m m >. *&- * #^^*# ^ ; " THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS GIFT OF W. HARRY LANGE f LIBRARY OF W. H. LANGE On the Tsu-shima Representative of the Japanese Sable. 161 XVIII. On the Tsu-shima Representative of the Japanese Sable. By OLDFIELD THOMAS. THE late Mr. P. A. Hoist, while collecting birds for Mr. Henry Seebohm in the far East, obtained and sent home five speci- mens of the Marten which inhabits the islands known as Tsu-shima, between Corea and Japan. These specimens are clearly related to the Japanese Sable (Mustela melampus), but differ so much in the details of their coloration as to demand subspecific separation. Two of the specimens are in summer pelage and three in winter, and, for comparison with them, there are in the British Museum one summer and four winter examples of the Japanese form. The summer and one of the winter specimens are co-types of Temminck's species, while the former is, in addition, the type of M.japon- icus of Gray, who, in spite of Temminck's definite account of the seasonal changes, considered the brown summer form as characterizing a different species, and re-named it accordingly. Mustela melampus tsuensis, subsp. n. Similar to the typical form in size, quality of fur, and in cranial and dental characters, but distinguished by the following colour-characters : In winter pelage. General colour above dirty yellowish brown instead of rich orange-yellow. Top of head to nape, instead of only to forehead, ashy greyish white. Muzzle, up to and including the orbital region, and lips (both upper and lower) black ; interramia * brown throat white, in continua- tion with the white of the cheeks and crown, passing on the chest and belly into dark brownish yellow. Fore limbs black from the elbow downwards ; hind limbs black on the feet, brown below the knee. In this pelage the most marked distinctions from typicus are the black instead of brown muzzle and lips, the brown instead of white interramia, and white instead of yellowish throat, besides the difference in general tone and greater ex- tension backwards of the ashy colour of the crown. * Interramia. The space between the rami of the lower jaw, behind the " chin " but anterior to the " throat." In describing mammals a name is constantly being wanted for this region ; but I have been quite unable to discover whether there is already one in existence, and therefore now suggest one. I have personally felt the want of such a word again and again, especially when describing antelopes, in which the interramia is particularly distinct from either chin or throat. 162 Mr. 0. Thomas on a In summer pelage. General colour singularly like that of a dark-coloured pole-cat (Putorius putorius), much darker than in the typical form. All the parts that are brown in typicus are black in tsuensis, while the whole of the limbs, and not only their distal portions, are black. Below, the lips and interramia are black, the light mottling of the throat is less in extent but much brighter in colour, orange-yellow or orange, and the belly is much darker brown. Some of these differences may be due to the faded state of the only summer typicus available, and therefore less stress is to be laid on them than on those in the winter pelage. On this account the type selected is a winter example. Approximate dimensions of the type, from a skin (<$) : Head and body 470 millim. ; tail 160 ; hind foot 85. Skull: basal length 78; greatest length 88; greatest breadth 54; interorbital breadth 23; palate length from gnathion 41 ; palate breadth betAveen outer corners of ?ii 30. flab. Tsu-shima Islands. Type : B.M. 91. 10. 14. 3, collected at Kamoze, April 17, 1891, by Mr. P. A. Hoist. XIX. On a new Gazelle from Central Arabia. By OLDFIELD THOMAS. SUEGEON LlEUT.-COLONEL A. S. G. JAYAKAE, of Muscat, to whom our knowledge of the fauna of South-eastern Arabia is largely due, has recently sent to the British Museum a further consignment of mammals, collected within the last two years. Besides the Oman specimens, all of which belong to species recorded in my paper on the mammals of that district*, there are several skins of a Gazelle received by Dr. Jayakar from Nejd, in the interior of Arabia, and these prove to represent a most distinct form from any previously known. It may be called Gazella marica, sp. n. Size about as in G. dorcas. Colour of head very much as in G. hptoceros and Loderi that is to say, with the usual gazelline face- markings almost obsolete. The central and lateral dark bands of the face are of about the general body- colour, and very slightly defined from the paler bands between them. In the middle line the central dark band, such as it * P. Z. S. 1894, p. 448. new Gazelle from Central Arabia. 163 is, barely reaches to the level of the anterior canthus, the whole forehead, over an area roughly corresponding to the frontal bones, being white. Ears long, their backs uniformly pale fawnish white. Body pale fawn, of about the tint of G. dorcaSj much paler than in the dark G. muscatensis. Pale lateral band scarcely visible ; dark lateral band and pygal band pale brown, little marked, scarcely darker than the dorsal colour. Limbs whitish or very pale fawn through- out ; distinct knee-tufts present. Skull of about the size and proportions of that of G. dorcas, but the nasals are longer and the premaxillae shorter; the nasal opening is consequently shorter and also broader. Posteriorly the nasals are more broadly rounded. Bullae much inflated. Horns unfortunately not perfectly describable, as in the only old male they have had their ends cut off, and the type is rather immature. So far as can be seen, however, they are of a somewhat lyrate shape, short, not very strongly curved backwards, and with their ends turned inwards towards each other. Female with horns of the usual proportions. As to measurements, the distance from the calcaneum to the tip of the hoof round the curve is 305 millim., the same measurement in G. muscatensis being about an inch less. The ears, moistened, are about 135 millim. from notch to tip. Skull of the type : basal length 150 millim. ; greatest length 167; greatest breadth 77; nasals, length 57, breadth 22 ; nasal opening 42 x 24 ; gnathion to orbit 88 ; gnathion to front of tooth-row 36 ; palate length 86. The horns of the type are just 200 millim. (8 inches) in length round the curve outside, and, judging from comparison with the older specimen, would have probably become about a couple of inches longer. Hob. Nejd, Central Arabia. Type Brit. Mus. 97. 1. 14. 5. Dr. Jayakar says in his letter : " Among the mammals are four Keem Gazelles from the Nejd desert, and one from Dahireh, the north-western district of Oman. It is probable that the species extends down to the desert behind Oman, as that is continuous with the Nejd desert." No described species really needs any detailed comparison with G. marica, which differs from nearly all known Gazelles by its obsolete face- markings. Of the few species similarly pale-faced, G. leptoceros and Loderi are much larger and have wholly different elongate horns, and G. gutturosa, sub- gutturoscij and picticaudata have hornless females. 164 Col. C. Swinhoe on new Eastern Heterocera. XX. New Eastern Heterocera. By Col. C. SWINHOE, M.A., F.L.S. Fam. Sphingidae. Genus PHYLLOSPHINGIA, nov. J . Palpi broadly scaled, upturned, and not reaching vertex of head, which has a somewhat pointed crest ; antennae fasci- culate ; thorax with sharp dorsal crest. Fore wing long and narrow, outer margin oblique, evenly and deeply crenulate, hinder angle lobed and the inner margin excised before it. Hind wing with the costa excised to middle, then produced upwards to a lobe ; outer margin deeply and evenly crenu- late ; veins 6 and 7 from upper angle. Allied to Cypa, Walker, and Degmaptera, Hampson j differs from the former in the broadly scaled palpi, the evenly crenulate outer margins, and the excised lobed costa of hind wing ; from the latter in the broadly scaled palpi, the evenly crenulate outer margin, the less excised inner margin of fore wing and costa of hind wing : and from both in veins 6 and 7 of hind wing being from angle of cell. Type P. perundulans mihi. 1. PnyllospMngia perundulans^ sp. n. . Eosy chestnut-brown; shaft of antennse, upperside of palpi, top of head, and a thin dorsal band on thorax dark brown. Fore wings with the costa dark brown, broadly brown on the basal third, and with some brown marks on the apical third, from whence to the apex there are some whitish suffusions ; the disk crossed by three or four very indistinct brown lines ; a dark and bright chestnut band on fascia from the middle of the cell, broad and lobed beneath the outer half of the median vein, and haHway outwards beneath vein 4, and another similar fascia nearly joining it from the outer margin below the apex, its upperside limited by the whitish apical suffusion. Hind wings coloured like the fore wings, with indications of faint transverse bands. Underside brighter chestnut- colour, the white suffusions near the costa towards the apex being developed into white bands ; the hind wings brighter coloured than the fore wings, being of a red-chestnut, with a rosy- white band before the middle. Expanse of wings 4/Q inches. Jaintia Hills. Col. C. Svvinhoe on new Eastern Heterocera. 165 Fam. Notodontidae. Genus EUPLEXIDIA, nov. iv. p. 107.) Numeria pulveraria. Phal. Geometra pulveraria, Linn. x. 521 ; Clerck, Icon. pi. v. figs. 6, 9. Metrocampa pulveraria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 112. Numeria japonica, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 418. A fine series in Fryer's collection under the name N. japonica. My native collector obtained specimens at Gensan in July and also in the island of Kiushiu. I received one example from Chang-yang taken in July. The specimens from Gensan and Kiushiu are very small. Distribution. Europe ; Ural ; Altai ; Amur ; Japan ; Kiushiu; Corea. Genus ENDROPIOIDES. (Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 463 (1894).) Endropioides abjecta. Endropia abjecta, Butl. Ann..& Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 371 (1879). Endropia Snelleni. Hedem. Horae Soc. Ent. RQSS. xvi. p. 46, pi. x. fig. 1 (1881). A fine series from Yokohama, Fujisan, Gifu, and Yesso in Fryer's collection. Snellenij Hedem., is certainly a dark form of E. abjecta, Butl. The species is variable as regards coloration, and ranges from dark reddish brown through pale reddish brown to a pale whity brown with reddish-brown outer margins. In some of the dark specimens the wings are unicolorous ; in others the basal area of primaries is paler. Meyrick (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 112) places Snelleni in Metrocampa and considers it synonymous with indictinaria, Brem. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Askold. Genus EPHORIA. (Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 109.) Ephoria arenosa. Epione arenosa. Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 46, pi. xxxv. fig. 1 (1878). Ephoria arenosa, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 109. 202 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera There was a fine series from Oiwake and one specimen from Yesso in Fryer's collection. Butler's type was from Hakodate. Distribution. Amur (Graeser) ; Japan; Yesso. Ephoria leda. Epione leda, Butl. III. Typ. Lep. Het. iL p. 46, pi. xxxv. fig. 5 (1878) (.<*) Epione strenioides, Butl. /. c. fig. ( $ ). Epione lachrymosa, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 402 (var. <$). Epione ossea, Butl. /. c. (var. $ ). Calcaritis Oberthuerii, Butl. op. cit. p. 597 (var. $). Therapis straminea, Butl. op. cit. p. 401 (var. $ ). There was a fine series of each sex of this species from Ohoyama and Nikko in Fryer's collection, including examples of the forms lachrymosa and ossea. I have received a male which approaches the strenioides form from Chang-yang and a female of the same form from Chia-ting-fu, both taken in July. Distribution. Japan ; Central and Western China. Ossea an.d Oberthuerii appear to be forms of the female, and lachrymosa a form of the male, while straminea is a modification of the ossea form in which all the transverse lines are absent. Genus SCARDAMIA. (Guen. Phal. i. p. 89 (1857).) Scardamia metallaria. Scardamia metallaria, Guen. Phal. i. p. 89 (1857). Laginia bractearia, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xx. p. 245 (1860). Scardamia aurantiacaria, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 72, pi. vi. fig. 15 (1864). Scardamia taprobanes, Feld. Reise Nov. pi. cxxiii. fig. 2 (1875). Appears to be plentiful in the island of Kiushiu. I met with it at Nagasaki and in the province of Satsuma, and have received it from Gensan in Corea. In Western China it occurs at Moupin and in the pro- vince of Kwei-chow; and in Central China at Ichang and Chang-yang. Distribution. Central and Western China ; Japan ; Corea ; Eastern Siberia ; India ; Ceylon ; Java. Scardamia obliquariaj sp. n. Similar to S. metallaria, Guen., but the first transverse line of primaries is elbowed above the middle, and the second from China, Japan, and Corea. 203 line is oblique from near apex ; the marginal area is deeper orange than other portions of the wings. Expanse 28 millim. One female specimen taken by myself at Gensan in July. Hob. Corea. Genus PERATOPHYGA. (Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 407 (1894).) Peratophyga cerata. Addalia cerata, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 643. Ephyra grata, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist (5) iv. p. 438 (1879). Peratophyga cerata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 164 (1895). There were specimens in Fryer's collection from Yokohama, and I met with the species at Nagasaki. It occurs also at Chang-yang, Kiukiang, Moupin, Pu-tsu-fong, Ta-chien-lu, and Omei-shan. Distribution. Eastern, Central, and Western China ; Japan; Himalayas. This species seems to vary considerably in size and in the intensity of the markings. Genus STEGANIA. (Guen. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 164 (1895).) ' f ( . , . Stegama.irrorana, sp. n. /^'. Pale ochreous, irrorated with ferruginous. Primaries have the cosla purplish brown, and there is a narrow curved and recurved band of the same colour from one fourth before apex to inner angle ; from the lower curve of this band there is a broad purplish-brown bar extending to the marginal line, which is of the same colour. Secondaries have a narrow purplish-brown band on outer margin. All the wings have a blackish discal dot and a diffuse ferruginous-brown central band, the latter is often interrupted and sometimes entirely absent. Fringes of the ground-colour. Under surface rather paler than above, with similar markings but darker in colour. Expanse 21 millim. I obtained a nice series at Nagasaki in May, and I have received specimens from Ningpo and Gensan. Distribution. Kiushiu ; Corea ; and N.E. China. Allied to 8. bilineata, Butl. Genus SYNEGIA. (Guen. Phal. i. p. 423 (1857).) Synegia pardaria. Anisodes pardaria, Guen. Phal. i. p. 420 (1857). Synegia pardaria, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 170 (1895). 204 Mr. J. II . Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Occurs at Chang-yang, Moupin, and Omei-shan. Distribution. Khasis ; Ceylon ; Borneo (Hampson) ; Cen- tral and Western China. Synegia hadassa. Anisodes hadassa, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 400 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 38, pi. L. fig. 5 (1879;. Synegia inconspicua, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 412. Syntaracta hadassa, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 408 (1894). Both forms of this species occur commonly in the islajid of Kiushiu. There was one example of the inconspicua form in Fryer's collection, and I received one specimen of the same form from Yokohama, several from Hakone, and one from Chang-yang. In the series from Kiushiu there are forms connecting the type and inconspicua^ and others which are broadly suffused with leaden grey. Distribution. Japan ; Kiushiu ; Central China. Synegia omissa. Syntaracta omissa, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 409 (1894). One example from Chow-pin-sa, Western China. I have also received it from the Loochoo Islands and from Kiushiu ; and there was a specimen in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Loochoo Islands ; Japan; Western China. Synegia esther. Synegia esther, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 411. There were several specimens in Fryer's collection. I have also received examples from Chang-yang, Omei-shan, and the island of Kiushiu. The Chinese specimens are lighter in colour and the trans- verse lines are narrower and not diffused. Distribution. Japan; Kiushiu; Central and Western China. Synegia[rosearia, sp. n. ./^ ^ Male. Primaries yellowish ; basal half freckled with rosy and traversed by a violet-grey band, which is elbowed below costa ; the outer half has a broad violet-grey band, from the inner edge of this there is a suffusion of the same colour towards the base of the wing and a diffuse projection towards the middle of outer margin ; a violet-grey streak from apex almost touches the band, and there are some marks of the same colour towards inner angle. Secondaries yellowish; basal patch violet-grey; beyond, the wing is traversed by from China, Japan, and Corea. 205 more or less confluent rosy waved lines, and the outer margin has a diffuse violet-tinged rosy band. Under surface pale whity brown, with the markings of upperside reproduced in dusky violet-grey. Female. The discal area of primaries is more suffused with violet-grey. Expanse, ^ 31, ? 34 millim. One male specimen from Ichang, a male from Omei-shan, and a female from Moupin : June and July. Hob. Central and Western China. Genus SELENIA. (Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 292 (1816).) Selem'a tetralunaria. Geometra tetralunaria, Hufn. Berl. Mag. iv. p. 506 (1769). Selenia illustraria, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 293 ; Guen. Phal. i. p. 154. Selenia tetralunaria, var. astiva, Staud. Cat. p. 157,=var. A, Guen. /. c. p. 155. My native collector took a female specimen of the typical form at Hakodate in June, and I captured four examples of var. cestiva at that place in August. Distribution. Europe ; Yesso. Selenia pallidaria. Selenia pallidaria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 43 (May 1891). There was one female specimen from Yesso in Fryer's collection. Hob. Yesso. Selenia adustaria. (PI. VII. fig. 7.) Selenia adustaria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 42 (May 1891). Selenia adustaria, var.y*wsca, Leech, I. c. Three specimens from Yesso in Fryer's collection. One of these is probably an individual of the second brood. Hob. Yesso. Selenia sordidaria, sp. n. Very pale whity brown, irrorated and marked with brownish on costa of primaries ; all the wings have two thin brownish transverse lines. Under surface as above, but there is an ochreous lunular patch freckled with brownish on apex of primaries, and the area of secondaries between the outer line and the base of the wing is tinged with ochreous and Ann. & Mag. N. Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xix. 15 206 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera speckled with brownish ; discal spots black, that on primaries linear. Expanse 48 millim. One male specimen from Ichang, April. Hob. Central China. Selenia (?) crenularia, sp. n. Pale primrose-yellow. Basal area of primaries pinkish on the costa and limited by a dingy olive band with irregular edges, commencing as a brown spot on costa ; there are some marks of the same colour within the band ; beyond there is an interrupted macular, dingy olive band, the costal spot brown ; the outer marginal area is limited by a pink line and suffused on the lower portion with the same colour. Secondaries have a dark discal spot, and the outer marginal area agrees with that of the primaries. The outer margins of all the wings are highly crenulate, and the fringes are olive. Under surface similar to the upperside, but the yellow is brighter and the secondaries are sprinkled with pinkish on costa, and the abdominal area is whitish. Antennae with short ciliaa. Expanse 50 millim. One male specimen from Ta-chien-lu, May. Hob. Western China. Selenia (?) bilinearia, sp. n. Whity brown, with a faint tinge of pink. Primaries have two oblique dark .transverse lines the first is angulated on costa, edged inwardly with whitish, and limits the brownish basal area ; the second line traverses an irregular brownish band and is outwardly edged with whitish ; the outer margin is clouded with brownish below apex and above inner angle, and there are some smaller marks of the same colour between the clouds. Secondaries have a dark transverse line agreeing with the outer one of primaries, and the ground-colour is obscured with brownish, except on costal and submarginal areas. Fringes of the ground-colour suffused and chequered with darker. Under surface : primaries bright yellow, paler on costa and inner margin there are two transverse lines as above; secondaries paler, with two dark transverse lines approximating on inner margin. Expanse 36 millim. One male specimen from Chang-yang, June. Hab. Central China. from China, Japan, and Gorea. 207 Genus PERICALLIA. (Steph. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 223 (1895).) Pericallia distans. Hygrochroa distans, Warren, Novit. Zool. ii. p. 143 (1895). There was a specimen from Yesso in Fryer's collection. Mr. Smith took a male specimen at Hakone in August, and my native collector obtained one in the island of Kiushiu. I received one female from Omei-shan, taken in July. In the Chinese example the transverse line is blacker and more conspicuous than in the Japanese specimens. The Kiushiu specimen is only 32 millim. in expanse. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Kiushiu ; Western China. P. distans is very close to P. syringaria from Europe, and is possibly only an Asiatic form of that species. It may be referable to P. parva, Hedem.*, from Amurland. Pericallia marmorataria, sp. n. (PI. VI. fig. 15.) Greyish-white, with a faint pinkish tinge. Basal patch of primaries reddish-grey, clouded with darker and limited by a whitish grey-edged curved line; central line deep brown, acutely angled below costa, slightly curved to first median fork, where it passes through a violet- brown cloud, then oblique to inner margin ; between the central line and the whitish apex of the wing there is a grey-brown patch on costa intersected by a whitish stripe, and from the lower end of this last a thin brown curved line runs to a grey-brown cloud on inner margin. Secondaries are traversed by two brown lines, the outer one very fine and dotted with blackish on the nervules ; beyond, the outer marginal area is clouded and suffused with greyish brown and traversed by a wavy line of the ground-colour. Fringes brown. Under surface : colour as above ; primaries have a brownish basal patch and a diffuse central line, the last is slightly angulated below costa and followed by a brownish patch, which is intersected by a whitish streak that unites with a whitish submarginal line, the lower end of the submarginal line is bordered by a brownish cloud, and there is another cloud of the same colour on the middle of outer margin ; secondaries clouded with brownish at the base, discoidal spot blackish, other markings correspond with those of upperside, but the abdominal por- tion of central line is reddish brown. Expanse 40 millim. * Horse Soc. Ent. Ross. xvi. p. 45 (1881). 15* 208 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera One male specimen from Chang-yang, July. Hob. Central China. This species is very similar to P. syringaria, Linn., in colour and approaches the Japanese P. distans, Warren. Pericallia productaria, sp. n. Light brown, striated and clouded with darker. Primaries have a brownish subbasal line elbowed below costa and a central brown fascia, the outer edge of the latter is blackish and has an obtuse projection extending to the indistinct pale submarginal line ; costa and outer margin with paler patches tinged with lilacine. Secondaries have a central fascia which appears to be a continuation of that on primaries, but the projection on outer edge is less pronounced and there are two indentations below it. All the wings have a black discal spot, that on primaries rather linear. Fringes crenu- late, brown marked with paler, and preceded by a brown line. Under surface ochreous, striated with reddish brown ; all the wings have a blackish discal spot and a purplish-brown cen- tral line, the latter, on secondaries, is bordered with purplish towards abdominal margin ; there is a dusky transverse shade on primaries from costa to median nervure. Vertex of head whitish. Expanse 36 millim. One male specimen from Wa-shan, May. Hob. Western China. Allied to P. albifronsj Moore. Pericallia olivaria, sp. n. Pale brown, striated and suffused with olivaceous ; be- yond the black discal spot there is an olive band crossing all the wings, the inner edge of this band is diffuse and the exterior elbowed below costa of primaries and obtusely angled on secondaries ; there are indications of a pale wavy submarginal line on each wing intersecting an olivaceous cloud towards the inner and anal angles respectively ; the apex of primaries and outer angle of secondaries are also clouded with olivaceous ; secondaries have a blackish discal spot and there is a dark olive spot in the middle of submar- ginal line and a curved one at the costal end of the same line. Under surface yellow, powdered with reddish on inner area of primaries ; outer marginal area of all the wings brownish, clouded with yellow towards apex and outer angle, and with greyish white towards inner and anal angles, the limiting line is dark brown edged outwardly with whitish. from China, Japan, and Gorea. 209 Expanse 40-42 millim. Four male specimens from Moupin, July. Hob. Western China. Pericallia crenularia^ sp. n. Brown tinged with lilacine. Primaries have a subbasal dusky line, curved towards costa and again towards inner margin; a concolorous central fascia outlined in brownish, the inner edge almost straight and the outer edge obtusely angled below costa and then inwardly oblique ; submarginal line interrupted, most distinct towards costa. Secondaries have a dusky, waved, central line, edged inwardly with brownish and preceded by an obscure brownish shade and discal spot ; submarginal line indistinct. Under surface yellow ; outer marginal area limited by a strong blackish line. Fringes brown, crenulate. Vertex of head pure white. Expanse 40 millim. One male specimen from Omei-shan, July. Hob. Western China. Pericallia latimarginaria, sp. n. Pale brown. Primaries : basal area suffused with darker and limited by a curved, wavy, blackish line ; outer line blackish, parallel with outer margin as far as third median nervule, then turned inwards and curved from second to first median riervule, from which point it runs almost straight to inner margin, this line traverses a brownish shade which tapers from inner margin to costa ; there is a brownish cloud on the outer margin below apex, and the space between this and the transverse shade is tinged with pinkish. Secondaries have the outer half brownish, tinged with pinkish towards margin, and traversed by a bidentate blackish line. All the wings have a black discal spot and an ill-defined, shaded, pale submarginal line. Under surface yellow ; outer mar- ginal area clouded with greyish brown, limited by a dark line and marked with whitish at angle of each wing ; discal spots and transverse lines as above. Vertex of head white. Expanse 36-40 millim. Several specimens of each sex from Chang-yang and from Moupin, June and July. Hob* Central and Western China. Pericallia variaria, sp. n. Pale greyish- brown, tinged with pinkish, freckled with fuscous and clouded with the latter colour, especially on the 210 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera basal area of secondaries and between the transverse lines of primaries. There are two transverse lines on primaries : the first is blackish, elbowed below costa, and slightly indented above inner margin ; the second is rather oblique, double, except at each extremity, enclosing a paler area ; beyond the second line there is a blackish quadrate blotch, the centre of which is filled in with pinkish ; discal spot black. Second- aries have a black discal spot and an olivaceous crenulate band ; submarginal band serrated, blackish, but not well- defined towards costa. Fringes fuscous, tinged with oliva- ceous. Under surface violet-grey, clouded and suffused with fuscous ; primaries have a dusky band, elbowed below costa, before the middle, and a ferruginous-brown band bordered with darker beyond the middle; the space between these bands is marked with creamy white; submarginal line whitish ; a broad and diffuse ferruginous patch extends from black discal spot to submarginal line, which it obscures at this point ; secondaries have the basal area marked with creamy white : the transverse band appears to be a con- tinuation of the outer one on primaries ; submarginal band as above but dusky in colour. Outer margin of the wings, especially of secondaries, crenulate. Expanse 36 millim. One male specimen from Chia-ting-fu, July. Hob. Western China. Pericallia testacea. Pericallia testacea, Butl. Trans. Ent Soc. 1881, p. 405. There were several specimens from Yesso in Fryer's col- lection. Fenton took the species at Tokio. Hob. Japan and Yesso. Genus XYLOSCIA. (Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 462 (1894).) Xyloscia subspersata. Hemerophila subspersata. Feld. Reise Nov., Lep. v. pi. cxxv. fijr 16 (1875). Xyloscia subspersata, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 462 (1894). {Several specimens from Oiwake and Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I captured a female example at Gensan in July. Hob. Japan and Corea. Xyloscia liangularia, sp. n. (PL VI. fig. 5.) Fale brown, sparingly irrorated with blackish; the basal from China, Japan , and Corea. 211 area of primaries and outer marginal area of all the wings suffused with violaceous brown. On the primaries the blackish line limiting the basal area is biangulate below costa and very oblique from median nervure to inner margin; outer line oblique, blackish, appearing to commence below apex in the undulated and diffuse blackish submarginal line and preceded by a slightly wavy brown line, which limits the outer mar- ginal area. Secondaries have a brown central line followed by a blackish one parallel with it ; submarginal line diffuse, blackish ; all the wings have a black discal dot, but that on secondaries most conspicuous. Under surface similar to above, but the basal two-thirds of secondaries paler. Expanse 37 millim. One male specimen from Chang-yang, June. Bab. Central China. Closely allied to X. subspersata, Feld., but the transverse markings rather different, the outer line on primaries ter- minates on outer margin below the apex ; outer margin of secondaries is slightly crenulate, with a distinct projection above the middle. Genus APERICALLIA, nov. Palpi porrect, densely hairy, extending considerably beyond the frons. Antennae of male bipectinated to apex. Posterior tibiee not dilated, with all spurs present. Primaries have the outer margin slightly concave below apex, angled at fourth vein, thence oblique. Secondaries have the outer margin slightly angled at middle. Venation similar to that of Pericallia. Type A. bih'nearia, sp. n. Apericallia bilinearia, sp. n. Primaries whitish grey, tinged with lilacine and freckled and clouded with fuscous ; the central area is traversed by two dusky-brown, almost blackish, lines : the inner one very slightly curved and the outer one oblique and followed by two blackish spots. Secondaries pale whity brown, pow- dered with fuscous, and traversed by a dark brown line, which tapers towards but does not attain the costa. Fringes brown on primaries, grey on secondaries, merging into brown at anal angle. Under surface ochreous brown, freckled with blackish ; transverse lines and markings generally as above, but the outer line of primaries is followed by a ferru- ginous patch on costa ; the secondaries are whiter and have 212 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera a diffuse ferruginous central band which obscures the trans- verse line. Expanse 36-40 rnillim. Four male specimens and three females from Pu-tsu-fong and Moupin, June and July. Hob. Western China. Genus HETEROCALLIA, nov. Palpi extending beyond the frons, clothed with long hair ; antennse of male setaceous ; hind tibiae dilated, all spurs present. Primaries with apex slightly produced, outer margin obtusely angled at middle. Secondaries with outer margin rounded, slightly emarginate above middle. Venation similar to that of Pericallia. Type H. truncaria, sp. n. Heterocallia truncaria, sp. n. (PL VI. fig. 1.) Whitish-grey, tinged with violaceous, irrorated and clouded with fuscous. Primaries have three transverse dark-brown or blackish lines, the first not always clearly defined, all are curved below costa, and the third is recurved and dentate before inner margin ; following the third line is a fuscous- brown band marked with darker brown below the upper curve, which is also deeper brown ; submarginal line oblique, white towards costa, where it is interrupted and adjoins the fuscous- brown band. Secondaries have three fuscous bands, but these are only well-defined on the abdominal area. Fringes greyish, preceded by a series of black dots. Under surface pale greyish, irrorated with fuscous and suffused on the disk with ochreous ; apical area of primaries clouded with brownish, submarginal line represented by three white dots : secondaries have two diffuse transverse bands, these are brown inclining to blackish on abdominal area, the outer one with a small elongate blackish spot about the middle. Expanse 42 millim. Occurs at Moupin, Ta-chien-lu, Pu-tsu-fong, and Che-tou in July. I received twelve specimens, including both sexes. Hob. Western China. Genus PSYRA. (Walk. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 221 (1895).) Psyra rufolinearia^ sp. n. Whitish brown, with a faint ochreous tinge on the disk and irrorated with fuscous. Primaries have a sinuous red- from China, Japan, and Corea. 213 dish line, dotted with black on the nervures, before the middle ; this does not extend to the costa, where it is repre- sented by a black dot and an oblique reddish line, followed by a series of black dots on the nervules beyond the middle ; there is also a short, interrupted blackish band from just before apex, and a similar one towards inner margin ; the oblique line together with series of black dots are con- tinued on the secondaries, and all the wings have a blackish discal dot and a marginal series of black dots. Fringes of the ground-colour. Under surface whitish-brown, irrorated with fuscous ; outer marginal area with fuscous border, most clearly defined on the primaries ; the secondaries have a dusky central line and two series of blackish dots, the outer series connected by a dusky lunulated line ; marginal and discal dots as above. Expanse 60 millim. One female specimen from Moupin, July. Hob. Western China. Psyra cuneata. Psyra cuneata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxi. p. 483 (1860) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 223 (1895). One male specimen from Wa-shan, two females from Pu- tsu-fong, and a male from Japan in Fryer's collection. Distribution. N.W. Himalayas ; Sikhim ; Khdsis (Hamp- son) ; Japan ; Western China. Genus FASCELLINA. (Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xx. p. 215 (I860).) Fascellina plagiata. Geometra plagiata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Set. xxxv.t). 1601 (1866). Fascellina plaqiata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 226 (1895). I have specimens from Ichang, Chia-ting-fu, Ta-chien-lu, and Omei-shan. Distribution. Khdsis (Hampson) ; Kulu, N.W. Hima- layas ; Central and Western China. Genus LEPTOMIZA. (Warr. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 228 (1895).) Leptomiza calcearia. Hyperythra calcearia, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xx. p. 132 (I860). Leptomiza calcearia, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 231 (1895). One specimen from Moupin, July. 214 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Distribution. N.W. Himalayas ; Sikhim ( Hampson ) ; Western China. Leptomiza dentilineata. Selenia dentihneata, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 228 (1887). Leptomiza dentilineata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 231 (1895). Heterolocha mediolimbata, Pouj. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1895, p. 308, pi. vi. figs. 3, 3 a. One specimen received from Chang-yang, August ; Pou- jade records an example from Moupin. Distribution. Sikhim (Hampson) ; Central and Western China. Leptomiza (?) lentiginosaria. Collix lentiffinosaria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 55 (May 1891). There were some specimens from Yokohama ? and Gif u in Fryer's collection. I obtained examples of each sex at Hakodate in August, and received a female specimen from Chia-ting-fu, taken in July. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Western China. Genus GARJEUS. (Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 623.) Garceus specularis. Garceus specularis, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 623, pi. xxxii. fig. 3 ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 233, fig. (1895). Endropia mactans, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 393 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 30, pi. xlviii. fig. 3 (1879). Gareeusfenestratus, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 404. There were several specimens from Ohoyama and Nikko in Fryer's collection, and I received two examples from Chang-yang and one from Ichang. Distribution. Sikhim ; Japan ; Central China. This species is exceedingly variable both in colour and markings ; in some specimens the hyaline spots are entirely absent. The range of colour is from pale yellowish brown to dark purplish brown. One of the Chang-yang specimens agrees with Hampson's figure of G. specularis , Moore. Garceus argillaceus. Pseudomiza argillacea, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. vii. p. 100, pi. cxxxv. fig. 15 (1889). Garceus argillaceus, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 235 (1895). One male specimen from Chia-ting-fu, Western China, July. Distribution. Dalhousie ; Dharmsdla ; Sikhim ; Shillong (Hampson} ; Western China. from China, Japan, and Corea. 215 Genus NOTHOMIZA. (Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 443 (1894).) Nothomiza formosa. Ellopia formosa, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 47, pi. xxxv. fig. 8 (1878). Several specimens from Yokohama and Gifu in Fryer's collection. I captured specimens in Satsuma in May and at Tsuruga and Nagahama in July. Mr. Smith took the species at Hakone in August. Hob. J^apan ; Kiushiti. Genus HETEROMIZA. (Warren, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend, 1893, p. 405.) Heteromiza sanguiflua. Cimicodes sanguiflua, Moore, Lep Atk. p. 233, pi. viii. %. 4 (1887). Heteromizaflava, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 236 (1895). I have received specimens from Omei-shan, Moupin, and Chang-yang, June and July. Hampson considers that H.flava is a form of H. sangm- flua, but I am inclined to regard them as distinct species. Distribution, Khasis ; Central and Western China. Heteromiza flava . Cimicodes flava, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 233, pi. viii. fig. 5 (1887). One male example from Moupin, July. Distribution. Kha"sis (Hampson) ; Western China. Heteromiza cruentaria. Cimicodes cruentaria, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 616 ; Waterh. Aid, pi. cli. fig. 6. Heteromiza cruentaria, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 237 (1895). One example of each sex from Chang-yang, July. Distribution. Western Himalayas; Khasis (Hampson); Central China. Genus DALIMA. (Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 614.) Dalima variaria^ sp. n. Male. Ochreous-brown, striated with purplish-brown. Primaries have a brownish diffuse band, which is angled below costa and traversed throughout its course by a wavy 216 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera silvery- white line, and terminates in a black quadrate spot on middle of the inner margin ; submarginal band shade-like and obscure: secondaries have two purplish-brown bands, and between these there is an interrupted silvery-white line bordered with fuscous. All the wings have a dusky discal spot ; fringes brown. Under surface orange, sparingly freckled with blackish ; primaries have a black discal spot and a blackish wavy submarginal band, the latter inter- rupted towards costa, where it is represented by a round spot; secondaries have a black discal spot, preceded by a blackish abbreviated band from abdominal margin, and a blackish wavy submarginal band. Antennae as in D. acutaria. Female. Cinnamon-brown; the markings as in the male, but less distinct. Expanse, <$ 52, ? 58 millim. Four male specimens and one female from Moupin, Omei- shan, and Ta-chien-lu, June and July. Var. grisearictj nov. Purplish grey, deeper on the secondaries and outer mar- ginal area of primaries ; there are no purplish-brown striations ; the transverse markings and discal spots are similar to those of the type, but the outer line of primaries is olive-brown. Two male specimens from Omei-shan, July. Var. albomaculata, nov. Primaries ochreous brown, suffused with olive-brown, con- spicuously so beyond the transverse line : secondaries purplish brown. Markings as in the type, but in addition there is a series of silvery-white lunules on the outer margin of primaries and a cloud of the same colour, interrupted by the nervules, in the angle of transverse line. One male specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, July. Hob. Western China. Dalima obliquariaj sp. n. Apex of primaries acute; secondaries have an angular projection above middle of outer margin. Pale reddish brown ; first line of primaries rufous, undulated ; second line indicated by a short rufous streak from costa and another on inner margin ; third line rufous, running obliquely from apex to middle of the inner margin, where it terminates very close to the second line, a short outwardly oblique streak from the costa approaches the upper portion of this line; there are traces of a diffuse, dusky, submarginal band. Fringes darker. from China, Japan, and Corea. 217 Secondaries have two rufous lines and a diffuse submarginal band as on primaries. Under surface orange, speckled with fuscous grey ; outer margins suffused with fuscous. Expanse 52 millim. One female specimen from Wa-ssu-kow, June. Hob. Western China. Dalima ochrearia, sp. n. The apex of primaries is acutely produced and the second- aries have an angular projection above the middle of outer margin. Pale ochreous brown, tinged with pink 7 especially on the outer marginal areas of all the wings. Primaries have three brown spots on costa j beyond the middle there is a transverse yellowish line, sharply angled in the direction of the apex of the wing, and then oblique to inner margin, where it terminates slightly in advance of a dark quadrate spot placed on the middle of the margin ; this line is out- wardly bordered with olivaceous. Secondaries have a trans- verse yellowish line outwardly bordered with olivaceous and an indistinct dusky line nearer the base of the wing. In some specimens there are indications of a submarginal line on each wing. Under surface orange, freckled with fuscous. Expanse 5052 millim. Several examples of both sexes from Moupin; Chia-ting-fu; Wa-shan ; Pu-tsu-fong ; Chang-yang : June and July. The Chang-yang examples are tinged with olivaceous and have indistinct traces of basal and median transverse lines. Hob. Central and Western China. Dalima acutaria, sp. n. The primaries are produced at apex and there is a slight projection on the outer margin of the secondaries below outer angle. Brownish grey, more or less tinged with rufous. Primaries have three short rufous-brown dashes on costa, from the first of which there are indications of a silvery-grey-edged transverse line to the inner margin, and from the third there is a line projected in the direction of outer margin, which, however, it does not reach, but turns sharply inwards and runs obliquely to middle of the inner margin ; beyond this line, which is edged with yellowish, the wing is tinged with fuliginous. Secondaries have two central rufous-brown lines, the inner straight and the outer curved, the latter edged inwardly with yellowish. Fringes rufous-brown. Under surface orange, freckled with blackish ; marginal area of all the wings suffused with dusky and limited inwards by a 218 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera blackish diffuse band. All the wings have a black discal spot on both surfaces. Antennas of male serrate and fasciculate. Expanse 56-64 millim. Two male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong and one from Omei- shan, July. The type described is rather browner in colour than the other specimens ; this is probably due to its finer condition. Hob. Western China. Dalima columbinaria, sp. n. Grey, with a tinge of lilacine. Primaries have two short transverse dashes on the costa arid a transverse line beyond the middle, which is sharply angled below the apex of the wing, and then runs obliquely to the middle of the inner margin, where it is inwardly edged with silvery grey ; discal spot blackish : secondaries have two slightly curved blackish or dark brown lines, the outer edged internally with silvery grey. All the wings have an interrupted dusky submarginal band-like shade. Fringes brown. Under surface orange, freckled with blackish ; transverse markings of upper surface indicated in blackish. Expanse 54-56 millim. One male specimen from Omei-shan and one from Moupin, June and July. Allied to D. vulpinaria, Moore. Hob. Western China. Dalima subferrugineata. Drepanodes subferrugineata, Pouj. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1895, p. 307, pi. vi. figs. 2, 2 a. Poujade records a female specimen taken by M. 1'Abbe* A. David at Moupin. Hob. Western China. Genus AMBLYCHIA. (Guen. Phal. i. p. 214 (1857).) Amblychia angeronaria. Amblychia angeronaria, Guen. Phal. i. p. 215, pi. iv. fig. 9 (1857) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 242 (1895). One female specimen from Wa-shan, May. Distribution. Sikhim; Assam; Ceylon (Hampson); Western China. from China , Japan, and Corea. 219 Genus CEPPHIS. (Hiibn. ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 118.) Cepphis advenaria. Geometra advenaria, Hiibn. Beitr. ii. pi. iii. fig. Q ; Geom. fig. 45 ; Esp. pi. xvi. figs. 1-3. Cepphis advenaria, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 294 ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 114. Epione advenaria, Dup. Le"p. vii. pi. cl. fig. 3 ; Guen. Phal. i. p. 97. I captured specimens at Gensan in July and at Hakodate in August. Distribution. Europe ; Amur ; Japan ; Yesso ; Corea. Cepphis (?) laterinata. Numeria laterinata, Pouj. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1895, p. 312, pi. yi. fig. 13 (=N. lateritiaria, Pouj. Bull. Museum, fevrier 1895). Poujade records a male specimen from Moupin. I have two males from that locality taken in July, and one from Huaiig-mu-chang taken in August. Hab. Western China. Genus HYPERYTHRA. (Guen. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 218 (1895).) Hyperythra khasiana. Calopyrrha khasiana, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xii. p. 221 (1893). Hyperythra phoenix, Swinh., Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, p. 219 (1895). Two males from Omei-shan and a female from the province of Kwei-chow, July. The female has a slight olivaceous tint, but the males are pinkish and yellow. Distribution. Sikhim ; Khdsis; Na"gas (Hampson) ; West- ern China. Genus ANTHYPERYTHRA. (Warren, MS. ; Swinhoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1891, p. 485.) Anthyperythra hermearia. Anthyperythra hermearia, Swinh. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1891, p. 485, pi. xix. fig. 9. One male specimen from Omei-shan, July. Distribution. Kha"sis ; Western China. 220 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Genus CORYPHA. (Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xx. p. 270 (I860).) CorypJia incongruaria. Corypha incongruaria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xx. p. 270 (1860) ; Bull. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. p. 31, pi. xlviii. fig. 6 (1879). I obtained specimens in Satsuma in May and at Tsuruga in July, and my native collector took the species in the island of Kiushiu and at Ningpo. Distribution. Japan ; Kiushiu N. China. Genus AUAXA. (Walker, Cat. Lep. Het. xx. p. 271 (I860).) Auaxa sulphurea. Bizia sulphurea, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 47, pi. xxxv. fig. 10 (1878). Several specimens from Yokohama and Oiwake in Fryer's collection. I took this species in Satsuma in May, at Tsuruga in June, and at Nagasaki and Gensan in July. I have also received specimens from Chang-yang, Omei-shan, and Moupin, June and July. The basal line and discal spot of primaries are variable characters in this species ; in some of my specimens both are absent. Distribution. Japan ; Corea ; Central and Western China. Probably identical with Auaxa cesadaria, Walk., from China, the type of which I have not been able to discover. Genus BIZIA. (Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xx. p. 231 (I860).) Bizia cexaria. Bizia cexaria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xx. p. 261 (1860) ; Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 31, pi. xlviii. tig. 5 (1879). Endropia mibuaria, Feld. Reise Nov. v. pi. cxxiii. fig. 31 (1875). Several specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I obtained the species at Tsuruga and Gensan in July, and Mr. Smith took it at Hakone in August. I have also received specimens from Icharig, Chang-yang, Kiukiang, Omei-shan, Cilia- ting-fa, and the province of Kwei-chow, June and July. Fairly constant in colour and markings, but varies in size. from China, Japan, and Oorea. 221 My smallest male specimen expands 44 millim. and largest female 72 millim. ; the latter is from Chang-yang. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Corea ; Western and Central China. Genus COLOTOIS. (Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 288.) Colotois pennaria. Phal. Oeometra pennaria, Linn. Faun. Suec. 324. Geoinetra pennaria, Esp. pi. xviii. figs. 4-6 j Hiibn. Geom. fig. 14. Colotois pennaria, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 288; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1892, p. 114. Himera pennaria, Dup. Le"p. vii. pi. cxlvi. figs. 1, 2 ; Guen. Phal. i. p. 182. There was one male specimen in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Europe ; Amur ; Japan. Genus ENNOMOS. (Treit ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 114.) Ennomos autumnaria. Geometra autumnaria, Wernb. Stett. ent. Zeit. 1859, p. 361. Geometra alniaria, Esp. Schmett. v. pi. ix. figs. 1-6 ; Hiibn. Geom. fig. 26. Eugonia alniaria, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 291. Ennomos alniaria, Treit. Schmett. vi. i. 79 ; Guen. Phal. i. p. 175. Ennomos autumnaria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 115. A few examples from Oivvake and Yesso in Fryer's col- lection. Distribution. Europe ; Ural ; Amur ; Japan, Yesso. Genus CROCALLIS. (Treit. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 231 (1895).) Crocallis acutaria, sp. n. Frimaries pale yellowish brown, sprinkled and suffused with darker ; a dark brown line inwardly edged with whitish commences on costa near apex and terminates on inner margin one third from outer angle ; a black spot on outer margin in each nervular interspace : secondaries pale brown, slightly suffused with darker within the brownish central line, which becomes indistinct towards costa. All the wings have a dark discal spot, annular on primaries. Fringes brown, paler on Ann. & Mag. N. Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xix. 16 222 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera secondaries. Under surface whity brown, with dark markings of upperside faintly reproduced. Expanse 48 millim. One example of each sex from Chang-yang, July. This species is very like the paler forms of C. arida } which also occurs in China, but the apex of primaries is acutely produced, especially in the female, and the outer margin is not scalloped between apex and the angular projection. The transverse line, too, is oblique, not curved in the least, and starts from a point on costa much nearer to the apex. Hob. Central China. Crocallis arida. Nivhonissa arida, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 394 (1878) 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 31, pi. xlviii. fig. 7 (1879). Crocallis obUquaria. Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 232 (1895). There were several specimens in Fryer's collection from Yokohama and Oiwake. I have also received the species from Kiushiu, taken by a native collector, and I met with it at Oiwake and Nikko in September. My collectors in Western China obtained it at Moupin, Pu-tsu-fong, and Chow-pin-sa in June, but only single specimens in each locality. The Moupin example agrees in colour with the Japanese specimens, but the others are much darker. Distribution. Japan ; W. China. Crocallis (?) acuminaria, sp. n. Ochreous brown. Primaries traversed by two blackish transverse lines, the first almost straight and the second oblique, angled near costa and outwardly edged with whitish ; there is a semihyaline spot on costa extending to angle of second line and intersected by nervule ; discal spot black : secondaries have an incomplete waved central blackish band, a faint discal spot, and a dusky cloud at anal angle. Under surface light brown ; primaries marked as above, but the transverse lines are finer and the second is followed by some blackish dots on the neuration, instead of being edged with whitish : secondaries freckled with brownish grey ; transverse band extends only to discal spot, and there are indications of a submarginal line. Expanse 40 millim. One female specimen from Che-tou, July. Hob. Western China. from China, Japan, and Corea. 223 Genus PACHYLIGIA. (Butler, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) i. p. 442 (1878).) Pachyligia dolosa. Pachyligia dolosa, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 442 (1878) IU. Typ. Lep. Het. p. 60, pi. liii. tig. 5 (1879). Several specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan. Pachyligia modes ta. Pachyligia modesta,B\itL Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) i. p. 443 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 50, pi. liii. fig. 6 (1879). $ . Cymatophora tristis, Leech, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1888, p. 652, pi. xxxii. fig. 8. Several specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. There were two females of this species among Fryer's unidentified insects ; one of these I erroneously described as a distinct species under the name Cymatophora tristis. Some of the specimens are unicolorous, others have a darker central band. Hob. Japan. Genus ZETHENIA. (Motsch. Etud. Ent. p. 34 (I860).) Zethenia rufescentaria. Zethenia rufescentaria, Motsch. Etud. Ent. p. 35 (1860). Zettienia rufescentaria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 102. Several specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I captured examples of the type form at Gensan, and my native collector obtained the species at Hakodate in June. There are two distinct colour-forms of this species j one is of the typical brownish, the ether is pale whitish grey, with space between the inner and outer lines filled in with blackish. I took specimens of this form, for which I propose the varietal name grisearia, at Nagasaki in May and Fushiki in July. There was one example of this form in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan, Yesso, Kiushiu, and Corea. Zethenia contiguaria, sp. n. Somewhat similar in appearance to Z. rufescentaria, Motsch., but darker in colour. The first line of primaries is angulated below the costa j the wavy second line is dotted with black on the neuration as in Z. rufescentaria^ but it is inwardly edged 16* 224 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera with whitish towards inner margin and is preceded and followed by a diffuse fuscous-brown transverse band ; discal spot black : secondaries have a black discal spot and a wavy blackish transverse line, the latter preceded and followed by fuscous-brown bands as on primaries. Underside paler, markings very similar to those of upper surface. Expanse 42-44 millim. Several specimens from Ichang, Chang-yang, Moupin, Omei-shan, Chia-ting-fu, and the province of Kwei-chow : July. Nab. Central and Western China. Zethenia albonotaria. Selenia albonotaria, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 73, pi. vi. fig. 16 (1864). Zettienia albonotaria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 102. Several specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I obtained the species at Nagasaki, Ningpo, and in Sat- sumain April and May. My native collector captured examples at Hakodate in June. One of the specimens from Ningpo and one from Nagasaki seem to agree with consociaria^ Christ. Distribution. E.Siberia; Japan; Yesso; Kiushiu; North China. Genus SELENIOPSIS. (Warr. Novit. Zool. i. p. 462 (1894).) Seleniopsis evanescens. Endropia evanescens, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 404. Seleniopsis evanescens, Warr. Novit. Zool. i. p. 462. There were specimens from Yokohama, Ohoyama, and Nikko in Fryer's collection. I captured the species at Hako- date in August, and my native collector took it in the island of Kiushiu. Hab. Japan, Yesso, and Kiushiu. Seleniopsis grisearia^ sp. n. Greyish white. Frimaries powdered with darker grey ; discoidal spot black, linear ; beyond this, on the costa, is an almost white spot followed by a small blackish cloud : second- aries powdered with darker grey on abdominal margin, especially towards anal angle, where there are traces of two dark transverse lines. Fringes dark grey, spotted with blackish from China, Japan, and Corea. 225 at the ends of the nervules. Under surface brownish grey, tinged with violet ; outer margin of primaries bordered witli violet-grey, costal area striated and powdered with brown, discoidal and costal spots as above, but the latter is surrounded with black ; secondaries are freckled with brownish and clouded with violet-grey below the black linear discoidal spot ; above the anal angle there is a short whitish diffuse line, edged inwardly with violet-grey. Expanse 38 millim. One male specimen from Moupin, July. Hob. Western China. Closely allied to S. evanescens, ButL, and perhaps only a local form of that species. Genus ANONYCHIA. (Warr. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1893, p. 412.) Anonychia grisea. Nadagra grisea, Butl. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1883, p. 172. Onychia grisea, Swinhoe and Cotes, Moths of India, p. 574 (1887). Anonychia grisea, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 178 (1895). I have specimens from Moupin, Ta-chien-lu, Pu-tsu-fong, Wa-ssu-kow, taken in June and July. Distribution. N.W. Himalayas ; Sikkim ; Khdsis (Hamp- son) ; Western China. Anonychia latifasciaria, sp. n. Allied to A. grisea^ Butl. Primaries greyish, powdered and freckled with brownish ; the central band, which is inter- sected by a blackish sinuous line, is broad and darker, espe- cially towards the edges; the inner edge of the band is curved about the middle ; submarginal line diffuse, pale, wavy : secondaries fuscous grey, with a blackish, central, slightly curved line. Under surface fuscous grey ; costa yellowish, freckled with black ; the primaries have a blackish discal spot and a series of spots on the neuration beyond ; secondaries are much freckled and have a discal spot and a series of spots as on primaries. Fringes grey, darker at their base and marked with blackish at extremities of the nervules. Expanse 32 millim. Occurs at Omei-shan, Pu-tsu-fong, Ni-tou; I have one male specimen from each locality : July. Hob. Western China. 226 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera AnonycMa prceditaria, sp. n. (PL VI. fig. 4.) Light brown. Basal half of primaries suffused with fuli- ginous and coarsely striated with blackish ; there is a wavy blackish subbasal line and a curved one beyond, the latter increases in width towards costa, where it is almost black ; limiting the basal half of the wing is a broad fuliginous undulated band, the outer edge of which is outlined with whitish and has an obtuse projection above its centre ; there is a short transverse blackish streak from the costa before apex, and the outer margin is suffused with fuliginous. Secondaries have the basal two thirds suffused with blackish and limited by a pale line, which has a small bidentate pro- jection about the middle; beyond this there is a series of dusky dots. All the wings have a blackish discal spot. Fringes of the ground-colour, chequered with darker. Under surface light brown, with a pinkish tint : primaries have a second line and the broad band of upper surface reproduced. Secondaries have the basal two-thirds limited by a series of black dots, and striated and freckled with blackish. Expanse 42 millim. One example of each sex from Moupin, and two males from Pu-tsu-fong, July. Hob. Western China. Allied to A. mendica, Butl. Anonychia anomala. Cidaria (?) anomala, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Loud. 1881, p. 425. Butler states that this appears to be a tolerably common species at Tokio. It was not represented in Pryer's col- lection, neither did I meet with it in any part of Japan that I visited. I have a specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, taken in June or July, which seems to be referable to this species, but the markings on primaries are more pronounced. Distribution. Japan ; Western China. Anonychia mendica. Cidaria mendica, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 446 (1879). There were four specimens from Nikko and Ohoyama in Pryer's collection. I took one example at Hakodate in August, and Mr. Smith one at Hakone in the same month. I have also received a male from Chang-yang. In the Chinese specimen the outer edge of central fascia is bolder in outline. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Central China. from China, Japan , and Corea. 227 Genus EURYMENE. (Dup. Cat. L<5p. Eur. p. 220 (1844).) Eurymene dolabraria. Phal. Geometra dolabraria, Linn. Syst. Nat. xii. 861. Geometra dolabraria, Esp. pi. 15. figs. 1, 2 ; Hiibn. Geom. fig. 42. Eurymene dolabraria, Dup. L6p. vii. pi. 348. fig. 6; Guen. Phal. i. p. 145. Metrocampa dolabraria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 112. There were four very typical specimens from Yesso in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Europe; Yesso. Eurymene subpurpuraria, sp. n. Pale brown. Primaries tinged with violet on the central and basal areas ; there are three more or less quadrate marks on the costa, and there are some black dots on the third median nervule, at end of cell, and on nervule above. Secondaries have a blackish central band, but this is only distinct towards abdominal margin ; there are some black dots as on primaries : all the wings have an indistinct blackish discal spot. Fringes pale brown chequered with slightly darker brown. Under surface : primaries buff, clouded, except on apical area, with reddish brown, and suf- fused with violet-grey; the costa is marked with reddish brown and whitish ; secondaries clouded with brownish and blackish, the latter confined to the anal and central areas ; a blackish discal spot on all the wings. Expanse 50 millim. One male specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Hob. Western China. Genus PRIONIA. (Hiibn. Zutr. iv. p. 40 : Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 175 (1895).) Prionia paupera. Osicerda paupera, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 418. A nice series in Pryer's collection, taken at Gifu and Oiwake. Bab. Japan. 228 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Prioma rosearia. Prionia rosearia, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 56 (May 1891). I obtained six specimens, including both sexes, in the Snowy valley, Ningpo, April. The first of the central lines is not always clearly defined in some specimens. There is an un-named example of this species, labelled " Chekiang," in the National Collection. Hal. North China. Genus HETEROLOCHA. (Led. Verb, zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, iii. p. 207 (1853) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 179 (1895).) Heterolocha falconaria. Aspilates falconaria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het., Suppl. v. p. 1665 (1866). Heterolocha falconaria, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind.. Moths, iii. p. 179 (1895). Two male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong and one female from Che-tou, July. Distribution. N.W. Himalayas, Sikhim, Punjab (Hamp- son) ; Western China. Heterolocha latifasciaria, sp. n. Closely allied to H. subroseata, but the outer margin of secondaries is rounder in contour. The oblique band of primaries is marked towards costa with dusky spots, as in H. falconaria, Walk., but there is no apical spot as in H. apiciaria, and the band of secondaries is broader and more distinctly purple towards abdominal margin. The markings on under surface are purplish, with a slight grey tinge. Expanse 32-34 millim. Two male specimens from Ichang and one female from Chang-yang, June and July. Hab. Central China. < Heterolocha subroseata. Heterolocha subroseata, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 449 (1894). A long series from Chang-yang, Moupin, Omei-shan, and the Province of Kwei-chow, June and July. In some specimens the upper surface is more or less irro- rated with fuscous, especially on the outer marginal area. from Chincij Japan, and Corea. 229 The markings are subject to modification as regards deve- lopment : sometimes the basal patch of primaries is only indicated by a fuscous spot on costa, and the oblique trans- verse band is entirely absent ; in these specimens, however, the purple patch on inner margin remains. In other examples the oblique band is well defined, but the marginal patch is eliminated. Expanse ranges from 31-41 millim. Distribution. Japan ( Warren ) ; Central and Western China. Heterolocha stulta. Hyperythra stulta, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 370 (1879). A fine series from Ohoyama and Oiwake in Fryer's col- lection. Varies in the intensity and definition of markings. Hob. Japan. Heterolocha notata. Heterolocha stulta, var. notata, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 449 (1894). Male. Primaries straw-colour, irrorated, especially on the costal and outer marginal areas, with fuscous ; basal patch, a band before the discal spot, and one beyond pinkish, the latter attenuated towards costa, and followed by a pink- tinged fuscous transverse cloud. Secondaries straw-colour, paler towards costa and irrorated with fuscous ; beyond the dusky discal spot there is a pinkish band, which does not reach the costa ; a transverse pink-tinged fuscous band before outer margin. Under surface : primaries yellowish, irrorated with pinkish grey, whitish on inner marginal area. Secondaries whitish, irrorated with pinkish grey, yellowish on costal area ; the transverse markings of upperside are reproduced but are not distinct. Female. Kather paler in colour. Expanse 30-32 millim. A number of male specimens from Chang-yang and Ichang, chiefly from the first-named locality, whence four females were also received, June. Varies considerably in the intensity of the pinkish mark- ings. In some examples these are very pronounced, whilst in others they are, to a greater or lesser extent, obsolescent. In one or two specimens the primaries are tinged with brownish. Distribution. Japan (Warren) ; Central China. 230 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Heterolocha fuscofasciaria,) sp. n. Whitish, irrorated with fuscous. Costal area of primaries suffused with brownish, and the basal area with fuscous grey ; annular discal spot and oblique band fuscous grey, the latter commencing before the apex. Secondaries have a fuscous- grey central band. Fringes agree in colour with the bands. Under surface similar to above. Expanse 26 millim. One male specimen from Ichang, April. Hob. Central China. Nearly allied to H. notata. HeterolocJia aristonaria. Hyperythra (?) aristonaria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xx. p. 130 (1860). Hyperythra niphonica, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 46, pi. xxxv. fig. 2 (1878). There was a nice series of both forms in Fryer's collection. I have also received examples of the typical form from Ichang and Chang-yang, and from the Province of Kwei- chow. At Nagasaki I took the species in May, and afterwards met with it at Gensan in June, at Tsuruga in July, and at Hakodate in August. This species is closely allied to, if it is not identical with, H. laminaria, Herr.-Sch., from Armenia. Niphonica, Butl., cannot be specifically separated from aristonaria , Walk. Some of the specimens from Japan have the yellow colour of aristonaria, but the outer portion of all the wings, beyond the second line, is grey, as in niphonica \ in other examples the marginal area is purplish red. The males vary in size from 20 to 35 millim. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Corea ; North, Western, and Central China. Heterolocha rosearia, sp. n. Yellow. Primaries pale pinkish on basal area, there is a tapered band of the same colour on the lower portion of outer marginal area; the costa is finely dotted and marked with black, and there is a pinkish apical spot edged inwardly with blackish. Secondaries have an ill-defined pale pinkish subbasal band, and the outer margin is broadly bordered with pale pinkish, except at outer angle; both this and the band on primaries inwardly edged with dusky. from Chinaj Japan, and Corea. 231 Under surface bright yellow : primaries have the inner margin whitish ; a purplish-red dash at base of costa, a sub- basal cloud, a spot at apex, and a cloud on inner margin near angle : secondaries have a subbasal band and a broad central one; the latter, and also the cloud on inner margin of primaries, suffused with greyish. All the wings have a discal spot of the same colour as the other markings. Expanse 26 millim. One male specimen from Chang-yang, July. Hob. Central China. Closely allied to H. aristonaria. Heterolocha marginaria, sp. n. Sordid yellow, irrorated with purplish fuscous, especially on secondaries. Primaries have a pale purplish basal patch, and a border on outer margin of the same colour, the latter tapers towards apex and has a brownish circular patch on it at inner margin ; discal spot dusky, indistinct. Secondaries have a purplish discal spot and central band. Under surface yellow, irrorated and mottled with fuscous mixed with purplish red : primaries have an outwardly diffuse oblique band from apex, an annular discal spot, and an irregular- shaped subbasal patch, all purplish red; secondaries have a purplish-red discal spot and central band. Expanse 34 millim. One male specimen from Moupin, July. Hob. Western China. Heterolocha quadraria, sp. n. (PI. VI. fig. 8.) Primaries olive-yellow, traversed by two blackish lines, each commencing in a black, more or less quadrate, spot on the costa, the first is almost straight and the second is twice angled below costa, thence obliquely wavy and edged out- wardly with whitish to inner margin, where it expands into a blotch. Secondaries yellowish, freckled with violet-grey and traversed by a band of the same colour ; the abdominal margin and anal angle are tinged with olive-yellow. Fringes of primaries concolorous, except towards apex, where they are dark ; fringes of secondaries violet-grey, except at anal angle, where they are yellowish green. Under surface brownish : primaries suffused with fuscous ; costal and outer marginal areas clouded with yellow ; there are two diffuse dusky bands, corresponding in position with the lines of 232 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera upper surface : secondaries clouded with ferruginous, except on abdominal margin, and traversed by a dusky band. All the wings have a blackish discal spot on both surfaces. Head and thorax concolorous with primaries j abdomen agrees with secondaries above. Expanse 32 millim. One male specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Three male specimens, Chang -yang, Pu-tsu-fong, Che-tou : July. McArthur took a specimen at Narkundah in April. Distribution. Central and Western China; North-west Himalayas. Heterolocha patalata. Heterolocha patalata, Feld. Reis. Nov. pi. 132. figs. 9, 9 a (1874) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 180 (1895). Two male specimens received from Ta-chien-lu, June. Distribution. Rampur ; Kha*sis ( Hampson ) ; Western China. Heterolocha phcenicotceniata. Aspilates phcenicoteeniata, Koll. Hug. Kascli. iv. p. 487 (1848). Heterolocha phoenico-tesniata, Feld. Reis. Nov. pi. 133. tigs. 6, 6 a (1874) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. 179 (1895). One example from Japan in Pryer's collection. Distribution. N.W. Himalayas ( Hampson ) ; Japan (Pryer). Heterolocha grata. Epione grata, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 369 (1879). Gynopteryx lapidea, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 403. There were a number of specimens from Oiwake and Gifu in Pryer's collection, and amongst them examples of the larger and rather purplish-grey form lapidea , Butl. Hob. Japan. Genus VENILIA. (Dup. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 180 (1895).) Venilia triangulum. Caustoloma triangulum, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xi. p. 32, pi. ii. fig. 5 (1886). Oberthiir does not refer to the sex of his type. I have a from China, Japan , and Gorea. 233 series from Ta-chien-lu, where the specimens were taken in May and June. The sexes do not differ either in colour or marking. Hob. Western China. Venilia Oberthuri. ? Caustoloma oberthiiri, Alph. Iris, viii. p. 201 (1895). A nice series, including both sexes, from Ta-chien-lu, Pu-tsu-fong, and How-kow : June and July. Hob. Western China and Thibet. Venilia flavaria* sp. n. (PL VI. fig. 12.) Similar to V. triangulum, Oberth., but the ground-colour is darker yellow, especially on secondaries; the brown marking on primaries is not continued along the inner margin to base ; the band on secondaries is more pronounced and is continued as a short broadish streak along the abdo- minal margin. The dark costal border is uniformly straight, and not inwardly expanded about the middle as in V. tri- angulum. One example of each sex from Chow-pin-sa, and a male from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Hob. Western China. Venilia lozonaria. Caustoloma lozonaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 24, pi. iv. fig. 57. A series received from Pu-tsu-fong, Che-tou, Omei-shan, Ta-chien-lu : June, July, and August. Hob. Western China. Venilia (?) invenustaria, sp. n. Whity brown, faintly striated with pale ferruginous on both surfaces. Expanse 30 millim. One female specimen taken by myself at Gensan in June. Hob. Corea. Genus LOZOGRAMMA. (Stephens, 111. Brit. Ent., Haust. iii. p. 258 (1829).) Lozogramma petraria. Geometra petraria, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 113 ; Esp. v. pi. 49. fig. 1. Lozogramma petr aria, Steph. 111. Brit. Ent,, Haust. iii. p. 259. 234 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Panapra petraria, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 132. Pseudopanthera petraria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 117. Several specimens from Oiwake, Gifu, Nikko, and Yesso in Fryer's collection. A few examples were taken by my native collector at Hakodate and in the island of Kiushiu in June and July, and I have also received specimens from Ichang, Chang-yang, and (Jhia-ting-fu, where they were taken in June. Distribution. Europe; Armenia; Amur; Japan; Yesso; Central and Western China. Genus LOXASPILATES. (Warren, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1893, p. 413.) Loxaspilates obliquaria. Aspilates obliquaria, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 649. Loxaspilates obliquaria. Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 181 (1895). Eusarca subfalcata, Pouj. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1895, p. 312, pi. 7. figs. 14, 14 a. I received specimens of this exceedingly variable species from Moupin, Omei-shan, Pu-tsu-fong, Ta-chien-lu, and from How-kow. Poujade records a female specimen from Moupin. Distribution. Afghanistan ; N.W. Himalayas ; Sikhim (Hampson) ; Western China ; Thibet. Loxaspilates straminearia, sp. n. Primaries pale straw-colour, sparsely irrorated with brown- ish ; there are indications of two brownish transverse lines (one on each side of the blackish discal dot), most distinct towards costa and inner margin ; submarginal line wavy, but indistinct, and marked with blackish above the middle ; fringes of the ground-colour, preceded by a series of blackish dots. Secondaries whitish, with a brownish patch rather below the middle of abdominal margin, and a smaller one near anal angle ; fringes as on primaries. Under surface pale straw-colour : primaries have the basal half of the costal area suffused with fuscous and irrorated with the same colour beyond ; there is an oblique fuscous transverse line marked with black on the costa, and the discal spot is blackish : secondaries sparsely irrorated with fuscous ; the discal spot from China, Japan, and Corea. 235 is blackish and there are two fuscous bands beyond, both becoming indistinct towards costa. Expanse 36 millim. One male specimen from the summit of Omei-shan, July. Hob. Western China. Loxaspilates nigromacularia, sp. n. Whitish, sparsely irrorated with blackish on primaries and fuscous on secondaries. Primaries have two black trans- verse lines : the first is biangulate, and the second inwardly dentate and bordered outwardly with olivaceous brown ; there is a rather large black discal spot; the submarginal line is indicated by a short black dash from costa, a > -shaped mark just below, and a similar mark towards inner margin. Secondaries have a blackish discal dot and dusky central band, the latter becoming indistinct towards costa. Fringes of the ground-colour, preceded on primaries by a series of black lunules. Under surface whitish : primaries suffused with fuliginous on basal two-thirds, markings of upper surface reproduced in dusky. Expanse 34 millim. One male specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Hob. Western China. Loxaspilates (?) trilinearia, sp. n. Primaries brown, with three silvery-white transverse lines each inwardly edged with dark brown ; the first line is slightly oblique, the second is curved and recurved, and the third is biangulate j discal dot blackish. Secondaries whitish, irrorated and lined with brownish on abdominal margin, and suffused with the same colour towards outer margin ; discal dot blackish. Fringes brown, rather paler on secondaries. Under surface whitish, sparingly irrorated with brownish, and tinged with the same colour on costal and outer marginal areas of primaries ; all the wings have a blackish discal dot ; the transverse lines of primaries are faintly reproduced and the secondaries have a dark brown submarginal band. Expanse 34 millim. One female specimen from Wa-shan, June. Hob. Western China. [To be continued.] 236 Bibliographical Notices. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Pub- lished under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. Edited by W. T. BLANFORD. Moths. Vol. IV. By Sir G. P. HAMPSON, Bart. THE present volume completes Sir George Hampson's revision of Indian Moths, the Tortrices, Tineina, and Plume-moths being alone excepted. It comprises an account of the species which represent the largo family Pyralidse in India, Ceylon, and Burma ; and con- cludes with an Appendix of addenda and corrigenda, bringing the previous volumes up to date. At one time the family Pyralidae was represented by a group of so-called " mother-of-pearl " moths which constituted a mere fraction of the supposed tribe Pyralites, whilst other groups, popularly known as " grass-moths " or " honey-moths," were separated as families of the tribe Crambites. Now the whole of these insects are very properly merged into one family, all those previously recognized families which had been distinguished by good structural characters taking their places as subfamilies. Of the more typical Pyralidae many are of remarkable beauty, whilst a great number are of con- siderable interest on account of the almost endless modifications of their various organs, together with the development, sometimes on one part and sometimes on another of their structure, of tufts or brushes of hair, patches of thickened scales, or clear impressed patches, most of these characters appearing to be confined chiefly, if not solely, to the males. Now, although all these secondary sexual characters are very entertaining to the student, they need examining with the greatest attention, inasmuch as not a few of the species scarcely differ one from the other excepting in the position or the colour of some insignificant pencil of hair on a leg or wing ; and, seeing that Sir George Hampson has conscientiously and methodically studied each family, genus, and species, not only in general structure, but having a due regard to these peculiarities, it is a mystery how he can have produced the present volume so quickly after the publica- tion of Volume III. It must be remembered that most of the Pyralidae are very small moths of somewhat complex structure, and, owing to the delicate texture of their wings, it is frequently by no means easy to examine the neuration ; the use of benzine, to render the wing temporarily transparent, often causes it to fold or curl over in such a manner as to make a study of the veins impossible. If the species be a common one, a specimen (from no special locality) may be sacri- ficed, the wings being cleared of scales and mounted ; but in the case of the rarer species the most careful study through a platyscopic lens is necessary. Bibliographical Notices. 237 Perhaps I am mistaken, but it has struck me in running through this volume that this very necessity for close examination into minute details in working out the species of PyralidaB has had what most lepidopterists will consider a beneficent effect, in reducing the long strings of synonyms which are met with continually in the earlier volumes of the Moths. In Volume IV. they appear chiefly in the boldly marked groups, such as Nymphula in the Hydro- campinae. However, in a work which will be an undoubted boon, not only to all collectors in the East, but to all living lepidopterists, it is hardly fair to criticize the author's views respecting the limits of species : if he concludes that the species of certain genera are subject to unlimited variation combined with very extensive geogra- phical distribution, he has, by his unwearied industry, earned a full right to his opinions. Taken as a whole, the four volumes of the Moths of India have, without question, been worked out in so masterly a manner and are so infinitely superior as text-books of families and genera to anything previously produced, that they must necessarily give a great impetus to the study of Heterocerous Lepidoptera. A. G. BUTLEK. The Parasitic Diseases of Poultry. By PEED. V. THEOBALD, M.A., F.E.S. London : Giirney & Jackson, 1896. Pp. xv & 120. THIS little book should prove useful not only to poultry-rearers but also to the scientist and veterinarian. It opens with an introductory chapter on parasites and parasitism in general, at the conclusion of which the author rightly insists on the importance of cleanliness and healthy surroundings for poultry items too much neglected by the majority of poultry-keepers. Por the purpose of description, the Parasites are divided into Animal and Vegetable ; and the Animal Parasites are subdivided into (1) Protozoan Parasites, (2) Insect Parasites (fleas, lice, &c.), (3) Mite Parasites, and (4) Worm Parasites. These are again divided into their natural groups, and under each group the symptoms and appearances of the diseases, the parasites producing them, with their life-histories and mode of distribution, and the means of prevention and treatment, are fully dealt with. The last should be very valuable, especially as it is the outcome of the author's own experience ; it would have been better, however, to have used the term " lime-washed " throughout, instead of, in most instances, the somewhat loose one, " whitewashed." Commencing with Diphtheritic Roup, the opinion is expressed that though there may be three varieties of this affection, it is generally protozoan in nature. Its extreme contagiousness is certainly against this view, and such authorities as Cornil and Babes and Loffler favour the bacterial theory of its origin. On page 6 " Cornet " is evidently a misprint for " Cornil." Ann. & Mag. N. Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xix. 17 238 Geological Society. Passing to the Vegetable Parasites, the author does not seem to be so much at home as with the Animal. They are divided in rather a curious way, viz. : (1) the Dermatophytes, or cutaneous parasites, (2) the Perisporiaceae or " Moulds," and (3) the Saccharo- mycetes. An Aspergillus is described as " formed of thin colourless filaments forming a matted layer or thallus, and a looser mass above, the so-called aerial mycelium." By the inoculation of the spores of A. fumigatus it is stated that" tuberculosis of the liver and lungs takes place.'*' Although the next sentence renders the author's meaning clear, it is to be regretted that the term *' tuberculosis." which is now applied only to a specific disease, should be used in an anatomical sense. The bacterial diseases are not described, as the author considers that they should be separately dealt with. Two appendices (one a complete list of the parasites attacking Gallus domesticus, the other a bibliography) and a good index complete the volume, which is illustrated with many capital wood- cuts. In spite of the blemishes mentioned above, the work supplies a distinct want and will prove a useful guide to the recognition and treatment of the parasitic diseases of poultry. PROCEEDINGS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. December 2, 1896. Dr. Henry Hicks, F.R.S., President, in the Chair. The following communications were read : 1. ' On the Affinities of the Echinothurida?, and on Pedinothuria and Elikodiadema, two new Subgenera of Echinoidea/ By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc., F.G.S. The Author summarizes and discusses the literature bearing upon the Echinothuridae, and brings forward arguments to prove that the family is a member of the order Diademoidea, arid is derived from the Pedinid, members of which are found in earlier rocks than the Corallian, which contains the oldest member of the Echinothuridae, namely, Pelanechinus. He maintains that the extreme flexibility and loose articulation of the plates of the living genera Asthenosoma and Phormcsoma is due to the diminished calcification of the plates, and that these recent genera are extremely specialized forms, and not primitive, the apparently primitive features of the family being secondarily acquired, not primaeval. A description is given of forms belonging to two new genera, described as Pedinothuria a connecting-link between the PedinidaB and Echinothuridae ; and Elikodiadema which has a flexible test, is Miscellaneous, 239 a modified form of Pseudodiadema, and has probably arisen from the adoption of a deep-sea life resulting in diminished calcification of the test. 2. ' On Echinocystis and Palceodiscus, two Silurian Genera of Echinoidea.' By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc., F.G.S. The Author gives a history of the genera Echinocystis, Salter, and Palceodiscus, Wyv. Thorns., redescribes their structures, and discusses their affinities. He concludes that Echinocystis is an echinid and not a cystid ; and that Palceodiscus is an echinid and not an asterid. In order to prevent confusion, he suggests the name Scolocystis for a true cystid which was described by Hall as Echinocystis, some years after the latter name had been applied by Wyville Thomson to the fcssil now concluded to be an echinid ; and also suggests the name of Discocystis for the form named Echino- discus by Worthen and Miiller. In discussing the affinities of Echinocystis, Wyv. Thorns., the two latest diagnoses of the Cystoidea (those of Prof, von Zittel and Prof. Haeckel) are considered, and it is contended that they do not enable us to draw any sharp line of distinction between cystids and echinids. It is shown that the masticatory apparatus of Palceodiscus and Echinocystis explain the origin of that structure in gnathostomate echinids ; and furthermore, it is suggested that Echinocystis renders probable the homology of the so-called 4 calycinal plates' of the Echinoidea with the plates of the valvular pyramid of the Cystoidea, and not with the calyx-plates. The Author gives synopses of the order Cystocidaroidea of Prof, von Zittel, and of its two families, Palaeodiscidse and Echinocystidae. MISCELLANEOUS. To the Editors of the 'Annals and Magazine of Natural History.' The Generic Name of the River Crayfish. GENTLEMEN, It is unnecessary for me to reply to the Rev. Mr. Stebbing at any length. (i.) Reference to vol. xi. of the Trans. Linn. Soc. will confirm the accuracy of my remark as to Leach's treatment of Astacus and Nephrops. I am surprised at Mr. Stebbing supposing that I cited an anonymous article of uncertain date. (ii.) Mr. Stebbing appears to be unaware of rule 2 of the rules proposed by the British Association for zoological nomenclature. What is there said of Brisson applies literally to Gronovius, and the genera of the one author are as good as those of the other. (iii.) Does not Mr. Stebbing know that 1758 has been well called by the most eminent of the exponents of the zoological works of 240 Miscellaneous. Linnaeus " the zoological ab urbe condita of binominal chronology " ? and that before 1890. (iv.) If Desmarest had not said that Leach's Potamobius was a river-crab one might have ascribed Potamobius apud Samouelle to Leach : but as it is, Samouelle must take the responsibility for his ill-advised method of using Leach's MSS. (v.) Mr. Stebbing has no right to lead us to suppose that Pota- mobius was not preoccupied ; he shows himself to be incapable of recognizing the name when it is absolutely forced under his eyes, for he says of Desmarest that he " would probably have accepted Leach's Potamobius had he ever heard of it," and that after I had quoted a sentence of Desmarest passing an opinion on the value of that very name. So entranced has Mr. Stebbing been by the details of my autobiography, that he has missed the kernel of my argument. (vi.) How one text-book can copy another either peacefully or otherwise I know not ; but. if Mr. Stebbing means to gibe at Huxley, Milne-Edwards, Carus, Glaus, Gegenbaur, Hertwig, and Boas, he has been guilty of an offence of which I hope he has already repented. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, F. JEFFBEY BELL. A Gigantic Cephcdopod on the Florida Coast. By A. E. VERKILL. Mr. R. P. Whitfield has forwarded to the writer the following letter from Dr. Webb to Mr. J. A. Allen, dated St. Augustine, Fla., Dec. 8th, 1896 : " You may be interested to know of the body of an immense Octopus thrown ashore some miles south of this city. Nothing but the stumps of the tentacles remain, as it had evidently been dead for some time before being washed ashore. As it is, however, the body measures 18 feet in length by 10 feet in breadth. Its immense size and condition will prevent all attempts at preservation. I thought its size might interest you, as I do not know of the record of one so large." The proportions given above indicate that this may have been a squid-like form, and not an Octopus. The " breadth " is evidently that of the softened and collapsed body, and would represent an actual maximum diameter in life of at least 7 feet, and a probable weight of 4 to 5 tons for the body and head. These dimensions are decidedly larger than those of any of the well- authenticated New- foundland specimens. It is, perhaps, a species of Architeuthis. Professor Steenstrup recorded many years ago a species of this genus (A. dux}*, taken in 1855 in the West-Indian seas ; but his example was much smaller than the one here recorded. Amer. Journ. Sci., January 1897, p. 79. * See Trans. Connecticut Acad. vol. v. ; also Report U.S. Fish Com. for 1879, p. 61, pi. xii. tig. 4. On Lepidoptera Heterocera from China, &e. 297 Appen dicu lar Skeleto n . Resting upon the rim of chondrocranium which projects behind the occipital border of the cranial shield is a single pair of large supratemporal plates, each tapering towards the middle line, and from beneath this shield there emerges behind a pair of still larger post-temporal plates marked with small pittings, apparently of the sensory canal-system, near its outer border (Brit. Mus. no. P. 6908 a). There is nothing worthy of remark in the imperfectly known pectoral arch which these elements support, and the number of the pectoral basals still remains to be discovered. There are, however, several good portions of pectoral fins, and when viewed from below these exhibit the slightly lobate form of the appendage (e.g. no. P. 6908 c). The slender anterior fulcra seem to have fused with the foremost ray, and this is hence remark- ably stout ; at its upper end it exhibits a very large concave articular facette. The hindermost rays of the fin are short and excessively delicate. The pelvic bones are separate, contracted mesially, and expanded at each end, and the small pelvic fin is fringed with conspicuous slender biserial fulcra. The fulcra on the median fins are also large, slender, and biserial, and the tips of a few of the gradually lengthening anterior rays of these fins are successively lost in the fulcral series (no. P. 6909). At the base of these fins, it may be added, the few fulcral scales are simple, not subdivided into two halves. Squamation. The scales are very thin over the whole of the trunk and only appear thickened on the atrophied upper caudal lobs (no. P. 6909). Their exposed face is distinctly rhombic and often punctate or partly striated, but chiefly marked by the concentric lines of growth. [To be continued.] XXXI. On Lepidoptera Heterocera from China, Japan, and Corea. By JOHN HENRY LEECH, B.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. [Continued from p. 235.] Genus RUMIA. (Dup. j Hanipson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii, p. 183 (1895).) Rumia tridentifera. Rumia tridentifera, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 30 (1887) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind,, Moths, iii. p. 184 (1895). Five male specimens and one female received from Ta- chien-lu, Pu-tsu-fong, and How-kow: June. July, and August. 298 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera ffeterocera In one example from Pu-tsu-fong the large spot is only outlined in black, the interior being brownish ; in a specimen from How-kow this spot is entirely reddish brown and rather less in size than in the specimens from Western China* Distribution. Sikhim (Hampson) ; Western China and Thibet. Rumia trimacularia, sp. n. (PL VI. fig. 9.) Male. Pale yellow. Primaries have a reddish patch at the base, an oblong one on costa extending to median ner- vure and enclosing a lunule, and a square one at apex ; there are two indistinct wavy transverse lines, the first com- mencing in a reddish dot on costa, and the second from inner edge of the apical patch. Secondaries have a blackish central spot and narrow wavy band. Under surface yellow : inner margin of primaries whitish and the costa tinged with pinkish; there are two blackish transverse lines, but the first one is nearer the base of the wing than on upperside ; discal spot large, blackish ; apical spot reddish, but faint : secondaries have a blackish central spot and submarginal line. The central band of secondaries shows through on the under surface, antNbe basal line on under surface of primaries and the submarginal of secondaries are each more distinct than on the upper surface. Expanse 50-56 millim. Female deeper yellow, apical patch of primaries absent. Six male specimens and five females received from Moupin, Che-tou, Pu-tsu-fong, Wa-ssu-kow, Ta-chien-lu, and How- kow : July. Hob. Western China and Thibet. Rumia inornataria^ sp. n. Sulphur-yellow. Primaries have an annulation at end of cell and two transverse lines on outer marginal area. Secondaries have a discal dot, a central band, and line beyond. All these markings, with the exception of the central band on primaries, are shadowy and indistinct. The costa of primaries is narrowly tinged with pink, and the fringes are slightly tinted with the same colour. Under surface : primaries have a subbasal line, annulation at end of cell, and a submarginal line, all rather clearer than above : second- aries have a central and a submarginal line, but neither are very distinct. Expanse 50 millim. One female specimen from Che-tou, July. Hob. Western China. from China, Japan y and Corea. 299 Rumia sulphurea. ia sulphured, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) vi. p. 123 (18 >0) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. vi. p. 54, pi. cxiv. tig. 6 (1886) : Alph. Kom. sur vi. p. 51 (1892). Alpheraky records one female specimen from the Province of Szechuen, taken in August. Distribution. Sikhim (Hampson) ; Western China (Alphe- raky). Genus CORYMICA. (Walk. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 185 (1895).) Corymica specularia. Caprilia specularia, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 649, pi. xxxiii. fig. 11. Thiopsyche Pryeii, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 393 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 29, pi. xlviii. fig. 2 (1879). Corymica vitriyera, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. vii. p. 101, pi. cxxxv. fig. 14 (1889). Corymica specularia, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 186 (1895). Appears to be common in Central and Southern Japan ; it also occurs at Gensan in Corea and at Chia-ting-fu, Moupin, and Oraei-shan in Western China, and Chang-yang in Central China. Varies a good deal in depth of colour and also in definition of marking. The Chia-ting-fu specimen agrees with C. vitrigera, Butl., which Hampson considers synonymous with C. specu- laria. Distribution. Dhannsala ; Sikhim ; Nilgiris ; Ceylon (Hampson) ; Japan ; China. Corymica gensanaria. Corymica gensanaria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 56 (May 1896). One female specimen from Gensan, taken in July. Hob. Corea. Genus ILICRINIA. (Hiibn. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 186 (1893).) Ilicrinia cordiaria. Geometra cordiaria, Hiibn. Geom. pi. viii. fig. 41, pi. Ixvi. fig. 342. Eilicrinia cordiaria, Hiibn. Verz. Schm. p. 287 ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 111. Eilicrinia nuptaria, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 80, pi. vii. fig. 5. Ilicrinia cordiaria, Hampson, Fauna Brit, Ind., Moths, iii. p. 186. 300 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Efeterocera There were several examples of the nuptaria or pale yellow- form of this species in Fryer's collection. Distribution. South Europe ; Syria ; Kirghistan ; Amur ; Japan ; Yesso ; Kulu. Ilicrinia flava. Noreiajlava, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 233, pi. viii. fig. 2 (1887). . Ilicrinia flava, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Iiid., Moths, iii. p. 187 (1895). There is a specimen in the National Collection from Che- kiang. Distribution. Eastern China ; Sikhim ; Khasis ; Nagas. Genus SPILOPERA. (Warr. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1893, p. 402.) Spilopera debilis. Heterolocha debilis, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 47, pi. xxxv. fig. 9 (1878). Spilopera debilis, Warr. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1893, p. 402. There was a series in Fryer's collection. I took the species at Gensan in July, and 1 have received it from Hakodate. Pratt met with it at Chang-yang in June and July. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Corea ; Central China. Spilopera gracilis. JSndropia ffracilis, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 371 (1879). Paraclipsis ffracilis, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 463 (1894). Spilopera gracilis, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 190 (1895). Several specimens in Fryer's collection. I took examples at Tsuruga and Gensan in July. Hampson considers S. umbrata.j Warr., to be synonymous with S. gracilis, Butl. Distribution. Central and Southern Japan ; Corea ; Kha"sis ; Assam. Spilopera obliyuilinea. Epione obliquilinea, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 229 (1887). Spilopera obliquilinea, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 192 (1895). Five male specimens from Ichang and a female from Moupin, June and July. Distribution. Eastern Himalayas; Central and Western China. Spilopera angularia, sp. n. Yellowish buff, suffused with brownish; outer, marginal from China,) Japan, and Corea. 301 area of all the wings tinged with rosy ; a blackish-brown line commencing one fifth from apex of primaries is acutely angu- lated below apex and traverses both wings, terminating on middle of the abdominal margin ; this line is inwardly shaded with olive-brown and followed at its termination by a blackish patch ; there is a brown annular discal spot on primaries. Fringes brown. Under surface yellow, freckled with violet- grey ; outer marginal area of all the wings clouded with rosy and limited by a violet-grey band ; discal spot on primaries as above. Expanse 31 millim. Two male specimens from Kia-ting-fu, June. Hob. Western China. Allied to Spilopera obltquiltnea, Moore. Spilopera crenularia, sp. n. Apex of primaries pointed, outer margin below apex crenulate to obtuse angle at end of third median nervule ; outer margin of secondaries crenulate, angled about the centre. Pale ochreous, powdered with darker on outer marginal area. Primaries have two transverse rufous lines, the first is angu- lated below the costa, the second is parallel with outer margin and is followed on apical area by an almost square reddish patch with a rosy centre. Secondaries have an oblique rufous central line and an undulated dusky one beyond, but the latter is not clearly defined. Fringes pale brown, marked with darker. Under surface similar to above, but the outer line on primaries is broader and the outer one on secondaries more distinct. Expanse 32 millim. One male specimen from Chang-yang, August. Hob. Central China. Spilopera (?) roseimarginaria^ sp. n. Pale ochreous, clouded with pinkish, especially on costal and basal area of primaries; the basal area of primaries is limited by a diffuse fuscous band, which is angulated below costa ; median band also fuscous and diffuse ; outer marginal area greenish fuscous, tinged with rosy, mottled with blackish, and limited by a fuscous line obliquely angled below costa. Secondaries have a blackish discal dot and an inter- rupted diffuse central band ; outer marginal area rosy, limited by a fuscous line, which is slightly incurved below costa. Fringes fuscous brown. Under surface rather more 302 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera yellow, and the outer area of secondaries is not rosy, but yellow, suffused inwardly with fuscous. Expanse 40 millirn. One male specimen from Chang-yang and an example of each sex from Omei-shan, July. Hob. Central and Western China. Spilopera ? divaricata. Aaathia? divaricata, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 250, pi. viii. fig. 15 (1887). Spilopera ? divaricata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 192 (1895). One male specimen from Omei-shan, July. Distribution. Kha*sis; Western China. Genus CRYPSICOMETA. (Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 463 (1894).) Crypsicometa incertaria. PJiasiane incertaria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 49 (May 1891). Phasiane incertaria, var. suffusa, Leech, /. c. Crypsicometa incertaria, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 463(1894). Several specimens of the type form from Yokohama (?) and Gifu in Fryer's collection, as well as an example of suffusa from each locality. Two examples of the var. suffusa were taken by my native collector in Kiushiu, and I received one female specimen of that form from Moupin, taken in July. Distribution. Japan ; Kiushiu ; Western China. Genus NADAGARA. (Walk. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 193 (1895).) Nadagara albovenaria, sp. n. Pale brown, striated and freckled with blackish; neuration whitish. Primaries have two whitish lines, both oblique; the first is angled below the costa and outwardly edged with dark brown ; the second is inwardly edged with blackish and preceded by a dark brown suffusion ; there is a short oblique blackish dash from apex; discal spot black. Secondaries have a black discal spot and a whitish slightly curved line inwardly edged as on primaries. Fringes pale brown, tra- versed by a line of dark brown, chequered with dark brown on the primaries, except below apex, where there is a blackish spot, and preceded by a dark brown line. Under surface whitish brown, irrorated with fuscous, except on abdominal from China, Japan, and Corea. 303 margin of secondaries ; discal spot and outer line as on upper surface. Expanse 40 millim. One example of each sex in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan. Allied to N. vigaia. Walk. Genus RHYNCHOBAPTA. (Ilampson, Fauna Rrit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 194 (1895).) Rhynchobapta cervinaria. Noreia cervinaria, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 233 (1887). Ekynfhobapta cervinaria, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 194 (1895). Lozogramma (?) Ulineata, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 48 (May 1891). . ^ There were several specimens from Gifu in Fryer's collec- tion. I have also received examples from Ichang and Chang- yang and from Omei-shan. Distribution. Sikhim; Khtisis (Ilampson) ; Japan ; Central and Western China. Rhynchobapta punctilinearia. Nadagra punctilinearia, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 55 (May 1891). I obtained some specimens, including both sexes, at Naga- saki in May, and my native collector also met with examples in the island of Kiushiu. [Tab. Kiushiu. Rhynchobapta flaviceps. Nadagara flaviceps, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 419. Rhynchobapta flaviceps, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 195 (1895). I obtained this species at Fushiki and Tsuruga in July and at Nikko in September. Mr. Manley sent me specimens from Yokohama, and I have received examples from Kiushiu, where they were taken by a native collector. It also occurs in June at Ichang and at Omei-shan in July, but I have only one example from each of these localities. Distribution. Khdsis (Ilampson) ; Japan ; Central and Western China. Rhynchobapta flavicostaria, sp. n. Leaden grey, without traces of transverse bands ; all the wings have a black discal spot ; costa of primaries yellow ; 304 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera fringes yellow. Under surface as above, but fainter in colour. Expanse 27 millim. One female specimen from Ichang, June. Hob. Central China. Genus LUXIARIA. (Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 195 (1895).) Luxiaria contigaria. Acidalia ? contigaria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxii. p. 754 (1861). Acidalia inexactata, Walk. op. tit. xxiii. p. 770. Acidalia tephrosaria, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 643. Luxiaria fasciosa, Moore, Lep. Atk. p s 254 (1887). Luxiaria contigaria, Hainpson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 195 (1895). Bithia amasa, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 405 (1878 ) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 45, pi. Hi. fig. 4 (1879). This species appears to be common in Western China, and all the forms enumerated above are represented. There was a series of ihefascwsa (amasa) form from Ohoyama in Fryer's collection ; I obtained specimens of the same form at Tsuruga and Gensan in July, and my collectors at Chang-yang and in the island of Kiushiu. Distribution. Dharmsa'la ; Sikhim ; Kha*sis ; Mahablesh- war ; Nilgiris ; Ceylon ; Sumatra ; Borneo (Hampson) Japan ; Kiushiu ; Corea ; Central and Western China. consimilaria, sp. n. Whitish, irrorated with greyish brown, most densely on costal area of primaries ; there are three transverse pale pinkish-brown bands on primaries, but the first two are obscure, the third is fairly broad and extends from the apex to middle of the inner margin ; this band is preceded by a series of black dots originating on the costa about one fourth from apex ; there are also indications of a wavy submarginal line. Secondaries have three transverse bands ; the first of these appears to be a continuation of the third on primaries ; the second is fairly broad and is edged inwardly by a wavy blackish line; submarginal line obscure. Fringes whity brown, preceded by a thin blackish line, which is dotted with black at the extremities of the nervules. Under surface whitish, freckled with greyish brown on primaries, especially on costal and basal areas ; all the wings have two transverse , dusky bands and a blackish discal spot. Jixpanse 35 millim. from China, Japan, and Corea. 305 One male specimen from Moupin and one male and two females from Omei-shan, July. Hob. Western China. Closely allied to L. obliguata^ Moore. Perhaps only a local form of that species. Genus KEANANDA. (Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 648.) Krananda semihyalina. Krananda semihyalina, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 648; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 199 (1895). I met with this species at Nagasaki in May, and there were a few specimens in Fryer's collection from Central Japan. Distribution. Dalhousie ; Sikhim ; Kha*sis (Hampson) ; Japan ; Kiushiu. Krananda lucidaria, sp. n. (PI. VI. fig. 10.) Basal two thirds of primaries and half of secondaries diaphanous, clouded with brownish ; outer third of primaries and half of secondaries clouded with purplish brown, except on the outer margin of the latter. Primaries have a velvety black subbasal band transversely intersected by a pale sinuous line ; on the inner margin towards the boundary of the diaphanous area there is a slightly oblique velvety-black bar, this is twice interrupted; there are some pale brown marks on costa before apex and on outer margin below apex ; submarginal band sinuous, pale brown, bordered inwardly with dusky, but suffused below the costal portion. Secondaries irrorated with blackish ; a brown cloud represents a diffuse oblique band terminating in a black mark just before abdominal margin ; discal spot black ; sub- marginal band pale, but not clearly defined. Under surface : basal portion of the wings whity brown, outer portion (except at apex of primaries and upper angle of secondaries) ferrugi- nous brown, merging into ochreous on outer margin of second- aries -j primaries have a ferruginous-brown crescent in the cell, which meets an elbowed transverse line of the same colour ; secondaries have a slightly curved subbasal band, also ferruginous brown. Expanse 58 millim. One female specimen from Omei-shan, July. Hob. Western China. Mag. N. Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xix. 22 306 Mr J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Krananda latimarginaria. Krananda latimarginaria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 56 (May 1891). Trigonoptila latimarginaria, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 441 ( 1894). There were specimens in Fryer's collection. I have also received the species from Nikko and Gensan, July. Distribution. Japan; Corea. Krananda oliveomarginata. Krananda olweomarginata, Swinh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xiv. p. 139. One specimen from Omei-shan, July. Distribution. Kbasis ; Western China. Genus ZANCLOPERA. (Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 441 (1894).) Zandopera strammearia, sp. n. Pale stramineous. Primaries have the base and costa tinged with pale ferruginous, and there is a transverse band of the same colour beyond the middle with some black dots inside it towards inner margin ; this band is continued on the secondaries. Under surface similar to above, but all the wings have a black discal dot, and the transverse bands have black dots on them. Expanse 40 millim. One male specimen from Chang-yang, June. Hob. Central China. Genus MACARIA. (Curtis ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 20] (1895).) Macaria hebesata. Macaria helesata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxiii. p. 931 ; Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. pi. Iii. fig. 1. Macaria sinicaria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxvi. p. 1650. Macaria proditaria, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 81, pi. vii. fig. 7. Macaria maligna, Butl. I. c. pi. Iii. fig. 3. Macaria irrorata, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 440. I have an extensive series of this very variable species, which was common in most of the localities in Japan that I visited, with the exception of the island of Yesso, where I did not see a specimen. Pryer, who had a fine series, seems to have considered that irrorata was distinct from sinicaria y but in his ' Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Japan 7 he states, from China, Japan , and Corea. 307 when referring to sinicaria, "hebesata I believe to be the male, maligna the female." I must confess, however, that I cannot satisfactorily separate the specimens in my series into even two species. The series comprises examples agreeing respectively with each of the named forms, and all these are connected by intergrades ; so that it is not possible to parcel them out into well-defined groups of varieties. It seems most probable that hebesata is the Asiatic representative of the European cestimaria. Meyrick (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 103) places proditaria, Brem., in Opisthograptis. Distribution. China ; Japan ; Corea ; Amur ; E. Siberia ; N. India. Macaria pervolgata. Macaria pervolgata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxiii. p. 930 (1861) ; Hamp- son, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 205 (1895). Two female specimens from Chang-yang, June and August. One male example from Chia-ting-fu, July, and three females from the island of Kiushiu. In one female from Chang-yang the ground-colour is suffused with pale brownish, the discal spot is very minute, and there are no black spots beyond the outer line of secondaries. Distribution. Bengal; Poona (Hampson) ; Central and Western China; Kiushiu. Macaria defixaria. Macaria defxaria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxiii. p. 932 (1861). Macaria zachera, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 405 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 45, pi. Iii. fig. 2 (1879). A common species in Central and Southern Japan. I have received it from Gensan and Ningpo. It also appears to be common in Central and Western China, July. Distribution. Japan; Yesso; Eastern, Central, and Western China. Macaria intermediaria, sp. n. Allied to M. defxaria, Walk., but the ground-colour is more suffused with brownish and the angulation of secondaries is less pronounced ; the angle of third line of primaries is further from outer margin, and below the angle the line is less oblique. On the under surface the outer lines on both wings are more broadly suffused with ochreous. The black spots beyond the centre of transverse band are somewhat similar to the same character in M. defixaria. Expanse, 6 34, $ 39 millim. uu o08 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera One example of each sex from Wa-shan and two females from Chia-ting-fu, July. Hob. Western China. Macaria cacularia. Macaria cacularia. Oberth. Etud. d'Eatom. xv. p. 24. pi. iii. fig. 32 (1891). Occurs at Chia-kou-ho, Chia-ting-fu, Huang- mu-chang : July. I received specimens from each locality. Hob. Western China. Macaria monticolaria, sp. n. Violet-grey. Primaries have three transverse lines ; the first and second are elbowed below costa and near together, but not well defined; the third has an upward angulation below costa, bordered below the angle by a dusky shade and on the costa by a diffuse bracket-shaped mark. Secondaries have two transverse lines ; the first is faint, but the second is double and well developed ; beyond the outermost there is a deep black spot and some scales of the same colour indicating a second spot. All the wings have a faint blackish discal dot. Fringes pale, marked with darker at the extremities of the nervules and shaded with darker towards costa of primaries. Under surface whitish, coarsely speckled with dark brown : there are two dark, almost blackish lines on each wing ; the first is oblique, wavy, and the second oblique and curved towards costa of secondaries ; beyond the second line the outer margin is dark brown marked with ochreous, and there are patches of the ground-colour at apex and towards inner angle of primaries, and between the anal angle and the middle of outer margin of secondaries. Expanse 36 millim. One male specimen from the summit of Omei-slian, July. Hob. Western China, Allied to M. intermediaria. Macaria elongaria, sp. n. (PL VI. fig. 14.) Apex of primaries obtusely produced ; outer margin of secondaries crenulate, with a small angular projection about the middle. Whitish grey, powdered and clouded with brownish. Primaries have three transverse oblique brown lines, com- mencing as spots of the same colour on the costa ; the first is elbowed below costa, the second has a slightly darker discal spot on it ; the third is followed on the costa, below which it from China, Japan, and Corea. 309> is elbowed, by a rufous patch, and has a series of blackish marks, intersected by a thin white line, on its outer edge between the inner margin and the third median nervule ; there is a brownish cloud below apex. Secondaries have two brown lines ; the first is oblique, the second double, curved, slightly wavy, and enclosing a pale line ; there are a series of black specks indicating a submarginal line, and the discal spot is black. Fringes pale at their base, darker outwardly, and preceded by a brown line. Under surface whitish, freckled with brownish, and tinged with ochreons on costa of both wings ; brown transverse lines, except the first of primaries, which is absent, darker and broader than above; the outer one on each wing is followed by an outwardly diffuse band, which does not reach the inner margin in either case, and there are no black marks on that of primaries ; the apical area beyond the outer line is brown, tipped with whitish ; discal spot black. Expanse 44 millim. One male specimen from Moupin, July. Hob. Western China. On the under surface the markings approach those of M. inter mediar ia. Macaria proximaria. Parasemia Pryeri, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 417 (nom. praeoc.). There was a tine series from Central Japan in Fryer's collection. I met with the species at Nagasaki in May and at Gensan in June. It also occurs in Central and Western China in June and July. Distribution. Japan ; Kiushiu ; Corea ; Central and Western China. Macaria shanghaisaria. Macaria shanghaisaria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxiii. p. 926 (1861). Semiothisa (Macaria) graphata, Hederu. Horse Soc. Ent. Ross. xvi. p. 51, pi. x. fig. 4(1881). There were a few specimens in Fryer's collection. I cap- tured the species at Tsuruga in July and at Hakodate in August. This species seems far more closely allied to M. alternata than to M. notata, with which latter Hedemann compares his graphata. I am inclined to think that it may be a local form of the first-named, which occurs in Amurland. Distribution. N.China; Japan; Yesso; Amur. 310 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Graphata, Hedem., is included in the genus Opisthograptis, Hiibn., by Meyrick (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 103). Macaria Pryeri. Macaria Pryeri, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. ^*8-(1879). There were specimens from Yokohama and Oiwake in Fryer's collection, and my native collector obtained a specimen in the island of Kiushiu. Hob. Japan and Kiushiu. Macaria inter sectaria, sp. n. Very near to M. temeraria, Swinh., but the second and third transverse lines of primaries are not sinuous ; the latter is double, enclosing a pale buff line, obtusely angled below costa, and has a small black mark, intersected by the vena- tion, above the middle ; between the first and second lines there is a dusky diffuse band, which is continued on the secondaries ; the submarginal white line commences at apex and terminates just above inner angle ; it is slightly incurved about the middle, and there is a whitish patch in this curve. On the secondaries the white submarginal line terminates just before anal angle ; there is a dusky band on central area, tapering towards costa and marked with black dots on the iieuration. Under surface very similar to that of M. teme- raria, but the transverse lines are not wavy. Expanse 40 millim. One male specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, July. Hob. Western China. Macaria temeraria. Macaria temeraria, Swinh. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1891, p. 492 ; Ilampson, Fauna Brit, lnd. ; Moths, iii. p. 207 (1895). I took specimens at Ning-po in April and at Nagasaki in June, and I have received the species from Chang-yang, where it was taken in July. Distribution. Simla ; Khdsias ; Ndgas (Hampson) ; Kiu- shiu ; Eastern and Central China. Macaria ornataria, sp. n. Pale brownish grey. Primaries have two interrupted dusky transverse lines before the middle, each originating in a brown spot on the costa ; beyond the middle is a blackish fascia extending from costa to just below first median nervule, interrupted by the venation and separated by a line of the from China, Japan, and Corea. 311 ground-colour from a similarly interrupted blackish patch on its lower outer edge ; between this fascia and the apex of the wing there is a brown spot on the costa. Secondaries have a dusky oblique line, which appears to be a continuation of the second one of primaries ; beyond the blackish discal dot there is a blackish patch, interrupted by the median nervules and transversely by a slightly wavy line, which is dusky above and below the patch, but appears to be of the ground- colour in passing through it. Fringes pale at their base, darker outwardly, and preceded by a dusky lunulated line. Under surface fuscous, variegated with silvery white and suffused with ferruginous on apical area of primaries and sub- marginal area of secondaries ; the basal area of each wing is also irrorated with silvery white. Expanse 28 millim. Two male specimens and two females from Moupin, July. Hal. Western China. Genus OPISTHOGRAPTIS. (Hiibn. ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 102 (part.).) Opisthograptis semilutata. Eiibolia semilutata, Led. Sib. Schmett. p. 29, pi. vi. fig. 3. Opisthoyraptis semilutata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 103, Chcerod'es dictynna. Butl. 111. typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 45, pi. xxxv. fig. 7 (1878). Synegia? Fentoni, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 412. Occurs throughout Japan, and I met with it at Gensan and at Ningpo. I have also received it from Chang-yang. Distribution. Siberia; Japan; "Yesso; Kiushiu ; Corea; Central China. This species is exceedingly variable in colour, which ranges from bright ochreous through brownish grey to bright reddish brown ; the markings, however, are fairly constant. Opisthograptis corearia. Halia corearia, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 50 (May 1891). I took two male specimens and one female in June and one .example of each sex in July at Gensan. I have also two males from Ichang. One of the male specimens from Gensan is of a uniform brown colour on the upper surface, except towards apex, where the ochreous yellow of the type form is exhibited. Distribution. Corea ; Central China. Mr. J. ft. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Genus STRENIA. (Dup. L6p. i. p. 112.) Strenia clathrata. Phal. Geometra clathrata, Linn. Svst. Nat. x. p. 524; Clerck, Icon. pi. ii. fig. 11. Geometra clathraria, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 132. Chiasmia clathrata, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 295. Strenia clathrata, Dup. Lep. viii. pi. ccvii. fig. 1 ; Guen. Phal. ii. p. 112. Opisthoyraptis clathrata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 103. I captured specimens at Hakodate, June and July, and at Nemoro in August; there were also a few examples in Fryer's collection from Yesso. Distribution. Europe; Armenia; Altai; Amur; Japan; Yesso. Genus TEPHRINA. (Dup. Cat. L6p. Eur. p. 246 (1844) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 219 (1895).) Tephrina verecundaria, sp. n. Brownish grey, with a slight violet tinge, irrorated with fuscous. Basal area of primaries rather darker, limited by a fuscous line, which is slightly angulated below costa; discal spot black ; transverse line beyond the middle dark brown, curved below costa ; the space between this line and the dusky waved submarginal line, which is only distinct towards costa, is rilled in with darker. Secondaries have a black discal spot and dark brown central line, the latter bordered outwardly with darker. Fringes of the ground-colour, preceded on the primaries by a black dotted line and on secondaries by a series of black lunules. Under surface whity brown, mottled with fuscous on basal two thirds of primaries and half of secondaries, and ochreous yellow on outer marginal area ; the latter is limited by a fuscous line and traversed by a diffuse fuscous band ; discal spot black on all the wings. Expanse 29 millim. Two female specimens from Chow-pin-sa, May and June. This species superficially resembles Macaria fiebesata, Walk.j except that the transverse lines are not angulated. Hob. Western China. Tephrina arenacearia. Geometra arenacearia, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 114. Tephrina arenacearia, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 105. from China, Japan, and Oorea. 313! Eiiboliajlavidaria, Eversm. Bull. Mosc. 1852, p. 162. Tephrina flavidaria, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 104. Diastictis arenacearia, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 103. There were specimens of the typical form in Fryer's collec- tion, and I took examples of \\iQJlavidaria form at Gensan in July. Distribution. Europe; Amur; Corea; Japan. Tephrina capulata. Lozogramma capulata, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 441 (1879). There was a series from Yokohama and Oiwake in Fryer's collection, and I obtained specimens in Satsuma in May. Hob. Japan ; Kiushiu. Tephrina brunneata. Geometra brunneata, Thnb. Diss. Ent. i. p. 9 (1784). Geometra pinetaria, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 130, $ (post 1797), Fidonia pinetaria, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 157. Diastictis brunneata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 103. There were specimens from Oiwake in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Europe ; Altai ; Amur ; Japan. Tephrina fuscaria. Halia fuscaria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 50 (May 1891). Three specimens of each sex, from Oiwake and Yokohama, in Fryer's collection. One female from Ichang, August. Distribution. Japan ; Central China. Tephrina adzearia. Halia adzearia, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 33, pi. iv. fig. 62 (1893). 1 received one male specimen from Moupin, taken in June, and a female from Che-tou, taken in July. Oberthiir records the species from Ta-chien-lu. Hab. Western China. Tephrina (?) flavescens. ? Euboliaflavescens, Alph. Rom. sur Lep. vi. p. 68, pi. iii. fig. 6, rf (1892). Alphdraky records one example of each sex, ^ taken in September at Termine-Bachine, North-western China. 314 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Genus HYPOSIDRA. (Guen. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 212 (1895).) Hyposidra aquilaria. Lagyra aquilaria, Walk. Oat. Lep. Het. xxvi. p. 1485. Hyposidra aquilaria, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind.. Moths, iii. p. 214 (1895). Hyposidra Davidaria, Pouj. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1895, p. 307, pi. vi. fig. 1. I have specimens from Chang-yang, Ichang, Chia-ting-fu, Moupin, Omei-shan : June and July. Distribution. Sikhim ; Shillong ; N. China (Hampson) ; Central and Western China. [I received a series of Hyposidra talaca, Walk., from the Loo-choo Islands.] Hyposidra falcigera. Lagyra falcigera. Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 45, pi. xxxv. fig. 4 (1878). Three female specimens in Fryer's collection from Yesso. Hob. Yesso. Genus POGONITIS. (Christoph. Bull. Mosc. Iv. p. 60 (1881).) Pogonitis cumulata. Pogonitis cumulata, Christ. Bull. Mosc. Iv. 2, p. 61 (1881). Deilinia cumulata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 110. A fine series from Oivvake in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Amur ; Japan. Genus DILINIA. (Hiibn. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 216 (1895).) Dilinia exanthemata. Phakena exanthemata. Scop. Ent. Cam. p. 218. Geometra exanthemaria, Esp. v. pi. xxxiii. figs. 3, 4. Deilinia exanthemata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 110. Cabera exanthemaria, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 55. I took one typical female specimen at Hakodate in August. Alph&aky (Rom. sur L^p. vi. p. 56) records a very damaged female specimen from Ou-pin, Western China; possibly this is referable to the Chinese form of D. jSchaifferi, which I have described as var. sinicaria. Distribution. Europe; Armenia; Amur; Yesso. from China, Japan , and Gorea. 315 Dilinia Schcefferi. Caber a Schce/eri, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 80, pi. vii. fig. 4 (1864). I obtained specimens at Gensan in June. This species can be readily separated from its allies by the distinct yellow bands, which are not in the least serrated. Var. simcana. Pale ochreous white, irrorated with brownish. Primaries have three rather broad, wavy, ochreous transverse lines, the first two elbowed below costa, and the third angled. Secondaries have two wavy ochreous lines. Fringes of the ground-colour. Under surface paler than above ; all the wings have a dusky discal dot and indications of a transverse line beyond. Expanse 36 millim. A good series received from Ta-chien-lu and Ni-tou, June. Distribution. Amur ; Corea ; Western China. Dilinia pur us. Thysanochilus purus, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 404 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 44, pi. li. tig. 12 (1879). There was a good series from Yokohama in Pryer's collec- tion. I took the species at Gensan and Mr. Smith at Hakone in June. Distribution. Corea; Japan. Dilinia conspersaria, sp. n. White. All the wings have black discal and marginal spots. Primaries have three, and secondaries two, brownish macular bands. Under surface white, with black discal and marginal spots and a brownish macular submarginal band ; the costal area of primaries is suffused with fuscous, especially towards the base. Expanse, . 51 (May 1891). Two male and five female specimens, from Gifu and Oiwake, in Fryer's collection. Allied to A. tetrica, Butl., but distinguished by the large white spot on primaries. Hob. Japan. Arichanna consocia. Abraxas consocia, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ri. p. 226 (1880). Icterodes consocia, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. vi. p. 84, pi. cxix. fig. 11 (1886). Arichanna lapsariata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 293 (1895). One female specimen from Ni-tou, July. Distribution. N.E. Himalayas (Butler] ; Western China. Arichanna melanaria. Phal Geometra melanaria, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 525 ; Clerck, Icon. pi. iv. fig. 2. Geometra melanaria, Esp. v. p. 115, pi. xxiii. fig. 1 j Hiibn. Geom. fig. 26. Diastictis melanaria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 104. Rhyparia fraterna, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 53, pi. xxxvii. fig. 9 (1878). Rhyparia askoldinaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. v. p. 52, pi. ix. fig. 11 (1880). Icterodes sordida, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, (5) xi. p. 116. Fraterna , Butl., is a pale form of A. melanaria, and is almost exactly identical with some European examples of the species in my collection. Sordida, Butl., is a dark form also agreeing with some European specimens, and askoldinaria is a form intermediate between the two. Alpheraky mentions a variety of the species from Pei-choiri (Rom. sur Lep. vi. p. 55). ' from China, Japan, and Corea. 437 There were specimens in Fryer's collection from Yoko- hama, Oiwake, and Nikko. I obtained the species at Gensan in June. Distribution. Europe; East Siberia; Amur; Askold; Corea ; Japan. Arichanna confusaria, sp. n, Primaries white; basal area limited by an interrupted blackish band, clouded and marked with the same colour ; the central fascia and submarginal line are also blackish, the former encloses spots of the ground-colour and the latter is macular ; the spaces between the transverse markings are freckled with blackish. Secondaries whitish, freckled with grey before the blackish, wavy, central band, and ochreous beyond it; submarginal band blackish, broken up into spots, of which that nearest the middle is the largest. Fringes of primaries blackish, chequered with white, and of secondaries yellow, chequered with black, preceded on all the wings by a row of blackish spots. Under surface of primaries have the markings of the upperside indicated, and on the secondaries the markings are reproduced, but the outer half of the wing is only tinged with yellow. Expanse, ^ 40-44, $ 38 millim. Two male specimens from Ta-chien-lu and one female from Pu-tsu-fong : June. Hob. Western China. In one male the markings on primaries are brownish, but not clearly defined, and the outer margin appears to have a brownish border intersected by a transverse wavy white line. Arichanna flavovenaria, sp. n. Male. Primaries whitish grey suffused with blackish ; the basal area is marked with black and limited by a black band intersected by the fulvous venation ; discal spot black ; sub- marginal band paler than the ground-colour, followed by a broad black band, which is intersected by the venation and outwardly edged with whitish. Secondaries yellow ; basal area fuliginous grey; there are three rows of black spots, those forming the first row being more or less confluent, but not forming an interrupted wavy band as in A. undularia. Under surface of primaries fuliginous grey and of secondaries as above, but paler in the ground-colour. Female. Similar to the male, but exhibiting more of the ground-colour on primaries above. Under surface of all the wings yellow ; primaries flecked and clouded with blackish ; Ann. & Mag. N. Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xix. 31 438 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera secondaries marked as above, but the basal area is only slightly tinged with fuliginous grey. Expanse, rf 51, $ 54 millim. One male specimen from Omei-shan and a female from Pu-tsu-fong : July. Hob. Western China. Arichanna flavomacularia, sp, n. Primaries black ; venation and costa broadly grey, the latter marked with five black spots, and the former, together with seven interrupted yellow lines, breaking up the ground- colour into macular transverse bands. Secondaries have the basal third grey from costa to anal angle and the outer two thirds yellow ; the latter has a central black spot, an outer series of six large grey spots (the first and sixth of which are double), and a marginal series of seven or eight small spots of the same colour. Fringes of primaries blackish and of secondaries yellow to the anal third, where they are blackish. Under surface of primaries fuliginous grey, with black spots of upperside reproduced ; secondaries as above. Expanse, d 56-60, $ 54 millim. A fine series from Wa-shan and Ta-chien-lu, June and July. All but one are males. Hob. Western China. Arichanna undularia, sp. n. Male similar to A. flavomacularia, but smaller, and the interrupted yellow transverse lines on primaries are less clearly defined. On the secondaries there is a rather broad transverse black band in addition to outer and marginal series of spots ; the blackish basal third does not extend beyond' the limit of waved band, but encroaches further along the costa and encloses the discal spot. Fringes of all the wings blackish. Under surface : primaries fuliginous grey, with a black discal spot and a few yellowish dots beyond ; second- aries marked as above, but the ground-colour is paler. Expanse 53 millim. Four male and two female specimens from Ta-chien-lu, Omei-shan, Pu-tsu-fong, Wa-shari : June and July. Bab. Western China. Arichanna lateraria, sp. n. Primaries grey, with a slight fuliginous tinge; the basal area is spotted with black ; a conspicuously large black spot from Chincij Japan, and Corea. 439 with black cloud above on costa, and four pairs of spots of the same colour below, represent a broad central fascia (the lower pairs coalesce, forming bars) ; beyond these are three trans- verse series of black spots the first is composed of double spots towards costa, the spots of second series are surrounded with whitish, the third series is on outer margin. Second- aries have the basal half grey and the outer half yellow ; two large black spots beyond the central one form a longitudinal series of three between the limit of basal half of the wing and the outer margin ; there is a larger black spot at the outer angle, three others below the outer one of longitudinal series, and a row of smaller spots before the outer margin. Fringes agree in colour with the wings. Under surface similar to the upper surface, but the primaries are more uniform in colour. Expanse 60 millim. Three males, Wa-shan, Moupin, and Pu-tsu-fong : July. Hob. Western China. Allied to A . jaguararia, Guen. Judging from the three specimens under observation, this species would seem to be rather variable in number of black markings on secondaries, as in one example there is a fourth spot above those of marginal series, and in another specimen, which also has this fourth spot, there are, in addition, two spots above and two below the middle one of longitudinal series of three, thus forming a macular band. A richann a jaguar in aria. Rhyparia jaguarinaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. vi. p. 17, pi. ix. fig. 1 (1881).' Arichanna jayuarinaria, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 295 (1895). u One male specimen from Wa-shan, June. Oberth iir's type was from the province of Kwei-chow. Hob. Western China. This is probably only a form of E. jaguararia, Guen., in which the central macular band of secondaries is either obso- lete or only faintly indicated ; the yellow on these wings does not extend much beyond the submarginal series of spots. A richanna jaguar aria. Rhyparia jaguararia, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 198 (1857). Fryer's and I have type was 31* " 440 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera from N. China, and there are specimens in the National Collection at South Kensington from Yokohama, Hakone, Tokio, and Ashi-no-yo. The specimens from Oiwake differ from the typical form in having the ground-colour of primaries and basal area of secondaries whiter, and for this form I propose the varietal name pallidaria. Distribution. Japan ; Central and Northern China. Arichanna GascJikevitchii. Boarmia Gaschkevitchii, Motsch. Bull. Mosc. xxxix. p. 197 (1866). Probably this species is identical with Arichanna (Rhy- paria) jaguar aria, Guen. Arichanna flavomarginaria. Ithypariajlavomarginariay Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 83, pi. vii. fig. 11 (1864). Abraxas flavomarginaria, Graeser, Berl. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 390. Diastictis flavomarginaria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 104. Several specimens were captured by my native collector at Gensan in July. I have also received the species from Chang- r ang, Moupin, and the province of Kwei-chow : June and Distribution. East Siberia ; Amur ; Corea ; Central and Western China. The specimens in my series exhibit considerable variation in the size, number, and intensity of the black markings. Genus EREBOMORPHA. (Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxi. p. 494 (I860).) Erebomorpha consors. Erebomorpha consors, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 52, pi. xxxvii. fig. 3 (1878). Mesastrape consors, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 432 (1894). A few specimens from Fujisan and Nikko in Fryer's collection. My native collector obtained the species at Hakodate in June or July, and there are specimens in the National Col- lection from Yokohama and Tokio. I have also received examples from Moupin and Chang-yang, July. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Western and Central China. Some of the Chinese specimens appear to be intermediate between E. consors , Butl., and E.fulgurita, Walk. from China, Japan, and Corea. 441 Genus PHYLLABRAXAS, nov. Palpi porrect, reaching slightly beyond the irons and clothed with long hair ; outer margins of wings rounded. Primaries of male with fovea. Neuration as in Arichanna. Antennas of male ciliated and finely serrated. Hind tibise dilated, with a tuft of long hair and two pairs of moderately long spurs. Type P. curvaria. Phyllabraxas curvaria, sp. n. (PL VII. fig. 3.) Whitish, sparingly powdered with brownish. Primaries suffused with olive-grey and marked with fuliginous brown as follows : a spot at the base ; an angulated subbasal band united at the angle witli a central fascia, the latter encloses a patch of the ground-colour at each end and its outer edge is curved and recurved ; on the outer margin below apex there is a more or less quadrate spot, and on the costa before apex there is a similar one (these spots are united at their opposed angles), the lower encloses two white dots, which represent portions of a much interrupted submarginal line ; on the outer marginal area above outer angle there is a third spot, and from the inner edge of this a streak descends to inner margin. Secondaries have a blackish discal spot and a submarginal band, the latter indicated by a brown spot on the costa, one about the middle, and a dash above anal angle. Fringes of primaries black, chequered with whitish towards inner margin ; those of secondaries whitish marked with blackish. Under surface : primaries whitish, the apical spots are blackish and the basal area is suffused with the same colour; secondaries are whitish powdered with blackish, and have an incomplete central band in addition to the macular submar- ginal band as above, but both are blackish. Expanse 42-46 millim. Five specimens, including both sexes, from Ta-chien-lu, Moupin, and Omei-shan : July. Hob. Western China. In one female from Ta-chien-lu (the only specimen from that locality) the apical markings are browner. Phyllabraxas similaria, sp. n. Primaries sordid whitish, freckled with blackish and marked with reddish brown as follows : a small patch at the base ; a straight narrow subbasal fascia, commencing as a spot on costa ; an outwardly diffuse central fascia, broadest 442 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera on costa, arid enclosing a patch of the ground-colour at each end; a rather quadrate patch on costa before apex and a similar one on outer margin below apex, united at opposed angles ; from the inner edge of the lower patch a straight narrow fascia descends to inner angle, but is only clearly defined below the second median nervule ; discal spot black. Secondaries white, freckled with pale grey ; discal spot blackish ; central and submarginal fascise, the former hardly darker than the freckling, the latter represented by a blackish spot on costa, another about the middle, and a short blackish bar above anal angle. Fringes pale grey-brown, preceded on primaries by a row of black dots, becoming lunular towards inner angle, and on secondaries by a thin brownish line. Under surface : primaries fuscous grey, tinged with ochreous on costa, markings of upperside faintly reproduced ; second- aries whitish, with the markings as above, but the central fascia is rather darker and the submarginal less distinctly indicated. Expanse 40-42 millim. Two male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong and one from Oinei- shan : July. Hob. Western China. Allied to P. curvaria, but it differs in size and colour and also in the form of the fascia. Phyllabraxas exsoletaria^ sp. n. Primaries whitish grey, speckled with black and suffused with smoky grey at the base of the wing and on outer mar- ginal area ; central fascia broad, slightly olivaceous, its inner edge black and undulated and its outer edge black and obtusely angled below costa ; before the black discal spot there is a short black line from the costa, this is connected by a blackish suffusion with the external edge of fascia, thus forming a more or less quadrate patch on the outer costal portion of the fascia ; the short line referred to has a dusky continuation to the inner margin, but it is not clearly defined ; beyond the angle of fascia there are some black dots, and some other dots are placed towards inner margin and parallel with edge of fascia; submarginal line whitish, interrupted. Secondaries rather smoky white, with a black discal spot and indications of a central line. Fringes grey, preceded on the primaries by black dots between the nervules. Under surface smoky grey ; basal area of primaries limited by a pale undu- lated and exteriorly diffuse band ; secondaries greyish, speckled with darker ; discal spot black ; there is another from China j Japan, and Corea. 443 black spot about centre of the wing and blackish suffusion along abdominal margin. Expanse 45 millim. Three male specimens from Pu tsu-fong, June and July. Var. divisaria. The primaries are suffused with brownish ; the central fascia is divided transversely into two parts, the outer being dark brown arid the inner paler brown. Secondaries whitish, with discal spot and dusky central line which swells out into a spot about the middle and towards each extremity. Expanse 43-48 millim. Two male specimens from Omei-shan, July. Hob. Western China. Phyllabraxas conspicuaria, sp. n. Primaries white, with olivaceous markings j basal patch pale olive-brown ; central fascia clouded with darker olive- brown, enclosing white discal spot and limited outwardly by an oblique series of black dots ; the inner edge is slightly curved below costa ; outer marginal area clouded and suffused with dark olive-brown, limited inwardly by a pale olive- brown band and enclosing two diffuse white spots. Second- aries white, freckled with greyish ; incomplete central band, discal spot, and shade between the latter and abdominal margin darker grey. Fringes grey and whitish, preceded by an interrupted blackish line. Under surface : primaries have the basal two thirds dusky, limited by a series of darker dots and enclosing a white discal spot ; outer area dusky, with a whitish spot at apex and another about the middle : second- aries are whitish, freckled with grey-brown; central band blackish, macular ; discal spot, a small cloud on abdominal margin, and three spots on costa also blackish. Expanse 39 millim. Three male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Hab. Western China. Genus ABRAXAS. (Leach ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 297 (1895).) Abraxas evanescens. Calldbraxas evanescens, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 420. A fine series from Oiwake and Yesso in Pryer's collection. My native collector took the species at Hakodate in August. Hob. Japan and Yesso. 444 Mr. J. H. Leech on. Lepidoptera Heterocera Abraxas placida. Abraxas placida, Butl. Ann. & Mag-. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 441 (1878); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 48, pi. liii. fig. 1 (1879). Calldbraxas propinqua, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 420. A few specimens from Oiwake, Nikko, and Yesso in. Fryer's collection. T captured several examples at Hakodate in August. Hob. Japan and Yesso. Placida, Butl., appears to be an aberrant form of propinqua, Butl., but as it was the first to receive a name, it must stand as the type of the species, and propinqua, which is really the normal form, must rank as a variety. This is certainly unfortunate, but is not by any means a singular case. Abraxas Whitelyi. Abraxas Whitelyi, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 52, pi. xxxvii. fig. 4 (1878). A nice series from Oiwake, Yesso, and Nikko in Fryer's collection. I captured specimens at Gensan in June, and my native collector at Hakodate in June or July. I have also received two specimens from Mr. Manley, of Yokohama. There is a good deal of variation in the size of the black markings. In some of the specimens, including all the examples from Oiwake, the large spots on costa and inner margin, representing the central band, are not intersected by the ground-colour as in the type. These specimens have also distinct macular submarginal and marginal bands on all the wings. Distribution. Amur ( Grceser] ; Corea ; Japan j Yesso. Abraxas languidata. Abraxas languidata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxiv. p. 1122 (1862). Callalraxas languidata, Harnpson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 518 (1895). Four specimens from Ohoyama in Fryer's collection. I captured a specimen at Shimonoseki in July, and have received two examples from Omei-sban, also taken in July. Distribution. Japan and Western China. Abraxas martaria. Abraxas martaria, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 205 (1857) j Hampson. Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 300 (1895). I took a specimen at Foochou in April, and have received the species from Kiukiang, Ta-chien-lu, and Moupin : June. from China, Japan, and Corea. 445 This species may be distinguished from all the forms of A. sylvata by its larger size, more intense dark markings, and by the almost uninterrupted dark costal border. Hampson considers A. pusilla, Butl., to be a small form of A. martaria, Guen., and the latter as possibly an extreme form of A. sylvata. Distribution. Nepal ; Sikhim ; Bhutan ; Assam (Hamp- son} ; Eastern, Western, and Central China. Abraxas sylvata. Phalana sylvata, Scop. Ent. Cam. p. 220 (1763). Zerene leopardina, Koll. Hug. Kasch. iv. p. 490. Abraxas sylvata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 299 (1895). Abraxas miranda, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 441 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het iii. p. 48, pi. Hi. fig. 12 (1879). Abraxas suffusa, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 417 (1894), Abraxas latifasciata, Warr. 1. c. p. 419. Abraxas fulvobasalis, Warr. /. c. Abraxas suspecta, Warr. /. c. Abraxas deminuta, Warr. I. c. Abraxas degener, Warr. I. c. This species appears to vary in Eastern Asia to even a greater extent than in Europe. I have specimens from various localities in Japan and from all the localities visited by my collectors in Central and Western China. Among these are examples agreeing more or less exactly with the forms named above, together with others that are intermediate between such forms and the more typical specimens. The largest individual in the series measures 60 millim. in expanse and the smallest 31 millim. Distribution. Europe ; Amur Japan ; Corea ; Central and Western China. Abraxas concinna. Abraxas concinna, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 421 (1894). Described from Thibet. My collectors did not meet with this species. Abraxas grossulariata. Phal Geometra grossulariata, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 525. Abraxas conspurcata, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 48, pi. Hi. fig. 11 (1879). Abraxas flamsinuata, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 420 (1894) . There were four examples of the conspurcata form from Oiwake and two of the flamsinuata form from Fujisan in Fryer's collection. In the form conspurcata the markings on secondaries are 446 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera certainly more decided than in any European specimen of grossulariata that I have seen, but the pattern is only a com- plete development of markings seen more or less clearly indicated in the majority of European grossulariata. Neither of the Japanese forms of this species diverge so widely from the type as do certain varieties of the species known to British entomologists. I have received a nice series from Chang-yang, taken in July. In these specimens the markings on primaries are somewhat similar to those of A. picaria, Moore, but the markings on secondaries are much the same as in typical A. grossulariata^ though not so pronounced fuscous instead of black on all the wings. The yellow markings are in all cases less distinct, and in several specimens entirely obsolete. 1 propose the name sinicaria for this form. Distribution. Europe; Siberia; Amur; Japan; Central China. Abraxas picaria. Abraxas picaria, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 652. Appears to be a common species in Western China, occur- ring in July and August. Specimens of the typical form exhibit considerable modifi- cation in the amount of black on primaries ; in some examples this colour largely predominates. In addition to what may be regarded as ordinary aberration, there are three forms of the species from Western China, each of which appears to be worthy of a distinctive name. Var. tortuosaridj nov. In this form the only prominent markings on the primaries are the costal portions of subbasal line, the discal spot, the sinuous and deeply angled transverse line beyond the middle, and a series of spots on outer margin ; the secondaries are only sparsely dotted with fuscous on basal area, but the other markings are much as in the type. Ta-chien-lu, Omei-shan, Moupin : July. Var. grisearia, nov. Primaries whitish, heavily clouded and spotted with grey ; the base is yellow, edged with black ; discal spot black, with a black cloud-like spot before it on the costa, from the last there is sometimes a blackish shade extending to inner margin ; submarginal band blackish, mixed with yellow, elbowed just above the middle. Secondaries whitish, spotted from China, Japan, and Corea. 447 with blackish, especially on abdominal area, which is tinged with yellowish ; discal spot blackish ; a yellow band dotted or edged with black extends from just above anal angle to a little beyond third median nervule. Fringes grey on primaries, whitish on secondaries, preceded on each wing by a row. of black spots. Under surface similar to the upper- side, but the transverse markings are not distinct on primaries and there is a black spot on the middle of the costa of secondaries. Expanse 44-46 millim. Nine male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong, July. Var. nebularia, nov. Primaries whitish, mottled and clouded with smoky brown; discal spot blackish, placed in the lower end of a cloud on costal area ; basal area marked with yellow ; beyond the middle of the wing there is a yellow irregular line, but this is not clearly defined. Secondaries whitish, sprinkled with brownish ; there is a small cloud-like spot on the middle of the abdominal margin, and a short dash of yellow, bordered on each side by brownish spots, above anal angle ; central spot blackish. Fringes brownish, marked with whitish at ends of the nervules. Under surface similar to above, but the yellow markings of primaries are absent and there are some yellow hairs at the base of secondaries. Expanse 44-54 millim. T have a long and rather variable series of this form, the specimens comprised therein being from Ta-chien-lu, Pu-tsu- fong, Ni-tou, Wa-shan, Omei-shan, and Chia-ting-fu : July. Distribution. Kumaun ; Sikhim (Hampsori) ; Western China. Abraxas punctisignaria, sp. n. (PL VII. fig. 13.) Primaries pale yellowish buff, marked with yellow at the base of costa and sparingly spotted with black; the most conspicuous of these spots are three or four on basal portion of costa and a transverse series beyond the middle of the wing, the spots forming the lower portion of the series are rather larger than the others and are placed on a yellow abbreviated band from the inner margin. -Secondaries paler than primaries, but more liberally spotted with black, the central series followed oil abdominal margin by a yellow patch ; all the wings have a black discal spot. Fringes pale yellowish buff. Under surface similar in colour to that of the upperside of the secondaries ; black markings as above, 448 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera but there is no trace of yellow. Body yellow, marked with black on the back and sides. Expanse 40 millim. Two male specimens : one from Moupin, July, and one from the summit of Omei-shan, August. Hob. Western China. Abraxas flavobasalis , sp. n. Male. Creamy white; basal area of primaries yellow, spotted with black and limited by a black macular line elbowed at costa ; some blackish spots beyond the discal spot form fairly regular central and submarginal series, the latter outwardly bordered towards the inner margin with yellow ; marginal series much interrupted and not well defined. Secondaries have a blackish spot at the base and some other spots of the same colour arranged in three transverse series, the middle series bordered with yellow towards anal angle. Under surface whitish, spots as above, but no yellow markings. Body yellowish, marked on the sides of abdomen with black and also on the dorsal surface of the seventh, eighth, and ninth segments. Female. Similar to the male, but the ground-colour is rather whiter. Expanse, rf 36, $ 39 millim. One example of each sex from Chang-yang, July. Hob. Central China. Abraxas punctariaj sp. n. Female. Yellowish buff. Basal area of primaries yellow, dotted with black and limited by three black dots, one on the median and submedian nervures respectively and one between the costa and subcostal nervure ; beyond the discal spot there are four transverse series of black dots, with a short yellow band between the second and third, starting from inner margin. Secondaries have four transverse series of black dots, with a yellow abbreviated band between the second and third, as on primaries ; immediately preceding the innermost of these series there are some diffuse dots above the abdo- minal margin. Under surface whiter than above ; transverse series of dots hardly so distinct ; no yellow markings. Head and thorax yellow; dotted with black ; abdomen pale yellowish, with a black dot on the back and side of each segment except the terminal one and that next the thorax. Expanse 32 millim. One female specimen from Moupin, July. Hob. Western China. from China, Japan, and Corea. 449 Abraxas reticularia^ sp. n. Primaries white, sparingly dotted with brownish ; traversed by two diffuse blackish-brown transverse bands and a diffuse longitudinal band of the same colour ; the outer of th'e trans- verse bands is bifurcate on the costa and expands on the inner margin, sometimes it is intersected by a thin whitish line ; above the black discal spot there is a blackish cloud, from which a spur descends to longitudinal band. Second- aries white, speckled with brownish and exhibiting traces of a brownish central band ; discal spot blackish. Fringes white, more or less chequered with brownish. Under surface similar to the upper. Body yellow, marked with black. Expanse 40-44 millim. Five male specimens and one female from Ta-chien-lu, Omei-shan, Ni-tou, and Che-tou : July. Hob. Western China. Abraxas curvilinearia^ sp. n. (PI. VII. fig. 12.) White. Primaries sparingly freckled with greyish brown ; basal patch dark ochreous, bordered with brown ; discal spot brown, surmounted by a brownish cloud on costa ; there is a transverse curved and recurved brown band beyond the middle, expanding towards inner margin. Secondaries have a series of five brownish spots, terminating in a brownish bar, out- wardly bordered with yellow, on abdominal margin. Under surface : colour as above, markings faintly reproduced. Expanse, c? 44, 2 46 millim. One example of each sex from Chia-ting-fu, July. Hob. Western China. Genus LiGDlA. (Guen. Phal. ii. p. 209 (1857).) Ligdia japonaria, sp. n. (PL VII. fig. 1.) White. Basal area of primaries smoky brown, spotted with black and limited by a curved series of black spots ; above the anal angle there is a smoky-brown patch, inter- sected by the median nervules and connected by a narrow blackish band with a blackish blotch on the costa ; discal spot blackish, with a spot above it on the costa and one below it on inner margin, and there are some spots and clouds of the same colour on the outer marginal area. Secondaries have a blackish central spot and broad transverse band, and there are some marks of the same colour on abdominal margin 450 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera and also on the outer margin. Fringes greyish white, marked with darker on primaries. Under surface similar to above, but the basal area of primaries is clouded with blackish and all the markings are of the same colour. Expanse, Q7Q\ Dilophodes elegans, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 416 (1894) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 305 (1895). Several specimens from Ohoyama, Nikko, and Gifu in Pryer's collection. I captured the species in Satsuma in May, and Mr. Smith at Hakone in August. One male specimen was obtained by my collectors in the province of Kwei-chow, a female example at Omei-shan, and several specimens at Chang-yang : July. Ann. & Mag. N, Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xix. 32 454 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera The black markings of the Japanese specimens are larger and more confluent than in Chinese examples. Distribution. Japan ; Western and Central Chiiia. Kh&sis (Hampsori). Dilophodes conspicuaria, sp. n. White, marked with black. Primaries spotted on basal area; central fascia interrupted, broadest on costa; outer marginal area banded with black ; this band, which is narrowest in the middle, is intersected with white or whitish along the neuration and traversed by a white line ; between the central fascia and marginal band is a spot on costa, some- times united with the former. Secondaries have a spot at the base and one between it and the discal spot ; there is also a spot on the middle of abdominal margin ; outer mar- ginal area as on primaries. Fringes of primaries black, tending to grey towards the inner angle ; those of secondaries are pale grey. Under surface similar to the upperside, but there is a broad black dash along the costa of secondaries extending from basal spot to outer marginal band. Head and thorax ochreous, the latter spotted above with black and the patagia marked with whitish ; abdomen white, dorsally marked with black, and the terminal segment with a tuft of long silky grey hairs. Expanse iv. p. 102.) Siona naseraria. Siona naseraria. Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 34, pi. v. fig. 72 (1893). A nice series, composed of specimens taken at Ta-chien-lu and How-kow in June and July. Hob. Western China and Thibet. I have left this species in Siona, as placed by Oberthiir, but a new genus will probably have to be made for it. Genus EUBOLIA. (Dup. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 343 (1895).) Eubolia duplicata. Oriholiiha duplicata, Warren, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1893, p. 385. Eubolia duplicata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind. ; Moths, iii. p. 343 (1895). Several specimens from How-kow, Thibet, and a few examples from Ta-chien-lu, Pu-tsu-fong, and Kia-ting-fu : June and July. The oblique white medial band varies in width; in two specimens it is almost entirely absent, and the black markings are united forming a large triangular blotch. Distribution. Chumbi (Hampson) ; Thibet j Western China. Eubolia similaria, sp. n. Allied to E. peribolata, Hiibn., from Europe, but larger ; the outer edge of the central band of primaries is bilobed, and between the inner edge of the band and the base of the wing there are several transverse lines. Secondaries whitish, tinged with fuscous along the basal portion of the abdominal margin ; there are indications of a discal spot and central line, tinder surface similar to that of E. peribolata. Expanse 38 millim. Several specimens of each sex from Ta-chien-lu, Wa-shan, and Ni-tou : May and June. Hob. Western China. Peribolata, Htibn., is included in Xanthorhoe, Hiibn., by Meyrick (Trans, Ent. Soc. 1892, p. 77). from China, Japan, and Corea. 555 Genus SCOTOSIA. (Steph. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 344 (1895).) Scotosia vashti. Collix vashti, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 445 (1878) 111 Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 52, pi. liv. fig. 3 (1879). Eucosmia Christophi, Hedem. Horae Soc. Ent. Ross, xvi p 265 ( 9 49 bis), pi. xiii. fig. 4 (1881). Three specimens from Yesso in Fryer's collection. I obtained several examples at Hakodate in August, and my collectors found the species at several localities in Western China in July. The Chinese specimens are rather larger than the Japanese examples, and they have a white edging to the costal portion of the outer line of primaries. Distribution. Amur ; Japan ; Yesso ; Western China. Christophi) Hedem., is included in Calocalpe, Hiibn., by Meyrick (Trans. Ent. Soc. 1892, p. 70). Scotosia multilinear ia, sp. n. Male. Primaries dark grey, traversed by numerous fuli- ginous wavy lines ; the central area is rather darker and its outer edge is sometimes marked by a white macular line ; outer marginal fourth fuliginous, traversed by a macular white line, but this is not distinct throughout. Secondaries fuliginous, with indications of a pale submarginal line. Under surface fuliginous, with a black discal dot on each wing. Female. Similar to the male, but the central area is not darker ; sometimes there is a pale patch about the middle of the costa enclosing a dark cloud. Expanse, $ 46, ? 50 millim. Two male specimens and ten females from Ta-chien-lu and Che-tou : June and July. Hob. Western China. Scotosia bipunctularia, sp. n. Whity brown, traversed by numerous dark grey-brown wavy lines. On the costa of primaries there are two quad- rate blackish spots, and the transverse lines originating from the outer one are slightly more conspicuous than the others. Fringes of the ground-colour chequered with darker. Under surface pale grey, with the transverse lines of upper surface faintly reproduced. Expanse, $ 32, ? 34 millim. oy 556 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Several examples of both sexes from Omei-shan, Ta-chien- lu, Ni-tou, and Chang-yang : July and August. Hob. Central and Western China. Closely allied to S. vetulata, Schiff., from Europe. The male has a trifid anal tuft. Scotosia corrugata. Scotosia corrugata, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5)xiii. p. 275 (1884) There was a nice series from Yesso in Fryer's collection. My native collector obtained a specimen at Hakodate and one at Ningpo in June; the latter agrees in colour with S. vetulata from Europe. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Eastern China. Scotosia rhamnata. Geometra rhamnata, Schiff. Wien. Verz. 109 ; Hiibn. Geom. pi. lii. fig. 271. Philereme rhamnata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 70. Scotosia rhamnata, var. japanaria, Leech. Entom., Suppl. p. 53 (May 1891). There were two male specimens from Oiwake in Fryer's collection. The Japanese form of this species differs from the European type in being larger and having a pale grey- brown coloration ; the transverse lines are identical in number and form, but the space between the two central angulated lines is not darker. On the under surface the difference of colour is not so pronounced and the markings are typical. Expanse 40 millim. Distribution. Europe ; Armenia ; Japan. Scotosia dubitata. Phal Geometra dubitata, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 866 ; Clerck, Icon. pi. vi. fig. 2. Scotosia dubitata, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 445. Hydriomena dubitata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 72. Some specimens from Yesso in Fryer's collection. I have received several examples from Chang-yang and the province of Kwei-chow : June. Distribution. Europe; Japan; Central and Western China. Both Japanese and Chinese examples of this species are paler and less distinctly marked, agreeing more nearly with var. ctnereata, Steph., than with the type. S. (Thriphosa) Oberthuri, Hedern., from Amurland (Horse Soc. Ent. Ross. xvi. p. 248 bis), is probably a form of this species. from China, Japan } and Corea. 557 Scotosia sericata. Scotosia sericata, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 444 (1879). Five specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I received six specimens from the province of Kwei-chow and one from Ichang : June. The Chinese specimens are rather paler in colour than those from Japan. Distribution. Japan ; Central and Western China. Scotosia rubrodotata. Scotosia rubrodotata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxv. p. 1353 (1862). Several specimens from the province of Kwei-chow, June and July. Distribution. Northern India ; Western China. Scotosia expansa. Scotosia expansa, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 274 (1887). Scotosia rubrodotata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 345 (1895). Three specimens from Pu-tsu-fong, June and July. Distribution. Sikhim ; Western China. Scotosia fasciaria, sp. n. Male. Pale greyish brown. Primaries have a blackish- grey basal patch and central fascia ; the median portion of the costal half of the fascia is of the ground-colour and encloses the small blackish discal spot, its internal edge is slightly indented below the costa and has a small inward pro- jection towards inner margin, its external edge is dentate below costa, then bilobed about the middle and again towards inner margin; submarginal line pale, edged inwardly with dusky but not not clearly defined. Secondaries have the basal area dusky, limited by a rather darker wavy line, arid there are slight indications of some dusky transverse wavy lines beyond. Fringes of the ground-colour marked with darker. Under surface pale greyish brown ; basal area of each wing dusky ; discal spot black ; there is a patch of long, silky, brownish-grey hairs on the middle of submedian nervure. Expanse 44 millim. One male specimen from Che-tou, July. Hob. Western China. 558 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Scotosia certata. Geometra cervinata, Hiibn. Geom. pi. li. fig. 266. Plerocymia eertata, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 332. Scotosia certata, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 448. Calocalpe certata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 70. Eucosmia varia, Hedem. Horse Soc. Ent. Ross. XYI. p. 55, pi. x. fig. 7 (1879). Eucosmia varia, var. hedemannaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. v. p. 55, pi. iv. fig. 10 (1880). Eucosmia excultata, Christ. Stett. ent. Zeit. liv. p. 35 (1893). Three specimens, taken at Hakodate by my native col- lector in July, are referable to E. varia, Hedem., which I consider to be simply a well-marked form of Scotosia certata. I have very similar examples in my series of this species from Europe. I received one male specimen from Ichang. This has the central fascia of primaries well defined, the inner edge rather deeply indented towards costa, and the outer edge more than usually dentate. There is a specimen very like this in the series of 8. certata from Japan in the National Collection. Distribution. Europe ; Amur ; Askold ; Japan ; Yesso ; Central China. Scotosia grisearia, sp. n. Whitish grey. Primaries have a dark grey basal patch, central fascia, and outer marginal border ; the fascia has the median area of the ground-colour, and the marginal border is diffuse and intersected by a whitish wavy line, which de- velops into a spot above inner angle and sometimes towards costa. Secondaries are suffused with dark grey and traversed by faint wavy lines of the same colour ; submarginal line whitish, wavy. Fringes grey, marked with paler, and pre- ceded by a blackish line. Under surface whitish grey ; basal two thirds of primaries suffused with fuliginous grey, the outer edge somewhat acutely angulated below costa ; discal spot black, elongate, preceded by a blackish rather wavy line ; apical area fuliginous grey : secondaries have a black discal spot and a dusky, wavy, central line ; there is a patch of long silky dark grey hairs from middle of sub- median nervure in the male. Expanse, c? 48, $ 50 millim. Several specimens from Che-tou, Moupin, Ta-chien-lu, and Omei-shan : July and August. Hal. Western China. In some of the examples the ground-colour is tinged with ochreous. from China, Japan, and Corea. 559 Scotosia sideritaria. Scotosia sideritaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. x. p. 34, pi. 1. fig. 13 ? Eucosmia alternata, Staud. Iris, viii. p. 332 (Jan. 1896). Eucosmia alternata, var. fasciata, Staud. /. c. I have a large number of specimens from Ta-chien-lu, Pu-tsu-fong, Wa-shan, Omei-shan, and Ni-tou : June and July. In one specimen from Ta-chien-lu the ground-colour is tinged with fulvous ; this is similar to a form of 8. dubiosata in the National collection. Distribution. Western China ; North-east Thibet. This species very strongly resembles 8. dubiosata, but the male has a fringe of long hair on vein 1 of hind wing below. Scotosia undulata. Phal.-Geometra undulata, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. 624 ; Clerck, Icon. pi. vi. fig. 3. Geometra undulata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 262. Calocalpe undulata, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 330 ; Meyrick, Trans Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 70. Scotosia undulata, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 449. Some fine specimens from Oiwake in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Europe; Altai; Amur; japan. Scotosia marmoraria, sp. n. Primaries fuliginous grey; basal area traversed by two indistinct wavy whitish lines ; beyond the black discal spot there is an irregular white patch connected with a macular white band from the costa, outer marginal area limited by a white wavy band, which is traversed by two sinuous dark lines ; submarginal line represented by white dots expanding into small blotches about middle and before outer angle. Secondaries white, clouded with grey on the abdominal area ; wavy central line and two patches on outer marginal area fuliginous grey, the latter connected by indistinct sinuous lines of the same colour. Fringes dark grey marked with white. Under surface : primaries fuliginous, with white central patch and outer band as above ; secondaries white, with an interrupted grey central line and markings as above. The underside of the body and legs ochreous, and the base of all the wings and also abdominal area of secondaries are tinged with the same colour. Expanse 46-48 millim. Four male specimens and two females from Omei-shan, 560 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Pu-tsu-fong, Wa-shan, Ni-tou, and Chang-yang : June and July. tlab. Central and Western China. Scotosia latifasciaria. Melanthia latifasciaria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 56 (May 1891). There were three specimens from Oiwake in Fryer's col- lection. I have also received the species from Mr. Manley, of Yokohama. Hob. Japan. Scotosia interruptaria, sp. n. White, with black markings. Primaries have the basal area black and divided into two portions by a transverse line of the ground-colour, the outer portion is interrupted ; central fascia indicated by the discal spot, connected with a cloud on the costa, a spot on first median fork, and two short bars on inner margin ; subrnarginal band represented by a spot on costa and a smaller one on the nervules ; outer marginal band divided by a transverse white line, the inner portion interrupted. Secondaries have a discal spot, a short inter- rupted band from middle of abdominal margin, a submarginal band represented by dots between costa and second median nervule, and a series of large spots on the outer margin. Fringes black on primaries ; black and white on secondaries. Under surface as above. Abdomen is marked with yellow. Expanse 42 millim. One male specimen from Ni-tou, and one from Pu-tsu- fong : July. Hob. Western China. This species very strongly resembles the figure in Schrenck's " Amurlande " of Zerene flavipedaria, Mn. (Lep. pi. v. fig. 11.) Scotosia seseraria. Scotosia seseraria. Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 37, pi. v. fig. 71 (1893). This species was discovered by R. P. Dejean at Ta-Tsien- Lou. My collectors did not meet with it. Hob. Western China. Scotosia largeteauaria. ria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom Oberthiir records this species from Kouy-Tche'ou (Kwei Eucosmia largeteauaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. vi. p. 19, pi. ix. fig. 8 (1881). from China, Japan, and Corea. 561 chow) . I have received it from the same province, and also from Pu-tsu-fong and Wa-shan : June and July. Hob. Western China. Genus PHIBALAPTERYX. (Stephens ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 346 (1895).) Phibalapteryx tersata. Geometra tersata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 268. Phibalapteryx tersata, Steph. 111. Brit. Ent., Haust. iii. p. 256; Guen. Phal. ii. p. 432. Eucymatoge tersata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 68. Phihalapteryx tetricata, Guen. /. c. Several specimens from Oiwake in Fryer's collection. The Japanese examples of P. tersata more nearly approach var. tetricata, Guen., than the type form, but they are not quite identical with either. Var. chinensis, nov. Smaller than typical specimens and rather redder in colour ; less striated with white, and the submarginal white line is much obscured ; there is a dusky shade before the second line of primaries and also one before the submarginal line, the latter is connected with an oblique streak from apex. Expanse 30 millim. One male specimen from Chang-yang, August. Distribution. Europe; Altai; Amur; Japan; Central China. Phibalapteryx vitalbata. Geometra vitalbata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 269. Phibalapteryx vitalbata, Steph. 111. Brit. Ent., Haust. iii. p. 256 ; Guen. Phal. ii. p. 437. Eucymatoge vitalbata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 68. Specimens from Oiwake in Fryer's collection. I received one example from Ta-chien-lu, taken in May or June. Distribution. Europe ; Amur ; Japan ; Western China. Phibalapteryx unibraria. Scotosia umbraria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 53 (May 1891). Superficially resembles Scotosia rhamnata, but it is larger in size and has an oblique cloud-like central fascia most con- spicuous in the male ; in the female the costal portion of the outer edge of the fascia is more conspicuous. 562 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera I took one male specimen at Nagahama in July, and there were three females from Gifu in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan. Phibalapteryx punctimarginaria. Scotosia punctimarginaria, Leech, Entorn., Suppl. p. 53 (May 1891). There were a few specimens from Yesso in Fryer's col- lection. Mr. Smith captured a female example at Hakone in August ; and I have received a female specimen from Chang-yang, taken in July. Hob. Japan ; Yesso ; Central China. Phibalapteryx macularia^ sp. n. Fale brown. Primaries blotched with dark brown on costal area ; subbasal line double, enclosing the second costal blotch ; beyond the fourth costal blotch there is a double dark brown line, elbowed below costa, waved towards inner margin, and followed by a brown spot between second and third median nervules , submarginal line pale, inter- secting the interrupted dark brown border of outer margin ; discal spot black. Secondaries have some abbreviated brown lines on basal area ; a double central line, followed by a waved line, and an interrupted border on outer margin, the latter intersected by pale submarginal line as on primaries. Fringes pale brown, marked with darker and preceded by a blackish line. Under surface pale brown suffused with fuscous ; all the wings have a blackish discal dot and inter- rupted central line ; the outer marginal area of primaries is dusky, and the secondaries have a dusky submarginal band. Expanse 38 millim. One female specimen from Omei-shan, July. Hob. Western China. Phibalapteryx sparsata. Geometra sparsata^ Hubn. Geom. pi. Ixxiv. fig. 398. Collix (?) sparsata, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 358. Eucymatoge sparsata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 68. There was a specimen from Oiwake in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Europe ; Japan. Phibalapteryx flavovenata, sp, n. Similar to P. sparsata, Hubn., but less irrorated with black ; the pale transverse band is not so clearly defined and is broadly bordered inwardly with blackish ; there is a black from China, Japan, and Corea. 563 < -shaped mark just beyond the cell on each wing ; fringes darker. Under surface of all the wings whitish; venation broadly ochreous and the fringes black ; the discal dot and transverse bands as in P. sparsata. Expanse 25 millim. One female specimen (minus head) from Ta-chien-lu, taken in May or June. Hob. Western China. Genus EUSTROMA. (Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 335 ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 71.) All the species here included in Eustroma have a pencil of hair near inner margin on under surface of primaries ; in some of them, however, the areole is simple, and these would perhaps be more correctly placed in Plemyria. The species might be arranged in sections as follows : 1. Areole double. a. Discocellulars of secondaries oblique ; vein 5 from the middle. fractifasciaria. reticulata. chrysoprasis. melancholica. propriaria. b. Discocellulars of secondaries angled ; vein 5 from below the middle. pulchraria. convergenata,. achatinellaria. ludomcaria. Ledereri. exsecuta. 2. Areole simple. a. Discocellulars oblique ; vein 5 from the middle. delecta. Haberhauri. b. Discocellulars angled ; vein 5 from below the middle. junctilineata. miegata. plurilineata. angularia. Eustroma chrysoprasis. Cidaria chrysoprasis, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. x. p. 34, pi. i. fig. 2 (1884). Cidaria reticulata, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 662 (prseocc.). Cidaria Jissisignis, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. vi. p. 87, pi. cxx. fig. 7 (1886) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 362 (1895). Four specimens from Pu-tsu-fong, taken in June or July. Oberthiir's type was from Ta-tsien-lu. Distribution. Sikhim (Hampson) ; Western China. Eustroma fractifasciaria, sp. n. Female. Primaries pale brown, clouded and suffused with 564 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera darker, and marked with chocolate-brown as follows : a small patch at base, four spots on costa and an irregular- shaped patch extending from cell to inner margin, this last is connected with the fourth costal spot by a curved spot, and together with the second and third costal spots appear to be portions of a central fascia ; submarginal line whitish, waved ; the margin beyond is tinged with fuscous. Secondaries whity brown tinged with fuscous ; central line dusky, edged with the ground-colour; submarginal line of the ground- colour, waved. Under surface pale whity brown : basal area of primaries suffused with blackish below the cell and irro- rated with brownish above, limited by a pale-edged blackish line ; submarginal line as above, but not so distinct : second- aries irrorated with brownish, central transverse shade and two waved lines beyond dusky. All the wings have a black discal spot on both surfaces and a dark line. Expanse, d 38, $ 40 millim. One male specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, and a female from Ta-chien-lu : June. I have described the female because it is in better condition than the male, but the markings appear to be almost identical in each. Hob. Western China. Allied to E. chrysoprasis, Oberth. Eustroma propriaria, sp. n. Male. Primaries brown; basal patch darker, limited by a wavy ochreous- brown line ; central fascia rather violet- brown, contracted above inner margin, the edges of this fascia are blackish, outlined in pale ochreous brown ; sub- marginal line ochreous brown, indistinct, except towards inner margin, where it is developed into a blotch. Secondaries whitish, darker on basal half, which is limited by a dusky transverse line ; discal spot oblong, reddish brown. Fringes agree in colour with the wings, but are chequered with blackish. Under surface pale brown, darker on apical area of primaries; basal area of all the wings suffused with blackish. Expanse 38 millim. One example of each sex from Pu-tsu-fong, and a male specimen from Ta-chien-lu : July. Hob. Western China. The male of this species has a patch of rather long black hairs on the middle of the submedian nervure on the under surface of primaries, and also a woolly tuft about the middle of abdominal margin of secondaries. from China, Japan, and Corea. 565 In the male from Ta-chien-lu and the female from Pu-tsu- fong the central fascia is only slightly angulated and not interrupted below the middle. Possibly these specimens may represent the more usual form of the species. I have, however, described the Pu-tsu-fong male because it is in much better condition than the others. Eustroma reticulata. Geometra reticulata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 308. Eustroma reticulata, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 335 ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 71. Lyyris reticulata, Graeser, Berl. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 406. Cidaria inextricata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxxv. p. 1691. Cidaria arosa, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 451 ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 58, pi. Iv. fig. 7. I obtained specimens at Tsuruga and Gensan in July, and my native collector at Hakodate in the same month. There were specimens from Oiwake and Yesso in Pryer's collection, and my collectors met with the species in most of the localities in Western China, and also at Chang-yang. Distribution. Europe; Ural; B.Siberia; Amur; Corea; Japan ; Yesso ; Central and Western China ; Sikhim. In China and Japan this species is generally represented by cerosa, Butl., which is identical with inextricata, Walk., but I have typical specimens from Hakodate, Omei-shan, and Chia-kow-ho. Eustroma melancholica. Cidaria melancholica, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 450 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 58, pi. Iv. fig. 6 (1879). Five female specimens from Yokohama, Oiwake, Gifu, and Yesso in Pryer's collection. I obtained an example of each sex at Hakodate in August. The variation in marking is very similar to that which obtains in C. silaceata. Only one specimen has been received by me from China. This is a male, taken at Pu-tsu-fong in July; it ^ has the ground-colour suffused with brown and the markings are darker; the pencil of hair on underside is dark brown; mea- sures 50 millim. in expanse, and in form agrees with the insulata form of Cidaria silaceata. I propose the name brunnearia for this form. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Corea ; Western China. Eustroma delecta. Cidaria delecta, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) vi. p. 229 (1880) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. vi. p. 88, pi. cxx. fig. 8 (1886) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 359 (1895). 566 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera One example from each of the following localities: Moupin, Omei-shan, and Chia-ting-fu : July. Distribution. Sikhim ; Kha*sis (Hampsori) ; Western China. Eustroma pulchraria, sp. n. f Closely allied to E. pyropata, Hiibn., but the ground- colour of primaries is much darker ; the basal area, including chestnut band, is smaller ; the central fascia is wider and all the markings are less angular. The ground-colour of secondaries is whiter and the markings are darker and better defined. Expanse 40-42 millim. Six male specimens from Ta-chien-lu, Pu-tsu-fong, Omei- shan, and Che-tou : June and July. Hob. Western China. Eustroma achatinellaria. Cidaria achatinellaria) Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. v. p. 67, pi. iv. fig. 16 (1880). Lygris achatinellaria, Graeser, Berl. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 406. I captured a male specimen in Shikotan, one of the Kurile Islands, in August. OberthuYs type was from the Isle of Askold. Distribution. Amur ; Askold ; Kurile Islands. Eustroma Ledereri. Cidaria Ledereri, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 88, pi. vii. fig. 17 (1864). Lygris Ledereri, Grgeser, Berl. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 406. Eustroma Ledereri, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 71. Specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. My native collector obtained the species at Hakodate in June or July. Distribution. East Siberia; Amur; Japan; Yesso. Eustroma convergenata. Cidaria convergenata, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 88, pi. vii. fig. 18 (1864). Lygris convergenata, Grseser, Berl. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 406. Eustroma convergenata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 71. A series from Fujisan, Nikko, and Yesso in Fryer's collection. I obtained the species at Nemoro in Yesso, and in Shikotan, one of the Kurile Islands, in August. My native collector met with it at Hakodate. Distribution. East Siberia ; Amur ; Japan ; Yesso ; Kurile Islands. from China } Japan, and Corea. 567 Eustroma junctilineata. Abraxas junctilineata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxvi. p. 1123 (1862) j Leech, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1889, p. 145. A few specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I took the species in Satsuma in May and at Fusan in June ; my native collector obtained examples in Kiushiu, and I have received others from Kiukiang, and one example from Ta-chien-lu. Varies in the width of the black oblique lines on the basal half of the wing, the fourth and fifth of these sometimes coalesce and form a band. On the secondaries the discal spot is often very large and conspicuous, and the central black band broad and well defined. The specimen from Ta-chien-lu differs from the type in the lesser amount of black marking above the yellow patch on outer margin of secondaries, and in the larger size of the spots in that patch ; the discal spot is smaller and there is no basal patch. On the under surface of secondaries the central band is only represented by a patch on costa and a spot towards abdominal margin. Distribution. Japan ; Kiushiu; Corea; Western, Central, and Eastern China. . Eustroma ludovicaria. Cidaria ludovicaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. v. p. 57, pi. iv. fig. 3 (1880). Lyyris tigrinata, Christ. Bull. Mosc. 1880, p. 64. Lyyris ludovicaria, Graeser, Berl. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 406. Eustroma ludovicaria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 71. I received specimens from Chang-yang, Wa-shan, Chia- kou-ho, Moupin, Omei-shan : June and July. Oberthiir's type was from Askold. Distribution. Askold ; Amur ; Central and Western China. Eustroma plurilineata. Abraxas plurilineata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxiv. p. 1123 (1862). Four specimens taken by a native collector at Ningpo in June. Hob. North-eastern China. Eustroma exsecuta. Baptria exsecuta, Feld. Reis. Nov. v. pi. cxxxiii. fig. 15 (1875). There were specimens of the type form from Oiwake in Fryer's collection. I obtained typical examples at Gensan in July, and Mr. Smith took some at Hakone in August. 568 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Var. latifasciaria, nov. Smaller than the type. All the wings have a broad white fascia ; that on second- aries with an angular projection towards outer margin. I took examples of this form at Hakodate in August, and there was a specimen from Yesso in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Japan ; Yesso ; Corea. E. exsecuta can always be easily distinguished from Plemyria tibiale, Esp., which it greatly resembles, by the fringes of the secondaries. These, in the former species, are black, patched with white at outer angle and before anal angle ; but in the latter they are entirely black. Eustroma Hdberhauri. Baptria Haberhaueri, Led. Wien. ent. Mon. 1864, p. 170, pi. iii- figs. 9, 10 (May). Plemyria Haberhaueri, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 71. Odezia Kindermanni, Breni. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 89, pi. vii. fig. 19 (1864). Polythrena Kindermanni, Grgeser, Berl. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 404. A long series in Fryers collection, many of the specimens labelled Oiwake ; my collector obtained the species at Hako- date in July, and I have received specimens from Ta-chien-lu and Ghow-pin-sa, taken in June and July. Distribution. Armenia; Amur; Japan; Yesso; Western China. The Japanese specimens are all of the Kindermanni form, but they exhibit a good deal of variation in the white marking, especially on the secondaries ; one specimen is without a trace of the fascia on these wings. The specimens from Western China are of the typical form, but there is less black on basal third of the secondaries, and the w r hite marking on primaries is broader. In the specimen from Yesso all the white markings are very broad. This species can be at once separated from E. exsecuta by the chequered fringe. Eustroma miegata. Polythrena miegata, Pouj. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1895, p. 314, pi. vii. fig. 20, cJ (non20, ?). Female. Rather paler than the male, and the abbreviated fascia is broader. Poujade only refers to the male of this species. The insect he considered to be the female is a distinct species. I received several male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong, and one female from Chia-ting-fu : all taken in June and July. Poujade's type was from Moupin. Hob. Western China. from China, Japan, and Corea. 5G9 Eustroma angulari.a , sp. n. Polythrena miegata, Pouj. Ann. Soc. Eiit. Fr. 1895, p. 314, pi. vii. Male. Bright yellow, marked with black. Primaries have a basal patch finely marked with yellow ; an angulated fascia separated from basal patch by a thin angulated yellow line ; central fascia indicated by an elongated patch on costa and roundish patch on inner margin ; outer marginal border deeply indented about the middle. Secondaries have a tri- angular patch on abdominal margin, streaked with yellow and spotted with the same colour on its upper edge ; there is a large spot at anal angle, and the outer margin is bordered from middle to apex. Fringes black, marked with yellow below apex and from middle to inner angle of primaries ; on the secondaries they are yellow marked with black from. middle to anal angle. Under surface similar to above, but the black triangular patch on secondaries is only indicated by some disconnected spots. Female. Rather larger, but colour and markings as in the male. Expanse, $ 30, ? 33 millim. Several specimens of each sex from Omei-shan, Pu-tsu- fong, Ni-tou, Moupin, Chia-ting-fu, Ta-chien-lu. Sab. Western China. Genus PLEMYRIA. (Hiibn. ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 71.) Plemyria tibiale. Noctua tibiale, Esp. Noct. pi. clxiv. fig. 2 (1790). Minoa Eversmannaria, Herr.-Sch. Suppl. fig, 443. Eustroma tibialis, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 71. Odezia tibiale, Grasser^ Berl. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 404. There were eight specimens in Fryer's collection ; two of these were labelled Yesso and one Oiwake. My native collector took one example at Hakodate in June, and I ob- tained the species at Gensan in July. Graeser records it from Amur land. Distribution. Europe; Amur; Corea ; Japan; Yesso. In some specimens the white bands are very broad on all the wings. This species is without the pencil of hair on under surface of primaries, and cannot therefore be referred to Eustroma. Plemyria hecate. Melanippe hecate, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 448 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 55, pi. liv. fig. 12 (1879). There was an extensive series from Oiwake in Fryer's Ann, & Mag. N. Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xix. 40 570 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera collection. My native collector obtained two specimens at Hakodate in June ; these are smaller than any in Fryer's series, and the central white band on secondaries and towards costa of primaries is wider. Hob. Japan and Yesso. Plemyria Imstata^ Linn., chinensis^ nov. St '' , |fy. 1 Basal half of all the wings black, traversed by three or four more or less interrupted wavy lines; outer margin broadly bordered with black, intersected by a wavy inter- rupted white line ; intervening space white, intersected by a transverse series of black dots. Sometimes the secondaries are free from white markings on the black portions of the wing, and there are very few of such markings on the primaries. Expanse 36-38 millim. A nice series from Pu-tsu-fong, Ta-chien-lu, Omei-shan : May and June. Hob. Western China. Specimens of P. hastata from Amurland, in my collection, agree well with European examples. Plemyria lugens. Melanippe lugens, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xi. p. 34, pi. ii. fig. 4 (1886), xviii. p. 38, pi. iii. fig. 38 (1893). Cidaria lugens, Alph. Rom. sur Ly.n "Rnfl Ann Kr IVTarr TVTaf Tliaf / K\ i i-> A KO (1895). Butler's type of jameza was from Hakodate. There were no specimens in Pryer's collection, and I have not received any from Japan. Distribution. N.W.Himalayas (Hampsori) ; Japan (Butler). from China, Japan, and Corea. 657 Larentia suffumata. Geometra suffumata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 306. Eustroma sufwnata, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 335. Cidaria sufumata, Treit. Schmett. vi. 2, p. 192; Guen.Phal. ii. p. 468. Hydriomena sufumata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 73. Cidaria minna, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 424. Several specimens from Yokohama and Yesso in Fryer's collection. Also recorded from Tokio. Cidaria minna, Butl., is most certainly a small form of G. suffumata. One of my Japanese specimens measures only 24 millim. in expanse. The species is common in several localities in Western China. Distribution. Europe; Altai; Japan; Yesso; Western China. Larentia nitidaria, sp. n. Male. Primaries silvery grey, with a dark chocolate- brown basal patch limited by a curved white line, and a dark chocolate-brown central fascia edged with white, which is broad on the costa but narrow from middle to inner margin ; this fascia is apparently broken into three parts, comprising a large triangular costal portion enclosing discal spot, a small median spot, and an upright blotch on inner margin ; on the apical area there is a large chocolate-brown patch, which is intersected by a wavy oblique white line extending from apex to the central fascia, which it penetrates for a short distance ; submarginal line white, most distinctly seen on the apical patch referred to ; there is a reddish-brown shade on the middle of outer marginal area, and the space between the basal area and the central fascia is clouded with blackish. Secondaries grey, suffused with brownish on basal area, and traversed by three pale central lines and a sub- marginal line, the latter wavy. Fringes of primaries dark grey and of secondaries pale grey. Under surface : primaries fuliginous, with indications of a dark central line agreeing with the outer edge of the fascia of the upperside and a white macular submarginal line ; secondaries greyish, with darker central line and discal spot. Antennse slightly ciliated. Female. Similar to the male, but the secondaries appear more like the primaries in colour, that is silvery grey. On the under surface the dark transverse lines are edged with whitish, and there are indications of other whitish wavy lines on the secondaries. Expanse 40 millim. One example of each sex from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Hab. Western China. 658 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Larentia fractifasciaria, sp. n. /*.{ ?'_*.'/ fo.< Primaries pearly grey, blackish at the base ; there is a large black blotch on the costa, this is contracted in the middle and edged with whitish, whilst from its lower end there is a slight projection towards a small upright wedge- shaped spot on the inner margin, the two marks appear to represent the ends of a central band ; submarginal line wavy, whitish, with a blackish cloud-like internal edging. Second- aries whiter than the primaries, with a faint dusky central line. Fringes greyish, dotted at the extremities of the nervules with black, and there are two similar black dots on primaries between the apex and the submarginal line. Under surface smoky grey, darker on basal, outer, and costal areas of primaries ; the costal blotch faintly reproduced ; second- aries rather paler, traversed by faint, dusky, central, and submarginal bands. Expanse 32 millim. One male specimen from the plateau to the north-west of Ta-chien-lu. Nab. Western China. Larentia latifusata. Melanippe latifusata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxv. p. 1298. Cidaria ncemata, Feld. Reis. Nov. pi. cxxxii. fig. 32 (1875). Larentia latifusata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 870 (1895). Occurs at Moupin, Pu-tsu-fong, Che-tou, Chow-pin-sa, Omei-shan, Chia-ting-fu, Wa-shan, and the Province of How-Kow : June and July. I have also received the species from Sultanpore, North- west Himalayas. Distribution. Murree ; Dalhousie ( Hampson ) ; Kulu ; Western China. Larentia torpidaria, sp. n. Male. Primaries whitish; basal two thirds greyish, limited outwardly by a darker grey irregular fascia, broadest towards costa and enclosing the black discal spot; submarginal line of the ground-colour, wavy, preceded by brownish clouds towards costa and inner margin, the area beyond this line is suffused with greyish. Secondaries whitish grey, rather darker on outer margin. Fringes whitish grey, preceded by an interrupted blackish line. Under surface of primaries fuliginous grey, with a small pale patch beyond middle of costa ; of secondaries whitish powdered with fuliginous grey, from China j Japan , and Corea. 659 this powdering is thinner on the inner and marginal portions of the outer half of the wing, thus giving the appearance of central and marginal bands. Female. Similar to the male, but the fascia of primaries is hardly darker than other portions of basal two thirds. One example of each sex from Moupin, June. Hab. Western China. L/arentia rotundaria, sp. n. Outer margins of all the wings have a very rounded ap- pearance. Primaries have the basal three fourths dark grey, traversed by wavy darker lines, and divided towards the base of the wing by a dark-edged, narrow, pale grey band, the outer edge of which has an angular projection below the middle ; the outer limit of this dark area is undulated, con- spicuously lobed below the middle, and edged with white on the costa ; the outer marginal area is silvery grey, clouded with dark grey exteriorly ; there is a short oblique blackish streak from the apex, and the submarginal line is represented by a series of white marks on costa and a series of white dots to inner margin. Secondaries smoky silvery grey. Fringes dark grey. Under surface smoky grey : primaries have an abbreviated white line, shaded with dusky, from costa, and a macular white submarginal line ; secondaries have a dusky wavy central line and an interrupted white submarginal line. Expanse 40 millim. One male specimen from Moupin, June. Hab. Western China. Larentia debilitata. Cidaria (?) debilitata, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 52 (May 1891). One female specimen, from Grifu, in Fryer's collection. Hab. Japan. Larentia badiata. Geometra badiata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 291. Anmbe badiata, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 333. Anticka badiata, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 407. Hydriomena badiata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 73. A few specimens, from Gifu, in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Europe; Altai; Japan. . The central fascia of primaries and the secondaries are whiter in Japanese specimens than in any example in my European series. 660 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Ileterocera Larentia amelia. Lozogramma amelia, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 406 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 46, pi. lii. fig. 6 (1879). There was a nice series from Yokohama in Fryer's col- lection, and I received a female specimen from Ichang, taken in April. Distribution. Japan ; Central China. Allied to L. malvata, Rbr., a European species which Meyrick places in Hydriomena (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 72). Larentia consanguinea. Anticlea consanguinea, Butl. Ann. Ma#. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 449 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 56, pi. Iv. fig. 1 (1879). There were specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan. Larentia umbrifera. Anticlea umbrifera, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 444 (1879). Specimens from Yokohama and Oiwake in Fryer's col- lection. I took the species at Gensan in July, and I received one example from Chang-yang taken in July. Distribution. Japan ; Corea ; Central China. Larentia Taczanowskiaria. Ant,iclea Taczanowskiaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. v. p. 54, pi. ix. fig. 8 (1880). Cidaria pervagata, Christ. Bull. Mosc. 1880, p. 78. Cidaria Taczanoivskiaria, Grseser, Berl. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 413. There was a nice series from Yesso in Fryer's collection, and my native collector met with the species in Hakodate in June. Distribution. Amur ; Askold ; Yesso. Larentia erebearia, sp. n. Primaries slaty grey, traversed by numerous blackish lines, three of which are enclosed between two thicker black lines and represent a central fascia ; there is also a thicker black line near the base and an interrupted black dash from apex ; the latter has a whitish dot on it and there is a similar dot above it on the costa. Secondaries smoky grey, with a brownish tinge within the waved dusky central line ; a short slaty-grey streak from abdominal margin. Under surface fuliginous : primaries powdered with slaty grey on costal and from China, Japan, and Corea. 661 apical areas, and traversed by three or four darker lines beyond the middle; secondaries powdered with grey and traversed beyond the blackish discal spot by several wavy grey lines, the most conspicuous of which is a double one beyond the middle. Body blackish, tip of abdomen in the male brown. Expanse 36 millim. Three male specimens and one female from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Hob. Western China. Larentia stellata. Glaucopteryx stellata, Warren, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1893, . 367. Larentia adjroiiaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 36, pi. iv. fig. 59 (1893). Larentia stellata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 369 (1895). Two specimens from Ta-chien-lu, taken in June. Distribution. Sikhim (Hampsori) ; Western China. Larentia naparia. Venusia naparia, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 30, pi. iii. fig. 36 (1893). I have received specimens from Ta-chien-lu, Moupin, and Omei-shan, taken in May, June, and July ; also from Chang- yang, taken in May, June, and August. I took the species at Ningpo in April. Hob. Central, Western, and North-eastern China. The specimens from Omei-shan and Ningpo are suffused with fuscous, especially on the under surface. Larentia confusaria, sp. n. Greyish white. Basal half of primaries suffused with dark grey and traversed by two diffuse lines of the ground-colour ; beyond the middle there is a serrated whitish line clouded inwardly with dark grey ; outer margin clouded with dark grey, traversed by a whitish wavy submarginal line. Secondaries whitish, with traces of dark transverse lines on abdominal area and nervules beyond. Fringes dark grey on primaries, paler on secondaries, preceded in all cases by a blackish line. Under surface smoky grey : primaries with a pale band beyond the middle. Expanse 42 millim. Two male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Hob. Western China. 662 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Larentia nigrifasciaria, sp. n. "Whitish grey, venation blackish. Primaries have a small blackish basal patch, the outer edge of which is quite straight, and a broad blackish central fascia, both edges are undulated, but most prominently so exteriorly, in the centre of the costal portion there is a diffuse spot of the ground-colour abutting on the black discal spot, and there are traces of similar pale spots below ; the outer marginal area is clouded and suffused with blackish, and is traversed by a pale wavy submarginal line, which is whitish near costa and inwardly edged with blackish throughout, from this edging black streaks are projected along the nervules. Secondaries have the basal area and outer marginal border darker ; the vena- tion also is dark on basal area. Fringes grey, preceded by an interrupted blackish line. Under surface pale grey : basal two thirds of primaries, also apical area, and broad central fascia of secondaries smoky grey ; submarginal line of primaries whitish towards costa, darker towards inner margin ; beyond the fascia of secondaries the venation is marked with blackish. Expanse 40 millim. One male specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Hob. Western China. Larentia nudaria, sp. n. Female. Primaries grey, tinged with ochreous on outer marginal area ; median nervure and branches, also the sub- median nervure, marked with black ; basal patch and central fascia darker grey, median area of the costal half of the latter of the ground-colour, enclosing a black discal spot ; the edges of the fascia are outlined by sinuous black lines, the external one, edged outwardly with white, is preceded by a wavy dusky line ; submarginal line white, wavy, expand- ing into a spot above inner margin ; there is a dentated dusky line between the basal patch and inner edge of the fascia, and another between the outer edge of the fascia and the submarginal line. Secondaries whitish grey, suffused with darker on basal area, and traversed by three dark grey lines, the outer two marked with black on the neuration ; outer marginal area dark grey, traversed by a whitish sub- marginal line. Fringes grey, marked with darker on the primaries, and preceded by a black line. Under surface : primaries fuliginous, marked with whitish grey on costa ; beyond the middle there is a whitish-grey band edged with blackish ; submarginal line whitish, interrupted towards from China, Japan, and Corea. 663 costa : secondaries whitish grey, traversed by three darker lines ; all .the wings have a black discal spot. Expanse 51 millim. One female specimen from Ta-chien-lu, June. Hob. Western China. Larentia albiplaga. Scotosia albiplaga, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xi. p. 34, pi. vi. fig. 42 (1886). Scotosia nigralbata, Warren, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1888, p. 327. Larentia nigralbata. Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. t>. 370 (1895). This species occurred in July and August at most of the localities in Western China visited by my collectors, and also at How-Kow, Thibet. Distribution. Thundiani ; Punjab ; Sikhim (Hampson) ; Kashmir; Western China; Thibet. Larentia per plexaria, sp. n. Primaries pale ochreous grey; subbasal band oblique, blackish ; central fascia not well defined and hardly darker than the ground-colour, except on inner margin where it is blackish, its inner edge is indicated by a wavy oblique line, and its outer edge by an angulated and wavy line, the latter is followed by a wavy whitish band ; the outer marginal area is rather darker grey, and is traversed by a whitish line which is broken up into spots, each placed on a black dash towards the costa, where it is joined by an oblique white dash from apex ; before this line there is a blackish spot on the costa. Secondaries whitish, traversed beyond the middle by three dusky wavy lines. All the wings have a blackish discal spot. Fringes dark grey on the primaries and whitish marked with dark grey on the secondaries. Under surface : primaries smoky, beyond the middle there is a short diffuse white band from the costa; submarginal line white and rather wavy, united towards costa by an oblique white dash from apex : secondaries as above. Expanse 32 millim. One male specimen from Ta-chien-lu, May. Hob. Western China. Larentia variaria, sp. n. Primaries leaden grey ; basal patch black, outer edge curved ; central fascia black, its inner edge bidentate, and its outer slightly lobed about middle ; beyond there is a small black spot on costa, this is outwardly edged with white, and 664 Mr. J. H. Leecli on Lepidoptera Heterocera from it a black waved line, also edged with white, runs to inner margin ; submarginal line white and very fine, only distinct towards costa, where it is preceded by an abbreviated black band, and towards inner margin, where it is preceded by a brownish cloud. Secondaries whitish grey, suffused with darker on basal area ; discal dot fuscous ; central line dusky, slightly waved. Fringes : grey marked with darker on primaries ; pale grey marked with darker on secondaries. Under surface fuscous grey : primaries have two dusky transverse lines, edged with whitish, beyond the middle ; secondaries have a black discal spot and blackish central line, there are also indications of a dusky line beyond. Expanse 24 millira. Three male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong and one from Che-tou, July. Hob. Western China. One of the specimens from Pu-tsu-fong is tinged with brownish on primaries. In the Che-tou example the basal patch and the central fascia on upper surface of primaries are not clearly defined j on the under surface the only markings on primaries are some white spots towards costa, representing the submarginal line, and some other white spots above the middle of the inner margin of secondaries. Larentia inconspicuaria, sp. n. Primaries grey, with darker basal patch, subbasal, central, and interrupted outer bands ; all these darker markings are limited by fine wavy black lines ; submarginal line repre- sented by whitish dots followed by black ones, most distinct towards costa. Secondaries greyish, with paler central band. Fringes pale grey, chequered with darker. Under surface grey, suffused with darker, glossy ; the primaries are marked with whitish on the costa and the secondaries have a pale central band. Expanse 24-26 millim. Two male specimens from Ta-chien-lu, July. Hob. Western China. Larentia tceniata. Emmelesia tceniata, Steph. 111. Brit. Ent.. Haust. iii. p. 299, pi. xxxii. fig. 3 (1829). Hydriomena tceniata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 73. Coremia fulvida, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 422. There were a few examples from Oiwake in Pryer's col- lection ; I obtained specimens at Nemoro in August, and from China } Japan, and Corea. 665 my native collector met with the species in the island of Kiushiu. Two specimens, which appear to be referable to this species, were received from Pu-tsu-fong and Che-tou; they were taken in July. In the Japanese specimens the central band of primaries is rather broader than in European examples, and the space between this band and the basal patch is deeply suffused with fuliginous. Distribution. Europe; Japan; Yesso; Kiushiu; Western China. Larentia punctih'nearia, sp. n. Primaries greyish brown; basal patch dark brown, becoming blackish on its outer edge, which is slightly dentate ; median band dark brown, its inner edge bordered by a dentate whitish line, and dotted with black on the nervules, its outer edge diffuse ; beyond the middle there is a whitish line dotted with black on the nervules, and this appears to be the outer limit of the median band ; submedian band brown, with ray-like projections in the direction of the fringes, these pro- jections are traversed by a whitish line, and the band is interrupted about the middle by a pale brown patch similar in tint to the space between the basal patch and median band. Secondaries fuscous brown. Fringes pale brown, marked with darker. Under surface brown, with few distinct mark- ings on primaries, but the secondaries have a blackish discai spot and an indented line beyond the middle. Expanse 32 millim. One female from Japan in Pryer's collection. Allied to L. tczniata, Steph. Larentia promiscuaria, sp. n. Primaries pale greyish brown ; basal patch darker, limited by a slightly indented blackish band ; central fascia broadly blackish, the edges not well defined ; between the fascia and basal patch there is a dusky shade ; submarginal line whitish, wavy, bordered inwardly by an interrupted blackish band ; discai spot black, elongate ; fringes dark grey marked with paler, and preceded by an interrupted blackish line. Secondaries whitish; there is a dusky transverse shade beyond the middle, and the fringes, which are of the ground- colour, are preceded by an interrupted blackish line. Under surface whitish : primaries suffused with fuscous, markings of upper surface faintly indicated ; secondaries powdered Ann. & Mag. N. Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xix. 46 666 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera with fuscous, there are two dusky transverse lines and the discal dot is blackish. Expanse 25-32 millira. Four specimens from Chang-yang taken in June, and two from Chow-pin-sa taken in July. Both sexes are represented. Hob. Central and Western China. Larentia schistacea. Anticka schistacea, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 273 (1887). Larentia schistacea, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, ii. p. 376 (1895). One male specimen from Omei-shan and one from Pu- tsu-fong: June. Distribution. Dalhousie ; Sikhim ( Hampson } ; Western China. Larentia sordidata. Geometra sordidata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 185. Geometra elutata, Hiibn. Geom. %. 224. Ypsipetes elutata, Guen. Phal. ii. p. 378. Hydriomena elutata, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 322 ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 72. Several specimens from Fujisan, Nikko, and Oiwake in Pryer's collection. 1 have received the species from Omei- shan, Ni-tou, and Pu-tsu-fong, taken in July. Distribution. Europe ; Altai ; Amur ; Japan ; Western China. Larentia neurbouaria. Larentia neurbouaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 36, pi. v. fier. 77 (1893). I received two male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong, where they were taken in June. Oberthiir's type was from T&- Tsien-Loti. Bab. Western China. Larentia tripunctaria, sp. n. Primaries blackish brown, basal area darker and limited by an indistinct white line ; a white blotch on costal area and another below 7 it on inner marginal area represent a central fascia ; on the outer marginal area there is a third white blotch ; the outer third of the wing is limited inwardly by a sinuous white line followed by a diffuse russet band. Second- aries whitish, basal two thirds suffused with dusky and limited by a blackish wavy line. Fringes agree with the wings in colour. Under surface greyish, blotched with paler on the from China, Japan, and Corea. 667 middle of the costal and outer marginal areas of primaries ; the secondaries have two transverse dotted lines, and the primaries one such line. Expanse 40 millim. Two male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong, June. Hob. Western China. In the second example the white blotches representing the central fascia are much smaller, especially the lower one, than in the specimen described. Larentia (?) inter sectaria, sp. n. White. Primaries have a black patch at the base con- taining a yellow spot on the inner margin, the outer edge of this patch is obtusely angled and connected with a small oblong spot at the angle j central fascia black, widely inter- rupted below the middle ; submarginal band represented by a large black spot on the costa and a double series of lunules below to the inner margin ; outer margin broadly bordered with black, intersected by an oblique macular white line from apex and interrupted below the middle ; there are some yellow marks at inner angle. Secondaries tinged with yellow at the base and anal angle, and marked with black or blackish on the abdominal and outer margins. Under surface as above, but the black markings on basal two thirds of primaries are rather obscured. Expanse 29 millim. One male specimen from Omei-shan, July. Hob. Western China. Larentia costipunctaria, sp. n. Male with a tuft of hair on the underside of the secondaries placed just beyond the middle of vein 1. Primaries pale grey, sometimes tinged with ochreous ; there are five pairs of indistinct wavy grey transverse lines, the first, third, and fourth commencing in blackish spots on costa and the fifth from the inner edge of a large blackish apical cloud ; submarginal line whitish, but only distinctly traceable towards costa and inner margin. Secondaries white, tinged with ochreous on abdominal area and bordered with dark grey on outer margin; submarginal line wavy, pale; central line dusky, wavy, but indistinct. Fringes dark grey, preceded by an interrupted black line. Under surface white; primaries slightly suffused with dusky on basal half ; beyond the black discal spot there are indications of a transverse band, but only distinct on the costa ; apical 46* 668 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera cloud as above ; secondaries have a black discal spot and a faint dusky wavy central line, marked with black on the nervules; abdominal area as above ; fringes whitish grey. Expanse 38-41 millim. Several specimens, including both sexes, from Ta-chien-lu, Moupin, Pu-tsu-fong, Che-tou, and Hovv-Kow : June and July. Hal. Western China and Thibet. Larentia moniliferaria. Trichopleura moniliferaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 41, pi. v. fig. 76 (1893). Occurred in most localities in Western China, June and July. Oberthur's type was taken at T^-Tsien-Lou (Ta- chien-lu). Hob. Western China. Larentia truncata. Phalana truncata, Hufh. Berl. Mag. iv. p. 602 (1769). Geometra russata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 305. Hydriomena truncata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 72. Cidaria calandstrata, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 662, pi. xxxiii. fig. 6. Cidaria cinereata, Moore, I. c. Cidaria corussaria. Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. v. p. 55, pi. ix. fig. 7 (1880). Larentia truncata (part.), Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 378 (1895). There were a few specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I obtained the species at Nemoro and Shikotan in August, at Nikko in September, and at Oiwake in October. Specimens were received from Moupin and Che- tou, taken in June, and also from the island of Kiushiu. All the Japanese specimens of L. truncata in my collection are modifications of the type form varying in two directions one graduating towards cinereata (corussaria}, and the other leads up to a variety in which the basal third of the primaries is blackish brown, intersected by a dingy rust-coloured band ; the central fascia is almost white, the apical patch is unusually large and agrees with the base in colour. The form last referred to is from Oiwake, Yokohama, Kiushiu, and Moupin. The cinereata form is represented by specimens from Ne- moro, Shikotan, Kiushiu, and Che-tou. Distribution. Europe ; Altai ; Amur ; East Siberia ; Askold ; Japan ; Kiushiu ; Western China, from China, Japan, and Corea. 669 Larentia immanata. Geometra immanata, Haw. Lep. Brit. p. 323. Geometra marmorata, Haw. /. c. Cidaria immanata, var. thingvallata, Staud. Cat. p. 183. Larentia truncnta (part.). Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 378 (1895). Several specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I captured examples at Nemoro in the beginning of August, and have received specimens taken in June and July from Chang-yang, Pu-tsu-fong, Che-tou, and the province of How-Kow. The typical and marmorata forms both occur in Japan and China. Among the Nemoro specimens are two fine varieties ; one of these is a very pale modification of the marmorata form and the other approaches var. thingvallata. Distribution. Europe ; Japan ; Yesso ; Central and Western China. Larentia bimacularia, sp. n. Primaries olive-brown, darker on apical and outer marginal area, and transversely clouded with darker on the basal half of the wing ; there is a black patch at the base and an oblong black spot on costa, the latter is connected with a black discal spot and is preceded and followed by double brown lines, the enclosed space paler throughout, but light ochreous on costa ; submarginal line pale ochreous from costa to about the middle of outer margin, where it disappears, but is repre- sented by a V-shaped mark before inner angle. Secondaries wliity brown, fuscous grey at the base, and traversed by an oblique fuscous-grey band and two wavy lines of the same colour ; on the abdominal margin the space between the lines is pale ochreous j outer margin bordered with fuscous grey, intersected by a pale ochreous curved line, which is angulated above anal angle. Fringes greyish, chequered with blackish. Under surface fuscous grey, marked with darker on the nervules ; the primaries are marked on the costa with blackish ; submarginal line pale, curved, angulated above inner angle, and bordered inwardly with blackish towards costa ; the area beyond the submarginal line is slightly tinged with brownish : all the wings have a blackish discal spot. Expanse 34-36 millim. Four female specimens from Ta-chien-lu and one from Pu-tsu-fong: June. Hob. Western China. 670 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidopterd Beterocerd Larentia costinotaria, sp. ii. 53f2 Primaries pale brownish grey ; basal patch black, indented on its outer edge and limited by a pale ochreous line; there is a black oblong mark on the costa this is outlined in pale ochreous and contracted in the middle; between the black markings there is a dark grey transverse shade from costa to inner margin and some clouds of the same colour below the costal mark; the outer margin is dark grey, indented in the middle ; submarginal line represented by a whitish line on the costa, and another towards inner angle. Secondaries pale grey ; transverse central line rather darker, edged out- wardly with whitish ; there are indications of a pale submar- ginal line. Fringes grey, marked with darker. Under surface fuscous grey ; all the wings have a central and a sub- marginal dusky line, edged with whitish ; the central line of primaries is acutely angled. Expanse 32 millim. One male specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, July. Hob. Western China. Allied to L. sagittata, Fabr. Larentia variata. Geometra variata, Schiff. Wien. Verz. p. 110; Hiibn. Geom. fig. 293. Geometra obeliscata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 296. Hydriomena variata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Loud. 1892, p. 72. There were specimens from Gifu in Pryer's collection. I took the species in April at Ningpo and Loochou and in June at Gensan. All the examples are modifications of the obelis- cata form of the species. Distribution. Europe; Altai; E.Siberia; Japan; Corea; N.E. China. Larentia comis. Larentia comis, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, (5) iv. p. 443 (1879) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 379 (1895). There were three specimens in Pryer's collection, one of which was from Oiwake, and I obtained two examples in the same locality in the month of October. Distribution. Sikhim (Hampson) ; Japan. Similar in general appearance to some European examples of L. varnata, but the antennas are shortly bipectinate. The type (in the National Collection) is in poor condition. from China, Japan, and Corea*, 671 Genus OPORABIA. (Stephens, 111. Brit. Ent., Haust. iii. p. 273 (1829).) Oporabia (?) chiachiaria. Psyra chiachiaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 27. pi. v. fig. 64 (1893). I have not seen an example of this species, of which Oberthur records tvvospecimens from Ta-Tsien-Lou (Ta-chien- lu) ; but, judging from the figure, I should say that it is not a Psyra, or even referable to the Boarmiinae. Hab. Western China. Oporabia (?) productaria, sp. n. Primaries pale grey, with a darker basal patch, central fascia, and an ill-defined shade between ; the neuration is still darker and is dotted with whitish, most distinctly beyond the central fascia ; submarginal line whitish, wavy. Second- aries : outer angle much produced ; whitish grey, suffused with darker on abdominal area j there is a dusky band on outer marginal area traversed by a wavy line of the ground- colour. Fringes agree in colour with the wings and are preceded by an interrupted blackish line. Under surface of primaries fuliginous grey and of secondaries whitish grey finely dusted with darker; all the wings have a blackish discal dot and the secondaries have an obscure, undulated, dusky central line. Antennae bipectinated. Expanse 48 millim. One male specimen from Ta-chien-lu, May or June. Hab. Western China. Oporabia nexifasciata. Oporabia nexifasciata, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 420. Eight specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. Very closely allied to 0. dilutata, Bork., but the antennae are more strongly fasciculated and the first transverse band of primaries is straight. Meyrick places dilutata in Asthena (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 74). Hab. Japan. Oporabia japonaria. Oporabia japonaria, Leech, Entom., Suppl. p. 48 (May 1891). A long and variable series from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. Hab. Japan. 672 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Ueterocera Genus PHOTOSCOTOSIA. Trichopleura, Staud. Stett. ent. Zeit. 1882, p. 68 (prgeocc.) . Photpscotosia, Warren, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1888, p. 328. Lasiogma, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 70. Photoscotosia fasciaria, sp. n. Primaries pale grey-brown, traversed by several diffuse dark grey wavy lines ; basal patch dark grey ; central fascia chocolate-brown, the inner edge slightly indented about the middle and the outer edge angled above the middle and bilobed below it ; there are some blackish clouds on the outer margin ; the costal portions of the transverse lines are darker, and some blackish dashes precede the marginal line. Second- aries orange, marked with fuscous grey on abdominal area and on outer margin from anal angle to third median nervule. Fringes fuscous, except towards outer angle of secondaries, where they are orange, preceded on all the wings by an interrupted black line. Under surface : primaries pale ochreous, suffused with blackish on basal portion, which is limited by an elbowed blackish band; the apical area is clouded with blackish : secondaries yellowish ochreous, powdered with fuscous ; abdominal area greyish j discal spot linear, blackish ; central band dusky, almost straight from costa to middle, thence turns sharply to abdominal margin. Expanse 52-54 millim. Two male specimens and one female from How-Kow : July. Hal. Thibet. Photoscotosia amplicata. Cidaria amplicata, Walk. Oat. Lep. Het. xxv. p. 1404 (1862). Trichopleura amplicata, Alph. Kom. sur L6p. vi. p. 76, pi. iii. figs. 10 a, b, 3 (1892). Trichopleura Dejeani, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 40, pi. iv. fig. 51 Photoscotosia amplicata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 382 (1895). Occurs at Omei-shan, Ni-tou, Pu-tsu-fong, and How-Kow : June and July. In Chinese specimens the white patch on primaries varies to much the same extent that it does in my series from the N.W. Himalayas, but the secondaries are usually much less suffused with fuscous. One form, however, from Omei-shan seems to merit a varietal name. Var. rvuard) nov. General coloration brighter and more variegated ; outer transverse line of primaries very conspicuous. from China , Japan, and Corea. 673 Two male specimens and one female from Omei-shan : July. Distribution. North-west Himalayas ; Sikhim ( Hampson] ; Western China ; Thibet. Photoscotosia pengmonaria. Trichopleura penguionaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 42, pi. v. fig. 70 (1893). Three specimens from How-Kow, Thibet: July. Oberthur's type was from Ta-Tsien-Lou. Hob. Western China and Thibet. Photoscotosia bicolor. Cidaria bicolor, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 278 (1887). Larentia tonchignearia, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 38, pi. v. figs. 67 d,66$ (1893). Photoscotosia bicolor, Hampson. Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 382 (1895). Obtained in June and July in most of the localities in Western China visited by my collectors, and also at How-Kow in Thibet. OberthuYs type was from Ta-Tsien-Lou. Distribution. Sikhim (Hampson) ; Kulu, North-west Himalayas; Western China; Thibet. Photoscotosia albomacularia, sp. n. Primaries fuliginous grey, with several indistinct darker transverse lines ; central fascia blackish, with a large diffuse white blotch on its costal portion ; submarginal line whitish, indistinct, and interrupted. Secondaries blackish, discal area white. Fringes blackish, slightly marked with white on secondaries. Under surface blackish ; discal area of primaries white, apices whitish ; discal and abdominal areas of secondaries white, the latter tinged with greyish ; discal spot black, linear. Expanse 46 millim. One male example from Omei-shan, July. Hal. Western China. Closely allied to P. bicolor , Moore, but the band on second- aries is much broader and the fringes are black. Photoscotosia undulosa. Trichopleura undulosa. Alph. Stett. ent. Zeit. 1888, p. 69 ; Rom. sur Le> vi. p. 78, pi. iii. fig. 9. $ (1892) ; Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. xviii. p. 40, pi. iv. fig. 56, <$ (1893). Photoscotosia undulosa, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 382 (1895). One specimen from Omei-shan, July. 674 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Alphe'raky's type (a female) was from the province of Szechuen, and that of Oberthiir (a male) from T-Tsien-Lou. Distribution. Thibet ; Sikhim (Hampson) ; Western China. Photoscotosia pallifasciariaj sp. n. Primaries brown; basal fourth limited by a pale-edged dark band ; about the middle of the wing there is a broad whity-brown band, edged inwardly by a narrow undulated dark brown band, and outwardly by a dark brown wavy line, which is slightly indented below costa and shaded inwardly with the ground-colour; submarginal line pale, arched, termin- ating in an upright blotch on inner margin ; discal spot black, linear. Secondaries smoky grey, paler on costa ; discal spot black, inconspicuous ; central line dusky, wavy, and curved ; submarginal line arched, ochreous brown, extending from anal angle to third median nervule. Fringes dark grey on primaries, paler, inclining to yellowish, on secondaries, preceded on each wing by a dark brown line. Under surface pale whity brown : primaries suffused with smoky on basal third and on outer marginal area, especially on apical portion, but the apex itself is of the ground-colour ; beyond the middle there is a blackish abbreviated band from costa ; submarginal line as above : secondaries powdered with greyish ; discal spot black, linear ; central line dusky, curved. Expanse 58 millim. Two female specimens from Che-tou, July. Hob. Western China. Allied to P. undulosa, Alph. Photoscotosia velutina. Photoscotosia velutina, Warren, Novit. Zool. ii. p. 117 (1895). Warren's type was from " China." I have specimens of both sexes from Omei-shan, Ta-chien-lu, Ni-tou, and Che-tou, where they were taken in July and August. Hab. Western China. Photoscotosia funebris. Photoscotosia funebris, Warren, Novit. Zool. ii. p. 117 (1895). Specimens, taken in June and July, were received from Pu-tsu-fong, Omei-shan, Ni-tou, and Che-tou. Warren's type was from " China." Hab. Western China. from China, Japan, and Corea. 675 Photoscotosia rectilinear ia, sp. n. Primaries brown, with a pinkish tinge on central area ; basal area darker brown, traversed by a greenish-grey band and limited by an almost straight, inwardly diffuse, velvety- black line; beyond the middle there is a greenish-grey wavy band ; this is diffuse outwardly and edged inwardly by an interrupted dentated black line ; submarginal line indicated by a greenish-grey spot near costa and another towards inner margin; discal spot black, elongate. Secondaries smoky brown, with faint traces of a wavy central line. Fringes brown, except towards apex of secondaries, where they are yellowish. Under surface similar to that of P. pallifasciaria. Expanse 56 millim. One female specimen from Omei-shan, July. Hob. Western China. Photoscotosia atrostrigata. Scotosia atrostriffata, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 87, pi, vii, fig. 16 (1864). Lasiogma atrostriyata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 71. Scotosia lucicolens, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 54, pi. xxxvii. fig. 10 (1878). There were several specimens in Fryer's collection. I took the species at Nikko in September and at Oiwakein October. My native collector obtained it on the island of Kiushiu, and I have one specimen from Chang-yang. Distribution. Eastern Siberia; Japan; Kiushiu; Central China. Photoscotosia apicinotaria, sp. n. Male. Primaries brown ; the space between the thin sub- basal black line and the angulated black inner edge of the central fascia, which is paler than the ground-colour, is traversed by wavy blackish lines; the outer edge of the fascia is also black, bidentate, and wavy, but not always well denned ; it is preceded by a double brownish line ; there is a pale brown spot clouded with darker on costa before apex, and below the spot there is a white dot ; discal spot black, linear, connected with the subbasal line. Secondaries fuligi- nous, whitish on costa ; there are indications of a wavy pale brown submarginal line from anal angle to third median nervule, and there is a blackish spot on abdominal margin. Fringes concolorous with the wings, except on upper portion of secondaries, where they are pale brown. Under surface : primaries whitish brown, basal area blackish, apical area fuliginous, the latter enclosing a pale brown triangular spot 676 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera on costa towards apex ; below this spot there is a dot of the same colour: secondaries whitish brown, powdered with fuliginous, and becoming heavily clouded with fuliginous beyond the wavy central line ; discal spot linear. Female. Similar to the male, but the exterior outline of the central fascia on primaries is more clearly defined and is bordered with paler towards costa and inner margin ; beyond it there are some wavy transverse lines and a white spot towards inner angle; on the secondaries there is a large diffuse orange band extending from costa to third median nervule ; the fringes of these wings are tinged with orange towards outer angle. The under surface of primaries is fuliginous, with a broad fulvous central fascia, and of second- aries also fuliginous, tinged on the central area with fulvous. Expanse, <$ 54-56, $ 58 millim. Thirteen male specimens and two females from Moupin, Omei-shan, Che-tou, and Ni-tou : June and July. Hab. Western China. Photoscotosia propugnataria, sp. n. Primaries pale olivaceous brown, basal patch and central fascia vinous brown, inner half of central portion paler ; the fascia is outlined in black, its interior edge is thrice indented, and there is a black spot in each indentation, the upper one continued to costa ; the external edge is wavy and has an obtuse projection about the middle ; submarginal line pale, macular below the costa, each spot outwardly edged with black. Secondaries fuscous, whitish grey on costal area, more narrowly towards base ; there is an orange cloud at end of the discoidal cell and the fringes on upper half are tinged with the same colour. Under surface very similar to that of P.fasciaria, but less ochreous, especially on primaries. Expanse 54 millim. One male specimen from Wa-shan : June. Hab. Western China. Photoscotosia miniosata. Scotosia miniosata, Walk. Oat. Lep. Het. xxy. p. 1354 (1862). Photoscotosia miniosata. Hampson. Fauna Brit. Ind.. Moths, iii. p. 380 (1895). I received this species from Pu-tsu-fong, Che-tou, and from the plateau to the north of Ta-chien-lu. The specimens do not appear to differ from examples in my collection from the North-west Himalayas. Distribution. Himalayas ; Sylhet ; Western China. from China, Japan, and Corea. 677 Genus CALLABRAXAS. (Butler, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) vi. p. 226 (1880).) Cattabraxas fabiolaria. Euchera fabiolaria, Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. x. p. 35, pi. iii. fig. 3 (1884). This species was obtained at Chang-yang and Ichang, also in most of the localities in Western China. Hao. General and "Western China. C. trigoniplaga, Hampson (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1895, p. 312), is very close to, if not identical with, this species. Genus GANDARITIS. (Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 660.) Gandaritis flavata. Gandaritis favata, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1867, p. 660; Waterh. Aid, pi. clxxxiv. fig. 7 ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 385 (1895). Var. sinicaria, nov. Basal two thirds of secondaries white, with a diffuse black central band ; outer third blackish, intersected by a wavy yellow band and bordered on outer margin with rather darker yellow. I have received this form of the species from Moupin, Omei-shan, Wa-shan, Chia-ting-fu, and Chang-yang : June and July. Distribution. Khasis (Hampson) ; North, Central, and Western China. Gandaritis agnes. Euchera agnes, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 441 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 47, pi. Iii. fig. 10 (1879). Hydriomena agnes, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 72. There were four male specimens and one female from Yesso in Fryer's collection. My native collector captured a female example at Hakodate in June or July. Meyrick considers festinaria, Christ., from Amurland, to be synonymous with this species. Hob. Japan. Gandaritis maculata. Gandaritis maculata. Swinh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xiv. p. 433 (1894). Several specimens from Ohoyama, Nikko, and Yesso in Pryer's collection. Hub, Japan and Yesso. 678 On Lepidoptera Heterocera from China &c. Gandaritis Fixseni. Cidaria Fixseni, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 100, pi. viii. fig, 12 (1864). Gandaritis Fixseni, Hampson, FaunaBrit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 385 (1895). Hydriomena Fixseni, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 72. A nice series from Ohoyama, Nikko, and Yesso in Fryer's collection. I obtained the species at Hakodate in August. Distribution. Eastern Siberia; Amur; Japan; Yesso. Japanese specimens are larger than the Amurland examples in my collection. G andaritis flavomacularia, sp. n. Allied to G. Fixseni. Male. Fuliginous. Primaries traversed by several fine wavy and angulated lines ; these are whitish or yellowish in colour and only distinct on costal and inner margins ; there are indications of two whitish bands on the median area, the first represented by an angular dash on costal area, a sagitta mark on the middle, and a small spot on inner margin, the second by a slightly waved dash on costal area and a small double spot on first submedian nervule ; submarginal band formed of whitish spots and the marginal band of yellow ones ; all these whitish lines and bands are tinged with yellow on the costa. Secondaries have the abdominal area suffused with smoky grey and the outer angle yellow ; sub- marginal arid marginal bands composed of yellow spots, the former preceded on costal area by a yellow crescent-shaped mark, representing a central band. A blackish discal spot on all the wings. Fringes fuliginous, those of secondaries yellow at outer margin and opposite each marginal spot. Under surface yellowish : primaries clouded with brownish on basal and outer marginal areas ; central double line brownish, elbowed above the middle, and connected with an interrupted submarginal band of the same colour by an oblique darker cloud ; a blackish oblique dash extends from apex almost to submarginal band ; secondaries, whitish grey on abdominal area and clouded and suffused with yellowish on outer marginal area; central line and submarginal band as on primaries, but the former is curved and has an angular projection on its inner edge before abdominal margin. Female. Similar to the male, but larger ; the white bands on upper surface of the primaries are less interrupted, as also is the central yellow one of secondaries ; the under surface is less yellow and heavily clouded with dusky. Expanse, < 60, ? 66 millim. One example of each sex from Wa-shan : August. Hab. Western China. Bibliographical Notice. 679 Genus POMASIA. (Guen. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 387 (1895).) Pomasia albolinearia, sp. n. Pale brown. Primaries have a black discal dot and two white transverse lines with black specks on them, the outer one curved and recurved ; submarginal line wavy, whitish, but not clearly defined. Secondaries have a black discal dot and a white transverse indented line beyond, the latter inwardly edged with black, most distinctly towards inner margin. Fringes of the ground-colour preceded by a series of black dots. Under surface pale brown, suffused with fuscous on the disk : primaries have a pale discal mark and transverse line beyond : secondaries have a black discal dot and a pale band beyond, the latter inwardly edged with blackish. Expanse 20 millim. One male specimen from Chang-yang and an example of each sex from Moupin : July. In the female specimen from Moupin the white lines are wider and in the male from same locality are almost band- like ; but these examples are not in such good condition as the one from Chang-yang, which I have taken as the type. Hob. Central and Western China. [To be continued.] Erratum. P. 568, line 12, for " entirely black" read "entirely white." BIBLIOGKAPHICAL NOTICE. Das Tierreich. I. Lief erung. Aves : Podargidae, Caprimulgidae, and Macropterygidae. Bearbeitet von ERNST HARTERT. Berlin: Friedlander u. Sohn, 1897. IN the first portion of the Birds in * Das Tierreich,' which we have lately received, Mr. Ernst Hartert gives an excellent manual of the Goatsuckers arid Swifts (Podargidae, Capriniulgidae, and Macro- pterygidae). As may be supposed, it is based on the portion of vol. xvi. of the ' Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum ' con- taining those families, which was written by him in 1892, thoroughly revised and broughb well up to date ; but some little alteration is made in the arrangement and in the sequence of the genera, added to which Mr. Hartert has, in the present instance, declared himself wholly for trinomialism, which we rather regret, as we are old-fashioned enough to believe that this is a course that does not tend to the simplification of the study of ornithology, but rather the reverse. The number of species added to those included in the Brit. Mus. Catalogue is fifteen, as follows : Podargus inter- medius, Hart. ; Batracliostomus microrliynclius, Grant ; B. mixtus. 680 Miscellaneous. Sharpe ; ^Egotheles rufescens, Salvad. ; JE. plumifer, Ramsay ; Micropsalis kalinowskii, Berlep. ; Caprimulgus Rosenbergi, Hartert ; 0. nigriscapularis, Rchw. ; C. celebensis, Grant ; C. aldabrensis, Bidgw. : C. Donaldsoni, Sharpe ; Collocalia Wliiteheadi, Grant ; Cypseloides Cherriei, Bidgw.; Apus Willsi (Hart.); A. Shelleyi (Salvad.) ; but of these JEgotheles plumifer and Apus Shelleyi were referred to in footnotes in that Catalogue. Besides which the following thirteen subspecies are also added : Nyctibius jamai- efwws. ari&eus (Gm.) ; Nvctidromus albicollis derbyanus, Gould ; Chordeiles virginicus aserriensis, Cherrie ; Phalcenoptilus Nuttalli nitiduf, Brewst. ; Caprimulgus macrurus ambiguus, Hart. ; Capri- mulgus macrurus nipalensis, Hart. ; Caprimulgus europceus meridi- onalis, Hart. ; Macropteryx mystacea Woodfordiana, Hart. ; M. comata major^'B.&Tt. ; Collocalia fuciphaga unicolor, Jerd. ; Chcetura zonaris pallidifrons, Hart.; Apus affinis galilejensis (Antin.) ; and Apus affinis Kcenigi (Rchw.). One new genus is given, viz. Nannochor- deiles, Hartert [type N. pusilhis (Gould)], and the following altera- tions and emendations are made : JEgotheles Lorice (Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xvi. p. 650) is omitted ; Eurostopus is corrected (p. 23) to Eurostopodus ; Macropsalis forcipata (p. 27) to M. creagra (Bp.) ; the genus Cosmetornis is suppressed and included (p. 30) in Macro- dipteryae, and M. macrodipterus is corrected to M. longipennis (Shaw) ; Heliothreptus is altered (p. 31) to Elioihreptus ; Capri- mulgus lentiginosus stands (p. 55) now as C. trimaculatus (Sw.), Caprimulgus jotalca as Caprimulgus indicus jotaka, and Caprimulgus Kelaarti as Caprimulgus indicus typicus ; Collocalia merguiensis a's C. francica germani (Oust.); Tachornis batassiensis is altered to T. batasiensis ; and the generic name for the true Swifts is altered from Micropus to Apus, but should, we think, stand as Cypselus. Sixteen woodcuts of heads, feet, and tails are given, all of which will be found useful, and the entire work is well got up and con- scientiously executed : and we congratulate Mr. Hartert on having completed so concise and useful a manual of these families. MISCELLANEOUS. On the Malpighian Tubes of Orthoptera. By M. L. BOEDAS *. THE Malpighian vessels in Orthoptera present a close analogy with those of Hymenoptera so far as their number and length is con- cerned, but they differ essentially in their arrangement and mode of opening. They are, as a rule, capillary tubes, more or less elon- gated, cylindrical, tortuous, and arranged in several bundles which open in the majority of species on the summit of six little conical tubercles, arising in evaginations of the anterior extremity of the terminal portion of the intestine. In Porficulidae, Phasmidaa, and Gryllidse the relations of these glands to the intestine are entirely different. From the histological point of view these glands consist of an external very delicate peritoneal coat and an internal epithelium * Abstract from a work, ' Appareil digestif des Orthopteres,' On Lepidoptera Heterocera from China &c. 65 If this species ^is admitted into the genus Frondipora, Mr. Busk's definition of that genus should be modified thus : Zoarium pedunculate ramose ; fasciculi opening only on one side, or at the ends, of the branches. VIII. On Lepidoptera Heterocera from China, Japan, and Corea. By JOHN HENRY LEECH, B.A., F.L.S , F.Z.S., &c. Part II. Family Geometridss', Subfamilies (Enochromina3, Orthostixinas, Larentiinse, Acidaliinse, and Geometrinse. [Continued from vol. xix. p. 679.] Genus EUPITHECIA. (Curtis, Brit. Entom. vi. pi. Ixiv. (1825).) Eupithecia proterva. Eupithecia proterva, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 445 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 52, pi. liv. fig. 1 (1879). A nice series from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan. Eupithecia signigera. Eupithecia signigera, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 442 (1879) Specimens from Yokohama and Gifu in Fryer's collection. Uab. Japan. Eupithecia caliginea. Eupithecia caliginea, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 445 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 52, pi. liv. tig 2 (1879). Eupithecia zibellinata, Christ. Bull. Mosc. Iv. (2) p. 117 (1881). Tephroclystis zibellinata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 66. There were three specimens in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Amur; Japan. Eupithecia castigata. Geometra castigata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 456. Tephroclystis castigata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 66. There were four specimens (one male, three females) in Fryer's Japanese collection. My native collector obtained the species at Nikko, and I have received it from Pu-tsu-fong, where specimens were taken in June. Distribution. Europe; Amur; Japan; Western China. Ann. & Mag. N. Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xx. 5 66 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Eupithecia consortaria, sp. n. Primaries greyish, with a faint brownish tinge and marked with darker on the costa; there are two or three obscure dusky transverse lines before the conspicuous black discal spot, and a double line (rather more clearly defined and angu- lated below costa) beyond the spot; submarginal line whitish, interrupted and bordered with dusky. Secondaries rather paler, with a blackish discal dot and an obscure dusky central band. Fringes greyish, marked with darker. Under surface pale fuscous grey ; all the wings have a blackish discal dot, a dusky central band, and an obscure line beyond. A male specimen from Moupin, July. Hob. Western China. Allied to E. castigata. EupitJiecia coronata. Geometra coronata, Hiibn. Geom. pi. Ixxii. figs. 372, 373. Eupithecia lucinda, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 442 (1879) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. Ix. pi. clxx. fig. 11 (1893). Chloroclystis lucinda, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 396 (1895). Specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. Eupithecia excisa. Eupithecia excisa, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 445 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 52, pi. liii. fig. 11 (1879). Chloroclystis palpata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 391 (1896). Specimens from Yokohama, Gifu, and Yesso in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan and Yesso. EupitJiecia minuta. Collix minuta, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 421. Three specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. Hab. Japan. This species appears to be closely allied to E. rectangu- , Linn. Eupithecia Julia. Lobophora Julia, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 446 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 53, pi. liv. fig. 4 (1879). Chloroclystis palpata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 391 (1895). from China, Japan, and Corea. 67 ^ There were specimens from Oiwake, Yokohama, Gifu, and Yesso in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan and Yesso. Probably an Eastern Asian representative of E. rectangu- lata, L. Eupithecia consueta. Eupithecia consueta. Butl. Ann. & Mag". Nat. Hist. (5) iv p. 442 (1879). Five specimens from Yokohama and one from Yesso in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan and Yesso. Eupithecia Pryeriaria, sp. n. Male. Fale whity brown. Primaries traversed by several pale brown, transverse lines, but these are only distinct on the costa ; there is a pale brownish mark on the basal third of costa and a short oblique dash below it on the inner margin ; discal dot black ; outer marginal area of all the wings pale brown, traversed by a whitish wavy line. Under surface slightly suffused with fuscous ; all the wings have a dusky border on outer margin. Female. Rather browner, and the transverse lines are more distinct. Expanse 24 millim. Three examples of each sex in Fryer's collection from Yokohama and Yesso. Hob. Japan and Yesso. Eupithecia fuscicostata. Eupithecia fuscicostata, Christ. Rom. sur L6p. iii. p. 11, pi. i. fig. 6 (1887). Eupithecia fuscostigma, Alph. op. cit. vi. p. 80 (1892). Alphe*raky records an example of each sex of this species from the province of Kan-sou, taken in July. He states that the specimens are paler and that there are fewer brownish markings on the disk of the wings. Distribution. Transcaucasia ; Western China. Eupithecia Sophia. Eupithecia Sophia, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 444 (1878) 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 61, pi. liii! fig. 9 (1879). Butler describes this species from Yokohama ; there were no specimens in Fryer's collection. Hob. Japan. 5* 68 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Eupithecia invisa. Eupitheda invis*, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 444 (1878) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 51, pi. liii. fig. 10 (1879). Butler's type was from Hakodate ; Pryer did not meet with it, and I failed to obtain it in any part of Japan that I collected in. Hab. Japan. Probably a form of E. castigata, Hiibn. Eupithecia sinicaria, sp. n. Primaries brownish, darker along the costa ; the basal area is whitish, limited by a wavy whitish band, which is clearly defined on the dark costal area and is intersected transversely by a wavy dark line; there is another similar whitish band beyond the black discal dot, but this does not proceed below the middle of the wing ; these bands are connected by an irregular whitish patch below the dark costal area ; third band whitish, intersected by a dark line on costa, but hardly traceable below, except as white points on the nervules, sub- marginal line dusky. Secondaries greyish, traversed by five wavy whitish bands, the third and fourth of which are most distinct. Under surface fuscous grey primaries with a black discal dot and indications of dusky transverse bands; secondaries with whitish bands as above. Expanse 24 rnillim. A male specimen from Che-tou, Western China : July. Allied to E. succentureata, Linn., from Europe. Eupithecia rufescens. Eupithecia rufescens, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 445 (1878) ; 111. Tjp. Lep. Het. iii. p. 52, pi. liii. fig. 12 (1879). Specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I took the species in Satsuma in May. Hab. Japan and Kiushiu. Eupithecia niphonaria, sp. n. Primaries brownish, with some darker marks on the costa ; discal dot black ; submarginal line whitish, serrated to inner margin ; there is a small white spot on it just above the inner margin. Secondaries rather paler, with a blackish discal dot and dusky indented central line. Fringes greyish, very broad, and preceded by a blackish line, which has pale dots on it at the ends of the nervules. Under surface paler from China, Japan, and Corea. 69 than above ; primaries are slightly suffused with fuscous on the basal and outer marginal areas; the secondaries have two fuscous transverse lines, and all the wings have a blackish discal dot. Expanse 22 millim. A female specimen in Fryer's collection from Japan. Allied to E. absinthiata, 01., from Europe. Eupithecia carearia, sp. n. Pale brown. Primaries with a broad darker central band enclosing the blackish discal spot ; the costal portion of the band above the discal spot is much darker than the remainder; there are indications of an interrupted pale submarginal line j this is preceded and followed on the costa by brownish clouds, and edged inwardly with the same colour above the middle and towards inner margin. Secondaries have a black discal dot. Fringes pale brown, preceded by an interrupted blackish line. Under surface paler than above, with blackish discal dots and faint traces of dusky transverse markings. Expanse 25 millim. Two male specimens in Pryer's collection. Hob. Japan. Allied to E. indigata, Hiibn., from Europe. Eupithecia costimacularia, sp. n. Whitish. Primaries have four brownish spots on the costa, the first representing the upper portion of a basal patch, the second and third are near together, and the fourth is preceded by the whitish wavy line, which is inwardly bordered with brownish, especially towards inner margin; there are some brownish marks on the middle of the inner margin and the discal spot is elongate and black. Second- aries have a blackish discal dot ; some brownish clouds on abdominal margin, from which there are indications of dusky bands across the wings. Fringes whitish, marked with brownish and preceded by a blackish line. Under surface whitish ; primaries have the markings of upper surface faintly reproduced, except on inner margin ; secondaries have a larger discal mark and two dusky transverse lines. Expanse 24 millim. One female specimen from Japan, probably from Yokohama. Hob. Japan. Allied to E. oblongata, Thnb., from Europe. 70 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera EupitJiecia obliquaria, sp. n. Primaries pale brown, basal and outer marginal areas clouded with blackish; there is an inwardly oblique and slightly angulated dark brown or blackish band about the middle of the wing; this is joined by an outwardly oblique streak on costal area; beyond the central band is a'fine wavy blackish line, originating at costal extremity of central line and termi- nating in a spot on inner margin ; submarginal line whitish and interrupted. Secondaries greyish ; abdominal area pale brownish, barred with blackish. Fringes agree with ^the wings, preceded by a blackish line. Under surface greyish, suffused with fuliginous on primaries ; secondaries have three dusky transverse lines ; primaries have an elongate blackish discal mark and a spot of the same colour beyond it on costa. Expanse 28 millim. Two male specimens from Ta-chien-lu: May and June. Hob. Western China. Allied to E. phceniceata, Eamb., from Europe. Eupithecia brevifasciaria, sp. n. Primaries brownish ; basal patch slightly darker, limited by a blackish line ; central fascia indicated by blackish lines from costa to inner margin, the space between them blackish towards costa, forming a quadrate patch ; beyond fascia is a pale band, whitish on costal portion, but suffused with the ground-colour below ; outer marginal area with a blackish cloud on costa before apex, another below apex, and one at inner angle ; these clouds are intersected by a whitish serrated submarginal line; there is a pale streak from apex to fascia. Secondaries whitish ; the basal area is traversed by four blackish or fuscous bands, the outer one transversely inter- sected by a wavy line paler than ground-colour; outer marginal area fuscous, intersected by two whitish waved lines ; the central space is paler than the ground, its outer edge crenulate. Fringes brown. Under surface whitish, tinged with fuscous ; basal area traversed by diffuse fuscous lines and limited by a blackish line, angled at the middle ; outer marginal area traversed by a fuscous line and limited by another line the latter is marked with darker on neuration and is slightly curved on primaries and angled on second- aries ; the intervening space on both wings, a spot about middle of outer margin of primaries, and a marginal band on secondaries paler than the ground-colour. Expanse 28 millim. from China , Japan , and Corea. 71 One male specimen from Chow-pin-sa : May. Hob. Western China. Allied to K pulchellata, Steph. Eupithecia mandarinaria, sp. n. Primaries pale brown, suffused and clouded with darker, and traversed by three black lines, each of which originates in a black mark on costa, and externally edged with whitish throughout its course ; the inner is slightly curved, the outer is sharply dentate, and the median one is twice angled, the upper angle almost touching a dentation of the outer line ; submarginal line wavy, whitish ; discal spot black, encircled with whitish, large and conspicuous. Secondaries whity brown, dark brown on outer marginal area ; there are two dusky transverse lines before the middle and a blackish- edged whitish dentate line beyond the middle, but this latter only extends from abdominal margin to third median nervule; submarginal line wavy, whitish. Fringes brown, marked with whitish and preceded by a whitish line. Under surface whitish, suffused with darker on the outer marginal area; primaries have a black discal spot, a black mark on costa beyond, and the transverse lines of upper surface are faintly indicated ; secondaries have a black discal spot, some dusky transverse lines, and a series of blackish marks on the nervules. Expanse 30-38 millim. Fitteen specimens from Ta-chien-lu, Wa-shan, and Pu-tsu- fong, June; and one female example from Kiukiang. Ilab. Central and Western China. In the Kiukiang example the transverse lines of primaries are very faint, but the black line beyond middle of secondaries is very conspicuous. Allied to E. togata, Hiibn. Genus MiCROLOBA. (Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 405 (1895).) Microloba bella. Melaninpe letta, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 448 (1878) j 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 55, pi. liv. tig. 10 (1879) ; Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. v. p. 53, pi. iv. tig. 11 (18^0). Tyloptera eburneata, Christ. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. Iv. (2) p. 116 (1880). Microloba bella, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 405 (1895). There were specimens from Yokohama in Pryer's collec- tion. I obtained the species at Gensan in July and at Hako- date in August, and my native collector met with it in the 72 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera island of Kiushiu. Examples have also been received from Ta-chien-lu, Pu-tsu-fong, Chia-ting-fu, and Chang- jang : June and July. Distribution. Amur ; Askold ; Corea ; Japan ; Yesso ; Kiushiu ; Western and Central China. Genus BRABIRA. (Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 271 (1888).) Brabira artemidora. Melanippe artemidora, Oberth. Etud. d'Ent. x. p. 33, pl.i. fig. 6 (1884). Brabira pallida, Moore, Lep. Atk. p. 271, pi. viii. lig. 12 (1887). Brabira artemidora^ Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 406 (1895). Mr. Smith took two specimens at Hakone in August, and there were two in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Sikhim (Hampson}', Askold; Japan. Brabira plicataria, sp. n. Cinnamon-brown. Primaries have two short blackish streaks on costa before the broad central fascia, which has a darker patch on its middle ; there are traces of a submarginal band, especially towards costa; these bands are continued on the secondaries ; all the wings have a black discal dot. Fringes of the ground-colour, preceded by a series of black dots. Under surface tinged with fuscous, with bands of upper surface reproduced. In the male the abdominal margin of secondaries is deeply folded. Expanse, But l- HI. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 51, pi. xxxvi. fig. 8 Geometra (?) vestita, Heiem. Horse Ross. xiv. p. 508, pi. iii. fig. 3 Geometra muscosa, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 96. from China, Japan, and Corea, 235 Several specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. Mr. Smith took the species at Hakone in August, and I captured some examples at Tsuruga in July and at Nikko in September. A fairly constant species, but the discal markings of all the wings and the marginal border of secondaries are subject to modification. Distribution. Amur; Japan. Genus MEGALOCHLORA. (Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 95.) MegaloMora sponsaria. Chlorochroma sponsaria, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 77, pi. vi. fig. 25 (1864). Megalochlora spomaria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 95. Specimens from Yokohama and Oivvake in Fryer's col- lection. Distribution. E. Siberia ; Amur ; Japan. Geometra viridescentaria, Motsch., is probably identical with this species. Megalochlora albovenaria. Geometra albovenaria, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 75, pi. vi. fig. 21 (1864). Megalochlora albovenaria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 95. ^i Geometra valida, Feld. Reise Nov. v. pi. cxxvii. fig. 37 (1875). t Geometra dioptasaria, Christ. Bull. Mosc. 1880, p. 9. There were some examples from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I obtained specimens at Gensan in June and July ; and have received specimens from Omei-shan, Wa-shan, and Che-tou, taken in June and July. Distribution. E. Siberia; Amur; Japan; Corea; Western China. Megalochlora mandarinaria } sp. n. Fale bluish green. Primaries, which are slightly concave below apex, have two transverse whitish lines, the first curved below costa and the second broad and slightly oblique ; there is a whitish line at end of the cell. Secondaries, which are angled in middle of outer margin, have a broad oblique whitish line. Fringes whitish. Under surface whitish, strongly tinged with green on primaries ; the broad trans- verse lines of upper surface are reproduced. Expanse 54 millim. One male specimen from Chow-pin-sa, taken in June. Ilab. Western China. This species is somewhat similar to M. albovenaria^ Brem., but the outer margins are not crenulate. 236 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera MegdloMora glaucarla. Geometra glaucaria, Me*n. Bull, de 1'Acad. xvii. p. 220 ; Scark. Amur- Reis. p. 65, pi. v. fig. 8 (1859). Geometra usitata, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 49, pi. xxxvi. fig. 3 (1878). Megalochlora glaucaria, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 95. Some specimens from Yokohama and Oiwake in Fryer's collection. Distribution. Amur; Japan. Genus EUCHLORIS. (Hiibn. ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 94.) Euchloris insolitaria, sp. n. Male. Bluish green j all the wings have a whitish trans- verse line beyond the middle, that on primaries is almost straight and that on secondaries slightly angled about the middle. Fringes whitish chequered with brown. Under surface whitish tinged with green. Expanse 43 millim. One male specimen taken by myself in the Province of Satsuma in May, and a female from Chang-yang, Central China, captured in June. The female has plain fringes, but otherwise agrees with the male. Distribution. Kiushiu ; Central China. Euchloris difficta. Comibcena difficta, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxii. p. 576 (1861); Butl 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 37, pi. 1. fig. 3 (1879). Ochrognesia difficta, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 391 (1894). There were specimens from Ohoyama and Nikko in Fryer's collection, and my native collector took a few examples at Gensan in July ; I have two from Chang-yang and one from Ichang, taken in July. Warren considers " Phorodesma " gratiosaria, Brem., from East Siberia to be identical with E. difficta. Distribution. North and Central China; Japan: Corea East Siberia. Euchloris albocostaria. Euchlons albocostaria, Brem. Lep. Oat-Sib, p. 76, pi. vi. fig. 22 (1804). There were specimens from Nikko in Fryer's collection. I obtained the species at Gensan in July and have received it from Ichang. Jrom Ch'ina* Japan, and Corea. 237 Distribution. E. Siberia ; Amur ; Japan ; Corea ; Central China. Euchloris procumbaria. Euchloris procumbaria. Pryer (W. B.), Cist. Eat. ii. p. 232. pi. iv. fig. 2 (1877). Comibcena vaga, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 410. One female specimen from Nikko in Fryer's collection ; and a male from Omei-shan, taken in June. Butler's type was from Tokio and that of Pryer from Shanghai. Distribution. Japan ; Western China. Euchloris argentatariaj sp. n. Bright green. Primaries have two silvery- white lines, the first forming a double curve, the second dentate towards costa and expanding into a broad dentate mark above inner margin ; the marginal area is washed with silvery white and there is a patch of purplish grey enclosing two black dots on the inner marginal portion; discal dot encircled with white. Secondaries have an elongate purplish discal mark and a silvery- white marginal line, this latter is inwardly dentate above the middle, arcuate towards the purplish-grey outer angle, and expands into a purplish-grey marked blotch at anal angle. Fringes silvery white, mixed with purplish grey on the secondaries. Under surface : primaries green as above, marked with silvery white on inner marginal area and on the outer margin ; outer line and discal dot as above : secondaries silvery white, with a blackish patch at outer angle, a blackish discal dot, and a fuscous wavy line beyond. Expanse 28 millim. Two male specimens were taken by my native collector at Gensan in July, and he also obtained one example in the island of Kiushiu. Mr. Smith captured a male at Hakone in August, and I have received one from Chang-yang that was taken in May. Distribution. Corea; Kiushiu; Central China. Euchloris nigromacularia, sp. n. Bright green. Primaries have the costa white and two white angulated transverse lines ; the second line is followed on the inner margin by a ferruginous more or less quadrate patch ; submarginal line white, interrupted. Secondaries have a blackish patch at outer angle extending along margin to third median nervule, this is limited by a white line which becomes broader below third median nervule and expands 238 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera into a pale ferruginous tinged patch at anal angle. Fringes pale greyish preceded b}^ a series of black dots, these dots are largest on the secondaries and at inner angle of primaries ; all the wings have a black discal dot. Under surface white, tinged with green on the primaries : secondaries have a black patch on outer margin interrupted by the nervules : discal dots as above. Expanse 40 millim. One female specimen from Chow-pin-sa, taken in June ; and there was an example of the same sex in Fryer's col- lection, probably from Yokohama. Distribution. Western China ; Japan. Euchloris ornataria, sp. n. Bright green, striated with silvery white. Primaries have two silvery-white transverse lines, the first is slightly curved and the second is oblique and slightly undulated ; there is a short upright violet bar on inner margin before angle, and a patch of the same colour at anal angle of secondaries; all the wings have a black discal dot. Fringes : of primaries whitish tinged with greenish, except at inner angle where they are violet ; of secondaries violet, preceded by a blackish line below outer angle, thence by black dots on the nervules. Under surface whitish, tinged with green, especially on pri- maries ; discal dots as above ; violet markings faintly reproduced. Expanse 32 millim. Six male specimens from Pu-tsu-fong, taken in June. Hob. Western China. Euchloris dbsoletaria, sp. n. Green. Primaries have the costa white and two obscure whitish transverse lines, the first slightly curved and the second elbowed below the costa and indented above inner margin ; all the wings have a blackish discal dot. Fringes whitish grey, preceded by a violet-brown line. Under surface : of primaries green, washed with whitish on the inner marginal area, with black discal dot and pale central line ; of secondaries whitish, with a black discal dot and dusky greenish central line. Expanse 32 millim. One female specimen from the island of Kiushiu, and one taken by myself at Nagasaki in June. Hob. Kiushiu. from CJtina, Japan, and Corea. 239 Euchloris incomptaria, sp. n. Pale bluish green without transverse lines. Primaries whitish on costa ; there is a short upright violet-grey bar at inner angle and a patch of the same colour on outer angle of secondaries ; outer marginal line of all the wings violet- grey. Under surface whitish with a faint greenish tinge ; violet-grey markings faintly reproduced. Expanse 33 millim. One male specimen, without fringes to the wings', from Wa-shan, taken in July. Hob. Western China. Euchloris chlorophyllaria. Phorodesma chlorophyll aria, Hedem. Horse Soc. Ent. Ross. xiv. p. 510, pi. iii. fig. 7 (1378) ; Alph. Rom. sur Lep. vi. p. 53 (1892). Phorodesma fankowskiaria, Mill. ; Oberth. Etud. d'Entom. v. p. 47, pi. iv. fig. '7 (1880). Alpheraky records this species from the Province of Kan- sou, July. I received a male specimen from Pu-tsu-fong, taken in June or July. Distribution. Amur; Askold; Western China. Euchloris simpliciaria, sp. n. Pale bluish green, with whitish fringes and a dusky discal dot on all the wings ; the fringes are preceded by a dark line. Under surface whitish tinged with greenish, discal dots as above. Expanse 30 millim. One female specimen from Chang-yang, taken in August. Hob. Central China. Euchloris striataria, sp. n. Pale green, striated with silvery white ; costa of primaries whitish. Fringes whitish. Under surface whitish, slightly tinged with fuliginous on basal portion of costa. Expanse 31 millim. One female specimen from Che-tou, taken in July. Hob. W r estern China. Euchloris subtiliaria. Euchloris subtiliaria, Brem. Lep. Ost-Sib. p. 76, pi, vi. fig. 23 (1864). Racheospila nympha, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. Loud. 1881, p. 411. Several specimens from Yokohama, Gifu, and Yesso in Pryer's collection. 240 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera I met with this species at Nikko in September, and my native collector obtained it in June at Ningpo and also in the island of Kiushiu. I received examples from Moupin, Wa-ssu-kow, Chow- pin-sa, Wa-shan, and Che-ton, taken in June and July. Distribution. Dharmsala ; Sikhim ; Nilgiris ; Ceylon ; Australia (Hampson) ; Amur (G-rceser) ; E. Siberia; Japan; Yesso; Kiushiu ; Western China. Euchloris radiata. Thetidea (?) radiata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxvi. p. 1567 (1862). Euchloris radiata, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 498 (1895). One female specimen from Huang-mu-chang, taken in July.^ Distribution. Kulu ; Dharmsdla (Hampson) Western China. Genus COLUTOCERAS. (Warren, Novit. Zool. ii. p. 88 (1895).) Colutoceras diluta. Colutoceras diluta, Warren, Novit. Zool. ii. p. 88 (1895). Warren describes one male specimen from Kiushiu. The insect I have described as Euchloris obsoletaria may possibly be the female of this. Genus NEMOKIA. (Hiibn. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 501 (1895).) Nemoria viridaria. Phal. Geometra viridata, Linn. Fauna Suec. 330. Geometra viridata, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 11 ; Treit. Schmett. vi. 1, 107; Dup. Le"p. vii. pi. cli. fig. 4. Nemoria viridaria, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 285 ; Guen. Phal. i. p. 346 ; Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 94. I took one specimen at Gensan in July, and I have re- ceived specimens from Chang-yang and Moupin which appear referable to this species. Distribution. Europe; Altai; Amur; Corea ; Central and Western China. Nemoria gelida. Nemoria gelida, 111. Typ. Lep. Het. vii. p. 104, pi. cxxxvi. fig. 5 (1889). One specimen from Huang-mu-chang, July. Distribution. Dalhousie ; Kulu; Dharmsa"la (Hampson); Western China. from China j Japan , and Corea. Nemoria rectilinear ia^ sp. n. Whitish green. Primaries have an almost straight whitish transverse line before the middle and an oblique one beyond the middle ; the latter is continued on the secondaries. Fringes whitish, tinged with greenish. Under surface whitish, tinged with green ; area beyond the whitish transverse line paler. Expanse 24 millim. Several examples of each sex from Huang-mu-chang, July. Hob. Western China. Allied to N. indecretata, Walk., but the line on secondaries is straighter and terminates nearer the anal angle, and the costa of primaries is pale brown. Genus THALASSODES. (Guen. Phal. i. p. 359 ; Meyrick, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, p. 507 (1895).) Thalassodes gavissima. Comibcena gavissima, Walk, Cat. Lep. Het. xxii. p. 575 (1861). Berta gavissima, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. iii. p. 435, pi. cxcvi. fig. 6<3 (1887). Thalassodes gavissima, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 510 (1895). One specimen from Wa-shan, June. Distribution. Simla ; Sikhim ; Ceylon ( Hampson ) ; Western China. Thalassodes vallata. Thalassodes vallata, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 50, pi. xxxvi. fig. 9 (1878) ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 514 (1895). Several specimens from Yokohama in Fryer's collection. I met with this species at Nagasaki in May, Fushiki and Gensan in July, and at Hakodate in August. Distribution. Sikhim; Khdsis (Hampson)', Japan; Kiushiu; Yesso; Corea. Thalassodes par allelaria y sp. n. Similar to T. vallata, Butl., but rather lighter green in colour. The first line of primaries approaches the second on the inner margin, and the latter is parallel with outer margin ; both lines are white and without inward shading ; the costa is narrowly whitish and immaculate. The transverse line of secondaries is also white and terminates nearer the middle of abdominal margin than the anal angle. Fringes white, 242 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera marked with rufous brown at angle of secondaries, and not preceded by a brown line. Expanse 36 millim. One male specimen from Moupin and one from Ni-tou, July. Hob. Western China. Thalassodes inconcinnaria, sp. n. Green ; all the wings have two obscure, wavy, whitish trans- verse lines, that on primaries beyond the middle is rather oblique. Fringes whitish tinged with green. Under surface paler than above and without transverse lines. Expanse 33 millim. One male specimen from Ta-chien-lu and one from Pu- tsu-fong, both taken in June. Hob. Western China. Thalassodes submacularia^ sp. n. Darkish olive-green, costa of primaries brownish marked with darker. All the wings have a darker, wavy, transverse line beyond the middle, and a dusky discal mark ; the line on secondaries has a bidentate projection below the middle. Fringes of primaries brown, and those of secondaries pale brown dotted with darker above the angle, which is strongly produced. Under surface greenish white, with a large blackish patch at inner angle of primaries and outer angle of secondaries. Expanse 41 millim. One male specimen from Moupin and a female from Omei- shan, both taken in June. JJab. Western China. Thalassodes thetydaria. lodis thetydaria, Guen. Phal. i. p. 358 (1857). Thalassodes bifasciata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxvi. p. 1562 (1862). Thalassodes thetydaria, Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind.. Moths, iii. p. 509 (1895). One male specimen from Che-tou and a female from Moupin, June and July. Distribution. Sikhim ; Sylhet (Hampson) ; Western China. Thalassodes albistriyata. Gelasma albistrigata, Warren, Novit. Zool. ii. p. 89 (1895). Warren describes this species from Japan. I have not obtained any specimens of it. Hob. Japan. jrom China, Japan, and Corea. Genus THALERA. (Hiibn. ; Hampson, Fauna Brit. Ind., Moths, iii. p. 514 (1895).} Th a lera fimbria Us. Phalanafimbrialis, Scop. Ent. Cam. p. 216 (1763). Geometra bupleuraria, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 8. Thalera bupleuraria, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 285. I took one male specimen at Gensan in July. Distribution. Europe; Asia Minor ; Amur; Corea. Thalera rufolimbaria. Thalera rufolimbaria, Hedem. Horse Ross. xiv. p. 512. pi. iii. tig. 5 (1878). Thalera cremdata, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. p. 37, pi. 1. fig. 2 (1879). There was a nice series in Fryer's collection from Yoko- hama and Yesso. I obtained the species in Satsuma in May, at Nagasaki and Fusan in June, arid at Shimonoseki and Tsuruga in July. My native collector took it in the island of Kiushiu in July. I have also received specimens from Chang-yang, Ichang, Moupin, Pu-tsu-fong, and Huang-mu- chang. The Japanese examples range in expanse from 22 millim. to 30 millim. ( ? ). A series taken at Chang-yang, Central China, in June, average 25 millim. in expanse, whilst the specimens taken at Ichang, Central China, in August, measure 2 millim. less in expanse. Distribution. Amur; Japan; Yesso; Kiushiu; Central and Western China. Thalera putata. PhaL Geometra putata, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 523 ; Clerck, Icon. pi. iii. fig. 9. Geometra putataria, Hiibn. Geom. fig. 10. lodis putataria, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 286; Guen. Phal. i. p. 557. JKuchloris putata, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 95. This species seems to be generally distributed throughout Japan from May to August. I have also taken specimens at Gensan and in the island of Kiushiu. All are rather darker in colour than European examples. Distribution. Europe ; Japan ; Corea ; Kiushiu. Thalera prcerupta. Thalassodes prcerupta. Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 49, pi. xxxvi fig. 5 (1878). 244 Mr. J. II. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera The type of this species was taken at Yokohama by Mr. Jonas. Hob. Japan. Thalera lactearia. Phal. Geometra lactearia, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 519 ; Clerck, Icon. pi. iii. fig. 12. lodis lactearia, Guen. Phal. i. p. 355. Euchloris lactearia, Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1892, p. 95. There was one example from Yesso in Fryer's collection mixed up with Hemithea marina, Butl., and I took a specimen at Gensan in June and at Ningpo in April. My native collector obtained the species at Ningpo in June. Distribution. Europe ; Amur ; Corea ; Yesso ; Eastern China. Thalera ambigua. Thalassodes ambigua, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 49, pi. xxxvi. fig. 6 (1878). >U*.^/7Ef > .*/i(/^; /itx .^; .' Specimens from Oiwake in Fryer's collection. I obtained specimens at Nagahama in July, and my native collector at Gensan also in July. Distribution. Corea ; Japan ; Kiushiu ; Ningpo. Thalera sinuosaria, sp. n. Green, each wing with two sinuous darker lines, the first edged inwardly with whitish, the second edged outwardly, expanding about the middle and above inner margin on pri- maries and before abdominal margin on secondaries ; all the wings have a dark discal ring centred with white. Fringes slightly paler than the ground-colour and preceded on the secondaries by a darker line. Under surface silky white, the primaries tinged with greenish. Expanse 28-34 millim. Four examples of each sex. Ta-chien-lu, Moupin, Fu-tsu-fong, Wa-shan, Omei-shan, and Ni-tou : June. Hob. Western China. Thalera flagellaria. Hemithea flagellaria, Pouj. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1895, p. 310, pi. vi. fig. 8. Two male specimens from Moupin (Povjade). I have received specimens from Ta-chien-lu, Ni-tou, Moupin, and Chang-yang : June, July, and August. Hab. Central and Western China. from CJtina, Japan, and Corea. 245 Thalera protrusa. Thalera protrusa, Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. p. 50, pi. xxxvi. fig. 10 (1878). Four examples from Yokohama ? in Fryer's collection. I captured a specimen at Fusan in June. Hob. Japan and Corea. Thalera colataria, sp. n. Pale olive-green. Primaries have two wavy, whitish, transverse lines, the outer continued on the secondaries ; there is an elongate discal mark on each wing. Under surface whitish, tinged with green. Fringes whitish, chequered with fuscous and preceded by a fuscous line. Outer margin of the wings crenulate, especially of secondaries, which are also angled at the extremity of the third median nervule. Expanse 30-52 millim. Specimens from Yokohama in Pryer's collection. I took the species in Satsuma in May and at Fusan in June, and I have received it from Gensan, Ningpo, the island of Kiushiu, Ichang, Chang-yang, and Moupin : taken in June in the three last-named localities. Distribution. Japan; Kiushiu; Corea; Central, Western, and North-eastern China. Similar to T. protusa, Butl., but easily separated by the chequered fringes, which are preceded by a dark line. In the Japanese specimen the outer margin of primaries is straighter than in the Chinese examples. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. Synegia purpurascens. Parasynegia purpurascens, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 410 (1894). Synegia rosearia, Leech, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xix. p. 204 (1897). Stegania hyriaria. Heterostegane hyriaria y Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 406 (1894). Stegania irroraria. Leech. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xix. p. 203 (1897). Ann. <& Mag. N. Hist. Ser. 6. Vol. xx. 17 246 Mr. J. H. Leech on Lepidoptera Heterocera Genus PSEUDOTHALERA. (Warren, Novit. Zool. ii. p. 153 (1895).) Pseudothalera stigmatica. Pseudoihalera stigmatica, Warren, Novit. Zool. ii. p. 154 (1895). Warren describes this species from Western China, and records two male specimens. Opisthograptis discriminaria. Aspilatis discriminaria, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxiv. p. 1073 (1862); Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. pi. Hi. fig. 9 (1879). Also described by Walker from Shanghai. It appears to be a form of Ojpitothograptis semilutata, Led. Tephrina irradiata. Aspilatis irradiata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xxiv. p. 1072 (1862); Butl. 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. pi. Iii. fig. 8 (1879). Described by Walker from Shanghai. It is probably specifically identical witli Tephrina arenacearia, Hiibn. Percnia albinigrata. Percnia albinigrata, Warren, Novit. Zool. iii. p. 395 (1896), Warren describes a female specimen from Niphon,, Japan. I think it is not specifically distinct from P. for aria, Guen. Genus SEBASTOSEMA. (Warren, Novit. Zool. iii. p. 100 (1896).) Sebastosema bubonaria. Sebastosema bubonaria, Warren, Novit. Zool. iii. p. 100 (1896). Warren describes one male specimen from Japan. Tosaura (?) pallida, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 380 (1894). Warren describes this species from Japan, and places it in Orthostixinse. I have not been able to see the type. Anaitis perelegans. Carsia perelegans, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 398 (1894). Closely allied to A. plagiata, Linn., and possibly only a Japanese form of that species. from China, Japan, and Corea. 247 Anaitis affinis. Docirava affinis, Warren, Novit. Zool. i. p. 398 (1894). I think this is not specifically distinct from A . pudicata, Guen. 4u**L TMftrj *&**** *Y k ~^~Y*' Distribution. China and Japan (Warren). Genus ATOMOPHORA. (Alph. Rom. sur Lep. vi. p. 66 (1892).). A tomophora falsaria. Atomophora falsaria, Alph. Rom. sur L. 16. fulgidaria, sp. n., cJ, p. 641. Fig. 17. *subochraria, sp. n., cf , p. 647. Fig. 18. Hydrelia angularia, sp. n., P- 643. Fig. 16. fulgidaria, sp. n., cf, p. 641. /*p. 17. etifochraria, sp. n., (J, p. 647. Fig. 18. Hydrelia angularia, sp. n., (J, p. 82. PROCEEDINGS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. May 12, 1897. Dr. Henry Hicks, F.R.S., President, in the Chair. The following communication was read : < The Mollusca of the Chalk Rock : Part II.' By Henry Woods, Esq., M.A., F.G.S. The first part of this paper, dealing with the Cephalopoda, Gasteropoda, and Scaphopoda, appeared in the last volume of the Quarterly Journal (vol. Hi. p. 68). In the present commu- nication the Author gives an account of the characters, synonymy, and distribution of the Lamellibranchia : 29 species are recognized, 6 being new ; the genera represented are : Leda, Nucula, Area, Limopsis, Modiola, Inoceramus, Ostrea, Chlamys, Lima, Spondylus, Plicatula, Cardium, Cardita, Arctica, Trapezium, Corbis'l, Martesia?, and Cuspidaria. In the concluding part the Author compares the fauna of the Reussianum-zone (Chalk Rock) in England with that of other European areas, particularly N.W. Germany and Saxony. In the latter country the number of species in some groups particularly Gasteropoda and Lamellibranchia is much greater than in Eng- land ; this difference is probably due to the sea having been of less depth than in the English area. It is noticed that the species of Cephalopoda have a much wider geographical distribution than the other groups of the Mollusca. Finally, by a study of the present distribution of the genera particularly of those which form the predominating element in the fauna, taken in conjunction with the other characters of the zone, the Author arrives at the conclusion that in England the Reussianum-zone was probably formed between the depths of 100 and 500 fathoms. . & Mag. Mat.Hist.S. 6. VolXJX. PL VI Ann..kMa 3 .Nat.Hisb.S. 6. VcLXX. PI. VIT. ** \ * ' ' - i P^I: . . " * * , : ^ M4L^ '^jft * ^ , . . : ^ I 4. ,-i