Sfe «SJ'v''^'■■ ' m^^ UC-NRLF B 3 fib? mfi Uk iiiii#llilii«i .•:Pliiiiiii i 1 i AC^Pfi HITECTURB Indispensable to everyone who owns a car, or is thinking of buying one, , . . . REEF POINT GARDENS LIBRARY ^w^TP^^ ^■•t^^*' ^^btt*^^ ^nvv^^p ^^PT^^P ^^PTn^r* ^^^T^^P TA?^ Gift of Beatrix Farrand to the General Library University of California, Berkeley Every Friday. Of all Newsagents. Paper. »• Paper. Publishers : Iliffe cS" Sons Ltd., 20 Tudor St., London, E.C. SPEEDOMETERS. - - -' 'i|||i I ■ O.S. Speedometers are absolutely guaranteed against all defects for 3 YEARS- NEW MODELS FOR 1913. >.jijmmtmj //80 ''^70 H 60 7 10 20 ^ H %. 50 30 -V 6- Type A. Speed indicator and mileage reco'rder £4- lO O Type B. Fitted with trip recorder £S 1 O Higher priced Models for 1913. Types F., G. and H. 0/ all Car and Accessor^' Dealers, or from the O.S. SPEEDOMETER COMPANY, 186-188, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C. THE ICHCLI Touring Office has been established to assist motorists, free of charge, in everything connected with tours which they propose to tnidertake. A detailed itinerary to cover any journey will be prepared on application. Every motorist is invited to visit the Touring Office and avail himself of the facilities it offers. Written applications for information will receive prompt attention. The MICHEUN TOURING OFFICE, Si, Fulham Road, Chelsea, LONDON, S.W. Telephone No. : 4400 Kensington (6 lines). I THE MIGHELIN GUIDE IS THE MOTORIST'S VADE-MECUM. COPIES MAY BE OBTAINED GRATIS FROM All Micheliti Stockists, and it can be consulted at the Repair Shops) ^^^^^.^^^^^ ^^ the Guide. and Hotels j O — OK IT WILL BE SENT POST FREE, Upon receipt of P.O. for 1/3, by— THE MIGHELIN TYRE CO., LTD., 81, Fulham Road, Chelsea, LONDON, S.W. IMPORTANT NOTICE. in the following pagres the reader will find a complete explanation of the way In which the " Michelin Guide" can be used with the greatest ease. READ CAREFULLY— Pages / General Information 3 L Plans 3 Conventional Signs Itineraries 4 aji(j ( Repairers and Agents 4 Abbreviations Excursions 4 I Hotels 5 ^ Abbreviations 6 Methods adopted for drawing up the Itineraries . . . 7-9 ( Before starting .10 How to use the Guide j ^^ ^^^ ^.^^^ ^i_i2 « General Alphabetical Index and Contents Table at the end of the Volume. THE MICHELIN GUIDES s t THE EIGHT MIGHEUN GUIDES. I. —France. (a) French Edition. (6) English Edition. II. -The British Isles. Published in English by the Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd. Ml.— Germany. Published in German by the Deutsche Miehelin Pneutrmtik A.-G. IV.-Spain. Pubhshed by the Sociedad Anonima del Neuma tico Michelin. (a) Spanish Edition. (b) French Edition. Published in French. VI.— The Sunny Countries. Algeria, Tunis, Egypt, Souttiern Italy, Corsica, and ttie Riviera. (a) French Edition. {b) English Edition. VII.— Switzerland, Tyrol, Italian Lakes. Switzerland, Norttiern Italy, tlie Dolomites, and ttie Tyrol. (a) French Edition. (P) German Edition. (c) English Edition. VIII.— Holland, BeFgium, and the Black Forest. (a) French Edition. (6) English Edition. The Michelin Gtddes distributed gratis every year ivould, if i)laced one xipon another, make a pile 60 times as high as St. Paul's Cathedral. i Far rand Gif€ — 3 - CONVENTIONAL SIGNS CONVENTIONAL SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS. GENERAL INFORMATION. N\. 8. Number of map upon which the town is situated. m \ There is a Michelin ffi. 5 Stockist in the town. [ct] County Town. fcBl County Borough. Imb) Mu-nicipal Borough. njp) Urban District. JRBl Royal Borough. [FBI Police Borough. (Alt.) Altitu'de in feet above sea - level. ^ Golf Links, and number of holes. * Places of special interest. the Pop. 17,653. Population o f town. ,462 P. Population of the parish ; often not the same area as the town. Market Day on Saturday, E.C., Thurs. Early closing day on Thursday, r Direction to take to I And the interesting ' sights in the neigh- j bourhood of the { town described. / Denote exits from ^ town to Golf Links V and Racecourses. Racecourse. Pop. M.D., Sat. is. North. S. South. E. East. W. West. ^ Railway Station. Kl Post Office. T Telegraph Office. These signs are used only when the town described does not possess such institutions. They indicate the nearest town which does :— j^ Darsharu 5 Raihvay station at Darsham, 5 miles distant. r^T Canisbay 2 Post and Telegraph Office at Canisbay, 2 miles distant. PLANS. B Barracks, j Guildhall, G- > Town Hall. M. Museum. i T. Theatre. ; u University. County Hall. Police Station. Railway Station. Great Eastern Railway. Great Northern Rly. Great Western Rly. North-Eastern Rly. Midland and Great Northern Joint Rly. London and North- western Railway. London and South- western Railway. South Eastern and Chatham Railway. London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway. Midland Railway. Lancashire and York- shire Railway. Great Central Railway. Caledonian Railway. North British Railway. Glasgow and South- I • Western Railway. Midland Great Western Railway Great Southern and Western Railway lsoT'&.— All plana are draiva %cith the north point at the top of the page. Church or Chapel. Hospital. Hotel. Stockist or Repairer. Tramlines. . <3><^ Number of exit from town (corresponds to descrip- tion of Itinerary). T Central Post, Telegraph, ^ and Telephone Office. J^ ^ ^olf links, and number of holes. C.H. P.S. R.S. G.E.R. G.N.R. G.W.R. N.E.R. M.G.N. R. L.N.W.R. L.S.W.R. S.E.C.R. L.B.S.G.R. M.R. L;Y.R. G.C.R: C.R, N.B.R. G.S.W.R. * M. G.W.R. G.S.W.R. CONVENTIONAL SIGNS 4 - ITINERARIES. E. I, E. II, etc. Mottram • 4 • r. 12 • • r 25 • 1. Mottram 4 denote number of exit from a town, the number in the text corre- sponding to the number on the plan. i These signs denote that a road branches off at the distance or town so indi- cated. This branch road is described a few lines further on, / Shows the commencement of the description of the } branch road, as well as its direction (r. right, I. left) ' from the itinerary which it leaves, ilarks a bifurcation and sign-post, from which distances are calculated to towns in different directions. All distances given in this book, however, are from the town under consideration in the alphabetical list. Separates two different roads starting from the town under consideration. Separates a second route branching off from a first route. Separates a third route branching off from a first or second route. The use of this type in the text of an itinerary indicates that the town is the centre of several detailed itineraries, which are described under the town in the alphabetical list. Indicates that the town is included in the alphabetical list, but is not a centre of detailed itineraries. Indicates towns not included in the alphabetical list. The number refers to the number in the list of fel-ries in Part III. ; the * denotes ferries sometimes rendered difficult or impassable by the condition of the tide. a After a t|^»^^^^^te^; that a .Michelin Stockist is REPAIRERS AND AGENTS. MICHELIN STOCKIST. See Specification of Stock, p. 13. caBB Michelin Air Cylinders for inflation of tyres can be obtained here. Michelin IVJ.C.T. . . . (Motorcycles) Indicates Motor Cycle Repairers who stock Michelin Motor Cycle Tyres. M.CT. Placed after the information concerning a Michelin Stockist, indicates that Michelin Motor Cycle Tyres are also stocked. Brighton Dorkinj; Earsdon (fernj -S*) ^^ Hepair shop. Agt. Manufacturer's agent. [6] Garage, and number of cars it will hold. Boxes [2] Private lock-up boxes, and number thereof. U Inspection pit. \ Electric plant for re-charg- ing accumulators. RAC \ Appointed by the Royal SAC \ Automobile Club, Scot- lAC ) tish A.C., or Irish A.C. T Telegraphic address. :f> 357 Telephone and number. Sun. Open on Sundays. Night Open all night. EXCURSIONS. I When three roads, diverging from same point, are encountered : one going straight ahead, one turning left, and one right (what- ever may be their angle of intei"section). I When two roads, diverging from the same point, are encountered, one going straight ahead, and the other to the left (whatever may be their angle of intersection). When, of two roads diverging from the same point, one goes straight ahead, and the other turns to the right (whatever may be their angle of intersection). When two roads are met with, one turning to the left, the other to the right (at any angle of intersection). Portmadoc— Towns whose names are printed in this kind of type ase mentioned in the alphabetical list. itinerary followed in the excursion. On the outline maps { "TT (^''^^/o'^ds ' i 1 -+4- level crossmg. course of rivers. ^ Keep straight on 4- Turn to left "i* Turn to right -f Keep straight on *i Turn to left t- Keep straight on ^ Turn to right ♦r Turn to left -i+ Turn to right Farrand Gift J)/^Cso HOTELS i , HOTELS. We have arranged the hotels which we recom- iiiend in the following manner :— iPlfl Large; and luxuriously appointed, palace hotels, where every comfort can be secured. ggg?! Well appointed and very comfortable hotels, containing all modern improvements. ^^ Comfortable hotels, with modern improve- ments. jM Hotels whose appointments and accommodation have been brought fairly well up-to-date, or recently-built hotels whose accommo- dation is good. ^ Simple but well-kept hotels. .g* Small hotels or inns where good meals can be obtai-ned. E 2/- Price of Breakfast served in coffee room. r comprising the table d'hdte menu, and served L 3/6 ,, Lunch J during the following hours :— D 5/- ,, Dinner | Lunch . , 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1^ Dinner . . 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Note.— 2Vie fixed prices are for table-d'hote meals only, and do not hold good for orders a la carte. K,3/6 R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 8/- EAC SAC lAC RAC Lt. Lft [CHl 5 T :F' 3706 Gar [61 Shed [8] Shelter (To) Court [^ (Price of room, with large bed, to be occupied by one \ person only ; light and attendance included. ( Special arrangements for chauffeur. Price per day, in- \ eluding breakfast, lunch, dinner, and room. Appointed by the Royal Automobile Club, Scottish A.C., or Irish A.C. Listed by the R.A.C. Lift. Central Heating. Electric Light. Telegraphic Address. Hotel Telephone, and Number. -Accommodation for cleaning, repairing, and housing auto- I mobiles at the dis- ' posal of hotel ^ visitors. Box [2] M -/6 Nl/- PG ins adj dist opp Gar 50 y U Private lock-up, com- partments, and num- ber thereof. Charge for garage dur- ing short stay for meals. Charge for garage over- night. Public Garage. on hotel premises. adjoining. outside, at some dis- tance. opposite. Garage at 50 yards from the hotel. Inspection pit. Gratis -\ ri'ree use of automobile accommodation to tourists carrying the ( Michelin Guide, who may be staying at the hotel (for not more than two days), or dining there ; unless modified by the mention " N 1/-." IMPORTANT NOTICE. Our sole aim in publishing this Guide is that it may be useful to our cli'ents ; and to prevent any suspicion of partiality, we accept no hotel advertisements whatever. Our information is therefore entirely in- dependent. We are aware that every good hotel has not been mentioned, but we have '/^S^iV'^Y '^^^^^^^^^^^■fff^ ^'^^^ ^^^ ^" '^^^ power to guarantee that those *^.-■^rl±f^^ C-—~WJ)\y hotels mentioned are in every way worthy. We have added a small number of hotels holding the appointment of the Royal Automobile Club, as well as a few others which we can recommend, but concerning which we have been unable to obtain detailed particulars. Nevertheless, in spite of every precaution, it is almost impossible to avoid some inac- curacies. We should be extremely grateful if motorists would point out any errors which may occur, and also inform us of hotels making charges different from those indicated in the Guide. All such information and com- plaints Avill be examined with the grej^st care, and for the common good. We would ask holders of the Michelin Guide to state plainly, when visiting hotels, that they have been recommended by the Michelin Guide. In this way customers will receive proper attention, and any complaints which maybe brought to our notice can be more satisfactorily dealt with. 648 ABBREVIATIONS GOLF LINKS. RACECOURSES. Knowing that a very great number of motorists' are also devotees of golf, we have thought it in- teresting to give indications of the many links which exist throughout the British Isles. In the genei-al information for towns possessing golf links will be found a small illustration representing two crossed golf clubs, a ball, the number of holes on the course, and letters and figures denoting direction and distance of the links from the town. We have also given information concerning tlie chief race-meetings. When the course is near a town we have indicated it by an illustration of a horae and jockey, the dates of meetings, and the direc- tion and distance from the town. If the course is situated at some distance from a town, it has been given a place in the alphabetical list, and its position indicated with reference tp the nearest large town (Ex. Goodwood ; K. Chichester 5 ; i.e. Goodwood is situated 5 miles north of Chichester). ABBREVIATIONS. Abb. Abbey. Moil. Monument. Alt. Altitude. Monast. Monastery. Alt. Alternative. monot. monotonous. asc. ascent. Mt. Mountain. Av. Avenue. mount, rd. mountain road Br. Bridge. N. Nortli. c. century. Norm. Norman. (as. Castle. opp. opposite. ( 'ath. Cathedral. P- page. Ch. Church. Pal. Palace. Chap. Chapel. P.H. Public House. Co. County. pict. picturesque. (urin. Corinthian. PI. Place. dang. dangerous. Pop. Population. desc. descent. Pt. Point. E. East. R. River. Eli/. Elizabethan. r. right. ex. excellent. recom. recommended. n. flat, level. Eenaiss Renaissance. ft. feet. rd. road. g(l. rd. good road. Rns. Ruin.s. t;oth. Gothic. Rom. Roman. (;t. Great. S. South. h. hour. St. Saint. Hd. Headland. sin. sinuous. Ho. House. Sq. Square. Ital. Italian. St. Street. Jacob. Jacol)ean. stp. steep. 1. left. str. straight. 1.V- lightly, gently. Tud. Tudor. lii. miles. und. undulating. luagn. magnificent. V. very. med. mediocre, poor. W West. min. minute. y. yards. 1/20 desc De scent of 1 in 20. ITINERARIES METHODS ADOPTED IN DRAWING UP THE ITINERARIES. (8ee Conventional Signs, p. 3.) Among the 1880 towns which compose the Alphabetical List, we have chosen, according to their general importance and their situation at the junction of several main roads, a certain number of towns which we have joined together in every direction by detailed itineraries. ^ye thus obtain a network of through routes and main roads. In order to join up the other towns with this network, we have given the distance from each of them to the nearest, in every direction, of the towns composing the network. This method gives the following great advantage :~In whatever town of the Guide the reader may find himself, or to whatever point he may u, Newcastle! Barnard Castle 58\ ^^^^^^^' ^ft]DcRlbri/^3 fMiddlesbrough 53 -on -Tees .•''"^ * YORK REFERENCE . /si. Class 2nd.Class /tineraries Jrd.Oass Itineraries Kdemions of the [tincrofies Barnsley38 ShefField 52 Hull 37 Derby 86/ Doncasler33 • 63 Mansfield V Nottingham 18 Explanation :— E.VI : hy Buncombe St., etc. Green Hammerton • 10 Boroughbridge j . Leave the town by Exit. VI, following Duncombe St., etc. . . . Pass through Green Hammerton, 10 miles from York. In this village there are branch roads, but keep straight on to 18 Boroughbridge, 18 miles from York (or 8 miles beyond the branch roads at Green Hammerton). There is a Michelin St(x;kist in the town. Here also are brancli roads, but keep straight on to Ripon a 24 Ripon, 24 miles from York (or 6 miles beyond Boroughbridge), and the terminus of the Itinerary. There is a Michelin Stockist at . Ripon. and The road from York to Ripon is good, but undulating. At 17 miles from York there is an ascent and descent of 1 in 20. {The gradient given for each itinerary is ahvays the steej)est which will be encountered.) Above is the descripti4>n of a first itinerary leaving York by Exit VI— a main road betiveen that town and Ripon. (gd. und., l/£0 asc. desc. at 17 m.). - 9 - ITINERARIES Read as before : E. VI : by Duncombe St., etc., Green Hammerton • 10, the point at U'hich the first itinerary is abandoned. See one line further on at : • 1. Green Hammerton 10 At Green Hammerton, 10 miles from York, take the branch road on the left. Knaresborough 18 Pass thrpugh Knaresborough, 18 miles from York (or 8 miles beyond the branch roads at Green Hammerton). Harrogate ^ 21 Pass through Harrogate, 21 miles from I'ork (or 3 miles beyond Knaresborough). There is a Michelin Stockist in the town. {lid. rd., 1/lG asc. at 19 m.). It is a good road from Green Hammerton to Harrogate. There is an ascent of 1 in 16 at 19 miles from York. Skipton ffl. i'S Pass through Skipton, 43 miles from York (or 22 miles from Harrogate). There is a Michelin Stdckist in Skipton. clitheroe & 60 Pass through Clitheroe, 60 miles from York. Michelin Stockist here. Whalley a • • 64 Pass through Whalley, 64 miles from Y'ork (or 4 miles beyond Clitheroe). There is a Michelin Stockist in the town. Keep straight on at the branch roads to Preston S. 77 Preston, 77 miles from York (or 13 miles after the branch roads at Whalley), and the ter- minus of the itinerary. There is a Michelin Stockist in Preston. Above is the description of a second itinerary, leaving York by Exit VI, and branching off from the first itinerary after covering 10 miles in common. Head as before : E. VI : by buncombe St., etc., Green Hammerton • 10. Then refer one line further doivn to : • 1. Green Hammerton 10 . Then refer to : • • 1. Whalley fi. 64 Whalley 64. At Whalley, 64 miles from York (or 54 miles beyond Gi"een Hammerton), turn left at branch roads. Blackburn ffl. 71 Arrive at Blackburn, 71 miles from Y'ork (or 7 miles beyond the branch roads at Whalley). There is a Michelin Stockist in the town. Above is the description of a third itinerary leaving York by Exit VI,. and branching off from the second itinerary after covering 6lt miles m common. Bead as before : E. VI : by Duncombe St., etc., Boroughbridge Si • 18. Then refer four lines fta-ther down to : Boroughbridge 18 Abbey Br. 56 (Toll: cars 9fZ., "■ motor-cycles 2d. This can be avoided by keeping to the main road, bitt the surface is not so good, and it is narrow and danger- mis with a sharp turn at Startforth Br.). Barnard Castle 58 At Boroughbridge, 18 miles from Y'ork, take the branch road on the right to At Abbey Br., 56 miles from York, it is better to cross the toll-bridge and so avoid the bad road and dang, corners. Barnard Castle, 58 miles from York (or 40 miles beyond the branch roads at Boi'ough- bridge). Pass through Alston, 91 miles from Y'ork. Pass through Brampton, 110 miles from York. Arrive at Carlisle, 119 miles from York (or 101 miles beyond the branch roads at Borough- bridge), and the terminus of the itinerary. There is a Michelin Stockist at Carlisle. It is a good road on the whole from Borough- bridge to Carlisle, but there is a bad stretch oPS miles before Alston and a descent of 1 in 14-10 into that town. Above is the description of a fourth itinerary, leaving York by Exit VI, and branching of from the first itinerary after covering IS miles in common. Alston 91 Brampton 110 Carlisle &. 119 (gd., 8 on. before Alston bad, 1/lU-lO dese. to Alston) HOW TO USE THE GUIDE - 10 - HOW TO USE THE GUIDE. BEFORE STARTING. Choice of Itinepary. 1. Consult the Key Map, pp. 2-3 of the Atlas. Here will be foimd the main lines of the route to be followed, together with the names of the principal towns on the road, and the numbers of the maps on which they are to be found. > -^ \ \j'^ 1 2. Refer to these towns in the Alpha- betical List, and to the maps in the Atlas of which the numbers .have been noted. Thus will be easily found, full information enabling the itinerary to be definitely mapped out according to taste (rapidity, picturesque- ness, etc.). Sxample :— I wish to travel from York to Kendal. On the Key Map (pp. 2-3 of the Atlas), I am referred to Maps 16 and 17, and there I see two roads joining these two towns, the first via Tadcaster and Skipton, the second by Ripon, Aysgarth, and Sedbergh. I shall find these two routes in detail in the text of the above-mentioned towns. To obtain the total distance I find at York : Tadcaster 9 ; at Skipton : Tadcaster 35 and Kendal 46 ; a total of 90 miles. For the second route I find at York : Ripon 24 ; at Ripon : Kendal 63 ; a total of 87 miles. In the text of E. V, the ro.ad from York to Tadcaster is shown as mediocre ; at Skipton I find that the road to Tadcaster is good, and the road to Kendal very good, but undulating, and at 38 miles distant from Skipton I shall descend a hill having a 1 in 10 slope. In the text of E. VI, the road from York to Ripon is shown as good, but undulating, and after travelling 17 miles I shall climb a 1 in 20 hill and descend again ; at Ripon I find that the road to Sedbergh is mediocre and hilly, and that I shall have to descend a 1 in 12 hill at 28 miles. The road from Sedbergh to Kendal is bad and mountainous, and has a steep desc. of 1 in 9 at 62 miles. I shall therefore choose the route vid Skipton, for, although 2 miles longer, the road allows much faster travelling than that virt Ripon- Choice of Stopping-place.— The Michelln Guide with its Alphabetical List of towns, giving complete information upon repairers and hotels, their prices and installation, will be of great assistance in choosing a stop-' ping-place. A g:ood hotel, answering the requirements of tourists, must exist in the town where it is proposed to pass the night. Wherever possible, an hotel possessing a well-ap- pointed g^arag^e should be chosen, wliere the ear may be safely housed, and, if neces- sary, cleaned and repaired. A repairer in the town will afford a good substitute if no garage is available at the hotel. In any case, a town possessing a Michel in Stockist should be chosen whenever possible, in order - 11 - HOW TO USE THE GUIDE that c-hange or spare tyres and accessories may be easily obtained if needed. ^ , >- ,. . , The morning stopping-place, that is to say lunch-time, is also a (liiestion to be studied. A town of some importance, or a picturesque \ iUaire with a hotel of the 6th class, might be chosen. ON THE ROAD. ■L... The Route. — Having definitely mapped out an itinerary, thft next thing to do is to follow it out on the roatL The best method is to use a large-scale map. Many touristSj however, do not like using a map, finding im- practicable the large sheets of paper which are caught by every gust of wind, and which must be folded and unfolded whilst en route. For such, the Michelin Guide, with its detailed itine- raries and numerous indica- tions upon the road to follow, will be of the utmost service- distances, names of towns, vil- lages and localities on the road, which serve as landmarks denot- ing that the direction followed is the right one. Our map (Scale 1 : 1,000,000), placed in the middle of the Guide and divided into sections, is on too small a scale to follow out easily the road without the help of another map. Nevertheless, if the main roads are kept to, the map will be found very useful. Moreover, it possesses a certain advantage over other maps in that it indicates the distances (to the nearest mile) between town& and branch roads. These figures will be of great value in making rapid calculations, such as the distance to be travelled before the next large town is reached. Example.— I wish to travel from York to Kendal. Kendal being north-west of York, I shall find my road among the last itineraries leaving York. I find the road to Tadcaster at E. V. I therefore leave the town by E. V, and follow the road to Tadcaster, 9 miles. At 6 miles I pass tlirough Streethouses, showing me that I am on the right road. Just l)efore reaching Tadcaster, I turn up that town in the Alphabetical List, and find the distance to Otley, and continue in the same way to Kendal. In Towns. — when a town presents serious difficulties in the matter of passing through it, we have produced plans, in two colours fin- very large towns and in black-outline for the others. All plans are drawn north and south. The roads or streets to be followed when crossing or visiting the town are shown in three different widths accord- ing to their importance. The names of streets are printed on the two- cidoured plans, whilst on the others the numbers correlpoiiding to the list given in the margin enable each road to be easily found ; places of interest or places serving as guides are each indicated by a special sign. Example.— A tourist travelling from Hull to Newcastle, vicl York, will I>a3S through York by St. Lawrence St., Walmgate, Foss Bridge, Fossgate, ('olliergate, Low Petergate, High Petergate, and Bootham (Nos. 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 5, 1, and 31 on the plan) if he wishes to pass straight through tlie town. If, however, without actually stopping he wishes to gain some idea of the town, he will make the tour indicated by figures 14, 20, m, IS, 17, 16, 35, 24, 23, 1, and 31 (St. Lawrence St., Castle Mills Bridge, Tower St., Clifford St., Spurrier St., Coney St., Lendal St., Museum St., Duncombe Place, High Petergate, and Bootham), thus passing by the City ^\'alls, York Castle, Michelin Stockist'#premises, the Post Office, the Theatre, the Minster, and the Museum. If he wishes to visit the town in detail, he will easily find the streets leadhig to the places of interest mentioned in the general information ; ■-t. Marys Abbey, the Minster, York Castle, and the City Walls. HOW TO USE THE GUIDE - 12 CURIOSITIES-EXCURSIONS. The curiosities or places of interest are mentioned in the general information for each town. Those situated in the environs of a town are indicated by their distance and direction from the town. Picturesque is indicated in the text by the abbreviations (^icf.) and («. pict.) which qualify the road in general described immediately before. Districts which contain a more than usual number of interesting places and picturesque roads are described in the excui-sions. These excursions are given either for tourists staying in a town, who may wish to make one or two day excursions in the neighbourhood, or for tourists who, whilst travelling from one town to another, may wish to prolong their journey in order to see everything of interest in the country. We have only given the most interesting excursions ; tourists desiring to visit thoroughly any particular district should apply to our Touring Office, 81, Fulhan) Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. — 13 — PART I. MICHELIN TYRES. THE STOCKISTS, THEIR STOCK, AND SPECIAL SIGNS. Any Michelin Stockist can Supply all ordinary sizes of Inner tubes and plain or non-skid covers. The MICHELIN STOCK comprises square tread and non- skid covers and inner tubes, in all ordinary sizes, and the latest accessories. The towns in which Michelin Stockists can be found are indicated : 1 . In the Guide : {a) In the descriptions of towns (see General Information) by the sign ® placed directly after the name of the town. (6) In the descriptions of towns (see Road Guide Section; by the words MICHELIN STOCKIST followed by the sign cch>= when the Stockist can supply our Air Cylinders. (c) In the deserlptlons of Itineraries by the sign Sl. 2. On the roads, by large signs placed in prominent positions near the towns. Below the word3 "MICHELIN STOCK MICHELIN TYRES Name &. Address of stockist Fig. 1. TYRES " the name and addrefis of the Stockist appear in large characters. Jmportant Note .—Owing to repeated objections to these road signs on the ground that the great number of adver tlsements exhibited in ths country constitute an eyesore, the Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., have decided to remove all their signs during the course of 1913. 3. In the touuis, by a doUble- faced Round Sign carrying the words "STOCK MICHELIN 1913." This sign hangs above the entrjJhce to the Stockist's premises. MCHEUN I'IG. 2. THE nillGHEUN AIR CYLINDER. Any stockist whose name, in the Guide, is accom- panied by the sign ceb>= can supply Michelin Air Cylinders. A fully charged cylinder can be had in exchange for an empty one. The following is a list of stockists (correct to date of publication) who hold an assortment of our Air Cylinders, and who can supply them at all times. Bea.uly Beverley Biriningha.nn Brechin . Brecon . Carlisle . Chesterfield Darlingrton Dorchester Eastbourne Edinburgrh Gloucester ' Grimsby Hereford Huntly . Kilkenny Lancaster Leaming^ton Ledbury . Liverpool Maidenhead Maidstone Manchester Spa Newcastle-on-Tyne Northampton Notting^ham GxIFord . . . . Pitlochry Sheffield South port Strrling: ^ . . . Stockton-on-Tees Stratford-on-Avon . Tunbridgre Weils Waterlooville West Hartlepool Weymouth . Windsor . . . . Worcester G. R. Campbell. E. Newham, 5-7, TolVGavel. E. J. Banks, Ltd., Stephenson St. andNaviga- tion St. H, Garner, 130, Alcester Rd., Moseley. Heath's Garage, Ltd., 58-70, John Bright St. A. Simpson & Sons, Clerk St. H. C. Rich & Sons, /tl, The Watton. The Carlisle Motor Co., Ltd., Lowther St. CAVENDISH Motors, Ltd., Cavendish St. Cleveland Car Co., Ltd., Grange Rd. Garage. M. H. TiLLEY & SON, J^5, South St., and 13, Trinity St. Caffyns Garages, Ltd., 18, Marine Parade, Meads JRd., and Pevensey Rd. J. Croall & Sons, Ltd., Castle Terrace. ROSSLEIGH, Ltd., 22, Shandwick PL Albert Motor Co., Ltd., Southgate St. l^iCHOLSON Bros., West St., St. Mary's Gate. W. R. CoRBETT Winder's Motor Wks., Commercial Rd. J. FiTZPATRiCK, 2, Duke St. Statham & Co., 17, High St. W. Atkinson & Sons, North Rd. MIDLAND AUTOCAR CO., 16, Russell St. G. Hopkins & Sons, Neto St. MossLEY Hill Motor Car Wks., Bridge Rd., Mossley Hill. White & Co., Precision Motor Works. LODER & Son, /t7a, High St. J. W. HA worth, 282, Deansgate. T. Garner, 10-12, Peter St. E. HARDING, 2A1, Deansgate. Stapfords (Manchester), Ltd., Albion St.,. Gaythorne. Hodgson's Motor Garage, 121, Northumber- land St. Frank Newton, Ltd., St. Giles Motor Works, St. Giles Terrace. R. CRIPPS& Co., Ltd., Lower Parlimmnt St. CoxETER & Co., Ltd., Park End Street Garage. W. Blues, Pitlochry Garage, Main St. T. Haigh & Co., Ltd., 52, West St. R. WOODHEAD & Co., Lord St. Geo. Owen, 69-81, Port St. T. J. Malone & Co., North End Motor Garage, Station St. A. Bolland & Co., G^lild St. Rock, Thorpe «S: Chatfield, Grosvenor Rd. - Wadham Bros., London Rd. The Carlton Motor Co. (Gales Garage), Yilliers St. M. H. Tilley & Son, Victoria St. and The Esplanade. Windsor and Ascot Motor and Eno, Works, 5, Sheet St. G. E. Spurr, Foregate St. — 15 — CONDITIONS OF SALE. ^Ye would remind our clients that Rubber will not last an indefini-te time, like steel, for example, but, on the contrary, that its destru-ction is inevitable sooner or later, and depends upon causes external and internal as yet very little understood. Our efforts are devoted to sup- plying the best material possible, and we seek also to avoid all defects in the construction of the Tyre. The great strain put upon the Tyre and the hard work imposed by many drivers tend further to shorten its existence ; the rubber, like the canvas supporting it, being constantly exposed to a strain approaching breaking point. Accordingly, it will be easily un der^ood how impossible it is for us to give any guarantee whatever, and we are thus compelled to warn our clients that we decline all warranty or responsibility attributable to defects, whether latent or patent, that may exist in our products, or for any acci- dents to persons or things, or from anything which may arise therefrom. The diameter and section sizes by which our tyres are designated, are recognized in the Motor Industry as being merely approximate denomi- nations, used to facilitate ordering, but, as a matter of fact, they are not mathematically exact, owing to the nature of the mateinals used- in the construction of Pneumatic Tyres, and, moreover, by reason of the fact, that Pneumatic Tyres expand somewhat in use. N.B.— All Prices are strictly Net and for Cash Payments. When delivery has been accepted, it must be clearly xmderstood that the Buyer agrees to the above conditions. Prices are always subject to alteration without notice. ORDERS. For the purpose of reducing to a minimum all possibility of error, either in the transmission of orders or in their execution, we have given a Code name to every article in our Price List. Moreover, in the case of Telegraphic Orders, our Customers thus effect an important saving in the cost of transmission. For the same purpose, we have given the following Code names to the different ways of forwarding goods :— Valerius— Send by Post. Vistula— Send by Goods Train, to be Velitor— Send by Parcel Post. called for at Station. Velocitas— Sendby Registered Post. Volta— Send by Goods Train. Vespasia— Send by Passenger Train, Viator— Send by Express Messenger to be called for at Station. (for London only). Vindex— Send by Passenger Train. Voluptas— Send by Carrier. We therefore beg our Customers, when ordering per Post or Telegraph— 1. To specify Mode of Forwarding, mentioning route, and 2. To denote each article by the corresponding Code Word. It is sufficient to write— " Vindex two Halitus three Frontalia ' (numbers should be written in full). Telegrraph and Telephone Orders.— To protect our clients and ourselves against fraud we are compelled to decline to deliver goods ordered by telegram or telephone to the address of any person or firin unknown to us, unless covered by telegraphic remittance. FORWARDING. Goods are always despatched carHage forward at Consigiiee's risk, and per PASSENtJER TRAIN unless otherwise stipulated. If goods sustain damage when sent by Passenger Train, Consignee should claim from the Railway Co. In the event of consignm ents being sent per Goods Train they are carried by the Railway Co. at owner's (i,e. Consignee's) risk ; and the Railway Co. will not accept any liability for damage sustained in transit. Packing: Cases, Sacks, etc, are always debited, but the full amount will be credited if returned in good condition, carriage paid, within 30 days from date of invoice. Inflammable Goods (i.e. Solution, Tyre Paint, Mastic). —Owing to the inflammable nature of these preparations, we are pro- hibited from consigning them per Post or Passenger Train. The Riail- way Companies will only carry them per Gcods Train at a Special Minimum Rate of 2/6, up to, and not exceeding 10 lbs. per consignment. Non-inflammable Solution and Tyre Paint. — We are now manufacturing non-inflammable solution and tyre-paint, which can be sent either by Post or Goods Train at the ordinary rates. The Rail- way Companies, however, refuse to carry it by Passenger Train. Repairs and Replacements.— Carria(jre mitst be prepaid on all goods, repairs, etc., sent to the Company. The name and address of the sender should be written on a label securely fixed to the parceL As an extra precaution, another label should be placed inside ; otherwise the Company declines all responsibility should any parcels go astray or be delayed. Warning'.- Customers are warned against buying our tyres with the numbers, either tvholly or partially, erased, as they may be of old MANUFACTURE. We decline all responsibility for such tyres, and will in no case undertake their repair. All genuinely new covers are properly 2vrapped, and sealed with a Metal Seal. LIST OF STOCKISTS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. (Correct to 1st of March, 1913.) ABERDARE.-A. J. Sheen, 18, Cardiff St. ABERDEEN.— Claud Hamilton, Ltd., 25ha, Union St. — R. & J. Shinnie, Ltd., 8, 13, Union How. ABERFELDY.— D. Fraser, ,U, Dunkelcl Rd. ABERGAVENNY.— A. S. Howard, B«A-er S<. ABERGELE.— Pierce's Motor and Cycle Garagre, Market St. ADWALTON.-.STce Bradford. AIRDRIE.— R. A. Blackadder, Gartlea Motor Garag^e. ALDEBURGH.-Ward & Son, The Garage, Hicfh St. ALDERLEY EDGE.— Leonard Smith, TrafFord Road Garage. ALDERSHOT.-J. E. Lawes, Ltd., The Triangle. ALFORD (ABERDEEN). -W. Murray. ALLOA.-J. B. Whyte, Bedford Place. ALNWICK.— Alnwick and Berwick Garage and Cycle Co., Ltd., Bondgate Within. ALBAGER.— Cooke & Gould, Falcon Motor Works, Creice Rd. ALTON.— E. G. Enticknap, 55, Normandy St. ALTRINCHAM.— Joseph Richardson Unity Garage, Dun- ham Rd., nr. Thornbury. ALVESTON.— The Berkeley Vale Motor Co. ALYTH.— Alex. Edward, 89, Airlie St. AALBLESIDE.— G. Tyson, The Garage, Rydal Rd. AMERSHAM.-T. D. Truman, The Garage, High St. ■ AMESBURY.— T. Collins, Amesbury Garage, Salisbury St. ANDOVER.— H. Pratt Moore & Sons, ^7-/,9, Bridge St. ARDRISHAIG.-James Kirk, Main St. ASCOT.— G. Wheeler, Ascot Garage and Eng. Works, High S^. ASHBOURNE.— Andrews Motor Works, King Edward St. ASHli'ORD.— Stella Motor Co. (1909), Ltd., 36-38, New St. ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE.-Wood & Co., /,6, Cavendish St. ATHERSTONE.— F. J. Deeming & Co., 53, Long St. ATHLONE.— Poole & Sons, Victoria Place. AYLESBURY.— Aylesbury Motor Co., Kingsbury Sqiiare. AYR.— McQuiston's Motor Garage, 52, Beresford Lane. BAGENALSTOWN.— T. G. Jenkinson, Ballv William Row. BALDOCK.-P. C. Patterson, High St.. BALLATER.— W. Willox, Station Square. BALLYCASTLE (ANTRIM). -J OS. Starrs, Quay Rd. BALLYMENA.— H. Cooke, Mill St. BALLYMONEY.— S. Hatty, Church St. BAMBURGH.— J. McDougle, Front St. BANBURY.— Wrench's Garage, Bridge St. (opp. Toum Hall). BANCHORY.-A. Lamb, High St. BANGOR.— E. W. Elias, The Garage. BARMOUTH.— A. Wilkinson, Lion Garage, High St. BARNET.— J. L. Thomas, 29, High St. BARNHAM.— J. L. Penfbid, Barnham Engineering and Motor Works. BARNSTAPLE.— Prideaux Garage, The Square. — Barnstaple Motor Co., The Square. BASINGSTOKE.— W. W. Webber, Ltd., 1', London St. BATH.— Bath and County Motor Co. (Whitings), Henrietta St. — Bath Garage and Motor Co. (Fullers), Ltd., ll«. IS and 19, Kingsmead St I'.ATLEY.— E. A. Golby, Bradford Rd. and Branch Rd. BATTLE.— W. A. Jenner, W, fli(fh St. BEACONSFIELD.— Waiter Evans, Beaconsfield Garage and Engineering Works, High St. BECKENHAINI.- G. W. Clarke, The Mills, Wickham Rd. BEDFORD —Murkett Bros., Bridge Motor Garage. — Wm. Course & Son, .'(>, Bromham Rd. and Hassett St. — Wilson Bros., .", St. Peter's St. — 17 — lUa.FAST.-J. B. Ferguson, Ltd., cn, 7/;, Chichehter Sf. — HutcKinson, Ha.cidow & Co., Ltd., Oxford St. — Ulster Motor Works, •'-', Donegal Sf. — Victor H. Robb & Co., 57-^i), May St. — S. T. Robinson, y, Victoria Sq. I WLFOED— Robinson & Co., iVIotor Garagre, High St. r.lvRKHAMPSTEAD.-C. E. Southey & Co., PJC>, Hi(jh St. i;HKWirK.— Alnwick and Berwick Ga.ra.g:e and Cycle Co., Ltd., Hide Hill. lEiTWS Y-COED.-Osborne, Yale & Co., Bettws - y - Coed Motor Co. IIF.N'EKLEY.— E. Newham, 5-7, Toll Gavel. I'.KXHILL-ON-SEA.— H. Pulham & Co., -'N.^f, Sackville Rd., De la Warr Parade, and Wickham Avenue. lllcRSTER.— Layton & Son, Market Square. i'.IDEFORD.— Bideford Motor Works, East the Water. — Heard Bros., Orchard St. and Broad Qvay. i;l(;(rAE.— Haldane & Tait, SoiUh Back lid. I'.lJtKDALE— J. Goulder, Weald Jid. I Hi KENHEAD.— Birkenhead Motor Works. — R. E. Wrigrht & Co., U, Balls lid. — Mersey Motor Co., Ltd. t.li;MI\GHAM-cHK« E. J. Banks, Ltd., The Birmingrham Garagre, Navigation St. — ms^ Henry Garner, Ltd., 7?^', Alcester Bd., Moseley, and H, Lower Temple St. — Weekes & Co., Ltd., Highgate Square, Moseley lid. — Lowe & Wood, Ltd., 76-77, Broad St. — Jones Bros., i'55. High St. — csm)° Heath's Garagre, Ltd., John Briqht St. BIRNAM-J. & J. Sims, The Garage. BISHOP AUCKLAND.— Harburn & Co., Peel St. BISHOP'S STORTFORD.— F. Spearman, Bridge St. msHOP'SWALTHAM.-P. W. Rooke, The Square. I'.I.ACKBURN,— Thompson Bros., The Garage, U, Preston Xetr JRd. II ACKPOOL.-J. Street, Ltd., Claremont Motor Garage, General St. — Piatt Murdoch & Co., Springfield Gardens, North Shore. ~ Jackson Bros., W-U, Abingdon St. 1 lAliaiOWRIE.— RudoU' Raitt, Strathmore Motor Works, ;?, Wellmeadoxv. r.l A XDFORD.— Arthur Conyers, 3 and 5, West St. BJ.El'CHINGLEY.-Relgate Garage, Ltd. B01)MIN.-W. H. Jane, Fore St. Bo(rNOR.— N. J. Wilmott, Pier Garage, Waterloo Square. BOLTOX.— Gordon's Motor and Carriage Works, Bridge St. and Falcon St. Bolton Garage, Ltd., Byng St., Bradshaicgate. — Kapstan Cycle Co., Great Moor St. BOROI GHBRIDGE.-S. Adier & Co., The Borough bridge Garage, Canal Wharf. BOSC'OMBE.-^>e Bournemouth. BOSTON.— Holland Bros., Bargate Motor Works. BOrRXEMOUTH.-imperial Motor Works, Ltd., 38, Holden- hurst lid. — Edwin Mens, 8-12, Palmerston Rd. (Boscombe). ~ Edwards & Co., 191-193, Old Christchurch Rd. lUtACKXELL.— W. Grimes & Son, London Rd. r. I ;aDEORD.— Albert Farnell, 60, Manniivjham Lane. — Eric S. Myers, "No Worry" Garage, 52 and 62, Manniiigham Lane. — Northern Automobile Co., Ltd., Oak Lane Gar. J. Wheatley, Newmarket Garage, Adwalton. BRAE-ArAR.— J. Grant & Co , The Braemar Garage. BRAINTREE.-J. H. Tofts & Co., Railway St. BREOHIN.— aiB>» A. Simpson & Sons, Clerk St. BRECON.— OBBX. H. C. Rich & Sons, UJ, The Watton. BREJSl WOOD.— Brentwood Motor and Garage Co., Ltd., King's Rd. and 120a, High St. • BRIDGEXI).— Houlston Bros., Bridgend Garage, Nolton St. BRIDGNORTH.— H. Robinson & Co., \">r Market Buildings. BRIDGWATER.— The Bridg^water Motor Co., Ltd., Eastorer. BRIDLINGTON.- F. G. Purdon, Bridlingrton Motor Garage, Springfield Avenue. — 18 — BRIDPORT:— G. Bonfield, Bridport Motor Works, r,6, West St. BRIGG.— E. H. Smith & Sons, Market Place. BRIGHOUSE.— Waterfield & Drake, Police Street Garage. BRIGHTON.— Brighton and Sussex Motor and Carriag^e Works, Ltd., 13a, Cannon Place. — Hill's Garag'e, 17, Gloucester Place. — Hammond& Sons, Waterloo St., Rove. — P. Fairfield & Co., Ltd., The Oaks, W2, Preston lid., and Lion Hotel Yard, Atlingworth St. BRISTOL.— Howard Stephens, St. Georgre's Road Garagre, College Green. — Western Motor Co., Queen's Jid. — Bristol Wag:on and Carriag:e Works, Ltd., 13S, Victoria St. BROClvENHURST.— A. Keeping. BROMLEY.— James Young & Co., Ltd., 39, London Rd. BROXBURN.— Forsyth & Co., Broxburn Motor and Engineering Works. BUCKINGHAM.— Phillips & Sons, Chandos Bd. BUDE.— J. K. Heard, Bude Garage, Hill View. BUDLEIGH SALTERTON.-Hutchlngs & Sheppard, Chapel St. BUNDORAN.— J. E. Dudgeon, Motor and Electrical Works. BUNGAV.- R. Charlish, Earsham St. BURGESS-HILL.— Anthony Hole, 6; The Broadway. BURLEV\— Samuel Hyde, Motor Garage arid Works. BURNHAM.— W. H. Hawkings, Burnham Motor Co., '>, Victoria St. BURNLEY.-Hartley Clegg, Ltd., 6, St. James St. — F. Groome, Ltd., Mitre Garage, Westgate. BURSLEM.-F. W. Harris & Co., Waterloo Bd. BURTON-ON-TRENT.-H. C. Reading & Co., The Burton Motor Garage, High St. BURY.— Central Carriage Co., Ltd., Silver St. — Carrs, Ltd., Knowsley St. BURY- ST. EDMUNDS.-T. H. Nice & Co., ^1, Abbeygate St., and Battermarket. BUXTON.— G. W. Hodgkinson & Sons, Buxton Motor Garage, Scarsdale Place. BYFLEET.— Byfleet Auto Engineering Co., Old Woking Bd., West Byfleet. CALNE.— W. E. Harper, Wood St. and The Square. CAMBBRLEY.— J. J. H. T. Smith & Sons, 11, London Bd. CAMBORNE. — A. Williamson, Commercial Square. CAMBRIDGE.-G. T. Cain, Quay Side Garage, Bridge St. — Cambridge Auto and Engineering Co., Ltd., 9, STdney St. and Hobson St. — King & Harper, 6, Bridge St. — E. T. Saint & Co., Ltd., Hyde Park Corner Garage and Newmarket Bd. CANTERBURY.— a R. Barratt, 30, St. Peter's St. CARDIFF.— Hill's Garage, Next G.P.O., Westgate St. — W. Lewis & Son (Cardiff), Ltd., Clare St. and Tudor Lane. CARDIGAN —W. James & Sons, Gwalia Garage. CARLISLE.— tHB>. Carlisle Motor Co., Ltti., Lowther St. — James Hodgson, 79, West Walls. — County Garage Co., Ltd., llUa, Botchergate. CARLOW,— A. E. Coleman, 19, Dublin St. CARMARTHEN.-C. E. Baker & Co., 5, Blue St. CARNARVON.— The Kiwi Motor Engineers, Ltd., Slate Quay. — Evan Jones & Son, 2H, Banqor St. CARNFORTH.— Carnforth Cycle and Motor Co., 7, Scotland Bd. CASTLEBAR.-J. Bourke & Son, Ellison St. CASTLE DOr GLAS.— J. B. Penman & Son, Motor Car and Carriage Works. — The County Garage, King St. CATERHAM.— W. Kilby, I't, Godstone Bd. CHARD.— Chard Motor Supply Co., Fore St. CHEADLE.— Jevons & Broomhall, Manchester Bd. (near Station). CHELMSFORD.— J. W. Austin's County Motor Works, Ltd., Neiv Londo7i Bd. — Rosling, Ltd., The Lictors and Springfield Bd. CHELTENHAM.— Haines & Strange, 19, Albion St. — H. E. Steel, Ltd., 105, High St. CHEPSTOW.— Chepstow Motor Garage Co., Ltd., Moor St. CHESHAM.— Oakley, Ltd., Waterside. - 19 — • HESTER.— Qrosvenor Motor Co., Ltd., Ul, Eastgate St. ( IIESTEEFIELD.— Markham & Co., Ltd., Broad Oaks iron Works. — (HB^. Cavendish Motors, Ltd., Cavendish St. CHICHESTER.— A. T. Humphry, Gl, Fast St. CHIDDINGFORD.— Mann Bros., Motor Works. ( HIPPEN'HAM.— N. S. Hathaway, New ltd. I SUPPING NORTON.-J. & R. Hartwell, High St. ( HORLEY.— W. O. Samuels & Co., lU, Market St. CHURCH STRETTON.— J. Fenn Wigrgrins & Co., Church Stretton Garages, Shrewsbury lid. CIRENCESTER.— W. G. Bridgres, Ltd., Castle St. < LEETHORPES -Best & Son, High St. I J.EVEDON.— R. Stephens & Sons, The Triangle. — E. Vernon, Elton Hd. I LONMEL.— O'Gorman Bros., Farnell St. « OATBRIDGE.— Kyle Bros., Bank St. ( OBHAM.— A. Goldsmrth. ( ( »CKERMOUTH.— T. H. & W. E. Noble, South St. COLCHESTER— Motors (Colchester), Ltd., Crouch St. ' 'OLDSTREAM.-R. Swan, High St. COLNE.— Wm. Eastham, Ltd., The Carriage Works. COLW YN BAY.— H. D. D. Walthall & Co., Greenjield Ed. COMRIE.— G. McNab, Drummond St. CONGRESBURY.-W. Coward. CORK.— Johnson & Perrot, Ltd., Nelson Place. COYENTRY.-A. Farmer & Son, Central Garage, 112-111,, Queen Victoria Rd. — Vernon Cycle and Motor Co., LtdL, S2, Earl St. COWES.-Clark & Blachfbrd, Opposite Post Office. CRANLEIGH.— Wood & Trussler, iron Foundry. CRAWFORD.-R. & J. Murray. CRAWLEY.— Nightingale & Co., Motor Engineers. !;rEFF.— David Millar & Sons., 66, Commissioner St. < )MER.— HI Auckland, Canada Rd. — W. J. Miller, Church St. CROWBOROUGH-Q. Stiller, Croft Rd. CROYDON.— Milne & Russell, Ltd., 72, High St. CURRAGH CAMP.-H. Church. DARLINGTON.— cai^ Ceveland Car Co., Ltd., Grange Road Garage. — Darlington Garage, Ltd., Crown St. (near G.P.O.). DAYBROOK (NOTTS). -T. Shipside, Mansfield Rd. DEAL.— C J. Lindseli & Co., Broad St. and South St. DENBIGH— Grosvenor Motor Co., Ltd. DERBY.— Andrew's Motor Garage, iyomZon, i?d. — Holmes & Co., io7ido7i iirf. DEREHAM.— Bageley & Turner, Church St. — J. J. Wright & Sons, S8, High St. and Norwich St. DEVIZES.— Willis & Son, Central Ga.rsise, Market Place. DINGWALL.— Robertson & Porter, County Garage, Church St. DONCASTER.-E. W. Jackson & Son, 51-52, French Gate. DORCHESTER.-a[E> M. H. Til ley & Son, A5, South St. — E. Channon & Sons, Motor and Carriage Works, High East St. DORKING. -W. E. Phillips, 9, High St. DRAYCOTT.— Draycott Motor Co., Ltd., Draycott Mills. - DRIFFIELD.— G. Dowson & Son, 60, Middle St. South and Queen St. , DROGHEDA.— The Boyne Motor Co., 38, Shop St. y IDROITWICH.— Evcritt's Garage, St. George's Square. 'DUBLIN.— Autocars Ireland, l.t CafFyns Garagfes, Ltd., Marine Parade. EAST GRINSTEAD.-W. & H. King, :^ London Rd. EAST MOLESEY. -Rowland Williams, Walton Rd. EDENDERRY.-T. H. Mather, Tfte Square. EDGWARE.-R. F. Fuggle. EDINBURGH.-Wilfrid Foulis, Ltd., Sunbury Mews, Belford Rd. — J. Ross & Son, 6", Gilmore Place. — A. Mather & Son, Orwell Works, Orwell Terrace. — , C5DE>= Rossleigh, Ltd., 3£, Shandwick Place. — Scottish Auto Co., Ltd., The Velodron\c, <:, Hope Crescent. — aiH>= J. Croall & Sons, Ltd., Castle Terrace. — H. & D. Cleland, Belford Bridge. — Peebles Motor Co., l.tAS(;(»\\". — R. Y. OioWson, /i, lien frew Lane. Glasgow and Paris Motor Garage and Re- pairing; Co., Ltd., '^0, Hotspur St., Kelvinside. Beihaven, Ltd., /i.;-', Washington St. Claude Hamilton, Ltd. (incorporating- Rennie & Prosser, Ltd.), Smith St., Hillliead. — L. C Seligmann & Co., 96, lien/rev: St. The Glasgow Automobile Co., Ltd., 83, West George St. and Uo2, Ne^v City lid. Rossleigh, Ltd., 107, St. Vincent St. and kk, Sauchie- hall St. J. Croall & Sons, Ltd., 310a, St. Vincent St. (.{.(j.s.sup.— Glossop Cycle and Motor Co., High St. West. (rLOUCESTER.— csH)= Albert Motor Co., Ltd., Southgate St. — The Cross Garage, 10, Southgate St. — A. C Stretton, 1-//, Worcester St. » ;0TJ AIMING.— H. A. Jackson, Hurtmore lid. ( ioilEY,— Bates & Sons, Coach and Motor Works, St. Michael's lid. ( . RAIGUENAMANAGH.— J. M. Murphy & Son, Main St. (iKANGE-OVER-SANDS (Lanca8hire).-The Grange Motor and Cycle Co., The Garage. <;EAXTHAM,— Jas. Smith, 13, North St. — G. R. Burton & Son, Church Trees. GRAx\TOWN-ON-SPEY.-R. S. Ross, High St. GRAVESEND.-W. Haynes, 7, High St. GREAT YARMOUTH.-C E. Shalders, Xorthgate St. GREENOCK,— Nelson Motor Garage, 18, West Burn St. GREYSTONES (Ireland). -A. F. Archer, Harbour Place. GRIMSBY.— Woodthorpe & Haddock, 58, Victor St. — (aiB>= Nicholson Bros., Showrooms, West St., Mary's Gate ; Garage, Robert St. — Best & Son, High St., Cleethorpes. (rlERNSEY.— R. J. Le Lacheur, Hariaux Motor Garage, St. Andrews. • aiLDEORD.— Rice Bros., Bridge St. — May & Jacobs, Ltd. H ADDINGTON.— A. D. Kennedy, Tyneside Coach Works, Sidegate. HAjDLEIGH (Suffolk). -J. G. Frost, 58, High St. HALIFAX.— Woodhall, Nicholson & Co., Horton St. — Edgar Smith, Halifax Motor Co., 1, Wey- mouth St. HAMPTON.— G. Kingsbury & Son, Lion Square. HARPENDEN.— C. E. Chirney, Station lid. HARROGATE.-A. B. Ward man & Sons, Ltd., Cambridge St. — G. Mackay & Sons, Ltd., West Park. • — Johnson's Motor Works, Springfield Avenue. HASLEMERE.— Green & Co., Station lid. HASTINGS.-Saxon Motor Co., 6-8, N-onnan lid. HATFIELD.-W. Waters & Son, London lid. HAVERFORDWEST.-Bland & Son, Bridgend Square. HAWICK.— Hawick Motor Repair Works and Garage, fii^, High St. HAY.— T. J. Madican, Hay Motor & Engineering Works, Castle St. HAYVYARDS HEATH.— J. T. Hampton & Co., Coventry Buildings. HELENSBURGH.-Macfarlane (Glasgow), Ltd., l' West Clyde St. HELSTON.-Tredinnick & Addison, T. & T. Motor Garage. HEMEL HEMPSTEAD.— J. Chatten, 13, Marloives. — Pemsei & Wilson, Ltd., Boxmoor Motor Garage, London lid., Apsley End. HENDON.— London & Parisian Motor Co., Ltd., Collindale Av., The Hyde. HEXFIELD.-W. A. Powell, High St. HENLEY-ON-THAMES.— J. A. W. Ratty, Henley Motor Works, 19, Hart St. — T. M. Drewett, ;i7-.J9, Xorthfield End HEREFORD.— James Fryer, Green Dragon Garage. — cs5>^ W. R. Corbett Winder's Motor Works, CornmerciAxl Rd. HERNE BAY.-A. E. Hunt & Sons, Heme Bay Motor and Electricity Works, 77, Mortimer St. IIEKTFORD.-Bates Motor Works, \.tti., --,-7, Xorth Crescent. — 22 — HEXHAM.— J. Cowen & Sons, Tyneside CsLrria.se & Motor Works, Priestpopple. HEYWOOD (Lancashire).— R. Holt, Central Oa.ra.g:e, Qu£en St. HIGH WYCOMBE.— Davenport, Vernon &Co., Ltd., Wycombe Qarag:e, U, High St. HINCKLEY.— R. White & Sons, 56i, Castle St. HINDHEAD.— B. Chandler & Son, Hindhead Motor Gar- agre. Royal Huts Hotel. HITCHIN.— R. E. Sanders & Sons, Ltd., Walsworth Rd. HOLT.— Ling Bros., Cromer Rd., Horley. HOOTON (Chester).— H. J. Marston, Motor and Cycle Stores. HORLEY.— Geo. Norman, Oakwood Rd. — The New Horley Motor and Eng^ineeringr Co., Ltd., Balconibe Rd. HORSHAM.-Rice Bros., 63, West St. — Jackson Bros., 65-67, London Rd. BOYE.—See Brighton. HUDDEESFIELD. -C. H. Mitchell, Chapel St. HULL.- Hull City Garagfe, Ltd., 57-59, Reverley Rd. — Arg^us Motor Co., Central Garage, 10, Anlahy Rd. HUISiGEIlFORD.— H. Gibbons & Son, Ltd., Kennet Engineer- ing & Motor Works, Bath Rd. HUNSTANTON.— W. H. Johnson & Sons, Westgate Rd. HUNTINGDON.— Murkett Bros., Market PL, High St. HUNTLY.— aijD= John Fitzpatrick, 2, Duke St. HURSTPIERPOINT.— W. A. Lockyer. HYDE.— R. Hibbert, 173, Market St. HYTHE— Worth ington Bros., East St. ILFRACOMBE.-Autocars llfracombe Ltd., 120, High St. ILKLEY.-Fred Heap & Co., 10. The Grove. ILMINSTEE,.— Marshaisea Bros., East St. INVERARY.-J. Robertson. INVERNESS.— Macrae & Dick, Academy St. INVERURIE.— Leask & Co., Ltd., High St. IPSWICH.— Botwoods, Ltd., Carr St. and (Works) Woodbridge Rd. — T. H. Nice & Co., Hyde Park Corner. IVYBRIDGE.— J. Hoare & Son. JEDBURGH.— J. Rutherford, 21, Neio Bongate. JOHNSTONE.— Love's Motor Car and Garage Co., 10-1.:>, Rankin St. KEIGHLEY.— H. B. Southgate, Borough Motor Works, 25-27, Cavendish St. KELLS.— G. Cooney, Cross St. KELSO.-Robt. Swan, 9-11^ Bridge St. KENDAL.— Ki J. Croft, The Garage. KETTERING.— H. Taylor, Silver St. KIDDERMINSTER.— Castle Motor Co., Ltd., New Rd. KILKENNY. -csi8>= Statham & Co., 17, High St., King St., and James St. — Lambert & Co., Patrick St. KILLARNEY.— R. C. Williams, Southern Garage. KILMARNOCK.— Dun lop Motor Co., Ltd., Nelson St. — Dick Bros., l)uke St. KINGSBRIDGE.— W. H. Burgoyne. KING'S LYNN.— W. H. Johnson & Sons, 5, St. James St. KINGSTON- ON -THAMES.-Kingston Motor Works, 27a -29, High St. KINGTON.— James Fryer, Progress Motor Works. KINGUSSIE.-Ewan Campbell & Son, High St. KIRKCALDY.— E. Descamps & Co., Station Rd. KIRKINTILLOCH.-J. McLay, East High St. KIRRIEMUIR.— A. Simpson & Son. KNUTSFORD.— Jackson Bros., 38, Princes St. LAMPETER.— Id Hs Jones, Motor Garage, U, High St. LANARK.-W. H, Cox, Clydesdale Garage. LANCASTER.— CHB)« W. Atkinson & Sons, North Rd. LARNE,— F. E. Cradock, Circular Rd. LAUNCESTON.— W. IPirout, Exeter St LEAMINGTON SPA.— cfflH>=. Midland Autocar Co., 16, Russell St. - Parry Mell, M.I.M.E., The Parade. LEDBURY.— csi^ G. Hopkins & Sons, Ledbury Garage, New St. LEEDS.— J. Mortimer, 9, Aire St. — Athoi W. Dixon, Exchange Garage (behind Corn Exchange). L. Fawcett, St. Mark's Motor Works and Garage, Mark St., Woodhouse Lane. - 23 - I.EEK.-H. R. Magrnier, 1,'. Derby St. LEICESTER.— H. A. Hamshaw, 37, Humberstonegate. — Parr's Garag:e, 83-35, Qraniiy St. — Midland Counties Motor Garagre Co., Ltd., Granby St. LEINTWARDINE.-C. Clarke & Son, Ltd. LEOMINSTER.— Jas. Fryer, Borough Motor Works, South St. LEWES. -J. C. H. Martin, Ltd., Cliffe Bridge, High St. LEYTONSTONE.-A. Rivett, 236, High Jid. — T. H. De Gouchy, Hig^hstone Garage. LICHFIELD.-Lester's Garagre, U, Tamworth St. LIGHTCLIFFE.— T. P. Buckton, Xorth Lea, Wakefield Ed. LIMERICK.— Glentworth Garagre and Works, Lower Glent- worth St. — William Christy, 58, George St. LIXCOLN,— R. M. Wrigfht & Co., Neivlands {near G.P.O.). LISBURN.— J. W. McCahey & Co., 36, Market Sq. LISCARD.— Addison Motor Co., IIU, Rake Lane. LISMORE.— John O'Brien & Sons, Church Lane. LITTLEHAMPTON.-J. H. Herbert & Co., 18, Surrey St. LIVERPOOL. -W. Watson & Co., 56-58, Renshaw St. — J. A. Lawton & Co., 35, Hardman St. — Theo & Co., 6, Hatton Garden. — cs!B>> Mossley Hill Motor Car Works, Bridge Rd., Mossley Hill. — Mallard Motor Co., Ltd., 15-19, Berry St. Kerslake's, 1, West Derby Village. West Coast Motor Co., Ltd., Mulberry St. — C. W. Don kin & Co., Ltd., Webster St. off Dale Rd. — J. Blake & Co., 22, Rodnei/ St. LLANDILO.— Central Motor Garag:e Co., Xew Rd. LLANDUDNO.— Llandudno Auto Touring: Co., Ltd. LLANGOLLEN— The Vale of Liang^ollen Engineering: Bus and Garage Co., Ltd., Bene y a St. (West End). LLANRUG.-D. M. Pritchard, Llanrug Motor Garage. LOCKERBIE.— A. Hunter & Co., Crown Motor and Carriage Works. LONDON.- Boon & Porter, Ltd., 161, Castlenau, B&rnes, S.W. — A. G. Crowe & Co., 36-38, Willesden Lane, Kilburn, ^\ W. — Eastern Garage Co., U18, Romford Rd., Forest Gate, E. — Finchiey Road Garage, Ltd., Lymimigton Rd., Hamp- steacl, iV. W. French's Garage and Motor Works, Ltd., 3U, High Rd., Balhani, S.W. — Hampstead Motor Co., iC'd Goldhurst Terrace, Finch- ley Rd., N.W. London Motor Garage Co., Ltd., 3.j^37, Wardour St., W. — London & Parisian Motor Co., Ltd., 87, Davies St., W. — Maclaren & Cox, 2, Park Parade, North Finchiey, N. W. — Motor Manufacturing &Ai-fred Burgess, Ltd., The Mall, Church End, Finchiey. — Rowley & Louis, 12, Summerlands Gardens, Muswell Hill, .Y. — G. T. Tye, Junr., 3 and 28, High St., Sydenham, S.E. — B. Weatherley & Sons, 295, High St., Lewisham, S.E. — Westminster Motor Car Garage, Ltd., 17i, Kens- ington Place, Westminster, S. W. — Withers & Co., Ltd., 35, Edgware Rd., W. — R. Wood, 2a, Anerley Hill, Upper Norwood, S.E. LONDONDERRY -City of Derry Garage & Motor Works (Roberts & Sons), U2, Foyle St. — Alexander Motor Co., 17, Great James St. LONGFORD.— W. Adair, Great Water St. LONG SUTTON.— W. Jenkinson, Motor & Cycle Works, 3, Market St. LOSTWITHIEL. -Skelton & Co., Bridge St. LOUGHBOROUGH.-W. Wilson, The Garage, Leicester Rd. LOUTH. -G. T. Swaby, Cpgate. LOWESTOFT.— P. W. Watson & Sons, Ltd., Coach Factory, St. Peter's St. LUDLOW.— Temeside Motor Garage, Ludford Bridge, (Show- rooms) Bull Ring. LUTON -Adams, Morris & Co., 33, New Bedford Row. LYDNEY.~J. S. Watts & Son, lU-17, High St. — 24 — LYNDHIRST.-Imperial Motor Works, High St LYNTOX.— Prideaux & Sons {Summer Stock), Cross St. — Barnstaple Motor Co. {Summer Stock). LYTHAM.— Williams Bros., Henry St. MACCLESFIELD— J. J. Cookson, The Central Motor Garage, Mill St. ami Waters Green. MACROOM— R. C. Williams, Southern Garage, Mau, St. MAIDENHEAD— ai©= White & Co., Precision Motor Works. — A. W. Heybourn & Co., n, High St. ami Market St. MAIDSTONE.— :4i©« Loder & Sons, A7«, High St. MALDON.- Bates Motor Works, Ltd., High St. ami Spital R>1. MALLOAV.— W. J. Thompson, hO, Main St. MALMESBURY.-Jones & Son, High St. MALPAS.-W. S. Huxley, Z/i(//i5'f. MALTOiV.— C. W. Robson, 12-16, Castlegate. MALYERX.— Ran-ford Ga.rsLge, Barnards Green Rd., Great Malreni. — J. Coley & Son, Central Garage. MANCHESTER.— aa3&= T. Garner, 10-13, Peter St. — rATtoa J. W. Haworth, 232, Deansgate. — cfflE^ E. Harding, 2U1, Deansgate. — aiH» StafFords (Manchester), Ltd., Albion St., Gaythoine. — Norman Crossland & Co., 200-212, Buri/ New Rd. — La Sagesse Motor Co., 12, Raby St.. Moss Side. — Didsbury Motor Works, Albert St., Didsbmy. — Dale Bros., Gt. Western St., Rusholme. — E. Oswald, 227, Stockport Rd., Levenshulme. — Joseph Cockshoot & Co., Ltd., Gt. Ducie St. and Gt. Northern Arches, Deansgate. MANSFIELD.— Portland Motor Garage, hli, Westgate. MARGATE.-A. W. Bangham, 20 , Cecil Square. MARKET DRAYTOX.-Halloway Bros., Cheshire St. — J. Rodenhurst, Ltd«, Cheshire St. MARKET HARBORO'.-W. H. Stevens, 19, High St. MARLBOROUGH.-E. B. Milbu rn. MATLOCK BATH.— E. Williams & Co., Ltd., The Garage, Suxth Parade. MAYBOLE.— John Cameron, High St. MELTON MOWBRAY.— Sharman & Lad bury, Sherrard St. — Garner & Son, Motor Agents. MERTHYR TYDFIL.— Merthyr Motor Garage (W. H. Baker), Bethesda St. MIDDLESBROUGH.— E. Hall, Wesley St. MiDHURST.-J. Poate. MIDSOMER NORTON.— Shearn Bros. MILFORD-ON-SEA.-F. Keeping & Co., 1, High St. MILNATHORT.-Wlliiam Keir, New Rd. MINEHEAD.— Metropole Motor Garage Co., Ltd., N"rth Rd. MOFFAT.— Sportsman's Emporium (G. Penman), Caledonian ]*lace. MOLD. — Jones Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd., Ring St. MONMOUTH.— G. R. Williams & Co. MONTGOMERY.— R. H. Bu nner. MONTROSE.— A. Milne & Sons, 133, High St. MORLEY.— L. Hainsworth, The Garage, 123, Queen St. MORPETH.— S. Jennings, l.t= Hodgson's Motor Garag^e, i.Ji, Northumberland St. and Ilaymarket. — Rossleigh, Ltd., Olympia Garagre, Northumberland St. NEWC'ASTLE-UNDER-LYME.-Grosvenor Motor Co., London lid. NEWMAKKET. -Young & Co., Bury lid. NEWPORT (Monmouth.). -Jones Newport Garage, Ltd., V'„ 85, Commercial St. — Newport (Monmouth) Motor Sup- ply and Garage, Ltd., Clarence PL NEWPOKT (Sliropshire).— R. Evans, Beilevue Motor and Bi- cycle Dep6t, 1, Loiver Bar. NEWPORT (I. of W.).-R. Bird Cheverton & Co., Ltd., Lwjley St. NEWQUAY.— Victoria Garage (CEiamier & Legge). NEW ROMNEY.— A. H. Smith, Garage, Sussex lid. NEWRY.-Rea & Ross, Hill St. NEWTON^ ABBOT.-Balls Bros., Newton Abbot Motor Garage, 60, Queen St. NEWTONBARRY.— Michael Carton, The Square. NEWTOAVN STEWART.-Murchie & Picken, Ltd., 76, Victoria Street. NEWTOWN —Newtown Motor Garage (Jcnes Bros.), Pool lid. NORTHALLERTON. -A. Hodgson, North End. NORTHAMPTON.-csis)= Frank Newton, Ltd., St Giles Motor Works, St. Giles Terrace. — Mulliner (Long Acre), London and Northampton, Ltd., Bridge St. — Johnson & Wright, Ltd., Gold St. and Wool- monger St. NORTH BERWICK.-Jas. Gilbert, Abbey Garage. G. Fowler, Junr., 6/,, High St. NORTHLEACH.-J. A. Hills, Market PI. NORTH WALSHAM.— F. Mann, Vicarage St. NORTHWICH.— W. Thompson & Son, Castle St. NORWICH.— Duff, Morgan & Vermont, Ltd., Victoria Garage, St. Ste'phen's lid. NOTTINGHAM.— R. Cripps & Co., Ltd., Loiver Parliament St. — M. Ross, Browne & Co., Trinity Sq. — Bentinck Motor Co., Trent Bridge. — Stareys & Wool ley, Ltd., The Garage, The Hope walk. NUNEATON.— Sam Robbins, Ltd., Leicester Rd. OAKHAM.-J. E. Baines, Mill St. ODIHAM.-J. E. Chappie, High St. OKEHAMPTON.-T. Day & Sons, Ltd., The Garage, New Bd. OLDHAM.— Oldham Motor Co., Ltd., 2, h, and '36, Manchester lid., Weriieth lid. OMAGH.— McGrath Bros., Dublin lid. 0RM8KIRK.-W. T. Aked & Co., Auto. & Elect. Engrs. Garage, Aiighton St. ; Showrooms, Burscough St. OSSETT.— Milner & Elliott, Station lid. OSWESTRY.— T. H. Ellis, Salop Road Garage. OTLEY.— H. Nicholson, Otiey Carriage and Motor Works, W, ^Yesgate St. OXFORD.— (xiR>^ Coxeter & Co., Ltd., Park End Street Garage. — The Morris Garage, Longwall St. and Queen St. — Parker's Oxford Cycle and Motor Car Co. OXTED.-G. Rice Bros., Ltd. PAIGNTON.— F. W. HumHer, 21, Torbay Rd. PAISLEY.— J. McGeoch & Co., 11, Inch St. PEEBLES.-C, H. Jones, The Motor House, Eastgate. PEMBROKE.-J. & A. Stephens & Sons, East Back Works. VEyiBJTII.—CumtoGrleina Motor Co.,Brunswick Rd.and Middlegate. PENZANCE.— Taylor's Garage, Coinage Hall St. {leading through to Quaij St.). PERTH.-Shields Motor Car Co., Dunkeld Rd. — J. Croali & Sons, Ltd., 11, York Place. — Ferguson & Batchelor, King St. PETERBOROUGH.-Brainsby & Son, Garage, Z>Voo^• ^^ PETWOETH.— 8. E. C. Rapley, Hea.th End Works. PITLOCHRY.— cfflB>. W. Blues, Pitlochry GsLraLge, 31ain Sf. PLYMOUTH.— H. Andrews & Co., Ltd., Atheiutum FL — R. Humm & Co., SU-81, Old Toicn St. — Plymouth Automobile Engrineering: Co., Ltd., Davis Ga.ra.gre, 20-21, Buckwell St. — Walter Williams, lis, Tavistock Jid. POJS'TARDULAIS.— F. Jones, Th6 Garage. PONTYPRIDD.-C. J. Richards & Co., Cardiff Md. PORTMADOC— Portmadoc Motor Co., 1, High St. PORTSMOUTH.— LInington Bros., Ltd., 52, Commercial Rd. — Southern Cross Motor Garagre Co., Ltd., 120, High St. — G. H. Cox & Co., Ltd., UO tt 57, Cantle lid., Soiithsea. PRE8T0N.— Merigold Bros., U7, Church St. — Jas. Walmsley & Co., Guildhall St. PRESTWICK.— W. N. Allan & Son, The Cross. PULBOROUGH.-A. Goodsell, High St. PUCIyERIDGE.-W. C. Harris, The White Hart Motor Works, Standoii. PWLLHELI.— Pwllheli GaragfO, Next G.P.O. RAMSGATE.— Red bourn & Cook, The Granville Garagre, East Clife. READING.— Wm. Vincent, 72-76, Castle St. — Caversham Motor Co., Ltd., 17G-1S.',, Caversham Rd. REDCAR.— W. A. Thubron, Junr., 7, Queen St. REDHILL.-Chalmers & Co., The Redhill Garagre, High St. REIGATE.-The Reigate Garagre, Ltd., 22-^0, Bell St. RETFORD.-C. Clark, h6-U8, Bridge Gate. RHYL.— County Garagre (E. V. Whitaker),&^^A St. and Market St. RICHMOND.-Hoibrook Motor Co., Hill Rise. — Richmond Motor Co., Ltd., Talbot Yard. RICHMOND (Yoiks.) — National Road Traffic Co., Ltd., Queen's Rd. RICKMANSWORTH.-Jones & Son, High St. RIPON.— Croft & Blackburn, The Square. ROCHDALE.— James Ciegrg:, Station Garagre. ROCHESTER.-Robins & Day, 228-230, High St. ROMFORD.— Romford Motor and Carriage Works, Ltd., 31, London Rd. ROMSEY.— Mitchell Bros., Palmerston St. and 32, The Hundred. ROSCREA.— Moynan Bros., Main St. ROSS.— Passey & Hall, Ltd., Central Garagre, Gto?< eerier iJd. ROTHBURY.— J. Lee, High St. ROTHERFIELD.— R. Redman, High St. ROYSTON.— Varty's Motor Gar. & Eng. Works. RUGBY. -a T. Hilton & Co., U, 5, North St. — Sam Robbins, Ltd., Bilton Rd. RUSHDEN.— D. Nicholson, Htgh St. RYDE (I. of W.).-Clark's Garage, /*, 5, George St. RYE.— E. F. Larkin, Cinque Fort St. SAFFRON WALDEN.-J. Wright, 26-28, High St. ST. ALBANS.— W. Waters & Son. ST. ANDREWS.— A. A. Duncan & Sons, 2, St. Mary's Place. ST. ANNES-ON-SEA.— W. T. Aked & Co., St. Andrew's Rd. North. ST. AUSTELL.— J. O. HiW, Truro Rd. ST. HELIER (Jersey).-G. H. Pool, 51, Don St. ST. LEONARDS.— &e Hastings. ST. NEOTS.— Crompton & Sons, Market Square. SALISBURY. -A. Edwards, 36, High St. and New St. — W. Rowland & Sons, 13, Castle St. SANDWICH: -a Hibbert & Co., Th6 Garage. SAXMUNDHAM.-F. W. Mitchell, i/^ig/t ^'f. SCARBOROUGH.— Castlehouse Bros., Ltd., 00-96, Victoria Rd. — Castlehouse & Turner, Ltdi^ Valley Bridge Garage. — Walker & Hutton, 89, Westborough. SCOLE.— W. Pretty & Co., Osmondeston Motor Works. SEAFORD. — French's Garage. SELSEY.— J. Davis, Selsey Hotel Garage. SEVENOAKS.— G. Humphrey & Co., 166, High St. and Tubs Hill. SHAFTESBURY.— E. Baker & Co., Salisbwy Rd. — Hill & BolL SHEFFIELD.-casx T. Haigh & Co., Ltd., 52, West St. — Reuben Thompson, West End Garage, Glossoj) Rd. and City Garage, Pinstone St. IP SHEFFIELD— Allen & Bi nns, Ltd., USO-m, Glossop lid. SHERBORNE.-Hill & Boll, South St. — E. Childs, Long St. SHIPLEY.— W. Jackson, Baildon Bridge. SHREWSBURY.— Shuker & Son, kl-U, Pride Hill {Showroo.ns). Butcher Roio {Garage). SIDCUP. -Crips Bros., Main Rd. SIDMOUTH.— W. A. Dagrworthy, Western Garag^e. SKEGNESS.— Q. Leese, Skeg'ness Qarag^e, Drummond -Rd. — W. T. Berry, 10, High St. SKELMORLIE.— J. Robertson & Co. SKIPTOiV.— Baxter & Wroe, ,n-33, Newm A. Bolland & Co., GuUd St. STROUD.— HU E. Steel, Ltd., Russell St. STUDLEY— Parry Meil, Studley Garage and Engineering Works. SUDBURY.-B. H. Purr, 3.', North St. SUNDERLAND.— J. Harper & Son, 38-^9, Loiv Row, Bishop Wear- mouth. — C Grimshaw & Sons, Union St. SURBITON.— J. Madgwick, 83-88, Brighton Rd. SUTTON.-W. Leeding, High St. SUTTON COLDFIELD.-B. G. Thomas & Co., The Crown Garage, Birmingham Rd. — G. Chamberlain & Sons, Mere Green Garage, Four Oaks. SWANSEA.-R. E. Jones (Garages), Ltd. — E. E. Fletcher, Fletcher's Garage, Nelson St. SWINDON.— Skurray's, Princes St. TAIN.— Walker & Sons, Knockbreck Rd. TAUNTON.— Marshalsea Bros., -55, East St. — C Allen & Son, To)ie Bridge. TAVISTOCK.— Mathews & Co., Drake Rd. TEDDINGTON. -Hesse & Savory, Twickenham Rd. TEIGNMOUTH— E. J. Cornish, Teign Motor and Cycle Works, 18, Wellington St. TENTERDEN — A. Siminson & Co., Motor Engineers, High .= Rock Thorpe & Chatfleld, Gr<»<- venor lid. — J. E. Lindsell, 13a, Mount Ephraim. — Martin, Winser & Co., Ltd., London Rd. TURRIFF.— Shearer Bros., Bahnellie St. UCKFIELD (Sussex).— Rice Bros., High St. UPHOLLAND (near Wh^an).—See Wigan. UTTOXETER.— Muggins & Chambers, Ltd., S, High St. UXBRIDGE.— H. Wilkinson & Son, 186, High St. and 5/t, St. Andreses. WADHURST.— W. Baldwin, Durgates. WAKEFIELD.— W. Judge, Market St. (opposite G.P.O.). WALLINGFORD.— R. J. & H. Wilder^ St. Mary's St. WALSALL.— The Walsall Garage, Wolverhampton St. (fipp. Her Majesty's Theatre). WALTHAM CROSS.-Feil Bros., 11,7, High St. WANTAGE.— A. J. Belcher, Market Place and Newbury St. AYARMINSTER.— Warminster Motor Co., Ltd., ^i, George St. WARRINGTON.— J. S. Garland, 61-55, Bridge St. — J. Paterson & Sons, 7U1, Knutsford Rd. — Bellian & Davies, 115a, Sankey St. AVARWICK.-W. Bissell, Castle St. — Midland Autocar Co., Birmingham Rd. WATERFORD.— W. F. Peare, Ltd., Catherine St. WATERLOOVILLE.— i2m>= Wadham Bros., London Rd. & Humble- don Rd. WATFORD.— Colebrook Smith & Co., Ltd., h2, St. Albans Rd. AVEALDSTONE.-RufFell's Garage, 1-iU, High St. WELLINGTON (Somerset).- J. M. Richa-rHson, 9, High St. AVELLS.— Sampson & Jones, 20, High St. WELSHPOOL.-C. W. Norton, Chtirch St. WELWYN.-a & A. Roberts, Whitwell. AVEST HARTLEPOOL. -aTB>= The Carlton Motor Co., Villler St. W EST KIRBY.^H. W. Frank, Wirral Garage. WESTON-SUPER-MARE.- H. J. Blackmore, Wadha^n St. WEST TARRING (Nr. Worthing). —J. Hollands, High St. AVETHERBY.-T. Snape & Son, North St. WEXFORD.— Thomson Bros., Quay. WEYBRIDGE.— R. J. Shanks & Co., Baker St. WEYMOUTH.— cfflEs M. H. Tiiley & Son, Victoria St. — Guy & Reynolds, Esplanade. WHALLEY.-F Groome, Ltd., Abbott Works. WHITBY.— J. Aston Briggs, 12, St. Anne's Staith. AVHITCHURCH.-W. H. Smith & Co., Mill St. WHITEHAVEN.— H. S. Jacques & Co., 35, Tangier St. WHITLEY BAY.— Whitley Motor Co., Ltd., Marden Rd. WIC;K.-R. S. Waters, High St. WICKHAM MARKET.— Castell's Motor Works, Middle St. WIGAN.— H. Ki. Timberlake, ^.!^, jK:m(7 S'f. — H. W. Ind, Abbey Lane, UphoUand. WIMBLEDON. -Wimbledon Motor Works (Gates Bros.), •''*, High St. WIAIBORNE.— F. King, King's Motor, Engineering, and Carriage Works. _ F. W. Barrett & Co., East St. and High St. - 20 - WIN'C HESTER.— George and Railway Mews, Ltti., ./""■rii St. - A. W. Hansford, .'o. Jewry St. WINDERMERE.— H. J. Croft, The Garage. WINDSOR. —CHB^ The Windsor and Ascot iMotor Engineer- ing Works, 5-9, Sheet St. — Berks and Bucks iVIotor Co., Ltd., 7 ';.'", St. Leonard'^; lid. WINTERTOX.— G. W. Wateriow, King St. W'ISBEcai.— Crabtree & Son, 0, Chvrch Terrace. WITHAM— Glover Bros. (Witham), Ltd., High St. WOKING.— G. Tipping, Star Hill Garage. — J. Lester God-frey, Mayhunj lid. — H. Quartermaine, Cvbhain lid. and Church St. WOLVERHAMPTON.— Chas. Clark & Son, Ltd., Chaj'el A,^h. — S. Soden Brown. WOODFORD.-C. & A. Jessop, High lid. WOODHALL SPA.— W. A. Dickinson, The Broadway. WOOLWICH.- Herwin Canny & Co., J6', William St. WORCESTER.— Thorne & Welch, The Butts Garage. ~ css^ G. E. Spu rr, Star Hotel Garage. McNaught Co., Ltd., The Garage. — Barker's Garage, Loicesmoor Place. WORKINGTON.— Derwent Engineering Co., Central Square. WORKSOP.- R. C Brooks, Car^^ou /?(i WORTHING.— W. Wade, 30, Chapel Rd. WREXHAM. -Triplex Motor Co., Lord St. YEOVIL.-Hill & Boll, Kingston and Park jRd. YORK.-H. J. Lloyd, Davygate. Micklegate Motor Co., Ltd., Automobile Engi- neers, 125-127, MicMeqate VOUGHAI.-M. Sheehan, Devonshire Sq. - 30 - HOW TO WEIGH A CAR. The vehicle must be weighed with all ordinary luggage, accessories, etc., aboard ; and with all seats occupied, and all water and petrol tani He must know exactly the weight each axle cari-ies, and use corre- sponding tyres as shown in the table below. The use of too light a tyre, far from being an economy, is the cause of rapid wear, endless worry, and unnecessary expense. The motorist should use exactly the same sized tyres for each wheel, so that : (1) he can wear out tyres on the front wheels which have become too weak for the back ; (2) he does not have to carry a spare tyre for each wheel. ' This latter advantage becomes of vast importance in the case of detachable rims. TYRE TABLE When choosing: your tyres, take into consideration tiie weight and the HP of your car. 7/ the weight and HP give two different sizes of tyres in this table, choose the larger size. SINGLE TYRES. Maximum Weight Model. TYRE SECTION. per axle Lbs. ( Light voitm-ette model 1100 VOITUKETTE . { 85 Reinforced I 85 Extra strong 880 1320 j 90 1 105 • J 120 1760 1980 i, CAR .... 2640 i 1 135 2360 li ''JUMELE" TWIN TYRES. With a maximum weight per axle of— 2640 to 3500 lbs, ■500 to 4400 lbs t too to 5250 lbs use 105 twin tyres use 120 „ „ use 135 „ See : How to weigh a car, p. 30 ; How to inflate tyres, p. 32 ; the form to be filled up giving details of the car, p. 72. 32 INFLATION TABLE, i ^FPTTAV i MAXIMUM ' ofTv?e 1 weight Mhich •^ j tyre can carry. When tyre carries. Pressure per square inch. VOITURETTE MODEL "Voiturette Legere" 550 lbs. lbs. (' 275 to 3S5 \ 385 to 5'JO lbs. 42 60 85 Reinforced 85 Extra strong 440 lbs. j 220 to 330 ) 330 to 440 42 ■> 50 660 lbs. 1 330 to 440 \ 440 to 550 42 -60 CAR MODEL 90 S50 to 880 lbs. lbs. 1 550 1 660 ] 770 I 880 lbs. ! - 42 1 50 60 65 105 660 to 990 lbs. 880 to 1320 lbs. ( 660 \ 880 \ 990 70 120 / 880 J 1100 I 1320 42 f)0 •35 1 100 to 1430 lbs. IIS 42 60 70 N.B.— Do not inflate below 42 lbs. or above 70 lbs If the weight to be supported by the tyre requires a higher pressure than 70 lbs., choose the next size tyre ; and after the 135, use the Twin Tyres. 1 TWIN TYRES ("JUMELES.") SECTION of Tyre. Weight carried by axle. Pressure per square inch 1 •05 ( 2650 lbs. \ 3090 lbs. 1 3500 lbs. 42 lbs. 50 lbs. 1 60 lbs. 120 i 3500 lbs. \ 3975 lbs. ( 4400 lbs. 42 lbs. * 50 lbs. 60 lbs. i 1 ^•35 ( 4400 lbs. \ 4860 lbs. ( 5250 lbs. 42 lbs. 1 50 lbs. j 60 lbs. 1 N.B.— For Twin Tyres, on vertical wheels (live-axle drive), it is advisable to inflate the outer tyre to a greater piessure than the inner tyre. For e.vample, if the weight of the car necessitates a pressure of 50 lbs., inflate to 42 lbs. for the inner tyre, and to 60 lbs. for the outer tyre. MICHELIN TELEGRAPHIC CODE OF TYRES AND ACCESSORIES AUTOMOBILES AND VOITURETTES. (SEND FOR OUR LATEST PRICE LIST.) CAR COVERS. SQUARE TREADS. NON=SKIDS. 90 mm. ] 810 870 { 910 Bemores Benjami Berbe-x: Bergusia Biber ' 710 "60 90 mm. 810 870 [ 910 Bemiseni Benauseni ! Berbaseiii Bertansem ! Bibersem ^ ( 765 Halter A(\ti ,.-„-»T ; 815 Halitus lUO mm. j g75 Hamnistis I 915 1 Harmonia lOSmm.ji 1 015 Haltersem Halitsem Hamnisem Harmoseni | A^^ i 820 Carmen 120 mm. ■{ 880 Carolina ( 920 Catina 120 mm. 1 880 I 920 Cerdosein Circasem Catrisem ^^1? mm J 895 Febsrus IdO mm. ;^ 935 Februa 135 mm. { ^ Februsera Ferasem American Sizes. i {In Inches.) :l Plain Treads. Non-skids. ' il I 28 Q 30 ^ { 32 ( 36 Ecamus Ecaurls Ecu Ecator 3 { S I 32 Ecamusem Ecaurisem ! Elirusem 1 1 30 1 Ecemos ol j 32 Ecdlia P 02 i 34 1 Edimo !l ( 36 1 Egari 1 30 q1 ) 32 32 34 1 36 Ecemosem Ecoliasem ; Edimoseni 1 Efuraseni jl ( 30 I Edoga || X j 32 Efferis 1! ^ j 34 Eguras 1 ( 36 Elacto ( 30 * 34 I 36 Edogaseni Efferisem Egurasem • Elactosem II xl ^34 Elias *2 . ( 36 Emeris ffl 5 34 ^2 1 36 Eliasem Emerisem ; c i 36 Enneras *^ ) 37 Eratu 5 36 Euneraseiii , X.B.— We have slight ! can be fitted to 90 mm. : tube for preference, bu either ease 90 mm. Bolt ' / ly modified the rims. Customer t a 105 mm. of -Valve or securit beads of our 105 mm. cov 8 maliing the change shoul a corresponding diametei IT bolts must be used. ers so that they d use a 90 mi". will do. lu VOITURETTE COVERS. SQUARE TREAD5. '550 Abaca oiturette 650 Abba Legere 700 Abib ^50 Abod Reinforced. 85 700 i Paradisus 750 I Paralus 800 i Parasita Extra, strong:. 85 Puctus Pudero Pullax NON-SKID. i550 650 700 750 Abacasem Abbasem Abibsem Abodsem "We do not manufacture 85 non-skid covers ; but supply in their stead 90 section, which will fit the same rim. ^ Thus : 700x85 corresponds with 710 x 90 750x85 ,, „ 760 X 90 800x85 „ ,, 810 X 90 N.B.— " Voiturette Legere " Tyres are of a heavier type than the 75 and 65 section Voiturette Tyres which they replace, but are designed to fit the same rims, viz. the 65 section. Thus : 650 " Voiturette Legere " tyres should replace 700 x 75 and 650 X 65 Voiturette tyres fitted to 650 x 65 rims. 700 " Voiturette Legere " tyres should replace 750 x 75 and 700 X 65 Voiturette tyres fitted to 700 x 65 rims. 750 "Voiturette Legere" tyres should replace 800x75 and 750 X 65 Voiturette tyres fitted to 750 X 65 rims. INNER TUBES FOR CARS AND VOITURETTES. CODE WORD. CODE WORD. CODE WORD. 90 Car. 710 760 810 870 910 Bossux Bostar Bovinor Bradamis Brennus 120 Car. 820 I Cratera 880 Culacitis 920 1 Culcita Voiturette Legere." 550 650 700 750 Area Argal Arise Army 105 Car, 765 815 875 915 Harudes Helena Helvetia Hesperis 136 Car. 895 935 Feboves Febresco. 85 Yoiturette. | We do not manufacture i 85 section Tubes, as the | corresponding 90 section J Tube fits satisfactorily with the 85 Cover. Thus — 700 X 85 Covers are fitted with 710 X 90 Tubes. 750 X 85 Covers axe fitted with 760 X 90 Tubes. 800 X 85 Covers are fitted with 810 X 90 Tubes. All our Tubes are delivered with long Car Bolt Valves. If required for use with wire wheels a special hood " Visor " is necessary. When ordering add '' Visor" to code word of tube required. 1 American Sizes. (In Inches.) 3 Yoiturette. 4| Car. 28 1 Elodi 34 1 Emanes 30 i Edaris 36 1 Emario 32 i Evrila 36 ' Exanti 1 3g Car. i Car. 5 Car. 36 1 Emilia 30 Editas 30 Effusio 32 Edores 32 Egeria 34 Effodor 34 Elegia 36 Egrodo 36 1 Elude Inner Tubes in Americai 1 sizes are fitted with a Schr ader Valve and Bolt- Valve. They can l>e inflated w th a Michelin Inflator by using a Michelin-Schrader connecti )n. 3G SECTION OF CAR VALVE FIG. 6. A. Valve body.— B. Centre-piece.— C. Nut.— D. Valve-cap.— F Rubber disc— Q. Rubber washer.— H. Lai-ge nut.— I. Hexagonal nut.— J. Metal washer.— L. Valve plug-pin.— M. Brass washer.— N. Rubber washer.— O. Valve plug.— P. Rubber valve tab.— R. Hollow rivet. -S. Valve-hood. — T. Leather ring.— U. Bead of cover.— Y. Steel rim.— Z. Wooden felloe. VALVE PARTS FOR CAR AND VOITURETTE TYRES. NAME OF PART. Centre piece B NutC Valve Cap D Large Nut H(') Hexagonal nut I Washer J Metal washer M Rubber ,^ N ....... Valve-hood S „ {instantaneoua) . . . Wuiged Valve-hood for wire wheels Leather ring T PlugO {A dozen) Kublicr washer G (for centre piece B) {A dozen) Disc F (at the end of cap I)) . {A dozen) FOR TYRES of all sizes {1903 model). CODE WORD. Facimo Factibus Factor Facultas Faginor Fagutal Falanga Falcifer Faleria Falsum Visor Famiger Faminulis Faminoz Familiaris Famulatum Fantasma Fanum FOR 65 and 75 old type VOITURETTE TYRES {1898 model). CODE WORD Mensura Mentor Mercalis Merituni xVIerope Midias Migrator Migroz Milo Milvago Minerva Minor XOTE. — We do not supply complete valves, as they cannot be fitted to tub' except by means of the special appliances which are used at*our works. (■) Nut H is not required when the Instantaneous valve hood is used. SECURITY BOLTS AND THEIR PARTS. !£ the bolt-valve is not used. 1 1 For For "Voitur- ette Le- gere " and 65 and 75 old type Voiturette Tyres. the minimum number of bolts For 90 mm. required is : — For 105 mm. Car Tyres For tyres less than 710, 3 bolts 135 mm. and and „ between 710&910, 4 „ Car Tyres \ 120 mm. 85 mm. „ above 910, 5 „ „700x85(excptl.),4 „ 'Car Tyres^Voiturette ; 1 Tyres. Security bolt complete with wing nut {long) for ! wooden felloe .... Febricula Donatrix Diana Dalila The same with Instanta- neous sprnig .... Falasco Domito Diavolo Metal washer V . . . . Febricosus Dromos Dromos Darius Rubber „ U. . . . Febricito \ Dropax Dropax David Rod of bolt P, long . . . Februlis Ducator Discordia Deforis Wing nut Q Febratos Dulcifer Dulcifer Dentex A\]ng nut, Instantaneous Fecundo Dulcor Dulcor BOLT VALVE PARTS Metal Security plate for " Voiturette Legere " tube Valgus „ 85 and 90 tube Vallon „ 105-120 „ Valmida ,,135 „ Vandali Hexagonal Nut I for fixing valve plate Faginor Valve Hood Valesco ,, for detach, rim and twin-wheels Valde ,, for wire wheels Visor Valve Outfits— Packets containing 2 washers G, 2 discs F, 1 plug : For Voiturette Valve 1898 model Nablito For Car valve 1903 model Festorum Box Spanner for nut 1 . . Amoclesec Dummy Bolt complete with blind nut for all size tyres : For wheels with wooden rims more than 30 mm. thick . Clapa Stem only Cluno For wire wheels and spare rims Credo Stem only Clarilo For 65 and 75 section rim Valda j Stem only Valduc Blind Nut, separate Cataro Dummy Bolt complete for detachable rims (one model for all sizes Vardum i inch rubber .with metal washer to render valve water-tight for use with detachable rims and twin- wheels) Amoronto MICHELIN AIR CYLINDER. (See page M.) Cylinder complete with box of accessories Boutalis Cylinder only without accessories Bouteler Box of Accessories required for inflating tyres Boumis Special gauge for registering remaining pressure .... Bouman Pair of carriers Boucol Rope matting covers Ropeco INFLATORS, JACKS AND THEIR PARTS. INFLATOR with gauge, flexible rubber tubing cased in woven cotton, and two connections Farcimun. I nf later connection (raZt)e««(Z) . Farsilis Inflator connection (inflator end), for rubber tubing, cased in woven cotton Fardora Connection 95-98 (') Tapulla Mlchelin-Schrader Connection Tatiha Enables a tube fitted with Schrader V;ilve to be inflated witii a Michelin pump. Schrader-Michelin Connection Tanilo Enables a tube fitted with Michelin Valve to be inflated witli a Schrader Valve pump. Pump Tube, flexible rubber-cased in woven cotton, with two connections Fatimer IVIetal Handle for inflator Faunalia Leather for inflator piston rod Favor Gauge (with screw) Faxim Gauge glass Fenestra Tyre Tester, Michelin et Cie {Patented), for car valve . . Amofucius IVilCHELIN JACKS Large model, with key, weight 9^ lbs., power 2 tons . Ferdoni The key only Clemen Small model, with key, weight 5i lbs., power 1 ton . Ferda The key only Clediun. (') Tliis connection enables a car tyre inflator to be used with a Voiturette valve. ACCESSORIES. FOR FITTING AND DETACHING. FITTING lyres with holt valve.(') " S " Lever, large model Fusil ,, ,, small model Forum Hook Lever ' . . Fez Set of three levers as above (^) Fuchsia (') Special Note:— TFe are not yet in a position to supply our new pattern levers, but tve anticipate that they will be on the market during •,'. May. Orders may now he given, however, and these rvill he dealt zvith '| in strict rotation. i (^) The set of 3 levers is indispensable for this method which allows the beads of the cover to be fitted at the same time. I ACCESSORIES FOR FITTING AND DETACHING {conti,u(ed) j 0\Jlf n containitici 1 "S" lever, large model; 1 "S" \: lever, small motlel ; 1 hook lever, 1 tube of chalk— in ! . wooden box Targe INDISPENSABLE OUTFIT, containing same articles as a1)ove outfit, and several accessories besides, enabling small repairs to be made on the journey Tidy FITTING TYRES BY THE ORDINARY METHOD. OUTFIT for fitting car and voiturette tyres, containing spur lever, elbow lever, dummy valve, and French chalk Flora Spur lever Fossario Elbow lever . Ferri Fork lever used when inserting or removing bolts and inner tube: For 85-120 section tyres Formica For 135 section tyres Formosa ACCESSORIES FOR THE REPAIR OF COVERS. GAITERS. Rubber and cloth, for temimrary repairs {including laces) : For CARS : 90 section tyres on wire wheel Frontalia 90 ,, ,, wood ,, Fulgural 105 ., ,. ,, ,, Frugalis 120 & 135 ,, „ ,, Furcifer For VOITURETTES : , Voiturette legere tyres on wire wheel Frigidum I „ . ), ;, wood ,, Frontalia ' 85 section tyres on wood wheel Niger LACES to fix gaiters (cord) Furitus Note :— We can supply gaiters in all sizes for wire wheels. j TUBULAR ?klC^£.% lobe 2}laced inside a punctured cover {not stuck but simply placed in position over the burst) : For " Voiturette legere " tyres Pilori i ,, 85 and 90 tyres Pater |i ,, 105 ,, Pactola j' ,, 120 ., Polo 135 ,, Paria PROOFED CANVAS. Per roll 12 in. X 4 in. for Voiturettes Francisca ,, 12 in. X 5 in Fresilia Per yard Frendor MICHELIN MASTIC for repairing cuts in covers: The box, 1 oz Focalis ,, 2 ozs Focatum SKIDCREME. This is a special preservative for the leather treads of Michelin "Semelle" Non-Skids. It is extremely simple to use. A bru'rh and full instructions are supplied with each tin Craimelsin ii - .- l! ! ' i 1 STORAGE AND CARRIAGE t OF TYRES. 1; 1! WATERPROOF WRAPPERS (with Springs), /o/- the protect of S2)are TVRES or cover.<. 'on For 710 X 90 cover . . Flidia blingo Flidali Flexudo Flomaris Flemora Flexari Flexor Fleditum Flexila FlurodC'; lliremos Flixorus Flutima ! „ 810X90 „ 30X3 „ 1 910 X 90 . ...... 1 815 X 105 32 X 3} j ' 875X105 „ 34x31 ,, 1 ,. 915 X 105 cover .' ' 820 X 120 „ ,, 880 X 120 and 34 X 4] cover 920 X 120 cover .... . . 1 ,. 895X135 , 1 „ 935X135 , 1 " " \ FOR PROTECTION OF INNER TUBES. 1 WATERPROOF BAGS () {chailed hn-kie tn hold S2)are Inner Tuben). Large model for 105, 120 and 135 inner tubes . . . Medium model for 85 and 90 inner tubes * . . . . Small model for Voiturette legere inner tubes . . Fertini Musca J Perfect f CARDBOARD BOXES (') {speeialln made for storing inner 1 Fervidus | (') When ordering a bag or box, please give tlie size of your inne articles are nia-Je in different sizes. Example : Cardboard box for 880 X 120 inner tube . . . Fervidus ■ tubes, as these ^ forCulacitis I ACCESSORIES FOR THE REPAIR OF INNER TUBES. i' OUTFIT /m'- the repair of Inner Tn.he^<. I'estuca Nabalia i Voiturette PATCHES, BEVELLED. ! • 6 in X ■' in Fidenter Fidora ' Figurator Filatim Filicina i Fidelitas 7 in. X 3 in. •"> ' in X 4 in . . Small Patches, 1[ in., 2 in.. 2^ in., 2^ in. sijuare, per dozen assorted RUBBER SOLUTION, NON-INFLAiVlMABLE : 1 lb. tin Nonaris f ACCESSORIES FOR FITTING TYRES WITH DETACHABLE RIMS To fit a tyre properly to its DETACHABLE rim and securing For tyres 105 . . . Amograsan ;j 120 . . . Amogravi ! to wheel, the following outfit of 185 . . . Amograpin accessories is required :— Clamp bolts. A brace and box- For tyres 85-90 . . Amoboudis spanner .... Amobrequin „ 105 .. . Amobousan > A Spur lever . . . Fossario 120 . . . Amobouvi ' An Elbow lever , . Ferri 135 . . . Amoboutil 1 Clamp lever . . . The outfit complete N.B.— If security bolt Tenor Amojeu s are used, tlie Clamp nuts, for all sizes. Brace with box- 1 Amodo j : required : — Spanner for security bolts and five - security bolt extensions. spanner .... Box-spanner (with- out brace) . . . Special security Amobrequin Araoki ! Separate parts, sold bolts. ' sing^ly: For tyres 85-90. . Amorit jClamps for holding the detachable „ 105-120 . Aniorem ' 135 . . . Amorosus 1 rim to the fixed Security bolt exten- ! rim : sion (set of 5) . . Amoral 1 For tyres 85 or 90, Box spanner for se- 1 each 1 Amogradis * curity bolts ... Amoclesec TWIN WHEEL ACCESSOR lES. 1. For fitting tyre on the wheel :— Expander Junoc I Box-spanner Jussuc ' i Brace Juglans j "Tommy" Junctio i 2. For fitting tyre on the expanding rim ;— .Juli Judicato i Special "T" conne ction (see p. 56, fig. 47) . . . . . 3. Spare parts:— Fastener Junior Brass fixing nut Safety spring for fastener Juvenis Valde .Tuncus Valve plug Valve cap DE . ..... Jugosus Justus Familiaris Fantasma Valve intei-ior part BC Rubber washer Gr . Rubber washer F . Complete set of abo^ ve articles in special case (including two expanders), but without brace I Juaniter We shall be pleased to weigh any car at our premises, 81, FULHAM ROAD, CHELSEA, LONDON, S.W. See on page 72 form to be filled up giving details of your car. I INSTRUCTIONS ON THE USE, CARE AND REPAIR OF MICHELIN TYRES. CONTENTS. Pages Air Uylinder and Pressure Tester U Bolt-Va.ive and fitting levers 45-46 FITTING AND DETACHING A MICHELIN TYRE. WITH BOLT-VALVE. Fitting and detaching a Michelin tyre with bolt-valve .... 47 FITTING AND DETACHING. Michelin detachable rim with clamps on the wheel 51 Twin-wheel expanding detachable rim on the wheel 5S TEMPORARY TYRE REPAIRS WHICH THE MOTORIST CAN EXECUTE UPKEEP OF TYRES The motorist who will take the trouble to looR after his tyres as he should will effect a considerable saving. These directions will enable him to do so. But one does not learn how to fit tyres by reading only, and looking at figures. It is necessary to practice fitting tyres in the way the instructions and figures indicate. It is, therefore, not on the road, at the moinent when they are needed, that our clients should read these directions, but in the garage, with the parts to hand, and byexecuti^ig as far as possible the operations described. Where security bolts are used, we would refer our readers to the instruc- tions for fitting appearing informer editions of our Guide. THE MICHELIN AIR CYLINDER. The Cylinder contains air at 1.80*^ l^^s. pressure, not carbonic acid gas. Attached to it are two separate flexible tubes and a pressni-e L'auge. Inflation. Fix the tubes and pressure gauge on the cylinder as shown in the figure. Eelease the plug of the valve from its seating with the pin of the connection, and screw the connection on to the valve. Open full}' the valve of the cylinder (the needle of the pressure gauge should indi- cate a pressure of about 30 lbs. ) ; let the pressure rise a little higher than that indicated in the table on p. 32. Shut off the air, unscrew the connec- tions, and verify the pressure in the tyre with the pressure tester (Fig. 8). If the pressure is too great, let a little air escape by pressing with the pin of the con- nection on the needle of the val ve plug. X.B. — An empty Air Cylinder may he exchanged for a full one at all Stockint^ mentioned in the Michelin Gviile ".ith the >e by a nut ; this plate, en drawn down on to the l)eads by the special valve hood nut tr. 10), Jieeps them in place. Fig. 10. Advantag^es of the Bolt-Valve. The valve is thus transformed into a security bolt which is quite lent and allows the suppression of all the security bolts. The inner tube and the cover can both be fitted on the rim at the same time, and can be removed in the same way, a fact which greatly simplifies the fitting and detaching of tyres. It obviates the difficulty of manipulating security lx>lts. It prevents all chances of nipping. A tyre is very quickly and easily fitted bv means of our new levers for Michel in Tyres fitted with the Bolt-Valve, the use of which is explained further on. Adaptation of Michelin Bolt-Valve to a tube fitted w^ith ordinary valve. Any motorist can convert an ordinary valve into bolt- valve in a few minutes and at a very small cost. 'ilie parts required are : a special secmity plate, an additional nut I, and a winged hood, according to the type of rim used. When making the conversion it is first of all necessary to remove all parts of the valve with the exception of the nut I ; next fit the security piate in such a manner that the ridged surface is away from the tube ; then fit the additional nut I, securing same firmly with the aid of the Vmix spanner supplied for the purpose. The tube is then ready for fitting ; this operation being completed, the winged valve hood should be tightly screwed by hand against the surface of the rim. WTien bolt valves are used with detachable rims or twin wheels a rubber and metal washer " Amoronto" must be used in addition to the parts mentioned above. This is placed on the valve stem, following the additional nut I, with the metal crown resting upon the latter. Dummy bolts should be used to plug the .existing security bolt holes in the rims. These are made in three types, Fig. 11 for artillery wheels. Fig. 12 for detachable rims, and short bolts for wire wheels. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. c THE FITTING LEVERS. Special Note.— T/ie new fitting levers can only be used with the neiv cam- formed covers and with all non-skid covers. The old model levers must he used with other covers. We are not yet in a position to supply our new pattern levers, but we anticipate that they will be on the market during May. Orders may now be given, however, and these will be dealt ivith in strict rotation. The accessories used in the new fitting process for Michelin Tyres with bolt-valve are : two " S " levers (Fusil and Forum) and a hook lever (Fez) (Figs. 13, 14, 15). FIG. 14. Fig. 15. The fitting is done with one of the two " S " levers and a hook lever. ITie detaching is done with the two " S " levers. The fitting of tyres with bolt-valve may also ^e done with the spur Fig. 18. lever (Fig. 17) and the elbow lever (Fig. 16), which, with a fork lever (Fig. 18) and a wooden dummy valve, are used for fitting tyres with security bolts. We make three models of winged valve-hoods; one for artillery wheels (Fig. 19), one for detachable rims and twin -wheel rims (Fig. 20), and a third for wire wheels (Fig. 21). Fig. 19, Fig. 21. This last valve-hood is in two parts A and B, which fit into ea,ch other. When a tyre is to be inflated or the air-pressure verified it is unnecessary to unscrew the entire valve-hood, which is difficult between the spokes of wire-wheels, but simply to pull off part B (Fig. 21). 47 FITTING AND DETACHING MICHELIN TYRES, WITH THE BOLT-VALVE. FITTING. It is necessary, first of all, to prepare the tyre ; that is to say : Partly inflate the tube. Our new fitting methods, whilst avoiding all risk of pinching the tube, do not require that the partial inflation should be so great as with the old methods. The fitting will be facilitated if the tube is partially inflated to the requisite pressure in the following way : Inflate the tube slightly, then let it hang on the left hand (Fig 22), half unscrew part C of the valve to allow any surplus air to escape until the jet of air can no longer be felt on the hand, then screw up tightly the parts C and D. Chalk the tube. Rub the tube over with a rag dipped in French chalk, then shake it to remove any excess of chalk. Fig. 22. Place the tube Inside the cover, commencing with the valve, which should be fitted exactly in the valve-slits In the beads. Place the tyre on the Take it in both hands, the works number towards you, and place the valve in the hole in the rim (Fig. 23). Then draw away the tyre and let it fall back again, so that the inner bead is well fitted in the clinch of the rim behind the valve. Make sure that the bolt-valve plate is inside the cover. It is at this point that the fitting proper commences, and it entails three essential movements. 1. Fix the tyre on the rim to the rig:ht of the valve with the hooked lever. With the right hand just above the third spoke and to the right of the valve, push the tyre towards the car, until the outer bead falls into clinch of the rim ; hold it in position with the left hand whilst the hooked lever is placed in position (Fig. 24). Fig. 23. Fig. 25. FIG. 24. — 48 - The hooked lever is easily placed by pressing with its nose on the head and raising up the handle so that the hook is held in the clinch of the rim (Fig. 2:.). 2. Fit the two beads at once on the rim to the left cf tJie valve with one of the levers (the large one for preference). Standing to the left of the wheel, lever the outer bead to the left of the valve on to the rim, and hold it there with the left hand. Then use the lever freely at intervals of 5 inches, making l)oth ))eads pass on to the rim, until the outer bead u well fitted into the clinch about half- way round. The lever should he placed under the tyre with the tip hooked to the rim and the tyre resting in the curve of the lever (Fig. 26). Slip the lever along the rim until it is wedged between the rim and the tyre (Fig. 26), then push it down until it i^ in line with the spokes. Each time leverage is exerted, hold the tyre in position on the rim with the left hand (Fig. 26) whilst with- drawing the lever and placing it again 5 inches further round. Fig. 2( With 90 tyres the left hand must press on the top of the tyre instead of on the side. 3. Push up the valve. When the cover is well on the rim to the left of the valve, ptish itp the valve with the lever (Fig. 27) to allow the outer bead to pass under the bolt-valve plate and fit into the clinch. See that the inner bead has not slipped out. If necessary, push it back with the hand. The tyre is now firmly caught on the rim. It is then only necessary to withdraw the hook lever by pulling it side- ways, and to finish the fitting: by levering on to the rim the remain- der of the tyre, a very little at a time. Fig. 27. (') It may happen that the rim has been bent by a shock and the bead will not fit into the clinch. If this is so, take a piece of wood and a hammer, place one end of the piece of wood vertically on the bead, and knock with the hammer to make the bead fit. If this operation is unsuccessfu' , put on a gaiter and a rubber protector, and inflate the tyre to 15 lbs. (p. 63). Lace up the gaiter and drive slowly to the nearest garage, where the rim can be straightened. — 49 — DETACHING In the same way that the cover and tube are Utted shmdtaneontily by making both beads slip on to the rim together, so the tyre is detached, both cover and tube in one operation^ by making the two beads leave the rim together. Proceed as follows : — Having half unscrewed the valve-hood, raise it up with a lever, and release the bolt-valve plate (same movement as in Fig. 27). Then take off the valve-hood, and release the outer bead by pushing it inwards with a lever all round. Turn the wheel until the valve is at the bottom. Detach a portion of the outer bead opposite the valve. Push back the bead opposite the valve with the small lever (holding it with the side marked Forum underneath, Fig. 28, A), thus allowing the turned back end of the large lever (the side marked Montage upper- most. Fig. 28, B) to be pushed under the bead. Raise the bead with the large lever, and slip in the space so made the straight end of the small lever (the side marked Forum being uppermost) until its turned back end rests upon the inner bead (Fig. 29). Fia. 28. FIG. 29. The small lever will then be horizontal (Fig. 30), and its turned back end holds it firmly on the wheel. (') Fig, 30.— Position op the little lever under the outer bead. Fig. 31. Fig. 32. It may therefore be left, and the larger lever taken in both hands and inserted under the bead 8 or 10 inches from the first (Fig. 31). Press down the two levers (Fir-. 32), at the same time widening the distance between the hands. ( ) If it should happen that the lever passes under the inner bead instead of resting on it, it will be impossible to push it down. It will be necessary to draw it out and replace it correctly. — 50 — The bead will now leaVa the rim. (') Take out another 8 inches with the large lever. Then, detach the two heads together. To do this, turn that part of the tyre already detached from the rim clear away from the mudguard. Insert the large lever (or the small one, with its bent end uppermost) behind the inner bead in the middle of the detached portion of the outer bead, so that it rests on the outer clinch (Fig. 33). Then pull the lever towards you (Fig. 34). The cover and tube will come off together. (') If the bead will not come off, it is because the levers are too far apart. If, on the contrary, it slips back again, it is because the levers are too clese together. In order to detach the bead successfully, the hands sliould be drawn away from each other whilst pressing down the levers. Well ! You are strong ! " No, I'm not, I only weigh five stone ; but I am fitting with the new Michelin levers." 51 FITTING AND DETACHING DETACH ABLE RIMS AND TYRES. ACCESSORIES. Brace and box-spanner. It will also be advisable to have bur " Tenor lever, which may be used for removing refractory clamps (Fig. 37). J Metal Washer, i Nut. V Washer (rubber). N Rubber washer. O Rubber plug. B Centre piece. F Rubber disc. X Steel rim. Y Lug. K Metal washer. M Metal washer. A Valve body. P Valve-hood extension. G Rubber washer. C Long nut. D Valve-cap. S Valve-hood. Fig. 35. Our valve (Fig. 35) for tyres on detachable rims is the same as our ordinary long car valve, with the exception that it comprises in addition the metal washer "K " and rubber washer "V". The latter is 4 mm. high for the ordinary valve and 10 mm. to 11 mm. for the Bolt-Valve. The valve-hood extension "P" is only used on spares. It must be removed when fitting the rim to the wheel. 52 TYRES ON DETACHABLE RIMS. TO FIT DETACHABLE RIM AND TYRE ON THE WHEEL. N.B.— The operation is the same whether the tyre is fixed to the rim by means of bolt-valve or with security bolts. DETACHING. 1. Jack up the wheel. (>) 2. Take off the valve-hood. Or if the bolt valve is not used, the valve-hood washers " M " and " N." FIG. 37. 3. Unscrew the clamp nuts (-) (Fig. 36). 4. Remove the clamps. The clamps may be easily removed with the hand. If they resist, ease them with the " Tenor" lever (Fig. 37). (') The jack must be placed under the car in such a way that the car is not sup- ported upon any fragile part of the axle, such as the lubricator. (2) Before unscrewing the nuts, place a drop of oil on the end " H *' of bolt, which passes through the nut " E " (Fig. 38). This is indispen- sable if the bolts are muddy or rusty. 5. Remove the detachable rim. Turn the valve to the top, and pull the Ijottoni of the, rim fi'om the wheel with both hands. Then raise the tyre in order to disengage the valve (') (Fig. 39). FITTING. 1. Prepare the valve. Remove the valve hood "S" and metal extension "P" (Fig. 35). Verify the pressure (see p. 44) and screw the valve cap up tight. 2. Place the detachable rim on the wheel. The valve hole should be at top of wheel. Fit the valve in its hole, and the lug into the socket provided for it on the wheel. Then push the rim well on to the wheel. Fit it into place by striking it with the palm of the hand. Fit each clamp on to its bolt, commencing with one opposite the valve ; give the nut two or three turns, sufficient to bring it into contact with the clamp (^. 3. Screw up the clamps. Give several turns to the nuts of the two clamps opposite the valve, then of the two adjacent clamps, and so on all round the wheel, finish- ing with those on each side of the valve. Then screw up the clamps quite tightly, working in the same order (Fig. 3«). 4. Replace the valve-hood. Or if the bolt- valve is not used, the washers valve -hood. M" and "N" and the TO CHANGE A TYRE FITTED WITH THE BOLT= VALVE ON A RIM DETACHED FROM THE WHEEL. For fitting and detaching tyres with bolt- valve or security bolts on a bench or on the ground see our previously issued instructions. Either the old or new type levers can be used for fitting'under the old methods. Once the tyre is fitted and inflated, supposing it to be carried as a spare, it is necessary, before screwing up the valve-hood nut, to put on the valve the extension P (Fig. 35), which will be removed before fitting the rim on the wheel. (Without the extension, the hood, when screwed down, would press on the valve-cap and probably cause a leak.) To fit a tyre fitted with security bolts to a detachable rim we refer our readers to former editions of our Guides. (') The rim cornea by itself and the valve is easily detached. The valve may also be turned to the bottom, and the detachable rim removed by pulling it with the hand from the top, but, in this case, if the wheel is not suffi- ciently raised on the jack, the tyre rests on the ground before the valve can be released. It thus risks being damaged. (^) If it is difficult to fit a clamp by hand, introduce the end of a lever between the rim and the wheel. Press down on the lever in order to increase the space, and so force the clamp into place. THE MICHELIN TWIN TYRE. The strongest single tyre, the 135, will carry a maximum weight of 1,430 lbs. With a heavier weight the tyre works under abnormal con- ditions, and will wear out very quickly. Its use will be very costly on a heavy and fast touring car which destroys the tyres, but which, how- ever, could not be used without the comfort thereby obtained. The ordinary singfle pneumatic is quite impracti- cable for the in- dustrial or com- mercial car, smalS waggon, or delivery van weighing from 2,200 to 3,300 lbs. when laden. These, therefore, fall back on solid tyres which, by want of elasticity and the abrupt shocks they produce, soon deteriorate the car. The Michel in "Ju- mele " or Twin-Tyre supports with two tyres a weight which would burst a single tyre and moreover it gives to such cars as mentioned above, a resilient, strong, and economical pneumatic tyre. Fig. 40. It is the practical solution of the tyre problem for the heavy tourine car and the commercial van. A wheel fitted with Twin Tyres comprises :— The special wheel itself ; Two expanding detachable rims ; Two tyres fitted with the bolt- valve. The Wheel. The Twin Tyre Wheel (Fig. 41) is composed of :— A steel crown having on the outside a series of ribs which support the detachable rims, and on the inside, sockets in which the heads of the wooden spokes are fitted {there is therefore no loooden felloe). A steel cone called the shrinking: cone (Fig. 41), which forms the hub on which rest the hard wood wedges which are driven in between the feet of the wooden spokes. Fig. 41. The Rims. The expanding: rim (Fig. 42) is cut opposite the valve. By separating the ends of the rim, the tyre being already fitted and inflated on the rim, the rim is opened, and it may then be placed easily on the ribs of the steel crown. Then by bringing the two ends of the rim together again the rim is closed and it is contracted on to the ribs. It thus becomes in reality a fixed rim, and its fitting is regularly assured all round the wheel. Fig. 42. FIG. 43.— EXPANDEK. The Expander. 'J'he expander (Fig. 43) is a special tool fitted with a screw which can i>e turned with a brace (or tommy) and box-spanner. To open the rim insert the rounded ends into the bonding loops, the copper plate " ouvrir" being on top (Fig. 45), Turn the milled headed screw by hand in the direction of the arrow unlil the rounded ends hold in the loops. Jf the expander is well placed, it should not he possible to pull it out with the hand, and it should be perpendicular to the rim. Then open the rim fully (Fig. 54) with the brace (or tommy) and box-spanner (Fig. 44). Wfien the expander is removed, after the opened rim has been placed on the tvheel, the rim should close itself. Sometimes, however, otving to rust or 'iijht defornuttion, the rim will not close itself. It ivill be sufficient, in '•h a case, to give it one or two sharp blows close to the cleft. Fig. 44.— brace and box-spanner, Fig, The Fastener. The fastener (Fig. 45) is the part which keeps the rim contracted on the irown, in conjunction with a detachable bronze nut which is fixed on the crown with a wing nut and in which, the detachable rim being placed on the ribs, the bolt of the fastener is screv/ed home with a brace (or tommy) and box-spanner. The wedges of the fastener being in the loops on the rim, now close these loops together and thus the rim is securely fixed on to the crown. Finally a safety spring is fastened on to the square head of the screw, which prevents it from turning and unscrewing itself. Up-Keep. After use, the screw of the expander and also of the fastener should be carefully wiped and greased so as to prevent rusting. Fig. 46. Fig. 47 - 56 - THE TYRES. There is nothing special about the covers. liie inner tubes of Twin-Tyres are fitted with the bolt-valve, but these valves must be fitted with the three short pieces D, 0, and BC (Fig. 46), in place of the four detachable pieces D, O, B and C of the ordinary valve. This inodijkation is only iieces- sary for the inside tyre, becatcse the long pieces of the ordinary ralve would not allow the tyre to he placed on the inside ribs of the crown. It is better, however, to make this modification for all tyres {outside tyres, front wheel tyres, and spares), thus making all interchangeable. Moreover, these pieces may be obtained from all our stockists, and the motorist can easily make the change himself in a few minutes. The body of the valve A is not changed. With the valve thus shortened, a special connection (Fig. 47) will be required for inflation. This connection serves two purposes :— (1) When inflating, the end a is screwed on to the valve after the cap D has been removed, and the connection c is attached to the tube of the air cylinder. (2) When fitting the Twin-Tyre valve pieces, the short piece BC carrying the short plug 6 is screwed into the body of the ordinary valve A by means of the end7>. The inner tube of an outside tyre or front wheel tyre may be changed xvithout detaching the riin. In order to do this, screw a connection extension into the body of the valve of the tube to be fitted (Fig. 48) which permits the valve under the crown to be reached once the fitting is done, and which serves also as an inflation connection. In any case all valves must have a rubber air-tight washer pressing on a steel washer, which itself rests on the nut I fixing the plate of the bolt-valve. Similar washers are used on tubes fitted with the bolt-valve for detachable rims with clamps (Fig. 35). The fitting of a tyre on the rim and the detaching may be done on a table in the ordinary way. Care must be taken, however, to avoid striking the ends of the plate bridging the cleft, with levels, as risk is incurred of cutting the rubber tags with which they are protected. Spare tyres {inflated tyres on the rim) carry a valve-hood extension on which the valve-hood is screwed. This extension must be removed when fitting the rim on the wheel. Fig. 48. The Twin-Tyre Outfit. The outfit (Fig. 49) contains all tools necessary for fitting twin-tyres, as well as several spare parts. With the outfit, all the tools are immediately to hand, and they cannot get damaged or lost, and one is sure that no tool has been left behind. We shall be pleased to iveigh any car at our premises. 81, FILHAM ROAD, CIJELSBA, LONDON, S.W. See on page 72 form to be filled up giving details of your car. - 57 - FIG. 49. Contents o-f the Outfit. It includes : Fitting Tools. 1. A box-spanner. 2. A tommy. 3. Two expanders. 4. An inflation connection. 5. A fastener. Spare Parts. . A safety-spring for fastener. . A detachable bronze nut for fastener. . A valve-hood. A pocket inside the case containing :— Two rubber washeus " G " (Fig. 35). Two washers " F." One connection extension (Fig. 48). Three valve plugs " " (Fig. 35). Two valve-caps " D " (Fig. 35). Two valve interior parts " BC (Fig. 35). It is also advisable to carry a brace. The only tools which are absolutely necessary are : an expander (Fig. 43), an inflation connectiofi (Fig. 47), a box-spanner with a tommy or brace (Fig. 44). Before starting on your tour : Call at our offices : 81, Fulham Rd., Chelsea, London, S.W. We will give you the best advice upon the -fitting: and pre- servation of your tyres. We will supply you with the most complete information on auto- mobile touring:, and indicate the best itineraries to follow. — 58 — DETACHING TYRES FROM TWIN-WHEELS. Fig. 60. I.— Outer Tyre. Having jacked up the wheel : 1. Remove the valve- hood a.ncl the safety- spri ng: of the fastener ; 2. Remove the fastener by unscrewing the bolt with the box- spanner and brace or tommy. 3. Open the rim with the expander (see p. 55). 4. Detach the Rim ; Turn the wheel until the valve is at its highest point. Pull the tyre out from the bottom so as to clear the bonding loops from the crown and then lift the tyre bodily to free the valve from its socket (Fig. 50). Note. — A detachable rim on an ordinary single wheel is detached in exactly the same manner as the outer detachable rim of a twin- wheel. II. — Inner Tyre 1. Remove the outer tyre; 2. Remove the detach- a,ble bronze nut of the outer rim by vmscrewing its wing nut (Fig. 51). 3. Remove the valve- hood nut and the safety spring: of the fastener; 4. Remove the fast- ener by unscrewing the bolt with the box-spanner and brace or tommy. 5. Open the rim ; Fia. 51. 6. Pull over the detachable rim on to the outer ribs, pulling first near the expander, then near the valve, and finally remove rim as described above. FITTING TWIN'TYRE EXPANDING RIMS. Inner Tyre. 1. Prepare the rim and the wheel. Carefully clean the crown (valve-lug sockets, ribs, block seats, bonding loops), and the rim. (It is absolutely essential that no particle of (J ravel or onud remains between the croivn and the rim.) Place the inner detachable nut on the crown (as the outer nut is placed in Fig. 51) and screw up its wing nut, but not tightly. Take off the valvB-hoodnutand the extension (which is only used on a spare) and open the rim with the expander (Figs. 53 and 54)v Fig. 52. - 59 - 2. Place the rim on the inner ribs. Fig. 53. Fig. 54. Turn the wheel until the valve-hole is at top ; raise the tyre with both hands and put it on the outer ribs (Fig. 55), and at the same time place the valve in the valve slot. (Takfi care not to knock the valve against the crown, as damage to threaded part of the valve might restUt.) Then push the tyre alternatively at the valve and the expander, until it rests on the inner ribs and the lug falls into position (Fig. 56). FIG. 55. Fig. 56. - 60 - 3. Fix the rim. Screw up tightly the valve-hood nut. llemove the expander with the brace, making certain that the two blocks fall properly into position between the ribs. // they do not, give several blows tvith the palm of the hand on the tyre so as to make them fall into position. 4. Fit the fastener. Grease the screio of the fastener as precaution against rust, also the wedges so that they slip easily into the bonding loops. Put the fastener screw into the detachable nut, turning it with the fingers at first in order not to cross thread the bolt stem. Then screw the fastener tight with the tommy or the brac« so that the rim is firmly fixed on the crown, and does not tnove on it. Turn the square head of the screw to its correct position, and fit the safety spring. Screw up tightly the valve-hood nut and the wing nut. Note. — The fitting of the outer tyre is the same as for the inner tyre or for the single tyre on the front whee-1. To test the Fitting. This fitting is a quick and easy one, but it is essential that it is correctly done. This means that the rim fits well all round the wheel, and is firmly bonded to it. The fitting may be tested at a glance : (1) See that no daylight is visible between the rim and the crown round the valve and the blocks. (2) See that there is the same space, to within a millimetre or two, between the two tyres all round their circumference. This may be easily done by turning the wheel round and looking at it from the end. Care of the wheel in use. Owing to the great distance which a Twin Tyre will cover, it is certain that a long time will elapse before a change ot the fitting on the wheel will be necessary. Under these conditions, we advise our clients to thorqughly overhaul the rims, wheels, and closing apparatus every six months. The rims. If the rims are rusty, jagged or bent, they should be properly over- hauled in the same manner as ordinary rims. Rusty nickel plates. The plates must slip easily on the rim, and therefore their surface must be quite smooth. Our nickel plates are galvanized and do not, therefore, easily rust. If, however, a plate should become rusty, or if the rubber tags get cut off by a lever, they should be sent to us for replacement. DETACHING AND FITTING A TYRE ON AN EXPANDING RIM REMOVED FROM THE WHEEL. For details, see our previously issued instructions, and use either the old or new type levers for fitting under the old method. Two precautions which should be taken :— (1) Take care not to cut the rubber tags of the nickel plate with a lever. (2) When detaching, and performing the operations shown in Figs. 31 and 32, place the lever a few inches away from the ends of the expanding rim so that it does not rest on the fastener sockets. See on pag^e 72 form to be -flllecl up e;iving: details of your car. OUTFITS. Fitting Outfit (Fig. 57), for tyres with bolt-valve. This outfit contains in a box all that is necessary for fitting our tyres fitted with the bolt- valve. Lever " Forum. " Lever " Fusil." Hook-lever "Fez." Tube of French chalk. ^^ Fig. 57. "indispensable" Outfit (Fig. 58), for tyres with bolt-valve. The same as above, but also containing various accessories for temporary roadside repairs (mastic, patches, rubber solution, etc.). COVER REPAIRS WHICH CAN BE UNDER- TAKEN BY THE MOTORIST. 1. Bursts a.ncl cuts. If you have a spare cover, it is best to use it and send us the burst cover to be repaired. FIG. 59. If you have not a spare cover use our tubular patch, and, if necessary, tccite): — 62 — The Michel in tubular patch. The tubular patch, moulded to the shape of the cover, completely surrounds the tube like a sleeve protector, inside which the tube may stretch, but it cannot move the patch out of position. The tubular patch should not be solutioned. To -fit the tubular patch. l.—When the bolt valve is used. Detach the cover. Partially inflate the tube, and place it in the cover. Draw out about 24 inches of the tube at the point where the cover is cut. Place the patch inside the cover so that it completely covers the burst, remembering that the patch should cover from U to li ins. all round the edge of a cut near the bead (Fig. 59). Replace the inner tube, making the patch cover it as regularly as possible, the two ends outside the cover being of equal length. Turn back the end on the side of the first bead to be fitted (not the works number side); this is very important, then the other end on the second bead. Place the cover on the rim. Fia, 60. Fit the first bead completely. Deflate the tube, and pass the hand between the rim and the tube in order to rectify any folds which may have formed on the ends of the patch. Partially inflate the tube, and finish fitting, being careful not to finish near the patch. During these operations, take great care not to displace the patch. II. — When security bolts are used. Detach the cover. Place the patch inside the cover as described above. Once well in position over the cut or burst, mark out the position of the two ends of the patch on the cover with a pencil or piece of chalk (Fig. 60). Take out the patch. Fit the first bead on the rim. Fit the security bolts and replace the inner tube. Partially inflate the tube (very slightly). Take out about 24 ins. of the tube near the burst. Place the patch round the tube, the inside being in contact with the tube, the outer side on top. Take the patch and inner tube in the hand, and place them in the cover (Fig. 61). Then make the ends of the patch coincide with the marks made on the cover. Pass the hand between the rim and the tube in order to straighten out any folds which may have formed on the ends of the patch. Finish inflating the tyre partially. Fit the second bead, and inflate to the required pressure. (') ' If these instructions are carefully followed, the fitting of a patch should not take more than three to five minutes. If tlie burst is so situated that the patch falls over the valve, displace the cover from its right position without troubling about the valve slits falling directly over the valve hole ; a USed cover can be without difficulty fitted when it is so displaced. In order to use the MICHELIN GUIDE with the greatest ease, read carefully the Explanatory Chapter, pp. 1 to 12 The Michelin Gaiter. If, after inflation, the cut gapes open very much, use our gaiter. Gaiter Cover Inner Tube . . . . ^^ Eubber Protector . V - -.'J'^M Bead XV... i^B^ Steel Eiiu . . . . - ' ' ' Wooden Felloe ... - ' ' ^^^Ml \ Fig. 62. To fit the gaiter deflate the tyre until there is only a pressure of i: lbs., place the gaiter, and lace up tightly crosswise. Inflate to the required pressure. If the cut is on or very close to the bead, a rubber protector must be placed on the cover, under the gaiter, so as to be in contact with the Small Cuts. If the cover is only cut | inch or less, and the car is a light one, use the roll of proofed canvas instead of the tubular patch. The canvas should overlap the cut by \\ to 2 inches all round. Paint the gummed side of the patch with rubber solution, and, when nearly dry, stick it over the cut. Chalk sparingly all over the repair, and re-fit the tyre. SUPERFICIAL CUTS. Michelin Mastic— After travelling on stony roads, tyres will probably present cuts of a more or less serious nature. When the cuts are deep, and affect the canvas, the cover should be sent to us for repair, but if the cuts are not deep, plug them with Michelin mastic in order that water may not reach the canvas and perish it. Proceed as follows : — 1. Clean the cut, removing dirt and gravel with a wooden scraper. 2. Wash the cut with benzine or petrol with a brush, and leave it to dry. 3. Paint sparingly with solution the edges and interior of the cut, and leave it to dry ior five minutes. ■i. Take a piece of mastic large enough to fill the hole, work it up with the fingers and press it into the cut with a spatula. 5. Pinch the cut with the fingers in order to facilitate the adhesion of the mastic, or lace it up tightly with tape or string. Leave the repair to dry for 5 or 6 hours before using the tyre again. The box of mastic should be kept tightly closed. If it hardens in the Ih.x, soften it with a little benzine or petrol before use. Swellings.— These sometimes occur on the surface of the cover, causing the canvas to detach itself from the rubber. T'he best thing to do is to deflate the tyre, and enlarge the detached portion a little with the moistened blade of a knife. Then clean the interior carefully with a wooden scraper, and a brush dipped in petrol. When the incision is quite clean, apply two or three layers of solution and let it dry for an hour, propping the edges of" the opening apart with a wooden match. Then close the opening and bind down firmly with a strap or piece of cord ; after which, fully infiate the tyre and let the repair dry for at least 6 hours. - 64 _ INNER TUBE REPAIRING OUTFIT. This outfit includes the following articles in a metal box : — 2 large tubes of rubber solution. 5 assorted patches 1 packet valve parts containing two washers G, 2 discs F, 1 plug 0. Valve caps complete. The easiest way to repair an inner tube is to use the bevelled-edge rubber patches. Fig. 63. How to apply a. patch. choose a patch which will cover the hole in the tube with a margin of i to li ins. all round. 1. Thoroughly clean the surface of the tube round the puncture, removing all humidity and dirt, by rubbing it vigorously with fine glass paper. Place the tube on some hard, smooth surface and rub it until it has a bright red colour. It is best to clean a portion bigger than the patch to be applied. 2. Paint with solution the two surfaces to be stuck together. Put on two coats, letting each one dry. The second coat should be allowed to dry until it sticks tightly to the finger {i.e. five minutes). 3. Apply the patch, and press upon it, more particularly at the edges. The sticking will be improved if the tube is placed on a smooth surface and the patch tai)ped all over with a round-headed hammer. In order to make a really sfood repair, it is very important that the edges of the patch should adhere perfectly. Chalk freely all round the patch, but avoid any accumulation of chalk. Pi,e-flt the tyre and inflate. Xever stick canvas on an inner tube. XOTE.— Repairs made by a customer can only be temporary. They Avill hold if the tyre does not become overheated, but in order to obtain the same wear from a punctured tube as from a new one, it should be sent to us. We repair tubes by a special cold vulcanizing process, which our customers would be unable to make use of. LEAKY VALVES. To test the valve, tightly screw the valve-cap D (Fig. 6, page 36), and turn the wheel until the valve is at the top. Then take a glass filled with water, place it under the valve, and raise it so that the valve dips into it. If any bubbles rise, the valve leaks. Sometimes bubbles form upon, and adhere to, the metal, i'nless they rise they do not indicate a leak. The rubber parts of our valve are as follow (see Fig. 6, page 36) :— 1. The small rubber plug " " lying in the body " A " of the valve. •2. The disc " F " of the cap " D." 3. The washer ring "G." 4. The joint on the inner tube (secured by the nut " I "). Valve-cap.— If this leaks, examine the rubber disc F(Fig. 6, page 36). If it is damaged, replace it by another from the green pocket of our outfit, which contains several. Should you have no rubber disc, substitute a small leather washer, or one of cloth smeared with tallow or solution. Xever travel with a valve uncovered (our outfit contains two complete caps). Plug.— It is there to act rt,s' a valve during pumping, and to eufeine a certain air-tightness nntil the cap has been screwed down. No notice need be taken if it allows one or two air bubbles to escape. If the pliii? whistles, the sound denotes the presence, in the valve, of a little dust or dirt. Clean the plug. If it is damaged in any way, replace it with another, which you will find in the green pocket of our valve outfit. Also, before replacing the plug, clean the interior of the valve (the seat of the plug) with a dry cloth. Washer ring: "G."— If the nut " C " is not screwed tightly enough' the washer " 6 " will leak. It will leak also if it is damaged in any way. Our valve outfit contains two of these rings ; but a piece of leather, or even thread dipped in tallow or wax, may be used instead. When the valve is detached, be careful not to lose either the plug itself, or the rubber ring " G ' which is fitted into the groove of piece •' B ' (Fig. 6). If when withdrawing piece "B" this ring clings to piece "A," it must be detached and replaced on piece "B" in the groove. Without it, it would be impossible to replace piece "B." Nut " I."— Nut "I" must never be unscrewed; but it may work itself loose in time. If, therefore, a tyre becomes deflated, and no leakage can be discovered in the tube, tighten nut "I" ; but not too much or the tube will be damaged. REPAIRS EXECUTED AT OUR WORKS. Time required for repairs.— The time required for repairs executed at our Works varies according to the nature and extent of the damage. The number of articles to be dealt with makes no difference in the time required, wliich is generally from ten to twelve days for covers and from six to eight days for tubes. The special facilities afforded by our extensive works enable us to complete repairs with the utmost despatch all the year round. It must, however, be borne in mind that the time specified for repairs should be reckoned as from the date on which we receive definite authority to carry out the work and the goods them- selves up to the moment we despatch the repaired goods from our Works. We quite appreciate the anxiety of our clients not to be kept without their tyres longer than is absolutely necessary ; but we beg to point out that we could not effect I'epairs more quickly without risking the efficiency of the work. Forwarding goods for repair. In order to avoid all possible causes of delay, we cannot too strongly urge on our clients the necessity of securely attaching, to each parcel they send us, a label giving their full name and address. As this label may be detached in transit, it is advisable to place a duplicate inside the parcel, and, at the same time, to send us a letter stating the size of the package and giving a description of the goods sent, and stating their works number and method of dispatch. Wrap up inner tubes in several sheets of strong paper, in order to prevent injury in transit.' All parcels should be addressed : The Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., 81, Ful- ham Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. Examination of goods requiring repair. The cost of repairs varies according to the nature and extent of the damage sustained ; consequently it is necessary for us to examine each article before reporting to our clients. We cannot express an opinion merely from a description. Moreover, before undertaking a repair, we wish to satisfy ourselves that, when repaired, the article may be expected to give such service as will justify the expense incurred. Many repairs are possible, but not all of them are advisable. 35 H.-P. Limousine fitted with Michelin Twin Tyres. ^iigii. CARE OF TYRES. I. RIMS. If you allow your rims to get into bad condition, the results to the ! vies will be injuries so serious that, more often than not, repair will be impossible. (a) Rusti — Do not allow the outside edges or the clinches of your rims to rust ; otherwise they will become rough and jagged, and will cut the .eads of the covers, causing serious damage. Polish the rusted parts ith emery cloth, and give them a coat of black varnish. Clean the ;ids of the cover, and re-flt the tyre when the varnish is quite dry. (h) Roug^hened rims.— If the edges of the rims show any rough- ness, or sharp ridges, be careful to smooth off with a file, and to rub the j)portunity to have your wheels tested, and the fault rectified. Other- \^ ise your tyres will wear out very quickly. («) Loose and crooked wheels.— If marks of wear, instead of showing all over the surface of the tyre, are in one or two places only, the wheel is either very loose or crooked. Looseness can be dealt with easily ; but only the manufacturers can rectify crooked wheels. Non= skids. The precautions to take for the preservation of Non-skids (Micheiin Semelles) are practically the same as for ordinary Micheiin tyres. With Non-skids, however, sudden stops and abrupt starts should be guarded against even more carefully. The leather of Non-skid tyres is liable to harden and eventually to crack if not carefully looked after, especially on certain roads. The use of << Skidcreme " for Micheiin Non-skids (Semelles) keeps the leather supple withotit injuring the rubber, and prolongs tlie life of a tyre. How to use " Skidcreme "— 1. Brush and wash perfectly clean the leather of the Non-skid. Leave it tr. dry. •J. With the brush supplied with each box, apply the Skidcreme to the leather, avoiding to place any on the rubber or the extreme edges of the leather. o. Rub well with a brush or cloth until the cream has well penetrated into the leather. 4. If possible, leave the tyre two hours before using it. X.B.— When new, repeat the operation once a week. But after- wards, only apply the Skidcreme when the leather commences to harden. 3. INNER TUBES. Too little and too much French chalk.— When fitting a tyre, never use too much or too little chalk. An insufficiently chalked tube will stick to the cover and crease and easily become nipped during fitting. If too much chalk is used, it will accumulate into solid lumps which will puncture the tube and damage the canvas of the cover. The safest plan is to follow closely the directions given on p. 47. • 4. PUMPS. Never let oil get into your valve ; the small plug would quickly swell and become firmly affixed to the interior, and could not be removed. It frequently happens that a pump does not work well because the leather of the piston becomes dry. It is therefore advisable, before con- cluding that the pump is in need of repair, to ascertain the state of the leather, so as to avoid despatching it to the maker's unnecessarily. If it is necessary to lubricate the leather plunger of the pump, first be very careful to remove the flexible tubing which carries the valve con- nection. 'J'hen, when the slight lubrication required for the plunger has been effected, give 20 or 30 vigorous strokes with the inflator. This precaution will eject any excess of lubricant which would other- wise remain in the pump or tubing and be driven into the valve at the first stroke. For lubricating the leather of the piston use no oils containing acid. The best oil for the purpose is fish oil. A non-acid oil may be used, but dries very rapidly, and does not easily penetrate the leather. Avoid careless driving. (a) Starting.— Whenever you start abruptly, your back tyres will skid round. Therefore always start gradually, especi?,lly when on sloping ground. Ten abrupt starts will wear a tyre more than a run of 600 miles. {b) Applying^ brakes.- A sudden stop locks the driving wheels, so that they skid instead of revolving. This rough treatment is another cause of the rapid wear of tyres. Stop gradually, therefore, easing the pace gently. (c) Sharp turns.— Taking corners at full speed very often causes violent skidding, even on a dry road, which is also a great strain on the tyres. Moreover, if the tyres are under-inflated, there is every proba- bility that they will be torn off the rims. Always take corners slowly and carefully. ((/) Skidding.— During a skid the tyre may be damaged by sharp stones. A tyre can roll unhurt over even a pointed stone ; but if, instead of rolling, the tyre slides or "skids," any sharp object with which it comes in contact will make a deep cut— especially if the object be wet. Slippery roads, therefore, should be travelled slowly— and that, not only for the good of your tyres, but also for your i)ersonal safety. The safest course is to fit, if not all your wheels, at least your driving wheels, with MIchelin "Semelle" Non-skids. I (e) Channels.— If one of these is crossed at high speed, the car will come down suddenly, with all its weight, upon the tyres, which, esjie- cially if they are insufficiently inflated, will be severely pinched between the rims and the giound. And, besides this injury to the tyres, it is quite within the bounds of possibility that the shock will l)reak a spring. (/) Newly metalled roads.— When these cannot be avoided, the safest ways in which to travel over them are as follows :— If the metal is laid in sections, 5 or 6 yards in length, with the ordi- nary smooth surface of the road lying between, do not slacken speed, but, when each metalled section is reached, take out the clutch, Mithout applying the brake, and the momentum of the car will carry it over the section. Then put in the clutch again, gently, and, if the pace is too slow, change the speed. Upon roads which have been newly metalled for long distances, it is best to travel very slowly. In this way, the possible damage to tyres will be limited to small surface cuts, which can be repaired easily witli " Michel in Mastic " (see page 40), Care of covers and tubes. All spare covers carried on the car should be well protected Our patent leather canvas cases will shield them effectually from the weather, and from contact with oil and grease (Fig. 64). Fig. 64. Spare tubes should be carried in waterproof bags containing a liandful of chalk, and not in the cardboard bo.xes in which they are supplied. If the car is to rema.in out of use for some months, deflate the tyres, and support the car from the axles. When stored, covers should be kept in the dark, in a cool, dry place. Always remember that the same cotiditions ivhich rust iron will destroy Lay the covers flat, on dry boards, or hang them over a wooden rail. Never let them lie on the ground. Inner tubes may be partially inflated and put inside the cover.?, the whole-being covered with paper or canvas. 70 - THE NEW MICHELIN JACK SMALL MODEL (P |l LARGE MODEL Up to I ton. r ||||l up to 2 tons. Weight : |^ -|B Weight : si lbs. 1^ ||H 9i lbs. Ml Section of large model. With our JACK a child can lift the heaviest loads with one hand rapidly and without effort. IT CAN BE OBTAINED AT ALL OUR STOCKISTS. CYCLE AND MOTOR CYCLE TYRES. We manufacture Cycle and Motor Cycle as well as Motor Car Tyres. On account of the large variety of types and sizes we cannot give a full description here, but a postcard addressed to The MICHELIN TYRE CO., Ltd., 8 1, FULHAM ROAD, CHELSEA, LONDON, S.W., will bring, free of charge, by return of post: 1 The latest price list of covers, tubes, and accessories for Cycles and Motor Cycles. 2. An illustrated booklet containing much useful and interesting information on Michelin Cycle and Motor Cycle Tyres. We ask our customers who wish to be kept informed of a.il our latest improvements which may interest them, to fill up the form g^iven below. We shall be pleased to give free of charg^e all such information. PARTICDLARS OF AUTOMOBILE BELONGING TO M , residing at Make of Car Ti//"'nfBod>j Numbec(')( of Seats _( H.P. nf Motor No. of Cylinders ( Total weight Wei-ht of car (empty) ,, ^y^j^j^^ supported ( ^^^"^ f by each axle \^^^^^ ^^'eisht of car in touring /' ^, . , weiVlit trim, with baggage 1 ^''^^^ ^^^^i^t £. and accessories, all ) , *,.„„<. 5 seats occupied, and ] Weight supported » ; 5 witli water and petrol I by each axle 1 k„ , '■ ^ tanks full. \ '"•^^''^ Minimum speed i " o [Maximum ,, : rt- O a Back wheels REMARKS Date 191- SIGNATURE Q) Tip-itp seats included. ' How to weigh a Car," see page 30. NOTES. 1 ^ — """""1 ! ! I 1 ' 1 i 1 j .. __ 1 i - i i j 1 ! 1^^^^^^^^-^^-- - ■ - ■ ■- \ " " i i 1 ! N 1 OTES 5. 1 1 1 i _ . 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 — 75 — NOTES. N OTBf 5. i i i 1 ! i 1 1 1 t ... 1 i. . i 1 ! i ' PART II. EXCURSIONS. List of Excursions. ENGLAND. PAOTJ .. The Lake District 78 2. The Lakes and Cumbrian ^Mountains ■ . . . . 79 3. The Coast and Old Churches of Yorkshire 80 4. ITie Dales of Yorkshire 81 5. The Dales of Yorkshire (2nd Exc.) 82 <5. The Peak District 83 7. Snowdon and Xorth Carnarvonshire 84 8. The Norfolk Broads . - SQ 9. Chester, The Valley of the Dee, Bettws-y-coed, Llandudno, Rhyl 87 10. Shrewsbury, across Wales to the Coast and back 87 11. Aberystwith, the Wye Valley, Llandovery 88 12. Hereford, Leominster, Ludlow, Knighton, Kington 89 13. Hereford, Leominster, Rhayader, Builth, Hay 90 14. Gloucester, Hereford, and the Valley of the Wye ...... 91 15. Cambridge, Ely, St. Ives, Huntingdon, Bedford 92 1(5. Oxford, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick, Evesham, Banbiuy ... 93 17. London and Windsor 94 18. London, Oxford, Henley 96 19. London, Hindhead, Petersfield 96 20. Canterbury, Whitstable, Isle of Thanet, Dover, Ashford ... 98 21. The Brighton Road 100 22. Brighton, Tonbridge, Eastbourne 100 23. Salisbury, The New Forest, Bom-nemouth 102 24. The Heart of Wessex 103 25. Exeter, Minehead, Exmoor, Barnstaple 104 26. Launcestou, Okehampton, Bude, Tintagel, Tavistock ... . 105 27. South Devonshire and Dartmoor 106 28. Penzance, Land's End, The Lizard, Falsiouth 107 SCOTLAND. 29. Edinburgh, St. Mary's Loch, Selkirk, Galashiels 108 30. The Tweed Valley, Lauder, Duns 109 31. Dingwall, Ullapool, Gairloch 110 32. Inverness, Strome Ferry, Achnasheen, Strathpeffer, Dingwall . Ill 33. Loch Ness, Loch Lochy, and the Valley of the Spey 112 34. Elgin, Aviemore, the Spey Valley 113 35. The Valley of the Dee, the "Royal Route," Coupar Angus, Forfar, Brechin, Montrose, and the Coast 114 36. The I'ay, Loch Tay, Loch Earn, and the Earn 116 37. Gare Loch, Loch Long, Loch Fyne, Loch Awe, and Loch Lomond 116 IRELAND. 38. Coleraine, Ballymoney, Cushendall, the North-East Coast, and Giant's Causeway 118 39. The Inishowen Peninsula and IVEalin Head 118 40. Belfast, Larne, Cushendall, Ballymena, Antrim 119 41. Donegal, the Coast, Duugloe 120 42. Lough Gill, Lough Allen, and Lough Arrow 121 43. The Glens of Wicklow 122 44. Westport, Belmullet, Ballycastle 123 45. The Lakes of Galway and the West Coast 124 46. The Mountains and Southern Coast of Galway 125 47. Ennis, aroimd the Coast of Clare and back 126 48. The Promontory of Dingle 127 49. Cork, Bantry, Bandon 128 50. Cork, Kinsale, Skibbereen, Dunmanway 128 51. The Watei'ville Peninsula 129 ENGLAND. 1. The Lake District.— 121 m. Windermere— Keswick (via Patterdale) 29 m. — h- i' v- sin ; cross over Trout Beck 8 -f 3i ; v. stp. asc, rough surface to -J Ju^* before Travellers' Rest Inn 6, at summit of Kirkstone Pass (1,476 ft.), thence stp. desc. with magn. views, level after- wards to Patterdale 11, slsirt Ullswater on right, wooded slopes on lef t, Gowbarrow Park Gates *\ 14, (visit beautiful Aira Force 1 in. r.), stp. rough asc. for 2 m. to Dockwray 16| (magn. view loolung back), Matterdale End ■f- 17^, asc. and desc. to Troutbeck Stn. 195^, just beyond Stn. ♦p (r. to Penrith), desc, ^ 21, easy asc. and desc. to Threlkeld 4 24^, -f 26, level, then stp. asc. and long desc. to Keswick 29. —Keswick— Cocl(ermoutli (via Buttermere) 24 m.— At s. end of town take centre rd. at fork. (Ch. on 1.). \\ooded country on 1., Derwent Water on r. Lodore _^^S Bassenthwaite -"^^ Lake ZowlorionTj^"-^ F ThrelM^ ^^^^^ouiie^Stn. ^ \J^^^^ laikrdaUEnctyf M Domentwaier Ml \ ^o^T'«y\Rir(iFomM X Grange^ ft W^^ Crummock ^1 Water m^ Buttermere ^^utiermere \ Ambd^^Jhirfmere ^J'atterda.k Lake Thellau3^^'y%aj^(jlla, \j \ ) ^^omhdaryStonc'X Grasmere Laki^^f^^r ^^ ^Sfe^AMBLESIDE ConistortcJ^ X ^^SjoWindermere mom/jess TorverSin/ B^ ^ffj ^l S^ .^ffir fi *f m/^recd^ 11 lowick^u _ ,, y Sr.\ ^W^^ ^tpj/lr^aoerthvaite Hotel 3i (Lodore Falls on 1.). Grange f- and follow R. Derwent along level rd. through pict. Borrowdale. Just afterwaids 4-. and further on cross a tributary, then the R. Derwent to SeatoUer 7*. Rd. now leaves R. Derwent. V. stiff asc. to The Hause (summit of Honister Pass 1,190 ft.) 9. V. stp. desc. and bad rd. to GatesgaHh Hi. Rd. skirts Buttermere Lake to Buttermere j- 18^ (Scale Force 1 m. on foot, to 1.). V. pict. along Cnunmock Water (on 1.) ; mountains on r., valley narrows, -y* l^i and shortly afterwards take l.-hand rd. at fork. Low Lorton 20. ♦p 20i, 4" ^l^- Wide und. rd. to Cockermouth 24. {The reverse route, Cockei-nioiith— Keswick, is MH^ac«ica6;e.)—Cockermoutli— Keswick 13 m.— Asc. then stp. desc. to Riy. stn. followed by stp. asc. Embleton 3*. 4 4^, 4 ^^ ^^^ ''•"ng Bassenthwaite Lake ; V. pict., rly. on 1., wooded hills on r. Thornthwaite 9^, str. level iil. *{ 11, and just beyond cross Bralthwaite Br. Portinscale 12, Kieswick 13.— KeSWICk— Aml)lesi«le — 79 - 18 m. — Stp. Bin. asc, stp. desc, \*- 4, Armboth 6, -|» 9i aac. to boundary stone between Cumberland and AVestniorlaud at lOf , long desc, 'f- 14 (r. for Grasniere), Words- worth's Cottage f- Hi, skirt Grasmere Lake (pict.) and Rydal Water on the right, \- 17, Ambleside 18.— Ambleside— Ambleside (circular via Coniston) 37 m.— ^ i, Clapperagate *{ 1, asc, j* 2^, Bamgates Inn 4- «^ (toe views o( the mountains), desc., -f 5i, Conistoil 7, Torver 8tn. *\ 9^, fine views of Coniston Water on desc. to Water Yeat -f 13, Lowick Br. 14^ (turn 1. over br., then sliarp r.). Lane Head 4- 16|, South •+► 184, Havertiiwaite 4- 20, then follow Exc 2 to Bowness (VVindermere 1 m. to r.) ♦j 30^, skirt Lake Windermere, v. pict., -4" 32^, Tront- beek Br. ^ 32-^, magn. views of Lake Windermere on 1., Waterhead Hotel -^ Soi- Ambleside 36i. 2. The Lakes and Cumbrian Mountains.— 121 m. Ambleside— Keswick 17 m.— 4 l. skirt Kydal water and the picturesque Grasmere Lake, on 1.,' Wordsworth's Cottage 4 '^i ^'- ^^^ Grasmere), 4 4, long asc. to boundary stone between Westmorland and Cumberland at T'i, desc, ■*i 8i, V. pict. along banks of Thirlmere, *j- 13, stp. aac, then stp. sin. desc. to - 80 - Keswick 17.— Keswick— Cockermoulh 13 m.— Portinscaie l, just beyond Braithwaite Br. 2 \*-, str. level rd., pict. along Bassentliwaite Lake, rlj-. on r., wooded bills on 1., Thomthwaite 3|, "^ 8, t^ 8i, Embleton 9^, stp. deac. to Ely. Stn., asc. and deac. to Cockeimouth 13.— CockermOUth— Ulvorston 68 m.— Leave by station St., stp. asc., -^ 2, 4- 2i, Beehive Inn S, desc, -|- 4, Mockerkin Tarn on 1., und. to Lamplugh Cross Inn 8, 4 8i, ^ 8.{, Rowrah 10, \- lOi, Frizington 11^, keep 1. in village, Watli -f- 13, Oleator 14, *i 14i, Egremont 17 (flat rd. gd. surface) ; 4 17i, f 19, 4 20, Calder Br. 20| (Calder Abb. Rn% 1 m. to 1.), desc., Gosforth 23^, Holnibrook *f- 25 J, Muncaster Stn. 27i, ^r 28 (Muncaster Cas. on r.), > 29i, und., *y 32i, 4- 34i, 4- 35, Bootle 36i, und. rd., Whitbeck 39i, Whicham 40i, stp. asc. and desc. to Millom 44, sharp asc. The Hill 4- 46, long desc.. The Green 4- 47i, v. hilly, Duddon Br., -j* 51, asc. then stp. desc, Broughton 'l^ 52i, stp. asc. and desc, 4^ 53i, Bank End 4 54i, Chapels -J* 55^^, 4- 56|, Soutergate -tp 57, views of the sea all along rd., asc, Ireleth 4- 59i, 4 ^1) desc, Dalton 63 (Furness Abb. • 2 m. 8.), asc, f 63^, Lindal 4. 65, desc, Ulverston 68.— UlvetSton— Ambleside 23 m.— Pass through Ulverston by Soutergate, King St., Queen St., and Princess St., 4- 1^, 4 2+, Greenodd ^ 4, Haverthwaite 4- 6i, ^*• 8i, Newby Br. \* 9, t- lOi, fine scenery along Lake Windermere, hilly rd., Belfield 4- 16S, BowneSS 17» Windermere 18, 4- 18i-, Troutbeck Br. f 191^, magnificent views of Lake Winder- mere to 1., Waterhead Hotel 4 22, Ambleside 23. 3. The Coast and Old Churches of Yorkshire.— 178 m. 1st Day— 79 m.— York— Thirsk 23 m.— Leave by High Petergate and Bootham (see plan, p. 591, E. VII). Pass out of the town by the picturesque Bootham Bar, and straiglit ou through the suburb of Clifton -i, lair maoadam. Mother ShipfonV ( Trr; — 'g --^ w - ^ _ - =" U% innrf^oiinlffpaceMor^ ^w..^ 1 lastin^hmt/ \orn^n,le3Qk^^ ^ K 9» t^^n straight rd. turning left into Easingwold 4^ 13, stiff rise to Thormanby 17, sharp desc, then und., 4- 18i, 4- 21, Thirsk23.— ThlfSk — Saltburn 35 m.— Do not enter town, but keep straight on over cross rd-s. to South. - 81 - Kilvington t^ li, level rd., Knayton (on r.) -f. 4, Jeator Houaes -f 9, Clack Lane Ends ^ lOi, ^ Hi (private rd. to Mount Grace Priory ir if i m., beautiful ruins ; Liidy Chapel, wonderful view *), Tontine Inn \*- 12. Ilat rd. to Stokesley ; Ingleby Cross -f- 13, Swainby *c 15 (Whorlton Cas. on r. 4 ni.), two stp. desc. to ford over jmaU brook 17i, second ford 17i, Hutton Rudby 4 18i, h 18|, Stokesley -j* 21. Pass over bridge, and turn 1. immediately afterwards, ♦{ 22, gently imd. to Great Ayton 24 (cross br., turn sharp r., and at end of village sharp 1.), long gentle asc. to VVhinston Dyke, easy desc, -f 27}, GuisborOUgh 29 (prettily situated). Hilly but pretty rd. to Saltburn ; *\ 31, Upleatham 32 (smallest church used for services in England on 1.), Saltburn 35.— Saltburn— Whitby 21 m.— stp. asc. to Brotton *f 2y stp. desc, view of Boulby Cliff in front, stp. asc. to Loftus 5 where bear left, Easing- ton 'f- 7, two miles further on dip down into lovely little wooded valley, stp. asc. Bed Ho. Inn 4 9i (1- to Staithes 1 ra. on foot, v. pict. fishing village), Hinderwell -f lOi (beautiful Runswick Bay 1 m. to 1.), uphill through Ellerby •^ 12i, ^r^^H, Lythe "f- 16 (view of Whitby and clifls in the distance). To the r. are the trees of Mulgrave Park, hiding Mulgrave Cas., dang. stp. desc. to Sandsend 17i, v. sin. rd., private (toll-gate: cars 1/-, motor-cycles 1^.), Whitby 21 (enter by Upgang Lane, St. Hilda's Terrace, and Flowergate (see plan, p. 569, E. IV). 2nd Day— 99 m.— Whitby— Scarborough 2t m.— Leave by wwtby Br., church St., Spital Br., and Scarborough Rd. (see plan, p. 569, E. I). Good surface, uphill to. Stainsacre Ch. ^ 2'i, High Hawsker ^ 3i (stp. desc. to pict. Robin Hood's Bay, 2|- m. , on 1.), graduil climb up to the Moors ; und. rd. over the heather-covered moorland, through ferny dells and over stony becks, with glimpses of the sea at intervals. Flask Inn 8, downhill to Clougliton -|* 15 ; desc. between walls of fir trees, Burniston \- 16, view of Scarborough, Scarborough 21 (enter by the North Marine Rd., Castle Rd., and Aberdeen Walk ; see plan, p. 495, E. I).— Scarborough —Helmsley 40 m,— Leave by Westborough and Falsgrave Rd. (see plan, p. 495, E. III). Palsgrave ^* 1, Scalby ■*{- 2}, downhill through glades and woods, \- 3, Hackness 3^ (Church), pretty rJ., pass into the beautiful Forge Valley under an archway of trees at 51, East Ayton T* 7i (Ayton Cas. Rns.). Steeply und. rd., excellent surface to Pickering ; Bromptoik -j- lOi (historic church on 1.), |* 12^, skirt villages of EbVerston and AUerston on 1., 4 15i, Thomton-le-Dale 4- 18 (pretty village), Pickering 20^. Pass through Pickering by Birdgate, Market PI., and West End, then over level- crossing and river br., Wrelton ^ 231 (leave main rd.), sin. rd., indifferent surface to Cropton *\ 25f, views over the moors in front, v. sin. rd., *\ 26i, ^ 27, desc. to Lastingham +|- 28^ (Well of St. Cedd ; picturesque village). Uphill out of Lastingham, stone cross on r., pretty view looking back, -f- 32 (join main rd.), Kirby Moorside f- 34i, ^ 35^^ (1 m. to r. Kirkdale, Hodge Beck, and Minster St. Gregory, beautiful spot), ♦r 37, Helmsley 40 (visit Rievaulx Abb. • • 3 m. W., and Byland Ch. 2i m. further on). — Helmsley — York 38 m. — cross the Rye ; at upper entrance of Duncombe Park is the Nelson Memorial Gate, pretty, pastoral, hilly rd. to Oswaldkirk ^ 3i (Saxon and Norman Ch.), 4=^ at entrance to Gilling 4- 5 (v. pretty village ; Fairfax Cas. on r. special permission), perfect surface, uphill on to Grimston Moor, -f* 8i, Bransby 4 9|, Stillington *{- 13, poor cross-country lane, Marton-on-the-Forest Ch. (on 1.) 14^, distant view of York Minster just before entering Sheriff Hutton 4^ 17i (Castle on r.), \* 19|,. *| 201, Foston Ch. 22i, [♦ 24i, desc. into wooded Derwent valley, cross river. Kirk- ham Priory * 25i ; return to fork tj- 26i, t- 26^^, Barton Hill Stn. 44: 27^, Hazel Bush 4- 32:^, 44: 33i, fine views of York all the way from Barton Stn., York 38 (enter by Malton Rd., Heworth Green, Monk Br., Monkgate, Goodramgate, and Deangate (see plan, p. 591, E. II). 4. The Dales of Yorkshire.— 99 m. Barnard Castle— Sedbergh 43 m.— Leave by Market pi. and Calgate ; at the Workhouse turti 1. over 44= close to stn. t- li, pict. rd. (R. Tees on 1.), ^ 2i, -f- 6, turn r. into Eggleston 6.1, hilly to Middleton-in-Teesdale 10 (this rd. in Tees Dale should be followed as far as High Force Waterfall 6 m. further N.W. , wild and beautiful scenery) ; turn r. on leaving Middleton, cross river and from stn. follow rly. on r. to -f* Hi where rd. enters Lune Dale (river on I.), stp. sin. asc. to Wemmergill Hall 15i; keep straight along the liilly rd. to Brough (mountain views on r. and 1.) ■i) 24i. Cross br. over Augill Beck, 4 24}, br. over R. Belah 25|, second br. and ■ immediately afterwards 4 26i, Winton Village (on 1.) 27|. Pass over Eden br. • before reaching Kirkby Stephen 29. Keep r. at exit from town to stn. 30, f 31, rough and stony, stp. gradients; Rawthey Br. 37i, rd. then follows R. Rawthey (river onr.) (hills on either side), 4 42^, Sedbergh 43.— Sedbergh— Barnard Castle B6m.— Return to fork 4 i, cross R. Rawthey, stp. sin. asc. for 3 m., then easy desc. over R. Clough 3i, pretty scenery in Garsdale. und. rd., cross the Clough at Garsdale Ch. 6i ; steadily rising rd. passing Hawes Junction Rly. Stn. on r. 9^, stp. and stony desc. to Moorcock Inn 4 lOi ; rd. now follows the Ure Valley, Thwaite Br. 12, \- 14^ ; stp. rise and desc. to Hardraw 15 ; *\ 15|, here begins the Buttertub-* I'luss, rougli and narrow rd., stony surface, stp. gradients at times, wild and beautiful icenery, magn. cliasm , on 1. the Buttertubs deep rocky cavities ; v. rapid and stony desc. to T* 21, where the hills of Swaledale are blocking the defile (take no notice oUhe- — 82 — board "No Road"), beautiful scenery by tlie Swalej *\ just betore creasing river i \n: before reaching Gunuerside t* 25, poor and. rd., ^ juat before Low Row 27t, Healaugh ^ 29i, stp. desc. into Reeth 4 31. Cross Arlde Beclc at exit from town, ■\* 31i^ cross R. Swale into Urinton *{ 31|, lovely views of the woods along the Swale, Mafrick Priory (Norman Tower ^ m. on 1.) 33^, rd. passes Ellerton Abbey Rns. on 1. :i,ii, %- 34|, t^ 36i, easy uud. to Swale Br. 39i ; lovely view of Ricliniond with its t'astle tower, Richmond 41i. Leave by King St., Queen's Rd. and Pottergate ine valley of the Nidd, river on 1., \- 5, und. straight to Nidd Br. Stn; -^ 6^, -T*7f, Ripley 4 8, view of the Castle on 1. ; leaving the valley, the rd. follows rly. sharp ISC. at Wormald Green -j^ llf , ♦^- 12, -J^ 13 ; easy, v. pretty approaching Ripon, line view of town, Ripon 16 (enter by Borrage Br., Low Skelgate» Skelgate; see plan, p. 477, E. III). (Lovely run to Fountain's Abbey • • S.W. 3 m. through tlie village of Studley. Royal. A walk should be taken through Studley Park : Temple of Fame; Surprise View). Leave Ripon by North St., and Palace Rd. (see plan, p. 477, E. V). The rd. runs through the Ure vall^ (river on r.), level to br. into W. Tanlield village (charming view) ♦^ ISJ, beyond the scenery becomes more beautiful, long asc. followed by und. rd., \- 20, Masham Stn.,*r 21+; cross br. over river to Masham - lOf (water- fall on 1.), 4- 12 (on r. Wardlow Hay Cop, 1,0(X) ft.), und. to Bdgestone Head 4 134^, magn. view of Monsal Dale ; stp. asc. and desc. to Ashford -4 14i J» rd. follows r. bank of the Wye to Bakewell 16|. From Jlarket PI., keep straight on, river and rly. on 1., Haddon Hall -if if across river on 1. bank (beautiful historic pile; admission -/6 ; -/3 each to parties; not open on Simdays) 18f ; 4 l^j immediately afterwards cross br. over Wye, then over Derwent at entrance to Rowsley *y 20i ; v. pretty tlirough the Derwent valley ; Beeley 4 22+ to South Lodge of Chatsworth Park -4- 2<5 (keep straight on for Chatsworth House • * at li m. from Lodge), cross river inmie- diately afterwards, ascend Park Rd. to the top (good view of Chatsworth Ho. on r.) ; - 84 - stp. desc, *y 24, and skirt the beautiful vUlage of Edensor, -f 24^, keep straight on along river, turn sharp r. across br. into Baslow ♦j 26 ; splendid rd. still following the Derwent valley ; ^ 27i, immediately afterwards cross river into Calver -^ 28, ^ 28i (Froggat Edge 1 m. on r., grand view; Stone Circle 1 m. further north), uud. rd. to 4 29i ; stp. desc. to Grindleford Br. -f 30i. Cross river, stp. climb through Padley Woods to Fox House Inn -4- 32^; desc. to Burbage Br. 33 (Toadsniouth Eock on r.), inagn. views : Booths Edge on r.. The Surprise 1,050 ft. on 1., v. stp. desc. to Hather- sage 35i.—Hathersage— Buxton (via Castleton) t9 m.— Take castieton Rd. on 1. under the rly., follow rly. and river, ^ If, -^ Si, rd. then follows the valley of the Hope, Hope 4- 4, Castleton j|i 6 ; v. sin. with asc. to Mam Tor (1,709 ft.) 7^, magn. view of the vale ; \* 8, rd. runs over Rushup Edge, fine scenery, desc. into Chapel-en-le-Frith *\- (abrupt turning) 18, y* 14^, rly. on r.. Dove Holes -f- 15^, Chapelen-lefri 4 16|, Fairfield 18, long stp. desc. to Buxton 19 (enter by Fairfield Rd., Spring Gardens, Terrace Rd. ; see plan, p. 212, E. I).— Hathersage— BuxtOn (via GIOSSOP) 34 m. (alternative route). — Proceed along Castleton Rd. to If, where turn r. and cross rly. br. at Bamford Stn., gentle asc. to and through Bamford •♦f- 2|-, rd. follows river Derwent on r. (Bamford Edge on r., Win Hill on 1.), \- 4^, gd. downhill rd. to Ashopton ■*\- bi, then through Ashop Dale and Woodland Dale, beautiful scenery, Alport Br. 9i, rough stp. asc. to Snake Inn lli^, wild liills of The Peak on 1., Alport Moor on r., v. stp. and rough asc. to summit of Featherbed Moss (1,680 ft.) 14i, grand scenery, dang. sin. desc. to GlosSOp 18^. Turn 1. at cross roads in centre of town, downhill to Charleston ; rough and stp. asc. to 4 20i, stp. desc, then easily falling but rough rd. straight to Hayfield 4- 23 (Kinderscout Do\viifall may be reached on foot 3^ m. N.E.), long steady climb to Chindley Head 24f ; mountain views on r. and 1., bad sandy surface, desc. to rly. br. \- 26, sharp desc. to Milton Inn 264, asc. to Chapel-en-le-Frith 27^. Retma to Buxton 33^ (see preceding route). 7. Snowdon and North CarnarYonshire.— 118 m. Bettws-y-Coed— Bangor (via Conway) 29 m— Proceed w. towards Capel Oirig to end of village and tuni r. over river ; und. rd. parallel to rly. and R. Conway on r., woods on 1., %■ 3^ (Llanwrst on r.) (Gwydir Castle stands on the r.), then level run with vei-y lovely scenery to Trefriew 4- -^j straight down the valley to Dolgarog Falls (on 1.) 7i, T^n-y-Groes 4- lOf ; hilly, stp. gradients to Conway (impressive view of the old town walls) +1- 14J ; und. following rly. (Conway Bay on r., mountain views on 1. all the way to Bangor) ; Penmaenmawr 19, Llanfairfechan ^ 21f , Aber -f 24 ; br. over rly. 27, br. over river before Llandegai -f* 27i, Bangor 29 (entei- by High St. ; see plan, p. 159, E. I).— Bangor— Bettws-y-Coed (via Capel Curig) 20 m. — Return to Llandegai 4 2 ; rd. follows tlie Afon Ogwen; 4- ^h *sc. to the slate town, Betliesda 5, keep straight aiong r. bank of ri\er, passing on the r. the ugly excrescence of the Penrhyn slate quarries 6i ; uphill rd. entering tlie Pass of Kant-Ffrancon ; mountains, mass of grey boulders, scars and landslips on either side ; cross over br. at Pen-y-Benglog 9^-, wliere sudden turning round Llyn Ogwen (lake) ; still uphill, scene of splendid desolation ; at summit 11^, views of the great sides of Tryfaen and tlie Glydyra on the r., beyond the lake Alia Wen rises steeply : atraight along Afon Llugwy to Capel Curig (♦ 14f (the finest view of Snowdon iy obtained from here) ; stp. desc. with two abrupt bends to Cyfing Falls 15^ (Moel Siabod towers up on the r.) ; delightful scenery along river, -|* 17i, Swallow Falls 18 (the slippery path across the pine needles should be followed) ; rd. then descends through a thick wood to Bettws-y-Coed 20.— Bettws-y-Coed— Carnarvon 23 m.— Return to Capel Curig *j- 5, br. over the Llugwy, rd. passes Lake Mymbyr on 1. and follows R. Nant-y-Gwrhyd to Pen-y-Grwyd ^*- 9 (Cwmdyli Falls), beautiful rd. through the Pass of Llanberis, views of Snowdon and the precipices on 1., v. stp. desc. to Nant Peris I'Si ', at the foot of the Pass, Llyn Peris on ther., wild scenery (Dolbardarn Cas. at northern end of lake), Llanbevis 16 ; sin. and und. rd. skirtmg Llyn Padam and rly. to Penybont •H 17^, 4-19, short sharp dip to Pont-Rug Stn. 4 20^, Carnarvon 23 (enter by Llanberis Rd. and Pool St.; see plan, p. 222, E. 11).— Carnarvon— restiniog 'aervtwrog PortmadOC (via Beddgelert) 21 m.— Leave by Pool St. and Tithebam St. (see plan, p. 222, B. Ill), 4- 1^, Waen-fawr 4 ^1) cross br. over Afon Gwyfrai. Rett ws-Garn ion 5i, easily und. to Llyn Cwellyn 7 which rd. skirts on 1., Snowdon Ranger Hotel 8, splendid views of Snowdon precipices, Rhyddu \- 9i, downhill to Beddgelert ^♦ 13, rd. falls gradually through the lovely and imposing Pass of Aberglaslyn (narrow ravine holding only the river and the rd. between its cliffs), Pont Aberglaslyn 4 l^^i 'i**-'* *^® wide level meadowland of the Traetli Mawr, Tremadoc *\ 20, 44= before entering PortmadOC 21.— Portmadoc— Bettws-y-Coed (via Festiniog) 25 m.— Leave by Higli St. and cross river to causeway, following rly. to Minflord 2, Penihyndeudraeth 3, through the vale of Festiniog (river on r.), Tan-y-Bwlch Hotel 4 ^ii cross river at entrance to Maentwrog *\ 7 ; v. pretty along river, 4 Si» '^- sharp turning i m. before reaching Festiniog 10 ; keep straight on along rly., v. stp.asc. to Manod Stn. 4 12, view of Manod Mawr on r., easy to Blaenau Festiniog 13 ; bear r. by Commer- cial Hotel, I'd. now ascends by a long rough and v. stp. hill to top of Garddinan Pass, wild scenery, then v. stp. rough and sin. desc. to br. over rly. and over Afon Uedr 1/i, Dolwyddelan 18^, mountain views : follow R. Lledr to ^ 23^ over river, turn 1. over Waterloo Br. \ m. further on and enter Bettws-y-Coed 25. 8. The Norfolk Broads.— 69 m. Norwich— Great Yarmouth (via Stalham) 32 m.— Leave by London St., Queen St., and Erplngham tiate; New Catton |+ Ij, easy slopes to Sprowston -^ 3, ■f- 5, Backenheath 4- ^i ; v. pretty id., glimpses of Salhouse and Hovetou Broads on r., views of the Bure; 'f- 7, rly. on 1., Wl'OXham 7i (Wroxham Broad E. J ui., uoay be reached on loot or by water) ; gentle desc. t« br. over the Bure; immediately beyond -^ 8 (on 1. Belaugh 1 m., Coltishall 2^ m., beautiful spots on river; v. pretty rd. on r. to Horning Ferry 3^ m.) ; -^ i), t" ^1 ! rd. then skirts W. side of Beeston Park; Beeston St. Lawrence 11, ^^ i m. further on; straight on to br. over R. Ant 13i (Barton Broad 2 m. down river); rtrf- before entering Stalliam -^ 15, -j* 15^ ; keep r. along rly. to Catfield Stn. (on 1.) 44= 17, Catfield 4 17f (Hickling Broad 2 m. on 1., also Heigham Sound and Horsey Mere further east; v. pretty) ; level rd. parallel to rly. (on 1.), ^ 20, Potter Heigham Inn -f 20^ ; cross B. Thume -tiiiight on to 4- 22i. Bolleeby -f- 23^. Rd. then passes Ormesby Broad on 1. and Kollesby Broad on r., Gfreat Ormesby f- 26i; ly. und. to Caister ^ 29i ; rly. on 1., ^^ > Jeesian^ ]/ A Braad^ ^^/vriy-^jw^ X S^IcaurmcA' E ' A_Jbv _^y^\ Colb-MT /- ^Sy^^'^^^A MmMc^Z^ . c ^isLEotwJIeigluun/ \ Wroxham JL^^^ fe ^aRrri/^^^^j OrmeshjBrdsp / ^ pv^ VnUL^f^^ Gtl hn&sdv «s ^ l^tt^^ TL \„^ Ykewf/iftfin/ ^^feWORWICH ^\jRmr Bur^ / X Great -^ lYarmouth 1_ \\ FromJin^ham/Iigo^S^^^ . s ^rare/J LCMeiston^Stn/. ThlWtOTU>>S "^^ "^du^e A V. lot ■s^^ '''^V JL \ mieslTUO W^-^ &iK \ Stooktojvl^^^\^ ^^J toft^N £illu "^^bthmg ^Carkon^&lmU&Siiu. ^^^^^^^-^&.e il^ 44= at entrance to Great Yarmouth 32i (enter by Caister Rd., Northgate St., €hmch Plain, Market PL, King St., Regent St.; .^ee plan, p. 313, E. I).— Great Yarmouth— Norwich (via Lowestoft) 37 m.— Leave by HallQuay, Haven Br., and Southtown Rd. (see plan, p. 313, E. II). *\ 14 ; cross br. over rly. at Gorlestoii- ou-8ea Stn. 3; und. rd., rly. on 1., desc. to Hopton \- 5 (Frittou Lake 2 m. on i., pict.) ; *\ 6| (Blunderston 1 m. on r., v. pretty) ; %■ 7i, und. rd. to Lowestoft lOi. Turn r. iu town along St. Peter's St., Oulton Broad Stn. \- 12i, cross rly. br., Mutford Bridge ^ m. further on (Oulton Broad on p., Lake Lothing on 1.) ; Carlton Colville Stn. 4 l^f, v. pretty views across the Waveney, und. all the way to North Covel7i, 41' ^* entrance to Beccles 20 i, v. pict. Leave town by New Maiket PI., Saltgate St., and 44=! immediately beyond turn 1. and cross R. Waveney, Gilling- ham *\ 21^, Stockton Inn 4- 23i ; xmd. rd. chiefly asc, poor surface, 4 24| ; after paaslng Hales Inn 26, *y, stp. desc. with abrupt bend to br. across stream, and short asc. to Loddon 4* 27+. Descend Main St. to Chedgrave *j 27i, short stp. desc. to Thurton -f^ Z^k and immediately afterwards turn 1., Hillington Comer 4^ 31f , 4^ 33;J, Framingham Pigot Inn 4 34f ; desc. to 4 -^^ij Trowse 4- '■^^% \ cross over R. Yare and rly. br. before reaching Norwich 37i (enter by Bracondale, Ber St., Timber Hill, Orford Hill, White Lion St., and The Waik.; see plan, p. 441, E. III). 87 9. Chester, The Yalley of the Dee, Bettws-y- Coed, Llandudno, Rhyl. — 122 m. Chester— Llangollen 22 m. — Leave by Bridge at. and Grosvenor Ed. (see plan, p. 229, E. V). 4- i, Pulford 4 5, Rossett t- 6, 4- (Gresford on r.) 8, splendid surface, 1/17 asc. at 10 m., Wrexham 11. Pass through town by Chester Rd., Chester St., High St., Bridge St., Pen-y-bryn, and Ruabon Rd. (see plan, p. 588, E. I did III), fair rd. with tramlines at side to Ruabon, %■ 13, Johnstown Inn 4 ^^' Kuabon 4- 16, 4:4= 18, 44 18i, Trevor Stn. 4 19i, two steep falls of 1/W gradient just beyond Trevor witli 44 ** bottom of each, gd. surface to Llangollen l-l. — Llangollen— BettwS-y-Coed 32 m. — Tum l. over the Dee at Llangollen Stn., Ulyn-Dyfi-dwy 5, Carog Stn. 6, hilly rd., gd. surface. Conven 10, Tyn-y-Cefn t" H- Druid 4 13. Cerrig-y-Druidion 20, be-ar 1. in village, splendid rd. with beautiful scenery, Peutre-Voeias 4- 25, Bettws-y-Coed 32 — Bettws-y-Coed— Llandudno 19 m.— Turn r. on leaving Bettws-y-Coed and follow rly. and R. Conway. ^ Si Tyim ynygroes^ I Trefruv Uanrwst Dyserth ^uddla'n 'lint Connah's Quay Qweensfirry'SU ^ettws-y^oed 'Foelas )^ CerH^y-Sruuiion. Cres/bi :hester rd „ „ ,^ -J5hnstowTi Ilk (Llanrwst on r.), Trefriw 4 5, Tal-y-bont 4 9, Tyjo-y-groes 4 11, Inn 4 13. the rd. is gd., but there are numerous short, stp. and dang, hills (the road on the east side of the river is often preferred), Conway 15, cross Conway Suspension Br. (Toll : motors 6(1. and 1/-, motor -cycles 6d.), dpp *\ 15^, Tywyn ^ 16, Llandudno 19 (enter by Llanrhos Rd. and Vaughan St. ; see plan, p. 385, E. II). — LlandudnO^- Chester (via Rhyl) 49 m.— Leave by Vaughan St. and The Parade (see plan, p. 385, E. 1). 4 4, V. hUly rd., dang. 1/10 gradients, Colwyn Bay 5, Colwyn ^ 6, Llandulas f 9, Abergele *\- 11, gd. rd., Pensam Hi, Tywyn t- 14, 4^ 15, Rhyl 16, Ehuddlan 19, Dyserth 4 21, und. rd., Prestatyn 23, Gronant ^ 25, the surface is loose in places, Mostyn f- 29, Greenfield t- 32, Bagillt j- 35, 44= Just before Flint t- 37, fair rd., Connah's Quay 41, Queensferry Stn. *{- 43 (Toll hr. : Motors a«d motor-cycles, 3d. per wheel). 4 44, 4 45, only fair surface, easy* gradients, Chester 49 (eater by Sealand Rd., New Crane St., and Watergate St.; see plan, p. 229, E. VH). 10. Shrewsbury, across Wales to the Coast, and back.— 144 m. Shrewsbury— Llangollen 30 m.— Leave Shrewsbury by High St., Mardol, Welsh Br., and FranJiwell (see plan, p. 504, E. VIIT), ^ If, cross Mountford Br. 4- 4^, pretty; 4 81, gd. und. rd., -f 10, 4- 11> W. Felton 4" 13 ; short stp. desc. to canal at Queen's Head 14, where tum 1. leaving two rds. on r., gd. und. to the pretty old to^vn of Oswestry 17i, entering by Salop Rd., Leg St., and Cross St. (see plan, p. 448, E. VI). Leave by Cross St., Leg St., Beatrice St., and Gobowen Rd. (see plan, p. 448, E. I), \- 18i, rly. on r., 7\-\-. just before entering Go- •bowen ^ 21, 4- 22$, short desc. and stp. asc. to Chirk 4 24, v. prettily situated in the Ceirlog Valley (old Castle E. 1^ m.), cross over rly. at Llangollen Rd. Stn. 25^, f- 25i, Fron ^ 26| ; rd. then follows the delightful valley of the Dee (river on r.), gd. ly. und., more and more pict. as it approaches Llangollen 30 (Castell Dinas Bran N. 1 m. ; splendid view from summit).— Llangollen— Bala 24 m.— Rd. still follows the lovely valley of the Dee, fine scenery throughout, the Berwyn Mts. on 1., Berwyn Stn. 1|, stp. an(} rough asc. beyond ; und. to Glyn-Dyfidwy 5^, id. passes aiendwr Mound on 1. after Carog 6^^, Corwen 10 ; just before rly. br. t- lOi^, rd. following the Dee through the beautiful vale of Edeymion and skirting the Berwyn Mts., stp. hills, rather poor surface ; Cynwyd f- 12i (waterfall on 1.); Llan- ■ hillo 4 15^^, sin. ; at Llanderfel Stn. -j* 19 ; cross br. over R. Dee ; Immediately a.fterwards *j- 19i, ♦r- 22, ly. und. to Bala 23^ (view of Aran Mawddwy peak across Bala Lake).— Bala— Machynlleth 34 m.— Keep straight througli town to N.E. end of Bala Lake, v. gd. v. pretty rd. along the lake, woods on r., glimpses of the moun- tains, Caer Gai 4 (} m. on r.), cross, br. over the Lilw, Llannchllyn ^ 5, wild country, rd. becomes bad for 3 m. ; Drws-y-Nant Stn. (on 1.) 10, then follows the valley of the Wnion ; Bontnewydd Stn. (on 1.) 4 14 ; views of Cader Idris on the desc. to Dolgelly Stn. *i 17 1^, cross rly. br. and river, Dolgelly ♦y- I7j, beautiful scenery ; proceed E. along Upper Smithfleld, asc. to Cross Foxes 4- 20|, fine views, Cader Idris on r., V. stp. rough asc. followed by rapid desc. to Minftordd *\ 25, pint, view of Tal-y- Llyn on r. ; asc. followed by an und. rd. to Upper Corris 27, slate quarries on 1. and r. ; desc. to Corris -^ 28i ; v. pretty rd. sin. and und. following river and rly. ; Ffridd Gate Stn. -|* 32^, Pen-y-bont ♦^ 33i ; cross br. over R. Dovey immediately afterwards ; asc. to Machynlleth 34 —Machynlleth— Welshpool 37 m — xum i. in town and proceed eastwards to Penegoes ^ If, ^ 3i, rly. onl., 4 before reaching Cemmaes Rd. Stn. (on 1.) 5f , immediately beyond *{ , bridge over rly. then over rivet; v. pretty rd. in the Dovey Valley (river on 1.), und. to Mallwyd -\* 11^ ; hilly rd. with a few sharp aac. and desc, 4 Ju^t before Pen-y-bont 22; cross R. Barwy at Llanerfyl -^ Bala ulangollen Brws-y-M 'CrossFazes, Bd.Stn/ ^^ Vaames ! wrris 6hynl, enegoes JbouL Stn, Uanwir Caereinion Oswestry Trt '^Buliinyio^ reIshribol>^# 23i, t- 27, Newadd Br. 27i, ^ imraeliately beyond, level to LlanfaU' ('aereinioil ■*X- 29, river and rly. on r. ; Heniarth Gate -,♦ 30^ ; -^ 32, f 33i, desc. to Welsh- pool 37.— Welshpool— Shrewsbury 19 m.— Leave by church St., I* U, cross R. Severn and r\r\-. before reaching Buttiugton If (views of Long Mount, on r.) ; sharp turn and V. stp. asc. after Trewem 4f ; Ay. on p. ; Halfway Ho. 4- 8|, keep straight on to 4 13i, Ford 4- 18|, V. gd. und. rd. 4 17, Shrewsbury 19 (enter by Frankwell , Welsh Br., Mardol, High St. ; see plan, p. 504, B. VIIT). 11. Aberystwith, the Wye Yalley, Llandovery. — 123 m. Aberystwith— Builth 50 m.— Leave by Great Darkgate St., Bridge St. ajnd Trefechan (see plan, p. 13;>, E. III). After passing under rly. keep 1. to Picca- -iilly 4- 1, Capel Sion 4; stp. rd. overlooking the Rheiddol Valley, river on 1., view of the hills across the VaUey. The Devil's Br. |- 12, Mynach and Rheiddol I'^lls on 1. ; 4 14i, rough surface, some stp. hills ; straight on to Dyflryn Castell Inn 16i; stp. asc, the rd. now skirts the bare sides of Plynlimon, wild scenery; stp. asc. to Eisteddfa Gurig 19, view of the Wye very far below winding through a narrow but extremely level plain. Cross the Wye 22 near its source, the river is liere a mere mountain stream; follow it on the 1. to Llangurig 4 ^7. The rd. »ow descends by a v. gentle gradient along the river ^towards Rhayader, on both sides cultivated hills, moorlands, bold and jagged rocks; rd. through a defile near the con- fluence of the Alarteg and the Wye ; cross river 33i, and rly. br. i m. further sn; the valley widens, glorious view of the mountains, river and rly. on r., Rhayader 36 (on r.) iiills of the Elan Valley— lovely drive to Birmingham Corporation Reservoirs 4 m. along the Elan). Keep on same bank of river ; gel. rd., wild and beautiful scenery, Doldowlod 8tn. (on r.) 39^, view of Doldowlod Woods hiding the river, -^ 42i^,gd. surface the whole way to Newbridge 4 44 (5 m. N.E. Llandrindod Wells, popular spa) ; desc. to br. over R. Ithon 445, Gwm-bach 47i, turn r. over riy., Builth Rd. Stn. (on r.) 47'!-. 44= and br. over the Wye at entrance to Builth 50. — Bullth — AberystwJth 73 m. — Proceed up Broad St. and High St., and turn r. opposite Swann Inn ; easy desc. to R. Irfon ^ XQ., rly. br. before Cefn-y-bedd 'f- 2^, rly. line on 1., Llaaafanfechan 4^, at 5}^ 4^, Garth 4 6, Beulah 8}, at exit bear 1. at fork towards Llanwi'tyd Wells (delightful place, lovely surroundings) 13. Take r♦, 44" ** Stii-. ^^- o^'^r K- Towy 24i^, and immediately beyond ♦y, Llan\vrda 4* 28, gradual ein. asc, 'f- 32, ^ 33^, mn. rd. straight on to ^ 35^, lovely scenery ; crosa br. over R. . Cothi before reaching Pumpsaint (to the E. remarkable caves ; remains of Roman gold mines) 355^ ; abrupt bend just before R. Turch, stp. and sin. asc. to Royal Oak Inn *\ I f f -^^^isud^aGvr^ t Aberystwythi^^^^ M^y^^^ ^^•^^^■'^^s*^ PucadilM^^^^^^^'fli^raMsSi ^nacJl, ^^ LUmgiXTK^ "" Usfl/fUJStmis^ ^^i^f^^^^i^rX or ^^ss^ \ "'' ■'f-T-^Lij^'BSSw \- '\iy^^ 1 ^^Bhayader VA'IlamwTL Birimnghavu \ j!f^^^J\ /'^ Corpomlijoib « merooirs j y^«^ ^\Doldowlo(L '^' 7 ^9^^ in ^^berayron ^y V^i Jandrindoa^Melli ^Sk^ yL^J J^eiubndff^L-J^ ^i^J^u^^^JmiMziji^ysbxut ^^W ^^^^ ^^ipkBar J \ ButWiM.Siidirj \ f^ { ^^4 ok Cefk-y^e^l^ L3mpetei\j^ ^ UanwrtVj^"^^^^^^^^^ Weltij^i-^ -f-"^ ^"^c^^. 1 tfSugarLoaf /wT^o^Wcaves ^ p §j^UuifairaryBri/Jt \ J wUandover} Zlanivrda\^^ t^ '■Tt, stp. rd., mountains on both sides, -ff 40h 4 43^, Lampeter \f 44t, \- 44f , *| 48}, stp. desc. to Temple Bar 4- 49 ; the rd. still desc. steeply in the Aeron Valley, river on r., Llanfihangel-Ystrad 50.+, Ciliau-Aeron (which leave on 1.) 53^, und. following closely the river to Aberayi'OU 57. Proceed eastward crossing br. over the Aeron ; rd. follows tlie coast, gd. surface, stp. gradients, sea views, Llannon 615^, Llanrhystyd \- 63 v, immediately beyond cross br. over R. Wyre, range of hills between rd. and sea, \- 65iJ-, 4- 70^ ; cross br. over R. Ystwith and over rly. (Llanrhystyd Rd. Stn. on r.) 7li, Piccadilly -4- 72, Aberystwith 73. (Enter by Trefechan, Bridge St., and Gt. Darkgate .St. ; ».ee plan, p. 136, E. III). 12. Hereford, Leominster, Ludlow, Knighton, Kington.— 88 m. Hereford—Leominster (via Bromyard) 25 m.— Leave Hereford by Broad St., High St., Commercial St., Ojmmercial Rd., and Aylestone Hill (see plan, p. 332, E. II). Rather stp. asc. for \ m. (Aylestone Hill) followed by stp. desc. to Lugg Br. 4* li- Cross R. Lugg (2 m.) and shortly after ^j . Keep str. on (gd. und. i-d.), stp. desc. with iwo bends to Stoke Lacy \\\ 4 followed by stp. desc. and asc. ; \- 13, and a mile further on *\ leaving Bromyard 1 m. on r. Long desc. stp. at foot followed by stifl climb to second milestone, then short desc. Und. rd., gradual asc. to top of ridge 18^. — 90 — Surface fair ; desc. to Docklow 20. Just beyond Docklow is short stp. desc. thea rd. desc. gradually and crosses rly. br. 21i ; 2^ m. further on rd. bends, crosses douUe rly., and runs iianillel with it into Jjeommstei" 25 (enter by Worcester Kd. and Etnam St.; see plan, p. 377, E. II).— Leominster— Ludlow (via Tenbury) 20 m.— Leave Leominster by High St., Broad St., Bridge St., and Mill St."! (see plan, p. 377, E.I). Stockton Cross -^ 2, and i m. further on at Stockton Village 4- Gradual asc. to Layster's Pole -4^ 5^. Stp. desc., v. stp. at bottom (sharp bend). Berrington Heath -^ 8, and str. on into Teubui'y 11. Level sin. rd. ; d\p^ -^ li_{ and immediately afterj* ; +■ 16i and cross rly. br. just before Wooferton 16^, leaving Bromfleld on 1. ; gd. surface, grail ual asc. and short stp. desc, with awkward bend, into Ludlow 20. Keep str. forward through Broiid Gate (narrow rd.) and asc. long slope to centre of town. — LudloW — Herelord (via Knighton and Willersley) 33 m.— Leave Ludiow by The Narrows, Bull Ring, and Corve St., turning 1. over K. Teme, and run parallel with rly. to t" 2 ; 1 m. further on, at end of pict. village of Bromfleld, *J . Med. surface, und. 4- &• Sin. and hilly for next 2 ui., then gradual desc. to Leintwardine 8^. Crass R. Teme and -f ; :i m. further on bear r. at fork, and at 10| -^ through village. Keep str. oi^ (Brampton Bryan Park on 1.) ; ■f- 13 (med. surface, und.). Knightou 18 (enter by- Bridge St.). Continue along Bridge St. np easy slope where -4 . Long stiff asc. 2 m. ♦j ; asc. for a further i m., then long desc, which becomes increasingly stp. and sin. Short stp. drop (Hares Green Pitch), and sharp turn 1. at foot. Rough and stony surface. Short asc. to village, and easy und. desc. Cross R. Lugg and +P 6. Keep str. forward through Presteigne. Leave rly. stn. on r. and shortly afterwards }♦ and cross rly. br. where 'f- (parallel with rly. for some distance). Titley 10 (Jitley Court oa Knighton yY"' ^^ Llan/UicuigeL „. *V (. 1 ^ -y lOngton Buillhy^ 1/ VJhiUiei/ rrf* '^•^Mgioarduh L^WiihmptoriMarsk. ^EFORO mSersei/ O'^^^'^^^^^'^ 1.) ; gradual desc, then stp. asc. and desc. Cross rly, (stn. on 1.) and enter Kington 13t- Turn 1. in village, and 1. again after crossing R. Arrow ; 200 yds. farther on \*- along main rd. (rough surface) to Willersley 19^ \-. Continue along main rd., stp. asc. and desc. at 20^. Staunton-on-Wye (on 1.) 22^, Byford' (on r.) 25^. Gd. surface imd. Hereford 33 (entering by Eign St., High St., and Broad St. ; see plan, p. 332, E. VI). 13. Hereford, Leominster, Rhayader, Builth, Hay.— 108 m. Hereford— Leominster 16 m.— Leave Hereford by Broad St., High St., Widemarsh St., and Newtown (see plan, p. 332, E. I). Continue through race-course, and pa^ Holmer Ch. on I. (gd. rd.). Sugar Loaf Hills prominent on 1. ; Moreton-on-Lugg jj- 4 (see Sutton Walls Camp on r.). Keep str. on tlirough Wellington Marsh 5, leaving village of Wellington on 1. Just before Dinmore Stn. rd. divides : 1. to Leominster, and r. to Bodenham (interesting Ch.) avoiding Dinmore Hill (1 in 15). After crossing stream in Bodenliam ♦! , and 200 yds. farther on -4- ; follow R. Lugg for some distance, then, passing Hampton Court on 1., reeross stream just before junctisn with main rd., where -|* and keep str. forward to Leoiuiuster 16, entering by South St. and High St. (see plan, p. 377, E. in).—Leominster— Rhayader (vla Kington) 40 m.— Leave by High St.,WestSt.,and Bargates(Keeplau, p. 377, E. IV). Baron's Cross ♦! If; Monkland 3 ; cross B. Arrow 4- H> a^nd f m. further on 4*-- Leiive Eardisland in valley on r. and keep etr. forward to Penibridge 4- Si. At 10 m. rd. asc, and at summit is lyon- Bhall 12i. Dang. desc. to Kiugton 14, leaving which is another dang. desc. Stiff asc and v. stp. desc. into Walton *\ 18. Gradual asc. to If evv Radnor 20 ; cro9» stream and *r (Ch. on r.). Gd. surface, mount, and v. pict. Water-break-its-neck cascade (70 It.) on r. Gradual asc. and desc. to Llanflbangel 22 1 ; asc. again to fork — 91 — I m. beyond village where ^. Rd. desc. from Poreat Inn (abrupt bend) ; 27^ f- (Cli. OB 1.). Pair und. rd. continues through Llanbadarnfawr -^ 35^ (hilly) to RhayadeF ♦p 40.— Rhayader— Hereford (via Pipton and Willersley, through Valley of R. Wye) 52 m. — Leaving Rhayader rd. follows course of R. Wye. After 2 m. rly. joins river on r. of rd. Just outaide Rliayader a short stp. hill is encountered, after which come Ave Bucceseive descs. Gd. surface, then rd. becomes v. und. to Newbridge-on-Wye ^ 8 (rly. stn. on r.). Shortly afterwards rd. desc. and crosses tributary joining B. Wye on r., followed by stp. aac. and desc. to rly. br. (Ch. on r.). Follow rly., and at zp^ nr. rly. Htn. !♦, cross R. Wye and enter Builth 13^^, passing through High St. and Broad St. Leaving Builth follow main rd. wliich sltirts R. Wye on I. Erwood 8tn. 20. Keep Htr. on along pict. rd. to Pipton ♦p 27, leaving Grwemyfod Park and Ch. on r. Hay f- 31, with river and rly. still on 1. At 33 brancli rly. crosses rd., and just before Whitney 3.5, rd. recrosses river. Continue on 1. of R. Wye to Willersley \*- 39, and then follow previous route (described under LudlOW— Hereford) to Hereford. 14. Gloucester, Hereford, and the Valley of the Wye.— 105 m. Gloucester— Hereford (via Ledbury) 31 m.— Leave Gloucester by Esustgate St., Che Cioss, and Westgate St. (see plan, p. 307, E. VI). Flat straight rd. to rly., br. 1, iuamediately beyond *J , br. over Severn and again over rly., -^ 2^ ; gd. easy rd,, -^ just before reaching Barber's Bridge Stn. 4f ; level to Highleadon Green f- 5^- ; thence und. rd., 4 7* (rly. and Ell Brook on r.); two sharp bends before Newent t* 9; WJutckurck/ Monmouth Rtdirook) Abbey StAvvajiG Chepstow \ /W^i -92 - -J* i>{ : short stp. desc. to ily. br. (stn. on I.) , almost immediately after "f-, BtifE asc. followed by und. rd., \*- 12| before reaching Dymock Stn., sharp de.sc. to Leadon Stream, pretty rd. along river bank ; -^ 14ci, -^ 17; gentle asc. to Ledbury 4' 17i (Kastnor Hill on r.); und. rd., *\ 181, cross br., pretty and und., falls to Trumpet Inn 4- 21^, +■ 22. und., easy to Tarrington ^ 24 (view of Seager Hill on 1.) ; Stoke Edith (Park) ^ 25i, Dormington ^i- 26i ; cross R. Frome i m. further on, Hagley -^ 27i ; sharp desc. to -^ 28i^ ; v. stp. desc. to river, then level run for i m. through the liianshes, rougli smfa«e; stp. asc. and easy desc. to Hereford 'SI (enter by Ledbury ltd., St. Owen's St., High St., Broad St.; see plan, p. 332, E. III).— Hereford— Monmouth (via Ross) 26 m.— Leave Hereford by Broad St., King St., St. Martin's Ht., and Boss Kd. (see plan, p. 332, E. IV). V. pict. rd. in the Wye Valley; straight to R. Lugg ; br. befoi-e entering Mordiford ■}* 4, wooded slopes on 1., Fown- hope 4 6^, dang. asc. ; Gurney's Oak 'f- 8^- ; ^* 9, stp. desc. and easy asc. followed by gradual desc. to Old Gore -\* 12 ; desc. to outskirts of Ross where short stp. asc. to centre of town 15^-. — Proceed southward, gd. easy rd. downhill ^ l7i, W'alford 4^ 18 (stji. on r.), desc. to f*- 19, then over rly. br. and Kenie Br. ; stp. asc. at Goodrich 19^-, turn r. and immediately afterwards sharp 1. (Rocklands on 1.) ; pict. on r. bank of river; long easy asc, f- 21 after crossing Garren Brook, \Vliitchurch 4- 21^, v. stp. asc. of Ganarew Hill, gd. surface, desc. with several curves, followed by level nm to Monmouth 26 (enter by Dixon Rd. and Priory St.).— MonmOUth— ChepStOW t6 m. — Leave Momnouth by Church St., St. Mary St., ^^'ye Bridge St., and cross river and railway, ^* ^, v. pict. rd. skirting river, und. with sharp fall to Redbrook -f 24, long easy asc. then level to Bigsweir Br., 44^ *id ♦p ^i> river and rly. on 1., fine scenery, Llandogo f- 7^, gd. und. to Tintern 11 (Abbey on 1.) ; pict. i-d. steadily uphill, short fall to St. Arvans *j- 14i, gently und. to Crossway Toll House ^ l&i^ desc. to Chepstow 16^.— Chepstow— Gloucester 32 m. — Cross R. Wye, V. stp. desc. through town, v. sharp turn and stp. asc. to Tutshill 4- 1» ^^y- <*u r., und. rd., stiff in places, Woolaston 5^, Alvington 4 ^i, desc. and short asc. to Aylburton 4 8, level, ]jydney 4 9) i~t" (stn. on r.) ; 4 beyond -f^' rough asc. followed by • sharply und. rd. for 2,^ m., stp. short desc. of Nibley Hill to Bakeney *\ (third turning) VZi ; rd. follows the Sewdley Valley (river on r.) and passes through the Forest of Dean, v. pict. sin. narrow in parts ; asc. and desc. to \* 163-, easy gradients to the Abbots Wood ; asc, -|* 18|, Littledean ^ 19, *r 21|, desc. to Westbury- upon-Severn 22| ; 4- i "i- further on, gd. level rd. skirting R. Severn (on r.), Minster- wortli ^ 27? ; T* 291; 4 30, rly. br., br. over river; 4 31i,^ Gloucester 32t enter by Westgate St., The Cross, and Eastgate St. ; see plan, p. 307, E. VI). 15. Cambridge, Ely, St. Ives, Huntingdon, and Bedford.— 96 m. Cambridge — Ely 16 m. — Leave Cambridge by Sydney St., Bridge St., Magdalene St., Chesterton Rd., and Milton Rd. (see plan, p. 215, E. I) ; gd. level rd., sharp desc. at rly. br. 1 m. Keep str. on, Stretham 4 Hi. =t4= at Little Thetford 12i, and then csoutinue along gd. easy rd., entering Ely 16 by Cambridge Rd., St. Mary's St., and ' fS^t'" J^c^ Hunh'ngdon^ Bramptorv'^^J^ ^ r^rtdnJ/^^^^^^^^i 4r MiUonJA ^1 EaZoTi SocoThU^St. Neots ^pCAMBRIOGE CoOonb \ Biggleswade j Jiton sCluigivorth. Skep^ — 03 — High Si. {see plan, p. 285, E. III). — Ely— Huntingdon 23 m.— Leave by High St. Maiy'a 8t., Cambridige Rd., and Peterborough Rd. (Hee plan, p. 285, E. IV). Keep atr. forward along gd. slightly und. rd. to Sutton t- 6. Desc. long gradual slope to fens witli The Wash on r. and rly. 1. to Earith 11^, where Suspension Br. crosses The Wash (firo toll-gates : motorcars, 1/-; motor cycles, 6d. ; gates closed at night). Continue i?d. level rd.) through Needingworth -f 14.+ beyond which is 44^ 15^. 1 m. further on -^ and again after another ^ m. 4-. leaving St. Ives (All Saints Ch., Goth.) on 1. , gradual asc. and desc. Houghton *{ 18|. Easy level rd. follows R. Ouse on 1. into Huntingdon 23, entering by Hartford Rd. and High St. (see plan, p. 345, E. I), — Huntingdon— Bedford 21 m,— Leave Huntingdon by High St. and George St. (see plan, p. 345, E. Ill), and at fork by Obelisk 1^ *\ through Brampton and con- tinue along level rd. to Buckden Stn. 4- 3. Keep atr. on following Great North Rd., through Eaton Socon 10, leaving St. Neots on 1. At 14 ^ and again at Great Barford 1.5 -^ ; proceed along 1. bank of R. Ouse, entering Bedford 21 by Goldmgton Rd., Ht. Peter's St., High St., and St. Paul's Sq. (see plan, p. 169, E. II).— Bedford— Cambridge (via Biggleswade) 36 m.— Leave Bedford by St. Paul's Sq., St. Mary's St., St. John's St., and Elstow Rd. (see plan, p. 169, E. IV), gd. surface Elstow li (see Ch. of St. Mary and St. Helen, and birthplace of John Bunyan). Retrace route, and after passing Inn on r. -j*- passing over rly. ; ^ m. further on -\* and again pass over rly. 2. Continue to Cotton End 4, and thence to ShefEord ♦( 9^. At Stan- ford *f 11^ to -\* 12f . About 1^ m. further on, after crossing stream, ♦p and enter Biggleswade 14. From Market Place cross over rly. and along Great North Rd. to Sti-atton Park *\ 15^, leaving telegraph poles. Sharp bend immediately before Dimton 17, Wrestlingworth 4- 19i, -j* 22, and almost immediately afterwards turn sharp 1. Cross rly. at Lord's Br. Rly. Stn. 30+, and then keep atr. on along slightly und. r. to. ('ambridge 36, entering by Barton Rd., Newnham, Queen's Br., Silver St., King's Parade, Trinity St., and St. John's St. 16. Oxford, Stratford-on-AYon, Warwick, EYesham, and Banbury. — 146 m. Oxford— Stratford-On-Avon 38 m.--Leave Oxford by Commarket St., Magdalem St., St. Giles St., and Woodstock Rd. (see plan, p. 449 E. VI). Gd. level rd. for i m., :md then slightly imd. with stp. asc. to ~t~f' 3^ m. followed by short desc, then levei to Woodstock ■f- 8 (Blenheim Park and Palace on 1. ; open to public every day, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Palace), 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Gardens), except Satuixlays and' Sundays. See also Ch. of St. Mary Magdalene). Just after Woodstock stp. and sin. desc. to Column of Victory on left p 9, followed by long stp. asc. and at N. end of Blenheim Park 4- 10- Keep atr. on along und. rd., sharp asc. and desc. to 4- 14ir Eustone |- 15. Leaving Enstone rather stiff asc. ; rd. continues to asc. gradually with better surface to 4 17f (Chipping Norton on 1. 1 m.), and str. on over cross -rds., and passing through cutting asc. and desc. fairly stp. incline to Long Compton 23 (see Kollrich Stones on 1.). After passing Ch. turn sharp 1., and asc. slightly for 1^ m. ; i-d. is then mostly downhill to Shipston-on-Stour 4- 281- Entering the town turn r., then 1. into Church St., "f- 30^, and shortly afterwards pass Ettington Park and R. Stour on r. At Newbold 33 a disused rly. track nms along 1. of rd., and a mile farther on rd. crosses the river. Continue along its r. bank, passing through Alder- niinster 34 into Stratford-on-Avon, entering by Shipston Rd., Clopton Br., Bridge Ht., and High St. (see plan, p. 525, E. III).— Stratfofd-on-Avon (circular via Warwick) 56 m. — Leave Stratford-on-Avon by High St., Union St., Guild St., and Warwick Rd. (see plan, p. 525, E. I). Gd. und. rd. asc. slightly for 3 m., afterward* rither stiff asc. up Sherborne Hill (stp. at top) and sharp desc. into Longbridge 6+. Continue along und. rd. to Warwick 8^, entering by West St., High St., and Jury St- lu leaving the town proceed along Jury St., High St., and Friars St. (see plan, p. 560,- E. V and VI). Passing race-course on r., *{ 2, and i m. further on turn r., then rd. bends sharply 1. to Clavei-don Stn. 5. After passing Stn. ♦i and continue -itr. on crossing canal 7. A few hundred yards further on bear r. and cross main rd. It, leaving Henley-in-Al'den on r. At 9Hj- -j*, and after another 4^ m. bear 1. to Old- l>errow 4 12 ; continue through Outhill 14, and desc. by nan-ow sin. rd. down stp. hill tij Uog Inn *{- 15i, +y l7i, asc. slightly to Studley 18^. Keep str. forward, over cross-rd". a mile further on. Coughton -^ 21, thence rd. desc. easily (magn. surface), ;ind runs parallel with and onl. of rly. to Alcester23. At Globe Inn keep to r. and take J. hand rd. at fork, leaving the town by Evesham St. Easy running for -^ m., when '^, skirting park on r., and after ^ m. ^ ; shortly afterwards turn 1. at park entrance, and pass through Dunniugton 4^ 26. Thence atr. forward, l-eaving Harvington on 1., gd. surface ly. und. with a few stiff gradients at intervals and long gradual deac. Jnto Evesham 32i,entering by Birmingham Rd. and High St. (see plan, p. 287. E. I). Leave Evesham by Bridge St., Port St., and London Rd. (see plan, p. 287, E. Ill), crossing R. Avon by Bengewortii Br. and through Bengeworth village 4 ■ Continue str. forward to Broadway 39, rd. ascending all the way, med. surface throughout. Proceed along main st. of village, and after passing Lygon Arms *{ . Rd. bends sharply rr. ]., entering Willersey 41^, at the end of which -j* and follow sin. rd. to Westoa Suijedge 4 "i^. Just beyond Weston Subedge rd. turns abruptly r.. and almo.st im- m&iiately afterwards sharply 1.; then v. stp. asc. and stp. desc. under rly. br. to 94 Mickleton *{ 46. A mile beyond Mickleton \* at Guide Post, and continue along main rd., avoiding all turnings to Clifioitl Chambers -y* 53 (fair rd.). A narrow stone br, crosses R.Stour i m. further on, and at junction of rda. *f- 54, pass over 44= and keep. 1. into Stratford-on-Avon 56, entering bySliipston Rd.,Cloptx)n Br., Bridge St., and HJgh St. (see plan, p. 525, E. lU).— Stratford-on-Avon— Oxfotd (via Banbury) 52 m.— I-eave Stratford-on-Avon by Higli St., Bridge St., Clopton Br., and Banbury Rd. (see I>lan, p. i>25, E. II). Und. rd., gd. at first but becomes rough. Cross rly, br. 4 f-. Gradual asc. to Ettington -^ 6, and str. forward over cross rds. 1 m. farther on; naed. rd. to 8 |-. Desc. continues, and at 9i -^. Desc. indifferent rd. to Sunrising Hill (2 m.), then v. stp. sin. asc. (Edge Hill Battlefield on 1.). At top of Sunrising Hill -^ 13 and bear r. Upton House (on r.) -f 14i. Continue str. on to Wroxton -f 18i (stp. narrow hill in village). Immediately afterwards rd. bends sharply 1. then r., and joins main rd. -^ 20^. Better surface (desc.) to Banbury 21^, entering by Warwick Kd. North Bar St., and Horse Fair (see plan, p. 157, E. VI). Leave V ^s^^^^k^O"} Henlmn-Arden ■--, ^ S[u£tley^ // ^^( \\ / I Jn-on^brid^e Coughtoiv^ / 2y § /# Alcesterby' *l\ rfy-^^ T^ ^ \-^iratfordon-Avon -^^ ^/#/'2^?l^^"'°""'" ^"^ po M^druuigtoti J ^^^^TJ /^/7rA^aWn ^bupy ^ X -Wr^, Mhipstonon-Stour F i\~fWUlersLeiJ S) ^ Lm^ ^^jong Compicm, Y*i Roltick Su)ii^^i(^ / A. Chipping NortortK,^ '^ ff/cestefX ..«^^c We 1 ^ Sion.oTL\y Woods^^c^ L k\r BlenAeiMf^'^ ^~^^m>r3^" y JV^f^ «> VfoVoRD Banbury by South Bar St. and Oxford Rd. (see plan, p. 157, E. III). I-ong stp. asc. (Bodicote on r.) to \* 25^, leaving village of Adderbury on r.). ' Keep str. on, crossing rly. at 1 m., and, at the same distance further on, cross rly., canal, and river. Continue up stp. asc. of 4^ m. to Aynho 281-, -}*■ 29i, and then long stp. desc. followed by stp. asc. of f m. to fork rds. SOf. Take centre rd., and skirt 1. of Souldern. Keep str. forward along level rd., short stp. desc. at Baynard's Ureen 4- "^0, Bicestei" ;i5. Follow Sheep St. into Market Sq., on reaching which turn r. along Causeway, past Ch. on 1. to Fox Inn *y 35|. Level, sin. rd. (indifferent surface), leaving Weston- on-the-Green on r. to -^^ 44|. Two miles fmther on cross River Cherwell and pass through Gosford ; ^ m. further on ♦^- ; 4^ 4^ 48. Continue str. on, med. surface into Oxford 52, entering by Banbury T.A., St. Giles St., Magdalen St., and Commarket St. (see plan, p. 449, E. I). 17. London and Windsor. — 54 m. London— Windsor (via RICkmanSWOrth) 19 m. — Leave by Regent St., Oxford S<., Marble Arch, and Edgware Kd. (see special luap. No. 42). At Bed Lion Inn, 2 m., turn 1. into Harrow Rd., through the suburbs (Faddington, Westbourne — 95 — Keasal Green, Hariesden), Willesden 6i, br. over K. Brent 7, Wembley Hill Stn. (lovely prospects) and Wembley Park (on r.), t" ''i' straight on to Sudbury and Harrow Kd. Stn. (on 1.) 9 ; after crossing rly. br. *\ into Sudbury 9i, gradual .slope to foot of Harrow Hill where stp. sin. asc. to Harrow 11 ; proceed through town to fork by School Chapel where turn r. down Peterborough Hill, br. over rly 4- H^^ rd. follows rly. uphill to Pinner 14. Pass through by High St., turn r. over stream and bear 1. at fork, Pinner Green 14J, 4- ^^i- P^^^ imder rly. br., Northwood 16i> pretty wooded country on 1., asc. followed by sharp dip (famous Moor Park on r.>. V. rapid fall with rough surface and abrupt bend to Rickniansworth 19. Keep straight forward along High St. and follow main rd. along R. Colne to Maple Oo»» t* 21i, pretty rd. v. sin. passing Newlands Park on r., ♦p 24^, -^ i m. further on, cross br. over R. Misbourne at entrance to Chalfont St. Giles f- 24^ (charming little Tillage; Milton's Cottage (Relics), Entrance 6d., Parties 3d. per visitor); Butlers Cross ♦j 25^, keep straight on to t* 27i (on r. Wilton Park), Beaconsfleld 29. Leave by Windsor Rd., v. pretty wooded country; at 31^ three branch rds., keep straight oa (1 m. on r. Bumham Beeches : speed limit through the beeches 10 m. an hour, disregard of which may cause roads to be closed to motorists ; East Bumham 1^ m. further 8.), rd. passes Pamham Common on 1., Famham Royal -^ 33^ (on 1. Stoke Park, Stoke Poges 1+ rn. (Gray's Tomb in Churchyard) *(- 35i, cross over rly. br. into Slough 37, turn r. by Crown Hotel (fine view of Windsor Cas. in front on leaving town) , straight on to Eton OUege (on 1.) at entrance to Eton 38J ; cross br. over the Thames (beautiful view of the Castle), asc. into Windsor 39 (enter by Thames St.; see plan, p. 577, E. I). — Windsor — London (via Staines) 34 m. — Leave by High st.. Sheet St., and King's Rd. (see plan, p. 577, E. Ill), bear r. past Fonntain and enter Windsor Great Park by Queen Anne's Gate, lovely run throughout. Forest Gate 4, beautiful rd. through forest, +|- 5, ■4- 7, Blacknest ♦{ 8 to south of Virginia Water (beautiful artificial lake), *r 9) t" 9i. asc. followed by deep desc. to Egham 12 (1 m. ou 1. Cooper's Hill from where lovely views commanding Th'ames, Runnymede, Windsor Cas., and St. Paul's Cath.), level run to Staines 13. Cross over the Thames and turn r. after passing under rly., leaving Staines by Kingston Rd., keep straight on to Sunbury Common -^ I7i- (on either side broad meadows, Kempton Park Race- icourse on 1.), Hampton -f 20, pict. skirting 1. bank of the Thames, Bushy Park on 1. ; *r opposite br. over Thames 21 (view of Hampton Ck)urt Palace), turn sharp r. soon afterwards, Hampton Court Park on r. ; br. over river into Kingston 23. Leave by rly. br. at Stn. and Ham Rd. along the Thames, Ham Common -^ 24^, Petersham 2r>. Follow rd. paat Richmond Park Gates, then bear 1. down Richmond Hill into Kiohmoud 26. Proceed along George St. to fork, follow tram lines to Kew Br. 29 (Kew Gardens on 1.) (enter London by Kew Bridge Rd., Chlswick High Rd., King St. West, Hammersmith Rd., Kensington High St., Kensington Rd., Knights- bndge, and PiccadUly Circus; see special map No. 42), London 35. 96 - 18. London, Oxford, Henley.— 121 m. London— Oxford 56 m.— Leave by Kegeut St., Oxford St., Bayswater Ed., High at., Holland Park Av., and Uxbridge Rd. (see special map. No. 42). The London suburbs extend as far as Ealing 8 and the road is bumpy, Hanwell 9, gd. rd., almost level to Hillingdon 16, Uxbridge 4 l'> 1^ 19' 1^ 20, Gerrard's Cross 4- 21, gd. td. with fine, easy gradients, Beaconsfleld 4- 25, Holispur 4 27, High Wyeombe 4- 31, West Wycombe f^ 33, 1/11 dang. a^c. at 35 m., fair surface, Stokenchurch 4 38, loose surface on long winding desc. to Aston Rowant 8tn. 40, Postcombe ^ 42, Tets- worth 44, Three Pigeons Inn 4^ 47, Wheatley 50, v. fine, smooth rd., St. Clements 4 55, Oxford 56. This Is the best and shortest route from London to Oxford. Enter by London Rd., St. Clement's St., Magdalen Br., and High St. (see plan, p. 449. E. II). —Oxford— Henley-on-Thames 28 m.— Leave by St. Aldates St., Folly Br., and Abingdon Rd. (see plan, p. 449, E. IV). Fine rd. over Hinclcsey Hill, with i-ather stp. fall at 4h Abingdon 6. Paas through the town by Oxford Rd., Vineyard, Stert St., Abingdon Br., Burford Br., and Henley Rd. (see plan, p. 137, E. I and 11). Clifton Hampden 4- 10, Dorchester -|+ 13, ShiUingford ■}* (second cross rds.) 15, stp. winding asc. from ShiUingford Br., Wallingford ■>{- 17, f- 20, 4 21, loose asc. up Gangsdown Hill, Nettlebed 4 23, 1/15 desc. beyond Bix 25, Henley-on-Thames 28. Enter by Northfleld End, Bell St., and Market PI. (see plan, p. 331, E. V).— Henley-On-Thames — London 37 m.— Leave by Market PI., Hart St., and London Rd. (see plan, p. 331, E. I). Stp. asc. up White Hill from Henley, Hurley Bottom (East Arms Inn) 4, 4 4 ^i, Lee Park on r., rough desc. to Brookstreet 4- 9i, Grayswood 11^, Haslemere 4- 13, *y 14 (3i m. on r. Lynchmere with remains of Shulbred Priory) ; stp. desc. to Femhurst 4- 15. hilly with sharp bend over Henley Common to Henley 18 i (charming scenery), ♦(- 20i, Easeboume -^ 20 V I Pic\aMiy ^, I ^_-y2-J^ P £-|T^^B «. \ iC Y^hmmk ^ T 11 ^^?L/ '^idf street Loofiam f^JrlyX rnborough .^^j ^uildford Slea/b morM ^w\Hindhead\A j "T-woimer^^r -ffHasleiDere Greathcar^^ f forest J/w/z^ ^mJun.t SheetAU -J^Kake^ fel (on 1. Cowdray Park with CowdrayHo. Rns.), br. over Rother at entrance to Midhurst -|* 21, V. pretty rd. in the valley of the Rother (river on r.), cross river into Trotton ^4.i, *\\m. further on, Rogate ^ 26|, 4 28i, *r 29i, sharp desc. to Sheet br.. Immediately beyond br. Sheet %- 30, Petei'sfteld 31. — Petersfield— London (via Farnliam) 51 m. — Return to sheet *\ 1, cross stream before reaching Liss 4 4^. 4 •Sreatham 5iir (3 m. on 1. Selbome situated in deep hollow amid thickly wooded hills) rd. passes on r. Woolmer Forest and Great Pond, wild stretch of pine and heathland, 4- 8}, und. through Bordon Camp to Sleaford 4^ 11, cross R. Wey at exit from town and keep straight on to Farnham 17 ; keep 1. at exit from Famham to Hale 4- 18i. asc. to summit of Hungry Hill followed by sharp undulations to Aldershot 20, keep straight on past Banacks and Camps, Favnborough \- 23, rd. then passes rly. stn. New Inn Green -^ 8, Sellhige 4- 10, Smeeth 4- 12, Willesborough f- 15, v. gd. rd., Ashford 17. Pa.se through the town by East Hill, High St., North St., Canterbury Rd., and Grove Hill (see plan, p. 149, E. H and I), 4 18, Chilham 4 26, Charthamv Cross Eds. 4- 28, lightly und. rd., with splendid surface, Canterbury 31. Enter by Wincheap St., Castle St., St. Margaret's St., and High St. (see plan, p. 217, E. V). f iStreatham ^1 MertOTjysX/ yMriun/Svi. ) mrD^ V V^Vcrqydon Ewdl / 3 Epsom J y^Uy \/SmithamboUorrL, JAshZead. 1 ^eatherhead \ oCfwldOTU Burfbrd Bn^^^ox HiUL Dorking, m Redhill HobiiwoocLStnl V _ yi^n^Cju^rs inn. J\^ewdi^cUe ^^aZwijcky Rcux, Courst Oakwood^ CkofeL *>— JKi^sfold ^^ 1 'iCfawley ^-^orsham ' Pease Pottage l^andcross / ISouihwater i KhtppCh itead' VkshiAgLorv Findoa, 'Cfoanctonburi HiiJb. Cissburu NUl. Ofingtoii>^New3hor€hah Corner Wopthinc iurstpverpouit {iddiesioood' fFcecomde °atc/iam^ — 100 — 21. The Brighton Road. -121 m. London — Brighton (via Horsham) 68 m. — Leave by PiccadiUy, Hyde Park Comer, Grosvenor Place, Grosvenor Gardens, Buckingham Palace Rd., Commercial Kd., Chelaea Bridge Rd., Victoria Br., Queen's Rd., Cedar's Rd., Battersea Rise, North Side, South Side, Balham Hill, Balham High Rd., and Upper Tooting Rd. (see special map. No. 42), Merton *\- 8, proceed over rly. br. at Morden Stn. Si, Morden 10, over Cheam Common, turn 1. into Ewell 13. Leaving Ewell turn r. at P.O., EpsoiU 15 ; rd. passes over Epsom Common, sharply und. to Ashtead l7i ; desc. to Leatherhead *{- 19 ; rd. undulates sharply and passes through fine scenery in the valley of the Mole ; on r. Norbury Park with picturesque Lodge, Mickleham 20^ ; on 1. Juniper Hall (Home of French Refugees from the Terror of 1789-93) ; desc. to Burfoi'd Br. 22. Beyond br. Pixham Lane on 1. leads to pict. mill and pond ; Box Hill on 1., passing rly. stn. sharp rise into Dorking 24. At farther end of town bear 1. at fork along South St., und. rd. with a few sharp gradients to Holmwood Stn. (on r.) 27i (wooded scenerj' on r.) ; keep straight on, Beare Green 4 28i (on 1. Newdigate famed for old oaks) ; after passing Capel 30^ ^ (li on r. Ockley, charm- ingly situated on a wild common) ; -|- 32J (3 m. on r. Oakwood Chapel, isolated and beautiful spot), Kingsfold ^ 33^, *j 35, desc. to Horsham -f- 38. Leaving town jwoend long hill to Southwater Stn. f- 41, *j 41i, district of dense undergrowth and hazel thickets, -^ 43^ (on r. v. large lake in Knepp Park ; on 1. West Grinstead Park) ; Knepp Cas. on r. before br. over R. Adur, und. rd., poor surface, straight on to Washington 4 50 (at foot of South Downs), 4- SOf (1 m. on 1. Chanctonbury Hill S14 ft.), stiff sin. climb, from top the rd. falls to Findon -f- 52f (on 1. view of Ciss- bury Hill 603 ft.), Offlngton Corner *>r 55, desc. to Broadwater Green 4 56, Worthing 57. Leave by Warwick St., and keep straight forward parallel to sea- shore, cross suspension br. (Toll : cars 6d., motor -cycles 2d., side-cars 2d.) into New Shoreham -^ 61, rly. on l., Portslade-by-Sea *{ 64^, =}={: at Stn., after tTOssing which -\* 65, follow omnibus route through Aldrington and Hove to Brigllton 68 (enter by Church Rd., Western Rd., North St., Castle Sq., and Old steyne ; see plan, p. 200, E. V). — Brighton — London (Via Redhili) 53 m. — Leave by Pavilion Parade, Grand Parade, York Place, London Rd., and Preston Rd. (see plan, p. 2(X), E. I). Pass through Preston and Patcham, Piecombe -T 6, Middleswood 4- ^^' t- 9} (r. to Hurstpierpoint), Hickstead -^ 11^, -^ 14 (4 m. on 1. Bolney village), -^ 16^, stp. asc. to Handcross 18, where keep straight lUi, v. pretty scenery through St. Leonards Forest, Pease Pottage 4 20i, 44- ^^ entrance to Crawley 4- 22, Lowfield Heath -|^ 24^. Cross R. Mole, Povey Cross -f* 26 .^ jr B^hcajy^ ^rdingbridge ^ r^SV, lUi/^/iam'/i %bsbey ' N t W \ } 1 / Ring wood /''" /, Crvchets/T P Cross J^ ^^^ (. -J^OoeilyPosi Juolmsley StJi. Carnforth. f ^^^^^\ Heaih. J < \ ^i^CoJt&FiddlzIriru \ y^Hmton AdmxraL Stn,. /NeioUjwn. Ifird sA^ ^>*ii^^ /— — ==^_ ^ f ,-, Boscombej^^ 3|^__^^ i£^Z> J;:!BatirTierftouth Abb.), keep straight on, on r. Woodlands of the Earldoms, -^ 9|, leaving Landford on 1., after crossing Landford Br. \- 10, straight on to Bramshaw 4" 13, Brook *Y 14, pleasantly und. to Cadnam (at beginning of New Forest) 15|, keep r. at cross-rds. at entrance to the hamlet; v. pretty rd., straight to Lyndhurst 19 (chai-ming surroundings). Leave Lyndhurst passing Ch. on 1., tuni r. and then 1. at Swan Hotel 19^^, thence pict. through Forest, und., Wilverley Post -4^ 24^, Holms - ley Stn. (on r.) 25|, -^ 27i, desc, Hiuton Park on r.. Cat and Rddle Inn (quaint building) ^ 29^, br. over rly. past Hinton Admiral Stn. (on 1.) ; br. over R. Avon at — 103 — entrance to Chl'istchurch 33. At fork by Antelope Inn bear 1. along Barrack Rd., keep straight on over Kly. br., f- 34:^, over Iford Br. to Pokesdovvn 35A and Boscombe 36^, desc. into Bournemouth 38 (sharp turn in town). Enter by Christcliurch Bd. and Old Christchurch Rd. (see plan, p. 188, E. I).— Bournemouth —Salisbury (via Poole) 36 m.— Leave by Commercial Rd. and Poole Rd. (see plan, p. 188, B. II), rd. follows tram line; stp. desc. of Castle Hill 3, gradual desc. to Parkstone 3f, fine views' over Poole and harbour, straight forward to Poole 5. Proceed eastward by High St., and after :44^ bear 1. along Ringwood Rd., Newtown 7, und. rd., Camforth Heath on 1., Bear Cross -^ 10; br. over R. Stour before entering Iiongham 11, straight on, Cricketts Cross -^ 14, br. over R. Moors 14f, 4 17f, i to. further on cross br. over rly. and R. Avon twice at entrance to RingWOOd *j 19, v. pleasant rd. in the Valley of the Avon all the way to Salisbury ; Blatchford Green 20i, river on 1. ; -f- 21 (1 m. to r. Moyle's Court, situated in lovely wooded solitude on a New Forest by-road; ^ na. to 1. Ellingham Ch.), Ibsbey t" 21|, pretty river scene with weir bridge ; cross the Avon at entrance to Fordingbridge t* 25, very lovely water-meadows ; rd. still follows the river, which winds in large curves on r. ; Braemore Stn. ^ 27^^, leave village on 1., Downton Wick ^ 30 (i m. to the r. Downton, quaint little town), -^ 31f, Charlton (to the r.) (on opp. bank of Avon ia Trafalgar Ho. with Nelson relics), Bodenham (on r.) ■*{- 33i ; i m. further on turn r. over R. Ebele, Longford Caa. on r. at confluence of Ebele and Avon, rd. rises and desc. to Britford 34i (interesting Ch.), keep straight on over the Avon into Salisbury 36. Enter by Exeter St., St. John St., Catherine St., and Queen St. (see plan, p. 492, E. IV). 2i. The Heart of Wessex.— 109 m. BournemOUth—Swanage 27 m.— Leave by commercial Rd. and Poole Rd. (see plan, p. 188, B. II). Follow tramway for 2 m., ■f- 2, stp. desc. to Parkstone, bear I. on entering Poole 5, over a level-crossing. Pass over Hamworthy Toll Bridge (Toll, 6cL). Hamworthy Stn. 6, Lytchett Gate tf 8, fairly gd. rd., Lytchett Minster 9. at Bakers Arms Inn ^ m. further on bear 1., und. rd. over heathland, str. on to 4" 44= Wareham Stn. 13, Wareham f- 14. Leave town by South St.; crossing R. Frome, gd. easily und. rd., *{- over level-crossing 18, pict. country rd. to Studland Wimborne 'nster 21 Return 1 m. to f and take i^. to Swanage 27.— Swanago— Portland 37 m. — Fair rd., hilly, Langton Matravers \- 2, Kingston \^ 5, Corfe (3astle 7; immediately beyond Castle +|-, Church Knowle 9, Tyneham *\ 13, narrow rd., fair surface. Bad rd. for 3 m. to \- (East Lulworth) 16, stp. desc. to West Lulworth 18 (visit the famous Lul worth Cove ^ m.). Long stp. asc, rough rd. Pass through Dagger's Gate at 19i, the rd. is crossed at several points by gates which are generally closed. Winfrith Newburgh 21, *y 21^. Good, und. rd. to Warmwell Cross -tf 25, Poxwcll 26, Osmington 27i, Preston 28i- (Remains of Roman Villa on 1.), Weymouth 32. Pa.s3 through Weymouth by Wareham Rd., The Esplanade, Thomas St., and Rodwell — 104 — Tld. (aee plan, p. 568). Turn r. shortly after entermg Rodwell Ed. to Rodwell Stn., Wyke Regis *\ 34, Chesil 37 (visit Portland either by car or on foot).— Portland— Dorchester 1 3 m. — starting from Chesil return by same rd. to Weymouth 6. Leave \^eymouth by the E.splanade, St. John's Terrace, and Dorchester Ed. (see plan, p. 568, E. I.). Broadway Stn. 8, gd. rd. with some stiff undulations to Dorchester 13- Enter by Weymouth Avenue. South St., and High West St. (see plan, p. 263, E. IV). —Dorchester— Bournemouth (via Wimborne) 32 m.— Leave by High west St., High East St., East Parade and London Rd. (see plan, p. 263, E. 11), gd. rd. with .several hills to Puddletown 4 5, splendid rd., lightly und., Tolpuddle ^ 7, Bere Regis 4" 11, %■ 15, 4* 17, Barley Gate Cross Eds. 4. 18, very gd., easy rd., *i 20, Wimborne Minster -\* 22, gd. und. rd. to Fleets Corner i- 26, level rd., rough and uneven surface. Keep str. on at cross-roads nr. Longfleet, Bournemouth 32. Enter by Poole Rd. and Commercial Rd. (see plan, p. 188, E. II). 25. Exeter, Minehead, Exmoor, Barnstaple. — 118 m. Exeter— Minehead 43 m.— Leave by High St., Queen's St., and New North Rd. (see plan, p. 288, E. I), Cowley Br. (which leave on 1.) 4 2, E. Exe on 1., level rd.. Stoke Canon ^ 4^^. asc. to Rewe 5i, keep straight on following river, v. und., Bickleigb 11, pretty scene on Exe at br., immediately after crossing br. -j*, easily und. rd. beside river to Tiverton -f- 14, Bolham 15^, rd. borders R. Exe all the way to Exton, v. pretty, generally und.. Cove 19, Exeter Iim ♦^ 20i (straight on to Bampton i m.), cross R. Batham and rly. br., Stuckeridge Br. -f- 22i, keep along same bank of river, Eie- bridge 4- 25, 4 27 d^, on 1. Barlinch Abb. 28^, v. sin., Bridgetown 31, i m. further on Exton (on r.), rd. rises to more rugged country of Exmoor, Coppleham Cross 4 31f (1 nj. ^'^^ 1 -^^ ^^^BarbrookMUi f^^'^Mih^hrjM CWoodyBayStJv ico^'^^'^^^^^m ^Tarraconibe ^ejv J DunstcSf ^ ^ ^lacknworGcUe Qfef ^^fMoLomb ^^ > EKMOOR --''^^—0''''MJIm- tt jr'^^''- f r \^'''w//1lV^ ' ^me& ShirudlCroJ f/^ ) f Cross Bams^SJ^ ^k^ppleJum Ovss 5-5s^^r m ^?£xt07Z^ ^^apport ^iVffiskaps TawCon ^M^\ ^ ^PvapeUon, StJi ^Ejoebriok/e ■jw Umberieigk Stn. g^ Bampton ^^ SQjxkeridq^^k£xeterInji 1 ^tsmoiU/iArms Stn., Br moe ^iSoatJi Motion ^R'l'StfL '^otMm. ^i^^eford S(/L. f"*" 4J^\ y^Bicklei^k' 7 V A C ^(Coppkstone Cross Barnsbap j^^immdCrediton Cross^ — Ojjj/ Jfewtor^^ ^f^keCanjOn SPCi/res^ \kEXETER — 105 — 1. Winsford on the Exe), Wheddon Cross ^ 35, stp. desc, sharp turn r. to Sully 36i where sharp turn 1., Pitt Br. 37j, v. pretty, Timberscoiribe 38i, rd. zigzags uphill into Dunster (v. pict.) *\ 41, Alcombe 42i, immediately afterwards ^ to Minehead 43. — • Mfnehead— Barnstaple 35 m.— Leave by at. Andrew's Ch.. the Square, and Park St., Iseep I. At junction of Main Rd. -|* 1^^, rd. rises to summit of Vinneford Hill 2i, then desc, ■f- 35- Hi m. r. Selworthy, lovely sequestered village), Holnicote 4; on 1. park with enormous rugged heights of Dunkery Beacon at back, after crossing stream rd. bend« sharply 1., v. rough and stp. desc. br. over the Homer 5, Porlock (delightfiH old village> 6 (1^ m. r. Porlock Weir where little mountain stream falls into sea) ; take the second turning on the r. just outside Porlock and thus avoid Porlock Hill (the steepest hill in the West Country, winding badly and v. rough). It is a private rd. {Toll : cars 1/-, motor-cycles Qd.). Rejoin main rd. at 9. Oare Hill ^ 9^, Cotmty Gate 12i, easily «nd. across imfenced common-land, views 1. across wilds of Bxmoor and glimpses down into richly wooded combes througli which runs the East Lyn ; Countisbury 16, precipitous rd. down to Lynmouth 17^, along cliff edge of Countisbury Foreland. Cross the Lyn, exceedingly stp. and rough hill, f- 18, i m. r. Lynton. (There is a cliff rj-. from Lynmouth quay to Lynton, which avoids Lynmouth Hill) (romantic scenery of Valley of Rocks 1 m. beyond, including finest rock scenery on this coast), easily und. to Barbrook Blill 19, Woody Bay Stn. (on r.) 21, und. over Parracombe Common ; v. Htp., loose, rough and sin. desc. to Parracombe \- 23, asc. to Blackmoor Gate 4- 24'|, Ik m. further on *{- easy dese., cross a stream a little further on, then pass over the Yeo 28, V. sin. rd. some sharp turns, asc. to Shirwell Cross 31 ; again cross the Yeo and the rly. to Barnstaple 35. Enter by Pilton St., North Walk, High St., and Butcher's Row (see plan, p. 162, E. I). — Bamstaple— Exeter 40 m.— Leave by High St., Taw Vale Parade, and Newport Rd. (see plan, p. 162, E. Ill), Newport ^ i, rd. follows valley of the Taw, Bishops Tawton 2^, 4 3, br. over R. Taw 3'J, and immediately beyond *y (1^ m. r. Tawstock, v. beautiful spot), Chapelton Stn. (on 1.) 5f, •^ 6^, Umberleigh Stn. (on 1.) -^ 8-^, river and rly. line on 1., Portsmouth Arms Stn. 12i, cross the Taw, then rly. line at South Molton Rd. Stn. -|* 15^, riyer on r. 4- l^i, straight oil to Eggesford Stn. (on r.) ^ 191, keep along rly. as far as Copplestone Cross *y 27ii. Barnstaple Cross 4. 30, Crediton 32, at exit -j*, rly. line on r., rly. br. 33i, Newton 8t. Cyres 35 1-, Cowley Br. over the Exe 38i, immediat«ly afterwards -j* towards Kxeter 40. Enter by New North Rd., Queen's St., and High St. (see plan, p. 288, E. l!. 26. Launceston, Okehampton, Bude, Tintagel, Tavistock. — 116 m. LaunCeSton— Okehampton 19 m.— Leave Launceston in a westerly direction, passing under Southgate. Good run to Lifton -^ 4, 1/13 desc. from Launceston. followed by similar asc, Portgate -4- 6, Lewdown Inn 4- 8, 1/14 asc. at 11, Bride- stowe ^ 13, 4 15, V. gd. rd. for Devonshire, with fine views of Dartmoor, 1/15 desc. at 16, 4 18, Okehampton 19.— Okehampton— Bude 29 m.— Return to fork 4 1, 4 li. 1/12 desc at 3, followed by dang. 1/8 asc The surface is gd. all the amerton Tavistock CalLuyton — 106 me fine ■ at 10. ■ way to Bude, but there are niany stp. and dang, hills. The rd. presents some i views of Dartmoor, f 3i, 4- 5, Broadbury Hotel -f 7, 4 9, 1/11 desc. at 10, Halwill Stn. f H- 4 12, 4 14, Dimsland Cross *f 15, 4- 17, stp. 1/10 desc. to Holsworthy 19. Keep l. on leaving the town, 4 22, Bed Post Inii 4. 25, 1/15 desc. at 26, followed by stiff 1/11 asc. through Stratton 27, easy desc. to JBude 29. — Bude— Camelford 25 m.— Return by same rd. for short distance and talte first turnijig on the r. and in about a mile join main road. 4 ^i, Treskinniek Cross 4 6» 1/10 asc. at 8, Wainhouse Comer 9, gd. rd., continually und., \*- 11, v. s(p. rd. with 1/9 desc. to Boscastle 15, 1/8 asc. from BoscastU, gd. surface, Trevalga 4 16, 1/11 asc. at 18, Tintagel 19, fine views. Leave in an easterly direction to -|* 22, Camel- ford Stn. 4 23, Camelford 25, gd. surface. — Camelford— Launceston 43 m. — 1/17 asc. from Camelford, -^ 2, leaving main rd.. Gate 3, Trevilliaa's Gate 4^, the rd. is nearly 1000 ft. high at this point and the surface is indifferent, -^ about ^ m. beyond Rising Sun Inn 8, Altamon 9. Shortly beyond this village turn 1. at Five Lanes on to the main rd. for Callington, 4 H. 4 13, Coads Green 14, 4 16, 4 18, Kelly Bray 4 19, Callington 20. Turn 1. in Callington, gd. rd. but with long stp. hills, 4 22, 1/8 V. dang. desc. to Guzmislake 25, followed by 1/13 asc., 4 27, Tavistock 30. Turn 1. in main street of Tavistock on to Launceston rd., a gd. rd. but very liilly, 1/14 asc. from the town, Lamerton 4 32, 1/13 desc. and asc. to Milton Abbot |- 36, 4 Jl. 1/11 desc. to Launceeton 43. 27. South Devonshire and Dartmoor.— 108 m. Exeter— Plymouth (via the Coast) 66 m.— Leave by Fore St., Bridge St., and Alphington St. (see plan, p. 288, E. V), Alphington *\ Ij, up Matford Hill and stp. desc, V. pict. wooded counti-y, Exminster 4 (Goth. Ch.), rd. rises gradually then desc. sharply to little river Kenn, passing under arcliway through a cutting densely and beautifully overhung with trees. Powderham Park and Cas. on 1., Kenton 7 (picturesque — see Ch.), stp. rise followed by gentle desc. to Staircross 8.} (ferry may be taken to Exmouth across the mouth of the Exe; no motors), rd. parallel to shore, Cockwood Creek *\ 9, und. to stp. asc. at Mount Pleasant Inn (magn. view looking backwards comprising coastline and sea as far as the Isle of Portland ; v. narrow rd. over an elevated plateau, tall hedges on either side ; several exceedingly sharp bends, Dawlish ' f- 12 (situated on exceedingly pretty spot i-n green valley of stream called Dawlish Water which runs tlirough lawns and gardens to sea by a succession of tiny cascades) (on r. very pretty rd. to Ashcombe 4 m.,fine Goth. Ch.). Leaving Dawlish, cross Dawlisli Water along sea front straight ahead, stp. asc. to crest of cliff called Lea Mount, then broad and gd. rd. sharply imd. ; grotesque rocks " Parson and Clerk," Holcombe in hollow to the r. (lane leading oft to 1. is liighly pict. and should be visited on foot), desc. to sea whence v. fine approach of 1^^ m. to Teignmouth along sea wall at foot of red clifis (sea and sands on 1.), steeply und. rd., finally descend a v. stp. a,nd dang, hill into narrow street in Teignmouth 15 (pict. sun-oundings). Proceed up Fore St. passing West Teignmouth Ch. on 1. and Bitton Stn.,ShaIdon Br. *{ 15f (wooden for., 1671 ft. long ; Toll : Cars 1/3), overR. Teign towards Shaldon 16J, prettily situated at foot of the Ness, a red lir-crowned bluff, fine views across harbour to Teignmouth. Take middle rd. at fork past " Hunter's Lodge," v. stp. and sin. asc, fine panoramic views behind ; then und. with fine vie ws inland over rich Devon Valleys ; stp. desc and ajsc. to Maidencombe (to 1. in lovely wooded valley) 19^, long stp. and sin. desc. of Watcombe Hill (Watcombe on 1., wild vale with craggy red cliffs leading to sea), ♦^ 20i, St. Mary Ch. 21 (marble works). At Furrows Cross 21i, keep 1. for Babbacombe Hill Rd.,magn. view of coast from Babbacombe beach to Teignmouth, Dawlish and Exmouth, j* 22t, keep 1. past grounds of Bishopstowe and along lUsham Lane, desc. to sea at Meadfoot where views of rocky coast are v. fine. Enter Torquay 25 by Meadfoot Rd. and the Strand by the harbour (see plan, p. 546). Leave Torquay by Fleet St., Palk St., Torbay Rd., and Paignton Rd. (see plan, p. 546, E. II), Torquay Stn. at exit, ^ (1 m. r. Cockington, v. pict. village), Paignton 28, keep r. at fork towards CoUaton 29^, und. to Longcombe Cross 4 32 (1 m. r. Berry Pomeroy, village romantically overlooked by wooded heights and Rns. of Castle), desc. to br. over R. Dart tnto Totnes 34 (a most beautiful excursion can be made down the river to Dartmouth). Leave Totnes by Fore St. and Leech well St., |- at exit; Peek Cross +|- 35^ (straight on to Harberton f m.— Ch.), stp. desc. to Harberton Ford 37 ; cross br. over the Harboume, Halwell 4 39i (Ch.), straight on to Kingsbridge -j* 46 (hilly and sin. rd. straight on to Salcombe 6^^ m., lovely situation, mildest climate in Devon; fantastic cliffs of Bolt Head within easy walking distance, the finest rock scenery in South Devon). Proceed up Fore St., at crest turn 1., stp. asc. to Churchstow 4 48, i+ 48^, v. stp. and sin. desc, br. over the Avon to Aveton Gifford 50i (v. prettily situated, wooded banlis of the Avon slope down to sea; sharp turn I. out of village, then r., imd. to Modbury -4- 54, und. poor smface to Sequers Br. over the Erme 56, richly wooded estuary, domain of Flete on 1., long rise followed by easy desc. to R. Yealm, romantic scenery; cross br., Yealmpton 59, stp. desc. of Kitley Hill 59^ ; cross Silver- bridge Water before Brixton 60i, follow rly. line, cross Laira Br. {Toll : cars 1 / - ; motor- cycles 2d. ) 64, PlynKnith 66. Enter by Eipbankment Rd. , Exeter St. ,Trevil 1 e St. , and Old Town St. (see plan, p. 461, E.ii).— Plymouth— Exetcp (across Dartmoor) 42 m.— Leave by Old Town St., Tavistock St., and Tavistock Rd. (see plan, p. 461), 4 2i,a.«c.to — 107 — Orownhill 4 •>. Roborongh -f 5^, downhill toRoborough Rock -f 81, pass mulerrly. bi-. before Hari'owbeer 9; proceed forward to Dousland 8tn. (on r.) -^ 10| (1^ m. r. Mea^-y village in romantic surroundings; 2 iii. further on Sheepetor village overhung by weir:! rocky Sheep's Tor. — ^ m. 1. Walkhampton in pretty valley overlooked by grim granite tora of Dartmoor) ; pass under rly. br. 11^, v. stp. asc. to Peak Hill, rough desc, then imd. to Devil's Br. 14, stp. asc. with v. rough and loose surface, Princetown -^ 15 (OoAvict Prison f m. 1.), desc. to the Blackbrook 15f , cross the West Dart into Two Bridges 17, at exit bear 1., stp. asc. of shoulder of Crockem Tor 17i, New Bridge over Cherry Brook 19, on r. great hill of Believer Tor, on 1. Wistmans Wood, weird wood- land in lonely hollow, barely accessible on foot; und., cross the East Dart at entrance Culverhouse. DARTMOOR WarrenHo Doccombe ^oreton ^ Hampstead oorGate Cr'unspowixL ^storidbe Longdou)To ■^^ Exmmstzr* ► eXETEft Ashcomie Ktntoii Cockwooi Convict Prisoiv /woorawes ^Fr/ncetom DeuUsBr. Dawlf^ EolcoTTzhe pi DousUmd avu RoborougfiRoch, Koborougit Torqua) TCrown HiR W t.- ibury Dartmouth ^jtfodfotjt dignton 7-' At)erojh\ Cifford^ Shufchstaw K > Postbridge 21 (modem hamlet in v. ancient surroundings, heart of Dartmoor), stp. :id rough asc. to top of Merriplt Hill, Warren Ho. Inn 23 (2 m. E. Grimspound, pre- iuatoric British village of beehive stone huts in ruins) ; v. hilly rd. chiefly downhill to Moor Gate 25f , Bector Cross 4- 27, cross R. Bovey, Moreton Hampstead 4- 30, ♦7 otH. V. sin. stp. asc. before Doccombe 31f , v. stp. desc, cross Steps Br. over the Teign 34, follow river, leaving Dunsford -^ m. to 1., ♦!- 35^ ; i mile further on -j*, Culverhouse (on 1.) 37i, long stp. and sin. asc. to Longdown 38^, 2 m. und. desc, Pocombe Br. 4 401, V. stp. sin. asc. of Pocombe Hill, at top fine view over Exeter, stp. desc. into Exeter 42, which enter by Cowick St., Bridge St., and Fore St. (see plan, p. 2SS, E. VI). 28. Penzance, Land's End, The Lizard, Fal- mouth.— 110 m. Penzance— St. Ives 30 m.— Leave by AU-erton St. and Alverton Rd. (see plan, p. 456, E. II). f- 1, stp. desc. down ToltufE Hill, then imd. followed by v. stpl desc. t'l Bur>-a8 Br., fair surface. Lower Hendra \*- 4, rd. is better but still und.. t- 6, t" "^^ 4 8^" Sennen 9, -f* 9i, Land's End 10. Return to ^ 13, f 14, St. Just 17. Trewellanl 4- 18, t- 19, Morvah f- 20, -^ 23 (Zennor 25), t- 27, St. Ives 30. Gd. — 108 - rd., hilly, but v. pict. along the cliffs and overlooking the magnificent e«a-coast. — St Ives— The Lizard 30 m— Gd. rd. but wny. Leiant -\* 3, 1/14 desc. at 3i, T* 4, Ludgvan f (on r.) 7, ♦! sharp ttirn 9. Mavazion 10, fine views of St. Jtfichael's Mount on r., 4 11, Breage 4 Kaims 4- 4, Straiton 4 •'>' Cilencorse Stn. 4- 8, Penicuik 10, hilly rd. with only fair surface. Turn 1. past Penecuik Stn., Leadburn Inn 4^ 13, pass under rly., 4 16, Eddleston 4- 18, Peebles 23, v. gd. rd. Turn r. and then 1. over the Tweed leaving Peebles, and follow a gd. rd. through the Tweed Valley, short, stiff gradients of 1/13 at 25 J and 26i, Traquair 16 4* (Innerleithen across river on 1.). 1/24 with 1/17 gradient in parts over tlie hill to Gordon Arms Inn 4* 38. In about 3 m. the rd. follows the shores of St. Mary's Loch, Tibbie Shiel Inn H 44.— St. Mary's LoCh— GalashielS 28 m.— steep I/IO asc. from the Inn, rough rd., *i- 6 (Tushielaw Inn on r.), excellent rd., 1/16 desc. at 12, Ettrick Br. 15. typical Border country scenery. Beyond Ettrick the rd. is very hilly through a well-wooded valley, excellent surface, 1/13 asc. to Selkirk 22. Follow the Ettrick Water nearly all the way to Galashiels, Lindean Stn. t- 24i, Galashiels 28, gd. rd. Enter by .A.bbotsford Rd., Bank St., and High St. (see plan, p. 301, E. IV). — 109 - —Galashiels— Edinburgh 33 m.— Leave by High St., Bridge PI., and Edinburgh Ed. (see plan, p. 301, E. I). Fine, well-engineered rd. throughout. Bowland Stn. 4 4, Stow ^ 8, Heriot Stn. 4 16, f 1^. 4- 22 (Gorebridge on r.), Newtonloan *\- 24, qEOINBURGH ^^ewt/i^ton Sin, ^Jt^^^^^ • 1 4_i<2. ^noade -y/hencorseStru ^\£oredndge Jl^necuik ^X-y \ ^^ieriot Sin,. 9 \ "^XEddieston. s ^w \Qebles ^^s^. ^^^^ 1 ^^Galashiels ^ '^q/' ^^^^ . jMTCWuair /MLmdeoji Sin. ^elkirk Cordon Arms Inr \^J jf^ ^^i , , ^iLtnckiridoe Loch, if WhbieSfuds /rut ^^^^'^ TushieLau} Innyli "7 Bonnybrigg -f- 26, Lasswade 27, 4 27^, 1/11-14 dePc. at 28^, Liberton 4- 30, 1/11-14 desc. from Liberton, gd. surface, Edinburgh 33. Enter by Penecuik Rd., Craigmillar Pli., Mayfleld Gardens, Minto St., Newington Rd., Clerk St., Nicolson St. South Br., and North Br. (see plan, p. 281, E. V). 30. The Tweed Yalley, Lauder, Duns.— 87 m. BerwiCk-On-Tweed— Kelso 23 m.— Leave by Hide Hill, Bridge St., Berwick Br., Main St., Highgate and Belford Rd. (see plan, p. 171, E. II). Very gd. rd., easy undulations, Tweedmouth ^ \, Ord Ho. *y 1^, 4- 3J, Velrethall Rly. Stn. 4^, turn r. over rly. br., then immediately afterwards bear 1. ; Salutation Inn 4^ h\, Riffington Farm (on r.) 7, cross R. Till, Twizell Castle (on r.) 9i, 4 10. Comhill 13. Turn r. out of village to Coldstream \- 14. The surface still continues gd., and the rd. easily E — 110 — und. : f- 15, Birgham ^ 18, f- 20, the rd. passes through some charming riverside scenery, Kelso 23.— KelSO— GalaShielS 18 m.— Proceed south to the Tweed Br., after crossing which turn r. Tlie rd. is gd. and und. to St. Boswell's Green ; splendid views throughout. 4 2, 4 •'' "t ^"1 > Maxton -^ H, -\* 10, then lieep 1. not entering St. Boswell's, St. Boswell's Green -f Hi. t- Hi. Diyburgh Abbey on r. across the river, fair surface with dang. 1/12 desc. and asc. at 12+ ni., Mell'CSe 14. Turn r. across river at 15, then turn 1. Very fine rd., Galashiels 18. — GalaShielS — ■ 6erwiCk-0n-Tweed 46 m.— Fine rd., Bowland Stn. 4 4, stow ^ 8. Rough stp. ^^-yLn^u^ Ckunside- .^y«uuJ^ - Dun.s^y~^^^^^^^^^\. M JlfA^IRwictToNqWE^Sftg^ / ^^^ » fc^ ^^Tnnntnn. Y.l. ..'.'._" JTrT^nf^^ /nu^\ ^^^^trather /mix:ele. AJ\ ^ V\ ^^>??^ ^^lelruh Rt/fin^ton- FarAJ^ahdcdioTi Imv. ^X^lashiek Coldt^ZTJfK^ J''' 2^^^"^ \^ ^g^ i^lso Ti// " \ Mctclcn- rd. with 1/9 asc. from Stow, Lauder 13. Turn 1. shortly after leaving Lauder, then 1 m. further on bear r,, 4 17, Eagle Inn *{ 17^^, *{ 18^, Westruther 4- 204, Choicelee 'f- 28, wild moorland rd., hilly with inferior surface, Gavinton ■*{- 29, DuilS 31. \* 32, H 33, ^ 35, ^ (Chirnside) 37^, 4^ 40i, Foulden 41:i. Very fair rd.,but hilly nearly all the way, Berwick 46. Enter by Castle Terrace, Caatlegate, Scotch- gate, and High St. (see plan, p. 171, E. III). An alternate route from Duns is to keep str. on at 37^ into Chirnside and talie the rd. to the coast. 4 ^'^i (Ayton on 1.), 4 43i, 4 44^, Burnmouth on 1., gd. rd., Berwick 50. Enter by North Terrace. Caatlegate, Scotchgate, and High St. (see plan, p. l7l, E. I). 31. Dingwall, Ullapool, Gairloch.— 165 m. Dingwall — DllapOOi 47 m. — From High St. proceed westward, beyond rly. br. ♦p asc. to Fodderly Ch. 3^, Strathpeffer Spa 5, desc to Contin Cli. -j* 7i, straight on past Achilty Inn, gently und. rd. skirling loch Gai-ve, v. pict., Garve Hotel 13^, at fork turn r. into Gortin 14^, deisc. to br. over the Black Water 15^^, rd. then asc. Strath Garve, wild scenery, Ben Wyvis (3,429 ft. on r.), Inchbae Lodge 195, AlguLsh Inn 23i, follow r. bank of the Glasgarnoch Kiver which cross at 28i just before reaching Loch Droma, skirt N. bank of the Locli for 1 ni., asc. the dreary Dirrie More to Braemore Lodge 4 33i ; the scenery becomes less wild, the rd. desc. very rapidly into a beautifully wooded valley, rapid desc. tlirough fir woods passing the pict. Falls of Mejisach on the 1. and through the wonderful deep gorge of Corrie Halloch, Inverlael 39^, keep on the E. shore of Loch Broom, up tlie glen, good view of Ben Dearg (3547 ft.) on r., U m. further on rd. skirts cliff disclosing an excellent view of "Ullapool 47.— UliapOOl— GairlOCh 58 m. — Return to Braemoie Ledge as the ferry to Aultnaharrie does not carrj' cars, \* 13^, keep along " Destitution Road," stp. asc. for 5.} m., rough near summit, then down tlie valley of the Strathbeg' through rockj' gorges, magn. yiew of Teallach Mts. (3,483 ft.) on 1. approaching Dundonnell Inn 27 ; rd. now skirts Little Loch Broom pivssing the v. fine Ardessie Falls 29*, asc. followed by v. stp. desc. to Gruiuard Bay, Mungasdale 35^, cross Gruinard river 37^, then skirt the head of the Bay, asc. by a fine rd. cut out of the face of the cliff and desc. upon the west portion of the Bay through an interesting "clachan" of wretched -looking hovels, curious "stacks" are passed r. on the sea- shore, some stp. giadients. Laid 43, high land commanding fine mountain %iews N. to Aultbea (i m. to r.) 45, v. sin. rd. along Locli Ewe, fine sea views extending N.-W. to the Mts. in Harris, Poolewe 51^, follow E. Ewe, magn. view 1. of Mullacli CoiieMhic Fhearchar (3250 ft.) ; asc. to Loch Tolly, Loch Maree to the J., faiily stp. desc. to Gairloch Hotel 57, - Ill - rd. commands fine views w.,Gairloch 58.— Gairloch— Dingwall (via Achnasheen) 59 m. — Proceed southward through Kerrysdale, firs and pines, narrow and ron)antic glen (piet. falls 3 m. r.), Locli Batiiaskalloch above which towers Bus Bheinn {2,869 ft.) Slattadale 7, on 1. Loch Maree studded with pict. islands covered with firs and heather ; rd. then passes through thick hanging woods of bircli and pine skirting the Loch to Loch Maree Hotel at entrance to Talladale 9 ; grand view of loch and mountain ; und., rough surface to Br. of Grudie 13, magn. view 1. of Slioch (3,217 ft.) and r. of the mts.up Glen Grudie, Ru Noa Pier 16^^, Kinlochewe Inn |- 19, grand scenery (the rd. to the r. should mBeTLVfipds Torriiidciv- be taken to Torrindon 10 m., down Torrindon Glen, v. fine scenery throughout especially at Loch Torrindon), follow rd. througii Glen Docharty, then skirt N. side of Loch A Cliroisg to Achnasheen "f- 29 ; in the Bran Valley. The country is now bare and monot., Achanalt 8tn. (on r.) 35i, Crudie .39, wild scenery, rly. on r., Lochluichart Stn. (on r.) 40, 4 44, Garve 45, gently und. rd. skirting Loch Garve, v. pict., Contin Ch. 51^, asc. to Strathpeffer Spa 54, Dingwall 59. 32. InYerness, Strome Ferry, Achnasheen, Strathpeffer, Dingwall. — 159 m. Inverness— strome Ferry 83 m.— Leave Inverness by Bridge St., Young St., Tom- nahurich St., and Glen Urquliart Kd. (see plan, p. 349, E. III). Easy asc. followed by long desc, \- 2i, Lochend O^-, rd. passes along the shore of Loch Ness, wooded slopes on r., und. rd., \- 9, Temple Pier 13 t, Drumnadrochit *\ 14 1. The rd. continues along the loch-side, but becomes liilly, with poor surface and many turns to Inver- moriston, Urquhart Cas. V6\ (on 1.), Invermoriston -^ 27i^. Tlie road leaves the loch, and turns westward over a well-engineered rd., with easy gradients bit poor surface to Shiel Inn ; very pretty road up Glen Moriston, beautifully wooded country, Torgyle 35i, Ceannacroc Br. 41^, rd. skirts Loch Clunie (on 1.), Clunie Inn -\ 51$, a-^oend through Glen Clunie, mountains on both sides, very wild countiy ; descend Glen Sliiel, following the R. Shiel to Shiel Inn )*■ 63^. Very pretty road skirting Loch Duch, easy rd. for 4 m., then rise and fall, followed by long steep asc, rough surface, to Keppoch 70|-, Very stp. desc. to Dornie Inn 72f ; cross Loch Long by ferry, Ardelve -\- 74i, ^*- 76^ (sharp elbow turn; straight on for Balmacarra Hotel) ; very hilly rd., gd. surface, except on liills, to Strome Ferry, stp. winding asc, then easy running for 2 m., followed by precipitous desc. for \% ; level, shai-p asc. and stp. winding desc. to Strome Ferry 83. — Strome Ferry— Inverness 76 m. — Cross strome Ferry, and proceed along V. pict. rd. 8kirting Loch Carron, good, surface, Jeantown -f 4i, fair rd., rough and stony in parts, to Loch Bhnghaill (on r.), pretty rd. along wooded shores of the locli, long asc, poor rd., easy running by the lonely Loch Scaven ; long desc to Ledgown, then past Loch Gown (on r.) to Achnasheen 4 "^oi- Asc and desc. to Knockban 29i, und. through Achnalt 32 to Crudie 35^, wild rd., rly. on r., Lochluichart Stn. 36i Conr.), 4 40i, Garve 41^, gently und. rd. skirting Loch Garve, v. pict., Contin Ch. *\ 47^, asc. to Strathpeffer Spa (beautiful situation) 50i-, desc. followed by level rd. to Dingwall, 54|, keep r, at cross roads just before reaching the station. Almost level rd. with good surface and pretty views all the way to Inverae*, Maryburgh \- 56^, Conan 4 57i, fine woods, Muir of Ord 4 60^, Beauly 63^^, -^ just before Lovat Br. 65 over the — 112 j0^ Loch bown .^J ^ Besu/yTy^'^^^^^^B ^lochBughaill ^"^'n^^^^^/r Jeantown/f, / C=:=?i SoLii^ •^'^ ^^ ^£^^hCarron '^.^ ^LochzruL Ferry ^ Druwnadrochit^^MpU Pi^p j^muhart (as. Z^jJ^a^uL^orruC' ff^j W^^^& ^ Jff^ ^ ShkUiui. k. ;;^^^^^' Loc^lMiie/ R. Beauly, \- 66i, \t- 671, Sandycroft *\ 68i, Bogroy 4 68|, thence splendid rd., with riews over Beauly Firth to Inverness 76 (enter by Telford St., Wells St., Hvmtly St., and Bridge St. ; see plan, p. 349, E. IV). 33. Loch Ness, Loch Lochy, and the Yalley of the Spey.— 158 m. Inverness— Fort Augustus 33 m. — Lea%e Inverness by High St., Bridge St., Young St., Domnahurich St., a;id Glen Urquhart Rd. (see plan, p. 349, E. III). Cross Caledonian Canal and continue along its W. bank with public park on r. Keep str. along shore of Loch Ness (wooded country on r.) to Druninadl-ochit *\ 15 (v. gd. surface). After crossing stream rd. bears 1. (Ch. on 1.) and crosses second stfeani, after which sharp turn r. (Urquhart Castle on 1.) ; continue along shore of Loch Ness, through pict. wooded country, passing Mealfourvonie (2,284 ft.) on r. to Invermoriston *\ 27, and crossing R. Moriston (und., fair surface). Und. rd. and rough in parts, still foUows w. bank of Loch Ness to Fort Augustus 34 m. — Fort Augustus— Fort William 32 m. — Continue southw^ard and keep r. along rly. at fork. After passing Aberchalder Stn. 4^, cross suspension br. over R. Oich, and skirting Loch Oich (fine lake scenery) *\ 7 (Invergarry Hotel \ m. str. on). Invergarry Ho. andrns. of cas. on 1. Laggan Drawbridge 9|. Laggan Locks 11+. Rd. now follows E. bank of Loch Lochy. Letterfinlay 14i; \- 22. Spean Br. -j*- 23. Br. over R. Lundy 28tt. Inverlochy Cas. and batWefield (1,645) on r. Cross Br. of Nevis into Fort William 32.— Fort William — Kingussie 49 m. — Retrace route to Spean Br., ^* 9. Roy Br. Hotel 12+. Cross R. Roy (on r. the R. Roy faSls into R. Spean). A visit should be made to Parallel Roads of Glen Roy. Rd. now asc. Glen Spean and enters splendid gorge of Achlau- chrach (magn. scenery). R. Spean rapids on r., and just before Tulloch Stn. (on r.V is Inverlair Ho. 17f. Asc. to Roughbum 19+ (gd. rd., ly. imd.). and skirting shore of Loch Laggan to Loch Laggan Hotel 31. Continue along r. bank of R. Pattack (v. pict.). Br. over Mashie Water 35^. Follow the course of river. At Drumgask ♦j 37f. Turn sharp r. at Laggan Br. 38+, and then rd. (und.) continues along valley of R. Spey (river on r.). Cluny Castle is seen on 1. 40f. 2 m. further on are precipi- tous cliffs of Craigahu. Desc. (magn. scenery) to Br. over R. Calder 45+. Newtonmore %■ 45. Continue along R. Spey to Kingussie 49. — Klngussic— Inverness 44 m — Proceed eastward along 1. bank of R. Spey. Loch Insh on r. Splendid scener,\ At Kincraig Stn. (on r.) "f^ 6. Alvie Ch. 9 (Loch on 1.) Tor of Alvie on r. Avie- more 12 (splendid view of Cairngorm Range from rly. stn.). Desc. through finely wooded country, passing Loch Vaa 15+ (pict.) on r. to -^ 16+. Cross the Dulnau before Carrbridge *x- 19- Stp. asc. to Baddengorm 20+. Follow rly. through narrow gorge (Slochd), then downhill to B. Findhorn. After crossing br. 4 25.^. Splendid view up the valley. Freebum Inn 28+, proceed through Glen of Moy, keepinjr ne.ar Loch Moy approaching Moy 32+, Moy Hall (| m.) at N. end of the loch. Country 113 — Inverness Q^^M ■f/T^^ & af^ /ffoy^^i^ ..^ ^\SnV£bur7i IfUL /?ram;r,drocm ^rS-x,,,^ Mealfourvonie '>^M^ InoernwrLstoriJ^ ' ""T^fe Ipp^ AvieimoreiS^ Fort Augustus J^ JTuwraiy SOiJ^^^ of Alvie tiwergarry Rot^^J^berchnl{ierSuu ^^^&^CHWSH ^''^'Wlochoich -^3. &^^e^ionmore f^^ ^pi^S^^v/ ■'wmgash ^Wut/^ffaila2/ jd f^ ^ ^^^^^W^«1J^^ 1 r' =>;/ % ^^ v^^'^/-'2Z5«?^ir/iwT j7^/ ^^^^^^ -^ is / /0Fort William ^ \ becomes barren. Craggie Inn \- 36^^. Ballagan *\ 37, and cross R. Nairn to Davlot QXx.Zlk. Asc. to the plantation of Drumniossie Moor and then desc. to Inverness, catering by Kingsmills Kd., St. Stephen's Brae, aad High St. (see plan, p. 349, E. II). 3^. Elgin, AYiemore, the Spey Yalley.— 91 m. Elgin— Aviemore (via Forres, Grantown, Carrbridge) 51 m.— Leave by High St. and West Rd. (see plan, p. 283, E. IV.), at exit \*-, br. over the Lossie 1, und. rd. through thick woods, -^ 3^, to the I. on a wooded hill is York Tower, desc. to Alves b\, Woodside 6i, Newmill 8, %■ 81 (5^ m. r. Kinloss Stn. from where there is a fine view W. across the Moray Firth of the Ross-shire Mts. ; \ m. further on Kinloss Abb.), level to Forres 12, +|- at exit, then br. over rly., river Findliom on r., splendid run tlirough the beautiful fir woods of Altyre, fine scenery of tlie high, red sandstone banks of the Findhorn *\ 18, Dunphail Stn. (on 1.) 20, loose surface to Br. of Divie 21, rd. then asc. valley of the Dorbock Burn (river on r.), Dava Stn. (on 1.) \- 26^-, across bleak moor witli snow palisades (1050 ft. alt.), v. fine liighland scenery ; across the heather-covered Cromdale Hills, Castle Grant (^ m. 1.) 32^, GrantoWD -f 34, river Spey on 1., easy und. to Duinan Br. ^ 37, rd. follows r. Dulnan on 1. bank, fine scenery, Duthil 41^, through a fine wood to Carrbridge *\ 44, immediately after crossing the Dulnan t^ (3 m. to r. Sluggan Br.), follow rly. line as far as AvieiUOre 51 (magn. ^•iew of the Cairn- gorm Range).— Aviemore— Elgin (via Craigellachie) 40 m. — Proceed southward and taking rd. on 1. at fork cross br. over the Spey, follow the Druie valley, Inverdruie 1, cross Coylumbridge *\ 2, Loch Morlich 3 m. straight on. There is a magn. exc. to be made from liere to Nethybridge lO-i m. further on, via Rebhoan Pass (narrow pine-clad gorge) and the deliglitful Abernethy Forest, but this could not be done in a motor car, a.s in some places the rd. becomes a mere track; R. Spey on 1., Kincardine Ch. 6, -|' 85^ (Boat of Garten f m. 1.), along same bank of river, \- 9 (Loch Garten li m. r.), Nethybridge -f- 12, rd. passes Abernethy Ch. and Castle Roy (on 1.) ; pass under rly. br. at Speybridge Stn. 4^^, immediately afterwards -^ (1^ m. 1. Grantown), rd. still follows tlie Spey Vallsy (river on 1.), und. to Cromdale 7i, mountain views on r.. Mains of Dalvey lOK Advie Ch. (on 1.) 12^, Mains of Advic 13i, Br. of Avon before reaching Dalnashaugli Inn *\ 17, bea»jtiful scenery on Speyside, Ballindalloch Cas. (\ m. 1.) 18, Br. of Derrybeg 4 23, stp. desc. to Charlestown of Aberlour 25, Craigellachie ♦J- 27, delightfully situated at the junction of the Spey and Fiddlich; cross the Spey — 114 ?>«■ Aloes VeiomUl ^Forres }Ally re Woods BumphaJl Stn,. xLaoaStn. DuMl Grantown Craigellachie l Charlestowri ofAbeHp. hr.or Derrybe^ Castle ^cdnashxmgh. Iruv Speybridge i ^J" AjjCasdzTioy airbridge ^/^aMerjie^ Cti. '^^S^y^Abernethy Forest \Gart£r^ Qlock GoT-iert \Kincardim Civ. tAviemofe ^oyUmlrrldge ^loch Morliclv sharp tum r. immediately beyond'br., Rothes 30, pict. view of Ben Argan (1,544 ft.) on r., id. now leaves the river and passes through the " Glen of Rothes," following rly. line on 1. all the way to E4gin 40. Enter by Moss St. and Commercial St. (see plan, p. 283, E. III). 35. The Valley of the Dee, the " Royal Route," Coupar Angus, Forfar, Brechin, Montrose, and the Coast. — 174 m. 1st Day— 93 m.— Aberdeen— Braemar 59 m.— Leave by Market St., union St., Holburn St., and Gt. Western Kd. (see plan, p. 133, E. III). Well-engineered, smooth surfaced rd., which, combined with most excellent scenery, makes it the most delightful run in Scotland ; Cults \- 3i, rly. and R. Dee on I., Culter \- 8f , leave rly., \- 10^, rejoin rly. at Drumoak \\\ (Drum Cas. on r.), Crathes Cas. (on r.) 14^, follow rly. to Bancliory 4 18, \ ISJ, beautiful wooded country jn valley of the Dee, Potarch Br. — 115 — 4 24, Sline Woods on r., f 25^, Kincardine O'Xeil 26, t- 27ii, Aboyne 30^ Keep 8tr. on over cross rds., Dinnet Stn. fon 1.) -f- 35, t- just before Cambus o' May 8tn. 37$, Tullich t- 40, turn r. into Ballater 41|. Stp. asc. for i m., Br. of Gairn 43i, long asc. followed by gentle decline, Abergeldie Gas. 47$ (on 1., across the river), easy asc. to Crathie 49^, Balmoral Gas. * ^ is seen on the opposite bank of the Dee, amid raagniflcent surroundings. A fine view of the distlint Lochnagar is obtained from here. Avoid rds. to r. and 1., keeping along the banks of the Dee, rd. ascends easily through beautiful Highland pine-woods, "f- just before Inver<;auld Br. 55^, cross the Dee, Invercauld Ho. (on r., across the Dee) 56|, Braemar 59.— Bracmar— Blalr- gowrie 34 m. — Tum l. in village, and proceed southwards into Glen Clunie, Auchal- later 4 2, the asc. begins, and the surface is loose in parts ; extremely picturesqtie scenery. AUtamhait 5%, Cairnwell Pass (the highest rd. in Britain, 2,2(X) ft.) 9, The Devil's Elbow 91 (v. dang.), v. stp. desc, proceed cautiously ; magnificently wild scenery, loose, stony rd., but never very bad, Spital of Glenshee ^ 15i, Shee Water on I., t- 233, 425, *i just before Br. of Gaily 28i, -ty immediately beyond br., sin. rd., V. gd. surface, turn r. into Blairgowrie 34. c^^ ^^*^ ABERDEEN \ " 1 a4^ ^^&aM6 r '^ TBanchory '^r!f^^- ^t^^^ergeldie (ks \/( ^^^ercauM£r. Stonehaveim ^ ^uc^uiJhler ndloJUruAj -^ '^^lliamkait « Ro(ub:u^l § mfurmveil Fass \~JjBervip. Whz Devil's ELbom ^A ^\y^l/ohnshaL//'jC' mpiial ofSknshet. ■% ., ^^)mru.s -■ "te B^m^i._q'/ ^ 1 ¥ !^77!^ontpose a. .vW^ ^pforTar / ^^^fe^S le^]^^ ^ouglastowro RosemmMKj^^/^ ' ^ iA StA. ^^oupar Angus d U^ - - .-..,^^m 2nd Day— 81 m.— Blairgowrie— Forfar (via Coupar Angus) 22 m.— Excellent rd. to Coupar Angus; zj=t= Rosemont Stn. 4. 1|, 4. 31, cross the Isla, Coupar Angus 5. Pleasant und. rd., with splendid surface to Forfar; 4 7f, -J+ into Meigle 10, \ _^ Vy^ \^ Stnila.ns_ Jhuura/ Ockerti/re Methven ^^^^^ ^^s% Cairndow Inn 12i, - 117 - level id. skirting Loch Fjrne, pict., Inveraray 22.— Inveraray— Cpianlarlch 33 m. — Loug easy asc. for 8 m., Inveraray Cas. on r., pict. rd., magn. view of Loch Awe atr summit, stp. rough desc. to Cladich -^ 9^, hilly rough rd., overlooking Loch Awe and Ben Cruachan on 1., v. stp. asc. and long stp. desc. to Dalmally 4 16, Inverlochy 4 18, stp. asc, rough bad rd. through "Lonesome Glen" to Tyndrum -f 27|, fair und. surface to Crianlarich 33.— Crianlarich— BallOCh 33 m.— Turn sharp r. out of Crianlarich, long pict. desc. to Ardlin 8 , thence v. pict. rd. sin., excellent surface skirting Loch Lomond on 1. and eastern slopes of Ben Vorlich on r., Tarbet Hotel ^jpianlarich ■♦y 16i, rd. continues to skirt Loch Lomond, magnificent views of the islands, v. gd., level rd., \. 21^, Luss 25, \- 28^, und. rd., f 30i, *{ into Balloch 33.— Balloch— Glasgow (via Bearsden) 24 m.— \- f, f U, und. rd., Gartocham 4, t- ^i, T* 7 (1. to Drymen), \- 7|, -f ^i) ^°'^S ®tP- ^^^- *<• summit 4 12i, v. stp. desc, becoming easier, ♦p 18^, Bearsden 4 19i, Canniesburn -|- 20, Maryhill21f, Glasgow 23 (enter by New City Ed.. Cowcaddens St., Buchanan St., George St., George 8q., and Queen St. ; see plan, p. 304, E. XI). - 118 - IRELAND. 38. Coleraine, Ballymoney, Cushendall, the North-East Coast, and Giant's Causeway — 75 m. Coleraine— Cushendall 30 m.— Leave by Church St., King's Gate St., and Lodge Kd. (see plan, p. 615, E. IV). Good, gently und. rd., Pallans South \- 3|, -^ 5i, Ballymoney 7f , entering by High St. Proceed eastward from the old Town Hall, past the Ch., and over the rly. br., ^ just beyond br., easy rise and fall to 44^ lOi, Ballyhoylands Post Office 4 10i> ** 1^ ^^^^ 1- ^t junction of five rds.. Drones 15J (bear r. at junction of six rds.), Ballyhoe Br. +r ^nd immediately beyond Magherahoney ^* l7i, long stiff climb, v. stp. at the bend. Glens Br. 19i, rise to the Bumroit, fine views, level for short distance, then very steep desc. to Bryvore Br. ^ 23i (pretty view down Glendun), turn sharp 1. beyond the br., rather stp. desc. followed ,by level rd. for 1 m., then v. stp. desc. of 2 m., with a dang, turn, -j* 28, Cushendall 30. —Cushendall— BallycaStle 16 m.— Eetum to fork, 4 2, rd. winds up the valley, t" 3, fine run to Glen Dun Viaduct -j* H, v. high and picturesque, rd. zigzags up on to the heath-covered moorland to summit, *!- 6i, v. fine views looking back, then grand run to Ballyvoy -tf 135, Abb. Ens. on r. 1 m. before Ballycastle 16.— Ballycastle J^athJui. ' Ishnd ^■ ^ —Coleraine 29 m.— stp. asc, 4 1|, v. stp. winding desc, bad surface, fine coast scenery, Ballintoy 51, 4 61, skirt the pretty White Park Bay, \¥ 9i, ruined Ch. ot Templastragh, Dimseverick Cas. • (on r.) 10, fine views of the magnificent head- lands, Giant's Causeway • • (aamission -/6) 12i, -^ I'Si, Bushmills 14i, easy asc. to the coast, electric tramway on right side of rd. all the way to Portrush, Dunluce Cas. (on r.) V7, easy desc. to sand dunes round which the rd. winds, 4 18, Portrush 20i. Keep r. at fork outside village, follow coast with fine views of the sea and the Inishowen Peninsula, 4 at entrance to Portstewart 24^, sharp asc, followed by rather stp. desc, good surface, -jv 284, Coleraine 29 (enter by Millbum Rd. and Queen St. ; see plan, p. 615, E. I). 39. The Inishowen Peninsula and Malin Head.— 100 m. iondonderry— Malin Head 44 m.— Leave by Shlpquay pi. and strand Rd. (see plan, p. 643, E. I). Turn 1. immediately beyond 1^4^ at 1 m.. Bridge End Stn. 4 44^ 5, Burnfoot Stn. \- 6. Two easy asc. followed by downhill run through Falian 10. Thence the rd. passes round the headland with a fine und. run to Buncrana 14, stiff rise through the town. 4 l^- wild, pict. country, Carroghill Br. *\ 19 (1/9 desc. at 22 m.), Clonmany |+ 24 44^. 1/12 asc. at 27 m., narrow rd. with occasional stiff hills to CarndoTiagh 4- 32, |* 84, Malin 4- 35, J/8 desc. at 38, bad surface, Tower in - 119 - ruins 43 wliere rd. ends. It is 1 ni. on foot to Malin Head near which is Hell's Hole. — Malin Head— Londonderry (via Moville) 56 m.— Return by same rd. to *t- ii, -^ 13, Culdaff -f 15, and alittle farther on f-. Good, easy rd. with fine sea views. The Mull of Cantyre and the Scottish coast are plainly visible on clear days. -^ 21, llaglass Br. ♦r 22, JNIoville ♦p 25, \*- 27 at Ch., winding desc. to Greencastle (port of aill for Mcdui I fee 'falui Tower LONDONDERRY American liners) 28, rough stp. asc. to Inlshowen Head 31. Fine views from cliffs over 300 ft. high. Return by same rd. to Moville \- 37, 1/13 asc. at 39, Redcastle \- 41. The scenery from Inishowen to Londonderry is fine, with views of Lough Foyle and the opposite shore. Carrowlieel \- 45. Bad, rutty surface to Muff \- 50, \- 44= 55, Londonderry 56 (enter by strand Rd. and Shipquay PI., see plan, p. 643, E. I). 40. Belfast, Lame, Cushendall, Ballymena, Antrim.— 97 m. Belfast— Cushendall 50 m.— Leave by Donegall PL, Royal Av., York St., and York Rd. (see plan, p. 603, E. I). Poor macadam surface, much cut up, tram-lines to Greencastle 3^, 4 4^, fair surface. White Abbey 5*, CarrickfergUS 4 10, Eden •4 12, easy rise, -f 13, Whitehead 15, splendid views over Belfast Lough, 4- 16, 4 just before entering Glynn 22^ (pretty village ; Ch. ruias), Larne 244. Turn 1. out of village, magnificent «d. sweeping round by the sea in a constant panorama, Black- grave Tunnel 26i-, Ballygawley Head 29 (Camcastle on r.), pleasant view increasing in grandeur as Glenarm is approached ; much cut-up surface near Glenarm 4 37 (Glenarm Cas., XVIIth c. Gothic ; waterfalls), 4 39, Car lough 40 (charming scenery), Garron Tower 43'! (on 1.), Cloghhastucan column (on r.), niagn. view as Red Bay is approached, Waterfoot 4 48i (pict. %Tllage on north side of beautiful Vale of Glenarift). The road passes through an archway imder the ruins of Red Bay Cas., Cxishendall 50 (pretty village).— Cushendall— Ballymena 19 m— Bear l. out of Cushendall, long asc. up the side of Lurigethan (1,154ft.), fine view over Cushendall looking backwards; rly. on 1., Trostan (1,817 ft.) on r., Parkniore Stn. (on r.) 4 ^h (the beautiful Glenariff should be visited from here, admission -/6). Good surface, easy falling rd., Martinsto\vn Stn. \- 11^, Clogh Rd. Sen. 4- 13, Ballymena 19 (enter by Cushendall — 120 — Kd., SMinmer Hill, Broughshane St., and Church St.'; see plan, p. ttOO, E. I). — Ballymena— Belfast 28 m.— Leave by Bridge St., Harryville Br., Henry St., and Queen St. (see plan, p. 600, E. 11). Good rd., ly. und. to Antrim ; -f* 1, Kells 4- 4, -1^ 5|, 4- 6^, 4 8, Antrim -f lOi, f Hi (Muckamore Priory Rns. on r.), Dunadry Stone Circle 14, Templepatrick -y* 16 (Uptou Cas. Deuiesne ou 1), splendid broad rd. >, tushendall "Irostam/ ^m 4. I Col Siw Waierfoop Bed Eai^ m farhnorej/ — StmJ jMlartiiisfowTv ^^ qiCa/'Poru Tower i ^ ^ ^^ mhughy fli^ GLenarno (\^ ' ' K ^fcLogh RcL Strv. ^^larAgrcwf. TujimL/ $rBalI^mena' A vJ^ ^ Whddiea^f K^tr/'m ^Jbnplepa/rick' IdjBjX^ Carrichfergu^^^ > Ihiory W^ ^ ^^ Gw&m&il^ Belfast all the way to Belfast ; -f- 22, on right is Cave Hill rising abruptly from the road with Donegall Cas. prettily situated on its slopes ; on the left are good views of the Lough and the opposite shores of Co. Down, Carrickfergus Cas. can easily be seen. Paved rd. with tram-lines from Whitewell to Belfast 28 (enter by Dimcaird St., Carlisle Circus, Clifton St., Donegall St., Royal Av., and Donegall PI. ;" see plan, p. 603, E. V). 41. Donegal, the Coast, Dungloe.— 116 m. Donegal— Dungloe (via Killybegs and Giencolumbkille) 69 m.— Leaving Donegal proceed N.W. towards Mountcharles 4, asc. followed by long desc. to Inver \- 7i, superb views of the Donegal mountains on r., Inver Bay on 1., Dunkineely 11^ overlooking the strand of McSwyne's Bay, v. pretty at Bruckless 12;|- %■ \h\ , desc. to a most charming land-locked bay, KillybegiS 17 (i m. 1. St. Catherine's Well, desc. to Fintragh Bay overhung on r. Crownarad Mount., Fintragh Ho. 19^, v. extensive sea- — 121 — views, at 24:J, to avoid stp. id., bear r. leaving Kilcar on 1., away on tiie 1. Muckros Head boldly jutting into the sea, fine clifE scenery ; rd. again desc. a wild moorland region, gigantic mass of Slieve League closing up the view across Teelin Bay ; br. over tlie Glen River at entrance to Carrick 27^ (the ascent of Slieve League should be made, magn. view), rd. suddenly desc. into the Glen Valley, v. beautiful, Glencolumbkille 34 (^ m. N. Glen Head, and Sturrall clifEs i^ m. further on), turn r. after passing the B. C. Chapel, Glen Lodge \- 34f , Glen. Br. 35^, asc. of Glengesh Hill 44i, then v. stp. desc, 1/7 gradient, the worst hill in Ireland (it is best to avoid this dang, hilt and take the direct rd. froiri KUlybegs to Ardara), Common Br. *y 47i, Ardara ^ 49, Owenea br. 49^, und., fine coast scenery ^. 54 d m. to L Narln and Portnoo Hotel, whence fine views across Gweebarra Bay), Maas *{■ 57^, Gweebarra Br. 60i, fine view up and down the valley, after passing R. C. Church onl. *{ 61i, f 63:i. Derrydruel Br. 65f , DUQgloe 69.— Dungloe— Donegal (via Stranorlar) 47 m. — Proceed eastward, at ^ m. sharp- turn r., f- 2, louglis on r. and 1., stp. desc. of Corkscrew Hill before Doochary *j 74, v. fine views, Glenleheen Br. lOi, asc. to Lough Finn ♦y- 12, along the lough to Fintown 12^ (beautiful situation), l[* 13i, rd. skirts E. Finn (on r.), wild scenery, Etalagh Br. 18^, Cloghan 21, keep along same bank of river, woods of Drumboe Cas. on the r. before reaching Stranorlar "i* 29; cross br. over the Finn into Ballybofey -f- 30, rly. line on 1., rural scenery, rise to Lough Mourne 35 ; scenery grows wilder, desc. through Barnesmore Gap, v. narrow Pass, mountains on both sides, -f 42, Lough Bask on r., remarkably pict. views on desc. to Donegal 47. 42. Lough Gill, Lough Allen, and Lough Arrow. — 72 m. SligO— CarriCk-On-Shannon 38 m.— Leave by victoria Br., Stephen St., and Gore St. (see plan, p. 661, E. II). -\* f and shortly afterwards bear r., imd. rd. with many short stp. pitches; pass through the beautiful woods of Hazelwood demesne. Lough Gill on r.. Lough Colgagh in a hollow on 1., asc. to the Deerpark in which is the Irish Stonehenge, Leach-Con-Mic-Rins ; desc, and straight on along the shore of Lough Gill, a beautiful lake with several islands and surrounded by picturesque hills, ruins of Prince Breffin'sCas. (v. pict. situated onr.) 7i, 4 7f, keep straight on, skirting the shore of the lake imtil the R. Bonnet is reached, when bend 1. and follow the river to Drumshaire \- Hi (O'Roiirke's Hall; Monast. of Creveela), \*- Hi, downhill to br. over R. Bonnet, =t=l= and 4- 13, 4 15, 4 17, gd. rd., fairly level to Drumkeeran 4- I9i, keep str. on to Lough Allen, pretty rd., bad surface, lake on 1., Corglass f- 24i, Mount Allen \- 27f, *{■ 29i, Drumshanbo ■}*■ 30i, good level rd., t- 32 J, Lei trim 4 34i, -T* 35|, Lough B/an oni.,Carrick-on-Shannon 38.— Carrlck-on-Shannon — SligO (via Boyle) 34 m.— After crossing br. over the Shannon, bear r., v. prettily wooded rd. to Boyle. Lough Drumharlow on r., Ardcam 'f- 4, charming Rockingham Demesne and Lough Key on r., Boyle !♦ 9i ; 4- lOi, the road ascends steeply over the Curlew Hills, affording fine views over the district, easy desc. to old cas. at .entrance to Ballinafad 4- 14i ; easily und. rd. through Holly brook Demesne and long the side of Lough Arrow, Kesh Hills on 1., Castle Baldwin 4- 18^ (Cas. on r.), irrownagark -^ 22, 4- 24, beautiful Markree Demesne on r., Collooney t* 27i, 122 's Castle Drumshanbo L. Hran Carrick-on- Shannon cross br. and 44: 2S. Ballysadare h 29i (Abb. nis.K Belladrahid ^ 30, Y 32i, SligO 34 (enter by Albert Rd.. Albert St., Castle St.,"Ratclifl St., and Knox's St.; se« plan, p. 661, E. III). 43. The Glens of Co. Wicklow.— 117 m. Dublin— BleSSington 19 m.— Leave Dublin by Sackville St., O'Connell Br., West- morland St., Grafton St., Harcourt St., Richmond St., and Rathmines Rd. (see plan, p. 621, E. IV). Paved rd. to Terenure -^ 3J, immediately after cross roads turn 1.. steam tram at side of rd., continual easy asc. to Tallaght 74 (see Dominican Monastery). Keep straight fcrward through village, ^ 10, long asc, beautiful views of Wicklow Mts. on 1., and plain of the Liftey on r., Brittas -|^ 13, 4- 15, Blessington 19.— BleSSlngton— Laragh 20 m.— Just beyond Blesslugtou Ch. tum J., leaving main rd. and tramway on r., v. bad rd., rough and sandy, through valley of Kiug's R., Hum- phrystown Br. -4" 4^, Carigacurra -^ 6, Toghers -^ 7i, Road Junction ♦|-9, hilly rd. to Annalecka Br. 12|, continues v. stp. asc. to Wicklow Gap 144, from the summit (1,500 ft.) magn. view, long stp. desc, wonderful scenei-y, Glendalougll 'f^ 19 (see famous Seven Churches •),Laragh20.— Laragh— Laragh (circukirvia Aughrim) 38 m. — !♦ 1, sin. rd., V. stp. asc. and desc, magn. mount, views to Drumgoff Br. -|- 6, stp. rough asc, wild, poor piount. rd., desc. (dang, on account of numerous stone ditches crossing the rd.), Aghavannagh *\ 11, continuous desc. to Aughrim \*- \%\, and im mediately afterwards ♦p, pict. rd., following rly. and R. Ow to Wooden Bridge \- 23i (see junction of Rivers Ow and Ovoca), und. rd. pict. up valley of the Ovoca, Ovoca Stn. \- 25i, Meeting Br. 4- 27f (v. pretty spot), 4 28i, 4- 29, easy asc, Rath- drum t- 30i (beautiful situation), 4 ^2^, hilly, pict. rd. through Vale of Clara to Laragh 38.— Laragh— Dublin (via Sally Gap and Enniskerry) 40 m-— Bear r. out of Laragh, hilly rd., asc, Annamore -*|- 3, desc, easy asc. to Round wood (v. pretty village; see Vartry Reservoir), *\ 6, ^j- 8, uphill rd., bad surface, v. pict., Lough Tay on 1., Sally Gap -^ 15^, stp. desc. past the Bray Lakes on 1., to Glencree Reformatory h 20*, asc, V. pict. rd., dang. desc. to Enniskerry 4" 27i (v. pict. village), asc, \- 28i, 123 I V. pict. rd., The Scalp 29, desc. Golden Ball 'f- 31, long desc. across Sandyford Cross Rd. *r 33i to Dundrum -^ 35i, MUtowTi 37, Dublin 40 (enter Dublin by Cullenswood Kd., Ranelagh Rd., Charlemont St., Harcourt St., Grafton St., Westmorland St., O'Connell St., and Sackville St. ; see plan, p. 621, E. III). 44. West port, Belmullet, Ballycastle.— 129 m. Westport— Belmullet 50 m.— Leave by James St., Newport St., and Newport Ed. {see plan, p. 670, E. I). Two rather stp. asc followed by gd. und. rd., -^ 4, Newport 8. Bear 1. leaving the town, and proceed by gd. rd., with few short stiff asc. to Malla- ranny 4 19' ^^^ views of Clew Bay with its 100 islands. From Mallaranny an excursion may be made into Achill Island by turning 1. at fork. The rd. passes round the Cun-aun Peninsula to Achill Sound 8. In Achill the rd. is broken up with heavy traffic, and is v»;ry bumpy, Keem 22. Beturn by same rd. Leaving Mallaranny the surface is very loose, rutty, and in tracks, sharp 1/9 desc. at 1 m., thence almost level, Bellaveeny — 124 — Lodge 4 25, Roman Catholic Chapel 4 26.K Shanramonagh Br. \* 31, wild deflate rd.. Ban!?orInn ♦it "^S, fairly level rd. through a wild mountain bog to Belmullet, Manhin Br. •^ 40, the rd. desc. through the pretty Glen of Owendovel, 4 42, Glencastle R. C. Chapel 4- 45f , f- 47i, BelmuUet 50. An excursion may be made Irom Belmullet Into ^lie treeless Mullet Peninsula. Fair surface, but deteriorating towards Termon Pier 12. Behind the coastguard stn. lies FuUmore, a typical Irish village of the old style. Many of the houses have no chimneys or windows, and the dwellings are built In any position.— Belmullet -Crossmolina (via Ballycastle) 44 m.— Return to *i 2\, Barnatra Post Office 4. 61, Olenamoy Br. 4 IH}, Belderg Inn 21, dreary moorland rd.. in places little better than a tra«k. Beyond Belderg the rd. improves and runs along the cliffs, with splendid sea views to Ballycastle 30. Turn r. near the Ch- and take the pretty rd. through the valley of tlie Ballington R., gd. surface, fairly level, but somewhat hilly in parts, 4 35, Watersplash (ford) 37i, BelTille Br. 4 ^8^, Stone Hall 4 40i, Ciossmolina 4- 44.— Crossmolina— Westport (via Castlebar) 35 m. — t- 3, Lahardon *\ 6, t- 10, Pontoon Hotel 4 14, gd. rd. with fine views of Lough Conn. Ross West 4^ 19, fair rd., witli sharp little hills, Castlebar 24. Pass through town by New Antrim St., Linen Hall St., Bridge St., Market St., Ellison St., and Rock St. (see plan, p. 610, E. I and V). 4 ^i> 4 8, fair und. rd., magn. view of Clew Bay and Clare Island from the hill above Westport, 1/17 asc. to summit followed by 1/21-14-12 desc. to Westport 35. Enter by Castlebar Rd., Caatlebar St., North Mall, and James St. (see plan, p. 670, Et II). 46. The Lakes of Galway and the West Coast. — 153 m. Two days.— Galway— Balllnrobe 30 m.— Leave by Eyre St., wood's Quay, and Headford Rd. (see plan, p. 630, B. I), bumpy rd. for 3 m., 4- 2^, Ballindooly 4- 3^, str. flat rd. over low-lying bog, Lough Corrib on 1., Cloonboo 4- ^1 (Annaghdown Cas. Rns. 4 m. to 1.), Lough Afoor on 1. 9, CurrandoUagh Cross Rds. 4- lOi, Cloghanower 4 15J, Headford 4- 17J. Road now improves and has good surface to Ballinrobe. Perfect switchback road for 2 m., Black River Br. ISf , %■ 21f , Cross 4- 24i, Neale %■ 26| (Rns. of old castle, and Inishowen Is. 6 m. W.), ly. und. - 125 - rd., gd. surface, Lough Mask onl., Ballinrob^ 30.— Ballinrobe— Westport 19 m.— Str. almost level rd., fair surface (very heavy after rain), Lough Mask on 1., Lough Carra on r., pict. rd., Partry ♦j 6, level rd., bad surface, Cloon Lough on r., Cloonee -f 8, t- 9i> ^- Nacorraea on 1., L. Nageltia on r., Killavally 4- 12^, The Triangle f- 13i, Ballintober -f- 14g, easy desc. towards Westport 19 (fair rd. from The Triangle, but bad after rain).— WcStport— Cllfdcn 56 m.— Hilly rough rd. to Belclare Br. 4 4, rd. now skirts Clew Bay, v. pict., poor surface, Croagh Patrick (2,510 ft.) rises on 1. (magnificent view from summit), Murrisks Abb. Rns. 7 (on r.), rd. improves and is gd. to Louisburgh (pretty village) -4- 14 ; naiTow loose rd. over the bog, 4 17, Croggan- baun t- 19i> 8*P- winding desc. to Glencullin Lough 22, and Dhu Lough 22^^ onl., Mweelrca Mt. (2,688 ft.) rises on 1. behind the lakes, 4 24}, Delphi (very pretty watering-place on Fin Lough) 25.J, rd. passes through narrow glen to Bundouragha 27i. Splendid views are now obtained of Killary Harbour wliich the rd. skirt.s, several steep climbs, good surface, turn r. over Aasleagh Br. and also at the Church -j* 315 , Leenane \*- 33i, Leenane Hotel 34^, rd. skirts harbour for 2 m., then turns inland and ascends steeply (fine view looking backwards over the fjord), picturesque view of Lough Fee on ?2y. CLEW JfAV ^z/rjj lou^urg roggoJibauTv Westport 'oier neaculJin L. Imod ^'/^^^/f^rS^^^LlT*^-^^''^' CroaglulPatrick' l.f/acorra/ex^^^- ^'^mL.Carra IbuL lius ^ ^^ KjlemoreL oalJinrobe ^ ^\ LScreei GvssBds <3 V )fe-r3 ^"j ^^^najAlo/Ir. Moi. i r., |- 38t, desc. to Kylemc-e Lake (on 1.) 41f, v. pict. rd. through the Pass of Kyle- more where the rd. is lined with fuchsia hedges, Kylemore Cas. 1 m. on r., 'f- 44f, gentle rise to Letterfrack (pleasantly situated) \- 46^ ; Diamond Hill may easily be ascended from the town, fine view from the summit ; rather stp. desc. for ^ m., then tmd. rd., followed by continuous asc, stp. in places, Ballinakill Ch. \- 52, «y- 534, stp. desc. followed by stiff climb and easy desc. to Clifden 56.— Clifden— Galway 53 m. — Keep straight on over cross roads through Clifden, long stp. asc. followed by stp. desc. to Ballinaboy Br. '^ 2 ; direct level, drearj- road to Pvoundstone Cross Rds. ■f- 7i, Toombeola Br. ♦p Sf. With Ballynahinch Lough on 1., road becomes picturesque. Canal Br. -j* 13^, Glendollagh Lough on r. (very picturesque), Lissoughter (1,314 ft.) on 1., wonderful mountain view from summit, 4 Ju^t before Recess Stn. (on r.) 16f , Recess 18 ; rather hilly, rough, and less picturesque rd. at first, followed by good surface to Maam Cross Rds. 4- 26, good, somewhat hilly rd. to Oughterard 4 36 ; good surface, falling road, "f- 41, Moycullen 4- 45i, rd. becomes very pretty as Galway is approached, Gahvay 53 (enter by Newca»tle Kd., New Br., St. Vincent's Av., St. Francis St., Eglinton St., and William St. ; see plan, p. 630, E. V). 46. The Mountains and Southern Coast of Galway.— 131 m. Galway— Clifden (via Cashel) 78 m.— Leave Calway by WilUam St., Shop St., Mainguard St., O'Brien Br., Lower Doiiiinick St., Dominick St., WilUam St. rest, and Salt HUl Rd. (see plan, p. 630, E. IV), f 3, rd. skirts th-e coast to — 126 — Inveran, commanding fine views over Galway Bay, with tlie Aran Islands and the coast of Clare in tlie distance, fair surface to Barna ^ 5, rather hilly rd., rough uneven surface, foUowiDg the telegraph wires to Spiddle %■ llf , easy und. rd., rough surface to Inveran 191, [*■ 20i, stp. desc. to Cashla Br. 4- 23, ^ 24, Kinvaira 28, level rd., fair surface to Screeb Cross Bds. ^j 30J, winding rd. to Gortmore 4 33^. The road passes by inlets of the sea and innumerable lakes, 300 in all between Galway and Clifden, *{ 36, Kilkieran •f- 41, somewhat bleak coast road from Inveran to Cama !♦ 461, Glinsk Br. 4 BO, 1 m. further on, stp. asc. with nasty curve at foot, thenc* level to Lettershinna ♦{ 54f , Cashel (Hotel) 56. The road now winds along the coast, and all the way to Clifden commands wonderful views of the sea on the 1., and the Connemara Mts. on the r.. Toombeola Br. *{ 59^, 'easy asc, *J 60i, sharp hills to Roundstone Hotel (situated amidst some of the finest scenery on the coast) 64 ; und. rd. winding round Urrisbeg (987 ft., fine view from the summit), Ballyconneely -j* 70, BaMinaboy Br., 'f- 76, stp. asc. followed by long stp. desc. to Clifden 78.— Cllfdetl —Galway 53 m. (see Exc. 45). 47. Ennis, around the Coast of Clare and back. — 88 m. EnniS— Kilkee (via Ennistimon) 46 m. — Leave Ennis by Bank PL, Bindon St., Mill Rd., and Victoria Ed. (see plan, p. 626, E. V). Cross R. Fergus and i m. further on after crossing tributary ^. Fountain Cross Rds. f*- 2^. Ed. bends sharply and branch goes off to Lough Cleggan on r. ; keep str. on and | m. further on ^, crossing stream. Later stream goes to 1. with branch rd. ; keep to main rd. (fair surf, and level). In next bend of rd. "^ 4. Fairly stiff asc. to Lough Eenagh (on r.). Desc. to Mauricemills ^ di (gd. rd.). Slight asc. and then desc. to junction of rds. Keep str. forward in vale of Cullenagh (river on 1.). Cross tributary of river and at Cullenagh Br. ^ 12 i, :^ 14^. . Ennistymon 16. In centre of town bear 1. (Ch. on 1.), and up fairly stp. incline 4 m- further on. Und. gd. rd. to Lahinch f- 18 1 ; turn sharp 1. through village and along shore of Liscannor Bay. Sliarp turn Ennistimon 4=t ENNIS 1 . under rly. bn and at fork immediately after *\ , again passing under rly. br. Fair surf. und. (Freagh Castle Ens. on r. See Puffing Hole nr. castle ms.). -^ 2Ah, leaving .Milltowu Malbay on I. Ed. bends r. to Spanish Point (many vessels of Spanish Armada wrecked off here, 1588). Pine coast scenery. , \ m. further on (just aft€r junction of rds.) -^ . Keep str. along main rd. which bends r. to edge of clifls -^ , and pass over "j~t~. Br. over stream -f 30 (rly. close to r. side of rd.), [♦ 32. 4+ »* Cragganock Rly. Stn., and 1 m. further on *\. rj-f 37^^, and shortly afterwards ^♦; follow rly. to main rd. where -j* over -ft" '^tn. on 1.) to Doonbeg 39 (ujagn. cliff scenery from Doonmore Castle on r.). Continue str. forward ; practically level rd. to Bealaha 41"1 frd. bends abruptly 1. into hamlet). 1 m. beyond Bealaha -ft- along hilly rd. to Kilkee 46. Gd. JUrf. rather stp. hill (commanding splendid sea view) entering - 127 - Kilkee. Follow Promenade some distance along bay and turn 1. up main at., leaving rly. stn. on r. Follow telegraph wires, through Moyasta Junction Stn. (44= I m- "H") to Kilrush 8 (hilly) ; Scattery Island on r. in Mouth of Shannon, containing ecclesi- astical remains, Vlth c. In Kilrush turn 1. and take centre rd. at end of town, pro- ceeding along the Mail Rd. for about 1 m. wliere j* (Park on r.). At end of park take l.-hand rd. at fork (shortly afterwards is St. Senans Lake on 1.), and then str. on over next cross rds. to Knock 13 (v. pict.). Continue str. through village ; at 14^ m. rd. crosses stream, and f m. furtlier on -f > ^ 15i. h 1^ K 8'"- rd. to Labasheeda 20. Und. but rough rd., now unmistakeable skirts N. bank of R. Sliannon to Killadysert 28i (at this point K. Shannon is nearly 2 m. broad). Ballynacally 4 32. Just beyond Ballyuacally is Dungan Castle Rns. on 1., said to be oldest castle in Munster. -f 37. Buncraggy House -^ 38^. Killone Abb. Rns. Xllth c. romantically situated in V. pict. surroundings on banks of Killone Lough ; rich in architectural and historical interest. Rd. joins main rd., leaving Clare Carstle 8.W. 2 m., and passing Clare Abb. Rns., Xllth c. (on r.), enters Eliuis 42 by Clarecastle Kd., Upper Gaol St., and Gaol St. (see plan, p. 626, E. HI). 48. The Promontory of Dingle.— 93 m. Killarney— Tralee 20 m. — Leave Killarney by High St. and Fever Hospital Ed. (see plan, p. 637, E. I). \*- If and just afterwards *{ (rly. on r.). Cross rly. br. Dromadeesirt 4^. Caherdean |* 6^ (Caherdean House on 1.). Gradual asc. and steeper desc. to Fan-anfore 4- 9 (v. pict.); ^ m. further on f- (-ft" i""- rly. stn.). Just beyond, Malahiffe Castle is seen on 1. Keep str. on over next cross rds. and cross R. Maine (Marshall's Br.) to Riverville Cross Rds. -|- 11|. Continue along valley of R. Maine with Knockmoyle 1,401 ft. and Knockwaddra 1,125 ft. (Slieve Mish Mts.) prominent on 1. Keep str. along und. rd. with rly. on r. (Bealagrellagh Castle 15 on r.) to Ballycarty Cross Eds. \- 16^. Cross R. Lee, and continue str. on to Tralee 20. entering by Boherboy, Upper Castle St., Lower Castle St., and The Mall (see plan, p. 66o, E. III). — Traiee— Dingle 31 m.— Leave Traleeby The Mall, Bridge St., Prince's St., and Canal Rd. (see plan, p. 665, E. V). Blennerville 2, then skirt S. shore of Tralee Bay. Light rly. crosses rd. at 2^ and continues on r. Caherconcree (2,715 ft.) and Baurtregaum (2,796 ft.) on 1. (magn. scenery). At sununit of CJaherconcree is a great stone fort (beginning of Christian Era). Killelton 8 (on slope of hills to 1. is an ancient Ch., Vlth c). Castlegregory Junction -^ 10, and cross I'inglass River. Level rd. Aughacasla Br. |- 14^, following light rly. to next cross rds. Keep str. on to Stradbally 18^ (gd. surf.), Kilcununin |- 21, along gd. level rd., then gradual asc. to Kilmore Lodge 24 at entrance to Connor Pass (v. pict.). Lakes and lowlands on r., and mts. on 1. V. stp. asc. up Connor Hill 28 (magn. view from smnmit), Ballysitteragh (2,050 ft.) on r., and Slievenea (2,026 ft.) on 1. Dmgle Bay and mts. of Iveragh Peninsula in front. Desc. Conaor Hill (loose surf.) and follow fair rd. into Dingle 81. — Dingle — Killarney 42 m. — Contmue str. over main St., and turn 1. (rly on r.) ; level, moderate rd. to Anascaul 11. At first ch. in Anascaul -^ afterwards passing chs. on eitlier side of rd. Continue str. forward, skirting Dingle Bay. Inch Promontory 15 on r.. and just afterwards -^ . Follow level str. rd. to ^Vllitegate Cross Eds. 'f- 22^, Ciwtlemaine 26, where turn r. and cross R. Maine ; at rly. stn. -^ Milltown 4 28 (see Kilcolman Abb.) ; continue through village and along indifferent but level rd. to Klllorgliii 32 f-, leaving village and R. Laune on r. ; Gweeston Br. 4 36 (Bally- malis C.istle on r.). Uneven rd. rougli surface (ancient fort on r.), Beaufort Br. \- 37i (the rd. to r. leads to Dunloe Castle and Gap ; the latter place (6 m.) is well woath an excursion on account of the wild grandeur of its situation). The rd. now skirts X. shore of Lougli Leane (magn. view). Enter Killarney 42 by Port Rd., Cathedral PI., and New St. (see plan, p. 637, E. IV). 128 — 49. Cork, Bantry, Bandon. — 114 m. Cork— Bantry 56 m.— Leave Cork by Bt. Patrick's St., Grand Parade, St, George's St., Lancaster Quay, and Western Rd. (see plan, p. 617, E, IV). Carrigrohane Stn. li; Carrigrohane Castle (restorefl feudal fortress on towering clifl at junction of Shoumagh River). Cross R. Lee just below bend where is deep pool Sneem 4 30^^, Pavknasilla 324, winding rd. through beautiful woods, continuing sinuous and undulating with gd. surface along the coast to Blackwater Br. ^ 39j asc — 130 — followed by somewhat stp. desc.magn. views of Kenmare Bay and Caha Mts., Dromore Castle (on r.) 403, thence str. und. rd., med. surface, with short stp. asc. to Dunkerron Cas. (Rns. on r.) 45, level to Kenmare 47 (prettily situated at head of Kenmare Bay). — Kenmare— Killarney 20 m.— Long steady asc. with many sharp comers along wild mountain rd. to Windy Gap (884 ft.) |* 6i (wonderful views of hills, lakes and valleys), stp. desc, then level rd. along shore of Looscaunnaugh Lough (on r.) Si, Mulgrave Police Barracks 10 (fine view), f- 11, Tunnel llj, rd. now skirts the Upper Lake and the Long Range, with wooded slopes on r., perfect scenery, Muckross Abb. (beautiful cloister on 1.) 16^, Cloghereen 17i, Lough Leane on 1., beautiful scenery tlirough Muckross Demesne, rough surface, Flesk Br. 19, Ross Island (Keep XlVth c.) on 1., Killarney 20 (enter by Flesk Rd., The Hahah, Kenmare PI., and Main St. ; see plan, p. 637, E. III). N - 131 - OTE' 3. . m K . M: ■• — 132 — ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TOWNS GREAT BRITAIN. Abbots Bromley (Stafford), M. 21, Pop. 1,318, ^ Rugeley u. See :— IManor Ho. I'arin ; Market Cross. 1 < Uttoxeter ®. 7, Ashbourne Si 19 — Stafford ^ 14 = Lichfield ®. 11. 1^ Crown, Market PL, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis [I]. Aber (Carnarvon), M. 15, Pop. 382 P. See :— S.E. Waterfalls 3. Llanfairfechan 2, Penmaenmawr 5, Conway 9, Colwj'n Bay fi. 15 = Bangor ^ 5. Aberayron (Cardigan), M. 19, EH, Pop. 1,342, ^ Lampeter 13. Aberystwlth 16 = Lampeter a 13 = Cardigan ffi 22. ^ Victoria, Victoria St., B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/- Shed ins Gratis [T]. Feather's Royal Hotel. Abera.von (Glamorgan), M. 26, MM, Pop- 10,506. M.D., Sat, ; E.C., Thurs. See :— S.E. Margam Castle, and Abb. (Rns ) ; Castle 4. ^ S.W. 1. Briton Ferry 3, Neath ^ 6 = Pyie 7 <. Bridgend ^ 12, Cowbridge 19, Cardiff a 31 — Porthcawl 11. Aberchirder (Banff), Wl. 6, El, Pop. 1,048, ^ Cornhiil stn. 7. Banff 9 = Turriff @. 8, Peterhead 38 = 19 < Inverurie m 26 — Old Mel- drum 25 = Huntly m 12 = Keith 16, Elgin a 33. Aberdare # (Glamorgan), M. 20, inS), Pop. 50,844. M.D., Sat. ; E.C, Thurs. See :-St. Evan's Ch. (Goth.). "X. S-E. 2. Hirwain 4 < Neath ®. 20 — Brecon a 23 = Mountain Ash 4, Pontypridd m. 12, Cardiff ^ 24. ifiL Boot, , 192. ^P" IVIichelin Stockist, A. J. Sheen, Cardiff St., Agt.for Sizaire, [5] LT \ Sun., T Sheen, :^ 42 PO. Aberdaron (Carnarvon), M. 19, Pop. 1,119, ^ Pwllheli 18. See :— Church (Goth.); N.E. Bodwrdda Ho. 2. Meyiiteyrn 6 «; Nevin 15, Carnarvon a 35 — Pwllheli ®. 18, Criccieth 26, Portmadoc 31. S Fy Newydd, B 1/3 L 1/6 D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Gar U dist M -/6 «■ 1/6 g]. ABERDEEN 1 (Aberdeen), M. 10, |CTl, Pop. 163.084. M.D., Tues., Fri. ; E.C, Wed. See :— Marishal College (University) • (A) ; Municipal Offices (Tower) • (C) ; East and West Churches (D) ; St. Mary's R. C. Cath. (E) ; The Markets (F) ; N. Bridge of Don 2 ; Brig o' Balgonie 2 ; S. The Bridge of Dee 2 ; W. Old Aberdeen Cath. (XlVth c.) •. ^SC N. 2 (E. I). E.\\ by Market St., Union St., and King St. :— Bridge of Don 2, Balniedie 9, Ellon 17, Old Bimese 21, T.onghaven 30, Peter- head 34 iv. und., fine surface Br. of Don to Longhaven, 1/33 asc. at il'i m.). E. II : by Market St., The Esplanade, Wellington Br., and Wellington Ed. .- Nigg cii. 2, ^runchaUs Stn. 10, Stonehaven • 14, Montrose ffi. 37, Dundee & 66, London ffl. 493 (?'. gd. und., caution on ivinding asc. at 1.',, lU, 'IS, and hk m.\ • r. Stonehaven 14, Brechin a 39, Forfar a 52, Perth a 82 (v. gd. und.). mk ACETYLENE SYSTEM RUSHMORE MULTIPLEX LENS DOOR HEADLIGHT. RUSHMORE FLARE FRONT HEADLIGHT. RUSHMORE SQUARE GENERATOR. 15,000 Motorists in the United Kingdom have adopted the RUSH- MORE ACETYLENE SYSTEM of Motor-Car Lighting. This evidence proves all we have claimed for it, and shows conclusively that our methods (which have remained the same for 12 years) are right. ELECTRIC SYSTEM RUSHMORE NO. 1 DYNAMO. RUSHMORE ELECTRIC HEADLIGHT. Rushmore Electric Lighting System has now been developed to the point of perfection. Experts everywhere are unanimous that we have solved one of the most difficult electrical problems ever tackled. Nothing whatever is necessary but to switch lights on or off as required. Demonstrations given at any time at :— RUSHMORE LAMPS LTD., 46, Brewer Street, Piccadilly Cirevs, LoadoA, W. Booklets of either or both systems will- uigly sent on receipt of Post Card Please mention " Michelin Guide." ^JH w V>\1 X "1 ^^^^^^ ii HBAD OFFICES: North John Street, ^ 24-28, Lombard St., LIVERPOOL, d^^^^^ LONDON Royal Insurance Company a Limited COMPREHENSIVE MOTOR CAR POLICIES SPECIAL REPAIR PRIVILEGES. Policies issued in the iVIodei Form of tlie Royal Automobile Club. ALL CLASSES OF INSURANCE EFFECTED FUNDS £18,167,251. WRITE FOR PROSPECTUS. - 133 - ABERFELDY Aberdeen {continued). E. Ill : hy Market St., Union SL.Holhorn St., and Gt. Western Rd. :— Cuiter 9, Banchory ffi 18, Kincardine O'Neii 26, Aboyne 31 {und.), Dinnet 35, Ballater a 42, Balmoral Castle 50, Braemar a 59 (v. gd. V. pict., hilly nr. Ballater, then almost level, Ij 15-20 asc. at h2 m). E. IV : by Market St., St. Nicholas St., George St., Powis Terr., and Gt. Northern Rd. :— • Auchmiii 4, Kintore 13, Inverurie iS. 17 (fair rd.), Pitcaple 21, Coipy 29, Hinitlya39, Keith 49, Fochabers 57, Elgin a 66 {gd., hilly beyond Colpy 1123-19 desc. at 56 m.), Nairn iSL 88, Inverness a 104. • r. Auchmiii 4, New Machar 11, Old Meldrum 18, Fyvie 27, Turriff ffi. 35, King Edward stn. 41, Banff 46 {v. gd. und., rough surface from Fyvie to Turrij^). '^m Palace, 159, Union St., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft EHI 5 PG dist SAC T Palatial :?> 2920 Cent. S. Grand, Unix)n Terrace Gardens, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Lft [ca Q Gar dist SAC ^ 2917. SI Station, Guild St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 5/- Lft [CHl a PG 500 y N 1/- SAC :p> 2962 Nat. m The Douglas, Market St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- « Gar dist :p> 2206 Cent. Imperial Hotel, Stirling St., SAC. Royal Hotel, Bath St. ^si Michelin Stockists, Claud Ha.milton (Aberdeen), Ltd., 25/fa, Union St., Agt. for Wolseley, Renault, Crossley, Arrol-Johnston, Panhard, H'sol IS \ Sun., Night, SAC T Power :f. 880. Michelin Stockists, R. & J. Shinnie, Ltd., S-12, Union Row, Agt. for Maudslay, Delaunay-Belleville, Metal. LURGiQUE, Albion, Vulcan, [^ U N Sun., Night, T Shinnie :p> 734. Rossleigh, Ltd., 383, Union St., Agt. for Humbbr, Napier, Dennis, [M] U \ Sun., Night, T Automobile lf> 1752. J. Jackson, 13, North Silver St., Agt. for ADAMS, [20] LT \ Sun., Night, T Garage :p> 891. Johnston Bros., 95, Rosemount Place, Agt. for Chenard- Walcker, [a U \ Sun., :p> 980. Royal Motor and Cycle Co., 81, Holburn 5^e., goj \ :p> 83. ToAvn and County Motor Garage, Ltd., Justice Mill Lane, Agt. for Bblsize, Argyll, [25] Boxes [H U "S Sun., Night, T Motor :p> 548. Michelin M.C.T., J. B. Duff, UGO-kQh, George St., Agt. /or Darracq, mu \:i^ 1394 Central (Motor Cycles). Aberdovey (Merioneth), M. 20, Pop. 1,466 P. E.G., Sat. Peuy-Bont 9 < Machynlleth ®. 10, Newtown a 38 — Dolgelly 24 = Towyn 4, Dolgelly 24. Trefiddian Hotel, SAC. fP" J. E. Jones, Central Garage, Main Coast Rd., faol Boxes g] U \ Sun., ;fo 9. — W. Gray Jones, Terrace Rd., Agt. for FORD, \^ Boxes g] U % RAC T Gray Jones. I Aberfeldy @ (Perth), M. 9, m. Pop. 1,592. E.G., Wed. See :— Falls of Moness ; W. Farrachel Hill (View) 1 ; Loch Tay 6. '^. Ween 1 •< White Br. 9, Kinloch Rannoch 18 — Pitlochry a 16 — Ween 1, White Br. 9, Tunimel Br. 14, Struan Stn. 25, Blair Atholl 30 = Dunkeld 17, Blairgowrie ^ 29 = Crieff ffi. 23 = Kenmore 6, Killin 23, Arrochar 56, Jii Palace, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins 1/- [6] SAC :f> 2. fm Weem, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [3] SAC. m Breadalbane Arms, Bank St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis N 1/6 [e]. ?^«i Michelin Stockist, David Fraser, Ul, Dunkeld St., [12] U % Night, :p' 25. — Nicol & Wood, Bank St., Agt. for Ford, [e] U N Sun.. Night, SAC :p> 26. ABERFFRAW 134 — Aberf-fra-w (Anglesey), M. 15, Pop. 950 P. See :— Church (Xllth and XIYth c.) ; E. Llangadwaladr (Ch. Goth.) 2. Gwalchmai 6, Llanerchymedd 12, Amlwch 19 = Brj-ngwran 7, Holyhead 15. Prince Llewelyn Hotel, Llewelyn St. Aberfoyle (Perth), M. 8, Pop. 1,052 P. See :— Ben Lomond (Ui h. on foot) ; E. Lake Menteith 4 ; "W. Loch Ard 2 ; Loch Chon 6. ^ E. 1. Trossachs 1 {no motors)^ 1 •< Thomhiii 10, Stirling a 20 — Fork?, Strath- blane 16, Glasgow a 27 -- Thomhui 10, Doune 14, Dunblane 18 — Fork 7, Balloch 19 = Inversnaid 15. fm Bailie JSficol .Tarvie, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 4/- Chfr 7/- Box [5] Shed M\ adj Gratis N 1/- SAC T Blair Hotel. ABERGAVENNY ® (Monmouth), M. 20, (Ml, Pop. 8,51L M.D., T^les.^ FrL; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (XlVth c.) (A) ; Norman Cas. (Rns.) (C) ; Town Hall (Goth.) (G). ^ W. 2 (E. V). ABERGAVENNY A.ST MARYS CHURCH C.NORMAN CASTLE (RUINS) G.TOWN HUL E. I : by Cross St., Monk St., and Hereford Rd. :— Nandy 6, Pontriias 11, Wiiiocks Br. 17, Hereford a 23 (v. gd. level, 1/16 asc. from Abergavenny). E. II : by Cross St., Monk St., Loiv Monk St., and New Ross Rd. :— Cross Ash Hill 8, Broad Oak 14, Ross ffi. 22 (fair rd., hilly) Gloucester a 38 (V. gd.), London a 142. E. Ill : by Cross St. and Monmouth Rd. :— • 1, Liangvahangei-nigh-Usk 5, • 6, Raglan 9, Monmouth Si 17 (v. gd., ly. rind., 1/17 asc. at 6 m.). • r. 1, Penpelleni 7, Pontypool Ed. Stn. 10, NoWDOrt ffi. 18 Iv. hilly, 1/11 desc. at 7 m). • r. 6, Usk 11, Caerleon 19, Newport a 22 {v. gd. recom., 1/12 asc. at' m.). E. IV : by High St., Frogmore St., and Merthi/r Rd. :— BrynmawrS, 8irhowyl2, Dowlaisl7, Merthy'r Tydtil ffl. 19 {v. gd.for 5 m. then poor, v. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 7 m.). E.M : by High St., Frogmore St., and Brecon Rd. :— Crickhowell 6, • 8, Bwich 12, Brecon SL 20 (v. gd. und., hilly nr. Bu'lch, 1/lU desc. at 13 m.). • r. 8, Pen-y-genfEordd 15, Talgarth 18, Llyawen 22, Erwood 26, Bullth 33 (v. gd. pict., 1/n asc. at 6 m.). igg. Angel, Cross St., B 2/6 L 3/'- D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 ^ Court ins Gratis RAC T Angel :F> 7 PO. - 135 ~ ABERYSTWITH Aberg:a.venny (continued). 117 Nat. — H. C. Powell, 21a, Brecon Rd.,{^U \ Sun., :p> 2 PO. Abergfele and Pensarn @ (Denbigh), M. 15; Ed), Pop- -,l-l- M.D.,.S'rt«.; E.G., Thar.^. See :— N. Castell Mawr Camp 1 ; W. Gwrych Cas. (View) 1 ; Cefn Ogof (Cavern) 2. Rhyl ffl. 5 = 2 < Rhuddlan 5, Holywell 17 — St. Asaph 7, Denbigh ^ 13 = Llanrwst 17, Bettws-y-Coed a. 21 = Colwyn Bay ffl. 6, Conway 12 (Suspension Bridge. Toll: Cars 2 seats 6d., more than 2 seats 1/-, motor-cycles 6d.). I*r?l Bee, jVarfcei 5'«., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [4] T Bee :p' 200 Nat. f^ Michelln Stockists, Pierce's Motor Garagre, Market St., Agt. for FLANDEiis, QlI] U \ Sun., f Pierces ;p> 2X1. M.C.T. — R. J. Jones, The Garage, Rhuddlan lid., Agt. for FORD, [ao] U Sun., RAC ;p> 373. Aberlour (Banff), M. 5, m, Pop. 1,272. ^ {adj. village). Craigellachie 2 < Elgin ®. 15 — Keith 14, Banff 34 = Dainasiiaugii inn 8 -? Grantqwn a 22 — Tomintoul 23. Abernethy (Perth), M. 9, lH Pop. 59iS. See :— Round Tower •. Newburgh 3, Cupar 14 = Aberargie 2 «; Pertii ^ 8 — Milnathort ^ 11, Dollar 22. Abersychan (Monmouth), IVI. 20, Es), I'op. 24,661. Blaenavon 4, Abergavenny ffi. 10 = Pontypool 3, Newport ^ 12. Abertillery (Monmouth), M. 20 (not marked on map), |mb| , Pop. 35,425. Brynmawr 6 = Crumiin 4 < Newbridge 5, Newport a 16 — Pontypool 9 — Crumlin 4, Newbridge 5, Quakersyard 14, Pontypridd ^ 19. ABERYSTWITH (Cardigan), M. 20, JMBJ, Pop. 8,412. M.D., Mon. B.C., Wed. See :— Castle (Rns. Xllth c.) (C) ; University College (A) ; Plas-crug (D) ; Devil's Bridge 12 (direction Llanidloes). ^ Borth 8 (E. I). E.\: by Great Darkgate St., North Parade, Northgate St., and Penglais Rd. :— Rliydypenau • 4, Tal y bont 7, Glandovey Stn. 13, Machynlleth 18 (gd. hilly, pict.), Corris 24 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/10 asc. at S7 m.), Dolgelly 34, LianuwciiUyn 47, Bala 52 (med. rd. hilly). • 1. Rliydypenau 4, Borth 8. E. II : by Great Darkgate St., North Parade, Northgate St., and Llan- badarn Rd. :— Goginan 7, Dyflryn Castell Inn 14, Llangurig • 25, Llanidloes 30, NewtOWn ^ 44 {(jd. hilly, pict., 1/13 desc. at 2H m.). • r. Llangurig 25, Rhayader 34, New Radnor 53, Kington j®. • • 60, Leominster SSl 74 (gd. hilly, pict., 1/10 asc. at 56 m.). • • r. Kington Q. 6U, Hereford a 79, London SSl 213. E. Ill : by Great Darkgate St., Bridge St., and Trefechan: — Piccadilly • 1, Royal Oak Inn • 3, Llanrhystyd 9, Aberayron 16, Cardigan Q. 38 (v. gd. V. hilly, 1/0 desc. at lU m. ; several 1/10 gradients). • 1. Piccadilly 1, Devil's Bridge 12, Llangurig 27, Llanidloes 32 (v. gd. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 15 m.). • 1. Royal Oak Inn 3, Llanilar 6, Pontrhydfendigaid 16, Tregaron 21, Lam- peter ffl. 32 (gd. rd., 1/8 desc. at lU m.). m. Hafod Arms, Devil's Bridge (12 m. S.E.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [e] T Hotel, Devil's Bridge. Read carefully the preliminary explanations! pp. 1 to lH. ABINGDON 136 — Aberystw^ith (continued). Jfi Lion Royal, Great Darkgate St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 K 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shelter [6] 50 yf Lion Hotel :^ 8 PO. JQI. Belle Yue, Marine Terrace, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- :f> 9. IJglJI Waterloo Hydro, Marine Terrace, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- IcH Shed 500 y Gratis N 1/- [3] T Waterloo :p« 11 PO. Si Central, Terrace Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Icia 8 PG dist 1f> 10. Queen's Hotel, Victoria Terrace, Marine Parade. ABERYSTAVTTH Queen's H Waterloo Hydn Belle Vue H. A. UNrVERSrTY COLLEGE C. CASTLE (RUrNS) D. PLAS-CRUQ G,-P.S.-R.S. (See p. 3) ^ m ?^ ® 4 Great Darkgate Street 2 North Parade 3 I^torthgate Street 4 Pen-glais Road B Llanbadarn Road 6 Bridge Street 7 Trefechan 8 Pier Street 9 Marine Terrace 10 Queen's Road 11 Chalybeate Street 12 Alexandra Road 13 Plas-crug Road 14 Mill Street 15 Smithfield Road 16 South Road Va Mid Wales Motor Co., Queen's Bd., T Garage :f=> 17 PO. U \ Sun., Night, RAC ABINGDON (Berkshire), M. 28, |m1. Pop. 6,810. M.D., Mon. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Abbey (Rns.) (Goth. (A) ; (Apply to No. S, The Abbetj) ; St. Nicholas Ch. (Goth.) (C) ; Bridges (see plan) ; St. Helen's Ch. (Goth.) (D) ; Christ's Hospital (E) ; Town Hall (G). ^^ N. W. 4 (E. IV). E. I : by Stert St. , Vineyard, and Oxford Rd. :— Oxford a 6 (gd. rd., 1/21 asc. at Urn.). E. II. : by Abingdon Br., Burford Br., and Henley Rd. ;— Dorchester 7, Shillingford 9, Benson 11, Nettlebed 16, Henley ®. 21, Maiden- head a 30 (v. gd. hilly, 1 1 13 asc. at '21 m.), London m. 58. E. Ill : by High St., Ock St., and Drayton Rd. :— Steventon 4, East llsley 11, Newbury S. 20 (poor rd., V. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 11 m.). E. IV : by High St., Broad St., Bath St., and Faringdon Rd. .— Marcham 2, • 3, Kingston Bagpuze 6, Faringdon ^ 14, Lechlade 20 Fairford 24, Cirencester a 33 {v. gd. imd., 1/20 desc. at 1/, m.). • 1. 3, East Hanney 6, Wantage j^ 10 (gd. level rd.). m Queen's, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U adj Gratis [o] RAC Lt. T Queen's :?> 054 Abingdon (contimied). ABINGDON ACCRINGTON lm. ABBEY ST. NICHOLAS' CHURCH D. ST. HELEN'S CHURCH E. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL R.StG. (See p. 3) Crown & Thistle H 1 Stert Street 2 Vineyard 3 Oxford Road 4 Abingdon Bridga 5 Burlord Bridge 6 Henley Road 7 High Street 8 Ock Street 9 Drayton Road 10 Broad Street 11 Bath Street 12 Faringdon Road JfiL Lion, High St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis H) RAC Lt. © Crown and Thistle, 16 d- 17, Bridge St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed [3] Court [3] ins Gratis. ff3i r. Gi)>son & Co. (Abingdon) Ltd., 11, Ock St., {m U \ Sun., T Gibson :p> 80. — Yernon Whitehead, 32, Ock St., Agt. for Belsize, Ford, © U \ Sun. RAC T Vernon Whitehead :f> 79. Aboyne (Aberdeen), M. 10, El, Pop. 561 (Alt. 39.5 ft.). See :— Aboyne Cas. ; Suspension Br. ; Stone Circle. '^ S. {adj. village). 3 < Huntly i®. 37 — Banchory a 13, Aberdeen ^ 31 = Ballater fi. 11, Braemar ;©. 28. m Huntly Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins (?ra«is N 1/6 [6] SAC T Sandison :p> 15. ^a A. Buchan, Bridgend Smithy. ACCRINGTON (Lancashire), M. 16, ME, PoP- 45,031. M.D., Ti(es., Sat. ; E.C., n'ed. See :-Town Hall (Ital.) (G) ; Parish Ch. (A) ; The Grange. ^ E. 1. E. I : by Blackburn Rd. and Abbey St. :— Clayton-le-Moors 1, Whalley si 5, Clitheroe fit • 9, Sawley 13, Flass 18, Settle a 26 (gd. rd. hilly), Kirkby Lonsdale 44, Kendal a 56 {v. gd. und., 1/10 desc. at /t9 m,.). • 1. Clitheroe Sl 9, whiteweii 19, Marshaw 27, Lancaster m. 'd6 (gd. X>ict. rd. for 21 m., then rough and mount. Several IjS-lO gradients from Whiteivell to Lancaster). E. II : by Blackburn Rd., Abbey St., and Burnley Rd. .— Hapton Inn 3, Bumley ®. 6 {bad rd.), Halifax & 27 (gd. rd., 1/28 desc. at I'i' m.). E. Ill : by Blackburn Rd., Abbey St., and Manchester Rd. : — ■ Haslingden • 4, Edenfleid • 7, Bury ® 12, Manchester SL 20 (med. rd., 1/17 asc. from Accrington), London & 208. • 1. Haslingden 4, Rawtenstall 6, Bacup 11 (med. rd.). • 1. Edenfleid 7, Rochdale ®. 15 (bad rd.). • r. Edenfleid 7, Ramsbottom 9, Bolton & 17 (med. und. 7'd., 1/10 asc. at IS m.). E. IV : by Blackburn Rd. :— Blackburn ®. 5, Preston ^ 14 (jmor rd. to Blackburn, then gd., 1/1-' asc. at 12 }».). ^ Hargreave's Arms, 1, Manchester Rd., B 2/- Chfr 7/6 ES § Shed Court adj N 2/- ;p> 258. Commercial Hotel. ACHNASHEEN - 138 - Accrington (continued). ACCRINGTON *. PARISH CHURCH G. TOWN HALL '^\^'-*- R.S.-R.S. (Goods) '^^^ P.S.-Q.-(See p. 3) 1 Blackburn Road 2 Abbey Street 3 Burnley Eoad 4 Manchester Road 5 Wellington Street 6 Cannon Street A. Walker & Sons, Oxford St., ;F> 331. lU \Sun. (Morn.), ^'iglit, RAO — Athletic Supply Association, 17, Peel St., \6] U \ Sun., Night, :p> 6Y. . Lj Lj ^ , 6 , Achnasheen (Ross and Cromarty), WI. 4 (Alt. 484 ft.). See :— S.W. Loch Torridon 20 ; W. Loch Maree 12. Garve Hotel 16, Strathpeffer ^ 25, Dingwall a 30 = Jeanto\^-n 21 < {ferry -43*) Strome Ferry 2r) — Applecross 40 = Kinlochewe 10, Loch Maree Hotel 20, Gairloch Hotel 30. j?gi Achnasheen, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/9 Chfr 6/6 Gar IT 30 y Gratis Ho] SAC T Mclver. Station Hotel, RAC. Acle (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 846 P. Cai8ter9, Great Yarmouth ^ 12 = (Toll Gate: Cars M., motor-cycles Id.), Great Yarmouth a 8 =z Biofleid 4, Norwich a 11. Addlestone (Surrey), WI. 29 {not marked on map). Pop. 6,073. See :— Crouch Oak (Girth 24 ft.) ; S. Sayes Court 1 (No admission, house visible from road). Chertsey 2 = Weybridge a 2 = Byfleet ^ 2 = ottershaw 2 << Bagshot 10 — Guildford a 13. j*gL Woburn Park, B 2/- L 2/- R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 7/- PG opp. if" 214. Adwalton (Yorkshire). See Bradford. Airdrie 1 (Lanark), M. 12, ^E, Pop. 24,388. See :-Town Hall. X N. 1. Dennyloanhead 10, Denny 12 < Stirling ®. 19 — Falkirk 16 = Armadale 12, Bathgate 14, Edinburgh S. 33 = Newhonse 3 -i Carluke 11, Lanark S. 17 — Motherwell a 7, Hamilton 9 = Coatbridge a 2, Glasgow & 11. Royal Hotel. ff« Michelin Stockist, R. A. Blackadder, Gartlea Garag^e, Qo) \J Sun., Night, SAC T Blackadder Jf^ 48. - 139 - ALDERSHOT Alcester (Warwick), M. 21. Pop. 2,303 P. M.D., Wed. ; E.C, Thurs. See :-St. Nicholas' Ch. ; Town Hall (XVIIth c). ^ \V. 1. Droitwich ^ 14, Kidderminster ffi. 24 = 3 < Studley ^ 4, Birmingiiam a 20 — Headless Cross 7, Broms<;rove 13, Kidderminster ffi. 23 — Head- less Cross 7, Hedditch 8, Birmingham ^ 21 = wooten wawen 6 < War- wicl< a 16 — Henley-in-Aiden 8, Birmingham m. 23 = Strattord-on- Avon ®. 8 = Dunnington 3 -5 Evesham a 10 — Worcester a 18. ^ Swan, B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/- to 4/- Chfr QjG Box Shelter Court ins Gmfis N1/-IIAC Lt. :p> 11. © Globe, B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Box [2] Shelter [2] Court [e] ins Gratis 7f> \2. Aldeburgh m (Suffolk), IVI. 24, ImS, Pop. 2,405. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :-Moot Hall (XVItli c). :i?: ^'^^ l- Leiston 4, Yoxford 10, Halesworth 17 = 3 < Wickham Market fi. 12 — Saxmundham Si 7. Wentworth Station Hotel, RAC. ^aa Michelin Stocl 9. Aiderley Edge^ (Cheshire), M. 16, EH, Pop. 3,143. E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Monument) ; The Edge. ^ i "VVilmslow 2, Cheadle m. 7, Withington 10, Manchester @. 14 = 2 < Bollington 7, Chapel-en-le-Frith 16 — IVIacclesfield ®. 6 = Congieton 11, Newcastle-under-Lyme ^ 23 = cheiford 4 < Sandbach 15, Crewe 21 — Knutsford 9, Warrington 21. gg Queen's, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins Grath XI'- g] RAC 7f> 9. IggL De 'J'rafford Arms, Aiderley Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/- 5 Shed ins Gratis {§} RAC T Trafford Arms :p> 308. ^^ Michelin Stocl 63. ALDERSHOT si (Hampshire), M. 28, ES), Pop. 35,175. E.C., Wed. See :-Barracks (B). ':^ N. 4. (E. I). :>ik. Royal Artillery {Tweezle- down, E. V, March S9th ; Aiw. nth, 0th; Nov. 11th, 12th). E. I : hij Victoria Rd., Grosvenor Rd., Barrack Rd., Wellington A r.. mid Farnborough Rd. : — Farnborough a 3, Frimiey 5, Bagshot 9, Staines ^ 19, London a 37 (f. gd. wid.). E. 11 : by Station Rd., High St., and Ordnance Rd. :— Ash 2, Xormandy 5, Broadstreet 8, Guildford ffi. 10. E. \\\ : by Victoria Rd. and Ash Rd. :— Tongham 3, Guildford & 10 {mogn. surf., 1/12-17 asc. enter inq Guild- ford). E. IV : by Queen's Rd., Alexandra Rd., and Farnham Rd. :— Farnham ^ 3, Bentiey 7, Alton ffi. 12, Bishops Waltham ®. 32, South- ampton a 42 (gd. hilly, l/lo desc. at hi m.). E. V : by Grosvenor Rd., Barrack Rd., Wellington Av., Farnborough Rd., and Fleet Rd. ;— Fleet 5, Hartford Bridge Flats 9, Eversley 11, Arborfield Cross 15, Reading ffi.20. South Western Hotel, Royal Hotel, Uigh St. W*^ Michelin Stockist, J. E. Lawes, The Triangle, Agt. for HUMBER, SUNBEAM, ARGYLL, FORD, go] U \ Sun, RAC T Lawes Motors > 195. IM.CT. See pp. S to 6 for the list 0/ Conventional Signs and Abbreviations. ALEXANDRA PARK Aldershot {continued). 140 ALDERSHOT 1 Victoria Rrfad 2 Grosvenor Road 3 Barrack Road 4 Wellington Avenue 5 Farnborough Road 6 Station Road 10 Queen's Road 14 Gordon Road 7 High Street 11 Alexandra Road 15 Halimote Road 8 Ordnance Roadl2 Farnham Rs,ad 16 Birchett Road 9 Ash Road 13 Fleet Road 18 Queen's Avenue 19 Hope Grant's Road 20 KnoUys' Road .17 Hospital Hill Road 21 Monument Road Alexandra Park (Middlesex). >i^ March 28th, rifith ; July Wi ; Aug. 3nd ; Sei)t. 13th; Oct. 18th. S. London ^6. Alexandria (Dumbarton), M. 8, Pop. 8,007. E.G., Wed. See :— Suspension Br. ; K Loch Lomond ; N.W. Tullichewan Cas. 1. :^ E. 2. Balloch 2, 5 < Arrochar 19 — Helensburgh ^ 10 = Dumbarton ®. 3, Clydebank 11, Glasgow ^ 18. Al-ford ® (Aberdeen), M. 10, Pop. 634. See :— Granite Quarries ; E. Pitficbie Cas. (Rns.) 9 ; S. Balling Cas. (Rns.) 1 ; Craigievar Cas. 5 ; N.W. Terpersie Cas. 5. Tillyfourie f) < Aberdeen ®. 26 — Kintore 17 = Mossat 7 < Cock Bridge 28, Toniintoul 39 — Hiintly ^ 22. j§fi Haughton Arms, Main St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/- Chfi- 6/- Gar. ins Gratis N 1/6 [4] SAC T Berry. fF" Michel in Stockist, W. Murray, The Motor Garag^e, g] LT \ Sun., Night. - 141 - ALNWICK Alford (Lincoln) M. 18, ESI, Pop. 2,394. E.C., Thurs. See :-Church (Goth.) • ; Manor Ho. (Xlllth c). ;; -=: Louth ffi. 14 — cross Roads 7, Mablethorpe 8 — Cross Eds. 7, Salt- tieet 14 = Sutton-on-Sea 6, Mablethorpe 9 =: Wainiieet 14 = ukeby cross 3 -5 Spilsby 8, Boston a 25 — Louth a 14. Alfreton (Derby), M. 22, EH, Pop. 19,049. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.). ;^ W. 1. Clay Cross 6. Chesterfield a 11 = Sutton-in-Ashfleld 6, Mansfield ffl. 9 = Nottingham a 17 =r Ripley 3, Derby a 13 = cromford 10 < Ash- bourne a 21 — Matlock Bath a 11, Matlock 13. ^ George, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- m ^p> 15. Allendale (Xorthumberland), M. 13, Pop. 2,221 P. Haydon Br. 7. Hexham fi. 14 = wearhead 12, St. John's Chapel 14 = Nenthead 11, Alston 15. Alloa # (Clackmannan), M. 9, Ict), Pop. 11,421. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— St. John's Ch. ; Tower of Alloa ; Parish Ch. (Goth.). ;X. '^^'- '- (direction Stirling). Tillicoultry 4, Dollar 7, Milnathort • 18, Perth ®. 33 (gd. tind. pict. beyond Milnathort, 1/16 asc. at 11 m.). • r." Milnathort ®. 18, Strathmiglo 25, Auchtermuchty 27, Cupar 36 {v. gd. pict.). Clackmannan 2, Kennet • 3, Camock 11, Dunfermline a 14 {gd. hilly, 1/18 desc. at 6 m.). • r. Kennet 3, Kincardine 6, North Queensferry 20, {ferry -30*) South Queensferry 21, Edinburgh St 30 {gd. und.). {Ferry -32*) Falkirk a 9 {gd. rd.). causewayhead • 5, Stirling fi 7 {gd. fl. rd.). • V. Causewayhead 5, Br. of Allan 7, Dunblane 10 {gd. rd. hilly beyond Br. of Allan, pict.). JjSl Eoyal Oak, Bedford PL, Shed ins JST 1/- [§] PG adj -f> 113. jtgL Crown, Bank St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- PG 100 y. ^» Michelin Stockist, J. B. Whyte, Bedford PL, Agt.for Belsize, Argyll, Albion, gi] U \ Sun., Night, T Whyte's Garage ;p» 137. Alness (Ross and Cromarty), M, 5, Pop. 1,035. See :-Ardross Cas. 5. ;^ E. 1. Bonar Br. IS, Dornoch 29 = Tain ®. 13 = Invergordon 3, Tain j®. 15 = Dingwall a 10, Beauly 19, Inverness S. 32. © Commercial, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis [2 :?> 2. ALNWICK »i (Northumberland), M. 14, Ed), Pop. 7,041. M.D,, Mon., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— Alnwick Cas. • (A) ; St. Michael's Ch. (C) ; Town Hall ; S.E. Wark- worth Cas. • (Xllth c.)7; Town Cross; Town Gate; N.W. Abb. (Rns.) 2. ;^ E. Alnmouth 4. E. I : by Fenkle St., Bondgate Within, The Path, and North Rd. : — North Charlton 7, Belford ffi. 14, Haggerston Castle 23, Berwlck-On-Tweed St. 30 {v. gd., bad 1/8 desc. jtist outside Alnwick). E. II : by Bondgate Without and Denwick Rd. : — Longhoughton 4, Dunstanburgh Caetle 10 {gd. rd.). E. Ill : &y Bondgate Without, South Rd., aiid Alnmouth Rd. : — Lesbury 4 (Alnmouth 1 mile to 1.), Warkworth 7, Widdrington 14, Newbiggin 20 {med. rd.). E. IV : by Bondgate Without and South Rd. : — Newton-on-the-Moor 6, Feiton 9, Morpoth ffl. • 19, Newcastle-on-Tyne & 33 (v. gd., several 1/20 gradients. Caution at Feiton Br. 9 m.). • 1, Morpeth ffi. 19, North Shields 36, South Shields 37 {med. rd., 1/12 asc. and desc at 31 m.). E.y:by Claj^port St. :- Edlingham Stn. 5, Rothbury ffi. 12 (bad, V. hilly, pict.), Cambo 24, Choller- ton 37, Hexham Sl 43 {med. v. hilly, 1/9-11 desc. at 5 m.). E. VI : by Bondgate Within, Bailiffgate, and Cannongate : — Egiingham 7, LUburn Tower 12, Wooler 16, Coldstream a 30, Green- law 40, Lauder 52, Dalkeith 72, Edinburgh fit 79 {gd. v. hilly, pict., 1/8 desc. from Alnwick, followed by 1/lU asc). P ALRESFORD Alnwick {continued). 142 — (T)ALNWICK SCALE V» Vi-m, » A. CASTLE -,. C. ST, MICHAELS CHURCH '^ ^ a P.S. R.S. (See p. 3.) 1 Fenkle Streef 2 Bondgate Within, 3 The f eth )' 4 North Road 6 Bondgate Withoul 6 South Road 7 Alnmouth Road| 8 Denwick Star, ^tlv ® X 9 Market Street 10 Clayport Street 11 BaUiffgate 12 Canongate 1 13 Green Oat 14 Dispensary Street 15 Pottergate 16 Northumberland Street B B \\\B m White Swan, Bondgate Within, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis [6] RAC T Hastie :?• 12 PO. jjgi Schooner, Alnmouth {5 m. S.E., E. Ill), B 2/- L 2/- D 4/- il 4/- Gar U dist N 2/- [5] :p' 16 Alnmouth. j*gL Star, FenUe St., B 2/- L 3/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis Xl/-[4] T Star :p> 91. f^M Michelin Stockists, Alnwick and Berwick Garage and Cycle Co., Ltd., Bondgate Within, Agt. for Wolseley, Alldays, D.F.P., IMI IT \ Sun., Night, RAC T Garage q* 52 Nat. Alresfbrd, New (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 1,540 P. See :— N.E. Armsworth Ho. 4 ; S. Tichborne Park • 2 ; Hinton Ampner (Ch. Saxon traces) 4. 'X. S. 1- Basingstoke fit 14 = Ropiey ho. 3 -; Alton ffi. 10 — Ropley a 4, Peters- field 13 = Winchester a 8. jfgi Swan, West St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar Shed U ins Gratis N 1/- and 2/- [ggl RAC :p> 2. Alsagrer §> (Cheshire), IW. 21 {not marked on map), ES), Pop. 2,743. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See : — Lake. Lawton 1, Tunstall 6 = Newcastle-under-Lymc ^ 7 = Crewe 7 = Sand- bach 3. Jig. Lawton Hall, Kidsgrove, B 1/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 6/- to 7/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis [3] RAC T Lawton Hall, Kidsgrove :p' S. f^M Michelin Stockists, Cooke & Gould, Falcon Motor Works, Agt. for Bblsize, SS U N Sun., Night, T Cooke & Gould :p> 30. IWI.CT. Alsop-en-le-Dale (Derby), M. 22 {not marked on mai>), Pop. 79 P. Newhaveu Inn 4 < Buxton ffl. 14 — Bakewell 12, Sheffield a 18 = Ash- bourne Sl 6, Derby ffl. 19. ^ New Inn, Tissington {Postal), B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter U adj Gratis gj T ^ew Inn, Tissington. — 143 - ALTRINCHAM Alston (aimberland), M. 13, Pop. 3,134 P. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Tues. (Alt. 865 ft.). See :— S.W. Tutman Hole 3 ; W. Askerton Cas. 6 ; Triemain Cas. 3. ^ K 1. Hexham a 24 = Nenthead 4 < St. John's Chapel 12, Stanhope 20 — Allen- dale 15 = Middleton-ln-Teesdale 22 =s 6 < Penrith ffi. 19 — Kirkoswald 15 = Brampton 19, Carlisle & 29. ^ Blue Bell, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis X 1/- g] EAC Lt. T Blue Bell. Alton ® (Hampshire), M. 28, ESj I'op- 5,555. M.D., Tues. ; E.G., F'etf. See :— St. Lawrence's Ch. ; S.E. Selborne (Ch., Giant Yew, "The AYakes," Gilbert White's Ho.), 5. ^ N. 2 (direction Beading.) Odiham ^ 8, Reading SL 24 (gd. und. pict, 1J15 asc. at 7i m.). Bentiev 5, Famham a 9, Guildford a 19 {magn. pict., 1/12-17 desc. to Guildford). Petersfleld 13, Waterlooville 23, Portsmouth S. 31. Chawton • 1, Hedge Comer 6, West Meon (George Inn) 11, Corhampton • 15, Wickham21, Fareham a 24, Gosportffi. 30, {ferry -11) Portsmouth a 31 {v. gd., hilly nr. W. Meon, 1/17 desc. at ^J m.). • 1. Chawton 1, Greatham 8, Petersfleld 13 (med.), Waterlooville & 23, Portsmouth ^ 31 (v. gd. hilly, 1/17 asc. at 15 m.). • V. Chawton 1, Alresford 10, Winchester Sl 18 {magn. rd.). • r. Corhampton 15, Bishop's Waltham ®. 20, Botley 24, itchen 29, South- ampton & 30 {gd. hilly, 1/15 desc. to Itchen). Lasham 4, Basingstoke &. 11 {gd. hilly, 1/11 desc. at 8 m.). JB. Swan, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Gar Shed Shelter LT ins Gratis N 1/- ||ol RAC T Swan :?> 21 Nat. j^fiL Conduits {Temperance), UO, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R i/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis O :f> 34. ff"« IVIichelin Stockist, E. G. Enticknap, 55, Normandy St., Agt. for DARRACQ, [to] LT N RAC T Enticknap :p> 46. M.CT. AUTRINCHAM # (Cheshire), M. 16, ME, Pop. 17,816. ^ST X.E. 1 (E.ll). E. I: by Church St. and Manchester Rd. : — Sale 3, stretford 5, Manchester a 8 {gd. rd.). E. II : by Stamford St. and Stockport Ed. : — Cheadle m 6, Stockport Si 9 {med. rd.), Barnsley 42 {gd. rd., 1/lU desc. at SO m.). E. Ill : by Station Rd., Stamford Rd., Railway St., Oxford St., and Hale Rd. : — Hale 2, Wilmslow 8, Macclesfield 15 (gd. rd.), Derby & 56, London a 182. E. IV : by Station Rd., Stamford Rd., Railway St., and Ashley Rd. : — Ashley Park 3, Kuutsford ^ 8, • 11, Holmes Chapel 16, Red Bull 25, New- castle-under-Lyme fi. 31 {gd. rd.). • r. 11, Middlewich 18, Nantwich & 28 {gd. und.). E.Miby Durham Rd. : — BoIllnBr. • 2, Mere Comer 5,. Northwich fi. 12, Chester ffi. 30 {v. gd., 1/18 desc. at 10 m.). • r. Boiiin Br. 2, Lymm 7, Warrington a 12 {gd. und., 1/18 asc. at h m.), Liverpool & 30. ffl*l Unicom, Old Market P/., B 2/- L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis [U T Unicom 'f> 1436. ^^ Michelin Stockist, Joseph Richardson, Unity Garag^e, Dunham Rd., Agt. for W Oh&m^Y , Humber, Arrol-Johnston, [00] IT N Sun. RAC T Garage 1^ 248. See pp. It, 7, 8, and 9, explaining how our itineraries have been drawn up. ALVA - 144 - Alifincham (co)itinited). ALTRINCHAM G.-P.S.-R.S.-(See p. 3) 1 Church Street 2 Manchester Road Stamford Street Stockport Road Station Road 6 Stamford Road 7 Railway Street ord Road Alva (Clackmannan), M. 9, TE, Pop. 4,624 (Alt. 2,000 ft.). E.C., Wed. See : -Glen Ochils ; Glen Alva (Gorge) ; N. Ben Cleuch (2,363 ft.) 3 ; E. Alva Ho. 2. 2tl ^- (<*^i- town). Tillicoultry 2, Dollar 5, Milnathort fi. 16, Auchtermuchty 25, Cupar 34 = Dunfermline ja 17 = Causewayhead 5 < Stirling a^7 — Bridge of Allan 6, Dunblane 9, Callander 21. Alveston (near Thornbury) ^ (Gloucester), M. 27 (not marked on inap), Pop. 720 P. See :— Tumuli ; British Encampment (Old Abbey), stone 6 < Gloucester Si 24 — Berkeley 9 = Filton 6, Bristol ia 10 = Thornbury ] . f^a Michelin Stockists, Berkeley Vale Motor Co., Agt. for Sheffield-Simplex, Peugeot, Ford, Warren, [e] Box [T] U % Sun., Night, RAC T Motor Co., Thornbury :}« 7 Thornbury. Alyth 1 (Perth), Wl. 9, |Pl, Pop. 1,965. M.D., Tues., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— N, Glen Isla 11 ; N.E. Airlie Ca^. 5. •;^ Gienisia 11, Spitai of Gienshee 23, Braemar S. 38 = Kirriemuir & 10 <. Brechin fi. 25 — Forfar a 16 = MeSgie 4 < Dundee a 17 — Coupar Angus 9, Perth a 22 = Blairgowrie a 5 < Perth a 21 — Dunkeld 17, Aberfeldy ffi 34. m^ Airlie Arms, Airlie St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/ - B 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed ins M -/6 N 1/- [e] :p> 15. f^m iVIichelin Stockist, Alexander Edward, so, Airlie St., \W\ U Sun., Night. — William Alexander, 13, Airlie St., [5] Boxes [2] U \ Sun., T Alexander, Cyclist :fo 27 (Cycles). - 145 — AMPTHILL Amble (Northumberland), M. 14, EdJ, Pop. 4,883. Warkworth 2, AInwick M !) = Bioomhiii 3 < NewLiggin-by-the-Sea 13 — Felton 8, Kothbury ^ 18 — Bioomhill 3, Felton 8, Morpeth fiL 18. ^r^M T. Wade, 5iJ, Queen St. Ambleside # (Westmorland), Nl. 16, gm, Pop. 2,553. E.C., Thurs. Sse :— Church (Goth.) ; Stock Gill Force (Waterfall) ; N.W. Rydal Hall (Two Waterfalls) ; Rydal Mount (Wordsworth's residence) 2. ^ N.E. 1. Grasmere 4, 7 < Keswick 17 — Armboth 12, Keswick IS = Penrith &. 23 = AVindermere ^ 5, Kendal ffl. 13 = ciappersgate 1 < Coniston 7, Ulverston 21 — Goeforth 24, Egremont 30.. ati White Lion, Lake Ed., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [3] RAG Lt. T Boys :}<' 14. gS Salutation, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis i\ 1/- :p> 7. E Waterhead {during summer only), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 ; Chfr 7/- Gar ins N 1/- [e] T Waterhead :p> 7A. Jga J^'^ew, Dungeon Ghyll, Langdale, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Ga.r dist N 1/- g]. f^ Queen's, B 2/6 L 2/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins N 1/- [15] T Queens ^ 7. m^ Garside's, Compston Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar U adj Gratis (25] T Garside :p> 58. ffvi Michelln Stockist, G. Tyson, The Gteiragre, Rydal Rd., [4] U Sun. T Tyson's Garage :p> 37. — John H. Dobson, The Garage, [Ml LT N Sun., Night, T Dobson :f> 55. Amersham ^ (Buckingham), M. 29, Fop. 2,674 P. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) ; E. Cherries Manor Ho. (XVIth c.) 4. Chesham ffl. 3, Tring ffi. H = Rickmansworth 8, Watford a 12 = Uxbridge a 11, Ealing &. 20, London a 28 = Beaconsfleld Q. 5, Slough 13, Windsor ^ 15 = High Wycombe a 7 = Wendover 10, Aylesbury a 15. m The Griffin, T/te Broadway, B 2/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins 6;>-aiis N 1/- g] RAC. f^Bi Michelln Stockist, T. D. Truman, The Garage, High St., Agt. for Lancia, De Diox, g] LT % T Truman :p> 8. Amesbury @ (Wiltshire), M. 28, Pop. 1,143. See :— Amesbury Abb. ; Vespasian's Camp ; Church (Goth.) ; W. Stone- henge • 2. Marlborough a 21 = Andover a 14 = ow sarum 6, Salisbury ®. 8 = l < Stonehenge 2, Mere 23, Wincanton 30 — Middle Woodford 5, Salisbury Si. 10 -- Stonehenge 2, Warminster fi. 19, Frome Si. 26. ^ George, Uigh St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- ^3 B Gar - iU Shed [31 ins Gratis N 1/- RAC T Whistler :p i97a. Bell Hotel, RAC Lt. ffMM Michelln Stockist, T. Collins, Amesbury Garag:e, Salisbury St., Agt. for Belsize, Ford, Arrol-.Iohnston, [20] Boxes g] U N Sun., T Collins Garage :p> 5. M.C.T. Amlwch (Anglesey), M. 15, IHd), Pop. 2,720. M.D., Sat.; E.G., Wed. See :— Harbour ; E. Llaneilian, " The Myvyr " Chap. (XYth c. altar) 2 ; S.W. Llanfechell (Cromlechs, A'iew) 7. ^ N. Beaumaris 18 = Llanerchymedd 6, Aberffraw 19 = Holyhead 18. ifiL Dinorben Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis (U RAC T Dinorbeji Hotel. Ammanford (Carmartlten), M. 20. Kandilo a 7 = Neath a 17 = Hendy8 < Swansea fi 17 — Llanelly 14. © Cross Inn, Wine St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R2/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gi-atis [2] :p) 8 PC. Ampthin (Bedford), M. 23, Ed), Pop. 2,270. M.D., TTiMrs. ; B.C., Tues. See :— Ho. of Houghton (Rns.) ; Ampthill Park ; St. Andrew's Ch. Bedford a 8 = Shefford 7, Baldock a 15 = Dunstable 12, Tring 22 = Woburn 8, Fenny Stratford 12. M The White Hart, 3Iarket Place, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins Graii*- N 1/- g] RAC Lt. ANDOVER - 146 - Andover # (Hampshire), M. 28, ME, Pop. 7,596, M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :-St. Mary's Ch. ; S. Upper Clatford Ch. 2 ; S.W, Bury Hill Camp (View). XE. 1. Hurstboume Tarrant 6, Highclere 12, Nowbury ffl. 17 (med. V. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 6 m. and 8 m.). Hurstboume Priors 5, Whitchurch 7, Basingstoke a 18 (gd. und., 1/12 desc. at 5 m.), London a 65. • 2, wherweii 3, Winchester ffi. 14 (gd. v. hilly, 1/13 asc. at 3 m. dang. turn on hill at k m.). • r. 2, Puiierton Junction stn. 4, Stockbridge 7, Komsey fi. • 18, South- ampton ffl. 26 (gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at 11 m.). • r. ilomsey a 18, Lyndhurst fi. 28, Bournemouth Sl 48 (v. gd. v. pict., IJIS asc. at 19 m.). Middle Wallop 8, Lobscomb Corner 11, Salisbury & 18 (imd. rd., 1/16 desc. at 13 m.). Weyhill • 3, Parkhouse 9, Amesbury ffi. 14, Warminster fit 33 (^med. rd.), Frome a 40 {v. gd. 1/10 desc. at 27 ni.). • r. Weyhill 3, Ludgershall • • 8, Rushall 19, Conock 23, DevlzeS fi. 28 (v. gd. for 17 m., then poor), Melksham a 35, Bath SSl 47 (med. tmd., l/llt asc. at Ik m.). • • r. Ludgershall 8, Collingboume Ducia 10, Burbage 15, MarlbOfOUgh ffi. 21, Swindon a 32 (gd. rd., 1/11 desc. to Marlborough). m White Hart, Bridge St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 2/- to 6/- Chfr 7/- Box Shelter Court ins Gratis N 1/- (iJ) RAC Lt. :f> 45. Star and Garter Hotel. «» Michelin Stockists, H. Pratt Moore & Son, k9, Bridge St., Agt. for WoLSELEY, Ford, [20] U \ Sun.. Night, RAC T Moore Motors qp» 195. M.CT. — MIcheiin IVI.C.T., W. J. Randall, 3, High St., Agt. for Ford, Swift, [e] LT \ Sun., RAC T Randall :p> 11 (Motor Cycles). Annan (Dumfries), M. 12, m, Pop. 5,805. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., 1st Tues. in month. See:— ]Sr. Repentance Tower; Hoddam Castle (XVth c.) 4. ^ W. Powfoot 4. Kirkpatrick 6, Canonbie 17 (gd. rd. hilly), Langholm 23, Hawick a 46 (y. gd.). • 8, sark Br. 9, Carlisle a 17 (v. gd.). • 1 8, Gretna Green 9, Longtown 13 (v. gd.). Cummertrees 4, Dumfries Sl 17 (i'. gd. pict. recom.). • 2, Carrutherstown 7, Dumfries a 16 (gd. rd. hilly). • r. 2, Daiton 7, Lochmaben 13 (hilly), Moffat a 28 (gd. rd., 1/-23 asc. at 9 in.). Eastmoor 3, Lockerbie a 10, Moffat a 26 (v. gd. recom.). m. Queensberry Arms, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar adj Gratis N 1/- [4] SAC T Queensberry :fi>3. ^ Blue Bell, 8, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/9 Chfr 5/6 Shed H] Court [fe] ins Gratis N" 1/- ffm A. Baird & Son, 25, High St.,\W\U \ T Baird's Garage :p> 23. Annfieid Plain (Durham), M. 14, EH, Pop. 16,552. Newcastle-upon-Tyne a H = Lanchester 3 < woisingham 12, Stanhope 18— Durham a 11. Anstruther Easter (Fife), M. 10, (gl, Pop. 1,190. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— S.E. Isle of May (Chapel Rns.) 6. St. Andrews a 10 = Crail 3, St. Andrews a 13 = Ansti-uther Wester 1, Pittenweem 2, 6 < Leven 15, Kirkcaldy a 24 — Cupar 17. m Commercial, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed adj Gratis N 1/- [3] :?> 6. Anstruther Wester (Fife), M. 10, [H, Pop. 476. St. Andrews a 10 = Anstruther Easter 1, Crail 4, St. Andrews a 14 = Pittenweem 1, 5 < Leven 14, Kirkcaldy a 23 — Cupar 16. Appleby (Westmorland), M. 13, ^, Pop. 1,736. See :— Castle ; Church (XlVth c). ^j^. E. 1. Penrith a 13 = 4 < Brough 8, Barnard Castle 25 — Kirkby Stephen 11, Sedbergh 25 = Tebay 11, Kendal a 23. - 147 - ARROCHAR Appleby (contimied). m King's Head, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins (rmtis [Ij EAC Lt. T King's Head ^ 98. afft Tufton Arms, Market Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar Shed U ins Gratis (loj RAC T Halifax :p> 93. ^w Knowles Bros., Eden Bridge Wks., \ Sun., T Knowles Bros. Applecross (Ross and Cromarty), M. 4, Pop. 1,615, ^ strome Ferry 23 (fern/ -43*). See :-St. Malrube's Ch. (Vllth c.) ; S. Loch Kirshon. Tornapress 12, Jeantown 19 < (ferry -43*) Strome Ferry 23 — Achnasheen 40. © Temperance, Skm-e St., B 1/8 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Court ins Gratis !J] T Temperance ;p> PO. Appledore (Devonshire), M. 25, Pop. 2,625 P. See :— Church. 1 «; Bideford m.3 — Westward Ho. 3, Arbroath (Forfar), M. 10, ^I, Pop. 16,464. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., TVed. See :— Abbey (Rns.) • ; S.E. Bell Rock (by sea) 11. ^ W. 1 (direction Dundee). inverkeiior 5, Montrose ffl. 12, Bervie 25, Stonehaven 35 (v. gd. und. pict.). Muirdrum • 6, Dundee a 17 (v. gd.). • r. Muirdrum 6, Carnoustie 8, Friockheim • 7, Forfar j®. 15 (v. gd.). • r. Friockheim 7, Brechin fi. 14 (gd. rd.). jSUL Royal, ffig/i ^?^, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Shed Court 25 y [H :F> 183. White Hart Hotel, 163, High St. Imperial Hotel, 31, Keptie St. ^^m James Law & Son, 5, Brothock Br., Agt. for B.S.A., m U "S Sun., Night, SAC T Law & Son :p> 2Y1. ArdrishaiST ® (Argyll), M. 8, Pop. 1,285, ^ oban 39. Oban 39 s= Lochgilphead 2, Inveraray fi. 27 = 3 < Tarbert 12, Campbel- town 50 — Kiiberry 22, Tarbert 32. m^ Royal, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 8/- Gar U ^ 2/- g]. Lome Hotel, Main St. Anchor Hotel, Main St. ^I^m Michelin Stockist, James Kirk, Main St.,^^o\e% SUN Sun., Xight, T Kirk. Ardrossan (Ayr), !«. 11, gl, Pop. 6,077. See : -Obelisk (View) ; Castle (Rns.). :§: S.E. 3 ; :§; S.E. 7. Largs 12, Gourock 26, Greenock ffl. 29 = Kilwinning 5 < Irvine 8, Kil- marnock a 15 — Dairy 10, Beith 15, Paisley ffi. 26 = Saltcoats 1. Eglinton Arms Hotel. Ardsley (Yorkshire), M. 17, EU, Pop. 6,870. T Stairfoot I m. Doncaster & 12 = Barnsley 3. Arrochar (Dumbarton), M. 8, Pop. 605 (Alt. 180 ft.). See :— Loch Lomond ; Ben Arthur (2,891 ft.). 7 -5 Fork 12, Inveraray fi. 22 — Lochgoilhead 12 — Fork 12, St. Catherine 15, (ferry -49 ; iw motors) Inveraray ffl. 17 = Tarbet Hotel 2 < Crian- larich 19 — Balloch 17, Alexandria 19 = Garelochhead 10, Helensburgh a 17. ^ Arrochar, Loch Lmig, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/- Chfr 7/- Gar adi Gratis N 1/- [Ij SAC T Hotel. m Ross's, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar ins Gratis [ig] SAC. f^» J. Lindsay. E«ad carefully on pp. 10, 11, and IS " Howr to use the Guide.' ARUNDEL - 148 - Arundel (Sussex), M. 29, m, Pop. 2,842. M.J)., Mon. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle, Keep, • Ducal Dairy (Xllth c, Mon. and FH., between 1 and k p.m. from Apr. to Sept. Obtain permit at Norfolk Arms) ; Maison Dieu (Rns.) ; Parish Ch. of Bt. Nicholas • (XlVth c.) ; R. C. Ch. of St. Philip Neri (Goth.). Whiteways Lodge 3, • 6, Pulborough 9, Billmgshiirst 14, Five Oaks 16, Broadbridge 20, Horsham fit 22 (gd. nnd., 1/10 desc. at h m.). • ]. 6, Fittieworth 8, Petvvorth 11, chiddingfoid 21, Godalming a 27, Guildford ia 31 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 asc. at 18 m.). » 1, Broadwater • 8, Old Shorehani level-crossing (Toll: Cars M., motor- cycles 2d., trailers 2d.), Brighton a 20 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 desc. from Arundel). • r. 1, Littlehampton a 4 (gd. rd.). • r. Broadwater 8, Wortliing ®. 9 (gd. rd.). Balls Hut Inn • 5, Chicliester a 11 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/lS desc. from Arundel). • 1. Balls Hut Inn 5, Bognor ffl. 11 (gd. rd.). Norfolk Hotel. f^"i E. J. Hinxman, High St. Ascot # (Berkshire), IVI. 28 (not marked on map), Pop. 1,927. E.C., Wed. See :— Famous Racecourse ; ::ii«^ June 17th-20th. ^ X. Ascot Heath 4. ^ S.E. Sunningdale 4. Windsor ffl. 7 = l < Egham fi. 6, Staines a 7, Hounslow 14 — Bagshot 5, Guildford a 17 = Bracknell Sl 3, Wokingham ®. 7, Reading fi. 14. Ill Royal, B 3/- L 3/- D 4/6 R 6/- Chfr 7/6 IcH Box ins Gratis N 2/6 M ^ 153. ai The Berystede, B 3/6 L 3/6 D 5/6 R 5/- to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 [cH Boxes U ins M 1/- N 2/- [g] RAC T Berystede i^^ i:.4. ^^■i IVIichelin Stockist, G. Wheeler, Ascot Ga.raie&f High St., [20] Boxes (HUNT Wheeler :f> 185. Ashbourne 1 (Derby), M. 22, ^E, Pop. 4,059. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Grammar School (XVIth c.) ; N. Fenny Bentley (Cas. Rns.) 2. ^ N. 1 (direction New Inn). New Inn 5, Newhaven Inn • 9, Hurdlow Ho. Inn 14, BuxtOH & 20 (gd. rd., hilly, pict., 1/10 asc. at 7 m). • r. Newhaven Inn 9, Youlgreave 14, Bakewell 18 (poor rd. hilly), Baslow 22, Sheffield a 35 (v. gd. rd., hilly, 1/10 desc. at 11 m.). KnivetoD 3, Middieton 10, Matlock Bath ®. 12, Matlock 14 (med. r. hilly), Chesterfield a 24 (med. mount., 1/8 asc. from Matlock Bath). Wardgate 6, Belper 12 (gd. V. hilly, 1/10 desc. to Belper). Braiisford 6, Derby ffl. 13 (gd. rd., 1/20 asc. at 6 m.). Mayfleid • 2, Bocestcr 7, Uttoxetor Sl 12 (gd. und.), Stafford ®. 26 (bad, sin., 1/9 asc. at 22 m.). • r. Mayfield 2, Waterhouses 8, Leek S. 15, Hanging Gate • • 19, Congleton 25 (med. v. hilly). Holmes Chapel 32, Northwich ®. 41 (gd. ly. vnd., 1/10 desc. at 22 m.). • • r. Hanging Gate 19, Maoclesfield SSl 28 (v. gd.) fm Ashbourne Hall, B 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/6 \cE Shed [e] Court laol U adj Gratis RAC T Hall Hotel :p> 194 Nat. ^ Green Man, St. John St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed Court U ins Gratis [Jo] :?> 17. f^" iViichelln Stockists, Andrew's Motor Depdt, Agt. for Bel- size, Talbot, Bayakd, Rover, B.S.A. [e] U N Suu. R.A.C. :F> 197. Ashburton (Devonshire), Wl. 26, Ed], Pop. 2,494. See:— St. Andrew's Ch. (Goth.); Grammar School (XlVth c); W. Holne (birthplace of Charles Kiugsley) 6; S.W. Buckfastleigh (Cistercian Abb.) 3 ; Dean Prior (Ch. Goth., Mon. to Robert Herrick, Dean Court, Tud.) 5 ; N.W. Dartmoor Excursions (Hay Tor). 3 < Chudleigh 10, Exeter a 20 — Newton Abbot a 7 = 2 < Ivybridge a 13, Toll Gate 23 (Cars id., motor-cycles 2d.), Plymouth ffl. 24 — Totnes 8, Kingsbridge ®. 20 = Two Bridges 12 < TavistOCk Si 21 — Princetown 14, Plymouth ffl. 29. ^ Golden Lion, East St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis H] RAC, Lt. London Hotel, West St. 149 — ASHFORD Ashby-de-la-Zouch (Leicester), M. 22, WB, Pop. 4,927. M.l). , Sat. ; EA:.,Wed. :IC'^^'-1- Sge :— Castle ; Yardley Chase ; Whiston Ch. ; Ivanhoe Baths ; Grammar School. Melbourne ffl. 7, Derby Sl 15 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/12 desc at 6 m.). • 1, Isler Walton 7. Castle Donington 9, Long Eaton 14, Beeston 18 Nottingham fi. 22 (w. gd., I/IU desc. at 6 m.). • r. 1, Cole orton 3, Loughborough Si 12 (med. pict., 1/13 asc. at 5 in.). Huggiescote 6, Groby 13, Leicester Sl 18 (gd. nnd., 1/15 desc. at 11 m.). Measham • 3, Twycross • 8, Atherstone ffi 14, Nuneaton a 20 {med. vnd.). • r. Measham 8, Tamworth 13, Sutton Coldfleld & 21, Birmlngliam Sl 28 (»;. gd., 1/13 asc. to Sutton Coldfield). • I. Twj-cross 8, Sibson 12, NuneatOM ^ 18 {med. recom.). vvoodviiie 4, Burton-on-Trent Sl 8, Uttoxeter ffi. 22, Longton 36, Stoke- upon-Trent 38, Newcastle-under-Lyme ^ 40 {med. und., 1/lU asc. to Stoke). jg Royal, Station St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gai cvP Gratis N 1/- [^ RAC T Royal ;p> 197. ff" G. H. Townson, Ashby Garage, Wood St., g] Box BUN Sun., Night, T Garage :p> 594. Ashford (Derby), fA.M{not marked on map), Pop. 684 P, ^ Bakeweil 2. See :— Church ; Ascent of Brushfleld Hough (View). Tideswell 6, Chapel-en-le-Frith 13 = Bakeweil 2, Matlock 10 = Longnor 7 = Buxton a 10. ASHFORD ® (Kent), M. 30, ES}, Pop. 13,670. M.D., Tites. ; E.C., Wed. See :-St. Mary's Ch. (Tower) (A); E. Grammar School 1 (E. II). ^3^ S.E. 1 (E. II). 1 High Street 2 North Street " " 3 Canterbury Road 4 Gore Hill 5 East Hill 6 Bank Street a> toto 7 Elwick Road 8 Rye Road 9 JNew Street 10 Chart Road 11 Maidstone R E.\ : h)j High St., Worth St., Canterbury Rd., and Grove Hill :— • 1, chiiiiam 8, Canterbury & 14 {v. gd. ly. nnd.). • 1. 1, Badiesmere Lees 8, Faversham fiL 13 ((/d. rd. hilly, IjlU asc. at U m.). E.W: by High St. and East Hill :— seiiinge 7, New Green Inn 9, Hythe ^ 12, Sandgate 15, Folkestone ffl. 17 {v. gd., 1/16 desc. to Hythe). ASHINGTON - 150 - Ashfbrd {continued). E. Ill : by Bank St., Elwick Rd., and Rye Rd. :— Ham street • 6, Appiedore 11, Rye fi. 17 (gd. und.), Wiiichelsea 19, Hastings & 28 (gd. v. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 'Zk m.). • 1. Ham street 6, Brenzett Comer 10, New Romney A 15 (merf. rd., I/IS desc. from Ham Street). E. IV : by High St., Xew St., and Chart Rd. :— Bethersden 6, High Halden • 10, Biddeilden 18, WUlsley Pound 17, Goudhurst 21, Pembury • 28, Tun bridge Wells a 31 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 desc. at i^l m.). • 1. High Halden 10, Tenterden 12, Rolvenden 15, Hawkhui'st 24, Bur wash 30, Lewes a 50, Brighton ^ 58 (gd. cross-country rd., und.). • r. Pembury 28, Tonbridge & 33 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/17 desc. at 29 m.). E. V : by High St., New St., and Maidstone Rd. :— charing 6, Lenham 10, IMaidstone & 19 (v. gd. und., 1/15 desc. at 17 m.), London & 56. fim Saracen's Head, High St., B 2/6 L 3/ R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [12] RAC T Saracen :p> 7. fr^ h/i:chelin Stocldsts, Stella Motor Co. (1909), Ltd., 36-:^S, Xew St., Agt. for FLANDERS, E.M.F., STELLA, |^ Boxes U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Stella :p» 34. Ashins:ton (Xorthumberland), M. 14, ES, Pop. 24,583. Xewbiggin 4 = Coney Garth 1 < Morpeth ffl. 4 — Bediington 4, Newcastle- on-Tyne ^ 17. Ashton-in-Ma.kerfield (Lancashire), M; 16, ESI, Pop. 21,540. ^ X.W. 2. Wigan ffi 5 = Hindley 6, Bolton ffl. 12 = XeAvton-in-Makerfleld 3, War- rington & 7 = St. Helens 5. Ashton-under-Lyne ^ (Lancashire), M. 16 (See Special Map 45). (MBl , Pop. 45,179. See :— Parish Ch. ; Old Hall ; Town Hall. 21^. Oldham ffl.i4 = Stalybridge 2, Mossley 4 = Hyde ffl. 3 = Manchester fi. 6. ^ George and Dragon, Bow St., B 1/6 L 1/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- [cH 5 Court adj [6] :fo 970. ff" MIchelin Stockists, Wood & Co., Old St., M 11 \ Tf> 225. M.CT. — Hurst & Co., Scotland St. [S Sun., Night. Askern (Yorkshire), M. 17, Pop. 562 P. See :— Spa ; W. Campsall Ch. (Norm, Tower) 2. Hut Green 6, Solby 12, York a 26 = Doncaster Sl 7. ia Swan, B 3/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis (5j. Askrisg: (Yorkshire), M. 16, Pop. 462 P. (Alt. 680 ft.). See :— Church (Xlllth c.) ; Millgill Force (69 ft.) ; Whitfield Force (42 ft.) ; Stone Ho. (XVIIth c). Crackpot 3 < Kirkby Stephen 21 — Reeth 8, Richmond fi 18 = 10 < Rich- mond a 18 — Leyburn 12, Bedale 24 = 1 < Sedbergh 20, Kendall 30 — Bainbridge 2, Hawes 6, Settle ffi. 28 — Bainbridge 2, Aysgarth 7. Aspatria (Cumberland), M. 12, inH, Pop. 3,339. M.D., Thurs. ; E.G., Tues. Silloth 9 = Wigton 8, Carlisle a 19 = Cockermouth la 9 = Maryport 7, Workington & 13. j5g[ Waverley (Temperance), So, King St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis Q]. Aston Rovtrant (Oxford), M. 22 (not marked on map), Pop. 579 P. Stokenchurch 3, High Wycombe Sl 10, Beaconsfield & 16, Uxbridge & 24, Ealing iS. 33, London fi. 41 = Watlington 4, Crowmarish Gifford 10, Goring and Streatley 16 = Oxford j®. 16. Lambert Arms Hotel, Cross Rds., RAC. Atherstone # (Warwick), M. 22, Pop. 5,248 P. See :-St. Marys Ch. ; W. Merevale Abb. (Rns. Xllth c.) 1. :^ X.W. 1. Ashby-de-ia-Zouch 14, Derby ®. 28 = 3 < Nuneaton a 6 — Harrow inn 6, Hincldey ffl.8, Leicester s. 2i — Harrow inn 6, cross-in-Hand 16, Daventry a 31 = Coleshill 10, Birmingham a 20 = Two Gates 6 -5 Bridgetown 22, St. Georges 39, Wellington 42 — Tamworth 8, Lichfield fi. 15 — Two Gates 6, Bridgetown 22, CannOCk 23. - 151 - AXBRIDGE Atherstone (continued). ^ Red Lion, Long St., B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Box g] Shed |2] Court [5] ins 1/-. © White Hart, Long St., B 1/6 L 2/- R 2/- Chfr 6/6 Box [H Shed [2] Court [6] ins Gratis N 1/-. ffv Michelin Stockists, F. J. Deeming: & Co.y 53, Long St., Agt. for Ford, (H "LT % Sun., Night, 1^ 8. M.CT. — A. Rogerson & Sons, Station St., Agt. for Sunbeam, H] U \ Sun. :f> 44. Atherton (Lancashire) (see Special Map 44), EH, Pop. 18,982. See :— The Chanters. Bolton fi. 5 = Tyldesley 1, Swinton 8, Manchester a 12 = Leigh 3, Lane Head 6 < Warrington ffi. 12 — Newton-in-Makerfield 9, St. Helens 14 = Hindley 4, Wigan ^ 7. Attleborough (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 2,299 P. M.D., Thurs. ; E C, Wed. See :-Church. X ^-W. 5. Wymondham 6, Norwich a 15 = Thetford ®. 14, Newmarket & 33. m Royal, Sfaiio*! iJd., B 1/9 L 2/- I) 3/- R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis [5] T Royal. I*l?l Griffin, Chtirch St., R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed adj H]. il*L Station, Station Ed., R 3/6 Chfr 9/- Shed adj 1/- g]. Auchterarder (Perth), M. 9, m, Pop. 2,276. M.D., Saf. See :— N.E. St. Rattans Chap. (Rns.) 3 ; S.W. Ogilvie Cas. (Rns.) 4. ^ N.E. (adj. town). Crieff a 9 = Perth fiL 15 = Br. of Earn 13, Abernethy 16, Cupar 30 = 3 < Dunblane 14, Stirling a 20 — Rumbling Br. 14, Dunfermline a 25. JA Crown, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [U ;p> 25. 9^* Henderson Bros., Ruthven St., Agt. for Calthorpe, [3] U \ Sun. SAC T Henderson Bros. :?> 37. Auchiermuchty (Fife), M. 9, ^M, Pop. 637. M.D., Mon. ; E.C., Tues. :^ N.E. 1. Cupar 9 = Falkland 3, Kirkcaldy ffi. 15 = Strathmiglo 2, Edentown 4 < Milnathort & 9, Dollar 20 — Perth ^ 16. Audlem (Cheshire), M. 21, Pop. 1,455 P. Nantwich a 7 = Woore 5, Newcastle-under-Lyme & 12 = Market Dray- ton Q. 7, Newport fi. 18 = Whitchurch a 9. Avebury (Wiltshire), M. 27, Pop. 588 P, ^ Caine 7. See :— Avebury Circles • ; Avebury Ho. (Eliz. Manor) ; Church (Norm.) ; Silbury Hill. Broad Hlnton 5 < Swindon ®. 11 — Wootton Bassctt 9, Cricklade 17 = Beckhampton 1 < Devizes ®. 8 — Calne Sl 7, Chippenham fi. 13 — Beck- hampton 1, Marlborough fi.8. Red Lion Hotel. Aviemore (Inverness), M. 9, Pop. 100 (Alt. 697 ft,). See :— E. Loch Morlich ; S.E. Ascent of Braeriach (4,248 ft.) ; S. Loch- an-Eilean 3 ; Tor of Alvie (Waterloo Monument) 3. 5 -5 Carrbridge 7, Inverness a 32 — Boat of Garten 7 (o?i right), Gran- town a 15, Forres ffl. 37 = Carrbridge 7, Grantown ffl. 17 = Grantown ffi. 18 = Kingussie SL 12, Newtonmore ffl. 15. mM station, Gar Box U ins Hg SAC. ^ {private). gji Cairngorm, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- m. Axbridgre (Somerset), M. 27, Pop. 933 P. See :— Church ; Old Houses (XlVth and XVth c.) ; King John's Hunting Lodge. Cheddar 3, Weils ffl. 11 = Inn 1 «; East Brent 5, Bridgwater a 17 — sidcpt 2, Bristol a 18 — Inn 1, East Brent 5, Bumham a. 10 — Inn 1, Sidcot 2, Weston-super-Mare ffi. il. .m Geoi-ge, The Square, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shelter ins Gratis [§] T Lane. AXMINSTER - 152 — 26, Pop. 2,906 P. Axminster (Devonshire), M. 26, Pop. 2,906 P. M.D., Thurs. ; B.C., Wed. See :— The Minster. Tytiierieigh 4 < Chard fit 7, Tauntoti ffl. 23 — Crewkerne 13, Yeovil a 22 = Beaminster 14 =: Hunters Lodge 3 < Bridport ^ 12, Dorchester a 27 — Lyme Regis 6 = Colyford 5 -; sidford 13, Exeter ffl. 27 — Seaton a 7 — Coiyford 5, Sidford 13, Sidmouth ^ ir> = Honiton 9, Exeter A 26. j^ George, Victoria Sq., B2/6 L 2/0 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar LT ins Gratis [w] RAC :f<> 9. AYLESBURY # (Buckingham), M. 22, 28, ^, Pop. 11,048. M.D. Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (XlVth and XYtli c.) (A). ;>!«;. March 27th. E.I: by Kingsbury Sq. , Buckingham St. , and Buckingham Bd. :— Whitchusch 5, Winslow 10, Buckingham fi. 17 (v. gd. v. hilly, 1/lU desc. at 6 m.). AYLESBURY SCALE Kingsbury 2 Backingham Street 3 Buckingham Road 4 Cambridge Street 5 Bierton Road 6 High Street 7 Tring Road 8 Walton Street 9 Wendover Road' 10 Market Street 11 Bourbon Street 12 Rickford's Hill 13 Thame Road 14 Bicester Road E. II : by Cambridge St. and Brerton Bd. :— Wing 7, Leigliton Buzzard 10, Woburn 16, Bedford ^ 30 (gd. xmd.). E. Ill : by High St. and Tring Bd. :— Tring • 7, Berkhampstead ffi. 12, Boxmoor Stn. 15, • 17, King's Langler 18, Watford a. 23, Edgware m. 30, London m. 40 {v. gd., 1/15 desc. at ':il Tfi.). • 1. Tring 7, Dunstable 17, Luton ®. 22 {med. v. und.). • 1. 17, Leverstocic Green 19, St. AlbanS IS. 23 {gd. rd.). E. IV : by Walton St. and Wendover Bd. :— \A'endover 6, Gt. Missenden 10, Auiersliam 15, Beaconsfleld Sl 20, Slough ffi. 28, Windsor j®. 30 {v. gd., hilly, pict., l/ll-U rtsc. from Amersham). E.Mlby Market St., Bourbon St., Bickford's Hill, and Thame Bd. :— Dinton 4, Thame a 9, Wheaticy 16, Oxford j®. 22 (gd. rd., 1/19 desc. to Oxford). E y\, by Kingsbury Sq , Buckingham St., and Bicester Bd. :— WaddesdoD 6, Bicestor a 17, Baynard's Green 22, Aynho 26, Adderbury 29, Banbury.^ 32 {v gd., 1/17 desc. to Banbtmj). Jgl. Bell, Market Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ina Gratis \s\ RAC Lt. T Bell. — 153 AYR Aylesbury (continued). T^w Michelin Stockists, Aylesbury Motor Co., Kingsbury Sq., Agt. for HUMBKR, Belsize, do) U \ Sun., Night, T Motors :p» 87 PO. — A. G. Bowker, 33, High St., Agt for Ford, {2\ U \ RAC T Bowker :p> 43 PO. — The Central Garage Co., Walton St., Agt. for Flanders, E.3J.F., [W) Boxes 12}U \ Sun. T Autocar Jfo 44. Aylsha-m (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 2,471 P. M.D., Tues. ; B.C., Wed. See :-Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; N.W. Bllcking Hall (Jacob.) 2. ^ N. 2. Cromer a 10 = North Walsham a 7, Mundesley 12 = Great Yarmouth a 30 = Norwich a 12 = Bawdesweii 11 << East Dereham ^ 17 — Litcham 22, King's Lynn a 39 = Holt m. 13, Wells 26. ^ Black Boys, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins (?r«ii^ N 1/- g] T Pashley ::p> 3. AYR m (Ayr.), M. 11, ^, Pop. 29,101. M.D., Tues., Fri. ; E.G., Wed. See :-New Brig (A) ; The Auld Brig (XVth c.) (C) ; Municipal Build- ings (G) ; County Buildings (D) ; Tam O'Shanter Inn (E) ; Burns' Statue (F) ; The Pier ; S. Burns' Monument 2 (E. V) ; S. Burns' Cot- tage 2 (E.V). "^(seeplan). ':iA^'^-l{seeplan),May23rd-2Uth; July ^lst-32nd; Ang.8-9th; Sept. 17 -19th a. new brig c.auld brig d county buildings e/tam o'shanter inn bi/rns statue mijnicipal building} B-G(See p. 3; 1 AUoway 2 High Street 3 Main Street 4 New Road 5 Prestwick Road 6 River Street 7 George Street 8 WhiUetts Road 9 Holmston Road CasUehiU Road 1 Beresford Terrace 2 Carrick Road 3 Monument Road 4 Wellington Square^ »., 5 Sandgate Street /r- 3 The Esplanade -^^ si 8, 7 Harbour Street •'■''' \ Craigie Road ) Victoria BridgeJr > StaUoD Road " BALLOCH - 156 - Ba.1 later (cuntimiea). Dinnet 7 -z Aboyne 11, Aberdeen ^ 42 — Tariand 11, Edit 20, Aberdeen SL 42 = Br. of Gaim 2 •< Balmoral 8, Braemai" ffi. 17 — Tomintoul 22, Grantown ffl. 36 •— Br. of Gairn 2, Stradhou 15, Huntly ffl. 45. JW Invercauld Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar [5] 8hed mU^l/- SAC :p> 17. m Loirston, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Gar dist SAC T Loirston :F> 13. m^ Alexandra, Bridge Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- PG 500 y. VfM MIchelln Stockist, William Willox, Station Sq., Af/t. for BELSIZB, [20] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Willox Garage :f> 26. BaUoch (Dumbarton), M. 8. See :— Loch Lomond ; Balloch Cas. 1 «; Drymen 8, Fork 12, Kippen 21, Stirling ffi. 30 — Jamestown 2, Clyde- bank 13, Glasgow a 21 — Drymen 8, Fork 12, Aberfoyle 19 = Alexandria 2, Dumbarton ffi. 5, Clydebank 13, Glasgow a 20 = 3 < Tarbet 15, Arrochar 17 — Helensburgh ®. 8. M Tullichewan, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar 50 y SAC. Bamburg-h ® (Northumberland), M. 14, Pop. 497, ^ Beiford 6. See :— Castle ; Holy Island ; Fame Islands ; Ch. (Tomb of Grace Darl- ing); Home of Grace Darling. N.E. Lindisfarne Abb. (Rns.) (by water) 3. :§C W. Alnwick a 18 = Beiford S. 6, Berwick-on-Tweed a 22. ^ Victoria, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 to 6/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis [e]. ¥f«i Michelin Stockist, James McDougrie, Front St., [8] Boxes g] U \ Sun., T McDougle. Bampton (Devonshire), M. 26 fupl . Pop, 1,657. See :— Ch. (Goth.) ; Quarterly Fairs for Cattle and Exmoor Ponies. Wiveliscombe 10, Milverton 13, Taunton Q. 21 = Tiverton a 8, Exeter & 22 = 2 < South Molton a 18, Barnstaple a 30 — Exebridge 5, Dun- ster 21, Minehead ®. 23 — Exebridge 5, Dulverton 8, Lynton 32. ifiL White Horse, Fore St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis [3] RAC Lt. T White Horse. Bampton (Oxfo'rd), M. 22, 28 (M. 18, s. 3), Pop. 1,572 P. M.D., Wed. See :— Ham Court ; Church (Norm, and Goth.) ; Cote Ho. (XVIIth c). Witney 6, Oxford a 18 = 2 < Faringdon a 6, Swindon a 18 — Burford 9. BANBURY 1 (Oxford), M. 22, ME, Pop. 13,463. M.D., Thurs. ; B.C., T«es. See :— The Cross • (C) ; Old Houses (A) (E. I) ; N.E. Sulgrave Manor and Ch. (permit from Caretaker) 7 (E, V) ; S.W. Broughton Cas. • 3 ; N.W. Wroxton Abb. 3, Edgehill (Battlefield) 8. ^^ W. 1 (E. V). ::ji«;^ April 2nd. E. I : by Horse Fair, North Bar St., and Soiitham ltd. :— Little Bourton 2, Ladbroke 12, Southam • 14, Dunchurch 22, Rugby & 25 (P. gd. und., 1/11 desc. at 8 m.). • 1. Southam 14, Princethorpe 20, Coventry &. 27 (v. gd., 1/21 desc. at 15 m.). E. II : by High St., Bridge St., and Middleton Rd. :— Grimsbury • 1, Middleton Cheney 3, Brackley 10, Buckingham ffli 17 (gd. rd., V. hilly, 1/15 asc. at 1 m.). • 1. Grimsbury 1, Byfieid 10, Daventry Q. 17 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/12 asc. at k and 15 m.). E. Ill : by South Bar St. and Oxford Rd. :— Adderbury • 3, Baynard's Green 10, BlCOSter & 15, Aylesbury ^ 32 (v. gd. monot., 1/17 asc. from Banbury), London ffi. 72. • V. Adderbury 3, Deddington 6, Hopcrofts Holt 10, Kidlington IS, Oxford iS. 23 (magn. rd., 1/15 dang. desc. at 6 m.). E. IV : by South Bar St. and Chipping Norton Rd. .— Bloxham 4, Chipping Norton &. 13, Shipton-under-Wychwood 20, Burford 24 (med. rd. hilly at first), Aidaworth 31, Cirencester Q. 41 (gd. und., several 1/15 hills). E. V : by West Bar St. and Broughton Rd. :— Lower Tadmarton«4, Braiie8 10, Shlpston-oD-Stour 14, Chipping Camp- den 21, 'Evesham Sl 30 (med. hilly). • 1. Lower Tadmarton 4, Cross Hands Inn 14, StOW-On-the-Wold & 20, Gloucester <£. 45 (imd. rd.). 157 — BANFF Banbury {continued). E. VI : hy Horse Fair, North Bar St., an.d Warwick Rd. :— Drayton • 2, Wioxton 3, Edge HUl 8, Ettingfcon 14, Stratford-On-Avon ^ 20 {(jd. rd., 1/8 desc. at 8 m., v. dang, loith two aharp turns). • Y. Drayton 2, Warmingtou 5, Gaydon 11, Warwfck ffl. 20 {v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/10 ciesc. at o m.). BANBURY SCALE A OLD HOUSES * C THE CROSS G. P.S.-R.S.(L. A N.W.R.) •R.S.(G.W.R.) (See p. 3) 1 Horse Fair 4 High Street 7 South Bar Street 8 Oxford Road 9 Chipping Norton Rd 10 West Bar Street 11 Broughton Road 2 North Bar Street 5 Bridge Street 12 'Warwick Road 3 Southam Road 6 Middleton Road 13 Parsons Street ^ Eed Lion, 7, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chf r 6/6 EH U Gar ins N 1/- (H] T Red Lion :p> 4 PO. ^ White Lion, 6/,, High St., B 2/6 L 2/9 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [so] RAC T White Lion :p> 23 PO. f^^ Michelin Stockists, Wrench's Garagrci Electrical and Motor Co., Bridge St., Agt. for Hupmobile, Bianchi, Deasy, Metallurgique, [g] Boxes H] U 'x Sun., i!«fight, RAC T Motors :p> 101 and 115 Nat. — G. L. Ginger, 18, Parsons St. Banchory # (Kincardine), M. 10, gl). Pop. 1,475. E.C., Thurs. See :— S. The Falls of Feugh. ^ {adj. village). Aberdeen a 18 = 2 < Aberdeen a 19 — Stonehaven 16 = Fettercairn 18 < Brechin ffl. 29 — Montrose fi. 31 = Aboyne 13, Ballater ^ 24, Braemar SSl 41. ja The Tor-na-Coille, B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 6/- Chfr 7/- (eg Gar 200 y Gratis N 1/- SAC :?> 40. am Burnett Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar g] Slied [12] U ins Gratis N 1/- T Williams :p> 45. f^m Michelin Stockist, A. Lamb, High St.,mU \ Sun., Night, T Lamb qp> 3. BANFF (Banff.), M. 6, ^ Pop. 3,732. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Fed. See :-Gothic Church (Rns.) (A) ; Duff House (C). :^ W. 1 (E. IV). E.\: by Strait Path, Low St., Bridge St., Bridge Bd., Banff Br., and Macduff Rd.:— Macduff 2, • 3, Longmanhill 4, Overtown 15, New PitsligO 16, Mintlaw 26, Longside 29, Peterhead 35 {v. gd., 1120-23 asc. at 3 m.). • 1.3, Protsonhiii 9, Xew Abevdour 15 {mount, rd.), Rosehearty 18, Frazer- burgh 23 (^gd. rd., IJIC desc. at 11 m. The best route is vid Turriff). BANGOR 158 Ba.nfF {continued). E. II : by Strait Path, Low St., Bndge St., Bridge Rd., Banff Br., and TttrHffRd. :— King Edward 8tn. 5, Turriff ffi 11, Fyvie 8tn. 19, Old Meldrum 28, New Machar 35, Dyce 39, Aberdeen a 46 (f. (jd. xmd., rough from Fyvie to Turriff), London ®. 539. E. Ill : hy High St. and Sandyhill Rd. :— Brydock Mill 4, Abei'chirder 9 (7ned. rd. 2yicf-), Brogaiebrae 15, Huntly a 21 {gd. und., 1/S3-17-18 asc. at 3 m.). E. IV : by Boyndie St., Boyndie St. West., and Boyndie Rd. :— Ordens Fork Rds. • 5, Cornhill 8, Glen Bany 8tn. 11 (pict.), Keith 20 (gd. rd., 1/16 asc. from Banff), Craigellachie 32, Aberlour 34, Dalna- ehaugh Inn 42, Advie Ch. 47, Grailtowu ^ 56 {hilly, v. pict., 1/lJ!, desc. to Craigellachie), Duinain Br. 59, Aviemore 71, Kiugussie ffi. 83 (r. gd. pict., 1/13 asc. at 71 m., and desc. at 73 m.). • r. Ordens Fork Rd3. 5, Portsoy 8, Culleii 14, Kuthven stn. 19, Fochabera 26 (ptce.), Lhanbryde 31, Elgin Sl 35 {v. gd., 1/16 asc. in Banft). BANFF. SCALE A.QOTHiC CHURCH C.OUFF HOUSE 1 strait Path 3 Low Street 3 Bridge Street^^^- 4 Bridge Road %^ IS Uaoduff Road 8 Turitt Road'^ 7 High Street 8 Sandyhill Road 9 Boyndie Street 10 Boyndie Street 'West 11 Boyndie Road 12 CasUe Street * a.-M.-R.8.- (See p. 3 ) an Duff House {March to October) ^ {Private), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- E 7/- to 10/- Chfr 9/- lea 5 Gar LT 200 y Gratis N 1/- [20] SAC T Duff House :p> 11. (!^ Crown (Temp.), Old Market PL, B 1/6!L 2/- D 2/6 K 2/- Chfr 6/6 Gar [3] Court [H U adj Gratis N 1/- T Home J^ 3X1. Fife Arms Hotel, SAC. F" Crown Motor Garage, 5, Old Market PL, [5] LT \ ^u"-, ^'igbt, BANGOR # (Carnarvon), M. 15, El. Pop. 11,237. Wed. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., See :-University College (A) ; Cath. (XYIth e.) (C) ; S. Bishops Mill (View) 1 ; S. Penrhyn (Cas. and Quarries) 2 ; Menai Br. ^ W. (E.IID. -^ April nth. E.i: by High SL :— Liandegai • 2, Aber 5, Dlanfairfechan 7, Penmaenma« r 10. Conway 14, Colwyn Bay a 20, Abergele & 26, • 27, Rhuddlan 31, Holywell 43, Hawarden 54, Chester a 61 {gd. rd. pict., 1/12 asc. at 7 m.), London & 245. • r. Liandegai 2, Bethesda 5, Pen-y-Bengiog 10. Capel Curig 15, Bettws- y-Coed & 20, Corwen 42, Llangollen ^ 52, Shrewsbury ffl. Sl> {v. gd. und., 1/15 desc. at 18 m.), London fi 234. • r. 27, St. Asaph 33, Mold Sl 51, Caergwrle 57, Wrexham ffi. 02 (jd. rd.). E. II : 61/ High St. and Carnarvon Rd. :~- Port Dinorwic 5, Carnervon a 9 {v. gd. und.). — 159 — BARMOUTH Baingor {contimied). E. Ill : bfi High St., Farrar Rd., and Holyhead Rd. (This exit should he strictly followed. Sign-post by Cathedral indicates v. dang, short cut nnsuitedfor cars.) Menai Br. 3 (Toll : Cars 2/-, motor-cjcles 6d.), Llanfair 5, Pentiebeiw 9, Gwaichmai 15, vaUey 21, Holyhead 25 (v. gd. monot.). BANGOR SCALE 1 High Street 2 Carnarvon Road 3 Farrar Road 4 Holyhead Road 5 Broad Street 6 Ffordd 7 Delnlol Road 8 Garth Road m British, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 9 Gar If ins Gratis N 1/- [20) RAC :p» 178 Nat. m Castle, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar g] ^hed d] ins Gratis RAC :p> 0181. George Hotel, RAC (E. III). f^« MIchelin Stockist, E. W. Elias, The Bang^or Motor Gara.s:e, 361-363, 3U7, High St., Agt. for HUMBER, SI] U \ Sun., Night, T Elias ;p> 199. M.C.T. Bannockburn (Stirling), M. 9, Pop. 2,444. See :— S. Bannockburn Ho. 1 ; "VV. The Bore Stone 2 ; Field of Bannock- ))urn. Stirling a 2 = Larbert 6 < Falkirk fit 9, Linlithgow 17, Edinburgh Sl 34 — Glasgow a 27. Barking: (Essex), M. 29, and Special Map 43, ES. Pop. 31,302. See :— Fire Bell Gate ; St. Margaret's Ch. tlford 2, Chigweii 7, Epping 16 = Romford fi. 5, Brentwood ffi. 11, Chelmsford a 22 = 10 < Southend a 32 — Tilbury 17, (ferry -7) Gravesend a 18 = i «; London jS. 10 — North wooiwich 3, (ferry -8) Woolwich Sl 4. Barmouth # (Merioneth), M. 20, ES), Pop. 2,106. M.D., Ihies., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. Harlech 11, Beddgelert 24 = Pen-y-b^Ti 6 < Dolgdly stn. 9, Bala 27 — Dolgelly 9, Dinas Mawddwy 19, Llanfair 39, WeJshpool 47. The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hdte serred from It a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. BARNARD CASTLE - 160 - Barmouth (continued). m Cors-y-Gedol, St. Anil's Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- P6 1(X) y [^ RAC T Cors-y-Oedol :}<> 2 PO. m Marine, Marine Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- PG 200 y Qoo) T Marine ;p> 11 Nat. ^ Tyn-y-Groes (11 m. N.E.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [3] RAC T Tyn-y-Groes Hotel, Ganllwyd. it^ Lion, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 PG opp N 1/-. f^* Michelin Stockist A. Wilkinson, Lion GaLratgef High St., Agt.forlPo\iT),\3o\Boxes^U \Sun., Night, RAC T Wilkinson :p.8. Barnard Castle (Durham), M. 16, Efi), Pop. 4,757. M.D., Wed.; E.C., Fri. See :— Castle (Rns.) • ; Cleveland Walks ; Flatt's "Woods ; Bowes Museum • ; Abb. Bridge ; Dickens' Room at King's Head Hotel ; The Market Cross ; N.E. Raby Cas. Xlllth c. • (permit from Estate Agent at Staindrop) Qi. 2IC ^- (direction Cotherstone). • 1, staindrop 6, St. Helen's Auckland 12, Bishop Auckland SSi lf>, Dur- ham & 25 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 desc. at 21 m.) • r. 1, Winston 6, Piercebridge 11, Darlington ^ 16 (gd. rd., 1/10 asc. at 7 m.). Abbey Br. 2 (Toll : Cars 9d., motor-cycles 2d.), Scotch Corner 13, Catterick Br. 18, Leeming 25, Balderslcy Gate 34, Boroughbridge ffi. 40, Yorl< ffi. 58 (f. gd. rd., 1120 asc. at 6 m.) (The toll may be avoided by taking the main road over Startforth Br. out of the toivn, but the approach is narrow and dang., with sharp turns and poor road surface.) Bowes 4, Brough • 17, Appleby 25, Penrith ^ Z'i(med. hilly, 1/12 asc. from Barnard Castle and 1/12 desc. at 13 m.). • 1. Brough 17, Kirkby Stephen 22, Sedbergh 36 (med.), Kendal fi. 46 (fjad mount., 1/9 desc. to Kendal). Cotherstone 5, Middleton-in-Teesdale 11, Alston 33, Brampton 52, Carlisle a 61 (gd. rd., bad for 8 m. between Middleton and Alston, 1/lU-lO desc. to Alston). ^a King's Head, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/9 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6 '6 Gar Shed ins Gratis [T] RAC Lt. T King's Head :p>19 PO. a Raby, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/-. ffm Louis Smith, The Garage, Agt. for Belsizb, Ford, [I^ Box [2] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Smith's Garage Jp- 25. Barn by Moor (Nottinghamshire), M. 17, Pop. 213 P. Bawtry 6, Doncaster a 15 = East Retford ^ 3 = Biyth 3, oidcoates 6, Mjiitby 11, 16 "Z Tinsiey 21, Sheffield M 25 — Rotherham 18. HI Ye Olde Bell, Great North Rd., D 5/- R 5/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- and 1/6 RAC T Motoring Ranskill. Barnet Sl (Hertford), M. 29, and Special IVIaps 42,43, Es), Pop. 10,440. M.D., Wed.; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. John the Baptist Ch. (Goth.) ; Jesus' Hospital ; Hadley Ch. (cresset used as beacon), Hadley Oak, Obelisk. Potter's Bar 3, Hatfield ffl. 9, Stevenage 21, Baldock ffl. 26 (gd. v. hilly, 1/16 desc. at 8 and 12 m.). Enfield fi 6, Waltham Cross Q. 10, Waltham Abbey 11, Wake Arms 14, Epping a 17 (gd. v. und.). Friern Barnet • 3, Finchley East 5, Higligate 7, London fi. 13 (meJ. rd.). • r. Friern Barnet 3, South Hampstead 9, London St 13 (med. rd.). Eistree 5, Watford ®. 10, Rickmansworth 14, Amersham 22 (gd. ifnd.). South Mimms 3, St. Albans a 9 (v. gd., 1/20 desc. at 5 m.). ^ The Old Salisbury Arms, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis g] RAC Lt. lf> 81. ffw Michelin Stockist, J. L. Thomas, 29, High St., [TD U N RAC T Thomas Motor :p> 175. Barnham ® (Sussex), M. 29 (not marked on map). Pop. 255 P. ArHndei 5 = Chichester 7. T^M Michelin Stockist, J. L. Pen-fold, Barnham Engr. and Motor Works, Agt. for Darracq, Swift, De Dion. Toi U % Sun. T Penfold :}i 26 Eastergate. — F. S. Crunden, Station Garage. Barnoldswick (Yorkshire), M. 16, EH, Pop. 9,699. See :— Church (XVIth c.) ; N.W. Bracewell Manor Ho. (Rns.) 2. ;)QC •''^• Newsholme 5, Long Preston 10, Settle fi. 14 = Thornton 2, Sklpton ffi. S = Xelson m. 7, Brierfield 8, Burnley 3l 11. ff» J. Whittaker, 29, Wellhouse Ed. ^ U. 161 BARNSLEY LRN8LEY (Yorkshire), M. 17, and Special Maps 46, 47, El, Pop. 50,623. M.I)., Wed., Sat. ; E.C-, Thurs. See:-St. Mary's Ch. (Tower) (A); E. Darfleld Cli. 5 (E. Hi) ; S.W. Wentworth Cas. 3 (E. IV). '^^ W. 2. E. I : bij Eldon St., Eldon St. North, and Wakefield Rd. :— Miinthorp 8, Wakefield iS. ll, Leeds a 20 (gd. rd., 1/16 desc. at 17 m.). E. II : by Queen St., Cheapslde, and Pontefract lid. :— Henisworth 8, Pontefract 14, Brotherton 18, Sherbum 2?, Tadcaster ®. 29, York SL 38 (v. gd. v. hilly, 11 Ik asc. at 3 m. and desc. at l:i m.). E. Ill : by Queen St., Cheapside, and Doncaster Rd. :— Ardsley 3, Hickieton 8, Doncaster a 15 (gd. rd. hilly, I/IU asc. at 2 m.), London & 181. BARNSLET ^ ^ SCALE ^ ^•'^ 1 Eldon Street 6 Pontefract Road 2 Eldon Street North 7 Doncaster Road 3 Wakefield Road 8 Sheffield Road 4 Queen Street 9 Peel Street 5 Cheapside 10 Dodworth Road 14 Park Road 15 Cemetery Road E. iV : by Queen St., Cheapside, and Sheffield Rd. :— Birdweii 4, • 6, Chapeitown 8, Sheffield ^ 14 {med. V. hilly, 1/11 desc. at S m.). • 1. 6, Wentworth 8, Rotherham 13, Mansfield a 37 (med. rd., several 1/11 hills). E. V : by Peel St. and Dodivorth Rd. :— Silkstone 4. Penistone 8, Flouch 11, Crowden • 20, Mottrani • 25, Gee Cross 29, Stockport S. 33 ((jd. rd., 1/lU asc. at 5 m.). • 1. Crowden 20, Glossop ^ 24 (gd. rd., 1/13 desc. to Glossop). • r. Mottram 25, Hyde ^S. 29, Manchester a 36 (gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at 2:" in.). E. VI : by Market Hill, Church St., Hudders field Rd. .— • 2, Bretton West 7, Flockton 10, Huddersflold & 17 (gd. rd., 1/12 asc. and desc. at 5 m.). • 1. 2, Cawthorne 4, Sovereign P. H. 10, Huddorsfleld fi. 18 (gd. rd. hilly). JfiL Queen's, B 2/6 L 2/6 R 4/- C'hfr 6/- 5 Shelter ins H ;p> 5. BARNSTAPLE — 162 — Barnsley (contimied). m Royal, 11, Church St. and Royal St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 3/- to 4/- c;hfr 5/6 5 Shed [e] Sheltier g] U ins C?r««(*' N 1/- T Royal :?s> 158. Si King's Head, Market Hill, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 8/- to 4/- Chfr 9/- Gar U ins M -/6 N 1/- [To) :F> 1. f^" J. Taylor, 3fai/ Day Green, Agt. fm- Austin, Argyll, [U) U % RAC T Taylor, Electrician :?> 313, — F. Caffrey, Doncaster Iid.,{S\U \. BARNSTAPUE ^ (Devonshire^, M. 26, MB, Pop. 14,488. M.D., Tues,, FrL; E.G., 1F«(Z. See :— Parish Ch., leaning spire (XlVth c.) (A) ; Queen Anne's Walk (Colonnade) (C) ; Athanseum (Armada Chest) (D) ; N. Pilton (Ch.) 1 (E. I) ; S. Tavistock (Ch.) 2 ; N.W. Braunton (Ch.) 5. E. \: by High St., North Walk, and Pilton St.:— • 2, Bittadon 6, Ilfracombe fi. 11 {v. gd., 1/ld asc. at 1 m.). • r. 2, Sherwell Cross 4, BLickmoor Gate 10, Pairacambel2, Lynton 17 {v. gd. recom.), Porlock 29, Minehead j®. 35 (v. bad, v. hilly, pict, l/o desc. at Porlock. A private rd. on left at "il 7n. avoids this dang. kiH). A. PARISH CHURCH sM.\^' BARNSTAPLE. 0.-P.S.-R.S.-T.(See p. 3 1 High Street 2 North Walk 8 Pilton Street 4 Butcher's Row 8 Newport Road 9 Long Bridge 5'Boutport Street 10 Sticklepath Terrace E. II : by Butcher's Roiv, Boutport St., and Bear St. :— chefham Br. 4, Biackmore Gate 10, Lynton 17 (v. gd. for 5 m. , then bad ; 1/7 asc. at 6 m.), Porlock 29, Minehead S. 35 (v. bad, v. hilly, pict., l/'> desc. at Porlock. A ptrivate rd. on left at 27 m. avoids this dang, hill. Toll : Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 6d!,). E. Ill : by High St., Taw Vale Parade, and Newport Rd. :— Newport • 1, Swinbridge 5, SOUth Molton SL 12, Stuckeridge Br. 28, Bampton 30, Wiveliscombe 40l, Milverton 43, Taunton a 51 {gd. v. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 5 and desc. at Ik m.\ London fi. 194. • r. Newport 1, Umberleigh Br. 8, South Molton Rd. Stn. 15, Chulnileigh 17, Lapford Stn. 23, Barnstaple Cross 30, Crediton 32, Exeter SL 40 (yi. gd. pict., 1/lk asc. at 35 m.). E. IV : by High St., Long Bridge, and Sticklepath Terrace :— Instow Stn. 7, Bideford a 9, Homs Cross 14, Clovelly Cross 19, Hartland 33 (gd. hilly, several 1/10 hills). la Imperial, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/- Gar adj Gratis N 1/- [S RAC :f> 100. ^ Royal and Fortescue, Boutport St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3 /6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar 100 y N 1/- go) RAC T Fortescue qp> 99 Nat. m Golden Lion, Boutport St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 6/- Chfr 5/- ICHl Gar U adj Gratis {^ :f> 88. - 163 - BASINGSTOKE Barn8ta.ple {coivtinued). ^ Victoria, High St.., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 5/6 jcH Gar U ins Graf**' [20] 3° 69. Hit Sauiiton 8aiKls, Sceimton Smids (8 m. IF.), B 2/- L 2/- D 4/- E 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U opp Gratis N 1/6 T Hotel Sauntou. ffM Michelin Stockists, Prideaux's Gsiragre, TAe Square, Agt. for Austin, [^ U N Sun., Night, T Prideaux Garage ':p> 15 Y and 13s. — Michelin Stockists, ais)° The Barnstaple Motor Co., The Square, Agt. for Wolseley, FLANDERS, [to] Boxes [2] LT \ Sun., Niglit, RAC T Garage :p>64. Barrhead (Renfrew), M. 11/ m, Pop. 9,855. Paisley a * = crookston stn. 3, Govan 6 = Glasgow a 8 = Lugton stn. 7 «x Kilmarnock a 18 — Irvine 18. V^v Paterson Bros., i/"?. Main St., Agt. for Ford, Swift, do] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Paterson ;p> 148. Barrow-in-Furness (Lancashire), M. 15, EH, Pop. 63,775. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; B.C., Thurs. See :-Steel Works ; Docks. :§: W. 2. Dalton-in-Furness 4, Ulverston 9. HW Furness Abbey, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 5 Gar U adj Gratis N 1/6 [n] T Hotel Furness Abbey Station If' 59. la Victoria Park, Victoria Bd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 5 Gar ins Gratis {§] RAC T Comfort :f<> 4. |fl^ Imperial, Cormcallis St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar Court ins Gratis N 1/- H] T Ellara Imperial ;?> 87 Nat. f|»" Simpson, Ltd., 01-93, Duke St. Barry (Glamorgan), M. 26, ES), Pop. 33,767. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.t, Wed. See :-Castle (Rns.). X ^-E. 1. 5 < Cardiff a 8 — Penarth 6 = St. Athan 7 < Cowbridge 11, Bridgend ffl. IS — Llantwit Major 11. Barton-upon-Huntber (LincolnX M. 18, EO, Pop. 6,676. See :-St. Peter's Ch. • (Tower) ; St. Mary's Ch. • (Goth.). X ^-W. 1. Barrow 3 < Grimsby a 22 — New Holland 6, {ferry -3) Hull a 10 = Brigg ®. 10, Lincoln a 34 = Winterton ffl. 8, Scunthorpe 14. ^ George, George St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed [i] Court [12] ins Gratis. BASINGSTOKE ^ (Hampshire), M. 28, El. Pop- 11,540. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Michael and All Angels Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; Holy Ghost Chap. (Rns.) (C) ; N. Silchester • (Rom. Remains) 8 ; E. Basing Ho. (Rns.) 2 ; N.W. Winklesbury Circle 2. ^. E. I : fcj/ Wote St. and Reading Rd. :— stratfleid Turgis 7, Kiseby 10, • 11, Reading €L 16 (V. gd. und.\ • r. 11, Arborfieid Cross 14, Wokingham 18 {med.), Bracknell ^ 22, Ascot m. 24, Windsor a 31 (gd. pict.). E. II : by London St. and London Rd. : — Hook Common • 5, Hook 6, Hartley Row 9, Camberley ffl. 16, Bagshot 19, Egham Si 28, Staines ffl. 29, Hounslow 36, London ®. 47 (gd. itnd., several 1/17 hills). • r. Hook Common 5, Odiham Sl 8, Farnham ^ 16, Guildford fi. 26 (gd. und. pict., 1/11 desc. at lo m.). E. ill : by Lmidon St. and Hackwood Rd. :— Lasham 7, Alton & 11, Petersfield 24, Cosham 37, Portsmouth ffi. 42 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 3 m.). E. IV : by London St., Hackwood Rd., and Alresford Rd, :— Preston Candover 7, Alresford 14 (gd. pict., 1/11 asc. at 3 m.). E. V : by Winchester Rd. :— Popham Lane • 6, Kings Worthy 15, Winchester Q. 17 (gd. V. hilly, 1/19 desc. at 10 and 11 m.). • r. Popham Lane 6, Sutton Scotney 14, Stockbridge 21 (mM. hilly), Salis- bury a 35 (bad, v. hilly, I/IU asc. at 21 and 2k m.). The price of a roam is for a gooti medium-sized roon« writh iarg^e bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper may let rooms at prices inferior or superior to those given in the Gruidc according to situation and installation. BASLOW 164 Baising'stoke {continued). E. VI : by Winchester ltd.. Sarum Hill, and Andover Rd. ;— Oakley stn. 4, Whitchurch 11, Andover a IS (gd. und., IjV^ asc. at 13 m.). E. VII : hy Church St. and Kingsclere lid. .— Rooks Down 2, Kingsclerc 9, Newbury & 16 (med. v. hilhi, several 11 lU hills). ® 3 London Street 4 London Road 5 HackiKrood Road ' 6 Alresford Road 7 >Vinchester Road 8 Sarum Hill 9 Andover Road 10 Church Street 11 Kingsclere Road ^ Red Lion, Sh, London St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar H] Shelter [B] ins KaC Lt. IS^ 1/- :p 187. Ittlti Station, ,S'?a«io?i. 7K?(;, B 1/9 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/'- Chfr 5/- jcH Gar ins Gratis N 1/- m :f> 197. ^f^« Michelin Stockists, W. W. Webber, Ltd., ir,, London St.. Agt. for Singer, Ford, [lo] "U \ Su-n. EAC T Webber Motors > 141. M.G.T. — A. W. Smith, Station Hotel Garage, Station Hill, [e] U \ Sun. T Station Hotel :p> 197. Basiow (DerbjO, M. 1 7 {tiot marked on map), inS, Pop. 797. ^ Bake- well 4. ^. See :— N". Eyam Ch. (Runic Cross, IXth-Xth c.) 6 ; Stoney Middleton (v. pict. A'illage) 4 ; Froggat Edge, Middleton Dale (pict. walks). 3 < Castleton 7 — Tideswell 8 = Sheffield ^ 13 = Chesterfield a 9 = Matlock 11 = Bakewell 4. Bassenthwaite (Cumberland), IVI. 12 {not marked onmap). Pop. 445 P. Bothei 7, Carlisle & 26 =: Keswick 8 = Cockermouth & 6. f^ Ye Olde Pheasant, B 2/- L 2/- D3/6 R2/6 to 3/- Chfr 7/- Gavins G^ratis N 1/- [6] T Rea Hotel. BATH 1 (Somerset), M. Thurs: 27, ^, Pop. 50,729. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.G. Be :-Abbey Ch. (XVIth c.) (A) ; Gt. Pump Room (XVIIIth c.) (C) ; Roman Baths (admission 6d.) • (D) ; JNlunicipal Buildings (XYIIIth c.) (G) ; Victoria Park. :§: S.E. 2 (E. Ill) ; :!?: W. 4 (Saltford) (E. V). ::^ N. 3, May 27th-mth ; Aug. SOth-Slst. 165 BATH ith (continued). 1.1: by Broad St., Paragon Vineyards, London St., York PL, and Glmi tester Ed. :— Cold Aston 6, Dunkirk 15, Nailsworth SL 25, Ebley • 28, StrOUd ffl. 29 (gd. und. rd., 1/lU asc. at 28 m.), Pitchcombe • 31, Gloucester fi. 37. • 1. Ebiey 28, stonehouseSO, Hardwick34, Gloucester ffi. 39 (v. gd. recom.). • r. Pitchcombe 31, Painswick 33, Crosa Hands Inn 38, Cheltenham ffl. 43 (('. gd. rd., 1/13 desc. at 37 m.). G. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS A. ABBE V CHUP.CH C GREAT PUMP ROOM * 0. ROMAN BATHS R.S.-P.S.M.T (See p. 1 Broad street 2 Paragon Vineyards 3 London Street 4 York Place 5 Gloucester Road 6 London Road 7 Pulteney Bridge 8 Gt. Pulteney Street 9 Sydney Place 10 New Warminster Road 11 High Street 12 Cheap Street 13 Stall Street 14 Southgate Street 15 Hollo way 16 Wells Road 17 W^estgate Street 18 Monmouth Street 19 Upper Bristol Road 20 Lower Bristol Road II : by Broad St., Paragon Vineyards, London St., York PL, ami. London Rd. : — Box • 6, Chippenham ffi. • 13, Calne a 19, Beckhampton 25, Marlborougii iB. 32, Hungerford 42, Newbury ®. 50 (gd. und., Ijlo desc. and Oi^c. at 16 m.), Reading S. 67, London S^ 108. • r. Box 6, Melksham ^ 12, Devizes ®. 19 (med. und.), Andover Sl 47 {poor 11 m., thence v. gd., I/IU desc. at S3 m.), Winchester ®. 61. BATHGATE - 166 - Bath (conthined). • 1. Chippenham a 13, Malmesbury a 23, Cirencester ffi. 35 (v. jd., ]/]/, deac. at -iO tii.). • 1. Chippenham &. 13, Swindon ®. 33 (v gd. nnd., 1/17 asc. at 21 m.), Oxford &. 62. E. ill : by Ptilteney Br., Gt. Pultemy St., Sydney PL, and Xeio War- minister Rd, :— Limpley Stoke 5, Beckington 12, Warminster fi. 19, Heytesbury 23, Deptford 29, stapieford 33, Wilton 37, Salisbury a 40 (magn. und., several 1/lS hills). E. IV:i>j/ High St., Cheap St., Stall St., Southgate St., Old Br., Holloway, and Wells Bd. : — Radstock 9, Old Down Inn 14, WcllS ®. 20 (med. V. hilly, 1/13 desc. and asc. at 9 m.), Glastonbury ^ 25, Taunton a 48, Exeter a 80. E.y : by High St., Cheap St., Westgate St., Monmouth St., and Upper Bristol Bd. :— Corston 3, Keynsliam 8, Bristol ffi. 13 (gd. rd., bumpy beyond Keynsham, 1/15 desc. at 10 m.). (ififi Empire, Oratige Grove. B 8/6 E 3/6 D 6/- Chfr 8/6 Lft [^ 5 Gar U 200 y M -/6 N 1/6 [^ T Empire :?> 227. la Pulteney, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- K 5/- Chfr 6/6 Lft ^ 8 Gar U 50 y 130) RAC :p' 128. HI Royal, Dorchester St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 114/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft [cHl 5 Gar \S adj Gratis \e] T Primus lf> 125 Nat. ^ Christopher, 12, High St., B 2/6 L 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 PG dist :p>302. J^ Fernley, North Parade, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 PG 400 y Gratis N 1/- ;p> 680. ffv Michelin Stockists, Bath and County Motor Co. (Whiting's), Henrietta St. (Works : Barton St.), Agt. for WOLSKLEY, Fiat, Hupmobile, [go] Boxes SJ U \ Sun., Night, T Automobile :p> 608. — Michelin Stockists, Bath Garagre and Motor Co. (Fullers, Ltd.), lla, Kingsmead St., Agt. for Belsize, AUSTIN, Benz, Deasy, [6^] Boxes [HUN Sun., Night, RAC ;T! Garage :p> 273. — A. Tall, Royal Crescent Gar., 7-12, Royal Crescent Lane. — G. D. Farwell, New Bond St. Bathgate (Linlithgow), M. 12, TB, Pop. 6,786. See :— Academy ; N. Cromlechs ; Camps ; N.W. Houston Ho. (XVIth c.) 6 ; Torpichen Camp 3. ^ (adj. station). Linlithgow 7, Bo'ness 10 = Broxburn a 8, Edinburgh ffi 19 = Annadaie 2, Airdrie ffl. 14, Glasgow Sl 25. ^ Royal, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- :F>45. ^r^m A. Campbell, 8/t, Engine St., Agt. for Singer, [l]. BATLEY m (Yorkshire) (see Special Maps, 46, 47), MM, Pop. 36,395. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Screen). ^ N.B. 1. E. I : by Branch Rd. and Bradford Rd. .— Birstal • 2, Bradford ffi. 8 (med. rd., 1/16 desc. to Bradford). • r. Birstal 2, Giidersome 4, Leeds a. 9 (gd. rd. hUly, 1/1-' desc. at i'l m.). E. II : by Branch Rd., Batley Field Hill, and Timothy Lane — :\Iorley 3, Leeds & 8. E. Ill : by Commercial St. and. Bradford Rd. :— Dewsbury 3, Mirfleld 6, Huddersfield Ol 11 (bad rd.), London a 197. ?f" Michelin Stockist, E. A. Golby, Bradford Rd.,Agt. for ifAPiER, g] U S Sun. :f> 6Y. M.CT. Batiey {continued). — 167 — BATLEY BEACONSFIELD 1 Commercial Strei 2 Branch Road 3 Bradford Road 4 Batiey Field Hill 5 Timothy Lane 6 Heaton Road 7 Carlinghow Hill 8 Stocks Lane 9 Mayman Lane 10 Healey Larte 11 Clerk Green ///1 5 Victoria Avenue | 12 Wellington St ///l6 SoothiU 13 Purlwell Lane /// 17 MiU Lane s ]S^ 1/- m :p> 40. Star Hotel, High St. Wm Michelin Stockist, W. A. Jenner, 56, High St., g] Box [T] 11 \Sun., Night, :?> 35 Bawtry (Yorkshire), M. 1 7, Pop. 934 P. ^ S.W. Serlby Park 3. DoncaSter a 9 = Thorne 14 = (Trent Br. Toll: Cars 1/8, motor -cycles 6(?.) Gainsborough a 12. Lincoln a 31 = Barnby Moor 6, East Retford & 9 = Rotherham 15. m Crown, L 2/ Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [5] :?> 6. ff» IVIichelin iVI.C.T., Bawtry Motor Co., Market PL, Agt. for Sheffield-Simplex, \t] Box [1] \ Sun., Night, Jf» 6 (Motor Cycles). Beaconsfield @ (Buckingham), M. 29, EeI, Pop- 2,511. See :— St. Mary and All Saints' Ch. (Goth.) ; Old Kectory Ho. ^ {adj. toum). Amersham a 5, Chesham ffi. 8, Tring a 16 = Uxbridge ffl. 8, Somhaii 14, Ealing S. 17. London ^ 25 = Slough 8, Windsor ®. 10 = Hoit^purii -s High Wycombe a 6 — Great Marlow a 8, Henley-on-Thames a 15. BEAMINSTER - 168 - Beaconsfield (^continued). l*l$l Eoval White Hart, The Broadway, B 2/- L 2/6 D 8/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins N 1/- [2 RAC Lt. T Laneotel ;p> 0.'.. ^ Royal Saracen's Head, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr f./- Box [2] Shed [6] ins Grrtfis :}« 20. ^ppm Michelin Stockists, Beaconsfield Garag:e and Eng^in- eering: Works, Iliqh St., AgU for Renault, \8] Boxes [oj LT N Sun., Night, T Garage ::p> 16. Beaminster (Dorset), M. 27, Pop. 1,702 P, 1^ Bridport 6. See :— f*hurch Tower • ; Market Cross. Crewkerne 7 = Coiierdown Gate 3, Dorchester a 18 = Bridport Si G = Axminster 14, Honiton 23. Beaulieu (Hampshire), iVI.28, Pop. 833 P, ^ Beauiieu Rd. 4. See :— Beaulieu Abb. • (Rns.). Hythe 5, Eling Toll Br. 10 (Cars 6d., trailers or fore-carriages 6d.), SOUttiamptOn ^ 16 ^ (Lymington Br. 5^: Toll: Cars 6d., motor -cycles or tricycles Id.) Lymington 6 = Lyndhurst 8. m Beaulieu Road, B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- [cH Gar U adj Gratis H]. Beauiy (Inverness), IVI. 4, Pop. 855. ^ X. 2. Sae :-Priory (Xlllth c.) ; S. Beaufort Cas. 4 ; S.W. Kilmonach Falls 3 ; The Dhruim 4 ; Chilshoms Pass 23 ; Monar 26 ; Loch Mulladoch 27 ; Loch Affric 29. . Conan 6 < Dingwall ^ 9, Alness 19 — Cromarty 26 = 2 -5 inverness a. 13 — Invercannich 18, Glen Affric Lodge 30. JB. Lovat Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- $ Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- [e] SAC :p> 36. ^m ws» G. R. Campbell, High St. (3]. Beaumaris (Anglesey), l\II.15, MM, PoP- 2,233, ^ Menai Br. 4. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Xlllth c.) ; Castle (Xlllth c. Rns.). Pentraeth 6 < Amlwch 18 — Liangefnl 11 = Menai Bridge 4, Bangor ffl. 7. g. Westgate Boarding Ho., Castle St., B 1/6 L 1/6 D2'6 R 2 '6 Chfr 6/- PG dist T Westgate. Beccles (Suffolk), IW. 24, ESI, Pop. 7,139. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Michael's Ch. (Detached Tower, XVIth c). ^ E. {direction Carlton). Gillingham • 1, Loddon 7, Hillington 11, NorwiCh jS 18 {med. hilly, IjSO asc. at 17 m.). • r. GiUingham 1, Haddiscoe 5, Fritton 8, Yarmouth fil 14 ((jd. rd.). curUon 6, Lowestoft Sl 10 (gd. und.). Brampton 6, Blythburgh 10, Yoxford 16, Saxmundham j®. 20, Wickliam Market a 28, Woodbridge 33, ipswich ^ 41 {med. rd., 1/17 desc. and asc. at S5 m.). Bimgay ®. 6, Harleston 13, Scole a 21, Bury St. Edmunds Sl 43 {gd. rd., 1/18 asc. at 30 m.). m King's Head, Market Place. R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Shed 200 y Gratis X 1/- g] T King's Head :p> 47. m White Lion, Smallgate St. and Station Rd., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2 f R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [6]. Beckenham m (Kent) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), EdI, Pop. 31,693. Sea :-St. George's Ch. (XVIth c.) ; X. Beckenham Place 1. ^iJC S>.W. 3. Lewisham 4, Woolwich ®. 9 = Brouiley ®. 2, Chislehurst 5, Sidcup ^ 7, Bexley 10, Darttord 13 = Croydon @. 4 = crystal Pai.ue 3 < Streatham j®. 6 — Sydenham 4, London ©. 11. ffw IVIiche4in Stockist, G. W. Clarke, The Mills, Wickham lid., Ho] LT N Sun. (Morn.) :p> 553 Bromley. Bedale (Yorkshire), Nl. 17, Pop. 1,082 P. M.D., Tues: ; E.C., Thurs. See:-('hurch • (Goth., Monument); Market Cross; X.W. Hornby Cas. • 5 ; W. Jervaulx Abb. •7. ^^^l N. 1. Leyburn 12, Reeth 21 = Northallerton ®. 8 = Ripon a 13 = ^lashaui 6, RIpon fi 16. — 169 — BEDFORD Beddgfelert (e'arnarvon), Ni. 20, Pop. 1,280, ^ Penrhyn 7. See :— S. Pass of Pont Aberglaslyn 2. Carnarvon ffi. 13 = Capel Curig 12, Bettws-y-Coed fi. 17 = Pont Aber- giasglyn 1 •< Harlech 13, Barmouth fij. 24 — Portmadoc &. 8. m Royal Goat, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- Gar |i2] ins Gratis X 1/- RAC , T Goat :?> 4. m Saracen's Head, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins Grati.^ [Ta] RAC T Saracen Jf» 3. Tlie Prince Llewelyn Hotel. i^m a. F. Rudd, Agt. for Belsize, B.S.A., [Io| U \ Sun, RAC r Rudd. BEDFORD ® (Bedford), M. 23, IctI, Pop. 39,185. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thiirx. See :— Bunyan Meeting (A) ; St. Paul's Church (Goth.) (C) ; Old Castle Mound (D). :§: W. 1 (E. IV). BEDFORD St Paul's Squar High Street St Peter's Stree 4 KimboUon Roac 5 Goldington Roa( 6 St Mary's Street 7 St John's Street 8 London Road urkett^?S^--U!.^^-f*°^?^ , 9 Elstow Road / 10 Ampthill Road 11 Harpur Street 12 St Loyes Street 13 Bromham Road 14 Union Street 15 Clapham Road 16 Britannia Road 17 Cauldwell Street 18 Cardington Road 19 The Embankmen 20 Midland Road 21 Mill Street 22 Hassett Street 762. Jga Grafton, Midland Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 112/6 to'S'- Chfr 6/- f PG 250 y [20] T Grafton :p> 200. ffwi Michelin Stockists, Wm. Course & Son, 20, Broinham Rd. and Hassett St., Agt. for Flanders, Belsize, Delage, HOTCHKISS, FOKI), iU If \ Sun. , Night, BAC T Coui-se !?> 183. — Michelin Stockists, Murkett Bros., Bridge Ga.ra.i:e, High St., Agt. for Sunbeam, De Diox. Enfield, (HJ \J \ T Murketts :f> 202. — Michelin Stockists, Wilson Bros., J, St. Peter St., Agt. for Darracq, Standard, Rover, Arrol-Johnston, Mitchell, Hupmobile, [3o] Boxes [2] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Garage :p'707. Bedworth (Warwick), M. 22, Pop. 7,169 P. Nuneaton ®. 3 = Coventry Si 5. Beeston (Nottingham), M. 22, ISdj, Pop. 11,341. See :-Clifton Hall. Nottingham 16. 4 = Long Eaton 4, Ashby-de-ia-Zouch IS. Beith (Ayr), M. 11, Pop. 4,963. Thorn 8 < Paisley a 11 — Johnstone fit 9 = Stewarton 8, Kilmarnock a 14 = Dairy 5 < West Kilbride 12 —Kilwinning 10, Irvine 13, Ayr a 24 = Kilbirnie 4, Largs 13. Belford §) (Northumberland), M. 13, Pop. 782 P. M.D., Thiers. Berwick-on-Tweed ^ 16 = Bamburgh ^ 6 = Alnwick fi 14 = V.'ooler 10. fm Blue Bell, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- PG 200 y T Scott. © Black Swan, Market PL, B 2;- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Shed adj Gratis [aj. f^ Michelin Stockists, Robinson & Co., Motor Gara.g:e, High St , Agt. for Humber, Q] Sun., f* Robinson. — F. Minshull, The Belford Garage, High St.,{EU \ Sun., Night, RAC T Garage. Beningham (Northumberland). M. 13, Pop. 1.256 P. ^ (adj. tomi). wmi w oodbum 4, OtterbuTu 9, Rothbury a 24, Alnwick a. 36 = Hexham a 17. 171 - BERWICK-UPON-TWEED Belper (Derby), M. 22, !ud), Pop. 11,643. M.JD., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. vinbergate 2 < Matlock Eath ®. 9, Matlock 10 — Ripley 6, Nottingham j®. '20 = Derby ^ 8 = Ashbourne a 12, Uttoxeter a 24. f?gL Lion, Bridife St., B 2/- L 2/6 1> 3/- 11 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- do). Bemlsrgdg:e (Isle of W ^ W. 1. indo ?lit), M. 28, and Special iViap 48, Pop. 1,127 P. Cars, 6tZ.) St. Helens 2 •«: Sandown 5, Shanlclin 8, Ventnor 12 = (ToWjatt Ryde a 6 — Brading '>, Newport fi. 13. Bere Regis (Dorset), M- 27, Pop. 1,014 P. See :— Bere Ch. • (Norm, and Goth.) ; W. Athelhamptou Hall (Tiid.) 5. 1 < "Winiborne St 12, Ringwood 22 — Whitchurch 5, Sturminster Newton 17 = 1 < Warehani 7, Swanage 17 — Poole 12 =: Weymouth a 17 = Dorchester a li. Berkeley (Gloucester), IVI. 21, Pop. 774 P. M.D., Wed. ; E.G., Wed. See :— Berkeley Gas. • (Mon. Wed. lO Thurs.) ; Ghurch (Goth. Norm,) ; .Tenner's Gottage and Tomb. .siiaipness stn. 3, (train over Severn Br.) Severn Bridge stn. 4, Lydney ®. 7, Monmouth ^ 19 = 1 < Berkeley Rd. Stn. 2, Claypits 7, StrOUd ffl. 13 — Wotton-under-Edge 7 — Berkeley Rd. stn. 2, Dursley 5, Tetbury 15 — Berkeley Rd. Stn. 2, Claypits 7, Gloucester ®. 17 = 2 -; Stone 3, Wickwar 9, ( "hipping Sodbury 13 — Thornbury ^ 7 — stone 3, Bristol iS. 19. Bcrkha.nnpstea.d §> (Herts).— See Great Berkhampstead. BERWICK-UPON-TWEED m (Northumberland), M. 13, |m1, Pop. 13,075. M.D., Mon., Sat. ; E.G., Thurg. See :— Tower (Rns.) (A) ; Berwick Bridge ; Remains of Walls ; Alarm Bell ; Gonauerors Well ; Stocks. X i^e« P^an). :§: S.E. 6 (E. 11). BERWICK-ON-rWEED A.TOWEK (RUINS) E.I : 6// High St., Scotchgate, Caatlegate, and North Terrace:— Ayton S, Grants House 17, Gockbumspath 22, Dunbar 30, Haddington a 41, Musselburgh fi. 52, Edinburgh & 58 (t\ gd. mid. i)ict., Ijl.') asc. at 21 m. and dang, corner). BETHESDA - 172 - Berwick-upon-Tweed (continued). E. II : by Hide Hill. Bridge St., Berwick Br., Main St., Highgate, and Belford Bd. :— Tweedraouth • 1, Haggerston Castle 7, Belford ffl. 16, North Charlton 23, Aln- wick ia 30 (v. gd., 1/8 asc. to Alnwick), Newcastle ^ 63. London & 339. • r. Tweedmouth 1, Eiffington Farm 7, Coldstream ^ 14, KelSO & 23 {v. gd. ly. und. pict., l/£0 desc. at 15 m. recom.). E. Ill : by High St., Scotchgate, Castlegate, and Castle Terrace :— Paxton South Mains • 5, Swinton 12, Eccles 18, KelSO Si 24 {med. sin.), Hawick ia45, Langholm 68, Longtown 80, Carlisle a 88 (o. gd. und., II 15 asc. from Kelso). • r. Paxton South Mains 5, Blackadder Cottage 11, DunS ^ 15, Lauder 33 (gd. und.), Dalkeith 53, Edinburgh fil QO(v. gd., I/IU desc. at 56m.). M King's Arms, Hide Hill, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 to 6/- Chfr 7/- f Gar ins Gratis N 1/- (12] T King's Arms :p> 88. a Avenue (Temperance), High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 5 PG 500 .y T Avenue ;p> 87. Red Lion Hotel, 78, High St. V^a Michelin Stockists, 002)° Alnwick and Berwick Garag^e 6 Cycle Co., Ltd^ Hyde Hill, \mU \ Sun., Xight, RAC T Garage :p» 61. Bethesda (Carnarvon), M. 15 inS), Pop. 4,716. See :— Slate Quarries. Bangor ^ 5 = Capel Curig 10, Bettws-y-Coed ®. 15. Bettw8-y-Coed # (Carnarvon), M. 20 ED, Pop. 925. See :— Old Church ; Stepping Stones, Waterloo Br. ; S. Fairy Glen 1 ; S.E. Falls of the Conwy 4 ; S.W. Dolwyddelan Cas. 6 ; W. Miners' Br. 2 ; Swallow Falls 3. Llanrwst 4 «: Conway 17 (Suspension Br., Toll : Cars, 2 seats 6d., more than 2 Beats 1/-, motor-cycles 6d.) — Abergele ®. 21, Rhyl 26 = Pentre Voclas 7 <. CeiTig-y-Druidion 12, Corwen 22 — Denbigh a 23 — Pentre Voeias 7, Cerrig-y-Druidion 12, Ruthin 26 = Festiniog 15, Dolgelly 33 = Capel Curig 5 < Bethesda 15, Bangor ®. 20 — Pen-y-Gwryd 9, Llanberis 16, Carnarvon a 23 — Capel Curig 5, Pen-y-gwryd 9, Beddgelert 17, JH Waterloo, B 2/6 L 2/9 D 4/6 R 6/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar adj Gratis N 1/- (121 RAC :fi' IS. mS Royal Oak, B 3/- L 3/- D 4/6 R 6/- Chfr 7/6 Gar 200 y Gratis N 1/. [12] RAC :f> 19. mi Gwydyr, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis [Tg] RAC Lt. :p> 17. «a. Olan Aber, B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 2/6 Chfr 5./6 Gar ad] Gratis [20] :F> 8. f^m Michelin Stockists, Osborne, Yale & Co., Agt.for Humber, MAUDSLAY, [10] U \ Sun. RAC T Yale 1^ 6 Nat. BEVERLEY 1 (Yorkshire), M. 18, ^1, Pop. 13,654. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) • (A) ; Minster (Xlllth and XlVth c.) (Percy Tomb) • (C). "^ (See plan). >i^ N.W. 1 (E. IV), June ll-12th. E. I : &y Xorth Bar Within and Xorivood .— Leven • 7, Seaton 10, Hornsea 13 (gd. rd.). • 1. Leven 7, Barmston 16, Bridllngton M 24 (med. rd., level). E. II : by Lairgate, Keldgate, and Long Lane :— Dunsweii 4, Hull fi. 8 (gd. rd.), London a 186. E. Ill : by Lairgate, Keldgate, and Queensgate :— Anlaby 8, Hull ffi. 12 (gd. rd. hilly). E. IV : by North Bar Within and York Rd. :— Market Weighton 10, Hayton 14, Wiiberfosa 21, York fi29 (gd. rd., 1/20-17 desc. at 9 m.). E.V : by North Bar Within and North Bar Street Without :— Leoontieid 4, Cranswick 10, Great Driffield & 13 (v. gd. fl. rd.), Scar- borough a 34 (bad rd. hilly, 1/7 desc. at 26 m.). © Beverley Arms, NorJbh Bar St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins M -/6 N 1/6 (To) RAC :f> 13 Nat. 173 - BEXHILL Beverley (continued). h Race Course ® YORK 29 m. - -Market Weigbton m 1 North Bar Within 2 Norw^ood 3 Lalrgate 4 Keldgate 5 Long Lana e Queensgate 7 York Road 8 North Bar Street Without 9 ToU Gavel G.-P.S.-R.8.-(See p. 3) a Holderness, Toll Gavel, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar Gratis g] T Holderness :p> 9. ■■ Michelin Stockist, E. Newham, 5-7, Toll Gavel, Agt. for Belsize, Forp, Singer, [soJ U \ Sun., Night, T Newham :p' 234 Nat. M.C.T. — (jtordon Armstrong, East Riding Garage, North Bar St., go] IS \T Gordon Armstrong ;p> 32X Corp. Bewdley (Worcester), IVI.21, US, Pop. 2,745. M.D. Fri. ; E.G., Wed. Kidderminster &3 (gd. rd., ljl'> asc. at 1 >«.). Stourport 3, Crosaway Green 6, Ombersley 9, Worcestet Q. 15 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 asc. at 1 m.). caiiowhiii • 3, Clowes Top 6, Xewniiam 11, Tenbury 14, Leominster Si 25 (gd. V. hilly, 1/9 desc. at 6 m.). • r. caiiowhiii 3, Cleobury Mortimer 8, Ludlow Sk 19 (v. med. hilly), Knighton 36 (yd. rd. hilly). Kiniet 5, Bridgnortli ^ 15 (med. v. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 7 ni.). © The George, Load St., B 1/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 7/6 Shed U ins Gratis g] :?<> 197. Black Boy Hotel, RAO Lt. BEXHILL # (Sussex), M. 29, IH, Pop. 15,331. E.G., Wed. See :— St. Peter's Ch. (Norm, and Goth.) (A). ^ (see plaii). E. I : by Upper Sea lid.. High St., and Chatitry Lane : — XJnfleld • 4, Horsebridge • 13, Holmes Hill 16, LeweS ffl. 24. • r. Ninfleid 4, Battle ffi. 8, FiimweiUS, Tonbridge ^ 33 (v. gd. und.). • r. Horsebridge 13, I'ckfield 24, East Grinstead a 37, Croydon M 57 (v. gd. und.), London ^ 68. E. 11 : hy Upper Sea Rd. and De la Warr Rd. :— St. Leonards 4, Hastings @. 5 (v. gd.). E. Ill : by Upper Sea Rd., High St., Belle Hill, and Pevensey Rd. :— Pevensey • 7, Poiegate 12, Lewes ®. 24 (v. gd. recom.). • 1. Pevensey 7, Eastbourne & 12. la Sackville, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 7/6 to 10/- Chfr 7/6 Lft 5 Gar U adj N 2/- [m T Sackville :p> 474. Jgffi Metropole, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 6/- Lft jcH 5 Gar dist N 1/- T Metropole :p» 432 Nat. G BEXLEY Bexhill (continued). — 174 BEXHILL A. ST PETER-S CHURCH i\\\«^ ^ f«.S.(S.E.C.R.) R.8.a.B.S.C.R.) G.-P.S. (See p 3) Sl'ffio 1 Upper Sea Road 2 High Street 3 Chantry Lane 4 De La 'WTarr Road 5 Belle Hill H. 6 Pevensey Road Pulham & Co 7 Buckhurst Road 8 Manor Road 9 Upper Station Road 10 End well Road 11 Sackville Road 12 Devonshire Road 13 Sea Road 14 Magdale Road 15 Ashdown Road 16 Marina I SI Granville, Sea jRrf., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- K 4/- Chfr 6/- Lft § Gar 50 y Gratis [T] T Granville lf> 437. j*gL Devonshire, Devonshire Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E 3/6 Chfr 7/- Court ins M -/6 N 1/- g] :p> 413. tf" Michelln Stockists, H. Pulham & Co., S7 and !29, Sackville ltd., Agt. for B.S.A., [40l Box [S LT % Sun., Night, T Pulham :f> 399. Bexley (Kent) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), EeI, Pop. 15,89i See :— Church (Goth.), -j^ ^.W. 1. Dartford 3, Gravesend a lo = Orpington 5 •< Croydon- a 15 a 16 = Sidcup ^ 3, Chislehurst 5, Bromley j®. 8. Croydon a 14 = Eltham 3, Lewisham 7, London a 15, Sevenoaks Beckenham ffl. 10, icester ® (Oxford), M. 22, 28, EH, Pop, ,385. M.D., Fn. ; E.C See :— Priory (Rns.) ; Church (Norm, and Goth.) ; S.E. Merton(Ch. Goth.) 3 ; Ambrosden (Ch. Goth.) 3 ; Piddington (Ch, Goth,) 6. ^ S.E. 1 {direction Kingswood). Baynards Green 5, Aynho 9, Adderbury 12, BanbUry ffl 15 (v. gd., 1 1 17 desc. to Banbury). Tingewick 8, Buckingham ^ 11 (v. gd., nnd., 1[?3 desc. at 9 m.). Kingswood 7, Waddesdon 11, AylOSbury & 17 {l\ gd.). Wendlebury 3, Gosford 8, Oxford ffi. 13 (v. gd. fl. rd.). Hapcrofts Holt 8, Enstone 16, Chipping Norton fi. 20 {gd. rd., 1/12 asc. at 8 m.). © Crown, Sheep St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/- to 8/- Chfr 7/6 Shelter opp Gratis N 1/- gs) RAC T Crown :p> 23. King's Arms Hotel, RAC Lt. ?f» Michelin Stockists, Layton & Son, London lid., Agt. for WOLSELEY, Ford, [M] U \ Sun. RAC T Layton's :p> 12. M.CT. Biddenden (Kent), M, 30, Pop. 1,058 P. Maidstone a 13 = Charing 10 = 3 •< Ashford S. 13 — Teuterden 5 = Wiiiesiey Green 4 •< Tunbrldge Wells Q. 18 — Cranbrook 5. - 175 - BILSTON Bideford §> (Devonshire), M. 25, ^H, Pop. 9,074. M.D., Tues., Sat. ; E.C!., Wed. See :— Chudleigh's Fort (View) ; Bridge ; Spanish Armada Guns on the Quay ; N. Instow Ch. (Goth.) 3. :§: N.W. 3. Ealeigh • 1, Appledore 3 (med. rd.). • 1. Raleigh 1, Westward Ho. 3 (tried, rd.). instow 3, Barnstaple a 9 (gd. und., 1/1'> cisc. at 7 m.). Landcross • 2, Torrington 6, Merton 14, Hatherleigh 21, Okehampton ffl. 30 (gd. rd. v. hilly, 1/9 desc. at 20 m.). • r. Landcross 2, Frithelstock 6, Woodford Br. 11, Holsworthy 18, LaUtl- ceston ffi. 32 (yd. v. hilly, several 1/10 hills and 1/9 asc. at 19 m.). Horn's Cross 5, cioveiiy Cross 10, Hartland 14 (gd. rd. hilly, several 1/10 hills). in Royal, East-the- Water, B 2/6 L2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 5 Gar U opp M -/6 N 1/- dol RAC T Royal :p> 5 Nat. ^ Tanton's, Neiv Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar U 200 y Gratis g] RAC T Tanton's :p' 94. j^ The Hillgarden, 31, Mill St., B 1/9 L'2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U 200 y \E- f^e Michelin Stockists, Bideford Motor Works, East-the- Water, Agt. for Maudslay, Ford, HH U \ Sun., Night, T 31o\vorks ;p> 45. — Michelin Stockists, Heard Bros., Broad Quay, Agt. for MAXWELL, [50j U N Sun., RAC T Heard Bros. :p> 70. — Elliott and Sons, 7, Bndgland St., Agt. for Clement-Talbot, [6] IT N RAC T Elliott Motors :p> 1Y2. Biggsir ^ (Lanark), M. \2, WE, Pop. 1,366. M.D., Mon., Thurs. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Boghall Cas. (Rns.). ^. Nine-mile Burn 15 < Edinburgii ®. 28 — Dalkeith 28 = Penecuik 19 = Peebles j®. 17 = Abington 12, Moffat ja 29 = Lanark ^ 13, Hamilton 27 = Carnwath 9, Carluke 18, Motherwell ®. 27. f)^ Clydesdale, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 8/- Shelter Gratis N 1/- (D :p> 22 PO. i^ Gunn's, Boghall Ed., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Elphinstone Hotel, 3[ain St. f^m Michelin Stockist, Haidane & Tait, South Back Rd., [15] U % Sun., Night. — Stephens' Motor Garage, Main St., Agt. for Ford, [t] Boxes g] U \ Sun., Night, T Stephens :fo 30. Biggleswade (Bedford), M. 23, EH, Pop- 5,375. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. ^ N.W. 2 (direction Girtford). Potton 4, Eltisley 12, Kisby's Hut 15, St. Ives (Toll Br., cars 2d.) 20 (yd. rd.). Dunton 4, Orwell 13, Cambridge Sl 21 (v. yd., i/i^ asc. at 13 m.). Baidock a 8, Stevenage 13, Hatfield a 25, Barnet 34 (gd. v. hilly, 1/16 asc. at 16 m.). • 1, Heniow 4, Hitchin a 10 (v. gd.), codicote 18, St. Albans S. 27 (med. rd.). • r. 1, Shefford 5, ciophiii 9, Ampthill 12, Woburn 20, Fenny Stratford 24 (gd. rd., 1/16 asc. at 13 m.). Girtford • 4, Eaton Socon 10, Buckden 16, Huntingdon a 20 (v. gd.). • 1. Girtford 4, wiiiington 7, Bedford ^ H (gd. rd.). am Swan, B 1/9 L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- (H RAC Lt. T Swan ;?> 10. Crown Hotel. Billericay (Essex), M. 29, Pop. 1,319. Chelmsford a 9 = Rayleigh 10, Southend ^ 18 = Tilbury 14, (ferry -7) Gravesend a 15 = Brentwood ®. 6, Romford ®. 12. ffw R. S. Larritt, High fi-^, [4] U ^P 7. Biiston (Stafford), M. 21 (tiot marked on map), inS, Pop. 25,681. M.D., Mon., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Leonard's Ch. Willenhall 2, Walsall 5 = Moxiey 1 < Wednesbury 2, West Bromwich 5, Birmingham a 10 — Darlaston 2, Walsall a 5 — Moxiey 1, Tipton 4, Dudley a 5 = Sedgeley 3 = Wolverhampton ffi 3. Pipe Hall Hotel, fl^a^^ St. BINGHAM - 176 Bins:ham (Xottingham), M. 22, Pop. 1,604 P. See :— St. Mary and All Saints' Ch. ; N. Roman Stn. 1. Bar Farm 2 < Newark a 11 — Lowdham 6, Southwell 13 = Grantham & 14 = Nottingham ^ 10. Dingrley (Yorkshire), M. 16, and Special Maps 46, 47,101)), Pop. 18,759. .\i.D., Tues. ; E.C., jfVcs. Keighley a 4 = 2 < Bradford fi. Denholme 5, Halifax ®. 12. Shipley a 4, Bradford a 7 = ^ Midland, Main St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 0/- Shed ins Gratis (5] :F> 124. ^^m Michelin M.C.T., J. Wilks, Whitley St., Agt. for Pkemikk, Triumph, Rudqe-Whitvvokth, [S] Box [i] U \ Sun. :p> 125 (^klotor Cycles). Birkdale ® (Lancashire), M. 15 {not marked on map), lup) , Pop. 18,001. Southport a 1. ^f«» Michelin Stockist, J. Goulder, 51, Weld Rd., [20] Boxes [5] U \ Sun., Night, 7(° 1. BIRKENHEAD # (Cheshire), M. 15, El, Pop. 130,832. M.D.. Ti'e^.. Fri., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :-Docks • (A); Priory Ch. of St. Mary (Xllth c.) (C) ; Park •. :^s. 2. E. I : by Woodside Ferry Landing Stage :— (Ferry -26) Liverpool Landing Stage 1, Liverpool Q. 2. BIRKENHEAD. '" A.DOCKS * C.BIRKENHEAD PARK D.ST. MARY'S CHURCH R.S.(L.N.WB.)-a-T.-C.J Woodside Ferry Chester Street New Chester Road Hamilton Street Conway Street Park Road North Laird Street Hoylake Road Old Chester Road Church Road Borough Road Orange Road Park Road South Price Street Cleveland Street Corporation Road E= 11 : by Birkenhead Stn., Chester St., and yew Chester Rd. :— Newferry • 3, Hooton sSl • 7 Backford 12, Chester ^ 15 (v. gd.), London la 199. • r Newferry 3 Neston S^ 9 (vned. xmd). • r. Hooton ffli 7, Queensferry 14, Hawarden 16 {med. rd.). - 177 - BIRMINGHAM Birkenhead {continued). E. ill : hy Hamilton St., Conway St., Park Rd. North, Laird St., and Hoylake lid. :— • 1, Moreton 4, Hojiake ffi 7, W. Kirby 9 (gd. rd.). • r. 1 (Wallasey Toll Br., cars or tricars 3d., motor-cycles 2(/.) I'oulton • • 2, Liscard 3, New Brighton 4 {bad rd.). • • 1. Poulton 2, Wallasey Si 4, New Brighton 5 {med. rd.). f^» Michelin Stockists, R. E. Wrigrht & Co., U, Balls lid., [F; U \ KAC T Garage :p> 1050. — Michelin Stockists, Birkenhead Motor Wks. (Propr. W. R. Thompson), f>U, Duke St.. Agt. for Scii^eidtax, jT5] Boxes tH U \ :F' 722. — Michelin Stockists, The Mersey Motor Co., Ltd., .iO-.u, Crrnwati St., Agt. ^or MINERVA, BRAZIER, [30] U % Siui., Night, RAO T Motors p 1022. — Michelin M-C.T., J. Armistead, 89, Oxton Rd. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., W. Ball, hS, Grange Rd. (Motor Cycles). BIRMINGHAM # (Warwick.), M. 21, EH, Pop. 525,960. M.D., Thvr.'^. : E.C., Wed. See :— Aston Hall (A) ; R. C. Cath. • (C) ; Corporation Art Gallery and Museum • (D) ; St. Philip's Cath. (E) ; Mason College (F) ; Town Hall (Corin. XlXth c.) • (G) ; St. Martin's Ch. (Xlllth c.) • (H) ; rniversity (U). :§: N.W. 3. ::jdk. E. 4 (E. II), March il^^ioth ; Jwne 9-lOth ; Aug. k-5th ; Sept. il9th ; Nov. 10th ; Dec. lst-£nd. E.\ : by Colmore Roto, Steelhouse Lane, Corporation St., Aston Rd. North, and Lichfield Rd. :— Sutton Coldfield ffi. 7 {v. gd.), Bassetts Poie 10, Tamworth 15 (med. und.), Ashby-de-la-Zouch 28, Isley Walton 35, Castle Donington 37, Long Eaton 42, Beeston 46, Nottingham a 50(v. gd., 1/13 desc. from Sutton Cold- field). E. II : by Colmore Row, Steelhouse Lane, Aston St., Lister St., Saltley Rd., and Washivood Heath Rd. .— Castle Bromwich 6, Coleshill 10, Furnace End 13, NuneatOn ®. 22 {hilly), Harrow Inn 25, HInckley 27, Earl shiiton 31, Leicester J®. 40 {gd. und., 1/13 desc. at 31 m.). E. Ill : by New St., High St., Digheth, High St., Deritend, and Coventry. Rd. :— Haymiiis 3, Stone Br. 10, Coventry ^ 18 {gd. und.), Towcester a 49, London ^ ill. E. IV : by New St., High St., Digheth, High St., Deritend, Camp Hill, Stratford Rd., and Warwick Rd. ;— Solihull 7, Knowle 10, Warwick m. 21 {v. gd., 1/17 desc. at 11 and 18 m.). E.y : by New St., High St., Digbeth, High St., Deritend, Camp Hill, and Stratford Rd. :— Shirley 6, Henley-in-Arden 15, Stratford-on-Avon j®. 23 {v. gd. pict., several 1/17 hills), Oxford S. 61. E. VI : by Hill St., Hurst St., Sherlock St., Macdonald St., Leopold St.. Moseley Rd., and Alcester Rd. :— Kingsheath 4, The Portway 10, Studley St. 16, Alcester 20, Dunnington 23, Evesham a 30, Sedgebarrow 33, Teddington Cross Hands • 38, Aston 40, Tewkesbury a 43, coombehui 47, Gloucester Sl 54 {v. gd., 1/12 desc. at 12 m.). • 1. Teddington Cross Hands 38, Cheltenham Si 46 {v. gd.). E. Vil : by Paradise St., Suffolk St., Bristol St., and Bristol Rd. :— Rubery 8, Bromsgrove 13, Droitwich ®. 19, Worcester @. 26 {v. gd. 1/17 desc. at U m.), Gloucester a 52. E. VIII : hy Paradise St., Suffolk St., Broad St., Hagley Rd., and Beech Lane : — Halesowen 7, Hagley 11, Kidderminster j®. 17 {med. rd. hilly, 1/12 desc. at 6 and 10 m.). E. IX : by Colmore Row, Snow Hill, Constitution Hill, Gt. Hampton St., Hockley Hill, Soho Hill, Soho Rd., and Holyhead Rd. :— Wednesbury 8, Bilston 10, Wolverhampton fi. 13 {med. rd. tramlines). E. X : by Colmore Roiv, Steelhouse Lane, Lancaster St., New Town Row, Birch field Rd., and Walsall Rd. :— Perry Ban- 3, Walsall & 9, Bloxwich 12, Gt. Wyrley 15 {bad rd.), CannOCk 17, Penkridge 22, Stafford Sl 28 {gd. rd., 1/n asc. at 5 m.). New- castle-under-Lyme i®. 44. JH. Queen's, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft [cH 5 PG ins m RAC T Bestotel ^ 5531 Cent. BIRNAM - 178 - Birming:ha.m (continued). Sm Midland, New St., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lftl^lffs Gar 300 y M -/6 N 1/- T Nearest :p> 81 to 85. ja Grand, Colmore How, B 3/- L 3/6 D 5/- R 5/- to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft (cH ffi T Granotel :f> 7301 Cent. j^ Imperial, Temple St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E 4/6 Chfr 7/- Lft IcH 5 PG dist RAC :p> 6470 Cent. m Plough and Harrow, Hagley Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 8/- f Box [6] Court ^ U ins Gratis X 1/- T Gables :?<> 532 Edgbaston. Jia. Stork, Corporation St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- S Gar 250 y 1/6 [e] T Stork ;p> 6495, 6496 Cent. m Victoria (Temperance), M, Corporation St., B 2/3 L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/6 Lft PG 200 y :p> 5720 Cent. fftB Michelin Stockists, c3ib>=> E. J. Banks, Ltd., Navigation St., Agt. for Belsize, Ckossley, [2 501 Boxes [e] If \ Sun., Night, T Garage, and Moworks :f> 1023-4-5-6 Midland. M.C.T. — Mlchelhi Stockists, c3ik)= Henry Ga.rner, Ltd., 8, Lower Temple St., and 120, Alcester lid., Moseley, Agt. for Humber, Flanders, Sheffield-Simplex Austin, .[so] Boxes [HUN Sun., Night. RAC T Dependable :p> 3 South. — Michelin Stockists, Lowe & Wood, Ltd., 76, 77, Broad St., \Agt. for Stcewer, Sizaire, [2] U S T Automobile :p> 1273 Midland. — Michelin Stockists, Weekes & Co., Ltdt, Eighgate Sg., Moseley Ed., Agt. for Renault, Rolls-Royce. [§\ U T Flywheel :fi> 682 Midland. — Michelin Stockists, Jones Bros., Woodend Motor Wks., ^55, High St., Erdington, Agt. for Ford, (To] U \ Sun. T Motors, Erdington, ^ 16X Erdington. M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, csqd^ Heath's Ga.rag:e, Ltd», f>s-70John Bright St., Agt. for TALBOT, Napier, Mitchell, Sunbeam, Brenna, Mathis, Bayard, Minerva, Deasy, Ford, Arrol- JoHNSTON, [200] Boxes [i2] U N Sun., Night, T Autocar ^ 1297 and 1298 JMidland. — Mulliner's, Ltd., 300, Broad St., Agt. for FIAT, MAUDSLAY, T Mulliner :f> 412 Midland. — Mahler Ltd., 87, Station St., Agt. for BELSIZE, T Talveless :f> 456 Midland. — Newey & Halstead, Ltd., 77, 78, Bristol St., Agt. for R.M.C., De DION BOUTON, U \ RAC T Stars :?> 1472 Midland. — Sherwood Bros., Geraldine Rd., Haymills, \E\ U Sun. :p» 47 Acock's Green. — Hart's Agency, 6'2, Broad St., Agt. for Bedford, :p> 883 Midland. — E. H. Penzer & Co., 370, Stratford Rd., Agt. for VULCAN, [2] U S ^ 461 Victoria (Motor Cycles). — Economical Cars, Ltfl., 2/t2, Corporation Street, Agt. for B.l'f- MOBILE, ^ T Hupp. ^ 7107 Central. — Michelin M.C.T., G. Brown & Co., 18, Bull Ring (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., G. T. Butler, AOS, Moseley Rd. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., W. C. Hyde, 18-m, John Bright St. and 72, Longmore St. (Motor Cycles). Manufacturers : Austin Motor Car Co., Ltd., Longbridge Rd., North- field. Belsize Motors, Ltd., 208, Corporation St. Lan Chester Motor Co., Ltd., Armourer Mills, Sparkbrook. Wolseley Tool & Motor Car Co., Adderley Park Works. Birnam # (Perth), M. 9 (not marked on map). Pop. 389. M.D., Sat. Perth a 14 = Dunkeld 1, Pitlochry SL 13. ' ^ Tower, Station Rd., L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 5/6 [cH Gar U 100 y N 1/-. f^ Michelin Stockists, J. & J. Sim, [g] Box jT] U \ Sun., Night, ■ ;p> 23 Dunkeld. « Established over 25 Years. Highest Awards, 12 Cold Medals. HARRY HALL "THE " COAT & BREECHES SPECIALIST & HABIT MAKER. 207, OXFORD ST. 31, ELDON ST. (Near Oxford Circus, W.) (Liverpool Street, E.C.) Only Maker of "HALLZONE" Ideal GOLD MEDAL 2t/- RIDING BREECHES (Exact materials as sold elsewhere from 2 & 3 Guineas.) MATERIALS ;— Riding & Bedford Cords, Real Harris & Scotch Tweeds, Sheppard's Checks, & for Hardwear in Town, Country & Abroad, the "HallZone" Garbette (thorn, rain-proofed & washable) is unequalled. "HALLZONE" IDEAL SUITS & r™. OVERCOATS 63- (as often sold from 3 & 4 gns.) " HALLZONE IDEAL {DRESS SUITS From 84' ■ (as often I sold from 5 & 6 gns. "HALLZONE" IDEAL MORNING GOAT & VEST fro„55/- (as often sold from 3 & 4 gfns.) "HALLZONE" IDEAL OXFORD "SEMI" NORFOLK from 45/- (An ideal Sporting Coat.) BEST VALUE, FIT & STYLE, Only Maker of "HALLZONE" IDEAL RAYNRELYSTA GOVERALL 42/- «'«- (Exact style as sold elsewhere at 63/-.) A storm-proofed lined slipqver. For rain or shine. For immediate wear. 36-42 in. chest over jacket. Only measures required : Chest over jacket & height. PATTERNS "HALLZONE" IDEAL POST F REE* MHTHD III CTCD Oil. as illustration (as often mU I UK U LO I tn from 04 ' * sold from 5 & 6 ^s.) VISITORS TO LONDON can leave measures for SUITS, BREECHES. etc., for future use, or can order & be fitted same day PERFECT FIT Guaranteed front simple Self' Measurement Form PATTERNS POST FREE. ^oods cannot he sold hy loosely stringing together a few generalities and inserting tdem in publications edosen at random. This is an unalterable truth. Actual experience has proved it to hundreds of firms — hundreds of firms whose greatest selling force to-day is newspaper publicity. Hence another truth : Press advertising, expertly handled, pays, and pays handsomely. But it musi be expertly handled. Successful advertising means the co-operation of advertiser and advertising agent. No advertiser working alone can get the best results; he must draw upon that fund of "inside information," sound advice, and technical service which only a capable, ex- perienced advertising agent can give. This surely stands to reason. You know much more about the trade secrets, the limitations and possibilities, and the technicalities of your line of business than anybody does who is not in that line. So does the advertising agent know more about the inner workings of his line of business just in exactly the same way. Thus, by combining your know- ledge of your business with his knowledge of his business, you can face the problem of yoiu: adver- tising with the complete confidence that the publicity will be effective; and you can be certain that every pound spent will be profitably spent. If you desire to go further into this matter along the lines men- tioned above, send for Booklet and Full Information Post Free. Blacks Advertising Agency 9-15 OXFORD STREET. LONDON. W. Telephones : City 9580 (2 lines). Telegrams : Pagdav, Ox," London. Michelin Guide. - 179 - BISLEY Birstal (Yorkshire), M. 17, and Special Maps 46, 47, ^j^, Pop. 7,117. See :-Oakwell Hall. Leeds Q. 7 = Moi-ley ffiL ;5, Leeds a 8 = Batley a 2, Ossett a 6, Wake- field a 9 = Heckmondwike 2 = Huddersfieid ffl. 9 = Cleckheaton 3, Brighouse IS. 7 = Bradford ffi 6. Bishop Auckland # (Duihaiu), M. 14, ED, Pop. 13,839. M.D., Thurs., Sat; E.C., Ifef/. See :— Auckland Cas. ; S.W. Itaby Cas. • (Xlllth c.) 8 {%)ermit from Estate Agent at Staindmij). ^ N. 1. Spennymoor 4, Durham ^ 10 = West Auckland 4 < Barnard Castle 15 — «oyal Oak Inn 6, DarllngtOn ^ 14 — ^^'est Auckland 4, Koyal Oak Inn 6, Eichmond M. 22. ^ Talbot, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/- E 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed iiis X 2/- (10) :ji' 17 PO. Wear Valley, Hotel. ^I^oi Michelln Stockists, Harburn & Co., Peel St., Agt. for Riley, [M] IT \ Sun. T Harbura :p> 97. Bishop's Castle (Shropshire), M. 20, MM, Pop. 1,409. 1 < Einsterley 13, Shrewsbury a 22 — Fork 2, Horderley Stn. 7, LudlOW ®. IS — Fork 2, Shrewsbury a 21 — Fork 2, Horderley Stn. 7, Church Stretton ^ 13, Much Wenlock 26 = Clun 6, Knighton 13 = Brompton 6 < Montgomery ^ 9, Welshpool 17 — Newtown ^ 16. a Castle, B 2/- L 2/- E, 2/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis g] T Hotel :F> 3. Bishop's Stortford 1 (Hertford), M.23, 29,EU>Pop. 8,723. M.D., Thurs.; E.G., Wed. :§:. See :— Waytemore Cas. (Ens.) ; St. Michael's Ch. (XVth c.) ; S.W. Thorley (St. James' Ch.) 2. Quendon 6, Newport 9, Wenden 10, Gt. Chesterford 14, stump Cross • 15, Cambridge ^ 25 {v. gd.fl. rd.). • r. stump Cross 15, Newmarket ^ 31 (mer?. rd. fl.). Takeiey 5, Dunmow 9, Braintree ^ 18, Coggeshall 24, Colchester ^ 33 {gd. und. 1/17 asc. at 1"2 m.). Harlow • 7, Epping 13, London ^ 33 {v. gd.). • 1. Harlow 7, Ongar 16, Brentwood ffi. 23, Tilbury 37 (med. rd.). Much Hadham 5, Ware 11, Hertford ®. 13 {med rd. Two fords at ,' m., 1/16 asc. from Bishops Stoi-tford). standon 6 {tned. rd.), Colliers End 8, Buntingford 11, Eoyston ^ IS (gd. rd., 1J15 desc. at 6 m.). ^ The Chequers, North St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 E 2/6 Chfr 6/6 (eg Gar U ins M -/6 N 1/- [Fl T Chequers :f> 20. m George, North St.. B 2/3 L 2/3 D 2/6 E 3/- Chfr 6/6 ICHl Shed ins Gratis 5o] EAC Lt. :p> 42. ^ Albert (Temperance), 30, South St., B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/6 E 1/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N -/9 \2\. ^^ Michelin Stockist, F. Spearman, Bridg:e St. Motor Works, Agt. for Ford, [^ IT \ ^ 49. Bishop's Waltham m (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 2,309. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Episcopal Pal. (Eemains) ; Church (XVIIth c). Winchester S. 10 = Hedge comer 14, Alton a 20 = Fareham a 7, Gosport a 13, {ferry -11) Portsmouth ®. 14 = Botley 4 {Floating Br.) Southampton fi. 10 = Queen's Head Inn 5, Winchester a 11. M Crown, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 E 3/6 Shed ins Gratis [5l EAC Lt. J^ 16. ff"" Michelin Stockists, P. W. Rooke & Co., The Square and Station lid., Agt. for Humber, Fokd, (30) U \ EAC T Eookes Garage :p> 12. M.CT. Bisley (Surrey), M. 28, Pop. 747 P, ^ Brookwood 2 ; T West End 1. See :— Shooting Eanges. Bisley Green (Hen and Chickens Inn) 2 -5 Weybridge J®. 12, Walton-on-ThameS 14, Hoimslow 22, London ^ 33 — Bagshot ^ 6 = Guildford ®l 7. See pp. U, 7, 8, and 9, explaining how our itineraries have been drawn up. BLACKBURN — ISO BLACKBURN # (Lancashire), Wl. 16, El. Pop. 133,064. M.D., Wed., Sot. ; E.O., Thurs. ':^ W. {adj. town) (E. V). E. I : h»/ Chvrch St., Penny St., Lark Hill, and Whalley Sew Rd. :— AVhalley ^ 7, Clithevoe 11, Sawiey • 15, Skipton ^ 28, Harrogate fi. r.o {gd. rd. hilly, 1/10-W asc. at l'> m.), Knaresboroush 5.'^. York ®. 71. • 1. Sawiey 15, Settle ffl. 28 (lined, rd.), Kirkljy Lonsdale 4(5, Kendal & 58 (gd. und. rd.), Penrith a 84, Carlisle & 102. E. II : 6?/ Chtirch St., Salford, Eanavi, Higher Eanam, Copy Nook, Bottomgate, Furthergate, and Accrington Rd. > — Accrington 5, Burnley a ll {paved), Todiuoiden 20, Halifax fi. 32 {med. rd., 1/^3 desc. at 17 m.). E. Ill : by Church St., Salford, Eanam, Higher Eanam, Copy Xook, Bottomgate, Furthergate, and Fecitt Brow :— Haslingdon 8, Edenfleld • 11 {med. rd. hilbi). Bury ffi. 16 {gd. rd.), Manchester fi. 24, London a 212. • 1. Edenfieid 11, Rochdale a 19 {v. bad, hilly). 1 Church Street 2 Penny Street 3 Lark Hill 4 Whalley New Koad 5 Salford Eanam 7 Higher Eanam 8 Copy Nook yy Bottomgate yx^ 10 Furthergate BLACKBURN. G.-P.S.-T.-R. S.- (See p. 3 ) 11 Accrington Road 12 Fecitt Brow 13 Darwen Street 14 Great Bolton Street 15 Bolton Road 16 King Street 17 Whalley Banks 18 Bank Top 19 Bedlam Brow 20 Redlam 21 King William Stroei 22 Market Street 23 Preston New Road 24 Grimshaw Park 26 Audley Range 26 Simmons Street E. IV : by Church St., Darwen St., Great Bolton St., and Bolton Rd. :— Darw en 4, Egerton 10, Bolton ^ 13 (merf. rd., 1/21 asc. at k m.). E. V : by Church St., King St., Whalley Banks, Bank Top,Redha7n Brow, and Redlam:— Wittcn • 1, Choi-ley Sl 10 {med. rd.), Ruffoid • 21, Southport & 32 {gd. und. rd.). • i: Wittcn 1, Walton-le-Dale 9, PreSton ^ 11 {med. rd.). • 1. Ruflord 21, Ormskirk j®. 27, Liverpool a 39 {med. rd.). E. VI : by Chtirch St., King William St., Market St. and Preston Xew Rd. :- Yew Tree P. H. 2, Preston & 9 {gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at 7 m.). m White Bull, 62, Church St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfv 7/6 Shelter ins [5] Gar 50 y \m\ 1/- T White Bull ;p> 738, 739. m^ Old Bull, 18, Church St., B 2/6 R 4/- Ohfr 9/- Lft [£3 8 T Old Bull ;p> 895, 896. 181 - BLACKPOOL (lackburn (continued). ^f» Michelin Stockists, Thompson Bros., The Ga.ra.g:e, !■', Preston Xew Bd., Agt. for Belsize, Renault, Lanchestek, S.C.A.R., i20] U S T Thompson's Garage :p> 1050. — Michelin IVI.C.T., Sam Heard, .i'>, Bottorngate, Agt. for Max- well, [HI ?" 949 (Motor Cycles). — T. Burton & Co., New Park St., Agt. for Wolsbley, Flanbehs, [6] U N RAC :?> 93Y. — .T. AValsli & Co., Limbrick, Agt. for Humber, Ford, (10)11% Sun. :p> 1010. - IVIiciielin IVI.C.T., W. H. Snape, .?P, Penny St. (Motor Cycles). ILACKPOOL m (Lancashire), M. 15, ED, Pop. 58,376. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; KC, Wed. See :— Winter Gardens (A) ; " Eiffel Tower " (C) ; Esplanade. ^^ X. 1 (E. i). BLACKPOOL SCALE Imperial^ f Hydro fl| • 1 Talbot Road 2 New Road 3 Clitton Street 4 Abingdon Street ^5 Church Street 'ye Raike's Road 7 Whitegate Drive yS Market Street \ 9 Bank Hey Street 10 Central Drive 11 Albert Road ; bi/ Talbot Rd. and Neio Bd. .— "iiuimiii p. H. • 2, Fleetwood 10 (med. rd,). r. Windmiu P. H. 2, Poulton 4, • • 6^ St. Michaels 12, Garstang Sl 17 {tned, rd ) Lancaster j®. 29 (v. gd. und.). 1 • I. 6. Sliard Br. 7 {uied rd.) (Toll : Cars 3d., motor-cycles Id., both including driver; pas.senger8 Id.), Nambleton 8, Pilling 13, Cockerham 18, Lancaster fi. -24 (gd. rd ) BLAENAVON — 182 - Blackpool (contimied). E. II : by Clifton St., Abingdon St., Church St., Baikes Rd., and White gate Drive' :— Kirkham 9, Preston a 17 (gd. rd.), Warrington fi 46, London a 232. E. Ill : by Market St., Bank Hey St., and Central Drive :— St. Annes & 5, Lytham ffi. 8 {Toll-gate 14 : Cars 6d., motor-cycles 1(7.) Preston & 20 {med. rd.). mm Metropole, B 3/- L 3/6 D 5/- R 5/- to 7/6 Chfr 7/- Lft m S Gar U 150 y Gratis N 1/6 RAC T Metropole :p> 458. &M Imperial Hydropathic, Claremont Pai-k, Lft [ciB B Gar adj T Imperial :p> 291. ^-' iii Carlton, Claremont Park, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 6/6 Lft [CH 5 Gar 150 y U Gratis N 1/- go] T Carlton Hotel ;jo 103. iil Queen's Hydro, 5'o?t 730. Ji^ The Clifton, Talbot Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to QIQ Chfr 7/ Lft ffi PG 100 y [Too) T Clifton :p' 38. iS County and Lane Ends, Promenade, B 2/6 L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/ PG 250 y T County :p> 360. ^ Stretton Private, Princess Parade, Promenade, N., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Gar 100 y [H] :p 688. f^^ Michelin Stockists, J. Street, Ltd., Claremont Motor Garagre, General St., Agt. for WOLSELEV, Belsize, [so] TJ \ Sun., Night, T Street :^ 635. — IViiciielin Stockists, Piatt Murdoch & Co., Springfield Garagre, North Shore, (MJU S Sun. 7^ 151. — IVIIchelin Stockists, caiH>. Jackson Bros., hO, Abingdon St.. Agt. for Fiat, Flanders, Sunbeam, [lool LT \ Sun., Night! RAC T Autocar ;p' 69. ■» > » . — S. S. Kent, Premier Garage, Bolton St., South Shore, Agt. for Darracq [40] U \ Sun. :}<' 479. — IViiciielin M.C.T., John Hall, 1U3, Church St. 'a^ \J \ ^ 795. (Motor Cycles). Blaenavon (Monmouth), IVI. 20, ES. Pop- 12,010. ^ KE. 2. Bryn-mawr 5, Tredegar 9, Dowlais 14, IVIertiiyr Tydfil j®. 16 = Abergavenny a 6 = Abersychan 4, Pontypool 7. Blair Atholl (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 367. See:— Blair Cas. ; Church (Rns.) ; N. Glen Tilt 8 ; IST.E. Ascent of Ben- y-Gloe (3,304 ft.) 8 ; S. TuUach Hill (1,541 ft., View) 1 ; W. The Falls of Benar 3. ^ {adj. station). Pitlochry ^ 7, Dunkeld 19 = Caivine 4 -s Daiwhinnie stn. 24, Newton- more ®. 35, Kingussie ffl. 38 — Tummel Br. 16, Aberfeldy jS. 30 — Caivine 4, Daiwhinnie Stn. 24, Drumgask Hotel 31, Spean Br. Hotel 60, Fort "William a. 70 — Caivine 4, Kinloch Rannoch IS. JH. Atholl Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- ® Gar ins N !/• [lol SAC. Tilt Hotel. Blairgrowrie ^ (Perth), M. 9, HI, Pop. 3,378. See :— N. Gorge of the Ericht 3 ; Bridge of Cally (View) 6. "X. S.E. 2, {direction Coupar Angus). Br. of Cally • 6, Persie 10, Lair 14, Spital of Glenshee 19, Devil's Elbow 25- Braemar &. 34 {v. hilly, pict. bad beyond Spital of Glenshee, 1/9 asc, at S5 m.). • 1. Br. of Cally 6, Kirkmichael 13, Strathloch Inn 16, Pitlochry & 25 {med., und. pict., 1/11 desc. at 23 m.). New Alyth a 4, Kirriemuir a 14, Forfar S. 2{i{gd. rd. hilly. I/IO desc. at lU m.). Coupar Angus 5, Dundee a 19 {v. gd., hilly, 1/ls-ir, asc. at S ?«.). Carglll Stn. 6, Old Scone 14, Perth & 16 {v. gd. und. 2>ict.). Marlee Inn 2, Dunkeld 12 {gd. und. V. pict., l/lo a^c. at V> m.). m^ Queen's, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar ins Gratis do] SAC T Queen's 7f> 17. m)i Royal, Allen St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar Shed ins Gratis [TD SAC T Royalhotel ;?> 26, f^^ Miclielin Stockist, Rudolph Raitt, Strathmore Motor Works, ;<':', Welhmadow, Agt. for Clement-Talbot, [T] Box SUN Sun., Night, SAC T Raitt 7f> 23. - 183 - BODMIN irgfowrie (continued). Wm. Crockart, Allan St., Agt. for HUMBER, AUSTIN, [5o] U %. Sun. SAC T C;rocka^i-t :f> 56, — J. Harper & Sons, Perth St., Agt. for ARGYLL, Arrol-.Tohnston, (6] \ Sun. T Harper :f> 3. \ Hllakeney (Gloucester), M. 21, Pop. 802 P, ^g Awre 1. ^' Cinderford 6, Ross a 16 = Newnhara 4, Gloucester a 16 = Lydney ffl. 3, Chepstow a 12 = Coleford 9, Monmouth a 14. fBlandford 1 (Dorset), M. 27, Hg, Pop. 3,478. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., See :— Church ; Ryves' Ahushouse ; Corn Exchange ; S.W. Milton Abb. 8. ^ E. 2 {direction Bournemouth). Meibury Ch. 10, Shattesbury a 12 {med. V. hilly, 1/9 dese. at 10 m.). Thickthorn 7, Drove End 15, Salisbury & 23 (med. V. hilly, 1/lS asc. at 19 m.). Spettisbury • 3, Bailey Gate 7, Longfleet 14, BoUmemOUth & 18 (fifti. Und., 1/16 asc. at 1-5 m.). • r. Spettisbui-y 3, Aimer 6, Wareham 14, Corfe Castle 19, SVanage 24, (gd. und.). Whitchurch 5, Puddietown 11, Dorchester & 16 {med. V. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 10 m.). Durweston • 3, Sturminster Newton 9, Sherborne S. 20, Yeovil Si 25, {gd. rd. hilly, l/lk desc. at 12 m.). • r. Durweston 3, Manston 9, East Stower 13, Gillingham ^ 16, Maiden Bradley 55, Frome ®. 32 (gd. rd.). m Crown, L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Shed ins N 1/- PG 30 y RAC ;fo 17. ff" IWichelin Stockist, Arthur Conyers, 3, West St., Agt. for WoLSELEr, Sunbeam, [fo] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Conyers :p>7. — IVIichelin M.C.T., Blandford Motor and Cycle Works, West St.^ Agt. for SCOUT, [i2] \ :p> 17 (Motor Cycles). Biaydon (Durham), M. 14, WM, Pop- 31,148. (Scotswood Br. Toll: Cars id., motor-cycles 2d.) Nowcastle-on-Tyne ®. 4 = Gateshead 6, Newcastle-on-Tyne iS. 7 = Corbridge stn. 12, Hexham j®. 17. rBietching-ley # (Surrey), M. 29 {not marked on map) Pop. 2,128 P. See :— Castle Hill ; St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.). Oxted ffi. 5, Westerham 9, Sevenoaks ^ 15 = Redhill j®. 3. ^« Michelin Stockists, Reigrate Garagre, Ltd. Bletchley (Buckingham), M. 22 {not marked on map), Pop. 497 P. ^ Fenny Stratford 1 = Buckingham ^ 11. Blundeilsands (Lancashire), M. 15 (jriot marked on map). Great Crosby 1 -? Formby 6, Southport a 14 = Bootle 4, Liverpool & 7. ffoa C. Lucas, 35, Bridge jRd., [3] U" ? 63. — Myerscough & Dunsmore, ^5, Liverpool Rd., Gt. Crosby. BIyth (Northumberland), M. 14, WB, Pop. 28,490. :IC ^'- 1- Hartley 4 •< Whitley Bay a 7, Tynemouth 9 — Newcastle-on-Tyne ^ 15 = Bedlington 4, 6 •< Morpeth a H — Ashington 8, Newbiggin 12. Boat of Garten (Inverness), M, 9 {not marked on map) (Alt. 712 ft.). ^ See :— E. Loch Garten ; Abernethy Forest 3. Grantown ffl. 9 = 2 •< Aviemore 7 — Carrbridge 4. m station, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 B 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 7/- Gap adj Gratis [3] RAC. IBODMIN 1 (Cornwall), M.25, (cl, Pop. 5,734. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. r See :— Berry Tower (A) ; Parish Ch. (XVth c. Goth.) (C) ; St. Thomas ; Chap. (Rns.) (D) ; Old Crosses {Berrycomhe Rd. and Castle Hill). - Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 12 " How to use the Guide.' BOGNOR 184 Bodmin {continued). E. I : by Honey St., Priory Av., atui Launcestori Rd. .— Bolre'ntor 10, Five Lanes 14, LaunCeStOn ffl. 22, Lifton 26, Bridestow 35, Okehampton Sk 41, Exeter a 63 (gd. v. hilly, pict.), London a 231. E. II: by Honey St., Priory Av., Launceston Rd., and Prior's Barn Rd. :— Dohvalis 10, Liskeard ^ 13, Torpoint 29 (ferry -14), Plymouth a 32. E.\\\: by Honey St., Turf St., St. Nicholas St., and Plas Newydd Av. :— Lostwithiel ffl. 6, Fowey 14. E. IV: by Honey St., Fore St., Loiver Bore St., Higher Bore St., St. Leonard's, and Westheath Av. :— • 4, Indian Queens • 12, Blue Anchor • 13, TrurO & 25. • 1. 4, St. Austell a 11. • r. Indian Queens 12, Newquay ®. 20. • r. Blue Anchor 13, Redruth 30, Penzance ^ 47. E. V : by Honey St., Fore St., Lower Bore St., Higher Bore St., St, Leonard's, and Dunmere Rd. : — Mount Charles • 3, Wadebridge 7, Padstow 15. • Y. Mount Charles 3, Camelfoi'd 14, Boscastle 20. BODMIN 1 Honey Street 2 Priory Avenue 3 Launceston Road 4 Prior's Barn Road 5 Turl Street 6 St Nicholas Street A. BERRY TOWER C. PARISH CHURCH k- 7 Plas Newydd A 8 Fore Street Lower Bore St. 10 Higher Bore St. 11 St Leonards 12 'Westheath Avenue 13 Dunmere Road 14 Tower HUl 15 Castle Street 16 Crinniok's Lane 17 Barn Lane 18 Beacon Road V* lii Royal, Fore St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/G Box g] Shed (lo| ins Gratis N 1/- RAC :f=> 9. ^ St. Petroc, St. Nicholas St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins N 1/- [3] RAC. f^ Wlichelin Stockist, W. H. Jane, r>0-r>i, Fore St., Agt. for DAKRACQ, Ford, Briton, Singer, [IU U \ Sun., Night, RAC T .lane's Motor ;p> 14. — R. G. Reed, Bodmin Garage, Agt. for DarrACQ, [g] U \ S"n., T Reed. Bognor ® (Sussex), M. 29, EU, Pop. 8,142. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— N. Bersted Ch. (Norm.) 3. :^ W. South Bersted 1 •<. Balls Hut Inn 6, PulborougJi 16, Dorking 39 — ChlcheSter iS. 7 — South Bersted 1, Balls Hut Inn 6, Arundel 11 = (ferry) Little- hampton a 7, Worthing a 16. ^^_ Royal Norfolk, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 3/- to 6/6 Chfr 7/6 [cH PG U adj RA(.; :}o 40. ^ The Victoria, Aldwick Rd., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Gar ins Gratis [10) RAC T Parker :?> 182 Nat. ^ Sussex, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 PG adj. Bedford Hotel, High St. W^ Michelln Stockist, N. J. Wilmott, Pier Garage, Waterloo Sq., Agt. for DARRACQ, |20] U S, Sun., Ni^^'ht, RAC :F> S7. M.Ct. ir« 18e BOLTON Bogside (Ayr)t -^ii;. Apr. hs-l'Jth ; .\or. hi-. 'ad. S.AV. Irvine 2. Bollingrton (Cheshire), M. 16, ESJ, Pop. 5,225. See :-N. Pott Shrigley (Ch. Goth.) 1. Pott Shrigley 1 < Chapel-cn-le- Frith 9, Castleton 16 — Adlington 3, Handforth 7, Cheadle a 10 — Pott Shrigley 1, Adlington 3, StOCkporl St. 10 = Orange Tree P. H. 2 < Alderley Edge ffl. 7 — Macclesfield fi. 5. Bolsover (Derby), M. 17, SZHI, Pop. 11,225. See :— Church (Norm, and (ioth.) ; C'astle • ; Watch Tower, ciowne 4, 5 < Rotherham 16 — Worksop ^ 12, East Retford a 20 = Mans- field a 8 5= Chesterfield a 7. BOLTON ^ (Lancashire), M. 16, and Special Maps 44, 45, |cb1, Pop. 180,885. M.D., 1/o/i.., Sat. : E.G., Wed. See :-Market Hall (A) ; St. Peter's Ch. (C) ; Town Hall (G). ^^ KW. 3. E. I : bi/ Oxford St., Deansgate, Bridge St., and Blackburn Rd. .— • 2, Egerton 3, Darwen 9, Blackburn a IZiined. rd., 1/^1 desc. at 9m.). • 1 2, Belmont 5, Hoghton 14, Preston SL 19 (fine moorland rd., gene- rally V. gd. surface ; hilly with easy gradients. Recom.). E. II : bn Oxford St., Deansgate, Bank St., and Folds Rd. .— Hanisbottom 8, Edenfieid 10, Haslingden 13. Accrington 17 (med. und. rd., 1/15 desc. at U m.). E. Ill: by Oxford St., Deansgate, Churchgate, Wharf Rd., and Bury New Rd. :— Bury @. 6 (gd. rd.), Heywood 10, Rochdale ^ 13 (ined. pavea ^/i*-? asc. at 8 in.). Oxiord Street 2 Deansgate 3 Bridge Street i Blackbtirn Road 5 Bank Street 3 Folds Road 7 Churchgate 3 Church Wharf 9 Bury New Road Bradshawgate 1 Manchester Road 2 Newport Street 3 Great Moor Street 4 'Weston Street 5 Derby Street Moor Lane 7 Deane Road BOOKHAM - 183 - Bolton (continued). E. IV: bif Oxford St., Deansgate, nrad-shaivgate, and Manchester Bd. :— Farnworth • 3, Pendlebury • S, Manchester Si. 11 (nied. rd.). • r. Farnworth 3, Worsiey 7, stretford 13, Stockport ^ 20 {pad rd.), London a 196. • 1. Pendlebury 8, Middleton 14, Oldham ffi. 18 (med. rd.). E. V : by Newport St., Great Moor St., Wenton St. and Derby St. :— Atherton 5, Leigh 8, Warrington k. 17 (yd. rd., 1/33 desc. at h m.), Chester a 37. E. VI : by Oxford St., Deanngate, Moor Lane, and Deane Rd. :— Hindley • 6, Ashton-m-Makerfield 12, St. Helens 17, Liverpool &. 28 (med. rd.). • r. Hindley 6, WIgan ®. 9 (had rd.). E. VH : by Oxford St., Knowsley St., St. George's Rd., and Chorley New Rd. :— Horwich 5, Chorley Sl • 11, Preston fi 20 (ined. rd.). • 1. Chorley ^ 11, South port ^ 33 (gd. und.). ^ Brandwood's Commercial, Victoria Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 4/- R 2/6 Chf r 6/- Shed Court ins Gratis [4] PG- U 50 y ^ 847. j^ Victoria, Hotel St., B 2/- L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar 200 y N 1/- [lol T Victoria :p> 932. ^ Swan, Bradshawgate and Deansgate, B 2/6 L 2/- E, 3/6 Chfr 6/6 ® Shelter Court adj Gratis g] RAC :p> 860. ^» Michelin Stockist, S. Gordon, Bridge St. and Falcon St., Agt. for DAIMLER, [20l U :p 798. — Michelin Stockists, Bolton Gsirag^e, Ltd., Byng St., Brad- shawgate, do] U \ Sun. :}« 559. — Michelin Stockists, The Kapston Cycle Co. (W. Pil- ling)* ''^» Gi-, Moore St., [2] S :?> 156. — The Bolton Motor Co., Ltd., 79, Knowsley St. and 3, Marsden Rd., Agt. for Wolseley, Humber, Lanchester Clejient- TALBOT, Arrol-Johnston, g] U ^ RAC T Repairs :p> 1257. — W. Edwards & Son, North End Motor Garage, [12] U N Sun., :}o 1441. Bookham (Surrey), M. 29 {not marked on map), ¥0^^. 1,351 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Norm.) ; Little Bookham Ch. Leatherhead 2 = Gxiildford a 10. jm. Victoria, B 1/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis [2] RAC Lt. T Victoria. Borough bridgre ® (Yorkshire), M. 17, Pop. 830 P. See :— Devil's Arrows ; S. Aldborough (Roman Stn, Museum Isuri- anuni •) 1. Kirby Hill 1 •< Rifpn fi. 6 — Scotch Comer 27, Darlington J®. 35 — Kirby Hill 1, Scotch Comer 27, Abbey Bridge 38 (Toll: Cars M., motor -cycles M.) (This can be avoided by keeping to the main rd., but the surface is poor and it is narrow and dang., with sharp turn near Startforth Br.), Barnard Castle 40 = Topciiffe cross 7 < Noi-thallerton fi. 19 — Thirsk a 11 = Easingwold 10 = York ffl. 18 = Wetherby ^ 12, Doncaster ®. 43 = Knaresborough 7, Harrogate ffl. 10. lf?ltl Three Greyhounds, Horse Fair, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 to 3/- ^ Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- g] RAC Lt. ^^ Michelin Stockiets, S. Aider & Co., The Borougrhbridgre Garagre, Canal Wharfe, [6] LT "S Night. Bo'ness (Borrowstounness) (Linlithgow), M. 9, TE> I*op- 9,306. See :— Docks, ^ S.E. 2. Queenaferry 10, Edinburgh j& 19 = Linlitligow 3, 6 «; Bathgate 10 — Armadale 10, Whitburn 12, Lanark a 28 = Grangemouth 6 < Falkirk a 9 — Stirling fi. 18. Boscastle (Cornwall), M. 25, Pop. 310, ^g Camelford stn. 4. See : —Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; Harbour ; N. Crackington Cove 6 ; E. Mins- ter Ch. 2 ; S. trevalga Cli. (Goth) 1. X N. 1. Thom Cross 13 < Stratton 15, Hartland 28 — Bude ®. 15 — Thom Cross 13, Stratton 15, Holsworthy 23 = 2 < Camelford 6, Bodmin a 20 — Launceston a 20 = Tintagel 4. Wellington Hotel. BOSTON m (Lincoln). M. 23, mi, Pop. 16,679. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Botolph's Ch. (Goth.) • (A) ; Shodfriars Hall (C) ; Guild- hall (G). 187 — BOSTON SPA Boston (continued). E.\:by Bargate and SpiUbij Rd. .— . Burton Comer • 1, Stickney 9, East Keal 15, Spilsby 17, Ulceby Cross 22 (y. (jd.), Louth la. 33 {med. v. hilly, Ijlfi asc. at )''.0 m.). • Y. Burton Comer 1, Leake 8, Waiufleet 18, Bkegness ®. 23 (med. rd. sin.). E. II : by Town Br., High St., and London lid. .— Sutterton«6, Gosberton 10, Spalding Si. • 16, Crowiaiul 20, Peterborough a 34 (gd. rd.), Biggleswade 71, London m. 117. • 1. Sutterton 6, Holbeacli 16, Fleet 18, Long Sutton ®, 21, King's Lynn ®. 35 (y. gd.). • r. Spalding ^ 16, Market Deeping 28, Stamford ^ 36 {gd. rd.). E. Ill : by Town Br., Bridge St., West St., and Sleaford ltd. :— Kirtou Holme •5, Swineshead 7, Donington 11, Theckinghain 19, Grantham Sl 31 {gd. rd., l/lo desc. at i?.9 m.).' • v. Kirton Holme 5, Heckington 14, Sleaford ffi. • • 19, LinCOin &. 36 (c. gd., 1 112 desc. at .>'// tn, ). • • 1. Sleaford m. 19, Grantham ®. 33 {v. gd. reeom., l/lo asc, at 2U m.). • • 1. Sleaford ®. 19, Newark ^ 38 {ined. rd., 1/lZ desc. at f?7 m.). BOSTON SCALE lo^\\6' 7 Sleaford Road^^;o^.(iV'^iS^>:ft'* la 8 South Street ©^^^^V^ ^ Ked Lion, Narrow Bargate, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins M -/6 N 1/- [fe] :?» 193. m. White Hart, 3, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- [^ Shed Court ins Gratis \^ T Mather ;p> 77 Nat. iggt Peacock and Royal, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar Shed Court ins Gratis N 1/- [T] RAC Lt. T Clemow ;p> 7 Nat. ^a iViKhelin Stockists, Hoiiand Bros., Barg:a.te Motor Works, Agt. for Humber, Talbot, Napier, Peugeot, Ford, [50] Boxes [5] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Holland Bros. ;p> 185. M.C.T. Boston Spa (Yorkshire), IW. 17, Pop. 1,387 P. See :— S. Bramham (Park, College) 1 ; S.W. Bardsey (Ch. Norm.) 5. . 1 < Coiiingham 3, Otley ^ 16, Ilkley a 22 — Wetherby ^ 3, Harrogate a 12 — Coiiingham 3, Leeds a 13 = Tadcaster 4, York a 13. i@i Royal, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- E 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 4/- Shed U ins Grraiis [3] RAC :p> 9. BOTHWELL — 188 — Both well (Lanark), M. 12 {not marked on map), Pop. 3,015. See :— Parish Ch. (XlVth c.) ; N.W. Bothwell Cas. (Xlllth c.) • 1 8.E. Bothwell Br. (Obelisk) 1. uddingston 2, Glasgow SL 9 =z Beiishjii 3, Coatbridge a 6 = Hamilton 2. Botley (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 856 P. Winchester a 12 = Bishop's Waltham a 4 = Waterlooville ffli 5 field 6 -:: Farehain a 9 — Gosport 13 {ferry -10), Portsmouth 1 •< Southampton a 6 — Konisey Sl 13. ; Titcli- 14 = Bourne (Lincoln), M. 23, EB, Pop. 4,344. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Tf/e-v. See :-Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; Red Hall (Eliz.). 4 •< Sleaford a 18 — Biiiingborough 10, Boston a 27 = Spalding ffl. 12 = Market Deeping 7, Peterborough a 16 = 1 < Stamford ffi. n — Grantham a 18. Jgi Angel, Market Place, B 2/3 L 2/- D 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar 100 y Grati. 25. BOURNEMOUTH ® (Hampshire), M. 27, El, Pop. 78,677. E.C. Wed. See :— Winter Gardens (A) ; Russell Coates Art Gallery and Museum (permit) (M) ; Boscombe Chine : Pleasure Gardens ; Rhodadendron Av. (in June) ; N.E. Heron Court (in June) 4. ^ (see plan). ;^ X.E. 2 («ee plan) 1 Old Christc'hurcij Road 2 Christchurch Road 3 Commercial Road 4 Poole Road 5 Alumhurst Road 6 West Cliff Road ^ 7 Hmton Road 8 Bath Road 9 Exeter Road 10 Clarendon Road 11 Gervis Road 12 Queen's Road 13 Richmond Hill i,fc^ 14 Wimbome Road ,KS 16 Lansdowne Road '^ 16 Holdenhurst Road ^-J 17 Southcote Road 'wiN+bfi^^ Ashley Road 10 Braidley Road Oharminqter R9ad BOURNEMOUTH. SCALE A. WINTER GARDENS M. COATES ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM R S -P 8 -T - (See p Burlington H C B A N N E L JDurley Dean H. ■ , Bourne Hall H. Hawthorn's H. Highcliffe H. ^,5^^ , Royal Exeter H. ^Imperial Motor Works. fetropole H. Royal Bath H. Imperial H. Grand H. E. I : by Old Christchurch lid. and Christchurch Rd. :— Christchurch 5, Pureweii«6, Ringwood 14, Salisbury ffl. 31 (i\ gd., .l/ti asc. and desc. approaching Salisbury). • r. Pnrewell 6, • • 7, Wilverley Post 14, Lyndhurst ®. • • • 20, Ronisey ffl. 30, Winchester fi. 40 {v. gd. v. piet, 1/15 desc. at 38 m.), London • • r. 7, Downton 13, Lymington 17 (gd. sin., 1/16 desc. at 10 m.). • • • r. Lyndhurst Q. 20, Southampton M 30 (r. gd. v. pict., I/'JO dene, at )th in.). . I p - 189 - BOWMORE Bournemouth (rontimied). E. II : bij Commercial lid. and Poole Rd. :— Parkstone 3, Poole 5, • 8, Lytciiett Minster 9, Wareliam 14, Wool 20, warmweii Cross • 25, Dorchcster ffi. 31 {(fd. rd., 1/16 desc. at 3 m.). • v. 8, Bailey Gate 12, Blandford fi. • • 18, .Sturminster Newton 27, Sherborne a 38, Yeovil ffl. 43 (gd. nnd., ijlk desc. at at m.). • • r. Blandford lEL 18, Gillinghaiu St. 34, Frome ffi. 50 {gd. rd.). • 1. Warmwell Cross 25, WeymOUth ffl. 33 {loed. rd.). iPi^ Boscombe Chine, Spa Rd., Boscombe, B 3/- L 3/6 D 6/- R 7/6 to 12/- Chfr 8/6 Lit IcS 5 PGU clist go] T Chine Hotel :p' 1738 and 1739. mm Royal Bath, East Clljf, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 7/6 to 12/- Chfr 8/6 Lft 5 Gar U ins N 1/- [To; T Luxuriate :f> 181. SM. Metropole, Holdenhurst Rd., D 5/- R 6/6 Chfr 7/- Lft [cHl 5 Gar Box "LT opp -/6 1/- and 2/- [Tool T Metropole :?5> 294. jggl^ Highcliffe, West Cliff, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 6/6 to 7/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft [ca 5 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- RAC :p> 27. f!|gg| Burlington, 0?r^s 7?rf. (Boscombe), B 3/6 L 3/6 D 5/6 R 7/6 Chfr 8/- Lft [cE 5 <^^ar U ins 1/6 QH T Burlington qp> 1750. (P^ Imperial, Bath Rd., B 3/6 L 3/6 D 5/- R 7/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft f PG 200 y T Imperial :p> 1529. IS Royal Exeter, A'o-e^er PcrrA;, Sfott 74. Jg| Hawthorns, West Cliff Rd., B 3/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft jcE « Gar U opp Grafts |20] RAC T Hawthorns :p> 1911. m^ Bourne Hall, Poo^e Rd., West Cliff, B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 ica 5 Gar U 50 y Gratis N 1/- [s] T Bournehall :p> 5. a^a Salisbury (Boscombe), B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 [gnl 8 Gar [5] Court |^ ins Gratis T Salisbury :p> 703. m^ Durley Dean Hydro, iresi Cliff Rd., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 4/- to 6/6 Chfr 6/- Lft \^ 5 Gar U ins Gratis [aoj T Durley Dean :p> 450. Hfi Central, T/?e Square, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 5/6 Chfr 7/- Lft JOTl 5 PG 100 y T Central :p> 71. ^^ Michelin Stockists, Imperia.! Motor Works, Ltd., 38, Holdenlmrst Rd., Agt. for Renault, Sunbeam, Minerva, go] U N Sun. RAC T Motors :p' 502. — Michelin Stockist, E. Mens, <^, Palmerston Rd., and Hair- land Rd., Boscombe, Agt. for Humber, Ford, [30] Boxes jje] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Mens Boscombe :p> 53Y. M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, Edwards & Co., 191-193, Old Christehurch Rd., Agt. for Wolsbley, Berliet, Benz, go] Boxes ^ U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Cylinder :p> 1272. — Canford Cliffs Motor Omnibus Co., S/-,, Poole Rd., Westbourne. — The Grosvenor Garage, Poole Rd., Westbourne, Agt. for Austin, Singer, Bianchi, [20] Boxes Qo) U % Sun., Night, RAC :p» 1359. — Motor Mac's Garage and Works, 35, Holdenhurst Rd.,and 7, Ox- ford Rd., Agt. for Renault, Fiat, Rolls-Royce, goo) Boxes go] LT \ Sun., Night, f Magneto :p> 219. Bourton-on-the-Water (Gloucester>, M.. 28, Pop. 1097 P. See :— Old Manor Ho. ; Roman Camp. Stow-on-the-Wold a 4 = Northleach 6, Cirencester Si 16. ^ New Inn, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr Q/Q § Shed Court ins g] RAC. fF" Hartwells, Ltd., High St., and at Broadlands, Agt. for Flanders, E.M.F., [3] U T Hartwells. Bovey Tracey (Devonshire), M. 26, Pop. 2,693 P. See :-Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; W. Hay Tor • 4. Moreton Hampstead 6, Okehampton a 20 = Chudleigh 4, Exeter Si 14 = 3 -s Newton Abbot a 6, Torquay a 13 — Ashburton 9. Bowmore (Argyll-Islay), M. 33, Pop. 788 (no ^ in isiay). Bridgend 3 «; Portashaig 11 — Port Charlotte 11, Portnahaven 18 = Port ' Ellen 11, BOWNESS - 190 - Bowness (Cumberland), M. 12, Pop. 1,079 P. Burgh 7, Carlisle a 13 = Kirkbride 6 -? Wigton 12. Penrith a B3 — Si 1 loth IS. Bowness on Windermere (AVestmorland), M. 16. E.C, T/nirs. i g^ Windermere 1. See :— St. Martin's Ch. ; Belle Isle ; N. Miller Brow 1. X S.E. '_\ Windermere a 1, Ambleside ffi. 6 = 1 < Fork 2, Nevvby Br. S, Ulverston 17 — Kendal a 10 — Fork 2, Milnthorpe ]3, Carnforth &. 20 = {ferry -28), Hawkshead 5 -? 7, Coniston 10 — Ambleside Si 10. liffiS Higg's Belsfield {Emter to Oct.), B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- E 4/6 Clifr 7/- JJ Gar IT ins Gratis N 1/- jjs) T Belsfield ;p' 23. JlSi. Rigg's Crown, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 K 4/- Chfr 7/- 8 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [Is] It AC T Crown :p> 3. JtHf, Old England Lake, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R.4/6 Chfr 7/6 f Gar ins N 1/- (^ RAC ;?> 12. Storrs Hall Hotel, RAC- Brackiey (IS^orthampton), M. 22, |Mg, Pop. 2,467. See :— St. Peter's Ch. (Goth.); St'. James's Ch. (Norm.); Magdalen College School. X 2»f.E. 1. Towcester fi. 11, Northampton ffl. 20 = Buckingham ®. 7 = 3 «: BajTiard's Green 6, Oxford fiL 22 — Deddington 11, Chipping Norton IB. 21 — Baynard's Green 6, BiCeSter ^ 11 = Banbury i®. 10. iWWi Crown, Market Sg., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed 200 y N 1/- RAC T Crown Jf<> 10. f^oi S. Alcock. Bracknell @ (Berkshire), IVI. 28, Pop. 2,482 P. M.D., Thvrs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— N. Warfteld (Ch. Goth.) 3; S. Easthampstead (Ch., Cesar's Camp) 1. :^ N.^y. 1. Windsor fii 9 = Ascot &. 3, Egham ^ 9, Staines fi. 10 = Bagshot 5, Bisley 11, Guildford j®. 18 == Wokingham a 4, Reading fi. 11. SB. The Royal Forest, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 6/- [cH Gar ins Gratis \M T Eorest Hotel :p> 025. f^ Michelin Stockists, W. Grimes & Son, London Rd., Agt. for DARRACQ, Ford, U N T Grimes ;p> 2Y and 48 Bracknell. BRADFORD @ (Yorkshire), M. 17 and Special Maps 46, 47, IcbI, Pop. 288,505. M.D., Mon., TJnirs., Sat. ; E.C, Tues. See :— Cartwright Memorial Art Gallery and Museum (A) ; The Ex- change (C) ; Town Hall (G). ^ N. 2. E.\:by Market St., Bank St., Darley St., Mh. Parade, Manningham Lane and Keighley Rd. :— • 2, Bingley6, Keighley a 10 {bad, paved), Skipton a 20, Settle a 36, Kendal a 66 {v. gd. und.), Penrith m. 92, Carlisle Sk 110. • r. 2, Shipley a 3, Menston 8, Otley a 10, Harrogate Sk 21 {med. at first, then better, 1/13 asc. at 20 m.). E. II : by Market St., Forster Sq., Church Bank, Barkerend Rd., Otley Rd. and Harrogate Rd. :— Apperier Br. 4, Guiseiey 7, Otley & 10, Ripley 22, Ripon ®. 30 {yd. und., 1/9 desc. at 17 m.), Thirsk ®. 41, Stockton-on-Tees IB. 65. E. Ill : by Leeds Road, and Bradford Rd. :— Stanningley 4, Leeds &. 9 {bad'rd.). E. IV : by Bridge St., Wakefield Rd., and Tang St. :— • 3, Gildersome 6, East Ardsley 10, Wakefield ffi. 13 {med. rd.. 1/16 aSC. from Bradford), Doncaster ^ 33, London ®. 199. • r. 3, Birstal 6, Batley ®. S, Dewsbury 11 {bad rd., 1/16 asc. from Bradford). E.\:by Manchester Rd. :— Triinciifle • 2, Brighouse iS. 8, Hudderstield m. 12 {med. rd., 1/lU asc. at Htn. • V. Trunclifle 2, Slielf 4, Halifax ^ 8 {iiied. rd.). Bi Midland, Forster Sq., B 3/- L 3/- R 4/- Chfr 9/- iLft [CHl S PG dist RAC T Midotel :p> 4475. iil Great Northern (Victoria), Bridge St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Lft (^ 5 Court ins Gratis [2] RAC T Northness :?> 81 Trunk, 82 Local. 191 — BRADFORD Braclfbrd {continued). ^ George, Market St., B 2/- L 2/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/- PG 300 y :p> 974. ,e. Metropole, Forster Sq., B 1/9 L 1/6 D 3/6 Chfr 5/- [03 T Metro- pole :p> 2800. VfMi Micheiin Stockist, Albert Farnell, 50, Manningham Lam, Agt. for Belsize, De Dion, [ao] Boxes [i] LT % RAC T Farnell 7f> 1060. — Micheiin Stoclcist, Eric & Myers, " No Worry" Garagre, 62, Manningham Lane, Agt. for Wolseley, Lancia, Le Gui, \M Boxes [HUNT Cycar :p> 5591. M.C.T. — iVIichelin Stocl 3283 and 3284. — IVIicheiin Stocl 126. 1 Market Street 2 Bank Street 3 Darley Street 4 North Parade 6 Manningham Lane 6 Forster Square 7 Church Bank 8 Barkerend Road 9 Otley Road 10 Leeds Road 14 Oreat Horton Road 16 Susbridge Road 16 Thornton Road 17 West Oate 18 Leeds Old Road 19 Hallfleld Road 20 Bolton Road ■*% J. Rhodes, 89a, Manningham Lane, Agt. for Flanders, DARRACQ, Argyll, jao] U \ T Motoroads f> 2984. John Wilkinson, Greengates, Apperley Bridge, \S\ Box [T] U N Sun. :p> 13X Idle. Micheiin M.C.T., E. G. Merrick, nu, Listerhills Ed. (Motor Cycles). Micheiin M.C.T., Jesse Mitchell, 65-73, Westgate (Motor Cycles). 1 Office, 81, Fulham Rd., London, S.W., where your itinerary will he drawn up free of charg'e. BRADFORD-ON-AVON - 192 - Bradford-on-Avon (Wiltshire), M. 27, Ed), Pop. 4,501. M.D., Tue>i. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Holy Trinity Ch. ; St. LaAvrence Ch. • ; Hermitage Chap. ; Chantry Ho. ; Bradford Old Priory (XVth c.) ; Barton Farm (XlVth c). Batheaston 5, Bath ffl. 8 = Chippenham ffl. 11 := Melksham a 6, 1'alne a 14 = Trowbridge St. 3, AVestbury 8 = Frome SL 10 = Liiupiey stoke 4, Bath a 9. ^ Swan, Market Place, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [8] RAC Lt. T Swan ;p> 24. ifl New Bear. J3, Silver St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed Shelter dist M -/6 N 1/- [2]. Brading: (Isle of Wight), M. 28, and Special Map 48, Pop. 1,732 P. See :— Town Hall ; Brading Ch. ; N. Yaverland Ch. (Norm.) ; S. Morton • (Roman Villa) 1. >iit W. 2 (Isle of Wight Hunt), Apr. 22nd. ; Oct. 16th. 1 -=: Ryde a 4 — St. Helens 3, Bembridge r> — Sandown 2, Shankiin 5, Ventnor 9 = Newport ®. 8. Braemar ® (Aberdeen), M. 9, Pop. .516, ^ Baiiater 17. See :— Castle ; E. Falls of Garrawalt 4 ; S.E. Lochnagar (3,786 ft.) 12 ; S, Morrone (2,819 ft.) 3 ; W. Fall of Corriemulzie • ; Mar Lodge 3 ; Linn o' Dee • 7. ^JK. S. 1. Coolnabachan 20 < Huntly ^ 55 — Tomintoul 32, Grantown 46 = Balmoral 9 Baiiater ®. 17, Aboyne 28 = Blairgowrie ffl. 34 = Linn o' Dee 7 < Blair Atholl 29. mm Fife Arms, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft § Gar ins Gratis N 2/- \M SAC :f> 14. Invercauld Arms Hotel, SAC. f^Bi Michelin Stockists, James Grant, The Braemar Garas:e, [U U \ Sun., T Grant. Braintree m (Essex), M. 24, 30, IHS, Pop. 6,168. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., T/mrs. ^ S. 1. High Garret 3 < Halstead 6, Sudbury Q. 14 — Haverhill 19, Cambridge fil 38 =: Coggleshall 6, Colchester a 15 = Witham ®. 7, Maldon ®. 14 = Chelmsford ^ 12 = Dunmow 9, Bishops Stortford ja 18. Jgi White Hart, Backing End, B 2/- L 3/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Court ins Gratis gg RAC Lt. T Taylor :f' 48. Jgrti Horn, £figr/(. St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [6] T Padfield ;p' 37. ff« Michelin Stockists, J. H. Tofts & Co., Railway Garage, Railway lid., Agt. for Ford, Mors, SUN Sun., T Tofts ;p 54. ' — Braintree Motor and Cycle Co., Great Sq., [6] Boxes [2j U \ :p> 51. Brampton (Cumberland), M. 13, Pop. 2,494 P. See :— The Mote (360 ft.) ; W. Naworth Castle ; Lanercost Priory (XlVth c.) 2. Middle Bow 3 -5 Greenliead 8, ChoUerford 25, NcwCaStle-On-Tyne ffi. 46 — Gils- land 7 — Middle Row 3, Greenhead 8, Haltwhistle 12, Hexham Si 28 = Alston 19 = Armathwaite 12 < Penrith ffi. 26 — Kirkoswald 18 = War- wick 5, Carlisle a 9 = Croaby 6, Carlisle j^ lO = Longtown ll, Oretna Green 15, Annan 24. ifiL White Lion, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 4/6 Gar ins g] RAC Lt. T Lion. s^sa W. Nixon, Front St. Brandon (Suffolk), M. 24, Pop. 2,327 P. Stoke Ferry ®. 10, King's Lynn ffi. 24 = Swaffham 15, Fakenham ®l 30 = Thetford ®. 6 = ?tlildenhall 9, Newmarket ffl. 18. BRECHIN m (Forfar), M. 10, Pop. 8,941. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Cathedral (Xllth c.) (Round Tower •) (A) ; The Castle (C) ; N. W. Caterthims Forts 6. ^tC N. 1 (E. i). E.\: by Clerk St. and Trinity Rd. ;— • 2, North Esk Br. 6, Laurencekirk 11, Stonehaven 25 {v. gd. und.). • 1 2, Edzell6, Fettercain 11 (v. gd. und.), Caim o' Mount 17, Br. of Dye 21 (bad rd. v. stp.), strachan 26, Banchory a 29 {v. hilly, IjS-lO asc. and desc. over Cairn o' Moxmt). E. II : by High St., Union St., and Montrose St. :— Mains of Dun 5. Montrose S. 9 (v. gd.). — 193 BRECKNOCK (BRECON) Brechin (continued). E. Ill : bp High St., Bridge St., and Arbroath Bd. :— Frioekheim 7, Arbroath 14 (^rf. rd.). E.\^ I by St. David's St., St. Mary St., and Castle St. :— Esk Br. 7, Forfar & 13 {v. gd.), Dundee a 27, Edinburgh a 72, London ® 454. BRECHIN SCALE _, r 3'SI /«>^ 1 Clerk Street 2 Trinity Road 3 High Street 4 Union Street 5 Montrose Street 6 Bridge Street 7 River Street 8 St David Street 9 St Mary St 10 CasUe St. . f!^ Dalhousie, 1-3, Market St., and 2, St. David St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/6 PG 300 y. 1^ Crown, ii, .S*. Z)aCTd St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E. 2/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/- f Gar ins N 1/- (Tg] SAC T Oram :p> 12. ffsi MIchelin Stockists, css^ A. Simpson & Son, Clerk St., Agt. for BELsrzE, Argyll, Ford, Daimler, [Is] U \ Sun., Mght, SAC T Garage :p> 46. — A. IMilne & Son, Clerk St., Agt. for Humber, js] U Sun., :p> 23. BRECKNOCK (BRECON) # (Brecknock), M. 20, EE), Pop. 5,908. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Priory Ch. of St. John (Goth.) • (A) ; Ely Tower (Castle Hotel Garden) (C). ^ W. 1 (E. III). E. I : 6j/ High Street and Struct ;— Feiin-fach 5, • 7, Three Cocks 11, Hay a 15, Willerslej- • • 22, Dilwyn 31, Leominster a 37 (v. gd. und., 1/16 asc. from Brecon). • 1. 7, Llyswen 10, Erwood 14, Bullth 21 (gd. recom.). • • r. Willersley 22, Staunton-on-Wye 26, Hereford Si 35 (magn. rd., 1/17 asc. at 2k m.). E. II : by Bulwark and Watton :— Bwich 8. Crickhowell 14, Abergavenny a 20 (v. gd. und., hilly '}iear Bwlch, IjlU asc. at 8 m.), Ross ffl. 42, Gloucester a 58, London ffi 162. E, III : by Ship St. and Llandovery Rd. :— • 1, Devynock 8tn. • 9, Trecastie 12, Llandovery 21, Llaudilo 33, Car- marthen a. 48 (u. gd.. If 17 asc. at /t2 m.). • 1. 1, storey Arms • • 9, Mcrthyr Tydfll a 18 (v. gd., hilly, 1/9 asc. at 13 m.). • 1. Devynock Stn. 9, Gwyn Arms 18, Ystalyfera 27, Pontardawe • • 31 Morriston 37, Swansea & 40 (med. rd.). • • r. Storey Arms 9, N^ath Q. 35. • • 1. Ponterdawe 31, Neath a. 37 (med. hilly). BRENTFORD — 194 — Brecknock (Brecon) (continued). E. IV : />?/ High St., Struct, and Priory Rd. :— Llandefailog 8, Upper Chapel 9, Llanddewir-Cwn 15, Builth 17 (nied. tO Upper Chapel, then predpitnus and rough. A better route is via the Wye Valley), Rhayader 31, Aberystwith 65 (gd. v. pict, many 1(8 gradients to Builth). m Castle of Brecon, Castle St., B 2/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar g) Court [3] adj Gratis N 1/- RAC :p> 42 PO. I*!?! New Lion, corner of Castle St. and The Struct, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 7/- 5 PO 500 y :p' 14 GPO. Wellington Hotel, The Buhvark. BRECKNOCK SCALE ® -* A. ST. JOHN'S church' C. ELY TOWER C.H.-G.-R.S.-P.S. (See p. 3) New Lioi 1 High Street 2 Struct 3 Bulwark 4 Watton 5 Ship Street 6 Llandovery Road 7 Priory Road 8 Glamorgan Street W** Micheiln Stockists, sb= H. C. Rich & Sons, U, The Watton, Agt. for Arrol-.Johnston, Overland, Ho] U \ Sun. RAC T Rich :p' 23 PO. — J. E. Nott & Co., Ltd., 28, High St., Agt. for HUMBER, [5] LI N :p> 10 Brentford (Middlesex), M. 29, and Special Map 42, Icrl, Pop. 16,584. See :— Boston Ho. 1. 3 •<: Euislip 10, Rickmansworth 15, Aniersham 23 — Uxbridge ffl. 10 = Ealing ^ 2, Edgware ®l 11, Barnet 17 = Kew Bridge 1 < London fi 8 — Kew 2, Richmond ®. 4, Twickenham 6, Hampton ^ 9 = Hounslow 3, Staines a 10, Egham a 11, Bagshot 20. ffBi Kew Bridge Motor Co., 55, Kew Bridge Rd., RAC. Brentwood # (Essex), M. 29, gm, Pop. 6,923. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Chapel (Xlllth c.) ; Church (Goth.) ; Grammar School ; County Lunatic Asylum. ^ W. 2. Bentiej- 2 < Abridge 10, Waltham Cross ffi. 18 — Ongar 7, Harlow 16, Bishops Stortford ffl. 23 = siienfleid 1 < Chelmsford an — Billericay 6, RayleighlO, Southend ffl. 26 = Tilbury 14. {ferry -1) Gravesend ffi 15 = Romford m. 6, Ilford j^ 10, London m. 21. ffw iVIichelin Stockists, Brentwood Motor and Garage Co., Ltd., 120a, High St., Agt. for Maxwell, (w] U N Sun., Night, RAC T Motors lf> 37. — E. W. Rippon & Son, 26, High St., d] U \. 195 BRIDGE OF ALLAN BRIDGEND 1 (Glamorgan), M. 26, Ed), Pop. 8,021. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— iV.E. Coyty Cas. (Xlllth and XlVth c.) 2 ; S. Ewenny Priorv (Rns. Xllth c.) 2 ; S.W. Ogmore Cas. 3. :§C S. 3 (Southerndown). ' E.\: by Maesteg Rd. : — St. Bride'a Minor 4, Maesteg 9 {v. med., 1/11 asc. at 6 m.). E. II : by Dunraven PL, Nolton St., Cowbridge JRd., and CoycJmrch Rd. : — Llantrisant 11, Pontypridd St. 17 {gd. v. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 6 m.). E. Ill : bj/ Dzmraven PL, Nolton St., and Cowbridge Rd. : — Cowbridge • 7, Cardiff ®. 19 (gd. und., 1/12 desc. at 6 m.), London A 179. • r. Cowbridge 7, St. Athan 11, Barry 18 (Tned. hilly, dang, gradients ofl/lh-10). E. IV : by Dunraven PL, Nolton St., and Llantwit Rd. : — St. Bride's Major 3, Llantwit Major 11 {med. rd.). E. V : Z*?/ The Bridge and Park St. :—r • 3, Aberavon 12, Briton Ferry 15, Neath 3l 18 {gd. und., 1/15 asc. from Bridgend). • 1. 3, Porthcawl 7 {gd. rd., 1/lk desc.-at 5 m.). BRIDGEND ®sa P.S.-R.S.-G.-(See p. 3) '""^ 1 Gefn-Glas 2 Dunraven Place 3 Nolton Street 4 Cowbridge Road 5 Coychurch Road 6 Llantwit Road 7 Park Street 8 West Street 9 ■Wyndham Street 10 Station Road 11 Coity To Coity Castle Duiiravea Arms H. SCALE 1 m l*lt!l Dunraven Arms, Wyndham St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- E, 3/6 Chfr 7/- 5 Gar [8] adj Gratis :p> 92 Nat. m Wyndham, Dunraven PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 to 5/- Chfr 5/- (CHI § Shed U ins Gratis g] T Wyndham :f» 80 PO. fW^ Michelin Stockists, Houlston Bros., Br-idgrend Ga.ra.gre, Nolton St., Agt. for Opel, H] U \ T Motors ;p> 58 PO. Bridgre of Allan (Stirling), IVI. 9, [plK Pop. 3,240. See :— Well Ho. ; vS. Airthrey Cas. {Thwrs.) 1 ; E. Wallace Mon. 2 ; Cam- buskenneth Abb. (Rns.) 3 ; N.W. Keir Ho. 2. ;^ 1 m. Dunblane 3, Greenloanning 8 < Perth a 32 — Crieff a 19 = Causewayhead 1 < Stirling ffl. 3 — Alloa a 7, Dunfermline ®. 21 = Doune 5, Callander 13, Lochearnhead 27. SI Phllp's Royal, Heiiderson SL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/- Gar 20 y Gratis K 1/- go) SAC T Hotel ;p> 47. M Hydro, B2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 7/6 Chfr 5/- [ca Gar U 100 y Gratis {5} SAC T Hydro :p» 48. BRIDGE OF WEIR 196 — Bridge of Allan (continued). «£( Queen's, Henderson St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis g] SAC :F> 68. 9^B :Menzies Bros., Henderson St., Agt. for SUNBEAM, FORD, [8] Box [T] U \ Sun., T Menzies Bros. :p> 86 and lYl. Bridge of Weir (Renfrew), M. 11, Pop. 2,242 (Alt. 157 ft.). :§C. Kihnacolni 4, Port Glasgow 8, Greenock a 11 = Renfrew 9, Govan 12, Glasgow a 15 = Johnstone a 3, Paisley a 7. gia Ranfurly, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 ^3 Gar 20 y Gratis g] T Tilston :p> 95. BRIDGNORTH ® (Shropshire), M. 21, |H, Pop. 5,768. M.D., ,S'«f. ; E.C, TAifj-s. See :— Castle (Rns.) (D) ; St. Leonard's Ch. (A) ; Town Hall (G) ; Bishop Percy's Ho. (C). ^fC N. 2 (see plan). >U;. Apr. ^2)id (E. V). E. I : by NeivRd. , The Bridge, St. John's St. , Mill St. , and Shifnnl Jid. :— Stockton 5, Dawiey 10, Wellington 14, Whitchurch & 36, Chester m. 56 (V. gd.). E. II : i^.v TT'est Castle St., Neiv Rd. {dang, desc), St. John's St., Mill St., and Wolverhampton lid. : — Worfleid 4, Compton 12, WolverhamptOH ffl. 14 (v. gd.). BRIDGNORTH 1 West Castle Street 2 New Road (Dang, dec.) 3 The Bridge 4 Mill Street 5 Shifnal Road 6 Wolverhampton Road A. ST. LEONARD S CHURCH C. BISHOP PERCY'S HOUSE 0. CASTLE Kg. TOWN HALL St John's Street 8 Hospital Street 9 Stourbridge Road 10 Kidderminster Road 11 Listley Street 12 Salop Street 13 Ludlow Road 14 Much W^enlook Road 15 High Street 16 North Gate 17 Whitburn Street E. Ill : by West Castle St., New Rd. (dang, desc), St. John's St., Hospital St., and Stourbridge Rd. :— Bridgenorth Lower Town 1, Six Ashes Inn 7, Stourton 12, StOUrb ridge i®. 15 (gd. rd.), Birmingham ^ 27. E. IV : b)/ West Castle St., New Rd. (datig. desc), St. John's St., Hospital St., and Kidderminster Rd. :— Aiveiy7, Kidderminster i®. 14 (v. gd., hilly), London a 139, E.\:by High St., Whitburn St., Salop St., and Ludlow Rd. .•— Burwarton 9, Ludlow ffi. 19 (ined. hilly), Leominster ffi. 30 (v. gd. und.). E. VI : by High St., Whitburn St., Salop St., and Much Wenlock Rd. :— Morviiie 3, Much Wenlock 8, Cound 14, Shrewsbury & 20 (v. gd., hilly). m Crown, 15, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Clifr 6/6 [cS S Gar Box U ins Gratis N 1/- [IS] RAC :?> 194. Itflti Falcon, Low Town, L 2/6 D 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- M T Falcon ^ 184. W Michetin Stockist, H. Robinson & Co., Neiv Market Bldgs., [MHJ \ T Rohinson's Garage ;p> 11. 197 BRIDLINGTON IRiDGWATER m (Somerset), Nl. 26, ME, Pop. 16,802. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :-Kt. John's Ch. (A) ; St. Mary's Ch. (XVth c.) (C). :|C ^^-W. (fan- riington Park) 3 (E. V). E. I : by Fore St., EaMover, Monmouth St., and Bristol Bd. :— Pawlett 5, Highbridge 8, East Brent • 12, Sidcot 18, Churchill 20, Lulsgale Bottom 26, Bristol ® 3.3 {v. gd., 1/11 asc. at 23 m.). • 1. East Brent 12, Toll-gate 17 (Cars &d., motor-cycles 2d., trailers 3c7.), Weston-super-Mare a 19 {v. gd. level). E. li : hy Fore St., Eastover, Monmoiith St., and Bath Rd. :— Knowie 3, Walton 11, Glastonbury • 15, Shepton Mallet 24, Frome 36 (r. gd. nnd., 1/19 asc. to Frome), London a 141. • 1. Glastonbury 15, Wells a 20 (v. gd. level). E. Ill : />// Fore St., Eastover, and St. John St. : — Otliery 7, Langport 12 (v. med.). Long Sutton • 16, Marston Magna 25. Sherborne ffi. 29, Blandford a 49, Bournemouth a 67 {gd. nnd.). • r. Long Sutton 16, Ilchestcr 20, Yeovil & 25 {med. und.). E. IV : by St. Mary St. and Taunton Rd. :— Thurioxton 6, Taunton & 11 {v. gd. und.). E. V : by High St., North St., and Werrtbdon Rd. :— Cannington'3, Holford 11, Williton 18, Dunster 24, ]\rinehead ^ 26 (cjd. V. hilly, 1/9 desc. at 17 m.). A.ST JOHN'S CHURCH C.ST MARY'S CHURCH G- P.S.- R.S.(G.W.R.) R.S.(S.& D.) (See p. 3 ) BRIDGVV^ATER Bristol w ® 1 Fore Street 2 Eastover 3 Monmouth Street 4 Bristol Road 5 Bath Road 6 St John Street 7 St Hary Street Taunton Road Penel Orlieu North Street 'Wembdon Road Glare Street Lft Jg^ The Royal Clarence, D 3/6 E. 4/- Chfr 6/6 to 7/6 Gar ins Gratig N 1/- [9] EAC T Clarence :p> 150. m. Bristol, High St., B 1/6 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/ [ciS Gar ins Gratis {t\ T Davis Son :p> 86. W^ Micheiin Stockists, The Bridgrwater Motor Co., Ltd., Eastover, ^(/L /or Wolseley, Belstze, R.C.H., Arrol-John- STON, doo] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Motor Co. ;p> 18. M.C.T. BRIDLINGTON m (Yorkshire), M. 18, ME, Pop. 14,344. M.D., Wed.. Sat. ; E.C., Thiirs. See :— Priory (Ens.) • (C) ; St. Mary's Ch. (A) ; E. Flainborough Head 6. :§: S.W. 1 (E. III). E. I: by Queen St., Manor St., Prospect St., Quay Rd., St. John St., High St., and Scarborough Rd. :— Dottereiip. H. 6, Filey Si 11, Scarborough Sl 18 {gd. rd., 1/15 desc. at 7 m.). E. II : by Queen St., The Promenade, and Flamborough Rd. :— Fiamborough 4 (for Flamborough Hd.). E. Ill : by Bridge St., Hilderthorpe Rd. and Besinghy Rd. : — (amaby • 3, Lissett • 8, Brandaburton 15, Routh • 19, Wagne 24, Hull & 30 {med. rd.), London a 211. • r. Carnaby 3, Burton Agnes 6, Great Driffield ^ • • 12, Fridaythorpe 20, York Si 40 (gd. rd.). BRIDPORT Bridling-ton (continued). — 198 — • 1. Great Driffield la 12, Market Weighton 28, Howden 41, Thorns a 55, Don caster Sl 65 (gd. rd. hilly). 1. Lissett 8, Skipsea 11, Hornsea 16 (med. rd.). T. Ronth 19, Beverley & 24 (med. rd. level). BRIDLINGTON A. SArnr mary's cHuftCH C. PRIORY (RNS.) P.S.-R.S.-G.(See p. 3) 1 Qneen Street 2 Manor Street 3 Prospect Street 4 Quay Road 5 Saint John Street 6 High Street 7 Scarborough Bd, 8 Promenade 9 Flamborough Rd. 10 Bridge Street 11 HUderthorpe Rd. 12 Besingby Road 3 Kirkgate 14 Cemetery Road 15 Saint John's Av, 16 Saint John's Rd. 17 Ings Lane 18 Cardigan Road _ 19 Prince Street ==^20 Marine Drive m Alexandra Hydro Hotel, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/6 Lft (cS 8 PG 800 y RAC T Alexandra :p i. 1^ The Hydro, opp. Spa, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- PG 500 y T Hydro :js> 19. m Britannia, Prince St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed adj m :p' 184 Nat. f^ Michelln Stockist, F. G. Purdon, Purdon's Motor Ga.ra.gre, Springfield Av., Agt. for Bblsizb, Hupmobile. Austin, Sunbeam, go] Boxes [H] LT N Sun., Night, RAC T Purdon's Motors :p 38 Nat. - — J. H. Atkin & Co., Ltd., Prospect St., Agt. for Argyll. Flanders, [M) Boxes (T] "U \Sun., Night, RAC hF» 36 Nat. Bridport ® (Dorset), M. 27, El, Pop. 5,919. E.C., Thurs. M.D., lT>d., Sat. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Old Houses ; N. Netherbury (Ch. Goth.) 5 ; E. Roadside stone commemorating escape of Charles II from Charmouth 1 ; Swyre (Intermittent Spring) 3 ; N.W. Strode (Eliz. Manor Ho. ) 7. X S. W. 2. Beaminster 6, Crewkerne 13 (gd. v. hilly, 1112 desc. at 10 m.). Blue Ball Hill 2, Winterbourne Abbas 10, DorCheSter M 15 (gd. V. hilly, 1J9 asc. at % m.). Swyre 6, Portesham 12, Weymouth j®. 20 (med. 7nany gates ; r. pict.). Westbay 2. Charmouth • 7, Lyme Regis 9, Coiyford 15, sidford 23, Exeter ®. 37 (gd. V. hilly ; two 1/8 gradients and several 1/9-10). • r. Charmouth 7, Axminster 12 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 9 m.). Broadwindsor 7, Crewkeme 13 (gd. hilly, recom., 1/16 asc. at A m.). 199 — BRIGHOUSE K 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter Bridport (continued). m. Greyhound, S, East St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3 200 y Gratis [6] T Greyhound ::f<> 194. ^ Bull, SU, East St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins 6?m«is [9] r Bull :fi> 196. ^^a Michelin Stockist, G. Bonfieid, Bridport Motor E.ng. Wks., 66,West St., Agt. for T>E DioN, Glawator, Daimler, (Ml U "S Sun., Night, RAC T Bonfteld Garage 7^ 25. — E. A. Chard, St. Andrew's Rd.,\M\U \. Brierfieid (Lancashire), M. 16 (not marked on map), ESJ, Pop. 8,260. Nelson Si 1, Colne ffl. 4, Skipton fi. 16 = Burnley ^ 3. Brierley Hill (Stafford), M. 21 (?io« marked on wop), I^dJ, Pop. 12,264. Dudley ^ 3 = Stourbridge ^ 2, Kidderminster j& 9. Brigg # (Lincoln), M. 18, ^dJ, Pop. 3,343. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— N.E. Wrawby Ch. 2. ^ N. 2 (Elsham) (Fisitors must be intro- duced). ' Wrawby 2 < NcAv Holland 16, (ferry -3) Hull ffl. 20 — Barton-upon- Humber 10 = Caistor 9, Great Grimsby ffi. 21 = Redboume 5 < Lincoln ja 24 — Gainsborough Sl 19, East Retford a 30 = Winterton m. 10. JUL Angel, Market Place, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- E. 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/6 [sj RAC Lt. :?> 3 PO. 1*1^ Woolpack, 3, Market Place, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed Ul Shelter \&\ ins Gratis. fifsm Michelin Stockists, E. H. Smith & Sons, S, Market PL, Agt.for Flanders, Rover, [30I Boxes fal U S T Smith's :|<> 7. — G. H. Layne & Co., hS, Bigby St.. Agt. for WOLSELEr, Darracq, Star, [12] U \ Sun. RAC T Layne Garage :p> 28 17, and Special Maps 46, 47, Tues. BRIGHOUSE # (Yorkshire), M Pop. 20,845. M.D , Sat. ; E.C. E. I : by Bradford Ed. :— Wyke 3, Bradford iS. 8 (med. rd., 1/21 asc. at 3 m.). 1 Bradford Road 2 King Street 3 Clifton Road 4 Clifton Common 5 Wakefield Road 6 Huddersfield Road 7 Commercial Street 8 Elland Road 9 Halifax Road 10 Garden Road 11 Bonegate Road 12 Bethel Street 13 Briggate 14 Brighouse Wood Lane 15 Thornhills Bridge Lane BRIGHTLINGSEA - 200 - Brigrhouse {continued). E. 11 : bii King St., Clifton Ed., and Clifton Common: — Cleck'heaton 4, Birstal 7, Leeds SL 14 (gd. rd., IJH-IO asc. ffmn Brighouse). E. Ill : by King St. and Wakefield Rd. :— Three Xuns Inn 2, Dewsbury 6, WakefleW 13 Oned. rd., l/U asc. at 6 m.), Doncaster Q. 33, London a 199. E. IV : by Iluddersfield Rd. ;— Hastrick 2, Huddorsfield ®. 4 (m£d. rd., IjlU asc. at 1 in.). E. V : by Commercial St. and Elland Rd. : — Elland 3, Halifax a 6 {ined. rd., 1/12-19 asc. at r> m.). E. VI : by Commercial St. and Halifax Rd : — • 2, Queensbury 6, Kelghley fi. 15 (med. rd. v. hilly, 1/11 asc. from Brighouse). • I. 2, Halifax Sl 5 (med. rd., 1/13 desc. at U m.). f^ MIchelin Stockists, Waterfield & Drake, 6, Police St., Agt. for Ford, g] U \ Sun., Night, :p> 122, BHgrhtlingrsea (Essex), M. 24, 30, ED, Pop. 4,404. Cross Kds. 3 ^ Wivenhoe 6, Colchester ®. 10 — C)acton-on-Sea 12. BRIGHTON m (Sussex), M.-29, El, Pop, 131,250. M.D., Tues.. Wed., Thurs., Sat.; E.C., Wed., Thurs. See :-St. Peter's Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; St. Nicholas' Ch. (C) ; Royal Pavilion (D) ; Aquarium (E) ; Museum and Picture Gallery (M) ; N. Devil's Dyke 6. X E. 2 (E. III). >ki (E. I) Juiie 2U-25th ; A-ag. 5-1 th. E. I : fc*/ Pavilion Parade, Grand Parade, York PL, London Rd., and Preston Rd. ;— Pyecombe 6, Bolney 14, Handcross 18, Crawley ffl. 22, Povey Cross 26, Horley a 28, Redhill a 32, Puriey 39, Cfoydon m. 42 (fnagn rd.), London & 53 (three 1/17 gradients). E. II : by Pavilion Parade, Grand Parade, Richmond PL, Waterloo PL, Richmond Terrace, and Lewes Rd. : — Falmer 4, LOWOS ®. 8, Beddingham 11, Wilmington 18, Polegate • 20. Pevensey 25, Bexhill ffl. 32, St. Leonards 36, Hastings a 37 {v. gd.', 1/12 asc. to Bexhill). • r. Polegate 20, Eastboume a 25 {v. gd. imd., 1/19 asc. at 23 m.). E. Ill : by Maritie Parade : — Rottingdean 4, Newhaven 9 (gd. rd. hilly), Seaford 13, Friston 17, Eastbourne ffl. 22 (tried, v. hilly, 1/9 desc. at 17 m.). E. IV : by King's Rd. and Shoreham Rd. : — New Shoreham 7, Norfolk Br. (Toll: Cars 6d., motor-cycles 2d., trailers 2d.), Worthing a H (gd. level rd.). £.\l : by Old Steyne, Castle Sq., North St., Western Rd., and Church Rd. :— Old Shoreham 7, Level -crossing (Toll : Cars 6d., motor-cycles 2d., trailers 2d.), Broadwater Green 12, Arundel 20, Balls Hut Inn 25, ChlCheStor 31 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 asc. to and 1/13 desc. from Arundel), Bursiedon Br. 55 (Toll: Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 3d!., with trailer or forecarrlage 5r/.), Southampton ffl. 60 (Floating Br. : Cars 1/- including 4 passengers). Jl« Grand, King's Rd., B 3/- L 3/6 D 5/- B, 7/6 to 20/- Chfr 7/6 Lft § PG adj RAC T Grand :f> 4921, 4922, 4923 Nat, Metropole, King's Rd., B 3/6 L 4/- D 6/- R 5/6 Chfr 9/6 Lft EH Gar ins Gratis [H] RAC T Metropole :p> 841, 842, 843, Royal York, Old Steyne, B 3/- L 3/6 D 5/- R 4/6 to 7/6 Chfr 7/- Lft IcHl (t Gar Box U 200 y N 1/6 [50) T Presto :f> 293 Nat. 206 PO. ifUgf Royal Albion, King's Rd. and Old Steyne, B 3/6 L 4/- D 5/6 R 8/6 Chfr 7/- Lft (cH 8 Gar U dist go] T Brilliancy ;p> 903 PO. iMfi Bedford, 137, King's Rd., B 3/- L 4/- D 6/- Chfr 7/6 Lft « PG dist If' 340 PO. jlSU. Royal Crescent, King's Cliff, Marine- Parade, B 3/- L 3/6 D 6/- R 8/- Chfr 7/6 Lft [CH| « Gar U 150 y [so] RAC T Crescent Hotel, ::p> 1091 and 1092 Kemp Town. fm Queen's, King's Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 6/6 Chfr 6/- Lft IcHl 5 PG 200 y :?> 368. mm The Old Ship, 38, King's Rd., B 3/- L3/6 D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr 7/- 5 Gar U ins Gratis [60) RAC T Old Ship :p> 214 Nat. and PO. flJB Victoria, 63 1372 PO. I*gfj| Albemarle, Marine Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 2/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/- 8 Gar U 250 y Gratis go] RAC T Albemarle qp> 1468. Every drop lubricates*' Ordinary intermittent engine-work is no real test of the eflfectiveness of a lubricant. It is when an oil shows its quality, under long spells of "all out" driving, that its true value can be fixed. And that is how we want you to test Champion Motor Oil to prove that speed pressure or temperature makes no difference to its lubricating value ; and that Champion prevents wear and tear of,bearings ; that it deposits no carbon ; and that it is extremely economical. Made in 3 Grades: Heavy (A) Medium (B) Light (C) Order a trial can from your Agent. S. Bowley & Son, Wellington Works, Battersea, London, W. THE Illustrated London News THE OLDEST AND BEST ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER Represents all that is best in English Journalism. It is among Illustrated Papers " The Father of the House " : The Pioneer Paper of Illustrated Journalism. THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS is generally conceded to be the most widely-circulated of all high-clabs Illustrated Newspapers. It is to be seen in the principal hotels in all parts of the world, and is posted by English people to their sons and brothers in the most distant countries and most far-away colonies. TERMS OF SUBSCRrPTION /Twelve Months (including Christmas number) . .£193 Inland ^ bix Months, 14/- ; or including Christmas Number ^5 3 VThree Months,?/-; or including Christmas Number 8 3 /•Twelve Months (including Christmas Number), . 1 11 6 Canada < Six Months, 15/2 ; or including Christmas Number 16 4 iThree Months 7/7 ; or including Christmas Number 8 9 Plo K /Twelve Months (including Christmas Number) .200 AK « H i Six Months, 19/6 ; or including Christmas Number 110 Aoroaa tThreeMonths,9/9; or including Christmas Number 11 3 Subscriptions must be paid in advance, direct to the Publbhing Office, 173, Strand, in English money ; by cheques, crossed " The Union of London and Smiths Bank, Liipited " ; or by Post Office Order, payable at the East Strand Post Office to The Illustrated London News & Sketch. Ltd., 172, Strand, London, W.C. WHY is THE SKETCH the most Popular Illustrated Paper in the World ? BECAUSE it is tlte LIGHTEST, BRIGHTEST, WITTIEST & PRETTIEST 0/ Mil Illustrated Papers, THE SKETCH 6cL Weekly. Publishing Offices: 172, Strand, London, W.G. - 201 - BRISTOL ■ighton (cnnfiiiued). ^ R.ival, ISl ft [Ca « ^ 4557. ff» Michelin Stockists, Brigrhton and Sussex Motor and Carriagre Works, Ltd., 13a. Cannon PL, [to] Boxes US] U" \ Sun., Nij^dit, KAC T Petrol ::p> 847. — Michelin StOClclst, Q. Hill, 17, Gloucester PL, Agt.for Darracq, II UPMOBILK, [20] U Sun., T Plug :?> 91GP0, 5X ]^at., 2378 Nat. — Miclielin Stocl 5829. — Miclieii-n Stoclcists, P. Fairfield & Co., Ltd., AtUagxvorth St. Garage, Kemp Town, [U Boxes H] U \ Sun., T Fail-field 7f> 1454 Kemp Town and 235 PO, — Langton Limited, Wick Garage, Davidor Rd., and Den- mark Garage, Hove, go] Boxes (SUN, Sun., Night, f Motors :?*> 2263 Hove. — Hill and Sj'mmons, Ltd. , Waterloo St. , Hove, Agt. for Flanders, E.M.F., go] Boxes [H] U Sun., Night, :p> 2378 Hove. — King's Cliff Motor Co. {0pp. Kemp Town Station), Agt. for HURTU, go] Boxes a U \ Sun., Night, :p> 1645 PO. — E. B. Smith, 19 A, Norfolk Sq., \M\^ 4430 Nat. — R. .Tohn, Preston Park Garage, AgL for Leon BOLLl^:, [4] Sun., Night, :p> 1106. — A. J. E-ice, 131, London Rd. — ^^'illbury Stables Co., Ltd., la, Cromwell Rd., Hove. — James Miles, 10, SL Peters St., London Rd ,\^\J ^ 5809. — IVIichelin M.C.T., Hewett's Motor Agency, 102, Western Rd., Hove. BRISTOL @ (Gloucester), M.27, ^, Pop. 357,059. M.D., Wed., Tlmrs., Sat. ; E.G., Wed. See :— St. Peter's Hospital (A) ; St. Stephen's Ch. (C) ; Mayor's Chapel (Goth.) (D) ; Temple Ch. (E) ; Cathedral • (F) ; St. Mary's Ch., Redcliffe • (H) ; Clifton Suspension Br. (J) ; University (U) ; Clifton Down • ; Durdham Down, "j^ N.W. 3. X W. 2. E. I : by Broad St., Wine St., Union St., Lower Union St., Bond St., Stokes Croft, Cheltenham Rd., and Gloucester Rd. :— Filton 4, Almonsbury 7, Alveston ffl. 10, Stone 16, Cambridge 23, Hardwicke 29, Gloucester Sl 34 (magn. ly. und., 1/16 desc. at h m.). E. II : by Broad SL, Wine SL, Dolphin SU, Peter SL, Castle SL, Old Market SL, West St., Trinity Rd., Stapleton Rd., and Fishponds Rd. :- ' Downend 5, Dodington Ash • 13, Acton Turville 16, Great Sherston 21, iVIalmesbury ffl. 26, Minety 33, Cricklade 38, Biunsdon Hiii 41, High- worth 46, Faringdon 52, Oxford a 69 (v. gd. und., 1/10 asc. at Wm.). • 1. Dodington Ash 13, Dunkirk 18, Weston Birt 23, Tetbury ffi. 26, Ciren- cester a 36 {v. gd., 1/lU asc. to Tetbury). E. ill : by Broad SL, Wine SL, Doli)hin St., Peter SL, Cwstle SL, Old Market SL, West St., Clarence Rd., Lawrence Hill, and Red field Rd. :- Wick 7, Cold Aston 10, Marshfield 12 (med. rd.), Ciilppeniiam ®. •22(bad rd.), Calne ffl. 28, IVIarlborough ®. 41, Hungerford 51, Newbury m. '>9 (gd. und., 1/9 asc. at 9 m.), Reading ®. 76, London ®. 117. E. IV : by High St., Victoria SL, Bath Parade, Brislington Cresc, and, Bath Rd. :— Brislington 3, Keynsham 5, Batli @. 13 {bumpy to Keynshaw, gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at 3 m.), London ffl. 121. E. V : hy High St., Victoria St., Bath Parade, and Wells Rd. :— Pensford 6, Farrington Gumey 12, Chewton Mendip 15, WeliS ^ 20 (v. gd. V. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 3 and 12 tn.). E. VI : by High St., Redcliffe St., Bedminster Parade, East St., and West SL .— Bedminster 1, Churchill 13, Cross • 17 (hilly), East Brent 21, Highbridge 25, Bridgwater Sl 33 (v. gd., 1/11 desc. at 10 m.), Exeter ^ 76. • 1. Cross 17, Axbridge 18, Cheddar 21. E. VII : by Corey SL, Clare SL, St. Augustine's Br., Deanery RxL, St. George's Rd., Hotwell Rd., Merchant's Place, New Swing Br., Ashton Ar.. and Ashton Rd. :—, > 5, Congresbury 12, Puxton Stn. 16, WeStOH-SUper-Mare & 20. ' r. 5, Tickenham 10, Clevedon ffi. 14 Qjd. und.). BRITON FERRY - 202 - Bristol {continuecC). E. VIII : by Broad St., Xmas St., Cohton St., Perry Rd., Park Row, Queen's Rd., Lansdown Rd., Manilla Rd., Beaufort Buildingi^, Gloucester Rd., Clifton Suspension Br., and Bridge Rd. ;— Portbury 7, Clevedon ^ 14 (gd. reconu). E. IX : by Broad St., Rupert St.. Bond St., St. James' Barton, North St., Stokes Croft, Cheltenham Rd., Arley Hill, Redland Rd., Westbury Park, and Westbury Rd. ;— Westbury -on-Trym 4, PUning Stn. 9 (hilly ; 1/12 desc. at 7 m.), (train to) Severn Tunnel Junction 16, ifton 17, Caerwent 18 (gd. surface, 1/11 desc. at 18 m.), Newport ffi. 29 (magn. rd.). ja Royal, College Green, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 6/6 Chfr 7/- Eg S Lft Gar 100 y Gratis [Ml RAC T Banquet qs> 3591, 3592. ja Clifton Down, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft 8 Gar adj Gratis g] RAC T Suspension :p> 550. JB. Grand, Broad St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 6/- Lft S Gar adj [6] J^ 2845. ja. St. Vincent's Rocks, Sion Hill, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 ICHi Gar U adj Gratis g] RAC T Rocks Hotel, Clifton !?> 572 IS Grand Spa, Princess Buildings, nr. Suspension Br., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Lft [03 8 Gar U 200 y Gratis |20] T Spa :F> 655. Imperial Hotel, RAC. Royal Talbot Hotel. George and Railway Hotel. fW Michelin Stockist, Howard Stephens, >S'^. George's Rd., College Green, Agt. for Hupmobile, Bianchi, [10) IJ :?> 4416. — Michelin Stockists, Western Motor Co., Queen's Rd., Agt. for WOLSELEY, [^ Boxes U \ T Exactitude ;fo 2304. — Michelin Stockists, The Bristol Waggon and Carriag^e Works Co., Ltd., 138, Victoria St., Agt. for Belsize, Talbot, Vauxhall, [ioo) U \ Sun,, Night, RAC T Battery 7f> 4630. — J. S. Willway & Sons, Ltd., 17, St. Augustine's Parade, Agt for HUMBER, NAPIER, MINERVA, [60] Boxes \3} \J Sun., Night, ' RAC T Willway :p> 2793. — The Bristol Motor Co., Ltd., A, 5, Redcross St., IMU \ RAC T Autocar ;p 1195. — W. H. Welch & Co., Ltd., Redcliffe Backs, and 98, Redcliffe St., Agt. for Bedford, Arrol-Johnston, Scout, Mors, [3o) % T Welch, Redcliffe ^ 4110 and 411. — A. A. Macnab, The Kensington Motor Garage, Royal Park, Clifton, [4] Box [T] % :F> 4129. — Michelin M.C.T., C. B. Baines, Aberdeen Rd., White Ladies Rd., ', Clifton (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., F. Chapman & Sons, W, Ashley Rd. (IVIotor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., R. V. Philpott & Co., 8, Horse Fair (Motor j Cycles), Briton Ferry (Glamorgan), M. 26, Ed), Pop. 8,474. See :-S.E. Baglan Ch. 2. Neath Sl 3, Swansea a 11 s= Aberavon 3, Bridgend j Brixham (Devonshire), M. 26, Eml) Pop. 7,954. See :— Parish Ch. (XlVth c.) ; E. Berry Hd. (Rns.). (Ferry -W) Dartmouth 5 = 3 < Paignton 5, Torquay ^ 8 — Totnes 10, Ashburton 18. Broadford (Inverness-Skye), M. 7, (No ^^ in Skye). See :— N.W. Loch Cornish • 15. 1 < (ferry -46* ; no motors) Glenelg 13 — Kyle Akin 8 =: SHgachan Inn 15 •< Portree 25 — Bracadaie Ch. 29, Dunvegan 40. Broadford Hotel. The "Condick" All-Weather Body. TF The only successful All-weather Body manufactured, "P Fitted as standard by all car manufacturers. "P Very much lighter than Cabrio- lette — practically no heavier than Touring Body with Hood and Screen. "P Combines the advantages of a Landaulette with those of a Touring Body. Y Is easily manipulated by one person from inside the car. IP All rattle entirely eliminated. THE BRISTOL WAGON & CARRIAGE WORKS CO., LTD., Lawrence Hill, Bristol. London Offices ; Suffolk Hou$e, Laurence Pountney Hill, London, E.C. BRISTOL sl' A.ST PETER'S HOSPITAL ^ C.ST STEPHEN'S CHURCH 0. MAYOR'S CHAPEL E.TEIIPLE CHURCH • F. CATHEDRAL • H.ST MARY'S REDCLIFFE ? J. CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE U UNIVERSITY R.s.-P.s.e.-M.-T.- (See p. 3 ) Durdhaiu Do-wrn Clifton Down Imperial H. — Zoological ardens We/item Motor Ck) \ Royal R. Ro How^ard Stephens bbo\ The Leading Sunday Paper since 1822« THE Motor Notes by "QjilKon/* Golf Gossip by Bernard Darwin. Umversity Sport by **Camisis." Racing Chatter by "The Bard; FULL SPORTING NEWS. ~ 203 - BROMYARD Broadstairs (Kent), M. 30, WE, Pop. 8,929. E.G., Tfinr.^. See :— Bt. Peter's Oh. (Xlltli c.) ; Convalescent Home. ^ N. 2. Margate a 4 = Ramsgate ffl. 2. §a (irand (June to Sept.), B .3/6 L 3/- D 6/- R 5/6 to 15/- CUfr Of- f PG 250 y T Grandly ;p> 7. m Balmoral, Albion St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 113/6 to 5/6 Chfr6/6 S Shed adj Gratis (5] T Balmoral :?> 99. ^■i H. B. Dixon, The Gai'ase, Dundonald Ed., and Belvedere Rd., Agt. for Renault, Belsize, Clement, do) LT Sun., Night, RAG T Dixon :p> 9X. Broadway (Worcester), M. 21, Pop. 1,414 P. See :— Old Houses (Tud. and Jacob.) ; Lygon Arms. ^ E. 1. W eston Subedge 4, Mickleton 7, Strattord-On-AvOfl a 15 = 3 «5 Chipping Campden 5 — Moreton-in-the-Marsh 8 = Winchcomb 8, Cheltenham @. ir> = Evesham a 6. jJH Lygon Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- to 6/- Chfr 7/- 9 Gar in» M -/6 N 1/- Court Gratis g] RAC T Russell 7> 5. ^p^B E. A. Bolland & Co., High St. Brockenhurst @ (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 1,585 P. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Boldre Ch. (Norm, and Goth.). ^ N. 1. Lj-ndhurst Sl 4, Southampton ffl. 14 = Lymington 5. JS. Forest Park, Rhinefield Rd., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- to 6/- Chfr 7/6 [cE JT Gar LT ins Gratis N 1/- [t] RAC T Foxhound :?!> 8. ffil Balmer Lawn, B 2/6 L 3/6 D 5/- R 5/6 to 7/- Chfr 7/6 [cH Box LT ins 2/- Qs] RAC T Tallyho :?' 2. \^^ Michelin Stockist, A. Keeping^, [9] Boxes [2] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Keeping :p' 10. Bromley ® (Kent), M. 29 and Special Maps 42, 43, |m1. Pop. 33,649. M.D., Thurs. ; B.C., Fed. See :— St. Peter and St. Paul's Ch. (Goth, and Norm.) ; Bromley Pal. ; Bromley College. :§^ E. 2. Lew-isham 4, London ®. 11 = Chislehurst 3, Sidoup la. 5, Bexley 8, Dartford ll = Bromley Common 2 •< Sevenoaks ®. 14, Tonbridge ffi. 20 — Westerham 11, Bdenbridge 16 = Beckenham ^ 2, Croydon @. 6. Royal Bell Hotel, RAC. ^m Michelin Stockists, James Young: & Co., Ltd., 39, London Rd. and 136, High St., {S\U \^ 268, 137, and 723. — Bromley Central Garage, West St., (15] Boxes g] U N RAC T Movet ;p> 955. — Soans, Dunn, and Jones, Mason's Hill, gll U \ if> 350. — S. Wood & Son, 19, Freelands Rd. , \6] U \ :f' 221. — R. B. Anthony, The Bromley Motor and Engineering Works, Mason's Hill, [HI LT \ RAC T Anthony Garage :p> 961, Bromsgrrove (Worcester), M. 21, IHH, Pop. 8,928. M.D., Tues., Sat. ; B.C., Thurs. See :-01d Houses. :^ S.E. 1. Stourbridge a 10 = 2 < Birmingham ffi. 13 — Halesowen 8, Dudley Sl 13 = Alcester 13, Stratford-on-Avon j®. 21 = Droitwich Sl 6, Worcester a 13 = Kidderminster a 10. Dragon and Station Hotel, New Rd. ffaa J. Bryant & Sons, HBO-Wl, High St., Aat. for WOLSELEY, FORD, [20] U \ Sun.. Night, RAC 'f Bryant's Garage :p' 5. Bromyard (Hereford), M. 21, EH, Pop. 1,703. M.D., Thurs.; E.C.. Tues. ^ N.E.I. Tenbury 11, Ludlow a 21 = Stourport 17, Kidderminster @. 21 = Worcester ® 14 = i < Ledbury Sl 13, Gloucester ®. 29 — Hereford m. 14 = Leominster @. 12. ^B» A. and E. Pettifer, Rowberry St. and Broad St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBBR, DARRACQ, [6] BoxeS (U U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Pettifer. The price of a room is for a g^ood medium-sized room with larg:e bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper may let rooms at 2^i<^^ inferior or superior to those given in the Guide according to situation and installation. BROOKLANDS - 204 - Brooklands (Suney), M. 29 (not marked on map). Motor Track and Aviation Ground. Weybridge ffl. 1 = t'obhani a y = Byfleet Sl 1. Brora. (Sutherland), W. 5, Pop. 548. See :-X.W. Cole Cas. (Rns.) 10. :§C E. h. Helmsdale 11, Latheron 31, Lybster 35, WiCk a 48 = Cxolspie 6, {ferry -38 ; no motors) Tain ffl. 25. Brougrh (Westmorland), M. 16, Pop. 590 P, ^^ Great Musgrove 2. See :— Castle (Rns.); Church (XVIth c. Goth.); E. Stainmoor (Roman camp, Roy Cross) 5. ^. Middleton-tn-Teesdale 14 = Bowes 13 < Barnard Castle 17 — Richmond fi. 29 = Kirkby Stephen 5, Sedbergh j®. 19 = Appleby 8, Penrith a 21. Castle Hotel, RAC. Broughty Ferry (Forfar), M. 10, (El, Pop. 11,059. See :— Broughty Cas. (Rns,). Forfar a 16 = ciaypots 1 < Arbroath 15 — Dundee a 4 = Carnoustie 7, Arbroath 15. f^w Kinninmonth and Ford, 3k6, Brook St., Agt. for SlDDELEY- Deast, [20] Boxes {5] "LT % Sun. T Kinninmonth :p> 238. Brownhills (Stafford), M. 21, WB, Pop. 16,856. See :— X. Knaves' Cas. (Tumulus) 1. Bridgetown 4 < Wellington 25 — Cannock 5. Penkridge 10, Stafford & 16 =r Muckley Corner 2 < Lichfield S. 5 — Atherstoiie 17 = Sbir«ock 1 < Cross Rds. 11, Stonebridge 19, Coventry ^ 27 — WalSall a 6 — Bhir- cock 1, Cross Koads 11, Birmingham & 16. Broxburn ^ (Linlithgow), M. 12 {not marked on map), Pop. 7,099, 5^1 Drumshoreland 1. ^fC- See :— Oil and Candle Works. Edinburgh St H = Bathgate 8. ^^ Michelin Stockists, Forsyth & Co., Broxburn Motor and Eng^ineering: Works, [t] U \ Sun., Night, T Forsyths Motors ;p> 5. Bruton (Somerset), M. 27, Pop. 1,788 P. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Vicarage ; The Hospital ; Old Br. ^ S. 2. Frome ®. 11 = Longbridge Deveriii 12 •< Amesbury a. 31 — Warminster a 15 = 3 •<: Gillingham ®. 10. Shaftesbury j®. 15 — Wincanton 6, Sherborne a 16 = 4 «; Castle Cary 5 — sparkford 8. Yeovil a 16 — Sparkford 8, Ilchester 13 = Shepton Mallet 7, Wefls a 12. Brynmawr (Brecknock) M. 20, fupl , Pop. 7,592. Abergavenny a 8 = Blaenavon 5 = Abertillery 6, Newport j®. 22 = 2 < Tredegar 4, Dowlais 9, Merthyr Tydfil a 11 — Ebbw Vale 3. Buckden (Huntingdon), M. 23, Pop. 1,021 P. 1 < xorman Cross 16, Wansford 23, Stamford ®. 29 — Huntingdon J® 4 — Norman Cross 15, Peterborough J® 21 = Oflord Chiney 2 < God- manchester 5 — St. Neots ^ 7 = 8 •< Biggleswade 16 — Bedford ffi. 17. m George, Great North Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 7/- Gar ins N 1/- g] RAC T George :p) 14. m Lion, Great North Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis [5] RAC Lt. T Lion. Buckie (Banff), W. 6, TM, Pop. 8,897. See :-Harbour. -^ W. 3. Findochtv 4, Cullen 8 = Cullen 7, Portsoy 13, Banff 21 = Fochabers 7, Elgin ^16 = Poitgordon 2, Keith 12. BUCKINGHAM §> (Buckingham), M. 22, 28, WB, Pop. 3,282. :M.D., Mon., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Vicarage (D) ; Town Hall (XVIIth c.) (G) ; St. John's Royal Latin School (C); Manor Ho. (XVIIth c.) (E) ; Stowe Ho. (E. V) ; Old Bull Ring and Shem Cas. E. I : &y Market Sq., High St., and Moreton Rd. : — Whittiebury 7, Towcester a 10, Northampton a 19 {gd. und., several ] 1 18 gradients). 205 BUPE Buckingham (continued). ' E. II : hij High St. and Stratford Rd. ;— Dean.s)iaDger 6, Stony Stratford a 8, Wolverton 10, Newport Pagneil 14, Bedford fiL 27 {v. gd., IjlU asc. at 8 m). E III : &2/ Bridge St. and London Rd. :— Winslow 7, Whitchurch 12, Aylesbury a 17 (v. gd. v. hilly, 1/lU asc. at 11 m.y, London ffl. 57. E IM- by Castle St., Nelson St., and Tingewick Rd. :— "Newton Purceii 5, Blcoster Q. 11, Oxford & 24 (v. gd., 1-23 asc. at 2 m.). E.M: by West St. and Brackley Rd. :— Brackley 7, iiiddieton Cheney 14, Banbury a 17 (gd. v. hilly, 1/15 desc. at 16 m.). BUCKINGHAM BAlfBo. A. CASTLE HOUSE C ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL G. TOWN HALL D. VICARAGE E. MANOR HOUSE G. P.S. R.S. (See p 3.) 1 Market Square 2 High Street 3 Moreton Road 4 Stratford Road 5 Bridge Street 6 London Road 7 Castle Street 12 Well Street 8 Nelson Street 13 Church Street 9 Tingewick Road 14 Hunter Street 10 West Street 15 Chandos Road 11 Brackley Road 16 Bourton Road 17 Station Road SCALE V4 '/2 Si White Hart, 2, Market Sg., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 § Shed [6] Court (lo) ins Gratis RAC Lt. T White Hart :p» 31. a Swan and Castle, Castle St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- 8 Shed [4] Shelter d] ins Gratis. f» Michelin Stockists, Phillips & Sons, Chandos Rd., [e] U \ T Phillips :f> 21. Bude ^ (Cornwall), M. 25, Ed), Pop. 2,979. E.C., Thurs. See :— Castle ; N.E. Kilkhampton (Quaint Cottages, Ch. Goth., Tomh of Sir Richard Grenvillc of " The Revenge ") 4. "^ K 1. Thorn Cross 1 < Straiten 2, Red Post Inn 5, Holsworthy 10, Hatherleigh 23 — Fork 10, Camelford 19 — Thorn Cross 1, Stratton 2, Baxworthy Cross 12, Hartland 14 — Thom Cross 1, Stratton 2, Red Post Inn 5, LaunCOSfOn & 19 — Thom Cross 1, Fork 10, BoSCastle 15 — Thom Cross 1, Stratton 2, Baxworthy Cross 12, Clovelly 16. SI Grenville, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft « Gar ins (^-atis go) RAC. J©. Falcon, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Q Gar U 50 y (^atis [m RAC T Brendon. Michelin Stockist, J. K. Heard, Bude Garagre, 1, View, SU U N Sun., Night. S. Edwards, Morwenna Terrace, [4] U ?> 9. I Hill BUDLEIGH SALTERTON - 206 - Budleigrh Sa-lterton @ (Devonshire), M. 26, ISS, Pop. 2,170. See :— Parish Ch. East Budieigh 2 < Ottery St. Mary 10, Honiton 15 — Sidmouth a 6 at Exmouth 5, Topsham 11, Exeter ffi. 16. fim nolle Arms, High St., B 2/6 L3/- J) 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 8/- Gar adj Gratis [6] RAC ;p> 4. © I'eathers, iJ/j;^ .S^., Shed ins Gratis Nl/6 [i] :ip> 20. T^a Michelin Stockists, Hutching^s and Sheppsird, Chapel St.,{^U \ Sun. ;p' 36. Builth Wells (Brecknock), M. 20, ED, Pop. 1,710. See :— Castle remains. Llandrindrod Wells, 8, Llanbadam Fawr (Cross Gates) 11, Llanbisler 17, Llanbadain-fynydd 22, Dolfor 30, NewtOWn ffl. 35 (med. gin., 1/13 deSC. at '^ m.). Erwood 7, Llyswen • 11, • 14, Talgarth 15 {pict.), Oickhowell 27, Abergavenny a 33 (v. gd., 1/n desc. at 37 m.). • 1. Llyswen 11, Three Cocks 14, Hay ffl. 19, Bredwardine 26, Madley 34, Hereford jSl 40 (gd. hilly, pict., several 1/17 gradients). • r. 14, Brecon a 21 (gd. recom.). Upper Chapel 8, Brecon J®. 17 (rough precipitous rd., many 1/8 gradients). Garth 6, Llanwrtyd 13, Lianfah-ary-biyn 20, Llandovery 24 (poor rd. v. hilly), Llandilo M 36, Carmarthen ^ 51 (v. gd., 1/8 desc. at k m.). Newbridge 6, PJiayader 14. Aberystwith 48 (gd. rd. pict., 1/lU desc. at k m.). ifiL CroAvn, Broad St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis g] jSJL Lion, High St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratia [6] RAC T Pryce :?> X6. Bui well (Xottingliam), M. 22, Pop. 14,767. See :—W. Nuthall Ch. and Temple 2. Hucknall Torkard 2, Mansfield ^ 12 = Nottingham ®. 4. Bungay 1 (Suffolk), IV!.24, IEdI, Pop. 3,359. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; St. Mary's Ch. ; Holy Trinity Ch. ^ K.W. :>i«;^ Apr. 9-lOth. Norwich a 15 = Gorleston 17, Great Yarmouth ^ 19 = Beccles 6, Lowestoft ffi. 16 = Halesworth 9, Saxmundham a 20 = Harleston 7, Scole m. 15, Bury St. Edmunds j®. 37. lt?l*l King's Head, R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins 1/- (e]. jgl White Lion, Earsham St., B 1/6 L2/- Rl/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis X 1/- [3]. ffm IVIicheiiri Stockist, R. Charlssh, Earsham St., {§} U \ T Charlish :^ 6. Buntin^ord (Hertford), M. 23, 29, Pop. 1,272. M.D., Wed. See :— St. Peter's Ch. (XYIith c.) ; S.W. Aspenden (St. Mary's Ch.) 1. Royston j® 7, Cambridge a 21 == 4 •< Ware 10 — Bishops Stortford a 11. Burford (Oxford), M. 22, 28, Pop. 1,146 P, ^ Shipton stn. 5, See :— S*^^. John's Ch. • ; Priory Ho. ; Quaint Houses ; Bear Inn ; George Inn ; Tolsey (Old Town Hall) ; Grammar School. Stow-on-the-Wold SL 10, Chipping Campden 20, Stratford-on-Avon a 31 = Chipping Norton fi 11, Banbury a 24 = Witney 7, Swmford toll br. 14 (Caution !) (cars 4c?., motor-cycles Id., tricycles or sidecars 2d.), Oxford S. 19 = Faringdon Sl 11, Lambourn 25, Newbury ^ 38 = Lechlade 9, Highworth 14, Swi,ndon la. 20 = 1 •< Cirencester a 17 — Northleach9, Cheltenham & 23. im Bull, High St., B 1/9 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- f Gar [3] Shelter [1] ins Gratis T Arthurs. Burford Bridge (Surrey) (not marked on map). Leatherhead 3, Epsom ffi. 7, Merton 14, London ffi. 22 = Pixham Laae 1 < Dorking ®. 2, Horsham H. 16 — Reigate ffl. 7, Redhili ffi. 0. Jan. Burford Bridge, Boxhill, B 2/6 L S,- D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6i(i [cH Gar U ins Gratis [12] RAC T Burford Boxhill 'J^ 195 Dorking, — 207 - BURNLEY Burg^ess Hill # (Sussex) M. 29 (not marked on map), Pop. ">,124. E.C., Wed. Haywards Heath ffi. 4 = Brighton ffl. 11 = Cuckfleld ffl. 5. f^"i MiChelin Stockist, Anthony Hole, 6, The Broadicay, Church Rd.,m\I \ Sun., Night, If^ SOY PO. — Crick and Turpin, Church ltd., [3] Box \ :p> 60. Burgh by Sands (Cumberland), M. 12, Pop. 844. See :-Church ; N. Obelisk 1. Carlisle ®. 6 = Bowness 7, Silloth 25. Burgrhead (Elgin), M. 5, El. PoP- 1>505. Elgin ^ 9 = Forres a 10, Nairn ®. 20. Burley ^ (Hampshire) {not marked on map). Pop. 766 P. p^. Ring- wood 6. Lymington 9 = Eingwood 6. ^■i Michelin Stockist, S. Hyde, Motor Garagre and Works, (w) Box m \ Sun., Night, RAC 7f^ 6. Burnham il (Somerset), M. 26, ES) Pop. 3,948. See :-Ch. Altar. :§: N. 1 Brent Knoll 3 < WestOn-SUper-Mare J®l 11 — Axbridge 10 = Highbndge 2 < Bridgwater ffi 10 — Wedmore 10, Wells ®. 18. Bi Queen's, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins M -/6 N 1/- (H :?> 98. jtfiL Royal Clarence, Esplanade, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins M -/6 N 1/- [ej :?> 97. fP"i Miciielin Stockist, Burnham Motor Co., -5, Victoria St., IMU \ Sun., Night, RAC T Hawkings :f> 75. Burnham Market (Norfolk), M. 24. See: — B.E. Burnham Thorpe (birthplace of Nelson) 1; S. Creake Abbey 2, North Creake Ch. 3. Wells 7 = Fakeniiam ®. 10 = King's Lynn ®. 21 = Hunstanton ®. 11. S Hoste Arms, Market Place, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- [6]. Qurnham on Crouch (Essex), M. 30. IudI^ Pop. 3,190. E.C., Wed. See :— N.E. Bradwell Ch. 9. MaldOn ®. 12, Colchester ^ 29 = Bradwell 9. BURNLEY m (Lancashii-e>, M. 16, ME, Pop. 106,337. M.D., Mon., Sat. ; E.G., Tms. See :-Church (XlVth c) ; Townley Hall (Pictures). :IC S. 1 ; X S.W. 3(E.m). E. I : bp St. James St., Church St., and Colne Ed. :— Nelson fflt • 4, Colne j®. • 7, Giusbum 15, Keighley §L 19 {gd. rd., I/IU asc. at 6 m.). . • 1. Nelson ^ 4, Gisbum 13, Long Preston 20, Settle ®, 24 {med. und., 1/13 desc. at U m.), Kirkby Lonsdale 42, Kendal ®. 54 (v. gd. und). • 1. Colne ffi. 7, Thornton 13, Skipton a • • 19 (gd. und., 1/10 asc. at 11 m.), Harrogate & 41 (v. gd. v. hilly). • • 1. Skipton ffl. 19, Pateiey Br. 37, Rjpon ffi. 48 (med, V. hillrj). E. II : by St. James St., Yorkshire St., and Todmorde^n Rd. : — • 2, Bacup 7, Rochdale m. 14 (bad rd., 1/13 asc. at U ?«.), Derby a 85, London a 211. • 1. 2, Holme 4, Todmorden9, Hebden Bridge 13, Halifax a 21 (gd. rd.). E. Ill : by St. James St., Westgate, and Accrington Rd. :— Hapton Inn 3, Accrington 6, Blackburn a 11 (bad rd.). Preston fi 20 (l/lo asc. at 18 m.). E. IV : by St. James St., Westgate, and Padiham Rd. :— Padiham 3, Whalley SL • 8, Preston a 21 (gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at IS m.). . • r. Whalley ffl. 8, Clitheroe 12, sykes 26, Lancaster a 39 (gd. mount., 1/8-10 gradients at Sykes). See on p. 5 the method used in arrang^ing: the Hotels. BURNTISLAND - 208 - Burnley {continued) |ga Old Eed Lion, h, Manchester lid., B 2/- L 2/- 1) 2 ^6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis (20] :f° 631. ^ Old Sparrow Hawk, 63, CJmrch St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3 '- Chfr 7/6 ica 5 Shed [1] Court [3] ins Gratis T Sparrow ;p> 333. 1 St James's Street 2 Church Street 3 Colne Road 4 Yorkshire Street 5 Todmorden Road 6 Westgate 7 Accrington Road 8 Padiham Road 9 Manchester Road 10 Hargreaves Street 11 Trafalgar Street 12 Sandygate BURNLEY P.8.-B.S. (L.Y.R.) (Goods) (See p. 3) ^^s» Michelin Stockists, Hartley Clegrg, Ltd., a, St. James St., Agt. for Ford, [30] U Sun., Night, :p> 678. — Michelin Stockists, F. Groome, Ltd., Mitre Motor Works, Agt. for Wolseley, Fiat, Humber, Flanders, Clement-Talbot, White, (Ml U N Sun., Night, T Groome, Westgate :p> 680. M.CT. — Bellfield Clegg & Co., Duke Bar Motor Works, [12] :f' 720. — Burnley Carriage Co., Ltd., Plnmbe St. Burntisland (Fife), M. 9, (H, Pop. 4,707. See :— Harbour ; Church of Kirkton (Rns.) ; Eossend Cas. (XVth c). :^E. 1. 5 < Cowdenbeath 7, Kinross 15, Milnathort ®. 17, Pertli SL 32 — Dun- fermline ® 11 = Kirkcaldy Sl 6, Cupar 24 = Inverkeithing 8, North Queensferry 10, Kincardine 24, Alloa ffi. 30 = (fernt -29*) Granton 5, Edinburgli ®.8. W^ A. Maxwell (Cycles), 33, High St.,[3}U \'T Maxwell. Burslem # (Stafford), IVI. 21, |ud1, Pop. 38,766. M.D., Mon., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Town Hall ; Wedgwood Memorial, ^ N. 1. Tunstall 2, Sandbach 11 = Congleton 10, Macclesfield la is = Leek ^ 10, Buxton a 22 = Hanley i, Longton 5, Uttoxeter a 19 = Newcastle- under-Lyme ^ 4. V9» Michelin Stockists, F. W. Harris & Co., Moorland Ed., Agt. for Flanders, Singer, [i5] LT \ RAC T Belting ;p> 279 Cent. - 209 - BURTON-UPON-TRENT BURTON-U PON-TRENT m (Staflford), M. 22, E2, Pop. 48,27:.. M.D., Thnrs., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See:-Eelics of Abb. (Xlth c.) (A); Town Hall (G) ; Bass and Co.'s Brewery ; Allsopp and Co.'s Brewery. ^ S. 2. ^ S.E. '3 (E. II).. E. I : bjj Derby St. and Derby Rd. .— Little Derby 6, Derby Si 11 (fifd. rd..^ several 1/30 gradients). E. II : by Borougf: Rd., Station St., Guild St., Horningloiv St., Bridge St., and Ashby Rd. :— Woodviiie 4, Ashby-de-la-Zouch • 8, Leicester ®. 26 (gd. iind., several II 15 gradients), St. Albans ®. 102, London ®. 124. • ]. Ashby-de-la-Zouch 8, Loughborough ©. 20 (^med. und., 1/13 asc. at 12 m). • r. Ashby-de-la-Zouch 8, Nuneaton ffl. 26 (med. tmd.). BURTON SCALE yPONTRENT 1 Derby Street 2 Derby Road 3 Borough Road 4 Station Street 5 Guild Street 6 Horninglow Street 7 Bridge Street 8 Ashby Road 9 Union Street 10 Orchard Street 11 Lichfield Street 12 Horninglow Road E. Ill : by Borovgh Rd., Station St., Union St., Orchard St., and Lick- field St. ;-- Branston 3, Alrewas • 8, Llchfleld ^ 13 (f. gd. level rd.). • 1. Alrewas 8, Tamworth 16 (v. gd. level rd.). • r. Alrewas 8, Armitage 14, Rugeley 17, Stafford ffl. 2-7 ((jd. rd., 1/13 desc. at 2o m.). E. IV : by Derby St. and Horningloiv Rd. :— Tutbury 4, Sudbury 9, Uttoxeter ffl. • 14, Newcastle-under-Lymo a 32 (gd. rd., 1/lU asc. at SO m.). • I. Uttoxeter ffi. 14, Stafford ffi. 28 {bad v. hilly, 1/9 asc. at 2k m.). BURY Burton-upon-Trent (continited). m Queen's, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Ohfr S/6 6 Shed ins Gratis [5] ;p> 420. ft9& White Hart, 12, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 B 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar Shed U ins Grati. 578 Nat. ffM" Michelin Stockists, H. C. Reading: & Co., The Burton Motor QsLrsige, High St., Agt. for Maudslay, Fobd, Arrol-Johnston, go) Boxes [H U S BAG T Oarage ;?> 554, — Andrews Garage, 77, High St. Manufacturer : The Baguley Motor Co., Ltd. BURY m (Lancashire), M. 16, Icl, Pop. 58,649. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Tues. See :-R. C. Church (A). ^^ S.W. 1 (E. IV). E. I : hy Market PL, Fleet St., Rock St., Stanley St., Water St., and Walmersley Rd. : — Edenfieid 5, Haslingden • 8, Accrington 12 (med. rd., 1117 desc. to Accrington). ' • \. Haslingden 8, Blackburn ffl. 16 (med, hilly). BURY * R.C. CHURCH \ "*ltl?^ 230. M Royal, Silver St., B 2/- L 1/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [H :p> 821. 211 BURY ST. EDMUNDS Bury {continued), Vf* Michelln Stockists, Central Carriagre Co., Ltd., Silver St., Agt. for Crossley, (Ml Sun., Night, :p> 77. — Michelln Stockists, Carrs, Ltd., Knowsley St. dU Boxes d] TJ \ :p> 598. BURY ST. EDMUNDS 1 (Suffolk), M. 24, Ml, Pop. 16,785. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.G., Thum. See :— Moyses Hall (Norm.) (A) ; Abb. Gateway (Goth.) (C) ; St. James's Ch. (XVth c.) (D) ; Botanic Gardens (Abb. Rns.) (E) ; St. Mary's Ch. (XYth c.) (F) Angel Inn ; The Plague Stone. X ^"^-W. 4. BURY ST. EDMUNDS street 6 Westgate Street 7 Southgate Street 8 Stowmarket Road 9 Sudbury Road 10 Abbeygate Street 11 Buttermarket 2 Northgate Street 12 Brentgovel Street 3 Out Northgate 13 Risbygate Street 4 Eastgate Street 14 St Andrew's Street/ 1 Angel E.\: by Angel Hill, Northgate St., and Out Northgate :— Ingham 4, Bamham 9, Thetford fit • 12 (med. rd.), NorwIch ®. 41 (v. gd.. ly. und.). • 1. Thettord ffl. 12, East Dereham IB. 34, Holt ®. 52, Cromer a 62 (fjd. ly. und., ford at 37 m., I/IS asc. at 51 m.). <» 1. Thetford & 12, King's Lynn ffl. 42 {v. gd. und.). E.M: lyy Angel Hill and Eastgate St. :-— ixworth 6, RicidDghaii 14, Scole ^ • 22, Harleston 30, Bungay ffl. • 37, Yarmouth Sl 56 (gd. rd., 1/18 desc. at 13 m.\ • 1. Scole a 22, Norwich a 42 {v. gd. ly. und.). • r. Bungay ^ 37, Beccles 43, Lowestoft & 53 (gd. und., 1/18 asc. at 38 m.). E. ill : by Angel Hill, Crown St., Westgate St., Southgate St., and Stow- market Rd. :— Wooipit 8, Stowmarket ®. 14, Needham Market 18, Ipswich S. 26 (gd. rd., hilly, 1/16 asc. at 1 m.). Read carefully the preliminary explanations, pp. 1 to IB. BUXTON — 212 — Bury St. Edmunds {continued). E. IV : by Angel Hill, Croivn St., Westgate St., Southgate St., and Sudbury Rd. :— Bradfield Combust 5, Long Melfoid 13, Sudbury ffl. 16 {v. gd. und., lj]5 desc. at 11 m.), Chelmsford ffi. 42, London a 74. E.S:hy Abbeygate St., Buttermarket, Brentgovel St., and Risbygate St. :- saxham 4, Kentford 9, Newmarket & 14 {med. rd. fl.). 2.9. M.C.T. BUXTON m (Derby), M. 16, EeI, Pop. 10,025. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C. Wed. Note : — Drive carefully in the neighbourhood. See :— Devonshire Hospital (Dome) (A) ; The Crescent (C) ; Piiuip Room (D) ; Poole's Cavern (E) ; Pleasure Gardens ; S.W. Cat and Fiddle Inn (View) 5. '<^ N.E. 1. BUXTON SCALE mi mK G-P.S.-R.S.(L.N.W.R.VB.S. (M.R.) A.DkvONSHIRE HOSPITAL C.THE CRESCENT D.PUMP ROOM E. POOLEIS CAVERN 2 Spring Gardens 6 London Road 3 Fairfield Road 7 The Crescent 4 Bakewell Road 8 St John's Road ^ 5 High Street 9 Manchester Road E. I : by Terrace Rd., Spring Gardens, and Fairfield Rd. :— Chapel-en-le-Frith 6, Hayfleld 11, Glossop Si 15, Holmflrth 28, Hud- dersfield a 34 (gd. v. hilly, several 1 / 10-9 gradients). E. II : by Terrace Rd., Spring Gardens, and Bakeivell Rd. :— • 5, Taddington 6, Ashford ffl. 10, Bakewell • 12, Matlock 20, Matlock Bath a 21, Cromford • 22, Belper ^ 30, Derby a 38 (pnagn. pict., 1/15-17 desc. at 6 m.), London ffi 164. • 1. 5, Tideswell 9, Grindleford Br. 16, Fox House inn 19, Sheffield m. 27 (jned. rd., 1/13 asc. at 17 m.). • 1. Bakewell 12, Baslow 16, Chesterfield ffl. 25 (gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at 17 m.). • 1. Cromford 22, Ripley 30, Eastwood 35, Nottingham & 44(grd. rd. hilly, 1/11 asc. at SO m.). - 213 - CAISTOR Buxton (continued). E. Ill : bij High St. and London Rd. :— Nevvhaven inu 11, Ashboume ffi. 20, Derby & 33 (gd. rd. pict., 1/10 desc at 13 m.). E. IV : by Terrace Rd., The Crescent, and St. John's Rd. ;— Burbage«l, Flash Inn 4, Leek ^ 12 (mount. rd.), Newcastle-under-Lyme & 24 (v. gd. V. hilly, many 1/9 gradients). • r. Burbage 1, • •S, Cat and Fiddle P. H. 5, MaCCieSfleld Si. 12 (gd. rd., 1/15 asc. to and desc. from the Cat and Fiddle /'. H.). • • 1. 3, Aiigreave 7, Congleton 16, Sandbach 24, Orewe 30 (med. v. hilly, 1/11 desc. to Aiigreave). E.\:hy Terrace Rd., The Crescent, and Manchester Rd. :— Whaley Br. Inn 7, Hazel Grove 14, StOCkport ffl. 17 ( 211 and 212. jSM Empire, B 3/- L 3/6 D 6/- R 6/6 Chfr 9/- Lft ^ f Gar U ins N 2/6 [60] T Empire :p> 202. mm Palace, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft ^ 5 Gar ins N 2/6 T Palace ;p' 10. JfHH Crescent, T/ie Crescent, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/6 Lft (^ 5 PG U 200 y RAC ;p> 20. Jfi Shakespeare, Sprmgr Gardens, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- PG adj -/6 and 1/- [6] RaC i.t T Shakespeare ;p> 480. ^ Midland, Fairfield Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis [3] ;}<> 416. m Devonshire, Market PL, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 6/6 f Gar' U opp 1/- to 2/6 \M :p» 478. fF" Mlchelln Stockists, G. W. Hodgrkinson & Sons, Buxton and Park Garages, Scarsdale PL, Agt. for Humbbr, DARRACQ, [^ Boxes (15] LT \ Sun, RAC T Hodgkinson's Garage :p> 263. M.C.T. Byfleet ® (Surrey), M. 29, Pop. 1,688 P. :§: S. 1. See : — N. Brooklands Motor Track 1. Addlestone 2, Chertsey 4, Egham fiL 9, Windsor ®. 14 = Weybridge ffl. 3, ^ Walton-on-Thames 5, Hampton Court 10, Kingston ®. 11 = Church Cobham ®. 3, Esher 7, Kingston ffi. 11 = 2 < Guildford ffl. 9 — ^yoking & 5, Guildford ^ 12. Railway Hotel, W. Byfleet. f^" Mlchelln Stockists, Byfleet Auto Engineering' Co., Old Woking Rd., West Byfleet, Agt. /or B.S.A. [12] Boxes [2] U S Sun., Night, 7f> 44. iM.C.T. I ^Caergwrie (Flint), M. 20, Pop. 1,345. See :— Castle (Rns.). Mold S. 6 = Cefnybedd 1 < Wrexham a 5 — Chester ^ 11 — Cefnybedd 1, Corwen 22. ^ Lakefleld House, High St. Caerleon (Monmouth), M. 27, Ed), Pop. 2,046. See :— Roman Remains ; Museum; Church (Norm.) ; Camps ; Christ- church Tower. Usk 8, Abergavenny a 19 = Newport a 3. Caerphilly (Glamorgan), M. 26, EdJj Pop. 32,850. See :— Castle • (Rns.). 5 < Maes-y-cwmmer 6, Tredegar 17 — Merthyr Tydfil a 17 = Newport £ 11 = Cardiff ^ 7 = Pontypridd fi. 8. Caistor (LincoUi), M. 18, Pop. 4,567 P. See :— Church (Norm, and Goth.) ; Roman Remains. Brigg a 9, Barton-on-Humber 19 = Riby 6, New Holland 21, Hull ffl. 25 = Great Grimsby i£. 12 = Market Rasen 8, Lincoln ffl. 25. ati Red Lion, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed Shelter ins Gratis T Betteridge. CALLANDER - 214 - Callander (Perth), M. 9, ^, Pop. 1,504 (Alt. 242 ft.). M.D., Sat. See :— Ben Ledi (2,875 ft. View) ; N. Falls of Bracklim 2 ; N. The Tros- sachs 10. X N.E. i. Doune 8 < Dunblane 12, Alloa a 22 — Stirling a 16 = ThomUiii 6 < Kippen 10, Glasgow ffi. 35 — Stirling a 16 = Aberfoyle 11 = Trossachs Pier 8, {steamer down Loch Katrire to) Stronachlachar 16, Inversuaid' (Loch Lomond) 21 (road prohibited to motors) = Lochearnhead 14, Crian- larich 30, Tyndrum 35, Dalmally 47, Oban ffi. 73. am Dreadnought, Station Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- goo] -SAC T Dreadnot :p> 2. Ancaster Arms Hotel, SAC. Calllngton (Cornwall), M.25, ES, Pop. 1,713. See:— Church (XVth c. Goth.); E. Dupath Well 2; S.E. Cothele (XVth c. Mansion) 4. 3 < Launceston a 10 — Camelford 20 = Tavistock ffl. 10, Okehampton fi. 26 = Saltash 10, (ferry) Plymouth ffl. 14 = Liskeard a 8, Lost- withiel ffl. 19. 3* Chubb's Temperance, Saltash ltd., Shed adj Gratis (3]. Calne ® (Wiltshire), M. 27, MM, Pop. 3,539. M.D.. 3rd Mon. ; E.C., >red. See :— Church ; N. Hilmarton Ch. (Chained Bible) 3 ; W. Lacock Abb. 6 ; N.W. Bremhill (Ch. Goth., Hermitage Rns.) 2. Wootton Bassett 10, Cricklade 18 = Beckhampton 6 < Marlborough a 13 — Avebury 7, Swindon a 19 = Cross Roads 3 •< Melksham Sl S, Bradford-on-Avon 14 — Lacock 7, Bath ffl. 20 — cross Eds. 3, Devizes a 8 = Chippenham & 6, Bath a 19. j|^ Lansdowne Arms, 9, The Strand, Gar ins N" 1/- T Fox :p> 47X. ff*i Michelin Stockist, W. E. Harper, Wood St. and The Square, Agt. for Flanders, E..M.F., Darracq, Ford. [20] Boxes H] U N T Harper Garage :?' 33Y. M.C.T. Calstock (Cornwall), M. 25, Pop. 5,874 P. See :— St. Andrew's Ch. (View). Gunnisiake stn. 2 < Tavistock ^ 7, Okehampton a 23 — Callington 5, Liskeard a 13. i^ Ashburton, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- E 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [1]. , Camberiey ® (Surrey), M. 28 (no< marked on map). Pop. 5,249. E.C., Wed. See :— Royal Military College. Sandhurst 3, Wokingham ®. 8 = Bagshot 3, Egham SL 12, Staines iS. 13 = Frimiey 2 < Farnborough ffl. 4, Aldershot ffi. 7, Farnham a 10 — Guildford a 15 s= 8 < Basingstoke a 16 — Odiham a il, Alton a 19. m Duke of York, London Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 (cH Shed [5] Box [T] adj ^ 1/- T York Hotel :?> 199. a Cambridge, Corner of High St. and London Rd., B 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed [T] Shelter [g] Gmiis N 1/- :p> 135 Nat. ffM" Michelin Stockists, J. Smith & Sons, 11, London Rd., [^ U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Smith's Motors :p> 82. — Michelin M.C.T., White & Co., US, London Rd., Yorktown. Camborne # (Cornwall), M. 25, lEH, Pop. 15,829. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; B.C., Thurs. See :— St. Martin's Ch. ; Dolcoath Tin Mines. W. : St Gothian's Chapel 5. Redruth 4, Truro a 13 = Helston a 10, Lizard Town 21 = Hayle 6, Penzance ffi. 13. f>m Commercial, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- § Gar 100 y N 1/- H] T Commercial ;p> 47. ff"" Michelin Stockist, A. Williamson, Commercial Sq., Agt. for Arrol-Johnston [To| U S Sun., Night, T Williamson Garage :p> 56. M.C.T. CAMBRIDGE m (Cambridge), M. 23, m\, I*op. 40,028. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :— Jesus College • (A) ; Colleges (C) ; Round Ch. • (D) ; St. John's College • (E) ; Trinity College • (F) ; Senate House (H) ; St. Mary's the Great Ch. (J) ; University Library (K) ; King's College • (L) ; Queen's College • (N) ; Fitzwilliam Museum • (P). ^ E. 3. Don't you trouble (( — make your car start its own engine with an ADAMS Universal Self=Starter which can be fitted to almost any car having four or more cylinders. Fitting Agents' wanted everywhere. Theris money in it. Apply for full particulars. ADAMS MFG. CO., LTD., Balfour House, Finsbury Pavement, LONDON, E.G. Works: BEDFORD. / • A. JESUS COLLEGE C. COLLEGES •k D. ROUND CHURCH • E. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE • F. TRINITY COLLEGE H. SENATE HOUSE J. ST. MARY'S THE GREAT CHURCH K. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY • L. KING'S COLLEGE •k N. QUEEN'S COLLEGE • P. FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM R.S.-P.S.-C.H.-G.-M.-T.-(S«« p. 3) ®^ 'Gardens %%.,'^% There's no ~^^^ getting away from a Greener Gun No olher guns can equal the Greener for regularity of pattern (i.e. even distribution of shot) combined with efficient penetration — "the force that kills." It isn't what we say; facts prove it. W. W. Greener was the first gunmaker in the world to "harness" the shooting of a gun. Prior to the introduction of his world-famed system of choke boring, "pattern" had been the gunmakers " will o' wisp " : W. W. Greener made it his servant, and all the World's honours have been won with Greener Guns. This is but one of their many outstanding features. You get " gun perfection " when you shoot a Greener Gun. Hammerless Guns 13 to 70 Guineas. An automatic pistol is an ideal weapon for self defence — it lies flat in the I pocket and is always ready for instant use. t- x«te--Mli -25 Of "32 Calibre 42/-. Complete catalogue of guns, rifles, etc. , post free. W. W. GREENER, 68, HAYIMARKET, LONDOiV, 8.W. Hull, Birmingham, Montreal, and New York. - 215 - CAMBRIDGE Ca.iTi bridge (continued). E. I : btf Sidney St., Bridge St., Magdalene St., Chestertun lid., and Milton Rd. :— \\aterbeach 5, stretham 11, Ely ^ 16, Littleport 21, Dowiihaiii Market 34, King's Lynn ® 45 {gd. level rd.). E. II : by Sidiuy St., Jesus Lane, Maids' Causeway, and Neianarlcet lid". .-- Bottisham 7, Newmarket ®. • 13 (v. gd. level rd.), Barton MiU8 21, Elvedon 28, Thetford a 32, Norwich Q. 61, • r. Newmarket ^ 13, Bury St. Edmunds & 27, Ipswich & 53 (v. gd. rd. recom.). E. Ill : by St. Andrew's St., Regent St., and Hill's Rd. :— Little Abington 8, Linton 11 {v. gd.), Haverhill 19 (med. rd.), Baythom End • 23, Bible Hedingham 30, Halstead 34, Earl's Colne 38, ColCheSter a 48 (gd. V. und., 1/15 use. at 35 m.). • 1. Baythom End 23, Clare 26, Cavendish 29, Eodbridge 33, Sudbury ffl. 35, Hadleigh 47, Ipswich a 57 (med. sin.). E. IV : by St. Andrew's St., Downing St., Pembroke St., and Trumping- ton St. ;— Trumpington • 3, Sawston 7, Stump Cross 10, Gt. Chesterford 11 , Littlebury • 13, Wenden 15, Newport 16, 'Stansted 22, BlshopS Stortford fi. 25, Harlow 32, Epping 38, London 0. 58 (v. gd. jl. rd.). • r. Trumpington 8, Harston 6, Melbourn 11, Royston ^ 14, Buntingford 21, Ware • • 31, Hoddesdon 35, Cheshunt 40, Waltham Cross j®. 41. Edmonton 48, London ffl. 57 (v. gd. recom., II Ik desc. at 33 m.). . . r. Ware 31, Hertford m. 33, Hatfield S. 40, St. Albans & 45 (v. gd. und., Ij20 asc. at 39 m.). • 1. Littlebury 13, Satfron Waiden a 15, Thaxted 22, Dunmow 29, Gt. Waltham -37, Cholmstord a 42 (med. und., 1/15 desc. at 15 m.). E. V: by Sidney St., Bridge St., Magdalene St., Northampton St., and Madingley Rd. ;— Caxton Gibbet 9, Eltisley 11, St. Neots Sl • 17, Eaton Socon 19, Bedford ®. 30 (v. gd. ly. und.,!/!? asc. at S m.). • r. St. Neots Sl 17, Kimbolton 25, Higham Ferrers 35, Wellingborough 40, Northampton SSl 50 (gd. und., 1/16 desc. at kk m.). E. VI : by Sidney St., Bridge St., Magdalene St., Castle St., and Hunt- ingdon Rd. :— Fenstanton 10, Godmanchester 15, Huntingdon a • 16 (magn. level rd.), Kettering ®. 42, Leicester a 68. • r. Huntingdon a 16, Norman Cross • • 29, Stamford a 43, Notting- ham a 82. • • r. Norman Cross 29, Peterborough a 35. mm University Arms, Regent St., B 3/- L 3/6 D 5/- US/- to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 !^ f Gar ins Gratis N 1/6 [so) RAC T University Arms :F> 57. m_ The Bull, Trumpington St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr 7/6 9 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- (14) T Bull Hotel :p' 341 JSTat. m Ye Olde Castel, St. Andrews St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins Gratis (Tg] T Castel Hotel :f> 357. |g^ Blue Boar, Trinity St., B 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/6 8 Gar U ins Gratis \M T Blue Boar :?> 303. Lion Hotel. ffia Michelin Stockist, G. T. Ca.in, Quay Side Ga.rag:e, Bridge St., Agt. for R.M.C., Humber, Vauxhall, Rawlinson, Hudson, [eo) Boxes H] U Sun., Night, T Cain :p> 942. — Michelin Stockists, 'Ca.mbridgre Automobile a.nd Ens'tne&rins Co-i Ltd., Hobson St., Agt. for COTTIN- Desgouttes, do] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Spark :}« 465, M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, Kins & Harper, 6, Bridge St., Agt. for Belsizb, Deasy, Metallurgique, Straker-Squire, SizAiRE, (MD Boxes [6] U % Sun., Night, RAC T Motors :?> 853. M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, E. T. Saint & Co., Ltd., Hyde Park Corner Garag^e, Agt. for Flanders, Napier, Singer, De Dion, [Ml Boxes E U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Reliable :?> 724. — Michelin M.C.T., Knaster & Cox, 35, Trinity St., and 29, Green St. a U N T Scarlato :p> 58 (Motor Cycles). See pp. S to 6 for the list o/ Con ventionai Signs and Abbreviations. CAMELFORD - 216 - Camelfbrd (Cormvall), M. 25, Pop. 1,370. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., id Wed. See :— Parish Ch. 2. Camelford Stn. 2 < Boscastle 6 — Tintagel 6 = 3 < Fork 17, Stiatton 18, Hartland 32 — Launceston Si. 16 — Fork 17, Bude ffl. 19 = Callington "21, Saltash 31, (ferry -17) Plymouth a 35 = 1 < Wadebridge 11, St. Columb 19, Truro a 33 — Bodmin ffi. 14. Darlington Hotel. Campbeltown (Argyll), M. 11, 33, (H, Pop. 7,626. M.D,, Fri.; E.C., Wed. ^ Oban 89. See:— The Cross (XVIth c.) ; S. Mull of Kintyre 14. "j^ W. 6 (Machrihanish). Sunadale Inn 19, Tarbert 38, Ardrishaig ffi. 50 = Southend Inn 9 = Machri- hanish 6 = Clachan 27, Tarbert 38, Ardrishaig ^ 50. M White Hart, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 7/- Shed and yaid ins Gratis SAC. I*l?l Royal, corner of Main St. and Kinloch Ed., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed adj Gratis g]. f^m J. Huie &Co., 6/t, Longrow, Agt. for FLANDERS, E.M.F., Argyll, ai] U S Sun., Night, SAC T Huie. — Robert Brown, 37, Main St., Agt. for Vauxhall, B.S.A., [e] IT \ Sub., Night. Cannock (Stafford), M. 21, ED, Pop. 28,588. M.D., Sat; E.G., 'fhurs. See :-Church (Goth.). :^ N. 6. Rugeley • 7, Uttoxeter ®. 18, Ashbourne a 30 (gd. und.). • r. Rugeley 7, Airewas 16, Burton-on-Trent ^ 24 (gd. rd.). Bioxwich 5, Walsall ^ 8, Birmingham a 17 (bad rd.). watiing street • 1, shareshiii 4, Wolverhampton & 9 (gd. und.), London a 133. • r. Watiing street 1, Gailey 5, Crackleybank 15, Oakengates 19, Wellington 21 (med. v. liilly), Shrewsbury m. 33 (r. gd.). Penkridge 5, Stafford m. 11 (gd. rd.). ^ Crown, Market Sq., B 1/9 L 1/6 D 2/- Chfr 4/- Shed adj N 1/- [g]. CANTERBURY @ (Kent), IW. 30, |cl. Pop. 24,628. M.D., Mon., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See:— St. Dunstan's Ch. (XlVth c. Casket containing Head of John Roper) (A) ; King's School (C) ; West Gate (XlVth c.) (D) ; Cath. • (XI th and XVth c, open from 9.30 to 5 except during service) (E) ; Monastery of St. Augustine (Gate XlVth c, admission 3-5 p.m., during vacations, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.) (F) ; St. Mildred's Ch (H) ; Castle Keep (J) ; City Walls ; E. St. Martin's Ch. • 1 ; S.W. Chilham (Ch. Goth., Cas. Rns., to visit apply Mr. C. S. Hardy) 6. X S. 4 (Barham Downs). E.\:by Guildhall St., Palace St., The Borough, and Northgate St. :— upstreet 7, Saare • 9, Westgate 15, Margate a 17 (v. gd., 1/17 asc. at 13 m.). • r. Saare 9, Ramsgate m. 17 (v. gd., level). E. II : hy High St., Parade, St. George's Sf, Lower Bridge St., Church St. , and Longport St. :— wingham 7, Sandwich St 12, Deal & 18 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 7 jn). E. Ill : by High St., Parade, St. George's St., St. George's PI., and New Dover Rd. ;— Bridge 3, • 8, Eweii 13, Dover 16 (v. gd., hilly, 1115 asc. at 3 m.). • V. 8, Folkestone m. 17 (gd. v. hilly, I/IO desc. at U m.). E. IV : by High St., St. Margaret's St., Watiing St., and Old Dover Rd. :— street End 3, New Inn Green 15, Hythe ffl. 18 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 desc. at n m.). E.\l: by High St., St. Margaret's St., Castle St., and Wincheap St. :— Chilham • 6, Ashford a 14 (v. gd. rd. ly. und.). Rye ffi 31, Hastings Sl 42. • r. chUhara 6, Charing 14 (hilly), Lenham 18, Maidstone ffi. 27 (v. gd. rd., 1/13 desc. to Charing). E. VI : by King's Br., St. Peter's St., Westgate St., St. Dunstan's St., and London Rd. :— Boughton street 5, Ospringe 9, Sittingbourne 15, Key Street 17, Rochester a 26 (v. gd., 1J13 desc. at h m), London A 57. 2-17 CAPEL CURIG Canterbury {continued). E. VII : bif King's Br.; St. Peter's St., Westgate St., St. Dunstan's St. and Whitstahle Rd. .— Biean 2, Whitstable 6 ((/d., v. hilly, 11 10 desc. to Whitstahle). CANTERBURY Falstatt H. 1 GuUdhali Street N ^.20v< 2 Palace Street /' / / /^^t 3 The Borough \a '^<.^''%- 4 Northgate Street /A 5 High Street •-/// 6 The Parade V' 7 St George's Street 8 Lower Bridge Street 9 Church Street 10 Longport Street 11 St George's Place 12 New Dover Road 13 St Margaret's Street 14 Watling Street 15 Old Dover Road 16 Castle Street 17 Wincheap Street 18 King's Bridge 19 St Peter's Street 20 V/estgate Street 21 St Dunstan's Street 22 London Road 23 Whitstable Road 24 Station Road 25 Stour Street ..O 27 Broad Street 28 Pound Lane 29 Kirby's Lane 30 Station Road West 31 Military Road A.ST DUNSTAN'S CHURCH C.KING'S SCHOOL D.WEST GATE E. CATHEDRAL F. ST AUGUSTINE'S MONASTERY H.ST MILDRED'S CHURCH J. CASTLE C.-M.R.S.-B.-T.-P.S. (See p. 3 ) ^ County, High St., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/ Gar U ins M -/Q N 1/- M K.AC :p> 66. m. Fleur-de-Lis, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- H 4/- [cH 5 Shed adj [D RAC r Fleur-de-Lis :^ 195. m Hose, St. George's St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E. 4/- Chfr 7/6 S Shed adj Gratis ^ .1/- g] :p> 130. ^ Falstaff, St. Dunstan's St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 114/- Chfr 7/- 8 Court adj M -/6 N 1/- [To) :}« 138. W" Michelin Stockist, G. R. Barrett, 5(>, St. Peter's St., Agt.for Ford, [Ml U N Sun., Night, RAC :p> 86. M.C.T. 1 Capel Curis (Carnarvonshire), M. 20, Pop. 415 P. See : Lakes ; Asc. of Moel Siabod (2,866 ft.). Betliesda 10, Bangor 12. 15 = Bettws-y-Coed a 5 = Peu-y-Gwryd Hotel 4 < Llanberis 11, Carnarvon a 18 — Beddgelert a 12. JS. Royal, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 to 6/6 Chfr 7/- Q Gar ins Gratis N -/6 [5] RAC T Royal :fo 10 Bettws-y-Coed. m Cobdens, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis je] RAC T Cobdens. *1Jl Bryntyrch, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed opp Gra^tV [T]. CARDIFF 218 CARDIFF ® (Glamorgan), M. 26, ICTj, Pup. la^l.isu. M.D., Wed., Sat ; E.(J., Wed. See :— Sophia Gardens (A) ; Blackfriars Priory (C) ; Cardiff Cas. (Xlth c.) (D); .St. John's Ch. (Xlllth c.) (E), Docks •, Municipal Bldgs. nj: S.AV. 4 (E. II). :^ March 2h-?i5th ; May 9-lOtk. E. I : b]f Custom Ho. St., Bute Terrace. Adam St., Moira Terrace, Glossop ltd., and Newport Rd. ;— St. Meiions 5, Castletown 7, Newport fi. 12 (f/d. rd., i/l-i de^c. at d m.), London a 160. A. SOPHIA GARDENS C. BLACK FRIARS PRIORY D. CASTLE E.ST. JOHN'S CHURCH G.-C.H.-T.-Rt.-B.-U. (See p. 3 ) CARDIFF 1 Custom House Street 2 Bute Thrace 3 Adam Street 4 Moira Terrace 5 Olossop Boad 6 Newport Boad 7 Penarth Boad 8 St. Mary Street 9 High Street 10 Castle Street 11 Cowbridge Boad 12 North Boad 18 Bute Street 14 Westgate Street 15 Queen Street 16 lilandafi Boad 17 Cathedral Boad 18 Park Place 19 City Boad 20 Cathay's Terrace 21 Crwys Boad E. II : by Penarth Rd. :— ^ Ely toll-gate 3 (Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 3d., wifh side car or trailer 6d.). Cadoxton 6, Barry 8 (in-ed. v. hilly). E. Ill : by St. Marr/s St., High St., Castle St., and Cowbridge Md. :- St. Nicholas 7, Cowbridge 12, Bridgend ®. 19. Pyie 25, Margam 28, Aber- avon 31, Britonferry 34, Neath ®. 37. Swansea ^a 45 (ad. und.. 111? asc. at 13 m.). . E. IV : by St. Mary St., High St., and North lid. .- Whitchurch 3, Nantgarw 7, Treforest 11. Navigatiou 15, Quakersyard 16. Dyffryn 22, Merthyr Tydfil a 24 {med. rd.). Brecon m. 42 (r. gd., II'J asc. at 32 m.). \ j > i JE. Hoyal, 6§, St. Mary St., B 3/- L 3/- D 4/- E 5/6 (;hfr 8 '- Lft Ich! 5 Gar 10 y M -/6 N 1/- [20) RAC :p» 2545, 2546 >yat. ' ja Park, Queen St., B 3/- L 3/- D 3/6 R 5/6 Chfr 7/- Lft (affl 5 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [12] RAC T Parkhotel :p> 505, 2566, 2567. iSi .Queen's, 8/,, St. Mary St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 3'- R 5 - Cllfr 7'- Lf t 5 PG 50 y g] T Queen's Hotel np 596. ' - 219 - CARLISLE Cardiff (continued) f^m Micheiin Stockists, Hill's Garage, Westgate St., Agt for clk.ment-Talbot, Fiat, Flandeks, [20] U 'S i^un-, Night, KAC T HiUrar :p> 3198. — Micheiin Stpclcists, W. Lewis & Sons (CardifF), Ltd., C/are St. and Tudor Lane, Agt. for AUSTRO-DAIMLEE, FoKD, |20] U \ Sun., T Repairs 7f> 1S93 Nat. — \i. E. Jones' (Garages), Ltd., Oxford PL, City Rd. — 1'. Ayliffe & Sons, 5-8, Paradise PI., Qiieen St., Agt. for Clement, De Dion, g] U N RAC T Ayliffe ;f» 832. — Turner & Co., U1-U7, Frederick St., Agt. for Metallurgique, AVOLSELEY, OLgo) U \ Sun., T Carriages :f> 394 PO. — John Norman, Ltd., Market Rd., Canton, Agt. for Belsize, Austin, (Ml "LT \ T Vehicles :?<> 470. — John Howell & Co., Ltd., Wharton St., Agt. for RENAULT, Sheffield-Simplex, Mitchell, Strakbk-Squire, (^11%. — Micheiin M.C.T., R. Bevan, 31-3o, Castle St., {§} U \ ^ 1808. (Motor Cycles). Manufacturer : Argyll's Ltd., U, Charles St. Cardigan l"(Cardigan), M.19, ICT), Pop. 3,578. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Castle (Rns.). ^ N.W. 3. Blaenporth 6, New Inn 11, Post Mawr 16, Aberayron 22, AberyStwitb 38 (o. gd. V. hilly, 1/9 asc. at 3U m., several l/W gradients). Cenarth 7, Newcastle Emlyn ffi.10, Liangeier • 15, Llandyssil Id^magn.), liampeter ®. 34 {gd. rd., hilly, 1/10 asc. at lU m.). • r. Liangeier 15, Carmarthen ^ 30 (magn. rd., 1/U desc. at 20 m.). Crymmych Arms 8, Llandissilio 17, Redstone Cross 21, Narberth 22, Begelly • 27, Tenby 33 (gd. v. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 21 m.). • r. Begelly 27, Sageston 32, Pembroke IS. 37 (v. gd.). Newport 10, Fishguard 17, St. Davids 33 igd. v. hilly, pict., 1/7 desc. and asc. through Fishguard). © Black Lion, High St., B 2/6 L 2/Q D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar |6] Shelter [g] U ins N 1/- RAC T Lion Hotel. SH Commercial, Prendre St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 PG 100 y m- ffv Micheiin Stockists, Wm. James & Sons, Qwalia Garage, Agt. for Ford, [t] Boxes [H U \ Sun. — T. M. Daniels, ^7, High St.,^\X Sun. CARLISLE % (Cumberland), M. 13, ^, Pop. 46,432. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., TMirs. See :— Castle (A) ; Cathedral (0). I:?! E. 1 (E. II). 1:^^ March 2hth ; July lst-2nd. E. I : by Scotch St., Rickergate, Eden Br., and Scotland Rd. :— Kingstown • 2, Longtown 8, Langholm 20, Hawick ®. • 43 (o. gd. imd.), Galashiels a 61, Edinburgh la 94 (gd. v. hilly, pict., 1/16 asc. atAS m.). • 1. Kingstown 2, The Border • • 8, Gretna Green 9, Ecclefechan 18; Lockerbie ffi. 24, Beattock 38 (v. gd. rd.), Crawford ffl. 54 (pict.), Hamilton 84, Glasgow Sl 95 (v. gd. hilly, 1/lS desc. at 66 m.). • • 1. The Border 8, Annan 17, Dumfries a 33 (v. gd.-level rd.). • r. Hawick & 43, Kelso 64 (v. gd., 1/15 desc. to Kelso), Berwick-on- Tweed m. 88 (gd. rd.). E. II : hy Scotch St., Rickergate, Eden Br., and Bramjiton Rd. :— High Crosby 5, Brampton 10 (r. gd.), Greenhe;id • 18 (>rt«C?, rd.), CarrawSl, ChoUerford 35, Heddon-on-the-Wall 49, NeWCastlO-Upon-Tyne ®. 56 (v. bad, V. hilly, 1/9-16 desc. at 2U m.). • r. Greenhead 18, Haltwhistle 22, Hexham ®. • • 38 (magn. rd., 1/32 asc. at M m.), Durham a 68, Stockton-on-Tees ®. 87. • • 1. Hexham ^ 38, Blaydou 55, Scotswood Br. (Toll: Cars id., motor- cyeies 2d.), Newcastle-upon-Tyne Si 59 (t'ecom.). E. Ill : by English St., Bank St., Lonsdale St., Chistcick St., and War- ivick Rd. .— Wheelbarrow Hall • 2, Brampton 9, Alston • 28, Middletou-in-Teesdale 50, Barnard Castle • 61, Boroughbridge fi. • lOi, York &119 (gd. rd., 1/10-lk asc. from Alston). • r. Wheelbarrow Hall 2, Cumwhinton 7, Armathwaite 13, KirkoSWald 19, Penrith Sl 28 (med. hilly). • 1. Alston 28, St. John's Chapel 40, Stanhope 48, Woisingliam 54, Crook 59, Durham m. 69 (med. hilly, 1/8 desc. at 3U m.). • 1. Barnard Castle 61, Darlington ^ 77 (v. gd. rd., 1/10 asc. at 68 m.), Stockton-on-Tees a 88. • r. Boroughbridge ^ 10], Doncaster Sl 144, London a 310. CARLISLE — 220 — Carlisle (continued). E. IV : by English St., Botchergate, and London Rd. :— Hiprh Hesket 9, Penrith Si • IS {v. gd., hilly, several 1/lG gradients), Kendal ffi 44, Lancaster S. • 65, Preston fi 87, Warrington SSl 116, London &. 302. • 1. Penrith & 18, Appleby 31, Brough 39, Barnard Castle 56 (Old Roman Road to London). • 1. Lancaster & 65, Accrington 101, Manchester ^121. * 1 Scotch Street a Rickergate 3 Eden Bridge 4 Scotland Road 5 Brampton Road English Street 7 Bank Street 8 Lonsdale Street 9 Chiswick Street 10 Warwick Road 1 1 Botchergate 12 London Road 13 Castle Street 14 AnnetTvell Street 15 Bridge Street 16 Shaddongate 17 Murrell Hill 18 Dalston Road 19 Church Street 20 'Wigton Road 21 Caldcotes ta Grey Street S3 Tait Street 14 Victoria Viaduct 25 Lowther Street 26 Corporation Road E. V : by Castle St., Annettvell St., Bridge St., Shaddongate, Mnrrell Uiil, and Dalston Rd. :— Dalaton 4, Caldbeck 13, Bothel 22, CockermOUth ffi 30 (med. V. hilly). E. VI : by Castle St., Annetwell St., Bridge St., Church St., and Wigton Rd. :— Tliursby • 6, Meaksgate 16, Bothel • 19, COCkermOUth ffi. 27 {med. rd., 1/15 desc. and asc. at 10 m.). • r. Thursby 6, Wigton 11, Aspatria 19, Maryport 26 (gd. rd., 1/lS desc. at ^3 m.). • 1. Bothel 19, Baesenfell 23, KeSWlck 32 (gd. rd. pict., 1/13 asc. at 10 m.). E. VII : by Castle St., Annetwell St., Bridge St., Church St., and Cald- cotes : — • 2, Moorhouse 5, Kirkbride 12, Abbey Town 19, Silloth 24 (med. rd.). • r. 2, Burgh 6, Port Carlisle 12, BoAvuess 13 (med. rd.). lHai. Crown and Mitre, English St., B 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Chf r 7/6 Lft § Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [Is] RAC T Comfort :?> 128. •221 CARMARTHEN Carlisle (continued). jS^fi County and Station, B 2/6 L 2/6 I) 3/6 R 4/6 to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 S Lft PG adj [GO] T County Hotel :?> 119. SI Red Lion, Oi>p. iJ^?/. Stn., B 2/6 L 2/- R 3/6 to 4/6 Slielter ins Gratis [^ T Bonsteatl :p» 3 PO. Mi Great Central, The Viaduct, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar 10 y N" 1/- :?» 228. Si Royal Temperance, 9, Loivther St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 PG 30 y T Royal Hotel :p> 361. — Michelin Stockist, QnH>= Carlisle Motor Co., Ltd., Lowther St., Agt. for Chossley, Bianchi, Hupmobile, i^ U" \ Sun., Night, T Mocar :p> 300. — Michelin Stockist, James Hodgrson, 79, West Walls, Agt. for Ford [30] U \ Sun., Night, ^ 41. — Michelin Stockists, The County Garagre, If^a, Botchergate, Agt. for Flandbus, Akgyll, [so] LT "S Sun., Night, RAC T Taxi :p> 21X. — J. Fendley, Ceail St., Agt. for SUNB^M, Deasy, Arrol- • Johnston, do] U % Sun., Night, RAC T Motors :p> 129. — Michelin M.C.T., F. W. Lockerbie, .9, St. Cuthbert Lane, (Tsl \ Sun., :fo 370 (Motor Cycles). Carluke (Lanark), M. 12, Pop, 4,740 (Alt. 587 ft.). :^ S. 1. Airdrie a 11, Denny 23, Stirling a 30 = Carnwath 9, Biggar a 18 = Lanark ®l 6, Biggar ^ 19 = Wishaw 5, Motherwell ffi. 9, Glasgow ffl. 21. CARMARTHEN 1 (Carmarthen), Wed., Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See :-St. Peter's Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; Parade Walk (C) E. Pond Side Walk ; Towy Valley. ^. M. 19, W\, Pop- 10,221. M.D., County Gaol (D) ; 1 King Street 2 Priory Street 3 Bridge Street 4 Carmarthen Bridge 5 Swansea Road 6 Kidwelly Road 7 Lammas Street E.\\ by King St. and Priory St. :— • 1, • 3, conwii 7, Liangeier 15, Newcastle Emlyn & 20, Cardigan fi. 30 {magn. rd., l/U asc. at 10 m.). • r. 1, Cothybridge 6, Llandilo ffl. 15, Llandovery 27, Brecon ®.48 (r. gd., 1/17 desc. at 6 m.), Abergavenny Sl 68, Gloucester fi. 106, London ® 210. • r. 3, Alltwallia 8, Summitt Level 14, Llanbyther IS, Lampeter ^ 23, Aberayron 36 (v. gd., hilly, 1/9 asc. at 1'2 m.). E. II : by Bridge St., Carmarthen Br., and Swansea Ed. .— Llaadarrog 6, Cross Hands 12, Pontardulais ffi. 18, SwanSea & 27 (gd. , r. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 3 m.), Gloucester j®. 128. E. Ilf : by Bridge St., Carmarthen Br., and Kidivelly Rd. :— Liandefeiiog Hill 6, Kidwelly 10, Llanelly 19, Swansea Sl 30 (c. gd. und. recom., 1/10 desc. at m.). CARNARVON 222 — Ca,rfna.rthen (continued). E. IV : by Lammas St. ;— St. Clears • 9, Whitland 14, Redstone Cross 20, HaverforOweSt &. 30 {v. gd. V. hilly, 1/9 desc. at ±i m.). • 1. St. Clears 9, Red Roses 15, Begelly 22, Pembroke a 32 {'jd. rd., two 1/17 gradients) Jgft Ivy Bush Koyal, Spibnan St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- K, ',/■ Clifr 7/6 Gar ins N 1/- g] T Bush :p' 38. (fjgl Boar's Head, IW, Lamm,a St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Clifr 7/6 Shed [1] Shelter [e] Court [6] ins Gratis N 1/- RAC :f> S. f1»» MIchelln Stockists, C. E. Baker & Co., Blue St., g] U % Sun., T Baker, Motorist. — D. E. Jones & Co., Leader Motor Wks., 51, King St., Agt. for Belsize, Sunbeam, Alldays, g) LT N Sun., T Bradbury Jones ^ 11. CARNARVON 1 (Carnarvon), M. 15, ^, Pop. 9,119. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Castle (XIITth c.) • (A) ; Town Walls (C) ; Segontium (Ptoio. Stn. and Walls) (D). ^ S.W. 4 (E. IV). E. I : hy Bridge St., Bangor St., and North Ed. :— Port binorwic 4, Bangor a 9 (v. gd. und.). Prince ot Wales H. CARNARVON SCALE • A. CASTLE C.TOWN WALLS D StGONTIUM G-P.8.-R.S.- (See p. 3 ) Bridge Street Bangor Street North Road Pool Street 5 Llanberis Road 6 Tithebarn Street 7 Newborough Street E. II : by Pool St. and Llanberis Rd. :— Llanberis 7, Penygwryd 14, Capel Curig 18, Bettwys-y-Coed m. 23, Corwen 45, Llangollen ^« 55, Shrewsbury ^ 83, London a 237 (gd. rd. 1:10 asc. at 12 }n.). • 1. Llangollen a 55, Wrexham M 66 (gd. rd., 1/18 desc. at 'Ai m.). E. Ill : by Pool St. and Tithebarn St. :— Bettws Gannon 6, Beddgelert 13, Penrhyn 20 (gd. rd. hilly), Harlech -20, Barmouth Sl 37 (gd. und., 1/10 desc. at S8 m.). E. IV : hy Pool St. and Neivborough St. .— Llanwnda • 3, Llanaelhaiam 14, Four Crosses 18, Pwllheli ^ 21 (v. gd. und. , 1/12 desc. at 20 m.). • 1. Llanwnda 3, Llanllyfni 7, Dolbenmaen 14, Portmadoc & 20 (gd. und., 1/11 desc. at 17 m.). im The Royal, Bangor St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Shed adj Gratis N 1/6 (12] :p> 0184. jflfiL Hoyal Sportsman, Ca.^tle St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 B Gar ins Gratis [25] RAC T Sportsman 1^ 0180. 1*1^ Prince of Wales, Bangor St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis [3] qp> 0183. fV^ Michelin Stockists, Kiwi Motor Engineers, Ltd., Slate Quay, Agt. for Singer, [Ton] U \ Sun., T Kiwi :p> 10 Nat. — Michelin Stockists, Evan Jones & Son, 26, Bangor St., Agt. for EORB, [3] U S ?> V5. r - 223 - CASTLE DOUGLAS Carnforth 1 (Lancashire), M. 16, EU, Pop. 3,142. M.D., Sat. ; E.C, Thitrs. See :— N.W. Warton (Bride's Chair) ; The Three Breeders ; Church (X\th c.) 3. Aniside 8, itrain to) Grange m. 12, Ulverston 29 = 2 < IMihithorpe 7, Kendal a. 14 — Burton-in-Keudai 4, Kendal ^ 15 = Lancaster ia. 7. ^H Michelin Stockists, Carnforth Cycle and Motor Co., 7, Scotland Ed., Agt. for Humber, Sinuer, Arrol-John- STON, Benz, [20] U S Sun., Mght, T Dean :?> 8 Nat. I — Mfchelln M.C.T., F. Greenland, Comer of Hawk St. and Scotland r Ed. (Motor Cycles). Carnoustie (Forfar), M. 10, El, Pop.- 5,358. E.C, Tues. -j^ {adj. town). 2 < Forfar a 14 — Arbroath 8 = Monifleth 5, Brouglity Ferry 7,- Dundee ^ 11. JUS. The Bruce, B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 6/- Gar Shed U adj Gratis N 1/- g] SAC T Bruces :p> 99. J. Gilbert, Dundee St. (Cycles). Carnwath (Lanark), M. 12, Pop. 774 (Alt. 781 ft.). See :— Parish Ch. ^ N. {adj. village). Juniper Green 21, Edinburgh Si 26 = Peebles ®. 20 = Biggar a 9 = Car- stairs 3 < Lanark m. 7, Hamilton 21 — Carluke 9, Wishaw 14, Motherwell ^ IS. Carrbridgre (Inverness), M. 9, Pop. 303 (Alt. 914 ft.). See :— W. Sluggan Bridge 3. Daviot Ch. 18 < InVCmeSS a 25 — Battlefield of Culloden 22, Nalm ffl. 34 = Grantown j®. 10, Aberlo ir 32, Craigellachie 34 = Aviemore 7, Kingussie ®. 19, Newtonmore ^ 22. Cartmell (Lancashire), M. 16, Pop. 268 P. See .--Priory (Xllth c.) ; Church (Goth./; Holy Well. :>ii;, 31aij liith. Ulverston 12 = JSTewby Br. 6, Kendal a 18 = Grange m. 2, Kendal Sl 15 = Cark2, UlverStOH 15. Castle Acre (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 1,123 P. See :— Priory (Rns. Xlth c, Admission 3d.) ; Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; Castle (Rns.), King's Lynn ®. 16 = 2 < Fakenham a. 11 — Litciiam 5, East Dereham St. 13, Norwich :©. 29 — Lltcham 5, Bawdeaweii 16, Aylsham 27 = Swaffham a 5, Brandon 20. © The Ostrich, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins M - 6 2s 1/- [51. Castle Cary (Somerset), M. 27, Pop. 1,902 P. M.D., alternate Tues. ; E.C, Thurs. See :-Church (Goth.). ^ N.E. 4. Shepton Mallet 8 = Bruton 5, Frome a 16 = Wincanton 6, Gillingham ®. 13, Shaftesbury a 18 = Three Ashes 3 < Yoovil a 14 — Sherborne a 11, Dorchester a 30 = East Lydford 5 -t Keinton Mandevill«-6, Somertou 11, Laiigport 15 — Ilchester 11, Ilminster ®. 23 — East Lydford 5, Keinton MandevUle 6, GlaStOnbury 13, WcllS Sl 18. Castle Douglas 1 (Kirkcudbright), M. 12, TE, Pop. 3,016. M.D., 3[on. See :— Carlingwark' Loch ; W. Thrieve Cas. (Rns.) 2. Dumfries a 18 = Dalbeattie 7, Dumfries ®. 33 = Auchencaim 8, Kirkcud- bright 19 =4 < Kirkcudbright 10 — Gatehouse-of-the-Fleet 15, Newton Stewart ®. 33 = Laurleston 6, Gatehouse-of-the-Fleet 16 = Dairy 16, The Spalding Arms 14 (New Galloway 1 m. to 1.), Dalmelliugton 36, Ayr m. 51. m. Douglas Arms, King St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar adj Ch-atis N 1/- [Ml Box (U SAC T Payne :p> 20. V^" Michelin Stockists, J. B. Penma.n & Son, Cotton St., Agt. for WOLSBLBY, Napier, Dbasy, Albion, [so] u *\ Sun., Night, T Motors :p> 21. — Michelin Stockists, The County Garagre, King St., Agt. for Flanders, Dabsracq, [so) LT S SAC Sun,, Night, T Dobie ;F'6. CASTLEFORD - 224 - CsLStlefbrd (Yorkshire), M. 17, EIdJ, Pop. 23,101. Aberford 8, Cross Roads 10 •< Wetherby ® Ifi, Boroughbridge a 28 — Tad- caster a 14, York a 23 = Houghton 1 < Pontefract 3, Doncaster a 17 - Leeds a. 12. Castleton (Derby), M. 17, Pop. 547 P, ^ Hope stn. 2, See :— Church (Library) ; Peak Cas. ; Peak's Cavern ; The Speedwell Cavern ; Blue John Mine • ; The Peak. Hathersage 6, Sheffield S. 17 = 2 •<: Chapel-en -le-Frith 7, Stockport a 20 — Buxton a 11. 1^ Nag's Head, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Shed 50 y Gratis g] RAC Lt. ^ Bull's Head, Cross St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- K 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis g]. Castletown (Isle of Man), M. 15, Pop. 1,965. See :— Cas, Eushen ; King "William's College. ^ N.E. 1. Douglas a 10 = St. John's 9 -i Peel 12 — Kiikmichael 16, Eamsey 26 = Port St. Mary 4. Caterha.m ® (Surrey), M. 29, EeI, Pop. 10,841. E.G., Wed. ^ N. 2 (Visitors must be introduced). Croydon ^ 8 = Godstone 2 < East Grinstead ®. 12 — Bletchingley a 4, Redhill ^ 7 — Godstone 2, Oxted a 5, Westerhain9, Sevenoaks ffl. 16. ^ Eailway, The Avenue, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 H 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis \2] 'f' 17. ^a Michelin Stockist. W. KIlby, 1/i, Godsiojie iJ(?.,^of./orSlNGEE, [5] LT \ Sun., Night, Ip- 95 PO. M.&T. Ca.tterick Bridge (Yorkshire). ■:y«^ March 27-28th. N.W. Richmond ffi. 4. Ca.ver8ha,m (Oxford), M. 28 {not marked on map), fupl , Pop. 9,858. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. s^ Reading 1. See :— Black Canon's Priory ; J!^.E. Sonniug (Bridges over Thames) 2. Chazey Heath 2 •< Goring and Streatley 10, Wantage ffi. 25 — Crowmarsh GifEord 11, Oxford @. 26 — Cliazey Heath 2, Crowmarsh Giflord 11, Walling- ford St 12 = Shiplake 5, Henley SL 8 = Reading a l. Cawood (Yorkshire), M. 17, Pop. 990 P. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Gateway. Tadcaster 8, Boston Spa 12, Wetherby ®. 15 = Selby 5. Cerrigr-y-Druidion (Denbigh), M. 20, Pop. 1079 P, ^ Corwen 10. 'j^ See :— S.E. Penygaer (Fortified Roman Stn.) 1. Ruthin 14 = Corwen 10 = Bettws-y-Coed a 12. jfgt Saracen's Head, R 2/- to 3/6 Chfr 5/- {J Gar U adj Gratis \U\ RAC Lt. T Saracen's :p> 4. Chapel-en-le-Frith (Derby), M. 16, Pop. 4,626 P. See :— Excursion No. 6. ^ W. 1. Hayfieid 4 •< Glossop ^ 9 — New Mills 7 = Castleton 7, Hathersage 13, Sheffield a 24 = 6 < wardiow Mres 8, Baslow 15, Chesterfield a 24 — Tideswell 7 — Wardlow Mires 8, Bakewell 15 = Buxton ^ 6 = Wlialey Br. 3 < Stockport a 13 — Macclesfield it ii. 1^ King's Arms, B 1/6 L 1/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [4] ;?> 100. Chard m (Somerset), M. 26, ME, Pop. 4,568. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Lace Factories ; Grammar School (XYIIth c.) ; Houses (XVIth c). 3 < Taunton ffi. 16 — Ilminster Q. 5, Langport 15 = Crewkerne 8, Yeovil J®. 17 = Axminster 7, Seaton ^ 14 = 1 < Honiton 13, Exeter ffi. 30 — stockiand 6, Honiton 12, Exeter ^ 29. George Hotel, RAC. ^^v n/lichelin Stockists, Chard Motor Supply Co., Fore St.. [I] TJ % Sun., ;p' 32. Charing: (Kent), M. 30, Pop. 1170. See :— Ch. ; Archbishop's Palace (Rns.). Faversham a 10 =i Canterbury ffl. 14 = Ashford ^ 6 = Biddenden a 10 = Lenham 4, Maldstone ffl. 13. Swan Hotel, RAC. fP» <;haring Motor Co. - 225 - CHELMSFORD Charlbury (Oxford), M. 22, 28, Pop. 1,352 P. See :— Lee Place (XYIIth c). l^nstone 4 < Banbury Sl 16 — Fork Roads 7, Chipping Norton ^ 8~ Enstone 4, ForkRoads?, Shipstonl7, Stratford-on-Avon j®. 27 — Enstone 4, Bicester Sl 20 = ^yitney 7, Bampton 13, Fariiigdon ^ 19. CHATHAM (Kent), M. 30, US, Pop. 42,250. M.D., Taci., Sat.; E.G., Wed. >'ee —Rochester. ^ Sun and York, 85, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/6 5 Gar U ins Gratis m RAC T Sun :p' 225. j^ Mitre, i95, Zf?:f7^ ,«., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 B, 3/- to 3/6 5 Gar ins [9] T Mitre :^ 144. Chatteris (Cambridge), M. 23, ED, Pop. 5,259. M.D., i^ri. ; E.G., W'ed. See :— Manor Farm, Carters Br. 2 < March 8. Wisbech a 19 — Ramsey 9, Huntingdon :®l 20 = Sutton 6, Ely Si 12=z Toll-gate 3, (cars 6d.) Somersham 7 •<: St. Ives 12, Huntingdon a 18 — EaritU 9 (Toll-gate: Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 6d.), Cambridge a 22. ItA George, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis X 1/- g] ;fo 8. Cheadle (Stafford), M. 21, Pop. 5,186 P. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Wed. See :-St. Giles R. C. Ch. (Goth.). Bottom House P. H. 7 < Leek iS. 12 — Ashbourne ^ 17 = Uttoxeter ffi. 10 = Blythbridge Stn. 5 < Rough Close 7, Stone ^ 11, Stafford ®. 19 — Longtou 8, Stoke-on-Trent 10, Newcastie-under-Lyme a 12 = Leek m. 10, Con- gleton 20. m Wheat Sheaf, .-T-S, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis [6] T Bestotel q^ 13 po. Cheadle and Gatley ^ (Cheshire), M. 16, and Special Maps 44, 45, ffiDl , Pop. 9,914. M.D., Fri. ; E.G. Wed. ^ S. 1. jjidsbuiy Stn. 2 < Witliington 3, Manchester ^ 7 — Worsley 13, Farnworth 17, Bolton m. 20 = Stockport a 3 = Wilmslow 5, Alderley Edge a 7, Congleton is = l < Altrincham ^ 6 — Sale 6. W^ Michetin Stockists, Jevons & Broomhall, 6, Manchester Kd., Agt.for S.G.A.T., [^ U \ Sun., :p> 3 Gatley. Cheddar (Somerset), M. 27, Pop. 1,975. See :— Cliffs (Cheddar Gorge) • ; Stalactite Caverns • ; S-t. Andrew's Ch. ; Skull of prehistoric man. Vxbridge 3, Weston-super-Mare ffi. 14 = west Harptree 6, Bath ^ 22 = Wells a 8. m The Cliff, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/6 Shed ins Gratis [H] T Franklin. m Valley, near The Cross, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 5/- [CHl Shed Court ins Gratis [4]. ^si Burnell Bros., C^i/ 6t., Agt. for Bakracq, [IS U \ Sun., T Burnett Bros. CHELMSFORD # (Essex), M. 23, 29, (cH, Pop. 18,008. M.D., Fri; E.G., Wed. See :-St. Mary's Church (A). >i«^ A2y): 3rd. ; Nov. 27th. ;:§; S.W. 2 (E. V). E. I : b}/ Duke St., and Broonifteld Rd. : — • 4, Braintree ®. 12, Halstead 18^ Sudbury ffl. 26, Bury St. Edmunds m. 42 {v. gd. und., l/lo desc. at 17 m.), Thettord ^ 54 {ined.), Norwich .®. 83 (v. gd. und.). • 1. 4, Dunmow 13, Thaxted 20, Saffron Walden ®. 27, Gt. Chesterford 31, stump Cross 32, Sawston 35, Cambridge a 42 (med. und., 1/hJ asc. at 27 m.). E. II : by High St., Springfield Ed., and Springfield Hill : — Hatfield Peverel 6, Withahl §Sl 9, Kelveden 12, Marks Tey 17, ColCheSter ffi. 22 (gd. ly. und.). E. Ill : by High St., and Baddoiv Rd. .— Kettendon 7, Rayleigh 13, Hadieigh 16, Southend ffl. 21 (med. V. imd., 1,1U asc. at 13 m.). E. IV : by High Rd., New London Rd., and Wood St. :— stock 6, Billericay 9, Langdon Hill 15, Junction of Kds. 21, Tilbury 23 (gd., r. hilly, 1/10 asc. and desc. at U m.). CHELTENHAM 226 Chelmsford {continued). E. V : 62/ High St. and New London Rd. : — . ingatestone 6, Brentwood ffl. 11 (gd. rd.), Romford ^ 17, London (med. rd., 1/18 desc. at lU in.). E. VI : by High St., New London Rd., and Writtle Rd. :— Writtle 3, Ongar 10, Epping 18 (gd. und.). CHELMSFORD ® A.ST. MARYS CHURCH. C.(il.-M-P.S.-R.S. (See p .1 Duke Street 2 Broomfield Road 3 High Street 4 Springfield Road 5 Springfield HUl 6 Baddow Road 7 New London Road 8 Wood Street 9 Writtle Road 10 Hoiilsham Street m White Hart, Tindal Sq. RAC T White Hart. 5 Box Uj Shed [9] U ins Gratis N 1/- (!^ Lion and Lamb, Duke St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 5/6 5 Shelter ins Gratis [20] . f^i Michelin Stockists, J. W. Austin's County Motor Works, Ltd., New London Rd., Agt. for Fokd, Schneider. Arrol-Johnston, Austin, [^ IJ S Sun., T Motores :p> ii. — Michelin Stockists, Roslingr, Ltd., The Lictors, 87, LondonRd., and Springfield Rd., Agt. for Renault, Bayard, fool LT % Sun., Night, RAC T Roslings :?> 68 and 51. M.C.T. CHELTENHAM # (Gloucester), M. 21, |m1, Pop. 48,944. M.D., Thurs. ; E.G., Wed. See :— Pittville Gardens (A) ; Ladies' College (C) ; Cheltenham College (D) ; New Spa (Town Hall) (G) ; Museum (M) ; Promenade. :§C N.E. 5. :>ii;, N.W. 2 (E. I), March 12-13th ; Apr. 16-17 th; Nov. M; Dec. 29th. E.l:by Pittville St., Portland St., and Evesham Rd. ;— Bishop's Cleeve 4, Teddington 8, Sedgebarrow 13, EveSham SL 16, Blrmlng- ham m. 46 {v. gd., l/lii asc. at 3k m.). E. II : by Winchcomb St. and Prestbury Rd. : — Winchcomb 7, Broadway 15, Weston Subedge 19, Stratford -on -A von a 30 (r. gd., 1/10 asc. at k m.), Warwick Sl 38. — 227 — CHELTENHAM Cheltenha.ni (continued). E. Ill : by High St., Raymoiul Terrace, and London Rd. :— Shipton Cross Eds. 7, Northleach 14, Little Barrington 20, Burford 23, Witney ffl. 30, Swinford Toll Br. 37 (Caution !) (Cars 4d., motor-cycles Id., tricycles or side-car 2d.), Oxford ffl. 42 (^ned. rd., 1/16 asc. at 9 m.), London & 98. E. IV : by High St., Eaytnond Terrace, London Rd., and Cirencester Rd. :- coiesbome 7, Cirenccster & • 15 (v. gd. sin., IJl^-U asc. at 3 m.), Swindon a 30, Salisbury a 70. . 1. Cirencester a 15, Reading & 68. E.y : by High St., Oriel PL, Bath Rd., and Shurdington Rd. .— Cross Hands Inn 5, Painswick 10, Stroud Sl 14, Bath ffl. 43 (v. gd. rd., II IS asc. at 5 m.). E. VI : by High St., The Promenade, Montpelier Walk, Lansdown PL, and Lansdown Rd. : — Longievens 7, Gloucester a. 9 (v. gd. level rd.). E. VII : by High St. and Tewkesbary Rd. .— coombehui 5, Tewkesbury ®. 9, Worcester a 24 (v. gd., 1115 asc. at 10 m.). CHELTENHAM. A. PimiLLE GARDENS (0) *. MUSEUM x*» C. LADIES COLLEGE ri^X. C. TOWN HALL (NEW SPA) ^^^^X^' 0. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE ^^^ t-P. S.-R-S. (G.W.R.)-R.S. I CSee p. 3 ) 'lougb H. HainBS&Strange floyal H 1 Pittville Street 2 Portland Street 3 Evesham Road 4 Winchcomb Street 6 Prestbiiry Road 6 High Street 7 Raymond Terrace 8 London Road 8 Oirenoester Road 10 Oriel Plao9 11 Bath Road 12 Shurdington Road 13 The -Promenade 14 Montpelier Walk 16 Lansdowne Place 16 Lanadowne Road 17 Tewkeabury Road 18 Queens Road 19 Sandlord Road 20 Imperial Square mM Queen's, Promenade, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- K, 5/6 to 6/- Chfr7/- Lft Q Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [so] RAC :f> 913, 914. HI Belle Vue, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis gl RAC Lt. :f>> 936. m. Royal, High SL, B 2/6 L 2/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Box M U ins G»-ati5 RAC :F> 829. la^ Fleece, Hig/i St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/- to 4/6 Chfr 5/- 8 Gar ins G^m^is [6] :p> 731. (See i)p. U, 7, and 9, explaining how our itineraries have been drawn up. CHEPSTOW - 228 - Cheltenham (continued). M Plough, High St., B 2/0 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Q Gar ins GmfiS N 1/- do] KAC T Plough qp> 899. (?fSB" Nlichelln Stockists, Haines & Strane^e, 19, Albion St., Aqt. for B.S.A., M Box U \ Sun., Night, qp> 982. — Michelln Stockists, H. E. Steel, Ltd., 105, High St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, BEDFORP, CrOSSLEY, PEUGEOT, DARRACQ, Minerva, Ford, Benz, \M Boxes [12] U \ RAC T Steel Ltd. :F'267. M.C.T. — Lansdown Motor Co., Lansdown Place, Agt. for Briton, Waverley, [U U S- — Alfred Miles, Agt. for Palladium, go) U S :F> 14Y. — A. Williams & Co., 19, Portland St., \M1 U \ Sua., Night, :p> 10X4. Chepstow §) (Monmouth), M. 27, EeI, Pop. 2,953. M.D., Tues., Wed., Sat. ; B.C., Wed. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Norm.) ; Castle ; W. Hardwick (View) ; Ancient Walls. ::^ Apr. 8th. Crossway ToU House 1 < St. Aryans 2, Tintern 5, MonmOUth ffi. 16 — Usk 14 — Crossway Toll House 1, St. Aryans 2, Raglan 13, Abergavenny ^ 22 = Tutshiii 1 < Lydney fi. 9, Blakeney 12, Newnham 16 — Coleford 13, Ross a 24 = Newport ffi. 16. ■ m Beaufort Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed [6] Court go] ins Gratis T Beaufort Hotel :p> 27 p: . f^B Michelln Stockists, Chepstow Motor Garagre Co., Ltd., Moor St., Agt. for Alldays, Enfield, go] U "S Sun. RAC T Motor Garage :p> 35. — Iron Stores Co., 17, High St., |M1 U \ Sun., Night, T Iron Stores Chertsey (Surrey), M. 29, Ed), Pop. 13,819. X N.E. 2. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. Staines ^ 3, Uxbrldge a 14 = Sunbury 5, Twickenham 10, Richmond &. 12, Kew 13, London ffii 20 = Addlestone 2, Byfleet a 4 = ottershaw 2 < New Woking © 6, Guildford il. 13 — Bisley Camp 10 = Bagshot 10 = Egham a 5, Windsor a 10. ff^ H. Shanks, Chertsey Motor Works, London St., [6] U \ Sun. (Morn.) Night, T Shanks ;p> 187. — Herring & Son, Ltd., Guildford St., [^ U \ Sun. RAC T Herring :p> 4. Chesham # (Buckingham), M. 23, 29, ED, Pop. 8,204. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-St. Mary Ch. (Goth.). Tring 8, Dunstable 18 = inn 2 < Amersham a 3, Beaconsfield ffl. 8 — Rickmansworth 9. f^ Michelln Stockists, Oakley, Lta., Waterside, Agt. for ¥okd, T Oakley :?> 85. — William Foster, 13/,, High St., [^ Boxes (U TJ \ RAC ;f> 21 po. Cheshunt (Hertford), M. 23, 29, ESI, Rop- 12,956. See:-St. Mary Ch. (XVth c.) ; Cheshunt Ho. ; Old Temple Bar (At entrance to Theobald's Park) 2. Hoddesdon 5, Ware 9, Buntingford 19 = Waltham Holy Cross j®. 1, Tottenham 9, London ffi. 17 = Hatfleld a 11, St. Albans & 16, ^ E. A. Dunington, 115, Turners Hill, B 1/3 L 1/- CHESTER m (Cheshire), M. 16, ^, Pop. 39,038. See :-Cath. • (A) ; Cas. and Barracks (B) ; St. John's Ch. • (C) ; The Rows • (D) ; Remains of Walls (XlVth c.)* (E). X ^'^ 2 (E. 1). ::^ S.W. (E. V) May 7-8th. E. I : bjj Northgate St., Upper Northgate St., and Liverpool lid. .— Backford 3, Eastham 9, Birkenhead ja 15 (v. gd.), (ferry -26) Liverpool a 17. E. II : bij Eastgate St., Frodshavi St., and Brook St. :— Dunham 6, Frodsham 11, Warrington ®.20 (v. gd. und.), Manchester a 38 I - 229 CHESTER Chester {continued). E. Ill : by Eastgate St., Foregate St., The Bars, Boughlon Ild.,and Tarvin Ed. :^ Tmvin • 6, crabtree Green 13, Noi'thwicli ffi. 18, Altrincham & 30, Man- chester ffl. 38 {v. gd., 1/18 asc. at 20 m.). • r. Tarvin 6, Tarporley 11, Calveley 15, Nantwlch a • •20, Betley 28, Little Madeiey 32, Newcastle-under-Lyme a 36 {v. gd. ly. vnd., J /is desc. at o5 m.). • • ]. Nantwlch a 20, Crewe 21 {gd. level rd.). • • r. Nantwlch m. 20, Stafford a 47, Coventry m. 91, London Si 184. CHESTER 10 Tarvin Road 11 Christleton Boad 12 Bridge Street 13 Grosvenor Street 14 Grosvenor Bridge 15 Eaton Park 16 Watergate Street 17 New Crane Stree 18 Sealand Road 19 St John Street E. IV: hy Eastgate St., Foregate St., Boughtoa lid., and Christleton lid. :— Handley 8, Hampton Heath 14, WhitChurch S. • 20, Temhill 30, Hinstock 35, Newport 41, Aibrighton 52, Wolverhampton ^ 59(«. gd., I/IU desc. at 35 m.). • r. Whitchurch m. 20, Wem 29, Shrewsbury a 40 {v. gd., 1/25 asc. at ■--2 m.). E.Mlby Bridge St. and Grosvenor Rd. :— Rossett 6, Wrexham jSl 11 {gd. rd., 1/17 asc. at 10 m.). E. VI : by Grosvenor Rd. and Eaton Park :— Hawarden 7, Haikyn 14, Holywell 18, Newmarket • 25, Rhuddlan 30, Abergele S. 35, Colwyn Bay a 41, Conway 47, Bangor a 61 {gd. rd. pict., 1/12 desc. at 5U m.). • n. Newmarket 25, Rhyl ®. • S'l {med. hilly, sin.). E. VII : by Watergate St., New Crane St., and Sealand Rd. :— Queensferry 6 {Toll-bridge : Cars not exceeding 3 tona 1/- ; heavy cars 3/- ; 3-wheeled cycle car 9d. ; motor-cycle M.), Connah's Quay 8, Flint 12 {V. gd.). CHESTERFIELD - 230 - Chester (continued). ai Grosvenor, Eastgate St., B 3/- L 3/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft (cE C Box Shelter Court U 12 y Gratis N 1/- do] UAC :f> 705, 706. m Blossoms, St. John St. and Foregate St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- B, 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft ^ 8 Gar U opp N 1/- (l5| RAC T Blossoms ;F>186. mm Queen, Ci«y i?cZ., B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- 5 [£3 Lft Gar Court 80 y M ■/6 N 1/- [6] T Queen :p> 668 Nat. m Hop Pole, Fwegate St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- to 4/. Chfr 5/- |gH 5 Gar ins Gmtis [M] T Hop Pole :p' 144. VF" Michelin Stockists, c£[b)» Grosvenor Motor Co., Ltd., hi, Eastgate St., and h3, Foregate St., Ag t. for Wolseley, Belsize, Austin, Crossley, Sunbeam goo) U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Mechanics :?> 682 and 683, M.CT. — Monk's Garage, Queen St. and 75, Foregate St., Agt. for Fiat, Ho] U N Sun. T Monk's Garage ::p> 301. — Chester Engineering Works, City Rd., Agt. for Germain, (^ U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Motors :p> 665. — J. A. Lawton & Co., Westminster Works, Northgate St., Agt. for Renault, Sheffield-Simplex, Mercedes, Ford, Metal- LURGIQUE, [12) U SSun,, Night, RAC T Coach ;p> 352. — Michelin M.C.T., J. E. Brassey & Son, Ltd., Foregate St. (Motor Cycles). — ,'.' ohelin M.C.T., Wheelers Cycle & Motor Store, 112, Foregate St. (Motor Cycles). CHESTERFIELD # (Derby), M. 17, m. Pop. 37,429, M.D., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— Trinity Ch. (Stephenson's grave) (A) ; Parish Ch. (Twisted Spire) (XlVth and XVth c.) (C) ; Stephenson Memorial Hall (D). ^ S.W. 3(E.V) CHESTERFIELD ^ . . SCALE QD^'S i T^^TfrrrT: rim. ^««4i«^*.- A.TRINITY CHURCH W^^ C.STEPHENSON HIEmORIAL HALL ^'^ O.PARISH CHURCH G-R.S.-P.S.-T (See p. 3)\ 1 Hol3rweil Street 2 Sheffield Road 3 Durrant Road 4 Brewery Street 5 Staveley Road 6 Beetwell Street 7 Mansfield Road 8 Derby Road 9 Cavendish Street 10 Burlington Street 11 High Street 1 2 West Bar E.\'. by Holywell St. and Sheffield Rd. :— Dronfieid 6, Sheffield a 12 (v. med. hilly, 1/lU desc. at 8 m.). E. II : by Holywell St., Durrant Rd., Brewery St., and Warksop Rd. :— staveiy 5, Bariborough 8, Worksop Sk 15, East Retford fiL 23 <^d. und. I/IU desc. at 8 m.). E. Ill : hy Holywell St., Beetwell St., and Mansfield Rd. :— Temple Normanton 4, Pieasiey 10, Mansfield fflL 13 {med. hilly), Newarl( li 33 (v. gd. und. pict., 1/15 desc. at 6 m.). - 231 - CHICHESTER Chesterfield (continued). E. IV : bif Holyivell St., BeetweU St., and Derby Rd. :— Clay Cross 5; Higham • 8, Alfreton 11, Ripley 14, Derby Si 24 {med. rd., I/IU asc. at 10 m.), London a 150. • r. Higham 8, Heage 15, Duffieid 21, Derby & 26 (gd. und., 1J16 desc. at IS m.). E. V : by Cavendish St., High St., and West Bar :— * New Brampton • 1, Keistedge 6, Matlock 10 (med. mount.), Matlock Bath ^ 11, Ashbourne Sl 24 (med. v. hilly), Uttoxeter ffi. 36 (gd. und.), Stafford §Sl 50 (bad sin., 1/8 desc. to Matlock Bath). • r. New Brampton ] , Baslow • • 9, Caiver 11 (gd. rd.), Chapel-en-le- Frith 24 (med., several 1/15 gradients), Stockport ffl. 37 (gd. rd.). • • 1. Baslow 9, BakeAvell 13, Buxton M 25 (gd. pict, 1/15-17 asc. at 18 m.). IS Portland, West Bars, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 4/6 Chfr 5/6 lea 5 Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- [go] RAC T Portland qi 296 Cent. ^ Angel, High St., B 2/- L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed adj Gratis ^1/-M^ 344. ffv Michelin Stockists, Ma.rkKa.m & Co., Ltd., Broad Oaks Ironworks, Agt. for Ford, Ho] LT N Sun., Night, RAC T Broadoaks If- 19. — Michelin Stockists, csb>° Cavendish Motors, Ltd., Caven- dish St., Agt. for Wolskley, Arkol- Johnston, Krit, (Ml Boxes El U \ Sun. T Cavendish Motors :p> 381. M.C.T. — Michelin M.C.T., Armstead Bros., 7, Corporation St. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Smith's Motors, Ltd., Upper Grove Rd. (Motor Cycles). Chester-le-Street (Durham), M. 14, Pop. 11,753 P. ^X, (E. 1) (Lumley Park). Newcastle-on-Tyne ®. 8 = white Mere Pooi 8, South Shields 14 = Houghtongate 2 < Sunderland a 9 — Houghton-le-Spring 5, Seaham Harbour 12 = Durham ^ 6. ^ Lambton Arms, Front St., B 1/6 L 1/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- 5 Shed ins Gratis N 1/6 g]. ^aa O. Huntley, Huntley's Garage, Front St., [3] LT \. CHICHESTER ^ (Sussex), M. 28, MM, Pop. 12,594. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Mary's Hospital • (Xlllth c. Open daily, except Sutidays, 10-1 and 2-U ; 5 ivS Summsr) (A) ; Market Cross • (C) ; Cath. • (Xlth to XVth c.) (D) ; Canon Gate (E) ; Museum (F) ; The Cam- panile ; City Walls ; N.E. Boxgrove Priory (Norm, and Goth.). -Z. N. 4 (E. I). E. I : by North St. and Broyle Rd. :— Singleton 7, Midhurst ®. 12, Haslemere j®. 20, Godalming ffi. 29, Guildford a 33 (V. gd. V. hilly, pict., 1/10 asc. at Ik and 18 m.), London a 63. E. II : by East St. and St. Pancras :— Balls Hut Inn 6, Arundel 11, • 12, Broadwater Green • 19 (Toll: Cars M., motor-cycles M., trailers 2d.), Old Slioreham 24, Brlghtdn ffi. 31 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 asc. to and 1/15 desc. from Arundel). • r. 12, Littlehampton ffi. 15 (gd. rd.). • r. Broadwater Green 19, Worthing ^ 20 (gd. rd.). E. lU : by East St., Th« Hornet, and Bognor Rd. ;— Bognor a 7 (gd. rd. bad in winter). E. IV : by Sotith St., and Southgate :— Sidlesham Common 3, Seisey 9 (gd. fl. rd.). E. V : by West St. ;- Emsworth 7, Havant 9, Cosham • 13 (v. hilly), Fareham j®. 18, Bursledcn Br. 24 (Toll : Cars 1/-, motor-cycles Sd., with trailer or forecarriage 5d.), Southampton & 29 (Floating B): : Cars 1/- including 4 passengers), (v. gd., 1/13 desc. at 20 m.). • 1. Cosham 13, Portsmouth fi. 18 (med. rd.,Jlat). m Dolphin, West St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/6 R 5/- to 7/6 Chfr 8/- S Gar adj Gratis N 1/- [12] :?> 189. urn North House» North St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr 8/6 $ Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [3] :p> 162. lft?l Anchor, West St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/- Court ins Gratis ^ 1^ 188. CHIDDINGFOLD Chichester {continued). « A.ST MARYS HOSPITAL /^It * C. MARKET CROSS ^-^11 * D.CATHEDBAL E. CANON GATE 232 CHICHESTER 1 North Street 2 Broyle Road 3 East Street 4 St Pancras ,5 The Hornet 6 Bognor Road 7 South Street 8 South aate 9 West Street ^F^M Michelin Stockist, A. T. Humphry, 61, East St., f20l U \Sim., Night, :F> 172. . i—j "-J ^ — Adcock's Garage, East St., Agt. for Wolselev, Humber, Napier, Dennis, Ford, De Dion, [30I Boxes [H U \ Siui. RAC T Adcock ;p> 145. Chiddingrfold 1 (Surrey), M. 29, Pop. 1548 P. Godalming a 6, Guildford ®. 10 = Petworth 10, Chichester a 24. Crown Inn. ^» Michelin Stockists, Mann Bros., Motor Works, [M U \ Sun. :p> 18. CHIPPENHAM m (Wiltshire), M. 27, ^g, Pop. 5.332. M.D., Fri. : E.G., Wed. See :— Old Town Hall (C) ; St. Andrew's Ch. (D) ; Heath's Causeway (E. II); St. Paul's Ch. (A) ; S.E. Bowood Mansion • (Ital.)(E. 111)4 ; S. Lacock Abb. • (Xlllth c.) 4 ; S.W. Corsham Court (Eliz.), Alms- houses 4 ; N.W. Lanhill (Tumulus) (E. V) 3 ; Castle Coombe 6. ':?C N. 2(E.I). '^ E.i-.by High St., New Ed., and Malmeshury Rd. : — corston8, IVlalmesbury m. 10, Cirencester ffi. 22 (r. gd., l/l't desc. at 17 m.). E. II : by High St., Neio Rd., and Langley Rd. : — Sutton Benger 4, Lyneham 10, Wootton Bassett 14, SwIndon Q. 20 (r. (jd. und.y 1/17'asc. at 8 m.). E.\\\:by High St., The Caitseivay, and London Rd. : — • 3, Calne jS. 6, Beckhampton 12, IVIarlborough @. 19, Hungerford 20, Newbury ffi. 37 (gd. und., several l/lii gradients), London a 9i"i. • r. 3, Devizes jSl 10, Lavington l(j, Wilton 32, Salisbury a •6b{ined. rd., l/'J asc. at m.). E.\\l: by High St., and Bath Rd. .— • 1, Box 7, Bath ffi. 13 (gd. und., IjlS asc. at 3 m.). • 1. 1, Lacock 4, Melksham j®. 7, Westbury 16, Warminster j®. 21 (v. gd.), Shaftesbury 36 (med. v. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 27 and 20 m.). E.\l : by High St., New Rd., and Marsh field Rd. : — . • 3, Marshfield 10 (bad und.), Cold Aston 12, Bristol SBl 22 (med. rd., 1/12 desc. at 13 m.). • r. 3, Acton Turville 9, Chipping Sodbury 15 (v. gd., 1/18 desc. at 12 m.). ^ Angel, Market Place, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 3/- Chfr 6/ - Gar ins N 1/- [w] :p' 37 Nat. IT" IVIichelin Stockist, N. S. Hathaway, Perfecta Motor Wks., New Rd., Agt. for Mercedes, Darracq, {Eg} Boxes {§} U \ Sun., Night, T Hathaway. —John Pain, Angel Hotel Garage, Market PL, (e] Boxes [g] U \ Sun., Night, T Angel :p' 37 Nat. 233 - CHIPPING NORTON Chippenham (continued). CHIPPENHAM 'Al)///^'^ A. ST PAUL'S CHURCH 0. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH R.S.-P.S.-G.-(See p. 3) I: Chipping; Campden (Gloucester), M. 22, Pop. 1,542 P. See :— Old Houses (XVth c.) ; Wool Market (XVIth c.) ; Market Cross ; Court Ho. (XlVth c.) ; Church (Goth.) ; Manor Ho. (Rns.). ^ W. 8. Weston Subedge 3 •< Evesham @. 9 — Broadway 7, AVinchcomb 15, Chelten- ham SL 22 = Stratford-on-Avon ^ ll =s Shipston-on-Stour 7, Banbury a 21 = Moreton-in-the-Marsh 7, Chipping Norton ffl. 15 = Stow-on-the- WoldSllO. a Noel Arms, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 Pt 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/6 Q] T Tanner Campden. CHIPPING NORTON 1 (Oxford), M. 22, 28, MM, Pop. 3,972. M.D., Tf'ec?. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (A) ; X. EoUright Stones 2 ; N.E. Wigginton Ch. (Goth.) 6 ; W. Chastleton Ho. (Jacob.) 5. ^ S.W. 2 (E. II). E. 1 : 6i/ High St., Horse Fair, and Cha^^el Rd. :— • 1, South Newington 7, Banbury ^ 13 (gd. rd., .1J15 desc. at 7 m.). • 1. 1, Long compton 5, Shipstou 11, Stratford-on-Avon .Q. 21 (gd. und., 1/lU asc. at 10 m.). j. E. 11 : by High St., Horse/air, and London Rd. :■— Enstone •4, •7, Bletchington 14, Islip 17, Wheatley 24, Three Pigeons Inn 29, Postcombe 33, Stokenchurch 37, West Wycombe 42, High WyCOmbe S. 44 (gd. rd., 1/11 desc. at kO m.), London ®. 75. • 1. Enstone 4, Hopcroffs Holt 12, Bicestor Si 20 (gd. pict., 1/1.' desc. at 12 m.). • r. 7, Woodstock 11, Oxford S!. 19 {gd. rd., 1/17 desc. at 8 >/?.). E. ill : hy West St. and Bxirford Rd. ;— Shipton-nnder-Wychwood 7, Burford • 11, Aldsworth 18, Cironcester 28 {gd. und., several 1 / 15 gradients). • 1. Burford 11, Lechlade 20, Highworth 25, Swindon Q. 31 {gd. und., 1/12 asc. at 2h and 31 m.). E. IV : by West St. and Churchill Rd. :— King^am 4, StOW-On-the-Wold a • 9 {7ned. rd.). Ford 16, Toddington 20, Teddington Cross 28, Tewkosbupy SI 30, Lodbupy ^ 44 {gd. und.). • 1. StOW-On-the-Woid a 9, Harford Br. 14, Andoversford 21, Cross Hands Inn 29, Gloucester SL 34 {gd. v. hilly, 1/11 desc. at 9, 18, 23, and 27 m., and 1/10 desc. at 11 m.). E.y-.by New St. :— Cross Hands Inn 3, Moreton-ln-ilarsh 8, Evesham Sl 22 {v. gd., 1/10 asc. at 10 m.). il*L White Hart, 16, High St., L 2/6 B 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed Court Gratis T White Hart. jSi Crown and Cushion, JJ, High St., E 2/6 to 3/6 8 Gar ins Gratis [e]. CHIPPING SODBURY -234- Chipping Norton {continued). CHIPPING NORTON A. ST. MARY'S CHURCH R.S.-G.-P.S.-(See p. 3) 1 High Street 2 Horse Fair 3 Chapel Road 4 London Road 5 West Street 6 Burford Road 7 ChurchUl 8 New Vfw Michelin Stockists, J. & R. Hartwell, 19, High St., Agt. for NAPIER, [3] Box E U N T Hartwells Motors :p' 14. M.C.T. Chipping; Sodbury (Gloucester), M. 27, Pop. 1,117 P. See :— R. C. Chap. (Cross XVIth c.) ; E. Old Sodbury Ch. (Goth.) 3 ; Little Sodbury (Manor Ho. XVIth c.) 4. X N.E. 1. Wickwar 4 <. Wotton-under-Edge 8, Nailsvvorth 16, Stroud Q. 20 — Berkeley 13 = Acton Turviiie 6 < Chippenham a 15 — Wlalmesbury fi. 16 — Bath ffi. 15 = Yate stn. 2 •< Bristol a 12 — Pilning Stn. 12, {train to) Severn Tunnel Junction Stn. 19, Newport & 31. ChislehursO (Kent) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), jud), Pop. S,668. E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Cockpit (Rns.) ; Manor Ho. (Ellz,) ; Camden Place ; St. Mary's R. C. Chap. :§C N. 1. 3 -5 Lewisham 6, London a 14 — Eltham 4 = Sidcup a 2, Bexley 5, Dartford 8, Gravesend @. 15 = Sevenoaks ^ 14 = Bromley a 3, Beckenham Sl 5, Croydon m 9. m The Bull's Head, B 2/6 L 2/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 § Shed Box ins Gratis N 1/- [e]. ff» A. A. Rice, 8, High St.,\^U\ Sun. T Rice :p' 1572 Bromley. — Western Motor Works, Perry St., [11] U \ Sun. Night, FiAO T Motors :p» 160 Sidcup. - C. & A. Field, Bickley Arms Hotel, [H Boxes [SUNT Field qp> 878 Bromley. Chorley 1 (Lancashire), M. 16, SB, Pop. 30,317. M.D., Tues., Sar. ; E.C., 1st Wed. See :-R. C. Church ; Astley Hall (Eliz.) ; Parish Ch. (Windows). ^ E. 1 -5 Preston a 9 — Blackburn ® 10 = Horwich 6, Bolton m. H — Duxbmv 3 < Swinton 18, Manchester a 22 — Wigan 1^8 = Kufford ii < Southport a 22 — Ormskirk a 17, Liverpool ffi. 29. f^H Michelin Stockists, W. O. Samuels & Co., nu, Market St., [2] LT \ RAC :?* 9Y1. - 235 - CIRENCESTER Christchurch (Hampshire), M. 28, |m1, Pop. 5,104. E.C., Wed. See ;— Priory Ch. • (Norm, and Goth.) ; Norman Ho. • ; Hart's Museum. Pureweii 1 < Ringwood 9, Fordingbridge ffl. 15, Salisbury ffl. 26 — Lyndlmrst ffl. 15, Southampto-n ffl. 25 — Pureweii 1, Lymiiigton 12 =: Bournemouth ^ 5. Jg* Gordon, Southbourne, B 2/- R 4/6 Oiifr6/- [cH Gar U ins Gratis [3] RAG :p> 101 Southbourne. j^^ King's Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 4/- to 5/- Gar Shed U ins N 1/- g] RAG :F> 9. Chudleisrh (DevonshireX M. 26, Pop. 1,820 P. See :— Chudleigh Rock (View, Prehistoric Cavern), Exeter S. 10 = Chudleigh stn. 1 < Ashburton 10, Ivybridge S. 23 (Toll-gate 33 : Cars id., motor cycles 2d.), Plymouth ^ 34 — Kingsteignton 4, NewtOn Abbot J®. 6, Torquay a 13 — Chudleigb stn. 1, Kingsteignton 4, Teign- mouth ffi: 8. IS Clifford Arms, Fore St., B 1/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 4/6 Gar U ins M -/6 N 1/- SI ;p> 24. Chulmieigrh (Devonshire), M. 26, Pop. 1,158 P, ^ 8. Molton Rd. Stn. 3, See :-Parish Ch. (Goth.), Leigh Ho. (Eliz.). Barnstaple M 17 = Crediton 16, Exeter ®. 24. Fortescue Arms Hotel, S. Molton Ed. Church Stretton 1 (Shropshire), M. 21, ESI, Pop. 1,455. M.D., Thurs. See :— Church (Norm.) ; Market Hall. ^ S.W. 1. Shrewsbury a 13 = Much Wenlock 13, Bridgnorth ffl. 21 = siarshbrook 3 < Ludlow ffi. 16, Leominster ^ 27 — Bishop's Castle 13, Mont- gomery a 22. ja Longmynd, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Lft [^ f Gar U ins Gratis N 1/6 [3] RAC :p> 4 PO. m The Hotel, IcH ffi Gar LT ins N 1/6 RAC :p> 3. f^n Michelin Stockists, J. Fenn Wigfgrins & Co.) Church Stretton Garage, Agt. for Clement-Talbot, Maudslay, Q^ Boxes [HUN. Cinderford (Gloucester), IVI. 21, Pop. 3,112 (Alt. 550 ft.). M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. Little Dean 2 < Gloucester ^ 16 — Newnham 3 = Blakeney 6, Lydney 9 = Coleford 5, Monmouth a 10 = Keme Br. 7 < Marstow 9, Hereford fit 24 — Ross m. ID. CIRENCESTER 1 (Gloucester), M. 21, EH. Pop. 7,632. M.D., ITon., Jf-Vi. ; E.G., Thurs. See :— Cirencester Ho. (A.) ; Parish Ch. (Goth.) (C) ; Corinium Museum* (D) ; St. Thomas' Hospital (E). Ampney Gracis (old cross in church- yard). ^ N.W. 4. :§: N. 2 (E. V). E.\: hy Dyer St., London Rd., and Bur ford Rd. :—■ Bibury 7, Aldsworth 10, Burford • 17, Witney ®. 24, Eynsham 30, Swlnford Toll Br. 31 (Caution! cars 4d., motor cycles Id., side cars 2d.), OxfOrd a 36 (^d. und., 1/15 asc. at 7 m.), London m. 92. • 1. Burford 17, Chipping Norton m. 28, Banbury m. 41 (med. rd., hilly beyond Chipping Norton; several 1/15 hills). E. II : by Dyer St., London Rd., and Fairford Rd. :— Poulton 5, Fairford 9, Lechlade 13, Faringdon ®. 19, Wantage & 28, streatiey 43, Pangbourne ^ 47, Reading SSl 53 (v. gd. und., 1/18 desc. at Ul m.). E. Ill : by Cricklade St. and Cricklade- Rd. : — Cricklade 7, Biunsdon HUl 11, Swindon a 15 (med. rd., l/l'i asc. at 10 and 15 m.). E. IV : by Castle St. and Tetbury Rd. :— • 1, • 5, Culkerton 7, Tetbury jgL 10, Dodlngton Asn • 23, Bath ffi. 33 (v. gd., 1/lU desc. at 10 m.). • r. 1, Frampton 7, Stroud ^ 12 (v. gd., 1/11 desc. at 8 m.). • I. 5, Malmesbury ^ 12, Chippenham & 22. • r. Dodington Ash 23, Bristol M. 36 (gd. rd., 1/lU desc. at 27 m.). Before setting out on a tour, visit or write to our Tourings Office, 81, Fulham Rd., London, S.W., where your itinerary loill be drawn up free of charg^e. CLACKMANNAN 236 Cirencester (contiaU'ed). E.M : by Gosditch St. :— stratton • 1, Biidiip 10, Gloucester S. 17 (f. ijd., 1/7 denc. at 10 m., V. dang.). • r. stratton 1, Coiesbome 8, Cheltenham a. 15 (v. gd. sin. tllk-12 desc. at 1!? m.). CIRENCESTER SCALE A.CIRENCESTER HOUSEJ C. PARISH CHURCH - D.ST THOMAS HOSPITAL * M.CORINIUm WUSEUM 1 Dyer Street 4 Fairford Road 7 Castle Street 2 London Road 5 Cricklade St 8 Tetbury Roadll 3 Burford Road e Cricklade Road 9 Gosditch St in. King's Head, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [25) RAC T King's Head :p> 55. m Fleece, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 113/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis [8] T Fleece ::p> 127. ^a Michelin Stockists, W. G. Bridg^es, Ltd., Castle St. and WMteway, Agt. for Sinoer, Mercedes, Sunbeam, Itala, Ford, Alldays, [loo] Boxes [12] U N Sun., ?fight, RAC T Bridges 7^ 14. Clackmannan (Clackmannan), M. 9, [CT], Pop. 1,505, T AUoa 2. See :-Tower (79 ft. XVth c). 1 •< Dunfermline a 12 — Kincardine 4 = Alloa m. 2, Stirling ^ 9. Clacton (Essex), M. 24, 30, (udJ, Pop. 9,777. B.C., Wed. See :— E. St. Osyth's Priory 4. 2IC W. 1. Manningtree 15, Ipswich ^ 28 = Khby Cross 6 < Kirby 7, \Yalton-on- ]S^aze 9 — Frinton-on-Sea a 8 ■— Kirby Cross 6, Kirby 7, Harwich 21 = Colchester m. 16. JUL Grand, Marine Parade, L 3/- D 5/- R 3/6 to 6/- Chfr 6/6 Lft ICHl 5 Gar U opp Gratis jf 1/- g] RAC T Grand :p 86. ^ Towers, Marine Parade, Southdif, B 3/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- 5 Gar U ins Gratis [6] RAC T Towers :p' 89. Clay Cross (Derhy), M. 17, Ed), Pop. 8,365. See :— North Wingfleld Ch. (Goth.) ; N. Wingerworth Hall (Georgian) 2. Chesterfield a 5 = stretton 2 •< Higiiam 3, Alfreton 6, Ripley 9, Derby a 19 — 3ratlock 8 — stretton 2. Higliam 3, Heage 10, Derby & 21. Clayton-le-Moors (Lancashire), M. 16 (not marked on map), lupl , Pop. 8,87lj ^1 Accrington 1. See :-N.E. Altham (R. C. Chap.) 2. Whalley j®. 4, Olitheroe 8 = Padiham 4, Burnley a 7 = Accrington 1, Bury a 13 = Blackburn & 5. - 237 - CLUN Cleckheaton (Yorkshire), See Special Maps 46, 47, Ed), Pop. 12,867 Bradford ^ 6 = Birstal 3, Leeds ^ 10 = Heckmondwike 2, Dewsbury 5 = Brighouse ^ 4, Huddersfield St. 8. Cleethorpes ® (Lincoln), M. t8, ES), Pop. 21,419. M.D., Sat; E.C. Thurs. See :-W. Parish Ch. • 1. :§: N.W. 1. Great Grimsby a 2 s= Nun'a Farm 3 < cross Rds. 7, Caistor 14, Brigg a 23 — Louth ^ 18 — Nun's Farm 3, Cross Rds. 7, Barrow-on-Humber 21, Barton- on-Humber 24. m^ Dolphin, B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- (6] T Pratt Dolphin ;p> 200, m Victoria, B 2/6 L 2/- D 4/- E. 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar U opp N 1/- m :p> 186. ^sa Michelin Stocl 90 Nat. fP" Michelin Stockist, E. Vernon, Beach Ga.r. a.ncl Repair Wks., Elton Bd., Agt. /or Stoewer, Hupmobilb, Bianchi, DARRACQ, [m Box U \ Sun. RAC T Vernon :p> 96. — Michelin Stockists, R. Stepliens, Sons & Co., The Triangle, Agt. for Ford, H] U "S Sun., Night, RAC T Stephens 'f> 58Y. Clifton # (Gloucester). S^ee Bristol. Ciitheroe (Lancashire), M. 16, ME, PoP- 12,500. M.D., Sat. ; E.C, Wed. See :-Cas. (Rns.) ; The Alleys. ^ S.W. 1. ^awiey 4 < Skipton a 17 — Settle ia 17 = Whalley m. 4, Preston a 17 = Lancaster @. 27. J«a Starkie's Arms, Castle St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [H ^P 050. Swan and Royal Hotel, RAC Lt. ffw Michelin M.C.T., Wm. M. Cunningham, ^k. Castle St., and Lowergate, Agt, for Bblsize, Ford, [20] U N Sun., Night, RAC :F> 118 (Motor Cycles). — T. Slinger & Sons, Bawdlands, [Jl] U Sun. :p> 73. — Michelin M.C.T., C Whiteside, 15, Castle St. (Motor Cycles). Cloveiiy (Devon), M. 25, Pop. 621 P. See :— New Inn ; Ch. (Kingsley Brass) ; Cloveiiy Dikes ; W. Cloveiiy Court 1. ^oms Cross 5 «; Bldcford a 10, Barnstaple a 19 — Torrington 14, South Molton S. 30 = Cloveiiy Cross 2 < Bude S. 20 — Hartland 5. New Inn Hotel. lun (Shropshire), M. 20, Pop. 1,915 P. .- See :— Cas. (Rns.) ; Earthworks ; Ch. (Norm, and Goth.) ; N.W. Whitcott ; Keysett (Menhir) 2. ,\Bishop's Castle 6, Shrewsbury a 28 = Craven Arms 9 < Bridgnorth m. 30 — Ludlow a 17, Cleobury Mortimer 28 = Knighton 7. CLYDEBANK - 238 - Clydebank (Dumbarton), M. 11, EB, Pop. 37,547, E.C., Wed. See :— Shipbuilding Yards. Glasgow ® 7 = Bowling 4 < Drymen 19, Aberfoyle 30 — Dumbarton a 8, Helensburgh ®, 16. Coatbridgre # (Lanark), M. 12, ^1, Pop. 42,287. See :-Goth. Ch. ^ W. l. Airdrie a 2 < Denny 14, Stirling ffi. 21 — Armadale 14, Bathgate 16, Edinburgh a 35 = Beiishiii 3, Motherwell a 6 < Wishaw 10, Carluke 15, Lanark a 21 — Hamilton 8 = Glasgow ®. 9. iSl Royal, B 1/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/-. fp« Micheiin Stockists, Kyle Bros., U, Bank St., mu \ Sun., Night, T Kyle. > i_j u ^ Cobham ® (Surrey) M. 29 (no« marhed on map), Pop. 3,901. See :— Stoke d'Abernon Ch. (earliest brass in England). Esher a 4 = Leatherhead 6 = Ripley 4 = Byfleet a 3. ^ The White Lion, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 5/- Chfr 6/6 5 Box Court U ins Gratis N 1/- [I2] T White Lion ;p> 15. Q Royal Oak, Portsmouth Ed., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/6 Gar 200 y Gratis g] :p> 78. fP" Micheiin Stockist, A. Goldsmith, [e] LT Sun., Night, :jo 39 PO. — Cobham Motor Works, Portsmouth Rd. — AV. Soan, ZftgrA St., Agt. for Darracq, [20] U \ Sun. :F> IS. Cockburnspath (Berwick), M. 13, Pop. 982 P. See :-S. Old Tower 2 ; W. Fast Cas. (Rns.) 7. Dunbar 8, Haddington ^ 19 =: Grant's House 5 < Berwick-on-Tweed ®. 22 — Duns a 14. m Cockburnspath, B 1/9 L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed 20 y Gmti- N 1/6 [1 T Hotel. ^sa John Malcolm & Son, Bilsdean, Agt. for Humber, Argyll. (D Box HUN Sun., Night, T Malcolm. Cockenzie (Haddington), M. 13, [p1, Pop. 2,400, ^ Prestonpans 1. GuUane 8, North Berwick ®. 13, Dunbar 25 = Tranent 2 < Gifford 12, Dunbar 25 — Haddington m. 9, Berwick M 20 = Prestonpans 1, Mussel- burgh a 4, Edinburgh a 10. Cockermouth @ (Cumberland), M. 12, ESI, Pop. 5,203. M.D., Mon. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Wordsworth's Birthplace ; Castle (Rns.) ; Church (Goth.) • N. Bridekirk (Ch. Font) 2. ^ E. 3 {direction Braithey Hill). • 1, Bothei 8, Red Dial 15, Thursby 21, Carlisle ^ 27(me(Z. vd., 1/15 dcsc. and asc. at 17 m.). • 1. 1, Dearham 5, Maryport 7 {gd. rd., 1/16 asc. from Cockermouth). Braithey Hill • 5, Braithwaite Br. 11, KeSWlck VUgd. rd., 1/25 aSC. at 1 m.). • L Braithey Hill 5, Bassenthwaite 6, Keswick 14 {gd. pict. recom.). Scaw GUI 5, Braithwaite 9, KeSWick 11 {med. hilly, 1/9 asc. at 7 m). Beehive Inn 3, Ennerdale Br. 11, Egl'emont 17 {gd. rd. hilly). Bridgefoot • 4, Distington 10, Whitehaven a 14 {gd. rd. hilly, 1/lU asc. at 5 m.). • 1. Bridgefoot 4, Workington a. 9 {gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 5 m.). m Globe, Main St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis m RAC :f> 18. f^m IVilchelin Stockist, T. H. Noble, South St., [5] \ Sun. RAC. J. Dickson & Son, Market PL, Agt. for Argyll, [6] Boxes [2] U 'X Sun., Night, :F' 7. Co&greshall (Essex), M. 24, 30, Pop. 2,578 P. See :— Cistercian Abb. (Rns.). Colchester ia 9 = Braintree a 6, Dunmow 15, Bishops Stortford ffi 24. COLCHESTER # (Essex), M. 24, 30, ME, Pop. 43,463. M.D., .S'rt^; E.C., Thrtrs. See :— Roman Walls • (A) ; Castle (Norm.) (C) ; Balkerne Gate (Rns.) (D) ; St. Botolph's Priory Ch. (Xllth c. Rns.) (E) ; Goth. Gateway (XVIth c.) (F). S.W. Marney Towers and Ch. 7 (E. IV). X S- 2- E. I : by High St., East Hill, and Ipswich lid. :— Stratford St. Mary 7, Washbrook • 14, IpSWich ^ 18 {gd. rd., 1/11* deSC. at 7 m.y • 1. Washbrook 14, Claydon 20, Stoke Ash 33, Scole & 39, Long Stratton 49, Norwich Q. 59 {v. gd. ly. und., 1/17 asc. at 27 m.). — 239 COLCHESTER Colchester {continued). E. II : by High St., East UUl, and Harwich Rd. :— Ardieigh 5, Maimingtree 9, Ramsey 17, Harwich 21 {IjlS desc. at 11 m.). E. Ill : by High St., East Hill, and Clacton Rd. :— Fork Rds. • 2, Market 4, Thorp -le-Soken 13, Waltou-on-the-Naze 18 {V. gd. ly. und., 1/19 desc. at 11 m.). • r. Fork Rds. 2, Wivenhoe Cross 3, St. Osyth 12, Clacton-on-Sea 16 (v. gd. und., 1/16 asc. at 7 and 9 m.). E. IV : by High St., Head St., Crouch St., and Maldon Rd. :— Heckfo'rdbridge 5, Tiptree 9, Maldon Si 17 {med. rd., IjlU asc. to Maldon). COLCHESTER SCALE ^ High Street VTf 2 East Hill ''^ 3 Ipswich Road 4 Harwich Road 5 Clacton Road 6 Head Street 7 Crouch Street 8 Maldon Road 9 Lexden Road 10 North Hill 11 North Station Road 12 Bergbolt Road Crouch St., and Lexden Rd. :— 5, Witham ®. 13, Chelmsford i9A. E. V : by High St., Head St. Lexden • 2, Marks Tey • ly. und.), London Sl 54. • r. Lexden 2, Earls Colne 10, Halstead 14, Sible Hedingham 18, Baythom End 25, Haverhill 29, Linton 37, Cambridge ^ 48 (gd. v. und., 1/15 desc. at 13 m.). • V. Marks Tey 5, Coggeshall 9, Bralntree ffi 15, Dunmow 24, Takeley 28, Bishops Stortford a 3S(gd. und., 1/17 desc. at 21 m.). Ware 44 (med. rd.), Hertford S. 46, Hatfield ffi. 53, St. Albans m 58 (gd. und.). E, VI : by High St., North Hill, North Station Rd., and Mile End Rd. :— Emes9, Sudbury a 14, Rodbridgel6, • 18, Denston 27, Lidgate 31, New- market a 38 Igd. und. sin.). • V. 18, Aipheton 21, Bradfleld Combust 25, BUfy St. EdmundS ®. 30 (v. gd. iiad., l/lo asc. at 19 m.). The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hdte served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. COLDSTREAM - 240 - Colchester (continued). JS The Cups, High St., B 2/6 L :i/- D 4/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- « Gar Shed Shelter U ins Grait.s N 1/- [to] RAC T Cups :?> 221. Jgl^ Red Lion, U, High St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis [e] :p> 190, m George, High St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shed in- Gratis [^ T George ;p> 107. i^ The Bull, Crotich St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- ff Shed ii; Shelter [6] ins Gt-atis f Bull. T^v Michelin Stockists, Motors (Colchester) Ltd., Butt Ed., Agt. for Austin, Akrol-.Xohnston, Sizaike, [^ Boxes [2] U N Sun., Night, T Motors Ltd. 7f> 164. — Adams & Co., lt2-UiJ, Culver St., [20) U \ T Adams, Coach - builders :?o 200. — W. Saunders, 26-28, Crouch St., Agt. for Flanbers, RENAULT, [6] LT N Sun. RAC T Red Garage ;p 269. — W. Paull & Co., 6-10, Barrack St.,\2\U\?i^ 224. Coldstream @ (Berwick), M. 13, TE, Pop. 1,375, See -.—The Border Marriage Ho. ; N.E. Twizel Cas, (Rns.) 3 ; S.E. Field of Flodden 4. Duns ^ 10 = Tweedmouth 13, Berwick a 14 = Wooler 14, 17 < Alnwick ja 30 — Morpeth a 44 = Kelso ja 9 •< Hawick a 30 — Selkirk 28 = Greenlaw 10 < Lauder 22 — Earlston 21. I*lt?l Newcastle Arras, High St.; B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/« Shed adj Gratis N 1/- g] SAC T Murkin ;p> 13. ^m jVlichelin Stockist, Robt. Swan, High St., Hun., Night, T Swan Coleford (Gloucester), M. 21, 5Jd1> I*op. 4,337. See :— Caverns. ^ S.E. 1 (direction Parkend). Kerne Bridge 7, Ross St H (^>re(i. rd.), Ledbury a 23 (v. flfc?. tmd.). Nailbridge 6, Mitclieldean 8, Gloucester & 21 (med. /n%)., Cinderford 5, Westbury-on-Sevem 12, Gloucester a 21 (gd., V. hilly, l/'J ase. at 2 and 5 m.). Parkend 3, Lydney m. 7 (gd. rd.). St. Briaveis 5, Chepstow ®. 13, Newport a 29 (f/d. /a'%, i>(c^, several Ijl : gradients). Staunton 2, Monmouth a 5 ((/d. rcZ., IjlS desc. at h m.). Speech House Hotel, RAC. Coleshill (Warwick), IVl. 22, Pop. 2,593. See :— St. Peter and St. Paul's Ch. (Goth.) ; Pillory (Market Place) E. Maxstoke Cas. 1; S. Maxstoke Priory (Rns.) 2; N.W. Coleshi! Park Ho. (Eliz.) 1. 4 •< Lichfield iS. 15 — Tamwortii 10 = Fumace End 3 < Nuneaton a 12 — Atherstone m. 10, Ashby-de-la-Zouch 24 = stonebndge 4 < Kenilworth 13, Warwick ^ 18 — Coventry a 12 = Birmingham m. lo. Colne @ (Lancashire), M. 16, |m1. Pop. 25,693. See :-Church (XVIth c.) ; The Piece Hall. ^ E. 2. Sklpton ffi 12 = Giusburn 7, Keighley j®. 12 = Nelson Si 3, Brierfield 4 Burnley ^ 7, jfgil Crown, Albert Bd., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Gratis [U PG opp T Crown Hotel :p> 199. iftfl Swan, J/ar^et 5't, L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- [cS Shed Court ins N 1/- [2] :?> 160. fP« IVIichelin Stockist, Wm. Eastham, Ltd., Burnley Rd., Agt. for VALVELESS, [20] U % T Eastham :?> 142. — Cocks and Watson, Skiitton Bd. Garage \W\\I \ Sun. :p> 212. Coltishall (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 916 P. North Walsham ffi. 7, Cromer a 16 = Hoveton St. John 3, Potter Heigham 11, caister 20, Great Yarmouth SL 23 = Norwich a 8. Colwyn Bay # (Denbigh), M. 15, ES, Pop. 12,630. E.C., Wed. ^ S.W. 1. Abergele a 6, Rhuddlan 11, Holywell 23 = (ToU-gate 2 ; 2-seated cars 6d., larger cars 1/-) LlandudnO ^ 5 = Conway 5 (Suspension Br. Toll : Cars, 2 seats 6d., more than 2 seats \S., motor-cycles M..). as. Pwllycrochan, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 6/- Chfr S/- El 5 Ciar ins Gratis N 2/- Q^ :?> 13 Nat. - 241 - CONWAY Colwyn Bay (continued). ^ :Metropole, Penhmn Ed,, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 3/- to 4/- Chfr 7/- 5 PG 500 y (HI :p> 188. Colwyn Bay Hotel, RAO. ffw Michelin Stockists, H. D. D. Wa.lthsill & Co., Greenfield Rd., Agt.for Sunbeam, [M] U N Sun., Night, RAC T Walthall ;p>87. — David Jones & Co., The Carlton Motor Garage, go] Boxes g] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Carlton Works qp» 153. Combe Martin (Devon), M. 26 (no< marked on map), Pop. 1,521. 8 < Blackmoor Gate 5, South Molton ®. 19 — Lynton (via the coast) 15 — Blackiaoor Gate 5, Lynton 12 -- Blackmoor Gate 5, Bamstapie ®. 16 = llfracombe Sl 5. Comrie 1 (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 1,118. See :— N. Dunmore (837 ft.) ; Falls of Lednock (Devil's Cauldron). ^ KE. 1. Crieff ®. 7, Methven 18, Perth ^ 24 = Dunblane 18, Bridge of Allan 21, Stirling ®. 24 = St. Fillans 5, Lochearnhead 12. l4 Royal, Melville Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 2/- [6]. Ancaster Arms, Drummond St., SAC. ^ai IViichelin Stockist, G. McNab, Drummond St., Agt. for Swift, [6] U Sun., Night. Congrleton (Cheshire), M. 16, ME, Pop. 11,310. M.D., Fri., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— Swan and Lion Inn ; St. James's Ch. (Goth.) ; S. Astbury Ch. 2. ;;^ E. (Clenlow Cross). • 1, Marten 4, Alderley Edge ^ 11, Wilmslow 13, Cheadle Q. 18, Manchester & 25 (gd. rd., l/lo asc. from Congleton). • r. 1, Gawsworth 5, Macclesfield ®. 8 (gd. level rd.). Clenlow Cross 7, Buxton J®. 16 (med. V. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 9 m.). • 2, Hanging Gate Inn 6, Leek j©. 10, Ashbourno ^ 25 (med. V. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 3 m.), London @. 163. • r. 2, Bidduiph 4, Tunstall 9, Newcastle-under-Lyme ®. 13 (med. rd.). M e«t Heath • 1, Red Bull 6, Newcastlc-under-Lyms a 12 ((jd. rd.). • V. AVest Heath 1, Sandbach 8, Crewe 14 (med. v. hilly, 1/15 asc. from Congleton). • *r. West Heath 1, Holmes Chapel 8, Northwich S. 16 (gd. ly. und.). jgi Lion and Swan, Swan Bank, B 2/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins N 1/- T Swan :p> 190. Cong^resbury # (Somerset), M. 27 (not marked on tnap), Pop. 1167 P. Clevedon ffi. 6 = Bristol j® 12 = Axbridge 9 = Weston-Super-Mare a 9. ^»" IViichelin Stockists, W. Coward, Station lid., g] \ Sun., Night, :f> 7 Yatton. Coniston (Lancashire), M. 15, Pop. 1,111 P. See :— Churchyard (Ruskin's Tomb) ; W. Coniston Old Man (2,632 ft.) 1 ; Coniston Water ; Coniston Hall (XVth c.) ; Ruskin Museum ; Brant- wood (Ruskin's Residence) ; Trent Lodge (Tennyson's Residence). Grasmere 8, Keswick 21 = 2 < Ambleside ffi. 7, Penrith ®. 30 — Hawkshead 5, Ferry 9 (No. 28), Bowness-on-Windermere 10, Winder- mere a 11 = Ulverston 14. m Sun, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 4/- Gar adj Gratis [2] T Sun. Waterhead Hotel, RAC. Consett (Durham), M. 13, ED, Pop. 11,209. Ebche8ter4 •<: Hexham ^ 17 — Newcastle-upon-Tyne^ 15 = Durham a 13. Conway (Carnarvon), M. 15, ME, Pop. 5,242. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Plas Mawr (XVIth c.) ; St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) ; Conway Cas. • (Rns.) ; Walls. ^^ N.W, 1. Suspension Br. (Toll : Cars, 2 seats 6d., more than 2 seats 1/-, motor -cycles 6d.), Branch Rds. 1 < Colwyn Bay a. 5, Abergele ffi. 12 — Llandudno fi. 4 — Branch Rds. 1, Llanrwst 13, Bettws-y-Coed ffi. 17 = Penmaenmawr 4, Llanfairfechan 7, Bangor ®. 14. IS Oakwood Park, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- to 10/- Chfr 7/6 (cg 8 Gar U 60 y Gratis N 1/- ^ RAC T Oakwood ;p> 25. Castle Hotel, RAC. CORBRIDGE - 242 - Corbridgre (Northumberland), M. 13, Pop. 1,938 P. See :— Dilston Cas. (Rns.) ; E. Prudhoe Cas. (Rns.) 7. 20 < BHahaw 22, Carter Bar 35, Jedburgh ffi 46 — Otterbum 22 = Porteland 16, Morpeth ^ 28 = Heddon 10, Newcastle ®. 17 = Riding 3 < Blaydon 15, Newcastle a lO — Durham a 28 — Riding 3, Caatlesides 13, Witton- le-Wear 26, DarllngtOn ^ 41 = Hexham a 4 = Chollerford 8, Belling- ham 19. Corwen (Merioneth), M. 20, Pop. 2,723 P. ^tl.T)., Fri. ; E.G., Wed. See :~Church. Llangollen a 10, Shrewsbury a 38 = 1 < Druid 3, Cerrig-y-Druidion 10, Bettws-y-Coed a 22 — Ruthin 13, Denbigh ja 21 — Druid 3, Bala 12. I*l?l Berwyn Arms, Glyn Dyfrdwy (E. 5),- B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar adj GratU [6]. a Crown, High St., B 2/- L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis [m ;p> 3 PO. Cottenham (Cambridge), M. 23, Pop. 2,393 P, ^ Waterbeach 4. wiiburton 5 •< stretharn 7, Ely ffl. 12 — Haddenham 7, Sutton 11 = Cam- bridge a 6 = St. Ives 10, Huntingdon ®. 16. Cottingha-m (Yorkshire), M. 18, ESI, I'op. 4,648. See :— Church (Goth.). ^ E. 1. I < Beverley a 6 — Market Weighton 14 = Hull a 5. Coupar Angus (Perth), M. 9, El> Pop. 2,095. il.D., T/^io-s. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Abbey (Rns.). Forfar @. 17 = l < Newtyie 6, Forfar ^ 19 — Dundee a 14 = Perth a 13 = Dunkeld 15 = Bla4rgowrie ^ 5. ^ Royal, The Cross, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins M -/6 jST 1/6 So). f^n A. Gardiner & Co., The Garage, and 10, Union St., Agt. for H UMBER, m] U S. Cove and Kilcreg^gan (Dumbarton), M. 8, ^, Pop. 862, 8^ Gare- loclihead 8. ^ {adj. village). < Jarelochhead 8, Arrochar 18 = Couiport 7 := (ferry -50) Blainuore 4, Strone 5, Kilmun 6, Kim 18, Dunoon 19. COVENTRY 1 (Warwick), M. 22, |CB], Pop. 106,377. M.D., Wed., Fr!., Sat.; E.C., Thiirs. See:-Bablake Hospital (XVIth c.) (A) ; Trinity Ch. (Goth.) (C) ; St. .John's Ch. (XlVth c.) (D) ; St. Michael's Ch. • (E) ; St. Mary's Guild- hall • (XlVth and XVth c.) (G) ; Grey Friars Monast. (H) ; Alms- houses. :§: S.E. 2 (E. IV). E. I : by Broadgate, Burgess Cross, Bishop St., Leicester Roiv, and Foles- hill Rd. :- Bedworth 5, Nuneaton j®. 8, Atherstone Si 14, Ashby-de-la-Zouch 28, Derby a 42 {med. und.). E. II : by High Street, Earl St., Gosford St., and Sowe Rd. :— Walsgrave-on-Sowe 3, Wolvey • 9, Shamford 14, Leicester^ 24 {v. gd., 1/13 asc. at 9 m.). • 1. Wolvey 9, Hlnckley ®. 13, ibstock 24, Ashby-de-la-2ouch 31 (gd. imd. rd. recom.). E. Ill : by High St., Earl St., Gosford St., and Binley Rd. :— Brinklow 7, PaiUon 10, Cross in Hand 13, Lutterworth 15, Market Har- borough a 28, Oundle 50, Peterborough Sl QS(gd. und., ijlUdesc. at 6 m.). E. IV : by High St., Earl St., Friars St., and London Rd. :— wiUenhaiiS, • 4, Duuchurch 11, Daventryffl.19, weedon • 24, Towcester a 31, Stony Stratford m. 39, Dunstable 58, St. Albans & 71 (v. gd. und., 1/17 desc. at 11 and 2k m.), London SL 93. • r. 4, Piinjcethorpe 7, Southam 13, Ladbrooke 15, Banbury ffl. 27 (V. gd., 1121 asc. at H m.), Oxford a 50. • 1. Weedon 24, Northampton Sl 32 (v. gd., 1/17 desc. at 2k m.). E.y-. by Hertford St. and Warwick Rd. .— Kenilworth 5, Warwick & 10 (med. rd., 1/15 asc. at 5 m.). 243 COVENTRY Coventry (contimied). E. VI : by Smithford St., Fleet St., and Holyhead Rd. :— Meriden 6, stonebridge 8, Birmingham a 18 (gd. und., 11'30 desc. at 6 m.). COVENTRY SCALE CITY WALL AND GATE BABLAKE HOSPITAL D ST JOHN'S CHURCH E TRINITY CHURCH F ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH H GREY FRIARS MONASTERY J ST. MARY'S HALL K FORD'S HOSPITAL S Q T B (See p \) 1 Broadgate 2 Cross Cheaping 3 Burgess 4 Bishop Street 5 Leicester Ro-wr 6 Foleshill Road 7 High Street 8 Earl Street 9 Jordan WeU 10 Gosford Street 11 Far Gosford Street 12 Sowe Road 13 Binley Road 14 Much Park Street 15 London Road 16 Hertford Street 17 Warwick Road 18 Smithford Street 19 Fleet Street 20 Holyhead Road 21 Radford Road 22 St. Patrick's Road 23 Eaton Road 24 Leicester Street 25 Hales Street 26 Ford Street 27 Lower Ford Street E. VII : by Broadgate, Burgess Cross, Bishop St., and Radford Rd. :— coriey 4, Furnace End 10, Tamwortli 19 {med. hilly), Lichfield m. 26, New- castle-under-Lyme & 58. ^ King's Head, Hertford St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- 5 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- SI] RAC T King's :?> 630. la White Lion, Smithford St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 6/- S Gar ins Gratis \s\ ;p> 645, © Victoria (Temperance), Warwick Rd., B 1/6 R 2/- Chfr Q/- J. © Warwick, ^3, Warwick Rd., B 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/6. Queen's Hotel, Hertford St. COWBRIDGE •- 244 — Coventry (contimied). VF" Michelin Stockists, A. Farmer & Son, Central Garage, II2-III4, Queen Victoria lid., \M-'\J \ Sun. RAV lo 499. M.C.T. — Michelin Stocl(ists, Vernon Cycle and Motor Co., ' ^ I'Jarl St., Agt.for FOKI), go] LT % Sun. ;p> 5Y. IWLC.T. — Victoria Garage and Electrical Co., Ltd., Queen Victoria Rd. . fiol Boxes [4] U \ Snn., Night, RAC T Victoria Garage Ip 187. Manufacturers : Humber. Ltd. Maudslay Motor Co. (1907), Ltd., Park Side. Singer Motor Co., Ltd. Cowbridge (Glamorgan), M. 26, MM, Pop. 1,167. M.D., Tuea. ; E.C, Wed. See :— Grammar School ; S. Llanflethian (St, Quentin's Cas. Run.) 1. •:^ Apr. 9th. Cardiff a 12 = Barry 11, Cardiff a 19 = Llantwit Major 5 = Bridgend 1^7. a Horse and Groom, 19, High St., B 1/9 L 3/6 D 4/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed U ins Gmtts (U ;F' 30 PO. Q Duke of Wellington, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 1/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [2] :F> 23. ^w Michelin M.C.T^ Cowbridge Garage Co., High St. (Motor Cycles). Cowdenbeath (Fife), M. 9, TB, Pop. 14,029. Kinross 8, Milnathort a 10, Perth ^ 25 = Lochgelly 2, Leslie 10, Leven 19 = Burntisland 7, (fei-ry -29*) Grauton 12, Edinburgh a. 15 = Cioss- gatea 2 < Inverkeithiug 6, North Queensferry 8, (ferry -30*) South Queensferry 9, Edinburgh ®. 18 — Dunfermline ffl. 6. COWES m (Isle of Wight), M. 28 and Special Map 48, ISSI, Pop. 9,635. M.D., Tues., Thurs., Sat. ; E.C, Wed. See :— Norris Cas. (A) ; East Cowes Cas. (C) ; Osborne Ho. (D) ; Royal Naval College (E). X W. E. I : by High SL, Birmingham Rd., Medina Rd., Floating Br., Bridge Rd., Clarence Rd., Minerva Rd., Victoria G-rove, and Ryde Rd. : — • 3, Binstead 7, Ryde ®. 8 (gd. rd., several 1/13 gradients). • V. 3, Newport a 6 {gd. level rd.). COWES 1 High Street 2 Birmingham Rd. 3 Medina Road 4 Bridge Road - 245 - CRAWLEY Cowes {continued). E. II : 6(/ High St., Birmingham Rd., Mill Hill JRd., and Xeu'port Rd. .— • 1, Newport ffi. 5 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 desc. at 3 m.). • r. 1, Poichfieid 5, Shalfleet 8, Yarmouth 12 (gd. rd.). US Gloster, Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- E, 9/- Ohfr 8/- HAC :p> 126. JggL Fountain, High St. (adj. Pier), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 4/6 Chfr 7/6 5 PG U 50 y Court ins T Fountain :p> 459. f^M Michelln Stockists, Clark & Blachford, High St., [s) U \ RAC. Craigellachie (Banff), M. 5, Pop. 454 (Alt. 270 ft.). Eothes 3, Elgin a 13 = Keith 12, Ban ft 32 = Dufftown 4 < Tomintoul 23 — Huntly^a 18 = Aberlour2, Grantown^24 = Daiia8l6, Forres a 24. m Craigellachie, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- 11.4/- Chfr 7/- Gar LT 20 y 1/- and 2/- [e] SAC T Edgar :fo 4. Crail (Fife), M. 10, gl, Pop. 1,060. See :— Parish Ch. (Churchyard) ; Town Hall ; N. Balcomie Cas. 3. ^ KE. 2. E. Anstruther 3, W. Anstruther 4, Pittenweem 5, Largo 14, Leven 18, Kirkcaldy ^ 27 = Cupar IS = St. Andrews m. 10. m Balcomie Links, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar [3] Court [12] ins G!m«i.s' SAC T Kurth :p> 12. (*l?l East Nenk, ZiTiyi ,St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed adj Cranbrook (Kent), M. 30, Pop. 3,949 P. M.J).,Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Gotli.) ; Grammar School ; Vestry Hall (Tud.) ; X.E. Sissinghurst (Rns.) 2. Cranbrook Pound 1 < Maidstono .ffi. 14 — Biddenden 5, Ashford a 18 — Cranbrook Pound 1, Fork Reads 8, TunbrFdge WellS ^ 14 — Cran.brook Pound 1, Fork Roads 8, Tonbridge ^ 17 = Tenterden @.8, New Eomney 22 = Rolvenden 6 <. Rye S. 17 — Tenterden 9 = Hawkhurst 5, Hastings A 19. JJHS. George, Stone St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis [6] T Hammond ;p> 8. Cranleigrh # (Surrey), M. 29,Pop. 2,709 P. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Surrey County School. Guildford a 9 = Horsham a 10. j?a Railway, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ine Gratis [e] RAC. Lt. f^m Michelin Stockists, Wood & Trussler, Iron Foundry, [SUN Night, RAC. Crawford 1 (Lanark), M. 12, Pop. 1,614 (Alt. 840 ft.). :§^ S,E. Abington 3 < Hamilton 30 — Fork 5, Lanark ^ 20 — AWngton 3, Fork 5, Biggar a 15 = 2 < Moffat ^ 17 - Thornhill 21. m^ Murray House, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/6 to 6/- Chfr 4/6 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [Io| T Murray. m CraAvford, B 2/- L 2/'- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Ger ins G'ratis N 1/- [3] SAC. f^" Miclielin Stockists, R. & J. Murray, AgLfor Brasier, [To] U Sun., Night, T Murray. Crawley ^ (Sussex), M. 29, Pop. 4,421. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :-St. John's Ch. (Goth.). :§: E. 5 (Copthorne). Povey Cross 4 <. Reigate ffi. 10 — Redhill @. 10, Croydon fi. 20 = Copthorne Conmion 5 < East Grinstead a 9, Tunbridge Wells Si. 23 — Lingfieid 10, Edenbridge 14, Sevenoaks ®. 23 = Haudcross 4 < Brighton ®. 22 — Cuckfield 9 =z Horsham ®. 7, Cranleigh 17, Guildford ^ 26. m. George, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D4/- R 3/6 to 6/- Chfr 6/6 9 Gar U adj Gratis ^ RAC :p> 9 PO. ^ Railway, Brighton Rd., L 2/6 Ohfi" 5/6 Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [6] :F.8. / f^aa H/Iichelin Stockists, Nig^htingale & Co., Agt.for Darkacq, MARTINI, Hol LT S Sun., Night, RAC ;p' 4i. — A. Shaw & Son, High St.,MU\ Sun., Night, T Shaw ;f> 21 and21A. — G. Gadsdon, Brighton Rd., [go] Boxes H] U S Sun., Night, T Gadsdon, :p» 39 PO. CREDITON 246 Crediton (Devon), M. 26, WE, Pop, 3,640. See :— Church (Norm. Goth.). Blckleigh Br. 9, Tiverton a. 13 = RufEweil Inn 9 < Cullompton 16 — Tiver- ton a 17 = Exeter ® 8 = Bamstapie Cross 2 < (Chulmleigh on r. 16), South' Moiton Rd. stn. 17, Bamstaple a 32 — Okehampton a 18. CreetOwn (Kirkcudbright) M. 11 (not marked on m«^), Pop, 991. See :— S.E. Dirk Hatteraick's Cave 5. Xewton Stevt^art ffi. 6 = Gatehouse 12. |j#f?l Ellangowan, St. John St., K. 2/6 Shed ins Gratis \e\ T Ellangowan. CREWE (Cheshire), M. 21, MB, Pop- 44,970. M.D., Sat. ; KC, Wed. See :-L.KW. Ry. Works (A). :^ K 5 (E. H). E.\'. by Edleston Rd. and' Sandbach Rd. :— Sandbach • 6, Congleton • 14, Macclesfield a 22 (gd. rd., l/io desc. at lU m^). • 1. Sandbacli 6, Middlewich 11, Northwich fi. 17 (gd. und.). • r. Congleton 14, Buxton a 30 (med v. hilly, l/ll asc.at SS m.). CREA^^E A. L.N.W.R. WORKS CS.-P.SHB.8rT-(S«e p. 3) E. II : hy Edleston Rd., Sandbach Rd., and Newcastle Rd. :— Weston Haii3, Betiey 5, Newcastle-under-Lyme ffi. 13 (gd. rd., 1/18 desc at 11 m.). E. Ill : by Edleston Rd. aiid Nantwlch Rd. :— Nantwich Si. • 4, Whitchurch a • 16 (nved. und.), Shrewsbury & 36 (v. gd.). • 1. Nantwich S. 4, Llc4ifleld SL 48, Coventry §k 74, London a 167. • r. Nantwich m. 4, Tarporley 13, Chester ®. 24 (v. gd. ly. und.). • V. Whitchurch m. 16, Ellesmere a 28, Oswestry S. 36 {gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 25 m.). • r. Whitchurch S. 16, Wrexham a 32 (v. gd. rd., hUly, 1/13 asc. and, desc. at 26' m.> m Royal, Nantwich Rd.,'R2/Q L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/6 SH 5 Gar ins Gratis (H Shed [fj N 1/- T Welch :p> 199. Grewe Ajms Hotel. ffw Gibson's Garage, 2U-26, Nantioich Rd.,\e]\S \ Sun. T Gibson's Garage 7f> 66. I - 247 - CRIEFF Crewkerne (Somerset), M, 27, 503, Pop. 3,939. M.D., Sat. ; E.( '., T/iurd. See :— St. Bartholomew's (XMth c). '^li^ Oct. 30th. 8toke-und'r-Ham 6, Dchester 11, Shepton Mallet 27 (^med. rd., IfS dexr. at S3 m.). WestCokerS, Yeovll fi 9 (p. gd. und., 1/15 asc. at 3 m., and desc. at 8 m.). Misterton • 1, Maiden Newton 13, DorCheSter Si 21 (gd. rd., 1/10 asc. Of 3 m., and desc. at 12 m.). • r. Misterton L, Beaminstev 7, Bridport ffl. 13 (gd. v. hilly, 1/12 aee. at 3 m.). Blackdovm 6, Hunter's Lodge Inn 13, Lyme Regis 16 (med. rd. V. TiiUy, 1/9 desc. to Lyme Regis). Koundham 1, • 3, • 5, Chard ^ 8, Honiton 21, Exeter S^ 38 (v. gd. v. hilly, 1/12 asc. at 8 m.). • r. 3, Ilminster ffi. 7, Taunton ffli 19 (gd. rd., 1/13 desc. at G m.). • 1. 5, Perry Street 8, Axminster 13 (gd., V. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 10 m.). Lopen Head 4, Muchelney 12, Langport 14, Othery 19, Bridgwater ®. 26 (v. gd., 1/16 desc. at 1 m.). m Georg-e, The Square, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Box H] adj RAC T George :p> 9. ^^ E. A. Miller, Agt. for Ford [6] LT %• Crisinlarich (Perth), M. 8 (Alt. 550 ft.). See :— N.E. St. Milan's Priory ; St. Fillan's Holy Pool 3. Tyndrura 5, Dahnally 17, Oban 43 = Lochearnhead 16, Callander 30 = Tarbet 17, Arrochar 19. Crianlarich Hotel, SAC. Criccieth (Carnarvon), M. 19, |^, Pop. 1,376. E.C., Wed. See :-Castle (Rns.). "X. ^"-W. 1. Portmadoo ®. 5, Festiniog 15 = Pwllheli ffi. 8, Nevin 15. ^ George, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/.6 Chfr 6/6 PG 300 y [lOO) RAC ;p> 3. Marine Hotel, RAC Lt. Crickhoweli (Brecknock), M. 20, Pop. 1,150 P. M.D., Thurs. See :— Castle (Remains) ; Gothic Gateway ; Ch. ^ W. 2. 2 <. Brecon a 14 — Talgarth 12, Builth 27 = Abergavenny ^ 6 = Bryn- mawr 8. Cricklade (Wiltshire), M. 27, Popu 1,517. See:— St. Samson's Ch. (Gotlx.); St. Mary's Ch. (Norm.); X. Down Ampney (XVIth c. Ho.). Cirencester ®. 7 = Cold Harbour Inn 4 < High worth 8, Faringdon a 14 — Swindon ^ 8 = Wootton Bassett 8, Chippenham a 22 = Malmesbury m. 12, Bristol ffl. 38. Jgt The White Hart, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 5/- Shed Com-t ins Gratis [6] RAC Lt T Law. CriefFl (Perth), M, 9, WM, Pop. 5,571. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., 1st Wed. all day. See :— Lady Mary's Walk (View) ; Town Hall; Market Cross; The' Knock (View) 1 ; Barwick Falls 3 ; Turret Falls 3 ; S. Drummond Cas. • 3 ; S.W. Ardock Camp • 7. ;^ 1 (adj. station). Milton 14 < Aberfeldy ^ 23 — Dunkeld 22 = Perth ^ 17 = Muthiii 3 < Dunblane 16, Br. of Allan 19, Stirling @. 22 — Rumbling Br. 20, Dun- fermline a 31 — Muthiii 3, Auchterarder 9 s= Comrie 7, Lochearn- head 19 = Glenturret Lodge 7. m^ Strathearn Hydi-o. Estab., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 8/6 to 10/6 Chfr 5 - Lft [ca ® Gar U adj Ch-atis N 1/- [6] SAC T Hydro :p' 33. liffi Drummond Arms, James Square, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar Slied dist N 1/6 SAC ^ 87. f!^ Commercial, Kiiig St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 8/6 Shed Com-t ins PG adj qp> 89. f^^ Michelin Stockists, David IVIilla.r & Sons, 66, Commissioner St., Agt. for Humbkr, Napier, Sunbeam, Argyll, Ford, [301 U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Automobile ;p» 7r and 74. — The Crieff Motor and Carriage Co., Ltd., The Cross, Agt for Crossley, Peugeot, (HUN Sun., Night, SAC T Motor 7>73. CROMARTY 248 Cromarty (Ross and Cromarty), M. 5, ME> Pop. 1,928, ^ Poitrose 10. See :— The Sutors ; Cromarty Ho. (Ferry -37 ; no motors) Nigg stn. 7 «; Tain ffl. 12, (ferry -38 ; no motors) Dornoch 22 — Portmahomack 16, Tarbat Ness 19 = Fortruse 10, ( fern/ -35) ; Inverness a 22 = conan 20 < Dingwall fi. 23 — Inverness a 39 . = (ferry 36 ; no motors) Invergordon 8, Alness 11. Koyal Hotel, RAC. CROMER m (Norfolk), M. 24, ED, Pop. 4,074* M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Pier ; Esplanade ; Cliffs ; Church (Tower) ; S.E. Roman Camp 4. ;;§^ S.E. i (direction Trunch). CROMER SCALE »/4 1 m. ^otel de Pans acker's Royal H ed Lion H 1 Prince Wales' Road 2 Church Street 3 Overstrand Rd 4 Norwich Road 5 West Street 6 Runton Road 7 New Street 8 Loudon Lane 9 Mount Street 10 The Gangway 11 Beach Road 12 Cromwell Road 13 Station Road E. 1 : hy Prince of Wales' Rd., Church St. and Overstrand Rd. :— Mundesley 8, Stalham 18, Potter Heigham 23, Caister 32, Yarmouth & 35 (7ned. rd.). E. II : by Church St. and Noi-wich Rd. :— • 3, North Walsham ffi. 9, Coltishall 16, Norwich ^ 24 {gd. rd., 1/15 asc. from Cromer). • r. 3, Erpingham 7, Aylsham 10, Norwich & 22 (v. gd.). E. Ill : by West St. ;— Ayimerton Row 3, Holt &. 10, Fakcnham & 22 (v. gd., 1/17 desc. at 10 m.). f E. IV : by Runton Rd. :— Sheringham 4, ciey 12, Wells 21 (gd. v. hilly, pict.), Hunstanton SL 39 (v. gd., several 1 / 15 gradients). Sg Hotel de Paris (Sea Front), B 3/- L 3/3 D 5/3 R 6/- Chfr 7/6 Lft 5 Gar U 50 y Qratis N 1/- ^ RAC T Paris Hotel :p' 165. ill Grand, West Cliff (Easter to Oct.), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- to s;- Chfr 7/6 Lft ffi Gar \J ins Gratis N 1/6 [m] T Grand :p> 24. Jit Tucker Royal, Twcfcer St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- 5 Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- [Is] T Tuckers ;p> 165. an Overstrand, S.E. 2 (Easter to Oct.), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- toS/- Chfr 7/6 Gar Box U ins Gratia N 1/6 [12] :p' 0196. m. Ye Olde Red Lion, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- 5 Gar [e] Shed [6] Court [To) ins N l/6> 43. Royal Links Hotel, RAC. - 249 - CROYDON Cromer {continued). ffm Michelfn Stockist, H. Auckland, The Cromer Garagre, Canada Jld., [25] U \ Sun., Night, :p> 163. — Michelin Stockist, W. J. Miller, Church St., [sol Boxes Q] U \ Sun., Nislit, T Miller Motors :p» 6. — Wm. Linford, West St.\^U\ Sun., Night, :p> 157. Crook (Durham), M. 14, EH, Pop. 12,310. M.D., Mon., Fri., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. Durliam a 10 = 2 < Woisingham 5, Stanhope 11, St. John's Chapel 19, Alston 31 — Castlesides 13, Riding Mill 23, Oorbridge 26. Crowborougrh ® (Sussex), IVI. 29, Pop. 3,081 P. E.C., Wed. :§: E. i Tunbridge Wells ^ 7 = capper's Green 6 •< TJckfleld ^ 7, Lewes ®. 16 — Aiaresfieid 7, Haywards Heath ^ 17, Cuckfield 19. mfi Beacon, B 3/- L 3/6 D 5/- K 5/- to 7/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft [ch! ffi PG LT 200 y [Ml P-AO :?> 5. JSH Crest, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- P 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar 200 y Gratis N 1/6 T Crest :p> 94 Nat. V^" Michelin Stockists, G. Stiller, Croft Rd. and London Rd., Qg] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Stiller ;p> 126. > — J. C. H. Martin, Ltd., :Martin's Garage, Agt. for ¥0B.J), ENFIELD, [40] Boxes [12] U \Sun., Night, T Petrol ;p' 113. Crowiand (Lincoln), M. 23, Pop. 2,747 P, ^g Postland stn. 4. See :— Abbey Ch. • ; Triangular Bri. • ; S.E. Thorney Abb. 5. Spalding Si. 9, Boston m 25 = 3 ^Thorney 5, Wisbech®. 19— Peterborough ® 9 — Market Deeping 11 — Thomey 5 (_T oil-Gate 8 : Cars 1/-, motor- cycles M.), Whittlesey 10, Pamsey 19. a George, F.ast St., B 1/9 L 2/6 D 3/- P 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins M -/6 N 1/- [6]. Crowie (Lincoln), IVI. 17, Esl, Pop. 2,853. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Oswald's Ch. • (Norm, and Goth,). Goole 12 = Crowie Stn. 2 < Aithorpe 5, Gainsborough ffi. 21 — Ep worth 7. Gainsborough ffi. 19. Croxton Park (Leicester). ::^ Apr. 10th. N.E. Melton Mowbray ffi 6. CROYDON 1 (Surrey), M. 29, and Special Maps 42, 43, El, Pop. 169,559. M.D., Thuri^., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Whitgift's Hospital and Schools (A) ; St. John Baptist's Ch. (Tombs) (C) ; Archbishop's Pal. (XVIth c. Pus.) (D). ';Z. S. {Purley Downs), 3 (E.JV). E.\'. by North End and London Rd. :— Streatham 4, Kennington 8, London ffi 11 {paved rd.). E. II : hy George St. and Addiscomhe Rd. :— West Wickham 4, Locks Bottom 7, Orpington 10, St. Mary Cray 11, Crayford 16, Dartford ffi 18, Gravesend ffi 25, Rochester ffi 32 {gd. mid. rd.). > E. Ill : by High St., South End, Brighton Rd., and Sanderstead Rd. :— Sanderstead Stn. 2, Titsey 10, Limpsfield 11 {1/8 deSC. at 9 )«.), Penshurst 20, Tonbridge ffi 26 {med.y. und.), Hastings ffi 58. E. IV : by High St., South End, and Brighton Rd. :— Purley #3, Merstham 8, Redhill ffi 10 {magn. level rd.). • 1. Purley 3, Caterham ffi 8, Godstone 11, New Chapel Green 16, East (irinstead ffi 20, Forest Row 23, Wytch Cross 26, Maresfleid32, Uckfield 33, East Hoathly 38, Horsebridge 44, Hailsham 46, Polegate 49, EaStbOU me ffi 54 {v. gd. und., several 1/17 gradients). E. V : 6y Church St., Waddon Old Rd., and Epsom Rd. :— Sutton ffi 4, Ewell 7, Epsom ffi 9, Leatherhead 13, Effingham 17, Guildford ffi 25 {gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 asc. at lU m.), Winchester ffi 62. E. VI : by Church St., Pitlake, and Mitchani Rd. :— Mitcham 4, Merton 6, Kingston ffi 12, Hampton ffi 15, Staines ffi 22, Egham ffi 23, Ascot ffi 30, Bracknell ffi 32, AYokingham '3Q, Reading ffi 43 {gd. und. rd.). mi Greyhound, High St., B 2 - L 1/6 D 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar adj N 1/6 [loi PAC T Greyhound :p> 804 Nat. TF" Michelin Stockists, Milne & Russell, Lttl.,72,Hufh St., Agt. for Flanders, Humber, [20] Box (U U \ Sun., Night, T Plug :?> 1430. — H. Branson, llu-lhS, St. James' Rd. CUCKFIELD Croydon {continued). CROYDON SCALE 250 A.WHITGIFT'S HOSPITAL C.ST JOHN BAPTIST'S CHURCH ANS SCHOOLS 0. ARCHBISHOPS PALACE G PS. -RS T- (See p. 3 ) 1 North End 2 London Ro^d 3 George Street 4 Addiscombe Road 5 High Street 6 South End 7 Brighton Road 8 Sanderstead Road 9 Church Street 10 Waddon Old Road 11 Epsom Road 12 Pitlake 13 Mitcham Road 14 Selsdon Road fF" Croydon Central Motor Co., Ltd., 110, High St., Agt. for Stoewer, Napier, |i5] Boxes (^11% Sun., Night, EAi T Speed ;}o 1170. — A, Bullock, Tanfleld Rd. and Grange Fell Rd., Agt. for Dai: lac-,,-. Ho] Boxes m TJ Sun., ^ 548 PO. Cuckfield (Sussex), M. 29, EH, Pop. 1,899. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., WeO. See :— Cuckfleld Park Ho. (XVItli c.) ; Church (Goth.) ; S.W. Bolnej (Ch., Coombe Ho., and Bolney 3Ianor) 3. ^ S.E. 2 {direction Hay- wards Heath). Baicombe 4, Pound Hill 8, Horley fi. 12, Redhill Q. 16 (med. V. hiUy, several 1/13 gradients). Haywards Heath m. 2, King's Head inn 7, Maresfteld 12, Cross-in-Hand 20, Woods Comer 27, Battle a 33, Hastings a 40 {med. v. hilly, 1/10 asc. at ^8 on.). Aasty«l, Piecombe 9, Brighton ®. 15 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 desc. at 9 m.). • r. Ansty 1, Bolney 3, Cowfold 6, Biilingshurst 15, Petworth 24, MidllUr^t 30, Petersfleld a 40 (gd. rd.). I - 251 - CUPAR Cuckfield (continued). HandcrosB • 5, Crabtree 9, Hovsham ffi. 14, Cranleigh 24, Guildford Si. 33 (gd. rd.). • r. Handcross 5, Crawley SL 9, Povey Cross 13, E,eigate a 19 (tf. gd., IJIS CISC, at 18 m.). m King's Head, High St., Shed 40 y N 1/- H :p> 6. • © Wheatsheaf , firoaci St.,.B2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 4/-. ffMi J. Denman & Co., Ltd., Broad St., Agt. for CLEMENT, (30) U % Sun., Nigkt, RAC T Denman :p> 3 PC. Cullen (Banff), M. 6, El> PoP- 1.992. JVLD., F«d. See :— Three Kings of Cullen (Rocks) ; E. Mndlater Cas. (Rns.) 2 ; S. Cullen Ho. 1. ^jj:! W. 1. Portsoy 6, Banff 14 = Keith 13 = Fochabers 12, Elgin a 21 = Findochty 4, Buckie 8, Port Gordon 10, Keith 20. k M Seafleld Arms, Seafleld St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed P adj (?m«t's N 1/- (T] :?» 4. Cullompton (Devonshire), M. 26, Pop. 2,919 P. M.D., Wed., Sat.; B.C., Thurs. See :— Church (XVIth c) ; Old Houses, wiiiand 2 < Wellington a 12, Taunton a 19 — Tiverton ja 8 = Honiton 11 = Exeter a 13 = Creditou 16. Culross (Fife), M. 9, H, Pop. 341. See :— Old Houses ; Culross Abb. (Xlllth c.) ; W. Dunimarle (Museum) 1. 3 < Dunfermline ®. 7 — n. Queensferry 10, (ferry -30) South Queensferry 11, Edinburgh a 20 = Kincardine 4, Alloa ^ 10. Cumnock (Ayr), M. 12, TE, Pop. 3,417 (Alt. 467 ft.X •^. Muirkirk 10, Lanark ^ 32 = New Cummock 5, Sanquhar 16, Thornhill 28, Dumfries a 43 = coyiton 10 •< Ayr a 16 — Maybole 21, Girvan a 34 = Mauchline 7, Kilmarnock S. 16 = Sorn 5, Galston 13, Glasgow ®. 34. m Dumfries Arms, Glaisnock St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Shed IT opp Gratis do] SAC T Munn :f> 28. ^ Royal, Square, B2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [D SAC. ^'CUPAR (Fife), M. 10, Pop. 4,380. M.D.., Tues., Thurs. ; B.C., Thurs. See :— Parish Ch. (XVth c.) (A) ; X.E. Dairsie Cas. (Rns.) 4. 2IC (««^i- town). E. I : fey Catherine St. and Eden PL .— BaimTiiio 5, Newport 11, (ferry -34*) Dundee a 13 (v. gd. i)ict., 1/13 desc. at 11 m.). E. II : by Catherine St., Eden PL, and St. Andrews Rd. :— Pitscottie 3, St Andrews j®. 9 (gd. level rd.). E. Ill : by Crossgate, Station Rd., and James's PL :— Ceres 3, Largo 10, Leven 14 (v. hilly, med. pict., 1112 desc. at 7 ni.). E. IV : by Crossgate, Station Rd., and South Rd. :— Pitiessie 4, New Inn 9, • 11, Thornton 14, Kirkcaldy ®. 18, Kinghorn 21, Burntisland 24, (ferry -29) Granton 29, Edinburgh Sk 32 (v. gd. and.), London @. 414. • r. 11, Leslie 13, Kingiassie 17, Auchterderran 19, Lochgelly 21, Cowden- beath 23, Dunfermline a 29 {med. s-in. hilly, dang. desc. beyond Leslie). E.y : by Bonnygate, Westport, and Bonvil :— Bow of Fife 4, Auchtemiuchty 9, Edentown 13, Milnathort ®l 18, Pool of Muckaxt 25, Dollar 29, Tillicoultry 32, Alva 34, Stirling ffi. 41 (gd. v. pict., 1/16 desc. at 39 m.). E. VI : by Bonnygate, Westport, and Balgarvie Rd. :— Lindores 9, Newbiu'gh 11, Abernethy 14, Aberargie 16, Perth ^ 22 (gd. und., 1/22 asc. at 19 )n.). The price of a room is for a good medium-sized room with la.rgre bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper may let rooms at prices inferior or superior to those given in the Guide according to situation and installation. DALBEATTIE Cupar {continued). St Catherine 2 Eden Place 3 St Andrews Road 4 Crossgate 5 Station Road James Place 7 South Road 8 Bonnygate 9 Westport 10 Bonvil 11 Balgarvie Road W®B.G-P A. PARISH CHURCH R.S.- (See p. 3 ) Chfr 5/- Gar St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R L 3/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed 2/- m Koyal, 5f«. Catheri ins SAC :p> 47. |g^ Tontine, Catherine St., B ins N 1/- IMI :?> 64. f^" T. Holand Outhwaite, Westport Works, Agt. for YmoT, E.M.F. Flanders, gi U % Sun., Night, SAC T Outhwaite ?> 22. .— E. Walton & Son, 16, Bonnygate, Agt. for Akgyll, Eoyer HUMBER, [15] LT N Sun., Night, T Walton :p> 23. Dalbeattie (Kirkcudbright), M. 12, El, Pop. 3,357. See :— Granite Quarries ; S.W. Dundrennan Abb. 13. ^. Dumfries ffi 14 = Kirk Bean 14. Dumfries S. 26 = Kirkcudbrigiit IS = Castle Douglas m. 7, Gatehouse-of-the-Fleet 22, ?s'ewton Stewart fi. 40 = Corsock Br. 12, New Galloway 23. Ja Maxwell Arms, Maxwell St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed adj Gratis ;p> 3. Dalkeith (Edinburgh), NL 12 {not marked on map), El, Pop. 7,019. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Nicholas Ch. (Goth. XlVth c.) ; Dalkeith Pal, ; S. New- battle Abb. 1 ; Borthwick Cas. 7. Musselburgh ^ 5 {gd. rd.). • 4, Weston Pencaitiand 8, Haddingtoti ^ 14 (v. gd. und. pict., stp. asc. at 5 m.). • r. 4, Pathhead 5, Soutra Hill 11 ipict.), Lauder 20 (v. gd.), Kelso ^ 38 {hilhj,pict., IJIG desc. at 3h m.\ Eskbank • 1, Fushiebridge 6, Heriot 12, Stow 20, Galashiels ^ 28, Selkirk 34 {v. gd. und. sin. pict.), hlawicl< ^ 46 (gd. v. hilly, 1/lG desc. at U5 m.). • r. Eskbank 1, Bonnyrigg 2, Leadburn 10 (fjrrf. Jlilll/), Peebles fit 20 (v. gd.). • r. Eskbank 1, Lasswade • • 2, Loanhead 4, Penecuik 9, Nine Mile Bum 13,,Carlops 14, W. Linton 17, Dolphinton 21, Biggar SL 28 (jV. gd.). • • r. Lasswade 2, Giimerton stn. 4, Edinburgli Q. 9 (med. hilly). Bridgend 4, Edinburgh a 7 (v. gd. mid., IjlU desc. at 3 vi.). © Cross Keys, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar [3] Court fial ins Gratis ^ 54. - 253 - DARLINGTON Dalmally (Argyll), M. 8. See :— Parish Ch. ; N. Falls of Orchy 7 ; E. Ascent of Ben Lui (3,708 ft.) 8 ; S. Loch Awe (Kilchurn Cas.) 3, Lochawe 4, Oban 26 = Inveriochy 2 < Tyndrum 12, Crianlarich 17 — Br. of Orchy 13, Kinghouse Inn 26, Ballachulish 41 s= Cladich 7 < Inveraray 15. 16 — Port Sonachan 10. ^ Dalmally, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E,4/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins.Gratis N 1/- SAC. Daimellingrton (Ayr), M. 11, Pop. 1,448. See :— S. Loch Doon (Loch Doon Cas. Rns. XlVth c.) 4. Ayr ffi. 15 = New Cumnock 11, CuHinock 16 = Carsphaim 10, 14 < Dairy 20, New Galloway 23 — Moniaive 26 = Straiten 7 < Crosahiii 10, Girvan a 21 — Maybole 14. m Eglinton, Low Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar U opp N 1/- [1] rfAC. ' Dairy (Ayr), M. 11, Pop. 5,316. M.D., Thurs. Bumside 1 < Kllblrnie 4, Paisley a 18 — Largs 10 = Beith 5, Paisley ®. » 16 = Kilwinning 5, Irvine 8, Ayr ®. 19 = West Kilbride 7. Dairy (Kirkcudbright), M. 12, Pop. 505, i^ New Galloway 8. CarsphaUn 10, Dalmellington 20, Ayr ®. 35 = Moniaive 12 = Spalding Arms 2 •< Castle Douglas a 16 — New Galloway 3. mfi Lochinvar B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Box Gar Shed adj Gratis If 1/6 [3 SAC T Lochinvar. Dalton-in-Furness (Lancashire), M. 15, ^dI, Pop. 10,765. See :— S. Furness Abb. (Rns. Xllth c.) 2 ; Dalton Cas. ; Parish Ch. (Norm. Tower). ^ S.E. 1. Uiverston 5 = Barrow 4* Dariaston (Stafford), M, 21 (not marked on map), fupl , Pop. 17,107. Willenhall 2, Wolverhampton ®. 6 = Walsall 3 = Wednesbury 2, West Bromwich 5, Birmingham ^ 10 = Bilston 2, Wolverhampton @. 5. DARUINGTON ® (Durham), Wl. 17, MM, Pop. 55,633. M.D., Mon., FrL, Sat.; E.G., Wed. See :— St. Cuthbert s Ch. (Xllth c.) (A) ; Bank Top Stn. (Locomotive). W. Piercebridge (Roman Station, called " Magis ") 5. ^ W. 4 (E. IV). E. I : by Northgate, High Northgate, and North Rd. ;— AyclifEe 5, FerryhiU 12, Croxdale 15, Durham ^ 18 {liuign. rd., 1/1-J de»C. at 12 and 15 m.). E. II : hy Northgate, East St., Freeman's Place, and Haughton ltd. .— sadberge 4, Stockton-on-Toes ^ 11 («. gd.). E. Ill : by Blackwellgate and Grange Rd. ;— • 1, Croft 4, Entercommon 8, Northallerton a • 16, Thirsk a 25, York ^ 48 (f. gd. level rd.). • r. 1, Barton 6, Scotch Corner 8, Richmond ®. 12 (gd. rd. hilly). Halfpenny House 17, Redmire 23 (bad, V. hilly), Askrigg 30 (med.), Moorcock Inn 40, Sedbergh 50 (gd. und.), Kendal Sl 60 (bad rd.). • r. Northallerton ^ 16, Busby Stoop P. H. • • 25, Ripon fi. 33 (v. gd. level). • • ]. Busby stoop P. H. 25, Boroughbridge fit 35, Wetherby a 47, Don- caster a 78 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 51 m.), London ®. 243. E. JV : b]/ Blackwellgate and ConiscUffe Rd. ;— Piercebridge 5, Winston 10, Barnard Castle • 16, Middleton-in-Tcesdale 27, Alston 49, Brampton 68, Carlisle a 11 (gd. rd., 1/10 desc. aty m.). • 1. Barnard Castle 16, Brough 33, Appleby 41, Penrith la. 54 (med. hilly, 1/12 asc. from Barnard Castle and 1/12 desc. at 20 m.). E.y : by Bondgate and Woodlands Rd. ;— fioyal Oak P. H. 8, Witton-le-Wear 15, Castlesides 28, Riding 38, Hexham SS. 43 (v. med. hilly, 1/9 desc. at 29 m.). m^ King's Head, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 6/6 5 Gar ins N 1/- g] RAC T King's Head ^p 18. jflfiL Imperial, Grange Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/6 T Imperial :p 56. ^ Fleece, Blackwellgate, B 2/6 L 2/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 i ^ 449. North Eastern Hotel, Victoria Rd., RAC. DARTFORD Oarling^ton {continued). ~ 254 — DARLINGTON SCALE A.ST CUTHBERT'S CHURCH G. P.S.-R.S.T.(See p. 3 } [_ 1 Northgate 2 High Northgata 3 North Road ■4 East Street . 5 Freeman's Place < 6 Haughton Road 7 Blackwellgate 8 Grange Road 9 Coniscliife Road 10 Bondgate 11 Woodlands Road 12 Victoria Road 13 Tub well Row ^^ Micheiin Stockists, ims^ Cleveland Car Co., Ltd., (iranqe Mel, Agt. for Bedford, [5oJ Boxes m U \ Sun., Si^ht, T Automobile :p> 369. — Wlichelln Stockist, Darlington Garagre, Ltd., Crmvn St., Agt. for BKLSIZB, CROSSLEY, HUP3I0BILE, Deasy, D.F.P., [ioo\ Boxes [E U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Garage :p> 244. — Micheiin IVI.C.T., G. A. Hayward, W-16, Skinnergate (:Motor Cycles). — W. E. Dove & Co., Bondgate, Hgj U \. DARTFORD (Kent), M. 29, and Special Map 43, ^M, Pop. 23,609. M.D., Tttes., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Parish Ch. (C) ; Priory Wall (Rns.) (A). :|C S.W. 1. E.\: by High St., Overy Liberty, and East Hill .— Bamsfleid 3, Gravesend ^ 7 {gd. rd.). E. II : by High St. and Low field St. :— Famingiiam 5, Wrotliam 11, Maldstone ®. 22 (v. gd., J/13 dese. at ■' >/?.). • r, Famingham 5, Shoreham Stn. 8, Offord 10, Sevenoaks M 14, Ton bridge a 20 {v. gd. und., 1/10 desc. at 16 m.). E. Ill : by Spital St. and West Hill ;— Crayford • 2, London ^ 17. • 1. Crayford 2, Bexley 3, Sidcup S. 6, Chislehurst 8, Bromley ^ 11, Beckenham ^ 13, Croydon a 17 (gd. und. rd.). • r. Crayford 2, Erith 4, Woolwich a 10. ff» J. C. Beadle, Spital St., do) Boxes U N RAC 'J^ 69. — 255 — DAVENTRY Oa.rtfo rd (continued). DARTFORD 4 i High Street 2 Overy Liberty 3 East Hill 4 Lowlield Street 5 Spital Street 6 West HUl 7 Dartford Road 8 Priory Road 9 Victoria Road 10 Hythe Street 11 Priory Lane 12 Kent Road 13 Home Gardens Lane 14 Highfield Road 15 Heath Street 7,005. Cas. M.D., Fri. (Tud. Rns. i^ewmilns 2, Gals- Dartmouth (Devonshire), M. 26, ME> Pop. E.C., Wed. See :— St. Saviour's Ch. (XlVth c.) ; Butterwalk View) ; St. Petrock's Ch. ; Hoyal Naval College. (Ferry -16) 3 < Paignton Q. 7, Torquay la. 10 — Brixham 5 = Kings- bridge a 15, Modbury 23 (Toll-gate 34 : Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 2d.), Ply- mouth @. 35 = Haiweii 8 < Modbury 16, Plymouth j®. 28 — Totnes 13. SI Koyal Castle, The Quay, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E 5/- Chfr6/6 5 Shed U ins Gar dist Gratis N 1/- [s] :p> 25. Kaleigh Hotel, RAC Lt. Da.rvel (Ayr), M. 12, [H, Pop. 3,590. Strathaven 11 < Hamilton 19 — Stonehouse 15 ton 4 < Kilmarnock a 9 — Ayr ^ 19. Darwen (Lancashire), M. 16, HH, Pop. 40,344. X ^^-W. 1. Blackburn ®. 4 = Bolton ®. 9. ^^ Wlichelin WI.C.T., W. H. Snape, SUO, Duckworth St. (Motor Cycles). Daventry (Northampton), M. 22, MB, Pop. 3,517. M.D., Twes. ; E.C., Thur8. See :— Church (Grecian) ; Borough Hill (658 ft. View) ; S.W. Staverton (Ch. Goth.) 2 ; W. Badby Woods and Fawsley Rns. 4. KUsby 6, • 8, Lutterworth 16 (t\ m^d.), Leicester ®. 29 (gd. und., l/l!? asc. at 12 m.). • 1. 8, Hiiimorton 10, Rugby & 12 (gd. rd.). Weedon • 5, Northampton ^ 13 ( 15. 1*1*1 Peacock, New St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/6 Gar opp Gratis !1] T Peacock :p> 3. a Saracen's Head, Brook St., B 1/6 L 1/6 R 1/6 Chfr 4/- Shed ins Gratis [6]. fP" W. E. James, %, JSTigr^ St., [6] Boxes [2] LT \ Sun., Xight, T James ^p 8. Dawlish (Devonshire), M. 26, Ed), Pop. 4,099. E.C., Thurs. See :-Great Haldon (818 ft.) ; Parish Ch. ^^ N.E. 3. Exeter la 12 = Teignmouth ^ 3 {Toll-br. : Cars 1/3), Torquay Sl 11. ^ Grand, B 2/6 L 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed Court ins Gratis g] RAC. Daybrook ® (Nottingham), M. 22 {not marked on map). Mansfield a 12 = Nottingham ^ 3. f^i IVIichelin Stockist, T. Shipside, Mansfield Rd., Aijt. for HuMBEK, Singer, Sunbeam, H] TJ T Shipside :p> 26 and ;;6 Arnold. M.C.T. Deal m (Kent), IVl. 30, m), Pop. 11,297. M.D., Twes., Sat. ; E.C., T/no-.s'. See :— The Castle. X N-E. 1. Sandwich ®. 6, Canterbury ^ 18 = Walmer 2, Dover 9, Folkestone ^ 16. JUL South Eastern, L 3/- D 5/- Lft |ca 5 Gar LT ins Gratis N 1/6 [ej RAC T OuAvard :p> 119. ^ Black Horse, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U 50 y Gratis N 1/- fi2l :p' 74. Jfi Royal, Beac/t St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Gar 300 y M 1/- N 1/6 H] T Royal :^ 9. Beach House Hotel, Beach St. f^B Michelin Stockists, C. J. Lindsell & Co., Broad St., Agt.for HUPMOBILE, ITALA, PHa';Nix, SiiuiON, Ho] LT \ Sun. RA(.' T Lindsell :p> 7Y3. Deddington (Oxford), IVl. 22, 28, Pop. 1,490 P. See :— St. Peter and St. Paul's Ch. (Goth.) ; Castle Farm (XVIth c). Banbury a 6 = Aynho 4 < Buckingham a 16 — Bicester ^ 13, Ayles- bury a 30 = Castle Inn 8 < Oxford ^ 17 — Woodstock 10, Witney 18 = Chipping Norton a 10, Stow-on-the-Wold a 19. ^ Unicorn, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis d]. DENBaCH @ (Denbigh), M. 15, |CT|, Pop. 6,892. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See '.—Castle (Rns.) (A) ; E. Whitchurch (Parish Ch.) 1. E.\: by High St., Vale St. and Rhyl Rd. :— • 1, Bodfari 4, • 8, Holywell 15, Bagiiit 17, Flint 19 {(]d. nnd.). • 1. 1, Trefuant 3, St. Asaph • • 6, Rhuddlan S, Rhyl m 11 {i\ gd., I/IU desc. at o m.). • Y. 8, Nannerch 11, Mold S. 17, Chester j®. 29 {gd. and., l/ll desc. in Denbigh), London ^ 213. . . 1. St. Asaph 6, Abergele ^ 13, Colwyn Bay fi 19, Conway 25, Bangor ^ 39 {gd. pict., 1/12 desc at 31 m.). E. II : by Vale St. and Ruthin Rd. ;— Rhewl 6, Ruthin • 8 {v. gd.), Llandegla 16, Bwlch-gwyn 20, Wrexham ^ 26, {med. hilly, 1/11 asc. at S m.). • r. Ruthin 8, Gwyddehvern 18, Druid 22, Bala 31 {gd. rd., several 1/17 gradients). E. Ill : by Henllan St. and Gtvaenyog Rd. :— Groes 3, Sportsman Inn 9, Pentre-Voelas 16, BettwS-y-Coed ®. 23 {med. rd., 1/9 asc. at % and 8 in.). ® Bull, B^/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U adj X 1/- and 1/6 [8] ^ 192. WW IVIichelin Stockists, Grosvenor Motor Co., Ltd.,Zo'v? Lane, Agt. for WOLSBLEY, BELSIZE. AUSTIN, CROSSLEY, [8] U \ Sun., ^ 52. Denbigh (contiuved). 257 DERBY DENBIGH SCALE V« V2m. ^ A. CASTLE (RUINS) ^ G. P.S. R.S. (See p. 3.) Grosvenor Motor Co L 1 High Street 2 Vale Street 3 Rhyl Road 4 Ruthin Road 6 Henllan Street lO Love Lane Denny (Stirling), M. 9, ^, Pop. 5,164. Bannockburn 6, Stirling @. 7 = Falkirk ^ 5, Linlithgow 13, Edinburgh @. 30 = Dennyloanhead 2 < Airdrie S. 12, Newmains 19, Carluke 23 — Glasgow a 19 =: Carronbridge o, Killeam 20, Drymen 25, Ballocll 33. '^ Railway, Glasgoiv Rd., B 1/6 L 1/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 5/6 f Shed adj Gratis N 1/- [i] T Hotel ;p> 3Y5. DERBY m (Derby), M. 22, ^, Pop. 123.433. M.D., Tues., Fri., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (A) ; St. Mary-on-the-Bridge Chap. (C) ; St. Wer- burgh's Ch. (Register) (D) ; Corporation Art Gallery (E) ; St. Peter's Ch. (XlVth c.) (F) ; Crown Porcelain Co.'s Works (H) ; All Saints' Ch. (XVIth c. Tower). :^ W. 3 (E. VII). !Jii E. 1 (E. Ill), Apr. IS-Wth ; Sept. 2nd-Uth ; Nov. ll-13th ; Dec. 16-17th. E.l: by Derivent St., Mansfield Ed., and Alfreton Rd. :— Little Eaton 4, Ripley 10, Alfreton 13, Clay Cross 19, Chesterfield ^ -24 {med. rd., II Ik desc. at Ik m.), Sheffield a 36. E. 11 : by Derwent St. and Mansfield Rd. :— Heanor 9, Eastwood 11, Aimesiey 16, Mansfield ffi. 23 (yned. v. hilly, 11 1.2 desc. at 9 m.), Doncaster Si 53, York ^ 86. E. Ill : i^^ Derwent St. and Nottingham Rd. : — Hisiey 8, Nottingham @. 16 (med. rd.). E. IV : by Cornmarket, St. Peter's St., and London Rd. :— siiaidiow7, Kegworth 11, Loughborough a 17, Leicester @l 28 (». gd.), London a 126. E. V : &y St. Peter's St. and Osmaston Rd. :— Swarkestone 6, Pistem Hill 10, Ashby-dO-la-ZoUCh 14, Measham • 17, Sibson 26, Nuneaton a 32, Bedworth 35, Coventry ^ 40 {med. tind. A better rd. to Ashby is via Melbourne). • T. Measham 17, Tamworth 27, Sutton Coldfleld^35, Birmingham a 42 {V. gd.). E. VI : by St. Peter's St., Babington Lane, and Burton Rd. :— Little Derby 5, Burton-OH-Trent ffl. 11 (gd. rd., several 1J20 gradients), Lichfield ffi. • 24, Walsall 34, Wolverhampton a 40. • 1. Lichfield a 24, Birmingham ffi. 40. E. VII : by St. James St., Wardwick, Curzon St., and Uttoxeter New Rd. :- Etwall 6, Sudbury 13, UttOXetOr ffl. • 18 (v. gd.), Upper Tean 25, Blytliebiidge 29, Longton 32, Stoke-on-Trent 34, Newcastle-under-Lyme Si 36 iqd. rd., Ijlk asc. at 3k m.). • 1. Uttoxeter & 18, Stafford a. 32 (v. hilly, dang., 1/9 asc. at 28 m.) Shrewsbury ffi. 63. DERBY 258 Derby {contiiived). E. VIII : by St. James St., Wardwick, Friargate, and Ashbourne JRd. :— Braiisfoid 7, Ashboume^ • 13, Leek ^ 28, • 32, Congleton 38 {med. v. Mlly), Holmes Chapel 45, Cranage • 46, Knutsford 53, Warrington a 6o (v. gd., 1/10 desc. at 35 m.), Liverpool ^ 83. • r. Aslibourne ®. 13, Buxton a 33 {med. 'pict., I/IO desc. at 7 m.). • r. 32, IWacclesfieid a 41 (gd. rd. hilly). • 1. Cranage 46, Northwicii ^ 54 {v. gd.), Widnes 67, Liverpool ffi. 81. E. IX : by Irongate, Qveen St., King St., and Duffield Rd. :— Duffleid 5, Belper 8 {bad rd.), Matlock Bath ffi. 17, Matlock 18, Bakewell 26, Buxton ffl. 38 {inagn. plot., 1117-15 asc. at 32 m.), Stock- port a 55, Manchester IB. 02. 1 Oarwent Street a UansUeld Road 3 Ripley Road 4 Nottingham Road 6 St Peter's Street 6 London Road 7 Osxnaston Road 8 Bablngton Lane 9 Btirton Road 10 St Jame's Street 11 AVardwiok 12 Curzon Street 13 UttoxeterNew Bo 14 Friar Gate i, 15 Ashbourne Road 16 Irongate // 5SV 18 King 19 Duffield Road 20 Midland Road 21 Siddals Road 22 Uorledge 23 Tenant Street ®^m Jii Midland. Station St., B 3/- L 3/- D 4/6 E 4/- to 5/6 Chfr 8/6 [CHl ® PG dist T Midotel :p> 16. fm Roy.al, 1, Victoria St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 K 4/6 Chfr 6/6 [cH f Shelter LT ins Gratis N 1/- [so] KAC :?» 0421, 246. m^ St. James', St. James' St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 6/6 Chfr 7/- Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- Qo) ^ 451. f^v Micheiin Stoclcist, Andrew's Motor Depot, London Rd., Agt. for Bblsize, Clement-Talbot, Crossley, Bayard, Rover, do] U \ Suu., Night, E,AC T Autocar :p> 533. — Miclielin Stockists, Holmes & Co., London Rd., Agt. for MAUDSLAY', [^ Box SUN Night, ;p> 8. — 259 DEVIZES Derby (contuiued). ^m F. Sanderson & Sons, 16, Midland Rd., [H T Sanderson Coach- builder ;p> 560. »— MIchelin M.C.T., E. C. Clarke & Sons, 7, Derivent St., Market PL (ilotor Cycles). Manufacturer : Rolls Royce Ltd., Nightingale Works. Dereham (Norfolk). See East Dereham. DEVIZES # (Wiltshire), M. 27, US Pop. 6,741. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Castle (Site) • (E) ; St. John's Ch. (Xllth c ) (H) ; St. Mary's Ch. (Norm.) (A) ; Market Cross • (Inscription) (C) ; Museum • (F) ; Old Town Hall (D) ; N.E. Bishop's Cannmg (Goth. Ch.) 3 ; Canal (E. IV) 1. :|C ^^-E. 4 . E.\: by New Park St., Sidmouth St., Estcourt St., and London Rd. ;— Beckhampton • 7, Avebury 8, Broad Hinton 13, SwindOtl ^ 19 iqd. und., 1/13 desc. at 10 m.). , ^ • r. Beckhampton 7, Marlborough ffi. 14, Reading m. 49, London §l 90. New Park Street 2 Sidmouth Street 3 Estcourt Street 4 London Road 5 Nursteed Road 6 Sheep Street 7 Long Street 8 Potterne Road 9 Northgate Street 10 Bath Road 11 €hippenham Road 12 Southbroom Place 13 Market Place 14 Station Road ^/* '/» »/4 \m. E. II : by New Park St., Sidmouth St., and Nursteed Rd. :— Conock 5, Upavon 10, Bverly 16, Ludgershall 20, AndOVet ^ 28 (poOf for 11 m. then v. gd., 1/lU desc. at lU m.): E. Ill : hy New Park St., Sheep St., Long St., and Potterne Rd. : — Lavington 6, Shrewton 13, Winterboume Stoke 15, Stapleford 18, Wiltoil 22, Salisbury a 25 (gd. rd., 1/16 desc. at 15 m.). E. IV : hy New Park St., Northgate St., and Bath Rd. :— • 3, Semington 7, Trowbridge ^ 10, Frome ^ 19 (gd. und., 1/9 asc. in Frome). • r. 3, Melksham Si 7, Box 13, Bath ^ 19 (med. und., 1/17 asc. at 11 m.). E.\ : by New Park St., Northgate St., and Chippenham Rd. :— Sandy Lane 5, Chippenham a 10 (med. rd., 1/9 desc. at 1 m.). ^ Castle, lt9. New Park St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 3/6 Chfr 6/- ins Gratis Gar N 1/- [20] :?> 46. j?eL Bear, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/9 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins M -/6 N 1/- [^ RAC T Sud weeks :p> 44. ffm Michelin Stockists, Willis & Son, Central Garage, Market PL, AgL for Wolseley, Belsize, Fobd, [Ml U" \ Sun., Night, T Willis Garage :p' 8. Read carefully the preliminary explanations, pp. 1 to 12. DEVONPORT - 260 - Devonport ® (Devonshire).— .?ee Plymouth. DEW8BURY (Yorkshire), M. 17, and Special Maps 46, 47, IcH, Pop, 53,358. M.D., Wed., Fri., Sat. ; E.C., Tueti. See :-All Saints' Ch. (Windows) (A). ^ S.AV. 3 (E. III). E. I : hy Market PL, Nortlvjate and Bradford ltd. :— Batley ffi. 3, Birstal • 5, Bradford a 11 (bad rd., l/l'J dexc. at lu m.). • r. Birstal 6, Giidersome 7, Leeds ®. 12 (gd. rd., 1/15 desc. at S m.). E. II : hy Market PL, and Wakefield Rd. :— Ossett ffi. 4, Wakefield Sl 7 {bad rd., IJIU asc. from Dewsbimj), London & 193. E. Ill : by Market PL, Westgate, Daisy Hill, Old Westgate, Webster Hill, and Huddersfield Rd. : — Mirfield 3, Three Nuns P. H. • 4, Huddersfield a 8 (*. med.). • r. Three Nuns P. H. 4, Brlghouse ®. 6, Ellaiid 9, Halifax ffi. 12 {med. rd., 1113-19 asc. at 11 m.). DEWSBURY ALL SAINTS' CHURCH S.-T.-G.-R.S. (L.N.W.R.): S. (G.N.R.).-R.S. (L.Y.R.): (See p. 3) 1 Market Place 2 Northgate 3 Bradford Road 4 AVakefield Road 5 Westgate 6 Daisy Hill 7 Old Westgate 8 Webster Hill 9 Huddersfield Road 10 Leeds Road 11 Church Street 12 W^ellington Road 13 Halifax Road 14 Town Street (H) itWl Royal, 3[arkel PL, B 1/6 L 1/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 H Shelter Court ins Gratis {2} T Royal :p> 591. ^^» Box Bros., Ltd., ^, Crackenedye Lane, Market PL, Agt. for Ue Dion Bouton, d] \ :p> 13. — Central Garage, Foundry 6. M Royal, B 2/6 L 2/- D 4/6 R 4/- Clifr 7/0 S Gar If [H ins Shed IS] 200 y aratifi N 1/6 SAC :?> 35 Nat. ff« Michelin Stockist, C & J. Urquhart, High St., Agt. for FOKD, Alldays, Kkit, [HUT Cliarles Urquhart :p> 16. — Michelin Stocl 40 Y5. Dirleton (Haddington), M. 10 (not marked on map), Pop. 312. ^. See :— Dirleton Oas. (Xllth c. Rns. Ojjen Thurs.); Ch. (XVIIth c). North Berwick a 2 = 1 •< Gullane 3 — Haddington ®. 8. Diss (Norfolk), IVI. 24, ED, Pop. 3,769. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Tues. See :-Parish Ch. :^ S. l. Scole Q. 2, Harleston 10, Bungay fi. 17 = Thetford a 17. Dolgelly (Merioneth), M. 20, EH, Pop. 2,437. See :— The Torrent Walk ; The Precipice Walk ; S. Ascent of Cader Idris 6 ; N.W. Cymmer Abb. (Rns.) 2. Tyn-y-Groe» 5, Festiniog 18, Bettws-y-Coed a 33 = Bala 18 = Cross Foxes 3 < Llanfair 30, Welshpool 38 — Machynlleth 16, Aberystwith 34 = Penmaenpool 2 < Towyn 20, Aberdovey 24 — (Toll bridge : Cars 1/-, motor -cycles 2d. Gate closed at 10 p.m.) Barmouth ®. 9. Ill Golden Lion, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis \M RAC Lt. T Lion Hotel. JE. Ynysfaig Hall, Fairbourne (W. 9), B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfi- 6/- 5 Gar LT adj Gratis [5] T Hornby. m Royal Ship, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed Shelter adj Gratis [6] RAC Lt. T Ship :p 10. f^«i Merioneth Motor Co., The Garage, [Is] U % Sun., Night. Dollar (Clackmannan), IVI. 9, gB, Pop. 1,497. See :— Academy (Doric) ; Castle Campbell (Rns.) • ; N.E. Rumbling Br. 5 ; N.W. Ascent of Ben Cleuch (2,363 ft.) 6. :^ N. i. Milnathort ®. 11 < Perth S. 26 — Auchtermuchty 20, Cupar 29 = Ramhom 2 < Dunfermline a 12 — Kincardine 8 ac Tillicoultry 3 < Alva 5, Stirling ffl. 12 — Alloa a 7. DONCASTER ^ (Yorkshire), M. 17, El, Pop. 30,520. M.D., Tve.s., Sat. ; B.C., Thurs. See :-St. George's Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; G.N. Ry. Works. X N.E. 4 (E. II) ::^ S.E. 1 (E. II), Maij 29-30th ; Sept. 9-lMh ; Nov. lU-loth. E.\ : by High St., Hall Gate, and Thome Ed. .— Hatfield 7, Thome 10 (ferry -4*), Howden • 24, North Cave 34, Hull a 49 (gd. rd., Ijl7 asc. and desc. at hO m. The best way to Hull is vid Selby). • 1. Howden 24, Market Weighton 37, Great Driffield a 53, Bridlington Si 65 (gd. rd. hilly). E. II : by High St., Hall Gate, and Great North Ed. :— Bawtry • 9, Barnby Moor 15, East Retford a 18 (v. gd. level rd.), London & 166. • 1. Bawtry 9, Everton 12, Gainsborough a 21, Lincoln a 40 (gd. rd., 1/15-18 asc. at 15 m.). E. Ill : by St. Sepulchregate and Balby Rd. :— Balby • 2, Tickhill 8, Oldcoates 11, WorksOp ^ • 17 (hilly), Mansfield ffl. 30 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 10 m.). • T. Balby 2, Conisborough 5, Rothorham 12 (gd. V. hilly), Sheffield a 19 (bad, 1/13 desc. at 11 m.). • 1. Worksop a 17, Newark 12. 39 (v. gd. v. und. pict., 1/13 asc. at 18 m). B E. IV : ^»/ French Gate and Marsh Gate ;— W., • 1, • 2, • 5, Robin Hood's Well 6, • 8, Ferrybridge 14, Aberford 28, Wether- jF by m. • 31, Boroughbridge ®. 43, Northallerton a 62, Darlington fit 78 (gd. rd., 1/13 desc. at i'7 m.). DORCHESTER 262 Doncaster (continued). • r. 1, Askern 7, Snaith (Toll-br. : Cars M.) 11, Selby 19, Eerariok.ST, York fiL 33 (gd. level rd.). • 1. 2, Hiokieton 7, Ardsiey 12, Bamsley 15 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/lU dese. at 13 m.). • 1. 5, Hampole 7, Ackworth Moor Top 13, Wakefield ^ 20 (v. gd., 1/20 asc. at 7 m.). • 1. 8, Pontefract 14 (med. rd.), Leeds ffi. 27 (gd. rd., 1/21 desc. at Ih and 2 k m.). • 1. Wetherby a 31, Harrogate a 40 (gd. rd., 1/18 asc. at 36 m.). ja Danuni, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 4/6 Chfr 6/6 (otI 8 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- \m\ KAC T Banum :p>|283 and 284. Jg^ Angel and E,oyal, 3, French Gate, B 2/6 L 2/6 H 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- g] RAC T Angel ;p' 178 Nat. m Reindeer, 6/,, Hall Gate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- E, 3/- Chfr 6/6 § Gar ins Gratis [e] T Treece :j<> 179. j^gL Earl of Doncaster Arms, Bennetthorpe, B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis g] :p> 345. DONCASTER SCALE A.STGEORGE'SCHURCH a.-R.S.-(See p. 3) Earl ot Doacaster Arms H. 1 High Street ^^2 Hall Gate 3 Thome Road y.4 The Great N»rth Rd \\5 St Sepulchre Gate 6 Balby Road 7 French Gate 8 Marsh Gate Michelin Stockists, E. W. Jackson & Son, 51, 52, French Gate, Agt. for Wolselky, Belsize, Cheswold, [I^ U \ RAC T Motors :fo 63 and 153. Smith & Son, Central Garage, St. Sepulchregate, Agt. for HUMBER, SHEPFIELD-SEMPLEX, jVlAUDSLAY, FORD, FAFNIR, floo) I Boxes [10] U % Sun.. Night, RAC T Garage :p'l43. Michelin M,C.T., J. A. Bassett, High St. (Motor Cycles). iViichelin M.C.T., W. E. Clark & Co., Station Rd. RAC (Motor Cycles). DORCHESTER m (Dorset), M. 27, ^, Pop. 9,842. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Peter's Ch. (Mon.) (A) ; Dorset Museum (M) ; Poundbury Camp ; S. Maumbury Rings 1 ; S.W. Maiden Cas. 3. ^ S.W. 4 (E. IV) ^TJorchester DORCHESTER orchester (continued). E \ : by The Grove and Sherborne Rd. ;— • 1 Ceme Abbas 8, Middlemiirsh 12, Sherbome Si 19 ()'. gd., 1/11 deSC. at 11 m.). Castle Cary 30, Shepton Mallet 3S {med.), Bristol Si 58 (v. gd. rd. hilly). • 1. 1, Grimstone • • 5, :\reibury 15, Yeovll ^ 20 {(jd. rd. hilly, 1/9 asc. at 9 m.). • • 1, Grimstone 5, Maiden Newton 8, Winyards Gap 17, Misterton 20, CreW- kerne 21, Ilminster a 28, Taunton Sl 40 (gd. rd., IJIO asc. at 13 m. and desc. at 18 m.). E. II : by High West St., High East St., East Parade, and London Rd. :— puddietown • 5, winterbouine whitciiurch 11, Blandford ®. 16, Salisbury Si 39 (med. v. hilly, 1/11 desc. at 6 m.), London m. 121. • r. Puddietown 5, Bere Regis • • 11, Bailey Gate 19, Wimborne ®. 23, Ringwood 83, Southampton m. 53 (v. gd. pict., 1/15 asc. at Ul m.). • • r. Bere Regis 11, Park Corner 15, Lytchett Minster 18, Poole 23, Bournemouth a 28 (magn. ly. and., 1/18 asc. at 1% m.). \ 1 The Grove I 2 Sherborne Road 3 High V^est Street '^ 4 High East Street . 5 East Parade (D DORCHESTER A.ST PETER'S CHURCH M.DORSET MUSEUM C.H.rB.-G-P.S.-R.S.(L.S.W.R.>R.S.(G.W.R.) (See p. 3 6 London Boad 7 Fordington Hill 8 'Wrareham Road 9 South Street 10 'Weymouth Avenue 11 St Martin's Road 12 Bridport Road 13 Great Western Road 14 South Walks 15 West Walk 16 Poundbury Road E. Ill : by High West St., High East St., Fordington Hill, and Warehani Rd. : — Broadmayne 4, East Knigiiton 10, Wareham 17, Poole 2(5, Bourne- mouth SL 31 (gd. rd., 1/16 asc. at 38 m.). E. IV : by High West St., South St., and Weymouth Avenue :— Broadway 5, Weymouth ^ 8 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 desc. at U m.). ' E. V : by St. Martin's Rd. and Bridport Rd. .•— winterboume Abbas 5, Bridport a 15, Lyme Re^is 24, Exeter ^ 52 (qd. V. hilly, 1/8-9-10 gradients). M King's Arms, High East St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 Shelter adj Gratis ]V 1/- [T|] RAC T King's Arms 1^ 198. igL Antelope, Cornhill, B2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Shelter lOO y Gratis Shed N 1/- [7] :p. 1. f^ MJchelin Stockists, chb>. M. H. Tilley & Son, h5, South St., and 13, Trinity St., Agt. for Wolsblby, BEumber, Foki>, So) Boxes (SUN Sun. RAC T Motors :p> 14. M.CT. DORKING - 264 - ^ Dorchester {continued). ffm Michelin Stockists, E. Channon & Sons, Motor and Ca.rria.sre Works, Agt. for Morkis-Oxfokd, Arrol- Johnston, Overland, Qjo] Boxes [U LT \ RAt; T Channoa :p> 13. M.C.T. Dorking: # (Surrey), M.29, HTd}, Pop. 7,850. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Deepdene ; Betchworth Park ; Ramnore Comniou ; Parish Ch. ;' N, Box Hill, Flint Cottage (Geo. Meredith'.s Ho.) 2 ; Juniper Hall,, Mickleham (Old houses, Ch.) 3 ; S.W. Leith Hill 6. -^^ ^^^ 3. Burford Bridge 2, Leatherhead 5, Epsom ffl. 9, London ffi. 24 = Betchworth 3 •< Reigate a 6, Redhill a 8 — Sutton ®. 13 = Beare Green 4 < Fork 11, Horsham ffl. 14 — Five Oaks 16, Pulborough 23, Arundei 32 — Beare Green 4, Fork 11, Pulborough 23, Arundel 32 = Watton 3, Shere 6 < Guildford ^ 13 — Shaiford 12, Godalming ®. 15. jfgi Red Lion, 82, High St., B 2/6 l'2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- § Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [D RAC :p> 180. m. White Horse, 75, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Shed ins Gratis N 1/- g] :f> 43. j*l*L Star and Garter, adj. Ry. Station, B 2/- L 2/6 T) 4/- R3/6 Chfr 7/( 5 Gar adj Gratis N" 1/- g] :p> 20. ^« IVIichelin Stocl 44. — Warne & Co., Myrtle ltd. Dornoch (Sutherland), IVI. 5, EU, Pop. 741. E.C., Thurs. '' See :-Cathedral (Xlllth c.) ; Castle (Rns.) ; N. Little Ferry Loch Fleet 4. ^ (adj. station). {Ferry ; no motors -39) Golspie 8, Brora 14, Helmsdale 25 = {ferry ; n motors -38) Tain ^ 11 = Bonar Br. 13, Rosehall 25, Road Junction 43 < Inch- nadamph 49, {ferry -41) Scourie 70 — Ullapool 61 = Mound stn. Golspie 11 — Lairg 21. mm station {.Jtine to Mid. Oct.), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- to 10/- Chfr 7/< 5 Lft Gar U ins Gratis N 2/- [20] RAC. SI Sutherland Arms, L 3/- Chfr 7/- Gar U ins Gratis N 2/- [6]. DOUGLAS (Isle of Man), M. 15, EH, Pop. 19,223. See :— Nunnery Mansion (A) ; Victoria Pier (D) ; Douglas Head (C] y^ {see plan). E. I : by Athol St., Prospect Hill, Bucks Rd., Upper Derby JUL, Derby. Rd., and Victoria Rd. : — Laxey Br. 8, Ramsey 17 {v. gd. rd. hilly, pict.). E. II : by Athol St., Bank Hill, Douglas Br., and Castletown Rd. .— Ballasaila Stn. • 8, Castletown 10 (y. gd. rd. hilly). • r. Ballasaila Stn. 8, Port Erin 14 {v. gd.). E. Mi : by Athol St., U])per Chunch St., Circular Rd., and Quarter Br. Crosby 5, Peel 11 {v. gd.). m^\ Castle Mona, Promenade {March to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/ R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 6/6 S Shed ins Gratis (3] :f> 481. mM Fort Anne, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis N 2/6 H] T Fort, Douglas, Man :f> 128. HJil The Villiers, Loch Promenade and Victoria St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Lft Gar 200 y Gratis N 1/- g] :p> 6. lig Sefton, Harris Promenade {Easter to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 5/- Lft Gar adj Gratis [3] T Sefton :p> 498. ^ Metropole, Queen's Promenade, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- to 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar LT 150 y Gratis {2} T Mona :p> 545. Douglas Bay Hotel. ^flfm Athol Motor Garage, Ltd., Athol St., Agt. for FLANDER8. CROSSLEy, Ford, E.M.F., a rrol- Johnston, [30) Boxes [2] U" \ RAC T Motor ::p> 254. — The Manx Motor Hiring Co., Ltd., Times Buildings, Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBER, BELSIZE, RILEY, (Ml LT \ ? 365. DOVER Doug^las (continued) DOUGLAS 7 Bank HUl 8 Douglas Bridge 9 Castleto-w^n Road 10 Upper Church Street 1 1 Circular Road Bridge 13 Ballaquale Road 14 Bath Place 15 Colonel's Road 16 Castle Mona Road 17 The Crescent 18 Windsor Road 19 Christian Road 20 Finch Road 21 Peel Road 22 North Quay 23 Fort Anne Road Doune (Perth), M. 9, TE, Pop. 893. See :— Castle • ; Br. of Doune (XVIth c). Dunblane 4 < Auchterarder 18, Perth ®l 33 — Bridge of Allan 7, Stirling ^ 10 = Causewayhead 6 < Dollar 16 — Alloa ®. 12 = Kincardine ch. 2, Stirling fi. 8 = Thomhiii 4 < Aberfoyle 14 — Kippen 8, Lennox- town 23, Glasgow ffi. 33 = Callander 8, Lochearnhead 22. m Woodside, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U adj Gmtis N 1/- [4] SAC T Henderson, Woodside :p» 10. DOVER (Kent), M. 30, ME, Pop. 43,647. M.D., Tues., Wed., Thurg., Sat.^ E.G., Wed. See :— Cas. (Xllth c.) • (free, from 11 a.ni.-6 p.m. ; in winter until sun- set. Keep : 3d. admission, free on Mon. ) (A) ; Dover CoUeire (Priory Rns.) (C); St. Mary's Ch., and Pharos (1st c.) (D) ; Municipal Buildings (G) ; Cliffs (King Lear) ; Harbour. ^ N.E. 2 (E. I). E. I : hy Castle St., Castle Hill JRd., and Deal Rd. .— Walmer 7, Deal ffi. 9, Sandwich ^ 15, Ramsgate ®. 22 (gd. rd. Iiillij, 1/11 asc. from Dover). E. II : hi/ Cannon St., Biggin St., Priory St., St. Martin's Hill, and Folkestone lid. : — Folkestone Hill 5, Folkestone fi. 7{med. stp.hill,pict., II lO desc. at'!m.). DOWLAIS - 266 - Dover (continued). E. Ill : by Cannon St., Biggin St., High St., and London Rd. :— Ev/eii • 3, Bridge 12, Canterbury a 16 {v. gd. rd. hilly, ijir, dcAc. at 13 m.), London J^ 73. • r. Ewen3, Eastry 10, Sandwich ®. 13, • • 18, Ramsgate ^ 20 {v. gd., 1/13 asc. at 3 m.). . . 1. 18, Margate a 22 (v. gd.). A. CASTLE C. ST. WIARYS CHURCH D. DOVER COLLEGE G. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS P.S.-B.-R.S.-(See p. 3.) 12 King Street 13 Effingham Crescent 14 Woolcomber Street 15 Liverpool Street 16 Elizabeth Street 17 Clarence Place 18 Beach Street xe Buckland Avenue 20 Connaught Road V4 JB. Lord Warden, Beach St., B 3/6 L 3/6 D 6/- R 6/- to 7/0 ( liiv - tj Lft § Gar 50 y Gratis \m\ T Warden :p> 413. HI Grand, Ch-anville Gardens, B 3/6 L 3/- D 5/- E, 3/6 to 6/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft \cE S Gar U 200 y Gratis N 1/- [io| RAG T Grand :p> 287. mi Burlington, Liverpool St. (sea-front), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/6 R 5/- to 6/- Chfr 7/- Lft (^ 8 GarUadj Gratis Nl/- [^ T Burlington :?> 421. M Metropole, Crtujio^i St., B 2/6 L 3/6 D 4/- Chfr 7/6 Lft IcHlgGar dist T Metropole ::p> 310. igL Hotel de Paris, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- S Gar dist :p» 398. T^i Arter & Co., Effingham Crescent, J20] U Sun., Night, lf> 524. — Arthur Couch, Monument Garage. Dowla-is (Glamorgan), M. 20, Pop. 17,142 P. (Alt. 1,000 ft.). See :— Old Cas. (Remains) ; Iron and Steel Works •. Tredegar 5, Brynmawr 9, Abergavenny fi. 17 = Mcrthyr TytHII A 2. — 267 DRIFFIELD I Downham Market (Norfolk), M. 23, Iud), Pop. 2,497. M.D., Fri. ; E.O., Wed. King's Lynn ffl. 11 = Crimpiesham 2 < Swaffham ffi. 14, East Dereham fiL 26 — Stoke Ferry ®. 7, Thetford ffl. 23 = Littleport 13, Ely ffl. 18 = Nordeiph 4 < March 17 — Wisbech ^ 13. j^ Castle, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar Shelter U ins Gratis [H] RAC T Castle :?> 23. f*l!?i Crown, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Box ins Gratis [e] T Crown :p> 22. ^m Z. D. Newell, Bridge St., \^ Boxes [2] U N T D. Newell. Draycott # (Derby), IVI. 22, Pop. 1,504. See :— Cotton and Lace Factories. Long Eaton 3, Nottingham ®. 11 = Kegworth 6, Loughborough a 12 = Derby a 7. ^F" Michel in Stockists, Draycott Motor Co., Ltd., Station y Rd., MUS Sun. RAC T Draycott Motor :p> 11, DRIFFIELD 1 (Yorkshire), M. 18, ESI, Pop. 5,676. M.D., Thurs. ; B.C., Fri. See :— Tunuili (A) ; Church (Norm. Goth.) (C) ; Museum (M); S.W. Kirkburn (Norm. Ch.) 3 (E. IV). E.\:hy Market PL, Middle St. North, North St., Windmill Hill, and Langtoft Rd. :— Langtoft 6, staxton 14, Scarborough & 21 (bad rd. hilly, 1/17 desc. at DONCASTER 53 m. ,,, ^ 13 Beverley Road 14 York Road 15 Little Driffield Road 16 King's Mill Road 17 Victoria Road 18 W^est Gate 19 Bridge Street 20 East Gate North SCALE 21 East Gate South 22 Scarborough Road 23 St. John's Road 24 Lockwood Street 25 George Street 26 Driffield Spellow Gate Tm. DROITWICH - 268 — D riffle id (continued). E. II : by New Rd, and Bridlington Rd. : — xafEerton • 2, Burton Agnes 6, Bridlington fi 12 (gd. level rd.). • 1. Nafferton 2, Ruston Parva 5, Kilham 7, Rudston 10, North Burton 13, Hunmanby 17, Seamer 25, Scarborough a 28 (gd. rd. pict.). E. Ill : In/ Middle St. South, Riverhead, Anderson St., and Wansford Rd..- North Frodingham 6, Brandsburton 11, Homsea 18 (med. rd.). E. IV : by Middle St. South and Beverley Rd. :— • 1, Cranswick 3, Scorborough 9, Beverley & 13, Hull £ 21 (v. gd. level rd.), London a 199. • r. 1, Kirkbum 4, Middleton 8, Market Weighton 16, Hjolme • • 20, Howden 29 (ferry -A*), Thorne a 43, Doncaster ffl. 53 (gd. rd., hilly). • • r. Holme 20, Bubwitk Br. 27 (Toll: Cars 9(L, motor-cycles or tricycles 2d.), Be\hy Br. (Toll : Cars 9d., motor-cycles 2d., tricycles 2id.), Selby 34 (gd. level rd.). E.y : by Middle St. North, North St., York Rd., and Little Dr I field Rd. :- Garton • 3, Fridaythorpe 10, Stamford Bridge 21, York Q. 28 (gd. rd., 1/10-8-U desc. at lU m.). • r. Garton 3, Sledmere 8, North Grimston 16, NeW MaltOn M 20 (v. med. V. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 15 m.). JUL Keys, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis E] T Keys :p> 7. © Buck, 1, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 PG 20 y. Bell, Hotel, Market PL f^ Michelin Stockists, G. Dowson & Son, Middle St. South, [20] U \ T Dowson Motors :p> 173. Droitwich # (Worcester), M. 21, ME, Pop. 4,146, M.B., Fri.; E.C., Thurs. See :— Springs ; Saline Baths ; Stoke Prior Salt Works. 2IC ^'•^^*- 1- Bromsgrove 6, Birmingham ffi. 19 = Alcester 14, Strattord-on-Avon ffl. 22 = Worcester ®. 7 = Abberiey Common 12 ^ Tenbury 21 — Cleobury Mortimer 20, Ludlow ffi. 31 = Kidderminster Si 10. SI Royal Brine Baths, B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 [cH Gar ins Gratis N 1/- g] RAC T Royal 'f> 40. gB Worcestershire Brine Baths, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 to 5/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft (cH Shed U adj Gratis N 1/- [6] :?> 2 Nat. la The Raven, .S"*. Andreiv's SL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 iCHl Box ins N 1/6 Shed 40 y Gratis N 1/- [6] RAC :p' 5(J. m^ Park, Worcester Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- ^ Box ins N 1/6 Gar ins Gratis N V- [l ^ 38. f^" Michelin Stockists, Everitt's Gara.s:e, SL George's Sq., Agt. /or R.M.C., Briton, Ho) Box LT N Sun., Night, RAC T Everitt Garage ;p> 27. — W. Evans. Drum more (Wigtown), M. 11, Pop. 459, ^g Stranraer 17. See :— S. Mull of Galloway 5. Sandhead 9 < Comer Ho. 15, Stranraer ffl. 17 — Glenluce 18 — Sandhead 9, Corner Ho. 15, Port Patrick 21 = Mull of Galloway 6. Drumnadrochit (Inverness), M. 8, ^ Inverness 15. See :-S Castle Urquhart (XlVth c. Rns.) 2. Inverness a 15 = Invermoriston 12 < Fort Augustus 19 — ciunie inn 36, Glenelg 57 = Invercannich 13, Glen Aflric 25. DUDLEY # (Worcester), M. 21, El, Pop. 51,029. M.D., Mon., Tites., Sat ; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle (Rns. XVIth c.) (A) ; Parish Ch. (East window) (C) ; W. The ♦brooked Ho. 2^ (see plan). . E.\: by High St., Castle St, Castle Hill Rd., and Tipton Rd. :— Wednesbury 5, Walsall m. 8 (bad rd., 1/16 desc. from Dudley). E. II : by High St., Castle St., Castle Will Rd., and Birmingham Rd. :— Oldbury 3, Smethwick 5, Birmingham ®. 8 (bad rd., 1/16 desc. from Dudley), London Sl 119. E. ill : by High St, Hall St., Dixon's Green Rd., and Neiv Roivley Rd. :— Biackheath 3, Halesowen 5 (bad rd.), Bromsgrove 13, Worcester ffi 26 (gd. rd., 1/10 asc. at 8 m.). DULVERTON Dudley (continued). E. IV : hif High St., Queen's Cross, and Stourbridge Rd. :— Briei-ley Hill :i, Stourbridge ffi. 5 (bad rd., 1/18 desc. at A to.)- E. V : by High St., Wolverhampton St., Snow HUl, and Salop St. ;— Sedgeley 3, Wolverhampton ffi. 6 (med. rd,, 1/19 desc. at 3 m.). m Dudley Arms, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- !CHl 5 Shed ins Gratis [^ :?> 0591. © Station, B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 5 Shelter ins M -/6 N 1/- [«] :p> 71. j»l Old Bush, 7^7, HisrA St., B 1/6 L 1/6 B, 2/- Chfr 5/- She-lter ins CrVrttis [U :}o 4Y1. Castle Hotel, ,?JJ, CasWe .S^ DUDLEY 1 High Street 2 Castle Street 3 Castle Hill Road 4 Tipton Road 5 Birmingham Roai 6 Hall Street ^ 7 Dixon's Green Rd) r 8 New Rowley RcL 9 Queen's Cross ^ u-'L^-"-'/. Mahlers (Dudley) Ltd >^- ^^■-■./y^J'^^^^Jy^"\. Dudley Arms H. 10 Siourbridge Road 11 Wolverhampton Street 12 Snow Hill 13 Salop Street 14 Stafford Street 15 Shaw Road 16 Priory Street V* Im. ^fSK Michelin Stockists, Mahlers, Ltd., ^90, Birmingham Rd., Agt. for Belsize io] U \ Sun., Night, :j<> 216. — T. Baker & Co., Ltd., The Garage, Castle St., Agt. for Dakracq, 120] Boxes (U U \ Sun., Night, RAC lf> 12i — Michelin M.C.T., Whorton and Harthill, 220 and 321, WolKerhamp- ton St., \ T Whorton Harthill, Jf> 205 (Motor Cycles). ^S. 1. = Craigellachie 4, Rothes Dufftown (Banff), M. 5, El, PoP- 1.626. Keith 11 = Huntly a 14 = Tomintoul 19 Elgin a 17. Dulverton (Somerset), M. 26, Pop. 1,369. E.C., Thur.'i. See :— Parish Ch. ; INIount Sydenham (View) ; N.W. Tlie Tarr Steps • 6. :tl E. 1. Lyutun 24 = Dunster 16, Minehead j®. 18 = Stuckeridge Br. 6 •< Tiverton i®. 14, Exeter ®. 28 — Bampton 8. L DUMBARTON - 270 - Dulverton {continued). ma Carnarvon Aims, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E 4 '- C'hfr 6/- f Gar 100 v G'rafis N 1/- [lo) RAC !?<> 2. ' M Bed Lion, Fore St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gmtis [H RAC Lt T JNIarshall ::p> 4. ^^"" Spencer & Anderson, The Carnarvon Arms Garage and Motor Works, A 3. Dumbarton ^ (Dumbarton), M. 11, ElI, Pop. 21,989. M.D., Tim. : E.G., Wed. See :— Academy ; The Castle • ; S.E. Dunglass Point (Cas. Rns.) 3 ; S. Bowling Doclfs. ^ {adj. Central St7i.). Drymen 12, Rd. Junction 16 < Kippen 25, Stirling ^ 34 — Aberfoyle 23 = Old Kiipatrick 4 < Clydebank 8, Glasaow a 15 — Duntociier 5, Giasgow a 15 = Helensburgh a 8, Garelochhead 15, Arrochar 25 = Alex- andria 3, Tarbet 20, Arrochar 22. m Elephant, 87, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/6 f Gar ins Gratis [5] ;p> 122. ff« Michelin Stockist, E. Watkinson, Eastfield Garagre, 129, Glasgoiv lid., Agl. for Argyll, [6] U \ Sun., Night, T Eastfleld Garage ^ 136. DUMFRIES @ (Dumfries), M. 12, ^, Pop. 16,062. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— New Greyf riar's Ch. (A) ; Burns' Monument {(.') ; Old Bridge (Xlllth c.) (D) ; Globe Inn (E) ; Burns' House (F) ; Burns' Tomb(H) ; S.E. Caerlaveroch Cas. 6 ; S. Sweetheart Abb. 7. ^ {see plan). ::^ Apr. nth. E. I : hy High St., Church Crescent, Academy St., and Edinburgh Bd. :- Ae Br. 7, St. Ann's Br. 13, Beattock • 19, iVIotfat ^ 21 {gd. rd.), Romanno Br. 53, Leadbum Inn 60, Penecuik 63, Edinburgh ^ 73 (gd. hilly, V. pict., 1/16 desc. at 70 m.). • 1. Beattock 19, Crawford j®. 35, Abington SS, Douglas Mill 47, Lesmaha- gow 53, Larkhaii 61, Hamilton 65, Glasgow a 76 (w. gd. pict. bumpy after Larkhaii, 1/18 desc. at kl m.). E. II : by High St., English St., and Annan Bd. :— Collin 3. Carrutherstown 9, Annan 16 {hilly), Sark Br. 25, Kingatowa 31, Carlisle Si 33 {gd. rd., 1/17 desc. at 32 m.), London fiL 335. E. Ill : by High St., Buccleuch St., New Br., Galloivay St., Laurieknotve PL, Galloway Bd., and Dalbeattie Bd. :— Lochanhead stn. 5, Dalbeattie 14, Auchencairn 21, Kirkcudbright 32 {gd., hilly, several 1/lh gradients beyond Auchencairn). E. IV : by High St., Buccleuch St., Neiv Br., Galloivay St., Laurieknowe PI.', Galloway Bd., and Castle Douglas Bd. :— Crocketford 9, Castle Douglas m 18, Br. of Dee 20, • 22, Gatehouse-of- the-Fleet 33, Newton Stewart m. 51, Glenluce 07, Stranraer 77 {v. gd., 1/17 desc. at S3 m.). • 1. 22, Tongueiand 26, Kirkcudbright 28 {v. gd.). E.\l: by High St., Buccleuch St., New Br., and Glasgou' St. :— New Br. • 2, Closebum Stn. 12, Thomhill 15, Carronbridge 17, Enterkin- foot 21, Sanquhar 27, Kirkconnei 30s New Cumnock 38, Cumnock • 43, Mauchline 50, Kilmarnock m. 59 {v. gd. pict., l/lU-23 gradients beyond Kirkconnei), Glasgow j®. SO. • 1. New Br. 2, Dunscore 10, Moniave 17, Carsphaira 33, Dalm«llington 43, Ayr ffi 58 iqd. v. hilly, bad from. Moniave to Carsphairn). • 1. Cumnock 43, Ochiltree 47, Coylton 53, Ayr ^ 50 {v. gd. ptict., l/2t desc. at 56 m.). JS Station, Lover's Walk, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- C'hfr 7/6 Lft ^3 5 PG lOOy [H Gratis N 1/6 SAC T Souwestern :p> 148. ja Woodbank Mansion, Edinburgh Bd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/- to 8/- Chfr 7/- (cS Gar ins Gratis N 1/- g] SAC ;p> 150. ^ King's Arms, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/ Gnr \M Shelter [oo] ins Gratis N 1/- :p» 153. JJl Queensberry, 12-16, English St., B2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar 20 y Gratis N 1/- \m\ T Queensberry :jb 226. Commercial Hotel, 79, High St. 271 — DUNBAR Dumfries (continued). ik.NEW GREVFRIARS CHURCH C. BURN'S MONUMENT D.OLO BRIDGE E.GLOBE INN DUMFRIES 1 High Street 2 Chiirch Crescent 3 Academy Street 4 Moffat Road 5 English Street, 6 Annan Road 8 New Bridge 9 Galloway Street 10 Laurieknowe Place 11 Galloway Road 12 Dalbeattie Road 13 Castle Douglas Road 14 Glasgow Street 15 St Michael Street 16 Queen Street 17 St Mary's Street 18 Lovers Walk g^a Michelin Stockist, A. C. Penman, Queensberry Motor Works, St. David St., Agt. for Wolseley, Napier, Deasy, AiiROL-JOHNSTON, ALBION, [50] Boxes [2] IT \ Sun., Night, SAC T Autoinobile ;p» 57. — Wlichelln Stockists, Dum-Fries Motor Co., Ltd., 93, English St., Agt. for Belsize, Argyll, [50] U S Sun., Night, SAC T Cars ^ 128. — E. Cornet, Station Garage, 3, St. Mary's St., \^ \J \ Sun., Night, T Cornet :p> 81. — A. Millar, Nithsdale Motor Works, Nith PL, Agt. for Humber, MAUDSLAY, [Ml Boxes d] IT S Sun., Night, T Millar :f> 184. Dunbar (Haddington), M. 10, HD, Pop. 3,346. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Cas. (Rns.) ; Harbour ; S. The Chester's Fort 1. ^ E, (adj. town). Coekburnspath 8, Berwick-on-Tweed ®. 30 = Gifford 13, Tranent 23, Cockenzie 25 ^ E. Linton 6, Haddington ®. 11, Tranent 18, Mussel- burgh a 22 ^ North Berwick ffi. 12. ja Bellevue, B 2/6 L2/6 D 4/- 114/- to 6/- Chfr 7/- GarUadj Gratis N 1/- 03 SAC T Bellevue :p' 39. fm. Roxburghe Marine, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 B, 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis Gar LT dist SAC :p> 22. m. Royal, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/- T Leach :fo 43. «4 St. George, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U adj 1/- ^ RAC T George Hotel :p> 31. ffst A. Melville & Sons, lU-116, High St., Agt. for Wolseley, Humber, Argyll, H) U % Sun., Night, SAC T Melvilles If 50. — Dunbar Automobile and Engineering Co., Countess Croft AVorks, Agt. for Flanders, E.M.F., Mors, [8] Boxes (U U S SMn., Night, T Auto Co, :p 19. DUNBLANE - 272 - Dunblane (Perth), M. 9, m, Pop. 2,978. M.D., TJmrs. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Cathedral (Xlllth c. Goth.) ; Bishop's Pal. (Rns.). ^ N.E. 1. Greenioanning 5 -5 Auchterarder 14, Perth ffl. 29 — Crieff fi). l(i =: Bridge of Allan 3, Causewayhead 4 < Stirling a 6 — Alloa a 10 = Doune 4 < Callander 12 — ThomhUi 8, Aberfoyle 18. M Dunblane Hydro, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 8/6 to 13/- Lft [chI 5 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [3] T Hydro :p> 57. iJlfa Stirling Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U ins N 1/6 [Wl :p> 56. Dunchurch # (Warwick), M. 22, Pop. 920 P. Rugby ffl. 3 = Daventry 8 = Southam 8 = 2 < Princethoipe 5, Leamington a 13, Warwick ffi. 15 — Willenhall 8, Coventry Sl 11. ^ Dun Cow, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed N 1/- g] RAO Lt. T Weston :p> 3. ]gl Green Man, Daventry Bd., B 1/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- ;fo 8. ^" Michelln Stockist, Sa.ni Robbins, Ltd., London Md., Agt. far WOLSELEY, Flanders, (m U Sun., Night, T Rol)lMns Garage :p> 7. M.C.T. DUNDEE # (Forfar), M, 10, Pop. 165,006. M.D., Tues., Frl. ; E.( ., Wed. See:— Dudhope Cas. (A); Albert Institute (Goth.) (C); St. Clary's Tower (156 ft., XlVth c.) • (D) ; Tniversity College (E) ; The Esplanade (F). ;^ N. (Baldovan) 3. A . OUDHOPE CASTLE DUNDEE. C.ALBERT INSTITUTE * D.ST MARYS TOWER «-.« o ,» o /•<,„ „ , .. E.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE . °^ "" ^-P-^^See p. 3 ) ^ F THE ESPLANADE v^/^. 0\ Lambs H. '^{C^^ LOCHEE ThSs Siaw Ltd- ^^^^^.P-.Si Rossleigrh Ltd4 P£HrH 22 m., W SCALE ^'•'''^"'^ ^ 1 ^ 1 Reform Street 2 Meadowside Road 3 Victoria Road 4 Victoria Street 6 Albert Street 6 Forfar Road 7 Arbroath Road 8 High Street 9 Union Street B.oyal British H. atber's H 10 South Union Street 11 Craig Pier 12 Nethergate 13 Perth Road 14 Ward Road 15 Lochee Road 16 Dock Street 17 Commercial Street 18 Lindsay Street 19 Constitution Road 20 Mains Loan E. I : &v Refonn St., Meadmcside Rd., Albert Institute, Royal Exchange, Victoria Rd., Victoria St., Albert St., and Forfar Rd. ;— Todhiiis 6, Forfar ®. 14 (v. gd. hilly, several 1/17 gradients), Brechin a 27, Stonehaven 52, Aberdeen m. 66 {v. gd. und.). E. II : by Reform St., Albert Institute, Royal Exchange, Victoria Rd., Victoria St., and Arbi-oath Rd..: — Travebank 9, Arbroath 17, inverkeiior 22, Montrose 29, Stonehaven r)2. Aberdeen & 66 {v. gd. und., caution on winding desc. of Ij.n at ..'.', '28, U!i, and f>l m.). E. Ill : bif High St., Union St., Sojtth Union St., and Craig Pier:— (Ferry -34*) Newport 2, Baimuiio 8, Cupar 13 (f. gd. pict., l/lil asc. ot :! 7/;".), Kirkcaldy®. 31, Burntisland 37, Cherry -29*) Granton 42, Edin- burgh a 45 {v. gd. und.), London a 427. E. IV : by High St., Nethergate, and Perth Rd. :- luvergowrie 4, Inch tare 9, Glencar.^e 15, Perth fiL 22 (v. gd. level rd). 273 DUNFERMLINE Clifr Chfr Dundee (contimied). E. V : by Reform St., Meadowside Rd., Ward Rd., and Lochee Rd. .— Muirheiid 5, Coupar Angus 14, Br. of couttie • 15, Blairgowrie fflL 1!^ (*•. gd., hilly, 1/15-18 desc. at 11 m.), Br. of Caiiee 25, Persie 29, Spital of Glenshee 38, The Devil's Elbow 44, Braemar a 53. • 1. Br. of CoHttie 15, Caputh 24, Dunkeld 29, Pitlochry A 41, Blair Atholl 48, Kingussie a 86, Inverness a 130 (gd. hilly, v. pict., IjV'i anc. at 95 m.). ja Royal, Nethergate, B 2/- L 2/- D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Lft [cE S PG 500 y :p» 4^ and 448. Jgl Queen's, Nethergate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 to 5/ Lft (ca 5 Gar ins SAC T Queen's :f> 1807. Jggi Royal British, Hvjh St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 4/- R 4/- [ca 5 PG 300 y T British Hotel :p> 178. m Lamb's, Reform St., B 2/- L 1/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 PG 5(V) y :p> 1850 and 1851. 1*1^ Mather's (Temperance), Whitehall PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 4 - R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft (cE 5 PG 500 y ;p> 150. ff>* Michelin Stockists, Thos. Shaw (Dundee), Ltd., .i:', Reform St., Agt. for Wolselev, Humbek, Napier, De Diun, [Too] U \ SAC T Oriel :p> 1015 Nat. — Michelin Stockists, Rossleigrh, Ltd., 132, Nethergate, ami ;;, South Tay St., Agt. for Daimler, Rover, Stani>ari>, 52] LT N Sun., Night, SAC T Rossleigh :p> 1028. — Jackson & Beat, SA, St. Andrew's Street. — W. Raikes Bell & Co., South Ward Rd., go] U % Sun., Nitrht, T Horseless :p> 2300 and 2099. — Dundee Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd., 160, Nethergate, Agt. for Valveless, Dblage, [6] \ Sun., Night, ;p> 1172 pio'tor Cycles). Manufacturer :— Argyll's Ltd., 17, Reform St. DUNFERMLINE @ (Fife), M. 9, Pop. 28,103. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. See :— 'J'he Abbey • (Robert Bruce's Tomb) (A) ; The Palace (Rns.) (C). :Z. B.E. 7 (E. II). ' DUNFERMLINE SCALE ♦ A. THE ABBEY C.THE PALACE(RillNS)- C.H.G..P.S.-R.S.-T.- (See p.s)^"^*^ ^ „;oii.2 East Port Street „-.|'^°^.°J^3 Appin Crescent 3'^2l^)^h New Row ^5 Southwell Street 6 Bridge Street J ^^„..-' ^7 Chalmers St JS^-"^ 8 Pittencrieff St •^°- 9 Bruce Street 10 Damside Street 11 Mill Street 12 Baldrldgeburn St £.1:6// High St. and Apjnn Crescent :— Crossgates • 4, Cowdenbeath 6, Lochgelly 8, Auchterderran 10, Leslie 16, New Inn 20, Kettlebridge 22, Cupar 29 (ined. sin. hilly. Stp. asc. to Ijeslie). • r. Crossgates 4, Kirkcaldy ®. 14 {(jd. rd.). E.W'. by High St., New Row, and Cefield St. :— North Queensferry 6, (/erri/ -30*) Queensf erry 7, Cramond Br. 11 , Edinburgh gt 16 (gd., hilly, ijll asc. at 5 m.), London ^ 398. DUNKELD - 274 - Dunfermline (continued). E. Ill : by liridgo St., St. Chalmer's St., and Pittenerieff St. :— Torry 6, Kincardine 11, Alloa a. 17, Stirling ffl. 24 (gd. rd., If 15 desc. from, Dunfermline). E. IV : by Bruce St., Damside St., Mill St., and Baldridgeburn St. :— carnock 3, Kennet 11, Alioa ffl. 14, Stirling ffl. 21 (gd., hilly, 1J18 asc. at 11 m.). m Royal, 83, High St., B2/6 L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 9 Shed dist M M -/6 N 1/6 T Royal :p> 23. ^ City, JSnJr/e St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 5 PG 100 y .SAC :p> 270. f^* Michelin Stockists, Fife Motor Co., U, High St., Agt. for Argyll, Vauxhall, [20] U *\ SAC T Bonnar :jo 124. — J. & R. Thomson (Cast! eblair), Ltd., Castleblair, Agt. for Bl^sGViR, Mercedes, Hurtu, (15] Box [D U N Sun., Night, T Carbon :?> 140. — Michelin M.C.T., J. Bonnor & Son, Ul, High St. (Motor Cycles). Dunkeid (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 586. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., ^nd Thurs. See :— Cathedral • (XVth c.) ; The Hermitage ; S. Birnam Hill (1,325 ft.) ; Birnam Falls 2. :|C- • Pitlochry ^ 12 = Blairgowrie S. 12, Kirriemuir 26, Forfar a 32 = Coupar Angus 15, Dundee ®. 29 = Birnam @. 1, Pertll a 15 = Inver 1 < Amuhee Hotel 10, Crieff a 22 — Aberfeldy m. 1". m Duke of Atholl Arms, Bridge St., Gar U adj Gratis [e] T AthoU Arms :jo 19 po. Dun mow (Essex). 5fee Great Dunmow. Dunnet (Caithness), M. 5, Pop. 1,232 P, ^ Thurso 8. See :— K Dunnet Head ; IV. E. Barrogill Gas. 5. 8 •< John o' Groats 12 — Wlcl< ^ 21 = Castletown 3 < ThurSO fi. 8 — WlClc a 19. Dunoon 1 (Argyll), M. 11, m. Pop. 6,859. M.D., Sat. ^ (/ovy) Gouroek 5. See :— Castle House Gardens. ^ W. 1. Kim 1, Cothouse Inn 7 •< strachur Pier 21, (Steamship, See Part III.) In- veraray ®. 27 — Kilmiin 8, Biairniore 10, (feiiy -50) Cove 19, Garelochliead 27 = Innellan 4, Toward Pier 7, Inverchaolin Ch. 14 = Otter Ferry 22. pm Argyll, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 7/- T Forrest :?> 59. f^m IVJichelin Stocltist, J. Urquhart, George St., \M U \ Sun., Night, T Urquhart :p> 42. Duns m (Berwick), IVI. 13, TE, Pop. 2,069. M.D., Tiies.; E.G., Wed. See :— Duns Cas. ; N. Abbey St. Bathans 7 ; S.E. AVedderburn Cas. (Grecian). 1 < Ellen Inn 6 — Grant's House 9, Cockburnspath ®. 14, Dunbar 22 = Chirnside 6 •< Berwick a 15 — Eyemouth 14 = Berwick a 15 = Cold- stream ®. 10 = Choicelee 3 •< Greenlaw 7, KelSO j®. 16 — Lauder 18 = Longformacus 7, Gifford 20, Haddlngton a 25. jHfiL Swan, Market Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/9 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis N 2/- [12] :p> 18. © Waverley, 3Iarket Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/-. ^m Michelin Stockists, Johnstone iVIotor and Cycle Worics, 'J8, North St., and 1, Langton Gate, [6] U % Sun., Night, T Johnstone Motors :p> 22. — A. Luke, Murray St.,\ES\I Sun., Night, T Luke :p> 3. Dunstable (Bedford), M. 23, 29, El, Pop. 8,062. M.D., Wed. ; E.c . Thurs. See :— Priory Ch. (Norm. Rns.). ^ S. 1. Ampthill 12, Bedford ®. 20 s= Luton a 5 = St. Albans ffi. 13 =: Tring 10 = Hockiifle 4 -? Fenny Stratford 12, Stony Stratford a 19 — Woburn 9, Newport Pagneli 17 — Hockiiffe 4, Leighton Buzzard 8. Old Sugar Loaf Hotel, RAC. Red Lion Hotel. Dunster (Somerset), M. 26, Pop. 1,182 P. See :— Cas. (Eliz.) (Special r>ermit) ; Conygar Hill ; Parish Ch. (Screen) ; Luttrell Arms Inn • ; Yarn Market • ; The Nunnery (XVth c); S.E. Cleeve Abb. • (Admission l/-forone, Od. each for parties) b ; S.W. Wheddon Cross (Alt. 1,000 ft., Views, Rest and be Thankful Ion) 0. 275 DURHAM Dunster (continued). Minehead & 2, Lynton 20 = Williton 6, Bridgwater a 24 = 14 < Stuckeridge Br. 19, Tiverton a 27 — Dulverton 16 — Stuckeridge Br. 19, Bampton 21. Luttrell Arms Hotel. Dunveg:a.n (Inverness, Skye), M. 7 (no ^ in Skye). See :-N.W. Castle l. Portree 23 = Bracadale 11, Sligachan 25, Broadford 40. Dunwich (Suffolk), M. 24, Pop. 157 P, ^ Darsham stn. 5. See :— All Saints' Ch. (Rns.) ; Grey Friar's Monast. (Ens.) ; Dunwich Ho. \\'estleton 3 << Yoxford 6, Saxmundham fi. 10, Wickham Market Sl 18 — Leistf>n 8, Aldeburgh ®. 12 — Weatieton 3, Yoxford 6, Framlingham 16, Stowmarket ®. 33 — Westleton 3, Yoxford 6, Haleswortli 13, Bungay fi. 22. DURHAM 1 (Durham), M. 14, jcfl, Pop. 17,550. See -.—Castle (Xlth c.) (A) ; (D) ; N. Finchale Priory 5 E. Ill) 3Iarch 19th ; Mmj \ Cathedral • (C) S.W. Brancepeth Cas. th. ^ S.W. 2. DURHAM M.D.,5fa«. ; E.C., Fed. St. Mary-the-Less Ch. ::^ (Shincliffe, A. CASTLE * C. CATHEDRAL O.ST MARY-THE-LESS CHURCH ^A\by Silver St., Framwellgate Br., and Framwellgate :— • 1, Chester-le-Street • 6, Newcastle-on-Tyne ^ 14 (gd. rd. hilly, st}). asc. in Durham). • 1. 1, Launchester 8, Ebchester 17, Riding 25, HeXham Sl 30 (med, V. hilly), Haltwistle 46, Brampton 58, Carlisle jffi. 68 (v. gd.). • r. Chester-le-Street 6, white Mere Pool 14, South Shields 20 (med. rd.). E. II : by Claypath and Gilesgate ;— Houghton-le-Spring 7, Sunderland Si 13 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 at 7 m.). Before setting out on a tour, visit or write to our Touring: Officef 81, Fulham Rd., London, S.W., where your itinerary will be drawn up free of charge. DURNESS - 276 - Durham (continued). E. Ill : by Elvet Br., New Elvet, Hallgarth St., and ShincUffe Path ;— i-ox and Hounds P, H. • 7, Sedgefleld 10, StOCkton-On-TeeS J®. 19 (gd. rd., 1/lU asc. at 3 m.). • 1. Fox and Hounds P. H. 7, Hiu t 15, West HartlepOOl SL 19 ((jd. rd.). E. IV : bi/ Elvet Br., New Elvet, Church St., and South lid. :— Croxdale • 3, Ferryhill 6, Aycliffe 13, Darlington Sk 18 {viagtl rd., ] / lo asc. at 3 and n m.), London ®. 261. • 1-. Croxdale 3, Speniiymoor 6, Bishop Auckland a 10, Barnard Castle 25, Brough 42, Kirkby Stephen 47 {gd. rd. hilly), Sedbergh 61 (med. rd.), Kendal & 71 (bad, mount., 1/9 desc. to Kendal). E. V : by Silver St., Fraimvellgate Br., Crossgate, and Crossgate Path :— Brancepeth 5, Crook 10, Woisiugham 15, Stanhope 21, St. John's Chapel 29, Alston • 41 (med. hilly), Penrith ^ 60 (gd. rd., 1/8 asc. at 35 m.). • r. Alston 41, Brampton 60, Carlisle Sl 69 (gd. rd., 1/10-13 desc. at h-'i m.). im\ Royal County, Old Elvet, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- Chfr 7/- 5 Gar U adj M -/6 N 1/6 (5] RAC; ^ 136. m Three Tuns, New Elvet, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- f PG 30 y T Three Tuns :f> 165. (*l?l Rose and Crown, 17 and 18, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [8) qi> 151 JS^at. W^ Michelin Stockists, Jas. Laidler & Sons, 83, New Elvet, Agt.for STOEWEii, [12] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Laidler :p> 200. Durness (Sutherland), M. 4, Pop. 870. See :— N.W. Church (Rns.) 1. 15 < Tongue Ferry West 28, Tongue 37 — Altnaharra Inn 35, Lairg 56 — Tongue Ferry West 28, (ferry ; no motors -40) Tongue 31 = Scourie :26. Dursley (Gloucester), M. 27, Pop. 2,372. M.D., Thurs., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— Manor ; Castle ; Church (Goth.), "j^ N.W. 3. Stroud ®. 9 = 3 •< Tetbury ffl. 10, Malmesbury ^ 15 — Nailsworth ®. S = 1 < Berkeley 5, Sharpness Stn. 8, (train to) Severn Br. Stn. 9, Lydney 12 — Gloucester ®. 15. M Ayliflfe's Old Bell, Long St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Shtd ins M -/a N 1/- [7] RAC T Ayliffe :F> 3. ^ Bell and Castle, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shelter ins Gratis [3] :p> 40. Dysart (Fife), M. 9, ME, Pop. 4,197. See :— Church Rns. (XVIth c.) ; Caves ; E. Red Rocks 1. New Inn 8 < Newburgli 18 — Cupar 17 = Ceres 15, St. Andrews & 22 = Leven 7, Largo 11, Pittenweem 20 = Patiiiiead 1, Kirkcaldy Sl2 < Burntisland 8,(ferry-29) Granton 13, Edinburgh ^16 — Dunfermline ffi. 16. Eag:lesham (Renfrew), M. 12, Pop. 686, ^^ Hairmyres Stn. 2h Glasgow ffi. 9 = East Kilbride 4, Biantyre 8, Hamilton 11 = Kilmarnock ^ 13. Ealing: # (Middlesex), M. 29, and Special Map 42, MM, Pop. 61,235. See :-St. Mary's Ch. ; Town Hall (Goth.). 1 < Harrow 7 — Ruisiip 6, Rickmansworth 10 = London a 8 = Brentford 2, Hounslow 5, Staines a 12 = Hanweii l, Southaii 3, Uxbridge ®. 9, Beaconsfield ®. 17. W^ Michelin Stockist, Gordon Lovett, Jr/, The Mall, 113 Boxes [^1 U \Sun., Night, :p 533. Earlston (Berwick), M. 13, Pop. 1,677. M.D., Mon., Fri. ; E.C., Thur>>. (Alt. 343 ft.). See :— Rhymer's Tower (Rns.). 2IC ^^-E- 1- Lauder 7, Dalkeith 27, Edinburgh j®. 34 = 2 < Greenlaw 11, Duns ®. IS — Kelso Sl 12 = Jedburgh ®. 14. jta. Red Lion, B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed [2] Com't [e] ad] N 1/- ^Bi M. Readman, [e] U Sun., Night, f Readman ^ 1Y3. Easingrwold (Yorkshire), M. 17, Pop. 1,945 P. M.D., Fri. See :— Church (Goth.) ; E. Crayke Cas. (Rns.) 3. Thirsk ® 10 = York ffi 13 = Boroughbridge a 10, Ripon m. 16. ffi George, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2f/6 Chfr 5/6 Shelter ins Gratis g] T Cowles )}<> 4. 277 EASTBOURNE EASTBOURNE 1 (Sussex), M. 29, MM, Pop. 52,544. E.G., Wed. See :— St. Marys Oh. ; Compton Place (A) ; Devonshire Pk. (C) ; Wish 'J'ower (D) ; S.W. fceachy Head 3. "^ {see plan). E..\:by Grove ltd., Upperton Rd., and Willingdon Rd. :— Polegate • 5, Hailsham 8, Horsebridge • 10, East Hoathley 16, Uckfleld ^ 21 , Wych Cross 28, Forest Row 31, East Grinstead & 34, New Chapel 38, Godstone 44, Caterham ffl. 46, Croydon SL 54 (»;. gd. und., several 1/17 gradients), London a 65. • 1. Polegate 5, Beddinghain 14, LeweS fit 17 (v. gd. und., 1/13 aSC. to Lewes), Brighton a 25. • r. Polegate 5, Pevensey 10, Bexliill a 17, Hastings &. 22 (v. gd., 1/12 asc. at 17 m.). • r. Horsebridge 10, Cross-in-Hand 17, Mayfield 21, Frant 28, Tunbrldge WellS a 30 (med. v. hilly, 1/12 desc. at '^8 m.), Maidstone Si. 48. EASTBOURNE A. COMPTON PLACE C. DEVONSHIRE PAR 0. WISH TOWER T.-C-HI.'P.S.- (S«e p. 3). Hydro H. Turlington H, i Orove Road 3 Upperton Road 3 Terminus Road rendish H. 4 Seaside Road 5 The Ootts. 6 South Street 7 Carlisle Road 8 CUff Road 9 Grand Parade 10 Royal Parade 11 The Avenue 12 Enys Road 13 Bedford Well Road 14 Whitley Road 15 Devonshire Place 16 Blackwater Road 17 Meads Road 18 St John's Road 19 Compton Street 20 Pevensey Road SuBsex E. [Alexandra H. '/♦■ »/4 im. E. II : by Grove Rd., Termium ltd., and Seaside Rd. :- Pevensey 5, Bexhill a 12, Hastings ffi. 17 {gd. rd., 1/12 asc. at 1> m.). E. Ill : by Grove Rd., Water Lane, The Goffs, High St., and Church St. :— Friston 5, Seaford 9, Newhaven 13 (med. rd.), Rottingdean 18, Brighton ®. 22 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/19 asc. at 5 m.). JSaSi Grand, Grand Parade, B 3/- L 3/6 D 6/- R 6/6 to 10/6 IcH « Lft Box N 2/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/6 (l5| T Grand ;p> 8. EAST DEREHAM - 278 - East bou me (continued). mM\ Hydro, Mount Bd., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft EH 5 (lar ins G'mfts (2] B-AC T Hydrotel if- 643. iigli Cavendish, Grand Parade, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/6 R 5/- to 15/- Chfr 7/- Lft 5 PG dist :?> 1070. ja Albion, Marine Parade, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- E 5/- to 6/6 Chfr 7/6 [cE 5 PGr adj T Albion Jfo 1. JS. Alexjuidra, Graild Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- f Gar dist N 2/- g] T Alexandra :?> 132 Nat. jSfiL Sussex, Cornfield Terrace, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 8 Shed Court 20 y Gratis HgJ T Sussex :F> 362, M Clifton, ^Tou^A ,S^«., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- « PG 200 y :p» 327. Queen's Hotel, opp. Pier. Burlington Hotel. ff" Michelin Stockists, C Bassett & Co., Napier Cottage, Cambridge lid. and Pevensey Ed., Agt. for NAPIER, Hup- 3I0BILE, [30] U \ Sun., Night, :p> 39r. — Michelin Stocl 914. — Michelin Stoci 489 and 27X. — Michelin M.C.T., L. Maxse Pibel, The Ashford Rd. Garage, Anh- ford Rd. (Motor Cycles). Cast Dereham # (Norfolk), M. 24, EU, Pop. 5,729. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Church (Cowper's Tomb) ; Bell Tower (XVIth c.) ; St. With- Ijurga's Well. ^ W. 2. 1 < Fork 2 {Toll Br. 7 : Cars id., motor-cycles 2d.), Holt ffl. 18 — Litcham 8, HiiiingtoD 21, Sandringham 26, Hunstanton ®. 34 — Litcham 8, Castle Acre 13 — Fork 2, Fal(enham a 13 — Fork 2 {Toll Br. 7 : Cars 4(7., motor- cycles 2d.), Wells 21 = Aylsham 17, North Walsham ffi. 24 = Norwich a 16 = Watton 10, Thetford m. 22 = Swaffham 12, King's Lynn a 28. jftfiL King's Arms, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 .shed ins N 1/- [6] RAC :p> 32. King's Head Hotel, Norwich St. f^H Michelin Stocl 33. East Grinstead # (Sussex), M. 29, EH, Pop. 7,090. M.D., Thurg. ; E.C., Wed. See :-01d Timbered Houses ; Sackville College (XVIIth c). :§: W. 5. Lingfleid 4, Edenbridge 8, Sevenoaks a 17 = Tunbridge Wells ^ 14 = Forest Row 3, Wytch Cross 6 < Uckfield a 13 — Lewes SL 21 = Felbrldge 1 < Godstone 9, Caterham a 12, Croydon , a 20 — Reigate ®. 13 — Felbridge 1, Crawley ffi. 9, Horsham Si 16. mi Dorset Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis g] RAC ;?• 24. j^ Railway, London Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/- Shed [6] Court goj adj Gratis. ff" Michelin Stockists, W. & H. Kingr, 3, Lmdon Rd., [50] U S Sun. T Kings :p> 84. M.C.T. — East Grinstea4 Motor Garage, Ltd., London Rd., Agt. for Flanders, Lorraine De Dietrich, Sizaire, (Ts) Box U \ Sun. RAC T Garage 1^ 90 PO. — North Sussex Garage, 3>j, London Rd., Agt. for Renault, Ford, [H U \ :?> 123. 279 EAST RETFORD East Kilbride (Lanark), M. 12, Pop. 1,118 (Alt. 504 ft.). '^ S.E. 1. Kuthei-glen 6, Glasgow ffl. 9 = Biantyie 4, Hamilton 7 a: Strathaven 8 = 1 < Eaglesham 4, Kilmarnock ^ 17 — Paisley a 12. Eastleigrh (Hampshire), M. 28, EEl, Pop. 15,250. E.C., Wed. .See :— E. Bishopstoke (The :Mount), 1. Winchester ffl^ 8 = Southampton a 6. East Linton (Haddington), M- 13, El, Pop. 877. See :— S.W, Hailes Cas. (Rns.) 2. X E. 4. Tynninghame 2, North Berwick ffi. 9 = Beitonford 3 < Dunbar 6 — Cock- burnspath ^ 13, Berwick a 35 = Haddington a 5. EAST RETFORD # (Nottingham), M. 17, MM, Pop- 13,386. See :— St. Swithin's Ch. (Goth.). yUi, Apr. 16th. E.\'. hy Market Sq., Church Gate, Moor Gate, and Moorgate Hill:— Saundby 8, GainsborOUgh a • H (Trent Br., Toll: Cars 1/8, motor-cycles M.) {1/12 asc. at 3 m.), Brigg ®. • 30, Caister 39, Gt. Grimsby a. 51 (gd. rd., 1/9 asc. at 3A m.). • r. Gainsborough ®. 11, Market Easen 31, Louth SL 46 (gd. v. hilly beyond Market Rasen, 1/13 asc. at 35 m.). • 1. Brigg®. 30, New Holland 46 {ferry), Hull ®. 50 (yrf. ^^nd., 1/21 desc. at 3/t m.^ EAST RETFORD E. II : by Market Sq., Carolgate, and London Rd. : — .Murkham Moor Inn • 4, Tuxford 6, Carl ton-on -Trent 13, Newark & 20 (*;. gd. level I'd.), London S. 146. • 1. Markham Moor Inn 4, Trent Br. 11 {Toll : Cai-s 6d. per wlieel), Saxilby 16, Lincoln ffl. 22 {med. rd., 1/10 asc. at k m.). E, Ml : by Market Sq., Bridge Gale, Hospital Rd., and Babwort/i Rd. : — Ranby 3, Worksop ^ • 8, Chesterfield m. 23 {gd. mid., l/U asc. at 20 m.). • Y. Worksop a 8, Astou 17, Sheffield ® 26 {med. v. hilb/, 1/15 asc. at m m.). E. IV : by Market Sq., Bridge Gate, and. Bawtry Rd. : — Barnby Moor • 3, Bawtry 9, Doncaster ®. 18 (v. gd. level rd.). • 1. Barnby Moor 3, Oldcoates 9, Maltby 13, Rotherham 21 {med. rd., 1/17 desc. at 19 m.). EBBW VALE - 280 - East Retford (continued). m. White Hart, Bridge Gate, B 2/6 L 2/9 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 Gar [To] Court [10) 20 y Gratis N 1/- T Dennet ;p> 22 Nat. g (.Town, Cannon Sq., B2/- E, 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratia [e] RAC ^ Howard's Comm. Temperance, 10-1/,, Grove St., B 2/- L 2/- Ji 2/- Chfr 5/- PG dist :fi> 183. ffnn Michelln Stockist, C. Clark, //J-/,8. Brid<)e 89. M.C.T. EDINBURGH # (Edinburgh), M. 12, (C^, Pop. 320,315. M.D., Tues., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See -.—Register Ho. (A) ; Pal. and Abb. of Holyrood • (C) ; Scott Monument • (D) ; National Gallery (E) ; St. Mary's Cath. (Goth.) • (F); St. Giles' Cath. • (H) ; Parliament Ho. (J); Castle • (K) ; Royal Scottish Museum (M) ; University (I J) ; Arthur's Seat ; Calton Hill ; Prince's Street ; Botanic Garden •. ^ S.W. (Juniper Green) 4 (E. VII). X ^- (Braid Hills) 4 (E. VI). :>i^ E. Musselburgh 6 (E. II), Oct. 2nd-3rd. £.\: by Leith St., Union PL, Elm Row, and Leith Walk .— Leith 2. E. II : btf Waterloo PL, Regent Rd., and London Rd. :— Portobello 3, Musselburgh ffl. 6, Tranent 10 (med.), Haddington Sl 17, East Linton 22, Dunbar 28, Berwick a 58 (v. gd. und. pict., 1/in desc. at ii7 m. and dang, cormr), Alnwick Si 88, Newcastle-upon- Tyne a 121. ! MOTOR CAR LIGHTING. During the time that we (the originators of the Dynamo Car- lighting System in this country) have been fitting the C. A. V. SIMPLE, SAFE, AND CERTAIN SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING to cars we have been called upon to fit cars of every make and power. The experi- ence of our fitters is, accordingly, unique — we can handle your car as well as anyone else's ! Bluebook free. C. A. VandcrvcU 6? Co, ELECTRICAL ENGINEEERS, Warple Way, Acton Vale, London, W. Telegrams : " Vanteria, London." Telephones s 1234 Chiswick (5 lines). North of England Depot : 12, Victoria Buildings, St. Mary's Gate. Manchester. EDINBURGII : ~ t^f: . . ^ -. ^ Innerleith , ' A, NATIONAL;- PORT RAJJ GALLERY • ■":'^' C. REGISTER HOUSE • -' '. ***."* • O. HOLYROOD PALACE - Z . ' _ > Jt E.SCOTT mONUMENT \ .#»'*^**" sf F. NATIONAL GALLERY ' ■'<^^' • H.ST MARYS CATHEDRAL • J . ST GILES CATHEDRAL Comely Bank n" K. PARLIAMENT HOUSE "_ "" • L THE CASTLE \\ M. ROYAL SCOTTISH MUSEUM \ \ ^, U. UNIVERSITY \ \\ /^ p"' R.8.{N.B.R.)-R.S.(C.R.)-B.-P.8.-T.-fcH*(See p. 3 ) ^ PBRTH43ni. \\ J • 'i' Oaeens'erry 9 m. \\ 5^ BOWFERWWWE idm. ^ QuMjisrerr/ SA- BnokiBgWa ,^ Rossleigh Lt* WUfred Foulis Ltiit Botaniol THE SPHERE Price Sixpence Weekly. " We consider The Sphere 'The Times' of Hlustrated Journalism." So writes a Correspondent from Sofia, in Bulgaria. BUY THE SPHERE for the School- boyi who will learn much from its diagrams. BUY THE SPHERE for the Soldier- Son, who will enjoy its military pictures. BUY THE SPHERE for the Son in the Navy, who will enjoy its ships and expert Naval matter. BUY THE SPHERE for your Married Daughter, who will enjoy its pictures of Fashion. BUY THE SPHERE for Yourself, because of its countless attractions, to say nothing of its £2,000 Accident Insurance, which is secured to you without further trouble upon an annual subscription of 29/6, or 26/- direct from any newsagent. THE SPHERE, Pnce sixpence. 6, GREAT NEW STREET, LONDON. And of all Newsagents. - 281 - EDINBURGH Edinburg^h (coitiimed). E. Ill : hi/ Xorth Br., Suuth Br., Nicolson St., W. Richmond St., St. Leonard's St., and. Dalkeith lid. : — Danderhall .), Dalkeith 7, Pathhead 12, Fala 15, Soutra Hill 18, CarfraemlU Inn 22, Lauder 27, Greenlaw 39, Coldstream ®. i9 (gd. v. hilly, pict.), Wooler 63, Morpeth ia 93, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Sk 107 (gd. rd., 1/12 de£c. at (JJ in.). E. IV : by Xorth Br., South Br , Nicolson St., Clerk St., Newington Rd., Minto St. , Mayfield Gardens, and Craigmillar Pk. ;— Gilnierton 4, Fuslilebridge 11, Heriot Stn. 17, Stow 25, GalaShlelS Si • 33, Selkirk 39, Askkirk 44, Hawick fi. 51 (gd. v. hilly, pict), Teviotliead 60, Mosspaul Inn 63, Klrkstile 69, Langholm 74, Canonbie SO, Longtoun S6, Carlisle ^ 94 (r/rf. v. hilly, pict., 1/lfi desc. at r>l m.). • 1. Galashiels Sk 33, :Melrose a 37, Jedburgh ffi. 50 {gd. rd. v. hilly), Newcastle-upon-Tyne Si loa (gd. rd., l/W-iU asc. atso ni.), London m. 382. E. V : by Craigmillar Pk. (see E. IV) and Penecuik Rd. .— Straitou 5, Penecuik 10, Leadbum Inn • 13, Romanno Br. 20, Broughton 29, Crook Inn 36, Moffat ffl. 52 (gd. V. hilly, V. pict.), Dumfries S: 73 (gd. rd., I ,'PJ asc. at ■! ;».)• • 1. Leadburn Inn 13, Eddiestone 18, Peebles J®. 23, Innerleithen 29, Walkesbum 31, Fairnilee 39, Selkirk 44 (v. gd. V. 2>ict., 1/lJ desc. to Peebles). E. VI : by Princes St., Lothian Rd., Earl Grey St., Home St., Leven St., Bruntsfield PL, and Morningside Rd. : — Hiilend • 5, Nine Mile Bum 13, Carlops 14, West Linton 17, Dolphinton 21, Biggar ^ 28 (gd., v. hilly, 1/lU-asc. at 5 m.). • 1. Hillend 5, Penecuik 10, Peebles Si 23 (gd. rd. recom.). E. VII : by Princes St., Shandwick PL, Atholl PL, Dairy Rd., and Georgie Rd. .- Long Hermiston 5, Mid Calder • 12, West Calder 17, • 18, Froth 25, Lanark ^ 33 (tned. hilly, 1/18 desc. at 31 m.). • r. Mid Calder 12, WTlitburn 21, Newhouse 31, Bellshill 35, GlasgOW & 44 (gd. mid. rd., recom.). • r. 18, Breich Cross Rds. 21, Newmains 30, Stonehouse 37, Strathaven 41, Darvel 52, Xewmilns 54, Galston • • 56, Kilmarnock ^ 61 (gd., hilly, 1/lk desc. at -33 m.). • • I. Galston 56, Ayr ffi. 71 (v. hilly, bad from W. Calder to Xeunnains). E. VIII : by Princes St., Shandwick PL, Atholl PL, Haymarket Terrace, and Osborne Terrace : — Corstorphine 4, • 5, Broxburn Si 11, Uphall 13, Bathgate 19, Armadale 21, Caidercrux 29, Airdrie a 33, Coatbridge Si 35, Glasgow Sl 44 (v. gd., 1122 desc. at 33 m.). • r. 5, Kirkliston 9, Linlithgow 17, Polmont 21, Laurieston 23, Falkirk ®. 25, cameion • • 26, Larbert 28, Bannockburn 34, Stirling a 36 {v. gd. find., 1/13 desc. at 25 m.). • • 1. Cameion 26, Cumbernauld 34, Molinbum 39, GlasgOW ^ 48 (gd. level rd.). E. IX : by Princes St., Queensferry St., Dean Br,, Buckingham Terrace, and Queensferry Rd. : — Crainond Br. 5, South Queensferry 9, (ferry -30*) North Queensferry 10, • 11, Dunfermline SL 16 (gd., hilly, 1/11 desc. at 11 m.). • r. 11, Inverkeithing 12, Crossgates 16, Cowdenbeath 18, Kinross 26, Milnathort ffi. 28, Glen Farg stn. 32, Bridge of Earn 39, Perth ffi 43 (v. gd., 1/22 asc. at lU m.). E. X : by Princes St., Hanover St., Dundas St., Pitt St., Brandon St., and Howard PL : — Granton 3, (ferry -29'-) Burntisland • 8, Cowdenbeath 15, Perth Si. 40 (v. gd., 1/lU asc. at 10 m.). • r. Burntisland 8, Kinghorn 11, Kirkcaldy ffl. 14, New inn 23, Kettle- bridge 25, Pitiessie 28, Cupar 32 (v. gd. und.), (ferry -34*) Dundee iS. 45 (1/13 desc. at U3 m.). jgggi Ptoyal, Princes St., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- to 20/- Chfr 7/6 Lft [CHl § Gar 1000 y T Welcome :p> 88 and 2575 Cent. mm Balmoral, Princes SL, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- K. 5/- to 8/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft 5 Gar U 1000 y N 1/- :}<> 6093 and 6094 Cent. JiSi. Caledonian Station, TFe.st End, Princes St., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/-- E 5/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft jcH 5 Gar 100 y SAC T Luxury 1^ 1398, 1399, and 2333. JM Xorth British Station, Princes St., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/6 to 8/- Chfr S '- Lft Ica 5 Gar U 100 y M -/6 N 1/- and 1/6 M SAC T British :}<> 6130-6133. EDZELL - 282 - E d i n b u rgrh (continit ed). iH Carlton, 1, North Bridge St.. B li/D L i' o U 4'- R 4/- C'hfr G/6' Lft [cE « PG 300 y SA.C :?> 1771. , ffll Queen's Bay " .Toppa," Milton lid., "Jopjja," B 2'- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- (cH! 5 Gar ins (Vmf i> [§] 8AC :p> 24 Portobello. JH The Cockburn, Waverley Br., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 K 4 - (.'hfr 5/6 Lft [ca Gar 1000 y T Cockburn Hotel :p> 2919 Cent. JISI Hoyal British, J.'^-.2(), Princes St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfl- 7/- Lft (eg 5 Gar 1000 y T Venus :p> 86. m George, SI, Geoi-ge St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfi' 8/6 5 Gar 600 y T Nearest :f> 389 Cent. (t^ Maitland, S3, Shandwick PL, B 2/- L 1/6 D 2/6 R 3/- ClifrO/- PG opp :js> 2957 Cent. 1^ Imperial, 10, Market Sf«., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Clifr 8/- IcH 5 PG dist T Imperial qp> 657. © Old Ship, FMSt Register St., B 2/- L 2/. D 3/- R 3/- Chfr ^/- 5 Gar IT 50 y [2aol ^ 2927 Central. ffBM Michelin Stockists, Wilfred Foulis, Ltd., .Sunhury Mews, Belford Md., Agt. for Stoewek, Delaue, Hotchkiss, HisPANo-SuizA, Berliet, Cottin Desgouttes, [12] Boxes Ho] LT \ Sun., Night, T Clutch 1^ 5401 and 5171. — Michelin Stocl 3048 Central. — IVIicheliR Stoci 2305. M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, Scottish Automobile Co., Ltd., The Velodrome, Hope Crescent, Agt. for Humber, Arrol-Juhn- STON, [30] LT \ SAC f Velodrome :p> 1317 Central. \— Michelin Stockists, ais)= J. Croa.li & Sons, Ltd., Castle A Terrace, Agt. for Rolls-Royce, De Dietrich, Armstrong- / Whitworth, De Dion, [Too] LT S SAC T Bazaar ;p' 5186. ^ — Michelin Stockists, H. & D. Cieiand, Belford Bridge, Agt. for Renault, "LT N T Motivity :p> 2193 Central. — Michelin Stockists, Peebles Motor Co., Ltd., 89-lo.:, Haymarket Terrace and Russell Rd., Agt. for E.M.I'., Flanders, Crossley, Singer, Sunbeam, [Tsoi Boxes [351 1J\ Sun., Night, SAC T Aviation :)* 5114 Central 7531 ('Storks). V^ Michelin Stockists, Westfield Autocar Co., Ltd., West- /\. field Avenue, Gorgie, Agt. for AUSTIN, Albion, [Ta] Boxes [e] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Motors lf> 5420 and 5421 Central. — I'he Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., East Fountainhridge, Agt. for Maudslay, Darracq, Minerva, [Ioo) Boxes [lal LT Sun.,' Night, T Traction If' 7315 and 7316 Central. — Middleton & Townsend, 56, Belford Rd., Agt. for BEDFORD, BuiCK, Delahaye, Riley, [Ts] U *v Sun., Night, T Blanc- mange ;p> 2213 Central, — Alexander & Co., Nottingham Place, Leith St., Agt. for Ford, [Too ) \ Sun., Night, T Alexmoto ;p> 6230 Central. — Morrison Bros., Balcarres St., and Bruce St., Agt. for Belsize, FAFNIR, Straker-Squirb, [ig] Boxes [8] IT % Sun. T Chassis :p> 6756 Central. — Brodie & Kennedy, Ltd., 13, Young St., Agt. for VinuT, [50} U "S Sun., Night, T Autocar :p> 6864 Central". — ^Y. Flint, ;y^, Torphichen St., Agt. for Mitchell, Martini, [3 U \ T Flint, Newington :p> 2677 Central. — J. Dove & Co., Greenside Lane, \E\J ^ 1268 Central. — Michelin M.C.T., Andrew Downie (Motor Cycles), 19, Hay- market Terrace, [3] U \ T Downie 1^ 2726 Central. Manufacturer : Argyll's, Ltd., 16, Shandwick PL Edzell (Forfar), M. 10, Pop. 518. E.C., Thnrs. See :— W. Edzell Cas. (Rns.) 1. X- Fetteix-aiu 5, Banchory 23 = Brechin ®. 6. Ha Panmure Arms, High SL, Chfr 7/- jc^ 4 Gar U ins N 1/- \M SAO T Panmure :f> 20. Glenesk Hotel, SAC. W. ilanson & Sou, The Gai'age. - 283 ELGIN Egham m (Surrey), M. 29, Pop. 11,895. E.C., Thurs. See :— Cluirch (Cotli.); Ancient Monuments; N.W. fiunnymede • (Charter Island) 4. X S. W. 5. Windsor ffi 5 = Staines a l, Hounslow 8 = Chertsey 5, New Woking a 11, Guildford a 18 = Virginia Water3 < Bagshot 9, Camberley a 12, Basingstoke a 28 — Ascot Si 6, Bracknell fi. 9, Wokingham 13 = winkiieid 0, Reading a 20. ^ Catherine Wheel, Ulgh St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Cr'mi/s [6] :?> 119, King's Head Hotel, Uigh St. ffw Micfielln Stockists, Eg^ham Motor Co., 1, and 157, High St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, Macdslay, [50) U \ Sun., Night, KAC T 3iotor :p> 131. Esremont (Cumberland), M. 15, ESJ, Pop. 6,305. M.D., Sat.; E.C., See :— Castle (Xllth c. Rns.) ; Norm. Ch. ; S.E. Calder Abb. (Rns.) 6. 1 < Whitehaven St. 5, Workington ffl. 14 — Cockermouth m. 17, Carlisle a 44 s= Gosfoith 6 < Millom 27 — Ambleside ja 30 = St. Bees 3, White- Iiaven fi 7. ^ King's Arms, kl. Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- E, 2/- Clifr 5/- Gar adj Gratis N 1/-. 9f« J. ¥. Stout & Son, 1, Market PI., [HI U N Sun., Night, T Stout Motors ;F> 1X2. ELGIN m (Elgin), M. 6, m\, Pop. 8,656. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Fed. See :— Cathedral (Goth.) (Rns.) • (A); High Kirk (C) ; Greyfriars Ch. (D) ; S.W. Fluscarden Abb. 7. ^ N. 6 (E. I) ; :^ S. 1 (E. III). A.CATHEDPAL (RUINS) e.HIGH KIRK O.GREYFRIARS CHURCH a-M-R.$.- (See p. 3 SCALE 1 Lossie Wynd 2 Bridge Street 3 High Street 4 South College St 5 Main East Road ^ Cominerce Street 7 Moss Street 8 AVest Road • Jforth CoUege Street E. I : by Lossie Wynd, Bridge St., and North St. ;— Lossiemouth 6 {v. gd. level rd.). E. II : &«/ High St., South College St., and Main East Ed :— Lhanbryde 4, Fochabers • 9, Keith 17, Huntly ffi. 27, Colpy 37, Pitcapie 45, Inverurie St. 49, Kintore 53, Aberdeen j®. 66 (gd., hilly to Colpy, 1133-19 asc. at 10 m.), London ffi. 559. • 1. Fochabers 9, Rathven Stn. 16, Cullen 21, Portsoy 27, Oidecs Cross Rds. 30, Banff 35 (*,'. gd., I/IC desc. to Banff). Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 12 " How to use tb© Guide.' ELIE - 284 - Elg'in {ftm tinned). E. Ill : by Commercial St. and Mofin St. :— Eotlies 10, Craigellachie 13, Aberlour l'>, Dalnashaugh Inn • 23, Dell 30, Tomintoul 38, Oock Br. 47, Ballater Q. 60 (v. dang, mount., 1/17 asc. and desc. at kk and U8 m.). • Y. Dalnashaugh Inn 23, Advie Ch. 28, Cromdale 33, Grailtowii SL 37, Avie- more 52, Kingussie fi. 64 (gd. v. pict., I/IS asc. and dese. at 53 and r.r, m.\ Perth §k. 136, London a 558. E. IV : hy High St. and WeM Rd. .— woodside 6, Fopres ffi. 12, Nairn ^ 22 (v. gd. pict, 1/U asc. at f; m.). JH Station, Station lid. and Mosn St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Gar ins [2] N 2/- 8AC :^ 58. JSg. Grand, South St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/6 5 PG 200 v ;p> 92. . • HI Gordon Arms, 132, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 5/6 Shed [6] Court [8] ins Gratis N 1/- ;p> 39. f^B Michelin Stockist, Alex. Paterson, City Motor Works, South College St., Aqt. for Belsize, Lanciiestei;, Akgyll, Fiat, (^ U \ Sun., "Night, SAC T Motors ^ 12Y. — .Tunner Bros., Central Motor Garage, hH, High St., lao] LT \ Sun., Night, :}«> 19X3. Elie m (Fife), M. 10, m. Pop. 692. E.C., Wed. See :— Newark Cas. (XVIIth c.) ; N.E. St. Monan's Ch. (XlVth c.) 2. :§;. Largoward 6 < St. Andrews Si 13 — Cupar 15 = Pittenweem 4, Anstruther Wester 5, Anstruther Easter 6, Crail 9 = Earisfeny 1 — Largo 6, Leven 10. Ilfll Marine, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 tcH 5 Shed 50 y Gratii< N 1/6 [12] :F> 19. A'ictoria Hotel, SAC. I^a Michelin Stockists, D. B. Greig: & Sons, Chaj^man's Place. Agt.for HUMBER, Argyll, [Ml U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Greig :p>22PO. Elland (Yorkshire), M. 16, and Special Maps 46, 47, ESI, Pop. 10,678. E.C., Tues. See :— St. Mary's Church (XlVth c.) ; E. Elland New Hall ; Elland Edge (View). Halifax m 3 = Brighouse & 3, Dewsbury 9 = Huddersfield m. 4. E]le8nnere'# (Shropshire), M. 21, ]uM. Pop. 1,946« M.D., Tvex. ; E.C, Thurs. See :— Parish Church ; The Meres. Overton 5, Wrexham a 12 = 1 < Shrewsbury a 16 — Fork 3, Whitchurch a 12 — Fork 3, Weni 10 = Oswestry SL 8. SI Bridgewater Arms, 7, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Box [6] Court [to] ins Gratis N 1/- RAC T Knight :p> 12. ^M Michelin Stockist, J. R. Hughes, /t7a, Scotland St., Agt.for Akkol-Johnston, [3] U N T Hughes Garage ^ 19. EOiesmere Pert and Whitby (Cheshire), M. 16, [od), Pop. 10,366. See :— Docks. 1 < Chester a 8 — Easthaiu 4, Birkenhead a lo. EBJon (Aberdeen), M. 10, TE, I*op. 1,307. E.C, Wed. See :— Earl's Mount ; Ellon Cas. Auelmagatt 8 < New Deer 13, Newbyth 19, Banff 32 — Old Deer 13 = Bimess Fork 4 < Peterhead 17 — Frazerburgh 26 = Aberdeen a 17 = Old :Mel- dnun 11 = Methlick 9. EStham m (Kent), M. 43, Pop. 7,226 P. See : Palace Remains. Woolwich a 3 = Bexley 4 = Sidcup ®. 3 = Chislehurst 4 = Lewisiiam 3. London ^ 11. ^^s^ Michelin Stockist, H. W. Hitches, Eltham Motor Works, .'/, Hi^fh Street, [6] Boxes [t] U \ Sun., Night, T Hitches :p> 444. ELY m (Cambridge), M. 23, EpJ, Pop. 7,917. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C, Tttes. See: -Cathedral • (D) ; St. Mary's Ch. (Xllth c.) (A) ; Great Gateway (E) ; Bishop's Pal. (XVth and XVIth c.) (C) ; Prior Cranden's Chap. • (XlVth c.) (F). ^ N. 1. — 285 — ENFIELD Ely (continued). E. \ : by High St. and Lynn Rd. :— Littleport • 5, SoutUery 11, Downham INLarket IS, King's Lynn ®. 29 {magn. level rd.). • 1. Littleport 5, New Bedford River toll-bridge 11 (Carsl/-, motor-cycle* Sd. a wheel), Upwell 18, WIsbech ^ 24 (gd. level rd.). E. II : by High St., Sack Hill, and Station Rd. .— Sohaiii 6, Newmarket S. 14 (med. level rd.). E, III : by High St., Marys St., and Cambridge Rd. :— strethaiu 5, Cambridge ^ 16 {magn. level rd.), London Sl 78. E. IV : by High St., Mary' ft St., Camhridge Rd., and Peterborough Rd. :— Sutton • 6, Earith 11 (Toll-gate : Cars 1/-, motor -cycles 6d.), Huntingdon ®. 23 {gd. level rd.). • r. Sutton 6, Chatteris 12, Carter's Br. 14, Doddington 16, ]\[arch 20, "Whittlesey 31, Peterborough ®. 38 (gd. level rd.). Jfi Lamb, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- K 4/6 Chfr 7/'- Gar 20 y \ 1/0 gg RAC :?> 4. m Bell, HighSt.,B2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 114/- Chfr 6/6 Gar Shed insGratis N 1/- go) T Laxton :f> 19 PO. ELY A. ST. MARV'S CH. C. BISHOP'S PALACE D. CATHEDRAL E. GREAT GATEWAY F. PRIOR CRAUDENE'S CHAPEL P.S.-R.S.-B.-(See p. 3) ^ City Temperance, Market PL, B 1/9 L 1/9 D 2/- E 1/6 I hfr 5/- Shelter ins M -/6 N 1/- [e]. JgL :Minster (Temperance), Minster PI. and St. Mari/'sSt.. B 2/- L 2/- D 2/- R 1/6 to 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U adj M -/6 N 1/- EH :F» 40. ^j^> Michelln Stockist, A. Cass, Minster PI., ^\J \ ^u"-- Night, T Cass Motor Works ;f> 42. Emsworth (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 2,224. E.C.. Thin:-. Chichester a 7 = Havant 2. Fareham ffi. 11. infield m (Middlesex), IVI. 29, and Special Maps 42, 43, IOd), Pop. 56,'U4. M.D.. Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Enfield Pal. ; St. Andrew's Ch. (Goth.) ; Eoyal Small Arms Factory. ^ S. ]. EPPING - 286 - Enfield {,'n„t;nj,eii). Hatfield iS. I- = AValthain Holy (!ross ®. 4, Epping 11 = Woodford Wells a. 8 =r London ffi. I'i = Barnet ®. 6. 9f?vi Michelin Stockist, London Road Garage, London Rd., \MU \ Sun., Night, :?> 245 Enfield. M.CT. Epping: (Essex), M. 29, ISH, Pop. 4,253. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Epping Forest •. ^ N. 1. Harlow 6, Bishops Stortford j©. 13 =r Ongar 8, Chelmsford ft 18 a: Wake Avma Inn 3 < Woodford Wells ft. 8, London ft 20 — Waltham Holy Cross ft 7, Enfield ft 11. f^ Ye Okie Thatched House, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins &'/-a«/s RAC f Cooke :}<» 6. ff"i Wni. Cottis & Sons, Ltd., High St., Agt. for Humber, Singek, g] Boxes [2 U \ Sun., Night, T Cottis :js» 8. Epsom m (Surrey), M. 29, Ed), Pop. 19,156. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Pitt Place. ^. :5^ S.E. 2, Apr. 22nd-33rd ; June Jrd-Gth. Ewell 2 < Merton 7, London ft 15 — Sutton ft 5, Wallington ft 7, Croydon ft 9 = Leatherhead 4, Burford Bridge 7, Dorking ft 9. JfiL King's Head, High St., B 2/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar N 1/6 g] :F' 63. ^B" Michelin Stockist, T. Hersey, South St. and High St. Corner, Agt. for Flanders, [20] LT \ Sun., Night, T -Hersey :p> 246 p6. — Central Motor Works, U \. — T. Hawkins, Agt. for Ford, [2] U \ Sun., Night, :p> 437. Epworth (Lincoln), M. 17, Pop. 1,856 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.). Crowle 7 = (Trent Br., Toll : Cars 1/8, motor -cycles 6d.), GainSborOUgh ft 12. Erith (Kent), M. 29, EH, Pop. 27,755. E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Goth.). Crayfoid 2 < Dartfofd 4, Gravosend ft 11 — Bexiey 3, Sidcup ft 6, Chisle- hurst ft 8, Bromley ft 11, Beckenham ft 13, Croydon ft 17 = Woolwich 6, London ft 17. Esher (1 (Surrey), M. 29. and Special Map 42, ES, Pop. 12,518, E.C., Wed. Se^ '—Traveller's Rest ; Old Churchyard {Thurs.) ; Christ Ch. (Goth.). yC E. 3. ::^ Sandown Park, Apr. 'J5~26th ; June 27-28th ; July 18- 19th; Aug. Uth ; Oct. £Jrd-25th ; Dec. 5-6th. Surbiton ft 3, Kingston ft 4, London ft 16 = Ripley 8. Guildford ft 14 = Walton-on-Thames 3, Staines ft 9, Windsor ft 15. ^ Bear, High St., B2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 PG U opp RAC T Bear :f> 23 Nat. ffm Michelin Stockist, Denham's Garagre and Motor Works, High St., and Church St., Agt. for Darracq, go] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Deuham i^* 60 PO. EVESHAM m (Worcester), M. 21, IH, Pop. 8,341. See :-Abb. Tower (XVIth c.) (C) ; Battlefield (E. VI) ; All Saints' Ch. (A). 'X. ^'-W. 4, E. I : ty High St. and Birmingham Rd. ;— Norton • 3, Alcester 10, Studley ft 14, Birmingham ft 30 (v. gd., 1/12 asc. at 18 in.). • r. Norton 3, Bidford 8. Stratford-on-Avon ft 15 {v. gd. und., 1/10 desc. at lU m.). E. II : by Bridge St., Port St., and Elm Bd. ;— Aston Subedge 7, Chipping Campden 9, Shipston-on-Stour 16, Banbury ft 30 {med. hilly). E. Ill : by Bridge St., Port St-, and London Rd. :— Broadway 6 (dang, hill), Moreton-in-Marsh 14, Chipping Norton ft 22, Oxford ft 41 (med. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 12 m.), London ft 97. E. IV : by Bridge St., Water Side, and Cheltenham Rd. .— Sedgeberrow 3, Teddington Cross • 8, Cheltenham ft 16 (v. gd., 1/1/, asc. at ■'> m.). • r. Teddington Cross 8, Tewkcsbury ft 13, Gloucester ft 24 (». gd. level rd.). 287 — EXETER Evesha.m (continued). E. V : h(/ Bridge St., Water Side, and Pershore Rd. :— Persltore ♦ 6, stoulton 10, Worcester a 15 (gd. und., 1/J7 de,-' N 1/- [5] RAC Jf> 144. m Crown, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 K 3/6 Chfr QQ Gar U E ins Gratis N 1/- T Crown ^ 137. ^ei Micheiin Stockists, W. R. Coulter & Co., 10-12, Market PL, Agt. for Napier, Ford, [6] U \ T Coulter :p> 3X4. M.C.T. Eweil (Surrey) (See Special Maps 42, 43), Pop. 3,338 P. See :— Henry Vlllth's Nonsuch Pal. (Rns.) \by courtesy of Oirner, on application to Bailiff or Head Gardener). Meiton 5, London ^ 13 = Cheam 2, Sutton ffi 3, Croydon S. 7 = Tahvoith 5, Reigate ^ 10 = Epsom j®. 2, Leatherhead 6 = Kingston ffl. r.. Spring- Hotel. EXETER # (Devonshire), M. 26, |CTl, Pop. 48,660. ^\Ay. I'l"-.... FrL, Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :-Eousemont Castle (Rns.) (A) ; Cath. (Xllth to XlVth c.) • (C) ; Guiklhall (XVth to XVIth c.) (G) ; Royal Albert Memorial (M). ^ N. 2 {see idan). tii^ Aug. 27-2Sth. The price of a room is fur a sooti mediunn-sizecl room with la.r^e bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper may let rooms at prices inferior or superior to those given in the Guide according to situation and installation. EXETER - 288 - Exeter (continued). E. I : by Iliyh St., Queen's St., and New North Rd. .— Cowley Br. • 2, Bickleigh 11, Tivertou ffl. 14, Cove 19, Exebridge 25, Wheddon 01038 35, Dunster 41, Minehead a 43 (v. gd. und., 1/lU ase. at 18 and iletyc. at U2 in.). • 1. Cowley Br. 2, Crediton 8, Barnstaple Cross 10, Lapford Stn. 17, South Molton Rd. Stn. 25, Umberleigh Br. 32, Barnstaple ^ 40(i7. (jd.plct., 1/lIt ilesc. at 5 m.). E. II : bji High St. and Sidwell St. ;— Broadclyst 5, Cullompton 13, Waterloo Cross 18, Wellington ^ 25, TauntOn a 32 {(jd. und., 1/10 asc. at I'J m.), Bristol ®, 76.- © EXETER A. CASTLE •* C. CATHEDRAL 0. ROYAL ALBERT MEMORIAL G. GUILDHALL R.S. (G.W.R.)-R.S. (L.S.W.R.) T.-P.S.- (See p. 3 ) New London H. 1 High Street 2 Queen Street 3 New North Roa- 4 Sidwel Street 5 Blackboy Road 6 South Street 7 Magdalen Street 8 Magdalen Road 9 Holloway Street 10 Topsham Road 11 Fore Street ^ 12 New Bridge 13 Alphington Street 8 — -^-.n''>2n^- Xl^- (G.W.R.)- Tr5^'" 14 Cowick Street / 15 North Street / 16 Iron Bridge / 17 St. Davids Hill 18 Longbrook Street 19 Old Tiverton Road iii -4;^ 20 Paris Street ^ E. Ill : btj High St., South St., and Magdalen St. .— • 2, Fairmile 11, Honiton 17, • 22, Horton 32, Ilminster ffi. 34, Lopen Head 38, Ilchester 46, Sparkford • 51, Wincaiitou 59 {v. gd. rd.). Zeals Green 64, Mere 66, Hindon 73, Deptford 80, AVinterbounie Stoke 84, Aiues- bury IS. 89, Park Ho. 94, Andover a 103 {med. rd. hilly, 1/lJ dexc. at Id ni.), Basingstoke a 121, London Sl 168. • r. 2, ciyst St. .Mary 3, sidford 14, Coiyford 22, Lyme Regis 28, Bridport a. 37_, Winterbourne Abbas 47, DorcheSter Si. 52 (jgd. V. hilly, IjS-'.l-lO gradient.'^). • r. 22, Cliaid ffi. 30, Crewkerne 38, Yeovil a 47, Sherborne a 52, Shaftesbury a. 68, Wilton 85, Salisbury a 88. • 1. Sparkford 51, Brutoii 59, Frome Sl 70, Bath a 85 (c. gd. rd., hilly, ■pi,ct.). E. IV : hy High St., South St., and Holloway St. :— Topsham 5, Exmouth 11 (med. v. hilly, ll'lv-li gradients). — 289 — FAIRFORD leter {continued). E. V : 1)1/ Fore St., Bridge St., and Alphington St. ;— Alphington • 2, Chudleigh 10, Chudleigh Stn. • 11, Asllburtou 20, S. Brent 28, Ivybridge ffl. 33 {Toll-gate 43: Cars 4rf., motor-cycles 2d.), Plymouth ^ 44 (v. gd., v. hilly, several IjlS gradients). • 1. Aij)iiington 2, Keuton 7, Davvlish 12, Teigiimouth ffl. 15 {Toll-bridge : Cars 1/3), Torquay ^ 23, Paignton Si 26, • • 29, {ferry -W) Dart- mouth 33, Kingsbridge ffl. 48, Modbury 56, Plymouth j®. 68 {gd. dang, hilly, 1/8 asc. at h8 m.). • • 1.'29, Brixliam 31 {gd. rd.). • 1. Cluidleigh Stn. 11, Newton AbbOt a. 16 {bad rd.), Totnes 24, Halwell 29, Kingsbridge S. 36 {gd., v. hilly, I/O desc. to Kingsbridge). I. VI : by Fore St., Bridge St., and Cou'ick St. :— Tedbum St. Mary 8, Whiddon Bow-n Inn 16, OkehamptOn Si 22, Bridestow 28, Lifton 37, Launceston & 41 {v. gd., v. hilly, pict., 1/10 asc. and desc. at 2 )n.). Five Lanes 49, Boiventor 53, Boduiiu ffi. 63 {ined. rd.), Truro ®. 88 (o. gd.), Penzance ^ 114. IS. Rougemont, Queen St., B 3/- L3/- D 5/- R5/6 Chfr 7/- Lft Gar U ins N 1/- [IS T Rougemont ;p> 433. j*lSL New London, Eastgate, D 5/- K 5/6 to 6/6 CJhfr 8/- Box Gratis N 2/- Gar Gratis N 1/- TJ [30] ins RAO T Pople qp> 146. Ifg. Royal Clarence, Cathedral Close, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- Chfr 6/6 8 Gar U 500 y Gratis RAC T Clarence Hotel :p> 244. '^S^ Bude, 1S8, Sidwell St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 « Shed ins Gratis [5] T Bude :f> 296. ^fw MIchelin Stockists, Standfield & White, Ltd., 8, Sidwell St., Agt. for WOLSELKY, FLANDERS, FOKD, ALBION, JTOO] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Standfteld White 'f> 304. — Michelln M.C.T., Exeter Garage Co., Paris St., Agt. for Ckosslev, Sunbeam, Bianchi, Hupmobile, gool U \ Sun.. Night, T Cars :p> 123 (Motor Cycles.). Michelln M.C.T., Yeo & Davey, Ltd., 178, Sidwell St., Agt. for Argyll, Thorn ycroft, 'lo] U \ Sun., Night, T Davey Garage :f> 546. (Motor Cycles). Reid and Evans, 3U, New North Rd., Agt. for Belsize, ^ IT Sun., Night, RAC T Reid Evans, :p> 368. Gould Bros., Ltd., U-o, Southernhay, Agt. for Deasy, Darkacq, Arrol-Johnston, [30] LT \ Sun., Night, RAC T Gould Bros. :p> (day) 356, (night) 388. H. E. Williams, hO-hl, Catherine St., Agt. for Humbk]:. S[X(m:i;. [ig LT \ Suai. :p> 269. Tord (Somerset), M. 26 {not marked on map). Pop. 394 P. :— Kennels of Devon and Somerset Staghounds. ilverton 9 = simonsbath 6 <. South Molton ^ 16 — Lyntou 16. White Horse, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chir 6/- Gar Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [2] RAC Lt. T Nelder. louth (Devon), M. 26, JUD], Pop. 11,963. M.D., Tues., Thur^.. Sat. ; iE.C., Wed. -Esplanade. 'X. N. 1. )psham 6, Exeter ®. H = Budleigh Salterton &. 5, Sidmouth ^ 11. Imperial, Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/6 5 Gar LT adj Gratis N 1/- [TU RAC ;p> 16. ,igi London, B 2/- L.2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- [cH 5 Gar LT ins Gratis [12] :F> 155 Nat. ^ Royal Beacon, Beacon Hill, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/- 5 Shed adj Gratis N 1 /- [e] T Beacon Hotel :p 41. jgl Thorn's {Tempera7icc), Parade, B 1/6 L 1/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [2] ^ 99. (Suffolk), M. 24, Ed), Pop. 2,004. M.D., Mon. ; E.C., Tues. :— Parish Ch. ^ole m. 4, Norwich ®. 24 = Harleston 10, Bungay ^ 17 = Debeuiiam 8 Ipswich a 21 — Woodbridge 21 = stoke Ash 3, Claydon 16 < FColchester a 36 — Ipswich ®. 20. imouth (Berwick), M. 13, (H, Pop. 2,453. [« :— S. Ayton Cas. 4. Abbs 5 = Berwick la 8 = Ayton 3, Duns m. 14. IrfordL (Gloucester), M. 28, Pop. 1,404 P. M.D., Tues. ; B.C., Thurs. ^e :— Parish Ch, • (Goth.) ; Park, jhlade 4, Faringdon ^ 10 = Cirencester ^ 9. Bull, Mm-ket PL, Gar U 50 y [6] T Bull. ■ Alfred Lees, London Rd., Agt. for R.M.C. U \ RAC 7f> 10. FAIRMILE - 290 - Fa.irnnile (Devonshire), M. 26 (not marked on mcvp). Honitou 6 = Ottery St. Mary 2 = Exeter ffl. 11. m Fairmile, Nr. Ottery St. Mary, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- H 2/6 C'lifr 6/- Box Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- H] RAC Lt. Fakenham @ (NorfolI<), M. 24, Pop. 2,912. See :— N. Walsingham (Augustinian Priory Kuins) 5. ^ .S.W. 1 {direction South llaynham). • 2. Walsingham 5, Wclls 10 {v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 desG. and asc. at 3 m.). • i; 2, Holkham Park 8, Wells 10 (gd. rd. recom.). Thursford 6, Holt ^ 12, Cromer a 22 (v. gd., 1/17 asc. at 12 m.). Guist 6, Bawdeswell 11, Attlebridge 17, NorwiCh S. 25 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/20 asc. at 21 m.). Honiingtoft 5, East Dereham ^ 13, Watton 23 (med. und.), TheUord Sk 35 (gd. ly. und.). ^ South Eaynham 4, Newton 11, Swaffham 15 (gd.. und.), Brandon 30, Mildenhall 39 (bad rd.), Newmarket iS. 48 (v. gd. level rd.). • 4, East Kudham 7, Hiiiington 15, King's Lynn ^ 22 (v. gd. level rd.). • r. 4, Syderstone 6, Docking 12, Hunstanton ®. 19 (gd. und., 1/16 asc. at 18 m.). Korth creake 7, Burnham Market 10, Brancaster 14, Hunstanton a 21 (gd. und.). m. The Crown, B 2/6 L 2/6 D4/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar Court ins Gratis Nl/-[i2lRAC. M. I^ion, Market. B2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/- Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- m- f^n Michelrn Stockist, S. V. Southsate, Oak St., Agt. for MARTINI, B.S..A., \M Boxes H] U % Sun. T Southgate. — Michelin Stockist, Geo. Baxter, Holt Bd., Agt. for Foui>; Alldays, Qo] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Baxter. Falkirk # (Stirling), IW. 9, m), Pop. 33,569. See :— Antoninus Wall ; N. Carron Ironworks 2. ^ N. 3 (Larbert). Canon 2 -5 Alloa (ferry -32*) ^ 9 — (ferry -31* ; no motors) Kincar- dine 7 = Grangemouth 3, Bo'ness 9, Queensferry 19 =r Linlithgow 8, Edinburgh ^ 25 = cameion 1 •< Bannockburn 9, Stirling ^ 11 — Denny 5 — Camelon 1, Dennyloanliead 6 -5 GiasgOW ifi. 23 — Kilsyth 12. Crown Hotel, 16, High St. ^sa Michelin Stockists, Wm. Millan & Sons, West End Garag^e, Chapel Lane Coach Works, [6] U Sun. T Millan, Coachbuilder :f> 273. Falkland (Fife), IVI. 9, m, Pop. 830. See :-Palace (XVth c.) • ; W. W. Lomond <1,713 ft.) 3. ^ E. i. Auchtermuchty 3 = New inn 3 •< Kirkcaldy ^ 12 — Markinch 6 = Strathmiglo 3, Perth m. 17. m^ Bruce Arms, High St., B 1/9 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [3] T Mason :fo 8. FALMOUTH ® (Cornwall), M. 25, ME, Pop. 13,136. See :-01d Curiosity Shop (A) ; Arwenack Ho. (Rns.) (C) ; N.E. St. ' 3Iawes Cas. (XVIth c.) 3 ; S.E. Pendennis Cas. (Tud.) 1. ^ (E. II) 2. E.\:by Killigrew St., Prince of Wales Pier and the ferry (No. I'.i) (motor -cycles only) : — St. Mawes 3, St. Austell ^ 19, Lostwithiel a 27. E. II : hy Market PL, Berkeley PL, Berkeley Vale, and Kimberley Bd. ;— Gweek 9, Dodson's Gap 11, Lizard Town 18. E. Ill : ?>?/ Killigrew St., Market St., High St., and Prince St. :— Penryn • 2, Truro a 11. • 1. Penryn 2, Helston m. 12, Marazion 22, Penzance a 25. iil Falmouth, Clif Bd. (fine position), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft ^E 8 Gar U ins N 1/- H] RAC ;p> 18. mm Bay, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft 5 PG 400 y RAC ^ 94. m. King's, B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- ffi Gar U 100 y X 1/6 [g. ifi Pentargan (Private), Clif Bd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/- 5 T Pentargan :p> 101. m Green Bank, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 5/6 Chfr 6/- S Box [2] Court [6] U ins Gratis '^ 2. 1 — 291 FARINGDON Falmouth (continued). FALMOUTH 1 KilUgrew Street 2 Prince of Wales' Pier*' High Street 3 Hai^et Place 8 Beacon St. 4 Berkeley Place 9 Basset St. 5 Berkeley Vale »0 Market St. 6 Kimberley Road 11 Church St. 12 Arwenack St. 17 Pennance Road 13 Bar Road 18 Wood Lane 14 Melville Road 19 Marlborough Rd. 15 Pendennis Rd. 20 Killigrew Road 16 Glifl Road 21 CasUe Drive m Royal, 28, Market St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar [H Shed g] Shelter [8] Court H] ins :p> 107. m Riviera, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- S Gar U ins Grati>i m ^ 206. f^" Nllchelin Stockist, J. J. Jane, l and 16, High St, Agt. for MAUDSLAY, Darracq, (H] Boxes [2] U S ^un., Night, T Jane's Motor Garage :p' 66 Nat. — S. L. Taylor, Town Quay, Agt. for Argyll, Ford, Iris, LACRE, gg] Boxes [5] LT % RAC T Taylor's Garage :p> 75. Fareham ^ (Hampshire), M. 28, ECJ, Pop. 9,674. See :— W. Titchfleld • (Church, Monuments, Place House— Rns.) 2 ; N.E. Boarhimt Ch. • (Norm.) 3. Wickham 3 < Alton ffl. 24 — Bishop's Waltham ffl. 7, Winchester ^ 18 = coshain 5 < Havant 9, Emsworth 11, Chichester ®. 18 — Waterlooville a 8, Petersfleld 18 -- Cosham 5, Portsmouth ffi. 10 = Gosport m. 6, (/erry -11) Portsmouth m 7 = Bursledon Bridge 6 (To^^ : Cars l/-, motor-cycles Sd., with fore-carriage or trailer 5d.) Southampton Q. 11 (Float- ing Bridge : Cars 1/- including 4 passengers). JgL Red Lion, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/6 f Box ins N 1/- [3] RAC :p> 33. W^ MIchelin Stockist, E. J. Hinxman, 38, West St., m U \ T Hinxman :p 79. Faring^don (1 (Berkshire), M. 28, Pop. 2,900 P. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Faringdon Clump ; N. Radcot Br. 3 ; S. AVIiite Horse Hill 6. cianfleid 4 ^ Burford 11, Chipping Norton ffi. 22 — Bampton 6, Witney 12 = Tubney 10 < Oxford a 17 — Abingdon 14 = Wantage ia 9 cr Lambourn 14, Newbury a 27 = Swindon ^ 12 = Highworth 6, Cricklade 14 ;= Lechlade 6. FARNBO ROUGH - 292 - Faring^don (continued). m Crown, Market Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- C'hfr 7/6 Slied ins OraM^ ID RAC Lt. T Crown :f> 8. 1*1*1 Bell, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/6 Shed Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- (4) T Bell qs. 34. gl Salutation, Market PI. and Church St., B 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/6 Shed HI Court Qo) ins Gratis. f^" Michelin Stockist, Ann's Garage, Market PL, Agt. for DARRACQ, ALLDAYiJ, [So] Boxes [1] U S Sun., IS'ight, RAC T Ann's Garage :p> 2. M.C.T. Farnborougrh ® (Hampshire), M. 28, ESI, Pop, 14,202. See :— Army Aviation Ground ; Farnborough Hill (Residence of ex- Empress Eugenie — Monast.). ^ N. 5. Bagshot 6, Egham ®. 15, Staines ffii 16 = Aldershot & 3, Farnham ffl. 6. JE Queen's, Fariiborough Rd., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 6/- Chfr 6/- [ca 5 Box U ins Gratis N 1/- [12] ^ 4 North Canij). 1*1*1 Tumble Down Dick's, B 1/9 E 2/6 D 5/- R 2/6 to 4/6 Chfr 5/- Gar LT ins Gratis [4]. © Railway, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/- Chfr 7/6 Gar ins M -/6 N 1/6 [U. il^w Michelin Stockists, Ripley, Strong:, & Co., Motor Eng^ineering: Works, AgL for Belsize, [25] LT \Sim., Night, RAC T Ripley Strong :p' 32. Farnham ^Surrey), IVI. 28, Ed], Bop. 7,365. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle (XVIIth c.) ; Keep (Xlllth c.) ; Almshouses (XVIIth c.) ; St. Andrew's Ch. ; S.E. Waverley Abb. 2. X ^•"^^'- 3 (direction Sleaford). Aldershot ®. 3, FarnborOUgh & 6, Frlmley 8, JoUy Farmer 11, Bagsliot 12, Egham a 21, Staines a 22, Hounslow 29, Brentford 32, London ffi. 40 (gd. und., 1/17 asc. at ^ m.). • 2, Puttenham 6, GuHdford ^ 10 (magn. pict.). • 1. 2, WiUeygreen 7, Guildford Q. 12 (v. gd.). Eistead 5, Miiford 8, Godalming ffi. 10, Guildford ja 14 (f/f7. r(?.). Frensham 5, Pride of Vaiiey Inn 6, Hindhead &. 8, Liphook 13, Petersfield 21 (v. gd. pict). • 1, Sleaford 6, Greatham 12, Petersfield 17 (gd. pict., 1/17 asc. at 6 m.y • r. 1, Bentiey 4, Alton Sl 9, Alresford 19, Winchester a 27 (magn. rd.). Crondaii Marsh 4, Odiham j®. 8, Baslngstoke ^ 16 (gd. und., If 11 asc. at 1 m.). m Bush, Borough, B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 [cH Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [5] RAC T Bush hP> 37. ,^ Railway, South St, B 2/6 L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis m ^ 198. f^" Michelin Stockists, Clark & Newcombe, i'o, East St., [12] U \ T Newcombe ^ 71. — Michelin Stockists, Heath & Wiltshire, Ltd., South St., and East St., Agt. for ]\Iaudslav, Singer, Ford, Ai.ldays, |4o] U \ Smi. RAC :F» 188. M.CT. — Swain & Jones, 38, East St,{6]U \^ 44. Farnworth (Lancashire), see Special Maps 44, 45, [ud), Pop. 28,142. M.D., Sat ; E.C., Wed. See :-01d Hall (XVIth c). ^ W. 2. Bolton I®. 3 .= Pendlebury 5, Manchester a 8 = Worsley 4, Barton Br. 6 < Stretford 10, StOCkport .@. 17 — Eccles 7 — Worsley 4, Barton Br. 6, Stretford 10, Sale 12, Altrincham a 15. Faversham # (Kent), M. 30, MM, Pop. 10.619. M.D., IfVrf., ;?«(. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-Abbey Rns. ; St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.). ^ N. 1. Whitstable 7, Heme Bay ®. 13 = Canterbury ®. 10 = 5 < Ashford a 13 — Charing 10, Biddenden 20, Cranbrook 26 = Lenham lu, Maidstone j®. 19 =s Sittingbourne 7, Chatham 18, Rochester jS. 19. Ml fillip, J'^, MarAief P^., B 2/- L 2/6 D S/- R 4/- C:hfr 6/'- Shed ins Gratis [e] T Ship Hotel :?> 179. Dolphin Hotel, Preston St ^^ Michelin Stockists, Wood & Reynolds, Standard Quay Garagre, \M Box [T] U \ Sun., Jfight, T Reynolds :p> 12X2 and 12X5. — Semark. Ltd., M>-/43, West St. Agt for ARKni.-TOHN-STON, [e] IT \Sun., Night, RAC T Semark, Engineers :f^ i>}. - 293 - FISHGUARD Felixstowe (Suflfolk), M. 24, IHd), Pop. 8,667. E.G., Wed. ^^ N. 2. :i < Ipswich a 11 — WootTbridge 11, Wickham Market ®. 16. St i'elix, Cobbohl lid., B 3/- L 3/6 D 6/- R 4/- Lft jcH 9 Gar opp (?m«(.s N 1/6 \m\ RAG :p» 99. ja Bath, Cobbold Rd. {Whitsuntide to Oct. 1st), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- E, 5/- Ghfr 7/6 Lft [cH Q Gar 200 y N 1/6 [^ :?> 65. m. Orwell, Hamilton Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 B, 4/- to 4/6 Chfr 7/6 [CH 5 PG 150 y :p> 70. Grand Hotel, Bent HilL ffm R. W. Pratt, Hamilton Rd., [60] Boxes [HI U \ Sun., Xight, T Pratt Garage :p> 45. — B. H. Ford, Orwell iJc?., go) U \ Sun., Night, :F> 6. Penny Stratford (Buckingham), M. 22, 28, EH, Pop. 5,171. M.D., Mon., Thurs. ; E.G., Wed. See :— St. Martin's Gh. ; N. Milton Keynes (All Saints' Gh.) 4 ; N.E. Wavenden (St. Mary's Gh., Goth.) 3. Stony Stratford ®. 7, Towcester ^ 15 = Little BrickliUl 2 < Sheeplane Crosa Eds. 4, Dunstable 12 — Woburn 4, Ampthill 12 — Little Brickhiii 2, Sheeplane Cross Rds. 4, Leighton Buzzard 8, Aylesbury ®. 18s= Bletchley 1, Buckingham & 12. (f?|ft| Swan, Hiffh St., Bletchley, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Ghfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis [8] :p> 25 The Bull Hotel, RAC:. Festiniog: (Merioneth), M. 20, Ed], Pop. 9,682. E.G., Thurs. See :— Vale of the Dwyryd ; Moelwyn (2,566 ft.) ; Manod Mawr (2,117 ft.) ; Falls of the Gynfael ; Ghurchyard (View). ^ (adj. station). Bettws-y-Coed m. 15 = Bala 19 = Tyn-y-Groes 13, Dolgelly 18 = iiaentrog 3 < Portmadoc j®L 10 — Beddgelert a 12, Carnarvon a 25 — Maentrog 3, Harlech 12, Barmouth ^ 23. Pengwern Arjiis Hotel, RAG. Fettercai rn (Kincardine), M. 10, Pop. 1,390 P, ^g Laurencekirk 5. See :— Archway (Tudor) ; Gross ; N. Kincardine Gas. (Rns.) 3. Banchory ^ 18 = Stonehaven 17 = Laurencekirk 5 = 1 •< Montrose ^ 13 — Bridgend 5, Brechin jS. 11 = Edzell 5, Brechin a 11. J®. Ramsay Arms, Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- g] SAC T Hotel :p> 10. Filey m (Yorkshire), M. 18, Eb), Pop. 3,228. E.G., Wed. See :— Spa ; St. Oswald's Gh. (Norm, and Goth.) ; N.E. Filey Brigg 1 ; S. Speeton Gliffs 4 ; S. Hunmanby Gh. 3. ^ N. 2. Scarborough a 7 = l < Muston 2, Great Driffield ®. 18, Beverley ®. 31 — Bridlington ®. 11 — Muston 2, staxton 7, Malton ffi. 23. Royal Crescent Hotel. i^» Michelin Stockist, C. Sanderson, ,4, Belle Vue St., [20] Boxes \g} \ Sun. f Sanderson. Fiiton (Gloucester), M. 27 (not marked on map). Pop. 464 P. See :— Narroways Hill (Excavations). Alveston a 6, Gloucester ®. 30 = Bristol IB. 4. j^ Anchor, B 1/6 L 1/9 D 2/6 R 2/- to 3/6 Ghfr 4/- Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- [5] RAC ::p> 5. Finch ley # (Middlesex), M. 29, E^, Pop. 39,425. See :— St. Mary's Gh. (Goth.) ; Manor Ho. Barnet ^ 5, St. Albans a 14 = London a 8. ^s« Michelin Stockists, McLaren & Cox, 2, Park Parade, \b\ IT \ Sun., :p> 560. M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, Motor Manufacturers & Alfred Burg^ess, Ltd., i3, The Mall, Church End, Agt. for Isotta- Fraschini, [26] Boxes m LT \ T Propel :p> 122. — Michelin M.C.T., H. C. Mills, 15, Woodhouse Parade, Gt. North Rd., Xorth Finchley (Motor Cycles). Fishguard (Pembroke), M. 19, Pop. 2,002. See :— Harbour. Newport 7. Cardigan a 17 = 2 < St. Davids 16 — Haverfordwest ®. 15 = Goodwick 1. a Commercial, The Square, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Ghfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis [2] T Commercial Hotel ^ 16. f^« Evans. Price & Jones, The Garage, West St., Agt. for Flanders, (Ml U" \ Sun. T The Garage. FLEET - 294 - Fleet (Lincoln.), M. 23, Pop. 1,171 P. See :-Pari8h Ch. (Goth.) ; N.E. Gedney Oh. (Goth.) • 2. Holbeach 2 < Sutterton 12, Sleaford ffl. 29 — Spalding ffi. 10 as Lonn Sutton la. 3, King's Lynn jS. 17. Fleet # (Hampshire), M. 28 (not marked on map), Pop. 2,021. ^. rainborough 6 = Aldershot j®. 4 = Odiham 8 ss Wokingham 11. f>m station, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 E, 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins GratU [3] T Wallbaiik :p> 39. fl»M Michelin Stockists, Stevens & Sons, Fleet Coach and Motor Works, [20] U \ Stm. KAC T Stevens J^ 42. Fleetwood (Lancashire), IVI. 15, ED, Pop. 15,876. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Wed. X W. 3. Blaclcpool ^ 10. ja North Eastern, Esplanade, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Gifr 5/- EH 5 Gar U ins Gm«is [e] T Euston Hotel ;p> 198. Flint (Flint), IVI. 15, E3, Pop. 5,474. See :— Castle (Rns.). Boot 3 -< Prestatyn 14, Rhyl ffl. 20 — Holywell 4, Rhuddlan 16 = Hawarden 7, Chester a 14 = Northop 3 < Mold a 6 — Hawarden 8, Chester SL 15. j*iJL Cross Foxes, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins 6?/-««tK [g] :p> 198. Vf* T. H. Pmiiphrey, Church St. and Holywell lid., [g] U \ T Pumphrey :f> 18 Fochabers (Elgin), M. 5, Pop. 981. See :— N. Gordon Cas. 1. Cullen 12, Portsoy 18, Banff 26 ss Keith 8, Huntly ffl. 18 = Mosstodioch 1 < pigin a 9 — Garmouth 4 — Mosstodioch 1, Rothes 10, Craigel- lachie 13. FOLKESTONE # (Kent), M. 30, |m1. Pop. 33,495. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (A) ; Leas ; E. The Warren 2. ^ N. i. :5ij^ X.AV. Westenhanger 6, Apr. Ikth ; June 26th ; Aiig. 11th ; Sept. 5-6th ; Dec. S12nd. E. I : by Rendezvous St., Grace Hill, Foord Rd., and Black Bull Rd. ;— Denton 8, Bridge 14, Canterbury SL 17 (gd., v. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 3 m.). E. II : by Rendezvous St. and Dover Rd. :— Folkestone HUi 2, Dover 7 (med., stp. hill, pict., 1/10 asc. at 1 m.). E. Ill : by Sandgate Rd. :— Sandgate 2, Hythe a • 5, Dymchurch 10, New Romney a 14, Rye fi. 26, Winchelsea 28, Hastings ^ 37 {med., 1/10 asc. at 33 m.). • r. Hythe ffi. 5, New inn Green 8, Ashford ^ 17 (v. gd. rd., 1/lG asc. from Hythe), London a 73. JUi West Cliff, 38 and UO, Sandgate Rd., B 3/- L 3/6 D 6/- R 6/- Chfr Q/& Lft lea 5 Gar U ins N 1/- [lo) T Acme ;p' 286. Ijgi Wampach's, Castle Hill Avenue, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- to 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft [S^ « Gar U ina Gratis N 1/- (Ig) RAC T Wampach :p> 39. JEa Royal Pavilion, L 8/6 D 6/- R 6/- Chfr 8/- Lft [eg 8 Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- [go] T Pavilion :?> 86. Jgi Queen's, 2, Sandgate Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Lft 5 Gar 200 y M 2/- N 2/- T Queen's ^ 42. ^ Pier, i»frtrme Crescent, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- « PG dist T Pier Hotel ^ 110. Metropole Hotel, RAC. yspa Michelin Stocl 310. — Al altby 's Motor Works and Garage, Ltd., High St.,_ Sandgate. flool Boxes m "LT N T Maltby, Sandgate 1^ 31 Sandgate. - 295 FOREST ROW Folkestone {continued). FOLKESTONE A. PARISH CHURCH RS.-RS. (Harbour) a-T.-(See p. 3.) Players Motors Ltd ■^\ oyal Pavilion H. ^^Wb< 1 Rendezvous Street 2 Foord Road 3 Black Bull Road 4 Dover Road 5 Sandgate Road 6 Guildhall Street 7 Bournemouth Road 8 Radnor Park Avenue 9 Cheriton Road 10 Shorncliffe Road 11 Tontine Street 12 Castle HUl Avenue 13 Marine Parade 14 Bouverie Road East ■ I II". ots Cray (Kent), M. 29 Oioi marked on map), tup) , Pop. 8,494. See :— Gothic Ch. 1 ■< Wrotham 11 — Bexley 3, Dartford ®. 6 = Orpington 3 •< Seveuoaks a 14 — Croydon a 14 = Sidcup 1, London a 15. f^i J. C. Beadle, High St., RAC :^ 42 Sidcup. Fording;bride:e ^ (Hampshire), M, 28, Pop. 3,162. E.G., TJiurs. See :— Ch. (Goth.) • ; N. Braemore (Ch. • Xlth c, Priory .^leadow) 2 ; N.W. Rockbourne (Manor Ho. Rns.) 3. Salisbury a 11 = Cadnam 10 < Southampton ffi. 19 — Romsey ffl. 17 = Ringwood 6, Christchiircli 15 = Cranbome 6 < Wimborne a 16, Poole a 22 — Shaftesbury m. 23. .^ Albany (Temperance), Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Box ins Gratis [2\. jta The Greyhound, Salisbury St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 to 4 o ( hfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [ej T Greyhound. f^m Michelin Stockists, East Mills Motor Works, Agt. for CLEMENT, SINGER, FORD, go) Boxes [2] U S SuH., Night, T Eastmills. — Michelin M.C.T., Pitt & Sous, Salishury St. (Motor Cycles). Forest Row (Sussex), IW. 29 (not marked on map>), Pop. 2,516 P. ^ S.E. 1. East Grinstead a 3 = Hartfieid 4, Groombridge 8, Tunbridge Wells ®. 12 =r Wych Cross 2 < Uckfleld a 9 — Lewes ffi. 15. m Brambletye, B 1/9 L 2/- D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 6/- Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- [U RAC Lt. T Brambletye ^ 5. FORFAR FORFAR m (Forfar), E.C., TJmrg. 296 M. 10, Pop. 10,849. M.D., 3ron., Sat. S.W See :— Forfar Loch (Chap. Ens.) (A) ; N. Finhaven Cas. (Rns.) Glamis Cas. 5. ^ 1 (E- H)- E.\: by Castle St. and Brechin lid. :— Kak Br. 6, Brechlti ai3(r. gd. level rd.). •E. II : by East High St. and Arbroath lid. .— Friockheim 8, Arbroath 15 (?;. gd., several 1/17 gradients). E. Ill : by West High St. and Dundee lid. :— TodhiUs 8, Dundee a 14 (v. gd., hilly, 1/17 gradients). E.l>i: by West High St. and Glamis Rd. :— Glamis 6, Meigle 12, Coupar Angus 17, Balbeggie 25, Perth Si 30 (v (id tind.), London & 452. ' " E.y-.by Castle St., Brechin Rd., and Kirriemuir Rd. .— Kirriemuir Sk 6, Few Alyth a 16, Blairgowrie a 20(^/(7., hilly, iliOasc. at Kirriermdr). |gi County, 7, Castle St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [U U ^P- 81. FORFAR 1 Castle Street 5 West High Street 2 Brechin Road 6 Dundee Road 3 East High Street 7 Glamis Road 4 Arbroath Road 8 Kirriemuir Road JIM Royal, Castle St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 3 '6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [e] T Royal :p> 21. © Stag, B 2/- L 2/- R 2/- Chfr 4/6 PG 200 y. f^ Michelin Stockists, A. Simpson & Son, Forfar Motor and Cycle Works, Can7nore St., Agt.forB^hSlzn, Argyll, Ford, [20] Boxes [HUN Sun., Night, SAC T Motors 'f> 46. Formby (Lancashire), M. 15, Pop. 5,642 P. See :— Formhy Hall. ^ ]S".W. 2. Southport a 8 = Great Crosby 6, Liverpool ^ 13. Forres @ (Elgin), M. 5, \rM, Pop. 4,421. M.D., T^^s. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Obelisk ; Cluny Hill ; E. Sweno's Stone • 1. ^ Kinios8 3, Bui-ghhead 10 (gd. rd., ly. imd.). Woodside 6, Elgin m. 12 (». gd. pict., l/:th desc. at 10 m.). Dallas 8, Summit 18, Archiestov.n 19, Craiarellacliie 24, Dufftown 28 ('id. hilly, pict.), Huntly m. 42 (bad, v. hilly, 1/1.1 asc. at -U m). V I - 297 - FRASERBURGH orres {continued). Br. of Divie 9, Dava 15, GrantovvTi a 22, Aviemore 37 {gd. hilhi, v. pict., 1/13 desc. at 20 m.). Brodie stn. 4, Nalm ffl. 10 (v. gd. level rd., pict.). f^^ Cliiny Hill Hydropathic, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/- [c3 Gar U adj Gratis [e] SAC T Hydro :p> 3. jglft Eoyal Station, Tytler St., B 2/- L 2/'6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins G?meis N 1/- HI SAC ;F> 17. Jg^ INloray Arms, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter 25 y Gra 49. ifiL Victoria, Tytler St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 5/6 Gar U opp Gm 29. VP" Michelin Stockists, D. Munro & Son, Market St., Agt. for Albion, (H] If \ Sun., Night, SAC :?» 7X1. — A. Whaley, Tytler St., Agt. /or Wolseley, Argyll, [30] Boxes [5] LT \ Siin., Night, SAC T Whaley ;p> 22. Fort Augfustus (Inverness), M. 8, Pop. 706. See :— Benedictine Abb. (Goth.) ; Loch Ness. ^ {adj. village). Invermoriston 7 < Drumnadrochit 19, Inverness a 34 — Clunie Inn 31, Glenelg 52 = Fort William j®. 32. m Lovat Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- Gar ins N 1/- [e] SAC T Lovat Arms. m Douglas, Station Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- f Gar adj Gratis [s] SAC T Douglas. Fortrose (Ross and Cromarty), M. 5, (r^, Pop. 970. M.D., Fri.; E.C., Thnrs. See :— Cathedral (Goth.). 3 < Cromarty 10 — {ferry -34) Invergordon 10, Tain ffl. 22 = Munlcchy 5 < C'^'^r/7/ -35) Inverness J®. 12 — Conan 13, DingAvall ffi. 16. Fort William (1 (Inverness), M. 8, IpS, Pop. 2,002. See :— Goth. Ch. ; Low Level Observatory ; Loch Eil ; S.E. Loch Leven 13 ; S. Ascent of Ben Nevis (4,406 ft.) 7 ; S. Glen Nevis 8. ^. Banavie Hotel 3 < Arisaig 38, IVtallaig 47 — Loch Arkaig 15 =r Spean Br. 10 < I'ort Augustus 32, Inverness ffi. 66 — Kingussie ®. 50 = Ballachulish {ferry -48) 13 < Crianlarich 52, Lochearnhead 68 — Creagan stn. 2i», c'reagan Ferry 35, South Connel Ferry {take train acrOSS ferry, 1 daij'>t notice required), 44, Oban 49. ja Alexandra, Old Fort Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 4/<5 Chfr 7/6 5 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- (3] SAC. ^ Caledonian, Cameron Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- PG 100 y. m Palace, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- § PG 50 y. m West End, 8 PG 200 y. ^ North British a,nd Station, adj. Stn., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 7/6 ® Gar 50 y. f^aa Michelin Stockist, H. V. Smith, Pier Head, Agt. far Fokl. Hi U \ Sun., Night, T Smith's Garage :p> 18. — Michelin Stockists, iWlarshaJI & Pea-rson, as, High St., Agt. for Renault, Sunbeam, m] U % Sun., Night, SAC T Marshall Pearson. Fowey (Cornwall), M. 25, Pop. 2,258 P. See :— St. Saviour's Chap. (Rns.) ; King of Prussia Inn ; Place Ho. ; Harbour Towers ; S.W. Pridmouth Grotto 2. ^ S.\^'. 1. Lostwithiel ^ 8 Bodmin a 14 = St. Austell SL 8, Truro ^ 22. j?gL King of Prussia, Market St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Lft IcHl Gar \J dist. Fowey Hotel, RAC. f^n Paull's Garage, Fore St., do] U. Framlingrham (Suffolk), M. 24, Pop. 2,526 P. M.D., .S'ff^. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; Parish Ch. (Goth.). Harleston 15, Bungay ffi. 22 = Yoxford 10 < Lowestoft ^ 29 — Dunwich 16 = Wickham Market ffi. 6, Woodbridge 11, Ipswich j®. 19 := Stowmarket a 17, Bury St. Edmunds m. 31. Fraserburgh (Aberdeen), M. 8, {pg, Pop. 10,574. M.D., Tiie/<., Fri. ; E.O.. Wed. See :- N. Kinnaird Head (Cas. Rns.) 1. ^ E. 1. FRENSHAM - 298 - Fraserburgh {eontiiuird). • 5, New Leeds 8, Mintlaw 12, Birness Pork 22, Ellon 26, Aberdeen SL 43 (V. gd.). • 1. 5, crimond 9, Peterhead 18 (v, gd. jl. rd.). Memeie 4, Stricheil 9, Upper Weetingshin 12, New Deer 17 {gd. und., 1/lS desc. at 12 m.). TyrieCh. 5, Overtowull, • 15, Banff 26 {v. gd. und., reeom., 1115 ase. at 7 m.)^ • 1. 15, xewbyth Sq. 15, Turriff ^ 25 (v. gd. und., 1/20 asc. to Turrij^). Koseheai-ty 5, Pennan 12, Banff 23 Q)ad mount, rd., lift asc. at 12 m.). Frensham (Surrey), M. 28 {not marked on map), Pop. 2,103 P. ^g Farnham 4. Farnham ®. 4 t= Hindhead ^ 5. ^ Frensham Pond, B 3/6 L 4/- D 5/- R 6/- Chfr 6/6 Gar adj Gratia i^ 1/- [7] RAG Lt, ip- 124 Farnham. Freshwater (Isle of Wight), Nl. 28, and Special Map 48, Pop. 3,806 P. E.C., Thurs. See :— High Down ; Cliflfs ; Tennyson's Ho. (not open to publh), Tenny- son Memorial ; S.W. Alum Bay 3 ; The Needles. ^ S.W. 1. (Var hr. toll: cars Qd., over 2 passengers \d. each, motor cycle-rider 1(/.) Yarmouth 2, Cowes jSl 14 = chessei 3 •< Ventnor 20 — Newport ® ii — Alum Bay 3. SI Freshwater Bay, Gar Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [e] T Cross :p> 47. Frinton-on-Sea ® (Essex), Wl. 24, 30, [HdI, Pop. 1,510. ^ N. 1. Jvirby Cross 2 < Thorpe Green 6^ ColChester SL 18 — Harwich 16 -^ Kirby Cross 2, Clacton-on-Sea 8 — Kirby Cross 2, Thorpe Green 6, Manningtree 15, Ipswich ffl. 28 = Walton-on-Naze 3. J®. Grand, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 3/6 to 6/- Chfr 7/6 S PG dist T Grand :p» 12. JH. Queen's, Queen's Rd., Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar ins 1/- [g] T Queens :?> 45 PO. Esplanade Hotel. Vf«i Michelin Stockists, RatclifFe Bros., Reliable Motor Works, Connaught Avenue, Agt. for Flandkrs, Talbot, De Dietrich, Marlborough, (go) Boxes [30) U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Ratcliffe qF> IIY. Friockheim (Forfar), M. 10, Pop. 991. 3 «5 Brechin ^ 7 — Montrose igL 10 = Arbroath 7 =: Forfar ®. 8. Frodingham and Scunthorpe (Lincoln), M. 17, Iui5l , Pop. 10,170. M.D., Tues.; E.G., Wed. See :— S. Bottesford Ch. 4 ; N.W. Burton-on-Stather (Panorama) 6 ; Alkborough(Ch.)9. Winterton a 6, Barton-upon-Humber 14 = Gainsborough a. 17. ^ The Station, Frodingham, B 2/3 L 2/9 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U ins Gratis [6] :p 44 Scunthorpe. ^ Blue Bell, High St., Scunthorpe, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins N 1/- 21 T Blue Bell :p> 9. Frodsham ^ (Cheshire), M. 16, Pop. 2,278 P. See :— Parish Ch Cross Rds. 3 < Warrington S. 9 — Northwich ®. ll — Cross Rds. 3, Runcorn 7 (ferry -24), Widnes 8, Liverpool ffi. 22 = Weaverham 7, Northwich ®. 10 . = Tarvin 8, Tarporley 13, Nantwich iS. 22 = Chester ® 11. ^ Bear's Paw, Main St., B 1/9 L 2/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed Court ins Gratii^ [6]. ^si Michelin Stockist, Thomas Booth, Main St.,\3] U \ Sun., ip" 198. M.C.T. FROME ® (Somerset), M. 27, Ed), Pop. 10,901. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; B.C., Thiu-s. See :-St. John Baptist Ch. (A). ^B.l (E. II). E. I : by Bath St., Market PL, North Parade, and Bath Rd. :— Beclcington • 3, Limpley Stoke 10, Bath fiL 15 (v. gd., IpU desc. at 2 m.). • r. Beckington 3, Trowbridge SL 9, Devizes a 19, Swindon a 38 (gd. und., 1J9 desc.fro)n Frome). E. II : by Christchurch St. East, Portway, and Wallbridge :— Warminster fi. 7, Heytesbury • 11, Wilton 25, Salisbury m. 28 (magn. und., 1/15 asc. at U m.). • 1. Hevtesbury 11, Amesbury a. 26, Andover ®. 40 (med. rd., IjlO asc. at I.J m.), London ®. 105. I GAINSBOROUGH Frome (eontimied). E. Ill : by Keyford St. and Culver Hill ;— Maiden Bradley 6, Stourton 10, GiUingham fi. 16, Manstone 23, Blandford a 32, Bournemouth a 50 {gd. rd., 1/9 asc. from Frome). E. IV : by Butts Hill and Marston lid. :— Nunney • 3, Leighton 6, Sheototi Mallet • 12, Glastonbury 2], Bridg- water ^ 36 {v. gd. und., 1/9 asc. from Frome). • 1. Nunney 3, Bruton 11, Sparkford 19, Marston Magna 22, YeOVl! ffl. 27 (v. gd. und , 1/lU desc. at 5 m). • r. Shepton Mallet 12, Wells ^ 17 (y. gd., I/IO asc. at in m.). E. V : by Christchurch St. West and Vallis Way :— Buckland Denham 3, Radstock 8, Farrington Guiney 12 (gd. V. hilly, sill.) Penaford 18, Bristol ^ 24 (v. gd. v. hilly, 1/10 asc. at -li' m.). JOHN'BAPTIST CHURCH .-R.S.- (See p. 3 ) 1 Bath Street . 2 Market Place 3 North Parade 4 Bath Road 6 Christchurch Street East ® 6 Portway 7 Wallbridge 8 Keyford Street CxUver Hill 10 Butts Hill 11 Marston Road 12 Christchurch Street West 13 Vallis Way m George, ifarket PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- f Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- go) RAC Lt. :f> 7. © Bull, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- 5 Shed adj Gratis N 1/6 [2] :p> 2. Crown Hotel, 6, Market PL f^a Michelin Stockists, Frome Seiwood Motor Works, Butts Hill, Agt. f(yr Fafnik, Ho] U \ RAC T Motor lf> 55. — Hobbs & Son, Christ Church 5f<., (20] U S T Hobbs If- 40. GAINSBOROUGH 1 (Lincoln), M. 17, E2I> Pop. 20,£ SaL ; E.C., Wed. M.D., Tues., See -.-Parish Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; Manor Ho. (XVth-XVIth c.) • (C) ; 8t. John's Ch. (D) ; N. Castle Hills (Danish Eneampment) 1. "X, KE. 2. £.\ '. hy Market PL, Chtirch Rd., and Morton Terrace ;— Blyton. 5, Kirton-in-Lindsey 10, Brigg ® 19, Hull ®. 39 {gd. tmd.). • 1. Biyton 5, Scotter 10, Scunthorpe 17, Winterton 23 Qd. rd. ; sin.). E. I! : by Market St., S2ntal Terrace, and Spital Hill ;— Caenby Comer 10, Market Rasen 20, Ludford 25, Louth S. 35 (gd. rd., V. hilly beyond Market Rasen). See on p. 5 the method used in arrang^ing: the Hotels. GAIRLOCH - 300 - Ctainsboroug^H {continued). E. Ill : bif Beaumont St., Trinity St., Ankcroft St., and Lea Rd. : — Marton'6, Diinsey Xook 12, LltlCOln SSL 19 (v. (jd. rd.). E. IV: b}/ Beaumont St., Trinity St., Trent Br. {Toll: cars 1/8, motor- cycles 6rf.)> ff>^(l Saiindby Rd. : — • i East Retford a • 11, Ranby 14, Worksop a 19. • V. 3, Beckingham 4, Bawtry 12, Maitby 20, Rotherham @L 27 {gd. rd., dang, hill at J m.). • 1. East Retford ifi. ll, Markham Moor Inn 15, Tuxford 17, Carlton-oB-Trent 24, Newark & 31 (». gd. rd.), London fiL 157. GAINSBOROUGH m, ^Vhite Hart, Lord St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 4/- Clifr 6/- Shelter Gratis N 1/- a :p> IS Nat. ^ Sun, Market St., and North St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/- E. 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 6/- |cS Gar opp Gratis (30) T Lobley. Jfgl Monson's Arms Commercial, U, Silver St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2 6 E, 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Grafts [9]. ?^« Michelin Stockists, Rose Bros. (Gainsborough), Ltd., Albion Works, Ro^yery Rd., [4] *\ T Rose '^ 74 and 75. — Michelin M.C.T., W. B. Redfern, 36, North St. (Motor Cycles). Gairloch (Ross and Cromarty), M. 4, Pop. 3,317 P. See : Flowerdale Glen ; Ben Alligin (3,232 ft.) ; Loch Maree ; S. Loch Torridon 31. Dimdonneii 31 < {ferry -42 ; no motors) Ullapool 38 — Braemore Lodge 44, Carve 63, Dingwall ®. 77 — Dundonnell 31, Braemore Lodge 44, T'llapool 58 s= Kinloehewe Inn 20 «? Achnaslieen 30 — Torridon 31. Gairloch Hotel, SAC. GALASHIELS §> (Sellvirk), M. 13, MM, Pop. 14,531. M.D., Tues. ; E.G., Wed. See :-Ancient Forts (E. Hi and E. IV). X- - 301 - GARELOCHHEAD Galashiels (continued). E. I : by High St., Bridge PL, and Edi7ibtmjh Rd. : — Stow 8, • 18, North Middleton 22, Eskbank 27, Edinburgh ^ 33 (v. yd. und. pict.). • r. 18, Pathhead 24, Musselburgh a 30. E. II : by High St., Channel St., Market St., and Melrose Rd. :— • 3, Leaderfoot 6, Smailholra 11, KelSO Sl 17, Birgham 22, Coldstream fi. 26, Berwick-on-Tweed Sl 40. • r. 3, Melrose 4, Jedl)urgh ®. 17, Carter Bar 28, Otterburn 43, Belsay 60, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ^ 73 (gd. rd.), Durham Q. 87, Darlington &. 105, Doncaster Sl 183, London ^ 349. E.\\\: by High St., Bank St., and Abbotsford Rd. :— Selkirk 6, Hawicl< iB. 18, Mosspaul 31, Langholm 41, Longtown 53, Carlisle Sl 61 (gd., v. hilly ; pic«.). E. IV : bij High St.. Island St., Wilderhaugh St., and King St. : — InnerieitKen 12,' Peebles ffi. 18, Biggar §Sl 35, Lanark m. 48, Hamilton 62, Glasgow m. 73 {gd. hilly; pict.). GALASHIELS 0.-P,S,-R.8,-(8ee p. 3) t High Street 2 Bridge Place 3 Edinburgh Road 4 Channel Street 6 Market Street 6 Melrose Road 7 Bank Street 8 Abbotslord Road 9 Island Street 10 'WUderhaugb Street 11 King Street '/♦ • - Va *k tm. mi Douglas, Channel St., B2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [3] SAC :p' 179. m Maxwell's, Bridge St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- Shed g] Court \M opp Gratis N 1/- :}o 176. ?f» Michelin Stockists, Border Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd., Market Sq., Aqt. for Lancia, Ford, Vinot, [8] U \ Sun., Night, SAC :p> 210. M.C.T. — A. Purves & Son, 5, Market SL, Agt. for ARGYLL, [201 Boxes [3] LT \ Sun., Night, T Purves Motorman :p> 231. Galston (Ayr), M. 11, El, Pop. 5,296. M.D., Wed. See :— X. Loudoun Cas. (XVth c.) 1. :Maiietsheugh 13, Glasgow a 21 = Newmilns 2, Darvel 4, Strathaven 15 = Sorn 8, Cumnock 13 = 2 < Ayr ffi. 15 — Mauchline 7, Cumnock 14 = Hmiford 3, Kllmamock a 5. Garelochhead (Dumbarton), M.8, Pop. 578. '^. Arrochar 10 = Helensburgh Sl 7, Dumbarton S. 15 = Kilcreggan 8, {ferry -50) Blairmore 12 Kim 26, Dunoon a 27. m ' Garelochhead, Main Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Oar [2] ' Court Ho) adj Gratis T Hotel J> 3. M GARLIESTOWN - 302 - Gsirliestown (Wigtown), M. II, Pop. 528. See :— N. Eggerners Cas. (Rns.) ; S. Cruggleton Cas. (Rns.) 2. Wigtown 8, Newton Stewart ffl. 15 = Sorbie 3 < Whaup Hill 6, Port William 12 — Wliitliorn 8 = Whithorn 5. Queen's Arms Hotel. Garmouth (Elgin), M. 5, Pop. 533. Mosstodloch 3 < Rothes 12, Craigellachie 15 — Fochal)er.s 4, Keith 12 =r Llanbryde 5, Elgin ^ 9. Garstang: (Lancashire), M. 16, Pop. 200 P. See :— S. Parish Ch. 2 ; N.W. Bowers Farmhouse (" Priest-Hole ") 2. Lancaster ®. ll = Preston ®. ll = Shard Br. 9 {Toll : cars 3(/., niotoi-cycles \d., both including driver ; passengers 1(Z.), Poulton 11, Blackpool :®. 15 = Poulton 13, Blackpool jS. 17. ^ Royal Oak, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- CMr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis [F] T Royal Oak :p' 18. ^M Michelin M.C.T., R. W. Lang, Garstang Garage, Bridge St., A'jt. for HUMBER, [D U \ Sun. T Lang 7f> 22 (Motor Cycles). Garston (Lancashire), NI. 16, lUPl . See :— Docks. Widnes 8, Warrington a 14 = Liverpool m. 6. Gatehouse (Kirkcudbright), M. 12, El, Pop. 1,032, i^ Dromore 6. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Sat. See :— C'ally Ho. ; Anwoth Ch. (Rns.). Dromore 6 = Laurieston 10, New Galloway 19 = Eingford 9, Castle Douglas m 15 = Kirkcudbright 9 = Creetown 12, Newton Stewart Si 18. m^ Angel, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 (cg Gar U ins Gratis g] SAC T Angel :f> 4. m Murray Arms, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins N 1/6 [6] SAC :p> 7. Gateshead (Durham). &e Newcastle-on-Tyne. Gatwick (Surrey). ::^ 3Iay 23-2/4h ; June 13-lUth ; Aug. 29-30th ; Oct. 21st-23nd; Dec. lS-13th. S.E. Reigate m. 6. Gerrards Cross # (Buckingham), M. 29 (not marked on map). Pop. 552 P. Uxbridge a 5 = Beaconsfleld a 4. S Bull, R 2/- to 3/- Chfr 5/6 Gar U ins M -/6 N 1/- d] T Brooker :jo 80 PO. S^" Michelin Stockists, Bailey & Co., Gerrards Cross Common, MU\ Sun., Night, RAC :p> 69. — Michelin Stockist, W. Payne, The Garagre, Station Parade, SI u \ :p' 79. Gifford (Haddington), M. 13, Pop. 304 (Alt. 350 ft.). See :— Market Cross ; Yester Ho. ; Yester Cas. ; Redliouse (XVI th c. Rns.) Haddington ®. 5 = Dunbar 13 = Duns ®. 20 = 6 < Tranent 10, Mussel- burgh ®. 14 — Dalkeith m. 15. Giiiin^ham 1 (Dorset), M. 27, Pop. 3,380 P. See :— Church (Goth.) ; N.W. Silton Ch. (Goth., View) 3. Milton 2 <. Maiden Bradley 10, Frome ffi. 16 — Mere 4, Amesbury IS. 27 = Shaftesbury ®. 5 = East stour 3 •< Manston 7, Blandford ®. 16 — Sherborne ^ 15, Yeovil ®. 20 — East stour 3, Manston 7, Sturminster Newton 9, Dorchester j^ 28 = Hunters' Lodge Inn 5 < Bruto*i 10, Shepton Mallet 17 — Wincanton 7, Ilchester 20. 1^ The Pliujnix, High St. and The Square, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- to 5/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis [4] T Phoenix. fpB Michelin Stockists, E. R. Stickland and Son, Motor Eng^ineers, High St., Agt. for Wolseley g] Box [T] \J "T Stickland, Ironmonger. Gillin^ham ® (Kent), M. 30 {not marked on map), MM^ PoP- 52,252. Upciunch 5, Sitting-bourne 11, Faversham a 18 = Rochester ®. 3. ffaa Michelin Stockists, E. McGrath & Co., Arden St., Nev: Brampton, [6] U % RAC T McGrath :p> 1Y2. - 303 - GLASGOW Gilsland Spa (Cuinberlaml), M. 13. Pop. 326. See:— Valley of the Irthing ; E. Thirlwall Cas. 2 ; S.W. Birdoswald (Rom. Wall Remains) • 2. Brampton 7, Carlisle ^ 17. Girvan 1 (Ayr), M. 11, m, Pop. 4,467. M.D., Mon. See :-S.W. Ardmillan Ho. 3 ; W. Ailsa Craig (1,114 ft.) (by sea) W. ^ X.W. Milton 5 < Maybole 12, Ayr ® 21 — Ayr a 22 = DaUiy stn. 6, Maybole 13 = Old DaUly 3 < Straiten 14, Dalmellington 21 — Barr S = Pinwheny Stn. 8 < Newton Stewart fi 30 — Ballantrae 17 = Ballantrae 12, Stranraer &30. m King's Arms, Daln/mple St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- H] SAC T Lees :f> 9. Queen's Hotel, Montgoinerie St. Royal Hotel, Montyomerie St. W^ Michelin Stockist, R. Dickie, 20, Old St., [m U \ Sun., NigM, SAC T Dickie's Garage. GLASGOW 1 (Lanark), W. 12, ^M, Pop. 784,455. M.D., Wed., Thurs., Sat. See :— Kelvingrove Park Art Galleries • (A) ; Cath. (Xllth-XVth c.) (Crypt) • (C) ; Municipal BuiMings (D) ; Royal Exchange (E) ; Uni- versity • (U) ; Docks • ; Broomielaw • ; Necropolis • ; Queen's Park (Camp Hill). :§: KEt 3 (E. 1). E. I : &y Queen St., George Sq., George St., High St., Castle St., and Springburn Rd. :— Bishopbriggs 4, Kirkintilloch j®. 8, Kilsyth 13, Dennyloanhead • 19, Denny 21, Stirling a 28 {gd. v. und. jnct.). • r. Dennyloanhead 19, Falkirk ffl. 25. E. II : by Queen St., George Sq., George St., Duke St., and Cumbernauld Rd. :— Millerston 4, Molinbum 9, Cumbernauld 14, Dennyloanhead • 17, Denny 19, ► Stirling ffl. 26 (gd. rd.), Dunblane 32, Pertli Sk 61 (gd. und., several 1 1-^0 gradients). • r. Dennyloanhead 17, Falkiuk ffi. 23, Linlithgow 31, Edinburgh Si 48 (V. gd., 1112 dip at 2k m.). E. Ill : by Queen St., George Sq., George St., Duke St., and Edinburgh Rd. :- Ballieston 6, Coatbridge fi. 9, Airdrie j®. 11, Blacki-iOge 20, Armadale 23, Bathgate 25, Uphaii 31, Broxburn ^ 33, Corstorphine 40, Edinburgh & 44 (v. gd., 1/22 ase. at 11 m.). E. IV : by Queen St., Argyle St., Trongate, Gallotvgate, Great Eastern Rd., and Tollcross Rd. :— • 6, Uddingston 7, Bothwell 9, Hamilton 11, • 14, Larkhall 15, Douglas ?.Iill 29, Abington 38, Crawford ®. 41 (pict.), Beattock«57, Lockerbie ffi. 71, Ecclefechan 77, Kirkpatrick 83, Gretna Green 86, Carlisle §t 95 (v. gd., hilly, II n desc. at 9U m.), London a 397. • 1. 6, Beiishfli 9, Newhouse 13, Whitburn 23, Mid CaWer 31, Edinburgh a 44 (v. gd. -and., recom.). • 1. 14, Kosebank 18, Lanark a 25 (hilly, 1/10 ase. to Lanark). • r. Beattock 57, St. Ann's Br. 63, Ae Br. 69, Dumfries ^ 76 (v. gd., hilly, l/n-^2 ase. at 69 m.). \l : by Queen St., Argyle St., Trongate, London St., Great Hamilton St., Canning St., Dalmarnock Hd., Dalmarnoek Br., and Cambus- lang Rd. : — Cambusiang 5, stonefleid 9, Hamilton 11, Lanark jSl 26 (gd. und., 1/10 ase. to Lanark). E. VI : by Dalmarnock Br. (see E. V) and Farmloan Rd. :— Rutherglen 3, East Kilbride 9, Chapieton 14, Strathaven 17 (med., V. hilly, 1/20 ase. at 5 m.). E. VII : by Queen St., Argyle St., Jamaica St., Glasgow Br., Bridge St., Eglinton St., Pollokshaws Rd,, and Kilmarnock Rd.:— Xewton iieams 7, Fenwick 17, Kllmarnock fi. 21 (v. gd. pict.), Ayr a 33. E. Vlli: by Pollokshaws Rd. (see E. VII) .— Follokshaws 4, Barrhead 8, Lugton Stn. • 15, Bumhouse 17, IrvInC 26 (gd. level rd.). • 1. Lugton Stn. 15, Stewarton 20, Kilmarnock ffi. 26 (gd. ly. und.). m Read carefully the preliminary explanations, pp. 1 to 12. GLASGOW - 304 -- Qia.3S:ow {continued). E. IX: by Glasgow Br. {see E. VII), Nelson St., Morrisson St., and Paisley Md. .— Halfway Ho. 4, Paisley ^ 7 (gd. und.). E. X : by Paisley Rd. {see E. IX) and Govan Rd. :— Govan 3, Renfrew 6, Bishopton 12, Langbank 15, Port Glasgow 19, Greenock a 22, Ayr Sl 70 {v. gd. -pict.). E. XI : &y Argyle St. and Dumbarton Rd. :— Clydebank 7, Bowling 12, IHimbah-ton a 15, Helensburgh ffi. 23, Gareloch- head 30, Arrochar 40 {v. gd. fl. plot., 1/7 asc. at 30 and desc. at 32 m.). E. XII : by Queen St., Vincent St., Buchanan St., Cowcaddens St., Xew City Rd., Gairbraid SL, Wynford St., Main St., and Caniesburn Rd. .- Milngavie 7, Strathblane 11, Baifron stn. 19, Aberfoyle 27 (i?. gd. 2)ict., IjlU asc. at 7 rn.). ^^ North British Station, George St., B 3/- L3/- D 5/- R 4/- f'hfr 7/6 Lft ina « PG 800 y SAO T Attractive :p> 1490 Nat. f|g| St. Enoch Station, St. Enoch Sq., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Lft ina 5 PG 500 y SAC T Souwestern ::p> 9310 and 9314 City. ml Windsor, 250, St. Vincent St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/- Lft 5 PG 300 y SAC :?> 223 Douglas. Jgl. Grand, Charing Cross, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 5/- Lft IcH S PG 300 y SAC T Comfort :F, 961. ^ George, Buchanan St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Clifr 8/6 Lft [ca 5 ^ 3101 Douglas. ^ Balmoral, ^^^f, Sauchiehall St.. B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- to 3/6 Chfr 6/- 5 PG U 200 y :?> 482 Douglas. Central Station Hotel, Gordon St., SAC. f^a MIchelin Stockists, Macfa.rla.ne (Glasg^ow), Ltd., 16-2.?, Berkeley St., Agt. for Maudslay, Ahrol-Johnston, Hurtu, [50] Boxes [nl U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Chassis qp> 57 and 457 Charing Cross. — Michelin Stockists, St. Vincent Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd., 161-169, North St., MU \ Sun., Night, SAC T Parts ::F> 181 Charing Cross (Nat.) and 4323 Central (PO). — Michelin Stockist, A. Kennedy, Botanic Gdns. Garag^e, Vinicombe St., Hillhead, Agt. for OPKL, [1201 Boxes (soj II \ Sun., Night, T Motoring :p> 2061 Hillhead (Nat.) and 2S85 Western (PO). — iViiclieiin Stockist, R. Y. Dicicson, 130, Renfield St., and U, Renfrew Lane, Agt. for Renault, \M'U \'^ 32 Douslas (Nat.). — Michelin Stockists, Giasgrow and Paris Motor Garag-e and Repairing; Co., Ltd., 20, Hotspur St., Kelvinside North, Agt. for Delaha\e, Hobson, Excelsior, [^ Boxes [H U" % T Vitesse :F> 147 Maryhill (Nat.). — Michelin Stockists, Beiliaven, Ltd., 1*3, Washington St., Anderston Cross, Agt. for Mercedes, |ioo) Boxes [6] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Overhaul :?> 188 and 189 Argyll (^at.) Vand 636 Central (PO). '— Michelin Stockists, Claud Hamilton, Ltd. (incorporat- ing Rennie & Prosser, Ltd.), Smith St.. Hillhead, Agt. / for Crossley, Panhard, Swift, [2 so] Boxes [lopl U %Su'n., Night, T Mobile ;p> 300 Hillhead. — Michelin Stockists, L. C. Seligmann & Co., 96, Renfrew St., Agt. for Rolls-Royce, Sunbeam, Deasy, [^ IT S Sun., Night, SAC T Namgiles :f> 883 Douglas. V — Michelin Stockists, The Giasgrow Automobile Co., Ltd., H3, West George PI. and j!,32, NewCity Rd., Agt. for FhA^DV.n^. HoTCHKiss, Vulcan, E.M.F., [30) U \ T Necessity ;p' I'.'l' Charing Cross (PO) and 9922 City (Nat.). Michelin Stockists, Rossleig^h, Ltd., 107, St. Vincent St., an,d Uh, Sauchiehall St., Agt. for Humber, Daimler, |3o1 Boxes 1^ U S Sun., Night, SAC'T Garage :f> 3476 and 3477 Douglas. M.C.T. Mlcheljn Stockists, J. Croall & Sons, Ltd., 3inA, St. Vincent St. {St. Vincent Cross) and 2-6, Elmbank St., Agt. for Napier, De Dion, T Carrossier :}<> 1130. J. Henderson & Co., 60, North St., Agt. for Berliet U T Drag :}« 307 Argyll and 3307 Cent. Dewar Bros., 3l4rj-3k7, St. Vincent S't., [Ts] IJ \ Sun., Night, T Rebuilt lf> 3125 Cent. (PO) and 738 Argyll (Nat.). H. Prosser, 98, Hope St., Agt. for Wolseley, iJo] Boxes i4o] U \ Sun., Night, T Prosser ;p> 2556 Argyll. X X >000 D00OCX300O0O00Q0C>DOO0OOOOQ0CCOC0OOO0OOOO j^ Why is the Typewriter so universally adopted ? Certainly not for a fad — business men do not take things up with- out good reason. No, it is because it is progressive. It is one of the pace-makers of modern commerce. You cannot do things at the prevailing speed without it. You must have a typewriter but — don't get anything. Get a machine which has been tried and tested like the YOST and you Will save time and money, derive satisfaction from the quality of the work and be possessed of a permanently efficient writing machine. The Yost Typewriter Co., Ltd., Head OflSce : — 50, Holbom Viaduct, LONDON, E.C. Branches Everywhere. Royar Botanic Glasgow & Pari§ ,*»y/^/Y' 'Motor Garaga .-'' ^. \a5^ '"•^. DERRY KENSINGTON. LONDON. V Manufacturing FURRIERS For the automobile there is no more service- able coat than a good natural Mvsqoash, it wears well and does not show the dust. This superb garment, as illustrated, can be sup- plied either lined with Squirrel or with plain Duchesse Satin. Usual price 25 gns. Special price 18 gns. - 305 - GLOSSOP Glasgow (continued). B^si The Westera Motor Co., Ltd., 60-62, Buchanan St and 117-1:27, - / Berkeley St., Charing Cross, Agt. for Clement-TALBOT, Stak, AUSTIN, Delaunay-Bellbville, Le GUI, (loo) Boxes [lo] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Petrol :f> 9120 and 9121 City and 1077 and 1078 Charing Cross. — llennie Motors, Ltd., 36-38, West George St. — The Southern Motor Co., Ltd., //M, Eglinton St., Agt. for DARRACQ, (Ml Boxes [loj U N :?> 198 Rining Park (PO). — Hillhead Garage Co., 30/,, Byres ltd., Ilillhead, Agt. for Argyll, [w] Boxes 1^ U \ Sun., Night, T Hillhead Garage f' 2266 and 2267 Hillhead. — Jas. Gil)bon & Son, OS, West Nile St. and 398, Parliamentary Bd., Agt. for E.OVER, go) Boxes [l2] IJ N Sun., Night, :?> 1014 Douglas (Nat.). — Victoria Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, Dennistoun, LT N T Bicycle :^ 2842 Bridgeton (Nat.) and 514 Bridgeton V (PO). /— Apex Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., o8, Cromicell St., Agt. for \^ Bedford, Alldays, 1^ Boxes [H U \ Sun., Night, T Finality :F> SOO Charing Cross (Nat.). — Townhead Motor Co., U7, Dale St., South Side. — Michelin M.C.T., Bell Bros., 2->0, Great Western Rd. (:Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Jennings & Co., Mitchell St. (Motor Cycles). — iVJichelin IVI.C.T., Dickie's Garage, 68, Bothtcell Circus (^tlotor Cycles). Manufacturer: Argylls, Ltd., 92-9k, Mitchell St. Glastonbury (Somerset), M. 27, jmb). Pop. 4,251. M.D., 3nd and Uh Mons. in month; E.C., Wed. See :— Glastonbury Abb. (Rns.) • ; George Inn • ; Glastonbury Tor. ; The Tribunal ; St. John the Baptist Ch. (Goth.) ; Tithe Barn. ^^ S. 3 {direction Somerton). Wells a 5 (level rd.), Bristol a 25 (v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/8-9 gradients). Piiton 6, Shepton Mallet 9, Frome a 21 (v. gd. und., 1/9 desc. to Fronie). Butleigh 4, Ilchester 12, Yeovil ^ 17 (gd. rd., hilly, 1/11 asc. at 9 m.). street • 2, Pipers Inn • 5, Borough Br. (Toll: Cara or motor-cycles Zd.) 13, Durstou 18, Taunton ^ 23 (v. gd., 1/16 desc. at 11 m). • 1. Street 2, Somerton 8, Langport 12, Taunton ^ 25 {v. gd. und.). • r. Pipers Inn 5, Knowle 12, Bridgwater ffl. 15 (v. gd. und., 1/18 asc. at 5 m.). m George, Hi{fh St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 7/6 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [3] RAC :^ 10. ffw Classey & Stacey, "Aral on" Cycle Works, Butleigh, [30] Box [T] / U \ Sun. T Classey Stacey. — L. A. Comfort, Wells Bd., Agt. for Argyll, [To] U \ RAC T Comfort :p> 31. Glenelg: (Inverness), M. 8, Pop. 1,670 P, ^g Inverness 70. See :— Barracks (Rns.). Kylerhea (ferry, no motors -46) 3, Broadford 13 = Sliiel Inn 9 < Clunie Inn 21 Invermoristdn 45, Druninadrochit 57 — Lochalsh 22, Strome Ferry 29 — Shiel Inn 9, Clunie Inn 21, Invergany Hotel 42, Fort AugUstUS 49 — Shiel Inn 9, Clunie Inn 21, Invermoiiston 45, Fort AugUStus 52 — Sliiel Inn 9, Lochalsh 22, Kyle of Lochalsh 29. Glen luce (Wigtown), M. 11, Pop. 798. See :— N.W. Luce Abb. (Xllth c. Rns.) 2 ; Castle of Park (XVIth c. View). :|C E. 8. Halfway Ho. 8 -s Newton Stewart fi 16 — Wigtown 17 = 8 •< Port William 14, Whithorn 23 — Wigtown 19 = Wliltecrook 2 < Stranraer ^ 10 — Whitehiii 4, Port Patrick i4 — Whitehiil 4, Drummore 18. jSS. King's Anus, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed adj N 1/- [3] T King's Arms. GLOSSOP 1 (Derby), M. 16, [m1, Pop. 21,688. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Tues. See :— Victoria Hall (A) ; R. C. Church (C). ;^ E. 1 (see plan). E.\: by High St. West, Norfolk St., and Hudders field Bd. :— Woodhead • 5, Holmfirth 13, Honiey 16, Huddersfield a 19 (gd. rd., hilly, several 1/10-9 gradients). • r. Woodhead 5, Penistone 16, Barnsley 24 (gd. rd., I/IA desc. at IS tn.). GLOUCESTER 306 Glossop (continued). E.\\:by High St. East and Sheffield Bd. ;— Snake Inn 7, Ashopton 13, HoUow Meadows 19, Sheffield ®. 24 (gd. pict., 1112 desc. at U m.). E.\\\'. by Victoria St. and Charlstoivn Rd. .— Hayfieid 4, Cliapel-eii-le-Frith 9, Buxton ffl. 15 {gd. rd. hilly, several 1/10-0 gradients), London ^ 179. E.\y:hy Dinting Vale :— Mottram Junction • 3, Hyde ^ 7, Manchester ffi. 14 (gi(?. rd., 1/15 asc. at i> m.). • 1. Mottram Junction 3, Gee Cross 6, StOCkport ®. 11 (gd. rd., l/W desc. at 7 m.). • r. Mottram Junction 3, Stalybridge 6, Ashtoii-under-Lyne Q. 8 (ad. rd.) Oldham a 12 {bad rd.). GLOSSOP A. VICTORIA HALL C. R.C. CHURCH R.S.-P.S.-T.-CXSee 1 High street West 2 Norfolk Street 3 Huddersfield Road 4 High Street East 5 Sheffield Road 6 Victoria Street 7 Charlestown Road 8 Dinting Vale 9 Dinting Road Worfolk Arms B 10 Talbot Road 11 Fauvel Road 12 Arundel Street 13 Prlnarose Lane 14 Turnlee Road m Norfolk Arms, B 1/9 L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 9/- Gar ins Gratk 3j :f> 193. FfHo Michelln Stockists, The Glossop Cycle and Motor Co., 12, High St. West, \MU \ Suu., Night, :f> 9Y. GLOUCESTER ® (Gloucester), IVI. 21, ^, Pop. 50,029. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See:— Cath. • (A); The Spa Pump Eoom (C); New Inn (XVth c.) ^ iOct.-May), N.W. 2 (E. VI). E. I : by Eastgate St., The Cross, Northgate St., Worcester St., Kmghoim Rd., and Tetvkesbury Rd. .— Coombehiii 7, Towkesbury ^ 11, Earls Croome 17. Kempsey 22, Worcester ^ 26 (v. gd., 1115 asc. at 12 m.). E. II : by Eastgate St., The Cross, Northgata St., London Rd. and Cheltenham Rd. ;— Longlevens 2, Cheltenham a 9 (v. gd., level rd.y — 307 — GLOUCESTER Gloucester (contimied). E. Ill : by Eastgate St., The Cross, Northgate St., Lotulfn J;3 m.), Newport a 50 ((;. gd. recom.). mi Bell, Southgate St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/- 8 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- (20] RAC :p> 772. m New Inn, Northgate St., L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/- Gar U ins (?»-a«is [7] T New Inn :p> 711. m AVellington, opp. G. W. Rhf. Stn., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 a Gar U adj 1/- [«] :p) 32. j5gL Ram and County, S Michelin Stockists, ws^^ Albert Motor Co., Ltd., South- gate St., [MU\ Sun., Night, T Motors :f> 269. — Michelin Stockist, The Cross Ga.ra.g:e, Southgate St. and Worcester St., Aqt. for Belsi/K, Rolls-RoyCE, FOIID, Bedelia, [30] U Sun., Night, T Repairs :p> 821, 821 A, and 1713. — Michalin Stockist, A. C. Stretton, 1, 3, and h, Worcester St., Agt: for Clement-Talbot, Dh Dion, Krit, [6] U \ Sun., Night, T Stretton :p> 238. — C. Healey & Son, Ltd., Westgate St., ^U \T Healey :f> 201. Glyn CeirJOj? (Denbigh), IVI. 20 {not marked onmap). Y. pict. village in beautiful Glyn Valley. Llangollen a 5 {impossible for motors— proceed via Chirk) = Chirk 7, Ruabon 12 =r Oswestry a 7. m Glyn Valley Hotel, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 7/- Gar U ins Gratis H] RAC T Hotel, Glyn. Godalmingr 1 (Surrey), IM. 29, ME, l*op. 8,874. M.D., Wed.. Sat. : E.C., Wed. See :— Timbered Ho. (XVIIth c.) ; N.W. Charterhouse School 1. X S- ■^• siiaiford Stn. 3, Gulldford a 4 = Dorking a 15 = iiiiford 2 < Hindhead a 8, Petersfield 21 — Petworth 16 — kiltord 2, Haslemere a 9, Mid- hurst a 17 — Miiford 2, Farnham a 10. jfil Angel, ff?'(;/i 6'«., § Gar ins Gra^/s N 1/- [e] f Angel :f> 13. King's Arms Royal Hotel, RAC. ^a Miclielin Stockist, H. A. Jackson, opp. Charterhouse, Hurt' more jRd., [30] If \ Sim., Night, T Jackson Motors :f> 62. — The Victoria Motor Works (Godalming), Ltd., Queen St.. A 184. — Jas. Hogger, ileadrotv, Agt. for SCHNEIDER, [H] U \ Sun., Night, T Hogger :p> 33. — F. G. Barnes, Ockford Rd. Godmanchester (Huntingdon), M. 23, ME Pop. 2,133. M.D. and E.C., Wed. See :-St. Mary's Ch. (XlVth c). Huntingdon a 1 = Cambridge a 15 =s icwby's Hut 5 < Royston a 20 — Potton 15, Biggleswade 19 = St. Neots a 8, Bedford a 21. Godstone (Surrey), M. 29 (not marked on map). Pop. 2,800 P. Caterham a 3, Pmiey 8, Croydon a 11, London a 22 = Westerham 7 Riverhead 12, Ightliam 18, Maldstone a 30. = New Chapel C4reen 6, East Grinstead a 9, Wych Cross < 15, Uckfleld a 21, Eastbourne a 42 — Lewes a 30 = Redhlll a 5. jMl Clayton, B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Shed Court ins. f^^ D. Ramm. Golspie (Sutherland), M. 5, Pop. 1,024. E.G., Wed. See :— Dunrobin Cas. ; Burn of Golspie ; Waterfall. Brora 6, Helmsdale 17 = Little Perry 3, {ferry -39 ; no motors) Dornoch 8, (ferry -38) Tain a 18 = Mound Stn. 4 < Fork 5, Meikle Ferry 14, (fer)y -39 ; no motors) Tain a 19 — Lairg IS — Mound Stn. 4, Fork 5, Bonar Br. IS, Alness 36. mil Sutherland Arms, Gar U ins [6] SAC T Sutherland Arms. ff» Campbell & Sons, Fountain lid. Corner, High St., g] \J N. Sun., Night, T Campbells. I - 309 - GRANGEMOUTH Qoodwick (Pembroke), M. 19, Pop. 386 P. See :— X. Carreg-wastad Point 3 ; IST.W. Pencaer (Cromlechs, British Stones) 2. Fishguard 1, Newport 8, Cardigan a 18. Goodwood (Sussex), -^fci Jxily 29th-31st, Aug. 1st. N. Chichester 5. Goole (Yorkshire), M. 17, Ed), Pop. 20,334. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Timrs. See :— Docks. Crowle 12 = 1 < Fork 7, Thome 13, Doncaster fi. 23 — {ferry -4*) Howden 5, Market Weighton 18 — Fork 7, Knottingley 19, Pontefract 22. Goring: and Streatley (Berkshire), IVI. 28, Pop. 1,419 P. See :— St. Thomas k Becket Ch. (Norm, and Goth,) Cross Eds. 10 < Wantage ®. 15 — Abingdon 16 = Wallingford Sl 6, Oxford a 19 = Caversham 10, Reading Q. H = Pangbourne 4, Reading a 10. Jgi Ye Miller of Mansfield, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- E. 5/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U 200 y N 1/- [5] RAC Lt. T The Miller, Goring :p> 29 Goring. Swan Hotel, Streatley. Gorleston-on-Sea, (Suffolk), IVI. 24 {not marked on map), Pop. 15,333. ^, See :— W. Burgh Cas. (The Roman Gariononum) 3. Great Yarmouth ffi 2 = Lowestoft a 8 = Bungay ^ 17. Cliff Hotel, RAC. Gosport Wl (Hampshire), IW. 28, EU.Pop. 33,301. M.D., Tues., TImrs., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Royal Clarence Victualling Yard ; S. Haslar Hospital 1. "^ S. 1. {Ferry -11) Portsmouth a 1 = {ferry -10) Ryde a 4 = Brockhurst 2 < Fareham ® 6 — Bursledon Br. 11 {Toll: Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 3(/., with side-cars or forecarriage 5d.), Southampton j®. 16 {Floating Br. : Cars 1/-, including 4 passengers). Jf@L Anglesey, Stokes Bay, Alverstoke, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- PG 100 y T Hotel Alverstoke :p> 2 Nat. Alverstoke. fF" iViicheiin Stockists, Stafford and Stuttard, 6, ,S'foA;e i?(f. Gourock (Renfrew), IVI. 11, m, Pop. 7,442. See:— W. Levan Cas. (Rns.) 2. ^ Greenock ffi. 3, Port Glasgow 6 < Johnstone ®. 17, Paisley ^ 21 — Renfrew 19, Govan 23, Glasgow ®. 25 = Wemyss ]^y 8, Largs 14, Ardrossan 26 = {ferry -51), strachur 20, {steamship : see Part III.) Inveraray ffi. 27. m. 'JL'he A.s\\ton,. Albert Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 5 PG 500 y T Service :p> 65. Govan (Lanark), M. 11 {not marked on map), [pb], Pop. 89,725. Glasgow ®. 3 = Paisley a 5 = Renfrew 3, Port Glasgow 16, Greenock ®. 19. Grang'O-over-Sands @ (Lancashire), M. 16, HJd), Pop. 2,232. ;^ N.W. 2. Lindiiie 2 < Kendal ffl. 13 — Newby Br. 7, Bowness @. 15, Windermere @. 16 = {train to) Armside stn. 4 •< Carnforth §L 12, Lancaster M 19 — Milnthorpe 7, Kendal Sl 14 = Ulverston 17 = Cartmell 2, Ulverston 14. JlS. Grange, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to Q/& Chfr 7/6 Gar ins aratis N 1/- [6] T Riggs :p> 104. m Crown, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [6] RAC T Berwick :p> 103. Hazlewood Hydro, RAC. f^ Michelin Stockists, The Grangre Motor and Cycle Co., Tlie Garaqe, Kent's Bank Rd., go] U \ Sun., T Autocar :p> 38. M.C.T. Grangemouth (Stirling), M. 9, (H, Pop. 9,989. See :— W. Carron Ironworks 3. Bo'ness 6 < Queensferry 16, Edinburgh m. 25 — Linlithgow 9 = Falkirk fi. 3, Glasgow a 26 = {ferry -32*) Alloa &. 9. ^ Queens, B 2/- L 2/-" R 3/- Chfr 7/6 5 Shed adj N 1/- js] ;F> 4. GRANTHAM — 310 GRANTHAM m (Lincoln), M. 22, ME, I'op. 20,074. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Thura. See:— St. Wulfram's Ch. (Xlllth c.) • (A); W. Belvoiv Cas. 7. E. I : bi/ Watergate, Chapel St., Brook St., and Manthorpe lid. :— Belton 3, • 5, Leadenham 12, Navenby 17, Lincoln j®. 25 (v. gd. rd. hilly. 1/12 desc. at 33 m.). • r. 5, Ancaster 8, Sleaford a • • 14, Swineshead • • 26, BoSton ^ 33 {v. gd, recom.y 1/15 desc. at 9 m.). • • 1. Sleaford Sl 14, Homcastle 37, Louth a 51 (gd., v. hilly beyond Horncastle, 1/9 asc. at U6 m.). • • r. Swineshead 26, Sutterton 31, Fleet 42, Long Sutton 45, King's Lynn j®. 59 (v. gd. level rd.). GRANTHAM SCALE E. 11 : by High St., London Rd., and Bridge End Rd. :— • 3. Threckingham 12, Bridge End 16, Donington 20, • 23, Kirton Holme 26, Boston a 31 (gd. rd., 1/lS ase. at 3 m.). • Y. 3, Corby 10, Bourne 18, Market Deeping 25, Peterborough a 34 (gd. und.). • r. 23, Sutterton 27, Fosdyke 30 (gd. und.), Fleet ffi. 38, Long Sutton 41, King's Lynn a 55 (gd. level rd.). E. Ill . by High St., London Rd., and South Parade:— Coisterwortii 8, stretton 13, Stamford Sk 21 (magn. hiliy, l/lo asc. at 1 m.), London m. 112. E> IV : by West Gate and Harlaxton Rd. : — Denton 4, Waitiiam 11, Mciton Mowbraya • 16, Leicester IB. 31 (v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 desc. and asc. at 8 on.). • r. IVIelton Mowbray Si 16, Loughborough ®. 31 (v. ined. und.). E. V : &y Watergate, JS^orth St., and Barrowb'y Rd. :— . Bottesford 7, Bingham 14, Kadciifte 18, Nottingham (S. 24 (V. gd., 1/lS desc. at 3 m.). E. VI : by Watergate, North St., and North Parade :— Foston 6, Newark ^ 14 (v. gd., 1/15 asc. at 1 m.). fm Angel and Royal, 5, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- to 8/- Chfr 6/- 5 Shed adj Gratis N 1/- Qo] RAC T Angel :?» 193. - 311 - GRAVESEND Grantham (continued). m^ The George, 61 and 62, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Box g] Gar [25] Shelter |^ Court [so] U" ins (?m«is N 1/- Jl] RAC ;p> 196 Nat. m Bull, W and 65, Westgate, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 1/6 to 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shelter ins Gratis [lol . ff» Michelin Stockist, Jas. Smith, 19, Xorth St., Agt. for Belsize, Napier, [30] U \ Sun., Night,. RAC T Smith's Garage 1^ 49. — Michelin Stockists, G. R. Burton & Son, Church Trees Motor Works, Agt. for Napiek, g] U \ Sun., Night, T Burton Garage ip 3Y1. — G. Whipple & Son, 17, High St., Agt. for Crossley, Ford, De Dion, [15] U % Sun., RAC T Motors :p> 102. — Michelin M.C.T., A. E. GoUin, 70, London lid., Agt. /or HUMBER, [2^1 Boxes d] LT \ T Gollin Garage :}« 78 (Motor Cycles). Qranton (Edinburgh), M. 12, Pop. 927. See :— The Pier ; Royal Botanic Garden, {Ferrii -29*) Burntisland 5 = Leith 3, Portobello 6, Musselburgh ^ 9 = Edinburgh j®. 3 = Queensferry 9, Bo'ness 19. Grantown-on-Spey 1 (Elgin), M. 9, WE, Pop. 1,451. M.D., Fri. See :— Parish Ch. ; Beautiful Walks. ^ E. 1. Dava 7, Nairn fit 23 = Forres 22 = Spey Bridge 1 < Dalnashaugh Inn 14, Aberlour 22 — Tomintoul 14 — Spey Bridge 1, Aviemore 18 = Duinan Bridge 8 < Boat of Garten 9 (on left), Aviemore 15 — Carr Bridge 10, Inverness m. 35. Hgg Grant Arms, The Square, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Shed U adj Gratis N 1/- [9] SAC. ^ Palace, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gi-atis N 1/- [12] SAC -f Palace;. fpn Michelin Stockist, R. S. Ross, The Motor Garag^e, High St., H] U N Sun., Night. Grasmere (Westmorland), M. 15, EH, Pop. 876, ^ Windermere 9, See :— Dove Cottage ; Helm Crag ; Parish Ch. (Wordsworth's Grave) ; Grasmere Lake ; N.W. Easedale Tarn 4. stybecii 8 < Keswick 13 — Penrith a 26 = Ambleside a 4, Winder- mere ®. 9, Kendal ®. 17 = Coiwith Bridge 4 < Coniston 8, Ulverston 22 — Gosfortii 24, Egremont Si 30, Whitehaven ®. 35. jm Prince of Wales Lake, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [20] RAC T Prince :p» 4. m Rothay, B 2/6 L 2/- D 4/- Chfr 7/6 RAC. GRAVESEND 1 (Kent), M* 29, ^I, Pop. 28,117. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— St. George's Ch. (A). ^ E. 2 (see plan). E.\:by High St. and Town Pier :— (Ferry -7 : cars are embarked at West St. P^er) Tilbury 1, Homdon-on- tiie-HiU 7, Billericay 15, stock 18, Chelmsford ^ 54 (gd. t\ hilly, 1/10 asc. and desc. at 10 m.). E. II : by King St. and Stilton Rd. ;— strood 6, Rochester a 7 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 desc. at 6 m.). E. Ill : % Windmitl St. and Wrotham Rd, :— Meopham 6, Wrotham 10, ightiiam 13, Tonbrldgje ®. 20 (gd. rd., hilly, 1/11 desc. at 15 m.). E. IV : by New Rd., Overcliffe Rd., and London Rd. :— Dartford 7, London a 24 (gd. rd., hilly, 1/13 asc. at lU m.). M Mitre, King St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/- 8 Gar U ins Gratis (5] T Mitre ^ 933. fP" Michelin Stockist, W. Haynes, 7, High St.,]3]'\J\. — J. Baxter, IhO, Milton Rd., g] Boxes |13 U \ T Baxter Garage :f> 910. — A. Spencer, 18, New Road. See pp. S to 6 for the list of Conventional Signs and Abbreviations. GRAYS THURROCK - 312 - Gravesend (continued). GRAVESEND f® A. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH R.S. R.S. G.-P.S. B -G.-B (See p 3.) High Street 2 Town Pier 3 King Street i Milton Road \\ ./ Course 7 New Road 8 Overclilfe S London Road 5 'WindmUl Street 10 Clifton Marine Parade 15 Royal Pier Road 6 AVrotham Road 11 "West Street 16 Harmer Street 12 Church Street 13 East Street 14 Thames Street 17 The Grove 18 Parrock Street 19 Darnley Road 20 Pelham Road 21 Dover Road East Grays Thurrock (Essex), M. 29, InDj, Pop. 16,003. M.D., Thura. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Peter and St. Paul's Ch. (Goth.) ; Goliath Training Ship. stanford-ie-Hope 6, Southend ^ 21 = Tilbury 3, {ferry -7) Gravesend m. 4 = Rainham 8, Barking 14. Graat Berkhampstead # (Hertford), M. 23, 29, ES), Pop. 7,302. M.T>.,Wed.;'E^.G.,Thurs. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; St. Peter's Ch. (Goth.). ^ N.E. 1 (Visitors must he introduced). Apsley End 5 -Z Watford ®. 11 — St. Albans a 11 — Apsley End 5, Heuiel Hempstead ^a 6 = Tring 5, Aylesbury ^ 12. Jifil. King's Arms, High St., L 2/- D 3/- RS/- Chfr 5/- Shed Court ins Gratis (12] ^ 95. ifiL Crown, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- g] T Crown. f^ Mlchelln Stockists, C. E. Southey & Co., 165, High St., Agt. for WoLSELEY, Clement, Argyll, [Io| U \ Sun. RAC T Southey :p> 29. M.C.T. Great Chesterford (Essex), M. 23, Pop. 785 P. stump Cross 1 < Newmarket air — Cambridge a il = Littiebury 2 < Newport 5, Bishop Storttord Q. 14 — Saffron Walden a 4 = Koyston a 12, Baldock a 20. — 313 GREAT YARMOUTH Great Crosby (Lancashire), M. 15, EDI, Pop- 12,274. See:— (irainmar School; Little Croshy ; R. C. Cliurch ; Ince Blundell Ho. (collection of antiques). Forniby 6, Southport fi. 14 = Bootle 4, Liverpool ®. 7. Grea.t DrJfReld 20. f^H A. Archer, High St., Agt. for Bblsize, [ej U \ Sun. RA(." T Archer :f> 2. Great Harwood (Lancashire), M. 16 (not marked on mav), ESI) Pop. 13,817. :tC E. 1. Whalley ®. 4, Clitheroe ffl. 8 = Rishton 2 < Clayton-le-Moors 3, Accring- ton 4 — Blackburn ^ 5. Great Torrington (Devonshire), M. 25, [mjI, Pop. 3,041. See :— Picturesque Cemetery ; Castle (Rns.) ; Waterloo Obelisk ; Castle Bowling Green (View •); W. Frithelstock Priory (Rns.) 2; N.W. AVear Gifford Hall 3. uuiberieigh Br"^ < South Molton fit 16 — Bamstaple ffi. 16 = Hatherleigh i;'., Okehampton ffi. 24 = Holsworthy 15, Launceston ffl. 29 = cioveiiy Cross 14 < Hartland 17 — Clovelly 16 — BIdeford ffi. 6. I*|S| Globe, Fore St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar 100 v Gratis N 1/- [3] :p> 20. SREAT YARMOUTH # (Norfolk), M. 24, S, Pop. 55,808. See :— St. Nicholas' Ch. (Xllth c.) (A) ; Tolhouse (XlVth c.) • (C) ; The Rows ; N. Caister Cas. (Rns.) 4; S. Nelson Monument. ^ K. 1 (E. I). ::jiit Sept. 17-18th. 0g I s;§ GREAT YARMOUTH. ® Angel H |||| O. E. Shalder. ^{ ' ' A.ST NICHOUS* CHURCH * C.TOLHOliSE C-P.S.-R.S.(O.EJ?J T-B.-(Se8 p. 3 ) 1 Begent Street 2 King: Street -^■^f \ \ .J ^_1j-- rr 4 Church Plain \A~MsK 6 Northgate Street r «4f'"'/°^ ^- « Caister Road 8 Southtown Bridge 15 North Quay 16St Nicholas Road 17Nel3on Road North V_^M\ 7 Hall Quay 8 Southtown 9 Southtown :Road I 10 Fuller's Hill 11 Bridg© Road 12 New Road 13 St Peter's Road 14 Regent Road Royal H. Victoria H.^ GREENLAW - 314 - Great Yafmouth {continued). E. I : Inf Re(jent St., King St., Market PL, Church Plaii), Xorthgate St., and Caister lid. : — Caister • 3, Acle 12, Biofleld 16, NorwIch ^ 23 (v. gd. level rd.). • r. .Caister 3, Gt. Ormesby 6, Potter Heigham 12, Stalham 17, Pastoii 25, Mundesley 27, Cromer ^ 35 {med. rd.). E. II : by Hall Quay, Haven Br., aiul Soiithtown Rd. :— Crorleston • 2, HoptonS, Lowestoft ^ 10 (TO 26 Nat. fm Victoria, Marine Parade South, B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 7/6 ffi Gar adj Gratia N -/6 [F] RAC T Hotel Victoria iip- 205 Nat. m Angel, ^7, JW"arA;e< PL, B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 f Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- [3] T Angel :p> 99. jigi The Granville, Regent Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 5/- EE 5 :?> 162. ^ Norfolk, Marine Parade, B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 4/6 Chfr 7/6 S PG 300 y :f> 151. j?gt Goode's, Marine Parade, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/6 [cHI 8 PG 200 y ::p> 77. f^» MIchelln Stockist, C E. Shalders, U6,Northgate St.. [20! U N Sun. T Shalders Motors ;p> 232. — Yarmouth Universal Garage and Taxicab Co., Ltd., 35, Middle Market Rd., Agt. for Bei^size, Bentall, [5] TJ Sun., Night, RAC T Universal Garage ;p> 373. Greenlaw (Berwick), M. 13, Pop. 611 (Alt. 500 ft.). See :— County Hall ; S. Himie Cas. (Rns.) 3. Duns ^ 7, Berwick fi. 22 = Orange Lane 5 < Coldstream ^ 10 — Berwick a 22 = Kelso a 9 = Earlston 11 = Lauder 12. m Castle Inn, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed aCi]' Gratis NV-m. ^■i G. Dickman, High St., Agt .for Argyll, Ford, [laj Boxes gl U Sun., Night, f' Dickman. Greenock ® (Renfrew), M. 11, ^B, Pop. 75,140. M.D., Tues., Fri., Sat., E.C., Wed. See :— Municipal Buildings ; The James Watt Dock ; The Esplanade (View) ; The Heights (Mew). {Ferry -55) Helensburgh ^ 4 = Port (Glasgow 3 < Renfrew 16, Govan 19, Glasgow a. 22 — Johnstone B. 14, Paisley ^ 18 = Wemyss Bay 9, Largs 15, Ardi'ossan 27 = Gourock 3, Wemyss Bay 11, Ardrossan 29. ffil Tontine, o, Ardgowan Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/-R3/6 Chfr 6/6 5 PG 600 y\Mi^ 694. j^ Royal, 3, East Breast, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 :p> 708. f^ MIchelln Stockists, Nelson Motor Gara^^e, is. West Bum St., Agt. for HUMBEK, [30] Boxes 14} U \ Sun. T^ Nelson Garage :F> 710. M.C.T. Greenwich (London) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), HD, Pop. 95,977. See :— Naval College • ; Greenwich Park • ; Roman Ho. (Rns.) Woolwich ^ 3, Erith 9, Dartford a 13 = London ^ 8. GRIMSBY # (Lincoln), M. 18, El, Pop. 74,663. M.D., Mon., Tues., Fri., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :--Parish Ch. (Xlllth c.) (A) ; Town Hall (Ital.) (G) ; Harbour Fish Auctions (Pontoon). ^ S. 2. E. I : by George St., Victoria St. West, Pasture St., Victor St., and Clee- thorpe Rd. : — Cleethorpes ®. 2 (gd. rd.). 315 GRIMSBY Grimsby {continued). E.ll: 0]/ Osborne St., Bethlehem St., Church Lam, Deans Gate, Bargate, and Louth Bd. :— Ludborough 10, Louth ^ 16 (v. gd. level rd.). GRIMSBY GUILDHALL A PARISH CHURCH B.S. (G,C.R.)-R.S. (O.N.R,)-T.-0.- P.8. (See p. 3.) Im. E. Hi : by Osborne St., Bethlehem St., Church Laiie, Deans Gate, Bargate, and Caistor Rd. : — • 5, irby 6, Caistor • 12, Brigg ®. 21 (J/9 desc. at 17 m ), Gainsborough a 40, East Retford m. 51 {gd. rd., 1/12 desc. at U8 m.). • r. 5, Brocklesby 10, Thornton Curtis 17, Barrow-on-Humber 19, Kew Holland 22, {ferry -3) Hull ffl. 26 {med. rd., level). • !. Caistor 12, Market Rasen 20, Lincoln j®. 37 {gd. rd., 1/13 desc. at '!': m.), London a 171. See pp. U, 7, S, and 9, explaimng hoio our itineraries have been drawn up. GRINDLEFORD BRIDGE - 316 - Grimsby (continued). igi Ship, Flottergate, B 2/6 L 2/- R 3/- to 4/- Clifr 6/- 5 Gav 20 v, Graiw.' [6] hP 941. Royal Hotel, Cleethorpe Jid., RAC. Yarboro' Hotel, Market PL ^^ MIchelin Stockists, c5ib>= Nicholson Bros., Robert.^ St., and W. St. Mary's Gate, Agt. for Flanders, Austin, raol ir n.. Sun., Night, T Nibrouo :p> 388. = l_j u ^ — MIchelin Stockists, Woodthorpe & Haddock, r>s, Victor St., Agt. for Darhacq, Eo] U \ Sun., Night, T AVoodthorpe Haddock :^ 233. — MIchelin Stockists, Best & Son., High St, Cleethorpes, Aqt. for Belsize, Singek, [12] Boxes [3] LT \ T Best ;F> 172 Clee- thorpes. — Jas. Plastow, 13, Osborne St., Agt. for Hl'MBEK, Uk Dton CALTHORPE, SI] U \ Sun., Night., RAC :p' 638. Grindieford Bridg^e (Derby), M. 17 {ant marked on map). Sheffield ^ ll = Bakewell 7, Ashbourne 25 — Tideswell 7, Buxton ^ 16 = Hathersage 3, Giossop ^ 20. Maynard Arms Hotel, RAC. Guernsey ® (Channel Isles) (not marked on map). Pop. 43.042. M.D Sat. ; ^.C, Thiirs. ^n i . - , See :— Hauteville (Victor Hugo's Ho. Admission by courtesy of occu- pants) ; Parish Ch. Excursions :—Sark, Alderney, and Herme (by boat). ]% L'Ancresse Bay, U m. from St. Peters Pnrt. Per steamship {see Part III). Southampton a 113. lis Old Government House, St. Peter's Port, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- Chfr 6/6 5 Shed ius N 1/- [e] T Gov ^ 440 and 414 {in island only). ^ Gardner's Royal, Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 to 5/6 Chfr 7/- Lft jcHl ffi Gar U Gratis [3] RAC r Royal :p» 57 {in island only). © Imperial, Rocquaine Bay, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar \2\ Shed \M ins Gratis T Gill's Imperial, Guernsey :p> 2753 {in island only). W^ MIchelin Stockist, R. J. Le Laciieur, Hariaux Motor Garag'e, Agt. for Darracq, Vauxhall, [loj Boxes [i] LT \ Sun., Night, RAC 7f> 2385 {in island only). GUILDFORD m (Surrey), M. 29, m\, Pop. 23,823. M.D.. Tnf^.. Sat. ■ E.C., Wed. See :— Archbishop Abbot's Hospital (A) ; Grammar School (X Vlth c.) (C) ; St. Mary's Ch. (Norm.) (D) ; Norm. Cas. (E). ^^^ E. 2 (E. III). E. I : btj High St., Chertsey St., and Stoke Rd. :— Woking Station a. 7, Chertsey 13, Egham ^ 18, Windsor a 23 (. 158 Nat. :|C (Private). IS Lion, High St., B 2/6 D 5/- Chfr 6/6 5 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- \m ^AC T Lion :p' 84. j?gi Angel, 5.?, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 ffi Gar U Court ins Gratis N 1/- jao] ^ 287. flP" Michelin Stockists, ROce Bros., Bridge St., Agt. for 'Foud, \m\ U \ HAC T nice Bros. :p> 130. — Micheiin Stockists, May & Jacobs, Ltd., [io| U \ HAG T Carriages f> 1. — Michelin IVl.C.T.. J. E. Jackson, 1, Portsmouth Ed. (Motor Cycles). — A. Gray & Co., Falcon Rd., Agt. for Flanders, E.M.F. (Tgl Boxes (HUN Sun., Night, EAC T Gray ^lotors :p> 335. — H. M. Salmon, High St., [t] U \Sun., Night, T Salmon :p 376. — F. Keen & Co., Worplesdon. Guilsborough (Northampton), M. 22 (not marked on map). 513 P. Pop. See :— Grammar School ; Guilsborough Hall. Market Harborough ffl. H = Northampton a 10 = Rugby m. 13. ^ ^^'ard Arms, B 2/- L 2/»6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Box Shed Shelter ins Gratis [Ifl. GUISBOROUGH 318 - Guisborou^h (Yorkshire), M. 17, ^M, Pop. 7,062. M.D., Tues. ; E.G., Wed. See r-Priory Remains (Xllth c.) ; Parish Oh. (Goth.). :§: E. 1. Cemetery 1 <. Saltburn 6 — Kedcar ®. 8 =r Whitby ®. 22 = Great Ayton 5 < Jeator Houses 20, Thirsk ®. 21) — Helrasley 26 — Great Ayton 5, Jeator Houses 20, Northallerton ifi. 24 = Cross Rds. 8 < Middlesbrough fiL 10 — Stockton-on-Tees jSl 13. Gullane (Haddington), M 10. See :-St. Andrew's Ch. (Rns.). 'X ^-W. Dirleton 3, North Berwick ^ 5 s= Aberlady 2, Cockenzie 8, Prestonpans 9, Musselburgh a 12. JS. Marine, B 2/6 114/- Chfr 6/- § Shed adj G-ratis N 1/- [3] SAC T Marine :p> 29. m^ Bisset's, B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- E, 3/- Chfr 6/- Boxes [2] Shed [4] Coui't [10) adj N 1/- T Bisset ;|o 11. ' f^" A. Stoddart & Co., The Garage, Agt. for Arrol- JOHNSTON, VAUXHALL, go] Box [T] \ Sun., Night, SAC T Motors ^ 33. Had den ham (Cambridge), M. 23, Pop. 1,686 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.), Sirtton 4, Chatteris 10 = Wiiburton 2 < stretham 4, Ely ffi. 9 — Cottenliam 7, Cambridge ^ 13 = St. Ives 11, Huntingdon a 17. HADDINGTON 1 (Haddington), M. 13 (crj, Pop. 4,140. M.D., Fri. See :— Parish Ch. (Jane Welsh Carlyle's tomb) (A) ; Knox Institute ; S. Lennoxlove Ho. 1. ^ W. {adj. toivn). HADDINGTON A. PARISH CH G.-R.S.-p.s.-(See p. 3) 'lack Bull H 1 High Street a Hardgate Street 3 North Berwick Rd. 4 Dunbar Road 5 Bidegate Street 6 Poldrate 7 Gifford Road 8 Court Street 9 Dalkeith Road 10 West End 11 Edinburgh Road 12 Hope Park 13 Aberlady Road E.\:bij High St., Hardgate St., and North Berwick Rd. :— Drem 4, Dirleton 8, North Berwick ffl. 10 (v. hilly). E. li : hy High St., Hardgate St., and Dunbar Rd. .— • 2, East Linton 5, Beitonford 9, Dunbar 11, Berwick-on-Tweed {v. gd. und. pict.), London ^ 380. • 1. 2, North Berwick ®. 9 (v. hilly). E. ill : by High St., Bidegate St., Poldrate, and Gifford Rd. :— Gifford 5, Longformacus 18, Duns ®. 25. E. IV : by Court St. and Dalkeith Rd. :— Pentcaitiand 6, Dalkeith ^ 14 (v. gd. und. pict.). E.y : by Court St., West End, and Edinburgh Rd. :— Tranent 7, Musselburgh ®. 11, Edinburgh fi. 17 (med.). E. VI : by Court St., Hope Park, and Aberlady Rd. .— Aberlady 5 (y. hilly). - 319 - HALIFAX Haddington {continued). '^ Black Bull, 71, Market St. {closed on alternate Sundays), B 2/- L2/-D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- PG 100 y. -ftft George, 9i, High St. {closed on alternate Sundays), B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/9 Chfr 5/- Shed adj Gratis N 1/6 iH] SAC :p» 17. ffv Michelin Stockist, A. D. Kennedy, Tyneside Coach Works, \E Box SUN Sun., Night, T Kennedy :f> 4X. Hadleigrh (Suffolk), M. 24, EIdI, Pop. 3,201. See:-Ch. Tower (XVth c); Guildhall ; Ho. (X\'IIth c). N.W Bil- deston (Old Ho.) 6. Bury St. Edmunds a 20 = Ipswich ffl. 10 = strattord 6 < Colchester ffi 13 — Manningtree 12, Harwich 24 = Sudbury ffl. 12. Hailsham (Sussex), IW. 29, Pop. 4,197 P. E.G., Thurs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) ; E. Hurstmonceaux Cas. (Ens.) 5 ; S. Otham Priory Rns. 3 ; W. Michelham (Rns.) 5. Lower Horsebridge 2 •< Tunbrldge Wclls ^ 22 — Fork 5, Uckfield & 13, East Grinstead ^ 26 — lK>wer Horsebridge 2, Fork 5, LewOS ffl. 13 — Lower Horse- bridge 2, Ninfieid 11 < St. Leonards ffi. 18, Hastings a 19 — Battle a 15 = Poiegate 3 < Eastbourno a 8 — Pevensey 8, Bexhill fit 15, St. Leonards Q. 19, Hastings ffl. 20 — Poiegate 3, Seaford 12. ^» A. F. Smith, 5, Hrr/Zi St. Halesowen (Worcester), M. 21, Pop. 4,057 P. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Tlmrs. See :— Old Abb. Rns. ;^ E. 1. Biackheath 2, Dudley ffi. 5, WoIverhampton ffi. 11 = Birmingham ffi. T = Bromsgrove 8, Droitwich fi. 14 = Lower Hagiey 5 «? Kidderminster a lo — Worcester a 22 = Stourbridge m. 5. New Inn Hotel ^SB Rudge Bros., Rumhow. Halesworth (Suffolk), iVI. 24, ES). Pop- 2,258. M.D., Tues. ; E.G., Thurs. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth. Tower) ; Old Houses. Bungay SH. 9, Norwich fit 24 = Hoiton 1 < Beccles 10, Lowestott a 20 — Wangford 7, Soutliwold 11 — Hoiton 1, Wangford 7, LOWOStoft fflL 17 = Yoxford 7 < Saxmundham ffl. 11, Wickham Market fi. 19 — Aldeburgh a 17 — Yoxford 7, Dunwich 13. • HALIFAX ® (Yorkshire), M. 16, and Special Maps 46, 47, El, Pop. 101,566. ^ N.W. 3 (E. I). M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See '.—Parish Ch. (A) ; S. Zoological Gardens 1. £.\: by Broad St., Orange St., Corporation St., Lee Br., and Lee Bank :— Denhoime 7, Keighloy & 12 {bad rd. hilly, 1/15 asc. at 5 TO.), Skipton A 22, Kendal a 68 {v. gd. %tnd.). E. II : by Broad St., Northgate, North Br., New Bank, and Godle^ Lane : — Stumpcross • 1, Wibsey Bank Foot • 6, Stanningley 12, LoedS ffi. 17 {med. rd.). • r. stumpcross 1, Drlghlington 9, Lecds j®. 15 {med. rd. hilly, 1/16 dese. at 1 and asc. at k tn.). • 1. Wibsey Bank Foot 6, Bradford Sk 8. E. Ill : by Broad St., Waterhouse St., Cominercial St., Portland PL, Skircoat Rd., and Rudder sfield Rd. :— Elland • 3, Huddersfield a "({med. rd., 1/19-12 desc. at 1 m.), Sheffield J®. 33, London a 195. • 1. Elland 3, Brighouse a 6, Mirfleld 9, Ravensthorpe 10, Dewsbury 12 {vfied. rd., l/lk asc. at 12 m.). E.\y:by Broad St., Waterhouse St., Silver St., Cow Green, Bull Green, King Cross St., King Cross Rd., and Rochdale Rd. :— Sowerby Br. 3, Ripponden 6, Littleborough 13, Rochdale ^ 16 {med. rd., 1/12 desc. at 2 m.). E. V : &?/ Broad St., Waterhouse St., Silver St., Cow Green, Bull Green, King Cross St., King Cross Rd., and Burnley Rd. .— Hebden Bridge 8, Todmorden • 12, Burnley ®. 21 {gd. rd., 1/23 asc. at 15 m.), Accrington 27, Blackburn ffi. 82. • 1. Todmorden 12, Bacup 17 {med. rd., 1/13 asc. and desc. at lU m.). Rsad carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 12 «* How to use the Guide.' HALSTEAD — 320 -. Ha-lifiax {continued). SCALE HALIFAX (CN.R.) p. 3 ) i Corporation Street C^ k L«e Bridge ^^ i Northgate V I North Bridge ' Hevr Bank : Waterhouse Street I Commercial Street I Portland Place Skircoat Road Huddersfield Road <13 Silver Street 14 Cow Green" 15 Bull Green 16 King Cross Street 17 King Cross Road 18 Rochdale Road 19 Burnley Road 20 Free School Lane 21 Parkinson Lane 22 PeUon Lane ® ^ White Swan, Princes St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Court ins Gratis N 1/- [6] RAC Lt. qs* 45. ^ Old Cock, Sotith Gate, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E, 2/6 Chfr 7/- f Shed ins (Tra^^s [e] T Oldcock :fo 118. V^" Michelin Stockists, Woodall Nicholson & Sons, Horton St., MU \ R AC qfo 806. . — Michelin Stockist, Edgar Smith, Halifax Motor Car Co., Weymouth St., Agt. for Belsize, R.C.H., [la] U N RAC T Smitli Motorics ;j<> 42 Y. — Michelin M.C.T., Booths Motorics, Bedford St. North (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Farrars Motor Exchange, Hopgood Lane (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Melville Eng. Co., 93, Gibbet St. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Scott Saville, Al, King Cross (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Scott & Rhodes, Potcell St. (Motov Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., West Riding Motor Exchange, '^, Porland St. Northgate (Motor Cycles). Halstead S (Essex), M. 24, 30, ESI, Pop. 6,265. X E. 2. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. Baythome Eud 11 < Haverhill 15, Cambridge a 34 — Saffron Walden ® 25 = Sudbury a 8 = Colchester a 14 = Braintree a 6, Chelmsford A 18. p 1 - 321 - HANLEY Halstead (continued). j?a George, Market Hill, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ius Gratis [J^'f' George. (fhti Bull, Brirffire ,S«., B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter adj (?ra 164. 1*1^ Commercial, Townhead St., L 2/- D 4/- jj Court [e] Shed [6] adj M 1/- N 2/- :?> 181. ff«i Hamilton Motor Garage, U/t-/^, Ditke St., Agt. for Metal- LUllGiyUE, g] U % Sun., Night, f Ledley Garage ;p> 99. — Lanarkshire Motor Co., Camiihell St., Agt. for FoilD, [Tg] Boxes' mU \ SAC T Motor 7^ 111. Hampton @ (Middlesex) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), Ed), Pop. 9,221. See :— Hampton Court Pal. • 14 m. (see East Molesey) ; St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.). ^ (Two courses N.E. 1* (Fulwell). Twickenham 3, Richmond ffl. 5, London a 14 = Kingston Si 3, Croydon a 14 = Sunbury 2, Chertsey 7, Bagshot 17 = Staines a 7, Windsor Sl 13. The Red Lion Hotel. ffBi Michelin Stockists, G. King^sbury & Son, Lion .S^^., [8) U \ T Kingsbury ;p> 136 PC Molesey. HANLEY (Stafford.), M. 21, isl. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Musemn (valuable collection of pottery). E.\\hy Miles Bank, Tontine St., Percy St., Old Hall St., Bucknall Xew Rd., and Bucknall Rd. ;— • 1, Cheadle 9, Ashbourne Sl 26 (gd. rd.). • r. 1, Longton 4. E. II : hy Miles Bank, Tontine St., and Lichfield St. ;— Longton 4, Uttoxeter a 18, London i®. 156. E. Ill : ^y Miles Bank, Piccadilly, and Broad St. :— Stoke-on-Trent 2, Stone St. 10, Stafford ^ 18 (v. gd. level rd., sharp turn at 12 in.). E. IV : by Miles Bank, Trinity St., and Etruria Rd. :— Newcastle-under-Lyme ®. 3. E. V : by Miles Bank, Stafford St., Hope St., and Waterloo Rd. : — Burslem fi 1, Tunstall 3, Sandbach 12 (rough paved rd., 1/15 desc. beyond Tunstall). E. VI : 6?/ Miles Bank, Stafford St.. Uox>e St., Waterloo Rd., Elder Rd., and Leek Rd. : — Leek Sl 10. mm Grand, Trinity St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft [CH) 8 Shed ius Gratis [g] PG 300 y ;p> 1361. Saracen's. Head HoteL -HARLECH Han ley (continued). HANL^Y 1 Miles Bank 2 Tontine Street 3 Percy Street 4 Old HaU Street ^ $' 5 Bucknall New Roadii? ;$■//' 6 Bucknall Road ' goi,/ 7 Albion Square 2^1 8 Lichfield Street 451. MIchelln M.C.T., A. Bednall, 56, Broad St. (Motor Cycles) P. Harlech (Merioneth), M. 20, Pop. See :— Castle •. :§; S- 5 < Festiniog 12, Bettws-y-Coed ffl. 27 — (Toll-gate — Caution : Cars or cycle-cars 1/-, motor-cycles 6(Z. , with trailer 9d.) Penrhyn-deudraeth 6, Bedd- gelert 13 — Penrhyn-deudraeth 6, Portmadoc ffl. 9 = Barmouth a 11, Dolgelly 20. J^ St. David's, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar LT 100 y N 1/6 [11] BAC ;p« 6. M Castle, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis g] RAC. TF" D. E. Da vies, SL David's Garage, [i5| Boxes [U U \ Sun., Night, T Davies Garage :f> 6. Harleston (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 2,001 P. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thars. Bungay S. 7, Great Yarmouth fi. 26 = Framlingham 15, "W'ickham Market fi. 21 = Brockdish 4 < Scole ffl. 8, Bury St. Edmunds ffl. 30 — Eye 10. - 323 - HARROGATE Harlow (Essex), M. 23, 29, Pop. 2,619 P. M.D., Wed.. Sat. ; E.C., We 189. ffM Michelin Stockist, C E. Chirney, Station Garage, Station Ed., [H Sun. T Chirney :p' 119. — Herts Motors, Ltd., Hiyh St. \MU \ Sun., RAC ;F> 24. HARROGATE @ (Yorkshire), M.I 7, m. Pop. 33,706. M.D., Tues., Sat. ; E.G., Sat. See :-Royal Baths (A) ; The Wells (C) ; W. Harlow Hill (View) 1 XE.1. E. I : by James St., Station Br.. North Park Rd., and Knaresborough Rd. :- Knaresborough 3, Green Hammerton 11, York ffi. 21 {gd. rd., 1/16 desc. at 2 m.). E. II : by James St., Station Br., North Park Rd., Knaresborough Rd., and Wetherby Rd. :— Spofforth 6, Wetherby®. 9, • 11. Aberfnrd • 17, Ferrybridge 26, DoncaStcr ®. 40 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 13 m.), London a 206. • 1. 11, Boston Spa 12, Tadcaster 16, Selby 29 (med. rd.). • r. Aberford 17, Pontofract 29. E.\\\:by West Park and Leeds Rd. :— • 3, Harewood 7, Leeds ffl. 15 {v. gd., 1/11 desc. at 1 m.). • r. 3, Otley a 11, Shipley ^18, Bradford m. 21 {v. gd., 1/13-16 desc. at IS m.). E. IV : by Leeds Rd. and Otley Rd. :— Beckwithshaw Church 3, Lindley Green 7, Otley ffl. • 11, Shipley j® 18, Bradford m. 21. • r. Otley ®. 11, Ilkley S. 17, Skipton m. 26. E. V : by Parliament St. and Ripon Rd. .— New Park • 1, Ripley 3, Rlpon a 11 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 3 m.). • 1. New Park 1, Blubberhousea 9, Bolton Br. 16, Skipton ® • • 22 (r. gd., V. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 9 m.), Colne 34, Nelson 37, Burnley a. 41 (gd. und.). • • r. Skipton a 22, Settle ® 38, Kirkby Lonsdale 56, Kendal & 68 (v. gd. und., 1/10 desc. at 60 m.). iii Grand, Cornwall Rd., Chfr 8/- Lft [cH 5 Gar ins N 2/- (30) T Grand q^ 1017. mM Queen, Park Parade, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr 7/- Lft fcH f Gar |20] Box (Tol ins N 2/- T Queen :^ 10 and 14. mM Prince of Wales, York PL, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Lft ^ 5 Gar ins Gratis (20] RAC T Elegance :p> 9 and 0329. gJB Adelphi, CoM Ba«A i?d., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- Chfr 6/- Lft f PG adj ■r Adelphi ;p> 256 Central fm Alexandra, Prospect PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Lft 8 :p 426. j^fiL Lancaster, ,'?A, CoM Ba«/i Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/- 8 Court H] is> 1037. ^[ajestic Hotel, Ripon Rd., RAC. f^" Michelin Stockists, A. B. Wardman & Sons, Ltd., ""* Cambridge St., Agt. for Fiat, Rolls-Royce, \Eo} Boxes [Tl U N Sun., T Wardman :p> 1040. Before setting out on a tour, visit or write to our Touring: OfRce, 81, Fulham Rd., Londm, S.W., where your itinerary will be drawn up -free of charg^e. HARROW-ON-THE-HILL HaLrrogSLte {continued). HARROGATE fxf\* w«\\\ W5> A. ROYAL BATHS /)=^ r o p\\\5 » R.S.- P.S.- G-Tr (See p. 3.yy\ 375. — Michelin Stockists, H. Johnson, Johnson's Motor Works, Springfield Av., Agt. for Wolseley, Austin, Ford, Be Dion, [Too) Boxes [H] If N Sun., Night, RAC T Autocar :?<> 216. — J. Fowler & Sons, 19, York Pl.,\30\'U \ Night, :F> 28 Y. — A. B. Faulkner, Ua, Church Sq., Agt. for Arrol- Johnston, [«] Boxes g] LT S Sun., Night, T Mocar :{i> 810. Harrow-on-the-Hill (Middlesex), IVI. 29, and Special Map 42, fupl - Pop. 17,076. E.G., Wed. S88 :— Public School ; St. Mary's Ch. (Byron's Tomb), Pinner 3 < Rickmansworth 8, Amersham S. 16 — Uxbridge ffl. 10. Slough ®. 16, Windsor SL 18 = Wealdstone j®. 3, Watford ®. S. St. Albans a 15 = 1 •< London a 11 — Hounslow 9, Staines a 16. M. King's Head, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 [cH 5 Gar U ins Gratis [50] T King's Head :p> 183. f^«" Leaborne Manufacturing Co., Pinner Rd., Agt. for Delaunay- BEf.LEViLLE, De Dion, [To] Boxes [i2] U S Sun., Night, RAC T Leader :^ 438 and 167 PO. Hartingrton (Derby), M. 16, Pop. 436. See :-Beresford Dale ; Mill Dale ; Gib Hill ; Kenslow. Hurdlow P. H. 6, Buxton ®. 12 = New Inn 5, Ashboume 10 = Hulme End 2 < Warsiow 3, Leek ®. 11 — Longnor 6, Buxton ffl. 13 — Hulme End 2, Warsiow 3, Cheadle 15. Hartland (Devonshire), M. 25, Pop. 1,634 P. See :-W. Hartland Abb. 2 ; W. Stoke St. Nectan Ch. 2 ; W. Black- mouth Mill 4 ; N.W. Hartland Point 4. cioveiiy cro-;s 3 «; Horns Croas 8, Bidsford ^ 14, Bamstaple ^ 23 — Clovelly 5 — Clovelly Croas 3, Horns Cross 8, Torrington 17 s= Kilkhampton 10 •< Stratton 14, Wainhouse Corner 22, Came ford 32 — LaunCOSton ffl. 29 — Kilkhampton 10, Stratton 14, Bude ffl. 16 — KUkhampton 10, Stratton 14, Wainhouse Corner 22, Boscastle 28. - 325 - HASTINGS Hartlepool (Durham), M. 14, ME, PoP- 20,618. ^ W. 1. Cross Eds. 5 < Sunderland a 21 — Durham ffi. 19 = West Hartlepool ^ 2, Stockton-on-Tees a is. Harwich (Essex), M. 24, 30, ME, Pop. 13,623. M.D., Tnes., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See:— KAV. Wrabness Ch. (Belfry) L. Eamsey 4 < Manningtree 12, Colchester ®. 21 — Great Oakley 7, Kirby 14, Waiton-on-Naze 16 — Ramsey 4, Great Oakley 7, ColCheStCr ®. 21 — Ramsey 4. Great Oakley 7, Kirby 14, Clacton-on-Sca 21 — Ramsey 4, Great Oakley 7, Kirby 14, Frinton-on-Sea ^ 16. gS Great Eastern Hotel, Parkeston Quay, RAC. ^ Three Cups, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R S/6 to 5/- Chfr 7/6 PG adj g] T Cups :p' 82. Haslemere # (Surrey), M. 28, Pop. 2,614 P. See:— Educational Mus. ; St. Bartholomew's Ch. ; Aldworth (Lord Tennyson's Ho.). Godalmino: ®. 9, Guildford ffl. 13 = Easeboume 7 < Midhurst a 8, Chichester a 20 — Petworth 12 = Liphook 4, Petersfleld 12. m White Horse, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- g] ^p> 70. ^ Railway, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [D ■r Castleman :p> 6 PC. ^f«i Michelin Stockists, Green & Co., Station Ed., HJLT ^ 79. — Haslemere Motor Works, High St. and Station Rd., Agt.for FORP, [Ml Box [5] U \ Sun., RAC T Motors :fo 43. - H. J. Rogers, Shottermill, [5] LT \ :?> 67 PO. Haslingrden (Lancashire), iVI. 16, (udI, Pop. 18,723. M.D., Toes., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— S.W. Holden Hal' (Manor Ho.) 1. Blackburn @. 8 := Accrington 4 = Rawtenstall 2, Bacup 7 = Edenfieid 3 •< Bury a 8 — Bolton a 13 — Edenfieid 3, Rochdale Si 11. jfg^ Commercial, 1,. Manchester Rd., B 1/9 L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 4/- [cH Shed ins Gratis g] T Commercial Hotel :f<> 94. ■i J. S. Cordingley, ^gri. /or Renault, Belsize, Darracq, Austin, Flanders, Ckossley, Deasy, Arrol-Johnston, IM] U \ Sun., Night, T Cordingley :p> 2Y and 102. - Milne's Garage, 117-133, Maiichester Rd., Agt. for Singer, Alldays, ;S] LT \ Sun., Night, :p> 74. HASTINGS m (Sussex), M.30, |cl. Pop. 61,146 M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Old Cas. (Norm.) • (A) ; St. Mary's Ch. (Grec.) (C) ; Pi-omenade Pier • (D) ; N.E. Fairlight Glen and Lovers' Seat 2 ; E. Eccles- bourne Glen (Rocking Stone) 1. ;:^ N.E. 2 (E. I). E.\: by Wellington PL, Castle St., Pelham PL, George St., and High St. :— Guestling Green 4, Winchelsea 9, Rye jS. • 11 {Toll-gate : Cars 6d., tricars and side-cara 6d.), (gd., V. hilly), Harn Street 22 (pad), Ashford ®. 28 (gd. und., 1/10 desc. at U m.), Canterbury ffi. 42. • r. Rye ffl. 11, Brenzett Corner 19, New Romney 23 (med.), Hythe ®. 32, Sandgate ^ 35, Folkestone fil 37 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc at 36 m.), Dover 44. E. II : h}i Robertson St. and Grand Parade : — St. Leonards M 1, Bexhill Q.5, Pevensey • 12, Poiegatel7, Beddingiiam26, Lewes Sl 29 (v. gd., 1/12 desc. from Bexhill), Brighton ^ 37. • 1. Pevensey 12, Eastbourne ffi. 17 (gd. level rd.). E. Ill : by Cambridge Rd. and Bohemia Rd. :— Silverhill • 2, Battle ffl. 7, Hurstgreen 14, Flimwell 17, Lamberhurst 22, Pembury 2-7, Tonbrldgo a • 32 (v. gd. und., 1/15 asc. at W m.), Croydon ffl. 58. • r.. Silverhill 2, Cripps Comer 9, Hawkhurst 14, Highgate 15, Cranbrook 19, stapiehurst 24, IVIaidstone m. 33 (gd., v. hilly, 1/12 asc. at ^9 m.). • v. Tonbridge m. 32, London a 63. liSgl Queen's, Carlisle Parade, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Lft [chI 5 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [To] RAC T Queens :p' 623. &M Royal Victoria, Marina, St. Leonards, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 7/- Lft lOT) f Gar U 100 y N 2/- [^ T Victoria ;p> 686 Hastings. Sm, Palace, White Rock, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- to 6/- Chfr 7/- Lft ICHl « Gar U dist Gratis N 1/- \M\ RAC :^ 761. HATFIELD 326 Hastings (continued). HASTINGS SCALE -* A.OLD CASTLE mARY'S CHURCH PROMENADE PIER G-P.8.-R.S.- (See p. 3 ) Suaaex B 1 WeUington Place 2 Castle Street 3 Pelham Place 4 George Street 5 High Street 6 Robertson Street 7 Grand Parade 8 Cambridge Road 9 Bohemia Road Jia Warrior House, Warrior Sq., St. Leonards, B 2/6 L 3/- J) 4/- R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 6/6 Lft |ca S PG 50 y T Hospitable, St. Leonards :}« 390 Hastings. Hfl Edinburgh, Warrior Sq., St. Leonards, B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- E. 3/- to 5/- Chfr 6/6 Lft (ot] 5 PG 50 yT Hospitable, St. Leonards :p> 428 Hastings. iM Sussex, 110, Marine (E. 2), B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft [cH S Gar U 250 y N 1/6 :p> 645 Hastings. m Castle, WeUington Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- 114/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins N ./6 m T Castle :ji 244. ?^i Michelin Stockists, Saxon Motor Co., The Garag^e, 6-S, Norman Ed., St. Leonards, Agt. for Argyll, [8] U N Sun. (Morn.) T Vicfleld ^ 404. — Michelin M.C.T., R. Sargood Williams, Ltd., The Memorial Store.'i, 1, Harold PL, Agt. for Bradbury, N.S.U., F.N., Phcenix, g] ^ 885 Hastings and 494 St. Leonards (Motor Cycles). — Skinner's Garage, St. Leonard's, Agt. for HUMBER, [iool Boxes !4D] U Sun,, Night, T Skinner's, St. Leonards :p> 628. — Hart & Co., la. High St., Agt. for FORD, Darracq, da] TJ \ Sun., Night, :f> 329, Hatfield m (Hertford), IVI. 23, 29, Pop. 4,754. E.C., Thurs. See :— Hatfield Ho. (Jacob. Mansion): St. Etheldreda's Ch, (Norm., Goth.). :x S- 1 Welwyn a 5 < Stevenage 12, Baldock a 17 — Hitchin & 14, Sheff ord 21, Bedford a 30 = Hertford a 7 = 4 -? Potter's Bar 6, Barnet & 9, Finchley 14, London @. 22 — Cheshunt 11 — Potter's Bar 6, Enfield m 12 = St. Albans Si 5. m Red Lion, North Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [5] RAC T Red Lion :p> 53. M Gt. Northern, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6 /- Shed Court 30 y Gratis N 1/- g] :p> 9. jtfii. Salisbury Arms (Temperance), London Rd., B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/- PG 50 y T Salisbury Arms. «■« Michelin Stockists, W. Waters & Son, London Rd., Agt. for BRASIER, GOBRON-BRILlifi, [ ■rAC T Waters -f> 55. M.C.T. Box 111 U \ Sun., Night, - 327 - HAWICK Hatherleigrh (Devonshire), M. 26, Pop. 1,293 P. Torrington 15, BIdeford ®. 21 = Okehampton a 9, Exeter a 31 = Holsworthj' 13, Bude a 23. Hathersaere (Derby), M. 17, Pop. 1,135, See :— Higgar Tor (Ancient Stones) ; Parish Ch. (Goth.). Sheffield a 11 = Baslow 7 < Bakewell 11 — ChesterUeld a 16 — Baslow 7, Matlock 18 = 2 •< Castleton 6, Chapel-en-le-Frith 13 — Ashopton 5, Glossop Sl is. Havant (Hampshire), M. 28, gm, Pop. 4,093, See :— Church ; N. Leigh Park 2 ; E. Warblington Ch. 1. ;^ N. 2^, Petersfleld 12 = Emsworth 2, Chichester a. 9 = {Toll-bridge 2 : Cars Qd.) South Hayling 5 = Cosham 4 < Portsmouth ffi. 9 — Fareham a 9, Bursledon Br. 15 {Toll : Cars 1/-, motor-cj^cles 3d., with sidecar or forecarriage 5d.) Southampton ffli 20 {Floating Br. : Cars 1/- including 4 passengers). lis Bear, East St., B 2/6 L 2/9 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar Shed U ins Gratis Is" 1/- g] RAC T Bear :p> 050 Nat and 28 Corp. Haverfordwest ^ (Pembroke), M. 19, |mbJ, Pop, 5,920. M.D., Tues., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. ; Augustine Priory P^ns. ; E. Picton Cas. (Norm.) 5. Letterston 9, Fishguard 15, Newport 22, Cardigan ffi. 32 («?, gd., v. hilly, dang, turn at 7 m., 1/7 desc. and asc. at 15 m.). canaston Br. • 7, whitiand 16, St. Clears 21, Carmarthen a 30 {v. gd., v. hilly, 1/9 asc. at S m.). • r. Canaston Br. 7, Cresselly 14, Carew Cheriton 16, Pembroke DOCk 21 {gd. rd., dang, hills at 3, 7, 8, and 13 m.). Joiinston 4, Neyland 8 {ferry -23*), Pembroke Dock 9 {v. gd., hilly, 1/10 desc. at 1 m.). Eoch 7, Solva 13, St. Davids 16 {v. gd., v. hilly, 1/8 desc. at 8 m.). ^ Mariners', Mariners' Sq., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shelter ins Gratis g] T- Mariners :f> 17, M Castle, 1, Castle Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis [6] RAC :p> 4. fF" MIchelin Stockists, Bland & Son, 36, Bridgend Sq., Agt. for Overland, (30] Box [H U \ Sun., :p> 11. — S. & F. Green, High St., Agt. for Belsize, Ford, Arrol- JOHNSTON, [6] Boxes [6] LT \ RAC T Stephen Green, Haverhill (Suffolk), M. 23, EH, Pop. 4,749. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. Cambridge ®. 19 = Baythom-End 4 < Halstead j®. 15, Colchester fi. 29 — Sudbury a 16. ^ Rose and Crown, 1, Withersfield Rd., Shed ins N 1/- [2] :p> 12. f^ John Atterton, Iron Works, Hamlet Rd., Agt. for ALLDAYSj [4] Box m IT \ T Atterton 7f> 2. Hawarden (Flint), M. 15, Pop. 5,372 P. M.D., Sat. See :— Hawarden Cas. • ; N.W, Ewloe Cas. (Rns.) 2. Queensferrj- 2 •<: Toll-br. 3 (Cars, under 3 tons 1/-, over 3 tons 3/- ; motor-cycles 6d. ; mo'tor-tricycles 9d.), Hooton 9, Birkenhead a 16 — Connah's Quay 3, Flint 7 = Chester ®. 7 = Cefnybedd 7 < Wrexham an — Druid 28, Bala 37 = Ewloe 1 < Holywell 11 — Mold m. 5. HAWICK 1 (Roxburgh), M. 13, El, Pop. 16,877, M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Tues. See :-Episcopal Ch. (Goth.) (C) ; Mote Hill (Tumulus) (D) ; Tower Inn (A). ::^».W.l {see plan). E.\:by High St., North Bridge St., Dovermount PL, ami Wilton Hill .- Ashkirk 7, Selkirk 12, Galashiels ®. 18, Stow 26, Eskbank • 43, Edin- burgh ffl. 51 {gd., V. hilly, pict., 1/16 asc. at 1 m.). • r. Eskbank 43, Dalkeith 46. The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hdte served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. HAWKHURST - 328 - Haxvick (continued). E. II : by High St., Boiiatree PU, Weensland Rd., and Newcastle Jtd. : — • 2, Denholm 5, Yedfoot Br. 12, Eckford 16, KelSO ^ 2-1 («. gd. mid., Ijlo dcsc. to Kelso). • V. 2, Bonchester Br. 7, Carter Bar 15, Bymess 21, Rochester 25, Ott«vburn 30, Beisay 47, Ponteland 53, Ncwcastle-on-Tyne®. 60 (gd. rd., 1/11 desc. at 7 m.). E.\\\:by Tower Knowe d*nd Buccleuch St. :— • 2, Teviothead 9, Mosspaul 13, Kirkstile 19, Langholm 23, Canonbie • 29, Longtown 35, Carlisle ffl. 43 (v. gd. und.), London a 345. • r. 2, Heads of the Brae 7, Tushielaw Inn 16, St. Mary's Loch 22, Berkhill Summit 27, Moffat a 37 (med. hilly, 1/10 desc. at %0 m.) • Y. Canonbie 29, Kirkpatrick 40, Annan 46 (gd., hilly). HA\VICK 1 High Street 2 North Bridge Street 3 Dovemount Place 4 Wilton HUl 5 Bouatree Place 6 Weensland Road 7 Kelso Road 8 Tower Knowe 9 Buccleuch Street 10 Commercial Road 11 Howe Gate 12 Loan A. TOWER INN C. EPISCOPAL CHURCH D. mOTE HILL P.S.-G.-fl.SrT.-ni(See p. ^ Tower, 1, Tower Knowe, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Lft 5 Gar [3] Court [20] U adj N 1/- SAC T Tower Hotel ;p> 453. !^ Crown, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- E 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins X 1 /- [5] T Crown :p' 454 Nat. M Victoria, 53, High St., B 2/- L2/6 D3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- (cH Gar Box U ins M -/6 N 1/- [15] SAC :p> 526. V^> Michelin Stockists, The Hawick Motor Repair Works and Garagre, ."?, High St., [15) Boxes [3] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Paisley & Son :f> 349. — Croall & Croall, U7, Bridge St., Agt. for FlAT, Dkasy, Arrol- JOHNSTON, lli] "U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Croall :ip> 524. — Tait's Motor and Cycle Works, Commercial Rd., [EWJ \ 'Jf^ 398. Hawkhurst (Kent), IVU 30, Pop. 3,136. E.C., Wed. See :— Church ; N. Highgate Ch. 1. Highgate 1 < Lamberhinst 11, Tonbridge Hi 21 — Cranbrook 5, Maidstone ffi. 19 — Highgate i, Lamberhurst 11, Tunbrldge WollS ^ 18 = R^e ffi. 16 = Hastings a 14 = Hurstgreen 2 < TunbHdge Wells a 15 — Cross-in-Hand 14, Lewes a 26. m Queen's, High Gate, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis [4] RAC :f=> 7. f^" Wm. Rootes, Station Rd., (12] U N RAC T Rootes Motors :f> 8. — Oliver & Brookes, Winchester Rd., Agt. for MERCEDES, Ben- TALL, [12] Boxes El LT \ SMn., Night, :p' 6. Hawksfiead (Lancashire), M. 16, Pop. 638 P, s^ Couiston 5. See :— Parish Ch. ; Town Hall ; Hawkshead Hall. Hawkshead Hill 2 < Coniston 5 — Ambleside ffi. 5 = ferry 4 (No. 28), Bowness-on-Windermere 5, Windermere a 6 = Penny Br. 12, Ulvers- ton 16. - 329 - HECKMONDWIKE Haworth (Yorkshire), A/L 46, EdJ, Pop. 6,505. See :— Vicarage Gardens (Rns.) ; Tombs of Charlotte and Emily Bronte ; Bronte Club Museum. Lees 1 < Keighley ®. 4 — Halifax a 10 = Hebden Br. 8, Todmorden 12. Ha.wthorn Hill (Surrey). ::^ Apr. lst-2nd; Apr. 18th ; Nov. 8lh. X.E. Windsor 7. Hay (1 (Brecknock), M.20, EH. Pop. 1,603. M.D., TAtws. ; E.C., Tues. See :-Castle (Rns.). ^ W. 1. wiiieisiey 7 < Leomlnster a 22 — Kington a 13 — wiiieisiey 7, Hereford ffl. 20 = Hardwok 2 < Hereford ^ 21 — Fork 10, Pontrilas 17, Motl- mOUth Q. 31 — . Hardwick 2, Fork 10, RoSS ^ 28 = Three Cocks 4, Brecon ffl. 15. ifhjl Crown, JSroad Sr«., B 2/6 L 2/3 D 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis g] :ip» X20. V^ai Mlcheiin Stockists, Hay Motor and Cycle Works, Ca^f/e St., Agt. for Ford, (H U Sun. Haydock Park (Lancashire). ::^ May 23rd-2Uth ; July 11- liith ; Aug. 8-9th; Oct. 10-llth ; Dee. 13-13th. S.W. Ashton-in-Makerfield 1 ; N.W. Warrington ^ 7. Haydon Bridge (Northumberland), IVI. 13. See :— N.E. Cihirnum (Rom. Stn. situated in the grounds of " Chesters " ; open Tues. and Sat. only) 6^ ; N.W. Borcovicus (Rom. Stn.— the most perfect on the Great Roman Wall) 8^. Hexiiam jSl 7 = Alston 17, Penritii a 36 = Haltwhistle 9, Greenhead 13, Carlisle & 31. Anchor Hotel. Hayle (Cornwall), M. 25, ESI, Pop. 1,028. M.D., Tues., Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See :— St. Elwyn's Ch. ; Brito-Roman Stone (6 ft.) ; W. Lelant (St. Uny's Ch., Norm, and Goth.) 2. nj^ W. 3. Camborne ffl. 6, Redruth 10 = 1 < Penzance ®. 7 — St. Ives 5. Hayiing: island (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 1,333 P. See :— St. Peter's Ch. ; The Salterns ; St. Mary the Virgin's Ch. (Goth. and Norm.) ; Tunorbury (Saxon entrenchment). ^ S.W. Toll-hr. 3 (Cars M.), Havant 5, Petersfield 17. ^ Royal, B2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 6/- Chfr 7/- [cH Gar adj N 1/- g] RAC ;f>7. Hay wards Heath ^ (Sussex), W. 29, EdJ, Pop. 4,851. M.D., Tues. ; E.G., Wed. See:— E. Lindfleld (Goth. Ch. ; Wooden Houses ; Parsonage) 2 ; E. Pap Hill (Eliz. Ho.) 2. Poundhill 10, Horley a. 14, Redhill ffl. 18 = Chailey Corner 5 < LoweS ffl. 12 — Maresfleld 10, Cross-in-Hand 18, Battle ®. 31 — Chailey Corner 5, Mares- fleid 10, Uckfield ^ 12 = DitchUng 6 < Brighton a 15 — Lewes ffl. 15 = Cuckfield 2, Handcrosss 7, Horsham ^ 16. Goldings Hotel, Liverpool Hotel. f^ Miciielin Stockists, J. T. Hampton & Co., Coventry Buildings, Agt. for Belsize, Ford, g] U \ ^ 10. — H. E. Griffin, [9] LT \ Sun., Night, T Griffin :p' 23 PO. Heanor (Derby), IW. 22, EeI, Pop, 19,851, M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Church (Goth.). Ripley 4, Matlock 14 = Eastwood 2 < Mansfield a 14 — Nottingham ft. 13 = Derby a 9, ^^ MIchelin M.C.T., T. Eley, 37, Derby Rd. (Motor Cycles). Hebden Bridgre (Yorkshire), M. 16, EH, Pop. 7,170. ' See :— N.W. Heptonstall Ch. (Xllth c. ; Rns.) 1. Haworth 8, Keighley a 12 = Halifax S. 8 = Todmorden 4, Bacup 9. Heckmondwike (Yorkshire) (see Special Maps, 46, 47), EH. Pop- 9,017. stainciifle 1 < Batley a 3 — Birstal 2, Leeds ®. 9 = Dewsbury ffl. 3 = Cross Rds. 1 «; Huddersfleld a 7 — Birstal 3, Leeds a 10 — Cross Rds. 1, Cleckheaton 2, Bradford a 8, HEDON - 330 - Hedon (Yorkshire), M. 18, MMt I*op. 1,171. See :— St. Augustine Ch. • Hull a 5 = Patrington 10, Withernsea 15. Helensburgrh # (Dumbarton), M. 8, TS, Pop. 8,529. See :— N.E. Loch Lomond 5. ^ {adj. town). 4 < Balloch 8, Dumbarton ffi 13 — Luss 9, Tarbet Hotel 17, Arrochar 19 = Dumbarton ®. 8, Clydebank 16, Glasgow fiL 23 = (ferry -55) Greenock ja 4 = Garelochhead 7, Arrochar 17. m. Queen's, Clyde St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins N 1/- (U SAC :?> 260. ifil. Imperial, IS and 13, West Clyde St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/- PG opp. ;F> 320. ^v Michelln Stockists, Macfarlane (Glasgow, Ltd.)* ^, ^"^^^^ Clyde St., Agt. for Arrol-Johnston, Hurtu, HUMBER, MAUDSLAY, [30] Boxes [6] U S Sun., Night, SAC T Gareloch Motors :f> 39. Helmsdale (Sutherland), M. 5, Pop. 779. See :— Castie (Rns.). Forsinard stn. 24, Melvich 40 = Latheron 20 = Brora 11, Golspie 17. Helmsley (Yorkshire), Wl. 17, Pop. 1,363 P. M.D., Fri. See :— Castle (Norm.) ; Church (Norm.) ; N.W. Rievaulx Abb.* (Rns.) 3. Kirby Moorside 6, Pickering 14 = Oawaidkirk 3 < York a 24 — New Malton a 16 5= 1 < Thirsk a 13 — Pork 16, stokesiey 19, Stockton-on- Tees a 29 — Fork 16, Guisborough 26. jftfiL Black Swan, B 1/6 L 2/- R 2/- Shed ins N 1/- [e] T Swan. © Faversham Arms, High St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins N 1/- [2] RAC Lt. T Faversham Arms. ^" H. Butler, The Garage, Market PL, MIST Butler. Helston ^ (Cornwall), M. 25, |m1. Pop. 2,938. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; B.C., FK. See:— Hell-Stone; W. Breage (Ch. Bell, Wall Paintings, Sandstone Cross in Churchyard) 3. ^ S. 9. Redruth 11 = 8 < Truro ®. 17 — Penryn 10, Falmouth a 12 = 2 < Lizard Town 11 — MuUion 6, Lizard Town 11 = 1 < Marazion 10, Penzance ®. 13 — Camborne ffi 10. JfiL Angel, 16, Coinage Hall St., Shed :p> 3. ?p* Michelln Stockists, Tredinnick and Addison, T. & T. Motor Garagre, St. John's, Agt. for Jackson, faolLT \ Sun., T Tredinnick :^<> 18. Hemel Hempstead @ (Hertford), M. 23, 29, Pop. 11,264. M.D. Thurs.; B.C., Wed. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Norm, and Goth.). Dunstable 12 = St. Albans ffl. 7 = Apsiey End 2 -5 Watford Sl S — Great Berkhampstead ^ 7. j^a Bell, High St., B 1/6 L 1/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed adj Gratis [T]. S Rose and Crown, High St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis g] T Rose and Crown. Midland Hotel, Midland Rd. ?^» Michelln Stockist, J. Chatten, 13, Marloives, H] Boxes m U Sun. RAC ;p> 66 Boxmoor. M.C.T. — Michelln Stockists, Pemsel & Wilson, Ltd., London Rd., Apsiey End, [6] U \ RAC Jf> 20 Boxmoor. Henfleid ® (Sussex), M. 29 {not inarked on map), Pop. 1,867 P. Horsham a 12 = Muddieswood 4 < Hurstpierpoint a 6, Cuckfield 12 — Brighton ^ 11 = upper Beeding 5 < Shoreham 8 — Steyning 6. f^ Michelln Stockist, W. A. Powell, [T] \ Sun., Night ;p> 2. Henley-in-Arden (Warwick), M. 22, Pop. 1,119 P. B.C., Thurs. Sea:— St. John the Baptist's Ch. (Goth.); Old Houses; Guildhall; Market Cross. Birmingham a 15 = ciaverdon 4 < Warwick a 9 — Kenilworth 14, Coventry a 19 = wootton wawen 2 -: Stratford-on-Avon a 8 — Alcester 8, Evesham a 18 = Redditch 9. 331 HENLEY-ON-THAMES Henley-in-Arden {continued). _i5L White Swan, High St., B 1/6 L 2/- R.2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shelter Court ins Gratis g]. a Three Tuns, Bt^A 5^*., B 1/6 L 1/9 R 1/6 Chfr 5/6 PG dist. f^B K. Newcombe, High St., [6] Boxes [4] LT N Sun., Night, T New- combe :p> 9, HENLEY-ON-THAMES # (Oxford), M. 28, |m1, Pop. 6,456. M.D., Thurs. ; E.G., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; ITie Regatta is held during the first week in July ; E. Fawley Court 1 ; W. Grey Court 3. ^ S. 1. E.X'.by Market PL, Bell St., and Marlow Rd. :— Great Marlow ffi. • 7, Beaconsfleld Si 15, Amersham flL 20 {Hces inferior or superior to those given in the (^iaj according to situation and installation. HEREFORD - 332 - Henley-on-Thames (continued). mi Red Lion, Riverside, B 2/6 L 3/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Boxes H] Gar d] ins Grotts RAC T Red Lion :p> 111. m Catherine Wh^el, Hart St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 8/6 Gar ins M -/6 K 1 - (w) T Catherine Wheel ;p> 100. f*l 108. {Note. — Hotel prices will vary during Regatta week.) ffan Michelin Stockist, J. A. W. Ratty, Henley Motor Works, 19, Hart St., Agt.for Delahaye, Hobson, [6] U \ Sun., Night, T Ratty :p> 106. — Michelin Stocl 70. HEREFORD ® (Hereford), M. 21, El, Pop. 22,568. E.C., Thurs. M.D., Wed.. Sat. See :— Coningsby Hospital (A) ; All Saints' Ch. (C) ; The Old Ho. (XVIIth c.) • (D) ; St. Peter's Ch. (Stalls XVth c.) (E) ; Cath. • (Xlth-XVth c.) (F) ; Castle Green (Nelson Column). X. S. 1 (E. V). >*«;^ Mar. JiUth. 1 Broad Street 2 High Street 3 Widemarsb Street 4 Nevrtovim 5 Commercial Street »« 6 Commercial Road 7 Aylestone Hill 8 St Owen's Street 9 Ledbury Road 10 King Street 11 Bridge Street 12 St Martin's Street' 13 Ross Road 14 Blackmarstone 15 Elgn Street HEREFORD CONINGSBY HOSPITAL ALL SAINTS CHURCH THE OLD HOUSE ST. PETERS CHURCH CATHEDRAL !.P.S.G.-B.-C.H. T (See p 3 ) E. i : by Broad St., High St., Widemarsh St., and Newtown .— Wellington Marsh 6, Leominstet* ^ 13, Ludlovv ^ 24, Shrewsbury a 53 (v. gd. tind., 1/li' desc. at '2U m.). - 333 - HERTFORD Hereford (continued). E. II : by Broad St., High St., Commercial St., Commercial /M.,aiid A rflestone Hill ;— • 2,' Newtown 8, Promes Hill 13. Leigh Sinton 20, WotCesteP a 26(y(Z., hilly, jtict., 1/8 aac. at 1.J m.), • I. 2, Bromyard 14, Worcester S. 28 (gd. pict. sin. recom.). E. Ill : hy Broad St., High St., St. Owen's St., and Ledbury Rd. :— Dorniington 5, Ledbury a • 14, Gt. Malvern ia 22, Worcester a 30 (v. ijd. ly. und., 1/9 desc. at 19 m. recom.). E. IV : by Broad St., King St., Bridge St., St. Martin's St., and lioss Jid. .- PortwayS, Llaudinabo 8, RoSS Si 14., Huntley 23, Gloucester &. 30 (i\ gd., hilly, 1/17 asc. at 17 m.\ London ^ 134. E^y : by Broad St., King St., St. Martin's St., and Blackmarstone :— Didiey 7, Pontriias 12, Aborgavenny a • 23 {v. gd. level rd., 1 /id desc. Into Abergareiiny), Usk 34, Newport ^ 45. • r. Abergavenny a 23, Merthyr Tydfil a 42, Neath a 64, Swansea ffi. 72. E. VI : by Broad St., High St., and Eign St. :— Bridge Sellers 6, Willersley • 13, Kington ^ 19, New Radnor 26, Penybont 35, Nantmel 41, Khayader 45, Llangurig 54, Dyffryn Castle Inu 65, Aberystwith 79 (". gd. jnct., 1/10 desc. at 22 m.). • 1. Willersley 13, Hay ^ 20, Thrt3e Cocks 24, Bronllys 27, Felin-jach 31, Brecon ®. 35 (magn. rd., 1/16 desc. to Brecon). JggL Green Dragon, AA, Broad St., B 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/6 f PG U adj M -/6 N 1/- T Dragon ;p> 128. JgL City Arms, Broad St., R 4/- Chfr 9/- Lft ® Shelter Court ins Gratis N 1/- T City Arms :p> 132. j§fiL Mitre, Broad St., B 2/16 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/6 8 Gar U ins Gratis (i|] RAC :f> 147. a Greyhound, Eign St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Slied ins Gratis [5] T Greyhound :p> 120 P.O. P" MIcheiln Stockist, James Fryer, Green Dragoon Gar- ag-e, Aubrey St., Agt. for Wolsbley, Bblsizb, Talbot, MAUDSLAY, Sunbeam, Armstrong-Whitworth, Minerva, De Diox, (30) Boxes m U '\ Sun., Night, RAC T Fryer :p> 133, — Wlichelin Stockists, msj^ U. R. Corbet-Winder's Motor Works, Commercial Kd., [25] U \ Sun., Night, T Winder :p> 195. — A. W. Marriott, The Motor House, St. Owen St.,> Agt. for HUMBER, Bedelia, [Io] If S Sun., Night, RAC T Motor House :f> 52 Nat. Michelin M.C.T-, Hereford Motor Co., Eign St., Agt. for Dakracq, Alldays, fool Boxes [si U 'SSun., Night, T Kings Garage :p> 174 (Motor Cycles). Heme Bay ^ (Kent), M. 30, [ud), Pop. 7.781. E.C., Thurs. [See ".—Heme Ch. (Goth. ; tine brasses) ; E. Reculver (Pakeolithic Remains) 3. X -^'-E. 1. arre 8 < Westgate 14, Margate j®. 16 — Ramsgate&l6 = Canterbury^ 8 = Whitstable 6, Faversham ^ 13. ?m. The Grand, Station Jid., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- to 8/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [tJ RAC :?> 75. ^ Dolphin, Dolphin St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [5] :F' 4. m Queen's, Canterbury Rd., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/6 ICHi Gar adj Gratis [6] T Queens Tf- 187. Igl Pier, St. George's Terrace, B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/- PG opp. f^» Michelin Stockists, A. E. Hunt & Sons, 77, Mortimer St., go] U \ Sun., Night, :p> 67. — Root & Clark, Ltd., Station Rd., g] U Sun. (Summer) RAC T Motors :p> 90. ERTFORD m (Hertford), M. 23, 29, grj, Pop. 10.384. M,D., Sat. ; B.C., Thurs. See :— Castle (Rns.). 2IC ^"^-E. 1. E.\: by Fore St., Andreiv's St., Noi-th Crescent, North Rd., and Watton Rd.:— Watton 5, Stevenage 11, Hitchin Sl 16, Shefford 23, Bedford & 32 (v;. gd., 1/17-12 desc. at S7 m.y I HETTON 334 - Hertford {continued). E. II : hy Fore St. and Ware Rd. :— W&ve • 2, Much Hadham 8, Bishops Stoptford a 13 (med. ; two ford>: at S m.), Dunmow 22, Braintree S. 31, Coggleshall 37, Colchester ffl. 46 (yd. iind., If 16 desc. to Bisho}) Stortfoi-d). • 1. Ware 2, Buntingford 12, Royston Sk 19, Cambridge ®. 33 ((•. gd., 1/lU asc. at 5 m.). E. Ill : by Fore St. and London Rd. : — Hoddesdon 4, Cheshunt 9 (gd. rd.), Waltham Cross ffl. 10, Edmonton 17, Tottenham 19, London ffl. 26 {med. rd.). E. IV : by Fore St., Andrew's St., and Hatfield Rd. : — Hatfield &. 7, St. Albans & 12 (gd. und., 1/30 asc. at 6 m.). E. V : by Fore St., Andrew's St., North Crescent, North Rd., and Welwyn Rd. :— Welwyn 7 (med.), Hitchin a 16, Shefford 23, Bedford & 32 (v. gd., IjlG ai 18. m\ Green Dragon, 131, Railway St., B 2/- L 2/- K 2/6 Chfr 6/-[CHlS Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [e] T Fortescue. Salisbury Arms Hotel, 20, Fore St. ff» Michelin Stockists, Bates Motor Works, Ltd., 5-7, North Crescent, Agt. for Ford, [e] \ Sun. T Bates Ltd. :p> 62. — Hertford & Ware Garage, Church St., Agt. for Eenault, Napier, Argyll , Vinot, Panhard, [5] TJ N Sun., Night, T Neale :p> 74. - J. Wackett, 7 7 -SI, St. Andrew's *S'«., d] U \ T Wackett :p> 92. Hetton (Durham), M. 14, Ee), Pop. 15,678. Houghton-le-Spring 2, Sunderland ffi 8 = Easington 5, Sheraton 12 < Stockton-on-Tees ffl. 23 — West Hartlepool a 17 = Durham ® 6. Hexham m (Northumberland), M. 13, ESI, I*oP- 8,417. M.D., Taen. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-Abbey Ch. (Xlllth c.) • ; Great Wall (Remains). :§: W. 1 (direction Ilaydon Br.), yii^ Apr. 30th ; May 1st and li'th ; Oct. Sth. - 335 - HIGH WYCOMBE »xha.in (continued). 5, Chollerford 6, Colwell 9, Klrkharle 16, Rotliley 21, Porestburngate 27, Rothbury ffl. 31 {med. v. hilly), Alnwick &. 43 (bad, v. hilly, pict. 1/9-11 asc. at ^8 m.). • 1. 5, Wark 12, Bellingham 17 (gd. und., 1/S asc. at lU m.) Dalston • 3, Riding Mill • 5, Prudhoe 11, Blaydon 17, (Scotswood Br. : Toll : Cars Ad., motor-cycles 2d.) Newcastte-upoti-Tyne ffi. 21 {v. gd. rd. hilly, Iji:^ desc. at 11 m.). • 1. Dalston 3, Corbridge 4, Horsley 11, Heddon-on-the-Wall 14 (gd. rd. hilly), Newcastle-upon-Tyne a 21 (v. bad, v. hilly, several 1/1-5 (jradients). • V. Riding Mill 5, Whittonstall 10, Leadgate 18, Lanchester 22, Durham jfi. 30 (med. v. hilly). Slaley 5, Blanchland 10, Edmondbyers 15, Stanhope 22 (bad rd.). Haydon Br. • 7, Haltwhistle 16, Brampton 28, Carlisle S. 38 (magn. rd., l/"22 desc. at Ik m.). • 1. Haydon Br. 7, Whitfield 15, Alston 24, Penrith Sl AS (med. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 38 m.). IrB The Tynedale Hydro (Temperance), R 7/6 to 11/6 T Hydio :p> 38 PO. Jf^ Al)bey, Beaumont St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Shed ins Gratis [8] RAC Lt :p' 41 PO. ff» Michelin Stockists, J. Cowen & Sons, Tyneside Ca.rria.g:e and Motor Wks., Priestpopide, Agt. for Singer, Krit, Bucket [4o] Boxes [e] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Covven's Garage ;}« 62 PO. — Michelin IVI.C.T., T. W. Forster, Market St. (Motor Cycles). Heysha.nn (Lancashire), M. 16, fupl . Pop. 3,350. See :-Oratory (Rns.) ; St. Patrick s Ch. (Norm.). :§: N. :\rorecambe 4, Lancaster a 8 = Lancaster a 6 = steamers to Dublin ffi. and Douglasv (See Part III.) Hey wood 1 (Lancashire), M. 45, MB, Pop. 26,698. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Tues. See :— Hey wood Hall. Rochdale a 3 = Birch 3 •< Manchester a 9 — Middleton 5, Oldham ffl. 9 = Bury ^ 4. f^B Michelin Stockist, R. Holt, Central Garag^e, Agt. for Belsize, [m U N Sun. M.CT. Hicham Ferrers (Northampton), M. 23, ME, Pop. 2,^26. See:— Higham Br. (Xlllth c.) ; St. Mary's Ch. • (Goth.) ; School Ho. ; S. Rushden Ch. 2. Kettering ®. 10, Market Harborough fi. 21 = Thrapston ffl. 8, Oundle 16 = Kimbolton 10, St. Neots ^ 18 = Rushden 1, Bedford a 15 = Little irchester 4 •< Wellingborough 5, Northampton a 15 — Olney 14, Newport Pasfneil 19. High worth (WiltshireX M. 28, Pop. 2,047 P. Lechlade 5, Burford 14 = Faringdon a 6 = Swindon a 6 = Cricklade 8, Cirencester ®. 15. HIGH WYCOMBE 1 (Buckingham), M. 28, ME, Pop. 20,390. M.D., Fri.; E.C., Wed. Sec :— All Saints' Ch. (Xlllth c.) (A) ; Grammar School (C) ; Wycoml)e Abb. (D). ; St. Lawrence Ch. (Tower) (E. I) ; N. Grave of Lord Beacons- field 2. :§:S.E. 3. EA: by High St.,Crendon St., Amersham Hill, and Amersham Rd. : — Amersham a 7, Chesham 10, Tring 18, Dunstable 28, Ampthill 40, Bedford a 48 (med. hilly). E. II : by High St., Easton St., and London Rd. : — BeaconsfleLd ffl. 6, Uxbridge ®. 14, Ealing 23, London ffl. 30. E.\\\:by High St., Queen Victoria Rd., and Marlow Hill: — Great Marlow Q. 5, Henley Q. 12, Shiplake 15, Reading a 21 (v. gd. und. pict.). See on p. 5 the method used in arrangring: the Hotels. HINCKLEY een's Sq., Oxford St., Hig^h Wycombe {continued). E. IV : hy High St., Market PL, Church S Oxford Rd. , and West Wycombe Rd. : — West Wycombe • 2, Wheatley • 20, Oxford ^ 25. • r. West Wycombe 2, Prince's K,isborough 8, Aylesbury & 17. • r. Wheatley 20, Bletchington 30, Chipping Norton a 44 (gd. rd.). A. ALL SAINTS- CHURCH C. GRAMMAR SCHOOL 0. WYCOMBE ABBEY P.S.-R.S.- 0.-B.-(See p. 3J^ HIGH WYCOMBE J>7//(T) 1 High Street 2 Crendon Street 3 Amersham Hill 4 Amersham Road 6 Easton Street 6 London Road 7 Queen Victoria Rd. 8 Marlow HiU 9 Market Place 10 Church Street ,il Queen's Square 2 Oxford Street 13 Oxford Road Bed LiOD Davenport Vernon & Co. 5&< piRJc'l* West Wycombe RcL -- 15 CasUe Street 16 St Mary Street 17 Frogmoor Street m, Eed Lion, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 § Shed Lns g) T Lion :p> 152. jgS. Falcon, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- S Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [e] T Falcon ;F> 126. ]gl Johns Temperance, Amersham. Hill (opp. Stn.), B 1/6 L 1/6 R 1/8 Ga.r opp M -/6 JST 1/- [6] T Johns Hotel ff» Michelin Stockists, Da.venport, Vernon & Co., Ltd., lU and 15, High St., Agt. for Talbot, Charron, Fokd, Alldays, Ho] Box [S LT \ RAC :f=> 19. M.aT. Hinckley # (Leicester), M. 22, ED. PoP- 12,838. M.D., Mon., Sat. ; E.G., Thttrs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) ; N. Market Bosworth (Ch. Goth,) 6 ; N. Bosworth Field 4. ^ S.E, 2 {direction Wolvey). Naiistoae 9, Swamiington 15, isley 21, Long Eaton 28, Nottingham & 36 {med. rd ). Earishiiton 4, Leicester a 13 {gd. rd., 1/13 desc. at h m.). Narborough 9, Leicester a 14 (r. gd. recom.). High Cross 5, Cross-in-Hand 9, Lutterworth 12, !Vlarl 202. Q Uuion, TA 293 Nat. 99PM Michelin Stockists, R. White & Sons, 56^, Castle St., Agt. for Ford, g] U \ Sun., Night, RAC. M.CT. - 337 - HOLT 'Hindhead m (Surrey), M. 28 (Alt. 895- ft.). E.G., Wed. ^ Hasie- taere 3. See :— Devil's Punchbowl (View •) ; Meredith's Ho. ^ Godalniing ffl. 8, Gurldford ®. 12 = Haslemere a 3 = Petersfleld 13 = Fvensham 5, Farnham ^ 9 = Farnham Sl 8. MM Beacon, B 3/~ L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 « Gar U ins. m^ Moorlands, B 3/- L 3/6 D 6/- R 6/6 to 7/6 Chfr 5/- [ga 5 Gar U ins N 1/- ID RAC T Moorlands :p» 10. js^ Royal Huts, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [6] T Huts :p' 3 PO. fF" Michelin Stockists. B. Cha«idler & Son, Hindhead Motor Qa.ra.ge, [H] Boxes [s] U \ Sun., Night, f> 3 PO. Hindley (Lancashire), M. 44, |udJ, Pop. 24,106. Bolton a 6 = Atherton 4, Tyldesley 5. Swinton 12, Manchester ffl. 16 = Ashton-in-Makerfleld 6, St. Hel'ens li = Wigan ®. 3. Hitchin (Hertford), ^ M. 23, 29, ED, PoP- 11,905. M.D., I'-Jte-s., ,S'«f. ; E.G., T7ed.. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Goth. Font.) ; Almshouses ; N". Ickleford (St. Katherine's Gh., Tower Xllth c.) 2 ; W. Offley ; St. Maiy Magdalene Ch. (Goth ) 3 ; Ravensburgh Gas. (Rom. Gamp) 6. X E. 3. Bird-in-Hand Inn 4 < Shefford 7, Bedford j®. 16 — Biggleswade 10 = Baldock a 5 = Letchworth 2, Baldock @. 5 = Stevenage 5, Hertford Sl 16 = Codicote 8 •< Hatfield a 14 — St. Albans ®. 17 = Luton ^ 9. mh Sun, Stin St., B 2/6 L 3/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- 5 Gar ins Gratis [14] RAG T Sun :p> 492 Nat. Jgi. The Gock, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 5 Shelter adj Gratis N 1/- [20] T Doughty :?> 10. pv Michelin Stockists, R. E. Sanders & Sons, Utd., Walworth Jld., Agt. for Napier, Enfield, [^ Boxes [H LT \ Sun., Night, RAG T Sanders :?> 91. — Slater & Co., [I5] U \ Sun. RAG T Slater :?> 88. Hoddesdon (Hertford), M. 23, 29, ED, Pop. 5,196. M.D., Wed.; E.G., T/mrs. See :— Rawdon Ho. (XVIIth c.) ; N.E. Rye Ho. 1 ; N.W, Haileybury College 2. ^ S.E. 3 {Nazeing Common). Ware 4, Buntiugford 14 = Harlow 9, Dunmow 23 = Cheshunt 6, Waltham Holy Gross ffi. 6, London a 22 = Hertford m. 4. 3* Bull, High St., B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- m T Bull :p> 20. Holbeach (Lincoln), M. 23, ESI, Pop. 5,259. M.D., Thurs. ; E.G., Wed. See :— Parish Gh. (Goth.) •, "^ {adj. station). Sutterton 10 < Boston ffi. 16 — Sloaford a 27 = Fleet 2, Long Sutton 5, King's Lynn a 19 = Spalding ®. 8. • JfiL- Chequers, High St., B 2/- L 3/- R 3/- Gar U ins (?ra«is N 1/6 \e}- Holmflrth (Yorkshire), M. 17, ED, Pop. 9,248. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Tues. Huddersfield ffi. 6 == New Mm 2 < sovereign Inn 4, Penistone 9, Rotherham 24 — Stockbridge 13, Sheffield a 22 — New Miii 2, Sovereign Inn 4, Bamsley 14 = Saltersbrook 6, Woodhead Chapel 10, GIOSSOp ^ 16 s= Crowden 8 < Mottram 14, StOCkport ®. 22 — GIOSSOp ^ 13 — Crowden 8, Mottram 14, Hyde 17, Manchester ®. 24 = Mossley 12, Stalybridge 14. Hoisworthy (Devonshire), M. 25, ruDl,''Pop. 1,500. M.D., Wed. ; E.G., Thurs. See :— Church (Goth. Tower) ; The Labyrinth. Pritlielstock Stone 12 < Bideford ^ 18 — Torrington 15 = Dunsland Cross 4 •< Hatherleigh 13 — Okehampton ®. 19 = Launceston ^ 14 = Bude ^ 10. ^ White Hart, Fore St., jj Shed ins Gratis [e]. Stanhope Hotel. Holt ® (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 1,844. M.D., Wed. ; E.G., Thurs. ciey 4, Wells 13 = Cromer a 10 = Aylsham 13, Coitishaii 20, Yarmouth a 43 = Norwich a 22 = Guist Toll Br. 11 (cars 4d., motor-cycles M.), East Dereham ®. 18 = Letiieringsett 1 < Fakenham j®. 12 — Wells 13. jML Feathers, High St., Gar ins Gratis N 1/6 [U T Feathers. m White Lion, White Lion St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/6 Shed Court ins Gratis {2}. f^t Michelin Stockists, Ling Bros., Cromer Bd., Agt.fev Deasy, [12] "LT \ Sun. RAG T Ling Motors, HOLYHEAD - 338 - Holyhead (Anglesey), M. 15, MB, Pop. 10,638. M.D., Sat. ; B.C., Tiies. See :— Holyhead Mountain (720 ft.) ; St. Cybi Oh. (XYth and XVIth c). Gwai.hmai 10 < Menai Br. 22 (Toll : Cars 2/-, motor-cycles 6(1), Bangor ^ 25 {See note.—Bungor E. Ill) — Llanerchymedd 16 — Gwaichmai 10, Aberftraw 17. jfgt Trearddur Bay, Chf r 6/- Gar U ins Gratis is 1/- [3]. m Kings Head, Market St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/- 5 Court ins Gratis [2] PG dist T Samuel. Station Hotel, RAC. ?f^ Holyhead Motor Co., Kingsland JRd., Agt. for FLANDERS, HUPMOBILE, Ford, Arrol-Johnston, faol Boxes E] U \ Sun. RAC ;p> ii. Holywell (Flint), M. 15, Ed). Pop. 2,652. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. ^ Holywell 8tn. 1. See :-Basingwerk Abb. (Ens. Xllth c.) ; Well of St. Winifred. X W. 2. Pvock Inn 3 < Newmarket 7, Rhuddlan 12, Abergele a 17 — St. Asaph 10, Abergele ^ 17 — Rock inn 3, Newmarket 7, E.hyl^l3 = Mostyn Quay 5, Four Crosses 13, Rhyi a 17 = Boot 1, Flint 4 = Northop 6 < Hawarden 11, Chester ®. 18 — Mold i®. 9 = Bodfari lo, 11 < St. Asaph 16 — Den- bigh m. l£i. I*l?l King's Head, Victoria, Sq. Honiton (Devonshire), M- 26, El, Pop. 3,191. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-St. Michael's Ch. ^ S. 1. Smeathorpe 9, Taunton ^ 19 = 3 < Devonshire House Farm 5, Ilminster ®. 17, Ilchester 29 — Taunton jS. 17 — Devonshire House Farm 5, Chard ®. 13, Crewkerne 21 = Chard m. 12 = Axminster 9, Bridport j®. 21 = Goit Links 1 •< Colytord 12, Seaton 14 — Colyton 8, Colyford 9, Lyme Regis 15 — Golf Links 1, Colyton 8, Colyford 9, Seaton 11 = Sidmouth ®. 9 = 3 -:: Fairmile 6, Exeter ja 17 — Ottery St. Mary 5, Budleigh Salterton a 15 = 9 «? Wiiland 12, Tiverton ffi. 18 — Cullompton 11. m Dolphin, Hi^h St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis [g] RAC T Honiton :p> 2. Hooton Parle @ (Cheshire), M. 15. ■:^ Apr. 10th; May 13th ; Aug. Uth; Oct. 8th; Dee. 36fft. S.E. Birkenhead & 7. ^^ IVIichelin Stockist, H. J. Marston, EJ TJ S T jtlarston :f> 33. IVLC.T. Horbury (Yorkshire), IVI. 17, EH, Pop. 7,509. See :— S.W. Lees Hall (Eliz.) 5. Wakefield ^S= Huddersfield m. 11. Horley # (Surrey), M. 29, Pop. 4,133. E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Six Bells Inn ; S.W. Charhvood Ch. 4. Salfords 2 < Redhill ® 4 — Reigate & 5 = Baicombe 8 < Hiiywards Heath ®. 14 — Cuckfield 12 = Crawley IB. 6, Horsham ffi. 13. ^ Chequers, Brighton Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar 20 y (?ra«is Ho] RAC ;p> 6 PO. ^ff» Michelin Stockist, Geo. Norman, Oakwood Jid., m \ Sun., Night, RAC T Norman :p> 43. > i_j ■» - Michelin Stockists, The New Horley Motor and Engi- neering; Co., Ltd., Baicombe Rd., [31 U \ Sun., Night, RAC :p> 33 PO. ' L_i u -V , fa , Horncastle (Lincoln), M. 18, Ed], Pop. 3,90a M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Rom. Wall ; S. Scrivelsby Court (Tud.) 3 ; S. Haltham Ch. 4. Louth ®. 14 = Spilsby 10 = 6 < Swineshead 21, Fleet a 36, Long Sutton 39, King's Lynn ^ 53 - Sleaford a 23 = Woodhall Spa i^ 7 = wragby 10 <. Lincoln a 21 — Market Rasen 18, Caistor 26. jfgi Bull, Bull Ring, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/"6 to 3/6 Chfi- 6/6 Box \2\ Shed m U tns Gratis :p. 6. / ^ m. The Red Lion, Bttll Ring, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar Shelter U ins. Gratis [12] T Red Lion. M Rodney, 16, North St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed Shelter his Gratis (12]. - 339 - HORSHAM lornsea. (Yorkshire), M. 18, ESI. Pop. 3,026. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See :-Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; The Mere ; N. Ulrome Ch. (Xlth c.) 7. ^ X. 2. Bridlington S. 16 = Withernsea 17 = 3 < Hull ffl. 18 — Beverley Sl 13. JA Alexander, Railway St., B 1/9 L 1/9 D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins M-/6Nl/-[6]. ■ ^^ai W. H. Johnson, Market PL, g] Boxes [g] TJ % T Johnson, The Garage. :p> 42 PO. HORSHAM ® (Sussex), M. 29, E3. I*t)P- 11,314. M.D., Mon., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Oh. (Goth.) • (A) ; N. Warnham (North Chap. XVth c, Timber Farmhouse) 4 (E. I) ; S. Nunthurst (Nunthurst Lodge, view ; Nun's Well ; Old Ch.) 4 (E. Mi) ; S.W. Christ's Hospital (Blue Coat School) 3 ; N.W. Field Place (Shelley's birthplace) 3 (E. V). ^K. N.W. 2 (E. V). -""• 14 Guildford Road 6 Crawley Road lo Brighton Road 15 Wimblehurst Road 7 East Street n "West Street 16 Hurst Road 4 Warnham Road 8 Queen Street 12 Worthing Road 17 Park Street 5 North Street 9 East Parade 13 Bishopric 18 Church Causeway 1 Carfax 2 London Road 3 North Parade E. I : by Carfax, London lid., North Parade, and Warnham Ed. ;— Kingsfoid 5, Capel • 7, White Hart Inn 9, Dorking ®. 14, Leatherhead 19, Epsom a 23, Ewell 25, Merton 30, London ®, 38 (v. gd. and., 1/15 desc. at Um.X • r. Capel 7, Newdigate 9, Leigh 13, Reigate fi. 16. E. II : by North St. and Crawley Rd. ;— RofEey 1, Crawley a • 7, Charlwood Park • 11, Reigate ffi. 16, Tadworth 21, Sutton a 26, Mitdiam 29, London Si 38. • r. Crawley ffl. 7, Pound Hill 9, Copthome Common 12, Felbridge 15, EaSt Grinstead J®. 16, Hobtye common 21, Ashurst 25, Langton Green 27, lun- bridge Wells 30 {v. gd., hilly, l/ll asc. at 25 m.). Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 12 «« How to use the Guide." 3 HORWICH - 340 - Horsha.m (continued). • r. Chariwood Park 11, Horley S. 18, RedhHI a 17, Pmley 24, Croydon a 27 (magn. level rd.), London ffl. 38. E. Ill : 6y £^««^ St., Queen St, East Parade, and Brighton i?d, ;— • 1, Handcross 9, Cuckfleld 14, Haywards Heath Si 16, Wivelsfield 18, Cooksbridge 25, Offham 26, LeweS S. 28 (gd. und.). • r. 1, Mannings Heath 2, Cowfield 6, Henfleld 10, Pyecomhe 15, Brighton a 21. E. IV : btj West St. and Worthing Rd. ;— Southwater 2, West Grinstead 6, Washington 12, Offington Comer 17, Worthing ®. 19 (v. gd. und.). E. V : 62/ West St., Bishopric, and Guildford Rd. ;— Broadbridge • 2, Five Oaks 6, Billingshurst 8, Pulborough 13, Whiteways Lodge • 19, Arundel 22 {gd. und., 1/10 asc. at 18 m.). • r. Broadbridge 2, Bucks Green 7, Alford Crossways 10, ShalfordlS, GUlldfOrd a 20 (y. gd. und.). • r. Whiteways Lodge 19, Slindon 22, Cookerhill 25, West Hampnett 28, Chichester a 30. m_ King's Head, Carfax, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- ffi Box m Shed m adj 1/- BAG :F> 126. m Anchor, Market Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 B 3/- Chfr 6/- 8 Gar ins Gm 114 PO. mi Black Horse, West St. and Worthing Rd., B2/6 L2/6 D 3/6 B 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- (4] T Mobile ;?> 044 Nat. f^«i Mlchelln Stockists, Rice Bros., 6.5, West St., and Springfield Rd., Agt. for Benault, Ford, [so] U % Sun. BAG :^ 28 S&t. — MIchelin Stockists, Jackson Bros., Agt. for Humber, Flanders, Belsizb, QU U N BAG T Jacksons ;p> 12 PO. — F. Brown &Co., 31S3, East St., and 125, Park St.,^\i \ Sun., Night, 'T Brown Motors. Norwich (Lancashire), M. 16, Ed), Pop. 16,286. M.D., Fri ; E.G., Wed. :^ E. 1. Chorley a 6, Preston a 15 = Bolton a 5. Houg:iiton-le-Spring: (Durham), M. 14, ED, Pop. 9,753. Sunderland a 6 = Seaham Harbour 7 = Hetton 2, West Hartlepool & 19 = Durham a 7 = Chester-le-Street 5. Hounsiow (Middlesex) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), Pop. 9,294. M.D., Tues. ; E.G., Wed. See :— Hounsiow Heath. Norwood Green 2 < Uxbrldgc lEL 10, Beaconsfield @. 18 — Harrow 9, Watford ®. 17 = Brentford 3, London ®. 11 = Sunbury 6, Walton-on- Thames 9, Weybridge IL 11 = Staines iS. 7, Eghain a 8, Bagshot 17 = Langiey Broom 9 < Slough 11, Maidenhead Sl 17 — Windsor Si 12. ^m Gardiner Bros., lUU, Bath Rd.,\^\S \^ 52. Housel Bay (Cornwall), M. 25 {not marked on map). See :— Housel Gove. Lizard Town 1. jia Housel Bay, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 B 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- m- i-love (Sussex), See Brighton. Howden (Yorkshire), M. 17, Pop. 1,986. See :— St. Cuthbert's Ch. (Monuments, Xlllth c. •). York m. 22 = Holme 9 < Market Weighton 13, Great Driffield m. 29 — Pocklington 18 = Hull la 25 sr Booth Ferry 2 {ferrij -4*), 8 < Thome 14, Doncaster ®. 24 — Knottingley 20, Pontefract 23 = Loftsome Br. 3 {Toll: Cars M., motor-cycles Id., tricycles M.), Selby Br. {Toll: Cara 9(Z., motor-cycle 2d., tricycles 2',d.), Solby 11. Hoyiake and W. Kirby m (Cheshire), M.15, ED, Pop. 14,029. E.G., Wed. -^ E. i. Moreton 5 < Birkenhead ffl. 10 — Wallasey ffl. 8, New Brighton 11 = Upton 4, Birkenhead ffi. 9 = woodchurch 4, Birkenhead a 8 = 8 -5 Neston a 10 — Chester a 20. IggI Boyal, Stanley Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- B 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [3] T Boyal :p> 342 Hoyiake. - 341 - HUDDERSFIELD Hoylake and W. Kirby (continued). m& West Kirby Hydro, Promenade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Lf t [cS 5 Gar U ins Gratis [H T Hydro, West Kirby ^ 86 Hoy lake. ^ Green Lodge, Stanley/ Rd., L 2/- D 2/6 E, 5/- to 6/- Chfr 8/6 5 Shed adj N 1/- [g] :p> 321 Hoylake. j?g[ Stanley, King's Gap, 5 Gar ins 1/- (20] ^ 305. ^0i Michelin Stockist, H. W. Frank, Wirrai Oaraee, do] Boxes [4] U \ Sun., Night, ;p 258. Hucknali Torkard (Nottingham), M. 22, Ed), Pop. 15,870 P. M.D., Fn. ; E.O., Wed. See :— Church (Byron's Vault) ; N.E. Newstead Abb. (Rns.) 3 ; S.W. Gresley Cas. (Rns.) 4 ; W. Beauvale Abb. (Rns.) 3. Mansfield a 10 = Bulwell 2, Nottingham fit 6. HUDDERSFIELD ® (Yorkshire), M. 16, 17, ^, Pop. 107,825. M.D., Tues., Fri., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Roman remains in the environs. ^ N. 2 (E. 1). E. I : by John William St., Northumberland St., Northgate, Bradford Ed., and Bradfm-d Rd. North ;— Brighouse ®. 4, Bradford Si 12 {med. rd.,l/l/t desc. at U m.). HUDDERSFIELD i John William Street 2 Northumberland Street 3 Northgate 1 4 Bradford Road 5 Bradford Road North 6 L>eeds Road 7 New Street 8 King Street 9 The Shore HULL (KINGSTON-UPON-) - 342 - H udders-field (continued). E. II : by John WUliam St., Northumberland St., and Leeds Rd. :— Three Nuns P. H. • 4, Birstal 9, Lccds J®. 16 {gd. rd. hilly, several lll'> gradients). • V. Three Nuns P. H. 4, Mirtield 5, Dewsbury 8, Wakefield a 15 {med. rd., 1/U asc. at 8 m). E. Ill : by New St., King St., The Shore, Upper Aspley, Storths, and Wakefield Rd. :— • 2, Grange Moor • 5, Hovbury 11, Wakefield ffl. 14 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 asc. at 5 m.). • Y. 2, Sovereign Inn • • 8, Penistone 13 (med. rd.), Wortley 17. • • 20, Sheffield fi. 26 (gd. rd., 1/U-ll asc. at 7 m.). • • 1. Sovereign Inn 8, Denby Dale 10, Bamsley 18 (gd. rd. hilly, IjB asc. and desc. at l-i m.). • • ]. 20, Rotherham 28 (gd. rd., 1/10 asc. at 23 m.). E. IV : by New St., Buxton Rd., Chapel Hill, Folly Hall, and Lockwood Rd. ;- Lockwood • 1, Honley • 3, Flouch 12, Oughtibridge 21, Sheffield ^ 26 (gd. rd., 1/U desc. at !) m.), London Sl 188. • r. Lockwood 1, Meithain 5, Mossley 16, Stalybridge 18, Ashton-under- Lyne 20, Manchester Si 26 (gd. rd.). • r. Honley 3, Holmflrtli 6 (gd. rd.), Glossop & 19, Chapel-en-le-Frith 28, Buxton J®. 34 (gd., v. hilly, several 1/10-9 gradients). E.\:by New St., Buxton Rd., and Manchester Rd. :— Marsden 8, Deiph 13, Oldham ffl. 18, Manchester ffi. 25 (med. rd., 1/16 desc. at 15 m.). E. VI : by Westgate, West Parade, Trinity St., West Hill, Westbourne Rd., and New Hey Rd. :— Denshaw 13, RoChdale ffi. 19. E. VII : by Westifate, New North Rd., and Halifax Rd. :— EUand 4, Hal'lfax m. 7 (tned. rd., 1/12-19 asc. at 6 m.). m Queen, 31, Market St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E, 3/6 Chfr 7/- 9 Court ins II] :f> 194. ia George, St. George's Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 4/- « Shed 200 y g] RAO Lt. T George :p> 1215 and 1216. f^" MIchelln Stockist, C. H. Mltcyiell,ChapelSt.,Agt. for Talbot, BELSIZE, Argyll, [40] If \ Sun. RAC T Motors :p> 124. — Xetherwood, Bros., Albion St., Agt. for HOTCHKISS, Delagk, Crossley, [Ml lt \ Sun., Night, RAC :?> 647. — A. Mellor & Sons, Agt. for Sunbeam, [go] LT \ Sun., Night, RAC T Mellors :p> 515. — Sykes and Moorhouse, Colne Rd., Agt. for Arrol- JOHNSTON, (lo) LT N Sun. ;f» 62. — Michelln M.C.T., Earnshaw & Co., 21, Bradford Rd. (Motor Cycles). HULL (KINGSTON-UPON-) m (Yorkshire), M. 18, El, Pop. 278,024. M.D., Tues., Fri. ; E.G., Thurs. See -.-Trinity Ho. (A) ; Holy Trinity Ch. (Goth.) • (C) ; Wilbei-force Ho (D) ; Art Gallery (E) ; Docks. :§C ^-W. 2 (E. I). E. I : 6t/ King Edtvard St., Prospect St., and Beverley Rd. :— Dunsweii 4, Beverley ®. • 8, 6t. Driffield fi. 21 (v. gd. level rd.), Scar- borough ffi. 42 (bad rd. hilly, 1/7 desc. at 3f> m.). • 1. Beverley a 8, York a 37 (gd. rd., 1/20-17 desc. at 17 m.). E. II : by Savile St., George St., Charlotte St., Bridge St., North Br., Wiiham,, and Holderness Rd. :— • 2, Eouth 11, Leven 13, Barmston 22, Bridlington ffl. 30 (med. rd.). • r. 2, Skiriaugh 9, Hornsea 18 (med. level rd.). E. Ill : by Savile St., George St., Charlotte St., Bridge St., North Br., Gt. Union St., and Hedon Rd. :— Hedon 5, Keyingham 10, Patrington • 15, Withernsea 20 (med. level rd.). • r. Patrington 15, Easington 22, Kilnsea 24 (bad rd.). E. IV : by Whitefriargate, Silver St., Market PL, Queen St., and Victoria Pier :— (Ferry -S) New Holland 4, Barrow-on-Humber 7, Thornton Curtis • 9, Melton Ross 15, Brigg Si 20, Redboume • 25, Lincoln Sl 44 (gd. und. rd., 1/21 asc. at 16 m.), London ffli 178. • 1. Thornton Curtis 9, Brocklesby 15, Kiby 18, Gt. GrImSby ^ 26 (med. level • r. Redboume 25, Gainsborough fi. 39, East Retford a 50 (gd. und.). w ^^TIull CKini I - 343 - HULL (KINGSTON-UPON-) (Kingrston-upon-) (continued). E. V : by Carr Lane and Anlaby Rd. :— Aniaby • 4, South Cave 13, Howden • 25 {ferry -4*), Thome fi. 39, Doncaster ffi. 49 {gd. rd., nil asc. and desc. at 9 m. The best way to Doncaater is via Selby), Rotherham 61, Sheffield ffl. 68. • r. Anlaby 4, Beverley ^ 12 (yd. rd. hilly). • V. Howden 25, Loftscme Br. 28 (Toll : Cars 6d., motor-cycles Id., tri- cycles 2d.), Selby Br. (Toll: Cars 9d., motor-cycles 2d., tricycles 2^^.), Selby 36, Leeds ^ 57 (gd. rd., 1/17 desc. at 5U m.). HULL A TRINITY HOUSE «rC HOLY TRINITY CHURCH D WILBERFORCE HOUSE E ART GALLERY H.CITV HALL y^ "" 0.-R.8.-T.-III.-B.-P.S. (See p 3.) SCALE 1 King Edward Street 2 Prospect Street 3 Beverley Road 4 Savile Street 5 George Street 6 Charlotte Street 7 Bridge Street 8 North Bridge 9 With^m 10 Holderness Road 11 Great Union Street 12 Hedon Road 13 W^hitefriargate 14 Silver Street 15 Market Place 16 Queen Street 17 Victoria Pier 18 Carr Lane 19 Anlaby Road 20 Porter Street 21 Alfred Gelder Street 22 Brook Street 23 Waterhouse Lane 24 Commercial Road 25 English Street Jffi Grosvenor, Carr Lane, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/6 (CHl 5 Gar 30 y Gratis [12] RAC T Grosvenor ^p> 223 Nat. 223 and 1736 Corp. JSL Royal Station, Brook St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft lea i Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [6] RAC T Nerotel :?> 128 Nat. 134 and 135 Corp. fim George, 66, Whitefriargate, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- 8 Shed ins Gratis [e] ^ 317 Nat. and Corp. Read carefully the prelimina.ry expla,na.tion8| p-p. 1 to 12. HUNGERFORD - 344 - Hull (King^ston-upon-) {continued). m Imperial, Paragon St., B 2/6 D 3/6 K, 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/- Lft 8 PG dist T Imperial :p> 228. ^ Cross Keys, 31-32, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- 5 Shed Court ins Gratis [sj T Cross Keys :?<> 582 and 1463. ^v Michelin Stockists, Hull Crty Gara.g:e, Ltd., 57-^9, Beverley Rd., Agt.for WoLSELEY, Dahracq, Napier, {so} Boxes [6] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Car :p> 2929 and 1805 Nat. — Michelin Stockists, Argus Motor Co., IG, Anlahij Rd., Ho] U \ Sun., Night, T Auto ;p> 1600 Nat. — E. R. Wilson, Wenlock St., Agt. for Maudslay, Sdnbeaji Bedford, |20] TJ N Sun., Night, hP> 4583. — "Embro" Cycle and Motor Co., 101, Iloldeniess Rd., (Tal U %. RAC :p' 298X and 298Y. — Michelin M.C.T., Simpson & Son, 71, 72, Prospect St., Agt. for Akrol-.Johnston, Belsizb, Humrer, Hupmobile, So! TJ *% RAC T Automobile :f> 222 Nat. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Oray Bros., 363, Anlaby Rd. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., (i. H. Parker, Pryme St. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T,, Cj-ompton & Son, Brook St. (Motor Cycles). Manufacturer : Argyll's, Ltd., oA-56, Jameson St. Hungerford ® (Berkshire), M. 28, Pop. 2,906 P. M.D., Wed.; E.C., Thitrs. X N. 2. Ciiiiton Foiiat 2 •< Lambourn 8, Earingdon ffl. 22 — Swindon ^ 16 = Wantage ®. 13 = Newbury ^ 8 = CoUingboume Duels 12, Salisbury ffl. 30 =: Marlborough ^ 10. ^ Bear, Charnham St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [6] RAC T Bear :f> 12 PO. m Three Swans, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed 500 y N 1/- [2] RAC; :p> 21. Vfai Michelin Stockists, H. Gibbons & Son, Kennet Eng^in- eerine: and Motor Works, Bath Rd., \M U \ RAC T Gibbous :p> 11. — StradUng & Plenty, Charnham St.,\i^\J \T Stradling :p> 31. — Avon Engineering Co., IM] U T Avon Works :f» 10 GPO. Hunstanton m (Norfolk), M. 23, tSSl, Pop. 2,510. See :— E. Burnham Thorpe (Nelson's birthplace) 13. ^ ^ S. 2. 1 < Burnham Market 11, Wells 18 — Fakenham ^ 19 := Dersingham 7 < King's Lynn a 16 — Sandringham 8, East Dereham ^ 34. lis Sandringham, Adj. Stn., [cH B Gar IfSO y Gratis N 1/- [20] RAC T Sands qp> 21. in Le Strange Arms and Golf Links, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- Ho] T Links Hotel :p> 10 Y. m Glebe, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [8] :p> lox. j9ft Golden Lion, B 3/- L 3/- D 4/6 R 4/- to 6/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/6 [H T Golden Lion ^ 18. f7« Michelin Stockists, W. H.Johnson & Sons, Westgate Rd., Agt. for WOLSELEY, Belsizb, Ford, De Dion, [^ iBoxes IT5] U \ Sun., Night, T Johnson, Motorist :p' 28. HUNTINGDON ^ (Huntingdon), M. 23, ^, Pop. 4,003. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., IfccZ. See :— Grammar School (A) ; All Saints' Ch. (C) ; St. Mary's Ch. (D) ; W. Hinchingbrook Ho. 1. ;^ W. 2 (E. III). ':A^ Mar. Mth. E.\:by High St. and Hartford Rd. ;— Hartford • 1, Warboys 7, Ramsey 11, March 24, Wisbech Si 35 (gd.Jl. rd.). • r. Hartford 1, St. Ives 6, Earith 12 (Toll-gate: Cars 1/-, motor-cycles iid.), Sutton 17, Ely a 23 (gd. level rd.). E. II : hy High St. and Ermine St. :— Godmanchester • 1, Fenatanton 6, Cambridge :®. 16 (niagn. level rd.). • r. Godmanchester 1, Kisby's Hut 6, C;ixton Gibbet 8, AiTington 15, Royston ffi. 21, Buntingford 28, Ware 38, Hoddesdon 42, Cheshunt 47, Waltham Cross ffl. 48, Edmonton 55, London ffl. 64 {<)d. und., 1/lU desc. at 39 m.). 345 HUNTLY Huntingdon {continued). E. Ill : by High St. and George St. :— Brampton • 2, Buckdeil 4, Eaton Socon 10, Gt. Barford 15, Bedford ffi. 21 iv. gd.). • r. Brampton 2, Spaidwick 7, Thrapston a 17, • • 21, Ketterina & 26 (gd. und., 1/17 desc. at 2U m.), Market Harborough a 37, Leicester fit 52 (v. gd., hilly, 1/13 desc. at 30 m.). • • I. 21, Finedon 24, Welllngborough 27, Northampton a 37 (gd. und., 1/16 desc. at 31 m.). E. fV : by High St. and Ermine St. :■— Norman Cross • 13, Peterborough ^ 19 (magn. level rd.). • 1. Normao Cross 13, Kate's Cabin 16, Stamford Si 27 (magn. level rd.). A.GRAffllHAR SCHOOL ^<| CALL SAINTS CHURCH D.ST. mARVS CHURCH B-G-P.S.-R.S.- (See p. 1 High Street 2 Hartford Road 3 Ermine Street 4 George Street 5 Ermine Street HUNTINGDON m. The George, George St. and High St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- K 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar Shed ins N 1/- Qj RAC :?> 196. «1 Swan, George St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U adj N 1/- [^ T Yarnold :p> 192. a Falcon, 9, Market Hill, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E, 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis H]. f^" Micheiin Stockists, Murkett Bros., High St., Agt. for HuMBEu, Flanders, Belsize, Sunbeam, Ford, Enfield. Db Dion, [io] Boxes (DUN Sun. RAC T Murketts :f> 198. M.C.T. Huntly 1 (Aberdeen), M. 6, El, Pop. 4,229. M.D., Wed. See :— Town Hall ; Huntly Cas. (Rns.). ^IC N.E. i. • 1, Bainshole 7, Coipy • 10, Pitcaple 18, Inverurie a 22, Kintore 26, Aberdeen &. 39 (gd. und., several 1/^3 gradients). • 1. 1, Bogniebrae • • 6, Aberchirder 12 (gd. und.), Banff 21 (med. 'plct., l/lS-17-23 desc. at 18 m.). • • r. Bogniebrae 6, Fortrie 11, Turrlff Si 17 (gd., V. hilly). • 1. Colpy 10, Old Meldrum 22 (gd. und.). New-noth 7, Lumsden 13, Mossat Fork • 15, • 21, Crossroads 29, Aboyne 37 (gd. und., 1/12 desc. at 31 m.). • r. Mossat Fork 15, Glenkindie Arms 20, Stradlion 30, Cohiabachan 35, Glenfinzie • • 39, Binloan 42, Balmoral 46, Braemar ^ 55 (v. hilly, pict.). • • 1. Glenflnzie 39, Ballater ^ 45 (bad mount.). • 1. 21, Alford 22. • 1, Caimie Fork 5, Keith 10 (v. gd., long monot. hills). • r. 1, Rothiemay Stn. 5, Glen Barry 10, Portsoy 18 (v. gd. pict., 1/25 asc. at G m.). ^ Huntly, The Square, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis X 1/- SAC :?> 3. P HURST PARK - 346 - Huntly {continued). j^fiL Strathbosie, Bogie St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis \M ^ 6X1. Gordon Arms Hotel, SAC. '^pm Michelin Stockist, s^s^ John Fitzpatrick, S, Duke St., Agt. for HUMBER, DARRACQ, FORD, Qol LT \ Sun. SAC :?<> 3. Hurst Pa.rk (Surrey). (See Special Maps, 42, 43.) >tii^ May 12 -13th; May 31st; July iJu-26th ; Aug. 23nd-23rd ; Sept. '2Uth ; Dee. 19-mth. (Hampton on opposite side of river.) Hurstpierpoint # (Sussex), M. 29 (not marked on map). Pop. 8,033 P. See :— St. John's College. Cuckfteld a 6 = 2 < Lewes ^ 12 — Brigiiton ®. 9 = Henfield Q. 6 = Horsham a 16. ^o IVIiciielin Stocl(ist, W. A. Lockyer & Co., Hi/jh St., {MU\ Sun., Night, qp> 18. - J. T. Hampton & Co. Hyde t) (Cheshire), IVI. 16, and Special IVIap 45, [Ml, Pop. 33,444. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Tties. ^ S. 1. Mottram Junction 4 < Glossop ffi.7, Sheffield ^ 31 — Penistone 21, Barnsiey 29 = Gee Cross 1, Stockport ®. 6 = Manchester a 7 = Ashfon-under- Lyne 3, Oldham ®. 7. Queen's Hotel. fP" Michelin Stockist, R. Hibbert, 173, Market St., \8] \ :fo 169. Hythe # (Kent), M. 30, ME, Pop. 6,387. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Leonard's Ch. • (Goth.) ; Harbour ; N, Saltwood Cas. (Rns.) ; Ch. (Font) 1 ; Lynine (Studfall Cas.) ; Ch. (Norm, and Goth.) (Crj-pt) 3. :§c \y. 1. Sandgate 3, Folkestone a 5 = New Romney Sl 9, Rye a 21 = New inn 3 < Ashford a 12 — Canterbury m. 18. films Imperial, Promenade, Lft ® Gar U ins N 2/- H] T Imperial :p>55. ^ Sea View, Seabrook (1 m. direction Sandgate), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 8/6 K 3/6 Chfr 6/6 ffi [CHl PG 200 y :p» 029 Sancfeate. Swan Hotel, High St. f^w Michelin Stockists, Worthington Bros., Ltd., East St., Agt. for MATHIS, go] Boxes g] 11 \ Sun., Night, T Motors :f> 64. Ilchester (Somerset), M. 27, Pop. 433. See :— Eom. Wall and Ditch ; Church (built with Kom. materials) ; JNIarket Cross. Glastonbury 12, Wells ®. 17 = East Lydford 6 < Shepton Mallet 16 — Castle Gary 11, Brutou 16 = Sparkford 5 < Wincanton 13 — Gaihampton 9, Bruton 13, Frome a 24 — Sparkford 5, Gaihampton 9, Castle Gary 11, Shepton Mallet 19 = Sherborne ®. 10 = Yeovil ^ 5 = 6 -s Ilminster & 12, Honiton 29 — Crewkerne 11 = Long sutton 4, Langport 8, Taunton m.21. Q Bull, The Square, B 1/3 L 1/6 E, 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [3]. " llford m (Essex) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), TM, Pop. 78,205. E.C., Thurs. See -.—llford Hospital. \A'oodfoi'd Wells ffi 6, Epping 14 = Cliigwell 5, Ongar 15 — Eomford fi. 4-, Brentwood ®. 10, Chelmsford ffi. 21 = Barking 2 = London a 11. W^ Michelin Stockist, A. Rivettf 299, HighRd., Agt. for Dakracq, g] TJ \ RAC Sun., Night, :?i 738. Il-Fracombe # (Devon^ire), M. 25, ESj Pop. 8,935. U.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-Holy Trinity Ch. (Xllth c.) ; Capstone Hill (180 ft.. View) ; Tors Walks • ; Lantern Rock (St. Nicholas' Chap.). :|C ^■^- 2. Combe Martin 5, Blackmore Gate 10 •< Lynton 17 (Bear left dou'n private rd. at 25^, and thus avoid Porlock Hill; Toll: Carsl/-, motor-cycles 6(i ). Minehead a 36 — South Molton la 24 = Barnstaple a 11 = Braunton s, Barnstaple M 13. — 347 — INCHNADAMPH llfracombe (continned). fa Ilfracombe, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft 5 Gar U ins N l/'6 [12] RAC ip- 20, Jffi. Eunuacleave, JFtYder ifd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 5/- K 3/6 Chfr 6/- 8 Gar Shed U dist Gratis [11] RAC :p> 36. 0S The Collingwood, Wilder Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 to S/- Chfr 5/- Lft [ca 5 Gar U ins N 1/6 g] RAO Lt. :f> 5 >'at. JS. Belgrave, Fi'Mer i?d., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Lft 8 Gar 25 y Gratis N 1/6 [3]. ^ Royal Clarence, ^tgr/t St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 8hed adj Gratis [H T Clarence :?> 176. ^ Great Western, i/i^A ^Tf., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- 5 Gar 200 y Gmfis [6]. ?f 75, Ilkeston (Derby), M. 22, |m1, Pop. 31,673. M.D., Thurs., Sat. ; E.C., IFerf. See:-St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.). Nottingham a 8 = Derby ^ 10. fF» Michelin M.C.T., J. Hawkins, U5, South St. (Motor Cycles). Ilkley 1 (Yorkshire), M. 16, E21> I'oP- 7,992. B.C., Iferf. See:— Ch. (Goth.); N.E. Fairy Dells; Black Tors Waterfall 3; S. Cow and Calf Rocks (View) 2 ; Rumbald's Moor 3 ; N.W. Bolton Abb. 6. Nj^ S. 1. Buriey 4 < Otley ffl. 6, Boston Spa 22, Tadcaster ®. 26 — Shipley a 11, Bradford a 14 = Addingham 3 < Sklpton ^ 9 — siisden 6, Kclghley a 10 — Addingham 3, Bolton Br. 6, Sklpton J®. 12. fm Royal Family, Wells Promenade and Wells Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 [£3 Shed 100 y Graft*' g] T Royal Hotel :fo 100. Ig Wells House, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 6/6 [cE Gar 400 y M -/6 N 1/6 RAC ^ 203. in Middelton, Skipton Rd., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 5/- [cHl Gar 100 y N 1/6 \M RAC T Dilly :p' 20. m^ Crescent, Book St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Shed ins- Gratis [6] RAC T Crescent :p' 34. ^ Liste*-'s Arms, 1, Addingham Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 (cH Gar Shed LT 20 y Gratis N 1/- [s] T Crib :?> 45. ^W* Michelin Stockists, F. Heap & Co., The Grove Garag:e, in IT "S Sun. RAC T Heap :p' 232 Bradford Area. M.C.T. — Deuby & Co., ^U, Leeds Rd., Agt. for Sunbeam [e] TJ \ Sun. :jb 188. Ilminster f) (Somerset), M. 27, EH, Pop. 2,467. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thru-s. See :-Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; Grammar School (XVIth c). ^^ S. 2. Langport 10, Bridgwater ®. 22 = Petherton Br. 6 < Ilchester 12, Wincanton 25 — Yeovil ffl. 14 = Crewkerne 7, Dorchester & 28 = Chard a 5, Axminster 12 = Horton 2 < Honiton 17, Exeter ffl. 34 — Taunton ^ 12. George Hotel, North St. ^m Michelin Stockists, Marshalsea Bros., East St., Agt. for Renault, Fiat, 111 U N Sun., Night, T Marshalsea Jp- 10 PO. — Yaudle & Sons, Silver St. and New Rd.,Agt. for Humber, Singek, Ford, [6] U N Sun. RAC T Yandle ;p> 18, Inchnadamph (Sutherland),. M. 4, ^ ^.airg stn. 34, ^ Lochinver 13. See :— X. Quinaig (2,653 ft.) ; Glasven (2,541 ft.) ; Ardvreck Cas. (Rns.) ; Cakla Ho. (XVIIIth c. Rns.) 1. Skaig Br. 2 < Kyle Sku Inn 9, (ferry -41*) Scourie 21 — Lochinver 13 =r 6 •< niapool 24 — Rosehaii 24, Lairg 33 — Roseiiaii 24, Bonar Br. 36, Domoch 49. See pp. 3 to 6 for the list o/ Conventional Signs ancf Abbreviations. INGLETON - 348 - Ingleton (Yorkshire), M. 16, Pop. 1,672 P. See : — Waterfalls. Settle a 12 = Hawes 16, Aysgarth 24 = Kirby Lonsdale fi. ^ Ingleboro, High St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis m RAC qs> 7. Innellan (Argyll), M. It, Pop. 761, ^ steamer to Wemyss Buy :;. X {adj. village). Dunoon ^ 4 = Inverchaolin Ch. 10. Innerleithen (Peebles), M. 12, TM, Pop- 2,547 (Alt. 465 ft.). See :— Caerlee Hill Fort ; Pirn Hill ; E. Purvis Hill 1 ; S. Traquair Ho. (XVIIth c.) 1. Dewar 8, Dalkeith 23 = 7 < Galashiels a 12 — Selkirk 15 = Gordon Arms 9, Moffat a 30 = Peebles ^ 6. Traquair Arms Hotel, Insch (Aberdeen), M. 10, Pop. 610 (Alt. 415 ft.). See :— Dunnideer Hill (XlVth c. fort). Inverurie ffl. 11 = Whitehouse stn. 11, Alford 14 = GartiyStn. f), Huntly a. 15. Inveraray # (Argyll), M. 8, m. Pop. 723, ^ Daimaiiy 16. See :-Castle (XVIIIth c.) ; lona Cross ; Parish Ch. ^ (adj. m> 243. ^ Waverley, ^5, Union St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 PG T Waverley :p> 279. jUiSL Glenalbyn Temperance, Opp. Castle, B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed adj Gratis. fW» Michelin Stockists, Macrae & Dick, 18, Academy St., and Ness Walk, Agt. for Stcewer, Arrol-Johnston, Albion, Overland, [2MI Boxes (12] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Dick ^ 8. INVERSNAID - 350 - Inverness (continued). I«« A. \V. Chapman & Co., Church St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, FOKD, [^ U N Sun., Night, SAC T Magneto :p» 148. — K. MacRae & Sons, Academy St., Agt. for Renault, Mauds- lay, Benz, [Ml T-T \ Sun., Night, T Motors :p> 247. Inversna-id (Stirling), M. 8, ^ Aberfoyie 15. See :— Loch Katrine ; N. Loch Sloy ; Rob Roy's Cave 4 ; Eilean Vow (Oas. Rns.) 6. 4 «s Stronachlachar Pier 5, (steamer down Loch Katrine) Trossachs 13, e^allandcr 21 (prohibited to motors) — Aberfoyie 15. ja Inversnaid, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- JJ T Blair. Inverurie # (Aberdeen), M. 10, (H, Pop. 3,155. E.G., Wed. Old Meldrmn 5, Methiick 13, New Deer 20 = Kintore 4, Aberdeen a 17 = Alford 17 = Huntly a 22 = Aberchirder 26. ijgft Kintore Arms, 83, High St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 PG U 50 y Gratis N 1/- [ao] T Kintore Arms :fi> 4. m. Gordon Arms, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/- Gar Shed U 200 y N 1/- [3] :p> 14 PO. \Ff« Michelin Stockists, Leask & Co., Ltd., 35-37, High St., [30] U \ T Leask :p> 12. IPSWICH m (Suffolk), M. 24, Icr], Pop. 73,939. M.D., Ttte«., Sat.; E.C., If>d. See :— Christchurch Mansion (A) ; St. Margaret's Ch. • (C) ; St. Mary- le-Tower Ch. (D) ; Wolsey's Gate (XVth c.) (E). ^ E. 2 (E. I). IPS^VICH SCALE A. CHRISTCHURCH MANSION * C. ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH 0. ST. MARY-LE-TOWER CHURCH E. /WOLSEY'S GATE " + + + + 2 Carr Street 3 St. Helen's Street 4 Spring Road 5 Upper Brook Street 6 Tacket Street 7 Fore Street 8 Fore Hamlet 9 AVestgate Street 20 St Matthews Street 11 London Road la Norwich Road 13 College Street 14 Princes Street 15 Queen Street 16 Elm Street 17 Handford Road 18 St Georges Street 19 High Street M. (See p. - 351 - IVYBRIDGE Ipswich (continued). E.\: by Tavern St., Carr St., St. Helen's St., and Spring Rd. :— Maitiesham 6, Woodbridge 8, Wickham Market ffl. 13, Saxmundhain ^ 21, Yoxford 25, BIythburgh 31, Wrentham 37, Lowestoft & 44, Great Yarmouth ffi. 54 (med. rd., 1/17 desc. and asc. at 6 m.). E. II : ly Tavern St., Upper Brook St., Tacket St., Fore St., and Fore Hamlet :— Shepherd and Dog Inn 4, Trimley 9, Felixstowe 11 (v. gd:rd., l/lo asc. at 1 m.) {Ferry — Q; no motors), Harwich 14. E. Ill : by Westgate St., St. Matthew's St., and London Rd. .— • 1, Washbrook4, Stratford St. Mary 11, ColChester ^ 18 {jd. rd., Ijlk asc. at 11 m.), London a 72. • r. 1, Hintlesham 5, Hadleigh 10, Newton 19, Sudbury ^ 22 {Ijlk asc. at U m.), Baythom End 34, Haverhill 38, Cambridge S. 57imed. rd. sin.). E. IV : by Westgate St., St. Matthew's St., and Norwich Rd. :— Claydon • 4, Earl Stonham 10, Stoke Ash 17, Scole ffl. 23, Long Stratton 33, Norwich ^ 43 (v. gd. ly. und., 1/17 asc. at 11 m.). • 1. Claydon 4, Needham Market 8, Stowmarket ^ 12 • • 15, ixworth 23, Thetford ^ 33 {med. und., 1/18 asc. at ii6 m.), King's Lynn ^ 63 {i: gd. und.). • • 1. 15, Bury St. Edmunds a 26, Newmarket jS. 40, Cambridge a 53 {v. gd. rd., recom.). Jfi Great White Horse, Tavern St., B 2/6 L 3/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7 /- ffi Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [30] RAC T Pickwick :p> 584. m^ Crown and Anchor, 10, Westgate St., B3/- L 3/- D 4/6 E 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [e] RAC T Anchorite ;p> 85. Grand Hotel, Butter market.. Station Hotel, opp. Station. fF" MIchelin Stockists, Botwoods Ltd., Carr St., Agt. for HuMBER, Sunbeam, Napiek, Delage, Ford, De Dion, Metallurgique, [30] U N Sun., Night RAC T Botwoods ^ 206 Nat. — MIchelin Stockists, T. H. Nice & Co., Hyde Park Corner, [1] LT \ :?> 706. — D. C. Goldsmith, 67, St. Matthews St.,[6]\S Sun., Night, :p> 512. Ironbridgre (Shropshire), IVI. 21, Pop. 2,889. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— The Iron Br. ; Coalbrook Dale ; S.W. Benthall Hall (Eliz.) 2 ; W. Buildwas Abb. (Rns.) • 2. Wellington & 6, Whitchurch II. 28 = Madeiey 2 < Bridgnorth <& 10 — Sliifnal 6, Wolverhampton ®. 18 = (Toii-gate, Caution'. Cars over 2 tons, or with over 4 persons Is., nnder 2 tons 6fZ. ; side cars 3c/., motor-cycles Id.), Bridgnorth ffi. 9 = Buiidwas Br. 2 < Shrewsbury ^13 — Much "Wenlock 6, Church Stretton ^ 19. Irvine (Ayr), Nl. 11, gl. Pop. 4,809. M.D., Mon. "X. ^•^^'- 1 (direction Kilu'inning). yi^ (Bogside. N. 1., Eglinton Hunt) Apr. 18-19th. Kilwinning • 3, Dairy 8 (v. gd. fl. rd.), Beith 13, Paisley fi. 24 (f^d. v.nd.). • 1. Kilwinning 3, Ardrossan 8 (v. gd.). • 2. Burnhouse 9, Lugton Stn. 11, Caldwell 13, Barrhead • 18, GlasgOW a 26 (gd. level rd.). • r. 2, Stewarton 8 (ad. rd.). • 1. Barrbead 18, Paisley ®. 22 (gd. level rd., bumpy near Paisley). Crosshouse 5, Kllmarnock ffl 7 (v. gd. und.). Monkton 7, Prestwick a 8, Ayr S. 11 (v. gd. fl. rd.). ^ Eglinton Arms, lU, High St., B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed adj Gratis N 1/- [12] SAC T Eglinton Ai-ms ^ 81. King's Arms Hotel, 117, High St. f^« J. B. Shaw, Ontario Bldgs., Bank St., Agt. for STAR, WOLSELEY, Sunbeam, Ho] U % Sun., Night, T Shaw :}«> 67. Ivybridgre # (Devonshii-e), M. 26, EeI, Pop. 1,730. Excursions on Dartmoor. ^ 1. 4 < Fork 6, Ashburton 13, Chudleigh 23 — Avonwick 6, Totnes 12 — Fork 6, Totnes 12, Paignton ®. 18, Torquay ffi. 21 = Toll-gate 10 (Cars id., motor-cycles Id.) Plymouth ® 11. See pp. k, 7, 8, and 9, explaining how our itineraries have been drawn up. JARROW - 352 - Ivybridg^e {continued). flQft London, Exeter lid., R 3/- to T./G Chfr 5/- Gar U adj Gratis g] RAt; :?> 29. 9^H Michefin Stockists, J. Hoare & Sons, WextPi-n Rd. Jarrow (Durham), M. 14, MH- I*oP- 33,732. See :— Venerable Bede's Ch. (Norm.) (Rns.) ; Docks. ^ E. 3. South Shields 4 =: Newcastie-on-Tyne ^ 7. Jedburgh m (Roxburgh), IVI. 13, H, Pop. 2,222. M.D., Tms., Sat. ; V:A'.,Thurs. See:— Gatehouse (XVIIth c.) ; Old Bastel Ho. ; Abbey Ch. • (Xorm. and Goth.). :^ S.W. 1. Bonjedward 2 -5 Bridgend 3, St. Boswell's Green 9, Melrose 13 — Eckford 6, Kelso IS. 11 — Bonjedward 2, Bridgend 3, Hawick ffl. 14 — Bonjedward 2, Bridgend o, St. Boswell's Green 9, Earlston 14 — Bonjedward 2, Eckford 6, Yetholm If), Wooler .30 — Bonjedwai-d 2, Bridgend 3, Selkirk 17 = 2 < Carter Bar 11, NeWCastlO S. 56 — Bonchester Br. 8, New Castletou 27, Longtown 43 = Bunion Hill 2, Hawick ffl. 11. m Royal, Canongate, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- ciifr :. - $ Gar ius Gratis N 1/- \M «AC. m Spread Eagle, '^0, High Street, B 2/- L 3/- D 3^6 R 8/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins M ■/& jST 1/- [3]. jtfiL Abbey Temperance, Market PL, B 1/6 L 1/9 R 2/- Chfr 6/-. ^^" Michelin Stockist, J. Rutherford, Xeiv Bongate, A 128. !$lft| Victoria, 1, Cavendish Sq., B2/- L 2/- D 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- [cH 8 T Victoria :p> 2S1. f^w Michelin Stockist, H. B. Southgate, Borougrh Motor Works, :^'t-:,'7, Cavendish St., Agt. for Wolseley, Flandkks, Ahkol-Johnston, OlH U N Sun., Night, RAC :^ 135 :Sat. KELSO Keigrhley (continued). KEIGHLEY ® \^^X C.--.-P.S.-R.S.-T.-(See p^^^ 1 North Street 2 Cavendish Street 3 Bradford Road 4 High Street 5 Bridge Street 6 South Street 7 Skipton Road 8 Hard Ing's Road 9 Low Street 10 East Parade 11 Devonshire Street 12 Low MIU Lane Keith (Banff), M. 6, El, Pop. 4,499. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Wed. See :— R. C. Church. X S. * {direction Uuntly). • 2, Grange Ch. 3, • 5, Glen Barry Sin. 9, Cornhill 12, Banff 20 (gd. rd., 1/16 desc. to Banff). • 1. 2, Goukstone 6, CuUen 13 (med., 1120-19 desc. to Cidlen). • r. 5, Rothieinay Cross 8, Aberchirdei" 16, Turriff SL 24 (med. hilly, l/l-' asc. at 9 m.). Caimie Fork 5, Huntly ffi. 10 (v. gd., long monot. hills). Woodend 5, Dufftown 11 {med. v. hilly), Achbrech 22, Toniintoul 30 {hod mount., l/'lo desc. at 18 m.) BoUam Ch. 6, Craigellachie 12, Aberlour 14, Dalnashaugh inn 22, Advie 27, Cromdaie 32, Grantown ^ 36 {med. v. hilly, jrict., I/IU desc. to Craigel- lachie), Aviemore 51 {v. gd. v. 2)ict.). Fochabers 8, Elgin a 17 {gd. rd., 11-23 desc. from Keith). ^ Royal, Church Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar adj Gratis [6] -J^ 28. Gordon Arms Hotel, 1S2, High St. f^ffl ^^ m. Pirie, 192, Mid St., Agt. for Sunbeam, [2] \ Sun., Night, T Pirie Motors ;fo 1. Kelso # (Roxburgh), M. 13, WE, Pop. 3,982. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Sat. See :— Abbey (Xllth c.) (Rns.) • ; Museum ; N. Hume Cas. (Rns.) 6 ; W. Roxburgh Cas. (Rns.) 1 ; N.W. Floors Cas. 1. X- >^ {UniUd Border Hunt) Apr. 21st ; Oct. 15th. Eccles 6, Swinton 12, Paxton South Mains 19, Berwick-Upon-Tweed ffl. 24 {med. sin). Birgham 5, Coldstream fi. 9, Berwici<-upon-Tweed a 23 (i". gd. ly. vnd. pict., 1120 asc. at 8 m., recom.). Mundrum Mill 9, Kirknewton 14, Wooler 20 {hilly), AInwiCk ^ 36 {118 asc. to Alnwick). KEMPTON PARK - 354 - Kelso (contimted). Eckford Ch. 5, Bonjedward • 9, Denholm 16, Hawick fil 21 (u. gd. und., 1/15 asc. from Kelso). • 1. Bonjedward 9, Jedburgh Sl. 11 (v. gd. und.). Maxton 8, St. Bosweii's Green • 10, Selkirk 19 (7ned. hilly, several 1/13 gradients), Moffat ffi 53 (gd., hilly, v. pict, 1/13 desc.from Selkirk). • r. St. Bosweii's Green 10, Melrose 14 (gd. rd.). • 1, • 2, Smailholm 6, Leaderfoot 11, GalashielS j®. 17 (gd. rd.). • r, 1, stichill 3, Greenlaw 9 (med. hilly). • r. 2, w. Gordon 8tn. 9, Lauder 18, Dalkeith 38, Edinburgh & 45 (gd., V. hilly, 1/lU desc. at Ul m.). ffi Spread Eagle, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/- R 2/- Chfr 6/- f> 876. © Border Temperance, 13-lU, Woodmarket, B 1/9 L 1/6 D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 4/6, Queen's Head Hotel. f^m Michel in Stockist, Robt. Swan, 9-11, Bridge St., \ Sun., T Swan ;p> 871. — C'roall 845. — Chalmers & Sons, The Kelso Motor Garage, Agt. for Belsize, Krit, ai] U \ Sun., Night, T Kelso Garage :p. 899. Kempton Park (Middlesex). ':^ Mqr.^Uth; May 9-lOth; June 7th ; Aug. IJ-Utfi; Oct. 10-llth ; Nov. 28-29th ; Dec. 26-27th. ^y. Kingston-on-Thames & 4. KENDAL 1 (Westmorland), M. 16, MM, Pop. 14,033. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-Castle (Ens.) (A) ; Church (C). :§: W. E. I: &2/ Highgate, Finkle St., Stramongate, Longpool, andMintsfeet Bd.:— Borrow Br. 9, Shap 16, Penrith Si 26 (gd. V. stp. nr. Shap, l/ll-ld-17 asc. at 10 m.). E. 11: by Highgate, Finkle St., Stramongate, and Castle St. :— Sedbergh • 10 (gd. rd., mount. 1/9 asc. at 2 m.). Moor Cock inn 20, • 24, Askrigg 30, Redmire 37 (gd. und.). Halfpenny Ho. 43, Richmond &. 48 (had. V. hilly, two 1/9 desc. to Richmond), Darlington ffl. 60 (gd. rd. hilly). • 1. Sedbergh 10, Kirkby Stephen 2i{med.), Brough 29, Barnard Castle 46, Bishop Auckland a 61, Durham ®. 71 (gd., hilly, 1/12 asc. at 12 m.). • V. 24, Hawes 26, Aysgarth 34, Middleham 43, Masham 53, Ripon Si 63 (med. rd. hilly, 1/12 asc. at 36 m.). E. Ill : hy Highgate, Kirkland, NetherHeld, and Lound Rd. :— • 1, Old Hutton 5, Kirkby Lonsdale 12, Settle ®. • 30, Long Preston • 34, Skipton a • 46, Keighley S. 56 (v. gd. und., 1/12 desc. at 29 m.). • r. 1, Endmoor 6, Burton 11, Carnfortli ®. 15, Lancaster a 22 (gd. rd. hilly, several 1/15 gradients). • r. Settle ffi. 30, Clitheroe a 47, Whalley fi. 51, Accrington 56 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/lU desc. at US m.). • r. Long Preston 34, Nelson 50, Bumloy a 54 (med. und., 1/13 asc. at h5 m.). • 1. Skipton a 46, Harrogate ffi. 68 (v. gd., v. hilly). E. IV : by Highgate, Kirkland, and MUnthorpe Rd. :— Levens Br. • 5,. Milnthorpe 7, Carnforth Si 14, Lancaster St 21 (v. gd. tend, recom.), Preston a 43, London iS. 258. • r. Levens Br. 5, Lindaie 11, Newby Bridge 17, Ulverston 26 (gd. und. rd. recom.). E. V : by All Hallows Lane, Beast Bank, and Summer Hill :— Crosthwaite Ch. 5, Newby Br. 12 (mount, rd., 1/8 asc. at 2 m. and desc. at 10 m.), Haverthwaite 14, Ulverston 21 (;med. hilly. This is not used as a through route.— See E. IV). E. VI : by Highgate, Stricklandgate, and Windermere Rd. :— staveiey 5, Windermere ^ 8, Ambleside St. 13, Grasmere 17, Keswick 30 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 8 m. and into Keswick). m King's Arms, Stricklandgate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- 5 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- Qo) ^ 17. m. Commercial, Highgate, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 PG 10 y RAC Lt. T Commercial Jf> 236. County Hotel, RAC. 355 — Kendal (continued). KESWICK County B. 1 Highgate 2 Finkle Street 3 Stramongate 4 Longpool 5 Mintsfeet Road 6 Castle Street 7 Kirkland 8 Netheriield 9 Lound Road 10 Hilnthorpe Road 11 All Hallows Lane 12 Beast Bank 13 Summer Hill 14 Stricklandgate 15 'Windermere Road ^» Michelin Stockist, H. J. Croft, The Ga.rag:e, Agt. for HuMBER, Austin, Sunbeam, Arkol- Johnston, Alldays, [25] LT \ Sun., RAC T Croft :f> 188. — Atkinson & Griffin, Westmoreland Garage, Agt. for Belsize, Clement-Talbot, Crospley, Darracq, [3o1 Box U Sun., Night, RAC T Griffin :p> 73. Kenilworth (Warwick), M. 22, ED, Pop. 5,776. E.G., Thurs. See :— Castle (Rns.) • ; St. Nicholas Ch. (XlVth c.) ; E. Stoneleigh Abb. 3. ^ N.W. 1. Coventry j®. 5 = Leamington ^ 4, Banbury a 24 = Warwick a 5 = stone- bridge 9 < Coleshill 13, Lichfield f^ 28 — Birmingham ^ 19. SS Abbey, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Gar Box U adj Gratis N 1/- an RAC :p> 43 Mid. a^ King's Arms and Castle, Warwick Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar [e] Court [Is] ins M -/6 N 1/-. (!^ Queen and Castle, Casi^e Grem, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/6 Shed Court ins Gratis \8\ ^ 53. ^p» H. Eykyn & Son, Wanvick Rd., Agt. for RiLEY, [6] Box mu \ Sun., Night, RAC :^ 57. Ken more (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 1,271 P. See :— Priory (Rns. Xllth c). Aberfeldy fi. 6 = Ardeonaig 9, Killin 16 = Lawers Hotel 8, KiHin 17. m Breadalbane, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 to 5/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U ins Gratis (T] SAC T Hotel. KESWICK (Cumberland), M. 12, EH, Pop. 4,403. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Crosthwaite Ch. (A); Greta Hall (C) ; Museum (M) ; E. Druids' ♦circle O^iew) • 2. See on p. 5 the metV\o€L used In arrang^ing: the Hotels. KESWICK - 356 - Keswick {continued). E.l: by Main St., Station St., and Pennth Rd. .— Threnkeld 4, Penruddock • 12, Greystoke 14, Penrith S^ 19 {(jd., hilly, jHct. recom., 1/10 asc. at 6 m.). • r. Penruddock 12, Penrith & 18 (gd., hilly, pict., l/VJ dene, at V, m.). E. II : hy Main St. and Ambleside Rd. : — Wythburn 9, Grasmere • 13, Ambleside fi. 17, Windermere fi. 22, Kendal Sl 30 (gd., rd. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 1 m. and at 22 in. A new rd. on west side of Lake Thirhnere is easier, v. pict. and only 1 m. longer). • r. Grasmere 13, Eiterwaiter 16, Coniston 21, Ulverston 35 (yd., v. hilly, pict., 1/9 desc. at 19 m.). E. Ill : by Main St. and Cockermouth Rd. .— Braithwaite Br. • 2, Embleton 10, CockermOUth ffl. 13 ((/d. rd., 1/25 deSC. at 12 m.), Bridgefoot • 17, Whitehaven a 27 (gd. rd. hilly). • 1. Braithwaite Br. 2, Scaw-Giii 6, Cocl 20. Ijgji Lodore, Borrowdale, 5 m. S. (Easter to end of Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/6 § Box g] Gar M ins Gratis X 1/- RAC f> 2 GPO. W^. K(jyal Oak, Station Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/- 8 Gar ins Gratis [20] "^ 23. im Swan, Thornthtmite (3 m.. N. W.), B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis g] RAC T Swan, Thornthwaite, Keswick. f^» Edmondson's Garage, 28, Main St., Agt. for SUNBEAM, [g] Boxes [DUN Sun., RAC T Alpha qF> 53. — J. Hodgson, SI, Main St. — 357 KETTERING KETTERING '1 (Northampton), M. 22, ED, Pop. 29,976. M.D., Fn\ ; E.C., Tkurs. See :— St. Peter and St. Paul's Ch. (Goth.) • (A). "^ S.W. 1 {direction Broughtoa). E. I : by Xeivlaml St. and Rockingham Rd. :— Kookingham 9, Uppingham 14, Oakham a 21, Melton Mowbray ffi. 31, Nottingham Sk. 49 {gd., v. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 8 m. and 16 m.). E. II : by Montagu St. and Stamford Rd. :— weidoa S, Duddington 17, Stamford fi. 22 (magn. rd., 1/16 desc. at 20 m.). KETTERING E. Ill : by Silrer St., Dalkeith PL, and London Rd.:— • 2, Cianford 4, Thrapston a 9, Huntingdon ffl. 26 (gd. und., 1/17 asc. at 3 m.). • r. 2, Finedon 6, Higham Ferrers 10, Bietsoe 18, Bedford Sl 25 (v. gd., hilly, 1/15 asc. at 31 m.), London ffi 77. E. IV : by Silver St., Dalkeith PL, London Rd., and Wellingboroxigh Rd. :— ' Welllngborougtj 8. Bozeat 14, Olney 19, Newport Pagnell 2i(gd. umL, 1/13 desc. at 11 m.). E.M: by Gold St., High St., Market Hill, SheejJ SL, and Xorthampton Rd. : — Bioughton 3, Northampton a 14 {magn. rd., I/IU asc. at 2 m.). KEW 358 K e tte ring (contimied). E. VI : by Gold St., Lower St., and Rothwell Rd. ;- Kothwell 4, Market Harborough a 11, Leicester a '26 (r. gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 desc. at U m.). fm koyal, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 US/- Chfr 7/- [cHl 5 Shed g] Shelter M ins M -/6 N 1/- ^ 462. jWi George, Sheep St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins ^I - 6 N 1/- E] RAC :?> 486. © Central, A7, fl"t7A St., B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/- R 1/9 Chfr 5/- [ch! 5 Shed ad] Gratis [i] :p> 495. ® Albion {Temperance), L 2/- E, 2/- Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Gratis [g; -J^ 482. ff» Mlchelin Stockist, H. Taylor, Montagu St., Agt.for Hv.mbki;, Flanders, [ej U Sun. T Taylor Garage :f> 17X3. M.C.T. — C. Robinson & Co., Montagu St., H] U N Sun. RAC- T Robinson's Garage ::p> 154. Kew (Surrey), M. 42, Pop. 2,699 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Mausoleum); Royal Botanic Gardens •. London IB. 7 = Richmond a 2, Twickenham 4, Hampton Si 7. Keynsham (Somerset), M. 27, Pop. 3,152 P. See :-Parish Ch. ; Abbey (Rns.). ^ S.E. 2. Bath a 8 = 3 •< Farrington Gurney 10, WellS ®. 18 — Chew Magna 7, Brockley Combe 15. Weston-super-IWare ^ 26 — Brockiey Combe 15, Clevedon ®. 21 = Bristol m 5. m Lamb and Lark, High St., B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/6 ffi Gar ins Gratis [i] Court js] :f« 31. ^H A. H. Beak, Bath Hill. KiDDERMINSTER # (Worcester), M. 21, El, Pop. 24,333. M.l>.. T/r»rs., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. :§: W. 1 (E. V). E.\:I)y Coventry St. and Stourbridge lid. :— • 1, Whittington 4, Waiiheath 9, Wolverhampton J®. 16 (v. gd. und., m}. 1/lU asc. at 9 m.). , • r. 1, Stourbridge ®. 7 (gd. und., IJIU asc. at k »/.). KIDDERMINSTER SCALE 1 Coventry St. 2 Stourbridge Rd. 3 Birminahain Rd. 4 Vicar Street 5 Oxford Street ,6 Comberton Rd. 7 Hoo Road 8 New Road 9 Stourport Road 10 BliU Street 11 Park Butts 12 Bewdley Road 13 Franobe noad - 359 - KILMARNOCK Kidderminster (continued). E. It : hy Coventry St., and Birmingham Ed. :— Hagiey 6, Halcsowen 10, Birmingham & 17 (med. hilly, 1112 asc. at 7 m. and 11 m.). E. Ill : by Vicar St., Oxford St., and Comberton Bd. :— Mustow Green 3, Bromsgrove 10, Alcester 23, Stratford-on-Avon a 31 (gd. rd. hilly, several 1/W gradients), London a 125; E. IV : by Vicar St, Oxford St., and Worcester Rd. :— Crossway Green 5, Ombersley 8, WorcestCP Si 14 (v. gd. und., l/K asc. at k m.). E. V : 61/ Vicar St., Oxford St., New Rd., and Hereford Rd. :— Stourport 4, Gt. witiey 9, Upper Sapey 15, Bromyard 21, Hereford & 35 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/8 asc. at 13 in.). E. VI : by Mill St., Park Bxdts, and Bexvdley Rd. :— Bewdley 3, aows Top 9, NewnUam 14, Tenbury 17, Leominster Q. 28 (gd., V. hilly, 1/9 desc. at 9 m.). E. VII : by Mill St. and Franche Rd. .— Quatt 9, Bridgnorth fi. 14 (v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/12 asc. at 2 m.). m Lion, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 2/6 E 5/- Chfr 7/6 8 Shed ins M 1/- Nl/6[6] T Lion :F>96. m. Black Horse, Mill St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- ® Shed ins Gratis jt] RAC T Black Horse :?> 186. ff" Nlichelin Stocl(ists, Castle iVIotor Co., Ltd., Neu> Rd. and 19, Vicar St., Agt. for HUMBBR, Belsize, Napiek, Crossley, Ford, [so] U \ Sun., Night, KAC T Castle Motor :?> 113. - J. Sanders, 58, Aeiv Rd., Agt. for R.C.H., [5] U \ Sun., :p> 5X4. Kidwelly (Carmarthen), !«. 19, ME, Pop. 3,035. E.C., Wed. See :— Harbour ; Castle (Xlth c. Ens.) ; St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.). Carmarthen ^ 10 = Llaneliy 0, Swansea j^ 20. Kilbirnie (Ayr), M. 11, Pop. 4,571. See :-W. Kilbirnie Place (Pais. XlVth c.) ; Church 1. 2 -c: Lochwinnoch 4, Paisley ®. 14 — Beitli 4 — Lochwinnoch 4, Kilmacolm 13 = Dairy 4, Kilwinning 9, Ardrossan 14 = Largs 9. Killin (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 537 (Alt. 360 ft.). See :— N. Finlarig Cas. (Ens.) 1 ; Loch Tay. Kenmore 17, Aberfeldy & 23 = Aideonaig 7, Kenmore 16, Aberfeldy ^ 22 = i.ix 3 < Lochearnhead 8, Callander 22 — Crianlarich 14, Arrochar 33. m Killin, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/6 ^ Gar U ins X 1/- [12] SAC T Hotel. Kilmacolm (Renfrew), M. 11, Pop. 2,220 (Alt. 291 ft.). ^3: E. Port Glasgow 4, Greenock ffi. 7 = Bridge of Weir 4, Johnstone Q. 7, Paisley fi. 11 = Lochwinnoch 9, Kilbirnie 13. JH. Kilmacolm Hydro, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- ^ Gar U 250 y Gratis X 1/6 [5] T Hydro :f> 167. KILMARNOCK # (Ayr), M. 11, Pop. 34,729. M.D., Tues., Fri.; E.C., 1st Wed. See -.—Burns' Mon. (A) ; Dick Institute (M) ; X.E. Dean's Cas. 1. ■^. E. I : by Portland St. and Hill St. :— Stewarton 5, Caldwell stn. 12, Barrhead • 17, Paisley & 21 (med. und., 1/17-19 desc. at 9 m.). • r. Barrhead 17, Glasgow S. 25. E. II : by Portland St., Wellington St., and Dean St. :— Fenwick 4, Newton Meama 14, GlasgOW fi. 21 (v. gd. pict., 1/25 gradients). E. Ill : by Duke St. and London Rd. .— Huriford • 2, Galston 5 Xewmilns 7, Darvel 9, Strathaven 20, Stone- house 24, Garrion Br. 28, Newmains 31, Breich Cross Eds. 40, W. Calder44, Mid caider 49, Edinburgh m. 61 (gd., hilly, 1/lU asc. at 28 m.). • r. Huriford 2, Mauchline 9, Auchinlech 14, Cumnock 16, Pathhead 21, Kirkconnel 29, Sanquhar 32, Enterkinfoot 38, Carronbridge 42, Thorn- hill 44, Dumfries Si 59 (v. gd. 2)ict., 1/23-lU gradients to Kirkconnel), London Sl 394. E.IV : by King St., Titchfield St., and Glencairn St. .— Riccarton 1, Monkton 8, Prestwick fi. 9, Ayr ifi, 12 (v. gd.). KILSYTH Kilmarnock (continued) KILMARNOCK ®M A.BURNS MONUMENT ■ DICK INSTITUTE P.S.-R.S.-T.- (See p. 3) Portland Street 2 HUl Street 3 VtreUlngton Street ♦ Dean Street 6 Duke Street 6 London Road 7 King Street 8 Titchfield Street d Glencaim Street 10 St Marnock Street U Portland Road 12 Irvine Road 13 John Finnie Street E.yj: by King St., Marnock St., Portland Rd., and In-lne Jid. :— Irvine 7 {v. gd. und.), Kilwinning 10, Stevenston 13, Saltcoats 14, Ardrossan 15 (v. gd.). ^ George, Portland St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter [6] Court m adj Gratis N 1/- :p> 237 Nat. W» Michelin Stockists, Duniop Motor Co., Ltd., 39, John Finnie St. and Nelson St., Agt. for B.S.A., [20111% Sun., Night, T Duniop Motors If" 26X Nat. — iVIichelin Stockists, Dick Bros., Dtike St., jao] If Sun., Night, SAC T Magnetic ;?> 288, — The Kilmarnock Garage, 91, Portland St., Agt. for Akgyll, dU U \ Sun., Night, T Provan :fo 152. • Kilsyth (Stirling), IVI. 12, El, Pop. 8,106. See :— N. Castle (Rns.) 1 ; Kilsyth Hills. i>ennyioanhead 6 < Falkirk Si. 12 — Denny 8, Stirling ffl. 15 = 3 < Kirkintilloch S. 5, Glasgow a 13 — LennoxtoMn 7, Strathblane 11, Aberfoyle 27. ^p» W. Adair, Kilsyth Motor and Cycle Depot, Kimistnn JUL, [4] U N Sun., Night, T Adams :f> 74. Kilwinning: (Ayr), M. 11, [pl, Pop. 4,945. See :— Kilwinning Priory (Rns.) ; N.E. Slanes Cas. (Ens.) ; S.E. Eglinton Cas. 2. Dairy 5 = Auciientiber 4, Glasgow fl. 24 = Irvine 3 < Ayr a. 14 — Kilmarnock a 10 = Saltcoats 4, Ardrossan 5. - 361 - KING'S LYNN Kimbolton (Huntingdon), M. 23, Pop. 915 P. See :-Castle (Rns.) ; St. Andrew's Ch. (Goth.). ^ N.W. 2. Fox Inn 5 < Thrapston 11, Kettering a 20 — Oundle 15 = Staughton Green ;i < Cross Hall 7, St. Neots ffl. 8, Cambridge ^ 25 — Buckden 7, Hunting- don ffi. 11 — staughton Green 3, Cross Hall 7, Biggleswade 18 = Bedford Sl i;> = Higham Ferrers 10, Wellingborough 15. Kincardine (Fife), M. 9, Pop. 1,710. See :— Airth Cas. (Xlllth c.) ; Dunmore Ho. ; Dunmore Pottery ; N. Tullialan Cas. 1. ' 2 •< Clackmannan 4, Alloa j®. 6 — Ramhom Cross Roads 6, Kinross 18 — Ramhom Cross Roads 6, Dollar 8 = 7 < North Queensferry 14, (ferry -30*) South Queensferry 15 — Culross 4 = Alioa Si 6. Kineton (Warwick), IVI. 22, Pop. 1,008 P. See:— St. Peter's Ch. (Tower, XlVth c.) ; S.E. Edge Hill (Battle- field) 4. weiiesboume 5 < Warwick a 11 — Stratford-on-Avon a 10 = Banbury SL12. Kin^horn (Fife), M. 9, m, Pop. 1,549. :^ W. 4. Burntisland 3, Granton (ferry -29*) 8, Edinburgh a 11 = Kirkcaldy Q.3. Kingrsbridgre d (Devonshire), M. 26, inS» Pop. 3,049. M.D., Sat; E.iJ.,Thurs. See :— Parish Ch. (Norm.) (Mon.) ; Town Hall (Mus.) ; Old Ho. ^ S. 5. Totnes 12, Newton Abbot a 20 = Dartmouth 15 = Salcombe 7 = Mod- bury 8, Toll-gate 19 (Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 2d.) Plymouth ffl. 20. jUiJL Albion, 9U, Fore St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis \3] T Albion. lH King's Arms, Fore St., B 2/6 L 2/6 114/- Chfr 6/6 Shed U ins Gratis RAC T Startup :p> 24. ff^ Michelin Stockist, W. H. Burgroyne, Quay Garage, Duke St., dH U N Sun., Night, T Burgoyne :^ 23. Kingrsclere (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 2,452 P. M.D., Tues. See :— Parish Ch. (Norm.) ; Park Ho. ; Racing Stables. Newbury ffl. 7 = 2 < Basingstoke ffi. 9 — Reading ®. 18 = Wiiitchurch a 8, Winchester Si 20. KING'S LYNN @ (Norfolk), IW. 23, El, Pop. 20,205. M.D., Tves., Sat. ; B.C., Wed. See :— St. Nicholas' Chap. (Goth.) (A) ; St. Margaret's Ch. (Xlllth c.) (D) ; Greyfriars Tower (Xlllth c.) (E) ; Red Mount Chap. (C) ; Southgate (F) ; Guildhall (G) ; N. Castle Rising (Cas. and Ch. Vllth c. Rns.) 5. E. I : hif St James's Ed., Blackfriars Ed., Littleport St., and Gaywood Ed. :- Gaywood • 1, South Wootton • 2, HlUmgtou 7, Harpley 12, Fakenham Si 22, Holt m. 34, Cromer ^ 44 (v. gd., 1/17 asc. at 3U m.). • r. Gaywood 1, Gayton 7, Litcham 17, North Elmham 24, Bawdeswell 28, Attlebridge 34, Norwich ^ 42 (v. gd., 1/16 asc. at I'l m.). • 1. South Wootton 2, Dersingham 9, Hunstanton Sl 16 (v. gd., hilly, pict., 1/16 asc. at 15 m. and desc. at 16 m.). E. II : hy London Ed. and Hardwick Ed. :— Hardwick Comer • 2, Narborough 10, Swaffham 16, East Dereham ®. 28, Norwich ffi. 44 (magn. und.). • r. Hardwick Comer 2, Setchiey 4, • • 5, Downham Market 11, Littleport 24, Ely a 29, Cambridge a 45 (magn. level rd.), London Si 103. • • 1. 5, Stradsett 10, Stoke Ferry Sl 14, Mundford 22, Thetford @l 30. Bury St. Edmunds ffl. 42 (gd. level rd). E. Ill : by London Ed. and Wisbech Ed. : — • 2, St John's Highway 7, Wisbech ffi. 13 (magn. level rd.). • V. 2, Terrington St. Clements 6, Suttonbridge 11, Long Sutton ®. 14, Fleet 17, Holbeach • • 19, Fosdyke 26, Sutterton • • 29^ Boston ffl. 35 {v. gd. level rd.). • • 1. Holbeach 19, Spalding ^ 27, Market Deeping 39, Stamford SL i7 (gd. fl: rd.). • • 1. Sutterton 29, Swineshead 34, Heckington 41, Sleaford Sk 46, LlnCOln ® 63 (V. gd., 1/12 desc. at 60 m.). KINGSTON-ON-THAMES - 862 - Kingr's Lynn {continued). JSI 'J'he Globe, Market PL atid King St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 S Gar TJ ins Gratis N 1/6 [p RAC T Globe Hotel Lyiiu ^ 179. m Duke's Head, Jfartci Pi., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- to 4/6 Chfr 0/- 5 Shelter ins Gratis \w\ Tf- 190. ilftL Cozens, St. John's Terrace, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- « Gar ins Gmtis N 1/- T Cozens :?^ 173. jUJl East Anglian, Op^). S'««., L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shelter ins C?m(is ^^ (U T East Anglian :}«> 172. KING'S LYNN SCALE Duke'a Head H (See p 1 St. James' Road 2 Blackfriar? Street 3 Blackfriars Road 4 Littleport Street 5 Gaywood Road 6 London Road 7 Hardwlch Road 8 Wisbech Road 9 St. James' Street Michelin Stockists, W. H. Johnson & Sons, a, St. .fa„ie.^ St. and Tower PL, Agt. for Wolskley, BELSIZE, Foki>, Dk Dion, !^ U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Johnson, Motorist :?> 28. M.C.T. KINGSTON-ON-THAMES @ (Surrey), M. 29, and Special Maps 42, 43, ED, Pop. 37,977. M.D., Thurs. ; B.C., Wed., Sat. See :-All Saints Ch. (A) ; Almshouses (XVIIth c.) (C) ; Liifkin's Chap. (XlVth c.) (D) ; Court Ho. (E) ; Saxon Coronation' Stone (F) ; County Hall (CH.) ; Kingston-Hill (View) (E. II) 1. E. \ : by Clarence St. , and Richmond Rd. ;— Riclimond ®. • 3, Kew 5, Brentford 7, Hanweli 10, Ruisiip 17, Rickmans- worth 22, Amersham ja 30 {gd. rd.). • r. Richmond Sl 3, Mortlake 6, Barnes 7, London S. 12 {med. rd.). - 363 - KINGSTON-ON-THAMES Kingrston-on-Thames (continued) E. II : by London Rd. and Kingston Hill ;— Wandsworth 6, London ffi. 12 (med. rd.). E. \\\: by London Ed. mui Coombe Rd. : — Merton 6, Mitcham 8, Streatham 11, Penge 15, Beckenham Sk 17 {ined. rd.), Bromley ^ 19, Sidcup S. 24, Bexley 27, Dartford m. 30 {gd. rd.). E. IV : by London Rd., Cambridge Rd., and Kingston Rd. : — Sutton fi. 7, Wallington ®. 9, Croydon ffi. 11 (gd. rd.), E. V : by Thames St., High St., and Portsmouth Rd. :— .Surbiton • 1, Esher ^ 4, Ripley 12, Guildford ffi. 18 (magn. rd., I/IU desc. at 18 m.). • 1. Surbiton 1, Ewell 5, Tad worth 10, Reigate ffl. 15 (gd. rd., 1/13 desc. at 13 m.). • 1. Surbiton 1, Hook 3, Leatherhead 8, Dorking ®. 13, Horsham &. 27, Brighton S^ 50 (v. gd. und., 1J15 asc. at 23 m.). KINGSTON-ON-THAMES 1 Clarence Street 2 Richmond Road 3 London Road 4 Kingston Hill^ 5 Coombe Road'/Vv 6 Cambridge RoadV\ 7 Kingston RoadxA,> BASl 9 High Street 10 Portsmouth Road 11 Kingston Bridge 12 Hampton Court Rd 13 High Street 14 Park Road 15 Sandy Lane ^^ i^-$'lf/. 16 Acre Road ^f///^^^^ i 17 Gloucester Road E. VI : by Kingston Bridge and Hampton Rd. : — Hampton a. • 3, Staines fflL 10, Windsor ^ 16 {v. gd. level rd.). • 1. Hampton fflt 3, Sunbury 5, Chertsey 10, Bagshot 20, Camberley ®. 23, Hartley Row 30, Basingstoke ®. 39 (gd. und., several 1/17 gradients). E. VII : by Kingston Bridge, High St., Park Rd., and Sandy Lane :— Teddington ffl. 2, Twickenliam 3, leieworth 5, Brentford 6, Uxbridge ^ 15, Beaconsfield ffi. 23, High Wycombe Sl 29 (v. gd.). m^ The Sun, 10, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 K. 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed LT ins Gratis \§] :p> 249. m. Griffin, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis [6] T Griffin :p> 404 PO. ^^ Kingston, 0pp. L. & S. W. Rly. Stn., B2/- L2/6 D 3/- R3/- to 4/- CMr 5/- Gar ins Gratis [3] :?> 744 PO. Before setting out on a tour, visit or vrrite to our Touring: Officci 81, Fulham Rd., London, S.W., where your itinerary will be drawn up free of cha.rg:e. KINGTON - 364 - Kina:8ton-on-Tha.mes {continued). Tfw MIchelln Stockists, Kinerston Motor Works, 27-29, High St., [12] Boxes [3] U S feun., Night, f Palmer Motors :F> 1863, 1857, 106, M.CT. — E. A. Turner, Coombe Lane, Agt. for Bblsize, [l2] U \ f^"n., Night, :p> 1169 PO. — J. C. Batchelor, 200, London Rd.,\M'U \:f' 104 PO. Kington 1 (Hereford), M. 20, ED, Pop. 1,819. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., 2nd Thurs. See -.—Parish Ch. (Alabaster Tomb) ; Hergest Court Farm ; Bradnor Camp. Presteigne 7, Knighton 14 = Lyonshaii 2 «: Fork 3, Burton Cross 9, Leomin- ster ffl. 14 — Hereford ^19 — Lyonshaii 2, Fork 3, Mortimer's Cross 10, Tenbury 24 — Lyonshaii 2, Burton Cross 9, Hereford ®. 21 = Willersley 6 < Hereford ®. 19 — Hay a 13 = New Kadnor 7, Rhayader 26. Jfift Burton House, Mill St., B2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis [io) :p> 9 PO. a Oxford Arms, Duke St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 5/- [ cm Gar ins Crmt/s N 1/- [e] T Oxford Arms. TF" Micheiin Stockist, James Fryer, Progrress Works, A 4. Kingussie ® (Inverness), M. 9, |PB), Pop. 1,171. See :— N. Loch Guinach 2; S. Loch Seilich 11; S.W, Cluny Cas. 9 ; Loch Laggan 18. ^ (adj. toivn). Aviemore 12, 17 •< Inverness S. 44 — Grantown ffl. 27 = insch 5, Feshiebridge 9, Aviemore 15 = Newtonmore SlS-< Blair AthoU 38 — Fort William a 50. am Duke of Gordon (Stay to Oct.), B 3/- L 3/- D 4/6 R 5/6 Chfr 7/- Gar ins N 2/- f^. f>m Royal, i/ififA S«., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins [2]. j?@i Wolfenden's Star, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins N 2/- [2] SAC. ^" Micheiin Stockists, Ewa.n Campbell & Sons, High St., Agt. for BELSIZE, Vauxhall, [15] U N sac T Campbell's Garage. Kinioch Rannoch (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 514 P, ^ Rannoch stn. 17. See :— Loch Rannoch ; E. Loch Tummel 8 ; Shiehallion (3,547 ft.). 3 < Caivine 14, Blair AthoU 18 — Tummel Br. 7, Pitlochry jS. 21 = Aberfeldy a. 18 = Rannoch Stn. 17. ilil Dunalastair, Gar Shed U ins Gratis [t] SAC T Macinillan. Lochrannoch Hotel, SAC. Kinross (Kinross), M. 9, ICTi, Pop. 2,618. M.D., Mon. See :— E. Loch Leven ; Castle 1. ^ (opp. station). Milnathort S. 2, Perth ffl. 17 = Cowdenbeath 8 < Burntisland 15 — Inverkeithing 14 = Turfhllls 1 •< Crook of Devon 6, Alloa fi. 18 — Dollar 11. 4gi Green, The Green, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/9 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins N 1./- [U T Harris :p» 6. fpm John Morgan, Loch Leven Garage, High St., [6] U \ Sun., Night, T Lochleven Garage :}« 24 PO. Kintore (Aberdeen), M. 10, Pop. 789. See :— S.W. Hallforest Oas. (Rns.) 2. Inverurie a 4, Old Meldrum 9 = Aberdeen ffl. 13 = Kemnay 4, Alford 17. Kippen (Stirling), M. 9, Pop. 1,456 P. See :— Fintrey Hills. 1 < Thornhill 4, Callander 10 — Stirling a 9 — Thornhill 4, Doune 8, Dunblane 12 = Lennoxtown 15, Glasgow ffl. 25 = Balloch 21. Kirby IMoorsicle (Yorkshire), M. 17, Pop. 1,550 P. "X, iPi^J- ^0! 400. ia. George, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shelter ins ji2] ;F> 398. ff>" MIchelin Stockists, E. Descamps & Co., Station Hotel Buildings, Agt. for Metallurgique, Vulcan, [^ Boxes [6] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Descamps ;p> 256. — Miller Bros., Institution St., Agt. for FORD, [go] U Sun., Night, T Miller Bros. :p> 286. — Love's Automobile Co., Carlyle Rd., [6] Boxes [2] LT \ Sun., Night, SAC T Loves Garage :p> 234. Kirkcudbrigrht (Kirkcudbright), M. 12, (H, Pop. 2,191. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., /leA Sat. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; Parish Ch. ; Court Ho. ; E. Dundrennan Abb. • 6 ; S. St. Mary's Isle 2. ^ {adj. station). • 1, Eingford 5, Lauiiestown 10, New Galloway 19 {gd., hilly, pict.), Carsphairn 32, Dalmellington 42, Ayr Q. 57 (i'. hilly, l/r^i desc. at 63 m.). • r. 1, Tongueiand 2, Castle Douglas a 10, Dumfries fi. 28 {v. gd., lj'25 desc, at 25 m.). Bombie 3, Auchencaim 11, Palnachie 15, Dalbeattie IS, Dumfries ffl. 32 {gd., hilly, several II lU gradients to Aticliencairn). * Gateshouse-of-the-Fleet 9, Newton Stewart & 27 {gd., hilly, 1/17 desc. at S ?rt.), igi Royal, St. Cuthbert St., B 2/3 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins N 1/6 [13 SAC qR> 11. ^ Selkirk Arms, 12^, High St., B 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Shed opp Gratis N 1./- [2] :p> 2. f^ a;. J. Macdonald & Co., 106, High St., Agt. for De DIETRICH, [g U \ Sun., Night, T Macdonald :f> 8. — G. Williamson, S, Bridge St.,^U \ Sun., Night, T William- son ;p> 13. . • Kirkham (Lancashire), IVI. 16, EdI, Pop. 3,693. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. See :— R. C. Church (Goth.). Blackpool ja 9 = Preston Sl 8 n'lytham a 6. Kirkintilloch # (Dumbarton), M. 12, El, Pop. 11,932. E.C., Wed. See :— Roman Fort (View). Lennoxtown 4 <. Strathblane 8, Aberfoyle 24 — Kippen 19, ThornhiU 23, Callander 29 = Kilsyth 5, Stirling ffl. 20 = Glasgow ffl. 8. ff» MIchelin Stockist, J. McLay, East High St., [U U \ Sun., Night, T McLay J^ 130. KIRKOSWALD - 366 - Kirkoswald (Cumberland), M. 13, Pop. 560 P. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; St. Oswald's Ch. (Belft-y) ; N. The Croglin (Gorge) 2 ; S. Long Meg and her Daughters (Stone Circle) 2. Aimathwaite 6 < Carlisle a 19 — Brampton 18 = Alston 15 = Penrith fi. 9. Kirkwall (Orkney Islands), M, 6, ^, Pop. 3,810.. See :— St. Magnus Cath. • ; Bishop's Pal. (Rns.) ; Earl's Pal. (Rns.). Sebay Mill 6, Deernfiss Ch. 12 (gd. rd.). Wilderness 4, St. Mary's 7 {gd. rd.). Swanbister 8, Waith Br. 14, Stromness 18 {gd. rd.). Finnistown 7, • 9, Smithfleld 14, Biisay Bay 20 {gd. rd.). • 1. 9, Waith Br. 12, Stromness 16 {gd. rd.). ^r^ W. R. Tulloch, Cycle and Motor Depot, Agt. for Humber, [6] Box \T\ Sun., Night, T Tulloch Motors SAC. Kirriemuir ^ (Forfar), M. 10, m. Pop. 3,776. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., TImrx. ^ X. 1 {direction Cortachy). Coitachy 5, Ciova 15 {v. gd., hilly, 1/12 asc. from Kirriemuir). Fannadice 8, Brechin ®. 15 {gd. und.). Forfar Sl 6 {gd. rd~, 1/11-12 asc. and desc. from Kirriemuir). Giamis • 5, Todhuis 11, Dundee & 17 {v. gd., v. hilly, l/ll asc. from Kirriemuir). • V. Giamis 5, Meigie 11, Coupar Angus 16, Perth a 29 {v. gd. und., 1/19-21 asc. at 5 m.). craigton 4, New Alyth ^ 10, Blairgowrie &. 14 {gd., hilly, 1/10 asc. from Kirriemuir), Perth ffl. 30 {v. gd. und. pict.). Dykend 10, Lair 20, Spital of Glenshee 25, Deinl's Elbow 31, Braemar ®. 40 {gd., V. hilly, 1/9 asc. and desc. at 31 m.). mh OgilvyArms, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar Shed U adj Gratis X 1/- [^ SAC :j<> 7. if^a Michelin Stockists. A. Simpson & Son, Forfar Cycle and Motor Works, Agt. for Belsize, Argyll, Ford, (Isl U \ SAC T Garage :p> 23. Knaresborough (Yorkshire), M. 17, ED, Pop. 5,315. M.D., Wed.; B.C., Sat. See :— Castle ; Church (Goth.) ; Dropping Well ; St. Robert's Chap. ; St. Robert's Cave. Ripley 5, Ripon ^ 13 = Boroughbridge ^ 7 = 1 < Wetherby a 7, Doncaster ia. 38 — York a 18 = Harrogate &. 3. iSl Elephant and Castle, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- to 6/6 Shed U 20 y 1/- [6] :F> 38. Knighton (Radnor), M. 20, Ed)> Pop. 1,886. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Fri. See :— Offa's Dyke ; Old Mansions ; N. Caer Caradoc Camp 3. i^ W. 1 {direction Bleddfa). Clun 7, Bishop's Castle • 13 {v. hilly, many 1/8-10 gradients). Minster- ley 26, Shrewsbury ffl. 35 {gd. rd., 1/13 asc. to Shre^vsbury). • 1. Bishop's . Castle 13, Montgomery SSl 22 {gd. rd., 1/10 asc. from Bishojys Castle). Leintwardine 8, Bromfleld 14, LudlOW ffi 17 {gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 asc. from Knighton), Cleobury Mortimer 28, Bewdley 36, Kidderminster ffi. 39 {v. med. hilly). • 2, Presteigne 7 {hilly, 1/8-10 asc. and desc), Titiey 10, Lyonshaii 13, Yazor 21, Hereford a 29 {v. gd.). • r. 2, Whitton 4, New Radnor 10 {med. hilly). Bleddfa 7, Penybont 13, Llaudrindrod Wells 18, Bullth 26 {gd., v. hilly, 1/9 asc. at 1 m.). Beguiidy 8, Doifor 15, Nowtown ®. 20 {gd. mid., 1/9 desc. at 15 m.). y^m Tom Norton, Ltd., Broad St., adj. Norton Ar7HS Hotel, Agt. for WoLSELBY, Sunbeam, Sheffield-Simplex, Ford. Over- LAXD, d] Box Q] U RAC T Norton :p> 6. Knotting^ley (Yorkshire), IVI. 17, EU, Pop- 6,682. snaith 11, Goole 19 = Pontefract 3, Wakefield a 12. Knowie (Warwick), M. 22 {not marked on map). Pop. 2,093. ^. See :— St. John's Ch. ; W. Grimshaw Hall (XVIIth c.) 1. Solihull 3, Birmingham ®l 10 = Warwick a 11 = Henley-in-Arden 8. ©Forest, B 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/- Shed adj Gratis g] T Dane, Dorridge :}« 30. I - 367 - LANARK Knutsford 1 (Cheshire), M. 16, EH, I'op. 5,760. M.D., Tties., Sat.; E.G., Wed. See :— Old Houses ; The King's Coffee House ; S. tower Peover's Ch. (Xlllth c.) 3 ; W. Tabley Old Hall 2. '^(Visitors must be introduced). 2 < Mere Comer 3, Warrington a 12 — Altrincham a 8 = Wilmslow 7, Cheadle ^ 12, Manchester a 19 = Cheiiord 6 «5 Macclesfield & li — Congleton 14 = 2 < Holmes Chapel 7, Congleton 15 — Middlewich 10, Nantwich j®. 20 = Northwich ®. 7. m Angel, King St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 5/- Gar U adj Gratis \M K-AC T Angel :?' 313. Jg^ Royal George, Kiiig St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 to 6/- (cH Gar LT ins Gratis N 1/6 gt) T George :p> 122. ^^ Michelin Stockists, Jackson Bros., S8, Princess St., Agt. for HUMBER, m U N Sun. :p> 125. — Joseph Grice, 3, Princess St., and King St., Agt. for Armstbonq- Whitworth, Qo] U N rag :p> 123. Kyle of Lochalsh (Ross and Cromarty), M. 8, Pop, 1,826. Lochalsh 7 «S Strome Ferry 14 — Shiel inn 20, Glenelg 29 — Lochalsh 7, Shiel Inn 20, Clunie Inn 32, Invermoriston 56, Fort AugUStus 63. ^ Airdferry, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 5/- Shed 200 y Gratis \2\ T Hotel Ardeloe. Lair^T (Sutherland), M. 5, Pop. 1,081 P (Alt. 309 ft.). 1 < Altnaharra Inn 21, Tongue 39 — Overscaig Inn 16, Scourie 44 — Altnaharra Inn 21, Durness 56 — Altnaharra Inn 21, Bethyhill 45, Melvich 59 = Golspie 18 s= Bonar Br. 11, Dornoch 24 = Rosehaii 9, 27 <. Inchna- daniph 33 — Ullapool 45. JB. Sutherland Arms, 5 Gar U adj X 1/- Ho] SAC. ^ Rhiconich, D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 8/- Gar U 200 y Gratis N" 1/- m SAC T Grant, Rhiconich, Kinlochbervie. Lam bourn (Berkshire), M. 28, Pop. 2,071 P. See :— Market Cross (500 years old) ; Church (Norm.) ; Racing Stables ; N.W, White Horse ; Wayland Smith's Caves ; Uffington Gas. 6. Ashbury 6 -5 Faringdou ffi. 15 — Swindon ffi. 15 =: Faringdon a 14 = Newbury a 13 = Hungerford 8. m Red Lion, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Box [0 Shelter g] ins Gratis f Sanson. Lampeter KCardigan), M. 20, MM, Pop. 1,802. M.D., i^H.; E.G., See :-St. David's College ; Town Hall. ^ W. 1. Tregaron 11, Aberystwith 32 = Gwar Gate 1 < Bridgend Inn 10, Llan- dovery 20 — Fork 10, Carmarthen ®. 23 — Gwar Gate 1, Bridgend Inn 10, Llandilo ffl. 23 — Gwar Gate 1, Fork 10, Llandyssil 15 = Aberayron 13. jUa Black Lion Royal, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [3] ;}<> 6. © Walters Commercial, College St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis \\\. W^ Michelin Stockist, Idris Jones, Ik, High St., Agt. for WoLSELEY, Sunbeam, Ford, [15] U N Sun. RAG T Idris Jones. LANARK # (Lanark), M. 12, iS, Pop. 5,900 (Alt. 715 ft.). M.D., Mon., Tiies. ; E.G., Thurs. See :-R. C. Church (Goth.) (A) ; Falls of Clyde • ; W. Cartland Crags 1. '^ (adj. town). ::^ S.E. 1, Sept. SOth-Oct. 1st. E.ll by Hope St., Cleghorn Rd., and Whitehouse St. :— Whitehouse • 11, West Galder 16, Mid Caider 21, Edinburgh ffi. 33 {med. hilly). • 1. Whitehouse 11, Whitburn 16, Armadale 18, Linlithgow 25 {med. hilly). E. II : &^ Bloomgate, High St., St. Lemuirds St., and Carnwath Rd. :— Carnwath 7, Peebles ffi. 27 (gd. hilly). E. Ill : by Bloomgate, Wellgate, and Moffat Rd. :— St. John's Kirk 8, Abington 17, Moffat ffl. 34 (v. gd. hilly; pict. after Abington), Carlisle j®. 74 (v. gd. rd., pict.), London ^ 376. • 1. St. John's Kirk 8, Biggar Sl 13 (y. gd. hilly, pict.). Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 13 " How to use the Quide." LANCASTER - 368 - Lanark (continued). E- IV : by Westport and Glasgow Rd. :— Daiserf'8, Hamilton 14 (v. gd. und., v. picL), Cambusiang 20, Glasgow a 25 (med. und.). E. V : by Westport and Motherwell Rd. :— Carluke • 6, Wishaw 11, Motherwell a 15, Glasgow ffli Tt {gd. vnd.). • V. Carluke 6, Newmains 10, Chapelhall 15, Airdrie Sl 17 {med. und.), Dennyloauhead 27, Stirling SL 36. LANARK 1 Eope Street 2 Cleghorn Road 3 Whltehouse Road 4 Bloomgate 6 High Street 6 St Leonard's Strei 7 Carnwath ® A. R. C. CHURCH P.5.-6.-R. S.-(See p. 8 Wellgate 9 Moffat Road 10 Westport 11 GlasgoAw Road 12 Stirling Road JSL Clydesdale, 15, Bloomgate St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 6/- Box [Tol Gar [20) Gratis N 1/- SAC T Nicoll :f> 31. f^« Michelin Stockist, W. H. Cox, Clydesdale Motor Works, Agt. for Belsize, Talbot, Argyll, Darracq, Humberettk, go] Boxes [15] TJ \ Sun., Night, SAC T Cox :?> 89. LANCASTER @ (Lancashire). M. 16, ^, Pop. 41,414. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (XVth c.) (A) ; Castle (C) ; Victoria Mon. (D) : Grammar School (View) (E) ; St. Peter's Gh. (F) ; Ripley Orphanage (H) ; Nazareth Home (.1). ^^ N.E. 1 (E. 11). E.\: by St. Leonard's Gate, Phoenix St., Parliament St., Skerton Br., and Owen Rd. : — Carnforth ®l 7, • 8, Milnthorpe 14, Kendal a 21 {v. gd. und. recom.). • r. 8, Bmton 11, Endsmoor 16, Kendal ®. 22 (gd. rd. hilly, several 1/1~> gradients). E. II : by St. Leonard's Gate, High Caton Rd., and Caton Rd. :— • 8, wray 9, Toll-gate 12 {Caution after dark!) (Cars 1/6, motor-cycles or tricycles 2d.), ciapham 20 {gd. rd.). Settle ®. 26, Sklpton a 42, Kelghley m. 52 (v. gd. und., 1/15 asc'at 15 m.), London S. 271. • 1.8, Hornby 9, Kirkby Lonsdale 17, Sedbergh 28 {v. gd. vnd., 1/15 desc. at 18 m.). E. Ill : by Moor Lane, Upper Moor Lane, Moor Rd., and Wyresdale Rd. :- Marshaw 9, Whiteweii 17, Clitheroe 27, Whalley a • 31, Accrtngton 36 {rough mount rd., U gates. Several 1/8-10 gradients to White- well ; bad surface for first 15 m., then gd. pict.). • 1. Whalley ®. 31, Padiham 36, Burnley a 39 {med. rd., 1/19 asc. at ,L' m.). E. IV : by Church St., Penny St., South Rd., and Greaves Rd. :— Gaigate 4, Garstang • 11, Preston a 22 {v. gd. ly. und.). London St 237. • r. Garstang 11, St. Michaels 17, Poulton 25, Blackpool Si 29 Oned.). E. V : by St. Leonard's Gate, Church St., Penny St., and Cockerham Rd. .- Cockerham 6, Pilling 11, Hambleton 16, Shard Br. 17 {Toll: Cars Sd., motor- cycles Irf., both including driver; passengers Id.) {gd. rd.), Poulton-le-Fylde 19, Blackpool Sl 24 {med. rd.). LANGHOLM Lancaster {continued), E, VI : by St. Leonard's Gate, Phoenix St., Parliament St., Skerton Br., itnd Heysham Rd. ;— • -1, Morecambe 4 (gd. rd.). • 1. 2, Heysham 6 (gd. rd.% Jii County, 0pp. L. d- N. W. Rly. Stn., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gar [30] U Gratis TS 1/- RAC T County Hotel :p> 125 and 611. King's Arms, Market, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- Ho] :p> 3 and 615. © Ehn House, Meeting House Lane, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/- R 1/6 Chfr 5/6 PG 200 y. iftti A.ST MARY'S CHURCH C. CASTLE D.VICTORIA mONUMENI E GRAmmAR SCHOOL F ST PETER'S CHURCH H RIPLEY ORPHANAGE J NAZARETH HOME 2 Phoenix Street 3 Parliament Street 4 Owen Road 5 High Caton Road 6 Caton Road 7 Moor Lane ^ 8 Upper Moor Lan 9 Moor Road 10 "Wyresdale Road 11 Chxirch Street ? 12 Penny Street 13 South Road 14 Greaves Road 15 Cockerham Road 16 Heysham Road. i3 ^B.G.-R.S.-T-p.s.-(See p. 3 ) ??Ba Michelin Stockists, aiE^ W. Atkinson & Sons, North Rd., Agt. for Flanders, Belsize, Talbot, Crossley, Ford, go] U N'Sun., Mght, RAC T Cartridge ^ 158. M.CT. — Lune Valley Engineering Co., Wheatfteld St., Agt. for Turner- MiESSB, Argyll, Bell, SI] LT \ RAC T Radiator :f> 215. Land's End Hotel (Cornwall), M. 25 (Alt. 60 ft.). See :— Fine Sea View. Lower Hendra 6, Penzance ®. 10 = Trereen 5, St. Bunyan 7, Lower Hendra 9, Penzance S. 13. m Land's End, L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [IIJ RAC T Land's End Hotel, Sennen. Langholm (Dimifries), M. 13, TB, Pop. 2,930 (Alt. 250 ft.). M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— N.E. Hermitage Cas. 16. ^ (Visit07-s must be introduced). Hawick ffi.23 = Longtown 12, Carlisle ffl. 20 = Lockerbie ffl. 18 = Eskdaie- muir Ch. 14, Tushielaw Hotel 29, Selkirk 44. LANGPORT - 370 - Langrholm (continued). JgL Eskdale Temperance, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- ^ Shed adj JS' 1/- dj T Eskdale Hotel. m Crown, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- K 3/- Chfr 6/- Court ins Gratis g] "T Crown ;p> 7. Uangrport (Somerset), M. 27, Pop. 813 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; Hanging Chap. ; Huish Episcopi (Tower) ; N.E. Low Ham Ch. (XVIIth c.) 2 ; S. Muchelney Abb. (Rns.) 1 ; S.W. Curry Rivel Ch. 2. ^. othery 5 -5 Bridgwater a 12 — Glastonbury 16 = Somerton 4, Castle Gary 15 = Long Sutton 4 •< Fork 9, Sparkford 13, Wincanton 21 — Ilchester 8, Sherborne iS 18 — Long sutton 4, Fork 9, Sherborne ffi. 17 — Long Sutton 4, Sparkford 13, Galhampton 16, Bruton 21 = Muchelney 2 •< Yeovil a 13 — Crewkerne 14 = Curry Rivei 2 < Taunton a 13 — Ilminster j®. 10, Chard ^ 15. (!^ Langport Arms, Cheapskle, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- E 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar adj Gratis N 1/- [e] T Barling. Lsirgo (Fife), M. 10, Pop. 481. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Kield's Den ; Alexander Selkirk's Ho. ; IS". Largo Law (965 ft.). NJCW.l. Cupar 10 = 1 •< St. Andrews ®. 11 — Elie a 6, Pittenweem 9, Anstruther Wester 11 = Leven 4 < Dysart 11, Kirkcaldy ffl. 13, Burntisland 19 — Markinch 10, Leslie 13. a Commercial, B 1/6 L 1/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- PG 100 y [l] :?> 5. Larg's (Ayr), M. 11, [H, Pop. 3,724. M.D., Thttrs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Episcopal Ch. (Goth.) ; N. Knock Cas. 2. X ^- 1- Wemyss Bay 6, Gourock 14, Greenock ffi. 17 = Kilbirnie 9 < Beith 13 — Paisley a 23 — Kilbirnie 9, Dairy 13 =z Ardrossan 12. ^ Victoria, 25,Gallow()ate St., B2/- L2/6 D3/- E3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed adj Gratis N 1/- \E\ SAC T Victoria :p> 55 Nat. igi. Royal, Esplanade, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed adj Gratis [e] SAC q^ 12. ^B T. Paterson & Sons, 5(?, Main St., [H "USun., Night, :p' Paterson. Lasswade (Edinburgh), M. 12, [pB, Pop. 880. See :— Norman Ch. (Rns.). Dalkeith 2 = Bonnyrigg 1, Stow 19, Galashiels a 27 = Leadbum 9, Peebles ffi. 19 = Loanhead 2, shottestown 6, Bigaar S. 26 = Edinburgh ^7. Latheron (Caithness), M. 5, Pop. 5,223 P. Thurso a 24 = Lybster 4, Wick a 17 = Helmsdale 20. Lauder (Berwick), M. 13, (HI, Pop. 803. See :— Town Hall ; Ch. ; Thirlestane Cas. (XVIIth c.) ; Prehistoric Forts. Dalkeith 20 = Whitebum inn 5 < Duns ®. 18 — Greenlaw 12, Cold- stream a 22 — Whitebum Inn 5, Kelso a 18 =: Earlston 7, Jedburgh a. 21 = Stow 5, Galashiels a 13. Laugrharne (Carmarthen), M. 19, Pop. 394 P, ^ St. Clears 4. See :— Norm. Castle ; St. Martin's Ch. St. Clears 4, Carmarthen Si 13. Launceston ^ (Cornwall), M. 25, ImH . Pop, 4,117, M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See:— Norman Cas. (Rns.); White Hart Hotel (Norm. Gateway); St. Mary Magdalen's Ch. (Goth.). Chapman's Well 7, Holsworthy 14, Bldcford a 32 (v. hilly), Barnstaple a 41 (gd. und., several 1/10 hills and 1/0 desc. at 13 m.). Lifton 4, Bridestow 13, Okehampton a 19, Exetcr a 41 {gd., v. hilly, ■pict., 1/10 asc. and desc. at 39 m.). • 2, Sportsman's Arms 5, Callington 10, St. Mellion 13, Saltash 20, (ferry -17) Plymouth m. 24 {v. gd., v. hilly, 1/W desc. at 13 m.). • 1. 2, Milton Abbot 7, Tavlstock ^ 13 (gd., V. hilly), Ashburton 34 (med. V. hilly, pict.), Newton Abbot ^ 41, Torquay St 48 (v. gd. und.^ 1/7-8 gradients between Tavistock and Ashburton). • 3, Five-lanes 8, Boiventor 12, Bodmin Si 22 (med. rd.), Truro Si 46 (v. gd., 1/m desc. at 11 m.). • r. 3, Piper's Pool 5, Davidstow 13, Tintagel 20 (('. gd. imd.). m - 371 - LEAMINGTON SPA Launceston (continued). Egloskerry 4, Canworthy Water 10, Wainhouse Corner 14, Bude ®. 22 (gd. rd.). Yeolmbridge 2, Whitstone 10, Red Post Inn 14, Kilkhampton 19, Hartland 29 (gd. itnd., 1/9 asc. at 1 m.). «m White Hart, Broad St., B 2/9 L 2/9 D 4/3 R 3/- Chfr 7/- Gar ins N 1/- [Tol RAC :?> 13. jftfil. King's Arms, Southgate St, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- (s). 1*1*1 Castle Temperance, B 1/6 X 1/9 R 1/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar dist Gratis [6] :?> 16 Nat. ff" MIchelin Stockist, W. Prout, Exeter St., Agt. for Singer, FORD, Vauxhall, Ho] LT \ Sun., Night, RAC T Prout Motors :?> 11 Nat. — East Cornwall Garage and Motor Depot, Western Bd. , [5] U Sun. , Night, RAC T Caters Garage :?> 26. Laurencekirk (Kincardine), M. 10, El, Pop. 1,438 (Alt. 234ft.). M.D., Mon. ; E.C., Wed. See :— E. Hill of Garvock (View). Fourdoim 8tn. 5 < Stonehaveii 14 — Montrose @. 10 = Brechin a li = "Fettercairn 5. JA Royal, L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U 10 y Gratis \5\ T Paul, Royal :p>22. ffm G. L. Sawer, Laurencekirk Motor andEng. Works, S3, High St., Agt. for FORD, Phcenix, g] U Sun., Night, SAC :p> 3. LEAMINGTON SPA @ (Warwick), M. 22, MM, PoP- 26,717. E.C., Thurs. See :— College (A) ; Pump Room (C) ; Jephson Gardens • (D) ; All Saints Ch. W. 1 (E. VII). X S-E- 3 m. ; ^ N.W. 1 (see plan). E.\: by The Parade, Clarendon Av., Beauchamp Sq., and Kenihvorth Rd. :— Kenilworth 4, Coventry ®. 9. E. II : by The Parade, Clarendon Av., Beauchamp Sq., Kenilworth Bd., Lillington Av., and Lillington Rd. ;— Bubbenhaiie, Dunchurchl4, Rugby a 17, Brownsover 19, Lutterworth 25, Leicester a 38 (gd. und. recom.). E. Ill : by The Parade, Clarendon Av., Beauchamp Sq., Kenihvorth Bd., Lillington Av., and Cubbington Bd. :— Princethorpe 7, Blue Boar Corner 11, Rugby ®. 15 (gd. und.). E. IV : 6j/ The Parade, Victoria Terrace, Bath St., High St., and Radford Rd. :— Southara 7, Daventry 17, Towcester ffl. 29, Stony Stratford ffi 37, Fenny Stratford 44, Dunstable 56, St. Albans ^ 69, London m. 90 (v. gd. tind^). E.y : by The Parade, Victoria Terrace, Bath St., Waru'i<;k Old Bd., and Tachbrook Rd. :— Junction of Roads 4, Gaydon 9, Banbury ffi. 20, Adderbury 23, Deddingtou 26, Hopcrofts Holt 30, Kidlington 38, Oxford ffl. 43 (v. gd. rd.). E. VI : by The Parade', Victoria Terrace, Bath St., Warivick Old Bd., and My ton Rd. .— Warwick a 2 (v. gd.). E. VII : by The Parade, Regent St., Church Hill, Wanviek Neiv Rd., and Emscote Rd. : — Emscote 1, WarwIck a 2, Hatton 5, Knowle 13, Birmingham ffi, 23 (V. gd.). B Regent, 77, Parade, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft (cH « Box m Gar go) ins N 1/- RAC T Regent :^ 741. aim Clarendon, 1, Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft [^ 5 PG opp :?> 663. gjl ilanor House, Avenue Rd., B 3/6 L 3/- D 5/6 R 6/- to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 5 Box a Shed [U Court go) U ins Gmti^ N 1/- :?> 42. Before setting out on a tour, visit or write to our Tourings Office, 5i, Fulham Rd., London, S.W., where your itinerary will be drawn up free of charge. LEAMINGTON SPA - 372 - Leafninsrton Spa. (continued). ^L The Crown, 10, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 Hi - ChfrG^e fi Box [3] Shed [To) ins Gratis KAC T Crown :p> 654. Jft| Bath, 5^, Bath St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr r., C f Shed ins N 1/- [^ RAC :?> 37. l»lS Guernsey Temperance, Church St., B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/6 E 2/- Chfr 5/- 5 :p> 643. ffn Michelin Stockists, csb» Midland Autocar Co., K'^ Russell St., Agt. for Deasy, Fokd, B.S.A., Super, and G.W.K. Cycle Caks, do]' Boxes S] U % Sun., Night, f Mac :p» 105. — Michelin Stockists, Parry Mell, M.I.M.E., The Motor House, S/i, The Parade, Agt. for Belsize, Flanders, Sun- beam, Darracq, [12] Boxes [tl LT S Sun., Night, EAC T Mell Ip- 711. M.C.T. 1 Parade 2 Clarendon Avenue 3 Beauchamp Square 4 Kenllworth Road 6 Llllington Avenue 6 Lilllngton Road 7 Cubbington Road 8 Victoria Terrace 9 Bath Street 10 High Street 11 Radford Road 12 Warwick Old Road 13 Tachbrook Road 14 Myton Road 15 Regent Street 16 Church Hill 17 Warwick ffgw Roadv LEAMINGTON ©J Parry Mel) 18 Emscote Road 19 Warwick Place 20 Bertie Road 21 Warwick Street 22 Wllles Road 23 Clarendon Street 24 Russel Street 25 Clemens Street 26 Whitnash Road 27 Spencer Street 28 Rugby Road V» Renault, maxwell, \ Sun., Night, RAC The Regent Hotel Garage, Agt. for Metallurgique, goj Boxes [g] " \S T Regent Garage iip- 406. Stevenson & Sons, 2, The Parade, gl] LT N Sun., Night T Stevensons :}» 113. H. Clarke, 1, Clarendon Sq.,\^\S \ Sun., Night, RAC :p> 692. London Road Garage Co., 60, High St., Agt. for Calthorpe, [lol U \ Sun., Night, T London Rd. Garage :p> 67. iVIiclielin M.C.T., G. Main & Co., 36, The Parade, Agt. for Wolseley, Humber, [HI U N ^ 3x. (Motor Cycles). iVIiclielln IVi.C.T., J. Johnson, 133, Regent St. and Bath St. (Motor Cycles). - 373 - LEEDS Leatherhead (Surrey), M. 29, ES. I*<>P- ^''.^Ql- E.C, Wed. See : -church (Xllth-XIVth c.) ; St. John's Foundation School (Tud.) ; S. Micklehani (Old houses, Ch.) ; Juniper Hall 4. ^ N.W. 2. Surbiton ffl. 7, Kingston a 8, London a 20 = Epsom fi. 4, Ewell 6, London ffl. 11> = Burford Bridge 3, PixUam Lane 4 < Dorking fi. 5, Horsham a 19 — Reigate ®. 10, Redhill a 12 = Bookham 2, Guildford ffl. 12 = Ripley 9 s= Church Cobham ffl. 6, Byfleet ffl. 9, Chertsey 13. m The Swan, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 5 Gar Shed Shelter Court ins Gratis m ^ 192 PO. Duke's Head Hotel. f^« E. Yentham & Sons, BH(fge'JSt., (^ U N Sun., Night, RAC :F»32. — Karn Bros. i.echlacle (Gloucester), M. 28, Pop. 1,179. See :— Church (XVth c). Burford 9, Chipping Norton ^ 20 = Faringdon ®. 6, Abingdon 20 = Highworth 5, Swindon a 11 = Fairford 4, Cirencester ^ 13. jtfiL New Inn, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- ff Gar If ins Gratis N 1/- [e] T New Inn :p> 7. Ledbury 1 (Hereford), M. 21, EU, Pop. 3,358. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Norm. Goth.) ; Market Ho. (XVIIth c.) ; Market Cross ; Elizabethan Houses; E. Birtsmorton (Moated Manor •, Ch.) 6. X- "^^ ^-E. Colwall 5, Ai)r. 21st ; May S6th. Cohvaii 5, Great Malvern jSl 8, Powick 13, Worcester Sl 16 (i'. gd. pict., 1/11 asc. at (> )n.). Dial Post 8, Tewkeobury a 14, Stow-on-the-Wold 35 (gd. und., 1/9 desc. at as m.), Chipping Norton ^ 44 (med.). Staunton S, Gloucestor &. 16 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 2 and 3 m.). Dymock 4, Newent 8, Gloucester ®. 17 (gd. rd., I/IU desc. at 7 m.). Much Marcie 4, Ross ffl. 12, IWonmouth ^ 22 (v. gd. und. pict., 1/10 asc. at 19 m.). Trumpet • 4, Stoke Edith 8, Hereford ®. 14 (v. gd. ly. und., 1/17 asc. at 1 m.). • r. Trumpet 4, Xewton 9, England's Gate 15, Leominstor ^ 22 (('. gd.). Bishop's Frome 8, Bromyard 13, Leominster ®. 25 (gd. rd.) m. Feathers, HigJi St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Box [e] Shelter (Ml U ins Gratis N 1/6 RAC T Feathers :?> 6 PO. j^ Royal Oak, Southend St., B 2/3 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar [12] Box [2] U ins Gratis N 1/- T Oak :p> 10. f^n Michelin Stockists, css^ G. Hopkins & Sons, New St., Agt. for AUSTIN, Sunbeam, Ford, [U If N Sun. RAC T Hopkin's Motors ;p> 3. LEEDS 124. Jjft Metropole, King St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 4/- Chfr 6/6 Lft [cH « Gar \S 100 y GVahs [lol RAG T Metropole ;p> 2741. JH Queen's, City Sq., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 to 7/- Chfr 5/- Lft lag 5 Gar 100 y N 1/6 go) T Midotel ;p> 4000. ifill De Ville, /imsr 5f«., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 8/- Lft ^ 9 Court adj Gratis [6] T Hotel Deville :p> 4404. Igft Grand Central, Briggate, B 2/- L 2/'- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Lft ^ 5 PG 150 y T Grand :p» 3399. lft?l Griffin, /?oar Xa?i«, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft [cHl 8 PG 100 y T Griffin Hotel :p> 93 Cent. © The Victoria, Great George St.. B 2/- L 1/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Gar ins Gratis g] T Victoria Hotel :?« 2975. ff» Michelin Stockist, J. Mortimer, 9, Aire St., Agt. for Mer- OBDES, Arrol- Johnston, Darracq, fTol ll \ Sun., Night, RAC T Autcoar :p 3720. — Michelin Stockist, Athol W. Dixon, Exchange Garage (behind Corn Exchange), Agt. for Wolseley, E.:\I.F., Flanders, J20] U \ Sun. T Traction :p> 1275. — Michelin Stockist, L. Fawcett, Chapeitown Garage, Harrogate Rd., [25] Box [2] LT % Sun., Night, :f> 409 Chapel- town. — Norman Hirst's Garage, Wade Lane, Agt. for Lanchester, Krit, Overland, \MU \T Norman Hirst Garage :p> 1659. — Michelin M.C.T^ A. J. Greenwood, 39, Guildford St. (^lotor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., F. Simpson, I^, Hunslet New Rd. (Motor Cycles). — M ichel in M.C.T.,Woolley Bro%., H 25. ffm Michelin Stockist, H. R. Magnier, 17, Derby St., Agt. for DARRACQ, Royal Enfield, [20] U \ T Magnier :p> 72. LEICESTER 1 (Leicester), M. 22, ^, Pop. 227,242. M.l).. !!>'/.. Sat. ; B.C., Thurs. See :— Leicester Abb. (Rns. XVI th c.) (A); Clock Tower (C) ; Jewry Wall. (Rom.) • (D) ; St. Nicholas Ch. (Norm. Tower) (E) ; Old Cas. (F) ; Town Hall (G) ; St. Mary de Castro Ch. (Xllth c.) • (H) ; N.W. Bradgate Park 6 ; Ulverscroft Priory Rns. 8. ^^ S.E. 1 (E. IV). "ri^ S.E. Oadby 4 (E. V), Mar. 26-27 th ; May 19th ; July 21st-22nd ; Sept. 22nd-2.ird; Oct. 20th; Nov. 2h-2.^th. £..\'.by Belgrave Gate, Belgrave Rd., and Loughborough Rd. :~ Quomdon 8, Loughborough ®. • lli Cavendish Br. 20, Derby B. 28 (v. gd.). • r. Loughborough a ll, Bunny 19, Nottingham a 26 (v. gd., i/u desc. at 18 m.). N&tlust as A. LEICESTER ABBEY RUINS C. MEMORIAL CROSS • D.JEWRY WALL E.ST NICHOLAS CHURCH F. OLD CASTLE G.TOWN HALL • H.ST MARY DE CASTRO R.S.(M.R.)-R.S.(G.N.R.)-R.S.(G.C.R.) M-T- (See p. 3 ) 1 Belgrave Gate 2 Belgrave Road 3 Loughborough Road 4 Melton Road 5 Humberstone Gate 6 Humberstone Road 7 Uppingham Road 8 Gallowtree Gate 9 Granby Street 10 London Road 11 Belvoir Street 12 Welford Road 13 Aylestone Road 14 High Street 15 Saint Nicholas Street 16 Duns Lane 17 Braunstone Gate 18 Narborough Road 19 Hinckley Road 20 Highcross Street 21 North Gate Street 22 Wood Gate 23 Groby Road E. Ill : by Humberstone Cfate, Humberstone Rd., and Uppingham Rd :— Houghton 6, East Norton 13, Fppingham 19 (gd. rd.), Morcot 23, Stamford ®. 31 (v. gd. und. pict., 1/11 asc. at 17 m.). The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hdte served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.S0 p.m. respectively. LEIGH - 376 - Leicester (continued). E. IV : &2/ Gallowiree Gate, Granby St., and London lid. :— Gt. Glen 6, Market Harborough m. 15, Rothwell 22, Kettering Sl • 26, Bedford a 51 (v. gd. rd. hilly. If IS asc. at m m.). • 1. Kettering fit 26, Huntingdon a 52, Cambridge fl. 68 {magn. rd.). E. V : &i/ Gallowtree Gate, Belvoir St., and Welford lid. :— Wigston 4, Husbands Boswoith 14, Thornby 20, Northampton Si 31 (l\ gd. und., several 1 1 17 gradients ; a better rd. is vid Market Harborough), St. Albanjs m. 76, London i^ 98. E. VI : by Gallowtree Gate, Belvoir St., Welford Ed., and Aylestone Rd. :— Biaby 5, Lutterworth 13, Rugby a 21, Warwick ffl. 38(<7d, und., l.til asc. at BO m.). E. VII : by High St., St. Nicholas' St., West Br., Dtuis Lams, Braunstone Gate, and Narborough Rd. : — Xarborough 5, Smockington 12, Ansty 18, Coventry Si 24 {v. gd., 1/hi dese. at 15 m.). E. VIII : by High St., St. Nicholas St., West Br., Duns Lane, Braun.'itone Gate, and Hinckley Rd. :— Earlshilton 9, HInckley Sl 13, Nuneaton ffl. 18, Fumace End 27, Coleshill 30, Birmingham ffl. 40 {gd. und. rd., 1/13 asa. at 9 m.). E. IX : by High St., Highcross St., North Gate St., Wood Gate, and Grobif Rd. .— Groby 5, Huggiescote 12, AshJ)y-de-la-Zouch 18, Burton-on-Trent a 26 (gd. und. rd.), Newcastle-under-Lyme ®. 58 (L'lU asc. at 56 m.). ja Grand, Granby St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 Lft [CHl 8 PG opp [Tool RAC T Grand Hotel 7f> 4322 to 4324. Jgi Bell, Humberstone Gate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 6/6 « (iar [§] Shed (U adj Gratis N 1/- PG'opp RAC qp> 4123. ^ Stag and Pheasant, Humberstone Gate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 S PG opp T Pheasant ;p> 1757 and 1758. ^ Wellington, W, Gratiby St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 8/6 :F> 3962. ^ Wyvern, Station St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/6 Lft IcH 9 PG dist T Wyvern :f<> 666 and 3973. f^B IVIichelln Stockists, Exors. of the ia.te H. A. Ha-mshaw, o7, Humberstone Gate, Agt. for WoLi;ELEY, Napier, Hotch- Kiss, Benz, Daimler, ^ U N Sun., RAC T Hamshaw :?> 1771 and 1772. — iVIichelln Stockists, Parr's Garag:e, 8.3-S5, Granby St., Agt. for De Dion, [H] U \ Sun., Night, T Garage :f> 3834 and 3835. — Michelin Stockists, Midland Counties IMotor Garage Co., Ltd., Granby St., Agt. for Studebaker, Rolls-Royce, SUNBEAM, Minerva, [go] U" N Sun., Night, RAC T Motors ;p> 4105 and 4106. — Central Motor Co., Ltd., 167, Belgrave Gate, Agt. /or Singer, Ford, Calthorpe, U \ Sun. (Morn.), ;p> 4688. — J. E. Lester & Folwell, W, Humberstone Gate, Agt. for XJnic, DARRACQ, Adams, [25] LT \ Sun., Night, T Lester's Garage :p> 3698. — Michelin M.C.T., W. J. Glover & Co., 32, King St. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Geo. Main & Co., U, London Rd., Agt. for HUMBER, [6] U :?» 1941 (Motor Cyclcs). — Michelin M.C.T., M. Brayshaw & Co., 218, Loughborough Rd. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Apex Motor Co., 155, Belgrave Gate (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., T. H. Wathers & Co., Ltd., 85, High St. — Michelin M.C.T., W. Whitby, 211, Charnwood St. (Motor Cycles). Manufacturer : Argyll's, Ltd., Hotel St: Leigh (Lancashire), M. 16, and Special Map 44, ME, Pop. 44,109. :m.D., Fri., Sat.; E.C., Tues. See :— Parish Ch. (Tud.) ; Shuttleworth Hall ; Hope Car Ho. Atlierton. 3, Bolton a 8 =r worsiey 7, Manchester a 14 = Warrington & 9 = Newton-in-Makerfleld 6, St. Helens 11. jUI Rope and Anchor, Bradshawgate, B 2/- L 2/- D 4/- R 2/- to 2/6 [CH| 5 Shed adj Gratis S|. - 377 - LEOMINSTER Leigh (co)dinued). f^m C. Bruce & Co., Ltd., oJ!a, Le'ujh Ed., Agt. for HUilBEK, FORD, dS) LT \ Sun., 7f> 153. -- Leigh Motor Co. (F. Whitehead), Ellesmere St., US] Box U % Sun., RAC :p> 201. Leighton Buzzard (Bedford), M. 28, ES, Pop. 6,784. M.D., Tues. ; B.C., Thurs. See :— All Saints' Ch. (Goth.) ; The Market Cross. Slieeplane Cross Rds. 4 < Woburu 6, Bedford ffi. 20 — Fenny Stratford 8, Stony Stratford lo = HockUffe 4, Dunstable 8 = Aylesbury ffi. 10. ^wi Morgan & Co., Ltd., Motor and Carriage Builders, f Morgan & Co., :p> K. Leiston-cum-Sizewell (Suffolk), M. 24, ESI, Pop. 4,359. E.C., Wed. See :— Abbey Rns. (Xlllth c.). Fordiey 3 < Yoxford 6, Lowestoft fi. 25 — Dunwich 8 = Aldeburgh ffl. 4. Leith (Edinburgh), M. 12, IH, Pop. 80,489. M.D. and E.C., Wed. See :— Old Harbour ; The Docks. Portobello 3, Musselburgh a 6 = Edinburgh ^ 2 = Cramond Br. 6, S. Queensferry 10 = Granton 3, {ferry -29) Burntisland 8. Lenh£im (Kent), M. 30, Pop. 1,759 P. See :— Church (Ancient Oaken Stalls, Eliz. Pulpit) • ; Quaint houses ; S.E. Charing (Ch., Pal. rns.) 4. Faversham a 10 = Charing 4 < Ashford ffl. 10 — Canterbury a 18 = Maidstone & 9. Lennoxtown (Stirling), M. 12, Pop. 2,651. See :— K Campsie Glen 1. ^ X 1. Kippen 15 = Kilsyth 7, Falkirk 19 := Torrance 3 «; Glasgow ^ 10 — Possiipark stn. 9, Glasgow IS. 12 = Strathblane 4. m Lennox Arms, B 2/- L 2/6 H 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed adj Jf 1/- [6] T Hotel ^fo 5. f^sB A. Jarvie, J/awi >?«., g] U Sun., Night, T Jarvie. LEOMINSTER 1 (Hereford), M. 21, Ml, Pop. 5,737. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Peter and St. Paul's Ch. •' (A) ; Market Ho. (The Grange) (C) ; Clarke Alms Houses. ^ S.E. 4 (E. II). LEOMINSTER SCALE 7»r A.ST. PETER AND ST PAULS CHURCH C.mARKET HOUSE (THE GRANGE) 1 High Street 2 Broad Street ' 3 MUl Street « 4 Etnam Street 5 ■Worcester Road 6 South Street 7 West Street 8 Bargates ® E. I : fcy Hvjh St., Broad St., Bridge St., and Mill St. .— Briiniieid • 6, Ludlow Sk • 11, Church Stretton ia. 27, Shrewsbury a 40 {v. gd. und., 1/12 asc. at 11 m.). • r. Brimfieid 6, Tenbury 11, Kidderminster a 28 (gd., v. hilly, IJ'J asc. at 19 m.). • r. Ludlow Si 11, Bridgnorth a 30 (med. hilly, several 1/ 10 gradientti). U LESLIE - 378 - Leominster (continued). E. II : hy EtncunSt. and Woixester lid. .— Bredenbuiy 8, Bromyard 12, Worcester a 20 (i-. (jd., hilly, sin., 1/11 desc. at lU m.), London iS. i:J8. E. Ill : hy High St. and South St. :— AVeiiington 7, Hereford jS. 13 (v. gd. xmd., IjlS asc. at s m.). E. IV : hy High St., West St., and Bargates :— Barons Cross • 1, Willersley 15, Three Cocks 18, Haj' fi. 22, BreCOn ffl. 37 (v. gd. und., 1/16 desc. to Brecon). • r. Barons Cross 1, Eardisland 5, Penibridge 7, Kington 14, New iRadnor 21. Rhayader 40, Aberystwith 74 (gd., hilly, pict., 1/10 desc. at 18 m.). fm Hoyal Oak, 17, South St.,B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- H] RAC T Oak ;p» 10. Talbot Hotel, West St. f^m jVJichelin Stockist, Jsls. Fryer, Borougrh Motor Works, Soitth St., Agt. for WOLS^L-EY, Clement-Talbot.. Maudslay, Sunbeam, Armstrong-Whitwokth, Miner va, De Dion, \M\U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Fryer :f> 45 PO. Leslie (Fife), M. 9, m, Pop. 2,142. See :— Leslie Ho. ; W. Strahendry Cas. (Rns.) 2. ^ (adj. toivn). 2 < Cupar 13 — Markinch 3, Leven 9 s= Cowdenbeath 10, Dunfermline ®. 16 = 9 < Milnathort ^ 10 — Kinross 11. Letchworth (Hertford), M. 23 {not marked on map). Pop. 8,000, nj:s.1. See :— Parish Ch. (15th c.) ; Town planned estate (Garden city) ; Letch- worth Hall (Tudor Manor Ho.) ; Roman Camp (Wilbury Hill). Baidock SL 3 = Hitchin & 2 Balmoral Hotel. Garden City Hotel, Station Rd. ^w A. W. Page, Station Rd., Agt. for Sunbeam, Arrol- Johnston, Enfield, Perry, [tj Boxes [2] U \ Sun., Night, ^ 91. Leven (Fife), M. 10, m, Pop. 6,559. E.C., Thurs. X E. i. Largo 4 •< Elie 10 — St. Andrews a 15 = Dysart 7, Kirkcaldy a 9 = Markinch 6, Leslie 9. m^ Caledonian, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- [eg Shed adj N 2/- m SAC :p» 100. f^i» T. McDonald, 20, South St.,\3iU \ Sun., Night, :f> 92. LEWES m (Sussex), M. 29, m\, Pop. 10,972. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle (Norm.) (Admission 6d.) (A) ; St. John's Ch. (C) ; St. Pancras Priory (Rns.) (D) ; Town Hall (Staircase) (G). ;:§^ E. 1. (See plan.) yi^ June 9-lOth ; Aug. 8-9th ; Sept. 1st. E. I : by School Hill and Mailing St. ;— Little Horsted 7, LTckfleld J®. 9, Crowborougli S. 16, Tunbridge Wells a 23 (gd. hilly, pict, l/ll-f? desc. at 19 m.). E. II : by School Hill and Polegate Rd. ;— • 3, Wilmington 10, Polegate • 12, Pevensey 17, Bexiilll i®. 24, Hastings a 29 (v. gd., 1/12 asc. to Bexhill). • 1. 3 Burwash 20, Hawkhurst 26, Tenterden 3§, Ash ford H. 50 (gd. cross-country rd., und.). • r. Polegate 12, EastbOurne ®. 17 (v. gd. und., 1/10 asc at lU m.). E. Ill : by Station St., Station Rd., Priory St., and Neivhaven Rd. : — Kodmeil 3, Newhaveu 7 (med. rd., 1/9 desc. from Lewes). E. IV : by High St., Western Rd., and Brighton Rd. :— Palmer 4, Brighton ®. 8 (y. gd., 1/13 asc. from Lewes). E.yilby Fisher St.. and Offham Rd. ;— Offham • 2, King's Hd. Inn • 7, Wych Cross 15, Forest Row 18, East Grinstead ^ 21, Croydon ®. 41 (v. gd., 1/15 desc. from Lewes), Lon- don m. 52. • 1. Offhiim 2, Ditchling 9, Alboume 13, Corner House 18, Cowfold 20, Crabtree 22, Horsham m. 27, Guildford m. 47 (gd. und.). • 1. King's Hd. Inn 7, Haywards Heath a. 12, Horley &. 2C (()d> und.), Redhill a 30 (gd. und.). m AYhite Hart, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3, 6 Chfr 7/- 9 Gar U ins M -/6 N 1/- g] ;fo 94. j5fiL Bear, Cliffe, High St., B 2/(5 L 2 '6 p 3/6 R 5/- Chfr7/6 Gar U adj Gratis {^ I^AC ;p> 117. 379 - LICHFIELD Lewes (continued). ff» Michelin Stockist, J. C. H. Martin, Ltd., Cliffe Br., and High St., Agt. for Belsize, Adler, Maudslay, Foed, Enfield, [60] Boxes [20] LJ" \ Sun., Night, RAC ^F> 45. — County Garage and Eng. Wks. Leyburn (Yorkshire), M- 16, Pop. 847 P. See :— The 'Shawl ; Home's Museum ; S.W. Coverham Abb, (Rns.) 34 ; W. Bolton Cas. (Xllth c.) (Uns.) 5. 2^ W. 1. Richmond ®. 8, Darlington ®. 20 = Bedale 12, jSTorthallerton fi. 20 =s Wensiev 1 < Aysgarth 7 — ]Middleham 4, [Masham 14 = 2 •< Reeth 9 - Askrigg 12. m Golden Lion, B 2/- L 2/3 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Grafts g] RAC T Trueraan. (ft|«| Bolton Arms, Market PI., L 2/6 D 3/- R N 1/6 and 2/- [2]. Chfr 6/- Box adj Leytonstone # (Essex) (See Special IVIaps 42, 43). Woodford Wells S. 4, London ®. 7. ^^» IWiciielin Stockist, A. Rivett, 236, High BJ.. Agt. for Woi- SELEY, Darracq, [lo) U \ T Rivett :fo 304 Stratford. M.CT. — IVIiciielin Stockist, T. H. de Gruchy, Highstone Ga.ra.g:e, [e] Boxes [2] U % T Highstone Garage ;p> 746 Wanstead. LICHFIELD 1 (Stafford.), M. 21, m, Pop. 8,617. M.D., Mon., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Cathedral (Xlllth and XlVth c.) • (A) ; Johnson's Statue (C) ; Johnson's Ho. (D) ; St. John's Hospital (E) ; S. Wall (Rom. remains) 2. ■:^ S.E. 2 (E. II). E. I : hg Bore St., Tamworth St., and Church St. :— Aiiewas 5, Branston 10, Burton-on-Trent ^ 13 (v. gd., level rd.). ,E. II : by Bore St., St. John St., and Upper St. John St. .— • 1. Tamworth 7 (gd. und.. If 16 desc. at o m.), Coventry ®. 26, London a 119. • r. BassettsPoie 7, ColeshiU 15, Kenilv/orth 28, Warwick & 33 (med. rd.). Before setting out on a tour, visit or write to our Touring; Office, 5i, Fulhain Rd., London, S.W., where yottr itinerary tvill be draivn up free of cha.rg:e. LIGHTCLIFFE — 380 — Lichfield (continued). E. Ill : by Bore St., St. John St., and Birmingham Rd. :— Shenstone 3, Sutton Coldfleld ffi 9, Birmingham a 16 (w. gd., 1123 asc. at 9 m.). E. IV : &'/ Bore St., Bird St., Sand/ord St., Queen St., and Walsall lid. .— Muckiey Corner • 3, Walsall ffli 10 {1120 desc. and asc. at 7 m.). • r. Muckiey Comer 3, Bridgeto\vn 9, Gailey 14, Weston-uoder-Lizard 21, Crackley Bank 23, Wellington 30 {med. hilly from Crackley Bank), Shrewsbury a 42 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 25 m.). LICHFIELD. SCALE * A. CATHEDRAL C.JOHNSON STATUE D.JOHNSON'S HOUSE E.ST JOHNS HOSPITAL B.S.-P.S.-G.-II.- (See p. 3 ) 1 Bore Street 2 Tamworth Street 3 Church Street 4 St John Street 5 Upper St John St 6 Birmingham Road 7 Bird Street 8 Sandford Street 9 Queen Street 10 Walsall Road 1 Beacon Street 12 Wade Street 13 Dam Street E. V : by Bore St., Bird St., and Beacon St. :— Handsacre • 5, Huge^ey 8, Wolaeley Br. • 10, Weston 16, StOne ^ • 23, Newcastle-under-Lyme ®. 32 (magn. rd., 1/15 asc. at 12 m.). • r. Handsacre 5, Abbots Bromley 11, Uttoxeter ®. 18 (v. gd. und., 1/15 desc. at 17 m.). • 1. Woiseiey Br. 10, Stafford ffl. 18 (gd. rd.). • 1. Stone m. 23, Nantwich ffi. 44 (med. rd.). Jgi George, Bird St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [20] RAC ;p> 69 and 70. 9^" MIchelln Stockist, J. Lester, lU. Tamworth St., Agt. for Enfield, [e] U \ Sun. :p> 187. M.C.T. Lis:htclifFe ® (Yorkshire), IVI. 16 (h.o« marked on map). Pop. 4103 P. Bradford @. 6 = Baiiia Br. 1 < Heckmondwike 5, Dewsbury S — Brig- house ^ 3 = Hippeiholme 1 < Halifax ffi 3 — Queensbury 4. f^3 IViichelin Stocldst, T. P. Buckton, Motor Works, Wake- field lid., Agt. for ARGYLL, ALLDAY8, [U U S Sun. :}« 62. LINCOLN m (Lincoln), M. 18, (cl. Pop. 57,294. M.D., Fri., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :-:ffewport Arch (Rom.) • (A) ; Cas. • (C) ; Cath. • (D) ; Jew's Ho. • (E) ; St. Swithin's Ch. (F) ; Stonebow (XVth c.) • (H) ; St. Benedict's Ch. (Jlns.) (J) ; St. Mary-le-Wigford's Ch. (K) ; Roman Basil. (No. 29, Bailgate). X S. 1. >k N.W. 1 (E. IV), March 31st; Apr. lst-2nd: Nov. 3rd-Lth. - 381 LINCOLN Lfncoln (continued). E. I : by Iligh St., Silver St., Lindum Ed., Pottergate, Northgate, Church Lane, and Newport :— 8pital-in-the-8treet 12, Eedboume 19, Brigg ffl. 24, New Holland 40, {ferry -3) Hull ^ 44 (gd. und., 1/31 desc. at 28 m.). E. il : by Silver St., Lindum Rd., and Wragby Rd. :— Lang worth • 6, Wragby 11, Hainton 16, Louth fi. 26 (med. rd., 1/13 asc. at 20 m.). • 1. Laug worth 6, wickenbv 11, Lissingtcm 13, Market Rasen 17, Caistor 25, Gt. Grimsby ffl. 37 {gd. rd., 1/11 desc. at 26 m.). A NEWPORT ARCH C. CASTLE 0. CATHEDRAL E.JEWS HOUSE F.ST SWITHINS CHURCH G. GUILDHALL AND STONEBOW J ST BENEDICT'S CHURCH K.ST MARY-LE-WIGFORD-S CHAPEL LINCOLN SCALE 1 High et 2 Silver St 3 Lindum Rd. 4 Pottergate 5 Nor^hgate 6 Church 7 Newport Wragby Rd 9 GuildhaU St 10 Newland 11 Gas Street 12 Carholme Road 13 Canwick Road 14 Oxford Street 15 St Mary Street 16 Saltergato Oanwiok Park '17 Broadgate 18 Corporation Street 19 Monks Road 20 West Parade 21 Minster Ya^d 22 Yarborough Road 23 West Gate 24 Long Leys Road 26 Long Leys Lane 26 Burton Road E. Ill : by High St. :- • 1, •2, Hare Park 8, Leasingham 15, Sleaford ®. • 17, BoUlIie • 35, Market Deeping 42, Peterborough §Sl 51 {v. ijd. und., 1/12 asc. at 2m.), London fi. 134. • V. 1, Halfway House.? 8, Newark ffi. 16, Nottingham ^ 36 (i'. gd. level rd.). • r. 2, waddington 4, Leadenham 13, Grantham ^ • 25, Leicester fi. 56 {v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 desc. at 10 m.). • 1. Sleaford m. 17, Boston Sl 36 {v. gd.). • r. Bourne 35, Stamford ffi. 46. E. IV : by Guildhall St., Neivland, Gas St., and Carholme Rd. :— Saxilby 6, Drinsey Nook • 7, Trent Br. 11 {Toll : Cars Qd. per wheel), Markham Moor • 18, Worksop ^ 28 {med. rd., 1/10 desc. at 18 m.), Sheffield ffl. 46 {med. v. hilly). • r. Drinsey Nook 7, Marten 13, Gainsborough ®. 19, Bawtry 31, Don- caster m. 40 {gd. rd., 1/18-15 desc. at 25 m.), Leeds a 67. • r. Markham Moor 18, East Retford fi 22 {v. gd. rd., 1/10 desc. at IS m.). LINGFIELD PARK - 382 - Lincoln (continued). in Saracen's Head, 298, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 E, 6/- Chfr 6/6 8 Shed ins N 1/- [is) RAC T Saracen's Head :p> 98. iH Great Northern Station, J77, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- S Gar [^ Boxes ^ opp M -/6 N 1/- T Northern Hotel :p» 300. JH. Albion, St. Mary St., D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 PG 700 y T Albion ;p>297. f^ MIchelin Stockist, R. IWI. Wright & Co., Newland {^lear G.P.O.), Agt. fovRvMB^K, Talbot, Napiee, Sunbeam, Dbasy, Ford, F.L., do] U \ Sun., Night BAC T Stonetaow 3<> 397 and 398. IWI.CT. — Gilbert & Son, Ltd., 28, Melville St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, Flanders, Mass, Ho] Boxes H) TJ Sun., Night, BAC T Gilbert Ltd. :?> 463 and 464. Lingrfieid Park (Sussex), t^ Apr. 2Uth ; May 1st, 16-17th; July tl-lMh; Oct. Uth; Nov. 1st, 21st-22nd ; Dec. Srd-Uth. N. East Grinstead ®. 3. Liniithgrow (Linlithgow), M. 12, |cfl, Pop. 4,002. M.D., Frl. ; 'E.Q.,Wed. See :— Fountain of St. Michael ; Cross Well ; Church • ; Palace • . Bo'ness 3 = S. Queensferry 9 = Edinburgh ^ 17 — 3 < Bathgate 7 — Armadale 7, Whitburn 9, Lanark ®. 25 — Falkirk m. 8. it^ Star and Garter, 1, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 B 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed adj Gratis N 1/- [g] T Woodcock :p> 26. M St. Michael's, 19-21, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- B 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis \^ T McCombie :p> 21. Lisiceard (Cornwall), M. 25, Hll, Pop. 4,371. M.D., Sat. ; B.C., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (Tower) ; N. Caradon Mine 4 ; Tumuli, Cromlechs 4 ; S. Duloe Circle 5 ; N.W. St. Neot's Ch. (XVth c, Windows) 5. Callington 8, Tavistock ^ 18 = 2 < Tor Point 16, {ferry -14) Plymouth a 19 — Looe 9 = Doi walls 3 < Lostwithiel m. 11, St. Austell ®. 19 — Bodmin a 13. ja Webb's, The Parade, B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Gar U adj N 1/- [6]. M. The Stag, Opi?. Station, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 OTar U 20 y M -/6 N 1/- [3] T Stag i^p 14. f^ E. Beech, Webbs Hotel Garage, Parade, [l4) Box [i] LT \ T Beech ::p> 27. — Botterell & Son, The Garage, Parade, Agt. for Bel>ize, So) U \ Sun., Night, T Botterell :p> 11. Littleboroueh (Lancashire), See Special Map 45, !ud), Pop. 11.706. E.C., Tues. See :— Blackstone Edge (View). ^ (adj. town). Todmorden 6, Burnley ^15 = SowerbyBr. 10, Halifax m. 13 = Rochdale a 3. Littiehampton ® (Sussex), M. 29, ^d). Pop. 8,351. E.C., Wed. See :— N. Yapton Ch. (Tower, Arches) 1. X W. 1. Arundel 4 = Broadwater 8 -5 Brighton a 20 — Worthing a 9 = (2'oH- 6r. : Cars Is., motor-cycles 6d.) 2 < Chichester ®. 11 — Bognor a 7. JMl Norfolk, Surrey St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/6 Shed adj Gratis m :p> 191. Ml Terminus, Termimis Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 6/6 Shed adj g] T Terminus :?> 192 Nat. Beach Hotel. fP" Michelin Stockist, J. H. Herbert & Co., 18, Sun-"!/ St.. Ho] Boxes H] U \ Sun., Night, T Herberts :p> 51. Littleport (Cambridge), Wl. 23, Pop. 4,181 P. E.G., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth. Tower). Downham Market 13, King's Lynn fil 24 = Ely a 5. LIVERPOOL m (Lancashire), M. 16, ^M, Pop. 746,566. M.D., Daily. See :— Liverpool College (A) ; Walker Fine Art Gallery and Mus. (C) ; St. George's Hall • (D) ; Mimicipal Offices (E) ; The Exchange (Renaiss.) (F) ; Town Hall • (G) ; St. Peter's Ch. (H) ; St. Luke's < 'h. (J) ; Custom Ho. (K) ; Liverpool Cath. (L) ; Docks • ; Sefton Park • ; Botanic Gardens. ^ E. 5. yL^ N. 6 (E. II), Apr. :Jrd- :-th ; July :iird-25th ; Nov. 5-8th. KLAXON "Ijhe Public Sgfe^i/ Sigvo^l TYPE L. TYPE S. The KLAXON is an ideal Warning Signal for ail kinds of Motor Vehicles, it is constructed on a scientific formula having the effect of producing a penetrating note which will pierce the thickest fog, and is projected under ordinary conditions to at least a mile. It is operated by an Electric Current from a Secondary Battery of either 8 or 12 volts. The KLAXON is a motor driven instiument, and the sound is produced by the rubbing of a toothed wheel at very high speed against a button rivetted to the centre of a Chrome Vanadium steel diaphragm. Users are universal in their expressed opinions of the value of the Klaxon in affording the greatest security from the risks of road travelling. The cost of a Klaxon Horn is soon defrayed by the great saving of wear and tear on tyres, and brake mechanism. Send for handsome booklet mentioning the "Michelin Guide." W)C& LIVERPOOL A.LIVEBPOOL COLLEGE C.WALKER GALLERY •k D.ST GEORGE'S HALL E. mUNICIPAL OFFICES F. EXCHANGE BUILDINGS G.TOWN HALL H.ST PETER'S CHURCH J.ST LUKE'S CHURCH K. CUSTOM HOUSE •k L. CATHEDRAL R.S.(L.Y.R.)-R.S.(L.N.W.R.) ■T.-U.-*.- P.S.- (See p. 3 ^Ne-wsham ^'Sv--'-^ ' North Western H "^^^ -' , ;e3^V-'^ T r^ ■ " ^ .^ . J. A. Lawton & Co ^ <'^ -^. ■ ,. ^^ _ ^* Hunt's H ^^'-<»sy^i% ■\.-^^ - ' %^- —^\ ^^V "Sia/te-Sibury H Established 1902. CDe Car illustrated A "Weekly Journal of Travel by Land, Sea, and Air. Founder and Editor - LORD MONTAGU. Every Wednesday. Price Sixpence* THE COUNTRY HOUSE JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILISM. The Car Illustrated is printed on the best Art Paper, and contains articles by writers who have expert knowledge of all branches of the Industry. The illustrations are of the highest class and frequently from exclusive photographs. THE CAR ILLUSTRATED is read by the Wealthy Classes at Home and Abroad. Hoad Office: 32, PALL MALL, LOMOOM, S,W, Telegrams : Telephone : •'Carilludo, London." Nos. 4064 and 4065 Gerrard. - 383 - LIVERPOOL Liverpool (continued). E. I : by Dale St., Ration Gardens, Vauxhall Rd., Commercial Rd., and Stanley Ed. :— Booties, Gt. Crosby 7, Formby 13, Ainadaiel?, Southport SL 21 (bad. rd., sin. level). E.M: by Byrom St., Scotland Rd., Kirkdale Rd., Walton Rd., and County Rd. :— Aintree 6, Ormskirk & • 12, RiifEord • 18, Longton 26, Presfon & 31 (gd. level rd.). • 1. Ormskirk a 12, Southport a 20 (gd. rd.). • r. RufEord 18, Chorley a 29, Blackburn ^ 39 (med. rd.). E. Ill : by London Rd., Prescot St., Kensington, and Prescot Rd. :— • 3, Prescot • 8, Warrington fi. 18, Manchester m. 36 (med. rd., 1/20 rtxc. at 8 )».). • r. 3, Boby 6, penketh 15, Warrlngton fi. 18, Knutsford • • 30, Maccles- field Sl 41 (gd. rd.). • • r. Knutsford 30, Holmes Chapel 37, Congleton 45 (v. gd. rd.). Leek ^ 55, Ashbourne ffl. 70, Derby ffi. 83 (med. v. hilly). • 1. Prescot 8, St. Helens 11, Ashton-in-Makerfleld • • 16, Bolton & 28 (med. rd., 1/18 desc. at 26 m.). • • 1. Ashton-in-Makerfleld 16, Wigan ffi. 21 (gd. rd.). E. IV : by Lime St., Renshato St., Berry St., Gt. George St., St. James's PL, Park Rd., Ullet Rd., andAigburth Rd. .— Garston 6, Widnes • 14, Runcorn 15 (med. rd.), Northwich ffi. • 27 (gd. nnd.), Derby S. 81. • 1. Widnes 14, Warrington a 20 (med. rd.). • r. Northwich fi. 27, Newcastle-under-Lyme a 51. E. V : fty Dale St., Water St., and Landing Stage :— (Ferry -26) Birlcenhead ffi. 2, Chester a 17 (v. gd. rd.), London & 201. mm Midland Adelphi, Ranelagh Place, B 3/6 L 3/6 D 6/- Chfr 9/- Lft 5 PG 200 y RAC T Midotel :p> 3220 Royal. Ji§M Exchange Station, Tithebarn St., B3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 6/- Chfr 7/- Lft I^ ffi Shelter ins (?m«is Hg] T Station Hotel :?> 3310 Central. iif >"orth Western, Lime St., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 to 8/- Chfr " 7/6 Lft ICHl 8 Gar U adj Gratis N 2/- (H RAC T Bestotel :p> 2960 Royal. im Compton, 3-3-A-5, C^ittrc/i St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 [CHl ® Gar U opp Gratis [20] RAC T Compton :p> 3032 Royal. m St. George, 5^, Lime S«., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/- Lft 5 PG 200 y T Georgotel :f> 4060 Royal. IS Angel, Dale St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 ® Lft. m^ Imperial, 20, Lime St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 8 ;p> 3492 Royal. m^ Woolton Hall Hydropathic, Woolton, B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/6 R 3/6 9 Gar IS ins Gratis (TO) T Hydro :|o 92 Gateacre. |g{^ Shaftesbury (Temperance), Mount Pleasant, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- Chfr 7/6 [c^ 5 PG dist :p» 3882 Royal. ^ Montgomery's Antrim (Temperance), 73, Mount Pleasant, Gar 250 y M -/6 N 1/6 [11] ;fo 5239 Royal. jfta. Hunt's, 5^-5^, ilfoi«n(! Pleasant, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- PG dist :p» 3851 Royal. f^oi Michelin Stockists, W. Watson & Co., 56-58, Renshaiv St., Agt. for Flanders, E.M.F., Rolls-Royce, Xapier, Ber- LiET, VAUXHALL, SizAiRE, |20] \ RAC T Berliet :p» 1347 and 3556 Royal. — Michelin Stockists, J. A. La,wton & Co., 35, Hardman St., Agt. for Sheffield-Simplex, Mercedes, Deasy, Ford, [150] Boxes U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Chariot :?> 1250 Royal. M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, Theo & Co., ^, Hatton Garden, Agt. for Gregoire, Rochet-Schneider, (25111% Sun., Night, RAC T Armature :p> 658 and 659 Central. — Michelin Stockists, sis)° Mossley Hill Motor Car Works, Bridge Rd., Mossley Hill, Agt. for Aries, [12] Boxes (3] U \ RAC T Chauffeur :p> 79 Mossley Hill. The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hote served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. LIZARD TOWN - 384 - Liverpool (contimied). ^^m Michelin Stockists, The Mallard Motor Co., Ltd., 15-irt, Bert-y St., Agt. for Austin, Hupmobile, Enfield, [^ U \ Sun. T Mallard :p> 429(5, 4297 Royal. — Michelin Stocl(ists, Kerslakes Garagre, West Derby Village, [U Box HUN Sun., Night, :?' 589 Old Swan. M.C.T. — Miichelin Stocitists, West Coast Motor Co., Ltd., Mulberry St., Agt. for Straker-Squike, [to] U N Sun., Night, T Mulberries ::p> 1918, 1919, and 1977 Royal. — IVIiclielin Stockists, C. W. Donkin & Co., Ltd., Webster St., Dale St., Agt. for Belsize, Del aun ay-Belleville, (eo) Boxes [DUN Sun., Night, T Donkin :fo 6084 Central. — iMichelin Stockists, J. Blake & Co., 22, Rodney St., Agt. for Wolsbley, Humbbr, riAT, Lanchester, Ford, Arrol- JoHNSTON, Cadillac, [looJLr \ Sun., Night, RAC T Shafts ;p» 4085. — Hooper & Sons, Ltd., 6, Slater St., Agt. for De Dion-Bouton, [25] \ RAC T Nitrifier :p' 2788 Royal. — Liverpool Motor House, 7-11, Peter's Lane, Ho] U % Sun., Night, RAC T Autocar :p> 1266 Royal. — G. F. Rimmer & Co., Ltd., 5, Slater St., Agt. for Renault,' Del AUN ay-Belleville, Krit, Sava, (^ u Sun., Kight, T Appliances 7^ 1960 Royal. — Liverpool Stables and Motors, Ltd., 100, Lark Lane. — W. Statham & Co., 3U, Slater St., Agt. for Clement-Talbot, BAYARD, (HUN RAC T Statham :p> 2692 Royal. — J. Ansonia & Co., Ltd., 12-U, Norton St., Agt. for BlANCHI, IJnic, 51] LT N Sun., :p' 1192 and 392 Royal. — Mfclielin IVI.C.T., Brown & Co., 72, Eenshaw Ed. (Motor Cycles). — Miclielin IVI.C.T., J. Crane, 10, Lower Breck Rd. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Stanbury's, Commutation Row (Motor Cycles). Manufacturer : Argyll's, Ltd., 63, Renshaw St. Lizard Town (Cornwall), M. 25, Pop. 683 P. See :— N.E. Cadgwith (Frying-Pan Crater) 3 ; E. Landewednack Ch. 2 ; S. Lizard Point and Lighthouse • 1 ; N.W. Kynance Cove 2. 4 < Dodson's Gap 8, Falmouth ffi. 20 — Mullion 5 — Dodson's Gap 8, Helston;; ®. 11, Marazion 21, Penzance @. 24 = Housel Bay 1. Llanberis (Carnarvon), M. 15, Pop. 3,015 P. E.C., Wed. See :— S. Ascent of Snowdon • 5. Pen-y-Gwryd 7 < Capel Curig 11, Bettws-y-Coed ®. 16 — Beddgelert ^ 15 = Carnarvon ®. 7. m Royal Victoria, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/- Gar U ins |^ RAC ;p> 9. j^a Padarn Villa, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis m ^ 10. Llandaff (Glamorgan), M. 26, Pop. 5,777. See :— Bishop's Cas. (Rns.) ; Oath. (Norm, and Goth, ; Burne-Jones Windovvs)i Llantrisant 8, Bridgend ffi. 19 = Cardiff &. 2. Llandiio 1 (Carmarthen), M. 20, ES), Pop. 1,932. M.D. Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See :— N. Talley Abb. (Rns.) 8 ; S.E. Carreg Cannen Cas. (Rns.) 3 ; \V. Dynevor Cas, (Rns.) 2 ; Parish Ch. (View). X E. 1. Lampeter ®. 23 = Llandovery 12, Brecon ffi. 33 = Ammanford 7, Neath a 24 = Llanelly 18, = Carmarthen Sl 15. j^ Cawdor Arms, Rhosmaen St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/6 Court ins Gratis g] PG 200 y :p' 6 PO. IS Imperial, Rhoesmaen, B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed Hj Court g] ins Gratis N 1/- Castle Hotel, 1,2, Rhosmaen St. fP^ Michelin Stockists, Central Motor Garagre Co., New Rd., do] U Sun. — Michelin M.C.T., Rees Griffiths, Bridge St., Agt. for FORD, [8] U \ Sun. RAC ^ 21 PO (Motor Cycles). — 385 LLANDUDNO Llandovery (Carmarthen), M. 20, |m1, Pop. 1,993. M.D.. Fri. ; E.C., Thiirs. See :— Castle (Remains.) ; Collegiate Institution (Tud.) ; YicarPrichard's Ho. :i: N, 1. Llaiiwrtyd Wells a 11, Bullth 24 = Brecon fiL 21 = Llandilo a 12, Carmarthen ^ 27 = Owar Gate 19 < Llandyssil 33 — Lampeter a 20. Jfi Castle, King's Ed., B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 2/- Chfr 4/9 Gar U in.s Grafts S] RAC :p» 12. © King's Head, Market Sq., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [3] T King's Head. I. M.D., Tues. ; Llynwent (Eliz. Llandrindod Wells (Radnor), M. 20, ^d|, Pop. 2,779 E.C., Wed. See :— Tumuli and Entrenchments ; N. Llanbister Ch. ; Mansion) 13 ; E. Maud's Cas. (Rns.) 5. ^ W. 1. Llanbadam-Fawr 3 < Penybont 5, KnightOn 18 — NewtOWn ®. 27 — Llan- badarn-Fawr 3, Penybont 5, New Radnor 14, Kington ®. 21 = Builth 8. JS. Ye Wells, Temple St. {Fehr. to Dec), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 6/- Chfr 7/- Lft (cHl f Gar 30 y Gratis N 1/- do] RAC :?> 8. Sg Metropole and Hydro, Temple St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/- Lft ICHl 5 Gar ins Gratis Is 1/6 [12] RAC T Bridge ^32. m Rock Park Hotel and Spa, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 6/6 5 Gar U ins Gratis [Tg] :p> 2 and 107 PO. m^ Pias Win ton, Spa Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 ff Shed U ins (T] Gar 40 y |20] Grains N 1/- T Plas Winton. ^^> Tom Norton, Ltd.. Cycle Depot, Agt. for Wolselet, Belsize, Sunbeam. Ford, [Tool U S Sun. Night, RAC T Norton :p> 17 PO. LLANDUDNO §> (Carnarvon), M. 15, ES, Pop. 10,469. E.C., Wed. See :— The Great Orme's Head (680 ft.) ; The Little Orme's Head (463 ft.) ; N.E. Parish Ch of yt. Tudno (Xllth c.) 2. ^ W. 1. North Western H Hydro landudno Auto Touring Co. R.S.-(See p. 3) ■J° The LitUe gr mes Head /p\ ^-^^0^ 230 m. ■— =:<£Aesfer 46 m . „ 1 Vaughan Street sx*.«|k 2 The Parade ^to'^XW^ ^ Llanrhos Road '\'^\^% * Gloddaeth Street "^^^^^ ^ ""^^^ Marine Drive „ . ^ V, - r=?i •'^"^^^^'^ /1^^ 6 The Promenade Llandudno Motor & Garage Co. IS ^'^^'^ ^ Ul' 7 MoBtyn Street SCALE 8 Lloyd's Street ~if^ ^^ ^^Ip 9 Clonmel Street E. I : hy Vaughan St. and The Parade:— Toll-gate 3 (Two-seated cars 6d., larger car.s 1/-), Colwvn Bay ffi. 5, Abergele ffl. 11, Rhuddlan 16, Holywell 28, Chester ^'46 (nml. hilly, sin.), London a 230. E. II : by Vaughan St. and Llanrhos Rd. :— • 3, Llaurwst 15, Bettws-y-Coed' ffi. 19. • r. 3, Conway 4 (Suspension Br., Toll: Cars— 2 seats 6d., more than 2 seats 1/- ; motor-cycles 6d.), Penmaenmawr 8, Llanfairfechan 11, Aber 13. Bangor ffl. 18 (gd. rd. pict.). fgg^ Grand. Marine Drive, Lft (^ 5 PG 250 y RAC T Grand J^ 150 and 281. LLANDYSSIL - 386 - Llandudno {continued). ilfl Imperial, Vaughan St., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft jcH S Gar adj X 1/6 [ao] RAC T Chantrey :p' 6. JH North Western, Vmighan St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Q Oar 100 y Gratis [Too] RAC ?> 68. |g| ITie Hydro, Neville Creitcent, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Lft 1^ 5 Gar ins Gratis [g] T Hydro :}• 0268. IS St. George's, St. George' f! Crescent, Grand Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/6 Chfr 7/- Lft [^ 5 G^ar 350 y Gratis ^ :p> 7. ga Marine, Vaughan St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Lft ES Q Gar 100 y Gratis [to] T Marine :p> 19. ga Queen's, Marine Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/Q Lft £Hl 6 PG 500 y Gratis [loo) :?> 70. 9 216 and 316. — Llandndno Motor Garage Co., Ltd., Argyll Rd., Agt. for WOLSELET, Clembnt-Talbot, Deasy, Ford, [I^ Boxes [4] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Garage ^ 55 and 56. Llandyssii (Cardigan), M. 19, Pop. 2,801 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Xlllth c. Tower). Post-Mawr 10 «; New Quay ^15 — Aberayron 17 = Gwar Gate 14 -s Llan- dovery 33 — Lampeter ^ 15 = Pentre-Cwrt 2 ~s Newcastle Emlyn a 9, Cardigan a 19 — Carmarthen ®. 17. Llanelly (Carmarthen), M. 19, inil. Pop. 32,077, M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Tues. See :— Tin Works ; Church (Tower). X, W. 4 (direction Pembrey). Cross Hands 9, Llandilo Sl 18, Llandovery 30, Llanwrtyd 41, Builth 54 {gd., V. hilly, 1/8 desc. at 50 m.). Halfway • 1, Longhor 4, Swansea a 11 (v. gd. und., If 16 asc. at 6 m.). • 1. Halfway 1, Hendy 6, Ammanford 14, Llandilo ^ 21 (med.), Lampeter Sl 44, Aberayron 57 (gd., v. hilly). Pembrey 6, Kidwelly 9, Carmarthen Si 19 (v. gd. und., 1/9 asc. at 19 m.). ^» Michelin M.C.T., Thomas & Co., W, Stepney St. (Motor Cycles). Llanerchymedd (Anglesey), M. 15, Pop. 844 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Tower). Amlwch 6 = Beaumaris 15 = Llangefni 8 = Gwaichmai 6 < AberfFraw 12 — Holyhead 16. Bull Hotel. Llan-faii- Caerinion (Montgomery), M. 20, Pop. 1,839 P. Liansantffraid 13, Oswestry ^ 21 = Welshpool 8, Shrewsbury ^ 27 =. New- town ^ 11 = 3iaiiwyd 18 < Dolgelly 30 — Machynlleth 29. Llanfairfechan (Carnarvon), M. 15, inS), Pop. 2,937. ;^ N. 1. Penmaeumawr 3, Conway 7, Colwyn Bay M 13 = Aber 2, Bangor 8l 7. a Private, " Sunfield," Valley Rd., B 1/3 L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 3/6 T Sunfleld. Llanfairpwilgwyngryll (Anglesey), M. 15, Pop. 958. See :— Anglesey Column (100 ft., View) 1. Menai Br. 2, Bangor ^ 5 = 5 «; Holyhead 20 — Llangefni 6. Llanfyllin (Montgomery), M. 20, ME, Pop. 1,633. See :— N. Pistyll Rhaiadr Waterfall 11. Liansantffraid 6 < Shrewsbury :®. 25 — Oswestry a 14 = 6 «: Bala 24 — Llangadfan 12, Dolgelly 34. Si Wynnstay Arms, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Gratis \n\ T Wynnstay. Llangefni (Anglesey), M. 15, EH, Pop. 1,774. See :— Tregarnedd Mansion (XVth c.) 1. Llanerchymedd 8, Amlwch 14 (gd. rd. hilly, several 1/13 gradients). Pentraeth 5, Beaumaris 11 (gd. rd., 1/17 desc. at 10 m.). Ltengristiolns • 1, Gwaichmai 6, VaUey 12, Holyhead 16 (v. gd.). • I. Liangristioius 1, Llanfair 6, Menai Bridge 8, Bangor a 11 (v. gd.). - 387 - LOCHAWE Llangrolien 1 (Denbigh), M. 20, EiS. Pop. 3,250. M.D., Sat. and !,th Tues. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Bridge (XlVth c.) ; Dinas Bran Cas. (Rns.) ; N. Valle Crucis Abb. • (Rns.) 2 ; S.E. Chirk (Cas. Rns.) 6. X E. 1. Trevor ffi. 3, Ruabon 6, Wrexham a 11 = Gobowen 9 < Shrewsbury ffi 28 — Oswestry ffl. 12 = Glyn 5 {impossible hill for motors)^ Corwen 10, Bettws-y-Coed m. 32. JH. Hand, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 7/- Chfr 5/- 5 Box [T] Gar [20] ins (?*•«««« RAC T Hand :p' 7 Nat. Royal Hotel, Castle St. and Bridge St., RAC Lt. f^H Michelfn Stockists, The Vale of Llangfollen Enerineer- ing Bus and Garag^e Co., LtcL, Berwyn St. {West End), Agt. for AUSTIN H] LT N Sun., Night, RAC T Nanson ;f>3. Llanidloes (Montgomery), M. 20, ME, Pop- 2,594. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See .-—Parish Ch. ; W. Ascent of Plinlimmon (2,463 ft.) 14. ;:|C W. 1. 8 < Newtown j®. 14 — Camo 14, Machynlleth 31 = Llangurig 5 «: Aberystwith 30 — Rhayader 14, Builth 28. Llanrug: ® (Carnarvon), M. 19 {not marked on map), Pop. 2,911 P. Llanberis 4, Pen-y-Gwryd Hotel 11 •< Capel Curig 16, Bettws-y-Coed Si. 21 — Beddgelert 18 =s Carnarvon Si. 7. W^ Michelin Stockist, D. M. Pritchard, [UU Sun. TPiitchard. Llanrwst (Denbigh), IVJ. 15, inH, Pop. 2,519. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Thur^. See :-W. Gwydir Ho. (Eliz.) 1. :|C N. 1. 12 «5 Conway 13 (Suspension Br., To^^; Cars, 2 seats 6(?., more than 2 seats 1/- ; motor-cycles 6d.) — Llandudno ®. 15 = Abergele ^ 17, Rhyl 22 = Waterloo Br. 4, Bettws-y-Coed a 5 = Bettws-y-Coed a 4, Featiniog 19. iia The Victoria, B 2/3 L 2/- D 4/- R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/- [cS 5 Box [g Gar [3] Shed g] Shelter [6] ins Gratis T Victoria Hotel ^ 199. Llanstephan (Carmarthen), IVI. 19, Pop. 1,099. See :— Castle (Rns.), CarnHarthen ^ 9. Llantrisant (Glamorgan), M. 26, Pop. 2,057. See :— Churchyard (View) ; Church (Norm.) ; Castle (Rns.). ^ N.E. 1. Pontypridd k 7, iVIerthyr Tydfii iS. 20 = Llandaff 8, Cardiff j®. 10 = Bridgend ^ ii. , Llantwit Major (Glamorgan), [Vf. 26, Pop. 1,113 P. See :— Cas. ; Town Hall ; Ch. (Xlllth c.) ; S.E. Boverton Manor Ho. (Rns.) 1 ; S. St. Donat's Cas. 2 ; W. Marcross (Cromlech, Cas. Rns.) 5 ; W. Duraven Cas. 7. Cowbridge 5, Cardiff a 17 = Barry 11, Cardiff a 19 = Bridgend m. 11. Llanwrtyd (Brecknock), IVk 20, Pop. 854 P. :§: N.W. 1. Builth 13 = Llandovery 11. jH. Dolecoed, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- Chfr 7/6 Shed opp N 1/- [5] T Dolecoed :p> 15 PO. Abernant Lake Hotel, RAC. Nenadd Arms Hotel. Loanhead (Edinburgh), M. 12 {not marked on map), |pb|. Pop, 3,483. • See:— S.W. Rosslyn Chap. (Goth.) • and Cas. 3. Edinburgh a 6 = Lasswade 2, Dalkeith 4 = shottestown 4, Biggar IB. 24. Lochawe (Argyll), M. 8, {not marked on map). See :— Loch Awe (one of the largest and most beautiful of the Scottish lochs). Dalraally 4 = Oban a 22. m^ Lochawe, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- to 5/6 f Gar U 200 y Gratis N 1/- [8]. The price of a room is for a sooti mediunn-sized room with larg^e bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper may let rooms at prices inferior or superior to those given in^the Guide according to situation and installation. LOCHEARNHEAD - 388 - Lochearnhead (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 365 P. See :— X. Glen Ogle ; E. Loch Earn. Lix 5 «5 Killin 8 — C!rianlarich 16 = St. Fillan's 7, Comrie a 12 = Cal- lander 14. m Lochearnhead, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gar opp Graiis N 1/- (5l SAG. Lochg^elly (Fife), M. 9, (H, Pop. 9,076. Leslie 8 = Cowdenbeath 2, Inverkeithing 8. Lochgilphead (Argyll), M. 8, El, Pop. 1,921. M.D., Wed., T/mrs. !^ Oban 37. ::^S.i. 2 < Kilmartin 8, Fork 10, Oban 87 — Tayvallich 12 — Kilmartin 8, Fork 10, Port Sonachan 30, Dalmally 40 = Inveraray ffl. 25 = Ardrishaig SSl 2, Tarbert 14. |*a Lochgilphead, Lochnell .Sf . , B 1/6 L 1/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/6 Box JH Court |12| U adj Gratis. Lochgroilhead (Argyll), M. 8, Pop. 671. See :— S. Loch Goil 6. 3 •< Inveraray ffi. 19 — Arrochar 12. Lochinver (Sutherland), M. 4, ^ Lairg stn. 46. See :— Falls of Kirkaig (60 ft.) G. Skaig Br. 11 •< Inchnadaniph 13 — Kyle 8ku Inn 18, {ferry -41) Scourie 30 = Inverkirkaig 3, Ullapool 31. Lochmaben (Dumfries), M. 12, EH, Pop. 1,328. M.D., Mon. See :— Castle Loch. Moffat ffi. 15 = Lockerbie ^ 4, Carlisle ^ 28 = Annan 13 = Dumfries a 9. Lockerbie ® (Dumfries), M. 12, H, Pop. 2,455. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Alt. Thurs. See :— Town Library ; Castle (Rns.). ^ E. 1. Moffat a 16 s= Eskdaieumir Ch. 13; insiiielaw inu 28, Selkirk 43 = Lang- holm 18 = Ecclefechan 6, Gretna Green 15, Carlisle ^ 24 = Annan 10 = Lochmaben 4, Dumfries ^ 13. Ifi King's Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis JST 1/- [e] ;fo 10. Crown Hotel. f^> MIchelln Stockists, A. Hunter & Co., Crown Works, Agt. for BiANCHl, PEUGEOT, De Dietiuoh, Forb, [20) Boxes si U \ Sun., Night, T Hunter's Garage :p> 2X. Loftus (Yorkshire), M. 17, IudI, Pop. 8,872. Saltburn 5, Redcar ^ 11 szSa.ndaend Toll-gate 13 (cars 1/-, motor-cycles Id.), Whitby a 16. LONDON ® (London), M. 29 (see Special Maps, 42, 43), Pop. 4,522,961. E.I : bij Shaftesbury Av., New Oxford St., Hart St., Theobald's Bd., Rosebery Av., St. John St., Upper St., Highbury Corner, St. Paul's Ed., Highbury Grove, Hiijhbury Neiv Pk., Green Lanes, Seven Sisters Rd. , and Tottenham High St. :— Tottenham 7, Edmonton 9, Ponder's End 12, Waltham Cross ffi. 16, » Cheshunt 17, Hoddesdon 22, Ware 26 (v. gd.), Buntingford 36, Royston ®. • 43 (hilly), Arrington 49, Caxton Gibbet 56, Kisby's Hut 58, Godmanchester 63, Huntingdon ^ 64 (r/rf. tmd., ]/lUasc. atl'om.), Norman Cross • 77, Stamford ^ 91, Grantham ^ 112, Newark & 126, Doncaster iS. • 165, Darlington ^ 243, Durham ffli 261, Newcastle-on- Tyne ffi. 275, Edinburgh ^ 396. • r. Royston jS. 43 (hilly), Cambridge j®. 57 (v. gd.. reconi.), King's Lynn a 102. • r. Norman Cross 77, Peterborough a 83, Lincoln a 134, Hull & 178. • r. Doncaster a 165, York ^ 198. E. II : by Highbury Corner (see E. I), St. Paul's Rd., Balls Pond Rd., Dalston Lane, Graham Rd., Mare St., Lower Clapton Rd., Lea Bridge Rd., Chestnut Walk, Forest Rise, Forest New Rd., and Epping Rd. .— Walthamstow ^ 8, Woodford Wells & 12, Epping 20, Harlow 26, Bishops Stortford Si 33, Newport 42, Gt. Chesterford 47 (v. gd.). Stump Cross 48, Six-Mile Bottom 58, fifewmarket ^ 64 (ined. rd., 1129 desc. at n m.), Norwich a 112. _ 389 - LONDON ^London (continued). E. Ill : by Shaftesbury Av., New Oxford St., High Holborn, Holborn Viaduct, Newgate, Cheapside, Poultry, Royal Excha/iige, CornhUl, Leadenhall St., Aldgate High St., Whitechapel High St.., White- chapel Bd., Mile End Ud., Boiv Rd., Stratford High St., Broadway, and Bomford Rd. ;— Ilf(^rd ffl. 11, Romford ^ 15 (ined.), Brentwood m. 21, Chelmsford & 32 (qd. rd., 1/18 asc. at 18 m.), Colchester a 54, Ipswich m. 72, Great Yarmouth a 126. E. IV : by Whitechapel High St. {see E. Ill), Commercial Rd. East, East India Dock Rd., and Barkitig Rd. :— Earking 10 (bad rd.), Aveley 19. StifEord 21, 8tanford-le-Hope 27 (vied, vd.), Pitsea 33, HadleigU 37, Southehd ^ 42 (v. gd., 1/15 asc. at 36 TO.). E. V: by Regent St., Pall Mall, Trafalgar Sq., Whitehall, Bridge St., Westminster Br.. Westminster Br. Rd., Kennington Rd., Kenning-, ton Pk. Rd., Camber ivell Neiv Rd., Church St., Peckham Rd., High St., Queen's Rd., New Cross Rd., Deptford Br., Blackheath Rd., Shooters Hill Rd., and Dover Rd. .— Welling 13, Dartford 17, Gravesend a 24, Rochester ®. 31 (med. und., 1/13 desc. at 10 m.), Canterbury ^ • 57, Dover 73. • ]. Canterbury Sl 57, Margate a 74, E. VI : by New Cross Rd. (see E. V), Lewisham Rd., Loam Pit Hill, Loam Pit Vale, Homesdale, and Lee High Rd. .— Eltham 11, Sidcup St 14 (med.), Wrothara 26, Maidstone m. 37 (v, gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 desc. at 20 vi.), Ashford ^ 56, Folkestone m. 73. E. VII : hy Hoinesdale (see E. V and VI), Lewisham High St., Rushey Green, and Bromley Rd. ;— Bromley ffi. 11 (med.). Lock's Bottom 14, Sevenoaks ^ 25, Tonbridge a 31 (v. gd. und., 1/10 desc. at 27 m.), Hastings m. 63. E. VIII : by Kennington Park Rd. (see E. V), Brixton Rd., Brixton Hill, Streatham Hill, aiid Streatham High Rd. .— Streatham 7, Croydon ^ 11 (paved rd.), Puriey • 14, Redhill a 21, Brighton ®. 53 (magn. rd., three 1/17 gradients). • 1. Pmiey 14, Eastboume a 65. E. IX : by Piccadilly, Hyde Park Corner, Grosvenor PL, Grosvenor Gardens, Buckingham Palace Rd., Commercial Rd., Chelsea Bridge Rd., Victoria Br., Queen's Rd., Cedars Rd., Battersea Rise, North Side, South Side, Balham Hill, Balham High Rd., and Upper Tooting Rd. ;— Meiton 8, Ewell 13, Epsom ®. 15, Lsatherhead 19, Burford Bridge 22, Dorking a 24, • 35, Horsham Si 38, West Grmstead • 44, Worthing fiL 57 (v. gd. und., 1/15 asc. at ok m.). • r. 35, Puiborough 47, Arundel 56, Littleliampton @. 60 (gd. und.). ■ • 1. West Grinstead 44, Steyning 52, Shoreham 57 (gd. und. rd.). E. X : by Piccadilly, Hyde Park Corner, Knightsbridge, Brompton Rd., Fulham Rd., Ful'ham High St., Putney Br., Putney High St., Putiiey HUl, Putney Heath, and Kingston Rd. :— Kingston & 12, Surbiton ffi. 13, Esher Sl 16, Eipley 24, Guildford & • 30 (v. gd. ly. und., 1/lU desc. in Guildford), Portsmouth ffi. 73. • r. Guildford ^ 30, Winchester ^ 67, Southampton ^ 79. E. XI : hy Piccadilly, Hyde Park Corner, Knightsbridge, Kensington Rd., Kensington High St., Hammersmith Rd., King St. West, Chiswick High Rd., and Kew Bridge Rd. :— Brentford 8, Hounslow • 11, Staines ®. 18, Egham ^ 19, Bagshot 28, Jolly Farmer Inn 29, Camberley a 31, Hook 41, Basingstoke a • 47 (gd. tend., several 1/17 hills), Andover @. 65, Exeter m. 168. • r. Hounslow 11, Slough ®. 22, Maidenhead a 28, Twyford 36, Reading m. 41 (v. gd.jl. rd.), Bath ffi. lOS, Bristol @. 121. • 1. Basingstoke ®. 47, Winchester ^ • • 64, Southampton a 76. • • 1. Winchester ^ 64, Bournemouth ^ 104. E. XII : by Regent St., Oxford St., Bayswater Rd., High St., Holland Pk. Av., and Uxhridge Rd. .— Ealing m. 8, Uxbridge m. 17, Beaconsfleld ffl. 25, High Wycombe ®. 31, Wheatiey • 50, Oxford ^ 56 (gd. utul. recom., 1/11 asc. at 35 to.), Gloucester m. 104, Monmouth a 130, Abergavenny a 147, Brecon & 167, Carmarthen §k 215. • r. Wheatiey 50, Chipping Norton a 74, Evesham a 96, Worcester a 111, Leominster ^ 137, Aberystwith 2ii. E. XIII : by Regent St., Oxford St., Marble Arch, and Edgware Rd. :- Edgware ffi. 10, Watford ffi. 17 (med.), Berkhampstead & 28, Tring 33, Aylesbury ®. 40 (v. gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at 13 m. and desc. at 15 to.), Banbury ^ 72, Warwick S. 92, Birmingham ^ 113. LONDON - 390 - London (continued). E. XIV: by Regent St., Langham PL, Portland PL, Park Cresc, Marylehone Rd. {Baker St. Stn.), Park Rd., Wellington Rd., and Finchley Rd. ;— Finchley 8, Barnet Sl • 13, Hatfield ^ 22, Stevenage 34, Baldock a 39, ' Biggleswade 47, Eaton Socon 57, Buckden 63, Norman Cross 78, Stamford a 92 (gd. V. und., 1/10 deac. at 'I! m.), Grantham ^ 113, Newark & 127, Doncaster ^ 166, Darlington ®. 244, Durham a 262, Newcastle ^ 276, Jedburgh ^ 332, Edinburgh a 382. • 1. Barnet 13, St. Alban's a 22 (gd. und., 1/^0 desc. at 17 m.). Hockliffe • • 39, Coventry a • • 93, Birmingham a 111, Wolverhampton fi. 124, Shrewsbury ^ 154, Bangor a 234, Holyhead 259. • • r. Hocidiffe 39, Northampton a 67, Leicester a 98, Derby m. 126. Manchester ^ 1S8. • • r. Coventry Sl 93, Newcastle-under-Lyme &. 151, Warrington ^ 186, Preston & 215, Carlisle m. 302, Glasgow Q. 397 POSITION OF MICHELIN TYRE GO'S PREMISES Railways Underground fi/ys a*fL-. Tramways. Ma.nufa.cturers, Concession na,i res a.ncl Agents. Adams . . . Albion . . . Alldays . . . Argyll . . . Armstrong- > Whitworth ]" Austin . . . Austrian- V Daimler 3 Auto-Carriers . Adams Mfg. Co., Ltd., Balfour Ho., Finsbury Pavement, E.C. Albion M. Car Co., Ltd., 21, Upx^r Rathbone Place, W. Alldays & Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., 58, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. Argylls, Ltd., 6, Gt. Marlborough St., W. Sir "W. G. Armstrong -Whitworth & Co., Ltd., S, Blenheim St., W. Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 1,79-1^1, Oxford St., W. , Austrian Daimler M. Co., 112, Gt. Portland St., W. Auto Carriers, (19U) Ltd., Ferry Works, Thames Ditton. 391 LONDON London (continued). Bedford Belsize . . Benz . . . Bianchi . . Brasier . . Buick . . Charron Chenard & / Walcker < Clement / Bayard < Clement- ( Talbot s Crossley Daimler Darracq Deasy . De Dion- Bouton Delage . Delahaye Delaunay- Belleville E.M.F. . Fiat . . Flanders Ford Germain Gregoire. Hansa . HIspano Suiza H.L . . Hotchkiss Humber Hupmobile Iris . . Isotta- Fraschini Itala . Lanchester Lancia Leon Bollee Lorraine de } Dietrich 5' Marlboro' . . Martini . . . Mathis . . . Maudslay . . Mercedes . . Metallurgique Minerva. . . Mitchell . . N.A.6. . . . Napier . . . General Motors (Europe), Ltd.. Bedford Ho., IV d- y-5?. Long Acre, W.C. Belsize London Agency, Dean's Yard, Cavendish Sq., W. Brompton Motor Co.; Ltd., 76', Brompton Ed., S.W. •Whiting, Ltd., 33^, Euston JM., N.W. Societe des Automobiles Brasier, 78, High St., Maryle- hone, W. General Motors (Europe), Ltd., 1S6~137, Long Acre, W.C. London Motor Garage Co., Ltd., 33-37, Wardour St., W. Chenard & Walcker, 17U-176, Gt. Portland St.. W. Bayard Cars, Ltd., 98, High St., Marylehone, W. Clement Talbot, Ltd., Barlby Rd., Ladbrooke Grove, W. .Tarrott & Letts, Ltd., 1^5, Gt. Marlborough St., W. Daimler Co., Ltd., S7 & "J8, Pall Mall, S.W. A. Darracq & Co., Ltd., ?.9, Walnut Tree Walk, S.E. Connaught Motor & Carriage Co., Ltd., Long Acre, W.C, De Dion Bouton (1907), Ltd., 10, Gt. Marlborough St., W. London & Parisian M. Co., Ltd., 87, JDavies St., W. H. M. Hobson, Ltd., ^9, Vauxhall Bridge Rd., S.W. Delaunay Belleville Automobiles (England), Ltd., h9. Pall Mall, S. W. Studebaker Corporation of England, Ltd., US-US, Gt. Portland St., W. Fiat Motors, Ltd., 37, Long Acre, W.C. Studebaker Corporation of England, Ltd., US-U-5, Gt. Portland St., W. Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., 6ii-59, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. Germain Co., Ltd., Horsferry Rd., S.W. British Gregoire Agency, Ltd., S, Halkia PL, Belgrave Sq., S.W. Hansa Car and General Motor Co., Ltd., 167, Shaftesbury Av., W.C. A. G. Brown & Co., Ltd., 118, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. A. Gaal & Co., 17, Hanover Square, W. London and Parisian M. Co., Ltd., 87, Da vies St., W. Humber, Ltd., 60-6/f, Brompton Rd., S.W. Whiting, Ltd., 33A, Euston Rd., N.W. Iris Cars, Ltd., /,, MarshaU St., W. Motor Manufactui-ing Co. & Alfred Burgess, Ltd., 199, Piccadilly, W. Itala Autos, Ltd., 71, St. James' St., S.W. Lanchester Motor Co., Ltd., 95, New Bond St., W. W. L. Stewart & Co., Ltd., i'6, Albemarle St., W. Connaught Motor & Carriage Co., Ltd., Long Acre, W.C. Jarrott & Letts, Ltd., AS, Gt. Marlborough St., W. T. B. Andre & Co., 5, Dering St., Neiv Bond, W. C. Bertrand, Ltd., 100-lOh, Long Acre, W.C. Mathis Motors, 36, Long Acre, W.C. Watkins & Doncaster, li?, M^oodstock St., W. Milnes-Daimler-Merc^des, Ltd., 132, Long Acre, W.C. Metallurgique, Ltd., 110, High St., Marylebone, N.W. Minerva Motors, Ltd., Chenies St., Tottenham Court Rd., W. Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co. (of London). Ltd., 171, Gt. Portland St., W. British N.A.G. Motor Co., Ltd., A, Gt. Marlborough St., W. Napier Motors, Ltd., U, New Burlington St., W. LONG EATON - 392 - London (ecittittKed). Oakland . . . Oakland Motor Car Co., Ltd., loO, Shaftesbury Av... W.C. Opel. . . . Bvitish^lect. Co., lAd.,.:-»j, Halkin St., S.W. Oryx .... F. B. Goodchild & Co., Ltd., P!, Wigmore St., W. Palladium . . VaUadinm AuUMa-vs, .;7S-JSA, Euston lid., N.W. Peugeot. . . Ven-geot (Englsiud), Ltd., lO, Bromjjton Ed., S.W. ^"^^pictet !" ■^^^^^^ '^ Willans (1909), Ltd., 29a, GiUingham St., S. W. Renault ... Renault, Ltd., 31, Pall Mall, W. R.M.C. . . . Seahrook Bros., Cambridge Circtis, W.C. Rochet- I Rocliet-Schneider Automobiles, 1/1, Shaftesbury Avenue, Schneider | W. Rolls-Royce . Rolls-Royce, Ltd., U & lo, Conduit St., W. Rover . . . Iio\eT Co., Ltd., 59-61, Neiv Oxford St., W. S.C.A.R. . . . College Motor Co., Ltd., 115, Fulham ltd., S. W. Schneider . . Th. Schnei&ler Motors, 175, Piccadilly, W. ^'^ Simplex !' Sheffield-Simplex Motor Wks., Ltd., 20, Conduit St., W. Singer . . . Singer Motor Co., Ltd., 17, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. SIzaire-Naudin Jarrott & Letts, Ltd., U5, Gt. Marlborough St., W. Spyker . . . Spyker Cars, 102, Long Acre, W.C. Stoewer . . . Stoiwers London, Lt(L, 18, Brom2Jton Bd., S.W. ^*Smfir'e !' ^- ^traker & Squire, Ltd., Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. Sunbeam . . J. Keele, Ltd., 72, New Bond St., W. Swift .... Swift Car Agency, 15-16, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. Unic .... Unic Automobile & Marine 3Iotors, Ltd., Brewer St., S. W. Vauxhall . . Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 180, Gt. Portland St., W. Vermorei . . W. G. James, lU, Mortimer St., W. Vulcan . . . Vulcan Motor Car Agency, 116, Great Portland St. White . . . White-Coleman Motors, Ltd., 7, Carlow St., Camden Town, iV. W. Withers . . . Withers & Co., Ltd., 35, Edgware Rd., W. Wolseley . . Wolseley Tool & Motor Car Co., Ltd., York St., West- minster, S. W. Zebra . . . F. B. Goodchild & Co., 16, Wigmore St., W. Zedel .... Zedel Motors, 100-lOU, Long Acre, W.C. Long: Eaton (Derby), IVI. 22, lull, I'op. 19,215. Beeston i, Nottingham ®. 8 = Cios^ Kds. 3 < Ashby-de-ia-Zouch 14 — Loughborough m. 13 = doss Kds. 3, Derby ®. 10 = Draycott ffl. 3, Derby ^10. ^m MIChelin M.C.T., A. W. Fisher, 32, Market PI. (Motor Cycles). Longrnor (Stafford), M. 16, Pop. 4S0, w^ Hmdiow stn. 3 ^ S.E. 4. Buxton a 7 = Bakewell 9 = 5 < Ashbourne a 17 — Hartington 6 = Cheadle 17 = Leek ^ 10, Newcastle-under-Lyme a 22. Long: Sutton if (Lincoln), M. 23, ED, Pop. 2,837. M.D., Fri; E.C, Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.) • ; S. Sutton St. .Tames (Ivy Cross Remains) 4. Fleet 3, Holbeach 5, Sutterton 15, Sleaford a 32 = King's Lynn ffi. 14 = Wisbech a 9. ^ Bull, Market Place, B 1/9 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/6 Shed Shelter ins K 1/- fm . ^a Micheiin Stockist, W. Jenkinson, Motor & Cycle Wks., Market ,S«., [2j U. Longfton (Stafford), M. 21, MM, Pop. 35,815. M.D., Sat. ; E.C, Thurs. See '.—Town Hall. X S.E. 4. Biythbiidge 3 < Uttoxeter ^ 14 — Cheadle 8 = Stone ffl. 7 = Stoke-upon- Trent 2, Newcastle-under-Lyme ®. 4. p^, Crown and Anchor, 0pp. Stn., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 8/- [C3 Shed ins Gratis ^ :f> 256. •l,'*^' 393 LOUGHBOROUGI Longtown (Cumberland), M. 13, Pop. 5,155. See :— Arthburet Ch. (XVIIth c). ^ E. 1. Canonbie 6 < Langholm 12, Hawick ®. 35 — Xevv Castleton 16, Hawick S 37 = Brampton 11, Alston 30 = Carlisie ®. 8 = Gretna Green i, Annan Vc Graham Arms Hotel. Looe (Cornwall), M. 25, ED, Pop. 2,718. See :— St. Martin's Ch. (Norm.) ; Town Hall (Ancient Pillory) ; S.W Polperro (r. pict.) 4. ^ N. h Liskeard ^ 9, Bodmin 22 := Tor Point 17, (ferry -14) Plymouth ffi 20. m Looe, B 1/9 L 2/6 D 3/- E,3/- Chfr6/- Gar Shed ins Gratis N 1/-[1 7> 13. Lossiemouth (Elgin), M. 5, TB, Pop. 4,207. :§!• Fochabers 12, Keith 20 = Elgin Si. 6. ffil Stotfleld, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 4/- Gar U adj N 1/6 [9] SAC ;F> 11 Marine Hotel, SAC. Lostwithiel # (Cornwall), M. 25, HU, Pop, 1,373. M.D., Fri. an 2nd Tues. ; E.G., Wed. See :— St. Bartholomew's Ch. (Goth.) ; Bridge (XlVth c.) ; Duchy Ho. N. Restormel Cas. (E,ns.) 1. Bodmin ffi. 6 = Liskeard m. 11, Tor Point 27, {ferry -14) Plymouth ^ 3 = 2 < St. Austell a 8, Truro ^ 22 — Fowey 8. jttgL Eoyal Talbot, A^or«/t ,%., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- 'Box Shed [5l ins G'miis T Talbot :}<> 2. ^f"» MIchelin Sjockists, Skelton & Co., North St., Agt. for Singeb Ford, I20J LT \ RAC T Skelton :f> 3. LOUGHBOROUGH ^ (Leicester), M. 22, Thtirs., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— All Saints' Ch. (A) ; N.W. Garendon Park Ho. (Italian) 4. ^i. S. 4 (E. II). ::^ (Quorn Hunt) Apr. Zlst. LOUGHBOROUGH A. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH P.S.- R.S. (I«I.R.)-R.S. fG.C.R.>-R.$. (L.N.W.R.;-(See p 3) Pop. 22,992. M.D. ' ^ON-ON-TRENT 20 m 1 Baxter Gate 2 Sparrow Hill 3 Nottingham Road 4 High Street 5 Leicester Road 6 Swan Street 7 Derby Square 8 Ashby Road 9 West Street 10 Derby Road 11 Pinfold Gate 12 Empress Road 13 Queen's Road 14 Wharncliffe Road 15 Great Central Road 16 -Wood Gate 17 Market Place 18 Mill Street 19 Bridge Street 20 Clarence Street 21 Beeches Road 22 Storer Road 23 Station Street SCALE LOUTH — 394 25, Loug'hborougrh {contiaued). ^A: hy Baxter Gate, Sparrow Hill, and Kottingharn Rd. :— Cotes • 2, Bunny 8, Nottingham a 15 {v. gd., 1/9 desc. at 7 in.). • V. Cotes 2, Six Hills 7, Melton Mowbray ^ • • 15, Oakham Stamford ^ 36 {nied. hillu). • • 1. Melton Mowbray a 15, Grantham m. 31 («, gd.). E \\:ly Baxter Gate, High St., and Leicester ltd. :— Quoindon 3, Leicester S. ll (gd. rd.), London a 109. E. Ill : by Baxter Gate, Swan St., Derby Sq., and Ashby Rd. ;— Grace Dieu Priory 7, Ashby-de-la-Zouch • 12 {pict.), Burton-on -Trent a 20 (>«*(/. und., II IS desc. at S m.). • 1. Ashby-de-la-Zouch 12, Tamworth 25 {v. gd.) E. IV : by Baxter Gate, Swan St., West St., and Derby Rd. :— Kegworth 6, Cavendish Br. 9, Derby fi. 17 (v. gd.). m. Gt. Central, Gt. Central Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 E 4/- Chfr 6/- Box [3] Shed [4] ins Gratis RAC :}« 571. m Bull's Head, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 H 4/- Chfr 6/- 5 Gar ins N 1/- [6] RAC Lt. ;F> 590. King's Head Hotel, High St. ffMB Micheltn Stockist, W. Wilson, The Garagre, Leicester Rd., Agt. for Ford, Crossley, [^ Boxes [I] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Automobile -^ 675 M.C.T. — G. Minor & Sons, 7G, Pinfold Gate and Leicester Rd., Agt. for HUMBER Hol LT % Sun. (Morn.), RAC T Minor :p> 650. LOUTH m (Lincoln), M. 18, ME, Pop. 9,883. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C- Thurs. See :-St. James's Ch. • (A). ^ X. 2. E. I : by Bridge St. and Grimsby Rd. ;— Ludboiough 6, Great Grimsby la 16 (r. gd. level rd.). LOUTH * *.ST JAMES CHURCH (J) R.S.- (See p. 3 ) 1 Bridge Street 2 Grimsby Road 3 Upgate 4 South Street 5 Newmarket 6 Horncastle Rd. 7 Westgate E. II : by Upgate, South St., and Newmarket ;— Kenwick Lodge Gates • 2, Saltfleet 12 {gd. level rd.). • r. Kenwick Lodge Gates 2, Withern 9, Alford 14, \\'aiufleet 28, Skegnes* flL 33 {gd. sin.) E. Ill : by Upgate .— Burweii 6, uiceby Cross 11 (med. V. hilly), Spilsby 16, Boston m. 33 (v. gd., l/lS desc. at IS m.). E. IV : by Upgate, South St., and Horncastle Rd. :— Scamblesly 8, Horucastle 14, • 20, Kirton Holme 32, Donington 38. Gosberton 42, Spalding j^ 48 (med.), Crowland 57, Peterborough ffi. 66 (gd. rd.), Biggleswade 103, London a 150. - 395 - LUDLOW Louth (cmitinued). • r. 20, Coningsby 21, Buiinghay 26, Sieaford & 37, Grantham a. 51 (gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at /f3 m.). E.M :by Westgate :— • 1, Burgh-on-Bain 7, Wragby 15, LinCOin & 26 (med. rd., 1/12 desc. at 6 m.). • r. 1, Ludlord 9, Market Easen 15 (v. hilly), Caenby Comer 25, GainS- borough a • •35, East Retford a 46 (gd. rd., II 12 desc. at 11 m.). • • r. Gainsborough ffi. 35, Bawtry 47, Rotherham 62 (gd. rd.). JH. Mason's Arms, Cornmarket and Eastgate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar [6] Court go] ins Gratis N 1/- :f> 200 Nat.. m King's Head, Mercer Row, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 8/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Box [3] Shed [3] ins N 1/-. fr<" Michelin Stockists, G. *r. Swaby, Eag^le Motor Wks., Cpgate, ^U \T Swaby M.CT. Lowestoft # (Suffolk), IVi. 24, m, Pop. 33,780. M.D.. Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— The Scores ; Ch. (Goth.) ; Sparrows' Nest Mus. "X, N.W. 2. • 3., Hopton 5, Gorleston 8, Gt. Yarmouth a 10 (merf. rd. level), • 1. 3, Herringfleet 7, Haddiscoe 11, Loddon 16, Hillington 21, Norwich ^ 27 {med. rd.). Kirkley • 1, Kessingland 4, Wrentham 7, Blythburgh 13, Yoxford 19, Sax- mundham Q. 23, Wickham Market ^ 31, Woodbridge 36, Ipswich St. 44 {ined. rd., 1/17 desc. and asc. at 38 m.). • r. Kirkley 1, Carlton Colville 4, BeCCleS • • 10, Bungay Si 16, Harleston 23, Scole ^ 31, Bury St. Edmunds a 53 (gd. und., 1/18 asc. at AO m.). • • r. Beccles 10, Norwich ®. 28 (med. hilly, 1/20 asc. at 27 m.). JgL Grand {June to Sept.), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- H] hP» 190. ja Itoyal, iioi/a^ Ptom, B 3/- L 3/- I) 5/- E, 5/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft 5 Gar adj Gratis (H RAC :p> 189. ffll Empire, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/6 R 5/- Chfr 8/6 Lft ^ § Gar adj Gratis N 2/- [14] T Empire qp> 266. m Crown, 150, JJigrA Si., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 5/- ffi Gar ins Gratis N 1/- g] RAC T Crown :p> 145. J@g. Imperial, Denmark Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- :?> 166. Jgg. Suffolk, 0pp. G.E. Rly., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/- 5 Shed adj M -/6 N 1/- go] :p> 168. VT" IVIichelin Stocl 4 PO. Feathers Hotel RAC. See on p. 5 the method used in arranging the Hotels. LULWORTH, WEST Ludlow {continued). LUDLOW Angel R Temeslde Motor Garage- ^fn Michelin Stockists, Tervieside Motor Garagre, Liulford Br., H] LT \ Sun., Night, E.AC T Motor :p> 67. M.C.T. — Michelin IVI.C.T., Ludlow Motor Garage, IW, Corve St. (Motor Cycles), RAC. Lulworth, West (Dorset), IVI. 27, Pop. 426 P. ' See :— S. Cove 1 ; N.E. Luhvorth Cas. 2. Warehajn 8 = Dorchester ®. 13. mi Cove, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar 30 y M -/6 N 1/- [6] T Caveen. Castle Hotel, LUTON ® (Bedford), M. 23, 29, [Mil, Pop. 50,000. M.T)., Mon., Sat. . E.C., Wed. See :-St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; S. Luton Hoo 4. ^ N.E. 3 (E. I). E.\:by Manchester St., and New Bedford Rd. ;— Barton 6, Wiistead 15, Bedford ffi. 20 (r. gd. und. sin., 1/13 asc. at 12 m.) E. II : by Manchester St., Mill St., Midland lid., and High Toum Rd. .— offley 6, Hitchin SL 9, Baldock ^ 14, Eoyston ^ 22, Cambridge ^ 3( • (magn. v. und., 1/17 asc. at 18 m.). E. Ill : hy George St., Castle St., and London Rd. ;— Harpenden ffi. 5, St. Albans SL 10 (f. gd. and., 1/18-15 asc. at 1 London a 32. E. IV : by Upper George St., and Dunstable Rd. .— Dunstable • 5, Tring 15. Aylesbury iS. 22 {med. v. und.). • r. Dunstable 5, Woburn 14, Newport Pagnell 22, Northampton {v. gd., 1/17 desc. at 36 m.). Mt George, 50, George St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- K, 3/0 Chfr 7/6 8hed ins N 1/- iU RAC Lt. :F> 654. m The Red Lion, Market Hill, B 2/- L2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- « Gar U adj Gratis [g] RAC T Hed Lion ^ 628. Bell Hotel, George St. in.), 37 397 — LYDFORD Luton (continued). LUTON 1 Manchester Street 2 New Bedford Road 3 UUl Street 4 Midland Road 6 High Town Road 6 George Street 7 Castle Street 8 London Road 9 Upper George Street 10 Dunstable Road 11 Chapel Street 12 Farley Hill 13 Wellington Street 14 Windsor Street 15 Hibbert Street 16 Ash ton Road 17 Stuart Street 18 Bute Street 19 Station Road ^^ Michelin Stockists, Adams, Morris & Co., -H, New Bedford Rd , Agt. for Flanders m "U \ Sun., Night, ;p> 509. — Herts Motors, Ltd., 70, George St., Agt. for Sunbeam, Ford, Enfield, [1] U \ T Herts Motors '^ 641. Lutterworth (Leicester), M. 22, Pop. 1,734 P. M.D., Thurs. ; E.G., Fri. See :— St.,Mary's Ch. (Wycliffe's Mon.) (Goth.) ; Wycliffe's Br. X W. 1. Leicester ^ 13 = IVIari 6. iSL Hind, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar Box adj N 1/- [8] RAC Lt. :F> 12. Lybster (Caithness), M. 5, Pop. 609. Thurso S. 24 s= Wick a 13 = Latheron 4, Helmsdale 24. Lydd (Kent), IVI. 30, ME, Pop. 2,874. See :— All Saints' Ch.,(Goth.) ; S.E. Dungeness 4. JS'ew Romney SL 4, Hythe ®. 13 = Brenzett Corner 6 •< Rye ®. 14 — Tenterden 16. Lydford (Devon), IVI. 25 {not marked on map). Pop. 2,812 (Alt. 250 ft.). See :— Lydford Cas. (Rns.); Church (Early English): Lydford Br.; Lydford Gorge. Okehampton & 9 = Tavistock ® 8. ^ Manor, D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 5/- Gar Shed Court 100 y Gratis {5\. LYDNEY - 398 - Lydney # (Gloucester), M. 21, Pop. 3,559 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; Market Cross (XlVth c). Monmouth a 12 = Parkend 3 < Ross &. 16 — Coleford 7, Monmouth & 12 = 2 < Blakeney 3, Newnham 7, Gloucester a 19 — Severn Br. stn. 3, {train to) Sharpness 8tn. 4, Berkeley 7, Stroud ffl. 19 = Chepstow j®. 9, Newport m. 25. ff» MIchelin Stockists, J. S. Watts & Son, U-17, High St., Agt. for Ford, SQI U \ Sun., Night, T Watts Gar. :f> 41Y2. Lye and Wollescote (Worcester) M. 21 (noic marked on map), IDd) , Pop. 11,684. Halesowen 3, Birmingham ffli 10 = Stourbridge a 2. Lyme Regris (Dorset), M. 27, [H, Pop. 2,772. M.D., Tac«., Fj<. ; E.C., Thurs. See:-St. Michael's Ch. (Goth.); Devil's Bellows; The Cobb; N.E. Whitchurch Canonicoram (Ch. Norm, and Goth.) 5. ^IC ^- 1- Hunter's Lodge 3 < Crcwkeme 16 — AxminstcF 6, Honiton 15 s= Bridport fit 9 = Colyford 6 < Sidford 14, Exeter ffl. 28 — Seaton a 8 — Colyford 6, Honiton 15 — Colyford 6, Sidiord 14, Sidmouth ffl. 16. HI Alexandra, Pound St., B2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 E, 3/6 Chfr 7/- PG dist RAC Lt. fm Royal Lion, Broad St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U ins 1/- (D RAC T Royal :^ 14. Jgi Three Cups, Broad St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 Box Shed Court U ins Gratis N 1/- [e] RAC Lt. T Cups. Lymington (Hampshire), M. 28, |m1, Pop. 4,329. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— iSr. Buckland Rings 1. ^ N.E. 3. Cobbler's Comer 3 < Brockenhurst j®. 5, Lyndhyrst ffi. 9, Southampton Ql 19— Burley9, Ringwood 15 = (Lymington Br., Toll: Cars 6(7.. motor- cycles or tricycles Id.), Beaulieu 6, Hythe 11, Totton 18, Southampton fiL 22 = {ferry -9) Yarmouth 5 = Everton 3 < Christchurch 12, Bournemouth a 17 — Milford-on-Sea @. 5. m^ The Angel, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Q Shed Gratis [e] RAC 1^ 50. j|9| Londesborough, Uigh St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 S Box Gar [2] Shed [e] ins Gratis lf> 188. ^^ South Coast Garages, Ltd., Croiicher's Garage, and High St., Agt. for Sheffield-Simplex, Deasy, Talbot, Darracq, [20] Boxes [HUN Sun., Night, RAC T Crouchers Garage :p> 30. Lyndhurst ^ (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 2,141, ^g Lyndhmst Rd. 3. See ;— Church (Wall Painting") • ; Queen's Ho. ; N.W. Minstead (Ch., Manor Ho., View) 3 ; Rufus Stone 4. -^^ i.O'dj. town). X E. 3. Oadnam 4 < Romsey ®. 10, Winchester a 20 — Bramshaw Telegraph 7, Fordingbridge ^ 13 — Cadnam 3, Bramshaw Telegraph 7, Salisbury Si 17 == Southampton j®. 10 = Beaulieu 8 = Brockenhurst ®. 4, Lymington 9 = 1 -s Christchurch 15, Bournemouth a 20 — Ringwood 12. IS Grand, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- to 6/6 Chfr 7/- [cH 5 Box [4] Gar [8] Shed g] Court [15) adj 1/- RAC. ja Crown, /r?-(jr/i St., B2/6 D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr 7/- (cE 5 Gar adj il -/6 N 1/6 (15]. Jga Stag, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 PG U adj Gratis [H] :?> 8. f^ Micheiin Stockists, Innperial Motor Works, High St., Agt. for MAUDSLAY, D.F.P., [30I1 Boxes [3] U \ Sun. RAC T Imperial ^ 11. — Hampshire Motor Works, [i5l Boxes H] U \ Sun. T Reliable :F.6 Lyn mouth (Devon), M. 26 {not marked on map). ^ (Caffyns Down) 2. See :— Rock and river scenery in immediate neighbourhood. Lynton 1. Sfl The Tors, The Tor, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr 6/- Eg 5 Gar TJ 100 y Gratis [9] RAC T Tors 1^ 47 Lynton. ffll Lyndale, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- 8 Gar U ins Gratis Qol hP> 45 Lynton. ja Bevan's Lyn Valley, L 2/6 D 4/6 R3/- to 4/6 Chfr 6/- B Gar U 50 y Gi-atis [5] RAC T Bevan Jf' 46 Lynton. I - 399 - MACCLESFIELD Lynton (Devonshire), M. 26, ED, Pop 1,770. See :— Parish Ch. (Altar-piece). ^ S. 1. (At 8+ take private rd. on I. and thus avoid Porlock Hill ; toll : cars 1/-, motor cycles Qd.) Minehead ^ 19 = Dulverton 24 = Blackmoor Gate 7 «5 Combe Martin 12, Ilfracombe ®. 17 — Shirweii Cross 13, Barnstaple a 18 — Blackmoor Gate 7, SOUth Molton ffi. 21. jm Valley of Rocks, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- B, 5/- Chfr 6/- 1^ 5 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [15) RAC T Holman :p> 49. JM Royal Castle, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 6/- Chfr &[& jcH 5 Gar adj Gratis [H RAC T Castle :f> 48. f^Bi Prideaux Garage, Cross St., Agt. for Al>tix, g] Sun., Xight, "T Prideaux ;?<> 21. — The Barnstaple Motor Co. Lytham m (Lancashire), M. 16, ESI, Pop. 9,464. M.D., Tues., Sat.; E.G., Wed. See:— St. Cuthbert's Ch. (Windows and Monuments). ^ N.W. 3 (Visitors must be introduced). ^ N.W. 2. Toll-gate 7 (Cars 6d., motor-cycles Id.), Preston ®. 12 = St. Amies 3, Blackpool Si 8. gjgl Clifton Arms, RAC. ^m Michelln Stockists, Williams Bro&, Hennf St., Agt. for Armstrong-Whitworth, Ford, [40] U \ Sun., Night, T Williams Garage :f> 129 and 157. IWIstblethorpe (Lincoln), M. 18, EU, Pop. 1,232. See :— Parish Ch. ; N. Theddlethorpe (Church, Norm, and Goth.) 2. Saltfleet 8 = Sutton-on-Sea ®. 3, Alford 9 = Maitbyie-Marsh 3 < Alford 8, Spilsby 16 - Louth ®. 16. ^ Louth, High St. and Victoria Rd., B 1/9 L 2 6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed ins N 1/- 120]. f^» C. Berry, Victoria Garage, Victoria Rd., Agt. for Humber, Darracq, iMl Boxes [U LT N Sun. T Berry. IMACCUESFI^LD ® (Cheshire), M. 16, MM, Pop. 34,804. ^ S.E. 1 (E. II). M.D., Tues., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. E. I : fty Market PL, Jordangate, and Beech Lane :— Adiington5, Hazel Grove 9, Stockport & 12, Manchester Sl 19 (gd. level rd.). E. II : by Market PI., Church St., and Buxton Rd. :— Cat and Fiddle P. H. 7, Buxton ffi. 12 (fairly gd. rd.,lon.g severe gradients ; highest rd. in England, l/lo asc. at i m.), • 17, Matlock Bath Sl :53, Nottingham ®. 56 (gd. rd. pict.). • 1. 17, Tideswell 21, Shettleld ffi. 39 (fair rd. throughout). E. Ill : by Mill St., Park Green, Mill Lane, Cross St., and Lmidon Rd. :— Bosieyo, Leek §^ • 13, Ashbourne ^ 28, Derby a 41 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 dese. at 25 m.), London ffi. 167. • r. Leek ®. 13, Cheadle m. 23, Uttoxeter m. 33 (med. hilly. If 12 asc. at 16 m.). E. IV : by Mill St., Park Green, Park St., Park Lane, and Congleton Rd. ;- Eaton 4, Congleton • 8, Newcastle-under-Lyme ®. '20{ 133. © Bull's Head, Market PL, B 2/- L2/- D 2/6 R 2 /6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins « N 1/- [4] RAC Lt. ^■i Michelln Stockist, J. J. Cookson, The Central Motor Garagre, H] LT % ^ 202. Read carefully the preliminary explanations, pp. 1 to 12. MACDUFF - 400 Macclesflelcl (continued). MACCLESFIELD P.S.-G.-R.S.-T.-B.- (See p. 3 ) 1 Market Place 2 Jordangate 3 Beech Lane 4 Church Street 5 Buxton Road 6 Mill Street 7 Park Green 8 Mill Lane 9 Cross Street 10 London Road 11 Park Street 12 Park Lane 13 Congleton Road 14 Chestergate 15 Chester Road 16 Roe Street 17 Hibel Road 18 Cumberland Street SCALE MsicdufF (Banff), M. 6, El, Pop. 3,411, E.C., Wed. Frazepburgh 22 = Woodside 10 •< New Pitsligo 15, Peterhead 34 — New Deer 18 = Banff 1. Machynlleth (Montgomery), M. 20, Ed), Pop. 1,945. ^ N.E. 1. Pen-y-bont 1, Aberdovey 10 = Dolgelly 16 = Cemmaes Kd. Stn. 6 < Pont- dol-Goch Stn. 21, NewtOWM SL 28 — Malhvyd 11, Bala 31 — Cemmaes Rd. Stn. 6, Pont-dol-G5ch Stn. 21, Llanidloes 31 — Cemmaes Ed. Stn. 6, Mallwyd 11, Llanfair Caerinion 29 = Aberystwith IS. ifiL Lion, Pentrehedyn St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E 3/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis [e]. Maesteg: (Glamorgan), M. 26, EeIj Pop. 24,977. Bridgend ^ 9. MAIDENHEAD @ (Berkshire), M. 28, (H, Pop. 15,218. M.D., Wed.; E.G., Thurs. See :— Boulter's Lock ; The Bridge (E. I) ; Kailwav Br. (E. I) ; X.E. Hedsor Castle 4. :^ N. 1. £.\'.hy High St. and Bridge St. :— Slough 6, Coinbrook 9, Hounslow 17, London Q. 28 (r. gd.jf. rd.). E. II : by High St., Qneen St., and Brayu-kk Rd. :— Bravwick 1, Windsor a 7 {gd. level rd.). E. Ill : by High St., Castle Hill, and Bath Rd. :- Maidenhead Thicket • 1, Kno\rle Hill 5, Twyford 8, Reading iB. 13 (r. gd. fi. rd.). - 401 - MAIDENHEAD Maidenhead (continued.) • r. Maidenhead Thicket 1, Hurley 5, Henley-On-ThameS S. 9 (gcl. I'd., 1/lS desc. at 9 m.), Oxford ffl. 32 (gd. rd., hilly, recom.). E. IV : by High St., Marlow Rd., and Grinder Hill:— Great Marlow ffi. • 5, Lane End 8, stoicenchurch 12, Aston Rowant 15, Three Pigeons Inn 21, Wheatley 25, Oxford j®. 30 (gd. und., Ijl^ desc. at S m.). • r. Great Marlow ffi. 5, High Wycombe ffi. 10, Amersham Sl 17 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/9 asc.from Wycombe). HI Skindles, Maidenhead Br., B 2/6 114/- Clifr 7/6 tcH « Gar ins N 2/- go] T Skindles ;p> 268 and 269. HI Riviera, Maidenhead Br., B 3/- L 3/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 6/- [cS Gar 150 y Gratis N 1/- [sol T Riviera '^ 190. IB Thames, Nr. Boulter's Lock, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- [CHl Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- Ho] T Thames :p> 109. MAIDENHEAD. P.S.-R8.«a-(Seep.8) 0^ 1 High Street 2 Bridge Street 3 Queen Street 4 Braywlck Road 5 Castle Hill 6 Bath Road 7 Marlow Road 8 Gringrer Hill St. Mark's Rot 10 Norfolk Ro^ 11 Market Street 12 Bling Street 13 Orenfell Road 14 Cordwalles Road 16 Cookham Road k White & Co.| Precision Motor 5| Box % Sun., Night, T Precision Wks. Michelin Stockists, ms. Wks., 62. King St., :f> 10. Michelin Stockists,_A. W. Heybourn & Co., >S^^. Ives ltd., Agt. foi- FOKi),' [loo] Boxes [6] LT % Sun. RAC T Heybourn Motors 7f> 127. M.C.T. Skindles Garage, Maidenhead Br., and at Bridge Rd., Agt. for Flanders, E.M.F., [to] Boxes m U N Sun., Night, RAC T Skindles Garage hP> 289. MAIDSTONE 402 MAIDSTONE # (Kent), M. 30, ^, Pop. 35,477. M.D., Thurs. ; £.<'., Wed. See :-All Saints' Ch. (Goth. XlVth c.) • (A) ; College of All Saints (XlVth c.) (C) ; Maidstone Museum (XVIth c.) • (M) ; N. Kits Coty Ho. (megalithic remains) 3 ; S.E. Leeds Cas. and Park • {Park open to Visitors) 5 ; W. West Mailing (Benedictine Abb. Rns.) 6 ; N.W. Aylesford (Br. XlVth c, Ch. JSform. and Goth.) 3 ; Leybourne (Cas. Ens., Ch. Norm, and Goth.) 5. ^ B. 3 (E. III). E.I: by High St., Week St., and Sandlitig Rd. :— Biidgewood Gate 5, Rochester a. 9 igd. v. stp., several 1J15 gradients). High street Week Street | Sandling Rd./ King Street fl Albion Place Sittingbourne Ashlord Rd. Sabriels Hill Lower Stone Street Wrens Cross Upper Stone St' Ittedway Bridge Broadway M MAIDSTONE ALL SAINTS CHURCH COLLEGE OF ALL SAINTS MAIDSTONE MUSEUM -P.S -G -B.- (See p. 3 Funbridge Road Rocky Hill London Road ICnightrider HUl Street Fairmeado'W Chixrch Street Harsham Street Union Street St Faitb's Street Station Road E. II : by High St., King St., and Sittingboiirne Rd. :— Detling Hill 3, Key Street 10, Queenbridge (ToZi! ; Cars or motor-cycles 1/G) 14, Sheerness 20 {gd. rd., 1/11 asc. at 3 m.). E. Ill : by High St., King St., and Ashford Rd. :— Harrietsham 7, Leuham 9, Charing • 13, Chiiham 21, Canterbury a 27 (;.'. gd. hilly beyond Charing, 1/13 asc. at IS m.). • V. Charing 13, Ashford S. 19 (y, gd. und., 1/20 desc. in Ashford). E. IV : by High St., Gabriel's HUl, Stone St., and Upper Stone St. :— • 1, Linton 4, Staplehurst 9, Willsley Green 13, Cranbrook 14, Highgate 18, Hawkhurst 19, Cripp's Comer 24, Hastings ffi. 33 (gd., v. hilhh 1/12 desc. at Ih m.). • 1. 1, Langley 4, Headcora 9, Biddenden 13, Tenterden # 18, Rolvenden 21, Wittersham Stocks 27, Rye ffll 32 {gd. rd. hilly). - 403 - MALPAS Maidstone {continued). E. V : by High St., Medway Br., Broadway, and Tunbridge Rd. :— Water'ingbury • 5, Hale Street 8, Peiiibury 15, Tunbridge WellS SSL 18 {v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/17 asc. from Maidstone), Eastbourne Sl 48. • r. WateVingbury 5, .Mereworth 7, Tonbridge ffi. 14 (v. gd. und.). E. VI : hy High St., Medway Br., Broadway, Rocky Hill, -and London Rd.:~ Ditton 4, Wrotham 11, Famingham 17, Sidcup ffl. 23, Lewishain 30, London a 37 {v. gd., med. from Sidcup, 1/lS asc. at 17 m.). m Royal Star, High St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 8 Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [50} RAC T Star if* 291. m. Ye Anciente Bell, 36 & 38, Week St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- lao) Ip* 315. ff"i MIchelin Stockists, w^ Loder & Sons, h7a. High St., Agt. for BRiTOJf, Mors, [p U \ Sun., T Loder :p> 274. — Haynes Bros., Ltd., lU, King St. and 18, Gabriel's Hill, Agt. for Arrol-Johnston Ford, [Ml U \ T Haynes 'f> 55. Maldon ® (Essex), M. 24, 30, MB, I*op- 6,253. X ^- ^ (direction Colchester). M.D., Tues. ; E.G., Wed. Heybridge • 1, Tiptree 8, Colchester ^ 17 (med. rd., 1/lU desc. from Maldon). • 1. Heybridge 1, Witliam ^ 7, Braintree ^ 14, Sible Hedingham 22, Haverhill 33 (med. rd.), Cambridge ffi. 52 (v. gd.). • 1. Heybridge 1, Hatfield Peverell 6, Chelmsford ^ 12 (gd. rd.). Latchingdon 5, Burnham 12 (v. med.). Danbury 5, Great Baddow • 9, Ingatestone 15, Brentwood ®. 20 (gd. rd.). Romford Si 26, London SL 41 (v^ed. rd.). • r. Great Baddow 9, Chelmsford ®. 11 (gd. rd.). JfiL King's Head, 38, High St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6^Gar ins Gratis [e] :p' 12 PO. Blue Boar Hotel, RAC Lt. ff** MIchelin Stockists, Bates Motor Works, Ltd., Agt. for Ford, [e] U N Sun. RAC T Bates Ltd. :f> 21. Mallais: (Inverness), M. 7. Arisaig 8, Glenfinnan Inn 28, Fort William SL 47. Jga Station, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- to 8/- Chfr 9/- ffi Gar adj N 1/- g] SAC. Malmesbury m (Wiltshire), Nl. 27, HH, Pop. 2,657. M.D., Sat. and 3rd Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-Abbey Ch. (Rns. Xllth c.) • ; The Abbofs Ho. (Eliz.) ; Market Cross (XVIth c.) ; N. Charlton Park Ho. (Jacob.) 2. Cnidwell 4, Thames Head Bridge 9, Clrencester S: 12 ^d. und., I/IA deSC. at 7 m.) Minety 7, Cricklade 12, Faringdon j®. 26, Oxford ^ 43 (v. gd. tend., 1/lC asc. at 23 m.). Brinkworth 6, Prince of Wales Inn 10, Swindon ffl. 15 (v. gd. und., l/lt dese. at 1 m.). Corston • 2, The Gib 9, Pucklechurch 19, Bristol ffl. 27 (med. rd.). • 1. Corston 2, Chippenham ®. 10 (1130 desc. at 9 m.), Bath a 23 (v. gd.). • 2, Sheraton 5, Acton Turville 10, Tormarton 13, Downend 21, Bristol ®L 2.i (v. gd. tmd., 1/11 desc. at f> m.). • r. 2, Hare and Hounds Inn 5, Kingscote 10, Eastington 17, Arlingham 23 (ferry -22*) Newnham 24 (gd. und.). Tetbury §t 5, >iinchinhampton 11, Stroud ^ 15 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/8 desc. ai 13 m.). ifiL King's Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Box jT Shelter {2} ins M -/6 N 1/- :p> 14. f^ IVIichelin Stockists, Jones & Son, High St. (Garage : Bristo St.), [HUNT Jones Motors :p> 20. Malpas §> (Cheshire), IVI. 21, Pop. 3,035. M.D., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; N.E. Cholmondeley Cas. 5. Holt 8 < Chester fit 17 — Wrexham a 13 = Whitchurch m. 5. Ye Wyvern Hotel. ?1M" IVIichelin Stockist, W. S. Hurley, High S't., ^^«./o/- Singer [2] U \ T Huxley Cycles :p> 17. M.C.T. See pp. 3 to 6 for the list o/ Conventional Sig^ns and Abbreviations. MALTON 404 Malton f) (Yorkshire), M. 17, ED, Pop. 4,822. M.D., Sat. ; T..C.,Tfmrs. See :-The Lodge (Jacob.) ; Old Malton Priory Ch. (Xllth c.) ; W. Cas. Howard 6. Howe Br. 4, Picl^ering 9 (magn. rd.), Saitersgate 17, Whitby a 29 {med. rd., 1/8 desc. ^vith dang, turn at 16 m.). Biiiington 5, 8herbuml2, staxton • 16, Scarborough a 23 (v. gd. level rd.). • r. staxton 16, Filey ^ 23 {gd. rd.). North Grimston 4, siedmere 12, Great Driffield ^ 20 (v. med. V. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 5 m.). Burythorpe 5, Great Gwendale 13, Poclclington 16 (bad rd. hilly). Westow 5, Skirpenbeck 12, Pocklington 18 {bad rd.). Barton Hill 8, York ^ 18 (magn. rd., 1/13 desc. at 6 m.). Amotherby • 3, Hovingham 9, Helmsley 16, Thlrsi< ^ 29 (med. hilly). • r. Amotherby 3, Normanby 8, Kirby Moorside 13 {med. rd.). mk Talbot, Yorker sgate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- H 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar opp. Gratis [20] RAC T Talbot :p> 56. ff" Micheiln Stocl 65. M.C.T. MALVERN, GREAT 1 (Worcester), M. 21, Ed], Pop. 16,514. M.D.. Sat. ; E.C., Thiirs. See :— Priory Church (Xlth c.) • (C) ; Priory Gateway (A) ; Little Mal- vern Ch. (Norm. Rns.) ; "Worcester Beacon (1,395 ft.) (D) ; Hereford- shire Beacon (1,370 ft.). "^ S. (see plan). E.\'. by Worcester Rd. ;— Powick 5, Worcester ®. 8 (gd. rd., 1/15-20 desc. from Malvern). E. II : by Church St., Avenue Rd., and Upton Rd. :— Guarlford 3, Hanley Castle 6, Upton-on-Severn 8, Earl's Croome • 9, Tewkesbury & • 15, Coombehiu • 19, Cheltenham fit 24 (v. gd., 1/12 desc. from Malvern). MALVERN PRIORY GATEWAY PRIORY CHURCH WORCESTERSHIRE BEACON Coley & Son, telle Vae StZJl HE mALVERN H'LLS 1 "Worcester Road 2 Church Street 3 Avenue Road 4 Upton Road B Wells Road 6 Zetland Road 7 Albert Road 8 Priory Road 9 College Road Abbey Road 7//^ 1| Court Road //// 12 Graham Roadyr To Oolt Links ^y 1^ im. - 405 - MANCHESTER Malvern, Qrea.t {continued). m 1. Earl's Croome 9, Pershoi'e 16, EvRsham ®.22 (gd. rd., 1112 desc. and a>ic. at 13 m.). • 1. Tewkesbury a 15, Chipping Norton S. 45, London la 120. • r. Coombehiil 19, Gloiicester a 2G {v. gd. level rd.). E. Ill : &2/ Wells Rd. .- Malvern Wells 3, Lcdbury S. • 8, Ross ®. 20, Monmouth Si 30 {v. gd. und. pict.: 1/10 asc. at ,%' m.). • r. Ledbury ^ 8, Hereford a 22 (v. gd. ly. und.). Jia Imperial, Avenue Ed., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft a PG U adj go] RAC :?> 5. iS. Tudor, TTe^^s iM., B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/6 IcH PG U adj Gratis N 1/- go] T Tudor Jfo 87. Belle Vue Hotel. f^f Michelin Stockists, J. Coley & Son, Centra.! Garag^e, Worcester ltd., (12] Boxes H] U \ T Coley & Son :p> 101, M.C.T. — Michelin Stockist, F. S. Ranfbrd, Barnard's Green Rd., \w U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Ranford Garage :f> 1Y. M.C.T. MANCHESTER 1 (Lancashire), IVI. 16, |cl, Pop. 714,427. M.D., Tues. Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Assize Courts (Goth.) • (A) ; Chetham College • (C) ; Cath (XVth c.)(D) ; Exchange (E) ; John Ryland's Library (F) ; New Towi Hall • (G) ; City Art Gallery (H) ; Free Trade Hall (J) ; Owen's College (U). :^ W. 4 (E. VIII). i:*^ March 2U-25th; May lU-17th. Sept. 5-6th ; JVov. 20th-S2nd. E.\'. by Cross St., Market St., High St., Shudehill, and Rochdale Rd. :— Middleton 6, Rochdale j®. 11, Halifctx a 27 (pied, und., 1/1:2 asc. tc Halifax). E. II : by Princess St., Mosley St., Oldham St., and Oldham Rd. :— Faiisworth 4, Oldham a 7, Huddersfield SL 25 (med. rd., 1/16 asc. at 10 m.) E. Ill : by Princess St., Whittvorth St., Fairfield St., Ogden St., ano Ashton Old Rd. :— Ashton-under-Lyne 6, Stalybridge 8, Mossley 10, Huddersfield ^ 2( (gd. rd., 1/22 desc. at 17 m.). E. IV : by Princess St., Mosley St., Piccadilly, London Rd., and Hydt Rd. :~ Hyde m. 7, Mottram • 11, Glossop Si 14, Sheffield fit 38 (gd. pict, 1/li desc. at 18 m.). • 1. Mottram 11, Penistone 28, Barnsley 36 (gd. rd., 1/lU desc. a 31 m.), E. V : by Princess St., Brook St., Plymouth Grove, Albert Rd., anc Stockport Rd ;— Stockport ^ 6, Hazel Grove • 9, Buxton IS. 24 (gd. rd., 1/lU desc. ai 23 m.), Cromford • 47, Derby ^ 62, London a 188. • r. Hazel arove 10, Macclesfleld ^ 19 (gd. level rd.). • 1. Cromford 47, Nottingham m. 69. . E. VI : by Mount St., Oxford St., and Wilmsloiv Rd. :— Withington 4, Cheadle ^ 7, Wilmslow 12, Alderley Edge & 14, Congie ton 25 (1/15 desc. to Congleton), Newcastle-under-LymeS.37 (gd. rd.) E. VII : by Lloyd St., Deansgate, and Chester Rd:— Sale 5, Altrincham j®. 8, Northwich ^ 20, Crabtree Green • 25, Chestei m. 38 (v. gd., 1/18 desc. at 18 m.). • 1. Crabtree Green 25, Shrewsbury Sl 65 (v. gd.). E. VIII : by Lloyd St., Deansgate, Quay St., Water St., Regent Rd., anc Eccles ^etv Rd ;— Eccles 4, Cadishead 11, Warrington a 18, Liverpool a 36 {tned. rd., l/2( desc. at 18 m.). E. IX : by Cross St., Market St., Blackfriars St., Chapel St., Crescent Broad St. , and Bolton Rd. :— • 2, Pendlebury 3, Farnworth 8, Bolton a 11 (med. rd. level). • 1. 2, Worsiey • • 7, Leigh 14, SL Helens 25 (med. rd.). • • r. Worsiey 7, Tyldesley 11, Wigan ^ 19 (v. bad level rd.). E. X : by Cross St., Market St., Victoria St., Gt. Dude St., and Neu Bury Rd. .— Prestwich 4, Bury ^ 8, AccrLngtoh 20 (v. bad paving, not recom., l/L desc. to Accrington), Lancaster ^ 56, Kendal & 77, Penrith Sl 103 Carlisle ^ 121, mm Midland, Peter St., B 3/6 L 3/6 D 6/- R 6/- Chfr 9/- Lft [£3 « PG dist T Midotel ;?> 1904 Cent. MANCHESTER - 406 - Manchester (continued). m. Grand, Aytoun St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft ff T Grand ;p> 2393. ^ Victoria, Deansgate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- E 3/6 to 5/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft (ca 5 PG U 100 y :fo 5388, 5389, and 5390 City. (m Albion, ^i, Piccadilly, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft S T Albion :p> 3966 City. j|gg[ jNIosley, Piccadilly, L 2/- Chfr 8/- Lft icH 5 PG dist J> 4986 and 3263 City. ^ Grosvenor, Deansgate, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Lft a :p> 6488 City. jUa Deansgate, ^6', Deansgate, B 2/- L 2/- R 4/- to 5/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft [eg « PG dist ;}o 5538 City. m Cities, ^3(>, Deansgate, B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/- R 3/6 tx) 4/6 Chfr 6/6 PG dist ^ 828 Cent. !^B» Wlichelin Stockist, msf T. Ga.rner, JO-jf?, Peter St, Agt. for HUMBER, FLANDEUS, TALBOT, DELAGE, BAYARD, ARROL-JOHN- SON, BAGCLEY, [Ml U \ Sun., Night, :fi> 6886, 5887, 5888 Central. — Wlichelin Stockist, om^ J. W. Haworth, 233, Deansgate, Agt. for Fiat, Qn Box HUNT Fiatism ;p> 3879-3880 Central. — Wlichelin Stockist, csih>= Edgrar Harding:, 2U1, Deansgate, Altrincham, Agt. far Belsize, Crossley, SINGER, MORS, U \ T Equipped :p) 2239 Cent, and 469 Altrincham. — Wlichelin Stockists, Norman Crossland & Co., 206-213, Bury New Ed., Agt. for Calthorpe, B.S.A., [20] Boxes g] IT N Sun., JSTight, T Ensee ;p> 3446 City. — Wlichelin Stockists, c£qd° StafFords (Manchester), Ltd., Albion St., Gaythorne, Agt. for Xapier, Ford, ^ IT % T Glidingly ^ 6020 Cent. — Wlichelin Stockists, La Sagesse Motor Co., Ltd. (C. Ingrlefield, Propr.), 13, Raby St., Moss Side, Agt. for Enfield, Enfield Autolette Cycle Cars U \ $» 450 Rusholme. — Wlichelin Stockists, Dale Bros., Ot. Western St., Rusholme, [HUN?' 519Y Rusholme. — Wlichelin Stockist, E. Oswald, 327-329, Stockport Rd., Levens- hulme, Agt. for Darracq [2] LT 'S Sun. :p> 1147 Rusholme. M.C.T. ~ Wlichelin Stockists, Didsbury Motor Works (J. W. Aiken, Propr.), Albert St., Didsbury. [6] U % Sun. "T Aiken, Didsbury :^ 1064 Didsbury. M.C.T. — IVIichelin Stockists, Joseph Cockshoot & Co., Ltd., Gt. Ducie St. and Gt. Northern Arches, Deansgate, Agt. for Renault, Rolls-Royce, Maudslay, dU Boxes iH U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Lizard :p> 930 City and 5434 Central. — Lookers, Ltd., Hardman St. Garage, Agt. for LANCIA, FORD, Straker-SQUIRE, U \ T Looking :p' 6687 Cent. — C. Fingland & Co., Lloyd St., Rusholme, Agt. for Unic, \^ U \ Sun., Night, T Fingland :p> 597-8 Rusholme. — Upper Brook St. Motor Wks., l-'J, Upper Brook St. — :Max Lawrance, M.I.A.E., M.I.M.E., 76*, Deamgale, Repair Works, Atkinson St., ^(/i. /or WOLSELEY. — Wm. Arnold, Upper Brook St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, EI IT \ T Luaurious :fo 6584 City. — Wlichelin WI.C.T., G. Castagnoli, Ltd., Lloyd St. (Motor Cycles). — Wlichelin WI.C.T., Manchester Auto. Cycle Co., Ltd., Gt. Jackson St., Hulme (Motor Cycles). — Wlichelin WI.C.T., L. F. Harvey & Co., 227, Deansgate (Motor Cycles). — Wlichelin WI.C.T., Green & Co., 1073, Chester Rd., Stratford (Motor Cycles), WlanufacturePS : Argyll's, Ltd., 106, Deansgate. — Six W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Ltd., lU, Deansgate. — Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 130, Deansgate. - — Belsize Motors,. Ltd., Gorton Lane. — Humber, Ltd., 31-33, Blackfriars St. — Lanchester Motor Co., Ltd., 38, King St. West. — Newton & Bennett, Ltd., 35, King St. West. -^ Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., 112, Deansgate. 407 MANSFIELD Manningrtree (Essex), M. 24, ,30, Pop. 872 P. E.G., Wed. 1 -S East Bergholt 3, IpSWich ®. 18 — IpsWJCh Si 11 =z Harwich 12 = Tend- ring 7 < ClaCton-on-Sea 15 — Kirby 13, Walton-on-JSTaze 15 — Tendiing 7, Kirby 13, Frinton-on-Sea ffi. 15 = Lawford 2 < Colchester fii 9 — Sudbury p. h, 7, S, and 9, explaininj how our itineraries have been drawn up. MARAZION - 408 Msmsfield (contiaued). E. V : hy Wextgate and Chesterfield Rd. :— pieasiey • 3, Tej^ipie Nornianton 9, Chesterfield fi. lS{med. hilly, 1/15 asc. at 7 ill.). • V. Pleasley 3, Clovme 10, Swallow Neat 18, Rotherham 24 {med. hilly fieveral 1/11 hills). m Swan, Church St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- to 7/6 Chfiv6/6 (cH S Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- RAC qp> 5. atfy Midland, B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 E, 3/6 Clifr 6/6 Shed Gratis [3] :?' 195. f^m Michelin Stockist, Portland Motor a.nd Cycle Co., Ltd., U, Westgate, Agt. for Humber, Belsize, Rolls-Royce, Sun- beam, [20] Boxes H] U *\ Sun., Night, RAC T Portland Motors :p> 239 and 240. M.C.T. — Michelin M.C.T., W. Bull & Co., Go, Westgate, Agt. for Fiat, FAPNIR, [6] LT \ Sun. T Bull Cycles :p> 15 (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Brameld Cycle Co., Church St. (Motor Cycles). Marazion (Cornwall), M. 25, Pop. 1,251 P. See :— St. Michael's Mount (230 ft., Castle, Hall, and Chapel) • (Admit- tance during absence of Lord St. Leven only) ; E. St. Hilary's Ch. (Rom. stones, etc., in Churchyard) li. Helston Sk 10, Truro a 27 := Penzance ffl. 3. !^ Marazion, North St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Clifr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [2]. March (Cambridge), M. 23, Ed), Pop. 8,403. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Tues. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth. roof). 1 < Wisbech a H — Whittlesey 11, Peterborough Q. 18 = Downham Market 17 = Carter's Br. 6 < Chatteris 8, (Toll-gate 10: Cars 6d.) Somersham 15, Cambridge ^ 30 — Ramsey 13, Huntingdon ®. 24. MARGATE 1 (Kent), M. 30, m. Pop. 27,086. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Grotto (A) ; St. John's Ch. (Goth.) (C). :j^ W. 2. E.\: by The Parade, High St., and St. Peter's Rd. ;— Broadstairs 4, Ramsgate ^ 6 (yd. und., 1/19 asc. at U m.) MARGATE 8CAL£ - 409 - MARKET HARBOROUGH Ma.rg:ate (continued). E. 11 : % The Parade, High St., and Ramsgate Rd. ;— • 2, Hainje 3, Sandwich ^ 9, {Toll-bridge : Cars or cycles 3d. per wheel) Eastry 12, Dover 22 (v. gd., 1/13 desc. at 1!) m.). • 1. 2, Ramsgate ffl. 4 (gd. rd., 1/19 desc. to Ramsgate). E. Ill : by The Parade, Marine Drive, Marine Terrace, and Canterbury Rd.:- Westgate 2, Sarre 8, Upstreet 10, Canterbury Si 17 (v. gd., If 17 desc. at f> m.), London ffi, 74. jggll Cliftonville, FAhelbert Crescent, B 3/6 L 3/- D 6/- E, 7/6 to 10/6 Lft JJ Gar LT 50 y Gratis [20I 3<> 9. jmi The Queen's, Highcliflfe, Cliftonville, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 6/6 Chfr 7/'6 1^ 5 Lft Gar 500 y Gratis [so] RAC T Ozone :}*> 506. jl^ White Hart, The Parade, S Gar N 1/- [MI It AC T White Hart :F> 44. ^ The Windsor, Z)rt% Sq., Cliftonville, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Ohfr 7/6 (cHl Gar adj N 1/6 ^ 338. © Central Commercial Temperance, 17, Hawley St., L 1/6 R 2/- Chfr 4/6 T Elliott's :?' 44Y. © Imperial, T/je Parade, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 T Imperial :?> 191. Hydro Hotel, f^" Michelin Stockist, A. W. Bangham, Agt. for Fiat, Xapier, Mek-cedks, ITso] Boxes [e] U Sun., Night, RAC T Bangham ;p> 216. Market Bosworth (Leicester), M. 22, Pop. 659 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; S. Bosworth Field 2. Ashby-de-ia-Zouch 11 = Hinckley ^ 7 = Nuneaton ffi. 9 = Atherstone a 8, Coleshill 18. Market Deeping: (Lincoln), M. 23, Pop. 978 P. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— The Rectory ; E. Priory Ch. of St. James, Deeping • 2 ; S. Northborough (Manor Ho. •) 2. Bourne 7, Sleaford a 25 = Spalding m. 12, Holbeach 20 = Giinton 3 < Peterborotigh &9 — Crowland 11 = Stafnford a 8. ^ New Inn, Market PL, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 6/3 Gar adj Gratis N 1/- [4] RAC T Cave :p» 4. Market Drayton @ (Shropshire), IVI.21, Pop. 9,997. :§CW. 1. M.D., iTed. ; E.C., T/iu/-.s. See :— Church ; Eliz. Houses. Audlem 7, Nantwich ®. 14 = Loggerheads 4 < Blackbrook 7, NeWCaStle- Under-Lyme a 14 — Eccleshall 11, Stafford ^ 18 — Loggerheads 4, Black- brook 7, stone a 16 = Newport ^ 11, Wolverhampton ^ 29 z= Ternhiii 3 < Hodnet 6, Wem 15 — Whltchurch a 13 — Temhill 3, Hodnet 6, Shrewsbury ffl. 19. ja Corbet Arms, 3rain St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/6 Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [6] ;?> 9 PC. fF^ Michelin Stockists, Halloway Bros., Cheshire St., [s] IT \ Sun., T Halloway. — Michelin Stockists, John Roclenhurst, Ltd., Cheshire St., Agt. for Dblage, Hotchkiss, QU T Rodenhurst :p> 6. Market Harborough # (Leicester), M. 22, Ee), Pop. 8,853. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Dionysius' Ch. (Xlllth and XlVth. c.) ; Grammar School (XVIIth c.) ; S.W. Battlefield of Naseby 7. ^ S. 2 (direction Kel- marsh). Wilbarston 6, Great Weldon • 14, Oundle 22, Peteri)OrOUgh Sk 35 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 desc. and asc. at 5 m.). • 1. Great Weldon 14, Bulwick 18, Duddlngton 23, Stamford ®. 2?,(magn.rd., 1/16 desc. at 27 m.). Rothwell 7, Kettering Si 11, Higham Ferrers 21, Bedford a 36 (v. gd., hilly, 1/13 asc. at 6 m.). Keimarsh5, Lamport 8, Northampton ®.17(v. gd. und., 1/13 asc. at 1 m.). N. Kilworth • 8, Swinford 12, Rugby ffi. 18 (gd. rd.). • r. N. Kilworth 8, Lutterworth 13, Coventry ffl. 28 (gd. und.). Great Glen 9, Leicester Sl 15 (v. gd., hilly, 1/21 desc. at 10 m.). MARKET RASEN - 410 - Market Ha.rboroue:h {continued). mOi Angel, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar [3] Box m ins N 1/- RAC T Angel :p> 191. j!ta Peacock, The Square, B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis [6] ;p' 187. Three Swans Hotel, 21, High St. ff* IVIichelin Stockist, W. H. Stevens, 19, High St., Agt. for • HUMBER, Darracq, SU U N Sun., Kight, EAC T Stevens Garage q^ 26. M.C.T. — H. M. Lonsdale, Harboro' Motor Wks., 79-82, Station Rd., Agt. for Ford, Chenard-W'alcker, [5] U N Sun., Night, T Lonsdale :p> 197. — MIchelin M.C.T., H. C. Burdett, Northampton Rd. (Motor Cycles). Market Rasen (Lincoln), M. 18, EdI> I*op. 2,296. O^ March 2Uth. M.D., Tues.; E.C., Thurs. Caistor 8, Great Grimsby @. 20 = Louth a 15 = Liasington 4 < Horacastle 18 — Lincoln ®. 17 = Gainsborough Sl 20, Market Weigrhton (Yorkshire), M. 17, Pop. 2,309. Great Driffield a 16 = Beverley :©. 10 = South Cave8, Hull m 21 = Holme 4 < Howden 13 — Bubwith Bridge 11 (Toll: Cars 9d., motor-cycles or tricycles 2c?.), Selby Bridge (Toll: Cars 9d., motor-cycles 2d., tricycles 2^cf.), Selby 18 — Holme 4, Bubwith Bridge 11 (Toll : Cars 9d., motor-cycles or tricycles 2d.), York ffi. 24 = 6 < York ffi. 19 — Pocklington 7, Malton a 25. m Londesborough, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- K. 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis N2/- [6] RAC. Markinch (Fife), IVI. 9, TE, Pop. 1,641 (Alt. 230 ft.). See :— S.E. Balgonie Cas. (Ens. Xlllth c.) 1. ^ E. i. Falkland 6, Auchtermuchty 9 = Leven 6 = Leslie 3, jNlilnathort ^ 13. Marlborougrh 1 (Wiltshire), M. 28, IMll, Pop 4,401. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— College • ; Castle Inn ; Town Hall ; W. Devil's Den 2 ; Fyfleld (Ch.) 3 ; S.E. Saveruake Forest 1. ^ S.E. 1 (direction Burbage). Badbury 7, Swindon ^ 11 (gd. und., 1/11 asc. in Marlborough). Froxfleid 7, Hungerford 10, Newbury & 18 (gd. und., 1/18-23 asc. at Im.). Burbage 6, CoUingboume Duels 11, Ludgershall 14, AndOVOr ffi 21 (gd. rd., 1/11 asc from Marlborough). Pewsey 7, Upavon 12, Amesbury Sl 21, Salisbury ®. 29 (v. gd. und., 1/13 desc. at k in.). Beckhampton • 7, Calne ^ 13, C4iippenham ^ 19 (gd. und., 1/13 desc. and asc. at Ik m.). • 1. Beckhampton 7, Dovlzes ffi. 14 (gd. und., 1/18 desc. at 12 m.). Broad Hinton 8, Wootton Bassett 12, Prince of Wales Inn • 13, Cricklade 20, Cirencester j®. 27 (gd., v. hilly). • 1. Prince of Wales Inn 13, Malmesbury ®. 23 (med. rd.). 1*^ Ailesbury Arnas, High St., Gar [6] Shed [e] ins Gratis Jf 1/- RAC JiSL Castle and Ball, 117, High St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [#] T Leader :p> 2 Nat. f^» Michelin Stockists, E. B. Millburn, 139, High St., RAC :p> 10. - W. A. Bell, 80-^1, High St., mU\ Sun., Night, T Bells :p» 32. Marlow (Buckingham), M. 28, Ell, Pop. 4,683. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Suspension Bridge ; R. C. Church ; Shelley's Ho. High Wycombe ®. 5, Amersham ffi. 12 = Beaconsfleld m. 8, Uxbrldge ^ 16 = Bisham 1 < Maidenhead ®. 5, Windsor a 12 — Henley a 8 = Henley a 7 = wiieatiey 20 < Oxford ®. 25 — Chipping Norton a 44. jflfiL Crown, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Box [l] Shed [H] Court ^ ins (?ra«w ;}« 67. ?f» Charles Drye, W, High S«., (6] U \ HAC T Drye 7f> 59. Marshfield (Gloucester), M. 27, Pop. 1,220 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.). Chippenham & 10 = Bristol m. 12. f^« R. Ritchie, 6U, John St., [3] \. - 411 - MELKSHAM Maryport (Cumberland), M. 12, ESI, Pop. 11,423. ^fC E. 2. 1 < Allonby 5, Sillotli 12 — Aspatria 7, Wigton 15 — AUonby 5, Wigton 17 = Cockermouth a 7 = Workington ®. 6, Whitehaven Sl 15. ffiM R. Ritchie, 6U, John St., [3] %. Masham (Yorkshire), M. 17, Ed], Pop. 3,110. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Fr!. See :— S.W. Swinton Park 1. X ^'^•^^'- 1- Midtlleham 10, Aysgarth 19 = Bedale 6, Northallerton ffl. 14 = 7 < Thirsk S. 14 — Boroughbridge ffi. 16 = Ripon a 10. Matlock (Derby), M. 17, ED, Pop. 6.,74<3. M.D., Tues., Sat; E.C., See :-St. Giles' Ch. (Tower). :§: N.E. 2. Rowsiey 5 < Bakewell 8, Ashford 10, Buxton a 30 — Baslow 11, Sheffield a 24 = Chesterfield ®. 10 = stretton stn. 7, Alfreton 11 = Matlock Bath a 1, Belper 10, Derby fi. 18 = Winster 4, Wirksworth 10, Derby ^ 23. mm Smedley's Hydropathic, Smedley St., Chfr 6/- Lft [cH 5 Gar U ins 1/- [10) T Smedley's ;p> 17. Crown Hotel, Crown Sq. Matlock Bath m (Derby), M. 17, ESI, Pop. 1,802. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See :— Goth. Church ; Warm Springs ; Petrifying Wells ; Caverns ; Heights of Abraham ; Summit of Massen (View •). ^ AY. 1. Matlock 1, Chesterfield ffi. 11 = Cromfoid l < Belper 9, Derby ®. 17 — Ripley 9, Nottingham a 23 — Cioiufoid 1, Fork 2, Ashbourne a 13, Uttoxeter ^ 25 — Cromford 1, Fork 2, Wirksworth 3, Derby j®. 16 — Cromford 1, LongcllfE 7, AshbOUmC S. 15. ^m Royal Hotel and Baths, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Lft ICHl ® Gar U ins Gratis [20] RAC T Royal :?> 193. M New Bath, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 [cH Gar U ins Gratis [U T New Bath :p> 39. fP* MIchelln Stockists, E. Williams & Co., Ltd., The Garag:e, South Parade, Agt. /or Arrol-Johnston, Cadillac, Girling, d] U N Sun. RAC 7e> 57. M.C.T. Mauchline (Ayr), M. 11, Pop. 1,767. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Burns' Tower. ^ ^^^ i. Huriford 7, Kllmamock ®. 9 = Muirkirk 14 = Cumnock 7, Sanquhar 23 = Ayr m 11. m Loudoun Arms, Loudoun St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [3] SAC ;p> 15. May bole 1 (Ayr), M. 11, m, Pop. 4,889 (Alt. 312 ft.). E.C., Wed. See :— Tolbooth ; Castle ; Red Lion Inn ; Old Ch. (Rns.). ^ S. {adj. town). Ayr a 9 = Coyiton 11, Cumnock 21 = straiton 7 •< Dalmellington 14 — Newton Stewart a 37 = Dailly Stn. 7, Girvan fi. 13 = Girvan gL 12. JgL King's Arms, Uigh St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar adj Gratis [To] SAC T McCubbin Hotel :p» 14. f^» MIchelln Stockist, J. Cameron, 8k, High St., Agt. for Argyll, T Cameron :p» 21. Melbourne (Derby), M. 22, Pop. 3,850 P. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Michael's Ch. (Norm.). Derby ^ 8 = Long Eaton 10, Beeston 14, Nottingham ®l 18 = Beiton 5, Loughborough is. 14 = Ashby-de-la-Zouch 7 = Burton-ot>-Trent an. Melbourne Hotel. ^" MIchelln M.C.T., 0. Parker, Potter St. (Motor Cycles). Melksham (Wiltshire), M. 27, ES. Pop. 3,102. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. « . See:— N. Lacock Abb. • (Xlllth c.*) 3; N.E. Bromham (XVth c. Houses) ; Church (Goth, and Norm.) (Tom Moore's Tomb); Sloperton Cottage (Tom Moore's Ho.) (shown by cmtrtesy of residents) 4 ; W. Great Chaldfield (Manor Ho. Rns. XVth c.) 3. Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 13 " How to use the Guide." MELROSE - 412 - Melksham (continued). Chippenham ffl. 7 = Calue & 8, Marlborough ffl. 21 = Devizes a 7, Andover a :55 = semiagton Cross Rds. 3 < Westbury 9, Warminster & 14 — Trowbridge 6, Frome j®. 15 = Bi-adford-on-Avoii 6, Frpme ffl. 16 = Bath £ 12. 3* King's Arms, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- Gar U adj Gmi 17. ff" H. 0. Gibbs, King's Arms Garage, Market PL, Agt. for Flanders, H] Boxes [g] U" \ Sim., Night, T Gibbs Motors :p> 17 Nat. Melrose (Roxburgh), M. 13, WE, Pop. 2,166 (Alt. 332 ft.). M.D., Mon. ; E.G., TAwrs. See :— St. Mary's Abb. Ch. •;».£. Dryburgh Abb. 5. :|C S. 1. fit. Boswell's Green 4 •< KelSO ffi. 14 — Jedburgh J®. 13 = Selkirk 7 = Galashiels la 4, «; Peebles ffi. 22 — stow 12, Edinburgh m. 37. JB. Abbey, ^66e?/ Gate, B 3/- L 3/- D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- « Box N 2/- PG N 1/- SAC :F> 270. ijffi George and Abbotsford, High St., B 3/- L3/- D4/- B 4/- Chfr 7/- 5 Box adj Gratis N 1/- H] SAC :?> 270, la Waverley Hydropathic, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- Chfr 5/- [^ Gar ins G-'mt'is N 1/- B SAC T Hydro :p» 267. jfgi King's Arms, ZfigrA SL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 Chfr 7/- S Shed ins Gratis N 1/- \6} SAC :p> 269 Nat. f^w J. H. Scott, Pa^ma PL, [Is] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Scott Motors :p> 2X. Melton Mowbray # (Leicester), M. 22, ES, Pop. 9,203. M.D., Tites. ; E.C., TAw. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) • ; Maison Dieu (XVIIth c). >*«; Apr. 9th. Waltham5, Denton 12, Grantham &. 16 (v. Gratis N 1/- [s] :p> 28. 1^ Harboro', Burton St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 § Gar- ins Gratis [3] ^ 38. am Bell, Nottingham St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- « Shed ins Gratis^ RAC 'J^ 26. f^* MIchelln Stockists, Sharman and Ladbury, Sherrard St., do) IT \ Sun., RAC T Progress ;p 24. M.C.T. — MIchelln Stockists, A. Garner & Son, Cheapside, [l2| Boxes [H LT \ Sun., Night, T Garner :p' 11. — Wm. Newland, Quorn Hunt Garage, 20, Burton St., Agt. for Ford, [t] Boxes [U U \ Sun., Night, T Newland Motors :p»58. Melvich (Sutherland), M. 5, ^ Timrso 17. Thurso ffi. 17 = Forsinard Stn. 16, Helmsdale 40 = Bettyhill 14, 17 < Tongue 27 — Altnaharra Inn 38, Lairg 59. Menai Bridge (Anglesey), M. 15, ED, Pop. 1,640. See :— Britannia Tubular Br. •. (Toll : Cars 2/-, motor -cycles 6d.) Beaumaris 4 = Bangor a 3 (See note— Bangor E, III) = Llanfairpwyngyll 2, Holyhead 22. J9£ Victoria, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis g] RAC Lt :p' 9. Mere (Wiltshire), M. 27, Pop. 1,977 P. See :— Chantry Ho. ; Church (XlVth and XVth c.) ; S. Woodlands (XVth c. Manf5ion Rns.) 1 ; N.W. Stourhead Ho. 3 ; N.W. Whitesheet Cas. (Rns.) 2. — 413 — MERTHYR TYDFIL Mere (continued). Hiudon 7 < Amesbury ffl. 23 — Salisbury ffl. 23 = Gillingham fi. 4, Shaftesbury ffi. 9 = Zeaia Greeu 2 < Wincantoii 7, Ilchester 20 — Frome ifA Talbot, B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gai^ U 100 y Gratis N 1/- [3] RAC Lt. Ship Hotel. MERTHYR TYDFIL @ (Glamorgan), M. 20, ESI, Pop. 80,999. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :-Cyfarthfa Iron Works (A). :|C E. 2 (E. I). E,\:by High St., Pen-y-darren Rd., and Doivlais Rd. : — Dowlais 2, sirhowy stn. 7, Brynmawr 11, Giiwem 15, Abergavenny a 19 {poor rd.jV. hilly, v. yd. last 5m., 1/11 desc. at 12 m.), London & 161. MERTHYR TYDFIL 1 High Street 2 Pen-y-darren Road] 3 Dowlais Road \ 4 Plymouth Street 5 Pont Morlais Rd. West 6 Bethesda Street \ 7 Nant.y.Gwenith Street 8 Neath Road 9 Brecon Road E. II : by Plymouth St. :— Dyffryn 2, Quakersyard • 8, Navigation 9, Treforest 13, Nantgarw 17, Cardiff Sl 24 {med. rd., 1/15 desc. at S m.). • 1. Qualcersyard 8, Maes-y-cwmmer 13, Newbridge Stn. 17, Eisca 22, NOWDOrt a 28 (gd. rd.). E. Ill : by High St., Pont Morlais Rd., West Bethesda St., George St., and Neath Rd. ;— Hirwain 6, Glyn Neath 11, Aberdulais 20, Neath ®. 22 (gd., V. hilly, 1/11 desc. at 3 m. and U m.). E. IV : by High St., Pont Morlais Rd. West, and Brecon Rd. ;— Nunt-ddu 6, storey Arms 9, BreCOn fi. 18 (v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/9 asc. at S m.). Bush Hotel, High St. Castle Hotel, High St. W^ Michelin Stockist, W. H. Baker, Motor Garage, Bethesda St., Agt.for Argyll, [e] Boxes [gU \ Sun., Mght, T Baker Gju-age ;p> 42 PO. METHVEN — 414 Methven (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 6r>9. See :— Church (XVth c.) ; E. Methven Cas, 2. Amubree Hotel 15, Aberfeldy ffi. 25 = Perth a 6 = Crieff ffl. 11, Comrie &. 18, Lochearnhead 30. Star Hotel. Mevagrissey (Cornwall), M. 25, Pop. 2,088 P. See :— Parish Ch (Font). St. Austell a 6, Bodmin 17 = 11 -5 (ferry -19 ; no motors) Falmouth ®. 20 — Phiileigh 14 (ferry -18), King Harry's Ferry 16, Penryn 23, Fal- mouth ^ 25. Mexborougrh (Yorkshire), M. 17, ^d), Pop. 14,398. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thur. See :— Castle Hill ; E. Conisborough Cas. • 3. Doncaster a 8 = Barnsley 10. Middleham (Yorkshire), M. 16, Pop. 684 P. See :— Middleham Cas. (Rns.) ; S.E. Jervaulx Abb. • (Rns.) 4 ; S.W. Coverham Abb. 2 ; N.W. Bolton Cas. (Xllth c.) Rns. Wensiey 3 •< Aysgarth 9 — Leyburn 4, Richmond ffl. 12 = Masham 10, Ripon a 20 = Kettiewell 16, Skipton a 32 (This road is practically impassable. Proceed to Aysgarth in order to go south to Skipton). M White Swan, B 1/9 L 2/6 D 3/- H 2/6 Chfr 6/-. MIDDLESBROUGH @ (Yorkshire), M. 14, El, Pop. 104,787. M.D., Tues., Fri., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— Bolckow Vaughan Steel Works • (Special permit.) (E. I) ; Town Hall (G). ^S.2 (E. I). MIDDLESBROUGH 0. TOWN HALL R.S.-P.S.-T.-(See p. 3) 1 Corporation Road 2 North Ormesby Rd. 3 Smeaton Street 4 New Road 5 Ormesby Road 6 Nevrport Road 7 Albert Road 8 Marton Road 9 West Terrace 10 'Westboume Grove 1 Grange Road East 12 Linthorpe Road E. I : by Corporation Jld., North Ormesby Rd., the 2'oll-gate (Cars 2d. to 1/-, according to number of persons), Smeaton St., and New Rd. : — • 1 (Toll-gate : Cars 2d. to 1/-, according to number of persons), Toll-gate 2 : (Cars 2d. to 1/-, according to number of persons) Eston 5, Kirkleatham • 8, Saltburn 14 (gd. rd.), Loftus 19, (Sandsend, toll-gate : Cars 1/-, motor -cycles Id.), Whitby Si 35 (v. med. V. hilly, pict, 1/7 desc. at 27 m., many 1/9-10 gradients). - 415 - MILDENHALL Middlesbrough {continued). • r. 1 {Toll-gate : Cars 2d. to 1/-, according to number of persons), Ormesby 4, u'uisborough 9, Whitby Sl 31. • 1. Kirkleatham 8, Redcar j®. 11. E. II : by Corporation Rd. and Marton Rd. : — Toil-gate 1 : (Cars 2d. to 1/-, according to number of persons), • 3, Stokesley • 9, ThiPSk a 30, Rlpon ffl. 41 {gd. rd., 1/16 asc. at 21 m.). • r. 3, Yarm 7, Darlington iE. 16. . 1. stokesley 9, Helmsley 29, York ffi. 53 {gd. rd. hillij, 1/9-13 desc. at ik m.). E. Ill : by Corporation Rd. and Neivport Rd. .— Thornaby 3, Stockton-on-Tces §Sl 4 {gd. paved), London & 247. pffi Corporation, Corporation Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/- Ut\ms Gar 200 y Gratis N 1/- SU ;p' 562 ^at. Grand Hotel, 0??i>. Stn. Empire Hotel, RAC. ftm MIchelln Stockist, Ernest Hall, Weslerj St., [12) % Sun., Night, T Halls Garage ::?» 666. — Nesham's (Central) Garage, Gh-ange Rd. East, Agt. for Fokd, [9] Boxes [7] U N Sun., Night, RAC T Central Garage :p> 359. — .T. Carling & Son, 50, Grange Rd. East, [e] LT S Hp 815. — Michetin M.C.T., Q. L. Gibson, lo3, Linthorpe Rd. (Motor Cycles). — Michel in M.C.T., Muii-s, 225, Linthorpe Rd. (Motor Cycles). Wliddleton (Lancashire), M. 16, and Special IVlap 45, Ml, Pop. 27,983. See :— Church ; The Rectory. Rochdale a 5 = Oldham a 4 = Manchester a 6 = Pendlebury 6, Bolton a 14 = Bury S. 6. Middleton-in-Teesdale (Durham), M. 13, Pop. 1,987 P (Alt. 778 ft.). See :— N.W. High Force Waterfall 5. ^IC S. i. Eggieston 4, Barnard Castle 10 = Barnard Castle 11 = Brough 14, Kirkby Stephen 19 = Alston 22. J^ Ye Cleveland Arms, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Shed g] Shelter g] Court ins Gratis N 1/- qp> 6. Middlewich (Cheshire), M. 16, WM, Pop- 4,910. See :— Old Houses ; S.W. Lea Hall 2. 3 < Northwich ®. 7 — Knutsford ffi. 10 = Sandbach 5, Tunstall 14, New- castle-under-Lyme ffi. 18 = Nantwich a 10 = 1 «; Northwich a 6 — cross Eds. 9, Chester a 21 — Cross Eds. 9, Tarporley 12. f)f^ Red Lion, Wheelock St. and Nanttcich Rd., B 1/6 L 2/- R 1/6 Chfr 5/6 Shelter ins Gratis (U. Midhurst ® (Sussex), M. 28, Pop. 1,650 P. M.D., Thurs. ; B.C., Wed. See :— Cowdray(Tud.) (Rns.) {apply for admission to caretaker) ; Houses (XVIth c.) ; N. Easeboume Ch. (Goth.) 1 ; S. Singleton (Old cottages, Ch. Norm, and Goth.) 5 ; W. Trotton (Ch. mural paintings, brasses) 3. Nj^E. 1. Easeboume 1 < Haslemere ®. 8, Godalming ^ 17, Guildford ffi. 21 — Pet- worth 6 = Chichester la. 12 = Petersfleld 10. am'. Spread Eagle, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar IT adj Gratis [2] RAC Lt. :p> 10. Angel Hotel. fF" Micheiin Stockist, J. Posite, So; U \ Sun., Night, RAC :?> 32 Midhurst. Midsomer Norton # (Somerset), M. 27, SB. P«P- 7,300. RadstOCk 1, Bath a 10 =r Wells a H = Fanington Gui-ney 3 < BrlstOl ffi. 15 — Wells ffi. 11. ff" Micheiin Stockists, Shearn Bros., Agt. for Wolsbley, [So] U \ T Shearn 31otors ;p 20. Mildenhall (Suffolk), M. 23, Pop. 3,567 P. See :-Church (Xllth c. Chap.) •. ^ S.W. 3. Brandon 9, Swaffham ®. 24 ;= Thetfurd ^ 11 = Newmarket ^ 9. Seepp.StoGforthelistofConventionaLl Si^ns and Abbreviations. MILFORD HAVEN - 416 - Milfbrd Haven (Pembroke), M. 19, EH, ^op. 6,399. See :— Harbour. steynton 2 < Haverfordwest S. 7 — New Milford 6, (ferry -23) Pembroke Dock 7, Pembroke fi. 9. JfiL Lord Nelson, Uamilton Terrace, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Cr^-aiis N 1/- [6] f Nelson. ^^■i J. H.Jones, The Garage, Victoria Rd., Agt. for Studebakkr, [5] Boxes H] U \ T Jones Garage. — Jones Bros., 9, Charles St. Milfbrd-on-Sea. @ (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 1,924. ^ New Milton 5. See :— Church (Norm, and Goth.) ; N. Newlands Manor (Pictures) 1 ; S.E. Hurst Cas. 3 ; W. Hordle Cliffs (View) 2. Lymington 5 = Christchurch 9, Bournemouth & 14. JH. Victoria, B 3/- L 3/- D 4/- R 6/- Chfr 7/- [cH 5 Gar Box U ins Grains N 1/6 do] T Hotel :?> 7. S^ MichelJn Stockists, F. Keeping: & Co., 1, High St., Agt. for Singer, i^ Boxes [si U \ Sun., Night, E,AC T Keeping :p>3. Millom (Cumberland), M. 15, EU, Pop. 8,612. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; Parish Ch. ; Giant's Grave. Broughton 8, Ulverston 18 = Egremont 27, Whitehaven fi. 32. Millport (Bute), M. 11, m, Pop. 1,614. See :— Cathedi-al (Goth.). Ton r round the Island of Great Ctimbrae 10 ; Steamers to Fairlie 5 ; and Kilchattan, Isle of Bute, 5. Milnathort 1 (Kinross), M. 9, Pop. 1,052. M.D., Wed. Perth :®. 15 = Auchtermuchty 9, Cupar 18 = Leslie 10, Markinch 13, Leven 19 = Kinross 2, Cowdenljeath 10, Burntisland 17 = Dollar 11, Tillicoultry 14, Alva 16. JfiL Thistle, North Rd., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- :p> 7. Royal Hotel, RAC. ^v Michelin Stockist, Wm. Keir, The Garag:e, Neiv Rd., d] U Night. Milngavie (Dumbarton), M. 12, Pop. 3,481. "j^ N.W. 1. Strathblane 4, Aberfoyle 20 = Glasgow ^ 7. Milnthorpe (Westmorland), M. 16, Pop. 1,051 P. Levens Br. 2 < Kendal ffi. 7 — Gilpins Br. 4, Grange ^ 8 — Levens Br. 2, Gllpins Br. 4, Bowness 13, Windermere Q. 14 = Carnforth 7, Lancaster ®. 14 = Amside stn. 3, (train to) Grange 7. Milverton (Somerset), M. 26, Pop. 1,427 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.) ; Vicarage (Tud.). Taunton a 8 = Wiveliscombe 3, Bampton 13. ^» J. M. Richardson. Minehead # (Somerset), M. 26, ED, Pop. 3,459. M.D., Moa. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth. Tower) ; Feathers Inn ; W. Porlock Well- ; Ch. (Goth.) ; Churchyard, Pict. Cottages 7. ^ E. 1. Dunster 2, Williton 8, Bridgwater ^ 26 = Porlock 6, (turn r. down private rd. just outside Porlock, thus avoiding Porlock Hill; Toll: Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 6d.) Lynton 19. lie Metropole, B 3/- D 5/- R 5/6 to 6/6 Chfr 6/6 jcH 5 Gar LT adj Gratis N 1/- do) RAC T Metropole :p> 11. ^ Plume of Feathers, Wellington Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/- Shed U ins M -/6 N 1/- [4] T Feathers :p» 8 PO. m Wellington, Wellington Sq., B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- g] :p. 22 X. Beach Hotel, RAC. srw^ Michelin Stockists, The Metropole Motor Garage Co., Ltd., North Rd., Agt. for Hui'MOBII-e, Bianchi, [^ U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Motors :p>.74 PO. — Capron & Sons, lU, The Parade and Market House Lane, (Is) Boxes [H TJ \ Sun., Night, RAC T Capron 1^ 44 PO. — Minehead: Motor and Engineering Co., Alcombe Rd., |J] U \ Sun. (9-11 a.m.) T Surridge :f> 61 PO. - 417 - MOLESEY irfield (Yorkshire), M. 46, WB, Pop. 11,712. se :— St. Mary's Ch. ; Danish Mount. ^ S.E. 1. Thtee xuna P. H. 1 •< Huddersfield a 5 — Brighouse Si 3, Elland 6, Halifax a 9 = Dewsbury s, Ossett a 7, Wakefield ®. lo. © Black Bull, B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- (cH Shed ins Gratis [1] ;F> 104. j^ltcham (Surrey), M. 29, and Special Maps 42, 43, Pop. 14,903 P. London ^ 9 = Streatham 3, London & 10 = Croydon £l 4 = Sutton Sl 3, Reigate ^ 13 = Merton 2, Kingston & 8. Modbury (Devonshire), M. 26, Pop. 1,242 P. See :— Modbury Court (Rns.) ; St. George's Ch. (Spire). Haiweii 8 < Totnes 13 — Dartmouth 16 = Kingshridge & 8, Dartmouth 23 = {Toll-gate : Cars 1/-, motor-cj-ciea 2d.) Plymoirth IB. 12. White Hart Hotel, J, Church St. Moffat # (Dumfries), M. 12, TE, Pop. 2,079. M.D., Fri. See :— Parish Ch. ; N.E. Mineral Well 2. X W. 1 (direction Beattock). • 3, Summit 7, Crook Inn 16, • 20, Broughton 23, Blyth Br. 29, Eommano^ Br. 32, Leadburn Inn 39, Penicuik 42, Edinburgh a 52 (gd., hilly, v. pict., 1/16 desc. at hd m.). • 1. 3, Beattock Summit 9, Crawford ffi. 17, Abington 17, Douglas Mill 26, Lesmahagow Toll 32, Larkhall 40, Hamilton 44 (v. gd., hilly, pict. tO' Abington, 1/18 desc. at 26 m.). • r. 20, stobo Ford 25, Peebles ffl. 32 {v. gd. v. pict.). Birkhill Summit 11, St. Mary's Loch • 15, Gordon Arms 21, Yarrow Ch. 25, Selkirk 34 {gd., v. hilly, v. pict.), Kelso a 53 {med. hilly, 1/17-lU asc. at 10 m.). • r. St. Mary's Loch 15, Tushielaw 21, Head of the Brae 30, HawIck ®. 37 {med. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 16 m.). Beattock Stn. • 2, Johnstone Br. 9, Lockerbie ^ 16, Ecclefechan 22, Gretna Green 31, Carlisle ffi. 40 {v. gd., 1/17 desc. to Carlisle). • r. Beattock Stn. 2, St. Ann's Br. 8, Ae Br. 14, Dumlrles ®. 21 {v. gd., 1/22-17 asc. at Urn.). ffil Hydropathic, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Lft leg S Gar goj Court do] 150 y N 1/- SAC T Hydropathic 1^ 6. M^ Buccleuch Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis \m\ SAC :p> 3. ^ Annandale Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Clifr 6/- Gar ins Gratis {5\ SAC ^ 13. VF" MIchelin Stockist, Sportsman's Emporium {near Sta- tion), [H] LT \ Sun., Niglit, T Sportsman's Emporium. Mold a (Flint), M. 15, Ml, Pop. 4,875. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (XVth c.) ; S. Tower (XVth c.) 2. Northop • 3, Flint 6 {gd. und., 1/15 asc. at k m.). • 1. Northop 3, Holywell 9, Newmarket 16, Rhyl ®. 22 {gd. xmd., 1/9- desc. at 9 m.). Queensferry 6, Chester Sl 12 {med. rd.). Penymynydd 5, Chester ®. 12 {gd. und. recom.). Caergwrle 6, Wrexham a. 11 (v. gd.). Llanferres 4, Ruthin 10 {mount.), Corwen 23 {v. gd., 1/12 desc. at 8 m.). Nannerch 6, Bodfari 12, St. Asaph 18, Rhuddlan 20, Rhyl ffi. 23 {gd. und. recom.). ^ Black Lion, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [5] T Black Lion :p> 198. .2* Star, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 4/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins \3} J^ 196 Nat. f^i MIchelin Stockists, Jones' Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd., King St., Agt. for Vulcan, M\T Jones' Motor :f> 42. Molesey (East) (Hampton Court) # (Surrey), see Special Maps, 42, 43, iHdI, Pop. 6,500. See :— Hampton Court Palace and Gardens • . Kingston-on-Thames j®. 2 = Walton-on-Thames 4. m Thames, B 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/(i JJ Gar U 60 y Gratis [Ig RAC T Thames :p> 4. ^fm MIchelin Stockist, Rowland Williams, Walton Bd., [4] Bex [4] U \ Sun. RAC T Williams, Engineer :f> 68 Molesey. — Usher's Garage, 62, Bridge Rd., [6] Boxes [lol LT N Sun., Night, T Usher's Garage ;p> 36. MONIAIVE 418 — fWloniaive (Dumfries), M. 12, Pop. 528. ^ W i. Thornhill 9 = Dumfries fi. 17 = 10 < New Galloway 14 — Dairy 12 ; Dalraellington 26, Pop. 3,098. :SC E. Broughty Ferry 2, Dundee Monifieth (Forfar), M. 10, E Arbroath 11 = Carnoustie 5 Dundee & 7. gJH Panmure, The Links, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [1] T Panmure :p> 46, MONMOUTH m (Monmouth), M. 21, EH, Pop. 5,269. M.D., 3/oji., i^/-i. ; E.G., rA.?trs. See :— Castle (Rns.) (Xlllth c.) (D) ; Parish Ch. (C) ; Priory (Rns.) (A) ; St. Thomas Chap. (Norm.) (F) ; Old Gateway (E). >i«;_ March 26- mth ; Sept. 9-lOth. 1 Agincourt Square M ON MOUTH. S,t,® 2 Priory Street «.Sl 3 Monk Street ^y^Jite Swan H -4 New Dizton Road 6 Church Street Beautort Arms fl. 6 St. Mary's Street 7 Almshouse Street 8 Wyebridge Street 9 Wye Bridge 10 Staunton Road a>^ao/:® 31 Chepstow Roi 12 Monnow Street 13 Monnow Bridge 14 St. Thomaa,'s Square 16 CinderhiU Street 16 Drybridge Street , 17 Station Road E.\:by Agincourt Sq., Priory St., and Monk St. :— Langstone Fork 4, St. Weoiiards 8, Wormelow Tump 11, Hereford ffi. 18 {v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 5 m.). E, il : by Priory St. and New Dixton Rd. :— whitc}mrch 4, • 5, Ross ffl. • 10, Ledbury ffi. 22, Great Malvern a 30 {v gd. und. pict , 1/JO desc. at h m.). • 1. 5, Marstow 6, Harewood End 11, Llandinabo 12, Hereford ffl. 20 (gd. rd.). • r. Ross &. 10, Gloucester ffi. 26 (v. gd.), London ffi. 130. E. Ill : by St. Mary's St., Wye Br., and Staunton Rd. .— Staunton .% Nailbridge 10, Mitcheldean 13, Huntley 17, Gloucester Sl 24 {med. hilly) E. IV : by Wye Br. and Chepstow Rd. :— Redbrook 3, Tintem 11, Chepstow ffi. 16 (?;. gd., hilly, pict., 1/9 desc. to Chepstmv). E, V : by Monnow St., Monnow Br., St. Thomas's Sq., and CinderhiU St. :- Mitchei Troy 2, Raglan • 8, Usk 13, Newport St. 24 {v. gd., 1/18 desc. at 11 7n.). • r, Raglan 8, Llanvihangei-nigh-Usk 12, Abergavenny &. 17 (v. gd., ly. und., 1/17 desc. at 11 m.). I - 419 - MORETON HAMPSTEAD Monmouth (contimied). m_ Beaufort Arms, Agineottrt Sq., E 4/- to 5/6 Chfr 7/6 5 Gar If ins Gratis N 1/- do) BAG :p> 10. JiUL King's Head, Agincourt Sq., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 3/- Gar g] Court m adj Gratis RAC Lt. m Angel, -St. JJfary's S<., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed [3] Shelter [D ins Gratis lf> 14 PO. White Swan Hotel, Priory St. W^ Michelin Stockists, G. R. Williams & Co., 91, Momiow St., Agt. for Alldays, Humbbr, [20] Boxes [3] LT % Sun., Night, ;}b 45 PO. — Alonmouth Motor Co., Priory St., Agt. for Arrol-Johnston, [^ Boxes [U U \ Sun., Night, EAC T Motors :?> 51 PO Montgomery ® (Montgomery), M. 20, ^, Pop. 983. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Fri. See :— Castle (Ens. Xlth c.) ; Offa's Dyke ; Parish Ch. Kingswood 4, WelshpOOl 8, Llandysilio 16, OSWeStry ^ 23 (v. gd.). Chirbury 3, Weetbury 12, Shrewsbury Sl 21 (v. gd., 1/9 desc. from Mon- gotnery). Brompton 3, Bishop's Castle • 9, Hordeiley 16, Craven Arms 19, Ludlow fi. 27, Wooferton • 32, Tenbury 37, Worcester & 58 (gd. und., 1J8 desc. at 9 m.). • r. Bishop's Castle 9, Clun 15, Knighton 22 (gd., v. hUly, 1/8-10 gradients). • r. Wooferton 32, Leominster a 38 (v. gd.). • 2, Abermuie 5, Newtown fi. • 9, Llanidloes 23, Aberystwith 53 (v. gd., 1/13 asc. at '25 m.). • r. 2, Garthnyl 4, WelshpOOl Sl 10 (V. gd.). • r. Newtown a 9, Lianbrynmair 26, Machynlleth 37, Aberdovey 47 (v. gd., 1/12 desc. at 2U m.). Dragon Hotel. f^ Michelin Stockist, R. H. Bunner, Motor Agfcnt, % T Bunner ;p> 4. Montrose m (Forfar), M. 10, {H, Pop. 12,401. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Town Hall ; Parish Ch. 1 -5 Inverbervie 13, Stonehaven 23, Aberdeen a 37 — Laurencekirk 10, Stonehaven 24 = Fettercairn 13, Bancliory ®. 31 = 2 < Arbroath 12, Dundee a 29 — Forfar m 17 = Friockheim 10, Forfar j®. 18 = Brechin m9. ^ star, 7, Neiv Wynd, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N i/- (5] SAC T Star ^ 25. jtfiL The Bents, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis T Bents :p> 49. 1*1^ Queen's Temperance, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed 50 y Gratis [2] T Queens :f> 82. Central Hotel, 118, High St., Michelin Stockists, A. Milne & Son, 133, High St., Agt. for Belsize, Sunbeam, Ford, 112] U \ Sun., Niglit, T Garage :f> 33. M.C.T. 'Morecambe (Lancashire), M. 16, EB, Pop. 12,133. yc E. 1. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Wed. Lancaster fi. 4 = Heysham 4. JH. Midland, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 T Midotel Ip 5. JH. Ducksbury's Elms, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- E 4/6 Chfr 7/- ICHl Gar adj Gratis [6] EAC T Elms Hotel :p' 179. JggL Clarendon, Marine Rd., West End, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- E 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar LT ins Gratis g] :p> 180. Grosvenor Hotel, Sandyland. ^Ifm Fahys, Ltd., Central Garage, ^j;*. /or Napier, Arrol- JOHNSTON, HURTU, (30] Boxes [HUN Sun. :p> 338. Moreton Hampstead (Devonshire), M. 26, Pop. 1,541 P. See :— The Arcade (XVIth c.) ; S.W. Excursions on Dartmoor. Exeter ®. 12 = Bovey Tracey 6, Newton Abbot S. 12 = Two Bridges 13 < Tavistock a 22 — Princetown 15, Plymouth ^ 30 = Okehampton Sl 14. i*L Gray's, The Square. B 2/- L2/6 D2/6 E2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U 20 y Gratis N 1/- [e] EAC. MORETON-IN-THE-MARSH - 420 - Moreton-in-the-Msirsh (Gloucester), M. 22, Pop, 1,784 P. M.D., Tiies. ; E.C., Wed. See :— S.E. stone Circle 1 ; Chastleton Hall (Tud.) ; Little Compton Manor 4 ; S.W. Sezincot Ho. 2 ; N.W. Batsford Entrenchment 2. ^ E. -^yUt March 28th. Cross Eds. 5 «5 Fork Rds. 8, Warwick ^ 22 — Sliipston-on-Stour 7, Banbury ffl. 21 — Cross Rds. 5, Fork Rds. 8, StratforU-on-Avoti ^ 16 = Chipping Norton a 8 = StOW-On-the-Wold la 4 = Bourton-on-the-Hill 2 < Broadway 8, Evesham a 14 — Chipping Carapden 7, Evesham ffl. 16. l*lt?l White Hart Royal, High St., B 2/- L 2/3 D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- g] RAC Lt. Morley ® (Yorkshire), IW. 47, HE, Pop. 24,285. See :— Howley Hall (Rns.) ; Lady Anne's Well. Leeds a 5 = Wakefield m 7 = 1 < Batley fi 3, Dewsbury 6 — Bradford ^ 8. l^a IVIichelin Stockist, L. Hainsworth, The Ga.ra.s:e, Queen St., Agt. for Bklsize, Armstrong- Whitworth, \W\ Box [i] U N T Hainsworth's Garage :p> 289Y. Morpeth ® (N^orthumberland), IVI. 14, [mI, Pop. 7,436, M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :— Iforman Cas, (Rns,) ; Clock Tower, ^ X.W. 1 (direction North- gate). Pegswood 2, liTewbiggin 8 (med. rd.). Hartford Br. 5, Earsdon 13, North Shields 17, (ferry -1) South Shields IS {med. rd., 1112 desc. and ase. at 12 m,), Stannington 4, Seaton Bum 8, NeWCastie-On*Tyne ^ 14 (v. gd.). Northgate • 2, Feiton 10, Ainwlck ^ 19 (v. gd., 1/20 asc. at 10 m.). • 1. Northgate 2, Weldon Br. 9 (gd. rd.). Long Framlington 11, Aln Br. 19 (v. med ), liderton 26, Wooler 30, Coldstream Si 44 (v. gd., 1/12 asc. to Wooler). © Queen's Head, Bridge St., B2/6 L2/6 D 4/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis [12] RAC :f> 50. ff" Michelin Stockist, S. Jennings, Ltd., Newgate St., \M U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Jennings :p> 26. Mortimer # (Berks.), IVI. 28 (not marked on map). Reading m 8. ^m Michelin Stockists. Methold and Lister-Kaye. Morriston (Glamorgan), M. 26, Pop. 14,000. E.C., Theirs. 6 < Brecon a 37 — Llandilo a 24 = Neath ^ 5 = Swansea Q. 3. Mossley (Lancashire), IW. 16, ME, Pop, 13,205, See :— Brown Edge (View), Upper Mill 4 < Huddersfield a 17 — Delph 5, Rochdale ffl. 14 — upper Mill 4,Deiph5, Halifax a 22 = Meitham 11,. Huddersfield ffi 16 = Stalybridge 2, Ashton-under-Lyne Si 4, iWanchester ffl. 10. Motherwell (Lanark), Nl. 12, m. Pop, 40,378 (Alt. 255ft.). E,C., Wed. Newhouse 4 < Whitburn 14, Edinburgh a 35 — Airdrie fi. 7 = Wishaw 4, Carluke 8, Lanark a 14 = Hamilton 2, Biantyre 5, East Kilbride 9, Paisley ia 21 = Beiishm 3 -^ Glasgow a 12 — Coatbridge fi. 6. ^ Gourlay's Brandon Restaurant, 7, Brandon St. f^" Taggart Bros,, Knowetop, [§]U \'f> 138, Mountain Ash (Glamorgan), IVI. 20, ^), Pop. 42,256. M,D., Sat. ; E.C, Thurs. Aberdare ffi. 4, Neath a 24 = Navigation 4 < Pontypridd Si 8, Cardiff fi. 20 — Newbridge Stn. 14, Pontypool 20, Usk 27 — Navigation 4, Newbridge stn, 14, Newport a 25. Much Wenlock (Shropshire), M. 21, m, Pop, 15,244, M.D., Mon. ; E.C, Wed. See :— Priory (Rns.) ; Parish Ch. (Norm,, Goth,) ; Almoner's Ho, ; Ashfield Hall, Shrewsbury a 12 = Ironbridge 6, Shifnal 12 = Bridgnorth a 8 = Church Stretton S. 13, Bishop's C!«stle 26, Gaskell Arms Hotel, RAC, - 421 - NAIRN Muirkirk (Ayr), M. 12. Pop. 3,892 (Alt. 756 ft.). See :-S. Cairntable (1,942 ft.). Hvndford Br. 19 < Lanark a 22 — Biggar a 29 = 2 «i Mauchline 14, Ayr Sk 25 — Cumnock 10, Ayr & 26. ffmt J). Greenwood, Victoria Buildings, Main St., Agt. for Argyll, PORD, [6] Box, Sun., T Greenwood :p> 7. Mullion (Cornwall), M. 25, Pop. 673 P. ^. See :— Mullion Cove. ; Ch. (Goth.). Dodson's Gap 4 < Helston Sl 6 — Penryn 16 = Lizard Town 5 = Gunwalloe 2, Dodson's Gap 5, Helston Si. 8. tm Mullion Cove, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 H 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/- 5 Gar U ins N 1/- RAC T Cove Hotel. Mumbles (Glamorgan), M. 26, Pop. 4,461. See :— Gower Caves ; W. Oystermouth Cas. (Rns.) 1. Swansea & 5. m The Langland Bay, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 2/6 to 5/- Chfr 5/- [eg Gar U ins Gratis g] RAC T Delight J^ 2. f!?a The Mermaid, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins N 1/- [g] T Mermaid :f> 131 Nat. [Mundesley (Norfolk), Wl. 24, Pop. 680 P. ^X W. 1. Cromer a 8 = staiham 10 < Gt. Yarmouth ®. 27 — Norwich fi^ 25 = North Walsham a 5, Norwich ia. 20. j?giL Grand, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/6 [5] :p> 2. ]Manor House Hotel. ^IMusselburgrh ^ (Edinburgh), M. 13, HD, Pop. 15,938. E.C., Thurs. See :-01d Br. ; Pinkie Ho. ^. Prestonpans 3, Cockenzie 4, Gullane 12, North Berwick SL 17 = Aberlady 10, North Berwick a 17 r= Tranent 4, Haddington ^ 11 = 9 < Lauder 21 — Heriot Stn. 14, Gaiashiels a 30 = Dalkeith 5 s= MUlerhUl Stn. 2, Dall(eith 5 = Portobello 3 < Edinburgh j®. 6 — Leith 6. Musselburgh Arms Hotel. f1»" IVlichelin Stoclcists, J. Bowen & Co., High St., Agt. for Unic, ITALA, [^ LT \ Sun., Night, T Bowen :f> llXand83. ailsworth ® (Gloucester), IVI. 21, ^d), Pop. 3,031. :§C N. 2. Stroud a 4 = 1 < Cirencester a 13 — Tetbury a 7, Malmesbury a 12 = Codington Ash 15 •< Bath a 25 — Bristol ia. 28 = 5 < Wotton-under- Edge 8 — Dursley 8. ?^« IVlichelin Stockist, Fra.nk Arnold, The Garag^e, Market St., Agt. for Flanders, Charron, Bayard, g] Box [T] U Sun., Night, T Arnold. \IRN ^ (Nairn), M. 5, ^, Pop. 4,661. M.D., Thurs. >ee :-Parish Ch. (A) ; S.W. Cawdor Cas. 6. :§: W. 1 (E. III). E. I : 6y IfigfA 5fi., Bridge St., and Forres Ed. :— Auldearn 2, Forres ffi. 10, Woodside 16, Elgin ^ 22 (v. grd. j^ici., l/5;4 dcsc. at 20 m.). '.. II : hy High St., Bridge St., Forres Rd., and Grantown Rd. :— Beiwat 7, Fernees 10, Dava 16, Grantown ®. • 23 {1/lU asc. at 10 m.), Tomintoul 37, Ballater jS. 59 {dang, hilly, 117 asc. at IS and desc. at U6 m.). • r. Grantown ®. 23, Aviemore 38, Kingussie Si 50 (gd., hilly, v. pict., 1/13 desc. at Ul m.), Newtonmore gL 53, Blair Atholl 88, Pitlochry a 95, Dunkeld 107, Perth a 122, Edinburgh Si 162, London S. 544. . Ill : hy High St., Leopold St., and Academy St. :— Blackcastle 4, AUanfeam 12, invemeSS ffl. 16 (v. gd. level rd. pict.). in Royal Marine, The Links, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- g) SAC ;p> 38. mm Imperial Golf {May to Oct.), B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/- PG ^ 39. iiS. Waverley, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- [cH PG. Station Hotel, High St. f^ Michelin Stockists, Knowles & Cumminer, 9, Bridge St., Agt. for HuMBER, SUNBEAM, Swift, |2o] Boxes [12] U S Sun., Night, SAC T Garage :p> 9. NANTWICH Nairn (continued). NAIRN Michelin Stockists, Ma.cRa.e & Dick (Automobile Eng^ineers), High St. and King St., Agt. for Arkol- .TOHNSTON, STOBWER, OVERLAND, ALBION gol Boxes [5] U % Sun., Mght, T Dick J^ 4. NANTWICH ® (Cheshire), M. 21, EeI, Pop. 7,816. Wed. M.D., Sat. ; E.C. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; Houses (XYIth c.) ; Church's Mansion. E. I : by High St.., Beam St., Barony Ed., and Middlewich Ed. ;— Minshuii Vernon 7, Middlewich • 10, Knutsford a 20, Altrincham ^ 28, Manchester m. 36 (gd und. rd.). • 1. Middlewich 10, Northwich ®. 16 (gd. rd., 1/11 asc. in Northwich). E. II : by High St, Churchyard Side, South Crofts, and Crewe Ed. :— Crewe 4, Sandbach 10, Oongleton 18, Wlacclesfie'ld j®. 26 (gd. rd., 1/15 desc. in Congleton).. E. Ill : by High St., Hospital St., London Ed., and Neivcastle Ed. :~- Betiey 8, Little Madeiey 12, Newcastle-undcr-Lyme a 16 (v. gd., 1/18 desc. at lU m.). E. IV : by High St., Hospital St., and London Ed. ;— stapeiey • 2, Woore • 8, Biackbrook 12, Stone ^ 21 (med. rd., 1/13 asc. at 16 m.), Coiwich 33, Rugeley 36, Lichfield & 44 (magn. rd.), London a 163. • r. stapeiey 2, Audlem 7, Market Drayton fi. 14, Newport ffi. 25, Wolverhampton a 43 (v. gd. und., 1/lS asc. at lU m.). • r. Woore 8, Loggerheada 13, Eccleshall 20, Stafford ffi. 27 (v. gd., 1/15 asc. at 13 m.). E.y-.by High St., Mill St., Baker St., and Shretvbridge Ed. :— Aston 5, Whitchurch & 12 (v. gd. level rd.). E. VI : by High St., and Welsh Eow ;— Caiveiey 5, Tarporley 9, Chester a 20 (v. gd. ly. und.). Brine Baths Hotel, RAC. f^ Michelin Stocl 423. See pp. k, "t, 8, and 9, explaining how our itineraries have been drawn up. NEEDHAM MARKET Neath (continued). 424 — NEATH 1 Orchard Street 2 New Street 3 Bridge Street 4 Cadozton Road 6 Pontardawe Road 6 London Road 7 Briton Ferry Road 8 Neath Abbey Road 9 Windsor Road Michelin Stockists, Nea.th and District Auto and Post- ingr Co., Ltd., ^^2, Alfred St., Agt. for Napier, [^ Boxes [6] U \ Sun., Night, T Automobiles :ji>* 81. N. Hedge & Sons, Ltd., Windsor Ed., Agt. for Argyll, Deasy, [m U \ Sun., T Hedge :^ 11 PO. Need ham Maricet (Suffolk), M. 24, Pop. 7,201. Stowmarket a 4, Thetford j®. 25 = craydon 4 -; Ipswich ® 34. 8 — Colchester Nelson ^ (Lancashire), M. 16, El, Pop. 39,485. ^ W. 1. M.D.,Fr«.; E.C., Tues. Gisburn 9, Settle a 20 = Colne & 3, Skipton a 15 = Burnley a 4. m station, Hibson Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E, 2/6 Chfr 5/6 S Shed 50 y N 1/- [§ :p> 148. f^f iVIiclielin Stockist, J. S. HorsfaU, Leeds Rd., Agt. for Argyll, [12] LT \ Sun. T HorsfaU, Engineer ;p> 231. — Michelin M.C.T^ A. Atkinson, 95, Manchester Rd. (Motor Cycles). Neston and Parkgate m (Cheshire), M. 15,: ED. PoP- 4,596. See :— Church (Runic Stones). 3 < Birkenhead a 10 — West Kirby and Hoylake a 10 = Newferry 6, Birkenhead & 9 = Chester Sl u. f^ Michelin Stockists, G. W. Bridson, Neston and District Motor and Taxj Car Co., Neston, g] Sun. T Bridsoi* :p'134. 425 — NEWARK Nevin (Carnarvon), M. 19, Pop. 1,765 P. X W. 1. Carnarvon a 20 = Tan-y-Giaig 2 < Pwllheli Q. 7, Criccieth 15, Portmado* 20 — Carnarvon ffl. 25 = Aberdaron 15. jftgL Xanhoron Arms, B 1/9 L 2/6 D 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar IT ins [e] She( 100 y [151 N 1/- T Parry Nanhoron :f> 3. NEWARK 1 (Nottingham), M. 22, |m1. Pop. 16,412. M.D., Wed. E.G., TAurs. See :— Castle (Xllth c. Rns.) (A) ; Parish Ch. (C) Beaumond Market Cross (XVth c.) (D). :^ S.W. 2. E.\: by Trent Br. and Gt. North Rd. :— Cariton-on-Trent 7, Tuxford 14, East Retford a 20 (v. gd. level rd.). E. II : by Northgate and Foss Way ;— Halfway Houses 8, Lincoln ^ 16 (w. gd. level rd.). A. CASTLE C. PARISH CHURCH D.BEAUMONT MARKET C-R.S.(G.N.R.)-R.S.(M.R.) -P.S.-(See p. 3 ) 1 Great North Road 2 North Gate 3 Foss Way 4 Market Street 5 Market Place 6 Barnby Gate 7 Bede House Lane 8 Beaconhill Road 9 Castlegate 10 Lombard Street 11 London Road 12 MiU Gate 13 Nottingham Road 14 SouthweU Road E. Ill : by Market St., Market PL, Barnby Gate, Bede House Lane, anc Beaconhill Rd. :— Coddington 3, Leadenham 10, Sleaford ®. 19 (med. rd.), Swineshead • 31, 8uttert6n 36, Fleet fflt 47, Long Sutton 50, King's Lynn Sl 64 (y. gd. 1/12 asc. at 10 m.). • 1. Swineshead 31, Boston ^ 38 (v. gd. level rd.). C IV : by Castlegate, Lombard St., and London Rd. : — Long Bennington 6, Grantham ^ 14 {v. gd., 1/15 desc. at 13 m.), London a 127. E. V : 6?/ Castlegate, Mill Gate, and Nottingham Rd, :— Eaststoise 4, Radciifle 14, Nottingham ffl. 20 (v. gd. level rd.). E. VI : by Great North Rd. and Southwell Rd. ;— Keiham • 2, Averhaw • 3, SouthweJl 8, Mansfield a 20 (v. gd. piety 1J16 desc. at 11 m.). NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA - 426 - Newark (continued). • r. Keiham 2, Kneesaii 9, Ollerton 13, Worksop & • •22, Sheffield Sl 40 {>\ gd. V. nnd. pict., 1/13 desc. at iil m.). • • r. Worksop ^ 22, Doncaster ®. 39 (gd. rd. hilly). • 1. Averiiam 3, Thurgarton 10, Nottingham ffi. 22 (gd. V. sltl., iflU asc. at 19 m.). m^ Clinton Arms, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [20] RAC T Clinton ;p> 0190. Rain Hotel, Castle Gate. ffK3 cMichelin Sto&kists, Harrison & Co., The Motor Ga.rag-e» Beaumont Cross, {MU \ Sun., l^i^ht, RAC ;p> 195. M.CT. — Michelin Stockists, C. E. Ford & Son, S5, Appleton Gate, Agt. for HUMBER, QD U \ Sun., T Ford Cyclist ;}<> 2X. M.C.T. Newbig:g:in-by-the-8ea (Northumberland), M. 14, EH, Pop. 3,466. Woodhoin 1 < Fork 12-, Alnmouth 17, Ainwlck SL 22 — Ashington 4, Morpeth §t S — • Woodhom 1, Fork, 12, Amble 13. New Brig:hton (Cheshire), M. IS, Pop. 10,961. See :— Rock Fort ; S.E. Leasowe Cas. 4. ^ W. 1. Wallasey Toll-bridge 3 (Cars or tricars 3d., motor -cycles 2d.) BIrkenfiead Sl 6 = Wallasey ^ 3, Hoylake and West Klrby ^ 11. Victoria Hotel, Victoria Rd. Newburgrh (Aberdeen), M. 10, Pop. 600, b^ Eiion 6. See :— X. Old Slains. Cas. 5. ^ (adj. town). Fontainebieau 2 •< Old Meldrum 13, Hutitly ®. 35 — Ellon 6, Peterhead 23 = Aberdeen a 13. Newburg-h (Fife), M. 9, (H, Pop. 1,500. See :— E. Lindor^ Abb. 1. Gauidry 10, Newport & 14, Tayport 17 = Lindores 2 •< Kirkcaldy ffi. 19 — Cupar li = Abernethy 3, Perth a 11. NEWBURY 1 (Berkshire), M. 28, |m1, Pop. 12,10S ; M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :-St. Nicholas' Ch. (XVIth c.) (A) ; Old Cloth Hall (C) ; Town Hall (G) ;• Jack o Newbury's Ho. (See plan) ; N. Donnington Cas. (Rns.) 1 (E. I) ; N.E. Shaw Ho. (Eliz.) 1. ^ S.E. 5 (E. III). ::^ March U-15th ; Apr. 11-lMh ; June ll-12th ; Sept. 26-mth ; Nov. 1/tr-loth ; Nov. ^6-27th ; Dec. SOth-Slst (See plan). E. I : hy Market PI., Northhrook St., Broadway, and Oxford Rd. ;— East Ilsley 9, Steventon 16, Abingdon 20, Oxford a 26 (poor rd., V. hilly ^ 1/11 desc. at 9 m.). E. II : hy Market PI., Nm'thhrook St., Broadway, and London Rd. ;— Thatciiam 3, Theale ffi. 12, Reading &. 17 (v. gd. levehrd.), London ®. 58. E. Ill : hy Market PL, Cheap St., and Greenhain Rd. : — Kingsclere 7, Rooks Down 14, Basingstoke a 16 (med. v. hilly, several 1/lk hills). E. IV : % Market PL and Bartholomew St. :— • 1, whitway 5, Litchfield 9, Whitchurch ^ 1.3, Winchester ^ 25 (med. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 7 m.). • r. 1, Highclere 5, Hurstbotime Tarrant 11, AndOVOr & 17 (med. V. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 9 on,, and 11 m.). E. V. : hy Market PL, Northhrook St., Broadway, and Bath Rd. :— Church Speea 1, Hungerford • 8, Foxfleid 11, Marlborough &. 18, Calne a 31, Chippenham ffi • 37, Bath a 50 (gd. and., 1/13 desc. and asc. at 3U m.). • r. Hungerford 8, Swindon M 24 (gd. rd., 1/U asc. anddese. at 19m.). • r. Chippenham & 37, Marshfleld 47 (gd. rd.), Bristol & 59 (med. v. hilly, 1/9 desc. at 50 m.). m Jack o' Newbury, Northhrook SL, B 2/6 L 2/9 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr. 6/6 Gar opp Gratis g] RAC Lt. T Jack Hotel. m Queen's, 3farket PL, B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- 9 Gar [2] Shed [4] ins Gratis N 1/- T Queen's qp> 47. m. Chequers, Oxford SL, B 2/6 L 3/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 « Shed ins 1/- [6] RAC T Chequers ;p> 80X. Vfn IVIichelin Stockists, Martin & CMHinsworttif The Broad- ivay, Agt. for Renault, Bblsize, Napier, Mitchell, Sun- beam, Ford, Ho) Boxes |1] U N Sun., Night, RAC T Martin Motors :?> 114X and 55X. M.CT. - 427 - NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE lew bury (continued). NEWBURY —. ^maw^lM^A. SAINT NICHOLAS' CHURCH •'JN. // (V) lr^\o o^^C. OLD CLOTH HALL '''^^^_- ^\ i\«,'g a TOWN HALL P.S.-R.S.- (See p. 3 ^^ JKarUn & ChiUingworth , \^\ P.S .To Shaw House J, rr _\::^ — chequers H. ~ack o'Newbury H % 1 Market Place 2 Northbrook Street 3 Broadw^ay 4 Oxford Road 5 London Road Rj^gr 6 Cheap Street 7 Greenham Road 8 Bartholomevr Street 9 Ne^vtown Road 10 Andover Road 11 Bath Road 12 Pelican Road 13 Station Road 14 King's Road |To Race Course l^^ I ^^^® W^ Michelin Stockists, Stradling: & Plenty, Ltd., 79, Nm-th- brook St., Agt. for Wolselp:y, Humber, Flandeks, [^ U \ Sun., Night, EAC T Stradling :p> S23 PO. — Michelin MC.T., E. C. Wheeler, Mansion House St.^ (Motor Cycles). Newby Bridg^e (Westmorland), IVl, 16. See :— Lake Windermere. 1 < Bowness-on-Windermere a 8, Windermere ®. 9 — Kendal ffl. 12 = Liiidaie 5 •< Grange Si 1 — Kendal a 17 = Gieenodd 6, Ulverston 9. ^ Swan, B2/6 L 2/6 too/- Hi/- Chfr7/6 Gar ins N 2/- (MJ RAC T Swan :f> 2. Newcastle Emiyn ^ (Carmaj-thenX Wl. 19, Ed), Pop. 922, See :— S.W. Cenarth (Bridge, View) 'i. Liaiigeier 5 < Llandyssil 9, Lampeter ^ 2.4 — Carmarthen ®. 20 = Cardigan ®. 10. jDfiL Salutation, Bridge St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 4/- Shed adj Gratis \g]. (*ltl Emlyn Arms, iSHc?(/e 5'f., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- JJ fJar U adj Gratis [e]. f^E Michelin Stockist, J. E. James, Givalia House, Agt. for Fui d m\- NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE # (Nortiiumberland), M, 14, (CTl, Pop. 266,671. M.D., Tices., Thurs., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Nicholas' Cath. (XlVth c.) • (A) ; Black Gate (Xlllth c.)(C) ; C^s. (Xllth c.) (D) ; Elswick Park Mus. (E) ; Mus. (M) ; High Level Br. • ; Jesmond Dene ; King Edward Br. ^ N. 3 (E. I). ::y«5^ March U-25th ; Jime ?>U-26th ; Oct. :21st-:22nd. Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 12 " How to use the Guide.' HEW CASTLETON - 428 - Newcastle-on-Tyne (continued). E'\ : by Mosley St., Pilgrim St., Northumberland St., Barras Br., and North lid. .- Beaton Burn 6, Stannington 10, Morpeth & 14, Northgate • 16, AInwick & ■33, Berwick m. 63 (v. gd.), Edinburgh SSl 121 (gd. rd., 1/8 desc.from Alnwick). • 1. Northgate 16, Wooler 44, Coldstream Sl 58, Greenlaw 68, Lauder 80, Dalkeitli 100, Edinburgh a 107 (gd., v. hilly, pict., 1112 asc. at kk m.). E. li : bv Mosley St., Pilgrim St., New Bridge St., Byker Br., and Shields ltd. :— Wallsend 3, North Shields • 7, Tynemouth 9 (gd. rd., IJU use. at 5 m.). • r. North Shields 7, South Shields 8. E. Ill : by High Level Br. (Toll. : Cars 4d., motor -cycle Id., tricycle lid.), Gateshead Stn., High St., and Sunderland ltd: — Felling • 3, Boidon 8, Sunderland a 12 (bad rd. und.). • 1. Felling 3, Jarrow 7, South Shields 11 (bad rd. level). E V4 :by High Level Br. (Toll : Cars 4d., motor -cycle Id., tricycle l^d.). West St., High St West, and Durham Rd. :— Birtiey 5, Chester-le-Street 8, Durham ja • 14 (hilly), DarlingtOR Si 32 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 18 m. and 31 m.), York a 80, London & 276. • 1. Durham H. 14, Stockton-on-Tees & 33. E. V : fcy Collingwood St., Neville St., Marlborough St., and Scotstvood Rd. :— (Scetswood Bridge: Toll: Cars 4d., motor-cycle 2d.), Blaydon 4, Prudhoe 10, Riding 16, Hexham a 21, Haydon Br. • 28, Halfwhistle 37, Brampton 49, Carlisle ^ 59 (v. gd. rd. hilly, recom., 1/22 desc. at 25 m.). • 1. Haydon Br. 28, Alston 45, Penrith & 64 (med. iiilly, 1/10 desc. at 59 m.). E. VI : by Collingwood St. and Westgate Rd. ;— Heddon-on-the-Wall 7, Stagshawbank 16, Chollerford 21, Carraw 25, Ureenhead 38 (v. bad, v. hilly), Brampton 46, Carlisle ^ 56 (gd. rd., 1/16-9 a^c. at 22 m.). E. VII : by Bigg Market, Newgate St., St. Andrew's St., Gallowgate, and Barrack Rd. ;— Ponteland 7, Belsay 13, Otterhurn 30, Rochester 35, Bymess 39, Carter Bar 45, Jedburgh S. 56, Melrose 69, Galashiels ja 73, Edinburgh a 106 (gd. rd., 1/12-lU desc. at 50 m.). fa Central Station, Neville St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft 5 T Nerotel 7f> 2281, 2282, and 2283. HI County, Neville St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft 5 PG 300 y RAC T Gourmet :F> 3261 and 3262. m Royal Turk's Head, Grey St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 10/- Lft [CHl 5 T Turkish ;p> 2037 Central. m^ Grand, Barras Br., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 9 PG 60 y RAC T Grand Hotel :p' 1256 Central. Metropole Hotel, Clayton St. ffoi Michelin Stockists, Kirsop, Murray & Co., Ltd., 4J) Pilgrim St., Agt. for R.C.H., [H] U % T Kirsop qp> 1566 Central. M.CT. — Michelin Stockist, J. Macpherson, Orchard St., Agt. for Argyll [Ig] U S Sun., Night, T Cargyll :p> 1333. — Michelin Stockists, oikn Hodgson's Motor Garag^e, 121, Northumberland St., Agt. for Talbot, Bayard, Benz, go] U \ Sun., Ni^it, RAC T Automobile :p> 512 Central. — Michelin Stockists, Rossieigrh, Ltd., Olympia Garage, Northumberland Av., Agt. for Minerva, Arrol-Johnston, [Too] Boxes IMH-T \ Sun., Night, T Rossleigh :f> 4840 Central. Manufacturer : Sir. W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Ltd., Elswick Works. New Castleton (Roxburgh), M. 13, Pop. 1,872 P. See :— Parish Ch. ; N. Hermitage Cas. • 8. 2 < HawijCk a 2.1 — Bonchester Br. 19, HawIck fi 26 — Bonchester Br. 19, Jedburgh a 27 = Canonbie 10 < Longtown 16, Carlisle & 24 —Annan 27 / = ==\ There are no awkward side-stays on the ** _ »> (Wy Hood SO that not only is access to the rear side-doors of tJie car quite unimpeded, but all the trouble of setting and releasing socket-pillars and manipulating locking-nuts is done away wtth. To set the Canty simply pull it forward by its strap- handle and secure the screen-clips. It can be done in a moment from the driving seat. When set, each extension arm binds its nei^boar and so secures great rigidity tbroiighoat. The cover is of the finest waterproof twill. The frame is practically everlasting. There is no neater, better finished, or more efficient hood on the market. Prices from £4 lOs. complete according: to size and style of fittinsfs. specify a Canty Send for the when ordering Canty Hood Book, your new car. It gives all details. HOODS & BODIES LTD., telephone '^^Northampton Qrove, Canonbury, London, W. Daiston. ^ NE^WCASTLE-UPON-TYNE o^« V M. MUSEUM ■k A.ST. NICHOLAS CATHEDRAL C. BLACK GATE D. CASTLE TOWN MOOR »3\^ti E. ELSWICK PARK MUSEUM Bq\ Q 6.-T.-B.-P.S.-R.S. (See p. 3 ). Grand H. ^ X'^^^^^ Grammar °° . ', ^ f^ 9 \ So*»ool 5? \ ^ . "^^ V •o Parke •. X 7 ? 10 Brunswick Street 11 George Street 12 HartshUl Road (y) 13 Penkhull Street ^~^ 14 London Road 15 Red Lion Square 16 Church Street 17 Pool Dam 18 Higherland 19 Seabridge Road 20 Deans Gate E. ill : by Cheapside, Iron Market, Nelson PI., King St., and Etruria Bd. :— Endon 7, Leek SSl 12 (v. gd., v. hilly), Buxton fi. 24 (mount., many 1/9 gradients), Sheffield fi. 51. E. IV : by Cheapside, Iron Market, Nelson PL, Brunsivick St., George St. and HartshUl Rd. .— Stoke-on-Trent 2, Longton 4, Biythbridge 7, Uttoxeter ffl. 18, • 26, Etnall 30, Derby a 36 (gd. rd., 1/lU desc. at '2 m.). • r. 26, Burton-on-Trent Sl 32 (med. und.), Leicester ffl. 58 (gd. rd., several 1/15 gradients). NEW DEER - 430 - Newcastle-u nder-Ly me (contimied). E. V : hi/ Penkhnll St. and London Rd. ;— Meafoi-d 7, • 8, Stafford Sl 16 (v. gd.), Penkvidge • 22, Birmingliam a 44 (1/i'l desc. at 38 m.). • 1. 8, Stone a 9, Weston 16, Coiwich 21, Rugeley 24, Lichfield a 32, Coventry Sl 58 (magn. rd.), London ffl. 151. • r. Penkridge 22, Wolverliampton Sl 32. E. VI : btj High St., lied Lion Sq., Church St., Pool Dam, lligherland, andSeabridge Rd. ;— Blnckbiook 7, Loggerheads 10, Market Drayton a 14, TemhiU 17, Hodnet 20, Shawbury 26, Shrewsbury a 33 {v. gd., 1/15 asc. at n m.). E. VII : by High St., Red Lion Sq., Church St., Pool Dam, EigJierland, Dean's Gate, and Keele Rd. :— Little Madeley • 4, Weston Hall • 10, Nantwich & 16, Tarporley 25, Chester ^ 36 (v. gd. ly. mid., 1/18 asc. at 1 m.). • r. Weston Hall 10, CrOWe 13 (gd. rd.). • 1. Little Madeley 4, Woore 7, Audlem 12, Whitchurch fi 21 (jgd. und., 1/13 asc. and desc. at 5 m.). m Castle, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [lol RAC T Castle Hotel :p 183 Nat. f^m Michel in Stockists, Grosvenor GsLra.se Co., /t7, London Rd., [30l Boxes [3] U \ Sun., Night, T Grosvenor Gaiage > 96 and 216. New Deer (Aberdeen), M. 6, Pop. 739, ^| New Maud stn. 3. See :— Abbey (Xlllth c). 4 -5 Strichen 8, Frazerburgh 17 — New Pitsligo 8 = Peterhead 17 = Ellon 13, Aberdeen a 30 = Old Meldrum 15, Inverurie ^ 20 = Turriff :a 13 = Macduff 18, Banff 19. Newent (Gloucester), M. 21, Pop. 2,485 P. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Spire 153 ft.) ; N.E. Pauntley Ch. (Norm. •) 2. Dymock 4 «? Lodburv ^ 8 — Trumpet Inn 10, Lcominster 1^ 28 — DTmock4, Trumpet Inn 10, Hereford a 20 = Corse Lawn 9 •< Tewkcsbury a 14 — Uptonon-Severn 16 = Gloucester a 9 = Ross ffi. 10. ^ George, Church St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [6] T Lodge. New Galloway (Kirkcudbright), M. 12, (H, Pop. 371, ^ 5. See :— Kenmure Cas. (XV th c). ^ (Visitors must be introduced). St. John's Town of Dairy 3, Carsphaim 13, Dalmellington 23, Ayr ffl. 38 = 2 < Moniaive 14, Thornhill 23 — Corsock Br. 11, Dumfries ffl. 26 — Corsock Br. 11, Dalbeattie 23 = Castle Douglas ^ 15 =: Lawrieston 9 < Kirkcudbright 19 — Gatehouse of the Fleet 19 = Newton Stewart Q. 18. m Kenmure Arms, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar adj Gratis g]. m Cross Keys, B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Gar adj Gratis N 1/- S] SAC T Nodwell. NEWHAVEN (Sussex), M. 29, EU, Pop. 6,665. E.C., Wed. See :— W. Bishopstone Cli. (Tower •) 2. ^ W. 1. E.]: by High St., Bridge St., and Dejiton Rd. :— Seaford 4, Eastbourne SL 13. E. II : by High St. and Brighton Rd. :— Rottingdean 5, Brighton ^ 9, E. ill : by High St. and Lewes Rd. ;— Lewes^^ 7, London fit 59. ^ London and Paris, Neivhaven Harbour, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/6 PG 130 y [e]. ^ Sheffleld, Fort Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr S/ 200. jf^ Bridge, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis N 1/6 [6] :F' 25 Nat. ^ Ship, 6, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/- Shed adj N 1/- S). ff" H. A. Tawner, The Garage, 37, High St.,{b\ \ Sun. :}« 16. - 431 — Newhaven {continued). ' NEAVHAVEN NEWMARKET G.-P.S. R.S. (See p. 3.) 1 High Street 2 Bridge Street 3 Denton Road 4 Brighton Road 5 Lewes Road 6 South Road 7 Fort Road New Holland (Lincoln), M. 18, Pop. 1,175. See :— S. Goxhill (Ch., Priory) 2 ; S.W. Thornton Abb. (Ens. •) 4 ; Tliornton Curtis Ch. • (Goth, and Norm.) 6. (Ferry -3) Hull j®. 4 =r Banow 3 •< Thornton Curtis 5, Brigg ffl. 16 — Barton- upon-Humber 6 — Barrow 3, Thornton Curtis 5, Great GrImsby ®. 22. Newiyn (Cornwall), M. 25 (not ^narked on map). Artists' favourite resort. See :— St. Peter's Ch. ; Fish cellars 6. Penzance Si. 2. NEWMARKET (Cambridge), M. 23, ESI, PoP- 10,483. M.D., Tties. ; E.C, Thurs. See :-Newmarket Heath. :§; S.W. 2 (E. Ill), :>i^. Apr. 15-17 th ; Apr. 29-30th ; May lst-.2nd ; May 20th-22nd ; July Ist-Uth ; July ir,-nth ; Sept. 30th ; Oct. Ist-Srd ; Oct. lh-17th ; Oct. 3Sth-31st. E. I : by High St. and Btan/ lid. :— • 1, • 6, Barton Mills 8, Elvedon 16, Thetford & 19 (med. rd.), Attle- borough 33, Wymondham 39, Norwich ®. 48 (v. gd. ly. und.). • r. 1, Kentford 5, Saxham 10, Bory St. Edmunds ®. 14 (med flat). • 1. 6, Mildenhall 9, Brandon 18 (bad rd.), Swaffham ffi. 33", Fakenham a • • 48, \Ne\\s 58 (gd. und.). • • r. Fakenham j®. 48, Holt Sl 60, Cromer ffl. 70 (v. gd. und., 1/17 asc. at 60 m.). E. II : by High St., Upper Station Rd., Cheveley ltd., and Lidgate Rd. :— Lidgate 7, Denaton 12, Boxted 17, Long Melford 21, SudbUry ffi. 24, Col- chester ffl. 38 (gd. und. sin.) E. Ill : by High St.:— • 2, Six-Mile Bottom &tn. 6, Pampisford 12, Stump Cross 16, Gt. Chesterford 17 (med. rd.), Newport 22, Harlow 38, Epping 44, London & 64 (v. gd. Jl. rd.). • r. 2, Bottisham 6, Canvbrldge a 13 (v. gd. level rd.). NEW MILFORD — 432 — Newmarket {continued), E. IV : by High St., Snailwell ltd., and Fordham ltd. :— Fordham 5, Soham 8, Ely ^ 14 (wed. rd. level). ja Rutland Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 Chfr 8/6 Gar ius Gratis [4} T Rutland ;p> 16. ^ White Hart, High St., [cH S Gar ins 2/- [§ T^ Jupp :p> 58. j*lfi Crown, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E 3/- Chfr 7/6 f PG 50 y T "Whitehurst :p> 158. j»£[ AVa^gon and Horses, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/0 $ Shed ins Gratis (3]. NEWMARKET SCALE iS^W 1 High Street 2 Bury Road 3 Upper Station Rd 6 Snailwell Road 4 Cheveley Road 7 Fordliam Road 5 Lidgate Road 8 Heath Road f^ Michelin Stockists, Young: & Co., Severals Ga-ragre* Bury Rd., Agt. for Bkitox, (H U \ Sun., Night, T Young & Co. ;F> 214 Nat. — Decks & Son, High St., (To) Box [i] U\ Sun. T Deeks :F> 48. New Milfbrd (Pembroke).— >S^«e Neyland. New Mills (Derby), M. 16, and Special Map 45, Eb), Pop. 7,773. Hayfield 3 •< Glossop 8 — Chapel-en-le-Frlth 7 = 1 < Stockport fiL 9 — Buxton m 10 = Marpie 4, Stockport ia 8. gi Queen's, Church Rd., R 2/- Chfr 7/6 Shed ins Gratis (T] :p» 35. Newmilns and Qreenhoim (Ayr), M. 11, El, Pop. 4,806 (Alt. 230 ft.). Darvel 2, Strathaven 13, Hamilton 21 = Galston 2 < Kilmarnock ffl. 7 — Ayr Sl 17. Newnham (Gloucester), M. 21, ED, Pop. 1,021. E.C, 77ii?;>. See : — Views of River Severn, and the Cotswold Hills. 2 •< Gloucester a 12 — Ross ®. 12 = Blakeney 4, Lydney fit 7, Chep- stow ®. 16. mi Victoria, L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed Court ius M -/6 N 1/- g] RAC. Newport (Essex), M. 23, 29, Pop. 914 P. Wenden 1 < Great Chesterford 5, Cambridge a 16 — Saffron Walden a 3 = Bisiiops Stortford a 9. ffl Star and Garter, Main Rd., B 1/- L 1/6 D 2 6 R 1 - Chfr 4/6 Shelter ins Grail's [i]. 433 NEWPORT lewport ® (Fife), M. 10, (H, Pop. 3,643. E.G., Wed. See :— S.B. Leuchars Ch. • 5. Ferry -34*) Dundee a 2 = Tayport 3, (ferry = 4 < St. Andrews an — Cupar 28 = Gauldry 4, Newburgh 14. ffM John T. Youug, Ltd., The Motor Garage, Agt. for Humber, Argyll, Arrol-Johnston, Ho] U N Sun., Night, SAC :p> 5X and 113. -33*) Broughty Ferry 4 New Inn 19, Kirkcaldy a NEWPORT # (Isle of Wight), M. 28, and Special Map 48, ^, Pop, 11,155. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See :-Parish Ch. (Goth.) • (C) ; Grammar School (XVIIth c.) (A) ; Old Houses ; Carisbrook (Gas • ; Gh. ; Vicarage Gardens, Roman Villa- admission M.) 1 (E. IV) ^ S.E. 1 (E. III). NEWPORT Jk. GRAMMAR SCHOOL C. PARISH CHURCH G-P.S.-R.S.-(See p. 3) '/ 1 High Street 2 Snook's Hill 3 Fairies Road 4 Staplers Road 5 St James's Square 6 Upper St James's Street 7 Medina Avenue. 8 Castle Hold 9 The Hall 10 Carisbrook Road 11 St James's Street 12 Northwood Road 13 Quay Street 14 Pyle Street 15 Lugley Street £.\ : by High St., Snooks Hill, and Fairlee Rd. :— • 3, Whippingham 4, Osborne {main gates) 5, East Ctowos 6, {floating bridge) Cowes m. 7 {gd. rd.). • r. 3, Wootton Br. 5, Ryde a 8 {gd. rd., hilly ; several 1/13 gradients). E. II : by High St., Snooks Hill, and Stajders Ed. ;— SUplers • i, Wootton Stn. 3, Binstead 6, Ryde Si 7 {gd. rd.). • r. Staplers 1, Downend 3, Brading 8, St. Helens 11, Bembridge 13 {v., hilly, med. surface, IjS desc. at 7 m.). E. Ill : by St. James Sq., Upper St. Jatnes St., and Medina Rd. : — Blackwater • 2, GodsMU 6, Whitely Bank • 7, Ventnor 11 {gd. %md., 1/7 desc. at 9 m.). • 1. Blackwater 2, Horringford Stn. 5, SandOWH 9 {gd. und. pict., l/lo aSC. at 7 m.). • 1. Whitley Bank 7, Shanklln 9 {gd. und.). E. IV : by Castle Hold, The Mall, and Carisbrooke Rd. .— Cariabrooke • 1, Calbourne • 6, Freshwater 11 {gd. und., 1/lOasc. atl m.). • 1. Carisbrooke 1, Shorwell 5, Chale 10, Ventnor 16. • r. Calboume 6, Weliow 8, Yarmouth 11 (gd. rd.). E. V : by St. James St., and Northwood Rd. .— farkhurst 1, Northwood 3, CoweS ®. 5 {gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 2 m.). NEWPORT - 434 - Newport (continued). A* Warburton's, Quay St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- S Shed adi M -/6 N 1/- [1] T Wai-burtons, Wight :p> 455. " Ml Wheat Sheaf, St. Thomas Sq., B 2/- L2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 T Wheat Sheaf :f> 453. f^M Micheljn Stockists, R. Bird Cheverton & Co., Ltd., Lugley St., Agt. for Humber, [30] Box [0 U \ HAC T Bird Clieverton :jo 453. — Michelin M.C.T., A. M. Cheverton, 13S, High St. (Motor Cycles). NEWPORT m (Monmouthshire), M. 26, El, Pop. 83,700. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Castle (Rns.) (A) ; Ch. of St. WooUos (C) ; Transporter Br. X S.E. 1 (E. II). >kt. May 12-lSth; Nov. 5-6th. NEAVPORT A. CASTLE RUINS C. CHURCH OF ST WOOLLOS P.8.-0.R.8. (See p. 3 ) 3 Caerleon Road 4 Chepstow Road 5 High Street 6 Commercial Street 7 Cardiff Road 8 Stow Hill \ J\ 9 Risca Road \«t^' 10 Mendalgief Road \\\ 11 The Corporation Road 12 Dock Street \^\ V 13 Fields Road 'pV \1 »/» E. I : by Usk Br., Clarence PL, and Caerleon Ed. : — Caerleon 3, Usk • 11, Raglan 16, Monmouth a 24 (1/18 asc. at 7.; m.), Ross ®. 34, Gloucester a 50 (v. gd., recom., 1/10 desc. at 27 m.), London ^ 154. • 1. I sk 11, Abergavenny IB. 22 (v. gd., recom:, 1/12 desc. at 10 m.), Hereford & 45. E. 11 : by Usk Br., Clarence PL, and Chepstow Rd. :— Penhow 7, Caerwent • 11, Chepstow ^ 16, Lydney a 25, Blakeney 28, Newnham 32, Gloucesterffi44(v. <7d., v. hUly,pict., 1/10 asc. at25m. and desc. at SO m.). - 435 - NEW QUAY Newport (continued). • r. Caerwent 11 {1/11 asc. at 11 m.\ ifton 12, Severn Tunnel Junction 13, {train to) Pilning Stn. 20, Westbury-on-Trym 25, Bristol ^ 29 {hUly, 1/12 asc. at n m.). E. Ill : b.if High St., ConimerciM St., and Cardiff Rd. :— St. Mei'ions 8, Cardiff SL 12 (gd. rd., IjlU asc. at 7 m.). E. IV : by High St., Stow Hill, and liisca Rd. :— Bisca 6, Newbridge 11, Quakersyard 20, Merthyr Vale 23, Merthyr Tydfil St 28 (gd. rd.), storey Arms 37, Brecon ia. 46 (v. gd., hilly). 0^ Westgate, Commercial St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- K 5/- ChfrS/- Lft . 5 Court adj N 1/- [15] T Westgate :p> 492. ^ King's Head, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 E, 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft 8 Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- g] RAG :F> 200 Nat., 639 PO. J]*L Queen's, 19, Bridge St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 2/6 B 4/6 Chfr 7/6 8 :p' 166. Savoy Hotel, Station Approach. f^m MIchelin Stockists, Jones' Newport Garage, Ltd., 8U, 8'>, Commercial St., Agt. for Flandeks, Darracq, Minbrva, [^ U \ Sun. T Motors ;p' 150. — MFchelln Stockists, Newport (Mon.) Motor Supply and Garagre, Ltd ., 'J, Clarence PL, Agt. for Wolselby, SUNBEA3I, MOTOBLOC, [i5o] IJ \ Sun., Night, RAC T Auto- mobile ;?<> 125 Maindee. ~ Ayliflfe & Sons, Kear St., Agt. for Clement, Db Dion, (H If \ 'Jt' 781. — MIchelin M.C.T., L. L. Harris, 11, Bridge St. (Motor Cycles). — Micirelin M.C.T., Planet Motor & Cycle Co., Ltd., lU, Caerlean Rd. (Motor Cycles). Newport (Pembroke), Nl. 19, Pop. 1,337, ^ Goodwick 8. See :— Castle (Xlllth c. Tower) ; Cromlech ; N. Nevern ( Churchyard Cross IX th c. ; Llanhyvor Cas. Rns.) 2 ; W . Pentreevan (Cromlech, Mansion XVIth c. Rns.) 1. Cardigan a 10 = Fishguard 7, St. David's 23. Newport 1 (Shropshire), M. 21, SId|, Pop. 3,241. M.D., Fri. and aU. Mon.; E.C., Thurs. Hinstock 6 «? WhitcHurch ^ 21 — Market Drayton ffi. 11, Audlem 18 = Eccleshall 9, Stone ®. 15 = Stafford a 13 = 3 < Wolverhampton m. 18 — Shifnal 9, Bridgnorth m 19 = Wellington 8, Shrewsbury a 20 = Shrewsbury & 18. fm Hoyal Victoria, ,S^ Mary's St., B 2/6 L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins N 1/- [4] RAC T Victoria. f^« MIchelin StocJcist, R. Evans, Belle Vue Motor and Cycle Works, Agt. for Ford, [I2] LT % Sun. RAC T Evans Garage 7f> 7. M.C.T. Newport Pagnell (Buckingham), M. 22, ED, Pop. 4,239. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-Church (Goth.). ^. Olney 5, Bozeat 10, Wellingborough 16, Kettering a 24 (gd. und., 1/lS asc. at 13 in.). stagsden 8, Bedford ®. 13 (v. gd., 1/16 asc. at 1 m.). Wavendon 5, Wobum 8, Hockiifie 13, Dunstable 17 (v. gd., 1/30 ase. at 10 m.). AVolverton 4, Stony Stratford a 6, Buckingham S. 14 (v. gd. level rd.). Horton 9, Northampton a 15 (v. gd., 1/17 desc. at Ih m.). S^ Swan, SS, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- [53 Box U ins Gratis [8] T Swan :^ 33 PO. © The Anchor, 63, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar ins Gratis [H RAC Lt. T AncJior :f> 3. f^ Salmons & Sons, London Rd., Gar [M] U \ Sun., Night, T Salmons :p'29. New Quay (Cardigan), M. 19, IHd), Pop. 1,191. Post-Mawr 5 < Cardigan & 20 — Aberayron 12 — Post-Mawr 5, Llan- dyssil 15. The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hote served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. NEWQUAY - 436 - Newquay ® (Cornwall), M. 25 ED, Pop. 4,415. E.C., Wed. See :— N. Bodmthan Steps (Red Cliff Cas.) 7 ; N.E. St. Coliimb Minor (Ch. Tower ; Rialton Priory, XYthc. K,ns.)2 ; S.E. Trerice Mansion 4 ; N.W. Towan Head (View ; Caves) 1. ':^ {adj. toivn). St. Columb Minor 2 < St. ColuiXlb 8, Wadebridge 16 — Quintrell Dow-ns 3, Bodmin j®. 20 — St. Columb Minor 2, Quintrell Downs 3, Mitchell 7, TfUrO ffl. 14 — St. Columb Minor 2, Quintrell Downs 3, Mitchell 7, Redrutll 20. mm Atlantic, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- Chfr 7/- (cH % Lft Gar Box U 200 y Gratis N 1/- [ao; RAC T Atlantic :?» 6. ill Headland, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- Chfr 6/6 Lft (CHl I Gar \j 200 y (?ra 26 PO. I»lj| Elephant and Castle, Broad St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6y Gar ins Gratis N 1/-. ffHM Michelin Stockists, Newtown Motor Garag^e (Jonet Bros.), Fool Rd.,\^U \ Sun. :p> 3. — C. W. Norton, Agt. for Belsize, Sunbeam, Ford, [9] U Sun T Norton :?» 11 PO. Neyland or New Milford (Pembroke), M. 19, EH. PoP- 2,423. 1 •< Haverfordwest a 8 — Milford 6 s= (ferry -23) Pembroke Dock 1 Pembroke ®. 3. South Wales Hotel. Northallerton m (Yorkshire), M, 17, EU, Pop. 4,806. M.D., Wed. E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Norm, and Goth.) ; W. ilount Grace Priory 8. Entercommon 8 < DarllngtON ®l 16 — StOCktOn ffi. 19 = Jeator Ho. 4 • Guisborough 24 — Thirsk a 13 = Thirsk a 9 = Busby stoop p. H. 9 - Boroughbridge fi. 19 — RIpon ^ 17 =: Bedale 8, Leyburn 20. M Golden Lion, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed in Gratis [8] RAC Lt. ;p> 4. Railway Hotel, f^" Michelin Stockist, A. Hodgrson, North End, Agt. for De Dion Metallurgique, [U U S Sun., Night, RAC. M.CT. NORTHAMPTON @ (Northampton), M. 22, ^, Pop. 90,076. M.D. Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :-Ch. of St. Sepulchre (Xllth c.) (A) ; St. Peter's Ch. (Norm.) (C) Town Hall (G) ; N.W. Gt. Brington and Little Brington (Ch., Wash ington Memorials, Washington Ho.) 7 (E. VIII); S. Queen Eleano Cross. ^ N.E, 2, NORTHAMPTON — 438 — Northampton {continued). E. I : hy Market Sq., Sheep St., Regent Sq., Barrack Ed., and Kings- thorpe Ed. ;— Kingsthorpe • 2, Lamport 9, Kelmarsh 12, Market HarborOUgh fi. 17, Le\cesier SL'S2 (v. gd, und. reco7n., 1/12 desc. at 16 m.). • 1. Kingsthorpe 2, Thornbyll, Husbands Bosworth 17, Wigsiou 27, Leicester Sl 31 (gd. rd., several 1/17 gradients). E. II : by Ahington St. and Kettering Ed. : — Broughton 11, Kettering a 14, Stamford ^ 36 (magn. rd., 1/lU desc. at n m.). NORTHAMPTON. ® A.ST. SEPULCHRE'S CHURCH ^^ •. C.ST. PETERS CHURCH G.TOWN HALL iR.S. (ll.n.)-R.S. (L.N.W.R.)-B.-P.S. (See p. 3 ) # 41m CAMBBIDGE SO m ^ Kizniolton 25 m- ^//^Abingrton W.:fPark 1 Market Square 2 Sheep Street 3 Barrack Road 4 Kingsthorpe Road 5 Abington Street 6 Kettering Street 7 Wellingborough Road 8 Demgate Waterloo 10 Houghton Road 11 George Row 12 Bridge Street 13 Cotton End 14 London Road 15 St Leonard's Road 16 Towcester Road 17 Gold Street 18 Marefalr 19 Black Lion Hill 20 St James' Road 21 Weedon Road 22 Harlestone Road 23 St GUes" Street 24 Bearward Street 25 Campbell Street 26 St Andrew's Road 27 BaUifl Street 28 Stimpson Avenue 29 Abington Avenue 30 St George's Avenue E. Ill : by Abington St. and Wellingborough Ed. :— Wellingborough • 10, Thrapston S. 20, Oundle 28, Peterborough ®. 41 (v. gd. und., 1/16 asc. at 6 m.). • r. Wellingborough 10, Higham Ferrers 15, Kimbolton 25, St. Neots Si 33, Cambridge ^ 50 {gd. und. rd.). E. IV : by Demgate, Waterloo, and Houghton Rd. : — Denton 6, Yardley Hastings 8, Turvey 14, Bedford ^ 22 {v. gd. hj. und. sin., 1/18 desc. at 6 m.). E. V : by George Eow, Bridge St., Cotton End, and London Ed. :— • 2, Hackleton 5, Stoke Goldington 10, Newport Pagnell 15, Wobum 23, HockiifEe 28, Dunstable 32, St. Albans ®. 45 {v. gd., 1/17 asc. at 1 m.), London Q. 67. • r. 2, Wootton 3, Roade 6, Stony Stratford a 14 {gd. rd. hilly). - 439 - NORTH SHIELDS Northampton {continved). E. VI : by George Row, Bridge St., Cotton End, St. Leonard's Rd., and Towcester Rd. : — Biiaworth 5, Towcester SSl 9, • 11, Brackley 20, Oxford ffl. 42 (gd. rd. monoL, 1/17 dene, at 20 m.). • 1. 11, Buckingham ®. 19 {gd. und., .tereral 1/ IS gradients). E. VII : by George Row, Gold St., Marefair, Black Lion Hill, St. James Rd. , and Weedon Rd. : — Weedon 8, Daventry • 13, Southam 23, Leamington Si 30, Warwick flL 32 {gd. ly. und., 1/lU desc. at 26 m.). • r. Daventry 13, Coventry ffl. 32 {v. gd., 1/17 asc. at 21 m.). E. VIII : by George Row, Gold St., Marefair, Black Lion Hill, St. James Rd., and Harlestone Rd. ;— Harlestone 4, West Haddon 11, Rugby ffi. 20 {gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 asc. at 8 m.) m Angei, Bridge St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 jj Shed g} Court (15] GraUs N 1/- HAG T Angel :p> 418 Nat. m Ham, Sheep St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- gg f Shed ins Gratis {E} :p' 344. l*l?l Warner's, Adj. Castle Stn., B 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/6 PG 100 y. Grand Hotel, Gold St. ffw iVIichelin Stockists, wo^ Frank Newton, Ltd., St. Giles Motor Garagre, St. Giles l^errace, Agt. for Flanders, Napikr, De Dion, [2I] Boxes [7] U "S Sun., Night, T Giles Garage :f> 408 Nat. — Micheiin Stockists, IWIuliiner (Long Acre) London and Northampton, Ltd., 73-75, Bridge St., [^ U N Sun., Night, RAC T Mulliner :p> 18. — Micheiin Stockists, Johnson & Wrig^ht, Ltd., 2Sa, Gold St., Agt. for Sunbeam, do) U % T Grates ;}<> 79. — S. Tafflnder & Co., 1-3, Bearivard St., Qlo] Boxes [1] U % Sun., Night, T Taffinder's Garage :p> 99. — Micheiin M.C.T., A. D. Powell, St. James Rd., (Motor Cycles) %. — Micheiin M.C.T., The St. Edmund Motor Co., jK'e^erm^ Rd.,{2^ U N :p> 177 (Motor Cycles). — Micheiin M.C.T., J. Jenkins, 139, Kettering Rd. (Motor Cycles). — Micheiin M.C.T., A. J: Suter, /,/t-U5, St. Andrews Rd. (Motor Cycles). North Berwick 1 (Haddington), M. 10, m, Pop. 3,247. M.D., Mon. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Priory (Xllth c, Rns.) ; E. Tantallon Cas. (Rns.) 2 ; N. of Tan- tallon, Bass Rock {by sea) 1. ^. Dunbar 12 = Haddington a 9 = Drem 6, Haddington ffi. 10 = Dirleton 2, Gullane 5. JiS Marine, Cromwell Rd., Lft Eg i Box ins Gratis N 2/- [6] SAC :p' 110. Si Dalrymple Arms, 9 and 11, Quality St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar [U Box g] Court jg] ins 1/- ::p> 143. Royal Hotel, SAC. f^" Micheiin Stockist, James Ctilbert, Abbey Garage, [15] Boxes g] U Sun., Night, T Gilbert, :fo 37 PO Berwick. — Micheiin Stockist, G. Fowler, 6/,, High St., Agt. for Argyll. [m Boxes S] U N Sun., Night, T Fowler, ;?> 4. Northleach a (Gloucester), M. 21, Pop. 661 P. M.D., Wed.; E.C., Thvrs. See :— Church (Goth.). Stow-on-the-Wold ^ 9 = 8 •< Witney 16 — Burford 9 = Cirencester ffi. 10 = 6 < Gloucester a 20 — Cheltenham a 14. 1*1^ Wheatsheaf, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gi-atis [e] RAC T Wheatsheaf. f^» Micheiin Stockist, J. A. Hills, Market Place, Sun. North Shields (Northumberland), M. 14 {not marked on map). E.C., Wed. Tyuemouth 2 = {ferry -1) South Shields ®. 1 = A^'allsend 4, Newcastle J®. 7 = Earsdon 4, Hartford Bridge 12, Morpoth ®. 17. See on p. 5 the meVnoti used in arrangfing: the Hotels. NORTH WALSHAM - 440 - North Walsham a (Norfolk), M. 24, ESI, Pop. 4,254. il.D., Thurs. : E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.) ^ ^".5. Cromer a = Mundesley 5 = Yarmouth ffl. 25 = Coltishall 7, Norwich a 15 =: Aylsham 7, East Dereham a 24. I*lj| Cross Keys, -¥arA;e< P^ace, B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- [e]. TT" Michelln Stockist, F. Mann, Vicarage St., [6] Boxes [H LT \ Sun. :jpb 29. Northwich ® (Cheshire), M. 16, ES. PoP- 18,151. M.D., Frid. ; E.C., See:-S.E. Witton Parish Ch. (XVIth c). N.W. Gt. Budworth (Ch., Stocks) 4. ;^ W. i {direction Chester). Mere Corner 7, Altrincham ^ 12, Manchester a 20 (grd. rd., l/SU asc. at 10 m.). Lach Dennis • 4, Holme? Chapel 8, Congleton 16 (v. gd.), Leek ffi 26, Ashbourne ffl. 41, Derby a 54 (med. v. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 10 m.), London a 179. • 1. Lach Dennis 4, Nether Peover 7, Chelford 13, MaCClestield ®. 19 (gd. rd.). Middlewich • 6, Sandbach • 11, Newcastle-under-Lyme & 24 (med. rd., 1/11 desc. from Northwich). • r. Middlewich 6, Nantwich ^ 16 (gd. rd.). • r. Sandbach 11, Crewe 17 (gd. und.). Crabtree Green • 5, Tarvin 12, Chester IB. 18 (v. gd., 1/19 asc. at 7 m.). • 1. Crabtree Green 5, Tarporley 11, Whitchurch ffl. 25, Shrewsbury & 45 (v. gd., 1/18 desc. at 12 m.). Barnton 2, Runcorn 12 (gd. und.), Widnes 13, Liverpool & 27 (med. rd., 1/11 asc. from, Northwich). 6tretton 8, Warrington a 12 (1/23 desc. at 10 m.), Liverpool a 30 (gd. rd., 1/20 desc. at 23 m.). © Crown and Anchor, 35, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 E, 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed Court ins Gratis [2]. ff"i Michelin Stockists, William Thompson & Sons, Central Cycle & Motor Works, Castle St., Agt. for Belsize, [w| U % RAC T Thompson Motors :p> 15. — I. Robinson & Sons, M, Station Ed., Agt. for WolsELEY, [Ml LT S Sun., RAC T Motors :f> 121. NORWICH 1 (Norfolk), M. 24, (CTl, Pop. 121,493. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Cath. (Xlth and Xllth c.) • (A) ; Stranger's Ho. (C) ; Castle (D) ; St. Peter's Ch. (XVth c.) (E) ; Guild Hall (G). The Norfolk Broads (see Excursion 8, p. 86). "X, B. 4. 'E.\:hy Dove St., St. John St., Duke St., Pitt St., St. Augustine St., and Aylsham Rd. : — Hevingham 6, Aylsham 12, Eoughton 19, Cromer a 22 (v. gd., 1/15 desc. to Cromer). C II : by London St., Bank Plain, Prince of Wales Ed., and Thorpe Ed. :— Biofleid 7, Acle • 11, Caister 20, Great Yarmouth St 23 (v. gd. level rd.). • r. Acle 11 (Toll-gate: Cars 6d., motor-cycles Id.), Great Yarmouth ^ 19 (gd. level rd.). E. Ill : by The Walk, White Lion St., Orford Hill, Timber Hill, Ber St., and Bracondale ;— Trowse 1, Loddon 11, Haddiscoe 16, Herringfleet 20, LowestOft ffi. 27 (med. rd.). E. IV : by The Walk, Haymarket, Brigg St., Rampant Horse St., St. Stephen St., St. Stephen Ed., and Ipswich Ed. :— Swainsthorpe 5, Long Stratton 10, Dickleburgh 17, Scole ffl. 20, Stoke Ash 26, Claydon • 39, Washbrook 45, Stratford St. Mary 52, ColChOStor &. 59 (v. gd. ly. und,, 1/lk asc. at 52 in.). • 1. Claydon 39, IpswIch Si 43 (v. gd.), London a 115. E. V : by The Walk, Haymarket, Brigg St., Eampant Horse St., St. Stephen St., St. Stephen Ed., and Neiomarket Ed. .— Oringleford 3, Wymondham 9, Attleborough 15, Larlingford 21, Thetford Q. 29 (V. gd.), Newmarket a • 48 (med. rd., ly. und.), Cambridge a 61. • 1. Newmarket & 48, London & 112. 441 — NORWICH Norwich (continued). E. VI ; by Dove St., St. John St., Charing Cross, St. Benedict St., and Dereham Rd. ;— Honingham 8, East Dereham fi. 16, Wendling 20, Swaffham 28, Nar- borough 34, King's Lynn jE. 44 (^magn. ly. und.), Peterborough ^ 78. NORWICH. SCALE * A. CATHEDRAL C. STRANGER'S HOUSE 0. CASTLE AND MUSEUM E.ST PETERS CHURCH G.GUILO HALL R.S. (M. aN.RJ-R.S. (G.E.R) -B.'-T.-P.S.-CJi- (See p. 3 ) Head H. 1 Dove Street y 2 St John Street ^ (g] 3 Duke Street 4 Pitt Street 'tt St Augustine Street 6 Aylsham Road 7 Liondon Street 8 Bank Plain ^ inpe of Wales. Thorpe Road| The Walk White Lion Street; Orford HUl Timber HiU Ber Street Bracondale Haymarket Brigrg Street Rampant Horse Street St Stephen Street St Stephen Road 23 Newmarket Road QiO 24 Charing Cross 25 St Benedict Street 26 Dereham Road 27 Drayton Road 28 King Street 29 Queen Street 30 Westwick Street ' I E. VII : by Dove St., St John St., Duke St., Pitt St., St. Augustine St., and Drayton Rd. :— Di-ayton 5, Attlebridge 8, Bawdeswell • 14, Guist 19, Fakenham ®. 25, Syder- stone 31, Docking 37, Hunstanton a 44 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/16 asc. at 1,3 m.). • 1. Bawdeswell 14, North Elmham 18, Litcham 25, Gayton 35, King's Lvnn a 42 {v. gd., 1/16 desc. at 27 m.). SI Hoyal, Pri7ice of Wales Rd., B 2/9 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/3 to 6/9 Chfr 7/9 Lft e Shed Shelter 300 y M -/6 N 1/6 Qol T Primus :p> 182. iB. Maid's Head, Wen^um St., B 2/9 L 2/6 D 5/- K, 5/3 to 6/9 Chfr 7/9 Shed Shelter ins M -/6 N 1/6 [IS) :f> 85. J^ Great Eastern, Prince of Wales Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 113/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis [2] T Blyth Bridge :p> 158. im Castle, Castle Meadow, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 9/- Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- @] :?> 187. NOTTINGHAM - 442 - Norwich (confitrued). ff^ Livin^'stone, 16, Orford Hill, B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 9/- Shed ins Gratis \T] RAG :p> 821. j*ei Thorpe Gardens, B 1/6 L 2/- R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Gar ins Gratis N 1/-[I] :p> 198 Thorpe. VfHi Michelin Stockists, DufF, Morgan, & Vermont, Ltd., Victoria. Garagre, St. Step/ten's lid., Ag I. for Lkon Bohht, ITALA, Dkasy, Strakeu Squihe, Valveless, |ioo) U % Sun., RAC T Garage :F> 401. — A. Cross, Jenny Lind Garage, Pottergate St., (30] Boxes g] U \ Sun., Night, T Taxi :f> 1036. — Chas. Thorn, St. Giles Gate, Agt.for Fiat, N.A.G., Armstronq- Whitworth, go) Boxes [2] U *% Sun., Night, RAC :p> 78. — Howes & Sons, Chapel Field North, Agt. for Wolseley, Bed- ford, [20] U \ T Coach 7f> 679. — Michelin M.C.T., R. 0. Clarke, Upper King St. (xMotor Cycles). Manutacturer : Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 18-23, Prince of Wales Bd. NOTTINGHAM ® (Nottingham), IVi.22, ^T\, Pop. 259,942. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (XVth c.) (A) ; Cas. (Renaiss.) and Mus. • (M); University College •. ^ N. 5 (E. I). >Ui E. Colwick 2 (E. 11), Apr. 7-Hth ; July 7~Sth ; Aug. 11-lSth ; Oct. 6-7th ; Oct. "i'l- "^Sth ; Dec. 8-9th. 1 King Street 2 Upper Parliament St 3 Milton Street 4 Mansfield Road 6 Lower Parliament St 6 King Edward Street 7 Bath Street 8 Handel Street 9 Carlton Road 10 Wheeler Gate 11 Albert Street 12 Listergrate .13 Carrington StreetJ V 14 Arkwright Street! \i 15 Trent Bridge J».___^ 16 RadclifEe Road 17 Bridgeford Road 18 Loughborough Ro: NOTTINGHAM. A. ST. MARYS CHURCH 0* M. NOTTINGHAM CASTLE * U. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ,4^ $ a - T. - R S. (M.R.) - R.S. (G.N.Ri 19 Chapel Bar 20 Derby Road 21 Alfreton Road 22 Station Street E.\:by King St., Upper Parliament St., MUton St., and Mansfield Rd. :— Daybrook & 3, Larch Farm 11, IVIansfield a 15 (pict. mid.), Doncaster St. 45 {v. gd., 1/13 desc. at 35 m.), Yoric fit 78. - 443 - NUNEATOW ottingham (continued). E.II : by King St., Upper Parliament St., Lower Parliament St., King Edward St., Bath St., Handel St., and Carlton Rd. :— Carlton 4, Lowdham 9, Thurgarton 12, Newark ^ 22 (gd. V. sin., IjlU desc, at 3 m.), Lincoln ffi. 38. E. Ill : by Wheeler Gate, Albert St., Listergate, Carrington St. , Arkwright St. , Trent Br. , and Radcliffe Rd. : — Eadcliffe 6, • 9, Bingham 10, Bottesford 17, Grantham a 24 (v. gd., 1/12 asc. at 32 m.). • 1. 9, East Stoke 16, Newark a 20, Lincoln ^ 36 {v. gd., level rd.). E. IV : by Wheeler Gate, Albert St., Listergate, Carrington St., Arkwright St., Trent Br., and Bridgeford Rd. .— Normanton 6, Upper Broughton 12, Mclton Mowbray SL 18, Oakham ffi. 28, Stamford S. 39 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 15 and 31 m.), Hunt- ingdon m. 66, Cambridge ®. 82. E. V : 62/ Wheeler Gate, Albert St., Listergate, Carrington St., Arkwright St., Trent Br., and Lotighborongh Rd. :— Bunny 7, Loughborough m. 15, Leicester S. 26 (v. gd., 1/9 asc. at S m.), London ^ 124. E. VI : by Chapel Bar, and Derby Rd. ;— • 3, Beeston 4, Long Eaton 8, isiey 15, Ashby-de-la-Zouch 22, Tarn- worth 35 (v. gd.), Birmingham ®. 50 (1/12 desc. and asc. at A3 m.). • r. 3, stapieford 6, Risiey 8, Derby a 16 (_med. rd., v. ly., und.). E. VII : by Chapel Bar, Derby Rd., and Alfreton Rd. :— Nuthaii • 5, Eastwood 9, B,ipley 14, Matlock Bath S. 24, Bakewell 33, Buxton ®. • 45 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 desc. at 15 m.), Stockport m. 62, Manchester m. 69. • r. Nuthaii 5, Underwood 11, Alfreton 17 (bad rd.), Chesterfield a 28 (med. rd., 1/12 desc. at 13 m.), Sheffield ^ 40. • 1. Buxton ^ 45, Macclesfield Sl 57. mM Victoria, Milton St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- E, 5/- Chfr7/- Lft (cH S PG 100 y RAC T Central qp> 3950, 3951. ^ Black Boy, Long Row, B 2/6 L 2/6 E, 4/6 Chfr7/6 Lft S Gar ins N 1/- H] T Black Boy :?i> 3030, 3031. m Flying Horse, Gt. Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 (CHl « Gar dist RAG T Flying ;p> 4164 and 4165. ffsm Micheiin Stockists, R. Cripps & Co., Ltd., Lower Parlia- ment St., Agt. for Wolseley, Talbot, Dblaunay-Bblle- viLLE, Argyll, Ford, [so] Boxes g] U \ RAG T Cripps :p> 4470 and 4471. — Micheiin Stockists, M. Ross Browne & Co., Trmity Sg., Agt. for Flanders, Gregoire, Straker-Squirb, Fiat, [eol Boxes H] U \ Sim., Night, RAG T Motors ;p> 4894. — Micheiin Stockists, Bentinck MotorCo., Trent Bridge, Agt. for Bedford, Hupmobile, [50) U S Sun., Night, T C'armack :f> 450. — Micheiin Stockists, Stareys & Woolleys, Ltd., Lower Parliament St., Agt. for F.N., Crossley, Minerva, Metal- LURGIque, do) U \ Sun., Night, T Petrol :p> 4600-4601. — E. & C. Astle, Forest Rd., {si :f> 4385. — Micheiin M.C.T., ^y. Stevens, 299, Arkivright St. (Motor Cycles). Manufacturer : Humber, Ltd., Greyfriars Gate. NUNEATON 1 (Warwick), M. 22, (ud), Pop. 37,083. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See :— St. Nicholas' Ch. (A). ^ S.E. 2. E. I : &y Bond Gate, Leicester Rd., and Weddington Lane (sharp turning at railway br. ) :— • 3, Sibson 6, Twycross 10, Measham 15, Ashby-de-la-Zouch • 18, Derby & 32 (med. und.). • 1. 3, Atherstone ®. 6, Tamworth 14 (v. gd. und.). • 1. Ashby-de-la-Zouch 18 Burton-on-Trent Sl 26, • r. Ashby-de-la-Zouch 18, Nottingham a 40 (v. gd.). \ ■ ^.W'. by Bond Gate and Leicester Rd. :— 3, Hitickley ®. 5, Leicester a 18 (gd. mid.). r. 3, • • 5, Smockington 7, Cross-in-Hand 13, • • 15, Crick 22 (bad und.), Harlestone 32, Northampton I®. 36 (gd. rd. hilly). I Read carefully the preliminary explanations, pp. 1 to IS. OAKHAM 444 Nuneaton (contimted). • • r. 5, Woivey 7, Paiiton 13, Rugby & 18 (med. recom.), Daventrv 30, London & 104. • • r. 15, Rugby & 20 (gd. rd.). E. Ill : by Bridge St. and Coton Rd. :— Bedworth 3, Coventry a 8 {med. und.). E.\\l : by Bridge St. and Queen's lid. :— Church End 5, Furnace End 9, Coleshill 12 (i und.). E.y: by Bond Gate, New Bridge St., Abbey St. Green, and Tuttle Hill :— Chapel End 3, Church End 5, Coleshill 12, Birmingham ^ 22 {gd. und.). I.), Birmingham Q. 22 (gd. Upper Abbey St., Abbey NUNEATON 1 Bond Gate A. ST. NICHOLAS' CHURCH 2 Leicester Road G:-T-R.S.-P.S.-(See p. 3) 3 W^eddington Lane ^ 4 Bridge Street >, "%. >%« 5 Coton Road (T)\, '^^'^ 6 Queens Road %J^^'^'^.^ 7 New Bridge Street "^*'^\^»^. ^-^^^ ^ ^g^^o^^Ifewdegate Arms 8 Abbey Street 9 Upper Abbey St. 10 Abbey Green 11 TutUe HUl 12 Manor Court Rd 13 Avenue Road 14 Bond Street 15 Church Street 16 Attleborough Rd ^"^^ Bull Hotel, Bridge St. Newdegate Hotel. Michelin Stocl 16 Y. M.C.T. Parsons, Sherwin & Co., Ltd., Neiv Bridge St.. Agt. for Ford, Calthorpe, [Is] U N Sun., Night, RAC T Parsons Sherwin :p> 24. Oakham 1 (Rutland), M. 22, ^, Pop. 3,668. M.D., Man.; E.C., Thurs. See:— Castle (Rns.); All Saints' Ch. (Xllth-XVIth c.) ; Grammar School; St. John's Chap. ; Flore's Ho. (XYth c); Butter Cross. ^S.AV.l. Melton Mowbray a 10 = stretton 8, Grantham ffi. 21 = Stamford a 11 = Ippingham 7, Kettering a 21. jaS. Crown, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Shed ins Gratis [4} RAC Lt. :^ 11. I?l George, Market PL, B 1/9 L 2/- D 8/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis [3] :f> 51. Vf* Michelin Stockist, J. E. Baines, Mill St.,Agt.forYoRJ>,^ U \ Sun., Night, :?> 38 PC. M.C.T. - 445 - OKEHAMPTON Oban (Argyll), M. 8, ME, Pop. 6,567. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— N. Dunolly Cas. (Xllth c.) 1 ; Dunstaffnage Cas. 4. "j^ N. 1. South Connei Ferry 5 (take train across ferry ; 1 day's notice required), S. Creagau Feny 14, Creagan Stn. 20, Ballachulish 36, {ferry -48) Fort William ^ 49 = Lochawe 22, Dalmally 26, Crianlarich 43, Lochearn- head 59 = Kilinver 8, 36 •< Lochgilphead 37 — Ardrishaig 39 — Kilinver ^, Easdale 16. ai Station, George St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/6 to 6/- Chfr7/6 Lft [CH § Gar Gratis g] SAC :^ 14. lUPii Great Western, Esplanade, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- E, 4/6 to 6/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft gHl Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [e] SAC ^F> 4. ia Park, Esplanade {May to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 5 Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- [20] T Park Hotel. ffil Columba, Xor«/i. Pier, B 2/6 L 2/'6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- 8 PG 250 y sac;. m^ Royal, ^n/i/^^ ,Sg., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/- to 4/6 Chfr 6/- PG U dist RAC. m^, Caledonian, George St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Lft Gar U 200 y Gratis (10] RAC. m King's Arms, George St.. B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed adj Gratis (3] T MacTavish. j*gl Imperial, 60. George St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- PG 250 y. f^sB Duncan Mac Doug all, Royal Hotel Buildings, Agt. for Deasy, Darkacq, (lool Boxes [12] U \ Sun., Night, SAC T Mac- Dougall, Ironmonger ;p> 39 (Local). — J. Muuro, George St., Agt. for Maudslat, VAUXHALL, [^ Boxes [4] U N SAC T Munro ;p' 40 (Local). Ockley (Surrey), M. 29 (not marked on map). Pop. 698 P. See :— Ockley Court ; N. Leith Hill 3. Dorking a 7 = Horsham ^ 8. © Red Lion, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins N 1/- g] RAC T Red Lion. Odiham ^ (Hampshire), M. 28, Pop. 2,699 P, ^ Hook 2, See :-Church (Goth.) ; N.W. Odiham Cas. (XlVth c. Rns.) 1. Bagshot 14 = Farnham ffl. 8 = Alton fi. 8 = North wamborough 1 < Basing- stoke a 8 — Reading a 16. m The Tuns, -ffrfiri^ 5't., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Box [g Gar [6] (?7-a«ts N 1/- RAC Lt. T Nyburg. f^w Mlchelln Stockist, J. E. Chappie, High St., Agt. for iiv/iF'T, S] Box [U U \ HAC T Chappie ;?> 94. M.CT. Okehampton ^ (Devonshire), M. 26, MM> Pop. 3,175. M.D., 5'rti. ; E.C., PFed. See :— Norman Cas. (Rns.) ; S. Excursions on Dartmoor ; Yes Tor. :s:s.i. Hatherleigh 9, Merton 16, Torrington 24, BIdeford & SO(gd. rd. v. hilly, 1/9 asc. at 10 m.). Sampford Courtenay 4, Bow 10, Creditou 18, Cullompton 34 (med. hilly, several 1/10 gradients), Wellington ^ 46, Taunton fi. 53 (v. gd.). Whiddon Down • 7, Tedburn St. Mary 15, ExetOP ^ 22 (v. gd., V. hilly, pict., 1/11 asc. and desc. at "20-^ m.). • r. Wliiddon Down 7, Moreton Hampstead 14 (gd., v. hilly), Bovey Tracey 20 (med. v. hilly), Newton Abbot a 26 (v. gd., v. hilly, i;i2 desc. at 10 m.). • 3, Bridestow 6, Lipton 15, Launceston ^ 19 (v. gd., V. hilly, pict., 1/13 desc. at 17 and asc. at 18 m.). • r. 3, Do^vnton 8, Tavlstock Si 16, Plymouth a 31 (gd. und., 1/lS desc. at 12 m. and 80 in.). Broadbury Hotel 6, Halwill Stn. 11, Dunsland Cross 14, Holsworthy 19, Stratton 27, Bude a 29 (gd., hilly, pict., 1/8 asc. at 3 m.). m^ White Hart, Fm-e St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- Gar 50 y Gratis [lo) RAC. ^ London, 22, West St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar adj Gratis [20] T London :p> 31. f^ Mlchelln Stockists, T. Day & Sons, The Garagre, Xew Rd., Agt. for HUMBEK, Singer, |20] U \ Sun. RAC T I>ay :p>7. OLDBURY — 446 — Oldbury (Worcester), M. 21 (vot marked on map), JrJ^, Pop. 32,240. Birmingham ^ 5 = Dudley ^ 8, Wolverhampton B. 9. OLDHAM # (Lancashire), M. 16, and Special Map 45, |cl, Pop. 147,495. M.D., Mon., Sat. ; E.C., Ttien. See :— Bluecoat School (Goth.) (A) ; Town Hall (G). ^ E. 2 (E. II). E. I : by High St., Market PL, Wesit St., and Rochdale 'Rd. :— Royton 2, Rochdale a 6 Q)ad rd.), Blackburn a 25, E. II : b)f York St., Mumps, Bottom-o'-th'-Moor, and Huddemfleld Rd. :— Delph 5, siaithwaite la, Huddersfleld a 18 {med. rd., 1/lG asc. at 3 m.). E. Ill: by High St., Market PL, George St., King St., and Ashton Rd. : — Ashton-inider-Lyne & 4 (bad), Stalybridge 6, Mottram 9, Glossop ffi. 12 (IILJ desc. at '^ m.), Sheffield a 36 (gd. inct.). OLDHAM. A. BLUECOAT SCHOOL G.TOWN HALL R.S.-T - (See p 3 )f 1 High Street 2 Market Place 3 West Street 4 Rochdale Road 6 York Street 6 Mumps 7 Bottom o' th' Moor 8 Huddersfleld Road 9 George Street 10 King Street 11 Ashton Road 12 Manchester Street '/am. 13 Manchester Road 14 Middleton Road 15 Clegg Street 16 Coronation Street 17 Wallshaw Street 18 Egerton Street E. IV : by High St., Market PL, Manchester St., and Manchester Rd :— Faiisworth 3, Manchester B. 7 (bad rd.), London &. 195. E. V : by High St., Market PL, West St., and Middleton Rd. :— Middleton 4, Pendlebux'y 10, Farnwortli 15, Bolton Sk 18 (med. rd.). m Swan, High St., B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis [^ :p>969. ^r^" Michelin stockists, Oldha.m Motor Co. fLtfi., 36, Manchester Rd., Werneth, Agt. for Fiat, Talbot, Ford, Arrol-Johnston, do] LT N Sun., Night, EAC T Motors :}« 1301. — Michelin M.C.T., J. P. Parry, 6'^, George St. (Motor Cycles). Old Meldrum (Aberdeen), M. 10, El, Pop. 1,110 (Alt. 268 ft.). M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Wed. See :— N. Barra Hill Fort 2. X (Haddo Hozise). Turriff a 17 = Metiaick 8, New Deer 15 = Pitmedden 6 •< Newburgh 13 — Ellon 11 =s Aberdeen a 18 = Inverurie SBl 5, Kintore 9 = 6 < Huntly a 22 — Aberchirder 25. Ollerton (Nottingham), M. 17, Pop. 690 P. See :— The Dukeries ; S. llufford Abb. (Eliz.) 3. Worksop ®. 9 = Keiham 11 < Ncwark ® 13 — Nottingham a 21 = 7 < Southwell 11, Nottingham iS 27 — Mansfield a 10. |gi Hop Pole, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar U ins Gratis M EAC T Hop Pole. - 447 - OSWESTRY ^Iney (Buckingham), M. 22, Pop. 2,684. M.D., Thurs. ; E.(\, Wed. See '.—Church (Tower) ; St. Peter and St. Paul's Ch. (Goth.) ; Cowper's Ho. Northampton ffl. 12 = Wellingborough 11 = Bedford a 12 = Newport Pagnell 5. m^ Bull, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins N 1/- m T York :p' 12. Onga-r (Essex), M. 23, 29, Pop. 967. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., H'etZ. See :— Castle Ho. Dunmow 14, Braintree ffi. 23 = Chelmsford a 10 = Brentwood ffl. 7, Tilbury 21 = Abridge 7 < Wanstead 14, London SL 24 — Romford a 14 = Epping 8, Woodford Wells jSL 16, London a 28 = Harlow 9, Bishops Stortford a 16. j5tL King's Head, ffif/^ 5^f., R 2/6 to 4/- Chfr 7/6 Shed adj Gratis |6]. OrFord (Suffolk), M. 24, Pop. 885 P. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; Church (Xlllth c). Tunstali 6 < Saxmundham ®. 12 — Woodbridge 14, Ipswich SL 22. Ormskirk ® (Lancashire), M. 16, ES), Pop. 7,409. M.D., Thurs.; E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.) ; R. C. Chapel ; N. Burscough Priory (Rns.) 2 ; N.E. Lathom Ho. 3. :^ N.E. 1. 6 < Preston ffl. 19 — Chorley ®. 17 = Wigan ®. 12 = St. Helens 11 = Prescot 13 = Liverpool j®. 12 = Southport Sl 8. Jfi Talbot, 13, Aughton St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- Qo). m Queen's Head, iJO, Moor St., Shed adj Gratis N 1/- [g] :F» 146. ^m Michelln Stockists, W. T. Aked & Co., Aughton St., Agt. for Belsize, Austin, [Ml U N Sun. f Akeds. — J. L. Balmforth, Atigkton St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, De Dion, Ossett m (Yorkshire), M. 47, ^H, Pop. 14,081 See :— Parish Ch. Wakefield ^ 3 = Horbury 2 = Dewsbury 4, Huddersfield a 12 = Batley & 4, Bradford & 12. ^sa Michelin Stockists, Milner & Elliott, Station JRd., [e] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Milner Elliott :p> 7X. OSWESTRY asc. at U7 m.y E. II : hy Cross St., Leg St., Beatrice St., and Whittington Rd. :— Whittington 3, Ellesmere ®. 8, Whitchurch Sl 20, Nantwich ^ 32, Crewe 36 (i). gd., 1/13 desc. at 10 m.). E. Ill : hy Cross St., Leg St., and Salop Rd. :— Queen's Hd. 4, Nessciiff 10, Shrewsbury a 18 (v. gd. ly. und.), London a 172. E. IV : 61/ Cross St., Church St., and Pool Rd. :— Llynclys • 4, Four Crosses 7, WelshpOO! If), NowtOWn ®. 28 (level rd.), Llanidloes 42, Aberystwith 72 (gd., hilly, pict., IjU asc. at hUm.). • r. Llynclys 4, Liansantffraid 8, Llanfyllin 14, Bala ^ 38 (med., V. hilly, several 1/8-9 gradients, dang.). ^m Wynnstay, U3, Church St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- § Shed ins M -/6 N 1/- RAC T Drew :?> 38. im Queen's, Leg St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfi- 6/- Shed ins M -/3 N -/6 g] PG 100 y RAC. fW^ IVIichelln Stockist, T. H. Ellis, Salo2) Rd., Agt. for Humber, Flanders, MU\ Sun., Night, RAC T Ellis Garage :jo 37. See pp. 3 to 6 for the list 0/ Conventional Sig^ns and Abbreviations. OTLEY Oswestry (continued). A. ST. OSWALD'S CH. p.s.-R.S. (G.w.R.)-c.-(See p. 3) 44S — OSW^ESTRY Otiey # (Yorkshire), M. 17, inSI, Pop. 9,843. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Wed. See :— Church (Norm, and Goth.) • ; Newly-discovered Neolithic Village ; N. Farnley Hall (Pictures ; special permit) 2. ^ W. 1. Eipley 12, Ripon ®. 20 = Pool 3 < Coiiingham 14, Boston Spa 16, Tadcaster 20 ~ Harrogate a ll — Pooi 3, Coiiingham 14, Wetherby ^ 16 = Leeds a lO = Shipley m. 7, Bradford a 10 = Ilkley m. 6, Skipton m. l'^. igi Royal White Horse, Manor Sq., B 2/- L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed [3] Shelter [s) ins Gratis T White Horse :fo 191. M Black Horse, Manor Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/- E. 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- [w| :p> 170. ^m Michelin Stockist H. Nicholson, AS, Westgate, HI LT \ :]* 192. Otterburn (Northumberland), M. 13, Pop. 276 P. See :— Otterburn Cas. ; Otterburn Hall ; W. Obelisk 1. Carter Bar 15 < Jedburgh ®. 26 — Hawick SL 30 = Rothbury ffl. 15, Alnwick ®. 27 = Beisay 17 < Newcastle-upon-Tync j^ 30 — IVIorpetli a 26 = West Woodburn 5 «? Five Lane Ends 14, Corbridge 22 — Bellingham 9 — West Woodburn 5, Five Lane Ends 14, HeXham SL 22. Jgi Murray Arms, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Gar adj N 1/- H) RAC. © Redesdale Arms, Horsley (A to. iV^.), B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar U ins Gratis g] T Bickerton, Rochester, Northumberland. ' "W^ J. Bickerton, Horsley, g] Boxes g] LT Sun., Night. — J. Foster, [2] U Sun., Night, RAC T Foster. Ottery St Mary (Devonshire), M. 26, EeI, Pop. 3,700. See :— Church •. Honiton 5, Taunton a 22 = 6 — Budleigh Salterton mile 2. : Coiyford 12, Seaton ®. 14 =s 3 < Sidmouth Sl a 10, Exmouth 15 = Exeter a 12 = Fair- la King's Arras, Gold St., B 1/9 L 2/- Shelter [5] Court ins Gratis D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed Dynamo Electric Lighting for Cars. THE Peto & Radford Car Lighting System solves the problem of making night-driving safe. It gives you a steady, flickerless, far-reaching light for head and side lamps, together with the comfort of a well-illuminated interior. It is designed along practical lines — to give consistent service with utmost efficiency. The Car Lighting System is safe, automatic, economical, and reliable. The dynamo cannot over-generate because the output is controlled by a sensitive governor. This lifts the coned driving- pulley from contact with the flywheel when the engine reaches too high a speed, and prevents over-heating, and damage. Whether the car runs at 4 or 40 m.p.h. the light remains constant. Write for Booklet *^ Light Luxury ^ and Economy.*'* PETO & RADFORD, LTD., (23 Years* Electrical Experience), lOO, Hatton Garden, London, E.G. Works: ASHTEAD. SURREY. Viyella ^ (R«gd. Trade Mark). Shirts and Pyjamas for Comfort; and Durability. Of High-class Outfitters the World over. - 449 - OXFORD Oundle (Northampton), M. 23, EH, Pop. 2,749. M.D., Thnra. ; E.G., Wed. See :— St. Peter's Ch. ; The Talbot Inn ; N. Cotterstock Oh, and Hall 2 ; N.W Deane Ho. (Tud.) and Ch. 9 ; Kirby Hall 10 ; S.W. The Lyveden Buildings b. ^ E. 2. Kitori f) < Peterborough a 13 — Stamford a 15 = 4 < Thrapston m. 8, Wellingborough 18 — Kimbolton 15 = Great weidon 8 < Market Har- borough ffl. 22 — Kettering Sl 16. ^ The Talbot, Neto St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar Shed ins Gratis N 1/- M i^AC T The Talbot ;p> 29. Overton (Flint), IV!. 21, Pop. 1,111. See:— Churchyard (View). 2 < Wrexham ®. 7 — Ruabon 5, Trevor Si 8, Llangollen ®. 11 = Whit- church a 12 = EUesmere Sl 5, Shrewsbury a 21. OXFORD m (Oxford), M. 22, 28, ^, Pop. 53,049. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— University Mus. (A) ; Ashmolean Mus. • (D) ; Sheldonian Theatre (E) ; Divinity School (F) ; Bodleian Library • (H) ; New College (J) ; Radcliffe Camera (K) ; All Souls' College (L) ; Magdalen College • (N) ; Merton College (0) ; Christ Ch. (Q) ; Cath. (P). :r N. 3 (E. I). :§CS.E. (Cowley) 3. E. I :&?/ Cornmarket St., Magdalen St., St. Giles St., and Banbury Rd.:— • 5,'Hopcroft8 Holt 13, Deddington 17, Banbury a • 23 (magrw. rd., 1115 asc. at 17 m.), Warwick ®. 43. • r. 5, Weaton-on-the-Green 9, Ardley 15, Brackley 22, Silverstone 29, Tow- cester ^ 33, Northampton a 42 (gd. rd. monot., 1/17 asc. at 22 m.). i: Banbury a 23, Coventry j®. 50. li : by High St., Magdalen Br., St. Clements St., and London Rd. ;— Wheatley 5, • 7, Three Pigeons Inn 9, Aston Kowant 15, Stokenchurch 18, West Wycombe 23, High Wycombo j®. 25, Beaconsfleld a 31, Uxbridge Q. 39, Ealing ^ 48, London a 56 (gd. und. recom., 1/11 desc. at 21 m.). • 1. 7, Thame ^ 13, Dinton 18, Aylesbury a 23.{gd. rd., 1/19 asc. from Oxford), St. Albans ®. 45. E. Ill : by High St., Magdalen Br., and Iffley Rd. :— Littlemore 3, Dorchester 9, Sliillingford • 11, Benson • 12, Nettlebed 18, Henley-on-Thames a 23, Maidenhead a 32, Slough a 38, Windsor a. 40 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/lS asc. at 2o ni.). • r. Shliiingford 11, Walllngford a 13, streatiey 19, Pangboume Sl 23, Reading a. 29 (v. gd. ly. und. pict., 1/17 asc. at 20 m.). • r. Benson 12, Woodcote 19, Reading a 27 (gd. und.). E. IV : by St. Aldates St., Folly Br., and Abingdon Rd. :— Abingdon 6 (gd. rd.), steventon 10, e. iisiey 17, Newbury a • 26 (poorrd. V. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 17 m.), Winchester a 51. • r. Newbury a 26, Andover a 43, Salisbury a. 61. E. V : fey Queen St., Neiv Rd., Park End St., and Osney Rd. :— Botiey Pound • 2, • 6, Fyfieid 8, Faringdon a • 17, Highworth 23, Cricklade 31, Malmesbury ffi. 43, Bristol a 69 (v. gd. und., 1/10 desc. at 20 m). • r. Botiey Pound 2, Swinford Toll-bv. 6, Caution'. (Cars 4d., motor- cycles \d., side-cars 2rf.), Witney 12, Burford 19, Northleach 28, Shipton Cross Rds. • • 35, Cross Hands Inn 43, Gloucester a. 48 (med. rd., 1/16 desc. at 35 m.). • • r. Shipton Cross Rds. 35, Andoversford 36, Cheltenham ffi. 42 (med. rd., 1/16 desc. at 3U m.). • 1. 6, Friiford 8, Wantage a. 15, Hungerford 28 (gd. rd. hilly), Salisbury Si 58 (v. med. v. hilly, 1/16-10 asc. at 16 m.). • 1. Faringdon Si 17, Swindon la. 29 (gd.fi. rd., 1/12 asc. to Swindon), Bath a 62. E. VI : by Cornmarket St., Magdalen St., St. Giles St., and Woodstock Rd. :- Begbroke 5, Woodstock 8, Enstone 15, Southcombe • 18, Long Compton 22, Shipston 28, Newboid 33, Stratford-on-Avon ffi. 38 (med. und.), Birming- ham a 61. • 1. Southcombe 18, Chipping Norton a 19, Moreton-in-Mai-sh27, Broad- way 35, Evesham a 41, Pershore 47, Worcester a 56 (med. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 29 m.). jgl Randolph, Beaumont St., B 3/- L 3/6 D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr 7/- Lft 5 Gar [25] Court |jo| adj N 1/6 RAC T Randolph ^ 290. aJBg Mitre, High St., B 3/6 L 3/6 D 5/- R 6/- Chfr 7/- S Gar ins Gratis [20] T Mitre ;p> 335. W OXTED - 450 - Oxford (continned). ^ Clarendon, Cornmarket, B 2/6 L 3/6 D 5/- R 4/6 to 5/6 Chfr 7/- JJ Gar adj Gratis N 1/- (H) T Clarendon :}o 285. m Railway, 17, Park End St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Shed Court ins 1/- [20] :?> 551. ^ Roebuck, Cornmarket, B 2'/6 L 2/« D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- 5 Shelter ins 1/6 (9] :p> 344. m^ The Golden Cross, Cornmarket, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6 6 f Shelter ins Gratia g] ;]« 391. King's Arms Hotel, Park lid. ?^" Michelin Stockists, aiEi° J. Coxeter & Co., Ltd., Oxford City and County Garage, Agt. for Renault, Flandehs, Armstrong- Whitwokth, Ford, Bknz, (goj Boxes [wl LT \ Sun., Night, RAC T Coxeters lf> 575. M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, The Morris Garagre, Longwall St., Afft. for WohSKLFaY, Singer, Hupmobile, De Dion-Bouton, go) Boxes [9] U \Sun., Night, RAC T Auto hP 238. IM.CT. — Michelin Stockists, Parker's Oxford Cycle and iVIotor Car Co., 6S, St. Giles St., Agt. for Overland, lH] U *\ Sun. RAC T Motor :?> 546. i^.C.T. Oxted ® (Surrey), M. 29, Pop. 2,098 P. E.C., Wed. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.). "^ (Visitors must be introduced). Westerham 4, Sevenoaks j®. 11 = Bletchingley Sl 5, Redhili Si 8. ^" Michelin Stockists, Rice Bros., Ltd., [i] U N Sun., Night, T Rice Bros., ;p> 55. — Cleverley's, Ltd. Padiham (Lancashire), M. 16, IHSI, Pop. 13,637. M.D., Frid. ; E.C., Tiies. See :— Gawthorpe Hall (Eliz.). Burnley a 3 = Accrington 5 s= Clayton-le-Moors 4, Blackburn a 9 = ^yhalley & 5, Preston a 18. Padstow (Cornwall), M. 25, EH), Pop. 2,480. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :-St. Petrock's Ch. (Goth.) ; St. Saviour's Walk (View). ^^ N.E. (ferry to Rock) 2. High Lanes 2 < Wadebridge 8, Bodmin ^ 15 — St. Columb 8, Truro ffi. 22. Jgi South-Western, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- to 10/6 Chfr 6/- to 7/- Gar U adj N 1/- g] RAC T Luxury :?<> 7. Paigrnton 1 (Devonshire), M. 26, ED, Pop. 11,241. E.C., Wed. See :— Church ; Bible Tower. Torquay a 3 = 3 < (ferry -16) Dartmouth 7 — Brixham 5 = Totnes 6, Ivybridge ®. 18. lili Redcliffe, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 6/- Chfr 6/- jcH 5 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [g RAC :^ 133. ^ Gerston, Victoria St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 8 Gar adj Gratis N 1/- [9] :p' 16. fUm Michelin Stockist, F. W. Humber, ^i, Torhay Rd., Agt. for MASS, Star, R.C.H., [12] Boxes S) LT \ Sun., Night, RAC T number :p 136. Painswick (Gloucester), M. 21, Pop. 2,587 P. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Churchyard Yew- trees ; Stocks ; Court Ho. (Tud.). XS. 1. Cross Hands Inn 5 < Cheltenham ®. 10 — Gloucester Sl 10 = Stroud St. 4. PAISLEY m (Renfrew), M. 11, Pop. 84,477. M.D., Mon., Thurs. ; E.( ' , Tues. See :— St. James's Ch. (A) ; Municipal Buildings (C) ; Abbey Ch. (XlVth and XVth c.) (D) ; The Coats Memorial Ch. (E) ; Coat's Thread Works (F) ; Clark Town Hall (G). ^ 2 (E. IV). E. 1 : 61/ Moss St., St. James St., Caledonia Rd., and Greenock Rd. :— Bishopton 6, Port Glasgow 14, Greenock ®. 17 (gd. rd.). E. II : by SmitkiUs, Laivn St., and Renfrew St. .— Renfrew 3 (gd. rd.). E. Ill : by SmithiUs, Gaitze St., and Garthland St. :— Halfway Ho. 3, Glasgow ^ 7 (bad rd.). — 451 PANGBOURNE ■ Paisley (continued). E. IV : by St. Mirren St., Cameyside St., Orchard St., Saueel Lonend, and Blackhall :— Barrhead • 4, Lngton stu. • 11, Stewauton 16, Kilmarnock a 22 (ined. und., 1/19-17 asc. at 13 m.). • 1. Barrhead 4, East Kilbride 16, Hamilton 23, Douglas Mill 41, Craw- ford Sl 53, Lockerbie a 83 Carlisle ffl. 107, London Si 409. • r. Lugton Stn. 11, Boiira 19, Irvlno 22 {gd. level rd.). E.y : by High St., Wellmeadow St., and Broomlands St. :— Tiiom • 3, Beith 11, Dairy • 16, W. Kilbride 23 {gd., hilly). • r. Thorn 3, Johnstone ffl. 4, Br. of Weir 7, Kilmacolm 11, Port Glasgow 15, Greenock ffl. 18 (v. gd. fl. piet.). • 1. Dairy 16, Kilwinning 21, Stevenston 24, Saltcoats 25, Ardrossan 26 (gd. rd.). A.ST JAMES CHURCH C. MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 0. ABBEY CHURCH E THE COATS MEMORIAL CHURCH F. COATS THREAD WORKS G.CLARK TOWN HALL MR.S.-C.H.P.S.- (See p. 3 ) Moss Street St James" Street Caledonia Street Greenock Road Smithhills Lawn Street Renfrew Road Gauze Street Garthland Street St Mirren Street Causeyside Street Orchard Street Saueel Lonend Blackhall High Street W^ellmeadow Street Broomlands Street ® m Globe, 92, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 PG 400 y T Globe Jf> 541. ff* MIchetIn Stockists, James McGeoch & Co., 11, Tncle St., Agt. for Bv.RLmT \M IS \ Sun., Night, T McGeoch's Garage :foi65. Pan^bourne (Berkshire), IM. 28, Pop. 1,100. Sae :— E. Purley Hall 2 ; N.W. Basilden Ho. 2. Reading a 6 = 6 < Basingstoke S. 17 — Newbury SL 14 = Goring and Streatley 4, Wantage ®. 19. See pp. U, 7, 8, and 9, explaining how our itineraries have been dratvn up. PARKSTONE - 452 - PsLngtoourne (continued). m^ Elephant, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/- Q Gar [e] RAC T Elephant :?> 046. ff» R. F. Surplice, Reading Rd., Agt. for Maudslay, \M Boxes gl U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Surplice :?> 53. Parkstone (Dorset), M. 27 («e« marked on map), Pop. 6,550 P. :§:. E.G., Wed. Bournemouth a 3 = Poole 2. Pateiey Bridgre (Yorkshire), M. 17. See :— Stalactite Caves 4. 1 •< Ripon a 11 — Ripley 10 = Bardon Br. 11, Skipton a 18. © Crown, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R3/- Chfr 5/- Sheds insGm«/s N 1/- [3] T Crown, a King's Arms, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar U :^00 y N 1/- Bo). Patringrton (Yorkshire), M. 18, Pop. 1,104 P. See :— Church (XlVth c.) • ; S.B. Helwick Ch. 2. Withernsea 5, Hornsea 22= Kilneea 9 = Hedon 10, Hull & 15. Hildyard Arms Hotel, Market Place. Patterdale (Cumberland), M. 16 (not marked on map), Pop. 778 P. Pooley Bridge 9, Penrith ®. 15 = Ambleside 8. iH. Patterdale (Easter to Oct.), B 2/- L2/- D3/- R3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/- Shed opp Gratis N" 1/- [3] RAC T Hudson. Peebles ^ (Peebles), M. 12, ^2, Pop. 5,554. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., W«rf. See :— Stone Br. ; Cross Kirk (Rns.) ; St. Andrew's Ch. (Rns.) ; Cleikum Inn ; E. Neidpath Cas. 1. ^ S.W. Penecuik 13, Edinburgh a 23 = Innerleithen 6, 13 -; Galashiels ffl. 18 — Selkirk 21 = Gordon Arms 15, St. Mary's Lech 21, Motfat fit 36 = Beggarpath Br. 4 •< Moffat ^ 32 — Biggar S. 17 — Beggarpath Br. 4, Carn- wath 20. jSfgll Peebles Hydropathic, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft ^ 5 Shed go] U 200 y Gratis N 1/- SAC T Hydro :p> 402. jfga Cross Keys, Northgate, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar Sol Court [e] ins Gratis N 1/- SAC T Cleikums :p» 461. ^ Green Tree, Eastgate, R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 6/- PG adj (i2],:p> 482. Tontine Hotel, f^" Michelin Stockist, C. H. Jones, The Motor House, Eastgate, Agt. for Flanders, E.M.F., [20] U N Sun. RAC T Motor House :p» 503. — W. D. B. Fraser, Cross Keys Hotel, m Boxes [I] U \ Sun., SAC T Cleikum :p> 461. lj % . Peel (Isle of Man), M. 15, Pop. 3,304. See :— Peel Cas. (XVth c. Rns.). X S. 1. Ramsey 17 = St. Johns 3 •< Douglas 11 — Castletown 12. Pembroke ^(Pembroke), M. 19,^11, Pop. 15,673. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle (Xlth c. Rns.) ; Monkton Priory Ch. (Norm. Rns.). Pembroke Dock 2, (ferry -23) New Milford 3, Haverfordwest fi. 11 = Sageston 5 < Begeiiy 10, St. Clears 23, Carmarthen a 32 — Tenby 11 — Sageston 5, Begeiiy 10, Narberth 15 = Tenby 10. Lion Hotel, Mai7i St. fF" Michelin Stockists, J. & A. Stephens & Sons, East Back Works, Main St. , Agt. for WOLSELEY, Dakracq, [lol U \ Sun . , T Stephens :p> 9 PO. PEMBROKE DOCK (Pembroke), M. 19, Pop. 10,000. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Royal Dockyard (see plan) ; S. Lamphey Ch, (Rns.) 4 (E. III). E.\: by Water St., London Rd., Hobbs Point Ferry (No. 23), and Xey- land High St. .— Neyland 1, Johnston 5, Haverfordwest fi. 9 (gd. rd., hilly, 1/10 asc. at 8 m.). — 453 — PENICUIK Pembroke Dock (continued). E. II : by London Rd. : — Carew cheriton • 5, Begeiiy 11, St. Clears 24, Carmarthen a 33 {gd. rd.y two 1/17 gradients), London fi. 266. • 1. Carew Cheritoa 5, Creiselly 7, Canaaton Br. 14, HaverfordweSt Si 21 (gd. surface, dang, hills at 8, 13, Ih, and 18 m.). PEMBROKE DOCK 1 AVater Street 5 Bush. HUl g HelviUe Street 13 Queen Street 2 London Road 6 Laws Street 10 Commercial Row 14 Dimond Street 3 Neyland High Street 7 Meyrick Street 11 Front Street 15 Themeyrick St. 4 Ferry Lane 8 Bush Street 12 Park Street 16 Waterloo Road E. Hi : by London Rd., Ferry Lane, and Bush Hill ;— Pembroke ®. 2, Lamphey 4, Tenby 12 (gd. rd., dang. Mils at 3, 5, and 8 m.). ® Koyal Edinburgh, Queen St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- E, 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins -/6 [2]. Penarth (Glamorgan), M. 26, EH, Pop. 15,488. See :-Docks ; Church (Goth.). :§C W. 1. Barrv Stn. 1 •< (Ely toll-gate : Cars 1/- ; motor-cycles 3d., with trailer or side- car 6rf.) Cardiff a 5 — Barry 6, Cowbridge 17. JS. Esplanade, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- Shed opp N -/6 [U RAC ;p> 18. Penicuik (Edinburgh), IVI. 12, TB, Pop. 2,736 (Alt. 550 ft.). E.C., Tues. See :— N.E. Rosslyn Chap. • (Goth.) and Cas. 4 ; S.W. Brunstane Cas. (Rns.) 1. 4 •<: straiton 5, Edinburqh ®. 10 — Loanhead 6, Lasswade 7 = Leadburn 3 < Eomaimo Br. 10. IVI off at ®. 42 — Peebles a 13 = Biggar ffl. 19. Royal Hotel. PENISTONE — 454 — Penistone (Yorkshire), M. 17, EH), Pop. 3,408. M.D., TJmrs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Two Camps ; KE. Silkstone Ch. (Xorni. and Goth.) 3 ; Collieries 3 ; S.W. Wortley Hall (Ital.) 4. :§: W. 2. Sovereign P. H. 5 < New Mill 7, Huddersfleld ^ 13 — Waterloo 11, HudderS- field a. 13 — Sovereign P. H. 5, New Mill 7, Holmflrth 9 = Bamsley 8 = 7 •< Sheffield a 13 — Rotherham 15 = Crowden ll < Mottram 17, Stockport ffi. 25 — GIOSSOp :©. 16 — Crowden 11, Mottram 17, Hyde S. 21. Penkridse (Stafford), M. 21, Pop. 2,347 P. E.C., Wed. Stafford iS. 6 =: Cannock 5, Walsall a 13 = Wolverhampton a 10. a Littleton Arms, B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins M -/6 iv 1/- H] :p, 2. Pen maenmawr (Carnarvon), M. 15, IudI , Pop. 4,042. Conway 4, Colwyn Bay ^ 10 = Llanfairfechan 3, Aber 5, Bangor S. 10. ai Grand, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- to 6/6 Chfr 6/6 % Gar ins Gratis m RAC T Grand ^ 199. PENRITH t (Cumberland), M. 13, EeI, Pop. 8,973. M.D., Tues. ; E.C. T/ittrs. See :— Penrith Beacon (937 ft.) (A) ; Castle (Rns.) (C) ; Gloucester Arras (Richard III.'s Room); N.E. Eden Hall 4; Brougham Cas. (Ens.) (E. IV). :^ K 2 (E. I). V4 '/am. A.PENRITH BEACON C. CASTLE (RUINS) G-KI-R.S.- P.S.-(See p. 3) 1 Devonshire Street 2 Middlegate 3 Stricklandgate 4 Scotland Road 5 King Street 6 Victoria Road 7 Roper Street 8 Castlegate 9 Station Road 10 Keswick Road 1 Cromwell Road 12 Norfolk Road 13 Brunswick Road ^14 Duke Street E.I: Middlegate, Stricklandgate, and Scotland Carlisle Sk 18 (excellent rd., hill!/, by Devonshire Rd. :— Plumpton Head 4, High Hesket several 1/16 gradients). E. II : by King St., Victoria Rd., and Roiier St. :— CarietoD • 1, Meimerby 9, Alston • 19, Hexham &. 43 (med. hilly), Newcastle-on-Tyne ^ 64 {v. gd., hilly, IjlO asc. at 5 m.). • r. Carieton 1, Temple sowerby6, Appleby 13, Broufrh 21, Barnard Castle 38 {excellent rd. hilly, Ijm asc. at '25 m. and 1112 desc. to Barnard Castle), Darlington Si 54 (med. rd.). • r. Alston 19, St. John's Chapel 31, Stanhope 39, Wolsingham 45, Crook 50, Durham i& 60 (ined. hilly). E. Ill : by King St. and Victoria Rd. ;— Clifton 3, Shap 10, Borrow Br. 17, Kendal ffl. 26 (gd. V. stp. near Shap, 1 J 17-13-11 desc. at 16 ?«.), London a 284. w - 455 - PENZANCE Ith {continued). IV : by Castlegate, Station Ed., and Keswick Bd. ;— • 2, Ulleswater 5, Patterdale 15, Travellers' Best Inn 20, Ambleside ffl. • 23 {bad and vpry dangerous from Travellers' Best Inn), Winder- mere a 28, Bowness ^ 29, Ulverston 46 {gd. pict., 1/6 desc. to Atnbleside). • r. 2, Penraddock 6, Troutbeck Stn. 9, KeSWick 18 (rfd., V. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 12 m.). • r. Ambleside fiL 23, Coniston 30, Ulverston 44 {gd., hilly, pict.). V : by Castlegate, Cromwell Ed., and Norfolk Rd. :— Greystoke 5, Troutbeck Stn. 10, KeSWick 19 {gd., hilly, jnct. recom., 1/10 desc. at IS m.). . iSa Crown, King St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- f C4ar IT ins Gratis [io] RAC :p 91. Jit George, Devonshire St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/6 5 Gar [501 LT ins Gratis N 1/- RAC :?> 96. Ij^ Station, Castlegate, B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar 100 y Gratis ^ 72. JiSL Two Lions, Gt. Dockray, B 2/- L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter ins Gratis (T] Tf^ 72A. ^33 Michelin Stockists, Cumberland Motor Co., Middlegate, Agt. for Riley, (Tg] Box LT \ Sun., Night, T Motors :?» 57. — Meadows Motors, Brunswick Bd., Agt. for Flanders, E.M.F., Hq] U \ Sun., Night, T Meadows Motors :p> 47. — Tinkler & Co., 18, King St., Agt. fm- RoVER, ill] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Tinkler :p» 5. — Michelin M.C.T-, J. B. Milburn, Ltd., Middlegate, [HUT Mil- burn (Motor Cycles). Penryn (Cornwall), M. 25, MM, Pop. 3,092. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Gluvias Ch. ; S. Granite Quarries 2. 2 •< Truro ®. 9 — Redruth 8 = Falmouth a 2 = Helston a 10, Marazion 20, Penzance a 23. PENZANCE m (Cornwall), M. 25, El, Pop. 13,488. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Fri. See :— Lecudjack Cas. (View) (A) ; Public Buildings (G) ; The Esplanade ; Pier (View) ; St. Michael's Mount ; W. Newlyn 1. ^ W. {direction St. Just). E.\: by Market Jew St. and Chyandoiir Cliff:— • 2, St. Erth • 6, Hayle 7, Camborne a 13, Redruth 17, Truro fi 26 {magn. rd.), Bodmin Sl 51, Launceston a 73, Okehampton a 92, Exeter a 114 {v. gd., v. hilly, j)ict.), London a 282. • r. 2, Marazion 3, Helston fi. • • 13, Penryn 23, Falmouth ffi. 25 {gd. rd. hilly). • 1. St. Erth 6, St. Ives 10 {gd.,,v. stp. hill). • • r. Helston &. 13, Lizard Town 24 {v. gd.). E. II : by Alverton St. and Alverton Bd. :— • 1, Lower Hendra • 4, Land's End 10 {gd. rd. v. hilly). • r. 1, Newbridge 4, St. Just 7 {med. V. hilly). • 1. Lower Hendra 4, St. Buryan 6, Trereen 8, Land's End 13 {med. V. hilly). §m Queen's, Esplanade, D 5/- R 5/- to 6/6 Chfr 7/- IcH Gar U 100 y Gratis N 1/- [20] RAC T Verbena ;p» 11. mm Riviera Palace, Alverton Bd., B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Gar IT ins Gratis N 1/- [10) T Riviera :p> 136. igi Mount's Bay, Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 I> 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U 150 y N 1/- 120] T Hotel :p> 18. mi Union, CAa^^ei! S'«., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- [^ f Gar U adj Gratis [12] :?> 129. Jgli Western, 1, Clarence St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Box [H Shelter [fe| Court (To) adj Gi-atis lf> 10. jfl^l. Star, 119, Market Jew St., R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed Shelter ins N 1- T Star. m Central, Market Jeiv St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U opp G^mtis N 1/- [20] :^ 89. ifiL Perrow's, CArtpei S't., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Before setting out on a tour, visit or write to our Touringr Office, 5i, Fulham Bd., London, S.W., where your itinerary will be draum up free of cha.rg:e. PERSHORE ■Penzance (continued). 456 — PENZANCE SCALE 282 °> -»»t!S<.^ JJnion H ^errows E. T. Taylor s GarageLtd A LESCUDJACK CASTLE G PUBLIC BUILDINGS P.S.-R.S.- (See p. 3 ) 1 Market Jew Street ^2 Chyandour CllM 3 Alverton Street 4 Alverton Road 5 WTiart Road 6 Causeway Head ^^•i Michelln Stockist, Taylor's Garagre, Ltd., Coinage Hall St., {leading through to Quay St.), Agt. for DAiiuACQ, FORD, Arrol- Johnston, De Dion, [so] Boxes [6] U \ Sun., E.AO T Taylor Motors :p> 63. M.CT. — N. Holman & Sons, Ltd., 100, East St. and Wharf Rd., Agt. for HuMBBR, Singer, Metallurgique, d] LT S KAC T Holman Foundry :p> 8. Pershore (Worcester), M. 21, Pop. 3,348 P. E.G., Thtirs. See :— Holy Cross Ch. -r^ May 5-6th ; Oct. 20th. Wyre Piddle 2, Evesham @. 8 = Evesham a 6 = Defloid 3 •< Earls Croome 7, Upton-on-Severn 8, Ledbury a 18 — Cheltenham a 17 — Deflord 3, Earls Croome 7, Tewkesbury a 13 = Worcester a 9. ^ Royal Three Tuns, Bridge St., L 2/6 E. 2/6 Chfr6/6 Gar ins Gratis {5} RAC T Tuns :p' 49. PERTH m (Perth), M. 9, |CTl, Pop. 35,851. M.D., Fri ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. John's Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; County Buildings (C) ; Convict Prison (D). :§: S.E. (adj. town) (E. IV). >k. Sept. '25-26th. E.\: by Tay St., Perth Br., Main St., and Ma St. :— Old Scone 2, Cargiii stn. 10, Blairgowrie & 16 (v. gd. und. pict.), Braeniar ®. 50 (bad, v. hilly, pict). E. II : by Tay St., Perth Br., Main St., Strathmore St., and New Scone St. :— Scone 3, Bunelton 11, Coupar Angus 13, Meigle 18, Glamis 24, Forfar ffi. 30, Aberdeen a 82 (v. gd. und.). E. Ill : by Victoria Br. and Dundee Rd. .— Glencarse 7, Inchture 13, Longforgan 18, Dundee ^ 22 (o. gd., level rd.). E. IV : by Tay St., Marshall PL, and Edinburgh lid. :— Br. of Earn 4, Aberargie • 6, Glenfarg Stn. 11, Mihiathort fi. 15, Kinross 17 (V. pict.), Burntisland 32, (ferry -29*) Edinburgh a 40 (v. gd., 1/lU desc. at 30 m.), London ffl. 422. • 1. 6, Abernethy 8, Newburgh 11, Lmdores 13, Cupar 22 (gd. tind.). E.y : by South St., County PL, York PL, and Glasgoiv Rd. :— Crossgates 6, Biooin of Dalreoch 10, Auchterarder 15, Blackford 18,, Gieenioaning 24, Dunblane 29, Br. of Allan 32, Stirling S. 35 (gd. and.), Glasgow & 61. E. VI : by Tay SL, Charlotte St., Atholl St., Barrack SL, Dunkeld Rd., and Crieff Rd. :~ Methven 6, GUmerton 15, Crieff Si 17, Comrie St. 24, Lochearnhead 36 (v. gd. V. pict.). — 457 — Perth (contiiuied). E. VII : hirDunkeld Ed. {see E. VI) :— Strathoid Stn. 5, Bankfoot 9, Birnam 14, Dui Blair Atholl 34, Newtonmore ffi. 69, Kingi Carrbridge 91, Inverness Sl 116 (gd. v. pict at Si: m.). fm station, Leonard St., B 3/- L 3/- D 5 ■^ CGarinsC?mN2/-[i2]SACTStj PERTH «. ST. JOHNS CHURCH, PETERSFIELD . ■^^erton I 24, and GLASGOW 61 m '^ — 'v^mPi §^^ ' J^~' -1 r~rrr.-'T(r~' ■■' -^ ^tr" -"^ \ . ..^ Stirling 35 m 1 Tay 2 Perth Bridge 3 Main Street 4 Isla Street 6 Strathmore Street 6 Victoria Bridge J 7 Dundee Road ^ 8 Marshall Placc| 9 Edinburgh Road 10 South Street 11 County Place 12 York Place 13 Glasgow Road 14 Charlotte Street 15 Atholl Street 16 Barrack Street 17 Ounkeld Road 18 Criefi Road 19 Hospital Street 20 Scott Street 21 High Street jra Royal George, r,i, George St., and Tay St., B 2,'6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar je] Box [U adj Gratis SAO T Royal George :^ 433. fm Salutation, U, South St., B 2/6 L S/- D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 8/- Lft Q PG 50 y SAC T Salutation Hotel :p> 414. fl|^ Royal British, 92, Leonard St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- 8 PG 150 y :F» 315. <^ Grand (Temperance), 3, Kinnonll St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- PG 100 y T Grand :p> 168. f^w Michelln Stockists, The Shields Motor Car Co., Ltd., Jhinkeld Rd., Agt. for Xapier, (3^ Boxes [s] U \ Sun., Xight, :p> 527. — 458 — PERSHORE Penzanc/iichelin Stockists, John Croall & Sons, Ltd., 11, York Place, Agt. for Rolls-Rovck, Maddslay, Armstrono- Whitw'orth, Db Dion, Xrit, go] lT \ f^un., Night, .SAC •r Petrol qp» 331. — Michelin Stockists, Ferguson & Batchelor, King' St.^ Agt. for Swift, [go] U \ Sun., Night, T Motors :?> 542. *' , — Valentine's Motor and Cycle Depot, South St., Agt. for Belsize, A. Argyll, [25] LT \ Sun., Night, T Valentine's Garage :f> 407 and 32Y2. — J. Thomson Keiller, Caledonian Rd., (Ml T-T \ Sun., Night, SAC T Garage :f> 488. PETERBOROUGH ® (Northampton), M.23.(mbI. Poi>. 33.r.78. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. John's Ch. (XVth c. Tower) (A) ; Cath. • (Norm.)(C). ; Guild- hall (XVIIth c). ^S. 3(E.IV). PETER BOROUGH A.ST JOHN'S CHURCH '* CCATHEORAL N.R.)-RS.(G.E.R.)-P.S.-C.-T. (See p. 3 t Long Causeway 2 New Road 3 Eastflold Road 4 Narrow Street 5 Broad Bridge Street 6 London Road 7 Fletton Road 8 AVhittlesey Road 9 Oundle Road 10 Cowgate 11 Thorpe Road 12 -Westgate 13 BoroughJbury 14 Lincoln Road E.\: by Long Causeway, New Ed., and East field Rd. :— Eye • 4, Thomey 7, Guyheon 14, WisbeCh ffl. 21, St. Jolm's Highway 27, King's Lynn a 34 (v. gd.\ Norwich a 78. - 459 - PETERSFIELD Peterborougrh (contiiiued). • 1. Eye 4, Crowland 9, Cowbit 15, Spalding fi. 18, Goaberton • • 24, Boston SL 34 (gd. rd.). • • 1. Gosberton 24, Homcastle £2, Loiith a 66 (med. rd.). E. II : by Narrow St., Broad Bridge St., London Bd., Fletton Rd., and Whittlesey Rd. :— Whittlesey 7, March 18 (sin.), Cliatteris 26, Sutton 32, Ely a 38 (gd. level rd.). E. Ill : by Narrow St., Broad Bridge St., and London Ed. :— Norman Cross 6, Alconbury Hill • 14, Buckden 21, Eaton Socon 27, Fork • 30, Tempsford 32, Biggleswade 37 (v. gd.). • 1. Alconbury Hill 14, Huntingdon ffi. 19, London a 83 (magn. rd.). • r. Fork 30, Great Barford 33, Bedford & 38 (v. gd., 1/Sf^ desc. at 35 m.). E. IV : by Narrow St., Broad Bridge St., and Oundle Ed. :— Aiwaiton 5, Elton 8, Oundle • 13, Thrapston a 21, Finedon 28, Welling- borough 31, Northampton fi. 41 (v. gd. und., 1/16 desc. at 85 m.). • r. Ouudle 13, weidon 21, -wiibarston 29, Market Harborough a 35, North Kiiworth • • 43, Rugby ^ 53 {gd. rd. hilly), Warwick a 70. • • 1. N. Kiiworth 43, Lutterworth 48, Coventry Si 63 {gd. und., 1/lU asc. at 57 m.). E. V : by Cowgate and Thorpe Rd. :— wansford 8, Stamford ^ 14 {gd. rd.), Leicester a 45. E. VI : by Long Causeway, Westgate, Boroughhury, and Lincoln Rd. .— Cuckoo Inn • 7, Market Deeping 9, Bourne • 16, Sleaford ^ 34, Lincoln S^ 51 (17. gd. und., 1/12 desc. at W wi.). • r. Cuckoo Inn 7, Deeping Gate 8, Spalding ^ 19, Boston ®. 35 (gd. rd.). • 1. Bourne 16, Grantham a 34 (gd. und.). ffil Great Northern, Station Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 E,5/- Chfr 7/6 Gar ins N 1/- [2] RAC T Northness :f» 176. ^ Grand, Wentworth St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 K, 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar [g} Shed d] 300 y N 1/- RAC :p 186. m Angel, Narrow St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar [4} Shed [2] ins 1/- T Angel hF> 11. m Saracen's Head, Broadbridge St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis [8] ;p» 180. ^ Norman Cross. Gt. North Rd., Norman Cross 6 (E, III), B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- {5} RAC. ffi" Michelin Stockists, T. Brainsby & Sons, Brook St., Agt. for Fiat, R.C.H., [20] U \ Sun. T Brainsby ;p> 132. I— Peterborough City Garage Co., Ltd., Cougate,, Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBSR, BELSIZE, (Wj BoX U] IT \ RAC T Motors 7f> 12. — Michelin M.C.T., Westgate Motor Co., Ltd., 51, Westgate, Agt. for BEDFORD, HH U \ Sun., Night, f Westgate Motors ;p> 95 (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Burrows Bros., Dogsthorpe Rd. (Motor Cycles). Peterhead (Aberdeen), M. 6, ME, Pop. 13,613. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Arbuthnot Museum ; N.W. Inverurie Cas. (Rns.) ; Ravenscraig Cas. (XlVth c.) 2. :^ N. (Craigewan) 1. Longhaven 4, Bimess Fork 13, Ellon 17, Aberdeen ^ 34 {v. fine surface Longhaven to Br. of Don, %md., 1/23 desc. at 9 m.). Longside 6, Mintlaw • 9, • 10, New Pitsligo 19, Banff 35 {v. gd., 1/23-SO desc. at 32 m.). • r. Mintlaw 9, Strichen 16 {gd. rd.). • 1. 10, Maud 14, New Deer 17, Cuminestown 23, Turrlff & 30 {gd. rd.). Newton 5, Lonmay stn. 12, Frazcrburgh 18 {v. gd. fl. rd.). w^m G. Robertson, 1-3, Kirk St. I Peters-field (Hampshire), M. 28, EH, Pop. 3,947. M.D., Alt. Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-€h. (Norm.) ; The Heath Tumuli ; W. East Meon (Norm. Ch. and Manor Ho.) 4. ^^ E. 1. Greatham 5 < Famham j®. 17 — Alton a 13 = 2 < Liphook 8, Hindhead a 13 — Midhurst ®. 10 — Liphook 8, Haslemere ®. 12 = Homdean 7 -s Waterlooville ®. 10, Cosham 13, Portsmouth ^ 18 — Havant 12 = George Inn 8 < Winchester i®. 20 — Bishop's Waltham a 18 = Ropley a 9, Ahesford 13, Winchester a 21. PETWORTH - 460 - P«ters-flelcl (continued). m Red Lion, CoUe(fe St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 C;hfr 6/6 Gar TJ ins G'm 25. M The Dolphin, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis m RAC :p> 25. •*■ Britnell & Crawter, Ltd., College St. Works, (^ Boxes EI U \ Sun., Night, RAO T Britnell Crawter :f> 3 PO. Ptttworth (Sussex), M. 29, Pop. 2,503 P. E.G., Wed. See :— Ch. ; The House • (PaiTc ; Pictures (Tues. andThurs.)) ; S. Bm-tou Park (Altar ; Tombs ; XVIth c.) 2 ; W. Lodsworth (Ch. and Two Manor Ho.) 4. Chiddingfold 10, Godalming ^ 16, Guildford a 20 = Billingshurst 9 < Broadbiidge 15, Dorldng 27 — Cuckflold 24 — Billtagshurst 9, Broadbridge 15, Horsham ffl. 17 = Fittleworth 3 < Washington 13, Bramber Br. 18 {Toll: car^ not exceeding M.), Brighton ^ 28 — Arundci 11 = Chichester a 14 = Midhurst j®. 6, Petersfteld 16. f^M MIchelin Stockist, 8. E. a Rapley, Heath End Works, HUNT Rapley Cycles. Pevensey (Sussex), M. 29, Pop. 468 P. See :— Pevensey Cas. (Rns.) • ; Rom. Walls of Anderida ; Ch. (Norm, and Goth ) • ; Harbour ; N, Herstmonceux Cas. (Rns.) (Admission 6d.) 4. Bexhill Sl 7, St. Leonards Sl 11, Hastings a 12 = Eastbourne ffi. 5= Poie- gate 5 < Lewes a 17 — Eastbourne Sl 10 — Poiegate 5, Hailsham 8. Castle Inn. Pickering (Yorkshire), M. 17, EH, Pop. 3,674. M.D., 3Ton. ; E.C., Wed, See:- Castle •; St. Peter's Ch. (Goth.) •; S.E. Thornton Dale (Grammar School) 3 ; N.W. Cawthorn Rom, Camps 4 ; Lastingham Ch. •7. :^ N. 1. Whitby a 20 = Scarborough a 18 = New Malton a 9 = Kirby Moorside 8, Helmsley 14. ' ifiL Black Swan, 18, Birdgate, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Shed ins Gratis [3] T Black Swan. ia White Swan, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis H] RAC. f^ W. Sleigh tholme, Pickering Garage, Agt.for Wolseley, Humber, Bblsize, Sunbeam, [Tg] Box U % RAC. Pilning: Station (Gloucester), M, 27. Westbury-upon-Trym 5, Bristol ^ 9 = (train to) Severn Tunnel Junction 7 < Newport a 19 — Chepstow a. 14 = Alveston Sl 5, Thornbury 6, Gloucester ja 29. Pinner (Middlesex), M. 29, and Special Map 42, Pop. 3,366 P. See :-St. John the Baptist's Church (XlVth c). Watford a 6 = Harrow 3, London ^ 14 = Uxbrldge ffl. 7, Slough a 13, Windsor a 15 = Rickmansworth 5, Amersham 13. Pitlochry 1 (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 1,541. E.C., Thurs. See :— N.E. Falls of Tummel 3 ; Ascent of Ben Vrackie (2,757 ft.). :§C (adj. village). Kirkmichaei 12, Blalrgowrlc a 25 = Dunkeld 12, Perth ^ 27 = Aberfeldy ffi. 16 = Br. of Garry 3 < Blair AthoU 7, Newtonmore IB. 42, Kingussie a 45 — Tummel Br. 14, Kinloch Rannoch 21 = Blair Atholl 7, Braemar a 36 (mount, track). fflSH Atholl Hydro (May to Oct.), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr;./- Lft [eg Gar ins N 1 /- and 2/- [8] SAC :?> 3. flii The Pitlochry Hydro, The Moulin Rd. (May to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2 6 D 4/6 R 4/6 to 6/6 Chfr 6/6 (cH Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [4] T Comfort :p> 35. m. Scotland's, B 2/6 L 2/- D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- PG 50 y qp> 39. jM. Reid's Temperance, L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- PG U 50 y. Fisher's Hotel, SAC. fP" MIchelin Stockist, cai©= W. Blues, Pitlochry Garage and Eng. Works, Main St., Agt. for ARGYLL, [Is] U \ 'Sun., Night, SAC T Blues :fo 48. — J. Kennedy, 01 U \ Sun., :?> 17. DRAWN & PRESSED :: STEEL WORK :: Heavy or Light. Flanged Wheels for Light Railway Work. Brake Drums. Cylinder Ends. Boiler Ends. Motor Car Engine Shields, etc. Machined, if required, to any degree o^ accuracy. Manufacturers of the celebrated Sankey Steel Wheel for Motor Cars. JOSEPH SANKEY & SONS, Ltd. HADLEY, SALOP. PLYMOUTH A. ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL C. MUNICIPAL OFFICES D. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH E. I^ICTUALLINC YARD 0. TOWN HALL R.S. P.S. M. B. T. G.(See p. 3) ■S-ing ^t OunhiU's Touring Trunks. Unequalled for Strength Lightness and Finish. Price from £5 17s. 6d. Write for a copy of our TRUNK LIST post free. 359-361, Euston Road, London, N.W. 2, Conduit Street, W. Gty Branch: 42-3, MANCHESTER : 88, Cross Street. LOMBARD STREET, E.C GLASGOW : 72, St. Vincent Street. - 461 - PLYMOUTH PitSli^o, New (Aberdeen), M. 6, Pop. 1,674, ^ Strichen 4. 1 -; woodside 5, Macduff 15, Banff 16 — Frazerburgh 12 — woodside 5, Turriff Sl 15 = Strichen 4, Peterhead 20 r= 4 < Peterhead 19 — New Deer 8. Pittenweem (Fife), M. 10, gl. Pop. 1,859. See :— Priory (Rns.) ; N.W. Balcaskie Ho. 1. Anstruther Wester 1, Ajistruther Easter 2. Crafl 6 = 4 < Leven 13, Kirkcaldy fi. 22 — Cupar 15 = Elie 4. ^lem T. A. Galloway, Jafmes St., {2} \. Plump-ton (Sussex). :5^ March 22nd; Apr. 21st; Dec. 15th. N .w. Lewes a 8. PLYMOUTH m (Devonshire), M. 25, ^E-, PoP- 112,042. M.D., Tiies, ; Thura., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— R. C. Cath. (A) ; Municipal Offices (C) ; St. Andrew's Ch. (D); Royal William Victualling Yard (E) ; Guildhall (G) ; The Hoe • ; The Sound • ; Breakwater ; Citadel ; Devon port Dockyard • ; X.E. Plympton (Ch. Goth. ; Borringdon and Old Newnhani— Tud. Houses ; Priory Remains) 5 ; S.W. Mount Edgcumbe (ferry) ; W. Antony Ho. (XVIIIth c.) (Residence of Lieut. -General Sir R. Pole-Carew, K.C.B. Permission to see the fitie pictiures by Holbein, Vandyke, etc., can only be obtained by writing) {ferry) 4 ; Sheviock (Ch. Goth.) (ferry). ^ E. 1. ::^ Sept. 3rd-Uth. E.\: by Old Town St., Tavistock St., and Tavistock Ed. ;— Roborough 6, Horrabridge 11, TavistOCk ffi 15, Okehampton ^ 31 (gd. und., 1/13 asc. at 1 m. and 19 m.). E. W'.by Old Town St., Treville St., Exeter St., and Embankment Ed. :— • 1, (Toll-gate : cars 4c?., motor-cyclea Id.) Plympton 5, Ivybridge ffl. 11, • 15, South Brent 16, Buckfastieigh 21, Ashburton 24, Chudleigh 34, Exeter a. 44 (v. gd., V. hilly, several 1 / 13 gradients), London Q. 212. • r. 1, (Toll-br. : Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 2d.) Yealmpton 7, Modbury 12, Kingsbridge ^ 20, Dartmouth 35 (v. gd. dang, hilly). • r, 15, Avonwick 17, Follaton 22, Totnes 23, Torquay Sl 32 (gd., v. hilly). E. Ill : by Bedford St., George St., Union St., Edgctumbe St., Devonport Br. (Toll: Cars 3d., motor-cycles Id. \ Cutnberland St., Tavistock St., Marlborough St., Neiv Passage Hill, and Ferry Ed. :— Devonport 1, (ferry -14) Torpoint 3, Poibathic 11, Liskeard Sl 19, Lost- withiel m. 30, St. Austell & 38, Truro a 52 («. gd., v. hilly). E. IV : by Qld Town St., Saltash St., Cobourg St., Alma Ed., and Wolseley Ed. : — (Ferry -17) Saltash 4, St. Mellion 11, Callington 14, Trebarley 20, Launceston a 24 (v. gd., v. hilly, 1/12 asc. at 11 m.). JH. Royal, Lockyer St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 6/- Chfr 6/6 [ca Lft Q Shed ins M -/6 JS" 1/- |20] RAC T Royal :p> 722. ai Duke of Cornwall, Millbay Ed., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 11- Lft (ca 5 Gar U 300 y Gratis [ID RAC T Dukotel :p> 735 and 736. g|!ig| Grand, The Hoe (fine view from Harbour), B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 6/- Chfr 7/6 Lft 5 Box U ins Gratis N 1/- g) T Grand ;p> 1430. fm Central, Lockyer St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr &IQ % PG 100 y ;p' 636. (jgfji Continental, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 S Lft Gar dist M -/6 N 1/- m T Continental :j<> 1610. mdi Albion, Millbay, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 8/- tcH PG dist :?> 1423. ff« Michelln Stockists, H. Andrew & Co., Ltd., Atheneeum Place, Agt. for NAPIEK, F0R1>, HOTCHKISS, MiNERVA, ARROL- JOHNSTON, [50] U \ Suu., Night, RAC T Automobile !>> 488, 489. — Michelln Stockists, R. Humm & Co., 81, Old Town St., Agt. for Sunbeam, |^ U S Sun., Night, RAC T Humm :p) 455. ^ Michelln Stockists, Plymouth Automobile Eng:ineer- ing Co., Ltd., 20, 21 Buckivell St., Agt. for Belsize, Maudslay, Ben/, [Too] Boxes (HUN Sun., Night, T Davis Garage :p> 1147. — Michelln Stockist, Walter Willisims, 118, Tavistock Ed., Agt. for Renault, E.M.F., Flanders, [ao] Boxes [D IJ \ Sun., Night, RAC T Motors :p> 829. — A. C. Turner, Gibbon La-ne, Agt. for DARRACQ, [20] Boxes [4] U Sun., Night, ;p> 1441. PLYMPTON — 462 , Bedford St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBER, U \ Suu., Ni<,'ht, RAC T Delafeild Motors Plymouth (contimied) ffn R. B. Delafeild, Db Dion, (m :f> 940. — Three Towns Motor Eng. Wks. (A. C. Lempriere Back, M.I.M.E.), Abbey Garage, St. Andrew's PI:, Agt. for Talbot, Clement BAYARD, ^ Boxes H] LT \ RAC T Lempriere :p> 1797. Plympton (Devonshire), M. 26 (not marked on map), Pop. 1,117 P. Ivybridge ffl. 6 = Plymouth ^ 5. ^fm Goad Bros,, Ridgway, Agt. for Vauxhall, Lanchester [s]. Pocklingrfcon (Yorkshire), M. 17, ED, Pop. 2,556. M.D., Sat.; E.G., Wed. See :— Church (Goth., Monuments). Burythorpe 11, New Wlalton a 16 = Great Driffield ®. 16 = Hayton 2 < Market Weighton 7, Beverley a W — Howden 18 = York ®. 13 = Cross Rds. 6 -< Westow 13, New Malton jSl 18 — York a 15. j^fiL Feathers, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 5/- Box [2] Shelter \M ins Cmti's RAC Lt. T The Feathers :^ 5. f^"" Michelin M.C.T., Everingham Bros., 1^, Railway St. (Motor Cycles.) Pontardulais # (Glamorgan), M. 20 {not marked on maj}). Swansea a 8 = Hendy 1 < Llanelly 7 — Carmarthen ®. 18. ^w Michelin Stockist, Frank Jones, The Garag^e, [Toj U Sun. :p> 34. PONTEFRACT (Yorkshire), M. 17, HI, Pop. 15,960. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Castle (Rns.) • (A) ; All Saints' Ch. (Goth.) (C) ; St. Giles" Ch. (D) ; S.W. Nostell Priory 5. ^ N.W. 1 (E. I). :^ N. 1 (E. I) Apr. 2Srd-%kth ; July 9-lOth ; Sept. ^l,-25th. PONTEFRACT 1 ICarket Place 2 Beast Fair 3 Corn Market 4 Front Street 5 Park Road 6 Horse Fair 7 Micklegate 8 Castle Chain 9 Hill Dam 10 Ferrybridge Road 1 Roper Gate 12 Mill Hin Road 13 Hard wick Road 14 Ackworth Lane 15 Wakefield Road 16 Southgate 17 Midland Road 8. Newgate !?"• II - 463 - POOLEY BRIDGE Pontefract (continued). E.\:by Market PL, Cm-n Market, Front St., and Park Rd. .— Glasshoughton • 2, Oulton 8, Leeds fi. 13 (gd. rd., 1/^n desc. in Pontefract). • r. Glasshougiiton 2, Castleford 3, Aberford 11, Wetherby ffl. 19, Harrogate a 28 (v. gd.). ' E. II : by Market PL, Horse Fair, Micklegate Castle Chain, Mill Dam and Ferrybridge Ed. .— Ferry Bridge 2, Knottingley 3, Hut Green 8, Snaith 14, Rawcliffe 18, Goole 22 (med. rd.). E. ill : by Market PL, Roper Gate, Mill Hill Rd., and Hardwick Rd. :— East Hardwick 2, Robin Hood's Well 8, DOMCaster ^ 14 {med), London m. 180. E. IV : by Market PL, Roper Gate, Mill Hill Rd., Hardwick Rd., and Ackworlh Lane :— Hemaworth 6, Upper Cudworth 10, Bamsley 14 (gd. rd. hilly). E.y : by Market PL, Roper Gate, and Wakefield Rd. : — streethouse 4, Wakefield ®. 9 (med. rd.). m Red Lion, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis [3]. ff^ Miciielln IVI.C.T., Ewbank & Co., Townend, ^gt. for Napier, Sunbeam, Humbbr [loj U N T Ewbank :p> 40 (Motor Cycles). Pontypool (Monmouth), M. 20, EU, Pop. 6,452. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :— Town Hall (Ital.). ^ E. 1. Abersychan 3, Blaenavon 7 = 1 < Fork 3, Usk 7, Chepstow a 21 — Newport a. 9 — Fork 3, Abergavenny a lO = Crumlln 5 < Ystrad Mynach 11, Quakersyard 15, Mcrthyr Tydfil ®. 23 — Abevtillery 9, Brynmawr 15 — Crumlin 5, Ystrad Mynach 11, Caerphilly 16, Cardiff ^ 23 — Crumlin 5, Ystrad Mynach 11, Quakersyard 15, Pontypridd ^ 20. Crown Hotel, RAC Lt. Pontypridd ^ (Glamorgan), M. 26, fuol . Pop. 43,215. M.D., Wed., SaL ; E.C., Thurs. See :— The Bridge • ; Maen Chwyf (Rocking Stone). '^ E. 1. Kavigation 4 < Quakersyard 5, Morthyr Tydfil ffl. 13 — Mountain Ash 8, Aberdare SL 12 — Navigation 4, Quakersyard 5, Pontypool 20 = Nant Garw 5 < Cardiff a 12 — Caerphilly 8, Newport ^ 19 = Llantrisant 7, Bridgend a 18 = Rhondda 9. ^ New Inn, Taff St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/-' 5 Shed ins Gratis [ial ^ 1. ia Park, TaffSL, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 8/- Lft 5 Gar 100 y Gratis [3] T Park :p> 3 PO. ^i Michelin Stockists, C. J. Richards & Co., Cardiff Rd., Agt. for STAR, [20] U \ RAC ^ 60 PO. — Pontypridd Aero, Cycle, and Motor Car Co., Ltd., '28, Taff St., Agt. for Belsize, jio] U % Sun. T Aero :p> 167. Poole (Dorset), M. 27, HH, Pop. 38,886. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. James's Ch. (Monument) ; Harbour ; Old Gateway and Walls (XlVth c.) ; Old Houses ; W. Bronsea Island Cas, (bysea)2. "^ S.E. 2. Wimborne ®. 6, Salisbury ^ 28 = Ringwood 14 = Parkstone 2, Bournemouth a 5 = Lytchett Gate 3 •< Baker's Arms Inn 5, Wareham 9, Dorchester a 26 — Blandford ffi. 14 — Lytchett Gate 3, Baker's Arms Inn 5, Bere Regis 12, Dorchester @. 23. ^ Antelope, High SL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- 5 Shed ins N 1/- [|] RAC Lt. T Antelope :p> 29. flflJI Haven, Sandbanks, Parkstone, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- 5 Gar U ins N 1/- [e]. Jitii London, High St'., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shelter ins Gratis g] :p> 26. ^™ Warn & Co., ^afi, jy?Vjfft St., Longfleet, Agt. for Singer, [12] LT \ RAC T Warn's Garage :p> 67. Pooiey Bridgre (Cumberland), M. 13 (not marked on map). Penrith ffi. 6 = Patterdale 9, Ambleside m. 17. ^ The Chalet (Private), B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [2] T Jacques. jMl Sun Inn, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar adj N 1/- [U RAC. TAe prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hdte served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and frovx 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. PORLOCK - 464 — Poriock (Somerset), M. 26 (not marked on map). Pop. 655 P., ^ Minehead 6. See :— St. Dubritius Ch. ; S. Dimkery Beacon (1564 ft.) 5. ]VIineheacl fiL 6 = {Turn r. doivn private rd. just outside Poriock, thus avoiding Poriock Hill; Toll: Cars 1/-, motor-cycles Gd.), Lynton 13. m. 'i'he Castle, B 1/9 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 3/- to 5/- Chfr 6/- Q Gar ins Gratis [H KAC :f> 4. Port Ellen (Argyll, Islay), M. 33, Pop. 863 (no i^ in isiay). Bowmore 10 = 7 •< Laggan Br. 8, Portnahaven 26 — Portaskaig 19 — Laggan Br. 8, Bowmore 11. Port Gla-sgrow (Renfrew), M. 11, HH, Pop. 17,749. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Thiirs. See :-Newark Cas. (XVIth c). 10 < Renfrew 13, Govan 16, Glasgow ^ 19 — Paisley a 14 = Kil- macolm 4 < Br. of Weir 8, Johnstone a 11, Paisley ®. 15 — Loch- winnoch 13, Dairy 21 — Kilmacolm 4, Bridge of Weir 8, Renfrew 17 = Greenock ®. 3. Porthcawl (Glamorgan), M. 26, ED, Pop. 3,443. Aberavon 11, Britonferry 14 = Bridgend ^ 7. ^ Esplanade, The Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/- I) 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6 '6 PG 150 y RAC Lt. :p> 1. Jgt Porthcawl, JoA/i St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6J6 G&v opp 1/- [3] ;p> 57. Portishead (Somerset), M. 27, ES), I'op. 3,329. See :— S. Clapton-in-Gordan Court Ho. (Rns.) 3. ':^ W. 1. Bristol a 10 = Clevedon a 5, Weston-super-Mare ffi. 20. Portland (Dorset), M. 27, IHS, Pop. 17,031. See :— Castle (XVI^/. c.) ; Harbour ; Portland Breakwater ; Quarries of Portland Stone ; Co.^vict Prison •. Weymouth a 6. Portmadoc & (Carnarvon), M. 20, Pop. 2,000. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Harbour. ^ S. 2. Penrliyn-Deudraeth 3 < Festiniog 10 — Toll-gate 4 (Caution ! Cars and cycle cars 1/-, motor-cycles 6rf., with trailer 9d.) Harlech 9, Barmouth ®. 20 — Penrhyn Deudraeth 3, Beddgelert 10 = Tremadoc 1 < Carnarvon J®. 20 — Beddgelert 8, Carnarvon a 21 = Criccieth 5, Pwllheli 13. JH Sportsman, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins [o] RAC Lt. T Sportsman :p> 15. jfgi Queen's, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gh-atis [3] RAC Lt. T Queens. ff" Michelin Stockists, The Portmadoc Motor Co.| l, High St., Agt. for OVERLAND, [6] Box U \ Sun., Xight, :p> 34 PO. Portobello (Edinburgh), M. 12 {not marked on map), Pop. 9,180. 2tC S. {adj. station). Musselburgh a 3 = Dalkeith 6 = Edinburgh Sl 3 = Leith 3. Portpatrick (Wigtown), M. 11, Pop. 451. See :— S. Dunksey Cas. (Rns.) 1. ^ {adj. station). Lochans 5 < Glenluce 14, Newton Stewart a 30 — Stranraer ffl. 8. ^ Portpatrick {Easter to October), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 3/6 to 6/- Chfr 6/- S Gar U 200 y So] SAC T Heugh. Portree (Inverness ; Skye), M. 7, Pop. 872 (no ^^ in Skye). See :— The Lump (View, 16 minutes on foot) ; Ascent of the Storr (2,360 ft., U to 5 hours on foot). ^ W. 1. 4 •<: Staffln Inn 25 — Dunvegan 23 = Broadford 25. -- im Royal, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 5/- Gar U adj Gratig iN" 2/- g] SAC. PORTSMOUTH # (Hampshire), M. 28, ME, Pop. 231.165. ' M.D., Tues., Thurs., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See : — Dockyard • (A) {Foreigners admitted only upon production (f permit signed by Am,bassador in London); H.M.S. "Victory" • (C) ; Ch. of St. Thomiis k Becket (Xlllth c.) (D) ; Town Hall (G). ;;§; E. 4. ::^ March Uth ; May 12th ; Oct. lUth, A^ow. 20th. - 465 - PORTSMOUTH Portsmouth (continued). E. I : b)/ Commercial Rd., Lake Rd., Kingston Rd., and London Rd. .— Cosham 5, Waterlooville ^ 8, Homdean 11, Petersfleld ^ • 18, Godalin- ins I®. 30, Guildford fit ■^'•i {mag. pict., several 1/17 gradients), London, ffl. 78. • 1. Peterstleld 18, Alton fit 31, Odiham ffl. 39, Reading & 55 (v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/1'' asc. at 38i- m.). E. II : by Victoria Pier ;— {Ferry -10) Ryde ffi. 5, Newport Sl 12. E. Ill : by Broad St. :— {Ferry -11) Gosport j®. 1, Brocklmrst • 3, Titchfleld 8, Bursledon Br. 12 (Toll : Carsl/-, motor-cycles 3d., with trailers or fore-carriages 5d.), {South- ampton floating br. : Cars 1/- including 4 passengers) SOUttiampton fi. 17 {gd. und.). • V. Brockhurst 3, Farehaiii ®l 7, Bishop's Waltham ffi. 14, Queen's Hd. inn 19. Winchester a 25 {gd. und.). PORTSMOUTH. > A. DOCK YARD G. TOWN HALL D. ST. THOMAS BECKET CHURCH > 0. -H. M. S. VICTORY" B.-R-S.-T -PS.- (See p 3 ) ~Rs:i Commercial Road J Lake Road o Kingston Road 4 London Road t Cambridge Road 6 High Street 7 Broad Street 8 High Street (Gosporti Grosvenor .... , Queens a 9 Clarence Road to Forton Road 11 Queen Street 12 Edinburgh Road 'ansioD H 13 St-Michaels Road 14 St-Oeorge's Road 15 Alexandra Road 16 Kings Road 17 Elm Grove 18 Somers Road 19 Fratton Road 20 Fawcett Road Piilf, Queen's, 2, k, 6, Osborne Rd. {Southsea), B 3/- L 3/6 R 6/- to 8/6 Ohfr 7/6 Lft jcH 5 Gar U ins M 1/- N 1/6 M RAG T Queen's :p> 172 Nat., 1172 Corp. iH. Grosvenor {Southsea), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft § RAG :F» 27 Nat., 797 Corp. Ml Eoyal Pier, Belle Vue Terrace, Southsea, B 3/6 L 3/6 D 5/- E. 5/- to 10/- Chfr 7/- Lft (cH 5 I*G dist T Royal Pier ;p> 98. JH Royal Beach, South Parade, Southsea, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R6/-to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft [^ 5 PG dist T Sunshine, Southsea :p> 581. f^" Micheiin Stockists, Lining:ton Bros., Ltd., r>2. Commercial Rd., PortsmoiUh, Aqt. ^or Clement-TALBOT, Delage, ZEDEL, f#] Box (II U % Sun., Night, T Linington Garage "^ 399 Nat., 572 Corp. M.CT. PORT SONACHAN - 466 - Portsmouth (continued). mm Michelin Stockists, Southern Cross Motor Co., Ltd., 126, High St. Agt. for R.M.C, M Sun., Nicht, T Sud. Ip* 1140 P.O. and 1030 Corp. — Michelin Stockists, G. H. Cox & Co., Ltd., Ul and 57, Castle Bd., Southsea, Agt. for Wolseley, Flanders, Ford, Bbi-sizk, Austin, [so] Boxes [Bl LT \ Sun. T Motors J> 258 Nat. M.C.T. — Southsea Motor Engineering Co., The Garage, King's Rd. Junction, Southsea, Agt. for DAIMLER, [Ml Boxes [f] TJ \ Sun. T Cars :p> 480 Nat. — Hyde Park Motor Garage, 36, Hyde Park Rd., [20] If \ Sun.. Night, :f> 642 Corp. and 1166 P.O. — S. Rose & Co., Ltd., Castle Rd. and Gt. Southsea St., Agt. for HuMBBR, Crossley, Darracq, [ao] If \ RAC T Rose ^ 939 Mun. Port Sonachan (Argyll), M. 8, ^ Dalmally 10. See :— Loch Awe. ciadich 3 < Dalmally 10 — Inveraray 12 = Lochgilphead 30 = Oban a 21. m. Portronachan, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Gar 20 y Gratis N 1/- S T Cameron. Portsoy (Banff), M. 6, m, Pop. 1,951. E.C., Wed. Banff 8 = Gienbarry stn. 8 •< Huntiy ®. 18 — Keith 17 = Cullen 6. Fochabers 18, Elgin a 27. Part William (Wigtown), [VI. 11, Pop. 667, ^ Whithorn 9. 2^ S.E. 3. Glenluce 14 = Whaup Hiii 6 -< Wigtown 11, Newton Stewart ffi. 18 — Garliestown 12 = Whithorn 9. m Monmouth Arms, B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed adj N 1/- m T McCall. Potton (Bedford), W, 23, Pop. 2,033 P. Kisby'a Hut 10 < St. Ives {Toll-br. : Cars 2d.) 16 — Godmanchester 15, Huntingdon ®. 16 = Biggleswade 4, Baldock a 12, Poulton-le-Fylde (Lancashire), iVI. 16, ED, Pop. 2,424. M.D., Man. See ".—Church (Tower). Shard Br. 2 {Toll : Cars 3d., motor -cycles Id., botli including driver, passengers Id.), Garstang ^ 13 = Garstang ^ 14 = Blackpool ^ 4. Prescot (Lancashire), M. 16, ES), Pop. 8,154. M.D., Tim., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Cliurch (Tower and Spire 156 ft.) ; N.W. Knowsley Hall 1. St. Helens 3 = Warrington ^ 10 = Eoby 3, Liverpool fi. 9 = i •< Liver- pool ®. 8 — Ormskirk SL 13. ^" Michelin IVLC.T., S. Pownall, 9, St. Helens Rd. (Motor Cycles). Presteigrne (Radnor), WI. 20, (crj, Pop. 1,141. See :— Church (Tapestry). ^ N. 1. Knighton 7 = 1 < Mortimer's Cross 8, Ludlow S. 18 — Titley 4, Kington m 7, Hereford j®. 26 — Mortimers Cross 8, Leominster S. 14 — Titley 4, Lyonshaii 6, Hereford a 22. h\ Radnorshire Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar Shed ins Gratis \b\ T Kemp. PRESTON 1 (Lancashire), M. 16, |cl, Pop. 117,113. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Town Hall (G). ^ N.E. 2 (E. I). E.\'. by Church St., Lancaster Rd., and Garstang Rd. ;— Biisborough 7, Garstang 11, Galgate 18, Lancaster ffl. 22 (v. gd. lu. und.), Kendal m. 43, Penrith m. 69, Carlisle a 87. E. II : by Church St., Stanley St., and Newhall Lane :— Five-barred Gate P. H. • 4, Mellor Brook 7, Whalley ffi. • 13, Clitheroe 17, Sklpton a 34 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 desc. at 3 m.), Ilkley Q. 43, Otley a 49, Tadcaster & 69, York ®. 78 (gd. pict.). • r. Five-barred Gate P. H. 4, Blackbum ffi. 9 (gd. rd.). • r. Whalley fi 13, Padiham 18, Burnley &. 21 (gd. rd.). E. Ill : by Church St., Stanley St., London Rd., Walton Br.,, arid Charley Rd. : — • 2, Chorley a 9, Horwich 15, Bolton m. 20 (med. rd.). • 1. 2, • • Hoghton 5, witton 10, Blackbum S. 11 (ined. rd.). 467 PRESTON Preston (continued). • • r. Hoghton 5, Belmont 14, Bolton ®. 19 (gd. moorland rd. ; hilly with easy gradients). E. IV : hy Fishergate, Fishergate Hill, Broadgate, Penwortham Br. and Wigan Rd. :— Euxton 8, standish 13, Wigan ®. 17, Warrington ^ • 29 (u. gd.), Shrews- bury a 82. • r. Warrington jS. 29, Newcastte-under-Lyme S. 65, London & 216. E. V : &«/ Fishergate, Fishergate Hill, Broadgate, Penwortham Br., and Liverpool Rd. : — Longton 5, Tarleton • 10, Eufford 13, Ormskirk ffi • 19, MaghuU 23, Liverpool & 31 (gd. level rd.). • r. Tarleton 10, Mere Brow 13, Southport ®. 20 (med. rd.). • 1. Ormskirk ^ 19, Prescot 32, Warrington ®. 42 (gd. alt. rd. recom.). G. TOWN HALL T.-a-R.S.-P.S.-ll.-CK-^ee p.3 ), '^ 1 Church Street 2 Lancaster Road 3 OaUowa HiU 4 Stanley Street 5 New Hall Lana 6 London Boad 7 Walton Bridge 8 Ohorley Road \ 9 Fishergrate 10 Fishergate Hill 11 Broadgate 12 Penwortham Bridge 13 Wigan Road 14 Liverpool Road 16 Oheapside 16 Friargate 17 Fylde Street 18 Fylde Road • 19 Water Lane 20 Tulketh Road 21 Moor Lane 22 Ormskirk Road 23 North Road 24 Meadow Street 26 Deepdale Road E. VI : hy Cheapside, Friargate, Fylde St., Fylde Rd., Water Lane, and Tuiketh Rd. :— • 4, Kirkham • 8, Blackpool ®. 17 (gd. rd.). m 1. 4, Toll-gate 6 (Cars 6d., motor-cycles Id.), Freckleton 7, Lytiiam ®. 12, St. Anne's-on-Sea 15, Blackpool a 20 (med. rd.). • 1. Kirkham 8, Lytham ^ 14. mM Park, B 3/- L 2/- D 5/- E, 5/- Chfr 7/6 5 Gar ins N 1/- [6] KAC TBestotel :^ 188. (m Shelley Arms, Fishergate, B 2/3 L 2/3 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 7 - 5 Shed ins Gratis N" 1/- g] :p> 883. See pp. /t, 7, 8, and 9, explaining how our itineraries have been drawn up. PRESTONPANS - 468 - Preston (continued). tm Mctoria and Station, Fishergate, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Ohfr 5/6 Gar adj Gratis N 1/- T Victory :p> 86. f|«h Tlie Bull and Royal, Church St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 5 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- :p> 481. C!row-n Hotel, Birley St. f^* Michelin Stockists, Merigrold Bros., U7, Church St. and A venham St., Agt. for Renault, Humber, Talbot, Arm- strong, Arrol- Johnston, [go] Boxes [Io| U S Sun., Xight, KAC -V Merigolds :p' 16. M.C.T. - Michelin Stocldsts, Jas. Walmsley & Co., Guildhall St., Agt. for Wolskley, Mercedes, Metallurgique, [M] U \ Suii., Night, ::p> 298. — W. Ogden & Sons, Moor Park Garage, Garstang Rd. — W. H. Walker, Central Garage, Friargate, Agt. for Wolseley, Delage, [20j "U N Sun., Night, ::p> 528. - F. W. Atkinson, Church St., :p» 950. Preston pans (Haddington), M. 13, TE, Pop. 1,923. See :— Preston Cross. Cockenzie 1, Gullane 9, North Berwick ffi. 14 = Tranent 2, Hadding- ton a 9 s= Musselburgh :®l 3, Portobello 6, Edinburgli ^ 9. Prestwick m (Ayr), M. 11 (not marked on map), Pop. 2,766. ^ S. 1. MoDkton 1 -5 Irvine 8 — Kilmarnocl< Sl 9 = Ayr a 3. a Red Lion, The Cross, B 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed adj Gratis N 2/- :p' 15. ffna Michelin Stockists, W. N. Allan & Son, The Cross, [8] Boxes [2] "U \ Sun., Night, T Allan :p> 64. Princes Risboroug^h (Buckingham), M. 22, 28, Pop. 2,189 P. M.D., Thiers. See:— St. Dunstan's Ch. (Goth.); Chiltern Hills; N.E. Monks Ris- borough Ch. 1 ; Chequer's Court (sjiecial permit) 3 ; E. Whiteleaf Cross 1. Aylesbury a 9 = High Wycombe j®. 8 = Thame 7, Oxford a 20 Princetown (Devonshire), M. 26, Pop. 2,575 P. (Alt. 1,372 ft.). See :— N. E. Postbridge (various prehistoric remains) 5 ; Dartmoor (Excursions) ; The Prison. Two Bridges 2 < Moreton Hampstead 15, Exeter ffl: 27 — Ashburton 14 — Two Bridges 2, Tavlstock ffi. H = Plymouth ^ 15. m Duchy, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 6/- icH Gar ins Gratis N 1/- {&} RAC. m Two Bridges (2 miles), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 5/- Box Shed ins Gratis [w) RAC T Trinaman. Puckeridgre m (Hertford), M. 29. Buntingford 4, Royston ®. 11, Arrington 17, Godmanchester 31, Hunting- don ®. 32 = Braughing 1, Barkway 8, Foulmire 15, Cambridge ffi. 25 = Bishop's Stortford ^ 7 = Ware 6, Hertford a 8. W^ Michelin Stockist, Walter C. Harris, White Hart Hotel, g) U Sun., Night, T White Hart :p 9. Pudsey (Yorkshire), M. 47, jmb). Pop. 14,027. Leeds a 6 = Bradford ®. 4. Pulborough <§> (Sussex), M. 29. Horsham a 13 = Worthing a 14 = Arundel 9 = Petworth 6. ^a Michelin Stockist, A. Goodsell. Pwllheli (Carnarvon), M. 19, [mb| . Pop. 3,791. M.D., Wed.; E.C., Thurs. See :-Gimlet Rock ; N. Llanor Stones (Vlth c). :§C S.W. 1. Carnarvon a 21 s= Criccieth 8, Portmadoc ffi. 13 = 2 < Aberdaron 18 — Nevin 7. m^ West End, West End, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- Chfr 6/6 [^ f Gar Shelter U adj 1/- [TU T Harding :F» 5. ^ Tower, //i^A 5f^., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [6] RAC T Tower :?> 22. fT" Pwllheli Garage (A. B. Ashworth), next G.P.O., [6] Box [2 IT \ Sun., Night, RAC T Ashworth 7f> 34 GPO. - 469 - RAMSGATE 3ueenboroug:h (Kent), M. 30, Ml> Pop. 2,468. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; Church (Goth.). Sheerness 2 = Queen's Br. {Toll. : Cars or motor-cycles 1 /6) 3, Key Street 8 -? Rochester a. 17 — Sittingbourne 10, Faversham 17 — Key Street 8, Maidstone & is. Queensbury (Yorkshire), M. 46, fupl , Pop. 6,125. Bradford & 4 = Brighouse m.&— Halifax & 4 = Keighley Sl 9. Queens-ferry, South (Lhilithgow), M. 12, gl.Pop. 880, !^ Daimeny Stn. 1. See :— Rosyth Cas. (XVth c.) ; Forth Br. ; S. Dundas Cas. 1. {Ferry - 30*) N. Queensfeny 1 < Kincardine 15, Clackmannan 19, Alloa ffi. 21 — Dunfermline i^ 7 — n. Queensferry l, Inverkeithing 3 < Cowden- beath 9 — Burntisland 11 =r Leith 10 = Edinburgh ffi. 9 = Kirkliston 3, Wilkieston 9, Mid Calder 12, W. Calder 17 = Champany 7 <. Linlithgow 9 — Bo'ness 10. a Queensferry Arms, 17, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [2]. Quorndon (Leicester), M. 22, ESI) I^OP- 2,364. See :— Quorn Hunt Kennels and Stables. Loughborough & 3 = Leicester & 8. RadclifFe (Lancashire), M. 16, ES), Pop. 26,085. See :— Church (Norm.). 2 < Bolton ®. 6 — Bury a 4 = Manchester ffi. 7. Radiett (Hertford), M. 29 (not marked on mai)), Pop. 808 P. See :-vS.W. Aldenham Ch. (Goth.) 2. ^ E. 2. St. Albans ^ 5 = London ^ 16. m Red Lion, Waiting St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar adj d] RAC :?> 98. ^■H Herts Motors, Ltd., Watling St., Agt. for FORD, [6] U Sun., RAC T Herts Motors :p' 14. Radstock (Somerset), M. 27, [^dJ, Pop. 3,691. Bath ®. 9 = 2 < Frome ®. 8 — Trowbridge ^ 13 = old Down lun 5 < Wells a 11 — Shepton Mallet 10= Midsomer Norton a l, Farrington Gumey 4, Bristol a 16. Rag^lan (Monmouth), M. 21, Pop. 619 P. See :— Raglan Cas. •. Monmouth a 8 = Chepstow ffl. 13 = Usk 5 = Abergavenny Sl 9. Ramsbottom (Lancashire), M. 44, EdI, Pop. 15,147. Edenfleid 2 < Haslingden 5, Accrington 9 — Rawtenstall 5, Bacup 10 = Holcombe Brook 1 •< Bolton ®. 8 — Bury ®. 5. Ramsey (Huntingdon), M. 23, EH, I'op. 4,823. M.D., Wed.; E.C., See :— St. Thomas's Ch. (Norm, and Goth.) ; Abbey (Rns.). Whittlesey 9, Crowland 19 = March 13, Downham Market 30 = Warboys 4 < Huntingdon ®. 11 — Pidley 7, Earith 11 {Toll-gate : Cars 1/-, metor- cycies M.), Cambridge 24 — Warboys 4, Pidley 7, St. Ives 11. ia Lion, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 7/6 Box- Shed ins M -/6, N 1/- H] :p 16. Ramsey (Isle of Man), M. 15, Pop. 5,328 P. :§: W. M.D., Sat. ; B.C., Thurs. Point of Ayre 8 = DouglaS 17 = Kirkniichael 10 < Peel 17 — St. Jphn's 17, Castletown 26. ga Prince of Wales, Promenade, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis g] :p> 189. Sa Mitre, Parliament St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed 5 y Gratis N 1/- g] ;F> 195. ^^ L. Knowles, Parliament St., {bWS \ Sun., RAC :p> 3. RAMSGATE 1 (Kent), M. 30, ^1, Pop. 29,605. See :— St. Augustine's Villa, (A) ; R. C. Church • (C). E. I : by High St., King St., and Hereson Rd. :— Broadstairs 2, Margate ffi. 6 {gd. und., 1/19 desc. at 2 m.). RAVENSTHORPE - 470 - Ita.m8s:a.te (continued). E. II : fcj/ High St. :— • 2, Sarre 8, Upstreet 10, sturrj- 14, Canterbury & 17 (v. ffd., 1/17 desc. at .5 m.), London ffi 74. • 1. 2, Sandwich ^ • • 7 {Toll-br. : Cars or motor-cycles Sd. per wheel), Eastry 10, Dovcf 20 (v. gd., 1/11 desc. to Dover). • • 1. Sandwich St 7 {Toll-br. : Cars or motor-cycles Sd. per wheel), Deal 13, Walmer 15, Dover 22 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 desc. to Dover). E. Ill : hy Chatham St. and Margate Rd. :— Margate fi. 4 (gd. rd., I/O asc. from Ramsgate). RAMSGATE 1 High Street 2 King Street 3 Hereson Road 4 Cliatham Street 5 Margate Road 6 Madeira W^alk A. ST. AUGUSTINE'S VILLA >'C: R.C. CHURCH R.S.-G.-P.S.-T. (See p. 3.) 12 Crescent Road 7 Plains ol Waterloo 13 Queen Street 8 Bellevue Road 14 Royal Parade 9 Dumpton Park Drive 15 Paragon 10 Ellington Park Road 16 St. Augustine's Road 11 Boundary Road 17 Grange Road M Granville, East Cliff, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- K 5/- to 6/6 Chfr 7/- Lft 8 PG adj [30] T Granville :p> 12. JH. St. Cloud, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 lit gg 5 Gar U dist Gratis N 1/6 [20] T Sanclu ^ 80. ifi Koyal, Harbour St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 5/- Chfr Q/& 5 Gar 215 y N 1/- [3] ;?> 286. Vf» Michelln Stockists, Redbourn & Cook, New Granville Garage, [30] Boxes (5] LT N Sun., Night, ^ 290 Ravensthorpe (Yorkshire), M. 47, Pop. 5,699. Dewsbury a 2, Wakefield a 9 = Horbury 5, Wakefield a 8 = Mirfield 1, Huddersfield m. 6. Rawtenstai! (Lancashire). IW. 16, m, Pop. 30,516. :m.D., Mo.i. : E.V., Tues. 4 < Roclidaie ®. 11 — Bacup 5 = Edenfieid 3 < Bury ffl. 8 — Ramsbottom 5, Bolton a. 13 = Haslingdeu 2, Accrlngton 6. Queen's Hotel. 471 READING Rayleierh (Essex), M. 30, Pop. ls77o P. See:— S. Hadleigh Cas. (Rns.) 3. Rochford 6, Southend a 10 = Hadleigh 3 < Southend a 8 — Crosa Rds. 14, Barking 30, London a 40 — Hadleigh 3, Cross Rds. 14, Tilbury 19, {ferry -7), Gravesend ®l 20 = Carpenter's Arms 2 < Billericay 10, Brent- wood a 16 — Chelmsford a 13. READING 1 (Berkshire), M. 28, Icl, Pop. 75,214. M.U., Sai., Man. ; E.G., F'ed. See :— Abb. (Rns.) (Xllth c.) (A) ; St. Lawrence Oh. (XVth c.) (C) ; 8t. Mary's Ch. (XVIth c.) (D) ; University College (U). X W. 3 (E. VI). READING Friar Street 2 Caversham Road 3 Market Place 4 King's Road 5 London Road 6 'Wokingham Road 7 Duke Street 8 London Street 9 Redlands Road A ABBEY RUINS C ST LAWRENCE' j^Sl H D ST MARYS CHURCH ^ ''S S| Is U UNIVERSITY COLLEGEX'^' ''M/^'^^-^-^-^''^' iSee p 3.) m 10 Silver Street 11 -Whitley Street 12 Basingstoke Road 13 Minster Street 14 Castle Street 15 Bath Road 16 Broad Street 17 Oxford Road 18 Blacave Street 19 North Forbury Road E. I : hy Friar St. and Caversham Rd. :— Caversham • 1, Woodcote 8, Crowmarsh GifEord 13, Benson 15, Shillingford 16, Dorchester 18, Oxford ffl. 27 {gd. und.). • r. Caversham 1, Shiplake 6, Henley-on-Thames ia 9(t'. gd. nnd. pict., 1115 asc. at k m-). E. II : by Market PL, King's Rd., and London Rd. :— Tvvyford • 5, Maidenhead a 13, Slough ffli 19, Coinbrook 24, Hounslow 30, London Sk 41 {v. gd. fl. rd.). • r. Twyford 5, Waltham St. Lawrence 8, Fifleld 13, Windsor fi. 17 (gd. rd.). Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and if «« How to use the Guide." HEDCAR - 472 - Readings {continued). E. Ill : hij Market PL, King's Rd., and Wokingham Rd. :— Wokingham 7, Bracknell ffi. 11, Ascot ffl. 14, E^'ham a 20, Stainea ft 22, Hampton ffl. 29, Kingston ft 32, Croydon ft 44 {gd. und.). E. IV : hy Market PL, Duke St., London St., London Rd., and Redlands Rd. :— Arborfield Cross 6, Yateley 13 (gd. rd.), Blackwater 15, Frimley 18, Normandy 25, Guildford ft 31 {gd. rd.). E. V : by Market PL, Duke St., London St., Silver St., Whitley SL, and Basingstoke Rd. : — Riseiey • 6, Hook 13, Ocliham ft 16, Alton ft 24 (gd. und. piet.), Peters- field 37, Portsmouth ft 55 (v. gd. rd. hilly, 1/15 dese. at 16 m.). • r. Eiseiey (J, Baslngstoke ft It) {v. gd. und.), Winchester ft 33. E. VI : hy Minster St., Castle St., and Bath Rd. :— Theale ft 5, • 9, Tiuucham 14, Newbury ft 17 (v. gd. level rd.), Marl- borough ft 35, Chippenham ft • 54, Bristol ft 76. • 1. 9, Aideimaston 10, Woiverton 16, Kingsclere 18, Whitcliurch 26, Andover ft 33 (gd. rd. v. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 19 m. and %k m.), Salisbury ft 51. • 1. Chippenham ft 54, Bath ft 67. E. VII : by Market PL, Broad St., and Oxford Rd. :— Pangbourne 6, streatiey • 10 (piet.), Biewbuiy 15, Wantage ft 25, Faringdon ft 34, Leehlade 40, Fairford 44, Cirencester ft • 53 (v. gd. und., 1/13 asc. at 12 m.), Gloucester ft 70. • r. streatiey 10, Wallingford ft lQ(pict.), Oxford ft 1Q(v. gd. ly. und. 1/18 desc. at % m.). • r. Cirencester ft 53, Cheltenham ft 68. ^ Caversham Bridge, 329 and 231, Caversham Rd , B2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 6/6 [£3 8 Shelter ins PG 200 y EAC ;F>80o. ^ Queen's, Friar St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 ffi Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- [20] T Queen's :p> 938. 1^ Michel in Stockist, Wm. Vincent, Offices and Works, 72-76, Castle St., Gt. Western Stn., and 115, Caversham Rd., Agt.for AVOLSELEY, Renault, Rolls-Royce, Napier, Sunbeam, fiool Boxes lU U \ Night RAC (all repairs cert.) T Vincent :p> 1047 (Head Office), T Taxicab :}o 1171 (Garages and Taxi- cabs). — Michelin Stockists, Ca.versha.m Motor Co., Ltd., 176, Caversham Rd., Agt. for Clbjient-Bayard, De Dion, [go] Box U "S RAC T Caversham Motors :^ 445. — Julians Motors, Ltd., JBroad St., Agt. for Humber, Dare ACQ, [2Q] IT % T Julians Motors Ip- 1024. — Michelin M.C.T., Brewerton & Thorpe, 86, Southampton St. (Motor Cycles). Redcar l (Yorkshire), M. 14, Ee), Pop. 10,509. ^ W. 1. ::^ May 12~13th; Aug. 13-lhth. M.D., SaL ; E.C., Wed. Saltburn 5, Loftus 10, Sandsend Toll-gate 23 : (Cars 1/-, motor -cycles Irf.), Whitby ft 26 = Kirkleatham 3 < (Toll-gate 10 : Cars, 2 seats 2d., up to 10 seats 4d!.) Mlddlesbrough ft ll — Guisborough 8, Northallerton ft^ Red Lion, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins . N 1/- [3] :?> 63. igL Swan, High SL, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [3] T Swan 'Jfo 78. Coatham Hotel. 99^ Michelin Stockist, W. A. Thubron, Jr., 7, Queen SL, g] \ Sun., Night, T Thubron Uj^ 4V5. M.CT. Redditch ® (Worcester), M. 21, ES), Pop. 15,463. X W. 2. M.D., SaL ; B.C., Wed. Northfleid 8, Birmingham ft 13 = Henley-in-Arden 9, Warwick ft 18 = Headless Cross 1 < Evesham ft 16 — Alcester 8, Stratford-on-Avon ft 16 5= Bromsgrove 6, Kidderminster ft 16. Ifhvi Unicorn, Unicorn Hill, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- Chfr 6/6 8 Shed ins Gratis [ej :f> 110. ff" Michelin M.C.T., W. J. Cranmore, h2, Evesham SL, AgL for B.S.A., Triumph, Briton, (U Box H LT \ Sun., RAC T Cranore's Garage :}« 42 (Motor Cycles). - 473 — REDHILU ® (Surrey), M. 29, El> Pop. alt. Weds. ; E.C., Wed. REDRUTH ,505. :SC f^- 1 (E- III)- -^i-D., E. I : by London Rd. :— Puriey 7, Croydon a 10 {magn. level rd.), London ^ 21. E. II : ^'.v Station Rd. and Nut field Rd. ;— Bletchingley Si 3, Godstone'o, Oxted &. 8, Limpsfleid • 9, Westerham 12, Maidstone ffl. 35 («. grd., i/iS asc. from Redhill). • r. Limpsfleid 9, Kent Hatch 12, Leigh 20, Ton bridge fi. 24 (f/rf., V. hilly, pict.). E. HI : by High St. and Brighton Rd. :— Horley Chequers ^ • 4, Povey Cross 6, Crawley a. • 10, Handcroes 14, Boiney 18, Aibourne 23, Piecombe 26, Brighton ffi. 32 (mogn. rd., several l/i7 gradients). • 1. Horley Chequers 4, Pound Hill 8, Baicombe 13, Haywards Heath & IS {med. rd.), King's Hd. Inn 23, Lewes ^ 30 ( 38L Laker's Hotel, Redstone Hill, RAC. f^ Wlichelln Stockists, Chalmers & Co., 50-5U, High St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, \m\ Box U % Sun., Night, RAC :f> 98 Nat. Redruth (Cornwall), M. 25, Ed), Pop. 10,815. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Thv.rs. See :— E. St. Days Ch. (View) 3; S.E. Gwennap Pit 1 ; S. Great Flat lode Mines 4. u REETH - 474 - Redruth {continued). Scorrier 2 < TrurO J®. 9 — Three Barrows 5, Mitchell 13, Fraddon 17, Bodmin ffl. 30 — Scorrier 2, Three Barrows 5, St. Agues 8 — Scorrier 2, Three Barrows 5. Alitchell 13, Newquay A 20 — Scorrier 2, Three Barrows 5, MitcheU 13, P^addon 17, St. Columb 20 = Peuryn 8, Falmouth fi. 10 = Helston fi. 11, Lizard Town 22 = Camborne ffl. 4, Hayle 10, Penzance ffi 17, Reeth (Yorkshire), M. 16, Pop. 570 P. Grinton 1 •< Richmond a 10 — Leyburn 9, Bedale 21 = Low Row 4 < Kirkby Stephen 23 — Askrigg 8. Reisate m (Surrey), M. 29, MB', PoP- 28,505. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle Mound ; Market Ho. ; Houses (XVIIth c.) ; St. Mary Magdalene Ch. (Norm, and Goth. ; Tomb of Lord Howard of Effing- ham) 2. Sutton fi 10 = Redhlll ffi. 2 = Crawley a 10 = Dorking ja 6, Guildford a 19. jfga AYhite Hart, 5, Bell St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 ffi Shed ins Gratis \M liAC T White Hart :F> 184. m Swan, 9, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis [2] T Beer :f> 107. f^a Michelln Stockists, The Reigrate Garagre, Ltd., 23-30, Bell St., Agt. for LANCIA, Maudslay, MAXWELL, [26] Boxes [9] U \ Sun., Night, T Garage :?5> 183. — Tamplin & Makovski, Ltd., 57, Bell St., \^ \S \ RAC T Tamplin ;p> 114. Ren-Frew (Renfrew), M. 11, (cTl, Pop. 12,565. Govan 3, Glasgow a 6 = Paisley a 3 = Br. of Weir 9, Port Glasgow 17 s= Port Glasgow 13. Repton (Derby), M. 22, Pop. 1,695 P. See :— Grammar School • ; St. Wystan's Ch. (Anglo-Saxon and Goth.) ; E. Foremark Hall (Pictures) 2. Derby a 8 = Melbourne m. 6, Ashby-de-la-Zouch a 13 = Ashby-de-la- Zouch a 8 = Burton-on-Trent a 5. Retford (Notts.).— ,See East Retford. Rhayader (Radnor), M. 20, Pop. 1,215. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. Liangurig 9 < Aberystwith 34 — Llanidloes 14, Newtown a 28 = Peny- bont 10 < New Radnor 19 — Knighton 23 = Builth 14. fm Elan Valley {15th Feb. to 15th Oct.), 3 m. S.W., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 5/- to 6/6 Chfr 6/- § Gar U adj Gratis [5] RAC T Hotel, Elan-Village. I*lt?l Lion Royal, West St., B 2/- L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis |i2] RAC T Lion :p> 2 PO. ® Warwick Temperance, East St.", B 1/6 L 1/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Gar opp N 1/- [2] T Bacon. ff» Tom Norton, Ltd., West St., \M Box (T]. Rhondda (Glamorgan), M. 26, ESI, Pop. 152,798. Pontypridd a 9, Cardiff a 21. Rhuddlan (Flint), -IVI. 15, Pop. 1,333 P. See :— Castle (Xlth c. Rns.). Rhyl ffl. 3 = Gronant 6, Mostyn Quay 11, Flint 19 = Newmarket 5, Holywell 12 = St. Asaph 2, IVIold ^ 20 = Abergele ^ 5, Colwyn Bay j®. 11. Rhyl ii (Flint), M. 15, EH, Pop. 9,005. ^ E. 1. M.D., Tues, ; E.G.,' Thurs. 4 < Holywell 13 — Flint 20 = Rhuddlan 3, St. Asaph 5 =z Abergele ffl. 5, Colwyn Bay ^11. ^ Queen's, Promenade, B 2/6 L2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- 1ch| f Gar ins M -/6 N 1/6 [Tt] RAC T Queen's :f<' 174 Nat. igfL Westminster, Marine Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 [CH| C Gar U ins Gratis g] RAC :p> 188. jUiJL Alexandra, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis [F] :p> 168. ff^ Michelln Stockist, E. V. Whitaker, The County Garage, High St., Agt. fur Hlpmobile, Dakkacq, [15] U N Sun. :p» 128. - 475 - RICHMOND Rhyl (continued). ff«i Parke's Garage, Bod for St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, Sikger, Arrol- Johnston, go] U N Sun., :N'ight, RAC T Parke's Garage :p> 89 Nat. — Michelin M.C.T., Nelson's Cycle Depot, 39, Queen St. (Motor Cycles). RICHMOND # (Surrey) (See Special Maps, 42, 43), ImH, Pop. 33,223. E.C., Wed. See :— Richmond (Old Deer) Park (see plan) ; Ancient Archway (A) ; Old Ch. (C) ; The Terrace (View) (D) ; Terrace Gardens (E). ^ (See Flan.) (Visitors must be introduced.) ^ S. 2. (E. ill : Sudbrook Park.) (Visitors must be introdiiced.) E.\: by George St. and Kew Rd. :— Kew 2, London Si. 9 (London Suburbs all the way). E. II : by George St. and Sheen Rd. :— Sheen 2, LondOH SL 9 (London Suburbs all the way). E. Ill : by George St., Hill St., and Petersham Rd. ;— Kingston ffl. 3, Croydon & 15 (gd. und. rd.). E. IV : by George St., Hill St., Richmond Br., and Richmond Rd. :— Twickenham 2, Sunbury Coounon 7, Staines Sl 11. RICHMOND A ANCIENT ARCHWAY o^« C OLD CHURCH OLD DEER PARK q jhE TERRACE E TERRACE GARDENS ^'Mansions B 8 Church Road 9 Hill Rise 10 The Terrace 11 Friar's Stile Road 12 King's Road 13 Manor Road 14 Queen's Road 15 Greenslde % Vi V% 1m. la Mansion, Richmond Hill, B 3/- L 3/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 to 6/6 Chfr6/- 5 Gar ins N 1/- {j} RAC ;p> 7 PO. m. The Greyhound, George St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 4/- IcS « Gar ins Gratis ^ :}« 324. iSl. Roebuck, Richmond Hill, B 3/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- PG dist T Roebuck :p> 607 PO. 1^ MIchelln Stockists, Holbrook Motor Co., Hill Rise, Agt. for S.C.A.T., do] Boxes [M] LT \ Sun. RAC T Holbrook Motor ;p) 255 PO. RICHMOND - *'6 - Richmond ® (Yorkshire), M.17,E1. PoP- 3,934. M.D., Sat; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle • ; Parish Ch. ; Tower of Grey Friars ; N. Racecourse (View) 2 ; E. Easby Abb. 1. ^ N. h Bavensworth 5, Barnard Castle 14 = Giiiing 3, Barnard Castle 15 = Bishop Auckland a 22 = Darlington a 12 = Boroughbridge fi. 26 = 6 < Askrigg 18 — Leyburn 8, Aysgarth 15 = Beeth 10, Askrigg 18. m King's Head, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gar SI Shed [e] adj M -/6 N 2/- :?> 11 PO. ftHi Michelln Stockists, The National Roa.d Traffic Co., Ltd., Queen's Rd., [8] Boxes (H U Sun. T Motor Garage :?> 35. Rickmansworth §> (Hertford), M. 29, ED, Pop. 6,288. ^H^ N.W. 6. E.C., Wed. Watford ^ 4, St. Albans ®. H = Nortimood 2 < Pinner 5, Harrow S, London ffl. 19 — Hanweii 13, Brentford 15 = Uxbridge ffi. 8 = Amershaui Common 7 «5 Amersham a 8 — Chesham fi. 9, Tring Si 17. ja Victoria, Charley Wood Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 to 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed adj Gratis g] T Victoria ^ 24. ^m MIchelin Stockists, Jones & Son, High Street. Ringwood (Hampshire), M.28, Pop. 4,629. M.D., Wed.; E.C., Thurs. See :— N. Somerly Park (Pictures, special permit) 2 ; EUingham Ch. (Goth.) 3. Fordingbridge ffi. 6, Salisbury ffi. 17 = Picket Post 3 < Fork 7, Cadnam 11, Romsey Sl 18, Winchester ^ 28 — Buriey 6, Lymington 15 — Picket Post 3, Fork 7, Lyndhurst a 12, Southampton a 22 — Picket Post 3, Fork 7, Cadnam 11, Southampton fi. 20 = Christchurch 9, Bourne- mouth a 14 = Cricketts Cross 5 < Wimborne ^ 10 — Poole 14 = Thickthom 13 < Shaftesbury ®. 23 — Blandford a 20. ^ Crown, B 2/3 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/- Box [g] Shed gl Court [25] ins Gratis RAC. White Hart Hotel, Market Place, RAC. ff" A. Roberts, Ringwood Garage, Southampton St., Agt. for HuMBEii, Belsize, Singer, (3o] U \ Sun. RAC T Alex Roberts :?> 20. - MIchelin IVI.C.T., M. W. Holland, High St. (Motor Cycles). Ripley (Derby), Wl. 22, SHI, Pop. 11,848. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. Alfreton 3, Clay Cross 9, Chesterfield a M = Nottingham ffl. 14 = Derby fi. 10 = 3 < Matlock 10 — Ambergate 4, Belper 6, Ashbourne a 18. jS Thorn Tree, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Gratis \2} RAC. Ripley (Surrey), M. 29, Pop. 1,225, ^ Byfleet, and Woodham stn. 4. E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Goth.) ; IST. Newark Priory (Rns.) 2 ; Pirford Ch, (Norm. and Goth.) 2. 3 -s Cobham a 4, Esher & 8, Surbiton fi. 11, Kingston m. 12 — Wey- bridge ^ 7 — Cobham 4, Leatherhead 10 = Great Bookham 7, Leather- head 9 = Guildford a 6 = seven stars 1 < Bisley Camp 10 — Byfleet &. 4, Chertsey 8. fm Talbot, High St., B 2/- D 3/- R 3/- to 6/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis [8] RAC T Talbot ^15. Elm Tree House Hotel. ffP» G. J. Beard, Motor and Cycle House, High St.,\^U S Sun., Night, T Beard q* 18. Ripley (Yorkshire), Nl. 17, Pop. 236 P. See :— Town Hall (Goth.) ; Church (Goth.) ; Ripley Cas. Gardens (Fn.). RIpon a 8 = Knaresborough 5, York Sl 23 = Kiixinghaii 1 -z Harrogate A 3 — Cross Rds. 2, Otley ffl. 12 — Killinghall 1, Cross Eds. 2, Skipton ^ 24 = Pateley Br. 10, Skipton &. 28. M Star, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Gar ins Gratis {e] :p> 14. RIPON @ (Yorkshire), M. 17, ME, Pop. 8,218. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., i^'ri. See:— St. Mary Magdalene's Hospital (A) ; Cath, • (C) ; S.W. Fountains Abb. 3 •. X W. 1 (E. IV) (Visitors must be introduced) ; ^ N.W. 1 (E. V) (Special terms to visitors staying at the Unicorn Hotel). ylm;^ E. 1 (E. II), May 9-lOth ; Aug. U-5th. 477 RIPON Ripon (continued). E.\: bij North St. and North Jid. :— Baldersley Gate 4, Busby Stoop • 8, Thirsk ffl. • 11, Helmsley 24, Kirby Moorside 30, Pickering a. 38, Scarborough Si 56 (gd. rd. hilly, 1J8 asc. at 16 m.). • 1. Busby Stoop 8, Northallerton & 17, Darlington & 33 (v. gd. level rd.). • 1. Thirsk ffi. 11, Cleveland Tontine • • 23, Yarm 31, StOCkton-On-TceS & 85 (gd. rd., 1/1 6 dese. at 22 m.). • • r. aeveland Tontine 23, Stokesley 32, iVIiddlesbrough ffl. 42 (gd. rd.) E. I! : by Kirkgate, Bedern Bank, and Borovghbridge Rd. ;— Boroughbridge ffl. • 6, Green Hammerton 14, York ®. 24 {gd. und.). • r. Boroughbridge fit 6, Wetherby 18, Doncaster &. 49, London ffl. 216. E. ill : by Water Skelgate, Low Skelgate, and Borraqe Bridge :— South stainiey 5, Ripley 8, Harrogate a 11 (gd. rd , 1/12 dese. at 9 in.). A.ST MARY MAGOALENrS^HOSPITAL (__ • C.CATHEDRAL • G.P.S.-R.S.-T.- (See p. 3 ) E.W '. by Westgate and Park St. :— Grantley Br. 5, Pateley Br. 11, Pheasant Inn 17, Eastby 26, Skipton & 29 (ined. V. hilly), Colne 41, Nelson 44, Burnley Sl 48 (gd. und.). E.M: by North St. and Palace Rd. :— Tanfieid 6, Masham 10, Middleham 20, Ayagarth 29, Hawes 37, 8edbergh 53 (med. hilly, 1/12. dese. at 28 m.), Kendal Sl Qi (bad mount., 1/9 dese. at 62 m.). mi Unicorn, The Square, B 2/6 L 2/9 D 4/- It 4/6 to 6/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft [^ Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- (go] Box ins N 2/6 BAG T Unicom ;p> 4. ® Black Bull, Old Market PL, B 2/- E, 2/- Chfr Q/Q Shed ins Gratis [T]. Spa Hydro Hotel, f^ Micheiin Stockists, Croft & Blackburn, The Square, f60l Boxes [6] LT \ Sun., Night, BAG ;f> 16 Y. — G. Harrison &, Co., Lttl., Ure Bank Engine Works, [Ml U \ Sun. T Traction :p> 40. ROCHDALE 478 — ROCHDALE ® (Lancashire), M. 16, and Special fflap 45, ^E Pop, 914H7 M.B.,Mon., Sat. ; E.C., Tues. See :'-Town Hall (Goth.) (G), :§: N.W. 2 (E. V). £ \ • by Roach Br., Yorkshire St., and Whitivorth Ed. :— Baciip 7, Burnley & 14 {v. bad, 1/13 desc. at 10 m.). E II ■ fti/ Roach Br., Smith St., Entwistle Rd., and Halifax Rd. :— Littleborough 3, Bipponden 10, Sowerby Br. 13, Halifax fi. 16 {med. rd., 1/12 asc. at lU m.). E, III : &i/ Oldham Rd. and Milnrow Rd. :— Denshaw 6, Huddersfleld &. 19. ROCHDALE g. town hall 1 Roach Bridge t.-r.s. p.s. (See p. 3 ) 2 Yorkshire Street 3 Whltworth Road 4 Smith Street 5 Entwistle Road 6 Halifax Road 7 South Parade 8 Drake Street 9 Milnrow Street 10 Oldham Road 11 The Esplanade 12 Manchester Road 13 Dane Street 14 Bridge Street 15 Mellor Street 16 Edenfield Road 17 Station Road 18 Theatre Street 19 Lord Street 20 Blackwater Street 21 St Marys Gate 22 SpoUand Road 23 Toad Lane 24 Hope Street 25 Red Cross Street .^^"^ E. IV : by South Parade, Drake St., and Oldham Rd. .— Royton 4, Oldham ^ b {bad rd.), Glossop ffi. 18, Buxton & 33, Derby a 71, London a 197. E. V : by Esplanade and Manchester Rd. :— Sudden Brow • 1, Middleton 5, Manchester ^ 11 (med. rd.). • T. Sudden Brow 1, Heywood ffl. 3, Bupy Q. 7, Bolton J®. 13 (m^d. rd. paved, 1/23 desc. at 5 m.)'. E. VI : by Esplanade, Dane St., Bridge St., Mellor St., and Edenfield Rd. .— Edettfleid 8 (v. bad, hilly), Haslingdeii • 11, Blackburn a 19 (med. hilly). • T. Haslmgden 11, Accrington 15 (med. rd.). ^ Wellington, 1, Drake St.,B2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis \M} ^ 502. fP" Michelln Stockist, James Cleggr, Station Gara.g:e, Loiver Tweedale St., Ant. for HuMBER, SINGER. [lU Boxes [ul U \ Sun. ;p> 243. - 479 - ROMFORD (D) ; Vine's X N.W. 2 E ROCHESTER and CHATHAM ® (Kent), M. 30, ^1, Pop. 78,588. M.D., Tues. ; B.C., Wed. See :— Castle • (A) ; Cathedral (Goth.) (C) ; Eastgate Ho. Recreation Ground (E) ; Royal Dockyard (Chatham)*. (E. IV). E. 1 : 6i/ High St., Eastgate, and High St. :— Key street 9, Sittingboiirne a. 11, Canterbury ffl. 26 (;?. gd., 1/W asc. at ^S m.). E. H : &t/ High St. and Maidstone Rd. :— Bridgewood Gate 4, Maidstone ^ 9 {gd. V. stp., several II 15 gradients). E. in : hy Rochester Br., High St., Strood Hill, and Cuxton Rd. :— West Mailing 9, Mereworth 12, Tonbridge^ 19 (gd. und., 1117 asc. at3 tn.). E. IV : by Rochester Br., High St., Strood Hill, and London Rd. :— Gadshiu 3, Gravesend a 7, Dartford 14, Biackheath 23, London Sl 81 {med. und., 1/13 dese. at ?il m.). ROCHESTER. SCALE 2 Eastgate ^-^ 3 High Street QP 4 Maidstone Road 6 Rochester Bridge 6 High Street 7 Strood HiU 8 Ouxton Road 8 London Road m. Royal Victoria and Bull, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis [g] RAC T Bull :f> 175. JfiL Gordon, 91, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed adj Gratis N 1/- [4]. f^" Mlchelln Stockists, Robins & Day, 228-230, High St., Agt. for Belsize, De Dion-Bouton, Ho] U N Sun. RAC ?» 190 Chatham. - Strood Motor and Eng. Wks., Strood Hill, Agt. for Renault, Overland, dU U ^ Sun., RAC T Elaham :f> 554. Rochfbrd (Essex), M. 30, Pop. 1,829 P. See :— Boleyn's Mansion, ^ (adj. town). Southend fi. 4 = Rayleigh 6, Chelmsford &. 19. m King's Head, L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- Box \2\ Shed g) ins Gratis :^ 199. Romford 1 (Essex), Wl. 29, 0221, Pop. 16,927. M.D., Wed.; E.C., Thtirs. See :— Church (Goth.). X -'^'- l- Abridge 7 < Waltham Cross ^ 15 — Ongar 14 = Brentwood ®. 6, Chelms- ford a 17 = Tilbury 17, (ferry -7) Gravesend ^ 18 = Ilford ffl. 4, London & 15. im White Hart, High St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- [cH f Gar U ins Gratis [F] RAC Lt. -f White Hart 'f> 20. : ' f^" Mlchelln Stockists, The Romford Motor and Carriagre Works, Ltd., 31, London Rd., Agt. for 1'landeks, Forb, MORS, io] U % RAC T Motors ;p» 542. — Mlchelln M.C.T., D. S. Parsons, Gidea Hall, Garden City, Squirrel's Heath (Motor Cycles). ROMSEY - *80 - Romsey 1 (Hampshire), M. 28, ^ll, Pop. 4,671. M.D., alt. Thiers. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Abbey Ch, • (Norm, and Goth.) ; N. Mottisfont Abb. (Rns.) 4. ^E.2. Stockbridge 11, Andover ffli IS = Winchester SSl 10 — Swaything 7, Fareham 21 = siuriey 6, Southampton a 8 = Nursling 4, Southampton fi. 10 = CaUnam 7 < Lyiidhurst ®. 10. Christchurch 25 — Eingwood 18 = Salisbury m. 16. a^ White Horse, Marfcet PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis \M T Bowen :f> 198. (5fiL Abbey, J^, C/l^trc/^ St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 4/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Gratis g] ?» 194. Tf* Michelin Stockists, Mitchell Bros., S^, The Hundred, Agt. for Bedforp [I5] Boxes [HUN Sun., Niglit, HAC lf> 6. M.C.T. — Wrynams, Winchester lid., Agt. for Lanchester, [go] Boxes g] U \ Sun., Night, T Gara ^ 15. Ropley 1 (Hampshire), iVI. 28, Pop. 900. See :— N.W. Bighton Ch. 2 ; S.E. W. Tisted Ch. ; Tumuli ; Manor Farm (Eliz. Bedstead) 3. Bopiey Dean 1 <. Alresford 4, Winchester ffl. 12 — Alton a. 8 = Peters- fleld 9. ff» Michelin Stockist, W. Vickery, Ropley Motor Works, Agt. for HUPMOBILE, [Tg] U \ RAC T Vickery. Rosehearty (Aberdeen), M. 6, WE, Pop. 1,308, ^ Frazerburgh 5. Frazerburgh 5 = New Aberdour 3, Banff 18. Ross ^ (Hereford), M. 21, IHdI, Pop. 4,682. M.D., Thur>i. ; E.C., Tv.es. See :— Church • (Goth.) ; Prospect Walk ; Town Hall. ;^ N.E. {direction Much Marcle). >iuch Marcle 8, Ledbury a 12, Great Malvern a 20 {v. gd. imd., ijll asc. at 18 m.). Lea 4, Huntley 9, GlOUCestef ^ 16 {v. gd., hilly, 1/17 asc. at 3 »«,)• Kerne Bridge • 3 (Toll : Cars 6d.), Whitchurch 6, MonmOUth & 10 (v.gd. und. pict., 1/10 asc. at 7 m.). • 1. Kerne Bridge 3, Lydbrook 6, Coleford 11 {med. rd.). Peterstow 2, Rising Sun Inn • 4, Llandinabo • 6, Hereford ^ 14 (r. gd., hilly, 1/18 desc. ut 10 m.). • 1. Rising Sun Inn 4, Broad Oak 8, Cross Ash Hill 14, Abergavenny ^ 22 {fair rd., hilly, 1/12 asc. at n m.). • 1. Llandinabo 6, Tram Inn Stn. 12, Dorstone 23, Hay ffl. 28 {med. rd.). ^ Koyal, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- 5 Shed Shelter Court U ins Gratis N 1/- [3o) RAC :}i> 40 PO. JiSL King's Head, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 8/6 Gar ins Gratis [e] RAC :p> 34. © George, Gloucester Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed LT ins G?m«is iH :}« 30 PO. Swan Hotel, ^dcZe Cross St. ^f^ Michelin Stockists, Passey & Ha.li, Ltd., Central Garage, Agt. for Siddeley-Deasy, Ford, [H] If \ RAC T Passey Hall :p' 56X, r — Butcher & Casson, Ltd., Brookend St., Agt. for Humbbr, AUSTIN, iao] U S :?> 23 GPO. — A. AVeale, 13, Cantilupe Rd., Agt. for Alldays, Enfield, [e] U % T Weale :p> 42. Roth bury m (Northumberland), M. 13, EeI. Pop. 1,147 (Alt. 290 ft.). ^ N. 1. ::^ Apr. 17th. M.D., alt. Man. ; E.C., Wed. 5 < Alnwick a 12 — Wooler 20 s= {Toll-gate 4i : Carsl/-) Morpeth a 15 = Scot's Gap stn. 11 < Five Lane Ends 22," HeXham ^ 31 — Belsay 18, NCW- Castle-On-Tyne ffi. 31 — Scot's Gap stn. 11, Five Lane Ends 22, Corbridge 29 = Otterburn 15. m^ County, Front St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis H]. J«L Station, B 2/-;L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed adj Gratis (U. 1*1*1 Queen's Head, Front St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed [H] Court [4] ins Grraiis T Queen's. yfm Michelin Stockist, J. T. Lee, High St., Agt. for Humber, [6] U \ Sun., Night, T Lee. 481 ROTHERHAM Rotherfield ® (Sussex), M. 29 {not marked on map). Tunbridge Wells ®. 7 = Wadhm-st ®. 6, Newenden 20, Rye Sl 29 = Crow- Iwioiifih a 3, Uckfleld 10 •< Lewes a 19 — Horsebridge 21, Hailshani 23, Eastbourne iS. 31. f^» Nlichellti Stockist, R. Redman, Uigh St.,^U \ Sun., Night, T Redman. ROTHERHAM (Yorkshire), M. 17, ^, Pop. 62,507. M.D., Mon.,Fri. : E.C., T/riirs. See:-Biidge (A); All Saints' Ch. (XVth c.) (C) ; N.E. Conislxn-ough Cas. 6 (E. II) ; S.E. Roche Abb. 8. :§: N.E. 3 (E. II). E.\: by Effingham St., Drumm^nd St., and Carr Hill :— Wentworth 5, Bamslcy 13 (gd. und.) SCALE ROTHERHAM Effingham Street 2 Drummond Street 3 Car Hill 4 Rawmarsh Road 5 Frederick Street 6 Fitzwilliam Road 7 College Street 8 WeUgate 9 Broom Road 10 High Street 11 Westgate 12 Canklow Road 13 Sheffield Road 14 Bridge Street 15 College Road 16 ■Wharncliff Street 17 Percy Street 18 Doncaster Road 19 Badsley Moor Lane 20 Moorgate Street 21 Moorgate Road 22 Hollowgate A. BRIDGE C. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH (li.R.)-R.S. (G.C.R.> G.-P.S. (Sm p. 3.) 23 Alma Road 24 Main Street 25 Masbrough Street 26 Klmberworth Road 27 Orchard Street E. II : by Effingham St. and Ratvmxxrsh Rd. :— Rawmarsh 2, Barns! ey 12. E. ill : by Frederick St. and Fitzwilliam St. .— Conisborough 7, Doncaster ®. 12 {gd., V. hilly, 1/13 asc. at 2m.). E.\yi: by College St. and WeUgate :— Maltby • 7, Bawtry 15 (Trent Br., Toll: Cai-s 1/8, motor-cycles 6d.), Gains- borough ffi. 27, Market Rasen 47, Louth m. 62 (gd., v. hilly beyond Market Basen, 1J13 asc. at 51 m.). • r. Maltby 7, oidcoates 11, BaiTiby Moor IS, East Retford a 21 {med. rd., 1/17 asc. from Rotherham), London a 167. ROTHES - 482 - fftotherham (continued). E.y : by High St., Westgate and Canklow Rd:— Swallow Ne8t 6, Clowne 14, Pleasley 21, Mansfield ^ 24 (/«cd. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 3 m. and desc. at 8 m.). ■E.\\: by High St., Westgate and Sheffield Rd. :— TinBiey 3, Sheffield St. 7 (bad rd., level). E .VII : by Effingham St., Bridge St. and College Rd. .— Cbapeltown 7, Wortley 11, Penistone 15 (gd. rd.), Sovereign Inn 20. Honley 25, Huddersfieid & 28 (med. rd., 1/10 desc. at 5 m.). igft. Crown, 1, Moorgate St., ^ 5 Gar adj N 1/- [4] :}<> 350. ff*i Moorhouse & Co. (Rotherham), Ltd., Livery Stables and Garage, Ship Hill, [4] Boxes [2] LT "S T Moorhouse ;p> 69. — MIchelin M.C.T., E. Cross, Effingham Sq. (Motor Cycles). Rothes (Elgin), M. 5, TE, Pop. 1,350. E.C., Wed. See :— Castle (Rns.). 3 < Fochabers 10, Cullen 22 — Keith 11 = Craigellachie 3 < Dufftown 7, Huntly fi. 21 — Aberlour 5 — Craigellachie 3, Dufftown 7, Tomin- toul 26 = Knockando 10, Gran town a 26 = Elgin a 10. Rothesay (Bute), M. t1, ^, Pop. 9,299, ^ (steamer) Largs 8. M.D., Wed. See :— Castle (XlVth c.) ; The Heights (View) ; County Buildings ; St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.). Ascog 3, Mountstuart 5 = Kilchattan Pier 8, (Steaiiner) Millport 13 = St. Ninians 4 s= Port Bannatnye 2. Rothvtfeli (Northampton), IVI. 22, (not marked on map.) Pop. 4193 P. See :— Market Ho. ; St. Mary's Ch. Market Harborough a 7 = Kettering ^ 4. a Red Lion, High St., B 1/- L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- [cH Gar U adj Gratis JST 1/- [3] RAC :jo 200. Royston # (Hertford), M. 23, EH, Pop. 3,985. M.D. Wed., E.C., Thurs. . See :— St. John the Baptist's Ch. (Goth. ; Monuments) ; Cave ; King James Stables. ^ E. 1. Kisby's Hut 15 < Godmanchester 20, Huntingdon a 21 — St. Ives (Toll- br. : Cars 2d.) 21 = Cambridge a 14 = Great Chesterford 12, Saffron Walden a 16 = Buntingford 7, Ware 17 = Baldock &. 8. m. Old Crown, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis g] :p> 36. M Bull, High St., B 2/6 L 3/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Boxes ins Gratis m RAC Lt. :f> 25 T^" Michelin Stockists, N. Varty & Sons, MUl Rd. and Melboum St., \m\ Box U Ny Sun., Night, RAC T Varty :p> 42. IWI.C.T. — R. E. Sanders & Sons, Ltd., Kneesworth St., g] RAC T Sanders :p> 16. • Royton (Lancashire), M. 45, EH, Pop. 17,069. Rochdale & 4 = Oldham m. 2. Ruabon (Denbigh), M. 20, Pop. 3,248 P. Wrexham ®. 5 = Overton 5, Whitchurch a 17 = Chuk 5 < GobowenS, Oswestry a 11 — Glyn 12 — cwrk 5, Gobowen 8, Shrewsbury a 27 = Trevor St 3, Llangollen a 6, Corwen 16. I*l1?i Wynnstay Arms, L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis [6] RAC T Murless :?*> 200. RUGBY # (Warwick), M. 22, EH, Pop. 21,762. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :-St. Marie's R.C. Ch. (C) and Mon'ast. ; The School (A). :§: E. 2 (E. II), ::^ March 27th. E. I : fty High St., North St., Newhold Rd., and Leicester Rd. :— B^o^vn8ove^ 2, Lutterworth 8, Leicester a 21 (gd. und., 1/17 desc. at 8 m.). E. II : by High St., Church St., and Clifton Rd. :— swinford 6, N. Kiiworth 10, Market Harborough Sl 18, Oundle 40, Peter- borough a 53 (gd. rd. hilly). • r. Market Harborough a 18, Kettering ffi. 29, Huntingdon ®. 55 (gd. und.). E. Ill : by High St. and Hillmorton Rd. .— Crick 6, West Haddon 9, Harleston 16, Northampton fi. 20 (.G.-T. (See p. 3) m Royal George, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- CMr 7/- 8 Shelter ins Gratis N 1/6 g] RAC :}<> 2. m Grand, Albert St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 [53 5 :p» 130. a Eagle (Temperance), Market PI., B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/-. The Three Horseshoes Hotel, Sheep St. f^M Michelin Stockists, G. T. Hilton & Co., A, '; North St., Agt. for HUMBER, NAPIER, Ford, (Io) "LT N Sun. RAC T Motors :?^ 71. M.CT. - Michelin Stockists, Sa.m Robbins, Ltd., Bilton Rd., and Cambridge St., Agt. for Wolsbley, Flanders, [30] Boxes [6] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Robbins Garage qs> 63. M.CT. Jlead carefully the preliminary expla.na.tion8, pp. 1 to 12. RUtrELEY - 484 - RM^eley (Stafford), M. 21, ES1> I*oP- •*>504. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., TTed. See :-Hagley Hall ; N.W. Colwich (Ch. Goth.) 2. Woiseiey Br. 2 < Stonc ffl. 15 — Stafford la. 10 = 5 < Abbots Biomley 6 — Uttoxeter a 11 = Handsacre 3 < Lichfield a 8 — Airewas 9, Burton-oti- Trent a 17 — Handsacre 3, Airewas 9, Tamworth 17 = Cannoci< 7, Wolver- hampton Sl 16. JA Shrewsbury Arms, Market St., L 2/- D 2/6 Chfr 5/- ^ Shed ins [6] RAC T Head :p> 198. Runcorn (Cheshire), IVI. 16, Ep), Pop. 17,354. M.D., Tues., Fri. ; E.G., Wed. See :— Docks ; E. Norton Priory (Grec.) 2. Widnes 1, Garston 9, Liverpool fi. 15 = 1 < Cross Rds. 4, Northwich gt 12 — Warrington fi. 8 -- cross Rds. 4, Frodsham 7, Chester ^ 18. © Wilson's, B 1/6 L 1/6 R 8/- Chfr e/6 Gar adj (Gratis N 1/- [2] :p> 192. Rushden ^ (Northampton), M. 23, Ed), Pop. 13,354. M.D., Mon. ; E.C., T/twrs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) ; Rushden Hall (Jacob.). Higham Ferrers 1, Kettering a 11 = Bedford &. 14. Victoria Hotel. f^m IVIichelin Stocldst, D. Nicholson, Higham Rd., Agt. for SCHNEIDER, [8] Boxes [2] LT \ Sun., Night, T Nicholson :F> 107. Rutherg'len (Lanark), IVI. 12, m, PoP- 18,279. See :— Town Hall (Tower). Glasgow j®. 3 = cambusiang 2, Hamilton 8 = East Kilbride 6, Strathaven 14 = PoUokshaws 4, PalslOy ^ 10. fffm J. & G. Reid, Gosebery Hall, Farmeloan Rd. Ruthin (Denbigh), M. 20, (H, Pop. 2,824. M.D., Mon. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Old Houses ; Castle ; St. Peter's Ch. ; S. Tomen-y-Rhodwydd (Tumuli) 7 ; S. Source of the River Alun (Famous Well) 7. Denbigh a 8 = Mold a 10 = Wrexham a 18 = 12 < Corwen 13 — Druid 14, Bala 23 ■— Druid 14, Bettws-y-Coed ^ 33 = Ceri'ig-y-Druidion 14, Bettws-y-Coed a 26. k^ Wynnstay Arms, Well St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis [U RAC :jo 200. il5L Castle, St. Peter's Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed U adj Gratis ;p> 199. fr^ D. Cushion, Well St.,\^U \ Sun. RAC T Cushion :p« 25 Nat. RYDE 1 (Isle of Wight), M. 28, and Special Map 48, m. Pop. 10,608. M.D., Tues., Fri.; E.C., Thurs. See :-All Saints' Ch. (A) ; W. Quarr Abb. 4. E.\:by Pier St. and the Pier : — Portsmouth SL 5 (ferry -10). E. II : by Pier St., George St., Castle St., Strand, East Hill, and Marl- borough Rd. : — • 1, Brading 4, Sandown 6, Shanklin 9, Ventnor 13 (gd., hilly, v.picL, 1/9 asc. at 10 m.). • r. 1, St. Helens 4 {Toll-gate: Cars Qd.), Bembridge 6 {gd. rd.). E. Ill : by Pier St., St. Thomas St., SiJencer Rd., and Binstead Rd. :— Wootton Br. 3, • 5, Newport ^ 8 (gd. rd., hilly, several 1/13 gradients). • r. 5, Padmore 6, E. Cewea 7 (floating bridge), Cowes fi. 8 (gd. rd., several 1/13 gradients). Wm Royal Pier, Esplanade, B 3/6 D 5/- R 5/6 to 8/6 Chfr 8/6 8 Gar U 250 y Gratis [jl T Excellence :p» 351 and 352. wm Royal Esplanade, Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 3/6 to 6/- Chfr 6/- Gar [4] Shed g] ins Gratis T Band qp> 493. M Royal Eagle, Esplanade, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/- 8 Shed ins Gratis \s\ :p> 416A. ]Marine Hotel, Esplanade. W» Michelin Stockist, Clark's Garage, h, o, George St., Agt. for Bedford, [20] U Sun. RAC :p» 166Y. - 485 SAFFRON WALDEN Ryde (cuiituiued). RYDE 1 Pier Street 2 The Pier 3 George Street A. ALL SAINTS- CHURCH R.S.-R.S.(L.S.W. & L.B.S.C.R.) P.S.-T.-G. (See p. 3) A. C. Clark Marine H Esplanade H 5 Strand \\Ci-^:::zXS 6 East Hill W^ 7 Marlborough ~ ' 8 St. Thomas St. 9 Spencer Roadi' 10 Binstead Road 11 The Esplanade. 12 Union Street 13 Cross Street 14 High Street 15 Monkton Street. ., 16 St. John's RoadXV 17 Green Streets/ 18 Argyll Street 19 High Park Road , Rye l (Sussex), M. 30, [Ud), Pop. 4,229. M.D., alt. Wed. ; E.G., Tuei^. See ;— Land Gate ; Ypres Tower • Mermaid Street ; Church (Noriu. and Goth.) (Tower Clock XVtth c.) ; Hospital ; Carmelite Chap. and Augustinian Monast. (Remains), j^ E. 1. The stocks • 5, Rolvendon 11, Tenterden Sl 14, Maidstone ffi. 32 (gd. rd. hilly). • r. The Stocks 5, Reading Street 8, Tenterden ffi. 11 (gd. rd.), Maidstone a 29. Appledore 6 (bad. rd.), Ham Street 11, Ashford ®. 17 (gd. imd.). Brookiand 0, Brenzett Comer 8, New Romney ®. 12, Hythe ^ 21, Sandgate m. 24, Folkestone m. 26 (gd. rd., I/IS asc. at ?.5 m.). Winchelsea 2, Guestiing 7, Hastings fi 11 {gd. rd. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 7 m.). Udimore 4, Broad Oak 7, Bodiaiii 12, Hm-st Green 16, Ticehurst 20, Frant 27, Tunbridge Wells ®. 29 (gd. und.). Beckley 7, Highgate 15, Flimwell 18, Lamberhurst 23, Pembury 28, Tonbfidge ®. 33 (gd. und., Ijll asc. frotn Rye). m, George, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins M -/6 N i/- S] ?> 14 PO. m Cinque Ports, Cinque Ports St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 1/6 to 3/- Chfr 5/- PG U opp N 1/- [8] :p> 5. f^B Michetin Stockist, E. F. Larkin, Cinque Port Garagre, U % Sun. SafFron Waiden ^ (Essex), M. 23, |m1, Pop. 6,311. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Ruined Cas. ; Timbered Houses ; St. Mary's Ch. Hempstead 7, Baytliorne End 14, Clare 17, Cavendish 20, Sudbury ®. 26 (;ined. and.). Thaxted 7, Dunmow 14 (ined. rd.), Chelmsford ffl. 27 (gd. rd., l/lo asc. at 6 m.). Wenden 2, Newjiort 3, Quendon 6, BishopS Stortford ffi. 12 (v. gd.). Great Chesterford • 4, six-Miie Bottom 5, Newmarket ®. 21 (med. rd.). X ST. AGNES — 480 SafFron Walden (continued). • 1. Great Chesterford 4, Cambridge Sl 15 (v. gd.). • 1. Great Chesterford 4, Duxford 6, Royston ffl. 16, Baldock a 24, Ampthill 39, Wobnrn 47, Fenny Stratford 51 (r. gfrf. ?/«(?.). m Rose and Crown, 3frtrA; 16. St Agrnes (Cornwall), M. 25, Pop. 4,291 P. See :— The Kittern Rock ; N.E. Perranporth (Rocks, Perran Round— St. Piran's Chap, li N.) 4. Three Barrows 3 •< Truro ffl. 9 — Redruth 8, Camborne fi. 12 — Three Barrows 3, Mitchell 11, Fraddon 15, Bodmin 28 — Three Barrows 3, Mitchell 11, Newquay ffl. 18 — Three Barrows 3, Mitchell 11, Fraddon 15, St. Columb 18. ST. ALBANS # (Hertford), M. 23, 29, MM, Pop. 18,132. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See :-St. Michael's Ch. (A) Abb. Ch. (Xllth c.) • (C) ; Abb. Gate (D) ; City Wall (Rns.) (E). ^ W. 1. E.\:by St. Peter's St. and Uarpenden JRd. .— Harpenden 5, Luton ffl. 10, Bedford ffi. 30 (r. [id. nnd. sin., l/U asc. at 2';: m.). 1 St Peter's Street 2 Harpenden Road 3 Hatlield Road 4 Chequer Street 5 London Road 6 Holywell HUl 7 St Stephen's Hill 8 High Street 9 George Street 10 Fishpool Street 11 St Michael's Street 12 Blue House HiU 13 Verulatn Road 14 King Harry Lane 16 Cotton MUl Lane 16 Abbey MUl Lane 17 Victoria Street 18 Catherine Street 19 Union Lane 20 Sandpit Lane 21 Sandridge Road ST-ALBANS A. ST MICHAEL'S CHURCH * C. CATHEDRAL 0. ABBEY GATE C. CITV WALL C.H.-G.-«.-P.S.-R.S.(L.N.W.R.) R.8. (C. N.R.) R.S.dH.R.) (See p. 3) m '- 487 - ST. ANDREWS St. Albans (ruatntn^d). E. II : hif St. Prters St. and Hatfield Rd. :— Hatfield Si r. {ma(fn. rd.), Coie Green 9, Hertford Si 12, Ware • 14 (gd. and.), Bishops Stortford a 25 (med. rti.), Dunmow34, Braintree^43, Coggeshall 49, Colchester & 58 (gd. und., ]J1'1 desc. at 25 m.). • 1. Ware 14, BnntiiiRford 24, Royston ®. 31, Cambridge fit 45 (v. gd. imd., 7/7'/ ase. at V! tn.). E. Ill : by Chequer St. and London Rd. ;— South Mimms 6, Bamet ffi. 9, Finchley 14, London &. 22 (gd. imd. recom., 1120 asc. at k m.). E. IV : by Chequer St., Holywell Hill, and St. Stephen's Hill:— St. Stephens • 1, Watford a 7, Rickmansworth 11, Uxbridge Si 19, Slough a 25, Windsor ffi. 27 (gd. rd., Ijll desc. in St. Albans). • 1. St. Stephens 1, Eistree 8, Edgware &. 11, London ffi. 21 (rned. V. tmd., 1/9 desc. at 9 m.). E. V : by High St., George St., Fishpool St., St. Michael's St., and Blue House Hill: — Leverstock Green 4, Boxmoor 7, Bourne End 9, Berkhampstead ffi. 11, Triug 16, Aylesbury a 23 (gd. rd.), Oxford & 45. E. VI : by High St. and Verulam Rd. .— Jiedbouru 4, Markyate 8, Dunstable 13, Hocldiffe • 17, Fenny Stratford 2.'>, Stony Stratford a 32, Towcester a 40, Daventry • 52, Coventry a 71 (v. gd. unci., 1/17 asc. at h7 m. and 60 m.). • V. Hockhfle 17, Woburu 22, Newport Pagnell 30, Northampton a 45 (r. gd., 1/17 desc. atUUm.). • 1. Daventry 52, Southam 62, Leamington a 69, Warwick a 71 (gd. ly. und.). mi Red Lion, Market Cross and High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 eiifr 7/6 5 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [20] RAC T Red Lion :p> 265. Dear's Temperance Hotel, 20-22, London Rd. ff* Micheiin Stockists, W. Waters & Sons, Tjondon Rd., Agt. for GOBRON-BRlLLli, [20] U N Sun. RAO T Waters :p> 199. — Herts Motors, Ltd., 9 d- 9k, London Rd., Agt. for FORD, gol U \ Sun., Night, T Herts Motors :F> 261. Kingsbury Garage and Engineering Works, Verulam Rd., (Ml Lr \ Sun. T Motorcrat :p> 323 Nat. T. ANDREWS ^ (Fife), M. 10, Pop. 7,851. M.D., Mon. ; E.G., Thurs. Sse:— Castle (Rns.) (A); Oath. (Rns.) (C) ; Tower of St. Regulus (108 ft.) (D) ; Town Ch. (E) ; Blackfriar's Monast. (Xlllth c. Rns.)(F) ; Fniversity (U) ; ^ Royal and Ancient Golf Club (Visitors must be introduced by a member). EA'.by South St., Abfjey St., Abbey Walk, and Crail Rd. :— • 2, Kingsbarns 7, Crail 10 (v. gd.): • r. 2, Dunino 4, Anstruther Easter 10 (gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at k m.) E. II : by South St., Bridge St., and Largo Rd. :— Largoward 7, Tapper Largo 11, Leven 15 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 desc. at 12 m.), Edinburgh a 38, London a 420. E.\\\:by SoiUh St. and Argyle St. :— Pitscottie 6, Cupar 9 (gd. level rd.). E. IV : by South St., ,S\ Bell St., St. Mary's PL, City Rd., and Neivport Rd. :- Guard Br. • 4, Newport 11, (ferry - 34) Dundee a 13 (v. gd.). • I. Guard Br. 4, Cupar 9 (gd. rd. recom.). gmi Rusacks INIarine, The Links, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 6/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft B Gar 50 y Gratis N 1/- [M| SAC T Rusack :?> 1. jm Grand, B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- to 7/- Chfr 7/- Lft [cHI ffi PG 300 y Gratis N 2/- SAC :F> 176. ^ Royal, South St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins N 2/- [6j :?. 20. — Mason's Golf Hotel, TJie Links. ^^m Micheiin Stockists, A. A. Duncan & Sons, 2, St. Mary's PL, Agt. for MAUDSLAY, Dbasy, [25] Box B LT N Sun. T Motors :p> 56. The price of a room is for a g^ood medium-sized! room with larg^e bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-kee2)er may let rooms at prices inferior or superior to those given in the Guide according to situation and Installation. ST. ANNE'S-ON-THE-SEA St Andrews (continued). ST. ANDREWS SCALE C.CATHEDRAL RUINS E. TOWN CHURCH F.BLACKFRIARS MONASTERY U. UNIVERSITY ® Mary's Place 'o^Vr' 10 City Road B*v^ 11 Newport Road ' /T^ 12 North Street W t^^ Win. Wilson, 19 J, South St., \Io\ U \ Sun., Night, SAC ;p' 66. — Christie Bros., Bridge St., [12] Boxes [e] U \ Sun., Night, T Christie Bros. :f> 122. St Anne's-on-the-Sea # (Lancashire), M. 15, EH, Pop. 9,840. ^ y.E. 1. E.C, Wed. Blackpool a f) = Lytham ^ 8, (Toll-gate 10: Car3 6(f., motoi-cycies l(/.) Preston & 15. M Imperial Hydro, JS'ortJi Promenade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- to 7/- Lft [cE 5 Box [7] Shed [20] U ins fTCrtfi*- N 1/- T Imperial :p>258. St. Anne's Hotel. ffffli Michetin Stockists, W. T. Aked & Co., St. Andreiv's Bd. North, Agt. for VVolseley, Belsize, [1^ Boxes [u] iT \ 8un., Night, T Aked's Garage Tp 64. M.C.T. St. A^aph (Flint), M. 15, Pop. 1,788 P. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thvrs. See :— Cathedral (XVth c). Blmddlan 2, Rhyl fi. 5 = Holywell 10, Ha warden 21 = Trefnant y < Mold 18 — Denbigh a 6 = Abergele m. 7, Colwyn Bay ffi. 13. m Plough, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis \E} RAC Lt. T Plough :?> 199. St. Austell 1 (Cornwall), IVI. 25, ES), Pop. 3,36:.. -M.D.. Fri. ; E.C. Thurs. See :— Church (Goth., Windows and Tower) ; Menacuddle \\ell. Bodmin ffl. 11 = 3 «; Lostwithiel ffl. 8, Liskeard a 19 — Fowey 8 = Mevagissey 6 = 3 < Truro a 14 — (ferret - 19; no motors) Falmouth ^19. ^ White Hart, Ball Ring, B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- « Box adj Gratis (2] :p) 100. C^ueen's Head Hotel. ^r^» Michelin Stockist, J. G. Hill, The Garagre, Truro lid., \M Boxes a U N Sun., Night, T J. G. Hill 1^ 7i>. — H. X'arcoe, -1^ Fore St., \2\\J \ Sun., Night, T A'avcul INlotors. - 489 - ST. HELENS St. Clears (Carmarthen), M. 19, Pop. 921 P. See :— Tumulus ; S.E. Llantthangel Abercowyn (3 Tombs) 2. Carmarthen Sl 9 — Lausharne 4 = Begeiiy 13 < Pembroke Dock 24 — Tenby 19 = Redstoue Cross 11 < Haverfordwcst St 21 — Narberth 12. St. Columb (Cormvall), M. 25, Pop. 2,640. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C, Wed. See :— Church (XlVth c.) • ; The Rectory. ^\ innards Perch 2 < Wadebridge 8, Camelford 19 — Padstow 8 = Fraddon 3 < Mitchell 7, Truro SL 14 — TrespilHan 11, TrUTO ffl. 15 — Fraddon 3, iTitcheii 7, Redruth 20 = Newquay a 8. St. Davids (Pembroke), M. 19, Pop. 1,710 P. See :— Cathedral • ; St. IVIary's College (Rns.) ; Bishop's Pal. (Remains) ; Market Cross. ^ H. I'ishguard 16 = Haverfordwest ffl. 16. m Twr-y-felin, B 2-/ L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed Court ins amtis N 1/- T Twryfelin. Grove Hotel, RAC. St. Fillans (Perth), M. 9. :^. Comrie ffl. 5 = Lochearnhead 7. |gi The Hotel, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- [6] T Hotel. St. Germans (Cornwall), M. 25, Pop. 2,126 P. See:— Church (Norm, and Goth.); Port Eliot; 8.E. Sheviock Ch. (XlVth c.) 4. Poibatiiic 1 < Torpoint 8, ( ferry -14) Plymouth ®. 11 — Looe 10 = Liskeard Sl 9, Bodmin 22. JH Whitsand Bay, Port Wrlckle, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- Chfr 6/6 EH 5 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [H RAC "T Galleon Crafthole. St. Helens (Isle of Wight), M. 28, and Special Map 48, IudJ, Pop. 4,989. Ryde a 4 = {Toll Gate : Cars 60!) Bembridge 2, Sandown 7 = Brading 3, Newport ^ 11. ST. HELENS (Lancashire), M. 16, WM, PoP- 96,566. M.D., Mon., Sat. ; E.C, Thurs. See :— Glass Works (A) ; N. Windleshaw Abb. (Rns.) 1. ^ (E. IV). E. I : hii Corporation St., Higher Parr St., and Park lid. .— Ashton-in-Makerfleld • 5, Hindley 11, Bolton ^ 17 (ined. rd., 1/18 desc. at J5 m.). • 1. Ashton-in-Makerfleld 5, Wigan ffl. 10, Preston m. 27 (r. ijd., 1'IS desc. at 18 m.). E. II : by Corporation St., Higher Parr St., Ashcroft St., and Parr Stocks Rd. :— Newton-in-Makerfleld 5, Lowton Ch. 9, Leigh 11, Worsiey 18, Man- chester ®. 25 {v. med.). ' E. Ill : by Barrow St., Church St., Railway Br., Warrington New Rd., Peasley Cross Lane, and Marshall's Cross Rd. :— Great Sankey 7, Warrington 3l_ 10, London ^ 197. r E. IV : by Cotham St., Westfwld St., and Croppei-'s Hill:— Prescot 3, Liverpool ^ 11 {med. rd.). E.^'.by Corporation St., Duke St., and Denton's Green Lane:— RaiDford 5, Ormskirk a 11, Southport ^ 19 {med. rd.). jfta Fleece, Church St., B 2/- L 2 '■ D 2/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- ff Shed ins Gratis N 1/- Qo] :p> 552. f^i McLean Bros., Baldwin St.,[3]U \ RAC :f> 514. — Automobile Trading Co., 30a Barrow St.,{8\\J Sun., T Autocar :f>388. — W. Corbett, 13, North Rd., Agt. for Belsize, Sunbeam, [a] U \ :?> 536. See pp. 3 to 6 for the list o/ Conventional Sig^ns and Abbreviations. ST. HELIER St. Helens {continued). ST. HELENS A. GLASS WORKS S.-G.-T.-R.S. a.N.W.R.)-R.S. (G.C.R.HSce p. 3) 1 Corporation 2 Higher Parr Street 3 Park Road 4 Ashcroft Street 5 Parr Stocks Road 6 Barrow Street 7 Church Street 8 Railway Bridge 9 Warrington New Road 10 Peasley Cross Lane 41 Marshalls Cross Road 12 Gotham Street 13 Westfield Street 14 Croppers Hill 15 Duke Street 16 Dentons Green Lane < 17 Baldwin 18 North Road 19 Bridge Street 20 Liverpool Road 21 Parr Street 22 Sinclair Street 23 Traverse Street 24 Station Road V« St. Helier (Jersey, Channel Isles) (not murkeO on map), Pop. 27,866. MA)., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— I'own Hall, Elizabeth Cas. ; Parish Ch. (Xllth c.) ; Fisherman's (hap. VIII the). Excursions :— Princes Tower {view) 3 = Grouville Ch. 3, Gorey Harbour (-Mont Orgueil Cas, Entrance -/6, free on 1st mid Srd Thursdays) 5 = St. Aubins i, St. Brelades Ch. 6, Corbicre Lighthouse 8 =: P16mont (Caves, Grottoes, " Trou du Diable'') 9. ^ Grouville 4, ^ Quennei-ais (Xr. St. Aubins), ^ La Moie {Nr. St. Brelades). Per Steamship (see Part III.). Southampton SL 103 = London SL {vkl Thames) 300. jgg 'nie Grand, Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- to 10/- Chfr 7/6 ICHi Gar U adj Gratis [20I T Grand :p> 26 and 206 (in the Island onlji). jg. Somerville, St. Aubins, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 10/- Chfr 8/6 Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- (T] T Somerville ;p> 8 (m the Island only). m Royal, Dairid Place, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Clifr 5/- Gar U 10 y RAC T Brees, Jersey :f> 45 (in the Island only). £>$, Halkett, Ilalkett Place, B 2/- L 2/- J) 3/- R 3/6 to .5/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U 100 y M -/6 N 1/- [e] T Halkett ;p''143 (in the Island only). W^ Michelin Stockist, G. H. Pool, Burrard St., |25] U N Sun. T Pool Motors hP» 480. - 491 - SALCOMBE St. Helier {continued). • ff*i Channel Islands Motor Co., lit, David Place, Agt. for Belsize, Qol Boxes m U \ Sun., Night, f Gregory :p> 464. — The Central Motor Garage, 7U, Halkett Place and 77, Burrard St. — Thomson & Co., 51-53, Lower' Bath St.,\^ Boxes [2] U \ Sun.j Night, T Thomson, Cycles Jf^ 85. — Wllchelin M.C.T., S. J. Bisson, 59, Halkett Place. (Motor Cycles.) — Michelin M.C.T., A. Quenouillere, 29, Charing Cross. (Motor Cycles.) St. Ives (Cornwall), M. 25, MM, ^OP- 7,179. See :— Church (Goth.) • ; Cross (Churchyard) ; W. Zennor Quort (Crom- lech) 5. 4 < Hayle 5, Camborne a 11 — Penzance ffi. 10 =s St. Just 13. m The Western, Gabriel St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar U 100 y N 1/- [m :F> 37. m Queen's, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U 20(3 y Gratis [6] T Queen's :fo 42. Tregenna Castle Hotel. f^" Taylor's Garage, Sternack, Agt. for Darracq, Ford, De Dion,. Arrol-Johnston, [lol U Sun. E,AC T Taylor's Garage ip- 31. St. Ives (Huntingdon), M. 23, MM, Pop. 3,015. M.D., Man. ; E.C.,, TMirs. See :— All Saints' Ch. (Goth.) ; Stone Br. ; S. Fenstanton (St. Peter and St. Paul's Ch. (Goth.) 2. X S.E. 1. < Chatteris 14, March 22 — Ramsey 11, Whittlesey 20 = (Toll-gate 6 : Cars 1/-, motor-cycles Qd.) Ely ffl. 17 = Cambridge a 12 = {Toll-hr. : Cars •Id.) Kiaby's Hut 6 < Potton 16, BIggleswade 20 — Royston a 21 =. Huntingdon ^ 6. St. John's Town of Dairy (Kircudbright), M. 11. — See Dairy.. St John Weardale (Durham), M. 13, Pop. 1,302 P. Stanhope 8 = 3 •< Alston 12 — Allendale Town 14. St. Just (Cornwall), M. 25, Ed), Pop. 5,753, ^ Penzance 7. See :— Church (Tower) (XVth c.) ; Amphitheatre (Remains) ; N, Pen- deen Cove (Cave) 3 ; Chun Cas. and Cromlech 4. St. Ives 13 = Penzance ffl. 7 = Land's End 6. ST. LEONARD'S (Sussex).— See Hasting^S. St. Neots 1 (Huntingdon), M. 23, ES, Pop. 4,171. M.D., rhurs..; E.C, Tues. See:— St. Mary's Ch. (XVIth c.) ; N.W. St. Nicholas' Ch. (Goth.) 2. :tcE.i. 6 •< Norman Cro.ss 21, Stamford ffi. 35 — Huntingdon ffi. 10 — Xorman Cross 21, Peterborough ^ 27 = Godmanchester 8, Huntingdon ®. 9 = Caxton Gibbet 8 •< Cambridge a 17 — Royston ®. 21 = 4 •< Bedford a 13 — Biggleswade 12 = Kimbolton 8, Higham Ferrers 18. l*[?l New Inn, High St., B 1/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar Shed U ins Gratis [fe) T' New Inn. f^* Michelin Stockists, Crompton & Sons, Market Square, Agt. for Humber, m U \ Sun. T Crompton ;p> 17. M.CT. Salcombe (Devonshire), M. 26, Ed), Pop. 2,032. ^g Kingsbridge 7. See :— Castle (Rns.). Kingsbridge fit 7. m\ Marine, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 to 5/6 Chfr 7/- Gar \J lOO y Gratis \2\ RAC T Marine '^^ 2. fm York, 33, Fore St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/6 5 Gar U 300 y N 1/- [12] ^ 14. f^« Edward Doudney, Central Garage. — P. Elliott, Ilosemount Mews. The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hote served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m,. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. SALE - 492 - Sale (( hesliive), M. 16 {not marked on map), IHH, Pop. 15,046. ^ {adj. (own). E.C., Wed. Htretford 2 < Manchester & 5 - Famworth 12, Bolton a 15 = 4 < Cheadle A (i. Stockport Q.9 — Withington 6 = Haie 4, Wilmslow 10, Macclesfield ft 17 = Altrincham ft 3. Krooklaiids Hotel. 8al«n (Argyll, :Mu11), M. 7, Pop. 441 P (no ^ in Mull). See :— Aros Cas. (Eas.). Tobermory 10 = Kiniock Hotel 31, Bunessan 42, Fionphort 48, (ferry; no motors) lona 49 = Kiniock Hotel 21, Bunessan 32, Fionphort 38, (ferry ; no motors) lona 'i9. SALISBURY m (Wiltshire), M. 28, Efl, Pop. 21,217. M.D., Tves. ; E.C\, Wed. See:-Cath. (Xlllth c) • (A); Bishop's Palace (C) ; Blackniore Museum (M) ; Hall of John Halle ; N. Stonehenge 10 ; N. Old Sanmi • • • (Excavations of ancient British town) ; S.E. Longford ("as. 4. X W 3 (F, VI). ':^ May 29-SOth; July Sth (Bihmy C\nh). SALISBURY M BLACKMORE MUSEUM * A CATHEDRAL C. BISHOP'S PALACE C.H.-P S.-R.S. (L.S.W.R.)-R.S. (G.W.R.)'© (See p. 3 ) 1 Market Place 2 Blue Boar Row 3 Castle Street 4 Castle Road 5 Winchester Street 6 London Road 7 Queen Street 8 Catharine Street 9 St. Anne's Street 10 Southampton Road 11 St. John's Street 12 Exeter Street 13 Harnham Road 14 Crombe Road 15 Bridge Street 16 Fisherton Street 17 Wilton Road 18 Stratford Road 19 Scot's Lane 20 Bedwin Street 21 Hilford Street 22 High Street E. I : by CoMle St. and Caxtle Rd. :— oJti saruin 2, Ainesbury ft 8, upavon 17, Pewsey 22, Marlborough ft 29, Swindon ft 40 (yd. und., 1/11 asc. at -2!) m.), Cirencester ft • 55, Gloucester ft 72. • r. Cirencester ft 55, Cheltenliam ft 70. -493- SALTBURN-BY-THE-SEA Salisbury (contitmed). E. II : by Winchester St. and London Bd. :— 8t. Tiiomas' Br. • 2, Lobscomb Comer • 7, Stockl)ridge • 14 (bad, V. hilly), Sutton Scotney 21, Baslngstoke SSl 35 (med. hilly, 1/lU desc. at 11 and J"f m.), London fiH 82. • 1. St. Thoinas' Br. 2, Parkhouse 11, Collingbourne Ducis 18, Wexcombe 22, Hungerfoid so {v. med. v. hilly), Wantage S. 43, Oxford ffi. 58 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/10-1(1 desc. at /,S m.). • 1. Lobscomb Corner 7, Middle Wallop 10, Andover ffi • • 18, Whitcluirch • • 25, Basingstoke fi. 36 (gd. und., 1/12 desc. at 23 m.), London ffi. 83 • r. Stockbridge 14, Winchester ^ 23 (bad, v. hilly, 1/16-ir, asc. at n, m.). • • 1. Andover ffl. 18, Newbury a 35, Abingdon 55, Oxford ^ 61 ()ned. V. hilly). • • 1. Wliitchurch 25, Kingsclere 33, Reading ffl. 51 (gd. und.. V in desc. at 21 and 32 in.). E. ill : by Queen St., Catharine St., St. Amies St., and Southautpton Rd. :- Brickworth 7, Ower 15, Totton 18, Southampton & 22 (v. gd., 1/17 desc. at r> m.). E. IV : by Queen St., Catharine St., Exeter St., and Harnham Rd. :— Downton 6, Fordingbridge &. 11, Ringwood 17, Sopiey 23, Christ- church 26, Bournemouth ffi. 31(v.gd., 1/18 asc. and desc. leaving Salisbury). E. V: by Qneen St., Catharine St., St. John St., Exeter St., and Dor- chester Rd. :— Coonibe Bisset 3, Drove End 8, Thickthom 16, Blandford Si 23, DOPChester ®. 39 (med. v. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 33 m.), Weymouth IS. 47. E. VI : by Blue Boar Row, Minster St., Silver St., Bridge St., and Fisherton St. :— Wilton • 3, Forant 10, Ludweii 17, Shaftesbury a 20 (1/13 asc. at Ih m.), Sherborne SL 36, Yeovil m. 41, Crewkerne 50, Chard 58, Honiton 71, Exeter a 88 (v. gd., hilly). • V. \Yilton 3, stapieford 7, Deptford 11, Heytesbury 17, Warminster jSl 21, Bath ffi. 40 (magn. und., several 1/lS hills). E. VII : by Castle St., and Castle Rd.:— f Woodford 5, Amesbury ffi. 10, Swindon ffi. 42 (gd. rd. pict. recom.). m County, BHdge St., B 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 jcS § Gar (1] Shed [U U ins Gratis N 1/- E,AC ^ 150 Nat. igi Old George, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- [cHl B PG adj Gratis N 1/- |20| RAC :F> 189. m White Hart, St. .John St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 6/6 8 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [40] RAC T Hotel ;p' 98. (^ Crown, U8, High St., B 2/- L 2/- R 3/- to 3/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis (s) RAC Lt. :p> 113. I*l?l Red Lion, Milford St., R 3/- Chfr 6/- ® Shed ins N 1/- g] :?> 73 Nat. f^ Michelin Stockists, Edwards' Garage, 36, High St., and Neiv St., Agt. for BEDFORD, BELSIZE, SINGBPv, SUNBEAM, [20] If \ Sun., Night, T Edwards, Motorist :}<' 199. — Michelin Stockists, Rowland & Sons, is. Castle St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBEK, Charron, [^ Boxes [2] U \ Siin. RAC T Motors ^ 170. M.C.T. — T. c;ollins (opposite G.P.O.). — The Salisbury Garage, Friary Lane, Agt. for Metallurgique QU U N T Magneto :^ 72. — S. & E. Collett, 08, Catharine St., Agt. for Flanders, R.M.C, DARRACQ, [m U % Sun. T Collett :p> 8Y1. — IVIichelin IVI.C.T., E. J. Longman, 97, Fisherton St. (Motor Cycles). Saltash (Cornwall), M. 25, HD, Pop. 4,130. ; See:— Church of SS. Nicholas and Faith (Norm, and Goth.): Roval Albert Br. CalHngton 10, Launceston ^ 20 = (ferry -17) Plymouth @. 4 = Treruie Foot 7, Liskeard ^ 14. 8altburn-by-the-Sea (Yorkshire), M.14, EU, Pop. 3,324-. E.C., Wed. See :-Huntcliff (360 ft.) ; Rockcliff (550 ft.) ; S. Skelton Cas. 2. "^ W. 1. 4 < (Toll-gate 13 : Cars, 2 seats 2d., up to 4 seats 4(Z.), MiddlesbrOUgh ^ 16 — Redcar ®. 4 = Loftus 5, Sandsend Toll-gate 19 (Cars 1/-, motor-cycles Id.), Whitby a 21 = Guisborough 6, stokesiey 14, Northallerton a 30. JS. Zetland, Dundas St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft ^ Box N 2/6 g] Shed N 1/- (6] RAC T Nerotel J^ 15. SALTCOATS - 494 - Saltcoats (Ayr), M. 11, (not marked on map), gg, Pop. 8,585. Dairy 6 = KilwinninK 4 «: Auchentiber 8, Glasgow ffi. 28 — Irvine 7 =: Artlrossan 1, Largs 13. \f^m J. Priiigle, 6 Hamilton St. Saltfleet (Lincoln), M. 18, Pop. 349 P, ^ Saitfleet 8tn. 3, T Xoith- Soinercoats 3. See :— N. Skidbrook (Parish Ch. ; Manor Ho.) 2. 2 < Louth a 12 — Mablethorpe 8, Alford 16. Sand bach (Cheshire), M. 16, EH, I'op. 5,723. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C, Tues. See :— Church ; Two Crosses (Saxon) • ; Old Hall. X W. 1. Brickhouses 1 •< Congleton 8, MaCClesfleid a 16 — Holmea Chapel 5, Kuuts- ford 12 — Holmes Chapel 5, Alderley Edge ffl. 15 = Lawton Ai-ms 6 •< Tunstall 9, Newcastle-under-Lyme a 13 — Newcastle-under-Lyme a 12 = Crewe 6 = Middlewich 5, Northwich & ii. ^ Wheat Sheaf, High Town, B 1/9 L 2/- to 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Gratis d] :p> 13. W^ Michelin M.C.T., J. Cooke, Crewe Rd. (Motor Cycles). San derate (Kent), M. 30, inS, Pop. 2,370. See :— Castle ; N. Shorncliffe Camp 1. Folkestone a 2 = Hythe m. 3, Ashtord a 15. f)m Royal Kent, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- tcH § Oar adj Gratis (15] RAC :p> 47, Sandhurst (Berkshire), M. 28, Pop. 2,386 P. See :— Royal Military College. Camherley fi. 3, Bagshot 6 =r Wokingham 5, Readng a 12. Sandown (Isle of Wight), M. 28, and Special Map 48, ED, Pop. r>,55l. E.C, Wed. See :— St. John's Ch. ; N. Moreton, Roman Villa • 1 ; N.E. Yaverland Ch. 1. :§: W. 1. Brading 2, Ryde a 6 (gd. hilly, v. pict, 1/15 asc. -at o m.). Yaverland 1, Bembridge 5 (gd. rd.). Lake • 1, Shanklln 3, Ventnor 7 (gd., hilly, v. pict, 1/9 asc. at U in.). • r. Lake 1, Arreton 5, Newport ^ 9 (gd. und. pict., 1/13 desc. at 7 tn.). ' lis Ocean, High St., B 3/- L 3/6 D 6/- R 6/- Clifr 8/6 Lft S Shed opp Gratis [6] T Ocean :}« 185. m Sandown, Culver Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 3/6 to 5/6 Chfr 6/- [cH 5 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [7] :p' 172. ^ Royal Pier, Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 to 8/- Chfr 7/6 :p> 187. ^f» H. P. Colenutt, I.W. Motor Garage Co., Broadtvay, [12I Boxes gt U % Sun. T Motor lf> 163. Sandringham (Norfolk), M. 23, Pop. 98 P, ^ WoUerton 2. See :— Park (open during absence of Royal family) ; Parish Ch. Hunstanton ®. 8 = 2 •< Fork 6, Fakenham a 19 — Swaffham 18 — Fork 6, East Dereham a 26 = King's Lynn ^ 9. Sandwich ii (Kent), M 30, El. Pop. 3,040. M.D., Tr«d. ;E.C., Thurs. See :— The Barbican (Tud.) ; St. Clement's Ch. (Norm.) ; St. Peter's Ch. ; Houses in Strand St, ; Man wood Court (XVI th c.) ; N. Richborough <:as. 2 ; W. Ash (Ch. Xll-XIIIth c. Old Tombs, Brasses, Chequers Court) 3. ^ S.E. 1. (Toll-br. : Cars or motor-cycles 3d. per wheel) 3 < Cross Rds. 5, Ramsgate ®. 7 — Upstreet 12, Herne Bay a 18 — Cross Rds. 5, Margate iSl 9 = Deal ffl. 6, Walmer 8, Dover 15 = Dover 13 = Canterbury a 12. JB Guilford, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 7/- Chfr 8/- Lft [cH 5 Gar U ins N 2/- m :p> 30. |gt Bell, Strand St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar dist N 1/- a :p> 20. 9^Bi Michelin Stockist, G. Hibbert & Co., The Garage, [H] U \ Sun., Night, T HLbbert :p> 41. - A. .1. Allgood, £f-t^/i ,§«., [20] U N Sun., Night, RAC T Allgood :P'9. 495 SCARBOROUGH Sanquhar (Dumfries), M, 12, \hE, Pop. 1,379. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; W. Devil's Dyke 2. ::§C i^-E. 1- Cumnock 16 < Mauchline 28, Kilmarnock ffi. 32 — Ayr ffi. 32 = 2 «: Thornhill 12, Dumfries ^ 27 — LeadhiUs 11, Abington 17, Biggar ®. 29 — Leadhills 11, Elvanfoot 16, IVIOffat SL 29. iVI. 23, 29 (not marked on map), fupl , Epping 8, Woodford Wells &. 16, Sawbridgreviforth (Hertford). Pop. 2,304. E.C., Thitrs. Bishops Stortford fi. 4 = Harlow 2 Walthamstow 20, LondOtl ^ 28. Saxmundham # (Suffolk), IVI. 24, EH, Pop. 1,404-. :Z. E. 7. Yoxford 4 < Branch Rds. 6, Blythburgh 10, LoweStoft ^ 23 — Duiiwicll 10 — Yoxford 4, Branch Rds. 6, Halesworth 11, Buugay a 20 — Yoxford 4, Blythburgh 10, BeCCleS 20 = Bigsby's Corner 1 < Wickliam Market ffl. 8, Woodbridge 13 — Aldeburgh Sl7 — Bigsby's Comer 1, Orford 12. m Bell, High St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 4/6 Gar U ins Gmti>; N 1/6 [6] :fo 4. ^ Queen's Head, HigJi St., B 1,6 L 2/- R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shelter ins Gratis j gol . ?^ai Michelin Stockist, F. W. Mitchell, High St., Agt. for Sun- beam, FOKD. [9] \ .Sun., Night, T Mitchell. SCARBOROUGH # (Yorkshire), Wl. 18, iMl, Pop. 37,204. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :-Castle (Rns. Xllth c.) (A) ; St. Mary's Ch. (C) ; Cliff Bridge (D) ; Spa Gardens (E), :§C S. 3 (E. III). SCARBOROUGH SCALE Cambridge Walker KORTB A.CAITLE RUINS C.ST MARY'S CHURCH O.CLIFF BRIDQE E.SPA QARDENS B-«l-0.p.S.-R.S.-T- (Sae p. 3 ) 1 Aberdeen Walk a Castle Road 3 North Marine Road 4 Wastborouah B VaUey Bridge Road 6 Ramshlll Road 7 Falsgrave Road 8 VaUey Road St Nicholas Street 10 St Thomas Street 11 Queen Street E. I : by Aberdeen Walk, Castle Rd., and North Marine Ed. :— Burnlston 5, Falcon Inn 9, Hawsker 18, Whitby Sl 21 {)ned. V. hilly, several l/ll gradients). See on p. 5 the method used in arranging the Hotels. SCOLE - 496 - Scarborough (continued). E. II : by Wcstborough, Valley Br. {Toll : Car and driver Id., passengers kd. eilch, motor-cycle and rider ld.\ and Ramskill Rd. : — Kiley a 7, Bridlington ffl. 18 (yd. rd., J/ 15 aac. at 11 m.). E. Ill : by Weatborough and Falmjram Rd. :— FilMgrave • 1, Staxton • 7, Sherburn 11, New Malton fi. 2:5, YOfk @. 41 {i\ gd., 1112 dene, at J!> in.), London i2. 239. • r. Faisgrave 1, Bronipton 8, Pickering 18, Kirby iloorside 2(3, Helmsley 32, Thirsk ^ 45, RIpon ffl. bV>(s!d., hilly, 1/S de^c. at '/> m.). • I. staxton 7, Hunuianby 11, North Burton 15, Rudston 18, Kilham21, Ruston Parva 23, Naflerton 2(5, Great DriftJeld ^ 28 (gd. rd., pict.). • 1. staxton 7, Langtoft 15, Great Drjftleld ^ 21 (bad, hilly, 1, : a. 49. JSt Cambridge, South Cliff, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Lft S Gar ins'Cr'm^Js N 1/- RAC Lt. T CauiJ)ridge :p> 222 Xat. JUa Royal, St. Nicholas' St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Lft [eg ffi PG 100 y T Royal :p> 75. Jg. Pavilion, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft jcH Q P(i U 150 y RAC T Pavilion qs> 70. Crown Hotel, Esplanade. T^" Michelin Stockists, Castlehouse Bros., Ltd., uo-ui;^ Victoria Rd., Agt. for Flanders, 3o] Boxes [8] U \ Hun., Night, RAC T Castlehouse Bros. :p> 430. M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, Castlehouse & Turner^ The Valley Bridg^e Garage, go] Boxes [151 LT \ Sun.. Xii,'ht, RAC :p» 187. — Michelin Stockists, Walker & Hutton, sv, \Vestborough_, Agt. for BELsrzE, De Dion, Clbment-Talbot, [go] Boxes [15] LT \ Sun., Night, RAC T Walker Hutton ::}<> 149 and 131. — Michelin M.C.T., W. Woodall, Gladstone Rd. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., G. W. Moore, Ltd., U-6, Nelson St. (Motor Cycles). Scole '§> (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 600, ^^ Diss 2 Norwich Si 20 = Harleston 8, Bungay B. 15 = 1 < Brome 2, ciavdou 10, Colchester a 39 — Bury St. Edmunds ®. 22 — Brome 2, Eye 4," Ipswich a 25 = ciaydon 19, IpswIch a 23 = Diss 2, Thetford ;S. 19. f^ai Michelin Stockists, W. Pretty & Co., Osmondeston Motor Works, IT2] U\ Sun., Night, RAC T Pretty ;p> 3 PO. Scone (Perth), M. 9, Pop. 1,585, ^r^ Pertli 3. See :— Scone Palace (special permit). Coupar Angus 10, Forfar a 27 = Perth a 3. Scourie (Sutherland), M. 4, ^ Lairg stn. 45. See :— N. Island of Handa 2. 7 < Durness 26 — Overscaig Inn 28, Lairg 44 = Kylestrome 10, (ferrif -41) sivaig Br. 19 < Inchnadamph 21 — Lochinver 30. m Stafford Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 R3/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis Nl/6 m SAC T Hogs. Scunthorpe (Lincoln). See Frodingham and Scunthorpe. Seaford m (Sussex), M. 29, Ed), Pop. 4,787. E.C., Wed. See :-Church (Xlth, Xllth, XVth c.) ; N.E. Lullington (smallest ch. in England) 5. ^ S. 1. Sutton 1 -5 Eastdean 5, Eastboume a 9 — Poiegate 9, Pevensey 14, Bexhill a. 21 — Sutton 1, Poiegate 9, Hailsham 12 = Newhaven 4 < Lewes S. 11 — Brighton a 13. m. i^ay, Pelham PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- (cH Gar U iidj Gratis (8] T Bay ^p> 2. ^ Wellington, Steyne Rd., B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 5/- f^B Michelin Stockists, French's Garagre (B. French), Steyne Jid., [D U Sun., Night, T French's Garage :p> 103. — Haigh's Garage, [30) Boxes g] % Sun., Night, :p> 24. - 497 - SELBY Seaham Harbour (Duvliam). M. 14, ED) I*oP- l-'>,"5i>- Sunderland ffl. = Seitou inn 1 < Fork 12, Stockton S. 22 — New Town lull 6, Durham a 12 — Seaton Inn 1, Fork 12, WOSt HartlCpOOl ®. 17 — 8e;>ton luu 1, Xew To\m Inn 6, HoughtoTi-le-Si)riug 7, Ohester-le- ^?treet 12. Beaton (Devonshire), M. 26, ESI, Pop. 1,694. :^ E. 2. E.C., Thurs. co!yford 2 < Lyme Regis 8, Bridport ^ 17 — Sidford 10, Exeter ®. 24 — Colyford 2, Ottery 8t. Mary 14 — Coiyford 2, Honiton 11 — Coiyford 2, Axiniiister 7, Chard iS. 14 — Coiyford 2, Sldford 10, Sidmouth ^ 12. m Roval Clarence, Station ltd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar U IWJ y Gratis N 1/- \M RAC T Clarence 'f> 15. Beach Hotel. Sedbergh (Yorkshire), M. 16, Pop. 2,430 P. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., 77,^'^x See :— St. Andrew's Ch. (Norm, and Goth.) ; Cantley Spout (70 ft. Water- fall). :^ X.W. 1. Kirkby Stephen 14, Appleby 2.5 = 14 < Askrigg 20 — Aysgarth 24 = Dent 5 < Ingleton 16, Settle a 27 — Ribbiehead 16, Settle ja 28 = Kirkby Lonsdale 11, Lancaster a 28 = Kendal & lo. ,^ Bull, .¥rtui St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Clifr 5/- Gar Shed U ins Gratis [6] T Bull. Sedgley (Stafford), M. 21, ESI. Pop. 16,529. See :— All Saints' Ch. (Goth.). Wolverhampton ffi. 3 = Dudley :a 3, Birmingham ^ 11 = SLipiey 8, Bridgnorth a 15. 8ELBY (Yorkshire), M. 17, ESI, Pop. 9,049. M.D., .}fon. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-Abbey Ch. (XVIth e.) (A) ; S. Brayton Ch. 2. :§:. 1 Market Place 2 The Crescent 3 New Street 4 Selby Bridge 5 Victoria Avenue 6 Park Street 7 Snaith Road 8 Gowthorpe 9 Brook Street 10 Brayton Road 11 Thorpe Road 12 Pinkie Street 13 Micklegate 14 Millgate Londesborougb H. 15 Bondgate 16 New Lane George H, 17 Portholme Road 18 Ousegate SELBY SCALE A. ABBEY CHURCH G.-P.S.-B.S. (Seep. 3.) E.\: by Market Place, The Crescent, Xew St., Selby Br. {Toll : Cars 9d., motor-cycles 2(Z., motor-tricycles 2 fd.), and Victoria A V. : — Barlby • 2, • 3, Escrlck 8, York ^ 14 (gd. level I'd.). • i: Barlby 2, Cliff 5, Loftsome Br. 8 {Toll : Cars 9d., motor -cycles Id!., motor- tricycles 2 0185. m George, Gowihorpe St., B 2/- -L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- C'lifr 6/6 Shed Court adj Grafts N 1/- [Is] :p> 21. f^m Woods' Garage, Wide St., Agt. /or.FuKL*, g] Box U \ Suu., Night, BAG ;p> 9. — H. Asprey & Co., Wi, Gotvthorpe St., Agt. for FORD, [3] Boxes (H U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Asprey. Selkirk (Selkirk), M. 13, ^t\, Pop. 5,886 (Alt. 309 ft.). M.D.. Wed. : E.G., Thtcrs. See :— Town Hall ; Statues of Mungo Park and Sir Walter Scott. '^. Galashiels ^ 6 = Melrose 7 = Kelso ^ 19 = Beises stn. 9, Jedburgh ffl. 17 = Hawick a 12 = Tushielaw Hotel 15, Langholm 44 = St. Mary's Loch 19, Moffat a 34 = Walkerburn 13, Innerleithen 15, Peebles ®. 21. m County, High St., B2/6 L2/6 D3/6 Chfr7/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [H T County ;p> 193. M. Bodono, St. Mary's Loch (16 m. S.M\), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 3/6 to 6/- Chfr 6/- Gar 30 y Gratis N 1/- [6]. ^" Stark & Murray, Tower St. Selsey ^ (Sussex), M. 28. Pop. 1,039. ^. See :— Selsey Bill. Chichester 9. ^ Selsey, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3 '6 R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins 1/ \M :jb 17. ■ 1^" Michelin Stockist, J. Davis, Selsey Hotel Garage, [20] Box \T\ U Sun., Night, RAC T Selsey Hotel :jo 17. Settle (Yorkshire), M. 16, Pop. 2,603. M.D., Tues. ; E.G., Wed. See :— Houses (XVIth c.) ; Folly Hall (Staircase) ; N.E. A'ictoria Cave, Tidal Well 1 ; E. Attermyre Cliffs (Scaleber Force) 2 ; AV. Giggles- wick (Gh. Goth., XlVth c. Cross) ; Museum 2. ^ N.W. 1. Newby Head 16 •< Aysgarth 31 — Sedbergh 28 = Long Preston 4 < SkiptOn J®. 16 — Gisbum 11, Nelson a 20 =: Clitheroe 17 = Clapham 6 < Fork 12 (Ingleton on r.), Kirkby Lonsdale 18, Kendal ffi. 30 — (Toll-gate; Caution after dark: Cars 1/6, motor -cycles or tricycles 2d.), Lancaster^ 26 — Clapham 6, Fork 12, Sedbergh 27. m Golden Lion, Duke St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- [cHT Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [12] T Renshaw f> 27. m^ Ashfield's, Duke St., B 2/- L2/3 D 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed 100 y Nl/6[4] T Ashtiekl i^i- 9. a^ Naked Man, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 4/6 Shed [3] Court [aoj ins Gratis. f^m W. Slinger, Prospect Terrace, Goldielands. — West Yorkshire Motor and Garage Co., Ltd., Ag^. for ARl'.or,- ' Johnston, 'Ho] LT \ Sxm., Night, ;p> 29. Sevenoa.k8 # (Kent), M. 29, EH, Pop. 9,183. -M.D., -h-d Wed. : E.G.. Wed. L^> 1 > See :— Church (Goth.) ; Grammar School and Almhouses ; Ho. in High St. (XVth c.) ; N.E. Seal (Gh., XlVth c. brass) 2; S.E. Knole Ho. and Park • (Thiers, and Sat. froui J-fi p.m. Friday and Bank Holidays from 10 a.m to '> p.m. Tickets ^J- each, parties of !t, 6/-; obtainable at Lodge); N.W. Montreal Ho., Park, and Obelisk (XAIIIth c.) (Lord Amherst's Seat) 1 ; Ghevening (Two Manors) i. ^ S.E. 3. SHAFTESBURY 8evenoa.ks {cmit'nii'f,!). KJverhead 2 < Bioniley ©. 1^, London a '2.') — Westerham 7, Oxted ffl. 11, Bletchiiiffley fBi 14, Redhill ®. 19 = Bat and Bail sin. 1 •< Dartford 14 — Iglithain 5, Maidstone ^ 17 — Bal and Ball Stn. 1, Ighthani 5, Wrotham 8, Gravesend a 18 = Tonbridge a 6 s= Edenbridge 9, New Chapel Green 16, Haywaicls Heath §L 30. m. Royal Ciowii, London lid., B 2/(3 L 3/- Do/- R 4/6 to 6/- Chfr "«/- lea C 161. f^m Michelin Stockists, G. Humphrey & Co., 166, High St., Agt. for FoRV, [30] Boxes [1] U N Siiu. RAC T Humphrey's Garage :fo 154. M.CT. — A. Tye, Tubbs Uill, U \. — Hely «fe Co., U6, Loudon Bd., Agt. for .AUSTRIAN Daimler, BlANCHi, HUP3I0BILK, D.F.P. \E\ \ RAC T Heby's ;p> 113. Severn Tunnel Junction (Moumouth), M. 27. (liepstow a 7 = {train to) Pilning Stn. 7 vvestbxuy-upon-TrsTu 12, Bristol a 16 = Newport St vi. SHAFTESBURY (Shaston) 1 (Dorset), iVI. 27, EH, Pop. 1,873, ^ Semiey 3. M.D., alt. Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Peter's Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; Abbey (Rns.) (C) ; Almshouses (Tud.) (E) ; Castle Hill (View) (D). SHAFTESBURY 1 High Street 2 Bleke Street 3 'Warminster Road 4 Salisbury Street 5 Salisbury Road 6 Ringwood Road 7 Blandford Road 8 Gold Hill * 9 St. James's Street 10 Dorchester Road 11 Tout Hill 12 New Road 13 Wincanton Road E. 1 : 6j/ High St., Blake St., and Warminster Bd. :— East Knoyle 5, Longbridge Deverell 12, Wamiinster ^ 15 (med. V. h'dlil, 1/10 asc. at 7 m. and 9 m.), Westbury 20, Melksham 29, Ciiippenham m. 36 {v. gd., 1/t; desc. at 18 m.). Bead carefully the preliminary explanations, pp. 1 to 12. SHANKLIN - 500 - Shaftesbury {continued). E. II : hy High St., Salitibury St., and Salisbury lid. ;— Ludweii 3, Fovant 10, Wilton 17, Salisbury j®. 20 (c. gd., hilbj, I / ' ''■'■<••. at 6 m.), London la 103. E. Ill : by Salisbury St. and Ringivood lid. :— • 6,Thickthom 10 (gd. sin.), Horton 15, KingAvood 23 (med.), Lymingtou 38 (gd. xtnd.). • 1. 6, ToUard Koyal 8, Sixpenny Handley 12, Cranbourne 17, FoicUngbridge SSl 23, cadnani 34, Southampton Sk 42 (gd. nnd.). E. \M '. by Salisbxiry St. and Blandford Rd. ;— iweme Minster 6, Blandford J®. 12 (y. gd. pict. recom.). E. V : by Gold Hill, St. James' St., and Dorchester Rd. :— Mansion 6, Sturminster Newton 8, Lydlinch Common 12, Pulham 16, Wateraton 25, DorchOSter ^ 29 (flrd. rd. hilly). E. VI : Iry Tout Hill :- East Stower 4, Henstridge 10, Shorbome ^ 16, YeOvH Si 21 {r. ;/(/. »•(/., hilly, several 1/13 gradient,';). E. VII : by New Rd. and Wincanton Rd. :— Gillingham ^ 5, Bruton 15, Shepton Mallet 22, Wells a 27 ( 9 PO. f^* MIchelin Stockists, Baker & Son, Leader Motor Works, Salisbury Rd., [M] LT \ Sun. T Baker, Motorist. — MIchelin Stoci(ists, Hill & Boll's Garagre. — S. W. Digby, So, High St., T Digby, Ironmonger, [«]. — V. Pettingill, Central Garage, g] U Sun. Shanklin (Isle of Wight), M. 28, and Special Map 48, InH, Pop. 4,751. E.G., Wed. See :— Shanklin Chine ; Crab Inn. Lake 2, Sandown 3 {gd., hilly, pict.). Bonchurch 3, Vontnor 4 {gd., hilly, pict., 1/9 «.«c. at 1 m.). Whitely Bank 2, GodsliiU 3, Kookley 6, Newport Si 9 {gd. inn'.). Hi Daish's, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E a - Chfr 7/6 Gar shed U adj M -/6 ]Sr 1/- [20] T Daish's ^ 481. ' ifi Holhers Shanklin, E 4/- to 10/6 § Shed 50 y -/6 [3] T Holliers :f> 0492. M The Marine Hotel, Regent St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E 2/6 Chfr .-'- Gar 200 y [6] :p» 0488 Nat. Shap (Westmorland), M. 16, Pop. 1,537 P. See :— W. Abbey (Ens.) 1. Penrith a 10 = 2 •< Kendal a 16 — Kirkby Stephen 21. jt!£L Greyhound, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis H] EAC Lt. Sheerness (Kent), M. 30, Ed), Pop. 17,494. M.D., ,S'rt^ ; E.C., Tiies. Sea :— Dockyard ; Barracks ; CheyneyEock Ho. ; S.E. Minster (View) 3. Queen's Br. 5 {Toll. : Cars or motor -cycles 1/6), Key Street 10 •< MaidstOne a 20 — Sittingbourne 12, Canterbury ®. 27 — Key street 10, Rochester a 19 s= Queenborough 2. SHEFFIELD m (Yorkshire), M. 17, |cl, Pop. 454,653. M.D., Tties., Sat. ; E.C., Thiirs. Sec :-St. Peter's Ch. • (A) ; Cutler's Hall (C) ; Butiniical Gardens (D) ; The University (U) ; g. Beauchief Abb. 4 (E. V). :^ ^^ . 4 (E. VII). E. I : by Fargate, High St., Hayinarket, Lady's Br., Wicker, Spital Hill, Barngreave ltd., and Barasley Rd. :— chapeito\vn 6, Birdweii 10, Barnsley • 14 {med. v. hilly), Wakefield a 25 {gd. rd., 1/11 asc. at m.). • r. Barnsley 14, York ja 52. E. II : by Fargate, High St., Haymarket, Lady's Br., Wicker, Saville St., and Attercllfe Rd. :~ Rotherham 7 {bad), Doncaster ffl. 19 {gd. rd. v. hilly, 1/13 asc. at 8 m.), Hull a 68. Learn the Advertising Business OPPORTUNITY. A LARGE number of business firms in England to-day — many of them very wealthy firms— are seeking men for responsible and highly-paid positions. These posts they cannot fill from their regular staff, because the demand is for trained men — men trained in the principles of the Advertising Profession. Advertising has taken the business world by storm. That is why the demand for advertising men is so urgent and so incessant. A business man can no more succeed to-day, without advertising, than a steam engine can work without steam. The demand for trained advertising men exceeds the supply by ten to one, and there seems no likelihood of the demand diminishing. Indeed, it is rapidly increasing. The trained advertising man is recognised by the heads of manufacturing and trading concerns as of paramount importance. Advertisement writers to-day control the destinies of huge business concerns. Most of these positions are held by young men and young women — men and women who felt they were worth some- thing better than mere drudgery ; who, fired by their ambition to rise, seized the opportunity of entering this pleasant and lucrative profession. Business men are searching far and wide for trained advertisement writers ; the demand is not only great — it is urgent. The British School of Advertising differs from all other educa- tional institutions, as it is under the control of men engaged in practical advertising — men who at the present moment are carrying on some of the largest and most successful campaigns. The laws. which govern the science of publicity are clearly explained, and the student is taken by easy stages through the whole theory and practice of advertising. ,But advertising as taught by the British School is not hide-bound in theoretic principles ; it is based on the experience the examiners have had in a hundred successful Engiish campaigns. Finally, the interest of the British School of Advertising does not end when the student has completed the course. The principals, being actively engaged in controlling the advertising of some of the wealthiest English firms, are in a position to recommend trained men to responsible positions as Advertising Managers. The Prospectus of the School will be sent Post Free on application. IMPORTANT.— We will gladly put business firms into touch with promising young men. BRITISH SCHOOL OF ADVERTISING. 41. OXFORD HOUSE, 9/15, OXFORD ST., LONDON, W. /J^ R.S. (G.C.) «-Goods Station (LN.W.B.) iloyai Victoria H. '^ 4 /^ % Kings Head H. SHEFFIELD , % ^ - _^\^ - S • A.ST PETER'S CHURCH y" S ^ t^"'"" G^and H C.CUTLERS HALL U.THE UNIVERSITY D. BOTANICAL GARDENS R.S. (G.C.)-R.S. (II(I.R.)-G.-T.-M.-B.-P.S. (See p. 3 ) 11 II PETROL AIR GAS for Lighting, Pleating, and Cooking in Country Houses. The Mitchelite System Is the best and cheapest water- driven plant on the market. Water pressure is the only really automatic method. The mixture generated is absolutely non-explosive. Further particulars free from THE MITCHELITE PETROL AIR GAS SYSTEM CO., LTD., 161, PICCADILLY, W, Where the Light is always on view. ^K - 501 - SHEPTON MALLET Sheffield {continned). E. Ill : bi/ Fargate, High St., Haymarket, Lad;/\i Br., Wicker, Saville St., Atterdiffe Rd., and Pinfold Lane :— Han-Uworth 5, Ashton 9, WorkSOp SL • 18 (('. hilfi/, 1 j l'> desc. at 5 IH. (Hid a.«C. at S m), Manton Lodge • 20, xMurkbam Moor 28, Newton 30, Lincoln ^ 40 (nied. rd.). §• 1. Worksop Sl 18, East Retford ®. 20, Gainiborou^'h ®. 37, Market Rasen 57, Louth fi. 72 (gd. rd., 1/12 ai^c. at lU m.). • r. JIanton Lodge 20, Ollerton 27, Newark m. 40 (r. ;/(/. r. nnd. jnct.). IV : by Pinstone St., South St. Moor, and London Jid. :— Dronfleid 6, Chesterfield ffl. 12 (v. med. hilly), Alfreton • 23, Derby a 30 (med. rd., Ijlh asc. at It m. and "22 m.), London ffi. 102. .1, Alfreton 23, Nottingham Sl 40 {bad rd.). E. V : by Pinstone St., South St. Moor, London Jid., and Abbeydale Rd. :- Totlpy 6, Baslow 13, Bakewell 17 {v. qd.), Ashbourne Q. 35 {med. hilly), Uttoxeter m. 47 (gd. rd.), Stafford m. 01 {bad, v. h illy, 119 asc at 57 m.). E. VI : by Pinstone St., South St. Moor, and Ecdexhall Rd. :— ■ Fox House Hotel • 8, Hathersage 11, Castleton 17, Chapel-en-le-Frith 24, Macclesfield ffl. 35 {cjd., v. hilly beyond Castleton, several !,'!'> gradients). • 1. Fox House Hotel 8, Grindleford Br. 11, Tideswell IS, BUXtOn ®. 27 {nied. rd., 1/iS desc. at 10 m.), Newcastle-under-Lyme ^ 51. E. VII : by Division St., Devonshire St., and Glossop Rd. .— Hollow Meadows 5, Ashopton 11, Snake Inn 17, GIOSSOp ffl. 24, Mottrani • 27, Hyde a 31, Manchester a 38 {gd. pict., 1/12 asc. at 20 nt.). • r. Afottram 27, Stalybridge 30, Ashton-undev-Lvne ®. 32, Oldham a 30 (bad rd.). • 1. Mottram 27, StOCkport Si 35 {gd. rJ.). E. VIII : by Fargate, High St., Awjel St., West Bar, Giln-altar St., Shales Moor, and Penistone Rd. :— ttwlerton • 2, Oughtibridge 5, Stocksbridge 9, Langsett 13, Victoria 17, Honiey 23, Huddersfleld ffii 20 {gd. rd., 1/11 asc. at 17 m.). • V. Owlerton 2, Wortley 9, Penistone 13 {gd. rd.). Sovereign Inn IS, Honlev 23, Huddersfield a 20 (wed. rd., 1/11-lU desc. at 19 m.). fflgjl Grand, Leopold St., B 3/- L 2/0 D 5/- R 5 - Chfr Lft ^ ® PG 100 y T Granotel :p> 4422 Cent. JSL Royal Victoria Station, Adj G. C. Rly. St,,., B 2/0 L 2/0 D 5/- R 5/- to 0/0 Chfr 7/0 Lft [53 S Gar U adj Gratis X 1 - H] RAC! T Hotel :p> 4505. Jit King's Head, High St., B 2/0 L 2/- D 3/0 R 4/- Chfr 9/- Lft [CD S PG 300 y T Nearest ;p' 3314, 3315, 3310. fF» Michelin Stockists, csi©=. T. Haigh & Co., Ltd., ■>-', West St., Agt. for Austin, Us] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Revolve :p> 3583. — Michelin Stockist, Reuben Thompson, J-J2, Gbmop Rd., Agt. for De Dion, (Igo] Boxes [4] If \ Sun., Night, T Reuben Thompson :p> 108 and 144 Central. — Michelin Stockists, Allen & Binns, m/8, Glossop Rd., dU LT \ Sun., Night, T Repaii's lf> 543 Broomhill. — J. Tomlinsou & Sons, Ltd., 61-63, Eccleshall Rd., Agt. for HuMBEK, Alldays, Sol U % T Cars :?> 3003 and 2024 A. — Freeman, Oakes & Co., Ltd., 133, Devonshire St., Agt, for Akgyll, Alldays, Riley, gl] LT S T Motorist, :p> 253 Central. — Michelin M.C.T., W. Fox, 7-11, Cemetery Rd. {M>>tnv ( ydes). — Michelin M.C.T., Roper & Beeston, lOO-lGs, L<>,,:ii>ii /.'./. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., W. Laughton, 3, Leopold St. (:\lotor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., H. Wigfall, 102, Infirmary Rd. (Motor Cycles). Manufacturer : Sheffield-Simplex Motor Wks., Ltd., Tinsley. Shefford (Bedford), M. 23, Pop. 874 P. See :-S.E. Clifton (All Saints' Ch.) 2 ; W. Chicksands Priory (Rns.) 2. Bedford & 9 = Biggleswade 5, Cambridge ^ 26 = Baldock Sl 8 = Hitchin m. 7, St. Albans ^ 24 = Ampthill 7, Woburn 1'.. Shepton Mallet (Somerset), M. 27, EH, Pop. 5,011. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Church ; Market Cross ; Old Houses. "^ Old Down Inn 5, Farrington Gumey 8, Peasford 14, Bristol fit 20 ('.'. gd., V. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 18 m.). SHERBORNE - .»02 - Shepton Mallet {ciDfiiiiied). Nimney 9, Fromc ffl. 12 (('. (jd. ifncL, 1/!) desc. to Frome). Cannanl's Grave • 1, Prestleigh • 2, Castle Gary 8, • 11, Sparkfonl 13 Marston Magna 16, Yeovil &. 22 {v. gd., 1/13 desc. at :i )H.). • r. Cannarcrs Grave 1, East Lydfoot 10, Ilcliester 16 (meff. hllbj), YeOVil ia 21 (j;. f/d., IIS desc. at 5 m.). • 1. Prestieigh 2, Bniton 7, Gillingham ®. 17, Shaftesbury ffl. 22 ( 13. Sherborne # (Dorset), M. 27, ED, Pop. 5,954. M.D., Thurs., Sat.; E.G., T»W. See :-Castle (Rns. Xllth c.) ; Abbey Ch. • (Goth.) ; The School ; Park. ^ W. 1 (direction Yeovil). North cadbury 8, Castle Gary 11, PresUeigh 17, Shepton n/lallet 19 (<)d. und.). North Cheriton 7, Wincanton 10, Mere 17, Amesbury & 40, Andover Si 54 (med. rd.). Henstridge 6, East Stower 12, ShafteSbUry ffi. 16 (v. gd., hilly, several 1/12 gradients). Bishop's caundie 6, Sturminster Newton 11, Blandford S. 20 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/lh asc. at 8 m.). Longburton 3, Middlemarsh 7, Ceme Abbas 11, DorcheSter fi. 19 (v. gd., 1/11 asc. at 8 m.). Yeovil a 5 (v. gd., 1/17 de.sc. at ■: )ti.). Marston Magna 4, Puddimore 8, Laugport 17, Othery 22, Bridgwater fi. 29 (gd. und.). 9m Digby, Digby Rd., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- B 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar Box U adj Gratis N 1/- [20] RAG ;?> 23. m The Antelope, Green Hill, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 5/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar U ins Gratis (9] T Antelope. ff" Michelin Stockists, Hill & Boll, Soiith St., Agi. for Hotch- Kiss, Vauxhall, Bbnz-sohnb, Metallurgiquk, [8] Box m U \ RAC T Boll :p> 193. — Michelin Stocl(ist, E. Childs, Long St., Agt. for ¥oR^. \W\U T Childs :p> 192. Shering:ha.m (Norfolk), M. 24, EE!) Pop. 3,376. ^ (T7.sitors m«t,s't 6e introduced). Cromer ^ 4 := Wells 17. JiSJi Grand (Easter to October), B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- to 8/- Chfr 7/(i Lft 5 Gar Shed Shelter LT adj Gratis N 1/- [ao] RAC T Grand ;f»2. gpffi Sheringhani, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- to 8/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/6 (9) RAC lf> 3 Nat. Shifnal (Shropshire), M. 21, Pop. 3,321 P. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Norm, and Goth.) • ; S. Brimstree Hill (View) ; E. Tong • (Ch., Timbered Cottages) 3; Boscobel Ho. (XVIth c.)and King Charles' Oak 6. Newport fi. 9, Stafford m. 22 = Wolverhampton a 12 = 3 < Bridgnorth a 10 — Ironbridge 6, Much Wenlock 12 = Wellington 6, Shrewsbury &. 18. (*a Jerningham Anns, Park St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- g] RAC T .Terningham :p> 200. f^" Michelin M.C.T., C. Broadmeadow, Church St., g) U \ Sun., '^ 13 (Motor Cycles). Shiplake (Oxford), M. 28, Pop. 870 P. See :— Church (Goth.) •. Henley a 3 = Caversharn 5, Reading a 6. I - 503 - SHREWSBURY Ishipley # (Yorkshire), M. 46, Ed), Pop. 27,710. ^ N.\\ . .".. '• Menston T. < Otley Si 7, Harrogate ®. 18 — Ilkley a 11, Skipton fit 20 = Bradford a 3 = Bingley 4, Keighley a S. . Sun Hotel, Market PL f^» Michelin Stockist, Walter Jackson, Bmkhm Br., Ajt. fn- MAUDSLAY, [^ U N Sun., Night, :?> 211. 8hipston-on-Stour (Worcester), M. 22, Pop. 1,564 P. :^I.D., Sat.; E.C., Thnrs. See : -S. Little Woolford Manor (Jacob.) 3. Cross Hands 2 «s Stratford-on-Avon lo —Warwick a 16 = Banbury ffl. 14 = Chapel House 10 <. Woodstock 20, Oxford a 28 — Chipping Norton IB. 11 = 2 < Chipping Campden 7, Evesham & 16 — Moreton-in-the-Marsh 7, Stow-on-the-Wold SL il. jSS. George, I/vgr/i 5r<., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- E 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shelter ins Gratis d] RAC. SHoeburyness (Essex), IVI. 30, ESI, Pop. 5,006. See :— South Shoebury Ch. (Norm.). ^ N. 1. Southend &. 5. Shoreham (Sussex), iW. 29, ED, Pop. 5,731. ^. M.D., ,?««. See :— New Shoreham Ch. (Norm, and Goth.) ; N. Old Shoreham Ch. 1 ; E. Southwick Ch. (Tower) 2 ; W. Lancing College 2. ':^ N. 1. Old Shoreham 1 < Steyning 5, West Grinstead 13, Horsham ®. 19 — Brighton as — Old Shoreham 1, Level -crossing {Toll : Cars 6d., motor-cycles 2d., trailers 2(7.), Arundel 14 = Brighton ®. 7 = Norfolk Br. (Toll : cars 6(f., motor -cycles 2(/., trailers 2d.) Wortliing a 4. SHREWSBURY §> (Shropshire), M. 21, |cl, Pop. 29,389. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Castle (William the Conqueror) (A) ; St. Mary's Ch. • (C) ; Butcher Row (XVth c.) • (D) ; Abb. Ch. (Norm.) • (E) ; Old Market Hall (Eliz.) (F) ; Quarry (H) ; The Grammar School {Kingsland Br., Toll: Cars 6d. each way, cycles lid.); Half-timbered Houses, High St. (l.>91) ; W. Haughmond Abb. and Cas. (Rns.) 4 ; Wroxeter (Old Rom. rriconium) 5 (E. III). ^IC S. 2 (E. V). E.l: by High St., PHde'Hill, Castle St., Castle Gates, Coton UiU, and Kllesmere Rd. : — Hannerhiii • 6, Myddie 8, Ellesmere ^ 16, Wrexham ®L 28 {v. (jd. vnd., II h' asc. at 9.1 m.). • r. Hannerhiii 6, Wem 11, Coton 14, WhItchurch ^ • • 20, Chester a. 40 (r. gd., ]/35 desc. at 7 tn.). • • V. Whitchurch Sl 20, Nantwich ffi. 32, Crewe 36 (med. vnd.). • • r. Whitchurch a 20, Tarporley 34, Warrington @. 53 (gd. und.), Wigan m. 65, Preston a 82. E. II : by High St., Pride Hill, Castle St., Castle Gates, Castle Foregale and St. Michael's St. ;— • 1, Shawbury7, Hodnet 13, Femhill 16, Market Drayton ffi. 19, Newcastle- under-Lyme fit 33 {v. gd., 1/15 desc. at 3U m.). • r. 1, High Ercall 7, Crudgington 10, Newpoit ^ 18, Stafford Si 31 (f. gd. rd. hilly, If 10 desc. at 17 m.), Derby a 63. E. Ill : by High St., Wyle Cop {dang.), English Br., Abbey Foregate, and London ltd. : — Atcham 4, Wellington a 12, Shifnal 18, Wolverhampton ffl. oO{)nagn. rd., 1/10 desc. from Shrewsbury), London ^ 154. E. IV : by High St., Wyle Cop {dang.), English Br., Abbey Foregate, and Wenlock Ed. :— Cound 6, Much Wenlock 12, Bridgnorth St 20, Kidderminster a • 34 (hilly, 1/11 asc. at 11 m.), Worcester 0. 48 (v. gd.). • 1. Kidderminster & 34, Stratford-on-Avon m. 65, Oxford m. 103. E. V : by High St., Wyle Cojj (dang.), English Br., Coleham Head, and Bellevue Rd. :— Dorrington 7, Church Stretton ^ 13, Ludlow a 29, Leominster 3l 40, Hereford ffi 53 (v. gd. und., 1/12 asc. at S9 m.). E. VI : by High St., Mardol, Welsh Br., Frankwell, Xew St., and Port Hill (dang.):— Pontesbury 4, Minsteriey 9, Bishop's Castle 22, Clun 28, Knighton o.', Llandrindod Wells a 53, Builth 61, Brecon ffl. 78 (gd. rd., t: hlUu, 1/s-lo gradients between Bishojts Castle and Knighton). See pp. 3 to 6 for the list o/ Conventional Sigrns and Abbreviations. SHREWSBURY - 504 - Shrewsbury (coiUiiiued). E. VII : buJliyh St., Manlol, Welsh Br., Frankwell, and Sew St. ;— voekieton H, Westbwry 9, Chiibmy 19, Montgomery ®. '21, Newtowii SI 30 (1/9 rt.sr. at ,'1 III.), Llanidloes 44, Aberystwith 74 {o. j/t/.). E. Vill : ^v IIif 1/6 (H RAC T Crown :p> 192. ^; George, IS, Shopcatch, Chfr 7/- f Court ins Gratis El ^ l^^l- JSl Clarendon, Pride Hill, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- [cH Car U 50 y M -/6 N 1/- lio] T Clarendon. f^» Michelin Stockists, Shuker & Son, Showrooms, Ul tC- U2, Pride Hill ; Garage, Butcher's Mow, Agt. for HUMBEK, FORD, Akhol-Johxston, Overland, [HUN Sun. (morn, and even.), T Shuker :p> 11. — Legge & Chamier, Betton Ho., Abbey Foregate, Agt. for WoLSELEY, Bki.size, Bbbfokd, Buick, 35) LT T Motors hP> 294. - Savuiel Withers, Hills Lane and Welsh Br., Agt. for Vulcan, go] Boxes [H U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Withers, Mardol :f> 61. - 505 - SKEGNESS Shrewsbury {amtiaued). «sa MIchelin M.C.T., ^l. Davies, The Shrewsbury Motor Oarage, Docjpole, Castle St., and High St., Agt. for Sunbeam, Db Dion, [So] Boxes [H U \Sun., Night, T Davies Garage :^ 148 and 2Sl(3Iotor Cycles). % Sidcup # (Kent), M. 29, Pop. 6,886. X S.W. 1. E.C., Thurs. Bexley :i, Dartford 6 = Foots Cray 1 •< Wrotliam 12, Maidstone a 23 — Orpington 4, SevenoaliS Sl 15 — Foots Cray I, Orpington 4, Croydon ffl. 14 = Chislehurst 2, Bromley ffi. 5, Beckenhani & 7, Croydon ^ 11 = Eltham 3, London S. 14. ffaa Michelin Stockists, Crips Bros., Main Rd., [go] U \ Sun., Xight, KAC :p> 65. — Clittord & Co., Main Ed., Agt. for FORD, [40l Box H U \ Sun., Xight, T Cliffords Garage :fo 4. Sidmouth # (Devonshire), M. 26, EeI> PoP- 5,612. ^^^ E. 2. M.D.. Sat. ; E.C., r/tur*-. 2 < Exeter a 15 — Ottery St. Mary 6, Honiton 11 =r Sidford 2 < Honit 5. mm Victoria, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft leg « Gar TJ ins G'mits X 1/- [12] RAC hP 11. fffi* Fo'.-ttield. L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft [cH 5 Gar U opp 39. ^ R.'Val York, Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2y 6 D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- Gar 50 y U (rra^i*- [T2I T Vork ::p> 43. m\ Bedford, Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar TJ adj Gratis X 1/- (^ T Millenium :p> 47. ^ Royal London, Fo>-e ,§*., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- P 27. f^si Michelin Stockist, W. A. Dagworthy, Western Ga.ra.g:e, Station Rd., Agt. for FiAT, Austin, Bbrliet, [so] Boxes g] LT \ Sun., Night, T Dagworthy :p 35. — J. s. Lake, Roxburgh Garage, Russell St., [10] Boxes d] U \ Sun. , Xight, T Roxburgh :f<> 24, Sllloth (( umberland), M. 12, Pop. 2,391. See :— Tlie Docks ; S. Wolsty Cas. (Rns.) 2. ^. Abbey Tow-n 5 < Wigton 11, Carlisle S. 22 — Bowness 18 = 1 «< :Mary- port 12, Workington a 18 — Aspatria 9, Cockermouth ffi. 18. jm Golf, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/- Shed ins Gratis [4] :?> S. Sittingbourne (Kent), M. 30, EU, Pop. 8,382. M.D., 1st and .!rd Wed., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See:— Church (Goth.); N.E. Bayford Cas. 1 ; E. Long Cas. Mound 3; S.E. Bapchild Ch. (Norm.) 2. Key Street 2 < Rochestor ^ 11 — Queens Br. 5 (^Toll : Cars or motor-cycles 1/6), Sheernessl2 — Key Street 2, Maidstone j®. 12 = Ospringe6 < Canterbury ffi. 15 — Faversham Q. 7. ia Bull 'i7, Iltgh St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed U ins (r'/'a^te- N 1/- [6] T Bull ;p> 46. ^pmi W. J. PuUen, ITie Garage, Park Rd., Agt. for HUMBER, Singer, g] Boxes [II U \ Sun. T Pullen :f=> 19. — W. Read, .", High St., mu \ Sun., Night, T Read :f> 32. — F. Cleaver, J-:-57, High St., (T] U ?• 6. — P. C. Hubbard, Safas Motor Garage, {2\ U Sun., Night, Jf> 65. — S. Scoones, West St., [E\U \ :f> 66. Skegness !§) (Liiicuhi), M. 18, iuDj, Pop. 3,775. See :— St. Clements Cli. (Goth.) ; N. Winthorpe (Ch. Goth.) • 2 ; Ingold- mell's Ch. (Goth.) 4. ^ W. 1 ( Visitors must be introduced.) Wainfleet 5, Boston S. 23. ffll Seacroft, Dramninnd Rd., B 2 6 L 2/6 D 4/6 Chfr 7/- Lft jcH 5 Gar ins Gratis N 1/6 [3] RAC T Nesscroft :?> 52. SKELMORLIE — 506 Skegrness (contlmied). JS. Luinley, Lumley Sq. (oj^p. Stn.). B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E 3/- to 4/6 Chfr 6/- Box adj N 1/- [6] T Lumley :p> 10. ^ Lion, Lumley M., B 2./- L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins AI -/(i X 1/- [6] T Lion :?» 2. yr" Michelin Stockist, G. Leese, Skegrness Garaee, />/■;<>»- »?o»(f ii(/., go] U \ Sun. RAC. — Michelin StOCi^ 4 Gracoe Road 5 The Bailey 6 Ripon Road - 7 Harrogate Road 8 OUey Street 9 OUey Road 10 Keighley Road 11 Swadford Street 12 Belmont Street 3 Broughton Road 14 Water Street 15 Gargrave Road 16 NeAvmarket Street 17 Cavendish Street 18 Craven Street 19 Carleton New Road 20 Brougham Street 21 Castle Street 22 Sackville Street 23 Bright Street 24 Granville Street 1m. E.\: by High St., Mill Br., Raikes Rd., and Cracoe Rd. .— Ciacoe 6, Grassington 9, Kettlewell • 16 (med. und.), Horse House 25 (r. bad. The rd. from Kettleivell to Horse Ho. is practically impossible. Only one or two cars have ever traversed this dang, rd.), Middleham 32 (gd. und. pict.). • 1. Kettlewell 16, Buckden 19, Cray 21, Kldstones 23, Aysgarth 29 (This rd. is gd. mount., v. pict, and the only practicable mute from I 'pper Wharf edale to Wensleydale). E. II : by The Bailey and Ripon Rd. .— B.nleu Br. 7, Pheasant Inn 12, Pateley Br. 18, Rlpon ffl. 29 {med. V. hilly). - 507 - SLOUGH Skipton {continued). E. Ill : l^y The Baileij and Harrogate Rd. :— Bolton Br. 6, Blubberhouses 13, Harrogate & 22 (v. (jd. V. lulhj, IjVi asc. at U in,.). E. IV : by Otlei/ St. and Otley Rd. :— Ad.iingham 6, Ilkley ^ 9, Otley m. • 15, Leeds fi. 25 {gd. rd., /;...-;.; desc. at It ni.). • 1. Otley ffl. 15, Coiiiiigiiam 29, Boston Spa 31, Tadcaster ffi. 35 (gd. rd.), York a 44. E.^lby Keigldeii Rd. :— Kiidwick 5, Eastburu (j, Keighley & 10 (v. gd. und.), Bradford ffi. 20 {bad paved), London ffl. 219. E. VI : by Swadfurd St., Belmojit St., and Bronghton Rd. :— • 4, Tiiomton" 6, Keibrook 9, Colne ^ 12, Neteon Sl 15, Burnley a 19 {gd. und., l/l'i desc. at S m.). • i: 4, West Meiton 5, Gisbum 10, Clitheroe 17, Whalley ffl. • • 21, Preston ^ 34 {gd. rd. hilly, 1/13-10 desc. at 13 m.). • . 1. Whalley m. 21, Blackburn a 28 {gd. rd., 1123 asc. at 23 m.). E. VII : by Mill Br., Water St., and Gargrave Rd. :— Gargrave 5, Long Preston 12, Settle 16, Clapham • 22, Kil'kby Lousdale 34, Kendal a 46 {v. gd. und., 1/10 desc. at 38 m.). • 1. Clapham 22 {Toll-gate 30 : Caution after dark '. — Cars 1/6, motor- cycles or tricycles 2c?.), Wennington 31, Lancaster ®. 42 {gd. rd.,'l/l.'> desc. at m m.). ^ Ship, B 2/- L 2/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shelter ins g] :?> 28. jIfiL Black Horse, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed \J adj Gratis N 1/- [8] RAC Lt T Black Horse. :p' 145. [Midland Hotel, Broughton Rd. f^" Michelin Stockists, Baxter & Wroe, 31-33, Neionarket St., Agt. for Belsizb, [HUN Sun. ;p> 21 Y. Sleaford ® (Lincoln), M. 23, ES. Pop. 6,428. M.D., Mon. ; E.O., Thurs. See :— St. Denis' Oh. • (Goth.) ; Vicarage ; Castle (R,ns.) ; N. Leasing- ham (Goth. Ch.) 2 ; N.E. Cranwell (Ch.) 4. ^W. ^ (Rauceby). Holdingham • 1, Hare Park 9, Llncoln ^ 17 {v. gd. und., 1/12 desc. at 15 in.). • 1. Holdingham 1, Leadenham 9, Newark ffi 19 (med. rd., 1/12 desc. at 9 in.). North Kyne 8, Coningsby 15, Horncastle 23, Louth S. 37 (gd. rd., 1/ii asc. at 32 m.). Heckington 5, Swiueshead Stn. • 10, Swineshead 12, Sutterton 17, Fosdyke 20, Holbeach 27, Fleet 29, Long Sutton ^ 32, Sutton Bridge 35, King's Lynn ffi. 46 {v. gd. level rd.). • I. Swineshead Stn. lOi Kirkton Holme 13, Boston &. 19 (v. gd. level rd.). Osbournby 6, Foikingham 9, Morton 16, Bourne 18, Market Deeijing 25, Peterborough ffi. 34 {gd. und.). Ancaster 6, Grantham ^ 14 (u. gd., 1/15 asc. at 5 m.). llffl-i Carre Arms, Mareham Lane, near Station, B'2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar Shed Shelter U ins Gratis \w} RAC. Jf^ Bristol Arms, Market Place, B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfi' 6/6 Shed ins Gratis g] 'f> 23. m. Railway, B 2/- L 1/6 R 1/6 to 2/- Chfr 6/- Gar adj Gratis N 1/- [e] T Railway. ^ The Old White Hart, Southgate, L 2/6 Shed Shelter ins N Iz-fao] :p> 20 po. f^«« Michelin Stockists, Holland Bros., 36, Boston Rd., Agt. for HU3IBER, Peugeot, Deasy, Ford, Martin, do] Boxes [2] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Hollands :?» 34 PO. M.CT. — AV. :M. Hooton, 15, Soxith Gate, E] \ T Hooton. Slough (Buckingham), M. 29, Ed), Pop. 14,985. M.D., Tues. ; E.C, Wed. See :-X.W. St..ke Poges Ch. 3. ^ X.W. 3. Uxbridge a 6 = coinbrook 3 < Hounslow 11 — Staines ffi. 7 = Windsor a 2 = Saithiii 1 < Maidenhead a 6 — Beaconsfield a 8, Amershani a 13. j|?l*L Royal, B2/- LJ/- D 3/6 R3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins N 1/6 [60] T Wyatt !(> (J61. See pp. k, 7, S, and 0, explaining how our itineraries have been drawn up. SMETHWICK - 508 - Slougrh (cniitiinied). m Old Crown, High St., B 2/6 L 3/6 D 5/6 R 4/6 to f./- Chfr 7/- Box ins M -/6 N 1/6 g] RAC T Crown :p> 08. tf^m Fullbrook & Co., Hifir/t St., [p U \ RAC T Fullbrook :^ Sr>. Smethwick (Stafford), M. 21 (noif marked on maji), [mbI Pop. 70,681. See :— Holy Trinity Ch. Birmingham ffi. 3 s= Oldbury 2. Dudley SL 5. Soham (Cambridge), IVi. 23, Pop. 4,230 P. See :— Parish Ch. (Norm, and Goth.), Ely a 6 = Newmarlcet @. 8. ^?fa» J. A. Bailey, Crofm Green [2] T BaiJey Motors. Solihull (Warwick), IW. 22. Pop. 7,517 P. ^. See :— St. Alphege Ch. ; Solihull Hall. Birmingham a 7 = Knowle 3, Warwick a 14-. George Hotel. ^^» Bayliss 21. SOUTHAMPTON §1 (Hampshire), M. 28, Ell> Pup. 119,039. ^\.J).. Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See:-Bar Gate (Xlth c.) (Guildhall) (A) ; God's Ho. (XTIth c) • (C) ; Docks • (D) ; Old Walls (Xllth c.) ; S.E. Netley A])b. ;;. ^ N. 3 E.\: by Bar Gate, Above Bar St., London Ed., and The Avenue:— otterbourne 8, Winchester a 12 (v. gd. rd. hilly), Basingstoke ®. 29, London ^ 76. E. II : by Bar Gate, Above Bar St., London Bd., Rockstone Lane, and Be vols Valley : — Eastleigh 6, Winchester a 14 (med. rd. level). E. Ill : by High St., Bernard St., Bridge Rd., Terminus Terrace, Central Br., Floating Br. (across R. Itchen) (Toll: cars 1/- including 4 passengers), Bridge Rd., and Woolston lid. : — Biirsledon 5 (Toll-br. : Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 3d., with trailer or fore-carriage 5(i), Titciifieid • 9, Eareliam ^ 11, Cosham 16, Havant 20, Emsworth 22, Chichester m. 29 (v. gd., 1/13 asc. at 9 m.), New Slioreliam leveU crosslng 53 (Toll: Cars 6rf., motor -cj-cles 2rf., trailer 2(('.), Brighton ®. OU. • r. Titchfleid9, Gosport j®. 16, (ferry -11) Portsmouth ®l 17 (gd. nnd., V20 asc. at !> m.). E. IV ; by High St., Town Quay, and Royal Pier .— (Ferry -12) Cowes &. 12, Newport ®. 17 (gd. rd.) = (.ferry ; no motors) Ryde a 19. E. V : by Above Bar St. and Commercial Rd. :— Tottou • 4, Lyndhurst ^ 10, Wiiveriey Post 16, Christchurch 25, Bourne- mouth J®. 30 (v. gd. V. pict., 1/17 desc. at 11 and asc. at I' m.). • r. Totton 4, Ower 7, Landlord 12, Brickworth 15, Salisbury ffl. 22 (r. gd., 1/17 asc. at 17 m.). SOUTHAMPTON Southampton {c -& 7 1')J'7 qikI 19J.K • R4/Gt.) an RA<; -V Welcome ^ 7, 1247 and 1248. 5 Gar Clifr 6/- 5 Gav U ins ^ Crown, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 E, 4/- Chfr 7/- 8 :?> 1438. 'W* Central, Western Shore, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- to 3/6 Chfr (i/- Slied 20 y Gratis [D :p 7-27. «¥> Roval, W, .46oi's Bar St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfi kdj Gr««(« ai] RAC Lt. ;p» 1469. *5{?. star, Hlqh St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/ (gratis S] :p» 1300. SOUTHAMPTON A. BAR GATEjJ^U * C. GODS HOUSE * 0. DOCKS R.S.-T. P.S G- (See p 1 Above Bar Street 2 London Road 3 The Avenue 4 Rockstone Lane 5 Bevois Valley High Street 7 Bridge Street 8 Bernard Street 9 Bridge Road 10 Woolston Road ^^ Michelin Stockists, F. A. Hendy & Co., Ltd., /", //. h^i-'f St. and York Bldgs.. Agt. for CHAHRON, DARKAcy, Kmi', ill] BoxUl U \ Sun., RAC T Hendy 7f> 461. M.C.T. - Michelin Stockists, a H. Cox & Co., Ltd., 50-52, London lid.. Agt.for W()L8p:ley, Flanders, Bblsize, [50] LT \ i^un., ^'ig■ht, T' Velocity :p> 84.S. - IWichelln Stockists, C Parker & Co., Western} (E. II), Agt. for Clejient Talbot, H] U \ Sun., Night, T Parker, W ext- end :fo 3 Westend. — The Pa-rsons Garajje, Ltd., Town Quay, Agt. for Arrol-John- sToN, go] U \ 'Sun. RAC T Garage :f> 1124. Manulacturer : Huniber Ltd., ,,^;, London Ed. SOUTHBOROUGH — 510 — South borougfh (Kent), Wl. 29, Ed), Pop. Wed. .000 Af.T).. Fri. ; E.O., Tonbridge SlSsz Tunbridge Wells ^ S. ^ Hand 3, '6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins (?m«i« N 1/- [4] T Sceptre :?> 2 Southbourne (Hampshire). See Christchurch. 80UTHEND-0N-SEA ^ (Essex), M. 30, MM, PoP- 62,723. E.C., Wed. See :— Esplanade (A) ; Iron Pier (C). E. i : by High St., Whitegate ltd., and Victoria Avemte :— Kochford 4, Rayleigli 10, Chelmsford a 23 (gd. rd.). E. II : by High St., Whitegate Rd., and Southchurch Ed. :— Shoeburyness 5. E. Ill : by High St., Whitegate Rd., London Rd., and Leigh Rd. :— Hadleigh 5, Cross Kds. • 6, Pitsea 9, Staiiford-le-Hope 15 {v. gd), StifEord 21, Aveley 23, Barking 32, London j®. 42 {vied. rd.). • r. Cross Rds. 6, Rayleigh 8, Chelmsford IS. 21 {med. rd.). 1 High Street a Whitegate Road 3 Victoria Avenue 4 Southchurch Road . 5 London Road iJ^ SOUTHEND-ON-SEA 0^1 \. ESPLANADE :. IRON PIER R.S. (G.E.R.)-R.S.-T.-(See p 3) 6 Leigh Road 7 Milton Road 8 V/estcIWfe 9 Clifftown Parade 10 Royal Terrace . 11 Royal Hill 12 Marine Parade 13 York Road mm Palace, Pier Hill, B 3/- L 3/- I) 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Lft [cH « PG dist RAC T Palace :fo 18. IS Victoria, The Broadicay, L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 [^ ffi Gav ins Gratis \3] lf> 12. f^i Michelin Stockists, J. W. Austin's County Motor Works, Ltd., W, Clarence jRrf., (20! TJ \ Sun., :p> 370. — G. A. Spencer, US, Alexandra St., Agt. for Humbek, Flanders, E.M.F., [soj Boxes [15] U N Sun., Night, RAG T Spencer Motors :f> 66 Y. Southminster^ (Essex), M. 2A {not marked on map), Pop. 1,430. Bradwell 7 =r Burnham-on-Crouch 3 =: Latchlngdon 5 < M'ickford 16, Billericay 22, Brentwood ffl. 28 — Fork 6, Chelmsford ig. 18 — Latchlng- don 5, Fork 6, Maldon ®. 10. Vfa" Michelin Stockist, W. C. Kemp, The Gara.g:e, High St., (5] Boxes mUS Sun., RAC T Kemp :Nk)tor3 ;fo 5. South Molton ® (Devonshire), M.26, | Sat. ; E.G., Wed. }, Pop. 2,742. M.D., T/nov See :— Church ; Town Hall ; Exmoor (Excursions) : Nympton (Gh.) 5 ; \V. Chittlehampton (Ch.) 5. E. Bishops 511 SOUTHPORT South Moiton (continued). • 2, Brayford 7, Biackmoor Stn. 14, Combe Martin 19, Ilfracoiube ^ 24 (tned. hilly). • 1. 2, Swimbiidge 7, Bamstaple ffl. 12 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 dexc. at 7 M.) Simonsbath 10, Lyilton 20 (gd. picL, V. hilly). Bish Mill • 2, Bampton 18, Wiveliscombe 28, Milverton 31, Taunton fi. 39 (gd., V. hilly, 1/11 desc. at 2 m.). • r. Bish Mill 2, Rackenford 11, Tivei'ton fi. 19, Willand 25, Honiton 37 (('. n\ed. V. hilly). Warkleigh Hotel 5, South Moiton Rd. Stn. 9, LapfcrJ 17, Crediton 26, Exeter Sl 34 (v. gd., I/IU asc. at -29^ m.). Umbeileigh Bridge 8, ToiTiiigton 16(2/7 asc. and desc. at 10 ui.), Hai-t- land 33 (v. had, v. hilly). m George, Broad St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- Shed g] Shelter [111 ins Gratis f> 14. ^fi^ Michelin Stockists, IWIoor& Son, Motor Engineers, South St., yl(/L /or BEDFOKD, i^ U Sun., Night, T Moor :f> 12. SOUTHPORT !l (Lancashire), M. 15, MM, Pop. 51,650 M.D., Wed. See :-The Esplanade. "Z. S W. 2 (E. III). 14 Queen's Road 15 Manchester Road 16 Roe Lane 17 Sussex Road 6 Scarisbrick New Road 18 Ash Street 7 Lord Street West 8 Aughton Road 9 Everton Road 10 Church Road 11 Liverpool Road 12 Chapel Street 13 Hoghton Street 19 Cemetery Road 20 York Road 21 Trafalgar Road 22 Marine Drive 23 Promenade 24 Nevill Street 25 Park Road SOUTHSEA - 512 - Southport (continued). E. I • by Lord St. and Albert Rd. .— Cossens 4, Mere Brow • 7, Tarleton 10 {med. rd.), PrCSton & 20 (gd. rd., 1/17 desc. at 18 m.). • r. Mere Brow 7, Ruflord 11, Croston 15, Chorley ffi. 22, Blackblim a 32 ((/ri. und.). E II • by East Bank St. and Scarisbrick Neiv Rd. .— "scaVisbrick 5, Omiskirk ®. • 8, St. Helens 19 (ined. rd.), London ffl. -iV^ • r. Ormskirk a 8, Liverpool ffil 20 (<)d. level rd.). • I. Ormskirk ffl. 8, Wigan a. 20 {med. rd., Ijio de.- 2 Birkdale. imm Prince of Wales, i/orcZ St., B 2/6 L 2/6 I) 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Lft S Gar [5] U ins Gratis E.AC T Prince :f> 15. JW Royal, Promenade, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- 8 Shed Shelter adj (??-a«is [6] :?> 832. ffi»i Victoria, Promenade, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 6/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft ICHi 8 Gar U adj Gratis [6] RAC T Victoria :p) 452. Jfi Scarisbrick, Lord St., B2/- L 2/- D 3/- R3/6 Chfr 6/- Lft 5 Shed U adj 1/- do] :?> 972 and 974. f^ai Michelin Stockists, Gaudy's Garagre, 6-i^^ i^'oe L«v?e, Ar/t. for Austin, Dakracq, Clement, [so] Boxes H] U \ Bun.. Night, :f> 115. — Michelin Stockists, sle^ R. Woodhead & Co., Ltd., The Motor House, Lord St., Agt. for Ckossley, Akkol- JOHNSTON, FORI), [7o] Boxes [T] U ^ Sun. T Petrol :}« 216. — Whiteside's Garage, Roe Lane, A(jt. for Flandeus, S.C.A.T., [50] Boxes d] U N *^"n., Night, ^ 409. — Michelin M.C.T,, H. H. Bowland & Co., f.'-U, Snvfh},a nk III. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., A. F. Sykes, 55 d- 65, Shnkesjmire St. (Mouu Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., W. A. Cunliffe, 661, Lord St. (.Motor Cycles). Southsea (Hampshire).— .S'^'e Portsmouth. South Shields (Durham), M. 14, IcH, Pop. 108,64r». M.D., Sat.; B.C., Wed. See :— Harbour. ^ W. 2 (direction Tyne Dock). (Ferry -1) North Shields • 1, Earsdon 5, Hartford Br. 13, Mocpeth ®. IS (med. ?*d.), Alnwick a. 37 (v. gd., l/U asc. and de.-^c. at >: ii>.). • 1. North Shields 1, Wallsend 5, Newcastle-on-Tyne ffi. s dn' rd., 1 /'. desc. at 5 m.). Harton2, Sunderland a 7, Stockton-on-Tees a. 34 (gd.rd.), London a 277. Tyne Dock • 2, White Mere Pool 6, Chester-le-Street 14 (med. rd.), Durham a 20 (yd. rd.). • V. Tyne Dock 2, Jarrow 4, Ncwcastle-on-Tyne a ll (had rd., level). Royal Hotel, 1, Ocean Rd. Golden Lion Hotel, 17, King St. ffWi R. Rigbye, 8, Fowler St., Agt. for HuMBER, Arrol-Juhnstox, H] U \ ^P" 567. Southwell (Nottingham), M. 22, Pop. 3,161 P. See :— Cathedral (Norm, and Goth.) ; Archbishop's Pal. (Rns.) ; Saracen's Head Inn. ^ S.W. 1. ::^ March S^nd; May 5th ; Oct. Uth. Gllerton 11, Worksop 20 = Newark j®. 8 = Timrgarton 4, Nottingham ffl. 16 = oxton 6, Nottingham a 15 = Mansfield ffli 12. m-. The Admiral Rodney, King St., B 2/- R 2/6 Chfi' 5/0 Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- [2] RAC T Merryfield lf> 25. j|@| Saracen's Head, Market PL, B 2/6 L2 o i» ;! C K 4, ihfr 7 - Gar ins Gratis [2] RAC T Saracens. W» Simpkins & Co., Newark Rd., Agt. for Sinbeam, [3o] U N ^uu., Night, RAC T Simpkins Garage > 21. - 513 - STAFFORD Southwold (Suffolk), M. 24, ME> P<>I»- i:,655. M.B., Thnrs. ,• E.( ., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.) ; N. Covehithe Ch. (XN'Ilth c.) .'. Lowestoft a 12. iP Centre CHff {Ut June to 16th Oct.), B 3,'- L 3,'- D 5/- E 5/6 to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 5 Gar U 200 y M -/6 N 1/6 [25] :p> 4. j|!a Station, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- (e.rcejtvC ^ ??<;.) PG 100 y. Sowerby Bridgre (Yorkshire), M. 46, Ed), Pop. 11,.350. Halifax a ;5 = Rippowien 3 •< Littleborough 10, Rochdale a 13 — Oldham SL 16. Spalding -. See:— Parish Ch. (Xlllthc.) • ; Ayscough Fee Hall • : X.E. Wvkehaiu Chap. (Rns.) 3. :^ N.W. 1. Gosberton 6 < BOStOtl ®. 16 — Donington 10, Grantham ®. 30 -- Gosberton «i, Douington 10, Honicastle 34 = Holbeach 8, Fleet 10 = Crowland 9, Peterborough ^ 18 = Deeping Gate 11 < Peterborough ffi. 19 — Market Deeplnf? 12, Stamford a 20 = Bourne 12, Grantham a 30. j^ White Hart, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [6] T White Hart :f> 71. j?!^ Red Lion, i;i, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins N 1/- [12] :F> 69 GPO. ffHB Michelin Stockists, H. Leverton & Co., Drill flail, MU\ T Leverton :}« 45. - Michelin M.C.T., A. E. Beales, Neiv Road, Agt. for FoiiD, [9] U \ RAC T Beales ;p> 31 GPO (Motor Cycles). Spennymoor (Durham), Wl. 14, inS), Pop. 17,914. Durham ^ 6 = Bishop Auckland m. 4, Barnard Castle 19. Spilsby (Lincoln), M. 18, Pop. 1,424 P. M.D., Tuei<. ; E.C, Thurs. See :— .St. James's Ch. (Monuments) ; 8.AV. East Kirby (( h.) t : ^^ . Bolingbroke Cas. 1. iiceby Cross 5 < Louth ®. 16 — Alford 8, Mablethorpe 16 = AA'ainfleet 10,"Skegness fi. 15 = 3 < Boston ^ 17 — Sieaford fi. 2S = Horn- castle 10. ^ White Hart, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5 - Shed ins [3] ;p> 13. l»l*l George, TJasion ^^, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2, '6 Chfr 6/6 Shed adj Gratis [4]. f^m The Lincolnshire Autocar Co., [20l LT \ T ifotors :p> 15. — L. S. Dodds, High St., Agt. for Singek, [I] U \ T l>odds. Iron- monger :p> 3 PO. STAFFORD! (Stafford), M. 21, ^r}. Pop. 23,385. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See:-St. Mary's Ch. (A); High Ho. (D) ; Grammar School (E) ; S.W. Stafford Cas. (Rns.) 2 (E. IV). ^ W. i (E. IV). ^ S.E. 4 (E. II). E. I : by Market St., Eastgate St., and Lammascote lid. :— Weston 5, Uttoxeter ^ • li (bad sin.), Ashbourne ®. • 26 (;/(/. und.), Matlock Bath fi. 38, Matlock 40 (med. v. hillu), Chesterfield a 5o {rned. mount., l/:i asc. from Matlock Bath). • r. Uttoxeter ^ 14, Dei-b'y & 32 {v. gd.). • 1. Ashbourne m. 26, Bakewell 44 {ined. hilly), Baslow 48. Sheffield a 61 {v. gd., hilly, 1/10 dese. at 36 m.). E II : by Greetujate St., Bridge St., and Lichfield lid. :— Radford 2, Wolseley Br. 8, Rugeley 10, Armitage • 13, Lichfield ffl, IS (gd. rd., 1/13 desc. at 16 m.), London ®. 137. • 1. Armitage 13, Airewas 19, Burton-on-Trent Sl 27 (gd. level rd.). E. Ill ; by Greengate St., Bridge St., and Wolverhawpton Rd. :— Peukridge • 6, Wolverhampton ®. 16 (v. gd.). • I, Penkridgee, Cannock 11 (gd. rd.), Walsall 19, Birmingham a 2S (bad rd., 1/21 desc. at 23 m.). E. IV : by Greengate St., Bridge St., and Newport Rd. ;— Gnosaii 7, Newport a 13, Shrewsbury a 31 (v. gd., hilly, 1/1" asc. at I't m.). STAINES 514 — Stafford {continued). E. V : h\i Gaolgate St., Foregate St., Grey Friara, and Brook St. ;— Eccleshall 7, LoRgeriieads 14, Woore • 19, Nantwich ffi. 27, Chester ft 47 (r. ()d.. ljl'> dexc. at Ik m.). • 1. Woore 19, Audlem 24, Whitchurch ft 33 (gd. uad., Ijiu iie.ic. at 2r> m.). E. VI : bit Gaolgate St., Foregate St., Grey Friars, and Xorth St. :— A\aUon 7, 5ieafor 9, Trentham 12, Newcastle-under-Lyme ft 16 {i: gd., ll:i-'> anc. at '2 m. and desc. at k in.). STAFFORD SCALE A.ST MARY'S CHURCH D.HIGH HOUSE E. GRAMMAR SCHOOL 0-P.8.R.S.T- M-C.K (See p. 3 ) 1 Market Street 2 Eastgate Street 3 Lammascote Road 4 Green gate Street 6 Bridge Street 6 Lichfield Road 7 Wolverhampton Road wolvbubampton Peakridge gg Xoi'th Western (adj. Stn.), B 2/- L 2/- 3/6 E :;,(i Clifr tj/- Shed ins Gratis [8] :p> 160. Bailey's, Lichfield Rd., B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr o,'- 5 < Jar adj Gratis \W\ T Bailey's ^ 66. Swan, Greengate St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6-11 4/6 Chfr 5/6 8 Shed ins Gratis [e] RAC :p 26 and 162. Alexandra, Greengate, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed U ins (;ra 66. — Lea, Son & Co., Ltd., Motor House, Newport Rd.. \M ^'>>^ H U \ Sun. T Lea Motors :jo 230. ftfl^ Mi STAINES §> (Middlesex), M. 29, EH, Pop. 6,756. B.C., Thiirs. See :-Granite Br. ; W. Magna Charta Island 3. ':^ N.E. 2. E. I : bg High St. and London Rd. ;— llounslow 7, Brentford 10, London ft 18. E. II : by High St and Kingston Rd :— irampton ft 7, Kingston ft 10. E. Ill : bif Clarence St., Bridge St.. the Bridge, and Chertsey Lane. Chertsey 3, Xew Woking ft 9, Guildford ft 16. STAMFORD Staines (continued). E. IV : by Clarence St., Bridge St., Stahi,es Br., and Egham ltd. ;— E 103. — Michel in M.C.T., E. Denyer, 2, Thames St. (Motor Cycles). Stalbridgre (Dorset), M. 27, Pop. 1,504 P. See :— ilarket Cross (30 ft.) ; Stalbridge Park (Eliz. Ho., View). Henstridge Ash 2 < Wincanton 9 — Sherborne Sl 8, Yeovil i Henstridge Ash 2, Shaftesbury ®. 12 = Sturmiuster NeAvton 5. ford a 14 = Dorchester a 21. Stalybridg:e (Cheshire), M. 16, and Special Map 45, MB, Pop M.D., ,S'fl^. ; E.C., Tues. See :-Highfteld Ho. (Eliz.). y^ N.E. 2. Mosslev ■_', Huddersfielda l8 = Mottram 3 < Glossop ffl. 6, Sheffield & 30 — Stockport ffi. 11 — Mottram 3, Penistone 20 — Mottram 3, Hyde a 7 = Hyde ®. 3, Stockport a 9 = Ashton-under-Lyne ffl. 2, Manchester j®. S. STAMFORD 1 (Lincoln), M. 23, MM, ^op. 9,646. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Thurt'. See :— Browne's Hospital (A) ; Brasenose Gateway (C) ; Priory (Rns.)(D) ; All Saints' Ch. (E) ; St. Mary's Ch. (F) ; S. Burghley Ho. • (Renais.)2. ^s. i(E.iii). :§:w.6. 13 — Bland- il4. Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 12 " How to use the Guide." STAMFORD 516 Stamford {continued). E. I : b;/ lli'jh St., St. Paul's St., and Bourne Rd. :— Toft 8, Bourne 11, • 15, Boston ffl. 38. • 1. 15, Sleafopd Sl 29, Lincoln a 46 (gd. ly. und.). E. II : by UiijJi St., St. Paul's St., and Deeping lid. :— Tallington 4, .Market Deeping 8, Deeping St. Nicliolas 15, Spalding la • 20. Holbeach 28, Fleet & 30, Long Sutton 33, Kinq's Lynn Si 47 (gd.n.rd.). • 1. Spalding ffi 20, Boston ffl. 36 (gd. level rd.). E. Ill : by St. John St., St. Mary's Hill, St. Martin's, and London lid. ;- Wansford • 6, Kate's Cabin 11, Norman Cross 14, Alconbuiy Hill • 22, Buckden 29, Eaton Scoon 35, Blggloswade 45, Baldock Sl 53, Stevenage 58, Hatfield a 70, Barnet 79, London ffi. 92 (gd. v. und., 1/16 asc. at ';■'. ni.). STAMFORD SCALE A. BROWNE'S HOSPITAL C.BRASENOSE GATEWAY D. PRIORY RUINS E.ALL SAINTS CHURCH F.ST MARYS CHURCH P.S.-R.S.(G.N.R.)-R.S.(I«I.R.) (See p. 3 > 1 High Street 2 St Pauls Street -J ., 3 Bourn Road 1BIi^ah^ftv * Deeping Road Burnley g g^ ^^^^^ g^^^^^ .t-^^^.— 6 St Marys Hiil 7 St. Martins 8 London Road ' 9 Easton Road 10 St Peter's Street 11 Tinwell Road 12 Scotgate 13 Etnpingham Road 14 Casterton Road 15 Great North Road • r. Wausford 6, Elton 10, Oundle 15, Pox Inn 25, Kimbolton 30 {(jd. rd.), Bedford m. 43 (j/(?., v. hilly, Ijli desc. at 39 and Ifi m.). • 1. Wansford 6, Peterborough a 14 (gd. rd.). • 1. Aiconbury Hill 22, Huntingdon ffl. 27 (magn. level rd.). E. IV : by St. John St., St. Mary's Hill, St. Martins, and Easton Rd. .- Duddington 5, Great Weidon 14, Kettering ffi. 22, Northampton ®. 36 (magn. rd., 1/1/t asc. at M m,). E.y : by St. Peter's St. and Tinwell Rd. :— Kecton 4, Uppingham 12 (v. gd. und. pict.), Leicester & 31 (gd. nl., 1/11 desc. at 14 )n.). E. VI : by Scotgate and Empingham Rd. ;— Kiupingham 5, Oakham IB. 11, IVIeiton Mowbray a 21, Nottingham a 39 (gd., V. hilly, IJll desc. at S and 'M m.). E. VII : by Scotgate, Casterton Rd., and Gt. North Rd. :— strettonS, Coisterworth 13, Grantham ffi. 21 (magn. , hilly, 1/ !■'> desc. at 20 m . ). a?ft George, St. Martins, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- J Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [9] RAO :p' 0302, M Oi-own, r,. All Saints Place, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed Shelter ins Gratis [6] :p> 336. Stamford Hotel. - 517 - STIRLING Stamford {continued). fi^w MicheMn Stockist, J. L. Roiliners, 53-56, Scotgate, {§] U \ ■r Kolliiigs :?> 348. M.C.T. — Stamford Garage and Motor Agency, 31, Scotgate, Agt. for MITCHELL, Singer, Hupp, [20I Boxes [t] U % Sun., RAC T Stamford Garage '^ 305, Stanhope (Durham), M. 13, [Sd), Pop. 2,010. Edniondbyers 7 -5 shotiey Br. 13, Newcastle-oti-Tyne ®. 27 — Hexham a 22 = Woisingham 6, Crook 11, Durham a 21 = St. John's Weardale 8, Alston 20. Stanley (Perth), W. 9, Pop. 1,035. Caputh 5 < Dunkeld 10 — Ooupar Angus 15 = Perth ffl. 7. m\ Stanley, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/6 [3] T Bendall :?' 9. Stanning^ley (Yorkshire), M. 47, Pop. 6,706. Leeds a 5 = 2 < Halifax a 12 — Bradford a 4. i^w Arniitage Motor Car Co., Bradford Rd., Agt for Sunbeam, [§] U \ Sun., T Armitage Motors :p> 217, Stansted it (Essex), M. 23, 29, Pop. 326. Newport 6, Great Chesterford 11, Cambridge ffi. 22 = Bishops Stortford a 3. t^B Mlchelin Stockists, Matthews & Kirk, Cambridge Rd., Agt. for Ford, Mors, [3] If Sun., IS^ight, T Galloping :p' 1. M.C.T. Stevenage (Hertford), M. 23, 29, ED, Pop. 4,856. M.D., Sat.; E.C., IKcrf. See :— St. Nicholas' Ch. (Goth.). Hitchin a 5, Shefford 12, Bedford ffl. 21 = BaldOCk fit 5 = Broadwater 3 < Hattteld a 12 — Hertford a 11. ^ Central Temperance, High St., B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Gar ins (?mtis N 1/- [e]. Stevenston (Ayr), M. 11, Pop. 6,554. See :— N, Kerilaw Cas, (Rns.). Kilwinning 3, Irvine 6, Ayr ffi. 17 = Saltcoats 1, Ardrossan 2 = Avdrossan 3. 'Stewarton (Ayr), M. 11, El, Pop. 2,841 (Alt. 359 ft.). Thornliebaxik 12, GlasgOW ^ 17 = KllmamOCk a 6 = Irvine 8 = Lugton stn. 5 < Paisley a 16 — Glasgow S. 20. Steyning: (Sussex), M. 29, Pop. 1,752 P. See :— St. Andrew's Ch. (Norm.) ; W. Ascent of Chanctonbury (814 ft. :i ; N.W. Weston Park Ho. (Eliz.) 2. l'i,.i tridge Green 6 < Horsham S. 14 — Crawley ffi. 19 = Old Shoreham 4 <) Brighton ®. 11 — New Shoreham 5 = storrington 7 < Petworth 17 — Chjchester 24. m White Horse, B 2/6 L 3/- R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/- [cH Shed ins Gratis [«] RAC Lt. -T Joyes ;p> 199. STIRLING # (Stirling), M. 9, grl. Pop. 21,200. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Sat. See :— The Old Bridge (A) ; Castle • (C) ; Bruce's Statue (D) ; Ladies R(jck (E) ; Argyle's Lodging (F) ; Greyfriar's Ch. (Goth.) • (H) ; Mars Work (J) ; Cambuskenneth Abb. (K) ; N. Wallace ilon. 2 ; S. Field of Bannockburn 2. ^ E. I : bij Barnton PL, Wallace St., and Forth Br. :— CauseVayhead • 2, Br. of Allan 3, Dunblane 6, Greeuloanning • 11, Black- ford 16, Auchterarder 20, Daireoch ^5, Perth &. 35 (gd. und., L'lC a tic. at 2 m.). • r. Causewayhead 2, Alloa ffi. 7, Kennet 10, Dunfermline @L 21 {gd. rd. hdlii, 1/18 desc. at 13 m.). • Y. Causewayhead 2, Menstrie 5, Alva 7, Tillicoultry 9, Dollar 12, Pool of Muckart 16, Milnathort ffl. 23, Edentown 28, Auchtermuchty 32, Collessie 35|(Cupar 41 (gd. v. pict., 1/ 10-17 asc. at 16 m.). • 1. Greeuloanning 11, Muthill 19, Crieff a 22, Newton Br. 30, Aniulree Hotel 34, Dunkeld 44 {gd., v. hilly, pict., 1J12 asc. at 22 m.) Y STIRLING 518 Stirling: (continued). E. II : bu Murray PL and Port St. ;— St. Ninians • 1, Baniiockbuni 2, Larbert 8, Falkirk a 11, Edinburgh ffl. 36 (v. gd. und., 1112 dip at 11 m.), London fi. 418. • r. St. Ninlan's 1, Denny 7, Dennyloanhead 9, Cumbernauld 12, Moliuburn 17, Millerston 22, Glasgow ®. 26 (gd. rd., 1/12 use. at 11 m.). E. Ill : by Murray PL, Port St., and Dumbarton Rd. :— Oaigunnock Stn. 6, Kippen 9, Buchlyvie 14, Drymen 21, Jamestown 29, Balloch 30, Dumbarton ffl. 35 (y. gd. und., 1/^1 dese. at 22 m.). E. IV : by Barnton PL, Cowane St., Lower Bridge St., and Callander ltd. ;— Dripp Br. 2, Doune 8, Callander 16, • 17, Strathyre 25, Kinghouse Inn 27, Lochearnhead 30 (gd. und., v. 2nct.). • 1. 17, Trossachs 24, Stronaclilachar 32, Inversnaid 37 (r. 7 287. f^m Michelin Stockist, ano u G. Owen, 69, Port St., Agt.for Humber, Bklsize, Talbot, Aroyll, Arrol-Johnston, [12] Boxes iH U \ SAC T Owen ^ 120 and 168. — Wm. Kinross & Sons, Port St., Agt.for AUSTIN, [5o] Boxes g] U N Sun., Night, T Kinross :p> 309. — Michelin M.C.T^ Henderson Bros., 29, Barnton St, Agt. for Calthorpe, g] BoxjT] U \ Night, SAC If' 216 (Motor Cycles). - 519 STOCKPORT Stockbridgre (Hampshire), Wl. 28, Pop. 860 P. See :— S.W. Broughton Cli. (Goth. ; Anne Steele's Tomh) 3 ; N.W. Dane- bury Hill (Racecovirse, fine stables ; Camp) 3. Fniieiton 3 -5 Andover a 7 — Whitchurch 12 = Basingstoke a 21 = Winchester ifi. 9 = Romsey s. 11, Southampton a 19 = Salisbury fit 14. <;rosvenoi' Hotel, RAC Lt. STOCKPORT m (Cheshire), M. 16. and Special Map 45, |cll, Pop. 108,693. M.D., Fri., Sat. ; B.C., fhurs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (A) ; Vernon Park (Museum) (M) ; Town Hall (G) ; I'nion Sunday School. STOCKPORT 1 Wellington Road South 2 Wellington Road North 3 St. Petersgate 4 Market Place 5 Millgate 6 New Bridge Lane 7 Buxton Road 8 Chestergate 9 Brinkswas 100 E.\:by Wellington Rd. South and Wellington Rd. North :— Levenshulme 3, Manchester ®. 6 {med. paved). E. II : by Wellington Rd. South, St. Petersgate, Market PL, Millgate, and New Bridge Lane:— Gee Cross 4, Mottram • 8, Woodhead 14, Flouch 22, Penistone 2.'). BamSiCy 33 {gd. rd., II lU desc. at 2S m.). • v. .Alottram 8, GlOSSOp ^ 11, Asliopton 24, Sheffield ®. 35 (g^d. piet., 1/1:1 desc. at 15 m,.). E. Ill : by Wellington Rd. South and Buxton Rd. :— Hazel Grove • 3, Whaley Br. • 10, Buxton Q. 17 (gd. rd., l/l't desc. to Buxton), Derby & 50, London ®. 176. • r. Hazel Grove 3, Adlington 7, MaCClesfield ®. 12 (gd. rd.). • 1. Whaley Br. 10, Chapel-en-le-lYith 13, Baslow28, Chesterfield a 37 (gd. rd., several 1 1 15 gradieyits). STOCKSBRIDGE - 520 - Stockport (continued). E. IV : 1)1/ Wellington Rd. South, Chestergate, and Brinks^vaji :— Cheadle ^ 3, Altrincham ffl. 9 {med. rd.). E.^iby Wellington Rd. South, Princes St., Travis Brou; nnd Dids- bury Rd. :— atretford 7, Worsiey 13 (ined. rd.), Faniworth 17 {bad rd.), Bolton fi. 20 (med. rd.) ffM Michelln Stockists, The Talbot Garagre, Ltd., Mersey Sq., Agt. for FIAT, KiiiT, RiLKY, (60] Boxes [Jo) IT N Sun., Night, T Talbot Garage :p> 500 and 98. — Michelin Stockists, Gregrory & Norbury, Heaton Moor GaragrCi Heaton Moor, [8] U Sun. :f> 137 Heaton ^loor. — Hollingdrake Automobile Co., Ltd., Princes St. and Wellington Rd. South, Agt. for Vauxhall, LA Buirb, [50J Boxes [t] U \ RAC T Hollingdrake :fo 460. — Michelin IVI.C.T., Allen Bros., 7o-77, Wellington Rd. (Motor (yele.s). — IVIiclielin iVi.C.T., Woodrow & Co., 82, Wellington Rd. Xorth{^lotm- Cycles). Stocksbridgre (Yorkshire), IVl, 1 7 (not marked on map), ESI, Pop. G,:^m. Penistone 5 = Stielfieid ®. 9 = 5 < Huddersfieid ffi. 17 — Manciiester a 29. Friendship Hotel. STOCKTON-ON-TEES # (Durliam), IVl. 14. lMBl..Pop. 52,158. M.D. and B.C., Wed. :§C S.E. 2 (E. I). yU;^ Apr. 25-26th ; Aug. 19th- >Ut Oct. :;r,th. 1 High Street 2 Norton Road 3 Bridge Road 4 Victoria Bridge 6 Park Row Yarm Lane 7 Yarm Road 8 Darlington Road 9 Bishopton Lane 10 Station Road 11 Durham Road 12 Bowesfield Lane 13 Parliament Street 14 Northcote Street 15 Buchanan Street 16 Dovecote Street 17 Dixon Street 18 Church Row 19 Stamp Street STOCKTON-ON-TEES. ,^ A. "C^ 0.-P.S.-fLS.-T. (See p. 3 ■> ^■'' — 521 - STONE Stockton-on-Tees {contintied). E. I : by High St. and Norton ltd. :— Wolviston • 5, Sheraton 11, Shotton 15, Eafllngton 18, Kyhope 24, Sunderland a 27 (gd. rd., several 1/15 gradients). • r. Wolviston 5, Greatham 8, Wcst Hartlepoo! ffi. 11 (gd. level rd.). E. II : by High St., Bridge Rd., and Victoria Br. .— Thoinaby • 1, MiddleSbrOUgh ^ 4 ((/(Z. rd.). • r. Thoinaby 1, Stokesley 10, Chop-gate 17, LaskUl 23, Helmsley 29 (tned.), York jSL 53 (gd. rd. hilly, 1 115-9-8 ase. at 13 m.). E. Ill : by High St., Park Row, Yarm Lane, and Yarm Rd. :— Yarm 4, Crathorne 8, Tontine Inn 12, Jeator House 15, Thirsk ffi. • 24 (1/lf) asc. at lU m.), Boroughbridge & 35, Wetherby fi • 47, Leeds a 59 (gd. rd.). • 1. Thirsk a 24, Easingwold 34, York ffl. 47 (gd. rd.). • r. Thirsk a 24, RIpon fi. 35 (v. gd.), Bradford S. 65. • 1. Wetherby ffl. 47, Doncaster ffi. 78, London & 243. E. IV : by High St., Park Roiv, Yarm Lane, Yarm Rd., and Darlington Rd.':- sadberge 7, Darllngton ffl. 11, Barnard Castle 27 (l/lO desc. at 2Um..), Alston 60, Brampton 79, Carlisle m. 88 (v. gd.). E. V : by High St., Bishopton Lane, Station Rd., and Durham Rd. :— Thorpe Thewles 4, Sedgefield 9, Coxhoe 14, Durham ffi. • 19 (gd. rd., 1/lU desc. at 17 m.), Newcastle-upon-Tyne ffi. 33. • 1. Durham Sl 19, Hexham a 49, Haltwhistle 65, Brampton 77, Carlisle &. 87. jea Metropole, Bridge Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- :p' 270. ifiL Royal, High St., B 2/- L2/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- RAC Lt. T Royal :F» 117. Queen's Hotel, Bishopton Lane. fP" Michelln Stockists, ms^ T. J. Malone & Co., Station St., Agt. for Argyll, Arrol- Johnston, go] Boxes Ho] U \ Sun., Night, T Malone :p> 424. — Michelln M.C.T., Muirs (Motor Cycles). Stoke Ferry ® (Norfolk), M. 23, Pop. 607. 3 < King's Lynn ffi. 14 — Downham Market 7, Wisbech ffi. 20 = Whitting- ton 1 < Mundford 8, Thetford a 16 — Brandon 10, Mildenhall 19 — W'iiittington 1, Slundford 8, Brandon 13. 3* Crown Commercial, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 1/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [5] T Crown. ff» Michelln Stockist, E. L. Hinde, High St.,^\ T Hinde. Stoke-upon-Trent (Stafford), M. 21, El. Pop. 234,553. M.D., .S'a^ ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Peter's Ch. Haniey 2, Burslem 3, Tunstall 5 = Leek a 11, Buxton ffi. 23 = Longton 2, Uttoxeter ffi. 16 = Stone m 8 = Newcastle-under-Lyme j®. 2. North Stafford Station Hotel, RAC. f^" Michelln M.C.T^ J. E. & L. Pritchard, London Rd. (Motor Cycles). Stone @ (Stafford), M. 21, ED, Pop. 5,690. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Thins. •^ N.E. 2. Longton 7, Stoke-upon-Trent 9, Newcastle-under-Lyme ffl. 11 (»i«rf. rd.). MUwich 5, Uttoxeter a 13 (l/ll asc. at 2 m. and 11 m.), Derby a. 31 (gd. und.). Weston 7, Coiwich 12, Rugeley 15, Llchfield §k. 23 (magn. rd., 1/15 desc. at 11 m.). Stafford a 8 (v. (jrf.)- Eccleshall 6, Littieworth 10, Newport &. 15, Higii Ercaii 25, Shrewsbury ffl. 33 (gd., hilly, 1/10 asc. at 16 m.). Meatord • 2, Blackbrooli 9, Woore 13, Nantwlch fiL 21 (med. rd., 1/lS desc. at 5 m.). • r. Meaford 2, Trentham 5, Newcastie-undcr-Lyme S. 9 (v. gd.). _SL Crown, High St., ^ Shed LT ins Gratis [30] RAC. t^ Michelln Stockists, Evans & Sons, 36, High St., Agt. for Maudslay, Delaunay-Bellevillb, Krit, ^ Box (TJ Lf \ Sun., Night, RAC T Evans, Garage :p> 35. M.C.T. STONEHAVEN - 522 - STONEHAVEN (Kincardine), M. 10, Pop. 4,577. See :— S. Dunnottar Cas. (Xlllth c. Rns.) • 2. ^ N. 2 (E. I). E. I : hif Barclay St. ;— Muchaiis stn. 4, Aberdeen SL 14 {v. gd. und.). E. II : hy Evan St., Allardice St., Bridgfield, High St., and The Shore :— Roadside 7, Bervie 10, St. Cyrus 18, Montrose ®. 23, Arbroath :i'>, Dundee a 52 (v. gd. %md. pict), London flL 479. E. Ill : by Barclay St., Caineron St., and Laurencekirk Rd. .— Candy 6, Pordoun Stn. 10, Laurencekirk 14, North Esk Br. 19, Brechin ffl. 25 {v. gd. und., l/2'> asc. from Stonehaven). Barclay Street 2 Evan Street 3 Allard3rce Street 4 Bridgfield 5 High Street 6 The Shore 7 Cameron Street 8 Laurencekirk Road 9 Slug Road 10 Arduthie Road 11 Railway Road Sl 16 {ined. hilly), Aboyne a 57 (v. gd. V. pict, 1/17 axe. 9, E. IV : by Evan St. and Slug Rd. :- Mowtie 3, The Summit 8, Banchory Ballater Sk. 40, Braemar a S in.). JH. Bay, Robert St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 to 6/- Chfr 6/- Lft m 5 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [e] SAC ;p> 60. H^ Royal, Allardyce St., Gar ins Gratis N 1/- lH] T Koyal :p> 59. m station {adj. Stn.), Gar U ins N 1/- [e] :p> 57. I*!?! County, Railway Rd., Gar U adj [3] 'f> 36. f^m C. Young, 101, Barclay St.,\^\Sl^ 9Y. Stoneheng^e (Wiltshire), M. 27. Famous stone circle, consisting of huge standing monoliths, supposed to be the remains of a Druid temple, situated on Salisbury Plain. Many prehistoric remains in district. Aniesbury S. 2, London & 80. 52S STOURBRIDGE Stonehouse (Lanark), M. 12, Pop. 2,961 (Alt. 486 ft.). 1 < Gainon Br. 4, Waterloo 6, West Calder 20 — Hamilton 7 — GamoB Br. 4, Lanark a 12 — Waterloo 6, Wishaw 7 = Strathaven 4, Darvel 15, Newmilns 17, Galston 19, Huriford 22, Kilmarnock ^ 24. Stony Stratford @ (Buckingham), IVI. 22, Pop. 2,353. ^3 Wolver- ton2. M.D., Fri.; E.G., Thurs. See :— St. Mary Magdalene (Goth. Tower) ; S.W. Beachampton (Man- sion) 3. Old Stratford 1 < Towcester a 8, Daventry 20 — Nortliampton ^ 14 — Old Stratford 1, Buc4 9. 1^ Bull, High St., B 2/- L 1/9 D 3/- E 2/- Chfr 7/6 Gar adj N 1/- EAC :?^ 4P0. f^ IVIIchelin Stocl 19 PO. — A. J. Negus, 25, High St., Agt. for Humbbr, g] Box [l] LT % Sun., Night, EAC T Negus ;p> 20. STOURBRIDGE @ (Worcester), IW. 21, EU, Pop. 17,316. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., TAttrs. ^ S. 1 (E. IV). E. I : by Market St., High St., and Stourbridge Rd. :— • 1, Kingswinford 3, womboum 5, Wolverhampton ^ 10 (gd. rd., 1/19 asc. at 2 m.). • r. 1, Brierley Hill 3, Dudley ^ 5 (bad rd., 1/18 asc. at 1 m.). STOURBRIDGE (T) °\^a T.-R.S.-P.S.-G.-(See p. 3) LI - E. II : by Market St. and Birmingham St. :— Halesowen 5, Birmingham a 12 (med. hilly, 1/13 desc. at 3 m. and a-s-c. at 5 m.). See pp. U, 7, 8, and 9, explaining how our itineraries have been draivn up. STOURPORT - 524 - Stourtoridg^e {continued). E. Ill : by High St. and Hagley Rd. :— Old Swinford • 1, Bell End 5, Bromsgrove 10, Alcester 23, Stratford-on- Avon a 31 (v. gd., hilly, several 1/13 gradients), London & 125. • r. Old Swinford 1, Mustow Green 7, Crossway Green 12 {hilly), Worcester a 21 (y. gd., 1/lU asc. at 5 m.). E. IV : by Market St. and Worcester St. ;— Kidderminster Sl 7 {gd. und., II lU desc. at 3 m.). E.y :bp Enville St. :- Enviiie 5, Six Ashes Inn 8, Bridgnorth fi. 15 {gd. rd., many 1/13 gradients). m Talbot, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins N 1/6 [^ PG 150 y T Talbot :?> 20. tF" Michelin Stockists, A. 8. Weaver & Co., Central Garage, High St., Agt. for Sunbeam, [Is] U \ HAC T Weaver Garage :F.75. — F. J. Barnes, High St., Agt. for FLANDERS. HUMBERETTB, [201 ir \ :p» 70. Stourport (Worcester), M. 21, 1^11, Pop. 4,432. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. Bewdley 3 = Kidderminster a 4 = ombersiey 6 < Worcester a 12 — Droitwich &. 10, Alcester 24 = Great witiey 5 «: Bromyard 17, Hereford a 31 — Tenbury 16. ^ Tontine, Severnside, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 2/6 E, 2/6 Chfr 7/- Box ^ Court go] ins Gratis If* 198. f^P" J. Coleman, New Garage, Lombard St., Agt. for Delaun ay- Belleville. Stow (Edinburgh), M. 13, Pop. 1,560 P. Edinburgh a 25 = Lauder 5 s= Galashiels iS. 8. a Hussell's, B 2/- L 2/- B, 3/- Chfr 5/6 Shelter [3] Court [6] adj Gratis N 1/- T Russell qR> 1. f^» Fairgrieve & Sons, Cockholm Works, [3] Sun., Night, T Fairgrieve, Engineer. Stowmarket # (Suffolk), M. 24, Ee), Pop. 4,230. M.D., Thurs. ; E.G., Tues. See :— Church (Wooden Spire). X ^-W. 2. Haughiey New Street 3 ^ Thetford ffi. 21 — Bury St. Edmunds a 14 = Fram- lingham 17 = Needham Market 4, Ipswich M 12. |@i King's Head, Ipswich St., E, 2/- Chfr 5/- s Gar ins Gratis [6l E,AC Lt. :p> 199. f>m Pox, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- 5 Gar ins Gratis © RAC Lt. W^ IVIichelin Stockists, Stowmarket Motor Co., Ltd., Ipswich St., Agt. for Singer, Ford, [^ U ^ Sun., Night, RAC T Gooding :p' 1X1. Stow-on-the-Wold @ (Gloucester), M. 22, 28, ED, Pop. 1,301. M.D., Thurs.; E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Norm, and Goth.) ; S.E. Icomb (Ch. Xlllth c.) 2. :^ S.W. 1. ]\Ioreton-in-the-Marsh 4, Halford 13 {bad rd.), Ettington 16, Wellesboume 20, Warwick ®. 26 {gd. rd., 1/lU desc. at 8 m.). Adiestrop • 8, Chipping Norton fi. 9 {med. rd., v. hilly). • I. Adiestrop 3, Cross Hands Inn 6, Tadmarton 16, Banbury ffl. 20{nied. rd.). Burford 10, Lechlade 19, Highworth 24, Swindon SL 30 {jned. rd., I'll desc. from Stow). Bourton 4, Northleacli 9, Cirencester Q. 19 {med. v. hilly, 1/7 desc. at 11 m.). Harford Br. 4, Andoversford • 11, Cross Hands Inn 20, GiOUCOSter SL 25 {gd. rd., V. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 2 m., several 1/11 gradients) • v. Andoversford 11, Cheltenham fit 17 {med. rd.). Ford 7, Toddjngton 11, Aston Cross 17, TewkOSbury ffl. 21, Lcdbury SSl 35 {gd. und., 1/9 asc. at 7 m.). Cross Hands Inn • 7, Chipping Campden 10, Mickieton 13, Stratford-on- Avon iS. 21 {gd. rd.). • 1. Cross Hands Inn 7, Broadway 10, EvOSham ^ 15 {(jd. rd., 1/11 desc. c.f y m.). — 525 STRATFORD-ON-AVON Stovtf-on-the-Wold (continued). ^ Talbot, The Square, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed g] Court [6] ins M -/6 N 1/-. ^ Unicorn, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- [5]. ff» MIchelln Stockist, A. E. 8. Hyde, The Square, Agt. for HOTCHKISS, [5] Box |T] U N Sun., Night, RAC :p> 11, Stranraer # (Wigtown), M. 11, gl, Pop. 6,432. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Castle ; KW. Lochnaw Cas. 6. X E. 1. Ballantrae 18, Girvan ffl. 30 = New Luce 9, Barrhiil 22, Girvan St 35 {terrible rd.) = Glenluce 10, Newton Stewart fit 26 = Comer House P. o. 2 < Drummore 17, Mull of Galloway 23 — Port Patrick 8 = Kirkcolm 6. mi King's Arms, 1, Castle St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar ins N 1/- go] SAC T MacRobert :f> 20. m George, George St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Boxes [H Gar [3] adj Gratis SAC. ^ Meikles, George ^«., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis fio| . f^« Mlichelin Stockists, Kings's Arms Gara.g:e. — James McHarrie, County Garage, Agt. for FoRD, [20] Box U \ Sun., Night, T McHarrie Garage. — J. Downie & Son, Lochryan Cj^cle Wks., O U \ Sun., Night, T Downie. — J. Macsloy, 131-23, Castle St., Sun., Night, T Macsloy. STRATFORD-ON-AVON # (Warwick), M. 22, MM, Pop. 8,532. M.D.,i^n.; E.C., T/iwrs. See :— Shakespeare's Ho. • (A) ; Memorial Theatre (C) ; Guild Chapel (D) ; Grammar School (E) ; Holy Trinity Ch. (Xllth-XVth c.) • (F) ; Town Hall (G) ; W. Ann Hathaway's Cottage • 1 ; N.W. Wilmcote (Mary Arden's Cottage) 4. :^ N. 1 (E. i). -jriUi Apr. 28th. E. I : hy High St., Union St., Guild St., and Warwick Rd. ;— Longbridge 6, Warwick a 8(grd. rd. hilly, 1/19 asc. at 3 m.). * A. SHAKESPEARE'S HOUSE C. MEMORIAL THEATRE 0. GUILD CHAPEL E. GRAMMAR SCHOOL » F.HOLY TRINITY CHURCH G.TOWN HALL P.S.- (See p. 3 ) 2 Union Street GuUd Street 4 Wax-wick Road 6 Bridge Street 6 Clopton Bridge 7 Banbury Road Shipston Road 9 Ely Street 10 Rother Street 11 Evesham Place 12 Evesham Road 13 VTood Street 14 Oreenhlll Street 15 Alcester Road bbIIbs (§) STRATHAVEN - 526 - Stratford-on-Avon {continued). E. II : by High St., Bridge St., ClojAon Br., and Banbury Rd. ;— Eatmgton6, Sunrising Hill 12, Banbury J®. 20 (gd. rd., 1/8 asc. at 12 m., V. dang, with two sharp turns). E. Ill : by High St., Bridge St., Clopton Br., and Shipston Bd. :— • 1, Newboid 7, • 8, Shipston-on-StouT 10, Woodstock 30, Oxford SL 38 (med. und.), London ffi. 94. • r. 1, Mickeiton 8, Weston Subedge 11, Broadway 15, Winchcomb 23, Cheltenham a 30 (v. gd., 1/10 desc. at 26 m.). • r. 8, stretton-on-the-Foss 12, Moreton-in-the-Marsh 16, Stow-on-the- Wold SSl 20, Northleach 29, Cirencester ^ 39 {med. v. hilly). E. IV : by Ely St., llother St., Evesham PL, and Evesham Rd. ;— Bidford 7, Evesham fit 15 {v. gd. und., 1/10 ase. at 1 m.) E. V : by High St., Wood St., Greenhill St., and Alcester Rd. :— Red Hill 4^ Alcester • 8, Worcester a 26 {v. gd. ly. und., 1/13 desc. at 3 in.). • r. Alcester 8, Bromsgrove • • 21, Kidderminster & 31 {gd. rd. hilly, several 1 / 13 gradients). • • r. Bromsgrove 21, Stourbridge jSl 31 {med. rd., 1/16 asc. at 23 m.). E. VI : by High St., Henley St., and Birmingham. Rd. .— Beariey Cross 4, Henley-in-Arden 8, Birmingham ffi. 23 {v. gd. pict., .several 1/17 hills). jBga Shakespeare, Chapel St., B 2/6 L 2/9 D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U ad] M -/6 N 1/- hP 0188. m Golden Lion, Bridge St., B 2/- L2/6 D 3/- 112/6 Chfr 6/- Box[l] Shed (3] Shelter [6] ins Gratis N 1/- T Peacocke. im Falcon, 1, Chapel St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 « Shelter ins M -/Q N 1/- 1] T Falcon :p> 187. (ft|$l Swan's Nest, Bridgetown, B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- HI. S Fountain, Rother St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/-. Vl"" Michelin Stockists, cme^ A. Bolla.nd & Co., Gidld St., Agt. for Flanders, [12] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Bolland :p> 14. M.C.T. — F. Guyver, Ul, Wood St., Agt. for Ford, g] IT N Sun. RAC T Guyver lf» 5X2. — L. H. Farrell, Llandore Garage, Greenhill St., Agt. for Deasy, [6] \ Sun. :p, 182. — Shakespeare Hotel Garage, Sheep St., [20] Boxes [e] U" \ Snii., Night, RAC r Shakespeare :p> 188. 8trath£Lven (Lanark), M. 12, Pop. 4,076 (Alt. 695 ft.). ^ X. i. East Kilbride 8, Paisley ja 20 s= Hamilton 8 = Stonehouse 4, xewmains 11, West Calder 24 = Darvel 11, Newmilns 13, Galston 15, HurHord 18, Kilmarnock S^ 20. (^ Buckshead, 16, Townhead St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed Com-t ins Gi-atis g] SAC T Buckshead :p 8. Strath blane (Stirling), M. 9, Pop. 880 P. See :— N.E. Spout of Ballagan 1. 9 «: Aberfoyle 16 — Kippen 18 = Lennoxtown 4, Kilsyth 11 = Glasgow a 11. Strath migflo (Fife), M. 9, Pop. 966. Auchtemiuchty 2, Cupar 11 = Falkland 3, Kirkcaldy i®. 15= Edentown 2 < Milnathort ffi. 7, Kinross 9 — Perth a 14. StrathpefFer # (Ross and Cromarty), M. 4, Pop. 354 (Alt. 134 ft.). See :— N. Cas. Leod (XVIIth c). :§C N. i . Dingwall ^ 5, Kessock Ferry 17, Invemoss ^ 19 = 10 < Aclmaslieen 25 — Braemore Lodge 28, UllapOOl 42. mm Highland, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft f Gar U 100 y Nl/- do] SAC :p> 27. JS. Strathpeffer ® Gar U 100 y [H] ^ 7. Ben Wyvis Hotel. Spa Hotel, SAC. ff* Michelin Stockists, Robertson & Porter, County Garage, Agt. for Chenard-Walcker, Sunbeam, jao] Boxes [5] U \ Sim., Night, SAC :?' 29. 527 — STROUD I Streatham (London) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), Pop. 71,658. London & 7 = Beckenhani ®. 6, Bromley ffl. 8 = Croydon ^ 4 = ^litchani 3, Sutton ^ 6, Rei^'ate la 16 = Wandsworth 4, Richmond a 9. ffWi J. Harding, 9Ja, Mitcham Lane. - H. Mylam & Co., 5'J/,, Uigh iJd., g] U \ Sun., Night, ^ 286. Strichen (Aberdeen), M. 6, Pop. 1,025 (Alt. 1&2 ft.). Frazerbupgh 9 = Mintiaw 7, Peterhead 16 =z New jJeer 8, Old Meldrum 23, Invemrie 28 = New Pitsligo 4, Turriff Q. 19. Strome Ferry (Ross and Cromarty), M, 8. See :— Strome Cas. (Rns.). {Ferry -43*) Jeantown 4 < Achnasheen 25 — Applecross 23 = Lochalsh 7 < Kyle Cf Lochalsh 14 — Shiel inn 20, Glenelg 29 — Lochalsh 7, Shlel Inn 20, Olunie Inn 32, Invergarry 53, Fort Augustus 60. Strom ness (Orkney Isles), M. 6, E1I> I'op. 1,656 (no ^^ in Orkney isles). See :— Cemetery. ^ W. 2. Birsay Bay 14 =: Waith Br. 4 < Finnstown 9, Kirl(Wall 16 — Swanbister 10, Kirkwall 18 — Walth Br. 4, Finnstown 9, Loch of Swannay 23. Stronachlachar (Stirling), IVI. 8, ^ Callander 16. {Steamer doivn Loch Katrine to) The Trossachs 8, Callander 16{prohibited to motors) = 1 < Aberfoyle 11 — Invexsnaid 5 (prohibited to motors). Stronachlachar HoteL STROOD (Kent). Rochester. STROUD ® (Gloucester^ IVI. 21, |ud}, Pop. 8,772. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Thurs. See:-School of Art (A); Parish Ch, (C) ; S. Rodborough Cas. 1 (E. Ill) :^ S.W. 1 (E. IV). SCHOOL OF ART C.PARISH CHURCH R.S. (G.W.R.) R.S. (M.R (See p. 3) 1 King Street 2 Gloucester Str 3 Painswlck Ros 4 Russell Street 5 London Road 6 Ro'wcroft 7 Wallbridge 8 Rodborougb Common Roac 9 Bath Road 10 Cainscross Ro E. 1 : 6v/ Kivg St., Gloucester St., and Painswick Rd. :- Pitchcombe • 2, Gloucestor &. 8 {v. gd., dang, hills, I/IJ desc. at 2 m.). • V. Pitchcombe 2, Painswick 4, Cheltenham Si 14 {med. rd.. 1/13 desc. at 8 m.y. The ijrices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hote served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. STUDLEY - 528 - Stroud (contimied). E. II : by Russell St. and London Rd. :— Fiampton 5, Circncester & 12 {c. gd., l/ll asc. at U m.), Oxford Sk 48, London & 104. E. Ill : by Rowcroft, Wallbridge, and Rodhorowjh Common Rd. :~ Miiu-iiinhampton 4, Tctbury ffl. 10, Malmosbury a 15 {hilly, l/S asc. at ■i m.), Wootton Basset 26, Marlborough &. 38, Andover a 59 (yJ. rd.). E. IV : by Roivcroft, Wallbridge, and Bath Rd. ;— -Vailsworth a • 4, Dunkirkl4, Dodington Ash20, Bath a 29(irri. und.,l/l/t desc. at 1 in,.). • r. Nailsworth SSl 4, Wotton-under-Edge 12, Bristol a 31 {med. and.). E.\l:by Rowcroft and Cainscross Rd. .— • 2i, Eastington 5, Arlingham 10, (/e;-ny -22*) Newnham 12 {gd. I'd.), Blakeney 16, Lydney Si 19, Chepstow Sl 28, Newport &. 44 {v. gd., 0. hilly, pict., 1/10 asc. at Ik in. and dene, at 19 m.). • U. 2i, Stonehouse 3, Hardwicke 7, Gloucester ffi. 12 {o. gd. rd. one titp.Jilll, recom.). JggL Royal George, A'mz^ St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gav U ins Gratis N 1/- [5] RAC T Hoyal George :p> 279. m^ Bear, Rndborongh, B 2/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/- to 4/6 CMr 6/- Gar ins Gmt;'*' (U ;p> 8 Amberley, Glos. Imperial Hotel. ff» Michelin Stockists, H. E. Steel, Ltd., Russell St., Aqt. for WoLSBLEY, Dakracq, Minehva, FoRD, (lol LT \ HAC T Steel Motors ^ 214. Studley @ (Warwick), M. 21 («o< marked on map), Pop. 2,566. Birmingham fit 16 = Alcester 4 = Redditch 3. W^ Michelin Stockist, Parry Mell, [TU Boxes [2] U \ Sim.. Xight. RAC T Studley Garage :|o 9. M.C.T. Sturminster Newton (Dorset), M. 27, Pop. 1,877 P. M.D.. M^ui. ; E.G., Thurs. See :— Church (Tower) ; Castle (Rns.). 2 •< Shaftesbury a 8, Salisbury ffl. 28 — Gillingham ffl. 9, Mere 13 = Blandford a 9, Bournemouth ®. 27 = Whitchurch 12, Bere Regis 17, Weymouth fi. 34 = 3 < Sherborne Sl li, Yeovil fi. 16 — Dorchester a 21 = Strvii^a-idge 5, Wincanton 14. Sudbury ® (Suffolk), M. 24, ME, Pop. 7,141. M.D., 77t?'. ; £.('., Wed. See :— Church ; N.E. Brent Eleigh (Timbered Manor) 6. Rodbridge • 2, Long Melford 3, • 4 Bradfield Combust 11, Bury St. EdmUndS St 16 {v. gd. and., 1/15 asc. at 5 m.). • 1. Rodbridge 2, Cavendish 6, Clare 9, Baythorn End 12, Haverhill 16, Linton 24, Cambridge Sl 35 {med. sin.). • 1. 4, Denston 12, Lidgate 17, Nowmarket 0. 24 {gd. and. .^Iii.). Newton 3, Hadleigh 12, Ipswich a 22 (gd., hilly, pict., 1/lU desc. at 18 tn.). Bures5, West Bergholt 11, Colchestor Si 14 {(jd. und. sin., 1/16 asc. at 7 m.). Catiey Cross 4, Halstead fiL 8, Braintree a 14, Chelmsford ® 26 (i'. gd., l/l-l asc. at S m.). ^ Rose aiid Crown, King St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- ( hfr 5/6 Gar Shed U ius Gratis N 1/- \e] RAC :^ 41 PO. jHfiL Four Swans, North St., Shed adj Gratis QD T Four Swans. ff» Michelin Stockist, B. H. Purr, i^o, North St., Agt. for FORI), Alldays, Ho] U \ T Purr. 8unbury-on-Thames (Middlesex) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), rOpl . Pop. 4,607. Suiibiay Coninion 1 < Hounslow 6, Brentford 9, London ffl. 17 — Twicken- ham 6, Richmond ^ 8, Kew 10, London a 17 — Sunbury coiumon l, Staines a 5 = Hampton a 2, KInaston ffi. 5 = Lower Haiiiford 2 <. >\'alton-on-Thames 3, Esher ®. 6 — Chertsey 5, Bagshot 15. m. Magpie. Thames St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed 100 y Gratis (6] T Freeman :p> 24. — 529 SUNNINGDALE Pop. 151,162, M.D. Museum (M). :^ ^^ SUNDERLAND 1 (Durham), M. 14, El, Pop. 151,162. M.D., Sat. B.C.. Wed. See :— St. Peter's Ch. (Monkvvearmouth) (A) ; (E. III). E. I : by Fawcett St., Bridge St., North Bridge St., ami Newcastle lid. :— • 2, South Shields 7 (gd. rd.). • 1. 2, White Mere Pool 7, Newcastle-Otl-Tyne ffi. 12 {bad rd. nnd.). E W : by Fawcett St., Burdon Rd., and By hope Rd. ;— Byliope 3, Easington 9, Sheraton • 16, Wolviston 22, StOCktOtl-On-TeeS SL 27 {gd. rd., several 1/ 15 gradients), London ^ 270. • 1. Sheraton 16, Wost Hartlepool fii 21 (gd. rd., 1(20 desc. at T'( III.). E III : by Fawcett St., Hoineside, New Durham Rd.,and Durham Rd. : — Houghton-le-Spring 6, Durham ^ 13 (gd. rd. hilly, l/l-j desc. at o m.). A.ST PETERS CHURCH SUNDERLAND. SCALE 1 Fawcett Street » aomesiae ^''•■»^'?j\\\5 a Bridge Street 8 New Durham Rdr^ %»V\ 8 North Bridge Street 9 Durham Road td^W 4 Newcastle Road 10 High Street /vr\« S3. «i* MIchelln Stockists, J. Harper & Son, 28, 29, Low Row, Bi-ihop Weannouth, Agt. for Flandkks, |T5] U % Sun., ^"ight, :?> 1041. — Michelin Stockists, C Grimshaw & Sons, Union St., Agt. for Arrol-Johnston, Metallurgique, [50] U % RAG :?> 131. — Michelin M.C.T,, Pahner Bros., 32-36, New ArcadcOlotov Cycles). 8unningcia.le (Berkshire), M. 28 (not marked on map), Pop. 1,409. See :— Wells Hotel (Chalybeate springs). ^ (adj. village). Egham ffi 4, Staines Slozz Bagshot 5. f^ E. G. Halfpenny, Sunningdale Garage, [u] U N ^ 261 Ascot. SURBITON — 530 Surbiton ® (Surrey) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), EdJ, Pop. 17,713 E.C., Wed. See :— St, Matthew's Ch. (Goth.). Kingston Sl 1, London a 13 = ewcu 4 •< HeiKate 14 — Epsom & 6, Dorking 12 = Esher fi. 3, Ripley Leatherhead 10 = Leatherhead 7, 11, Guildford a 17. mt Southampton, Victoria Rd., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 8 Gar adj M -/6 N 1/- [6] :p> 97 Nat. Kingston. fT" Michelin Stockist, James Madgwick, 8^-8S, Brighton Rd., [i}U \ Sun. T Madgwick :5<> 251 PO Kingston. — Vernon C. Abbott, 58, Victoria Rd., Agt. for Darkacq, M Boxes [TOl U \ Sun., Night, KAC T Abbott :p 185 Kingston PO. Sutton (Cambridge), M- 23, Pop. 1,420 P. E.G., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (Goth.). Chatteris 6, March 14 = Ely @. 6 = Eaiith 5 (Toll-gate: Cars 1/-, motor- cyciea 6d.) -s St. Ives 11, Huntingdon a 17 — Cambridge ^ 17. SUTTON 1 (Surrey), M. 29, and Special Map 42, IHeI, Pop. 21,27;'.. See:— St. Nicholas' Ch. (Goth.) (A). '^ Banstead Doivns. (See plan. Visitors mitst be introduced.) SUTTON A ST. NICHOLAS CH. (GOTH.) G.-R.S. (See p. 3.) 1 High Street 2 Angel Hill 3 Carshalton Road 4 Brighton Road 5 Cheam Road 6 Oakhill Road 7 Benhill Road 8 Benhill Street 9 Lind Road 10 St. James's Road 11 Grove Road E.\: by High St. and Angel Hill:— Mitcham 3, London a 12 (London Suburbs all the way ; paved from Tooting). E. II : by High St. and Carshalton Rd. :— WalHngton ^ Croydon m. 4. E. Ill : by High St. and Brighton Rd. :— Banstead 2, Tadworth 5, Reigate ®. 10. E. IV : by High St. and Chea/m Rd. :— Chearn • 1, Ewell 3, Epsom ®. 5, Leatherliead • 9, East Horsiey 14, Guildford & 21 (gd. rd. 1/11 asc, and thereafter hilly, leaving Leatherhead). 531 — SUTTON COLDFIELD Sutton {continued). • r. Cheam 1, Worcester Park 3, Kingston ffi. 7. • ]. Leatherhead 9, Mickleiiam 11, Dorking a 13, Kingsfold 22, Wamham Htn. 24, Horsham ^ 27 {gd. und., loose surface, II 10 asc. near Kingsfold). ^^ffl Michelin Stockist, W. Leedingr, ^.9, High St., fia] Boxes [2l U \ Sun., Night, RAC :F> 235 PO. SUTTON COLDFIELD ^ (Warwick), M. 21, ME, I'op. 20,132. ^kl.D., Sat. ; E.O., Wed. Sec :— Grammar School (A) ; Town Hall (Italian) (G) ; Masonic Hall (Goth.) (C) ; Holy Trinity Church (D) ; Sutton Park, 2,280 acres (see Plan) ; S.E. New Hall 1 (E. III.). ^ N.W. 3 (Visitors must be intro- duced. See Plan). ^ S. 1. (E. IV. Entrance opposite Wylde Green Hotel). E. I : hy High St. and Lichfield Rd. :— Four Oaks • 1, Shenstone 6, Lichfiold ^ 9 (magn. rd.). • ]. Four Oaks 1, streetiy 3, Walsall ^ 8, Wolverhampton ffl. 14 (jjter?. to Walsall. Tramlines from Walsall to Wolverhampton (1/li asc. at ' m.). E> II : by Lichfield Rd. and Tamworth Rd. :— Basset's Pole 3, Cross Eoads 7, Tamworth 8 (v. gd. 1/13 desc. leaving Sutton Coldfield). SUTTON COLDFIELD SCALE V4 Vi 3/« 1m. High Street Lichfield Road Tamworth Road ColeshiU Street ColeshiU Road MiU Street The Parade Birmingham Road Wolverhampton Road Blackroot Road Anchorage Road Upper Cliiton Road Clifton Road StaUon Street Victoria Road Holland Road SUTTON-IN-ASHFIELD - 532 - Sutton Cold-field (continued). E. Ill : by Coleshill St. and ColesMU JRd. ;— Coleshill 8, Shustoke Green 10, Nuneaton ffi 20 {med. sin.). E. IV : by Mill St., The Parade and Birmingham Rd. :— (!iie8terRd. Cross Roads • 2, Birmingham ^ 7 (v. grcf. Tramlines from Chester Rd.). • 1. Chester Rd. Cross Roads 2, Castle Broniwich 5, Beacon's End 8, Stonebridge • • 12, Meriden 14, Coventry a 20, London m. 113. • • r. Stonebridge 12, Berkswell Stn. 16, Kenilwortll 21, Leamington a 25. E. V : by Mill St., The Parade, Birmingham Rd., and Wolverhampton Rd. ;- New oscott 2, Great Barr 6, West Broiiiwich 9 {fair surface ; l/ti desc. at 7 m.), Dudley fi. 14. m Royal, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- jgHI « Box fel adj Gratis RAC :f> 140. © Three Tuns, High St., B 2/- L 1/9 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- f Gar iti^ Gratis d] :?> 72. ffm Michelin Stockists, B. G. Thomas & Co., The Crown Qa.ra.ge, Biniiingham Rd., Agt. for Briton, [25] Boxes {§} U \ Sun., Night, :fo 41. — Michelin Stocl 95. Sutton-in-Ashf ield (Nottingham), M. 17, ES), Pop. 21,70:. See :— Church (Spire) ; Sutton Hall (Corin.) ; N.W. Hardwick Hall 4. iVIansfleld a 3 = Alfreton 6, Matlock 17. Sutton-on-Sea (Lines.), IVI. 18 (not marked on map). ^ 8. 1. Mablethorpe ffl. 3 = Alford 6, Spilsby 14, Boston ffl. 31. m Beach, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- 15] RAC Lt. :p> 10. fm Jolly Bacchus, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [8] T Bacchus lf> 4. 1^ Grange and Links, B 2'- L 2/6 D 3/- Gar ins Gratis [4] T Grange ^•7 SwafFham (Norfolk), M. 24, E2I> PoP- ^>234. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. SC^ :— Parish Church. ^ N. 1. 3 < Fakenham fi. 15 — Castle Acre 5 = East Dereham a 12, Norwich a 28 = Mundford 10 •< Brandon 15 — Thetford a 18 = 2 < Narborough 6, King's Lynn ffl^ 16 — Downham Market 14, Wisbech ®. 27 — Narborough 6, Sandringham 18, Hunstanton Sl 26. ifiL George, Mangate St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed 2(X) y Gratis N 1/- [4] T Wilson George. iSi Walker's (Temperance), Market Place, D 2/- R 1/6 Chfr 5/6. TF" A. Lane, Market PL, [20] Box [D U % Sun., Night, T Lanes, Motors :p> 8 GPO. Swanase (Dorset), IVI. 27, EH, Pop. 3,689. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Thvrs. See :— Parson's Barn (Cavern) ; Ancient Ch. ; N. Studland Ch. (Norm.) 3 ; N.W, Corfe Cas. 6 ; S.E. Durlsten Head, Dancing Ledge Quarry, and Tilly Whins Caves 4 ; N.W. Agglestone 4. ^ N. 2. Corfe Castle 6, Wareham 10, Dorchester ffi. 27. fflll Grosvenor (adj. Pier), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/6 (eg S Gar U ins [F] T Grosvenor :p> 193. m. Grand, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins Gratis [U T Grand ^ 198 Nat. ^ Ship, /i/flf/t St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/- Clifr 7/6 PG 100 y [lH T Ship :p> 23. f^M Nichols & Son, Institute iJd., [S] U \ T Nichols. — Central Garage (Rose Bros). SWANSEA m (Glamorgan), IVI. 26, ^, Pop. 114,673. M.D., Sat. ; E.C. Thurs. See :— Castle (Rns.) (XlVth c.) (A) ; Market Building (C) ; Parish Ch. of St. Mary (D) ; New Docks ; The Graig. X E. 5. 533 — SWANSEA Swansea, (continued). E.\: by Castle St., High St., Prince of Wales lid., a„d Xeath lid. :- ■E; ,Moiriston • 3, Neath a • 8, Cardiff ^ 45 (gd. und., 1112 desc. at ^^B ■'•:: m.), Gloucester ^ lOl, London & 205. ^^m: • 1. Morriston 3, Clydach 6, Pontardiiwe • • 9, Garnant 16, Ammanford ^^B 20, Llandilo ffl. 27, Lampeter a 50, Aberayron 63 (yd., v. hilly, 1/10 ^^B desc. at 55 m., several 1/11 gradients). ^^K • • V. Pontardawe 9, Ystalyfera 13, Gwyn Arms 22, Devynock 8tn. 31 (ffd., V. ^^P'' fiill;/). Brecon a 40 (med. rd.. several 1/11-15 gradients). ^K • 1. Neath ® 8, Merthyr Tydfil jgL 30, Abergavenny a 49 («(«., v. hilly), ^H Hereford & 72. I SWANSEA A.CASTLE RUINS C. MARKET BUILDINGS O.ST MARYS CHURCH -III.-T.-P.S.-R.S. (O.W.R.)-fl.S. (LN.W.RJ RS.(M.R)(Seo p. 3 ) SCALE Mackwortb Royal Family Cameron 1 Oastle Street 2 High Street 3 Prince of Wales Boad 4 Neath Road 5 Temple Street 6 Oxlord Street 7 New Oxford Street 8 St Helens Road d Carmarthen Road 10 Oystermouth Road 11 Argyle Street 12 Victoria Road 13 Rutland Street 14 Adelaide Street 15 Somerset Place 16 Wind Street 17 Castle Square 18 Union Street 19 Waterloo Street 20 Walters Road 21 Mansel Street 22 College Street 23 Dynevor Street 24 Mount Pleasant 25 Watkins Street 26 OibbethiU Road E. II : k>f Temple St., Oxford St, New Oxford St., and St. Helens Rd. :— The ilumbles 5 (v. gd. ; tramlines). E. Ill : /«/ Castle St., High St., and Carmarthen Rd. :— Fieri est Fach • 3, Poutardvilais Si 9, Cross Hands 15, Llanddaiog 21, Car- marthen & 27 (gd., v. hilly, 1/10 desc. at 2h m.). • 1. FforestFach 3, Loughor 7, Llanelly 11, Kidwelly 20, Carmarthen fi. 30 (v. gd. und., recom., 1/y asc. at 30 m.). JUL Cameron, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 8/6 Chfr 6/- Lft IcH 8 Grar adj Gratis (lo) :p> 921 Cent. Jfii Tenby, Walter's Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/T5 R 4/- Chfr 7/- S Gar 200 y Gratis X 1/- [6] RAC T Tenby :p> 303. SWINDON - 534 Swainsea. (continued). jfA Mackworth, Ul-/>'„ Hiu/i St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 E 3/6 Chfr 7/- EH Gar 440 y Grai*:*- [20] KAG T Mackworth :?> 232 Cent. i$l^ Koyal Family and Commercial, 13-15, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 :f> 56 Cent. Metropole Hotel, Wind St. ffm Michelin Stockists, R. E. Jones' Garag^es, Ltd., High St., Agt. for RENAULT, BEDFORD, ALBION, (^ U \ i>\m., j^ight, RAC T Mackworth :}<> 208 Cent. — Michelin Stocl 709 Central. — J. S. Brown, Oxford St., vlj/L /or WOLSELEY, Darracq, [so] U S RAC T Motors :p> 925. — Geo. Ace, Ltd., 59-61, St. Helens Rd., Agt. for Humber, Minerva, go] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Garage Ifo 277C!. — Michelin M.C.T., Dan Morgan, ns, Oxford St. (Motor Cycles). SWINDON ® (Wiltshire), M. 28, MB, Pop. 50,771. X §• 4 (E. III). M.D., Mon. ; E. C, Wed. See :— Ashton Keynes Cross. SWINDON SCALE 1 High Street 2 Cricklade Road 3 Swindon Road 4 Marlborough Road 5 Newport Street 6 Devizes Road 7 \Vood Street 8 Bath Road 9 Kings Hill Road 10 Eastcott Hill 11 Regent Street 12 Bridge Street 13 Station Road EA'.hy High St. and Cricklade Rd. :— Broad Binnsdon 4, Cricklade 8, Cirencester Sl 15 {med. rd., 1J13 desc. from Swindon and at 5 m.). E. II : by High St., Cricklade Rd., and Swindon Rd. .— • 2, Shrivenham 7, Faringdon & 12, Oxford a 29 (gd. Jf. rd., 1/12 desc. from Swindon). • 1. 2, Highworth 6, Lechlade 11, Burford 20, Chipping Norton Sk 31, Banbury ffl. 44 {gd. mid., 1/13 desc. at 7 m.). - 535 - TAIN Swindon {continued). E. Ill : hij High St. and Marlborough Rd. :— Coinniou Head • 3, Aldbourne 9, Hungerford 16, Newbury ffi. 24 (gd. rd.), London & 82. • r. Common Head 3, Ogbourne St. George 8, MarlborOUgh fi • • 11, Amesbury & 32, Salisbury ffi. 40 (gd. und., IjU desc. at J I m.). • • 1. Marlborough a 11, Andover a 32 (gd. rd., l/ll asc. from Marlborough). E. IV : 6?/ Neu-port St. and Devizes Ed. :— Broad Hinton 6, Avebury 11, Beckhampton 12, Dovlzes fi 19, Trowbridge a 29, Frome &. 38 (gd. und., 1/9 asc. in Fronie). E.y : by High St., Wood St., Bath Rd., and King's Hill Rd. :— Prince of Wales 5, Wootton Bassett 6, Lynham 10, Chippenham fi. • 20 (l/i: desc. at 11 m.), Bath ^ 33 (v. gd. und.). • Y. Chippenham a 20, Marshtteld 30, Bristol a 42 (med. hilly). ^ Great Western, 0pp. Stn., B 2/6 L 3/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft $ Gar Box ins Gratis N 1/- [To) ;p> 47. i*l?l Goddard Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins JS" 1/- [H T Goddard Arms ::p> 142. f^" MIchelin Stockists, Skurray's, Princess St., Agt.forWohSEi.'EY, Akrol-Johnston, Ford, [so] Boxes [6] LT \ Sun., Niglit, T Skurray :^ 5. M.C.T. — Swindon Motor Engineering Co., U, Devizes Rd., Agt. for HU3IBER, do] U \ HAC T Motors :p> 86. Swinton and Pendlebury (Lancasliire), M 44, ^dI) PoP- 30,759. See :-Agecroft Hall. :§! W. i. I'arnworth 5, Bolton fit 8 = Middleton 6, Oldham ®. 10 = Manchester Sl 3 = Worsley 3 < Tyldesley 7, Atherton 8, Hindley 12, Wigan ffi. 15 — Leigh 10, NeAvton-in-Makerfield 16 = 8 < Chorley ®. 18, Preston ^ 27 — Hindley 10. Symonds Yat (Hereford), M. 21 (not marked on map). See :— Caves ; View from Yat. Goodrich 3, Eoss ffi. 8 = Coleford 3. ^ Symonds Yat, Gar adj Gratis. m\ Eoyal, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- E, 3/6 Chfr 7/- Shed dist T Eoyal. Tadcaster (Yorkshire), M. 17, Pop. 3,558. M.D., Man. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) ; Kettleman Br. (Rom.) ; W. Newton Kymne (Ch. ; Cas. Ens.) 2. ^ S.E. 1. York a 9 = 2 < Ferrybridge 12, Doncastor a 26 — Cawood 8, Selby 13 — Ferrybridge 12, Pontofract 15 = Leeds a 14 = Boston Spa 4, 5 < Otley 20 — Wetherby a 7, Harrogate Sl 16. fm Londesborough, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E 2/6 Chfr 6/- [cH 5 Shed ins Gratis [t\ EAC :?<> 34. ff"i E. Smith, Tadcaster Garage, The Bridge, Agt. for Belsize, Darracq, Mors, Mass, gt] U \ Sun., Night, T Smith's Garage ;p> 8. — A. C. Hall, Hillside, Agt. for HUMBER, TRIUMPH, [6] LT \ Sim., Night, T Hall's Garage. Tain (1 (Ross and Cromarty), M. 5, HB, Pop. 2,076. M.D., alt. Fri. ; E.C., Thurs. See :-Tower ; Ch. of St. Duthus (Goth.). ^ S.E. 1. Tarbat Ness 13 = 3 < Balintore 8 — Parkhill 6, Invergordon 12 = Alness 13, Dingwall a 23 = 3 < Bonar Br. 15 — MeiUe Ferry 4, (ferry -38 ; no motors) Dornoch 11 — Meikie Ferry 4, (ferry -39 ; no motors) Golspie 19. Eoyal Hotel. ffM MIchelin Stockists, W. Walker & Son, Knockbreck Rd.,^ U \ Sun., Night, T Walker's Garage :p> 14. Before setting out on a tour, visit or write to our Touring' OfRcOj 81, Fulham Rd., London, S.W., where your itinerary will be draum up free of charge. TALGARTH ~ 536 - Talgarth (Brecknock), M. 20, Pop. 1,466 P. See :— S.E. Pencander (2,545 ft.) 3. Broniiys 1 < Bullth 15 — Brecon ia 9 = Three Cocks 3, Hay Q.7 = Crick- howell 12, Abergavenny ffi. 18. ^ Tower, 3Iarket Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 5 Boxes [2] Court |5o] ins Gratis T Powell, Tower. Tamworth (Staflford), M. 22, m. Pop. 7,738. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., yS'ed. See :— Castle ; St. Edith's Ch. (Goth.). Perry Crofts • 1, Seckington 5, Measham 10, Ashby-de-la-ZOUCh • I.j, Nottingham a 35 {v. gd.). • 1. Perry Crofts 1, Haslelowe Stn. 5, Alrewas 8, Branston 13, Burton-On- Trent ffi. 16 (v. gd. level rd.\ • 1. Ashby-de-la-'Zouch 13, Derby a 27 {med. xmd.). • r. Ashby-de-la-Zouch 13, Loughborough Q. 25 {med. und. plct.). Two Gates • 2, Kingsbury 5, Furnace End 9, Over Whitacre 10, Corley ] 5, Coventry A 19 (med. hiZly, v. narrow and sin. beyond Kingsbury with dang, hills). • 1. Two Gates 2, Atherstone a 8, Nuneaton & 14 {v. gd tmd., 7 i:> asc. at 12 m. and desc. at lU m.). GarBowayHead • 5, Sutton Coldtield ^ 8 {med. und.), Birmingham ® 15 {V. gd.). • r. Garroway Head 5, Aldridge 11, Walsall fi. 15 {gd. sin.). Whittington 4, Lichfioid Si. 7 {v. gd., II 16 asc. at 2 m.). ai Castle, Ladybank, B 2/6 L 2/6 E, 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed Couit adj Gratis N 1/- [H] RAC ip 45. ff"" iVIichelin IVI.C.T., Johnson Bros., 7, Aldergate St. (Motor Cycles). Tarbcrt (Argyll), M. 11, Pop. 1,697, ^ Oban 51 See :— Castle (XlVth c). ^ S. {adj. village). Ardrishaig ffi. 12, Lochgilphead 14 =r 1 •< Kedhouse 5, Campbeltown 38 — Kilberry Ch. 10, Ardrishaig ffl. 32 — Redhouse 5, Sunadale Inn 19, ( 'anip- beltown 38. m Macarthur's Tarbert, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar U 50 y Gratis (lo) SAC T Macarthur Hotel. f^«i Tarbert Motor Garage Co., (H U N Sun., Night, T Garage. Tarbet (Dumbarton), iVI. 8 {not marked on map). Crianlarich 17 = Balloch 15 = Arrochar 2. ill Tarbet, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 5 Gar U adj X 1/- \u\ SAC T Hotel. Tarporley (Cheshire), IVI. 16, Ed), Pop. 2,604. See -.-Market Hall ; N. Utkinton Hall (XVIth c.) 1 ; X.E.,Oulton Hall (Pictures) 4 ; 8. Beeston Cas. • 2 (famous beauty spot), ti^ -^pf- -'"'• Cotebrook 2 •< Crabtree Green 6, Warrington ^ 19 — Winsford9, Middlewicli 13 _ Cotebrook 2, Crabtree Green 6, Northwich ^ 11 = Four Lane Ends 1 •< Nantwich a 9 — Whitchurch ffi. 14 = Chester Sl 11. mi Swan, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Grati.-^ g] T Swan :j<> 11. TAUNTON # (Somerset), M. 26, E3 ^OP- 22,563. M.D., Wed., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See -.—Castle (Xlth c.) (A) ; St. Mary Magdalen's Ch. • (Goth.) (C) ; Shire Hall (D) ; N.E. Lyng (Ch. Goth.-Chest) 7 ; N.W. Bishop's Lydeard (Ch.) 5. ^ S.W. {Pickeridge) 4. E. I : ^i/ JBfast 134. "^@^ TAUNTON .CASTLE .ST MARY MAGDAUEN CHURCH I. SHIRE HALL ■GP.S.-R.S. (See p. 3 ) IQast street East Reach High Street Upper High Street 5 Shuttem 6 Honiton Road 7 Corporation Street Parle Street 9 WTellington Road 10 North Street 11 Bridge Street 12 Staplegrove Road ^ JBffi. Castle, North St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 E 4; 6 Clifr 7/- 5 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- \n\ KAC T Castle :p> 139. m Ashton, Statiaii Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/6 [eg Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [5] qp> 103. Great Western Station Hotel. V^" MIchelln Stockists, Ma.r8ha.lsea, Bros., J', East St. (Garage : 1, Fore St.), Agt. for Bkkault, Fiat, Bedford, [So] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Marslialsea Bros. ^ 71. — IVIicheiin Stocldsts, C. Allen & Son, Tone Br. Foundry, Agt. for WuL.SELEY, ARGYLL, Enpield, [M] Boxes [2] U \ Snn., Night, RAC T Aliens, Engineers :p> 155. Tavistock <§ (Devonshire), IVI. 25, ^Bl.Pop. 4,392. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Wed. See -.—Abbey (Rns. Xth c.) : Parish Ch. (Goth.), E. Dartmoor Forest (Excursions). ;^ E. 1 (direction Two Bridges). Lydford 8, OkeiiamptOn ®. 17 (gd. rd. v. hilly). TAYPORT - 538 - ! Tavistock (continued). Marj- Tavy 3, Downton 8, Okehampton Sl 16 (gd. und., 1/1'i ase. at U m.). ' Two Bridges • 9, Ashbuvton 21, Newton Abbot Sl 28 {med. v. hilly, picL, 1 1 'S gradients to Ashburton). • 1. Two Bridges 9, Postbridge 13, Moreton Hampstead 22 (med. rd.), steps Br. 26, Exeter ffl. 34 (gd., v. hilly, several 1/8 and 1/9 gradients). Honabrldge 4, Roborough 9, Plymouth ffl. 15(gd. und., 1/13 desc. at lUm.). Gunuislalie 5, Callington 10, Liskeard ffi. 18, Lostwithiel Sl 29, St. Blazey 34, St. Austell ffl. 37, Truro ^ 51 (v. gd., v. hilly, 1/8 asc. at 5 m.). Miitou Abbot 6, Launcoston ®. 13 (gd., v. hilly, 1/11 desc. to Launceston). JS. Bedford, Plymouth Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- K 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [H] RAC :p 37. ^« Michelin Stockists, Matthews & Co., Drake Rd. — J. C. Stephens, Vigo Motor Works and Forge. Tayport (Fife), M. 10, TE, Pop. 3,273. :^ S. 1. St. Miciiaei's Inn 4 < Cupar 11 — St. Andrews ®. H = Newport 3, IS'ewburgh 17 = (ferry -33*) Broughty Ferry 2. Teddingrton (Middlesex) (see Special IVIaps, 42, 43), Efil, Pop. 17,840. E.G., Wed. Twickenham 1, Brentford 4 = Kingston ®. 2, Sutton ffi. 9, Croydon a 13 = Staines a 9. ^ Clarence, Park Rd., B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 5/- leg 8 Gar U ins Gratis [8]. ^p« Hesse & Savory, Twickenham Rd., Agt. for Hupmobilb, Strakbr-Squire, ; Perry, dj U % Sun., Night, RAC T Kingdon :p» 2194-5 Kingston. Tetsnmouth # (Devonshire), M. 26, EeI) Pop. 9,221. M.D., Sat.; E.G., Thurs. Bawlish 3, Exeter a 15 = (Toll-hr. : cars 1/3), Torquay ffi. 8 = Kingsteia- ton 4 < Newton Abbot ^ 6 — Chudleigh 8, Exeter & 18. Jga. Royal, Sea Front, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 2/6 to 4/- Chfr 7/- Gar Box U adj G'm«is N 1/- Ql] T Royal :?> 5. ^ The Marina, The Den, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 7/6 Chfr 6/6 PG 200 y T Marina :?» 55. jUiJL London, Bank St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shelter ins M -/6 N 1/- gj. 7^> Michelin Stockist, Edward James Cornish, 18 Wellington St., g] Boxes H] U \ Sun. T Cornish's Garage ^ 95. -- W. H. Broadbear & Sons, 25, Regent St., Agt. for NAPIER, Sunbeam, [Is] Boxes (HUNT Broadbear. — W. Bobbett & Sons, 1, 2, The Quay, Agt. for Belsize, Straker- Squire, Ho] Boxes [3] U Sun., Night, RAC T Bobbett :p> 38. Ten bury (Worcester), M. 21, Pop. 2,080 P. M.D., Tices. ; E.C., TMirs. :i:e.i. Newnliam 3 < Bewdlcy 14 — Great Witley 11, Holt Heatli 14, Worcestor ffl. 21 — Newnliam 3, Great Witley 11, Stourport 16, Kidderminster a 20 — Newnham 3, Gt. Witley 11, Holt Heath 14, Droitwich M 21 = Brom- yard 11, Ledbury jS. 24 = Leominster ®. il := wooferton 5 < Ludlow a 10 — Leominster ®. 11 — Wooferton 5, Shobden 16, Presteigne 22 — Wooferton 5, Shobden 16, Kington ®. 24. m^ Swan, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar \J ins Gratis N 1/- [20I RAC T Swan ;p> 22. Tenby (Pembroke), M. 19, m, Pop. 4,362. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See :— The Arches ; St. Mary's Ch. (Xlllth c.) ; Castle (Rns.). ^ N. 1. Begeiiy 6 < Narberth 11, Cardigan a 33 — St. Clears 19, Carmarthen ^ 28 = Pembroke ^ 10 = 8 •< Pembroke a 11 — Pembroke Dock 12. m Cobourg, High St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- to 5/6 Chfr 6/& Gar Box U ins Gratis [12I RAC Lt T Coburg :p> 9. ^ Imperial, Belmont, South Bay, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- to 5/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U 150 y Gratis (60) T Imperial :?> 28. Jgd Royal Gate House, Norton, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- [^ RAC :?> 12 PO. I*l?l Royal Lion, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- f Gar 100 y Gratis [isl :?> 4. - 539 - THAME Tenby {continued). ^ The Peerless, U, High Sff., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfi-5/- :p» 19. ffm George Ace, Ltd., Warren St., Agt. for Humber, Minerta. gg) Boxes [U LT % Sun. RAC T Ace :p» 2 PO. — A. W. Randall, The Motor House, Warren St., Agt. for Xapier, AUSTIN, De Dion, go) LT \ T Randall :p> 32 PO. Tenterden ® (Kent), M. 30, MM, ^op. 3,376. M.D., Fri. ; B.C., Wed. See:— Church (Goth.); N. High Halden (Chi, Wooden Tower) 4; Standen (Timbered Ho. XVIth c.) 6. ^fC N.W. 2. 2 < Biddenden 6, Maidstone ffl. 18 — Ashford a 12 = Reading street 3 < New Romney ®. 14 — Rye ^ 11 = {Toll-gate 3 : Cars 1/-, motor-cycles 2d., with side-car 3d.), Wittersham 6, Rye ®. H = Rolvenden 3 < Rye A 14 {Recom.) — Cranbiook 9, Tunbridge Wells ^a 23 = Cranbiook 8. White Lion Hotel, RAC Lt. f^« Michelin Stockists, .A. Siminson & Co., Motor Engi- neers, High St.', [15] LT \ Sun., Night, T Siminson :p> 4 Tenterden. Tetbury # (Gloucester), M. 27, ESI, PoP- 1>"»8- ^I-D., TFed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— W. Beverstone Cas. (Pv,ns. XlVth c.) 2 ; N.W. Chavenage Ho. (Eliz.) 2. ^ S.E. 2. Stroud a 10 = Cirencester ffi. 10= iVlalmesbury ®. 5, Chippenham a 15 = Cross Rds. 13 < Bath a 23 — Bristol ®. 26 = Dursley in. jftgL White Hart, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed Shelter ins Gratis [6]. S Talbot, Market Sg., B 2/'- L 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 7/6 Shelter ins G?r««is [6] T Eddels :p> 7. f^« Michelin Stockist, Robert Street, Long St., \m\ Box [I] U \ Sun., Mght, T Street :?> 16 PO. M.C.T. Tewkesbury # (Gloucester), M. 21, [H, Pop. 5,287. M.D., TTed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Abbey Ch. • (Norm.) ; Timbered Houses (XVIth and XVIIth c.) ; Town Hall ; Abbey Ho. ; N. Ripple (Stocks and Whipping Post) 4 ; N.E. Strencham (Ch. Brasses) 5 ; W. Birtsmorton (Moated Manor • Ch.) 6. ^ S.E. 2 {direction Aston Cross\ Earls Croome 6, Sevemstoke 8, WorCCSter j®. 15 {v. gd., l/lo a.SC. from Tewkesbury). Aston Cross 3, Teddington Hands Inn • 5, Toddington 10, StOW-On-the-WoM & 21 {gd. und., 1/9 desc. at lU m). Chipping Norton ffi. 30 {med. rd.). • 1. Teddington Hands Inn 5, Sed-gebarrow 10, Evesham ffi. 13 {v. gd. level rd.). Coombehiil • 4, Gloucoster ^ 11 {v. gd. level rd.). • 1. Coombehiil 4, Cheltenham a 9 {v. gd. level rd.). Corse Lawn 5, Upleadon 10, Newent 14, Lea 20, RoSS & 24 {gd. und.). Dial Post 5, Eastnor 12, Ledbupy J®. 14 {11 13 asc. at 9i m.\ Hereford a 28 {v. gd. ly. und.). m Swan, 10, 11, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Shed [9) Shelter g] ins Gratis N 1/- RAC Lt. :f> 29. flSfJl Hop Pole Royal, Chitrch St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar LT ins Gratis [§]. f^« Michelin Stockist, The Tewkesbury Garage, High St., 4.gf«. /or Clbment-Talbot, Scout, Perry Light Car, R.C.H., 111 U \ RAC T Alldridge Garage :f> 20. — S. J. Osborne, 113, High St., Agt. for Humber, [20] U \ Sun., Night, T Osborne Motors ^ 8. Thame m (Oxford), M. 22, 28, EH> Pop. 2,957. M.D., Tu^s. ; E.C., Thurs. See -.—Church (Goth.) • ; Grammar School ; Prebendal Ho. ; S. Thame Park 2 ; S.W. Rycote (Ho. and Domain, Rns. ; Domestic Cha^i. •) 2. The price of a room is for a gooti medium -si zed room with largfe bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper may let rooms at prices inferior or superior to those given in the Guids according to situation and installation. THAXTED 54U — Thame {continued). Aylesbury a 9 = Princes Risborough 7, High Wycombe fi. 15 = Wallingford a. 15 = wheatiey 8 < Oxford a 13 — Chipping Norton a 32. S Spread Eagle, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins ]sr 1/- go] T Lidington qp> 16. 3- Swan, ff/r^/i .Sf«., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shelter ins Gmtis \m RAC :p> 18. ff« MIchelin Stockist, J. G. West, Tha.me Motor Garage, ■.'>h, High St., Agt. for Renault, Sikgek, Ford, [^ LT \ Sun. T West Motors :p> 22. M.C.T. — J. V,. Parker, ////, High St., Agt. for Mitchell, [20] U \ Sun., Night, T Parker :p> 11 GPO. Thaxted (Essex), M. 23 (not marked on map), Pop. 1,659 P. See :-Cluirch (XlVth c.) ; Horham Hall (1 m. S.W.). Saffron Walden ffi. 7 = at. Bardfleid 5, Braintree ffl. 15 = Gt. Diinmow 7, Chelmsford a 20 = Bishops Stortford.a 12. Theale ® (Berkshire), M. 28 (not marked on map), Pop. 9;}4 P. See :— Parish C'h. (1832). Reading a 5 = 4 -5 Newbury a 12 — Kingsclere 13. fW» Michelin Stockist, F. Grannaway, TheaJe Motor Works, Agt. for Unic, (I5) Boxes [2] U \ Sun. T Granna- way :p> 22. M.C.T. THETFORD t (Norfolk), M. 24, ^1, Pop. 4,77 Thurs. M.D., Sat. ; E.C. See:— Priory (Rns.) (A); Thomas Pain's Ho. (C) ; Castle Hill (D) S.W. Mildenhall Hall 11. THETFORD 1 aulldhall Street a King Street 3 'Whltehart Street 4 Croxton Road 5 Earles' Street 6 Norw^ich Road 7 Castle Street 8 Loweston Road Stowmarket 10 Bury Road Magdale 16 Old Market Street - 541 - THIRSK letford {continued). E. I : i«/ Guildhall St., Earles St., and Croxton Rd. ;— Tottington 8, Watton 12, Shipdham 17, East Dereham fi. 22 (gd. ly. nnd.. 1/17 desc. at 2 m.), Fakenham fi. 85 (jned. tind.). E. II : &j/ Earles St. and Norwich Bd. :— Lariingford 8, Attleborough 14, Wymondham 20, Norwich ffl. 29 {v. gd.. ly. und.). ..\\\'. by Castle St. and, Lowestoft Rd. : — oaiboidishani 9, Diss 17, Scole fi. 19, Harlestoii 27, Bungay Si 34, Beccles 40, Lowestoft Sl 50 (gd. und., 1/18 asc. at 35 m.). E. IV : &2/ Castle St. and Stowmarket Rd. : — Honiugton 7, Haughiey 17, Stowmarket ffi. 21, Needham Market 25, Ipswich a 33 (med. imd., 1/18 desc. at 7 m.). E. V : by King St., London Rd., and Bury Rd. : — i^eveniiiiis 6, Bury St. Edmund^ ffl. 12 (v. gd.). E. VI : by King St. and London Rd. : Eivedon 3, Barton Mills 11, Nowmarket St. 19 (med. rd.), London a 83. E. VII : by King St., London Rd., and Stoke Rd. : — Brandon 6, Methwold 12, Stoke Ferry S. 16 (med. rd.). King's Lynn a 30 (V. gd.). E. VIII : by Guildhall St., Earles' St., Croxton Rd., New Rd., and M und ford Rd. : — Mundford 8, Stoke Ferry ffi 16, King's Lynn ffl. 30 (v. gd. und. recom.). m Bell, King St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- EH Gar ins [a:?' 24. JSA Anchor, 11, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- EH <^^ar ins Gratis d]. f^» Michelin Stockists, Thetfopd Motor Co., Castle St., Agt. for Brenna, [Ml U \ S"n. E.AC T Motor Co. :f> 26 GPO. t — Hanbury & Co., London Rd., go] U \ Sun., Night, T JMotors ;?> 4. THIRSK 1 (Yorkshire), iVI. 17, ESI, Pop. 12,710. M.D., Hon.; E.C., Wed. See :-Church (Goth.) (A) • ; N. Mount Grace Priory 12 ; S.E. Thirkleby Park Ho. 4. >i«;. 3ray ii-iird ; Sept. 17-18th (direction Thormanby). E.\:by Market Place, Tngramgate, Long St., and Yarm ^d. : — Jeator House 9, Tontmeinn • 12, Yarm 20, StOCktOn-On-ToeS ffi. 24 (gd. rd., 1/16 desc. at 10 m.). • r. Tontine Inn 12, stokealey 21, Guisborough 29, Saltburn ^b (gd. rd., 1/13 desc. at 30 m. and asc. at 31 m.). E. II : by Market Place, Ingramgate, and Helmsley Rd. : — Hambieton 7, Helmsley 13, Kirby Moorside 19, Pickering 27, Brompton 37, Scarborough &. 45 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/8 asc. at 5 m. and 11 m.). E. Ill : i!>y Market Place, Ingramgate, and Easingwold Rd. : Thormanby 6, Easingwold 10, Shipton 18, York & 23 (gd. level rd.). E. IV : by Market Place and Topclife Rd. : — Boroughbridge m. 11, Wetheiby SL 23, Leeds ffl. 35 (gd. rd., 1/17 desc. at 31 m.). E.y : by Market Place and Ripon Rd. : — Busby Stoop Inn • 3, Skipton • 4, Baldersby 5, Rlpon & 11 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 asc. to Riporh). • 1. Busby Stoop Inn 3, Boroughbridge a 13, Wetherby & 25 (gd. level rd.). • Y. Skipton 4, Kirklington 8, Masham 14, Middleham 24, Aysgarth 3.;!, Hawes 41, Sedbergh 57 (gd. rd. hilly), Kendal ffl. 67 (bad, mount., 1 ,'J desc. at 66 m.). E. VI : by Market Place, Kirkgate, and Northallerton Rd. : — Tiiomton-ie-8treet 3, Northallerton ffl. 9, Gt. smeaton 13, Darlington A 25 (v. gd. level rd.). ^ Three Tuns, Market PL, B 2/- L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed [ej Court [^ ins Gratis. ^L Fleece, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar [g] Court m i"s Gratis RAC T Fleece :f> 8 PC. VfM Michelin Stockists, J. Bell & Son, Long SL, Agt. for Belsize. fl2l Boxes [2] U *% Sun., Night, ::p> 27. M.C.T. THORNBURY Thirsk ((■uiitiiiiied), 1 Market Place x: — 542 THIRSK SCALE Thorn bury (Gloucester), M. 27, Pop. 2,954 P. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Castle (Rns.). •i •< Gloucester a 23 — Berkeley 7 = Filton 7, Bristol m. 11. Swan; Hotel, High Street. Thorne (Yorkshire), Nl. 17, Pop. 3,818. M.D., Wed. ; E.C, TJmrs. See :-Church (Xllth and Xlllth c.) ; W. Fishlake Ch. 2. 6 < Fork 11 {Ferr}l -4*), Howden 14 — Snaith 8, Pontefract 22 — Fork 11, Goole 13 — Snaith {Toll-br. : Cars 6d.) 8, Sclby 15 = Hatfield 3 << Doncaster a 10 — Bawtry 14, East Retford Si. 23. a White Hart, Market PL, B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- g]. ff» J. Hind & Co., Steam Mill Works, Agt. for Argyll (U LT S Sun., Night, EAC T Hind. — Michelin M.C.T. Simpson and Eddell, The Garage, South Parade (Motor (,'ycles). Thornhill 1 (Dumfries), M. 12, Pop. 1,132 (Alt. 312 ft.). See :— Museum. ^ E. l. Carronbridge 2 •< Sanquhar 12, Cumnock 28 — Crawford ffi. 21, Abington 24, Biggar a 36 = Dumfries ^ 15 = Moniaive 9, New Galloway 23. ^ BuccleucR & Queensberry Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6,''6 Gar adj Gratis K 1/- T Buccleuch Hotel :p> 15. ?fa" Michelin Stoci 12. Swan Hotel. ^^■i Michelin Stocl(ists, S. J> Heigrhton & Co., Market Place, Agt. for HUMBER, BEDFORD, BELSIZB, DARRACQ, FORD, [H] U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Heighton f> 7. M.C.T. Three Cocks (Brecknock), M. 20 {not marked on map). Haya 4 = Talgarth 3 = Brecon ®. 11 = Bullth 15. Jgg. Three Cocks, 112/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/- 5 Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [2] RAC T Hotel, Glasburj'-on-Wye. Thurso ® (Caithness), M» 5, (Pl, Pop. 3,335. M.D., Fri. ; E.C, Man. See:— St. Peter's Ch. (XlVth c. Rns.); Town Hall (Goth.); X.W. Bishop's Pal. (Rns.) 1. X N- 1 (E- D- Castletown • 5, Dunnet 8, Berridale Arms 13, John o' Groats 20 {gd. vnd. pict.). • r. Castletown 5, Thura Inn 10, Reiss 18, WiCk ®. 21 {gd. rd.). Georgemas Inn • 6, Watten 13, Wick ffi. 21 {v. gd. hj. und.). • Georgemas Inn 6, Mybster 11, Fork • • 18, Latheron 24, Helmsdale 44, Brora 55, Golspie 61, Meikle Ferry 75, Tain ffi. 80 (f, gd. v. pict., 1J12-9 dese. and asc. at 33 m.). • • 1. Fork 18, Lybster 24 {gd. ly. und. pict). Reay 11, Melvich 17, Strathy 20, Bettyhill Inn 31, Tongue 44, Durness 81 {)ned. V. hilly, pict., 1/8-10 desc. at 52 m., several 1/11 gradients). m Pentland, Princes St., B 2/- L 1/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar 100 y Gratis N 1/- m T Pentland Hotel. m Royal, Traill St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 4/6 Gar [2] Shed [6] ins Gratis N 1/- SAC. ifttfl Station, Princes St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- ^ Gar ins Gratis ]Sr 1/- [1] T Station Hotel. fW^ Michelin Stockists, W. & G. Dunnet, Boyal Hotel Bldgs., Agt. for Bblsize, ARGYLL, [U U \ SAC T Dunnet, Cycles. Tideswell (Derby), M. 17, Pop. 1,938 P. See :-Church (Goth.) •. ^ K l. Grindleford Br. 7 <. Sheffield ^ 18 — Hathersage 10 = Wardlow Mires Ino 2 < Baslow 8, Chesterfield a 17 — Bakewell 8, Matlock 16 — wardiow Mires Inn 2, Baslow 8, Bakewell 12 = Buxton a 9 = Chapel-en-le-Frith 7, Stockport a 20. Tilbury (Essex), M. 29, Pop. 972. See :— Docks. 2 < Cross Eds. 5, Billei-icay 14, Chelmsford ®. 23 — Fork 3, Fork 7, Romford ffi. 17 — Cross Rds. 5, SOUthend-On-Soa @. 21 — Fork 3, Brentwood ffl. 14, Ongar 21 — Fork 7, Barking 17, London ^ 27 = Grays 3, Barking 17 = {ferry -7) Gravesend m 1. Tillicoultry (Clackmannan), M. 9, gl. Pop. 3,105. E.C, Tues. See :— Parish Ch. Dollar 3, Milnathort a 14 = Alloa ffl. 4 = Alva 2, Causewayhead 7 •< Bridge of Allan 8 — Stirling ^ 9. Tintsierel (Cornwall), M. 25 (Alt. 300 ft.), Pop. 868 P. See :— King Arthur's Cas. ; Church (Norm, and Goth.). ^ 1 < Boscastle 4 — 2 < Davidstow 7, Launceston a 20 — 2 < Camelford 6, Wadebridge 17, St. Columb 25, Truro j®. 39. Hj^ King Arthur's Castle {fine sea view), B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- go| RAC T Castle Hotel. Whamecliffe Hotel, RAC. See pp. h, 7, 8, and 9, explaining hoiv our itineraries have been drawn up. TINTERN - 544 - Tintern (Monmouth), M. 21, Pop. 288 P. See :— Tintern Abb. (Rns. Xllth c.) •. Monmouth fi. 11 = Chepstow la 5. m. Beaufort Arms, L2/6 D3/6 K,4/- to 8/- Chfr6/6 Gar U ins Gmtig N 1/- m RAC. m Royal George, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr6/6GaroppGfj-flf//s js]. Tipton (Staflford), M. 21 (wo« marked on maj)), gjDl, Pop. 31,763. M.D., Tit^s. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (Tower). Walsall &6 = Dudley & 2. Tiverton ® (Devonshire), M. 26, MB, PoP- 10,205. M.D Tu^-.?. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Peter's Ch. (XVth c.) ; Town Hall. 7 < Stuckeridge Br. 8, Exebridge 11, Dunster 27, illuehead ^ 29 — Bamp- ton 8 — stuckeridge Br. 8, South Molton ffi. 24 — Stuckeridge Br. 8, Exebridge 11, Uulverton 14 = Halberton 3 < Wellington Sl 14, TaUtltOfl a 21 — Willand 6, Honiton 18 — Halberton 3, Willand 6, Cullonipton 8 = Bickleigli Br. 4 < Ruftwell Inn 8, Exeter a 14 — Credlton 13 — Bickleigh Br. 4, BufEweii Inn 8, Crediton 17 = South Molton & 19, Barnstaple fi. 31. 0tt Palmerston, Fore St., R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis IS" 1/- [U RAC T Palmerston :^ 45. m The Angel, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Grati>i N 1/- [6] ;p> 46. m Half Moon, Fore St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 Court ins &Va«t5 [6] T Pring :p> 47. ffM Michelin Stockists, H. J. Lane, Tiverton Garagre & Motor Works, ^&, ^:^, SG, We^texe North, Agt. for HUPMO- BiLE, BiANCHi, (lol Boxes H] U T Tiverton Garage :f> 68. iWI.CT. Tobermory (Argyll, Mull), M. 7, (ra), Pop. 997. ArdnacrosB 5, Salen 10 = Dervaig Ipn 8, Kilninian Cli. 19, 31 < Salen 34 — Kinloch Hotel 49, Fionphort Pier 66 {for Island of loiia). Todmorden (Yorkshire), M. 16, Ml, Pop. 25,455. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., Tiies. See :-Town Hall (Corin.). X E. 1. Hebden Br. 4, Halifax ffi. 12 = Littleborough 6, Rochdale a 9 = Bacup 5 = Burnley j®. 9. m White Hart, B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 5/- 5 Shed ins Gratis JS" 1/-[1] RAC :p> 198. Tomintoui (Banff), M. 9, Pop. 515 (Alt. 1,160 ft.). "X. (<^(^J- vilkKje). Br. ot Avon 2 < Grantown fiL 14 — Dainashaugh Inn 15, Aberlour 23 = Dufftown 19, Keith 30 = Cork Br. 9, Coolnabaichan 12 < Glenflnzie 19, Balmoral Cas. 23, Braemar a 32 — Alford 39 — Cork Br. 9, Coolnabaichan 12, Glenflnzie 19, Ballater ffl. 22. m Richmond, The Square, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins N 1/- (U SAC. TONBRIDGE @ (KentX M. 29, ED, Pop. 14,797. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. See -.—Castle (Rns.) (A) ; W. Penshurst Place 6. :^ N.E. 1 (E. II). E.l: hi/ High St. and Wrotham Rd. :— Ightham 7, Wrotham 10, Meopliam 15, Gravosond &. 20 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 5 m.). E. II : hy High St., East St., and Hadlow Rd. :— Mereworth • 7, Tow-n Mailing 10, Rochester ffi. 19 (grd. und., 1117 desc. at n m.). • r. Mereworth 7, Wateringbury 9, MaidStonO ffl. 14 (w, gd., mid.). E. Ill : by High St. and Pembtiry Rd. :— Pembury 5, Lamberhurat 10, Flimwell 15, Hurst Green 18, Battle Si 25, Hastings fit 32 (v. gd. und., 1/15 desc. at 30 m.). E, IV : hy High St. and Quarry Hill Rd. :- Southborough 3, Tunbrldge Wells St 6 {v. gd., hilly, 1/13 asc. at 1 m.). TORQUAY Tonbridgfe (continued). V : bu High St. and London Rd. :— • 2. Sevenoaks Sl 6, Riverhead 8, Lockes Bottom 17, Bvomley A 20, London & 31 (v. gd. und., 1/10 mc. at h m.). • 1. 2, I^igh 4, Kent Hatch 13, Limpsfleld • • 15, Warlingham 21, CrOydon a 26 (ined. v. tmd.). • • 1. Limpsfleld 15, Oxted ffl. 16, Godstone 19, Bletchingley a 21, Redhill ffi. 24 (gd. pict. v. hilly, 1/13 asc. at 16 and desc. at 23 m.). TONBRIDGE (yV 151. Eose and Crown Hotel, 127, High St. ^m Michelin Stockists, Chas. Baker & Co., ir>0, High St., Agt. for HuMBER, Singer, Delagb, Hotchkiss, Vauxhall, jTIl \S \ Sun., Night, RAC :p> 105. — F. Rogers, 53, Quarnj Hill, [5] \ Sun., Night, :p> 196. Tongue (Sutherland), M. 5, Pop. 1,783, ^ Lairg stn. 39. See :— Cas. Yarich (Rns.). Tongue Feriy Pier 2, {ferry -40) Durness 31 = Melvicll 27 = Altnaharra Inn 18, Lairg 39 = Durness 37. Topsh£un (Devonshire), M. 26, Pop. 2,790 P. See :— Old Houses. Exeter ffl. 5 = Exmouth 6, Budleigh Saiterton ®. 11. TORQUAY # (Devonshire), M. 26, m. Pop. Wed. M.D., Sat. ; E.C. See :-St. Michael's Chap. (A) ; Tor Ahb. (Rns. Xllth-XIVth c.) (»of fthown to Public (C) ; Museum • (M) ; W. Compton Cas. 5; X.E. Babbacombe Bay 1. ;^ N. 3 (E. I). ':iAti, March U-25th. TORQUAY - 546 - Torquay {continued). ^' ' WatS^nbeRd]-^^^^^^^^ '^^•' ^"^^-^''^'^ ^^^ Teignmouth r,,_ a ad Maidengnbe 8 Shaldon 7 (ro^^-ftr. : Cars 1/3) Teignmouth & S. Dawlish a'lOl ^' ^l^^^'^'^-f^07"' Telomnonth), London E. II : 6?/ i?'Ze|« ^«. Pa^A: St., Torhay Rd., and Paignton Rd - Paignton a • 3, Totnes . 9, fvybridge ^ 21 (yo«-ftr Si • r.r. i/ motor-cycles 2d.), Plymouth ^'32 (Jd., v. mi^, imdeic at 8 m\ ''' ^"m" ''}'•' F^u"? '^^•' Bimnswixik Sq., Tor Sq , and Xeioton Rd ■- Newton Abbot a 7 (grd rrf.), Chudl'eigh 13 {had r/), Exe er ^'-'^r. .fZ /«%, 1113 asc at 13 and desc. at J.7 m.). ^ ^ ' TORQUAY. J (nj) C. TOR ABBEY 1 Union Street 10 Tor Square 2 Brunswick Square 11 Newton Road 3 Parkfleld Road 12 Avenue Road 4 Teignmouth Road 13 Park Road ^& Wa^combe Road 14 Fore Street C^^^Q Fleet Street 15 Babbacombe Road ^^7 Gary Parade 16 Victoria Parade Torbay Rd 17 Meadfoot Lane Paignton RdlS Meadfoot Road "'"X w":^-,19 Sea Road :XUSItif7^20 St Mary Church Rd 'M&\ Torquay Road Torbay -V*^® Queen's H. Bronshill Road 23 Barrington Road 24 Market Street 25 The King'a Drive 26 Belgrave Road 27 Tor Church Road 28 Falkland Road Grand B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- E 4/- to 7/- Chfr 7/6 Lft [CHl I Gar! r ins Gratis JST 1/- 120] RAG :p> 134 Itiil (5 i^ar u ^^ '^''rti'kL'''r°''H ^<'™*'. B2/6 L2/6 D4/6 K4'- chf.-T • . Gar &hed Court u 90 y Gratis N ./6 and 1/. H t ifuee,, ' JM Osborne, Meadfm-t, B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/6 R 4/- to 7/- Iff 7^ « Gar U- dist Gratis N l/- [e] RAG Lt/r OsbWote( :F> ISS^at® f^ Michelin Stockist, Torcpuay Carriage and Motor CO., Ltd., 112-llU, Union St., Agt. for WoLSEi.Ev, Ikis, faol Boxes m\S\ Sun., Night, T Autocar jf> 372. ' ' ^ J;i^. b - 547 -. TREGARON Torquay (continued). iTf" MIchelln Stockist, T. Brown, Brunawick Square, Agt. for Vauxhall, [8] Box [H U % Sun., Night, T Brunswick Garage "^ 426. — Michelin Stockists, J. Toby & Sons, Upton Motor Works, Aqt. for Kenault, Lanchester, Peugeot, js] LT \ RAC T Toby, Upton, ;p> 377. — AV'alter E. Cawdle, Belgrave Rd. {and at Vane Hill, Bexley Mews and Imperial Hotel Garage), |^ Box U Ny Sun., :p> 15. Totnes (Devonshire), M. 26, ME, Pop. 4,128. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Thurs See :— Quaint Old Houses • ; Castle (Rns.) ; Brutus Stone ; Church • (XVth c. Tower) ; N. Dartington (Old Hall) 2 ; E. Berry Pomeroy Cas, • (Admission -/6) 2. ^ {adj.). -yA^ Sept. 9-lOth. Newton Abbot fi. 8= Paignton ^ 6, Torquay a 9 = Haiweii 5 < Kings bridge ^ 12 — Modbury 13, Toll-br. 24 (Gars 1/-, motor-cycles 2d.) Plymouth a 25 = Ivybridge ffl. 12, Plymouth j®. 23 = Ashburton 8, Tavistock Si 29 Jgi Seymour, Bridgetown, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E 3/6 Chfr 5/6 § Gar U ins Gmtis g] T Clymo ;p> 14. Towcester # (Northampton), M. 22, Pop. 2,871. M.T)., Twes. ; E.C., Th urs. See :— St. Lawrence's Ch. (Goth.) ; Easton Neston Park (Ho. and Ch.) ; N.W. : Sulgrave Manor (Ancestral Home of George Washington) 6. ■:!rik. S.E. 5 {Grafton Hunt), March 2Uth. Weedon 7, Daventry 12 = Northampton a 9 = Stony Stratford ffl. 8, Fenny Stratford 15 = 2 < Brackley 11, Oxford a 33 — Buckingham a 10. m. Pomfret, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- m RAC ;p> 14. jftfiL Talbot, iri(//i St., B 1/9 L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis g]. 1^ Michelin Stockist, M. W. Groom & Sons, Central Garagre, High St.,^'\J \ Sun., Night, T Groom, Motors :p> 19. — Victor Ashby, Pioneer Motor Works, Agt. for Humber, NAPIER, [^ U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Ashby Motors :{<> 2. Towyn (Merioneth), IVl. 20, ED, Pop. 3,929. See :-St. Cadfan's Ch. (Stone) •. :§! W. 1. 2 < Dolgelly 20 — Tai-y-iiyn 10, Dolgelly 20 = Aberdovey 4, Machynl- leth 14. ffil Corbett Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 EH Lft Gar U \ ins Gratis N 1/- ga] RAC Lt. T Stephens :p 9 PO. Tranent (Haddington), M. 13, El, Pop. 4,369, ^| Prestonpans stn. 1. Cockenzie 2 = Haddington ffi. 7 = Gifford 10, Dunbar 23 = Musselburgh & 4 = Prestonpans 2. M Crown, 89, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed Court ins Gratis g] T Hotel. Tredegrar (Monmouth), M. 20, EU, Pop^ 23,604. 2 < Brynmawr 4, Abergavenny ®. 12 — Ebbw Vale 3 = Tredegar Junction stn. 11 < Caerphilly 17, Carditf ffi. 24 — Newport ^ 24 = Dowlais 5, Merthyr Tydfil ^ 7. Trefriw (Carnarvon), M. 15 {not marked on map). Pop. 695 P., igf^ Llanrwst Stn. 1. See :— The Eairy Falls 3, Gwydir Cas. 2. Beautiful scenery. ^. Conway 10 = Llanrwst 2 s= Bettws-y-Coed Ql 5. S!g Belle Vue, B 2/- L 2/- D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 5/- 5 Shed adj G^m^/s [5] T Bellevue :}o 200 Llanrwst. Tregraron (Cardigan), M. 20, Pop. 1,509 P. See :— Ch. Tower ; N.E. Strata Florida Abb. (Rns.) 9 ; S.E. Llyn Berwyn Lake 5. I'outrhydfendigaid 5 < Abcrystwith 21 — Llanidloes 35 = Lampeter Q. 11. Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 12 «« How to use the Guide.' TREVOR - 548 - Trevor (Denbigh), M. 20, Pop. 1,358 P. Kuabou '.i, Wrexham la 8 = Llangollen Sl 3, Corwen 13. f^ai J. A. Pichards, Agt. for :Minerva, Alldays, [12] Box U \ T Richards, Trevor :p> 29 Riiabon. Trine # (Hertford), M. 22, 28, Efi). 3*op. 4,481. M.D., Frl. ; E.C"., Wed. See :-St. Peter and St. Paul's Ch. (XVth c.) ; Natural History Mus. ; B. Aldbury (St. John the Baptist's Ch. Xlllth c.) ; Ashbridge Park Ho. and Mon. to the third Duke of Bridgwater 2. Dunstable 10 = 1 < Berkhampstead a 5, Watford a 16 — Chesham a 8, Amersham ffl. 11 = Aylesbury a 7. m Rose and Crown, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 [cH Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [g] RAC :p> 26. ff>" Michelin Stockists, G. Grace & Son, Uigh St., [2] Box [T]U \ T Grace ;p> 3. » Troon ® (Ayr), M. 11, (H, Pop. 6,628. E.C., Wed. See :— E. Dundonald Cas. 4. ^ S.E. 1. 2 < Parkthorn 3, Kllmamock ffi. 10 — Irvlne 6 = Dundonaw 4, Kilmamock fi. 9 = Moukton 4, Prestwit'k ^ 5, Ayr SL 8. an Marine, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 [eg Gar ins N 1/- [§] SAC :?> 34. fm South Beach, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 PG 150 y (Ml ?» lo6. f^a Michelin Stockists, Troon Motor Garag^e Co., Cavendish PL, Agt. for Argyll, Arrol-Johnston, [go] Boxes [go] U % Sun., Night, SAC T Garage Company :?> 129 Troon. — J. Dickie & Co., i?J, Temple Hill, Id] U N T Dickie, Iron- monger :p> 130. Trossachs (Perth), IVI. 8, Pop. 351 P, ^ Callander 8. See :— Ascent of Ben A'an (1,800 ft.) ; Gorge of the Trossachs. Callander 8 {prohibited to motors) = Aberfoyle 7 (prohibited to motors) ■= {steamer dotvn Loch Katrine to) Stronachlachar 8, Inversnaid 13 (prohibited to motors). ffll Trossachs, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- T Hotel 1^ Post Office. Trowbridgre 1 (Wiltshire), M.27, ED, Pop. 11,822. M.D.. .1/^ Tu€S. ; E.C., Wed. See :— St. James's Ch. (Goth.). E. Rood Ashton Park 1 ; W. Farleigh Cas. 3. Bradford-on-Avon 3, Bath a 11 = Devizes a 10 = Westbury 5, War- minster ffl. 10 = Frome ffi. 9 = li < Wells fi. 24 — Radstock 13. ^ George, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Gar \I ins N 1/- [6] 1^, 47. a The Woolpack, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Gratis g] f Woolpack. f7«" Michelin Stockists, Barnes Bros., Castle St. Garag^e, Castle St., Agt. for Akrol-Johnston, MAXWELL, [9) Boxes [^ U Sun., T Barnes Garage :}« 55. TRURO m (Cornwall), M. 25, E^, Pop. 11,325. M.D., Wed., Sat.; E.C., T'Vi. See :-Cath. (A) ; Red Lion Hotel (XVIth c.) (C) ; Mus. • (M) ; S.E. St. Clement's Isnioc Cross 2 ; N.E. Probus (Ch. Goth., Tower) 5. E.\: by New Bridge St., Mitchell Hill, and Bodmin Rd. :— Mitchell • 7, Fraddon 11, St. Columb 14, Winnard's Perch • 16, Wade- »)ridge 22, Camelford 33 (v. gd., hilly), Hartland 65 (gd. und., many 1/10-11 gradients). • 1. Mitchell 7, Qumtrell Downs 11, Newquay fit 14 (gd. rd. hilly, IJll desc. at 10 m.). • I. Winnard's Perch 16, High Lanes 20, Padstow 22 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 desc. to Padstow). E. II : by Quay St., Boscawen Br. Rd., and Tregolls Rd. :— • 5, Ladock 8, Fraddon 12, Lanivet22, Bodmin ffl. 25 (v. gd.), Launceston ffl. 47 (ined. rd., 1/B asc. at 36 m.), Okehampton & 66, Exeter a 88 (v. gd., V. hilly, pict.), London Q. 256. • r. 5, St. Austell a 14, Lostwithiel ffl. 22, Liskeard Sl 33, Plymouth ffi. 52 (v. gd., V. hilly, 1/10 asc. at 19 m.). - 549 — TUNBRIDGE WELLS Truro ici'ntii)ued). E. Ill : f'!f Lemon St. and Fcclmoath lid. :— Perran Wharf 6, • 7, Haifwaj' Ho. 12, Helstoii ®. 17, Marazion 27, Penzance ^ 30 ((fd. rd. hilly, 1/12 desc. at 17 m.). • 1. 7, Penryn 9, Falmouth SL 11 (». gd., 1/16 desc. at 7 m.). ■ E. IV : by Boscawen St., River St., Frances St., Ferris Toivn, Richmond Hill, and Statimi Rd. ;— • S, chacewater 4, Redruth 9, Camborne ffi. 13, Hayle 19, Penzance Sl 26 (magn. rd., 1/13 desc. at .5 j/i.). • r. 3, Three Ban-ows 6, St. Agnes 9 (v. gd. pict., II Ik desc. at 7 m.). TRURO SCALE A. CATHEDRAL C.RED LION r M MUSEUM G-P.S.-R.S.- 1 New Bridge S 2 Mitchell Hill 3 Bodmin Road 4 Quay Street 5 Boscawen Bridge Rd. 6 Tregoll3 Road 7 Lemon Street 8 Falmouth Road 13 Richmond 14 Station Road ^ Royal, Lemon St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shed [H Shelter [U Court d] ins Gratis lf> 49. JH. Red Lion, ,?6', Boscawen St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/6 to 5/- Chfr 6/6 Gar g] Shelter [U Court g] ins Gratis T Red Lion :p' 99. j^ Clyraa's, 12-13, River St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/- PG adj. f^ MIchelin Stocklsls, The County Coa.ch a.nd Motor Works, Lemon Quay and Tabernacle St., [30] U % Sun., Night, T Automobile *:?« 58. — Michelin Stockists, 8. Hicks & Son, Kenwyn St., Agt. for HuMBER, E.M.F., Flanders, go] LT N, Sun. RAC T Hicks Motors qp" 106. TUNBRIDGE WELLS t (Kent), M. 29, El, Pop. 35,705. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Wed. See :— Assembly Rooms (A) ; The Pantiles (C) ; Pump Room (D) ; Town Hall (Nelson Relic) (G). X S. 1 (E. V). E. I : by London Rd. and St. John's Rd. ;— Southborough 3, Tonbridge ffi. 6 (v. gd. stp., 1/13 desc. at ■' m.), London a 37. E. II : by Vale Rd., Grove Bill Rd., and Prospect Rd. : — Pembury • 3, Hale St. 10, Maldstone 1^ 18 (v. gd., hilly, 1/17 desc. at IS m.). • r. Pembury 3, Goudhurst 10, Cranbrook Pound 13, Biddeuden 18, Bethersden 25, Ashford a 31 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/11 asc. at 10 m.). E. Ill : by London Rd., Nevill St., and Frant Rd. ;— Frant 2, • 3, Mayfleld 9, Cross-in Hand 13, Horsebridge 20, Hailsliam 22, Eastbourne Si 30 (med. v. hilly, 1/12 asc. at 2 m.). • 1. 3, Wadhurst a 6, Ticehurst9, Hurstgreen 13, Battle J®. 20, Hastings jS •17 (gd., V. hilly, several 1/15 gradients.). z TUNSTALL — 550 — Tunbridg:e Wells (continued). E, IV : by London Rd. and Bridge Rd. :— Crowborough fi. 7, Uckfleld m. U, Lewes a 23 (gd., hilly, pict., 1/17-11 asc. at k m.). E. V : % London Rd., Major York's Rd., and Langton Rd. :— Langton Green 3, Ashurst 5, Hobtye- common 9, East Grilistead fi. 14 (v. gd., hilly, Ijll desc. at 5 m.). ja The Spa, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft ff Shed adj M 1/- N 1/6 [m Court -/6 RAC ;p> 56. Jft Royal Mount Ephraim, B 3/- L 3/- D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 ES f Gar ins N 1/- [w] RAC T Comfort :fi 75, mm Grand, Xo?icfo)i itd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Lft Gar 10 y M 1/- IS' 2/6 [^ :p> 162. j?^ Castle, S7, London Rd., R 3/6 to 4/- Court Gmtis PG 10 y T Urquhart :?*> 94 and 242 Wellington Hotel, RAC. Earl's Coiu't Hotel. , TUNBRIDGE WELLS SCALE Rock, Thorpe & Chatfl^ld. Royal Mount Epbraim H. J.E Lindsoli. G.TOWN HALL A. ASSEMBLY ROOMS pyC.THE PANTILES ^D.PUMP ROOM R.S.^.E. t C.R.) R.S.(L.B. t S.C.R.) P.S.-T-(See p. 3 ) 6 NevlU Street 7 Frant Road 8 Bridge Road 9 Major York's Road 10 Langton Road 11 Calverley Road Michelin Stockists, sis^ Rock, Thorpe, and Chatfieldl Groboenor Rd., Agt. /or KENAULT, AUSTIN, ENFIELD, [TI] U \ RAC T Rock Motor Works :f> 685. Michelin Stocitists, Martin Winser & Co., Ltd., 10, Grove Hill Rd., Agt. for Wolseley, |lo]^Boxes [l2] U S Sun., lf> 849. IVIichelin Stoci 789. J. Rawson & Sons, 11, London Rd., Agt. for Deasy, [20] Boxes a U S RAC T Taxicab :p> 760. Tunstali (Stafford), IW. 21, ES). Pop. 19,492. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Town Hall (Renaiss.). Red Bull 3 < Sandbach !», 3Iiddle\vich 14 — Congleton 9, IVIacclesfield fiL 17 = Congleton 9 = Burslem 'S. '2, Hanley 3, Stoke-on-Trent 5, Longton 7 = Newcastle-under-Lyme fit 4. - 551 - TYNDRUM TurrifF® (Aberdeen), M. 6, |p1, Pop. 2,346. E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Rns.) ; Town Cross. • 1, King Edward 8tn. 6, Banff 11 {v. gd. und.). • r. 1, • • 6, Newbyth Sq. 10, Overtown • • 14, Frazerburgh 25 (t?. gd. und., 1/15 desc. at 18 m.). • • r. 6, Cuminestown 7, New Deer 13, Maud 16, Mintlaw 21, Peterhead 30 (f]d. rd., 1/19-17-16 asc. at 12 m.). • • r. Overtown 14, New Pitsligo 15 (v. gd.). Fyvie 8, Old Meldrum 17, Aberdeen ®. 35 (v. gd. und., stp. desc. from Turnff). Fortrie 6, Forgue 10, Huntly fiL 17 {v. gd., V. hilly, 1/17-11 dese. at 8 m.). Aberchirder 8, Eothiemay Cross Rds. 16 (pict.), Keith 24 (med. hilly, l/lo asc. at 15 m.). m Commercial, 2, High St., B 2/- L 2/- Ohfr 6/- Gar ins N 1/- {3) :?> 27. ff^ IVlichelin Stockists, Shearer Bros., Shearer's Motor Garage, /,''>, Bahnellie St., Agt. for Humber, Swift, (^ U % RAC ;p> 3X2. — H. J. Marr, Station Rd.,\b\'U \ Sun., Night, T Marr :p> 11. Turn berry (Ajr), M. 11 (not marked on map). ^ {two courses). See :— Castle ; Lighthouse. Maidens 1, Ayr ^ 17 = Maybole 8, Ayr fi. 17 = Girvan ffi. 6. ^H station, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- E. 3/6 to 7/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft [£3 5 Gar If ins 1/- [50j RAC T Souwestem 7f> 20 Girvan. Tuxford (Nottingham), M. 17, Pop. 1,283 P. See :— Parish Ch, Markham Moor Inn 2 < East Retford ^ 6 — WorkSOp ^ 12 = Markham Moor Inn 2, Dunham Br. d {Toll : Cars M. per wheel), LlHCOln ffi 20 = Newark a 14. j^fiL Newcastle Arms, Newcastle St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Gar U ins Gratis. fT" Mlchelln M.C.T., H. N. Watson (Motor Cycles). Twickenham (Middlesex) (see Special iVIaps, 42, 43), ES, Pop. 29,374. E.C., Wed. See :— Orleans Ho. ; York Ho. ; Strawberry Hill ; Marble Hill Park. •^ {Two Courses) S.W. U {Fulwell). Brentford 3, London ffi. H = Richmond ®. 2, London a H = Kingston ffl. 3, Sutton & 10, Croydon a 14 = Teddington 1, Kingston St 3 = Hampton Hill 2, Hampton & 3, Sunbury 5, Chertsey 10 = Hanworth 8, Sunburj- Common 5, StalnOS SL 9. ^ Railway, Station Approach, B 1/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis [w] qp> 1193 Richmond (PO). ffw The Twickenham Motor Co., Ltd., 9-11, Richmond Rd. Twyford (Berkshire), M. 28, Pop. 1,106 P. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. Wargrave 2, Henley-on-Thames a 5 = Maidenhead a 8 = rifieid 8, Windsor j®. 12 = Wokingham a 5 = Reading a 5. King's Arms Hotel. Tyldesiey (Lancashire), M. 16 {not marked on map), ItJDl , Pop. 15,582. See :— Parish Ch. worsiey 4 < Swinton 6, Manchester ®. H — cross Rds. 6, Stockport &. 17 — worsiev 4, Cross Rds. 6, Eccles 7, Manchester a 11 = Atherton 1, Hindley 5, Wlgan m. 8. Tyndrum (Perth), M. 8, (Alt. 896 ft.). Ballachulish 34 = Crianlarich 5 = Dalmally 12. m\ Royal, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U adj Gratis {g RAC T Hotel. Before setting out on a tour, visit or vtfrite to our Touring: Office, 81, Fulham Rd., London, S.W., where your itinerary vrill be drawn up free of charg^e. TYNEMOUTH - 552 - Tynemouth (Northumberland), M. 14, El. Pop. 58,892. See :-Priory Rns. (Xlth c.) •. :^ N. 3 (Whitley Bay). Whitley a 2, Blyth 9 =: North Shields 2, Wallsend 6, Newcastle ffi 9 = Morpeth & 18. m_ Grand, Sea Banks, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- (£3 C Shed ins (?ra 31 Nat. Uckfield @ (Sussex), M. 29, ES. PoP- 3,344. E.C., Fed. Kingies Cross 1 <. Fork 3, Forest Row 10, East Grinstead a 13 — Crow- borough a 7, Tunbridge Wells ®. 14 — Kingies cross i, Fork 3, Eden- bridge 16 = Horsebridge 11 < Hailsham 13, Eastboume a 21 — St. Leonards a 27, Hastings a 28 = Lewes :a 9. ^ ifi Maiden's Head, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins N 1/- EI RAC :p 19. ffm Michelin Stockists, Rice Bros., Richmond House, High St., Agt. for Ford, [6] U \ Sun., Night, :?> 35 and 18. — French and Thurlow, Ltd., High St. Ullapool (Ross and Cromarty), M. 4, Pop. 705. ^g Garvie 33. See :— Harbour ; Loch Broom. 10 < Ledmore 18, Inchnadamph 24 — Lochinver 31 — Ledmore 18, Lairg 45 = Braemore Lodge 14 < Garve 33, Dingwall ®. 47 — Duiidonnell 27, Oair- loch 58 = (ferry - 42 ; no motors) Dundonneil 7, Gairloch 38. ^ Caledonian, Argyll St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 7/- \m Gar ins Gratis g] SAC fCaledonian. ^ Royal, B 2/6 L 2/- D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis g] SAC T Royal. Ulverston (Lancashire), M. 15, !^, Pop. 9,552. M.T)., Thiers. ; E.C., Fri. See :— St. Mary's Ch. 'j^S.3 (Bardsea Park). Greenodd • 3, LovJck Br. 6, Torver 11, Coniston • 14, Ambleside ffi. 21, Patterdale 29, Penrith ®. 44 (gd., hilly, pict, 1/9 asc. at 16 m. and 1/6 asc. from Ambleside). • r. Greenodd 3, Haverthwaite 7, Newby Br. • • 9 (med. hilly), Cros- thwaite Ch. 16, Kendal ®L 21 {mount, rd., 1/8 asc. at 11 m. ami desc. at 19 m.). • • r. Newby Br. 9, Lindale 14, Fork 20, Kendal ^ 26 (gd. rd., reeom.) • • 1. Newby Br. 9, Bowness 17, Windermere fi. 18, Ambleside a 23, Patterdale 31, Penrith M 46 (gd. pict., 1/6 asc. from Ambleside). • 1. Coniston 14, Graamere 22, Keswick 35 (gd., v. hilly, 1/9 asc. at 16 m.). Dalton-in-Furness 5, Barrow-in-Furness 9 (med. hilly, 1/13 desc. at ■') m.). Grizebeck 7, Broughton-ln-Fumess 10, Millom 18, Eavenglass 33, Egremont 45, Whitehaven ffi. 50 (gd., v. hilly, 1/S desc. at 10 m. and 1/9 desc. at .i9 m.). JHH Conishead Priory Hydro, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis [1] T Priory :p> 23 ^. lis Sun, Market St., B 2/6 L 2/- D3/6 R 4/- Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis [20] ^ 52. f^* The Gill Garage, [6] U \ :p> 62. — C. Wilson & Sons, Lightburne Works, Agt. for Stobwer, Stdde- LEY, Armstrong, [m Boxes [2] U N Sun. T Wilson :p> 3X5. Upholland (Lanes). See Wigan. Uppingrham (Rutland), M. 22, Pop. 2,588 P. M.D., Wed.; E.C., Thurs. See :— Grammar School ; St. Peter and St, Paul's Ch. (Goth.). '^ S. 1. Oakham a 7, Melton Mowbray a 17 = Stamford St 12 = Kettering & 14 = Leicester a 19. © Falcon, High St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Shed ins ^ N 1/6 [5] T Falcon :p> 27. ff» J. H. Glenn & Co., \M Boxes S] U % Sun., RAC T Glenn :f> 32. - 55;5 - UXBRIDGE Upton-on-Severn (Worcester), M. 21, Pop- 2,225 P. M.D., Thnrs. ; E.C., Wed. See : — N. Ripple (Whipping Post and Stocks) 4 ; S.W. Birfcsmorton (Moated Manor •, Ch.) 5. Earls Croome 1 < Pershore 8, Evesham a 14 — Worcester a 10 — Earls croome 1, Tewkesbury a 7, Gloucester a 18 = 10 •< Hartpury 12, Gloucester a 17 — Newent 16 = Ledbury ffi. 10, Hereford a 24 = l •< Great Malvern a 8, Worcester ffi. 16 — Worcester ffi. 10. ^ The White Lion, Uigh St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins 1/-[6]RAC. Usk (Monmonth), M. 21, Ed), Pop. 1,495, M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Tfed. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; Church ; Rom. Remains ; N.E. Raglan Cas. 5, :^ s. 4. Abergavenny ffl. 11 = Raglan 5, Monmouth j®. 13 = Gwemesney 3 •< Chep- stow a 14 — Llansayo, Chepstow S. 14 = Newport ffi. 11 = 4 < Old Toll Ho. 6, Pontypool 7, Merthyr Tydfil j®. 30 — Abergavenny a 11 — oid Toll Ho. 6, Newport Sl 14. JH. Three Salmoms, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- Gar U ins Grati.'i [5] :F'18. Uttoxeter ® (Stafford), M. 21, EH. Pop. 5,719. M.D., If erf. ; E.C. T/nir.<<. See :— Parish Ch. (Tower). ::^ Mar. 20th ; ^i)n7 U-loth ; May 2?ind ; Oct. 3drd. Eocester 5, Mayfleid 10, Ashboume ffl. 12 (gd. und.), Matlock Bath a 24, Matlock 26 {ined. v. hilly, 119 desc. at SJi m.), Chesterfield ^ 36 {med. mount.). Sudbury 5, • 8, Hilton 10, Etwaii 12, Derby j® 18 (v.gd., l/SSascat :?7/l.). • r. 8, Tutburjr 10, Burton-on-Trent ®. 14 (gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at 10 m.). Bloimts Green • 1, Weston 9, Stafford ^ 14 {bad rd., 1/9 asc. at 10 m.). • 1. Biounts Green 1, Ahbots Bromley 7, Lichfield ^ 18 {gd. rd., 1/15 asc. at 1 m.). Miiwich 8, Stone ®. 13 ((/rf. und., 1/11 desc. at 2 m. and 11 m.). Upper Tean • 7, Biythebridge 11, Longton 14, Stoke-upon-Trent 16, Newcastle-under-Lyme S. 18 {gd. rd., I/IU asc. at in m.). • V. Upper Tean 7, Cheadle 10, Leek m. 20 {med.), Macclesfield a 33 {gd. rd. hilly 1/U desc. at 17 m.). ^ White Hart, Carter St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed U ins Gratis RAC :p> 0186. ^» Michelin Stockists, Hugrgins & Chambers, Ltd., 3, High St., {5]U \ Sun., Night., RAC T Huggins :p> 36. UXBRIDGE §) (Middlesex), M. 29, EH: Pop. 10,375. M.D., Thurs., Sat. ; E.C, Wed. See :— Old Treaty Ho-. (A) ; St. Margaret's Ch. (XVth c.) (C). ;^ E. 1 £.\: by High St. and Hanfteld Rd. ;— Pinner 7, Harrow 10. E. II : by High St., St. Andrew's Rd., and Hillingdon Rd. ;— HiUingdoh • 1, Ealing Si 9, London a 17. • r. Hillingdon 1, Hounslow 9. E. Ill : by High St., Windsor St. and Cowley Rd :— Staines ffl. 11. E. IV : by High St., Windsor St., New Windsor St. and Slough Rd.:— Slough 6, Windsor & 8. E. V : by High St. and Beaconsfield Rd. :— • . 2, • .a, Beaconsfield S. 8, High Wycombe Q. 14. • r 2, Rickmansworth 8, Watford*^®. 12. • • r. 3, Amersham jS. 11. M The Chequers, W, High 5"^, B 2/- L 2/9 D 2/9 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- S Shed 150 y M -/6 N 1/- T Chequers :p> 140. S; King's Arms, 19, High St., L 2/- R 2/- Chfr 4/- Gar U ins [4]. ffo Michelin Stockists, H. Wilkinson & Son, 186, High St. and 5k, St. Andrews, [so] IJ \ RAC T Wilkinson :p> 152. VENTNOR - 554 Uxbridgre {continued). UXBRIDGE OLD TREATY HOUSE SAINT MARGARETS CH. 1 High Street 5 Windsor Street 9 Beaconsfield Road 2 Hanfield Road 6 Cowley Road 10 Belmont Road 3 St. Andrew's Road? New Windsor Street n Park Road 4 Hillingdon Road 8 Slough Road 12 The Green way SCALE V4 V2 1m. Ventnor (Isle of Wight), M. 28, and Special Map 48, EidI, Pop. .■..TS7. E.G., Wed. See :— Holy Trinity Ch. ; St. Boniface Down (View) ; Undercliff 2. ;^ ]S\E. 1. Whitely Bank • 4, Rookley 8, Newport ®. 11 {gd. und., 1/7 asc. (it 3 ni.). • r. Whitely Bank 4, Newchurch 7, Ryde S. 12 (gd. rd. hilly). Bonchurch 1, Shankiln 4, Sandown 7, Ryde a 13 (v. gd., hilly, c.pict., 1/9 desc. at 3 m.). Chale 6, Shorwell 11, Brightstone 13, Brook Cross 15, Freshwater 20, Yar br. {Toll: Cars Qd., over 2 passengers Id. each, motor -cycle riders Id.) Yarmouth 22 {gd. v. und., 1/11 desc. at i m.). JH. Eoyal, Belgrave Ed., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- E, 5/- Chfr 6/6 (cH 5 t^ar U adj Gratis N 1/- [^ hP> 447 Nat. ja Metropole, Esplanade, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/6 ^ 5 Gar 300 y N 1/- [^ -T Metropole ;p> 481. m Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- H 4/6 Chfr 7/6 5 Gar ins N 1/6 [1] ;?> 421. Royal Marine Hotel, RAC. ff* Clark's Garage, Chtirch St., {&] U Sun. RAC :p 449. Wadebridgre (Cornwall), M. 25, Efi), Pop. 2.339. M.D., Tim., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See -.—Bridge ; E. Ch. of Egloshayle (Goth.) 1 ; St. Mabyn (Kelly Rounds ; Goth. Ch. ; Grounds of Tredethy, Collections ; special permis- simi) 4. Camelford 11, Hartland 43 = Bodmin fi. 7 = 3 < St. Columb 8, Mitchell 15, Truro a 22 — Padstow 8. flhjl Molesworth Arms, Molesworth St., R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar adj M -/6 N 1/- [3] RAC :?« 12. — 555 WAKEFIELD Wadhurst # (Sussex), M. 23, (not marked on map), Pop. 3,232. M.D., Mo7i. ; E.C., Wed. Ticeluirst 4 < Eobertsbridge 10, Battle ^ 15, Hastings ffi. 21 — Newendc 14, Rye fi 23 = Tunbridge Wells ffl. 7 = Horsmondon 7, Maidstone a 20. ^^■i Mictielin Stockist, W. Bctldwin,, Motor Engrineer, Dur- gates. Wainfleet (Lincoln), M. 18, Pop. 1,233 P. See :— "Magdalen College School (XVth c.) • ; All Saints' Ch. ; Market Cross (Remains). Alford 14, Louth fi 28 = Skegness a 5 = Boston ffi. 18 = Spilsby 10, Loutii m. 26. WAKEFIELD ® (Yorkshire), M. 17, and Special Map 4 7, El, Pop. 01,516. M.D., FrL; E.G., Wed. See :-Cath. (XlVth c.) (A). ^ S.E. 2 (E. lii). t Northgate 2 Leeds Road 3 Warrengate . 4 Stanley Road 5 Kirk gate 6 Doncaster Road 7 Bridge Street 8 Barnsley Road 9 Silver Street 10 W^estgate 11 Horbury Road 12 Dewsbury Road 13 VTood Street 14 Bond Street 15 Went worth Street 16 Denby Dale Road 17 Ings Road 18 Market Street 19 Teall Street E. I : hy Northgate and Leeds Rd. :— Bell Hill 6, Leeds ®. 9 {med. rd., 1/16 desc. at 6 m.). E. il : by Warrengate and Stanley Rd. :— Ouiton 5, Garforth 10, Tadcaster & 19, Yorl< a 28 (gd. rd., 1/13 dese. at Hm.). The price of a room is for a g^ood medium-sized room virith iarere bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper tnay let rooms at prices inferior or superior to those given in the Guide according to situation and installation. WALLASEY - 556 - Wakeflelcl (continued). E,l\\:by Kirkgate and Doncaster Rd. :— Agbrigg • 2, Hampoie 13, Doncaster 3i 20 (r. gd., Ij'iO desc. at 1" m.), London ffl 186. • 1. Agbrigg 2, Pontefract 9 (med. rd., 1/17 asc. at s m.). E. IV : by Kirkgate, Bridge St., and Barnsley lid. :— Sandal Magna 2, Bapnsley XI (gd. rd.), Sheffield a 25 (med. v. hillu, II 11 desc. at 18 m.). , E. V : by Silver St., Westgate, and Horbiiry Rd. :— Horbury 3, Grange Moor 9, Huddersfleld a 14 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/1^ desc. at 9 m.). E. VI : by Silver St., Westgate, and Dewsbury Rd. .— Ossett a • 3, Dewsbury 7, Three Nuns P. H. • 11, Huddersfield fi. l'> (med. rd., IjlU desc. at 7 m.). • r. Ossett ffl. 3, Batley S. 7 (med. rd.). • Y. Three Nuns P. H. 11, Bflghouse & 13, Elland 16, Halifax ^ 19 (med. rd., 1/12-19 asc. at IS m.). E. VII : by Wood St., Bond St., and Wentworth St. :— Gildersome 7, Bradford &. 13 (fair rd., 1/16 desc. to Bradford). ^ Great Bull, Westgate, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/6 iCHi S Gar ins Gratis N 1/- (To! 7° 295. jSSL Strafford Arms, Market PL, B 2/- L 1/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/- J Shed adj N 1/- [12] RAC: Lt. :?> 294. ff» MIchelin Stockist, Waiter Judge, Market St., Agt. for MAUDSLAY, DARRACQ, lH] U \ RAC T Judge Garage ^ 206. Walia.sey # (Cheshire), M. 15, ME, I^op. 78,514. "j^ (adj. station). New Brighton 3, (Toll-br. 6 : Cars or tricars 3d., motor-cycles 2d.) Biri 734. Waliingrfbrd 1 (Berkshire), M. 28, HD, Pop. 2,716. M.D., /•'/•/. : E.C., Wed. See -.—Castle Grounds (Earthworks) ; N.W. Wittenham Clumps (En- trenchments) 4. ShiUinglord 2 •< Dorcliester 4, Oxford ffl. 13 — Thame Si 15 — Sliillingford 2, Dorchester 4, Abingdon 11 = Crowinarsh GlfEord 1 < Henley ®. 11 — Caversham 12, Reading ®. 13 = Goring and Streatley 6, Pan 36. J^ Lamb, 63, High St., B 2/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shelter ins Gratis X 1/- [l2l T Lawrence ;p> 39. ^ iVIiciielln Stockists, R. J. & H. Wilder, Reading Rd., Agt. for Enfield, [12] U \ T Wilder :p> 22. M.C.T. Waiiingrton (Surrey), Wl. 42, Pop. 5,152 P. Croydon ^ 2 = RedhiH a 9 = Sutton ^ 2, Kingston ^ 9. f^ Presswell&Co., Wallington Motor and Cycle ^Vorks, Stafford Rd. Wai mer (Kent), M. 30, E5]> I'op- 5,347. See :— Castle ; The Gardens. Deal a 2, Sandwich ^ 8, Ramsgate S. 15 = Dover 3l 7. f^ W. H. Wyborne, U, Dover Rd.,{&] Boxes H] U Sun., Night, :?<> 149 Deal. — A. G. Woodward, /,, Cambridge Rd. Walsall m (Stafford), IVI. 21, IcH, Pop. 92,130. 3I.D., Tnes., Sat. ; E.C., Thtirs. See :— Parish Ch. Walsall Wood 4, Muckley-corner 7, Llcilfield ®. 10 (gd. rd., l/.i'O desc. and asc. at 3 m.). Aldridge4, Ganoway Head 10, • 13, TamWOrtil 15 ((jd. sin. 1/17 deSC. at 11 m.) - 557 - WANTAGE Wa.lsa.ll (continued). • i: 13, Fazeiey 14, Atherstoiie 21, Nuneaton & 27 {(id. rd.). Perry Barr 6, Birmingham ffl. 9 (had rd.). Wednesbury :i, Dudley Si 8 (bad rd., l/P: asc. to Dudley). Willenhall 3, Wolverhampton a 6 (med. rd.). Bioiwich 2, Gt. wvriey 6, Cannock 8 (bad rd.), Penkridge 13, Stafford Sb. 19 (gd.. rd.). ^ George, The Bridge, B 2/6 L 2/- R 3/- to 3/6 C'hfr 9/- 5 Coui-t ins (^ PtAC :p> 246. ff" IVIichelin Stockists, The Walsall Garage, Wolverhampt'n St., \m\ Boxes m U \ Sun. :p 444. M.CT. Walisend (Northumberland), M, 14 (not marked on map), IgDl, Pop. 41,464. ^ N.E. 1. North Shields 4, Tynemouth 6 = Newcastle ffl. 3. Waitham Holy Cross 1 (Essex), M. 43, EeI, Pop. 6,796. M.D., Tuen. See :— Abbey Ch. ; Roj^al Gunpowder Factory. Cheshunt 1, Hoddesdon 6, Hertford ®. 1® = Waltham Abb. 1 < Wake Arms 4, Epping 7, Ongar 15 — Waithamstow 9, London ffi. 17 — Waitham Abb. 1, Wake Arms 4, Romford ffi. 15 = 1 < London ^ 16 — Enfield a 4, Barnet m. 10. ^" Michelin Stockists, Fell Bros., U7, HighRd., Agt. for Humber, Ho] Boxes [5] U \ Sun., Night, T Fell :?> 94. Walton-on-Thames (Surrey), M. 29, En|, Pop. 12,853. E.C., Thurs. See :— President Bradshaw's Ho. ; Church (Norm., Monuments) ; Old [Manor Ho. (XVIth c). i:^^ S. 2. Lower Haiiiiord 1 < Stalncs ffi. 6, Windsor a 12 — Chertsey 3, Bagshot 13 = Sunbury 3, Hounslow 9 = Molesey ®. 4, Kingston j®. 6, London a 18 = Esher ^ 3, Kingston ffl. 7 = Weybridge a 2, Byfleet ^ 5, Guildford ^ 14. ^ The Ashley Park (Oi>i?. ,S'«>i.), L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- PG adj :p' 196. \3Pa G. Turner & Sons, 1, Uigk St. Walton-on-the-Naze (Essex), IVi. 24, 30, E5], Pop. 2,173. See :— Tower on the Naze. Walton Ashes 1 < Kirby 2, Fork 3, Thorpe Green 6, ColChOSter ^ 18 — Erinton -on-Sea ®. 3 — Walton Ashes 1, Kirby 2, Clacton-on-Sea 9 — Walton Ashes 1, Kiiby 2, Fork 3, Harwich 16 — Walton Ashes 1, Kirby ?, Fork 3, Thorpe Green 6, Mannlngtree 15. ^^1 J. C. Moreland, Walton Cycle and Motor Works, J, High St., mU \ Sun., Night. Wantage # (Berkshire), M. 28, EH, Pop. 3,628. 31. D., Wed. ; E.C, See :— Church (XlVth c.) ; King Alfred's Statue ; E. Charlton Manor Ho. 1 ; W. White Horse Hill 7. 2IC E. 2 (direction Harwell). Friiford 7, Oxford m. 15 (v. gd.). Harwell • 6, Blewbury 10, Streatley 15, Pangbourne 19, Reading ®. 25 (gd. und., 1/13 desc. at IS m.). • 1. Harwell 6, Didcot 8, AVallingford ffl. 14, Henley-on-Thames a 25 (gd. rd., 1/15 desc. at 22 m.). West Sheflord 9, Hungerford 13, CVUingbourne Duels 25, Salisbury ffl. 43 (med. rd., 1/16-10 asc. at 1 m.). Ashbury 9, Swindon ®. 18 (med. rd., 1/12 asc. to Sunndon). stanford-hi-the-vaie 5, Earingdon fiL 9, Lechlade 15, Eairford 19, Ciren- cester a 28 (';. gd. and.). ^ Bear, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins N 1/- [5] RAC T Nunny ;p> 39. Blue Boar Hotel, Newbury St. ^sa Michelin Stockist, A. J. Belcher, Market PL, [2] U \ T Belcher, Ironmonger :^ 49 Nat. M.CT. — Tlie Wantage Motor Co., Mill St, [8] U \ T Motors ;p> 11. WARE - 558 - Ware (Hertford), M. 23, 29, H^, Pop. 5,842. M.D., Tiies. ; E.C., Th urs. See :-St. irary's Cli. (Goth.). X S. l. Buntingford 10, Royston ^ 17, Cambridge ffi. 31 = Bishops Stortford ffl. 11 = 2 -5 Hoddesdon 4, Cheshnnt 9, Waltham Cross ^ 10, London a 26 — Harlow 10, Ongar 19, Chelmsford a 29 = Hertford §L 2, Hatfield a 9, St. Albans & 14. jUgL Saracen's Head Hotel, High St.. lf> 27. Wareham (Dorset), M. 27, gg, Pop. 2,002. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wefl. See :— Priory (Remains) ; Castle Hill ; Earthworks ; St. Mary's Ch. * (Font •) ; St. Martin's Ch. • (Saxon); S.E. Corfe Castle • 4 ; Stud- land Ch. (Norm.) 9 ; W. Bindon Abb. {admission 3d.) 5. ^ Wareham Stn. 1 «5 Fork 2, Upton 6, Fleets Comer 9, Wimbome ffl. 12, Eing- wood 22 — Bere Regis 7, Dorchester ffi. 18 — wareham stn. i, Fork 2, Blandford ffi. 14 — Wareliam stn. 1, Fork 2, Upton 6, Poole 9 — Wareham Stn. 1, Fork 2, Upton 6, Fleets Comer 9, BoumemOUth a 14 = Swanage 10 = 2 «5 Warmweii Cross 11, Dorchestor ffi. 17 — West Lulworth 8 — Warmwell Cross 11, WeymOUth ®. 19. m Black Bear, South St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins GraMs [e] RAC. Warg^rave (Berkshire), M. 28, Pop. 1,983 P. See :— George Hotel (Signboard). Henley a 3 = Twyford 2 < Reading j®. 7 — Wokingham 7. Warminster ^ (Wiltshire), M. 27, Ee1»I'oP- 5,492. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Town Hall • ; S.E. Scratchbury Camp 4 ; E. Battlesbury Camp 2 ; Longleat Ho. • ; Park 4. X N.E. 1. Dead Maids 3 -5 Beckington 7, Bath ®. 19 — Frome ffi. 7 — Dead Maids 3, Beckington 7, Bradfordon-Avon 14 = Westbury 5, Melksham ®. 14 = Heytesbury 4 < Amesbiiry a 19 — Wilton 18, Salisbury a 21 = Longbridge Deveriii 3 < Shaftesbury 16. 15 — Bruton 15 = 2 -? Frome ffi. 7 — xunney 9, iShopton Mallet 18. 1*1^ The Bath Arms, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/- R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [6j RAC if- 41 Yl. ^H" Michelln Stockists, The Warminster Motor Co., Ltd., 21, George St., [20] "U % Sun., Night, RAC T Motors :p> 7. WARRINGTON # (Lancashire), M. 16, ^, Pop. 72,178. INLD., FefL ; E.C., TMirs. See :-Parish Ch (A) • ; Town Hall (G). ^ S.W. 3 (E. VI). E. I : by Bridge St., Horse Market St., Winwick St., and Winivick Jid. :— winwick • 3, Ashton-in-Makerfield 7, Wigan ®. 12(fiad, cobblestonef( and tramtvay). • r. Winwick 3, Lowton 7, Leigh iS. 9, Atherton 12, Bolton fi. 17 (gd. rd., 1122 asc. at 13 m.). E. II : by Bridge^t, Buttermarket St., Church St., and Manchester Rd. .— cadishead 7, Eccles 14, Manchester a 18 (med. level rd.). E. Ill : by Bridge St. and Knutsford Rd. :— • 2, Mere Corner 9, Knutsford ®. • 12, Holmes Chapel • 19, Congleton 27, Ashbourne ®. 52, Derby a 65, London a 191. • 1. 2, Thehvali 3, Altrincham a 12 {gd. und., 1/18 desc. at s m.), Stockport a 21. • 1. Knutsford S. 12, Macclesfield ffi. 23 {gd. und.). • r. Holmes Chapel 19, NewcastlCrunder-Lyme ffl. 36, London a 1S7. E. IV : by Bridge St. and Wildersiwol Causeway ;— Stretton • 4, Crabtree Green 13, Tarporley 19, Whltchurch Si Zo {several 1/18 gradients), Shrewsbury Si 53 {gd. und,). • 1. stretton 4, Northwich m. 12 {gd. rd.). E. V : % Bridge St. and Chester Bd. ;— Daresbury 4, Frodsham 9, Chester & 20 {v. gd. und,)-. E. VI : by Bridge St., Sankey St., and Liverpool Bd. ;— • 2, Penketh • 3, Koby 12, Liverpool m. 18 {gd. rd.\ • r. 2, Gt. Sankey • • 3, Kainliill 8, Prescot 10, • • 11, Liverpool & 18 {med. rd., 1/20 desc. at 10 m.). • • r. Gt. Sankey 3, Clockface Stn. 7, St. Helens 10 {gd. rd.). • • r. 11. Ormskirk a 23, Preston &. 42 {gd. alt. rd., recom.). • 1. Penketh 3, Widnes 6, Garston 14, Liverpool a 20 {med. rd.). jgfiL Patten Arms, Parker St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 7/- § [CS Shelter adj Gratis (12] :p> 65. WARWICK Warrington (eontimied). WARRINGTON SCALE i Bridge Street 2 Horse Market Street 3 'Wlnwlck Street 4 Winwick Road 5 Buttermarket Street 6 Church Street 7 Manchester Road 8 Knutsford Road 9 Wilderspooi Causeway 10 Chester Road 11 Sankey Street 12 Liverpool Road 13 Queen Street 14 Kendrick Street 15 Legh Street 16 Parker Street 17 Wilson Patten Streei 18 Rylands Street 19 Barbauld Street 20 Springfield Street 21 Palmyra Square 22 Mersey Street ^ Lion, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Box 1/- Shed Gratis ins [^ T Lion Hotel :f> 47. F" Wichelin Stockists, J. S. GsLrla.n 345. — IVIicbelin Stockists, Beilian & Davies, n5a, Sankey St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBER, BELSIZB. R.M.C, DARRACQ, [40] U % R.AC T Motors :p> 246. M.CT. WARWICK m (Warwick), M. 22, EU, Pop. 11,858. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Thurs. See:-St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) (A); East Gate (C); West Gate (D) ; Castle • (E) ; Leycester Hospital (F) ; N. Guy's Cliff e 1. X W. 1. -:^ W. 1 (E. V), Apr. 9-lOth ; Sept. 15-16th ; Nov. 17-19th. See on p. 5 the method used in arrangfing the Hotels. WARWICK — 560 — Warwick (continued). E. I : &?/ Smith St. and Coventry Ed. ;— Kenilworth 5, Coventry a • 10 it/W desc. at. 5 m.), Derby Sl 50 (med. und.). • V. Coventry & 10, Leicester &. 34 (v. gd., 1/13 asc. at 19 in.). E. II : hy Smith St., Coten End, and Emscote Bd. :— Leamington ffl. 2, Princethorpe 9, Blue Boar Comer 13, Rugby fi. 17 {gd. and., 1/13 desc. at 8 m.), Market Harborough ffl. 35, Oundle 57, Peterborough a 70. E. Ill : by Castle Hill, Banbury Rd., and Myton Rd. :— Leamington & 2, Southam 9, Daventry 19, Weedon • 24, Northampton a. 32 (gd. ly. und., 1/lU asc. at 6 m.). • r. Weedon 24, Towcester a. 31, Stony Stratford a 39, Dunstable 58, St. Albans a 71 (v. gd. und., 1/17 desc. through Weedon). WARWICK. SCALE 1 Smith Street 2 Coventry Road 3 Coten End 4 Emscote Road 6 Castle HiU 9 High Street 13 Saltislord 6 Banbury Road 10 West Street 14 MiU Street 7 Myton Road 11 Friars Street 15 Church Street 8 Jury Street 12 The Butts 16 North Gate E. IV : by Castle Rill and Banbury Rd. ;— Gaydon 9, Warmington 15, Banbury ^ 20 (v. gd. rd., hilly, 1/10 asc at 15 m.), Adderbury • 23, London ^ 92. • r. Adderbury 23, Oxford Si 43 (v. gd., 1/15 desc. at 26 m.) E.y-. by Jury St., High St., and West St. ;- Stratford-on-Avon ®. 8, Ch<enham M 38 (v. gd., l/io desc. at 3U m.). E. VI : &2/ Jury St., High St., and Friars St. .— Olaverdon 5, Preston Green 8, Gt. Alne 14, Alcester 16, Dunnington 19, Radford 23, Spetchley 30, WorCCSter ^ 34 (gd. rd.). E. VII : 51/ The Butts and Saltisford .— Hatton 3, Knowle 11, Solihull 14, Birmingham fi 21 (v. gd., 1/17 asc, at 3 m. and 10 m.). jUI Warwick Arms, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 I> 4/6 114/0 Chfr 6/6 ICHl Gar U ins Gratis N" 1/- [8] T Warwick Arms :p> 193. m Woolpack, 3[arket PL, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 6/6 (eg Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [e] RAO T Woolpack :f> 178. I - 561 - WEALDSTONE Warwick (continued). ^ Crown, CotenEnd, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 6/6 Shed [2] Court {4\ ins Graft's :p> 187. -*« Bowling Green, Bowling Green St., B 2/- L 2/- D2/6 K. 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed [a Court (U Gmiis. © Aylesford, i, flffir^i ,%., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/- PG dist. Dale Temperance Hotel, U, Old Square. ff" MIchelin Stockist, W. Bissell, Castle St., {W\U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Bissell :p» 55. — Michel in Stockists, Mid land Autocar Co., Birmingham Ed., Agt. for DeASY, FORD, B.S.A., SUPER, AND G.W.K. Cycle Cars. — Miciielin M.C.T., B. Warner, 32, Market PI. (Motor CJycles). — Michelin M.C.T., D. Hackleton, Smith St. (Motor Cycles). Watchet (Somerset), iW. 26, EH, Pop. 1,846. See :— S.E. Cleeve Abb. • 3 (Admission 1/- for one and 6d. each .•suc- ceeding person). 2 < WilUton 3, Bridgwater fi 21 — Dunster'^?, Minehead a 9. a West Somerset, Stvain St., B 1/9 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed Shelter ins Gratis [4] T Lewis. Water loovi lie ^ (Hampshire), IVI. 28, Pop. 609, i^ Havaat 3. ^ N.E. 7. Petersfield 10 = Havant 3 = Cosham 3 < Portsmouth ffl. 8 — Fareham S. 8, Southampton & 19. JiSL Queens (Private), London Rd., B 2/- L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar adj Gratis N 1/- [HI T Queens q* 37 P.O. Heroes of Waterloo Hotel. ff» Michelin Stockists, csib>= Wadhairi Bros., London Rd. an-1 Hambledon Rd., Agt. for PEUGEOT, FAFNIR, Ho) U \ RAC T Wadham ^fo 38 Nat. Watford ^ (Hertford), M. 29, and Special Map 42, EsI, Pop. 40,953. M.D., Tues.r^.C, Wed. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) : London Orphan Asylum ; E. Bushey (St. James's Ch. (Goth.) ; Silas Titus' Tomb) 2 ; N.W. Cassisbury Mansion {special permit), Garden and Park 1 ; Grove Park (Ho. Queen Anne style) 1. -j^ W. 1. Apsley End 7 -? Berkhampstead IB. 11 — Hemel Hempstead lEL 8 = St. Albans a 7 = Bushey Stn. 1 «? Bushey Heath 3, Edgware ^ 7, LondOn ffl. 17 — Wealdstone ®. 5, Harrow 8 — Bushey Stn. 1, Bushey Heath 3, Barnet a 10 = Rickmansworth 4, Uxbridge ®. 12. JSL Rose & Crown, High St., B 2/- R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U adj Gratis \w\ RAC Lt. T Rose & Crown ;p> 241. M. Maiden, Station Sg., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- [cH « Shed ins N 1/- [U :fo 242. ff« Michelin Stockists, Colebrook, Smith & Co., Ltd., /,2, St. Albans Rd., Agt. for FORD, [Ml "LT N I^AC :f> 141. Watlington (Oxford), M. 28, Pop. 1,554 P. E.G., Wed. See :-Church (Norm, and Goth.) ; Markat Ho. (XVIIth c.) ; N. Pyrtin Manor Ho. 1 ; W. Chalgrove (Ch. and Battlefield) ; N.W. Sherburn Cas. 2 ; Brightwell Baldwin (Ch.) 3. Oxford a 14 = Aston Rowant 4 = Henley ®. 10. Watton (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 1,335 P. M.D., Wed. ; E C, Thurs. East Dereham a 10, Holt a 28 = Thetford a 12. Wealdstone # (Middlesex) (see Special Maps, 42, 43), EH, Pop. 11,923. Watford a 5, St. Albans 12 = Eistree 4 < St. Albans 12 — Barnet 9 = Harrow 3, London a. 14 = Pinner 3, Uxbridge ®. 10. ^f» Michelin Stockists, L. & A. Ruffell, High St., Agt. fvr Ca-dillac, [30) lt \ Sun., Night, :?> 299 Harrow. WEDMORE — 562 — Wed more (Somerset), M. 27, Pop. 2,739 P, ^ Cheddar 4. See :— Church (Xlllth-XVth c.) ; Market Cross (XlVth c). Wells a 8 = Highbridge 8 < Buruham ®. 10 — Bridgwater ^ 16. « Wednesbury (Stafford), M. 21, HB, Pop. 28,108. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Goth.). Walsall a 3 = West Bromwich 3, Birmingham a. 8 = Dudley a 5 = Bilston 2, Wolverhampton SSl 5. Anchor Commercial Hotel, Holyhead Rd. Weedon (Northampton), M. 22, Pop. 1868 P. See .-—Barracks and Ordnance Dept. Magazines. Rugby a 14 = Northampton a 8 = Towcester a 7 = Daventry 5. Mt Globe, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 8/6 H 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins N 1/- [6] :F> 3. WELLINGBOROUGH (Northampton), M. 22, ES, PoP- 19.785. M.D„ Wed. ; E.G., Thtirs. See :-St. Luke's Ch. (Goth.) (A) ; S.W. Wilby (St. Mary's Ch.) 2 (E. IV). :i:e.2. wellingborough SCALE E.\: by Silver St., High St., and Harrowden Rd. .— Great Harrowden 2, Kettering ^ 8 (gd. und., 1/ lU asc. at S m.). E. II : by Market St., Alma St., Cannon St., and Finedon Rd. :— Finedon 3, Thrapston ffl. io, Oundle 18, Peterborough ffl. 31 («. gd. VMd., 11 n asc. at 2U m.). E. Ill : by Sheep St. and Olney Rd:— Little Irchester • 1, Higliam i'errers 5, Kimbolton 15, Staughton Green • 18, St. Neots ®. 23, Cambridge Si 40 (gd. und., 1/17 desc. at 27 m.). • r. Little Irchester 1, Bozeat 6, Olney 11, Newport Pagnell 16 (gd. und.., 1/13 desc. at 3 m.), London Ql 68. • 1. staughton Green 18, Buckden 22, Huntingdon fi. 26 (gd. und.). E. IV : by Oxford St. and Northampton Rd. :— Wilby 2, Northampton m. 10 (v. gd. und., 1/lG desc. at U m.). jjfift. Hind, Market Place, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E 4/- Chfr 6/6 5 GarlJadj Gratis N 1/- and 2/- \M ItAC qp> 5 and 199. jat Augel, Silver St., P, 2/- L 2/- I) 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- fcHI Gar U ins C^miis g] ;p> 190. ■ I - 563 - WELLS Welling:boroug:h {continued), sf^ta Michelin M.C.T., H. V. Briggs, US, High St. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., E, G. Cosford,Sa, Knox Rd. (Motor Cycles). ' Weilinston (Shropshire), Nk 21, ED. Pop- 7,820. M.D., Tlmrs. ; E.C., B'n. See :-N. Apley Cas. 1 ; S. Wrekin (View) 2. ;§! W. 2 (direction Atcham). Shawburch • 2, Crudgington 15, Hodnet 12, WhltChurch ffi. 22 (c. 36. ^ Shapland's, 6, Fore St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Ch-atis [2] :F> 13. I I Michelin Stockist, J. M. Richardson, 9, High St., Agt. for Singer, Alldays, (20] U \ Sun. , Night, RAC T Richardson 7f> 47X. Weils (Norfolk), M. 24, ESI, Pop. 2,565. E.C., Thurs. See -.—Harbour ; Holkham Hall. ^ N. 2. Clev 9 < Cromer ®. 21 — Holt m. 13, Norwich ffi. 35 = New Walslngham 5 < Fakenham ffi. 10 — Norwich ffi. 32 = Burnham ]Market7 < Hunstanton a IS — King's Lynn fi 28. m Crown, Bicttlands, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- El RAC T Crown. WELLS 1 (Somerset), M. 27, |m1, Pop. 4,655. M.D., Sat. ; E.C., F'erf. See :— The Deanery • (A) ; Vicar's Close • (C) ; Chain Gate (D) ; Cathedral (Xllth and Xlllth c. Goth.) • (E) ; Episcopal Palace • (F) ; St. Cuthhert's Ch. (Goth.) (H). ^ N.E. 2 (E. 1). E. 1 : by Sadler St. and New St. ;— • 1, "Chewton Mendip • 5, Farrington Gurney 8, Pensford 14, Bristol &. 20 (v. gd., hilly, recom., 1/10 desc. at 8 ni. and 17 m.). • 1. 1, Blue Bowllnn 8, Chew Stoke 11, BrlStol ffi. 19 (gd., V. hilly, 1/8-9 gradients), • L Chewton Mendip 5, Blue Bowl Inn 9, Chew Stoke 12^ BrlstOl ^ 20 (gd., V. hilly). E. II : by Sadler St., North Liberty, East Liberty, St. Andrew St., and St. Thomas St. :— Old Down Inn 6, Radstock 11, Bath m. 20 (med. v. hilly, 1/13 desc. and asc. at 11 m.). E. Ill : by Sadler St., North Liberty, East Liberty, St. Andrew St., and Tor" St. ;- Shepton Mallet • 5, Leighton 11, Frome ffl. 17 (i: gd. und., 1/10 desc. at 1 ill.), London a 122. • r. Shepton Mallet 5, Bruton 12, Gillingham m. 22, Shattesbury ffi. 27 ([/(/., V. hilly). The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hote picrred from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to S.JO p.m. respectively. WELSHPOOL 564 — Wells ((•',// ^^/ -'!>(/). E. IV : /'// Ul'jh St., Broad St., Priory Rd., and Glastonbury Ed. :— Glastonbury • 5, Piper's inn • 10, Borough Br. 18 (Toll: Cars or motor -cycles :ul.), Durston 23, TauntOM SL 28 (v. gd., 1/16 desc. at 16 m.). • 1. Glastonbury 5, Butieigh 9, Ilchester 17, Yeovil m 22 (wed. vnd.). • r. Piper's Inn 10, Knowle 17, BHdgwater m. 20 (v. gd. iind.). E. V : ftr/ High St., St. Cuthbert St., and Portway :— • 1, Rodney Stoke 5, Cheddav 8, Axbridge 10, Weston-super-Mare a -^1 (gd. vnd., 1/12 desc. at lorn.). • I. 1, Henton 4, Wedinore S, Hi-i.bridge 17, Burnham ^ IS (r. gd. mnl.). Sadler Street '2 New Street 3 North Liberty 4 East Liberty 5 St Andrew Street 6 St Thomas Street 7 Tor Street High Street 9 Broad Street 10 Priory Eoad 11 Glastonbury Road 12 St Cuthbert Street 13 Portway m Swan, Sadler St., B 2/6 L 3/. D 4/6 R 4/6 to 5/- Chfr 7/6 Shed ins Gratis N ]/- [6] RAC :F> 21 PO. M White Hart, Sadler St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E 2/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- g] T White Hart. Star Hotel, High St. Mitre Hotel, Sadler St. MIchelin Stockists, J MORRIS-OXFOKD, »ampson & Jones, ^o, High St., Agt. for Singer, [1] U % Sun., Kight, RAG :p> oO. Welshpool ® (Montgomery), M. 20, HB, Pop. 5,917. M.D.. Mon. : E.G., Thurs. See :—Po\vysland Museum ; St. Mary's CJi. ; S.^y. Powy's Cas. 1 •. ^ W. 1 (direction Llanfair). Llandysilio 8, Llanclys 12, OsWOStry Si 15 (gd. rd. hilly). ^Iiddleto^^^l 6, Ford 14, Shrewsbury ®. 19 (gd. rd., 1/1/+ asc. at ■' w.). • 2, Garthniyl 6, Newtown iS. 13 (w. gd. level rd.). • 1. 2, Kingswood 4, Montgomery ®. 8 (o. gd.). Llanfair 8, Llaugadfan 16, Mallwyd • 26, Cross Poxes 34, Dolgelly 38, Bar- mouth a. 47 (gd. rd., 1/7-8 asc. at 31 m. and 1/8-15 desc. at .)■'> m.). • 1. Mallwyd 26, Cemmaes 31, Machynlleth 37, Aberdovey 47 (magn. rd., 1/1'> desc. at Id m.). ^ Royal Oak. The Cross, B 2/6 L 2/6 I) 3/6 R 2/6 to 4/- Clifr 5/6 Shelter ins Gratis N 1/- [12] T Oak 7(° 17 PO. Bull Hotel, amrch St. F: WESTERHAM Welshpool (cn„ti„ii>ul). ^?pa Michelin Stockist, C. W. Norton, The Clive Ga.ra.g:e, Church St., Agt. for FORD, [10] U N T Norton q»> 25 PO. — Bishop's ;Motor Garage, J^, Church St., [4111% Sun. ifj G. — G. G. Higham & Co., Berriew St., [U U S Sun. RAO T Highani ;p> 12 PO. Welwyn # (Hertford), M. 29 0?o< marked on map). Pop. 1,660 P. iritchin ^9= Stevenage 7 = Hertford ^ 7 = Hatfield ^ 5. j*l*L Cowper Arms, Oi>2^. Stn., B 2/- L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Slied Slielter ins Gratis \t\ f^m Michelin Stockists, C. & A. Roberts, High St., Whitwell, EU U N Sun. :p' 0. Wem (Shropshire), M. 2t, SId], Pop. 2,273. M.U., T/a/,;-^'. ; E.C., /''/•/•. See :— W. Hawkstone (Red C'as. Rns.) 5. Whitchurch a 9, Nantwich ^ 21 = 3 < High Ercaii 10, Wellington Si 16 — Shrewsbury a 12 — High Ercaii 10, Newport a 20 = Shrewsbury m. 11 5= Ellesmere ®. 10, Ovei'ton 1^). ^ Castle, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2 '6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Grati'? [5] RAC Lt. T Castle. il*l White Horse, High St, B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed ins M ~ -/6X1/-[1]. ^si Moss Bros., High St. Wemyss Bay (Renfrew), Wl. 11. See :— Castle. o •< Gourock 8, Greenock ®. 11 — Greenock ®. 9 = Largs 6, West Kilbride 13, Ardrossan IS. Wemyss Bay Hotel. Wendover (Buckingham), M. 22, 28, Pop. 2,009 P. See :-St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.). ^ S.W. 2. Aylesbury a 5 = Amersham Sl 10, Uxbridge a 21. j^ Red Lion, High St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar Slied Court ins Gratis N 1/- [5] T Chambers :p> 5 PO. West Bromwich (Stafford), M. 21, ED, Pop. 68,345. M.D., Sat.; E.C., TfefZ. ' See :— Oak Ho. (XVlth c.) ; Town Hall. ^ S.E. 1. Wednesbury 3, Bilston 5, Wolverhampton ®. 8 = Birmingham a 5 = Dudley & 5. ^^ Michelin M.C.T., F. Guest, UU, High St. (Motor Cycles). Westbury (Wiltshire), M. 27, inH, Pop. 3,433. M.D., FrL ; E.C., Ferf. See :— All Saints' Ch. (Goth.); E. Bratton Cas. (Camp) 3; Edington Ch. • 4. Yambrook2 < Melksham ffi. 9, Chi-ppenham ^ 16 — Trowbridge a 5, Brad- ford-on- A von 8 = Littleton 8 < Kushall 17, AndOVeP ®. 35 — Maddington 16, Wilton 25, Salisbury a 28 — Littleton 8, Rushaii 17, Marlborough a 28 — Littleton S, Maddington 16, Amesbury fi. 22 = Warminster a 5, Shaftesbury ffi. 20 — Frome ^ 8. West Calder (Edinburgh), M. 12, Pop. 2,652. X W. i. Edinburgh a 17 = Carnwath 13 = 1 < Lanark a 16 — Newmains 13. AVishaw 15 — Xewmalns 13, Stonehouse 20. Westciiff-on-Sea (Essex), M. 30 {not marked on map). Adjoining Southend. Westerham (Kent), M. 29, Pop. 2,905 P. M.D., and E,C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Churchyard (View) ; Quebec Ho. (Home of Gen. Wolfe). BronUey ®. 11, London ^ 22 = Paverhead 5 < igtiiaju 11, Maidstone la 23 — Sevenoaks a 7 — Riverhead 5, igthani 11, Wrotham 14, Gravesend ^ 24 = Kent Hatch 2 < Edenbridge 5, XJckfield21 — Tonbridge ^ 14 = Oxted ffi. 4, Godstone 7, Bletchingley ^ 9, Redhill S. 12 s= Croydon ffl. 13. ^ King's Arms, Market Sq., R2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar LT ins Gratis m, RAC T Hooper :p> 46. ffm West Kent Motor Works, Quebec Sq., [6] Boxes [2] U \ Sun. Night, T Evenden ::|« 6. WESTGATE-ON-SEA - 566 - We8tga.te-on-Se£i (Kejit), M. 30, Pop. 2,738 P. E.C., T/un:-^. See :— W. Birehington Ch. 2. ^ W. 1. Margate ^ 2 s= upstreet 8 < Canterbury ffl. 15 — Heme Bay Sl 14. ffil St. Clement's Hotel. m St. Mildred's, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- H 6/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft [^ 9 Gar U opp N 1/- [^ T St. Mildred's ;p> 196. ^ Westcliff, ,%a iid., B 2/6 L 3/- D 5/- R 5/- Shed Court adi Gratis N 1/- g] RAG :f> 199. ^fm E. Whlttaker, Tom'w //« ?^ Bldgs. — J. Jackson. West Hartlepool ® (Durham), M. 14, JH, Pop. 63,932. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Wed. See :— St. Hilda's Ch. (XVIIth c.) ; Victoria Dock. Hartlepool 2 (bad rd. level). Woiviston 6, Stockton-on-Tees a ll {gd. level rd.). Hart 4, • 5, Tiimdon 11, Coxhoe 14, Durham ffl. 19 {gd. rd., If 11 desc. at ISi m.), • r. 5, Easington 13, Sunderland ^ 21 (gd. rd., several 1115 gradients). mm Grand, B2/6 L 2/6 D3/6 114/6 to 6/- Chfr 7/6 Lft S PG dist RAC Lt. T Nerotel :p> 629. ?^n Micheiin Stockists, ms^ Carlton Motor Co., Carlton Garage, Villiers St., Qa] Boxes ID U % Sim., Night, RAC T Gales Garage :p> 639. — Micheiin M.C.T., Thompson & Edwards, 107, York Bd. (Motor Cycles.) West Kilbride (Ayr), M. It, Pop. 2,316 (Alt. 165 ft.). See :— W. Farland Hd. ; Portincross Cas. (Rns. Xlllth c.) 2. ^ (adj. town). Largs 7, Wemyss Bay 13, Gourock 21, Greenock S. 24 = Dairy 7, Beith 12 = Ardrossan 5. West Kir by (Cheshire).— See Hoylake. West Tarring # (Sussex), M. 29 (not marked on map), Pop. 1,720. 1 <. Washington 6, Horsham a 18 — Arundel 8 = Worthing ^ 1. a Market House, B 1/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Gar U ius Gratis [3] :p> 4060. ^»> Micheiin Stockist; J. Hollands, High St., M U \Sim. :p> 223. WESTON-SUPER-MARE # (Somerset), M. 26, lu^, Pop. 23,235. See :— Museum ; N. Worle Hill (View) 2 ; S. Uphill Old Ch. 2. :§C X.E. 1. E. I : Oif WaUiscote ltd. and Locking Rd. .— • 2, Banweil • 6, Churchill 10, West Harptree 18, Marksbury 26, Corston 29, Bath J®. 33 (med. hilly, pict), London j®l 141. • 1. 2, Worle 3, Congresbury ^ 9, Bourton stn. 16, Bristol a 21. • r. Banweil 6, Axbridge 11, Cheddar 13, Wells a 21 (gd. tmd., 1/12 asc. at 6 m.). E. II : by Oxford St. and Beach Rd. :— (Toll-gate 2 : Cars 6d., motor -cycles 3d., trailers 2d.) Bleadon 4, East Brent 7, Highbridge 11, Bridgwater Si 19 (v. gd., 1/lS desc. at 16 m.). m Grand Atlantic, The Lawn's Parade, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft Gar ins Gratis JSf 1/- [7] T Atlantic 7f> 244. m. Royal, South Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/- Lft S Gar ins M -/6 N 1/- m RAC 7r 277. ASA Queen's, Regent St.. B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 5/6 5 PG adj T Culley ^p 1'70. jUa The Railway, 59, Regent St., L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- 5 Shed ins M -/6 N 1/- [H T Railway Hotel :?• 285 Nat. ^» Micheiin Stockist, Blackmore's Garage, Wadham St., Agt. for Austin, [20] Boxes HUN Sun., Night, RAC T Blackmore Garage ;p> 98. — I'. W. Shearmur, Worthy Lane, The Boulevard, Agt. fer Singer, Darkacq, Sizatrb, [20] U "S Sun,, Night, RAC T Shearmur "J^ 136. — 567 — Weston-super-Mare {continued). WETHERBY V^ESTON-SUPER-MARE Walliscote Road 2 Locking Road 3 Oxford Street 4 Beach Road 5 High Street Westward Ho (Devonshire), M. 25, Pop. 5,280 P. ^ N.E. 1. See :— Pebble Ridge. Bideford ^ 3. Jii Golden Bay, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- E. 4/- to 7/6 Chfr 7/- [cl TJ ins Gratis ^ RAC T Royal If- 14. 5 Gar Wetherby @ (l^orkshire), M, 17, Pop. 2,212. M.D., Thuvs. See:— ?s^. Kirk Deighton Ch. 1; N.W, SpofForth Cas. (Remains) :^- ^ S.W. 1. >t^ Aw- 2U-25th ; May mh ; Oct. 20th. 1 < Boroughbridge j®. 12, Ripon a 18 — Knaresborough 7, Ripley 12 = York j®. 14 = 2 < Hook Moor 9, Ferrybridge 17, Doncaster & 31 — Boston Spa 3, Tadcaster 7 — Hook Moor 9, Castleford 16, Pontefract 19 — Hook Moor 9, Ferrybridge 17, PontefraCt 20 = Collingham 2 -S Otley fi. 16 — Leeds a 12 = Harrogate a 9. JSL Brunswick, High St., Ii2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- to 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed ins X 1/- [3] RAC Lt. a George and Dragon, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis [2]. yf" Michelin Stockists, T. Snape & Son, Xorth St., Agt. for HUMBER, ARROL-JOHNSTON, E] \ :p> 5X. M.C.T. The price of a room is for a g^ood medium-sixed roonn with largre bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper may let rooms at prices inferior or superior to those given in the Guide according to situation and installation. WEYBRIDGE - 568 - Weybridge i, Romsey Sl 58, Winchester a 68 (v. gd., hilly, jnct., several 1/15 gradients). • r. Upton 25, Poole S^ 28, Bournemouth Si 33 (gd. rd., 1/16 asc. at oO m.). • r Cadnam 51, Southampton St 60 (v. gd. level rd.). E. Ill : f>y Backivater Br. and Abbotsbury Rd. : — Ohickerell 3, Portesham 8, Abbotsbury 10, BrIdport &. 20 (med. rd., many gates ; v. jrict.). WHITBY Weymouth {continued). fm Burdon, Esplanade, B 3/- L 3/- D 4/- R 5/- Clifr 6/6 Lft [CHi 5 PG U 50 y 1/- RAC ;?> 41. lie? The Gloucester, Esplanade, B 3/- L 3/- Do/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- 8 Gar U adj Gratis N 1/- g] T Middleton. j^ ^■ictoria, Esplanade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Clxfr 7/6 8 ?> 174. I'lie Royal Hotel, Esplanade. W>^ MIchelln Stockists, aiB>. IWL H. Tilley & Son, Vict(yria St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBEK, FoRD, {50] Boxes g] If \ Suu. RAC T Tilley Motors :f> 2Y and 72. — Michelin Stockists, Guy & Reynolds, Motor Engineers, Esplanade, Agt. for R.M.C., Singer, Vickstow, Q2] U \ Sun., Night, T Guy Reynolds :^ 295. — E. Channon & Sons, Crescent St., Agt. for OVERLAND, Enfield, [To] Boxes m U S RAC T Channon :f> 47. Whaliey # (Lancashire), iVI. 16, Pop. 1,100 P. See :— Abbey (Rns.) ; Church (Goth.). Clitheroe 4, Skipton fi. 21 = 1 < Padiham 5, Burnley Si 8 — Clayton- le-Moors 4, Accrington 5 = 2 < Preston a 13 — Blackburn fi. 7. ff" IVIichelin Stockists, F. Groome, LtcL, King St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBER, FLANDERS, TALBOT, FlAT, go] LT % Sun., Night, RAC T Groome qp> 11. M.CT. Whitburn (Linlithgow), IVI. 12, TB, Pop- 1,875. Armadale 2, Linlithgow 9 =r Mid Caider 9, Edinburgh ^ 21 = Lanark ^ 16 = Newhouse 10 •< Glasgow ®. 24 — Motherwell ^ 14. WHITBY 1 (Yorkshire), M. 17, ES, Pop. 11,139. M.D., Sat.; E.C.. Wed. See :— Museum (A) ; St. Mary's Ch. (Caedmon's tomb) (C); Whitby Abb. (Xllth-XIVth c.) (D). ^ N.W. 1 (E. IV). WHITBY SCALE WHITCHURCH - 570 - Whitby (continued). E.\:by Whitby Br., Church St., Spital Br., and Scarborough Rd. :— Flask Inn 8, Bumiston 16, Scarboi'ough a 21 (med. V. hilly, several 1/1 J gradients). E. II : by Baxtergate, Bagdale, Downdinv-er Hill, and Pickering Rd. :— Sleights 5, SaUersgate 12, Pickering 20 {med. rd). New Malton &. 29, York ffi. i7 (magn. rd., 1/S asc. with dang, turn at J.i m.), London a 245, E. Ill : ft?/ Baxtergate, Bagdale, Chubb Hill Rd., and Stazeby Rd. .— Aislaby 4, Scaling 13, Guisborougll 22, {Toll-gate 30 : Cars 2 seats 2d., up to 4 seata 4d.) MIddlesbrough j®. 31 {poor rd., hilly). E.W'.by Baxtergate, Bagdale, Chubb Hill Rd., and Upgang Lane:— Sandsend 3 {Toll-gate : Cars 1/-, motor-cycles Id,), Hinderwell 11, LoftUS 16, Saltburn 21 {v. med. v. hilly, pict.), • 25, Khkleatham 27, {Toll-gate 33 : Cars, 2 seata 2d., up to 4 seats 4qL), Middlesbrough ffl. 35 {gd. rd., 1/7 asc. at 11 m., inany 119-10 gradients). • r. 25, Redcar j®. 27. ai Metropole, West Cliff, Lft [cH 8 Gar ins g] :p» 62. m. Royal, West Cliff, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- Chfr 7/6 Lft [^ 5 Gar 300 y N i/6 :p> 96. 1^ Crown, Skinner St.. and Flowergate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- S Gar 400 y M -/6 N 3/6 :?> 85, j*fiL Angel, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 5 Gar ins M 1/- N 1/6 m K AC :p 57 Nat. W^ MIchelin Stockist, J. Aston Brings, 12, St. Ann's Staith, MU \ Sun., Night, RAC T Briggs ^ 35. — A. H. AValker, West Cliff] Agt. for Wolselet, Fiat, lH) Boxes [£! U \ i^un., Night, RAC T Garage :f> 59. Whitchurch (Hampshire), M, 28, Pop. 2,227 P. See :— Church (Jacob ; Monuments) ; E. Laverstoke Ch. 2. 1 < Newbury ^ 13 — Kingsclere 8, Reading ®. 26 = Basingstoke a 11 = Sutton scotney 5 -? Winchester ffi. 12 — Stockbridge 12, Salisbury & 26 = Huratbonrne Priors 2 < AndOVer ^ 7 — Stockbridge 12. m White Hart, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins N 1/- g) RAC. ^■i H. J. Sampson & Sons, Bell St. \. WHITCHURCH # (Shropshire), M. 21, EeI. Pop. 5,757. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., TFed. See :— St. Alkmond's Cli, (A) ; N.E. Corabermere Abb, 5 (E, II). ':^ S,E. 1 (E. II). E. I : &2/ High St., Bargate, and Tarporley Rd. :— Kidiey 9, Tarporley 14, Warrington a 33 {gd. mid., several 1/18 gradients). E. II : by High St., Green End, and Station Rd. :— • 5, Aston 7, Nantwich a 12, Crewe 16 {med. und.). • r. 5, Audlem 9, Woore • • 14, Newcastle-under-Lyme & 21 {gd. und., 1/13 asc. and desc. at 16 m.). • • r. Woore 14, Stone ffi. 27 {med. rd.). • • r. Woore 14, Eccleshall 26, Stafford SL 33 {gd. und., 1/1'> asc. at 7.9 m.). E. Ill : by High St., Watergate, Dodington, and Shrewsbury Rd. .— Kaven Inn -2, • 5, TernhiU 10, Hinstock 15, Newport ^ 21, Woiverhamp- ton ffl. 39 {v. gd., 1/lU desc. at 15 m.), London ffl. 163. • r, Baven Inn 2, Frees 5, Preston Brockhurst 11, Shrewsbury fi. 19 {v. gd. recom., 1/17 asc. at 11 m.). • r. 5, Hodnet 10, Grudgington 17, Wellington 22 {v. gd., 1/15 asc. and desc. at 9 m.). E. IV : by High St., Watergate, Dodington, and Wem Rd. :— Cotton 6, Wem 9, Shrewsbury & 20 {gd. und., 1/25 asc. at 12 m.). E.y : by High St., Watergate, Mill St., New St., Highgate, and Wrex- ham Rd. :— Kedbrook • 2, •5, Bangor 12, Wroxham &. 16 {med. rd.). • L Bedbrook 2, Welsh Hampton 9, EUesniere S^ 12, OSWestry fi. 20 {v. gd. rd., stp. hills). • 1, 5, Hanmer 6, Overton 12, Ruabon 17, Trevor & 20, Llangollen a. 23 {med., 1/12 desc. at 7 m,). 'i71 WHITEHAVEN W h i tc h u rch (co ntimied). E. VI : hy High St., Bargate, and Malpas Rd. :— Malpas a • 5, Broxton 10, Chester a 20 (v. gd. level rd.). • 1. Malpas a 5, Pamdor 12, Wrexham Sl 18 (gd. rd., l/U des< 7 m.). WHITCHURCH. A. ST ALKMOND'S CHURCH G.-P.S.-(See p. 3) SCALE 1 High Street 2 Bargates 3 Tarporley Road 4 Green End. 5 Station Road 6 Watergate 7 Dodington 8 Shr«(wsbury Road 9 Wem Road 10 iSm street 11 New street 12 Highgate 13 Wrexham Road 14 Malpas Road 15 Church Street 16 St Mary's Street 17 Olaypit Street 18 St John's Street 19 Brownlow Street 20 Bridgewater St. HH Victoria, High St., B 2/6 L 2/9 D 4/- R 3/- Chfr 7/0 Gar Shed Shelter IT ins Gratis [50] RAG Lt. ;p> 31. jtivL Alexandra Temperance and Commercial, 1*2, High St., B2/- L2/- B 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/6 Shed Shelter U ins Gratis [6] :F> 87. f^M Michelin Stockists, W. H. Smith & Co., Mill St., Agt. for Briton, Star, g] LT N Sun., Night, T Iron J^ 39. Whitehaven # (Cumberland), M. 15, MM, Pop- 19,048. M.D., T/i?/r«. ; E.C., Fri. See :-Tlie Wellington Pit. ^ S. 6. Disttogton 5 < Workington a 9, Maryport 15, Silloth 27 — Cockermouth A 14, Carlisle a 41 = Egremont 5, Millom 32 = st. Bees 4, Egremont 7. JJH Grand {adj. Station), B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/- R 4/- Clifi- 6/6 Lft Shed [^ U ins N 1/- :p' 109. /Se« on ^. 5 fAe hi ethod used in arrangring: the Hotels. WHITHORN - 572 - Whitehaven (eontimied). ^ Globe, 107, Duke St., B 2/- L 2./- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- 8 Gar 10 y Gratis [g. f^Bi Micheiin Stockists, H. S. Jacques & Co., ->', Tangier St., Agt. for HuMBBR, FoRi>, Adams, m U \ ^ 108. — Overend Bros., 6'.', Church St., Agt. for Krit, Riley, g] U \ T Overends. Whithorn (Wigtown), M. 11, I^, Pop. 1,170. See :— S.E, Isle of Whithorn (Priory Ch,, Xllth c. Ens.) 4 ; S. St. Ninian's Cave 3 ; Burrow Hd. 4. Wigtown 11, Newton Stewart ^ IS = Garliestown 5, Wigtown 13 = Isle of Whithorn 4 = Port William '9, Glenluce 23, Stranraer 33. Whitley Bay @ (Northumberland), M. 14 {not marked on map), ffjDl , Pop. 7705. :§: Blyth 7, Morpeth a 17 = Tynemouth 2 = Newcastle-upon-Tyne Sl lo. ^ Esplanade, Promenade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 5/- Chfr 6/- Lft 5 Gar ins Gratis gj ;p> 51. f^a Micheiin Stockists, Whitley Motor Co., Ltd., Mardon ItiL, Agt. for S.C.A.R., STOEWER, [50] Boxes (DUN Sun., RAC :p' 163. Whitstable (Kent), M. 30, IudJ, Pop. 7,984. E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.). Heme Bay ^ 6, Margate ja 22 = Canterbury ffl. 6 = Faversham ^ 7, Sittingbourne 14, Rochester ®. 25. Bear & Key Hotel, High St. ffm A. T. Bates, ,?-?-.'?//, Ilarbonr St. Whittlesey (Cambridge), M. 23, ED, Pop. 4,207. M.D.. Fri. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Mary's Ch. Toll-gate 2 (Carsl/-, motor-cycles 6c^. ), Thomey 5 < Crowland 10, Spalding J©. 19 — Wisbech a 19 = March 11, Chatteris 19 = Ramsey 9, Huntingdon a 20 = Peterborough SL 7. Wick # (Caithness), M. 5, m. Pop. 2,774. M.D., Fri. ; £.( ., UV-/. See :— Harbour ; N. Noss Head (Cas. Rns.) 3; S. "The Auld Man o' Wick " (Rns.) 2. X ^- I^eiss 3. Reiss • 3, Keiss 8, Freswick 13, John o' Groats 17 (gd. V. pict., IjlG asc. at • 1. Reias 3, Thura Inn 11, Castletow-n 16, ThurSO ffl. 21 {gd. rd.). | Ulbster 7, Lybster 13, Latheron 17, Helmsdale 37, Brora 48, Golspie 54 ( ferry -38) Tain ffi 73 (v. gd. v. 2nct., 1 1 9-12 desc. and asc. at ;?7 m.), Perth a • 153, Edinburgh m. 193. • 1. Perth a 153, Glasgow ®. 214. Watten 8, Georgemas Inn 15, ThurSO & 21 {v. gd. ly. und.). m station. Bridge St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Shed 50 y Gratis N 1/6 [Ig] SAC. ^ Meredith's, Union St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Gar If ins Gratis \T] T Meredith. 1*1^ Caledonian, Bridge St., B2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R2/9 Chfr 6/- Gar 20 y Gratis N 1/6 [5]. W» Micheiin Stockist, R. S. Waters, High St., ^U\ Sun., Night, SAC :fi> 40. — A. Robertson & Son, Bridge St., Agt. for ARGYLL, flal LT S T Robertson, Ironmonger :p> 41. Wickham Market ® (Suffolk), M. 24, Pop. 1,417. E.C., Wed. 1 < Fork 6, Saxmuudham fit 8, Lowestott ®. 31— Framlinghani 6, Harle- ston 21 — Fork 6, Aldeburgh a 12 = Woodbridge 5, Ipswich ^ 13. I*l?l White Hart, B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter ins Gratis- N 1/- [H RAC Lt T Zissell. VT" Micheiin Stockist, Castell's Motor Works (C. D. Casteil),! Middle St., Agt. for FLANDERS, Clemext-Talbot, go] LT >I Sun., Night, RAC T Casteil :p> 4. I WIGAN M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Garston 8, Liverpool — 573 — Widnes (Lancashire), M. 16, [mH, Pop. 31,544, See :-Pvailway Br. :^ N.W. 2. Warrington a 6 = Runcorn 1, Nortiiwich ffl. 13 = a 14. ^jfMi Ward & Co., 35, Widnes Ild.,[^U \. — Smith & Sons, Victoria Sq. WIQAN # (Lancashire), IVI. 16, ED, Pop. 89,171. M.D., Fri. ; E.C. Wed. See :— All Saints' Ch. ; " The Meadows " (Eliz.). ^ E. {Hindley) 3. W^IGAN B.S. (G.C.R.)-R.S.(UY.R.>-R.8.(L.ltW.R.H5.-T.-P.$.-(SM |>. 3) 1 Standishgate I 2 Wigan Lane I 3 King Street I 4 Darlington Street | 5 Darlington Street East 6 Manchester Road 7 Wallgate 8 Warrington Road 9 Ormskirk Road 10 Station Road.^^;^ tl Millgate / • r. m- So Ik- ^ L EA: by Standishgate and Wigan Lane :— standisii 4, Euxton 9, Preston ®. 17 {v. gd., 1/18 desc. at 8 m.). E. il : by King St., Darlington St., Darlington St. East, and Manchester Rd:— Hindley • 3, Tyldesley 8, Pendleton 17, IVIancliester a 19 {bad rd., level). • 1. Hindley 3, Bolton m. 9 (pad rd.). E. Ill : by Wallgate :— Queen's Head Hotel • 1, Ashton-in-Makerfield • 5, Warrington jES. 12 {bad rd., cobble-stones and tramivay), London ^ 198. • v. Ashton-in-Makerfleld 5, St. Helens 10 {v. gd.), Liverpool m. 21 {med. rd.). Queen's Head Hotel 1, Upholland 4, Skelmersdale 9, Ormskirk Si 12, Southport a 20 {med. rd.. If 10 asc. at k m.). m. Royal, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- « ^ 401. TF" Michelin Stockist, HL H, Timberlake, 28, Kinq St., Agt. for Fiat, HoTCHKiys, Delage, do] Box If Sun. RAC T Timberlake :p 532 and 273. M.C.T. WIGTON - '^7i - Wicran {continued). Wm Michelin Stockist, H. W. Ind, Abbey Lakes Garage, (IpJiolland, IS ir \ Sun., Night, T Ind :p> 17. — B. B. Dunwell & Co., 13, Wigan Lane, Agt. for Ford, Akrol- Johnston, [so) U Sun., Night, f Brodie :p> 328. Wigrton (Cumberland), M. 12, EdI, Pop. 3,687. M.D., Tues. ; E.G., Thurs. See :-S. Old Carlisle (Rns.) 1. "^ S.E. 2. Bowness 12 = Carlisle ®. H = Sebeigham 8, Penrith ffi. 21 = Rel Bial 2 < Caldbeck 8, Penrith ^ 21 — Bothel 9, CockermOUth j®. 17 — Red Dial 2, Bothel 9, Keswick 22 = Aspatria 8, Maryport 1.5, Workington & 21 = Silloth 11. gl Queen's Temperance, 33, King St., B 1/6 L 1/6 R 2/- Ohfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [3]. E.oyal Oak Temperance Hotel, 5, TTesi /S'f. Wigrtown (Wigtown), M. 11, Icl, Pop. 1,368. See :— Burgh Cross ; Town Hall. Newton Stewart j®. 7 = 4 < Whithorn 11 — Garliestown 8, Whithorn 13 = Port William 11 = Auchenmaig Inn 14, Glenluce 19, Stranraer ffl. 29 = Kirkcowan 8, Glenluce 17, Stranraer 27. jIJL Galloway Arms, B 1/6 L 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed N 1/- Court N -/6 adj m SAC. © Commercial, SO, South Main St., B 1/6 L 2/- E, 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Shed 50 y. Willenhall (Stafford), iVI. 21, ED, Pop. 18,858. See :--St. Giles' Ch. (Window). Walsall S. 3 '= Bilston 2 = Wolverhampton a 3. Lion Hotel, Upper Lichfield St. ^^ Wllchelln M.C.T., J. H. Wedge & Co., New Rd. (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., J. H. Dainty, 75, Stafford St. (Motor Cycles). Williton (Somerset), M. 26, Pop. 5,354. M.D., Mon. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Two Ancient Crosses ; E. Holford (Alfoxden Ho.— W^ordsworth's Residence) 7 ; Nether Stowey (Coleridge Ho.) 9 ; W. Cleeve Ahb. • 2 (admission Ij-for one, and 6d. each succeeding person). Bridgwater a 18 = Taunton a 16 = l < Dunster 6, Minehead ffi 8 — Watchet 3. Wilmsiow (Cheshire), M. 16, ES). Pop- 8,153. E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.). Handforth 2 < Cheadle a 5, W^ithington 8, Manchester ®. 12 — Pott shrigiey 9, Chapel-en-le-Frith 17 = Macclesfield a 7 = Alderley Edge a 2, Congleton 13 = Knutsford jSl 7, Northwich a 14 = Haie 6 < Altrlncham a 8 — Sale 10, Manchester a 15. Wilton (Wiltshire), M. 27, MM, Pop. 2,124. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. (Rns.) ; Borough Cross ; Church (Lombardic style) ; Wilton Ho •. Stapleford 4 < Deptford 8, Mere 22 — DovizeS ^ 22 — Stapleford 4, Deptford 8, Warminster fi 18 = Salisbury ffi. 3 = Barford 3 •< Shaftesbury a 17 — Hindon 13, Mere 20, Wincanton 27. Wimbledon 1 (Surrey) (see Special Maps 42, 43), lEl, Pop. 54,876. E.C., Wed. ^ (adj. town). < London a 9 — Croydon ffi. 7 = Kingston a 5. f^v Michelin Stockists, Wimbledon Motor Works, 29 and 55, High St., Agt. for Gladiator, Clkment, Vinot, [12] Boxes (H) U \ Sun., Night, RAC :p> 220 and 221 PO. Wimborne ® (Dorset), M. 27, ESI. Pop- 3,711. M.D., Ttm., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— The Minster • ; Grammar School ; S. Canford Magna Ch. 12 ; N.W. Kingston Lacey Ho. (Pictures) 2 ; Badbury Rings 4 ; N. Crichel Ho. 6. :§: S. 2. Horton 6 •< Cranborne 10, Salisbury fi. 22 — ShaftOSbury fflL 21 — Horton 6, Cranborne 10, Fordingbridge a 16 = Ringwood 10, Southampton fi 30 = Creekmore 4 < Wareliam 12 — Longfleet 5, Poole 6 — Creekmore 4, Longfleet 5, Boumemouth ffl. 10 = Bailey Gate 4 < Bere Kegis 12, Dorchester a 23 — Blandford a 11. I I - 575 - WINCHESTER Wim borne (continued). J£l King's Head. The Square, B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/6 E- 4/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ius Gratis N 1/- and 1/6 [6] ip* 193. I*ft Crown, TAe Square, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed g] Court d} ins N 1/- ;p' 191 . f^ Michelin Stockists, Kings's Motor and Cycle Eng^ineer- ing: Works, /4(^, East St., Agt. for H umber, Ho] Box 111 U \ RAC :p> 3Y. — Michelin Stoclii;. Mar. Uth. Bruton 6, Frome a 17 = 3 < Mere 7, Amesbury a 30 — Gillingham ©. 7, Shaftesbury a 12 = 1 < Sparkford 8, Fork 10, Ilchester 13, Ilminster ffi. 25 — Lattiiord 2, Stalbridge 9, Sturniinster Newton 14 — Sparkford S, Yeovil ®. 16 — Sparkford 8, Fork 10, Langport 21 — Lattiford 2, Sherbome a 10 = Castle Cary 6, Shepton Mallet 14. df^ The Greyhound, 10, Market Place, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E. 3/6 Chfr 6IG Gar adj Gratis [6]. igL Bear, i>farA;ei Place, B 3/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis [6] RAC T Bear. Winchcomb (Gloucester), M. 21, Pop. 2,699 P. M.D., Sat.;'E.i:.. Thurs. See :-01d Church (Goth.). Tewkesbury®. 10 = Evesham ffi. 10 = New Town 3 < Broadway 8, Stratford- on-Avon la^ 23 — Stow-on-the-Wold ® 14 — New Town 3, Broadway 8. Evesham a 13 = Cheltenham a 7. Winchelsea (Sussex), M. 30, Pop. 157 P. See :— St. Thomas's Ch. (Goth.) (Alard's Tomb) • ; The 'Friars (Mondatjs) ; Strand Gate ; Land Gate ; Town Well ; I^ew Gate ; W. Icklesham (Old houses, Oasthouses, Ch. Norm.) 2. Rye a 2 = Hastings fi 9. m New Inn, Church Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins [6]. WINCHESTER 1 (Hampshire), M. 28, [ctI, Pop. 23,380. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See :— West Gate (Xlllth c.) (A) ; City Cross (C) ; The Great Hall (CH) ; City Museum (M) ; Cathedral • • (Norm, and Goth.) (open 9 a.m. to 6.30p.m. March to Sept.; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m,. in winter) (J)) ; Wolvesey Cas. (Rns.) (E) ; King AKred's Statue (F) ; Winchester College • (XlVth c.) (U) ; St. Giles' Hill (View) ; Arcaded houses in High St. ; S.W. Hospital and Church of St. Cross • • (admission 6d.) 1 (E. II). :sc w. 1 (E. III). E.\: by High St., Jewry St., Hyde St., and Worthy Rd. :— Kings Worthy • 2, Popham Lane 11, Basingstoke ffi • 17 (gd., V. hilly, 1/19 asc. at 6 m. and 7 m.), Reading ®. 33. • r. Kings Worthy 2, Alresford 8, Alton j®. 18, Bentiey 23, Farnham & 27, Guildford a 37 (magn. pict, 1112-17 desc. to Guildford). London a 67. • r. Basingstoke & 17, London ® 64. E. II : by High St., Southgate St., Southgate Rd., and St. Cross Rd. .'— • 2, otterboume 4, Southampton ffi. 12 (o. gd., hilly). • 1. 2, Twyford 3, • •4, Eastleigh 8, Southampton & 14 (med. rd., level). • • 1. 4, Queen's Head Inn 6, Bishop's Waltham ffi. 11, Wickham 15, Fareham 18, Gosport 24, (ferry -11) Portsmouth ^ 25 (sf(?., und.,1/17 asc. at 15 m.). E. Ill : by St. James St. and Rom^ey Rd. ;— Hursley 5, Romsey a 10, Ower 14, Cadnam • 17, Picket Post 25, Ringwood 28, Crickets Cross 33, Poole 42 (v. gd., V. hilly, several 1/15 gradients). • 1. Cadnam 17^ Lyndhurst ®. 20, Wilverley Post 26, Christchurch 35, Bournemoutlr^ 40 (v. gd. v. pict., several 1/17 gradients). See pp. 3 to 6 for the list o/ Conventional Sigrns and Abbreviations. WINCHESTER — 576 — Winchester (contiuued). E. IV : by Upper High St. and Upper Stockbrid(fe Rd. :— Weeke" 1, Stockbridge 9, Lobscombe Comer 16, Salisbury ffl. 23 (had V. hilly, 1/1/t asc. at 9 m. and 12i m.). E. V : by Upper High St., Sussex St., and Andover Rd. ;— • 3, Wherweii 11, Andover a 14 (gd. i\ hilly, 1/13 desc. at 12 m., dnn'j. turn on hill at 10 m.), Devizes ffi. 42, Bath ffl. 61. • r. 3, Sutton Scotney 7, Whitchurch 12, Whitway 20, NewbUPy ffl. 2o {tned. hilly, l/ll desc. at IS m.), Abingdon 45, Oxford ffl. 51. WINCHESTER WEST GATE ,G. CITY CROSS C.H THE GREAT HALL O. CATHEDRAL E. WOLVESEY CASTLE F. KING ALFRED'S STATUE M. CITY MUSEUM y Ye Olde Hostel of God^Begot;^0 1 High Street 2 Jewry Street 3 Hyde Street 4 Worthy Road 5 Southgate Street' 6 Southgate Road 7 St. Cross Road 8 St. James Street 9 Romsey Road 10 Upper High Street 11 Upper Stockbridge Road 12 Sussex Street 13 Andover Road 14 Worthy Lane 13 North Walls 16 St. James' Lane B.-R.S. (L.S.W.R.)-R.S. (G.W.R.)- P.S.-G.- (See p. 3 ) m George, A8, Jewry St., B 2/6 L 3/6 D 5/- R 5/- Chfr 7/- [cH 5 PG adj T George :?> 491. m Black Swan, 65, High St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- § Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [1] :p> 450. m. Hoyal, St. Peter St., B 2/6 L 3/6 D 5/- E 5/6 Chfr 7/6 8 PG adj RAC ;p> 31. mi Ye Olde Hostel of God Begot. B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6. R 4/- « PG dist :p 429. TlHi Michelin Stockists, Georg^e & Railway iViews Ltd., .Jewry St., Agt. for Fiat, Belsizk, Darkacq, [30] Boxes H] LT % Sun. T George Garage :p' 368. iVI.CT. — Michelin Stockists, A. W. Hansfbrd, Northgra-te Gara.g:e, Jewry St., (To) Boxes [3] U \ Sun , Night, T Hansf(M-(l :p' 70. iV«.C.T. - 577 WINDSOR Winchester (contimml). V^ Easther, Ltd., 10, Jewry St., Agt. for HOTCHKTSS, [^ U" \ T Easther ^ 406. — Winchester Motor autl Dean's Engineering Co., Ltd., Upper Brook St., Agt. for Darracq, D.F.P., [^ LT \ Sun. RAC T Motors :p> 412. Windermere ® (Westmorland), M. 16, EH, Pop. 5,147. E.( ., 'r/mrs. See :— Orrest Head (View) ; The Lake, 'j^ 'N. 2. ^ W. Kendal a 8 = Bowness 1 < ISTewby Bridge 9, Ulverston 18 (ferry -28) Hawkshead 6, Coniston 11, Uiverston 25 = Ambleside a 5 < (Jrasmere 9, Keswick 22 — Patterdale 12, Penrith a 28. Wmfi Higg's Windermere, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- 5 Shed ins Gi-atis N 1/- m RAC T Riggs :?> 6. Ji@S| Storrs Hall (Apr. 16th to Oct. 31st), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/6 5 Shelter ins Grafts [l4l T Storrs :p' 146. V"^" MIchelin Stockist, H. J. Croft, The Garage, ^c?«. for HuMBER, Austin, Sunbeam, Arrol-Johnston, [so] Boxes [e] U \ Sun., Night, T Croft, Garage RAC :f> 86. WINDSOR 1 (Berkshire), M. 29, JUi, Pop. 12,681. M.D., Sat.; E.C., Wed. See ".—Eton College • (A) ; Windsor Cas. (Round Tower ; St. George s Chap.; Royal Stables) ; State Apartments (shoivn in absence of Court) WINDSOR SCALE 1 Thames Street ,-^, ,.- - 2 "Windsor Bridge «^vVii.'*A 3 Eton High Str, ' • ' -y o- 4 Datchet Road {C'o: * 5 High Street ; ^\^. oS 6 Sheet Street -"r:I^> 7 King's Road ', ';*^, ; 8 Albert Road .i'?.*^ 9 Peascod Street .',V^^10 St. Leonards Road .'Home Park'°<^Mil* Spital Road ■ Home.Parlc^<^Kj2 clarence Road .;• o?^13 New Road :il4 Oxford Road e Windsor' ivif ^^ Vansittart Road btor Engin. Wks|^16 Clewer Road R.5.(L.S.W.R.)-R.S.(G.W.B.) •P.S.T -B. (See p 3 ) WINSFORD - 578 - Windsor (continued). • (C) ; Holy Trinity Ch. (Memorials) (D) ; Town Hall(G) ; Great Park. N^ E. 1 (E. II). •:««;. W. 1 (E. VI) May 3rd ; June.Ust ; Aug. lo-16tft ; Sept. 19-20th ; Oct. 8-9t1i ; Dec. 10-1 1th. E. 1 : 6y Thames St., Windsor Br., and Eton High St. ;— Slough 2, Uxbrldge &. 8, Kickmanswortli 16, Watford a 20, St. Albans ^ 27 (jgd. rd., 1/11 asc. in St. Albans). E. II : by Thames St. and Datchet Rd. :— Datchet 1, Langley Broom 3, Colnbrook 5, Hounslow 12, LondOn ®. 23 (v. gd. level rd.). E. Ill : by High St., Sheet St., King's Rd., and Albert Rd. :— Egham ®. • 5, Staines ^ 6, Hampton ffl. 13, Kingston S. 16 {level rd.), Merton 22, Mitcham 24, Croydon a 28 (gd. und.). • r. Egham a 5, Chertsey • • lo, Leatherhead 23, Reigate S. 33. Redhilia35(r7d. rd.). • • r. Chertsey 10, Woking Station 16, Guiidtord ®.23(srd. level rd.). E-. IV : by High St., Peascod St., St. Leonards Rd., and Spital Rd. . Ascot ^ 7, Bracknell jgL 9, Wokingham a 13, Basingstoke & 31 (gd. rd.). E. V : by High St., Peascod St., Clarence Rd., and New Rd. :— Fifield 4, Waitham St. La\vrence 9, Twyford 12, Reading S. 17 (gd. level rd.). E. VI : by High St., Peascod St., Oxford Rd., Vansittart Rd., and Clewer Rd.\-~ Maidenhead a 7, Twyford 15, Reading ^ 20 (gd. level rd., recmn.). pa White Hart, SI, High St., B 2/6 L 3/6 D 5/- R 5/6 Chfr 8/- § Gar ins M 1/- ]Sr 1/6 [to] T White Hart :p> 309. m Bridge House, Eton Bridge, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 7 - Shed Court adj PG 30 y :?> 289. l*a star and Garter, i.«, Peascod. St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- E, 3/6 Chfr 5,'- Shed ins Gratis g] T Star Garter :p> 327. f^n Michelin Stockists, qs&)o The Windsor & Ascot Engi- neering: Co., Ltd., f-!i. Sheet St., [i2] U *% Sun. T Petrolia :f> 328. — IVIichelin Stockists, Berics & Bucics Motor Co., Ltd., do] U \ RAC T Automobile :f> 256 and 275. Winsfbrd (Cheshire), IVI. 16, Ed], Pop. 10,772. E.C., Wed. "^ E. 3. Mid^lewich 4, Sandbach 9 = Over 1 •<: Fork 2, Cliester a 18 — Nantwich ^ 11 — Over 1, Fork 2, Northwlch ^ 8. Winsiow (Buckingham), M. 22, 28, Pop. 1,703 P. M.D., 1st and Srd Wed. ; E.G., Thurs. See -.—Church (Gotli,) • ; Manor Ho. Buckingl^am S. 7 = Aylesbury ^ 10. ^ Bell, Market Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 2/6 to 5/- Chfr 6y- Shed U in» Gratis N 1/- [H RAC ^ 2. Winster (Derby), M. 17, Pop. 792 P. See :— Church (Xorm. and Goth.) ; Rowton Rocks ; N. Birchover Rocks 2 ; N.W. Darley (Churchyard Yew-tree) 3. ^[atlock 4, Chesterfield ffl. 14 = GrangeMiu 2 «s cross Eds. 5, Wirksworth 6, Derby ffl. 19 — Ashbourne a 12 — Grange Miii 2, cross Kds. 5, Ash- bourne ®. 15. Winterton ^ (Lincoln), M. 17,.Ee1, Pop. 1,426, ^ Appleby stn. 4. See :— Church (Norm, and Goth.) ; N. Winteringham (Tumulus) 3 ; S.W. Roxby (Ch.) 1. Barton-o»-Humber 8, New Holland 14 = Brigg a 10 = Scunthorpe 6, Gainsborough ^23. ^ Cross Keys, Ki-tig St., B 2/- L 2y- D 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis {2]:fo i, ^pa Michelin Stockist, G. W. Wa-teriow, King St., Agt. for DAKRACQ, 51] U \ Sun. T Waterlow :p> 6. Wirkswortli (Derby), M. 22, Ell> Pop. 3,888. See :-C;hurch (Xlllth c.) ; Moot-hall. Miduieton Cross Rdfl. 1 < Matlock Bath ffl. 3, Matlock 4, Chesterfield A 14 — Winster 6 — Middleton Cross Rds. 1, AshbOUrne ^ 11 = Shottle By. Sta. 5 < Derby a 13 — Belper A 8. j*1SL Red Lion, B 2/6 L2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/6 Gar Shed ins Gratis [12] RAC. - 579 - WITNEY Wisbech @ (Cambridge), M. 23, m, Pop. 10,828. M.D., Sat; E.C., tt'ed. See -.—Parish Cli. ; Museum. ^ jS'.W. 3. Tydd Gate 6, Long Sutton & 9, Fleet 12, Holbeach 14, Boston ffi. 30 (v. gd. level rd.). St. John's Highway 6, King's Lynn ffl. 13 (magn. level rd.). Outwell • 6 {New Bedford River toll-hr. 13: Cars 1/-, Motor Cycles 3c?. a wheel), Littleport 19, Ely ^ 24 {gd. level rd., many level crossings before Outwell). • I. Outwell 6, Downhian^ Market 13 {gd. sin.). Guyhiin 6, Marcll 11, Carter's Br. 17, Kamsey 24, Warboys 28, Huntingdon m. 35 (sd. fl. rd.). Guyhim 7, Thomey 14, Peterborough SSl 21 {v. gd. level rd.). |gi Rose and Crown, Market PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 K 4/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins N 1/- ^ KAC T Tidnam :p> 187. Sliip Hotel. fF" MIchelin Stockists, Crabtree & Son, 6, Church Terrace, Agt. for HUMBER, Elandeks, gl] U % T Crabtree-Motor :p> 140. M.C.T. Wishsiw (Lanark), M. 12, El, Pop. 25,263. :§: \V. W. Calder 15, Mid Caider 20, Edinburgh ®l 32 = Carluke 5 <. Lanark fi. 11 — Peebles a 34 = Motherwell a 4, Glasgow m. 16; Wisley (Sui'rey), M. 29 {not marked on map), Pop. 157 P. See :— jS". Brooklands Motor Track and Aviation Ground. 1 < Cobham ®. 4, Esher m. 8, Kingston ®. 12, London ®. 24 — Ripley l, Guildford ffl. 7 = 1 -5 Woking a 6 — Byfleet ffl. 2, Weybridge m. 5. Hi Wisley Hut, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 B 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed U ins Crmiis (H EAC :?> 22 Cobham. I Witham ® (Essex), M. 24, 30, ES, Pop. 3,480. E.C., Wed. See :— Parish Ch. Braintree a 7, Halstead 13 = Colchester ffl. 13 = Maldon a 7 = Chelms- ford a 9. ^ White Hart, B 2/3 L 2/9 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis N 1/- [8] RAC T White Hart. ^ Spread Eagle, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 Chfr 7/- Gar ins Gratis [2]. «T» Michelln Stockists, Glover Bros. (Witham), Ltd., The Square, Agt. for Belsize, Bentall, il2] U % Sun., Night, RAC T Glover ;p> 20 GPO. M.C.T. — CuUen & NichoUs, High St., Agt. for Flandeks, Mitchell, Delage, Hotchkiss, [H] it \ Sam., Night, RAC T Karworks :F' 27. Wither nsea (Yorkshire), M. 18, E2!> ^OP- 2,279. See :-W. South Frodingham Hall (XVIth and XVIIth e.) 4. Hornsea 17, Bridlington a. 33 = 1 < Patringtou 5, Hedon 15, Hull fi. 20 — Kllnsea 10. Queen's Hotel. Withinston (Lancashire), M. 45 {not marked on map), fupl . Pop. 36,202. E.C., Wed. ^ N.W. 1. Manchester ffi. 4 = 2 < Cheadle a 3, Wilmslow 8 — Stockport a 4 = Altrincham ®. 7 = Worsiey 10 < Farnworth 14, Bolton ia 17 — Tyldesley 14. Witney (Oxford), M. 22, 28, ESI, Pop. 3,529. M.D., Thurs-. ; E.C., Tues. See :— St. Mary's Ch. (Goth.) ; Butter Cross ; The Old Blanket Hall. X ^^- 2. Charlbury7, Enstone 11 < Banbury®. 23 — Chipping Norton®. 15 = Wood- stock 8, Deddington 18, Banbury ®. 24 = (Swinford ToU-br. 7— Caution'. : Cars 4c?., motorcycles Id., aide-car or tricycle 2d.) Oxford fi. 12 = Bampton 6, Fariugdon A 12, Swindon fiL 24 = Burford7, Northleach 16, Gloucester a 36. Read carefully the preliminary explanations, pp. 1 to It. WIVELISCOMBE - 580 - Witney (continued). JfiL Fleece, Church Green, B 2/6 L 2/6 112/6 Chfr 7/- Gar ins Gratis [^S^ • jIJl Marlboro' Arms, Market Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratia [^1 RAC T Blunt, f^" Parker's Oxford Cycle and Motor Car Co., High St., Agt. fur OVEKLANI), S] U %. - Michelin M.C.T., Eaton & Son, U, High St. (Motor Cycles). Wiveliscombe (Somerset), Nl. 26, Iud), Pop. 1,316. E.G., Thurs.^ See :— Old Houses ; Slate Quarries. Milvertun 3, Taunton a 11 = Bampton 10, South Molten iS. 28. Wivenhoe (Essex), M. 24, 30, giD], Pop. 2,376. See :— Church. Colchester a 4 = cross r 162. Railway Hotel, Guildford Rd. f^i Michelin Stockists, G. Tipping:, Star Hill Ga.rag:e, Agt. for R.M.C., Dbasy, io] Boxes dJ U N Sun., Night, ;p> 59 Hook Heath. — Michelin Stockist, T. Lester Godfrey, 76, Mayhury Rd., Agt. for Morris [6] LT \ T Lester Godfrey. — Michelin Stockists, H. Qua.rterma.ine, Chobham Rd. and Church St., Agt. for H umber, (12] Boxes [2] LT \ Sun. qp> 178 Nat. Wokingham (Berkshire), M. 28, ^1, Pop. 4,352. M.D., Tues. ; E.C., Wed. See :— N. Hurst Ch. (Monuments) 3. ^ E. 3. Twyford 5, Henley ®. 10 = 2 •< Bracknell ffl. 4, Ascot ^ 7, Egham & 13, Staines a 14 — Sandhurst 5, Camberley ®l 8, Bagshot 11 = Riseiey 8 < Basingstoke a 18 — Odiham a 18 = Reading a 7. WOLVERHAIVIPTON 1 (Stafford), M. 21, ED, Pop. 95,333. M.D.. Wed. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Peter's Ch, (Xlllth-XVth c.) • (A) ; Prince Consort Statue (C) ; St. John's Ch. (Grecian) (D) ; Orphan Asylum (Eliz.) (E). ^ S. 3 (E. IV). ■:^ N. 2 (E. I), March 17-lSth ; May 12-lSth ; Aug. 18-19th ; Sept. 30th-0ct. 1st ; Oct. Id-l'Mi ; Dec. 26-Vth. E. I : 6y Lichfield St., Stafford St., and Lower Stafford St. :— stajideford 6, Peukridge 10, Stafford ^ 16, Newcastle-under-Lyme a 32 (y. gd., almost level). E.W: by Lichfield St., Ilorseley Fields, and Lower Uorseley Fields :— Willenhall 3, Walsall ffi 6, Lichfield m. 16 {med. rd., 1/20 desc. at m m,.), Burton-on-Trent a 29, Derby a 40 {v. gd.) E. Ill : by Dudley St., Cleveland Rd., and Bilston Rd. :— Bilston 3, Wednesbury 5, West Bromwich 8, Birmingham Sl 13 {)ned. rd., tram lines), Towcester ^ 62, London S. 124. E. IV : by VTctoria St., Worcester St., and Venn Rd. :— waiiheath 7 • 15, Kidderminster ®. 16, Worcester a 30 (v. gd. mid., l/U desc. at 7 m.). • 1. 15, Worcester St 30 {v. gd. und.). — 581 - WOLVERHAMPTON Wolverhampton {continued). IE.M : by Darlington St., Chapel Ash, and Compton Ed. ;— Co.npton 2, Bridgnorth St. U (v. gd.), Ludlow & 33 (med.), Leominster (a 44 (gd. rd. hilly, several 1/10 gradients betiveen Bridgnorth and Ludlow). E.y\: hy Darlington St., Chapel Ash, and Tettenhall Rd. :— Tettenhaii 2, • 5, Sliifiial 12, Woilington 18, Siirewsbwy m. 30 (mayw, rd., 1110 asc. to Shrewsbury). • r. 5, Albrighton 7, Weston Heath 14, Newport ^ 18, Hinstock • • 24, Wliitcliurch ia 39, Cliester ^ 59 {v. gd., II U asc at 2k m.). • • r. Hinstock 24, Market Drayton SSl 29, Audlem 36, NantWKCii a 43 (v. gd, und., 1/13 desc. at ?i9 m.). 1 Lichfield Street 2 Stafford Street 3 Lower Stafford Street 1(59. — J. H. Barnett, Ltd., Salop St., Agt. for Austin, Ford, Krit. Daimler, [25] U \ Sun., Night, RAO T Mendem :p> 562. — Miciieiin IVI.C.Tv Bunyan Shield & Hood Co., Protector AVks., Church St., (Motor Cycles). Manufacturer: Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., Moorfleld Wks.. rppp'r Villiers St. 2 A WOLVERTON - 582 - Wolverton (Buckingham), M. 22, Pop. 5,323 P. Newport Pagnell 4, Bedford ifi. 17 = 8tony Stratford & 2, Buckingham am Woodbridsre (Suffolk), M. 24, ED, Pop. 4,623. M.D., Thurs. ; E.C., Wed. -^ N.E. 2. Wickham Market & 5, Saxmundham ffl. 13 = Tunstaii 8 < Orford 14 — Aldeburgh ffi. 1 7 = Martiesham 2 •<: Ipswich a 8 — Felixstowe 11 = 11 < DebenhaBo 13, Eye 21 — Stowmarket ®. 21. Hm Crown, Thoro'fare, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 K, 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis N 1/- [so] RAC T Crown ^ 34. Woodford Wells @ (Essex), IVI. 29, Pop. 3,949 P. E.C., Thurs. ^ S. 2. Eppiug 8, Harlow 14, Bishops Stortford a 21 = Chigweii 4, Ongar 14, Chelmsford fit 24 = London a 12 = Woodford Green 1 < Walthamstow 4, London a 12 — Edmonton 6, Barnet 13 -- Woodford Green 1, Ponders End 6, Enfield fiL 8, Barnet 14 — Woodford Green 1, Ponders End 6, Waltbam Holy Cross SL 10. f^» IVIichelin Stocldsts, C & A. Jesaof>, High Rd., South Wood- ford, Bl] U \ Sun., RAC :p 153 Woodford. Woodhall Spa. # (Lincoln), IVI. 18, EH, Pop- 1.484. See :— Mineral Baths and Springs ; S.E. Tattershall Cas. and Ch. 4. Horncastle 7, Louth fi. 21 = Tattershaii 4 < Sleaford a 18 — Spilsby 18. ja Victoria, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/6 to 7/6 Chfr 6/6 ffi Boxes [II Shed [12] ins N 1/- RAC f Victoria :?> 25. JB. Royal, B 3/- L 3/- D 4/6 R 4/- to 6/- Chfr 6/- 153 S Gar 50 y M -/6 N 1/6 go] RAC T Royal ;p> 22. JH. Eagle Lodge, Broadway, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 3/8 to 6/- Chfr 7/- Ica Gar adj M -/6 N 1/- [go] T Eagle :p> 32. ffvi Michelin Stockist, W. A. TiicVunBonf Broadway a^id Tatters- hall lid., .4^«. /or Sunbeam, [5oJ Boxes [e] U" \ Sun., Night, RAC ;p» 10. Woodstock (Oxford), M. 22, 28, MM, Pop. 1,594. M.D., 1st Tues. ; E.C., Thurs. See :— St. Mary Magdalen's Ch. ; Blenheim Ho. Enstone 7 -5 Fork 10, Shipston 20, Stratford-on-Avon a 30 — Banbury ®. 19 — Enstone 7, Fork 10, Chipping Norton ®. 11 = Cross Rds. 2 < Banbury a 16 — Wheatiey 15, High Wycomhe a 35 = 1 < Oxford ^ 8 — Witney 8, Burford 15. m Bear, Park St., B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U ins Gratis N 2/- m RAC ;F> 049. f^m Parker's Oxford Cycle and :Motor Car Co., 68, St. Giles, T Motor Oxford ;p> 546. Wooler 1 (Northumberland), M. 13, Pop. 1,336 P. E.C., Thurs. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; Ancient Entrenchments ; S.E. ChilUngham Cas. 5 ; N.W. Flodden Field 9. X ^-W. 1. Akeid 3 < Coldstream a 14 —Kelso Sl 20 = Berwick a 16 = Belford a 10 = 3 < Cross Rds. 15, Morpeth ^ 30 — Alnwick ®L 16 — Cross Eds. 15, Rothbury a 20. fm Cottage, B 2/6 L 2/6 T) 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar g] Shed [3] adj Gratis f Cottage :p 8. iSt Black Bull, High St.. B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Gar ins Gratis [lol :p> 9 PO. fT" MicheUn Stockist, W. W. Pile, West St., [T] Sun. WOOLWICH m (London), M. 29, and Special Map 43, Pop. 121,403. See :— Royal Arsenal • (See plan) ; Barracks (B) ; Royal Alilitary Academy (A) ; S. Shooter's Hill (View) 1. E.\: try New Rd., Beresford St., Nile St., The Ferry (No. 8) and Albert Rd. :— East Ham • 3, Manor Park 5, Green Man P. H. (Wanstead) 7, Wliipps Cross 8, Main Rd. 9, Tottenliam Hale 11, West Green 12, Wood Green 14, Friem Barnet 16, Whetstone 19, Barnet 21, St. Albans 30. (Throiujh in- habited area to Barnet; thence v. gd. rd., IjWasc. at '26 in.). • r. East Ham 3, Barking 4, Aveley 13, StifEord 15, Stanford-le-Hope 21, (med rd.), Pitsea 27, Hadieigh 31, Southend ja 36 (v. gd.). - 583 - WOORE Woolwich (contlmied). E. II : &M New Rd. and Plumstead JRd. :— Erith 6, Dartford 10, Gravesend a 17. E. ill : by Netv Rd. and Woolwich Rd. .— Eltham 5, Bromley a 8, Sevenoaks Sl 22, Tonbrldge Sl '28, E. IV : by New Rd. and Park Latw .— Blackheath 4, London Sl H. E.\ : ^^ New Rd., Wellington St., Artillery Place, and Hill St. :— chaiiton 2, London a 11. WOOLAVICH SCALE 19 New Road ^''t$-/// ~ ""^ \ \ 2 Beresford St. 6 Woolwich Road 3 Nile Street 7 Park Lane 4 Albert Road 8 Thomas Street 10 Artillery Place 15 George Street 11 Charlton Rd. 16 Barrage Road 12 Hill Street 17 Anglesea Road 13 Powis Street 18 Plumstead Common Rd 6 Plumstead Rd. 9 Wellington Street 14 William St. 19 Red Lion Lane W» Michelin Stockists, Herv«rin, Canny & Co., S6, William St., Agt. for WoLSELEY, FORD, gU If \ HAG f Simplex :?> 20S. Woore (Shropshire), M. 21 (not marked on map). Pop. 830 P 2IC- Nantwich a 5 = Newcastle-under-Lyme a 7 = Pipe Gate sm. i < Stone ffi. 13 — Wilmington 3, Market Drayton ^ 8 — Eccleshall 13 = Audlem 5. S Swan. B 1/8 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Ohfr 5/ Shed Shelter ins Grati>< [h]. See pp. k, 7, 8, and 9, explaining how our itinerstries have been draivn up. WOOTTON BASSETT 584 — Wootton Bassett (Wiltshire), M. 27, Pop. 2,258 P. M.D., 1st Wed.; E.C., Thurs. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Two Stone Circle ; S. Cliffe Pypard (Manor Ho. Eliz.) 4 ; S.W, Clack Abb. (Priory E,ns.) 4 ; W. Brinkvvorth (Ch. Frescoes) 4. Prince of Wales Inn 1 < Cricklade 8, Cirencester a 15 — Swindon ffl. 6 — Prince of Wales Inn 1, Maltnesbury ffl 11 = Broad Hinton 4 < MarlbOrOUgh a. 12 — Avebury 9 = Lyneham 4 «? Chippenham a 14 — Calne ffl. lo. WORCESTER # (Worcestershire), M. 21, (crl, Pop. 47,987. M.D., Sat. ; E.G., Thurs. See :-Cath. • (A) ; The Coramandery • (C) ; Guildhall (G). ^ N.E. 1 (E. II). ::A;. Mmj lst-2nd; July Jrd-Uth ; Oct. 30th-31st. WORCESTER G.GUILOHALL •* A.CATHEDRAL • C.THE COKIWIANDERY O-T-CH.-R.S.-M (See p. 3 ) 1 High Street 2 t'oregate Streetv 3 The Tything 4 Barbourne Road' 5 DroitiKrich Road College Street 7 Sidbury 8 London Road\ 9 Bath Road y 10 Broad Street '<\' 11 Bridge Street' \ 12 Worcester Bridge 13 New Road. •' i^ ' 14 St John's l:/^ 15 Malvern Road 16 Bransford Road 17 Bromyard Road 18 Hylton Road Vv 19 Hallow Road 20 Henwick Road 21 Wyld's Lane 22 Lowesmoor 23 Shrub Hill Road 24 Castle Street 25 Rainbow Hill 26 Pitchcroft Lane 27 Copenhagen Street E..\:by High St., Foregate St., The TytMtig, and Barboirrne Ed. .— Ombersley 6, Crossway Green 9, Hoobrook • 9, Kiddermjaster ffl. • 1* (1/16 desc. at 10 m.), Shrewsbury ffi. 48, • r. Hoobrook 9, Wolverhampton SSl 30. • r. Kidderminster a 14, Wolverhampton m. 30. - 585 - WORKSOP .Worcester {continiied). E. II: by High St., Foregate St., The Tything, Barhonne itii., and Droitwich JRd. : — Dvoitwich a 7, Bromsgrove 13, Birmingham fi. 26 {v. gd., Ij17 asc. at 22 m.). E.\]\: by High St., College St., Sidhury, and London Rd. .— Red Hill Cross • 2, Stoulton 5, Pershore 9, Gt. Hampton 14, EveSham ft 15, Broadway 20, Moreton-in-the-Marsh 29, Cross Hands inn 34, Chipping Norton ia37, • 44, Wheatiey61 (med. rd. hilly), High Wycombe ffl. 81, Beaconsfleld ®. 87, Uxbridge ffl. 95, Ealing ffl. 104, London a 112 (gd. und., 1/10 desc. at 27 m.). • 1. Red Hill Cross 2, Spetchley 4, Radford 11, Dunnington 15, Alcester 18, Henley-in-Arden 26, Warwick & 35 (gd. rd.). • i: 44, Woodstock 48, Oxford a 56 (med. hilly). E. IV : by High St., College St., Sidbury, and Bath Rd. :— Keropsey 4, Earls Croome 9, Towlcesbury ffl. 15, Coombehill • 19, GlOUCeSter ffi. 26 (v. gd., 1/15 desc. at Ik m.). • 1. Coombehill 19, Cheltenham fi. 24 (v. gd.). E.y : by High St., Broad St., Bridge St., Worcester Br., JVeiv Rd., St. John's Rd., and Malvern Rd. : — Powick 3, Gt. Malvern a 8, Ledbury & • 16, Ross &. 28, Monmouth a 38, ITsk 51, Newport ^ 62 (v. gd. pict., 1/10 asc. at 3h yn.). • r. Ledbury §k 16, Hereford a 30 (v. gd. ly. und.). E. Vi : by High St., Broad St., Bridge St., Worcester Br., Neiv Rd., St. John's Rd., and Brans ford Rd. ;— Leiph Sinton 6, Stony Cro^s 10, Newtown 18, Hereford & 26 (gd., hilly, p 'ct., 1/8 desc. at Ik m.). E. Vli : by High St., Broad St., Bridge St., Worcester Br., New Rd., and Bromyard Rd. ;— Broadwas 6, Knightsford Br. 9, Bromyard 14, Leominstor a 26 (v. gd., hilly, sin., 1/11 asc. at 12 m.), Aberystwith 100. E. Vill : by High St., Broad St., Bridge St., Worcester Br., Hylton Rd., and Hallow Rd. : — • 1, Holt Heath 6, Stockton -on -Teme 14, Tenbury 21, Wooferton 26, LudlOW ®. 31 (gd. sin. hilly, recom.). • 1. 1, Martley 7, Clif too -upon -Teme 10, Tenbury 20 (jjd. sin. V. hilly). ga star, Foregate St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 4/6 Chfr 7/- Lft (cH 8 Gar go] Boxes g] U ins N 1/- ;p> 203. m^ Hop Market, The Foregate, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 4/- f'hfr 6/6 \m « (xar IT ins N 1/- jRAC :p> 56. I^v Michelin Stockists, Thorne & Welch, The Butts Ga.ra.g:e, Agt. for Hupmobile, [HI Box [l] LT \ Sun., ]!«^ight, T Thorne, Welch, :}o 368. — Michelin Stockist, uib>> G.iE. Spurr, Star Hotel GaLrsLge, Foregate St.,Agt. for Rolls-Royce, [Mj Boxes gj U \ •'^un., :Sight, T Star Hotel Garage :f> 203. — Michelin Stockists, McNaug^ht & Co., Ltd., The Garage, '.> tb 10, The Tything, Agt. for Talbot, Ford, Vauxhall, [25] LT N Sun., Night, RAC T McNaught :p> 4. — Michelin Stockists, Barker's Ga.ra.g;e, Lowesmoor PL, Agt. for Singer, Darracq, go] U \ Sun. T Barker's Garage :p> 172. — W. J. Bladder, 52, Sidbury, Agt. for Humbbr, Flandbks, Ho] U \ Sun. RAG T Bladder :f> 2X Nat. — Bowcott & Co., 99i, High St. ^Workineton ^ (Cumberland), M. 12, HH, Pop. 25,099. M.D., Wed. ; E.C., TViwrs. Maryport 6, Silloth 18 = Cockermouth m. 9, Carlisle a 36 = Wliite- haven SL 9. mf^ Central, John St., B 2/- L 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- [eg Gar adj Gratis [e] :p> 250. Green Dragon Hotel, Portland Sq. ff" Michelin Stockists, Derwent Ensineering: Co., John St., Agt. for H UMBER, Clembnt-Talbot, Ford, [20] Boxes [5] U \ T Motors ;p> 89. WORKSOP m (Nottingham), M. 17, EH, Pop. 20,387. M.D., W^'d.; E.G., Thurs. See :— Priory Ch. (Norm.): (Abbey Gatehouse, Lady Chap. Rns.) (A) ; S.W. Worksop Manor 1 (E. IV) ; S.W. Welbeck Abb. 4. :^ (E. V. Vifyitors must be introduced). WORPLESDON 586 — Worksop (conii lived). E.liby Potter St., Bridge St., Bridge PL, and Carlton Rd. :— ouicoates 6, Wad worth 12, Doiicaster & 17 {gd. rd. hilly, 1/1^ desc. at 7 in.). E. II : by Cheapside : — Ranby 5, East RctfOPd ffl. 8 {gd. nnd.). E. Ill : by Ollerton lid. ;— M ant on Lodge • 2, Ollei'toil f), Kneesal! 13, NCWark & 22 {v. (jd. V. und. pict., II lo asc. at 1 m.)y London Si 148. • 1. Manton Lodge 2, Norman ton Inn 6, Markhani Moor Inn 10, Trent Br. 17 {Toll: Cars 6d. per wheel), Saxilby 22, LlnCOin & 28 (med. 7-d.). • r. Manton Lodge 2. Market Warsop S, Mansfield ffl. 13 {gd. rd., 1/17 desc. at 7 m.). WORKSOP _ Potter Street" 2 Bridge Street 3 Bridge Place 4 Carlton Road 5 Cheapslde 6 Ollerton Road 7 Newcastle Avenue 8 Gateford Road 9 Watson Road 10 East Gate 11 Kilton Road 12 Low Town Street 13 Sandy Lane E. IV : by Bridge St. and Newcastle Av. ;— whiiweii 5, staveiey 11, Chesterfield ffi. 15 {gd. und., IIU asc. at 13 m.). E. V : by Bridge St., BHdge PL, and Gateford lid. .- South Anston 6, Swallow Nest • 10, Sheffield ffi. 18 {r. gd. V. und., 1/15 asc. at IS m.y • r. SwaUow Nest 10, Rotherham 16 {med-. rd., 1/11 desc. at lo m.). m^ lion. Bridge St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chfv 5/6 JJ Gar \e] Court [6] ins N 1/- EAC :p> 179. M Royal, Bridge St., B 2/6 L 2/6 1) 3/6 E. 3/6 Clifr 5/- § Gar U adj Gratis JH T Royal ^ 177. m Station, Carlton Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 11 2/6 Chfr6/6 5 Gar U ins N 1/- [D ;p> 178. ff^ MIchelln Stockist, Brooks Bros., Carlton Rd., Agt. for Belsize, D.F.P., [15] LT S Sun.. Night, T Brooks Garage :p> 194. M.C.T. — Arthur Tarr, 28, GatefordlRd., H] U \ Sun. T Tarr. Worplesdon (Surrey). See Guildford. — 587 — WORTHING # (Sussex), M. 29, MM^ Pop- 30,30^. Wed. WORTHING E.C., See :— X. Sorapting Ch. 2 ; Chanctonbury Ring 5 E. I : b>/ Chapel Rd. and Broadwater ltd. .— Broailwater Green • 1, Offlngton Comer • 2, Washington • 7, West Grinstead - ^ Horsham fi. 19, Dorking 33, Leatherhead 38, London & 57 (v. gd. d., l/lodenc.atSSm.). M.J)., Sat. :^ X. -2 (E. I). West Grinstead 13, und und., II 10 desc. at X'^ m.). • V. Broadwater Green 1, (Level -croswing, Toll : Cars 6d,, motor-cycles 3a. trailers id.) Old Shoreham 6, Brighton ffi. 13 {gd. level rd.\ • 1. Offlngton Corner 2, Hamraerpot 6, Arundel 9, Chichester ffl. 20 (gd^ rd. hilly, 1/1-J asc. at 9 m.). • 1. Washington 7, Pulborough 14, Adversane 17, Ne.vbridge 19, Alfold Cross- .ways 26, 8hallord 34, Gulldfotd IS. 36 {gd. und., 1/17 desc. at 7 m.). WORTHING '.BurUngtoa 1 Chapel Road 2 Broadw^ater Road 3 Warwick Street 4 Brighton Road 5 South Street 6 High Stre^l 7 Lyndhurst Road 8 Farncombe Road 9 Marine Parade 10 Shelley Road 11 Richmond Road 12 Victoria Road 13 Railway Approach Road 14 Newland Road 15 Chesswood Road 16 Park Road 17 Homefield Road E. II : by Warwick St. and Brighton Rd. .— Xorfolli Br. {Toll. : CaraGtZ., motor-cycles 2(?., trailers M.), New SllOreham 4, Brighton ^ 11 {gd. level rd., recom.). mh The Burlington, Marine Parade, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- R 4/- to 6/6 Chfr 7/6 |CE 5 Gar U ins Gratis \§\ RAC T Burlington :p> 80 and 81. m Marine, Marine Parade, B 2/6 L 3/- D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/8 f Gar Shed Court adj Gratis N 1/- [1] ;p> 274. ^ Railway, Chapel Rd., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins X 1/- Ho) RAC Lt. :p> 170. Warne's Hotel, RAC. Stanhoe Hotel, Marine Parade. W^ Michelin Stockist, W. Wacle,5(?, Chapel Rd., Agt.for Flanders, ISTapikr, [15] Boxes (HUN Sun. T Wade Motors :p> 496. — ^y. E. Barker. See pp. 3 to 6 for the list u/ Conventional Signs and Abbreviations. WOTTON - 588 - WQtton (Surrey), M. 29 (not marked on map), Pop. 546 P., ^ Gomshall 3. Dorking ffl. 3 srOckiey 6, Horsham ®. 13 = Gomshall 3, Guildford a 10. i^ Wotton Hatch, B 2/- L 2/6 D3/- E,3/- Chfr5/- Shed ins Gratis g]. Wotton-under-Edge (Gloucester), W. 27, Pop. 2,992 P. M.D., Fri. See :— Cliurch (Monuments) ; Gmmmar School. ^ S. 2. 4 < Fork 5, Nailsworth ®. 8, Stroud a 12 — Tetbury a 10, :Malmesbury a 15 — Fork 5, Stroud a 13 = Dunkirk 6, Bath fi. 21 = 6 < Chipping Sodbury 8, Bath (Sl 23 — Bristol a 18 = iron Acton lo, Bristol a 19 = North Nibiey 2 -<: Gloucester S^ 19 — Berkeley 7. Swan Hotel, Market Place. ffi" MIchelin M.C.T., H. H. Lewton, Long St., A(jt. for .T.D.T.. (lo) U \ Sun., Night, RAC T Lewton :p> 31X Nat. (Motor ('yclos). WREXHAM m (Denbigh), Sat. ; E.G., Fri. See :-Church (XVth c) (A). /I. 20, [mD, Pop. 18, :IC N^W. 1 (E. IV). M.B., Thurs., W^REXHAM 16 Norman Road 17 Percy Road is Trevor Street 14 Mold Road 19 Fairy Road 15 Holt Street 20 Victoria Road V2m. ^^ ^.w,,/-^ 21 Bradley RoadQf) S fi [/fS 22 Grosvenor Road 23 Grove Road 24 Rhos Ddu Road E. I : by High St., Chester St., and Chester Rd. :— Rossett 5, Chester a 11 (gd. rd., 1/17 desc. at 1 m.). E. II: by The Market, Smithfield Rd., Hightoivn Rd., Derhii Jl m.). I - 589 - YEOVIL Wrexham (continued). E. Ill : by Bridge St., Pen-y-bryn, and Ruabon Rd. : — Kuabon • 5, Llangollen iBi 11, Corwen 21, Druid • 24, Bettws-y-Coed ®. 43, Carnarvon & 66 (gd. rd., 1/10 desc. at 5U m.). • 1. Euabon 5, Chirk 10 (ined.), Oswestry & 16 (v. gd., 1/18 desc. at 10 m.). • 1. Druid 24, Bala 33 (gd. picL, 1/17 desc. at 81 m.). E. IV : by Hope St., Regent St., and Mold Rd. :— Caergvvile 5, Mold a 11, St. Asaph • 29, Rhuddlan 31, Rhyl a 34 (v. gd. and.). • 1. St. Asaph 29, Abergele ^ 36, Colwyn Bay ffi. 42, Conway 48, Llan- fairfechan 55, Bangor ®. 62 (gd. pict, 1/12 desc. at 5U m.). m Wynnstay Arms, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- K 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shelter Ina Gratis [H T Wynnstay 1/^ 165. 1^ Imperial, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 6/6 5 Shed ins Gratis N 1/- \b\ RAC T Imperial ::p> 166 Nat. ffm MIcheiin Stockists, The Triplex Motor Co., Regent St., \G}U \ RAC T Triplex :p> 124. — The Wrexham Motor Co., Ltd., 37, 3S, Chester St., Agt. for Flanders, Sunbeam, [m] U \ RAC T Motor Company :^ 24. — MIcheiin M.C.T., E. L. Pollard, Bridge St. (Motor Cycles). Wrotha-m (Kent), M. 29, EU, Pop. 4,169. E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Goth.) ; S.E. Off ham (only Quintain in England on Green) 3; S.W. Ightham (Moated Grange XlVth c. (Friday, 2-U p.m.. Admission 6d.) Ch. ; Rom. Camp on Oldbury Hill) 3 ; E. West Mailing (Tower Norm. ; Ch. Norm. ; Abb. Rns. Norm. ; Contribu- tion expected) 5. ^ N.E. 3. Gravesend M 10 s= wrotham Heath 2 <. Cross Eds. 5, Maidstone ffl. 11 — Pembury 16, Tunbrldge Wells a 19 — Wrotham Heath 2, Cross Rds. 5, Rochester a 13 = ightham 3 < Ton bridge a 10 — Bat and Bail stn. 7, Westerham 14, Oxted Sl 18, Bletchingley ^ 23, Redhill a 26 — Ightham 3, Bat and Ball Stn. 7, Sevenoaks ^ 8 = Farningham 6 <. Foot's Cray 11, Sidcup ^ 12, London IB. 26 — Dartford ^ li. Wroxham (Norfolk), M. 24 (not marked on map). Pop. 626 P. Hoveton St. John 1 •< North Walsham a 8 — staiham 9, Mundesley 17, Cromer ffi. 25 = Great ormesby 13, Caister 16, Great Yarmouth a 19 = Norwich a T. King's Head Hotel. Wymondham (Norfolk), M. 24, Pop. 4,733 P. M.D., Fri. ; E.C., Wed. See :— Church (Xllth c.) ; Market Cross. Norwich a 9 = Attleborough 6, Thetford S. 20. King's Head Hotel. Yarmouth (Isle of Wight), M. 28, and Special Map 48, Pop. 948 P. See :— Church (Statue of Admiral Holmfes) ; Henry VIII. 's Cas. (Tud. and Jacob.) ; George Hotel ; Pier Hotel. Shalfleet 4 < NCWport ^ 10 — Cowes ^ 12 = Newbridge 4, 5 < Nowport A 11 — Ventnor 21 = (Yar Br., Toll: Cars 6d., over 2 passengers Id. each, motor-cycle rider Id.), HiU Cross 1 «5 Freshwater 2, Ventnor 22 — Totland Bay 3, Alum Bay 5. Yarmouth (Norfolk). See Great Yarmouth. YEOVIL @ (Somerset), M. 27, MM, Pop. 13,760. M.D., Fri. ; E.G., Thurs. See:— St. John's Ch. (Goth.) (A); George Inn (C) ; W. Boympton d'Evercy Ho. • 3 ; ]\Iontacute Priory (Rns.) 4. E. I : by High St., Princes St., and Mud ford Rd. :— Marston Magna 5, Sparkford 8, Galhampton 12, Bruton 16, FfOme ^ 27 (v. gd. and., I/IU asc. at 2% m.). E. II : by High St., Middle St., and Sherborne Rd. :— Sherborne & • 5, Hentridge Ash 11, Shaftesbury a 21 (several l/ii gradients), Salisbury a 41 (v. gd. rd. hilly), London j®. 123. • r. Sherborne fi 5, Blandford j®. 25, Bournemouth a ^'d( 0197. m. Three Choughs, B 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/- Gar U ius Gratis N 1/- [7] RAG T <-''houghs :p> 196. M Pen Mill, Sherborne Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar IT ins Gratis g] :f> 191. ?F" MIchelin Stockists, Hill & Boll, Kingston, Agt. for Bblsize, Studebaker, E.M.F., Flanders, Rolls-Royce, Xapibr, HOTCHKISS, DARRACQ, ARROL-JOHNSTON, VAUXHALL, METAL- LURGIQUE, IMl Box [II LT \ Sun., Night, RAC T Boll iip* 188. — A. E. Wheller, ^4, Hendford, Agt. for BEDFORD, [6] U N Sun., JS^ight, T Wheller Garage :}o 74. YORK m (Yorkshire), M. 17, IcT), Pop. 82,297. M.D., Sat. ; E.C, Wed. See :— St. Mary's Abb. (Rns.) • (A) ; The Minster • (C) ; York Cas. (D) ; (^ity Walls (XIVthc.)(E). ^ S.W.6(E.II). XS.2(E.IV) :^ S.W. (E. V) May 26-28th ; Aug. 26-28th. Note : Skeldergate Br. {see plan), Toll : Cars or aiotor-cycles with trailer or side-ear Id., motor-cycles ^d. Weight limit 5 tons. — 591 YORK York (continued). E.i: by High Petergate, Oillygate, Clarence St., and Wigginton Rd. .— Sutton-in-the-Forest 8, Brandsby 14, Helmsley 24, Stokesley • 43, StOCktOn- on-Tees SSl 63 {gd. rd. hilly, 1/8-9-15 desc. at 39 m.). • r. stokesley 44 (Toll-gate 51 : Cars, 2 seats 2d., up to 10 seats 4d.)j Ml'ddleS- brough fi. 53 (gd. rd.). ■k *. ST. MARYS ABBEY ■* C. THE MINSTER D. YORK CASTLE YORK flIHigh Petergate SGillygate \ ^"^ Clarence StreetX 4 Wigginton Roads^ 5 Low Petergate / ^| 6 Goodramgate Nf^ '7 Monkgate A> 8 Heworth Green i^ ' 9 Malton Road 10 Colliergate 111 Fossgate 12 Fobs Bridge 13 Walmgate 14 St Lawrence 15 Stonegate R. ®' 16 Coney Street 17 Spurrier Street 18 Clittord Street \ ^ , 19 Tower Street \^^ 20 Castle Mills Bridge 21 Fishergate 22 Fulford Road 23 Dunoombe PI 24 Museum Street 25 Lendal Bridge ^26 Station Road 27 Queen Street Blossom Street 29 The Mount 30 Holgate Road / , i — , 31 Bootham //, / >-< I { 32 Lord Mayors tValk 33 St. Leonard's Place 34 Blake Street #^ J35 Lendal Street^ "36 Parliament Street 37 Fobs Island Road 38 Fawcett Street *CALE E. il : by High Petergate, Low Petergate, Goodramgate, Monkgate, Monk Br., Heworth Green, and Malton lid. :— Barton Hill 10, Ncw Malton S. • 18 (Hl.i asc. at 13 m.), Scarborough ffi. 41 (V. gd.). • • 1. New Malton ^ 18, Pickering SL ^7 (magn. rd.), Whitby®. 47 (rued, rd., l/S desc. tvith dang, turn at 3lt m.). The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hdte served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. YORK - 592 - York (continued). E. Ill : % Stonegate, Colliergate, Fossgate, Foss Br., Wahmjate, St. TMwrence St., and Hull lid. :— (iriuiston • 2, Wilberfoss 8, Bariiiby Moor 11, Market Weighton 19, BCVerley^l fi. 29, Hull a 37 {gd. rd., Ij 11-^0 asc. at "20 m.). ''\ • 1. Grimston 2, Stamford Br. 7, Fridaythorpe 18, Great Driftleld fi. 28,' Bridlington m. 40 {gd. rd., 1/lU-S-lO mc. at lU m.). E. \y : by High Petergate, Stonegate, Coney St., Spurrier St., Clifford St., Tower St., Castle Milh Br., Fishergate, and Fulford Rd. :— ^ Escrick 6, Selby 14 (Selby Br. Toll: Cars 9d., motor -cycles 2d., motor- tricycles 2k/.), Doncaster iS. • 33 (gd. level rd.), Mansfield a • 63, Nottingham ^ 7S. • 1. Doncaster ffi. 33, London M 198. • r. Mansfield a 03, Derby Sl 86. E. V : by Duncombe PL, Museum St., Lendal Br., Station Rd., Queen St., Blossom St., The Mount, and Tadcasfer Rd. :— Streethouses 6, Tadcaster • 9, • 13, Leeds @. 23 (met?, rd, l;:!:^asc. at 11 m.). • I. Tadcaster 9, Pontefract 24, Barnsley 38 (v. gd., v. hll/fj, l/U ase. at W and desc. at ■:'> in.), Sheffield ^ 52. • 1. 13, Aberford 15, Wakefield a 28 (gd. rd., 1/13 asc. at 26i nt.). E.y\ : by Duncombe PL, Museum St., Lendal Br., Station Rd., Queen St., Blossom St., and Holgate Rd. :— Green Hainmerton • 10, Boroughbridge J®. • 18, Rlpon ®. 24 (gd. und., 1/20 asc. and desc. at 17 m.). • 1. Green Hammerton 10, Knaresborough 18, Harrogate ^ 21 (gd. rd., 1/16 asc. at I'J m.), Skipton a 43, Clitheroe a 60, Whalley a • • 64, Preston a 77. " • . 1. Whalley ^ 64, Blackburn m. 71. • r. Boroughbridge ^ 18, Abbey Br. 56 (Toll: Cars9d., motor-cycles 2d!. This can be avoided by keeping to the main rd., but the surface is not so gd. and it is narrow and dangerous with a sharp turn at Start- forth Br.), Barnard Castle 58, Alston 91, Brampton lio, Carlisle & 119 (gd., 8 m. before Alston bad, 1/lU-lO desc. to Alston). E. VII : by High Petergate and Bootham:— shipton 5, Easingwold 13, Thirsk it • 23, Yann 43, Stockton-on-Tees Sl 47 (gd. rd., 1/16 desc. at 33 m.). • 1. Thirsk ®. 23, Northallerton a 32, Darlington a 48 (v. gd., level rd.), Durham ®. 66, Newcastie-on-Tyne ^ 80. ai Royal Station, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/6 Chfr 7/6 Lft (^ Oar If 30 y Gratis N 1/- [io] BAG T Nerotel :p> 23 Nat. m Barker's, SL Helen's Sq., B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- B 4/6 Chfr 7/6 5 PG dist RAG T Barker's :?» 74, ^ Adelphi, Raihvay St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Ghfr 6/- « Gar 200 y Gratis N 1/6 [Ml T Adelphi :p> 141. .^ Black Swan, Coney St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Chfr 7/6 5 Gar U ins Gratis ^ RAG T Black Swan :f> 220. m Central, 86, Mieklegate, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 PG 100 y :^ 653. JSL Windmill, 7, Blossom St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Box [6] Shed |^ Court ins Gratis N 1/- T Windmill Hotel :p> 289. ff» Michelin Stockist, H. J. Uloyd, Davygate, Agt. for B.8.A., WOLSELEY, Sheffield Simplex, Arrol-.Tohnston, [^ Boxes [2] U % Sun. RAC T Lloyd Davygate :p> 148 Nat. M.C.T. — Michelin Stockists, Micklegra-te Motor Co., Ltd. Miekle- gate Bar, Agt. for HUPP, je] Box CD LT \ Sun., Night, :p» 388. M.CT. • — T. Horsley & Sons, Ltd., 10, Coney St., Agt. for Roth\skll. E] \ Sun., Night, T Horsley :^ 626. — Michelin M.C.T., E. Dent & Co., Stonegate (Motor Cycles). REFERENCE _-___^__i__ Main roads and through routes. Otha- roads , geueraUy cross roads Joining up the different main roads. " _ ____,_„ Picturesque roads. Bad roads. Mountain roads ; taken to be picturesque a/ways . LONDON Towns containing more than 200.000 inhah. ^ BRICTTON h^m 50.000 to 200.000 Figuring in the G Windsor 10.000 to 50.000 } Alphabetical List. Thame less than 10.000 inhab. o Haves Towns and hamlets not figuring in the Alphabetical Li.it. Distances to the nearest mile between •"^^ - ^3' '^'\'i ^^^ Ouide Towns, or between a Guide Town "^ ^^ 1^ ' ^^^ ^^ point marked by a blue bar. Towns, containing less than 10.000 inhab., X possessing buildings .etc., of interest. Towns having a population of more than 10.000 are always supposed to contain some object of interest. Leith Hill A 965 Highest pomts. . • Railway lines and stations. County boundaries. J,. Important rivers and canals-, E indicates a t'anul / '• Scale : 16 miles to an inch ( 1:1.000.000 ) I ■ I I f I I I I f I 1 I I 5 10 IS 20 25 M. Edited by the Michelin Tyre Co. 2 /I r !. A N T I c T^^'"^'^ A T I. A JV T X ft n T II I' Dorefiesier Nifev^'port C H A A N £ M.4 See Reference p. I. A T L A N r I C <) r E A N Cape Wnth \/ CranStra ALHope r LarfoMBr >.nH«K^ RudbRe J..GaiThch "xGairlo Applecross Stromtferry 4 I N V lyH N E rif-oi _»^^o.. _ _ M.5 Dumtet Head [ v~J«fti' 0' Croat's House 1506 Creag RiabKach \ na Graidhe • Bndje >lspie -^cTd/y Tarhat JVess J^Fraserbur§h A K%J RA,D),E „E N^, ), /, 5;*o R»&r»n/-» n^ L ^ ITmm J^udia Hunish M.7 M.8 Kytealcn ^ yy^ / 3198 /. "^ ^2 /.. TayvalUc Stromeferry Sta. '2881 if Lo^halJR Sqiitnan Ciinntich J )}[ Sgiirr na Lapaich ■-•■4773 '12 Iny^cannlch Drumnadrodiit XAffricl "f ^_j;;:-r. =. ^3365^^"\, ^--'"^ Soiirr a Mkaoraich ~ '--- Invermori Fort Augustus '4" Clad) Lej '>r North; Lismore 1. South O^&ell Kerrera 2657 / ;\\ Beinh Dorain k3689 Ben Cniachan Taynuilt Stn7 fban ^ -^ r? Vy^ Dalmally / CrlanlaricJp**^ .^®** ^Y- tv. <: ^ -" Btrachur ochgoilh^d Beinn Mhir 1 W 5 V ^ 2409 K I ib«SrVi»Yl^ Doune Hill ArdrishalftP 'H— 4 /^ "^ ,^>|bAerrerty!s_* 2*» . W " x<,^/^arelochead j;4^ c A, ».»^ _T. Tlghnabniiich -1=^ — Cov Dunoon . w I^S* VJ/^ '.Jomlntoul /Cam Mor *2e56 ; Aviemore , Cam 'Mail Geai Cham ', \2 '\ ,< '-.^ Coolnabachan /"' 3W3 ,-'' ,,'' ". ; ' \/~-' Ben Avon '' (42% ^Ben Maodhui , ., I »*^v Braemar,,<>-<^ a^^^Balmoral -•^ ^-^i Castie 35 Tiberfeldy „ . /^.-»<« P ^yW/^ H S H \Jk E ^^ -^^-j^NS-P illin '^ BwiGhonzie ^ '''X^lPinl' Glenmret wdge g ill^] / :>^ y Lennoxtown ^/f § M11n6avie <^i%'^ M.12 M.IO 13 ^% J<^ Ha ' ' ■ 'i ' 'J ^j^^ ^ ^ m. M.14 See Reference p. I. isUnburgh Cas H I urn by the Sea Loftus Oulsbo rough L_ M.15 i-urtS Betters y Coed [WM M.16 y,23 ^^^^ I0\ Appleby M.13 Middleton m Te D U Bishop Auckland^ 2663 ^ High Street E s T M or Ji'^Ambleside Wtndermere/ >wne ^hap N D febay »2 Irkby Stephen ,4V Rogans Seat -«222Q./,/» f/ik' TheCa Crackpo\) ICendJ «0 Vs/dberjh fbyBr lorpe :; ) 2414: ' \^hernsi^e lei AysgartH ;/ If. laley Morccambp 1 Morecam Heysl Garstar ^Iton le Fy&e 9 p^^QJngleton apham Lei .2310 Ketaeweiif Great Whemsid [SetUe 1836 V/aFJkSto 27) UiTx^ Praston _ V/, Nel«ofiJ^ Keighley^ Padlt BURNiiEY pcrin^|»i^.Hebdeaj vawtenstall-. Vs.,-, s / ■ Hilmfli AshW ' Bleaklow ... „, 5l$S^|fc^i" ^"'[STOCKfORT Hayfield "-■j VE■^ Ellesmere Pbrt iij KnutsfdcW^Weriej! EdSeJ 'thvaOv^A > kccle&fitid »UXt, I A fTT E Iter "Nil/" Winstori Tarpjiriey Cbngn^r ^ Jf/ar/tf/ff Wtritdwrch ^ See Key Map p. 2 and 3. M.21 Leek runstali AvAd^-^ i^ STOCKTON ^ ^ ^r-?Seltburn ! vn — T^jXJl '3^'^ ^^^ZX^^ Lof tus Gu lsbolHjuSh^^__^' *' V-f^-KS jtterick BridJ4| adertyStn.^ Ijeator Houses 9rthaflertoh /'1489 Dtton Head yKirkby Moorside ;. \ RiponJ Harrogafe 1 ^tley 24 I,, aOShbridftel jing/old /NewMalton^ /I / I / y SI f .6 'Pf %*'ll ^ |ojS.ton Sp5 HookJ^r nJ^Cawood" Selb\ )cklin^ton cei-n Whorne/ >Jir// /J ru-mber 8 piey /Mejroorou^ Joncasteij ./—''' z'?^'*^] lorpe .SHEFFIELD , JakANrell EW R yClay Cross/ lock. I ^ainsborough iast letford 'ksop Tuxford lansfield I \13 a. ./"' Lincol ]>^r ^-O) ©^-?%, Alfreton '^itfl!? ? Wlrksworth ^^o*' "6 ir?7l ^^ Scale r M.18 Whitby Flamborouffh Head lamboi-ough ablelhorpe Skegness See Reference p. I. Ml M.19 Carnarvo Cam .7 r i' on Bardsey I, „/f^^i2 .J \ Abierdaron .'■ A l: >) I (r A v AberysJ Aberaeron , New Quaj^g Strumble Head GoodwickJ Da. 1,1 ! David's Newport Fishguard Mynydd (Vescelly 1760 22 EMU RQKE iijan ^ V^ewcastie" '£mlyn Sf Bride' a {^^ Bay 21 < (?pA^;^^Tlarber rthen 12 ;'"^(--'se#^4* -^ S!Aas^ Ptembrok jfead Dock Pembi-ol _Sa§estDhN Laughame Carmarthen SinstAphan [ Kidwelly l9 fenby ^-^.7 L< fGow»a 's Head E25 Scale: M.20 ■^ Llanrvfst I// 5/ d fc^eath Mountain Ash -4^2^ C /^i- S/ ..^« Morrislo«(. L A M R G A N HT^^V^- ^\: ^-^^' See Key Map p. 2 and 3. IMil %l¥l6l iter Tarporley Cr Congleton * M.21 ^^^ Hartinfttgn ^rexhs Nt4pa^ ■'M f\ ' j^)aiAN ^vfe&tKS mi''^ -'Ojreh ^^ kfieadle ;MarKet I 5.' ^feccleshal}/ Staffer 'j Rujeley M S T aJ[ F F Penkrid«_-^ . ICam Abbot^ iBroml /a Lichfi«W 1696 //Church Long /^Strettc Mynd Cf^^f^ ^^bur^yvoidfield Ltfdlov ^^BridW^I^ ,' Li^ S P Coleshill 10 - j' \'^^ ^•^yjV;f^^^ Us- K,' Coventry JT '"\'m^-M0 > .^•° f \ i Arden ^ T A,' \^ .-: T, " HoNjj^ K -i--*3(ci5!^*^ tW V- K ;:.,,--\;'' if 'w O R t.v^TTt r^Ns. ?^ \-J Ps Bromyap It.' lalverric Evesha I Upton Seve* •Pontrilas ] 8 T H 3>^ inch comb tttley Lydna^ ( Oik'^ Tii\terri^\ / •// V loucflfiter T8 I ^ . , ^ Drthj/ach linswi 'CVfE S i>r \E/oR ^Stro^d ,^ Cireri ipping mpden 1^ Buffonf Fairford 4 •^ ^ Chepstow i 1 NaikwoithX, \ Mi7l "To lis ^51 "^bourne V^ j/^H^o^ derb) UPON ' ^'^ ' - v» / South vcel Jujfyell 2^X<-^ Granlhar Lichfw Sutt(^ Coldfiel'd ^''^ I /5 laZ^ch/, pwortK '> 6 , . ,^ Nune^qn t)leshlll B^wo ^^ ^ 10 BVENT pughborough |Me)tbn «rbray \9I2 OuorndMiX^ .Hill\«KA T E ] R '! ICES^ I Market arborou< Husbands Bosworth Ketlerii inftrdefi AlcpSter .8sh» it" , IjwceM ^S^'-'^-^-'^^ fewkesbui CO 2/ NortWfeach CO Mi _5 ddin^ v^Jivi-r Norton ^''C^\i o CnarlbuM JPTON '■.WoWM^ Fenny Stratfontt^TS^; ^lo> Lei^htor "****'^:=:^<^'i'a4e>7ri3«?iP^'''"lL^/, Yn\ \/^ \Pi-in(^Ri 409. PhSnl porough ERKSHIRE See Reference p. I. E28 The Map 28.29 ■ Lincoln 13 \ \I7 M.23 overUp Maps 22.23. su Scale; M.24 See Key Map p. 2 and 3 Map 24 overlaps Map 30. M.19I CORNWALL M.25 S!Affnes Hi Lizard Fbint ^ ~ 'Q //^^_^ llfraconibe- r /, A N T r ( O C E A y\ M.26 '''^V^ Csrmar^iai y "^ M.2Q ^^ k Mountain Ash* ^-^ *?^ c^>^ ^^""^ [MD / ^/J?Stroud M.27 indon The Maps 22.23 Ci'*|7 Cirencesta 9 > S/anll"^ m^ortie ft)o/e' iurford rlbura^WoodsVi 12 iuckingham y^s^^L 1»5~' .1^7 .-:7rC mlTorc ^mfor^J,^kJ!!^3«^ 'ray^Sli/ ,f^ DaiHford T^yfliple iGuu 13 l)orkin| \^ LeithHili. X HorleV ^^•^^ 965 j i:j|hddin§fo>^d \ Broadbrid ICROYDOl Edinbhid^e NewCh^el \ ', "\Sputh 5 Dtham itury tworthr^ jltorough SV7 Aui 07 i:o\/boro>t«*K ^ * ^^' ^^ urst 9 Battle m "i4')l ''^^*'™6'°f *^{|teyniii6n^iecombe A . l^ \^^ I Ykfi >--r^''^^SlZI^^ Hailsh mdel \ «;>,„J!L™ \ IP^ 8 tT^^ IOHT0^^ '^'^s^l^evtiaven LitUehampton Worthing Seaford"^ — ^^^^ /Eastbourne Seacby Head G L J S H C E A N N E L Scale: M.30 1124J Map 30 overlaps Map 24. Cap ^ GrisNez\ \ Boulogne/ See Reference p. I and Key Map p. 2.3. M,31 §r L A N r J c Q>iy 1. Tory Sound « Dunfanaghy Map 31 overlaps Map 35. Qp-jlp. fjOs"! I ^^- l"'-^^ l 5 10 I jy[^32 ^** Reference p. I and Key Map p. 2.3. Ardnave P.' Rathlin Island -Ballyn^M Armagh^ RMAGH Banb^^e \}LM ^ 'Killyfe Al Fandera DowTipatrick M.34 See Key Map p. 2 and 3. Beawee Hea(ji ARAN { } ISLAND^ O ^•-^■'/. Scale: 20 25 M. Ciiffs of Mi See Reference p. I. WM Ennistlmon Miltown Mafbay 10 M.31 Map 35 overlaps Map ^Be/Jeek 5 ^,, Sljgo Bay ^^ Trusfcmrfre Vl5 r2il3 , Manor Hamilton KiJIala ^-iBay /: c I A^'n E <'ii ";« A A 2e Drums hanbo I' ^ Clogh^ Aughnacloy ^^ ' dlieve Deaqh VEmyvall " ^^ liruTTtcaj Cuileagh Swanlinbi .Derrynacreev '':>W/ llybaj; 1922 V, ..- • Slieve Anier'in Ballinamo ity lla^Kapdr CarriolfinL E I^Jf R 1 My Shannon 10 A \ N/ •v9' 'Ca\ sbskh ellananaih \B^lieborou|Tl 8 " "^ ylNswlnn J^ \ Kingscoit Ballyjakesduff^ C-n[ CD C/:> CD i >< fbrtumna 4 75rD l§ewdvthslo/^rr*^^V~Caklebollar Sl.na 3 bo roil 10 \ >>^ ...'"IGnAefiad ifoftbndge^ <■'' ClaraUJ^;^'^' beftjan /' Voghan ^denderr F«rbane/ ^^^ TulTiSfiio PhilipstownV Frank/op o 13 )rt^lin? 18 I '10 sU^^ V. MouBtmellic 10 y^ ^ ,-Rij . ^ ca pj /a VII , or Par/fonstowii' 12 ,^77 ^ ^g 1733 > Arderin Mavyboroufi BohefaphHta Moimtrat V5 NAth Cloghjordan Roscrea poj^js in ^ /j Oummsi/^ - ■' (C^'A-Q Templeiiiore 12 Ossorv ^S. Kt , n I ^Abbeylelx «# • "i^ See Key Map p. 2 and 3. ' -^^ il^Oj y^^' V-^ ^^ Moy Portado^ SI Tinde/a|3 \ /* 8"*>^l J Newtown ijamilton l^Vt^LGulli ^CroLiihifelen e A \- D.o.n^ »-»^-»^"^-^ ^"'"n '";''>^'^'' f'^ rtbridfte / SlXroob 5>v . . 9.' live. M.37 // 10 ilznass HI Down pa l7 i^ Castle '10 3\ Jewry NewcasUAN ^'"^ •s/?' SI. Bigniar '7 13 24A9 \^Sjyarmipoint l^y^^^'li""'^ o ss Ire vor ijermont C*«JK ""-^-.^ Ty^^^Mkeel Dundal arlin§forc A'rde^ Dvndalk Il3 .^-aj }DunanyP! 6 £oUoi)/ 9 IRIS H \Sl^e^ jBalbriggan 5 E A fBarracks B\cerries h^)oume alahide Lambay 1. KilcocS5S^4", 5\ Howth S|iK DUBLIN 9' '13'.' ^wbrii 3 Kigpur; Kingstown ftalkey Bray sXvCreys tones tlessinjton ^ 2384 Sally Gap-- . , ,., Mullaghele-vaun . Dou/e M istacd 2783 /:'i Y/J I C K "ij\0 W^^is^^icklow 3039 . \^7 y^ /]}mclcJow Hi Lugcvaquillia Rath ~ Gap-- eevaun Baltlnglass Castledermot 1M.4 ■Ah 16/ Vd Arkiow Scale- isM. M.38 See Key Map p. 2 and 3. \^y^ Brandon Hfl^' '">"'»') ) Truh-^ '(^g Brandon M^^,.->fl_,<\^ ' .. /^ ,, '3127^'' 21 2713 &^^ .<>u/z/5 B^^_^ „ Coomacarrea jf • Val«npii ^^ <^Cahersiveen y\ Lissatmnig Br '" ^ ^'^ ^ Loo Bridge' Bally Dujrs«y I'-p")^ S^ Reference p. I. Mizen H Qtpe Char . Cleai- 1. M.35 '\ 14 Gort II Jfi L 872 Ch Ben Da 7 ^"^'r-'-f^dngh-^ Tomgrar Nena 16 ^^ M.39 ^^--^ 12 Slieve Bernagh ''0 f^O!^' , on rer§u! Birdhil Clonlar^^ Keep<^ Hill 10 ■^ * J"$ a Newport ^ X, , ' '1522 ;-,,-. merjkk si.FeJim ^ppamore,! 10 ■"-10'. 14 24\Shefiis Cross) IronJMlUl JO ; 9 . ,-V^ _ R . BallmAarry 7I ^,. Rourkes Cross^dsTl , V^ Kijndlock Hp'spitii, 1329 . Taur Newms 15^ "Dr«incd|Hihe? Kreemou V Charleviil 11 5» T^^P^irts^|. _ rC'ourunacsherry ' Head of Kinsale Jhvrka, II Cashel 12 w Qoomd 22 Lisntore Tallow YougJal -// emartyr M.40 ^ Mountrath Jf36[ / /, CloShJo: Limtrid! 34 \4f 9 13^ rlelx Cast: 19 Durrov- Deviltbit M 1583* Templemo Jornsol^ ' X.' \" \ ^ard Carlo^ stlecom^r "-^-^•vJ! VV /i2 LeijMHibrldjj 9>sNAA Bagenalsfi v8 ■■i-/io .'--'' J 3' 12 llenaule l9 CaHanX "^ Kgu 6V I Wen 13 V 6 ^Kiama^ny 1 > CD lonmd '' Camck^ onSul 2478 / c mv Knockanaffrin -2609 KnockmealdivAi ,. . N Yl 7>i New Ross! ^>?Vrtliu 2387 Wi A T^ \E R Cappoqiin 3 12 a^uscxju R D pSookHf J>ungapbHn ffarb. ^ . - /v/ Yomjhul Castlenvfu'tyr •'V /^;/\, L A N T 1 C O C E A N See Reference p. I and Key Map p, 2.3. Scale: 20 25 M. M.42 ^^ib*!^ S-A/ium ENVIRONS Walford \ 5 lis tree Chipping^ Barnel ^^ley ^Pinner ^x^>n^^''^<'stone HaiTOw on The Hil^ Greenford Gre/n ^V 6 7 dgware Brent 'oservoir. Penvaleh^^ - ""''y^. S/oagA 1/ Staines^ 4 (Betsey (hIeenfonJ Soulhall ^Z SjtfUlesden Norwood Gr 2 [^ouas(()■^ Brentf 3 /•ickenhi yanworth \pVbn yCpurse (Kempjfc Par\ \ N^ rfiichmond'- Park >^" I 17 Wm;b!erto^ ■ plon Bushey Park ^SMT I" "Jfi *Zi- ■ , . ^^ .ingslon Hampto '^ / Molesey \>\v*^C^l>Surbiton %lonupon 'c'^r Thames \ Comi WiTiliiedon jNew Malde J/ SuUonj Rsher / /Che Ewell 2 Epsom ' Hipfty a ■"''"'J " Si Leathi See Reference pi. The thickest li„«. represent tne ex.U. Distances from London are calculated from Piccadilly Circus. 8 I Leatherhead 4 / IO\fieigate ^ 10 ines represent the exits. OF LONDON MAS t Hoddesdon 6 ^Epping3 Waltham i Cr Enfield 1 ^Wake Arms In O Loujhton KAbridge liinjfori LambourAe ^nd ^Chigwell ^Wood6.rd A ^^>^i|wellHo ,8 'Woodford^Bndge Corner ] 1-. 1 liblinglon 1 ,«..x^ /Q /Ilford/ Jarkir ■:...J * "/bow ' ^ /) Hair. 'Shooters Bexle^ 3/ ?Srocuip ,Foo£s Cray .Chislehurst , 3/ O/iffar 7 Southend 32 Erit/i 6 Oanford ■^3 Scale: i h — \ iM. M.44 Darwer, \ orlfy/ \ Northwich 15 8 See Reference p.l. Northwich?^ ^ \ J 8 KnuUfyrd MANCHESTER Riwtenstall 7 \B3cup M.45 \ i \ i W M.46 BRADFORD, LEEDS, HUDDE llkley 6 y^ /iipley\ll^ See Reference p. I. mm^ RSFIELD AND WAKEFIELD. hamigale il — r—- '^ 8. ^» A. J. Brandon, Main St., Agt. for HUMBER, [e] If lAC T Brandon. Adare (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 478. See :— Adare Manor ; White Abb. (Xlllth c.) ; Augustinian Friary (XlVth c.) ; Franciscan Friary (XVth c.) ; Desmond's Cas. (Rns.) ; ^ S.E. 1. Limerick a 10 = Rathkeale 8, Reens 10 < ListoAvel 33 — Newcastle 16 = Askeaton 10, Glin 26, Tarbert 30. Jii Dunraven Arms, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/6 § Box \4\ Court \M\ IS ins Gratis go] lAC T Hotel :F> 9. ^^« Richard Legear, Main St. ' Ahascragh (Co. Galway), M. 35, Pop. 333. ?^ Baiilnasioe 7. Kiigiass 2 < Mount Bellew 9, cionbem Cross Rds. 20, Dunmore 26 — Ballymoe 25, Castlerea 30 = Kiigiass 2, Tour Roads Inn 11, Athleague 15, Roscommon 20 = Baltinasloe 7 = Kiiconneii 6 •< Loughrea 20 — Lv Athenry 24. r'Ahosrhill (Co. Antrim), M. 33, Pop. 633, ^! Ballymena 4. I Ballymoney 17, Coleraine 25 = Ballymena ffi. 4 = Randalstown 8, Antrim 13 = Portglenone 5, Maghera 14. ^^a S. Dunlop. Antrim (Co. Antrim), M. 33, EU. Pop. 1,826. M.D., Tues., Thurs. See :— Church ; Castle ; KE. Round Tower 1 ; E. Templeiiatrick (Cairn Graine, Castle Upton) 5 ; W. Lough Neagh ; ^ E. 2. Ballymena a ll = Ballyclare 11, Larne a 21 = 1 < Belfast a 17 — Carmavy 6, Belfast ffi. 16 = Lisburn a 17 = Crumlin 7, Lurgan 21 = Randalstown 5, Maghera 25. I*|?l Commercial, '^U, High St., B 1/9 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis {2} lAC ^p 6. *!J^ :krasserene Arms, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [3] T McXally :p> 11. ffiei .T. Barr, High SL — A. Huston, Bridge St. (Cycles). — .). Lowry, High St. (Cycles). lArdee (Co. Louth), M. 37, Pop. 1,883. See :— Castle ; Rath. Martins Cross Rds. 8, Dundalk 12 (gd. rdi, 1J17-1U desc. at 10 m.). Dromin 5, Dunleer 7, Drogheda fi. 16 {v. gd., hilly). 2 B ARKLOW — 594 - Ardee (continued). CoUon 7, Drogheda ffl. 14 (cnL rd., Ijl'^ deitc. at 7 m.). WoodtoTVn 6, Kells a 19, Mullingar Q. 46 (gd. jl. rd.). Aciint Br. 6, Carrickmacross 12, shantonagh 21, Ballybay 30, Monaghan 41 (gd. ly. und). m Buxton Arms, Market St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Clifr 5/. Shed Shelter ins Groteis [f] lAC. «^« P. McGee (Cycles). Arklow (Co. Wicklow), M. 41, Pop. 4,944. See :— Tower (Rns.) ; Tumulus ; Harbour ; Parish Oh, bridge) 3. Wicklow 16 = Brittas Br. 9, Wicklow 18 = Scamagli Cross Eds. 4 -5 Black- water 31, Wexford a 42 — Gorey 11, Enniscorthy 29 = Newtown Barry a 27, Borris 41 = Woodenbridge 5, Carlow ®. 42. iSl Hoyne's, 62, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- [t] Court [2] ins Gratis. S Byrne's Railway and Commercial, 6/f, Main St. , K R 2/- Chfr 4/- Gar U adj Gratis {q}- f^n George H. D'Arcy, Church Bldgs. (Cycles). — John H. Kavanagh, 6-7, Main St. (Cycles). — \Y. Greene & Son, U, Main St. (Cycles). ^ (Wooden- Chfr 6/- Shed 1 '<; r, iTti>2/- ARMAGH (Co. Armagh), M. 37, ^, Pop. 7,588. See :— Observatory (A) ; St. Patrick's Cath. (Goth.) (C) ; Cathedral (Goth.) (D) ; Caledon District ; W. Navan Fort 2. "^ W. 1. CATHEORl (See p. 3 1 Upper Englisli . 2 College Street 3 College Hill 4 Scotch Street 5 Palace Rovir Market HUl Road 7 Thomas Street 8 Ogle Street 9 Irish Street 10 Newton Hamilton 11 Honaghan Road 12 Cathedral Road 13 Lower English St 14 Banbrook HiU 15 Railway Street E. I : by Upper English St., College St., and College Hill :— Portadown 11, Lurganie, Moira 21, Lisburn a. 29, Belfast fiL 37 (k. gd., 1/19 desc. at SI m.). E. II : by Scotch St., Palace Row, arid Market Hill Rd. ;— Market Hill 7, LoughgUiy Ely. stn. 11, Newry ffl. 19 (ffd. rd. hilly, Ij'.) desc. at 5 and asc. at 13 m.). E. Mi : by Thomas St., Ogle St., Irish St., and Newtoum Hamilton Rd. :— Tassagh 7, Newtown Hamilton 15, Kiicurry Cross Rds. 29, Dundalk 31 {gd. rd. hilly, several Ij 10 gradients), Dublin ffl. 82. £. IV : by Thomas St., Ogle St., Irish St., and Monaghan Rd. ;— Miiiford 2, Middietovm 11, Monaghan 18 (gd. rd.). - 595 ATHLONE Armag^h (continued). E,y/ : by Upper English St., and Cathedral Rd :— Benbuib 6, Oona Br. 9, Aughnacloy 18, Ballygawley 23, Omagh ffl. 39, Newtown Stewart 49, Strabane 59 {gd und pict.). E. VI ; % Upper English St., Lower English St., and Banhrook Hill :— Moy 7, Dungannon • 13, Stewai-tstown 21, Cookstown 27, Moneymore 32, Tobermore 41, Maghera 44, Garvagh 54, Coleraine 67 (gd fl. rd., 1/17 asc. at Uk m.). • 1. Dungannon 13, Cookstown 24, Moneymore 29, Tobermore 38, jyftighera 41, Garvagh 51, Coleraine 64 (gd.jl. rd.). • 1. Dungannon 13, Pomeroy 22, Konsky 36, Gortin 40, Plumb Br. 44, Strabane 54 {med. rd. hilly). Hf^ Charlemont Arms, 63 and 65, English St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 n 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [e]. Si Imperial, English St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis N 1/- T Loudan ;p> 15. Beresford Anns Hotel, English St. I.A.C. ^^m J. J. Miller, Thomas St. (Cycles). Askea.ton (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 679. See :— Desmond's Cas. (Xllth c. Rns.) ; Parish Ch. (Xnith c.) ; The Franciscan Friary. Pallaskenry 7, KUdimo 10, Limerick ^ 19 = Ballyengland 2 < KUdimo 7, Limerick ®. 16 — Adare 10 = Rathkeale 7, Newcastle 15 = Foynes 7, Glin 16, Tarbert 20. Athboy (Meath), M. 36, Pop. 610. See :— R. C. Chap. ; E. Hill of Ward (390 ft.). 2 < Navan Sl 11, Slane 19, Droglieda ®. 28 — Kells Q. 9, Kingscourt 23, Carrickmacross 31 = Trim 7, Dublin ®. 35 = Baiiivor 7, KlUyon Demesne 10, Kinnegad 16, Kilbeggan 35 = Delvin 8, Mullingar ^ 21 = CastlepoUard 18 = Oldcastle 17. ffP" E. Smyth (Cycles). Athenry (Co. Galway), M. 35, Pop. 2,683 P. See :— Dominican Friary (Rns.) ; Castle (Rns.) ; Town Walls (Rns.) ; Parish Ch. X- Tuam ®. 16 = Monivea 6, Tuam ®. 19 = Ballinasloe 26 = Loughrea 12, Portumna 31 = Galway ^ 14 = Lough George 10, 13 < Ballinrobe 34 — Headford 23. ^ Railway (opp. Stn.), B 2/- L 1/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed Court ins Gratis g]. ^a» W. P. Higgins. ATHLONE §> (Co. Westmeath), M. 36, Pop. 6,617. M.D., Tues., Sat. See :— Barracks ; Railway Br. ; Town Wall Remains ; St. Peter's Abb. (Rns.) ; Franciscan Abb. (Rns.). '^. .RAILWAY BRIDGE BARRACKS FRANCISCAN ABBEY TOWH WALL ST PETER'S ABBEY •P.S.-R.S.- (See p. 1 Church Street 2 Dublingate St. 3 Mardyke Street 4 Ballymahon Rd 5 Irlshtow^n 6 Swing Bridge 7 King Street 8 Connaught St. Percy Street 10 Ballinasloe Rd. 11 Roscommon Rd, 12 Northgate.St ATHY - 596 - Athlone {continued). E. I : by Church St., Dnblutgate St., MardykeSt., and Bally mahon JRd. :— • 2, Ballykeev.-iD 4, Tang Br. 12, Ballyniahon • 14, Carrickbor 20, Edge- worthstown 26, Granard 34, Crossdoney 48, Cavan • 54, Baiiyhouse 59, Newbiiss 72, Monaghan 82 (gd. und., 1/10 asc. at S3 vi.). • r. 2, Walderstown R.I.C. Barracks 7, BalljTnore 14, Churchtown 20. Mullin- gar Sl 29 (gd. und., several 1/12 pitches). • 1. Ballymahon 14, Keenagh 19, Longford SL 27 (med. und.). • 1. Cavan 54, Butlers Br. 58, Clones 71, Monaghan 83 (recom. rd.). E. II : by Church St., Dublvngate St., Mardyke St., and Iri^htomi .— • 3, Moate • 10, Horseleap 16, Kilbeggan 20, Tyrellspass 26, Rochfootbridge 29, Milltown Pass 32, Kinnegad 39, Bunglass 44, Moyvally 48, EnSeld 52, Kilcock 59, Maynooth 63, Leixlip 67, Lucan 69, Dublin &. 78 (gd. Jl. rd.). • r. 3, Ballynahown 7, Togher 9, Ferbane 13, Cloghan 17, Birr 26 (v. gd., leml rd.). • r. Moate 10, Clara 17, Tullamore ^ 24 (gd. und., 1/lS asd at 2^ m.). E. Ill: by Swing Br., King St., Connaught St., Percy St., and Ballinasloe lid. .— • 1, comafuiia 6, Ballinasloe • 16, Athenry 42, Galway a 50 (gd. rd., MO near Ballinasloe). • r. 1, Brideswell 7, Ballyforan 15, Mount Bellew 24, Moylaugh 2S, Horseleap Cross Eds. 32, Tuam a 41 (gd. rd. ly. und.). • 1. Ballinasloe 16, Loughrea 35, Gort 50, Ennis fi. 69 (gd. rd.). E. IV : by Swing Br., King St., Connaught St., Percy St., and Bos- common Rd. :— BaJlybay Chap. 4, Lecarrow 10, Knockcroghery 14, RoSCOmmon • 20 (1/13 desc. at 7 m.), Boyle 46, Sligo m. 71 (gd. rd.). • 1. Roscommon 20, Castlerea 37, Kilkelly 54, Swineford 61, Ballina 77 (med. rd.). m Prince of Wales, Church St., B 2/6 L 3/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed adj N 1/- [U T Prince of Wales :p» 23. Ramsay's Victoria Hotel, Northgate St. f^" MIchelin Stockists, Poole & Sons, Victoria PL, Agt. for Sunbeam, Darracq, Ford, Chambers, H] LT \ T Poole ;?> 19. Athy (Co. Kildare), M. 36, ES, Pop. 3,599. M.D. Tues. See :— Woodstock Cas. (Rns.) ; White Cas. ; Preston's Gate (Ens-.). :IC N.E. 1. Kildare 13 = Kilcullen 15, Naas M 22 = Baltinglass 15, Arklow 48 = Car- low Sl 12 = Castlecomer 17, Kilkenny a 29 = Maryborough 15 = Monasterevan a 12. ^ Leinster Arms, Leinster St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed [T] Shelter [n] Court [20] ins Gratis. V^" Dutliie, Large & Co., Ltd., Leinster St., Agt. for Humber, Flanders, Darracq, Ford, g] LT \ T Duthie. Aug^hnacloy (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop. 974. Dungannon 12 = oona Br. 9 -5 Portadown 26 — Armagh 18 = Caledon 9, Keady 20 =: Enyvaie 6 < Monaghan 12 — Castleblayney 25 = Augher 8, Clogher 10, Fiveniiletown 17, Enniskillen S. 32 = Ballygawley 5, Omagh & 21. ^ Imperial, Main St., B 1/9 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis g]. Bas^enalstown ® (Carlow), M. 40, Pop. 1,882. See :-E. Ballymoon Cas. (Rns.) 2. Carlow a 10 = Newtownbarry fi. 18 = Borris 8 -5 Enniscorthy 27 — New Ross 25 = Royal Oak 1 ^ Wliitehall Cross 4, Thomastown 16, Waterford a. 37 — Leiglilinbridge 4, Castlecomer 17 — Royal Oak 1, \MiitehaU Cross 4, Kilkenny & 15. Ward's Hotel. V^> Michelin Stockist, Thoina.8 G. Jenkinson, Ballytoilliam Row, (HUT .renkinson (3 m.). Bailieborougrh (Co. Cavan), M. 36, Pop. 1,004, ^ Kingscourt 8. Sliercock 7, ( -astleblayney 20 = Kingscourt 8 •< Carrickiiiacross 16 — Drogheda fi 34 = Kells a 16 s= Virginia 9, Oldcastle 16, Castle- IKJllard 27 = Miiimount 2 < Cavan 20 — Cootehill 14, Xewbiiss 22, Clones 27. Tf" T. Rogers, Foundry (Cycles). I — 597 BALLINA Ba.lbriergra.n (Co. Dublin), M. 37, Pop. 2,2:i6. M.D., Man. See :— X. Gromanton Cas. 2 ; Dardistown C'as. 4. Drogheda a 10 = Skerries 4, Swords 16, Dublin Sl 24 = Swords 11, Dublin fi. 19 = xaui 5 -? Lucau 26, Naas A 41 — Drogheda & 15. ff"i J. C. Reynolds, Georges Sq. (Cycles). — W. H. Graham, Station Rd. (fJycles). Balla(Co. Mayo), M. 35. Kiitamagh < 7, Swineford 14, ciiaiiestown 21, Tobercurry 28, Collooney 41, Siigo a 48 — Ballina 27 = Claremorris 9, Baliiudine < 13, Dunmore 23, Mount Bellew40, Ahascragh 49, Ballinasloe 56, Clogan 73, Biueball 84, Tullamope ®. 91 — Tuam a 26 = Ballinrobe 15, Headford 28, Galway a 45 = Castlebar 9. Afi. Valkenljurgs, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed adj Grati>^ !!]. Ba.llag;ha.clerreen (Co. Roscommon), IW, 35, Pop. 4,367 P. See :— X.E. Lough Gara. ::^ June nth. E.linoncistown 3 < Ballymotc 16, Collooney 23, Sligo :©. 30 — Boyle 15 = Frenchpark 8 < Carrick-oii-Shannon 22 — Tuisk 17, Strokestown 24, Longford ffl. 38 = ciunaun Br. 2 •< Ballyhaunis 14, Dunmore 25, Tuam a 34 — Castlerea 12 = Kilkelly 12, Castlebar ^ 35 s= Swineford IS, Ballina 34. m. McDermott's, MctUi St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 4/- « Shed 150 y Gratis T McDermott. Reilly's Hotel, Barrack St. BALLINA (Co. Mayo), M. 31, 35, Pop. 4,505. See:— R. C. Cath., Augustinian Abb. (Rns.) — N. O'Conor's Castle (Rns.) 3 ; S.W. Cromlech of the Four Maels. "rid^ June ]8th. BALLINA. SCALE I E. I : bi/ Arran Br. and Cathedral Jtd. :— Corbally South 5, Dromore West 15, Dromard 26, Ballysadare 32, SligO ^ 37 (gd. ly. und. pict., several 1/17 gradients). E. II : by Arran Br. and Abbey St. :— Bunnyconnellan 6, Gleneask 10, MuUany's Cross Buimanaddan 26, Gorteen 31, Mullaghroe 3^ < 'arrick-on-Shannon 50 (gd. itnd. v. pict. Longford &. 73, Dublin & 147. Pvds. 14, Tobercurry 20, 3, Boyle 41, Ardcam 45, Iflo asc. in Ballina). BALLINAKILL - 598 - Baliina, {continued). E III • by Arran />'/•.. Abbeif St.. Church St., and Sivimford Rd. :— Callow' 12, Swineford • 10, Kilkelly • 23, Carrowbehy 32, Castlerea 40, oran 50, Roscomrtion 57 {med. rd.), Athlone & 77. • 1. Swineford 16, Charlestown 23, Carrecastle 27, Ballaghaderreen 34 igd. rd.), Frenchpark 42, Bellanagare 44, Tulsk 51, Strokestown 58 {med. vn'd.), Scraniege 60, Longfofd Q. 72 {gd. fl. rd.). • r. Kilkelly 23, Ballyhaunis 33, Gienamaddy 50, Mt. Bellew 66, Ballin- asloe 82, BIrp 107 {gd. mid.). E. IV : btj Bridge St., Hill St., Piper Hill, and Oxford Rd. :— ' • " Foxford 10, Bellavary 17, ManuUa 22, Bellacarra 25, Ballglass 30, Holly- in'ount 37, Kiimaine 43, Shruie 48, Headford 52, Galway a 69 (gd. tind.). • r. 2, Ballybeg Cross Rds. 4, Pontoon Br. 11, Ross West 17, CaStlebar j®. 22 (gd.'rd. pict, several short 1/11 hUls). E. V : fey Bridge St., King St., Bury St., and Workhouse Rd. :— Crossmolina 8, Bellacorick Br. 20, Bangor 27, Bunnahowen 35, Bel- mullet 39 (gd. fl. pict, 1/U asc. at 6 m.). E. VI : bii Bridge St., Arran St., Garden St., and Pound St. :— Killala 8, Palmersiown 11, Ballycastle 17, Belderg 26, Glenamoy Br. 34, Bamatra 41, Belmullet 47 (med. hilly, pict., 1/10 desc. at 8 and m. Moy, Knox St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/-K,2/6Chfr8/- Shed ins (^atis\s\ lAC T Moy. ^ Imperial, Knox St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar U opp Gratis [W\. ffm Isaac Leneham, Garden St. (Cycles). — P. O'Brien & Co., Garden St. (Cycles). Ballinakill (Queen's Co.), M. 40, Pop. 441, ^ AbbeyleJx 4. Alibeyleix 4, Mountrath 12 = Timahoe 8, Stradbally 18 = Castlecomer 7, Leighlinbridge 20 = Kilkenny a 17. Ballinamore (Leltrim), M. 36, Pop. 692. Swanlinbar 12, Enniskillen ^ 24 = Aiiertons Cross Rds. 5 < BallyconneU 12, Belturbet 20 — Killashandra 14 = Arvagh 15, Granard 27 = Eden- tinny 2 < Fenagh 3, CaiTick-OH-Shannon 17 — Drumshanbo 12, Sllgo fi. 42 — Edentinny 2, Fenagh 3, Mohill 10, Longford ®. 26. ^m M. Bichardson (Cycles). Baiiina,sloe (Cos. Boscommon & Galway), M. 35, EH. PoP- 4,904. M.D., Wed., Sat. See :— Church (Fair Green), Castle (Ens.), Garbally Demesne. ^. DundoneU 6, Thomas St. 11, Athleague Castle 19, RoSCOmmon 24 (med. rd.). Ballydangan 6, CornafuUa 10, Athlone & 16 (gd. rd.). Shannonbridge 9, Clonony 14, Cloghan 17, Blueball 28, Tullamore ffl. 35 (gd. fl. rd.). Laurencetown • 8, Portumna 20, Nenagh 40 (med. und. pict, 1/13 desc. at 25 m,.). • 1. Laurencetown 8, Banagher 17, Birr 25 (gd. fl. rd.). Anghrim 5, Kilreekill 13, Louglirea 19, Gort 34, Ennis SL 53 (gd. level rd.). Daradda • 4, Kilconnell 8, Bellafa Br. 14, Athenry ^6, Oranmore 34, Galway ffi 40 (gd. rd.). • r. Daradda 4, Glentane 15. Horseleap Cross Rds. 22, Tuam ffl. 31 (nied. ly. vnd.). Ahascragh 7, Mount Bellew 16, Moylough 20, Clonbern 26, Gienamaddy 32, Kiinaiag 38, Baiimiough 43, Ballyhaunls 49, Kilkelly 59, Swine- ford 66, Baliina 82 (gd. ^md.). m Hayden's, Dunlo St, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar adj 1/- [MIIAC. ia Imperial, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- shed ins Qi-atis \S\ fT" J. T. Greeves O'Sullivan, Dunlo St — M. Carr, Dxmlo St. (Cycles). — CurleyBros,, KUtorraer. Baiiing:arry (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 540, ^^ Croom 8. See .-—Franciscan Monast. (Kns.) ; Parson's Cas.; Lissamota Cas.; Wood- .stock Cas. Croon\ 8 < Llmerlck a 20 — Hospital 22 = KiUnallock 13 = Newcastle 9 = Rathkeale 5, Askeatou 12. - 599 - BALLYHAUNIS Ballinrobe (Mayo), M. 35, Pop. 1,544. M.D., Hon. See :— Church (Rns.) ; R. C. Chap. ; Lough Mask ; Lough Mask Cas. ; N.W. Ballintober Abb. 10. ><^ July 29th. -^ S.W. i. Ballygarris Cross Bds. 5 < Castlebar fi. 19 — Bellavary 22, Bailina 39 = Claremorris 13, Kilkelly 27 = Tuam ffl. 19 = Lougii George 24, Athenry 34 = Neaie 4 < Headford 13, Gal way ®. 30 — Leenane 30, Clifden 51 =r Partry 6 < Wcstport 19 — Castlebar a 17. jtfiL Stanners, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [20] lAC T Stanners. Valkenburg's Hotel. f^" J. Staunton,. Bridge St. Baliyba-y (Co. Monaghan), M. 36, Pop. 1,208. M.D., Tues., Sat. ^ E. i (apply to Sec, Leslie Arms Hotel; Visitors free). Keady 13, Armagh ®. 21 = Castleblayney 8 = Beiiatrain 9 < Shercock 14, Kingscourt 22 — Carrickmacross 18 = Cootehill 10, Cavan 26 = Newbiiss 10, Clones 15 = Monaghan il. Ml Leslie Arms, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis m T Mills, ffi— S. P. Smyth, Main St. (Cycles). — Carson & Son, Main St. (Cycles). Ballycastle m (Co. Antrim), M- 33, Pop. 1,481. See :— Abb. Bonamargy (Rns.) ; Dunanynie Cas. ; Cnoc-leithid Hill (1,695 ft. View). N. W. Carrick-a-Rede Bridge 6. X N.W. Cushendall 16 = Cameatly 2 < Ballymena ffl. 26 — Diy Arch Viaduct 6, ColC- ralne 18 — Cameatly 2, Dry Arch Viaduct 6, Ballymoney 15 = BushmillS 12, Portrush a 18 = Baiiintoy 6, Giant's Causeway 12, Bushmills 14. te Marine, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed Court ins Gratis [6] lAC T Marine :]• 10. ^ Antrim Arms,Castle St., Shed ins Gratis go] lAC T McCambridge :f>i3l Boyd Arms Hotel, lAC. f^^ Micheiin Stockist, J. Starrs, Quay Rd. lallycastle (Mayo), M. 34, Pop. 305, ^ Kiiiala 8. See :— Puffing Holes ; Pillar Si^one. Killala 9, Bailina 17 = Crossmolina 14, Castlebar fi. 31 = Belmullet 30. taliyclare (Co. Antrim), IVI. 33, Pop. 2,066. Lame ^ 10 = Belfast a 12 = Antrim 11 := The Battery 7 •< Broughshane 13, ciogh Mills 22, Dervock 34, Bushmills 40 — Ballymena a 15. D. Moore, Slorse St. (Cycles). I - I (ally( f 4-<( I (allyconnell (Co. Cavan), M. 36, Pop. 326. 4 •< (/err.v -61) Lisnaskea 12, Fivemileto^vTi 28 — Ennlsklllen ^ 20 = Bel- turbet 8, Clones 20 = Carrigaiien 11, Longford a 29 = Ballinamore 12^ Carrick-On-Shannon 29 = Denynacreeve 7 < Drumlieeran 27, SllgO ffl. 47 — Swanlinbar 10, Enniskillen & 22. W^ 'i'. Dolphin. iallygawley (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop, 351. See :— Castle (Rns.). Dungannon 13, Portadown 29 = Aughnacloy 5, Monaghan 17 = Clogher 8, Pivemiletown 15 = Currinn 7 •< Omagh Si 16 — Fintona 13, Dromore 19. m The Stewart Arms, 1 and 2, Jubilee Bldgs., Main St., B 2/3 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed Court ins Gratis g] lAC T Gervan. aliyhaunis (Mayo), M. 35, Pop. 526. See :— Monastery (Rns.) ; Cromlechs, ^Uj, June 19th. Kilkelly 10, Swineford 17, Bailina 33 = 5 < Ballaghaderreen 14, Bally- mote 30 — Frenciipark 18, Carrick-on-Shaunon 32 = 8 < Castlerea 13 — Roscommon 30 = Dunmore 11, Tuam ®. 20 = Claremorris 11, Ballin- robe 24 = Balla 17, Castlebar SSl 26. Dudley Arms Hotel, Bridge St. See pp. 3 to 6 for the list of Convontionail Signs and Abbreviations. BALLYJAMESDUFF 600 Ballyja.me8ClufF(0o. Cavan), M. 36, Pop. 731, ^ oi.icasiie 7. (.'ootehill 17, Monaghan 32 = Virginia 6, Kells a 18 = Oldcastle 7, ( 'astlepollard 18 = (4ranavd 15, Longford a 30 = Cavan fi 11. Baliylanders (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 371, f^ Knocklong 3, Limerick a 26 = Tipperary 12 = Mitclielstown sTFermoy fi 18 = Kil- tiimane 6, Buttevant 22, Mallow a 29. Sf^^ '\\ Crowley (Cycles). BallylonsTFord (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 542, ^ Poynes 17. See :— Abbey (Ens.) ; N. Carrigafojie Cas. 3. rarl>ert 5, Askeaton 25 = Tralee SSl 25 = Ballybunion 10, Listowel 19. Bally mahon (Co. Longford), M. 36, Pop. 711, i»^ Edgeworthstown 12. Edgeworthstown 12, (Jranard 20 r: Mulllngar a 18 = Athlone & 14 = Terrelicken Cross Rds. 2 < Lanesborough 12, RoSCOmmon 21 — Long- ford ffi 13. (3»» H. Flood (Cycles). BALLYMENA ® (Co. Antrim), M. 33, Pop. 11,376. See :— Parish Ch. (A) ; Ballymena Castle (C) ; Linen Hall (D) ; Ballykeel Rath (View) ; W. Galgom Castle 2. ^JS,. 2 (E. I). E. I : bi/ Church St., Broughshane St., Summer Hill, and Cushendall Rd. :— MartinstowTi Stn. 7, Paikmore Stn. 12, Retreat Ca-stle 15, Cushendall 20 {med. rd., 1/ 1': deKC. at 1-1 m.). BALLYMENA. SCALE ®: G-P.S.R.S.- (See p 3 > Church Street 2 Broughshane Street 3 Summer HUl 4 Cushendall Road 6 Bridge Street 6 Harryville Bridge 7 Henry Street 8 Queen Street 9 Railway Street CHIJ 10 Waveney Road 11 Galgorm Road 12 MiU Street 13 Pentagon Square 14 Cully backey Road 16 Ballymoney Road E. II : by Bridge St., Harryville Bridge, Henry St., and Queen St. : • ], Antrim • 11, Belfast a 28 (gd. ly. und. pict.). • 1. 1, Marflelds6, The Battery 8, Shanes Mills 15, Lame Si 21 (qd. hiUil, r. pict., s^everal 1122 gradients). • V. Antrim 11, Crumlin 18, Lurgan ja33, Newry ffli 56, Dundalk ffi69, Dublin A 120. - 601 - BALLYNEEN Ballymena. {continued). E. ill : by Bridge St., Harry cUle Br., and Raihvay St. :— Slaght 3. C'loghogue Cross Eds. • 4, Toome 17, Castle DawSOn 16, Magher.1- felt 18, Drape rstown 26, Strabane 57 {med. hilly, v. pict.). • 1. cioghogue Cross Rds. 4, Randalstown 9 {gd. rd.). • 1. Castle Dawson 16, Stewartstown 35, Dungannon 43, Monaghan 66 {med. und. pict.). E. IV : by Bridge St., Waveney Rd., and Galgorin Bd. ;— Ahoghill 4, ciaudy 11, Maghera 19, Dungiven 32, Londonderry Sl 52 {tned. und.). E. V : by Mill St., Pentagon Sq., and Cullybackey Rd. :— Cullj-backey 4, McLaughlin's Corner 12, Ballymacrea House 21, Coleralne 28 {ined. V. und. pict.). E. VI : by Mill St., Pentagon Sq., and Ballymoney Rd. : — Dundermot7, Ballymoney ffl. 18, Coleralne 26 {gd. imd.). mi Aiiair Arms, Ballymoney Rd., B 2/- L 3/- D 3/6, R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed 20 y Gratis (aoj, T Eagleson. S Albert {Temperance), 31, W.- Zing ton St.,B2/-L2/- D 2/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Court ins Gratis [2], T Whiteside's Hotel. Royal Hotel, Church St. ff« Michelin Stockist H. Cooke, Mill St., g] LT \ Sun., lAC T Cooke ;p> 43. BsLllymoe (Co. Galway), M. 35, Pop. 133. Castlerea 5, Ballaghaderreen 17 = Tulsk 12, Elphin 18, Carrick-on- Shamion 27 = Roscommon 13 = ciashatogher 16, Ballinasloe 32 = Kii- iialag 6 < Dunmore 14, Tuam ^ 23 — Claremorris 24. Bsillymoney ® (Co. Antrim), M. 33, EdJ, Pop. 2,952. M.D., Mou., Wed., Thurs. See :— X.E. Stranocum Souterrain 7. Dervock 5 < Bushmills 11 — Ballycastle a 16 = stranocum 5, Ballycastle a 15 = Cushendall 22 = Bally mena la. 18 = Randalstown 25, Antrim 30 = Limavady 20 = Coleralne 8 = Portrush ffi. 12. ^^ Victoria, Victoria Place, B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/- Gar. opp. Gratis [6]. W^ Michelin Stockist. 8. Hatty, Church St., (S U \ Sun., Night, lAC T Hatty. Bailymore Eu8ta.ce (Co. Kildare), JVI. 37, Pop. 511, ^ Naas 6. See : — S.^y. The Piper's Stones. Naas a 6 = Eathcooie 13, Dublin a 25 = Blessington 4, Dublin a 23 = Hollywood 2 < Glendalough 18, Rathdrum 26 — Baltinglass 15, Tullow •_'6 = Braunockstow-n 4, Kilcullen 7 = KilcuUen 6, Kildare 13. ^ Poulaphouca, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed adj Gratis [Io|. ^ BjTne's, Main St., B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed [2] Court jlol ins Gratis. Bally mote (Co. Sligo), M. 31, 35, Pop. 997. . See :— Castle (XlVth c.) ; Franciscan Monast. (Rns.). <'ollooney 7, Sligo ffl. 14 = Boyle 13, Carrick-on-Shannon 22 = Balla- i^'haderreen 16, Ballyhaunis 30 = Bunnanaddan 5 < Charlestow-n 16, Swineford 23 — Tobercurry 11, Baillna 31 = Coolaney 8, Dromore 29, Ballina 44. Hannans Hotel, Market St. W^ P. P. Condon, Aehonry (Cycles). — John R. Gorman, Main St. Ballynahinch (Down), M. 33, Pop. 1,512. See:— Castle. ^. Belfast S. 15 = Comber 13, Newtownards 17, Bangor 23 = Downpatrick a 10, {ferry -59) Portaferry 19 = Newcastle 16, Kilkeel 29 = Dromora r> < Rathfriland 18, Newry ffl. 28 — Banbridge 16 = Hillsborough 9, .Moira 16, Lurgan ffi. 21 = Lisburn j®. 11, Antrim 28. ^, The Hotel, High St., R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis W\- ^s» Miciielin NI.C.T., S. Andersop, Railway St. (Motor Cycles). Ballyneen (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 370, [33 T Dunmanway 7. See :— N.W. Round Tower 3. Mmiach 3 < Bandou 10, Cork ffl. 30 — Macroom 19 s= Dunmanway 7, Baiiti-y -is. BALLYSHANNON - 6()2 - Ballyshannon (Co. Donegal), M. 31, Pop. 2,359. M.D., Thurs., Sat. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; The Falls ; Raths ; N.W. Kilbarron Cas. (Rns.)4. ^ ^^'- i- Donegal 14 = Belleek 5, Pettigoe 18, Kesh 23 -s Ederny 26, Omagh ffl. 43 — Enniskillen ffl. 38 = 5 -z Enniskillen ffl. 27 — Belcoo 23 = Bun- doran 5 -? Sligo ffl. 26 — Manor Hamilton 20. fim Henderson Royal. Main St., B 2/- L 3/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfv 6/- S Shed ins Gratis [H lAC. m Imperial, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- S Gar ins Gratis (3] lAC. f^ai F. MiUer, ifam ,S«. (Cycles). Ballyvaughsin (Clare), M- 35, Pop. 135, ^ Corrofin 19. M.D., Thurs. See :— E. Corcomroe Abb. 5. Kinvan-a 15, Loughrea 33 = 5 < Lisdoonvarna 10, — Corrofin 10, Ennis flL 28 = O'Brien's Tower 25. ^ Kerin's, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed Court ins Gratis [YJ. McNamara's Hotel. * Baltinerlass (Co. Wicklow), M. 41, Pop. 941. See :— The Cistercian Abb. HoUvwood 13 «; Blessington 20 — -Ballymore Eustace 15 = 4 < Aughnm 23, Woodenbridge 28, Arklow 33 — Tinahely 16, Gorey 32 = Tullow 11, Newtonbarry fii 24 = Carlow ®. 12 = Castledermot 7, Castlecomer 27 = Athy 15. f^B R. J. McCann,. iMTam St. (Cycles). Banaeher (King's Co.), M, 36, Pop. 1,114. See :— Barracks ; Batteries. Cloghan 5, Kilbeggan 25 = Birr 8 = Esker 1 < Laurencetown 9, Loughrea 27 — Eyrecourt 7, Loughrea 26 — Esker 1, Laurencetown 9, Ballinasloe 17. Banbridgre (Down), M. 37, WB, Pop. 5,006. M.D., Mon., Tues., Wed,, Fri. See :-Parish Ch. (Goth.). Belle View 2 < Lurgan 9 — Gilford 5, Portadown 11 = 2 < Dromore 7, Hillsborough 12, Lisburn ^ 16 — Ballynahinch 16, Downpatrick fflt 26 = Castlewellan 16, Newcastle 20 = Rathfriland 11, Hiiitownl4, Kilkeel 27 = Newry a 14 = ciare 9 •< MarkethtU 13, Keady 23 — Armagh 19. jia The Downshire Arms, B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed Court ins Gratis [12I T Downshire Arms ;p« 25. ^^■i D. Patterson, 89, Newry St., Agt. for Chambers, (11] U N Sun., Night. — T. Sloan, Church Sq., Agt. for FLANDERS, [2] U Sun., Night, T Sloan ;p> 28. Bandon (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 2,830. See :— Castle Bernard Park ; R. C. Chap. ;^ 1. Ovens 12, COf k ffli 21 = Irmishannon 4 < Cork fi. 20 — Kinsale 12 = Old- chapel 1 < Clonakilty 13, Ross Carbery 22 — Timoleague 9, Clonakilty 15 = Dunmanway 17, Bantry 38. 1^1^ Lee's, Shannon St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed [H Shelter [6] Court [12] ins Gratis. French's Railway Hotel, lAC. 7^" F. W. Slattery, South Main St. Bangor (Down), M. 33, ES, Pop. 5,903. M.D., Tues. See :— Bangor Cas. ^, Groomsport 3, Donaghadee 7 = Donaghadee 6 = Grey Abbey 11, Porta- ferry 22 = Newtownards 6, Comber 10, Saintfield 18, Ballynahinch 23 = Hoiywood 8 < Belfast a 14 — Lisburn & 23. ^ Grand, Quay St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 4/6 Shed ins N 1/- [7] :p» 125. ilgL Imperial, Main St. and Central Avenue, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Shelter opp Gratis H) T Imperial :f> 159. ?^i A. Fulton, Main St. — Bangor Motor & Electric Wks. (J. Jaflfe), 173, Main St. — McGimpsey, Main St. (Cycles^ They all ask for JAEGER in the dainty blue Tin. The ''LANCET'' recommends "JAEGER" for their peculiar appetising flaVour, and calls them a Nutritious Dainty. Both irresistibly delicious in patent solderless lacquered tins, prepared in purest Olive Oil or Tomato Sauce. See purity guarantee on every tin. If your Grocer cannot supply, send us his name and address, and 6 penny stamps for Free Sample. THE JAEQER SMEDSVIK CO. Sardine Canners, Chesterton House, 98, Great Tower Street, LONDON, E.G. A. COURT HOUSE C.ST ANNE'S CATHEDRAL 0. CUSTOM HOUSE E.ALBERT MEMORIAL O.CITY HALL U. QUEEN'S COLLEGE M. - B. - T.- R.S. (M.R.)- R.S. (G.N^R.) P.S.-(Sa« p. 3 ) THE ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY THAT IS COMPLETE IN ITSELF "The Graphic" You can see " The Graphic " at any first-class Hotel or Casino on the Continent, or obtain it from any leading newsagent. If you see it every week you "know what's going on. Its world-wide circulation gives advertisers world- wide publicity at a moderate cost. Travellers having: any difficulty in securing " The Graphic " abroad are invited to write to THE PUBLISHER, TALLIS HOUSE, TALLIS STREET, WHITEFRIARS, LONDON, E.G. . THE THE LEADING ILLUSTRATED MID ^WEEKLY. Bystander. Is the Champagne of Illustrated Weeklies, Bright, Sparkling, Effervescing. It is the Handiest Size for Handling or Carrying. There is always something to Talk About and to Think About after you have Read THE BYSTANDER, As an Advertising medium, THE BYSTANDER has exceeded the highest expectations of business firms who have the shrewdness to recognise its importance as a medium for attracting the public in Great Britain. . . . 6d. a Copy at all Newsagents. For Advertising Space apply to the Advertisement Manager Offices :— TALU5 HOUSE, TALLIS 5T., LONDON, E.C. - 603 - BELFAST Bauitry (Co. Cork), M. 38, Pop. 3,109. See :— Bantry Ho. (View). Baiiyiickj- Cross Rds-. 3 <. Snave Br. 5, Glengariff 10, Kenmare 28 — Macroom Si 33 — Ballylicky Cross Rds. 3, Snave Br. 5, Killamey jS 44 = Cotk Q. 53 = Dunmanway 16, Bandon 33 = 2 < AghavUle 8, Dunmanway 21, Bandon 38 — Skiiil 18, Mizen Head 33 — Aghavilie 8, Skibbereen 18 = Mountervary or Sheep's Head 21. J^ Vickery's, New St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar ins Gratis gj lAC. f^a W. B. Roycroft, Main St. (Cycles). Belcoo (Fermanagh), Wl. 36, Pop. 135, |^ Letterbreen 3. See :— N.W. Source of the Shannon 6, Enniskillen a 11 = BiackUon l < Belturbet 25 — lirumshanbo 21, Carrick-on-Shannon 29 — Biackiion 1, Manor Hamilton 14, Sllgo & 30 = Ganison 13 < Bundoran 23 — Belleek 18, Ballyshannon 23. © Kelly's, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 4/6 Shed adj Gratis g]. BELFAST m (Co. Antrim), M. 33, |cl, Pop. 385,49a. See :— Court-House (Corin.) (A) ; St. Anne's Cath. (C) ; Custom House and Inland Revenue Office (D) ; Albert Memorial (Goth.) (E) ; City Hall (Renaiss.) (F) ; Queen's College (U) ; Ulster Bank ; Flax Mills ; Shipbuilding Yards ; Royal Avenue ; Botanic Gardens Park. ^ E. 1. N?:s.2. E. I : by Donegall Place, Royal Avenue, York St., and York ltd. :— Whitehouse 4, Whiteabbey 6, CarrickfergUS 10, Eden 12, Whitehead 15, Glynn 22 ; Lame &. 24 (gd. v. pict.). E. II : by Chichester St., Lower Chichester St., Oxford St., East Bridge St., Albert Br., and Albert Bridge Rd. : — Baiiyhackamore 3, Dundonaid 6, Newtownards • 10, Greyabbey 17, Klrk- cubbin 21, Portaferry 29 {gd. und. pict.). • 1, Newtownards 10, RaUway Br. 15, Donaghadee 18 (ly. und.) E. Ill : by Bedford St., Ormeau Av., and Ormeau Rd. : — CarrydufE 6. Saintfleld 11, Crossgar 16, Downpatrick Sl 22 (v. gd.). E. IV : by Bedford St., Dublin Rd,, Bradbury Place, Wilmont Terrace, and Lisburn Rd. :— Dunmurry 5, Lambeg 7, Lisbum ®. • 8, Hillsborough 12, Dromore 17, Banbridge ^ 24, Loughbrickiand 27, Newry & 38, Dundalk 51 (gd. pict.), Dublin fi. 102. • r. Lisburn a 8, Moira 16, Magheralin 18, Lurgan 21, Portadown • • 26, Armagh 37 (v. gd., 1/19 asc. at 16 m.), Monaghan 55, Cavan 84, Longford ®. 116, Roscommon 135, Galway ffi. 183. • • r. Portadown 26, Aughnacloy 52, Clogher 62, Enniskillen & 88 (gd. sin. pict.), Sligo ^ 129. E. V : &i/ Donegall PL, Royal Avenue, Donegall St., Clifton St., Carlisle Avenue, and Antrim Rd. :— Giengormiey 5, Tempiepatrick 12, Antrim • 17, Ballymena Sl 28, Coleralne 54 (gd. ly. und. pict.). • 1. Antrim 17, Londonderry ffi. 75 (med. hilly, v. pict., 1/13 asc. at ho m.). lliPl Grand Central, 18, Royal Avenue, B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 8/- Lft 5 lAC T Central lf> 2686. iff Royal Avenue, B 2/6 I> 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 6/- Gar 500 y :p> 1803, 1804. JIL station, York St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/- f T Midotel :p> 1302. m. Imperial, Donegall PL, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 7/- I T Imperial :?> 2387. m Eglinton and Winton, High St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- T Eglinton Hotel :p> 246. j55L Kensington, College Sq., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis g] :p> 2985. fP* Michelin Stockists, J. B. Ferg^uson, Ltd., 60-76, Chichester St., Agt. for Flanders, E.M.F., Talbot, Rolls-Royce, Austin, Crossley, Clement-Bayard, Minerva, \wo} U \ Sun., Night, T Automobile ;p> 3601, 3602, and 3603. See pp. U, 7, 8, and 9, explaining hoio our itineraries have been drawn up. BELLANANAGH - 804 - Belfast (co.itinnr.n. f^« Michelin Stockists, Hutchinson, Haddow & Co., Ltd., Oxford St., A(]t. for RENAULT, AllGYLL, QwD U \ Snii.. Night, T Autocar :p> 3337. - Nllchelln Stockists, The Ulster Motor Works, ;.'. (^rr^tt Victoria St., [Ml LT N Night, T Motors :p 1006. — Michelin Stockists, Victor H. Robb & Co., Chichester St.. Agt. for BKL8I/K, .Sunbeam, [m] U % Sun., Nijiht, lAc T Velocity :p> 4441 and 4442. — Michelin Stockist, S. T. Robinson, .i, Victoria Sq.. Agt. for TALBOT, MINERVA, IM U" \ T Timing :p> 2961. - Greenhill & Craig, Ltil., .;7, King St., [12] U N lAC T Vermont Jf> 419. Bellananagh (Co. Cavan), M. 36, Pop. 326, ^ Crossdoney 1. Cavan 5, Newtown Butler 20 = Oldcastle 16 = 2 < Longford ffi 27 — Granard 12, Edgeworthstown 20 s= Di-umod 27, StrokestoAvn 39 ss: Killashandra 8, Ballinamore 22. Belleek (Fermanagh), M. 31, Pop. 281. See :— Teetunny Ch. (Rns.), N.E. Franciscan Abb, (Ens.) 2. Ballyshannon 5 = Donegal 16 = Pettigoe 13, Irvinestown 23 = Ennis- killen a 22 = Garrison .5 < Manor Hamilton 14 — Belcoo 18. Erne Hotel, I AC. Belmuiiet (Mayo), M. 34, Pop. 650, ^ Mallaranny 27. See :— Cashel (Rns.). 3 < Ballycastle fi. 30 — Bunnahowen 5, Bangor 12, Crossmolina 31, Balllna 39 — Bunnahowen 5, Newport 38 — Buunahowen 5, Bangor 12, Newport 42 = Termon Pier 12. l*lt?i The Royal, Carter Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed adj Gratis [g] lAC;. ilS. Erris, The Sqnare, B 2/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- PG dist N 1/- g] lAC T Murphy. i*i?i Sea View, B 2/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis g] lAC T Sea View. Belturbet (Co. Cavan), M. 36, Pop. 1,587. See :— Round Tower. 4 < Legakeiiy 5, Clones 12 — Newtown Butler 10 — Legakeiiy 5, Cootehill 18 = Cavan 10 = Killashandra 8, Carrigailen 14, Mohill 25 = Bally- connell 8, Ballinamore 20 = 10 < Enniskillen SSl 22 — Belcoo 25. f^M J. E. Harris, (Cycles). Beraerh (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop. 416. Pomeroy 11 < Dungannon 20 — Cookstown 20 — Pomeroy 11, Stewarts- town 21 = Omagh a 7. Birr or Parsonstown (King's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 4,438. See :— R. C. Cath. (Goth.) ; Castle ; Cumberland Memorial ; Church (Goth.). :^ N. 2 (E. V). • 2, Cloghan 9, Ferbane 13, Togher 17, Ballynahown 19, Athlonc & 26 («. gd. level rd.). • V. 2, Fiveaiiey 5, Frankford 10, Blue Ball 16, Tullamore a 23 (gd. ly. und.). Kinnitty 8, Cadamstown 12, Clonaslee 19, RosenaUis 24, jMountmellick 28. Portarlington 34, Monasterevan 40, Kildare 47, Naas Sl 59 (gd. ly. iind.). aiiaravogue 5, Roscrea Sl • 12, Templemore 24, Thurles ®. 33, Hoivcrohs 37, Cashel 46 (gd. und. picf.). • 1. Roscrea a 12, Borris-in-Ossory 19, Donaghmore 25, Rathdowney 27, Olashare Castle 33, Freshford 40, Kilkenny ^ 49 (m£d. Utld. pict.). RivcDstow-n • 1, The Pike 8, Modreeny 12, Nenagh 21 {med. li-lld. and humj)y ; l/l:i desc. leaving Birr. An easier route is via Borrisokane). • r. Riverstown 1, Welsh Pk. Cross Rds. 5, Ferry 14, Portumua 15, Louglirea 34, Galway Sl 57 (med. und., 1/13 asc. at 1 vi.). Banagher 8, Laurencetown 17, Baillnasloe • 25, Tuam Sk 50 {med. ly. und.). • r. Baillnasloe 25, Mt. Bellew 41, oienanmddy 57, BallyhauDis 74, Kilkelly 84, Swineford 91, Ballina 107 (gd. tnid.). Dooley's Hotel, Cumberland Sq. ^^» S. F. Haines, Cumberland Garage, Agt. for F0R1>, Rovkk. g) U % Sun. lAC T Haines. - 605 - BUNDORAN Blessingrton (Co. \\'ick!<.\v), M. 37, Pop. 303, !»^ Xaas S. See :— The Demesne ; Tlie Rocky Pool. Dublin SL19 = Rouiidwood 20, Wicklow 32 = GlendaLough 19, Rathdrum 27 = Baltinglass 20 = Ballymore Eustace 4, Kilcullen 10, KiUlare 17 = Naas a 8. f!^ Downsbire Arms, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed Gratis. ^w Alfred Schoales, (Cycles), Borris (Co. Carlow), M. 40, Pop. 504. See :— Borris Ho. (XVIth c. Tudor). -^ N. h Carlow a 20 = Newtownbarry a 14 = Enniscorthy 19 = New Ross 17 = Kilkenny a, 17 = Bagenalstown a 8, Carlow a 18. j^ Flood's, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed adj Gratu gg] lAC T Flood. f^a J. Kennedy, — E. P. Hogan (Cycles). Borris-in-Ossory (Queen's Co.), M. 40, Pop. 301. See :— Castle (Rns.). 1 < Mountrath 9, Maryborough 17 — Baiiycoiia 10, Durrow 13 — BaUy- coiia 10, Abbeyteix 15 = oiashare Castle 14, Kilkenny a 30 = Roscrea J®. 7, Birr 19. a Kavanaghs, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Shed ins Gratis H]. Boyle (Co. Roscommon), M. 35, Pop. 2,477. See :— R. C. Cath. ; Cistercian Abb. (Rns.) ; Asselyn Ch. ::^ May 26th. Collooney 18, Sligo a 25 = Bailindon cas. 9, Collooney 22, Sligo &. 29 = Carrick-on-Sbannon 9, Drumsna 13 < Mohill 20 — Longford fil 31 = Roscommon 26 = Frenchpark 9, Castlerea 18 = 1 < Tobercurry 21, Baliina 41 — Ballymote 13, Collooney 20. Royal Hotel, Bridge St. W^ W. J. Sloan, Main St. Bray (Cos. Wicklow & Dublin), M. 37, ED, Pop. 7,424. M.D., Wed., .Sat. See :— Castle ; St. Paul's Ch. (XVIIth c.) ; St. Brendan's Ch. (Rns.) ; Esplanade ; CarrickgoUigan Hill (912 ft.) ; The Dargle ; Powerscouvt Waterfall (3(K) ft.) ; S. Bray Head (653 ft.) 2 ; Kilruddery Ho. (Eliz.). Shankill 3 < Killiney 5, Dalkey 7, Kingstown 9, Blackrock 12, Dublin ^ 17 — Galloping Green 7, Dublin ®. 14 — Shankill 3, Galloping Green 7, Black- rock 9 = Greystones a. 5, Wicklow 19 = Newtown Mt. Kennedy 9, Wick- low 19 = Enniskerry 4, Lough Bray 12. .^5. The International (May to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- 5 Box El U Court [8} ins N 1/- lAC T Bethell :?> 10. J|@@i Bray Head (May to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- 1^ 5 Box [2] Court je] ins N 1/- :p> 11. JlffiS. Marine Station, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- [cH 5 Gar g] Court \M ins N 1/- :p> 10. JS. The Royal, Queemhoro' Rd., L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed [gj Court [6] ins :p> 197. W^ W. Porter, 112, Main St., [UU % T Porter ;p> 58. — Bray Motor AVorks, 38, Castle St., [2] \. Buncrana. (Co, Donegal), M. 32, Pop. 1,316. See :— Old Cas. ; Modern Cas. Cock Hill Br. 1 < Carndonagh 13, Malin 16, Malin Head 25 — Gap of Mamore 8, Carndonagh 23 = Londonderry ffi. 14. Bundoran (Co. Donegal), M. 31, 35, Pop. 896. See :— Fairy Arch ; S. Kinlough (View) ; Lough Melvin ; Finner Ch. (Rns.) 1 ; Cromlech ; Stone-Circle ; Cairn. ^- Ballyshannon 5, Donegal 19 = 1 < Kinlough 2, Manor Hamilton 15 — Belcoo 23 = Sligo ®. 21. Ji@@i. Great Northern {March to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- [ca « Gar U ins Gratis H] lAC T Northern. m The Central, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 7/6 8 Shed Court ins Gratis T Central. Jgi Hamilton's, 2, Hamilton Terrace, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis g) lAC T Hamilton's. BUSHMILLS - 606 - Bundoran (continued). ffM J. E. Dudgeon, Agt. for Clbmbnt-Talbot, Darracq, Ford, [12] LT \ Sun., Night, T Garage. — J. Gilbride, Main St., U \ lAC T Gilbride. Bushmills (Co. Antrim), M. 33, Pop. 979. M.D., Tms. ^^ N. 1. 1 < Baillntoy 8, Ballycastle a 14 — Giant's Causeway 2, Baiiintoy 10, Bally- castle a 16 = Ballycastle fi. 12 = Derrock 6 < Broughshane 27, Bally- clare 40 — Ballymoney a 11 = Coleraine 8 =s Portrush a 6, Port steTvart 10, Coleraine 14. Buttevant (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 979. See :— Franciscan Abb. (Xlllth c. remains) ; Castle. Charleville 9 = Mitchelstown 18 = Mallow ffi. 7 = LiscarroU 8, New- market 18. a Military, B£2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 4/6 Shed ins Gratis [H T Taylor. f^si J. J. Barrett, Military Rd. Cahir (Co. Tipperary), M. 40, Pop. 2,058. See :— Castle ; Cahir Park ; Cahir Abb. (Xllth c. Rns.). Cashel ll = Fethard 14, Callan 30, Kilkenny a 40 = Clonmel jfi. 10 = Clogheen 9 < Fork 16, Lismore ®. 23 — Fetmoy ^ 27 — Clogheen 9, Pork 16, Cappoquin 25, Youghal a 44 = Mitchelstown 15 = Tipperary 13. J5l| Glengall Arms, The Square {Accommodation should be ordered in advance), fl Shed (U Shelter H] Court [20I ins Gratis lAC. ff*i J. Peters, Wellington St. — R. O'Brien, Abbey St. (Cycles). Caherciveen (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 2,013. See :— Memorial Chap. ; Carhan Ho. (Rns.) ; Ballycarbery Cas. (Rns.). ^10. Caragh 22 — Killorglin 26 = Glencar 20, Killarney a 39 = Oghermong Br. 3 < Waterville 10, Sneem 31, Parknasilla 33, Kenmare 47 — Portmagoe 10, Baiiinskelligs 18, Caherciveen 29 {Circular) = Bray Hd. 10. ^ Leslie's Railway, Railway St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar 200 y Gratis [I] lAC. ^^■i J. A. O'Sullivan, Main St. (Cycles). Caledon (Tyrone), M. 36, Pop. 614. See :— Park (Bone Ho. Rns.) ; Cross. Dungannon 12 = Armagh 8 = Keady 11, Newtown-Hamilton 19 = Giasiough 4 -5 Monaghan ll — Castleblayney 19 = Aughnacloy 9, Ballygawley 14, Omagh ^ 30. ® Caledon Arms, Main St.^ B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Gar ins Gratis [T2I T Hotel. Callan (Co. Kilkenny), M. 40, Pop. 1,840, ^ Kilkenny 10. See :— Augustinian Friary (XVth c.) ; Parish Ch. ; Castle (Rns.). Johnstown 19, Roscrea a 42 = Kilkenny ffl. 10 = Thomastown 14, New Ross 30 = Glenbower 11 •< Clonmel ffi. 22 — Carrick-On-Sulf 16 = Mullinahone 6 < Fethard 16, Cahir 30 — Thurles m. 26, © Central, Green St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Q Box Shelter Court 50 y Gratis m L^C T CentraL © Callanan's, Green St., B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed [3] Court do) 50 y Gratis T Callanan. ^m Cuddihy & O'Neill, Green St. (Cycles). Cappamore (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 693, ^ Dromkeen stn. 3. Golden 21 < Clonmel ffl. 37 — Cashel 25 = Pallas 4 < Pallas Green 6, Hos- pital 13, Ballylanders 22, Mitchelstown 30 — Tipperary 14 — Pallas 4, Pallas Green 6, Croom 22 = LlmerlCk & U>. Cappoquin (Co. Waterford), M. 40, Pop. 1,214. See :— N. Mount MeUarary Monast. 4 ; N.E. Clogheen (View) 14. ^ Lismore 4. Callir 25 = Kilcloher Br. 4 < Dungarvan 11 — Clonmel ffl. 27 = WUlierstown 6, Youghal a 21 = Youghal a 19 = Lismore Br. 4 -5 Fermoy a 19 — Lismore ^ 4, Tallow 10, Midleton 26, Cork ffi. 40, i@i Walsh's, Barrack St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [e] lAC. f^i James O'Keeflfe, Main St., Agt. for BELSIZB, S LT % Sun., . Night, T O'Keeffe. 607 CARLOW Caragrh (Co. Kerry), M. 38 {not marked on ma])). ^. See :--Caragh Lake. Killorfrlin 4 = Caherciveen 22. (H Great Southern (Easter to September), L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- lea Gar adj Gratis T Southern Hotel. Carlingrford (Louth), M. 37, Pop. 606, See :— King John's Gas. (Rns. Xllth c.) ; Towers ; The ilonastery ; C'arlingford Mountain. Newry ®. 11 = Greenore 4 (ferri/ -60 ; no motors), Greencastie 5, Kilkeel 10 = Dundalk 14. CARLOW m (Co. Carlow), M. 40, ^, Pop. 6,513. M.D., Man., Thiirs. See i— Cathedral ; Carlow Cas. ; Court Ho, : Parish Ch. lech in Kernanstown 2 ; N.W. Killeshin Ch. 3, ^ 3, £.\'. by Centaur St., Dublin St., and A thy Ed. .— Belleville 1, Mageney Br. 5, Athy 12 (gd :S.E. Croni- 21 i 9 Chaff Street 10 Leighlin Road 11 Chapel Street 12 Church Street 13 Burren Street 6 Staplestown Koad 14 Kilkenny Road 7 Wellington Bridgel5 Castle Street 8 Bridge Street l« College Street E. II : by Centaur St., Dublin St., and Dublin Rd. :— Castledermot 7, Bolton HiU 9, Timoiln 12, Baiiintore 14, Kilcullen 23, Naas a 30, Dublin a 51 (gd. ly. und., 1/13 asc. at 23 m.). E. Ill : by Centaur St., Dublin St., Tullow St., and Staplestown Ed. .— • 2, Tullow 9, Shillelagh 19, Tinahely 24, Aughrin stn- 32, Wooden Bridge 73, Arklow 42 (gd. hilly, pict., several 1/lU gradients). • V. 2, Ballon 11, Boggan Hill 13, Newtownbarry Q. 21, Cloh,amon 23, Ballycamey 28, EnniSCOrthy 34, Oilgate 40, WexfOrd & 47 (gd. hilly, pict.). E. IV : by Centaur St., Wellington Br., Bridge St., Chaff St., and Leighlin Rd. : — Killeeshall Fort 4, Leighlinbridge • 8, " Eoyal Oak " 11, Whitehall Cross • 13, Kilkenny a 24 (gd., hilly after Leighlinbridge, pict.). • 1. Leighlinbridge 8, Bagenalstown ffl. • • 10. Borris 18, Drummin 27, New Ross 35 (gd. und., II lU asc. at 33 m.). • • r. Bagenalstown a 10, Waterford a 47 (v. gd. Jl. rd.). • 1. Whitehall Cross 13, Gowran 17, Thomastown 25, Carrlck-on-Suir 47 (gd. und. rd.). E. V : by Centaur St., Wellington Br., Bridge St., Chapel St., and Church St. :- Baiiickmoyier 5, Ariaas 6, Windy Gap 14, Stradbally 16, • 18, Maryborough 2'd(gd., hilly , pict.). CARNDONAGH - 608 - Carlow (contmued). • r. 18, :\rountine]lick 27, Tullamore Sl 41 (gd. und.), Athlone ^ 65, Roscommon Si>, Sligo SS. I'M. ^^ Royal Anns, Dublin St., S i^lied (T] Shelter [D ins Gratis. ^ Tviiaii's, Tullow St., B 2/- L 1/6 D 2/6 E, 2/6 Chfr 5/6 Shed ins '(irati^ [3]. -!!? Club House (Temperance), r,r>, Dublin St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 E. 2/- Chfr 5/6 Shed ins Grafts [e] lAC. f^v Michelin Stockist, A. E. Colemsin, 19, Dublin St. and Charlotte St., Agt. for Belsize, Star, (5] U N T Coleman ^Motor. — X. P. Roche, 33, Tullow St., Agt. for HuMBKK, Xapier, Clkment-Talbot, Darracq, (lol LT \ T Roche. — :M. Purser, 103, Tullow St., T Purser, Tullow. Carndonagrh (Co. Donegal), M. 32, Pop. 785. Maiin :^, Maiin H.I. 12 = Moville 11 = carrowkeei 10, Londonderry ^ 21 = Buncrana 13, Londonderry a 27 = Gap of Mamore 15, Buncrana 23. O'Doherty's Hotel, I AC ^ffam Butler & Co. Carnew (Co. Wicklow), M. 41. >ti;^ N.W. Gorey 10, .July 1st. Carrickferg^us (Co. Antrim), M. 33 SIdI, Pop. 4,208. See :— Castle (Xllth c.) ; St. Nicholas" Ch. ; North Gate. Larne &^ 12 = Eden 2 < Larne ffi. 13 — whitehead 5, Duffstown 18 — Eden 2, Whitehead 5, Larne a 1-4 = Belfast a. 10 = Antrim 18 = Ballymena 25, 3* Imperial Hotel, High St. ?f« J. McAllister, High St. (Cycles). Carrickmacross (Co. Monaghan), M. 37, [Ud| , Pop. 1,874. ^M.J)., Wed., Thvrs., Sat. See :— Castle (Rns.). Castleblayney 12 = Crossmaglen 10, Newton Hamilton 20 = Dundalk 14 = Ardee 12 = Diumcondra 10 < Slane 22, Dublin SL 50 — Navan a 26 = Kingscoiirt 8 = Shercock 9, Cavan 32 = Ballybay 18. W^ H. J. Gordon, Sew St., [H LT T Gordon. Carrick-on-Shannon (Leitrim), M. 35, Pop. 1,384. M.D., Thurs. See :— X.W. Ardcan (Lough Key ;, Trinity Abb. Rns.) 5. 3 < Ballinamore 17, Ballyconnell 29, Belturbet 37 — Leitrim 4, Druni- shanbo 8, BelcOO 29 — Leitrim 4, SligO ^ 30 = Drumsna 4 •< MohiU 10, Killashandra 27 — Longford ffl. 23 = Elphin9, Tuiaii 15 < Ballymoe 27 — Roscommon 26 = Frenchparis; 14 < Ballaghaderreen 22 — Bally- haunis 32 = Boyle 9, Tobercurry 30. ^ Bush, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 5/6 5 Gfar ins Gratis [5] lAC. ^ Church's, Main St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/6 5 Shed im Gratis [6]. «=p« P. Barrett & Co., Main St. Carrick-on-8uir(Co. Tipperary). M. 40, EdI, Pop. 5,406. .M.D., .SWA. See :-Castle (Tud.). i:^^ Pilltown E. 4, Sept. I'lth. Tallaghought 7, Kilmaganny • 11, KeHs 17, Kilkenny SL 26 (gd. Kinl. rd., Tll.'j desc. at U m.). • r. Kilnmganny 11, Newmarket 14, Knoclitopher 17, Thomastown 22, Leigh- linbridge 39, Carlow a 47 (gd. und. rd.). PiIlto^vn 4, Fiddown 6, Mooncom 9, Aglish 12, Waterford Sl 17 {med. rd.). Fiddo\vn Br. 5, The Sweep 13, WatCrford ^ 19 (j/rf. pict.). Lqwry's Br. 6, Kilmactliomas 12, Bunraahon 18, Dungarvan 31 (gd. und. V. pict.). (•lodigh Br. 6, Anns Court 14, Dungarvan 22 (gd. hilly, V. inct.). oien Wood 6, Clonmel ffl. 14 (gd.jl. v. pict.). Kilsheelan 7, Clonmel a 13 (med. 2>ict.). (Menbower 5, Kinemileliowse 9, Mullinahone 14, Drangan 17, Killeuaule 23. Littleton 29, Th.urles Sk 34 (gd. pict). 1« Kirwan's, Castle St.^ B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed 20U y >' '2 '■ a. - 609 - CASHEL Carrick-on-8uir (continued). 9^*1 H. AV. Smith, Main St. — ^y. McConnell, Xew Lane (Cycles). — John Hearn, lS-19, Main St. (Cycles). — L. Fox & Son, ,■? (& 20, Main St. (Cycles). Carrigrart (Co. Donegal), M. 32, Pop. 117, ^ Cresslough Stn. 10. ;:§! Kathmelton 13, Letterkenny 20 = Cresslough 9, Dunfanaghy 15. ISffl Rosapenna, B 3/- L 3/- D 5/- E, 4/- to 6/- Chfr 7/- I^ 8 Gar Shed ins Gratis, (To) lAC. Field's Hotel, I AC. CASHEL (Co. Tipperary), M. 40, Pop. 2,938. M.D., Wed., Sat. See :-St. Patrick's Cath. (Goth.) (Rns.) and Rock of Cashel (A) ; Cor- niac's Chapel (Norm.) (C) ; Hore Abb. (Rns.) (D) ; Dominican Priory (Xlllth c.) (E). ::^ May Wth. X Tipperary 10. £.\: by Bank PL, Canopy St., Lady swell St., and The Kilm :— Boheriahaii4, Hoiycross9, Thurles ^ 13 {excellent und. pict), Templemore 22, Scart 33, RoSCrea & • 34 (l/lfi desc. at 33 m.), Sharavogue 41, Birr 46 {()d. und. pict.). • r. Roscrea ^ 34, Tullamore a 62 (gd. hilly, 2nct.). ^fescii) 1 Bank Place 2 Canopy Street 3 Ladyswell Street 4 The Kiln 5 Dublin Road 6 Friar Street 7 Abbey Road 8 Upper Friar Street 9 Main Street 10 Lower Gate 11 Bo&erclogh Street 12 Golden Road 13 Camua Road E. il : by Bank PL, Canopy SL, Ladyswell St., and Dublin Rd. :— Littleton 10, Urlingiord , 19, Johnstone 21, Beggars' Inn 23, DurrOW 31, Abbeyleix • 37, Maryborough 46 {gd. und.). • r. Abbeyleix 37, Naas ®. 77 {gd. rd. hilly) ; Dublin a 98. E. Ill : by Friar St., and Abbey Bd. :— Ballinure 6, LafEan's Bridge 8, Killenaule 11, Bailingany 18, BalljTiiack 28, Kilkenny a 34 (med. tmd.). E. IV : by Friar St. and Upper Friar St. :— Kosegreen 4, Ballyclerihan 10, Clonmel ^ 15 (med. hilly, irict., 1 j 11 desc. at lU m.). E.\ : by Main St., Lower Gate, and Boherclogh St. :— New Inn 6, Cahir 11 (gd. rd.), Kiibehany 22, Mitchelstown 26, Fermoy a 36 (med. hilly, pict., 1/15 asc. at 33 and desc. at 35 m.). E. VI : by Main St., Lower Gate, and Golden Rd. .— Golden 4, Tipperary 12, (gd. rd. hUly, 1/13 desc. at 7 m. and 11 m.). 2 C CASTLEBAR 610 Cashel {continued). m Kyau's Central, 1-U, Friar St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed [lol Court g) 30 y Gratis. JgL Stewart's Rock, Canopy St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 8/- Shelter [D Court m ins Gratis. Corcoran's Hotel, Main St. Zetland Hotel, lAC. ffm M. H. Hannigan, Main St., Agt. for Flanders, Hupmobile, (H U Sun. 3 o'clock, T Hannigan. — J. A. Ashmore, Lower Gate Sq., [H S T Ashmore. CASTLEBAR ® (Mayo), M. 34, Pop. 3,585. M.D., Sat. See :— N.E. Turlough Round Tower 4. ::s4i July 15th. CASTLEBAR SCALE - 611 - CASTLEDERMOT Castlebar {continued). E. I : by Market St., Bridge St., Lhien Hall St., and Neio Antrim St. :— • 1, ciydagh Br. 4, Bofeenan 10, Crossmolina 17 (med. rd.). • r. 1, Ross West 5, Pontoon Br. 11, Ballybeg Cross Kds. 18, Ballina 22 (gd. fl. pict., several short 1/11 hills). E. II : bij Market St., Bridge St., Rush St., and Thomas St. :— Bellavary 8, Bohola 12, Swineford 18, Charlestown and Bellahy 25, Curry 27, Tobercurry 32, Carrowntawy 40, Toberscanavan 44, CoUooney 45, SllgO ffl. 52 (gd. und. rd., 1/19 desc. at U5 m.). E. Ill : by Castle St., Rock Sq.. Spencer St., and Balla Rd. :— -Manuiia 5, Balla 9, Kiltamagh 16, Kilkelly 23, Baiiygiaes 31, Ballaghader- reen 35, Frenchpark 43, RatMeen 50, Carrick-on-Shannon 57 {med. und.), Belturbet 94, Clones 106, Monaghan 118 {med. sin. und. pict.). E. IV : by Castle St., Rock Sq., Spencer St., and Frenchill Rd. :— Frenchill 5, • 6, Ballyglass 11, Hollymount 18, • 20, Ross 22, Carras 24, Pox- hall 25, Tuam a 34 {gd. ly. und.), Athlone Sl 75, Dublin ffl. 153. • r. 6, ciogher P. o. 8, Balliurobe 19 (gd. ly. und.). • r. 20, KUmaine 24, Shrule 29, Headford 33, Galway a 50 {med. ly. mid., several 1/17 gradients). E. V. : by Ellison St., Church St., and Rock St. .— cioonkeen 4, Westport 11 {gd. und. rd., 1/12-21 desc. at 10 m.) E. VI : by Shambles St. atid Newtown :— Denycooh 3, Newport 11 {v. gd.), Belmullet 53 {gd. monot.). m Imperial, The Green, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- E. 3/- Chfr 5/' Shed ins Gratis [H lAC. W* Michelin Stockists, Bourke & Sons, Ellison St. and Duke St., [b] If \ T " Bourkes." M.C.T. Castleblayney (Co. Monaghan), M. 37, ES). Pop. 1,576. M.D.. rues.. Wed. See :— Hope Cas. Keady 10, Armagh 18 = Newtown Hamilton 11, Newry a 23 = Dun- dalk 17 = Carrickmacross 12 = Shercock 13, Bailieborough 20 = Ballybay 8, Newbiiss 18, Clones 23 = 10 < Monaghan 14— Anghna- cloy 25. M Hope Arms, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E 3/- Box ins Gratis N 1/6 m- f^» H. MoUey, West St. (Cycles). Castiecomer (Co. Kilkenny), M. 40, Pop. 954. See :— E,. C. Chap. Raiiyard 4 -5 Atliy 17 — Carlow J®. 14 = Leighlinbridge 13, Tullow 25 = Kilkenny a 12 = Johnstown 21, Templemore 34 = Abbeyleix 11, Mountrath 19. ^ Wandesforde Arms, Square, B 1/8 L 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis d]. Wm T. F. Fogarty Chatsworth St., (H U \ T Fogarty. Castieda-wson (Co. Londonderry), M. 33, Pop. 444. Hiiihead 1 < Beiiaghy 4, Kilxea 14, Coleraine 29 — Maghera 8, Dungiven 21 — Hiiihead 1, Toome 5, Eandalstown 12, Antrim 17 — Hiiihead 1, Toome 5, Ballymcna ffi. 16 = Maghery 22, Portadown 31 = Magherafelt 2, Moneymore 7, Cookstown 12, Dungannon 23 = Tobermore 6, London- derry a 37. Castlederg: (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop. 761. Raphoe 13, Letterkenny 25 = Strabane 10 = Victoria Br. 7, Strabane 12 = 1 < Omagh a 17 — Drumquin 8, Enniskillen a. 31 = Kesh 17 = Kiiieter Cross Rds. •< Pettigo 17, Bcllcek 30 — Donegal 26. Castledermot (Co. Kildare), IVI. 40, Pop. 451, ^g Baltinglass 7. See :— Round Tower ; Franciscan Monast. (Rns.) ; Square Tower. Kilcullen 16, Naas a 23 = Baltinglass 7 = Carlow a. 7 = Castiecomer 20 = Athy 10, Monasterevan 22. Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 12 " How to use the Guide." CASTLEISLAND - 612 - Caistleisland (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 1,497. Listowel 18, Tarbert 29 = Abbeyfeale 14, Newcastle 27 = Brosna 11, Newmarket 28 = Boherboy 20, Mallow ^ 40 = Farranfore Stn. G -i Kil- lorglin 19, Caherciveen 45 — Klllarney &15 = Tralee ffl. 11. S Imperial, Church St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shelter [1] Court \M ins Gratis. ^^m T. W. Wren, 3f«m *S't. Castlemartyr (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 346. See :— Imokilly Cas. (Rns.). Dungoumey 4 -? Fermoy a. 19 — Tallow 15, Lismore a 21 = Yoiighal A 11 ' = Cloyne 6, Aghada 10, {ferry -63) Queenstown 13 = Midleton 6, Cork ffl.20. Castlepollard (Westmeath), M. 36, Pop. 707, ^ Float stn. 7. Cavan 28 = Fore 3 <. Oldcastle 11, Virginia 18, Bailieborough 27 — Atli- boy 18, Trim 25 = Mullingar ffi. 13 = Coole 4 < Granard 12 — Edge- worthstown 15, Longford & 23. ff« Thos. Gibney (Cycles). — H. Hodson (Cycles). — Thos. Mahon, Lipton House (Cycles). Castlerea. (Co, Koscommon), M. 35, Pop. 1,190. See :— E. Rathcrogan Royal Cemetery 10 ; S.E. Ballintober Cas. 4. Moor 1 < Cloonarragh 2, Frenchpark 9, Boyle 18 — Elphin 16, Carrick-on- Shannon 25 — Moor 1, cloonarragh 2, Ballaghaderreen 12 = Tuisk 11, Longford a 32 = 2 < Roscommon 17 — Ballymoe 5, Roscommon 18 = Kiinaiag 9, Dunmore 17, Tuam ffi. 26 = Ballyhaunis 13, Claremorris 24 = Kilkelly 17, Swineford 24. ^n Tansey Bros., St. Patrick's St. — H. Cahill, Main St. (Cycles). Castlerock (Londonderry), M, 32, (not marked on map). Pop. 145. Popular seaside resort. See :— The Piper's Cave ; Gap of Carnowry. Coleraine 8 = Limavady 12. m Castlerock (Easter to Septeraber), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4 '- Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis g] lAC T Golf Hotel :?> 4. Castletown berehaven (Co. Cork), M. 38, Pop. 1,650. Ardgroom 11, Ardea 23, Kenmare 33 = Adrigole 10, Glengariff 22 = Bally- donegan 8. jlfiL Berehaven, B 2/- L 2/- I) 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar adj Gratis N 1/- a. Castlewellan (Down), M. 37, Pop, 945. See :— Castle ; Church (Norm. Goth.) ; N.W. Cromlech 6. Downpatrick ®. 11 = Newcastle 4, Kilkeel 17 = Square Cross Rds. 5 < Newry ffi. 19 — Rathfriland 10, Newry ffi. 20 = Banbridge 16, Gil- ford 21. Morgan's Hotel. tf^ W. Skillen, Main St. (Cycles). Cavan (Co. Cavan), M. 36, ^, Pop. 2,822. M.D., Man., Tues. See :— S.W. Kilmore Cath. ; N.W. Lough Oughter. :;^ Sept. 7th. Butlers Br. 4 < Newtown Butler 15 — Belturbet 10 = Newbiiss 18, Mona- ghan 28 = Cootehill 16 = Shercock 23 = Oldcastle 18 = Scrabby 13, Longford m. 32 = Crossdoney 6 < Granard 20 — Killashandra 12, Mohill 29 — Crossdoney 6, Arvagh 15, Longford ffl. 33 = Killashandra 12, Ballina- more 26. f^ Farnham, Main St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Box ins v-m- ffl Royal, 11, Slain St.^ B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 Box ins 2/- f^ A. W. Gordon, Farnham St., Agt. for HUMBEii, DARrACQ, FORD, Krit, [6] Box [IllJ N Sun., Night, T Gordon. - 613 - CLONAKILTY ;harleville (Co. Cork), M, 39, Pop. 2,000. See :— S.E. Aidpatrick Monast. 5. ^riU;_ May 1st. 4 < Cioom 13, Limerick a 25 — Fedamore 15, Limerick a 24 =s Kil- mallock 6, Tipperary 26 = Buttevant 9, Mallow ®. 16 = Newtown 3 < Newmarket 18, Baiiyhooian 22, Millstreet 31, Macroora fiL 43 — Drum- col liher 11, Abbey feale 30, Listowel 40. jHfiL Madden's Imperial, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed [i] Shelter [t] Court {6} ins Gratis lAC :p> 6. a Commercial, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed 50 y Gratis [H :p> 14. ^^■i Charleville Cycle Co. , Main St. — M. Hurley & Sons, Main St. Clara (King's Co.), Nl. 36, Pop. 1,111. Kilbeggan 5 < Maynooth 48, Lucan 54, Dublin ffi. 63 — Mullingar Sl 20 s= Tullamore ffi. 7 = Grogan 4 •< Cloghan 15, Banagher 20 — Shannon- bridge 23, Baliinasloe 32 = Moate 7, Athlone ®. 17. Clarecastle (Clare), M. 39, Pop. 591. See :— Castle (Rns.) Ennis & 3 = Hazlewood Cross Rds, 6 -5 KiUaloe 27 — TuUa 12 = New. market-on-Fergus 5, Limerick a 20 = 2 < Kilruali 31 — Kilkee 35. Claremorris (Mayo), M. 35, Pop. 1,118. M.D. Wed., Sat. See :— S. Castle McGarret 2. ::ii«;^ June 5th. RaUway stn. 1 < Balla 8, Castlebar a 17 — Kiitamagh 10, Swineford 17 = Kilkelly 14, Chariestown 21, Tobercurry 28 = 4 < Ballyhaunis 11, Castlerea 24 — Ballymoe 24 = Baiiindine 4 < Dunmore 14, Mount Bellew 31 — Tuam a 17 = 2 < Ballinrobe 13 — Headford 20, Galway a 37 = Westport 26. jta. Imperial, The Square, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed 10 y Gratis \\\. ^» T. Begley, Main St. (Cycles). Clifden (Co. Galway), M. 34, Pop. 828 P. See :— W, Clifden Cas. 2. Leenane 21 < Aasleagh cai. 24, Louisburgh 42, Westport 56 — Cong 44, Ballinrobe 51 — Leenane 21, Aasleagh Ch. 24, Westport 42 = Recess 13, Oughterard 31 = Ballinaboy Br. 2 < Recess 18, Oughterard 36 — Roundstone 14, Carna 31, Inveran 59, Galway ^ 78 = Cleggan 7, Clifden 19 {Circular). JfiL Lyden's, B 2/- L 1/6 D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Railway Hotel, Main St. f^"i T. McDonagh (Cycles). ClOgrhan (King's Co.), IVL 36, Pop. 360. Ferbane 4 < Athlono fi. 17 — Clara 15, Kilbeggan 20 = 2 < Tullamore ffl. 18 — Frankford 7, Mountrath 24 = Birr 9 = 2 •< Borrisokane 2e, Nenagh 30 — Banagher 5, Eyrecourt 12, Loughrea 31 = Ballinasloe 17. ClOgrtier (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop. 225. See :— Cathedral, Augher 2 < Aughnacloy 10, Portadown 36 — Ballygawley 8, Dungannon 21 = Monaghan 17 = Fivemiletown 7, Enniskillen ffi. 26 = 2 < Omagh " ■ ^ SiVl — Fintona 10, Dromore 16, Irvinestown 24. Clogrhjordan (Co. Tipperary), M. 39, Pop. 516. Shinroue 7 < Birr 15 — RoSCrea a 14 = RoSCrea ffl. 12 = Toomyvara S, Templemore 23 = Nenagh 10 = Modreeny 2 < Portumna 17 — Birr 14. a William's Commercial and Temperance, Main St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed Shelter ins Gratis [1]. ff" R. Williams, Church St. (Cycles). Clonakilty (Co. Cork), M. 39, ED, Pop. 3,098. M.D., Fri. See : -Castle (Rns.) ; N. Stone-Circle 1. BfUidon 13 = Timoleague 6 < Kinsale 21 — Bandon 15 = Ross Carbery 9, Skibbereen 21 = Duamanway 13 < Bantry 29 — Macroom 31. CLONES - 614 - Clonakilty (continned). Q O'Donovan's, Sovereign St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shelter [6] Court Qs] ins Gratis. ffan W. Sullivan, Sovereign St. (Cycle). — .r. E. Spiller & Co., 39-Ul, Sovereign St. (Cycles). — O'Neill Bros., 11, Mill St. (Cycles). Clones (Co. Mouaghan), M. 36, JuM, Pop- ^068. M.D., TJmrs., Fri. See :— Eath, Round Tower ; Ancient Cross ; Abbey (Xllth c.) ; Shrine. Fivemiletown 16, Fintona 25, Omagh jS. 34 =: Monaghan 12 = XewbUss 5 < Ballybay 15 — Cootehill 13 = Legakeiiy 7 < Belturbet 12 — Cavan 17 = Newtown Butler 6 = Lisnaskea 11, Enniskillen SL 23. ^ Lennard Anns, The Diamond, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Court ins Gratis g] lAC. ff" George A. Walker, Analore St., T Walker. CLONMEL ® (Co. Tipperary), M. 40, Pop. 10,277. See :-St. Mary's Church (Goth.) (A) ; St. Patrick's Holy Well ; S.W. Ardfinnan Cas. 'Rns.) 9. ::ii^ Apr. 2nd ; May 29th; Aug. 9th; Oct. 28th. CLONMEL SCALE i-^--^" MitcheU Street a Parnell Street 3 Dillon Street 4 Thomas Street 5 Davis Road 6 Waterford Road 7 Coleville Road 8 Old Bridge O'Connell Street 10 Dungavan Road 11 Irishtown 12 Gladstone Street 13 Queen Street 14 Cashel Street E. I : 61/ MitcheU St., Parnell St., Dillon St., and Thomas St. :— FetlMird 9, KiUenaule 16, Littleton 22, ThurleS ^ 27 (nd. A. jnct.)., Roscrea a 48, BIrp 60. E.\[:by Mitchell St., Parnell St., and Davis Rd. :— • 4, KUsheeian 6, Carrlck-on-SuIr 13, The Sweep 26, Watcpford ^ 32 (rned. pict.). • 1. 4, Glenbower 11, Nine-mUe House 15, Callan 22. Kilkenny & 32 (V. gd. und., 1/U asc. at 12 m.\ Caplow ^ 56, Dublin §L 107. E. Ill : hy Mitchell St., Parnell St., Waterford Rd., and Coleville Rd. :— Glen Wood 8, Capplck-on-Suip 14 (gd. fi. v. pict.), Mooncom 23, Water- fopda3i. E. IV : by O'Connell St., Old Bridge, and Dungarmn Rd. .— • 1, Ardfinnan 9, Clogheen 15, Ballyporeen 19, FCPmOy a 33 {iiied. rd.. 1/11 asc. at 5 //(..). • 1. 1, Kilmahahan 5, Halfway Ho. Inn 14, Boolavonteen 15, Dunsarvau 26, Youghal a. 44 (ferry -64, 1/17-12 asc. at 12 m.). — 615 COLERAINE Cionmel {contimied). E. V : bij O'Conmll St. and Irishtown :— Rathkeevan Cross 4, Cahir 10, Bansha 18, Tipperary 23 {med. und. pict.). E. VI : bij Gladstone St., William St., and CasTiel St. :— Ballyderahan 5, Rosegreen 11, Cashel 15 (med. hilly, pict., 1/11 asc. at Im.). ' m Ormonde, 17, Gladstone St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Lft |cH Shed \2} Court OQ ins Gratis T Ormonde. m Hearn's, Parnell St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed (4) Court Ho] ins Gratis lAC T Hearn's. a Magner's, M, Z>a?;i:s i?(i., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 6/6 Shelter |7ol Court (30) ins Gratis T Magner's. T^* Michelin Stockists, O'Gornna.n'8 Ca.rria.ere and Motor Works, Parnell St., \MIS \ Sun., Night. Cloyne (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 827, ^ Midieton 5. See :— Cathedral (XlVth c.) ; Oratory (Rns.) ; Round Tower. Castlemartyr 6, YoUghal ®. 17 = Ladysbridge 5, Castlemartyr 6, Youghal a 17 = Aghada 4, Queenstown 7 = Midieton 5, Cork ®. 19. COLERAINE (Co. Londonderry), M. 33, Pop. 6,953. M.D., Daily; E.C.. Thurs. See :— Church (A) ; S.E. Mount Sandel Rath (200 ft.) 1. ^ N. 4. E. I : by Queen St. and Millburn Rd. :— Baiiysaiiy 2, Portrush fi 6 (gd. tmd. rd.). COLERAINE. SCALE 4 King's Gate Street 12 "Waterside i^\5 Railway Road 13 Killowen Street 6 BushmiUs Road 14 Kyle's Brae 7 Bally castle Road 15 Institution Road Before setting out on a tour, visit or write to our Tourings Office, vi, Fulham ltd., London, S.W., where your itinerary will be drawn up -free o-f c1na.rge. COLLOONEY - 616 - Coleraine {continued). E. It : by Church St., King's Gate St., Railway Rd., and Bushmills Rd. :- cioffin 3, Bushmills 8, Giant's Causeway IG (gd. tmd. rd.). E. Ill : by Church St., King's Gate St., Railway Rd.. and Bally castle Rd. :- Ballybogy 5, Derrykeighan 8, Mosa Side 11, Ballycastle Sl 18 (med. Und.), Ballyroy 21, Glen Dun Viaduct 30, Cushendall 34 {gd. und. plct.). E. IV : by Church St., King's Gate St., and Lodge Rd. :— Paiians South 4, Ballymon«y a 8 {gd. imd.), Dundermot 19, Ballymenaj^ 26, Antrim 87, Belfast a 54. E.yiby Bridge St., Coleraine Br., and Strand:— Agivey 8, Kilrea 15, Bellaghy 26, Castle Dawson 29, Ballygronan 34, The Diamond 41, Broclsagh 47, Maghery 51, PortadOWn &. 60 (tned. V. vnd. pict.), Newry fi. 80. E. VI : by Bridge St., Coleraine Br., Waterside, Killowen St., and Kyles Brae .— • 2, Crossgar 4, Garvagh IS, Swatragh 18, Maghera 23, Tobermore 26, Desertmartin 29, Moneymorc 35, Cookstown • 40, Stewartstown 46, Dungannon 54, Armagh 67 {gd.Jl. rd., 1/17 desc. at 23 m.), Dublin a 146. • r. 2. Macosquin 3, Eingsend Cross Rds. 7, Dungiven 19 {bad rd.), Park 27, Plumb Br. 39, Gorton 43, Omagh fit 53 {mount. V. pict.), Dromore 62, Ennis-kiJIen ffl. 79 {hilly rd.\ • r. Cookstown 40, Dungannon 51, Armagh a 64. E. VII : by Bridge St., Coleraine Br., Waterside, and Institution Rd. :— Downiiiii 7, Beiiarena 15, Limavady 20, Baiiykeiiy 22, Londonderry Si 36 {gd. tmd. rd. pict. 1112 desc. at 18 m.). ^ The Clothworkers' Arms, Waterside, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed Court ins Gi'atis^}. jffiL Shelbourne, Railway Rd., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis gl]. ^ Westbrook, Raihvay Rd., B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/- R 2/- Chfr 5/6 Shelter ins Gratis {2}. ^f^f J. Dunlop, Bridge St., Agt. for Rover, [6] U S- Collooney (Co. Sligo), M. 35, 31, Pop. 371. Ballysadare 2 < SligO ^ 7 — Dromore 19, Balllna 34 = Boyle 18 = 2 -5 Bally- mote 7, Ballaghaderreen 23 — Tobercurry 13, Kilkelly 27 = Mullaney's Cross Rds. 19, Ballina 33. ^^B Thomas Brennan (Cycles). Comber (Down), M. 33, Pop. 2,095. See :-Church (XVIIth c). Belfast a 9 = Newtownards 4, Bangor 10 = Killyleagh 11, Down- patrick ®. 17 = Ballynahinch 13 = Hillsborough 16, Dromore 21 = Lisburn ®. 14 = Miiltown 9, Belfast ^ 13. Cookstown (Tyrone), M. 33, inH, Pop. 3,531 M.D., Tues., Sat. See :— Derryloran Ch. ; E. Artaoe (Abb. Rns., Lough Neagh) 9 ; S. Loughry Cromlech 2. ]Moneymore 5 < Tobermore 14, ^laghera 17 — Magherafelt 10, Castle Dawson 12, Ahoghill 23, Ballymena ^27 = Newport Trench 10 = TuUaghoge 3 < Dungannon 11 — Stewartstown 6, Portadown fi. 21 = Omagh m. 26 = Newtown Stewart 29 = Dungiven 23, Limavady 32. f^^ J. Morrison, Jmnes St. (Cycles). — D. Turkington, Old Town St. (Cycles). Cootehill (Co. Cavan), M. 36, EH, Pop. 1,509. RockcoiTy 5, Monaghan 15 = Ballybay 10 = Shercock 10, Kingscourt 18 = Bailieborough 14 = Ballyjamesduff 17, Oldcastle 24 = Cavan 16 = 2 < Clones 13 — Redhilla 11, Kewtown Butler 18 — Redhills 11, Belturbet 18. ^^" J. Swarbrigg, Cavan St. — J. Coyle & Co., Main St.,[5\U ST Coyle. CORK (1 (Co. Cork), M. 39, ^, Pop. 76,632. M.D., Daily. See :--R. C. Cath. (Goth.) (A) ; St. Anne Shandon Ch. (XVIIIth c.) (C) ; Corvet House (D) ; St. Finbarre's Cath. (E) ; Queen's College (Tud.)(U): N.W. Blarney Stone 6. ^fcij. Cork Park, March mh ; May 2M-r;»nd, SejJt. 3rd-Uth. X '^•E- ^- ^ I-ittle Island 1. — 617 — CORK Cork (continued). E-l'.by St. Patrick's Br., Bridge St., Coburg St., Lettrim St., and Watercourse Rd. :— Halfway House 12, Blackpool 15, Mourne Abbey 18, Ballynamona 19, MallOW fflL 23, Limerick & 64 (gd. und. rd.). E. II : by St. Patrick's Br., Bridge St., King St., and Lower Glan- mireRd. : — • o, • 9, Carrigtohill 10, Midleton 14, Castlemartyr 20, KUleagh 23, Youg- hal fi. 31, Dungarvan 49, Waterford ffl. 78 (gd. Jl. rd., 1/17 -asc. at oS in.). • ]. 3, Sallybrook 5, Watergrasshill 12, Rathcormack 18, Fermoy & 22 (gd. hilly, pict., 1|1!^ asc. at 6 m.), Clonmel ffi. 55, Kilkenny & 87, Dublin & 159. • r. 9, Belvelly Br. 11, Carrigaloe 13, Queenstown 15 (gd. rd.). 1 Bridge Street 2 Coburg Street 3 Leitrim Street 4 Watercourse Road 5 King Street 6 Lower Glanmire Road 7 St Patrick's Street 8 Grand Parade 9 Great George Street 10 South Main Street 11 Barrack Street 12 Evergreen Stre 13 Lancaster Quaj 14 Western Road 15 Quakers Road 16 Fort Streetp^ 17 South Mall ^' ^-^ 18 Corn Market Street 19 Dominick Street 20 Shatndon Street Hi Youghal Old Road R.C. CATHEDRAL ST ANNE SHANDON CHURCH COURT HOUSE ST FINBARRE'S CATHEDRAL QUEEN'S COLLEGE P.S.-T.-B. (See p. 3 ) E. Ill: by St. Patrick's St., Grand Parade, Great George St., ParneU Br., South Main St., Barrack St., and Evergreen St. : — Fivemilebridge 7, Belgooly 13, Kinsale 17 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/17 desc. to Kinsale). E. IV : by St. Patrick's St., Grand Parade, Great George St., Lancaster Quay, and Western Rd. :— Victoria Cross Rds. • 2, Halfway House 10, Inishannon 16, Bandoil 20, MurragU 27, Enniskeen 29, Ballyneen 30, Dunmanway 37, Drimoleague 46. Augha- vill 50, Durrus Bd. stn. 53, Bantry 58 (med. und., 1/13 desc. at -Ji; m.). CORROFIN - 618 - Cork (continued), • r. Victoria Cross Rds. 2, Dripsey 14, Coacliford 17, Macroom fi. 25, Bally- makeery 34, Ballyvoumey 36, Loo Br. 45, Killamey & 56 (poor .surface, hill;/, V. pict, 1112 desc. at 25 m.). mm Imperial, Pembroke St., B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 5/- to 8 - Chfr 7/6 Lft 8 Shed ins Gm«ts S] lAC T Imperial :p> 139. mm Metropole, King St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Lft [^ 5 P6 100 y T Metropole :?> 800. JM Royal Victoria, St Patrick St., B 2/€ L 2/6 D 3/8 R 4/- Chfr 7/- 8 PG dist T Victoria :?« 293. l*[ft| Windsor, X'infir -S«., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/6 5 PG opp :F>391. f^" MIchelln Stockists, Johnson & Perrott, Ltd., ^^elson PL, Agt. for Flanders, Austin, Darracq, Ford, Metal- LURQIQUB, (Too] U N Sun., Night, lAC T ilotors :?> 648 and 648A. — J. R. Cross, South Mall. — R. Pulvertaft & Sons, Ltd., IIO-WI, Georges St., [HUN Sun., Night, I AC T Pulvertoft :?> 384. — The Cork Motor Co., King St., Agt. for Flanders, Austin, Ford, Mbtallurgique, il2]U \ T Garage ::}<> 648. — 1"he Irish Cycle and Motor Co., Parnell PL, Agt. for Wolseley, HuMBBR, Singer, Alldays, R.C.H., [55] LT S Sun., Night, T Irish Cycle :p> 322. — W. Marsh & Sons, Morgan St., Agt. for Talbot, [ao] U \ Sun., T Marsh :p> 347. Corrofin (Clare), M. 39, Pop. 393. See:— N^.E. Ballyportree Fortress 1 ; N.W. Inchiquin Cas. 2. Gort 14, Loughrea 29 = Corrofln station 1 < Ennis ifi. 9 — Crusheen 9, Tulla 19 = Ennisthnon 11 = Leameneh Cas. 5 < Ballyvaughan 18 — Kilfenora 8. Courtmacsherry (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 343. Btitlerstown 4 = Timoleague 3 < Clonakllty 9 — Bandon 12 — Timoleague 3, Kinsale 18. m Esplanade, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [4]. Croom (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 504. See :— Castle (Xllth c.) ; E. Monasteranenagh Ahb. (Rns.) ; W, Dysert Round Tower 1, Limerick ®. 12 = Hoiycross 8, Paiias 18, Tipperary 28 = Bruff 9, Hos- pital 14 = Charleville 13, Mallow a 29 = Ballingarry 8, Newcastle 17. Croom Hotel, lAC. Cros8g:a.r (Down), M. 33, Pop. 582. Saintfleld 5, Belfast i®. 16 = Killyleagh 5 = Downpatrick ^ 6. (i^» Mm. Cleland, Downpatrick St. Cro88ma.g:len (Co. Armagh), M. 37, Pop. 771, ^ Cuiiavilie 2. 1 < Newtown Hamilton 10, Markethill 18 — Dundalk 11 = Cullaville 2 < Carrickmacross 10, Kingscourt 18 — Dundalk 13 — Cullaville 2, Castleblayney 8, Monaghan 23 s= Castleblayney 7, Monaghan 22. Crossmolina (Mayo), IVI. 34, Pop. 527, ^ Baiiina 8. See :— Abbey (Rns.) ; N.E. Deel Cas. 3. Ballycastle 14 = KillaladO = Balllna 8 = 3 < Castlebar a 17 — Newport 22, Westport 30 = Belmullet 31. ^m M. J. Hegarty, Castle Hill (Cycles). Crumlin (Co. Antrim), M. 33, Pop. 536. 1 < Antrim 7, Ballymena ^ 18 — Langford Lodge 5 = Belfast a 14 = Glenavy 2 < Moira 10, Luigan 15 — Lisburn ®. H = Lurgan 14, Portadown 19. Currag^h Camp @ (Co. Kildare), M. 37 (not marked on map), ^ KUdare3. ><«;. Apr. S-lOth, June^il^-^Gth, July^2nd-23rd, Se2)t. 16-lSth, Oct. 21st-!2Srd. ::§:. Kilcullen 4 =: Kildare 3. f^w MIchelln Stockist, H. Church, Toiver UilL [4] Box H U \ Sun., T Cliurch :f» 61, - 619 - DROGHEDA Cushendall (Co. Antrim), M. 33, Pop. 368, ^ BaUycastie 16. See :— Red Bay Cas, (Rns.) ; N. Ladye Ch. (Rns.)l ; W. Ossian's Grave 2. 2 < Ballycastle fi. 16 — Ballymoney ffl.22 = Garron Point 6, Glenavm 14, Lame a 26 = Ballymena SSl 20. (f?i*| Delarjry's, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed [3] Court gj ina Gratis. Glens of Antiiin Hotel, lAC. Dal key (Co. Dublin), M. 37, Ed), Pop. 3,398. See :— Dalkey Cas. ; Bullock Cas. ; Dalkey Island ; Benedictine Ch. ; Church (E.ns.). Kingstown 2, Biackrock 5, Dublin a 10 = KiUiney 2, Bray 7, Wicklow 26. fpsi " Vico " CJycle & Motor Co. (B. Reynolds), Vico Wks. Dinsrie (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 1,786. See:— Bullan; Ballysiteragh (2,050 ft.); V. Biaiidon Head; JS^.E. Cou- manare Lakes 5 ; S.W. Oratory of Gallerus 1 ; W. Slea Head 12 ; N.W. Kilmalkedan Ch. (Xllth c.) 5. Stiadbally 13, TraleC ®. 31 = Anascaul 11 •<: Tralee a 31 — Castlemaine 28, Killarney a 41 = siea Head 12. (^ Benner's, Main St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [6] lAC. jtfiL Lees, JWam St., B 2/-L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratia SJ. f^«i John Atkins & Co., Ltd, (Cycles). Donagrhadee (Down), M. 33, Pop. 2,073. See :— Rath (70 ft.) ; Harbour ; Parish Ch. (XVIIth c.) ; Holy Well ; S. Holy Well of the Saint 1. X N- 1- Groomsport 4, Bangor 7 = Baiiyhaibert 12, Portaferry 28 == JSTewtownards 8, Bellast a 18 = Six Eoad Bads 4, Newtownards 8 = Bangor 6, Holywood 14. j?|*L Imperial, Parade, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar Shed Court ins Gratis [91 . Donegal (Co. Donegal), M. 3t, ^, Pop. 1,214. See -.—Abbey (Rns. XVth c.) ; Castle (Rns. Jacob.) ; Monastery (Rns.). Raphoe 27, Londonderry a 43 = i>;ighy 4 -5 Baiiintra 7, Ballyshannon 14 — Pettigo 17, Kesh 22 — Laghy 4, Baiiintra 7, Belleek 16, Manor Hamilton 30 = Killybegs 17. m Arran Arms, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar U ins Gratis flol T Hastings. f^«i Donegal Supply Stores (Snodgrass & Co.), (Cycles). — 1'. McGinty, Main St. (Cycles). • Down Patrick (Down), M. 37, grj. Pop. 2,993. M.D., Tiies., Sat. See :— Cathedral ; Rath of Downpatrick ; Court House. Finnabrague Ho. 2 •<: Crossgar 6, Saintfleld 11, Belfast ®. 22 — Ballyna- hincli 10, Lisburn ®. 21 == Killyleagh 6, Comber 17 = strangfordS, (ferry -59) Poi-taferry 9 = Ardgiass 7 = Kiilough 6 s= ciough 6 < Castlewellan 11, Hiiitown 21, Newry a 30 — Newcastle 13, Kilkeel 26. igi Down Hunt Arms, Market St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar Shed Shelter adj Gratis \9] T Acheson. f^m Smyth & Sons, Church St., Agt. for HuRTU, Alldats, |6] U Sun., Night. Draperstown (Co. Londonderry), M. 32, Pop. 487. See :— Church (Rns.). Magherafelt 8, Castle Dawson 10 = Lobby Vaie 2 < Omagh ^ 27 — Strabane 31. DROGHEDA m (Louth), M. 37, Pop. 12,425. See :— Walls (Remains) (A) ; Magdalen Steeple (C) ; St. Peter's Ch. (D) ; Whitworth Hall (E) ; St. Lawrence's Gate (F) ; Abbey of St. Mary D'Milo (Rns.) (H) ; Martello Tower (J). :|C S-E. 4. ^ E. 3. 2'he prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hote served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.S0 p.m. respectively. DROMAHAIR - 620 Drogfheda {cantimied). E I • hi/ West St., George St., and North Rd. :-- Newton Monast^rboice 5, Dunleer 9, Kilsaran 13, Castlebellmgham 14, Lur- gangreen 18, Dundalk 22 (gd. rd., 1/11 desc. at 9 m.), Belfast Sl 73. E II • bii Shop St., James St., and Dtiblin Rd. ;— Julianstown 4, Gormanstowu 7, Balbriggan 10, Balrothery 12, Swords 21, sawtry 26, Dublin a 29 (f/d. und. rd.). E. Ill : hy Shop St., Barrack St., Duleek St., and Plattin Rd. :— Diileek 5, Balrath 9, Walterstown Cross Rds. 12, Trim 24, BaUivor 33, Rahamey 39, KiUucan 41, Mulllngar ^ 50 (gd. und. pict.), Athlone a 79, Ballinasloe 95, Athenry 121, Galway SSl 135. E IV • 6y West St., Trinity St., Lotighboy and Slane Rd. :— "siai'ie 9, • 10, Donaghmore Br. 16, Navan &. 17 {med. hilly, pict., 1/11 asc. at Si m.), Mulllngar & 49, Galway a 134. • r. 10, Kiiberry 15, Oristown 20, Kells & 24, Oldcastle 39, Graiiard o6, Longford & 71 (med. rd. und.). DROGHEDA SCALE 1 West street 2 Georges Street 3 North Road 4 Shop Street 5 James Street 6 Dublin Road 7 Barrack Street 8 Duleek Street 9 PlatUn Road 10 Trinity Street 11 Loughboy 12 Slane Road 13 Ardee Road ll.S.-P.S.-G.-(Seep. E.WHITWORTH HALL F ST. LAWRENCES GATE H. ABBEY RUINS J. MARTELLO TOWER E. V : by West St., Trinity St., Loughboy and Ardee Rd. .— Colion 7, Arde&14 (gd. rd., 1/lU asc. at 7 m.), Carrickmacross 26, Lit^gall 28, Castleblayney 38, Scotch Corner 45, Monaghan 52, Omagh & 86, Strabane 106, Londonderry a 121 (gd. und. i)ict.). mt, White Horse, West St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 K 2/6 Chfr 5. - Gar ins Gratis [so) lAC 7f> 195. fim Central, Laurence and Peter St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 ICHl 5 Gar 200 y Grati$ [2] T Central :p> 194. W^ Michelin Stockists, The Boyne Motor Co., as, Shop St., Agt. for Dakkacq, [ej Boxes [U U N I AC T Boyne -Motors. M.CT. Droma.ha.ir (Leitriin), M. 35 (not marked on map). Manor Hamilton 8 =: Druiukeeran 9, Drunishanho 19 = Collooney 10 =: Prince Breffln's Castle 4, Sllgo Q. 11. m. Abbey, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U ins gl lAC T Abbey. If you really want to reduce expenses — if you want to treble the life of your varnish and paint-work — to escape 90% of the labour involved in car-cleaning — to make more' time for other things — to enhance the appearance of your car — fit Frankonia Domed One-piece Mudguards Gnce fitted, they want no attention beyond cleaning. Made of light lead-coated steel, they can neither rust nor rot ; neither will they warp* In dry weather^ they will act as efficient dust-shields ; on wet days, they will intercept every particle of mud from the wheels. The secret of their complete efficiency lies in their downward sweep and broad deep domes. Let the speed be what it may ; let the wind blow a gale ; no mud from the wheels can pass these spreading guards. Specify Frankontas whea ordering your new ear. " The Reason for Frankonia Domed One-fiece Mudguards" is an interesting little treatise on scientific mudguard construction. Copies free on application if Michelin Guide is mentioned. Frankonias fit cars of vl^^^il^^^Hl Prices from £4 all makes and sizes, "^I^Mi if^^^H P^*" ^^^ ^^ '*>"''• A Rolls Royce fitted with Frankonias. Barimar Ltd., 10, Poland Street, London, W. • A. CUSTOM HOUSE C.FOUR COURTS • D.SANK OF IRELAND E. TRINITY COLLEGE F.CITY HALL H.CHRISTCHURCH CATHEDRAL J.ST AUDOENS CHURCH • K.DUBLIN CASTLE L. NATIONAL GALLfeRY M. SCIENCE AND ART MUSEUM N.ST PATRICKS CATHEDRAL P.ST STEPHENS GREEN Q. BOTANIC GARDENS R.S.(M.G.W.R.)-R.S.(G.S.W.R.)-R.S. (G.N.R.)-T.-P.S.-U.-B. (See p. 3 ) SCALE Mortons' "Morris" Chair All to whom the charm of a book appeals will be interested in this ** ideal * reader s chair/ " said ** T.P/s Weekly '* recently. May we, then, send you descriptive booklet ? It cont2uns portrait of the artist- craftsman, William Morris, who made the original suggestion for the design, and gives particulars of a unique com- bination of advantages, including (1) Solid Oak frame, with broad arms for holding a book, etc. (2) Adjustable back, giving the perfect position for reading, etc. (3) Hygienic back cushion and spring-upholstered seat in corduroy velvet, both loose, thus preventing har- bouring of dust, and (4) Disappearing sliding ash-tray attached to arm, for the convenience of smokers, if desired. And the price is only ^ 1 1/^ Carriage paid in the O A / O United Kingdom. Ash or pin-tray to slide under arm, 9d. extra. Obtainable only direct from us. If not approved on receipt, wre take back at our expense, and refund payment in full. (Made for the Colonies to order, with cane seat and no cushions.) Mortons MORTON BROS. & CO. 18, BOYNE HOUSE, HIGHBURY PLACE, LONDON, N. (Established 1881.) Write for booklet. - 621 - DUBLIN Dromcolliher (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 488, ^ Newcastle 10. Ilathkeale 15, Askeaton 22 = Charleville 11, Kilmallock 17 = Mallow Si 19 = Abbeyfeale 19, Listowel 29 = Newcastle 10. Dromore (Down), M. 33, EH, Pop. 2,307. See :— C'astle (Rus.) ; The Palace ; N.E. Great Fort, Hillsborough 5, Lisburn ffl. 9 = Ballynahinch 11, Downpatrick 21 = Rathfriland 14, Hiiitown 17, Rosstrevor 24, Warrenpoint 26 = Banbridge 7, Newpy a 21 = Lurgan 9, f^m H. Bennett, Church St. Dromore (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop. 625. See : -Forts. Omagh ffl. 9 = Fintona 6 •< Clogher 16 — Ballygawley 19 = 2 < Irvines- town 8, Kesh 13, Pettigo 18 — Ennlskillen j®. 17. Drunnsha.nbo (Leitrim), M, 31, 35, Pop. 53.>. Belcoo 21 = Ballinamore 12, Ballyconnell 24 s= Mohill 14, Longford Sk 30 = Carrick-on-Shannon 8, Elphin 17 = Sligo fi 30. DUBLIN # (Co. Dublin), M. 37, ^, Pop. 309,272. See :— Custom House • (A) ; Four Courts (C) ; Bank of Ireland • (D) ; Trinity College (E) ; City Hall (F) ; Christchurch Cath. (Xlth c.) (H) ; St. Andoen's (Gtoth.) (J) ; Dublin Castle • (K) ; National Gallery (L) ; Science and Art Museum (M) ; St. Patrick's Cath. (Goth.) (N) ; St. Stephen's Green (P) ; College Botanic Gardens (Q) ; Phoenix Park • . ::rik. Phoenix Park, Apr. 26th, May '2Uth, June 7th, July 5th, Aug. 29-30th, Sept. 13th, Oct. 11th. Metropolitan (Baldoyle) N.E. 5. March IC-lUh, May 12-13th, Aug. Uth, Sept. 30th, Oct. 1st. ':^ B. b (Dollymount). "^ Milltown 2. E. I : by Sackville St., Rutland Sg., Frederick St., Dorset St., and Drumcondra Hill :— Santry 3, Swords 8, B 150, 780, and 2506. ill Royal Hibernian, /,8, Dawson St., B 3'- L 3/- D 5/- K, 4;- to 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft [53 C Gar U 50 y Gratis \^ I AC T Hibernian 7[<> 708 and 2205. jm. Metropole, Lower Sackville St., B 2/6 L 3/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 Lft leS 5 Gar 900 y Gratis lAC T Metropole :p> 422. tm The Standard, 7.9-^.?, Harcourt St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3,6 to 5/6 Chfr 6/- Lft jCHl I Shed ins Gratis \b\ lAC 'Jf' 112 and 2443. m Granville, 17, Sackville St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7,- Lft lea 5 PG 250 y T Grenville :p> 342. m Central, Exchequer St. and George St., B 2/6 L2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Chfr 7/6 (^ Gar 500 y Gratis T Central :f> 2966. St. Andrews (Temperance) Hotel, Exchequer St. f^ Mlchelin Stockists, Autocars Ireland, Ltd., 19, Chatham St., Agt. for RENAULT, ARGYLL, Ford, [50] it % Sun., T Cars ^ 792. — Mlchelin Stockists, The Grafton Motor Co., Grafton St., Agt. for WOLSBLEY, METALLURGIQUE, f Autograft :p> 3690. — Mlchelin Stockist, L. J. O'His^g^ins, J-6, Harry St., Agt. for BEDFORD, BUICK, [5] U \ T O'Higgins :p> 3289. — Michelin Stockist, S. T. Robinson, ?:, South King St., and 17, Golden Lane, Aqt. for Talbot, :Mi\kji\'A, [3oj Boxes [e] U \ T Chassis Jf» 2302. — Ashenhurst Williams & Co., Ltd., 15, Talbot Plarr. Aaf. for Strakbr-Squire, do) U. — Scallon & BeiTy, 191, (}t. Brunswick St., Agt. for Fiat, [13 LT \ ;p> 3506. — W. R. McTaggart, 1,2- lt5. South King St., Agt. for Crossley, Sunbeam, Delaue, Schneider, Maxwell, i^ U \ Sun., Night, T McTaggart ;?> 2348. — Thompson's Motor Co., Ltd., 19-J20, Gt. Brunswick St., Agt. for COMMER, goo] % Sun., Night, T Traction 'f> 2558, 2559, 2560. — Motor and Accessories Co., Baggot St. Bridge Garage, Agt. for Belahaye, \MU \T Velocity :p> Ballsbridge 338. — Dublin Motor Co., Ltd., .TJ, Percy PL, Agt. for AUSTIN, HUPMOBILE, Deasy, Arrol-Johnston, jag] U \"Sun., Night, T Taxi :p> 3426. — Michelin M.C.T., Keating's Motor Works, 32~J3, Loiver Abbetf St., Agt. for Humber, Flandbrs, Napibb, Austrian- Daimler, [so] LT \ T Ketin :p 1349 (Motor Cycles). — Michelin M.C.T., Manthorpe & Co., 103, GL Brumwick St., ( Motor CyclesX DUNDALK (Louth), M. 37, Pop. 13,128. M.D., Mm,. See ;— St. Nicholas' Ch. (A) ; Court House (C) ; R. C. Catli. • (D), >i^ Apr. 30th, May 1st. ^ W. 1 (E. V). E.\: by Clanbrassil St., Church St., Bridge St., and Forkhill Rd. :~ . Kilcurry Cross Rds. 31, Newtoil Hamilton 16, Tassagh 24. Armagll 31 (several 1/10 gradients), Coleralne 98 (gd. hilly). - 623 - DUNDALK Dundalk (continued). E. II : by Clanbrassil St., Church St., Bridge St., and Newry Jid. .— • 3, Flurry Br. 7, Jonesborough 8, NeWPy ffl. 13, Belfast ifi 51 ( gd. pict.). • r. 3. Kiverstown 10, Greenore 15, (Jerry ; no motors) Greencastle 16, Kilkeel 21, Newcastle 34, Ballynahinch 50, Belfast j®. 65 (med. tind.). E. Ill : % Earl St., Park St., and Dublin St. :— Lurgangreen 4, Castlebellingham 8, Kibsaran 9, Dvmleer 13, DrOigheda @. 22, Dublin a. 51 (gd. und., 1/11 asc. at 13 m.). 'S&v® A.ST NICHOLAS' CHURCH C. COURT HOUSE O.CATHEDRAL C.-P.S.-n.S.-(See p 3 )' 1 Clanbrassil Str 2 Church Street Bridge Street 4 Forkhill Road B Newry Road 6 Earl Street 7 Park Street 8 Dublin Street 9 Anne Street 10 Louth Road 11 St Dominick's Place 12 Castletown Road t3 Church Lane 14 St Mary's Road m E. IV: by Earl St., Park St., Anne St., and Louth Rd. :— Martin's Cross 4, Ardee 12 (gd. rd*, 1/1^-17 OSC at % m.), Carlaikstown 28, Kells flL 31, Clonmellon 40, Delvin 45, Cloghan 53, Mullingar & 58 (gd. fl. rd.). E.\ : by Earl St., Park St., Anne St., and St. Dominiek's PL .— Little Ash 6, Essexford stn. 11, Carrickniaci'oss 14, Shercock 23, Can- ningstown 30, Cavan 46 (nied. v. und. si7i.), Killashandra 58, Ballina- more 72, Drumshanbo 84, Sllgo ®, 114. The price of a room is for a gooii mediunn-sizecl room with lar£:e bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper may let rooms at p>'>'i<^^s inferior or superior to those given in the Guide according to situation and installation. DUNFANAGHY - 624 - Dundalk (continued). E VI • bii Clanbrassil St., Church St., Bridge St., and Castletown Ed. :— 'I'hii'ipstown Ch. 4, CuUaviiie 11, Castleblayney • 17, Ballybay 25, Newbliss 85, ClonCB 40, Newtown Butler 46, Donagh Cross Eds. 48, Lisnaskea 52, Tamiaght 60, Ennlsklllen ffl. 64 (^d. und.). • r. Castleblayney 17, Monaghan 31 (gd. rd.), Omagh Sl 65, Strabane 85, Londonderry m. 100. m. Williams' Queen's Arms, 1, Crown St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Shed 20 y N 1/- [3] :?> 72. a Imperial, Park St., B 2/6 L 2/8 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 7/- Court dist Gmiis m T Imperial :p' 71. fMi D. Leavy, <95, Clanbrassil St., Agt. for Humber, Argyll, [w] Boxes 111 U T Leavy :?> 63. M.C.T. — T. Williamson, Francis St., Agt. for Swift, Raleigh, Spark- brook, \M Boxes [6] U \ lAC T Williamson :f> 22. Dunfana^hy (Co. Donegal), M. 32, Pop. 460. ^. Horn Hd. 4 = Creeslough 6 < Glen 11, MUl ord 24, Rathmelton 28 — Letter- kenny 22 = Gweedore 17, Dungloe 30, Ardara 50, Gleucolumbkilie 65, Killybegs 82, Donegal 99. *1*L Stewart Arms, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed Court ins Gratis [3] T Sterritt. Dungannon (Tyrone), M. 33, EiDl, Pop. 3,694. M.D., Thurs. See :~Castle (site) ; Parish Ch. l^ i. • 1, TuUahogeS, Cookstown 11, Moneymore 16, Tobermore 25, Mag- hera 28, Garvagh 38, Coleraine 51 (gd.jl. rd., 1/17 asc. at 28 rn.). • v. 1, Coalisland 5, Stewartstown 8, xhe Diamond 15, BaUyronan 22, Castle Dawson 27, AhoghiU 38, Bally mena a 42 (med. und. liict.). Verners Br. 6, The Birches 10, PortadOWn 16 (gd. jl. rd.). Moy 6, Armagh 13 (gd. Jl. rd.). Tuliygiven Lough 7, Caledon 12, Monaghan 23 {med. xind. i)ict.). • 1, Muinahunch Br. 7, Ballygawley 13, Augher 19, Clogher 21, Fivemile- town 28, Enniskillen a 43 (gd. und. pict). • 1. 1, Den-ygortrevy 5, Aughnacioy 12 {med. rd.). Donaghmore 3, Pomeroy • 9, Carriclimore Stn. • 13, Six-mile Cross 18, Beragh 20, Omagh ^ 27 (gd. hilly, pict., 1/13 desc. at W m.). • r. Pomeroy 9, Rousky 23, Gortin 28, Plumb Br. 32, Strabane 42 (med. v. hilly, pict.). • r. Carrickmore Stn. 14, DrumakUly 20, Omagh H 26 (med. rd. hilly, 1 / I'J desc. at 17 m.). m Northland Arms, George St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [6] lAC T Wherry :^ 33 PO. j|*L Ranfurley Arms, Market Sq., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter ins Gratis H]. f^Bi E. Hobson. Dunerarvan (Co. Waterford), M. 40, EB, Pop. 4,850. il.D., Sat. See :— Castle Keep (Rns.) ; Abbeyside (Rns.). Aunscourt 8 «5 Waterford a 29 — Carrick-on-SuIr 22 = Tramore 25 = (ferry -65; no motors) Youghal ffl. 19 = ciashmore 11, (ferry -65; no motors) Youghal ffl.18 = 3 < Cappoquin 11, Lismore ffi 15 — Clonmel a 26. M. I-awlor's, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [2] U 20 y lAC T Lawlor. m Devonshire Arms, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed g] Court {4) ins Gratis. Wm Daniel Crotty, The Bridge Garage, Agt. for Ford, [H U \ T Crotty Garage. — J.^ H. Mahony, The Square, [2] Box S] U \ Sun. T -Mahony (Cycles). Dung^iven (Co. Londonderry), M. 32, Pop. 638. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; Priory ; S.W. Banagher Ch. 3. Limavady 9, Coleraine 29 = Pot Bridge 6 < Coleraine 19 — Garvagh 12, Kilrea 18 = 2 < Maghera 13, Castle Dawson 21 — Cookstown 23 =r Plumb Bridge 20, Omagh a 34 = Londonderry Q. 20. - 625 - ELPHIN Dungloe (Co. Donegal), M. 31, Pop. 449. See :— S.W. Martello Tower 5. Gweedore 13, Dunfanaghy 30 = Pintown 12, stranoriar 20, Strabane 43 = Glenties 14, 16 < Ardara 20, Glencolumbkille 35, KillybegS 52 (y. Stp. asc. from Ardara; 1 in 7 gradient) — Donegal 33 — Glenties 14, Ardara 20, KillybegS 30. ggA Hanlan's, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E, 2/- Chfr 5/- Lft Gar ins Gratis I AC. ^^si H, Roarty, Corner House (Cycles). Dunlavin # (Co. Wicklow), M. 37, Pop. 479. See :-Market Ho. ; Church. ^ N.W. IL Kilcullen 6, Newbridge ffl. 11, Rathangan 21 = 1 < Ballymore Eustace 6, Blessington 10, Dublin a 29 — Hollywood 6, Rathdrum 31 = Baltin- glass 11 = Ballitore 9, Athy 17. a Railway, Main St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed [3] Shelter (H ins Gratis. a Imperial, Main St., B 1/6 L 2/- D3/- R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed g] Shelter {t\ adj Gratis. fP» Mlchelin Stockist, Walter Cdeborn, Main St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBER, CHAMBERS, [8] LT \ T Colebom. Dunmanway (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 1.776. Z^Iacroora a 18 = Bandon 17, Cork fiL 37 = Bealanaacartane Br. 3 < Clona- kilty 13 — Skibbereen 19 = Drimoieague 9 < Bantry 21 — Skibbereen 17 = Bantry 16. ^ Bernard's Railway, Railivay St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- B, 2/- Chfr 6/- [CHl Shed ins Gmtii," g] T Bernard's. ^^" Thomas R. Bryan (Cycles). — J. Atkins, Main St. (Cycles). Dunmore (Co. Galway), M. 35, Pop. 639. See :— Caves ; N. Cist. (Stone-Circle) 2, ::ii;. July 9th. Ballyhaunis 11, Ballaghaderreen 25 = 2 < Ballymoe 14, Carrick-on- Shannon 41 — Athieague 23, Athlone ffl. 41 = Mount Bellew 17, Ballina- Sloe 33 = Tuam ®. 9 = Claremorris 14, Castlebar ffl. 31. f^m J. J. Mooney, High St. (Cycles). Dunshaugrhlin # (Meath), M. 37, Pop. 300. Dublin ^ 18 = Navan & il. Q Finnegal Arms, B 2/- L 1/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis {2\. ^w Mlchelin Stockist, P. J. Murray, T Murray. Durrow (Queen's Co.), M. 40, Pop. 559, ^g Attanagh 2. 1 «s Borris-in-Ossory 13, Roscrea a 20 — Mountrath 13, Frankford 30 = Abbeyleix 6, Maryborough 15 = Kilkenny fi. 17 = Cashel 31. Easky (Co. Sligo), M. 31, 35, Pop. 309, ^ Ballina 17. Dromore West 4 -? SllgO ffi. 26 — Mullaney's Cross Rds. 19, ToberCUrry 25 = Ballina 17. Edenderry @ (King's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 161. See :— Castle ; Trinity Well ; N.W. Monasteroris Ch. (Rns.) 1. Lucan 28, Dublin ^ 37 = Rathangan 9 «; Kildare 15 — Monasterevan ^ 16 = Kiiian 1 <. Philipstown 13, Tullamore a 22 — Portarlington 17. ^53 Mlchelin Stockist, T. Mather, The Square. Edgreworthstown (Co. Longford), M. 36, Pop. 578. See :— Church ; Edgeworthstown Ho. GranardS, Cavan ffi,28 = Castlepollard 15, Athboy 33 = Mullingar SSl 17 = Ballymahon 12, Athlone ^ 26 = Longford a 8 = Mohill 21. ^a> B. Brady, Bonlahy. Elphin (Co. Roscommon), M, 35, Pop. 997, ^g Drumsna stn. 8. See :— Parish Ch. Carrick-on-Shannon 9, Drumshanbo 17 = Mohill 17 = Strokestown 7? Longford a 21 = shankiii 2 < Tuisk 6, Ballymoe 18 — Castlerea 16. f^i Stephen Beirne, Main St. (Cycles). 2 D ENNIS — 626 ENN18 m (Clare), M. 39, Pop. 5,093. M.D., Sat. See :— Court House (A) ; Franciscan Monast. (Rns.) (Xlllth-XVth c.) (C) ; S. Killone Abb. (Rns.) 3 ; S.E. Clare Abb. 1. >jUj^ SejJt. 9th. E.l : l»/ Church St., Newbridge Rd., and Gort. Rd. ;— Barefleld 4, Crusheen 8, Loughcutra Ho. 15, Gort • 19, Kiltartan 21, Owen- bnsty 25, Kiltieman 28, Kilcolgan 30, Clarnibridge 32, Oranmore 35, Galway fflL 41 {med. ly. und.). • r. Gort 19, Loughrea 34, Ballinasloe 53, Athlone Sl 69 (gd. level rd.). E. II : by Church St., Newbridge Rd., and Lifford Rd. :— Moymore 8, Boherglass 17, Bodyke 18, Tonigraney 21, ScarifE 22, Mountshannon 27, Gorteeny 34, Clonco Br. 36, Powers Cross 39, Portumna 45, Birr 60 (1/13 asc. at /,7 m.), Tullamore m 83, Dublin Sl 142. E. Ill : by Gaol St., Upper Gaol St., and Clarecastle Rd. :— • 2, Clarecastle 3, Newmarket-on-Fergus 8, Huriers cross Rds. 11, Cratloe 16, LImerick & 23 (med. ly. und.). • r. 2, Ballynacally 10, Kildysart 14, Labasheeda 22, Kilmurry 26, Knock 29. Kilrush 34, Kilkee 42 (med. und. pict., several short 1/13 hills). ' ENNIS. SCALE 1 Church Street 2 Newbridge Road 3 Oort Road 4 Lifiord Road 6 Gaol Street 6 Upper Gaol Street 7 Clarecastle Street 8 Military Road 9 Bank Place to Bindon Street 11 Mill Road 12 Victoria Road 13 Caol Road 14 Market Street 16 Corn Market 16 Harmony Row E. IV : by Gaol St., Upper Gaol St., and Military Rd. :- Darragh 5, Liscasey 12, Knockalough 17, • 21, Clooncoorha Cross Eds. 27, Moyasta 30, Kilkee 35 (med. rd. hilly). • 1. 21, Kilrush 27 (med. rd. hilly). E. V : by Bank PL, Bindon St., 3till Rd., and Victona Rd. :— Fountain Cross • 3, • 4, Mauricemills 9, Ennistymon 16, Lahinch 19, Lis- cannor 22, Cliffs of Moher (O'Brien's Tower) 26 (gd. und. pict., 1/8-1I+-17 asc. at 2k m.). • 1. Fountain Cross 3, Inagh 9, Mllltown Malbay 20 (gd. hilly, pict.). • V. 4, Corrofln 9, Kilnaboy 11, • • 16, Kilfenora 17 (v. gd. hilly, pict.). • • r. 16, Lismoher 18, Noughaval Cross 19, Ballyvaughan 28 (gd. rd. hilly). ia. The Old Ground, Cathedral St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E, 2/6 Chfr 7/6 Gar ins Gratis g) ^ 11. i!*L Carmody's, Church St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/'6 lAC ;p> 26. Queen's Hotel, Church St., I AC. W^ MIchelln Stockists, Mullig^an's Motor Co., Ltd., Church St., Agt. for FLANDERS, FoiiD, [5] U N T Mulligans. 627 ENNISKILLEN Enniscorthy (Co. Wexford), M. 41, EIdI, Pop. 5,458. M.D., Sat. See :— R. C. Cath. ; Castle Keep ; Vinegar Hill ; Church ; Templeshannon Ch. (Rns.) ; N.E. Ferns Cath. 8. :|^ S.W. 1. • 4, Ferns • 8, Camew 17, Tinahely 26, Aughrim 34, Laragh 48, Sally Gap 61. Glencree 66, Killakee 70, Terenure 75, Dublin ffl. 79 {ined. mount. V. pict.). • 1. 4, Baiiycainey 6, Newtownbarry 13, Carlow fit 34 {gd. hillij, pict). • r. Ferns 8, Camoiin 11, Gorey 18, Arklow 29 (gd. iind. pict). Harrow Cross Rds. 8, Clogh 16, Gorey 19 (med. rd.). Wells Cross Rds. 8, Ford 12 (med. rd.). Ballyman 7, MovUla 10, Castlebridge 13, Wexford ffl. 16 {med. fl. rd.). oyiegate 6, Wexford ^ 13 (gd. rd. pict). Bree 5, Taghmon 15, Wellington Br. 22, Ballyback 33, (ferry -65) Waterford ffl. 41 (med. und. pict.). The Leap 5, Clonroche 9, Ballyanne Br. 18, NeW ROSS 21 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/lU asc. at 19 m.). Kiiteaiy 10, Baiiymurphy 15, Borris 19, Kilkenny St 36 (gd. hilly, pict., 1/10 desc. at 15 m.). im Portsmouth Arms, TempU Shannon, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed [H Court [e] ins Gratis. m Railway, Temple Shannon, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/ Shed 50 y Gratis [2] lAC :f> 25. f^*i Wm. Devereux, 1, George's St, Agt. for Humber, T Devereux. — J. N. Greene & Sons, 10, Georges St., T Greene '^ 5. ENNISKILLEN ® (Femianagh), M. 36, Pop. 5,412. M.D., Tties. See :-Parish Ch. (A) ; R. C. Church (Gothic) (C) ; Castle (Rns.) (D) ; Town Hall (G) ; Forthill ; E. Portona Cas. (Rns.) 1 ; E. IV : Marble Arch and Caves 8. ^ E. 3. ENNISKILLEN. 1 Townhall Street 4 Forthill Street 2 East Bridge Street 6 Strabane Road 3 Belmore Street 6 Dublin Road TT PARISH CHURCH C.R.C. CHURCH 0. CASTLE RUINS Q.TOWN HALL R.S.-P.S.-B.- (See p. 3 ) 10 Darling Street 7 Tempo Road 11 Anne Street 8 High Street 12 Henry Street 9 Church Street 13 Brook Street E.I : by Townhall St, East Bridge St., Belmore St, Forthill St., and Strabane Rd. :— Bellanamallaret 7, Kilskerry 10, The Diamond 14, • 15, Drumquin 23. Victoria Br. 35, Strabane 40 (gd. ly. und.). • r. 15, Dromore 17, Omagli M 26 (gd. und.), Dungiven 60, Coleralne 79 (mount, v. pict). ENNISTIMON - 628 - Enniskillen (continued). E II : by Townhall St., East Bridge St., Belmore St.,'DxiUin Rd., and TempoXciab'by 12. Fivemiletown 15; Clogher 22, Augher • 24, Augh- nacloy 32, Poriadown 58, Belfast a 84 ((jd. sin. pict.). • 1. Augher 24, Ballygawley 30, Dungannon 43 (med. und. pict.). E. Ill : by Townhall St., East Bridge St., Belmore St., and Dublin TamiaVht 4, Lisiiaskea 12, Donagh Cross Eds. 16, Newtown Butler • 18, Bailyhaise 30, Virginia 49, Kells &. 61, Navan ffl. 71 (med. v.nd. pict.), Dublin ffl. 100. ^ ^ • 1. Newtown Butler 18, Clones 24, Castleblayney 47, Dundalk 64 (gd. und. rd.). E. IV : by High St., Church St., Darling St., Anne 2. d^ Imperial, Townhall St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis a lAC :f> 16 PO. ffm Michelin Stockists, John Lemon & Son, Utd., 33, East Bridge St., Agt. for HuMBEK, [F] U S Sun., Night, T Lemon hP> 22. — J. Maguire, ^6, Darling St.,[2}U \ lAC T Maguire Motorist ;p> 35. Ennistimon (Clare), M. 38, 34, Pop. 1,223. 1 -? Ballyvaughan 18 — Kilfenora 5, carran 14, Kinvarra29= 2 < Corrofln 11, Gort 25, Loughrea 40 — Ennis ®. 16 = Lahinch 3 «: aiffs of Moher 10 — Belmont 9, Milltown Malbay 10 — Lahinch 3, Belmont 9, Kilkee 31. a Daly, Parliament St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed 60 y Gratis [2]. f^u P. J. McMahon, Church St. (Cycles). — J. Roughan & Co., Main St. (Cycles). Eyrecourt (Co. Galway), M. 35, Pop. 414, ^^ Banagher 7. See :— E. Lismore Cas. 3. Ballinasloe 12 = Banagher 7 < Birr 15 — Cloghan 12 = Portumna 10 = Loughrea 19. FERMOY m (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 6,517. M.D., Sat. See :— R. C. Cath. (A); N. the " Caves of Mitchelstown " (Ballyporeen) 13 ; N.E. Glen of the Araglin (Ballyderoon Cas.) 4 ; N.W. Glanworth Cas. 4. ^ S.W. (E. Ill), ^k, Apr. 29th; Aug. 2nd. E. I : 6j/ Fermoy Br., King Sq., Barrack Hill, and Clogheen Rd. ;— • 2, Mitchelstown 10, Kilbeheney Br. 13, Cahir 25, New Inn 30, Cashel 36 (tned. hilly, pict., 1/15 asc. at 1 m. and desc. at 3 m.). • r. 2, Kilworth 3, Ballyporeen 13, Clogheen 18, Ardflnnan 24, Clonmel ®. 33 (med. hilly, pict., 1/11 desc. at 38 m.), Dublin a 140. E. II : by Fermoy Br., King Sq., Frances St., and Rathealy Rd. :— Ballyduff 10, Cappoquin 19, Dxmgarvan 30 (v. pict.), Anns Court 38, The Sweep 53, Watcrford a 59 (gd. rd., 1/17 asc. at 3U m.). E. Ill : by King St. , Cork Hill, and Cork Rd. :— Woodside Ho. • 1, Aghera 8, Ballynoe 11, Ballynock Br. 15, Mount Uniacke 18, Youghal a 26 (bad rd.). • r. Woodside Ho. 1, Rathcormack 4, Watergrasshill 10, Sallybrook 17, Cork SL 22 (gd. hilly, pict., 1/lU desc. at 16 m.). E. IV : by Fermoy Br., King Sq., Glanworth Rd., and Ballyhooly Rd. :- BaUyhooiy 5, KUavuiiin 12, Mallow Si 18 (gd. V. und. V. pict, 1/8 desc. at 8^ m.). 1 FOYNES Fermoy (continned). E. V : Inj Fermoy Br., King Sq., and Glamoorth Rd. :— Grange 1, Glanworth 5, Rockmills 9, Kildorrery 10, Ardpatrick 19, Kilmallock 24, Brua 30, Hoiycross 32, Limerick ffl. 45 (gd. hilly, liict.). FERMOY SCALE 1 Fermoy Bridge 2 King's Square 3 Barrack Hill 4 Clogheen Road 5 Frances Street 6 Rathealy Road 7 King Street 8 Cork HiU 9 Cork Road 10 Glanworth Road 11 Ballyhooly Road 12 Patrick Street RoyAl H. m. Royal, Queen's Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D '3/- 113/6 Chfr 5/- Gar Shed Court ins Gratis jlo) ;p> 16. |*a Imperial, Frances St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 4/- [cH Shed 13 Shelter [2] Court {2} ins Gratis. ^^B Michelin Stocl(ist, J. S. Noble, Queen's Sq., Agt. for Humber, Overland, m U % Sun., T Noble. Fethard (Co. Tipperary), M. 40, Pop. 1,498. See :— Church (Goth.) ; Walls ; Gateways. ■^^ {Tipperary Hunt) May 10th. Thurles a 18 = Callan 16, Kilkenny a 26 = Lakefleid Demesne 3, Cionmel a 9 = Cionmel fi. 9 s= Cahir 14 = Cashel 10. © Stokes', B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Shed ins Gratis [ej lAC. ^s T. Kenrick & Co., Main St. FlntonsL (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop. 1,107. See :— Church (Rns.). ^ W. Omagh ffl. 9 = Ballygawley 13, Dungannon 26 = Clogher 10, Monaghan 27 = Fivemiletown 9, Clones 25 = 1 < Tempo 11, Ennlskilien ffl. 19 — Irvinestown 16 — Tempo 11, Lisnaskea 20 = Droniore 6, Irvinestown 14, Kesh 19. Fivemiletown (Tyrone), M. 36, Pop. 481. See :— Arghentine Cas. (E.ns.). Fintona 9, Omagh a 18 = Clogher 7, Aughnacloy 17 = Monagiian 19 = Clones 16 = Brookborough 6 < Enniskillen ffi. 19 — Lisnaskea 11, (ferry -61) Ballyconnell 23 = Enniskillen ^ 15. Fox-Ford (Mayo), M. 35, Pop. 615, Baliina 10 = 6 < Aciare 13, Tobercurry 21 — Swineford 9, Kilkelly 16 = Beiiavary 7 < Headford 42 — Castlebar a 15 = Newport 24. Foynes (Co. Limerick), IVI. 39, Pop. 312. 2 < Newcastle 13— Askeaton 7, Kiidimo 14, Limerick fi. 23 = Glin 9, Tarbert 13. j|?l||l. The Monteagle Arms, B 2^- L 2/- D 2/6 112/6 Chfr 7/- Shed Gratis [6] T Hotel. FRANKFORD - 630 - Frankford (King's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 574, ^ Ferbane 8. 1 < Ferbane 8, Athlone ffi 21 — Cloghan 7, Baliinasloe 24 = Tullamore ffi 13 = Mountrath 17, Abbeyleix 25 = Roscrea ffl. 18 = Birr 10. QALWAY ® (Co. Galway), M. 35, EH, Pop. 13,249. M.D., Wed., SaL See '—Queen's College (Goth.) (A) ; Court House (C) ; Lynch's Mansion (D) * St. Nicholas' Ch. (XlVth c.) (E) ; Claddagh ; E, Roscam Round Tower 4. :?: W. 3 (E. IV). oi^ Aug. 6-7th. E.\ : by Eyre St., Woods Quay, and Headford Rd. :— Ballindooly 4, Headford 17, Cross 24, Ballinrobe 30, Partry • 36, The Triangle 44, Wcstpoft 49 {mM. ly. und. picL). • r. Partry 36, Ballbean 42, CaStlCbar ffl. 47 {med. pict). A.QUEENS COUEGE C COURT HOUSE ..D.LYNCHS MANSION /E.ST NICHOLAS L-R.S.-G. GALWAY. r 1 Eyre Street 2 Wood Quay 6 College Road 10 Lower Dominlok St 3 Headiord Road 7 William Street llDomliuck Street 4 Prospect Hill 8 Shop Street 12 William Street West t Forster Street 9 Main Guard St 13 Salt Hill Road Vim. 14£gliiiton Street 16 St Francis Street 16 St Vincent's Avenue 17 Newcastle Road E. II : fty Prospect Hill .— Claregalway 7, Loughgeorge • 8, Liss 18, Horseleap Cross Rds. 22, Moylough 26, Baiiygar 38, Atbieague 43, Roscommon 48 (ined. und.), Longford S. 67, Cavan 99, Monaghan 128, Armagh a 146, Belfast ffl. 183. • 1. Loughgeorge 8, ciaretuam 18, Tuam ^ 21 {gd. ly. und.), Dunmove 30, Ballyhaunis 41, Sligo & 85. E. Ill : by Forster St. and College Rd. .— Oranmore • 6, • 10, Athenry 14, Bellafa Bridge 26, Kilconell 32, BalllnaSloe 40 (gd. rd.), Athlone ^ 56, Dublin a 134. • 1". Oranmore 6, Clarinbridge 9, Kilcolgan • • 11, Owenbristy 16, Kiltartan 20, Gort 22, Crusheen 33, EhhIs & 41 {vied. ly. und.). • • V. Kilcolgan 11, Kinvarra 17, Corraniss 21, Burren 25, Bealclugga 27, Bally vaughan 32 {med. ly. und.). • r. 10, Craughwell 15, Loughrea 23 Killimor 35, Portumna 42, Birr 57 {tned. und., 1/13 desc. at 56 m.), Roscrea &. 69, Kilkenny S^ 106. E. IV : by William St., Shop St., Main Guard St., O'Brien Br., Lower Dmninick St., Dmninick St., William St. W., and Salt Hill Rd, :— Barna 5, SpidnUe 12, Inveran 20, Screeb 31, Gortmore 34, Kilkciran 41, Carna 46, GUn.sk 50, Cashel 56, Toombeola,Br. 60, Roundstone 64, Ballyconneely 70, Baliinaboy 76, Clifden 78 {med. v. pict., 1/12 asc. at U2 m.). - 631 - GLENGARRIFF Qalway (contimied). E.N : by William St., Eglinton St., St. Francis St., St. Vincent's Av., New Br., and Newcastle Ed. :— MoycuUen 8, Oughterard 17, Maam Cross 27, RecQSS 35, Canal Br. 39, Toom- beola Br. 42, Ballinabog Br. 51, Clifden 53 (gd. und. picL). em Railway, Eyre Sq., B 3/- L 2/6 D 4/- K, 3/6 Chfr 6/ 8 Gar 100 y lAC. m. Royal, Eyre St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 113/6 Chfr 5/- 8 Gar adj Gratis [1]. j^ The Waverley, Eyre Sq., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 4/- Chfr 5/- gg 5 Gar ins Gratis fe] T Storniouth. ffv Michelin Stockist, J. J. Ward, The Motor House, Eyre Sq., Agt. for HU3IBER, Belsize, Napier, Krit, [351 Boxes [4] LT % Sun. lAC T Motors, Qa.rron Point (Antrim), M. 33 {not marked on map). See :— Bunmaul Rock. Cushendall 6 = Glenarra 8. Hi Garron Tower {May to Oct.), B 2/- L 2/6 R 2/6 to 5/- Chfr 6/- Court ins Gratis [lal . Garva.g:h (Co. Londonderry), M. 33, Pop. 562. Railway Br. 4 < Ballymoney ffl. 10 — Coieraine 14 = Kilrea 6, Ballymena fi. 20 = Maghera 10, Tobermore 13 = Dungiven 12, Londonderry a 32 = Limavady 13, Londonderry a 29. ^ Imperial, Main St., B 1/9 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6 /- Shed ins Gratis [3]. Giants' Causeway (Londonderry), M. 33. See :— The Three "Causeways"; Giants' Well; The Wishing Chair; The Organ • ; Portcoon and Runkerry Caves (by boat). Baiiintoy 5, Ballycastle ^ 12 = Bushmills 2, Coieraine 10. ai Kane's Causeway (June to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Clifr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [6] I AC T Causeway Hotel, Bushmills. Jgi Kane's Royal, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed Court ins Gratis g] T Kane Causeway, Bushmills. Gilford (Down), IVi. 37, Pop. 1,199. See :— Gilford Cas. Lurgan 8 = Banbridge 5 = Poyntzpass 6, Newry a 15 = Tanderagee 3, Armagh 15 = Portadown 6. Gienarm (Co. Antrim), IV!. 33, Pop. 1,056, ^ Lame 12. See :— Castle ; Franciscan Monastery (Rns. XVth c), Larne j®. 12, Carrickfergus 26, Belfast®. 36 = Ballymena a 17 = Garron Point 8, Cushendall 14. Antrim Arms Hotel, Main St., lAC. f^" S. Buntin (Cycles). Gienbeigrh (Co. Kerry), M. 38 (not marked on map). Pop. 3,025 P. Killorglin 8 = Caherciveen 18. Glenbeigh Hotel, lAC. Giendaioug'h (Co. Wicklow), M. 37 (not marked on map), ^g Rath- drum §. See :— The Seven Churches (Rns.)* ; St. Kevin's Kitchen ; Round Tower. Wicklow Gap 5 (fine views) 10 < Ballymore Eustace 18— Blessington 19 = Leragh 1 < Dublin & 30 — Rathdrum 8. jgft Royal, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar U ins Gratis (HIAC. Gieng:arri#F(Co. Cork), M. 38, Pop. 1,070 P, ^ Bantry 11. See :— Castle ; CromwelFs Br. ; S.W. Sugarloaf (1,887 ft.). Kenmare 18, Killarney a 38 = Baiiyiicky Cross Eds. 7 •<5 Macroom SL 37 — Bantry 10 = 21 < Castletown Berehaven 22 — Ardgroom 31, Kenmare 53. JUL Eccles, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Gar U adj Gratis \M\ lAC. ffll Roches, D 4/6 Chfr 7/- Gar U ins Gratis lAC T Roches. Head carefully the preliminary explanations, pp. 1 to 12. GLIN - 632 - Qlin (Co. Limerick), M. 38, Pop. 714, ^ Foynes stn. 8. See :— Glin Cas. Foynes 9, Askeaton 16, Limerick ja 32 = Newcastle 15, Kilmallock 38 = Abbeyfeale 15, Castleisland 29 = Listowel 13, Traiee ffi 30 = Tarbert 4, Traiee j®. 34. Si Bicknell's, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Shed Gratis [1]. Gorey # (Co. Wexford), M. 4t, Pop. 2,178. See :-Clmrch ; R. C. Chapel. ^ W. Inch Cross Rds. 6, Arklow 11, Wicklow 27 = Ford 14, Wexford fi. 31 = Wells 12, Wexford a 27 = Clogh 3 •< EnniSCOrthy 18 — The Harrow Cross Rds. 11, Enniscorttiy 19 = Newtownbarry ffl. 20 = HoUyfort 5, Newtownbarry fi 21. m Ram's Arms, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 4/- Shed g) Court [l5] ins Gratis :p> 9. Railway Hotel, Main St., I AC. f^m IVIichelin Stocl(ist, Bates & Sons, St. Michael's Rd., Agt. for HUMBKR, [12] U \ Sun., Night, T Bates if* 2. — Miciieiin IVI.C.T., R. H. Nixon, 1,2, Main St., Agt. for FORD g] U % Sun., Night (Motor Cycles). Gort (Co. Galway), IW. 35, Pop. 1,339. See :— S.W. Kilmacduagh (Cathedral, Round Tower) 3. :^«i Aug. 1st. Galway fi 22 = 1 •< Loughrea 15 — Portumna 28 = Crusheen 11 < Tulla 21 — Ennis SL 19 = 1 -s Corrofln 14, Ennistimon 25 — Kinvarra 9. m Commercial, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis d], ffsi John M. Glynn (Cycles). Grai^uenamanagh ^ (Co. Kilkenny), IVI. 40, Pop. 852, ^ Borris 6. See :— Abb. of Duiske (Xlllth c.) ; Tinnachinch Cas. Borris 6 < Newtownbarry ffl. 20 — Bagenalstown ^ 14 = New Ross 15 = Waterford a 27 = Thomastown 9, Carrick-on-Suir 31. JfiL The Anchor, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed [7] Court [6] 100 y. f^B IVIichelin Stockists, John M. Murphy & Son, Main St., Agt. for Ford, [1] U T John Murphy. Granard (Co. Longford), M. 36, E3. Pop. 1,622, ^ Ballywillin stn. 4. See :— Moat of Granard ; N.W. Lough Gowna 4, Cavan 20 = Brackiagh 4, 5 < Ballyjamesduff 15, Virginia 21 — Oldcastle 17, Kells fi. 32 = Castlepollard 12 = 11 < Ballymore 28, Moate 36 — Mullingar ffl. 22 = Edgeworthstown 8, Ballymahon 20 = Longford Si 15 = Arvagh 12 < KiUashandra 20, Belturbet 28 — Ballinamore 27. ^w W. T. Moody. Greenore (Louth), M. 37, Pop. 323. See :— Lough Carlingford. ^. Rampart Inn 1 «; Dundalk 15 — Newry a 15. Jg^ Greenore, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 5/- Chfr 6/6 Lft $ Gar U 200 y N 1/- [t] T Bestotel. Grey Abbey (Down), M. 33, Pop. 563, ^ Newtownards 7. See :— Abbey (Rns.). Bangor 11 = Baiiyvaiter 3 -? Donaghadee 11, Bangor 18 — Portaferry 23 = Portaferry 12 = Newtownards 7, Belfast Sl 17. Greystones # (Co. Wicklow), M. 37, Pop. 856. ^. Bray 5 = Wicklow 14. iii Grand, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/- Chfr 6/- Box (T) Gar [6] Court [20] ins Gratis N 1/- qp" 11. Railway Hotel (op/). Stn.). ?f" Michelln Stockist, A. F. Archer, Malvern Rd., g] Box \ Sun. Oweedore (Donegal), M. 31. Exc. :— Asc. of Errigal (fine views) ; finest cliff scenery in United Kingdom on the road to Malin Moor. — 633 — KELLS Gweedore (continued). 2 < Dunfanaghy 17, Creesiough 23, Kiimacrenan 32, Letterkenny 39 — Meennamolt Br. 11, Kiimacrenan 17, Letterkenny 24 = Dungloe 13, Glenties 27, Ardara 33 < Donegal 50 — Glencolumbkille 48, Malin Moor 51, Carrick 58, Kilcar 61, KiUybegS 68, Dunkineely 74, Donegal 85 = Bloody Foreland (alt. 1,038 ft.) 10, Bedium 17, Gweedore 25 (cirmlar). m Gweedore, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/6 Clifr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [6] lAC T Hotel. Head-ford (Co. Galway), M. 35, Pop. 511, ^ Tuam 13. see :-N.W. Monastery of Koss (XlVth c.) 2. Shruie 4 «; Beiiavary 35, Foxford 42, Ballina 52 — Claremorris 20 = Tuam a 13 = CurrandoUagh Cross Rds. 7 < Ga^Way ®. 17 — Athenry 23 = ( ferry -62 ; no motors) Knock 5, Oughterard 13 = Ballinrobe 13, Westport 32. ^m Michael Walsh (Cycles). Hlllsborougrh (Down), M. 33, Pop, 671. See :— The Fort ; Gothic Ch. ; Castle. Lisbum ffl. 4, Belfast a 12 = l < Comber 16, Newtownards 20 — Ballyna- hiuch 9, Downpatrick 19 = ciough 19, Newcastle 26 s= Droniore 5, Banbrrdge 12, Newry ^ 26 =r Moira 7, Lurgan 12. Holywood (Down), M. 33, fupl . Pop. 3,840. See:— Church; Maypole. Baiiyrobert 4 < Bangor 8, Donaghadee 15 — Donaghadee 14 ss Lisburn ffl. 15 = Belfast a 6. ^fsea J. McKelvey, Shore St. Hospital (Co. Limerick), W. 39, Pop. 697, ^ Knocklong stn. 3. See:— Kenmare Cas. (E,ns.). Limerick fi. 17 = Paiias 9, Limerick a 23 = Mitchelstown 17, Fermoy a 27 = Bruff 5, Croom 14, Ballingarry 22. Howth (Co. Dublin), IVI. 37, Pop. 1,166. See :-Collegiate Ch. (Xllth c.) ; College (XVIth c.) ; The Castle; N. Ireland's Eye 1. 2 < Dublin a 9 — Malahide 8, Swords 11. Claremont Hotel, lAC. Irvinestowrn (Fermanagh), M. 32, Pop. 789. Dromore 8, Omagh ®. 17 = 1 < Fintona 16 — Ennisklllen a 10 = Kesh 5, Pettigo 10, Belleek 23, Ballyshannon 28. Kanturk (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 1,583. M.D., Sat. See :— it. C. Chapel ; Castle (McDonagh's Folly). Newcastle 24 = Liscarroll 9, Charleville 20 = Mallow fi. 13 = Banteer 4 < Cork ffi. 35 — Millstreet 13, Macroom 25 = Boherboy 8, Killarney A. 32 = Newmarket 5, Abbeyfeale 28. Jgl. The Egmont Arms, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shelter ins Gratis g]. IT" I>- D- Mahoney, Strand St. (Cycles). — Mrs. Mahoney, The Square (Cycles). Keady (Co. Armagh), M. 37, Pop. 1,466, ^ Armagh 8. Armagh 8 = Markethill 10, Banbridge 23 = Newtown Hamilton 8 <. Newry a 20 — Oundalk 24 = Castleblayney 10 = 4 < Ballybay 13 — Monaghan 13 = Caledon ll, Aughnacloy 20. Kells # (Meath), M. 36, EH, Pop. 2,428. M.D., Sat. See :— St. Colomeille's Ho. (traditional age 1,500 years) ; Round Tower ; The Crosses ; W. Dulane Ch. 2. ::^ Jwne IMh. Moynaity 5 < Kingscourt 14 — Bailieborough 16, Cootehill 30 = Carians - town 3 < Dundalk 31 — Ardee 19 = SUne 15, Drogheda ffl. 24 = Navan a 10 = Athboy 9, Trim 16 =: Mullingar a 27 = Newgiove 4 < Castlepollard 20 — Oldcastle 15, Granard 32 = Virginia 12. It^ Headfort Arms, Headfort Place, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 3/6 Chfr 7/- Shed Court ins Gratis jo]. f^M Michelln Stockist, G. Cooney, Ltd., Kenlis PL, Agt. for Bel- size, Darracq, Ford, (H) Boxes [HUNT Cooney. M.CT. KENMARE - 634 -. Ken mare (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 1,122. M.D., Wed. See :— .Suspension Br. ; R. C. Ch. ; Convent of Poor Clares ; Cromwell's Fort. :^. K I Harney A 20 = Macroom A 31 =r Glengariif 18, Bantry 26 = Waterville 37, t'aherciveen 47. gig Great Southern, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- [^ « Gar adj Gratis [6] T Southern. 576. M.D., Thurs. See :— Cathedral (Xlllth c) ; Round Tower (105^ ft.) ; Castle (Xlllth c.) ; Carmelite Monast. (Rns.) ; Hill of Allen (676 ft.). ::jdk Ajn'. ■ 32nd-23rd. Maynooth 22 = Newbridge a 6, Naas ffi. 12 = Curragh Camp a 3, Kil- cullen 7, Ballymore Eustace 13, Blessington 17 = Athy 13, Cariow A 25 = Monasteverin fit 7, Baiiydavis 17 < Abbeyleix 28 — Maryborough 20 = Rathangan 6, Edenderry ffl. 15. m. Railway, Railway Ed., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 7/- :p' 12. ffm Denis Carbery, Railway Rd.,[S\\S \ Sun. T Carbery ;p> 5. Kilfenora (Clare), M. 34, Pop. 219, ^ Ennistimon 5. See :— Cathedral ; Ballykinvarga Caher; S.E. Round Tower; Castle (Rns.) ; Kilnaboy Ch. (Rns.) 6. Lisdoonvarna 5, Clifls of Moher 13 = Leameneli Cas. 4 < Ballyvaughan 18 — Corrofln 8, Ennis a 17 — Leameneh Cas. 4, Kinvarra 24 = Ennistimon 5, Milltown Malbay 15 = Clifla of Moher 11. Kiifinnane (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 1,016, ^ Kilmaliock 6. See :— Rath (70 ft.). Ballylanders 6, Tipperary 18 = Ardpatrick 3, Buttevant 16, Mallow a 23. Kilkee (Clare), M. 38, Pop. 1,661. See :— N, Ballard Bay (Cliffs, Cave) 4 ; S. Castle Point (Doonlicka Cas.) 4 ; S.W. Loop Head (View) 16. X- Beaiaciugga Br. 19 -? Lahinch 28, Ballyvaughan 59 — Milltown IMalbay 20 — Beaiaciugga Br. 19, Lahinch 28, Ennistimon 81 = Moyaston 5 •<: Ennis a 35 — Kilrush 8, Clarecastle 39, Ennis a 42 = Loop Head 17. im Moore's, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 3/6 Chfr 7/- Shed 100 y M 1/- N 1/6 m- M Royal Marine, B 2/- L 2/6 D 8/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar Shelter ins Gratis [5]. a West End, Promenade (May to Oct.), B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/0 Chfr 5/6 Shed Court [t] ins Gratis. fP« J. J. McGrath, O'Curry St. 635 — KILKENNY Kilkeei (Down), M. 37, Pop. 1,374, ^ Warrenpoint 12. M.D., Wed. See :— Mourne Abb. ; N. Aunalong (Donard's Cave, Maggy's Leap) 6. Rathfriland 16, Banbridge 27 = Newcastle 13, Ballynahinch 29 = Greenore {ferry -60 ; no motors) 6, DundaJk 21 = Rosstrevor 10, Warrenpoint 12, Newry ffl. 19. m Kilmorey Arms, Greencastle St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Iclfl Shed ins Gratis |6] T Stevenson. l"f"" D. McAtee, Greencastle St. Kilkelly (Mayo), M. 35, Pop. 204, ^ Kiitamagh 7. Tobercurry 14, Collooney 27 = Ballaghaderreen 12, Carrick-on-Shannon 34 = Castlerea 17, Roscommon 34 = BruU 2 < Ballyhaunis 10, Dun- more 21 — Claremorris 14, Ballinrobe 27 = 1 < KiiUmagh 7, Castlebar a 23 — Swineford 7, Balllna 23. KILKENNY # (Co. Kilkenny), M. 40, ^, Pop. 10,513. M.D., Wed., Fri., Sat. See :— St. Canice's Cath. (A) ; R. C. Cath. (C) ; Franciscan Priory (D) ; St. John's Ch, (E) ; Mai'ket Ho. (J) ; St. Mary's Ch. (F) ; Castle (H) ; Black Friary ; Duiunoi* Caves N. 4 (E. I). ^ N.W. 1 (E. VIII). KILKENNY *. ST. CANICE'S CATHEDRAL 0. FRANCISCAN PRIORY (RNS.) F. ST. HARYS CHURCH H. CASTLE C. R. C. CATHEDRAL E. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH J. MARKET HOUSE i Rosin street 8 The Parade 2 John's Bridge 9 Arohers Street 3 John Street Lower 10 Bennettsbridge Road 4 John Street Upper 11 Patrick Street B Castlecomer Hew Road 13 Ormonde Road 6 Castlecomer Road 13 Upper New Street 7 Dublin Road 14 W^aterford Road 15 Kells Road le New Road 17 James's Street 18 Kenny's WeU Street 19 High Street ao ParUament Street 21 Vloar Street 22 Bishop's HIU 23 Freshiord Road 24 Ballybought Street 25 Heborn Road See pp. 3 to 6 for the list o/Conventiona.1 Siffns and Abbreviations. KILLALA - 636 - Kilkenny (continued). E. I : hi/ John's Bridge, John St. Upper, and Castlecomer Rd. :— • 4,"jenkin8tow-n 5, Oastlecomer 12, Kailyard 16, Newton Cross Rds. 18, Baiiylynan 25, Athy 29, Naas SSt. 51 {med. hilly, 1J17 desc. at U m.), Dublin & 72. • 1. 4, Dinin Br. 5, Baiiyragget 11, Attanagh 14, Abbeyleix 20, Mary- borough 29 (med. und.). E. II : fnf John's Bridge, John St. Upper, and Castlecomer Ed. — Fox .and Goose Inn 6, • 7, Boherboy 11, Koyal Oak 13, Leighlinbridge 16, Carlow a 24 (gd. hilly, pict). • r. 7, Gouran9, Goresbridge 13, Borris 17, EnniscOfthy SQ(1/10 a.sc. at 'n m.). E. Ill : hy The Parade and Bennettsbridge Rd. :— Bennettsbridge 5, Thomastown 11, Inistioge 16, NeW ROSS 27 (1/13 deSC. at JU m.), Wexford Si 50 (gd. mid. pict.). E. IV : by Patrick St., Upper New St., and Water/ord Rd. :— Danesfort Cross 5, Stoneyford 9, Knocktopher 13, Ballyhale 15, Slullinavat 22, Waterford S. 30 ( 4. im Imperial, The Parade, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- [cS Shed 15 y Gratis g] T Imperial. Royal Victoria Hotel, High St. and Parade. f^ai Miciielin Stockists, csoc^ Statha.m & Co., 70, High St., King St. and James St., Agt.for FIAT, Humber, Flanders, Bel- size, Singer, Darracq, [so] U ^Sun., Night, I AC T Stathani :p> 16. — IVIichelin Stockists. Lambert & Co., Patrick St., Agt. for VAuxHALL, Ford, Vulcan, [Ml LT \ Sun., Night, lAC T Lambert :p> 21. Killala (Mayo), M. 31, 35, Pop. 510. See :— Cathedral ; Round Tower ; Souterrain ; N. Rathfran Abb. (Rns.)4. Ballycastle 9, Belmullet 39 = Ballina 8 = Crossmolina 10, Newport' 32, Westport 40. Killaloe (Clare), IVI. 39, Pop. 885. See :— Cathedral (Xllth c.) ; Stone-roofed Ch. ; Lough Derg ; N.W. Tom- graney Ch. 9. ^^ N. i (Oct. 15th to May 15th). Scarifl 11 < Clones Br. 25, Portumna 34 — Loughrea 45 — Scarifl 11, Clones Br. 25, Woodford 28, Loughrea 43 = Paiias Beg 10 < Puckaun 16, Por- tumna 36 — Nenagh 14 = Nenagh 12 = Limerick m 14 = Ennis & 27. 1*1^ Graces', Ayle Vane House, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar 100 y Gratis [2]. Royal Hotel. Shannon View Hotel. f^"» W. Gleeson, Bridge St. (Cycles). — T. Walsh, Main St. (Cycles). KILLARNEY # (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 5,656. M.D., Sat. See:— R. C. Cath. (Goth.) (A); Lakes* • ; N.W. : Aghadoe Ch., Cas. and Round Tower (Rns.) 3; Ross Cas; Muckross; Innisfalleu ; Gap of Dunloe ; Purple Mountain ; Tore Waterfall ; Mangerton ; Car- rantnohill. ^ 1. 637 KILLARNEY rney (continued). E. I : by High St. and Fever Hospital Rd. :— Farranfore Cross Eds. • 9, Castleisland 15, Headley Br. 24, Abbeyfeale 29, BaUymurragh 36, Newcastle 42, Rathkeale 50, Adare 58, Limerick A 68 (med. hilly, 1/21 dene, at 3H m.). • 1. Barranfore Cross Rds. 9, EivervUle Cross Kds. 12, Tralee & 20 (». gd. und. V. pict.). E. II : by Main St., Henn St., College St., and Fair Hill :— Woodford Br. • 2, Garries Br. 6, Loo Br. 11, Ballyvoumey 20, Macroom A. 31, Coachford 39, Dripsey 42, Cork flL 56 (poor surface, hilly, V. pict., 1/13 ase. at SI m.). • 1. Woodford Br. 2, Barradufl 8, Eathmore Stn. • • 14, Clonbannin 25, Banteer Croaa Rds. 30, Mallow fi. 41 (gd. hilly, recom. v. pict). • • 1. Eathmore Stn. 14, Boherboy 24, Newmarket 29, Dromma 41, Charle- ville 47, Kilmallock 53, TIpperary 73 (gd. und. pict.), Cashel 85, Dublin & 183. E. Ill : by Main St., Kenmare PL, The Hahah, and Flesk Rd. .— Muckross Abbey 4, Galway Br. 10, Windy Gap 14, KenmarC 20 (mount, rd., 1/11-8-11 asc. at 10 m.). E. IV : by New St., Cathedral PI., and Port Rd. :— Beaufort Br. 6, Killorgliii 13, Glenbeigh 21, Keils stn. 33, Caherciveen 39 (gd., hilly, v. pict.). CIV) KILLARNEY U?*>' . SCALE A.ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL P.S.-G-R.S.- (See p. 3) '■' 1 High Street 2 Fever Hospital Road 3 Main Street 4 Henn Street 5 College Street 6 Fair HUl 7 Kenmare Place .. 8 The Hahah f-vX^ 9 Flesk Road gill ^ 10 New Street ®11 Cathedral Place 12 Port Road lagj Great Southern, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- (£3 5 Gar adj Gratis ^ :f> 26. ifiaS. The Lake, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 4/6 Chfr 7/- 8 Gar ins Gratis m lAC :F' 4A. Wm Royal Victoria, B 3/- L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- 5 Gar ins Gratis [15) lAC T A'ictoria :p> 25. m^ International, Kenmare PL, B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- 5 Gar 50 y Gratis |20! :p> 16. Jia New (Whitsuntide to Oct 1st), B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/- to 3/- Chfr 6/- [c3 5 Gar adj Gratis (^. ^gg. Muckross. B 1/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R3/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis g] :p> 2. i@t The Glebe and Graham's, College SL, B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- s Shed d] Court [f) U ins Grafts T Graham's Hotel :j« 10. ffM Michelin Stockist, R. C. Williams, The Southern Ga.ra.e:e, AgL for SUNBEAM, Dakracq, [Ts] Boxes [8J U Sun., Night, T Williams :^ 32. — John Thompson, Neio St., AgL for FOED, Humbee, [DUN, Sun., T Thompson :f> 37. — James Healy, 13, Henn SL,\3]\J Sun. lAC T Healy. KILLASHANDRA < — 688 — Killaishandra (Co. Cavan), M. 36, Pop. 559, 7 < Belturbet 8, Clones 20 — Enniskillen a 29 = Crossdoney 6 < Bella nanafrli 8, Oldcastle 24 — Cavan 12 = Arvagh 8 «5 Granard 20 — Longford & 27 = Mohill 17 = Carrick-on-Shannon 27 = Ballinamore 14, Drumshanbo 26. f^H Clark Bros. (Cycles). Killorsrlin (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 1,018. M.D., Thurs. See :— Castle (Rns.). Castlemaine 6 < Castleisland 19 — TralCC a 16 = Kiilarney a 18 = Glencar Hotel 11, Waterville 31 = Caragh 4, Caherciveen 26. S[ Railway, B 2/- L 1/6 D 2/6 H 2/- Chfr 4/- Shed ins Gratis [g. ^^m T. & R. Stephens, Bridge St. and The Square. — Hugh Whyte, Langford St. (Cycles). Killybesrs (Co. Donegal), M. 31, Pop. 607. See :— Castle (Rns.) ; R. C. Chap, ; St. Catherine's Well. 2 < Ardara 10, Glenties 16, Dungloe 30 — Donegal 17 = Glencolumbkille 17, Ardara 32, Glenties 38, Dungloe 52 {the desc. to Ardara is v. dang. ; the worst hill in Ireland). Killyleasrh (Down), M. 33, Pop. 1,410, ^ Crosegar 5. See :— Castle ; Church. Comber 11, Belfast a 20 = Downpatrick a 6, Castlewellan 17 = Crossgar 5, Belfast a 21 = Saintfield 9 < Lisburn a 19 — Belfast a 20. Kilmallock (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop, 1,027. See :— Two Castellated Mansions ; Two Gateways ; Castle ; SS. Peter and Paul's Cli. (Goth.) ; Dominican Abb. (Rns. Xlllth c). ::^ Apr. 3rd. Brufl 6, Limerick a 21 = Tipperary 20 = Fermoy a 24 = Charleville 6, Newmarket 24 = Ballingarry 13, Rathkeale 18, Askeaton 25. ifiL O'Sullivan's, Lord Edward St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- « Shed m Court [IS] adj Gratis lAC T O'SuUivan Sons ;p> 5. Clery's Hotel, Lord Edward St. ^^" Hogan Bros., Sheares St. Kilrea (Co. Londonderry), M. 33, Pop. 7s7. Coleraine 15 = EasharkiB 4 -z Ballymena a 14 — Cushendall 28 = Castle Dawson 14, Portadown 45 = Maghera 9, Tobermore 12, Cookstown 26 = Garvagh 6, Limavady 19. Kilrush (Clare), IVI. 38, E3, Pop- 4,179. M.D., Wed., Sat. See :— Harbour ; Scattery Island (Oratory, Round Tower, Holy Well) 2. :^ Aug. 19th. Liscasey 15, Enilis a 27= Killadysert 20, Ennlsa 34 = Kilkee 8, Loop Head 25 = Doonbeg 8, Milltown Malbay 21 = Cooraclare 6, Ennistimon 29. ^ Williams, Francis St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratia [4]. S^ J. Bourke, OU-ol, Henry St. (Cycles). — J. J. Corry, Henry St. (Cycles). King:8COurt (Co. Cavan), IVI. 36, 37, Pop. 842. Carrickmacross 8, Castteblayney 20 = 1 «: Orogheda a 26 — Dundalk 22 =: Navan a 19 = Kells a 14, Athboy 23 = Bailieborough 8, Cavan 28 = Shercock 8, Cootehill 18. Kinerstown (Co. Dublin), M. 37, EPJ) Pop. 17,227. See -.—The Harbour ; East Pier ; Town Hall. ^ E. 1, Blackrock 3, Dublin a 8 = Dalkey 2, KUiJney 4, Bray 9, Wicklow 28, JMI Royal Marine, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/6 Chfr 6/- Lft 5 Gar U ins M -/6 N 1/- (TO) T Comfort Tf^ 180 and 181. ja I^oyal Mail, Crofton Rd., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter \M Court SI ins Gratis lAC T Mail Hotel :p> 190. JggL Ross's Victoria, Victoria Terrace, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- to 5/6 ICHi Gar adj Gratis g] T Ross's Hotel :f> 195 and 196. 4 - 639 - LEOPARDSTOWN Kinsale (Co. Cork), M. 39, EEI, Pop. 4,250. See :-Harbour ; St. Multose Ch. (Xllth c). Cork fiL 17 = Clonakilty 21 = Bandon 12. ^ Sea Viaw, Main St., and Pier, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/p Chfr 5/6 Court ins Gratis [e] T Leyden. VPSi B. Robertson, Main St. (Cycles). — Thomas Bros., 8, Long Quay (Cycles). Kinvarra (Co. Galway), M, 35, Pop. 340, ^ Ardrahan stn. 6. 1 •< Galway j®. 17 — Loughrea 18 = Corrofln 17 = Kilfenora 22 = Corranroo 5 < Kilfenora 24 — Ballyvaughan 15. Lahinch (Co. Clare), M. 38 (not marked on map). See :-N.W. Cliffs of Moher 7. "j^. O'Brien'B Br. 1 «; O'Brien'a Tower (Cliffs of Moher) 7, Lisdoonvama 15 — Lisdoouvarna 9, Ballyvaughan 19 = Ennistymon 3 = Milltown Malbay 7, 15 < Kilrush 28 — Kilkee 27. Ijga The Lahinch Golf Links {March 1st to Oct. 31st), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- [£3 5 Gar LT 20 y [3] Shelter ina [4] Gratis lAC T Links Hotel. Lanesborougrh (Co. Longford), M. 36, Pop. 233, ^g Roscommon 9. Scramoge Cross Rds. 7 < Strokestown 9, Elphin 16 — Drumsna 20, Can'ick- on-Shannon 24 = Longford a 10 = Ballymahon 12, Mullingar a 30 = Roscommon 9. Larne 1 (Co. Antrim), M. 33, EH. Pop- 9,000. M.D., Wed. See :— Olderfleet Cas. ; Waterloo Fort. ^ (islandmagee). Cushendall 26 = Glynn 2 < ^\^lltehead 10, Carrickfergus 14 — Eden 11, Carrickfergus 13 — Glynn 2, Carrickfergus 12 = Baliynure 8 < Belfast a 21 — Ballyclare 10, Antrim 21 = Moorflelds 15 < Randalstown 24 — Bally mena a 21 = camca-stie 6, Glenarm 17. im^ Laharna, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 5/- Chfr 5/- Lft 5 Gar 400 y 2/6 [25l lAC T Midotel :?» 28. Ijgigffi Olderfleet (Station), Lame Harbour, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 6/- Gar LT 100 y M 1/- N 2/- [3] lAC :?• 7. ^ Main St., B 1/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed opp Gratis go] T McNeill :p» 32. Ha King's Arms, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Q Shed 40 y Gratis (20] T McNeill :p> 32. ^« Michelin Stockist, F. C Cradock, Larne Motor Qaragre, Circular Ed., Agt. for JACKSON, dH U \ Sun., Night, T Motors q* 76 and 78. Leenane (Co. Galway), M. 34. 2 •< Westport 21 — Bundorrogha 7, Louisbnrgh 21, Westport 35 = Maam 8, Cong 21, Ballinrobe 30 = Letterfrack 13, Clifden 21, Recess 39, Maam Cross 49, Oughterard 57, Galway ®. 74. jjg^ Leenane (1^ m.), B 2/6 L 2/6 R 3/- Gar ins Gratis gol lAC T Mackeown. Leishlinbride^e (Co. Carlow), M. 40, Pop. 646, ^ Baganalstown 4. See :-Black Cas. (Xllth c.) ; W. Cathedral (Xllth c.) 2. Carlow a 8 = Tullow 12 = Royal Oak 2 •< Whitehall CrosS 2, Kilkenny fi. 16 — Bagenalstown a 4, Borris 12, New Ross 29 — Royal Oak 3, White- hall Cross 5, Thomastown 17 = Castlecomer 13, Ballinakill 20. Leixlip (Co. Kildare), M. 37, Pop. 691. See :— Castle ; Salmon-Leap ; W. Newbridge Br. 1. Dunboyne 5, Black Bull 7, Dfogheda ®. 27 = Lucan 2, Dublin a 11 = Maynooth 4, Kilcock 8, Kmnegad 28, Mullingar a 40. Leopardstown (Co. Dublin), M. 37 {not marked on map). •:^ Apr. 25th; June 13th; Aug. 33rd-36th; Oct. 31st; Nov. 1st; Dec. 26-27th. 8. Dublin a 6. Read carefully on pp. 10, 11, and 12 " How to use the Guide.' LETTERKENNY - 640 - Letterkenny (Co. Donegal), M. 32, ED, Pop. 2,370. M.D., Fri. See :-ll. C. Cath. Ellistria P. H. 4 < Milford 10, Portsalon 20 — Dunfanaghy 22, Horn Hd. 26 — Ellistria P. H. 4, Falcarragh 25, Bloody Foreland 35 — EUistria P. H. 4, Milford 10, Kosapenna 21, Doagh 24 s= Rathmelton 7 = 5 < Newtown Cimningham 12, Londonderry a 20 — Strabane 17 = Stranorlar 13, Donegal 31 = Glenties 27, Glencolumbkille 48, Malin More 51. ia McCarry's, Main St., B 2/- L 3/- D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/- Chfr 4/- Shelter ins Gratis [3] lAC. ff*i J. Colhoun, Main St. — W. J. M'Laughlin, Port Bd. (Cycles). — T. M'Laughlin, Main St. (Cycles). LifFord (Co. Donegal), M. 32, Pop. 446. Strabane l = Raphoe 6, Donegal 33 = Letterkenny 16. Limav£icly(Co. Londonderry), M. 32, EH, Pop. 2,692. M.D., Tiies., Fri. See :— S. Karnes Rock 2 ; Garrick Rocks 6. Beiiarena 5, Coloraine 20 = Coleraino 13 = Ballymoney 20 = Garvagh 13, Kilrea 19, Ballymena 33 = Dungiven 9, Cookstown 32 = ciaudy 13, Strabane 29 = Londonderry a 16. f^*i C. Cooke, Main St. (Cycles). — Wm. Dale, Main St. (Cycles). — M. Gault, 39, Catherine St. (Cycles). LIMERICK 1 (Co. Limerick), M. 39, |CTl, Pop. 38,403. See :— King John's Cas. (Norm.) • (A) ; Walls (Rns.) (C) ; St. Mary's Cath. (D) ; Court Ho. (E) ; St. John's Ch. (F) ; St. John's Cath. (Goth.) (H). ^ S.E. 3 (Ballyclough). ::^ May 7-8th; July 31st; Sept. 25-26th; Dec. 26th. E. I : 6?/ Rutland St., Matthew Br., Bridge St., Athlunkard St., Park Br., and Park Bd. :— New Br. 4, Clonlara 6, O'Brien's Br. 9, KiUaloe 14 (v. gd.). E. II : by Butland St., Charlotte's Quay, Lock Quay , and Clare St. .-— Annacorthy 4, • 5, Newport • 10, Shallee Cross Eds. • 17, Silvermines 20, Delia 22, Toomyvora 30, Moneygall 34, Dunkerrin 38, RoSCrea Si 43 {gd. und.), Maryborough 67, Naas fi. 99, Dublin m. 120. • 1. 6, Castleconnel 8, Montpelier 12, Birdhill 15, Buslifield 19, Nenagh 27 (v. gd. und.). • r. Newport 10, Rear Cross 19, Inch 26, MUestone 27, Rosmult 34, ThUrleS a 40 (1/17 asc, at 1"J m.), Kilkenny a 70 (mount, rd.). • 1. Shallee Cross Rds. 17, Ballyvridagh 19, Nenagh 24, Birr 45 (med. und.). E. Ill : by Patrick St., George St., William St., Upper William, St., Mul- grave St., and Blackboy Bd. : — Douney's Cross Rds. 8, Pallas 14, Oola 18, Tlpperary 24 (med. I'd.), Clonmel a 47, Waterford Si 79. E. IV : by Patrick St., George St., William St., Upper William St.,Miil- grave St., Blackboy Bd., and Kilmallock Bd. ;— Ballyneety Cross 6, Shehans Cross Rds. • 8, Holycross 13, Brufl 15, KilmallOCk 21, Ardpatrick 26, Kildorrery 35, Rockmills 36, Glanworth 40, FeriHOy ^ 45 (gd. hilly, pict.). • 1. Shehans Cross Rds. 8, Hospital 17, KUfrush Cross Rds. 20, BallylanderS 26, Mitch^lstown 34, Fermoy B. 44 (med. hilly). E.\l : by Patrick St., George St., Quinlan St., and O'Connell Avenue :— Patricksweil • 6, Adare 10, Croagh 14, Rathkeale 18, Reens • 20, New- castle 26, Baliymurragh 30, Abbeyfeale 39, Headiey Br. 44, Castleisland 53, Farranfore stn. 59, Klllarney ^ 68 {med. hilly, 1/21 asc. at oO tn.). • 1. Patricksweil 6, Croom 12, Charleville 25, Buttevant 34, IVIallOW jgL 41, Cork a 64 (gd. und.). • r. Reens 20, Ardagh 24, Athea 34, Listowel 43, TraleO Sl 60 (gd. und.). E. VI : by Patrick St., George St., Sarsfield St., Harvey's Quay, O'Xeill's Quay, and Bock Bd. :— Mungret 3, KUdimo 9, Askeaton 16, Foynes 23, Loghill 27, Glin 32, Tarbert 36, Ballylongford 41, Tralee &. 66 (gd. hilly, several 1/17 gradients). E. VII : by Patrick St., George St., Sarsfield St., Sarsfield Br., and Ennis Bd.:- Cratloe Inn • 7, Sixmilebridge 11, Kilnaurry 13, Kilkishen 16, TuUa 21, Crusheen 31, Gort 42, Kiltarton 44, Owenbristy 48, Kilcolgan 53, Oranmore 58, Galway ja 64 (med. ly. und.). • 1. Cratloelnn 7, Hurler's Cross Rds. 12, Newmarket-OU-FergUS 15, EnnIS A. 23 (med. ly. und.). — 641 — LISBURN Limerick (continued). m Cruise's Eoyal, George St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 4/- Clifr 7/- [CH 8 tfar g] Shelter [D ins Crratts T Cruises :p> 0221. jai Eoyal George 109, 111, George St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- f Gar 200 y G>-o 74, 1^^ Glent worth, Glentivorth St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/6 8 Gar 70 y Gratis dH T Glentworth :p> 30. LIMERICK * A. K|{IG JOHNS CASTLE C. CITY WALLS 0. ST MARY'S CATHEDRAL^ E. COURT HOUSE F. ST JOHN'S CHURCH H. ST JOHN'S CATHEDRAL P.S. R.S.-e.-B.-T (See p 1 Rutland Street 2 Bridge Street 3 Athlunkard Street 4 Park Road 5 Charlotte's Quay 6 Lock Quay 7 Clare Street 8 Patrick Street 9 George Street 10 "WlUlam Street 11 Upper William Street 12 Mulgrave Street 13 Blackboy Road 14 KilmaUock Road 15 Quinlan Street (16 O'Connell Avenue 17 Sarslield Street' 18 Harvey's Quay 19 Mount Kennett 20 Dock Road 21 Ennls Road 22 Henry Street 23 Wickham Street 24 John Street 25 Broad Street 26 Nicholas Street f^i Mlchelin Stockists, Glentworth Garagre, Lotver Glent- worth St., Agt. for Lancia, Sunbeam, S.C.A.T., Maxwell, Benz, [30) U N Sun., Night, lAC T Magneto :?i 244. — Michelin Stockist, Wm. Christy, 58, George St., Upper Glent- worth St., and Shannon St., Agt. for WOLSELEY, HUMBEit, Flanders, Dark acq, dojU \Sun., Night, T Christy :p> 120. — Limerick Motor ^yol•ks, Ltd., lU, Upper William St., Agt. for Ford, [I2] Boxes g] U N T Motors :p> 182. — Irwin Bros., Henson & Meredith, 7, William St., Agt. for KuiT, \M Box U \ Sun., T Silence :p> 88. Lisburn (# (Cos. Antrim and Down), M. 33, ESI, Pop. 12,172. M.J)., Tues. See :— Cathedral ; Cas. Gardens ; N. Cas. Robin (Rns.) 2. Belfast ffl. S = Purdysbum School 6 < Holywood 15 — Comber 14 = Saint- fteld 10. Killyleagh 19 = Ballynahinch 11, Downpatrick iBi 21 = Hills- borough 4. Dromore 9, Baiibridge 16, Newry ffl. 30 = Ikloira S, Lurgan 13, Portadown 18 = Crumlin 11, Antrim 18 = Antrim 17. The Temperance Hotel, Railway St. ?^" Michelin Stockists, J. W. McCahey & Co., S6, Market Sq., T :NrcCahey :p> 61. LISDOONVARNA - 642 - Lisdoonva-rna (Clare), M. 34, Fop. 223. See :— S.W. Cliffs of Moher 8. Ballyvaughan 10 = Kilfenora 5, Corrofln 13, Ennis ja 22 = 4 «s Ennis- timon 8 — Lahinch 9 =: O'Brien's Tower (Cliffs of Moher) 8, Lahinch 15. fm Imperial (May to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shelter [6] Court go) ins Gratis. ja Queen's (May to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 It 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter Shed Court ins Gratis T Curten. Thomond House (Apr. to Nov.). Atlantic View Hotel. « Lismore ® (Co. Waterford), M. 40, Pop 1,583. See :— Castle ; St. Carthagh's Cath. ; R. C. Gh. ; Rath — 2IC W. 1. Cahir 23 = Cappoquin 4, Dungarvan 15 = Youghal a 19 = Midleton 22, Cork ffl. 36 = Fermoy SSl 15. j*I2L Blackwater Vale, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/6 ^ Shed \W\ Court H] ins Gratis. Devonshire Arms Hotel, I AC. ff" MIchelln Stockist, J. O'Brien & Sons, Church St., [e] IT Sun., Night. — Andrew Hickey, Main St. Lisnaskea. (Fermanagh), M. 36, Pop. 715. Fivemiletown 11, Clogher 18 = Baiiagh 5 < Clones 11, Ballybay 26 — Rosslea 12, Monaghan 21 = Newtown Butler 6, Cavan ffl. 21 = Bally- connell (ferry -61) 12, Ballinamore 24 = 1 -5 Enniskillen a 12 — Fintona 20, Omagh ffi. 29. M. Ulster, Main St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis [2]. Listowel (Kerry), M. 38, ED, Pop. 3,605. M.D., Fri. See :— Castle (Rns.). ::^ Oct. lU-loth. Boitons Cross Kds. 2 < Tarbei-t 11 — Rathkeale 25, Adare 33, Limerick fi. 43 — Boitons Cross Rds. 2, Glin 13, Askeaton 29, Limerick ^ 45 = Abbeyfeale 10, Drumcolliher 29, Charleville 40 = Castleisland 18, Klliarney j®. 33 = Tralee a 17 = Baiiybunion 9, Ballylongford 19. m The Listowel Arms, The Square, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/6 " Shelter [§] Court \e] ins T Comfort. f^"i J. McKenna, Market St., f McKenna. LONDONDERRY t (Co. Londonderry), M. 32, mi, Pop. 40,799. M.D., IFed., Thurs., Sat. See :-Walker's Monument (A) ; Court Ho. (C) ; Cath. (XVIIth c.) • (D) ; Guildhall (Goth.) (G) ; Walls ; W. Grianan of Aileach 6. :^. E.\: by Shipquay PI. and Strand Rd.:— Muff 6, Carrowlseel 11, Cloglian 14, Lower Cashel 19, Camdouagh 21, Malin 24, Ballagh Hill 26, Bree 28, Malin Head 33 (gd. V. hilly, V. pict., 1/8 asc. at 26 m.). E. II : by Foyle St., John St., Carlisle Br., Duke St., Bonds Hill, and Clooney Rd. :— Campaey 6, Ballykelly 14, Limavady 16, Bellarena 21, DownhUl Ry. Stn. 29, Coleraine 36 (gd. und. pict., 1/12 asc. at 18 m.). ' E. Ill : by Foyle St., John St., Carlisle Br., Duke St., Shipson's Brae and Dungiven Rd. :— Killaloe Cross Rds. 7, Dungiven 20, Glenshave Pass 28, Maghera 33, Knock- loughrim 37, Royola Pk. 41, Toome 46, Randalstown 53, Antrim 58, Belfast a 75 (med. hilly, v. pict, 1/13 desc. at 30 m.). E. IV : by Foyle St., John St., Carlisle Br. and Prehen Rd. :— Newbuildings 3, Grangefoyle 9, Ballynagorry 12, Strabane 15 (gd. rd. pict.), Omagh S. 35, Aughnacloy 56, Castleblayney • 81, Carrickmacross 93, Slane 115, Dublin Sk 143. • 1. Castleblayney 81, Dundalk 98. E. V : by Ship Quay St., Bishop St., and Bishop St. Without :— • 3, Carrigans 6, St. Jolmstown 8, Raphoe 16, Convoy 19, Stranorlew 25, Baiiybofey 26, Barnesmore Gap 34, Donegal 43, Ballyshannon 57, Sligo a 83 (gd. hilly, v. pict., 1/13 desc. at 57 m.). • r 3, Kildrum 4, Newton Cunningliam 8, Manor Cumungbam 14, Pluck 15, Letterkenny 20 (gd. v. pict., 1/13 desc. at 5 m.). fm City, Foyle St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- 8 SJhed ins Gratis [6] lAC T City :p> 198. 643 — LONDONDERRY Londonderry (continued). SI Northern Counties, Waterloo Place, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 7/- IcHI ffi ^iar 200 y Gratis \W\ lAC T Norotel :(<> 195. ^ ilelville, i''oi/?e ^f., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 3/- to 4/6 Chfr 8/6 Igg S Gar ins Gr«ti*> \M lAC T Melville ;p> 488. m The Ulster, Guildhall St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 8/6 S Gar 50 y Gratis [1] lAC. ^ Imperial, Bishop St., B 2/- L 3/- D 4/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/6 Lft (cH 8 Shed ins Gratis (20] T Imperial :?» 276. j^ MetTOpole, Foyle St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- 8 Gar U dist Gratis [#] T Metropole, LONDONDERRY A.WALKERS MONUMENT C.COURT HOUSE •* D.CATHEDRAL G'CUILDHALL.v, .•P.S.- B-R.S.-T- (See p 1 Shipquay Place 10 Dungiven Road 2 Strand Road 11 Victoria Road 3 Foyle Street 12 Shipquay Street 4 John Street 13 Bishop Street 5 Carlisle Bridge 14 Bishop Street Without 6 Duke Street 15 Carlisle Road 7 Bonds Hill ^6 Lecky Road 8 LimavadyRoad 17 Orchard Street 9 Simpsons Brae 18 Rosville Street 19 William Street M Criterion, Foijle St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/-. 1*1^ Diamond (Temperance), Diamond Sq., B 1/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 4/- Court ins Gratis [2]. r^« Michelin Stockists, Roberts & Sons, /A f'oyle St., [so} Boxes [6] U \ Sun., Night, I AC T Motors ^ 377. -— Michelin Stockists, Alexander Motor Co;, 17, Gt. James St., Agt. for Humbek, Darraoq, Ford, go] LT \ Sun. lAC T Alexander Garage Tf* 270. Before setting out on a tour, visit or write to our Touring: Office, 6'i, Fulham Rd., London, S.W., where your itinerary wUl be drawn up free of chargfe. LONGFORD - 644 - Longforti ® (Co. Longford), M. 36, Pop. 3,747. See :— St. Mel's R. C. Cath. (Renaiss.) ; Aungiers Cas (XVIIth c). ^. >!«;, May 28th. Newtown Forbes 3, • 4, Roosky 10, Drumod 12, Drumsra 17, Cai'rick-on- Shannon 21, Sligo Sl 53 {med. hilly, pict., several Ijlh-lO gradienU). • r. 4, Cloonagier 5, Mohill 16., Garvagh 20, Fenagh 23, Balliuamore 20, Swanlinbar 38, Enniskillen a 50 {med. hilly, pict). BaJlinalee • 8, Rathmore 14, Scrubby 19, Bellananagh 27, Cavan ffi, 32, Monaghan 60 (gd. und. pict). • r. Baiiinaiee 8, Graiiard 15, Kilgoiagh 20, Oldcastle 32, Ballinlough 39, Kells a 47, Drogheda ®. 71 (gd. und. rd.). • 2, Edgeworthstown 8, Rathowen 13, Ballinalack 16, Bunbiusna 18, Portnashaugan • 21, Cloghan 27, Killucan 32, Ratharney 34, Ballivor 40, Rathmolyon 48, Sunnnerhill 51, Mullagh 55, Dimboyne 62, Clonee 64, Dublin flL 74 (grd. ly. und.). • r. 2, Carrickboy 9, Ballynacarrigy 17, Muilingar ^ 27 (gd. und. rd.). • r. Portnashaugan 21, MullJngar fi. 25. Ballynacormick • 2, Keenagh 8, Ballymahon 13, Tang Br. 15, Three Jolly Pigeons 18, Ballykeeran 23, Athlone SSi 27 (med. uud.). • r. Ballymacormick 2, Killashee 5, Lanesborougll 10, RoSCOmmOtl 19(me(Z. and.), Galway Sl 67. Cloondara 5, Scrainoge 12, Strokestown 14 (gd. fl. rd.), Tulsk 21, Bellana- gare 28, Frenchpark 30, Ballagliaderreen 38 (med. und.), Carracastle 45, Chariestown 49, .Swineford 56, Callow 61, Ballina 72 (gd. rd.). W^ Michelln Stockist, W. Adair, Gt. Water St. and Main St. Loughrea (Co. Galway), M. 35, Pop. 2,557, ::^ May 17th. See :— Monastery (Rns.) ; Castle (Rns.) ; N. Towers (Rns.) Kilconnell 14, Balllnasloe 22 = Kilmeen 3 < Kilreekil 6, BallJnaSlOe 19 — Killimor 12, PortUHina 19, Birr 34 — Kilmeen 3, KilreekU 6, Laureneetown 18, Banagher 27, Birr 35 = Dalystown Demesne Gate 4 < Feakle 28, Killaloe 45 — Woodford 15, Mountshannon 26, Killaloe 43 — Dalystown Demesne Gate 4, Feakle 28, Tulla 35, Sixmilebridge 45, LimeriCk ffi 56 = Gort 15 < Corrofin 29,- Ennistimon 40 — Ennis a 34 = Klnvarra 18, Ballyvaughan 33 = Galway a 23 = Athenry 12, Tuam & 28. Central Hotel, Bride St. ff«i P. Murray, Mai7i St. (Cycles). Lucan (Co. Dublin), M. 37, Pop. 872. See :— Pump Room ; Sarsfleld's Cas. (Rns.). ^ S.W. 2. Clonsilla 3 < Swords 16 — Clonee 5, Navan a 24 = Dublin a 9 = Dundrum 13, Blackrock 18 = Newcastle 5, NaaS S. 15 = 1 < Leixlip 2, MayilOOth 6, KilcocklO, Muilingar ffi. 42 — Ceibridge 4, Edenderrya 28 — Cel bridge 4, Kildare 26. Lurgran (Co. Armagh), M. 33, IHH, Pop. 12,135. M.D., Thurs., Sat. See :— Castle (Eliz.) ; N. Lough Neagh 2 ; S.E. Waringstown (Manor Ho.) 3. X W. 1. Crumlin 14 <. Antrim 21 — Carrickfergus 34 = Moira 5, Lisburn & 13, Belfast a 21 = Dromore 9 = Banbridge 9 = Gilford 8, Poyntzpass 14, Newry ffi. 23 = Portadown 5, Armagh 16 = Stewartstown 18, Cookstown 24. jgl Brownlow Arms, Market St., B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 3/- Chfr 5/6 Gar ins Gratis [T] RAC. fW» D. Pedlow, Church PL, [H] U Sun. :p> 71. — F. W. Hill, Bank Buildings, [12] Boxes [3]. Macroom 1 (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 3,016. See :-Castle ; R. C. Chap. Millstreet 12, Newmarket 25, Charleville 43 = Cork ffl. 25 = Crookstown Ho. 7, Cork a 25 = Dunmanway 18, Skibbereen 35 = Bantry 33 = Baiiyvourney 11 < Killamey S. 31 — Kenmare 31. m Williams', Main St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Q Gar dist Gratis [8] T Williams. f^ Michelln Stockist, R. C. Williams, Hotel GetraLsOt Main St., Agt. for Singer, Sunbeam, Darracq, [12] Box HUN Sun. T Williams. n 645 — MALLOW Masrhera (Co. Londonderry), M. 33, Pop. 879. See :— Church ; Raths. Griiiagh Ho. 2 < Garvagh 10, Coleraine 24 — Kilrea 9 = 1 < Portglenone 9, Ahogill 15, Ballymena a 19 — Moyoia Park 7, Randalstown 19, Antrim 24 -- Moyoia Park 7, Castledawson 8 = Tobermore 3, Cookstown 17, Dun- gannon 28 = Dungiven 13, Londonderry fi. 33. m Commercial, HaU St., B 1/9 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis H] :f> 10. Maerherafelt (Co. Londonderry), M. 33, Pop. 1,328. See :-Slieve GuUion Mountain (1,623 ft.). Castledawson 2, Kilrea 16, Coleraine 31 = 2 < Baiiyronan 5, Portadown 31 — Stewartstown 14, Dungannon 22 = Cookstown 10, Dungannon 21 = Draperstown 8, Lobby vaie 10 < Omagh a. 35 — Strabane 39 = Tober- more 6, Londonderry a 37. Malahide (Co. Dublin), M 37, Pop. 649. See :— Castle ; Abbey (Rns.). ^ (adj. town). Swords 3, Balbriggan 14, Drogheda a 24 = Dublin a 10 = Portmanock 3 6 < Dublin a 13 — Howth 8. ja Grand, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- Chfr 6/- ^ 8 Shed ins Gratis [3] lAC T Hotel :?» 11. ^ai E. M. Long. . MALLOW # (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 4,542. M.D., Thurs., Fri. r See :^St. Mary's Ch. (Rns.) (A) ; New Castle (C) ; Old Cas. (Rns.) (D) ; E. The Rock 1. ^ (see plan). MALLOW SCALE A ST MARYS CHURCH 5|»W J TbOmpsOQ CHEW CASTLE OLD CASTLE | '""'''^' ^entrai B G RS PS (See p 3 ) E. I : hj Davis St., Shortcastle St., and Beecher St.:— • 2, Buttevant 7, Charleville 16,'Bailynabanoge Br. 25, Croom 29, Patrick's Well 35, Limerick Sl 41 (gd. und.). • 1. 2, Templemary Cross Rds. 8, Liscarrol 11, Dromcolliher 19, Feohanagb 23, Newcastle 29 {med. und. pict.). E. II : by St. Joseph's Rd. :— Michelstown 20, Cahir 35, Cashel 46, Dublin & 144. E. Ill : by Bridge St., Mallow Br., and Killavallin Rd. ;— Kiiiavaiiin 6, Baiiyhoriy 13, Fermoy ffi. 18 {gd. V. tmd. V. pict., 1/8 asc. at Oim.). E. IV : btj Bridge St., Mallow Br., and Cork Rd. :— Bullynamona 4, Mourne Abbey 5, Halfway Ho. 11, Cork & 23 (gd. und.). MANOR HAMILTON - 646 - Mallow (continued). E. V : by Davis St. and West End :— Longflelds Cross Bds. 3, Banteer Cross Eds. 11, Clonbannin • 16, Boherboy 20, Kingwilliamstown 28, Castleisland 40, Tralee Si 51 (gd. hilly, pict.). • 1. Clonbannin 16, Rathmore Stn. 27, Bairadifl 33, Killarney Si. 41 (gd. hill!/, r. pict. recom.). Jffi. Royal (adj. Station), B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 3/6 Chf r 7/- Gar M U Court [15] ins Gratis. im Moraii's Central, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed m Court [12] ins Gratis lAC. fP* Michelin Stockist, W. J. Thompson, A9, Main St., AgUfor HUMBER, SUNBEAM, FORD, O U % Sun. lAC T Thompson. Manor Hamilton (Leitrim), M. 31, 35, Pop. 870. See :— Baronial Mansion (XVIIth c). Belleek 14, Donegal 30 = Belcoo 14, Enniskillen a 25 = Drumslianbo 22 = Shanvans Cross Rds. 2 <. SligO ffl. 15 — Glencar Lough 8, SligO ffl. 16 = Bundoran 15, Ballyshannon 20. ^^" J. Thompson, New Line. Markethill (Co. Armagh), M. 37, Pop, 750. See :— W. Vicar's Cairn (819 ft.) 3. Armagh 7 = 2 < Moy 14, Dungannon 20— Portadown 10 = Banbridge 13, Droniore 20 = 2 < Newry fi. 12 — Dundalk a 23 = ISTewtown Hamilton 8, Carrickmacross 28 = Keady 10, Ballybay 23. ffHB J. M'Grath, Netvry St. (Cycles). Mafyborougrh (Queen's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 2,957. M.D., Thurs. See :— Castle Bastion ; E. Roclc of Dunamase 4 ; S.E. Timahoe Round Tower 4. Baii.vdavis 3, The Togher 6, Baiiybrittas 9, Monasterevan 13, Kildare 20, Newbridge & 26, Naas Si. 32 (gd. und.). Stradbally • 7, Wmdy Gap 9, Arless 17, Carlow S. 23 (gd. hilly, pict). • I. Stradbally 7, Athy 15 (tned. und.), Baltinglass 30, Aughnm 53 (mount, rd.), Arlilow 63. Abbeyleix 9, • 12, AtUnagh 15, Bailyragget 18, KUkenny a 29 (med. und. rd.). • r. 12, Durrow 15, Beggars' Inn Cross Rds. 23, Johnstown 25, Urlingford 27. Littleton 36, Cashel 46 (gd. und.). INIountrath 8, Castletown • 10, Borris-in-Ossory 17, Roscrea flL 24 (v. gd. und.), Dunkerrin 30, Moneygall 33, Toomyvara • 37, Delia 45, Silvermines 47, Newport 57, Limerick ®. 67 (gd. und.). • 1. Castletown 10, Rathdowney 20, Templetonby 29, ThurleS ffl. 38 (gd. rd.), Tipperary 60 (gd. tmd.). • T. Toomyvai-a 37, Nenagll 44 (gd-. ly. und.). Mountmellick 6, KUieigh 15, Tullamore ^ 20 {ined. und., 1/16 asc. at lU m.). fm Aird's Central, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 ff Shed d] Court |i5] ins Gratis T Central Hotel :f> 2. mi Hibernian, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Gar [8] Shelter [5} Court (30) ins Gratis lAC T Kelly :^ 8. f^m r. Alldritt & Sons, 20, Church St., Agt. for. Belsizk, Ford, Chambers, [Ml U \ Sun., Night, lAC T Aldritt :p' 20. Maynooth (Co. Kildare), M. 37, Pop. 948. See :— Castle ; College ; Parish Ch, ; Carton Ho. (Grecian). ^ S.E. 6. Dunboyne 6, DroQlieda fi. 28 = Leixlip 4, Lucan 6, Dublin a 15 = Naas a 13 = Kildare 22 = Kilcock 4, Kinnegad 24 < Kilbeggan 43 — IViuiiingar fi. 36. f^ Caulfteld's Cycle and Motor Agency, O Boxes [I] *S T Caul- flelds. Midleton (Co. Cork), M. 39, ESI, Pop. 3,361. See :— Cahirmone (Castle Rns.). Fermoy a 20 =Lismore a 22= Youghal ai7 = Ballynacorra 1 < A«hada 7, Roches Point 12 — Cloyne 5 =: Ballinacurra 1, 4 «5 East Ferry 5, (ferry -63) Queenstown 9 — Cork a 14. f^" Midleton Garage and Engineering Works, Agt. for STUDEBAKBB, Adams, ^ig \ Sun.., Night, T Garage :p> 26. MilliBtreet (Co, * 647 - MONAGHAN liBtreet (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 1,208. See :— Drishane Cas. (XVth c.) ; S. Kilmeedy Cas. (Rns.). 2 < Newmarket 13, Charleville 31 — Banteer 9, Mallow a 20 = Cork ^ 30 = Macroom fi. 12 = Killarney & 22. Miltown Malbay (Clare), M. 38, Fop. 1,013. See :— Freagh Cas. (Rns.) ; Puffing Hole. ::^ Aug. 21st. ' Lahinch 7 < Cliffs of Moher 14 — Enuistimon 10 = Ennis a 20 = Kilrush 21. Mitchelstown (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 2,146. See :— Castle (special permit) ; Church (Goth.) ; R. C. Chap. ; N.E. Caves 6. Ballylanders 8 < Hospital 17, Limerick ^ 34 — Tipperary 20 = Cahir 15 = Clonmel ^ 27 = Fermoy ^ 10 = Baiiyhoriy 12, Cork ^ 33 = Mallow a 20. m Royal, Neiv Square, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed 100 y aratis \t]. ^ Imperial, Xew Sq., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed [6] Court \t] adj Gratis T Imperial. W^ P. O'Flaherty. Moate (Westmeath), M. 36,*Pop. 1,282. See :— Rath ; Castle. Baiiynacarrigy 19, Granard 36 = Horseieap 6 < Kilbeggan 10, Kilcock 49 — Mulllngar ^ 21 = Clara 7, Tullamore a 14 = Athlone a 10. Mohill (Leitrim), M. 36, Pop. 1,117. See :— Lough Rinn. Ballinamore 10, Swanlinbar 22, Enniskillen a 34 = Broom St. 1 -; Killashandra 17, Belturbet 25 — Esher Cross Rds. 14, Granard 23 = Edgeworthstown 21 = Longford ffl. 16 = Strokestown 17, Roscommon 30 = Carrick-on-Shannon 10, Boyle 19. IMoira (Down), M. 33, Pop. 395. Crumlin 10, Antrim 17 = Lisburn fi. 8, Belfast fi. 16 = Hillsborough 7, Ballynahinch 16, Downpatrick 26 = Lurgan 5, Portadown 10, Armagh 21. MONAGHAN (Co. Monaghan), M. 36, ^, Pop. 2,932. M.D., Mon., Wed., Sat. See :— Rossmore Park. E.\:bij The Diamond and Glaslough St. : — SUverstream • 3, Middletown 7, Nortons Cross Rds. 11, Armagll 18 (gd. rd.). • 1. siiverstream 3, Glaslough 7, Caledon 11, Dungannon 23 {med. und. pict.). E. II : by The Diamond, Dublin St., Old Cross Sq., and Gallows Hill :— Fiddan's Hill 7, Keady 13, Preston Br. 20, Newtown Hamilton 21, Beiieek 26, Nowry ffl. 33 (ined. v. hilly, 1/13 asc. at 12i m.). E. Ill : by Dawson St. :— Ardagh Br. 5, • 6, Castleblayney 14, Cuiiavuie 20, Dundalk 31 {ined. hilly). • r. 6, Ballybay 11, Shantonagh • • 20, Shercock 25, Kingscourt 33, Nobber 40, Cross Guns 42, Wilkinstown 46, Navan Q. 52 (med. rd. hilly). • • 1. Shantonagh 20, Carrickmacross 29, Slane 51, Dublin ffi. 79. E. IV : by Market PL, Park St., and Clones Rd. :— • 2, Sraithborough 6, Clones 12, • 20, Butler's Bridge 25, Cavan ffi. 29, (magn.Jl. rd., 1/13 asc. at 12 m.), Granard 49, Edgeworthstown 57, Ballymahon 69, Athlone a 83 (gd. und., IflO asc. approaching Granard). • 1. 2, Newbiiss 10, Baiiyhaise 23, Cavau 28, Athlono S. 82 (med. rd., 1/10 asc. at U9 m.). • r. 20, Belturbet 24, Ballyconnell 32, Ballinamore 44, Fenagh 47, C'arrick-on-Shannon 61 (med. sin. und. pict.), Ballaghaderreen 83, Kilkelly 95, Castiebar Sl 118 (med. und.). • 1. Cavan 28, Longford a 60 (gd. piet.). E.\: by North Rd., Mill St., and High St. Hill :- Tydavnet 5, Clogher 17, Seskmore 27, Omagh fi. 34, Newtown Stewart 44, Strabane 54 (gd. und. pict.). "Westenra Arms Hotel. MONASTEREVAN Monagrhan (continued). 648 R.S.-P.S.-0 (See p. 3) 1 The Diamond 2 Olaslougb Street 3 Dublin Street 4 Old Cross Squaro 6 OaUows HiU 6 Dawson Street 7 Market Street 8 Park Street Clones Road 10 North Road 11 Mill Street Hill f^a p. Creighan, Dtiblin S'L, [5] U N T Creighan ;p> 14. — D. Patton, Market St. — A. & D. Murphy, Bee-Hive Cycle Stores (Cycles). — W. H. Ryan, Market St. (Cycles). Monasterevan (Co. Kildare), M. 36, Pop. 762. See :— Moore Abb. ; Church, Rathangan 7, Edenderry ^ 16 = Kildare 7, Newbridge &. 13, Naas i®. 19 = Athy 12, Carlow fii. 24 = Baiiydavis 10 <. Abbeyleix 21 — Mary- borough 13 = 1 < Portarlington 6, Tullamore ffl. 23 — ciunbuUoge 10, Edenderry ^ 17. a Monasterevan, Moore St., B 1/3 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 4/- Shed ins Gratis [3]. f^n S. E. Holmes, Brook Works. — Monasterevan General Stores Co., Ltd. (Cycles). — John Storey (Cycles). Money more (Co. Londonderry), Nl. 33, Pop. 515. Tobermore 9, :Maghera 12, Garvagh 22 = Magherafelt 5, Castledawson 7, Ahoghill IS, Ballymena ffi. 22 = Baiij^ronan 6, Toome 12, Randalstown 19 = Cookstown 5, Dungannon 16. Mount Bellew (Co. Galway), M. 35, Pop. 200, ^ Woodlawn stn. 9. Athlone ffi. 24 = Ahascragh 9, Ballinasloe 16 = 4 -? Horseleap Cross Eds. 7, Tuam Sl 17 ~ Dunmore 17, Claremorris 31 — Horseleap Cross Rds. 7, Galway & 30. Mountmellick (Queen's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 2,407. M.D., Wed., Sat. Portarlington 6, Monasterevan 12, Kildare 19 = Stradbally 11 •< Athy 19 — Carlow a 27 = Maryborough 6 = Mountrath 9, Roscrea a 25 = Birr 28 = Tullamore fi. 14. Chambers' Commercial and Family Hotel. f^m A. Bond, 36, Henry St. (Cycles), T Bond. — W. Finnamore (Cycles). — Wm. McEvoy, Ltd., Forge it Moore St. (Cycles). - 649 - NAVAN Mountrath (Queen's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 1,304. See :— N. Ballifin (Ital. Mansion) 4 ; S. Aghaboe (Monast., Dominican Abb. XlVth c.) 7. Mountmellick 9, Portarlington 15 = Maryborough 8=1-; Abbeyleix 8, Ballinakill 12, Castlecomer 19 — Durrow 13, Kilkenny ffl. 30 = 3 < uathdowney 12, Thurles flL 30 — Boiris-in-Ossory 9, Roscrea A. 16 = Boheraphuca 14, Birr 24 = Frankford 17., Cloghan 24. Railway Hotel, Main St. f^a» Rice Bros., Market Sq. IMoville (Co. Donegal), M. 32, Pop. 1,163, ^ Camdonagh 11. See :— N.E. Inishowen Head (View) 6 ; W. Cooley Ch. (Rns.) 1 ; Celtic Cross 1. Ma«las8 Br. 3 < Camdonagh 11 — Malin 14, Malin Hd. 23 = Inishowen Head 6 = Londonderry a 19. Moy (Tyrone), M. 33, Pop. 486. Dungannon 6, Omagh ^ 33 = Rich hiii 8, Market Hill 14, Newry a 26 = Armagh 7. Muliingrar # (Westmeath), M. 36, Pop. 4,500. M.D., Thurs. See :— Lough Ennel ^^ S. 1 {direction Tullamore). -^imi, April Ihth ; June 9th ; Sept. 15tn. Crookedwood 7, Castlepollard 13, Knnea 21, crossdoney 35, Killashandra 41, Miiitown 46, Denyiin 57, Enniskillen ^ 70 (gd.und. pict, hilly to Crookedicood ; 1/10 gradients at 6, 7, and 8 m.).' Cloghan 5, Delvin • 13, Clonmellon 19, Kells ffl. 27, ArdCC 46 (gd. fi. rd., short stp. asc. at ^ m.). • r. Delvin 13, Athboy 21, Navan Si 32 (gd. Jl. pict.). Tlie Downs • 5, Kmnegad 12, Bunglass 17, Moyvally 21, Enfleld 25, KilCOCk 32, Maynooth 36, Lucan 42, Dublin a 51 (gd. fl. rd.). • 1. The Downs 5, Killucan 9, Ballivor 17, Trim 26 (gd. ly. xmd.). Lynn Cross Rds. 1, Dalystown 7, Ballynagore 11, Kilbeggan 15, Tuliamore Sl 22 (med. ly. und., l/lo desc. and asc. at 17 m.). 1 allinea Br. 3, Ballymore 15, Drumraney 19, AthlOne fi. 29 (gd. und., several 1 1 P2 pitches). Ballynacarrlgy 10, Carrickboy 18, Longford ^ 27 (gd. Utld.). Portnashaugan 4, Bunbrusna 8, Ballinallack 10, Rathowen 13, Edgeworths- town 17, Longford fi. 25 (gd. und.). JSa Greville Arms, Earl St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 7/- Shelter (To) Court [40] ins N 1/- T Greville Arms :fo 9. f^i Michelln Stockist, E. Hope, Dominick Place, [6] U % T Hope. Naas # (Co. Kildare), M. 37, Pop. 3,836. M.D., Mon., Thurs. See :— S.E. Punchestown Race Course (Meeting for 1913 -.—April 22nd- 23rd) 4. :|CN.W. Saiiins 2, Clare 5, Kilcock 14 (gd. ly. und.). Kill 4, Rathcooie 9, Dublin S. 21 (gd. Wild., V. bumpy apin-oaching Dublin). Watchhouse Cross Rds. 3 (Punchestown Race Course ^ m. to 1.), Ballymore- Eustace 6 («. gd. ly. und.). Kilcullen • 7, Baiiitore 16, Timoiin 18, Castledemiot 23, Carlow fi. 30 (gd. ly. und., 1/13 desc. at 7 m.). • r. Kilcullen 7, The Seven Stars 15, Athy 22, Castlecomer 39, Kilkenny fi. 51 (ined. hilly, 1/17 asc. at 10 m.). • 2, Newbridge fi 6, Kildare 12, Monasteverin fi 19, Bailybrittas 23, The Togher 26, Baiiydavis 29, Maryborough 32 (gd. und.). • V. 2, Thomastown 4, Hill of Allen 9, Rathangan 15, Clonbulloge 19, Esker Br. 23, Philipstown 29, Ballinagar 31, Tullamore fi 38 (gd. fl. rd.). Doyle's Hotel, Main St. ^^ Michelln Stockist, Denis McGuirke, Poplar Sq., [6] U \ Sun. NAVAN m (Meath), M. 37, Pop. 3,839. See :— Protestant Ch. (A) ; Athlumney Cas. (XVIth c.) (C) ; Athlum- ney Ch. and Cas. (Rns.) (D) ; Souterrain ; N.W. Donoughmore Tower 2 ; W. Moat 1 ; S. Recti ve Abb. (Rns.) 4 ; S.E. Hill of Tara (Raths) • 6. :|C (E. III). :>i^ (Meath Hunt), March 27th. .1 NENAGH - 650 - Na.va,n {continued). E.I: by Watergate St., Poolboy Br., Flower Hill, and Nohber Rd. Kilberrr 4, Wilkinstown 6, Cross Guns 10, Nobber 12, KillgSCOUrt 19, She( cock 27, Shantonagh 32, Ballybay 41, Monaghan 52 {med. hilly). E. II : by Watergate St., Poolboy Br., Floxver Hill, and Slane McL ;— Donaghmore Br. 1, Slane 8, Drogheda & 17 (med. hilly, jnct., 1/11 desi at ISi m.). E. Ill : by Academy St. and Tara Rd. :— T^ira 7, Dunshaughlin 11, Black Bull 16, Clonee 19, Dublin ffl. 28 (gd. und.y E. IV : by Trimgate St. and Railway St. :— Trim 8, Ldnster Br. 24, EdendeiTy 32, Philipstown 44, Tuliamore ® (gd. rd.). E.V : by Trimgate St. and Drewshill .— Tullaghanstown Cross Rds. 6, Athboy • 11, Archerstown 19, Fore 26. Castle pollard 29, Edgeworthstown 44, Longford Sk 52 {gd. und. pict.). • 1. Athboy 11, Deivin 19, Cloghan 27, Muliingar ffl. 32 {gd.fl. pict.). E. VI : by Trimgate St. and Cannon Row ;— Castlemartin Cross Rds. 5, Kells ^ 10, Yirginia 22, Ballyhaise 41, NewtowU Butler 53, Enniskillen & 71 {med. und. pict.). NAVAN WALE I — ■ • A. PROTESTANT CMORCH C. ATHLUMNEY CASTLE D.ATHLUMNEY CHURCH RA(n. aw.R.>-R.s. (&N.R.) ^^s. ^S*^*^ " 1 Watergate Streei -P.S.G.- (See p. 3 ) ^Vv a^l/S ^ Pollboy Bridge — ^^ >*..f/«.. .. 3 flower Hill 4 Nobber Road 5 Slane Road 6 Academy Street 7 Trimgate Street 8 Railway Street 9 BrewshUl 10 Cannon Row Hussell Arms B ^IgP Engin. Woiir © Central, Market Sg., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed : Gratis [4] ;p> 2. Russell Arms Hotel. f^» Michelin Stockists, Navan Ensrineering: Works (E. oJ Hope-Johnston), Academy St., Agt. for B.S.A., [t] BojS m\S\ Sun., Night, I AC T Hope Johnston :F> 29. ^ NENAGH (Co. Tipperary), M. 39, Pop. 4,704. See :— Nenagh Round (Norm. Largest in Ireland), yc {see plan) {Nov. to April). ^ May 27th. E.\: by Castle St., Summer Hill, and The Old Turnpike:— Lough Om-na 5, Borrisokane 10, Carrigahorig 15, Portumna • 20, Loughrea 39, Galway Sl 62 {med. und.). • r. Portumna 20, Ballinasloe 40 {med. tmd. pict., 1/13 asc. at 15 m.). E. 11 : by Castle St., SummerhUl, and Birr Rd. :— Modreeny 9, The Pike 13, Birr 21 {med. bumpy and und., 1/12 asc. at Birr. An easier route is via Borrisokane). E. Ill : by Castle St. and Dublin Rd. :— • 1 Toomyva*a 7, MoneygaU 11, Dunkerrin 14, RoSCrea & 20, Borrifi-in- Ossory 27, Castletown 34, Mountrath 36, Maryborough ft 44 (qd. Iv. vnd.), Dublin a 97. • 1. 1, Cloghjordan 10, Mooney'e Cross Rds. 15, Roscrea jS 22 {gd. und. pict.). E. IV : 63/ Barrack St. and Church St. :— KUkeary Cross Rds. 4, Borrisoleigh 15, Bouladuff 19, ThUrleS & 23 (v. gd. ft. pict.), Kilkenny A 53. 651 — NEWCASTLE Nena.g:h (continued). E. V : by Silver St. and Tipper ary Rd. .— Dolla 5, Inch 15, Milestone 16, HoUyford 20, Iron Mill Br. 25, Tfpperary 33 (gd. mount). E. VI : by Silver St. and Newport Rd. :— Shallee Cross Rds. 7, Newport 14, Annacothy 20, LimeHck ffl. 24:{med. und.). E. VII : by Queen St., Pound St., and Clare St. :— Bushfleld 8, Birdhill 12, Montpelier 15, Castleconnell 19, Llmerlck & 27 {v. gd. und.). E. Vlll : by Queen St., Pound St., and Richmond Row :— Portroe 7, Killaloe 14 (gd. hilly, v. pict., 1/9 asc. at 6i m.). NENAGH SCALE 8 Silver Street 9 Tipperary Road 10 Newport Road 11 Queen Street 12 Pound Street 13 Clare Street 14 Richmond Row 16 Peter Street JfiL O'Meara's, U, Castle St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis g]. f^" S. Flannery, North Tipperary Motor Garage, 6 and 7, Dublin Rd., Agt. for Humbbk, Alldays, [U U % :p' Flannery Motors. Newbridgre 1 (Co. Kildare), M. 37, Pop. 2,903. See :— Bridge (XlVth c.),; S.E. Great Connell Priory (Rns.) 2. Naas ffl. 6, Dublin ffi. 27 = Kilcullen 5, Carlow a 28 = Kildare 6, Monas- terevan a 13, Maryborough 26 = Rathangan 10, Philipstown 24. IS. Crown, Edward St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- T Gee. ?^ Michelin Stockist, J. A.iJone8, Moorefield, Cross Rd., g] ij Sun., Night, :p> 6. — T. Woods, Edward St., Agt. for Bblsize, DARrACQ, [H] U \ lAC T Woods :?> 2. Newcastle (Down), M. 37, Pop. 1,553. See :— Donard Lodge. ^. ciough 7 -? Ballynahinch 16, Belfast jfi. 31 — Downpatrick ffi. 13 = Kil- keel 13, (ferry -60; no motors) Greenorel9, Dundalk34 = 4 < Hilitown 12, Newry fi. 21 — Rathfriland 12, Tanderagee 26, Portadown 32 = Castlewellan 4, Banbridge 20, Gilford 25, Portadown 31. Jgggi Slieve Donard, B 2/6 L V6 D 4/6 R 10/6 to 13/6 Chfr 6/- (Winter) 7/6 (Summer) (cH C Lft Gar U 200 y Gratis \m\ T Slieve :f> 6 Nat. NEWCASTLE WEST 652 Newcastle West (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 2,599. 11 •< Glin 22 — Askeaton 16 = Ballyfraley Br. 2 < Rathkeale 8, Adare 16, Limerick ffl. 26 — Ballingarry 9, Croom 17 = Kilmallock 23, Tipperary 43 = Dromcolliher 10, IMailOW ffl. 29 = Abbeyfeale 13 < Castle- island 27 — Listowel 23 = Glin 15, Tavbert 19. Courtenay Arms Hotel, North Quay. ^f^m T. Hartnett, Maiden St.,\T\T Hartnett Cycles. Newmarket (Co. Cork), IVI. 39, Pop. 965. Charleville 18, Kilmallock 24 = Liscarroii 10, Charleville 22 = Kanturk IVIallow ffl. 18 = Baiiyhooiaiian 4 < Millstreet 13, Macroom ffi. 25 — Eath more 8tn. 15, Killamey a 29 = Kingwmiamstown 11, Castleisland 23 = Abbeyfeale 23. 3» Railway, Church St., B 2/- L 2/- 1) 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/6 Shed Gratis t\ ff"i D. D. Cnrtin. Newmarket-on-Fergrus (Clare), IVI. 39, Pop. 504. See :— N. Dromoland Cas. 1 ; Quin Abb. 5. Clarecastle 5, Ennis ^8 = TuUa 12 = cioniara 17, O'Brien's Br. 20, Nenagh 35 = Limericic & 15. Newport (Mayo), M. 34, Pop. 471. Beitra 8 <. Crossmolina 22, Bailina 30 — Foxford 24 = Castlebar ffli 11 = WeStport 8 = Mallaranny 11 < Bangor 30 Belmullet 42 — AcliUl Sound 25, Keem 40. f^m Kilroy Bros. (Cycles). NEW ROSS (Co. Wexford), M. 40, Pop. 5,847. M.D., Wed., Sat. See :— St. Mary's Church (A). ^ 1. NEW ROSS SCALE A.ST MARY'S CHURCH B-G-P.S.R.S.* (See p. 3 ) 1 South Street 2 North Street 3 John Street 4 Cray-well Road 5 Michael Street 6 Neville Street New Boss Eng. Co 7 Wexford Street 8 Priory Street 9 Henry Street 10 Barro'w Bridge 11 Waterford Road E.\: by South St., North St., John St., and Craywell Rd. :~ • 2, Ballybane Br. • 3, Ballynabanage • 4, Drumniin 8, Knockdufl 12, Borris 17, Bagenalstown Si 25, Cariow ffl. 35 (gd. und., 1/U desc. at 2 m.). • 1. 2, tnistioge 11, Thomastown 16, Bennettsbridge 22, Kilkenny Si 27 (gd. und. pict, 1/12 desc. at 13 m.). • r. Ballybane Br. 3, Clonroche 12, The Leap 16, EnnlSCOlihy 21 (gd. hilly, pict.). • r. Ballynabanoge 4, BallywUliam 8t. 5, Killaiine 13, Bolamore Br. 19, New- townlmrry & 25, Dublin a 88 (med. hilly, pict.). E. II : by Michael St., Neville St., and Wexford St. :— Ballnabola 5, Camaross 12, Wexford & 23 (gd. hilly, stiff asc. leavimj town). — 653 NEWRY Ne«v Ross (continued). E. Ill : bij South St., Priory St., and Henry St. ;— Horeswood Chapel 8, Arthurstovm 13, Duncannon 15, Templetown 19, Hook Head 24 (gd. pict.). E. IV : by Barrow Br. and Waterford Rd. :— Gienmore 6, Waterford &. 15 {med. rd., bumpy). H^ The Koyal, North St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- Chfr 6/- Shed Court opp Gratis [Is] T Royal :f«> 17. © Globe, The Qxiay, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Gar adj Gratis m- f^Bi The New Ross Engineering Co., Quay, Agt. for Belsizb, ¥oi;d, f20l U*\ Sun., Night, f Garage. NEWRY # (Down), M. 37, Pop. 11,956. M.D., Tues., Thurs., Sat. See :-K. C. Cath. (Goth.) (A) ; N.E. Crown Mt. 1. E. I : by Trevor Hill and Dounshire lid. .— Donaghmore P. o. 5, Loughbrickiand 11, Banbridge 14, Dromore 21, Hills- borough 26, Lisburn fflL 30, Belfast fi. 38 (gd. pict.). , NEAVRY . 8C»LE Trevor Hill Downshlre Road Sandy's Sfreet Windsor Hill Hill Street Needham Place Kilmorey Street Warrenpoint Road AVilUam Street Bridge Street Orumalane Road Dublin Road Margaret Street Monaghan Street Monaghan Roa^ Sugar Island Canal Street E. II : by Trevor Hill, Sandy's St., and Windsor Hill:— Mayo Br. 5, Hilltown 9, • 9 1 Square 14, Castlewellan 19, Clough 24, Downpatrick ffl. 30 (gd. pict., 1/7-11 asc. and desc. leaving Castle- wellan; stiff hills to Clough). • r. 9i, Calm Brae Fork 15, Kilkeel 22 (mount, rd.). E. Ill : by Hill St., Needham PI., Kilmarey St., and Warrenpoint , Warrenpoint 7, Rosstrevor 9, Lisnacree 15, Kilkeel 19 (gd. pict.). E. IV : 6i/ Hill St., Needham, PL, William St., Bridge St., and Druma' lane Rd. .— o'Meath 6, Carllngford 11 (gd. ly. und. pict.) NEWTOWNARDS - 654 - Ne%vry (continued). E. V : 6y Hill St, Needham PL, William St., Bridge St., and Dublin Rd. :- Railway Br. 2, Killeen Br, 3, New Br. 10, Dundalk 13 (gd. pict.), Dublin a 64. E. VI: by Hill St., Margaret St., Monaghan St., and Monaghan Rd. :— camiough 3, Beiieek 7, Newtown Hamilton 12, Keady 20, Monaghan 33 {med. V. hilly, 1/13 desc. at 21 m.). E. VII : hy Sugar Island and Canal St. :— • 1, Jerrets Pass 5, Poyntzpass 9, Acton 10, Tanderagee 14, Portadown 20, Castle Dawson 51, Kilrea 65, Coleraine 80 {med. v. and. pict., 1/10 slope at Tanderagee). • I. 1, Crankey Mills 6, Markethill 12, Armagh 19 (gd. rd., hilly, 1/9 desc. at 6 m. and asc. at lU m.). m Victoria, 38, Hill St., B 2/6. K 3/- Chfr 7/- Court adj Gratis N 1/- g] T Victoria ;p> 45. |!>|j| Imperial, Marcus Sq., Hill St., B 1/6 L 1/6 E, 2/6 Chfr 6/6 PG U 250 y N 1/- lU T Imperial :p> 91. f^" Michelln Stockists, Rea. & Ross, Hue St., Agt. for Sisqer, [2I :F.ii. ^ — George Rowland, 1, Trevor Hill, Agt. for Ford, [5] U Sun., l^^ight, lAC :?> 90. Newtownards (Down), M. 33, Ed), Pop. 9,110. M.D., Thurs. See:— Church (Xlllth and XVth c.) ; R. C. Chap. (Goth.) ; N.E. Abb. Ch. of Moville (Rns.) 2. X N. 2. ■>iii^ May 3rd ; Sept. 0th. Bangor 6 = Six Road Ends 4, Donaghadce 8 = BaUyvester Ho. 6, Dona- ghadee 8 = Grey Abbey 7, Kircubbin 11, Portaferry 19 = Comber 4, Saintfleld 12, Ballynahinch 17 = Belfast ja 10 = Crawfordsbum 5, Holy- Wood 10. ffw J. Apperson, 31, Francis St. — J. Burrows, 66, North St. — R. A. Carse, 6-8, South St. Newtown ba.rry ^ (Co. Wexford), M. 41, Pop. 890, i^ Ferns 9. See :— Mount Leinster. ^ S. {adj. town). Aughrim 23, Rathdrum 32 = Carnew 9, 13 < Arklow 27 — Gorey 20 = strahart 4, Enniscorthy 13, Wexford ^ 26 = New Ross 25 = Borris 14, Kilkenny ffi. 31 = KUdavin 3 < Kilbride Cross Rds. 6, Tullow 13, Baltin- glaSS 24 — Bagenalstown ^ 18 — KUdavin 3, Kilbride Cross Rds. 6, CarlOW a 21. a Lawler's, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Gar dist. a King's Arms, The Square, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed dj Shelter [U Court g] ins Gratis. f^ Michelln Stockist, IVIicha.el Carton, The Square, Agt. for Darracq, FORI), [D LT \ Sun., Night, lAC T Carton. Newtown Butler (Fermanagh), M. 36, Pop. 396. Lisnaskea 6, Ennlskillen & 18 = Clones 6, Ballybay 21 = 5 < Redhiils 7, Baiiyhaise 12, Virginia 31 — Cavan 15 — Redhiils 7, Cootehill 18. Newtown Hamilton (Co. Armagh), M. 37, Pop. 687, ^ Market HUi 8. 1 -5 Keady 8, Monaghan 21 — Armagh 12 = Market Hill 8, Portadown 18 = Newry a 12 = 2 «; Dundalk 16 — Crossmaglen 10, Carrickma- cross 20 =: Castleblayney 11, Shercock 24. ^^ E. Magee, The Square (Cycles). Newtown Stewart (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop. 1,062. See:— Ancient Br., Baronscourt ; E. Beltrim Cas. 6. Plumb Br. 7, Dungiven 27 = GreencasUe 14, Cookstown 29 = Omagh & 10 = 2 < Castlederg 10, Bamesmore Gap 27, Donegal 36 — Strabane 10. 1^ Abercorn, Main St., B 2/6 L 2/- D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 5/- Shed ins Gratis [2] ::F>.5. ^s" Hendersons, Ltd. (Cycles). Oldcastle (Meath), M. 36, Pop. 745. See :— S.E. Witch's Hill, Cairns 3. Virginia 7, Bailieborough 16, Shercock 23 = Millbrook 2 < Athboy 17, Trim 24 — Castlepollard 11, Mullingar a 24 — Millbrook 2, Newtown Honae (Fork) 4, Kells ffi. 15, Slane 30, Drogheda a 39 = Castlecor Br. 2 «S Granard 17, Longford a 32 — Bellananagh 16, Killashandra 24 = Bally- jamesduff 7, Cavan 18. - 655 - PHILIPSTOWN Olcfcststle {continued). fm The Napier Arms, B 1/6 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- to 2/6 Shed ins Gratis. y^m Porter Sons & Co., Ltd., The Square, Agt. for Rover, [6] U Sun., T Porter. Omasrh # (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop. 4,789. M.D., Sat. See :— Memorial ; Court Ho. ; Church. ^. Tircur 5, Gortin 10, Plumb-bridge 14, Craig 20, Flacam 30, Dungiven 34, Coleraine 53 {mount, v. pict.). Drumalcilly 6, Carrickmore Stn. 12, Pomeroy 17, DungannOtl 26 {med. hilly, 1/19 asc. at 8 m.). Beragh 7, Six-mile cross 9, Nine-mile Br. 13, Pomieroy 18, Donaghmore 25, Dungannon 27 {gd. hilly, l/lSasc. at 15 m.), Porladown 43 {gd.fi. rd.). Doogarry • 3, Curr 8, Ballygawley 16, Aughnacloy 21, Benbarb 33, Armagh 39 {gd. und. pict.). • r. Doogarry 3, Seskinore 7, Clogher 17, Coyles Br. 24, Monaghan 34 {gd. rd.). Clonabogan 4, • 6, Lack 13, Ederney 17, Kesh 20 Pettigoe 25, Belleek 38, Ballyshannon 43 {v. gd. und. pict.). • 1. 6, Dromore 9, Comamuck 11, The Diamond 12, Bellanamallaxd 19, Enniskillen & 26 {gd. und.). Poe Br. 2, Newtown Stewart 10, Victoria Br. 15, Srabane 20 {gd. und.pict.). am Royal Arms, 51 & 53, High St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis [30] lAC T Porter ^ 19. m White Hart, High St., B2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shed Court Gratis \^ lAC T ^^^lite Hart :p» 32. ff" Michelin Stockists, McGrath Bros., Dublin Rd., Agt. for Belsize, [15] U Sun. "^ 28. Oug:htera.rcl (Co. Galway), M. 34, Pop. 690. See :— Lough Corrib ; Waterfall 1. Kiilarone-Eighter 2, Knock 8, {ferry -62 ; no motors) Headford 13, Tuam &. 26 = Galway fi. 17 = Maam Cross 10 < Canal Br. 22, Clifden 36 — Leenane Hotel 24, Westport 45 — Maam Cross 10, Canal Br. 22, Clifden 31. m. Murphy's, The Square, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Shed adj N 1/- aiAc. l*l?l Monaghan's, Main St. {May to Oct.), B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/6. Pa.rkna.si I la. (Kerry), M. 38, ^ Kenmare 14. Sneem 2 < Waterville 23, Caherciveen 33 — windy Gap 16, Kiilarney Sl 30 = Kenmare 14. J|fi|i Great Southern {Whitsuntide to Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- R 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- ^ Gar adj Gratis. Parsonstown. See Birr. Passaere West (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 2,027. See :— Victoria Docks ; S. Monkstown Cas. 2. Cork ^ 7 = Carrigline 6, Crosshaven 10. Pettigro (Cos. Donegal and Fermanagh), M. 32, Pop. 382. See :— Termon Magrath Rns. (View) ; N. Lough Derg 5. Castlederg 17, Strabane 29 = Kesh 5, Irvinestown 10, Dromore 18, Omagh a 27 = 1 -« Belleek 13, Ballyshannon 18 — Donegal 17. j^ Aiken's, Main St., Bl/8 L2/- D 2/6 R2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed Shelter adj Gratis g] T Aiken, ^a H. H. & T. A. Aiken (Cycles). Philipstown (King's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 778, ^ Tullamore 9. See :-Castle (XVIth c). Tyreiispass 8, Muliingar a 18 = Edenderry ffi. 13, Timahoe 23, Lucan 41 = Portarlington 13, Maryborough 25 = Tullamore a 9. f^ Gilbert McCormack & Co., Main St. (Cycles). The prices for lunch and dinner are for the table d'hdte served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. respectively. PORTADOWN - 656 - PORTADOWN (Co. Armagh), M. 33, Ep), Pop. 11,727. M.D., Sat. See :-St. Mark's Church (A). :<^ N. 1 (E. VI). E. I : by Market St., High St., and Bridge St. :— Lurgaii 5, MoiralO, Lisbum St 18, Belfast Si 26 (gd. und., 1/19 desc. at 10 m.). E. II : by High St. and Car rick Blacker Rd. : — Gilford 6, Laurencetown 8, Banbridge 11, Newcastle 31 (med. und.). E. Ill : by High St. atid Thomas St. ;— Tanderagee6, Poyntzpass 11, Newry a 20 (gd. rd., IJIO desc. leaving Tanderagee), Dublin & 84. E, IV : 61/ Market St. and Church St. : — Lonej-stown 6, Armagh 11 (V. gd. ly. und.). PORTADOWN mpenel H 1 Market Street ■°.2 High Street 3 Bridge Street 4 Carrick Blacker Road 5 Thomas Street 6 Church Street 7 West Street 8 AVoodhouse Street 9 Obins Street E.y:by Market St. and West Rd. :— Loughgall 8, Blackwatertown 12, Benburb 14, Auglinacloy 26, Augher 34, Clogher 36, Fivemiletown 43, Enniskillen Sl 58 (gd. sin.). .E. VI : by Woodhoxise St. and Obins St. :— The Birches • 6, Vemers Br. 10, Dungannon 16 (gd. jl. rd.), Omagh Si 43 (gd. hilly, 1/lii desc. at 28 m.). • r. The Birclies 6, Maghery 9, Brockagh 13, The Diamond 19, Ballyronan 26, Castle Dawson 31, Kilrea 45, Coleraine 60 (med. v. und. pict.). JS. Queen's, High St. and Thomas St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Shelter 50 y Gratis M T Grew :p> 37. jUa. Imperial, High St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 7/- Court. ins Gratis J20] lAC :^ 58 Nat. ^f"ii R. Hewitt, Armagh Rd., Agt. for FORD, HuMBER, ROVER, Belsize, (i2l Boxes \MjlS \T Motors. Portaferry (Down), M. 33, Pop. 1,514, ^ Downpatrick 9. See :— N.E. Kirkistone Cas. 6. Grey Abbey 12, Newtownards 19, Belfast ffi 29 = Baliylialbert 16, Dona- ghadee 28 = strangford 1 < Downpatrick ffi. 9, Ballynahinch 19 — Ardglass 9, Dundrum 23, Newcastle 28. la Nugent Arms, The Square, B 1/9 L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shelter ins Gratis g]. f^" J. Caughey, The Square. - 6.07 - QUEENSTOWN Portarlington (Queen's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 1,943. M.D., Wed. See:— N.E. Geashill (Castle Ens.) 9 ; E. LeaCas. 2 ; S. Emo Park 5 ; W. Tinnikill Cas. (Rus.) 3. Cu^hina 3 < Rochfortbridge 22, Muilingar & 30 — Rathangan 10, Naas a 25, = Monasterevan S. 6, Kiklare 13, Newbridge Sl 19, Naas & 25 = Baiiydavis 9 < Maryborough ®. 12 — Abbeyleix 20 = Mountmellick 6, Mountrath 15 = 4 < Tuilamore ^ 17 — Philipstovvn 13. 0^ Brown's Imperial, Main St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/6 R 2/- Chfr 6/- [ciH Shed gl Shelter [6] ins Gratis lAC. ff» Price Bros., Main St. — \ The Flour Mills. Portglenone (Co. Antrim), M. 33, Pop. 434, ^ Maghera 9. Rashaikin Cross Rds. 5 «z Colerainc 23 — Ballymoney 14 = Ballymena ffl. 10 = 1 < Randalstown 11, Antrim 16 — Ahogil 15, Ballymena ^ 9 = Maghera 9, Dungiven 22. f^oi D. Aiken (Cycles). — W. G. Courtenay, Olenburn (Cycles). Portrush (Co. Antrim), M. 33, ED, PoP- 1;941. See :— N.E. Giant's Causeway S ; E. Dunluce Cas. (Carrlck-a-ride Rope Bridge) 4. ^ (adj. toivn). Bushmills ffi. 6 < Ballycastle & 20 — straid 11, Ballycastle ffi. 18 = Coleraine 6 = Portstewart 4, Coleralne 8. m^ Northern Counties, Main St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/6 R 5/- Chfr 7/- Lft 6 Gar U opp Gratis N 1/- Ho) T Midotel :p> 14. gasa Metropole, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 4/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis [f] "T Metropole '^ 5. m Eglinton, Opp. Station, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar U adj Gratis [20]. d^ Osborne (Temperance), Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis [T) T Osborne ^ 20. m Portrush, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 5/- Gar Shed Court ins [20! . f^B Stewart Bros., ;2.:;, Eglinton St.,^U \ Sun., Night, :p> 30. Portstewart (Londonderry), NI. 33 (uo< marked on map), Pop.. 685. :§:. Portrush 4 = Coleraine 4. JB. Carrig-na-Cule, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 5/- § Gar Shed U ins Gratis [20] :?> 16. gg Montague, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 to 3/6 Chfr 6/- Gar ins Gratis [12) RAC T 31ontague :f> 5. Portumna. (Co. Galway), M. 35, Pop. 961, ^g Parsonstown 15. See :— Monastery (Xlllth c. Rns.) ; E. Abb. of Lorrha (Xlllth c.) 4. Loughrea 19, Galway ffl. 42 = Baiiyciossaim 4 < Bailinasloe 20 — Eyre- court 10, Banagher 17 = Peny 2 -s Birr 15 — carrigahoiig 5, Nenagh 20 — Ferry 2, Carrigahorig 5, Puckaun 20, Killaloe 36 = 4 •< Tomgraney 24, Killaloe 34 — Gort 28 = Tomgraney 24, Tulla 36. Poyntxpass (Cos. Armagh and Down), M. 37, Pop. 378. See :— Dane's Cast Earthwork. Gilford 6, Lurgan 14 = Newry a 9 = Tanderagee 5, Portadown 11. Punchestown (Co. Kildare), M. 37 (not marked on map). ::iiUj. Apr. 22nd-23rd. S.E. Naas & 4 m. Queenstown (Co. Cork), M. 39, S^, Pop. 7,909. M.D., Sat. See :— R. C. Cath. (Goth.) ; Harbour. East Ferry {femj -63) 4, Midleton 9 = Carrigloe 2, Cork ®. 15. iSU. Queen's, 6-8, Westbourne, L 2/6 D 4/6 Chfr 7/- 5 Gar U ins **^ Gratis (D lAC T Queen's :f> 11. ff^ M. O'Keeffe, Harbour Bow (Cycles). 2 E RANDALSTOWN - 658 - Randalstown (Co. Antrim), M. 33 Pop. 912. See :-Clmrch (Goth.) ; Shane's Cas. ^j^ W. i. Ballymena fit 9 = Moorfleids 9, Lame ffl. 24 = Antrim 5, Belfast fl. 22 = Toome 7 < Hillhead 11, Maghera 19, Dtmgiven 32 — Ballyronan 13, IMoneymore 19 — Toome 7, Hillhead 11, Castle Dawson 12 := 2 < Port- ^lenone 11, Coleralne 34 — Ahoghill 8, Rasharkin 17, Bailymoney 25. Raphoe (Co. Donegal), M. 32, Pop. 804. See '.—Cathedral ; Bishop's Ho. (Rns.) ; Obelisk. 3 < Londonderry ffl. 16 — Letterkenny 12 = Lifford 6, Strabane 7 = Castlederg 13, Pettigo 30 = stranoriar 9, Donegal 27. Rathansan (Co. Kildare), M. 36, Pop. 619, ^ KUdare 6, Prosperous 14, Lucan 28 = 1 < Fork 2, Newbridge ffl. 10, Kilcullen 15 — Kildare 6, Athy 19 — Fork 2, Naas flL 15 = Monasterevan SSl 7, Mary- borough a20 = Portarlington 10, Mountmellick 16 = 1 < Philips- town 14, Tullamore fi. 23 — Edenderry ffli 9. Rathdrum (Wicklow), M. 37, 41, Pop. 647. Koundwood 13, Enniskerry 23, Dublin S. 36 = Wicklow 11 = Wooden Br. 7, Arklow 12 = Aughrim 9, ShUlelagh 22, Newtownbarry 32 = Laragh 7, Glendalough 8. m Grand Central (adj. Stn.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis \3\. ^^m S. P. Edge, Greenane Post Office (Cycles). — W. J. Hill, Main St. (Cycles). — Thomas Saul & Sons, Loiver St. (Cycles). Rath-friiand (Down), M. 37, Pop. 1,294, ^ Ballyroney stn. 3. The Diamond 3 < Banbridge 11, "Lurgan 20 — Dromore 14, Hills- borough 19 = Ballynahinch 18 = Kiicoo 6 < Newcastle 12 — Castle- wellan 10, Downpatrick ffl. 21 = Kilkeel 16 = Newry a 10 = Tanderagee 14, Portadown 20. ^» R. J. Hudson. — J. H. Sloane, Slain St. (Cycles). — E. Webb, The Square (Cycles). Rathkeale (Co. Limerick), M. 39, Pop. 1,749. See:-R. C. Ch. ; Castle ; Priory (Xlllth c. Rns.). Askeaton 7 = Adare 8, Limerick ®. 18 = Ballingarry 5, Kilmallock 18 = Drumcolliher 15 = Reens 2 < Newcastle 8, Abbeyfeale 21 — Lis- towel 25. Q Pigott Arms, The Square, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 4/- Shed ins Gratis [sj. Eagle Hotel, Main St. f^*i M. Casey, Main St. (Cycles). — Stephen J. Casey, Main St. (Cycles). Rathmelton (Co. Donegal), M. 32, Pop. 1,162, ^ Letterkenny 7. See :— Fort Stewart (Rns. XVIIth c.) ; The Demesne ; S. Killydonnell Monast. (XVIth c.) 2. Miliford 4 < Glen 16, Dunfanaghy 28 — Portsaion 14 = Rathmullan 7 =s Letter- kenny 7 = Kilmacrenan 7, Dunfanaghy 22. Wm Charles Mitchell (Cycles). (Co. Galway), M. 34. 9 < Letterfrack 15, Clifden 23 — Leenane 16, Westport 37 = Maam Crosa 10, Oughterard 18, Galway a 35 = Clifden 18. Railway Hotel, lAC. Roscomnnon (Co. Roscommon), M^3S, E3 Pop. 1,891. See :— Court Ho. ; Dominican Priory ; Castle (Xlllth c.) ; N.E. Abb. of Deeraue (Rns.) 2. X- ::^ ^»^i/ -'i^^- ^ - 659 - SAINTFIELD loscommon (eontiniced). Four-mUe House • 6, Tulsk Cross Rds. 11, Shankill 15, Boyle 26, Collooney 44, Sligo & 51 (gd. und.). • r. Four-mUe House 6, Strokestown 13, Roosky 23, MohiU 30, Ballina- more 40, Swanlinbar 52, Enniskillen ffi. 64 (med. und.). Lanesborough 9, KUiashee 14, Longford fii 19 {med. %md.). Knockcroghery 6, Lecarrow 10, Athlone ffl. 20 (gd. und. pict, 1113 aSC. at 13 m.). Athleague • 5, BallygarlO, Moylough 22, Hurseleap Cross Eds. • 26, Gaiway a, 48 (med. und.). • 1. Athleague 5, Thomas St 13, Dundonnell 18, BallinaSlOe 24 (med. rd.) • V. Horseleap Cross Rds. 26, Tuam ffl. 35 (gd. rd.). oran 7, Castlerea 17, Kilkelly 34, Swineford 41, Ballina 57 (med. rd.). Grealy's Hotel, Main St. f^a Gavin Bros., Abbey St. — J. Gavin, Church St. Roscrea. # (Co. Tipperary), M. 40, Pop. 2,325. See :— Church ; Eound Tower ; Ormonde Cas. (Rns.) ; Abbey Ch. ; N. Leap Cas. 4. ^. Boheraphuea 5, Longford 9, Kinnitty 12, Cadamstown 15, Tuilamore ^ 28 (gd. und. pict., many 1/10-13 gradients). Borris-in-Ossory • 7, Castletown 14, Mountrath 16, Maryborough 24 (v. gd. und.). • i: Borris-in-Ossory 7, Donaghmore 13, Rath downy 15, Glashare Castle 21, Freahford 28, Kilkenny a 37 (med. und. pict.). Scart 1, Templemore 12, Thurles ®. 21, Cashei 34 (excellent, und. pict., 1(12 asc. at 1 m.). Dunkerrin 5, Moneygall 9, Toomyvara • 13, DoUa 21, Silvermines 23, Newport 33, Annacotty 39, Limerick SL 43 (gd. imd.). • r. Toomyvara 13, Nenagh 20 (gd. rd.). • 2, Mooney'8 Cross Rds. 7, Cloghjordan 12, Nenagh 22 (gd. und. pict.). ^ • V. 2, Gortereen Cross Rds. 7, Lissadona Cross Rds. 11, Borrisokane 16, Carrigahorig 21, Portumna 26 (gd. und. pict). Sharavogue Cross Rds. 7, Birr 12 (gd. tmd.). .^ Portarlington Arms, Castle St., B-2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar Shed Shelter ins Ch-atis \M lA-C. Houlihan's Hotel. f^» Michelin Stockist, W. Moynan, Main St., \ T Moynan. Carbery (Co. Cork), M. 39, Pop. 532, ^ aonakilty 9. See :— Cathedral (Goth.) ; St. Faughnan's Ch. (Rns.) ; E. Templefaughtna (Rns.) 1. Clonakilty 9, Bandon 22 = Skibbereen 12. Rosslea (Fermanagh) M. 36, Pop. 227. Mans Cross Rds. 8 < Brookborough 12, Lisbellaw 19, Ennlsklllen fi. 24 — Five- miletown 14 = Monaghan 9 = Baliagh Cross Rds. 7, Lisnaskea 12, Ennlsklllen & 24. Rosstrevor (Co. Down), W. 37, Pop. 806. HUitown 7 < Rathf riland 10— Newcastle 19= Kilkeel 10 = Warrenpoint 2, Newry la. 9. mm Great Northern, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- S Gar ins N 1/- SI I AC T Northern. Mourne Hotel. Saintfield (Down), M. 33, Pop, 554. 1 «s Belfast ®. ll — Comber 8, Newtownards 12, Bangor 18 = Killy- leagh 9, Downpatrick ®. 15 = Downpatrick ffi. H = Ballynahinch 5, Banbridge 21 = Lisburn ®. 10. The price of a room is for a sooti medium-sized room with la.t^e bed, to be occupied by one person, light and attendance included. The hotel-keeper may let rooms at prices inferior or superior to those given in the Guide according to situation and installation. SHERCOCK - 660 - ShercOCk (Co. Cavaii), M. 36, Pop. 273, fj^ Carrickmacross 9. Cootehill 10, Newtown Butler 28 = Lough Egish 8 < Castleblayney 13, Keady 23, Armagh ffl 31 — Ballybay 14 = Carrickmacross 9, Dundalk 23 = Kingscourt 8, Navan ^ 27 = Bailieborough 7, Virginia 16, Oldcastle 23 = Cavan ffl. 23. Skerries (Co. Dublin), M. 37, Pop. 1,721. See :— The Skerries. ^ S.W. 1. Balbriggan 4, Drogheda a 14 = Rush 4, Swords 12, Dublin a 20 = Swords 10, Dublin ffl. 18. m The Guest House, Harbour, B 2/- L 3/- D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- T McHugh. Skibbereen (Co. Cork), M. 38, Pop. 3,208. See :— R. C. Chap. (Grecian) ; W. Abbeystrowry (Rns.) 1. "^ N. i. Derreeny Br. 4 < Bantry 18 — Dunmanway 17, Macroom ffi Sf) = Drinagh 11, Dunmanway 19 s= Ross Carbery 12, Clonakilty 21 = Castiedownsend fi, Leap 10, Ross Carbery 15, Clonakilty 24 = oidcourt 4, Baltimore 8, Skib- bereen 16 = Skull 15, Mizeii lid. 30. m. The West Cork, Hen St., B 2/- L 2/- D 3/- R2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed H] Court [5] opp Gratis T Murphy's. Eldon Hotel, 31, Bridge St. ffm W. Wood Wolfe, The Bridge, Agt. for Belsizb, [TK] Boxes [U U Sun., T Wood Wolfe. Siane (Meath), M. 37, Pop. 207, ^ Beau Pare atn. 2. See :— Slane Cas. ; Abb. Ch. and College (Rns.) ; Rath ; Hermitage of St. Ere (Rns.). ::^ July 10th. CoUon 6 -s Dunieer 12, Dundalk 25 — Ardce 13 = Drogheda a 9 = asIi- boume 15 < Dublin a 28 — Swords 23 = Demesne Gate 1 < Navan ffl. S — Fork 2, Kells ^ 15 — Demesne Gate 1, Fork 2, Carrickmacross 22. 8LIGO m (Co. Sligo), M. 35, Pop. 11,163. M.D., Thurs., Sat. See :-Sligo A1)bey • (Xllltli c.) (A) ; St. John's Ch. (Goth.) (C) ; R. C. Cath. (Rom.)(D) ; Deer Park ; N.B. Glencar Lough Waterfall 8 (E. I) ; S.E. Lough Gill 4 (E, II); S.W. Megalithic Remains on Carrowmore 3. :§: W. 5 (E. I), :>i;^. May lUth. ^.\: by [Victoria Br., Holborn St., and New Gallows Hill .— • 1, DrumciifE 5, Grange 10, Bundoran 21, Ballyshannon 26, Donegal 40, Raphoe 67, Londonderry ^ 83 {gd. hilly, v. pict, 1/13 asc. at 20 ni.). • r. 1, Glencar Lough 8, iJanor Hamilton 16, Glenfarn 24. Belcoo 30, Enniskillen fit 41, Portadown 103, Belfast ffi. 129 (gd. sin. pict.). E. il : by Victoria Br., Stephen St., and Gore St. :— Prince Breffln's Castle 7, Dromahair 11, Drumkeeran 20, Drumshanbo 30, Ballinamore 42, Killashandra 56, Cavan 68, Shercock 91, Carrick- macross 100, Dundalk 114 (gd. and. v. pict). E. Ill : by Knox's St., BatelifSt., Castle St., Albert St., and Albert Rd. :— • 2, Ballysadare* 5, Collooney • 7, • 9, Ballymote 14, Gorteen 22, Bal- laghaderreen 30, Ballyhaunis 44, Dunmore 55, Tuam ^ 64 (gd. rd. , 1/19 asc. at Collooney), Gal way ^ 85. • 1. 2, Ballygawley 6, Code 9, Geevagh 15, Ballyfaman 18, Keadew 21, Carrick-on-Shannon 30, Longford ®. 53 (nud. hilly, pict., several 1/U- 10 gradients), Dublin ffi. 129. • r. Ballysadare 5, Dromard 11, Dromore 22, Ballina 37 (gd. ly. und. 2iict., several 1/17 gradients). • 1. Collooney 7, Drumfin 12, Castle Baldwin 16, Ballinafad 20, Boyle 25, Roscommon 51, Athlone ffi. 71 (gd. rd.), Tullamore jSl 95, Carlow IS. 136. • r. 9, Tobercurry 20, Cuny 25, Charlestown 27, Swineford 34, Bohola 40, Beiiavary 44, Castlebar St 52 (gd. und.). la Victoria, 9, Albert St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- Shed HJ Court ins [12] Gratis lAC T Victoria. Imperial Hotel, Corcorans Mall. ff* Michelin Stockists, W. A. & A. F. Woods, Ltd., '>, Castle St.,[§]U \T Woods :f> 31. M.C.T. J. Gilbride, Stephen St., Agt. for Clement-Talbot, Darracq, Ford, [30] U % Sun., T Gilbride. STRABANE Sligro (continued). SLIGO « A. SLIGO ABBEY C. ST JOHN'S CHURCH 0. CATHEDRAL C.-P.S.R.S.B. (See p. 3 ) A. & A. F. Woods Ltd 1 Victoria Bridge 2 Holborn Street 3 New Gallows Hill 4 Stephen Street 5 Gore Street 6 Knox's Street 7 Ratcliff Street 8 Castle Street 9 Gaol Street iO Albert Road 11 John Street 12 Wine Street 13 Barrack Street Sneem (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 393, ^ Kenmare 16. See :— R. C. Chap. ; S. Garinish Island 2. Windy Gap 14, Killamey Q. 28 = Parkuasilla 2, Kenmare 16 = Waterville 21, Caherciveen 31. ^ The Sneem, B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E 2/6 Chfr 5/- Shelter ins Gratis d] T Sheehan. ^3M J. J. Sheehan (Cycles). Stewartstown (Tyrone), M. 33, Pop. 669. Magherafelt 14 = Baiiyronan 14, Randalstown 27 = Mill Bridge 8 •< Lurgan 18 — Portadown 15 = 4 < Dungannon 8, Monaghan 31 — vemers Br. 8, Armagh 18 = Pomeroy 10 <. Beragh 21, Omagh S. 28 — Omagh a 27 = Cookstown 6, Dungiven 29. ^a« Charles Logan (Cycles). STRABANE (Tyrone), M. 32, Pop. 5,033. M.D., Tmn. See :— Court Ho. ; Convent. ^ N. 1 (E. IV). E.\ : by Market St., Ahercorn Sq., and Derry Rd. :— • 2, Ballymagorry 3, Cloughcor 5, Kewbuildings 12, Londonderry ®. 15 (gd. pict.). • r. 2, Artigarvan 3, Donemanagh 7, Claudy 16, Baranaile 24, Llmavady 29, Coleraine 49 (med. v. hilly). STRADBALLY - 662 - 8tra,ba.ne {cantinv^d). E. II : fty Toivn Hall St., Barrack St., and Neivtownkennedy :— riumb Br. • 10, Mount Hamilton 21, Draperstown 31, Desertmartin 36, Magherafelt 39, Castle Dawson 41, Toome • 46, Ka,ndalsto^vn 53, Antrim 58 (med. hilly, v. pict.). • r. Plumb Br. 10, Gortin 14, Ronsky 18, Pomeroy 33, Dungannon 42, Armagh 55 {nied. rd. hilly). • \. Toome 46, Ballymena a 57 {med. hilly ptct.). E III : by Meeting House St., Bridge St., and Sion Mills Rd :— Victoria Br. • 5, Newtown Stewart 10, Omagh a 20, • 23, Clogher37, Monaghan 54 (gd. und. pict.) • r. Victoria Br. 5, Drumlegagh 11, Drumquin 17, The Diamond 26, Kilskeery Br. 30, BeUanamaUard 33, Ennlskllietl S. 40 (gd. ly. und.). • 1. 23, Ballygawley 36, Dungannon 49, Portadown 65, Belfast a 91 ( 35. Si Victoria, Main St., B 1/6 L 1/6 D 2/- E, 2/- Chfr 5/- Gar ins Gratis [6] f Thompson. a Commercial, Main St., Shelter g] Court (12] ins Gh-atis. f^" J. W. Buchanan, Railway Rd., Agt. for Humber, DARRACQ, Ford, Qa U\ Sun., Night, I AC T Buchanan ;p> 26. Stradbally (Queen's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 937, 1^ Maryborough 7. See :— Timahoe JRoimd Tower 5. Monasterevan m. 13, Kiklare 20 = Athy8, Baltinglass 23 = CarlOW S^ 16 = Ballinakill 13, Kilkenny ^ 30 = Abbeyleix 14, Templemore 38 = Cromwell's Lines, 3 < Maryborough 7 — Mounbmellick 11, Tullamore ^ 25 = Portarlington 12. - 663 - THURLES Strokestown (Co. Roscommon), M. 35, Pop. 735 P, ^g DrumsnaStn. 10 Elphin 7, Carrick-on-Shamion 16 = Mohill 17 = Scramoge 2 «s Longford em — Lane3borough 9, Ballymahon 21 = Roscommon 13 = Tuisk 7 < Ballaghaderreen 24 — Castlerea 18. m Pakenham Mahon Arms, Bawn St., B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed ins Gratis N 1/3 O. Swanlinbar (Co. Cavan), M. 36, Pop. 365, ^ BailyconneU 10. See :— Caverns ; N.W. Sonrce of the Shannon 7. Enniskillen a 12 = Demacrieve Cross Rds. 3 < Ballinamore 12, Mohill 22 — BailyconneU 10, Belturbet 18. Swinefbrd (Mayo), M. 35, Pop. 1,367. Charlestown 7 < Tobercurry 14, Collooney 27, Sllgo ®L 34 — Ballymote 23 — Charlestown 7, Ballaghaderreen 18 = Kilkelly 7, Castlerea 24 s= Claremorris 17, Ballinrobe 30 = Castlebar ^ 18 = 6 < Ballina 16 — Foxford 9. Swords (Co. Dublin), M. 37, Pop. 944, s^ Malahide 4. See :— The Round Tower ; Archiepiscopal Pal. (Xlllth c.) ; Church. Balbriggan 11, Drogheda fi. 21 = Dublin a 8 = Lucan 16 = Donaghmore 7 < Ratoath 11, Trim 28 — Slane 23 — Donaghmore 7, Eatoath 11, Mavan a 25. ^HB G. Price, Main St. Tallow (Co. Waterford), M. 40, Bop. 964, ^ Lismore 6. See :— Lisfinny Cas. ; W. Conna Tower 4. Lismore a 6, Cappoquin 10, Dungarvan 21 = Youghal a 16 = 6 < Dun- goumey 11, Midleton 16, Cork Si 30 —Youghal a 17 — Dungoumey 11, Castlemartyr 15 = Fermoy Sl 15. Tanderagree (Co. Armagh), M. 37, ED, Pop. 1,427. Portadown 6 = Gilford 3 -5 Banbridge ®. 8 — Lurgan ! 1 = Scarva 2 < Rathfriland 14 — Banbridge 8 = Poyntzpass 5, Newry ffl. 14 = Armagh 12. Tarbert (Limerick), M. 38, Pop. 410, ^ Listowei 11, Glin 4, Foynes 13, Askeaton 20 = Listowei 11, Tralee SSl 28 = Bally- longford 5, Tralee a 30. Tempiemore (Co. Tipperary) M. 40, ED. Pop. 2,774. See :— The Abbey ; Jlonastic Ch. ; Castle (Keep). Roscrea a 12 = Rathdowney 12, Abbeyleix 24 = Johnstown 13, Kilkenny a 30 = Thurles Q. 9, Cashel 22 = Milestone 15 < Limerick ®. 41 — Tipperary a 32 = Moneygaii 11, Nenagh 22. Mullaly's Commercial and Family Hotel, Slain St. ^aa Moynan Bros., Main St., [2] Sun. Thomastown (Co. Kilkenny), M. 40, Pop. 909. See :— Church (Xnith c.) ; E. Grenan Cas. 1 ; S.W. Jerpoint Abb. (Rns.). ^W. 1. Kilkenny a 11 = Royal Oak 15 -s Bagenalstown ffi. 16, Carlow ffl.26— Leigh- linbridge 17, Carlow ffl. 25 = Borris 15, Newtownbarry ffi. 29 = New Ross 16 = 2 < Knocktopher 5, Waterford a 22 — Callan 14 — Knocktopher 5, Carrick-on-Suir 22. Nore View Hotel. f^e James Ryan, Pipe St. Thurles ^ (Co. Tipperary), M. 40, ES. Pop. 4,411. See :— R. C. Cath. (Rom.) ; Castle (Rns.) ; S.W. Holycross Abb. (Rns.) 4. :t: S. 2 (E. V). ;:^ May 19th. Tempiemore 9, Roscrea & 21 (gd. und. pict, 1112 desc. at 20 m.). Templetonby 9, Rathdowney 18, Castletown 28, Mountrath 30, Maryborough 38 (gd. rd.). Two-raUe Borris 4, Urlingford 11, Woodsgift 16, Freshford 20, Kilkenny Q. 29 (gd. rd.). See on p. 5 the metVtotM used in arranging; the Hotels. TINAHELY — 664 Thurles (continued). Littleton • 5, New Birmingham 9, Kilmanagli 22, Kilkenny Q. 30 (med. rd.). • T. Littleton 5, Killenaule 11, Drangan 17, Mullinalione 20, Nine-mile House 25, Gienbower 29, Carrick-on-Suir 84 {gd. pict). Hoiycross • 4, Cashel 13 (r. gd. iind. pict.). • r. Hoiycross 4, Donaskeagh 17, TJpperary 22 (gd. und. 2net.). • 1, Rosmult 6, Milestone 13, Inch 14, Rear Cross 21, Newport 30, LimeriCk a 40 (mount, rd., 1/17 desc. at ^8 m.). • V. 1, Bouladufl 4, Borrlsoleigh 8, Carrick Wood 16, Nenagh 23 (u. gd. fl. pict.). ^ Hayes, Main St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 2/6 R 2/6 Shed (T] Shelter [5l Court [H] ins Gmtis lAC. M Munster, Cathedral St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/6 Shed U Court O ins Gratis ''f AIcBride. fr«i Mlchelin Stockists, Moynan Bros., Friar St., g] LT ^. — P. W. Dunlop, Fn"ar 5«., [3] U \ Sun., T Dunlop. Tinahely (Wicklow), IVI. 4t, Pop. 365. See :— " Black Tom's Cellars " (Rns.) ; Wood of Shillelagh. KUlaveney Cross Rds. 2 -i Aughrim Stn. 8, Rathdrum 17 — Limerick 10, Gorey 16 — KUlaveney Cross Rds. 2, Aughrim Stn. 8, Wooden Br. 13, Arklow 18 = Carnew 9, Ferns 18, EnniSCOrthy 26 = Shillelagh 5, Clonegall 12, K"ew- tovvnbarry a 15 = Hacketstown 7, Baltinglass 16. TIPPERARY (Co. Tipperary), IVI. 39, EH, Pop. 6,281. M.D., Thurs. Sat. See :— St. John's Ch. (A) ; S. Glen of Aherlow 4. X- i:^ June S-Uth. . E.\'.hy Davis St. and Murgast;/ J{d. :— Iron Mills Br. 8, Hollyford 13, Milestone 17, Inch 18, DoUa 28, Nenagh 33 (gd. mount). E. II : by Main St., Spital St., and Boheranuisge :— DonoskeaghS, Hoiycross 18, ThUrleS J&.22, Mountrath 52, IVIaryborOUgh 60 (gd. rd.). E. Ill : &;/ Main St. and Spital St. :— Golden 8, Cashel 12 (gd. rd. hilly, 1/13 asc. at 1 m. and 5 m,), Dublin 110. TIPPERARY SCALE Davis Street 2 Murgasty Road 3 Main Street 4 Spital Street 5 Boheranuisge 6 Clonmel Road 7 O'Brien Street 8 Emly Road 9 Church Street 10 Davitt Street CarroU'B Royal E. IV : by Main St. and Clonmel Rd. :— Banshay 5, Cahir 13, Rathkeevan Cross 19, ClOnmel & 2S(nied. Und. inct.). E.\l: by O'Brien St. and Emly Rd. :— Emly 8, Knockiong 12, Kilniallock 20, Charleville 26 (gd. und.), Newtown- shandrum 29, Dromina 32, Preemouut 37, Newmarket 44 (gd. Jjict.), Ballyhoolahan 48, Boherboy 49 (<7(/. pict.), Knocknagree 56, Rathmore Stn. 59, BarradufE 65, Klllamey ffi. 73 (gd. iind. inct.). E. VI : by Church St. and Davitt St. :— Oola 6, Pallas 10, Donney's Cross Rds. 16, LimeriCk ffi 24 ()ued. rd.). — 665 TRALEE Tippera.ry {continued). ^ Dobbyn's, Bank PL, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 5/- Boxes [5] Shed (3 Court [15] ins Gratis lAC T Dobbyns. j?a. Carroll's Eoyal, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/- R 2/- Chfr 7/6 Shed ins Gm«i8 Ql lAC. ¥fwi W. G. Evans, 17-21, James St., HUN Sun., lAC T Evans. — D. J. McCarthy, jBawfc PZace. Tobercurry (Co. Sligo), M. 31, 35, Pop. 871. Collooney 13, Sllgo a 20 = 6 < Boyle 21 — Ballymote 11, Collooney 18 = 2 < Ciiarlestown 7, Kilkelly 14 — Callow 17, Foxford 21 — Charlestown 7, Swineford 14, Castlebar a 32 = Ballina 20. ^^n Thos. Clarke (Cycles). — The Exors. of Martin F. Quinn, Quimi's Corner (Cycles). Tobermore (Co. Londonderry), M. 33, ^ Maghera 3. Maghera 3, Garvagh 13, Colcraine 26 = Castledawson 6, Randalstown 18, Antrim 23 = Magherafelt 6, Portadown 37 = Moneymore 9, Cooks- town 14, Dungannon 25 = Feeny 16, Londonderry a 31. TRALEE m (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 9,867. M.D., Tues., TImrs., Sat. See :-Church (A) ; Court Ho. (C). ^1^. i (E. II). r^ ^^ov. U-5th. E. I : hy The Mall, Russell St., and Rock. St. :— Abbeydorney 6, BallydufE 14, Lisselton Cross Rds. 19, Ballylongford 25, Tarbert 30 {gd. hilly, several 1/17 gradients). E. II : by The Mall, Loiver Castle St., and Edward St. :— Lisseraghtera 2, Listowel • 17, Atliea 26, Ardagh 36, Reens 40, Eathkeale 42, Croagh 46, Adare 50, Patrick's Well 54, LlmerJck ffl. 60 ( 032. TRAMORE - 666 - Tralee (continued). m Grand, 31, Denny St., B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 E 3/- Chfr 6/- PG dist T Grand :?» 69. Central Hotel, Denny St., lAC. f^Bi Michelin Stockists, Tralee Motor Garagre, Ltd., i7-id, Edward St., Agt. for Wolsbley, So) TJ \ Sun., Night, I AC T Motors :p> 49. — Michelin IVI.C.T., J. Dunne, 1, Russell St. (Motor Cycles^ Tramore (Co. Waterford), M. 40, Pop. 1,733. See :— W. Three Towers (Metal Man 14 ft.) 2 ; Don Isle Cas. (Rns.) 6. ^ W. 1. ^i;^ Aug. 13-t5th ; Sept. 20th. Waterford ffl. 8 = Passage East 13 (proceed vid Waterford and New Ross; ferry -65 ; no motors), Arthurstown 15, Wexford ffi. 39 = Dungarvan 25. Grand Hotel, lAC. Trim (Meath), M. 37, EH, Pop. 1,513. See :— Yellow Steeple ; King John's Cas* (Rns.) ; Parish Ch. ; R. C. Ch. (Goth.) ; St. .John's Friary ; Dominican Priory (Rns.) ; S.E. St. Peter and St. Paul's Abb. (Rns.). X W. 2 (Oct. to June), '^i^ Apr. 28th. Navan a 9 = Duieek 19, Drogheda a 24 = Dublin a 28 = Kilcock 14, Naas a 28 = 3 «: Kmnegad 16, Kilbeggan 35 — Mullingar a 26 = Ath- boy 7, Kells a 16. gl Central, Market St., B 2/- L 3/6 D 3/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Ch-qtis {TJ. ^■i Brogan Bros., High St. TUAM m (Co. Galway), IVI. 35, Pop. 2,? M.D., Wed.; Sat. See :-Bishop's Pal. (A) ; Cross (C) ; R. C. Cath. (Goth.) (D) ; Cathedral • (E). ^. ':^ July 8th ; Sept. 23rd. E. I : &?/ Bishop St. and Bohernagreana ;— Browne's arove 5, Dunmore 9, Cloonfad 15, Ballyhaunis 20, Carrowbehy 25, Ballaghaderreen 34, Gorteen 42, Ballymote 50, Sligo & 64 (med. rd., 1/19 asc. at 57 m.). TUAIVL , SCALE 1 Bishops Street" 2 Bohernagreana 3 Vicar Street 4 Dublin Road 6 i^igh Street 6 Oalway Boad 7 Shop Street 8 Foster Placo » BaUygaddy Road E. 11 : hy Vicar St. and Dublin Rd. ;— Barnaderg Castle 6, Horseleap Cross Rds. • 9, Moylough • 13, Mount Bellew 17, Baiiyforan26, Atlilone m. 41 (gd. rd. ly. und.), Dublin S. 119. • r. Horseleap Cross Rds. 9, Glentane 16, Annagh 20, Ballinasloe 31, Birr 56 (med. ly. und.). • L Moylaugh 13, Ballygar 25, Athleague 80, RoSCOmmon 35 (gd. rd.), LonfKord & 54. I - 667 - TULLAMORE (continued). E. Ill : brj High St and Galway Rd. :— Claretuam 3, Loughgeorge 13, Galway ^ 21 (gd. ly. und.). E. IV : by Shop St., Foster PL, and Bally gaddy Rd. :— Kilbaimon Bound Tower 3, Foxliall 9, Roos 12, • 14, Ballinrobe 19, West- port 38 {med. und., many short hills). • r. 14, Hollymount 16, Ballyglasa 23, Bellacarra 28, Castlebar & 34 (gd. ly. und.). Imperial Hotel, Vicar St. W^ Michelin Stockists, M. McElgunn's Coach & Motor Works, VU;ar St. Tulla (Clare), M. 39, Pop. 592, ^ Ennis 11. Gort 21 = Feakle 7, Loughrea 35 = Tomgraney 12, Portumna 36 = Tulla r. Cross Rds. 1 «s LimerIck ffi 21 — EnnIs ISi 11. f , f^m M. V. 0. Halloran, St. Patrick's Motor &i3ycle Works. — C. A. Welch, Cycle Depot. TULLAMORE 1 (King's Co.), M. 36, Pop. 4,639. M.D., Tues., Sat. See :-Court Ho. (A) ; S.W. Charleville Park 1. ^E.3 (E. I). E.I: by William St. and Kilbeggan Rd. ;— Kilbeggan 7, Castletown 13, Mullingar & 22 (med. ly. und.). E. II : by William St., Charles St., Canal Side, and Philipstown Rd. :— Ballinagar 7, Philipstown 9, Rath villa 16, Killan 20, Edenderry a 22, Dublin & 59 (gd. fl. rd.). E. Hi : by Church St. and Portarlington Rd. ;— GeashUl 8, Portarlington • 17, Monasterevan ffl. 23, Kildare 30, New- bridge & 36, Naas ffl. 42, Dublin a 63 (gd. rd. recom.). • 1. Portarlington 17, The Togher 24, Stradbally 29, Carlow &. 45 (gd. rd.). TULLAMORE^ SCALE A. COURT HOUSE •G.-R.S.R.S.- (See p 1 William Street 2 Kilbeggan Road 3 Charles Street _ . „ „ ... 4 Canal Side R&HEganLtd 5 Philipstown Road R. H, 6 Church Street 7 Killeagh Road 8 Bridge Street 9 High Street 10 Earl Street 41 Charleville Street 12 Barrack Street 13 Lower Barrack St 14 Clara Road E. \y : by Bridge St., High St., and Earl St. :— Kiiieigh 5, Mountmellick • 14, Maryborough 20 (med. und.). • 1. Mountmellick 14, Carlow ffl. 41 (gd. und.). E.y : by Bridge St., High St., and Charleville St.:— • 2, Blue Ball • 7, Prankford 13, Fivealiey 18, Birr 23 (gd. ly. und.). • 1. 2, Cadamstown 13, Kmnitty 16, Longford 19, Boheraphuca 23, RoSCrea A 28 (many 1/10-13 gradients), Templemore 40, Thurles & 49, Cashei 62 (gd. hilly, pict.). • r. Blue Ball 7, Cloghan 18, Clonomy 20, Shannonbridge 26, BaliinaSloe 35 (gd. fl. rd.), Athenry 61, Galway a 75. Read carefully the preliminary explanations, pp. 1 to li. TULLOW - 668 - Tuliamore {continued). E. VI : hy Barrack St., Lower Barrack St., and Clara Rd. :— CUara 7, Moate 14, Athlone ffl. 24 {gd. und., 1/lS desc. at :i m.). Charleville Arms Hotel, Bridge St. ^^m Michelin Stockist, R. H. Poole, Charleville Sq., Agt. for Tal- bot, Ford, [Til LT \ Sun., Night, lAC T Poole :p> 8. ' — Michelin Stockists, P. & H. Egran, Ltd., Bridge House, Agt. for HUMBER, [20] U \ T Egans :f> 10. Tullow (Co. Carlow), M. 41, Pop. 1,725, M.D., Sat. See :— A1)bey (Rns.) ; Castle ; W. Castlemore Rath 1, ^ S.W. 3. Baltinglass 11, Blessington 31 = siiiiieiagh 10, Carnew 14, Gorey 25 = oionegaii 10, Newtownbarry 51 13 = Leighlinbridge 12, Castlecomer 25 = Carlow S. 9. Q Slaney, Abbej/ St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/- R 1/6 Chfr 6/- Shed [e] Court (Is! adj Gratis. ffi Bridge, Bridge St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/6 Chfr 6/- Shed ins Gratis (T|. Slaney's Hotel. f^ John Cleary, Fair Green, Agt. for Armstrong-Whitworth, fH U \ Sun. lAC T Cleary. — R. Lawson, Church St., Agt. for HUMBER, SINGER, Darracq, [H U % Sun,, Night, T lawson. Virgrinia (Co. Cavan), M. 36, Pop. 451. See :— Gothic Ch. ; S. Lough Ramor. Bailieborough 9, Shercock 16, Castleblayney 29 = Kells ffl. 12, Navan ffl. 22 = 1 •<: Oldcastle 7, Castlepollard 18 — Ballyjamesduflf 6, Granard 21 = Baiij-haise 19, Newtown Butler 31. m Headfort Arms, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 2/6 Chfr 6/- f Slied ins Gi-atis [5] T Tierney. ^^■i Bernard Farrell, Main St. Warrenpoint (Down), M. 37, EH, Pop. 1,817. :^ N.W. 3. Newry fi. 7 = Rosstrevor 2, Kilkeel 12, iii Great Northern (Easter to mid Oct.), B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- R 4/- Chfr 7/- 5 Gar U ins Gm^*:*- N 1/- (^ lAC T Northern Ross- trevor :f> 7 Nat. ff» J. Nesbitt, Church St. — J. C. Ingram & Co., Church St. (Cycles). WATERFORD 1 (Co. Waterford), M. 40, ^,Pop. 27,430. M.D., Wed., Sat. See :— Reginald's Tower (A) ; Cromwell's Rock (D) ; Cathedral (G) ; N. Mount Misery. ^ S. 7. E. 1 : 6v/ The Mall, The Quay, Merchants' Quay, Wooden Br., Dock Jid., Mulgrave Hill, and Boss Rd. :— Ferrybank 1, Gienmore 9, New Ross • 15 (med. rd., Z'8/mpi/), Newtown- barry ffi. 40, Tullow 53, Baltinglass 64, Dublin ffl. 103. • r. New Ross 15, Wexford m. 38 (only rd. foi- motorists). E. II : by The Mall, Lombard St., William St., and Neivtown Rd. :— Passage East 7, (ferry -65 ; no motors) Ballyhack 8, Artluirstown 9, Ramsgrange 10, Wellington Br. 19, • 22, Waddingtovra 25, WOXford fi. 33 (gd. rd.). • 1. 22, Taghmon 26, Glynn 32, Enniscorthy 41 (med. und. pict.). E. ill : by Th» Mall, Parnell St., Manor St., and Cork Rd. :— The Sweep 6, • 7, Carroll's Cross 12, Anniscourt 21, Duugarvan • 29, Kellr's Cross Rds. 37, Youghal Si 47, Cork fi 78 (gd. n. rd., 1/17 desc. at fi5 m.). • r. 7, Carrlck-on-Suir 19 (gd. pict.), Kiisheeian 26, Clonmel 32, Tipperary la .55, Limerick a 79. • r. mmgarvan 29, Fermoy a 59 (v. 2>ict.). E. IV: by The Quay, Merchants' Quay, Wooden Br., and Xeicrath Rd. ;— • 2,«iMullinavat 9, • 16, Thomastown 21, Gowran 29, AVhitehall 33, Roval Oak 36 Bagenalstown ^ 37, Carlow a 47, Baltinglass 59 (v. gd. fl. rd.), Dublin a 98. y J J h ■5 I. 2, Agiish 5, Mooncoin 8, Fiddo^^•n 11, Carrick-on>Suir 11 (med. rd.), Glen AVood 23, Clonmel ®. 31, • 1. 16, stoneyford 21, Kilkenny a 30 (gd. rd.). - 669 - WATERVILLE Waterford (continued). f^^ Imperial, The Mall, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 4/- E, 3/6 Chfv 7/- Oi Shelter [4] Court [8] ins Gratis T Imperial :p> 22. gg Granville, The Quay, B 2/6 L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shetl [Yi Court [fo] 51)0 y Gratis ?> 200. M Adelphi, :/'//« Mall, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 Chfr 6/- Shed dist Gratis [8] lAC ;F» 82. WATERFORD A. REGINALD'S TOWER C. CATHEDRAL D. CROMWELLS ROCK P.SrB.G.-R.S. (See p. 3 ) ^delphi H 44. M.C.T. — W. J. Cordner, Henrietta St., J 88. Watervilie (Kerry), M. 38, Pop. 275, i^ Caherciveen 10. See :— Celtic Cross ; Lough Currane 1 ; S. Derrynane Abl). (Ptiis.) 7. 2 < Caherciveen 10 — Glencar Hotel 20, Killorglin 31 = Sneem 21, Park- nasilla 23. ilia Butler Arms, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/- to 4 '- Chfr 5/- Gar adj Gratis m lAC T ilcElligot. Se. Great Southern {Whitmntide to Oct.), B.2/6 L 2/6 D 5/- P. 4/- to 5/- Chfr 7/- lc3 Gar adj Gratis, jng. Bay View, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/- R 3/- Chfr 6/- Gar g] Court [T5l ins Gratis. f^« John O'Keefe. WESTPORT — 670 — WESTPORT (Mayo), M. 34, Pop. 3,892. M.D., Thurs. See :— The Demesne Ch. (A) ; George Glendinuings Statue (C) ; The Mall. ^N. 3(E.I). E. I : bi/ James St., Newport St., and Newport ltd. :— Newport • 8, Beltra 16, Bonghadoon 21, Crossmolina 30, Ballina 38 {V. gd.pict.). • 1. Viewports, Mallaranny 19, Shanramonagh Br. 31, Bangor 38, BelmuUet 50 igd. inonot.). E. II : &»/ James St., North Mall, Castlebar St., and Castlehar Ed. :— cioukeen 7, Castlebar a 11 (gd. und., 1/21-12 asc. at l m.), Dublin Sl 164, WESTPORT SCALE 6 'k Vi">- BALLINA 38 1 Newport 8 , ' ■ ^ BELMULLET 50 . A. THE DEMESNE CHURCH q. STATUE R.S.^-P.S.-G.-B.-(See p. 3 ) 1 James Street 2 Newport Street 3 Newport Road 4 North Mall 5 Oastlebar Street 6 Castlebar Road 7 Shop Street 8 Mill Street 9 Fair Green 10 Ballinrobe Road 11 Quay Street 12 Loiusburgh Road 13 Peter Street E. Ill : by Shop St., Mill St., Fair Green, and Ballinrobe Rd. :— The Triangle 5, Partry 13, Ballinrobe 19, Headford 32, Galway SL 49 (med. ly. und.). E. IV : by Quay St. and Louisburgh Rd. :— Belclare 4, Louisburgh 14, Bimdorrngha 27, Leenane 35, Letterirack 47, Clifden 56, Galway Sl 109 (gd. v. pict.). m Railway, The Mall, B 2/- L 2/6 D 3/6 K 3/6 Chfr 6/- f Gar m Court ins Gratis T Jeffers. West Hotel, Bridge St. y^^ J. P. Breheny & Son, Castlebar St. — T. Breheny, Mill St. (Cycles). WEXFORD ^ (Co. Wexford), M. 41, ^, Pop. 11,455. M.D., Wed., Sat. See :-Selskar Abb. • (Xllth c.) (Rns.) (A) ; St. Patrick's Ch. (Rns.) (C) ; St. Mary's Ch. (Rns.)(D); St. Peter's Chapel • (Goth.) (E); S. Jcdinstown Castle 4 (E. II) ; W. Cariick Castle (Rns.) 2. E.\: by Abbey St., Temperance Row, Slaney St., and New Rd. :— Castlebridge 3, Movilla • 6, • 8, Blackwater 11, Ford 17, BallygaiTett 22, Cour- tovra Hb. 27, Ballymoney Cross Rds. 31, Arklow 42 (nied. rd.), Dublin ffl. 94 {1110-13 asc. at Ik m.). • 1. Movilla 6, BaUymurn 9, Enniscorthy 16 {med. jl. rd.), Wicklow 57. • 1. 8i Gabys P.O. 10, Wells Cross Rds. 14, BaUycajiew 22, Gorey 27, Arklow 38 {med. und.). E. II : by Back St., High St., Allen St.,l Main St., South, Stone Br., Barrack St., Castle Hill St., and the Faythe. Drinagh 3, KUlinick 7, Tagoat 10, Lady's Island 14 {gd. rd.). — 671 WEXFORD Waterloo Rd., Talbot St., Wexford (continued). E. Ill : by John's Gate St., John St., Duke St. and Green St. :— • 1. Waddington 8, Wellington Br. 14. Ramsgrange 23, Arthurstowa 24, Ballyhack 25, (ferry -65 ; no motors) Passage East 26, Waterford SL 83 (gd. rd.). • 1. 1, Mumtown 4, Bridgetown 9, Kilmore Quay 14 (med. rd.). E. IV : by John's Gate St., John St., and Ne^v Ross Rd. :— Knockeen 5, Camaross 11, Ballynabola 18, NeW ROSS • 23 (gd. hilly, sharp desc. entering New Ross), Kilkenny a 50. • 1. New Ross 23, Waterford m. 38 (only rd. for motms). WEXFORD SCj^LE />!^V V> w^ -- '- 16 Waterloo Road 1 Abbey Street e High Street 11 Caatle Hill Street 17 Talbot Street 2 Temperance Row 7 Allen Street 12 The Faythe 18 Oreen Street 3 Slaney Street 8 Main Street South 13 John's Gate Street 19 New Ross Road 4 New Road 9 Stone Bridge 14 John Street 20 West Gate 6 Back Street 10 Barrack Street 15 Duke Street. 21 Spa WeU Road E. V : by Abbey St., Temperance Roiv,'West Gate, and Spa Well Rd. :— ougate 7, Enniscorthy • 13, Newtownbarry a 26, Carlow Sl 47 (gd. hilly, pict.). • r. Enniscoi-thy 13, Gorey 31, Arklow 42, Kathdruiii 54, Bray 80, Dublin a 94 (gd. hilly, pict.). m Whites, North Main St.,B2/6L 2/6 D 3/6 R 3/6 to 4/- Chfr 6/6 Shed [m Court [15] ins (}i-atis lAC T Whites :p> 10. f^i Michelin Stockists, Thompson Bros., Custmn House Quay, Agt. for WOLSBLBY, FORI), [6] U N Sun., Night, lAC T Thompson J^ 9. — Llewellyn Morgan, Anne St., Agt. for AraiOL-JOHNSTON, Krit, [5] U \ T Chassis. See pp. 3 to 6 for the list of ConvGntionaA Signs and Abbreviations. WICKLOW - 672 - Wicklow (Co. Wicklow), M. 37, ^, Pop. 3,288. M.D., Wed. See :— BlMck Cas. (Rns.) ; Church ; Franciscan A1)b. (Rns.). ^ 8. 1. iiathnew 2 < Greystones Si 14, Bray 19, Kiiiiney 24, Dalkey 26 — Ashford 4, Bray 19 — Bathnew 2, Ashford 4, Blessington 82, NaaS a 40 — Eathnew 2, Rathdriim 11, Newtownbarry ffi. 43 = 2 < Redcross 9, Arklow 16 — Brittas Br. 9, ArklOW 18. ?m Grand, Abbey St., B 2/- L 2/- D 2/6 E, 3/6 Chfr 5/- Shed H] Court g] ins Gratis. ^ The Bridge, Bridge St., B 1/9 L 2/- D 2/6 R 2/- Chfr 5/- Shed [2] Court [3] ins Gratis. VfM V. J. Stevens, .li;?*ey ended for (a) private use ; (b) use for trade purposes ; or (c) use as a public conveyance ; (7) particulars as to the positions on the back and on the front of the car in which it is proposed to place the plates forming the identification mark. Signature of owner or person applying on his behalf. Address. Date of application. * I( the car Is not intended to be kept at this address, please state also, if possible, where the car is proposed to be kept. "f E.g. a 12-h.p. car, or a steam lorry, or electric brougham, with the addition, in each case, of the name of the maker, or name by which the type is ordinarily known. J E.g- Tonneau body painted yellow, or dogcart body painted black, picked out with red, or van body painted blue with the name of the firm upon it. The fee for registration is : for a motor car or a cycle car, £1 ; for a motor cycle, 5/- ; and payable when applying. The Council shall assign a separate number to the motor car and register it by making the required entries in the Register of Motor Cars, and shall forthwith furnish the owner with a copy of the entries. If the ownership of a motor car is changed, notice of the change shall be given by either the new or the old owner to the Council with whom the motor car is registered, and an application shall also be made either to cancel the registration of the car or to continue the existing registra- tion under the new ownership. If an application is so made to cancel the registration of the motor car, and no application is made to continue the existing registration of the car, the registration of the car shall be cancelled accordingly, but if an application is made to continue the existing registration of the car, the new owner shall furnish the necessary particulars as to ownership, and on receipt of a fee of five shillings in the case of a motor car or cycle car, or of one shilling in the case of a motor cycle (which fees the Council are authorised to charge), the Council shall cause the necessary altera- tions to be made in the Register of Motor Cars, and shall furnish the new owner with a copy of the altered entries in the Register. Any notice may be given or application or alteration made before the date of the actual change of ownership so as to take eftect from that date. If the provisions as to notice and application are not complied with, the registration of the motor car shall be void. If any circumstance (other than a change of ownership) occurs in rela- tion to any motor car which affects the accuracy of any particulars entered as respects that car in the Register of Motor Cars, the owner of the motor car shall forthwith inform the Council with whom it has been registered, and on receipt of such information the Council shall forthwith cause the entries respecting that motor car in the Register of jNIotor Cars to be amended accordingly, and shall furnish the owner with a copy af the entries so amended. No fee shall be charged by the Council in respect of any such amendment of entries or transmission of copy of entries. If the Council are satisfied that a motor car which has been registered with them is destroyed, broken up, or permanently removed from the United Kingdom, or registered with another registering authority under the Act of 1903, or if the owner of a registered motor car, by application in writing, requests them to cancel the registration thereof (except where, in the case of a change of ownership, there is an application to continue the existing registration), they shall cause the entries in the Register of JVLotor Cars with respect to the motor car to be cancelled, and may, if they think fit, assign the registered number of the motor car to any other motor car, whether belonging to the same or any other owner. Note.— TAe penalty forneglecting to make a declaration for the purposes of registration, or for making an untrue declaration is £20. r - 675 - IDENTIFICATION PLATES IDENTIFICATION PLATES. Motor cars, cycle cars and motor cycles must carry plates or marks indicating the registered number of the car and the Council with which the car is registered. The mark shall consist of two plates of either of the shapes shown in the two diagrams below, or one of one shape and one of the other. Designs, painted or otherwise, shown upon the car may be used instead of plates. The ground of the plate must be black, the letters and figures must be white. AB242 The alternative diagrams shown above are specimen plates drawn approximately to a scale of 1 : 7. The actual size of the plates will, however, differ according to the number of letters and figures required. In the case of the plates for a motor tricycle or motor bicycle of a weight unladen not exceeding three hundredweights, each of the dimensions must be halved, and the shape of the plate need not be rectangular so long as the minimum margin between any letter or figure and the top, bottom, and sides of the plate is preserved {i.e. i in. between adjoining letters or figures, and between the nearest part of any letter or figure and the top and bottom of the plate ; and 1 in. between the nearest part of any letter or figure and the sides of the plate). The plates forming the identification mark shall be fixed, one on the front of, and the other on the back of, the motor car, in an upright position, so that every letter or figure on the plate is upright and easily distinguishable, in the case of the plate placed on the front of the motor car, from in front of the car, and in the case of the plate placed on the back of the motor car, from behind the car. A Council with whom a motor car is registered may, if they think fit, supply to the owner of the car, if he so desires, the plates forming the identification mark on the car, and make a charge for them. INDEX MARKS. A London AA Hampshire AB Worcestershire AC Warwickshire AD Gloucestershire AE Bristol AF Cornwall AH Norfolk AI Meath AJ Yorkshire, North Riding AK Bradford (Yorks.) AL Nottinghamshire AM Wiltshire AN West Ham AO Cumberland AP East Sussex AR Hertfordshire AS Nairn AT Kingston - upon - Hull AU Nottingham AW Shropshire AX Monmouthshire A Y Leicestershire B Lancashire BA Salfovd BB Newcastle - on • Tyne BC Leicester BD Northampton- shire BE Lincolnshire, parts of Lindsey BH Buckinghamshire BI Monaghan BJ East Suffolk BK Portsmouth BL Berkshire BM Bedfordshire BN Bolton BO Cardiff BP West Sussex BR Sunderland BS Orkney INDEX MARKS \',T Yorkshire, East Riding Br Oklhain BW Oxfordshire BX Carmarthenshire BY Croydon C Yorkshire, West Riding ("A Denhighshire CB Blackburn OC Carnarvonshire CD Brighton CE Cambridgeshire CF West Suffolk CH Derby <;l Queen's County CJ Herefordshire CK Preston CL Xorwich CM Birkenhead CN Ciateshead CO Plymouth CP Halifax CR Southampton CT L 1 n c o 1 n s h i r e, parts of Kes- CU South Shields CW Burnley CX Huddersfield CY Swansea D Kent DA Wolverhampton DB Stockport DC Middlesbrough DE Pembrokeshire DH Walsall DI Roscommon D.T St. Helens DK Rochdale DL Isle of Wight DM Flintshire DN York DO Lincolnshire, parts of Holland DP Reading DR Devonport DS Peebles DU Coventry DW >fewport (Mon.) DX Ipswich DY Hastings E Staffordshire EA West Bromwich EB Isle of Ely EC Westmorland ED AVarrington EE Grimsby EF West Hartlepool EH Stoke-on-Trent EI Sligo E.T Cardiganshire EK Wigan EL Bournemouth EM Bootle EN Bury EO Barrow - in - Fur- ness EP Montgomeryshire ES Perth ET Rotherham Ell Breconshire EW Huntingdonshire EX Great Y'^armouth EY Anglesey F Essex FA Bui-ton-on-Trent FB Bath FC Oxford FD Dudley FE Lincoln FF Merionethshire FH Gloucester FI Tipperary, North Riding F.T Exeter FK Worcester FL Soke of Peters- borough FM Chester FN Canterbury F'O Radnorshire FP Rutland FR Blackpool FT Tynemouth FX Dorset FY Southport G Glasgow H Middlesex HA Smethwick HB Merthyr Tydfil HC Eastbourne HD Dewsbury HE Barnsley HF Wallasey HI Tipperary, South Riding HS Renfrew lA Antrim IB Armagh IC Carlow ID Cavan IE Clare IF Cork IH Donegal IJ Down IK Dublin IL Fermanagh IM Galway IN Kerry 10 Kildare IP Kilkenny IR King's County IT Leitrim 11' Limerick IW Londonderry IX Longford lY Louth IZ Mayo J Durham JI Tyrone JS Ross and Cro- marty K Liverpool KI Waterford KS Roxburgh L Glamorganshire LA London LB London LC London LD London LE London LH London LI Westmeath LN London LS Selkirk M (Jheshire MI Wexford MS Stirling MX Middlesex N Manchestei NH Northampton NI Wicklow NS Sutherland Birmingham 01 Belfast (County Borougli) OS Wigtown P Surrey PA Surrey PI Cork (County Borough) PS Zetland R Derbyshire RI Dublin (County Borough) RS Aberdeen (City) S Edinburgh SA Aberdeen (C-ounty) SB Argyll SD Ayr SE Banff SH Berwick SJ Bute SK Caithness SL Clackmannan SM Dumfries SN Dumbarton SO Elgin SP Fife SR Forfar SS Haddington ST Inverness SU Kincardine SV Kinross SW Kirkcudbright SX Linlithgow SY Midlothian T Devonshire TI Limerick (County Borough) TS Dundee U Leeds VI L o n d o n d e r r y (County Borough) ITS Govan V Lanark VS Greenock W Sheffield WI Waterford (County Borough) WS Leith X Northumberland XS Paisley Y Somerset Y"S Partick ISLE OF MAN. A person temporarily resident in the Isle of ilan for a period not exceeding one month, and who uses his motor car for private purposes only, and has duly registered it under the English Motor Car Acts, and - 677 - LOCAL TAXATION carries the distinguishing mark and number required by such Acts, and tlie Regulations made tliereunder, and who forwards to the Highway Board within twenty-four liours of arrival, liis name and address anil the distinguishing mark and number of his cai', will not loe liable to a penalty for not having his car properly i-egistered [i.e. registered in accordance with the special Regulations in force in the Isle of Man]. A person shall not drive a motor car on a public highway (in the Isle iif Man) unless he is licensed for the purpose (by the Island Autliorities), or under the English Motor Car Acts, and being a person temporarily resident in the Island for a period not exceeding one month, and who has furnished particulars of his license to the Board, and a person shall not employ any person who is not so licensed to drive a motor car. LOCAL TAXATION LICENSES. Automobilists must take out the following Local Taxation Licenses :— Motor Cars, Bicycles, and Tricycles. £ s. ^fotor ijicycle or tricycle of whatever hoi'se-power ... 10 Motor car or cycle car not exceeding 6klP 2 2 ,, ,, exceeding 6i^ IP but not exceeding 12 IP 3 3 12 IP 16 IP 26 IP 33 IP 40 IP 60 IP 16 IP 26 IP 33 IP 40 IP 60 IP 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 21 42 The horse-power of the car is to be calculated according to the Treasury Regulations (see below) printed on the form of Declaration, which must be filled in and signetl by the applicant and handed in at the Post-office when the license is applied for. Sledical practitioners who keep a motor vehicle or vehicles for the purpose of fcheir profession are en- titled to a reduction of one-half of the duty, provided that they have previously satisfied the Licensing Authority— i.e. the County or County Borough Council— that they are entitled to the reduction. Form to be filled in by Owners of car. Number and Letter of Car. Kind of Engine. j Particulars of Cylinders (if / jl any) / ' ' (For cars with eugiaes not worked by cylinders, par. 3.) Description. No. of Pistons to eacli. Internal Diameter. inches inches TREASURY REGULATIONS FOR CAL- CULATING THE HORSE-POWER OF MOTOR CARS. (1) For the purposes of these Regulations the horse-power of any motor car deriving its motive power wholly from a steam, internal com- bustion, or other engine worked by a cylinder or cylinders, shall be taken to be— ARMORIAL BEARINGS - 678 - (a) In the case of a single-cylinder engine the horse-power attributable to the cylinder of tlie engine. (b) In the case of an engine having two or more cylinders the sum of the horse-powers attributable to the separate cylinders. (2) The horse-power attributable to any cylinder shall be deemed to be l)roi)ortional to the square of the internal diameter of such cylinder measured in inches, and shall be determined according to the number of square inches contained in such square, the unit being taken to be— (a) In the case of a single-acting cylinder having a single piston, one horse-power for every 2 k square inches. (b) In the case of a single-acting cylinder having two pistons, one horse-power for every If square inches. (c) In the case of a double-acting cylinder having a single piston, one horse-power for every li square inches. (3) Any motor car deriving its motive power, or any part of its motive power otherwise than from an engine worked by a cylinder or cylinders, shall be deemed to be of a horse-power exceeding 12, but not exceeding 15, provided that where the motive power is derived in part from an engine worked by a cylinder or cylinders the horse-power of the car shall be deemed to be less than the horse-power attributable to the cylinder or cylinders of such engine. (4) Where it appears that, in consequence of the exceptional design or construction of the engine of any motor car, the horse-power as cal- culated under the foregoing rules is substantially less than the power which the engine is actually capable of developing, the horse-power of the car shall for the purpose of these Regulations be taken to be the same as that of a car of equal efficiency deriving its motive power from a cylinder engine of the ordinary type. (5) In measuring cylinders and calculating horse-power, fractions of an inch and fractions of a unit of horse-power are to be taken into account. MALE SERVANTS. For a motor-car driver or any person employed by a motorist in any capacity performing that duty as a substantial part of his employment, an annual duty of 15s. is payable. JS^OTE.— Licenses must be applied for before the end of January in each year, and within 21 days after the applicant becomes liable to the duty. Persons liable to the duty must sign a Declaration (Local Taxation No. 1), ■which can be obtained at any Money Order Office. The duty should be paid or sent with the Declaration. Cheques should be drawn to the orderof " The Postmaster of ..," and crossed. The penalty for neglecting to make a return or for making an untrue return is £20. EXEMPTIONS. Licenses are not required :— (1) Where the motor car or bicycle is used solely for the conveyance of any goods or burden in the course of trade and husbandry, and where the Christian name and surname and place of abode or place of business of the person, company, or firm occupying the same, shall be visibly and legibly painted in letters of not less than one inch in length. (2) Any motor car used without payment for the conveyance of electors to and from the polling stations at municipal, county council, or parliamentary elections, and not otherwise used during the year. (3) Motor cars kept but not used at any time during the year. ARMORIAL BEARINGS. The term "armorial bearings" means and includes any armorial bearing, crest, or ensign, by whatever name the same shall be called, and whether such sign shall be registered at the College of Arms or not. And any person who shall keep a motor car, whether owned or hired by him, is deemed to wear any armorial bearing painted or marked thereon or affixed thereto, A Local Taxation license to use armorial bearings on motor cars includes the use of such insignia in any other manner, and the fee payable in respect thereof is £2 2s. It may be obtained from any Money Order Office, on filling up Local Taxation Declaration No. 1. Note.— No license is necessary in respect to the use of the Badge of the Royal Automobile Club, or of the Automobile Association and Jlotor Union. 679 CIRCULATION SPEED, PROHIBITION, AND CAUTION SIGNS. The following are the signs em ployed on highways : — 1. For 10 miles or lower limit of speed, a white ring 18 inches in dia- meter, with plate below giving the limit in figures. 2. For prohibition, a solid red disc 18 inches in diameter. 3. For caution (dangerous corners, cross roads, or precipitous places), a hollow red, equilateral triangle, 18-inch sides. 4. All other notices under the Act to be on diamond-shaped boards. The above signs are placed on the near side of the road facing the driver, with their lower edges not less than 8 feet from the ground, and about 50 yards from the spot to which they apply. CIRCULATION. SPEED LIMITS. No motor car may be driven at a speed exceeding twenty miles per hour, and, where an order of the Local Government Board has been obtained, at a gi'eater speed than that stated on conspicuous notice boards or plates. If any person acts in contravention of this provision he shall be liable, on summary conviction in respect of the first offence, to a fine not exceeding £10, and in respect of the second offence to a fine not exceeding £20, and in respect of any subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding £50, but a person shall not be convicted under this provision for exceeding the limit of speed of twenty miles merely on the opinion of one witness as to the rate of speed. Where a person is prosecuted for an offence under this section, he shall not be convicted unless he is warned of the intended prosecution at the time the offence is committed, or unless notice of the intended prosecu- tion is sent to him or to the owner of the car as entered on the register within such time after the offence is committed, not exceeding twenty- one days, as the court think reasonable. RULES OF THE ROAD. (1) On meeting a vehicle approaching from the opposite direction, keep to the left. (2) On overtaking a vehicle pro- ceeding in the same direction, pass on the right or off side. (3) Tramcars may be met or over- taken on the side of the road which is the safer. (4) Pass a led horse on the side on which it is led. (5) Whenever necessary, warning of approach must be given by sounding a horn, bell, or other instrument. (6) On the request of any police-constable in luiiform, or of any person having charge of a horse, or if any such constable or person sliall put up his hand as a signal for that purpose, a motor-driver shall cause the motor car to stop and remain stationary so long as may be reasonably necessary. LAW ON MOTORING - 680 - (7) Mc»torists entering a main road from a side road should always use ureat (;are in so doing, and should not enter the main road until it is clear that thev can proceed with safety. (s) Kefuges, and similar erections in a street must he passed on the near side. (!») When the motor car is stationary, otherwise than through necessi- ties of traffic, stop the engine when stopping at a house on the off side. Keep to the near side, passing the house, then turn round when oppor- tunity occurs and approach the house so that the left side of the car is nearest the pavement. (10) Always use the right hand for signals. When turning a corner to the right, hold out the right hand. When turning a corner to the left, wave the right hand in a forward direction at the right side of the car, to signify to those hehind that they should pass forward on the right! When stopping, hold up the right hand perpendicularly. THE LAW ON MOTORING. OFFENCES. Driver.— He must not drive at a speed exceeding twenty miles an hour, or, ia certain specified areas indicated by signs, ten miles an hour ; he cannot, however, be convicted unless he is warned of the intended prosecution at the time the offence is committed, or unless notice is sent to him or to the owner of the car within such time as may )je reasonable, not exceeding twenty-one days. The latter notice should be a written one. Owners.— If a driver is alleged to have committed an offence of what is commonly known as Driving to the Common Danger, it is the owner's duty, if .^— requested, to give all the information ' '' " 1.' ji ~ which it is within his power to give, and which may lead to the identification of the driver. He is always liable to be charged with aiding and abetting any offence committed by his driver. It has been held that a person who is in a car and has control of it, and which is being driven dangerously, can be convicted as a principal offender. Procedure.— The offender is usually proceeded against by summons returnable in the police court of the district in which the offence was committed. Proceedings must be taken within six months of the offence. In a few cases he is liable to arrest. The offender is subject to this if he drives to the common danger and refuses to give his name and address, or produce his license, or if the motor car does not bear the identifi- cation mark. If a driver causes bodily harm to, or is the cause of the death of, another person, he can be proceeded against by indictment. Penalties.— The amovmt of the penalty depends, of course, on the nature of the offence and the number of previous convictions. The fines Mhich may be inflicted range from the sum of £5 to £50. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction of an offence under the Motor Car Act, for which no special penalty is provided, a term of three months' imprisonment can be imposed. The license must be endorsed and is liable to be suspended, and the holder maybe disqualified wn a conviction for any offence under the Act, or of an offence in con- nection with the driving of a car other than a first or second oftence consisting solely of exceeding the speed limit. Imprisonment can also be imposed for causing grievous bodily harm or for manslaughter. HINTS ON PROCEDURE. I'nless the defendant answers personally to the summons, he should be legally represented, as otherwise he is likely to be arrested on a warrant of the magistrates. In charges of a serious nature, or where there is a possibility of suspension or disqualification or civil proceedings being subsequently taken, he should obtain legal aid. A right of appeal to Quarter Sessions is given where a fine of more than twenty shillings is imposed, or an order made for suspension or disquali- fication, provided that a plea of "guilty" has not been made. An application can also be made to the High Court to repeal a conviction upon a point of law, no matter what the penalty. - 681 - LAMPS ACCIDENTS. The general rule is tlmt an owner is responsible for any damage caused by the negligence of his driver, provided that it was committed in the course of the service and for the master's benefit. If he was acting outside the scope of his authority, then the owner cannot be held liable. Neither is the owner liable for injury caused by his servant's own wilful and malicious acts. The breach of a statutory duty is not , always evidence of negligence, although in /^ a good many cases a breach of any of the provisions of the Motor Car Act would be sufficient to lay on the defendant the onus of showing that there was no negligence. A defendant can escape liability by showing that the plaintiff himself was guilty of some wrongful act or omission amounting to contributory negligence, and that he, the defendant, in the exercise of ordinary care, could not have avoided the accident. There is, of course, no liability in the case of unavoidable accidents. 'Ihe fact that the defendant was on the Avrong side of the road is onl\ prima J^ade evidence of negligence. The rule of the road to "keep to the left " is not universal. Where there is danger in keeping to the left, a vehicle is not bound to keep to the left and incur danger when the road is clear and there is no danger in going to the right. When an accident occurs owing to the presence of a motor car on the highway, it is most important to obtain the names and addresses of all favourable witnesses, and to take measurements of the wheel tracks and any other particulars which may be used in evidence. A motorist should stop immediately and render all possible help, and give the particulars which he is called upon to supply under the JNIotor Car Act. An action for damages is brought in the High Court of Justices, but when the amount is small the County Courts have jurisdiction. LAMPS. Between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, a lamp showing a white light, visible within a reasonable distance in front, must be placed at the extreme right or off side of the car. Either the lamp must exhibit a red light visible in the reverse direction to which the car is proceeding or a lamp showing a red light must be placed at the back of the car. Every lamp shall be so constructed, fitted, and attached as to prevent the movement or the use as searchlights. Between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, a lamp shall be kept burning on the car, so- contrived as to illuminate by means of reflection, transparency, or otherwise every letter or figure on the identification plate fixed on the back of the car. For motor cycles of a weight not exceeding three hundredweights, the plate fixed on the front may be illuminated instead of the plate fixed on the back. Additional Byelaws. ADDITIONAL FRONT LAMP. (1) Byelaws requiring that an additional lamp attached on the left side of all vehicles, and showing a white light to tlie front, are enforced by the following bodies :— County Councils of Glamorganshire, Monmouthshire', and Stafford- shire ; Town Councils of Dudley, Hanley, Merthyr Tydfll, Monmouth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Stafford. A RED LIGHT TO THE REAR. (2) Byelaws requiring that a lamp or lamps showing a red light to the rear shall be carried on all vehicles, are enforced by the following bodies :— Coimty 'Councils of AVest Riding of Torkshire and Middlesex ; City Council of Leeds ; Town Coimcils of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Reigate, Brighouse, Halifax, Hornsey, Keighley. Prohibition of Cut-outs. A new Local Government Board Order was issued on the 12th of February, 1912, respecting the prohibition of ait-outs. The Order takes the form of an amendment of Article IV. of the Motor Cars (Use and ( .onstruction) Order, 1904, as amended by the Motor Cars (Use and Con- struction) Amendment Order, 1909, by the addition to that Article of a further regulation prohibiting the use of the "cut-out" or any similar device. The new regulation does not extend to motor cycles. RAILWAY TRANSPORT - TRANSPORT OF MOTOR RAIL. CARS BY Automobiles are accepted by all Railway Companies for transport by either passenger or goods train. I. By Pa.8seng:er Train. The rate charged for motor cars by passenger train is Qd. per mile, calculated from station to station, the minimum charge being 7s. 6d., and the maximum weight per truck 50 cwt. The Railway Companies accept no responsibility for cars sent at this rate. If it is desired to send cars at Company's risk, an extra charge of 25 per cent, is made ; or insurance can be effected through the Railway Companies, at a premium of li per cent, of the actual value. Payment may be made either in advance or on delivery, but in the latter case the car will be deemed to have been carried at Owner's risk, and uninsured, unless an understanding to the contrary was arrived at when arranging for the despatch of the car at the departure station. Motor cars sent at the above rates are carried on open trucks. If a covered truck is required, an extra charge of 5s. is made for distances up to 50 miles, 10s. for distances over 50 miles. As a general rule, 24 hours' notice should be given when it is desired to send a motor car by passenger train, but in case of emergency this period can sometimes be reduced ; for instance, notice might be given early in the morning for a car to be despatched by a train leaving on the evening of the same day. There are no formalities in this connection beyond giving notice either verbally or in writing at the station from which the car is to be despatched. Delivery can be had immediately the car is unloaded. II. By Goods Train. The rates for conveyance of motor cars by goods train are given in the table below. This list is subject to alteration without notice at any time. Cars sent at these rates are conveyed at the Railway Company's risk. Motor cars are accepted for conveyance by goods train without previous notice, but it is preferable to give notice to enable a suitable truck to be provided. The time in transit of course varies according to the distance covered ; but it may be teken as a general rule that except for very long distances, motor cars arrive at destination the day after despatch. The rates given are for conveyance on open trucks ; for a closed waggon an extra cliarge of IDs. is made for any distance. Motor cars for conveyance by goods train are accepted at all goods stations, where facilities are provided for loading. They are not accepted at purely passenger stations for conveyance at goods rates. CaiTiage charges can be made payable by either the consignor or the consignee. In the first instance, the charges should be paid when the traffic is tendered ; in the latter, wlien delivered. - 683 - RAILWAY TRANSPORT TABLE OF RATES FOR CARRYING AUTOMOBILES (un- packed) BY GOODS TRAIN (Station to Station). Note.— Jh the case of traffic to London the following Mileage rates are applicable only to the Stations of the Company carrying the traffic into London, and not beyond to any other London Station : — For any distance not ex- Rate per ton. Actual weight. For any distance not ex- Rate per ton. Actual weight. For any distance not ex- Rate per ton. \ Actual ; weight. 1 Minimum, ceeding 1 ton. ceeding Iton. ceeding 1 ton. Miles. s. d. Miles. ». d. Miles. s. d. \ 10 7 7 230 76 2 450 134 10 ] 20 12 7 240 78 10 460 137 6 30 17 7 250 81 6 470 140 2 40 22 7 260 84 2 480 142 10 50 27 7 270 86 10 490 145 6 60 30 6 280 89 6 500 148 2 70 33 3 290 92 2 510 150 10 80 36 300 94 10 520 153 6 90 38 9 310 97 6 530 156 2 100 41 6 320 100 2 540 158 10 110 44 2 330 102 10 550 161 6 120 46 10 340 105 6 560 164 2 130 49 6 350 108 2 570 166 10 140 52 2 360 110 10 580 169 6 150 54 10 370 113 6 590 172 2 160 57 6 380 116 2 600 174 10 1 170 60 2 390 118 10 610 177 6 180 62 10 400 121 6 620 180 2 ; 190 65 6 410 124 2 630 182 10 : 200 68 2 420 126 10 640 185 6 1 210 70 10 430 129 6 650 188 2 1 220 73 6 440 132 2 1 For the use of a Covered Truck, Passenger or Goods, for the convey- ance of any vehicle, an additional charge of 10s. is made. III. General. Motor cars for transport by Rail must be handed over to the Company uncharged with electricity, gas, oil, or other inflammable liquid or vapour (except as regards the small electric battery and coil usually fixed in petrol-propelled motor cars). Motor cars for transport by Rail must be handed over to the Rail- way Company at the departure station, and taken over by the Consignors at the arrival station, unless a special arrangement as to collection or delivery is come to, for which, in every case, an extra charge varying with the circum- stances would be made. The charge in London for such cartage is 10s. per ton, with a minimum charge of 5s., within the prescribed cartage area. PRIVATE CARRIAGES, MOTOR CARS, ETC. BY PASSENGER TRAIN ONLY. {a) Private Carriages and INIotor Cars sent \ on hire or for repairs, and Carriages are charged full rates on and Motor Cars on loan sent to be the outward journey, used in place of other Carriages and I and if returned within Motor Cars under repair ] three months, half- rates (ft) Private Carriages and Motor Cars sent jon the return journey on approval [at Owner's risk. Full (c) Motor Chassis forwarded from Motor I rates at Company's risk. Works to Carriage Builders . . . .} (d) Private Carriages, Motor Cars, and such Omnibuses as can be carried by Passenger Train, sent from one workshop to another (both workshops being the property of the same person or firm) are charged 25 per cent, less than the ordinary rates at Owner's risk. Full rates are charged at Company's risk. (^) Old private Carriages taken as part payment for new Carriages RAILWAY TRANSPORT - 684 - are conveyed from the Owners to the Coachbuilders at half- rates, at Owner's risk, provided they are both sent between the same points within three months. Minimum charge, 'Ss. 9d. This reduction of 25 per cent, is not allowed in respect to carriages wliich are on the outward journey charged full rates, and half-rates on being returned within three months, vidfi clauses (a), (b), and (c) above. (/■) Old Motor Cars exchanged for new Motor Cars carried from the Owners to the Makers, are charged half-rates at Owner's risk, l)rovided they are both sent between the same points within three months. Minimum charge, 3s. M. {'j) Private Carriages and Motor Cars sent from manufacturers to their Agents for sale are charged full rates. A declaration stating that the vehicle is sent under the al)ove- nientioned circumstances must be given by sender in each case. The minimum charges for vehicles sent under clauses (a), (b), and (c) are 7*\ M. for the outward journey, and 3s. 9c7. for the return journey. Motor Cars, minus the motor portion, are chai*ged as Motor Cars, ^lotor Tri-Cars are treated and charged as Motor Cars. Motor Car Bodies, without wheels, springs and motor portion, are charged as Carriages ; not more than three being loaded on one truck. When covered trucks are used for private Carriages and Motor Cars conveyed under these arrangements, the full covered truck charge is made. IV. Motor Cycles a.nd Cycles. (Pa.sseng:er Service.) MOTOR CYCLES, MOTOR CARS, ETC. Motor Cj'cles, uncharged with electricity, gas, oil, or other inflammable liquid or vapour (except as regards the small electric battery and coil usually fixed to petrol-propelled Motor Cycles, when conveyed in the guard's van), are charged as under : — Motor Bicycles. Accompanied by Unaccompanied by Passengers. Maximum Passengers, not including 2 pier Passenger. collection or delivery. O.R. eacli. S. (L Not exceeding 12 miles .... 10.. Above And not exceeding 12 miles 25 miles 16.. 25 „ 50 „ . ...20.. 50 ,. 75 „ 3 0.. 75 ,. 100 „ ....40.. lO-t ,, 150 „ 5 0.. 150 „ 200 „ 6 0.. 2(X» ,. 250 ,, 7 0.. 250 ,. 300 ., 8 0.. 30O ,. 350 , 9 0.. 350 .. 400 , 10 . . 400 .. 450 „ .... 11 . . 450 „ • . 12 . . MOTOR Tricycles, Accompanied by J'assengers. Maximum 2 per Passenger. O.R. C.R. each. each. S. d. S.d. 1 6 . . 2 . 2 4 . . 3 . 3 . 3 9 4 6 . . 5 9 . 6 . . 7 6 7 6 . . 9 6 . 9 . . 11 3 . 10 6 . . 13 3 . 12 . . 15 . 13 6 . . 17 . 14 (i . . IS 3 . 14 . . 18 3 14 6 . . . IS 3 Unaccompanied by Passengers, not including collection or delivery. O.R. O.R. C.R. each. each. each. S. d. S. d. s. d. JS'ot exceeding 12 miles 20... 30... 39 Above And not exceeding 12 miles 25 miles 3 0... 39... 56 25 ,, 50 ,, 4 0... 50... 70 50 .. 75 ,, ..... 60... 7 6 ... 10 75 .. 100 ,, 8 ... 10 ... 13 6 I'^i ,. 150 ., 10 ... 12 6 ... 16 6 15(1 ,. 200 ,, 12 ... 15 ... 19 6 200 ,, 250 ,, 14 ... 17 6 ... 23 250 ,, 300 „ ..... 16 ... 20 ... 26 300 ,. 350 „ 18 ... 22 ... 29 350 ,, 400 20 ... 24 ... 32 400 ,. 450 , 22 ... 26 ... 35 450 „ 24 ... 28 ... 38 A Motor Bicycle minus the engine and tank is charged as a Motor Bicycle. - 685 - TELEPHONES V. Unaccompanied LuggaLgo by Rail. Motorists desiring to send ordinary luggage, such as trunks, boxes, etc., by Rail, unaccompanied, may do so at the usual parcel rates, viz. — For each 100 lbs. (or portion thereof) up to 30 miles 2/1 50 „ 4/2 „ 100 „ 6/3 above 100 „ 8/4^^ .^•T''^ ^.° " ' S Scottish statK 10/5} Scottish stations. To Scottish „ 100 There are some stations to which an additional charge is made, especially where the goods have to be taken over a Light Eailway running in connection with the Railways proper. TELEPHONES. Tlie fees for the use of trunk lines are as follows :— For 25 miles or under 3d. „ 50 ,, ,, 6d. ,,75 ,, „ 9d. ,,100 „ ,, Is. ,, every additional 40 miles or fraction thereof . . . M. Special rates are charged where submarine lines are used. The usual period of conversation is three minutes, but six minutes may be obtained by paying a double fee. No person is entitled to use a trunk line continuously for more than six minutes. The charge for a six minutes' conversation between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. is the same as for a conversation of tliree minutes' duration in the day time. During the same period, for a three minutes' conversation, for which the day charge is dd., a reduced fee of 6d. is charged, and half the usual day charge is made Avhere the ordinary fee is Is. or more. TELEPHONE NUMBERS. I MICHELIN Tyre Co., Ltd., London Kensington, No. 4400 (6 lines). Michelin et Cie, Clermont Ferrand . No. 0.22. Michelin et Cie, Paris No. 502—08. TELEGRAMS. Use the '-Michelin Code" (see pp. 33 to 42). The charge for telegrams is 6d. for the first 12 words, including the address, and id. for every additional word-. This charge includes compound words, proper names, figures, abbreviations, etc. Telegrams in plain language in any modern European tongue or in Latin are charged for according to the number of words ; but all words not forming part of any modern European language or of Latin, and all unintelligible combina- tions of letters are charged for at the rate of five letters to a woid. Figures are counted at the rate of five figures to a word. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESSES. Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., London. . . . Pneumiclin or Bibendum. Michelin et Cie, Clermont Ferrand . . . | t, • ,. Michelin et Cie, Paris jPneumichn. Michelin Tire Co., Milltown (N.J.) . . , Michelin. > ERRIES J3 .«; o §^ 0) ^ .-. ™ ^ t u. Si 1 ?i 1 fis. r^ S S a e "^ i* d ^ cd ^ c€ c€ A ^ t>, •^^ 5 r -^i sss cs ts ce •sa P 3 a K w H a, !•§ S:2| o ^:t^ e4 ID'S a a* Sag '&1 S!^, 1^1 I- St.- a cs.3 J RIES M M - 1 W 1 If i ! ^^-o c Sg - ;=! M S ES'tS Tt< S ■'"' f" 2^ ^!^| i^fSlll 5 .|5'2;,• 1 5 1"^^" "^.a^ ■1 . :-3 *.-P!ll ■-^'«^ 5o" tt^ifj^l ^^G^3=." illil 11 1 i 2 ^ IMI 1 i Hal ? J 1 i HI! 5 pop s p. 1 13 r3 O s o 11 3 s 11 >; 1:1 l^ll > " " 1 t ii o s - -^ III ce » 2 fc. * ■o 02 aj^ 3 -■ ^^ 3 3 ; ,:!; ^ S 2. j ce ' .^ 1 * 1 1 ■a . 4 i s V u !s| 13 -5 !i i III hi 1 ^^ 11 ^. •C ^ i i C3 "3 « "2 S 3l "3 i l|ll S^ 32 1 S: ^N« i? K°3 5* 1^ ^S fi 'I ;g ■6 o ! 3 ■2^ •a o — . i 1 1 §1 1 U i o II o ^ CO vmaF — 1 JO •o.vl iO CD r» CO 1 1 FER. Cars not exceeding 10 cwt., 10/- Single ; 18/- Returii. Cars above 10 cwt., 15/- Single ; 28/- Return. Return tickets available for 1 month. Special passages 10/- extra week-days ; 20/- extra Sundays, Good Friday and Xmas Day. Motor Cycles, 1/6. Passengers, 1/2 Single. Motor Cycles and Tri-cars can also be con- veyed by Passenger Boat from Lymington Pier Station, provided the latter are not too wide for gangways, but petrol tanks must be emptied. This is not necessary from Lymington Town Wharf. Cars— Up to 10 cwt 10/- \ Over 10 cwt 15/- | Owner's Motor Cycles 1/6 [" risk. Motor Tricycles or Tri-cars 2/- j Passengers (only taken on Tow-boats in fine weather, and are entered as " persons in charge "), 6d. each. (The Portsmouth Corporation charge 2/- for each Motor Car landed or embarked). Cars— Up to 2^ tons, M. Single ; 1/2 Return. F'or every 10 cwt. in excess of this weight, 9rf. Motor Cycles and rider, lid. Passengers— Tlie above car-rates include the fare of 4 passengers. Each additional pas- senger, ^d. Telephone .—Portsmouth 829, Gosport 87. ■ Week-days and Bank Holidai/s. At J^ymington Town Station Wharf- 9.30,* 11.30 a.m. ; 2.30 and 4.45* p.m. Yarmouth— 8 a.m., 12.30 and 5.30* p.m. * March to September only. Cars should be upon the wharf half an hour before these times. Special passages can be arranged at other times by previous arrangements being made with the Station- master, Lymington (Telephone No. 7). Week-days :— From Portsmouth (Broad St. Slip- j way)— 8.45 a.m. and 1 p.m. [ u,,t,:„,.4. <.„ ^z,.^ From Ryde (George St. Slipway)- ^^^i^"^^ ^^ ''i^'^- 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. ) Sundays .—Closed (also on Public Holidays). Note.— Advise by postcard several days before- hand to Marine Superintendent's Offices, 102, Broad St., Portsmouth, or Ryde Pier Head. Every half hour. From 1st May to 30th Sept.— I'rom Portsmouth, between 7.30 a.m. and 9 p.m. From Gosport, between 7.15 a.m. and 8.45 p.m. From 30th Sept. to 30th April— From Portsmouth, between 7.30 a.m. and 8 p.m. From Gosport, between 7.15 a.m. and 7.45 p.m. Sunday Service— From third Sunday in July to last Sunday in August, also on Easter and Whit-Sundays— From Portsmouth, between 1.30 and 9 p.m. From Gosport, between 1.15 and 8.45 i).m. ii f . m 1 Portsmouth to Gosport. Lymington and Yarmouth Steam Ferry (Hampshire). •loint South-Western and Brighton Railway Steam Packet Tow Boats (Hampshire). Port of Ports- mouth Floating Bridge Co. Lymington to Isle of Wight. Portsmouth to Ryde. 1 S 3 o o n. Eg ^« o a. o o - j 690 - Cars— ^^^ Over 14 ft. long. Single, 30/- ; Tl^^l^ 50/-. ^"^ 10 to 14 ft. long. Single, 20/- ; Return, 32/6. Under 10 ft. long. Single, 15/- ; Return, 25/-. Cars must be on the respective Piers 15 minutes before time of departure. Motor Cycle, 1/-. Motor Tricycle, 2/6. Motor Tri-car up to 10 ft. long, 10/-. Trailer (extraX 1/-. Passenaers, Single, 1/- and 1/6, according to cabin ; Return, 1/6 and 2/-. Cars, 6d. Motor Cycles, id. ; 10 to 11 p.m.. Id. ; after 11 p.m., 2d. in the winter season, lid. in the summer. Passengers, id. ; 10 to 11 p.m., Id. ; after 11 p.m., 2c?. in the winter season, lid. in the summer. 1 > 1 1 From Southampton— Week-days :— 8.20, 11.10 a.m. ; 2.10, 3.50, 6.0, 9.10* p.m. Sundays, Good Friday and Xmas Day :—8.i5 a.m."; 2.45, 5.30 p.m. ' From Cowes — Week-days :-7. 15, 9.50 a.m.; 1.30, 3.45, 6.0, 7.30* p.m. Sundays, Good Friday and Xmas Day :— 7.30,10.0 a.m. ; 4.10 p.m. * Saturdays only. S g S g B id 1 1 ft 03 xi o r 1 t The Southamp- ton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Ltd. If 1 S t S •ytuaj JO -ox N « FERms .^ CD • * ,. s -2 .g « .2 ^ "-* ii^^^ > ii|i g-t^; 5^ 3 . ai c ^ c rr 33 « 1 P^ o H^ .£3 s ^ 4) -< o ;^ 4 .3 cs o = E = 1 .2g FERRIES - 69 2 ■." S ^^ o" i ^^ r 11 -8J Suipnptii " B s ^^^^ g r-l (M (M O -t^ A ■g .S a '■ 2 so o s p 1 1 S5h i !t 1 *| p? -« eS i ^« § 1 SB ^ — ""i oT ^ Hi ^ # if. ^^^ ^ IS V. -^ ^ rH '§ *^" ■^1 5 ^ 5 ftS "O "='^ e^- 013 o a,a! e a :§^S ^ ^ ft. ^ !^ !^^ 33 3 - 5 > 5 j- a .... ^ S3 ^l s s a s > 8.^ ^1 ~ d 8^ i O o: d o: ^ d eS c« C8 S 1 « 1-! l- 02 S s <= a s 1 S " cS P, .^CC S . ^+i S ^-'^.o'^/^x 3rt ;^ai-s IllHi 1 ^^^^ ^^ ill.-l So « « 1 ^^« 1 Hi g X >, 1 g ■s i ■3 ;! s r & '^ life • o ^1= 55 H! .IIJ c _; 1 If 5 11 •^1.19^ 1- eo a> JO OX ^~ '^ FERRi i to ^ « ~ ^ a -t^ .j3 ?5 *' r^-O J>c s^c:) „"aT3 ^ ?^ S S" m vj a ■?..« » a ^H 00 1^ = a^ 3^ si" V S ?: ^ S 5 S «: =« "" «^ 2 ■^Ph CO 3 3? o a Sa 33 >i- Oi -" cS 11^ i^S CO * CO s. ^ " ** 1 oT o « 3 ^ =» V HO HO «C ^ -« •-0 «no ^ a"^ (3s § « « O 5S Sea CO tec T3 >>| M S « 25^ >- a ° ® S «3 § aa j^ trh^ ^ =£. cj ? a g

^fl ^-1 O « sd oft-S-^ ^ e O _ $5 „• fcH ^ I go e '^ '^ o Co O ¥1 3 ^ 3 &3 '"n o 1 0) -S ^ > 3 _: « o o y FERRIES (Charges. Cars, 3/- return. Small car with 2 passengers, 2, - return. (Motors intending to star) at the Ferry Hotel will be charged half price.) Motor Cycles, 6d. Foot passengers, 2d. (Large cars, carrifing more than 8 passen- gers, cannot he taken.) Particulars of Services. Summer months, 7 a.m. to 9.45 p.m. Winter months, 7 a.m. to 7.45 p.m. 1 1 Name of Ferry. Windermere Steam Ferry. c ! PC 1 1 Bowness to Coniston across Lake Windermere. Kai9j ijo -ox 8 rt i- -y ^ €1. Jr lli .:i Pi > ~ >» ^ 1 * c 2 1 IS! s pq c ^ ^ « ^^ j ~ o «< .c 1 O) ii E at 3 a. c A 3 1 a4 C 2 U 1 •A.i.iaj CT> 1 JO -ox W I — 697 — FERlNS i Motor Cycles, 1/- Cycles, 6d. (including passenger) !i| HI Leave New Halls (South Queensferry) :-9.0, 10.0 a.m\,^ 12.0, 2.0, 3.30, and 4.15 jKin. Sundays. —HX-IO a.m., 1.15, 3.30. and 4.45 p.m. Leave North Queensferry :— 8.15, 9.30, 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 2.15, and 4.0 p.m. Sundays :— 10.11^, 11.0 a.m., 2.0 and 4.30 p.m. Note.— There are two piers at North Queensferry. A red flag is shown on one in use according to tide Week-days:- March ... 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. April . . . 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. April to Sept. 7 a.m, to 7 p.m. September . 7 a.m. to 6 p.m October . . 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. to March 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. From Kincardine at the hour. From Higginsneuck at 10 mins. past hour. Sundays :— March to May 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 5 p.m. May to Sept. . 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 6 p.m. Sept. to Oct. . 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 5 p.m. Oct. to March 9 a.m., 1 p.m,, and 4 p.m. (Weather and tides permitting.) Week-days .—7 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Sundays :— 8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. During March and September the ferry service ceases at 7.30 p.m., and from October to February it ceases at 6.30 p.m. From Alloa, every hour. From South Alloa, 20 mins. after the hour. South Queensferry to North Queensferry. Kincardine to Higginsneuck. Alloa to South Alloa. * Queen's Ferry (IJnlithgow). 1^ lit Hi Edinburgh to Dunfermline. Kincardine to Fall(irk. M U. S < S TO M n FERRIES P' v! 1/3. issue 1 ID Sg ^^•s s i s g^^-l S li- -5 .(U o 1 « -is 0^1 cc ^ "Sc-S ^ ^1 .•^;^ oT =^" ^ S '^ .2 •Id^lll illlill il|S| o" '2 '^ § s a ^ * eS o" ^" s *. S -: p. ^ '« lO lO CO S ^" CO lo" ^ u-f * -* rH lo ^ 1 S -6 i i i i t "5 pH » i t«si:,i S ^- °o 8" " i^^ o P< m -* - ft *» •1 JO S ^ ::; 3 5 s s^ 1 a a o 11 111 f^ 'm ^ % Eh Ph -3j S s ^ 1 1 ^- > c^ >. -W ^ 1 1 ^ |5| W3m M o g 5 5 O O pq ^ ^ o a i SI It IS 51 ^ *|a m| « 1 s 5 . ll O 5 ii o oi 1 >ii. e c 3 O •Xjjoj] 2 '* 1 lO JO -0^1 « CO 1 CO FElNS o K. 1 . » oT a S c3 o % 5 I'r s 1 o ^"^ i a ^■o a fl 1 t^t> j^ p. f-i ^1 ^^ II ll II W o a o 1 1 a 1 H ^.sb§ S o 3 s 1^ ll |l 11 32 PI 1 ^ l3l ^1 3I H §1 il si ^1 i 1 ^ f^ 111 Ut 4 If ^2 3) "^ s « a) <».a a> o » a e« JS £7 ^ ir ^1 IS ^ e8 ^5 , 2 . Fortrose to Invergordon. eg 5 If If 1! 11 5^ i ll 1 (D r* CO 0) o ^ CM CO ' « CO CO eo ^ "* 't " ' 1 FERRIES — 7f)0 — ^^ i» s ^ ^ tiC 1 -« c m h ^^^ ws •a^ ni •'^i 1 i ^1 11 }« III si -d o 1 be c s 1 i -4 ■ 11 Si IP 5^3 S fl c eS w 1 . a> s 2 . c cSOO ^ ^ 2g§ "^3 l:?^ §1 §1* §l""| ^s N a-3 OH^tj H, ^-C^ f^ CS c S Qg2 -O ^ ^ ^ ■i« ^ . ■oj "3 -= ^ 5^ SI C fl 1 ^ 1 g >; r. p 03 >) . J-V r; o III If 5 "3 fl e 11^ 5 >< o • E ^1 1 III If go, S3 fl 2-2 is i 6 s B "eS H H ^ >> OS si 03 ^ '5 6 eS ^ „ c 1 ^ ^ J? 3 = 5- 1 it ^ ^ See J 5'. -ts as II ^." ^§ ■S >i -t^ >> i 5S III III 111 iji =51 III !:5li 5 s:-s S'^ i 0^ S S £ •^fOu ««= "^ ceo ^£ 3^ ® o sp H ^ J -d ,a5 'oj >s S 2 _^ "^ -; ct 'r; ^ 4) CJ j: . S ID O I3I S 03 S "S 1^1 £ o ^ ^ ^ f^ t4 OJ lerine's. lis 5 ^ «> o o III 1^^ m w a: e5 M . 5« £ c ce . 5 . < } r3= ^•S ^ «= n ol II =i£ y >o 00 Sac So oitf S £ *- C5 o o - M eo ^ lO 10 U> 10 FERRIES -2 g .^ « 03 0) >^^ ;„■? 1^1 ^ !^a, I « ^ ce P<« . o5 s l:?'t . . S Eh 6 s s ft p, : * « o (>5 1 o" rtt -a isS s GC *« CjCO •'• l"^ ■*-§3 , ^•s'S' ^ OJTJ. CO S.2 .2^*. •.ft^ cc^* 1 1-2 .S S^S i^:§£ ^^ « S ** (U ^ ^.?^;i; -ig"^ « 2 2 ^^o ^ h 3 < % 32 CO H O W Vri . . . _ t= §00 ? « » 1^ CQ.Q |rt| Pi« >i g « PI 2E JO -ox FEtONS a S g -o tf a5 s2 -s r^ a O bD -« a.S a » -§ £: a d" '^ .- -«■ % SP-c ^ ■s cludir 11 ir, 6d,, in charge. her passe Ifl 0-73 e o!^ o <5S§ ^ a. .2p|| 11 a^ es 1 a 1- ajTS ^ P^.^ «• a ^1 o if °|-- ill o"o 5j S "S »r^S III Ml rd a> •« a o a -1 i £ 1 1 it "S M "d o 1 !i c (0 1 ■73 a! 1 - ^.1 0) ^ 1 1 reencastU 11.30 a.m. reenore — 9.50 a.m. ; nday Serv K^ -1 a'^-' > c8 > cS o . ^ 'a ^ « ^ a f^ Ifl ^ "o a s 05 5 ^ o *- i 1 11 Pi ■=: 3 |£ ^a . •Xjja.q: en o JO -OK lO (O FERRIES f 1 i 1 • 1 re ^- a § ^ 5 ^ ' _^ -i^ "S Js "-§ ^. S --i-e e »"S'| fS =«" ij- -S ~ ? 1^1 ^fl d 11 SIS Motor Cycles Passe, ^ ss ol^ 1 •W CO >> s ^ t^ cS ^ o 1 -73 3 ^S" W s W s rt ,« 3 .a S" s . >j'3 ^ ^ g «l cS s "3- 1 zt^ '? i M i .^ %^: ^ -73 2*^ II 1 1 CO 212 t ll s ^1 1 ? ill pS 1 p. 00 sW "3 From Yougl From The P (Wea 1 ^o cc 5 >io3 » It 11 2 ^1 Every da Special p by sending Waterford. c "o a . 2 2 i Derryad to Ross Ferry. ij 1 ^ Youghal to The Point. Ballyhack 1 to 1 Passage Eas i 1 ^1 If 3| 1 It Ballyhack and Passage East (Wexford). Iz; ^ « 1 o = o -2 1 Lisnaskea to Ballyconn Headford to Oughterai ii Si 3 o Youghal to Dungarva Waterford t Wexford. •XJJ85 I ^ pj ' M Tt ID P-OX 1 «> (O (O fO CO j 705 PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS. WEEKLY MOTORING, CYCLING, AND AVIATION PAPERS. Autocar.— Friday, '3d. (Thin Paper Edition, Id.). Est. TSO.n class journal of interest to motorists generally. rubUshed at 20, Tudor Street, B.C. :p> 6720 Holborn. Car Illustrated. -Wednesday, M. Est. 1902. The journal de luxe of niotoiinj? and travel. Published at 62, Pall Mall, S.W. 7f> liegent 1068. Commercial Motor.— Thursday, Id. Vehicles for trade purposes. Published at 7-15, Rosehery Avenue, :p> 5292 Uolborn. The Cyclecar.— Wednesday, Id. Published at 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.G. 7f> 5292 Uolborn. Cycling-.- Thursday, Id. A journal for Cyclists. Published at 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, B.C. If- 5292 Holborn. Flight— Saturday, 3fZ. " First Aero Weekly in the World." Published at kU, St. Martin's Lane, W.C. ;p» 18i8 Gerrard. The Aeroplane.— Thursday, Id. Published at Cannon House, Brearne Buildings, E.C. :p> JhSo Central Irish Cyclist— Wednesday, Id. Cycling and touring in Ireland. Published at iik, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin. ^ 2h5h. London Office : 516, Bank Chambers, High Holborn, W.C. ::p> 5527 Holborn. Motor.— Tuesday, Id. Motoring news, illustrated. Published at 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.C. :p> 5292 Holborn. Motor Car Journal.— Friday, Id. A journal for Motorists. Published at 27-33, Charing Cross Road, W.C. f> 2119 Gerrard. Motor Cycle.— Thursday, \d. Cycling.. Published at 20, Tudor Street, E.C Founded 1903. Devoted to .Motor . qfc 67 20. Holborn. Motor Cycling. Published at 7-15, -Tuesday, Id. A journal for Motor Cyclists. Rosebery Avenue, E.C. :p» 5292 Holborn. Motor NevtfS.— Saturday, Id. Automobile matters illustrated. Published at 3h, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin. :p» 2k5S. London Office: 516, Bank Chambers, High Holborn, W.C. lf> 5527 Holborn. Motor Traction poses. Published at 20, Tudor St., E.C Saturday, Id. Motor vehicles for business pur- :p> 6720 Holborn. Motor World.— Thursday, Id. Scottish Motoring News illustrated. Published at 73, Dufilop St., Glasgow. ;p> 3266 Glasgoiv. London Office: 329, High Holborn, W.C. :p> 510k Holborn. Scottish Cyclist and Motor Cyclist— Wednesday, Id. Cycling (Sport, Pastime, and tlie Trade) in Scotland. Published at 73, Dunlop Street, Glasgow. :p> /i-jX Royal and P.O. 3266. London Office: 329, High Holborn, W.C. :p> 510U Holborn. ASSOCIATIONS - 706 - AUTOMOBILE AND CYCLE CLUBS. ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Telegrams : Automobile, London. Telephone : Mayfair 5000. President . His Eoyal Highness The Duke op Connaught, K.G. Secretary : J. W. Ordb, Esq. The Royal Automobile Club was founded towards the end of the year 1897 under the name of "The Automobile Club of Great Britain." Rooms were taken at 4, Whitehall Court, S.W., but as the membership increased rapidly a migration was made in 1902 to 119, Piccadilly, W. In the early part of 1908 the Club acquired the site of the old War Office in Pall Mall, and here a palatial building has been erected. The Clul) entered into occupation of its new premises at the beginning of 1911, when the number of members was over 6800. Its objects are the encouragement and development of the automobile movement ; the provision for its members of a social Club, and a centre of information and advice on matters pertaining to automobilism ; and the advantage of its support in the protection and defence of their rights. The entrance fee for all members is at the present time 25 guineas. The subscription for town members is 10 guineas, and for country mem- bers 5 guineas. The Club has agreements with all the chief Automobile Clubs abroad, and it is, therefore, kept in touch with the movement in all parts of the world. In addition, practically all the provincial motoring Clubs and Organisations of the United Kingdom are associated with the Club, which provides special facilities for them. Those unconnected with any motor organisation can secure all the advantages of association for one guinea per annum. Suitable accommodation is provided for the Associates in the new building. The total number of Members and Associates at the end of 1912 was upwards of 35,000. In 1907 the Club became " The Royal Automobile Club " by command of the late King Edward VII., who also took a great personal interest in the design of the car badge. The Club has a Paris Office at 54, Faubourg St. Honore. The following are the departments : Secretary's Office, House, Techni- cal, Engineers, Accountants, Legal, Driving and Mechanical Proficiency ( Certificates, Register of Motor Servants, International Travelling Passes, Associates, Road Guides, Touring, Driving Instruction, and Roads. The Club has formed the following bodies since its inception :— The Motor Vehicle Users Defence Association. The Motor Union (The Users Defence Association was merged in the T^nion). The Auto-Cycle Club (now the Auto-Cycle Union). The Motor Van, Wagon, and Omnibus Users Association (now The Commercial Motor Users Association). The Motor Yacht Club (now the Royal Motor Yacht Club). AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION AND MOTOR UMION. Telephone : Mayfair 1430 (Five Lines). Head Offices : Fanum House, Whitcomb St., Coventry St., London, W. Road Department: 8, New Coventry St., London, W. Northern Offices: 3, St. Peter's Square, Manchester; 34, Castle St. Liverpool ; City Square, Leeds. - 707 - ASSOCIATIONS id Offices: Central House, New St., Birmingham. Western Offices: 271, High St., Exeter ; Prudential Buildings, Plymouth. Eastern Offices: Prince of Wales Rd., Norwich. Scottish Offices : Gordon Chambers, Mitchell St., Glasgow ; 13, York Place, Edinburgh. Irish Offices : 12, College Green, Dublin ; 45, Arthur St., Belfast. Paris Office : 218, Boulevard Pereire^ Paris. President: The Earl OF Lonsdale. Chairman: W. Joynson Hicks, M.P. Tr-.. /^;^;>.^.„ . f Sir A. J. MACDONALD, Bt., .LP. Vice-Chawmen: | ^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^ Hon Trea^vrPTS' i ^'- SCHLBNTHEIM, Esq. Uon. i reasurers . | ^y ballin Hinde, Esq. Solicitors : Messrs. Ambry-Parkes & Co., is. Fleet St. Loudon, E.C. Bankers : Messrs. Barclay & Co... Ltd., 19, Fleet St., London, E.C. Walter Gibbons. ('HARLES JAKROTT. Charles Tbmpbrlby. s. F. Edge. Alfred Harris. D'Arcy Baker. Committee : Charles McWhirter. P. A. Sharman. J. Kennedy. Dr. J. L. Lock. Rev. F. W. Hassard-SHORT, M.A. Motor-Cycle Sub-Committee : Charles Jarrott. Rev. F. W. IIassard-Short, M.A. Robert W. Head. Secretary : Stbnson COOKE. SOME ADVANTAGES OF MEMBERSHIP. A Patrol Organisation on all the main roads, always ready to render in- valuable services to members ; inform them of the best routes ; warn them against bad road conditions ; give assistance in cases of mechanical breakdown ; fetch tyres, petrol, oil, ov do anything necessary to help them "o/i the road." Free Legal Defence. A Roadside Telephone Service, free to members ior calling up Garages, Hotels, etc., on route. An Insurance Policy embodying advantages included in no other policy for motor-cyclists. The A.A. & M.U. Direction Signs.— Village signs which tell you where you are. (.Jaution signs at dangerous places, etc. , etc. Assistance in preventing unnecessary restrictions to the free use of the highways. The AutomobUe Association and IVIotor Union has the largest individual membership of any motoring organisation in the world, the membership being nearly 60,000. Annual Suhscrlpfiniis .- a s. d. Motor C"ar Owners 2 2 Motor Cyclists and Cycle Car Ownei^ 10 6 Irish Members 110 Badges : Car, 5*'. ; Motor-cycle and Cycle Car, 3*'. STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION - 708 - CYCLISTS' TOURING CLUB, 280, Euston Rd., London, N.W. Telegrams: " Cosmopolitan," Eusroad, Londou. Telephone : City 3098. Patron : THE King. President : The Duke of Portland. Vice-President: J. Lennox, Esq., J. P. Chairinan of Council : Lt.-Col. C. H. L. Baskerville. Secretary: W. S. Burke. Subscription ... 5/- Entrance Fee ... . 1/- NATIONAL CYCLISTS' UNION, Lonsdale Chambers, 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Telephone : Central 4576. President : Right Hon. Ajrthur J, Balfour, M.P. Secretary: S. E,. Noble, Esq., J.P. Associate Membership ...-..., i/- Individual ,, o/- Cl^il^ .,, ....... 12/6 minimum STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION. LONDON-EPINBURGH (LEITH). (London a.ncl Edinburg'h Shippings Company, Limited.) Sailing's:— Three times weekly. Passenger Fares:— \st Class. 2nd Class. From London to Leith and Single. Return. Single. Return. vice versa 22/- 34/- 16/- 24/6 Car Transport:— Motor cars not exceeding 10 cwts. . X.-1 15 ;; 20 ,, 4 30 „ 5 40 ., 6 60 „ 7 Cars are carried at Owner's Risk on deck at sliip's option. STRACHUR-^NVERARAY. (Glasgow and Highland Royal Mail Steamer, Da.vid MacBrayne, Ltd.) Boats leave Strachur every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at about 6 p.m. Boats leave Inveraray every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satiu'day at 6 a.m. Passenger Fares :— Cabin, 1/- Car Transport:— Rates for Cars, £1 per ton (zninimura charge, £1); „. n„-„„..'o ..d „ Motor Cycles, 2/- each } '^^ ^''"^i ^ > '^1^- a few days' notice of intended sliipmeut is desirable; address, 119, Hope Street, Glasgow. If it is de3ired to convey petrol or other explosive or inflammable goods, the nature of same must be distinctly marked on the outside of the package, and written notice must be given of the nature of these goods, together with the name and address of the sender or carrier, to the Master or Owner of the vessel at or before time of shipping. - 709 - STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION STRACHUR INVERARAY. hfyne and Gia.ss:ow Steam Packet Co., Ltd.) eave Strachur every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at al)'jut 7 p.m. Boats leave Inveraray every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 a.m. Passeng^er Fares:— 6d. Single. 9d. Retiirn. Car Transport :— Rates for Motor Cars, at Owner's risk, from 7/6 to r2,.6 pei' car, according to size. Rates for Motor Cycles, 2/6 each. Two or three days' notice of intended sliipment sliould be given to the Company at 2, Kingston Dock, Glasgow. ABERDEEN TO ORKNEY AND SHETLAND. (North of Scotland and Orkney and Shetland Steam Navig^ation Co.) Boats sail from Aberdeen every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for Stromness (Orkney) or Kirkwall (Orkney), and every Monday and Thursday for Lerwick (Shetland) direct, during June, July, August, and September. Boats leave Lerwick every Tuesday at 8 p.m. and every Saturday at 6 p.m. direct to Aberdeen, and on Mondays and Thursdays via Kirkwall. Passengrer Fares:— To Stromness or Kirkwall { f^^^^^^^' *^^"^^^' %\ ^^^^^'''' ^^l ToTerwifk ^ ^^^ " " ^2/- ; „ .3^3/- 10 Leiwick I 2nd „ „ 9/- ; „ 13/6. Car Transport;— Cars up to 10 cwts 50/- each 10 to 15 ,, 60/- ,, 15 to 20 ,, 80/- ., 20 to 30 ,, 100/- ,, 30 cwts. and upwards 120/- ,, Cycle Cars 7/6 each and shore due of lOd. at Aberdeen. Motor Cycles 5/- each. STRANRAER-LARNE. (Larne and Stranraer Steamship Joint Committee.) Time taken about :i hours. Boats leave Stranraer every week-day at 6 a.m. all the year round, and from June * to September at 7.33 p.m. Boats leave Larne every week-day at 7.15 p.m. all the year round, and from June * to Septem- ber * at 10 a.m. * Tliese Additional Sailings will be given on Saturdays in June and every weeli-day from 1st July to 30th September inclusive. Passeng^er Fares:— Single, Saloon, 7/6. Return, Saloon, 12/6. Passengers to Ireland requiring to stay overnight at Stranraer can be accommodated on board ship from about 10 p.m., thus avoiding the inconvenience of staying at an hotel and rising early to join the steamer before 6 a.m. Passengers to Scotland by the 10 a.m. boat, requiring to stay overnight at Larne, can be accommodated on board ship from about 9.30 p.m. the previous evening. Additional charge— 1 berth in a 2-berth room, 2/6. Exclusive use of a 2-berth room, 5/- Private State Cabin, 9/- STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION - 710 - Car Transport:— Rates inclusive of all charges and at Owner's risk :— Motor Cars not exceeding 10 cwts-, 25/- each. ,, over 10 cwts. and not exceeding 25 cwts., 35/- each. ,, ,, 25 cwts. 35/- plus 1/- for each cwt. or part thereof above 25 cwts. At Company's risk 25 per cent, additional. Cycle Cars, 3 or 4 wheels, not exceeding 10 cwts., 25/- each. jVIotor Bicycles, accompanied, each 3/- ; unaccompanied, each 4/6, Owner's risk. Motor Bicycles, with fore-carriage, side-carriage or trailer, accom- panied, 6/- each. Owner's risk ; unaccompanied, 10/6 each, Owner's risk ; 14/6 each, company's risk. Motor Tricycles, accompanied, each (5/- ; unaccompanied, each 7/6, Owner's risk. Motor Bicycles, unaccompanied, 5/9 > p, .^ Motor Tricycles „ 10^- f ^o^^Pany » "sk. Cars and Cycles must not be charged witJi electricity (except as regards the small electric battery and coil usually affixed to petrol-propelled Motor Cars and Cycles), or with gas, oil, or other inflammable liquid or vapour, and before accepting such machines a Declaration to that effect and a signed Indemnity are required. Petrol may be purchased at Larne or Stranraer on arrival. Motor Cars are required to be at the ship's side an hour before sailing time. HEYSHAM-DUBLIN. (Midland Railway.) Boats leave Heysham daily (Sundays excepted) at 9 p.m. ,, ,, Dublin ,, ,, ,, ,, 7.30 p.m. Passe ng^er Fares :~ Single, Saloon, 12/6. Return ,, 20/- ., ,, Wl- from May to September. Car Transport ;— Rates for Motor Cars : 2 seats, 36/- 4 „ 45/- over 4 ,, 45/- plus 5/- for every additional seat over 4. Cycle Cars are conveyed at Motor Car rates. Motor Bicycles, accompanied, 3/6 each. ,, Tricycles ,, 7/6 ,, All at Owner's risk and subject to Cars and Cycles being uncharged with electricity, gas, oil, or other inflammable liquid or vapour. HEYSHAM-DOUGLAS. (Midland Railway.) Boat Services during July, August, and September only. {These arraiigements are subject to alteration.) From Heysham :— July 1st to September 8th inclusive, at 10 a.m. (each week-day). July 4th to September 20th inclusive, at 3 p.m. (each w'eek-day). July 5th to September 6th inclusive, at 12.15 night (Saturdays only). August 2nd, 9th, and 16th (Saturdays, at 11.30 a.m.). From Douglas :— July 5th to September 9th inclusive, at 9.30 a.m. (each week-day). July 1st to September 8th inclusive, at 4 p.m. (each week-day). July 6th to September 7th inclusive, at 11.30 p.m. (Sundays). August 2nd, 9th, and 16th (Saturdays), at 3 p.m. August 9th and 16th, at 8.30 a.m. (Saturdays). September 10th to 22nd inclusive, at 9 a.m. (each week-day). Car Transport :— Motor Cars ai-e not conveyed by this route. Motor Cycles, accompanied, 3/- ; unaccompanied, 4/6 I owner's risk „ Tricycles ., 6/-; ,, ' 7/6/ :: Sycies :: i^oaI^^^^^^^^'^"^^- These rates are subject to cars and cycles being uncharged with electricity, gas, oil, or other inflammable liquid or vapour. - 711 - STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION DUBLIN— GREENOCK and GLASGOW. (The Burns Steamship Co., Ltd.) Boats leave Dublin (North Wall) for Greenock and Glasgow every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 6.30 p.m. Special quick service on Thursday from Rogerson's Quay S.S. at 8 p.m. direct to Glasgow, Boats leave Glasgow (Lancefleld Quay) for Dublin, every Monday, Tues- day, Thursday and Friday at 2 p.m. Special quick service on Tues- day at 8 p.m. direct to Dublin, South side. Boats leave Greenock (Customs House Quay) for Dublin every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 6.30 p.m. in connection with the .5.20 p.m. train from Glasgow (Central) during the winter months, and 6.30 p.m. during the summer season. Passengrer Fares :— From Dublin to Greenock or Glasgow (Lancefleld Quay). Cabin, single, 14/- ; return, 22/-. Transport Charg^es:— Between Dublin and Greenock or Glasgow— Motor Cars : 48/6 per ton, minimum 1 ton. Owner's risk. Cycle Cars : Charged at same rates as Motor Tricycles. Motor Cycles : Accompanied, 6/- each ( nwnf^r-'a vi«v Unaccompanied, 11/- each < "^"^^^s ^i^l^- Motor Tricycles : Accompanied, 10/- each > r»,.,.,^,.'o ,.;c,i. Unaccompanied, 22/- each ( "^*^®^ ^ ^ ^^'^• Motors must be uncharged with gas, oil. petrol, or other inflammable liquid. HOLYHEAD— DUBLIN (NORTH WALL). (London and North Western Railway Co.) jxpress Passenger Steamer leaves Holyhead at ?,.o'> a.m. Dublin (X.W.) at 9.20 p.m. Passengrer Fares :— Ordinary Boats. Exphess Boats. 3rd Class. Saloon. 3rd Class. 4/- Single ; 6/- Return. 8/- Single ; 12/- Return. 5/- Single ; 7/6 Return. Car Transport :— Motor Cars are conveyed by Cargo Boat, upon which there is no 1st Class Saloon accommodation. Times of Sailing of Cargo Steamers. Week Days. Sundays. From Holyhead 2 a.m.* 4.45 a.m.f 6.15 p.m.J 2.0 a.m. ,, Dublin 12.45 p.m. 7.3U p.m. (No boat) * Mondays excepted. f Mondays only. + Saturdays excepted. Charges. Cars : Owner's risk, 35/- Company's risk, 43/9. Cycle-cars: ,, ,,35/- „ „ 25% extra. Note. — cars should be at Holyhead Station at least 2^ liours before time of uling. LIVERPOOL-DUBLIN. (City of Dublin Steam Packet Co.) Boats leave Liverpool (Nelson Dock or Prince's Landing Stage) every week-day at S p.m. or later according to tide. Boats leave Dublin (North Wall) every week-day at 8 p.m. (Good Fridays and Christmas Day excepted.) Passenger Fares ;— From Liverpool to Dublin, Saloon, Single, 13/6 ; Return, 21/- Return tickets available for 6 months. Saloon passengers can remain on night steamers until 9 a.m. unless the vessel is ordered away at Liverpool before that time. Car Transports :— Rates from Liverpool to Dublin for Motor Cars with 2 seats, S6/-, Owner's risk. Rates from Liverpool to Dublin for Motor Cars with 4 seats or over, 45/-, Owner's risk. STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION - 712 - Kates from Liverpool to Dublin fov Motor Bicycles, accompanied, o/- eacli, Owner's risk. Rates from Liverpool to Dublin for Motor Bicyclea, iinaccompanieil, 8/- each, Owner's risk. Insurance of Motor Cars or Cycles— to cover all risks— 5/- per £10i value, minimum 5/- No petrol is allowed on board, whether in connection with Motor Car.s, Cycles, oi otherwise, but the Company have maxie anangements whereby petrol can be provided at Liverpool or Dublin upon receiving reasonable notice at the port of departure that a suppl.v is desired, together with the cost of telegraphing. For particulars of shipment of Cars from Liverpool apply to Capt. Bell, Nelson Dock, Liverpool, and for particulars of shipment of Cars from Dublin apply to W. H. Licli- field. Traffic Manager, 15, Eden Quay, Dublin. MANCHESTER-DUBLIN, via MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL. Joint Service. (Dublin & Manchester Steamship & City of Dublin Steam Packet Co.) li(»!vts leave Manchester (Pomona Docks) on Mondays, "Tuesdays, Thurs- days at S p.m. and on *,Safurdays at 4 p.m. Boats leave Dublin (North Wall) on *Mondays, Wednesdays, *'l'luirsdays and Saturdays (for times of departure see monthly sailing bills). (Time taken from Quay to Quay about 15 hours.) Passenger Fares :— Per s.s. "Hare" saloon, single 7/- Return 10/- (available 1 month). Pers.s. '-Wicklow " „, „ 14/6 ,, 23/- ( „ 6 months). Tlie s.s. " \Vicklow " sails on days marked * and the "Hare" on the alternate days. Car Transport :— Cars : At owner's risk, including Dublin dues and Ship Canal toll— 35/10 per ton. Minimum charge, 35/10. Cars should be alongside at least 2 hours before time of sailing. Motdv-ciides : At owner's risk, including Dublin dues and Ship Canal toll — 45/- per ton. Minimum charge, 10/- Petrol tanks must be emptied, but supplies are obtainable at landing wharf, Dublin, and at numerous depots close to Pomona Docks, Manchester. HOLYHEAD-QREENORE. (London and North Western Railway Co.) Passe n ge r Fa res :— Saloon. 3rd Class. Single, 8/- Single, 5/- Car Transport :— Motor Cars can be shipped on Passenger Steamers leaving Holyhead every week-day at 2.40 a.m. From Greenore, sailings are at 8.30 p.m. every week-day. No Sunday service. Saloon passengers for Greenore may go on board the steamer at Holyhead any time after 9.30 p.m. Charges. ( 'ars : Owner's risk, 40/- Company's risk, 50/- C'ycle-cars : ,, „ 40/- ,, ,, 25% e.xtra. Note. — cars for shipment at Holyhead should arrive not later than 10 p.m., hivI at Greenore not later than 3 p.m. FLEETWOOD-BELFAST. (Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North Western Joint Railway Cos.) Passengrer Fares :— Saloon : Single, 12/6 ; Return, 21/- Car Transport ;— Times of sailing. From Fleetwood, 10.45 p.m. „ Belfast, 9.15 p.m.,* 11.40 p.m.f No Sunday service. * Saturdays excepted. f Saturdays only. - 713 - STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION CJiargeit. Up to to CWt 30/- ( ownPr'<5 ric>k- OverlOcwt 1/- per cwt. additional r'""®' '^ "*^''- Company's risk, 25 per cent, extra. ( 'ycle-cars are charged for at Motor-car rates. Motor Cycle rates, 69/2 per ton. For further particulars apply to Mr. T. Oklhani, L. -^ Motor Cycles, 6/3 ) ^^^'^• Cycle-Cars : — Particulars of charges may be obtained by application to the Company at any of the following addresses : — Donegal Quay, Belfast. Queen's Quay, Londonderry. 5, Chapel St., Liverpool. Prince's Dock, Liverpool. HEYSHAM-BELFAST. (Midland Railway Co.) Boats leave Heysham daily at 12 midnight. (Sunday nights excepted.) ,, ,, Belfast ,, ,, 9.30 p.m. Saturdays- 11,30 p.m. (No Sunday service.) Passeng^er Fares :— Cabin : Single, 12/6 ; Return, 18/9. Car Transport :— Cars.— Up to 10 cwt., 30/- i Owner's risk Above 10 cwt., 1/- per cwt. or fraction thereof. 5 "^^"^^ '^ ^''"^• 25 per cent, additional at Company's risk. ( 'ycle Cars.— Charged for at Motor Car rates. Motor Cycles, 5/- each. ,, Tricycles, 10/- each. Note.— All motors must be uncharged with electricity, gas, oil, or other inflam- mable liquor or vapour, except as regards small electric battery and coil usually affixed to petrol-propelled motor cars. BELFAST and LONDONDERRY-GREENOCK and GLASGOW. (G. & J. Burns, Ltd.) Boats leave Belfast for Glasgow daily (except Saturday and Sunday) at 8.30 p.m. ; Saturday at 10.45 p.m. (Irish time). Boats leave Londonderry for Glasgow and Greenock every Monday and Thursday at 6.30 p.m. (Irish time). Boats leave Greenock for Belfast daily (excei)t Saturday and Sunday) at 11.15 p.m. STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION - 714 - Boats leave Greenock for Londonderry every Wednesday and Saturday at 8.30 p.m. Boats leave Glasgow for Belfast daily (except Saturday and Sunday) at 8 p.m., Saturday at 11.45 p.m. Boats leave Glasgow for Londonderry every Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. Passeng^er Fares ;— Cabin and 1st Class. Cabin and 3rd Class. Single. Return. Single. Return. Belfast to Greenock (via Ardrossan only)— 15/2 22/10 13/7^ 19/4 „ Glasgow .... 14/- 20/- 13/- 18/- Londonderry to Greenock . . 13/- 17/6 — — ,, Glasgow . . 14/6 20/- 13/6 18/6 Transport Chargres: — Motor Cars — Not exceeding 10 ft 45/- 1 Over 10 ft. and not exceeding 12 ft. 55/- J- Owner's risk. Over 12 ft 65/- ) Cycle Cars— Charged at same rates as Motor Tricycles. Motor Cycles — Accompanied, 6/- each / (w„p,.v ,.;„.. Unaccompanied, 11/- each i ^^"^1 s iisk. Motor Tricjides — Accompanied, 10/- each > Ownpv'q v\ At Owner's risk. Over 12 ft 52/- ) Cycle Cars — Charged at same rates as Motor Tricycles. Motor Cycles— Accompanied 4/- each V * <. ri • • i Unaccompanied 8/3 „ f At Owner s risk. Motor Tricycles — Accompanied 6/- each / . ^ r» . • i Unaccompanied 11/- „ } At Owner s risk. Motors must be uncharged with gas, oil, petrol, or other inflammable liquid. FISHGUARD to WEXFORD, WATERFORD AND CORK. (Great Western Railway Co.) Passeng^er Fares :— 1st Class. .3rd Class. Single. Return. Single. Return. Fishguard to Wexford (wf'riRosslare) 11/6 17/6 7/9 11/9 ,, ., Waterford(virt Direct Boat) 12/6 18/9 7/6 15/- ,, Cork (('/« Direct Boat) 15/- 22/6 10/- 20/- Car Transport :— For Motor Cars to Wexford via Waterford vid Cork via Direct Rosslare (Cars Direct Boat (Cars Boat (Cars up up to 50 cwts.f) up to 50 cwts.f) to 25 cwts.*) From Fishguard £1 15 6 £2 10 £2 10 + 25 per cent, additional to these charges at Company's risk. * 13/- additional for Cars exceeding 25 cwts. and not exceeding 50 cwts. Cars are conveyed by the Cork Direct Boat at Owner's risk only. - 715 - STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION Note. — cars should be at Fishguard not later than 1 a.m. for the night boat and 1 p.m. for the day boat, and be booked to Wexford ; by the Waterford and Cork boat cars can be loaded up till 10 p.m., at Wexford (South) at 6 p.m., for shipment by the night boat from Rosslare; cars can be loaded at Waterford tA.delphi Wharf) between 3 and 4.30 p.m. ; cars can be loaded at Cork up to 6 p.m. Cycle Cars are duarged at same rates as Motor Cars. Motor Bicycles. Accompanied by passengers— From Fishguard to Rosslare 3/- Waterford 5/- Cork 6/- LIVERPOOL— DOUGLAS. (Isle of Man Steam Packet Co., Ltd.) For dates and times of sailings, see Isle of Man Steam Packet Co.'s announcements. Psissenger Fares :— Single, First Class (Saloon), 6/6 Return ,, ,, ,, 10/6 Car Transport :— Motor Cars not exceeding 12 cwt., 3/- per cwt. (minimum charge, 21/-) per car. ,, ,, over 12 cwt., 40/- per car. Liverpool dues 1/7 extra if xmder 1 ton, 2/9 over 1 ton. Motor Bicycles, accompanied, 2/6. ,, ,, (tandem), accompanied, 3/6. ,, ,, with trailer or side-car, accompanied, 5/- ,, Tricycle, 5/- ; if more than one seat, 2/- per seat extra. „ ,, with trailer, accompanied, 7/6. Cars are conveyed by cargo steamer only, and both cars and cycles must not be charged with electricity, gas, oil, or any other inflammable liquid or vapour. Twenty-four hours' notice should be given of intended shipment of cars. SOUTHAMPTON to the CHANNEL ISLES. (London and South Western Railway.) {For Jei-ftey, Gtiernsey, Alderney and Sark ; also St. Malo and Gh'anville. See L. and S. W. Ity.'s Time-table. ) Boats leave Southampton during the winter months on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and from 1st June to the 30th Sept. daily, Sundays excepted, at 12.30 midnight. Boats leave Jersey on the same days at 8 a.m. Boats leave Guernsey on the same days at 10 a.m. Passeng^er Fares :— 1st Class. 3nd Class. Single. Return. Single. Return. From London (Waterloo or Kensing- ton) to Guernsey or Jersey . . . 33/- 48/- 22/2 37/6 From Southampton to Guernsey or Jersey 20/- 33/- 14/- 23/- Eeturn tickets are available to return via Weymouth. Holders of return tickets to Jersey may break tlieir journey at Guernsey both ways without extra charge. Transport Charges:— Motor Cars. From Southampton to Jersey and Guernsey. Not exceeding 1 ton 47/6 „ 25 cwt 66/- „ 30 cwt 70/- Over30cwt 80/- Motor Cycles. From Southampton to Jersey and Guernsey. Accompanied Owner's risk 5/- Unaccompanied ,, 10/- Motor Tricycles. From Southampton to Jersey and Guernsey. Accompanied Owner's risk 10/- Unaccompanied ...... ,, 20/- Rickshaw trailers are charged at half the rate of Motor Tricycles. STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION - 716 - WEYMOUTH to the CHANNEL ISLES. (Great Western Ra.ilwa.y.) {For Jersey, Guernseij, Alderney, and Sark ; also St. Malo and Granville. See G. W. Ihj.'s Time-table.) Boats leave Weymouth during the winter months at 2.15 a.m. on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. From the Ist June to the 31st Aug., at 1.45 p.m. every day except Sunday. From the 1st to the 30th Sept., at 2.15 a.m. daily, except Monday. Boats leave Jersey during the winter months at 8 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. During the summer months at 8.30 a.m. daily, except Sunday. Boats leave Guernsey on the same days as Jersey, at 10 a.m. in the winter, and at 10.15 a.m. in the summer. Passengfer Fares:— From Loudon (Paddington) or from Weymouth to Guernsey or Jersey, the same as given under " Southampton to the Channel Isles," from London and from Southampton respectively. Return tickets are available to return via Southanspton. Holders of return tickets to Jersey may bre;ik tlieir journey at Guernsey both ways without extra charge. Transport Chargres:— The same as given under " Soutiiampton to the Channel Isles." THE BOAT SERVICE BETWEEN ENGLAND AND THE CONTINENT. DOVER-CALAIS. (South Eastern and Chatham Railway.) (For France, etc.) Boats leave Dover Pier daily at 11.5 a.m. (1st and 2aid class only), 1 p.m. (1st and 2nd class only), and 11.5 p.m. (Mail, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class). Boats leave Calais Pier daily at 1.25 p.m. (1st and 2nd class only), 3.45 p.m. (1st and 2nd class only), and 1.40 a.m. (Mail, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class). Passeng^er Fares :— 1st Class. 2nd Class. Single. Return. Single. Return. From London to Calais £1 9 11 £2 18 6 £117 £2 3 From Dover to Calais 10 11 £1 1 1 8 11 17 8 Car Transport :— By cargo boat only ; regular service every week-ilay according to tide. Special tlirouglt rates between London and Calais. Motor Cars, packed in cases or crates, with wheels detached. ... . . per toii t') i;; 3 Motor Cars, on their own wheels, not exceeding 17 cwt., Owner's risk, packed or unpacked each Hi 1.) o Motor Cars, on their own wheels, not exceeding 17 cwt.. Company's risk, packed or unpacked each £5 18 9 Motor Oars, on their own wheels, exceeding 17 cwt. but not exceeding 50 cwt.. Owner s risk, packed or unpacked, maximum chai'ge, £6 I7.s-. 9d per ton £5 13 3 .\Iotor Cars, on their own wheels, exceeding 17 cwt., but not exceeding 50 cwt., Company's risk, packed or un- packed, maximuui charge, £8 17.s'. M per ton £7 1 6 Cars from London, unjjacked, should be handed in at Victoria Station. - 717 - STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION Rates between Dover and Calais. Motor (Jars, packed in cases or crates, with wheels de- tached per ton £2 16 -0 Motor Cars, on their own wlieels. Owner's risl4, unpacked each £4 ,, ,, ,, Company's risk, un- packed . . . each £5 5 ,, ,, in cases or crates, Owner's risk . . each £3 3 ,, ,, ,, in cases or crates, Company's risk . each £4 Cycle Cars. — Base not exceeding 40 sq. ft.. Owner's risk . £2 13 4 „ ,, ,, ,, Company's risk £3 10 ,, Base exceeding 40 sq. ft., but not exceeding 50 sq. ft Owner's risk £3 ,, Base exceeding 40 sq. ft., but not exceeding i>0 sq. ft Company's risk £3 18 ,, Base exceeding 50 sq. ft. charged for at Motor Car rates. Note. — Xlie base is calculated by the multiplication of the width over all by the 'length over all, irrespective of actual shape. By " Cycle Cars " the Company means mechanically -propelled vehicles, the cylinder capacity of which does not exceed 1,100 cubic centimetres (67 cubic inches), and the total weight of which does not exceed 10 cwt. Motor Cycles.— Up to 112 lbs 5 ,, 168 ,, 7 6 ,,224 . 10 .,280 12 6 „ Over 280 „ 15 Motors must not be charged with electricity, gas, oil, or any other inflammable liquid or vapour. Twenty-four hours' notice should be given before embarkation to Captain Dixon, Dover, or Captain Blomefleld, Calais. Cars awaiting embarkation at Calais should be placed in the charge of the S. E. & C. Ry. Co.'s Agent, Captain Blomefleld. FQLKESTONE-BOULOGNE. (South Ea-stern and Cha.tha.m Railway.) {For France, Belgium, the Rhine, etc.) Boats leave Folkestone daily at 11.55 a.m. and 4.10 p.m. „ Boulogne ,, 11.45 a.m. and 7.10 p.m. Passengrcr Fares:— 1st Class. 2nd Class. Single. Return. Single. Return. From London to Boulogne £17 2 £2 13 7 19/3 £1 18 4 From Folkestone Harbour to Boulogne 9 '5 16.'- 7/5 13/6 Ca.r Transport:— Rates and Regulations the same as between London and Calais and Dover and Calais. Unpacked cars from London should be handed in at Charing Cross Station. Cars may be shipped by passenger boat by this route. Twenty- four hours' notice of shipment should be given to Captain Dixon, Folkestone, or Major E. D. Stevens, Boulogne. Cars awaiting embarkation at Boulogne should be placed in the charge of the S. E. & C. Ry. Co.'s Agent, Major Stevens. Cars cannot be accepted at Boulogne after 10 a.m. for shipment by the 11.45 a.m. boat, or after 4.30 p.m. for the 7.10 p.m. boat. ^"^.B.—This route is recommended as cars are conveyed on Passenger Steamers, whereas via Dover— Calais tltcy are only conveyed on the night cargo boats. NEWHAVEN— DIEPPE. (London Brig^hton and South Coast Railway.) {For Rouen, France, etc.) Pa.ssenger Boats leave Newlaaven daily at 11.30 a.m. and 10.25 p.m. „ Dieppe daily at about 1 p.m. and 1 a.m. Cargo Boats leave Newhaven every night except Sunday. „ „ Dieppe on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights, and on Sunday afternoons. Passeng^er Fares:- 1st Class. 2nd Class. Single. Return. Single, Return. From London to Dieppe £18 7 £2 5 3 i;l £1 11 1 From Xewhaven to Dieppe 17 10 £115 8 13 6 tl 7 STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION - 718 - Transport Charges:— Rates for accompanied Motor Cars between Newhaven and Dieppe. Cars with wheel-base not exceeding 6 ft. 6 in. . {H 10 ^^^ ^*' ft. 6 in. (£4 5 )£S „ „ „ 10 ft. 6 in. . ]g,o ;; , „ exceeding 10 ft. 6 in. . . ||^ ^^ J » * * At Owner's risk. Extra charges for French Government (Newhaven to Dieppe, 1/- Stamp, etc "(Dieppe to Newhaven, 1/11. Cars should reswh Newhaven at least H hours before the time of sailing. ,, ,, ,, Dieppe at least 1^ hours before the time of sailing by day boat; for shipment by night boat, cars can be accepted up to midnight if accompanied by a triptych or deposit voucher, if not they should reach Dieppe by 5 p.m. Rates for accompanied Motor Cycles. These can be registered from Newliaven, London, or any station on the L. B. & S. C. Ry. registering baggage to Dieppe, and are conveyed at Owner's risk as follows :— From Newhaven From "London to Dieppe. to Dieppe. Motor Bicycles (not exceeding 120 lbs.) each 8/- 10/- „ Cycles, with three or more wheels, to carry 1 person (not exceeding 200 lbs.) . ,, 16/- 20/- Motor Cycles, with 3 or more wheels, to carry 2 persons (not exceeding 300 lbs.) . ,, 21/- 25/- 6d. exti'a will be charged for every 10 lbs. or part of 10 lbs. over 120 lbs. for a Motor Bicycle. 6d. extra will be charged for every 10 lbs. or part of 10 lbs. over 200 lbs. for a Motor Cycle to carry 1 person. 6d. extra will be charged for every 10 lbs. or part of 10 lbs. over 300 lbs. for a Motor Cycle to carry 2 persons. Rates per Cargo Steamer from Newhaven to Dieppe. Cars weighing up to 2050 kilos or 40 cwt., £5 per car ) nr>,«T^onv'a above „ „ £2 8 2 per 1 ^^^^^P^^^ ^ ton ) "^'^• np to 1450 kilos or 28i cwt., £8 10 per car ) n«rr.o,.£> „ above „ „ £2 8 2 per V ^^T"^ ^ ton ) ^'^^• Motor Bicycles, packed in cases or crates : London to Dieppe, 64/- ; Newhaven to Dieppe, 48/2. Extra charges for French Government ( Newhaven to Dieppe, 3/5. Stamp, etc t Dieppe to Newhaven, 4/5. Cars can be accepted at Newhaven for conveyance by cargo boat up to 7 p.m., and at Dieppe up to 5 p.m., or up to 10 p.m. if accompanied by a triptych or deposit voucher. Cars shipped by cargo boats cannot be cleared through the Customs on Sundays. Cars will be insured at Lloyds at the rate of 2/5 for every £40 value if the sender so instructs on his form of declaration. All cars and cycles must be emptied of naphtha, petrol, explosive spirit, petroleum, or other similar dangerous or explosive liquid, and cars or other receptacles containing such liquids will not be allowed on board. Quarter Deck Cabins, 1 passenger, 16/- per cabin. ,, ,, „ 2 or more passengers, 20/- per cabin. These rates are in addition to the First Class Fares. Applications to reserve Private Cabins for the outward voyage must be addressed to the Marine Superintendent, Newliaven Harbour CT* " Marine Superintendent, New- haven "), and for the homeward voyage to M. le Chef de Gare, Dieppe-Maritime (T^ "Chef Gare Maritime, Dieppe "), and not direct to the Officers of the Steamers. SOUTHAMPTON-HAVRE. (London and South Western Railway.) {For Normandy.) Boats leave Southampton at 12.15 a.m. every night except Sundays. „ ,, Havre ,, 12. p.m. ,, ,, ,, ... r STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION aLSsenger Fares: i 1st Class. 2nd Class. - Single. Return. Single. Return. London to Havre . . £1 10 6 £2 7 £1 1 6 £1 15 17 10 £1 6 8 Southampton to Havre £1 3 10 £1 16 8 Transport Charges For Motor Cars. At Owner's risk. At Company's risk. £ s. d. £ s. d. Weight not exceeding 1 ton ... 2 7 6 3 3 25ewt. ..300 4 30 „ . . 3 10 4 12 6 „ over 30 cwt 4 5 Mono or Dttocars— Weight not exceeding 10 cwt. . . . .35- An extra charge of 5/- is made for Cars landing at Southampton on Sunday. Shippers may insure cars at rate of 5/- per £100 value upon giving 12 hours' notice. At least 12 hours' notice sliould be given of intended shipment, with full particulars of car and expected time of its arrival on quay, to The Docks and Marine Manager, Southampton; or to Mr. W. R. Langstaff, 67, Grand Quay, Havre. To ensure shipment cars must be alongside the steamer — At Southampton not later than 10 p.m. ,, Havre , 4.30 p.m. For Motor Bicycles. At Owner's risk. From London to Havre ,, Southampton to Havre .... For Motor Tricycles. From London to Havre ] ,, Southampton to Havre . ... ] Bicycles with more seats than one are charged 50 per cent, over the rate for ordinary bicycles for each additional seat. a'andem tricycles are charged 50 per cent, over the rate for ordinary tricycles. All petrol tanks must be emptied before car can be received on board ; at Southampton this is done by the Company's Motor Attendant. 6/- Tnaccom- panied. 12'- 10/- 24/- 20/~ SOUTH AM PTON—SAI NT-MALO. (London and South Western Railway.) (For Brittany.) Boats leave Southampton between 4 p.m. and 12.45 (midnight) every day except Sunday, during the months of July, August, and September. During the rest of the year the boats only run twice a week. Passenger Fares:— 1st Class. .,'nd Class. Single. Return. Single. Return. London to Saint-Malo . £1 15 10 £2 13 8 £1 5 10 €2 1 2 Southampton to Saint- Malo . . £13 10 £1 16 S 17 10 £16 8 Car Transport:— See Tariff : Southampton— Havre. SOUTHAMPTON-CHERBOURG. (London and South Western Railway.) (For Normandy and Brittany.) Boats leave Southampton at 11.15 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday, also on Saturdays from the 1st June to 30th Sept. Boats leave Cherbourg at 11 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday, also on Monday from 1st June to 30th Sept. circumstances permit. or as soon after as tide and STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION - 720 - Passeng-er Fares :— 1st Class. 2nd Class. Single. Return. Single. Eetui-n. London to Cherbourg . . £1 10 4 i:2 6 8 £10 10 £1 11 8 Southampton to Cher- bouvg £1 10 £1 14 8 14 10 £1 4 8 Transport Charg^es:— See Tariffs and Hegulations : London— Havre, and Soutiiampton— Havre, except for— At Owner's Unacconi- risk. panied. Motor Bicycles from Southampton to Cherbourg 4/- 8/- Motor Tricycles from Southampton to Cherbourg 8/- 16/- An additional chai'ge of 12 frs. 10 c. is made at Cherbourg for loading or unloading at low tide, when a steam-crane is necessary. Notice of intended sliipment at Cherbourg slionld be addressed to Messrs. Cottel & Co., Quai Ancien Arsenal. HARWICH-ANTWERP. (Great Eastern Railway.) For Belgium, the Ardennes, and Germany.) Boats leave Harwich (Parkeston Quay) daily (Sundays excepted) at aljout 10.15 p.m. Boats leave Antwerp daily (Sundays excepted) at 7 p.m. Passengrer Fares :— 1st Class. 2nd Class. Single. Return. Single. Return. From London to Antwerp £1 7 £2 2 16/6 £1 6 (J „ Harwich „ 17 £1 8 11/6 19 Transport Charg^es :— For Motor Cars. From London to Antwerp, up to 30 cwts £4 4 each. „ ,, ,, not exceeding 2.[ tons ..£660.. ,, Harwich ,, £3 ,j For Quadricydes or Ihiocars From Harwich to Antwerp £12 6 eacli. Motor Bicycles. From London to Antwerp, if declared at Owners risk £0 15 each ,, ,, ,, if not so declared ...£126., ,, Harwich ., £0 4 6,, Motor Tricycles. From London to Antwerp, if declared at Owner's risk £1 10 ,, ,, ,, ,, if not so declared ... £2 5 ., „ Harwich „ £0 11 3 !, If unpacked, at Owner's risk only. Tlie G.E.E. provide Gar. U at Parkeston Quay, 2/- per night. Motor Card and Motor Cycle.3 cannot be sliipped later than 5 p.m., and must not be charged with gas, petrol, or other iiiflaumiable liquid or vapour. Arrangements fbr shipment should be made with Commander Coysh, Parkeston Quay, Harwich; ^ "Eastern, Parkeston Quay." Notice : — The Great Eastern Railway Company give notice that they reserve to themselves the right of making alterations in such rates or charges from time to time as they may deem necessary, and will not be bound to issue special notice of sucli alterations to each particular person sending or receiving goods except as provided by the Kailway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888. HARWICH-HOOK OF HOLLAND. (Great Eastern Railway.) l^oats leave Harwich (Parkeston Quay) daily at about 10 p.m. „ „ Hook of Holland daily at 11.30 p.m. - 721 - STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION *as8ens:er Fares :— 1st Clasii. -nd Clatstt. Single. Beturn. Single. Retnrn. From London to Hook of • Holland £1 10 £2 7 19/6 .till From Harwich to Hook of Holland £1 £1 1:5 U/G £1 4 (■) Transport Charges :— See Tariffs between London and Antwerp and Harwich and Antwerp ; the same regulations also apply. GRIMSBY— HAMBURG (Royal Mail Service). (Great Central Railway.) (For Xorth Germany and Berlin.) Boats leave Grimsby daily (Sundays excepted) soon after the arrival of the boat train at G.45 p.m. Boats leave Hamburg daily (Sundays excepted) at 9 p.m. (German time). Passenger Fares (Subject to Alteration) ;— Ifit Class and Saloon. 3rd Class and Saloon. Single. Return. Single. Return. , From Loudon (Hilary leboue) , to Hamburg 51/11 64/3 42/lli 52/6 (available A5 days) (available ItS days) 78/4 59/3 (available 6 months) (available 6 months) From Manchester (Central) t© Hamburg 42/3 51/6 37/61 45/3 (available /,'> days) (available ho days) 59/- 47/9 (available 6 mont?is) (available 6 months) from Liverpool to Hamburg 47/9 58/9 39/lU 48/6 (available ,iJ clays) (available h5 days) 67/5 52/- (available iJ months) (available 6 months) From Grimsby Docks to Hamburg 30/- 35/- Ileturn tickets are also available for return from Antwerp or Rotterdam. Transport Charges :— Cars— From London to Grimsby Docks 78/- From Manchester to (jrimsby Docks 45/6 From Liverpool to Grims'-)y Docks 60/- From Grimsby Docks to Hamburg 50/- per ton (minimum chaige 50/-) on deck. Owner's risk. ' Landing and Quay charges at Hamburg about 2/- per ton (payable in Hamburg.) Motor Tricars— Grimsby Docks to Hamburg, unaccompanied, 42/6 per ton (minimum charge 15/-). Accompanied by passenger, 15/-. On deck, owner's risk, not including landing charges. Motor Cycles— Accompanied, 5/- each. Cars or tricars cannot be landed at Hamburg on Sunday, and at Grimsby only if the Continental Agents are advised with a request to wire Grimsby not later than noon on Satui-day. No extra charge. Cars should be at the Royal Hotel Garage, Grimsby Docks, not later than noon on (lay of sailing, or a later time may be arranged by communicating with F. Barwitk, Port Master, Grimsby Docks. On the return journey, 24 hours' clear notice should be given to H. C. Rover. 9 Holzbrucke, Hamburg. Cars must be on the Sandthor Quay not later than 4 p.m. All petrol must be taken out of cars before shipment. m case of breakdown, etc., ^ " Sutcliffe, Grimsby." (Shipping Agents.) 2 H STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION - 722 - GRIMSBY— ANTWERP. (Great Central Railway.) (For Belgium, the Ardennes, and Germany.) Boats leave Grimsby everv Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday soon after the arrival of the boat train at 6.45 p.m. Boats leave Antwerp (d'Herbourville Quay) every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7.15 p.m. (Greenwich time). Passeng^er ¥sLrGS\{Subject to Alteration)',— 1st Class and Saloon. Jrd Class and Saloon. Single. Ketuin. Single. Return, i'rom London (Marylebone) to Antwerp. . . , . . 36/11 49/3 27/11^ 37/6 {available U5 days) {available k^> days) 63/4 44/3 {available 6 months) {available months) From Manchester (Central) to Antwerp 27/3 36/6 22/6^ 30/3 {available Uf> days) {available h5 days) 44/- 32/9 {available 6 months) {available 6 months) From Liverpool to Antwei-p 32/9 43/9 24/11* 33/6 {available J+5 days) {available U5 days) 52/5 37/- {available 6 months) {available 6 months) From Grimsby Docks to Antwerp 15/- 20/- Retum tickets are also available for return from Rotterdam. Car Transport:— From London, Manchester, or Liverpool to Grimsby Docks th-e same as given under " Grirasby— Hamburg." From Grimsby to Antwerp, 36/- per ton (minimum 36/-) on deck. Owner's risk. Motor Tricars and Motor Cycles .—From Grimsby to Antwerp, the same as given under " Grimsby— Hamburg." The above rates include landing and shipping charges and assistance in clearing through Customs. Cars can only be landed at Antwerp on Sundays provided notice be given at Grimsby by noon on Saturday. No' extra charge. For arrangements for landing cars at Grimsby on Sundays, see " Grimsby — Hamburg." Cars should be at the Royal Hotel Garage, Grimsby Docks, not later than noon on day of sailing. Notice of intention to ship from Antwerp must be given to Messrs. Ruys & Co., 9, Quai Van Dyck, Antwerp, not later than 10 a.m. on morning of sailing. Cars must be on the Quay for shipment not later than 3 p.m. All petrol must be taken out of cars before shipment. In case of br.eakdown, etc., ^ " Sutclifte, Grimsby." (Shipping Agents.) GRIMSBY— ROTTERDAM. (Great Central Railway.) {For Holland.) Boats sail* from Grimsby every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday soon after the arrival of the boat train at 6.45 p.m. Boats sail from Rotterdam every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9 p.m. (Dutch time), 8.40 p.m. (Greenwich). Passengrer Fares;— The same as for Antwei'p. Return tickets are also available for return from Antwerp. Car Transports— From London, Manchester, or Liverpool to Grimsby Docks, the same as given under " Grimsby — Hamburg." From Grimsby to Rotterdam, 36/- per ton (minimum 36/-) on deck. Owner's risk. Motor Tricars and Motor Cycles:— From Grimsby to Rotterdam, same as given under " Grimsby— Hamburg." On the return journey, notice of intention to ship must be given to Messrs. Ruys & Co., 7, Veerhaven, Rotterdam, not later than 10 a.m. on the morning of sailing. Cars must be at the St. Jobshaven for shipment not later than 4 p.rn. Information given on other points under "Grimsby — ^Antwerp " also applies to the service between Grimsby and Rotterdam. 723 - STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION HULL-ROTTERDAM. (Hull and Holland Steamship Service Joint Committee.) Boats leave Hull (N.E.R, Riverside Quay) every week-day at 6.15 p.m. Boats leave Botterdam (Parkhaven) every week-day at 8-0 p.m. (Greenwich time 7.40). Passenger Fares ;— ^ . 1st Class and Saloon. Single. Return, available. 16 days h5 days 6 months From London (King's Cross) . . 36/8 — 49/3 63/4 From Manchester 27/3 33/- 36/6 44/- From Liverpool 32/9 36/- 43/9 52/5 From Leeds 22/- 29/6 29/6 34/- FromHull 15/- - - 20/- 3rd Class and Saloon. Single. Return, available. 16 days 1*5 days 6 months From London (King's Cross) . . 27/10^ - 37/6 44/3 From Manchester 22/6* 26/6 30/3 32/9 From Liverpool . . 24/11* 28/- 33/6 37/- From Leeds 19/3 25/6 25/9 27/3 From Hull 15/- — — 20/- Transport Charges:— Between Hull and Rotterdam- Cars, £1 16s. Od. per ton (minimum charge 36/-). Cycle Cars, charged for at Motor-Car rates. Tricars, 15s. Od. each. Motor Cycles, 5s. Od. each. The above rates are at Owner's risk, and provided theveiiicle is accompanied. Tliey include Landing and Sliipping cliarges and assistance in clearing through Customs. Cars can be landed on Svmday without extra charge. Arrangements for shipment should be made 24 hours in advance : at Hull, with the Hull and Netherlands Steamship Co., Ltd., Alexandra Cliambers, Mytongate ; at Rotterdam, with Messrs. Seeuwen & Co., or Messrs. Wm. H. MuUer & Co., Parkhaven, Kotterdam. Cars should be at the respective quaysides two hours before the time of departure of the boat. All petrol tanks must be emptied before shipment. Cars can be insured at Hull and Rotterdam against all risks. Premium 5/- per cent. HULL-AMSTERDAM. (Hull and Holland Steamship Service Joint Committee.) Boats leave Hull every Wednesday and Saturday. Boats leave Amsterdam every Tuesday and Saturday. Passenger Fares:— From HvlW— Saloon : Single, 15/-; Return, 20/- ; available 6 months and for return via Rotterdam. Car Transport :— Packed or unpacked, on deck, Ownei-'s risk ,. . . . 26/6 per ton Minimum charge 26/6 Accompanied, including Landing and Shipping charges, and assistance in clearing through Customs, on deck, Ownei-'s risk 36/- per ton. Minimum charge 36/- Cycle Cars charged at same rates as Motor Cars. The Saloon accommodation on steamers sailing between the above ports is limited, and passengers must communicate at least four days beforehand with the Agents to secure berths and to ascertain exact date and time of sailing, as these are variable. All petrol tanks must be emptied. STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION - 724 - HULL-HARLINGEN. (Hull a.nd Holland Steamship Service Joint Committee.) Boats leave Hull every Wednesday and Saturday. Boats leave Harlingen every Wednesday and Saturday in the early morning. Passengrer Fares:— Same as V>et\veen Hull— Amsterdam. Car Transport:— Same as between Hull— Amsterdam. The leiuarks above also apply to this route. GOOLE— ANTWERP. (Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co.) Times of Sailing::— From Goole : Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. I'rom Antwerp ; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Passengrer Fares:— Saloon. Single. Return, i Return journey from Hamburg can be 15/- 20/- 5" made on payment of 15/- extra Car Transport ;— Packed or unpacked 26/6 per ton. Minimum charge 26/6 Accompanied, including landing and shipping charges and assistance in clearing through Customs (cars may be loaded on Sundays with- out extra charge) 36/- per ton. Minimum charge . . . . ' .Jfi/- Cycle-cars are charged for at Motor-car rates. GOOLE— HAMBURG. (Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co.) Times o-T Sailing::— From (jfoole : Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. From Hamburg : Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Passeng:er Fares:— Salooii. Single. Return. | Available for return vid Rotterdam, 30/- 35/- 3 Antwerp, Amsterdam, or Ghent. Car Transport: — Packed or unpacked 42/6 per ton. Minimum charge 42/6 Accompanied, owner to pay landing and shipping charges at Hamburg 50/- per ton. Minimum charge 50/- Cycle-cars are charged for at Motor-car rates. Xote. — No landing is allowed at Hamburg on Sundaya. HULL-ZEEBRUGGE. (Lancashire & Yorkshire and North Eastern Joint Railway Cos.) Times 0"f Sailing: :— Two or three times weekly from May to October. - 725 - STEAMSHIP COMMUNICATION Car Transport :— Cars accompanied, including landing and shipping charges and assist- ance in clearing through Customs , . . 36/- per ton. Minimum charge 36/- C'ars unaccompanied, packed or unpacked . 26/6 per ton. ^Minimum charge 26/6 Cycle-cars are charged for at .Motor-car rateg. All cars are carried on deck, and at Owner's risk. Weight of ears must not exceed two tons. Notice should be given in advance about the desired date of shipment. Cars to be alongside the steamer at the Riverside Quay, Hull, by 3 p.m. on sailing day. For all further particulars apply to Mr. C. R. Cameron, L. & Y. Rly., 3, Nelson St., Hull. N.B. — This service is discontinued in tlie winter months. QUEENBOROUGH & FOLKESTONE-FLUSHINa (South Eastern and Chatham Railway.) {For Holland, Germany, etc.) Boats leave Queenborough daily at 11.30 a.m. and Folkestone at 10.35 p.m. ,, ,, Flushing ,, ,, 11 a.m. and at 12.10 a.m. Passeng:er Fares;— 1st Class. 2nd Class. Single. Return. Single. Return. London to Flushing £1 10 5 £2 8 2 18/10 £1 11 8 Queenborough to Flushing ... £1 6 £2 15/0 £140 Transport Rates :— From London to Flushing. Motor Cars, unpacked, not exceeding 30 cwt. in weight— £4 4 each. Owner's risk. £5 5 ,, Company's risk. Motor Cars, unpacked, exceeding 30 cwt., but not exceeding 2 tons in weight— £5 12 each. Owner's risk. £7 0,, Company's risk. Motor Cars, packed in case or crates, per 1,000 kilos ..£374 Minimum charge as for 1 ton. Unpacked cars from London should be handed in at Victoria Station. From Queenborough to Flushing. Motor Cars, unloaded, not packed, accompanied or unaccompanied— £3 6 each, at Owner's risk. £4 0,, at Company's risk. When loaded on deck. Motor Cars, packed or unpacked, are only con- veyed at Owner's risk on the Zeeland Steamship Co.'s boats. Cars weighing more than 2 tons will only be conveyed by special arrangement. From London to Flushing. iK;: Sy£, 20^: T' f Acoompamed. and at Owner's Hsk. Two-seat Motor Tricycles, 50/-, at Owner's risk ; as a separate truck will be required the usual previous notice must be given. Cars and cycles must not be charged with electricity, gas, oil, or any other inflammable liquid or vapour. Twenty-four hours' notice of intended shipment should be given to the Zeeland Steamship Co., Flushing, or Mr. Flood Page, Queenborough Pier. N.B. — Cars cannot be driven on to the Pier at Qtieenborough, but must be railed from Queeiiborough Station to the Pier ; the above rates include this service. N.B. — The night service to and from Flushing is now via Folkestone, but Motor Cars are not conveyed by this service between Folkestone and Flushing. INTERNATIONAL TOURING INTERNATIONAL TOURING. The English tourist should, hefore going abroad, obtain the necessary papers which will permit him to circulate freely in the country it is intended to visit. These papers are two in number, namely, the Triptych, and the International Travelling Pass. 1. A Triptych (Permit for free circulation abroad) should be obtained for each country it is desired to visit, such as France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg, Swit- zerland, Italy or Spain. The triptych is not obligatory, but it possesses the following advantages :— (a) It obviates the payment and re-payment of duties on each frontier ; formalities which are very tedious ; (6) It saves the loss caused by purchase of foreign money ; (c) It obviates the necessity of carrying large sums of money. To obtain a Triptych.— The English tourist should apply to the Asso- ciation of which he is a member. (The Eoyal Automobile Club, the Automobile Association and Motor Union.) The American tourist should apply to the Automobile Club of France, the Touring Club of France, or to one of the British associations mentioned above. The French clubs do not issue triptychs by correspondence, and applicants must be, at the time of application, staying in France. (It is not necessary to become a member of the Automobile Club of France to obtain a triptych, but the other associations only give them to members.) Pay careful attention to the importation formalities required by each country. Always give full details of your car ; and although the informa- tion required by different countries varies, the following table will be found very useful : Information to be griven -for all countries. Name of the person applying for the Triptych. Addresa. Member's Club Number. 1 . __ Information regrarding: the Car. (See which particulars are required for each country.) 1 Whether car, tricycle, etc. Body, 2 Whether racing or touring car. 14 Type or shape (tonneau, 3 Number of wheels. limousine, etc.). 4 Weight (write in words). 15 Make and number. 16 Colour. Chassis. 17 Seating accommodation. ! 5 Make. 18 Nature and colour of up- ! 6 Number. holstery i ' Colour. Engine. 8 Make. 1 9 Number. 19 Make of tyres. | 10 Steam, petrol or electric. 20 Particular marks (mono- 11 IP. grams, coat of arms). 12 Number of cylinders. 21 Value of the vehicle (write ; 13 Diameter of cylinders. in words). i The above information should be given correctly. If the value and weight declared seem under-estimated, the car is liable to confiscation. Triptychs consist of one counterfoil aiid two fly-leaves. ^F: 2. T 727 - INTERNATIONAL TOURING 2. The International Travelling Pass and Plate enables motorists to travel in all countries which have accepted the Agreement of 11th of October, 1909, without it being necessary to pass new examina- tions in each co mtry. They are, however, subject to the local regulations governing motor traffic. The passes hold good for twelve mont^is from the date of issue, and must be renewed annually. The plate must be oval, 30 centi- metres Avide, 18 centimetres high, and must carry one or two black letters on a white ground. The letters must consist of E,oman capitals, and have a minimum height of 10 centimetres ; their outline must be 15 millimetres thick. The car must also carry in some prominent position on the dashboard or body a plate indicating the name of the chassis manufacturer, the works number of the chassis, the power of the engine in id?, and the veight of the car when empty. The following are the countries which have accepted the agreement together with letters distinguishing each :— Algeria and Tunis , F Austria A Belgium Bulgaria Great Britain Hungary -. Italy France F Germany . . . . D BG Monaco . Montenegro Netherlands GB Portugal . H Russia . . I Spain . . MC Sweden . . MN Switzerland NL P R E S CH "^ The Regulations require that cars must be examined in order to ascer- tain that they fulfil the following :— (1) The machinery must be such as can be trusted to work efficiently, and must be so designed as to prevent, as far as possible, all danger of fire or explosion, as not to frighten by its noise animals, whether ridden or driven, and as not to give rise to any other cause of danger to traffic, or seriously to inconvenience by the emission of smoke or vapour any persons using the road. (2) The motor car must be provided with the following :— (a) A strong steering apparatus which will allow the car to be turned readily and with certainty. (b) Two brakes, each independent of the other and adequate for its purpose. One at least of the brakes must be capable of acting rapidly and directly upon the wheels or upon the brake drums immovably fixed thereto. (c) A mechanism which is capable of preventing, even on steep gradients, any backward movement, if one of the brakes is not in itself sufficient for the purpose. Every motor car whose weight unladen exceeds 350 kilos, must be so constructed that the driver can, from his seat, reverse the movement of the car by means of the driving power. (3) All the driving and steering apparatus must be so arranged that the driver can manipulate it with certainty, and at the same time have a clear view of the road. (4) Every car must be provided with plates showing the name of the manufacturer of the chassis and the manufacturer's number, the horse- power of the engine, and also the weight of the car unladen. All drivei-s must prove their competency by practical examination, and nmst not be less than 18 years of age. Holders of the- Royal Automobile Club driving certificate, should quote number when applying, and need not be re-examined, but must supply two unmounted photographs, head and shoulders measuring about 1^ ins. by If ins. To obtain the International Pass and Plaque, apply to the Royal Automobile Club, Touring Department. Arrangements are being made whereby motorists may have their cars examined, etc., by local clubs associated with the R.A.C. For motor-cycles the provisions of the agreement are the same, except that the machinery Intended to prevent a car running backwards is not required, nor is the reversing gear. Fees of 7/- eaclx, making 21/- in all, are payable for the Car Examina- tion and Certificate, the Examination of Driver and Certificate including the supply of the special plate and the International Travelling Pass. INTERNATIONAL TOURING - 728 - Special Note. — One of the inconveniences in crossint; frontici's when on an automobile tonr is the changing of money, and especially at frontiers crossed on Sundays or holidays. For this reason, the system of International Travellers' Cheques is constantly growing in puV)lic favour^ Desiring that our friends and clients may have the benellt of all up-to-date improvements which relate to comfortable touring, and in order that they may find it easy to deal with most of our Stockists and Agencies throughout the world, we have arranged that our repre- sentatives may accept in payment for all goods and tyres of our make, the International Travellers' Cheques of the American Express Company. In order to obtain these cheques together with a list of our Stockists and Agencies who accept this mode of payment, apply to any of the ( >ttices or Agents of the American Express Company in Europe, or write to their European headquarters at 11, E,ue Scribe, Paris. INFORMATION ON VARIOUS FOREIGN COUNTRIES. The Rule o-f the Road -for European Motorists. KEEP TO THE RIGHT. OVERTAKE ON THE LEFT. KEEP TO THE LEFT. OVERTAKE ON THE RIGHT. Italy Austria- Hungary Germany. Belgium. Spain. France. Holland. ) on all country roads } and in some towns. Russia. Switzerland. 1 Tyrol. I Carinthia. < Istria. I Carniole. I Dalmatia. Italy Austria- Hungary England Portugal. Sweden. In most of the large towns. This regulation is indicated by sign-posts : "Tenere la Sinistra." With the exception of the provinces named in column Xo. 1. Motor traffic is tolerated in Turkey on the country roads and in the principal towns. ALGERIA. Amount of Dues. Up to 500 kilos . . . From 500 to 2.500 kilos Above 2,500 kilos . . . Minimum Tariff. . lOOf 1 . 75 . 50 . 100 per 100 kilos. Chassis, with or without engines . . Chassis, with or without coach work Protective Covers, inner tubes or tyr Lamps and acetylene generators 120 ^' The iiiinimum ^oiv/ applies to most European and American countries. Triptychs.— Xo special triptychs are issued for Algeria, the Frendi one being available. See Midieliu Guide to " The Suaaij Countries." English Edition. - 729 - INTERNATIONAL TOURING AUSTRIA. Amount of Dues. T'p to 400 kilos = I'lO kronen j From 401 to 1,800 kil.os = 120 „ „„, .^.n m^c From 1,801 to 3,200 := 100 „ ( P^^ ^"" '^"■^*- Above 3,200 kilos =60 „ ) Triptychs.~The information required is in accordance with Xos. 14, 11 , 12, 13, 16, of the table on p. 726. 'I"he triptych is valid for a year. I'riptychs are valid only when the country is entered via an Austria a (Customs office. If it is entered from the Hungarian border the card will not be recognized by the officials. See Michelia Guide to " Switzerland, the Tyrol and Italian Lakes." English Edition. BELGIUM. Amount of Dues. -12% of the declared value, with power to confiscate should the value seem under-estimated. Triptychs.— The information required is in ajacordance with Xos. 4, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 17, 18, 16, 19, 20, 21, of the table on p. 726. It is also necessary to give the numbers and letter's of the plates issued in the country where the car was originally registered. Triptychs hold good until 31st December of year of issue. See Michelin Guide to " Holland, Belgkam and the Black Forest." English Edition. EGYPT. Amount of Dues. Triptychs.— Jfo triptychs are issued for Egypt. Temporary Importation.— The tax of SiXad valorem niton all goods entering Egypt must be i>aid, which sum will be refunded if the car Ls re-exported within six months. Taxes.— X^p to the present time, no tax is exacted, except in Alex- andria, where the following tariff is applied by the municipality :— Large cars £5 Egyptian Small Cars £S Motor Cycles £15 ,, Beside the above taxes, the circulation permit costs 60 piastres or lis. bd. In Cairo, the Government only demands payment for the two obli- gatory plates and the circulation permit, a sum of 11/- in all. See Michelin Guide to ' I'he Sitnmj Countries." English Edition. PBANCE. Amount of Dues. Minimum Tariff. Chassis, with or Wrp to 500 kilos iOOt \ per without engmes . • Ufo„i 500 to 2,500 kilos .... 75 - 100 Chassis, with or [ j^ ^ -q^ l^^l^g 50 J kilos without coach work J Protective covers, inner tubes or tyres 1 00 Lamps and acetylene generators 1 20 The minimum tariff applies to the majtjrity of European and American countries (particularly to the United States of America, and the countries bordering France). Note.— If veliicles of non-European origin are brouglit into France through a European countiy, instead of direct, they are subject to an extra tax of 3 fr. 60 per 100 kilos. Triptychs.— The information required corresponds to Nos. 21,1, 4, 12, 0. 7, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 of the table on p. 726. The triptych is valid for a year. See Michelin Guide to France. English Edition. INTERNATIONAL TOURING - 730 - GERMANY. Amount of Dues. Minimum Tariff. I from 261 to 500 kilos Care weighing { „ 501 „ 1000 „ more than 1000 ,, ,^ , , ( 50 kilos or less JVIotor cycles ) ^^.^^ ^^ ^o 100 kilos vveighmg . • I „ 121 „ 250 „ The minimum tariff applies to countries having a commercial trity with Germany, especially to cars of Swiss origin. Hpare tyres are not taxed, but are weighed with the car. Petrol enters free. Triptychs.— The information required is in accordance with Xos. 5, 6, 4, 9 of the table on p. 726. The triptychs {Passierschein, consisting of five sheets) hold good for one year. For all other information, consult the Michelin Filhrer, fur Deutsch- land, edited in German by the Deutsche Michelin Pneumatik A.S., and the Michelin Guide to " Holland, Belgium and the Black Forest." GRAND DUCHY OP LUXEMBURG. Amount of Dues.— Same as for Germany. The German triptych is available in Luxemburg. See Michelin Guide to " Holland, Belgium and the Black Foresty English Edition. HOLLAND. Amount of Dues.— 5 % of the declared value. Triptychs.- The information required is in accordance with Xos. 14, 5, 6, 9, 19, 12, 17, 21 of the table on p. 726. Triptychs are available for one year from date of delivery. See Michelin Guide to ^^ Holland, Belgium and the Black Forest.' English Edition. ITALY. )ayable /IT ■ — k Amount of Dues (payable in gold). £ s. d. •Up to 500 kilos 800 Cars . . . \ From 501 to 1,000 kilos 16 ,001 and upwards 24 Ar 4- „ «,, i^„ 4 2 and 3 wheeled 340 Motor cycles^ 4 ^l^g^l^^ 8 Triptychs.— The information required is in accordance with Xos. 10, 14, 17, 12, 11, 4, 5, 9 of the table on p. 726. Triptychs are available for three months from date of admittance into Italy. Triptychs or deposit receipts can be extended to cover a total period of six months upon production of a receipt from the "Office domanial ' showing that payment has been made, within the prescribed time, of the following tax :— £ s. d. Motor cycles 10 i up to 9 IP 3 7 6 — 12 IP 5 7 6 -16 IP 642 — 24 IP 4 15 10 Over 24 IP in addition to the tax of £4 15s. lOd. for each additional IP .... 4 2 Above 60 IP 20 Note.— The charges are based upon the maximum power of Avhich the motor is capable. See Michelin Guides to " The Sunny Coxmtries " (Southern Italy and the Coast), and •' Switzerland, the Tyrol and Italian Lakes " (Northern Italy), English Editions. - 731 - FOREIGNERS IN ENGLAND SPAIN. Amount of Dues. ,,, . j Up to 1,000 kilos 80 pesetas per 100 kilos. Chassis -^More than 1,000 kilos 100 pesetas „ .-, , J Open Same duty as on chassis + 200 pesetas. (_ ars . -J Covered Same duty as on chassis + 320 pesetas. (To determine the weight of the chassis, deduct from the total weight 200 kilos for open cars and 400 kilos for covered cars.) s Cycles and motor cycles, engines included, 300 pesetas per 100 kilos. If there is no weighbridge at the Customs House, the weight i« calcu- lated as follows : — !Up to 1J5 IP ....... 900 kilos. From 16 to 30 IP 1,100 „ „ 31 to 50 IP 1,300 „ >Above 50 IP 1,500 „ Open car 200 ,, Covered car 400 ,, Triptychs.— The information required is in accordance with Nos. 3, 9, 5, and 4 of the table on p. 726. Triptychs are available for one year from the date of entering Spain. See Michelin Guide to Spain. English Edition. SWITZERLAND. Amount of Dues.— Automobiles pay according to the following tariff, and receive at the same time a temporary permit and leaden seal. f, i Upholstered in leather or padded . . . . . 40 fr. per 100 kilos. '^^^^ 7 Not upholstered or padded 25 fr. „ Motor tricycles i Upholstered in leather or pa-dded . 60 fr. ,, „ and bicycles t Not upholstered or padded . . . 40 fr. ,, „ Triptychs.— The information required is in accordance with Nos, 3, 17, 11, 16, 18, 7, 9, 5, 4 of the table on p. 726. lYiptychs are available for one year from the date of admittance. Se'e Michelin Guide to " Switzerland, the Tyrol and Italian Lakes." English Edition. TUNIS. Amount of Dues.— A tax of 50 fr. per 100 kilograms is payable on entering Tunis for cars other than those of French manufacture. Triptychs.— Triptychs are not accepted for touring in Tunis. See Michelin Guide to " The Sunny Countries." English Edition. FOREIGNERS TOURING IN ENGLAND. No Duty. Special Formalities.— Tmving four months, motorists duly provided with an International Touring Pass, are subject to no taxation* or formalities whatever, with the exception of £1 for Registration fee. After four months the local taxation upon the horse.f)ower of the motor must be paid (see p. 677). Steamship Services.— For particular's regarding the various maritime services between the Continent and England, see pp. 708 to 727. * The tax on Armorial Bearings must, however, be paid immediately upon arrival ia the country. CALENDAR r32 CALENDAR AND LIGHTING-UP TABLE. Lamps must be llghtetl between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise. A PRIL, 1913 1 MAY, 1913 1 JUNE, 1913 JULY, 1913 a 1 StN 11 SUN lU i SUN 5 ll s^^ a ! X RISES 1 SETS s RISES SETS RISES SETS s RISES 1 SETS IT 5b.3« 6 h. 30 1 T. 1 4 h. 34 7 b 20 IS. 3h.51 8 b. 5 1 T. 1 i 3 b. 49 j 8 h. IP %\V 5h.86 6 b. 32 2K 4 h. 32 7h. 22 2M. 3h.50 8h. 6 2 W. 1 3 h. 49 8 h. m 3T 5h. 33 6 b 33 3S. 4 b. 30 7 h. 24 3.T. 3 b. 49 8h. 7 3T. ! 3 b. 50 1 8 h. IK . 4F •5h 31 6h. 88 4S. 4h 29 7 b. 25 4\V. • 3 b. 48 8h. 8 4F • !3b.5li8h. 17i 5S. 5h.29 6h. 87 6.M. 4 b. 27 7h 27 5T. 3 b. 47 8h. 9 5S. ! 3 h. 51 8 b. 17 es. 5h.27 6h.39 6T. • 4h.2i 7 b 28 6F 3h.47 8h. 10 6S. 1 3 h. 62 8 b. 16 7M. 5h 25 8h.40 7W. 4 b. 23 7 b. 29 7S 8h.47 8 b. 11 7M. 1 3 h. 53 8 h. 16 8T. 5h.22 6h. 42 8T 4h.21 7 b. 31 8S. 3 b. 46 8 h. 12 8T. 3 b; M 8h. 16 9\V 5h. 20 6h.44 9F. 4h. 19 7h.33 9M. 3h. 46 8h. 12 9\V. 8h.55 8h.K-. 10 T 6h. 18 6h.46 10 S. 4 h. 18 7h. 34 10 T. 3h. 45 8h. 13 10 T. J) 3 b. 56 8h.l4 ' II F 5h. 16 6h.46 lis. 4h. 16 7h. 36 11 W. J 3h.45 8 b, 14 11 F. 3 b. 57 8h. 13 12 S. 5h. 13 6h.48 12 M. 4h. 15 7h. 37 12 T. 3 b. 45 8h. 15 12 S. 3h. 58 8h. 12 13 S. 5 b. 11 Oh. 50 13 T. J 4h. 13 7 b. 89 13 F, 3h.45 8 b. 15 13 S. 3h. 59 8h. )1 UM. J 8h. 9 6h. 52 14 W. 4h. U 7h.41 14 S. 3 b. 44 8 b. 16 14 .M. 4h. 1 8h. 11 15 T. «h. 7 6h.53 15 T. 4 h. 10 7 h'. 42 15 S 3h. 44 8h. 16 15 T. 4 b. 2 8 h. It 16 W. 5h, 5 6h. 55 16 F. 4 b. 9 7h. 43 16 M. 3 b. 44 8 b, 16 16 W. 4h. 3 8 b. 9 17 T 6h. 3 6h. 57 17 S. 4h. 7 7 b. 45 17 T. 3 U. 44 8h. 17 17 T. 4 b. 4 1 8 h. 8 18 F 5h. » 6h. 58 18 S. 4b./6 7 b 46 18 W. o 3h.44 8h. 18 18 F. o 4 h. 5 i 8 h. 7 19 S. 4h. 59 6h. 59 19 M. 4 b. 5 7h. 47 19 T. 3h. 44 8h. 18 19 S. 4 h. 7 ' 8 b. 5 20 S. 4h. 57 7h. 1 20T o 4h. 4 7 h. 48 20 F. 3h. 44 8h. 18 20 3. 4 b. 8 ! 8 h. 4 ,1 21 M 4h. 65 7h. 3 21 W 4h. 2 7h. 50 21 S. 3h. 44 8h. 18 21 M. 4h. 9 18b. &•] 22 T. 4h.52 7h. 5 22 T. 4h. 1 7h. 51 22 S. 3 h. 44 8 b. 19 22 T. 4 b. 11 8 b. 1 ; 23 W 4h. 50 7h. 6 23 F. 4 b. 7 b. 53 23 m: 3 b. 45 8h. 19 23 W. i 4 h. 12 8h.- 24T ! 25 F 4h. 48 7 b. 8 24 S. 3h. 59 7h. 55 24 T. 3h. 45 8h. 19 24 T. 4 h. 13 7 h. 69 4h. 46 7h. 10 25 S. 8 b. 58 7h.56 25 W. 3h. 45 8h. 19 25F 1 4 b. 15 7h. 57 , 26 S. 4h. 44 7 h. 11 26 M. 3 b. 56 7h. 58 28 T. (C 3 b. 45 8 b. 19 26 S. 2 l4h.I6 7 h. 66 , 27 S. 4h.42 7h. 13 27 T. 3h.55 7 h. 59 27 F. 3h.46 8h. 19 27 S. ■ 4 b. 17 7 h. 55 28 M. It 4h. 40 28 VV « 3U.54 8h. 28 S. 3 b. 47 8h. 19 28 M. 4 h. 18 7 b. 54 29 T. 4h. 38 7h:i6 29 T. 3h.53 8h. 1 29 S. 8h.47 8 b. 19 29 T. 4 b. 20 7 h. 52 80 W. 4h. 36 7 b. 18 30F 3h. 52 8h 2 30 M. 3 b. 48 8h 19 30 W. 4 h. 21 7 h. 61 I 31 S. 3 b. 51 8h. 3 31 T. !4h.28<7h.40 AUGUST, 1913 SEPTEMBER, 1913 OCTOBER, 1913 NOVEMBER. 1913 'I % 1 SIN 6 i SUN 1 SUN 1 1 SUN i 1 RISES 1 SETS , a 1 RISES 4h.24 SETS 1 M. RISES SETS Q RISES 6h. 1 SETS 2 IS. 1 F. 7 b. 48 5h. 14 6 b 47 1 w. 6h. 39 6 b. 56 4h.83 2S. • 4h. 26 7h.46 2T. 6 b. 16 6 b. 44 2T. 6 b. 8 5h. 37 2S. 6 b. 67 4h. 81 3S. 4h. 27 7h.45 3\V. 5h. 17 6 b. 42 8F. 6 b. 4 5h. 34 8 M. 6 h. 69 4 h. 29 4M. 4h.29 7 b. 43 4T. 5h. 19 6h. 40 4 S. 6 b. 6 5 b. 82 4T. 7 b. 1 ! 4 h. 27 j 5T. l^gS 7h.42 5F. lb. 21 6 b. 87 6S. 6 b. 8 5 b. 30 5W. }> 7 h. 8 1 4 h. 25 6W. 4 b. 82 7h. 40 6S. 6 b. 22 6h. 35 6M. 6h. 10 5 b. 27 6T. 7 b. 4 1 4 b. 23 li 7T. 4h. 84 7 b. 88 7S. J 5 b. 23 6h. 33 7T. J> 6h. 12 5h. 24 7F. 7 b. 5 4 b. 22 8F. 4h. 85 7h.S6 8M. 5h. 25 6h. 31 8 W. 6 b. 14 6h. 22 8 8. 7 b. 7 4 h. 21 ' 9S. J 4h.36 7h. 84 9T. 5h.B6 6h.29 9T. 6 b. 16 5 b. 20 9S. 7 b. 9 4h. 19 10 S 4h. 88 7 b. 82 low. 8h. 27 6h.27 10 F. 6h. 17 6 b. 17 10 M. 7 b. 10 4 b. 18 ! UM. 4h. 40 7 b. 30 11 T. 5h. 29 6h.24 US. 6 b. 18 6 b. 15 11 T 7 b. 12 4 b. 16 12 T. 4 b. 41 7h. 29 12 F. Sb. 30 6 b. 22 12 S. 6 b. 20 6h. 13 12 W. 7h. 14 4 b. 14 1 13 W. 4 b. 43 7 b. 27 13 S. 5 b. 31 6 b. 20 ISM. 6 b. 21 5h. 11 13 T. o 7 b. 16 4 h. 13 ' 11 il- 4 b. 45 7h. 25 14 S. 5h.33 6 b. 18 14 T. 6 b. 23 5h. 9 14 F. 7 b. 17 4h. 12 1 ls F. 4h.46 7 h. 22 16 M. o 6h.85 6 b. 10 16 W. o 6 b. 25 6 h. 7 15 S. •7 b. 19 4 h. 11 , 16 S. o 4h. 48 7 b. 20 16 T. 5 h.-87 6h. 18 16 T. 6 b. 27 5 b. 6 16 S. 7 b. 21 4 b. 9 ' 17 S. 4 b. 60 7h. 18 n W. 6 b. 39 6 I.. 11 17 F. 6h. 26 5 b. 2 17 M. 7 h. 22 4 b. 8 ' 18 M. 4 b. 62 7h. 16 18 T. 5h.40 6 b. « 18 S. 6 b. 80 5 b. 18 T. 7 h. 24 4h. 6' 19 T. 4 b. 64 7 b. 14 19 F. 5 b 42 6 b. 6 19 S. 6 b. 31 4 b. 58 19 W. 7 b. 26 4h.-5 j 20 W. 4h.65 7 b. 12 20 S. 5h. 44 6h. 4 20 M. 6h.88 4 b. 57 20 T. 7 b. 27 4 b. 4 21 T. 4 b. 66 7n. 10 21 S. 5h. 45 6h 1 21 T. 6 b. 85 4 b. 55 21 F. (t 7 h. 30 4h. 2l 22 F 4h. 58 7h. 8 22 M. 6h. 47 6h. 59 22 W. i 6 b. 87 4 b. 53 22 S. 7 h. 32 4 b. 28 8. 4 b. 59 7h. 6 23 T. « 5h. 49 5 b. 57 23 T. 6h. 39 4 b. 50 23 5. 7 b. 34 3h 69 2. 80 25 W. 6 b. 54 6 b. 19 8 h. 8 8 b. 54 26 M • 7h.,50 4h.»6 26 T «b. 54 eb. 82 26 T. • 5 b. 61 ! 6 b. 21 i • 8 h. 8 8h. 8 8h. 8 8h b 8 b. 65 27 T. 7h.49 4 h. 37 27 F ■ 6 b. 62 6h. 83 27 F. 5 h. 49 6 h 23 3 b. 66 3h. 66 3h. 57 3h58 28 \V. 29 T. 30 F. 31 S. 7 b. 47 7h.46 7 b. 44 7 h. 4.^^ 4h. 89 4 b. 40 4 b. 42 4 b. 44 28S 6 b. 50 6 b. 85 28 S. 2«S 30 M. 81 T. 5-b.47 5h. 45 5 b. 43 5 b 40 6 b. 24 6h. 24! 6 b. 27 } 6 b. 28. i_ 733 - MOTOR DIARY 1 MOTOR DIARY. DATE. TOWNS Visited. MILEAGE. ►4i SI REPAIRS. Hotels. .t: ■-'• d. \ / " .. . '1 1 ' ,. , [ '■ — — . 1 { NOTES ON TYRE REPLACEMENTS. i MOTOR DIARY - - 734 - I MOTOR DIARY. Date. Towns Visited. MILEAGE. REPAIRS. Hotels. £ s. d. \ • i :\ i 1 J 1 i 1 • 1 j i ! i I' 1 ;i i 1 Ii NOTES ON TYRE REPLACEMENTS. ; - 735 MOTOR DIARY MOTOR DIARY. ! J Date. 1 Towns Visited. MILEAGE. a Repairs. Hotels. £, s. 1 d. i ,.., i 1 ! il ■ I 1 ; 1 ! i; ! j i i i i r ! 1 J h ij NOTES ON TYRE REPLACEMENTS. j i ■ : i ;j i 1 .. ii MOTOR DIARY MOTOR DIARY. 1 Date. Towns Visited. MILEAGE. Pi 5g REPAIRS. Hotels. 1 1 *• d. 1 i 1 ; ■ 1 .. ' 1 ' 1 j 1 ! i ' 1 : j 1 I •1 ! i 1 1 NOTES ON TYRE REPLACEMENTS. 1 1 !j N 1 OTE^ 5. i • ! ' 1 1 NOTEf ' _....! 5. " 1 1 i - ' i t 1 NOTES. N j OTES. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ! V .i 1 1 . ^ i 1 I - 737 - REFERENDUM TO MOTORIST READERS OF THE MIOHELIN GUIDE. From year to year we intend to do our utmost to bring the Guide nearer to perfection and increase its usefulness, not only by adding to it where necessary, but by suppressing any feature which may be found superfluous. With this end in view, we venture to ask our readers who have used the Guide on their tours to give us the benefit of their experience, either by filling in the attached form as completely as possible and sending it to us, or by writing us a letter respecting any portion of the Guide which they may have occasion to criticise. The help thus afforded will be greatly appreciated, and in exchange we shall be pleased to forward a copy of the Guide for 1914, post free, to every motorist who has filled in and sent us the form on pages 738 and 739 and that on page 72. OUR TOURING OFFICE is at the disposal of Motorists for : Studying the preparation of their Tours ; Verifying and completing the inform mation given in our Itineraries ; Drawing up excursions to places of interest ; Obtaining all useful information. Apply to : THE MICHELIN TOURING OFFICE, 8i, Fulham Road, Chelsea, LONDON, S.W. 738 - REFERENDUM. 1. Do you use the Michelin Guide in preparing your Tours f fe - "'- I 2. Do you appreciate the method of arranging the itineraries from toivntotownf w 3. Do you prefer the tnethod of giving long main road itineraries, n adoj)ted in some guides, remembering that this necessitates the deletion of information on all roads not com,prised in the main road itineraries ? 4. In going from town to town, do you prefer to use the text, or the maps? 5. If you prefer the text, do you find the information given in our Guide sufficient? 6. If you prefer a map, do you use a large scale map, or our 7n,ap on a scale of 1 : 1,000,000? 7. Do you use the Telegraphic Code for ordering tyres and accessor>e.'< . 8. Do you consult our advice on the use and care of tyres . 9. Are the black and white town plans sufficiently clear?.. 10. Are the smaller town plans sufficient ? 11. Do you consult the General Information section? 12. Do you use the Excursions, and, if so,, have you found the directions^ given sufficiently clear ? 13. Is the Railway information quite clear? 14. Is the Infonnation respecting Ferries quite clear ?. 15. Which section of the Guide do you refer to most frequently, and which do you find most useful?. - 739 - i 16. Are there some parts of the Michelin Ckiide which you do not use, a nd which you think might he deleted with advantage f __ 17. Bo you think the information given should be more complete? If so, in what respect f 18. More particularly, do you consider it necessary to add further indications for travelling in open country f_ 19. If it should become necessary to supplement the information given in the Guide, xoould- you prefer a thicker or a larger-sized book, or loould you rather have the Guide in two sej)arate volumes f 20. In the latter case, what division would you suggest f_ 21. General Opinion.— New propositions: Date. Name :. . Address : 1 — 740 — NOTES, 741 I- N OTES. _,.. ■ - -- N -742- OTEJ 3. 1 i .1 1 I 1 1 1 1 — 743 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Abbreviations Accessories for fitting and detaching tyres (new levers) — ,, „ covers , , detacliing wlien security bolts are used . — ,, fitting when security bolts are used . . Accidents Air Cylinder, Michelin, Where to obtain — Accessories for — How to inflate with Alphabetical List of Towns, Great Britain — Ireland American Express Company, Travellers Cheques . . . American Sizes.— Covers and Tubes Armorial Bearings, Tax for Atlas Authorities, Registration and Licensing Automobile Association and Motor Union, Notice of . . . — and Cycle Clubs Bead, Valve Apertures in, To fit valve to — Inner, To fit — — To ease and remove (when bolt valve is used) Beaded Edge " U " of cover Boat Service Irom England to the Continent ...... Bolt Valve, General remarks on and advantages of . . . . — Parts of — Detaching ordinary tyre fitted with — Refitting „ ,, ,, ,, — ,, expanding rim — Used in place of security bolts — Valve-hood of Box-Spanner for clamp nuts of detachable rims .... Brake, Sudden application of, Effect on tyres Bursts Calendar and Lighting-up Table Canvas, Proofed Cap " D " for valve Car License, Application for Car Valve, Section of — Constituent parts of — To remove parts of , for detachment . . . . . — Leaks in, To test for ... — Rubber parts of Chalk, French — Too much and too little Cheques, Travellers', American Express Company. . . . Circulation— Speed limits — Rules of the road Clamps (detachable rims) — To remove — Order in which to replace — Stiff, How to remove Clamp Bolts — Nuts (bronze) Clubs, Automobile and Cycle Code, Michelin Telegraphic Conditions of Sale Conventional Signs and Abbreviations- General Information Plans Itineraries Repairers and Agents Excursions .- y-^ -— — ^ Text [Code ,' 6 1 1 _ 39 — 1 40 — 40 — 40 681 _ 14 — 38 1 44 ' 136-592 __ 593-672 _ 728 _ — ' 33, 35 678 _ 592 674 _ 706 706-708 47 _ 47 - 49 36 — 716-725 45 _ 38 49-50 47-48 _ 53 — — 38 46, 49, 57 38 52,55 38,42 68 61-63 _ 732 _ 40 36,64 673 _ 36 36 37 49 64 _ 36, 64 37 47 40 68 728 _ 679 679 _ 52 42 52 53 52 _ 52 42 52 42 706-708 33-42 _ 15 — 3 3 _ 4 4 1 _ 4 : — Convential Signs and Abbreviations- Golf Links Racecourses Hotels Abbreviations Covers, Care of — Storage of — To remove completely — Accessories for fitting — Voiturette — Car — Neglected cuts in — Drops of oil on — Under-inflation Repair outfit for — Repairs to, which may be performed by the client Cut-outs, Prohibition of Cuts, Superficial, How to repair with Mastic Cycle and Motor Cycle Tyres, Notice of Cycle Clubs Despatch of Goods Detachable Rims, Accessories for fitting — To remove — To fit Detaching, New methods of — tyres on ordinary rims with bolt valve . . . — '; " detachable rims with bolt valve . . . — twin wheel — tyres on expanding rim Diary, Motor Disc, Valve " F " (rubber) Driving, Careless — License Dummy Bolts — Valve Excursions, List of — Topographical signs for the Exemptions from Taxes Ferries— England and Wales — Scotland — Ireland Fitting— New methods of — Accessories for fitting covers — When Michelin bolt valve is used — Tyres on detachable rims — Twin tyres — Outfits Foreigners touring in England Forwarding Goods for Repair Gaiters, How to use — Laces for Goods Train, Transport of Automobiles by Guide, Michelin, How to use — Where to obtain Hotels, Recommended Identification Plates Index Marks Inflation, Advice on — Insufficient, its dangers — of twin tyres — Table — To partly inflate inner tube — To verify, with pressure tester — with an Air Cylinder Inflators, Parts of — Special connections for Information, Useful, to the Motorist Inner Tubes, Care of — How to chalk — Fitting, with cover at same time (new fitting methods) PAGE 1 Text Code 6 6 _ 5 6 _ ; 67-68 33,34 69 41 49 39-40 34 _ 33 i 67 67 _ ! 67 61 40 61 — ■ 701 — 63 1 71 _ 1 708 15,66 — 42 ; 52-53 — ' 53 — ; 49-50 — 49-50 — 1 49 58 _ 1 60 731-736 37 ' 68 — 673 45 38 40 77 4 _ 678 686-696 _ 696-703 703-706 _ 47-48 39-40 ' 47-48 53 58 — 61 40 733 — 15, 66 — 63 40 40 , 732 - i 10-12 - 1 - 1 5 — 675 — 1 675-676 - 1 44 67 _ 32,56 — 32 _ i 47 — 44 — 44 — _ 39 56 — 673-732 — 68 35 47 — 47-48 ~ Text Code Inner Tubes, Detaching, with cover at same thiie (new fitting methods) To partly inflate and replace (.with bolt valve) — To partly inflate, and place inside cover . . — Storage of — Spare, How to carry — Repair outfit for — How to repair International Touring Triptych International Travelling Pass Useful information concerning foreign countries . . Isle of Man, Regulations for circulation in the Itineraries, Methods adopted in drawing up the . . . . Jack, Tiie New IVIicheiin Jacl.cy i»icip auuvc are on sale, with the exception of Nos. 34, 35, and 39 to be published in April ; 7, 42, and 43 in May, and 46 and 47 in June. Michelin Map of the British Isles. (Scale 1 : 200,000 or 315 Miles to the Inch). Published in 31 Sheets. The first six sheets, Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 will be published in August, 1913, the remaining sheets appearing in order from South to North. The map will be engraved, and printed in four colours. Some special advantages of the map will be its indication of road surface, gradients, picturesque roads, beauty, spots, dangerous corners, railways, level-crossings, roads to be avoided, golf links, race-courses, and all places of interest to. the tourist. Blue figures indicate short intermediate distances on all roads, whilst the longer distances between large towns are shown in red. It is specially designed for use with the Michelin Guide ; and will be so folded that any portion of the map can be readily consulted without its being entirely unfolded. The map will be published by Messrs. W. Clowes & Sons of London and Beccles, and will be on sale at all stationers and booksellers, at our stockists' premises, at our Touring Office, 81, Fulham Road, S.W., and at the Royal Auto- mobile Club. Price. -On paper, per section. Is. On canvas, „ „ 2s.