. 10 — 11.271:1. 14 — 11.222:1. 11,12 — 11.512:1. 15 — 11.272:2. 13 — 11.271:1. ^25 — 111.321:1. 15-11.252:2. 26 — vi. 704:1. 18 — 11.247:2. — iv. 3 — 11.221 : 2. 19 — ii. 250: 2.269: I. 6 — 11. 252 : 2. 2\ — ii. 220: I, 252: 2. 9 — ii- 370: 1,386:2. 22 — ii. 252: 2. 511 : 2. 12 — 11. 321 : I. 25 — 11. 256: 2,2-Ji: J, 512:2. 18 — 11.235:2. 26-1.213:1. 20-26 — 11.220:2. — X. I — 11.246:2,270:2. 21 — 11. 272: 2, vl. 869: 2. I -13 — 11. 512: 2. 23 — 11.250:1. 5_ii.27o:T. 24 — 11.395: 1,111.209: I. 12 — ii. 254: T. 25 — 1. 592: I. 14-29 — 11. 247: 2. 26 — 11.250:2. 15 — 11.270:2. 32 — 111.349:1. 16-11.270:1. 33 — iii- 351 : 2. 17-11.290:2. — V. 6 — 11.250:2. 25-11.269:2. 10, II — V. 447 : 2. 26 — 11. 2J7 : 2, 250 : 2. 13 — ii- ^S^- 2. 253: I, 511 : 2. 27 — iv. 461 : i. 14. 17 — 11. 252 : 2. 28 — ii. 250: 2. 269: I. 18 — 1. .:197: 1, 11. 252: I, 2. — xi. I-J3 — 11.247:2. 30 — iv. TOi : T. 3 — iii, 529: i. 1-3 EXPOSITION OF THE BIDLE — LXDEX. 1 Kiugs I Kings xi. 3-8 — ii. 5' ': i- I Kings xv. i — 'n.2gi:l. 4 — iii.458:i. 1-24 — ii. 289 : 2. 9-13 — ii. 222: 1,225: I. '2 — ii. 234:2. 9-25 — ii. 276: I. 3 — ii. Si-^^i- 14 — ii.2o6: 2,276: i,iv.474:2. 4 — ii.224: 2, iii. 318: I. ■ 22 — ii. 276: I. 7 — ii. 223:2, 291 : i. 23 — ii. 207: I. 8 — ii.29i:i. 25 — ii. 276: I, iv. 474:2. 12 — ii.555: 2. 26 — iii. 316:2. • 13 — i'- 240:2, 292: I, 412: I, 436:2, iv. 28 — ii. 252: 2. 404:2. — — 29—1.711 : -'. iv. 79: 1,448:2. 13-15 — 11-555: I- . 29-39-11.277:2. 14—11.221 : 1,224: 1,513:2. — — 34-39 — ii-277:2. 15-11.291:2. 36-11.291:2. 16-11.556:2. 41 — ii. 220: I. 18-11.354:1. 42 — 11.244:1. 25 — 11.289:1. — xii. 3 — 11. 147: 2,252: 2,279:2. 27 — 11. 289: I. ^6-20 — 11.281: I. 32,33-11.556:2. 16 — ii. 147: 2, iv. 301 :2, — xvi. 2 — 11. 222: I, 289: 2. — -17 — 11.280:2. 3-11.368:1. — -18-11.252:2. 3-5-11.288:1. — — 19 — ii. 220: I. ■ 4—11.368:1. 21 — 1.712:2. • 7-111.429:2. — — 21-23 — 11.283:2. -9 — 11.250:2. 25 — iv.45i:i. -10 — 11.289:1. 26, 27 — iv. 471 :2. 11-34 — 11.295:2. 28 — 11.284:1. 15-11.289:1. ^28-30—11.463: I. 18 — ill. 529: 2, iv. 450:2. — . — 29 — ii. 397: 2. — — 23 — 11. 220: 2, 221 : I, 298: 2, iii. 529: 2. 30—11.284: 1,463: I. 24-11.286:2,329: I, ill. 529: 2. ^31-11.404:1. • 25 — 11.296:2. .32-11.389:2. • •27-11.297:1. 32,33 — 11.220:2. • — ' — 29 — ii. 221 : I. — xiii. 1-32 — 11.224:1. • -29-34-11.297:2. — -1-34-11.286: I. — — 31 — 11.298:2,371 : i. ■ 2 — iv. 374:2. • -33 — 11.384:1. 3-11.286: 2. -34-1.671 : i, 11. 281 : 2. 4 — iv. 28: I. — xvil. iv. 310: I. — — 6-11.286: 2,384:2. • I — vi.639: 1,877: I. -7 — 11.287:2. 1-7 — 11.300:1. .29-31 — 11.437:1. 3 — 11.301:2. • 32 — ii. 220 : 2, 221 : I. 6 — vi. 882 : 2. — xiv. 1-20 — 11.287:1. ■ -7 — 11.303:2. 2 — iv. 448:2. — xvlll. 1-19 — 11.305:1. -3-11.362:2. .3 — iv. 598:2. 7 — iv. 448:2. ■ 4 — 1 v. 449:1. .7-11 — ii. 222: I. — — 5-— Iv. 84: 2. 469:2. 10 — 11. 287 : 2. 368 : I. — — 6 — iv. 84 : 2. ^11 — iv. 448:2. 7 — iv. 598:2. 14 — 11.288:1. 10 — 11.305:2. — —15 — iv. 40:2. ■ 16 — iv. 508:2. 16-11.283:2. ——19-11.303: 2, Iv. 449: I. ■ — —17 — 111. 529: 2. — — 20-40 — ii. 306: I. 21 — 11. 221 : I, 24T : I. 243 : 2, 244: i, 290: l. 21 — - iv. 31:2. — • — 21-31 — 11. 289 : 2. — . — 26 — iv. ^2 : T. 23 — 11. 221 : I. 27^11. 349: 2. iv. 85 : T. — — 25 — 11. 223: 2, iv. 29: 2,652: I. 29-36 — ii. 223: I, iv. 343: I. 26 — 11.223:2. 30 — iv. 451 : I. 27, 28 — iv. 331 : I. 34 — 11.308: 2. 1 Kings EXPOSITION OF TllK BIBLE— INDEX. 174 I Kings xviii. 36 — ii. 309 : 1, 34S : -', 546 : ^. i Kings xxii. _>o-_'3 — ii. 540: 2. 41— vi. 639: I- 21 — ii. 332:2. 41-46 — ii.310: I. 22 — iv. 113:2. 46 — ii. 126: i,iv.448:2. 25 — '11.325:2. _xix. I — ii.309: I. ■ 26 — ii.432: 1,446: I. i-4_ii.3ii; I. 28 — iv. 536: I. 2 — ii.360: I. 34 — ii- 333: 1.370: I. 3 — ii. 281 : I. 39— ii. 269:2, iii. 121 : 2, iv. 14: I. 4_ii.3ii : 2. 41-50 — ii. 293: i. 4-8 — il 314: I. 43 — ii-22i : 1,224: 1,513:2. 5 — ii. 311 : 2, 316: I, vi. 882:2. 46 — ii.292:i. 5-8 — ii.316: I. 47 — ii.341 : i,iv. 181:2. Chi5_ii. 317:2. 48,49 — ii. 564: I. 10 — i. 498:2, iv. 33:1, V. 586:2, vi. 626:2. 2 Kings i. 2 — ii.342:i. 12 — ii. 318: 2, V. 541 : I. ___8 — iv. 449: i. 14 — vi. 626:2. — — g — ii. 343:1. • 15, 16 — ii. 366: 2. 10, 12 — vi. 877: I. 18 — iv. 31: I, V. 586:2. _ii. 1-18 — ii. 345: I. 19 — ii. 321:1. 1-25 — ii. 346: 2. T9-21 — ii.321 : I. ___2 — i. 683: I. 21 — ii. 264:1. __4_ii. 281: 2. — XX. I — ii. 297: I. 9 — v.i29:i. 1-30 — ii. 322: I. 10 — 326:2. 5 — ii.297:2. 11 — ii. 346:1. 7 — ii-240:2. 12 — ii. 384:2. 10— ii. 324:1- 14 — ii. 346: I. 13-15 — ii- 224: I. — '—IS — ii. 242: I. 14 _ ii. 324 : 2, iii. 291 : 2. . ^5 _ jj 3^5 . 2. 20 n.325:i. — , jjj 1—11.221:1.347:2. 24 — ii. 325:2. 2 — ii. 298: 2,384: I. 26 11.440:1. . — __^ — i. 277: 2, ii. 296: 2, iv. 461: I. 26-30 -ii. 385: I. 4-27 -ii. 347: 2. 28-i.i73:2,ii.224:i. ^_-- ^^^.^ 30-11.367:2. g_ii ^_^,. J 31-43-11-325:1. i5_i,.. 361-2. 32-11.423:2. 16, 17- ii- 222: I. 34 -ii- 296: 1,387:2. I9_iv.466:i. 35-'i-224:i. 20-ii.223:i. 39-u.327:2. 25-iv.466:i. 42 — 1 i . 224 : I . ^ . ^ '•-4- 26 — iv.475:i. 43-iv.44:i. 27- ii. 408: i, iv. 46: 2. — XXI. I — n. 329: I. IV. 448:2. . ^ ■■ ^^ ^ .. — IV. 1-37 — 11.220:2. 1-29 — 11.327:2. . ; ——1-44 — 11.350:1. 3 — IV. 196:2. ^^ .. ^ "" .. ^. __ 10 — 11. 3Si: I. 4 — 11.416:2. ••00. '13 — 11-351:2. 9-3-11- . . 18,22 — ii. 282:1. 23 — 11.368: I. ... ^ .. 23 — 1.472:1,11.352:1. 25,26 — 11.299:1. ' ..^' ^ 34 — 11.304:2. 27 — 11.330:1,360:1. ^'^ .. •' ^ _xxii. iv. 169:2,449:2. 3« — 11-340-1. 42 — 11. 352: 2, 362: 2,454: 2, 532: 2. 1-40 — 11.330:2. ^ 00 , o .tJt 5_iv.448:2. 43-11.352:2. 7-ii.348:i. _v. i-27-.i..352:2. 9-ii.332:i. 3-i.3^:i. 10— ii..329: I.. 331: I. 5 — 11.287:2. , I -iv. 79: 1,152:2. 12, 13- iv. 83: I. i7-ii.332:2. i6-iv.405:i. 19-22 -vi. 898: I. 17-11.264: 1,353:2. 20 — iv. 6,37: I. 19-11.355:1. I/O EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 2 Kings 2 Kings V. 24. — ii. 355 : 2. .26 — ii. 356: I. — vi. 1-23 — ii. 356:2. 8-23 — ii. 367: I. 14 — ii. 387:2. 16 — iv. 114: 2. 17 — ii. 345:2. 19 — ii. 358:2. 24 — ii. 359: I. — — 30 — ii. 423:2. — — 33 — ii- 360:2. — vii. 6 — ii. 367: I. — •^12 — iv. loi : I. — viii. I — ii. 352: I. 1-6 — ii. 220: 2, 282: I. — — 1-15 — ii. 362: I. • -2 — i. 696: 2. 4 — ii. 257:2. 8, 9 — ii. 287: 2. 12 — ii. 366 : 2. 375 : 2, 395 : I, iv. 473 : 2, 475: I- — • — 13 — ■ ii. 366: 2. — — 15 — ii- 364:2. ■ 16-29— ii. 365: I. 17-22 — ii. 566: 2. — — ^19 — ii. 224: 2, 291 : 2. -20 — ii. 341 : I. -20-22 — ii. 382: 2, iv. 474: 2, 652: I. — • — 21 — ii. 365: 2. -25 — ii. 220: 2. 26 — ii. 567: 2. 29 — iii. 114: 2. — i.x. 1-37 — ii. 366: 2. — — 2 — ii. 319: I. 7 — ii. 289: 2, iv. 666: I, vi. (i2T. I. 8 — ii. 287:2, 368: I. II — ii. 368: 2, 381 : I, iv. 448: 2. — — 13 — i- 190: I. — — 14— ii.369: I. 15 — ii.369: I. 23 — ii.370: I. 25 — i. 708: 2, ii. 329: 2. -26 — ii. 329: 2, 368: 2, 370: I. — — 27 — 1. 708: 2. — ■ — 29 — - ii. 220: 2. — • — '31 — • ii. 296: I. — — 36 — ii.329:2, 330: I. 37 — iv. 59: I- — X. I ^ ii. 371 : 2. ■ I-17 — ii. 371 : 2. -7 — ii. 297: 2,332: I. — — 12 — ii. 373: I. 12-28 — ii. ziy- 1- 14 — ii. 373: 1,456:2. — — 18-27 — ii- 346: 2. ■ 21 — ii. 430: 2. -27 — ii. 220: I, 298: 2. -29- ii.463: I. 2 King.s X. 32 — ii. 363: 2, 387: I, iv. 450: 1,453:2. 33 — ii. 387: I. — xi. I — ii. 240: 2, 376: 2. ^4 — ii.377:2, iv. 652: i. • 12 — iii. 127: 2, 249: 2. 14 — ii. 270: 1,436: I. — — 15 — ii.378: I. — — 16 — ii. 292: I. — — 18 — ii. 365: 2, 429: 2. 21 — iv. 652: I. — xii. I — ii. 379: I- -2 — ii. 379: I (2). ■ -3 — ii. 224: I. ^4 — ii.379: I, iv. 334:2. — — 9 — ii. 569: I. . 10 — ii. 378: 2. — —II — iv. 333:2. • 15 — ii.436: I. 16^ ii. 264: 2, iv. 334: 2. — — 17, 18 — ii. 570: I. — — 27 — iv. 343:2. 28 — iv. 451 : 2. — xiii. I — ii. 384: I. 3 — ii-363: 2,385:2. 3-7, 22-25 — ii. 387: I- 4 — ii. 384: 2. 5 — ii-384: 1.387: i,iv.453:2. 6 — ii. 376: 2,384: I. 10 — ii. 221 : I. ^14 — iv. 450: 1,453:2. • 20 — ii. 367: I. — • — -22 — ii. 363: 2. 22, — ii. 220: I, 2, iv. 450: I. — — 25 — iv. 450: I. — xiv. 1-22 — ii. 381 : 2. — — 3 — ii. 382:2. 4 — ii. 224: I, 568: 2. — '—5 — iv. 60: 2. — — 6 — iv. 257: I. 7 — ii.223: 2, 571: I. 8 — ii. 441 : I. 10 — iv. 474: 2. — — 13 — ii.645: I. ■ -14 — • iv. 60: 2. — — 17 — ii-383: 2,386:2. — • — 22 — ii. 386: 2. -23 — ii. 221 : I. — ■ — 23-29^ ii. 386: 2, 3S8: I. 25 — iv. 453 : 2, 486 : I, 680 : i. 25-27— ii. 387: I. 2"] — ii. 387: I. — — '28- ii. 247: 2, 512: 2, iv. 458: I. • — .XV. I — ii. 221 : I. — • — 1-7 — ii. 392: I. 4 — ii. 568: 2. — — 5 — ii-393: I. -8- iv. 496: I. 8-12 — ii. 388: I. 2 Kings EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 176 2 Kings XV. 8-31 — ii. 394: I. — — 10 — ii. 394: 2. 16 — iv. 496: I. 19 — iii. 641 : 2, iv. 269: 25 — ii. 396: I. 30 — ii. 220: 2, 221 : I, 393: 2, 399: I. 32-38 — ii- 392: I. Zi — ii. 220: 2, 221: I, 399: I. •34 — ii. 568:2. -35 — iv. 126: 2. -37 — ii- 396:2, V. 496: I. 38 — ii. 291: I, iv. 496: I. — xvi. I-18 — ii. 407: 2. — • — 1-20 — ii. 404: 2. 3 — ii. 243: 1,408: I, iv. 50: 2, 266: I. 5 — ii- 518: 1,520: 1. 6— -ii.397: 1,520: I. 7-18 — ii. 520: 2. — — 8 — ii. 412: 2. -9 — iv. 182: 2. — — II — ii. 409: 2. — — 15 — ii. 308: 2,410: I, iv. 338: I. 16 — iv. 338: 1,343: I- 18 — ii. 270: 1,410: I. — xvii. i. 609: 2. — • — I — ii. 221 : I, 399: I. I -41 — ii. 398: 2. 4 — ii. 399: I, 408: 2. 5 — iii. 654:1. 6 — ii. 401 : 2, iv. 565 : I. 8 — iv. 65: I. 9 — ii. 402: I. 10 — iv. 31 : 2. II — ii. 402: I. 13 — ii. 400: 2. 15 — ii. 403: I, iii. 285: 2, iv. 27: I. 16 — ii. 429: 2, iv. 485: 2. 18, 19 — ii. 220: I. 20 — ii. 220: I, iv. 48: I. -24 — ii. 403: I, iv. 303: I. 25 — ii. 287: I, iv. 29: 2. — ■ — 25-28 — ii.604: I. 29 — ii. 404: I. 30 — ii.605: I. 31 — i. 334: 2, ii. 605: I. 31-38 — ii. 404: I. 32 — iv. Ty. I. 33 — ii.605: I. — — 41 — i- 194: 2, iv. 303: I. — xviii. 2 — ii. 221 : 1,404: 2, 411 : I, iii. 710: 2. 4 — ii. 412: 2, 576: 2, iv. 126: 2, v. 878: I. 4-7 — ii. 514: 1,574:2. 7 — iv. 34: I. 8 — ii.413: I. 9 — ii. 396:2. 10 — ii. 396: 2, 576: I. 13 — ii. 419: I, 426: I, iii. 692: 2. 2 Kings xviii. 13-16 — iii. 696:2. 15 — ii. 410: 2. • 16 — ii. 410: 2, 421 : 2, iii. 702: 2. — — 17 — ii. 383:2. 18 — ii. 221 : 2. 22 — iv. 31 : 2, loi : 2. 23 — ii. 422: 2. 25— ii.440: I. 26 — iv. 63: I. 28 — ii. 423: I. 31, 32 — vi. 206: 2. 34 — ii.403: I- — xix. 1-37 — ii. 422:1. 5-7 — ii. 529:2. 8 — ii. 421 : 2. 13 — ii.403: 1,2. 20-34 — ii. 529:2. — — 23 — iv. 549:2. • 33 — ii- 424: I- 35 — ii. 424:2. '36 — iv. 60: 2. 37 — ii- 425: I. — XX. I — ii. 415: 2, iii. 710: 2. — —i-19 — ii. 415:2. 6 — ii. 415:2. ■ 10 — ii. 410: 2. — ■ — 12 — ii. 418: I. 14 — 'iv. 58: 2. 16-18^ ii. 225: 2. 17 — ii. 447: 2. -T 20 — ii. 462: 2, 577; 2. — xxi. I — iii. 711 : i. I -16 — ii. 427: I. 2 — iv. 562: I. 3 — ii. 290: I, iv. 50: 2. 3-7 — ii- 412: I. 4, 5 — iv. 46: 2. 6 — ii. 243: I, 408: I, iv. 50: 2. 10 — iv. 562: 2. 10-15 — ii- 224: I. • 10-16 — ii. 579: I. — —12 — iv. 108: 2. 13 — ii. 430: I, iv. 470: 2. 16 — ii. 430: 2, iv. 562: I. 19 — ii. 432: I. 19-26 — ii. 432: I. 20 — ii. 431: 2. 23 — iv. 563: I. — xxii. I — iv. 80: I. — — 4 — ii-454: I. -8 — iv. 10: 2, 71 : 2, 130: 2. 8-14 — ii. 223: I. 8-20 — ii. 435: 2. ■ II — ii. 261 : 2, iv. 566: 2. • 13 — iv. 57:2. 14 — ii-433: 1.436: i, iv. 10: 2,574:2, 16-20 — ii. 225: 2. -20 — i V. 566 : 2. 177 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Laiuen. 2 Kings xxiii. iv. 72 : I, 567 : I. 2 Kings xxv. 27 — ii. 221 : i, iv. 143 : i, 367: 2, 1-25 — ii. 435: 2. 368:1. 2 — iv. 10:2. 27-30 — ii. 221: 1,224: 2, ■ S — ii- 270: I, 378: I, iv. II : I, 71 : 2, 158: I. — xxvi. 4 — ii. 568: 2. 4 — ii. 292: 1,412: 1,429: 2, 435: 2,436: 2. — xxvii. 2 — ii. 568: 2. 5 — ii. 398: I, 429: 2, 432: 2, 436: 2, 7-18 — ii. 222: I. iv. 65: I. 7-23 — ii. 224: I. 6 — ii.292:i. 31 — ii. 408:1. 7 — ii.429:2. 32, 41 — ii. 224: i. 8 — ii. 292: 2, 436: 2, iv. 34: 2. — xxviii. 18 — ii. 249:2. 9 — ii. 379: I, iv. 331: 2. xxix. 12 — ii.424: i. 10 — iv. 31:2. — xxxv. 8 — ii.455:2. 1 1 — ii. 253 : 2, 407 : 2, 429: 2. 12 — ii. 292: I, 429: 2, 431 : 2. Lamentations i. i — iii. 558:1, 2. 13 — ii. 274: 1,411:2,437: I. 1-7 — iii. 549: I. 15-18 — ii. 286: 2. 1-22 — iii. 549: I, 2. 16 — iv. 50:2. 2 — iii. 558:1.2. 19 — iv. 13: I. 5 — iv.82:2. 25 — iv. 204: 2. 6 — iii. 541: I, 559: I. 26 — ii. 224: I, 431 : 2, iv. 224: 2, 257: I. '7 — iii. 834: i. 27 — ii. 224:1. 8-11 — iii. 552: I. 29 — ii. 223: 2,439: 2,440: I, iv. 565:2, •9-21 — iii. 557: 1,2. 667:2. — —II — iv. 28:2. — — 30 — ii.439:2. 12 — iii. 555: I, vi. 707: I. — — 31 — ii.442: I. 12-22 — iii. 555: I. 31-33 — 11-442: I. 13-18 — iii. 556: 1,2. S2 — ii. 518: I, iv. 13: 2, 124: I. — ii. 1-9 — iii. 558: i. 33 — iv. 567:2. 4 — iii. 559: I. 34 — iv. 14: I, 17: 2, 97: I, 137:2. 7 — iii. 193: 2.559: I. 35 — iv. 567:2. 9 — iii. 193:2,545: 1,2,561: 1,2,563:2, 36 — iv. 18: 1,98: I. 593:1. — — 3/ — iv. 46: I. • 10 — iii. 561 : I, 2, iv. 82: I, 84: 2. — xxiv. I — iv. 17: I, 45: 2, 59: I, 123: I, 567: 2. ■ 10-17 — iii. 561: i. — • — 2 — ii. 367: I, iv. 568: I, 599: 2. II, 12 — iii. 562: i. 2-4 — ii. 445: 2. 13 — iii. 563: 1,2. 6— iv. 17:2. ■ 14 — iii. 545: 1,2, 563: 2, 565: I, 566: I, 7 — iv. 97:1. 593:1. 8 — ii. 583: I, iv. 18: 2. 79: 2, 143: I. 15 — iii. 545: i. 2, iv. 87: 2. 8-16 — ii. 446: 2. 15-17 — -iii. 563: 1-2. 10 — iv. 60: 2, 80: 1,93: 2. 17 — iii. 600: I, iv. 87: 2. 12 — i v. 79: 2, 82: I. 18 — iii. 199: 2. 13 — iv. 38: 2. 18-22 — iii. 566: 2. 14 — iii. 739: I, iv. 384: I. 20 — ii.360: 1,452: I, iii. 545: 1,2. 15 — ii. 240: 2. 21— ii. 454: I. 16 — iv. 384: I. —iii. 1-21 — iii. 569:2. 18 — ii. 442: I, iv. 145: 2, 164: 2. '2 — iii. 570: 2. — xxv. I — iv. 639:2. 3, 4 — iii. 571: I, 2. 1-21 — ii.453: I. ^6 — iii. 332: I. 4 — ii. 378: 2, iii. 598: I. • -6-17 — iii. 571 : I, 2. 5 — iii. 598: I. • 14 — iii. 181:1. 7 — ii. 453:2. . 18 — iii. 572: 1,2. 8 — iv. 390: 1,395: I- -19 — iii. 834: I. 9 — -iii. 590: 2. ■ 21 — iii. 572: I, 2. II ^iv. 384:1. 22 — • iii. 541 : 2. 18 — ii. 263: 2, 435: 2, iv. 156: I. 22-24 — iii. 573: i. 19 — iv. 25:1. 25 — vi. 720:1. 20, 21 — ii. 442 : 2. • 25-36 — iii. 575 : 2. 22-30 — ii. 455: I. 26, 27 — iii. 576: I, 2. 13 Lamen. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 178 Lamentations iii. 29 — iii. 577 : 2. Leviticus i. 3 — vi. 667 : i. 30 — ii. 332:2. 1.5 — 1.248: i,ii. 261: I. 30-36 — iii. 578: 1,2. 6 — 11.575:2. 33 — iv. 578:2. 6-9-1.249:1. 37-39 — iii. 578:2. 8-11.261:1. 38 — 11. 540:2, iv. 33:2. 10 — vi. 667: I. 39 _ iii. 581 : 2, 600: I. 12, 13, 17 — i- 249 : 1. 40-42 — 111.581:2. 54 — iv. 109:2. 40-48 — 111.574:1. —11.1—11.348:2. 43-54- iii. 584: l- '^-ii- 352 : 2. 44 — 111.584:2. — "1- I — IV. 641 : 2, 647 : I. 45-48-111.585:1,2. 1-17-1.257:1. 49 — ill. 199: 2. — • — 2 — IV. 2"] : 2. 11-13 — 11.265 14 — 1. 276: I. 24 — iv. 52 : I. 50-111.586: 1,2. 6 — iv. 641: 2, 647: I. 51 _ iii. 585: 1,3 . 16,17-1.261:1. 52-111.586: 1,2. — iv. 3 — i- 224: 2, iii. 650: i,iv.333:2 53 — iv. 407:1. 3-28-1.267:1. 54 — iv. 105:2. 4-35 — i- 270: 2. 55-66-111.587:1. 6 — 1.271:1. 57-111.588:1. 7-i-27i:i,vl.857:l. 58-63 — iii. 589: 2. 8-12 — 1. 273 : 2. 65 — 111.590: 1,605:1. 13 — iv. 333: 2. _ iv. I _ ,11. 590: 2. - V. 1-6 - ii. 379 : 2. 1-12 — iii. 590: I. 2 — ill. 590: 2. 3-10 — ill. 591: 1,2. 5-11.452:1. _vi. 1-4. — 1.398:2. 7 — ii. 452: I, iii. 590: 2, iv. 387: 2,406: 2. ^'^-^T*' ^^' ' ^' 8 — 11.452: 1,111.254:2. 11 — 11.286: I. 10-11.360: 1,452: I. 13-11.666: I. XI -iii. 592: I. 14-23-1.256:2. 12-111. 592:1, iv. 278: I. 16-18-1.281:1. ,3-16-111.593:1. '7-ii.264:i^ 17-111. 545: I, 595: 2, iv. 246:1. 20, 21 -IV. 618: I. ,8-111.598:1. 24-30-1.274:2. _ ,0-iii. 545: I, 595: 2, 598: I, iv. 88: I, 30-v.. 528:2. 568:1. -^"- i-»-264:i. 21-111.598:2. 11-21-1.262:2. 22 -11. 454: I, iii. 598: 2. i3-.v.482:i. -V. 1-10-111.601:2. i5-m.64:2. 4-11.451:2,111.602:2. 16-111.372:2. 5.6-111.603:1. 22-27 -i. 261: 2. 7 -iii. 776: 2. 31-34 -i. 578: I. 8-111.321:2. -vlii. 1-36-1.282:2. 8-10-111.604:2. 6-1.284: 2, VI. 528:2. ii-ii.454:i. 7-9-i.285.i. 11-18-111.604:2. .0-12-1.287:2. 12-11.454:1. 14-32-1^288:2. i3-iii.605:2. 27-11.284:1. 14-16-111.606:1,2. -ix. 1-24-1.292:1. /: • o^ T 7-21 — 1.292:2. 16 — IV. 82:1. ' . ... ^^„. ^ — — 22 — 1.220:1. — . — 17 — 111. 607: I. 18-111.607:1. 22-24-1.295:2. 19-111.255:1. 24-...309.I. ... z-„„ , — X. 1-20 — 1.296:2,11.242:2. 19-22 — 111.607:1. . /c , 4-7 — 1.299:2. 20 — 111. 546: V. I. -+ / ^>' 6 — IV. 333: I. Leviticus i. i — 1.237: i. 8-20—1.300: i. 2-4-1.243:2. 9-11-11.242:2. 179 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Levit. Leviticus xi. 1-47 — 1.^06:2. 29 — iv. 586 : 2. — xii. 1-8 — i. 315: 2, 3 — 1-239: 1,316: I. 4-8 — 1.317:2. — xiii. 1-46 — i. 319: I. 17 — iv. 8.25: I. 43 — ii-347: i- 45 — iii. 594:2. 46 — ii. 361 : I. 47-59 — •• 3-27 : I. — xiv. 1-32 — i. 323:2. 12 — i. 397: I. 13 — ii. 264: 1,379:2. — — 19-20 — vi. 594: I. 28 — V. 72: I. 49 — i. 168: 2. — XV. 1-33 — 1-313:2. 31 — ii. 576: 2. — xvi. 1-34 — i. 301 : 2. 2 — i. 215 : 2. 2 — ii. 265 : 2. 10 — ii. 255: I. II — iv. 338: I. 12 — i. 225 : 2, ii. 265 : 2. 13, 14 — i. 216: r. 15 — ii. 265:2, iv. 338: 1. 20-28 — i. 303 : 2. 26 — vi. 654: I. 27 — vi. 550:2. — xvii. I — i. 496 : 2. I-16 — i. 329: 2. 10-16 — i. 261 : 2. II — i. 167 : I. 220 : 2, ii. 265 : 2. — xviii. 1-30 — i. 332: I. — — 3 — iv. 64:2. 3-25-11-291:2. 5 — V. 582 : I, 860 : I. 14 — i. 148 : I. 18 — iv. 269: I. 21 — ii. 408 : I. 24 — iv. 27 : 2. 25 — iv. 58 : 2. — xix. I — i. 391 : I. 1-37 — 1-335: I. 2 — i. 391 : I. ■ 9 — i- 590: 2. ■ 13 — i. 607 : I. vi.623: 2. 16 — iv. 396: I. 17 — iv. 715: I. 18 — V. 80 : 2, 604 : 2, 895 : 2. 19 — V. 776: I. 20 — iv. 258 : 2. 27 — iv. 59:2. 28 — ii. 260 : 2, 456 : I. — — 33 — iii-402: i. 35 — iv. 337: I. — —36 — iii. 402: I, 7S4: i,iv. 337: I. — XX. 1-23 — ii. 291 : 2. Leviticus xx. 1-27 — i. 342:1. 2-5 — ii. 408: I. 6 — ii. 342 : 2. 21 — i. 603: 2. — xxi. — i. 345 : 2. 1,3 — iv. 333:2. 5 — ii- 347 : i, 456 : i, iv. 59 : 2, 92 : I. 9 — vi. 907: I. ■ — xxii. 18 — vi. 458: I. 21-24 — vi. 667: I. 28 — i. 21 1 : 2, iv. 59 : I. — xxiii. 1-3 — i. 350:2. 1-44 — i. 349: I. 4 — iv. 341 :2. ■ 4-14 — i. 351:2. 6 — i. 406: I. 10 — iv. 341 : 2. 14 — ii.352: 2. 15 — i- 352 : 2, 473 : I, iv. 341 : 2. 17 — i- 430 : 2, 473 : I, V. 326. ^21 — i. 352:2. 23 — iv. 341 : 2. 23-25 — i. 353: I. • 24 — ii. 656 : I. 26-32 — i. 353:2. 30 — ii. 284: 2. 32 — iv. 341 : 2. 33-43 — i- 354: I- • 34 — iv. 617: I. 36 — ii. 255 : 2, iv. 617 : I. 44 — Iv. 341:2. — xxiv. 1-4 — i. 356:2. 1-23 — i. 356: I. 5-9 — i- 357: I. 7 — i. 216: 2. 10-23 — i. 358: I. II — ii.235: I. 14 — i. 274:2, V. 376:2. 16 — ii. 329: I. — XXV. 1-55 — 1-359:2. 2 — iv. 418: 2. 2-7 — ii. 657: I. 4 — iv. 418: 2. 7 — i. 610: 2. 9 — iv. 319: I. 23 — ii. 271: I, 329: I, iii. 108: 2. 24 — ii. 271 : I. 25 — iv. 197: I. 29 — ii. 303: 2. 29-34 — i. 361 : 2. 39-41— ii. 351: I. 39-46 ^-i. 610: I. 42 — i. 206: I. 53 — ii. 325:2. — xxvi. I — ii. 41 1 : 2. 1-46 — i. 367: I. II — i. 215 : T, V. 777 : 2 12 — V. 777:2. 19 — ii. 301 : I. Levit. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. l8o Leviticus xxvi. 26 — vi. 856:1. 29 — 11.359:2. 34. 35 — iv. 95 : 2. 36 — ii. 440: 2. 38 — iii. 268:2. 39 — iii- 269: I. 41 — iii. 424: 2. 43 — iv.95:2. — xxvii. 1-8 — i. :>,72 : I. 1-34— i. 372: 2. 2 — ii. 379: I. 9-25 _i. 374: I. 14 — iv. 24: I. 26-33 — 1.376: I 28, 29 — i. 376 : 2, ii. 364 : i. 30 — i. 500 : 2, ii. 657 : 2. 32 — i. 500 : 2, iv. 267 : 2. Luke i. I — vi. 473 : 2. 4 — vi. 480: I. 5 — ii-495: i- 6 — vi. 564: I. 10 — 226 : I. 28 — vi. 14: I. 36 — vi. 563: I. 37 — vi.93: I. 42-43 — V. 901: I. 53 — vi.568: I. 54-55 — V. 864 : 2. 58 — vi. 563: I. 70 — V. 522: I. 80 — iv. 461, 2. — ii. 7 — vi. 563 : 2. 9 — vi. 906: I. 22-24 — i- 316: I. 25 — vi. 564: I. 36 — 11.495:2,599: I. 44 — vi. 563: I. 46 — i. 218: 2. 49 — i- 250: I. 52 — iii. 773 ■ I, iv. 899 : 2. — ill. 2 — V. 340: I. 4 — iii. 732: 2. 14 — V. 429: I. 22 — 1.288: I, V. T27: I. 27 — ii. 240: I. 27-31 — 11. 448: I. 31 — ii. 240 : I, 249 : 2. — Iv. 16 — Iv. 8 : 2. 820 : i. 17 — ill- 723:2. 21 — vi. 481 : 2. 24 — iv. 74 : 2. 25 — vi. 639: I. 29 — iv. 8 : 2, vi. 564 : 2. — V. 8 — 11.304:1, vl. 615:2. 16 — vi. 562 : 2, 645 : I. 22 — vi. 585 : 2. — vi. 12 — iv. 39 : 2. 15 — vi. 562: I. Luke vl. 19 — vi.yOi : i. 20 — vl. 568 : I, 630 : 2. 24 — vl. 568: 1,631 : 2. 25 — vl. 576 : I, 615 : I, 631 : 2. 26 — vl. 576: I. 34 — 11.652: I. 35 — vl. 75:2. -36 — iii. 281 : 2, vl. 75: 2. 40 — vl. 726 : 2. 48 — vi. 726: 2. — vii. 29 — vi. 592: I. 35 — iii. 378: I. 39 — iv. 872: I. -41,42 — 1. 280: I. 47 — vl. 714: I. 49 — iv. 872: I. — viii. 19 — • vi. 563: I, 2. 29 — vl. 653 : 2. 51— vi. 559: I. — Ix. 22 — vi. 733: 2. 26 — V. 528: I. 28 — vi. 559: I. 3 1 — iii. 306 : 2, vi. 732 : 2, 734 : i. 32 — iv. 756:2. 49 — V. 843 : 2. 51-56 — 11.343:2. 52-54 — ii. 404:2. 54 — iv. 835: I, vi. 562: I. — >^. I — i. 140 : 2, vi. 402 : i. 3 — iv. 75 : 2. 4— ii. 352: I. 7 — vi. 722: I. 17 — vi.883: I. 18 — vl. 614: 1,883: I. 21 — vi.865: I. 24 — v. 545 : 2. 34 — vi. 635: I. — xi. — vi. 743 : 2. I — iv. 909 : 2. 13 — V. 869 : I, 875 : I, vi. 18 : 2. 21-22 — vl. 98: 2,883:2. 27 — vl. 645: 2. 28 — vi. 645: 2.743: 2. 31 — vi. 581 : 2,602: I. 32 — vl. 581 .2. 38 — iv. 872: I. 46 — V. 887:2. 47 — vi. 148: I. 49 — Iv. 900: I, vl. 602: I. 50— iv. 867: 2. — xii. I — Iv. 905 : I. 7 — ii. 610: 2. 14-58 — 1.599: I. — xiii. 1-5 — 111.562:2. 7 — V. 885 : 2. 8 — vi.86i:2. 19 — vi. 619: I. 24 — vl. 581 : I. i8i EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Malachi Luke xiii. 25 — vi. 750 : 2. 27 — vi. 581 : I. 35 — vi. 689: I. — — 35-40 — vi. 172:2. 36 — vi. 689: I. 37 — vi. 7-23 : 2. 39 — vi. 750: I. 47 — vi. 621 : I. 6-9 — vi. 659: I, 14 — iv. 8/2 : I. 16 — iii. 579 : I, vi. 653 : 2. 20 — iii. 563: I. — xiv. 1 1 — vi. 614 : I, 615 : I. 15-24 — i. 259: I. 16 — vi. 614: I. 26 — i. 299 : 2, iv. 76 : I. 34-35 — vi. 889 : i. — XV. 10 — vi. 854: I. 18 — ii. 633: 2. 21 — iii. 584: I. 23 — i. 259: I. 29 — V. 873 : 2. — xvi. 19-20 — vi. 568 : I. 19-31 — V. 857 : 2, vi. 46s : I. 23ff. — V. 800 : 2. 24 — vi. 666 : 2. 25 — i. 194: 2, iv. 360: I. — xvii. 2 — vi. 640 : 2. 7-10 — V. 534:2. 12 — 825: 2. 13 — vi. 666: 2. 18 — ii. 404: 2. 26 — iv. 237 : 2. 28-30 — vi. 623 : I. — xviii. 8 — i. 147 : 2, vi. 367 : i, 746: 2. II —v. 533: 1,580: I. 13 — V. 532: 2. 14 — V. 580: I. 16 — i. 317: T. 29 — iii. 358 : I . iv. 76 : i. 30 — iii. 358: I. ■ 31 — iii. 801 : I. 32 — iii. 801 : I, iv. 801 : I. 38 — vi. 666 : 2. — xix. II — iv. 787: I. 38 — iii. 430 : 2, iv. 772 : 2. 39,40 — iv. 772: I. 41 — iv. 772 : 2. 42 — iv. 841 : 2. 44— iv. 772:2. — XX. 35 — vi. 161 : 2. 36 — vi. 49: 2. — — 38 — vi. 535:2. 42 — vi. 719 : 2. 47 — vi. 596: I. — xxi. 5 — i. 176: I. 24 — i. 372: I. 25 — vi. 577: 1.750: I. 34 — vi. 168: 2. Luke xxii. 4 — v. 339: I. ■ II — v. 26: I. 20 — iv. 209 : 2. 24 — iv. 794 : I, vi. 604 : 1. 31— V. 847: I, vi. 719:2. 32 — V. 847: i,vi. 681: 1,754: I 43 — vi. 501:2. ■44 — vi. 509:2. 51— v. 253: I. — xxiii. 12 — vi. 878:1, 28 — iii. 555:2. 32 — iv. 805 : 2, 914 : 2. 35 — iii- 63: I. 43 — V. 326 : 1, 800 : 2, vi. 465 : 1 46 — vi. 720: I. 50 — vi. 564:1. — xxiv. 12 — vi. 582 : i. '22 — vi. 701 : 2. 25-27 — V. 522 : 2. 27 — i. 242 : I. 34 — iv.921 : I. 37 — iv. 746 : 2, 921 : 2. 38 -vi. 585: 2. 39 — iv. 900 : I. 41 — iv. 920: 2, vi. 814: 2. 44 — i. 238:2. 47 — vi. 14:2,557:2. 48 — iv. 807 : 2. 51 — iv. 799: 2,921 : 2. 1 ]\Iaccabees ii. 52 — vi. 591 : I, 593 : 2. — ■ iv. 42 — vi. 667 : I. 53 — vi. 594: I- — viii. 30 — vi. 458: I. — XV. 15-24 — vi. 568:2. 2 ]\Iaccabees xii. vi.465:2. 3 ^Maccabees ii. 5 — vi. 654:2. Malaclii i. T,5 — iv. 645 : 2. i. 6 — i. 246 : I. ■ 8 — ii. 526 : 2, iv. 641 : i, 643 : 1. 13 — i. 246: I. ■ — ii. 4 — iv. 506: 2. 5 — iv.65: I. 8 — iv. 574:1. 9 — iv. 629: I. — — 10, 16 — iv. 643 : 2. — iii. I — iv. 357 : i, 381 : i, 773 : 2, vi. 688 : I. 2 — iv.44: I, 113: 1,643: I. 4 — ii. 526: 2. 3 — iv.44: h 113: I- '5 — iv. 673 : 2. vi. 623 : 2. 6 — iv. 643: I, vi. 735:2. 8 — i. 278: 2. 8-12 — ii. 666 : 2. . 9 — i.278:2. — — 10 — ii. 526: 2. 14 — iv. 643:1. Malachi EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 182 Malachi iii. 16 — iv. 429:2. 17 — vi. 20: I. -24 — iv. 678: 2. — iv. 4-6 — ii. 346: I 5 — vi. 745: I- Mark i. 12 — {.707:2, v. 33:2, vi.7i7:i. 18 — iv. 461 : 2. 31 — V. 46 : 2, vi. 635 : 2. 34 — vi. 600: I. — ii.8 — iv. 872: I. 16 — iv. 872: I. ■ 18 — iv. 872: I. 19 — iii. 537: I. 24 — iv. 872 : I. 27 — i. 198 : 2, iv. lOI : 2. — iii. 5 — iii. 301 : i. — — 8 — iv. 600: I. 14 — vi. 440: I. 17 — iv. 835: I. — — 18 — vi. 562: I, 645: I. ■ 21 — iv. 76:1, V. 764:1, 764:2, vi. 564: 2, 631 : 2, 792: I. 26 — iii. 366 : 2. 31 — iv. 76: I. 32 — vi. 563 : I, 563 : 2. — iv. 13 — vi.614: I. 26 — v. 503: I. 38 — iv.85:i. — V. 3 — iv. 400 : 2, vi. 653 : 2. 4 — vi.653:2. 12 — vi. 592 : r. 23 — vi. 635:2. — — 25-34 — i. 315: I. 37 — vi. 559: I- — vi. 2 — vi. 602 : r. 3 — vi.562:2, 563:1, 563:2, 645:1. 4 — vi. 564:2. • 6 — iv. 899: 2. • 7 — i. 140: 2. vi. 7-1 1 — vi. 634:2. 8-9 — vi. 481 : 2. 13 — vi. 634:2. 16— i. 157: I. 19, 20 — iv. 743 : 2. 50 — iii. 589: r. — vii. 5 — iv. 872 : i. 15 — vi. 598:2. 19 — ii. 267 : 2, i V. 386 : I. 20 — vi. 598 : 2. 23 — vi. 598: 2. 35 — vi. 653: 2. — viii. 12 — 739: I. 13 — iv.751 : I. 15 — i. 168: I, iv. 750:2. 31 — vi. 733:2. 34 — iv. 76: I. 38 — vi.6io: I. — ix. I — iv. 899 : 2. Mark ix. 2 — vi. 559 : i. 6 — V. 790 : 2. — — 23 — vi. 631: I. 29 — iv. 830: 2. 38 — iv. 750 : 2, V. 843 : 2. — ■ — 42 — iv. 750 : 2, vi. 640 : 2. 49 — ii. 264: I. — X. 13 — iv. 765: I. 21 — i. 2^2: I, iv. 766: I. 29-30 — vi. 612 : 2. • 33 — iv. 801 : I. 35 — iv. 835 : I, vi. 562 : I. 39 — vi. 908: 2. 45 — iv. 919:2. -47 — vi. 666 : 2. — xi. i-io — V. 202:1. II — iv. 77s: 2. 12 — vi. 610: 2. 12-23 — vi. 600 : I, 23 — vi. 585:2. 24 — vi. 635:2. — xii. vi.465: I. 10 — vi. 481 : 2. • 13 — iv. 6x8: 2. 24 — vi. 481 : 2. 29 — V. 867: I. 30 — V. 80 : 2, 867 : I. 31 — V. 80: 2. 32, 33 — ii. 267 : I. 37 — vi. 699: 2. 40 — vi. 596: I. — xiii. 3 — vi. 559 : I, 562 : I. 9 — i-599: i, vi. 631 : I. II — vi. 924: 2. 14 — iii. 554:2. '22 — • i. 151 : T. 29 — • vi. 631 : I. 32 — iv. 783 : 2, vi. 623 : 2, 627 : 1. 33 — vi. 623 : 2. 35 — V. 605: I. — xiv. 5-8 — V. 104 : I. 14 — V. 26: I. 17 — V. 320: 2. 26 — iii. 282: 2. 33 — v. 98 : 2, vi. 509 : 1. — ■ — 34 — vi. 420: 2. 36 — V. 875: I. 37-38 — vi. 725 : 2. 40 — V. 100: 2. 58 — iv. 126: 2. 62 — iv. 413: 1,828: 1,899:2. 65 — V. 104 : 2, vi. 673. 71 — V. 103: I. — XV. I — V. 352: I. 6 — V. 491 : 6. 12 — V. 262: 2. 21 — iv. 803 : 2, V. 621 : 2. 34 — iii- 558: I. 40 — vi. 562: I. i83 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Matthew Mark xvi. 5 — v. 107: 2. 10 — vi. 615 : I. 15 — iv. 807: 2. 16 — V. 422: I. 18 — vi. 635: 2. Mattlicw i. I — V. 522: 2. • 5 — i- 671 : 2, vi. 593 : 2. 12 — ii. 448: I, iv. 144: I. ■ 15 ^ i- 187: I. 19 — vi. 563: 2,564: 1,631: I. 20 — vi. 631 : I. 21 — V. 607: 2. 25 — vi. 563: 2. — ii. 8 — vi. 631 : i. lo-i I — vi. 631 : I. — —15 — iii. 796: 2. 16 — vi.882: I. — • — 23 — V. 22 : 2. — iii. I — i. 707: I. 3 — iii. T2)'2' '■ 2, V. 61 : i. 4 — ii-343: i- 6 — V. 331: 2. ^8 — i. 279: I. '9 — i. 279: I, iv. 38: 2, 295: I, V, 857: 2. 12 — iii. 592 : I. 15 — V.31: I. 17 — i. 280: 2, V. 61 : I, vi. 631 : I. -18 — vi. 631 : I. — iv. I — i. 707: 2. -3 — vi. 631: I. 4 — vi. 882: 2. 5 — iv. 421: I. 8 — vi. 610: 2. 13 — iv. 8: 2. 14 — iv. 807: I. 15 — vi.613: 2. 16 — iv. 807: r. 21 — vi. 562: I. 23 — V. 361: I. — V. 3 — iv. 752: 2, V. 600: 2, vi. 630: 2. 7 — vi.631: I. ^10 — iv. 752: 2. — • — 10-12 — vi. 630: 2. II, 12 — vi. 571 : 2, 626: 2. 14 — i. 357: i,vi.877: i. 16 — i. 357: I. ■ 17 — vi. 507:2. — — 18 — i. 238: 2, vi. 507: 2. 20 — V. 896 : I . '21 — vi. 609: I. '22 — i. 599: I, vi. 609: I. 28 — vi. 609: I. 33 — i- 196: 2. 7,Z-1 — ^- 103: I. 34-37 — vi.631 : I. 35-36 — vi. 628: 2. 38-42 — i. 359: I. Mattiicvv V. 42 — vi. 463 : 2. ^43 — ii. 239: I, V. 93: I. 44 — ii.239: I. 45 — i- 147: I, iii. 576: i.vi. 577: I. ^48 — vi. 572: I, 630: 2,807: 2. — vi. I — V. 785: 2. 2 — iv. 482 : I , vi. 575 : 2. 5 — vi. 575:2. ■ ■7 — 11.633: I. -14 — vi. 640: 2. 15 — vi.631: I. 16 — vi. 575: 2. 19 — vi.577: 1,631: 1. 22 — iii. 360: 2. 23 — vi. 889: I. 24 ^i. 194: 2, vi. 631: I. 26 — vi. 577: I. 28 — vi. 576: 2,577: I. 28-30 — ■ vi. 576: 2. 29 — ii. 511 : I, 601 : i. ■ 33 — i. 293 : 2, ii. 245 : i. 34 — v. 66: I, vi. 631 : i. — vii. I — vi. 616: I, 626: 2. 1-5 — V. 908: 2. -2 — vi. 616: I, 631 : I. 5 — vi.641: I. 6 — iii. 379: 2. 7-8 — vi. 630 : 2. 15 — vi.888: r. 16 — vi. 577: I, 631: I. . ■ 16-18 — vi. 599: 2. 21 — vi. 630: 2. •21-23 — vi. 589: I. ■ 24-27 — vi. 580 : 2. 25 — vi.577: 1,726:2. • 26 — vi. 630 : 2. • — viii. 5-13 — V. 429:1. 10^ iv. 899: 2. 17 — iii. 732: 2, vi. 701 : i. 20 — vi. 577: I. — ix. 13 — ii. 267: I, iv. 829: 2. 22 — vi. 635: 2. • .23- iv. 58: 2. — — -2^ — ■ vi. 666: 2. — X. 21 — vi. 562: I. 3 — vi. 562: 1,645: I. ■ 16 — vi. 580: 2. 18-20 — vi. 105 : 2. • 19 — V. 340: 2. -20 — V. 875: I. — — '21 — iv. 867: 2. 22 — V. 723 : 2. 25 — ii. 342: 2, iv. 867: 2. 34 — iii. 560: 2. 35 — ii. 626: I. — — 36 — iv. 76: I. • 2,7 — ii. 626: I. 40 — vi. 924 : 2. Matthew EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. 184 Matthew x. 42 — i. 282 : i. — xi. 5 — i. 320: I, vi. 568: I. II — V. 874, vi. 858: I. 12 — iv. 499: I- 19— iii. 378: I. 21 — iv. 134: 2. 23 — iii. 558:2, vi. 917:2. ■27,28— i. 134: I. 29 — vi. 575:2. — xii. vi. 743:2. 4 — i. 198: 2, ii. 32: I. 7 — ii. 267: I. 17 — iii. 732:2. 19 — ii. 309: 2. 20 — ii. 309: 2, V. 908: 2. 24 — ii. 342: 2. 33-36 — vi. 599:2. 36 — V. 631:2, vi. 75: I. — — 37 — vi.' 594: I- 39 — vi.473: 1,610: I. 40 — iv. 683: I, vi.473: I. 42 — ii. 268: 2, 270: I, 511: I, vi. 602: I. 43 — iii. 380:2. 46 — vi. 563: 1,2. — xiii. 4 — vi. 577: I- — —15 — iii. 432: 2. 30 — vi. 870: 2. 32 — vi. 577: 1,587:2. '37 — V. 547:2. 38 — iv. 842: I, V. 547:2. 39 — i. 352: 2, 355:1, iv. 789:2. 41— V. 886:1. 42 — iv. 397: I. 43, 47, 50 — iv. 789 : 2. 54 — vi. 602: I. 55 — vi. 562: 2, 563: I, 2, 644: 2, 645: I. — xiv. 3-6 — i. 239: I. II, 12 — v. 32: 2. — XV. 3-6 — i. 240: I. 5 — 1.375:2. 6 — i.375: 2, iv. 52: I. — • — 7-9 — ii. 268: I. 19 — iii. 363: I. 22 — vi. 166: 2. — xvi. 4 — vi. 610: I. — — 9 — v.332:i. 18 — vi. 694: 2, 917: 2. 19, 20 — iii. 2T] : 2. 21 — vi. -jT^y. 2. 24 — vi. 168: 2, 700: 2. 26 — i. 698: I. 2-j — iii. 387: 2, iv. 789: 2. — xvii. I — vi. 559: I. 5 — vi. 562: I. 15 — vi. 666: 2. 20 — vi. 635 : 2. 24 — iv. 9,^2: I. — -wiii. 6 — vi.640:2. Matthew xviii. 7 — i. 348 : i, vi. 459 : 9 — V. 881 : I. 16 — V. 806: I. 19 — iv. 390: 2. 22 — vi. 714: 2. 23-35 — i. 280 : I. 25 — ii.351: I. 2,}, — vi. 666: 2. 35 — iii- 426: 2. — xix. 8 — i. 184: 2, 338:2, 603: I. •23-24 — vi. 568: I. 23-25 — vi. 576: I. 29 — i. 293 : 2, iv. 407 : 2. — XX. 2 — vi. 856: I. • 3 — vi. 593:2. 6 — vi. 593: _>. 18, 19 — iv. 801 : I. — — 20 — iv. 835: I. 28 — i. 245: I. 30 — vi. 666: 2. — xxi. I — V. 84: I. — — '7 — i. 190: I. -12 — iv. 679: I. — — 13 — iv.47:2. 14 — iv. 679: I. — • — 15 — ii. 262: 2. . 19 — iv. 53: i,vi. 577: I. . 21 — vi. 585 : 2, 867 : 2. • 33ff. — vi. 502: I. 42 — vi. 481 : 2. — x.xii. I ff. — iii. 379 : I. . 1-14 — i. 259: I, iii. 537: I. 12 — vi. 916: 2. 32 — vi. 465: I. 34 — vi.699: I. 40 — vi. 587:2. — • — 41-46 — iii. 2"]"]: I. 43 — iii. 277:2. — .x.xiii. 3 — vi.596:i. 8 — vi. 704: I. 10 — vi. 727: 2. II — vi. 704: 2. 12 — vi. 615: I, 631: I. — — 13-36 — vi. 622: 2. 23 — 1.378:2. ■ 29 — iv. 87: 2. 32-35 — V. 588:1. 33 — iv. 99:2. 34 — vi. 602: I. 34-36 — vi. 903: I. 35 — ii.38o:r, iii. 207:1, iv. 99:2, 195:1, vi. 564: I, 907: 2. Zl — iv. T,y. I, vi. 627: I. 38 -v. 885: 2. — xxiv. 1-2 — vi. 719:2. 5- vi. 102: I. 6 — iv. 429: I. 6-8 — vi. 855: 2. i8s EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. !Nahuiu Matthew xxiv. 7 — iv. 429 : i. 8-12 — vi. 102: I. II sq. I — V. 367: I. •13 ^ vi. 864: I. — —14 — 1-355:2. 15 — iv.379: I- 21 — iv. 429: I, V. 85: 2. 22 — i. 394: 2, iv. 417: 1,429: I, V. 85: 2. 24 — vi. 367: 1,888: I. 27 — vi. 529: I. 28 — ii. 289: I. ^29 — vi. 750: 1,859:2. 30 — iv. 789: 2. • 31 — iv. 789:2, vi. 344:2. 3-2 — vi. 577: I. 33 — vi.631: I. 35 — vi. 507 : 2, 750 : 2. 36 — i. 240: I. 37-39 — vi. 623: 1,746:2. 42 — vi. 745: 2. 44 — vi. 580: 2. ■ — XXV. 10 — • V. 61 1 : 2. 19 — • V. 605: I. 24 — vi.597: I. — — 31 — vi.501: I. 31-46 — v. 416: 2. — — 34 — vi. 12: I. 41 — i. 377: 2, vi. 99: 2, 738: I. — xxvi. 12 — iv.902:i. 28 — V. 746 : 2. 30 — iii. 282: 2. — ■ — 31 — iv. 676: I, 807: I. 36 — ii. 311:2. — — 37 — vi. 559: I- — ■ — 38 — vi. 420 : 2. 39 — i. 250: 2. 41 — V. 571:2. 46 — V. 102: I. — — 52 — ii.38i:2. 53 — V. 254:2. 63 — vi. 630: I. — — 64 — iv. 828: I, vi. 630: I. -67 — iii. 801 : I, V. 104: 2, vi. 673. 74 — V. 103: r. — xxvii. 9 — iv. 668:2. 18 — vi. 694: I. — — 22 — iv. 803: I. 25 — V. 588: J. — — 51 — ii. 265: 2. 54 — V. 429:2. — — 55— -vi. 701: 2. — • — 56 — vi. 562: I. — xxviii. 10 — vi. 557:2, 563: I T3 — vi. 814: 2. — — 18 — i. 287: I. vi. 709: 2. 19 — V. 422: T. 739: I. 20 — vi. 844: 2, 865: 2. Micali i.2 — ii. 333: i. 4 — iii. 247: 2, vi. 750: I. 7 — vi. 902 : 2. 10 — iv. 473: 2. — ■ — 10-16 — ii. 414: I. II — i V. 82 : 1 , 678 : 2. 13 — ii. 421 : 2. 14 — iv. 473:2. — ii.3 — iv. 470: I. 9 — iv. 300: 2. II — ii. 328: I. '12 — iv. 201 : 2. — iii. s-ii — ii.454:2. 8 — iv. 250: I. 10 — iii. 355 : I, iv. 188 : 2, 595 : 2. II — ii. 380 : 2, 438 : 2, iv. 188 : 2, 595 : 2. 12 — iv. 128: I, 374: I. — iv. I — ii. 404 : I, vi. 687 : 2. '2 — ii. 404: I, iv. 28: 2. 4 — 1-592: I. 6 — iv. 578: 2. 9 — iv. 54: I. 13 — iii. 247 : 2, iv. 629 : i. — V. I — ii.399 : 2, iv. 37: 1,300: 1. 2 — ii. 504:2. 3_iv. 507: I. 5 — iv. 29 : 2. 6 — iv. 300: I. 7 — iii. 806 : 2. 10 — iii. 404: 2. 10-14 — ii. 250: 2. 15 — ii.411 -.2. — vi. I — ii. 430: I, ii. 430: I, iii. 620: 2. 6-8 — ii. 266: I. 7 — ii. 349: 2,408: i,iv. 58: I. 8 — i. 552:1, iv.6o:i, 131:1, 340 : I, 341 : I. 10, II — i. 341 : 2. 16 — ii. 296 : 2, 376 : 2. — vii. 1-7 — ii. 430: I. 1-20 — ii. 428: I. 3 — iv. 661 : 2. 5 — iv. 56: I. 8 — vi. 656: 2. 14 — ii. 306: 2. 19 — i. 304:2. Nahum i.3 — ii. 318: 1,345:2. — ■ — 4 — ii. 306: 2. 5 — ii.318: I. 10 — ii. 434: 2. — ii. 4 — iv. 676: I. 5 — 11-434:2. — iii. 8 — ii. 432 : i, iv. 672 : 2. 8-11 — ii. 435: I- 10 — ii. 363 : 2, 375 : 2, 395 : i, iv. 665 : 2. 12 — ii.434: 2. Nehe. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. l86 Nehemiah i. i — ii. 629: i. 2 — ii. 629: 2. 3 — ii. 627 : 1, 628 : 2. 4-IJ — ii.631 : I. 5 — i. 526: I, ii. 632: I. 6 — ii. 633: I. 7 — ii. 633 : 2. 10— ii. 634: i,iii. 793: 2. II — ii. 634: 2. — ii. I — ii. 629 : 2, iv. 378 : i. 1-8— ii. 634: 2. 2 — ii. 635: 2. 2-8 — ii. 39 : 2. 3 — ii. 629: I, iii. 548: I. 4 — ii. 631 : 2, 635 : 2. 6 — iii. 122: I. 8— ii.636: 1,637: 1,640: I. 9_iv. 378: I. 9-20 — ii. 637 : I . 10 — ii. 638: 1,646: 1,2. 17, 18 — ii. 639: I. 19 — ii. 646:1. 653:1. 20 — ii. 631 : 2,647: I. — iii. I — ii. 669: 2. 4 — iii. 795: 2. 5 — ii. 642 : I , iv. 82 : 2. 6 — iii. 795'. 2. 7 — i. 687 : 2, ii. 644: 2. 8 — ii.644: 2. 9 — ii. 645 : I. II — ii. 645: I. 15 — ii. 453:2. 16 — V. 326: 2. 20 — ii.643: I. 26, 27 — ii. 574: I. 28 — ii. 378: 2. 30 — iii. 795:2. — iv. I — ii. 647 : 2. 3 — 11.647:2. 4 — ii. 647: 2. 8, 9, II — ii.648: I. 17 — ii. 524:2. — V. 7, TO — ii. 651 : 2. II — ii. 651 : I. 13 — ii. 650: I. 14 — ii. 270 : 2. 19 — iv. 26: 2. — vi. vi.943: I. 10 — ii. 654: I. II — ii. 654: 2. 14 — ii. 5.30: 2. 15 — 11.656: I. 16 — ii. 654: 2. — vii. 1-4 — ii. 666: i. 2 — ii. 629: 2. 4 — 11.655: I- 5-73 — 11-655: I. 41 — iv. 112: 2. 59 — ii.432: I. Nehemiah vii. 63-65 — ii.481 : i. 67 — ii. 262 : 2. 70-72 — ii. 601 : I. — viii. 1-8 — ii. 655: I. 2 — ii. 656: I. 4 — ii. 656: 2. 9 — ii. 655: 2,659: i,vi.6is: i. 9-18 — ii. 658: I. — — 10 — vi. 878: I. 12 — ii. 660: 2. 14 — ii. 660: 2. 14-18 — iii. 289 : I. — — 15 — ii. 660 : 2, iv. 628 : i. 16 — ii. 644: 2. 17 — ii. 260 : 2, iv. 223 : 2. — ix. 3 — ii. 261 : 2. 8 — ii. 662: I. 17 — iii. 314: I- 26 — ii. 287 : 2, iv. 33 : I, vi. 627 : I. 31 — ii. 663: I. 32 — ii. 663 : I. 34— iv. 323:2. — X. I — ii. 655: 2. ID — iv. 356:2. 30 — ii. 657: I. 31—11.657: 1,673: I. 32 — ii. 569: I. 32 — iv. 335: 1,337:2,653: I. 33 — iv. .337 : 2, 653 : i. 35-39 — ii. 657 : 2. 39 — iv. 335: I- — xi. I — ii. 643 : 2, iv. 349 : I. 2 — iv. 349: I. 9 — ii. 436: I. 19 — iii. 116: I. 35 — ii. 652:2. 36 — ii. 495: I- — xii. 4 — iv. 623 : i. 10 — ii. 471 : I. II — ii. 471 : I, 589: 2. ■ 22 — ii. 589 : 2, iv. 369 : 2. 26, 27 — ii. 589 : 2. 27-47 — ii. 669: I. 43 — ii. 671 : I, iv. 6c6: I. — xiii. T-3 — ii. 671 : i. 4 — ii. 672: I. 4-9 — ii. 404 : I. 6 — ii.672: I. 14 — ii.674: I. 15 — iv. 100: 2. 22 — ii. 674: I. 23 — ii. 275 : 1, 488 : 2. 24 — ii.392: 2, iv. 358: I. 26 — ii. 273: I, 511 : 2. 28-29 — ii. 404: I. 31 — ii.674: I. Numbers i. 6 — ii.478: i. TO — ii. 478: I. i87 EXPOSITION OF TIIR BIBLE -INDEX. Nuuib. Numbers i. 12 — ii. 478 : i. 1-46 — 1.389: I. 10, II, 18 — 1.638:2. 21 — 1. 619: 2. 47-54 — 1-391: I- — 11.24 — 1.638: 2. — 111. i-io — 1. 392: I. 4 — 11. 242 : 2. 11-13 — 1.393:2. 12 — 1. 718: I, 2. 14-39 — 1-395:2. 17 — 1- 718: 2. 30 — 11.575:1. 31 — 11. 256: I. 40-51 — 1.393:2. 44 — '-171:1- 44-51 — 1. 166 : 2, ii. 261 : I. — Iv. 3 — 11. 494: I- 15 — 11.256: I. 23 — 11.494: I- — — 35 — 11-494: I- — V. 1.396:2. 2,3 — 11.361 : I. 7 — 1. 278 : 2, ill. 820 : I. 8 — 111. 820: I. -12 — 1. 276: I. — vl. 1.399:2. 2 — iv. 133:2. 9-12 — 1.325: I- 10 — 1. 317: I- — — n — 1. 398: I. 13-18 — V. 501 :2. -14 — vi. 667 : I. 22-27 — ii- 261 : I. 24-26 — ill. 172 : I. 24-27 — i. 295 : 2. 25 — Hi. 208: I, 291: 1. — vii. i.403: I- 89 — 1.215: 2. — viii. 1-4 — 1. 404: 2. — — 18. 19— 1. 394:2. — 1.x. I -14 — 1. 406: I. 5—1.663: I. 15 — 1-403: I- 15-22 — 11. 22 : I. 15-23 — 1.407: I. — -x. i-io — 1. 409: I. 11-28 — 1. 410: 2. 29-36 — 1. 411 : I. 35 — 11.22:1, 111.15:2, 174: T, 317: I- — xl. 1.414: 2. 1-11.344:2. 3 — ill. 204: I. 4 — 1. T59: 1,330: 1,111.267:2. — —4-6^ 1. 179: 2. 6—1.388:2. 15-11.312:1. • 17 — V. 129: I. 31 — ill. 204: I. ^Numbers xl. 33-111.204: 1,267:2. — • xli. — • 1. 418: 2. 1-2 — 1. 175: I. 3 — 1. 180: 1. 6 — iv. 636: 2. — — 8 — ii. 317: 2. — • — -9 — iv. 636: 2. 10— 11. 356: I. — — II — • iv. 9: I. ■ 12 — 1.320: I. — xill. — ■ — i. 422 : 2. 16 — iv. 699: I. 22 — 11. 121 : I. 30 — 1. 698: 2. .32 — iv. 114:2, 306 : I. 33-1.694:2. — xiv. 1. 426 : 2. 10 — i. 641 : 2. 13 — iv. 86: 2. 24 — 1.698: 2. 28 sq. — 111.268:2. 29 — 1.663: I. 31 — Hi. 268 : 2. 34— iv. 419:2. — XV. 1. 429: 2. 20 — 11. 657 : 2. — — 30.31 —iv. 345:2. 32 — iv. 102 : I. — -37-41 — 1.534: T. 39 — 1.286: I, Hi. 537: I- — xvl. 1. 433 : 2, ill. 268 : I. 3 — 1.718:2, ill. 267 : 2. .22 — vi. 544: 2. 31-33 — 1-679: I- 35 — Hi. 268: I. 46 — i.297: I. ^49 — vl. 653: 2. — xvli. 7 — ii. 257: 2. 10— 11. 255: I. — xvHl. I — 1. 438 : I, 718 : 2. . • 1-7 — • 11. 261 : I. 2 — 11. 257 : 2. 7 — 11.573:2. 8 — iv. 335: I- 11-32 — 11. 657 : 2. 12 — 1. 578: 2. 15-1.373:2. — — 16 — i. 373 : 2, 11. 379: I. t8 — 1. 500: 2. ■ 19 — 11. 291 : 2, 550 : I. 20 ^1. 578: I. — -21-1.377:2. 21-24 — i- 500 : 2. 24 — 1.578: I. 32 — iv. 335: I. — xix. 2 — vl. 667 : I. 13 — 1.398:2. 16-11.437: I- 18, IQ — 1. 16S: 2. Numb. EXPOSITION OF THH BIBLE — INDEX. i88 Numbers xx. i. 440 : i. 2-13 — iii. 269: I. 16 — i. 212: 2. 20 — i. 175: I. — xxi. i.445: I- 6 — iv. 54: I. 12 — 11.348: I. 14,15 — 1.496: I. 22 — Hi. 48: 2. 29 — Iv. 85: I. — xxli. I-19 — i.449: I. 5, II — 1. 160: I. 20-38— 1.453: I. 23 — iv. 635 : 2, 637 : I. 28-11.385: I. 31— iv. 635:2,637: I. 39 — xxlv. 9— 1.457: I. — xxlll. 8 — vi. 599 : ] . 9 — Iv. 87 : 2, 509 : I. 21 — Hi. 230: I. — xxiv. 4 — iv. 446 : I. 8 — iv.577: I. 9 — ill. 49: I. lo-xxv. 18 — i. 461 : 2. 13 — ili. 565:2. 19 — lii. 278: I. — xxv. 3 — 11. 275 : I, 524 : I. vi. 653 : 2. 5 — vi. 653 : 2. 9 — Hi. 268: 2. 12 — iv. 648: I. 13 — 11. 242: 2. — xxvl. 7 — 1.619:2,651:1. 10 — lii. 268: I. 18 — 1.651: I. 33 — i- 710: I. 34 — 1-651: I. 40 — 11.352:2. 58, 59 — i. 147: I. 61 — 11. 242: 2. — xxvii. 14 — i. 389 : i. 16 — 11.332:2. 17 — ii- 332: 2, 111.213: I. 18 — 1. 185: I. 18-23 — v. 364: I. — xxvili. 3 — iv. 343 : i, 414 : 2. 4 — H. 308: 2. 8 — iv.343: I. — xxix. I — iv. 341 : 2. II — Iv. 341 : 2. — XXX. i. 474 : 2. — xxxi. 1. 475 : 2. 6 — ill. 230: I. 7-11-358:2. 8 — 1.698: I. 16 — Hi. 213 : I, vi. 742: I. 28 — i. 500: I. — xxxii. i-478: I. 3 — iv. 535: I. 12 — i.428: I, iv. 181 :2. Numbers xxxii. 23 — iv. 679:1. 41 — 1.495:2. — xxxili. 4 — i. 168 : I. 8 — i. 177:2. — — 12, 13 — i- 183:2. — — 18 — 11. 311 : 2. 47 — iv.317: I- 55 — v. 801 : 2. — xxxiv. II — 11.292:2. 27 — il. 235: I. — XXXV. 5 — 1. 719 : 2. 9-34 — 1-714: -2. 24-1.485: I. 28 — il. 239 : 2. 31 — i- 207 : 2, 342 : 2. 359 : i. — — 32 — 1.359: I- 33 — 1-343:1, iv. 34:2. — xxxvl. 7 — - 11. 329 : I. Obadiah 4 — Iv. 181 : 2. 4-9 — lii- 725: 2. -5 — iv. 17,2. -7-111. 115: I. 8 — iv.278: I. -10 — iv. 87: 2. — — 10-14 — ili. 726: I. II — iv. 181, 2. — — 12 — 111. 322: 2. 15 — iv. iSi : 2. I Peter 1. 2 — 1. 272 : 2, v. 575 : i, vi. 455 : i. — — 4 — 1- 366 : 2, vi. 43 : 2, 742 : 2. 5 — 1- 366 : 2, V. 582 : 2, vi. 43 : 2, 623 : I. — — 6 — vl. 570: I, 571: 2,845: 2. 7 — vl. 570: 1,571:2,733: 1,845:2. 8 — vl. 858:2. — — 9— vi.741: I. — — 10 — iv. 184: 2. 10-12 — 1. 242: 2. — II 1. 212: I, Iv. 184: 2, v. 523: ly vi. 853: 2. — —12 — 1. 164: 2, vi.46: 2,582: 1,854: I. 15 — vi. 411: I, 602: 2. 15-19 — 1.342: I. ■ 16 — vi. 13: I, 41 1 : I. — ■ — 17— -i. 299: I. 18 — vi. 602: 2. 18-20 — 1. 245: I. 19 — 111. 801 : 2, vi. 667: I, 898: 2. 20 — vl. 662 : 2. — • — -23 — V. 607: I. — — 24 — vi. 570: 1,576:2. — • il. 2 — vi. 612: I. — — 5 — i. 271 : 2, 283: 2, 291 : i, 267: i, v. 143: 2,617: I. 6, 8 — vi. 850: 2. 9 — v. 617: I, vi. 20: I, vi. 646: 2, 566: 2. 10 — vi. 20: I. II — vl. 608: I. i89 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Phil. 1 Peter ii. 12 — vi. 602 : 2. 13 — vi. 617: 2. ■ 17 — V. 906: 2. — — 19 — vi.570: 2. — — 20 — V. 575: I. 22 — iii. 801 : 2. 23 — iii. 105: 2, 801: 2, iv. 914: I. 24— iii. 603: I, V. 80: 1,93: I, vi. 594: I. — iii. 1-2 — ■ vi. 602: 2. 6 — V. 884:2. 15 — V. 68: I. 16 — vi. 602: 2. 18 — iii. 801: 2, vi. 625: 1,653: I. 19 — vi.465: I. 20 — vi. 532:2. 21 — vi. 93: 2. 22 — vi. 733: I. — iv. I — vi. 168: 2. 3-4 — V. 903: I. 8 — iii. 400:1, 607:1, vi. 570:1. 641:1. II — V. 910: 2, vi. 168: 2, 667: 2, 668: i. 12 — vi. 570: 2. • 13 — vi. 570 : 2, 667 : 2. 16 — V. 442: I. vi. 570: 2. 17 — vi. 596: I. ■ 18 — ii. 580: I. 19 — V. 806: 2, 914: 2. — V. I — vi. 61 : 2. 2 — V. 584: 2, vi. 61: 2, 4 — vi. 577:2. 5 — vi. 570: I. 9 — vi. 741 : 2. 2 Peter i. vi. 116:2. — — I — • vi. 560: I. 2 — V. 597:2. 7 — vi.714: I. 8 — vi. 593:2. II — iii. 306: 2. 15 — iii. 306: 2, iv. 870: 2. — —16 — vi. 581 : I. 18 — V. 78: I, vi. 560: I. — ii. vi.459: 2. I — vi.458: 1,477: i>C'50: I. 2 — vi. 477: I. 3 — vi. 596: 1,722: I. 4 — vi. 650: 2, 883: I. 7 — vi. 564: I, 602: 2. — — 10 — vi. 666: 2. II — vi. 646: 2. 13 — vi. 658: 1,723: I. 17 — vi. 650: 2. 18-19 — vi. 662: I. — iii. I — vi. 605: I. 3 — vi. 477: 2, 650: I, 662: 2. 10 — i.329:i, iv. 68:1. vi.652:2. II — vi. 602: 2. 12 — vi. 652: 2, 665: 2. 2 Peter iii. 13 — i. 329 : i, vi. 879 : I. 17 — V. 888: I. 18 — v. 597: I. Philemon i — v. 498: i. — ■ — 8-21 — vi. 429: 2. 12 — iv. 905: I. .13 — vi. 653: 2. 16 — vi. 97: I. -20 — V. 610: 2. 22 — V. 498: I, vi. 106: I. — — 24 — vi.485: 2. Philippians i. i — vi. 61 : 2, 415: 2. ^3-7 — V. 911:2. 5 — V. 525: I. 6 — V. 890 : 2. — — 7 — V. 523 : 2. 8 — vi. 612: I, 630: I. 10 — vi. 605: I. — • — • II — vi. 569: 2. 12 — V. 525: i,vi.474: I. — — 12-14 — vi. 55: I- 13 — vi.474: I. 12-26 — vi. 106: I. 13 — vi. 71 : 2, 106: r. 14 — V. 601 : I. • 15 — V. 613: I. 16 — V. 849: 2, vi. 603: 2. 21 — iii. 436: I. — — 21 sq. — V. 762: I. '22 — vi. 752: 2. 23 — vi. 546: 2,711: I. 25 — V. 498: I, vi. 105: I. '27 — vi. 201 : 2. 28-30 — V. 856 : 2. 29 — vi. 719: I. — ii. 1-8 — V. 909: I. '2 — iii. 279: I. — — 2-5 — V. 614: 2. '3 — vi. 603: 2. 5 — V. 782 : 2. 5-8 -V. 874: I. 5-1 1 — V. 838: I. 6, 7 — vi. 27: 2. 6-8 — V. 874: I. 6-9 — i. 250: 2. 7 — iv. 899: 2, vi. 97: I. 8 — i. 295: I. 12 — vi. 97: 2. — — 14 — vi. 585: 2. ■ 15 — V. 601: I, 898: 2,667. I. 16 — V. 601 : I. 17 — • V. 617: I. — ■ — 20 sq. — vi. 316: I. -22 — V. 525 : I, vi. 392 : 2. 24 — V. 498: I, vi. 106: I. ■ 25 — vi.469: I. Phil. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 190 Philippians ii. 26 — vi. 612 : i, v. 525 : 2. 27 — vi. 635 : 2, 666 : 2. — iii. 2 — V. 840: 2, 893: 2. 3 — i. 189 : 2, 316 : 2, 789 : i. 4-8 — V. 870 : 2. 5 — 1.713: I, V. 407:2. 6 — V. 412: I, vi. 586: I, 903: I. 7 — vi. 722:2. 8 — vi. 16: I. 9 — V. 858: 2, vi. 920: I. 10 — V. 895: I, 900: I. 12 — V. 523:2. 16 — V. 897: I. 18 — V. 585: I, vi. 663: 2. 19 — i. 194: I, V. 899: I, vi. 663: 2. 20 — V. 853: I, 888: 2, vi. 26: i, 11: 2, 32:2,605: 2,613: 2. 21 — V. 522: 2, 702: 2,853: 26: I. — iv. I — vi. 612: I. 5 — V. 490: 1,713: I- 6 — vi. 353:2. 7 — iv. 815: 2, 823: 2. 8 — V. 904 : I , vi. 81 : 2. 10 — i. 282: I. 12 — v. 221 : 2, vi. 88: i. 13 — vi. 489: I. 15 — vi. 315:2. 16 — i. 282: i,v. 473: I, vi. 315:2. 22 — V. 524: I, 620: I. Proverbs i. 7 — ii. 246:2, iii. 280:2, 35^ ^ !• — — 11-14 — vi. 712: 2,713: I. 13 — iii. 356: 1,2. .14 — iii. 355: 1,2. 16 — V. 540: I. 17-32 — 111.357: 1,2. 19 — iii. 356: 1,2. 24 — iv. 47 : 2. — — 31-33 — iii- 358: I- 32 — iii. 355 : i, 2, vi. 619 : 2. — ii. 3-6 — vi. 604: 2. 7 — iv. 546 : 2. 10 — iii. 355: I- 10-22 — ii. 275 : 2. 22 — ii. 246: 2. \2a-\6a — iii. 354 : 2. 19 — iii- 357: I- 21 —iii. 358: I. 22 — iii. 357: 1,358: I, vi.6S9: I. — iii. i-io — iii.357:2, 358: i. 2-16 — ii. 288: 2. 3 — i. 171:2. 6 — iii. 360: I, 2, vi. 476: I. 8-35- iii. 361 : 2. 13, IS — iii. 360: I, 2. 27-33 — iii. 359: I. 28 — V. 571 : I. 34 — vi. 570: I, 723:2. Proverbs iv. 4 — iii. 361 : 2. 7 — iii. 280: 2. 8, 9 — iii. 362 : 2. 12-27 — iii. 364: 1,2. 14 — ii- 354: 2, 362:2. 15 — ii- 354: 2. 18 — V. 597: I. 20-27 — iii. 363: 1,2. — V. 1-14 — ii.275:2. S — • iii. 365 : I, 2. 9-23 — iii- 366: 1.2. 12-14 — iii. 355:2. 15 — iii- 365: 1,2. 21 — iii. 364: I. 22 — iii. 356: I, 364: 2, iv. 52: I, vi.663: I. 22, — iii. 364: 2, vi. 663: I. — vi. I — iii. 368: I. 6 — ii. 246: I, iii. 368: i. 6-15 — iii. 369: T. 10 — ii. 246: 2. 12 — 'iii. 368: I. 16-19 — iii. 370: I. — • — 21 — i. 171 : 2. 24-35 — ii. 275 : 2. 25 — iii. 365 : 2. — — 26 — iii. 367: I. 26-35 — iii. 366 : 1,2. 32 — iii. 356: I. — vii. 3 — i. 171 : 2. 4-9 — iii. 371 : 1,2. ^6 — iii. 371 : i. 6-27 — iii. 350: I. 8 — iii. 2)7^'- I- 14 — iii. 378: 2. — — 16, 1 7 — iii. 365 : 2. — — -22,22 — i- 68: I. — viii. I — iii. 374: 2. 15, 16 — ii. 694: 2, iii. 349: 2. 17 — iii. 575: I. 22-31 — iii. 376: T. — ix. 5-Ti — iii. 379: 1,2. 10 — iii. 2S0 : 2, 351 : r. \2 — iii. 358: I. 13-18 — iii. 355:2. 14, 16 — iii. 378 : 2. 17 — iii. 365:2. 18 — iii. 358: I. — X. 2 — iii. 381 : 2. iv. 401 : i. 4 — iii. 382: I, 2. II — iv. 28 : 2, vi. 742 : 2. 12 — iii. 400: I, vi. 570: I, 641 : i, 714: 2. 13 — iii. 432 : I. 14 — iii. 389: I. 15 — iii. 382: I, 2,419: I. '17 — iii. 393 : i. 18 — iii. 431 : I. 19 — iii. 390: 2. 20 — iii. 264: I. 22 — iii. 383 : 2. 191 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Prov. Proverbs x. 23 — 111.387:1,437:1. 28 — 111.385:-'- — ^ — 29 — 111. 386: 2. 30 — 111.385:2. — xl. I — ill. 401 : I, iv. 337 : I. 2 — 111.393:2. — — 3-21 — Hi. 385:2. 4 — 111.383: I. 5 — vl.476: I. — -6-111.385: I. ^9-111.392: I. 10 — 11. 371 : I. II — Hi. 386: 1,2. 12 — ill. 392 : I. 13, 19 — 111.390: I. 14 — Hi. 411 : I. 15 — Hi. 368: 1,429:2. 16-111.445:2. 17 — ill. 421 : I. 20 — HI. 386: I, 2. 22-111.445:2. 24,25 — 111.384: I. 26 — ill. 420 : 2. 27 — HI. 386 : 1,2. 28-111.383: I. 30,31 — 111.386: 1.2. — xli. I — 111. 393 : I, 2. 2 — HI. 386: I, 2. 4 — 111.349:2,446:2. 5 — 111.397: I. 6 — Hi. 392: I. 6-25 — ill. 388 : 2, 390 : I. 7-111.385:2. 9 — Hi. 382 : 2. II — ill. 413 : I, 2. 12 — ill. 386: I. 2. 13 — Hi. 386: I, 2, 389: I. 2. IS — lil.393: 1,2.411 : I. 17 — ill. 371 : 1.389: 1,2, iv. 594:2. 18 — ill. 389: I, 2, 391 : I. 19 — Hi. 370: 2. 21 — lil. 386 : I. 2. 22 — iv. 594: 2. — — 23-111.431 : I. 24 — 111.415: I. 25-111.391: I. 26 — Hi. 386 : I, 2. 27-111.413: 1,2,415: I. — xlll. I — Hi. 379: I. -2 — Hi. 389: I. 3-111.385:2,390: 1,2, 4 — ill. 414: 2. 5 — 111.390: 1,2. 6-111.385:2. 8-111.382:2. 9 — 111.385:2. 10— Hi. 394: I. 10-18 — Hi. 392: 2, 393: I, 2. II — Hi. 383 : I. . Proverbs xiil. 12- — 111.396:1. 13 — Hi. 412 : I. • 14 — lil. 396: I, iv. 28: 2. 16 — Hi. 390: I. 2. 18 — Hi. 382 : 2. 19 — 111.395:2. 22 — Hi. 386: I. 24-111.424: I. — xiv. I — -111.445:2. — -3-111.389: 1,392: 1,394:2. 4 — Hi. 414 : I. 5 — 111.371 : 1,392: i,iv. 594: I. 6 — 111.379: 2. 7 — 111.390:2,431 : 1,2. 9 — "1-387: I- 10, 13 — Hi. 395: 2. II — Hi. 385: 2. 12 — 111.364:2,385:2. — — 13 — iii-396:2. — — 14 — 111-385:2. — -15-111.392: I. 16 — Hi. 394: 2. -17 — 111.398:2. — — 19 — Hi. 386: I, 2. vi. 663: I. — — 20 — Hi. 382 : 2. — • — 21 — Hi. 420: 2. — -23-111.390:2,431 : 1,2. — — 24 — Hi. 383 : 1 , 2. — — 25 — Hi. 271 : 1,392: I. — — 26 — Hi. 386: I, 2. — ■ — 27 — iv. 28: 2. 28 — Hi. 385 : 2, 429: 2. — — 29 — Hi. 398: 2. — - — 30 — ill. 400: I. 31 — 111.383: 1,2.419:2. — — 32 — ill. 386: I, 2. 33-111.390:2,431: 1,2. 34 — 111-349:2.386: 1,2. — — 35 — 111.428:2. — XV. I — Hi. 398: 2. 1-28 — Hi. 391 : I, 2. — — 2 — Hi. 390: I. 2. 3-111.397: I. 4 — Hi. 398 : 2. 400 : i. 6-111.383: 1.2. 8 — Hi. 387 : I, 393 : i, 2. — — 9 — Hi. 386 : 2. — —II — Hi. 397: I. -12 — ill. 379 : 2. 13, 15 — 111-396:2. 16, 17 — ill. 383: I, 2. 18 — Hi. 389: 1,2, 398: 2. 19-111.413: I, iv. 547: I. 20— Hi. 393 : I, 2,423 : i. 22 — Hi. 411:1, 429 : 2. 23 — Hi. 389: 1,2. 25 — 111.394:2.419:2. 26 — Hi. 386 : 2. 28 — Hi. 390: T, 2. Prov. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 19: Proverbs xv. 29 — iii. 387: i. 30 — iii. 396 : 2. — — 33 — 111-349:2,401:2. •31-33-111-393: 1,2. — xvi. I — iii. 392 : 2. 1-9 — iii. 401 : 2. 2 — iii. 397: I. 4 — ii. 540:2, iii. 398: I. 5 — 111.385:2,394:2. 6 — iii. 404: I, 436: 2. 7 — iii. 427:2. 7, 20, 33 — iii. 349 : 2. 8, 16 — iii. 383 : 2. 9 — iv. 61 : I. 10 — ii. 243 : 2. ■ — —II — iii. 401 : I. 12-15 — iii. 428: 2. 13. 27 — iii. 386: 1,2. 18 — iv. 406: 2. 18-20 — iii. 393: I, 2. 20 — iii. 392 : 2, 395 : i, 401 : 2. 21-24 — ■ iii- 391 : I, 2. 22 — iii. 43 1 : 2. ■ 25 — iii. 385 : 2. ■ 26 — iii. 413: I. • 27 — vi. 598: I. 28 — iii. 390 : I, vi. 598 : I. 32 — iii. 400: I. 33 — iii- 401 :2. — ■ xvii. I — iii. 383 : 2. 2 — iii. 393:2. — — 3 — iii- 397: 2. 4 — iii- 392: I. 5 — iii- 383 : 2, 419 : 2, 425 : 2. • 7 — iii. 429: 2. 8 — iii. 382: 2. 9 — iii. 390: I. 10 — iii. 393: 2. II — iii. 412 : I. 12 — iii. 398 : 2, 432 : 2. 14 — ii- 354: 2, iii. 399: 1,2. 15 — iii. 386: 1,2. 16 — iii. 431 : I, 2. 17 — iii. 404 : I. 18 — iii. 368: I. 19— iii. 394: r. 20 — iii. 389: r. 21 — iii. 423: 1,431: 1,2. 22 — iii. 396: I, 2. 25 — iii. 423: 1. • 26 — iii. 386: 1,2. ■ 27 — iii. 392: 1,399: 1,2. 28 — iii. 392: I. — xviii. I — iii. 407 : i. 2 — iii. 390: I, 2. 3 — iii. 386: 2. • 4 — iii- 389 : I, vi. 742 : 2. 5 — iii. 386: 2. 6. 7 — iii. 389: I. Proverbs xviii. 8 — iii. 390:1,2, 9 — iii. 413:2. II — iii. 383: 1,2. 12 — iii. 393: 1,395: I. 13 — iii. 390: 1,2. 14 — iii. 396: I. 16 — iii. 383 : I, 2. 18 — iii. 401 : 2. 19 — iii. 406: I. 20, 21 — iii. 389: I. 22 — iii. 349 : 2, 446 : i. 23-111.383: 1,2. 24 — iii. 404: 2, 405 : 2. — xix. I — iii. 383 : 2, 389 : i, 2. 2-27 — iii. 411: 1,2. 3 — iii. 409: 2. 4 — iii- 371 : i, 382: 2. 5 — iii- 389: 1,2. 6. 7 — iii. 382 : 2. 9 — iii- 371 : i- 10 — iii. 432 : I. II — ii. 242 : 2, iii. 399 : i. 12 — iii. 428: 2. 13 — iii. 419: 2,423: 1.445:2. 14 — iii. 349: 2.446: I. ■ 15 — iii. 413: I. T7 — iii. 384: 2, 419: 2. 18 — iii. 424: I. ■ 19 — iii. 399: I. 20 — iii. 412: 1,2. 21 — iii. 401 : 2, iv. 61 : r. 22 — iii. 389: I, 2, 397: I. 23 — 111. 436 : 2. 24 — iii. 412: 1,2. 25 — 111.379:2. 26 — iii. 423 : I. -28 — iii. 389: I, 2. 29 — iii. 412: 1,2, 432: I. — XX. I — iii. 416 : 2. 2 — ii. 242 : 2, iii. 429 : i, 2. 3 — iii. 399: I- 4 — iii. 412 : 2. 5 — iii. 41 1 : I. -7 — iii. 386: I. 8 — ii. 242 : 2, 243 : 2, iii. 428 : 2, 9 — iii- 397 : i, 2, 10 — iii. 401 : I. • II — iii. 386: I. 12 — iii. 397: I, 2, vi. 736: I. '13 — iii. 413 : I. 15 — iii- 383: 2, 391:2. -16 — iii. 368: I. 17 — iii. 390: I. — — 18 — iii. 411 : I, 429: I, 2, 19 — iii- 3QO: I. 21 — iii. 384: I. 22 — iii. 400: I, 23 — iii. 401 : I. 24 — iii. 397: 1,2. ^-93 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Prov. Proverbs xx. 26 — ii. 242 : 2, iii. 428:2. 27 — iii. 397: r,2. 28 — iii. 428: 2. 30 — iii. 424: I. — xxi. I — iii. 349 : 2, 428 : 2. 2 — iii. 385: 2. — ■ — '3 — ii. 267: I, iii. 386: I, 2. 4 — iii. 394: 2.401 :2. 5 — iii. 415: I. ^6 — iii. 383: I. 7 — iii. 385:2. __8 — iii. 385:2. V. 569: I. g_iii. 445:2. — —10 — ■ iii. 385 : 2. 392 : 2. 12 — iii. 386: 1,2. — —13 — iii. 421 :2. 14 — iii. 382 : 2. 15 — iii. 385:2. 386: 1,2. 17 — iii. 415 : I, 2. 18 — iii. 386: 1,2. 19 — iii. 445: 2. 20 — iii. 382: 2.415: 1,431: I- 21 — iii. 386: I, 2. 23 — iii. 389: 1,2. 24— iii. 393: I. 25 — iii. 413:2. 26 — 384:1. 27 — iii. 387: r. 28 — iii. 389: 1,2. 29 — iii. 394:2. 30, 31 - iii. 412 : I. — xxii. I — ii. 642 : i. iii. 383 : I, 2. 2 — iii. 383 : I, 2, 419: 2. • 2-22i — iii- 418: 2. 3 — iii. 434: 2. 4 — iii- 382: 2. 395: I. 6 — iii. 422 : 2. 7 — iii. 382: 2. 8 — iii. 385: 2. 9 — iii. 384 : 2, 422 : I, 2. 10 — iii. 379:2. II — ii. 248 : 2, iii. 428 : 2. II — iii. 386: I, 2, 389: I. 12 — iii. 386: I, 2. 13 — ii. 403: 2, iii. 413: I. 14 — iii. 445: 2. 15 — iii. 422 : I. 2, 431 : 2. 16 — iii. 383 : I, 2. 17 — iii. 382 : 2. 18 — iii. 389: I. 21 — iii. 158: 2. iv. 66: 2. 22 — iii. 350: I. 24 — iii. 398: 2. 26 — ii. 368 : 2. 374 : i. 2y — iii. 368: 2. 29 — iii. 415 : I. — xxiii. 1-3 — iii. 430 : I. 4— iii- .384: I. 5 — iii- 383: I. 13 Proverbs xxii. 9 — iii. 379: 1,390:2. — • — 10, II — iii. 419 : 2. — • — 13, 14 — iii. 422 : 2, 424 : i. — —15-17 — iii. 423: 1,2. 16 — iii. 389: I. ■ 17, 18 — iii. 385:2. • 17-21 — iii. 425 : I. — ■ — 21 — iii. 382 : 2. 24 — iii. 423 : I, 2. • 27 — iii. 445 : 2. 29 — iii. 367 : 2. 29-35 — iii. 350: r- '32- iii. 367: 2. 33 — iii- 417: 2. — xxiv. I — iii. 385 : 2. 5, 6 — iii. 411 : i. 7 — iii- 392: I. 9 — iii. 379:2,432: I. ■ II, 12 — iii. 350: I. 386: 2, 397: I, 421 : 2. 15, 16 — iii. 385:2. 17 — iv. 75: I. 17-29 — iii. 425: r. 19, 20 — iii. 385 : 2. 21 — iii. 350 : I, 429 : I. 22 — iii. 429: T. 23-34 — iii. 349: 2. 24, 25 — iii. 386:2. 2(i — iii. 392 : I. 27 — iii. 352: 2,384: 1,434:2. 30-34 — ii. 246: I, 2. iii. 368: 2, 414: 2. 34 — iii. 412: 2. — xxv. 2 — iii. 590:1. 2-5 — iii. 428 : 2. 2-7 — iii. 428: I. 6. 7 — iii. 429 : i. 8. 9 — iii. 399 : I, 2. II, 12 — iii. 391 : I, 2. 14 — iii. 392: 2. 17 — iii. 408 : I. 18 — iii. 389: 2, iv. 57: 2. 20 — iii. 391 : I, 2. 21 — iii. 350: I, 425:1, iv.75:T, v. 600: I. 22 — iii. 350: 1,425 : I, V. 600: I. — — 23 — iii. 390: I. 24 — iii. 445: 2. 25 — ii. 246: 2. — — 26 — iii. 386: I. 28 — -iii. 399 : 1 , 2. — xxvi. 1,3-12 — iii. 430: 2. 2-28 — iii. 390: I. 4. 5 — iii- 432: 2. — • — •6-12 — iii. 433: T, 2. 8 — ii. 246: 2. II — vi. 744: 2. 12 — iii. 393 : I. • 13-16 — iii. 413 : r. 14 — ■ iii. 412 : 2. ■ 21 — iii. 389 : 2. 398 : 2. -24, 26 — iii. 385 : 2. Prov. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. I94 Proverbs xxvii. i — iii. 434 : h vi. 619 : 2. Proverbs xxix. 22 — iii. 398 : 2. 2 — iii. 393: 1,2. 23 — iii.393: I. 3 _ iii. 431 : 2. 25, 26 — iii. 430 : 2. 4 — iii. 435:1,2. -27 — iii. 385:1. 5 _ iii. 393 : I, 2. — -^-^-^'- I — >i- 203 : 2. 6 — iii.405: 1,2. 8. 9 — iii. 384 : 2. 8 — iii. 350: 1,408: I. 13 — iii.37o:2. 9 — iii. 405:1,2. 15 — ii.246:2. 10 — iii.405: 1,408:1. 15-19 — ii. 246: I. 12 — iii. 434:2. 17 — ii. 302: I. 13 — iii.368: I. 22 — iii.43i:2. 14 — iii. 404: 2, 406: 2. 22 — iii.429: I. 15 _ iii. 445 : 2. 24-31 — ii- 246 : i. 16 — iii. 445:2, vi. 597: I. 25 — ui. 195: i. 17 — iii. 405 : I, 2. 25-27 — iii. 369: I. 18 — iii. 434: 1,436: I. 26 — iii. 195: I. 19 — iii.405: 1,2. 31 — iii. 429: I. 20 — iii.434: 1,435:1.2. 32, 33 — iii. 389 : 2. 21 — iii. 393: 1,2. — xxxi. 1-9 — ii. 517: i. — • — 22 — iii. 431:2. — — 2 — iii. 14:1. 23-25 — iii. 414:2. — — 3 — li. 274:1. 2^27 — iii. 383 : I. 4-7 — iii- 4i6 : i. I — iii. 386: 1.2. 8.9 — iii. 392: 1,430:1. 2 — iii. 350: 1,429:2. 11-27 — iii. 447: 1,2. 3 — iii. 350: 1,420: 2. 12 — iii. 446: 2. 4 — iii. 386: 1,2,442: I. 23 — iii. 446 : 2. 6 — iii. 383:2. 24 — i. 591: i,iv.46i:2. 8 — iii.42i:i. 27 — iii. 415 : i. 9 — iii. 386: 1,2,442: i,iv. 73: I. 29 — iii. 446 : 2. 1 1 _ iii. 383 : 2. 30 — i. 64 : 2, iii. 422 : i, 448 : I. 12 — iii. 350: 1,386: I. 2,429: 2. n — i. 677:2, iii. 436:2, iv. 500:2, vi. Ti , .. ^ . q„„ ^ •^ '' ' to ) J r.salm.s n. 6 — v:.890:2. 637:2 14 — iii. 436:2. 15, 16 — iii. 350: 1,429: 2. 17 — iii. 437: I- 18 — iii. 385 : 2, vi. 615 : i. 19 — iii. 413: 2, 414: 2. ^ 7.."^ „ 3 — 111.222:2. 20,22 — 111.384:1,2. ^ . , 6 — VI. 695:2. 23 — 111.390: 1,391:2,393"' 26 — iii. 393 : 2, 433 : 2. 27 — iii. 384: 1,2,421 : I. 28 — iii. 350: 1,386: 1,2 7 — vi. 860 : 2, 890 : 2. g — iv. 81 : 2. 12 — ii. 41 : 2, 319: I. — —7 — iii- 154: I- — iv. — iii. 16: I. 8 — iii. 330: I. — v. 3 — i. 470: 2. ■ -7 — iv. 46: I. — xxix. 2 — iii. 350: 1,386:1,2,429:2. 8 — !v.684:i. 4-iii.429:2. 9- iii. 150: 2, V. 540: I. 5 -iii. 390: 1,2. -vi. i-.v.6i:i. 6 -iii. 386: 1,2. 5-n>.8o:2. 7-iii.422:i. 6-iii.568: i, iv. 136:2. 8 -iii. 398:2. — ^'''- I -iii- 34: 2. 9 — 111.431 : 2. — — 4 — IV. 27: I. II — iii. 399: I, 432: 2. '^ '"• 560: 2. 12 — iii. 429: 2. 12 111.35:1. 14 — iii. 422 : 1,428: 2. ■ '7 — iv. 9: 1. — — 15 — iii. 424: 1,425:1. — viii.— — iii. 333:2, vi. 26:2. 16— iii. 385:2. 2 — vi. 502:2. 17 — iii. 424: 1. 4 — vi. 502:2. 18— iii. 439: 2. 8 — iv. 760:1. 20 — iii. 390: 1,2. — ix. 7 — vi. 850: r. 21 — i. 609:1. 9 — iii. 31:2. 195 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Psalms Psalms ix. 1 1 — vi. 890 : 2. 12 — iii. 836: I. 15 — vi. 856:2. ■ 18 — iii. 38:2. -19 — iii. 31: 2. .r — X. iii. 38: 2. — ^ I — iii. 31 : 2, 6 — iii. 80: 2. — — 7 — iii. 327: 2, V. 540: I. __ii_iv. 88: I. 12 — iii. 31 : 2. 14 — iv. 88: I. — xi. iii. 38: 2. -I — 'iii. 308:2. -2 — iv. 55: 2. — — 6 — iii. 295 : 2, 328 : I. — xii. I — ii. 430: 2. 4 — vi. 746: I. — xiv. i-ii. — 25: 2, iii. 433: 2, v. 530: 2, vi. 619: 2. 1-3 — V. 540: I. 4 — iv. 26: 2, 77: I. 7 — V. 592 : I , vi . 890 : 2. — — 6 — iii. 143: I. — •—II — • ii. 232: 2. — .XV. iii. 67: 2, vi. 819: 2. — — 4 — iv. 40:2. — — 15 — iii- 435: 2. — xvi. 8 — iv. 779: I. — —10 — iii. 22: I, V. 453: I. II — iii. 60: I, iv. 779: I. 12 — iv. 397: I. — ■ -xvii. 6 — iii. 222 : 2. 7 — iv. 684: I. 8 — iii. 236: 2. 9 — i. 398: 2. 15 — iii. 22: I. — xviii. I — ■ iii. 162: I. — — 2 — i. 526: I, iii. 162: I, 333: 2 — — 5 — iii. 236: 2, 286: 2. -6 — iii. 383: I- 6-15 — ii. 345: 2. 7 — ii.318: I. 7-9 — ii. 319:2. 9 — iii. 247: i,22>y-2. 10 — ii. 318: I. 12 — iii. 341: I. 14 — vi. 712: I. — —14-16 — iii. ZZy- 2. — — 20 — iii. 784: 2. 25 — iv. 27: I. 27 — vi. 615: 2. 28 — ii. 291 : 2. 29-50 — ii. 440 : 2. — — 34 — iii- 33^: 2. 43 — iii. 830: I. 44 — iii. 170: \,2,?>y-2. — — 45 — 111-333:2. Psalms xviii. 46 — iii. 333:2. — — 49 — V.615: I. -50— iii. 333:2. — xix. 4 — V. 585: I. ■ID — iv. 66: 2. -12 — i. 266: 2. '14 — vi. 694: 2. — -x.x. 6 — ii. 440 : 2. 7 — ii. 564:2. 9 — iv. 66: I. — xxi. 4 — ii. 288 : 2, iii. 161 : I. 9 — ii. 344:2. 14 — iv. 66: I. — xxii. 2 — iii. 226:1. 14 — iii. 568: 2. 16, 20 — iii. 156: 2. 21 — vi. 489: 2. 27 — ii. 145: 2, iii. 222: 2. 31 — iii. 255:2. — xxiii. I — i. 167: 2. • 4 — iii. 784: I. 5 — i. 259: I, iii. 171: I, V. 99: I, vi. 856: 2. 6 — iii. 161 : I, iv. 51 : 2. — xxiv. • iii. 290: I. I — i. 364: I, iii- 335: I. 2 — iv. 67 : I . 3-4 — vi. 614:2. 3-7 — vi. 819:2. — XXV. I — iii. 222 : 2, 332 : I. -3 — vi. 720: I. • 4 — iii. 332: I. • 8 — iii. 20: I. 14 — V. 616: I. 22 — i. 166: 2. — xxvi. 3 — iii. 222:2. — xxvii. 4 — iii. 42, 2, i6i : I. 8 — i. 402: 2. 9 — iii. 332: I. 10 — iv. 9: 2. II — iii. 222: 2. 12 — iv. 592:2. 13 — iii- 152: 2. 14 — i. 158: I. — xxviii. I — -iii. 332:1. -2 — vi. 411: I. — xxix. I — iii. 246: I, iv. 409: I. 2 — • iii. 246: I. — XXX. I — iii. 335: I. 5 — iii. 235: 1,575: I. 7 — iv. 60: 2. 12 — iii. 139: I. 28 — vi. 659: I. — .x.xxi. I — 'iii. 20:1. 1-3 — iii. 183:2. 2 — iii. 160: 2, vi. 694: 2. 3 — iii. 160: 2. 6 — i. 196: 2. 7 — iv. 66: I. Psalms EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 196 Psalms xxxi. 13 — iv. 114:2, 128 : 1. 15 — iv. 128: I. 18, 19 — V. 600: I. 20 — vi. 845: I. 22 — iii. 287: 2. — 'Xxxii. iii. 219: 2. I — V. 546: I. vi. 641 : I. 2 — V. 546: I. 3-5 — i. 678: I, V. 819:2. — .x.xxiii. I — iii. 167:2. 2, 3 — iii. 333:2. 4 — iv. 402 : 2. II — i. 71 : I. 12 — iv. 68: 2. 16 — iii. 339: 2. 17 — ii. 250: 2, iii, 339:2. — xxxiv. I — vi. 632 : 2. 6 — iii. 588: 2. 7 — ii-357: i- 9 — vi. 694: 2. 12-16 — vi. 704: 2. 15 — vi. 814: 2. 17 — iii. 60: 2. 22 — iii. 793:2 — XXXV. 9. 10 — iv. 114: 2. II, 12 — iv. 107: I. I, 4, 5. 7 — iv. 107: I. . 13 — iii. 181: I. 19, 21 — iv. 107 : I, 23 — ii. 349: 2. 27 — iii. 113: I. — xxxvi. I — V. 540: I. 6 — iv. 282: I. 7 — i. 610: 2, vi. 884: I. 8— i.259: I. 9-10 — 390: 2. 10 — iv. 28: 2. — xxxvii. vi. 637: 2. 2 — iii. 154: I, 239: I. 23 — iv. 61 : I. 34 — vi. 720: I. 36 — ii.442: I. — xxxviii. I — iv. 61 : I. 5 — V. 724:2, 725: I, 10 — iii. 113: I. II — ii. 314: 2. 12 — ii. 314: 2, iii. 150: 2. 20 — iv. 55: 2. — xxxix. I — ii. 424: I, iv. 114: I. 3 — ii. 617: I, iv. 114: I. 5 — iii- 333: 2. 13 — ii-547: i- 14 — iv. 54: I. — x1. 6 — i. 266: 2, ii. 265: 2, 266: 2, iii. 141: I. 9-10 — vi. 696: 2. 13-17 — iii- 182: 2. 17 — iii. 222: I. — xli. 10 — iv. 1 14: 2. Psalms xlii. 4 — ii.4i7:2. 8 — iii. 160: I, 178: I, 10 — iv. 306: 2. II — ii. 316: I. — xliii. 3 — iii. 160: I, 230: I. — xliv. V. 576: I. ■ I — i. 171 : 2. — — 3 — i-67o: i. 8 — iii. 434: 2. 12 — i. 133: 2. 13-22 — iii. 181 : I. •23 — ii. 349:2. 25 — iii. 293:2. — xlv. 8 — ii. 269 : 2, 333 : I. 9 — ii. 241 : I. — xlvi. 1-7 — vi. 854: 2. i-ii — ii. 413: I. 2 — vi. 867: 2. 3 — iii. 214: I. 4 — iv. 28 : 2, 597 : 2. 5 — ii. 422: 1,424: 2. 6 — iii. 129: 2. — xlvii. I — iii. 249:2. 2 — iii. 246: I. — xlviii. I — iii. 246: I, 335: I. 2 — iii. 135: I, vi. 891: I. 4-6 — ii. 424 : 2. 5 — iii. 234: I. II — iii. ^|8: i — xlix. iii. 32 : 2. II — vi. 711 : I. 15 — iii. 22: I, vi. 687: 2. 16 — iii. 192: I, 48': 2. ■ • 17 — iii. 486: 2. — 1. 7 — i. 133: 2, 321: 2. 8-14 — ii. 266: 2. 15 — vi. 866: 2. 17 — ii. 287: 2. — Ii. 4 — i. 266: 2, V. 539: I, vi. 420: 2. 5 — i. 318: 2. • 16. 17 — ii. 266: 2, iv. 345: 2. — Hi. 2 — iii. 1 17: I. 3 — iv. 57: 2. 5 — vi. 659: I. 8 — ii. 253 : 2, V. 591 : I. 10 — iv. JT^: 2. — liii. I — vi. 619: 2. — liv. 4 — iii. 289: 2. — Iv. 6 — iv. 55: I. II — iii. 150: 2. 12-14 — vi.847: 2. 13, 14 — iv. 56: I. 15 — iv. 404: I. • 18 — iv. 371: I, V. 432: I. 21 — iii. 162: 2. 22 — iv. 57: 2. — Ivi. 9, II — iii. 289: 2. 13 — iii. 287: I. IQ7 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Psalms Psalms Ivii. 4— iii. i66 : 2, 304 : J, iv. 57 : J, 407 : i. Psalms Ixxiii. 24 — 111.22:1,133:2. -7-11 — iii. 273: 2. 25 — iii.44:2. — Iviii. 4 — iii. 3-27: 2. '26 — iii. 575:2. 6 — iv. 407:1. 27 — iii. 537: I. 10 — iii. 177:2. — — 27 — vi. 610: I. — li.x. 7 — iii. 166:2. Ixxiv. 2 — iii.213: I. 10 — iii. 333:2. 6,8 — ii. 528:2. 15 — vi. 626: 2. 9 — iv. 382:2,444:2. -Ix. 2- V. 564:2. 13- vi. 882: I. 3_i 133:2. — Ixxv. 8 — iv.8i:2. 5_iv.8i:2. io-iii.239:i. 5-12 -iii. 273: 2. -Ixxvi. 2-11.253:2. 6-iv.673:i. 3-ii.422:i. ii-iii. 337: 2. 6-11.250:2,424:2. -lxi.2-vi.694:2. 10-1.84:2,11.375:1. 4-iii.42:2. -Ixxvn. 3-1.1.271:2. 8-iii.i6o:i. 5,6-111.332:1. ... . ^ '10 — VI. 720: 2. — 1x11. 2 — 1. 176: I. ■11,12 — 111.^32:1. II — IV. 27:1. ' ... 16 — 111. 247: 2. ~7..\^~'-:^^^-^- ... iS — ii.318: i,iv.66:2. — 1x111.1-1.707:1,111.332:1. . ^ •20 — 1.167:2. 4 — VI. 411: I. ■ ,' r ... , — — 49 — IV. 636:2. 7 — 111- 236: 2. , ... ,„ . o ' . — Ixxviii. 68 — VI. 890: 2. II — • vi. 629: 2 — Ixiv. 3 — iii. 304: 2 4— iv. 55:2. — — 2 — 111. 131:2. -4 — i. 171 : 2. 20 — iv. 51 : 2. — Lxv. x — iii. 335:2. ■ o •^ ^^^ — — 24-5 — 1.180:2. 4 — iii. 265:1. ■ o„ ,. , 50 — IV. 487:1. IxVl. 12 — VI. 716: 2. ^18 — iv. 2tI : 2. — — 58-64 — ii. 251: I. 59 — 11-483: I- -Lxvii. 1-1,1.330:2. 6o-iv.i4:i- 3 — 111.330: 23 — 111. 154: 2. ■27-1.712:2. — — 60-64 — 1. 711 : 2, ii. 24: I. — Ixvill. 2 — iii. 247: 2, vi. 687:2. 64 — 11 24-1 17- ii. 317: 2, V. 866: I. 67-69-11.483:1. i8-vi.59:i- -Lxxix. i- 11. 454:1. 2,3-11.453:2. yz: I. _ Ixix. — V. 588: I, 614: I. 6_ 7 _ i,. 61 : I. ^ 11.452:2. JQ 111.117:1. 4 — iv.32:i. 13 — 1.167:2. 5 — IV. 55 : 2. _ ]x,^^ I _ iv 30 : i. 6 — vl.72o:i. 2 — 1.176:1. 9 — v.6i3:2. 4-111.156:1. — —16 — 111.276:2. 7 — 1.402:2. 17 — iii- 332: I. 12 — 111.231:2. 18 — 1.166:2. 19 — 111.156:1. 22 — V. 587 : 2. _ ixxxl. 6 — ii. 372 : I. 28 — iv. 98: 2. .12 — V. 530: I, 579: I. 30,31 — 11.267: I. 16 — ill. 340: I. 36 — ill- 793: 2. — Ixxxii. 6-111. 123: I. — Ixxi. 19-111.111:2. — Ixxxiii. 1 — 11.349:2. — Ixxil. 14-111.287:2. 6-8-11.490:2. ■ 15 — ii. 270: 2. 7-11.252:1. -18-111.321:1. 8 — iv.6oo:i. — Ixxiii. 3-10 — 1. 145 : I. 10 — ii. 371 : 2. 17 — ill. 605: I. IT — ii. 395: I. 22 — 1. 74: I, ill. 242: 2. — Ixxxiv. 2 — ill. ZT,2: I. Psalms EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 198 Psalms Ixxxiv. 3 — 11.253:2. ^5-111.42:2. 8 — ill. 156: I. — Ixxxv. 2 — vl. 641 : I. 8 — 11.438: I. — Ixxxvl. 4 — 111. 332: I. ■ 9 — 11. 145: 2. 14 — 111. 144: I. — Ixxxvii. — vl. 810:1. 4,5-11.414:2. 7 — 11. 100: 2, 262: 2. — Ixxxvlll. 2 — 111.217:1. 7 — 1.247: I. — Ixxxlx. 6 — Hi. 77'- I- — — 9. 10 — 11. 414: 2. ■ 17 — 111. 239: I. 37 — vl. 708:2. 48-50 — 11. 225 : 2. — xc. vl. 748: 2. 3 — ill. 30:2. 14 — iii- 332- I. — xcl. 4 — 11. 357: I. II -11. 357: 2. — xcll. 7-9 — vl. 905 : 2. 12-14 — 11. X47: !• — •— 13 — ill. 142: 2. — xclv. 9 — iv. 94: I. • 17 — ill. 685: 2. — xcv. 7 — ill. 251: 2. 7 fif. — vl. 506: 2. — xcvl. — — iii. 342: I. — — 1 — 111.333:2. — — 5 — vl. 592:2. — xcvll. 4 — ii- 318: I. 7 — 1. 151:2. II — Hi. 281 : 2. — xcvili. Hi. 240: 1,342: I. I -ill. 333: 2. 4-111. 251: I. — xcix. I — vl. 851 : I. 6 — 11. 32: I, iv. 86: 2. 8 — 1.427: I- — c. 1,4 — 11. 145: 2. — cli. I — iv. 596: 2. 2 — iii. 332: I. 6,8-11. 314: 2. II — iii. 276: 2,333:2. 13-16-1.372: I. 14 — Hi. 742: 2. . 18 — vi. 188; 2. 22 — 11. 145: 2. 25 — vi. 747:2. — clll. 2-4 — vl. 668: 2. 8 — 111.335: 2. 9 — iv. 645: 2. 10-12 — vi. 668: 2. 12 — i. 304: 2. 15-16 — vi. 575:2. Psalms ciii. 20-21 — vi.668:2. ■ — civ. 2 — iv. 67: I. 3-11.318: 1,345:2. 4-11.317: 2. -5 — ii. 318: I, vi.668: 2,750:2. 6, 8,9 — vi.668: 2. 15 — vi. 856: 2. . 24 — • iii. 321 : I, vi. 668: 2. 27, 28 — ill. 336: I- — — 31-32 — ■ vi. 668 : 2. '33 — iii- 337: 2. — cv. 15 — ill. 650: I. 19 — ill. 272: 2. 21, 22 — i. 97: I. -27 — 111.335:2. — cvi. I — Hi. 289: I. ■ 19 — 11. 285: I. -21 — vi. 667 : 2. -23 — iii. 819: I. 30, 31 — ii- 524: I- 32 — ill. 819: I. . 37 — 11.408: 1,430: I, vi. 592: 2. 38-11.430: i,lv. 34:2. 47 — Hi. 271 : I. — evil. I — ill. 289: I. — cvili. 5 — vi. 592: I. 12 — ^1. 196: 2. — clx. ? — iv. 107: I. 4 — Hi. 278: I, 305: I. 5 — iv. 107: I. 17, 18 — ii. 330:2. 28 — vi. 704: 2. — ex. — • — vl. 26 : 2. 1,4 — iv. 922 : 2. . 7 — vi. 860: 2. — cxl. 4 — Hi. 263: 2. 10 — Hi. 351 : I. — cxll. 2 — iv. 55: 2. • 9 — iv. 37- I. vl. 569: I- — cxili. 5 — vi. 8S7: I. 5-9 — • ill. 203 : 2. — cxv. Hi. 320: I. 3 — ill. 320: I. .9-1 1 — Hi. 320: 2. • 17 — -111. 685: 2. — cxvl. 3 — Hi. 289: 2. 3-7 — 11.88:2. 10 — v. 583: 2. 16, 17 — 1. 263: I. — cxvll. I — V. 615: I. — cxvili. — Iv. 772 : 2. — . — 2-4 — ill. 285 : 2. 6 — vl. 724: 1. 8 — ii.6o8: i. ill. 337:2. 9 — 11. 608: I. 14 — 1. 176: I. 22 — vi . 6g6 : i . 27 — 1. 220: I. 199 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Rev. Psalms cxix. — i. 471 : i. 19 — ii. 547: I. — ^22 — i. 203: 2. -45 — vi.744: I- 67 — vi. 710: 2. 71 — • vi. 710: 2. 78, 86 — iv. 55 : 2. 88 — •!. 203: 2. ■ 113 — 11-307: 2. 125 — 1.203: 2. 134 — i. 166: 2. ■ 1 76 — i. 167 : 2, 203 : 2. — cxx. 4 — ii. 316: I. 6 — • iii. 151 : 2. 7 — iii. 275: i,vi. 705: I. — cxxi. — i. 402 : I. 6 — iii. 254: I. 8 — ii. 245: I. — cxxii. 2 — ii.640:2. 3 — ii. 640: 2, iv. 629: 2. 3-5 — ii- 231: I- — cxxiii. I — iv. 402:2. — cxxv. 5 — V. 921 : 2. — cxxvii. 2 — ii. 245 : I. — cxxx. vi. 665 : 2. 4 — ii. 580:2. — cxxxi. 7 — - iii. 726: I. — cxxxii. 8-10 — ii. 512: 2. 13-14 — vi. 877: 2. — cxxxiii. 2 — i. 288 : i. 3 — vi. 890: 2. — cxxxiv. I — ii. 301 : i, iii. 793 : 2. 2 — vi. 41 1 : I. — cxxxv. 4 — iv. 641 : 2. 6 — vi. 748: 2. 15-18 — iii. 285: I. — cxxxvi. — iv. 87 : 2. 6 — iv. 67: I. 15 — i. 143: 2. 17-22 — i. T,yj: I. — cxxxvii. 7 — ii. 454: I, iv. 601 : 2. — ■ — 9 — ii. 364: I, 676: 2. — cxxxix. 16 — i. 665 : i. 23, 24 — i. 266 : 2. — cxl. 3 — V. 540: I. 7 — iii,- 325: 2. 9, 10 — iii. 304 : 2, 425 : 2. — cxli. i. 470: 2. — • — 2 — i. 226: I, 254: I. — cxliii. 2 — V. 545: I. — cxliv. 12-15 — ii. 275:2. — cxlv. 9 — i. 611 : I. 13 — iv. 402: 2. 20 — vi. 697 : I . — cxlvi. 3 — ii. 636 : 2. 8 — iii. 336: I, vi. 697: 2. — cxlvii. I — iii. 319: 2, vi. 572: I. 2 — iv. 300: I. 10 — ii. 250: 2. Psalms cxlvii. 19 — vi. 888:1. ■ — cxlviii. 1-3 — vi. 852:1. Revelation i. 2 — vi. 780 : 2. 3— vi.581 : I. 4 — iii. 663 : I. 6 — vi. 667: 2. g — vi. 909 : I. 10 — -v. 878: 2. 12 — i. 357: I. • 13-1-357: i,ii-263: i. 13-17 — v. 78:2. 14 — i- 329: I. 17 — iii. 589: I. 18 — iii. 589: I, v. 578:2, 610:2. 20 — i. 405 : 2. — ii. — vi. 10 : I, 102 : i, 459 : 2. • -4-5- vi. 394: I- 6 — V. 365: I. 7 — V. 800 : 2. ■ 10 — vi. 577: 2. 13 — V. 524: I. 14-15 — vi. 675: I. 16, V. 365: I. 20 — ii. 299 : I, 371 : 2, vi. 741 : 2. 22 — vi. 610: I. — ■ — 27 — iii. 13 : 2. — iii. — — • vi. 10: I, 102 : i, 459 : 2. I — iii. 663 : I . vi. 424 : 2. 7-8 — vi. 826: I. 12 — V. 923 : 2, vi. 826 : 2. 14 — iii. 231 : 2. 20 — V. 607 : 2. — iv. 5 — i. 217 : 2. iii. 663 : I. II — vi. 716: I. — v. I — V. 611 : I. — — 5 — i.39i:2. 6 — i. 245 : I, iii. 663 : i. — — 9 — 1-245: I- 10 — i. 245: I. vi.695:2. -12 — vi. 602 : I. 13 — vi. 667: 2. — vi. 10 — i. 72^ : 2, V. 588 : i, 465 : i. — • vii. — — - iv. 2)7 : 2. 4-8 — vi. 566 : 2. 5-8^ i. 121 : 2. — — 7 — i-713: I- 9 — vi. 481 : 2. — — 10 — i. 722, : 2. • 12 — vi. 602 : I. 14 — i. 327: I. ■ 15 — i- 327: I, vi. 579:2,887: I. — - viii. I — V. 576: 2. — ■ ix. i-ii — i. 161 : I. ■ -17 — iv. 586: I. — X. 6 — i. 197 : I. — xi. 2-3 — vi. 639 : r. 8 — V. 885:2. — xii. 5 — V. 800: I. Rev. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE— INDEX. Revelation xii. 6 — vi.639: i. Romans i. 15 — vi. 103: i. 9 — iii-579: i- 16 — v. 845 : 2, vi. 106: 1,692:2. 10 — vi. 617:2. 16-18 — V. 769:2. 14 — iv. 410:2, 412:2, vi.639: I. 17 — iv. 594: I, v. 741 : 1,2, vi. 156: I. 16 — ii. 637: I. — _]8_v. 902:1. — xiii. 2 — iv. 411 : I. 18-32 — vi. 65: 2. 5 — vi.639: I. 19 — ii. 594:1. 7 — i.269: I. 20 — vi. 52: 1,68: 2,499: 2,610: 2. 8 — i. 167: 2, vi. 12:2. 21 — iv. 27: I, vi. 65: 2, 585: 2. — xiv. 10 — v. 99:2. 23 — iii. 268: I, vi. 685: i. — XV. 3 — i. 175: I. 24-32 — V. 711:2. 6 — ii.263:i. 26 — iv.52:i. — xvi. 14 — iv. 429: I, vi. 592: I. 28 — i. 150: 2, ii. 25 : 2. 15 — vi.346: 2. 30 — vi. 400: 2,694: I. 16 — i. 709: i,ii.440: i. _ ii. 2-3 — vi. 595 : i. 19 — iv. 81 : 2. 4 — iii. 601 : i, vi. 752: 2. — xvii. I — vi. 596: I. . 8 — vi. 603: 2. 5 — V. 900:2. 9-10 — v. 845:2. — xviii. 2 — vi. 592 : I. 11 — v. 841 : 2. 3 — vi.901 : I. 13 — vi. 569: 2,580:2. 9 — vi.7i6:i. 15 — vi. 74:1. 15 — vi.615: I. 16 — iv. 815: 2, vi. 473: 2. 18 — vi.716: I. 17-29 — V. 916: I. 19 — vi.615: I. 17 fif. — vi. 596: I. ^o — vi. 596 : I. 17 to iii. 8, — v. 919 : 2. — xix. 8 — i. 287 : 2. 21-2-7 — v. 849 : i . II — iii. 278: I. 25 — iv. 60: i,v. 887:2, vi. 569:2. — XX. 6 — i. 291 : I, iv. 894:2, 25 to iii. i —v. 845: 2. 7 — iv. 316: I. 27 — vi. 569 : 2, 588 : i. 8 — ii.434:i. 28 — vi. 148:2. 10 — iv. 636 : I. 29 — vi. 148 : 2, 703 : i. II — iv. 391:1. . _iii. i__v. 919: I. '-"'3 — vi.8o6: i. .2 — iv. 39: i, v. 919: i, vi. 715: 2. — xxi.2,3 — iv. 350: I. 4 — vi. 420:2. — 8 — vi. 780:2. 5 — v.848:2. 200 9 — iv. 830: 2. 10 — vi. 533: 2, 546:2. 8 — vi. 596: 12 — vi. 566: 2. Romans i. iv.3S:i. 7 — v. 891 : I. I. — 19 — v. 867 : 2. 22 — ii. 268 : 2, iv. 350 : I. 20 — V. 849 : I, 850 : 2, 887 : 2. ^3 IV. 350: I. 21 — V. 747: I, vi. 561 : 2. 27 — \.zzi: I. V. 898:2, 710:2. 22 — vi. 156: I. — xxii. 1,2 — iv. 346 : 2. 22-26 — v!85i : 2, vi. 14 : 2. 6 — v. 522:2. 24 — V.850: i,2,vi. 156:2. 8 — V. 107:2,435: I. 25 — V. 544: 1,850:2. II— V. 98: 1,898: I. 26 — v.8si:2. ,2 — v.6o5:2. 28 — vi. 590: I. 13 — iv.8io:2. 29 — iv.896: I. V.867: I. 17 -v.. 710: 2. 30- v.867: I. 20 - v. 605 : 2. _ _ 31 _ V. 868 : 2, 894 : 2. -XXVI. 3 -1.215: I. _iv. 1-4- V. 850:2, 858: I. 1-8 — i. 123 : 2. 2 — V. 910 : 2. 2 — vi. 480: 2. 3 — i. TQi : I, vi. 593: 2. 3 — v. 874: I. 6 — i. 191:1. 4 — iii- 13: I, V. 26: I, 750: 2, 874: I, vi. 6 {{. — w 747: i. 20:2,324:2. 7 — vi.52i:i. 5 — V. 843 : 2. g-13 _ V. 858 : i. 7 — V. 419: I. vi.920: I. II — i. 316: 2, vi. 567: I. II— vi. 612: I. 12 — V. 897:1. 201 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Kom. Romans iv. 14 — v. S59 : 2. 15 — V. 849 : I, 850 : 2, 859 : 2, 887 : 2. 17 — V. 724: 1,921 : I. 17-22 — V. 858 : I, 863 : 2. 19 — vi. 594: I. 20 — vi. 489: 1,585:2. 24 — V. 852: I, vi. 156: 2. 25 — i. 326 : 2, V. 852 : I, vi. 92 : I. — V. I — V.906 : I, vi. 156 : i. 1.8— V. 850: I. — — 2 — V. 888 : I, 906 : i, vi. 718 : i, 3 — vi. 569:2, 571:2. 5 — V. 855: I. 9 — i. 2^2 : 2, V. 766 : 2. — — 10 — i. 250 : 2. 294 : I, V. 769 : i, 874 : 2. II — iii.439: 2. ■ 12-21 — V. 861 : 2. — —14 — V. 849: I, 852: I. 15-18 — vi. 31 -.2. 16 — vi. 596: I. — — 17 — v. 868 : I, vi. 156 : i. 18 — V. 868: i,vi. 526: i. — — 18-21 — i. 679 : 2. __ 19 — 1.295: I. -20 — i. 406: 2, V. 850: 2, 865: I, 887: 2, vi. 31:2, 520 : 2. ■ 21 — V. 740: 1,747: 2,850: 1,868: I. — vi.— — vi. 8: i. 1,2 — V. 870: I. 2-4 — V. 855 : 2. — — 3-ii — v. 852:2. 3-14 — V. 869 : 2. — — 4 — vi. 21 : 2, 93 : i, 457 : I. 5 — V- 852 : 2. 6 — V.898: I. 10 — vi. 526: I. T I — vi. 250 : 2. — — 12 — V. 853 : I, 898 : I. 14 — V. 850 : 2, 899 : I. 17 — V. 747:2, 793: I. •19 — 1-395: I- 2'i — iii. 581 : 2, V. 868 : i, vi. 31 : 2, — — 29-30 — V. 853 : I. — vii. ■ vi. 893: I. 4-5 — v.898: I. 5 — v. 850: 2. 6 — vi. 250: 2. 7 to viii. I — v. 849 : 2. 7-24 — V. 830 : 1 , 866 : i. 9 — i. 323: I. 10 — i. 407 : I, V. 848 : 2. • 12 — V. 850: 2. 13 — V. 850: 2. 13-24 — V. 865 : 2. 14 — V. 747: 1,850:2. 14-23 — vi. 30: I. 16 — iv. 314: 2. 18 — V. 848:2. 21 — V. 848: 2. I, vi.684: 2. 2, 899 : 2. I, 899: 2, Romans vii. 22 — iii. 113: i, vi. 703 : i. 23 — iii. 113: I, v.898: I, vi. 569: 2,608: I. 23 to viii. I — V. 853 : i. 24 — V. 850 : 2, 868 : 2, 898 ■ 24 to viii. 2 — V. 867 : 2. 24 to viii. 4 — V. 887 : 2. — viii. 2 — iv. 314 : 2, v. 761 : 2, \ 3 — i- ?i2.2,: I, V. 709: 2, e 920: 2, vi. 71 : 2,yy : i. 4 — iv. 315 : 1,858: 2, V. 896: 1,920: 2. 5-8 — V.914: I. • 9 — V. 886: I. 9ff. — V. 750: 2. 9-16 — V. 853; I. 10-13 — V. 898: I. ■ 10-23 — V. 855:2. 1 1 — i. 327 : I, V. 853 : I, vi. 53 : 2, 161 : 2. 13 — V. 914: I. 14 — V. 870: 2. • 14-25 — vi. 43 : 2. 15 — V. 794 : r, v. 874 : 2, vi. 13 : 2, 462 : i. 15-17 — V. 888:2. • 16-23 — V. 853: I. 17 — V. 855 : 2, 856 : 2, vi. 16 : I. 18 — vi. 704 : I, 726 : 2, 688 : i. 18-25, — V. 888 : 2, vi. 16:2. 19 — V. 878 : 2, 913 : I, vi. 12 :2. 19 ff. — V. 760: I. 19-22 — i. 366 : 2. 20 — i. 289: I, 351 : I. 20-22 — i. 328 : I . 21 — i.329: I, vi. 842: 1,853: 2,878: 2. 22 — vi. 842 : I. 22, — V. 731 : 2, vi. 12: 2, 13: 2, 20: 2, 21 : i. 24 — iii. 802 : I. 24-28 — vi. 182 : 2. 26 — V. 855: I, vi. 54:1, 104: 2. 27 — vi. 54: I, 104: 2,646: 2. 28-30 — vi. 13: I. ■ 29 — i. 334: I, vi. 12:2. 30 — vi. 119 : 2, 726 : I. 31-35 — V. 875: 2. 31-39 — V. 825 : 2, vi. 924 : i. 2,2 — iii. 802 : i, v. 863 : I. 34 — V. 863: I. — ix. I — V. 835 : 2, vi. 630 : i. -1-5 — v. 890 : 2. 3 — V. 825 : 2, vi. 12 : 2. 4 — v. 845 : 2, 872 : 2, 919 : I. 5 — V. 845:2, 872:1, 874:1, 919:1, vi. 490 : 2, 853 : 2. 6 — vi. 862: I. 7 — iv.31: I. II — • i V. 26S : 2. 13 — iv. 645: I. 15-16 — vi. 666: 2. 18— vi.666:2. 19 — V. 891 : I . 22 — V. 827 : 2, vi. 752 : 2. Rom. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 202 Romans ix. 25,26 — iv. 495 : i. Romans xiv. 10 — vi. 6i8:l. 29 — vi.624:i. 12 — v.gio:!. 30-33 — vi. 19:2. 14 — ii. 654: 2. — X. 2 — vi. 603: 1,728: I. 18 — vi. 475:2. 3 — vi. 156: 1,599: I- ■ 20 — i. 300:2. 4 — i. 279 : 2, V. S67 : I. 21 — i. 300 : 2, v. 907 : 2. 5,6 — i. 616: I. 22 — ii. 508: 2, vi. 107: 2. 6-8 — vi. 499: I. 23 — iv. 394: I, vi. 585:2. 8 — vi.93: I (2). —XV. 1-4 — V. 909: I. 9 — V.852: i,vi.93: I, 5-7 — v.853:i. 10 — V. 422:2. 6-7 — vi. 54:1. 12 — v.378:i. 8 — v. 727:2. 14 — vi. 19: I. 9 — ii. 203: i,iii. 55: i, vi.633: I. 16-20 — iii. 732: 2. 16-17 — V. 838: 2, vi. 143:2. — xi. — iv. 861 : 2,864: 2, vi.696:2. 16-19 — v. 910: i. I— V. 845:2, 890: 2. 19 — V. 803: 2. 2 — i. 372: I, V. 845: 2. 20 — iii. 801 : 2. 5_vi.885:i. 23 — vi.6i2:i. 6 — V. 850:2,888: I. 24 — vi. 391:2. 7-10 — vi. 68:2. ^ 25 — vi. 646 : 2. 12 — i. 355 : 2. 26 — vi. 296:2. 13 — V. 838 : 2. 28 — vi. 391 : 2, 646 : 2. 13-24 — V. 919: 2. 29 — vi. 321 : I. 13-32 — V. 19:2. 31— vi. 646:2. 15 — 1-355:2. 32 — vi. 652: 2. 16 — i. 254: I, vi.892: I. 33 — vi. 107: I. 16-24 — vi. T.2. — xvi. I — V. 480 : 2, 742 : 2. 17 _ iv. -]},-■ '2- 2 — V. 480 : 2. vi. 201 : 2. 25 — i. 355: i,vi.68:2. 3 — vi. 486:2 (2). 26 — i. 372: i,iv. 38:2. 4 — vi. 486: 2. 29 — i.372:i. 5 — vi. 288: 1,892: I. 32 — vi. 666:2. • 6 — vi. 684:2. 33 _ vi. 12 : I. 7 — V. 408 : 2, 424 : 2. — xii. I — i. 171 : I, 251 : i, ii. 267 : i, vi. 215 : 2, 1 1 — v. 408 : 2. 695:2. 13 — iv. 917:2. 4-9— i. 148:2. 16 — vi. 727:1. 5 — ii.319: I. 17-18 — V. 840: 2, vi. 663: 2. 6-8 — vi. 715: I. 19 — V. 492:2. 7 — vi. 61 : 2,715: 2. 20 — vi. 107: I. 8 — V. 781 : 2, vi.6i : 2,715:2. 22 — v. 417: i. 10 — vi. 692: I. 23 — vi. 486:2. 12 — vi. 353: I. 25 — v. 873:2, vi. 419:2,473:2. 13 — vi. 714:2. 25-27 — vi. 43: I. 15 — vi.704:i. .26 — v.873:2. 19 — iv. 75:1. 27 — vi. 490:2. 20 — iii. 426 : I. 21 -vi. 699: I. ^^"^'^ i. 1-13-1.839:1. -xiii. i-vi.6i7:2. i4-i9->.842:i. 2-vi. 596: 1,698:2. 19-11.23-1.844:2. 4-i.359:T. -11.1-11.396:1. 8-vi. 16:2. io-n..33o:2. 9-i.,92:i.v.895:2,vi.i6:2. 19- m. 330: 2, iv. 52 : i. ,o-v.896:i. -:''• '-^-t^:^- . . — IV. 1. 850: I. II— VI. 655: I. . ^ 15 — IV. 28:2. 12 — VI. 99 : I. . 13 — vi. 603: 1,646: 2. J 4 vi 72 ■ 2 ^ Samuel i. i — iii. 316: 2. — xiv. 4— iii. 607: I, vi.6l8: I. 3 — iv. 456: 2. 9 — vi.348:2. 4 — iv. 49:1. 203 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 1 Sam. I Samuel i. 7 — 1.730: i. 9 — i. 730; I, iii. 18: I. _— 13 — iv.49: I- — ii. 7 — ii. 488: I. 8 — ii. 488: I, iii. 196: 2, 283: I. — — 12 — iv. 27: 2, 522: I. -13 — ii. 264: I. 14 — ii. 2,-72: I. 27-36 — ii. 2.\y. I. 30 — ii. — ii. 383: 2. 36— iv. 331:2. — iii. I — iii. 564: i- 3 — i.217: I, iii. 18: I. ■ II — ii. 430: I. — iv. I — i. 707: I- 8 — i. 158:2. 15 — ii. 287: 2. — V. 2 — iv. 40: I. 5 — iv. 331: 1,574: I- — vi. 9-12 — ii. 386: 2. -13 — iii. 820: 2. 20 — iii. 632 : 2. — vii. 6 — i. 720 : 2, ii. 620 : 2. 9 — ii. 260: I, iii. 250: 2, iv. 86: 2. 12 — ii. i22: 2. • 14 — i. 697: I. 15 — ii. 335:2. — — 16 — i. 712: 2, ii. 284: I. — •—17-1.712:2, 720 : 2. — viii. 6 — ii. 245: 2. 10-18 — ii. 273: 2. II, 12 — • ii. 250: 2. 15 — i. 574: 2, ii. 249:2. -20 — ii. 245: 2. — ix. I — ii. 291 : I. • 7 — ii. 287 : 2, 362 : 2, 454 : 2. -8-11. 287: 2. — — 9 — ii. 390: 2, iv. 447: I. 12 — ii. 244: I. 31 — ■ i. 712: 2. — X.I— ii. 367 : 2, iv. 447 : 2. 2 — iv. 44: I. 3 — ii. 284: I. 5 — ii. 348 : 2, i V. 361 : 2. 8 — ii. 260: I. 10, II — - ii. 82: I. 16 — iv. 447: 2. 19 — ii. 285: I. 26 — i. 712: 2, iv. 207: 2. — xi. ■ i. 697: 2. 15 — 'ii. 128: I, 260: I. — xii. 9-11 — ii. 555: I. • 16 — iv. 86: 2. — — 19 sq. — iii. 250: 2. • — —23 — iv. 48: 2. — xiii. 9 — ii. 260: I. iii. 58: I. 12 — ii. 384: 2, iv. 627: I. 13, 14 — ii. 64: I. I Samuel xiv. 1.712:2. 3 — ii. 242: 2. 14 — ii. 364: I. 22 — iv. 55: 2. -32 — i V. 672 : 2. 35 — 11-264: I. 41, 42 — ■ iv. 448: I. — XV. 3 — 11.341:2,364: I. -12 — ill. 831 : I. ^22 — ■ 1. 297: 2, 11. 266: I, iii. no: I, vi. 527:2. — — 23 — iii. II 1 : 2, iv. 673 : 2. — — 33 — ii- 341: 2. — xvl. 4 — 11. 368: 2. 5 — ii. 260: I, iv. 24: I. 8 — 11. 250: I. — • — 19 — • iv. 40: I. — xvii. 13 — 11. 250: I. — — 25-1.574:2. 25-27 — 11. 78 : 2. 39 — V. 607: I. -41-111.74: I. 44,45-11.287:2. '48 — iii. 74: I. — -50-1.705:2. -54-11.372: 2. — xvill. 2 — 11. 70: 2. — —5 — 1.705:2. 10 — 11. 70: 2. 17 — 1.705:2. -19 — 1. 706: I. — — 27 — 1. 705:2. — xlx. 9, 10 — ■ ii. 540: 2. -13-11.233:2,364:2. 16-11.233:2. -17 — 11. 83: I. 18, 19 — ii. 70: I. • • 20, 24 — iv. 447: 2. — XX. 5 — 1. 472: I. 6 — 1. 472: I, iv. ZT- 2. — xxi. 3,4-111.75:2. — • — 6 — 11. 244: I. 10 — 11. 242: I. — ■ — -22 — - iv. 47: 2. — xxli. 3 — ii- 143: 2. 4 — ii- 136: I, 143:2. -7 — 11. 130: 2. 17-19 — 11- 244: I. -20 — 11. 242 : 2. — — 23 — 11. 241 : 2. — xxill. 9-13 — 11.509:2. — • xxlv. 7 — ill. 650: I. 9 — ill. 24: I. 15 — ill. 92: 2. 17-111.94: I. ■ — XXV. 2 — -11.66:1. ■ 3 — vi. 597: I- — —7 — 11. 92: I. 1 Sam. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 204 I Samuel xxv. 15 — iv. 37.2. 21 — iv. 40: I. 22 — li. 2S7: 2. — xxvi. 14 — ii. 127: I. 19 — iv. 303: 2. — xxvii. — i. 705 : 2. 2 — ii. 242: I. 7 — 11.303: -'■ 8 — i. 697: I, ii. 126: I. 10 — ii. 482: I. — xxviii. 4 — ii. 230: I. 7-1 1 — i. 338: 2. — xxix. I — ii. 111:2, 325: 2. I-I I — ii. 440: I. 4— iv. 637: I. 8 — ii. 103: I. 12 — ii. 126: I. — XXX. J.S — ii. 509: 2. 26 — ii. 92: I. — xxxi. 9 — ii. 112: I. 2 Samuel i. 18 — i. 496 : i, 690 : I. 22 — ii. 308: I. — ii. 15, 16 — i. 712 : 2. — iii. 1-5 — ii. 233:2. 2-5 — ii. 135:2. 3 — 1-697: I. 4 — iv. 614: 2. 9 — ii. 123:2. 13 — ii. 79: I. 28, 29 — ii. 242 : I. 39— ii.505: i- — iv. 6 — ii. 250: I. 7 — ii. 284: 2. — V. 1-3 — ii. 285: I. 4 — ii. 1 18: 2. 5 — ii-23o: i. 7 — ii.75:2. 14 — ii. 249: 2. 14-16— ii. 233: 2. 15-21 — ii. 199: I. 16 — ii. 2is : 2, 298 : 1. 21 — ii.505: I. — vi. 9 — iii. 252: 2. 12-20— ii. 475: I. 15 — iii- 372: I. — vii. I — ii. 200: 2. 1-17 — ii. 251 : I. 2 — iii. 316: I. 4-17 — iii- 650: r. 7 — ii-475:2. II — i. 497: T. 12-16 — ii. 224: 2. 14 — iii- -231 : I. V. 869: I. 17 — iii. 230: 2. — viii. 1-12 — i. 697 : i. 2 — i. 252 : I, ii. 341 : 2. 3 — i-^o/: I. 4 — ii-250:2. 2 Samuel viii. 6 — ii. 387:2. 7 — ii- 254 : 2, 290 : 2. 13 — ii-383: I, iv. 474:2. 16 — ii. 221 : 2. 17 — ii. 248: 2. 18 — ii. 249 : I. — ix. 6 — ii. 2^2 : 2. 8 — ii. 364: I. 13 — ii. 457:2. 45 — iv. 486 : 2. — X. I — ii. 290: I. 5 — ii-299: I. — xi. I — ii. 325: I. 3 — ii- U3- 1,241: I. — xii. I — iv. 448 : 2. 8 — ii. 240: 2. 13 — iv. 630:2. 14 — v. 545:2. 25 — ii. 235: I. 30 — ii. 378: I. 31 — ii-92: I. — xiii. 3 — ii.245: 2. 19 — iv. 33:2. 37 — i- 697: I. 39 — ii-234: i. — xiv. 2 — ii. 245 : 2. 19 — iii. 404: 2. 20 — iv. 635 : 2. 27 — ii. 234:2. — XV. 4 — ii. 245 : 2, iii. 784 : 2. 7 — 11-234: I- 8 — ii. 126: I. II — ii. 333: I. 18 — i. 430 : 2, ii. 241 : 2. 24-29 — ii. 255: 2. 30— iv. 32: I. — — 32 — iv. 39:2. 37 — 11-248:2. — xvi.4 — ii. 329:2. 5 — ii-239: I. 8 — iii. 15 : I. 10 — ii. 304: I. 14 — ii-239: I. 23 — ii. 173: I. — xvii. 5 — iv. 24: 2. 12 — iii. 278: I. 13 — iv- 12 : 2. 490 : I. 17 — ii. 234: 2. 18 — ii. 239: I. 25 — ii. 238: 2, 475:2. 28, 29 — ii. 189: I. — xviii. 6 — ii. 234 : 2, iii. 161 : I. 18 — iii. 831 : I. — xix. 2 — vi. 615 : I. 6 — iv. 672 : I. 13 — ii. 238: 2. 24-30 — ii. 174:2. '31 — iv. 168: I. 33 — iv. 21 : I. 205 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX, 2 Thes. 2 Samuel XX. i — ii. 277 : 2, 280 : 2. 3 — iv. 34: I. 16 — ii.245: 2. 19 — ii. 292: 2. 24 — ii. 221 : 2, 248 : 2, 249 : 2. 26 — ii. 249: I. — xxi. I — ii. 301 : 2. 2 — ii. 89 : 2, 130 : 2. 15-17 — ii. 505:2. 19 — ii. 505: 2. 21 — ii. 235: I. — xxii.8 — ii.318: I. 8-11 — ii.3i9: 2. II, 13 — iii- 175: I. — xxiii. 1-7 — vi. 687: I. 4 — iii. 187 : I. 9 — ii. 294: 2. 10, 12 — ii. 199 : 2. 18 — iv. 597: I. 20 — ii. 242 : I. iii. 668: 2. 2ii — ii. 147: 2. 34 — ii. 173: I. — xxiv. I — ii. 536 : i. 540 : 2, iv. 62,7 : I. II — ii. 89: I. 13 — ii.301 :2. 15 — ii. 424: 2. 16 — ii. 133 : 2, 424 : 2, iv. 635 : 2. 17 — ii.92: I, iv. 635:2. 23 — ii. 252: I. 24 — ii. 329 : I, iv. 197 : 2. 25 — i. 263: i.ii.255: I. iii. 15: I. Song of Solomon i. i — iii. 530:1. 2-1 1 — iii. 530: I, 2. 6 — iii. 536: I. 14 — i. 707 : 2, ii. 94: 2. 15-17 — iii. 531 : I. — ii. I — iii. 529:2, V. 395: I. 1-15 — iii. 531: 1,2. 16, 17 — iii. 532: I. — iii. i-ii — iii. 532 : i. 9 — iii. 529: 2. — iv. I — iii. 529 : 2. 6-15 — iii. 532: 1,2. 8, 15 — iii. 529: 2. — V. I — iii. 532 : 2, 533 : I. 2-16 — iii. 533 : I. 2. — vi. 1-7 — iii. 533: 2. 4 — i. 708 : 2, iii. 529 : 2. 8-13 — iii. 534: 1,2. 13 — iii. 529: 2. — vii. 1-9 — iii. 534:2. 4 — iii. 529 : 2. 10-13 — iii. 535: I. — viii. — iii. 533: I. I — iii. 534: 2. T-7 — iii. 535: 1,2. • 3 — vi.86i : 2. 6, 7 — iii. 529: I. Song of Solomon viii. 11-14 — 111.536:1. 12 — iii. 530: I. 1 Thessalonians, i. 5 — v. 774: 1,880: i, vi. 692 : 2. 6 — V. 781 : 2, 856 : 2, vi. 103 : 2. 8 — V.601 : I. — ii. 5 — V. 835 : 2. 6 — V. 817 : 2, vi. 645 : I. 7 — V. 817 : 2, 880 : 1, 908 : 2. 8 — V.880: 1,881:2. 12 — vi. 201 : 2. 14 ff — V. 781 : 2. 16 — V. 885: 2. 18 — iii. 579: I. 19 — V. 726: 2. — iii. I — V. 478 : I. S — v. 725:2. 10 — V. 908: 2, vi. 612: I. II— vi. 374:2. 13 — vi.667: 2. — iv. I — V. 567 : 1 , 595 : 2, vi. 120 : 2. 1-8 — V. 901 : 2. 3 — vi.86: I. 3-6 — vi. 91 : 2. 11-12 — vi. 470: 2. 13-1-338: I, iv. 310:2. 14 — V. 761 : 2, 852 : I. 15 — V. 605 : I, vi. loi : 2, 4Qp: i, 623 : i. 16 — iv. 894 : 2, vi. 882 : 2, 915 : 2. 17 — V. 593 : 2, 800 : I, vi. 490 : i, 915 : 2. — V. 2 — vi. 713:2, 750:2. 2-6 — vi. 745 : 2. 8 — V. 606: T, vi. 102: 2, 104: 1,469: I. 9 — vi. 20: I, 402: I. 10 — V. 761 : 2. 12-13 — vi. 414: I. 15 — vi.74: I. 17 — V. 478: 2. 18 — vi.88: I. 19 — vi. 75: I. 23 — vi. 84 : I, 1 19 : 2, 569 : 2. 26 — vi. 727 : I. 27 — V. 289: I. 2 Thessalonian.s i. 3 — vi. 107:2. 4 — vi. 48: I. 4-6 — v. 856 : 2. 6 — V. 588: i,vi. 132: 1,887:2. 7 — V. 529 : I, 611 : I, 887: 2. 8 — V. 529: I, vi. 748: I. 9 — iii. 60: 2, vi. 748: I. " — ii. I — i. 367 : T. 2 — V. 605 : 2, 713 : 2. 3 — iv. 839: I. 3-7 — vi. 477: I. 3-8 — i. 269: I. 4-8 — V. 850 : 2. 6 — vi.885: I. 2Tlies. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 206 2 Thessalonians ii. 7 — vi. 63: i, 419: 2,885 : i, i Timothy iii. 16 — iv. 791 : 2, v. 874:1, vi. 87:2, 904:1. 738:1,854:1. 8 — vi. 104: 1,890: I. — iv. I— vi. 367: 1,457:2,650: I. 8-12 — vi. 18: 2. 1-3 — vi. 459: 2. 9 — vi. 888:2. 2 — vi. 650:1. 10— iv. 839:1, vi. 888:2. 3 — vi.417: 2. II — ii. 33-2: 2. 6 — vi. 634:1. 14 — vi. 20 : I. 7 — vi. 457 : 2, 460 : i, 675, yz2, ■ i- 16 ff. — vi.336:2. 9 — vi. 416:1. — iii. 5 — V. 906:1. 10 — V. 720:1. 8 — vi. 315 : 2. 12 — vi. 602: 2, y22 : 2. 9 — vi. 722:2. 13 — vi. 634:1. 10 — iv. 787: I. . 14 — V. 465:2, vi. 427:2, 462: I, 634: I, II — vi. 718:2. — V. 6-13 — vi. 822:2. 12 — iv. 787:1. 7 — vi. 417:2. 16 — vi. 107:1. II — vi. 460:1. 17 — V. 915: I, vi. 290: I, 12 — vi. 596: r. 18 — v. 915: I. I3_vi. 379: 2.593:2,718:2, I Timotliy i. i — vi. 178 : i, 667 : 2. T4 — VI. 417: 2. 2 -vi. 489: I, 727: I. ' " i7-vi.6i:2,634:i. 3_v.498: i. 19 — v.8o6: i,vi.634: I. 3-7 -vi. 459: 2. ZZV.Z''-'T''^' 4 — V. 920: I, vi. 675, 733: I. " ^' oi'' 5-vi.73o:2. 23-v..486:2. 6 — vi. 742: 6. 8 — vi. 469 : I. 9 — V. 865 : 2 vi. I — vi. 699 : 2. — — I — vi. 446: 2. 2 — \\. 446 : 2, 700 : I. II _ v;837 :""i, vi. 473 : 2. -^ - '''• ^59 : 2, 489 : i. ii-,7_v.85i:i. 3-TO-vi.737:2. i2-vi.489:T. ---4-vi.4S9:2. 13 — V. 412: I, 830:1, 843:2, vi. 586:1, 5 — VI. 675. 666:2. 7-v..652:2. ,, ,z- o, 10— vi. 168:1. 13-16 — V. 832: 2. ^ • ^ ^ ,4_vi.489:i 12 - v. 465 : 2, vi. 165 : 2, 393 : 2,469: L ,5_v.832:i. i4-vi.489:i. 16 — vi. 666 : 2, 752 : 2. ^l~ ''•. ^ ' ^- i7-v.585:2,vi.667:i. i8-v,. 575:2. 18 - v. 465 : 2, vi. 727: I. i9-v.585:i. 000 • 20 — VI. 459: 2, 576: I, 728: I. 19 — V. 888: I, VI. 459: 2. . ^^^ ^' ■' . ' tJi' 21— VI. 459:2. 20 — VI. 459: 2. ^-^^ 20 — V. 500: I, vi. 600: I. — ii. 3 — vi. 667 : 2. 2 Timothy i. 2 — vi. T27 : i. 4 — vi.728: I. 4 — V. 525:2, vi. 612: I. 5_v.852: 1,867: I. 5 — V.409: i- 7 — v. 843:2, vi. 44: 2, 440: I. ^ — ^'- ^^^^- ^- ■^'^5:2, vi. 427:2, 634:1. 6 — v.843:2. 8 — v. 528: 1,856:2. ii_vi.89: T. 9 — v. 850: i,vi. 31: i. 12 — i. 318:2, vi. 89: I. 9-12 — V. 828: 2. ,3 _ ,-.318:2. II -vi. 402: I. . T3-15-V.901: I. '- — •■ 177: I. v. 528: 1,606:2. ,5_i.3,8:2. 13 -V. 869: 1,652:2. _iii. i-i3_vi.634:i. 14 — vi. 634:1. 2 — vi.468:2. 15 — V. 500:1. 3_vi 722- I 15-18 — vi. 390: 1-2. 18 — V. 498:1. 5 — V. 429 : 2. 6 — vi. 596: T. Ti — vi. 592 : T. 13 — v. 869: T. 14 — V. 498: I. — ii. T — vi. 489 : T. 2 — V. 465: _'. vi.490: 1,634: I. 8 — V. 522 : 2. 9 — vi.692:2. 207 EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. Zech. 2 Timothy ii. lo — v. 855 : 2. II — vi. 743: I. 11-13 — vi.87: 2. 12, 13 — i- 137: I- 15 — vi. 715:2. • 16 — iii. 773: I- — • — 16-18 — vi. 456: 2. — — 17 — V. 500: i,vi. 399: I. 18 — V. 500: I. 19 — i. 137:1, V. 894:1, vi. 18:2, 725:2, 861:2. 2;i — vi. 460 : I. 24 — iii. 802 : I. 25 — vi. 728: I. — • iii. I — vi. 623 : i, 650 : i, 662 : 2. 2 — vi. 662 : 2. 3 — V. 818 : 2, vi. 592 : i. 4 — iii. 418: 2. 7 — vi. 711:2, 728 : I. 8 — i. 157:2, vi. 459:2, 656: I. 9 — i. 157:2. 10 — vi. 626: I. 13 — 1-322: I, vi. 459:2. 14 — v. 409: I. 15 — V. 409: 1,869: I, — iv. I — vi. 474: 2. 3 — iv. 129: I. 4 — vi. 733: I. — — 5 — vi. 634: I. — • — 7 — V. 922 : I. — — 8 — vi. 577:2. 9-12 — vi. 106 : 2. — ■ — 9-21 — vi. 390 : 2. 10 — vi. 145 : 2. 10-16 — vi. 146: I. 14 — v. 490: 2, 406: I. — • — 17 — vi. 19: I, 105 : 2. 20 — V. 384: 1,498: I, vi.635 : 2. Titus i. 3 — vi. 667 : 2. 4 — V.839: I. 5 — vi. 485: 2. 490: I. 5-9 — vi. 412:2, 634 : I. 6 — vi. 95 : I, 416: I. 7 — vi. 722: I. 9 — • vi. 468 : 2. 10 — vi. 395: 2. — — II — vi. 675, 722 : T. 12 — V. 409 : 2, 593 : 2. 14 — vi. 395: 2,398: 2. -16 — vi. 398 : 2. — ii.3 — vi. 592: I. 3-5 — vi.91: T. 4, 5 — iii. 683: I. 7 — vi. 108 : 2, 722 : 2. 9 — vi. 97 : 2, 432 : 1 . 699 : 2. — — - 10 — vi. 97 : 2, J32 : I, 667 : 2. II — V. 832 : 1,850: I, vi. 141 : I. ■ 11-14 — V. 850: I- Titus ii. 12 — vi. 141 : I. 12-14 — V. 858 : 2. 13 — v. 581 : 1,605: I. 14 — vi. 92 : 2. 15 — vi.634: I. — iii. I — vi. 457 : 2. 3 — V. 540:2. 4 — i.285: I. 4-6 — vi. 667 : 2. 4-7 — V. 850 : I, 870 : I. 5-1-291 :2, V. 850: 1,855:2. 5-7 — vi. 92: 2. '7 — vi. 92 : 2. 9 — vi. 395:2. 12 — vi. 485 : 2. Tobit ii. 12-15 — •vi.627:i. — iv. 14 — vi. 602 : 2, 623 : 2, Wisdom of Solomon i. 4 — vi.6o6:2. — ii. 8 — V. 574: I. ID- V.574: I. — — 12 — vi. 574: I. 19-20 — vi. 574 : I, 24 — vi. 592: I. — iv. 2 — vi. 574: I. — V. 8-14 — vi. 574: I. — — 14 — vi. 574: I. 17 — vi. 603: I. — vi. 6 — vi. 574: I. — vii. 18 — vi. 574: I. — X. 5 — vi.593:2. — ■ — 16, 21 — i. 139: 2. — xvii. 2, s — i- 162: I. 4 — vi. 615: I. — — 7, 8 — i. 162: I. 11-12 — i. 162: 2. — xix. 14-17 — -1.162:2. Zechariah i. 3 — vi.6i4:2. 12 — iv. 420 : 2, 422 : 2, 605 : 2. 13 — V. 586: I. 18 — iv. 381: I. — ii. 1-2 — vi. 656 : I, 873 : 2. — — 4 — iii. 309 : I. 5 — iii. 309: I, iv. 357: T, vi.874: r. — — 6 — iv. 357: I. 8 — iv. 381 : I, V. 922 : i. 10 — iii. 783: I, iv. 357: 1,610: I. II — iii. 783: I. 14 — iv. 633 : I. 16 — i V. 609 : 2. 17 — iv. 357 : I, 610 : I. — iii. — vi.739:2. I — ii. 541:1, 599:1, iii- 579: I, iv. 637:1, vi. 666: i. 1-3 — vi. 666 : i. 2 — iii. 579 : I, iv. 397 : 2. 8 — ii. 504: 2, iii. 800: i, iv. 357: i. 653: I. Zecb. EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE — INDEX. 208 Zechariah iii. 10 — i. 592 : i, iv. 357 : i, 653 : I. — iv. — vi. 876: 2. I — iv. 204 : 2. 2-12 — i. 217 : I. 3 — iv. •]}> : 2. 6 — ii.6o8: 2, iii. 663: I. 7 — ii. 608 : 2, vi. 867 : 2. 9 — vi. 745: I. 10— ii. 493: 1.557: i,iv. 430: I. 14 — iii. 247 : 2. — vi. I — iv. 381 : I. 5 — iii. 247: 2. 8 — iv. 381 : 1.672: I. 13 — iv. 922: 2. — vii. 3 — iv. 831 : i. 3-5 — ii. 456:2. 5 — iv. 273 : 2, 646 : 2, 831 : I. 14 — iii. 268: 2. — viii.-6, II, 12 — iv. 609: 2. 16 — vi. 74: I. 19 _ ii. 453 : I. 456 : 2, iv. 273 : 2, 831 : I. — i.\. I — iv. 640: 2. 3 — ii.270: T. 5-ii. 388:2. 6 — ii. 392 : 2. 8 — ii.357:2. 9 — iv. 413:2. TO — ii. 250 : 2, iii. 185 : I. — .X. I — vi. 626: 2. 3 — i. 167 : 2, iv. 147 : i. -4 — ii. 282: 2. 5 — ii. 250:2. 10-12 — vi. 897: 2. II — iv. 651 : 2. — xi. 1-17 — ii. 394:2. 2 — ii.439:2. 3 — iv. 75:2. 4-17 — ii. 282: I. 7-14 — ii. 394: 2. 8 — ii. 394:2. 9 — iv. 796: 2. ■ 12 — iv. 801 : 2. 13 — ^ i. 207: 2, iv. 801 : 2. — .xii. I — iii. 277: 2. 2 — iv. 595: 2. 3 — ii-453: 1- 2,393: I, IV. 400: I, Zechariah xii. 4 — ii.25o:2. 8 — ii. 504: 2. — — 8-14 — i. 372: I. 9 — vi. 716: 2. 10 — i. 355:2, ii. 444: I. II — ii.354: I- 11-13 — ii. 441 : I. — —12 — ii. 249: 2. 12-14 — ii- 28: 2. — xiii. 2 — ii. 332 : 2, iv. 150 : I. 2-6 — ii. 390: 2. 4 — ii-30i : 1,328: 1,34^: L 5 — iv. 150: I. 7 — iv. 908: I. 7-9 — ii. 282: I. — xiv. I — iv. 429: I. 5 — i-355: L ii- 3^ 458 : 2, vi. 336 : I. — • — 7 — iv. 429: I. 8 — iv.28:2. 9 — 1-355: I- 16— i. 355: I- 20 — i. 223: 1,243:2,355: I, vi. 894:2. 21 — ii. 613: 2. Zephaniah i. i — ii.433: i. 4 — ii. 398: 1,436:2, iv. 564: I. 5 — ii. 402: 1,429:2,437: I. 7 — iv. 24: I, 630: I. 8 — ii. 427: I, 446: I, iv. 636: I. 9 — iv. 331: I. 10 — ii. 436: I. II — i. 591: I. 14 — iv. 661 : 2. — ■ — 15 — iv. 661 : 2, vi. 908: I. 16 — vi. 908: I. — • ii. I — iv. 666: i. 3 — vi. 745: I- -4 — ii. 388: 2. iv. 10: I. 4-7 — ii- 433: I. '10 — iii. 685: I. II — iv. 646: 2. ■ 12-15 — ii.433: 2. — • iii. I-II — ii. 432: 2. 3, 4 — iv. 188: 2, 7 — iv. 39:2. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. .J^ Form L9-Series 4939 — . .1-J70 (3UH sup yr 1 ^^ "''""'liililliiiilliiliiJIi L 009 520 830 2 t PLEA«^ DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD ^^iLIBR,\:]YQ^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 302 720 6 %0JiW3JO>^ University Research Library E w -/.<• "^ * r- r z c S OD m *-• t— '• '■O 1 •"' CO 1 "^ -s- •y*^* < o T5 ■0 o o ■0 i :d 1 1-J2: rn 1 ITS 1 > c -1 z o X a — } ! 1 J-rj iX m