* & * & LSA(iNE) fARVEY MILITARY SERiE: GIFT OF Larry Laughlin FIELD QUARTERMASTER'S HANDBOOK COMPLETE FROM A COMPANY TO A DIVISION LIEUT. COL. F. H. LAWTON, Q. M. C, U. S. A. cTWAJOR J. C. cTWcARTHUR (INF.), Q. M. C, U. S. A W. A. DEMPSEY, Q. M. C.; U. S. R. Published by GEORGE U. HARVEY 109 Lafayette Street New York City PRICE, $2.00 HARVEY MILITARY SERIES COPYRIGHT, 1917, BY GEORGE U. HARVEY (THIRD EDITION) PRINTED BY HARVEY PRESS 109 LAFAYETTE ST., NEW YORK CITY PREFACE A working manual for all Quartermasters, either Regular Army, Reserve Army or National Guard. The subject matter contains details on the > Quartermaster's duties, besides exhibits of Forms and how to complete them. 3 Invaluable as a constant companion. his property account cur- rently, mark them "posted," and mail one copy direct to the office of the Quartermaster General for posting in property account in that office. He begins numbering his vouchers from No. 1 up to and in- cluding the last day (June 30) of the f.scal year, when he must start a new series for the next fiscal year. Field Quartermaster's Handbook 47 If he should be relieved from duty as Quartermaster (not at all an unlikely event) his property account will be closed by drawing a red- ink line below each last entry. A list of the balances shown by the property account as being on hand will be prepared in triplicate and be certified to by him as follows: Camp X., N. Y., 1917, I certify that I have taken up on my property account all property found actually on hand, and that the foregoing list includes all prop- erty for which I am accountable, beginning with voucher No. 1, and ending with voucher No fiscal year 1917, and that it is a correct statement of all such property pertaining to the Quartermaster Corps. JOHN DOE, Major Q. M., U. S. R. The officer to whom the property is transferred will, upon certifica- tion, certify on each copy of statement as follows: Camp X., N. Y., 1917. I certify that I have this day of received the supplies and property of the Quartermaster Corps listed above. The original copy of the list when signed will be forwarded to the office of the Quartermaster General by Major Doe. The duplicate will be given to his successor, who will immediately take up on his property account the articles and quantities thereof listed. The triplicate copy will be retained by Major Doe. If there be any question as to the quantity of the property, its con- dition, or other differences of opinion between the officers concerned in the transfer, it should be immediately adjusted as required by Army Regulations Nos. 668, 669, 1091, 1091^. In order to summarize and illustrate specifically how property is purchased, paid and accounted for we will trace step by step the process necessary in expending $10 for street car tickets: SECURING OF FUNDS. 1. Estimating for funds on Q. M. C, Form No. 34. 2. Receiving and filing letter of advice of Requisition on Treasury (white letter), Q. M. C., Form No. 693. 3. Receipt of Certificate of Deposit (Form 6599, Treasury Depart- ment), showing issue of War Warrant. 4. Entry of amount as a debit in Cash Book (Q. M. C., Form No. 80). 5. Entry of amount as a debit on the check stub. 6. Entry as a debit on Account Current (W. D. Form No. 320) per War Warrant. 48 Field Quartermaster's Handbook EXPENDING OF FUNDS. 1. Making Voucher on Q. M. C., Form No. 330. 2. Making P. P. Voucher, Q. M. C., Form No. 217. 3. Posting No. 217 on P. P. A., Q. M. C, Form No. 200. 4. Forwarding P. P. Voucher (No. 217) to Q. M. G. 5. Entering Voucher No. 330 on Abstract of Disbursements W. D. Form No. 329. 6. Entry of amount as a credit in Cash B ! ook (No. 80) under "Total" column and "Appropriation" column. 7. Drawing check and making credit stub entry. 8. Credit entry on A/C (W. D. No. 320). 9. Expending tickets on "Monthly list of Q. M. Supplies Expended" (Q. M. C., Form No. 203). 10. Making credit entry for tickets expended on "Property Ac- count" (Q. M. C., Form No. 200). Major Doe has received by transfer from depot and by local purchase some Subsistence Stores and must account for them. This is done on the "Return of Subsistence Stores," Q. M. C., Form No. 219. (This form is too bulky to fully illustrate so the front and back pages only are shown See Appendix "S.") For the Subsistence Stores received from depot he has received four copies of the Q. M. C., Form No. 201 (two invoices and two receipts). He accomplishes both receipts and returns them to the invoicing officer. One of the invoices he files with his retained returns and forwards the other to the Quartermaster Gen- eral with his return of Subsistence Stores in accordance with Circular No. 3, O. Q. M. G., of 1915. For the stores purchased Major Doe makes payment on W. D., Form No. 330. In making his purchase of fresh beef Major Doe goes through the following steps until the beef passes into the possession of an organi- zation as a part of its ration: First. Receives from Headquarters authority to purchase locally. Second. He prepares a circular proposal (Q. M. C., Form No. 119), and issues same to dealers as well as posts it in conspicuous public places. Third. He opens bids and makes an Abstract of Proposals on Q. M. C, Forms No. 123 or 124. Fourth. Makes award to the lowest responsible bidder on Q. M C., Form No. 119a. Fifth. Orders delivery by calling for an equal number of fore and hind quarters. Sixth. Weighs and inspects to see if specifications of Q. M. C., Form No. 120, are complied with. Field Quartermaster's Handbook 49 Seventh. Issues to companies on issue slips Q. M. C, Form No. 224, if rations are issued in kind, entering same on Abstract of Issues. Q. M. C., Form No. 222. If sold uses charge or cash sales slip, Q. M. C., Form No. 66, and lists on "Abstract of Subsistence Stores Sold," Q. M. C., Form No. 9. Eighth. Pays contractor on voucher W. D., Form No. 330. Draws check, enters on check stub, lists on "Abstract of Disbursements," W. D., Form No. 329, making entry in Cash Book and on Account Current. Ninth. Lists the purchase on "Abstract of Subsistence Stores pur- chased," Q. M. C., Forms No. 220 or 221. Tenth. Shows purchase and issue on his "Return of Subsistence Stores," Q. M. C., Form No. 219: The general plan of property accounting, while it seems on first acquaintance to be bewildering, is in reality not difficult and Major Doe will find that his troubles will vanish as he becomes more ex- perienced. If he follows his instructions carefully he need not fear the present plan of property accounting. The succeeding days with Major Doe are extremely busy ones. Laborers and mechanics are engaged or told the date when their services will be required. Prospective bidders enquire with reference to this or that detail of the proposed camp construction. Mail has to be answered, bills of lading and invoices of property arrive. The staking out of the Camp requires that changes be made on the original plan to produce the best results. Places for tents are marked with a templet made by crossing 16-foot strips for large pyramidal tents so that the places the tent pins would occupy are indicated on the perimeter. He has sent samples of the water supply for the Camp by express to the Surgeon General of the Army for bacteriological ex- amination and has received an analysis showing the supply is pure and wholesome. The day for opening bids soon arrives and Major Doe opens and reads aloud those received in the presence of all bidders desiring to be present, as required by A. R. 514. After the bids are carefully abstracted he telegraphs to Department Headquarters his recommendations for award, forwarding by mail one copy of the abstract with one copy of each bid received per A. R. 543. His recommendation is based upon a careful analysis of prices named, upon the responsibility of the bidder and ability to perform the work or furnish the supplies, and, for the construction, upon the factor of time specified in which to do the work. After taking all the above into account his recommendation in his telegram and on the abstract were as follows: A. All bids for wood to be rejected and purchase made in open market as this method will give better prices and quicker delivery by purchasing as wanted. B. The lowest bids for forage and straw, fresh beef, onions, and potatoes, also ice, to be accepted. 50 Field Quartermaster's Handbook C. The lowest aggregate bidder on all building construction to be accepted this giving a better construction, centralized control and one general contractor to deal with rather than to accept the lowest bid for each building from several contractors. D. The bids for the water system, roads, ditches and culverts to be rejected and all this work to be done by purchase of materials and hire of the necessary laborers, as this method will reduce the cost to the Government under the lowest bid. Department Headquarters at once telegraphs Major Doe his recom- mendations are approved and to execute the necessary contracts and bonds on the following forms: 1. Contracts for the forage, straw, fresh beef, onions, potatoes and ice, to be on Q. M. C., Form No. 107. 2. Contracts for the construction to be on Q. M. C., Form 109. 3. Bonds for the former contracts to be on Q. M. C., Forms Nos. lOOc, lOOd, lOOe and lOOf, and for the latter contracts on Q. M. C., Forms Nos. lOOg, lOOh, lOOi, 100J and 100k, according to the printed notes thereon. Major Doe writes a letter to each successful bidder informing him of the articles or work awarded, and gives the unit or total costs. He next urges and impresses upon the contractors in a personal interview the need of action and places his Superintendent of Construction in immediate charge of the work. He pays for the articles purchased in the open market on W. D. Form 330, and pays his laborers either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, on W. D., Form 334. Installation of water supply has been made the first business, next the storehouses and platforms, after these the roads and later the buildings. The morning of the fifth day Major Doe receives a telegram from Department Headquarters announcing that the troops to compose the First Division are to be mobilized at Camp X., N. Y., by the War Department, viz: Division Headquarters: Commander Major General Richard Roe. Aids Captain H. Dorn, Captain J. Gordon, Captain A. Cone. General Staff: Chief of Staff Colonel B. Jones. Assistants to Chief of Staff Major A. Commerford, Major T. Richard. Adjutant Major D. Dyar. Inspector Major O. Pritchard. Judge Advocate Major E. Blackstone. Field Quartermaster's Handbook 51 Quartermaster Lieut. Colonel N. Fain. Assistant Quartermaster Captain A. White. Surgeon Lieut. Colonel A. Duer. Assistant Surgeons Major M. Means, Major C. Brown. Forty-five enlisted men Headquarters Detachment. 222d, 223d and 224th, 330th, 331st and 332d, 402d, 403d and 404th, Regiments of Infantry. lllth Regiment of Cavalry. 1st Brigade of Light Artillery. 10th Pioneer Battalion of Engineers, 15th Battalion of Signal Corps. Ammunition Train. Supply Train. Engineer Train. 20th, 21st, 22d and 23d, Ambulance Companies. 15th, 16th and 17th, Field Hospital Companies. The receipt of the telegram announcing assignment of the First Division and its arrival at the Camp in the near future indicates to Major Doe the necessity for prompt action if the Camp is to be gotten in readiness before the troops arrive. Appreciating the preparation necessary he proceeds at once to the Camp site. On arrival he finds the Engineer Company has the Camp plotted and drawn to scale on the blue print of the Camp grounds. In some instances lines for company streets have been run and stakes have been driven at proper intervals showing location of the tents. Beginning behind the mess shelter and kitchen, it is necessary to mark out the location of the seventeen large pyramidal tents which each company (except the Headquarters, Supply and Machine Gun Company) has. This has been done by use of the 'templet. As previously explained this is a pattern or contrivance on which are indicated the proper spaces at which the tent pins should be driven. By its use, the front line being established, the tent sites for a company, battalion and regiment can be quickly accomplished with the aid of but few men. Moreover Major Doe is obliged to economize on space and to have a camp, perfectly aligned. While engaged in giving the contractor some instructions relative to location of the mess shelters, kitchens and latrines for each Regi- ment, Major Doe receives a telegram stating that the 444th Regi- ment of Infantry will arrive in the morning to assist In pitching tents, policing the camp and furnishing a sufficient guard for the large quantity of stores now arriving. Major Doe gets in touch at once with the Officer .commanding the Engineer Company and requests him to concentrate his Company on one of the Camp sites for an Infantry regiment so that tent pins will be all driven that evening. He next speeds up the contractor to lay an emergency water pipe on top of the ground to the Camp, has the wood contractor haul and pile 52 Field Quartermaster's Handbook wood, has the trenches for the 16 latrines (See Appendix "T" for illus- tration) all dug (canvas screens to be used until the frame structures are completed), the mess pits or kitchen crematories (See Appendix "T") for the 18 messes dug and stoned, forage and straw delivered that afternoon and a daily supply delivered thereafter until the storehouses are completed. He then orders a supply of fresh beef, ice, potatoes and onions by open market, or under the contract already made if con- tractor is ready, to be on the side track in the morning all ready for issue to the troops upon arrival. At eight o'clock that evening, upon reaching the office again after supper, the Engineer Officer telephones that the tents are all marked out and the Camp site will be ready for reception of troops the following morning. Major Doe asks each contractor for supplies and construction to come down to the office and see him so that he can find out just what each one has done or will do in accomplishing the part assigned him. All present satisfactory reports except the wood contractor, who states he will not be able to get in sufficient wood until 5 P. M. the next evening. Major Doe excuses himself and directs his clerk to get in touch with the town lumber merchants and ask for tenders on immediate delivery at 9 o'clock the next morning of 15 cords of four foot hard wood (about a 10 days' supply for the Regiment). He then returns to his conference with the contractors and in about fifteen minutes his clerk brings in the quotations good until 6 A. M. the next morning. Turning to the wood contractor Major Doe informs him that unless he begins delivery by 6 A. M. the following morning, it will be necessary to go out in the open market and purchase on his account, in which event the contractor and his sureties will be called upon to pay the difference in cost over and above the contract rate. The contractor ponders this and promises that he will begin deliveries as ordered. After further conference with his contractors, and being satisfied that matters are now progressing satisfactorily, Major Doe dismisses them and begins to answer his correspondence which he has been unable to attend to before. Just then his clerk hands him a telegram stating that the first section of the 444th Infantry will arrive at 10 A. M. tomorrow morning, the second section at 10:15 A. M. and the third section at 10:30 A. M. The telegram also says that there are 55 cars in the three sections made up as follows: First Second Third Section Section Section Standard sleeper Tourist sleepers 4 Baggage cars Box cars 2 Flat cars 1 1 Stock cars 8 A. P. H. car 1 Totals 19 18 18 For capacities of railroad cars see Appendix "U." *1 as baggage and 1 as kitchen car, Field Quartermaster's Handbook 53 Calling up the railway agent, Major Doe finds that he also re- ceived a wire to the same effect. In order to avoid the possibility of delay, at Major Doe's request, the agent agrees to have an extra switch engine and crew on hand on arrival of the troops in order to facilitate detraining. He also requests as previously agreed that a telegraph operator be sent to the Camp in the morning and established in a tent at the Camp siding to expedite future business. Detailed instructions are then written fo the guidance of the in- coming command accompanied by the blue print of the Camp layout (one for each train command) showing the Regiment's Camp, where its wood is piled, and where its beef, ice, fresh vegetables, forage and straw are obtainable and the date, hour and place where rations may be drawn, as well as other details necessary to aid the incoming troops in becoming thoroughly acquainted with their surroundings. The instructions issued relative to detraining Major Doe are as follows: QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Camp X, N. Y., March 25, 1917. Memo No. 1 To Train Section Commander: 1. Your troops will detrain on track 1 and upon detraining the troops will march direct to Camp indicated on blue print. 2. Cars will be inspected as soon as vacated, by officers designated by train commander accompanied by the train conductor. Report of any damages will be promptly furnished the undersigned through the train commander. The report of the inspecting officers will also show the numbers and initials of each car of the section, also engine number and railroad with names of engineer and train conductor. 3. Suitable details will be made for unloading animals, baggage, freight and vehicles. These details will remain with their cars until unloaded. 4. Stock cars will be unloaded on track 6. 5. Fuel for five days will be found at the respective kitchens and ice may be obtained upon arrival at the ice pit shown on blue print. 6. It is expected troops will arrive with two days' rations and grain so that issues will not be required the day of arrival, but in case they do not, returns for 10 days' rations and requisitions for 10 days' forage may be submitted to the Quartermaster's office as soon as practicable after arrival. 7. Cars will not be moved until after all sections arrive whefn they will be switched out of the yard as the train officials -may decide. JOHN DOE, Major Q. M. C, U. S. R. Next three telegrams are made out and addressed to the Command- ing General, Eastern Department, announcing the arrival of the train sections as required by Army Regulations 193 and completed except inserting the number of officers and men and hour of arrival. These telegrams are to be handed each section commander in the morning to be signed and sent by them upon arrival after inserting proper data. 54 Field Quartermaster's Handbook Major Doe is now ready for bed, tired but happy that the arrange- ments are completed. Early in the morning, with three clerks, he proceeds to the Camp site to look over the final arrangements and to assure himself nothing has been forgotten. The wood contractor has already begun de- livery so Major Doe calls up the merchants from whom options were obtained the night before, thanks them and advises that he will not need the wood. Another mishap threatens. A car of forage expected has not ar- rived. Major Doe calls up the railroad agent who finally locates the car on a siding near the main line station. The extra switch engine requisitioned the previous evening is obtained and the car rushed to the Camp in* time for the switch engine to return to the main line yard before the arrival of the first section. With a final survey, Major Doe hurries to the Railroad station with two clerks to await the coming of the first section. On the way he gives each cleric copies of his memorandum and copies of the camp blue print and directs each to board a section of the train (indicating which one) and hand a copy of the memorandum and camp blue print to the train commander. Major Doe himself will board the first section and confer with the Regimental Commander. Upon arrival the officers and guards leave the cars, after which the commanding officer gives the order to detrain. Non-commissioned officers being placed near the doors next detrain, and finally the rest of the men bringing their arms and equipment. After all have detrained an inspection of the sleepers and coaches as previously provided for follows, the troops, except the details provided for unloading, march promptly to Camp and find their tentage on the ground ready to be pitched. Arms and equipments are then stacked, a guard posted, and the command proceeds to pitch tents the cooks meanwhile starting the fires and awaiting the rations being brought from the cars by the hired wagons of Major Doe. While some of the details unload the rest of the baggage and freight, others unload the wagons and animals. As soon as unloaded, the animals are harnessed, hitched to the wagons and assist in transport- ing to the Camp site the Regiment's baggage and freight. Upon arrival the train Quartermasters handed Major Doe the original bills of lading covering the property transported, which he will accom- plish after ascertaining that all property has checked out properly, and hands same to the railway agent. They also hand him, properly completed, copies of Q. M. C. Form No. 471 (Memorandum concerning the Movement of Troops see Appendix "V") to be dis- posed of per directions on the form. Major Doe's most important work will now begin. Not only must the work of construction progress smoothly, but he must also satisfy promptly the needs of the Regiment as well. This will require patience, tact, foresight and constant energy. At the outset his two most important duties are those of providing rations for the men Field Quartermaster's Handbook 55 and grain for the animals. The Regiment will obtain these from him, on Q. M. C. Form No. 223 an illustration of which is given in Appendix "W." The method of obtaining rations is for the Regimental Supply Officer to fill out the Ration Return (Q. M. C. Form No. 223) in duplicate from the Morning Report (A. G. O. No. 333) and being properly signed, submit the original (retaining the duplicate) to Major Doe, who issues the rations, abstracts them on his Abstract of Issues (Q. M. C. Form Nos. 222-250-251) filing therewith the Ration Return (Form 223), making the abstract a numbered voucher to his Return of Subsistence Stores (Q. M. C. Form No. 219). One of the most important police orders issued will be that having to do with the disposition of the kitchen waste, which will be con- sumed in the kitchen sinks or incinerators, a full description of which is given in Appendix "T." One oi the most important Camp duties is the disposal of the excreta and Major Doe is obliged to see to it that latrines are properly constructed and cared for. The construction and care of latrines is also shown in Appendix "T." The days will now pass all too quickly for Major Doe and almost before he is aware of it, pay day is near. His civilian clerks and civilian employes will be paid on W. D. Form No. 334 and the troops on W. D. Form No. 366 and 366a. Illustrations of the Army Pay Roll only are shown in Appendix "X," as Form No. 334 is too wide to show and presents no special diffi- culties. For both rolls Major Doe draws one check, as hereafter explained, and pays employes and enlisted men in cash. The Army Pay Roll is a serious problem, as he is personally re- sponsible for any mistakes and must make good any shortage. If any man is overpaid, Major Doe will send the man's company or organization commander a letter (Q. M. C. Form No. 56) requesting entry of the amount against the man on the next pay roll and at the following payment it will be deducted. The two blanks above mentioned (No. 366 and 366a) constitute the pay roll of enlisted men of the Regular Army. Entries include name and rank of each soldier, arm of the service, enlistment period, amount of pay and all stoppages against pay, with explanations of reasons for making the stoppages. The explanation of the purpose of the various columns is shown in Cir. 12 O. Q. M. G. 1912, pages 18 and 19. Major Doe after receiving the rolls from each organization made out and signed, except for the insertion of the amount due or to be deducted, proceeds with his clerk to figure the rolls, observing remarks as to when last paid, allotments and stoppages. After these rolls, which are in duplicate, have been compared and found correct the totals are ascertained and change list (Q. M. C. Form No. 57) is. 56 Field Quartermaster's Handbook made out and sent the Sub-Treasury or depository, two or three days before presentation of his check covering the amount of the roll. Notification is then sent the Regimental Commander of the date, hour and place where the men should assemble for payment. On the day when he is to make payment, Major Doe draws a check (stating therein that it is drawn to pay troops and employes) to his order for the entire amount of the rolls and presents same in person to the depository or Sub-Treasury for the cash included in the Change List he submitted previously. On presenting the check indorsed by him he receives the cash and proceeds to the Camp to make payment. Major Doe, his clerk and the Commanding Officer of the first organization to be paid, assemble at the place appointed for the pay- ment. The clerk calls out the names of the men to be paid in the order they appear on the roll and also calls out the amount each is to receive. Major Doe counts out and places the money before the man who is meanwhile identified by the organization commander seated at Major Doe's right. The pay of the men not present at the pay table and who have receipted for the payment, Major Doe hands to the company or organ- ization officer, who afterwards hands same to the man or if unable to do so, in three days returns it to Major Doe who deposits it to his official credit in the Sub-Treasury or depository and draws a line through the man's name on the roll adding thereto the words "not paid." Major Doe pays the officers of the Regiment by individual checks on pay voucher W. D. Form No. 336. Major Doe now prepares his money accounts as they must be forwarded by the 10th of the month per A. R. 627 to the Quarter- master General, Washington, D. C., or if he fails to do this the Treas- ury Department will decline to place other funds to his credit. Fortunately he is able, through systematization of his work, to for- ward his Account Current (a fuller illustration than his own account shows is given in Appendix "Y") with his abstracts and vouchers. If Major Doe has heeded his instructions and made proper and legal expenditures, his accounts will be passed; if not he will receive from the Auditor for the War Department (to whom the Quartermaster General has passed the accounts for final review) a statement show- ing the items suspended against him and why each item has been suspended. Major Doe makes his explanation of the suspended items and if satisfactory, the Auditor raises the suspension, but if not, Major Doe can appeal to the Comptroller of the Treasury who, if he sustains the Auditor, affirms the suspension, or if not, vacates it. In the former event, Major Doe becomes personally liable for the amount and must pay it. The next day instructions are received that the 444th Regiment is to leave within 10 days for the Concentration Camp. Field Quartermaster's Handbook 57 Major Doe must now make arrangements for the railroad trans- portation, the rationing of the troops for the journey, the closing of its accounts with him for its supplies obtained and all the preliminary and final details for entraining. Major Doe now confers with the Supply Officer who has been sent to him by the Colonel of the Regiment relative to the details of the movement. Together they decide upon the following: (a) The date the troops will be ready to move. (b) The number and class of cars for each section. (c) Number of officers and men to travel. (d) Amount of (1) Baggage. (2) Vehicles. (3) Other freight. (4) Animals. Major Doe advises the Regimental Commander and hands him Q. M. C. Form No. 471 (Appendix "V"), after which he calls on the American Railway Association representative and lays before him the details of the preliminary arrangements, advises him of the exact make up of each train section and requests him to take action relative to the prompt furnishing of the desired railway equipment. At the proper time Major Doe obtains from the Supply Officer the exact data from which he prepares the shipping invoices (Q. M. C. Form No. 201 in duplicate), bills of lading and the transportation request. Major Doe next prepares the estimate for the rail transportation (Q. M. C. Form No. 469), giving in each instance the following data: A. Organization and headquarters. B. The number of the train section (No. 1 being the first to depart, No. 2 the second, etc.). C. Destination. D. Name of each train quartermaster. E. Authority for the movement. F. The number of officers and enlisted men, separately for each arm and corps and omitting live stock attendants. G. The number of civilian employees, omitting live stock at- tendants. H. The number of live stock attendants. I. The number of public mules, public horses, and authorized private horses, separately for each train section. J. The number of wagons, ambulances, guns, caissons, and other vehicles, separately for each section. K. The approximate total weight of organization property, household goods, and checkable baggage, separately for 53 Field Quartermaster's Handbook each of the three items, should also be shown in the pre- liminary estimate; but not in the final one, such information being then given in the shipping lists and invoices. The date of entraining and the approximate hour of departure should be stated in the preliminary estimate in case the order, or other instructions, directing the movement of troops fails to give that information. Major Doe invoices some property to the Regimental Supply Officer and issues sufficient rations and grain for use enroute and to last for two days after arrival at destination. Many details require attention and the wagon transportation as well as harness should be looked over and repaired. Meanwhile the American Railway representative ascertains that kitchen cars are not obtainable, so it will be necessary to use a bag- gage car for each section and install in each a No. 1 Field Range (fully described in Bulletin 25, W. D., 1916). Major Doe accordingly requests him to have three baggage cars placed on the sidings in order that the field ranges may be installed without delay. He then provides the following additional equipment: 1 Water barrel for every second Tourist Car. 2 G. I. water cans. 2 G. I. buckets. 1 Stovepipe elbow, 100 feet wire. A supply of fuel. He next issues, and asks the Regimental Commander to direct ob- servance of the following loading order: 1st Company property, equipment and supplies, not needed in transit (in box cars locked and sealed by railroad em- ployees prior to departure of train), viz: Company property. Property of officers and men. Ammunition. Rations. Sanitary stores. Tentage. Cooking utensils. 2nd Transportation (on gondola or flat cars), viz: Guns and artillery carnages. Pontons. Wagons. Ambulances. Other vehicles. Field Quartermaster's Handbook 59 3rd Forage (in box cars). 4th Checkable baggage, rations for use enroute (in baggage and kitchen cars under guard). 5th Animals (in stock cars). Cth Men (in coaches or sleepers). \ By this arrangement the articles needed first will be unloaded first. The evening before the troops entrain the remainder of the equip- ment arrives and is inspected by the American Railway representative and Major Doe in order to correct defects, if any. In the morning, one hour after breakfast is finished, the troops are ready to entrain. Major Doe inspects the entire train equipment with the Railway rep- resentative and each train commander and finds everything in satis- factory condition and also that the railroad company has fully com- plied with all requirements. Major Doe then instructs the officers designated to superintend the loading of each train section, to keep lists showing the initials, number and contents of cars loaded under their supervision to avoid unnecessary delay in loading and to see that the cars are fully loaded, since the railroad's tariffs provide a minimum weight (usually 30,000 Ibs.) for each car used even though it contains a less weight. At the proper time loading is begun and carried on by the troops pursuant to the orders of the Regimental Commander and now Major Doe stands aside to watch and to adjust, if necessary, any disagree- ment which may arise between the agents of the railroad and the Regimental Commander. His part is now largely that of a spectator except the handing to the Supply Officer of the Bills of Lading and to each Train Quartermaster the Transportation Request covering the persons on his section. Loading is soon accomplished and the kind and weight of all property loaded in each car has been listed by a competent non-com- missioned officer assigned for the purpose by the Commanding Officer. Two men have been placed in each unsealed car, containing baggage or rations, and the wagons and animals have all been loaded into their cars. Fifteen minutes before the first section leaves the troops are marched down to the cars marked and assigned to them. At the word of command the troops entrain and on the minute the first section moves out followed at the proper time intervals by the other two sections. CALLING THE NATIONAL GUARD INTO THE FEDERAL^ SERVICE. 1. The following instructions regarding the procurement of Quar- termaster supplies and services for organizations of the National Guard govern when called into the Federal Service by the President: 2. The supply officers of organizations, if.no Quartermasters are present, are the representatives of the Quartermaster Corps in pro- viding subsistence, transportation, quarters, fuel, forage and other authorized quartermaster supplies. Subsistence. 3. While at armories, or at places where no cooking facilities are available: (a) An expenditure for subsistence not to exceed seventy-five cents per enlisted man is authorized for each day of actual service. Regi- mental supply officers and commanding officers of battalions, or com- panies stationed separately, will obtain meals for their respective organizations in the manner prescribed by paragraph 550, Army Regu- lations, 1913. (b) The accounts for meals, furnished by contractors, will be stated on W. D. Form 330, stating prices and number of meals furnished, hour messing commences and the number of men of each company subsisted each day. These accounts properly certified and approved by the Commanding Officer will be forwarded to the authorized Camp Quartermaster for payment. (c) Commutation of rations, not to exceed seventy-five (75) cents per man per day, may be paid through supply officers, using Form 373, receipted by company and detachment commanders, approved by Commanding Officer and attaching ration returns to the voucher, All funds so received must be accounted for as directed par. 3 (f). (d) All vouchers covering payment not to exceed seventy-five (75) cents per man per day, when cooking facilities are not available, must bear the certificate of the Commanding Officer: "I certify that no cooking facilities are available and that it is im- practicable to utilize rations in kind. Commanding." (e) If cooking facilities are available and rations cannot be issued in kind, by the supply department, an allowance of forty (40) cents per man per day is authorized. These accounts will be paid to supply officers, company or detachment commanders on Form Ration and Savings Account, No. 373, W. D., omitting data (Articles of the Ration, Reverse Side), attaching thereto Ration Return, Form 223, Q. M. C. The hour messing commences must be shown on vouchers and be 60 Field Quartermaster's Handbook 61 approved by the Commanding Officer. The Supply Officer will for- ward the certified vouchers to the camp quartermaster for payment. (f) All funds received by organization commanders for subsisting their troops will be taken up as company funds and accounted for as required by regulations. The Company Fund books will be carefully preserved by organization commanders for future reference in con- nection with settling claims or disputes in connection with subsisting of their troops. Particular attention is invited to paragraph 317, A. R. 1913, which outlines the course of procedure for general and company mess coun- cils and 327, A. R. 1913, which states how and for what purpose funds .shall be disbursed. (g) When rations in kind are available for issue, or can be pro- cured by requisition, rations will be issued in kind and ration savings privilege allowed as provided in first section of Par. 1220, A. R., 1913. Requisitions for subsistence stores will be submitted on Form 168, to headquarters, or to the Camp Quartermaster. If time does not permit, the articles and quantities required may be telegraphed head- quarters, or obtained direct from the nearest post, camp or supply depot. (1) The perishable articles of the ration fresh beef, fresh bread, potatoes, onions and butter, will be procured locally by supply officers, if the articles cannot be supplied otherwise, as follows: (2) Purchases will be made as provided in Pars. 550, 551 and 554, A. R. (3) Supply officers will submit certified vouchers, W. D., Form 330, for such purchases, approved by Commanding Officer, for payment to camp quartermaster assigned the various commands. (h) Savings will be paid on W. D., Form 373 (properly certified and approved) by the authorized Camp Quartermaster. (i) Supply officers of regiments or separate organizations will account for all subsistence supplies on Return of Subsistence Stores (Q. Q. M. C., Form 219), supported by proper vouchers, unless rations are issued direct on rations return by camp quartermasters. Quartermaster Supply. 4. The authorized articles of clothing, equipment, miscellaneous supplies and transportation, Q. M. Corps, are prescribed in G. O. 39, W. D., 1915 as amended. (a) The articles of clothing and equipage, description, size, costs and other data, are listed in G. O. 17 and 23, 1916, and G. O. 7, 33 and 43, W. D., 1917. (b) The articles of miscellaneous supplies and items of transporta- tion and data pertaining thereto, are listed in Circulars 2 and 3, Q. M. G. O., 1917. (1) The following are the various subdivisions of Q. M. Supplies: Subsistence Supplies: Being issue articles and authorized sales articles. 62 Field Quartermaster's Handbook Class "A" Supplies: Those supplies specified in G. O. No. 35, W. D., 1915, and amendments thereto, except as otherwise stated. The supplies listed in Circular No. 3, Q. M. G. O., 1917. The clothing and equipage and tableware and kitchen utensils listed annually in General Orders of the War Department. Class "B" Supplies: All supplies, equipment, material, etc., not designated as subsist- ence stores or class "A" sup- plies. The following is an illustration of the various subdivisions of Q. M. Supplies, viz.: Clothing. (a) Batons Belts, waist Breeches . Chevrons and other sleeve insignia, service Cords, hat, all arms of the service Drawers, pairs Gloves Horsehide Riding Woolen, O. D. Hats, service Laces, shoe, extra Leggins, canvas Shirts, flannel, O. D. Shoes, marching Stockings Tags, identification Tape, identification tags Undershirts Ponchos Slickers Overcoats (b) Axes and helves' Bags, surplus, kit Bars, mosquito, single Bedsacks Blankets, O. D. Brassards Brushes, scrubbing Bugles with sling Colors, camp with staff Colors, with case, staff, and tassel Silk-Inf. Regt. do National Service-National Cots Desks, field Flags, Chaplain Headnets, mosquito Instruments, band Oil, neatsfoot Equipage. Pickaxes and helves Pins, tent, shelter Poles, tent, shelter half Ponchos, music Shovels, S. H. Slings, color, O. D. Stands, music Sticks, shoe Stretcher, shoe cord Tape, foot measure Tents, shelter half Tents, pyramidal, large Tents, pyramidal, small Tents, storage Tents, wall Canvas, latrine Fly, tent wall for kitchen cover Housewives Whistles and chains Field Quartermaster's Handbook 63 Miscellaneous Articles. rN - J2 .9 V I t! cd 1 *j ti 0) C^J o S'S o-o<2 ^U3 4J c c ARTICLES cs r a 3 1 ti CS 3 a E -.d >> a E S o 1 o *; 1 S c S o Hj P n ropriation ipany of a-Bs alion Headq il for One Ba ipany Headq hine Gun Cc ply Compan enlisted mei itary Detach imental Hea il for Regimi shed Quarto Sanitary Tn P^ Jj JJ C 2 IT; a G O O i 1 o O o CO 8 & J2 I M U ^ W J- C3 3 Sllllli Stretchers, shoe C&E 1 Sweaters ....C&E 144 Tables, fold- ing I.E. Tapes, foot measure ..C&E Tape, measur- ing 100 ft.. ..I.E. Tents, shelter, hf. Dism'nted .C&E Mounted ..C&E Fentage, heavy Tents, com- plete Pyramidal, large C&E Pyramidal, small C&E Storage ...C&E Wall C&E Canv. latrine Screen ....C&E 1 1 Thread, sad- dler's No. 3, lbs..A.T No. 10, Ibs.A.T 4 1 575 55 .. 1 1 .. 1 . 41 1 51 1 .. .. 15 35 24 .. 1,890 Winter use .. .. 5 8 1 .. ., 15 1 1 144 .. 575 55 6 . 24 8 20 .. 80 9 2 3 11 51 35 24 .. 1,890 4 6 6 2 98 xFor use of 6 4 x3 270 Guard 32245 .. .. .. 2 .. .. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 49 2 For Reg. Q. M. 5 19 " f Rep. of Q. M. 6 I Harness Appendix APPENDIX "D" 18- J M; , g O C H O +* -r H CO a -H o 5,3 S t ! 4J S C rt >, i (X) M B c * It] *> Vi rt/ C C 1 -i i i 1 1 1 I II 31 3* "3 j < T^ ' l|o i c H : Cft ; Vi : 1 co +> I | 1C CJ 1 ** i co ; 1? h7 cd: 3 r^- "S3 3 |!f g ^^1 ** . " S 1 g-3 1 s J M c a 4^ M xi |l &- P.: 1 li I O! M! t'" CO *r > ; C^ j 111 * to: tO <0 1 rH rH W Ot " >O; iff * r- tO r-l I! o! OJ r ^i j 9;_, ^ >J co O ' 3 o tH *> iH n O: g J^ > ^- ^ to H: S. c CQ ; rH s 0) *-> OJ P rH pi C: oT v> H rH P, O S ta c OJ Tents, t> rH p, O CO C 6-i Tents, 1 D HI ^ rl 9 CM 00 00 T r^ O^ rH C* ' 0) 3 rH ^o CO' I tO ii o lis 4>: *: p al * o o o^ toi o * a! t ,- h I c = i ta P. P. at o * fi L-2 Appendix APPENDIX "E" to u supFittO fsat Deppt quartermaster, N.T. REQui?ITION , ..558-8 f7tf _ ..... _. Appropriation ., ..?, 1917.. *""' Ouaxd gXC" I^Jn.) C^npt.0. Articl-. ttitimttft Ct oTQumotity ft^uind. (Suu Jttn llea nuaiter of rprapctefloM to titeb cb*f|MbM.) "??. ACtlUlCMl iizWnS.1. i 18820 Hay, IDS. H.ewt. 2168 to ] 57230 5210.C ....Oats," ... ..$l..SQ..ct Straw for.fceddlng. ..2358 521 45 00 itoe. 8 Si. per cwt. Forage for 3Q toy?.... for 184 horses RATIONS Horse per dz jr-?W 1 ba. Hay, 12 its. Oats 3 Ibs* Of Bran mm be. a 9* sUtuted. for 3 Its, o f grain when desirei ir"d y ftyr.-aoh nimalv" fOTZ: In- the field the COM other recognized art: andlr oles. e sul enta e tia g-ioff icer -may-subBti-frttt Q.tl . f.O.rage . .Q 1j tai ne.d ... lo.ca s ti tut ion not to exceed afr'the 'ration at the'"C"o e.. of.... change^.... :....;. Uy..... nt;rac t ^ the yarlation from th noMy :ralu of compioi ia.t.e.a..iJQ ..f f .fl.t. . At...t) fcau^jt .506765J Approved: Richard Roe, Jtaj or General , Station ..Camp JC... KY.-. .ft.M, Carps. U. S. R. APPENDIX "F" CLOTHING ESTIMATE . Quarter. Fiscal Year 1911. ^0.555.3.... Date ,.aC5b..?., Ito,ad OnbtDdttd Supplfftl Jrom Oil;f polls. test ^~~ Uftitprtre. ToUlrw. Surplus oo bud. IS. 000 None .Hone N p *l,.bl. .10 licoo. UREECHB8,OOTTON,8BtlVICE,OttVE mUV(FUl). ' * .16.000 Hone Hone FOOI.NO. 1(3*1.*;) ^ 1.07 160 to. JTiw requisition cantists of ..... 10. ...... ___ sheeti. certify that the foregoing estimate is correct, and that the articles specified are absolutely requii for. the public service* Richard Roe Major General Commanding, Tott john Date ....... .*.*. *?d, .................. f 191 7. Appendix APPENDIX "G" 555-4 SPECIAL REQUISITION FOR PUBLIC ANIMALS Riding horses. Wheel mules, four-mule team. Lead mules, four-mule team. Riding mules for wagon and Riding mules for mountain Pack mules for pack trains. 5 fl . 1 M 1 -! I i s 11 a OF ANIMALS. -s si . *f g t 1 I? n ii -r! . j1 i it ||1 il| N 1 ^ i! 9 i 3 I 55 1" S* 1 a i s 184 184 le team. 134 134 team. 134 134 n and pack trains. 18 18 tain batteries. railtt. 3 2 ain batteries, id-gun platoons. 48 AS ORGANIZATION First Brigade, Infantry DKATt. PlOT. Wheel. LwL SwlDI. P. T. H. 0. P. M.E. 134 134 18 3 48 REMARKS The atore animals should be shipped so as to arrive at the Camp not later than April 1, 1917. I CERTIFY that the above requisition is correct, and the public animals required for are necessary for the proper. I CERTIFY that the above requisition is correct, and the public animals equipment of the organizations and means of transportation as above stated. John See, Richard Roe, Hajor General, , Commanding. Date, March 2.1917. Appendix APPENDIX "H' 555-5 & o . ^ J O o : C ^t G S3 OHGAJTIZATI01.S. o c A (4 (~ companies, etc. ) O r-( 0) C f< p, e *- J *> 3 "* -< ^. ^3 > 8 WS o o Headquarters Div. 10 16 4 9 Regte.' Infantry. .iO 9450 1 Hgt. CaTalry S5 945 1 Brig. Lt.Art'ry 110 1890 1 Btln. Sngineera <0 460 1 Btln. Sig. Corps 3 97 o R.R. * nil. Foil co 4 Ammunition Train 3 67 Supply Train 4 146 Sanitary Train 7 237 Sa^ineer Train 1 9 Total 783 13241 10 Appendix APPENDIX "I.' TO BS SVPPUED r. 1917 REQUISITION 555-6 March2,1917 ....... "A?. .............. OOUIK7 OonivBMf QtMrtor. lUqalnd. I**-nption at Article*. erf Quantity bqulrwl. (3UU br itf on number of ppnjpriioM Qiuntitr ATo'i Artie lei 8upp __._ 712 Harness, Wagon Lead 119K 0< > Item 202 S.S.CbnpIete 712 HarnssB.Wagon Wheel 13SSS or S.S. Complete 2 HarnesB/Li gh.t ..Spr.ins Wagon, S.S. Complete. 6? 16 : 3Q.8 Sagone ^Escort ^Comp.'.t .Affifculiwcea ,.compl.e.te... Wagon, Light Spring^ .363.^ 1Q41> 13; do 00 00 49 1 TWAL .. 72400 IS Approved: Richard Roe, ' M |Jor v Generai. Station ...?'. N ,: Y> DQB. ; -Major Q.Il.Corps.U.S.R. e " orte """ ta Appendix 11 APPENDIX "J." SAMPLE ENTRIES IN CASH BOOK Q. M. C. Form No. 80. War. Camp X, N. Y., Quartermaster. Receipts and Disbursements. Mar. 1st Mar. 2nd C. D. 555 1-2 - 05 '53 o o 3 ,"- w fa C o TOTAL Cr. W. W. No. 444 Treas. U. S. A. 2/28/17 $12000.00 Paid on voucher. Dr. $16,25 S. S. & T. F. Y. 1917 Dr. $10000.00 Barracks and Quarters F. Y. 1917 Cr. $10.00 Dr. $2000.00 Cr. $6.25 SAMPLE ENTRIES ON CHECK STUB. 3/1 3/2 3/2 UoS Amount brought forward. W. W. 444 Treas. U. S. 2/28/17 Public Service Corporation John Straight l 11 $12000.00 No. 1 $10.00 No. 2 6.25 $11990.00 11983.75 SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT. Treasury Department. Original. Office of the Treasury of the United States. No. 555 Washington, D. C, March 2, 1917. $12,000.00 I certify tha't Twelve thousand ($12,000.00) dollars, the amount of War Warrant No. 444, dated 2-28-17, has this day been credited in dis- bursing account, subject only to the official check of 56,789,* John Doe, Major Q. M. C., U. S. A., Camp X, N. Y. JOHN JONES, Treasurer of the U. S. Counersigned : RODMAN SMITH. *Symbol number. 12 Appendix SAMPLE OF Q. M. G. O. FORM No. 693. Major John Doe, Q. M. C, U. S. M., Camp X., N. Y. (Through Department Quartermaster, Eastern Department.) With reference to your estimate of funds dated Feb. 27, 1917. request has this day been made upon the Treasury to have $12,000.00, appropriations as indicated below, deposited to your official credit with Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D. C. By direction: H. M. LONG, Major, Q. M. C., U. S. Army. Appropriations. Amount Supplies, Services and Transportation, Q. M. C., 1917 $10,000.00 Barracks and Quarters, Q. M. C, 1917 2,000.00 Total . , $12,000.00 Note. This is merely a letter of advice, and credit must not be taken for these funds until notification has been received that they have been placed to the official credit of the officer to whom this letter is addressed. Appendix 13 APPENDIX "J." DWARTMENT Voucher No General'Account .1 PUBLIC VOUCHER oMii^t. PURCHASES AND SERVICES OTHER THAN PERSONAL APPROPRIATION! *. Symbol $. APPROPSIATION. _ Symbol $. , THE UNITED STATES, A / ^ *J f\ O f' :* ff / "7^ \s / (it /I ADDRESS : ,A/-_J7.^. TO /-/ya./ (Account to be flmJUlely oiled la fy p&yee, or before signature Jif r that the above account is correct, and that payment thi (oo KOT BIOS I Eimrr that the above articles have been received by me in frood condition, and in the quality and quantity above specified, o * performed as swied, and they are in ac-cordance with otd3 therefor ; that the price*) charged are Reasonable, and in accordanc cdancc^ith , tho method ot advcrtiaing and xinderthe form of agreement lettered a HUM, u well w UM ctp*atj In which t 14 Appendix APPENDIX "J." ERARTMENT . .. OUCHer HO. Gsneral Account PUBLIC VOUCHER DeuAcc PURCHASES AND SERVICES OTHER THAN PERSONAL APPROPRIATE, ftw^lQw^$ T !$M&.dfy^J3.--- Symbol ............. $.....?".". APPROPRIATION, .................. . ........ ... ............................... ...... ............ Symkl _ ......... $. APPROPRIATION, ............................... _ ......... ; .................................... Symbol ............. $. THE UNITED STATES, To U r Mbr* Mfnarara by p*/*, without llr:loQ or erasure of any kind.) * I CERTIFY that the above account is correct, |knd that* payment tkerefM has oH been I CEHTIFY that the above articles have been received by me io rood condition, and in the quality and quantity above specified, or services performed as stated, and they are in accordance with orders therefor ; that the prices charged are reasonable, and in accordance the agreement, or that they were eccurcdJa nccoxcbnce wiih No. .//. of the method of advertising and under the form of agreement lettered ., as shown oil the reveree hcty^ , ^ # f ^ Apptoved lor I Vf**^. ^., in (mvor of py r-"-i W !! L, d ,00 .tati i j ^ I "D 3fl! Oi!& *a d O D; d d D d! a d a a di Q; d D[ a d d DI a D D D' Di Q O a al d d d a! a D D a! D; Qj O a d d: d .d d .a D d a; Di d; al E d d a a s a a d a a D D! a: D a d D d a ar a; d! a! a d d d* a d a DI D d a d 1 DM* Q! D a d a! d d d d! D a D a! a- dj a d D d d d d D a D; a: DI o a a a! D d d a! D a a a' d; Dl a d a d! d d a D! a a d g - o; a d a DI a a a i a D d D d a d! a d D D! D a d D[ | i a a a d; a d a a; a a a d! i i d d a d> a d d D. a a Ci ' i d a d a: a a a a! a a a a: a a d D 1 a a d a; a d d a; ! i a o a oi a D O a! D a a Dj ; nl I t 1 Supply ^-8 59 ; i * ! ltd ! Swihry | in Bottafcft i 2d. Bflttftbcu i 3d. BitU'.iun , iMjtkict i S|Gunt. ' I i I , 1 1 i 1 l ' 1 i i , l t,^ t-, to t3i toL ta te* 1 'ca c-,' ga r > c=> r^i' f-, I 1 r* L Tnin Pirk 1 vw> Ter. s< Mi ^L? t Jl l -V fib a t Animals 1 -DOir 18 Appendix APPENDIX "L/ CAMt> OF INFAHTBY DIVISION. WAR STBEHOTH. (335 AMES. THIS FORK OF CAMP MOST OFTEN BE MODIFIED, DEPENDING UPON THE NATURE OF THE GROUND). @ Division Headquarters 3f Brigade Headquarters H" C&mp Infirmary ' F* H'dq'r>of Organizationa- 08 Held Hospital (Setup) r. Ambulance Service Camp Limits- Division H'dqrs, Permanent Camp Commands- Telephone and Telegraph Service of Permanent Camp Personnel Appendix APPENDIX "M." . Aulboclwd UiiA >7, int. AR-ncLF.a, OB SERVICES, AND DESCRIPTION QUANTITY. UNIT. UxYr PUCE. Trains PVBOUBM. HrxiBiB The eord wood mast be BO and, Soeel: Dolls. loa- Cents. iona. or oban ed, free froa dry, : ot ' rarned email ll^bs and brush, ( elivered In oo r a o; ' 188 o oblo fee t, sawed or ontyln 4- foot lengths aj laehee In diameter, and id split 1 a awed In o eonv 12, 16 nle: an it size L 24 In , bat not exoebdlng 6 >h lengthe. The following will be conslc ered hi rdwi od: A 3h, beeo b, birch, cheat- nut, oottonwood, elm, gura, hlokoi y, B&P .e, < k, po plar. et 0. The following will be oonslc ered s ft'Wi od: C sdar, ft r, healook. laroh, pine, epraoe, of] reas. etc The Blab wood shou' d be of i iroper size and 1 ngtha fo r use In crematories* The Oata to be grai ed of the beet iual Lty; to be aone A, well derel- oped, and well matured. bright, s weet. jlea i, and praotloa lly free from other grains; to test n< t lei? a t an 32 joun is for onelippe d and 24 pounds for clipped to the meaai ired bushi A, and to be dry to the < xtent of eon- tainlng not to exceed 11 ! per cent moist ire; bidder to api olfy the color of oat e hid upon. To be delivered In good, at] ong, n IW b irlap aoka, oc n talcing about IE 6 pounds eaoh; the we .ght of tl sacta to be ded ooted an d the saoka Re- ducted and the sacks to become tl e prop >rty of the United states. Delivery to be trad > In bales or lo )e, as may he reqi Ired* *heo baled, each hale will b i cured with a t le iet two wire* c f not leas than IS gauge, and weigh not leas thai i 66 no mo re than 126 pooade. All the supplies wi places specified In the If Didders desire clearly shown as well as ered if otherwise than The successful bidd bond if deemed necessary LI be dell vered lall r or ae requiri id and at the tamp. > bid In < arload lot B or F. O.B. thJ a should be the placi B be a bate i when deliver will be tend i above ot tiled f >r. ir will be requl red to ente r Into ( ontraot with by the pi j-chasl i o f fleer. Appendix 21 APPENDIX "N." Q. M. C. Form No. !!. Autborlud Februiy 26, 1916. LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL. Address oil communications to OFFICE and refer to PURCHASE ORDER No ........ X CIRCULAR No. .......1 ........ DATED ....... ArSfe...*-*... 19.17.*. BIDS OPENED PROPOSAL No. ______ 10. ............. REQUISITION No. ........... 4. ........... FILE No. . 32 , &4 APP-N .......... 9...i*..*..f * ............ ITEM No ................... TOTAL COST, $.8.880 .00 _ 3 WAB DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF ...... Q_t..H __________ (Place) _____ 8M9..1*_..J.t..jr. ................. (Date) ..*!!-.&$. To Sire: Under the proposal submitted by you in response to advertisement of this office, as above, award is hereby made to you for furnishing and delivering the following-named supplies, or performing the following-named services, as stipulated in the proposal and in conformity with the usual conditions and the terms of the advertisement. One copy of bill or invoice, with number of this purchase order noted thereon, accompanied by bill of lading (if the supplies are shipped) , should be sent to this office as soon as the supplies are delivered (or shipped), or the services performed. All shipments should be followed by tracer to insure prompt delivery. Ship- ments will be prepaid unless it has been otherwise stipulated. No excess of quantities ordered should be delivered. The supplies should be marked as follows: The articles or services and time and place of delivery or performance are as follows : ZOO oordB Hard Tood tn 4 1 lengths at J8.00 per card. 150 cord* Slab ffood at f300 j*r oord. DliTor1es tc cooLrnee Xareh 0. 1919. and fee by Uaroh 31, 1917. will be p-*d on covplti. Author ned January 31, 1916. CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF PUBLIC WORKS (EXCEPT VESSELS). Here attach copy of newspaper advertisement.) Office of ..... 4nart.er.ma 3$ ST., ........................ . (Place) ...... Camp. J^^H^Y... ........................... (Date) ..... ....March..*-,. .1.917., ......... : ............. -.,19. SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, subject to the following conditions, will be received at this office until the time stated below and then opened for the construction or repairs as shown by the attached list and specifications. woRK..(.A)-..Co5Struotipn.cprnplatQ..Qf ..a.ll..tli islon of Infantry per plans and specifications on file in this office. (B) Material only for above (attached list is for one Regiment firf'Tafantry only. Complete list on file in this office)". ~~ TO BE DONE AT .C.&n!p...X *+..!&. .Y.t .............................. . ............................................ _______ ADVERTISEMENT DATED..M&rch .4.,... 19.17. . ....................................................................... ^ BIDS TO BE OPENED AT ....... 11 ....... O'CLOCK... .A....M., ............. Mar.Ch__l ............... , 1S>17. I. CLASSES 'OF WORK; EXAMINATIONS BY BIDDERS, ETC. 1. Classes. Proposals for one or more of- the buildings or works required, less than all, complete, or for any separate class of work contemplated, will be received. Proposals for different classes of work included .in buildings should be made in the following order, viz: (1) The construction proper. (2) Plumbing. (3) Heating. (4) Gas piping. When called for in the specifications. (5) Electric wiring. (6) Gas or electric lighting fixtures. The price for each of these i terns will be stated separately for each building. In Submitting proposals bidders will state the sum for which they propose to furnish the materials and perform the work required by the drawings and specifications for each class of work bid for. V. SPECIAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS. 58. Defaulting contractors barred from bidding. All bids received from those who have unjustifiably failed to fill former contracts with the Government will be rejected. 59. Lack of commercial standing on the part of a bidder or inadequate facilities or plant on the part of a manufacturer constitute good and sufficient grounds for the rejection of bids. 60. Information as to bidders. No person will be informed directly or indirectly of the name of any one intending to bid or not to bid or to whom information in respect to proposals has been given. 61. Strict construction of time periods in contracts. The Secretary of War has directed that the especial Attention of all contractors, at the time of signing contracts, be called to the fact that it is the purpose of the War Department to exact a fulfillment of all contracts as to the time periods, and that they should understand when entering into contracts with this department that they need not do so with the expectation that they can be relieved from those conditions. 62. Any explanation which a bidder may desire to make concerning his proposal, or any alternative bid, must accompany and be made a part of the original proposal. Appendix APPENDIX "O" Continued. 63. Review of proposal by bidder. Blank spaces of proposal form are to be filled with the pen or on tho typewriter, and a careful review of the proposal and guaranty should be made by the bidder to see that they are correctly drawn and executed, and that all throe numbers read exactly alike. 64. Errors. Neither the laws nor the Army regulations make any allowance for errors, either of cottuais- sion or of omission, on the part of bidders. It must be assumed that bidders have fully informed themselves as to all conditions, requirements, and specifications before submitting proposals; and they can not be excused or relieved from the responsibility assumed by their proposals on the plea of error. 65. Instructions to become a. part of contract. These instructions and requirements will, so far as at all applicable, become a part of the contracts and the contractors will be bound thereby. 66. Copy to be filed with proposal. A copy of the advertisement and circular will be attached by the bidder to at least one number of the proposal. 67. Submittal of proposals. The proposals should be securely sealed in a suitable envelope, indorsed "Proposals for Public Buildings, to be opened. .a-H.A.14....Jtoroh-.16.,..JL917.. ,- and addressed to the undersigned, with postage fully prepaid, and mailed in ample time to reach destination before the time set for the opening of proposals. ., J-Oiia.JDQa-. Quartermaster Corpi, U. In Charge of Construction. _, __ .C8p..ftuarifee:raa8ter.. (Only a portion of the printed matter embraced in this Q.M.C. Form Ho. 100l> la shown. f or purposes of illustration. 24 Appendix APPENDIX "O, st List of materials required in the construction of the 105 buildings specified in above for a cantonment for a Regiment of Infantry at War strength. Lumber, feet, B.M 850.707 7" fire clay, round flue, 2' long 178 9" G. I. smoke pipe (No. 26 U. S. S. Gauge) 178 No. 10 B. S. Gauge flue wire, Ibs 178 Sash, single, glazed, 6-hght, 10" x 16" 1 .254 3" sash hook and eye 1 .254 Doors 4 panels O. G. moulded, 2' 8" x 6' 8" x 1^" 448 8" T. Hinges, with 2 screws to each door 846 Rim locks, 4^4" x 34", knobs, screws, complete 436 2^2" W. I. Hitching ring and screw 164 Roofing paper, 108' rolls 1 . 755 Nails, Ibs. : 16d 6d 3d 4~803 4~966 273lJ Pipe holder hooks 336 8" barrel bolts 66 No. 14 wire screen, square feet 72 Barn door hangers, sets 3 Hasps and staples, sets 3 3' 6" x 3' 6" expanded metal guards 13 l 1 /^" staples, dozen 52 6" G. I. urinal troughs, 6' long 30 Pipe, G. I., 3/ 4 ", feet 918 Pipe, G. L, 1Y 4 ", 8' long 30 Elbows, G. L, y 4 " 241 Strap hinges, with screws, 4" 328 Wire cloth hooks 336 5" shower heads ? 112 24" compression stop cocks 112 3/ 4 " G. I. Tees 95 A full illustration of Q. M. C. Form No. 109b is not given as it is quite lengthy. It is merely necessary to attach this list thereto as pro- vided for on the Form and fill out later showing place, date, date of opening and the other data called for. It is then issued and distributed as anv other circular advertisement. Appendix APPENDIX "P" PROPERTY ACCOUNT n. ....Camp . Z _ *- ' CUMT. ,^ ra .,H.,..- ~v ^ ^r.-. I0MM^. 7 IT '2 AT 3 666 260 260 J i *. sise, etc _;^__J>6.--a^ maiMpg BOB*, cone __ Q. M. C. Form XO PROPERTY ACCOUNT Tore **, PlI-IT c. .... .a. Efc*. ... Dvpot. tjsir'i. '"Sis 'it?" fc ^T s: 1 1 . 3 4 * < i r g .6.66. 6 4 | ; :'---; Dtscriftion, siie, etc. ...?1V4*." 25 PROPERTY ACCOUNT p ... M. >uir. C...,,. . u ,... . 1 I i>,%; -sp. 'ssii.'sr fcrrlc*. * f AT 1 666 1 . -. J /Description, siie, .... Unitqtatfity, Hilirnum .-..~~ Marimprf, .- " 26 Appendix APPENDIX "P" Continued VOUCHER TO POST PROPERTY ACCOUNT. .(PURCHASE.) App.S.S. &.T., Q.M. Corps, F.Y.1917 Purchased from Puhl 1 P. Semrt < *> Corporal Ion Conp X. H.-Y. """""tK^TfbuitaM~risij *" ""(city i iowi)"~" """"Tstiiof Tnitj '.) ARTICLE OR SERVICE UNTIW UNIT ^JJJJJ AWOUHT 7 ' 202 (e) IJch. 2 Tickets. street car. 200 No, Authority filed . Property account of Ma.1or..John. aoft^..CLJL.C. P ...IL.SLJL U1J _ Quartermaster, JS ...C.amp. JC.,.,. : .lJ...Y.,.... : . ,.- ^M FoitcAer JVo. .._.!. ..^. _ Money accounts e/.._?fel?r..Jo>Xr...Doe J ..S..li > _C..__ ( Quartermaster. fl.S.ft* for TOO ..C,^'l^C ...... , ., Quar.ternntnter. por wontA of _Jfcir-cli.:i917 :, ^. 3". 1917.. Q. M. C. Form No. 817 a. Authorized March 8. 1915. 2.... ^ POST PROPERTY ACCOUNT POST OF FOR PURCHASES INSTRUCTIONS This form of property voucher will be need in lieu of duplicate memorandum copy of purchase vouchers. It will be prepared for each purchase at the same time the money account voucher therefor and memorandum part of voucher are prepared , viz, immediately after receipt of supplies purchased, compared with the voucher to the Abstract of Disbursements to which it pertains, given the next property account aerial number, posted to poet prop- erty account, marked "Posted," nd forwarded to th Office of the Quartermaster General of the Army. POst No. 558 Voucher No. 2 Post Property Aocount ofi Mejor John Doe, Q.M., Q.M.C., U.S-.R. Camp X., H.Y. Fiscal Year 1917. Posted March 2,1917 28 Appendix APPENDIX "P" Continued COMBINATION BLANK, INVOICE OR RECEIPT. TRANSFER OF QUARTERMASTER SUPPLIES Front 24a4ctr... adhn..J.onii3- r , Q. M. at ..\Vashint.an.,..D...C.. ,_._ for transportation and delivery to , _ .,_.:_ . Q*uuir tin. Allleltl. '* Co* T-et Cottdliton. *SSC!L- Doll.ti C..U. ^ ^ ^ Q ^ 1911 toclUJje I.*', 4f>. 4? no By JPurcl 833 . # 5- 9998 . Order ^1553.l{arQh. 1 19" 7 Q,M>G, 0,^413 V 2> 191 7 19- 7 INVOICED this. If and dropped per reoei Ho If, tv.fr' -Oil A.day o/..JJarBh , 19J 7 RECEIVED tttoJLst. daw o/...Marsh 7S7 7 and tafcen up pr invoice. Voucher .Vo 1. John D6e pt. Voucher Xo. ...300.Q i firterraAat'er *mM*i offl**- Ifl * Q1* A- .s.UHrtemWSt.Or Receivint Officer. U.S.R. Appendix APPENDIX "P" Continued 29 oo oo w 3 _ n 9.i...ft.M.'?. mown HL v UMC. ORIGINAL. """ (Noi* of'tfwpvrtMioo ooinpBj~>~~ r the public property hereinafter described, in apparent good order and condition (contents and value unknown), to ho forwarded subject to conditions stated oo the reverse hereof, from -QBBlp._X-.. ..-..., ^ *> Cagp Z. ,,!< by gay compaapr and connecting lines, the^e to be delivered in like good order ao6 condition to . KaiOJC,^bB..Brown,. .ft.M.C. , U.f .A. _ _ oth Shore and Atiantio Hi B. Oo. (C ~*~' , ... . . Votiloonvmr banuadnaiih MMtflM OMi:BM kdtamd Uunbf.) r J ... PACKAOX*. c. mm . S 8. & T. 202a 7 Horses, riding 3 HoreeBj draft 10,500., value $1000. Quartermfteter. &SSSS t^JL. r, TU. S. EJ!rty Roland Myers- Attendant to toe carried free. u ^ . . SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE HEREOF. zaarr AVTHOKITT. AUTHomrrr torn BHIPMXNT TlCram A, C. Q. March 1C. 1917. Z'S CZBTU1CAR Or DXUVZBT. Canyz.. H. Y. _________ .Ua.rch __ .. I h.re this darreceired from ^ __ Ai...?.-:.* ..9.?..A-...?.?_.9.?./. ............ __________ ..... . ........ the public property 'described ia this bill of lading, in apparent good order and condition, except as noted on the reverse hereof Weight __ __ * en thousand^ _ 10,000. (In*.) lUIi~ ___ , ___ John.- j7 DO dMrrM oo th i ^iMt.._ t vouchr msrmucnoKS o oi liiii( u "iup[tJtafipr7" 32 Appendix APPENDIX "Q" Continued - |f 3 J lyjjlf 1 I!?!! ?-i^-- *SK A 3 ' ?ll 1 1 1 ! J 8 isU S'Ss ' "it| ! Mi"i'1"^l^t-?l" hi'51 f! !- Illlll^ilsisg-llj IBS fi J tP^ mini! ISllH spill H i .fo '"if i!i2|l|lll la-| fsilfl y Ki|{i iliiifl s-^; 's^ - ^ a pi -fc-Ff*i a H 5 i iii?ij Appendix 33 APPENDIX "Q" Continued a apamrt b/ ComptnlUr of tb CMBBT HI K LINK. MEMORANDUM. Abneco U. 8. WAR DEPARTMENT, QUARTERMASTER CORPS. No.WQ._. o; 4. u. B. 2>. CM* OMV X.. V. T. March 80. (SUtioo from which shipment b actually (arwardd.) (Da Major John Doo.q.li.C., U.tt.R. by the . ----------------- ......... ------ . ---- ...................... _ .............. - ................ -- . --- ._2_xi ----- Company the public property hereinafter described, in apparent good order and condition (cpntanto and value unknown), to be forwarded SHbjeck^y^nfUtionytatfd on the reverse hereof, from ------------------- * ------- ^. good order and .gytyjg, Ja| Root. Jounnr only whra son. MjbauaUi "burato7lh. Oonnimrt>"Bb>^Klth^.bp.) * MARia. NUMBKBB. NVICBBa AND P*cl!Aara. COHTENTB. y^ffTB. 8.8. * 3.3024 7 Horoea. riding 5 J.'oraee, draft 10.000. Value 81000. C^iBrtermtep. Caap Z..B.Y. O. B. Propartcr , Roland Myora- Attondant 1 O be anrrled free 34 Appendix APPENDIX "Q" Continued C.MrS. Form 156. Form approved- by Comptroller of the Treasury June 19,1915. (To be delivered to the Agent .of the Receiving Sransportation Company for his use) TJ, S. WAR DEPARTMENT QUARTERMASTER CORPS. i.i.i..____ (office nuth6rlzln"shipilt en t (Station from wjjich (Date) shipment is actually forwarded) GOVERNMENT BILL OF LADING SHIPPING ORDER. by the PLEASE SHIP for Ma4oB-J.olin-D.oe, --- (Consignor) ton and Cherryville R.R. (Name of Transportation Company) Company the public property hereinafter described, in apparent good order and condition (contents and value unknown), to be forwarded subject to conditions stated on the reverse hereof, fr Camp Z., U.Y. by said company and connecting lines, there CO-_ _ __ -.___-_..-_.__...__..____ to be delivered in like good order and condition to.M&jor John Brown tS .M.C.U.S, (Consignee}"' _ North Shore and Atlantic R.R. Co. "TKotTCe 'JcumeY~oriTy"~wKen~some "auSsTanlTial interest cf the Government- is subserved thereby) MARKS NUMBERS NUI-1BER ANTj DESCRIPTION OF PACKAGES CONTENTS. HEIGHTS. Ibs. S.S. & T. 202d 7 Horses, rlrJinc 5 Horses, draft 10,000. QiiarVe rma st e r , Value JlOOO. "Camp Z., N.Y. U..S. Property Boland "yers-At- tendant to be carried free SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON RETCRSE HEREOF Appendix 35 APPENDIX "R." The following gives a full list of all the debit and credit vouchers to a property account Q. M. C., Form No. 200: DEBITS. Forms 217, 217a, Q. M. C. (Duplicate memorandum of voucher),, covering purchases made on (W. D. Nos. 330, 330a, 330b, 330c and 332), are to be prepared for each purchase immediately after delivery of supplies. They are marked "Voucher to property account," and forwarded to the Quartermaster General for posting to property ac- count kept in his office. Form 210, Q. M. C. List of articles taken up (articles received from various sources other than by transfer). See appendix "P." Form 201, Q. M. C. When used as an invoice of property trans- ferred. CREDITS. Form 160, Q. M. C. To be used for issues of property not pro- vided for below. Form 201, Q. M. C. When used as a receipt for property received. Form 203, Q. M. C. Monthly list of property expended. Form 204, Q. M. C. Requisition for stationery. (Issues on this form should be consolidated monthly on Q. M. C., Form 203, with no- tation in column designated "Application," that the quantity of sta- tionery for which credit is taken has actually been issued on approved requisitions therefor. Requisitions for stationery should be filed with the retained Form 203. "Monthly list of stores expended," to which they pertain). Form 205, Q. M. C. Articles lost or destroyed. Form 206, Q. M. C. Receipt roll for recruit kits. Form 207, Q. M. C. Abstract of breakage, china and glassware. Form 207a, Q. M. C. Certificate of breakage, china and glasswr.re- 36 Appendix APPENDIX "R" Continued Form 208, Q. M. C. Statement of charges (property on muster and pay rolls). (When charges are entered against a deserter, "Report of survey," Form 1%, A. G. O., should be filed with statement of charges submitted as a voucher to property account.) Form 209, Q. M. C. Abstract of issues of forage and bedding. Form 211a, Q. M. C. Requisition for fuel and bedding. Form 213, Q. M. C. Requisition for clothing and equipage. Form 213a, Q. M. C. Extra sheet for Alaska. Form 214, Q. Al. C. Statement of purchases of property (voucher covering sales to officers). Form 215, Q. M. C. Abstract of sales of property (list of articles sold to officers, etc.). Form 218, Q. M. C. Requisition for forage. Form 218a, Q. M. C. Requisition for substitutive forage articles. Form 228, Q. M. C. Requisition for issue of toilet articles to prisoners. Form 230, Q. M. C. Abstract of issues of mineral oil for lighting purposes. Form 325, W. D. Account of sales at auction. Form 196, A. G. O. Report of survey. (When "Report of survey" holds enlisted men responsible for loss of property, copy should be filed with and made a part of "Statement of charges," Form 208, Q. M. C., forwarded to this office as a voucher to property account.) Form 1. I. G. O. I. and I. report. Form 180, Q. M. C. Abstract of clothing drawn (or issued) on in- dividual clothing slips. Form 180a, Q. M. C. Extra sheet for Alaska. Appendix 37 APPENDIX "S" Q. M. C. Form No. art. (AUx>rtud April 23. 13.> CAmkuBd Oct. 3, 11C. ) RETURN OF SUBSISTENCE STORES 'for the 'month of. ?? SOAP. J?'P L S: FL PA U S R T F B T SSc E K LS ' .CE. LOS. NO. LIU. 588 25 580 175 238,320 THIS CEBTIflCATE AND APPROVAL COTS2 THX ISSUES INDICATED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. / Certify lht Jfaa Ration Return u correct and that the laat regular iaeae of ratiom a made byjCjap. JfliH..llS.fefi J. J. . ______ Er.t.. 3rO .n ______ .............. dlte of._ ..... .?: 1 .?.?.9.1}...?^.55.l __________ iJ-^ , list the emereenry rations entered (U any) are required (or the cnlated men ot my command, and the money value of all previously drawn and iciprpj^rly opened or lost has been charged against the persons rwpon- flible; that (ho civil employees for vhom rations are required (if any) are entitled thereto under the regulations, and that the articles, other than rations, above requested are c'ccee^ry for do public s&rvice. _John_SmitK, Supply_ of fi Approved and ordered iamed. The total rations required agrf with the raoming reports, and the quantities of other articles ordered ....{ .'_ Ca.10.neJ Commanding- j. Troujj, I^llcry, a U*UcLmat. CivU Eatflojtti, ft*. Appendix 45 APPENDIX "X' Page 2. PAY ROLL Separt- .m*fii.., , . /P/7 ..- , i BKUABKS. 1 Sergeant 2 Hens Peter Jan. 29-15 4 ^Due PL Ft.Brbwri.l'ex.,? .50 Last Fd. to Feb. 28,1917 ty Capt.S.R. Jones 3 Privates 4 KcGraw.John . Oct. 6-16 1 Due" PE Ft.Sinitl-i,Vt.S5'.(50 last W. to Feb. 28. 1917 'by Capt.D.H.Pridfee 5 Y.'alker, James HOT. 20-15 1 Du"e"pE"r"t.aaiii','V"t".t'2'.00"Ta8t:'T-' 46 Appendix. APPENDIX "X" Continued j Uwl Una roll i* oudt trot M required by Army l A. R. Sslth- Cpt. Signal Corp a amrrrr Ui&t thii roll U & true copy of U* roll racwpt column uij UK cemfcau i'l g If i s! M ' J J---. J J J I 1 1 i : nil i f ! -4 Poet Esclinge oUecthJ h*T*on pid by checks MM .lUrah a. 1M7 M(oD() ^ The Treasurer >f the Dnltad Statei Po*t Laundry colietion henoo pud by llaroh 31, HIT Apnii^x Appendix 47 SECTION HALF PLAN ROCK PILE CREMATORY 48 Appendix APPENDIX "Y" Continued Nji o> O C- ^ O C- O O 1 *O CM ^f C- O CO (2 E<- 00 8 S-H o 04 w 1 C^.O^-H ,, a , c o (3 ri ij s ^ Sja h Z D -H T) ( H . ar P. * A. 1 OJ O 0) o c v> o * 2 * * 1 If there \ e cash acco n . " K i?CM to o * co o ,0 m CM CM 3t * O * o CO tO o <0 o |C^ Q CM *2 11 Q tf & 11 '.I II Appendix 49 APPENDIX "Y" Continued FIRST INDORSEMENT. WAR DEPARTMENT. 10 , ACCOUNT CURRENT OF John Doe ..... ..... ........... (Official designation.) Respectfully forwarded to the ------- ........ _. Cjuarteraaster 'er.eral of the ....... f ^ 5 ^, my , Washington, D. C., for administrative examination and reference to the Auditor for the War Depart- ment. to Marrfi...3lst.,., , 191 Credit claimed for JlQ 52Q8Q...62 Balance due U. S. : ^.IQ.355.58 , 05 INCLOSURES. (Each Bantu or Office to stamp or writ'? here '.ha lift of iuclysurcs appropriate to, the lii"aa cooceraed.) SECOND INDORSEMENT. WAR DEPARTMENT, Office of the _ WASHINGTON, D. C. ..._ , 1 91 Respectfully forwarded to the Auditor for the War Department. Tltis account has received the administra- tive examination required by law and it approved . 50 Appendix APPENDIX "Y" Continued WAR DEPARTMENT. Form No. 880. Approred by tb Comptroller of the /WAR DE iMartejriiic.al (B ., ._K&J.filL l _J^jt_Ila_C.Q.rp.s a .._ ITJ, account, current u>i< (Officials Pay of. pay of Pay of Pay the . Army ,he Array the Array lUl.Acc 1917. 1916. 1916-17 1917 DEBITS. r Balance due the T7. S. from last account, 100013 55 7860 57 44894 40 2 V.Wt.8347 'Jreae.U.S. LOO 520 3 " 9080 " 4 9082 " 56724 13 6 Q.M. Collections per abstract d Soldier's Deposit " 7 Detit App.3S & T.Q.M.a/c Mil.Sedu :t 8 Appr. Transfers per abstract 6592! >87 12 6( 9 Reed. from Officers per abstract 2793< )39 20 00 2724 88 10 11 U 13 TOTAL, 994402 81 7880 57 1 105143 41 12 60 CREDITS. 1 Disbursements w ahown by abstracts and vouchers herewith, 1^3081 92 125 50 52 90 12 6 2 3 Transfers iVo Off iTc^ftt petf -ats tract c/d 4794 nep.Cred.Treas.U.F.Unex.Ba J00204 i. . 39 1143 72 674 81 4 c/d 4921 Q.M, collections S c/d 4921 Soliiers Deposits 6 c/d 4921 Milsage Deductions 9541 45 309 11 584 7( 7 9 10 11 12 13 Balance due the U. 8., 5615^ OB 6302 18 103830 94 fe^ QQ4AQ2 Bl! 7880. f>1 mails 4.1 ,12 60 This is to certify that I have counted the cash and verified the net balance, excepting the depositary balance, as stated on this account current. I CERTIFY U States during tin (Name of witness.) ~ '(Official d^ltnmUoc I.)"" Static Appendix 51 APPENDIX "Y" Continued Under bond dated Fab.. - 28-,- , I9& THE UNITED STATES from ^larch 1. , mi ,to iiArih.^ ,191 7 ARTMENT. ... Cor pa -_ or Office) Enc.&Mar .rnc.&IJa; .Citizen Org.Mii. Org.l.Ul Training 1915-17 1916-17 Camps. 1916-17 14281 9 c 6984 55 1525761 56 1 100520 JO 2 250000 JO 3 197853 52 4 631 32 5 144 JO 6 438 26 7 4827 OC If 93351 59 8 61193 < )7 9 10 _ 1 11 1 12 jl IS if '1 14281 99 11811 5< 229 K 3329694 12 .191041 46 1 762)675 84 2 960 55 00 9 631 92 4 144 00 5 438 26 t 93551 59 7 8 10 11 12 14281 99 10787 7? iosbeea 05 13 14281 99 ! llBi-l 5 22? 2 2229894 12 It0 above is a full, true, and correct account of all moneys coming into my possession on account of the United iod stated. The balance due the United States of $JUQ.8_6..,.55.6..hpld as follows: ON DEP08IT. , LJiiS OCTOTiNDINC] CHECK*. NET BALANCX. With JfMSSJL-Jb $1Q8.5..>.5.8..,.Q.5. $1.0.85. 5 5_8 ..06.... With _ t i $ Cash in office safe $ Otherwise kept (manner and authority for so keeping) _ _ t TOTAL '. $1Q8.5.J&6..0.5.... JOKN DOE, Kajor. Q..M. Corps 52 Appendix APPENDIX "Y" Continued WAR DEPARTMENT Form No. 320 . Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury 'AT*ril 29, 1914 w* Tr *a Serv. ns.q.M.C 1917 Sup.erv '& Trans. Q..M.C. .1916 ,Suj>.Serv & J-rans. (J.M.C. L916- 17 .Barracks & 1917 Barracks ft. Quarters 1916 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 12 13 M&SA.1. 37 43681 17 108309 Q* 11716 .2< 2685- 26 25000C 00 540C 4$ n 977S 19 , ^ 7' 11 52 1288C 6 6 00 134^ Uo 1.66 O 2775- t 5 ) 45 23] 1466 9< .5ft.63S .64 43698 69 383022 86 22952 44 2851 Qi ' '"il i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 ...A8Q.QE . -4 20 3301 10 290 '50 168033 42 5943 41 283668 7. 708 37 96053 00! 426 74 11 52 6.. 00 .13 10 .206.9.6. 41 29Q221 53 37726 46 1267 16 28.51 9Z j. 64 43698 6S "Z. Q 1?\ O O O O *) \J\ (** & 8< 22952 |44 26 bl 192 . ... ...I., *' "1 n i . i ^ & Appendix 53 APPENDIX "Y" Continued IAVAR DEPARTMENT Form No. 320 a ( -Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury April 29, 1914. INSERT BY SEWINQ ALONG THIS LINE. Roads, \7a Wharves , & Drain- age !917 Roads, ks Walks, Wharves * >rainage 1916 Disposi- tion, of remains O..S.& C. E. 1917 lilitary 'ost^x- jhange s 1916. Shooting galleries c Ranges 1916 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12- 13 ...12 9 A 47. 135 00 13 . 30 5C 850 00 415 00 299 2 600 00 235 OC ...2.7.43 4T .....::2.99 28 7/8.5... 00 13 30 50 4 5C 299 '2J 76 00- 850 OC 150 00 ' 1 * 1 1868 97| 560 DO 13 30 50 .3.7.43.. ..4.7. 293 2S- ...7a5...". GO- -- 13. .-3.Q. 5.0 54 Appendix APPENDIX "Y" Continued 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.0 11 12 13 Hospital Stewards Quarters 1915 Construc- tion & r< pair of . HO M a1 ' Horses .Cav.Art & Engrs. .916-17 Encr.&Man Or g. Mil. tot 7/a/i Enc-.&Man Org.Mil. !1,914-16 3.. 14 11. 56 875 10 13271 26 96259 25 2 14 11 5^ 95259 25 875 10 .3271 a 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |. 62184- 25 2 14 11 58 33075 00 875 10 13271 2e i-^ 2 14 11 58 95259 Jiij a?5| 10! !3271 at i Appendix APPENDIX "Y" Continued Mileage 1917* Mileage 1916' , Deposit fund $o yr. Q.M. Col- lections & Soldi ej 'Deposits . i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8704 3! 65QO Of U 52 631 92 144 00 7652 9< 14152 9' 1} 55 8701 3 > 775 92 14136 54 . *) 5! 43; 0< % 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 3 9 10 U 12. 13 125; 0' l 631 92 144 00 .16 4E 701? 135 .. .14.155 ...9 11 .52. B7Q.4 .35. 770 92 56 Appendix APPENDIX "AA" (First page of form) ertfu;ly Uie Inrtr/otloni on tn b*ok of thli blank bofwe pfco.rtno report, , - Property Submitted for 'Survey. JUtpomible officer: 9_5ptfti4 JftUl-lafMltry. Accountable officer: A^Cttptai n , 9to. Infantry...- Appendix 57 APPENDIX "AA" Continued (Second page of form) I ft> solemnly r#tr that the rticl? of public ptoperty named hereon wre lost, destroy, or flam aged, it' the manner stated, while in Iho public service. _... Sworn to Mora me, and subscribed in my presence, this..,, _________ ?JB.JC,..Hmr..York. --- , ..JfajtJ --- ,. 101 J7_ To Ut.lt. J.C,-Jon. 9th Imf. who, by order of the commanding officer, is appointed surveying officer on tho articles of public property* named hereon. ' , 99th Infantry I have examined all available testimony in this caso, and it is my belief that _the -damage to th .?a!e..fiOll(i..w.f._.^ ^ ; that.. tliftsaf a and. Bcalao-oannoVba. repair eo, ..................... .., ..... ___ 58 Appendix APPENDIX "AA" Continued (Third page of form) RECOMMENDATIONS, S^1.9MinS4-Jl**f9r*..w4.J;h9..ssf6,..f.i6li,..ba.jaaj:fld..b.af.9ra..sn.ln.- ..tlonj, I UST OF WITNESSES: _ftK..Cap*ain J ..5.?th..lnfa ..... _ ....... __ ..JThflaaa..Bran,Supply.SargU-^CB-.D r .9ath Inf. ------ fi&uJbniRj. Sunxyt'S APPROVED: 1ST INDORSEMENT. Fort ___ __________ , 101 ____ To , __ . ________________________ who will witness the destruction of the. unserviceable property the destruction of which, 03 approved by me, is recommended by the surveying officer'. I Bare personally inspected the property and, in my opinion, it has no salable value. The articles of ordnatce property designated for destruction oro utterly worthless. (BJUU And orjmoitouoo.) Commandvty, So INDORSEMENT. Fort ...-.,., , 191 To tho Commanding Officer : I have thia dy witoOTMd the destruction of tho property referred to in the foregoing indorsement Appendix 59 APPENDIX "BB" Form No./, f. C. . ' Authorised December 27, \yg. Ed. Mar. 15-1620,000. INVENTORY AND INSPECTION REPORT Pertaining to.-.Caiap..X $ ...Ne$..y.Or.k (Statioa or organization.) Accountable Inspected at....Cflap..X,..NflW...York On May...6.,..191?. _ By _.MCol.?^^y.xIn.f. jlnepector. O.en 1 1 DIRECTIONS. 1. This form will be used for the inventory and inspection of property (except public animals) for condemnation in all the departments of tho Army. 2. Separate inventories will be mado for the property pertaining to. each staff department: for buildings as distinct from other property, and for " Subsistence Stores" as d 1st inct from other property of the Q. M! Corps: also for the articles of ordnante, engineer, and signal property mentioned in paragraph 8 of these dirtctns as requiring special autlwi- ity of the Secretary of War for their submission for the action of an Inspector. 3. Rides to be inventoried singly, (a) The number of each rifle and Its arsenal initial, (b) The date of issue the of rule to the organization fdateof invoice) and the number of target seasons it has been firod. This See War Dept. Bulletins 24 of 1913;'l5 and 31 of 1915. 4. An officer signing aa inventory will odd his official title, sod, it com- manding" a company or detachm en t. the letter or number of the company &nd the regiment or corps should also be added. 5. All changes made in original entries on an inventory and Inspection report will be duly authenticated by the signature of the inspecting officer. Erasuresof entries thereon are prohibited. Blank lines, column. I, to be ruled out in red ink when no articles. are entered thereon. 6. Public property which has been damaged, except by fair wear and tear, or is unsuitable for the service, before being submitted to an In- spector for condemnation, will be surveyed by a disinterested officer, preferably the summary court officer. ( A. R. 710.) 7. II an inspection of property follows the report of a survey thereon, onecopy of the proceedings willaccorapany tho inventory and inspection report which is transmitted for approval, and will afterwards be returned to be used as a voucher to the oncer's returns. ( A. R. 725.) 6. Special authority must be obtained for submission of property to an inspector, as follows: Of the Secretary of War: Cannon and their carriages, machine and automatic guns with their carriages and mount.", but not including spare parts, accessories,' implements and equipments required in their maintenance and operation: also ammunition for cannon. Electrical ami mechanical installations and appliances furnished to the Coast Artillery Corps by the Engineer Department or the Signal Department and form- ing part of the permanent soacoast detensas. See A. R. 913. Of Quartermaster General: Old and unserviceable typewriting ma- chines issued by the Q. M. Corps. Cir. 3. O. C. Q. M. C., 1913. Of Chief Signal Officer: Unserviceable telescopes, field glasses, telo- f hones, expensive electrical apparatus, and aeronautical apparatus. \. R. 1566 as amended by C. A.lCM, Wtf.) Of Department or Division Sursron: Damaged or unserviceable medicines, medical books, surgical or scientific instruments and appli- ances. (A. R. 148&.) 9. Attention Is also invited to A. R. 678 and 903 te 914, inclusive, also C. 0. 186, War Dept., 1907, 0. 0. 22. W. D., 1915, A. R. 1520 as amended "by C, A. R. 1, 191 (. and Clrs. 89 and 92, 1908, 79, 1909. 51 and 72. 1910. 10. Inspection reports on buildings must be forwarded tor the action of thejiecretary of War. (A. R. 912.) 11. Under A. R. 913 all of the orpin of the Inspection report on cannon and their carriages, machine and automatic funs with their carriages and mounts, and ammunition for cannon: also eliyjrrtcal and mfch&nlcal in- utallations and appliances furnished to the Coast Artillery Corps by th or Signal Departments, and forming part of the permanent lefenses: must be forwarded by the department or division commander directly to the chief 9f bureau concerned for final action of the Secretary of Wr. B. Inspectors will state under Remark] that all brass rrimmtan, etc., - of Ordnance Stores to be dt roved are to be. turned in to Post Orrtnmoi of Ordnance Stores to be destroyed n Officer for shipment to arsenal. 60 Appendix APPENDIX "BB" Continued Appendix 61 APPENDIX "BB" Continued 1 CERTIFY that all property herein recommended to "bo destroyed has been destroyed in my presence. 2 *! " 825 el 8 . 62 Appendix APPENDIX "BB" Continued FIRST INDORSEMENT. Camp X, New York, I CEBTITT that this inventory, consisting of ....1 ----- 1 sheets, is correct in every particular; that each article enumerated has. been examined by me personally, has never been previously condemned, and is, in my opin- ion, unserviceable or unsuitable for further public usa here, and requires the action of an inspector. Responsible Officer. SECOND INDORSEMENT. Camp X, New York, I CERTIFY that I have carefully examined the articles enumerated within ; that the disposition recommended is, in my judgment, the best for the public interest; that the articles recommended to be destroyed have no money value at or near the post, and that those found to be worthless have, as far as practicable, been de- stroyed in my presence, ____ ..................... W.C....May., ...................... -,..InfaD.try., Inspector. THIRD INDORSEMENT. The -within named articles will be disposed of as. recommended by the inspector. By command of . Appendix 63 APPENDIX "CC" WAR DEPARTUENT coe.i by thr r.nnprn.nr Trauur; April 20. 1'JH DEPARTMENT (Bonftu or Office) INVOICE OF FUNDS TRANSFERRED (St.tlon.) 3 rrrtifjj tliat I have thia day transferred to .C*P.tla..4...9.9S>.. S?*W*ry. _ u.s./., at Mmedale.^ New York _. tie fonowin;; funds. pertaining to the Jir.ftlM..P.f. ..W4Jd. eof fe.mtmey r _ By check No. -..~..r..~.., dated ...T .."..",.." .~..~. "...".", 191 , in his favor ... .7.."...". ".-".. ".-.".. "...".". ..T...T...1."_Z_. j n cash .TWJrty~P.e..and no/100 Dollare ___ j.??*.9.9. _. APPROPRIATIONS I AMOUNTS IN CASH \ AMOUNTS BY CHECK Supplia?.,... Service* ...ft Transportation - .1917 ?l.l99. TOTAL (I>O NOT SIGN IN DUPLICATE.) , f: ^ i.JjOHl) Slfi^'th WA ASri p T A S T ^: > ' T WAR DEPARTMENT Approved by the Comptroller o tin CASH RECEIPT FOR FUNDS TRANSFERRED be used only wien Msn K liileneo, ' his i c *b. _ day ol ; .Ifejt _, 101 1, incaoh, therein ( ^" r ^.*y~9.f.? wsd no/100 DollAre d ila d no su. '^SSToinH'^ t "" qnft>niitr it requested total* the wticlo momented below la t ^ m Captala..99th. Jnf, csm'd'g .C.D. 93h-Jn* QamlUw. Sbav Uutt TrMl. M ;*. L " '"*' HKl'd. And. 1 E.nda e. dx_ ax*. GZ. ~i. 1 -1. . Bjteerjca, coctoB, O. D pain.. . Dmebca, woolen, 0. D , ptAt . ri*. dm. (wlttout budi) <_. -14 .14: o,a' ._... .. . ----- T~ .._... HI 1. - 1 .._& .... la L..1. -- Drawee rain r^iKtlKn Mnm nfn . Oto, piJn.. . Otom, _ pan.. Busierrice etch ...... :i: 1 Ua CBBYM 3 3 .4 P 47 ..._. f>. n f, ~ r * k . On*.- to .b ..-fh.. n.k,.nt, ~ilU, Jilt ~>- Orament colbi rjjt "V &.' tack. Xlvorenoe, rctlc pte ..i.. . Shirt*, Cannel, O. D. r ..each.. .2... ....2 .2.3 38. 5hom rastt 7T) 7P 2." 1 2 .31. Stockton NMoe Mir) . Stockinjs. woolen. - wtj pairs. . Stripes, lervlcc pairs. . ._... . Suspcnden pain.. Min Cndtrshim cotwn. ar-h. . rndenhirts. woolen each.. d tiemnlclfs rument*d in column " Quantities Issued." EcWrrf tnWwloip Appendix 67 APPENDIX "FF" REQUISITION FOR CLOTHING dN BULK). Co. Pj,_mh Inf _Ouif X, NOT TbrV ..*.'* J....L LL; ,=, ir * : . . Ht 57 EEE ti ..gk lUdLLMia; irux: 68 Appendix APPENDIX "FF" Continued (Opposite page of form on Page 67) q'4. 1 -% 1*11*1 A/tlclM. ' r*~. t ISA ~&- 1 ais "w n-^.n^n.aln: '" UK B I.MIC LHt D .... '! T - ~ :. '."* 3... "a. _ -- I Hit - - - i 2.81 - i 3 1 ". SSI TJL ~.:.T~ ----- Cotton ....'. **. bnrr. Wookf^khl .___,. ," f*u ... 1" ..._ :: -. _ - ~ ._. .'.'~ ; .... : .... -- - ._. 6uipnK)T>, r*in M 1? .. . ~ ~ ~~ :::::: Denim Dnu.ltoi IX* in 1T1 XXX 1 ~ :::.: - ::.: : :: CMmUra- ~ ... _.._... .... ... -- --- - .... .... - -- .... .... - ..... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..._ ._. :::::: ______J I I _ .... - .... .... ._.. - - ~ Z: :: ... - ::: " Q.K, ........ Ms.y.,7 _______ ... T Captain J9ih. In! sniry. , _ - (IUMV 9^ Captain,. 9 . I m ._ __ft._... D whit* pur. .. Glovw. woolen, olive dlb. pir ., : -: ... ... '., '- -" * "-" - - .. ,-- ai.2././ &, i 7^ ^ r. - Om*enu, cp, brwut, meh.,.. . .. -_ ... OnamenU, collar, bronie, Mrfc ....,....,.,... Onj**oU, collw. brenie, l*lWt''Tl. S.."ectu- ..... L -.- -, OlMMMto, ct>IUr, gilt, Utfi* 'U. 8.,"MCh.... - J ToUI owri*l lorwwtf. .. < o.t (Continued on Page 70) 70 Appendix APPENDIX "GG"-Continued (Opposite page of form on Page 69) THING I. ___./ to _y6_.. t incl., during the period from ~~"er JSS&i ARTICLES T^,.,.C. S2. MO rtn n (5 5 i^mt^r iMi- in j i 7 ltl'1.f.l t,, ' f ?f Slocki , , 6 , etc.) sets, followed in each case by the properletter (a, e, f, g, etc.) given in the manual to designate the individual sets, after the following manner: lset(a). 3 sets (o). 5 sets (e). 3 sets (p). lset(f). Articles which can not be so expressed will be enumerated in detail. Coast Artillery companies, and organizations having authorized strength below normal will express the difference between the unit accountability equipment and that shown under (') by inserting in space (*) the words "Less the following sets of individual equipment, "and entering thereafter the proper numbers and designating letters as described above. . In Section H is expressed the accountability of the officer submitting the> return. (>) Here* give dates of requisitions and credit vouchers outstanding, e. g. Copy ol requisition- '. 19 , attached (Date.) Copy ol credit voucher _ , 19 , attache*. (Date.) <<) Explanatory statement of surplus articles enumerated herein wfll be submitted as an inclosure to this return. In Section III is expressed the completeness or incompleteness of the equipment for which the officer is accountable. (s) Here enter missing articles for which the accountable officer can not produce evidence to relieve him from accountability. NOTE. If more convenient, articles to be listed in any space may bo shown on a list made an inclosure to this return, proper notation to this cileet being made in the space where such action is taken. 32672 Appendix 75 APPENDIX "KK" ! 1 i < ' 1 ; j I o o g 1 I I If in IT ! i a i a 1 I ! i "j i _ I A ' t !- > 1 i k t~> Q *r i c H a o' 0} a 3 >I b t f> | , | r i & 1 | ? S 1 H ^ CO a I & 1 ^ 5 -^ ORGANIZATION, A 0> S .c -p o> M O C M i i s ^ 1 Comman PH S 1 . ^ 4 1 J (~ 1 o o O o ~ : o i c 53 f ft 1 00 S C !* S = ^ - s c e s ^ p s j t- a> < S K "3 m r fr. t J3 s S.-S r. s t s H R < >. S c8 1 S-a-g fii! i *l "1 f~ "-- c" a -3 9 1 * 0) 6 f fe 5- II ? 1 i I j *m I bit "*. B ^ 11 C ** S2 "3 o ^"g C3 O ^1 * , c. .2 "5 g 1* o5 ?! *" 5 a a o' ' U -S P S ^ 1' 5 Jf td 1 g!j s S^ls " ? < S j3 S s >>3 S S I 1 1" fi 9 S.1 i 2 m 5 S o> a c 1 E HI! 5s s < B 8Ji p |l 1 H H | CO e P52^ ^ o a B 5 O 1 i-i I 1 Appendix APPENDIX "LL" O in >, vC K| ^ O ^ >? "^ O . s f O o u t>^ ^ ^* o 4 ^N Q 2 . c ^^1 OJ H- W !" ^^^( co 1 C LU 5 .O O ^. VJ < v Appendix 77 APPENDIX "MM" PAY ROLL NA3IS8, FRIBXNT AJTO AB8INT, AND KASX. WH raC ,-^,. i ROCAXU. M 1ST SERGEANT 2_.Blac!u.HeniTr M^ _ .. Bept, 3/16 ? SB Allfltoflni j}f j|30 per n9 fr Ur 1/17 to 3 pe 3 J/18 . 4 SUPPLY SERGEANT .5 IfilHama, qhrj.B T, July.lfi/15. 4 fR. 6 MESS SERBEAUT .7... Jones,.. John U fc Mar 10/16 7 Sa Allpteent of f25..jer_ mo....It.Dto..Vli-tft- * Aug, 31/17. .?_ SI?G?AOTS . .'.O.^MwWihyj.Tfttr.iok J, _ ^ Jul 25/15 3 Ita .'.'.....Johnfioiu J^ws A. Jaja 7/16 5 d Apptd Sgt fr Cpl.RSO 91,ltay 16/17. .!?...CQWgRAlB . . . . _ !L-ABUBUJbMXJb -. 14 Wileon,. John C,^ .Au_.llAL Dec 30/14 JL 3 ....To...rrjf.it.i.exi..aol..o-a3ffljajJ.C...!fex..21 ( A7. Ss ATOL fr toy 14_te May. IB/17,,. To forfeit . IS yf-t^ffl (15 > daya pay PQ Ifay S5/17 I 6 . JECHAKIfi 17 Thonae^ Bejd NOT 16/16 8 Urn 18 COOXS I? ..Tb.oTOfijm.JjCYinft ..ART. ..IS/15. 3 20 [__ .Henry,. Oeprge liar ?/i7 4 8 ?.'.... PR1VATES,-18T UISS- - ??....filliSj..J.P>in.D t 23._.SBith. Henry B ..*ug..l?/15_ D6 jiA? _2 1 lim To forfeit elx (6) days pay Se May 2/l7_, ? 4 ._ER17ATK ... ^ ..Jontfj Henry . July 6Aft 3 .. 78 Appendix APPENDIX "MM" Continued (Part of Pay Roll Form) .New. Tort y..31 loi f I CE$iirT that this roll is nude out na required by Army RteuLi- liooa, and that the come* opposite eacb n.ime are correct *nd juat. Ezcept as otherwise staled in " Remarks." .each man whoee name appears on this pay roll ras last paid to -_April_JQ by Captain..A J .._9th Infantry QM , USA. . 101 7 inj 99th Ii>f antry _ I CERTIJT that I have this day mustered this organization and find ill present u,.l aUclt aK ucoiuited (or oa this roll us required by s. Colonel.. .9 2tli. lB.fftutrjt_. This pa? roll is the copy eigned by thtt { ! ! i i > k i i i 9 I 1 ! M 9 J t 1 : i 2 ~ J i ! H 1 s V o> a: s $ 7 i "" i H g i >- i 1 - 1 s j S f 1 | 6 i S O c: 1 H 3 1 \ J 1 3 c? 1 3 ^ 1 < S E < ^ O 1 PH , PH "S 2 fl < t- "oo P* o i "3 *0 *0 j 6 3 . B | b ft & & > a i i i' 3 3 & Post Exchange tolluctions noroon paid by chicks dated ._ _ as lollowf Pt. , , $ , No. _... on . . *___ Ft _.. , S. , No . Post Laundry collections hereon paid "by cLecka dated .. asfollows: Ft _ t , No _ Appendix 79 APPENDIX "MM" Continued Z 11 * 8 ^ O; 3 >' I K? i ^: S: r-t 4> |f o i E* 0,2 I si * i * c S *6"t FURLOUGH TO ALL WBOM IT MAY CONCERN: Be It known, That in pursuance of authority in * me rested by ftU^.aQ6.,~A.IU..13ia a FURLOUGH is hereby granted to William. Smith . a .Sergea.05 of .Co^.JJ , -ft4th. Regiment of Infantry for the period from _ Jjte-.;: 191 7 , to ..Mfty.J2.4-.- , 1W.7 v both days inclusive, with permission to go to^ K9warKj..R.ew. Jer9SW * or f or days from date of arriral in the United States. The close of the^ast day of this furlough j-j ^| must hnd him with his ..JSftBpany. t C si ii fl o- a" Colena.3S i = l l 80 Appendix APPENDIX "MM" Continued Memorandum: This soldier was last paid to jachde AP_r.4i..?0 __, 191? jinduded' on ration-return to _Lto}r-.31 , 1917 ; actually rationed to include ..May.A , 1917 , the..&O... jations overdrawn to be deducted frotn ration-return of..C^*.D + . -95th. Infantry. for the period fwm ...lunfl.l. , ^917 , to ... JSBi.38 , 191 7 t ..._ .Q Cap.tain,_aitli. .Infantry. ' Cmmrunufinj Co D ..99._fij'( Jnfantry - CERTIFICATE OF TRANSPORT QUARTERMASTER, OR CAPTAIN OR PURSER OF COMMERCIAL LINER. I certify that subsistence was furnished the above- namedman from , 191 to , 191 (both dates inclusive). which arrived at ., 191 DESCRIPTION OF SOLDIER. Age, ....25r4.; height, ...&.... feet t.. inches; complexion, ...... Buddy ; r.yis, .Elllfl , hair, ..Bra.n. Signature of soldier: ...*i.liiA"?.-S;l:Wx Kay..25 , 191?. The above-named soldier reported for duty, as required by this furlough, on the ?.4th day o f May. _ ? 191 7, or was discharged per Special Orders, No. r..-,.r., Hdqrs. ...-.-.... -..-., 191 - . on the -..-.-. .rday of ..-..-_.-__-, 191 - , and will be included n ration-return from and including *....Jfcy.55 , 191 7. The rations reported as overdrawn were duly deducted from the ration-return referred t<>. ^ ft: i < *8 J S 5 I 1 i -2 e i 5 1 S .a x ^ i 1 1 H 1 1- ^ *, " f * i ^ s' t ? * .a 1 -8 a ^ 1 JUUJ H H S 5 " s P d 4* * r JU4y H H 01 Li 1 ^jp S A] ^tlrfl' J' to >H H 1 tsi 01 gtrucicss oj is responsible, a 99th Infantry 'NAMES (. 1 i - ! ~ * i \ : : j I CERTIFY that the 84 Appendix APPENDIX "NN"-Continued 1(5 < 0: L >; d ! ' i V 1 f' 1 1 1 1 1 1 J; fi I i 1 1 O C : - i j i t i ! 1 j l| .. 1 t 1 *1 1 Ii j I "a Z 1 1 i 1 1 c~ 1 i 1 ^f 8 -i \ 1 1 1 1 1 '3 ^ - ^ S \ 1 1 IS *l p 1 i O c 1 l ? * ~ ? a 5 3 i 1 * i t 1 ^ SSi i S c aS^ S 1 i __!_ 1 It i/2 "n i I s^- s|' <>n n.I I 1 , H 1 _i. i HI ,,,,, :, 3 111 to. OH rH II? ^ 51! ri a a o i 1=1 11 Appendix 85 APPENDIX "OO" VOW. No. '. _ MEMORANDUM RECEIPT CREDIT SLIP *JEaiteJUJIJ^ , Date MiilJl 1912*. Received from CM QUANTITY ARTICLES CONDITIONS 1 GWHH ter , olive- dMti "Per statn;eKt 8 Sheets, 1>ed 0" .;fcf.rgB 1 C#.se } pillo* io enllytei. men. $: j^tr3r <- Storekeeper 86 Appendix APPENDIX "PP" VOU. No. MEHORANDUn RECEIPT DEBIT SLIP -H*I. Date..May...31 ..._ _. 191.7.., Issued this date for use of .C.OCipany. "H" , ... 9.9th _ The following listed QUARTERMASTER Stores. QUANTITY ARTICLES CONDITIONS 6 lalves, r-helter tent Oood 30 ^IKS, shelter teni n 6 Poles , shelter tsnt 1 Tent, pyramidal, email H 1 J ole,tent, Pyrm., pnai: n 12 *lns ,terrt , Pyrci.jffflaTl, tt V \ Thomas Mills Supply, Sergt., "99th i' inf. Received the articles listed above. i a M. C. Form 2. Appendix 87 APPENDIX "ZZ" ABSTRACT OF SUBSISTENCE STORES issued. at ..... CM* X, New .Tr*L__ *' ?SSJ PERIOD. AM ssr ToUl number du* 01 ,0W,,,..1...A,AH. ft To- jfc. A, >9th Infantry . i 150 17S 125 .100 4/V" Wir 4A/17.. 4/1/W 4/10/11 4/M/17 4/W/17 4/W/1T '... ._ 1500 12*0 1250 - 1COO Co. B, 89th Infantry' _ , Coj Ci o?th itf"*ry - 2 3 Co, D, 99tfc Infantry . J A ~~- :, ' .~" : "" , "~~ - ...... - _ - - ~ - - " " " "- - - JZ. , - - - - _ * - - ' = 1 - ! ..... . ....... Tntal numljcr of rflti. PP Memo. Receipt, Credit Slip OO Pay Roll X Pay Roll, Company MM Property Account PR Property for Survey A A Property, Quartermaster AP Property, Medical A Property, Miscellaneous A Quartermaster Supplies, Trans- fer of '.;... P Quartermaster Supplies Charged to Men NN Ration Return W Return of Unit Accountability Equipment HH Requisition for Bulk Clothing. FF Responsibility for Supplies . . . NN Subsistence Requisition H Subsistence Return S Subsistence Stores, Abstract of ZZ Soldiers' Final Statement MM Tentage Requisition D Toilet Articles A Troops, Movement of V Vouchers to Property Account R Vouchers for Services JP Voucher for Supplies JP Wagon Requisition I HARVEY MILITARY SERIES An Officer's Notes By Captain R. M. Parker, U. S. Cavalry Compiled by Lieut. C. C. Griffith, C. A. C. Presents in a neat pocket-sized manual, a condensed compile- ment of all of the basic military subjects required by the War Department.. Captain Parker's long experience, active service, and recent work in instructing men for* the Officers' Reserve Corps, has well fitted him to present in the simplest, clearest and briefest manner all the essential points. The information neces- sary for a company officer has been compiled from the following official publications: Army Regulations, Military Law, Small Arms Firing Manual, Field Service Regulations, Military Topography, Drill Regulations (Infantry and Cavalry), Hippology, to which have been added some useful plates on military subjects. This little manual presents in a convenient pocket size, all the information needed to solve the ordinary problems which con- front , a company officer, and gives him in one volume the im- portant extracts from many lengthy manuals. Contains in concise form the essentials which candidates must know for commissions in the Officers' Reserve Corps. Price $2.00 What a Company Officer Should Know By Major J. C. McArthur, U. S. A. A wonderfully helpful military guide. Tells things which have never been written about before. It is the experience of twenty- three years of service and many campaigns. It takes the Reserve Officer from his home to the firing line. It shows the difficulties which he meets and tells how he over- comes them. It shows how a company is organized ; the in- struction of the men on the hike, in the field and on the firing line. Notes are written on each chapter explaining various orders and giving suggestions for overcoming the various unforseen difficulties that always arise. 100 pages of worked-out forms for guidance of the company officer. Price $2.00 Published by GEORGE U. HARVEY 109 Lafayette Street, New York HARVEY MILITARY SERIES Field Quartermaster's Handbook This is a book detailing the practical daily work of the Army Quartermaster officer, and is unlike any other book printed for the Quartermaster Corps. It is necessary for non-coms, and clerks and national guard supply officers. The matter is from the lectures .given under direction of Lieut. Col. F. H. Lawton, Q. M. C, U. S. A., and compiled by Major W. A. Dempsey, Q. M. C., U. S. A., but it includes many important additions in the way of forms, all worked out, for the quartermaster, regimental and company officers of the Army and National Guard. A chapter by Major J. C. McArthur on the supply work of the company officer. Bound in cloth and fits the pocket. Order now. Price $2.00 Handbook of Transportation by Rail and Vessels By Col. C. B. Baker, Q. M. C., U. S. A. Printed by authority of the Quartermaster General of the Army. This is an authoritative book by the greatest expert in the Army, written from an experience of many years, and contains information that everyone in the Quartermaster Corps should master. Applicants for commissions in the Quartermaster Corps will be questioned on this subject. It is the most complete treatise on this subject ever printed and cannot be obtained in any government publication. Handy Size, bound in cloth. Order now. Price $1.00 Published by GEORGE U. HARVEY 109 Lafayette Street, New York HARVEY MILITARY SERIES Latest British Army Books Field Entrenchments Price $1.00 This is the ONLY complete work published on this new phase of modern warfare. It will be of great value to the American Army in the Training Camps. If taught here it will lessen the training time of our troops back of the Firing Line. Machine Gun Training Price $1.OO This work has been a training text book in the British army and as the American troops will be equipped with machine gun companies, our troops must be drilled on these methods. Lord Northcliffe says that this is the most important thing the Ameri- can Army has to master. Field Gunnery Price Sl.OO This book, up to the minute, shows how much is dependent upon the big and small-fired guns. It is complete in training and practice; shows how to work out ranges quickly and how to co-operate with aeroplanes and infantry. Pronounced a wonder- ful book by American army gunnery experts. First Aid for the Trenches Price Sl.OO Every British soldier carries this book in his pocket. It tells how to treat wounds and gas injuries. Our army must have it. Published by GEORGE U. HARVEY 109 Lafayette Street, New York City HARVEY MILITARY SERIES Drill and Field Training Signalling Price $1.OO It is interesting to compare the British system with the U. S. Army methods, and as the former system has been changed to meet war conditions much can be learned by our officers, and some of these methods are sure to be adopted here. Musketry Price Sl.OO While our Army drill is at present satisfactory, there is a wealth of information in this book which may change some of our ideas. Infantry Scouting Price Sl.OO This is one of the most complete works ever published and it will open the eyes of American officers to the many things they must learn on the firing line. The section on Taking Bearings is far in advance of our methods. Camps, Billets and Cooking Price $1.0O Our Army heads pride themselves on our system, but it \\i\\ be a shock to them when they discover how perfect the English methods have become from three years' war experience. There is a lot to be gained by studying this took. Published by GEORGE U. HARVEY 109 Lafayette Street, New York City UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below JAN 5 J942 Form L-n 20n-12,'30(3:l>) OF CAULKOKJU* AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY UC32 L44f Lawton - Field quarter- master's handbook. UC32 L44f