TABLES AND DIAGRAMS FOR OBTAINING THE Resisting Moments of Eccentric Riveted Connections BY E. A. REXFORD NEW YORK THE ENGINEERING NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1909 xj Ld >- LI] UNIVERSITY TABLES AND DIAGRAMS FOR OBTAINING THE RESISTING MOMENTS OF ECCENTRIC RIVETED CONNECTIONS NET 'BOOK NOTICE It is intended that this book be sold to the public at the advertised price, and is supplied to the trade on terms that will not allow of discount The Engineering Netos 'Book T>ept. XFORD OF THE UNIVERSITY ) OF THE ENGINEERING NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY 220 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1909 -rtAL Copyright, 1909 BY THE ENGINEERING NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY J. F. TAPLEY CO. New York HOW TO /QPPL y THE Th r&s/sf/nq morr?e>/7/-s of GG&r>fr/G nr&f&c/ *x of fh& rire-ts w/J/ >& 3. x IZooo = J35oo inch /A?. pag& re>qv>re,cl- With a 3 ifch the- i ro fb ^/ ur>f/ lj crno/ ' /aosng off f he sfr&ss p&r r/ref- a/ue> fo o/t erf fh& /&f a. fine/ fhcrf 39OO . 'r 3&OO = inch of >r>ch 2o and fh&rfory -. lil ^> - Load = .0,000 y / N i. 2o ^ B " Si, S'/no tfom e r?/ 1 = 6. 2* 2 9 oo - conn&c-fson. Th/s 'S 0crs'l t / /Ox 2<>,ooo= Zoo, 000 '/' so anc/ J6& c 188388 PLATE /. * ^ 8 I ' I ' I t 10 on ^fe. ^"/*tf. 2 3% S S 8 /O /S 20 #1 2S 2o 3o 2/ 2S 3S 42 7 28 42 6 8 30 36 4-2 48 60 72 4-S ty 3 O - & jy PLATE /r fa cr/c fo c/r ^ ' C = o o C- 7. So C= 7 3. SO PLATE 4-. //? rows. 9 ir&s /y&r row C = 9/.S& // C - oe-f /2 C- Two rows o PLATE - 2g c/r fa c /- r o/ : r0HS3.-/?we>J l s /?ac S 6 7 8 3 Jo / S? i C = o C = 273. SO SPaceof 3" c/r fo c^/r //? / Z 3 4 s c =30. so / C= 34.3. /9 C = o C~ 42/.SO Two rows /?ir&7\s ir&S- p&r ron? /b oJy^ytn fh& &fre-&s joer r/v. due to /he, c/tja> fo from row C=. PLATE 7 "c^r ^0 c//r //? Me> ron&. '/ '/ d 3 "cfa to -/-he. routs. p& r~os more, than &rire-fo pe,r row use, i/a/t. oe> G- 74.60 e,s for fwo rows of r/refa 2g C = 3 /?/r c & o C =33 C= SO. 7 8 R I C = 80. PtATEH p row / O C = > // 0&r /2 C = o r~ row PLATE 12. Two /3 /?} = 247,30 76 C =273.90 PLATE 'Id Two routs o/ "ri rate- c/r ofroivs. a/ J "c//r to c//: //? /7 P 7>? / - c/tsranc&s "cfr fo c/t? //? as frown roiy on&r row C= /G./O < ^k // p b4 4- C = C= 6.30 p e-r ro*v 7 / C=3G.ffo 3 pe>r row _/"x>/* 1^*1%- PL. 16 3 /fir&fe f>&r rors C / 4-8.20 //' J C /2 Thr raws arnr&fe- r PLATE 17 C = 287 f & - -r rot* C= 44*70 p er rotry b&fn'&r rows t spaced ^" 0^ HKH- ^ 4id ^- ^ 1 S ^K> K) 6K> x- rS /c? >? C=243.60 // row J2 Four rorrj $} f wt? rotrg crs &iscrc.(Z,c/ 3"cfa fa cfa //? PL. 22 P row four &rw^- rows. f&tX PL.23 & ' &r~ C=7/4-.3o C~ 730-4-0 C= 870. 4-0 *A*r> 'HE ( UNIVERSITY ) C f or r &> c//r =6.30 C for ^ nrs= . C 6 C for- C c//r of ro^s. PLATE 2S oarc< err C for 3 rtr&/s?=: C ., 'o C &>r // r/re,& 3 4-. 4.0 C ., /2 =40. 8 3 C fo C ., C for / C /6 =63.30 /4r err fo err. >rO 'V//iMrr, 5 i 'j^////; , 8 ' '' '7^5 J j J '"'""/I// ! ! I i 1 1 1 / 1 AI 7 i! ill -'ml ii i re / // 1 ''!!;/** ' '/ Itji / *iii hlf * '/ % 'ill > 'i C = 2 s?o. o/r/r<&/3 f>&r row 3 r/r&fe "? 2 C-3% row '' PLATE Z7 A?-/0/k//70. C 3 r/r&fe pe>r C = 4-3.4-0 6-5p /4-= fofa/ no. of r/'r&fe. 4- r C = 7 -5P f> fs (5 C = /2 SPac.&& 26= fofo-/ no. 7 rrr&fs to <&ach row. 26 ^o 28 = fofa/ s>& of riy&fe. 7 rsre' J~-s p&r > ^ ?t ^$ $> V. s . o-f nr&ts, 7 C- JS -Spaces 32= fofa/ s?e>. C = rctv for /Vv? s-asxf ofr/f&fe c.fa o. use, ra/t/e>s c.foc. fo C. fo C.~ s of . As G. of ) f>aj&s 3 / /^ //?<://.*/>.. for four ro*s Zjr-j- soace-c/ j"c. toe. - our rows z-r-r c. foe. or- f C^ c/ t i- e/ 2 + a/ 3 + -.- +d^_ t -t-a/ n /s fhe,&i/m from f/?e> c/e,r ofyrcrr/fy ofar//f/?e> of the, < 7~h& iscr/p/& s~ow of JS fo fbe, r -h n //? crre> / '/?& restore* drcrrrr> r<2>rf/ccr//y. 7~h(Z, cr^c/&crf >r vr> D&ro&naf /c ^/> cf iff f&s?c& from /-he, or~/qjr> fo fhe> /n/- erne/ RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW .-'^21990 i i V/T ; I m