nc3 '^^-- JO o /•■^^ \ K ;^i^' .J,-- Z/6^/ University of California. OIKT OP^ / ^ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FLOEIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, ^CkKM^^"^ AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES 3290—1 WASHINGTOK: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 18 8 2. i/<^«/ FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL. PRODUCTIONS, AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. Florida, from its first discovery in 1512, has been in au unsettled condition, conquered and reconquered, ceded and receded, harassed by Indian wars, and when just entering on a period of stability and pros- perity plung(^d into a civil contest, which decimated and impoverished her i)eople. Ceded to the United States in 1821, and admitted as a State in 1815, her resources have remained latent and undeveloped, and her 60,000 square miles of territory comparatively wild and uninhabited until about the close of the late civil war. Since that period the intelli- gence of the world has been directed to this favored land, and thousands have annually sought health and pleasure and new homes within her borders. Other thousands will come, when informed of the advantages and attractions of this productive semi-tropical State, only awaiting capital and industry to render it one of the wealthiest and most pros- X)erous of the Federal Union. The peninsular portion of the State, known as East and South Florida, is some 300 miles in length from north to south, and averages about 100 in width,' gradually narrowing towards its southern terminus. The Gulf Stream on its eastern coast causes the trade winds of the Atlantic to sweep over the land from east to west by day, while the returning cool breezes from the Gulf refresh the land by night. These daily breezes constantly purify and \ivify the atmosphere, and i)revent oppressive heat or sultriness. Generally the lands bordering on the ocean and Gulf are level and at no great elevation above tide- water ; midway there is a table-land ele- vation, reaching nearly to the everglades. The extreme southern por- tion is low, though, from recent surveys, it is found tliat it can be eftect- ually drained and made available for cultivation. No State in the Union has such an extent of coast, being nearly 1,200 miles in length, extending from Fernandina on the north to Pensacola on the west, indented every few miles by large bays, running inland in many places from ten to thirty miles, with large rivers like the Saint John's, Oclawaha,Kissimmee, Indian, Halifax, Saint Mary's, Suwannee, and Apalachicola, navigable from north to south, and easterly and westerly between the Gulf and Atlantic Ocean. There are other con- necting navigable streams in all parts of the State, and lakes, large and small, scattered and grouped together, all of which furnish local trans- portation facilities, and abound in excellent varieties of fish j manycon- 3 4 FLORIDA : ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, nect with navigable streams, and all can be easily connected by short canals or railroads with each other and the great arteries of water lead- ing to the sea and Gulf. The interior lakes of Florida, large and small,, is one of its remarkable features. The largest of these is Lake Okee- chobee, situated in the middle of the table-lands of the peninsula, and contains an area of 1,000 square miles, without visible outlet to the sea. The soil in the greater portion of the State is sandy, except in the hill lands and hammocks, where large portions of clay and alluvium are found. The sand is not the sharp, siliceous sand of the ocean, or resem- bling the sandy lands of other States; this soil has more or less of loam and a large percentage of lime and organic remains, giving* it much fer- tility. The country is well watered, not only by its larger and smaller rivers and lakes, but by innumerable creeks and springs. Springs of great volume are found in every portion of the State, some'of such mag- nitude that they form navigable rivers from their source ; of such are the Blue Springs, in Jackson County, in the west; AVakuUa Springs, in Wakulla County; Blue Springs, in Hernando County, in the middle; Silver Springs, in Marion County, in the east; the very large Blue Spring on the Saint John's, in Volusia County ; the Green Cove Springs^ in Clay County, on the shore of the Saint John's; also Clay Spring, in Orange County. Some of these are medicinal — white sulphur, iron, &c. Good water, so universally desired, is found easily at a depth of from eight to fifty feet, according to locality, generally from twelve to twenty feet, but, through the country, the many lakes, and springs, and branches afford ample supply for house and farm purposes. If cistern water is preferred, the average rainfall, being from forty-eight to flfty-fqur inches^ annually, insures a supply. The distribution of rivers, creeks, lakes,, and springs is not only large, but remarkably uniform throughout the State. Pine lands (pitch and yellow pine) form the basis of Florida. These lands are usually divided into three classes, denoting first, second,, and third rate pine lands. That which is denominated ''first-rate pine land" in Florida has^ nothing similar to it in any of the other States. Its surface is covered for several inches deep with a dark vegetable mold, beneath which, to the depth of several feet, is a chocolate-colored sandy loam, mixed for the most part with limestone pebbles, and resting upon a substratum of marl, clay, or limestone rock. The fertility and durability of this descrip- tion of land may be estimated from the well-known fact that it has in. several districts yielded during fourteen years of successive cultivation? without the aid of manure, four hundred pounds of Sea Island cotton to the acre. These lands are still as productive as ever ; so that the limit of their durability is yet unknown. The '' second-rate pine " lands,^ which form the largest proportion of Florida, are all productive. These lands afford fine natural pasturage ; they are heavilj^ timbered with the best species of pitch and yellow pine. They are for the most part high, rolling, healthy, and well watered. They are generally based upon AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 5 uiarl, clay, or limestoDe. They will produce for several years without the aid of manure, and, when fertilized, they will yield two thousand pounds of the best quality of sugar to the acre, or about three hundred pounds of Sea Island cotton. They will also produce rice, tobacco, oats, -corn, rye, and all the vegetable varieties, as well as the various tropical fruits, which render them more valuable than the best bottom lands in the more northern States. The lands of the " third rate," or most inferior class, are by no means worthless under the climate of Florida. This class of lands may be divided into two orders ; the one comprising high, rolling, sandy dis- tricts, which are sparsely covered with a stunted growth of ^'black- jtjck" and pine ; the other embracing low, flat, swampj' regions, which are frequently studded with "bay galls," and are occasionally inundated, but which are covered with luxuriant vegetation and generally with valuable timber. The former of these, it is now ascertained, owing to its calcareous soil, is well adapted to the growth of the Sisal hemp, which is a valuable tropical production. This plant (the Agava Sicili' ■ana), and the Agave Mexicana hemp, also known as the maguay, the pulque plant, the century plant, &c., have both been introduced into Florida, and they both grow in great perfection on the poorest lands of the country. As these plants derive their chief support from the atmos- jjhere, they will, like the common air-jjlant, preserve their vitality for many months when left out of the ground. These lands, besides being valuable for their timber and the naval stores which they will produce, afford an excellent range for cattle, and are susceptible of cultivation in the various productions, when properly ditched and drained. There is one general feature in the topogra^^hy of Florida which no other country in the United States possesses, and which affords a great security to the health of its inhabitants. It is this : that the pine lands which form the basis of the country, and which are almost universally healthy, are nearly everywhere studded, at intervals of a few miles, with hammock lands of the richest quality. These hammocks are not, as is generally supi)osed, low, wet lands ; they never require ditching or draining; they vary in extent from 20 acres to 40,000 acres, and will probably average about 500 acres each. Hence, the inhabitants have it everywhere in their power to select residences in the pine lands, at such convenient distances from the hammocks as will enable them to cultivate the latter without endangering their health, if it should so happen that any of the hammocks proved to be less healthy than the pine woods. Exi)erience in Florida has satisfactorily shown that residences on-ly half a mile distant from cultivated hammocks are entirely exempt from malarial diseases, and that the negroes who cultivate those hammocks and retire at night to pine-land residences, maintain perfect health. Indeed, it is found that residences in the hammocks themselves are b FLORIDA : ITS CLIMATE, SO: generally perfectly healthy after they have been a few years cleared. Newly-cleared lands are sometimes attended with the development of more or less malaria. In Florida the diseases which result from these clearings are generally of the mildest type (simple intermittent fever), while in nearly all the Southern States they are most frequently of a severe grade of bilious fever. The topographical feature here noted, namely, a general interspersiou of rich hammocks, surrounded by high, dr3% rolling, healthy pine woods, is an advantage which no other State in the Union enjoys; and Florida forms in this respect a striking contrast with Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, whose sugar and cotton lands are generally surrounded hj vast alluvial regions, subject to frequent inundations, so that it is impossible to obtain within many miles of them a healthy residence. The lands which in Florida are, par excellence, denominated *'rich lands," are, first, the '' swamps lands"; second, the '^ low hammock lands"; third, the "high hammocks"; and fourth, the "first-rate pine, oak, and hickory lands." The swamp lands are unquestionably the most durably rich lands in the country. They are the most recently formed lands, and are still annually receiving additions to their surface. They are intrinsically the most valuable lands in Florida, being as fertile as the hammocks and more durable. They are evidently alluvial and of recent formation, and occupy natural depressions of basins which have been gradually tilled up by deposits of vegetable debris, &c., washed in from the adja- cent and higher lands. Ditching is indispensable to all of them in their preparation for successful cultivation. Properly j^repared, however, their inexhaustible fertility sustains a succession of the most exhaust- ing crops with astonishing vigor. The greatest yield of sugar ever realized in Florida was four hogsheads per acre, produced on a planta- tion on Indian Eiver, on which is now located the large orange grove which has given character to the oranges of Florida — the Dummitt Grove, recently purchased by an Italian nobleman, the Duke de Castel- luccia. Sugar cane is. here instanced as a measure of the fertility of the soil, because it is one of the most exhausting crops known, and is generally grown without rest or rotation. It is not, however, a fair criterion by which to judge of the relative fertility of lands situated in diiferent climates, for we find on the richest lands in Louisiana the crop of sugar per acre is not more than one hogshead, or about half that of Bast Florida. This great disparity in the product of those countries is accounted for, not by any inferiority in the lands of Louisiana or Texas, but from the fact that the early incursions of frost in both these States render it necessary to cut the cane in October, which is long before it has reached maturity, while in East Florida it is permitted to stand without fear of frost till December, or till such time as it is fully matured. It is well AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 7 known that it "tassels" in East Florida, and it never does so in either Louisiana or Texas. When cane "tassels" it is evidence of its having reached full maturity. In consequence of the heavy outlay of capital required in the prepa- ration of this description of land for cultivation, and from the facility of obtaining hammock land, which requires no ditching or draining, swamp lands have been but little sought after by persons engaged in planting in Florida, and there is now at least a million of acres of the best de- scription of this land vacant in the country, which can be secured at less than two dollars per acre. Low hammocks, from the fact of their partaking of the nature of hammocks and swamps, and sometimes termed ''swammock,"are not in- ferior to swamp lands in fertility, but perhaps are not quite as durable. They are nearly always lev^el, and have a soil of greater tenacity than that of the high hammocks. Some ditching is necessary in many of them. The soil is always deep. They are also extremely well adapted to the growth of the cane, as has been well attested by the many plan- tations which were formerly in operation here on this description of laud. There is not so large a proportion of low hammock as there is of swamp lands. High hammocks are the lands in the greatest repute in Florida. These differ from low^ hammocks, in occupying higher ground, and in generally presenting an undulating surface. They are formed of a fine vegetable mold, mixed with a sandy loam, in many places two feet deep, and resting in most cases on a substratum of clay, marl, or limestone. It will be readily understood by any one at all acquainted with agriculture, that such a soil, in such a climate as Florida, must be extremely pro- ductive. This soil scarcely ev^er suffers from too much wet, nor does drought affect it in the same degree as other lands. High hammock lands produce, with but little labor or cultivation, all the crops of the country in abundance. Such lands have no tendency to break up in heavy masses, nor are they infested with pernicious weeds or grasses. Their extraordinary fertility and productiveness may be estimated by the fact that in several well-known instances in Marion County three hogsheads of sugar have been made per acre on this description of land, after it had been in cultivation six years in successiv^e crops of corn, without the aid of manure. To sum up its advantages, it requires no other preparation than clear- ing and plowing to fit it at once for the greatest possible production of any kind of crop adapted to the climate. In unfavorable seasons it is much more certain to produce a good crop than other kinds of land, from the fact that it is less affected by exclusively dry or wet weather. It can be cultivated with much less labor than any other lands, being re- markably mellow, and its vicinity is generally high and healthy. These reasons are sufficient to entitle it to the estimation in which it is held ^'^*^ 8 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, over all other lauds. There are, besides the lands already noticed, ex- tensive tracks of savanna lands, which approximate in character, text- ure of the soil, and period and mode of formation, to the swamp lands, differing only in being destitute of timber. These savannas yield an immense crop of grass, which if cut and properly' cured would afford a quality of hay equal to the marsh hay of the Northw est. In Middle Florida, the counties of Leon, Gadsden, Jefferson, and Madison have large quantites of high, rolling hammock lands, also the county of Jackson in West Florida. They are more undulating than those in East Florida, and are underlaid with a stiff" red clay. They are by/ar the best lands in the State for short-staple cotton, to which they have been almost exclusively appropriated, and to wheat, rye, oats, corn, tobacco, &c. In Volusia Oouuty there is a range of low hammock a little back from the coast, from a half to two miles wide, and extending from the head of the Halifax to the head of the Indian Elver, some 50 miles, as w ell adapted to sugar culture as any land in the State. The Gulf Hammock, in Levy County, comprises perhaps the largest body of rich land in Florida. It was bought up years ago at from $5 to $10 per acre, by private parties, by whom it. is mostly held at the present time. The Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Eailroad runs through it, and it will no doubt become at an early day one of the garden spots of the State. The clearing of the hammocks, however, is expensive, and, as in every new country, we may expect to see the lauds more lightly timbered first brought into cultivation. CLIMATE. The climate of Florida, from i)arallel 31, its northern boundary, to 29, corresponds with that of Portugal, south of Oporto; the southerji sec- tion of Spain ; Oran, Algiers, and Tunis, on the northern coast of Africa; the southernmost part of Italy • the islands of Sicily, Greece, Morea ; the isles of the Archipelago, and those of Candia, Rhodes, Cyprus, &c.; Asia Minor, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Armenia. From latitude 29 to 25, bordering almost on the tropics, and including the remainder of East Florida, containing about 33,000,000 acres of land, there is no par- allel climate in Europe or Asia Minor. As climate, Ia its effects upon the health and vigor of mankind, is of fundamental imiiortance, and enters more largely into the considera- tions connected with the industrial occupation and development. of the country, and as Florida is receiving more special attention from the migratory world than common, I shall be pardoned if I occupy some space in giving the results of scientific investigations in regard to the constituent elements of the climate of this semi-tropical region. Dr. C. J. Kenworthy, of Jacksonville, a gentleman of extensive expe- rience, as well as practical research, in an address before the Medical Association of Florida, in 1880, presents a more thorough analysis of the constituent elements of the atmosphere and climate of Florida than AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. \j has yet been given to the public, and I avail myself of his work, and embody the results in liberal extracts.* He says : The climate of Florida is uot excelled by that of any of the United States, and it may be doubted whether it can be equalled elsewhere in the world. Located on the very borders of the torrid zone, and, therefore, so far as latitude alone is concerned, en- titled to rank among the hottest portions of the western contiuent, still her situation between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic is sucli that^ owing to her peculiar form, she is swept alternately by the Avinds of eastern and western seas, and relieved from those burning heats with which she would otherwise be scorched ; and thus it happens that by the joint influences of latitude and peculiar location, she is relieved on the one hand from the rigors of the winter climate of the Northern and Middle States, and on the other from the extreme heat hj which not only the other Southern States, but in the summer time the Northern States, are characterized. While in winter the Northern and Middle States are- covered with snow, and frost penetrates the earth to the depth of several feet, and the leafless trees wave their bare and skeleton fingers in the wintry wind, in Florida most of the trees and shrubs are in full foliage, and the winter gardens are filled with vegetables in their most thrifty growth. In the Northern States the frosts of November and December most eftectually put a stop to all agricultural operations, and the farmer is compelled to feed his stock for from four to six months, and is himself confined to the getting of fuel and lumber, thus in one portion of the year consuming a large share of the result of his labor in the other But in Florida this very winter season is better adapted to building, clearing laud, and the performance of all necessary extra work on the farm than even the summer. In the North all regular farming work is of necessity crowded into the space of less than half the year, while in Florida there is scarcely a single day in the whole year that may not be devoted to purely agricultural work. In some of the Northern States the mean average rang^ of the thermometer is from 20'^ below zero to 90'^ and lOOc al)ove. In P'lorida, for many years, the range of the thermometer has been less than half as great. The word ''climate" in its common signification indicates a region bounded by certain arbitrary lines, but in medicine it possesses a wider meaning. The eftect of climate upon the human system is the sum of the influences which are connected with many factors. The climate of any locality, professionally speaking, depends upon its tem- perature, atmospheric vicissitudes, prevailing winds, humidity, its elevation above the sea level, its proximity to the ocean or oceanic currents, its contiguity to mount- ains, lakes, rivers, arid areas, soil, drainage, vegetable productions, malaria, general sanitation and other factors, which we shall briefly consider. Considering climatic factors, as a result of experience, observation, investigation, and study, we are convinced that Florida presents more attractions and advantages as a winter resort for invalids than any State in the Union . The temperature is favor- able, the mean relative humidity is peculiarly adapted to the treatment of all forms of pulmonary disease, the air is salubrious, and in a large portion of the State dry and bracing ; atmospheric changes are infrequent, and not so great as in other sections east of the Rocky Mountains. Rains are infrequent, and sunshine and fine weather the rule. The State jyossesses insular, interior, dry and moist localities, semi-troj)icaI and cooler sections; and if the nature of any given case should necessitate a change of base, a suitable climate can be reached in a few hours and at a trifling expense. Dr. Charles A. Lee, the learned editor of Co])elaud's Medical Dic- tionary, remarks : Proceeding south from Canada to Florida, the seasons become more uniform in pro- portion as their annual temperature increases, and they glide imperceptibly into each ^Climatology of Florida, by C. J. Kenworthy, M. D., of Jacksonville. Reprint from Transactions Florida Medical Association, session 1880. 10 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, other, exhibiting uo great extremes. Compared witli the other regions of the Uiiitetl States, the peninsula of Florida has a climate wholly peculiar. The climate is so ex- ceedingly mild and uniform that, besides the vegetable productions of the Northern States generally, many of a tropical character are produced. We liave already spoken of the mildness of the climate of this region ; it appears to possess an insular temper- ature not less equable and salubrious in winter than that atforded by the South of Europe, and is, therefore, well adapted to those forms of puhnonary disease — as bron- chitis and incipient phthisis — as aie benefited by a mild cliniate. Mildness and uni- formity are the two distinguishing characteristics of the Florida peninsula. If we compare the climate of East Florida with the most favored situations on the conti- nent of Europe, and the islands held in the highest estimation for mildness and equa- bility of temperatnre, in regard to the mean temperature of winter and summer, that of the warmest and coldest months, and that of successive seasons, we shall find the results generally in favor of the former. After citiDg the mean difterence of successive months and annual range of a number of climatic resorts in comparison with stations in Florida, he remarks : Thus it is easily demonstrated that invalids requiring a mild winter residence have gone to foreign lands in search of what might be found at home — an evergreen land, \n which wild flowers never cease to unfold their petals. In discussing the most suitable climates for invalids. Dr. Wilson, late medical inspector of camps and hospitals, United States Army, re- marks : Neither npon the southern coast of France, nor anywhere under the bright Italian skies, can a winter climate be found so equable and so genial to the delicate nerves of most invalids as can be enjoyed in our sanitary stations in Florida, Temperature is an important factor in climate, and Dr. A. S. Bald- win, of Jacksonville, in an address before the medical association, gives tabular statements of mean temperature at eighteen different stations iuFloridailuringaterm of years, including his own observations, which extend through a period of thirty- six years. From this table it appears that the mean temperature for the entire State is : For spring, 71^ Q2' ; summer, 8()o 51' j autumn, 71° 6Q' ; winter, 70O05'. For stations on and south of latitude 28° north : Spring, 74^ 94' ; sum- mer, Sio 93'; autumn, 760 27'; winter, 63° 69' ; and for the year, 74^ 87'. For the stations north of latitude 28° north : Spring, 70° 66' ; sum- mer, 80O 10' ; autumn, 70° 23' ; winter, 58° 29' ; and for the year, 69° 82'. During the spring the temperature south of latitude 28"^ north is 4°. 28' ; for summer, 1° 83' ; for autumn, 6° 34' ; and for winter, 5° 40' higher than it is north of 28° ; showing that the difference between the summer and winter temperature is less south than north of parallel 28. After explaining the astronomical law which governs, the doctor remarks : Although there is more absolute heat at Jacksonville, Fla., latitude 30°, during the entire year than there is at Milwaukee, Wis., latitude 43° 03', yet there is more heat; received from the sun at the latter place duiing the three summer months than at the former during the same period, and Wisconsin is liable to experience a higher tem- perature during the summer mouths than is Florida during the same time. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 11 The comparative humidity of Florida, as connected with health, is shown in the appended tables, presented in the valuable address of Dr. C. J. Kenworthy, of Jacksonville, before cited : The mean relative humidity of the localities referred to, for the cold months, is as follows : Localities. Cannes and Meutone Augusta, Ga Breckiniidriving themselves, during by far the greater part of the twenty-four hours, of the principal means of cure. In Florida the sun shines so brightly, the air is so balmy, the songs of the birds so enlivening, and the orange trees in their bloom, or laden with their golden fruit, lend such a charm to the outlook from the windows, that the most indolent or the most cold-blooded invalid feels little inclined to stay in doors." Prof. J. Hughes Bennett, of the University of Edinburgh, remarks: "And when, in our own country, the question arises, Where shall we send the consumptive patient in order to avoid our changeable climate and cold winter winds in winter? we natur- ally say : To a land where, during that portion of the year, the weather is warm and equable. Much has been written on climate, but the one which appears to me best is that which will enable the phthisical patient to pass a few hours every day in the open air, without exposure to cold or the vicissitudes of temperature on the one hand, or excessive heat on the other."* With the exception of the month of December, fogs are seldom seen, and when they do occur they are not dense, and disappear as soon as the sun ajipears above the horizon. Interested parties have intimated that the city of Jacksonville is a "rainy locality," and, in consequence, an "unsuitable jdace for invalids." To correct this error, we will furnish data apjdicable to a few winter resorts, from reliable sources : RAIKFALL IX INCHES AXD HUXDREDTHS. Localities. .Nice I 28 Men tone 9 Kervi 7 Genoa 29 Atlantic City, N.J 5 Augusta, Ga 5 Jacksonville, Fla 5 Key West, Fla 5 Punta Rassa, Fla 5 i^ , >. g I g "A n ►t> 5.11 4.12 3.06 5.a4 3.15 1.70 6. 00 4.88 4.78 7.61 4.86 4.39 4.61 3. 60 2.76 4.56 3.09 3.70 3.02 3.38 2.34 2.43 1.33 2.18 2.38 0.99 1.69 ^ I s 1. 68 i 2.18 I 2. .33 4.27 ! 2.10 i 3.64 5.14 1 2.22 i 2.67 i 2.89 4.13 4.49 3.59 3.86 5.65 2.84 0.94 1.04 16.86 16.50 23.40 24. 72 16.93 20.64 16. 62 9.10 8.77 We have referred to sunshine as an important aid in the treatment of disease and broken health, and as an evidence that Florida is favored with sunshine and fair Aveather, and not "cloudy, foggy, and rainy weather," as interested parties have as- Bennett's Practice of Medicine, i)p. 326, 476. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. la serted, I shall direct your attention to the following meteorological data, furnished hy J. W. Smith, the observer in charge of this station : * METEOROLOGICAL DATA FROM SIGNAL OFFICE, U. S. A.. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Rainy days. Date. s > December. January. February. i Remarks. 1S74_1875 .. 14 10 5 9 5 6* i 15 10 4 j 4 8 10 ! 6 6 9 5 10 8 5 9 5 7 6 8 1 1875-1876 1 "Rainy days," all days on j^which rain fell. 1877 1878 - - - • 1878 1879 3 } 37.4 days in five months. Average 8.6 7.4, 7| 8.6 5.8 Cloudy days. ■ 1 1 1 December. Japuary. February. 43 • s 1 1874 1875 4 8 6 10 9 G • 12 3 8 1875 1876 : 4 5 7 3 2 1 10 11 11 9 11 5 ! 11 2 1876-1877 ■ ( 7 1877 1878 10 1878-1879 4 35.6 cloudy Jactsonville 5 8.6 7.4 ; 8.6 5.fl 37.4 Mentone 8 10.1 7.25 5.1 1 5.66 9.55 37. 48 Saint Paul ' 4 13 8 6 11 42 Ozone is considered an important constituent of the atmosphere, for by its presence pure air may be inferred to exist. This allotropic con- dition of oxygen possesses great i)ower of destruction of organic matter floating in the atmosphere. The Florida peninsula is surrounded by the sea, and the land is almost constantly fanned by sea-breezes, con- taining a large amount of ozone. According to the researches of Burdel, 14 he found as '' much ozone in the air of marshes as in other air." Clemens says : '^ There is a large proportion of oxygen near the surface of lakes, giving the reaction of ozone," more especialh^ if there are certain aquatic • plants present; and he also remarks that at some feet above the surface the reaction is lost. Grallois has lately stated that he ^* found more ozone over marshes than anywhere else." Dr. Schreiber, of Vienna, asserts ''that the turi>entine exhaled from pine forests possesses, to a greater degree than all other substances, the property of converting the oxygen of the air into ozone." In this connection. Dr. Denison remarks: ^'If this be true, it will explain why a residence among the balsamic odors of the innes has long been esteemed of benefit to the pulmonary invalid." Florida is densely covered with pine forests, and if we accept the statement of Dr. Schreiber, Dr. Jones is in error. Dr. Moffat found the quantity of ozone in the atmosphere greater when the mean daily temperature was above the mean. According to the re- searches of Dr. Denison in Colorado, the excess of ozone appeared dur- ing the spring months on the plains, and came proportionately later in the season the higher up the observations were made. Says Dr. Ken- worthy : Malaria is a subject which enters into the discussion of «j.ll southern climes, and we unhesitatingly assert that Florida has been misrepresented in this respect. " It is the custom," remarks Dr. Lente, p. 21, ''of many persons living at Florida resorts, off the Saint John's River, to represent, for obvious reasons, that fever prevails there the year round, and that it is dangerous to resort to it at any time. In this manuer they have excited senseless alarm in the minds of those proposing to come to Florida, and have diverted them to other Southern resorts, thus in the end injuring themselves as well as others." Unprincipled hotel keepers and runners, and the agents of steamboat and railroad lines leading to other localities, aid more or less in this fraudulent attempt to gain patronage. The bugbear, malaria, is, in my humble opinion, a prolific source of disease among visitors to Florida. By misrepresentations (to use a mild term) tourists and invalids have been led to believe that the entire water supply is productive of disease, and as a consequence they refrain from drinking a suflHcient quantity of water, or dilute it with poor whisky or brandy to counteract its bad effects Interested par- ties have expatiated so much with regard to the air being charged with malaria in winter, that invalids and patients become alarmed, and as a sequence they daily swal- low quinine, and thereby produce nervous or functional derangements. They keep the pure air out of their rooms, breathe an air contaminated with their own breaths and exhalations, and at night assemble in halls and parlors and inhale vitiated air poisoned by their own breaths and the elements resulting from the combnstiou of coal- gas and kerosene. They inhale for hours at a time air charged with carbonic acid, and shun the pure night air as they would the eaianations of the deadly Upas tree. Visitors act imprudently, and as a consequence suffer from nervous derangements, colds, and diarrha3as, which they attribute to malaria or the climate. The cause of slight indispositions affecting visitors is not malaria, but indulgence at table, change of drinking water, eating excessive quantities of fruit, or the inhalation of air poisoned by human breaths, or the resultants of the combustion of coal-gas and kerosene, and a deficiency of the pure air that a beneficent Creator has placed everywhere within their reach. If visitors would let quinine and arsenical pills alone, control their appetites, eat moderately, inhale plenty of the salubrious air of the State, and not swelter in heated halls, parlors, and unventilated bed-rooms, we should hear less of the bugbear, malaria. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. . 15 At various times since 1844, I have navigated the larger streams of this State, vis- ited the everglades and Lake Okeechobee, and almost every bay, inlet, and river, from Cape Sable to the Suwannee River, and for over two months at a time slept in an open boat, with nothing but a simple awning stretched over the boat's boom, and in no instance did my companions or self suffer from malaria or a chill. Before I be- came a resident of the State, my companions and self were unacclimated, and in no instance were we so foolish as to swallow quinine, arsenic, or alcoholic liquors as an- tidotes to malaria or chills. I speak from personal observation, experience, and ex- tended inquiry in various portions of the State, and I unhesitatingly assert that the opinion entertained with regard to the prevalence of malaria during the cold months in Florida is unfounded. When discussing the advantages of Florida as a climatic resort, the eminent Dr. Forry predicted, "from a long residence in Florida, attached to the United States Army, that when the period of the red man's departure shall have passed, the cliniate of this land of flowers would acquire a celebrity as a winter residence not inferior to that of Italy, Madeira, or Southern France." * "All know," remarks Dr. Brinton, p. 128, ''how terribly arduous must be cam- paigning among the everglades of Florida, yet the yearly mortality from disease of the Regular Army there was ouly 26 per 1,000 men ; the average of the Army elsewhere was 35 per 1,000, while in Texas it rose to 40, and on the Lower Mississippi to 45 per 1,0 0." If i^ersons are suftering from malarial cachexia they may have chills at any season in any climate. But a few weeks since I was requested to visit a young lady visitor, whose home is Fifth Avenue, New York. The only time she had been dressea for three months was the day she was driven to the Savannah steamer. Upon inquiry I found that quinine, arsenic, and Warbeck's tincture had failed to cure her of chills. She arrived in this city in the latter part of February, and at the end of two weeks she departed for home, sans chills, sans malaria, sans debility. From my experience in hospitals and private practice in and near New York, I have no hesitation in stating that malarious diseases are more frequent there than in Florida. From my observa- tions from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, I am convinced that febrile diseases assume a milder form, and are more easily cured in Florida than in States to the north of it. I shall no doubt be met with the reply : ''Look at the waxy complexions and gaunt forms of many Floridians, met with at some of the landings and depots." I admit the mild impeachment, and can attribute their cachectic condition to bad water, in- sufficient clothing, unsuitable and uncomfortable habitations, and the improper food they eat from childhood to the grave. In any other State but Florida they would be the victims of enlarged spleens, cardiac dilatation, chronic gastritis, tuberculosis, dropsical effusions, or albuminuria. But contrast the natives referred to with those who have comfortable homes, sufficient clothing, and who drink pure water and use good and nutritious food; or with Northern ami Western people who have been in the State for years, and the latter will be found to be pictures of health. I admit that in Florida, as everywhere else, there are insalubrious localities, but they should be avoided by strangers. A majority of the cases of illness occurring among visitors in this State are referable to indulgence at table, drinking impure water, the inhalation of impure air, the 'American weakness of rushing hither and thirher, occupation of unventilated rooms, and a ridiculous system of senseless drugging as a consequence of the advice given by phj^sicians who are ignorant of the climate and its diseases. From my observations in the United States and in foreign lands, and in hospital as well as in private piactice, I have been forced to notice the infrequency of chronic dis- ease and broken health in Florida. In mj' visits to various portions of this State I have met with many persons, old and young, who live from year to year on improper food, and who drink water from shallow holes, near marshes, and yet, singular to say (although such persons are somewhat ana'mic), they do not present any manifest dis- eased condition. In cities, towns, villages, and rural districts, where residents are supplied with proper food and drink pure water, a case of chronic disease or broken * Copeland's Dictionary of Medicine, vol. 1, p. 41' 16 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PPvODUCTIONS, health is sehlom met with. And if we have a climate in which these conditions rarely occur, are we not justified in concluding that it will exert a powerful influence in re storing the invalid to health? I have, at various times, visited many portions of the State, and have been surprised to meet so many persons who have settled in it as in- valids and have heen restored to health or comparative comfort by the climate— a large proportion of them having been suflferers from pulmonary diseases. And what surprised me most, was the fact that none of their offspring manifested any constitu- tional predisposition to pulmonary disease. GEOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY. * Florida is usually described as compOvsed of East Florida, or that por- tion of the State between the Atlantic and the Suwannee Kiver, com- prising the whole of the peninsula; Middle Florida, extending from the Suwannee to the Apalachicola; and West Florida, comprising the ter- ritory west of the last-named river. This division, suggested probably by the existence of the distinctly-marked natural boundaries furnished by the rivers named, may Ije well enough for the purposes of a general description, but a different division suggests itself as better adapted to the purpose of an agricultural description of different sections, whose characteristic i^roductions would be determined in the main by their special climatic conditions. Accordingly, in attempting to give that sort of practical information that would be serviceable to actual settlers,, and best enable them to make satisfactory locations, a different mode of territorial division will be adopted, and for the purpose of properly grouping the counties with special reference to those climatic conditions^ which control and determine their vegetable productions, the State will be included in the three divisions of Northern, Central, and Southern Florida. Northern Florida will be considered as constituted from all the lands lying north of the parallel of 30° north latitude ; the territory included between the parallels of 28° and 30^ north latitude will be styled Cen- tral Florida; and all south of 28° will be considered as composing South Florida. Thus apportioned, a general account of each division will be given, accompanied by such local descriptions of the different counties as will convey a definite idea of the topography and characteristics peculiar ta each. • • NORTHERN FLORIDA. This division extends from the Atlantic Ocean on the east, to Per- dido River on the west, a distance of 375 miles, and has an average breadth of some 45 miles, and is comi)osed of the counties of Escambia, Santa Rosa, Walton, Washington, Holmes, Jackson, Calhoun, Frank- lin, Gadsden, Liberty, Leon, Wakulla, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, Ham- ilton, Suwannee, Columbia, Baker, Bradford, Nassau, Duval, Clay, and the northern part of Saint John's County. The climate of this section as a whole may be said to be mild, verg- ing upon warm. All extremes of temperature are essentially modified AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 17 by the prevalence of daily winds from the ocean or Gulf of Mexico. The eastern portion, probably from the influence of the Gulf Stream, has a milder and more agreeable climate than that west of the Suwan- nee, and in winter suffers less from the cold northers and northwesters that occasionally prevail. But through the whole section so equable is the climate that although ice may be formed two or three times in the course of a year, the thermometer very seldom falls below 35° in the winter, or rises above 90^ in the summer. There are occasional frosts, but during four-fifths of the winter season the prevalent temperature is that of the mildest Indian summer at the North and West. The surface of Northern Florida varies from the somewhat tame and monotonous levels of Eastern and Western Florida to the undulating and uneven lands of the middle i)ortion, and gives a much wider field for selection than is commonly supposed, although extreme elevations are entirely wanting. Many strangers, who only make a personal in- spection of the Saint John's region, and gQ away complaining of the tameness of the scene^ry, the lack of variety in the landscape, and the sluggish movements of the streams, would find in the valley of the Saint Mary's a deep and somewhat rapid stream inclosed between pictu- resque bluffs and high banks in the midst of a rich and fertile territory. The same is also true of the Suwannee, the Ohipola, and other rivers. From Hamilton on the east and Holmes on the west, the intermediate section is undulating, and in some parts quite broken ; many portions of Jackson, Gadsden, and Leon Counties, in particular, bearing upon their surface a strong resemblance to the less hilly portions of Pennsyl- vania, New York, and New England, and thus is afforded in Northern Florida a variety of surface, consisting of sandy plains and "flat woods," and an alternation of hill and vale, from which the divers tastes of dif- ferent individuals can be easily gratified. The soils of Northern Florida are as varied as is the surface. To the east is found a light and sandy soil, with a subsoil varying in depth, of clay or marl. In the west the poorer soils are sandy, while the better are loamy in character. In the middle, or section commonly called "Middle Florida," strong clay soils are often to be met, as is especially the case in Jackson, Gadsden, and Leon Counties. It is undeniable that here, as in the State generally, there is a good deal of light and poor soil; but it is equally true that as rich and pro- ductive lands exist in Northern Florida, and when considered with ref- erence to the value of the staple crops, as productive and valuable lands as can be found anywhere. The first year's crop of cotton and corn has in more than one instance nSpaid the purchase price of a plantation. From the broken and uneven surface of the middle counties on the north, and from the comparative coolness of the climate, this division of the State is better adapted than either of the others to what is under- stood by ordinary' ''farming," as contradistinguished from "planting " so called. Hence there is a greater diversity of the crops usually raised 3290 2 18 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, in the Kortheru and Middle States than can ordinarily be found in the other divisions. Here, instead of depending mainly upon the avails of a single crop, as is usual with cotton, rice, and sugar planters, there is more of what is understood by the term of farming, and each cultivator aims at raising his own supplies as far as practicable; and cotton, corn, cane, wheat, rye, oats, hay, potatoes, and tobacco are often, and indeed commonly, made by each individual farmer. The staple crops may be said to be corn, cotton, tobacco, rice, cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, and oats. The principal fruits are peaches, figs, grapes, oranges, though many others are raised. The apple and pear do not generally flourish, except along the Saint Mary's Kiver (which Is one of the best fruit regions in the whole South) and in the strong clay soils of Jackson, Gadsden, and Leon Counties. The peach and fig thrive everywhere and mature several weeks earlier than in the States lying north. The orange is grown throughout this division, the crop increasing in security as you go south; but very fine oranges are raised in the northern counties, although, when young, they should have some protection, ^o better oranges are raised in Florida than those produced in Liberty, Calhoun, Wakulla, and Washington Counties, and the world can show no better oranges than the best raised in this State. This whole division is remarkably well watered. In addition to the numerous rivers — ^the Perdido, Black Water, Escambia, Econfina, Apa- lachicola, Chipola, Ocklockonee, Ancilla, Suwannee, Saint John's, Saint Mary's, and Nassau — and the multitude of smaller streams, nearly the whole region is abundantly supplied with springs, while good water is easily obtained in wells of little expense. The timber of the region is abundant. The supplies of pine and cypress are apparently inexhaustible ; while hickory, oak, ash, cedar, magnolia, and red bay are found everywhere. Game and fish are found everywhere in good supply. On the coasts, oysters and turtle abound. They are both abundant and good on the east coast ; but the oysters of Saint Andrew's Bay, on the west, are not surpassed for size and flavor, and are exceedingly abundant. . So much will suffice for a general description of Northern Florida as a whole, and for more particular information reference is made to the local descriptions of each county in this subdivision, arranged in alpha- betical order. BRADFORD COUNTY. Bounded north by Baker County, east by Clay, south by Alachua, and west by Columbia County. Area, about 600 square miles. The surface mostly level, but sufficiently^ high and undulating for cultivation. The soil varies from light to strong pine land, and is covered, where not im- proved, with a heavy growth of pine timber. This timber and naval stores are largely exported. The Atlantic, Gulf and West India Tran- sit Eailroad, which runs from Fernandina, on the Atlantic, to Cedar Keys, on the Gulf of Mexico, runs southwest across the eastern border AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 19 of the county. This is a progressive county, and has a thrifty popula- tion of old and new settlers. All the usual crops do well, and the orange groves look as well as in any section ; market gardening is also profita- ble here. Lake Butler is the county seat, though Starke is the largest, both in population and business, and is situated directly on the line of the rail- road. BAKER COUNTY. Bounded north by Georgia, east by Nassau and Duval Counties, south by Bradford, and west by Columbia County. Area, about 500 square miles. Its topography, soil, and general characteristics are similar to Bradford County. Mostly level, hea^^ly timbered j soil, where culti. vated, productive. The Central Railroad runs through the county from east to west, furnishing easy transportation to Apalachicola River on the west, to Jacksonville and Fernandina on the east, and connecting with the railroad system north. Sanderson, on the line of the railroad, is the county seat. Many small farmers are settling in this county. COLUMBIA COUNTY. Bounded north by Georgia, east by Baker and Bradford Counties, south by Alachua, and west by Suwannee and Hamilton Counties. Area, about 864 square miles. Its soil includes pretty much every variety found in Florida. The surface is generally level ; the southern portion well timbered : the western part, high rolling pine lands of good quality,- very little waste land unfit for cultivation. There are twelve lakes of moderate size. Alligator Lake being the largest ; all abound in good fish. Muck, marl, limestone, sandstone, and clay suitable for bricks are found. Several streams afford good mill sites, and at Suwannee Shoals, on border of Hamilton County, there is sufficient water for large manufacturing establishments. The railroad from Jacksonville runs through the county from east to west, with a dei>ot at Lake City. Lake City, the county seat, is a neat place, surrounded by lakes ; is the center of a well settled agricultural country, and does a large commercial business. Besides cotton, cane, rice, tobacco, corn and root crops, raising vegetables for shipment to North and West is becoming a large industry. Orange and grape cult- ure is receiving special attention, with best results. Some of the largest vineyards in the State are in this county. CLAY COUNTY. Bounded north by Duval County j east by Saint John's River, which separates it from Saint John's County; south by Putnam, and west by Bradford County. Area, about 425 square miles. The county is well watered, sufficiently high and uneven to afford water-power on several streams. Black Creek traverses the county, and is navigable for river steamers to Middleburg, the center of the county. The Atlantic, Gulf 20 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, and West India Transit Eailroad crosses the northwestern township of the county, about twelve miles from the head of navigation on Black Creek, so the county has excellent facilities to reach markets by water or fail. There are several fine lakes in the southwestern portion of the county, which afford, at all seasons, an abundance of food fish. Lake Kingsley is the largest, in the near vicinity of which, and in the section lying between the lake and the railroad, settlements and improvements are being rapidly made. Most of the soil of this county produces well all the staples of the country,- and the usual vegetables and varieties of fruit. Bordering the many streams and lakes there are rich hammocks. The land, where not opened, is Tt'ell covered with pine. Marl beds of large extent are found, and on Black Creek fine stone for building pur- poses. Middleburg, formerly the county seat, a town once of consid- erable importance, at head of navigation, was formerly the place of trans- shipment to and from the interior. The building of the railroad from Fernandina has diverted this. The county seat, Green Cove Springs, on the Saint John's, is a thriving place, and a great resort both for win- ter travelers and others who seek benefit from the sulphur spring, which is large. CALHOUN COUNTY. Bounded on the north by Jackson County, east by the Apalachicola River and Franklin County, south by the Gulf of Mexico, which, with "Washington County, form^ the western boundary. Area, 670,000 acres. Lands in the northern part are elevated and rolling; in the southern por- tion level, and in some places low. The Apalachicola River is navigable for large steamers, and the Chipola River, which nearly bisects the county from north to south, is navigable a portion of the year. Other streams abound and afford amj)le water-power, which is used, whenever desired, to advantage. Chix^ola Lake, 16 miles long and from 1 to 3 miles wide, is situated near the center of the county, and is full of fish of many kinds ', the forests abound in game. Very extensive beds of marl, some quarries of stone, and clay suitable for brick are found in this county. Cotton, sugar-cane, corn, and peanuts, are the principal crops raised, as also vegetables and root crops. Orange culture is rapidly extending, and successfully. Stock-raising is carried on to some extent, and profit- ably. DUVAL COUNTY. Bounded north by Nassau County, east by the Atlantic Ocean, south by Saint John's and Clay Counties, west by Baker and Nassau. It has an area of about 860 square miles, embracing the mouth of the mag- nificent Saint John's River, the natural outlet of nearly a thousand miles of inland navigable waters. While the lands as a whole are not as rich in an agricultural sense as some other sections, yet there are to be found large and small tracts of rich hammock. Most of the land, however, is light, but the modifying influence of the waters of the ocean and the AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 21 broad Saint John's and other streams are favorable for crops, and espe- cially for vegetables and fruit. Add to this the commercial facilities of river navigation, outward to sea and interior, the railroads con- necting north, west, and south with the great through lines, and Duval County offers the very best advantages for general Southern crops, and particularly for large and small fruit growing and market gardening, which is rapidly extending. The light lands respond quickly to fertih- zers, and marl, shells, and muck are found within easy distance. ^ Jacksonville, the county seat, is. in the center of the county, and is the largest and most thriving city in East Florida, and in the very near future may rank in commercial importance with Savannah and Charles- ton. It is healthy, has many fine hotels, a complete system of water supply; thorough sewerage, rigid sanitary and police regulations, and is every way progressive. The Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Eailroad, the Savannah and Florida, and the Fernandina Eailroads in- tersect the Saint John's Eiver at this point, and the Jacksonville, Saint Augustine and Halifax Kiver Eailway is in process of construction. Arrangements have also been made for building a railroad from this city to Key West, touching at Palatka, Titusville, Tampa, and Punta Eassa. Steamers ply to Savannah and Charleston, connecting at those points with steamers to the principal :N^orthern ports. Lines of schoon- ers run regularly to New York. ESCAMBIA COUNTY. This county forms the west end of the State. Bounded north and west by Alabama, east by Santa Eosa County, and south by Gulf of Mexico. Perdido Bay and Eiver separate it from Alabama on the west, Escambia Eiver and Bay from Santa Eosa County on the east. That portion of the county bordering the Gulf is level, with a light soil, cov- ered with pine ; where this has been cut off, oak, hickory, bay, mag- nolia, and other hard woods have succeeded. The northern part, being over two-thirds, is uneven and hilly, and clay subsoil is near the sur- face, occasionally cropping out. The area of the county is about 600 square miles. Pensacola is the county seat, and one of the most beautifully located and important cities in the State. Pensacola Bay has no equal in the Southern States, and in capacity, depth of water, and safety is not excelled by any T^orthern port. There is a large and well-equipped United States navy-yard, dry-dock, and coal-depot, as also Fort Bar- rancas, Fort Pickens, and the old Fort McEae. The recent extension of railroads to Pensacola, connecting it with the great through lines west, north, and east, will make it a great shipping port for products of field, mines, and manufactures. Escambia Eiver is navigable for steamboats for twenty-five miles, anfl the Perdido for same distance. A railroad connects Perdido Bay with Pensacola Bay. 22 FLORIDA : ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, FRANKLIN COUNTY. Bounded on tlie north by Liberty and Wakulla, east and soutUby the Gulf of Mexico, and west by Calhoun County. It is divided by the Apalaeliicola River, and includes Ai>alachicola Bay, Saint George's Sound, and the adjacent islands. It contains about 600 square miles? and was formerly one of the most thriving and important counties of the State. Apalachi(5ola, the county seat, was formerly a place of large commerce; the lines of railroad from Atlantic cities west have almost entirely diverted the tradf^, and from being one of the largest cotton ports of the South, it has become only the port for a limited area of country. But with a fair jilort on the Gulf, and steamboat navigation reaching into Georgia and Alabama, by the Apalachicola, Chattahoo- chee, and Flint Elvers, there is a good prospect of its future growth as the country becomes settled. Many portions are rich, alluvial bottoms, very productive. All the Southern staples are successfully cultivated, and the orange and semi-tropical fruits fully equal, in growth, quality, and quantity, those of other sections. The bays and waters of the Gulf afford superior fish and oysters, and yield abundantly. GADSDEN COUNTY. Bounded north by Georgia; east by Leon, from which it is separated by the Ocklockonuee River; south by Leon and Liberty; west by Jack- son County, from which it is separated by the Chattahoochee River. It contains an area of over 450 square miles. The surface is uneven, ele- vated, and presents a strong contrast with the more level ^ands on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, the topography and soil in many portions re- sembling the northern parts of Virginia. It is one of the best- watered portions of the State ; clear running streams and springs of freestone water are met with at short intervals, in every direction, which afford water-power for manufacturing. The soil is mostly based on red clay, lying from a few inches to two feet beneath the surface ; the lands be- ing rich, productive, and durable, are thus adapted for the growth of grain and forage crops, also cotton and cane. Previous to the war, this county was noted for its production of superior tobacco, which equaled Cuba tobacco in quality and price. The export previous to 1860 was 400 boxes of 400 pounds each of tobacco, annually. It is among the richest agricultural counties in the State, and has little waste land, and a larger proportion under cultivation than most others. Quincy, the county seat, is a beautiful town, its location on high elevation affording fine views of the surrounding country. The Jack- sonville and Mobile iiCailroad crosses the county from east to west to the Apalachicola River, thus affording good facilities for transportation to the ^N^orth and West as well as to Eastern and Southern ports. Beds of marl are found in this county, as also clay suitable for brick. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 23 HAMILTOX COUNTY. Bounded north by Georgia, east by Columbia, soutb by Suwannee, and west by Madison County. Area about 400 square miles. The Su- wannee River forms its southern and eastern boundary, the Withla- coochee River its western, the Alapaha River dividing in nearly in the center. The Savannah and Gulf Railroad crosses from south to north, nearly in the center of the county. The general surface is rolling, soil light in some portions, with fine hammocks near streams. Jasper is the county seat. HOLMES COUNTY. Bounded north by Alabama; east by Jackson, from which it is sep- arated by Holmes Creek j south by Washington and Walton; west by Walton County. Area over 500 square miles. The Choctawhatchie River runs south through the center of the county, affording steamboat communication with the Choctawhatchie Bay and the Gulf. Stock-rais- ing, cotton-growing, and farming the principal business; sugar-cane, corn, potatoes, and other food crops raised for sale and home consump- tion. The land is mostly level, good pine lands, well timbered, varied by rich hammocks. The great need of this and adjoining counties is railroad communication. The Pensacola and Mobile Railroad will pass through this county at or near Cerro Gordo, the county seat, which is pleasantly situated on the high banks of the Choctawhatchie. A rail- road is in jirocess of rapid construction that will connect the county with Pensacola and Jacksonville. JACKSON COUNTY. Bounded on the north by Alabama ; east by Decatur County, Geor- gia, and Gadsden County, Florida, from which it is separated by the Chattahoochee and Apalachicola Rivers ; south by Calhoun and Wash- ington Counties, and west by Washington and Holmes Counties; has an area of 1,000 square miles. It is considered as one of the richest agricultural districts of the State. Lands are rich, undulating ham- mock; soil composed of clay, loam, and lime, in various proportions, and pine lands of good quality of soil. The Chipola River, rising in Alabama, flows south nearly through the county, emptying into the Apalachicola; is navigable for boats of moderate draft. At a small expense the river could be made navigable for steamboats. The Apala- chicola and Chattahoochee Rivers, on the eastern boundary, afford trans- portation to markets. The county exports largely cotton and other agricultural products. Marianna, the county seat, is a beautiful place, doing a large busi- ness ; is located on the Chipola River, the lower valley of which is w^ell adapted to orange- growing, as also other fruits ; soil rich and remark- ably exempt from frost. The extension of the Jacksonville, Pensacola 24 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, and Mobile Eailroad, now rapidly progressing, will afford facilities for communication east and west, which cannot fail to render the county attractive for immigrants and capitalists. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Bounded north by Georgia ; east by Madison and Taylor, from which it is separated by the Aucilla River j south by Taylor County and the Gulf of Mexico 5 west by Wakulla and IjCOu. Has an area of about 550 square miles. It occupies a central portion in the tier of counties known as Middle Florida, and offers many and substantial inducements to immigrants, especially to those who seek homes where they can enjoy all the benelits of civilization and the facilities for easy and cheap com- munication with markets. The face of the county, from the Georgia line south for about 20 miles, is beautifully undulating, intersected throughout with small streams fed by springs, and dotted here and there with beautiful lakes, prominent among which is the Miccosukie, which extends into Leon County and is 15 miles long by from 1 to 4 miles wide. The southern portion of the county is mostly flat woods. The soil is varied — in the upper and middle are stiff, red lands, with clay subsoil J on the Aucilla Eiver and bordering on the flat woods are rich hammocks. It has a larger proportion of cultivated lands than other counties, and is among the largest cotton-producing counties. With Madison, Leon, and Gadsden it constitutes what is known as the rich agricultural district of Northern Florida. The Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Eailroad crosses the county near the center, with a branch to Monticello, the county seat, one of the most healthy and delightful villages in the State. LEON COUNTY. Bounded north by Georgia, east by Jefferson County, south by Wa- kulla County, and west by Liberty and Gadsden Counties, from which it is separated by the Ocklockonnee Eiver. It contains an area of about 700 square miles. The surface of the county, like that of the adjoining counties, which constitute what is known as Middle Florida, is varied ; the northern portion uneven, the southern more level and interspersed throughout with clear- water lakes, among which are Lafayette, Jackson, lamonia, Bradford, and the Miccosukie, extending fron Jefferson County, all abounding in fish. The soil is as varied as the surface. In the north- ern half of the county it is rich loam, based upon red clay, very pro- ductive. In the southern portion the soil is lighter, the clay lying deeper and of a pale yellow color. Leon is the center of the rich agricultural counties of Northern Florida, and no district of the same extent in the country can otter superior inducements to cultivators of the soil. Short staple cotton has been the i)rincipal source of reliance, but wheat, corn, rice, rye, oats, sugar-cane, tobacco, and all the diversified products of a rich agricultural district are successfully cultivated, and all kinds of stock AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 25 raised with profit. Whether we consider its unexceptionable climate, the beauty of its undulating surface, the variety, abundance, and value of its timber, the fertility of its soil, with its adaptability to such a vast catalogue of crops, its accessibility to markets, its abundance of good, pure water, its geueral healthfulness, the ease with which the soil is cul- tivated, the intelligence and character of its people, the number of its laboring population, or the cheapness of its lands, no portion of the State or the country can offer superior inducements to immigrants. The beautiful city of Tallahassee, the county seat and capital of the State, lies near the center of the county. The Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Eailroad crosses the county from east to west, and the Tal- lahassee Railroad, from the port of Saint Mark's, on the Gulf, intersects it at the capital. The name Tallahassee, signifyiug beautiful land, was applied by the Indians to this region of country, and was properly appro- priated to designate the capital at the time of its location. LIBERTY COUNTY. Bounded north by Gadsden ; east by Leon and Wakulla Counties, from which it is separated by the Ocklockonnee Riverj south by Frank- lin; west by Calhoun, from which it is separated by the Apalachicola Eiver. It contains an area of about 850 square miles. It is sparsely populated, and little of its area is cultivated. Its characteristics are the same as Calhoun and Franklin. Cattle-raising is the principal busi- ness, but the ordinary staples of the State are successfully cultivated 5 orange culture is receiving attention, and line groves attest the success of this important product. Bristol is the county seat. MADISON COUNTY. Bounded north by Georgia ; east by Hamilton and Suwannee Coun- ties from which it is separated by the Suwannee River; south by La- fayette and Taylor, and west by Jefferson, from which the Aucilla River separates it. It contains 750 square miles, and forms a portion of the rich agricultural district of Middle Florida. The lands are generally undulating, and some portions even hilly; a small part of the south- eastern portion is flat. The western half is very fertile, the eastern generally pine lands of fair quality and interspersed with lakes and ponds. The better lands are generally underlaid with clay, and the soil rich and generous. Long and short staple cotton have formed the chief product for exportation, and as high as 12,000 bales have been produced in a year. Now, while cotton continues the principal staple, the prod- ucts are becoming more diversified, and grass, grain, sugar cane, and vegetables are receiving more attention and are found remunerative, while stock-growing and fruit culture are successfully prosecuted. A larger proportion of the lands of Madison County are under cultivation than of any other county. Madison, the county seat, is a thriving place near the center of the 26 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, county, on the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad, which, crosses the county from east to west. One of the largest lumber manu- facturing establishments in the State, employing a capital of over $300,000, is situated in the eastern portion of the county j $30,000 are invested in grist-mills. NASSAU COUNTY Occupies the northeast corner of the State, and is bounded north and west by the Saint Mary^s River, which separates it from Georgia, east by the Atlantic Ocean and Duval County, and south by Duval. It con- tains about 600 square miles, including Amelia Island, upon which the city of Fernandina, the county seat, is located. The soil of Nassau County varies from the light mulatto soils of the coast, through all the intermediate gradations, to the stiff clays and marls in the lowlands of the rivers, and its range of productions is as varied as the soil. On Amelia Island, the edge of the mainland, and scattered along her rivers, are soils of calcareous sand, that are adapted for the finest qualities of long staple cotton, and the culture of the peach, grape, olive, and orange, while the fresh marsh and black rush lands attached to them are es- pecially suitable for gardening. These lands are easily reclaimed, rich, moist, and close to shipping opportunities, so that the shipping of early vegetables to Northern markets forms a profitable industry. The clay bluffs along the Saint Mary's River, and the so-called sand hills in the Xiorthwestern corner of the county, form a third distinct body of agri- cultural lands. The balance of the lands of the county are pine barrens, mostly sandy, and interspersed with numerous "bay-galls," cypress ponds, and savannas. The harbor of Fernandina is the northern ter- minus of the Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Railroad, from Cedar Keys, and is one of the best harbors for sea-going vessels of deep draught south of Norfolk, admitting of the safe anchorage of several hundred vessels at once, and with an entrance easy of access, and giv- ing from 14 to 20 feet of water. SAINT JOHN'S COUNTY. Bounded north by Duval, east by the Atlantic Ocean, south by Vo- lusia, and west by Putnam and Clay Counties, from which it is sepa- rated by the Saint John's River. It contains 970 square miles. The general surface is level, and the land is not of the first quality, being mostly flat pine woods and palmetto scrub, with some hammock j but its location, between the Saint John's River and the Atlantic Ocean, renders it more exempt from frost and better adai)ted to fruit culture than more interior counties in the same latitude. Orange culture and fruit and market gardening are now commanding attention, while stock- growing, corn, rice, sugar cane, &c., are profitable branches of agricul- tural industry. The Matanzas and North Rivers lie parallel with the coast on the east, and the Saint John's River and Lake Crescent on the western border. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 27 Saint Augustine, the oldest citj^ on the continent, rich in historic in- terest, and once famous for its orange groves, from which for nearly a century the nobles and grandees of Spain derived their best supply, is the county seat, and a port of entry for sea-going vessels, and is connected with the Saint John's River by railway to Tocoi, and a railway direct to Jacksonville is in process of construction. It is proverbial for its healthy and delightful climate, and is a popular resort, both summer and win- ter, for visitors seeking health and recreation. SUWANNEE COUNTY. Bounded on the north by Hamilton County, east by Columbia, south by Alachua and La Fayette, and west by La Fayette and Madison, from which, with Hamilton on the north, it is separated by the Suwannee Eiver. Its area is about 700 square miles. This county occupies nearly a cen- tral position, from east to west, in the State, and the Suwannee and Santa Fe Elvers form its boundary on three sides, a distance of over 100 miles. These streams are navigable for steamboats to the south- eastern part of the county. The general topography is rolling. The soil is sandy, in some parts mixed with a clay subsoil. Beds of marl, shell, and white clay fine enough for pottery. Limestone and sandstone abound, the latter white as marble, and, when first exposed, so soft that it may be cut into any desirable form, and becomes hard with exposure. Lumbering and naval stores form the leading industry, as the timber is very fine. The Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Eailroad crosses the county from east to west, and is intersected from the north by the Savannah Eailway at Live Oak, the county seat, which is now in process of extension south, with Tampa and Charlotte Harbor as the objective points. SANTA ROSA COUNTY. Bounded north by Alabama, east by Walton County, south by the Gulf of Mexico, and west by Escambia, and contains about 1,600 square miles of territorj^ The surface and soil and the natural productions are very nearly like those of Escambia, which joins it on the west. Lum- bering is the principal business, and agriculture has received little attention. The country is well w^atered, the Escambia Eiver and Bay form its western boundary, and Pensacola Bay and Santa Eosa Sound lie upon its southern, while the Yellow, Black Water, and Clear Water Elvers and various creeks divide the interior of the county and dis- charge their waters into Pensacola Bay. Milton, located at the head of the bay and at the mouth of the Black Water, is the chief town and county seat. A large foreign export trade in lumber and timber has long been conducted from this port. TAYLOR COUNTY. Bounded north by Madison County, east by La Fayette, south by the Gulf of Mexico, west by the Gulf and Jefl'erson County j and has an area 28 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, of 1,300 square miles. The Aucilla River enters the Gulf on its western boundary, and the Isteenhatchie on the eastern, while the Econflna, Fiu- holloway, and Warrior lie intermediate. There are several sulphur, iron, and chalybeate springs. The surface is generally level, the lands are pine and hammock, and toward the Gulf coast are comparatively i^oor. The streams abound in fine fish, the coast in, oysters, and the forests in game. It is a fine range for cattle, and stock-growing is the leading business; though cotton, corn, sugarcane, and tobacco for home use are produced by the farmers. Perry is the county seat. WAKULLA COUNTY, Bounded on the north by Leon, east by Jefferson, south by the Gulf of Mexico, and west by Franklin and Liberty Counties, from which it is separated by the Ocklockonnee River. It has an area of about 650 square miles. The surface is generally level, though sufiSciently undu- lating for drainage. The lands vary from light pine to the richest ham- mock, and are intersected by streams, the most important of which are the Saint Mark's, Wakulla, and Sopchoppy. There are numerous springs — sulphur, chalybeate, and pure water. The sulphur springs at Newport, in the eastern jiartof the county, were formerly a popular re- sort for invalids, and the famous Wakulla springs, whose transparent waters create the sensation, while floating on its surface, of being sus- pended in the air, forms one of the most wonderful and attractive feat- ures. The port of Saint Mark's, at the mouth of the river of that name and the terminus of the Tallahassee Railroad, was formerly a place of considerable commercial importance; the. construction of the various lines of railway from the Atlantic ports has diverted this trade. The streams abound in fish, and the coast in oysters, and with the facilities for communication with the markets of the world there are abundant inducements for settlement and cultivation. Stock-growing and agri- culture are the leading industries. Crawfordsville is the county seat, and is near the center of the county, and in a fertile and productive portion. The extension of the railway, now in progress, will soon afford communication east and west with the railway system of the country. WALTON COUNTY. Bounded north by Alabama and Holmes County, east by Holmes and Washington, south by the Gulf of Mexico, and west by Santa Rosa County. It embraces an area of about 1,800 square miles. The county was first settled in 1823, by a colony of Scotch families, who located in TJchee Valley, and whose decendants still possess the land. The lands of Walton County are principally pine; along the eastern boundary much of the soil is light, but there are exceptions, notably on the Choc- tawhatchie, where there is a tract 15 miles long by 4 miles wide of ex- ceeding fertility. In the Uchee Valley is another tract of rich land, AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 29 witli clay subsoil, of about tlie same exterit. Along the eastern and southern boundaries water communication with the Gulf of Mexico is furnished by the Choctawhatchie Kiver and Bay, both navigable for steamboats, while the interior is watered by numerous creeks and runs, some finding their way into the Choctawhatchie, and others passing west into Pensacola Bay. The Jacksonville andPensacola Eailroad will cross this county. CENTRAL FLORIDA. This division is made up of the territory lying between the parallels of 28^ and 30^ ]S^. latitude, and is composed of the counties of La Fayette, Alachua, Levy, Marion, Putnam, Volusia, Orange, Sumter, Hernando, and the southern portion of Taylor, Clay, and Saint John^s Counties. The surface of this division is less broken, and, as a whole, more level than Northern Florida. It has more of savanna and marsh, and is boun- tifully supplied with water, having the Stinhatchie, Suwannee, Santa Fe, Withlacoochee, Crystal,' Hillsborough, Acklawaha, and Saint John's Kivers, and is profusely studded with ponds, lakes, and smaller streams. The climate is very perceptibly milder, not only from its more southern geographical position, but the narrowness of the peninsula here, giving an average breadth between the ocean and the Gulf of only about ninety miles, exposes it to the daily sweep of the winds from either side, and by this means the extremes of both heat and cold are very essentially modified and ameliorated. The exposure to daily winds from each side increases, also, the rain supply, so that this division has more frequent and abundant rains, and sufl[ers less from drought, than the northern division. The soils of Central Florida are similar to those of Northern Florida, with a large proportion of hammock and savanna, and are perhaps of better quality, as a whole. Levy, Hernando, Alachua, Marion, and Sumter Counties, taken together, form a body of land that for produc- tive capacity is not excelled by any similar body in the United States. The staple crops are similar to those of Northern Florida, but the peculiar adaptability of this division to the cultivation of the sugar cane and all semi-tropical fruits has caused cane to advance rapidly of late in the estimation of farmers, and within a few years it will prob- ably become the leading agricultural production. The sugar cane in this division ra toons for six or eight years in succession without pro- tection, and often attains a height of from 10 to 15 feet, even when grown for a number of years on the same land without manure. Particular attention is asked to the statistical return of crops in Her- nando County, which is appended, and which, with other facts given, fully sustains the assertion that Central Florida is the best cane region in the United States, and probably in the world. The entire division is the natural habitat of the whole citron tribe; numerous groves of the wild orange have been found and still occasion- ally appear, and, as would naturally be anticipated, the orange, lemon, 30 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, and lime are natural and very prolific and profitable crops. The i)eacli and the fig* thrive everywhere; the guava and the banana do well with- out protection; and the pine-apple is cultivated, although it does not flourish as in South Florida. Irish and sweet potatoes, melons, and all kinds of garden vegetables are cultivated with great success, and can be brought to maturity at almost any season, at the option of the culti- vator. ALACHUA COUNTY. Bounded north by Suwannee, Columbia, and Bradford Counties, from which it is separated by the Santa Fe Eiver ; east by Clay and P¥itnam; south by Marion and Levy; and west by La Fayette County, from which it is separated by the Suwannee Eiver. It has an area of over 1,300 square miles, and embraces almost every variety of lands found in the State, from the richest hammock, high rolling pine, hickory, and oak, to the more level, heavy timbered pine lands. Its elevation above the sea is from 50 to 250 feet; it has numerous lakes and streams, ■which afford good water-i)ower and abound in excellent fish. Lake Santa F^, in the northeast portion of the county, is believed to be the highest body of water in the eastern portion of the State, being on the ridge from which waters flow to the Atlantic Ocean on the east and to the Gulf of Mexico on the west. The Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Eailroad runs directly through the county, from the northeast to the southwest, entering the county near Santa F^ Lake. The Peninsular Eailroad intersects it at Waldo, a growing and thriving town in the northeastern i^ortion of this county, and runs nearly due south to Orange Lake, some twenty miles, and is being extended to Ocala and thence to Tampa Bay, on the Gulf. A canal is nearly completed from Waldo, connecting with railroad, and also connecting Lakes Alto, Santa Fe, and smaller lakes, opening up a large area of excellent lands to easy access. Gainesville, the county seat, is one of the most progressive towns in the State, both in population and business. The population of the county is increasing from year to year, ^nd the agricultural and horti- cultural resources are developing more and more each season. The fruit and vegetable industry, only as yet in its infancy, has al- ready assumed large proportions ; 450,000 packages alone were shii^ped over the railroad the past season. The staple crops are, long-staple and upland cotton, sugar cane, rice, corn, root crops, vegetables of all kinds, oranges and other semi-tropical fruits. This county was early selected by the pioneer settlers as one of the best in the State, and time has proved the wisdom of their choice.. From the northwest to the southeast a peculiar limestone formation is found, the crust in many places having, from some cause, sunk down; these depressions are gen- erally more or less full of water, and connected by subterranean waters ; these sinks are oval and conical downwards, and from 10 to 40 feet deep. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 31 HERNANDO COUNTY. Bounded north by Marion and Levy; east by Sumter, being separated from these counties by the Withlacoochee River; south by Hillsborough County; and west by the Gulf of Mexico. Its area, over 1,600 square miles, fronts on the Gulf 60 miles, extending from the mouth of the Withlacoochee south to Anclote River, embracing Crystal, Homosassa, Cheseehowiska, Wekiwachie, Pithlochascotee, and Anclote Rivers,which vessels of ordinary draft can enter. No county in the State has a more varied topography, or greater ad- vantages for the successful prosecution of agricultural and horticultural pursuits, or is so attractive for a residence. Lands high and rolling, like the red hills of Northern Georgia; high, smooth tracts of pine lands ; extensive hammocks of the richest soil ; fre- quent marl beds; limestone; large springs of the purest water; lakes and rivers abounding in fish; a long coast with frequent harbors ; the bays and Gulf always afford fish, oysters, and sponge; a climate and soil adapted to cultivation of cotton, cane, rice, tobacco, corn, oats, grass, and vegetables, having peculiar advantages for growing the olive, the different varieties of the citrus, the pine-apple, guava, banana, and all the semi-tropical fruits. Transportation is year by year becoming more rapid and cheap, and access to and from markets easier. Immigration, enterprise, and industry will make it one of the most prosperous and desirable portions of the South. The county seat is Brooks ville. ' LEVY COUNTY. Bounded north by Alachua, east by Marion, south by Hernando and the Gulf of Mexico, and west by the Gulf and La Fayette County, from which the Suwannee River separates it. It has an area of over 1,000 square miles. The surface is generally level, being mostly flat pine wood land. The Gulf hammock, a tract of land of great fertility, of some 100,000 acres, capable of producing sugar cane equal to Louisana bot- toms, occupies the southern portion of the county. The Suwannee River enters the Gulf on the western boundary, the Withlacoochee on the southern, with the Wacasassa about midway between. The Atlan- tic, Gulf and West India Transit Railroad runs from northeast to south- west through the county, near its center, and intersects the Gulf at the harbor of Cedar Keys, where vessels find entrance, and freight and pas- sengers are transferred from the Gulf steamers to the railroad, thus affording enlarged facilities for direct communicatioiL with the markets of the North and the ports of the Gulf. The county possesses peculiar advantages for the production of sugar cane and rice, besides the ordi- nary products of long-staple cotton, vegetables, semi-tropical fruits ; and stock-growing forms a sure reliance for revenue. The waters on the coast abound in fish, oysters, and turtle, which are largely gathered for export to the interior. 32 FLORDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, Bronson, the county seat, is on the railroad, the centre of a well-settled portion of the county. LA FAYETTE COUNTY. Bounded north by Suwannee ; east by Suwannee, Alachua, and Levy, from all of which it is separated by the Suwannee River ; south by the Gulf of Mexico ; and west by Taylor County. Contains an area of over 1,200 square miles. The land is principally heavy timbered pine lands, with many large tracts of hammock, a portion with a strong clay foun- dation and productive. The principal business is stock-growing and lumbering, but it is eligible for agriculture and fruit-growing, and the Suwannee, which skirts its eastern boundary, is navigable for steamers to l^ew Troy, the county seat. MARION COUNTY. Bounded north by Alachua and Putman, east by Putman, Yolusia, and Orange, south by Sumter and Hernando, and west by Levy County, Containing an area of 1,000 square miles. It is one of the largest, most fertile, productive counties of the State, especially in Sea Island cotton and sugar cane. The lands are generally elevated and undulating, and drain both to the Ocean and Gulf. There is very little poor and un. available lands, the most being rich and productive. The pine lands are almost uniformly good, underlaid with clay, marl, limestone. The ham- mocks are extensive and very rich, and will equal the best lands of the Mississippi in producing. Sandstone for building purposes is in great abundance. The Ocklawaha River, a tributary of the Saint John's, and navigated by steamers daily, runs north across the center of the county. The celebrated Silver Spring forms a basin of two or three acres in extent near the center of the county; it pours forth a volume of water trom one to two hundred feet wide, discharging into the Ocklawaha. Blue Spring, almost as remarkable, and not much inferior in size, lies in the northwestern portion of the county, and sends forth a stream of clear blue water into the Withlacoochee River, some twenty miles from the Gulf. Sulphur springs are numerous ; the most noted is known as Orange Spring, in the northeastern portion of the county, which was formerly a great resort for invalids. Orange Lake, celebrated for the large orange groves on its borders, which are the most extensive of any in the State, occupying an area of over 1,000 acres, lies in the northern portion of the county, and is now connected by the Peninsular Railroad with the Atlantic, irulf and West India Transit Railway at Waldo. Lakes Churchill and Bryant, in the eastern, and the beautiful Lake Weir, in the southern part of the county, are the most prominent and attractive of the inland water of the county. Ocala, the county seat, situated six miles from Silver Spring, is a growing business town. The Peninsular Railroad is completed to this place, from which it will be extended southward to Tampa and Charlotte AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 33 Harbor, on the Gulf of Mexico. The Florida Southern Eailway from Palatka, on the Saint John's, and Gainesville, on the Fernandina Rail- way, is finished to this place, and is to be extended south to Tampa and Charlotte Harbor. The government lands as well as State lands are being rapidly taken up by homestead and purchase, ^o part of the State, or, in fact, the South, offers greater inducements for permanent location. OKAXGE COUKTY. Bounded north and east by Volusia County, which is separated from it by the Saint John's River, south by Brevard and Polk, and west by Polk, Sumter, aud Marion ; with an area of 2,300 square miles. The county is generally high, rolling pine land, interspersed with clear-water lakes, bays, and hammocks. The rolling pine lands are of good quality and heavil^^ timbered ; soil dark gray loam, with sand on the surface, based upon yellow sandy loam, with a substratum of clay and marl. Portions are fiat pine woods of less value. Some of the ijrominent lakes are Monroe, Jesup, Harnej^, Eustis, Apopka, Dora, Maitland, Butler, and Tohopekaliga. These lakes are from 3 to 50 square miles in extent. There are innumerable smaller lakes, with areas of from 10 to 1,000 acres. The shores are generally abrupt, rising in some cases to 70 feet above the water. Fish and game abound. Stock-growing has been the predominant industry until later years, with cottou, corn, and cane ; but now fruit culture is absorbing general attention, and the orange, lemon, lime, citron, guava, pineapple, and banana, and every variety of Southern fruit, are extensively^ cultivated. Ko county in the State has increased in population and improvement so rapidly during the last ten years as Orange, and large accessions from the Korthern and Western States, of refined, cultured, and wealthy citizens, are con- stantly^ being made. A railroad from Sanford, on Lake Monroe, the head of the larger class of steamboat navigation, to Orlando, the county seat, has been constructed, and is in process of construction south through the county, and to Tampa and Charlotte Harbor. The Saint John's and Lake Eustis Railway, from Astor, on the Saint John's, to Fort Mason, on Lake Eustis, has also been completed, an extension of which to Leesburg will i>robably be made. The industry, energy, and progressive spirit manifested in this county is of the character mani- fested in the North and ]S^orthwest, and cannot fail of ultimate success. Population, 1870, 2,195; 1880, 6,190— white, 5,494 ; black, 696. Num- ber acres land tilled, 13,166. Farm values, $3,381,410 ; farm imple- ments and machinery, $52,040. PUTNAM COUNTY. Bounded on the north by Clay County, on the east by Saint John's, on the south by Volusia and Marion, and on the west by Alachua and Clay, and contains an area of over 800 square miles. The Saint John's River runs through the county for 30 miles, and skirts it on the east for re- 3290 3 34 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, mainder, affording means unexcelled for transportation. Lake George, a body of water about 10 miles wide by 20 long, is on its southern boundary, and Lake Crescent, of beautiful, clear water, 12 miles long, with high surroundings, occupies the southeastern corner, and connects with the Saint John's through Dunn's Creek. The Ocklawaha River crosses the southern portion of the county from the west, and enters the Saint John's opposite Welaka. The portion of the county lying east of the Saint John's, and extending to Crescent Lake, is called Fruitland Peninsula, and is rich and fertile. The western ])ortion of the county is undulating, in sections slightly hilly, with a sandy surface soil and a red and gray subsoil, interspersed with fresh-water lakes, and for cotton and general farming is the best part of the county. The Xnne lands will produce 10 bushels of corn or 300 i)0unds seed cotton, and the hammock 20 bushels of corn and GOO pounds cotton per acre, without fertilizing. Nearer the Saint John's, generally speaking, the lands are less rolling and fertile, but heavily timbered. Many portions, however, of the soil are rich in humus and other products of vegetable decomposition. The lands are generally high enough for culture. Dray- ton Island, emt)racing 2,000 acres, and a part of the county, is famous for its rich soil and marl. The county contains nearly every variety of Florida soil — swamp lands, high and low hammock, heavily timbered with hickory, oak, and other hard woods, and the different qualities of pine land, clay, sand, marl, and shell. A number of the finest and oldest orange groves of the State are situated in this county. There are fully 5,000 acres in the county sjiecially devoted to the cultivation of the orange. The fruit culture and vegetable production for Northern and Western markets form a leading and profitable business, while cotton^ rice, sugar, corn, and other staples are a permanent reliance for agri- cultural industry. There are fort.y-three schools, twenty-one post-ofiices, and more than a dozen places in the county where considerable manu- facturing and a large mercantile trade is carried on. Palatka is the county seat, and one ot the best business towns of the State, situate at the head of navigation for deep draft steamers and sailing vessels, and near the confluence of the Ocklawaha. It possesses advantages which cannot fail of rendering it a tine commercial city. It has beautiful churches, good schools, a nunnery, and two or three of the largest hotels in the State. A narrow-gauge railroad from here to Gaines- ville, and thence to Ocala, has been completed, and is being extended to Tampa and Charlotte Harbor. Palatka is connected by telegraph with all parts of the country. At San Mateo, 6 miles south of Palatka, is an extensive orange-packing house, and the "San Meteo Institute," an excellent institution of learning, free in part. SUMTER COUNTY. Bounded north by Marion County, east by Orange, south by Polk, and west by Hernando, from which it is separated by the Withlacoochie AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 35 River, and has au area of over 1,300 square miles. The general charac- teristics of Sumter are the same as Orange, Polk, Hernando, and Marion Counties, by which it is surrounded. The Ocklawaha River connects the waters of Lakes Griffin, Harris, and Eustis, in the northeastern por- tion of the county, with the Saint John's j and Lake Pansofka, on the west, connects with the Gulf through the Withlacoochie. A chain of lakes in the southeastern portion of the county connects with Lake Harris through the Pilaklikaha Creek. On the east of these lakes a high rolling ])ine woods country extends for miles; on the west are fine hammock lands and grass lands for stock. The lands in the northern and western portion of the county also are exceptionally good, and orange-growing is the prevailing interest. The acres planted in orange groves are numbered by the hundreds, and the bearing trees by the tens of thousands. Xo county in the State is better adapted to fruit- growing, while stock-raising and the agricultural staples of the South afford a sure reliance for the profitable investment of labor and capital. Leesburg, located at the head of Lake Griffin and between that and Lake Harris, is the county seat. The Ocklawaha River is navigable for small steamers, and a railway extends from Lake Eustis to Astor, on the Saint John's River. The Tropical Railway connects with Fernandina, and the Florida Southern with Gainesville and Palat ka. Both are in process of construc- tion south, with the ^iew of completion to Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor. VOLUSIA COUNTY, Bounded north by Saint John's County and the Atlantic Ocean, east by the Atlantic, south by Brevard and Orange, and west by Orange County, from which it is separated by the Saint John's River. It con- tains about 1,800 square miles. The Saint John's River runs the entire length of its western border, and the Halifax and Hillsborough Rivers, or lagoons, traverse the' entire eastern boundary, with only a narrow strip of land, formed by the winds and waves of the ocean, extending between them and the ocean. It is one of the most progressive and thriving counties in the State. The lands along the west bank of the -Halifax and Hillsborough Rivers, four or five miles wide, are the richest hammocks, and were cultivated in sugar cane at a very early period by the English and Spaniards, the remains of whose extensive works still exist. It is said that four hogsheads of sugar per acre have been and can be still i)roduced on these lands. West of this is a belt of prairie, interspersed with pine and cabbage palmetto, extending the entire length of the county, and affording magnificent grazing for stock. Next, further west, extending from the northern end of the county south about 30 miles, and varying in width from 2 to 6 or 7 miles, is a high rolling pine country, considered by many the best for orange culture, on which ^re hundreds of beautiful young groves; from this southward is a high j:olling pine scrub, until the Saint John's is reached with its varying 36 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, ROIL, PRODUCTIONS, banks of rich hammock and savanna. Springs, lakes, and i^onds abound all through the county. Enterprise, on Lake Monroe, is the county seat. SOUTHERN FLORIDA. South Florida, consisting of that portion of tlje peninsula south of latitude 28^ north latitude, is composed of the counties of Hillsborough, Polk, Brevard, Monroe, Manatee, and Dade. From its low latitude, its peculiar location, as interposed between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and its proximity to the Gulf Stream, this division has marked characteristics which specially distinguish it. The surface is in the main flat, and, excepting the extension within its northern i)ortion of the flattened ridge or plateau upon which the State is mostly situated, the greatest ( levations found are around the external boundaries, while the depressions are in the interior, causing it to resemble the basin of a shallow lake. Thus constructed, and under the influence of the rain-bearing clouds from both sides, while the eleva- tion of the exterior border prevents the easy egress of superabundant water, this division is not only well supplied with rivers, streams, and small lakes, but has also the broad, shallow lake of Okeechobee, and that remarkable rec'eptacle of surplus fresh water, called the Everglades, within its borders, and occupying a large portion of its extent. It is quite probable that a clearing out of the obstructions formed in the channels of the numerous river courses reaching out from the interior to the Gulf and Ocean will relieve this section from overflow in the season of excessive rainfall, and reclaim a large territory of rich and most fertile lands, which, under the fostering influences of a climate of un- surpassed mildness, become exceedingly valuable for their immense productiveness in special crops. The savannas or grass prairies that are liable to periodical inundation during part of the year, but hidden with a rich growth of nutritious grasses during the balance of the time, form a characteristic feature of South Florida, and constitute some of the best cattle ranges in the world. The climate is singularly equable and uniform, the difference between summer and winter being very slight, and the range of the thermometer during the year confined within very narrow limits. Warmer in winter and cooler in summer than any other portion of the State, the climate is equal to that of the most favored regions of the world, and nearly resembles that of the Sandwich Islands. The crops in this section would not include the cereals grown with success in Northern Florida, and even corn is not grown with much suc- cess, while the apple, pear, and peach dp not do as well ; but, on the other hand, long-staple cotton, sugar cane, rice, jute, ramie, tobacco, in- digo, cassava, arrowroot, coft'ee, the olive, grape, orange, lime, lemon, citron, almond, date, cocoanut, pineapple, banana, plantain, and all the semi-tropical and tropical fruits thrive as well as in any part of the world. The keys and islands which line the coast on either side, and AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. . 37 vary in extent from a few acres to a number of square miles, are equally available for tropical products. BRKVARD COUNTY. Bounded north by Orange and Volusia Counties, east by the Atlan- tic Ocean, south by Dade, and west by Orange, Polk, and Manatee Counties. It extends along the coast for 100 miles, and contains an area over 4,000 square miles. The famous Indian Eiver extends along its eastern boundary, the Kissimee Eiver and Lake forming its western boundary. The climate is even and pleasant through the year. Game is plenty, and green turtle, fish, and oysters abound. Stock-raising is largely pursued; the cattle having a good range, are of good size and in good condition. Along Indian Riv^er, the west bank of which is from 10 to 20 feet above the ocean, settlements are being made. Indian River has a reputation for its oranges and pineapples, and all semi-trop- ical fruits, which here grow in perfection. The county seat is Titus- ville, a thriving town on Indian River. DADE COUNTY. Bounded north by Brevard County, east and south by Atlantic Ocean, and west by Monroe County. Has an area of over 5,000 square miles. Lake Okeechobee, an inland sheet of water, of over 500 square miles, without any visible outlet to ocean or gulf, occupies the northwestern corner of the county, the famous everglades the largest portion of the remainder. Along the Atlantic coast there is a strip of elevated rocky pine lands, 3 to 15 miles wide, skirted by a prairie or savanna, from a half mile to a mile in width, reaching to the everglades. This rich al- luvial prairie is covered with an immense growth of grass. The climate is very equable, the extremes being from 51^ to 92^. From May to October rains are frequent ; during the remainder of the year there is little rainfall. In the vicinity of Biscayne the land is covered with an undergrowth of comptie, which yields an excellent article of starch and farina, similar to arrowroot. Dade County is the least populous county in the State. Miami is the county seat. The following detailed description of this county, and the section of the State adjoining, was furnished by Lieutenant-Grovernor Gleason, a resident of the county, and published in a State paper. It is of interest as conveying a definite idea of the local advantages of this entire por- tion of the State, extending from Jupiter Inlet to Cape Sable, including the keys and islands along the reefs and everglades : The keys are a series of islands extending along the south coast, from Cape Florida to the Dry Tortugas, lying between the mainland and the Florida Reefs, and within from 3 to 5 miles of the Gulf Stream. They are of a similar character, being of gen- eral formation and very rocky. Some are only a few acres in extent, while others contain as many as 15,000 acres. Cayo Largo is the largest. These keys are only a few feet above tide-water, and are principally covered with a growth of hard-wood timber, consisting of mastic, red and sweet bay, gumbo-limbo, crab wood, palmetto, 38 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, mangrove, and a variety of oaks. The land is too rocky to admit of general cultiva- tion, but is well adapted to the growth of cocoanuts, aloes, sisal hemp, and pineapples, all of which seem to live on a rocky soil, and grow here with but very little attention. Between these keys and the mainland is Barnes' Sound and Biscayue Bay. Barnes^ Sound and Card's Sound are interspersed with innumerable small keys, covered with mangroves, and are under water at high tides, and are the resort of snipe, curlew, and other birds. In both of these sounds and Biscayne Bay are great quantities of turtle and sponges of the finest and best varieties. The sponges and turtles taken from these waters exceed $100,000 in value per annum. The bay and all the passages between the keys and the streams rnnning into the bay from the mainland are well supplied with a great variety of fish, such as mullet^ sheepshead, grouper, &c., while incredible quantities of kingfish and Spanish mack- erel are caught on the border of the Gulf Stream. Biscayne Bay is an excellent harbor for all vessels drawing less than 10 feet of ■water, and can be entered at all times. The everglades are a vast shallow lake, over- grown with grass, pond- lilies, and other aquatic plants, interspersed with innumera- ble small islands of from 1 to 100 acres each. These islands are principally hammock lands covered over with a growth of live and water oaks and cocoa plums, with an undergrowth of morning-glories, grapes, and other vines, and are extremely fertile. The water is from 4 inches to 4 feet deep, and is very clear and pure. In many places are channels and sinks where the water is from 10 to 50 feet deep ; these holes are well supplied with fish, of which the trout is the most desirable. Alligators and turtle are abundant, and panthers, wild cats, and bears are quite numerous. Flowers of the sweetest fragrance, and of every hue and color, greet the eye. The border and outer margin of the everglades is i)rairie of from one-fourth to one mile in breadth, and comprises some of the finest and richest land in America, having once been a portion of the everglades, and formed by the receding of the waters. The soil is sandy, with a mixture of lime and vegetable matter, and freely effervesces when brought in contact with acids. The strip of land between Biscayne Bay and the everglades is from 3 to 15 miles in breadth, and is principally rocky pine land, with an undergrowth of a species of sago- palm, called by the Indians " koonitie," which name has been generally adopted by the whites. It makes a very good article of starch, and excellent gavini, which can- not lie distinguished from Bermuda arrowroot except by microscopic tests. This section of the country has evidently been an uplift or upheaval, as the rock dips at an angle of about twentj'-three degrees, and slopes both toward the bay and the everglades. The rock, in many places, is in circular form, and is coral. The soil is sandjv, which, mixing with the decomposed lime of the coral rock, forms an excel- lent andinexhaustible soil for grapes and sugar cane. The country north of Biscayne Bay, towards Jupiter Inlet, is of a similar character to that already described, with the exception that there is no rock. Fine springs of water are found in different locali- ties, and burst forth with great force; some of these are mineral springs, principally chalj^beate. Sea-island cotton is grown here, and it is a perennial, and can be picked several times each year. Grapes flourish well, and are not subject to mildew, and ripen about the middle of May. Tobacco raised along the bay will compare with the best of Cuba. Bananas, plantains, oranges, coffee, dates, pineapples, rice, indigo, sugar, apples, arrowroot, cassava, all grow and thrive, as well as the garden vegetables of the Northern and Middle States. Indigo, when once sown, remains in the ground and ratoons as it is cut off. Sugar cane ratoons, and requires planting only once from four to five years. Sugar cane can be raised here with less labor than in Cuba, as the Jand is easier cultivated, and a sugar plantation can be made for one-fifth of the money which it can in Louisiana. This section of the State is capable of producing all the products of the West. In- dies, and there is no doubt that when this portion of the country becomes known it will be rapidly developed. Sea-island cotton can be raised with half the labor that AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 39 i s required in the northern part of this State or in Sonth Carolina, as this is beyond the region of frost. The climate is very agreeable, being tempered by the G»lf Stream. It is not as warm here in summer as in New York, or as cold in winter as in Cuba, as there are no mountains or high elevations of land. The thermometer averages 73°, and the extremes are 51° and 92°. There is a constant sea-breeze off the Gulf Stream, commencing about 8 o'clock a. m. and lasting uatil nearly sundown. The climate is very exhilarating, and a white man can do as much labor in a day as in any portion of the United States. The constant Indian wars, which have been more severly felt in this county than in any other portion of this State, have retarded its growth and prevented its develop- ment. Biscayne Bay is within four days of New York, and is the best locality in the United States for raising vegetables and fruit for that market. All kinds of vegetables can be raised in the winter, and pineapples and limes are three weeks earlier at this place than in the Bahamas or Cuba. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY. Bounded north by Hernando, east b^^ Polk, south by Manatee County, and west by Gulf of Mexico. It contains about 1,500 square miles, em- bracing Clearwater Harbor, Tampa and Hillsborough Bays^ with the Hillsborough, Alafia, and Little Manatee Rivers entering from the north and west, and many keys or islands on the coast. The land lies more level than in Hernando County, and though generallj^ lighter, is still fertile. Tamj)a City, a port of entry situated at the head of Tampa Bay and mouth of Hillsborough River, is a thriving place, and the county seat. The citizens are enterprising, and the cultivated lands and orange groves in city and vicinity show constant progress. Cattle-raising for export has always been a leading business in this and adjoining counties. Large numbers are exported annuallj' to Cuba. Recent immigration and increased population has led to very extensive cultivation of oranges and semi-tropical fruits and vegetables, for which there is no better sec- tion, as climate, soil, and transportation are favorable. Some tropical fruits have been successfully cultivated. The usual Southern staples of cotton, cane, and rice are raised, as also field crops of all varieties com- mon to other sections. There are now five lines of railroads in contem- plation, three of which are in process of rapid construction, from the Saint John's River and the Atlantic ports, with Tampa as the objective point. MANATEE COUNTY. Bounded north by Hillsborough and Polk ; east by Brevard and Dade Counties, being separated from the latter by Lake Okeechobee j south by Monroe County, and west by the Gulf of Mexico; containing an area of over 5,000 square miles, and embracing the northern portion of Charlotte Harbor, the southern portion of Tampa Bay, Sarasota Bay, and the numerous islands adjacent. Peace Creek, rising in Polk County, subdivides the county near the center, and runs south to Charlotte Har- bor, having numerous tributaries, which, with many lakes, water the interior of the county. The Myakka River discharges into the harbor further westward, and the Manatee River, in the northwestern part of 40 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, the county, enters Tampa Bay. The surface is generally level, hinds light, piney woods, hammocks, and prairie. Pine Level is the county seat. Along the rivers and borders of lakes the land is very productive j a large portion of the country is given up to stock-raising, which is a lead- ing and profitable business. Over 100,000 head subsist at no cost or care, except* the gathering to brand and mark, or for sale and delivery. Key West, Cuba, and other is lands afford a constant and good market, and steamers and vessels are regularly engaged in the transportation, mostly from Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor. There are many stock- men who count their herds bj^ the tens of thousands. Peace Creek, a large stream, is susceptible of steam navigation through the county, and is attracting immigrants, especially those who seek an equable climate, and to locate below what is called the frost-line. Long-staple cotton, cane, rice, tobacco, do well, and will become leading staples of export. MONROE COUNTY. Bounded north by Manatee, east b}^ Dade, south and west by the Gulf of Mexico. It has an area of about 5,000 square miles, a large portion of which is occupied by what is known as the Big Cypress Swamp and the Everglades. The county includes the numerous keys and islands off' the Florida southern coast, the most important of which is Key West, where the principal wealth and population are located, and the southern portion of Charlotte Harbor, Pine, Sanibel, and other islands. The Caloosahatchie traverses the northern i)ortion of the county and enters Charlotte Harbor, and is navigable as high up as Fort Thomp- son, some 30 miles from its mouth. It is contemplated to connect this river with the great lake Okeechobee and drain the extensive country about the lake. The northern portion of the county is*adapted to semi- tropical and tropical fruits, and also many of the keys, which are already famous for cocoanuts, pineapples, and bananas. Key West is the county seat. POLK COUNTY. Bounded north by Sumter and Orange Counties, east by Orange and Brevard, south by Manatee, and west by Hillsborough. The Kissimmee Lake and Eiver separates it from Brevard. It has an area of about 1,900 square miles, and its general characteristics are the same as Sum- ter and Manatee. The surface is undulating, the lands hammock, pine, and prairie, dotted all through with small lakes of clear water abound- ing in fish. The i)rairies are the range for herds of cattle, of which there are 100,000 head in the county. Bartow, situated on Peace Creek or River, is the county seat, ^nd a thriving business place. The lands within 2 or 3 miles of Peace Creek and its tributaries are excellent farm- ing lands and well adapted to the culture of the orange and semi-tropi- cal and some tropical fruits. AND AGKICULTUKAL CAPABILITIES. 41 PRODUCTIONS OF FLORIDA. Having" thus presented a general survey of the climate, soil, and topography of the State, in which I have made free use of the material furnished through official publications and well-authenticated sources, I next proceed to consider the productions and agricultural capabilities of Florida. In this I shall avail myself of the practical experience of those who have labored to develope these resources. So much has been said of the vast scope of vegetable growth in Flor- ida that it is a cause of surprise to all strangers and susi^icion to many, as though there might be well-grounded suspicion of exaggeration or overstatement. On this account it is deemed best to refer to some of the older standard writers on this subject. In the "Observations" of Charles Vignolles, published in ^ew York in 1823, on page 90, we find the following: The following list of productions capable of being raised in Florida has been made out with some pains, and it is believed all these stated are protitable and practicable articles : Oranges, various kinds. Lemon .%, Lime, Citron, Shaddock, Mango, Pawpaw, Cocoa, Dates, Sweet Almond, Bitter Almond, Pistachio, Acuaqua, Gum gleni, Fustic, Balsam, Hemp, Camphor, Frankincense, Leeche plant of China, The olive. The vine, all varieties. Currants, Zante, Pineapple, Figs, Plantain, Banana, Yam, Bread-fruit, Arrowroot, Gallnuts, Doliahos, or soy -lean. Jalap, Tree rhubarb, Ginger, Gum guiacum, Braziletto, Senna, Turkey madder Balm of Gilead, Cloves, Liquid-amber, Aloe, Cinnamon, Pimento, Sago palm, Red pepper, Saponica, Jesuit's bark, Besine, Palma Christi, castor-bean. Tea, Sugar, Tobacco, Rice," Cotton, Silk, Cork-oak, Chestnut, Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, True opium poppy. Tumeric, Nutmegs. I Such a list seems wonderful enough as attributed to a single State, but this list, made fifty years ago, is far from comprising all the products which may be profitably cultivated, or are within the capacity of this soil and climate. Besides the staples common to more northern latitudes, cotton, wheat, rye, oats, peanuts, cow-pease, Irish and sweet potatoes, melons, and all the variety of garden vegetables, and the strawberry, blackberry, huckle- berry, plum, pomegranate, and quince, we may add coffee, cassava, in- 42 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, digo, cochineal, Sisal liemp, the guava, tamarind, sapadillo, avocada pear, mamie-apple, custard-apple, pecan-nut, &c. The year following the acquisition of the territory of Florida, 1822, a French gentleman, Peter Stephen Chazotte, presented to Congress a memorial setting forth the advantages of the climate and soil for tropical productions, aud asking that the government allot one thousand acres of land in the southern portion of Florida, with an appropriation of $50,000, for the establishment of an experimental farm and the intro- duction and propagation of coffee, cocoa, and other x)roducts of tropical countries. At a still earlier period, a proclamation of George III, issued from the Court of St. James, 7th day of October, 1763, and by the authority of a treaty of peace concluded at Paris on the 10th day of February, the same year, assigned to Colonel Grant — The government of East Florida, bounded to the westward by the Gulf of Mexico and the Apalachicola River; to the northward by a line drawn from that part of said river where the Chattahoochee andFUnt Rivers meet, to the source of the Saint Mary's River, and by the course of said river to the Atlantic Ocean ; and to the eastward aud southward by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Florida, including all islands within six leagues from the sea-coast, with the expectatiou that rice, indigo, silk, wine, oil, and other valuable commodities would be produced in great abundance. The English at that time knew little or nothing about coffee, as its cultivation at that period was confined to St. Domingo, and had not been introduced upon the Island of Jamaica. At a later period, an English gentleman of fortune went to establish himself in East Florida, and entered successfully into the culture of coffee and sugar-cane, and his establishments were already considerable when the American Kevo- lution, in its effects, caused Florida to pass into the hands of Spain. The British Government, finding he had so far succeeded, would not allow him to remain, but destroyed his plantation, and carried him off with his slaves, awarding him a considerable sum for his loss and dam- ages. Mr. Carvert says: So mild is the winter that the most delicate vegetables and plants of the Carribee Islands experience there not the least injury from that season; the orange tree, the plantains, the guava, the pineapple, &c., grow luxuriously. Fogs are unknown there, and no country can, therefore, be more salubrious. Mr. William Stork, in his description of East Florida, gives the fol- lowing account of it: The productions of the northern and southern latitudes grow and blossom by the side of each other, and there isscarcely another climate in the world that can vie with this in displaying such an agreeable and luxuriant mixture of trees, plants, shrubs, and flowers. The red and white pine and the evergreen oak marry their boughs with the chestnut and mahogany trees, the walnut with the cherry, the maple with the campeach, and the braziletto with the sassafras tree, which together cover here a variegated and rich soil. * * * The wax myrtle tree grows everywhere here. * * * Oranges are large, more aroijaatic and succulent than in Portugal. Plums AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIl^S. 43" naturally grow finer and of a quality superior to those gathered in the orchards in Spain. The wild vines serpentine on the ground, or climb jj|>H::0'^^e4o]paj9f^ee8. Indigo and cochineal were advantageously cultivated there^ duced a revenue of $200,000. //TT I^T ^ Chazotte adds, in 1822 : C^^^'^ERSIT This country will produce all the tropical fruits and stap^^Wtjhasfd^'of thos^j longing to a northern climate. ' ^^^^n^^^* OP ^ \^^ This fact is now being demonstrated in the experience population of the State. In imi)ressiDg upon the attention of Congress the advantages of enter- ing upon the cultivation of coffee and cocoa, or the chocolate plant, in connection with vines, olives, capers, and almonds, Chazotte gives the- following statement of feasibility and profits of cultivation : Coffee. — One acre of land planted by ranges, and the plants at 5 feet distant from each other, gives 1,764 plants. A man can take care of two acres, which gives 3,528- plants. Each plant may, by an average, yield 2 pounds or more, but I reduce it to 1 pound ; therefore, a man will give yearly 3,528 pounds of coffee, which, at 25 cents,, produces $882. It is to be observed that no crop is to be expected on the first and second years ; on the third year the plant yields a good crop ; on the fourth an abundant one, which it will continue to yield every year until the ground is exhausted and the plant dies.. For the two first years of the planting, all kinds of vegetables and corn may be planted between the ranges; they will yield two crops in one year. Cotton is not to be planted between the ranges. Cocoa. — Four acres of land planted in rows, and the trees at 10 feet distant from each other, give 1,764 trees. A man is capable of taking care of them and of gather- ing the nut. At seven years of age each tree will yield two pounds, and the quantity will increase with its age ; therefore, a man will gather 3,528 pounds of cocoa, which,, at 15 cents per pound, will produce $.529.20. This cultivation, differing from all others, requires some illustration. It was for- merly thought that its culture required much labor and a virgin soil ; but experience has shown that it grows on land half exhausted by the coffee-plant, and in less than twelve years' time acquires such power as to destroy the coffee underneath. Hence it is now planted between the ranges of coffee when this last is about seven years of age ; so that when the land would otherwise become a mere waste, requiring a hun- dred years for forests to rise on it again ere it could recover its first fruitfulness, the same land being again covered by a new forest of productive trees, the fruits of which growing and njaturing all the year round, each day brings in its crop. The extraordinary effects of the cocoa tree in regenerating the ground upon which it gr.ows may easily be accounted for. This tree seldom attains higher than fifteen feet; it is branchy, its leaves very large, and the body, or stock, of a middling size j. the leaves continually falling off the tree while new ones grow, cover the earth with a thick bed of leaves, which allow not even a blade of grass to grow with them. Hence the ground requires no culture, and the trees but a light pruning when any rav- ages have been caused by storm. This constant thick bed of leaves returns to th& earth five times more nutriment than the diminutive size of the tree requires from it, and in less than thirty years brings the soil back to its original fertile state. Having given the proceeds of a man's yearly labor in the plantation of coffee and cocoa, I shall now quit Florida and enter the territory of the United States. Vines. — An acre of land planted with vines, allowing 41 ranges at 5 feetdistant, and to each range 104 vines at 2 feet apart, gives 4,264 vines to an acre. Five acres for a^ man's labor give 21,320 vines ; and allowing the grapes of 10 vines to yield 1 gallon of 44 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, wiue, it will proclnce 2,132 gallons, which, being rated at the low price of 30 cents per gallon, will produce $639.30 for a man's yearly labor. As olives, capers, and almond trees require no particular culture, they may be planted in ranges, at 30 feet distant, in the vineyard, where the mildness of the climate allows the plantation. In Georgia and Alabama these four productions may be raised on the same soil. Vines, olives, capers, and almonds, planted on the same ground : 5 acres in vines produce, as before stated, for a man's yearly labor $H39 30 175 olive trees, at thirty feet distant, will yield, after seven years of age, about one gallon of oil each, which, valued at the low price of $1..50 per gallon, is 262 50 45 almond trees, 25 caper trees produce, valued at $1.50 105 00 Yearly jiroceeds of a man's labor 1, 006 80 I shall now suppose that, in the course of 30 years, we may employ .50, 000 persons in the culture of vines singly : They will cultivate 250,000 acres of land, which will yield an annual rev- enue of $31,965,000 50,000 persons in the culture of vines, olives, almonds, and capers, on 250,000 acres of land, will yield an annual revenue of 50,340,000 Total 82,305,000 Cocoa. — Fifty thousand perscns engaged in the culture of cocoa will cultivate 200,000 acres of land, which will yield an annual revenue of |26,420,000. Coffee. — One hundred thousand persons engaged in the culture of coffee will culti- vate 200,000 acres of land, which will yield an annual revenue of $88,200,000. Recapitulation of the preceding estimates : 100,000 persons cultivating 500,000 acres in vines, olives, &c., produce. . $82, 305, 000 50,000 persons cultivating 200,000 acres of cocoa 26, 420, 000 100,000 persons cultivating 200,000 acres of coffee 88, 200, 000 250,000 persons cultivating 900,000 acres, produce 196, 925, 000 The home consumption of this country may be estimated to be annually : Wines, olives, &c $17,305,0D0 Cocoa, &c 6,420,000 Coffee 13,200,000 Home consumption 36, 925, 000 Leaving an immense surplus of exportation to foreign countries of^ Wines, olives, &c $6.5,000,000 Cocoa 20,000,000 Coffee > 75,000,000 Exportation 160,000,000 FIELD CROPS— SUGAR CANE. Florida, both in climate and soil, is peculiarly well adapted for growth of cane ; the earliest colonists cultivated it, and successive occupants, French, English, Spanish, American, have grown it successfully; the long period of warm weather, and the absence of cold, give a longer period for the cane to mature. During the English occupation many large plantations were opened, and later, since Florida became United h AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 45 States territory, tliere have beeu several large sugar plantations profit- ably carried on. Latterly, cane has only been planted for domestic use and neighbor- hood sale. But, even rudely raised and rudely manufactured, Florida sugar and sirup rival, in color, grain, and quality, the best Louisiana. Fair land will produce from 1,500 to 2,000 pounds of sugar; rich land, thoroughly fertilized, Avill produce from 2,000 to 4,000 pounds. Recent improvements in sugar machinery have obviated the necessity of ex- pensive works formerly required, rendering it possible for the small as well as large planter to manufacture cheaply 5 its cultivation is as easy as corn, and its immunity from all hurt by ordinary enemies to other vegetation renders it a safe crop. The superiority of Florida over any other section of the United States in adaptability to the growth of cane is mainly based upon her milder climate, the greater length of the seasons, and the correspondingly longer growth and larger size of the cane. In Louisiana from three to five feet may be taken as the average size of cane when harvested, while in Florida from five to seven may be taken as the average size of the cane over the w hole State, extending from north to south nearly 400 miles, and, w ith fair culture, eight, ten, and twelve feet are quite com- mon lengths. As early as 1823, Vignolles wrote: Respecting sugar, the recent successful trials that have been made upon it have de- termined the curious fad that it will grow in almost any of the soils in Florida south of the mouth of the Saint John's River; the great length of summer, or period of ab- solute elevation of the thermometer above the freezing point, allows the cane to ripen much higher than in Louisiana. Williams, writing in 1837, sajs: This (sugar) ought to be the staple of the country. Experiments in every part of the territory prove tliat ail our good lands will produce sugarcane as well as any other crop. * * " A general impression has prevailed that sugar could not be made to advantage unless a great capital is invested; but experience abundantly proves that a small capital may be as profitably employed in the culture of cane as in any other product. In an article on sugar cane in the new American Encyclopedia the climatic disadvantages attending the cultivation of the sugar cane in Louisiana are stated as follows: Yet, the climate of Louisiana itself is rather north of that best suited to the plant, the cane being frequently killed by the frost after starting in the spring, and at ma- turity in the latter part of October and in November, the efiect of which is to materi- ally diminish its production of sugar. In 18.^7, injurious frosts thus occurred in April as late as the 2*2d, and on the 19th and 20th of November. In November, 1859, the cold w^as very severe on the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th, in all parts of Louisiana, the thermometer on the 14th standing at 25° F. at New Orleans, and thick ice being formed in the most southern parishes. The eifect of this was that the cane was every- where frozen, and land which had previously given above two hogsheads to the acre yielded barely half a hogshead, and this of inferior quality. The climate is also sub- ject to long- continued drought, which seriously injures the growing crops. But in Florida frosts are of infrequent occurrence, and in South Florida are unknown. Of the few frosts that do occur, instances as early as 46 FLORIDA: ITS SOIL, CLIMATE, AND PRODUCTIONS, November or as late as April have beeu known only at intervals of years. With the protection against competition with foreign cheap labor now afforded by the government, sugar will speedily become one of the commanding industries of Southern Florida especially, and a source of immense wealth to the State. Dr. Westcott, president of the Madison County Agricultural Society, in 1870, gave the following on the subject of cane culture: It takes about the same labor to cultivate a sugar-cane crop as it does for coru. For a farmer not cultivating more than 5 or 10 acres of cane, the expense of an iron mill, boilers and brickwork, house or shed, &c., would not cost to exceed $400. To manu- facture 10 acres of cane would require the work of six men forty days; one pair of mules, horses, or oxen at the mill, and another pair to haul the cane from the field. The profits of 10 acres planted in cane, from actual experiment, omitting capital required rfoi boilers, mill, troughsforcrvstallizing, houses for draining, teams, «fcc., are as follows: Dr. Ten days' work of team to break up land, at |1.50 per day $15 00 24,000 seed cane, at $10 per M 240 <0 Fifteen days' work planting, at |1 15 00 Ten days' work with hoe 10 00 Fifteen days' work with cultivators and plows 22 50 Six men 40 days, equal to 240 days' work, manufacturing, at $1 240 00 Two pair oxen 40 days, at $3 per day 120 00 Barrels, &c «0 50 723 00 Cr. By 3,700 pounds sugar per acre, 37,000 pounds, at 10 cents 3, 700 00 Showing a net profit of • 2, 977 00 It is no uncommon thing to produce, by proper fertilizing, 2,000 pounds of sugar and 170 or 200 gallons of sirup, equal to 1,700 pounds of sugar, or a total of 3,700 j)ounds of sugar, of a superior quality, per acre. Sugar requires natural strong land, or well-manured light land, the latter making a better quality of sugar. By properly manuring the ratoon, or cane springing up from the root, after the first crop from i:)lantang, it will yield nearly the same product for two or three years; after that time experience teaches it is best to remove the roots to other ground. It will be observed that after the first planting there is no more expense for seed cane. COTTON. Sea-island or long cotton is raised mostly from the Suwannee Eiver to the ocean, and south of latitude 30o. The average product per acre is from 150 to 200 pounds, though it often exceeds double that. This species of cotton is only raised on the sea islands bordering South Car- olina, Georgia, and in Florida, our State raising over half the total crop. 'The price ranges from 25 to 50 cents per pound, though there are planters AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 47 who readily get more than these figures, but their cotton is exception- ally fine. Short cotton is grown west of the Suwannee to the western and northern boundaries of the State. It will average from 200 to 500 pounds to the acre. In grade, Florida cotton rates with the best. Cotton raising, however, is subject to some risks; cold, rain, drought, or cater- l>illar often sweeps localities. Generally speaking, it is a safer crop in Florida than anywhere else. New methods of cnltivation, improved seed, remedy for the caterpillar, are adopted by the intelligent and prudent planter, who is not subject to a loss which a careless, shiftless man may have. The methods of cultivation are simple, the crop itself affording by its seed the very best fertilizer. As the seed is fully 75 to 80 per cent, of the cotton as picked, it is largely sold and exported, and its increasing value for manufacture renders the cotton crop profitable, even at the present low price of the staple. At the late cotton exi^osition in At- lanta, Ga., a bale of long cotton from Florida was pronounced by the foreman of the Willimantic Thread Factory as the best in the entire col- lection for his purposes, taking the first premium. RICE. Rice, which constitutes the main food of the great majority of the population of the world, is raised here mostly for domestic use. There are thousands of acres in every section of the State peculiarly adapted to its successful culture. Its cultivation is as simple as any cereal j usually drilled and kept clear of weeds, 25 to 75 bushels of rough rice is a fair crop. liecent introduction of improved rice machinery, adapted for individual and neighborhood use, will stimulate increased produc- tion. Limited by climate, rice will always prove a remunerative crop. It is generally supposed that rice is only successfully grown on low lands which adjoin tide-water, and can be overflowed at certain dift'erent stages of growth. It is true that the great bulk of the crop is grown ju this way, but more recent experience has demonstrated that it can be grown successfull}^ upon dry land, and upland rice is now becoming one of the reliable and profitable field crops, more remunerative even than wheat at the North. The upland rice from this State displayed at Atlanta received the first premium. A low, moist soil has generally been planted ; overflowing is not needed, but on any good land it is successfully cultivated. It has needed only introduction of rice-cleaning machinery to make its cul- tivation universal in Florida. Quite recently a comi)any of practical business men have been formed, who have put up extensive works, which will be able to receive and j^repare all that may be raised. It may be relied upon as one of the i^ermanent staple products of Florida, which will add largely to the exports of the State and afford a sure and profitable reliance for the farmer. 48 FLORIDA : ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, CORN. Coru, wbich is the great food staple raised iu the United States, es- pecially in the West, and which exceeds bj^ many millions of bushels any and all other crops, is grown in all portions of the State, and the produce per acre is here, as elsewhere, more or less, according to fertility of soil and cultivation. Ordinary pine land will produce, say, 10 bush- els ; good hammock land, 20 to 50 bushels, according to the cultivation. Extra culture here, as everywhere, will largely increase the product. Ex-Governor Drew has raised, near his mills at Ellaville, in Madison County, 120 bushels of superior corn to the acre. Corn here is planted in February to April, plowed at intervals, laid by in June and July ; blades stripped for fodder, and stalks with ears left in field to be harvested at leisure. It may be cribbed in field in the shuck, suiiering no dam- age from weather, or housed in corn-crib near the dwelling; shucked and shelled if for sale or food. When fed to stock it is fed in shuck. One person with one mule can easily cultivate from thirty to forty acres, and as the time for planting to final plowing is only from four to five months, it leaves ample time to cultivate another crop of pease or sweet potatoes with same labor on same land. The corn usually raised is the white variety, largely used in meal and hominy for food, especially at the South. The Northern farmer who has been used to see 40 to 60 bushels ordinarily raised on the old homestead, should, in comparing the relative production South and North, take into consideration cheapness of land, number of acres which can be cultivated, time taken to make crop, expense of gathering, saving, housing, and also value, transpor- tation, and its quality. White is best for food. All things considered, corn is one of the most useful and profitable crops to raise in Florida. WHEAT, RYE, OATS. Wheat in the northern section of the State is grown to some extent, but is not generally raised as a regular crop. Eye and oats do well, and are mostly sown early in the fall, affording a good winter pasturage ; mature in early spring, and are not thrashed, being cured and fed to stock in the straw. PEANUTS. The peanut, pinder, goober, or ground pea, as the plant is variously called, grows well on almost any warm, light soil. The seed should be planted early in the spring. The after cultivation is simple. A hun- dred bushels to the acre is an average crop. They are worth $1 to $2 per bushel. The nut produces an oil which is said to be equal to the finest olive oil. PEAS. The common English pea is nor. cultivated as a field crop, but as a garden product is largely grown for the winter market, and affords great profits. The cow pea is extensively grown and produces excellent crops. AND AGRICULTURAL C!AP ABILITIES. 49 It resembles the bean family in tlie appearance of its foliage and the manner of its growth. It is common to sow them between the rows of corn at the last plowing. They will produce from 10 to 15 bushels per acre, besides a large amount of forage. On account of the luxuriant growth of the vine, on poor soils even, its culture as a green crop, to be turned in, is fully as advantageous as clover at the IS^orth. TOBACCO. Tobacco will grow anywhere in the State. A superior quality of Cuba tobacco, from imported seed, is mostly grown in Gadsden and adjoining counties, and fully equals the best imported. Before the war it was ex- tensively and profitably cultivated, and mostly sold to Germany, agents visiting the State to purchase. It requires careful attentin, will yield from 500 to 700 pounds to the acre, and sells for from 20 to 30 cents per pound. Latterly there is an increasing home and State demand by cigar manufacturers, and the area of cultivation is extending. SWEET POTATOES. This crop, as an article of food, is as universal in all Southern house- holds as rice is to the Chinese, macaroni to the Italian, or the Irish potato to the Irishman. White or black, no family is so poor but what has a potato patch. It yields all the way from 100 to 400 bushels to the acre, according to soil, cultivation and season; is grown from roots, draws, and slips ; planted from April to August, and maturing from July to No- vember ; is of easy cultivation, and may be dug and safely banked in field and yard, or housed ; is eaten raw or cooked, and the old-time cook can make most appetizing dishes of it. There are many varieties planted, good and indifferent, and there is no excuse for not raising the best. It may be raised at a cost of fifteen cents a bushel, and brings in the home market from 40 cents to $1. IRISH POTATOES. This crop does not produce as well as at the North, but is off in time to be followed by a crop of sweet potatoes the same year. They should be planted in December or January, although good crops are sometimes obtained from later planting. A covering of muck, grass, or coarse compost is very beneficial. The potatoes are fit for digging in May. Thej^can be shipped without difficulty, and at a moderate expense, to the Northern markets, where they are worth from $5 to $9 per barrel. The culture is essentially the same as that practiced at the North. ARROWROOT, CASSAVA, COMPTIE. All these grow well when cultivated, and produce astonishingly. Florida arrowroot grades in quality and price with the best Bermuda. Cassava, from which starch and tapioca are made, attains great size. 3290 4 60 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, Comptie, the bread root of the Indians, grows without any cultivation. All of the above have only been grown for domestic use for starch and for food, and have limited sale in this and adjoining States. The atten- tion of Northern starch manufacturers has lately been drawn to them, and Governor Sinclair, of New Hampshire, having tested the roots by actual experiments, has introduced a pioneer factory in Orange County. As either and all of these roots have a larger percentage of starch in them than the Irish potato, and can be grown at the same price, and manufactured all the year, we may look for a large business in this in- dustry. SISAL HEMP, RAMIE, JUTE. All of the fibrous plants grown in warm latitudes are found here. Some years ago the Sisal hemp was largely grown, but the Indian war broke up the country where it was planted, and the cultivation has not been resumed to any extent. A Key West writer says that a ton of fiber may be grown to an acre, worth $300. Extensive preparations are being made for the cultivation of jute in South Florida, and at no distant day it will become a leading industry. Col. A. B. Lindermann, of Philadel- phia, is at the head of a company, recently organized, to test the culti- vation of jute and indigo upon a large scale. An ample supply of seed has been imported from India j suitable lands have been selected from the Disston purchase, in Sumter County, and arrangements are now being made to procure the necessary workmen. An expert will visit the crop during the coming summer, and should his report be favorable, a large amount of English capital will at once be invested in the business, A variety of wild jute is found growing abundantly in East and South Florida. A sample of the fiber of this plant, roughly prepared, was taken to Dundee, Scotland, where the principal jute factories of the world are located, and was valued by the proprietors of the works at $90 per ton. Two crops can be readily grown during the season, and improved machinery has lately been devised for the preparation ot the fiber. The plant grows vigorously upon low, wet soils, is difficult to eradicate w^hen once planted, and promises to add another to the many flourishing industries of Florida. It is believed by those who have in- vestigated the subject, that this State is capable of furnishing all the jute required for consumption in this country, now imported from Cal- cutta at a cost of many millions annually. INDIGO, CASTOR BEAN, AND SILK. The indigo plant is indigenous in Florida; during the English occu- pation it was extensively cultivated, manufactured, and exported ; now it is occasionally made for domestic use. The castor bean here attains the size of a tree often 30 feet high, grows rapidly, and bears largely ; now only used for home purposes. Silk some years ago attracted a good deal of attention, but is now only occasionally^ l^roduced as a pastime. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 51 The different species of mulberry grow here to perfection from root, cutting, or graft; in leaf from March to October. In time, no doubt, the business will become a regular industry. The company above re- ferred to intends to engage largely in the culture of that valuable dye, indigo. About the year 1770 this article formed the principal export from Florida, and the old works still to be seen in the vicinity of New Smyrna, on Indian Eiver, indicate the vast extent of the plantations devoted to this enterprise. FRUITS. The most i)roraising and fascinating industry, now absorbing atten- tion, more particularly in East and South Florida, is the cultivation of fruits, of which the citrus family takes the first rank. This group com- prises all the varieties of the orange, citron, lemon, lime, and shaddock, numbering more than a hundred. Dr. Sickler, who spent six years in Italy, and paid great attention to the kinds and culture of the citrus, published at Weimar, in 1815, a quarto volume, called Yolkommene Orangerie Gartner, in which he describes seventy-four sorts. He arranges the whole into two classes, and these classes into divisions and subdivisions, without regard to their botanical distinctions or species, as follows: Lemons : Sorts. Cedrats, or citrons 4 Round lemons 6 Pear-shaped lemons 11 Cylindrical lemons 4 Gourd-sliaped lemons 2 Wax lemons 5 Lumies lemons 8 Cedrat, lemons or citronate 6 Limes 4 Oranges: Bitter oranges 6 Sour oranges 6 Sweet oranges 12 Few other classes of fruits are more easily propagated than the citrus, and all of the species may be rapidly increased and produced either by seeds, cuttings, layers, grafting, or budding, the lime being the most difficult and the citron the most easy of propagation. They differ from deciduous fruits in the respect that like always produces like, the seed of every variety invariably producing its kind. Cuttings of thrifty wood, two years old, strike fibers as rapidly as younger wood, though the mode of propagating almost universally adopted in Florida is by bud- ding ujion young stocks from the nursery, or from the larger stocks ob- tained from the forests. The citrus family of fruits is supposed to have originated in the warmer parts of Asia, and to have derived its name from the town of Citron, in Judea, though it has been cultivated from time immemorial in middle and southern Europe, and is now cultivated 52 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, almost throughout the world, and in no higher degree of perfection than in East Florida, south of the 30th degree of north latitude. THE ORANGE. The cultivation of the orauge {Citrus aurantium) in East Florida, pre- vious to 1835, had attained a degree of considerable commercial impor- tance, and the exports of this fruit from the small city of Saint Augustine are said to have amounted to $100,000 annually. On the Saint John\s Eiver, and in some parts of West Florida, and at Tamjoa Bay, groves were being established as a source of commercial supply. In February, 1835, a very severe frost visited the State, and most of the orange groves and other semi-tropical fruits were destroyed, or nearly so, leaving only the stumps and roots to spring up again. Many of these sent up shoots, and began to encourage hopes of returning prosperity to this branch of industry. These hopes were not permitted to be realized, however, for in 1842 an insect called the Orange coccus, or scale insect, appeared in the orange groves, and spread with great rapidity over the whole country, almost totally destroying every tree attacked. This calamity continued for ten or twelve years, and bade defiance to almost every effort made to stay its blighting force. Many became discouraged in the contest and abandoned further attempts to re-estab- lish this hen^tofore agreeable and i^rofitable branch of industry. In 1853, however, the insect began to decrease in numbers, and finally dis- appeared, since which time most of the groves now in the State must date their birth. These groves are rapidly multiplying in all parts of the State, and the bearing trees are now numbered by tens of thousands, while the young groves, which are being constantly started, comprise millions of trees. The orange from the seed produces fruit in from seven to ten years, depending upon situation, culture, &c. Groves made from wild stocks, usually cut off at a height of 3 to 4 feet from the ground, and the new shoots budded, generally i^roduce fruit in three years. The number of oranges produced from a single tree varies from 100 to 10,000, according to the age, situation, and treat- ment of the tree. The trees are usuall^^ set 20 feet apart, and an acre will contain about 100 trees. Florida oranges were usually sold, previ- ous to 1835, at $7.50 to $10 per thousand. Now a demand exists for twenty times our present supply, at $15 to $20 per thousand, as they hang upon the trees. HOW TO MAKE AN ORANGE GROVE. The judicious selection of the land is the first and most important point, for on this success in a great measure depends. Choose high, dry hammock or high rolling pine land that has natural drainage and a yellowish subsoil. The low, flat lands which are underlaid with hard- pan or sandstone, mixed with oxide of iron, require ditching or drain- AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 53 ing aDd much care in setting the trees, so that the roots may have free scope and relief from standing water. The most favorable locations are ou southeast side of wide sheets of water, or high lands, which are more generally free frost. The land selected, cleiir thoroughly of all trees, &c., break up well, and substantially fence ; sow with cow peas, which turn under when in bloom — it improves and sweetens the soil ; this may be done before or after planting trees. Dig holes 30 feet ai^art, 18 inches deep, and 4 feet in diameter ; clean out all roots ; fill up with top soil, which will retain the moisture ; procure trees from three to five years old, take them up carefully, with all of the roots pos- sible, pack uj) with wet moss as soon as dug, put in shade and out of the wind, take to the proposed grove carefully; remove soil from holes dug sufKicient for the tree, with roots carefully spread, trunk stand- ing in same position as originally grown. Let the tree, when set out, be fully an inch above natural level of land ; fill under, in and about the roots, compactly — it is best done by the hand, filled to surface and gently tramped down ; fill on some 2 or 3 inches of earth, which will prevent drying ; the rainy season commencing, remove the soil about the tree to the level about it. Cultivation should be frequent and shal- low, and trash not allowed to accumulate near trunk ; light plowing and raking near the trees is best and safest* Following these general direc- tions, no one should fail. The cost of a five-acre grove, at, say, five years from planting, at a liberal estimate where high pine land is chosen, will be about as given below. If hammock land is taken, the cost of clearing will be more. The grove will have begun to yield at the end of the period named. Eev. T. E. Moore, Fruit Cove, Fla., has published a good treatise on orange culture. COST OF OEOVE. Five acres of good land, variously estimated, depending on location. Cutting timber, clearing $75 00 Fencing (post and board fence) and breaking up 75 00 Three hundred trees and setting out 200 00 Manures, labor, cultivating, taxes, &c., for five years 500 00 Total, less cost of land 850 00 Such a grove would readily sell now in Florida for $1,000 per acre. From and after five years the annual growth of trees and increase of fruit is constant for at least ten years, and the grove will hold its vigor and fruit-producing qualities for a century or more. The orange is a hardy tree, will stand great extremes of rain and drought ; it will show the effects of a single season's neglect, and quickly show a single season of care and attention. THE LEMON. "The lemon is produced in East Florida to a degree of perfection far surpassing the same fruit grown in the West Indies, Sicily, Italy, or 54 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PkODUCTIONS, Spain, and persons familiar with this fruit in those countries are rather disposed to discredit the statement that the lemons of Florida are of the same variety of fruit. The Sicily lemon ^rown here frequently reaches from 1 to 2 pounds in weight, and is of a sui^erior quality. VARIOUS FRUITS. There are five of the acid varieties of the lime ( Citrus Umetta) named in English nursery catalogues. The juice of the lime is x^referred to that of the lemon as being more wholesome and agreeable, and when freely used is a preventive of fever. Combined with a little salt, it is regarded by some of the old settlers as a specific for chills and fever. The citron (Citrus medico) is commercially known in the United States as a preserved confection, imi^orted from the Mediterranean in oblong- boxes, weighing 20 to 25 pounds each, and used by families as an addi- tion to fruit cakes, pies, &c. It is a native of the warm regions of Asia. Heretofore but little attention has been paid to the cultivation of this fruit in Florida, except for variety and ornaments, and it is not usual to observe more than one or two trees in a large garden of several acres in extent, though it is grown here with the greatest ease and perfection, fre- quently producing fruit weighing 10 i)ounds, and there is no doubt but that it may be cultivated, preserved, and introduced into our home mar- kets as an article of commerce with great profit to the producer. There is no other variety of this species so easily propagated, and none more hardy, or that yields its fruit so quickly, or produces more abundantly; and the fact that both the fruit and the sugar for preserving it are pro- duced in the same field, with equal facility, gives to the American cul- tivator a great advantage over the foreign producer in our markets. The citron prepared and preserved by private families in Florida for home use is of much finer quality, lighter colored, and more transparent than the imported. The cost of preparing this fruit for market on a large scale need not be great, and the combination of two articles, green citron and sugar, the cost of producing ^yhich does not exceed one-half their actual value, where the two are combined, must leave a large mar- gin of profit to those who engage intelligently and with proper facili- ties in the business of cultivating and preparing this article for market. The shaddock (Citrus decuniana)^ a native of India or China, is now cultivated in all warm climates, and is called Arancio massino by the Italians, Oranger ]pampelmouse by the French, and sometimes in this country mock-orange or forbidden fruit. It was brought from China to the West Indies by Captain Shaddock, from whom it derives its present name. There are at least six varieties, only one of which is useful or desirable as a fruit. Some of these attain a very large size, frequently weighing 10 to 14 pounds. It is chiefly used for ornament or show, and where several sorts of oranges are presented at desert, it form.^ a strik- ing addition to the varieties in the way of contrast. The most desirable variety of this fruit is sometimes called grape fruit. It possesses a red- AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 55 (lisU pulp, with most agreeable subacid sweetness, and is excellent for quenching thirst; and from the thickness of its rind will keep longer than the fruit of any other of the citrus family. This variety is well worth cultiv^ating for the excellence of its solid vinous pulp, which fur- nishes a substitute for other acid fruits in pies, tarts, jellies, &c. Loquat [EHohotryajaponica) is known in the South as the Japan plum. The tree is an evergreen, and grows 10 to 12 feet high, and is desirable in evxry Southern garden on account of its hardiness, withstanding a greater degree of cold than any of the semi-tropical fruits. It ripens its fruit in February and March, when most other fruits are gone; is a l^rofuse bearer, and is readily propagated by seeds and cuttings. The pine apple (Ananassa sativa) is grown in some of the gardens in the northern portions of the State, but requires protection. South of parallel 28° it is produced in greal excellence and jierfection, the pines frequently weighing 9 and 10 pounds each. This fruit is easily propa- gated from suckers and crowns, the former preferable, however, the fruit maturing in three to four months after planting the suckers. Papaw (Carica papaya) is sometimes called the bread-fruit tree. It is a native of South Ameria. This remarkable tree, though not much cultivated at the present time in Florida, is worthy of great attention, not only for the excellence of its fruit, but also for its other extraordi- nary i)roperties. The tree attains a growth of 20 feet in height, and yields a large supply of fruit in three years from the seed, and should be in every garden in Florida south of 30^ north latitude. It thrives well and bears profusely at Saint Augustine. The fruit is pear shaped, of a light yellow color, varying in size from 3 to 5 inches in length and from 2 to 4 inches in diameter, and is not unlike a very rix^e muskmelon in taste and flavor, though sweeter. It may be pared and sliced and eaten raw as a desert fruit, or cut into slices and soaked in water till the milky j nice is out, and then boiled 'and served as a sauce, or by the addition of lemon or lime juice, it supplies a most excellent substitute for apple sauce or tart fruit, to which it is scarcely inferior. The juice of the pulp also forms an excellent cosmetic for removing freckles from the skin, and the leaves are frequently used, in the French West India Islands, instead of soap for cleansing linen. Its remarkable medical X)roperties, however, are most important, as it is the most powerful ver- mifuge known, a single dose of the milky juice of the unripe fruit, or of the powdered seeds of the ripe fruit being sufficient to cure the worst cases, and extirpate every worm from the system of the patient. The most extraordinary property of the papaw tree is that related by Dr. Browne, in his Natural History of Jamaica, in which he says that the toughest meat or poultry may be made perfectly tender lor cooking, by steeping for eight or ten minutes in the milky juice of this tree. Dr. Holden, who witnessed its effects in the island of Barbadoes, says, in the third volume of the Wernerian Society's Memoirs, that the juice of this tree causes a separation of the muscular fiber in meats that 56 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, have been immersed therein and that the vapor of the tree serves the same purpose, it being a common custom with the inhabitants to sus- pend joints of meat, i^oultry, &c., in the upper branches of the trees to soften and prepare them for cooking. Thompson, in his System of Ohemistr}^, makes an extract from a French work on chemistry, entitled Annales de Chimie, which states that — Fibrine had been previously supposed to beloDg exclusively to the animal kingdom but this tree had been found to contain this substance. The papaw tree is a perpetual bearer of fruits and flowers, or blossoms, and yields enormous quantities of fruit, a single tree supplying enough for a large family. Custard apple (Anona reticulata) is sometimes called sugar apple. There are u})wards of forty varieties of this fruit, and nearly all the species are edible. Almost every trojMcal country lays claim to its own favorite variety. In Peru it is greatly esteemed, and considered not inferior to any other fruit in the world. The species derives its English name (custard apple) from the consistence of the ])ulp of tin fruit; and its rich color, fragrant odor, and handsome appearance are well characterized in the expression, "apples of gold in i)ictures of silver." The Spanish-American cherimoyer {Aiiona cJierimoUa), and the West India soursop {Anona muricata), sweetsop {Anona squamosa)^ and alli- gator apple {Anona palustris) are of this genus. This delicious fruit is produced in excellent perfection as far north as Saint Augustine, and is easily propagated from seed. FIGS. Figs are easily raised from cuttings, and begin to bear in two years, producing one good and one or two additional but inferior crops annu- ally. Two hundred tre( s may be set at nominal cost on an acre. Th^ remarkable vigor and thrift attending the growth of the fig in this State, and the many facilities afforded for an unlimited business grow- ing out of its cultivation and preparation for market, are so decided, that this fruit is worthy, like the orange and cane, of special attention here. A simi)le preparation of figs by boiling in sirup will furnish a most palatable and wholesome preserve, that only needs to be known to become a universal favorite; and if figs can be prepared for a lucra- tive market, by drying, anywhere on earth, it can be done in Florida. The London Encyclopedia mentions fifty-six species, of which the follow- ing are the most remarkable: F. cerica, the common fig tree with an upright stem branching fifteen or twenty feet high, and garnished with larg(5 palinated or hand-shaj)ed leaves. Of this there aremany varieties, asthe common fig tree, with large, oblong, dark purplish bine fruit, which ripens in August either on standards or walls, and of which it carries a great quantity; the brown or chestnut fig, a large, globular, chestnut -colored fruit hav- AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 57 ing a purplish delicious pulp ; the black Iscliia fig, a middle-sized, shortish, flat- crowned, blackish fruit, having a bright pulp ; the green Ischia fig, a large, oblong, globular-headed, greenish fruit, slightly stained by the pulp to a reddish-brown color; the brown Ischia fig, a small, pyramidal, brownish-yellow fruit, having a purplish rich pulp; the Malta fig, a small, flat-topped, brown fruit; the round brown Naples fig, a globular, middle-sized, light-brown fruit, and brownish pulp ; the long, brown Naples fig, a long, dark brown fruit, having a reddish pulp; the great blue fig, a large blue fruit, having a fine red pulp; the black Genoa fig, a large pear-shaped, black-colored fruit, with a bright-red pulp. It may be propagated either by suckers arising from roots, by layers, or by cuttings. The suckers are to be taken oft" as low down as possible ; trim off any ragged part at bottom, leaving the top entire, espe- cially if for standard?, and plant them in nursery lines at two or three feet distance, or they may at once be planted where they are to remain. The best season for proi)agating these trees by hiyers is in antumn ; but it may be also done any time from October to March or April. Choose the young i^liable lower shoots from the fruitful branches ; lay them in the usual way, covering the body of the layers 3 or 4 inches deep in the ground, keeping the top entire, and as upright as possible j and they will be rooted and fit to separate from the parent in autumn, when they may be planted either in the nursery or where they are to remain. The time for propagating bj cuttings is either at the iall of the leaf or in February. Choose well-ripened shoots of the preceding summer, short and of robust growth, from about twelve to fifteen inches long, having an inch or two of the two years' wood at their base, the tips left entire ; plant them six or eight inches deep, in a bed or bor- der of good earth, in rows two feet asunder. GUAIAVA. The name guaiava {Psidium guaiava) is a corruption of the Spanish word guayaba. Of this fruit there are seventeen different species. It is an evergreen tree or shrub, and indigenous to Brazil, Spanish Amer- ica, and the West Indies. It is propagated by cuttings and seed, and is sometimes liable to injury from severe frosts north of 28^ north lati- tude, but south of that line it is ever-bearing, yielding its delicious, aromatic, and wholesome fruit all the year round. Only three or four varieties are known and cultivated in Florida. In the island of Cuba and in Brazil the varieties produced are more numerous, and large quantities of the fruit are made into jellies for ex- portation to all parts of the world. The fruit of the common guaiava is pear-shaped, of the size of a large hen's ^gg^ and sometimes larger^ and has a smooth, pale-yellow skin, inclosing a many-seeded pulp of deli- cious acidity. In some varieties the i)ulp is of a light-cream, and others a pale-reddish color. This fruit is greatly esteemed wherever known, and, being slightly astringent, as well as mucilaginous, is very beneficial in bowel complaints. The roots and leaves are also astringent, and are regarded as excellent for strengthening the stomach and bowels. The plant is propagated by seeds, cuttings, and suckers. 58 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, POMEGRANATE. The immes^sniiite {Punica granatiun)^ a slirub or bush-like tree, is a native of Persia and Syria, and grows wild in those countries. It is X)erfectl.y hardy in all parts of Florida, and as far north as Hilton Head, S. C, and is widely cultivated and much esteemed in this State for the excellence of its fruit, as well as for the medicinal proper. ties of the rind and the flowers, which are not only an excellent febri- fuge, but powerful astringents, and often used with great benefit in cases of diarrhea. The pulp of the fruit is a delicious sub-acid sub- stance, similar in taste and flavor to the red currant, and is excellent for alUiying heat and quenching thirst, and is gently laxative. The fruit of the pomegranate is si^herical, the size of an orange, with a gourd- like shell or rind, which is filled with seeds inclosed in membranous cells, and surrounded with a juicy, reddish i>ulp. There are several varieties of this fruit, comprising early, medium, and late. Tlie early and the medium varieties have a pale 3 ellow skin or rind, with a beau- tiful tinge of red upon the side or cheek, and are sparsely dotted Avith fine pippin-like spots. The latter sorts have a dark russet-colored rind, and the seeds are of a pale pink color. This tree bears a beautiful urn- shaped scarlet flower; and there is no tree more showy than the pome- granate when in flower. The fruit begins to ripen at Saint Augustine, ria., about the middle of July, and continues until the middle of Decem- ber. It bears transportation well on account of its liard rind, keeps for several weeks after it has been tak(in from the tree, and no doubt may be made a profitable market fruit. It is increased by cuttings, layers, and suckers, and thrift^^ wood two years old strikes fibers as readily as younger wood. BANANA. Banana {Musaparadisiacci). — Of the banana and plantain {Miisa sapien- turn) there are several species. They are increased by suckers, and require a rich, moist soil, with warm exposure. Some varieties of these plants are successfully cultivated as far north as 30^ north latitude. The best variety for cultivation north of 28^ north latitude is the one known as Musa paradlsiaca cavendlshii. This is the most hardy, and seldom attains a height above 8 feet, while the more tender kinds often grow 20 feet high. When the i)lant is fruiting, and all the flowers are set, it is advisable to cut off the spadix an inch or two above the last tier of per- fectly-formed fruit, in order to hasten and perfect the remaining fruit. There are few more excellent or delicious dessert fruits than the banana, and as a food ]»lant its importance and value, as compared with other food plants, can hardly be overestimated. In an economical I)oint of view it has never been appreciated in Florida, where but little attention has been given to its cultivation. When it is realized that a plantation of bananas once established has never to be renewed, and that one acre of this fruit will i)roduce as much food as 130 acres of AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 59 wheat, or 45 acres of potatoes, its value and importance will be readily acknowledged. As tLis plant is a great feeder, aud when once planted lasts for a lifetime, it is of the utmost importance that jdantings shoukl be made upon strong rich soil, or that the plants be kept highly manured, to secure permanent supplies of the best fruit. In Brazil and other tropical countries plantations are formed b3^ setting the plants 20 feet apart; but as the kinds usually planted in those countries are of a larger species than those recommended for Northern Florida, plants of the Musa paradisiaca cacendishii variety should be set 10 feet apart each way, and in a good soil they will soon cover the ground, as they increase rapidly under favorable circumstances. Each i)iant produces one, and only one, bunch of bananas, when it is cut down with a sharp spade or ax to give i)lace to succeeding plants. When the enormous yield of this fruit is considered, and the fact taken into account that when once properlj^ planted it needs no other attention than simply gathering the fruit, the demand for which is almost unlimited, it is evident that its cuitiv^ation. could be made very l)rofitable. DATE PALM. The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) is an excellent and valuable fruit, and is cultivated with entire success south of 28° north latitude, and the tree often perfects its fruit as far north as 30^ north latitude. Nu- merous large and beautiful si)ecimens of this tree may be seen in the gardens at Saint Augustine. It is one of the most beautiful trees of the vegetable kingdom. Its long, graceful, ever verdant, ever-waving, ever- changing branches make it the most picturesque of all others for land- scape gardening, and should adorn the grounds of every homestead in Florida. The fruit is greatly and justly esteemed by the inhabitants of Egypt, Arabia, and Persia on account of its concentrated and nutritious prop- erties; large numbers subsist almost entirely upon it. It is generally the sole food of the Arabs and their camels in their long and tedious journeys over the desert, the voyagers feeding upon the fruit and the animals upon the stones. The inhabitants of these countries also boast of the medicinal qualities of the date fruit, and of the numerous uses to which the different productions of this tree may be applied. From the leaves they make couches, "baskets, bags, mats, aud brushes ; from the branches or stalks, cages for their poultry and fences for their gardens; from the fibers of the trunk, thread, ropes, and rigging; from the sap, a spirituous liquor, and the body of the tree furnishes fuel. The date palm is propagated from the seeds and suckers, but more successfully from the former. The cultivation of this fruit should be greatly extended, as it may become an important and profitable resource of the inhabitants of Southern Florida. The bunches or clusters of this fruit often attain a weight of 15 pounds. wW 60 floeida: its climate, soil, persimmon. The persimmon is foand wild in every section of the State. The fruit, at least to the natives, is agreeable to the taste, and, rii>e or dry, is used largely for the table and for home-made beer. Some Japan varieties are now being introduced, which are said to be of very large size, and seedless. The Japanese esteem the persimmon as their most valuable fruit. GRAPES. The grape is found wild in the forests of Florida, and grows luxuriantly. The foreign varieties grow and fruit well, but are afflicted with the Phyl- loxera^ and their successful cultivation is not permanently reliable. The Saint Augustine grape, so called, is a choice grape for the table, or for wines. It grows luxuriantly; but is subject to rot during the rainy sea- son. It resembles the grape from w^hich tlie Madeira wines are made. The Scuppernong, in all its varieties, is the most reliable, as it is a rank grower, prolific in fruit, and free from disease. It makes a wine equal to the best Oalifornia, and can be grown to great profit. Forty-five feet square are allowed to each vine, and it soon occupies this space, yield- ing many bushels to each plant. It is a late grape, and a good table fruit. An acre yields upwards of 2,000 gallons of wine. PEACHES. The peach is a sure tree here, bearing in two years from tlie seed, and early varieties of good size and flavor ripening in May, June, and July. The apricot and nectarine are also safe to cultivate. As yet, no disease has affected the trees, and they retain their vigor and prolific bearing for many years. The northern grown trees do not do well, as they do not seem able to adapt themselves to the climate, but seedlings succeed, make a rapid growth, and are true to the variety planted. Some very fine varieties have been produced, and when this fruit shall receive the attention due to its value and importance, it will be found a valuable product for export to northern markets, where it can be placed in advance of the products there, and command good prices. PEARS. The northern varieties of the pear do well here, though they grow and bear fruit at uncertain periods. But the Le Conte pear, as it is called, is a southern variety, equal to the Bartlett, free from disease, and pro- lific to a high degree. It is rapidly graining favor, and its cultivation is being extended. It brings from $6 to $10 per bushel in the northern market, where it is placed in advance of the more northern varieties. It yields aii enormous profit, greater than the orange in many localities- AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 61 APPLES. The cultivation of the ai3ple here is of doubtful utilitj^, though it is be- lieved that some of the earlier varieties may be advantageously intro- duced. NECTARINE, APRICOT, AND PLUM. The nectarine {Amy g dolus per sica)^ the apricot {Prunus armeniaca), and the almond {Amygdalus communis) are all at home in Florida, and not less vigorous and healthy, but not reliable for fruiting in all jjortions of the State, whether from defective culture or adaptability to the variety of soils is not yet determined, as very little attention has been given to them. The plum and prune [Prunus cbmestica) are also healthy and produc- tive, but not exempt from the ravages of the curculio, so prevalent at the north. All the varieties of the wild plum are indigenous and abund- ant in every part of the State. Many of the varieties are of excellent quality, and, when cooked, form a delicious preserve for family use, or for canning. OLIVE. With the exception of a few trees grown for ornament, this most val- uable tree, the olive, has not been cultivated in this State. That it will succeed well here is evident from the specimens now growing. Ke- cently, attention has been directed to its cultivation, and it will become widely planted. It commences to bear at about ten years from the seed, increasing yearly to the age of thirty years, bearing annually. They are very long-lived 5 some trees in Europe are known to be eight hundred years old, and show no signs of decay. The fruit and oil are valuable as food and of commercial importance. NUTS. The pecan nut and the Madeira nut succeed well, and produce abund- antly in the northern portion of the State. The cocoa-nut and the Brazil nut are produced in the southern portion, and the former is receiving special attention in Monroe County, where thousands are being planted in the vicinity of Key West. Large groves are also being set out on Lake Worth. TEA. The tea plant has long been successfully cultivated in Georgia, and through the instrumentality of the Department of Agriculture, at Wash- ington, it has been largely diffused through this State ^ and while it may not, in the face of competition with foreign labor, immediately become remunerative, yet it will be produced to some extent for home consump- tion, and in time may become a i)rofitable product. 62 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, COFFEE. The coffee plant has been successfully introduced from South America, and its production in South Florida gives the assurance that it may be grown in that portion of the State at least, if not further north, and that in time it may become an important factor in the varied industries and products of the South. The first pound of coffee ever produced in the United States by open-air culture was grown in Manatee, and re- ceived the premium offered by the Department of Agriculture. STRAWBERRIES. This queen of small fruits nowhere in the world finds a better loca- tion for culture; plants put out in September fruit often in January, frequently in February, and may be counted in full bearing and ripen- ing in March and April. The growers about Jacksonville and up the Saint John's Eiver are many, and shii)ments have been made largely and profitably. In size, color, bouquet, and taste, they are superior to most, equal to the best, and surpassed by none *, the best varieties only are grown. The cultivators pick carefully, select and pack honestly ; and Florida strawberries, like Florida oranges, have earned a name. By using refrigerators the fruit reaches New York and the Northern cities, fresh and cool, only about four days from picking. Being always in advance of any other locality by some weeks, the first shipments bring large prices, and the demand keeps pace with the supply. The low-creeping blackberry, or dewberry, abounds in old fields and road-sides, and ripens in April. The high bush, also found in same lo- calities, ripens in June and July; the huckleberry about the same time. All bear well, and can be had for picking. The improved kinds do well where tried. MELONS. Watermelons, muskmelons, and cantaleups are readily produced every- where in the State, and the first are grown extensively for export to the Northern cities. One thousand melons to the acre is considered a fair crop, and the standard size for export is 20 pounds and upwards. They are grown to the size of 60 pounds or more, and no better fruit is i)ro- duced anywhere. VEGETABLES. Along the navigable streams and the lines of railway, the raising of vegetables for export has become an important element in the pros- perity of Florida, and is rapidly assuming proportions which claim at- tention from the transportation lines and the cities of the North. To- matoes, cucumbers, cabbages, celery, lettuce, beets, turnips, onions, Irish potatoes, snai)-beans, Lima beans, pease, egg-plants, okra, and all the va- AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 63 • riety of vegetables are produced most successfully duriug the winter and spring months, and as improved methods and better culture are introduced, the results prove that every month in the year may yield handsome returns to the cultivator of the soil, and demonstrate that the cheap lands of Florida may aftbrd greater returns in value for the same labor than the best lands of the North and West. WORK OF THE SEASONS. The farm and garden work for the year is briefly indicated, as follows: In January plant Irish potatoes, pease, beets, turnips, cabbage, and all hardy or semi-hardy vegetables; make hot-beds for pushing the more tender x^lants, such as melons, tomatoes, okra, egg-plants, i&c; set out fruit and other trees and shrubbery. February. — Keep planting for a succession, same as in January ; in ad- dition, plant vines of all kinds, shrubbery, and fruit trees of all kinds, especially of the citrus family, snap-beans, corn ; bed sweet potatoes for draws and slips. Oats may also be still sown, as they are in i)revious months. March. — Corn, oats, and plantingof February may be continued ; trans- plant tomatoes, egg-plants, melons, beans, and vines of all kindsj mul- berries and blackberries are now ripening. • April. — Plant as in March, except Irish potatoes, kohl rabi, turnips; continue to transplant tomatoes, okra, egg-plants ; sow millet, corn, cow peas, for fodder; plant the butter-bean, lady pease; dig Irish potatoes. Onions, beets, and usual early vegetables should be plenty for table. May. — Plant sweet potatoes for draws in beds ; continue planting corn for table ; snap-beans, pease, and cucumbers ought to be w ell forward for use; continue iDlanting okra, egg-plants, pepper, and butter beans. June. — The heavy planting of sweet potatoes and cow peas is now in order; Irish potatoes, tomatoes, and a great variety of table vegetables are now ready, as also i)lums, early peaches, and grapes. July. — Sweet potatoes and cow peas are safe to plant, the rainy sea- son bein g favorable ; grapes, peaches, and figs are in full season. Orange trees may be set out if the season is wet. August. — Finish up j^lanting sw^eet i)otatoes and cow peas; sow cab- bage, cauliflower, turnips for fall planting; plant kohl rabi and rutaba- gas; transplant orange trees and bud ; last of month plant a few Irish I)otatoes and beans. September. — Now is the time to commence for the true winter garden, the garden which is commenced in the North in April and May. Plant the whole range of vegetables except sweet potatoes; set out asparagus, onion sets, and strawberry plants. October. — Plant same as last month; \)ut in garden peas; set out cab- bage plants ; dig sw^eet x)otatoes ; sow oats, rye, &c. November. — A good month for garden; continue to plant and trans- plant, same as for October ; sow oats, barley, and rye for winter pastur- 64 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SO] • age or crops; dig sweet potatoes; house or bank them ; make sugar and sirup. December. — Clear up generally; fence, ditch, manure, and sow and plant hardy vegetables ; plant, set out orange trees, fruit trees, and shrubbery ; keep a sharp lookout for an occasional frost ; a slight pro- tection will pi:event injury. TIMBER AND LUMBER. Of the states, Florida has the largest area of origiaal growth of tim- ber. Excluding land in cultivation, the area covered by lakes, rivers, savannas, &c., there are probably nearly, if not quite, 30,000,000 acres of land covered with timber, and of this the yellow pine is fully three- quarters. The level lands, rolling lands, are mostly covered with the yellow and i^itch pine, which attains a great size in girth and length. The lower lands, near rivers, lakes, swamps, abound in valuable timber, of which live oak, other species of oak, hickory, asli, beech, cedar, mag- nolia, sweet bay, gum, cypress, constitute a great proportion. The red cedar is particularly adapted for lead pencils, and largely exported to Europe for the best manufacturers, as also North and East. The mag- nolia and bay are fine woods for onamental furniture; the cypress val- uable for shingles, sash, doors, blinds and Inside finish, railroad ties. The yellow and pitch pine has a world-wide reputation as being the best for an3' and all uses where strength, elasticity, and durability are desired, and is now being largely used in ornamental and expensive structures. Finished up in its natural grain for inside work, floors, frames, pillars, arches, roofs, it presents that substantial as well as rich finish not attained with other material. An extensive business has long been prosecuted in the western portion of the State in the exportation of pine timber and lumber, and live oak and cedar have been supplied in large quantities for naval architecture and the manufacture of pen- cils. Large establishments for the manufacture of lumber for exporta- tion to northern and foreign ports are located on the navigable streams and railroads. Naval stores are also largely exported, and afford a re- liable source of revenue to the State and the manufacturers. THE FORESTS OF FLORIDA. From a gentleman who has been connected with the Tenth Census of the United States the following information has been obtained relative to the forest growth of this State: The variety of trees in Florida is greater than in any other of the States, there being nearly, or quite, two hundred arborescent species, or half of all in the United States. One of these, the yellow pine, is a hundredfold more abundant and more valuable than all the others combined. This is the most valuable of American trees for fram- ing-timber, flooring, &c., and the present reserve of it is almost wholly confined to South Georgia and the northern half of Florida. This is the tree from which turpen- tine and rosin are obtained. There is very little yellow pine suitable for shipping south of latitude 29°, but plenty for home consumption as far south as latitude "27°. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 65 South of latitude 27°, to the southern limit of the State, there is plenty of the South- ern pitch pine, which is equally good for turpentine, and furnishes very good build- ing material. There is also a belt of it, perhaps ten miles in width, bordering the en- tire coast. There are five other kinds of pine in the State, of less value and in small quantity. Next to the yellow pine in abundance and value rank the bald cypress and live oak. Both are found throughout the State in abundance and of large size. The qualities of live oak are well known, better than those of the cypress, a timber only second in value to yellow pine, and for durability and lightness superior to it. Several mills are now sawing cypress, and the manufacture of it must increase. The red cedar of Florida is celebrated as being the only wood suitable for pencils. The demand for it is so great that the supply will probably be exhausted before many years. Throughout the pine Avoods, north of latitude 27°, are scattered much post and black- jack oak, which furnish superior fuel. The other kinds of trees occur in groves or hammocks and border water -courses. Along the southern half of the Saint John's and ludian Rivers the palmetto is the most abundant tree, but, as a rule, the hammocks are composed in most part of the live oak and the water or willow oak, with much red bay, magnolia, and hickory. Besides these, there is a great variety of smaller trees, with handsome evergreen foliage and wood suitable for A^arious purposes. In some hammocks the sour and bitter-sweet oranges abound. The trees most noted for beauty of wood are the " curly" variety of the yellow pine, the red or sweet bay (sometimes called Florida mahogany), the magnolia, black cherry, holly, &c. In Jackson and Gadsden Counties are found the black walnut, sour wood, bass wood, beech, birch, sugar maple, cottonwood, sycamore, and many other Northeru trees. This section is not suited to the growth of the orange. Trees common in low hammocks and swamps are the white bay, tan bay, elm, ash, hickory, red maple, sweet gum, sour gum, poplar, hackberry, iron-wood, &c. The number of species of the most important genera are as follows : Oak, 13 ; pine 7 ; hickory, 5 ; elm, ash, maple, magnolia, and gum, 3 each. South of the Caloosahatchie River, and on the east and west coasts, as far north as Mosquito Inlet and Cedar Keys, tlie trees are nearly all of subtropical species, among which are some of great beauty and value, such as the mahogany, lignum vitse, prince- wood, mastic, wild tamarind, calabash, royal palm, Indian fig, crab-wood, &c. But these are found in too limited quantity to be of any practical importance. In additiou to these are the Madeira, frankincense, white-wood, cork- wood, sea grape, green ebony, wild cherry, buttonwood, black and rock mangrove, and numerous others. A Aariety of the caoutchouc grows in South Florida, which furnishes a gum possessing the qualities of the India rubber of commerce. It is believed that the cinchona, which furnishes that valuable article quinine, could be successfully cultivated. Other trees and plants of great merit and utility can doubtless also be introduced. An experimental garden,, under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture, would be attended with signal benefit to the interests of the country. LAKE OKEECHOBEE AND THE EVERGLADES. But little is known of the vast region covered by Lake Okeechobee and the everglades. Much of that immense area is unexplored and un- 3290 5 Q6 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, surveyed, and few, besides the wandering cowboys, ever traverse its wild solitudes. Its almost absolute inaccessibility has practically shut it out from settlement; and for years it has been occupied by the small remnant of the Indian tribes that once owned the conntry, and by vast herds of cattle, which thrive and fatten upon the rich pasturage. Very recently the eyes of capitalists have been directed to this remote wilderness, and science has demonstrated that this section can be re- claimed and subjected to cultivation. A carefal analysis of the soil re- veals the fact that it contains a remarkable percentage of the elements necessary to sustain vegetation, and that the most exhausting crops can be produced for years without any diminution of its natural fertility. These lands, when drained and properly handled, will be found capable of supplying a very large portion of the sugar now consumed in the United States. They are admirably adapted to the production of this important staple, and are fully equal, if not superior, to the most valu- able lauds devoted to this crop in Cuba and Louisiana. Here the cane reaches maturity, and regularly goes to tassel, showing that the stalk has reached its highest point of development, and that its juices con- tain the largest amount possible of saccharine matter. One planting of the seed suffices for several years, the plant rattooniug for a number of seasons from the old stubble. Another advantage of the utmost conse- quence is found in the fact that, situated as this region is, below the frost line, the cane can be cut and ground to suit the convenience of the planter. Mr. H. A. Hough, who resides on Twelve-Mile Branch, an arm of the Caloosahatchee River, had his sugar-mill destroyed by fire in January, 1881, before his cane had been harvested. The building was re-erected in the following April, when the cane was cut and ground, making a full average yield of superior sugar and sirup, for which the highest prices were obtained. It is customary in that section to replant cane but once in seven years. The planter is never harassed by fears of having his crop injured or destroyed by the sudden advent of cold weather. Besides cane and rice, tobacco, cotton, jute, indigo, and the whole series of tropical and semi-tropical fyuits can be successfully and profit- ably cultivated. The soils and situation of this region are such that the entire range of vegetables can be put into Northern markets before the truckers around Boston, Kew York, and Chicago have commenced to break their ground for the reception of seed. In this respect this region has no rivals in this country, and can compete with the Bermudas and Bahamas. The increase of wealth and the growth of luxury in the United States have created a steady and growing demand for table dainties, and the prices paid for fruits and vegetables out of their usual season are largely renumerative. Tomatoes, English pease, string beans, egg-plants, okra, and other garden jiroducts can be shipped from this section during the AND AGRICULTUKAL CAPABILITIES. 67 entire winter — from December to April. In the cultivation of such articles there is a mine of wealth opened to the enterprising and indus- trious settler. But little heavy clothing, and scarcely any fuel, except for culinary purposes, is required in this genial climate, so that there is a great saving in these items, so costly in a more rigorous latitude. The question of transportation, which has heretofore been a barrier to the occupation of this desirable country, is about to have an early and satisfactory solution. By the time this report will be given to the jmblic a line of steamers will be in operation upon the Kissimmee River^ connecting Lake Okeechobee with the new city of Kissimmee, recently laid out on Lake Tahopekaliga, in Orange County. Here a junction is effected with the South Florida Eailroad, a line stretching from Sanford, on the Saint John^s River, to Tampa and Charlotte Harbor. Communi- cation will also be had with the West as soon as the Caloosahatchee Eiver is open to navigation. A company was chartered by special act of the legislature of Florida, March 8, 1881, for the purpose of purchasing and improving certain tracts of land in Florida, the building of canals and other lines of trans- portation, and the carrying on of all other business incidental thereto. The following information is taken from a pamphlet recently pub - lished by the above company: This company has a concession from the board of internal improvement of the State of Florida for the reclamation of all the lands lying south of townships 24 and east of Peace Creek, this area containing upAvards of 8,000,000 acres. The United States survey, made in 1879 by Col. J. L. Meigs, established the eleva- tion of Lake Hickpochee, adjoining Lake Okeechobee, • as being 22 feet above mean low tide, and he recommended the construction of a drainage canal similar to that now proposed to be established. These surveys and observations have recently been veriiied by a corps of engineers in the employ of this company, who found Lake Okeechobee to be 25 feet above tide water. Lake Okeechobee, situate about the center of this 8,000,000 acre tract, is upwards of 40 miles in length by 20 miles in width, or covering an area of over 1,000 square miles. It has an outlet, but receives the drainage of a number of lakes intercepted by the Kissimmee River, also the waters of Fish Eating, Taylor's, and Mosquito Creeks, which vary from 20 to 150 feet in width. During very heavy falls of rain, this lake rises to such a point as to not only overflow its banks, but to cause the waters of the rivers to be backed up, so that the country becomes more or less submerged, until the waters find the ocean and gulf through the tortuous and inefficient channels of widely- separated streams. It is proposed to provide against these periodical overflows by the opening of canals from Okeechobee to the Saint Lucie and Caloosahatchee Rivers that will not only per- manently lower the level of the lake, but at all times furnish a safe outlet to the gulf and ocean for the waters of the lake and confluent streams, and which will also afford means of transportation for the products of the Kissimmee Valley and surrounding country. The reclamation of the land included in that portion of the peninsula of Florida south of latitude 28^ 15' N,, and generally east of Pease Creek, embraced in the coun- ties of Monroe (5,000 square miles), Dade (5,000 square miles), Brevard (4,000 square miles), and portions of Manatee (5,000 square miles), and Polk (1,900 square miles), is a problem the magnitude of which can be more readly comprehended when we con- 68 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, sider that the territory in question covers 1,000 square miles in excess of the combined area of the States of Rhode Island (1,300 square miles), Connecticut (4,700 square miles). New Jersey (8,300 square miles), and Delaware (2,120 square miles). In other words, over 17,000 square miles of the most tropical portion of the most tropical State in the Union are to-day ready to respond to an intelligent, systematic, and properly directed eifort towards placing them in the category of tillable and available acres, embracing no barren prairies nor mountain wastes. There are but few acres not sus- ceptible to a high degree of cultivation. Lands which in a more northern climate would be regarded as valueless will here yield luxuriant and remunerative crops. For example, the scrub palmetto or poorest pine barrens of Southern Florida will pro- duce, without fertilizers, large crops of Sisal hemp, yielding a profit to the acre which compares favorably with the returns from the richest land when cultivated in sugar tobacco, or cotton. The same character of land will produce from 50 to 75 bushels of upland rice to the acre — a three months' crop; or at a trifling original outlay, 15,000 pineapple slips, set to the acre, will, from the poorest scrub land, yield a return far in excess of the brightest dream of the Northern farmer. Other valuable tropical pro- ducts adapted to these lands could be mentioned, which, in a more northern climate, would yield nothing to agriculture. This glance at the possibilities to be realized from the cultivation of third-rate pine and stunted ''Black Jack" lands prepares us somewhat for a better appreciation of the capabilities of the soil designated as " rich lauds," and named in the following order : First, *' swamp lands" ; second, " low ham- mock"; third, "high hammock"; and fourth, ''first rate pine, oak, and hickory lands." It will only be necessary to call attention to the fact that the "swamp" — or lands subject to overflow — are intrinsically the most valuable lands in Florida. To adapt them for successful cultivation a systematic plan for their drainage will be in- dispensable; when thus prepared their inexhaustible fertility sustains a succession of the most exhaustive crops with astonishing vigor. The greatest yield of sugar ever realized in Florida (4 hogsheads per acre) was produced on this description of land. It will be impossible to form or convey an adequate idea of the importance and ex- tent of this enterprise, developing, as a consequence, a new and vast territory unlim- ited in resources, and of such material and varied agricultural wealth as can be furnished by no other State in the Union ; opening to cultivation a tract of sugar lands the soil of which is identical to that of Cuba and Louisiana of a productive power apparently inexhaustible and unequaled in area by any country on the globe The prominent natural requisites to the growth and maturity of the sugar cane under the most favorable conditions, obtain here in a marked degree. A moderate proximity of these lands to the sea and gulf, a dry, warm spring, show- ers during the afternoons in June, July, and August, followed by a comx)aratively dry autumn, a condition necessary for converting the starch into saccharine matter, are characteristics of the peninsula of Florida south of the 28th parallel of latitude. The importance of this one crop as aff"ecting the material wealth of our country can be more readily comprehended by a bare comparison with the enormous output in pre- cious metals from our western mines, those great store-houses of national wealth. The import duties on sugar for manufacturing purposes from the year 1847 to 1879 varied from 2f to 4 cents per pound. We paid out for sugar and allied products during this period $1,800,000,000. Our western mines produced ^1,700,000,000, or, in other words, during a period of thirty-two years as a nation we paid out in round numbers $100,000,000 in excess of the total output in bullion of our famed bonanzas of the west for an article of consumption every pound of which could have been produced from the soil of Southern Florida. \ The choice sugar lands of Louisiana are rated at from $100 to $150 per acre, similar in character to those just described, which mature the cane to perfection, and are located below the frost line. The terms of the contract with the board of internal improvement of the State of Florida give to this company one-half of all the land reclaimed by the lowering of the waters of Lake Okeechobee. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 6? The peculiar characteristics of the coraline foundation upon which the peninsula of Florida has, by a gradual and cumulative process, been raised to its present level above the waters of the ocean ; the configuration of its surface and that other marked geographical feature as indicated by the enormous extent of her coast line, exceeding 1,100 miles on the Gulf and Atlantic, indented by numerous large bays and estuaries; the uniform width of the lower portion of the peninsula and comparative short dis- tance separating the waters of the Gulf and Atlantic; taken in connection with the successive slight ridges or table lands, generally parallel with the coast line, compre- hending within their borders long reaches of savanna, prairie, and marsh, and increas- ing in altitude as we proceed towards the interior or water-shed of the Kissimmee River, w hose flows empties into that grand island reservoir. Lake Okeechobee — we have before us the necessary data upon which to develop the plan for the solution of the ])roblem of successfully draining and reclaiming this vast territory of notably rich lands. An analysis of the soil taken from the saw-grass marsh on the border of Lake Okeechobee, by the distinguished Dr. Eogers, professor of chem istry in Universitj^ of Pennsylvania, gives the following results : Organic matter (vegetable mold) 5.5. 00 Silica 2L80 Carbonate of lime 21. 50 Iron, a trace 0. 00 Water, not volatilized at 212° 1.70 100. 00 As the operations now in progress promise to add an immense area, comprehending no less than 18,000 square miles of the very richest and most productive lands to the agricultural resources of the country, all matters connected with this vast enterprise contain information of the greatest importance. Col. Ingham Coryell, general superintendent of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Canal and Okeechobee Land Company, furnishes the following information relative to the plans and points of operation for the i>ro- posed drainage of Okeechobee : We have been at work for the past two months, under the supervision and direc- tion of Capt. F. A. Hendry, in cutting a channel from the headwaters of the Caloosa- hatchee to Lake Hickpochee, and have succeeded in opening one 20 feet wide, and now having a depth of 3 feet. His report is that it is daily deepening, and so soon as the waters lower in Okeechobee, what is now a marsh overflow will be concentrated from Hickpochee in the channel as now made. It will cut very fast, and thereby en- able the dredge-boat, nearly finished, at Cedar Key, on its arrival on the Caloosa- hatchee, to be forced up and over the IC-foot elevation into Hickpochee. When there we are 3 miles from Okeechobee, with only 2^ feet elevation to overcome to get into that lake, which is entirely practicable. By taking the dredge by a circuitous route, throwing our excavation in our rear as we proceed, we dam up our passage en route, as far as soft mud and vegetable growth will obstruct the passage of water. It is not our intention to open a flood on the valley of the Caloosahatchee, and we will use every means to prevent it. Our objective point of operations will be on the southeast end of Lake Okeechobee, where our first cuttings will commence. We are now building a second dredge on Lake Tohopokaliga, which is the head of the Kis- simmee River, in Orange County, at the newly laid-out city of Kissimmee, and a short cut of 2 miles at the southwest corner of that lake into Reedy Creek will aftord 70 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, us plenty of water; thence into the Kissimmee River down to Okeechobee, where we hope to join the Cedar Key dredge, and carry both to the southeast sic'e of Okeecho- bee. The Cedar Key dredge has a cutting capacity of 22 feet wide and 10 feet depth. The Tohopokaliga dredge will have a cutting capacity of 25 feet and over, and 10 ^eet depth. Both dredges have stern wheels and are self-propelliug. At the south- east side of Okeechobee there is an open slough from 4 to 6 miles in length, and evi- dently at one time an open river, heading in the lake and emptying into the Atlantic at Miami, New Hillsborough, or some other river now carrying the surplus waters of the Everglades, reaching their head, into the ocean. Further investigation may cause us to utilize this open slough as one of the points to commence our cutting, which will first be by a cut 4 feet deep and the width of the full capacity of our dredge. The other dredge will commence near by, and will con- verge to a point, say 4 miles from thei lake, where^they will meet, and to which point other cuts will be made if found necessary, concentrating the water and flows, and the force thus concentrated will possibly cut its own channel from that point southeast to the ocean. It will at least go somewhere on the down grade, and be gotten rid of in a direction where no damage will be done to any one. As to the extent of the open- ings to be made, I don't think it is within the power of engineering science to deter- mine by a survey and calculation. We can calculate the surface level of Okeechobee to the depth of one foot to contain 31,363,200,000 cubic feet of water, and the lowering of the lake one foot reduces its contents fully one-fifth of its entire capacity and from its shallowness will expose or reclaim possibly over one mile of its entire border; hence the cubic feet of water by the next reduction of one foot will be very materially less- ened, and so on by every foot of reduction. A reduction of one foot solves the prob- lem. We have measured the inflow at the mouth of the Kissimmee, when the waters were within its natural banks, but during a flood, its spread is for miles east and west over a saw-grass marsh, and impracticable to measure with any certainty for several reasons, the principal of w^hich is the irregularity of the flow at points through the saw grass, where greater or less obstructions exist. For this reason, no actual calcula- tion can be made of what cuts in area are required, but we are reduced to and forced to accept the general positive requirement of making "the outflow greater than the inflow to prevent overflow." The reduction of the lake one, two, or three feet will form a reservoir that will prevent an overflow during an unusual rainfall, even if the outflow should not be fully equal to an unusual rainfall and inflow, and will prevent an overflow. One important and encouraging point in success of the enterprise is the fact that we meet with no rock, hard pan, or clay obstruction, and the cutting through the mud formation by the force of water concentrated must be very great, and it is reasonable to suppose will cut and deepen its own channel. Tests by the sounding rod have been made from the Caloosahatchee up to and through Hickpochee, and thence to Okee- chobee, and on the Atlantic side from Lake Worth, for a distance sufficient to know that no rock or hard pan exist to a depth that will reach the bottom level of Okee- chobee. Of this there can be no question. You ask will the lowering of Okeechobee effect the whole of the drainage desired ? By no means ; the work is then only begun. The straightening of the channel of the Kissimmee must follow, and a series of drain- age operations at other points, which space will,not allow me to illustrate. THE INDIAN RIVER AND LAKE WORTH REGION. This interesting and attractive portion of the State is now engaging a large share of public attention, in consequence of tlie certainty that it will shortly be blessed with the advantages of cheap and rapid facilities for transportation. The eastern shore of this river is washed by that remarkable ocean current, the Gulf Stream, giving it at all seasons a AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 71 uDiform temperatiiio, and very eflectually protecting it against sudden falls of the thermometer. The orange grown in this region attains a l^erfection of richness and delicacy of flavor not found elsewhere, and brings the highest prices. Here seems to be the natural home of the l)ine-apple and cocoanut, and these fruits thrive and flourish in tropical luxuriance. Its waters abound in all the varieties of fish known in these latitudes, and also in the finest oysters, and that prized product of the sea, the green turtle. Here will be established almost certainly extensive fisheries and canneries for the preparation of these delicacies for distant markets, and such industries promise, in the near future, to attain large ])roportious. To the devotee of the gun and fishing-rod this country opens a new and fertile field of operations. Game is found in the utmost profusion, and in the winter especially, when the migratory birds seek a milder climate, the abundance of fowls along the course of this river is won- derful. Bears, deer, wild turkeys, and ducks of all varieties abound, and birds of rare and beautiful plumage invite the attention of the taxi- dermist. When this section is opened, and suitable accommodations are provided, it is destined to become a favorite resort for sportsmen. The same company that proposes to drain Lake Okeechobee and the everglades has also contracted with the State board of internal im- provements to connect the waters of the Saint John's and Indian Elvers by a system of canals. The proper surveys have demonstrated the fea- sibility of the proposed plan, and it is expected that the work will be commenced at no very distant period. When completed, this enterprise will open 330 miles of safe inland navigation, extending from Lake Worth on the south to the mouth of the Saint John's Eiver on the north, at a point somewhere in the vicinity of Jacksonville. From the pamphlet already quoted 1 take the following paragraphs ; This company has acquired by purchase the franchise of the Atlantic Coast Steam- boat, Canal, and Improvement Company for the construction of a canal, suitable for commodious light-draft steamboats, commencing at the Saint John's River, extend- ing thence in a southerly direction, connecting Pablo Creek, San Diego, Mantanzas, Halifax, and Hillsborough Rivers, Mosquito Lagoon, Indian River, Saint Lucie Sound, Jupiter River, and Lake Worth, thus affording nearly 330 miles of continuous navi- gable inland waters, lying adjacent to and generally parallel with the east coast of Florida, being separated from the ocean by peninsulas and extended narrow islands; these natural barriers guaranteeing a safe and continuous navigation throughout the entire year. The water is salt, being constantly renewed from the inlets at Saint Augustine, Mantanzas, Mosquito Lagoon, Indian River, and Lake Worth. These in- land waters aflFording at present an almost unbroken line of communication, may, at a reasonably moderate expenditure in systematic construction, presenting no embar- rassing engineering problems, be developed into a grand canal possessing features pecu- liarly its own. Merely where the artificial work of joining river to river is performed can it be regarded as a canal proper, as from these points it develops into those ma- jestic arms of the sea, from 30 to 120 miles in length, varying from 1 to 6 miles in width, bordered on either side by a country generally well elevated, enjoying unbounded natural agricultural resources, a semi-tropical luxuriance in beauty of foliage, scenery of an exceedingly variegated and picturesque character, and blessed with a climate 72 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, throughout the entire year the most equahle and salubrious enjoyed hy any State iu the Union. The soil is generally sandy, with an admixture of disintegrated coral and ghell with alluvial and organic matter, capable of supporting successive crops with- out the aid of manure. Large bodies of high and low hammock lands of palmetto, oak, bay, hickory, &c., extend along the shores, adjacent to which, on the west shore, are tracts of high open pine lands, bordered by prairie, savanna, and marsh. Experience demonstrates that the soil is'not aft'ected by drought in the same degree as other lands, nor does it sutler from too much rain, and, being exceedingly friable, requires no other prepara- tion than grubbing and plowing to adapt it at once for the production of crops cov- ering the widest scope, embracing tropical and semi-tropical fruits and fibrous plants in great variety, and maturing to that degree of perfection developed at no other point within the bounds of the United States. The topographical features of the country will permit of a general alignment for the canal on the most direct route connecting the several rivers and navigable streams above alluded to. The method of performing the major part of the excavation will be by labor-saving appliances especially designed for this work, combining great efficiency with ease of manipulation and economy in power. It will be impossible to form or convey an adequate idea of the importance and extent of this enterprise, developing, as a consequence, a new and vast territory, unlimited in resources, and of such material and varied agricultural wealth as can be furnished by no other State in the Union ; opening to cultivation a tract of sugar lands, the soil of which is identical to that of Cuba and Louisiana, of a productive power apparently inexhaustible and unequaled in area by any country on the globe. The prominent natural requisites to. the growth and maturity of the sugar cane under the most favorable conditions obtain here in a marked degree. In view of the natural advantages generall}^ cited, experience and statistics guar- antee that continued health may be anticipated with as much confidence as in any other section of the country ; lands, cheap and readily accessible, easy of tillage, from the fact that, owing to the friable character of the soil, cultivation is neither laborious nor expensive ; the harvesting of crops covering the widest scope, embracing nearly all of the grains, fruits, and vegetables of the Northern, Middle, and Southern States ; besides tropical and semi-tropical fruits and fibrous plants in great variety, and ma- turing to that degree of perfection developed at no other point within the bounds of the United States, or indeed anywhere north of Central America — it is fair to assume that immediately subsequent to its completion the unoccupied lands bordering the canal will be entered upon by those experienced in agriculture ; caT)italists, mer- chants, speculators, and all of the elements that enter into the thrift and prosperity of a new country will settle among its borders, forming the nucleus of future thriv- ing villages, communities, and cities, constituting the pioneers of that great and in- evitable people destined to populate and harvest from the rich prairie, savanna, and upland of the interior bountiful and staple crops, for the production of which nature for past cycles has been preparing the soil by the enriching process of growth and decay of a luxuriant vegetation. As the cultivation of sugar will probably be the largest and most im- portant industry of this region, it may not be amiss to insert a valuable article upon that subject from the pen of the well-known Dr. 0. J. Ken- worthy, of Jacksonville, from whose writings copious extracts have been previously taken : The list of Florida productions is a long one, embracing nearly all the cereals, fruits, and vegetables of the Middle, Northern, and Southern States, as well as the fruits, vegetables, and medicinal and fibrous plants of semi-tropical and tropical countries. Since the settlement of the State the inhabitants have confined themselves to the cul- AND AGRICULTUEAL CAPABILITIES. 73 ture of two or three crops, and old customs cling to the majority as do barnacles to the hull of a stranded vessel in a tropical sea. Under English rule sngar cane proved a profitable crop, and for many years anterior to 1861 it was extensively and profitably grown by Hon. D. L. Yulee and others. For the successful culture of sugar cane a comparatively dry and warm spring, a high thermal range, coui)led with frequent torrential showers, preceded and followed by sunshine during the summer, and a dry and warm fall and winter, are essential. These climatic conditions exist to an eminent degree in Southern Florida, as established by observations taken at I'ort Myers, on the Caloosahatchee Eiver, and at Fort Dallas, Cape Florida. MEAN TEMPERATURE. '^ . « a . Stations. be a s ^ i® •c 2 >< ^^ p. ^ < ^ 4 4 6 750.4 740.7 820.4 810.5 770.0 760.3 650:3 660.6 750.0 Eort Dallas 740.7 Rainfall is an important factor in the growth and maturation of the cane; and the necessary hyetal conditions exist in the southern portion of this State. RAINFALL IN INCHES AND HUNDREDTHS. StAtioDS. Fort Myers Fort Peace, Ind. T . u f. be a 0; S 3 1 k c cc p < ^ 1 4 11.07 31.61 11.09 8.33 62.91 3 n.i3 26.25 16.84 8.76 62.98 With a high thermal range and ample rainfall during the summer months, the cane attains a development rarely excelled in the West Indies. In the southern j)ortion of the State it ratoons and tassels, and attains saccharine maturity. Even in the northern portion of the State it reaches a more perfect growth and development than in a large portion of Louisiana. We have seen it stated that from ten to fifteen ripened joints to a cane is deemed a good yield, and this can be excelled on the high sandy lauds of the northern portion of the State. It is admitted that Cuba is the home of the cane, and that climatic conditions are the elements of its success. For th^ x^^^rpose of com- parison we will give the mean temperature and rainfall at Havana : * 1 be 1 B a < .1 i 8 5 750.7 7.5 84°. 2 14.23 750.5 11.48 680.4 6.54 750.9 Rainfall 39.76 ■ From the data quoted, it will be seen that the rainfall at Havana is less than one- half as great as that at Fort Myers, and as a result the cane attains a greater develop, meut of stalk and amount of saccharine matter in Southern Florida than in Cuba. Even the mean annual temperature of Havana is but nine-tenths of a degree above that of Fort Myers. But the great advantage Southern Florida possesses over the West Indies is the excessive rainfall during the summer— frequent orrential showers 74 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, followed by bright suushiue, witli a high mean temperature, causiug a luxuriant growth of cane that surprises the resident of the tropics. With a duty of upwards of three cents per pound on imported sugar it is surprising that the culture of cane in Florida has been so long neglected, more esiiecially when we take into consideration the fact that the people of the United States have paid more for sugar and its allied products since 1849 than the value of the precious metals pro- duced by the mines of the Western States and Territories duriug the same period. Sugar-cane is extensively cultivated in Louisiana, but the climatic conditions are not as favorable as those of Florida. For the perfect maturation of the cane it is ad- mitted that an annual mean temperature of 75° F. is necessary. As a rule, in the former State the summer rains are insufficient for vigorous growth except in the lowlands; the occurrence of cold rains during the autumn, early frosts, and a low thermal range in the autumn seriously interfere with the vito-chemical action necessary to change the starch into sugar. Taking New Orleans as a point of comparison, we find the tem- perature and rainfall to be : a 2 to a "E a .9 i tH ^ 5 < ^ ^ 39 39 68°. 9 1L8 80°. 9 15.9 690.3 11.2 55°. 7 12.3 680.7 Rainfall . 50.7 In Southern Florida the cane need not be ground until after Christmas, but to escape early frosts in Louisiana they are compelled to crush it before it is matured. In a New Orleans paper of recent date we find the following: ''Many plantations are grind- ing, but the cane is somewhat too green yet. Estimates based on reports from a large number of plantations promise a yield of about 136,000 hogsheads, a falling off of four- tenths as compared with last year." Even with this diminished yield the State will receive over $15,000,000 for its sugar crop, and these and many more millions should be made to enrich Florida. In Louisiana it is necessary to cultivate the cane on the low alluvial soils, but owing to the rainfall in this State during the summer the cane will yield large crops on high and even sandy lands. In his work on Florida, published in 1823, Vignoles remarked • ''Respecting sugar, the recent successful trials that have been made upon it have determined the cnrious fact that it will grow in almost any of the soils of Florida south of the mouth of the Saint John's River. The great length of summer, or period of ab- solute elevation of the thermometer above the freezing point, allows the cane to ripen much higher than in Louisiana." From the best information we have been able to obtain, the cane produced in Duval County on elevated lands is larger, longer, and more perfectly ripened than the pro- duct of Louisiana. We have examined cane grown on the Indian River which had from forty-six to fifty-four ripened joints. In the beginning of this year Professor MacCauly, of the Smithsonian Institution, visited the Indian camp in the Big Cypress, 60 miles east of Fort Myers. On his return he informed me that the Indians were en- gaged making sugar, and that the ripened cane-stalks would measure from 18 to 22 feet in length. Vignoles says : "Perhaps it may be thought that Florida presents but little to tempt the large sugar planter; granted, but it is undoubted, if the culture of the cane should be adopted on a small scale, by the same proportionate number of cultivators that are in the habit of raising cotton in Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, their labor would be amply repaid and a source of wealth opened ; particularly should some public-spirited and enterprising individual establish, at central and eligible points, sugar-mills to re- ceive the small crops, precisely on the same principle that cotton-gins and rice-mills exist in Southern States. This would augment the population and increase the re- sources of the country sooner and better perhaps than any other n^iode." AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 75 If the establishment of sngar-Diills at central and accessible points was desirable in 1823, it is more so in 1881. For years I have advocated the erection of a large sugar mill and refinery in Jacksonville, where cane can be supplied by small growers and converted into sugar and molasses. Land and labor are cheap, taxes are low in the country, firewood at the saw-mills is costless, and instead of consuming sugar grown in Louisiana and Cuba we should produce enough for home consumption and a half million hogsheads for exportation. With a suitable climate and soil, coupled with cheap labor and an opportunity to obtain a supply of cane on reasonable terms, it seems farcical that Floridians should consume sugar produced within one hundred miles of the State ; pay the freight from Cuba to New York, an import duty at the rate of on No. 13 to 16 sugar, 3 fg^ cents, and on No. 16 to 20, 4 -/g- cents per pound ; the cost of refining in a Northern city, where labor is high, and where firewood and coal are expensive, coupled with freights, commissionvS, profits, &c. There may not be " millions in it," but there is a profitable investment for some person who will erect a sugar mill and refinery in Jacksonville. If a market could be found for cane, its production would be insured, and thousands of persons would engage in its cultiva- tion ; the young orange grower, small farmer, and the owners of small patches and town lots would plant it, and an ample supply for a mill and refinery could be secured. This city is connected by river or railroad communication with every portion of the State, and with' low freights the cane could be shipped from distant points. Or, to avoid the cost of transportation of cane, producers at a distance could press the cane, barrel the juice, add the milk of lime, and ship it to its destination. The superan- nuated third-class machinery at present used in the State consigns nearly one-half of the juice of the cane to the bagasse heap ; hence an annual monetary loss. The cen- tral factory system, with perfect machinery, would materially increase the yield of sugar from the cane produced. From the best information before me I have reason to believe that a central mill could aftbrd to pay the producer $4 per ton for the cane, and he would find it a more profitable crop than cotton. A central factory means a divorce of the agricultural part of the sugar production from the manufacturing, mer- cantile, and financial part, and that it would prove a profitable investment Ave are as- sured. In 1858 the growers in Louisiana produced 1,124,592 hogsheads of sugar, worth $120,000,000; and if this can be done in the unsuitable climate of Louisiana, the ques- tion arises, what can be done in Florida with her soil and climatic advantages ? We might furnish many facts and figures relating to this industry, but space says, hold, enough. ORANGE CULTURE. This is one of the industries of Florida that has suddenly attained very considerable proportions. From barely nothing, in a commercial sense, at the close of the war, the business has grown to be worth $1,000,000 in 1880. Measured by the progress of the past, it is destined to become, in a very short time, one of the leading industries of the State. Last year there were exported at least 45,000,000 of oranges. The business so far has been very successful, and is daily inviting more capital and enterprise. There is already $10,000,000 iovested in orange groves in the State, with a field open for the profitable emj)loyment of $50,000,000 more. Lands suitable for growing oranges are in abun- dance and at low prices. Orange groves can be found in almost every part of the State, and on all varieties of soil well drained, the groves numbering each from 10 to 10,000 trees. Hardly a family outside of the cities but cultivates a greater or less number of orange trees, and many residing in the cities do the same. Some of the largest groves in 76 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, the state are owned by persons living in tbe towns, or bj^ non-residents. In some of tbe counties there were raised as high as from 4,000,000 to 6,'100,000 of oranges last year j and narrow-gauge railroads are rapidly being built to aiford the middle counties facilities for shipping their enor- mous crops to market. Tliree such roads have been completed Avithin tlie past few months, and others are projected, while more are under con- templation. Oranges are shipped from off these roads to New York in eighty and ninety hours' time. Within the past few years orange culture in Florida has also attained great perfection. It has reached that position where it is possible to analyze the cost of production. Abundant evidence exists that can be brought forward to show the value and profit in it for the investment of capital. Eesults have shown that there is not at present any pur- suit, where the tilling of the soil is involved, that will yield larger re- turns with less fluctuation. It is always pleasant to be able to confirm such statements with facts. An extensive orange grower in Putnam County has kept, from the beginning of his grove, an accurate account of the expenditures and receipts to the close of the thirteenth year, end- ing 1879. The number of trees vvere 300. They yielded 442,600 oranges, selling for $7,590, as against an expenditure, omitting cost of land, first cost of trees, and interest on the money, of $1,950. This gives receipts over expenditures, $5,640. This is only one instance, but it is as good as many, because it is only one in a very large number. It conclusively demonstrates that orange culture is not at all transitory. Nearly all the obstacles in the path of orange culture have been removed. The future of the business is still more promising. Florida oranges are conceded to be superior to all others. In point of numbers, com- pared to the great quantities consumed, they are few; yet by their greater merit they have come to occupy the foremost place in the market. The genial climate and peculiar soil of Florida, together with sufficiently warm sun to mature and concentrate the juices without destroying the lively aromatic flavor of the fruit, impart this quality — a value nowhere else attainable to such an extent. The field they are yet to occupy is practically illimitable. They are yet to possess our own market, the best in the world. This will be the labor of years, and after a great por- tion of our orange lands have been brought under cultivation. In 1879, there were 257,000,000 of oranges entered at the port of New York alone from foreign countries. Double the number, at least, were entered at all the other ports, making a grand total of 771,000,1)00 consumed in and lost on the voyage to this country, in addition to our Florida crop. We cannot predict when the domestic will take the place of the foreign l^roduct, but it is inevitable in course of time. Our inability to supply the demand is the main obstacle. That this will be the ultimate result is clear from another cause, inde- pendent, or nearly so, of merit. The liability of loss and damage result- ing from uncertainties of a sea voyage forms an important factor in the AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 77 conduct of the foreign fruit-trade, serving to make it extremely hazard- ous — a circumstance against which dealers do not have to contend in the shipment of Florida oranges. We have railroads leading to all the great markets in America, and when the fruit is transported by water, all the facilities are afforded by perfect and commodious steamships. Orange culture, therefore, may go on indefinitely in Florida, without fear of reaching a general redundance of product. When Our own market is occupied those of Europe and elsewhere will be open to us. The grow- ing desire everywhere, also, of jjeople for semi-tropical fruits, which the efforts of producers are trying to satisfy, is unlimited, and, therefore, efforts in orange culture can continue to be put forth until this unlim- ited and independent desire is met — a goal which, perhaps, never can be reached. To persons of foresight and capital, who are looking to the future rather than the present for remunerative returns, Florida presents, in her orange pursuit, the most extended as well as the most inviting field. But aside from the question of profit the culture of oranges pre- sents other practical advantages. It is not only a pleasing but an in- dependent occupation. Its pursuit is no dead level of monotonous ex- ertion, but one that affords scope for the development of gm ingenious mind. As a producer, the orange grower is working under conditions of constantly increasing advantages. Young men, sometimes with little or no capital, are starting every year in the business, often away from communities of old and experienced growers, and have succeeded by dint of tact and industry. In point of regular profits j in point of an industrious, frugal, and cheerful occupation ; in point of a very general desire to become independent; in point of success and freedom from penury, and in point of repressive and adA^erse influences in other pur- suits, they have found orange culture, and its practical workings, the most pleasing of occupations. Persons who own groves in Florida are entirely well satisfied, as a rule, with their investments. A bearing grove is worth a gFeat deal of money, and to purchase one would require a large cash outlay. In ten years' time groves are usually in full bear- ing — often in less time — and the inducement to plant one is very giieat. Finally, we would say, that the motives that induce men to labor in Florida are the same as in other States — for profit; and if the energy and persistence of the work be proportionate to the constancy and press of the motives, then will they most certainly succeed, and make the aggregate profit of their investment equal, if it does not exceed, that of nearly all other pursuits involving no greater outlay of money. More- over, the occupation of orange-growing has a tendency to make one hopeful for the future. The tilling, too, of the soil immeasurably im- proves the character of the cultivator. Add to this the beauty of the country and climate, and the attractions of country life ; the tranquillit;y^ of mind w^hich they promise, and the enjoyments which they really afford; the charm of proprietorship and self-guiding exertion, and the 78 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, buoyancy of outdoor employment, and we bave all tbe essentials for acquiring bealtb and bappiness, as well as independence. WHAT THE POOR IMMIGRANT MAY DO. In previous pages we briefly made some remarks as to new-comers. We believe tbat a idain relation of wbat may be reasonably assured to tbe poor as well as ricb immigrant will be received as useful informa- tion. Florida is no exception to other countries, and the present but repeats the past in the various phases of immigration. The early col- onists and colonies in America, the periodical and frequent later immi- gration to new States and Territories, and from old to new localities, all have had experiences, good, bad, and indifferent, yet we find, after a brief period, that the new countries are filled up with a prosperous and contented population. It is not necessary to review the varied causes of this universal experience j although the local historian may dwell upon them, the new generations of the present look forward and not back. The characteristics of Florida, general and special, we have truth- fully noted; other things being equal, the climate, soil, health, cheai)- ness of lands, staple and special productions, easy access and egress by land and water, form of government, low taxes, a small State debt, all present superior advantages, especially for the poor, or those in mod- erate circumstances, for securing a good home. At the outset, how- ever, the immigranj^ asks, how shall I at once procure a support for my- self and family? Now, premising that the new-comer means to work — intends to stay — ^lie can go to work at once and raise food from the soil. New pine lands, broken up with the grass turned in, will grow good crops of sweet potatoes and cow pease, with but slight cultivation. These crops in, fields inclosed, the grass covered soon becomes rotted, and the soil easil^^ worked. Corn, cane, and cotton may now be planted, as also vege- tables; in the same field and with the crops, orange, lemon, and other fruit trees may be planted, where they are to remain, at regular dis- tances apart, both ways. The vineyard may also be put out, as well as smaller fruit, about the premises. The pea- vines, with pease, will afford forage for stock ; pease and potatoes for food. Succeeding the pease and potatoes, turnips and onions, beets, cabbage, and similar semi-hardy vegetables may be grown from the late summer to the next late spring months, nearly the year round. The immigrant can easily gather about him hogs, which will range for their own living, potatoes being fed to them in the fall. Poultry are no care for feed or support ; game and fish are to be had for the seeking. It will be seen that the food question is easily solved. Year by year his crops are increasing, his comforts added to; he has within himself the accessories of a comfortable home. In the meantime his grove of oranges, lemons, his vines, are growing apace ; in a few short years he scents in the early s])ring the sweet odor of the orange bloom, sees the green friiit gradually increasing in size, and, as autumn months come on, gladdens his eyes »vith the sight of the golden AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 79 fruit which now will yield him a substantial return — waited for and won. It has taken less than half a score of years for the piney-woods pioneer to make a new home which yields him ample support and sure increas- ing income for the future. WHAT THE RICH IMMIGRANT CAN DO. To the man of capital, Florida offers a large variety of specialties to employ it surely and profitably, whether as an investment looking to the future for increase, or present employment and quick returns. There are millions of acres of United States, State, and railroad lands, Spanish grants of large areas, and private improved and unimproved lands, which can now be bought cheaply. These comprise timber lands, which are increasing in growth and value every year, also improved lands already cleared and ready to cultivate, now unoccupied hj reason of death of owners, or want of means to hire labor and jjurchase stock. A few thousand dollars judiciously invested in lands would be sure to pay a profit. Manufactories of cotton, and cotton-seed oil mills, starch factories, rice mills, paper mills, tanneries, saw mills, furniture shops, &c., offer good opi)ortunities for present jjrofit. There are many good openings for mercantile business, purchasing the staples of the country, such as cotton, sugar, sirup, naval stores. Fruit raising on a large scale can be done with assured profit j with means, one can have hundreds of acres in trees, and millions of oranges and lemons to sell or ship. The shrewd real estate dealer can buy and sell at a profit; the money-lender loan at high interest, with ample se- curity. All this has been done, is done, and doing now. If the capital- ist would desire to farm on a large scale, no better field than here. There are hundreds of large plantations in Middle Florida, lying con- tiguous, which can be bought low, and a farm of 100 to 10,000 acres can be made, and planted in cotton, cane, corn, rice, tobacco, and other crops. Labor is plenty and cheap, crops sure and good, always in de- mand, and fair prices rule. HOMESTE m AND OTHER EXEMPTIONS. One hundred and sixty acres, or one-half acre of land within city or town, owned by the head of a family residing in the State, together with $1,000 of personal property, and the improvements on the real estate, 'Shall be exempted from any forced sale under any process of law ; and real estate shall not be alienable without the joint written consent of wife and husband. In addition to the above exemption, there shall be exempted from sale by any legal process, to the head of a famil}', one thousand dollars in any kind of property which said head of fam- ily may select, in cases where the indebtedness was contracted or judg- ment obtained before the 10th day of May, 1805. Taxes can only be levied for State, county, and municipal purposes. Married women are protected by law in the ownership and control of p roperty separate and apart from the husband. 80 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, WHO MAY VOTE. Every male person twenty-one years of age, who shall be, or shall have declared his intention to become, a citizen of the United States, has resided in the State one year, and in the county six months, may vote in the election district where registered. Bribery, perjury, larceny, wagers on election, fighting a duel or accepting a challenge, disfranchises. Table showing the mortality and population of the State of Florida for the year ending June 1, 1880, as returned to the Census Bureau at Washington, D. C, and also the deaths from consumption and other pulmonary diseases for the same period. Alachua Baker Bradford Brevard Calhoun Clay Columbia Dade.-..-. Duval Escambia Fiauklin Gadsden Hamilton Heniando Hillsborough Holmes Jackson Jefferson La Fayette . . Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Monroe Nassau Orange . . Polk Putnam Santa Rosa. .. 'Niiniter Saint John's.. jsuwaunee Taylor Volusia ...... Wakulla AValtuu "Washington . Counties. Total 2,514 12 19 46 91 3 234 107 15 191 81 40 28 182 153 11 282 78 15 134 88 62 67 35 28 53 19 37 58 91 45 31 11 31 31 § 11 as ft 9-^ i § ^-5 1 -I sis ' -= . ^ cs o « i e CO <^ s «'5 1 is 4) C ® Pi o 18, 597 2.312 6,167 1,486 1,375 2,755 9,594 195 17, 762 12,217 1,741 11, 588 6,486 4,254 5,888 2, 774 14, 487 16, 126 2,600 20, 325 5,776 1,237 15,118 3,674 13, 000 10, 9-z7 6,546 6,190 3,156 6,250 6,701 6,072 4,595 7,379 2,280 3,407 2, 750 4, 270 3,238 141 I 271,664 Total deaths in 1,000 of all ages 9 Total deaths from consumption in 1,000 of all ages •- 6. 10 Total deaths from other pulmonary diseases in 1,000 5. 10 * A large proportion of the deaths from consumption are cases of invalids from other States and countries. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 81 Table showing the population of Florida by race, as returned to the Census Bureau at Wash- ington, D. C, Junes, 1880. Total 271, 864 Population in 1870 187,748 Increase in ten years 84, 116 3290 6 82 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PKODUCTIONS, 1. ii - PI © S ® I if •iCouoH •Pios eonpojd nepaB^ If;, O O O "» O O O S O Q0oo»050t~oc;ri ©OO-^OC-^CO'VT}-'— fo" =r (M* -^'" cs" «r I? f o" (m' ci" re x s o lo O lit O « C4 in 'i 5^1 o 70 •eaoi^'B^oj : M t- 1* M M ic t- oc ( ■ •^rc©:c©r — ~~ I oc ro . rfsSr-,© (g i>t>©" •BSBBBIOK .©N© ec»- •* © ~ S^ M t- ©"Mt> imr. 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The following description is derived from an official publication of the Commissioner of Immigration : The city of Pensacola has natural advantages which destine it to become, by rapid strides, the Chicago of the South. It is situated on the north coast of the Gulf of Mexico, in latitude 30° 28' north and longitude 87° 2*2' west of Greenwich, only 10 miles from the open sea. Its thoroughly laud-locked harbor covers an area of over 200 square miles, being about 30 miles long and from 5 to 8 miles in width, having unsurpassed anchorage, and a depth of from 30 to 35 feet. The entrance to the harbor is about half a mile wide, with an average depth on the bar of twenty-four feet. The same depth is readily secured at the wharfage line in the city. A laden ship of the largest tonnage can approach the city at any time in the year, or leaving its wharf €an be in the open sea in an hour and a half. As a place of residence, Pensacola is attractive by a healthy and genial climate. It has an abundance of excellent pure water, and the regularly changing land and sea breezes make it a pleasant abode at all seasons. Its gardens afford flowers and fruit winter and summer. Most tropical plants grow there, and require but little protec- tion from the cold in winter, whilst all kinds of cereals and northern fruit yield early and abundant crops. The soil of the immediate vicinity is sandy and the drainage perfect. The lands of the neighboring country are of the character known as swamp, ham- mock, and pine. The swamp lands are those lying on the Escambia and Perdido Rivers and their tributaries, and are remarkable for their exhaustless fertility, those brought under cultivation yielding heavy crops of corn, cotton, rice, and sugar-cane. The great body of these lands is covered with oak and cypress forests, ready to the hand of the great ship-building interests, which the progress of commerce will speed- ily foster. The hammock lands are intermediate between the swamp and pine tracts. They afford the healthiest localities for settlements, and are easily cultivated, yielding abundant returns for the labor bestowed on them. The pine lands have an exhaustless wealth of the best timber, wliilst the herbage of the forest affords j)ermaneut pasturage for cattle, which require no shelter and very little care. All these classes of lands are readily reclaimed for agricultural purposes, whilst the forest will for a century to come supply the growing export trade in timber. The commerce of Pensacola has hitherto been limited to the export of Florida tim- ber brought down on the rivers and creeks emptying into its fuagnificent bay. Want of communication has been an impediment to its growth, but the completion, in the winter of 1870, of the Pensacola and Louisville Railroad to its junction with the Mobile and Montgomery Railroad, establishing a connecting link icith the entire railroad system North and West, must speedily lift Pensacola to the dignity of a first-class commercial city. By this link in the great chain of railroads, Pensacola is brought as near to Chicago as is New York. The best customers and consumers of the great grain and produce growing West live upon the shores of the Gulf, in the West India Islands, in Central and South America. The Pensacola route of transportation shortens the exchange of commodities between AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 85 these markets and the teeming West hy thousands of miles and by many days, thus effecting a double economy of time and cost of transportation. A glance at the map ^\ill readily demonstrate the fact, so little known heretofore, that the distance from Chicago to Pensacola is only about 900 miles. It will also show that from Pensacola the distance to Tampico is 900 miles; to Havana, 6*20 miles ; to Matamoras, 800 miles ; to Vera Cruz, 950 miles ; to Hansacula, 950 miles. The last- named place is the eastern port of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. No vessel has ever been driven ashore in any storm in the harbor of Pensacola, and no gale has produced a freshet. The rivers emptying into the bay are clear and free from alluvial deposit, and the depth of water on the anchorage ground, as well as on the bar, remains unaltered since the earliest Spanish surveys. With the railway connection recently established and daily expanding, this mag- nificent port becomes the most suitable outlet f r the commerce of the entire Missis- sippi Valley. It has this great advantage over New Orleans, that it is close to the Gulf, and not obstructed in its commerce by a shifting and treacherous bar, causing costly delays to shipping, and often upsetting the fairest calculation for commercial profits. The vast expenditure in towage up and down the river to which the New Orleans shipj^ing is subjected in reaching and leaving that inland port is saved in Pen- sacola, and it is easy demonstrable that shippers in New Orleans can ship their car- goes more cheaply from the port of Pensacola than from their own levee. Still greater will be this economy when the canals now proposed and under survey shall connect the Mississippi with Mobile Bay, Perdido Bay, and Pensacola Bay, permitting steamers to bring their upland cargoes directly to Pensacola, and lay them alongside the sea- going vessels. The splendid water-front of the city admits of running railway freight directly down on the wharves, and to load vessels immediately from the cars. The elevated bluffs on this water-front affords facilities for coal depots, from which vessels can be supplied through shutes, thus saving greatly in expense of handling. Having thus briefly alluded to the physical features of the port, we will now ex- amine the advantages of its relative position to other ports. Taking Chicago as the initial or starting point, as being equally distant from New York and Pensacola, railroad trains destined to each of the cities would arrive at their destination within the same time. The one arriving at New York would have traveled over 900 miles, and would then be as far north as when it started from Chicago, whereas the one arriving at Pensacola would have gone directly south 900 miles, thus saving that number of miles between the initial point (Chicago) and any other point south of Pensacola. This distance, to be balanced by transit to and from New York, is equal to a gain of six days in favor of Pensacola. Take now the return cargoes, one*via New York and the other via Pensacola, say cof- fee, &c., from Havana, distant from Pensacola 620 miles. The one by way of Pensa- cola would have reached its ultimate destination, and have been distributed, before the other could possibly have reached New York. These remarks apply with equal force to all the cities and towns lying along and in connection with this great national artery of intercommunication, trade, and commerce. The Pensacola and Louisville Railroad line and its connections, unlike those lead- ing to the Atlantic ports, bisect the parallels of latitude of the United States ; hence it must collect and transmit the productions of these different latitudes, consisting of wheat, flour, corn, pork, bacon, lard, cheese, bagging, rope, iron, lime, coal, and a great variety of industrial products, such as furniture, clothing, machinery, implements, &c., concentrating them all by one line at one single point of shipment, and giving that point the same advantages to be offered to the shipping interests of the world that are now afforded at the said Atlantic ports through a hundred different channels at a vastly increased expense, both in time and money, and enabling ships desiring freights to any part of the world to make such selections as their interests or exigencies may require. 8(5 The commerce of the world will hereafter be carried ou through the agency of steam, and will exi)aud in the use of that agent just in the ratio in which fuel (coal) can be easily and cheaply obtained for that purpose. The coal-beds of Alabama, estimated to cover between 4,000 and 5,000 square miles of area, are intersected by this line of road, and, from their contiguity to Pensacola, must become the great source of supply for the steam marine and coaling stations of all points south of Pensacola. The coal now used for this purpose is principally brought from Great Britain, adistaiice of 3,000 miles. From the Alabama coal-beds to Havana (which can be thus supplied) the dis- tance is about 810 miles, and coal from these mines can be placed on shipboard at Pen- sacola at $4.75 per ton ; the sea transportation is but 620 miles. These facts and figures l^uarantee that the day is not far distant when Pensacola must become the great coal depot of the Gulf, making annual shipment of millions of tons of this article, devel- oping the resources and wealth of the country, and expanding into one of the first cities in the world. The rapid development of the iron mines of Alabama, whose natural outlet to the markets of the world is the port of Pensacola, will not only contribute a cousiderable quota to the commerce of this port, but will, in connection with the Florida forests, furnish superior material for ship-building, which at no distant day must rival in extent the similar industry of Northern ports, the proximity and cheapness of all ma- terial required, giving builders in this locality peculiar advantages. FACILITIES FOR TEANSPORTATION. No State in the Uniou has so extended a sea-coast as Florida, and none contains a larger extent of inland navigable water ; nor is there any State which enjoys greater facilities for permanent, reliable, and cheap communication with the commercial marts of the world and the interior cities of the North and West. Ocean steamers, with the most ample accommodations for passengers and the most extended appoint- ments for freight, ply regularly between New York, Boston, Philadel- phia, Baltimore, Charleston, and Savannah, and the Florida Atlantic ports. At Fernandina these lines connect with the Gulf and West India Transit Eailway, which^ at Hart's Koad, connects with the Jacksonville and Fernandina Eailway ; at Callahan intersects the Savannah and Jacksonville Eailway ; at Baldwin with the Florida Central Eailway ; at W^aldo connects with the J*eninsular Eailw^ay to Ocala, and with the Santa F6 Canal to Santa Fe Lake; at Gainesville with the Florida Southern Eailway to Palatka and Ocala ; and at Cedar Keys with lines of steamers to Tampa, Key AVest, Havana, New Orleans, and all the Gulf ports. At Jacksonville connections are made with the numerous steamers on the Saint John's and Oclawaha Eivers, which connect at Tocoi with the -Saint John's Eailw^ay to Saint Augustine; at Palatka with the Florida Southern Eailway to Gainesville and Ocala; at Astor with the Saint -John's and Lake Eustis Eailway; at Sanford with the South Florida Eailway to Lake Apopka and the Kissimmee Eiver ; at Salt Lake with the Saint John's and Indian Elver Tramway to Titusville ; and at Lake Pi insett with lines of stages to the Indian Eiver at Eock Ledge. At Jacksonville connections are also made with the Fernandina and Jacksonville Eailway ; with the Savannah and Florida Eailway, which AND AGRICULTTRAL CAPABILITIES. 87 intersects the Gulf and West India Transit Railway at Callahan ; with the Florida Central Railway, which intersects the Gulf and West India Transit at Baldwin ; connects at Lake City with the Jacksonville, Pen- sacola and Mobile Railway, which, at Ellaville, intersects the Suwannee River, which is navigable for steamers to Cedar Keys ; at Live Oak con- nects with the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway ; at Tallahassee with the Railway at the Gulf at Saint Mark's ; and at Chattahoochee with the Atlantic and Western Railway, now in process of construction to Mobile, and with lines of steamers to Aj>alachicola, Eufaula, Ala., and Columbus, Ga. All rail routes, with close connections and through parlor and sleeping cars for passengers and fast freight lines, with ven- tilated cars for fruit and vegetables, connect Florida with Montgomery, Atlanta, Louisville, Cincinnati, Saint Louis, and Chicago, in the Westj Savannah, Charleston, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Kew York, and Boston, in the ISiorth, thus affording the largest facili- ties for rapid transit with the numerous competing lines, and the ocean steamers prevent exorbitant charges. The completion of the lines of railway now under construction will render all portions of the State immediately accessible. The State au- thorities have granted about 16,000,000 of acres of her swamp lands in aid of works of internal improvements, thus giving a powerful impetus to these enterprises, while Northern capital is pushing them to rapid completion. No less than five lines of railway are now in progress in East Florida, running south, with the view of reaching Tampa Bay, Charlotte Harbor, Indian River, and Key West. 1st. The Tropical Railway, an extension of the Peninsular, is progress- ing rapidly from Ocala southward, with its iron purchased, and more than a thousand hands at work. 2d. The Florida Southern, from Palatka to Gainesville, is pushing south also from Ocala to the eastward of the Peninsula. 3d. The South Florida, from Sanford, is extending southward still farther to the east. 4th. The Live Oak, Rowlands Bluff and Charlotte Harbor Railway is backed by a powerful company. 5th. The Jacksonville, Saint Augustine and Halifax River Railway is under construction, from Jacksonville to Saint Augustine, with a view to an ultimate extension down the coast to the Indian River. The Atlantic and Western Railway, an extension of the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railway, from Chattahoochee to Pensacola, is under contract and being rapidly constructed, with a view to immedi- ate completion. A large portion of the route of the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railway has been surveyed, and no doubt exists of the early com- mencement of that important enterprise. Those in i)rocess of construction, and others projected, with the sys- 88 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, tern of canals connecting the lower Saint John's with Korth Halifax and Indian Rivers, and the Upper Saint John's with the Kissimmee, Lake^ Okeechobee, and Caloosahatchee, when all completed, will give Florida the most complete system of internal communication of any Southern State, and render her one of the wealthiest and most desirable for resi- dence and cultivation. FISHERIES. The extent and wealth of the fisheries of Florida are, beyond compari- son, greater than any other State of the Union. Her twelve hundred miles of sea-coast from Fernandina to Key West, and round to Cedar Keys and Pensacola, with the extensive bays and harbors, abound in turtle, oysters, and sponge, while the waters teem with fish in the^ greatest variety. It has been remarked by an experienced observer that a fee-simple to^ three miles wide of her coast line of waters was more valuable than the same amount of land adjacent. The annual exportation of oysters, fish, and sponge amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Hundreds of families in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama annually resort to the sea- coast and gather a supply of fish, with which they return home. State legislation has, as yet, furnished no adequate protection for these fisheries, and they are annually used by fishermen from other States, '^ without money and without price,'' and the State derives no revenue. The inland waters, too — the rivers, creeks, innumerable lakes and ponds — all abound in the varieties of fresh-water fish, which are gath- ered without let or hinderance for food and enriching the soil, while the supply seems inexhaustible. With proper care and protection against waste and destruction, the supply would last for generations before it became necessary to resort to artificial cultivation. STOCK GROWING. Cattle raising has long beeu one of the most lucrative branches of business in Florida. In large portions of the State, notably in the south- ern, the growing of crops has been neglected for the all-absorbing busi- ness of cattle raising, which is attended with no expense, save the per- sonal supervision of the herds, and in gathering the stock for marking" and for market. The cattle range on the public domain through the year, and the plains, savannas, and swamps of South Florida have afforded pasturage for innumerable herds, from which, during the civil war, the Southern army drew large supplies, and from which the mar- kets of Key West and Cuba derive their i)resent supply. It is not un- common to find men owning thousands of head of cattle without the proprietorship of lands, and many of the herdsmen count their stock by tens of thousands. The ^profits are fabulous, as the cost oC keeping the cattle is only the expenditure for herding and marking, no food being required other than the natural supply. The annual burning of the AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 89» grass, which has long prevailed in the winter, has seriously impoverished the soil and reduced the quantity of grass, so that the native stock of later grass has become dwarfed and inferior. As population increases,, and the lands become absorbed by settlers, the stock range becomes more restricted, improved methods are being adopted, and improved stock introduced. No State offers greater inducements for stock grow- ing, either upon the wild method heretofore existing, or upon the system of thorough cultivation and high breeding. The facilities for cultivat- ing green forage crops during the winter, when the grasses become tough and innutritions, afford great advantages over those sections of the country where cattle must be housed and fed for from one-third to one-half the year. The raising of sheep and growing of wool is also a most profitable industry, as sheep thrive through the year on the natural pasturage, and require no care except herding and protection from vagrant dogs, of which there is too great a number. With no legal protection against these depredators the business, when it has been prosecuted as a reli- ance, has yielded from 33 to 90 per cent. i)er annum profits. It can be seen at a glance, that with an annual increase very largely greater than in the cold States, and no expense for feed, and entire exemption from the cold northers which sweep off whole flocks in the West, the profits must be very great and the industry so remunerative as to induce a rapid extension of the business. Hogs are raised more cheaply and easily here than in the colder climates. They do well '*on the range," as in the winter there is a large 8ui)ply of acorns, and in the swamps and hammocks of roots and native products. There is no reason why i)ork should not be raised in suffi- cient quantity to supply the home market at least, although the want of frost, or freezing weather, is not conducive to profitable packing for export. Bee-keeping is rapidly engaging attention, and will soon become a^ source of large State wealth and individual revenue. THE TREES OF FLORIDA. Dr. A. W. Chapman, of Apalachicola, author of the Flora of the- Southern States, in 1875 made a journey along the western coast, for the purpose of obtaining specimens of trees for the Centennial Exhibi- tion. He made a thorough exploration from Anclote Keys to Cape Sa- ble, and ascended the Caloosahatchee. The following is the list of trees obtained, as given in his report: The number collected exceeds your estimate by ten species, and falls short of my own by the same number. I believe I obtained all the native trees known down there^, except Simaruha, and perhaps Calyptranthus, if it is a tree. I found several trees which, I supposed to be shrubs, aud vice versa. I made a thorough exploration of the whole western coast, from Anclote Keys to Cape Sable, wherever we could find smooth "Water for safe anchorage. At Charlotte Harbor I diverged from the cbast and ascended :90 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, Caloosaliatchee River, in order to get such woods as do not grow in the influenoe of salt air. This was really the most interesting part of the route. Gigantic Acro- stichums, 10 feet high, covering acres, Epiphtyes loading the trees, and the entire vegetation tropical. A peculiarity of these tropical trees is that for miles they occur to you as mere shrubs, when at some other locality you find them lofty trees. I was much disappointed in the size of most of the forest growth in that region. On the Keys you can scarcely anywhere find a large (or rather a tall) tree. Some of these were large enough at the base, but we generally found such hollow, and of some we never did find a sound one. You will be disappointed, as I was, to find the growth -so small. I do not remember to have seen a tree, during the trip, 2 feet iu diameter, with the exception of the Live Oak, and on the Keys none of them get to be more than ^0 or 40 feet high. The Mahogany is not found in Florida, and should be erased from the Flora. My authority for introducing it was a pod picked up on the beach by Dr. Leitner. Hibiscus tiliaceus was not seen by me, and I think Dr. Blodgett nnist have got it from cultivation. In Jamaica it is a shrub 12 to 15 feet high. Terminalia is not a native, and is, I believe, local along the Saint John's or near Saint Augustine. The others mentioned I did not meet with on any of the Keys I visited. Whether they become trees I cannot say, for I forget the sources of my information regarding 1 hem when writing my book. It was of course impossible to visit all the hundreds of Keys along the reefs, and it is probable that these omissions may occur on more westwardly ones than those I visted. The following is a modified arrangement of Dr. Chapman's list of Florida trees : Anona (Custard Apple). — No flowers or fruit ; 15 to 20 feet high. The fruit is said to be egg-shaped, H inches in diameter, and eatable when fully ripe. Capparis Jamacencis (Caper-tree). — A low tree. -Canclla alba. Guaiacum sanctum (Lignum Vitae). — Only found, if I am rightly informed, on the Lig- num Vita^ Keys, and quite rare there. Xanihoxylum Pteroia, 12 to 20 feet high. Bursera gummifera (Gumbo Limbo, Gummer Limmer). — The largest of South Florida trees, abounding in gum. Amyris Floridiana (Torch-wood).— Mostly shrubby. Xymenia Americana (Hog Plum).— 2 to 20 feet high. Sehaefferia frutiscens (Crab-wood). — A small tree. Sapindus (White-wood).— This is scarcely the tree of the Southern States and of my -t'lora ; I suspect it is S. saponaria. Hypelate paniculata (Maderia-wood). — This wood is very like Mahogany, and is highly valued. It is not abundant, and was only found on Metacumba Keys. Bhus meiopium, 20 to 30 feet high. It is very poisonous, and we all got peppered by it. Biscidia et-ythrina (Dog-wood). — A rather large tree. jPithecolobium unguis-caii. — Rarely a small tree. BhizopJiora mangle (Red Mangrove). — Commonly a low spreading tree. On the Thou- sand Islands it attains its largest size— 40 to 60 feet. All the low Keys are formed by this tree. •€onobarpus erecia (White Buttonwood.) — It comprises almost the only fuel used in Southern Florida, and extends north as far as Auclote Keys. Xuguneularia racemosa (Black Buttonwood). — A small tree everywhere, or a mere shrub, except among the Thousand Jslands and north of Cape Sable, where it forms a large tree. -Eugenia buxifolia (Iron-wood). — 25 to 30 feet high. Eugenia Monticola. — South Florida; about 30 feet high. Eugenia ( ). AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 91 Euf/mia ( ), near dichofoma, but probably distinct. This was only seen at Cax- imbiis Bay, and was called ''naked-wood." Ewiema (Stopper-wood). — A small tree, in fruit. Guettards Blodgetti. — Mostly a shrub. Raudia clusiofoUa (Seven-years' Apple). — With flowers and fruit. Sideroxylon padUlum (Mastic). — A middle-sized tree. Sideroxi/Ion padlUum, var. sphm'ocarinim. — A small tree. Sideroxylon. — A large tree. ^hrysophyllum mifroophyUiim. — 6 to ^JO feet high. Mimusops Sieherl. — A large tree. We found the trunk invariably hollow. BnmeJia parvifoUa. — A shrub or small tree. Jaquinia armiUaris. — A rather small tree with most curiously grained wood. Myrsine Floridana. — Mostly a shrub; rarely a small tree. Ardisia Pickeriugii. — Mostly a shrub, but on the Keys a small tree. Vitharexylon viJIosum (Fiddle-wood). — Rarely a small tree. Avicenna ohlongifolia (Black Mangrove). — Only a tree among the Thousand Islands. Avicennia tomentosa (Black Mangrove). — At Cedar Keys only. Pisonia ohtusaia. — With male Howers. CocGoloha Floridana. — 20 to 30 feet high. In fruit. Coccoloha nhifera (Sea-side Grape). — In fruit. Persea Catesbaei. — No flowers or fruit. Drypetes crocea. — A small tree. Mcus anrea (Wild Fig). — A large tree full of milky juice. It is also called gum-tree, and the juice forms a kind of India rubber. Ficns. — Perhaps the same as the preceding. (Silver Palmetto or Silver Cabbage Tree). — The berries are white, but in the absence of flowers the genus is doubtful. It attains a height of 30 to 40 feet. It occurs flrst at Cape Roraauo, and is found sparingly on the mainland southward. It is more common on the Keys, but I never heard of it before. Yucca aJoifolia. I found this from Manatee southward, 15 to 25 feet high. Finns clausa, X. sp. — At Apalachicola. Dr. Engelmaun is doubtful. Perhaps it may be a variety of P. inojys. ORANGE STATISTICS OF FLORIDA. Judge A. A. Kuigbt, the supervisor of the Tenth Census for the State of Florida, was, in addition to his other duties, intrusted with the task of ascertaining the number of bearing orange trees in the State, and their production for the year 1881. He has kindly permitted me to take the following figures from the papers in his office. Twenty-five thousand circulars were issued, which elicited about 70 per cent, of re- l)lies. Twenty-five of the thirty-niue counties in the State are embraced in the report, fourteen failing to return replies. The deficiency in this direction is conterbalanced by the supplement which closes the report* It is expected that the yield of fruit will very rapidly increase from this time forward, both from the large number of new groves coming into bearing with each succeeding year, and the increased productiveness ^f the older trees. 92 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, ETC. REPORT. Counties. Number of bearing trees. Yield in 1881. Value. ^iRolins -• - ..... 13, 111 21 3,377 10, 884 841 738 436 500 10, 131 No report Number. 2, 250, 000 9,450 338, 850 1, 250, 000 282, 400 165, 700 157, 850 500, 000 3, 000, 000 $33, 750 00> 141 75 Bradford 4 815 50 Brevard .........■...■■.•...■••• .. .............. .. 18 750 OO nallinnTi .. . .... 4 170 50 Clay 2, 522 25 Columbia 2, 741 OO 7, 500 00 45, 000 00 Duval Escambia . Franklin do Gadsden ......... .. ..... ................ . do do Hernando . .. ...... .. ......... 7,685 18, 683 No report 2, 500, 000 4, 409, 150 37, 500 00 45,410 25 Holmes ... ... do La Fayette -• • 1,157 43, 800 662 00' Levv .. .... ........................ 1,460 500, 000 7, 500 00 Libertv Madison . ...... .... 594 17, 291 46, 195 500 No report 512, 900 2, 000, 000 6, 000, 000 500, 000 7, 685 OO 30, 000 OO 90, 000 00 7, 500 00 Manatee Marion ... ... Nassau L .... Orange . ..... .............. .... 29, 049 2, 283 64,170 4, 000, 000 1, 500, 000 7, 120, 631 30, 000 OO Polk 22,500 OO Putnam . .. ................... 108, 414 80 Santa Rosa Saint John's . . ........... 12, 006 13, 029 157 1,846 24,638 No report 2, 000, 000 2, 250, 000 120, 700 255, 200 4, 000, 000 30, 000 00 33, 750 OO Sumter .. .. ........................ 2,060 OO Taylor 2,747 50 Volusia 60,000 OO Wakulla . Walton do ; W ashinffton ■j Supplement ........ ..... ............ ............ 11, 536 451, 225 7,056 10 Total 292, 324 46, 097, 856 672, 176 65- Respectfully submitted. GEORGE B. OARSE. FLORIDA : ITS SOIL, EESOUECES, AKD MEAKS OF TEANS- POETATIOX. For reliable information in regard to all points of agricultural interest I must confine myself in this report to the counties of Nassau, Duval, Clay, Saint John^s, Yolusia, Orange, Marion, Brevard, and Putnam. NASSAU COUNTY. This county contains an area of 600 square miles, and has but about 4,000 acres under cultivation owing to the fact that much of the land is "pine barrens" and "flat- wood" country, of but little value to agri- culturists. Scattered along the river is some land which produces grazing for cattle, a limited amount of long-staple cotton, corn, pota- toes, and peaches. Here fertilizers are necessary, and winter vegeta- bles are liable to be nipped by the frost j still, the annual yield of farm products reaches the value of $50,000, consisting chiefly of cattle, swine, poultry, corn, potatoes, and peaches. This county is well supplied with railroads, and may have a prosper- ous future, shouhl its people, the great majority of whom were once slaves, ever attain to that state of intelligence indispensable to agricult- ural success. Fernandina, the county seat, has a fine harbor and quite ii lumber trade. This county cannot be recommended for the raising of oranges or of the semi-tropical fruits, but may be reasonably successful with the or- dinary farm crops. DUVAL COUNTY. With an area of 860 square miles this county has only about 5,000 acres of land under cultivation. While the greater part of the soil is light and sandy, there are some tracts of rich "hammock" which may be utilized for the cultivation of rice, corn, potatoes, cane, and cotton ; but it is to much exposed to the cold northwest winds for the success- ful raising of oranges or of the semi-tropical fruits, with the exception of that portion east of the Saint John's Eiver. Here, as elsewhere in this State, the eastern shore of the Saint John's is much better protected from the cold than the western banks, owing to the fact that the cold northwest winds are considerably warmed in passing over this wide expanse of water. Although the county is much frequented by in- valids, the climate is not conducive to the health of those suffering from pulmonary or bronchial diseases, as the changes in temperature are very' 93 94 FLOJIIDA: ITS CLIMATE, sudden aud severe, ice being frequently formed near the mouth, of the river, immediately followed by very hot weather. The annual farm ])ro- ductions are valued at about 150,000, consisting principally of cattle, milk,, butter, swine, poultry, rice, cotton, j^otatoes, and molasses. The means of transportation in this county are ample, both by rail and by water, the rates here, as elsewhere in this State, averaging about five cents per mile by rail, and three cents per mile by steamer. Jacksonville, with its numerous hotels, furnishes a good market for garden farmers. Land in the city commands very high prices, building lots being frequeutly sold at the rate of several thousands of dollars per acre. Skilled farm- ers, with the aid of fertilizers, can do well in some parts of this county, CLAY COUNTY. With an area of 425 square miles. Clay County has about 4,000 acres of land under cultivation, and raises farm productions to the value of about $64,000 yearly, including some cotton and sugar. There are several fine lakes in this county, containing many excellent food-tish ; but lands must be selected here with great care to avoid malarious districts, and it should not be recommended for raising fruit of the Citrus family, though many trees are being set out near Green Cove Springs, the county seat, which may succeed in sheltered places protected by heavily-timbered pine lauds. There is considerable yellow-pine timber in this region, with some rich hammock lands, well adapted to the pro- duction of the ordinary farm crops. No railroad is found in the county, and it has but a small population, with no large towns. There are several hotels at the county seat, but those afflicted with pulmonary or bron- chial elifificulties should go farther back among the pines, away from the chilling, damp night air of the Saint John's. SAINT JOHN'S COUNTY. This county contains 970 square miles, and has but about 3,000 acres under cultivation, owing to the fact that it is mostly a ''■ flat pine-woods and palmetto-scrub country," with but little rich hammock land. Its location, hoAvever, between the Saint John's Eiver and the Atlantic renders it more exempt from frost and better adapted to fruit culture than more interior counties in the same latitude. Colonel Hart's famous orange groves are located in this county, opposite Palatka, and demon- strate the fact that with skillful cultivation and the aid of fertilizers excellent oranges can be raised here. The farm productions amount to over $90,000 per annum, including considerable rice, sugar, cotton, po- tatoes, and corn. Here skilled labor, backed by energy and sufficient ready money to tide the settler over for a few years, will in due time reap its' reward ; but the impecunious and the ignorant will find no bonanza in Florida. This county has but one railroad, that connecting Saint Au- gustine with the Saint John's at Tocoi, fourteen miles in length, over which the fare is $2. AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. U5 MARION COUNTY. Comprising an area of 1,000 square miles, and having nearly 50,000- acres under cultivation, this county contains some of the richest and most elevated land in in the State. The high hammock lands are exten- sive and very productive, but much better adapted to the raising of vegetables than to the development of healthy men, and much care must be taken in locating dwellings, or, as in the West, fever and ague will take off all the profits for the benefit of the doctor. Although there are some flourishing groves in sheltered places near Ocala, oranges there are liable to suffer from frosts, and the extreme eastern and southern portions of the county are better suited to the culture of the Citrus family of fruits. Farm productions are raised in this county to the value of $300,000 yearly, including principally corn, potatoes, rice, molasses^ and poultry. Lands near transportation are held at high figures, and there is but little government land to be obtained. Two railroads run through this count}^, and the means of transporta- tion will soon be exceptionally good via these roads and the Oeklawaha River, which is navigated by two lines of steamers from Silver Springs to and over the Saint John's. There are some beautiful lakes in this^ county, the eastern shores of which are well adapted to orange culture^ being thus protected from the cold "north west winds. Considerable game is found in the heavy-timbered tracts, and food-fish abound in the lakes and rivers. The Florida Southern Railroad, owned by Boston capitalists, is developing an extensive and profitable lumber trade along its line, and many of the settlers build houses, barns, and fences with the beautiful yellow pine, green from the saw-mill. Industrious settlers who can afford to wait until the acidity of the soil is removed by culti- vation will succeed here, provided they can secure good land at reason* able prices. No injurious acids are found in the hard- wood lands, but unless great care is taken the farmer will suffer from chdls during the first year's cultivation. BREYABD COUNTY. Containing an area of 4,000 square miles, this county has but 2,00(> acres under cultivation. Much of this county is composed of '^ flat lands," often overflowed and not easily drained, with a stiff-clay subsoil, through which the tap-root of the orange tree cannot i)enetrate to water; consequently the Citrus family of fruits will not thrive in the greater part of this region. Along the banks of the Indian River, however, excellent oranges and semi-tropical fruits are raised ; but the land in this county adapted to such culture is limited in extent, and is held at high prices. Oysters, fish, and game abound in some localities, and much good grazing land is found ; but malaria must be carefully guarded against, and there is but comparatively little land in the county adapted to the w^ants of people from the North for a permanent residence. Yearly ■f)6 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, farm productions are valued at about $47,000, including principally <;attle, swine, rice, and potatoes. The South Florida Railroad extends 40 miles from Sanford, on Lake Monro, Orange County, to Lake Kis- simee, Brevard County. Titusville, the county seat, is reached by a long steamboat ride from Lake Monro to Eock Ledge, and thence by carriage. Drainage may open large tracts of rich lands to the settler; but until then this region is more attractive to the sportsman than to the agriculturist. VOLUSIA COUNTY. This county contains 1,800 square miles, and has but 4,000 acres under cultivation. The eastern portion along the Halifax River com- prises some rich hammock lands, which in years past have produced great quantities of sugar, and with good cultivation ma}^ again yield much cane. West of this belt is a vast prairie, iuterspersed with pine and cabbage palmetto, affording excellent pasturage to large herds of cattle during the entire year. On the extreme west, extending from the northern end of the county south about 30 miles, is a rolling pine country, on which are hundreds of young orange groves; from this southward is a rolling pine scrub until the Saint John^s is reached, with its vary- ing banks of hammock and savanna. With much care to avoid miasmatic swamps, and the chills which arise from newly-plowed rich hammock lands, desirable farms may be found in this region, which, when cleared and dispossessed of their acidity by cultivation, will produce semi-tropical fruits and vegetables in abun- dance. At present the yearly farm i)roductions are valued at $60,000, including principally cattle, poultry, cotton, molasses, and potatoes. The present yield of lumber is one and one-half millions of feet per an- num, which can be increased almost indefinitely. Transportation is confined to steamers on the Saint John^s River, but several railroads are chartered. Enterprise, the county seat, has demon- strated the important fact that oranges and vegetables can be raised at a profit by skilled laborers, with the aid of fertilizers, the most popular of which is that made by George B. Forrester, of New York. ORANGE COUNTY. Orange County, comprising 2,300 square miles, and having 14,000 acres under cultivation, is generall rolling pine land, interspersed with large lakes, rich hamnlocks, and comparatively worthless flat pine landls, all more or less heavily timbered. Stock-raising has been the predominant industry until recently, with cotton, corn, and cane; but now fruit cult- ure is absorbing general attention, and the orange, lemon, lime, guava^ pine-apple, and banana are cultivated to considerable extent. The South Florida Railroad runs from Sanford southerly through the county, which, with a short road from Astor, on the Saint John's, to Lake Eustis, to- gether with the numerous Saint John's steamers, furnish exceptionally AND AGRICULTURAL CAPABILITIES. 97 good facilities for transportation. The more desirable lands near the towns are held at high prices ; bnt still, by using much care to avoid unhealthful localities industrious and skillful agriculturists may obtain good homes. Successful ice manufactories have been established, and by using cistern water many Northerners live here all the year in toler- able comfort. The yearly farm productions, consisting chiefly of cattle, poultry, rice, corn, potatoes, molasses, and honey, are valued at $100,000, and many fine orange and lemon groves may be seen about Sanford, Orlando, Bell aire, and Altamont. PUTNAM COUNTY. Comprising over 800 square miles, with 1,500 acres under cultivation, this is in many respects the most desirable and flourishing county in the State. The numerous lines of steamers on the Saint Johns' together with the South Florida Railroad, aftbrd facilities for transportation un- excelled in the State. Many beautiful lakes are found in this region, fully stocked with excellent food fish, and game in many parts is abun- dant. The portion of the county lying east of the Saint John's is appro- priately called the " Fruit-land Peninsula," and is very fertile, containing also celebrated sulphur and medicinal springs, which are much frequented by the sick from all the adjacent region. The county contains a great variety of soil, high and low hammock, high rolling pine land, much of which is heavily timbered with hickory, oak, and yellow pine. Many of the finest orange groves in the State are found here, and more than 5,000 acres are devoted to the cultivation of the orange alone, while cotton- rice, sugar, corn, sweet potatoes, and all the semi-tropical fruits form a permanent reliance for agricultural industry. Palatka, the county seat, is a very flourishing city, connected by rail and telegraph with all parts of the State which have railroad communications. San Mateo and Cres- cent City are flourishing towns, and the county is rapidly filling up with a good class of people from the Northern and Western States. The yearly farm productions amount to nearly $200,000, comprising princi- pally cattle, butter, milk, swine, poultry, rice, grain, cotton, sugar, sweet potatoes, and honey. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. This completes the list of localities visited by me, and they are in many respects the best counties in the State. Except near the sea-coast marshes, mosquitoes are not very trouble- some, and the noxious insects and reptiles avoid the settlements and generally confine themselves to the overflowed lands and swamps. While much of the soil in this State is practically worthless in its present state, there are large tracts in the aggregate which are rendered very productive by the peculiar character of the climate and by the subterranean waters to which the roots of the trees find access, thereby 8G4m 7 98 FLORIDA: ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, ETC causing the trees of the Citrus family to flourish even during protracted drouglits which in the I^orth would destroy every living thing. . There is a great demand for a government experiment station in Florida, which would be of incalculable service in showing the people what can be raised here and the best methods of culture. The tea plants sent to this State hy the Department of Agriculture, have not received proper care ; but the few that have survived the neg- lect demonstrate the fact that tea can be grown here successfully by intelligent culture. It is believed by thoughtful men that many tropical products can be raised here in sufficient quantity to save to the nation many millions of dollars annually which are now sent to foreign countries. I refer espe- cially to tea, coffee, sugar, silk, and the many articles of commerce now imported from the Indies, China, and Japan. Colored laborers are hired here at wages averaging about $1 per day, without board. Orange trees four years from the seed and one year from the bud will boar fruit in from three to four years. Orange trees can be bought at prices ranging from twenty-five to seventy-five cents each, and they should be set out during the months of November, December, or January. Lemon trees bear fruit in four years from the setting. Bananas are produced in eighteen months from the setting, and rijien from June to December. The transportation 'of a box of oranges from Sanford to IS^ew York costs about 45 cents. It is a curious fact that while oranges begin to ripen in October, they may be left upon the tree without material deterioration for twelve months after they are ready for use. Hoping this report may be of service to the most important of all our government departments, as well as to the interests of agriculture at large, I remain yours, very truly, JAMES H. FOSS. fl^^'. lU f^bO^. A w ." J ♦7^ C UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNXA IvIBB^^Y r— T ^^ ^^^v^\X i '^^:^r>^^^ ^^> A^ti^^lHra Wi^xmi'm M %, all k^f^''^ %l/ P^.(^^" /^ i/;?/ !i^.:_:..