nstruction BY the Assistance oi E EDWARDS, M, A. Practical Use by EflJRfiBwRiKBwfvRa Tourists and those who wish :arn Othuaniafu Published by A", 3232 South Haisted Street Chicago, Dlittois ^C 1908 Lithuanian Self -Instruction . BY J. LAUKIS With the Assistance of REV. C, E EDWARDS, M, A. For Practical Use by Travelers, Tourists and those who wish to learn Lithuanian, Published by 'LIETUVA", 3252 South Halsted Street Chicago, Illinois X 1908 The Lithuanian Alphabet. A, A, B, C, C, D, E, E, , G, I, J, Y, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, , T, U, y, V, Z, Z. The Li thuanian alphabet consists of 29 characters, each one representing one invariable sound. The elementary sounds of the Lithuanian lan- guage are divided into Vocals, Semivocals and Conso- nants. The Vocal sounds are subdivided into Plain and Nasal sounds. The Plain Vocal sounds are these: a, e (which may be long and short); i, u, (which are always short sounds) ; 0, e, u, (which are always long sounds). The Nasal Vocal sounds are these : a, $ , \, y. They are always long sounds, formed from a combination of a, e, i, u, and sound n, as in bank. The literary language of to-day thus expresses these nasal sounds, although some authors still prefer to write them thus: an, en, in, un resembling the French usage. Lithuanian orthography is phonetic, each char- acter having one invariable sound. When once this is acquired, the pronunciation is easy. In order to give an idea to the English student of the Lithuanian language, of its elementary sounds, we deem it well to give an explanation below of eve- ry sound separately. The a sound is the same as the English a in the word/a?', viz.: Tas, th&t;kas, who. The e sound answers to the English a in the word pass, viz.: Per, through; ten, there. A and e sounds can be long and short. 2047153 4 i answers to the English sound i in the word it, viz.: Ir, and; vis, always. u answers to the English short oo sound in the word book, viz.: Kur, where; tur, it has. The sounds i and u are always short sounds, as here given. is the same as the English o in the word no^ viz.: Po, after; pro, by, past; through. e is the same as English a in the word fare, viz.: Nera' ', there is not; e'da, it eats. y is the same as English ea in the word pease, viz. : Yra', there is; y'la, awl. u is the same as English oo in the word coo?, viz.: Kn'nas, body;su'm, cheese. These four sounds are always long. j is the same sound as English y in the word yes, viz.: Jis, he;ji, she. The peculiarity of the j sound is that it is always used before vowels in order to soft- en them, viz.: ja, je, ji, jo, ju. After the vowel or in the middle of a syllable i is used, viz.: ai, ei, oi, ui: da-riau' , I have been doing. 1 has two sounds: soft and hard. The soft sound of I can be likened to the English I in the word less; and its hard sound can be learned from a native teacher. In its utterance, the lips are set as for sound of o, the tip of the tongue remains behind the teeth, while the tongue itself is pressed partly between the teeth. The I sound is soft when it stands before e, , i, ], y, and it is a hard sound when it stands before a, 0, u, i|, u, or when it concludes a word. m and n have the same pronunciation as in En- glish, viz.: Man, for me; namo', homeward. r always has greater stress than in English and has the same sound, as in many continental languag- es, viz.: Ba'tas, wheel; ra'stas, writing. v answers to the English v, viz.: Va'ris, copper; va'ltis, boat. b is the same as in English in the word be, viz.: Bi'te, bee; bus, it will be. c consists of two sounds: t + s and is pronounced somewhat like ts in hats, viz. : Ca'ras, c/ar; cu'krus, sugar. d is the same as the English d, viz. : Da'rbas, work; du'rys, door. g answers to the English sound g in the word game, viz.: Oa'las, end;gilu's, deep. k is the English k in the word keg, viz.: Kate 1 , cat; ka'le, bitch. p is the English p, viz. : Pati', wife; herself; pe'- nas, food. S is the English S in the word see, viz.: Sala', island; se'nas, old. t is the English tin the word tea, viz.: Te'vas, father; tas, that. z is the English z in the word zeal, viz. : Kazo'kas, cossak; zui'kis, hare. It is but seldom used in the Li- thuanian language. z corresponds to the English s(zh) sound in the word pleasure, viz. : Zo'dis, word; zun's, fish, fi is a softened t sound and answers to the English ch in the word church, viz.: Ra'tius, wheelwright; gi'ncas, dispute. answers to the English sh, vjz. : Si'las, heath: Sa'rmas, potash. The dz sound is the same as English j sound in the word judge, viz.: Dziu'ti, to dry; pradzia', begin- ning. Besides those mentioned above there are three more sounds from other alphabets to 'express their 6 corresponding sounds which are lacking in the Li- thuanian language. These three are: f, h, and ch. The first two of the three have the same sound as in English, the third one the ch sound is pronounc- ed like ch in the Scotch word "focA", or in the Ger- man word "zc/i" I. The diphthongs are these: ai, au, ei, oi, ui, uo. ai like i in fire. au like ow in now. ei like ey in they. oi oy in boy. ui like the vowels combined in do we. uo like wa in war. EXAMPLES: Vai'kas, child; lau'kas, field; svei'kas, well; sound; oi, ouch; kui'nas, horse; kuo'las, stake. The Lithuanian language has no article. The Commonest Words. The Human Body. Arm, za'stas foot, ko'ja beard, barzda' hair, plaukai blood, krau'jas the hand, ranka' bosom, globsti's right hand.desi'ne ranka' breast (chest), kruti'ne left hand, kaire'ji ranka' e}'e, aki's,/. heart, sirdi's,/. ear, ausi's,/. hip, klu'bas chin, sma'kras the lip, lu'pa eyebrows, a'ntakiai underlip, apati'ne lu'pa elbow, alku'ne upper lip, virsuti'ne lu'pa fist, kum'stis,/. knee, ke'lis, TO. finger, pi'rstas neck, ka'klas flesh, kii'nas nose, no'sis, /. mouth, burna' forehead, kakta' 17 Relations. Father, te'vas man, vy'ras grand-father, teviu'kas young man, jaunikai'tis step father, pate'vis old man, se'nis fatherland, tevy'ne wife, pati mother, mo'tina bride, jauno'ji brother, bro'lis widow, nasle' sister, sesuo' widower, nasly's uncle, de'de guest, sve'Cias nephew, giminai'tis neighbor, kaimy'nas niece, giminai'te friend, drau'gas girl, mergina' enemy, ne'vidonas Nutriments. Beer, alu's wine, vy'nas glass, sti'klas old wine, se'nas vy'nas flask, bonka' punch, po'nsas bread, duo'na rum, a'rakas fresh bread, sviezia' duo'na water, vanduo' fresh butter, svie'ziassvie'-salt, druska' cheese, su'ris [stas pepper, pipi'rai honey, medu's salad, zalia'valgis milk, pie'nas soup, vi'ralas buttermilk, pa'sukos beefsteak, by'fstikas oil, alyva' pudding, pu'dingas fish, zuvi's coffee, kava' meat, mesa' tea, arbata' chocolate, Cekolia'das lemonade, lemona'das Town and Country. House and Garden. House, na'mas matress, matra'cas garden, da'rzas oven, kro'snis land, ze'me glass, sti'klas market, tu'rgviete, beerglass, ali'nis sti'klas street, ga'tve wineglass, vy'nstiklis 8 church, bazny'Cia chair, kede' post, krasa' field, flau'kas bank, ba'nka valley, klo'nis, m. theatre, tea'tras forest, giria' hospital, ligo'nbutis bush, kru'mas. coffeehouse, kavi'ne heath, zi'dinis palace, ru'mas hill, kalva' harbor, uo'stas mill, malu'nas door, du'rys, /. pi. corn, ja'vas; kukuru'zai bed, lo'va straw, ia'udas The Professions and Trades. [ninkas Baker, kepe'jas postmaster, kraso's vi'rsi- bookbinder, knygrisy's ridingmaster, jo'Cius book, knyga' school, mokykla' doctor, da'ktaras schoolmaster, mokyklo's hat, skrybele' vi'rsininkas hatter, skrybe'lius smith, ka'lvis shoe, ku'rpe; Cevery'kas smithy, ka'lve shoemaker, ku'rpius nailsmith, vi'niakalis beard, barzda' goldsmith, au'ksakalis barber, barzdaskuty's coppersmith, kati'lius glazier, sti'klius weaver, aude'jas nail, vini's king, kara'lius saddle, ba'lnas prince, pri'ncas saddler, ba'lnius baron, baro'nas miller, malu'nininkas officer, ofi'cieras dancingmaster, moki'nto- soldier, karei'vis jas so'kiij pope, po'piezius bishop, vy'skupas archbishop, arkivy'skupas The Clothing. Jacket, ku'zas wool, vi'lna shoe, cevery'kas stick, lazdele' brush, sepety's cravat, ka'klarysis 9 hairbrush, ga'lvai sepety's purse, masne'le hat, skrybele' cap, kepu're coat, Sva'rkas ring, zie'das The Quadrupeds. Dog, suo cow, ka'rve cat, kate' calf, ve'rsis rat, ziu'rke sheep, avi's/. mouse, pele' lamb, jere'lis swine, kiau'le fox, la'pe hare, zui'kis wolf, vi'lkas roe, sti'rna bear, meska' bull, bu'lius elephant, dru'mblas horse, arkly's camel, kupranuga'ris Birds, Fishes, and Insects. Swan, gu'lbe carp, ka'rpe falcon, sa'kalas herring, si'lke goose, zasi's eel, ungury's stork, garny's frog, varle' snipe, slanka' worm, ki'rminas raven, va'rnas spider, vo'ras lark, vytury's oyster, au'steris, m. crow, va'rna crab, vezy's nightingale, laksti'ngala flea, blusa' cuckoo, gegu'te fly, mu'se swallow, kregzde' bee, bi'te finch, dagile'lis wasp, vapsa' sparrow, zvi'rblis snail, smalzy's Minerals and Metals, etc. Gold, au'ksas coral, kora'las silver, sida'bras ' marble, ma'rmuras copper, va'ris, m. gypsum, gi'psas iron, gelezi's, /. lime, \i&'\kespl. tin, skardi's,/. chalk, kreida' _ in _ J.\7 steel, plie'nas coal, angli's, /. zink, ci'nkas bronze, za'lvaris, m. diamond, dei'mantas earth, ze'me pearl, zemfiiu'gas sand, smilti's, /. crystal, kri'spolas stone, akmuo' Ships and Shipping. Ship, lai'vas net, ti'nklas boat, va'ltis landing, prie'plauka fisherboat, zve'jo va'ltis freight, vazba' anchor, i'nkaras coast, kra'stas deck, de'nis cliff, uola' flag, velu'kas downs, ko'pos mast, stie'bas [bas haven, prie'plauka foremast, prie'kinis stie'- ground, tvi'rtzemis sail, pra'tiesas storm, audra' rudder, sty'ras fleet, laivy'nas Colors. White, ba'ltas green, za'lias red, raudo'nas yellow, gelto'nas blue, me'lynas orange, ge'lsvas brown, pi'lkas purple, purpuri'nis grey, zi'las violet, pijo'nkinis Adjectives. Old, se'nas unripe, nenusi'rpes young, jau'nas bitter, kartu's new, nau'jas small, ma'zas great, di'delis wide, platu's good, ge'ras open, a'tviras rich, turti'ngas loud, garsu's cold, sa'ltas right, desi'nis warm, si'ltas wise, isminti'ngas long, i'lgas blind, a'klas high, au'gstas unwell, nesvei'kas full, pi'lnas cool, vesu's near, artu's hard, kie'tas light, sviesu's wild, lauki'nis fat, riebu's fine, smu'lkus mild, le'ngvas fresh, svie'zias ripe, nusi'rpes To eat, va'lgyti to drink, ge'rti to dream, sapnuo'ti to wash, ska'lbti to comb, sukuo'ti to speak, kalbe'ti to laugh, juo'ktis to think, manyti to learn, moki'ntis to bathe, mau'dytis to break, lau'zti - 11 hot, ka'rstas thick, ti'rStas neat, svaru's thin, sky'stas broad, platu's round, apskritu's faulse, neti'kras sour, rugstu's hollow, ispu'rtes sharp, astru's flat, plo'ksc'ias Verbs. to cost, lesiuo'ti to bite, ka'sti to hear, girde'ti to help, ge'lbeti to give, duo'ti to make (do) dary'ti to do, dary'ti to ride, vaziuo'ti to say, saky'ti to send, siu'sti to seek, jiesko'ti Affirmative Phrases. It is true. It is so. I believe it. I think so. I say yes. I say it is. I am certain. Pati'krinamiejie sa'kymai. Teisy'be. Teip yra. As tikiu' tarn. As manau' teip. As teip sakau'. As sakau' teip yra. As esiu' ti'kras. 12 I am certain of it. You are right. You are quite right. I know it. I know it well. I know it positively. I promise it. I promise it to you. I give it. I give it to you. I will give it to you. You are wrong. He is wrong. I believe him. Very well. As esiu' tikras tame'. Ta'vo teisy'be. Ta'vo tikra' teisy'be. As zinau' ta. As zinau' ta gerai'. As zinau' tikrai'. As pri'zadu. As pri'zadu tau. As duo'du. As duo'du tau. As dao'siu tau. Tukly'sti. Jis kly'sta. As tikiu' jam. Labai' gerai'. Negative Phrases. No. I say no. I say it is not. It is not so. It is not true. I say nothing. I will say nothing. I have nothing. He is not here. I have it not. He has it not. We have it not. You have it not. He said no. Has he said no? Has he said nothing? I did not hear. U'zginanti sa'kymai. Ne. As sakau' ne. As sakau', kad ne. Tai ne teip. Tai neteisy'be. As nesakau' nie'ko. As nesaky'siu nie'ko. As neturiu' nie'ko. Jo ne'ra 6ia. As neturiu'. Jis netu'ri. Mes netu'rime. Jus netu'rite. Jis nesa'ke. Ar jis nesa'ke? Ar jis nesa'ke nie'ko? As nenugirdau'. 13 I have not heard it. As negirde' jau. You are quite wrong. Tu visai' kly'sti. Interrogative Phrases. Who was it? What is it? Who is it? Did you say it? What are you doing ? What is he doing? Tell me. Will you tell me? How are you? How is he? What for? Why? Why do you ask? Why shall I go? Why do you speak ? Why are you silent? Why did you go? Is it ready ? Have you heard ? Where is it? Where is he? Where is she? Where are you ? Where are you going? Where do you come from ? Where were you ? What is it? What time is it? What o'clock is it? What have you ? What do you say? Klausiamie'jie sa kymai. Kas buvo? Kas yra'? Kas yra' ? Ar tu pasakei'? Ka tu darai'? Ka jis da'ro? Pasaky'k man. Ar pasaky'siman? Kaip tau ei'nasi? Kaip jam ei'nasi? Uz ka? Delko'? Kam tu kla'usi? Kode'l as turiu' eiti? Kode'l tukalbi'? Kode'l tu tyli' ? Kode'l tuejai'? Ar pa'rengta? Ar girde'jai? Kur yra'? Kur jis yra'? Kur ji yra'? Kur jus? Kur jus ei'nate? Is kur a'teini'? Kur tu buvai'? Kas yra' ? Kieklai'ko? Kelinta' valanda'? Katu turi'? Katusakai'? 14 What did you say? Ka tu sakei' ? What do you mean? Ka tu supranti'? What do you want? Ka tu no'ri? What will you do? Ka tu dary'si? Imperative Phrases. Liepiamie'jie sa'kymaL Go away ! Eik sali'n! Come here! Eik ian! Go there! Eik ten! Come back! Gryzk atga'l! Go on! Eik-eik! Sit down! Se'skis! Standstill! Stove'k! Wait for me! Pala'uk mane's! Wait a little! Pala'uk trupu'tj! Make haste! Pasisku'bink ! Be quick ! Grei'tai! Follow me! * Sek pa'skui mane'I Tell him ! Pasaky'k jam! Call him I Pasau'k j j! Speak! Kalbe'k! Eat! Va'lgyk! Drink! Gerk! Hear! Klausy'k! Hear me! Klausy'k mang's! Look at me! Ziure'k j mane'! Look at him! Ziure'k j jj! Begin! Prade'k! Continue! Vary'k toliau'! Stop! Susto'k! Tell me! Saky'k man! Tell it him! Pasaky'k ta jam! Speak to me! Sneke'k su mani'mf Be quiet! Tyle'k! Go to him! Eik pas j[! Go to bed ! Fetch it! Bring it! Bring it to me! Let it be! Let me have it! 15 Eikgu'lti! Atgabe'nk! Atne'sk! Atne'sk pas mane'! Lai sau bu'na! Atidu'ok man! Easy Expressions. Tell me. If you please. Have the goodness. Yes, sir. Yes, madam. No, sir. No, madam. No, Miss. Do you speakLithuanian ? I do not speakLithuanian I speak it a little. I understand. I do not speak it. I speak English. I am an Englishman. I am not Lithuanian. Do you understand? Can you understand? Speak slower. You speak too fast. Give me some bread, some butter, some water, some tea, some wine, some meat, Lengvi' issireiski mai. Pasaky'k man Jei ta'vo malo'ne. Buk teip ge'ras. Teip, ta'mista, Teip, ta'mista. Ne, ta'mista. Ne, ta'mista. Ne, merge'le. Ar kalbi' lietu'viskai? As ne'kalbu lietu'viskai. Kalbu' trupu'tj. As suprantu'. As ne'kalbu. As kalbu' a'ngliskai. As esiu' a'nglas. As ne lietuvy's. Ar tu supranti' ? Ar gali' supra'sti? Kalbe'k le'Ciau Tu kalbi' pergrei'tai. Duok man duo'nos, svie'sto, vande'ns, arba'tos, vy'no, meso's; something to eat, to drink. Bring me some coffee, some milk, some cheese. I thank you. Expressions of Joy. What! Is it possible ! Can it be! How can it be possible! Indeed! That cannot be! I am astonished at it! You surprise me! It is incredible! Sorrow and Joy. I am sorry. I am very sorry. What a pity! It is a great pity. It is a sad thing. It is a misfortune. It is a great misfortune. I am glad, I am very glad. It gives me pleasure. It gives me great joy. I am happy. How happy I am ! I wish you joy. I congratulate you. 16 ka-nors va'lgyti, ge'rti. Atne'sk man kavo's, pie'no, su'rio. A'SifL Issireiski'mai dziau gsmo. x Ka! Ar tai ga'limasdai'ktas! Ar ga'li bu'ti! Kaip tai ga'li bu'ti! Isti'krol Tai nega'li bu'ti! Stebiuo'si is to! Ste'bini mane'! Tai ne'tikimas dai'ktas! Liudi'mas ir dziau gsmas. Man nesmagu'. Man labai' nesmagu'. Kaip gai'la! Labai' gai'la. Liu'dnas daly'kas. Nelai'me. Yra' di'dele nelai'me. Manli'nksma. Man labai' li'nksma. Man duo'dasmagu'ma. Di'del^ dziau'gsma man duo'da. As esiu' laimi'ngas. Koks as laimi'ngas! Ve'liju tau dziau'gtis. Svei'kinu tave'. Anger and Blame. I am angry. He is angry. Don't be angry. You are wrong, You are right. Why don't you do it? Be quiet. What a shame! How could you do it? I am ashamed of you. You are very much to Don't answer. [blame. Be patient. I will improve. Age. How old are you? I am twenty. I shall soon be thirty. He looks older. She is younger. She cannot be so young. He must be older. I did not think you were so old. He is at least sixty. She must be forty. How old is your father? He is nearly eighty. 17 Rusty'be ir ka'ltinimas. As pi'ktas. Jis pi'ktas. Nebu'k pi'ktas. Tu kly'sti. Ta'vo tiesa'. Kode'l to nedarai'? Tyle'k. Kokia' ge'da! Kaip tu gale'jai ta dary'- As ge'dijuosi tave's. [ti? Ta'vo di'dele ka'lte. Neatsilie'pk. Buk kantru's. As pasitaisy'siu. Amzis. Kaip se'nas esi'? Esiu' dvi'desimtes me'tij. Tuojau's bu'siu triju/ de- Jis isro'do senesniu'. Ji yra' jaune'sne. Ji nega'li bu'ti tokia' jauna'. Jis tu'ri bu'ti sene'snis. As nemaniau', kad tu toks se'nas. Jis yra' maziau'siai se- siij' desimciij'. Ji tu'ri bu'ti keturi^' de- sim&u/. Kaip se'nas ta'vo te'vas?. Jis yra' arti' astuonii^' Is he so old ? How old is your sister? She is fifteen. Is she so young? How old is your aunt? She is nearly ninty. It is a great age. He begins to grow old. To ask Questions. What do you say? Do you hear? Do you hear me? I don't speak to you. Do you understand me ? Listen. Come here ! What is that? Answer ! Why don't you answer? What do you mean? What do you mean by that? You speak Lithuanian, I suppose ? Very little, sir. Do you know me? Do you know Mr. H. ? I know him. I know him by sight. I know him by name. I know him well. What do you call that? 18 Ar jis teip se'nas? Kaip sena' ta'vo sesuo' ? Ji yra' penkio'likos. Ar ji tokia' jauna'? Kaip sena' ta'vo teta' ? Ji yra' a'pie devyniu/ de- sim5iu/. Tai yra' i'lgas a'mzis. Jis pra'deda se'nti. Kla'usti kla'usimus. Ka tu sakai'? Ar girdi'? Argirdi' mane'? As ne'sneku j tave'. Ar tu supranti' mane'? Klausy'k? Eikgian! Kastas? Atsaky'k! Kode'l neatsakai'? Ka tu supranti'? Ka tu supranti' tuo? Tu kalbi' lietu'viskai, manau'? Labai mazai', ta'mista, Ar pazy'sti mane' ? Ar pazy'sti po'naH. ? As pazy'stu j. As pazy'stu jj is ma'ty- mo. As zinau' jj. is va'rdo. As zinau' j^gerai'. Kaip tu vadini' ta? What is that in Lithua- nian? What do you call that in English ? What does that mean? What is it good for? It is good for nothing. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it eatable ? Is it drinkable? Is it nice? Is it fresh ? Meeting. Good morning! Good day! Good evening! How do you do? How are you ? Very well. x I am very well. Pretty well. Tolerably. How is your father? How is your mother? I am not well. I am unwell. She is not well. He is not well. She is ill. He is very ill. She has a cold. I have the toothache. I must go. 19 Kaiptasyra' lietu'viSkai* Kaip vadini' ta a'nglis- kai? Ka tas rei'skia? Kam tas ti'nka? Tas nie'kam neti'nka. Ar ge'ras? Ar blo'gas? Ar va'lgomas? Ar ge'riamas? Ar grazu's? Arsvie'zias? Susitiki'mas. La'ba ry'ta! La'ba die'na! La'ba va'kara! 4* <* Kaipei'nasi? Kaip turie'si? Labai' gerai'. Laikau'si labai' gerai'. Gana' gerai'. Puse'tinai. Kaip ta'vo te'vui? Kaipta'vo mo'tinai? Man negerai'. Mannesvei'ka. Jai nera' svei'ka. Jamnera'svei'ka. Ji se'rga. Jis labai' se'rga. Ji tu'ri Sa'ltj. Man da'nt^ge'lia. As turiu' ei'ti. 20 I am going now. It is time to go. Good bye. Farewell. I wish you a good morn- ing- Good night. I wish you good night. A Visit There is a knock. It is Mr. A. It is Mrs. B. I am glad to see you. Pray be seated. What news is there? Good news. Do you believe it ? I don't believe a word of I think so. [it. Who told you? It is true. It is not true. I doubt it. Have you heard from home? The postman brought me a letter to-day. Sad news. Will you dine with us? No, thank you. I'cannot stay. As einu' daba'r. Lai'kas ei'ti. I'ki pasima'tymo. Sudie'v. Ye'liju jums la'bo ry'to. Laba'nakt! Ve'liju jums labo's nak 1 tie's. A'plankos. Ten be'ldzia kas. Tai po'nas A. Tai ponia' B. Li'nksma man ta'mista maty'ti. Meldziu' se'stis. Kokio's naujie'nos pas jus? Ge'ros naujie'nos. Ar tu tiki' tarn ? Ne'tikiutam ne zo'dziui. As manau' teip. Kas tail sa'ke? Teisy'be. Tai neteisy'be. As abejo'ju. Ar girde'jai ka is namu/ ? Laisknesy's a'tnese man lai'skasia'dien. Liu'dnos naujie'nos. Ar pietuo'si su mumi's? Ne, a'Ciu. As negaliu' li'ktis. 21 I must go. As turiu' ei'ti. You are in a great hurry. Labai' sku'biniesi. I have a great deal to do. Turiu' daug ka vei'kti. Morning. An early morning. Early. It is a fine morning. What o'clock is it? It is nearly eight. Light the fire. Light a candle. I am going to get up. Get me some hot water, some cold water, some spring water. Make haste. There is no towel. Bring me some soap. I want to wash myself. How have you slept? Did you sleep well? Very well, thank you. Not very well. I could not sleep. I was so tired from trav- eling. Breakfast. Breakfast is ready. Is breakfast ready? Come to breakfast. (Let us breakfast. Does the water boil? This water has not boiled. Is the tea made? Ry'tas. Anksty'vas ry'tas. Anksti'. Grazu's ry'tas, Kelinta' valanda'? Bevei'k astuo'nios. Suku'rk u'gnj. Uzde'gk zva'ke. As ke'lsiuosi. Gauk man si'lto vande'ns, sa'lto vande'ns, salti'nio vande'ns. Sku'bink. Nera' ra'nksluosc'io. Atne'sk man mui'lo. As no'riu nusiprau'sti. Kaip miego'jai? Ar gerai' miego'jai? Labai' gerai', de'kui. Nelabai' gerai'. As negale'jau miego'ti. As teip buvau' pava'rges po kelio'nei. Pu'sryciai. Pu'sryfiiai padary'ta. Ar pu'srySiai padary'ta? Ei'kiteprie pu'sry&tj. Pu'sry&aukime. Ar vanduo' ve'rda? Si'tas vanduo' ne'vire. Ar arbata' padary'ta? Give me a cup of tea. A cup of coffee. A roll. Do you drink tea or cof- fee? This cream is sour. Will you take an egg? These eggs are hard. Give me the salt. Pass me the butter. This is fresh butter. This butter is not fresh. Bring some more butter. Give me a spoon. Is the coffee strong e- nough ? We want more cups. Take some more sugar. Cold meat. The table-cloth. The sugar-bowl. Chocolate. A knife. A fork. The knife is blunt. We have finished break- fast. You can take away the things. 22 Duo'kite puode'l^ arba'- tos. Puode'l j kavo's. Bande'le. Ar ge'riate ka'va ar ar- ba'ta? Sita' grieti'ne rugsti'. Ar va'lgysitekiausi'nj? Sitie kiausi'niai kie'ti'. Duok mandru'ska. Paduo'k mansvie'sta. Cia yra' svie'zias svie's- tas. Si'tassvie'stasnera' svie'- zias. Atne'sk daugiau' svie'sto Duok man sa'uksta. Ar kava' gana' stipri' ? Mes no'rime daugiau' puode'liij. I'mkite daugiau' cu'k- raus. Salta' mesa'. Sta'ltiese. Cukrinai'te. Cekoliada'. Pei'lis. Sake'les. Pei'lis atsi'pes. Pa'baigeme pu'srygiauti. Gali' ati'mti dai'ktus. 23 Ordering Dinner. Have you ordered dinner 9 I will order dinner. Show me the bill of fare. Waiter! What soup will you have? Beef soup. Rice soup. Macaroni-soup. Have you any roast beef? Not to-day. We have very fine fish. Trout. Fried pike. Roast-mutton. What wine will you have ? Let us see. Have you good wines? We have champagne. What time will you dine? We shall dine at six o'- clock. Be punctual. Dinner. To what shall I help you ? Will you take some soup? No, thank you. Yes, if you please. Willingly. Help yourself. It is excellent. Uzsisa kymas piety'. Ar uzsisa'kete pietu's? As uzsisaky'siu pietu's. Paro'dyk su'rasa va'lgiij. Ta'rne! Kokio' vi'ralo nore'site? Vi'ralas su jau'tiena. Ry'ziij kruo'pos. Vi'ralas su makaro'nais. Ar tu'rite kepto's jau'- tienos? Ne sia'dien. Mes tu'rime labai' gero's zuvie's. Vasi'las. Kepta' lydeka'. Kepta' avie'na. Kok' vy'na nore'site? Palau'kite: Ar tu'rite geru's vynu's? Tu'rime sampa'no. Kuome't pietuo'site? Pietuo'sime se'stava'lan- O da. Buk punktua'liskas. Pie'tijs. Kuomi' ta'mistai galiu' patarnau'ti? Ar nore'site vi'ralo? Ne, a'c"iu. Teip, jei ju'sij malo'ne. Su no'ru. I'mkite. Puiku's va'lgis. 24 I like Lithuanian cooke- [ry. I don't like the foreign cookery. Do you take pepper? Cayenne pepper. Here is spinach. Peas. Cauliflower. Artichokes. Potatoes. Give me the mustard. Change the plates. Give me a clean knife and fork. I want a spoon. Are you hungry? Not very. I am hungry. I am very hungry. You do not eat. Are you thirsty? I am very thirsty. I am dying of thirst. Take a glass of wine. Bring me a glass of wa- ter. Give me something to drink. I want some beer. Ale or Porter? Bavarian beer. The cork-screw. Man pati'nka lietuviu/ viri'mas. Man nepati'nka sveti'm- saliij viri'mas. Ar varto'ji pipiru's? Tu'rkiskus pipiru's. Stai yra' spi'nakai. Zi'rniai. Zy'dkopustis. Ba'dramos. Bu'lves. Duo'kite man garsty'Siij. Atmainy'kite torieliu's. Duo'kite man va'lijpei'l^ ir sakele's. As no'riu sau'ksto. Arta'mista a'lkanas? Nelabai'. As isa'lkes. As labai' isa'lkes. Ta'mista neva'lgai. Arta'mista istro'skes? As labai' istro'skes. As mi'rstu nuo istroski'- mo. Pai'mkite sti'kla vy'no. Atne'skite man sti'kla vande'ns. Duo'kite man ka ge'rti. As no'riu alau's. E'liaus ar Po'rterio? Bava'risko alau's. Kamscia'traukis. 25 I want half a bottle of hock. Champagne. Claret. Port. Sherry. Your health. I like hock. It is cooling. I have dined well. Tea. Let us drink tea. Tea is quite ready. They are waiting for you. I am coming. Bring a saucer. Pour out the tea. The tea is very strong. It is very weak. Where are the sugar- -tongs? Ring if you please. A slice of bread and but- ter. Hand the plate. Will you take some cake? A small piece. Make more toast. Make haste. This is excellent tea. Is it green tea? It is the best tea. As no'riu pu'se bu'telio * o rei'nvynio. Sampa'no, Raudo'nvynio. Po'rtvynio, Se'rivynio. Uz ju'sij sveika'ta. As me'gstu rei'nvynj. Yra' vedi'nantis. Gerai' papietujau'. Arbata. Atsige'rkime arba'tos. Arbata' jau padary'ta. Jie lau'kia ta'mistos. As ateinu'. Atne'sk torielai'te. Jpi'lk arba'tos. Arbata' yra' labai' stipri' . Yra' labai' silpna'. Kur yra' znyplai'tes cu'- krui? Malone'kite paska'mbinti Rieke'le duo'nos susvie'- stu. Paduo'kite torie'liu,. Gal i'msite pyra'go? Ma'/.a smote'lj. Padary'kite daugiau' dziovinivj'. Pasisku'binkite, Cia puiki' arbata'. Ar tai zalia' arbata'? Tai yra' geriau'sia arba- ta'. The tea-tray. A set of tea-things. Have you finished? Take another cup. No, thank you. Brown bread. White bread. Stale bread. New bread. Biscuit. 26 Taca'. Eilia' arba'tdaik&ij. Ar pa'baigete?. I'mkite dar vie'na puo- de'lj. Ne, de'kui. Juoda' duo'na. Balta' duo'na. Suzie'dejusi duo'na. Sviezia' duo'na. Sausai'nis. Evening. It is late. It is not late. What o'clock is it? It is still early. Are you tired? Not at all. Not much. It is only ten. It is time to go to bed. It is a fine evening. It is moonlight. Is my room ready ? Go and see. Sheets. A blanket. Good night. I wish you good night. I am sleepy. Are you sleepy ? Va'karas. Yra' velu'. Nera' velu'. Kelinta' yra' valanda' ? Dar yra' anksti'. Ar e'sate pai'lse? Visai' ne. Nelabai'. Yra' tik desimta'. Lai'kas yra' gu'lti. Grazu's yra' va'karas. Yra' menesiena'. Ar ma'no rui'mas pritai- sy'tas? Eik ir paziure'k. Paklo'des. Uzklo'de. Laba'nakt. Ye'liju ta'mistai labo's naktie's. Esiu' miegu'stas. Ar esi' miegu'stas? The Watch. What o'clock is it? My watch has stopped. It does not go. I forgot to wind it up. My watch is too fast. It is too slow. It is five minutes too slow. It goes right. One o'clock. Five minutes past two. A quarter past three. Half past four. A quarter to five. Just six o'clock. Twenty minutes to seven. It has just struck eight. Noon. Midnight. The clock is striking. Walking. Shall we take a walk? Yes ; let us walk. Where shall we go? On the road. There is good deal of dust Into the fields. They are reaping. They are making hay. What a pleasant odor! Let us take a walk into the town. 27 Lai'krodis. Kelinta' valanda'? Ma'no lai'krodis susto'jo. Nei'na. As pamirsau' uzsu'kti. Ma'no lai'krodis sku'bi- na. Ve'lina. Ye'lina penkia'sminuta's Ei'na teisi'ngai. Pirma' valanda'. Pe'nkios minu'tos po dvieju/. Be'rtainis po tri'jij. Pu'se po keturiu/. Be'rtainis i'ki penkiu/. Ly'giai se'sios. Dvi'desimts minu'Ciij i'- ki septyniu/. Tik ka i'smuse astuo'nias Pie'tus. Vidu'naktis. Lai'krodis mu'sa. Pasivai'kiojimas. Arei'sime pasivai'kSSio- Teip, eime'. [ti? Kur ei'sime? Ant ke'lio. Ten yra' daug du'lkiij. \ lauku's. Jie va'lo javu's. Jie sienau'ja. Kokia' maloni'kvapsni'sl Ei'kime j mie'sta. 28 What street is this .' Where does it lead to? A fine street. Handsome shops. Bad pavements. Look at the soldiers. Where is Grand street? Straight before you. To the left hand. To the right hand. Is the village far from here? About a mile. A good hour. Hardly a mile. Half a mile. There it is. Let us go in. Which is the way to... To inquire for a Person. Do you know Mr. F. ? I don't know anybody of that name. Does he live here? He lives in this house. Where? On the first floor. On the second floor. I know him. Intimately. I am very intimate with him. He is my friend. Kokia' sita'.u'lyc'ia? { kur ji ei'na? Grazi' u'lySia. Dai'lios krau'tuves. Biau'rus saly'gatviai. Ziure'k jkareiviu's. Kur yra' Dide'ji ga'tve? Tiesio'g prie'sais tave'. Po kai'rei. Po de'sinei. Ar kai'mas toli' nuo 5ia? A'pie mylia'. Gera' valanda'. Nevisai' mylia'. Pu'smylis. Stai yra'. Ei'kime vidu'n. Kuri's ke'lias ei'na . .. Kla'usti y'patos. Ar pazy'state po'nfj F. ? As nezinau' ne vie'no si- tuo' vardu'. Ar jisgyve'na 2ia? Jis gyve'na sitame' na- me'. Kur? Ant pirmu/ lubij'. Ant antru/ lubij'. As zinau' j. Gerai'. As labai' gerai' su juosu- sipazy'stu. Jis yra' ma'no drau'gas. I have known him along time. Where does he live? He lives in Broadway, No. 3. "When is he at home? In the morning. In the evening. You will find him at home at 2 o'clock. He lives close by. A step or two from here. Is it far? Can you direct me to his house ? I will show you where he lives. This is the market. This is the street. The square. This is the house. Here he lives. Traveling. Are you going to Lithua- nia? I intend to go to Vilna. When do you think of going? How long shall you stay? About a month. , I shall go to-morrow. Have you made all your preparations? Every thing is ready. 29 .. A pazy'stu j j seniai'. Kur jis gyve'na? Jis gyve'na prie PlaCio'- sios nu'meris tre'fiias. Kuome't jis bu'va na- Rytmetyj'. [mie'? Vakare'. Ra'site jj. namie' a'ntra va'landa. m Jis gyve'na netolie'sia. Zi'ngsnis ar du nuo Sia. Ar toli' yra'? Ar ga'lite nuro'dyti man jo namu's? As jums paro'dysiu, kur jis gyve'na. Cia yra' preky'viete. Cia yra' ga'tve. Ple'cius. Cia yra' na'mas. Cia jis gyve'na. Kelio'ne. Ar ei'nate j Lie'tuva? As zadu' vy'kti \ Vi'lniij. Kuome't ma'note vy'kti? Kaip i'lgai uztru'ksite? A'pie me'nesj. As isei'siu rytoj'. Ar jau vi'ska susi'renge- te? Vi'skas su'rengta. I shall go by railway to New York. From New York by steamer to Hamburg. It is the thing you want most. I ride in the omnibus. Fetch a cab. Drive me to the railway station. You are late. Plenty of time. Do not be in a hurry. The train starts in 10 mi- nutes. Railway. I want a ticket to Pitts- burg. First class. Second class. Third class. The express- train. The ordinary-train. The luggage-train. Where is your luggage? Here it is. It is too heavy. You have to pay for ex- tra weight. Here are the tickets for the luggage. Take your seats. The train is just going to start. 30 Vaziuo'siu gelezi'nkeliu I New Yp'rka. Is New Yo'rko ga'rlaiviu j Ha'mburga. Labiau'siai reikali'ngas jums dai'ktas. Vaziuo'ju o'mnibusu. Pasau'k dro'ska. Nuve'zk mane' jgelezi'n- kelio sto'te. Jus pasive'linote. Gana' lai'ko. Nesisku'binkite. Traukiny's isei'na uz de- simte's minu'Ciu.. Gelezi'nkelis. As no'riu bi'lieta Pi'tts- burgan. Pirmo's klia'sos. Antro's klia'sos. TreCio's klia'sos. Ekspresi'nis traukiny's. Pa'prastas traukiny's. Bagazi'nis traukiny's. Kur ju'sij baga'zas? Stai 6ia. Persunku's. Tu'rite primoke'ti uz ta ka sve'ria virsau's. Stai yra' bi'lietai baga'- zui. Uzi'mkite sa'vo vieta's. Traukiny's tuojau's isei's 31 The train is now starting. Traukiny's jau pra'deda ei'ti. Jis nei'na labai' grei'tai. Nei'na teip greit kaip greita'sis traukiny's. Bet daug atsaugiau'. Stai yra' sto'te. Ar sto'jame si'ia? Kaipi'lgaistove'simec'ia? It does not go very fast. Not so fast as the fast train. But much safer. Here is a station. Do we stop here ? How long do we stop here? Five minutes. Off we are again. They stop at every sta- tion. It is a long journey. Yes, from ten to twelve hours. Very pretty country. Arrived at last. Give your ticket. Here it is. Is this Pittsburg? Yes, madam. The Steamer. When do you start? Whith the tide. At what time? At 9 o'clock. They are going to start. Let us go down into the cabin. Where is my berth? Your name is written up- on it. Penkia's minute's. Vel vaziuo'jame. Jie sto' ja prie kiekvieno's sto'tes. Tai yra' ilga' kelio'ne. Teip, nuo desimte's i'ki dvy'likai valandu/. Labai' grazi' sali's. Pribu'vome ant ga'lo. Duo'kite sa'vo bi'lietus Stai yra'. Ar 2ia Pi'ttsburgas? Teip, poniu'te. Ga'rlaivis. Kuome't iSplau'kiate? Su prie'pludziu. Kokiu' laiku'? Devi'nta va'landa. Jau pra'deda isplau'kti. Ei'kime [ kaju'ta. Kur yra' ma'no lo'va? Ju'su, va'rdas parasy'ta ant jos. Let us go on deck. The tide is strong. The sea is rough. The wind is against us. So much the worse. We shall have a long pas- sage. I feel sea-sick. Steward. A glass of brandy. I am better. The sea is getting calm. The sea is quite smooth. What a beautiful passage ! I see land. It is the harbor of Ham- burg. We have arrived. Look for my things. I have two trunks. There was another trunk. Is your name on it? Is it this one? Come to the custom house. You will find all your luggage at the custom- -house. Will you examine this trunk? Open it. Unlock it. Have you anything to de- clare? 32 Ei'kime ant de'nio. Prie'pludis di'delis. Ju'ros pi'ktos. Ve'jas prie'singas mums. Tuomi' arsiau'. Ture'sime i'lga kelio'ne Sergu' ju'njliga'. Mai stininkas. Stikle'lis vy'nspiriCio. Man geriau's. Ju'ros nuty'la. Ju'ros visai' ly'gios. Kokia' puiki' kelio'ne! As matau' ze'me. Tai Ha'mburgo uo'stas. Mes pribu'vome. Ziure'k ma'no dai'ktu/. As turiu' du fiemodanu'. Bu'vo ki'tas Cemoda'nas. Ar ju'su va'rdas yra' ant jo? Arsi'tas? Ei'kite sian j mui'tinyc'ia Ra'site visu's sa'vo dai'k- tus mui'tinyfiioje. Ar ziure'site si'ta 2emo- da'na? Atidary'kite. Atraki'nkite. Ar tu'rite ka ispazi'nti? Not that I know of. All right. Lock it. 33 Ne, kiek as zinau'. Gerai'. Uzraki'nkite. The Hotel. Which is the best hotel? There are several very good ones. Let us go to the Hotel Victoria. You will find it very com- fortable. Waiter, take the gentle- men to No. 6 on the first floor. Let us have some supper soon. You will find it ready in the dining room. You can have supper at any time. Are your rooms ready? All ready for you, gentle- men. Light the candles. I am very tired. I am going to bed. Call me to-morrow morn- ing at 6 o'clock. I shall leave by the early train. Bring me hot water. Vie'snamis. Kuri's yra' geriau'sias vie'snamis? Yra' keli' ly'giai labai' geri'. Ei'kime [ vie'snamj, Vik- to'rija. Ra'site jj labai' smagu'm Ta'rne, nuve'sk ponu's nu'merj e'sta ant pir- mu/ lubij'. Uzvakarieniau'kime tuo- jau's. Ra'site pa'rengta va'lgo- majame kambary'. Ga'lite gau'ti vakarie'ne bi'le kada'. Ar ju'sij ruimai' patai- sy'ti? Vi'skas jums pataisy'ta, ta'mistos. Uzzie'bk zvake's. As labai' pai'lsgs. As einu' gu'lti. Paza'dink mane' ryto'j e'sta va'landa. Turiu' isvaziuo'ti anksty- vuo'ju trau'kiniu. Atne'sk manka'rsto van- de'ns. 34 How much do we owe Kieke'same kalti' jums? you? Charge the service. Be good enough to receipt it. I hope you have been sat- isfied? Very much. Good morning. I wish you a happy jour- ney. Lithuanian Language. Can you read Lithuani- an? A little. I read it very well, but I cannot speak it. You read very well. Do you speak Lithuani- an? I speak it a little. I do not understand it. People speak so fast. You have had but little practice. You have a good pro- nunciation. Who was your teacher? How long since you have learned it? A short time only. Without a teacher. Paskaity'kite uz patar- na'vima. Bu'kite malo'nus pakvi- tuo'ti. Tikiu', kad bu'vote uz- gane'dinti. Labai'. La'ba ry'ta. Ve'liju jums laimingo's kelio'nes. Lietuviij' kalba'. Ar ga'lite skaity'ti lietu'- vikai? Trupu'tj. As skaitau' labai' gerai', tik negaliu' kalbe'ti. Jus skai'tote labai' gerai' Ar ka'lbate lietuviu/ kal- ba'? Kalbu' trupu'tj. As jos nesuprantu'. Zmo'nes kal'bateipgrei'- tai. Mazai' praktika'votes. Ju'sij istari'mas yra' ge'- ras. Kas bu'vo jus moki'n- toju? Kaip seniai' ja ismo'ko- te? Tik neseniai'. Be moki'utojo. My teacher was Mr. B. Your sister speaks it per- fectly. It is a difficult language. You will learn it soon. A month or two in Lithu- ania andyou will know it. Where do they speak the best Lithuanian? In the region of Noumeas- tes. I find the pronunciation easy. It is altogether different from English. Yes, the Lithuanian lan- guage belongs to the group of ancient Ian guages. It is very interesting to learn that language. Spring. Spring has come. It is still cool. Spring begins well. It is rather mild. It is spring weather. The trees are beginning to bud. The season is very for- ward. It is so pleasant. 35 Ma'no moki'ntoju bu'vo po'nas B. Ju'sij sesuo' ka'lba ja pui'kiai. Tai yra' sunki' kalba'. Jus tuojau's ismo'ksite. Pabu'site me'nesj., ki't| Lietuvoje' ir ismo'ksi- te. Kur yra' ka'lbama ge- riau'sia lietu'viska kal- ba'? A'pie Nau'miest. Man istari'mas yra' le'n- gva. Visai' kito'kia kaip an- glu/ kalba. Teip, lietuviu/ kalba' pri- klau'so prie gru'pos se- no'viskij kalbu/. Labai' domu' yra' is- mo'kti ta ka'lb|. Pava'saris. Pava'saris ate'jo. Vis dar yra' vesu'. Pava'saris prasi'deda ti- krai'. Yra' gana' si'lta. Pava'sario o'ras. Me'dziai pra'deda spro'g- ti. Se'zonas labai' anksty'- vas. Yra' teip malonu'. 36 The sun is so warm. There are some .flowers. Snowdrops. Tulips. Hyacinths Gather some. As many as you please. The season is very back- ward. Every thing is very back- ward. Summer. Summer is coming. It is becoming warm. How warm ! I feel very warm. It is very warm. It is too warm. It is almost hot. It is a fine day. It is a splendid day. The heat is great. The heat is unbearable. Let us take a bath. In the river. It is very close to us. I think we shall have a storm. That is very likely. The clouds are gathering. I hear thunder. It thunders. It thunders fearfully . It lightens. Sau'le tokia' kaitri'. Te'nai yra' ge'les. Snie'gines. Tu'lpes. Hijaci'ntai. Prisiri'nk kiek. Kick tau pati'nka. Se'zonas labai' vely'vas. Vi'skas labai' vely'va. Va'sara. Va'sara atei'na. Pra'deda bu'ti si'lta. Kaip si'lta! Man labai' si'lta. Labai' si'lta. Perdau'g si'lta. Bevei'k ka'rsta. Yra' grazi' diena'. Yra' puiki' diena'. Di'delis ka'rstis. Ka'rstis nepake'nfiiamas. Eime' issimau'dyti. U'peje. Yra' labai' arti'. Manau' bus audra'. Labai' tas ga'li bu'ti. Debesiai' re'nkasi. Asgirdziu' gria'udziant. Gria'udzia. Gria'udzia bai'siai. Zaibuo'ja. 37 The lightning. What a storm! How it rains! It pours. The sky begins to clear. The weather is clearing up. There is a rainbow. The sun breaks out. Autumn. Summer is over. The heat is past. The mornings and eve- nings are cool. The leaves are beginning to fall. The days are still fine. The days are closing. Autumn is interesting on the Rhine. It is the time of the vint- age. How happy the people are! It is a good vintage. We must soon begin to make fires. We have had a fire alrea- dy. It becomes dark soon. It is dark. It is a fine night. A dark night. Zai'bas. Kokia' audra'! Kaiplyja! Pilte' pi'la. Dangu's pra'deda svie'- stis. O'ras blaivi'nasi. Ana' lau'mes juo'sta. Sa'ule pasiro'do. Ruduo'. Va'sara pasi'baige. Ka'rstis pe'rejo. Rytai' ir vakarai' ve'sus. La'pai pra'deda kri'sti. Die'nos vis dar gra'zios. Die'nos ei'na trumpy'n. Ruduo' jdomu's yra' ant Rei'no. Lai'kas rinki'mo vy'nuo- giu.- Koki' laimi'ngi zmo'nes! Ge'rasuzdere'jimas vy'n- uogiu,. Neuzi'lgo ture'sime ku- ria'nti kro'snis. Mes jau kuria'nome sy'kj Tuojau's sute'msta. Tamsu'. Grazi' nakti's. Tamsi' nakti's. 38 Is it moonlight? It is full moon. New moon. Do you think it will rain ? I am afraid so. It hails. It rains. It is very windy. Ar me'nuo Svie'Sia? Yra' pi'lnatis. Ja'unatis. Ar manai', kad lis? As to ir bijau'si. Ledai' puo'la. Ly'ja. Labai' ve'jas. Winter. It is winter. The days are so short. It is cold. It is very cold. It is a cold wind. It is bad weather. It is foggy. The sky is overcast. It will snow. It snows. It snows in great flakes. It freezes. It freezes very hard. Can you skate ? The ice does not bear up. The ice is thick enough. How cold it is in Lithua. nia! In Lithuania winters are colder than in En- gland, but much finer. It is healthy weather. It thaws. Ziema'. Ziema'. Die'nos tokio's tru'mpos. &a'lta. Labai' sa'lta. Labai' sa'ltas ve'jas. Labai' biauru's o'ras. U'kanota. Dangu's apsiniau'kes. Snigs. Snie'gti. Snie'gti dideliai's plia- kai's. Sa'la. Sma'rkiai sa'la. Ar mo'ki 5iuo'zti? Le'das nelai'ko. Le'das sto'ras gana'. Kaip sa'lta Lietuvoje'! Lietuvoje' zie'mos salte'- snes ne'gu A'nglijoje, bet daug graze'snes. Sve'ikas o'ras. Lei'dzia. It is slippery. It is dirty. The ice is thawing. The streets are very wet and dirty. Christmas. Christmas-eve. New year's day. A new year. 39 Slidu'. Purvy'nas. Le'das ti'rpsta. Ga'tves labai' sla'pios ir pu'rvinos. Kale'dos. Kufiia'. Nauju/ me'tij diena'. Nauji' me'tai. Writing. I want some paper, Ink, Pens, A steel pen. Have you any Envelopes, Stamps, Sealing wax? I want a sheet of writing paper, blotting paper. A quire. I have to write a letter. A penknife. Now I will write. What is the day of the month? It is the 16th. Where is the postoffice? Close by. When do the letters go to England? Daily. Take it to the postoffice. Ra'symas. As no'riu po'pieros. Ra'salo, Plu'nksmj, Plieni'ne plu'nksna. Ar tu'rite Ko'nvertij, Krasa'zenkliij, Lia'ko? As no'riu la'ksta ra'somos popieros, su'geriamos po'pieros. Li'bra. As turiu' rasy'ti laiska. Peiliu'kas. Daba'r rasy'siu. Kelinta' diena' menesio? Yra' sesio'likta. Kur yra' krasa'? Cia pat. Kuome't laiskai' isei'naj A'nglija? Kasdien. Nune'sk kraso'n. 40 Have you sealed the let- ter? I forgot it. Where is my seal? Where is it? I have it. Here it is. Take care of the letter. The Laundress. You bring my linen very late. You wash badly. You have washed it well. I like my collars stiff. You do not put starch in it. I miss a collar. See how badly that is done. You must take it back. This is badly ironed. This shirt is scorched. You have spoiled this shirt. This handkerchief does not belong to me. You have torn this skirt- You have kept a pair of stockings. A nightshirt is wanting. Ar uzantspaudzia'vote lai'ska? As pamirsau'. Kur yra' ma'noant'spau- da? Kur ji yra'? As turiu'. Stai yra'. Ziure'k lai'sko. Skalbeja'. Labai' velai' a'tnesi ma'- no ska'lbin^. Prastai' skalbi'. I'sskalbei gerai'. As myliu' stipria's api'- kakles. Ne'dedi skorby'lo. As nerandu' api'kakles. Ziure'k, kaip neti'kusiai tas padary'ta. Turi ne'stis atga'l. Si'tas neti'kusiai ispro'- sinta. Sitie' marskiniai' pride'- ginti. Sugadinai' situo's ma'r- skinius. Sita' no'sinenepriklau'so man. Suple'sei si'ta sejo'na. Nea'tnesei poro'spancia'- kij. Nakti'niij marskinii^' ne- ra'. 41 Have you your bill? Ar turi' sa'nskaita? You must wash better or Turi' isska'lbti geriau' I must give my linen to another laundress. a'rba as ture'siu ki'tai skalbe'jai duo'ti sa'vo ska'lbinj ska'lbti. With the Priest. Praised be Jesus Christ. For ever and ever. I wish to pay for a holy mass. What kind a low or a high mass? For what day ? For next Friday. What will the funeral cost including the mass and the sermon? We brought the child to be baptized. What name would you give the child ? Let us go to church. I wish to go to confes- sion. The priest is not at home; he is out visiting some sick person. With the lawyer. Are you a lawyer, sir? Pas ku'niga. Tegu'l bus paga'rbintas Je'zus Kri'stus. Ant a'mziij amzinu/jij. A'men. Nore'Siau uzpi'rkti mi- sia's sventa's. Skaity'tas ar giedo'tas? Kokiai' die'nai? Atei'naniam penkta'die- niui. Kick bus palai'dojimas su misiomi's ir pamo'- kslu? A'tvezeme ku'dik^ j kri'ksta. Kokiu' vardu' no'rite ap- kri'kstyti. Eime' jbazny'ia. Nore'Siau atli'kti i'spa- zintj. Ku'nigo nera' namie', is- vazia'vo pas ligo'nj. , Pas advoka'la. Ar ta'mista esi' advoka'- tas? 42 Yes, sir, I am a lawyer. I have some trouble and would like to ask your advice. What is the trouble, have you had a fight with some fellow? No, I was held up, and beaten, and robbed of my money and now they accuse me of the very same thing. Have you any proofs of your innocence? I have the witnesses who will testify that I was held up and robbed. Did they sue you? No, they simply gave me into the hands of the police and the police made me furnish $500 bail. They say the robbers took to flight. The grand jury dismissed the case. Then what you have to do is to hire detectives and search for the rob- bers. I am sued for libel. Teip, ta'mista, as esiu' advoka'tas. Turiu' kliau'tj ir nore'- Ciau klau'sti ta'mistos patari'mo. Kokia' kliau'tis, ar ta'- mista susi'pesei su kuo ? Ne, mane' pasto'jo, su'- muse, pi'riigus a'teme ir daba'r ka'ltina, buk tai as ta da'res. Ar turi', ta'mista' ko- kiu's priro'dymus sa'- vo nekalty'bei? As turiu' liu'dininkus, kurie' paliu'dis, kad jie mane' pasto'jo ir api- ple'se. Ar jie ta'mista sku'nde ? Ne, jie tik ati'dave ma- ne' J ranka's poli'cijos, o poli'cija pri'verte mane' sude'ti lai'dui penki's simtu's do'leriij Plesi'kai, sa'ko, pabe'ge. Prisai'kintojij tei'smas a'tmete by'la. Tadvi'skas, ko ta'mistai rei'kia, tai nusamdy'ti detektyvu's ir jiesko'ti plesi'kij. Mane' sku'ndzia uz ap- smeizi'mg rastu'. They charge me with as- sault and battery. I want to sue him for slander. That is a plain forgery case. The judge sentenced him, for arson, to the penitentiary for six months. The jury brought out a verdict of guilty. The jury disagreed. I have a case against the company. I was hurt while at my work. I want to collect my wages. I am seeking divorce from my husband; he is cruel to me. Do you think, sir, I can get any alimony after I am divorced ? Why yes, dear lady, if only your husband pos- sesses any property. With the doctor. Is the doctor at home? He is out, but he will be back soon. When does he stay in his office? 43 Jie ka'ltina mane' uz uz- puoli'ma irsumusi'ma. As no'riu jjsku/sti uz ap- smeizi'ma. Tai yra' grynai' priga- gy'stes byla'. Teise'jas pa'smerke jj. uz padegi'ma sesie'ms me'nesiams kale'jimo. Teisejai' i'snesenuspren- di'ma apka'ltinimo. Teisejai' nesusitai'ko. As turiu' by'la su kom- pa'nija. Mane' su'zeide man di'r- bant. As no'riu atgau'ti sa'vo a'lga. As jie'skau pe'rskir^ su sa'vo vy'ru: jis yra' ziauru's su mani'm. Ar manai' ta'mista, kad as gau'siu kokj' uzlai'- kyma nuo sa'vo vy'ro? O, teip, bra'ngi ta'mista, jei tik ta'mistos vy'ras tu'ri kokia' nuo'savy- be. Pas da'ktara. Ar da'ktaras namie'? Nera', bet tuojau's su- gry's. Kuome't jis bu'va biu- re'? From 9 to 12 A. M. and from 3 to 8 P. M. What is your trouble? I have a bad cold. My head aches awfully. I have palpitation of the heart. My bowels do not move. My appetite is poor. Do you sleep well? Sometimes Hie awake in bed till midnight and get up in the morning all tired out. Did you try warm baths in the evenings and cold baths in the morn- ings? Try them, they may help you. My hearing is affected; there is a noise in my ears. I have sore eyes, I have a toothache. Please fill the front one and take out the molar tooth. Which tooth is hollow? I can fill it up with gold, silver or cement: which would you rather have ? 44 ~ Nuo devyniu/ i'ki dvy'- liktai ry'to ir nuo tri- jij i'ki astuoniu/ vaka- re'. Kas jums ke'nkia? As turiu' di'deles sloga's. Man bai'siai ga'lva skau'- da. As turiu' drebe'jima sir- die's. Neinu' lau'kan. Man nesiva'lgo gerai'. Ar mie'gasi gerai'? Ka'rtais neuzmiegu' i'ki vidu'nakc"iui ir ant ry- to'jaus keliuo'si vi'sas pai'lses. Ar ba'ndete silta's mau- dyne's vakarai's ir sa'l- tas rytai's? Pabandy'- kite, jos ta'mistai ga'li page'lbeti. Ma'no au'sys u'zgultos, u'zia ausyse'. Man aki's skau'da. Da'ntj. man ge'lia. Meldziu' pry'sakinj uz- pliombuo'ti, o kru'mi- nj istrau'kti. Kuri's danty's kiau'ras? Galiu' uzpliombuo'tiau'- ksu, sidabru', ar ce'- mentu, kuomi' ta'mis- tai geriau' pati'ktij? It matters not which, if it only will last. I have a cough. I am spitting blood. I am afraid it may be phthisis. Your fears are ground- less. I will give you the medi- cine that will help you at once. How is this medicine to be taken? Every hour; half an hour before each meal. One pill before retiring to bed. Ten drops in w|iter when you feel badly. But how is it with the diet? Eat everything you like but see that your stom- ach digests it. Can I occasionally drink a glass or two of beer? No: you'd best abstain from drinking any liqu- or while you are under my treatment. 45 Tas vis tiek kuomi', jei tik laiki's. As ko's6iu. Spiau'ju kraujai's. Bijau'si, kad nebu'tij dzio'va. Ju'svj bai'me yra' be pa'- mato. Duo'siu ta'mistaivai'stij, kurie' ta'mistai page'l- bes tuojau's. Kaip sitie' vai'stai i'mti? Kas valanda'; pu'se va- lando's pries kiekvie'- na va'lgj. Vie'na pi'le ei'nant gu'lti Desi'mts lasu/ vandeyj', kaipta'mista jau'siesi negerai'. O kai'p su valgiu'? Va'lgykite kas jums pa- ti'nka, tik ziure'kite, kad viduriai' suvi'rin- tij. Ar galiu' kartais issige'r- ti vie'na, ki'ta sti'kla alau's? Ne; geriau' susilaiky 'ki- te ge'rg svaigi'nan^ius ge'ralus kol gy'dotes pas mane'. In a Restaurant. Give me a drink. Will you have something with me? Why not? with pleasure. Give me seltzer water. You'd take whiskey or beer. I never use any strong drinks. Give me plain soda wa- ter. I will take a glass of wine. Have a smoke. Have you good cigars ? Yes, sir, we have pure Havana cigars. Why don't you join our company? Let us drink! To your good health I Good looks! Whose turn is it now to furnish drinks? Quit drinking boys, let us go home. No, sir, I won't go home before I treat you back. If that is your wish, let us drink then. Good bye now. When will we meet a- gain? Any time this week. 46 Restaura'cijoje. Duok issige'rti. Gal i'msite ka ant ma- ne's? Kode'l ne? su no'ru. Duok man se'lcerio. Geriau's i'mkite degti'- nes ar alau's. As ne'geriu jo'kiij sti- priu/ geralu/. Duok man ty'ro so'dos vande'ns. As i'msiu stikle'l^ vy'no. Uzsiriiky'k. Ar tu'rite geru's cigaru's' Teip, ta'mista' mes tu'- rime tikrij Hava'nos ciga'nj. Kode'l ta'mista neprisi'- dedi prie mus? Ge'rkime! Uz ju'sij sveika'ta! Svei'kas! Keno' kaleina' daba'r sta- ty'ti? Vaikinai', gana' ge'rti, ei'name namo'. O ne, as nei siu namo', kol nepastaty'siu jums atga'l. Jei jau ta'mistos toksai' no'ras, taiissige'rkime. Li'kite svei'ki daba'r. Kuome't suei'sime vel? Bi'le kada' ia sa'vaite. Conductor. All aboard. Fares, please. Don't you want a trans- fer 9 How far is this car going? gO! I want to reach the B & O depot. When does the train leave for St. Louis? When does the New York train arrive? At 12 A. M. Can I have my things with me on the train? Yes, if you care to have them. You have to check your baggage. That trunk is too heavy for you, get a porter and let him carry it for you. Did you give me my change, conductor? Not yet, madam, I haven't any change just now. Can you take me to Wash- ington park? No, madam, you have to take another car. 47 Kondu'ktorius. Kara'n. Bi'lietus, meldziu'. Ar no'rite pe'rsezdzio? Kaip toli' si'taska'rasei'- na? Kur ta'mista no'ri ei'ti? As no'riu pasiekti B ir O sto'te. Kuome't traukiny's isei'- na j, St. Lou'is'a? Kuome t atei'na is New Yo'rk'o traukiny's? Dvy'likta va'landa ry'to. Ar as galiu' ture'ti sa'vo dai'ktus su savi'm ant trau'kinio? Teip, jei ta'mista nori. Tu'rite apibilietuo'ti sa'- vo dai'ktus. Si's ku'paras persunku's ta'mistai, pai'mkite ne- si'ka ir duo'kite jam ne'sti. Ar man ati'davete ma'no ly'kj, kondu'ktoriau? Dar ne, ta'mista, as ne- turiu' smulkiu/ tuo ta'rpu. Ar ga'lite nuve'zti mane' j Va'singtono da'rza? Ne, ta'mista; tu'rite i'm- li ki'ta ka'ra. You have to get off this car at the next corner. Close this door, please. Face forward when a- lighting from the car. Keep your feot off the seat. Do not spit on the floor. Stop the car, please. The car ran off the track. In accident a little boy was killed. What a pity. In School. Take up your readers and let us read. Your reading is good. How do you spell this word? It is very hard to pro nounce it. How are you getting a- long with your num- bers? I do very well with num- bers. I know well all four ac- tions: addition, sub- traction, multiplica- tion, and division. I like to study mathemat- ics, especially algebra, and geometry. 48 Tu'rite isli'pti is Si'to ka'ro ant ki'toka'mpo. Uzdary'kite sita's duri's. Krei'pkites j. pry'sak^ i's- lipant is ka'ro. Nede'kite ko'ju, ant se- dy'nes. Nespiau'dykit ant aslo's. Sustabdy'kite ka'ra. Ka'ras nupuo'le nuo be'- giu,- Atsitiki'mas, ma'zas vai- ku'tis li'kosi u'zmustas Kaip gai'la. Moky kloje. I'mkite skaitymeliu's ir paskaity'sime le'kcija. Paskai'tote gerai'. Kaip tu su'dedi si'ta zo'- ) SINGULAR. N. trob-a', building; pel-e", mouse; V. tro'b-a! o building! pe'l-e! o mouse! G. trob-o's, of a building; pel-e's, of a mouse; D. tro'b-ai, to a building; pe'l-ei, to a mouse; A. tro'b-a, building: pe'l-e, mouse; In. trob-a', with a building: pel-e' with a mouse; L. trob-oje', in the building; pel-eje', in the mouse. PLURAL. N., V. tro'b-os, buildings; pe'l-es, mice; G. trob-u/, of buildings; pel-iu/, of the mice; D. trob-o'ms, to buildings; pel-e'ms, to the mice; A. tro'b-as, buildings; pel-e's, mice; In. trob-omi's,with build-s; pel-emi's, with the mice; L. trob-ose', in buildings; pel-e'se, in the mice. DUAL. N. V. A. (dvi) trob-i', two buildings; pel i', two mice; G. L. as in the plural. D. In. (dviem) trob-o'm, to, with two buildings; pe- 1-e'm, to, with two mice. Examples. Declension Third. a) SINGULAR. N. vagi'-s, thief; ka'rti-s, pole; V. vagi-e'! o thief! ka'rti-e! o pole! G. vagi-e's, of a thief; ka'rti-es, of a pole; D. va'gi-ui, to athief; ka'ri-ai, to apole; A. va'g, thief; ka'rtj, pole; In. vagi'-m, with a thief ; ka'rtimi, with a pole; L. vagy-je', in the thief; ka'rtyje, in the pole. PLURAL. N., V. va'gy-s, thieves; ka'rtys, poles; G. vagi-ij, of thieves; ka'rcl-ij, of poles; 60 D. vagi'-ms, to thieves; ka'rti-ms, to poles; A. vagi'-s, thieves; ka'rti-s, poles; I. vagi-mi's, with thieves; ka'rti-mis, with poles; L. vagy-se', in thieves; ka'rty-se, in poles. DUAL. N., V., A. (du) vagi-u', two thieves; (dvi)ka'rti, two poles. N., L. as in the plural. D., In.(dviem-) vagi'-m, to, with two thieves; ka'rti-m, to, with two poles. 6) SINGULAR. N. aki'-s, eye; nakti'-s, night; V. aki-e'! oeye! nakti-e'! o night! G. aki e's, of an eye; nakti-e's, of a night; D. a'ki-ai, to an eye; na'kfii-ai, to a night; A. a'k, eye; na'ktj, night; In. aki-mi', with an eye; nakti-mi', with a night; L. aky-je', in the eye; nakty-je', in the night. PLURAL. N., V. a'ky-s, eyes; na'kty-s, nights; G. aki-u/, of eyes; naki-u/(nakt-u/), of nights; D. aki'-ms, to eyes; nakti'-ms, to nights; A. aki'-s, eyes; nakti'-s, nights; In. aki-mi's, with eyes: nakti-mi's, with nights; L. aky-se', in eyes; nakty-se, in nights. DUAL. N., V., A. (dvi) aki', two eyes: nakti', two nights; N., L. as in the plural. D., In. (dviem) aki'-m, to, with two eyes; nakti'-m, to, with two nights. Examples. Declension Fourth. a) SINGULAR. N. sun-u's, son; zmog-u's, man; 61 V. sun-au'! o son! G. sun-au 's, of a son; D. su'n-ui, to a son; A. su'n-tj, son. zmog-au'! o man! zmog-au's, of a man; zmo'g-ui, to a man; zmo'g-ij, man; In. sun-umi', with a son; zmo-umi' with a man; L. sun-uje', in the son; zmog-uje', in the man; PLURAL. N., V. su'n-us, sons; zmo'n-es, people: G. sun-u', of sons: zmon-iu/, of people; D. sun-u'ms, to sons; zmon-e'ms, to people; A. su'n-us, sons; zmo'n-es, people; In. sun-umi's, with sons; zmon-emi's, with people; L. sun-uose', in sons; zmon-ese', in people. DUAL. N., V., A. (du) su'n-u, two sons; zmog-u', two men; G., L. as in the plural. D., In. sun-u'm, to, with two sons; zmon-e'm, to, with two men. b) SINGULAR. N. vaisi-u's, fruit; puo'dzi-us, potter; V. vaisi-au'! o fruit! puo'dzi-au! o potter! G. vaisi-au's, of a fruit; puo'dzi-aus, of a potter; D. vai'si-ui, to a fruit: puo'dzi-ui, to a potter; A. vai'si-ij, fruit; puo'dzi-ij, potter; I. vaisi-umi'.with a fruit; puo'dzi-umi, with a potter. L. vaisi-uje', in the fruit; puo'dzi-uje, in the potter. PLURAL. N., V. vai'si-ai, fruits; puo'dzi-ai, potters; G. vai'si-ij, of fruits; puo'dzi-ij, of potters; D. vai'si-ams, to fruits; puo'dzi-ams, to potters; A. vaisi-u's, fruits; puo'dzi-us, potters; In. vai'si-ais, with fruits; puo'dzi-ais, with potters; L. vai'si-uose, in fruits; puo'dzi-uose, in potters. 62 DUAL. N., V., A. (du) vaisi-u', two fruits; puo'dzi-u, two potters; G., L. as in the plural. D., In. (dviem) vai'si-am, to, with two fruits; puo'- dzi-am, to, with two potters. Examples. Declension Fifth. ) SINGULAR. N. akmuo', stone. me'nuo, moon, month; V. akmuo'! o stone! me'nuo! o moon! G. akme'ns, of a stone; me'nesi-o, of a moon; D. a'kmeni-ui, to a stone; me'nesi-ui, to a moon; A. a'kmen^, stone; me'nesj, moon; I. akmeni'm,with astone; me'nesi-u, with a moon; L. akmeny-je' in the stone; me'nesyje, in the moon; PLURAL. N., V. a'kmen-s, stones; me'nesi-ai, moons; G. akmen-u/, of stones; me'nesi-ij, of moons; D. akmen-i'ms, to stones; me'nesi-ams, to moons; A. a'kmen-is, stones; me'nesi-us, moons; In. akmen-imi's.with ston. me'nesi-ais, with moons; L. akmen-yse', in stones; me' nesy-se, in moons. DUAL. N., V., A. (du) a'kmen-iu, two stones; me'nesi-u, two moons. G., L. as in the plural. D., In. (dviem) akmen-i'm, to, with two stones; me'- nesiam, to, with two moons. 6) SINGULAR. N. suo, dog; sesuo', sister; V. suni-e'! odogl se'ser! o sister! G. suns, of a dog; sese'rs, of a sister; 63 D. su'ni-ui, to a dog; se'ser-iai, to a sister; A. su'n[, dog; se'ser[, sister; In. suni-mi', with a dog; seser-imi', with a sister; It. suny-je', in the dog; seser-yje', in the sister. PLURAL. N., V. su'n-es, dogs; se'sers, sisters; G. un-u/, of dogs; seser-u/, of sisters; D. sun-i'ms, to dogs; seser-i'ms, to sisters; A. sun-i's, dogs; se'ser-is, sisters; In. sun-imi's, with dogs; seser-imi's, with sisters; L. un-yse', in dogs; seser-yse', in sisters. DUAL. N., V/, A. (du) sun-iu', two dogs; (dvi) se'ser-i, two sisters. G., L. as in the plural. D., In. (dviem) sun-i'm, to, with two dogs; seser-i'm, to, with two sisters. c) SINGULR. PLURAL. N. dukte', o daughter; du'kter-s, daughters; V. du'kter! daughter! du'kters! daughters! G. dukte'r-s, of a daughter; dukter-u/, of daughters: D.du'kter-iai, to a daughter; dukter-i'ms to daughters A. du'kter-[, daughter; du'kter-is, daughters; I. dukter-imi', with a dukter-imi's.with daugh- daughter; ters; L. dukter-yje', in the dukter-yse', in daughters, daughter; DUAL. N., V., A. (dvi) du'kteri, two daughters; G., L. as in the plural. D., In. (dviem) dukter-i'm, to, with two daughters. 64 Adjectives. The adjectives have two Genders: Masculine and Feminine. The Nominative Singular of Mascu- line Gender of adjectives terminates in -as, -ias, -is, -us, and its definitive form in: -asis, -ysis, -usis. The same case of Feminine Gender of adjectives termin- ates in: -a, -ia, -e, -i, and its definitive form in: -oji, -io j i . Declension First. Geras,/.-ra, good; StaCias, /.-fia, erect. SINGULAR. N.,V. ge'r-as, ger-a' sta'Ci-as, stac"i-a'; G. ge'r-o, ger-o's, sta'6i-o, stai-o's; D. ger-a'm, ge'r-ai, sta6i-a'm, sta'Si-ai A. ge'r-a, sta'Ci-a; In. ger-u', ger-a', staSi-u', sta5i-a' ; L. ger-ame', ger-oje', stacl-ame', sta6i-oje'. PLURAL. N., V. ger-i', ge'r-os, stat-i', sta'5-ios; G. ger-i] i', sta5-iij'; D. ger-ie'ms ger-o'ms, stat-ie'ms, sta2-io'ms; A. ger-u 's, ger-a's sta6-iu's, sta5-ia's; In. ger-ai's, ger-omi's, sta2-iai's, stafi-iomi's; L. ger-uose', ger-ose', stafi-iuose, sta6-iose'. DUAL. N., V., A. ger-u', ger-i', sta6-iu', G., L. as in the plural. D., In. ger-ie'm, ger-o'm, stat-ie'm, stafi-io'm. Declension Second. Medi'n-is, /.-ne, of wood; Di'del-is, /.-le, big. C5 SlNOULAIt. medi'ne, di'del-is, di'del-e, medi'n-es, di'dol-io. didel-e'st medi'n-ei, didel-ia'm, di'del-ei; medi'n-e, di'del-i. di'del-e: C J C , modin-e', di'del-iu, didel-e'; medi'n-eje, didel-iame'. di'del-eje. Pl.T'HAL. medi'n-es, didel-i', di'del-es; medi'n-iij, didel-iij ; medi'n-iams, medi'n-ems, didel-ie'ms, didol-e'ms; media-ill's, medin-e's di'del-ius, di'del-os: . modi'n-iais, medi'n-emis, didel-iai's, didel-emi's: mcdi'n-iuose: medi'n-ese, didel-iuose', didel-ese'. , V. medi'n-is, inctli'n-io medi'n-iam, modi'n-i, 1 J . medin-iu', metli'n-iame, X., V. mcdi'n-iai, I), A. In L DUAL. X., V.. A. medin-iu', medin-i', didel-iu', didel-i'; (i., L. as in the plural. D., In. medi'n-iam, medi'n-em, didel-ie'm, didel-e'm; Declension Third. Skaud-u's, /.-di, painful; Ly'g-us, /.-i, even. X , V. skaud-u's, G. skaud-au's, I), skaudx-ia'm, A. skau'di^. In. skaud/.-iu', SINGULAR. skaud-i', ly'g-us, ly'g-i: skaud/.-io's, ly'g-aus, ly'g-io; skau'dx-iai, ly'g-iam, ly'ir-ia skau'd/-ia, ly'g-ij, ly'g-ia: skaudx-ia', ly'g iu, ly'g-ia L. skaudx-iame', skaudz-ioje', ly'g-iame, ly'g-ioje. X., V. skau'd-us, skau'd/.-ios, ly'g-us, ]y'g-ios; (i. skaud/-iu/, ly'g-iij; 1). skaud-ie'ms, skaudx-io'ms, ly'g-iems ly'g-ioms: A. skaud/-iu's, skaud/-ia's, Jy'gius, ly'g-ias; 6G In. skaudz-iai's, skaudz-iomi's, ly'g-iais, lyg-iomi's; L. skaudz-iuose', skaudz-iose', ly'g-iuose, ly'g-iose'. DUAL. N., V., A. skaudz-iu' skaud-i, ly'g-iu, ly'g-i; G., L. as in the plural. D., In. skaud-ie'm, skaudz-io'm, ly'g-iem, ly'g-iom. Declension of the Definitive Form of Adjectives. Balt-a'sis,/.-to'ji, white; Did-y'sis, /.-dzio'ji, big. SINGULAR. N., V. balt-a'sis, -t-o'ji, did-y'sis, -dz-io'ji; G. ba'lt-ojo, -t-o'sios, di'dz-iojo, -dz-io'sios; D. balt-a'mjam, -t-aijai, didz-ia'mjam, -dz-iaijai; A. ba'lt-ajj, -t-aja, di'd-yj, -dz-iaja; In. balt.-uo'ju, -ta'ja, didz-iuo'ju, -dz-iaja; L. balt-a'mjame, -t-o'joje, didz-ia'mjame,-dz-io'joje. PLURAL. N., V. balt-ie'jie, -t-osios, did-ie'jie, -dz-iosios; G. balt-u_'jij, did/-iu/jtj; D. balt-ie'msiems, -t-o'm- did-ie'msiems, -dz-iom- sioms, sioms. A. balt-tuo'sius, -t-a'sias, didz-iuo'sius, -dz-ia'sias: In. balt-ai'siais,-t-o'msiomis, didz-iai'siais, -dz-io'm- siomis; L. balt-uo'siuose,-t-o'siose, didz-iuo'siuose,-dz-io'siose DUAL. N., V., A. balt-uo'ju, -t-ie'ji, didz-iuo'ju, -d-ie'ji; G., L. as in the plural. L., In. balt-ie'mjiem, -t-o'mjom, did-ie'mjiem, -dz-io'mjom. 67 Graz-u'sis,/.-zio'ji, nice. SINGULAR. N., V. gra/.-u'sis, -z-io'ji G. gra'x.-iojo, -z-io'sios, D. graz-ia'mjam, -z-iaijai, A. gra'/.-u4, -z-iaja, In. graz-iuo'ju, -z-ia'ja, L. graz-ia'mjame, -zio'joje, PLURAL. graz-ie'jie, -z-iosios; graz-iij'jij, graz-ie'msiems,-z-io'm- sioms; graz-iuo'sius, -z-ia'sias: graz-iai'siais, -z-io'm- siomis. graz-iuo'siuose, -z-io'- siose. DUAL. N., V., A. graz-iuo'ju, graz-ie'ji; G., L. as in the plural. J., In. graz-ie'mjiem, graz-io'mjom. NOTE. In the terminations of Feminine Gender, where there is no emphasis given, it is because the emphasized syllable is omitted. Comparison of Adjectives. The comparative of a Lithuanian adjective is formed by adding -esnis, -esne to the permanent part of adjective, the Superlative by adding -iausias (or -iausis), -iausia (or -iausi) to it, as: Graz-u's, gra/.-e'snis, -e'sne; graz-iau'sias (-sis), graz- iau'sia(-si), nice, nicer, nicest. Ge'r-as, ger-e'snis, -e'sne, ger-iau'sias(-sis), ger-iau'sia (-si), good, better, best. The "than" following the Comparative is trans- lated by "ne'gu" or "kaip", as: He is better than you, Jis yra' gere'snis ne'gu or kaip tu. Pronouns. As -I. Jis - he. Si'tas,/.-ta', Kuri's,/-ri', Mes - we. Ji - she. this. - which. Tu - thou. Jie, Jos (fern. Tas, /. ta, - Kas -who, Jus - you. g.), they. that. what. Toki's, /. -kia' -such. Kiekvie'nas, /.-na- every one. Nie'kas- no- body. Ma'no,mine Musu. -ours. Ta'vo, thine. Jusij, yours. Jo - his. Jos - hers. Jij - theirs. Auxiliary Verb. Infinitive: BQ'ti, to be. Indicative. Present. Imperative. ASesu' (esmi'), I am; Buk, be; Tuesi', thou art; Bu'kiva, let us two be; Jis, jie yra', he is, they are; Bu'kita, be ye two; Mu'du e'sava, we two are; Bu'kime, let us be; Ju'du e'sata, you two are; Bu'kite, be ye. Mes e'same, we are; Jus e'sate, you are. NOTE. The forms of the third person in the sin- gular and plural are always alike in all verbs. Conjunctive Mode (of contingency): Teesie', let it be. Subjunctive Mode (of purpose): Bu'tij, in order to be. Declinable Participle: Esa's, e'santi, one who is. Common Tense Part.: Bu'damas, -dama, being. Indeclinable Fart. : E'sant, being. Imperfect. As buvau', I was; Tu buvai', thou wast; Jis bu'vo, he was; Mu'du bu'vova, we two were; Ju'du bu'vota, you two were; Mes bu'vome, we were; Jus bu'vote, you were. Decl. Part.: Bu'ves,-vusi, been Indecl. Part.: Bu'vu?,been. 69 First Future. As bu'siu, I shall be; Tu bu'si, thou wilt be; Jis bus, he will be; Mu'du bu'siva, we two shall be; Ju'du bu'sita, you two will be; Mes bu'sime, we shall be; Jus bu'site, you will be. Declin. Part.: Bu'sias, -sianti, one who will be. Indecl. Part.: Bu'siant, one that will be. Imperfect Frequentative. As bu'davau, I used to be; Tu bu'davai, thou used to be; Jis bu'davo, he used to be; Mu'du bu'davova, we two used to be; Ju'du bu'davota, you two used to be; Mes bu'davome, we used to be; Jus bu'davote, you used to be. Decl. Part.: Bu'daves, -vusi, been. Indecl. Part.: Bu'davus, been. Perfect. As esu' bu'ves, -vusi, I have been; Tu esi' bu'ves, -vusi, thou hast been; Jis yra' bu'ves, ji yra bu'vusi, he, she has been; Mu'du, e'sava bu've,-dvi vusios, we two have been; Ju'du, e'sata bu've,-dvi vusios, you two have been; Mes e'same bu've, we have been; Jus e'sate bu've, -vusios, you have been. Past Pei'fect. As buvau' bu'vgs, -vusi, I had been; Tu buvai' bu'vgs, -vusi, thou hadst been; Jis bu'vo bu'vgs, ji bu'vo bu'vusi, he, she had been. 70 Mu'du bu'vova bu've, mu'dvi bu'vusios, we two had been; Ju'du bu'vota bu've, ju'dvi bu'vusios, you two had been. M^'s bu'vome bu've, -vusios, we had been; Jus bu'vote bu've, -vusios, you had been. Future Perfect. As bu'siu bu'ves, -vusi, I shall have been; Tu bu'si bu'ves, -vusi, thou wilt have been; Jis bus bu'ves, ji bus bu'vusi, he, she will have been; Mu'du bu'siva bu've, mu'dvi bu'vusios, we two shall have been; Ju'du bu'sita bu've, ju'dvi bu'vusios, you two will have been; Mes bu'sime bu've, -vusios, we shall have been; Jus bu'site bu've, -vusios, you will have been. First Conditional. As bu'Ciau, I should be; Tu bu'tum, thou wouldst be; Jis bu'tij, he would be; Mu'du bu'tuva', we should be; Ju'du bu'tuta, you two would be; Mes bu't4ime, we should be; Jus bu'tute, you would be. Second Conditional. As bu'ciau bu'ves, -vusi, I should have been. Tu bu'tum bu'ves, -vusi, thou wouldst have been; Jis bu'tij bu'ves, ji vusi, he, she would have been; Mu'du bu'tuva bu've, -dvi vusios, we two should have been. Ju'du bu'tuta bu've, -dvi -vusios, you two would have been; Mes bu'tume bu've, -vusios, we should have been; Jus bu'tute buve, -vusios, you would have been. Regular Conjugation. Active Voice. Here we confine ourselves only to the common- est tenses and forms of conjugation; the complete con- jugation must be looked for in grammar. Infinitive. Su'kti, to turn; Myle'ti, to love; Maty'ti, to see; Zino'ti, to know. Present. As suku', myliu', matau', zinau; Tu suki', myli', matai', zinai'; Jis su'ka, my'li, ma'to, zi'no; Mu'du su'kava, my'liva, ma'tova, zi'nova; Ju'du su'kata, my'lita, ma'tota, zi'nota; Mes su'kame, my'lime, ma'tome, zi'nome Jus su'kate, my'lite ma'tote, zi'note. Imperative. Tu suk, Mu'du su'kiva, Ju'du su'kita, Mes su'kime Jua su'kite, maty'k, zino'k; maty'kiva, zino'kiva; maty'kita, zino'kita; maty'kime, zino'kime; maty'kite, zino'kite. myle'k, myle'kiva, myle'kita myle'kime, myle'kite, Decl. Prt. suk'as, -kanti, myl[s's,-linti, mata's,-tanti, zinas's, -nanti, one who turns, etc. Common Tense Part, su'kdamas, -ma, myle'damas, -ma, maty'damas, -ma, zino'damas, -ma, turning, loving, ect. Inded. Prt. su'kant, my 'lint, ma'tant, zi'nant, turn- ing, loving, etc. Subjunct. Mode: tesukie ortesu'ka, temylie'or temy'- li, teniatai' or tema'to, tezinai' or tezi'no, let turn, let love, etc. 72 Imperfect. A sukau', myle'jau, maiau', Tu sukai', myle'jai, matei', Jis su'ko, myle'jo, ma'te, Mu'du su'kova, myle'jova, ma'teva, Ju'du su'kota, myle'jota, ma'leta, Mes su'kome, myle'jome, ma'teme, Jus su'kote, myle'jote, ma'tete, zmo jau; zino'jai; zino'jo; zino'jova; zino'jota; zino'jome, zino'jote. First Future. myle'siu, maty'siu zino'siu; maty'si, zino'si; maty's, zino's; maty 'si va, zino'si va; matysita, zino'sita; As su'ksiu, Tu su'ksi, myle'si, Jis suks, myle's, Mu'du su'ksiva, myle'siva, Ju'du su'ksita, myle'sita, Mes su'ksime myle'sime, maty'sime, zino'sime; Jus su'ksite, mylesite, maty'site, zino'site. Decl. Part, su'ksias, -sianti, myle'sias, -sianti, maty. sias, -sianti, zino'sias, -sianti, one who will turn, who will love, etc. Indecl. Part, su'ksiant, myle'siant, maty'siant, zi- no'siant, one who will turn, etc. First Conditional. As su'kfiiau, myle'Ciau, maty'Ciau, zino'6iau; Tu su'ktum, myle'tum, maty'tum, zino'tum; Jis su'ktu,, myle'tij, maty'tij, zino'tij; Mu'du su'ktuva, myle'tuva, maty'tuva, zino'tuva; Ju'du su'ktuta, myletuta, maty'tuta,* zino'tuta; Messu'ktume, myle'tume, maty'tume, zino'tume: Jus su'ktute, myle'tute, maty'tute, zino'tute. Conjunct. Mode: su'ktij, myle'tij, maty'ti^, zino'tij, in order to turn, to love, etc. Adverbs. After, po, pa'skui. again, vel. ago, atga'l. always, visuome't. early, anksti'. ever, vis, visuome't. never, niekuome't. forever, ant visado's. frequently, ta'nkiai. immediately, pavy'mui. lately, neseniai'. now, daba'r. often, ta'nkiai. seldom, retai'. soon, tuojau's. sometimes, ka'rtais. then, la'syk. when? kuome't? while, ko'lai. daily, kasdie'n. until, i'ki, kol. yet, dar. to-day, sia'ndien. to-morrow, rytoj'. to-night, sia'nakt. yesterday, va'kar. since, nuoto'laik, already, jau. late, velai'. yes, teip. indeed, isti'kro. truly, teisi'ngai. certainly, > t . krai , surely, j only, tik, tiktai'. some, iek-tie'k. nothing, nie'ko. much, daug. quite, visai'. very, labai'. so, teip. thus, tokiu' budu'. how? kaip? no, not ne. but, bet. enough, gana'. scarcely, vargiai'. almost, bevei'k, kuone' here, ia. there, ten. where? kur? why? kode'l? Prepositions. Above, virsui' (gen.) against, pries' (ace.) about, apli'nkui (ace.) before, pirma (gen.) after, paskui' (ace.), po over, virsu'm (gen.), per (dat. or gen.) (ace.) 74 of, nuo(gen.) since, nuo, po (gen.) for, del (gen.) in, [, int (ace.) near arti' (gen.) under, po (instr.) on, ant (gen.) with, su (instr.) to, pas, i (ace.) out, is. (gen.) Conjunctions. And, ir. also, teipgi. even, net. or, ar, nor, ne. yet, dar. because, kadangi, nes. that, kad, jog. therefore, tode'l. else, kitai'p. otherwise, antrai'p. although, nors. because, nes, kada'ngi. if, joi, jei'gu. perhaps, turbut, gal. Hark! klausy'k! pshaw! et! alas! o* hurrah !urra'! oh! ai! Interjections. hushityle'k! ha!hm! what ! ka ! Hello !ei;o! University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 11 'O-URB APR 2 j ,3 92 1 LOCT 17 BRLF 2 WEEK JAN i/n/f */)< 1994 03 1! 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