THE " CHANDOS CLASSICS." THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS, ESQ., F.RS, FROM 1659 TO 1669, WITH MEMOIR. EDITED BY RICHARD LORD BRAYBROOKE. LONDON AND NEW YORK: FREDERICK WARNE AND CO. LONDON 1 BRADBURY, AGNEW, & CO., PRINTERS, WH1TEFRIAB8. PEEFACE TO THE PRESENT EDITION, THE celebrated work here presented to the public under peculiar ad- vantages may require a few introductory remarks. By the publication, during the last half century, of Autobiographies, Diaries, and Records of Personal Character, this class of literature has been largely enriched, not only with works calculated for the benefit of the student, but for that larger class of readers the people, who in the byeways of History and Biography which these works present, gather much of the national life at many periods, and pictures of manners and customs, habits and amusements, such as are not so readily to be found in more elaborate works. The Diary and Correspondence of John Evelyn, published in the year 181 7, is the first of the class of books to which special reference is here made. This was followed by the publication, in 1825, of the Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, a work of a more entertaining character than that of Evelyn. There is, moreover, another distinction between the two : the Diaiy of Pepys was written " at the end of each succeeding day ;" whereas the Diary of Evelyn is more the result of leisure and after-thought, and partakes more of the character of history. Pepys's account of the Great Fire of London in 1666 is full as mi- nute as that of Evelyn, but it is mingled with a greater number of per- sonal and official circumstances, of popular interest : the scene of dismay and confusion which it exhibits is almost beyond parallel. " It is observed and is true in the late Fire of London," says Pepys, " that the fire burned just as many parish churches as there were hours from the beginning to the end of the Fire ; and next, that there were just as many churches left standing in the rest of the city that was not burned, being, I think, thirteen in all of each ; which is pretty to ob- serve." Again, Pepys was at this time clerk of the Acts of the Navy ; his house and office were in Seething-lane, Crutched Friars ; he was called up at three in the morning, Sept. 2, by his maid Jane, and so rose and slipped on his nightgown, and went to her window ; but thought the fire far enough off, and so went to bed again, and to sleep. Next morning, Jane told him that she heard above 300 houses had been burnt down by the fire they saw, and that it was then burning down all Fish-street, by London Bridge. "So," Pepys writes, "I made myself ready presently, and walked to the Tower, and there got upon one of the high places, and saw the houses at that end of the bridge all on fire, and an infinite great fire at the other end of the bridge.'' On Sept. 5, he notes, " About two in the morning my wife calls me up, and tells me of new cries of fire, it being come to Barking Church, iv PEEFACE. which is at the bottom of our lane." The fire was, however, stopped, " as well at Mark-lane end as ours ; it having only burned the dyall of Barking Church, and part of the porch, and there was quenched." This narrative has all the advantage of being written at the time of the event, which kind of record has been pronounced preferable to " a cart-load of pencillings." Of this very attractive particularity is the Diary of Pepys, which is here submitted to the reader in the most elegant and economical as well as complete form. Of the origin of this work, details are given in the accompanying Preface, by the noble Editor Lord Braybrooke. The diarist Mr. Secretary Pepys was a great virtuoso in collections of English history, both by land and sea, much relating to the Admiralty and maritime affairs. He gathered very much from records in the Tower, had many fine models, and new inventions of ships, and historical paint- ings of them ; had many books of mathematics and other sciences ; many very costly curiosities relating to the City of London, as views, maps, palaces, churches, coronations, funerals, mayoralties, habits, heads of all our famous men, drawn as well as painted, the most complete collection of anything of its kind. He was a man whose free and generous spirit appeared in his pen, and his ingenious fancy at his finger's end. The original MS. of the Diary, which gives so vivid a picture of manners in the reign of Charles II., is preserved in Magdalene College, Cambridge ; it is in six volumes, containing upwards of 3000 pages, closely written in Rich's system of shorthand, which Pepys doubtless adopted from the possibility of his journal falling into unfriendly hands during his life, or being rashly communicated to the public after his death. The original spelling of every word in the Diary, it is believed, has been carefully preserved by the gentleman who deciphered it ; and although Pepys's grammar has been objected to, it is thought that the entries derive additional interest from the quaint terms in which they are expressed. The period of the Diary was one of the most interesting and eventful decades in our history. We have here the joyous pictures of the Restoration, as well as much about "the merry monarch," his gaieties and his intrigues. The Plague of 1665, with the appalling episodes of this national calamity, is followed by the life-like record of the Great Fire, and the rebuilding of London. Then, what an attractive period is that of the history of the London theatres, dating from the Restoration, with piquant sketches of the actors and actresses of that day. Pepys, in his love of wit and admiration of beauty, finds room to love and admire Nell Gwyn, whose name still carries an odd fascination with it after so many generations. In those busy times coffee-houses were new, and we find Pepys dropping in at Will's, where he never was before, and where he saw Dryden and all the wits of the town. The Diarist records sending for "a cup of tea, a China drink he had not before tasted." Here we find the earliest account of a Lord Mayor's dinner in the Guildhall; and Wood's, Pepys's "old house for clubbing, in Pell Mell," all pictures in little of social life, with innumerable traits cf statesmen, politicians, wits and poets, authors, artists, and actors, and PBEFACE. v men and women of wit and pleasure, such as the town, court, and city have scarcely presented at any other period. Shortly after the publication of the Diary, there appeared in the Quarterly Review, No. 66, a charming paper from the accomplished pen of Sir Walter Scott, upon this very curious contribution to our reminiscent literature. Sir "Walter's parallel of Pepys and Evelyn is very nicely drawn. " Early necessity made Pepys laborious, studious, and careful. But his natural propensities were those of a man of pleasure. He appears to have been ardent in quest of amusement, especially where anything odd or uncommon was to be witnessed. To this thirst after novelty, the consequence of which has given great and varied interest to his Diary, Pepys added a love of public amusements, which he himself seems to have considered as excessive." " Our diarist must not be too severely judged. He lived in a time when the worst examples abounded, a time of court intrigue and state revolu- tion, when nothing was certain for a moment, and when all who wer possessed of any opportunity to make profit, used it with the most shameless avidity, lest the golden minutes should pass away unim- proved. "In quitting the broad path of history," says Sir Walter, " we seel for minute information concerning ancient manners and customs, the progress of arts and sciences, and the various branches of antiquity. We have never seen a mine so rich as the volumes before us. The variety of Pepys's tastes and pursuits led him into almost every depart- ment of life. He was a man of business, a man of information if not of learning ; a man of taste ; a man of whim ; and to a certain degree a man of pleasure. He was a statesman, a bel esprit, a virtuoso, and a connoisseur. His curiosity made him an unwearied as well as an universal learner, and whatever he saw found its way into his tables. Thus, his Diary absolutely resembles the genial cauldrons at the wedding of Camacho, a souse into which was sure to bring forth at once abundance and variety of whatever could gratify the most eccentric appetite. " If the curious affect dramatic antiquities a line which has special charms for the present age no book published in our time has thrown so much light upon plays, playwrights, and play-actors. " Then those who desire to be aware of the earliest discoveries, as well in sciences, as in the useful arts, may read in Pepys's Memoirs, how a slice of roast mutton was converted into pure blood ; and of those philosophical glass crackers, which explode when the tail is broken off [Rupert's Drops] ; of aurum fulminans, applied to the purpose of blowing ships out of water ; and of a newly-contrived gun, which was to change the whole system of the art of war ; but which has left it pretty much upon the old footing. A lover of antique scandal which taketh away the character, and committeth scandalurii magttdtum against the nobility of the seventeenth century, will find in this work an untouched treasure of curious anecdote for the accomplishment of his purpose." PBEFACE TO THE OEIGINAL EDITION. IN submitting the following pages to the Public, I feel that it is incum- bent upon me to explain by what circumstances the materials from which the Work has been compiled were placed at my disposal. The original Diary, comprehending six volumes, closely written in short hand by Mr. Pepys himself, belonged to the valuable collection of books and prints, bequeathed by him to Magdalene College, Cambridge, and had remained there unexamined, till the appointment of my Brother, the present Master, under whose auspices the MS. was deciphered by Mr. John Smith, with a view to its publication. My Brother's time, however, being too much engrossed by more important duties to admit of his editing the work, the task of preparing it for the press was undertaken by me at his request. The Diary commences January 1st, 1659-60, and after being regularly kept for ten years, it is brought to a sudden conclusion, owing to the weak state of Mr. Pepys's eyes, which precluded him from continuing or resuming the occupation. As he was in the habit of recording the most trifling occurrences of his life, it became absolutely necessary to curtail the MS. materially, and in many instances to condense the matter ; but the greatest care has been taken to preserve the original meaning, without making a single addition, excepting where, from the short-hand being defective, some alteration appeared absolutely neces- sary. It may be objected by those who are not aware how little is known from authentic sources of the History of the Stage about the period of the Restoration, that the notices of theatrical performances occur too frequently ; but as many of the incidents recorded, connected with this subject, are not to be met with elsewhere, I thought myself justified in retaining them, at the risk of fatiguing those readers who have no taste for the concerns of the Drama. The general details may also, in some instances, even in their abridged form, be considered as too minute ; nor is it an easy task, in an undertaking of this sort, to please everybody's taste : my principal study in making the selection, however, has been to omit nothing of public interest; and to introduce at the same time a great variety of other topics, less important, per- haps, but tending in some degree to illustrate the manners and habits 'of the age. In justice to Mr. Pepys's literary reputation, the reader is forewarned that he is notio expect to find in the Diaiy accuracy of style or finished composition. I He should rather consider the "Work as a collection of reminiscences hastily thrown together at the end of each succeeding day, for the exclusive perusal of the Author.) 1 The Jouraal contains the most unquestionable evidences of veracity, viii PEEFACE TO THE ORIGINAL EDITION. and, as the writer made no scruple of committing his most secret thoughts to paper, encouraged no doubt by the confidence which he derived from the use of short hand, perhaps there never was a publica- tion more implicitly to be relied upon for the authenticity of its state- ments and the exactness with which every fact is detailed. Upon this point, I can venture to speak with the less hesitation, having, in pre- paring the sheets for the press, had occasion to compare many parts of the Diary with different accounts of the same transactions recorded elsewhere ; and in no instance could I detect any material error or wilful misrepresentation. The Notes at the bottom of the pages were introduced to elucidate obscure passages ; and I have been tempted occasionally to insert short Biographical Sketches of the principal persons who are named, accom- panied by such references as will enable the curious reader to inform himself more fully respecting them. In some instances I experienced considerable difficulty in identifying the individuals ; but I trust that the notices will be found, on the whole, sufficiently correct to answer the object intended. In justice to the Reverend John Smith, (with whom 1 am not per- sonally acquainted,) it may be added, that he appears to have performed the task allotted to him, of deciphering the short-hand Diary, with dili- gence and fidelity, and to have spared neither time nor trouble in the undertaking. The best account of Mr. Pepys occurs in the Supplement to Collier's Historical Dictionary, published soon after his death, and written, as I have reason to believe, by his relative Roger Gale. Some particulars may also be obtained from Knight's Life of Dean Colet ; Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary; Cole's MSS. in the British Muse\im: the MSS. in the Bodleian and Pepysian Libraries, and the Cockerell Papers. BEAYBROOKE. Audley Eud, May 14, 1825, MEMOIR OP SAMUEL PEPYS. SAMUEL. PEP3iSrthe.-autliQr.of, the Diary here presented to the reader, was descended from the family of Pepys originally seated at Diss, in Norfolk, and who settled at Cottenham, in Cambridgeshire, early in the sixteenth century. His father, John Pepys, followed for some time the trade of a tailor ; and the reader may hereafter notice the influence which this genealogy seems to have exercised over the style and senti- ments of his son's Diary. The father retired to Brampton, in Hunting- donshire, where he ended his days in 1680. His wife, Margaret, died in 1666-7, having had a family of six sons and five daughters. Samuel was born February 23, 1632, most probably in London, but by some it is thought at Brampton ; he certainly passed his boyish days in the Metropolis, and was educated regularly at St. Paul's School ; and afterwards at the University of Cambridge, and probably went throiTgh his studies with success. But little is known of him as an undergraduate. One record, however, remains which proves that in his early life, as in later years, he was a bon vivant. The following appears in the register book of the college respecting his pranks when there: "October 21, 1653. Mem. That Peapys and Hind were solemnly admonished by myself and Mr. Hill for having been scan- dalously over-served with drink ye night before. This was done in the presence of all the fellows then resident, in Mr. Hill's chamber. (Signed) John Wood, Eegistrar." Early in life, Pepys took one of those decided steps which tend, according to circumstances, to a man's marring or making. He appears to have married Elizabeth St. Michel, a beautiful girl of fifteen, when he himself was only about twenty- three. She was of good family, her mother being descended from the Cliffords of Cumberland, and her daughter had only just quitted the convent in which she was educated. She brought her husband no for- tune ; but the patronage of Pepys's relation, Sir Edward Montagu, afterwards first Earl of Sandwich, prevented the ill consequences with which such a step might naturally have been attended, and young Pepys's aptitude for business soon Game to render him useful. The distresses of the young couple at this period were subjects of pleasant reflexion during their prosperity as recorded in the Diary, 25th February, 1667. x MEMOIR OF SAMUEL PEPYS. But better times were approaching Mr. Pepys : he accompanied Sir Edward Montagu upon his Expedition to the Sound, in March, 1658, and upon his return obtained a clerkship in the Exchequer. Through the interest of the Earl of Sandwich, Mr. Pepys was nominated Clerk of the Acts : this was the commencement of his connexion with a great national establishment, to which in the sequel his diligence and acuteness were of the highest service. From his Papers, still extant (says Lord Braybrooke), we gather that he never lost sight of the public good ; that he spared no pains to check the rapacity of con- tractors, by whom the naval stores were then supplied; that he studied order and economy in the dockyards, advocated the promotion of old-established officers in the Navy ; and resisted to the utmost the infamous system of selling places, then most unblushingly practised. His zeal and industry acquired for him the esteem of the Duke of York, with whom, as Lord High Admiral, he had almost daily inter- course. At the time of his entering upon this employment, he resided in Seething-lane, Crutched Friars. He continued in this office till 1673 ; and during those great events, the Plague, the Fire of London, and the Dutch War, the care of the Navy in a great measure rested upon Pepys alone. He behaved with calm and deliberate courage and integrity. Nevertheless, he had the misfortune to experience some part of the calumnies of the time of " the Popish Plot." The Earl of Shaftesbury, the foster-father of this most wicked delusion, showed a great desire to implicate Pepys in a charge of Catholicism, and went so far as to spread a report that the Clerk of the Acts had in his house an altar and a crucifix. The absence not only of evidence, but even of ground of suspicion, did not prevent Pepys being committed to the Tower on the charge of being an aider and abettor of the plot, and he was, for a time, removed from the Navy Board. He was afterwards allowed, with Sir Anthony Deane, who had been committed with him, to find security in 30,000 1. ; and upon the withdrawal of the deposition against him, he was discharged. He was soon, by the special command of Charles II., replaced in a situation where his skill and experience could not be well dispensed with ; and rose afterwards to be Secretary of the Admiralty, which office he retained till the Revolution. It is remarkable that James II. was sitting to Sir Godfrey Kneller for a portrait designed as a present to Pepys, when the news of the landing of the Prince of Orange was brought to that unhappy monarch. The King commanded the painter to proceed, and finish the portrait, that his good friend might not be disappointed. Pepys had been too much personally connected with the King, (who had been so long at the Admiralty,) to retain his situation upon the accession of William and Mary; and he retired into private life, accordingly, but without being followed thither, either by persecution or ill will. The Diary, as already explained, comprehends ten years of Mr. Pepys's official life, extending from January, 1659-b'O, to May, 1669. It is highly necessary to keep in mind that Mr. Pepys was only thirty- seven years of age when he closed his Diary in 1669, and that of the remainder of his life we have no regular account ; although the materials MEMOIR OF SAMUEL PEPYS. xi for it which exist have encouraged the hope that this portion of the Life may yet be written. After the death of Cromwell Pepys seems to have consorted much with Harrington, Hazelrigge, and other leading Repub- licans ; but when the Restoration took place, he became as, perhaps, was natural a courtier ; still, it is said of him that " were the eulogy of Cromwell now to be written, abounding particulars and material for the purpose might be found in and drawn from Pepys' Diary." Mr. Pepys sat in Parliament for Castle Rising, and subsequently he represented the borough of Harwich, eventually rising to wealth "and eminence as clerk of the treasurer to the Commissioners of the affairs of Tangier, and Surveyor-general of the Victualling Department, " proving himself to be," it is stated, " a very useful and energetic public servant." In the year 1700, Mr. Pepys, whose constitution had been long impaired by the stone, was persuaded by his physicians to quit York Buildings, now Buckingham-street, (the last house on the west side, looking on the Thames,) and retire, for change of air, to the house of his old friend and servant, William Hewer, at Clapham. Soon after, he was visited here by John Evelyn, who, in his Diary, Sept. 22, 1700, records, " I went to visit Mr. Pepys, at Clapham, where he has a very noble and wonderfully well-furnished house, especially with India and Chinese curiosities. The offices and gardens well accommodated for pleasure and retirement." In this retreat, however, his health continued to decline, and he died in May, 1703, a victim in part, to the stone, which was hereditary in his constitution, and to the increase of that malady in the course of a laborious and sedentary life. In the London Journal of the above year is this entry : " London, June 5. Yesterday in the evening were performed the obsequies of Samuel Pepys, Esq., in Crutched Friars Church, whither his corpse was brought in a very honourable and solemn manner from Clapham, where he departed this life, the 26th day of the last month. Post Boy, June 5, 1703." The burial-service at his funeral was read at 9 at night, by Dr. Hickes, author of the Thesaurus which bears his name. There is no memorial to mai-k the site of his interment in the church ; but there is a monu- ment in the chancel' to Mrs. Pepys, and Mr. Pepys is interred in a vault of his own making, by the side of his wife and brother. Pepys had an extensive knowledge of naval affairs. He thoroughly understood and practised music ; and he was a judge of painting, sculpture, and architecture. In 1684, he was elected President of the Royal Society, and held that honourable office two years. He contri- buted no less than 60 plates to "Willoughby's Historia Piscium. To Magdalene College, Cambridge, he left an invaluable collection of manuscript naval memoirs, of prints, and ancient English poetry, which has often been consulted by critics and commentators, and is, indeed, unrivalled of its kind. One of its most singular curiosities is a collection of English ballads in five large folio volumes, begun by Selden and carried down to the year 1700. Percy's " Reliques " are for the most part, taken from this collection. Pepys published " Memoirs relating to the State of the Royal Navy in England for ten years, determined December, 1688," 8vo. London, 1G90 ; and there is rii MEMOIR OF SAMUEL PEPYS. a small book in the Pepysian Library, entitled " A Relation of the Troubles in the Court of Portugal in 1667 and 1668," by S. P., 12mo., Lond., 1677, which Watt ascribes to Pepys. In the Supplement to Collier's Dictionary, published contem- poraneously, is this tribute to the character of Samuel Pepys : " It may be affirmed of this Gentleman, that he was, without excep- tion, the greatest and most useful Minister that ever filled the same situations in England ; the Acts and Registers of the Admiralty proving this fact beyond contradiction. The principal rules and establishments in present use in those offices are well known to have been of his intro- ducing, and most of the officers serving therein, since the Restoration, of his bringing up. He was a most studious promoter and strenuous assertor of order and discipline through all their dependencies. So- briety, diligence, capacity, loyalty, and subjection to command, were essentials required in all whom he advanced. Where any of these were found wanting, no interest or authority were capable of moving him in favour of the highest pretender ; the Royal command only excepted, of which he was also very watchful, to prevent any undue procure- ments. Discharging his duty to his Prince and Country with a reli- gious application and perfect integrity, he feared no one, courted no one, neglected his own fortune. Besides this, he was a person of uni- versal worth, and in great estimation among the Literati, for his un- bounded reading, his sounsl judgment, his great elocution, his mastery in method, his singular c nriosity, and his uncommon munificence to- wards the advancement of learning, arts, and industry, in all degrees : to which were joined the severest morality of a philosopher, and all the polite accomplishments of a gentleman, particularly those of music, languages, conversation, and address. He assisted, as one of the Barons of the Cinque Ports, at the Coronation of James II., and was a stand- ing Governor of all the principal houses of charity in and about Lon- don, and sat at the head of many other honourable bodies, in divers of which, as he deemed their constitution and methods deso'ving, he left lasting monuments of his bounty and patronage." PEPYS'S DIAKY. 1059-60. BLESSED be God, at the end of the last year I was in very good health, without any sense of my old pain, but upon taking of cold. I lived in Axe Yard, having my wife, and servant Jane, and no other in family than us three. The condition of the State was thus ; viz. the Rump, after being disturbed by my Lord Lambert,* was lately returned to sit again. The officers of the Army all forced to yield. Lawsonf lies still in the river, and MonkJ is with his army in Scotland. Only my Lord Lambert is not yet come into the Parliament, nor is it expected that he will without being forced to it. The new Common Council of the City do speak very high ; and had sent to Monk their sword-bearer, to acquaint him with their desires for a free and full Parliament, which is at present the desires, and the hopes, and the expectations of all. Twenty-two of the old secluded members having been at the House-door the last week to demand entrance, but it was denied them ; and it is believed that neither they nor the people will be satisfied till the House be filled. My own private condition very handsome, and esteemed rich, but indeed very poor ; besides my goods of my house, and my office, which at present is somewhat certain. Mr. Downing master of my office. 1 1 Jan. 1 (Lord's day). This morning (we living lately in the garret,) * Sufficiently known by his services as a Major-Geueral in the Parliament forces during the Civil War, and condemned as a traitor after the Restoration ; but reprieved and banished to Guernsey, where he lived in confinement thirty years. f Sir John Lawson, the son of a poor man at Hull, rose to the rank of Admiral, and distinguished himself during the Protectorate ; and, though a republican iu his heart, readily closed with the design of restoring the King. He was mortally wounded iu the sea fight in 1665. J George Monk, afterwards Duke of Albemarle. George Downing, son of Calibute Downing, D.D. and Rector of Hackney. Wood calls him a sider with all times and changes ; skilled in the common cant, and a preacher occasionally. He was sent by Cromwell to Holland as resident there. About the Restoration he espoused the King's cause, and was knighted and elected M.P. for Morpeth in 1661. Afterwards, becoming Secretary to the Treasury and Commissioner of Customs, he was in 1663 created a Baronet of East Hatley, in Cambridgeshire. || The office appears to have been in the Exchequer, and connected with the pay of the army. B 2 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1659-60. I rose, put on my suit with great skirts, having not lately worn any other clothes but them. Went to Mr. Gunning's* chapel at Exeter House.f where he made a very good sermon upon these words: " That in the fulness of time God sent his Son, made of a woman," &c.; showing, that, by " made under the law," is meant the circumcision, which is solemnized this day. Dined at home in the garret, where my wife dressed the remains of a turkey, and in the doing of it she burned her hand. I staid at home the whole afternoon, looking over my accounts ; then went with my wife to my father's, and in going observed the great posts which the City workmen set up at the Conduit in Fleet-street. 2nd. Walked a great while in Westminster Hall, where I heard that Lambert was coming up to London : that my Lord Fairfax was in the head of the Irish brigade, but it was not certain what he would declare for. The House was to-day upon finishing the act for the Council of State, which they did ; and for the indemnity to the soldiers ; and were to sit again thereupon in the afternoon. Great talk that many places had declared for a free Parliament ; and it is believed that they will be forced to fill up the House with the old members. From the Hall I called at home, and so went to Mr. Crewe'sJ (my wife she was to go to her father's), and Mr. Moore and I and another gentleman went out and drank a cup of ale together in the new market, and there I eat some bread and cheese for my dinner. 3rd. To White Hall, where I understood that the Parliament had passed the act for indemnity for the soldiers and officers that would come in, in so many days, and that my Lord Lambert should have benefit of the said act. They had also voted that all vacancies in the House, by the death of any of the old members, should be filled up ; but those that are living shall not be called in. 4th. Strange the difference of men's talk ! Some say that Lambert must of necessity yield up ; others, that he is very strong, and that the Fifth-monarchy-men will stick to him, if he declares for a free Parliament. Chillington was sent yesterday to him with the vote of pardon and indemnity from the Parliament. Went and walked in the Hall, where I heard that the Parliament spent this day in fasting and prayer; and in the afternoon came letters from the North, that brought certain news that my Lord Lambert his forces were all forsaking him, and that he was left with only fifty horse, and that he did now declare for the Parliament himself; and that my Lord Fairfax did also rest satisfied, and had laid down his arms, and that what he had done was * Peter Gunning, afterwards Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, and successively Bishop of Chichester and Ely: ob. 1684. Ho had continued to read tli. Liturgy at the chapel at Exeter House when the Parliament was most pro- dominant, for which Cromwell often rebuked him. WooiTs Athena. tree! in the Strand was built on the site of Exeter House. + .John ( Yewo, Esq., created Baron Crowe of Stene at the coronation of Charles II. II.' iiKirrieil Jemima, daughter and co-heir to Edward Walgrave, Esq., of Lawford, Thomas Lord Fairfax, Generalissimo of the Parliament forces. After the Restoration he retired to his country seat, where he lived in private till his death in 1671. 1 659-60.] PEPYS'S DIAEY. 3 only to secure the country against my Lord Lambert his raising of money, and free quarter. 5th. I dined with Mr. Shepley, at my Lord's* lodgings, upon his hirkey-pie. And so to my office again ; where the Excise money was brought, and some of it told to soldiers till it was dark. Then I went home, after writing to my Lord the news that the Parliament had this night voted that the members that were discharged from sitting in the years 1648 and 49, were duly discharged ; and that there should be writs issued presently for the calling of others in their places, and that Monk and Fairfax were commanded up to town, and that the Prince's lodgings were to be provided for Monk at Whitehall. Mr. Fage and I did discourse concerning public business ; and he told me it is true the City had not time enough to do much, but they had resolved to shake off the soldiers ; and that unless there be a free Parliament chosen, he did believe there are half the Common Council will not levy any money by order of this Parliament. 6th. This morning Mr. Shepley and I did eat our breakfast at Mrs. Harper's, (my brother John being with me,) upon a cold turkey-pie and a goose. 9th. I rose early this morning, and looked over and corrected my brother John's speech, which he is to make the next opposition.f I met with W. Simons, Muddiman, and Jack Price, and went with them to Harper's and staid till two of the clock in the afternoon. I found Muddiman a good scholar, an arch rogue ; and owns that though he writes new books for the Parliament, yet he did declare that he did it only to get money ; and did talk very basely of many of them. Among other things, W. Simons told me how his uncle ScobellJ was on Satur- day last called to the bar, for entering in the journal of the House, for the year 1653, these words : " This day his Excellence the Lord G. Cromwell dissolved this House ;" which words the Parliament voted a forgery, and demanded of him how they came to be entered. He said that they were his own hand-writing, and that he did it by rights of his office, and the practice of his predecessor ; and that the intent of the practice was to let posterity know how such and such a Parliament was dissolved, whether by the command of the King, or by their own neglect, as the last House of Lords was ; and that to this end, he had said and writ that it was dissolved by his Excellence the Lord G. ; and that for the word dissolved, he never at the time did hear of any other term ; and desired pardon if he would not dare to make a word himself what it was six years after, before they came themselves to call it an interruption ; that they were so little satisfied with this answer, that they did chuse a committee to report to the House, whether this crime of Mr. Scobell's did come within the act of indemnity or no. Thence into the Hall, where I heard for certain that Monk was coming to * Admiral Sir Edward Montagu, afterwards Earl of Sandwich, uniformly styled " My Lord " throughout the Diary. f Declamations at St. Paul's school, in which there were, opponents and respondents. J H. Scobell, clerk to the House of Commons. B2 4 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1659-60. London, and that Bradshaw's* lodgings were preparing for him. I heard Sir H. Vanef was this day voted out of the House, and to sit no more there; and that he would retire himself to his housc^at Raby, as also all the rest of the nine officers that had their commissions formerly taken away from them, were commanded to their furthest houses from London during the pleasure ot the Parliament. 10th. To the Coffee-house, where were a great confluence of gentle- men; viz. Mr. Harrington,^ Poultny, chairman, Gold, Dr. Petty,|| !>. ](!(>2. J John Howson, who had been a shoemaker, brcamo a Colonel in tho Parliament Army, and sat in judgment on tho King: he escaped hanging by flight, and died in l'i'i'2, at Amsterdam. Ob. 1063. 1659-60.] PEPYS'S DIAEY. 7 gone for Holland this morning, So I to my office again, and dispatch my business there, and came with Mr. Hawley to Mr. Downing's lodgings, and took Mr. Squib from White Hall in a coach thither with me, and there we waited in his chamber a great while, till he came in; and in the mean time, sent all his things to the barge that lays at Charing- Cross stairs. Then came he in, and took a very civil leave of me, beyond my expectations, for I was afraid that he would have told me something of removing me from my office ; but he did not, but that he would do me any service that lay in his power. So I went down and sent a porter to my house for my best fur cap, but he coming too late with it I did not present it to him : and so I retained and went to Heaven,* where Luellin and I dined. 29th. In the morning I went to Mr. Gunning's, where he made au excellent sermon upon the 2nd of the Galatians, about the difference that fell between St. Paul and St. Peter, whereby he did prove, that, contrary to the doctrine of the Roman Church, St. Paul did never own any dependance, or that he was inferior to St. Peter, but that they were equal, only one a particular charge of preaching to the Jews, and the other to the Gentiles. 30th. This morning, before I was up, I fell a-sing_ing of my song, " Great, good and just," &c.f and put myself thereby in mind that this was the fatal day, now ten years since, his Majesty died. There seems now to be a general cease of talk, it being taken for granted that Monk do resolve to stand to the Parliament, and nothing else. 31st. After dinner to Westminster Hall, where all we clerks had orders to wait upon the Committee, at the Star-chamber that is to try Colonel Jones,| and to give an account what money we had paid him ; but the Committee did not sit to-day. Called in at Harper's with Mr. Pulford, servant to Mr. Waterhouse, who tells me, that whereas my Lord Fleetwood should have answered to the Parliament to-day, he wrote a letter and desired a little more time, he being a great way out * A place of entertainment in Old Palace Yard, on the site of which the Com- mittee-Booms of the House of Commons now stand, It is called in Hudibras, " False Heaven, at the end of the Hall." t This is the beginning of Moutrose's verses on the execution of Charles the ^irst, which Pepys had probably set to music: Great, good, and just, could I but rate My grief and thy too rigid fate, I 'd weep the world to such a strain That it should deluge once again. But since thy loud-tongued blood demands suppliei More from Briareus' hands, than Argus' eyes, I'll sing thy obsequies with trumpet sounds, And write thy epitaph with blood and wounds. J Colonel John Jones, impeached, with General Ludlow and Miles Corbet, for treasonable practices in Ireland. Charles Fleetwood, Lord Deputy of Ireland during the Usurpation, became Cromwell's son-in-law by his marriage with Ireton's widow, and a member of the Council of State. He seems disposed to have espoused Charles the Second's interests ; but had not resolution enough to execute his design. At the Restora- tion he was excepted out of the Act of Indemnity, and spent the remainder of his life in obscurity, dying soon after the Revolution. g PEPYS'S DIAKY. [1659-60. of town. And how that he is quite ashamed of himself, arid confesses how he had deserved this, for his baseness to his brother. And that he is like to pay part of the money, paid out of the Exchequer during the Committee of Safety, out of his own purse again, which I am glad on. I could find nothing in Mr. Downing's letter, which Hawley brought me concerning my office ; but I could discern that Hawley had a mind that I would get to be Clerk of the Council, I suppose ttiat he might have the greater salary ; but I think it not safe yet to change this for a public employment. February 1. Took Gammer East, and James the porter, a soldier, to my Lord's lodgings, who told me how they were drawn into the field to-day, and that they were ordered to march away to-morrow to make room for General Monk ; but they did shout their Colonel Fitch,* and the rest of the officers out of the field, and swore they would not go without their money, and if they would not give it them, they would go where they might have it, and that was the City. So the Colonel went to the Parliament, and commanded what money could be got, to be got against to-morrow for them, and all the rest of the soldiers in town, who in all places made a mutiny this day, and do agree together. 2nd. To my office, where I found all the officers of the regiments in town, waiting to receive money that their soldiers might go out of town, and what was in the Exchequer they had. Harper, Luellin, and I went to the Temple to Mr. Calthrop's chamber, and from thence had his man by water to London Bridge to Mr. Calthrop a grocer, and received 60L for my Lord. In our way we talked with our waterman, White, who told us how the watermen had lately been abused by some that had a desire to get in to be watermen to the State, and had lately presented an address of nine or ten thousand hands to stand by this Parliament, when it was only told them that it was a petition against hackney coaches ; and that to-day they had put out another to undeceive the world and to clear themselves. After I had received the money we went homewards, but over against Somerset House, hearing the noise of guns, we landed and found the Strand full of soldiers. Sol took my money and went to Mrs. Johnson, my Lord's sempstress, and giving her my money to lay up, Doling and I went up stairs to a window, and looked out and saw the foot face the horse and beat them back, and stood bawling and calling in the street for a free Parliament and money. By and by a drum was heard to beat a march coming towards them, and they got all ready again and faced them, and they proved to be of the same mind with them ; and so they made a great deal of joy to see one another. After all this I went home on foot to lay up my money, and change my stockings and shoes. I this day left off my great skirt suit, and put on my white suit with silver lace coat, and went over to Harper's, where I met with W. Simons, Doling, Luellm and three merchants, one of which had occasion to use a porter, so they sent for one, and James the soldier came, who told us how they had been all day and night upon their guard at St. James's, and that Thomas Fitch, Colonel of a regiment of foot in 1658, M.P. for Inverness. i659-6o.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 9 through the whole town they did resolve to stand to what they had began, and that to-morrow he did believe they would go into the City, and be received there. After this we went to a sport called, selling of a horse for a dish of eggs and herrings, and sat talking there till almost twelve at night. 3rd. Drank my morning draft at Harper's, and was told there that the soldiers were all quiet upon promise of pay. Thence to St. James's Park, back to Whitehall, where in a guard-chamber I saw about thirty or forty 'prentices of the City, who were taken at twelve o'clock last night and brought prisoners hither. Thence to my office, where I paid a little more money to some of the soldiers under Lieut.-Col. Miller (who held out the Tower against the Parliament after it was taken away from Fitch by the Committee of Safety, and yet he continued in his office). About noon Mrs. Turner came to speak with me and Joyce, and I took them and shewed them the manner of the Houses sitting, the door-keeper very civilly opening the door for us. We went walking all over White Hall, whither General Monk was newly come, and we saw all his forces march by in very good plight and stout officers. After dinner I went to hear news, but only found that the Parliament House was most of them with Monk at White Hall, and that in his passing through the town he had many calls to him for a free Parlia- ment, but little other welcome. I saw in the Palace Yard how un- willing some of the old soldiers were yet to go out of town without their money, and swore if they had it not in three days, as they were promised, they would do them more mischief in the country than if they had staid here ; and that is very likely, the country being all discontented. The town and guards are already full of Monk's soldiers. 4th. All the news to-day is, that the Parliament this morning voted the House to be made up four hundred forthwith. 6th. To Westminster, where we found the soldiers all set in the Palace Yard, to make way for General Monk to come to the House. I stood upon the steps and saw Monk go by, he making observance to the judges as he went along. 7th. To the Hall, where in the Palace I saw Monk's soldiers abuse Billing and all the Quakers, that were at a meeting-place there, and indeed the soldiers did use them very roughly and were to blame. This day Mr. Crew told me that my Lord St. John is for a free Parliament, and that he is very great with Monk, who hath now the absolute com- mand and power to do any thing that he hath a mind to do. 9th. Before I was out of my bed, I heard the soldiers very busy in the morning, getting their horses ready when they lay at Hilton's, but I knew not then their meaning in so doing. In the Hall I understand how Monk is this morning gone into London with his army ; and Mr. Fage told me that he do believe that Monk is gone to secure some of the Common-council of the City, who were very high yesterday thei'e, and did vote that they would not pay any taxes till the House was filled np. I went to my office, where I wrote to my Lord after I had been at the Upper Bench, where Sir Robert Pye this morning came to desire his discharge from the Tower ; but it could not be granted. I 10 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1659-60. called at Mr. Harper's, who told me how Monk had this day clapt up many of the Common-council, and that the Parliament had voted thaf; he snould pull down their gates and portcullisses, their posts and their chains, which he do intend to do, and do lie in the City all night. To Westminster Hall, where I heard an action very finely pleaded between my Lord Dorset* and some other noble persons, his lady and other ladies of quality being there, and it was about 330L per annum, that was to be paid to a poor Spittal, which was given by some of his predecessors ; and given 011 his side. 10th. Mr. Fage told me what Monk had done in the City, how he had pulled down the most part of the gates and chains that they could break down, and that he was now gone back to White Hall. The City look mighty blank, and cannot tell what in the world to do ; the Par- liament having this day ordered that the Common-council sit no more, but that new ones be chosen according to what qualifications they shall give them. llth. I heard the news of a letter from Monk, who was now gone into the City again, and did resolve to stand for the sudden tilling up of the House, and it was very strange how the countenance of men in the Hall was all changed with joy in half an hour's time. So I went up to the lobby, where I saw the Speaker reading of the letter; and alter it was read, Sir A. Haselrigge came out very angry, and Billing stand- ing at the door, took him by the arm, and cried, " Thou man, will thy beast carry thee no longer ? thou must fall !" We took coach for the City to Guildhall, where the Hall was full of people expecting Monk and Lord Mayor to come thither, and all very joyfull. Met Monk coming out of the chamber where he had been with the Mayor and Al- dermen, but such a shout I never heard in all my life, crying out, " God bless your Excellence." Here I met with Mr. Lock, and took him to an ale-house : when we were come together, he told us the substance of the letter that went from Monk to the Parliament ; wherein after complaints that he and his officers were put upon such offices against the City as they could not do with any content or honour, it states, that there are many members now in the House that were of the late tyrannical Committee of Safety. That Lambert and Vane are now in town, contrary to the vote of Parliament. That many in the House do press for new oaths to be put upon men ; whereas we have more cause to be sorry for the many oaths that w have already taken and broken. That the late petition of the fanatique people presented by Barebone, for the imposing of an oath upon all sorts of people, was received by the House with thanks. That therefore hef did desire that all writs for filling up of the House be issued by Friday next, and that in the mean time, he would retire into the City and only leave them guards for the security of the House and Council. The occasion of this was the order that he had last night, to go into the City and disarm them, and take away their charter ; whereby he and his officers said, that the House had a mind to put them upon things that should make them odious ; and so it would be in their power to d" what they would with Richard, 5th Earl of Dorset, ob. 1677. t Mouk. 1659-60.] PEPYS'S DIARY. It them. We were told that the Parliament had sent Scott and Robinson to Monk this afternoon, but he would not hear them. And that the Mayor and Aldermen had offered their own houses for himself and his officers ; and that his soldiers would lack for nothing. And indeed I saw many people give the soldiers drink and money, and all along the streets cried, " God bless them !" and extraordinary good words. Hence we went to a merchant's house hard by, where I saw Sir Nich. Crisp,* and so we went to the Star Tavern, (Monk being then at Ben- son's.) In Cheapside there was a great many bonfires, and Bow bells and all the bells in all the churches as we went home were a-ringing. Hence we went homewards, it being about ten at night. But the com- mon joy that was every where to be seen ! The number of bonfires, there being fourteen between St. Dunstan's and Temple Bar, and at Strand Bridge I could at one time tell thirty-one fires. In King-street seven or eight ; and all along burning, and roasting, and drinking for rumps. There being rumps tied upon sticks and carried up and down. The butchers at the May Pole in the Strand rang a peal with their knives when they were going to sacrifice their rump. On Ludgatw Hill there was one turning of the spit that had a rum p tied upon it, and another basting of it. Indeed it was past imagination, both the great- ness and the suddenness of it. At one end of the street you would think there was a whole lane on fire, and so hot that we were fain to keep on the further side. 12th. In the morning, it being Lord's day, to White Hall, where Dr. Hones preached; but I staid not to hear, but walk' ng in the court, I heard that Sir Arth. Haselrigge was newly gor /nto the City to Monk, and that Monk's wife removed from White Hall last night. After dinner I heard that Monk had been at Paul's in the morning, and the people had shouted much at his coming out of the church. In the afternoon he was at a church in Broad-street, whereabout he do lodge. To my father's, where Charles Glascocke was overjoyed to see how things are now ; who told me the boys had last night broke Bare- bone'sf windows. 13th. This day Monk was invited to White Hall to dinner by my Lords ; not seeming willing, he would not come. I went to Mr. Fage from my father's, who had been this afternoon with Monk, who did promise to live and die with the City, and for the honour of the City ; and indeed the City is very open-handed to the soldiers, that they are most of them drunk all day, and had money given them. 14th. To Westminster Hall, there being many new remonstrances and declarations from many counties to Monk and the City, and one coming from the North from Sir Thomas Fairfax. J I heard that the Parliament had now changed the oath so much talked of to a promise ; * An eminent merchant and one of the Fanners of the Customs. He had advanced large sums to assist Charles I., who created him a Baronet. He died February, 1667, aged 67. t Praise God Barebones, an active member of the Parliament called by his name. About this period he had appeared at the head of a baud of fanatics, and alarmed Monk, who well knew his influence. { Thomas Lord Fairfax, mentioned before. 12 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1659-60. and that among other qualifications for the members that are to be chosen, one is, that no man, nor the son of any man that hath been in arms during the life of the father, shall be capable of bein^j chosen to sit in Parliament. This day, by an order of the House, Sir H. Vane was sent out of town to his house in Lincolnshire. 15th. No news to-day, but all quiet to see what the Parliament will do about the issuing of the writs to-morrow for the filling up of the House, according to Monk's desire. 17th. To Westminster Hall, where I heard that some of the mem- bers of the House was gone to meet with some of the secluded members and General Monk in the City. Hence to White Hall, thinking to hear more news, where I met with Mr. Hunt, who told me how Monk had sent for all his goods that he had here, into the City ; and yet again he told me, that some of the members of the House had this day laid in firing into their lodgings at Whitehall for a good while, so that we are at a great stand to think what will become of things, whether Monk will stand to the Parliament or no. 18th. This day two soldiers were hanged in the Strand for their late mutiny at Somerset-house. 19th (Lord's day). To Mr. Gunning's, and heard an excellent ser- mon. Here I met with Mr. Moore, and went home with him to dinner, where he told me the discourse that happened between the secluded members and the members of the House, before Monk last Friday. How the secluded said, that they did not intend by coming in to ex- press revenge upon these men, but only to meet and dissolve themselves, and only to issue writs for a free Parliament. He told me how Hasel- rigge was afraid to have the candle carried before him, for fear that the people seeing him, would do him hurt ; and that he was afraid to appear in the City. That there is great likelihood that the secluded members will come in, and so Mr. Crewe and my Lord are likely to be great men, at which I was very glad. After dinner there was many secluded members come in to Mr. Crewe, which, it being the Lord's day, did make Mr. Moore believe that there was something extraordinary in the business. 20th. I went forth to Westminster Hall, where I met with Chetwind, Simons, and Gregory.* They told me how the Speaker Lenthall do refuse to sign the writs for choice of new members in the place of the excluded; and by that means the writs could not go out to-day. . In the evening Simons and I to the Coffee House, where I heard Mr. Harrington, and my Lord of Dorset and another Lord, talking of get- ting another place at the Cockpit, and they did believe it would come to something. 21st. In the morning I saw many soldiers going towards West- minster Hall, to admit the secluded members again. So I to West- minster Hall, and in Chancery I saw about twenty of them who had been at White Hall with General Monk, who came thither this morning, and made a speech to them, and recommended to them a Commonwealth, and against Charles Stuart. They came to the * Mr. Gregory was, in 1G72, Clerk of the Cheque at Chatham. 1659-60.] PEPYS'S DIAKY. 13 House and went in one after another, and at last the Speaker came. But it is very strange that this could be carried so private, that the other members of the House heard nothing of all this, till they found them in the House, insomuch that the soldiers that stood there to let in the secluded members, they took for such as they had ordered to stand there to hinder their coming in. Mr. Prin* came with an old basket-hilt sword on, and a great many shouts upon his going into the Hall. They sat till noon, and at their coming out Mr. Crewe saw me, and bid me come to his house and dine with him, which I did ; and he very joyful told me that the House had made General Monk, General of all the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland ; and that upon Monk's desire, for the service that Lawson had lately done in pulling down the Committee of Safety, he had the command of the Sea for the time being. He advised me to send for my Lord forthwith, and told me that there is no question that, if he will, he may now be employed again ; and that the House do intend to do nothing more than to issue writs, and to settle a foundation for a free Parliament. After dinner I back to Westminster Hall with him in his coach. Here I met with Mr. Lock and Pursell.f Master of Musique, and went with them to the Coffee House, into a room next the water, by ourselves, where we spent an hour or two till Captain Taylor come and told us, that the House had voted the gates of the City to be made up again, and the members of the City that are in prison to be set at liberty ; and that Sir G. Booth's^ case be brought into the House to-morrow. Here we had variety of brave Italian and Spanish songs, and a canon for eight voices, which Mr. Lock had lately made on these words : " Domine salvum fac Ke- gem." Here out of the window it was a most pleasant sight to see the City from one end to the other with a glory about it, so high was the light of the bonfires, and so thick round the City, and the bells rang every where. 22nd. Walking in the Hall, I saw Major General Brown, who had a long time been banished by the Rump, but now with his beard over- grown, he comes abroad and sat in the House. To "White Hall, where I met with Will. Simons and Mr. Mabbot at Marsh's, who told me how the House had this day voted that the gates of the City should be set up at the cost of the State. And that Major-General Brown's being proclaimed a traitor be made void, and several other things of that nature. I observed this day how abominably Barebone's windows are broke again last night. 23rd. Thursday, my birth-day, now twenty-seven years. To West- minster Hall, where, after the House rose, I met with Mr. Crewe, who told me that my Lord was chosen by 73 voices, to be one of the * William Prynne, the lavyer, well known by his voluminous publications, and the persecution which he endured. He was M.P. for Bath, 1660, and died 1669. t Matthew Locke and Henry Purcell, both celebrated Composers. t Of Dunham Massey, Bart., created Baron Delamer, 1661, for his services in behalf of the King. Richard Brown, a Major-General of the Parliament forces, Governor of Abingdon, and Member for London in the Long Parliament. He had beea im- prisoned by the Rump Faction. i* PEPYS'S DIARY. [1659-60. Council of State. Mr. Pierpoint * had the most, 101, and himself the next, 100. 24th. I rose very early, and taking horse at Scotland Yard, at Mr. Garthwayt's stable, I rode to Mr. Pierce's : we both mounted, and so set forth about seven of the clock ; at Puckridge we baited, the way exceeding bad from Ware thither. Then up again and as far as Foul- mer, within six miles of Cambridge, my mare being almost tired : here we lay at the Chequer. I lay with Mr Pierce, who we left here the next 'morning upon his going to Hinchingbroke to speak with my Lord before his going to London, and we two come to Cambridge by eight o'clock in the morning. I went to Magdalene College to Mr. Hill, with whom I found Mr. Zanchy, Burton and Hollius, and took leave on promise to sup with them. To the Three Tuns, where we drank pretty hard and many healths to the King, &c. : then we broke up and I and Mr. Zanchy went to Magdalene College, where a very hand- some supper at Mr. Hill's chambers, I suppose upon a club among them, where I could find that there was nothing at all left of the old preciseness in their discourse, specially on Saturday nights. And Mr. Zanchy told me that there was no such thing now- a-days among them at any time. 26th. Found Mr. Pierce at our Inn, who told us he had lost his journey, for my Lord was gone from Hinchingbroke to London on. Thursday last, at which I was a little put to a stand. 27th. Up by four o'clock: Mr. Blayton and I took horse and straight to Saffron Walden, where at the White Hart, we set up our horses, and took the master of the house to shew us Audly End House, who took us on foot through the park, and so to the house, where the housekeeper shewed us all the house, in which the stateli- ness of the ceilings, chimney-pieces, and form of the whole was ex- ceedingly worth seeing. He took us into the cellar, where we drank most admirable drink, a health to the King. Here I played on my flageolette, there being an excellent echo. He shewed us excellent pic- tures ; two especially, those of the four Evangelists and Henry VIII. In our going, my landlord carried us through a very old hospital or almshouse, where forty poor people was maintained ; a very old foundation; and over the chimney-piece was an inscription in. brass : " Orate pro anima Thomae Bird," &c.f They brought me a draft of their drink in a brown bowl, tipt with silver, which I drank off, and at the bottom was a picture of the Virgin with the child in her arms, done in silver. So we took leave, the road pretty good, but the weather rainy to Eping. 28th. Up in the morning. Then to London through the forest, where we found the way good, but only in one path, which we kept as if we had rode through a kennel all the way. We found the shops all shut, and the militia of the red regiment in arms at the old Ex- change, among whom I found and spoke to Nich. Osborne, who told me that it was a thanksgiving-day through the City for the return of * William Picrrepont, M.P. of Thoresby, second son to Robert, first Earl of Kingston, ob. 1677, aged 71. 1 The inscription and the bowl are still to bo scon in the almshouse. 1659-60] PEPTS'S DIAEY. 15 the Parliament. At Paul's I light, Mr. Blayton holding my horse, where I found Dr. Beynolds in the pulpit, and General Monk there, who was to have a great entertainment at Grocers' Hali. 29th. To my office. Mr. Moore told me how my Lord is chosen General at Sea by the Council, and that it is thought that Monk will be joined with him therein. This day my Lord came to the House, the first time since he come to town ; but he had been at the Council before. ILarcli 1. I went to Mr. Crewe's, whither Mr. Thomas was newly come to town, being sent with Sir H. Yelverton, my old school-fellow at Paul's School, to bring the thanks of the county to General Monk for the return of the Parliament. 2nd. I went early to my Lord at Mr. Crewe's where I spoke to him. Here were a great many come to see him, as Secretary Thurloe,* who is now by the Parliament chosen again Secretary of State. To Westminster Hall, where I saw Sir G. Booth at liberty. This day I hear the City militia is put into good posture, and it is thought that Monk will not be able to do any great matter against them now, if he had a mind. I understand that my Lord Lambert did yesterday send a letter to the Council, and that to-night he is to come and appear to the Council in person. Sir Arthur Haselrigge do not yet appear in the House. Great is the talk of a single person, and that it would now be Charles, George, or Richard again. For the last of which my Lord St. John is said to speak high. Great also is the dispute now in the House, in whose name the writs shall run for the next Parlia- ment ; and it is said that Mr. Prin, in open House, said, " In King Charles's." 3rd. To Westminster Hall, where I found that my Lord was last night voted one of the Generals at Sea, and Monk the other. I met my Lord in the Hall, who bid me come to him at noon. After dinner I to Warwick House, in Holborne, to my Lord, where he dined with my Lord of Manchester, f Sir Dudley North,J my Lord Fiennes, and my Lord Barkley.|| I staid in the great hah 1 , talking with some gentlemen there, till they all come out. Then I, by coach with my Lord, to Mr. Crewe's, in our way talking of publick things. He told me he feared there was new design hatching, as if Monk had a mind to get into the saddle. Returning, met with Mr. Gifford who told me, as I hear from many, that things are in a very doubtful posture, some * John Thurloe, who had been Secretary of State to the two Protectors, but was never employed after the Restoration, though the King solicited his services. Db. 10G8. t The Parliamentary General, afterwards particularly instrumental in the King's Restoration, became Chamberlain of the Household, K.G., a Privy Counsellor, and Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. He died in 1671, having been live times married. J Sir Dudley North, K.B., became the 4th Lord North, on the death of his father in 1666. Ob. 1677. John, third son of William, 1st Viscount Say and Sele, and one of Oliver's Lords. I! George, 13th Lord Berkeley, created Earl Berkeley 1679. Ho was a Privy Counsellor, and had afterwards the management of the Duke of York's family Ob. 1698. 16 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1659-60. of the Parliament being willing to keep the power in their hands. After I had left him, I met with Tom Harper ; he talked huge high that my Lord Protector would come in place again, which indeed is much discoursed of again, though I do not see it possible. 4th. Lord's day. To Mr. Gunning's, an excellent sermon upon charity. 5th. To Westminster by water, only seeing Mr. Pinky at his own house, where he shewed me how he had alway kept the Lion and Unicorne, in the back of his chimney, bright, in expectation of the King's coming again. At home I found Mr. Hunt, who told me how the Parliament had voted that the Covenant be printed and hung in churches again. Great hopes of the King's coming again. 6th. Shrove Tuesday. I called Mr. Shepley and we both went up to my Lord's lodgings, at Mr. Crewe's, where he bid us to go home again and get a fire against an hour after. Which we did at White Hall, whither he came, and after talking with him about our going to sea, he called me by myself into the garden, where he asked me how things were with me ; he bid me look out now at this turn some good place, and he would use all his own, and all the interest of his friends that he had in England, to do me good. And asked me whether I could, without too much inconvenience, go to sea as his secretary, and bid me think of it. He also began to talk of things of State, and told me that he should want one in that capacity at sea, that he might trust in, and therefore he would have me to go. He told me also, that he did believe the King would come in, and did discourse with me about it, and about the affection of the people and City, at which I was full glad. Wrote by the post, by my Lord's command, for I. Goods to come up presently. For my Lord intends to go forth with Goods to the Svnftsure till the Nazeby be ready. This day I hear that the Lords do intend to sit, a great store of them are now in town, and I see in the Hall to-day. Overton at Hull do stand out, but can it is thought do nothing ; and Lawson, it is said, is gone with some ships thither, but all that is nothing. My Lord told me, that there was great endeavours to bring in the Protector again ; but he told me, too, that he did believe it would not last long if he were brought in ; no, nor the King neither, (though he seems to think that he will come in), unless he carry himself very soberly and well. Every body now drink the King's health without any fear, whereas before it was very private that a man dare do it. Monk this day is feasted at Mercers' Hall, and is invited one after another to all the twelve Halls in London. Many think that he is honest yet, and some or more think him to be a fool that would raise himself, but think that he will undo himself by endeavouring it. 7th. Ash Wednesday. Going homeward, my Lord overtook me in his coach, and called me in, and so I went with him to St. James's, and G. Montagu* being gone to White Hall, we walked over the Park thither, all the way he discoursing of the times, and of the change of things since the last year, and wondering how he could bear with so great disappointment as he did. He did give me the best advice that * George Montagu, afterwards ii.P. for Dover, second son of Edward, second Earl of Manchester, and father of thtf first Earl of Halifax. i66o.j PEPYS'S DIARY. 17 \ie could what was best for me, whether to stay or go with him, and >ffered all the ways that could be, how he might do me good, with the greatest liberty and love. This day, according to order, Sir Arthur* appeared at the House ; what was done I know not, but there was all the Bumpers almost come to the House to-day. My Lord did seem to wonder much why Lambert was so willing to be put into the Tower, and thinks he had some design in it ; but I think that he is so poor that he cannot use his liberty for debts, if he were at liberty ; and so it is as good and better for him to be there, than any where else. 8th. To Westminster Hall, where there was a general damp over men's minds and faces upon some of the Officers of the Army being about making a remonsti'ance upon Charles Stuart or any single person ; but at noon it was told, that the General had put a stop to it, so all was well again. Here I met with Jasper who was to bring me to my Lord at the lobby; whither sending a note to my Lord, he comes out to me and gives me directions to look after getting some money for him from the Admiralty, seeing that things ai - e so unsafe, that he would not lay out a farthing for the State, till he had received some money of theirs. This afternoon, some of the officers of the Army, and some of the Parliament, had a conference at White Hall to make all right again, but I know not what is done. At the Dog tavern, in comes Mr. Wade and Mr. Sterry, secretary to the plenipotentiary, in Denmark, who brought the news of the death of the King of Swedenf at Gotten- burgh the 3rd of last month. 9th. To my Lord ?t his lodging, and came to Westminster with him in the coach ; and Mr. Dudley and he in the Painted Chamber walked a good while ; and I telling him that I was willing and ready to go with him to sea, he agreed that I should, and advised me what to write to Mr. Downing about it. This day it was resolved that the writs do go out in the name of the Keepers of the Liberty, and I hear that it is resolved privately that a treaty be offered with the King. And that Monk did check his soldiers highly for what they did yesterday. 13th. At my Lord's lodgings, who told me that I was to be secre- tary, and Crewe deputy treasurer to the Fleet. This day the Parliament roted all that had been done by the former Rump against the House of /jords be void, and to-night that the writs go out without any qualifi- cation. Things seem very doubtful what will be the end of all ; for the Parliament seems to be strong for the King, while the soldiers do all talk against. 14th. To my Lord's, where infinity of applications to him and to mo, To my great trouble, my Lord gives me all the papers that was given to him, to put in order and to give him an account of them. I went hence to St. James's to speake with Mr. Clerke, Monk's secretary, about getting some soldiers removed out of Huntingdon to Oundle, which my Lord told me he did to do a courtesy to the town, that he might have the greater interest in them, in the choice of the next Parliament ; not that he intends to be chosen himself, but that he might have Mr. G. Montagu and my Lord Maudevill chose there in spite of the Ber- * Haselrigge. t Charles Gustavus- 18 PEPYS'S DIARY [1660. nards. I did promise to give my wife all that I have in the woi-ld, but my books, in case I should die at sea. After supper I went to West- minster Hall, and the Parliament sat till ten at night, thinking and being expected to dissolve themselves to-day, but they did not. Great talk to-night that the discontented officers did think this night to make a stir, but prevented. 16th. To Westminster Hall, where I heard how the Parliament had this day dissolved themselves, and did pass very cheerfully through the Hall, and the Speaker without his mace. The whole Hall, was joyfull thereat, as well as themselves, and now they begin to talk loud of the King. To-night I am told, that yesterday, about five o'clock in the afternoon, one came with a ladder to the Great Exchange, and wiped with a brush the inscription that was on King Charles, and that there was a great bonfire made in the Exchange, and people called out " God bless King Charles the Second !" 19th. Early to my Lord, where infinity of business to do, which makes my head full ; and indeed, for these two or three days, I have not been without a great many cares. After that to the Admiralty, where a good while with Mr. Blackburne, who told me that it was much to be feared that the King would come in, for all good men and good things were now discouraged. Thence to Wilkinson's, where Mr. Shepley and I dined ; and whfle we were at dinner, my Lord Monk's life-guard come by with the Serjeant at Armes before them, with two Proclamations, that all Cavaliers do depart the town : but the other that all officers that were lately disbanded shoiild do the same. The last of which Mr. R. Creed, I remember, said, that he looked upon it as if they had said, that all God's people should depart the town. All the discourse now-a-day is, that the King will come again ; and for all I see, it is the wishes of all ; and all do believe that it will be so. 21st. To my Lord's, but the wind very high against us; here I did very much business, and then to my Lord Widdrington's from my Lord, with his desire that he might have the disposal of the writs of the Cinque Ports. My Lord was very civil to me, and called for wine, and writ a long letter in answer. 22nd. To Westminster, and received my warrant of Mr. Blackburne, to be Secretary to the two Generals of the Fleet. 23rd. My Lord, Captain Isham, Mr. Thomas, John Crewe, W. Howe, and I to the Tower, where the barges staid for us ; my Lord and the Captain in one, and W. Howe and I, &c., in the other, to the Long Reach, where the Swiftsure lay at anchor; (in our way we saw the great breach which the late high water had made, to the loss of many 1000Z. to the people about Limehouse.) Soon as my Lord on board, the guns went off bravely from the ships. And a little while after comes the Vice- Admiral Lawson, and seemed very respectful to my Lord, and so did the rest of the Commanders of the frigates that were thereabouts. We were late writing of orders for the getting of ships ready, &c. ; and also making of others to all the sea-ports between Hastings and Yarmouth, to stop all dangerous persons that are going or coming between Flanders and there. Jlth. At work hard all the day writing letters to the Council, &c. i66o.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 19 25th. About two o'clock in the morning, letters came from London by our Coxon, so they waked me, but I bid him stay till morning, which he did, and then I rose and carried them into my Lord, who read them a-bed. Among the rest, there was the writ and mandate for him to dispose to the Cinque Ports for choice of Parliament-men. There was also one for me from Mr. Blackburne, who with his own hand super- scribes it to S. P. Esq., of which God knows I was not a little proud. I wrote a letter to the Clerk of Dover Castle to come to my Lord about issuing of those writs. 26th. This day it is two years since it pleased God that I was cut for the stone at Mrs. Turner's* in Salisbury Court. And did resolve while I live to keep it a festival, as I did the last year at my house, and for ever to have Mrs. Turner and her company with me. But now it pleased God that I am prevented to openly ; only within my soul I can and do rejoice, and bless God, being at this time, blessed be his holy name, in as good health as ever I was in my life. This morning I rose early, and went about making of an establishment of the whole Fleet, and a list of all the ships, with the number of men and guns. About an hour after that, we had a meeting of the principal com- manders and seamen, to proportion out the number of these things. All the afternoon very many orders were made, till I was very weary. 27th. This morning the wind came about, and we fell into the Hope. I sat ftie first time with my Lord at table since my coming to sea. All the afternoon exceeding busy in writing of letters and orders. In the afternoon, Sir Harry Wrightf come on board us, about his business of being chosen a Parliament-man. My Lord brought him to see my cabbm, when I was hard a- writing. At night supped with my Lord too, with the Captain. 28th. This morning and the whole day busy. At night there was a gentleman very well bred, his name was Banes, going for Flushing, who spoke French and Latin very well, brought by direction from Captain Clerke hither, as a prisoner, because he called out of the vessel that he went in, " Where is your King, we have done our business, Vive le Roi." He confessed himself a Cavalier in his heart, and that he and his whole family, had fought for the King; but that he was then drunk, having been taking his leave at Gravesend the night before, and so could not remember what it was that he said ; but in his words and carriage showed much of a gentleman. My Lord had a great kindness for him, but did not think it safe to release him. But a while after, he sent a letter down to my Lord, which my Lord did like very well, and did advise with me that the gentleman was to be released. So I went up and sat and talked with him in Latin and French ; and about eleven at night he took boat again, and so God bless him. This day we had news of the election at Huntingdon for Bernard* and * Mrs. Turner was the sister of Edward Pepys. f M.P, for Harwich. He married Anne, daughter of Lord Crewe, and sister to Lady Sandwich, and resided at Dagenham, Essex ; he was created a Baronet" by Cromwell, 1658, and by Charles II., 1660. J John Bernard and Nicholas Pedley, re-elected in the next Parliament. c 2 20 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1660 Pedley, at which my Lord was much troubled for his friends' missing of it. 29th. We lie still a little below Gravesend. At night Mr. Shepley returned from London, and told us of several elections for the next Parliament. That the King's effigies was new making to be set up in the Exchange again. This evening was a great whispering that some of the Vice- Admiral's captains were dissatisfied, and did intend to fight themselves, to oppose the General. But it was soon hushed, and the Vice-Admiral did wholly deny any such thing, and protested to stand by the General. 30th. This day, while my Lord and we were at dinner, the Nazeby came in sight towards us, and at last came to anchor close by us. My Lord and many others went on board her, where every thing was out of order, and a new chimney made for my Lord in his bed-chamber, which he was much pleased with. My Lord, in his discourse, discovered a great deal of love to this ship.* April 1 (Lord's day). Mr. Ibbotf preached very well. After dinner my lord did give me a private list of all the ships that were to be set out this summer, wherein I do discover that he hath made it his care to put by as much of the Anabaptists as he can. By reason of my Lord and my being busy to send away the packet by Mr. Cooke of the Naseby, it was four o'clock before we could begin sermon again. This day Captain Guy come on board from Dunkirk, who tells me that the King will come in, and that the soldiers at Dunkirk do drink the King's health in the streets. 2nd. Up very early, and to get all my things and my boy's packed up. Great concourse of commanders here this morning to take leave of my Lord upon his going into the Nazeby. This morning comes Mr. Ed. Pickering.J he tells me that the King will come in, but that Monk did resolve to have the doing of it himself, or else to hinder it. 3rd. There come many merchants to get convoy to the Baltique, which a course was taken for. They dined with my Lord, and one of them by name Alderman Wood talked much to my Lord of the hopes that he had now to be settled, (under the King he meant) ; but my Lord took no notice of it. This day come the Lieutenant of the Svviftsure }who was sent by my Lord to Hastings, one of the Cinque Ports, to have got Mr. Edward Montagu to have been one of their burgesses, but could not, for they were all promised before.) 4th. This morning come Colonel Thomson with the wooden leg, and G. Pen, and dined witli my lord and Mr. Blackbnrne, who told me that it was certain now that the King must of necessity come in, and that one of the Council told him there is something doing in order to a treaty already among them. And it was strange to hear how Mr. Blackburne did already begin to commend him for a sober man, and how quiet he would be under his government, &c. The Commissioners come to- day, only to consult about a further reducement of the Fleet, and to pay them as fast as they can. At night, my Lord resolved to send * Lord Sandwich 'H flag was ou board the Nazeby, when ho went to the Sound. t Minislf-rof Dual, 1G7(J. Pepi/s'n MS. Let-ters. J Brother to Sir Gilbert Pickering, Bart. i66o.] PEPYS'S DIAEY. 21 the Captain of our ship to Waymouth and promote his being chosen there, which he did put himself into readiness to do the next morning. 9th. This afternoon I first saw France and Calais, with which I waa much pleased, though it was at a distance. llth. A Gentleman came from my Lord of Manchester to my Lord for a pass tor Mr. Boyle,* which was made him. All the news from London is that things go on further towards a King. That the Skin- ners' Company the other day at their entertaining General Monk had took down the Parliament Arms in their Hall, and set up the King's. My Lord and 1 had a great deal of discourse about the several Captains of the Fleet and his interest among them, and had his mind clear to bring in the King. He confessed to me that he was not sure of his own Captain, to be true to him, and that he did not like Capt. Stokes. 14th. This day I was informed that my Lord Lambert is got out of the Tower, and that there is 1001. proffered to whoever shall bring him forth to the Council of State. My Lord is chosen at Weymouth this morning ; my Lord had his freedom brought him by Capt. Tiddiman of the port of Dover, by which he is capable of being elected for them. This day I heard that the Army had in general declared to stand by what the next Parliament shall do. 15th (Lord's day). To sermon, and then to dinner, where my Lord told us that the University of Cambridge had a mind to choose him for their burgess, which he pleased himself with, to think that they do look upon him as a thriving man, and said so openly at table. At dinner-time Mr. Cooke came back from London with a packet which caused my Lord to be full of thoughts all day, and at night he bid me privately to get two commissions ready, one for Capt. Robert Blake to be captain of the Worcester, in the room of Capt. Dekings, an ana- baptist, and one that had witnessed a great deal of discontent with the present proceedings. The other for Capt. Coppin to come out of that into the Newbury in the room of Blake, whereby I perceive that General Monk do resolve to make a thorough change, to make way for the King. From London I hear that since Lambert got out of the Tower, the Fanatiques had held up their heads high, but I hope all that will come to nothing. 17th. All the morning getting ready commissions for the Vice- Admiral and the R. Admiral, wherein my Lord was very careful to express the utmost of his own power, commanding them to obey what orders they should receive from the Parliament, &c., or both or either of the Generals. My Lord told me clearly his thoughts that the King would carry it, and that he did not think himself very happy that he was now at sea, as well for his own sake, as that he thought he might do his country some service in keeping things quiet. 18th. Mr. Cooke returned from London, bringing me this news, that the Cavaliers are something unwise to talk so high on the other side as they do. That the Lords do meet every day at my Lord of Manches- ter's, and resolve to sit the first day of the Parliament. That it ia evident now that the General and the Council do resolve to make way * The celebrated Robert Boyle, youngest son of Richard first Earl of Cork. 22 PEPTS'S DIARY. [1660. for the King's coming. And it is clear that either the Fanatiques must now be undone, or the gentry and citizens throughout England, and clergy must fall, in spite of their militia and army, which is not at all possible I think. 19th. At dinner news brought us that my Lord was chosen at Dover. 20th. This evening come Mr. Boyle on board, for whom I writ an order for a ship to transport him to Flushing. He supped with my Lord, my Lord using him as a person of honour. Mr. Shepley told me that he heard for certain at Dover that Mr. Edw. Montagu* did go beyond sea when he was here first the other day, and I am apt to believe that he went to speak with the King. This day one told me how that at the election at Cambridge for knights of the shire, Wendby and Thornton by declaring to stand for the Parliament and a King and the settlement of the Church, did carry it against all expectation against Sir Dudley North and Sir Thomas Willis.f 21st. This day dined Sir John Boys J and some other gentlemen formerly great Cavaliers, and among the rest one Mr. Norwood, for whom my Lord give a convoy to carry him to the Brill, but he is certainly going to the King. For my Lord commanded me that I should not enter his name in my book. My Lord do show them and that sort of people great civility. All their discourse and others are of the King's coming, and we begin to speak of it very freely. And heard hosv in many churches in London, and upon many signs there, and upon merchants' ships in the river, they had set up the King's arms. This night there came one with a letter from Mr. Edw. Montagu to my Lord, with command to deliver it to his own hands. I do believe that he do carry some close business on for the King. This day I had a large letter from Mr. Moore, giving me an account of the present dispute at London that is like to be at the beginning of the Parliament, about the House of Lords, who do resolve to sit with the Commons, as not thinking themselves dissolved yet. Which, whether it be granted or no, or whether they will sit or no, it will bring a great many inconveniences. His letter I keep, it being a very well writ one. 22nd. Several Londoners, strangers, friends of the Captains, dined here, who, among other things told us, how the King's Arms are every day set up in houses and churches, particularly in Allhallows Church in Thames- street, John Simpson's church, which being privately done was a great eye-sore to his people when they came to church and saw it. Also they told \is for certain, that the King's statue is making by the Mercers' Company (who are bound to do it) to set up in the Exchange. 23rd. In the evening for the first time, extraordinary good sport among the seamen, after my Lord had done playing at nine-pins. * Eldest son of Edward, second Lord Montagu, of Boughtou, killed at Berghen, 1 (iS.-.. t If" hail represented Cambridgeshire in tho preceding Parliament. t Gentleman of the l'rivy-( 'liiunber. A Major Norwood had been Governor of Dunkirk; and a person of the same naino occurs, as one of tho Esquires of the body at the Coronation of Charles tho Second. 1660.] PEPYS'S DIAET. 23 24th. We were on board the London, which hath a state-room much bigger than the Nazeby, but not so rich. After that, with the Captain on board our own ship, where we were saluted with the news of Lambert's being taken, which news was brought to London on Sunday last. He was taken in Northamptonshire by Colonel In- goldsby,* in the head of a party, by which means their whole design is broke, and things now very open and safe. And every man begins to be merry and full of hopes. 25th. Dined to-day with Captain Clerke on board the Speaker (a very brave ship) where was the "Vice- Admiral, E. Admiral, and many other commanders. After dinner home, not a little contented to see how I am treated, and with what respect made a fellow to the best commander in the Fleet. 26th. This day come Mr. Donne back from London, who brought letters with him that signify the meeting of the Parliament yesterday. And in the afternoon by other letters I hear, that about twelve of the Lords met and had chosen my Lord of Manchester Speaker of the House of Lords (the young Lords that never sat yet, do forbear to sit for the present) ; and Sir Harbottle Grimstone,f Speaker for the House of Commons, which, after a little debate, was granted. Dr. Reynolds preached before the Commons before they sat. My Lord told me how Sir H. YelvertonJ (formerly my schoolfellow) was chosen in the first place for Northamptonshire and Mr. Crewe in the second And told me how he did believe that the Cavaliers have now the upper hand clear of the Presbyterians. 27th. After dinner came on board Sir Thomas Hatton and Sir R. Maleverer,|| going for Flushing ; but all the world know that they go where the rest of the many gentlemen go that every day flock to the King at Breda. They supped here, and my Lord treated them as he do the rest that go thither, with a great deal of civility. While we were at supper a packet came, wherein much news from several friends. The chief is that, that I had from Mr. Moore, viz. that he fears the Cavaliers in the House will be so high, that the other will be forced to leave the House and fall in with General Monk, and so offer things to the King so b,igh on the Presbyterian account that he may refuse, and so they will endeavour some more mischief ; but when I told my Lord it, he shook his head and told me, that the Presbyterians are deceived, for the General is certainly for the King's interest, and so they will not be able to prevail that way. with him. After supper the two knights went on board the Grantham, that is to convey them to Flushing. I am informed that the Exchequer is now so low, that there is not 20L there, to give the messenger that brought the news of * Colonel Biclmrd Ingoldsby had been Governor of Oxford under his kinsman Cromwell, and one of Charles the First's Judges ; but was pardoned for the service here mentioned, and made K.B. at the Coronation of Charles II. it jfterwards retired to his seat at Lethenborough, Bucks, find died 1685. t He was made Master of the Rolls, November following, and died 1683. t Of Easton Mauduit, Bart., grandson to the Attorney General of both his names. Ob. 1670. Of Long Stanton, co. Cambridge, Bart. || Of Allerton Maleverer, Yorkshire, Bart. 24 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1660 Lambert's being taken ; -which story is very strange that he should lose his reputation of being a man of courage now at one blow, for that he was not able to fight one stroke, but desired of Colonel Ingoldsby several times to let him escape. Late reading my letters, my mind being much troubled to think that, after all our hopes, we should have any cause to fear any more disappointments therein. 29th. After sermon in the morning Mr. Cooke came from London with a packet, bringing news how all the young lords that were not in arms against the Parliament do now sit. That a letter is come from the King to the House, which is locked up by the Council 'till next Thursday that it may be read in the open House when they meet again, they having adjourned till then to keep a fast to-morrow. And so the contents is not yet known. 13,OOOZ. of the 20.000L given to Genera] Monk is paid out of the Exchequer, he giving 12L among the teller's clerks of Exchequer. My Lord called me into the great cabbin below, where he told me that the Presbyterians are quite mastered by the Cavaliers, and that he fears Mr. Crewe did go a little too far the other day in keeping out the young lords from sitting. That he do expect that the King should be brought over suddenly, without staying to make any terms at all, saying that the Presbyterians did intend to have brought him in with such conditions as if he had been in chains. But he shook his shoulders when he told me how Monk had betrayed him, for it was he that did put them upon standing to put out the lords and other members that come not within the qualifications, which he did not like, but however he had done his business, though it be with some kind of baseness. After dinner I walked a great while upon the deck with the chyrurgeon and purser, and other officers of the ship, and they all pray for the King's coming, which I pray God send. Ma\i 1- To-day I hear they were very merry at Deale, setting up the King's flags upon one of their Maypoles, and drinking his health upon their knees in the streets, and firing the guns, which the soldiers of the Castle threatened, but durst not oppose. 2nd. Mr. Dunne from London, with letters that tell us the welcome news of the Parliament's votes yesterday, which will be remembered for the happiest May-day that hath been many a year to England. The King's letter was read in the House, wherein he submits himself and all things to them, as to an Act of Oblivion to all, unless they shall please to except any, as to the confirming of the sales of the King's and Church lands, if they see good. The House upon reading the letter, ordered 50,000i!. to be forthwith provided to send to His Majesty for his present supply ; and a committee chosen to return an answer of thanks to His Majesty for his gracious letter; and that the letter be kept among the records of the Parliament ; and in all this not so much as one No. So that Luke Robinson* himself stood up and made a recan- tation of what he had done, and promises to be a loyal subject to his Prince for the time to come. The City of London have put out a De- claration, wherein they do disclaim their owning any other government but that of a King, Lords, and Commons. Thanks was given by the * Of Pickering Lyth, in Yorkshire, M.P. for Scarborough ; discharged from sitting in the House of Commons, July 21, 1660. 1660.] PEP\ v b"3 DIAEY. 25 House to Sir John Greenville,* one of the bedchamber to the King, who brought the letter, and they continued bare all the time it was reading. Upon notice from the Lords to the Commons, of their desire that the Commons would join with them in their vote for King, Lords, and Commons ; the Commons did concur and voted that all books whatever that are out against the Government of King, Lords, and Commons, should be brought into the House and burned. Great joy all yesterday at London, and at night more bonfires than ever, and ringing of bells, and drinking of the King's health upon their knees in the streets, which methinks is a little too much. But every body seems to be very joyfull in the business, insomuch that our sea-commanders now begin to say so too, which a week ago they would not do. And our seamen, as many as had money or credit for drink, did do nothing else this evening. This day come Mr. Northf (Sir Dudley North's son) on board, to spend a little time here, which my Lord was a little troubled at, but he seems to be a tine gentleman, and at night did play his part exceeding well at first sight. 3rd. This morning my Lord showed me the King's declaration and his letter to the two Generals to be communicated to the fleet. The contents of the latter are his offer of grace to all that will come in within forty days, only excepting them that the Parliament shall here- after except. That the sales of lands during these troubles, and all other things, shall be left to the Parliament, by which he will stand. The letter dated at Breda, April -^ 1660, in the 12th year of his reign. Upon the receipt of it this morning by an express, Mr. Phillips, one of the messengers of the Council from General Monk, my Lord summoned a council of war, and in the meantime did dictate to me how he would have the vote ordered which he would have pass this council. Which done, the Commanders all came on board, and the council sat in the coachj (the first council of war that had been in my time), where I read the letter and declaration ; and while they were discoursing upon it, I seemed to draw up a vote, which being offered, they passed. Not one man seemed to say no to it, though I am confident many in their hearts were against it. After this was done, I went up to the quarter- deck with my Lord and the Commanders, and there read both the papers and the vote ; which done, and demanding their opinion, the seamen did all of them cry out, " God bless King Charles !" with the greatest joy imaginable. That being done, Sir E,. Stayner, who had invited us yesterday, took all the Commanders and myself on board him to dinner, which not being ready, I went with Captain Hayward to the Plirnouth and Essex, and did what I had to do and returned, where very merry at dinner. After dinner, to the rest of the ships quite through the fleet. Which was a very brave sight to visit all the * Created Earl of Bath, 1661, son of Sir Bevill Grenville, killed at the battle of Newbury, and said to have been the only person entrusted by Charles II. and Monk iu bringing about the Restoration. t Charles, eldest son of Dudley, afterwards fourth Lord North. t Coach, onboard amau-of-war, " The Council Chamber." Knighted and made a Vice- Admiral by Cromwell, 1657, and sent by Charles II. to eomnvvud r.t Tangier till the riovenior arrived. 26 PEPTS'S DIARY. [1660. ships, and to be received witli the respect and honour that I was on board them all ; and much more to see the great joy that I brought to all men ; not one through the whole fleet showing the least dislike of the business. In the evening as I was going on board the Vice- Admiral, the General began to fire his guns, which he did all that he had in the ship, and so did all the rest of the Commanders, which was very gallant, and to hear the bullets go hissing over our heads as we were in the boat. This done and finished my Proclamation, I returned to the Nazeby, where my Lord was much pleased to hear how all the fleet took it in a transport of joy, showed me a private letter of the King's to him, and another from the Duke of York in such familiar style as their cotnmon friend, with all kindness imaginable. And I found by the letters, and so my Lord told me too, that there had been many letters passed between them for a great while, and I perceive unknown to Monk. And among the rest that had carried these letters Sir John Boys is one, and Mr. Norwood, which had a ship to carry him over the other day, when my Lord would not have me put down his name in the book. The King speaks of his being courted to come to the Hague, but to desire my Lord's advice where to come to take .ship. And the Duke offers to learn the seaman's trade of him, in such familiar words as if Jack Cole and I had writ them. This was very strange to me, that my Lord should carry all things so wisely and prudently as he do, and I was over joyful to see him in so good condition, and he did not a little please himself to tell me how he had provided for himself so great a hold on the King. After this to supper, and then to writing of letters till twelve at night, and so up again at three in the morning. My Lord seemed to fut great confidence in me, and would take my advice in many things perceive his being willing to do all the honour in the world to Monk, and to let him have all the honour of doing the business, though he will many times express his thoughts of him to be but a thick-skulled fool. So that I do believe there is some agreement more than ordinary between the King and my Lord to let Monk carry on the business, for it is he that can do the business, or at least that can hinder it, if he be not flattered and observed. This, my Lord will hint himself sometimes. My Lord, I perceive by the King's letter, had writ to him about his father, Crewe,* and the King did speak well of him ; but my Lord tells me, that he is afraid that he hath too much concerned himself with the Presbyterians against the House of Lords, which will do him a great discourtesy. 4th. I wrote this morning many letters, and to all the copies of the vote of the council of war I put my name, that if it should come in print my name may be to it. I sent a copy of the vote to Doling, in- closed in this letter : " SIR, " He that can fancy a fleet (like onrs) in her pride, with pendanta loose, guns roaring, caps flying, and the loud " Vive le Roy's," echoed * Ho had married Jomima, daughter of John Crowe, Esq., created af tenvarda Baron Crewe of Stcne. r6fc>.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 27 from one ship's company to another, he, and he only, can apprehend the joy this inclosed vote was received with, or the blessing he thought himself possessed of that bore it, and is " Your humble servant." About nine o'clock I got all my letters done, and sent them by the messenger that come yesterday. This morning come Captain Isham on board with a gentleman going to the King, by whom very cunningly, my Lord tells me, he intends to send an account of this day's and yesterday's actions here, notwithstanding he had writ to the Parlia- ment to have leave of them to send the King the answer of the fleete. Since my writing of the last paragraph, my Lord called me to him to read his letter to the King, to see whether I could find any slips in it or no. And as much of the letter as I can remember, is thus : "May it please your Most Excellent Majesty," and so begins. That he yesterday received from General Monk his Majesty's letter and direction ; and that General Monk had desired him to write to the Parliament to have leave to send the vote of the seamen before he did send it to him, which he had done by writing to both Speakers; but for his private satisfaction he had sent it thus privately, (and so the copy of the proceedings yesterday was sent him) and that this come by a gentleman that come this day on board, intending to wait upon his Majesty, that he is my Lord's countryman, and one whose friends have suffered much on his Majesty's behalf. That my Lords Pem- broke* and Salisburyf are put out of the House of Lords. That my Lord is very joyful that other countries do pay him the civility and respect due to him ; and that he do much rejoice to see that the King do receive none of their assistance (or some such words,) from them, he having strength enough in the love and loyalty of his own subjects to support him. That his Majesty had chosen the best place, Scheveling, for his embarking, and that there is nothing in the world of which he is more ambitious, than to have the honour of attending his Majesty, which he hoped would be speedy. That he had commanded the vessel to attend at Helversluce till this gentleman rettirns, that so if his Majesty do not think it fit to command the fleete himself, yet that he may be there to receive his commands and bring them to his Lordship. He ends his letter, that he is confounded with the thoughts of the high expressions of love to him in the King's letter, and concludes, " Your most loyall, dutifull, faithfull and obedient subject and ser- vant, " E. M." After supper at the table in the coach, my Lord talking concerning the uncertainty of the places of the Exchequer to them that had them now ; he did at last think of an office which do belong to him in case * Philip, fifth Earl of Pembroke, and second Earl of Montgomery, ob. 1669. Clarendon says, " This young Earl's affections were entire for his Majesty." t Williams, second Earl of Salisbury. After Cromwell had put down the House of Peers, he was chosen a Member of the House of Commons, and sat with them, ob. 1660. 28 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1660. the King do restore every man to his places that ever had been patent, which is to be one of the clerks of the signet, which will be a fine em- ployment for one of his sons. In the afternoon come a minister on board, one Mr. Sharpe, who is going to the King ; who tells me that Commissioners are chosen both of the Lords and Commons to go to the King ; and that Dr. Clarges* is going to him from the Army, and that he will be here to-morrow. My letters at night tell me, that the House did deliver their letter to Sir John Greenville, in answer to the King's sending, and that they give him 500/. for his pains, to buy him a jewel, and that besides the 50,OOOZ. ordered to be borrowed of the City for the present use of the King, the twelve companies of the City do give every one of them to his Majesty, as a present, 1000L 5th. All the morning very busy writing letters to London, and a packet to Mr. Downing, to acquaint him with what had been done lately in the Heet. And this I did by my Lord's command, who, I thank him, did of himself think of doing it, to do me a kindness, for he writ a letter himself to him, thanking him for his kindness to me. This evening come Dr. Clarges to Deale, going to the King ; where the townes-people strewed the streets with herbes against his coming, for joy of his going. Never was there so general a content as there is now. I cannot but remember that our parson did, in his prayer to- night, pray for the long life and happiness of our King and dread Soveraigne, that may last as long as the sun and moon endureth. 6th. It fell very well to-day, a stranger preached here for Mr. Ibbot, one Mr. Stanley, who prayed for King Charles, by the Grace of God, &c., which gave great contentment to the gentlemen that were on board here, and they said they would talk of it, when they come to Breda, as not having it done yet in London so publickly. After they were gone from on board, my Lord writ a letter to the King and give it me to carry privately to Sir William Compton.f on board the Assistance, which I did, and after a health to his Majesty on board there, I left them under sail for Breda. 7th. My Lord went this morning about the flag-ships in a boat, to see what alterations there must be, as to the armes and flags. He did give me orders also to write for silk flags and scarlett waistcloathes.J For a rich barge ; for a noise of trumpets, and a set of fidlers. Very great deal of company come to-day, among others Mr. Bellasses, Sir Thomas Lenthropp, Sir Henry Chichley, Colonel Philip Honiwood, and Captain Titus,]) the last of whom my Lord showed all our cabbins, and I suppose he is to take notice what room there will be for the King's entertainment. * Thomas Claries, physician to the Army, created a Baronet, 1674, ob. 169o. He had hern previously knighted ; his sister Anne married General Monk. t Sir William Comptou, third son of Spencer, Earl of Northampton, a Privy Counsellor and Master of the Ordnance, ob. 1663, aged 39. J Clothes hung about the cage-work of a ship's hull to protect the mon in action. Henry, eldest son of Lord Bellasis, made K.B. at Charles the Second's Coronation. II Colonel Silas Titus, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Charles II., author of " Killing no Murder." :66o.J PEPYS'S DIARY. 99 8th. My letters to-day tell me how it was intended that the King should be proclaimed to-day in London, with a great deal of pomp. I had also news who they are that are chosen of the Lords and Com- mons to attend the King. And also the whole story of what we did the other day in the fleet, at reading of the King's declaration, and my name at the bottom of it. 9th. Up very early, writing a letter to the King, as from the two Generals of the fleet, in answer to his letter to them, wherein my Lord do give most humble thanks for his gracious letter and declaration ; and promises all duty and obedience to him. This letter was carried this morning to Sir Peter Killigrew,* who come hither this morning early to bring an order from the Lords' House to my Lord, giving him power to write an answer to the King. This morning my Lord St. John and other persons of honour were here to see my Lord, and so away to Flushing. As we were sitting down to dinner, in comes Noble with a letter from the House of Lords to my Lord, to desire him to provide, ships to transport the Commissioners to the King, which are expected here this week. He brought us certain news that the King was proclaimed yesterday with great pomp, and brought down one of the Proclamations, with great joy to us all ; for which God be praised. This morning come Mr. Saunderson, that writ the story of the King, hither, who is going over to the King. 10th. At night, while my Lord was at supper, in comes my Lord Lauderdalef and Sir John Greenville, who supped here, and so went away. After they were gone, my Lord called me into his cabbin, and told me how he was commanded to set sail presently for the King, and was very glad thereof. I got him afterwards to sign things in bed. llth. This morning we began to pull down all the State's arms in the fleet, having first sent to Dover for painters and others to come to set up the King's. There dined here my Lord CraffordJ and my Lord Cavendish, and other Scotchmen whom 1 afterwards ordered to be received on board the Plymouth, and to go along with us. After dinner we set sail from the Downes. In the afternoon overtook us three or four gentlemen : two of the Berties, and one Mr. Dormerhay,|| a Scotch gentleman, who, telling my Lord that they heard the Com- missioners were come out of London to-day, my Lord dropt anchor over against Dover Castle (which give us about thirty guns in passing), and npon a high debate with the Vice and Bear- Admiral whether it were safe to go and not stay for the Commissioners, he did resolve to send Sir R. Stayner to Dover, to enquire of my Lord Winchelsea,^! * Knight, of Arwenaeh, Cornwall, M.P. for Camclford, 1660. t John, second Earl s.ud afterwards created Divke of Lauderdale, Earl of Guilford (in England,) and K.CJ. He became sole Secretary of State for Scotland in 1661, aud was a Gentleman of His Majesty's Bedchamber, aud died in 1682, s. p. t John, fourteenth Earl of Crauford, restored iu 1661 to the office of High Treasurer of Scotland, which he had held eight years under Charles the First. Afterwards fourth Earl and first Duke of Devonshire. || Probably Dalmahoy. TC Heneage, second Earl of Winchelsea, constituted by General Monk, Governor of Dover Castle, July, 1660 : made Lord Lieutenant of Kent, aud afterwards ambas- sador to Turkey, Ob. 1689. 30 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1660. whether or no they are come out of London, and then to resolve to- morrow morning of going or not. Which was done. 12th. My Lord give me many orders to make for direction for the ships that are left in thfe Downes, giving them the greatest charge in the world to bring no passengers with them, when they come after us to Scheveling Bay, excepting Mr. Edward Montagu, Mr. Thomas Crewe, and Sir H. Wright. Sir R. Stayner told my Lord, that my Lord Winchelsea understands by letters, that the Commissioners are only to come to Dover to attend the coming over of the King. So iny Lord did give order for weighing anchor, which we did, and sailed all day. 13th. To the quarter-deck, at which the taylors and painters were at work, cutting out some pieces of yellow cloth in the fashion of a crown and C. E. and put it upon a fine sheet, and that into the flag instead of the State's arms, which after dinner was finished and set up. This morn Sir J. Boys and Capt. Isham met us in the Nonsuch, the first of whom, after a word or two with my Lord, went forward, the other staid. I heard by them how Mr. Downing had never made any address to the Kinj*, and for that was hated exceedingly by the Court, and that he was in a Dutch ship which sailed by us, then going to England with disgrace. Also how Mr. Morland* was knighted by the King this week,, and that the King did give the reason of it openly, that it was for his giving him intelligence all the time he was clerk to Secretary Thurloe. In the afternoon a council of war, only to ac- quaint them that the Harp must be taken out of all their flags, it being very offensive to the King. Late at night we writ letters to the King of the news of our coming, and Mr. Edward Pickeringf carried them. Capt. Isham went on shore, nobody showing of him any respect ; so the old man very fairly took leave of my Lord, and my Lord very coldly bid him " God be with you," which was very strange, but that I hear that he keeps a great deal of prating and talking on shore, on board, at the King's Courts, what command he had with my Lord, &c. 14th. In the morning the Hague was clearly to be seen by us. My Lord went up in his nightgown into the cuddy, to see how to dispose thereof for himself and us that belong to him, to give order for our removal to-day. Some nasty Dutchmen came on board to Eroffer their boats to carry things from us on shore, &c. to get money y us. Before noon some gentlemen came on board from the shore to kiss my Lord's hands. And by and by Mr. North and Dr. Clerke went to kiss the Queen of Bohemia's hands, from my Lord, with twelve attendants from on board to wait on them, among which I sent my * Samuel Morland, successively scholar and fellow of Magdalene College, and Mr. 1'opvH's tutor then-, li-ramo afterwards one of Thurloo's Under Secretaries, and was employed in several embassies by Cromwell, whose interests ho betrayed, by secretly communicating with Charles the Second. In consideration of these ser vices he was created a baronet of Rulhamstead Banistor, Berks, after tlio Restoration He was an ingenious mechanic, supposed by some persons to have invented the Steam Engine, and lived to an advanced age. t Sir Gilbert Pickering's eldest son. i66o.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 31 boy, who, like myself, is with, child to see any strange thing. After noon they came back again after having kissed the Queen of Bo- hemia's* hand, and were sent again by my Lord to do the same to the Prince of Orange.f So I got the Captain to ask leave for me to go, which my Lord did give, and I taking my boy and Judge- Advocate with me, went in company with them. The weather bad ; we were sadly washed when we come near the shore, it being very hard to land there. The shore is so, all the country between that and the Hague, all sand. The Hague is a most neat place in all respects. The houses so neat in all places and things as is possible. Here we walked up and down a great while, the town being now very full of Englishmen, for that the Londoners were come on shore to-day. But going to see the Prince,^ he was gone forth with his governor, and so we walked up und down the town and court to see the place ; and by the help of a stranger, an Englishman, we saw a great many places, and were made to understand many things, as the intention of may-poles, which we saw there standing at every great man's door, of different greatness according to the quality of the person. About ten at night the Prince comes home, and we found an easy admission His atten- dance very inconsiderable as for a prince ; but yet handsome, and his tutor a fine man, and himself a very pretty boy. loth. Coming on board we found all the Commissioners of the House of Lords at dinner with my Lord, who after dinner went away for shore. Mr. Morland, now Sir Samuel, was here on board, but I do not find that my Lord or any body did give him any respect, he being looked upon by him and all men as a knave. Among others he betrayed Sir Rich. Willis that married Dr. F. Jones's daughter, who had paid him iOOOZ. at one time by the Protector's and Secretary Thurloe's order, for intelligence that he sent concerning the King. In the afternoon my Lord called me on purpose to show me his fine cloathes which are now come hither, and indeed are very rich as gold and silver can make them, only his sword he and I do not like. In the afternoon my Lord and I walked together in the coach two hours, talking together upon all sorts of discourse : as religion, wherein he is, I perceive, wholly sceptical, saying, that indeed the Protestants as to the Church of Rome are wholly fanatiques : he likes uniformity and form of prayer : about State-business, among other things he told me that his conversion to the King's cause (for I was saying that I wondered from what time the King could look upon him to become his friend,) commenced from his being in the Sound, when he found what usage he was likely to have from a Commonwealth. My Lord, the Captain, and I supped in my Lord's chamber, where I did perceive that he did begin to show me much more respect than ever he did yet. After supper, my Lord sent for me, intending to have me play at cards with him, but I not knowing cribbage, we fell into discourse of many things, and the ship rolled so much that I was not able to stand, and so he bid me go to bed. May 16. Come in some with visits, among the rest one from * Daughter of James the First. t Afterwards William the Third, t Henry Duke of Gloucester, Charles the Second's youngest brother. 32 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1660. Admiral Opdum,* who spoke Latin well, but not French nor English, whom my Lord made me to entertain. Commissioner Pettf was now come to take care to get all things ready for the King on board. My Lord in his best suit, this the first day, in expectation to wait upon the King. But Mr. Edw. Pickering coming from the King brought word that the King would not put my Lord to the trouble of coming to him , but that he would come to the shore to look upon the fleet to- day, which we expected, and had our guns ready to fire, and our scarlet waist-cloathes out and silk pendants, but he did not come. This evening came Mr. John Pickering on board, like an asse, with his feathers and new suit that he had made at the Hague. My Lord very angry for hit staying on shore, bidding me a little before to send for him, telling me that he was afraid that for his father's sake he might have some mis- chief done him, unless he used the General's name. This afternoon Mr. Edw. Pickering told me in what a sad, poor condition for clothes and money the King was, and all his attendants, when he came to him first from my Lord, their clothes not being worth forty shillings the best of them. And how overjoyed the King was when Sir J. Greenville brought him some money ; so joyful, that he called the Princess Royal+ and Duke of York to look upon it as it lay in the portmanteau before it was taken out. My Lord told me, too, that the Duke of York is made High Admiral of England. 17th. Dr. Clerke came to me to tell me that he heard this morning, by some Dutch that are come on board already to see the ships, that there was a Portuguese taken yesterday at the Hague, that had a design to kill the King. But this I heard afterwards was only the mis- take upon one being observed to walk with his sword naked, he having lost his scabbard. Before dinner Mr. Edw. Pickering and I, W. Howe, Pirn, and my boy, to Scheveling, where we took coach, and so to the Hague, where walking, intending to find one that might show us the King incognito, I met with Captn. Whittington (that had formerly brought a letter to my Lord from the Mayor of London) and he did promise me to do it, but first we went and dined; At dinner in came Dr. Cade, a merry mad parson of the King's. And they two got the child and me (the others not being able to crowd in) to see the King, who kissed the child very affectionately. Then we kissed his, and the Duke of York's, and the Princess Royal's hands. The King seems to be a very sober man ; and a very splendid Court he hath in the number of persons of quality that are about him ; English very rich in habit. From the King to the Lord Chancellor, who did lie bed-rid of the gout : he spoke very merrily to the child and me. After that, going to see the Queen of Bohemia, I met Dr. Fuller, whom I sent to a tavern with Mr. Edw. Pickering, while I and the rest went to see the Queen, who iiKcd us very respectfully : her hand we all kissed. She seems a very debonaire, but a plain lady. In a coach we went to see a house of the I'ri IK-OSS Dowager's in a park about a mile from the Hague, where The celebrated Dutch Admiral. t Naval Commissioner at Chatham. $ Mary, eldost daiighter of Charles I., ami widow of the Prince of Orange who died 164(i-7. Sin- carried off by the small-pox, December 1600, leaving a son, afterwards Kiii William III. $ Mary, daughter of Charles I. I66o. J PEPYS'S DIARY. 33 there is one of the most beautiful rooms for pictures in the whole world. She had here one picture upon the top, with these words, dedicating it to the memory of her husband : " Incomparabili marito, inconsolabilis vidua." 18th. Very early up, and, hearing that the Duke of York, our Lord High Admiral, would go on board to-day, Mr. Pickering and I took waggon for Scheveling. But the wind being so very high that no boats could get off from shore, we returned to the Hague (having break- fasted with a gentleman of the Duke's and Commissioner Pett, sent on purpose to give notice to my Lord of his coming) ; we got a boy of the town to go along with us, and he showed us the church where Van Trump lies entombed with a very fine monument. His epitaph is con- cluded thus : " Tandem Bello Anglico tantum non victor, certe invictus, vivere et vincere desiit." There is a sea-fight cut in marble, with the emoake, the best expressed that ever I saw in my life. Prom thence to the great church, that stands in a fine great market-place, over against the Stadt-house, and there I saw a stately tombe of the old Prince of Orange, of marble and brass ; wherein among other rarities there are the angels with their trumpets expressed as it were crying. Here were very fine organs in both the churches. It is a most sweet town, with bridges, and a river in every street. We met with Commissioner Pett going down to the water-side with Major Harly, who is going upon a dispatch into England. 19th. Up early and went to Scheveling, where I found no getting on board, though the Duke of York sent every day to see whether he could do it or no. By waggon to Lausdune, where the 365 children were born. We saw the hUl where they say the house stood wherein the children were born. The basins wherein the male and female children were baptized do stand over a large table that hangs upon a wall, with the whole story of the thing in Dutch and Latin, beginning, " Mar- garita Herman Comitissa," &c. The thing was done about 200 years ago. 20th. Commissioner Pett at last came to our lodging, and caused the boats to go off ; so some in one boat and some in another we all bid adieu to the shore. But through the badness of weather we were in great danger, and a great while before we could get to the ship. _ This hath not been known four days together such weather this time of year, a great while. Indeed our fleet was thought to be in great danger, but we found all well. 21st. The weather foul all this day also. After dinner, about writing one thing or other all day, and setting my papers in order, hearing by letters that came hither in my absence, that the Parliament had ordered all persons to be secured, in order to a trial, that did sit as judges in the late King's death, and all the officers attending the Court. Sir John Lenthall moving in the House, that all that had borne arms against the King should be exempted from pardon, he was called to the bar of the House, and after a severe reproof he was degraded hi* knighthood. At Court I find that all things grow high. The old clergy talk as being sure of their lands again, and laugh at the Pres- bytery ; and it is believed that the sales of the King's and Bishops' 34 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1666. lands will never be confirmed by Parliament, there being nothing now in any man's power to hinder them and the King from doing what they had a mind, but everybody \villing to submit to any thing. We expect every day to have the King and Duke on board as soon as it is fair. My Lord does nothing now, but offers all things to the pleasure of the Duke as Lord High Admiral. So that I am at a loss what to do. 22nd. News brough that the two Dukes are coming on board, which, by and by, they did, in a Dutch boat, the Duke of York in yellow trimmings, the Duke of Gloucester in grey and red. My Lord 1 went in a boat to meet them, the Captain, myself, and others, standing at the entering port. So soon as they were entered we shot the guns off round the fleet. After that they went to view the ship all over, and were most exceedingly pleased with it. They seem to be very fine gentlemen. After that done, upon the quarter-deck table, under the awning, the Duke of York and my Lord, Mr. Coventry* and I, spent an hour at allotting to every ship their service, in their return to England ; which being done, they went to dinner, where the table was very full : the two Dukes at the upper end, my Lord Opdam next on one side, and my Lord on the other. Two guns given to every man while he was drinking the King's health, and so likewise to the Duke's health. I took down Monsieur d'Esquier to the great cabbin below, and dined with him in state along with only one or two friends of his. All dinner the harper belonging to Captain Sparling played to the Dukes. After dinner, the Dukes and my Lord to sea, the Vice and Hear- Admirals and I in a boat after them. After that done, they made to the shore in the Dutch boat that brought them, and I got into the boat with them ; but the shore was full of people to expect their coming. When we came near the shore, my Lord left them and come into his own boat, and Pen and I with him ; my Lord being very well pleased with this day's work. By the time we came on board again, news is sent us that the King is on shore ; so my Lord fired all his guns round twice, and all the fleet after him. The gun over against my cabbin I fired myself to the King, which was the first time that he had been saluted by his own ships since this change ; but holding my head too much over the gun, I had almost spoiled my right eye. Nothing in the world but giving of guns almost all this day. In the evening we began to remove cabbins ; I to the carpenter's cabbin, and Dr. Clerkc with me. Many of the King's servants come on board to-night ; and * Sir \Villiam Coventry, to whom Mr. Pepys became so warmly attached after- wards, was the youngest son of Thomas first Lord Coventry, and Lord Keeper. He entered at, Queen's College, Oxford, in 1642 : and on hisreturn from his travels was made Secretary to the Duke of York, and elected M.P. for Yarmouth. In 1662 ho was appointed a Commissioner of tho Admiralty; in 1665 knighted and .sworn a privy Counsellor ; and in 1667, constituted a Commissioner of the Treasury, but having been forbid tho Court, on account of his challenging tho Duke of Buckingham, he retired into the country, nor could he subsequently bo prevailed upon to accept of any official employment. Burnet rails Sir W. C. the best speaker in the House of Commons, and a man of great notions and eminent virtues : and Mr. Pepys never omits an opportunity of paying a tribute to his public and private worth. Ob. 1686, aged GO. I66o.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 35 so many Dutch of all sorts come to see the ship till it was quite dark, that we could not pass by one another, which was a great trouble to us all. This afternoon Mr. Downing (who was knighted yesterday by the King) was here on board, and had a ship for his passage into England, witlx his lady and servants. By the same token he called me to him when I wtis going to write the order, to tell me that I must write him Sir G. Downing. My Lord lay in the roundhouse to-night. This evening I was late writing a French letter by my Lord's order to Monsieur Wragh, Embassador de Denmarke a la Haye, which my Lord signed in bed. 23rd. In the morning come infinity of people on board from the King to go along with him. My Lord, Mr. Ore we, and others, go on shore to meet the King as he comes off from shore, where Sir JR.. Stayner, bringing His Majesty into the boat, I hear that His Majesty did with a great deal of affection kiss my Lord upon his first meeting. The King, with the two Dukes and Queen of Bohemia, Princesse Royalle, and Prince of Orange, come on board, where I in their coming in kissed the King's, Queen's and Princesse's hands, having done the other before. Infinite shooting off of the guns, and that in a disorder on purpose, which was better than if it had been otherwise. All day nothing but Lords and persons of honour on board, that we were ex- ceeding full. Dined in a great deal of state, the Royalle company by themselves in the coach, wliich was a blessed sight to see. After dinner the King and Duke altered the name of some of the ships, viz. the Nazeby into Charles :* the Richard, James ; the Speaker, Mary ; the Dunbar (which was not in company with us), the Henry ; Winsly, Happy Return; Wakefield, Richmond; Lambert, the Henrietta; Cheriton, the Speedwell ; Bradford, the Successe. That done, the Queen, Princesse Royalle, and Prince of Orange, took leave of the King, and the Duke of York went on board the London, and the Duke of Gloucester, the Swiftsure. Which done, we weighed anchor, and with a fresh gale and most happy weather we set sail for England. All the afternoon the King walked here and there, up and down (quite contrary to what I thought him to have been) very active and stirring. Upon the quarter-deck he fell into discourse of his escape from Wor- cester, where it made me ready to weep to hear the stories that he told of his difficulties that he had passed through, as his travelling four days and three nights on foot, every step up to his knees in dirt, with nothing but a gi-een coat and a pair of country breeches on, and a pair of country shoes that made him so sore all over his feet, that he could scarce stir. Yet he was forced to run away from a miller and other company, that took them for rogues. His sitting at table at one place, where the master of the house, that had not seen him in eight years, did know him, but kept it private ; when at the same table there was one that had been of his own regiment at Worcester, could not know him, but made him drink the King's health, and said that the King * The Naseby now no longer England's shame, But better to be lost in Charles his name. Dryderfs Astrcea Redux- 'D 2 36 PEPYS'S DIAftY. [1660. was at least four fingers higher than he. At another place he was by some servants of the house made to drink, that they might know that he was not a Roundhead, which they swore he was. In another place at his inn, the master of the house, as the King was standing with his hands upon the back of a chair by the fire-side, kneeled down and kissed his hand, privately, saying, that he would not ask him who he was, but bid God bless him whither he was going. Then the difficulties in getting a boat to get into France, where he was fain to plot with the master thereof to keep his design from the foreman and a boy (which was all the ship's company), and so get to Fecamp in France. At Rouen he looked so poorly, that the people went into the rooms before he went away to see whether he had not stole something or other. In the evening I went up to my Lord to write letters for England, which we sent away with word of our coming, by Mr. Edw. Pickering. The King supped alone in the coach ; after that I got a dish, and we four supped in my cabbin, as at noon. About bed-time my Lord Bartlett* (who I had offered my service to before) sent for me to get him a bed, who with much ado I did get to bed to my Lord Middlesexf in the great cabbin below, but I was cruelly troubled before I could dispose of him, and quit myself of him. So to my cabbin again, where the company still was, and were talking more of the King's difficulties; as how he was fain to eat a piece of bread and cheese out of a poor body's pocket ; how, at a Catholique house, he was fain to lie in the priest's hole a good while in the house for his privacy. After that our company broke up. We have all the Lords Com- missioners on board us, and many others. Under sail all night, and most glorious weather. 24th. Up, and made myself as fine as I could, with the linning stockings on and wide canons that I bought the other day at Hague. Extraordinary press of noble company, and great mirth all the day. There dined with me in my cabbin (that is, the carpenter's) Dr. EarleJ and Mr. Hollis, the King's Chaplins, Dr. Scarborough, Dr. Quarter- man, || and Dr. Clerke, Physicians, Mr. Daray, and Mr. Fox,^] (both very tine gentlemen) the King's servants, where we had brave dis- course. Walking upon the decks, where persons of honour all the afternoon, among others, Thomas Killigrew,** (a merry droll, but a * A mistake, for Lord Berkeley, who had been deputed with Lord Middlesex aud four other Peers by the House of Lords, to present an address of congratulation to the King. t Lionel, third and last Earl of Middlesex. Ob. 1C74. t John Earle, Dean of Westminster, successively Bishop of Worcester nnc". Salisbury. Ob. 1660. Charles Scarborough, M.D., principal Physician to Charles II., (by whom lie was kuighted in 1669,) James II., and William III., a learned and incomparable anatomist. || William Qnarternmn, M.I)., of Pembroke College, Oxford. Tf Afterwards Sir Stephen Fox, Knight, Paymaster to the Forces. ** Thomas Killigiv.w, younger son of Sir Kobert Killigrew, of Hanworth, Mid- dlesex, Page of Honour to Charles I., and Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles ]!., whose fortunes he had followed. He was resident at Venice, 1651 ; a great favour! I > with the King on account of his uncommon vein of humour, aud author of several plays. Ob. 1682. 1660.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 37 gentleman of great esteem with the King,) who told us many merry stories. At supper the three Drs. of Physique again at my cabbin ; where I put Dr. Scarborough in mind of what I heard him say, that children do, in every day's experience, look several ways with both their eyes, till custom teaches them otherwise. And that we do now see but with one eye, our eyes looking in parallel lynes. After this discourse I was called to write a pass for my Lord Mandeville* to take up horses to London, which I wrote in the King's name, and carried it to him to sign, which was the first and only one that ever he signed in the ship Charles. To bed, coming in sight of land a little before night. 25th. By the morning we were come close to the land, and every body made ready to get on shore. The King and the two Dukes did eat their breakfast before they went, and there being set some ship's diet, they eat of nothing else but pease and pork, and boiled beef. Dr. Clerke, who eat with me, told me how the King had given 50Z. to Mr. Shepley for my Lord's servants, and 500L among^the officers and common men of the ship. I spoke to the Duke of York about business, who called me Pepys by name, and upon my desire did promise me his future favour. Great expectation of the King's making some Knights, but there was none. About noon (though the brigantine that Beale made was there ready to carry him) yet he would go in my Lord's barge with the two Dukes. Our Captn. steered, and my Lord went along bare with him. I went, and Mr. Mansell, and one of the King's footmen, and a dog that the King loved, in a boat by ourselves, and so got on shore when the King did, who was received by General Monk with all imaginable love and respect at his entrance upon the land of Dover. Infinite the crowd of people and the horsemen, citizens, and noblemen of ah 1 sorts. The Mayor of the town come and gave him his white staffe, the badge of his place, which the King did give him again. The Mayor also presented him from the town a very rich Bible, which he took and said it was the thing that he loved above all things in the world. A canopy was provided lor him to stand under, which he did, and talked awhile with General Monk an 1 others, and so into a stately coach there set for him, and so away through the towne towards Can- terbury * without making any stay at Dover. The shouting and joy expressed by all is past imagination. Seeing that my Lord did not stir out of his barge, I got into a boat and so into his barge. My Lord almost transported with joy that he had done all this without any the least blur or obstruction in the world, that could give offence to any, and with the great honour he thought it would be to him. Being over- took by the brigantine, my Lord and we went out of our barge into it, and so went on board with Sir W. Battenf and the Vice and Rear- Admirals. At night I supped with the Captn., who told me what the King had given us. My Lord returned late, and at his coming did give me order to cause the marke to be gilded, and a Crowne and C. R. to be made at the head of the coach table, where the King to-day with * Eldest son of the Earl of Manchester. t A Commissioner of the Navy, and in 1661 M.P. for Eochester. 38 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1660. his own hand did marke his height, which accordingly I caused the painter to do, and is now done as is to be seen. 26th. My Lord dined with the Vice-Admiral to-day, (who is as officious, poor man ! as any spaniel can be ; but I believe all to no pur- pose, for I believe he will not hold his place ;) so I dined commander at the coach table to-day, and all the officers of the ship with me, and Mr. White of Dover. After a game or two at nine-pins, to work all the afternoon, making above twenty orders. In the evening my Lord having been a-shore, the first time that he hath been a-shore since he come out of the Hope, (having resolved not to go till he had brought his Majesty into England,) returned on board with a great deal of pleasure. The Captain told me that my Lord had appointed me 30/. out of the 1000 ducats which the King had given to the ship. 27th (Lord's day). Called up by John Goods to see the Garter and Heralds coate, which lay in the coach, brought by Sir Edward Walker, King at Armes, this morning, for my Lord. My Lord had summoned all the Commanders on board him, to see the ceremony, which was thus : Sir Edward putting on his coate, and having laid the Geoi'ge and Garter, and the King's letter to my Lord, upon a crimson cushion, (in the coach, all the Commanders standing by,) makes three congees to him, holding the cushion in his arms. Then laying it down with the things upon it upon a chair, he takes the letter, and delivers it to my Lord, which my Lord breaks open and gives him to read. It was directed to our trusty and well beloved Sir Edward Montagu, Knight, one of our Generals at sea, and our Companion elect of our Noble Order of the Garter. The contents of the letter is to show that the Kings of England have for many years made use of this honour, as a special mark of favour, to persons of good extraction and valour, (and that many Emperors, Kings and Princes of other countries have borne this honour), and that whereas my Lord is of a noble family, and hath now done the King such service by sea, at this time, as he hath done ; he do send him this George and Garter to wear as Knight of the Order, with a dispensation for the other ceremonies of the habit of the Order, and other things, till hereafter, when it can be done. So the herald putting the ribbon about his neck, and the Garter on his left leg, he saluted, him with joy as Knight of the Garter. And after that was done he took his leave of my Lord, and so to shore again to the King at Canterbury, where he yesterday gave the like honour to General Monk, who are the only two for many years that have had the Garter given them, before they had honours of Earldome, or the like, excepting only the Duke of Buckingham, who was only Sir George Villiers when he was made Knight of the Garter.* 29th. Abroad to shore with my Lord, (which he offered me of him- self, saying that I had a great deal of work to do this month, which was very true.) On shore we took horses, my Lord and Mr. Edward, Mr. Hctly and I, and three or four servants, and had a great deal of pleasure in riding. At last we came upon a very high cliffe by the . and rode under it, we having laid great wagers, I and Dr. * A.D. 1616, iQfo.] PEPTS'S DIAEY. 39 Matliews, that it was not so high as Paul's ; my Lord and Mr. Hetly, that it was. But we riding under it, my Lord made a pretty good measure of it with two sticks, and found it to be not thirty-five yards high, and Paul's is reckoned to be about ninety. From thence toward the barge again, and in our way found the people of Deale going to make a bonfire for joy of the day, it being the King's birthday, and had some guns which they did fire at my Lord's coming by. For which I did give twenty shillings among them to drink. While we were on the top of the cliffe, we saw and heard our guns in the fleet go off for the same joy. And it being a pretty fair day we could see above twenty miles into France. Being returned on board, my Lord called for Mr. Shepley's book of Paul's, by which we were confirmed in our wager. This day, it is thought, the King do enter the City of London. 30th. All this morning making up my accounts, in which I counted that I had made myself now worth about SOL, at which my heart was glad, and blessed God. June 1. At night Mr. Cook comes from London with letters, leaving all things there very gallant and joyful. And brought us word that the Parliament had ordered the 29th of May, the King's birth-day, to be for ever kept as a day of thanksgiving for our redemp- tion from tyranny, and the King's return to his Government, he enter- ing London that day. 2nd. Being with my Lord in the morning about business in his cabbin, I took occasion to give him thanks for his love to me in the share that he had given me of his Majesty's money, and the Duke's. He told me he hoped to do me a more lasting kindness, if all things stand as they are now between him and the King, but, says he, " We must have a little patience and we will rise together; in the mean time I will do yet all the good jobs I can." Which was great content for me to hear from my Lord. All the morning with the Captain, computing how much the thirty ships that come with the King from Scheveling their pay comes to for a month (because the King promised to give them all a month's pay), and it comes to 6.538Z., and the Chai'les particularly 7771. I wish we had the money. 3rd. Captaine Holland is come to get an order for the setting out of his ship, and to renew his commission. He tells me how every man goes to the Lord Mayor to set down their names, as such as do accept of his Majesty's pardon, and showed me a certificate under the Lord Mayor's hand, that he had done so. At sermon in the morning ; after dinner into my cabbin, to cast my accounts up, and find myself to be worth near 100. for which I bless Almighty God, it being more than I hoped for so soon, being I believe not clearly worth 25Z. when I come to sea besides my house and goods. 4th. This morning the King's Proclamation against drinking, swearing, and debauchery, was read to our ships' companies m the fleet, and indeed it gives great satisfaction to all. 6th. In the morning I had letters come, that told me among other things, that my Lord's place of Clerke of the Signet was fallen to him, which he did most lovingly tell me that I should execute, in case 40 PEPYS'S DIARY. 1660. he could not get a better employment for me at the end of the year. Because he thought that the Duke of York would command all, but he hoped that the Duke would not remove me but to my advantage. My letters tell me, that Mr. Calamy* had preached before the King in a surplice (this I heard afterwards to be false) ; that my Lord, Gen. Monk, and three more Lords, are made Commissioners for the Trea- sury ; that my Lord had some great place conferred on him, and they say Master of the Wardrobe ; and the two Dukes do haunt the Park much, and that they were at a play, Madam Epicene.f the other day ; that Sir Ant. Cooper,J Mr. Hollis, and Mr. Annesly, late Presidents of the Council of State, are made Privy Councillors to the King. 7th. After dinner come Mr. John Wright and Mr. Moore, with the sight of whom my heart was very glad. They brought an order for my Lord's coming up to London, which my Lord resolved to do to-morrow. All the afternoon getting my things in order to set forth to-morrow. At night walked up and down with Mr. Moore, who did give me an account of all things at London. Among ethers, how the Presbyterians would be angry if they durst, but they will not be able to do any thing. 8th. Out early, took horses at Deale. 9th. To White Hall with my Lord and Mr. Edwd. Montagu. Found the King in the Park. There walked. Gallantly great. llth. With my Lord to Dorset House to the Chancellor. 13th. By water with my Lord in a boat to Westminster, and to the Admiralty, now in a new place. 15th. My Lord told me how the King has given him the place of the great Wardrobe. 16th. To my Lord, and so to White Hall with him about the Clerk of the Privy Scale's place, which he is to have. Then to the Admi- ralty, where I wrote some letters. Here Coll. Thompson told me, as a great secret, that the Nazeby was on fire when the King was there, but that is not known ; when God knows it is quite false. 17th (Lord's day). To Mr. Messinn's ; a good sermon. This day the organs did begin to play at White Hall before the King. After ilinner to Mr. Messinn's again, and so in the garden, and heard Chip- Cell's father preach, that was Page to the Protector. 18th. To my Lord's, where much business. With him to the Par- liament House, where he did intend to have made his appearance to- day, but he met Mr. Crewe upon the stairs, and would not go in. He went to Mrs. Brown's, and staid till word was brought him what was done in the House. This day they made an end of the twenty men to be excepted from pardon to their estates. By barge to Stepney with my Lord, where at Trinity House we had great entertainment. * Edward Caltuny, the celebrated Nonconformist Divine, bom 1616, appointed Chaplain to Clmrles the Second 1660. Ob. 1666. t Kpic<>iii>, or tlii< Silent Woman, a Comedy by Ben Jonson. t Afterwards Chancellor, and created Earl of .Shaftesbury. Dorset-House, iu (Salisbury Court, at this time occupied by the Chancellor, once the residence of the Hishops of Salisbury, one of whom (Jewel) alienated it to tin- Sackville fiimily. The house being afterwards pulled down, a theatre was built on its pito. in which the Duke of York's troop performed. i66o.] PEPYS'S DIAKY. 41 With my Lord there went Sir W. Pen, Sir H. Wright, Hetly, Pierce Creed, Hill, I and other servants. Back again to the Admiralty, and so to my Lord's lodgings, where he told me that he did look after the place of the Clerk of the Acts for me. 19th. Much business at my Lord's. This morning my Lord went into the House of Commons, and there had the thanks of the House, in the name of the Parliament and Commons of England, for his late service to his King and Country. A motion was made for a reward for him, but it was quashed by Mr. Annesly, who, above most men, is engaged to my Lord's and Mr. Crewe's favours. My Lord went at night with the King to Baynard's Castle to supper, and I home. 20th. With my Lord (who lay long in bed this day, because he came home late from supper with the King) to the Parliament House, and, after that, with him to General Monk's, where he dined at the Cock-pit. Thence to the Admiralty, and despatched away Mr. Cooke to sea ; whose business was a letter from my Lord about Mr. G. Mon- tagu to be chosen as a Parliament-man in my Lord's room at Dover; and another to the Vice- Admiral to give my Lord a constant account of all things in the fleet, merely that he may thereby keep up his power there ; another letter to Captn. Cuttance to send the barge that brought the King on shore, to Hinchingbroke by Lynne. 21st. To my Lord, much business. With him to the Council Chamber, where he was sworne ; and the charge of his being admitted Privy Counsellor is 561. To White Hall, where the King being gone abroad, my Lord and I walked a great while discoursing of the sim- plicity of the Protector, in his losing all that his father had left him. My Lord told me, that the last words that he parted with the Protec- tor with, (when he went to the Sound), were, that he should rejoice more to see him in his grave at his return home, than that he should give way to such things as were then in hatching, and afterwards did ruine him : and that the Protector said, that whatever G. Montagu, my Lord Broghill,* Jones, and the Secretary, would have him to do, lie would do it, be it what it would. 22nd. To my Lord, where much business. With him to White Hall, where the Duke of York not being up, we walked a good while in the Shield Gallery. Mr. Hill (who for these two or three days hath constantly attended my Lord) told me of an offer of 500Z. for a Baronet's dignity, which I told my Lord of in the balcone of this gallery, and he said he would think of it. My dear friend Mr. Fuller of Twickenham and I dined alone at the Sun Tavern, where he told me how he had the grant of being Dean of St. Patrick's, in Ireland; and I told him my condition, and both rejoiced one for another. Thence to my Lord's and had the great coach to Brigham's, who told me how my Lady Monk deals with him and others for their places, asking him 500Z. though he was formerly the King's coach-maker, and sworn to it. 23rd. To my Lord's lodgings, where Tom Guy come to me, and there staid to see the King touch people for the King's evil. But he Roger Boyle, Lord Broghill, created Earl of Orrery, 1669 Ob. 1679. 42 PEPTS'S DIAEY. [1660. did not come at all, it rayned so ; and the poor people were forced to stand all the morning in the rain in the garden. Afterward he touched them in the banquetting -house. With my Lord, to my Lord Frezen- dorfe's* where he dined to-day. He told me that he nad obtained a promise of the Clerke of the Acts place for me, at which I was glad. 25th. With my Lord at White Hall all the morning. I spoke with Mr. Coventry about my business, who promised me all the assistance I could expect. Dined with young Mr. Powell, lately come from the Sound, being amused at our 'great charges here, and Mr. Southerne, now Clerke to Mr. Coventry, at the Leg in King-street. Thence to the Admiralty, where I met Mr. Turner, of the Navy-office, who did look after the place of Clerke of the Acts. He was very civil to me, and I to him, and shall be so. There come a letter from my Lady Monk to my Lord about it this evening, but he refused to come to her, but meeting in White Hall, with Sir Thomas Clarges, her brother, my Lord returned answer, that he could not desist in my business ; and that he believed that General Monk would take it ill if my Lord should name the officers in his army ; and therefore he desired to have the naming of one officer in the fleete. With my Lord by coach to Mr. Crewe's, and very merry by the way, discoursing of the late changes and his good fortune. Thence home, and then with my wife to Dorset-House, to deliver a list of the names of the justices of peace for Huntingdonshire. 26th. My Lord dined at his lodgings all alone to-day. I went to Secretary Nicholas to carry him my Lord's resolutions about his title, which he had chosen, and that is Portsmouth. } ToBackewellf the goldsmith's, and there we chose a 1001. worth of plate for my Lord to give Secretary Nicholas. 27th. With my Lord to the Duke, where he spoke to Mr. Coventry to despatch my business of the Acts, in which place every body gives me joy, as if I were in it, which God send. '28th. To Sir G. Downing, the first visit I have made him since he come. He is so stingy a fellow I care not to see him ; I quite cleared myself of his office, and did give him liberty to take any body in. After all this to my Lord, who lay a-bed till eleven o'clock, it being almost five before he went to-bed, they supped so late last night with the King. This morning I saw poor Bishop Wrenl going to Chappel, it being a thanksgiving day for the King's returne. 29th. Up and to White Hall, where I got my warrant from the Duke to be Clerke of the Acts. Also I got my Lord's warrant from the Secretary for his honour of Earle of Portsmouth, and Viscount Montagu of Hinchingbroke. So to my Lord, to give him an account of what I had done. Then to Sir GefFery Palmer, who told me that * John Frederic do Friesendorff, Embassador from Sweden to Charles the Second, who created him a Baronet, lliiil. t I'M ward J5akewell, an Alderman of London, and opulent banker, rninod by the shutting up of this Exchequer in 1072, when lie retired to Holland, where he died. J Mutthew Wren, Bishop of Ely. Ob. 1GG7, aged 82. Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Attorney-General, and Chief Justice of Chester, 16GO-, Baronet, 1C61. Ob. 167U, i66o.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 43 my Lord must have some good Latinist to make the preamble to his Patent, which must express his late service in the best terms that he can, and he told me in. what high flaunting terms Sir J. Greenville had caused his to be done, which he do not like ; but that Sir Richard Fanshawe* had done General Monk's very well. Then to White Hall, where I was told by Mr. Hutchinson at the Admiralty, that Mr. Barlow, my predecessor, Clerke of the Acts, is yet alive, and coming up to town to look after his place, which made my heart sad a little. At night told my Lord thereof, and he bad me get possession of my Patent ; and he would do all that could be done to keep him out. This night my Lord and I looked over the list of the Captains, and marked some that my Lord had a mind to put out. 30th. By times to Sir R. Fanshawe to draw up the preamble to my Lord's patent. So to my Lord, and with him to White Hall, where 1 saw a great many fine antique heads of marble, that my Lord Nor- thumberlandf had given the King. To White Hall with Mr. Moore, where I met with a letter from Mr. Turner, offering me 150L to be joined with me in my patent, and to advise me how to improve the ad- vantage of my place, and to keep off Barlow. This day come Will,+ my boy, to me : the maid continuing lame. July 1. This morning come home my fine Camlett cloak, with gold buttons, and a silk suit, which cost me much money, and I pray God to make me able to pay for it. In the afternoon to the Abbey, where a good sermon by a stranger, but no Common Prayer yet. 2nd. All the afternoon with my Lord, going up and down the town ; at seven at night he went home, and there the principal Officers of the Navy, among the rest myself was reckoned one. We had order to meet to-morrow, to draw up such an order of the Council as would put us into action before our patents were passed. At which my heart was * Sir Richard Fanshawe, Knight and Baronet, Secretary to Charles the Second in Scotland, aud after the Restoration employed on several embassies. He was a good linguist, aud translated the Lusiad and Pastor Fido. t Algernon Percy, tenth Earl of Northumberland. , J William Hewer, respecting whose origin I can only make out, that he was a nephew to Mr. Blackburae, so often mentioned in these pages, where his father's death, of the plague, also occurs. He became afterwards a Commissioner of the Navy, and Treasurer for Tangier; and was the constant companion of Mr. Pepys, who died in his house at Clapham, previously the residence of Sir Dennis Gaudcii. Mr. Hewer was buried in the old Church at Clapham, where there is a large monu- ment of marble in alto relievo erected to his memory. See the Appendix for the inscription. A list of the Officers of the Admiralty, 31st May, 1660. From a MS. in the Pepysian Library, His Royal Highness James, Duke of York, Lord High Admiral. Sir George Carteret, Treasurer. Sir Robert Sliugsby, (soon after) Comptroller. Sir William Batten, Surveyor. Samuel Pepys, Esq. Clerk of the Acts. John, Lord Berkeley, ~\ 8r William Peuu, > Commissioners. Peter Pett, Esq. ) 44 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1660. glad. At night supped with my Lord, he and I together, in a great dining-room alone by ourselves. 3rd. The Officers and Commissioners of the Navy met at Sir G. Car- teret's* chamber, and agreed upon orders for the Council to supersede the old ones, and empower us to act. Dined with Mr. Stephens, the Treasurer of the Navy, and Mr. Turner, to whom I offered 50Z. out ol my own purse for one year, and the benefit of a Clerke's allowance beside, which he thanked me for ; but I find he hath some design yet in his head, which I could not think of. In the afternoon my heart was quite pulled down, by being told that Mr. Barlow was to enquire to-day for Mr. Coventry ; but at night I met with my Lord, who told me that I need not fear, for he would get me the place against the world. And when I come to W. Howe, he told me that Dr. Petty had been with my Lord, and did tell him that Barlow was a sickly man, and did not intend to execute the place himself, which put me in great comfort again. 4th. To Mr. Backewell's, the goldsmith, where I took my Lord's 1007. in plate for Mr. Secretary Nicholas, and my own piece of plate, being a state dish and cup in chased work for Mr. Coventry, cost me above 19Z. Carried these and the money by coach to my Lord's at White Hall, and from thence carried Nicholas's plate to his house and left it there, intending to speak with him anon. So to my Lord's, and walking all the afternoon in White Hall Court, in expectation of what shall be done in the Council as to our business. It was strange to see how all the people nocked together bare, to see the King looking out of the Council window. At night my Lord told me how my orders that I drew last night about giving us power to act, are granted by the Council. At which I was very glad. 5th. This morning my brother Tom brought me my jackanapes coat with silver buttons. It rained this morning, which makes us fear that the glory of this day will be lost ; the King and Parliament being to be entertained by the City to-day with great pomp. Mr. Hater was with me to-day, and I agreed with him to be my clerke. Being at White Hall, I saw the King, the Dukes, and all their attendants go forth in the rain to the City, and it spoiled many a fine suit of clothes. I was forced to walk all the morning in White Hall, not knowing how to get out because of the rain. Met with Mr. Cooling.f my Lord Cham- berlain's secretary, who took me to dinner among the gentlemen waiters, and after dinner into the wine-cellar. He told me now he had a pro- * Sir George Carteret, Knight, hod originally been bred to the sea service, and became Comptroller of the Navy to Charles the First, and Governor of Jersey, where he obtaiued considerable reputation by his gallant defence of that Island against the Parliament forces. At the Restoration he was made Vice Chamberlain to the King, Treasurer of the Navy, and a Privy Councillor, and in 1GC1 M.I', for Portsmouth. He continued in favour with his sovereign till 1<>7!>, when he died in his 80th year. He married his cousin Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Philip Carteret, Knight, of St. Oueu, and had issue three sons and five daughters. t Richard Cooling or Coling. A.M., of All-Souls College, Secretary to the Earls of Manchester mid Arlington, when they filled the office of Lord Chamberlain, and a Clerk of the Privy Council in ordinary. There is a mczzotiuto print of him in tho Pepysiau Collect-on. i66o.j PEPYS'S DIARY. 45 ject for all us Secretaries to join together, and get money by bringing all business into our hands. Thence to the Admiralty, where Mr. Blackburne and I (it beginning to hold up) went and walked an hour or two in the Park, he giving of me light in many things in my way in this office that I go about. And in the evening I got my presents of plate carried to Mr. Coventry's. At my Lord's at night comes Dr. Petty to me, to tell me that Barlow was come to town, and other things, which put rae into a despair, and I went to bed very sad. Oth. In the afternoon my Lord and I, and Mr. Coventry and Sir G. Carteret, went and took possession of the Navy-Office, whereby my mind was a little cheered, but my hopes not great. From thence Sir G. Carteret and I to the Treasurer's Office, where he set some things in order. 8th (Lord's day). To White Hall chapel, where I got in with ease by going before the Lord Chancellor with Mr. Kipps. Here I heard very good musique, the first time that ever 1 remember to have heard the organs and singing-men in surplices in my life. The Bishop of Chichester* preached before the King, and made a great nattering sermon, which I did not like that the Clergy should meddle with mat- ters of state. Dined with Mr. Luellin and Salisbury at a cook's shop. Home, and staid all the afternoon with my wife till after sermon. There till Mr. Fairebrotherf come to call us out to my father's to supper. He told me how he had perfectly procured me to be made Master in Arts by proxy,J which did somewhat please me, though I remember my cousin Roger Pepys was the other day persuading me from it. 9th. To the Navy-office, || where in the afternoon we met and sat, and there I begun to sign bills in the Office the first time. 10th. This day I put on my new silk suit, the first that ever I wore in my life. Home, and called my wife, and took her to Clodins's to a great wedding of Nan Hartlib to Mynheer Roder, which was kept at Goring House^f with very great state, cost, and noble company. But among all the beauties there, my wife was thought the greatest. And finding my Lord in White Hall garden, I got him to go to the Secre- tary's, which he did, and desired the dispatch of his and my bills to be signed by the King. His bill is to be Earle of Sandwich, Viscount * Henry King, Dean of Bochester, advanced to the See of Chichester, 1641. Ob. 1669. f William Fair-brother, in 1661 made D.D. at Cambridge per regias litteras. i The Grace which passed the University, on this occasion, is preserved in Kennett's Chronicle, and commenced as follows : Cum Sam Pepys, Coll. Magd. Inceptor in Artibus in Regia Classe existat e Secretis. exindeq. apud mare ade occupatissimus ut Comiiiis proxime futuris interesse non possit ; placet vobis ut dictus S. P. admissionem suam necnon creationem recipiat ad gradum Magistri in Arlibus sub person^ Timothei Wellfit, Inceptoris, Ac. &c. June 26, 1660. Roger Pepys, a Barrister, M.P. for Cambridge, 1661, and afterwards Recorder of that town. || The Navy Office was erected on the site of Lumley House, formerly belonging to the Fratres Sanctse Crucis (or Crutched Friars), and all business connected with Naval concerns was transacted there, till its removal to Somerset House. The ground is now occupied by the East India Company's warehouses. ^f Goring House was burnt in 1674, at which time Lord Arlington resided in it. 46 PEPYS'S DIARY. [i66n<-.htnaTi, afterwards Bishop of London. ft William Spnrstow, D.D. Vicar of Hackney and Muster of Katherine Hall, Cambridge, both which pieces of preferment he lost for nonconformity, 1662. I66o. ] PEPYS'S DIAEY. 55 abroad. After dinner to the Abbey, where I heard them read the church-service, but very ridiculously. A poor cold sermon of Dr. Lamb's, one of the prebends, in his habitt, come afterwards, and so all ended. 9th. This morning Sir W. Batten with Coll. Birch to Deptford to pay off two ships. Sir W. Pen and I staid to do business, and after- ward together to White Hall, where I went to my Lord, and saw in his chamber his picture, very well done ; and am with child till I get it copied out, which I hope to do when he is gone to sea. 10th. At night comes Mr. Moore and tells me how Sir Hards. Waller* t ;>u , sat up late and read in it with great pleasure to my wife, to hear that she was long ago acquainted with it. I observed this night very few bonfires in the City, not above three in all London, for the Queen's coming ; whereby I guess that (as I believed before) her coming do please but very few. 3rd. Saturday. In the afternoon to White Hall, where my Lord and Lady were gone to kiss the Queen's hand. 4th (LorcPs day). In the morn to our own church, where Mr. Millsf * " The Woman's Prize, or Tamer Turned," ;i comedy l>y John Fletcher. t Daniel Miller, D.D., thirty-two ye.-irs rector of St. Olaye's, Hart-Street, and bnrfed there October 1689, aged sixty-three. In 1GG7 Sir Robert Uvooks presented him to the rectory of Wanstead, which he also held till hiw death. 1660.] PEPYS'S DtAKY. 59 did begin to nibble at the Common Prayer, by saying " Glory be to the Father, &c." after he had read the two psalms : but the people had been so little used to it, that they could not tell what to answer. This declaration of the King's do give the Presbyterians some satisfaction, and a pretence to read the Common Prayer, which they would not do before because of their former preaching against it. After dinner to 'Westminster, where I went to my Lord's, and, having spoken with him, I went to the Abbey, where the first time that ever I heard the organs in a cathedral. My wife seemed very pretty to-day, it being the first time I had given her leave to weare a black patch. oth. At the office at night, to make up an account of what the debts of nineteen of the twenty-five ships that should have been paid off, is increased since the adjournment of the Parliament, they being to sit again to-morrow. This 5th day of November is observed exceeding well in the City ; and at night great bonfires and fireworks. 6th. Mr. Chetwind told me that he did fear that this late business of the Duke of York's would prove fatal to my Lord Chancellor. To our office, where we met all, for the sale of two ships by an inch of candle (the first time that ever I saw any of this kind), where I observed how they do invite one another, and at last how they all do cry, and we have much to do to tell who did cry last. The ships were the Indian, sold for 1300L and the Half-moone, sold for 830L 7th. Went by water to my Lord, where I dined with him, and he in a very merry humour (present Mr. Borfett and Childe) at dinner : he, in discourse of the great opinion of the virtue gratitude, (which he did account the greatest thing in the world to him, and had, therefore, in his mind been often troubled in the late times how to answer his gratitude to the King, who raised his father,) did say it was that did bring him to his obedience to the King ; and did also bless himself with his good fortune, in comparison to what it was when I was with him in the Sound, when he durst not own his correspondence with the King ; which is a thing that I never did hear of to this day before ; and I do from this raise an opinion of him, to be one of the most secret men in the world, which I was not so convinced of before. After dinner he bid all go out of the room, and did tell me how the King had promised him 4000Z. per annum for ever, and had already given him a bill under his hand (which he showed me) for 4000Z. that Mr. Fox is to pay him. My Lord did advise with me how to get this received, and to put out 3000Z. into safe hands at use, and the other he will make use for his present occasion. This he did advise with me about with great secresy. After this he called for the fiddles and books, and we two and W. Howe, and Mr. Childe, did sing and play some psalmes of Will. Lawes's,* and some songs ; and so I went away. Notwithstanding this was the first day of the King's proclamation against hackney coaches coming into the streets to stand to be hired, yet I got one to carry me home. * Brother to Henry Lawes the celebrated composer, and himself a chamber musician to Charles I., in whose service he took up arms, and was killed at tlie siege of Chester, 1645. The King regretted his loss severely, and used to call him the father of music. 60 PEPYS'S DIABY, [1660. 10th. The Comtroller* and I to the coffee-house, where he showed me the state of his case ; how the King did owe him above 6000i. But I do not see great likelihood for them to be paid, since they begin already in Parliament to dispute the paying off the just sea-debts, which were already promised to be paid, and will be the undoing of thousands if they be not paid. 15th. My Lord did this day show me the King's picture which was done in Flanders, that the King did promise my Lord before he ever saw him, and that we did expect to have had at sea before the King come to us ; but it come but to-day, and indeed it is the most pleasant and the most like him that ever I saw picture in my life. To Sir W. Batten's to dinner, he having a couple of servants married to-day ; and so there was a great number of merchants, and others of good quality on purpose after dinner to make an offering, which, when dinner was done, we did, and I did give ten shillings and no more, though I believe most of the rest did give more, and did believe that I did so too. 19th. I went with the Treasurer in his coach to White Hall, and in our way, in discourse, do find him a very good-natured man ; and, talking of those men who now stand condemned for murdering the King, he says that he believes, that, if the law would give leave, the King is a man of so great compassion that he would wholly acquit them. 20th. Mr. Shepley and I to the new play-house near Lincoln's-Inn- Fields (which was formerly Gibbon's tennis-court), where the play of " Beggar's Bush"f was newly begun ; and so we went in and saw it well -acted : and here I saw the first time one Moone, J who is said to be the best actor in the world, lately come over with the King, and indeed it is the finest play-house, I believe, that ever was in England. This morning I found my Lord in bed late, he having been with the King, Queen, and Princesse, at the Cockpit all night, where General Monk treated them ; and after supper a play, where the King did put a great affront upon Singleton's musique, he bidding them stop and made the French musique play, which, my Lord says, do much outdo all ours. 22nd. This morning come the carpenters to make me a door at the other side of my house, going into the entry. To Mr. Fox's, where we found Mrs. Fox within, and an alderman of London paying 1000Z. or 1400Z. in gold upon the table for the King. Mr. Fox come in presently and did receive us with a great deal of respect ; and then did take my wife and I to the Queen's presence-chamber, where he got my wife placed behind the Queen's chaire, and the two Princesses come to dinner. The Queen a very little plain old woman, and nothing more in her presence in any respect nor garbe than any ordinary woman. The Princesse of Orange I had often seen before. The Princesse Henrietta is very pretty, but much below my expectation ; and hor * Sir E. Blingsby. t The " Beggar's Bush," a comedy by Beaumont and Fletcher. $ Mohun, or Moone, the celebrated actor, who had borne a Major's commission in tin- King'n Army. The period of his death is uncertain. Elizabeth, daughter of William Whittle, Esq., of Lancashire, wife of Stephen Fox, Esq., who was knighted in 1665. i66o.] PEPYS'S DIAEY. 61 dressing of herself with her haire frized short up to her eares, did make her seem so much the less to me. But my wife standing near her with two or three black patches on, and well dressed, did seem to me much handsomer than she. To White Hall at about nine at night, and there, with Laud the page that went with me, we could not get out of Henry the Eighth's gallery into the further part of the boarded gallery, where my Lord was walking .with my Lord Ormond ; and we had a key of Sir S. Morland's, but all would not do ; till at last, by knocking, Mr. Harrison the door-keeper did open us the door, and, after some talk with my Lord about getting a catch to carry my Lord St. Albans's* goods to France, I parted and went home on foot. 25th. I had a letter brought me from my Lord to get a ship ready to carry the Queen's things over to France, she being to go within five or six days. 27th. To "Westminster Hall, and in King Street there being a great stop of coaches, there was a falling out between a drayman and my Lord Chesterfield's coachman, and one of his footmen killed. Mr. Moore told me how the House had this day voted the King to have all the Excise for ever. This day I do also hear that the Queen's going to France is stopt, which do like me well, because then the King will be in town the next month, which is my month again at the Privy Seale. 30th. Sir G. Carteret did give us an account how Mr. Holland do intend to prevail with the Parliament to try his project of discharging the seamen all at present by ticket, and so promise interest to all men that will lend money upon them at eight per cent., for so long as they are unpaid ; whereby he do think to take away the growing debt, which do now lie upon the kingdom for lack of present money to discharge the seamen. December 4. This day the Parliament voted that the bodies of Oliver, Ireton, Bradshaw, &c., should be taken up out of their graves in the Abbey, and drawn to the gallows, and there hanged and buried under it : which (methinks) do trouble me that a man of so great courage as he was, should have that dishonour, though otherwise he might deserve it enough. 9th. I went to the Duke. And first calling upon Mr. Coventry at his chamber, I went to the Duke's bed-side, who had sat up late last night, and lay long this morning. This being done, I went to chapel, and sat in Mr. Blagrave's pew, and there did sing my part along with another before the King, and with much ease. 10th. It is expected that the Duke will marry the Lord Chancellor's daughter at last ; which is likely to be the ruine of Mr. Davis and my Lord Barkley, who have carried themselves so high against the Chan- cellor; Sir Chas. Barkley swearing that he and others had intrigued with her often, which all believe to be a lie. Henry Jermyn, created Lord Jermyn 1614, advanced to the Earldom of St. Alban's 1G60, E.G. Ob. 1683, s. p. He was supposed to be married to the Queen Dowager. 62 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1660. 16th. In the afternoon I went to White Hall, where I was sur- Erised with the news of a plot against the King's person and my ord Monk's ; and that since last night there were about forty taken up on suspicion; and, amongst others, it was my lot to meet with Simon Beale, the Trumpeter, who took me and Tom Doling into the Guard in Scotland Yard, and showed us Major-General Overtoil.* Here I heard him deny that he is guilty of any such things : but that whereas it is said that he is found to have brought many armes to towne, he says it is only to sell them, as he will prove by oath 21st. They told me that this is St. Thomas's, and that by an old custome, this day the Exchequer men had formerly, and do intend this night to have a supper ; which if I could I promised to come to, but did not. To my Lady's, and dined with her : she told me how dan- gerously ill the Princesse Eoyal is : and that this morning she was said to be dead. But she hears that she hath married herself to young Jermyn,f which is worse than the Duke of York's marrying the Chancellor's daughter, which is now publicly owned. 26th. To White Hall by water, and dined with my Lady Sand- wich, who at table did tell me how much fault was laid upon Dr. Frazer and the rest of the Doctors, for the death of the Princesse. My Lord did dine this day with Sir Henry Wright, in order to his going to sea with the Queen. 31st. In Paul's Church-yard I bought the play of Henry the Fourth, and so went to the new Theatre and saw it acted ; but my expectation being too great, it did not please me, as otherwise I believe it would : and my having a book, I believe did spoil it a little. That being done I went to my Lord's, where I found him private at cards with my Lord Lauderdale and some persons of honour. 1660-61. At the end of the last and the beginning of this year, I do live in one of the houses belonging to the Navy Office, as one of the principal officers, and have done now about half-a-year : my family being, myself, my wife, Jane, Will. Hewer, and Wayneman, my girl's brother. Myself in constant good health, and in a most handsome and thriving condition. Blessed be Almighty God for it. As to things of State. The King settled, and loved of all. The Duke of York matched to my Lord Chancellor's daughter, which do not please many. The Queen upon her returne to France with the Princesse Henrietta.! The Princesse of Orange lately dead, and we into new mourning for her. We have been lately frighted with a great plot, and many taken up on it, and the fright not quite over. The Parlia- ment, which had done all this great good to the King, beginning to grow factious, the King did dissolve it December 29th last, and another likely to be chosen speedily. 1660-61. January 1. Mr. Moore and I went to Mr. Pierce' s ; in our way seeing the Duke of York bring his Lady to-day to wait upon * One of Oliver Cromwell's Major-Generale : a high Republican. f Henry Jermyn, Master of the Horse to the Duke of York. I Youngest daughter of Charles I., married soon after to Philip Duke of Orleans, only brother of Louis XIV. She died suddenly in 1670, not without suspicion of having been poisoned. 1 66o.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 63 the Queen, the first time that ever she did since that business ; and the Queen is said to receive her now with much respect and love. 2nd. My Lord did give me many commands in his business. As to write to my uncle that Mr. Barnewell's papers should be locked up, in case he should die, he being now suspected to be very ill. Also about consulting with Mr. W. Montagu* for the settling of the 4000?. a-year that the King had promised my Lord. As also about getting Mr. George Montagu to be chosen at Huntingdon this next Parlia- ment, fec. That done, he to White Hall stairs with much company, and I with him ; where we took water for Lambeth, and there coach for Portsmouth. The Queen's things were all in White Hall Court ready to be sent away, and her Majesty ready to be gone an hour after to Hampton Court to-night, and so to be at Portsmouth on Saturday next. This day I left Sir W. Batten and Captn. Rider my chine of beefe for to serve to-morrow at Trinity House, the Duke of Albemarle being to be there, and all the rest of the Brethren, it being a great day for the reading ovur of their new Charter, which the King hath newly given them. 3rd. To the Theatre, where was acted " Beggars' Bush," it being very well done ; and here the first time that ever I saw women come upon the stage. 4th. I had been early this morning at White Hall, at the Jewell Office, to ^choose a piece of gilt plate for my Lord, in returne of his offering to the King (which it seems is usual at this time of year, and an Earle gives twenty pieces in gold in a purse to the King). I chose a gilt tankard, weighing 3L ounces and a half, and he is allowed 30 ; so I paid 12s. for the ounce and half over what he is to have : but strange it was for me to see what a company of small fees I was called upon by a great many to pay there, which, I perceive, is the manner that courtiers do get their estates. 7th. This morning, news was brought to me to my bed-side, that there had been a great stir in the City this night by the Fanatiques, who had been up and killed six or seven men, but all are fled. My Lord Mayor and the whole City had been in armes, above 40,000. Tom and I and my wife to the Theatre, and there saw " The Silent Woman." Among other things here, Kinaston the boy had the good turn to appear in three shapes : first, as a poor woman in ordinary clothes, to please Morose ; then in fine clothes, as a gallant ; and in Uiem was clearly the prettiest woman in the whole house : and lastly, &* a man ; and then likewise did appear the handsomest man in the house. In our way home we were in many places strictly examined, more than in the worst of times, there being great fears of the Fana- tiques rising again : for the present I do not hear that any of them are taken. 8th. Some talk to-day of a head of Fanatiques that do appear about, but I do not believe it. However, my Lord Mayor, Sir Richd. Browne, hath carried himself honourably, and hath caused one of their meeting-houses in London to be pulled down. * "William, third son to Lord Montagu of Boughton ; afterwards Attorney- General to the Queen ; and made Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 1676. 64 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1660. 9th. "Waked in the morning about six o'clock, by people running up and down in Mr. Davis's house, talking that the Fanatiques were up in armes in the City. And so I rose and went forth ; where in the street I found every body in armes at the doors. So I returned and got my sword and pistol, which, however, I had no powder to charge ; and went to the door, where I found Sir R. Ford,* and with him I walked up and down as far as the Exchange, and there I left him. In our way, the streets full of train-bands, and great stir. What mischief these rogues have done ! and I think near a dozen had been killed this morning on both sides. The shops shut, and all things in trouble. 10th. After dinner Will, comes to tell me that he had presented my piece of plate to Mr. Coventry, who takes it very kindly, and sends me a very kind letter, and the plate back again ; of which my heart is very glad. Mr. Davis told us the particular examinations of these Fanatiques that are taken : and in short it is this, these Fanatiques that have routed all the train-bands that they met with, put the King's life-guards to the run, killed about twenty men, broke through the City gates twice ; and all this in the day-time, when all the City was in armes ; are not in all above 31. Whereas we did believe them (because they were seen up and down in every place almost in the City, and had been in Highgate two or three days, and in several other places) to be at least 500. A thing that never was heard of, that so few men should dare and do so much mischief. Their word was, " The King Jesus, and their heads upon the gates." Few of them would receive any quarter, but such as were taken by force and kept ali7e ; expecting Jesus to come here and reign in the world presently, and will not believe yet. The King this day come to towne. llth (Office day). This day comes news, by letters from Ports- mouth, that the Princesse Henrietta is fallen sick of the meazles on board the London, after the Queen and she was under sail. And so was forced to come back again into Portsmouth harbour ; and in their way, by negligence of the pilot, run upon the Horse sand. The Queen and she continue aboard, and do not intend to come on shore till she sees what will Ixjcome of the young Princesse. This newes do make people think something indeed, that three of the Royal Family should fall sick of the same disease, one after another. This morning likewise, we had order to see guards set in all the King's yards ; and so Sir Wm. Batten goes to Chatham, Colonel Slingsby and I to Deptford and Woolwich. Portsmouth being a garrison, needs none. 12th. We fell to choosing four captains to command the guards, and choosing the place where to keep them, and other things in order thereunto. Never till now did I see the great authority of my place, all the captains of the fleete coming cap in hand to \is. 13th. After sermon to Deptford again ; where, at the Commis- sioner's and the Globe, we staid long. But no sooner in bed, but we had an alarme, and so we rose : and the Comptroller comes into the Yard to us ; and seamen of all the ships present repair to us, and there we armed with every one a handspike, with which they were as fierce as Lord Mayor of London, 1671. iS6o-i.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 65 could be. At last we hear that it was five or six men that did ride through the guard in the towne, without stopping to the guard thut was there ; and, some say, shot at them. But all being quiet there, we caused the seamen to go on board again. loth. This day I hear the Princesse is recovered again. The King hath been this afternoon at Deptford, to see the yacht that Commis- sioner Pett is building, which will be very pretty ; as also that his brother at Woolwich is making. 19th. To the Comptroller's, and with him by coach to White Hall ; in our way meeting Venner* and Pritchard upon a sledge, who with two more Filth Monarchy men were hanged to-day, and the two first drawn and quartered. 21st. It is strange what weather we have had all this winter ; no cold at all ; but the ways are dusty, and the flyes fly up and down, and the rose-bushes are full of leaves, such a time of the year as was never known in this world before here. This day many more of the Fifth Monarchy men were hanged. 22nd. I met with Dr. Thos. Fuller. He tells me of his last and great book that is coming out : that is, the History of all the Families in England ; and could tell me more of my owne, than I knew myself. And also to what perfection he hath now brought the art of memory ; that he did lately to four eminently great scholars dictate together in Latin, upon different subjects of their proposing, faster than they were able to write, till they were tired ; and that the best way of beginning a sentence, if a man should be out and forget his last sentence, (which lie never was,) that then his last refuge is to begin with an Utcunque. 27th (Lord's day). Before I rose, letters come to me from Ports- mouth, telling me that the Princesse is now well, and my Lord Sand- wich set sail with the Queen and her yesterclav from thence to France. This day the parson read a proclamation at cliurch, for the keeping of Wednesday next, the 30th of January, a fast for the murther of the late King. 30th (Fast day). The first time that this day hath been yet ob- served: and Mr. Mills made a most excellent sermon, upon "Lord for- give us our former iniquities;" speaking excellently of the justice of God in punishing -men for the sins of their ancestors. To my Lady Batten's ;f where my wife and she are lately come back again from being abroad, and seeing of Cromwell, Ireton,]; and Bradshaw hanged and buried at Tyburne. 31st. To the Theatre, and there sat in the pitt among the company * Thomas Venucr, a cooper, and preacher to a conventicle in Coleman-street. He was a violent enthusiast and leader in the Insurrection on the 7th of January before mentioned. He was much wounded before he could be taken, and fought with courage amounting to desperation. t Elizabeth Woodcock, married Feb. 3, 1G58-9, to Sir W. Batten ; and subse- quently became, in 1071, the wife of a foreigner called in the register of Battersea parish, Lord Leyenbinyh. Lady Leigheuburg was buried at Waltliarnstow, Sept. 16, 1G81. Li/suns' Environs. t Henry Iretou, married Bridget, daughter to Oliver Cromwell, and was aftei'- wards cue of Charles the First's Judges, and of the Committee who superintended Iris cxLCUtioL 1 .. He died at the siege of Limerick. 1C-'-- F 66 PEPYS'S DIARY. of tine ladys, &c. ; and the house was exceeding full, to see Argalus and Parthenia,* the first time that it hath been acted : and indeed it is good, though wronged by my over great expectations, as all things else are. Feb. 2. Home; where I found the parson and his wife gone. And by and by the rest of the company very well pleased, and I too ; it being the last dinner I intend to make a great while. 3rd (Lord's day). This day I first begun to go forth in my coate and sword, as the manner now among gentlemen is. To White Hall ; where I staid to hear the trumpets and kettle drums, and then the other drums, which are much cried up, though I think it dull, vulgar musick. So to Mr. Fox's, unbidd ; where I had a good dinner and special com- pany. Among other discourse, I observed one story, how my Lord of Northwich.f at a public audience before the King of France, made the Duke of Anjou cry, by making ugly faces as he was stepping to the King, but undiscovered. And how Sir Phillip Warwick's^ lady did wonder to have Mr. Daray send for several dozen bottles of Rhenish wine to her house, not knowing that the wine was his. Thence to my Lord's ; where I am told how Sir Thomas Crew's Pedro, with two of his countrymen more, did last night kill one soldier of four that quarrelled with them in the street, aboiit ten o'clock. The other two are taken ; but he is now hid at my Lord's till night, that he do intend to make his escape away. 5th. Into the Hall ; and there saw my Lord Treasurer|| (who was sworn to-day at the Exchequer, with a great company of Lords and persons of honour to attend him) go up to the Treasury Offices, and take possession thereof; and also saw the heads of Cromwell, Brad- shaw, and Ireton, set up at the further end of the Hall. 7th. To Westminster Hall. And after a walk to my Lord\s ; where, while I and my Lady were in her chamber in talk, in comes my Lord from sea, to our great wonder. He had dined at Havre de Grace on Monday last, and come to the Downes the. next day, and lay at Can- terbury that night ; and so to Dartford, and thence this morning to White Hall. Among others, Mr. Creed and Captn. Ferrers tell me tlie. stories of my Lord Duke of Buckingham's and rny Lord's falling out at Havre de Grace, at cards ; they two and my Lord St. Alban's playing. The Duke did, to my Lord's dishonour, often say that he did \n his conscience know the contrary to what he then said, about the difference at cards ; and so did take up the money that he should have lost to my Lord. Which my Lord resenting, said nothing then, but that >. * Argalus and Parthenia, a pastoral, by Henry Glapthorn, taken from Sydney's t (ieorpo Lon! Coring, created Earl of Norwich 1644; died 1662. t -Sir Philip Warwick, Secretary to Charles I. when in the Isle of Wight, and Clerk of the Signet, to which place he was restored in 1660; knighted. :uid Heei,.,) M.I', f, ,|- Westminster. He was also Secretary to the Treasury under Lord Southampton till KJtiT. Ob. 1682-3. His second wife here mentioned wa* .Io:m, daughter to Sir Henry Fanshawe. and widow of Sir William I'.otteler, Barf. 8 Eldest son of Mr. afterwards Lord Crowe, whom he succeeded in that title. || Earl of Southampton. i66o-i.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 67 lie doubted not but there were ways enough to get his money of him. So they parted that night ; and my Lord sent Sir E. Stayner the next morning to the Duke, to know whether he did remember what he said /ast night, and whether he would owne it with his sword and a second: which he said he would, and so both sides agreed. But my Lord St. Alban's, and the Queen, and Ambassador Montagu, did way-lay them at their lodgings till the difference was made up, to my Lord's honour; who hath got great reputation thereby.. 8th. Captn. Cuttle, and Curtis, and Mootham', and I, went to the Fleece Taverne to drink ; and there we spent till four o'clock, telling stories of Algiers, and the manner of life of slaves there. And truly Captn. Mootham and Mr. Dawes (who have been both slaves there) did make me fully acquainted with their condition there : as, how they eat nothing but bread and water. At their redemption they pay so much for the water they drink at the public fountaynes, during their being slaves. How they are beat upon the soles of their feet and bellies at the liberty of their padron. How they are all, at night, called into their master's Bagnard ; and there they lie. How the poorest men do lovo their slaves best. How some rogues do live well, if they do invent to bring their masters in so much a week by their industry or theft ; and then they are pxit to no other work at all. And theft there is counted no great crime at all. 12th. By coach to the Theatre, and there saw " The Scornfull Lady,"* now done by a woman, which makes the play appear much better than ever it did to me. 1 1th. The talk of the towne now is, who the King is like to have for his Queene : and whether Lent shall be kept with the strictnesse of the King's proclamation : which is thought cannot be, becatise of the poor, who cannot buy fish. And also the great preparation for the King's crowning is now much thought upon and talked of. 18th. It is much talked that the King is already married to the niece of the Prince de Ligne, and that he hath two sons already by her : which I am sorry to hear ; but yet am gladder that it should be so, than that the Duke of York and his family should come to the crowne, he being a professed friend to the Catholiques. Met with Sir G. Carteret : who afterwards, with the Duke of York, my Lord Sandwich, and others, went into a private room to consult : and we were a little troubled that we were not called in with the rest. But I do believe it was upon something very private. "We staid walking in the gallery ; where we met with Mr. Slingsby, who showed me the stamps of the King's new coyne ; which is strange to see, how good they are in the stamp and bad in the money, for lack of skill to make them. But he says Blondeau will shortly come over, and then we shall have it better, and the best in the world. He tells me, he is sure that the King is not yet married, as it is said ; nor that it is known who he will have. 22nd. My wife to Sir W. Batten's, and there sat a while ; he having yesterday sent my wife half-a-dozen pair of gloves, and a pair of silk stockings and garters, for her Valentines. * A Comedy, by Beaumont and Fletcher. 68 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1660-1. 23rd. This my birthday, 28 years. Mr. Hartlett told me how my Lord Chancellor had lately got the Duke of York and Duchesse, and her woman, my Lord Ossory,* and a Doctor, to make oath before most of the Judges of the kingdom, concerning all the circumstances of their marriage. And in fine, it is confessed that they were not fully married till about a month or two before she was brought to bed ; but that they were contracted long before, and time enough for the child to be legi- timate. But I do not hear that it was put to the Judges to determine whether it was so or no. To the Play-house, and there saw " The Changeling,"f the first time it hath been acted these twenty years, and it takes exceedingly. Besides, I see the gallants do begin to be tyred with the vanity and pride of the theatre actors, who are indeed grown very proud and rich, 1 also met with the Comptroller, who told me how it was easy for us all, the principall officers, and proper for us, to labour to get into the next Parliament ; and would have me to ask the Duke's letter, but I shall not endeavour it. This is now 28 years that I am born. And blessed be God, in a state of full content, and a great hope to be a happy man in all respects, both to myself and friends. 27th. I called for a dish of fish, which we had for dinner, this being the first day of Lent ; and I do intend to try whether I can keep it or no. 28th. Notwithstanding my resolution, yet for want of other victualls, I did eat flesh this Lent, but am resolved to eat as little as I can. This month ends with two great secrets under dispute but yet known to very few : first, Who the King will marry ; and What the meaning of this fleet is which we are now sheathing to set out for the southward. Most think against Algier against the Turke, or to the East Indys against the Dutch who, we hear, are setting out a great fleet thither. March 1. After dinner Mr. Shepley and I in private talking about my Lord's intentions to go speedily into the country, but to what end we know not. We fear he is to go to sea with his fleet now prepai'ing. But we wish that he could get his 4000/. per annum settled before he do go. To White-fryars, and saw " The Bondman"J acted ; an excel- lent play and well done. But above all that ever I saw, Beterton do the Bondman the best. 2nd. After dinner I went to the theatre, where I found so few people (which is strange, and the reason I do not know) that I went out again, and so to Salsbury Court, where the house as full as could be ; and it seems it was a new play, " The Queen's Maske," wherein there are some good humours : among others, a good jeer to the old story of the Siege of Troy, making it to be a common country tale. But above all it was strange to see so little a boy as that was to act Cupid, which in one of the greatest parts in it. 4th. My Lord went this morning on his journey to Hinchingbroke. Mr. Parker with him ; the chief business being to look over and deter- * Thomas. Earl of Ossory, son of tlio Duko of Ormond. Ob. 1080, aged 40. t "The Changeling," a Tragedy, by Thomas Middleton. The plot is taken from !i story in " Cod's Rjvcnge against Murder." t I'y Massingor. "Love's Mistiv and saw the Duke dress him- K 'If, and in his night habitt he is a very plain man. Then he sent us to his closott, where we saw among other things two very iine chests, covered with gold and Indian varnish, given him by the East Indy * A Tragedy, by W. Rowloy. t William Fuller of Miifrdalene Hall, Oxford, was a schoolmaster at Twickenham (Juringthe Rebellion j HIH! MI tlir lii'st.oi-atinn bream'' I>ran of 8t. Patrick's; and iu 1G63, B'.cboo of Liraurick ; aud in lijii? was translated to Lincoln. Ob. 1G75. 1 66 1.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 71 Company of Holland. The Duke comes ; and after he had told us that the fleet was designed for Algier (which was kept from us till now,) we did advise about many things as to the fitting of the fleet, and so went away to White Hall ; and in the Banqueting-house saw the King create my Lord Chancellor and several others, Earles, and Mr. Crewe and several others, Barons : the first being led up by Heralds and five old Earles to the King, and there the patent is read, and the King puts on, his vest, and sword, and coronett, and gives him the patent. And' then he kisseth the King's hand, and rises and stands covered before the King. And the same for each Baron, only he is led up by three of the old Barons. And they are girt with swords before they go to the King. To the Cockpitt ; and there, by the favour of one Mr. Bowman, he and I got in, and there saw the King and Duke of York and hia Duchesse, (which is a plain woman, and like her mother, my Lady Chancellor). And so saw "The Humersome Lieutenant''* acted befora the King, but not very well done. But my pleasure was great to see the manner of it, and so many great beauties, but above all Mrs. Palmer, with whom the King do discover a great deal of familiarity. 21st. Dined with Doctor Thos. Pepysf and Dr. Fayrebrother ; and all our talk about to-morrow's showe, and our trouble that it is like to be a wet day. All the way is so thronged with people to see the tri- umphall arches, that I could hardly pass for them. 22nd. The King's going from the Tower to White Hall. Up early and made myself as fine as I could, and put on my velvet coat, the first day that I put it on, though made half a year ago. And being ready, Sir W. Batten, my Lady, and his two daughters and his son and wife, and Sir W. Pen and his son and I, went to Mr. Young's, the flag- maker, in Corne-hill ; and there we had a good room to ourselves, with wine and good cake, and saw the show very well. In which it is im- possible to relate the glory of this day, expressed in the clothes of them that rid, a,nd their horses and horses-clothes. Among others, my Lord Sandwich's embroidery and diamonds were not ordinary among them. The Knights of the Bath was a brave sight of itself; and their Esquires, among which Mr. Armiger was an Esquire to one of the Knights. Re- marquable were the two men that represent the two Dukes of Nor- mandy and Aquitane. The Bishops come next after Barons, which is the higher place ; which makes me think that the next Parliament they will be called to the House of Lords. My Lord Monk rode bare after the King, and led in his hand a spare horse, as being Master of the Horse. The King, in a most rich embroidered suit and cloak, looked most noble. Wadlow the vintner, at the Devil, in Fleet-street, did lead a fine company of soldiers, all young comely men, in white doublets. There followed the Vice-Chamberlain, Sir G. Carteret, a Company of men all like Turkes ; but I know not yet what they are for. The streets all gravelled, and the houses hung with carpets before them, made brave show, and the ladies out of the windows. So glorious was the show with gold and silver, that we were not able to look at it, our eyes * " The Humorous Lieutenant," a Tragi-comedy, by Beaumont and Fletcher. t Doctor in Civil Law. 72 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1661. at last being so much overcome. Both the King and the Duke of York took notico of us, as they saw us at the window. In the evening, by water to White Hall to my Lord's, and there I spoke with my Lord. He talked with me about his suit, which was made in France, and cost him 200?., and very rich it is with embroidery. CORONACON DAY. 23rd. About four I rose and got to the AWbey, where I followed Sir J. Denham,* the Surveyor, with some company that he was leading in. And with much ado, by the favour of Mr. Cooper, his man, did get up into a great scaffold across the North end of the Abbey, where with a great deal of patience I sat from past four till eleven before the King come in. And a great pleasure it was to see the Abbey raised in the middle, all covered with red, and a throne (that is a chaire) and foot- stoole on the top of it ; and all the officers of all kinds, so much as the very fidlers, in red vests. At last comes in the Dean and Prebends of Westminster, with the Bishops, (many of them in cloth of gold copes,) and after them the Nobility, all in their Parliament robes, which was a most magnificent sight. Then the Duke and the King with a scepter (carried by my Lord Sandwich) and sword and wand before him, and the crowne too. The King in his robes, bare-headed, which was very line. And after all had placed themselves, there was a sermon and the service ; and then in the Quire at the high altar, the King passed through all the ceremonies of the Coronation, which to my great grief I and most in the Abbey could not sec. The crowne being put upon his head, a great shout begun, and he come forth to the throne, and there passed through more ceremdnies : as taking the oath, and having things read to him by the Bishopp ; and his lords (who put on their caps as soon as the King put on his crowne) and bishops come, and kneeled before him. And three times the King at Armes went to the three open places on the scaffold, and proclaimed, that if any one could show any reason why Charles Stewart should not be King of England, that now ha should come and speak. And a Generall Pardon also was read by the Lord Chancellor, and meddalls flung up and down by my Lord Cornwallis.f of silver, but I could not come by any. But so great a noise that I could make but little of the musique ; and indeed, it was lost to every body. I went out a little while before the King had done all his ceremonies, and went round the Abbey to Westminster Hall, all the way within rayles, and 10,000 people with the ground covered with blue cloth ; and scaffolds all the way. Into the Hall I got, where it was very fine with hangings and scaffolds one upon another full of brave ladies ; and my wife in one little one, on the right hand. Here I staid walking up and down, and at last upon one of the side stalls I stood and saw tne King come in with all the persons (but the soldiers) * Created at tho Restoration K.H., and Surveyor-Geuoral of all the King 'a buildings ; better known an the author of "Cooper's Hill." Ob. 10(58. f Sir Frederick Oornwallis, Bart , had been created a l?aron three days before the Coronation. He was Treasurer of His Majesty's Household, and a Privy Coun- sellor. Ob. Jan. 31, 1CG1-2. 1 66 1.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 73 that were yesterday in the cavalcade ; and a most pleasant sight it was to see them in their several robes. And the King come in with his rrowne on, and his sceptre in his hand, under a canopy borne up by six silver staves, carried by Barons of the Cinque Ports, and little bells at every end. And after a long time, he got up to the farther end, and all set themselves down at their several tables ; and that was also a brave sight : and the King's first course carried up by the Knights of the Bath. And many fine ceremonies there was of the Heralds leading up people before him, and bowing ; and my Lord of Albemarle's going to the kitchin and eating a bit of the first dish that was to go to the King's table. But, above all, was these three Lords, Northumberland, and Suffolke,* and the Duke of Ormond, coming before the courses on horse- back, and staying so all dinner-time, and at last bringing up (Dymock) the King's Champion, all in armour on horseback, with his speare and targett carried before him. And a herald proclaims " That if any dare deny Charles Stewart to be lawful King of England, here was a Champion that would fight with him ;" and with these words, the Champion flings down his gauntlet, and all this he do three times in his going up towards the King's table. To which when he is come, the King drinks to him, and then sends him the cup which is of gold, and he drinks it off, and then rides back again with the cup in his hand. I went from table to table to see the Bishops and all others at their dinner, and was infinitely pleased with it. And at the Lords' table, I met with William Howe, and he spoke to my Lord for me, and he did give him four rabbits and a piillet, and so Mr. Creed and I got Mr. Minshell to give us some bread, and so we at a stall eat it, as every body else did what they conld get. I took a great deal of pleasure to go up and down, and look upon the ladies, and to hear the musiqne of all sorts, but above all, the 24 violins. About six at night they had dined, and I went up to my wife. And strange it is to think, that these two days have held up fair till now that all is done, and the King gone out of the Hall ; and then it fell a-raining and thundering and lightening as I have not seen it do for some years : which people did take great notice of ; God's blessing of the work of these two days, which is a foolery to take too much notice of such things. I observed little disorder in all this, only the King's footmen had got hold of the canopy, and would keep it from the Barons of the Cinque Ports, which they endeavoured to force from them again, but could not do it till my Lord Duke of Albemarle caused it to be put into Sir R. Pye'sf hand till to-morrow to be decided. At Mr. Bowyer's ; a great deal of com- pany, some I knew, others I did not. Here we staid upon the leads and below till it was late, expecting to see the fire-works, but they were not performed to-night : only the City had a light like a glory round about it with bonfires. At last I went to King-streete, and there sent Crockford to my father's and my house, to tell them I could not come home to-night, because of the dirt, and a coach could not be had. And * Howard, third Earl of Suffolk. t Sir Robert Pye, Bart., of Fariugdon House, Berks : married Ann. daughter of the celebrated John Hampden. They lived together 60 years, and died ill 1701, within a few weeks of each other. 74 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1661. so I took my wife and Mrs. Frankleyn (who I profered the civility of lying with my wife at Mrs. Hunt's to-night) to Axe-yard, in which at the further end there were three great bonfires, and a great many great gallants, men and women ; and they laid hold of us, and would have us drink the King's health upon our knees, kneeling upon a faggot, which we all did, they drinking to us one after another. Which we thought a strange frolique ; but these gallants continued there a great while, and I wondered to see how the ladies did tipple. At last I sent my wife and her bedfellow to bed, and Mr. Hunt and I went in with Mr. Thornbury (who did give the company all their wine, he being yeoman of the wine-cellar to the King) ; and there, with his wife and two of his sisters, and some gallant sparks that were there, we drank the King's health, and nothing else, till one of the gentlemen fell down stark drunk, and there lay ; and I went to my Lord's pretty well. Thus did the day end with joy every where ; and blessed be God, I hav-J not heard of any mischance to any body through it all, but only to Serj'. Glynne,* whose horse fell upon him yesterday, and is like to kill him, which people do please themselves to see how just God is to punish the rogue at such a time as this : he being now one of the King's Serjeants, and rode in the cavalcade with Maynard,t to whom people wish the same fortune. There was also this night in King-streete, a woman had her eye put out by a boy's flinging a firebrand into the coach. Now, after all this, I can say, that, besides the pleasure of the sight of these glorious things, I may now shut my eyes against any other objects, nor for the future trouble myself to see things of state and showe, as being sure never to see the like again in this world. 24th. At night, set myself to write down these three days' diary, and while I am about it, I hear the noise of the chambers,^ and other things of the fire-works, which are now playing upon the Thames before the King ; and I wish myself with them, being sorry not to see them. 30th. This morning my wife and I and. Mr. Creed, took coach, and in Fish-street took up Mr. Hater and his wife, who through her maske seemed at first to be an old woman, but afterwards I found her to be a very pretty modest black woman. We got a small bait at Leather- head, and so to Godlyman, where we lay all night. I am sorry that I am not at London, to be at Hide-parke to-morrow, among the great gallants and ladies, which will be very fine. May 1. Up early, and bated at Petersfield, in the room which the King lay in lately at his being there. Here very merry, and played with our wivea at bowles. Then we set forth again, and so to Ports- mouth, seeming .to me to be a very pleasant and strong place ; and wo * He had been Iv'eeorder of London ; and diirinpr the, IVoleetorafe was made Chief Justice of the Upper IJeuch : nevertheless lie did Ohtfttee H. great service, and wan in consequence knighted and appointed Kind's Serjeant, and his son rivaled a liaronut Ob. 1GGG. f .Mm Maynard, an eminent lawyer; made Serjeant to Cromwell in K>f)3, and afterward* Kind's Serjeant by Charles II., who knighted him. In 1GG1 ho ivag i-hi'S-ii Member for lioroalsttm, and sat in every Parliament till the Revolution Oh. li;!HI,atrf'd88. 4 Chamber, a species of great gun. Godalming. i66i.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 75 lay at the Eed Lyon, where Haselrigge and Scott and Walton did hold their councill, when they were here, against Lambert and the Committee of Safety. 2nd. To see the room where the Duke of Buckingham was killed by Felton. 6th. I hear to-night that the Duke of York's son is this day dead, which. I believe will please every body ; and I hear that the Duke and his Lady themselves are not much troubled at it. 12th. At the Savoy heard Dr. Fuller preach upon David's words, " I will wait with patience all the days of my appointed time until my change comes ;" but methought it was a poor dry sermon. And I am afraid my former high esteem of his preaching was more out of opinion than judgment. Met with Mr. Creed, with whom I went and walked in Grayes-Inn-walks, and from thence to Islington, and there eate an',' drank at the house my father and we were wont of old to go to ; and after that walked homeward, and parted in Smithfield : and so I home, much wondering to see how things are altered with Mr. Creed, who, twelve months ago, might have been got to hang himself almost as soon as go to a drinking-house on a Sunday. 18th. I went to Westminster; where it was very pleasant to see the Hall in the condition it is now, with the Judges on the benches at the further end of it, which I had not seen all this terme till now. 19th (Lord's day). I walked in the morning towards Westminster, and, seeing many people at York House, I went down and found them at masse, it being the (Spanish ambassador's ; and so I got into one of the gallerys, and there heard two masses done, I think, not in so much state as I have seen them heretofore. After that into the garden, and walked an hour or two, but found it not so tine a place as I always took it for by the outside. Capt. Ferrers and Mr. Howe and myself to Mr. Wilkinson's at the Crowne : then to my Lord's, where we went and sat talking and laughing in the drawing-room a great Avhile. All our talk upon their going to sea this voyage, which Capt. Ferrers is in some doubt whether he shall do or no, but swears that he would go, if he were sure never to come back again ; and I, giving him some hopes, he grew so mad with joy that he fell a-dancing and leaping like a madman. Now it fell out that the balcone windows were open, and he went to the rayle and made an offer to leap over, and asked what if he should leap over there. I told him I would give him 401. if he did not go to sea. With that thought I shut the doors, and W. Howe hindered him all we could ; yet he opened them again, and, with a vault, leaps down into the garden : the greatest and most desperate frolic that ever I saw in my life. I run to see what was become of him, and we found him crawled upon his knees, but could not rise ; so we went down into the garden and dragged him to a bench, where he looked like a dead man, but could not stir ; and, though he had broke nothing, yet his pain in his back was such as he could not endure. With this, my Lord (who was in the little new room) come to us in amaze, and bid us cany him up, which, by our strength, we did, and so laid him in East's bed-room, by the doore ; where he lay in great pain. We sent for a doctor and chyrnrgeon, but none to be found, 76 PEPYS'S DIARY [1661. till by-and-by by chance conies in Dr. Clerke, who is afraid of him.* So we went for a lodging for him. 21st. Up early, and, with Sir R. Slingsby, (and Major Waters the deafe gentleman, his friend for company's sake) to the Victualling- office (the first time that I ever knew where it was), and there staid while he read a commission for enquiry into some of the King's lands and houses thereabouts, that are given his brother. And then wo took boat to Woolwich, where we staid and gave order for the fitting out of some more ships presently. And then to Deptford, where we did the same; and so took barge again, and were overtaken by the King in his barge, he having been down the river with his yacht this day for pleasure to try it ; and, as I hear, Commissioner Pett's do prove better than the Dutch one, and that that his brother built. While we were upon the water, one of the greatest showers of rain fell that ever I saw. The Comptroller and I landed with our bargo at the Temple, and from thence I went to my father's, and there did give order about some clothes to be made. 23rd. In my black silk suit (the first day I have put it on this year) to my Lord Mayor's by coach, with a great deal of honourable com- pany, and great entertainment. At table I had very good discourse with Mr. Ashmole, wherein he did assure me that frogs and many insects do often fall from the sky, ready formed. Dr. Bates's singularity in not rising up nor drinking the King's nor other healths at the table was very much observed. From thence we all took coach, and to our office, and there sat till it was late ; and so I home and to bed by day-light. This day was kept a holy-day through the towne ; and it pleased me to see the little boys walk up and down in procession with their broom-staffs in their hands, as I had myself long ago done. 26th. Sir W. Batten told me how Mr. Prin (among the two or three that did refuse to-day to receive the sacrament upon their knees) was offered by a mistake the drinke afterwards, which he did receive, bring denied the drinke by Dr. Gunning, unless he would take it on his knees ; and after that by another the bread was brought him, and he did take it sitting, which is thought very preposterous. 28th. With Mr. Shepley to the Exchange about business, and there, byMr.Rawlinson's favour, got intoa balcone over against the Exchange ; and there saw the hangman burn, by vote of Parliament, two old acts, the one for constituting us a Commonwealth, and the otherf I have forgot. 29th (King's birth-day). Rose early, and put six spoons and a porringer ol silver in my pocket to give away to-day. Sir W. Pen and I took coach, and (the weather and way being foule) went to Walthamstow ; and being come there heard Mr. Radcliffe, my former school fellow at Paul's, (who is yet a> merry boy,) preach upon " Nay, let him take all, since my Lord the King is returned," &c. He read all, and his sermon very simple. Back to dinner at Sir Wil- liam Batten's ; and then, after a walk in the fine gardens, we went to Mrs. Browne's, where Sir W. Pen and I were godfathers, and Mrs. lie recovered. f It was nn Act for subscribing the Engagement. i66i.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 77 Jordan ami Sliipman godmothers to her boy. And there, before and after the christening, we were with the woman above in her chamber ; but whether we carried ourselves well or ill, I know not ; but I was directed by young Mrs. Batten. One passage of a lady that eate wafers with her dog did a little displease me. I did give the midwife 10-s. and the nurse 5s. and the maid of the house 2s. But for as much I expected to give the name to the childe, but did not, (it being called John,) I forbore then to give my plate. 30th. This day, I hear, the Parliament have ordered a bill to be brought in for restoring the Bishops to the House of Lords ; which they had not done so soon but to spite Mr. Prin, who is every day so bitter against them in his discourse in the House. 13 1st. Great talk now how the Parliament intend to make a collection of free gifts to the King through the Kingdom ; but I think it will not come to much. June 4. To my Lord Crewe's to dinner, and had very good discourse about having of young noblemen and gentlemen to think of going to sea, as being as honourable service as the land war. And among other things he told us how, in Queen Elizabeth's time, one young nobleman Avould wait with a trencher at the back of another till he come to age himself. And witnessed in my young Lord of Kent, that then was, who waited upon my Lord Bedford at table, when a letter come to my Lord Bedford that the Earldome of Kent was fallen to his servant the young Lord ; and so he rose from table, and made him sit down iu his place, and took a lower for himself, for so he was by place to sit. 9th. To White Hall, and there met with Dean Fuller, and walked a great while with him ; among other things discoursed of the liberty the Bishop (by name he of Galloway) takes to admit into orders any body that will ; among others Roundtree, a simple mechanique that was a person formerly of the fleet. He told me he would com- plain of it. 10th. Early to my Lord s, who privately told me how the King had made him Embassador in the bringing over the Queen. That he is to go to Algier, &c., to settle the business, and to put the fleet in order there ; and so to come back to Lisbone with three ships, and there to meet the fleet that is to follow him. He sent for me, to tell me that he do intrust me with the 'seeing of all things done in his absence as to this great preparation, as I shall receive orders from my Lord Chancellor and Mr. Edward Montagu. At all which my heart is above measure glad ; for my Lord's honour, and some profit to my- self, I hope. By and by, out with Mr. Shepley, "VValden,* Parliament- mau for Huntingdon, Kelt, Mackworth, and Alderman Backwell, to a house hard by, to drink Lambeth ale. So I back to the Wardrobe, and there found my Lord going to Trinity House, this being the solemn day of choosing Master, and my Lord is chosen. llth. At the office this morning, Sir G. Carteret with ua ; and we agreed upon a letter to the Duke of York, to tell him the sad condition of this office for want of money ; how men are not able to serve us * Lionel. 78 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1661, more without some money ; and that now the credit of the office is brought so low, that none will yell us any thing without our per- sonal security given for the same. 12th. Wednesday, a day kept between a fast and a feast, the Bishops not being ready enough to keep the fast for foule weather before fair weather come ; and so they were forced to keep it between both. Then to White Hall, where I met my Lord, who told me he must have 300L laid out in cloth, to give in Barbary, as presents among the Turkes. 27th. This day Mr. Holden sent me a bever, which cost me 4L 5s. 28th. Went to Moorefields, and there walked, and stood and saw the wrestling, which I never saw so much of before, between the north and west countrymen. 29th. Mr. Chetwind fell commending of " Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity," as the best book, and the only one that made him a Christian, which puts me upon the buying of it, which I will do shortly 30th (Lord's day). To church, where we observe the trade of briefs is come now up to so constant a course every Sunday, that we resolve to give no more to them. This day the Portuguese Embassador come to White Hall to take leave of the King; he being now going to end all with the Queen, and to send her over. July 2. Went to Sir William Davenant's* Opera ; this being the fourth day that it hath begun, and the first that I have seen it. To- day was acted the second part of " The Siege of Rhodes."! We staid a very great while for the King and Queen of Bohemia. And by the breaking of a board over our heads, we had a great deal of dust fell into the ladies' necks and the men's haire, which made good sport. The King being come, the scene opened; which indeed is very fine and magnificent, and well acted, all but the Eunuche, who was so much out that he was hissed off the stage. 3rd. Dined with my Lady, who is in somej mourning for her brother, Mr. Saml. Crewe, who died yesterday of the spotted fever. 4th. I went to the theatre, and there I saw " Claracilla" (the first time I ever saw it,) well acted. But strange to see this house, that used to be so thronged, now empty since the Opera begun ; and so will continue for a while, I believe. 6th. Waked this morning with news, brought me by a messenger on purpose, that my uncle Robert|| is dead; so I set out on horseback, and got well by nine o'clock to Brampton, where I found my father well. My uncle's corps in a coffin standing upon joynt-stooles in the chimney in the hall ; but it begun to smell, and so I caused it to be set forth in the yard all night, and watched by my aunt. 7th (Lord's day). In the morning my father and I read the will ; where, though he gives me nothing at present till my father's death, or at least very little, yet I am glad to see that he hath done so well * Sir William Davenant, the celebrated dramatic writer, and patentee of the Duke's Theatre in Lincoln's inn Fields. Oh. KIU8, aged 64. t Of which Sir W. Davenant was the :uitliest actor in the world. 8th. This morning up early, and to my Lord Chancellor's with a letter to him from my Lord, and did speak with him ; and he did ask me whether I was son to Mr. Talbot PepysJ or no, (with whom he was once acquainted in the Court of Requests), and spoke to me with great respect. 10th. At St. Gregory's, where I hear our Queene Katherine, the first time by name publickly prayed for. 12th. This day Holmes come to town ; and we dp expect hourly to hear what usage he hath from the Duke and the King about his late business of letting the Swedish Embassador go by him without striking his fiag. 13th. By appointment, we all went this morning to wait upon the Duke of York, which we did in his chamber, as he was dressing himself iu his riding suit to go this day by sea to the Downes. He is in * The celebrated Quaker, and founder of IVnnsyl vauia. t Thomas lietterton, the eeli-ln-ated ;irt<>r, horn in lii.'!."), was tlio son of an under cook to Clmrle.s I., mid first ai>|>e: our Author. i66i.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 87 mourning for his wife's grandmother, which is thought a great piece of fondness. After we had given him our letter relating the bad condition of the Navy for want of money, he referred it to his coming back and so parted. Thence on foot to rny Lord Crewe's ; here I was well re- ceived by my Lord and Sir Thomas ; with whom I had great talk : and he tells me in good earnest that he do believe the Parliament, (which comes to sit again the next week,) will be troublesome to the Court and Clergy, which God forbid ! But they see things carried so by my Lord Chancellor and some others, that get money themselves, that they will not endure it. 17th. To church; and heard a simple fellow upon the praise of Church musique, and exclaiming against men's wearing their hats on in the church. 20th. To Westminster Hall by water in the morning, where I saw the King going in his barge to the Parliament House ; this being the first day of their meeting again. And the Bishops, I hear, do take their places in the Lords' House this day. I walked longe in the Hall, but hear nothing of newes, but what Ned Pickering tells me, which I am troubled at, that Sir J. Minnes should send word to the King, that if he did not remove all my Lord Sandwich's captains out of this fleet, he believed the King would not be master of the fleet at its coming again : and so do endeavour to bring disgrace upon my Lord. But I hope all that will not do, for the King loves him. '21st. At the office all the afternoon ; it being the first afternoon that we have sat, which we are now to do always, so long as the Parliament sits, who this day have voted the King 120,OOOL* to be raised to pay his debts. 28th. Letters from my Lord Sandwich, from Tangier ; where he con- tinues still, and hath done some execution upon the Turks, and retaken an Englishman from them, one Mr. Parker, a merchant in Marke- lane. 29th. I lay long in bed, till Sir Williams both sent me word that we were to wait upon the Duke of York to-day; and that they would have me to meet them at Westminster Hall, at noon : so I rose and went thither ; and there I understand that they are gone to Mr. Coventry's lodgings, in the Old Palace Yard, to dinner (the first time that I knew he had any) ; and there I met them, and Sir G. Carteret, and had a very fine dinner, and good welcome, and discourse : and so, by water, after dinner to White Hall to the Duke, who met us in his closet ; and there did discourse upon the business of Holmes, and did desire of us to know what hath been the common practice about irsaking of forrayne ships to strike sail to us, which they did all do as much as they could ; but I could say nothing to it, which. I was sorry for. After we were gone from the Duke, I told Mr. Coventry that I had heard Mr. Selden often say, that he could prove that in Henry the 7th's time, he did give commission to his captains to make the King of Denmark's ships to strike to him in the Baltique. 30th. This is the last day for the old State's coyne to pass in common * According to the Journals 1,200,000?. 88 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1661. payments, but they say it is to pass in publique payments to the King three mouths still. December 1. There hath lately been great clapping up of some old statesmen, such as Ireton, Moyer,* and others, and they say, upon a great plot, but I believe no such thing ; but it is but justice that they should be served as they served the poor Cavaliers ; and I believe it will oftentimes be so as long as they live, whether there be cause or no Cth. To AVhite Hall, where, at Sir G. Carteret's, Sir Williams both and I dined very pleasantly ; and after dinner, by appointment, came the Governors of the East India Company, to sign and seal the con- tract between us (in the King's name) and them. And, that done, we all went to the King's closet, and there spoke with the King and the Duke of York, who promise to be very careful of the India trade to the utmost. 7th. To the Privy Seale, and sealed there ; and, among other things that passed, there was a patent for Roger Palmer (Madam Palmer's husband) to be Earle of Castlemainef and Baron of Limbricke in Ire- land ; but the honor is tied up to the males got of the body of this wife, the Lady Barbary : the reason whereof every body knows. That done, by water to the office, where I found Sir "VV. Pen, and with him Captn. Holmes, who had wrote his case, and gives me a copy, as he hath many among his friends, and presented the same to the King and Council. Which I have made xise of in my attempt of writing something con- cerning the business of striking sail, which I am now about. Rut he do cry out against Sir John Minnes, as the veriest knave and rogue and coward in the world. 9th. At noon to dinner at the Wardrobe ; where my Lady WrightJ was, who did talk much upon the worth and the desert of gallantry ; and that there was none fit to be courtiers, but such as have been abroad and know fashions. Which I endeavoured to oppose ; and was troubled to hear her talk so, though she be a very wise and discreet lady in other things. 15th. I am now full of study about writing something about our making of strangers strike to us at sea ; and so am altogether reading Selden and Grotius, and such other authors to that purpose. 16th. After dinner to the Opera, where there was a new play, (Cutter of Coleman Street) made in the year 1608, with reflections much upon the late times ; and it being the first time the pay was doubled, and so to save money, my wife and I went into the gallery, and there sat and saw very well ; and a very good play it is. It seems of Colly's making. 21st. To White Hall to the Privy Seale, as my Lord Privy Seale did tt'll ins he could scale no more this month, for he goes thirty miles out of towne to keep his Christmas. At which I was glad, but only afraid lest any thing of the King's should force us to go after him to get a scale in the country. I spoke to Mr. Falconberge to look whether he could out of Domesday Book, give me any thing concerning the sea, and the dominion thereof; which he says he will look after. ' Samuel Moyer, one of the Council of Stab 1 , 1G53. t Ob. July, 17d5. t See note page 19. i66i- 2> ] PEPYS'S DIARY. 89 27th. In the morning to my Bookseller's to bespeak a Stephens' Thesaurus, for which I offer 41., to give to Paul's School, and from thence to Paul's Church ; and there I did hear Dr. Gunning preach a good sermon upon the day, (being St. John's day,) and did hear him tell a story, which he did persuade us to believe to be true, that St. John and the Virgin Mary did appear to Gregory, a Bishopp, at his prayer to be confirmed in the faith, which I did wonder to liear from him. 28th. At home all the morning ; and in the afternoon all of us at the office, upon a letter from the Duke for the making up of a speedy esti- mate of all the debts of the Navy, which is put into good forwardness. 31st. To the office ; and there late finishing our estimate of the debts of the N"avy to this day ; and it come to near 374,0002. I suppose my- self to be worth about 500L clear in the world, and my goods of my house my owne, and what is coming to me from Brampton, when my father dies, which God defer. But, by my uncle's death, the whole care and trouble, and settling of all lies upon me, which is very great, because of law-suits, especially that with T. Frice, about the interest of 200Z. I am upon writing a little treatise to present to the Duke, about our privilege in the seas, as to other nations striking their flags to us. January 2, 1661-62. I went forth, by appointment, to meet with Mr. Grant, who promised to bring me acquainted with Cooper,* the great limner in little. Sir Richd. Fanshaw is come suddenly from Por- tugall, and nobody knows what his business is about. To Faithorne's.f and there bought some pictures of him ; and while I was there, comes by the King's life-guai-d, he being gone to Lincoln's Inne this afternoon to see the Revells there; there being, according to an old custome, a prince and all his nobles, and other matters of sport and charge. llth. To the Exchange, and there all the news is of the French and Dutch joyning against us ; but I do not think it yet true. In the after- noon, to Sir W, Batten's, where in discourse I heard the custome of the election of the Duke of Genoa, who for two years is every day at- tended in the greatest state, and four or five hundred men always waiting upon him as a king ; and when the two years are out, and another is chose, a messenger is sent to him, who stands at the bottom of the stairs, and he at the top, and says, " V a- Illustrissima Serenita sta finita, et puede andar en casa." " Your serenity is now ended ; and now you may be going home ;" and so claps on his hat. And the old Duke (having by custom sent his goods home before,) walks away, it may be but with one man at his heels ; and the new one brought immediately in his room, in the greatest state in the world. Another account was told us, how in the Dukedom of Ragusa, in the Adriatique, a State that is little, but more ancient, they say, than Venice, and is culled the mother of Venice, and the Turkes lie round about it,) that they change all the officers of their guard, for fear of conspiracy, every twenty-four hours, so that nobody knows who shall be captain of the guard to-night ; but two men come to a man, and lay hold of him as a prisoner, and carry him to the place ; and there he hath the keys oi * Samuel Cooper, the celebrated miniature painter. Ob. 1G72. t William FaitlioruCj the well-known engraver. Ob. 1691. 90 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1661-2. the garrison given him, and he presently issues his orders for that night's watch : and so always from night to night. Sir Wm. Rider told the first of his own knowledge ; and both he and Sir W. Batten confirm the last. 13th. Before twelve o'clock comes, by appointment, Mr. Peter and the Dean,* and Colonel Honiwood, brothers, to dine with me ; but so soon that I was troubled at it. Mr. Peter did show us the experiment (which I had heard talke of) of the chymicall glasses, which break all to dust by breaking off a little small end ; which is a great mystery to me. loth. Mr. Berkenshawf asked me whether we had not committed a fault in eating to-day ; telling me that it is a fast day ordered by the Parliament, to pray for more seasonable weather ; it having hitherto been summer weather, that it is, both as to warmth and every other thing, just as if it were the middle of May or June, which do threaten a plague (as all men think) to follow, for so it was almost the last winter ; and the whole year after hath been a very sickly time to this day. 16th. Towards Cheapside ; and in Paul's Church-yard saw the fu- neral of my Lord Cornwallis, late Steward of the King's House, go by. Stoakes told us, that notwithstanding the country of Gambo is so unhealthy, yet the people of the place live very long, so as the present King there is 150 years old, which they count by rains : because every year it rains continually four months together. He also told us, that the Kings there have above 100 wives a-piece. 18th. Comes Mr. Moore to give me an account how Mr. Montagu^ was gone away of a sudden with the fleet, in such haste that he hath left behind some servants, and many things of consequence ; and among others, my Lord's commission for Embassador. "Whereupon he and I took coacn, and to Whitehall to my Lord's lodgings, to have spoko with Mr. Ralph Montagu, his brother ; (and here we staid talking with Sarah and the old man,) but by and by hearing that he was in Covent Garden, we went thither : and at my Lady Harvy's, his sister, I spoke with him, and he tells me that the Commission is not left behind. 22nd. After mnsique-practice, to White Hall, and thence to West- minster, in my way calling at Mr. George Montagu's, to condole on the loss of his son, who was a fine gentleman. After this discourse he told me, among other news, the great jealousys that are now in the Parliament House. The Lord Chancellor, it seems, taking occasion from this late plot to raise fears in the people, did project the raising of an army forthwith, besides the constant militia, thinking to make the Duke of York General thereof. But the House did, in very open termes, say, they were grown too wise to be fooled again into another army ; and said they had found how that man that hath the command of an army is not beholden to any body to make him King. There are * Michael Hollywood, installed Dean of Lincoln, IfifiO. Ob. 1681, aged 85. t Mi'. I'epys's music master. t Edward Montagu. } linlpli, eldest son of Ivhvard, second ]>aron Montagu, of I'.ouirliton ; created Piiko of Montagu, and died 170H. His sister Elizabeth had married SirD. Hurvoy, Knt., Aiiil>a>sa'lor to ( '.piistantiiiojile. i66i-2.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 91 .factious (private ones at Court) about Madam Palmer ; but what it is about I know not. But it is something about the King's favour to her now that the Queene is coming. He told me, too, what sport the King and Court do make at Mr. Edwd. Montagu's leaving his things behind him. But the Chancellor (taking it a little more seriously) did openly say to my Lord Chamberlaiue, that had it been such a gallant as my Lord Mandeville* his son, it might have been taken as a frolique : but fur him that would be thought a grave coxcombe, it was very strange. Thence to the Hall, where I heard the House had ordered all the King's murderers, that remain, to be executed, but Fleetwoodf and Downes. 25th. At home and the office all the morning. Walking in the gar- den to give the gardener directions what to do this year (for I intend to have the garden handsome), Sir W. Pen come to me, and did break a business to me about removing his eon from Oxford to Cambridge to some private college. I proposed Magdalene, but cannot name a tutor at present ; but I shall think and write about it. Thence with him to the Trinity -house to dinner ; where Sir Richd. Brown, one of the clerk es of the Council, and who is much concerned against Sir N. Crisp's project of making a great sassej in the King's lands about Deptford, to be a wett-dock to hold 200 sail of ships. But the ground, it seems, was long since given by the King to Sir Richard. After the Trinity- house men had done their business, the master, Sir Win. Rider, come to bid us welcome ; and so to dinner. Conies Mr. Moore with letters from my Lord Sandwich, speaking of his lying still at Tangier, looking for the fleet ; which, we hope, is now in a good way thither. 27th. This morning, both Sir Williams and I by barge to Deptford- yard to give orders in business there ; and called on several ships, also to give orders. Going to take water upon Tower-hill, we met with three sleddes standing there to carry my Lord Monson and Sir H. Mildmayll and another, to the gallows and back again, with ropes about their necks ; which is to be repeated every year, this being the day of their sentencing the King. February 1. This morning with Commissioner Pett to the office; and he staid there writing, while I and Sir W. Pen walked in the * Lord Mandoville was a Gentleman of tbe Bedchamber to Charles II. He became Karl of Manchester on his father's death, and died at Paris in 1682. t Charles, sou of Sir Win. Fleetwood, Knt., General and Commander in Chief U the Protector Richard, whose sister, Bridget, widow of Iretou, he had married. After the King's return he lived in contemptible obscurity, and died circa 1689. t '' Sasse, a sluice, or lock, used in water-works." Bailey's Dictionary. Tliis project is mentioned by Evelyn, and Lysons, Environs, vol. iv. p. 392. William, second son of Sir Thomas Monson, Bart. ; created by Charles I. Viscount Castlemaine of the kingdom of Ireland; notwithstanding which, he \\.-is instrumental in his Majesty's death: and in 1661, being degraded of his honours, was sentenced, with Sir Henry Mildmay and Mr. Robert Wallop, to be drawn on sledges, with ropes round their necks, to Tyburn, and back to the Tower, there to remain prisoners for life. None of their names were subscribed to the King's sentence. H Sir H. Mildmay had enjoyed the confidence of Charles I., who made him Master of the Jewels ; but he sat a few days as one of the King's Judges, He died at Antwerp. 92 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1661-2. garden talking about his business of putting his son to Cambridge ; and to that end I intend to write to-night to Dr. Fairebrother, to give me an account of Mr. Burton* of Magdalene. Thence with Mr. Pett to the Paynter's ; and he likes our pictures very well, and so do I. Thence he and I to the Countesse of Sandwich, to lead him to her to kiss her hands : and dined with her, and told her the news (which Sir W. Pen told me to do) that expresseis come from my Lord with letters, that by a great storm and tempest the mole of Argier is broken down, and many of their ships sunk into the mole. So that God Almighty hath now ended that unlucky business for us ; which is very good news. 4th. To Westminster Hall, where it was full terme. Here all the morning, and at noon to my Lord Crewe's, where one Mr. Templer (an ingenious man and a person of honour he seems to be) dined; and, discoursing of the nature of serpents, he told us some in the waste places of Lancashire do grow to a great bigness, and do feed upon larkes, which they take thus: They observe when the lark is soared to the highest, and do crawl till they come to be just underneath them ; and there they place themselves with their mouth uppermost, and there, as is conceived, they do eject poyeon upon the bird ; for the bird do suddenly come down again in its course of a circle, and falls directly into the mouth of the serpent ; which is very strange. He is a great traveller ; and, speaking of the tarantula, he says that all the hardest long (about which times they are most busy) there are fidlers go up and down the fields every where, in expectation of being hired by those that are stung. This afternoon, going into the office, one met me and did serve a subpcxma upon me for one Field, whom we did com- mit to prison the other day lor some ill words he did give the office. The like he had for others, but we shall scoure him for it. 5th. To the Playhouse, and there saw " Rule a Wife and have a Wife;"f very well done. And here also I did look long upon my Lady Castlemaine, who, notwithstanding her sickness, continues a great beauty. 7th. I hear the prisoners in the Tower that are to die are come to the Parliament-house this morning. To the Wardrobe to dinner with my Lady ; where a civitt cat, parrot, apes, and many other things, aro, come from my Lord by Captain Hill, who dined with my Lady with us to-day. Thence to the Paynter's, and am well pleased with our pictxircs. 10th. To Paul's Church-yard, and there 1 met with Dr. Fuller's " England's Worthys," the first time that I ever saw it ; and so I sat down reading in it ; being much troubled that (though he had somo discourse with me about my family and armes) he says nothing at all, nor mentions us either in Cambridgeshire or Norfolke. But I believe, indeed, our family were never considerable. 13th. Mr. Blackburne do tell me plain of the corruption of all our Treasurer's officers, and that they hardly pay any money under ten per cent. ; and that the other day for a mere assignation of 200Z. to somo Heekiah Burton, S. T, B. 1661. t A Conu-dy, by J. 'Fletcher. i66i- 2 .] PEPYS'S DIARY. 93 counties, they took 15?. which is very strange. Last night died the Queene of Bohemia. 15th. With the two Sir Williams to the Trinity -house ; and there in their society had the business debated of Sir Nicholas Crisp's sasse at Deptford. After dinner I was sworn a Younger Brother ; Sir W. Rider being Deputy-Master for my Lord of Sandwich ; and after I was sworn, all the Elder Brothers shake me by the hand : it is their custom, it seems. No news yet of our fleet gone to Tangier, which we now begin to think long. 17th. This morning, both Sir Williams, myself, and Captn. Cock, and Captn. Tinker of the Covertine, which we are going to look upon, (being intended with these ships fitting for the East Indys) down to Deptford ; and thence, after being on ship-board, to Woolwich, and there eat something. The Sir Williams being unwilling to eat flesh, Captn. Cock and I had a breast of veale roasted. 18th. Having agreed with Sir Wm. Pen to meet him at the Opera, and finding by my walking in the streets, which were every where full of brick-bates and tyles flung down by the extraordinary winde the last night (such as hath not been in memory before, unless at the death of the late Protector,) that it was dangerous to go out of doors ; and hearing how several persons had been killed to-day by the fall of things in the streets, and that the pageant in Fleet-streete is most of it blown down, and hath broke down part of several houses, among others Dick Brigden's ; and that one Lady Sanderson, a person of qiiality in Covent- Garden, was killed by the fall of the house, in her bed, last night ; I sent my boy to forbid him to go forth. But he bringing me word that lie is gone, I went thither and saw " The Law against Lovers,"* a good play and well performed, especially the little girl's (whom I never saw act before) dancing and singing ; and were it not for her, the losse of Roxalaua would spoil the house. 20th. Letters from Tangier from my Lord, telling me how, upon a great delete given to the Portuguese there by the Moors, he had put in 300 men into the towne, and so he is in possession, of which we are very glad, because now the Spaniards' designs of hindering our getting the place are frustrated. I went with the letter inclosed to my Lord Chancellor to the House of Lords, and did give it him in the House. Went by promise to Mr. Savill's, and there sat the first time for my picture in little, which pleaseth me well. 22nd. This evening I wrote letters to my father ; among other things acquainted him with the unhappy accident which hath happened lately to my Lord of Dorset's two oldest sons, who, with two Belasses and one Squire Weutworth, were lately apprehended for killing and robbing of a tanner about Newington on Wednesday last, and are all now in Newgate. I am much troubled for it, and for the grief and disgrace it brings to their familys and friends.f * A tragi-comody by Sir William Pavenant ; taken from " Measure for Measure," and " Much Ado about Nothing." t The following account of this transaction is abridged from tho Mermriits PnbJicua of the day :" Charles Lord Burkhnrst, Edward Sackville, Esq., his brother; Sir Henry Belasyse, K.B., eldest sou of Lord Belasyse ; John Belasyse, 94 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1661-2. 23rd. This day by God's mercy I am 29 years of age, and in very good health, and like to live and get an estate ; and if I have a heart to be contented, I think I may reckon myself as happy a man as any in the world, for which God be praised. So to prayers and to bed. 25th. Great talk of the effects of this late great wind ; and I heard one say that he had five great trees standing together blown down ; and, beginning to lop them, one of them, as soon as the lops were cut off, did, by the weight of the root, rise again and fasten. We have letters from the forest of Deane, that above 1000 oakes and as many beeches are blown down in one walke there. And letters from my father tell me of 20Z. hurt done to us at Brampton. This day in the news-booke I find that my Lord Buckhurst* n/nd his fellows have printed their case as they did give it in upon examination to a Justice of Peace, wherein they make themselves a very good tale that they were in pursuit of thieves, and that they took this man for one of them, and so killed him ; and that he himself confessed it was the first time of his robbing ; and that he did pay dearly for it, for he was a dead man. But I doubt things will be proved otherwise than they say. Harcli 1. To the Opera, and there saw " Borneo and Juliet," the first time it was ever acted. I am resolved to go no more to see the first time of acting, for they were all of them out more or less. 3rd. I am told that this day the Parliament hath voted 2s. per annum for every chimney in England, as a constant revenue for ever to the Crowne. 7th. Early to White Hall to the chapel, where by Mr. Blagrave's means I got into his pew, and heard Dr. Creeton, the great Scotchman, and chaplain in ordinary to the King, pi-each before the King, and Duke and Duchesse, upon the words of Micah : " Roule yourselves in dust." He made a most learned sermon upon the words ; but in his application, the most comical man that ever I heard in my life. Just such a man as Hugh Peters; saying that it had been better for the poor Cavalier never to have come with the King into England again ; for he that hath the impudence to deny obedience to the lawful ma- gistrate, and to swear to the oath of allegiance, &c., was better treated now-a-days in Newgate, than a poor Royalist that hath suffered all his life for the King, is at White Hall among his friends. 8th. By coach with both Sir Williams to Westminster ; this being a great day there in the House to pass the business for chimney-money, which was done. In the Hall I met with Surgeon Pierce : and he told me how my Lady Monk hath disposed of all the places which Mr. brother to Lord Faulconberg ; and Thomas W'mtwort.h, Esq., only son of Sir (',., whilst in pursuit of thieves near AValtham Cross, mortally wounded (in innocent limner n;mn.d Tfoppy, whom they had endeavoured to see ii iv, suspecting him to hnve lieen ono of the robbers; and as they took away tlio money found on his person, under the idea that it was stolen property, they were soon after nppivliciided on the charges of robbery nud murder; but the Grand Jury found a bill for manslaughter only." By a subsequent allusion in the Diary to their trial, it seems probable that a verdict, of acquittal was pronounced. Charles Lord BuckUurst, eldest son of, fifth Karl of Dorset; created Earl of Middlesex soon after his uncle's death, in 1675, and succeeded his father in 1G77. (}]>. 17H5-6. i66i-2.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 95 Edwd. Montagu hoped to have had as he was Master of the Horse to the Queene ; which I am afraid will undo him, because he depended much upon the profit of what he should make by these places. He told me, also, many more scurvy stories of him and his brother Ealph, which troubles me to hear of persons of honour as they are. Sir AY. Pen and I to the office, whither afterward come Sir G. Carteret ; and we sent for Sir Thos. Allen, one of the Aldermen of the City,* about the business of one Colonel Appesly, whom we had taken counterfeiting of bills with all our hands and the officers of the yards, so well that I should never have mistrusted them. We staid about this business at the office till ten at night, and at last did send him with a constable to the Counter ; and did give warrants for the seizing of a complice of his, one Blenkinsopp. 12th. This morning we had news from Mr. Coventry, that Sir G. Downingf (like a perfidious rogue, though the action is good and oi service to the King, yet he cannot with a good conscience do it) hath taken Okey,J Corbet, and Barkestead at Delfe, in Holland, and sent them home in the Blackmore. Sir W. Pen, talking to me this after- noon of what a strange thing it is for Downing to do this, he told me of a speech he made to the Lords States of Holland, telling them to their faces that he observed that he was not received with the respect and observance now that he was when he came from the traitor and rebell Cromwell : by whom, I am sure, he hath got all he hath in the world, and they know it too. 14th. Home to dinner. In the afternoon come the German Dr. Kuuffler, to discourse with us about his engine to blow up "ships. We doubted not the matter of fact, it being tried in Cromwell's time, but the safety of carrying them in ships ; but he do tell us, that when he comes to tell the King his secret, (for none but the Kings, successively, and their heirs must know it,) it will appear to be of no danger at all. We concluded nothing : but shall discourse with the Duke of York to- morrow about it. 16th. "Walked to White Hall ; and an houre or two in the Parke, which is now very pleasant. Here the King and Dnke come to see their fowle play. The Duke took very civil notice of me. 17th. Last night the Blackmore pinke brought the three prisoners, Barkestead, Okey, and Corbet, to the Tower, being taken at Delfe in Holland ; where, the Captain tells me, the Dutch were a good while before they cotild be persuaded to let them go, they being taken prisoners in their land. But Sir G. Downing would not be answered so : though all the world takes notice of him for a most ungrateful villaine for his pains. 21st. To Westminster Hall; and there walked up and down and heard the great difference that hath been between my Lord Chancellor and my Lord of Bristol, about a proviso that my Lord Chancellor would have brought into the Bill for Conformity, that it shall be in the * Probably Sheriff of London, 1654. ) According to Hume, Downing had once been Chaplain to Okey's regiment, j John Okey, Miles Corbet, and John Barkstead, three of the regicides ; executed April 19th following. D6 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1662. power of the King, when he sees fit to dispense with the Act of Con- formity ; and though it be carried in the House of Lords, yet it is Velieved it will hardly pass in the Commons. 23rd. To White Hall, and there met with Captn. Isham, this day come from Lisbone, with letters from the Queene to the King. And he did give me letters which speak that our Meet is all at Lisbone ; and that the Queene do not intend to embarque sooner than to-morrow come fortnight. 24th. By and by comes La Belle Pierce to see my wife, and to bring her a pair of peruques of hair, as the fashion now is for ladies to wear ; which are pretty, and are of my wife's own hair, or else I should not endure them. April 6. (Lord's day). By water to White Hall, to Sir G. Carteret, to give him an account of the backwardnesse of the ships we have hired to Portugall : at which he is much troubled. Thence to the Chapel, and there, though crowded, heard a very honest sermon before the King by a Canon of Christ Church, upon these woi'ds, " Having a form of godlinesse, but denying," &c. Among other things he did much insist upon the sin of adultery : which methought might touch the King, and the more because he forced it into his sennon, besides his text. So up and saw the King at dinner ; and thence with Sir G. Carteret to his lodgings to dinner, with him and his lady. All their discourse, which was very much, was tipon their sufferings and services for the King. Yet not without some trouble, to see that some that had been much bound to them, do now neglect them ; and others again most civil that have received least from them : and I do believe that he hath been a good servant to the King. Thence to the Parke, where the King and Duke did walk. 7th. To the Lords' House, and stood within the House, while the Bishops and Lords did stay till the Chancelloi - 's coming, and then we were put out. I sent in a note to my Lord Privy Scale, and he come out to me ; and I desired lie would make another deputy for me, because of my great business of the Navy this month ; but he told me he could not do it without the King's consent, which vexed me. The great talk is, that the Spaniards and the Hollanders do intend to set upon the Portugais by sea, at Lisbone, as soon as our fleet is come away ; and by that means our fleet is, not likely to come yet these two months or three ; which I hope is not true. 9th. Sir George* showed me an account in French of the great famine, which is to the greatest extremity in some part of Trance at this day ; which is very strange. 10th. Yesterday come Col. Talbot with letters from Portugall, that the Queene is resolved to embarque for England this week. Thence to the office all the afternoon. My Lord Windsorf come to us to dis- course of hi ; a Hairs, and to take his leave of us ; he being to go Go- vernor of Jamaica with this fleet that is now going. 1 Itli. With Sir W. ['on by water to Deptford ; and among the ships f Thomns P.nron Winder, Lord Lieutenant of Woiwstcrsluro ; iidvniiwl 1o tlm Eavltium of Plymouth, lijx-2. <>!>. 1<;*7. 1662.] FEPYS'S DIARY. 97 now going to Portugall with men and horse, to see them dispatched. So to Greenwich ; and had a fine pleasant walk to Woolwich, having iu our company Captn. Minnes, whom I was much pleased to hear talk. Among other things, he and the Captains that were with us told me that negroes drowned looked white and lose their blackness, which I never heard before. At Woolwich up and down to do the same busi- ness ; and so back to Greenwich by water. Sir William and I walked into the Parke, where the King hath planted trees and made steps in the hill up to the Castle, which is very magnificent. So tip and down the house, which is now repayriiig in the Queene's lodgings. 13th. To Grayes Inn walkes ; and there met Mr. Pickeriiig. His discourse most about the pride of the Duchesse of York; and how all the ladies envy my Lady Castlemaine. He intends to go to Portsmouth to meet the Queene this week ; which is now the discourse and expecta- tion of the towne. I- 5th. With my wife, by coach, to the New Exchange, to buy her some things ; where we saw some new-fashion pcttycoats of sarcenett, with a black broad lace printed round the bottom and before, very handsome, and my wife had a mind to one of them. 19th. This morning, before we sat, I went to Aldgate; and at the corner shop, a draper's, I stood, and did see Barkestead, Okey, and Corbet, drawne towards the gallows at Tiburne; and there they were hanged and quartered. They all looked very cheerful ; but I hear they all die defending what they did to the King to be just ; which is very strange. 20th. (Lord's-day). My intention being to go this morning to White Hall to hear Louth, my Lord Chancellor's chaplain, the famous preacher and oratour of Oxford, (who the last Lord's-day did sink down iu the pulpit before the King, and could not proceed,) it did rain, and the wind against me, that I could by no means get a boat or coach to carry me ; and so I staid at Paul's, where the Judges did all meet, and heard a sermon, it being the first Sunday of the terme; but they had a very poor sermon. 21st. At noon dined with my Lord Crewe ; and after dinner went up to Sir Thos. Crewe's chamber, who is still ill. He tells me how my Lady Duchesse of Richmond* and Castlemaine had a falling out the other day ; and she calls the latter Jane Shore, and did hope to see he? come to the same end. Coming down again to my Lord, he told me that news was come that the Queene is landed ; at which I took leave, and by coach hurried to White Hall, the bells ringing in several places; but I found there no such matter, nor anything like it. 22nd. We come to Gilford. 23rd. Up early, and to Petersfield; and thence got a countryman to guide us by Havant, to avoid going through the Forest ; but he carried us much cut of the way. I lay at Wiard's, the chyrurgeon's, in Ports- mouth. 24th. All of us to the Fay-house ; but the books net being ready, wt, * Mary, daughter to Georgo Pnko ot Buckingham wife of James, fourth I) nice of Lcunox, and third Duke of Richmond. n 98 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1662. went to church to the lecture, where there was my Lord Ormond and Manchester, and much London company, though not so much as I expected. Here we had a very good sermon upon this text : " In love serving one another;" which pleased me very well. No news of the Queene at all. So to dinner ; and then to the Pay all the afternoon. Then W. Pen and I walked to the King's Yard. 26th. Sir George and I, and his clerk Mr. Stephens, and Mr. Holt our guide, over to Gosport; and so rode to Southampton. In our way, besides my Lord Southampton's* parks and lands, which in one viewe we could see 60001. per annum, we observed a little church-yard, where the graves are accustomed to be all sowed with sage. At Southampton. The towne is one most gallant street, and is walled round with stone, &c., and Bevis's picture upon one of the gates ; many old walls of reli- gious houses, and the keye, well worth seeing. 27th. I rode to church, and met my Lord Chamberlaine upon the walls of the garrison, who owned and spoke to me. I followed him in the crowde of gallants through the Queene's lodgings to chapel ; the rooms being all rarely furnished, and escaped hardly being set on fire yesterday. At chapel we had a most excellent and eloquent sermon. By coach to the Yard, and then on board the Swallow in the dock, where our navy chaplain preached a sad sermon, full of nonsense and false Latin ; but prayed for the Eight Honourable the principall officers. Visited the Mayor, Mr. Timbrell, our anchor-smith, who showed us the present they have for the Queene ; which is a salt-sellar of silver, the walls christall, with four eagles and four greyhounds standing up at the top to bear up a dish ; which indeed is one of the neatest pieces of plate that ever I saw, and the case is very pretty also.f This evening come a merchantman in the harbour, which we hired at London to carry horses to Portugall ; but Lord ! what run- ning there was to the seaside to hear what news, thinking it had come from the Queene. May 1. Sir G. Carteret, Sir W. Pen, and myself, with our clerks, set out this morning from Portsmouth very early, and got by noon to Pctersfield ; several officers of the Yard accompanying us so far. At dinner comes my Lord CarlingfordJ from London, going to Ports- mouth : tells us that the Duchesseof York is brought to bed of a girle, at which I find nobody pleased ; and that Prince Eupert and the Duke of Buckingham are sworne of the Privy Councell. 7th. Walked to Westminster ; where I understand the news that Mr. Montagu is last night come to the King with news, that he left the Queene and fleete in the Bay of Biscay, coming this wayward ; and that * Tiehfirld House, nvrtrd by Sir Thomas Wriothesley, on the site of an Abbey of Preinonstra.t.enses, granted in him with their estates, 29th Henry VIII. Upon tin? dcatli of his descendant, Thomas, Earl of Southampton, and Lord Treasurer, without issue male, the house and manor wore allotted to his eldest daughter Kli/.Mlieth, wife of Kdnuuid, 1 st Earl of Gainsborough ; and their only son dying s. ]> JH., the property devolved to his sister Elizabeth, married to Henry, Duke of Portland, whose grandson, the 3rd Duke, alienated it to Mr. Delme. t A salt-Hellar answering this description is preserved at the Tower. t Theobald second Viscount Toafe, created Earl of Carlinrford, co. Louth, 1 662.] PEPTS'S DIAKT. 99 lie believes she is now at the Isle of Scilly. Thence to Paul's Church Yard ; where seeing my Ladys Sandwich and Carteret, and my wife (who this day made a visit the first time to my Lady Carteret)," come by coach, and going to Hide Parke, I was resolved to follow them ; and so went to Mrs. Turner's : and thence at the Theatre, where I saw the last act of the " Knight of the Burning Pestle,"* (which pleased me not at all). And so after the play done, she and The: Turner and Mrs. Lucin and I, in her coach to the Parke ; and there found them out, and spoke to them ; and observed many fine ladies, and staid till all were gone almost. 8th. Sir G. Carteret told me, that the Queene and the fleet were in Mount's Bay on Monday last ; and that the Queene endures her sick- ness pretty well. He also told me how Sir John Lawson hath done some execution upon the Turkes in the Straight, of which I was glad, and told the news the first on the Exchange, and was much followed by merchants to tell it. Sir G. Carteret, among other discourse, tells me that it is Mr. Coventry that is to come to us as a Commissioner of the Navy ; at which he is much vexed, and cries out upon Sir W. Pen, and threatens him highly. And looking upon his lodgings, which are now enlarging, he in a passion cried, " Guarda mi spada ; for, by God, I may chance to keep him in Ireland, when he is there :" for Sir W. Pen is going thither with my Lord Lieutenant. But it is my design to keep much in with Sir George ; and I think I have begun very well towards it. 9th. The Duke of York went last night to Portsmouth ; so that I believe the Queene is near. 10th. At noon to the Wardrobe ; there dined. My Lady told me how my Lady Castlemaine do speak of going to lie in at Hampton Court ; which she and all our ladies are much troubled at, because of the King's being forced to show her countenance in the sight of the Queene when she comes. In the evening Sir G. Carteret and I did hire a ship for Tangier, and other things together ; ?,r.i I find that he do single me out to join with me apart from the rest, which I am much glad of. llth. In the afternoon to White Hall ; and there walked an houre or two in the Parke, where I saw the King now out of mourning, in a suit laced with gold and silver, which it is said was out of fashion. Thence to the Wardrobe ; and there consulted with the ladies about going to Hampton Court to-morrow. 12th. Mr. Townsend called us up by four o'clock ; and by five the three ladies, my wife and I, and Mr. Townsend, his son and daughter, were got to the barge and set out. We walked from Mortlake txi Richmond, and so to boat again. And from Teddington to Hampton Court Mr. Townsend and I walked again. And then met the ladies, and were showed the whole house by Mr. Marriott ; which is indeed nobly furnished, particularly the Queene's bed, given her by the States of Holland ; a looking-glasse sent by the Queene-mother from France, hanging in the Queene's chamber, and many brave pictures. And so to barge again ; and got home about eight at night very well. * A Comedy by Beaumont and Fletcher. H2 100 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1662. 14th. Dined at the Wardrobe ; and after dinner, sat talking an hour or two alone with my Lady. She is afraid that my Lady Castlemaine will keep still with the King. 15th. To Westminster ; and at the Privy Scale I saw Mr. Coventry's seal for his being Commissioner with us. At night, all the bells of the towne rung, and bonfires made for the joy of the Queene's arrival, who landed at Portsmouth last night. But I do not see much true joy, but only an indifferent one, in the hearts of the people, who are much dis- contented at the pride and luxury of the Court, and running in debt. 18th. (Whitsunday.) By water to White Hall, and there to chapel in my pew belonging to me as Clerke of the Privy Scale ; and there I heard a most excellent sermon of Dr. Hacket,* Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, upon these words : " He that drinketh this water shall never thirst." We had an excellent anthem, sung by Captn. Cooke and another, and brave musique. And then the King come down and offered, and took the sacrament upon his knees; a sight very well worth seeing. After dinner to chapel again ; and there had another good anthem of Captn. Cooke's. Thence to the Councell-chamber ; where the King and Councell sat till almost eleven o'clock at night, and I forced to walk up and down the gallerys till that time of night. They were reading all the bills over that are to pass to-morrow at the House, before the King's going out of towne and proroguing the House. At last the Councell risen, Sir Or. Carteret told me what the Councell hath ordered about the ships designed to carry horse from Ireland to Portugall, which is now altered. 19th. I hear that the House of Commons do think much that they should be forced to huddle over business this morning against after- noon, for the King to pass their Acts, that he may go out of towne. But he, I hear since, was forced to stay till almost nine o'clock at night before he could have done, and then prorogued them ; and so to Gilford, and lay there. 20th. Sir W. Pen and I did a little business at the office, and so home again. Then comes Dean Fuller ;f and I am most pleased with his company and goodness. 21st. My wife and I to my Lord's lodging ; where she and I staid walking in White Hall garden. And in the Privy-garden saw the finest smocks and linnen petticoats of my Lady Castlemaine's, laced with rich lace at the bottom, that ever I saw : and did me good to look at them. Sarah told me how the King dined at my Lady Castlemaine's, and supped, every day and night the last week ; and that the night that the bonfireswere made for joy of the Queene's arrivall,the King was there ; but there was no fire at her door, though at all the rest of the doors almost in the street ; which was much observed : and that the King and she did send for a pair of scales and weighed one another; and slic, boing with child, was said to bo heaviest. But she is now a must disconsolate cronturo, and comes not out of doors, since the King's going! 22nd. This morning cornea an order from tho Secretary >,( >X;itr * John ll.ii.-krt. rlrrtr.l liisliop of that srf 1CC1. 01.). 1G70. f D.-ati of St. Fntrirk's. i662.] PEPYS'S DTARY. 101 Nicholas, for me to let one Mr. Lee, a Couucellor, view what papers I have relating to passages of the late times, wherein Sir H. Vane's hand is employed, in order to the drawing up his charge ; which I did. 23rd. To the Wardrobe, reading of the King's and Chancellor's late speeches at the proroguing of the Houses of Parliament. And while I was reading, news was brought me that my Lord Sandwich is come and gone up to my Lady's chamber ; which by and by he did, and looks very well. He very merry, and hath left the King and Qneene at Portsmouth, and is come up to stay here till next Wednesday, and then to meet the King and Queene at Hampton Court. S& to dinner ; and my Lord mighty merry ; among other things, saying that the Qneene is a very agreeable lady, and paints well. After dinner I showed him my letter from Teddimnn about the news from Argier, which pleases him exceedingly; and he writ one to the Duke of York about it, and sent it express. 2ith. Abroad with Mr. Creed, of whom I informed myself of all I had a mind to know. Among other things, the great difficulty my Lord hath been in all this summer for lack of good and full ordecs from the King : and I doubt our Lords of the Councell do not mind things as the late powers did, but their pleasure or profit more. That the Bull Feasts are a simple sport, yet the greatest in Spaine. That the Queene hath given no rewards to any of the captains or officers, but only to my Lord Sandwich ; and that was a bag of gold, which was no honorable present, of about 1400Z. sterling. How recluse the Qneene hath ever been, and all the voyage never come upon the deck, nor put her head out of her cabin ; but did love my Lord's musique, and would send for it down to the state-room, and she sit in her cabin within heai'ing of it. But my Lord was forced to have Rome clashing with the Council of Portugall about payment of the portion, before he could get it ; which was, besides Tangier and free trade in the Indys, two mil- lions of crownes, half now, and the other half in twelve months. But they have brought but little money ; but the rest in sugars and other commoditys, and bills of exchange. That the King of Portugall is a very foole almost, and his mother do all, and he is a very poor Prince. 25th. To church, and heard a good sermon of Mr. Woodcocke's at our church : only in his latter prayer for a woman in childbed, he prayed that God would deliver her from the hereditary curse of childe- bearing, which seemed a pretty strange expression. Out with Captn. Ferrers to Charing Cross ; and there at the Triumph taverne he showed me some Portugall ladys, which are come to towne before the Queene. They are not handsome, and their farthingales a strange dress. Many ladies and persons of quality come to see them. I find nothing in them that is pleasing ; and I see they have learnt to kiss and look freely up and down already, and I do believe will soon forget the recluse practice of their own country. They complain much for lack of good water to drink. The King's guards and some City com- panies do walk up and downe the towne these five or six days ; which makes me think, and they do say, there are some plots in laying. 26th. To the Trinity House ; where the Brethren have be -n at Dept 102 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1662. ford choosing a new Master ; which is Sir J. Minnes, notwithstand- ing Sir W. Batten did contend highly for it; at which I am not a little pleased, because of his proud lady. 29th. This day, being the King's birth-day, was very solemnly ob- served; and the more, for that the Queene this day comes to Hampton Court. In the evening bonfires were made, but nothing to the great number that was heretofore at the burning of the Rump. 31st. The Queene is brought a few days since to Hampton Court : and all people say of her to be a very fine and handsome lady, and very discreet ; and that the King is pleased enough with her : which, I fear, will put Madam Castlemaine's nose out of joynt. The Court is wholly now at Hampton. A peace with Ai'gier is lately made ; which is also good news. My Lord Sandwich is lately come with the Queene from sea, very well and in good repute. The Act for Uniformity is lately printed, which, it is thought, will make mad work among the Presby- terian ministers. People of all sides are very much discontented ; some thinking themselves used, contrary to promise, too hardly ; and the other, that they are not rewarded so much as they expected by the King. June 3. At the office, and Mr. Coventry brought his patent and took his place with us this morning. To the Wardrobe, where I found my lady come from Hampton Court, where the Queene hath used her very civilly ; and my lady tells me is a most pretty woman. Yesterday (Sir R. Ford told me) the Aldermen of the City did attend her in their habits, and did present her with a gold cupp and 1000Z. in gold therein. But, he told me, that they are so poor in their Chamber, that they were fain to call two or three Aldermen to raise fines to make up this sum. 4th. Povy * and Sir W. Batten and I by water to Woolwich ; and there saw an experiment made of Sir R. Ford's Holland's yarne, (about which we have lately had so much stir ; and I have much concerned myself for our rope-maker, Mr. Hughes, who represented it so bad,) and we found it to be very bad, and broke sooner than, upon a fair triall, five threads of that against four of Riga yarne ; and also that some of it had old stuffe that had been tarred, covered over with new hempe, which is such a cheat as hath not been heard of. 7th. To the office. I find Mr. Coventry is resolved to do much good, and to enquire into all the miscarriages of the office. At noon with him am 1 Sir \V. liatten to dinner at Trinity House; whera, among others, Sir J. Robinson, Lieutenant of the Tower, was, who says that yesterday Sir H. Vane had a full hearing at the King's Bench, and is found guilty ; and that he did never hear any man argue more simply than he in all his life, and HO others say. Sent for to Sir G. Carteret's. I perceive, as he told me, were it not that Mr. Coventry Lad already feathered his nest in selling of places, he do like him very well, and hopes great good from him. But he complains so of lack of money, Thomas Povy, M.P. for Mossinry. KI5S, ami Tivasmvr for Tangier. Ev.-',.,-! mentions his house in Lincoln's Iim-firMs ; .-mil In; ai>i-ars, from ;iu aneiuut jilau i'f Whitehall Palace, to have had ;i|iartiaciits (here. i66 2 .] PEPYS'S DIABY. 103 that my heart is very sad, under the apprehension of the fall of the office. 10th. All the morning much business ; and great hopes of bringing things, by Mr. Coventry's means, to a good condition in the office. 12th. I tried on my riding cloth suit with close knees, the first that ever I had ; and I think they will be very convenient. At the office all the morning. Among other businesses, I did get a vote signed by all, concerning my issuing of warrants, which they did not smell the use 1 intend to make of it ; but it is to plead for my clerks to have their right of giving out all the warrants. A great difference happened be- tween Sir G. Carteret and Mr. Coventry, about passing the Victualler's account, and whether Sir George is to pay the Victualler his money, or the Exchequer ; Sir George claiming it to be his place to save his three-pences. It ended in anger, and 1 believe will come to be a question before the King and Council. 13th. Up by 4 o'clock in the morning, and read Cicero's Second Oration against Catiline, which pleased me exceedingly : and more I discern therein than ever I thought was to be found in him ; but I perceive it was my ignorance, and that he is as good a writer as ever I read in my life. By and by to Sir G. Carteret's, to talk with him about yesterday's difference at the office ; and offered my service to look into my old books or papers that I have, that may make for him. He was well pleased therewith, and did much inveigh against Mr. Coventry ; telling me how he had done him service in the Parliament, when Prin had drawn up things against him for taking of money for places ; that he did at his desire, and upon his letters, keep him off from doing it. And many other things he told me, as how the King was beholden to him, and in what a miserable condition his family would be, if he should die before he hath cleared his accounts. Upon the whole, I do find that he do much esteem of me, and is my friend. 14th. About 11 o'clock, having a room got ready for us, we all went out to the Tower-hill ; and there, over against the scaffold, made on purpose this .day, saw Sir Henry Vane brought. A very great press of people. He made a long speech, many times interrupted by the Sheriffe and others there ; and they would have taken his paper out of his hand, but he would not let it go. But they caused all the books of those that writ after him to be given the Sheriffe ; and the trumpets were brought under the scaffold that he might not be heard. Then he prayed, and so fitted himself, and received the blow ; but the scaffold was so crowded that we could not see it done. But Boreman, who had been upon the scaffold, told us, that first he began to speak of the irregular proceeding against him; that he was, against Magna Charta, denied to have his exceptions against the indictment allowed ; and that there he was stopped by the Sheriffe. Then he drew out his paper of notes, and begun to tell them first his life ; that he was born u gentleman ; he had been, till he was seventeen years old, a good /ellow, but then it pleased God to lay a foundation of grace in his heart, by which he was persuaded, against his worldly interest, to leave all preferment and go abroad, where he might serve God with more free- dom. Then he was called home; and made a member of the Long 104- PEPYS'S DIARY. [1662. Parliament ; where lie never did, to this day, any thing against his conscience, but all for the glory of God. Here he would have given them au account of the proceedings of the Long Parliament, but they so often interrupted him, that at last he was forced to give over : and so fell into prayer for England in generall. then for the churches in England, and then for the City of London : and so fitted himself for the block, and received the blow. He had a blister, or issue, upon his neck, which he desired them not to hurt : he changed not his colour or speech to the List, but died justifying himself and the cause he had stood for ; and spoke very confidently of his being presently at the right hand of Christ ; and in all things appeared the most resolved man that ever died in that manner, and showed more of heate than cowardize, but yet with all humility and gravity. One asked him why he did not pray for the King. He answered, " You shall see I can pray for the King : I pray God bless him !" The King had given his body to his friends ; and, therefore, he told them that he hoped they would be civil to his body when dead ; and desired they would let him die like a gentleman and a Christian, and not crowded and pressed as he was. So to the office a little, and to the Trinity-house, and there all of us to dinner ; and to the office again all the afternoon till night. This day, I hear, my Lord Peterborough is come unexpected from Tangier, to give the King an account of the place, which, we fear, is in none of the best condition. We had also certain news to-day that the Spaniard is before Lisbone with thirteen sayle ; six Dutch, and the rest his own ships ; which will, I fear, be ill for Portugall. I writ a letter of all this day's proceedings to my Lord, at Hinchingbroke. 18th. Up early ; and after reading a little in Cicero, to my office. To my Lord Crewe's and dined with him ; where I hear the courage of Sir H. Vane at his death is talked on everywhere as a miracle. I walked to Lilly's,* the painter's, where I saw among other rare things, the Duchesse of York, her whole body, sitting in state in a chair, in white sattin, and another of the King's, that is not finished ; most rare things. I did give the fellow something that showed them us, and promised to come some other time, and he would show me Lady Castlemaine's, which I could not then see, it being locked up ! Thence to Wright's.f the painter's : but, Lord ! tlie difference that is between their two works. 20th. Drew up the agreement between the King and Sir John Winter! about the Forrest of Deane ; and having done it, he come himself, (I did not know him to be the Queene's Secretary before, but observed him to be a man of fine parts) ; and we read it, and both liked it well. That done, I turned to the Forrest of Deane, in Speede's Mapps, and there he showed me how it lies ; and the Sca-bayly, with the great charge of carrying it to Lydny, and many other things worth my knowing ; and I do perceive that I am very short in my business by not knowing many times the geographical part of my business. I went to the Exchange, and I hear that the merchants have a * IVtcr Lc-ly, the pe.lobrntod painter, afterwards knighted. Ob. 1(180. t Mii-Iia"! Wright., a native of Scotland, and portrait-painter of some note, settled in London. j Srnviary and < 'hanccllor to the t^necn Dowagt*. i66z.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 105 great fear of a breach with the Spaniard ; for they think he will not; brook our having Tangier, Dunkirke, and Jamaica ; and our merchants begin to draw home their estates as fast as they can. 21st. At noon, Sir W. Pen and I to the Trinity House; where was a feast made by the Wardens. Great good cheer, and much bnt ordinary company. The Lieutenant of the Tower, upon my de- manding how Sir H. Vane died, told me that he died in a passion ; but all confess with so much courage as never man did. 22nd. This day I am told of a Portugall lady, at Hampton Court, that hath dropped a child already since the Queene's coming, and the King would not have them searched whose it is ; and so it is not commonly known yet. Coming home to-night, I met with Will. Swau, who do talk as high for the Fanatiques as ever he did in his life ; and do pity my Lord Sandwich and me that we should be given up to the wickedness of the world ; and that a fall is coming upon us all ; for he finds that he and his company are the true spirit of the nation, and the greater part of the nation too, who will have liberty of con- science in spite of this " Act of Uniformity," or they will die ; and if they may not preach abroad, they will preach in their own houses. He told me that certainly Sir H. Vane must be gone to Heaven, for he died as much a martyr and saint as ever man did ; and that the King hath lost more by that man's death, than he will get again a good while. At all which I know not what to think ; but, I confess, I do think that the Bishops will never be able to carry it so high as they do. Meeting with Frank Moore, my Lord Lambeth's man for- merly, we, and two or three friends of his did go to a taverne ; but one of our company, a talking fellow, did in discourse say much of this Act against Seamen, for their being brought to account ; and that it was made on purpose for my Lord Sandwich, who was in debt 100,OOOZ. and hath been forced to have pardon oftentimes from Oliver for the same : at which I was vexed. 24th. At night news is brought me that Field the rogue hath this day cast me at Guildhall in HOL for his imprisonment, to which I signed his commitment with the rest of the officers; but they having been parliament-men, he do begin the law with me ; but threatens more. 26th. Mr. Nicholson,* my old fellow-student at Magdalene, come, and we played three or four things upon the violin and basse. 27th. To my Lord, who rose as soon as he heard I was there ; and in his night-go wne and shirt stood talking with me alone two hours, I believe, concerning his greatest matters of state and interest. Among other things, that his greatest design is, first, to get clear of all debts to the King for the Embassy money, and then a pardon. Then, to get his land settled ; and then to discourse and advise what is best for him, whether to keep his sea employment longer or no. For he do discern that the Duke would be willing to have him out, and that by Coventry's means. And here he told me, how the terms at Argier were wholly his ; and that he did plainly tell Lawson and * Thomas Nicholson, A.M., 1C72. 106 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1663. agree with him, that he would have the honour of them, if they should ever be agreed to ; and that accordingly they did come over hither entitled, " Articles concluded on by Sir J. Lawson, according to in- structions received from His Royal Highness James Duke of York, &c. and from His Excellency the Earle of Sandwich." (Which however was more than needed ; but Lawson tells my Lord in his letter, that it was not he, but the Council of Warr that would have " His Royal Highness" put into the title, though he did not contribute one word to it.) But the Duke of York did yesterday propose them to the Council, to be printed with this title: "Concluded on by Sir J. Lawson, Knt." and my Lord quite left out. Here I find my Lord very politique ; for he tells me, that he discerns they design to set up Lawson as much as they can : and that he do counterplot them by setting him up higher still ; by which they will find themselves spoiled of their design, and at last grow jealous of Lawson. This he told me with much pleasure ; and that several of the Duke's servants, by name my Lord Barkeley, Mr. Talbot, and others, had complained to my Lord, of Coventry, and would have him out. My Lord do acknowledge that his greatest obstacle is Coventry. He did seem to hint such a question as this : " Hitherto I have been supported by the King and Chancellor against the Duke ; but what if it should come about, that it should be the Duke and Chancellor against the King :" which, though he said it in several plain words, yet I could not fully under- stand it ; but may more hereafter. My Lord did also tell me, that the Duke himself at Portsmouth did thank my Lord for all his pains and care ; and that he perceived it must be the old Captains that must do the business ; and that the new ones would spoil all. And that my Lord did very discreetly tell the Duke, (though quite against his judgement and inclination) that, however, the King's new captaines ought to be borne with a little and encouraged. By which lie will oblige that party, and prevent, as much as may be, their envy ; but he says certainly things will go to rack if ever the old captains should be wholly out, and the new ones only command. I met Sir W. Pen ; he told me the day now was fixed for his going into Ireland ; and that whereas I had mentioned some service he could do a friend of mine there, Saml. Pepys,* he told me he would most readily do what I would command him. 28th. Great talk there is of a fear of a war with the Dutch ; and we have order to pitch upon twenty ships to be forthwith set out ; but I hope it is but a scare-crow to the world, to let them see that we can be ready for them; though, God knows! the King is not able to set out five ships at this present without great difficulty, we neither having money, credit, nor stores. 30th. Told my Lady (Carter* t) how my Lady Fanshawf is fallen out with her only for speaking in behalf of the French, which my Lady wonders at, they having been formerly like sisters. Thence to my house, where I took great pride to lead her through * Mentioned elsuwlicre as "My cousin in Iroliiii'l." t Anno, daughter of Sir John Harrison, wife of Sir liicharcl Fivushawe. She wrote Memoirs of her life. ridv fxn- I662.} PEPYS'S DIAEY. 107 the Court by the hand, she being very fine, and her page carrying up her train. OBSEBVATIONS. This I take to be as bad a juncture as ever I observed. The King and his new Queene .minding their pleasures at Hampton Court. All people discontented ; some that the King do not gratify them enough ; and the others, Fanatiques of all sorts, that the King do take away their liberty of conscience ; and the height of the Bishops, who I fear will ruin all again. They do much cry up the manner of Sir H. Vane's death, and he deserves it. Much clamour against the chimney -money ; and the people say, they will not pay it without force. And in the meantime, like to have war abroad ; and Portugall to assist, when we have not money to pay for any ordinary layings-out at home. July 2. Up while the chimes went four, and so put down my journal. So to my office, to read over such instructions as concern the officers of the Yard ; for I am much upon seeing into the miscarriages there. By and by, by appointment, comes Commissioner Pett; and then a messenger from Mr. Coventry, who sits in his boat expecting us. So we down to him at the Tower, and there took water all, and to Deptford, (he in our passage taking notice how much difference there is between the old Captains for obedience and order, and the King's new Captains, which I am very glad to hear him confess) ; and there we went into the Store-house, and viewed first the provisions there, and then his books, (but Mr. Davis himself was not there) ; and I do not perceive that there is one-third of their duties performed ; but I per- ceive, to my great content, Mr. Coventry will have things performed. In the evening come Mr. Lewis to me, and very ingeniously did en- quire whether I ever did look into the business of the Chest at Chatham ; and after my readiness to be informed did appear to him, he did produce a paper, wherein he stated the government of the Chest to me ; and upon the whole did tell me how it hath ever been abused, and to this day is ; and what a meritorious act it would be to look after it ; which I am resolved to do, if God bless me : and do thank him very much for it. 3rd. Dined with the Officers of the Ordnance ; where Sir W. Compton, Mr. O'Xeale, and other great persons, were. After dinner, was brought to Sir W. Compton a gun to discharge seven times ; the best of all devices that ever I saw, and very serviceable, and not a bawble ; for it is rmich approved of, and many thereof made. 6th. To supper with my Lady (Sandwich) ; who tells me, wit!i much trouble, that my Lady Castlemaine is still as great with the King, and that the King comes as often to her as ever he did. Jack Cole, my old friend, found me out at the Wardrobe ; and, among other things, he told me that certainly most of the chief ministers of London would fling up their livings ; and that, soon or late, the issue thereof would be sad to the King and Court. 8th. To the Wardrobe ; where, all alone with my Lord above an 108 PEPYS'S DIARY. [i66 2o hour ; and he do seem still to have his old confidence in me ; and tells me to boot, that Mr. Coventry hath spoke of me to him to great advan- tage ; wherein I am much pleased. By and by comes in Mr. Coventry to visit my Lord ; and so my Lord and he and I walked together in the great chamber a good while ; and I found him a most ingenuous man and good company. 16th. This day I was told that my Lady Castlemaine (being quite fallen out with her husband) did yesterday go away from him, with all her plate, jewels, and other best things ; and is gone to Richmond to a brother of hers ; which, I am apt to think, was a design to get out of town, that the King might come at her the better. 1 7th. To my office, and by and by to our sitting ; where much business. Mr. Coventry took his leave, being to go with the Duke over for the Queene- Mother. 19th. In the afternoon I went upon the river : it raining hard upon the water, I put ashore and sheltered myself, while the King come by in his barge, going down towards the Downes to meet the Queene : the Duke being gone yesterday. But methought it lessened my esteem of a Icing, that he should not be able to command the rain. 21st. To Woolwich to the Rope-yard ; and there looked over several sorts of hemp, and did fall upon my great survey of seeing the working and experiments of the strength and the charge in the dressing of every sort ; and I do think have brought it to so great a certainty, as I have clone the King some service in it ; and do purpose to get it ready against the Duke's coming to towne to present to him. I see it is impossible for the King to have things done as cheap as other men. 22nd. I had letters from the Downes from Mr. Coventry ; who tells me of the foul weather they had last Sunday, that drove them back from near Bologne, whither they were going for the Queene, back again to the Downes, with the loss of their cables, sayles, and masts ; but are all safe, only my Lord Sandwich, who went before with the yacht : they know not what is become of him, which do trouble me much ; but 1 hope he got ashore before the storm begun ; which God grant! 23rd. Much disturbed, by reason of the talk up and downe the towne, lhat my Lord Sandwich is lost: but I trust in Ciod the contrary. 24th. I hear, to my great content, that my Lord Sandwich is safe landed in France. 26th. I had a letter from Mr. Creed, who hath escaped narrowly in the King's yacht, and got safe to the Downes after the late storm ; and lie says that there the King do tell him, that he is sure my Lord is landed in Callis safe. This afternoon I went to Westminster : and there hear that the King and Queene intend to come to White Hall from Hampton Court next week, for all winter. Thence to Mrs. Sarah,* and there looked over my Lord's lodgings, which are very pretty ; and White Hall garden and the Bowling-ally (where lords and ladies are now at bowles), in brave condition. Mrs. Sarah told me how the falling out In 'tween my Lady Castlemaine and her Lord was about christening of the child lately, which he would have, and had done by a priest : and * Lord Sanilwidi's Housekeeper. x66a.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 109 some Jays after, she had it again christened by a minister ; the King, and Lord of Oxford,* and Duchesse of Suffolkf being witnesses : and christened with a proviso, that it had not already been christened. Since that she left her Lord, carrying away every thing in the house ; so much as every dish, and cloth, and servant but the porter. He is gone discontented into France, they say, to enter a monastery ; and row she is coming back again to her house in King-streete. But I hear that the Queene did prick her out of the list presented her by the King ; desiring that she might have that favour done her, or that he would send her from whence she come : and that the King was angry and the Queene discontented a whole day and night upon it ; but that the King hath promised to have nothing to do with her hereafter. But I cannot believe that the King can fling her off so, he loving her too well : and so I writ this night to my Lady to be my opinion ; she calling her my lady, and the lady I admire. Here I iind that my Lord hath lost the garden to his lodgings, and that it is turning into a tennis- court. 27th. I to walk in the Parke, which is now every day more and more pleasant, by the new works upon it. 28th. Walked to the water-side, and there took boat for the Tower ; hearing that the Queene-Mother is come this morning already as high as Woolwich : and that my Lord Sandwich was with her ; at which my heart was glad. 30th. By water to White Hall, and there waited upon my Lord Sandwich ; and joyed him, at his lodgings, of his safe coming home after all his danger, which he confesses to be very great. And his people do tell me how bravely my Lord did carry himself, while my Lord Crofts J did cry ; and I perceive all the town talk how poorly he carried himself. But the best was one of Mr. Rawlins, a courtier, that was with my Lord ; and in the greatest danger cried, " My Lord I won't give you three-pence for your place now." But all ends in the honour cf the pleasure-boats ; which, had they not been very good boats, they could never have endured the sea as they did. 31st. At noon Mr. Coventry and I by his coach to the Exchange together; and in Lumbard-sU'eete met Captn. Browne of the Rose- bush : at which he was cruel angry ; and did threaten to go to-day to the Duke at Hampton Court, and get him turned out because he was not sailed. August 3. This day Commissioner Pett told me how despicable a thing it is to be a hangman in Poland, although it be a place of credit. And that, in his time, there was some repairs to be made of the gallows there, which was very fine of stone ; but nobody could be got to mend it till the Burgo-master, or Mayor of the towne, with all the companies of those trades which were necessary to be used about those repairs, did go in their habits with flags, in solemn procession to the place, a.nd * Aubrey de Vere, twentieth and l.ifit Earl of Oxford. Ob. 1702-3. s. p. t Perhaps a mi stake for Countess, as there was no Duchess of Suffolk at that period. t William Crofts, created Barou Crofts of Saxham in Suffolk 1C58, aud die 1 ' . p. 1C77. 110 KEPYS'S DIARY. [1662. there the Burgomaster did give the first blow with the hammer upon the wooden work ; and the rest of the Masters of the Companys upon the works belonging to their trades ; that so workmen might not bo ashamed to be employed upon doing of the gallows works. 6th. By water to White Hall; and so to St. James's; but there found Mr. Coventry gone to Hampton Court. So to my Lord's ; and he is also gone : this being a great day at the Council about some business before the King. Here Mr. Pierce, the chyrurgeon, told me how Mr. Edward Montagu hath lately had a duell with Mr. Cholmely, that is first gentleman-usher to the Queene, and was a messenger to her from the King of Portugal!, and is a fine gentleman ; but had re- ceived many affronts from Mr. Montagu, and some unldndness from my Lord, upon his score, (for which I am sorry.) He proved too hard for Montagu, and drove him so far backward that he fell into a ditch, and dropt his sword, but with honour would take no advantage over him ; but did give him his life : and the world says Mr. Montagu did carry himself very poorly in the business, and hath lost his honour for ever with all people in it. This afternoon Mr. Waith was with me, and did tell me much concerning the Chest, which I am resolved to look into ; and I perceive he is sensible of Sir W. Batten's carriage ; and is pleased to see any thing work against him. 8th. Dined with Mr. Falconer ; thence we walked talking all the way to Greenwich, and I do find excellent discourse from him. Among other things, his rule of suspecting every man that proposes any thing to him to be a knave ; or, at least, to have some ends of his own in it. Being led thereto by the story of Sir John Millicent, that would have had a patent from King James for every man to have had leave to have given him a shilling ; and that he might take it of every man that had a mind to give it ; and what he would do to them that would not give him. He answered, he would not force them ; but that they should come to the Council of State, to give a reason why they would not. Another rule is a proverb that he hath been taught, which is that a man that cannot sit still in his chamber, (the reason of which I did not understand,) and he that cannot say no, (that is, that is of so good a nature that he cannot deny any thing, or cross another in doing any thing) is not fit for business. The last of which is a very great fault of mine, which I must amend in. 9th. Mr. Coventry and I alone sat at the office all the morning upon business. And so to dinner to Trinity House, and thence by his coach towards White Hall ; but there being a stop at the Savoy, we light and took water, and my Lord Sandwich being out of towne, we parted there. 10th. I walked to St. Dunstan's, the church being now finished ; and here I heard Dr. Bates,* who made a most eloquent sermon ; and I am sorry I have hitherto had so low an opinion of the man, for I have not heard a neater sermon a great while, and more to my content. My uncle Fenner told me the new service-booke (which is now lately come forth) was laid upon their deske at St. Sepulchre's Dr. Bates, a celebrated Nonconformist divine. i66 2 .] PEPYS'S DIAEY. ill for Mr. George to read ; but he laid it aside, and would not meddle with it : and I perceive the Presbyters do all prepare to give over al] against Bartholomewtide. Mr. Herring, being lately turned out at St. Bride's, did read the psalme to the people while they sung at Dr. Bates's, which methought is a strange turn. After dinner to St. Bride's, and there heard one Carpenter, an old man, who, they say, hath been a Jesuite priest, and is come over to us ; but he preached very well. Mr. Calamy hath taken his farewell this day of his people, and others will do so the next Sunday. Mr. Turner,* the draper, I hear, is knighted, made Alderman, and pricked for Sheriffe, with Sir Thomas Bluddel,f for the next year, by the King, and so are called with great honour the King's Sheriffes. 13th. Up early, and to my office. By and by we met on purpose to enquire into the business of flag-makers, where I am the person that do chiefly manage the business against them on the King's part ; and I do find it the greatest cheat that I have yet found ; they having eightpence per yard allowed them by pretence of a contract, where no such thing appears; and it is threepence more than was formerly paid, and than I now ofler the board to have them done. To Lam- beth ; and there saw the little pleasure-boat in building by the King, my Lord Brunkard,^ and the virtuosoes of the towne, according to new ines, which Mr. Pett cries up mightily, but how it will prove we shall soon see. 14th. Commissioner Pett and I being invited, went by Sir John Winter's coach sent for us, to the Miter, in Fanchurch-street, to a venison-pasty ; where I found him a very worthy man ; and good dis- course. Most of which was concerning the Forest of Deane, and the timber there, and irou-workes with their great antiquhVy, and the vast heaps of cinders, which they find, and are now of great value, being necessary for the making of iron at this day ; and without which they cannot work : with the age of many trees there left at a great fall in Edward the Third's time, by the name of forbid-trees, which at this day, are called vorbid trees. 15th. I went to Paul's Church Yai'd to my bookseller's ; and there I hear that next Sunday will be the last of a great many Presbyterian ministers in towne, who, I hear, will give up all. I pray God the issue may be good, for the discontent is great. My mind well pleased with a letter that I found at home from Mr. Coventry, expressing his satisfaction in a letter I writ last night, and sent him this morning, to be corrected by him in order to its sending down to all the Yards as a charge to them. 17th. This being the last Sunday that the Presbyterians are to preach, xinless they read the new Common Prayer and renounce the Covenant, I had a mind to hear Dr. Bates's farewell sermon; and * Sir William Turner, Lord Mayor of London, 16G9. t A mistake for Bludwortli. t William, second Lord Brouncker, Viscount of Castle Lyons ; created M.D., iu 1G42, at Oxford: Keeper of the Great Seal to the Queen; a Commissioner of the Achniralty; and Master of St. Catherine's Hospital. He was a man of considerable talents, and some years President of the Royal Society. Ob. 1684, aged 64. 112 PEPYS'S DIAKY. [166* walked to St. Dunstan's, where, it not being seven o'clock yet, the doors were not open ; and so I walked an. hour in the Temple-garden. At eight o'clock I went, and crowded in at a back door among others, the church being half-full almost before any doors were open publicly ; and so got into the gallery, beside the pulpit, and heard very well. His text was, " Now the God of Peace - ;" the last Hebrews, and the 20th verse : he making a very good sermon, and very little reflec- tions in it to any thing of the times. To Madam Turner's, and dined with her. She had heard Parson Herring take his leave ; tho' he, by reading so much of the Common Prayer as he did, hath cast himself out of the good opinion of both sides. After dinner to St. Dunstan's again ; and the church quite crowded before I come, which was just at one o'clock ; but I got into the gallery again, but stood in a crowd. He* pursued his text again very well ; and only at the conclusion told us, after this manner : " I do believe that many of you do expect that I should say something to you in reference to the time, this being the last time that possibly I may appear here. You know not it is not my manner to speak anything in the pulpit that is extraneous to my text and business ; yet this I shall say, that it is not my opinion, fashion, or humour that keeps me from complying with what is re- quired of us ; but something after much prayer, discourse, and study yet remains unsatisfied, and commands me herein. Wherefore, if it ia my unhappinesse not to receive such an illuminacion as should direct me to do otherwise, I know no reason why men should not pardon me in this world, as I am confident God will pardon me for it in the next." And so he concluded. Parson Herring read a psalm e and chapters before sermon ; and one was the chapter in the Acts, where the story of Ananias and Sapphira is. And after he had done, sayd he, " This is just the case of England at present. God he bids us to preach, and men bid us not to preach ; and if we do, we are to be imprisoned and further punished. All that I can say to it is, that I big your prayers, and the prayers of all good Christians, tor us." This was all the exposition he made of the chapter in these very words, and no more. I was much pleased with Batea's manner of bringing in the Lord's Prayer after his owne; thus, " In whose comprehensive words we sum up all our imperfect desires ; saying, ' Our Father,' " r:n-e with John, King of Sweden. He was also employed to confirm the trade of thu English with Kussia; and, having incurred some personal danger, was received with favour on his return by the Queen. He died in 1016. There is a portrait ot him in Lord Suffolk's collection at Charlton. 116 PEPYS'S DIARY. ^662. go in his night-dress, since he might not go as a soldier. And lastly, when the Emperor in contempt, to show his command of his subjects, lid command one to leap from the window down and broke his neck in he sight of our Embassador, he replied that his mistress did set more by, and did make better use of the necks of her subjects : but said, that, to show what her subjects would do for her, he would, and did, fling down his gantlett before the Emperor ; and challenged all the nobility there to take it up, in defence of the Emperor against his Queeue ; for which, at this very day, the name of Sir Jerom Bowes is famous and honoured there. I this day heard that Mr. Martin Noell is knighted by the King, which I much wonder at ; but yet he is certainly a very useful man. 7th. Home with Mr. Fox and his lady ; and there dined with them. Most of our discourse was what ministers are flung out that will not conform : and the care of the Bishop of London that we are here sup- plied with very good men. Meeting Mr. Pierce, the chyrurgeon, he took me into Somersett House ; and there carried me into the Queene- Mother's presence-chamber, where she was with our own Queeue sitting on her left hand (whom I did never see before) ; and though she be not very charming, yet she hath a good, modest, and innocent look, which is pleasing. Here I also saw Madam Castlemaine, and, which pleased me most, Mr. Crofts,* the King's bastard, a most pretty sparke of about 15 years old, who, I perceive, do hang much upon my Lady Castlemaine, and is always with her ; and, I hear, the Queenes both are mighty kind to him. By and by in comes the King, and anon the Duke and his Duchesse ; so that, they being all together, was such a sight as I never could almost have happened to see with so much ease and leisure. They staid till it was dark, and then went away ; the King and his Queene, and my Lady Castlemaine and young Crofts, in one coach and the rest in other coaches. Here were great stores of great ladies, but very few handsome. The King and Queene were very merry ; and he would have made the Queene-Mother believe that his Queene was with child, and said that she said so. And the young Queene answered, " You lye ;" which was the first English word that I ever heard her say : which made the King good sport ; and he would have made her say in English, " Confess and be hanged." 8th. With Mr. Coventry to the Duke ; who, after lie was out of his bed, did send for us in ; and, when he was quite ready, took us into his closet, and there told us that he do intend to renew the old custom for the Admirals to have their principal officers to meet them once a-week, to give them an account what they have done that week ; which I am glad of: and HO the rest did tell His Royal Highness that I could do it best for the time past. And so I produced my short notes, and did give him an account of all that we have of late done ; and proposed to im several things for his commands, which he did give us, and s.i dismissed us. 12th. This day, by letters from my father, I hear that Captn. Ferrers, * James, son of Charles II. by Mrs. Lucy Waters ; who bore the name of Crofts till he was created Duke of Jlonmouth in 1662, previously to his uuirriajfe with Lady Anuo Soot, daughter to Frauds, Earl of Bucc'cuch- i6r 2. At night hearing that there was a play at the Cockpit, (and my Lord Sandwich, who como to town last night, at it,) I do go thither, and by very great fortune did follow four or five gentlemen who wen- carried to a little private door in a wall, and so crept through a inn-row place and come into one of the boxes next the King's, but so as I could not see the King or Queene, but many of the fine Ia4ies, who yet are not really so handsome generally as I used to take them to be, but that they are finely dressed. Then we saw " The Cardinall,"* a tragedy I had never seen before, nor is there any great matter in it. The company that come in with me into the box, were all Frenchmen that could speak no English, but Lord ! what sport they made to * A tragi-comedy by James Shirley. i66 2 .] PEPYS'S DIAEY. 119 ask a pretty lady that they got among them that understood both French and English to make her tell them what the actors said. 5th. I to church ; and this day the parson has got one to read with a surplice on. I suppose himself will take it up hereafter, for a cunning fellow he is as any of his coate. b'th. To White Hall with Mr. Coventry, and so to my Lord Sand- wich's lodgings, but my Lord not within, being at a ball tins night with the King at my Lady Castlemaine's at next door. 8th. To my Lord Sandwich's, and among other things to my extraordinary joy, he did tell me how nmch I was beholding to the Duke of York, who did yesterday of his own accord tell him that he did thank him for one person brought into the Navy, naming myself, and much more to my commendation, which is the greatest comfort and encouragement that ever 1 had in my life, and do owe it all to Mr. Coventry's goodness and ingenuity. At night by coach to my Lord's again, but he is at White Hall with the King, before whom the puppet plays I saw this summer in Covent-garden are acted this night. 9th. To the office ; and I bid them adieu for a week, having the Duke's leave got me by Mr. Coventry. To whom I did give thanks for my news yesterday of the Duke's words to my Lord Sandwich concerning me, which he took well ; and do tell me so freely his love and value of me, that my mind is now in as great a state of quiet as to my in- terest in the office, as I could ever wish to be. Between one and two o'clock got on horseback at our back gate, with my man Will, with me, both well-mounted on two grey horses. We got to Ware before night; and so I resolved to ride on to Puckeridge, which we did, though the way was bad, and the evening dark before we got thither, by help of company riding before us ; among others, a gentleman that took up at the same inn, his name Mr. Brian, with whom I supped, and was very good company, and a scholar. He tells me, that it is believed the Queene is with child, for that the coaches are ordered to ride very easily through the streets. 10th. Up, and between eight and nine mounted again, and so rid to Cambridge ; the way so good that I got very well thither, and set up at the Beare : and there my cosen Angier come to me, and I must needs to his house; and there found Dr. Fairbrother, with a good dinner. But, above all, he telling me that this day there is a Congre- gation for the choice of some officers in the University, he after dinner gets me a gowne, cap, and hoode, and carries me to the Schooles, where Mr. Pepper, my brother's tutor, and this day chosen Proctor, did ap- point a M.A. to lead me into the Regent House, where I sat with them, and did vote by subscribing papers thus : " Ego Samuel Pepys eligo Magistrum Bernardum Skelton, (and which was more strange, my old schoolfellow and acquaintance, and who afterwards did take notice of me, and we spoke together,) alterum c taxatoribus hujus Academias in annum sequentem." The like I did for one Briggs, for the other Taxor, and for other officers, as the Vice-Proctor, (Mr. Covell) for Mr. Pepper, and which was the gentleman that did carry me into the Regent House. 120 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1662. llth. To Brampton ; where I found my father and two brothers, my mother and sister. 12fch. To chnrch; where I saw, among others, Mrs. Hanbury, a proper lady, and Mr. Bernard and his Lady, with her father, my late Lord St. John,* who looks now like a very plain grave man. 13th. To the Court, and did sue ont a recovery, and cut off the entayle ; and my brothers there, to join therein. And my father and I admitted to all the lands ; he for life, and I for myself and my heirs in reversion. I did with most compleat joy of mind go from the Cour4 with my father home, and away, calling in at Hinchingbroke, and taking leave in three words of my Lady, and the young ladies ; and so by moonlight to Cambridge, whither we come at about nine o'clock, and took up at the Beare. loth. Showed Mr. Cooke King's College Chapel, Trinity College, and St. John's College Library; and that being done, to our inn again ; where I met Dr. Fail-brother. He told us how the room we were in, was the room where Cromwell and his associated officers did begin to plot and act their mischiefs in these counties. Took leave of all, and begun our journey about nine o'clock, the roads being every where but bad ; but finding our horses in good case, we even made shift to reach London, though both of us very weary. Found all things well, there happening nothing since our going to my discontent in the least degree ; which do also please me, that I cannot but bless God for my journey, observing a whole course of successe from the beginning to the end of it. 16th. I hear Sir H. Bennett is made Secretary o State in Sir Edward Nicholas's stead; not knowrr Avhether by consent or not. 17th. To Creed's chamber, and there eat a good while and drank chocolate. Here I am told how things go at Court ; that the young men get uppermost, and the old serious lords are out of favour ; that Sir H. Bennet, being brought into Sir Edward Nicholas's place, Sir Charles Barkeley is made Privy Purse ; a most vicious person, and one whom Mr. Pierce, the surgeon, did tell me that he offered his wife 300?. per annum to be his mistress. He also told me, that none in Court hath more the King's eare now than Sir Charles Barkeley, and Sir H. Bennet, and my Lady Castlemaine, whose interest now is as great as ever : and that Mrs. Haslerigge, the great beauty, is now brought to bed, and lays it to the King or the Duke of York. He tells me also, that my Lord St. Albans is like to be Lord Treasurer : all which things do trouble me much. 19th (Lord's-day). Put on my first new lace-band; and so neat it in, that I am resolved my great expence shall be lace-bands, and it will set off any thing else the more. I am sorry to hear that the news of * Oliver St. John, oi.;> of Cromwell's Lords, and Chief Justin- ; and therefore, after the Restoration, properly railed ".My //< Lord." His third daughter, Eliza- beth, by his second wife, daughter of He'.iry Cromwell of rpwood, Esq., uncle to the Protector, married Mr. John lieniard, who became a Baronet ou the death of his father, Sir Robert, in !(!(), and was M.P. for Huntingdon. Ob. KWL t Created Huron of Arlington 1 (!(!.'{. and Visroiint Thetford and Earl of Arlington, IG72 1 he WHS ulso K.Q., and Chamberlain tn the King. Ob. 1G83. 1 662.] PEPYS'S DIAEY. 121 the selling of Dunjdrke is taken so generally ill, as I find it is among the merchants ; and other things, as removal of officers at Court, good for worse ; and all things else made much worse in their report among people than they are. And this night, I know not upon what ground, the gates of the City ordered to be all shut, and double guards every where. Indeed I do find every body's spirit very full of trouble : and the things.of the Court and Council very ill taken ; so as to be apt to appear in bad colours, if there should ever be a beginning of trouble, which God forbid ! 20th. In Sir J. Minnes's coach with him and Sir W. Batten to White Hall, where now the Duke is come again to lodge : and to Mr. Coven- try's little new chamber there. And by and by up to the Duke, who was making himself ready ; and there young Killigrew did so com- mend " The Villaine," a new play made by Tom Porter, and acted only on Saturday at the Duke's house, as if there never had been any such play come upon the stage. The same yesterday was told me by Captn. Ferrers ; and this morning afterwards by Dr. Clarke, who saw it. After 1 had done with the Duke, with Commissioner Pett to Mr. Lilly's, the great painter, who come forth to us ; but believing that I come to bespeak a picture, he prevented it by telling us, that he should not be at leisure these three weeks ; which methinks is a rare thing. And then to see in what pomp his table was laid for himself to go to dinner; and liere, among other pictures, saw the so much desired by me picture of my Lady Castlemaine, which is a most blessed picture ; and one that I must have a copy of. From thence I took my wife by coach to Ihe Duke's house, and there was the house full of company : but whether it was in overexpecting or what, I know not, but I was never less pleased with a play in my life. Though there was good singing and dancing, yet no fancy in the play. 21st. By water with Mr. Smith, to Mr. Lechmore,* the Councellor at the Temple, about Field's business ; and he tells me plainly that there being a verdict against me, there is no help for it, but it must proceed to judgement. It is 30L damage to me for my joining with others in committing Field to prison, as being not Justices of the Peace in the City, though in Middlesex ; which troubled me, and I hope the King will make it good to us. 24th. Mr. Pierce, the chyrurgeon, tells me how ill things go at Court : that the King do show no countenance to any that belong to the Queeue; nor, above all, to such English as she brought over with her. or hath here since, for fear they should tell her how he carries himself to Mrs. Palmer ; insomuch that though he has a promise, and is sure of being made her chyrurgeon, he is at a loss what to do in it, whether to take it or no, since the King's mind is so altered and favor to all her dependents, whom she is fain to let go back into Portu- gall, (though she brought them from their friends against their wills with promise of preferment,) without doing anything for them. Tha^ her owne physician did tell him within these three days that the * Nicholas Luclimere, knighted and made a Baron of the Exchequer, 1689. Ob. 1701. 122 PEPYS'S DIAEY. [1662. Queene do kuow how the King orders things, and how he carries him- self to my Lady Castlemaine and others, as well as any body ; but though she hath spirit enough, yet seeing that she do no good by taking notice of it, for the present she forbears it iu policy ; of which I am very glad. But I do pray God keep us in peace ; for this, with other things, do give great discontent to all people. 26th (Lord's-day). Put on my new Scallop, which is very fine. To church, and thers saw the first time Mr. Mills in a surplice ; but it seemed absurd for him to pull it over his eares in the reading-pew, after he had done, before all the church, to go up to the pulpitt, to preach without it. All this day soldiers going up and down the towne, there being an alarme, and many Quakers and other clapped up ; but I believe without any reason : only they say in Dorsetshire there hath been some rising discovered. 27th. To my Lord Sandwich, who now-a-days calls me into his chamber, and alone did discourse with me about the jealousy that the Court have of people's rising ; wherein he do much dislike my Lord Monk's being so eager against a company of poor wretches, dragging them up and down the street ; but would have him rather take some of the greatest ringleaders of them, and punish them ; whereas this do but tell the world the King's fears and doubts. For Duukirke, he wonders any wise people should be so troubled thereat, and scorns all their talk against it, for that he sees it was not Dunkirke, but the other places, that did and would annoy us, though we had that, as much as if we had it not. He also took notice of the new Ministers of State, Sir H. Bennet and Sir Charles Barkeley, their bringing in, and the high game that my Lady Castlemaine plays at Court. Afterwards he told me of poor Mr. Spong, that being with other people examined before the King and Council, (they being laid up as suspected persons ; and it seems Spong is so far thought guilty as that they intend to pitch upon him to put to the wracke or some other torture,) he do take knowledge of my Lord Sandwich, and said that he was well known to Mr. I'epys. But my Lord knows, and I told him. that it was only in matter of musique and pipes, but that I thought him to be a very in- nocent fellow ; and indeed I am very sorry for him. After my Lord and I had done in private, we went out, and with Captain Cuttance and Buun did look over their draught of a bridge for Tangier, which will be brought by my desire to our office by them to-morrow. To Westminster Hall, and there walked long with Creed. He showed me our commission, wherein the Duke of York, Prince Rupert, Duke <>)' A U" -marie, Lord Peterborough, Lord Sandwich, Sir G. Carteret, Sir "William Compton, Mr. Coventry, Sir R. Ford, Sir William Rider, Mr. Cholmley, Mr. Povy, myself, and Captain Cuttance, in this order are joyned for the carrying on the service of Tangier. He told me what great faction there is at Court; and above all, what is whispered, that young Crofts is lawful son to the King, the King being man-in I to his mother. How true this is, God knows ; but I believe the Duke of York will not be fooled in this of three crowns. Thence to Whitft Hall, and walked long in the gardens, till (as they are commanded to all strange persons,) one come to tell us, we not being known, and i66 2 .] PEPYS'S DIA&Y; 123 being observed to \\alk there four or five houres, (which was not true, unless they count my walking there in the morning,) he was com mantled to ask who we were ; which being told, he excused his question, and was satisfied. These things speake great fear and jealousys. 29th. Sir G. Carteret, who had been at the examining most of the late people that are clapped up, do say that he do not think that there hath been any great plotting among them, though they have a good will to it ; and their condition is so poor, and silly, and low, that they do not fear them at all. 30th. To my Lord Sandwich, who was up in his chamber and all alone, and did acquaint me with his business ; which was, that our old acquaintance Mr. Wade, (in Axe Yard) hath discovered to him 7000L hid in the Tower, of which he was to have two for discovery : my Lord himself two, and the King the other three, when it was found : and that the King's warrant runs for me on my Lord's part, and one Mr. Lee for Sir Harry Bennet, to demand leave of the Lieu- tenant of the Tower for to make search. After he had told me the whole business, I took leave : and at noon, comes Mr. Wade with my Lord's letter. So we consulted for me to go first to Sir H. Bennet, who is now with many of the Privy Counsellors at the Tower, examining of their late prisoners, to advise with him when to begin. So I went; and the guard at the Tower Gate, making me leave my sword at the gate, I was forced to stay so long in the ale house close by, till my boy run home for my cloak, that my Lord Mayor that now is, Sir John Robinson, Lieutenant of the Tower, with all his company, was gone with their coaches to his house in Miuchen Lane. So my cloak being come, I walked thither : and there, by Sir G. Carteret's mean*, did presently speak with Sir H. Bennet, who did give me the King's warrant, for the paying of 2000L to my Lord, and other two to the dis- coverers. After a little discourse, dinner come in ; and I dined with them. There was my Lord Mayor, my Lord Lauderdale, Mi*. Secre- tary Morris, to whom Sir H. Bennet would give the upper hand ; Sii Wm. Compton, Sir G. Carteret, and myself, and some other company. and a brave dinner. After dinner, Sir H. Bennet did call aside the Lord Mayor and me, and did break the business to him, who did not, nor durst appear the least averse to it, but did promise all assistance forthwith to set upon it. So Mr. Lee and I to our office, and there walked till Mr. Wade and one Evett his guide did come, and W. Griffin, and a porter with his pick-axes, &c. : and so they walked along with us to the Tower, and Sir H. Bennet and my Lord Mayor did give us full power to fall to work. So our guide demands a candle, and down into the cellars he goes, enquiring whether they were the same that Baxter alway had. He went into several little cellars, fuui then went out a^doors. to view, and to the Cole Harbour ; but none did answer so well to the marks which was given him to find it by, as one arched vault. Where, after a great deal of council whether to set upon it now, or delay for better and more full advice, to digging we went till almost eight o'clock at 'night, but could find nothing. But, however, our guides did not at all seem discouraged ; for that they being confident that the money is there they look for, but having 124 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1662. never been in the cellars, they could not be positive to the place, and therefore will inform themselves more fully now they have been there, of the party that do advise them. So locking the door after us, we left here to-night, and up to the Deputy Governor, (my Lord Mayor, and Sir H. Bennet, with the rest of the company being gone an hour before ;) and he do undertake to keep the key of the cellars, that none shall go down without his privity. But, Lord ! to see what a young simple fantastick coxcombe is made Deputy Governor, would make me mad ; and how he called out for his night-gowne of silk, only to make a show to us : and yet for half an hour I did not think he was the Deputy Governor, and so spoke not to him about the business, but waited for another man ; but at last 1 broke our business to him ; and he promising his care, we parted. And Mr. Lee and I by coach to White Hall, where I did give my Lord Sandwich a full account of our pi'oceedings, and some encouragement to hope for something hereafter. This morning, walking with Mr. Coventry in the garden, he did tell me how Sir G. Carteret had carried the business of the Victuallers' money to be paid by himself, contrary to old practice ; at which he is angry I perceive, but I believe means no hurt, but that things may be done as they ought. He expects Sir George should not bespatter him privately, in revenge, not openly. Against which he prepares to bednube him, and swears he will do it from the beginning, from Jersey to this day. And as to his own taking of too large fees or rewards for places that he had sold, he will prove that he was directed to it by Sir George himself among others. And yet he did not deny Sir G. Carteret his due, in saying that he is a man that do take the most pains, and gives himself the most to do business of any about the Court, without any desire of pleasure or divertisemeiits : which i:i very true. But which pleased me mightily, he said in these words, that he was resolved, whatever it cost him, to make an experiment, and see whether it was possible for a man to keep himself up in Court by dealing plainly and walking uprightly. In the doing whereof, if his ground do slip from under him, he will be contented : but he is resolved to try, and never to baulke taking notice of any thing that is to the King's prejudice, let it fall where it will; which is a brave resolution. He was very free with me : and by my troth, I do see more reall worth in him than in most men that I do know. I would not forget two passages of Sir J. Minues's at yesterday's dinner. The one, that to the question how it comes to pass that then- are no boars seen in London, but many sowes and pigs; it wax answered, that the constable gets them a-nights. The other, Thos. Killigrcw's way of getting to see plays when he was a boy. He would go to the Red Bell, and when the man cried to the boys, " Who will go and be a devil, and he shall see the play for nothing?" then would he go in, and be a devil upon the stage, and so get to see plays. yist. I thank God I have no crosses, but only much business to trouble my mind with. In all ether things as happy a man as any in the world, for the whole world seeins to smile upon me, and if my house were done that I could diligently follow my business, I would not doubt to do God, and the King, and myself good service. And all i66 2 .] PEPYS'S DIARY. r25 I do impute almost wholly to my late temperance, since my making of my vowes against wine and plays, which keeps me most happily and conteutfully to my business ; which God continue ! Public matters are full of discontent, what with the sale of Dunkirke, and my Lady Castlemaine, and her faction at Court ; though I know not what they would have more than to debauch the King, whom. God preserve from it ! And then great plots are talked to be discovered, and all the prisons in towne full of ordinary people, taken from their meeting-places last Sunday. But for certain some plots there hath been, though not brought to a head. November 1. To my office, to meet Mr. Lee again, from Sir H. Beiinet. And he and I, with Wade, and his intelligencer and la- bourers, to the Tower cellars, to make one triall more ; where we staid two or three hours, and dug a great deal all under the arches, as it was now most confidently directed, and so seriously, and upon pretended good grounds, that I myself did truly expect to speed ; but we missed of all : and so we went away the second time like fools. And to our office ; and I by appointment to the Dolphin Taverne, to meet Wade and the other, Capt. Evett, who now do tell me plainly, that he that do put him upon this is one that had it from Barkestead's own mouth, and was advised with by him, just before the King's coming in, how to get it out, and had all the signs told him how and where it lay, and had always been the great confident of Barkestead even to the trusting him with his life and all he had. So that he did much convince me that there is good ground for what he goes about. But I fear it may be that he did find some conveyance of it away, without the help of this man, before he died. But he is resolved to go to the party once more, and then to determine what we shall do further. 3rd. To White Hall, to the Duke's ; but found him gone a-hunting. Thence to my Lord Sandwich, from whom I receive every day more and more signs of his confidence and esteem of me. Here I met with Pierce the chyrurgeon, who tells me that my Lady Castlemaine is with child ; but though it be the King's, yet her Lord being still in towne, and sometimes seeing of her, it will be laid to him. He tells me also how the Duke of York is smitten in love with my Lady Chesterfield,* (a virtuous lady, daughter to my Lord of Ormond) ; and so much, that the Duchesse of York hath complained to the King and her father about it, and my Lady Chesterfield is gone into the country for it. At all which I am sorry ; but it is the effect of idlenesse, and having nothing else to employ their great spirits upon. At night to my office, and did business ; and there come to me Mr. Wade and Evett, who have been again with their prime intelligencer, a woman, I perceive : and though we have missed twice, yet they bring such an account of the probability of the truth of the thing, though we are not certain of the place, that we shall set upon it once more; and I am willing and hopefull in it. So we resolved to set upon it again on Wednesday morning ; and the woman herself will be there in a disguise, and confirm us in the place. Lady Elizabeth Butler, daughter of James, Duke of Ormond, married Philip, second Hu-1 of Chesterfield. Ob. 1C65. Vide "Mtmoire* <'^ Grtuumont" 126 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1662. 4th. This morniiig we had news by letters that Sir Richard Stay- ner is dead at sea in the Mary, which is now come into Portsmouth from Lisbon ; which we are sorry for, he being a very stout seaman. 7th. Being by appointment called upon by Mr. Lee, he and I to the Tower, to make our third attempt upon the cellar. And now privately the woman, Barkestead's great confident, is brought, who do positively say that this is the place which he did say the money was hid in, and where he and she did put up the 70001. in butter firkins ; and the very day that he went oiit of England did say that neither he nor his would be the better for that money, and therefore wishing that she and hers might. And so left us, and we full of hope did resolve to dig all over the cellar, which by seven o'clock at night we performed. At noon we sent for a dinner, and xipon the head of a barrel dined very merrily, and to work again. But at last we saw we were mistaken ; and after digging the cellar quite through, and removing the barrels from one side to the other, we were forced to pay our porters, and give over our expectations, though I do believe there must be money hid somewhere by him, or else he did delude this woman in hopes to oblige her to further serving him, which I am apt to believe. 9th. (Lord's-day.) Walked to my brother's, where my wife is, calling at many churches, and then to the Temple, hearing a bit there too, and observing that in the streets and churches the Sunday is kept in appearance as well as I have known it at any time. 10th. A little to the office, and so with Sir J. Minnes, Sir W. Batten, and myself by coach to White Hall, to the Duke, who, after he was ready, did take us into his closett. Thither come my Lord General Monk, and did privately talk with the Duke about having the life-guards pass through the City to-day only for show and to fright people, for I perceive there are great fears abroad ; for all which I am troubled and full of doubt that things will not go well. He being gone, we fell to business of the Navy. Among other things, how to pay off' this fleet that is now come from Portugall; the King of Portugall sending them home, he having no more use for them, which we wonder at, that his condition should be so soon altered. And our landmen also are coming back, being almost starved in that poor country. To my Lord Crowe's, and dined with him and his brother, I know not his name. Where very good discourse. Among others, of France's intention to make a patriarch of his own, independent from the Pope, by which he will be able to cope with the Spaniard in all councils, which hitherto he has never done. My Lord Crewe told us how he heard my Lord of Holland* say, that being Embassador about the match with the Queene-Mother that now is, the King of France insisted upon a dispensation from the Pope, which my Lord Holland making a question of, as he was commanded to yield to nothing to the prejudice of our religion, says the King of France, " You need not fear that, for if ths Pope will not dispense with the match, my Bislmp of Paris shall." By and by come in the great Mr. Swinfen,f the Par- liament-man, who, among other discourse of the rise and fall of * Henry Rich, Earl of Holland. t J<'lm Swinfon, M.P. for Tamworth. i66 2 .] PEPYS'S DIAEY. 12* familys, told us of Bishop Bridgeman * (father of Sir Orlando) who lately hath bought a seat anciently of the Levers, and then the Ash- tons ; and so he hath in his great hall window (having repaired and beautified the house) caused four great places to be left for coates of armes. In one he hath put the Levers, with this motto, " Olim." In another the Ashtons, with this, " Heri." In the next his own, with this, " Hodie." In the fourth nothing but this motto, " Cras nescio cujus." The towne I hear is full of discontents, and all know of the King's new bastard by Mrs. Haslerigge, and as far as I can hear will never be contented with Episcopacy, they are so cruelly set for Presbytery, and the Bishops carry themselves so high, that they are never likely to gain anything upon them. To the Dolphin Tavern near home, by appointment, and there met with Wade and Evett, and have resolved to make a new attempt upon another discovery, in which God give us better fortune than in the other, but I have great con- fidence that there is no cheat in these people, but that they go upon good grounds, though they have been mistaken in the place of the first. 13th. To my office, and there this afternoon we had our first meeting upon our commission of inspecting the Chest. Sir Francis Clerke.f Mr. Heath, Atturney of the Dutchy, Mr. Prinn, Sir W. Eider, Captn. Cooke, and myself. Our first work was to read over the Institution, which is a decree in Chancery in the year 1 61 7, upon an inquisition made at Eochester about that time into the revenues of the Chest, which had then, from the year 1588 or 1590, by the advice of the Lord High Admiral and principal officers then being, by consent of the seamen, been settled, paying sixpence per month, according to their wages then, which was then but 10s. which is now 24s. 17th. To the Duke's to-day, but he is gone a-hunting. At White Hall by appointment, Mr. Creed carried my wife and I to the Cockpitt, and we had exceUent places, and saw the King, Queene, Duke of Monmouth, his son, and my Lady Castlemaine, and all the fine ladies ; and " The Scornful! Lady," well performed. They had done by eleven o'clock, and it being fine moonshine, we took coach and home. 18th. Late at my office, drawing up a letter to my Lord Treasurer, which we have been long about. 20th. After dinner to the Temple, to Mr. Thurland ; J and thence to my Lord Chief Baron, Sir Edward Hale's, and take Mr. Thurland to his chamber, where he told us that Field will have the better of us ; and that we must study to make up the business as well as we can, which do much vex and trouble us : but I am glad the Duke is con- cerned in it. 21st. This day come the King's pleasure-boats from Calais, with the Dunkirke money, being 400,000 pistolles. 22nd. This day Mr. Moore told me, that for certain the Queene- * John Bridgeman, Bishop of Chester. t M.P. for Rochester. } Edward Thurland, M.P. for Ryegate, afterwards knighted. Sir Matthew Hale succeeded Sir Orlando Bridgeman as Chief Baron of the Exchequer (according to Beatson,) in 1666 ; there is consequently, &. t William, seventh Lord Chandos. Ob. 1(576. K 2 132 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1663. being gone out to Court) began to sing psalms, but so dully that I was weary of it. 22nd. I walked to Mr. Coventry's chamber, where I found him gone out into the Parke with the Duke, so I shifted myself into a ridiug- habitt, and followed him through White Hall, and in the Parke Mr. Coventry's people having a horse ready for me (so fine a one that I was almost afraid to get upon him, but I did, and found myself more feared than hurt) and followed the Duke, who, with some of his people (among others Mr. Coventry) was riding out. And with them to Hide Parke. Where Mr. Coventry asking leave of the Duke, he bids us go to Woolwich. So he and I to the water-side, and our horses coming by the ferry, we by oars over to Lambeth, and from thence, with brave discourse by the way, rode to Woolwich, where we put in practice my new way of the Call-booke, which will be of great use. 23rd. Dr. Pierce tells me that my Lady Castlemaine's interest at Court increases, and ia more and greater than the Queene's ; that she hath brought in Sir H. Bennet, and Sir Charles Barkeley ; but that the Queene is a most good lady, and takes all with the greatest meekness that may be. He tells me, also, that Mr. Edward Montagu is quite broke at Court with his repute and purse ; and that he lately was engaged in a quarrell against my Lord Chesterfield : but that the King did cause it to be taken up. He tells me, too, that the King is much concerned in the Chancellor's sickness, and that the Chancellor is as great, he thinks, as ever with the King. He also tells me what the world says of me, " that Mi\ Coventry and I do all the business of the office almost :" at which I am highly proud. 24th. To my bookseller's, and paid at another shop 41. 10s. for Stephens's Thesaurus Grsecae Linguae, given to Paul's Schoole. To my Lord Crewe's, and dined alone with him. I understand there a*re great factions at Court, and something he said that did imply a difference like to be between the King and the Duke, in case the Queene should not be with child. I understand, about this bastard. He says, also, that some great man will be aimed at when Parliament comes to sit again ; I understand, the Chancellor : and that there is a bill will be brought in, that none that have been in armes for the Parliament shall be capable of office. And that the Court are weary of my Lord Albemarle and Chamberlin.* He wishes that my Lord Sandwich had some good occasion to be abroad this summer which is coming on, and that my Lord Hinchingbroke were well married, and Sydneyf had some place at Court. He pities the poor ministers that are put out, to whom, he says, the King is beholden for his coming in, and that if any such thing had been foreseen he had never come in. At my bookseller's in Paul's Church-yard, who takes it ill my letter last night to Mr. Povy, wherein I accuse him of the neglect of the Tangier boats, in which I must confess I did not do altogether like a friend ; but however it was truth, and I must owne it to be so, though I fall wholly out with him for it. 25th ' Tiristmas-day .) Had a pleasant walk to White Hall, where 1 * Ldwarcl Earl of Manchester. t Lord Sandwich's second son. >:66 2 .] PEPYS'S DIAEY. 133 intended to have received the communion with the family, but I come a little too late. So I walked up into the house and spent my time looking over pictures, particularly the ships in King Henry the Vlllth's Voyage to Bullaeu:* marking the great difference between those built then and now. By and by down to the chapel again, where Bishop Morleyf preached upon the song of the Angels, " Glory to God on high, on earth peace, and good will towards men." Methought he made but a poor sermon, but long, and reprehending the common jollity of the Court for the true joy that shall and ought to be on these days. Particularized concerning their excess in playes and gaming, saying that he whose office it is to keep the gamesters in order and within bounds, serves but for a second rather in a duell, meaning the groome-porter. Upon which it was worth observing how far they are come from taking the reprehensions of a bishop seriously, that they all laugh in the chapel when he reflected on their ill actions and courses. He did much press us to joy in these publick days of joy, and to hospi- tality. But one that stood by whispered in my eare that the Bishop do not spend one groate to the poor himself. The sermon done, a good anthem followed with vialls, and the King come down to receive the Sacrament. 26th. To the Wardrobe. Hither come Mr. Batter sby ; and we falling into discourse of a new book of drollery in use, called Hudebras, I would needs go find it out, and met with it at the Temple : cost me 2s. 6d. But when I come to read it, it is so silly an abuse of the Presbyter Knight going to the warrs, that I am ashamed of it ; and by and by meeting at Mr. Townsend's at dinner, I sold it to "him for 18dC 27th. With my wife to the Duke's Theatre, and saw the second part of " Khodes,"J done with the new Roxalana ; which do it rather better in all respects for person, voice, and judgment, than the first Boxa- lana. 29th. To Westminster Hall, where I staid reading at Mrs. Mitchell's shop. She told me what I heard not of before, the strange burning of Mr. De Laun, a merchant's house in Lothbury, and his lady (Sir Thomas Allen's || daughter) and her whole family; not one thing, dog nor cat, escaping ; nor any of the neighbours almost hearing of it till the house was quite down and burnt. How this should come to passe, God knows, but a most strange thing it is ! Hither come Jack Spicer, and talked of Exchequer matters, and how the Lord Treasurer hath now ordered all monies to be brought into the Exchequer, and hath settled the King's revenues, and given to every general expence proper assignments ; to the Navy 200,OOOL and odde. He also told me of the great vast trade of the goldsmiths in supplying the King with money * Boulogne. t George Morley, Bishop of Winchester, to which See he was translated from Worcester, in 1662. Ob. 1684. t " The Siege of Khodes," a tragi-comedy, in two parts, by Sir Wm. Davenant. An actress whose name is unknown, but she had been seduced by the Earl of Oxford, and had recently quitted the stage. For her history, vtde ' Memoires d Grammont," II Sir Thomas Alleyne, Lord Mayor of London. 1660, 134 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1662. at dear rates. Thence to White Hall, and got up to the top gallerys in the Banquetting House, to see the audience of the Russia Ein- liassador; which took place after our long waiting and fear of the falling of the gallery (it being so full and part of it being parted from the rest, for nobody to come up merely from the weaknesse thereof :) and very handsome it was. After they had come in, I went down and got through the croude almost as high as the King and the Em- bassadors, where I saw all the presents, being rich furs, hawkes, carpets, cloths of tissue, and sea-horse teeth. The King took two or thi-ee hawkes upon his %t, having a glove on wrought with gold, given him for the purpose. The son ot one of the Embassadors was in the richest suit for pearl and tissue, that ever I did see, or shall, I believe. After they and all the company had kissed the King's hand, then the three Embassadors and the son, and no more, did kiss the Queene's. One thing more I did observe, that the chief Embassador did carry up his master's letters in state before him on high ; and as soon as he had delivered them, he did fall down to the ground and lay there a great while. After all was done, the company broke up ; and I spent a little while walking up and down the gallery seeing the ladies, the two Queenes, and the Duke of Monmouth with his little mistress,* which is very little, and like my brother-in-law's wife. 30th. Visited Mrs. Ferrer, and staid talking with her a good while, there being a little, proud, ugly, talking lady there, that was much crying up the Queene-Mother's Court at Somerset House above our own Queene's ; there being before her no allowance of laughing and the mirth that is at the other's ; and indeed it is observed that the greatest Court now-a-days is there. Thence to White Hall, where I carried my wife to see the Queene in her presence-chamber ; and the maydes of honour and the yonng Duke of Monmouth playing at cards. Some of them, and but a few, were very pretty ; though all well dressed in velvet gowns. 31st. Mr. Povy and I to White Hall ; he taking me thither on pur- pose to carry me into the ball this night before the King. He brought me first to the Duke's chamber, where I saw him and the Dnchesse at supper ; and thence into the room where the ball was to be, crammed with fine ladies, the greatest of the Court. By and by comes the King and Queene, the Duke and Duchesse, and all the great ones : and after seating themselves, the King takes out the Duchesse of York ; and the Duke, the Duchesse of Buckingham ; the Duke of Monmouth, my Lady Castlemaine ; and so other lords other ladies : and they danced the Brantle.f After that, the King led a lady a single Coranto ; and then the rest of the lords, one after another, other ladies : very noble it was, nnd great pleasure to see. Then to country dances ; the King leading the first, which he called for ; which was, says he, " Cuckolds all awry," the old dance of England. Of the ladies that danced, the Duke of Monmouth's mistress, and my Lady Castlemaine, and a daughter of * Lady Anno Scot. t Branle. KspiVc <]< clause dc jdusicurs personncs, qui se ticimeut par la main, et 68. Ob. 1679. ;; Sir Thomas Willis, Bart., ob. Nov. 1705, aged 90, and was buried at Ditton, in Cambridgeshire, where he possessed some property. In 1679, he had been put out of the Commission of the Peace for that County, for concurring with the Fanatic party iii opposing the Court. Coles MSS. || Maid of Honour to the Queen, and one of Charles II. 's numerous mistresses. Vide " Mzmoires de Grammont." J40 . TEPYR'S DIARY. [1662-3. 16th. To Westminster Hall, and there find great expectation what the Parliament will do, when they come two days hence to sit again, in matters of religion. The great question is, whether the Presbyters will be contented to let the Papists have the same liberty of conscience with them, or no, or rather be denied it themselves : and the Papists, I hear, are very busy in designing how to make the Presbyters consent to take their liberty, and to let them have the same with them, which some are apt to think they will. It seems a priest was taken in his vests officiating somewhere in Holborne the other day, and was committed by Secretary Morris, according to law ; and they say the Bishop of London did give him thanks for it. 17th. To my Lord Sandwich, whom I found at cards with Pickering ; but he made an end soon : and so all alone, he told me he had a great secret to tell me, such as no flesh knew but himself, nor ought ; which was this : that yesterday morning Eschar, Mr. Edward Montagu's man, did come to him from his master with some of the Clerkes of the Exchequer, for my Lord to sign to their books for the Embassy money ; which my Lord very civilly desired not to do till he had spoke with his master himself. In the afternoon, my Lord and my Lady Wright being at cards in his chamber, in comes Mr. Montagu ; and desiring to speak with my Lord at the window in his chamber, he began to charge my Lord with the greatest ingratitude in the world : that he that had received his earldom, garter, 4000Z. per annum, and whatever he has in the world, from him, should now study him all the dishonour that he could : and so fell to tell my Lord, that if he should speak all that he knew of him, he could do so and so. In a word, he did rip up all that could be said they was unworthy, and in the basest terms they could be spoken in. To which my Lord answered with great temper, justify- ing himself, but endeavouring to lessen his heat, which was a strange temper in him, knowing that he did owe all he hath in the world to my Lord, and that he is now all that he is by his means and favour. But my Lord did forbear to increase the quarrel, knowing that it would be to no good purpose for the world to see a difference in the family ; but did allay them so as that he fell to weeping. And after much talk (among other things Mr. Montague telling him that there was a fellow in the towne, naming me, that had done ill offices, and that if he knew it to be so, he would have him cudgelled) my Lord did promise him, that, if upon account he saw that there was not many tradesmen un- paid, he would sign the books ; but if there was, he could not bear with taking too great a debt upon him. So this day he sent him an account, and a letter assuring him there was not above 200Z. unpaid ; and so my Lord did sign to the Exchequer books. Upon the whole, I under- stand fully what a rogue he is, and how my Lord do think and will think of him for the future ; telling me that thus he has served his father my Lord Manchester, and his whole family, and now himself: and, which is worst, that he hath abused, and in speeches every day do abuse my Lord Chancellor, whose favour he hath lost ; and hath no friend but Sir H. Bennet, and that (I knowing the rise of his friendship) only from the likeness of their pleasures, and acquaintance, and con- cernments, they have in the same matters of lust and baseness ; for 1662-3.] PEPYS'S DIARY. 141 which, God forgive them ! But he do flatter himself, from promises of Sir H. Benuet, that he shall have a pension of 2000Z. per annum, and be made an Earl. My Lord told me he expected a challenge from him, but told me there was no great fear of him, for there was no man lies under such an imputation as he do in the business of Mr. Cholmly, who, though a simple sorry fellow, do brave him and struts before him with the Queene, to the sport and observation of the whole Court. Mr. Pickering tells me the story is very true of a child being dropped at the ball at Court ; and that the King had it in his closet a week after, and did dissect it ; and making great sport of it, said that in his opinion it must have been a month and three houres old ; and that, whatever others think, he hath the greatest loss, (it being a boy, as he says,) that hath lost a subject by the business. He tells me too, that Sir H. Bennet is a Catholique, and how all the Court almost is changed to the worse since his coming in, they being afraid of him. And that the Queene-Mother's Court is now the greatest of all ; and that our own Queene hath little or no company come to her, which I know also to be very true, and am sorry to see it. February 18. Mr. Hater and I alone at the office, finishing our account of the extra charge of the Navy, not properly belonging to the Navy, since the King's coming in to Christmas last ; and all extra things being abated, I find that the true charge of the Navy to that time hath been after the rate of 374,743. a year. I made an end by eleven o'clock at night. This day the Parliament met again, after their long prorogation ; but I know not any thing what they have done, being within doors all day. 19th. This day I read the King's speech to the Parliament yesterday ; which is very short, and not very obliging ; but only telling them his desire to have a power of indulging tender consciences, and that he will yield to have any mixture in the uniformity of the Church's dis- cipline ; and says the same for the Papists, but declares against their ever being admitted to have any offices or places of trust in the king- dom ; but, God knows, too many have. 21st. To the office, where Sir J. Minnes (most of the rest being at the Parliament-house,) all the morning answering petitions and other business. Towards noon there comes a man as if upon ordinary busi- ness, and shows me a writ from the Exchequer, called a Commission of Rebellion, and tells me that I am his prisoner in Field's business ; which methought did strike me to the heart, to think that we could not sit in the middle of the King's business. I told him how and where we were employed, and bid him have a care ; and perceiving that we were busy, he said he would, and did withdraw for an houre : in which time Sir J. Minnes took coach and to Court, to see what he could do from thence ; and our solicitor against Field come by chance and told me that he would go and satisfy the fees of the Court, and would end the business. So he went away about that, and I staid in my closet, till by and by the man and four more of his fellows come to know what I would do ; and I told them to stay till I heard from the King or my Lord Chief Baron, to both whom I had now sent. With that they con- sulted, and told me that if I would promise to stay in the house, they 142 PEPYS'S DIARY. [1662-3. would go and refresh themselves, and come again, and know what answer I had: so they n way. and I home to dinner. Before I had dined, the bayleys come back again with the constable, and at the office knock for me, but found me not there : and I hearing in what manner they were come, did forbear letting them know where I was ; so they stood knocking and enquiring for me. By and by at my parler- window comes Sir W. Batten's Mungo, to tell me that his master and lady would have me come to their house through Sir J. Minnes's lodgings, which I conld not do ; but, however, by ladders, did get over the pale between our yards and their house, where I found them (as they have reason) to be much concerned for me, my lady, especially. The fellows staid in the yard swearing with one or two constables, and some time we locked them into the yard, and by and by let them out again, and so kept them all the afternoon, not letting them see me, or know where I was. One time I went up to the top of Sir W. Batten's house, and out of one of their windows spoke to my wife out of one of ours ; which methought, though I did it in mirth, yet I was sad to think what a sad thing it would be for me to be really in that condition. By and by comes Sir J. Minnes, who (like himself and all that he do) tells us that he can do no good, but that my Lord Chancellor wonders that we did not cause the seamen to fall about their eares : which we wished we could have done without our being seen in it ; and Captain Grove being there, he did give them some affront, and would have got some seamen to have drubbed them, but he had not time, nor did we think it fit to have done it, they having executed their commission ; but there was occasion given that he did draw iipon one of them who did complain that Grove had pricked him in the breast, but no hurt done ; but I see that Grove woxild have done our business to them if we had bid him. By and by comes Mr. Clerke, our sollicitor, who brings us a release from our adverse atturney, we paying the fees of the commission, which comes to five markes, and the charges of these fellows, which are called the commissioners, but are the most rake-shamed rogues that ever I saw in my life; so he showed them this release, and they seemed satisfied, and went away with him to their uttnrney to be paid by him. But before they went. Sir W. Batten and my lady did begin to taunt them, but the rogues answered them as hi^h as themselves, and swore they would come again, and called me rogue and rebel, and they would bring the sheriffe and untile his house, befefe he should harbour a rebel in his house, and that they would b> here again shortly. Well, at last they went away, and I by advice took occasion to go abroad, and walked through the street to show myself among the neighbours, that they might not think worse than the business is. I home to Sir W. Batten's again, where Sir J. Law- son, Captain Allen, Spragge,* and several others, and all our discourse about the disgrace done to our office to be liable to this trouble, which we must get removed. Hither conies Mr. Clerke by and by, and tells * Afterwards Sir Kdward Sprugg, a dit>tiiigui.shcd uuvalrnimiiHiidcr, who prrUli' <1 hi a Ijoat, which was sunk duriug ;m animi with Van Trump, in 11)73, whilst In; pivp:mnjc to hoist his flag on b<>;ir