/VC J^ $* REESE LIBRARY UK THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received m m 1 IB TELEGRAPHY PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON MANUAL OF TEL EGRAPH Y BY W. WILLIAMS I SUPERINTENDENT INDIAN GOVERNMENT TELEGRAPHS MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF TELEGRAPH ENGINEERS AND ELECTRICIANS ILLUSTRATED BY 93 WOOD ENGRAVINGS LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1885 All rights reserved, PREFACE. THE FOLLOWING MANUAL has been written by order of the Director-General of Telegraphs in India, and is based on the substance of the papers on technical subjects, set by the Author, at the general examinations of the Indian Telegraph Department. These subjects embrace a general description of the various instruments, batteries, and circuits which the telegraph official may be called upon to deal with, faults which may be met with, and their remedy ; the conservancy of, and modes of testing lines, batteries, instruments, lightning conductors, and earths ; the general principle of telegraph working in its various forms ; the electrical phe- nomena which interfere with communication and the various methods by which their obstructive effect is over- come. The objects of the manual are as follows : First. To afford the staff a means of self-education in practical telegraphy. As the conduct of telegraph circuits and apparatus is ruled by electrical phenomena, these are explained in detail, it being vi PREFACE. essential that they should be clearly understood in order that the instruments specially designed to utilise or overcome the effects of such phenomena be also understood. Second. To serve as a primer and companion to the departmental ' Testing Instructions.' With this view, unnecessary details are herein avoided ; but principles, by which alone electrical facts can be accounted for, are explained fully and in simple language which, it is hoped, will be found intelligible to all readers. It is believed that the manual will fall into the hands of many whose opportunities of education in telegraphy have been limited, and who, perhaps, late in life aspire to become something more than manipulators ; and while the main object of the book is to open the way for such to an intelli- gent understanding of those details of telegraph work which may have been looked upon merely in the light of rule-of- thumb processes, it is further hoped that it may encourage a systematic study of the science, for its own sake, outside the limited scope of a technical manual. Third. For the instruction of probationers. The contents of the book are made progressive so far as is possible in a work of the kind ; any allusion to a subject or phenomenon not noticed in an earlier part of the treatise being connected therewith by a marginal reference. The marginal titles to paragraphs are inserted with the object of affording the Instructor material for questions in the exami- nation of training-classes. Fourth. To form a text-book of ready reference. PREFACE. vil The alphabetical index is framed with this object ; and, further, the subjects are arranged under their several heads, as specified in the table of contents. Section A is devoted to the definition of all the most important technical terms in general use, a clear notion of such terms being an important step towards the comprehension of electrical reasonings gene- rally. Appendix A comprises those laws which determine the strength of electric currents, in whatever circuits they may exist ; the principles on which duplex and other systems of working are based ; the strength of electro-magnets ; the influence of derived circuits, extra currents, and all those pro- perties on which the speed and efficacy of signalling depend. Appendix B contains the mathematical solutions, by the simplest step-by-step processes, of the formulae used in the book. It is believed that this appendix, in conjunction with the preceding one, will be found of value in showing how a knowledge of electrical laws, combined with an elementary knowledge of algebra, makes the solution of most electrical formulae easy, explaining the meaning of those used in testing, and enabling the student to originate formulae for himself in the course of his own tests or other electrical work. N.B. References herein to ' Testing Instructions ' relate to the second edition of that work, published in 1878. CONTENTS. A. DEFINITIONS OF TECHNICAL TERMS . B. BATTERIES . C. INSTRUMENTS . D. CIRCUITS (TELEGRAPHIC) . . . 117 E. FAULTS IN INSTRUMENTS AND CONNECTIONS, THEIR DISCOVERY AND REMOVAL ..... F. TESTING OF BATTERIES LINES .... EARTHS AND LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS INSTRUMENTS AND CONNECTIONS . 236 APPENDIX A. LAWS AND PRINCIPLES BY WHICH THE CONDUCT OF ELECTRICAL CURRENTS MAY BE UNDERSTOOD, AND ON WHICH THE SOLU- TIONS OF FORMULA ARE BASED B. ELECTRICAL FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS 247 TABLE OF NATURAL SINES AND TANGENTS 3 02 ALPHABETICAL INDEX .... 33 SECTION A. DEFINITIONS. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON ELECTRICITY AND THE ELECTRIC CURRENT. DEFINITION I 2 [ELECTRICAL.] Electric quantity Unit of quantity or current Potentials, tension or intensity Current .... Difference of potential Electromotive force UnitofE.M.F. ...... -7 X CONTENTS. DEFINITION Conductor . . . . . . . . . 8 Conductivity . . . . . . .9 Resistance . . . . . . . . . 10 Insulators . . . . . . . . .11 Unit of resistance . . . . . . . . 12 Circuit ......... 13 Electrification . . . . . . . . . 14 Capacity . . . . . . . . 15 Unit of capacity . . . . . . . . 16 Dielectric . . . . . . . . . 1 7 Specific inductive capacity . . . . . . . 18 Galvanic polarisation . . . . . . 19 Constant batteries . . . . . . . 20 Multiple arc ........ 21 Derived or divided circuit . . . . . . . 22 Extra current ........ 23 Return current . . . . . . . 24 Solenoid ......... 25 Electrolytic action Ions Anode Kathode Electrolyte . 26 Constant of galvanometer . . . . . . .27 Osmose . . . . . . . . . . 28 Earth currents or natural currents . . . . . .29 ' Differential ' . . . . . . . . . 30 Null method . . . . . . . 31 Astatic . . . . . . . . 32 Amalgamation ........ 33 Units . . . . . . . . . 34 Absolute or metrical units . . . . . . -35 Resultant . . . . . . . 36 Conjugate conductors . . . . . . -37 Reduced length . . . . . . . . . 38 [MAGNETIC.] Magnetic polarity Equator Neutral line . . . . -39 Magnetic field . . . . . . . . . 40 induction ........ 41 meridian . . . . . . . . 42 Coercive force . . . . . . . -43 Residual magnetism . . . . . . 44 Portative force . . . . . . . -45 Magnetic moment . . . . . 46 Saturation point ........ 47 [ELECTRO-MAGNETIC.] Magnetic inertia . . . . . . . 48 Amperian currents ........ 49 Vibration or oscillation . . . . . . 50 CONTENTS. xi SECTION B. BATTERIES. PARAGRAPH Current mainly due to chemical action ..... I E.M.F. dependent on chemical combination . . . . . 2 Current strength directly proportional to E.M.F. and inversely to resistance 3 Considerations in the choice of battery material . . . 4 DanielPs battery ........ 5 Minotto's ,, . . . . . . . . Leclanche's,, ........ 7 Grove's ,, . . . . . . . . 8 Bunsen's ,,........ 9 Bichromate batteries . . . . . . . . 10 Fuller's bichromate of potash battery . . . . .11 Chemical action of the above-named batteries . . . ..12 Conditions to be fulfilled by telegraph batteries . . . 13 E.M.F. how obtained . . . . . . . . 14 Constancy, how obtained . . . . . . 15 Description of the Minotti cell . . . . . . . 16 The diaphragm, its use . . . . . . 17 Respective merits of sand and sawdust diaphragms . . 18 New cells, 'joining up' . . . . . . 19 Salt, its use and danger . . . . . . 20 To bring new cells into working order immediately . . . .21 Reserve cells to meet emergencies . . . . 22 Defective diaphragm . . . . . . 23 Connecting wires of battery cells . . . . 24 Junction of connecting wires . . . . . 25 Difference between ' line ' and ' local ' cells . . . . . 26 Causes affecting the internal resistance of cells . . . .27 Signs of exhaustion of battery cells . . . . 28 Mixing of liquids, objection to, and remedy . . . .29 Processes by which a cell comes into working order . . 30 E.M.F., constant, for similar cells . . . . . 31 C varies with R by Ohm's Law . . . . . . . 32 Local action ...... -33 Use of battery sponge or syringe . . . . 34 Formation of zinc sulphate in cells, its harm and prevention . . 35 To clean battery coppers and zincs . . . . 36 Leakage from cell to cell, cause, effect, and remedy . . -37 Insulation of batteries . . . . . . 38 Treatment of exhausted batteries . . . . . -39 The state of dismantled batteries forms a criterion of their careful preparation and preservation . . . . . . 40 xii CONTENTS. PARAGRAPH Adaptation of battery power to length and gauge of line and climatic changes 41 Arrangement of cells for local circuits . . . . .42 The standard cell . . . . . . 43 Summary of ru'es for the preparation and conservancy of battery cells 44, 45 Rough standards of efficiency for 'line,' 'local,' 'testing,' and 'standard' cells . . . ... . . 46 Portable batteries, their construction and action . . . -47 SECTION C. INSTRUMENTS. Part I. Signalling Instruments. * Signalling ' and ' testing ' instruments . . . . . . 48 Electro-magnetism ........ 49 Action of the current on a soft iron core Right- and left-handed helices Polarised instruments . . . . . 50 Effect of a current on a magnet . . . . 51 Oerstedt's discovery . . . . . 52 Ampere's law .... -53 Effect of a current on a magnet, proportional to current strength and number of convolutions . . . . . . 54 Principles on which galvanometers are made . . . -55 Application of electro -magnetism to the construction of signalling instruments 56 Attractive force of electro-magnets . . . . 57 Sounders and relays ........ 58 Siemens' relay, description . . 59 electrical action . . . . . .60 Bias Working force . . . . 61 rest force and force of restitution . . . .62 weak point of . . . . . 63 play . . . . . . . 64 force of restitution accelerated by a reverse current or E. M. shunt . . . . . . . 65 adjustment . . . . . . .66 sensibility dependent on play of tongue. Use of micrometer screw . . . . . 67 limit to smallness of play . . . . .68 sticking. . . . . . 69 remedy for sticking . . . . . -7 efficiency range . . . . 71 Sounders inserted in the local circuit . 72 Siemens' Morse sounder, description . . . . 73 electrical action . . . . -74 translation springs for prolonging contacts . . 75 CONTENTS. ^^^^ PARAGRAPH Siemens' Morse sounder, adjustment . . . . -76 efficiency . . . . 77 Siemens' sounder and relay combined electrical circuit of . . -78 Platinum points and their use . . . . . 79 Douglas, or State railway sounder, description . . . .80 adjustment and efficiency . 81 Dubern sounder, description . 4 . . . .82 adjustment . . . . . . . 83 efficiency . . . . . . .84 Portable sounder, description . . . . . . . 85 adjustment . . . . . .86 efficiency . . . . . 87 Morse characters . . . . . . . .88 The Morse alphabet . . . . . . 89 Rules for accurate signalling . . . . . .90 Inkwriters . . . . . . . 91 Siemens' inkwriter (relay &c. combined) . . . . .92 Inkwriter terminals and connections . . . . 93 Embossing recorders . . . . . . -94 Needle instruments . . . . . . 95 Single needle instrument . . . . . . 96 Double ,, ,, . . . . . . . 97 Electric bells, the Alarum or Trembler, description . . . .98 adjustment . . 99 efficiency . . . .100 Single-stroke bell, description . . . . . . 101 adjustment . . . . .102 efficiency . . . . . . 103 Transmitting apparatus . . . . . .10 Keys or handles . . . , . . 105 Double current keys . . . . . . .106 The tapper or pedal key . . . . . . . 107 Constant resistance key . . . . . . .108 Charge and discharge .... 109 ' Charge,' variable and permanent state . . . . .no ' Discharge ' . . . . . ..ill Return current of discharge . . . . . .112 Induction . . . . 113 Electro-static induction . .114 The Leyden jar ... . 115 The condenser . . ... . . .116 Resemblance of a telegraph line to a Leyden jar or condenser . . .117 Voltaic or electrodynamic induction . . . . .118 Extra current . . . 119 Extra currents in a pair of coils neutralised by joining them parallel . 120 xiv CONTENTS. PARAGRAPH Summary of causes affecting the speed of signalling . . . .121 (a) Retardation by electro-static induction, charge, and discharge. (b) Magnetic inertia. (c ) Extra currents. (d) Mechanical inertia. (e) Residual magnetism. The electro-magnetic shunt, its action . . . . . 122 Its results . . . . . . . . .123 Its efficiency ...... . . 124 Discharging arrangements . . . . . . .125 The discharging relay . . . . . . . 126 Its efficiency ........ 127 The discharging key . . . . . . . . 128 Its use as a zinc sender . . . . . . .129 Discharge, how affected by D'Arlincourt relay . . . 130 The receiver . . . . . . . .131 The discharger . . . . . . . . 132 Siemens' lightning discharger . . . . . 133 Its efficiency . . . . . . . . 134 Switches or commutators . . . . . . 135 S.T.D. switch . . . . . . . . . 136 P. switch ......... 137 Current reversers . . . . . . . . 138 Lever switch ........ 139 The commutator . . . . . . . . 140 The battery commutator . . . . . . .141 Part II. Testing Instruments. The galvanoscope . . . . . . . . 142 Galvanometers . . . . . . . 143 Aids and obstacles to sensitiveness . . . . 144 Simple form of galvanometer . . . . . 145 Calibration . . . . . . . . . 146 The calibrated galvanoscope . . . . . 147 Its efficiency . . . . . . . . 148 Sources of inaccuracy in galvanometers . . . . -149 The sine galvanometer . . . . . . . . 150 The tangent galvanometer . . . . . . 151 The departmental tangent galvanometer . . . 152 Its efficiency . . . . . . . . 153 The astatic galvanometer . . . . . . . 154 Its efficiency . . . . . . . 155 Thomson's reflecting galvanometer . . . . 156 CONTENTS. XV PARAGRAPH Shunts . . . . . . . . 157 Resistance of shunts . . . . . . . . 158 Multiplying power of shunts . . . . . 1 59 Resistance coils . . , . . . . . . 160 Heating effect of current on coils ...... 161 Bifilar winding of coils and its object . . . . . . 162 Principle of Wheatstone's bridge . . . . . .163 The Wheatstone bridge . . . . . . . . 164 The differential galvanometer . . . . .165 Part III. Magneto-electric Instruments. Magneto-electric induction . . . . . . . 166 Principle of magneto-electric machines ..... 167 The magneto-electric machine . . . . . . . 168 The commutator . . . . . . .169 Magneto-electric currents of high potential . . . . 170 Insulator and joint detector . ...... 171 Wheatstone's A B C instrument . . . . . 172 The telephone . . . . . . . 172 (a) The microphone . . . . . . 172 (b] SECTION D. CIRCUITS. Battery circuit . . . . . . . 173 Internal and external circuit and resistance . . . . . 174 Conventional symbols for the various portions of telegraphic circuits . 175 Current strength the same at all points of a direct circuit . . 176 Earth circuit . . . . . ... 177 Earth plates . . . . . . . . . 178 Open and closed circuit . . . . . . -179 Open circuit or S working . . . . . . . 180 Local circuit ........ 181 Office circuit between line and signalling instruments . . . . 182 Translation circuit . . . . . . . .183 Circuit of T working with discharging arrangements . . 184 D and G working circuits . . . . . . .185 P working circuit . . . . . . . . 186 Circuit of A working . . . . . . .187 Looped open circuit (Morse) . . . . . . . 188 Closed circuit (Morse) . . . . . . .189 Looped open circuit (needle instrument) . . . . . 190 Reverse current working . . . . . . .191 Advantages of reverse current working . . . . . . 192 Disadvantages of reverse current working . . . . 193 xvi CONTENTS. PARAGRAPH Circuits worked with positive currents . . . . . . 194 Circuits worked with negative currents . . . . .195 Circuit of zinc sender . . . . ^ ' . . 196 Circuit of A B C instruments . . . . . 197 Duplex telegraphy . . . . . . 198 Duplex circuit, bridge method . . . . . .199 Adjustable resistance W . . . . . . 200 To obtain permanent balance ...... 201 Duplex condensers . . . . . . . 202 To obtain transient balance . . . . . . . 203 Respective advantages and disadvantages of the ' Bridge ' and ' Differential ' methods of duplex . . . . . . . . 204 Differential duplex working ...... 205 Constant resistance, keys for differential duplex . . . 206 Permanent and transient balance ...... 207 Double current differential duplex . . . . 208 Split battery duplex ....... 209 Permanent and transient balance 210 Circuits containing covered wires . . . . . .211 Joints in covered wires . . . . . . . 212 Connections between wires and terminal screws . . . .213 SECTION E. FAULTS IN APPARATUS. First causes of faults . . . . . . ..214 Injurious effects of dust and dirt . . . . . 215 Faults in working batteries and their indications . . 216 Mixing of liquids ........ 217 Local action ...... . . 218 Leakage ......... 219 Cross leakage . . . . . . . . 220 Disconnection . . . . . . . .221 Rise in resistance . . . . . . . 222 Fall in resistance . . . . . . . -223 Battery faults indicated by regular tests . . . . . 224 Instrument faults ........ 225 (1) Mechanical. (2) Electrical. (3) Faults of magnetisation. (4) Faults of adjustment. Faults in the relay . . . . , . . . 226 (a) Loose carriage. (/>) Unequal coils. CONTENTS. xvii PARAGRAPH (c] Imperfect insulation of working contact. (d] Demagnetisation of permanent magnet. (e] Residual magnetism of cores or shoes. (/) Oxidation of platinum contacts. (g) Mechanical inertia of the tongue. (h) Imperfect adjustment. (i) Broken coil. Faults in the sounder ....... 227 (a) Defects in common with the relay. (6) Imperfect insulation of the pillars. (c) Failure of antagonistic spring. Faults in the inkwriter . . . . . . . 228 (a) Defects in common with the sounder. (I)) Broken spring. (c) Clogged wheels and bearings, the result of dust and rust. (d) Friction of the paper wheel. (e ) Failure of the inking wheel to mark. Faults in the needle instrument ...... 229 (a) General faults. (b) Imperfect continuity. (c) Permanent deflection of the needle. Faults in electric bells, electro-magnetic shunts, and discharging relays . 230 Faults in the condenser . . . . . . 231 (1) Deterioration of the dielectric. (2) Surface leakage between the terminals. Faults in keys ........ 232 (a) Dirty contacts. (b} Weak antagonistic spring." (c ) Excessive play. (d] Electrolytic action. (e} Weak contact springs of constant resistance keys. Faults in the lightning discharger . . . . . 233 (a) Contacts. (b) Imperfect connections. Faults in switches and commutators ..... 234 (a) Defects in common with the lightning discharger. (b} Corrosion of plugs. (c) Imperfect conductivity of bars. Faults in galvanoscopes and galvanometers . . . 235 (a) Defects in common with electro-magnets generally. (b} Demagnetisation of the needle. (c) Defective suspension. Faults in resistance coils ....... 236 Effects of temperature. Faults in the ABC instrument . . . . . . 237 General remedies for instrument faults ..... 238 (a) To remedy dirty or fused contacts. (l>) To preserve steel springs from rust. xviii CONTENTS. PARAGRAPH (c) To secure pivots from unnecessary friction. (d) To magnetise needles. (e) To magnetise an astatic pair. (_/") To render iron soft. (} To protect instruments from lightning. (h} To secure firm connections. Faults in office connections . . . . . . . 239 (a) Perished wires. (b} Leakage. (c) Electrolytic action. Faults in earth connections ....... 240 (a) Defects common to wire connections. (b) Corrosion of plate. (c) Polarisation. Faults in the line circuit . . . . . . 241 (a) Total disconnection. (b} Partial disconnection. (c} Total or ' dead ' earth. (d) Partial earth. (e) Contacts, perfect and partial. Natural causes obstructing communication ..... 242 (a) Atmospheric electricity. (l>) Earth currents. (c} Thermo-electric currents. (d] Moisture. SECTION F. TESTING. Object of testing . . . . . . . 243 To measure ordinary resistances . . . . . . 244 Resistances measured by the Wheatstone bridge . . . . 245 To test the balance of the bridge ...... 246 To test the insulation of the bridge . . . . . 247 Resistances measured by the differential galvanometer. . . . 248 Rules for testing the accuracy of the differential galvanometer . . . 249 Resistances measured by the deflection of a galvanometer . . . 250 Effect of altering the E.M.F. of the testing battery . . . . 251 Battery resistance when taken into account . . . . -252 Rule for calculating the strength of current with reference to arrangement of battery power . . . . . . . 253 Testing batteries joined for ' tension ' or * quantity ' . -254 Measurement of low resistances . . . . . . . 255 Adjustment of battery power according to work to be done . . . 256 Deflections controlled by adjustment of E.M.F. and by galvanometer shunts 257 Resistances measured with the Thomson galvanometer . . . 258 Adjustment of circuit . . . . . . . 259 -> D NIVJEJ ;>SITV Bup'om^ '' X1X PARAGRAPH To measure resistances with the tangent galvanometer . . . . 260 Use of thick and thin coils . . . . . . .261 Reduction coefficient of coils . . . . . . 262 To measure a resistance using both coils of the tangent galvanometer . 263 Useful rules to be remembered in testing with the tangent galvanometer . 264 Resistances measured by the sine galvanometer .... 265 To measure high resistances with the bridge and any sensitive galvanometer 266 To measure resistances containing electromotive force . . . . 267 Measurement of battery resistance ...... 268 First method, with the departmental tangent galvanometer . . . 269 Second method (Poggendorffs), with the Wheatstone bridge . . 270 Third method (Sir William Thomson's) . . . . . 271 Fourth method, with the sine galvanometer .... 272 Fifth method, the same with the tangent galvanometer . . . 273 Sixth method, with a differential galvanometer .... 274 vSeventh method, with a reflecting galvanometer . . . 275 Eighth method, Mance's bridge method ..... 276 Ninth method, Mance's method of opposing E.M.F. . . . . 277 Tenth method, with the calibrated galvanoscope .... 278 Measurement of electromotive force . . . . . 279 First method, with the tangent galvanometer .... 280 Second method, with the Wheatstone bridge . . . . 281 Third method, with any galvanometer . . . . * . 282 Fourth method, the same with a shunt . . . . . 283 Fifth method (Wheatstone's) ...... 284 Sixth method, by opposing equal electromotive forces . . . 285 Seventh method (Poggendorffs), by opposing batteries . . . 286 Eighth method, with a reflecting galvanometer . . . . 287 Regular tests of batteries . . ... . . . 288 Strength of current arriving at distant station . . ... 289 Measurement of received currents ...... 290 Line testing by strength of received currents . . . 291 Regular testing of lines ....... 292 Bridge used for testing . . . . . . . 293 Adjustment of testing battery ...... 294 Mode of connecting lines to be tested with the bridge . . . 295 The conduction test ....... 296 The circuit test ......... 297 The insulation test ........ 298 Objects of the circuit test . . . . . . . 299 Measured relay resistance, an indication of state of insulation of the line . 300 Correction of measured values rendered necessary by defective insulation . 301 Order of observations made in regular testing .... 302 XX CONTENTS. PARAGRAPH Adjustment of branch resistances of bridge . .- . . 303 Routine of testing ........ 304 Relay resistance . . . . . . . . 305 Reduction of resistances to corresponding units .... 306 Reduction of resistances to corresponding temperatures . . . 307 Positive and negative readings differ owing to natural currents . . 308 Calculation of measured resistances, allowing for effect of natural currents . 309 Electromotive force of natural current . . . . -310 Correction of. measured values . . . . . 311 Corrected relay resistance, a test of uniformity of line . . 3 1 2 Correction of measured values of ' Conduction ' and ' Insulation ' in the case of a uniform line . . . . . . 3 1 3 Resistance per mile expressed in ' reduced length ' . . . 314 Measured values, how corrected in the case of a line not uniform in insula- tion and conduction . . . . . 315 Displacement of resultant fault . . . . . .316 Localisation of resultant fault . . . . . . . 317 Section tests ........ 318 Fault testing . . . . . . . 319 To discover whether fault is in office . . . . . 320 Nature of line faults and their distinguishing features . . . . 321 General principle on which faults are localised : ( ist) in a line of uniform gauge . . . . . 322 (2nd) in a line composed of wires of different gauges . . . 323 Dead earth on a single wire ...... 324 Partial earth on a single wire . . . . . . . 325 Earth on a multiple line The loop test . . . . -326 Contact on a double line (ist method) . . . . . . 327 Correction for leakage . . . . . . .328 2nd method. Contact on a double line localised by the loop method . . 329 3rd method. Contact localised by the loop method when a third good wire is available ........ 330 Disconnection Localisation by insulation test . . . . 331 Localisation by capacity tests . . . . . 332 Imperfectly insulated break . . . . . . . 333 The measurement of capacities . . . . . -334 Earth testing ... . . . 335 ist method. With tangent galvanometer and no battery . . . 336 2nd method. With tangent galvanometer and a testing battery . . . 337 3rd method. With the calibrated galvanoscope .... 338 4th method. With the Wheatstone bridge and no battery . . . 339 5th method. With the differential galvanometer and no battery . . 340 6th method. With the Wheatstone bridge and a testing battery . .341 7th method. With the differential galvanometer and a testing battery . 342 To test lightning conductors . . . . . . . 343 Tests of instruments and connections ..... 344 CONTENTS. XXI APPENDIX A. LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. LAW Ohm's law . . . . . . I Kirchhoffs laws ..... .2 Bosscha's laws or corollaries to KirchhofFs laws . . 3 Laws of mutual action of currents ...... 4 Maximum current of a battery . . . . . 5 Laws of current strength in derived circuit: s . . . .6 Law of electrolytic decomposition . . . . . . 7 Combined resistance of a derived circuit or multiple arc . . .8 Multiplying power of shunts . . . . . . . 9 Resistance of shunts . . . . . . .10 Resistance of telegraph wire . . . . . . . 1 1 Laws which govern the speed of signalling . . . . .12 Action of currents on magnets Oerstedt's discovery Ampere's rule . . 13 Polarity of electro-magnets ..... 14 Best resistance for electro-magnetic coils . . . . . 15 Law of the magnetic intensity of electro-magnets . .16 Principle of the tangent galvanometer . . . . . . 17 Deflection of galvanometer needles . . . . . .18 Principle of the sine galvanometer . . . . . . 19 Laws and principles of induced currents . . . . .20 Laws of extra currents . . . . . . 21 Laws of extra currents in coils of electro-magnets . . .22 Mutual action of magnets .... 23 Law of magnetic attractions and repulsions . . . .24 Law of the direction of the Amperian currents in magnets . 25 Law of portative force of a magnet . . . . . .26 APPENDIX B. FORMUL/E AND THEIR PROOFS. SOLUTION Joint resistance of two conductors in derived circuit . I. Joint resistance of any number of conductors in derived circuit . . II. Ditto, on the principle of ' reciprocals ' III. Multiplying power of shunts . . IV. Resistance of shunts ... V. Principle of the Wheatstone bridge . VI. ,, differential galvanometer .... VII. XX11 CONTENTS. SOLUTION Principle of the tangent galvanometer . . . . VIII. ,, sine galvanometer ..... IX. Resistance measured by the deflections of a tangent galvanometer . X. Ditto, using both coils of the galvanometer .... XI. Battery resistance measured by^the departmental tangent galvanometer XII. Ditto, with the Wheatstone bridge . . . . XIII. Ditto, Mance's method of opposing E.M.F. . . . XIV. E.M.F. of batteries measured by the tangent galvanometer . . XV. Ditto, with the Wheatstone bridge (Poggendojff) . . . XVI. Resistance of line corrected for natural currents . . . . XVII. E.M.F. of natural currents ...... XVIII. Corrected relay resistance . . . . . . XIX. General formula for corrected insulation resistance of line (absolute) . XX. General formula for corrected conduction resistance of line (absolute) XXI. Position and resistance of resultant fault .... XXII. Section tests, measured conduction and insulation . . . XXIII. Section tests, corrected conduction and insulation . . . XXIV. Distance of a fault in miles . . . . . . XXV. Localisation of partial earth in a single line . . . . XXVI. Localisation of earths by the loop test . . . . XXVII. ,, partial contact in a two- wire line . . . XXVIII. Individual resistance of earths measured in pairs . . . XXIX. Earth resistance measured by the tangent galvanometer and a testing battery ........ XXX. To calculate resistance to be inserted, to measure the range of an instrument . . . . . . . XXXI. To calculate the battery power required for the same purpose . XXXII. Reduction of resistances to the same temperature . . . XXXIII. TABLE OF NATURAL SINES AND TANGENTS . . . 302 INDEX . 303 SECTION A. DEFINITIONS INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 1-38. ELECTRICAL 39-47. MAGNETIC 48-50. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC

= =io~ 2 or o-oi. I Oerstedt J In the more recent system, known as the centimetre- gramme-second or C.G.S. system of units, the fundamental unit of force is ' that force which, acting upon a gramme of matter for a second, generates a velocity of a centi- metre per second. ' The advantage of employing the centimetre instead of the metre as the fundamental unit of length is that the unit of mass is (in the C.G.S. system) identical with the mass of the unit of volume of water (the standard of specific gravity), the mass of i cubic centimetre of water being approximately i gramme. According to the C.G.S. system, i ohm = io 9 C.G.S. units approximately. i volt = io 8 Thus c Ampere, i< Weber, or ^ T/ ^ -1 I Oerstedt l = io- ] 12 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION A. Conjugate Conductors. Reduced Length. 36. However many forces may act upon an object, it can only take up one fixed position. A single force applied in a certain direction can produce the same result. This single force is termed the resultant of all the forces. The same term is applicable to electrical forces ; for ex- ample, a telegraph line containing many points of leakage would be subject to a certain loss of current ; the same re- sult precisely might be produced by one single leakage, which would represent the resultant fault or loss of current due to the leakage all along the line. Thus, ' The resultant fault of any line or cable is that fault which, if applied alone to the line at the proper point, would produce the same effect with respect to the sent and received currents as all the actually existing faults do? * 37. ^ In any system of linear conductors, any pair of con- ductors are said to be conjugate to one another when a varia- tion of the resistance of, or the E.M.F. in the one causes no variation of the current in the other? ' 2 38. Every resistance which may be measured must ob- viously correspond with the resistance of a certain length of a standard conductor, so that resistance may thus convey the idea of length ; for example, in the case of a telegraph line made up of wires of different gauges, and consequently each offering a different resistance per mile, the whole re- sistance may be expressed in terms of that of a standard wire ; 3 that is to say, the actual resistance of any line must represent the resistance of a certain length of wire of the standard gauge. This length is called the reduced length of the line. 4 1 Schwendler (t. i, App. xi. a). 2 Brough (t. i, p. xii. vol. i). 3 In practice No. i wire I.W.G. is taken as the standard, the resistance of which =252 ohms, or 264-24 s.u. at 80 Fahr. 4 The conve- nience of reducing resistance to length for testing pur- poses will be seen hereafter (Sec. F). MAGNETIC. Polarity (Magnetic). 39. A magnetic substance is said to be polarised when it assumes equal and opposite poles, called north and south, the former being that which would turn towards the north pole of the earth, and the latter towards the south, if the substance were free to move. Between the poles (generally midway) there is a point at which no magnetic force is exhibited ; this is called the equator or neutral line. A piece of steel exhibiting these properties is called a magnet, and an imaginary line drawn from pole to pole would repre- sent what is called the axis of the magnet. DEFINITIONS: MAGNETIC. Magnetic Field. Magnetic Induction. Magnetic Meridian. Coercive Force. Residual Magnetism. Portative Force. Magnetic Moment. Saturation point. 40. The space in the neighbourhood of a magnet through SECTION which its influence is felt is called a magnetic field. -_ ^' _- 41. Certain magnetic substances, such as soft iron, become magnetised when placed in a magnetic field ; the property by which this phenomenon occurs is called mag- netic induction. 42. The magnetic meridian of any place is indicated by the position a magnetic needle, free to move in a hori- zontal plane, would take up at that place." 43. There is a force which is exhibited in magnetic sub- stances, notably in hard steel, which resists the process of magnetisation : this is called coercive force, which has the further property of causing magnetism once acquired to be retained. In perfectly soft or pure iron this property is scarcely perceptible. 44. A bar of perfectly soft iron, exhibiting no coercive force, would be capable of instantaneous magnetisation and demagnetisation on the application and withdrawal of any magnetising influence, such as a current or inducing mag- net ; * but, according to the degree of coercive force in the * 49-54- bar, so would it retain, after the removal of the magnetising current or magnet a trace of its magnetism, taking an appre- ciable time to fade away, this remanent trace being called residual magnetism. It is obviously a source of retard- ation in all electro-magnetic instruments ; 2 the property is, however, utilised in the D'Arlincourt relay. 3 45. The portative force of a magnet is represented by the weight which it can carry. 4 46. The magnetic moment of a magnet is deter- mined by multiplying the strength of the poles into the length between them. 47. By the process of magnetisation 5 it is possible to impart to a bar of steel a greater amount of magnetism than it will permanently retain ; the result being that a portion of the newly acquired magnetism will disappear, leaving the bar permanently magnetised to an extent less than that exhibited immediately after it was magnetised : the point at which the magnetism remains constant is called the point of saturation. 5*. 4 Law 26, App. A. 238 (d). MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC. Magnetic Inertia Amperian Currents. Vibration or Oscillation. 48. It is found in practice that the soft iron core of an electro-magnet takes time both to receive and to part with its magnetism, by virtue of what is called magnetic inertia. 1 Its retarding effects are felt more in the process of magnetisa- tion than in demagnetisation, as soft iron parts with its mag- netism more quickly than it acquires it ; so, when received currents follow one another in rapid succession, the core of the electro-magnet may not have time to be saturated, 2 and so not be able to exert its full attractive force. The stronger the current, 3 and the shorter the iron core, the less the magnetic inertia, and, consequently, the more rapid the magnetic action. 49. Ampere attributed all magnetic phenomena to elec- tricity, assuming each individual molecule of a magnetic substance to be traversed by a closed electric current, the direction of these amperian currents being in conformity with Ampere's law. 4 50. By a single vibration or oscillation of a magnetic needle is understood its motion from its maximum deflection on one side of zero to the same limit on the other. 121 (b). Def. 47- Defs. 1-4. 4 Law 13, App. A. SECTION B. TELEGRAPH BATTERIES i- 4. GENERAL PRINCIPLES ON WHICH BATTERIES ARE MADE 5-12. VARIOUS FORMS OF BATTERIES AND THEIR CHIEF FEATURES 13-18. PREPARATION OF BATTERIES 19-45. CONSERVANCY OF BATTERIES 46. ROUGH STANDARDS OF EFFICIENCY OF VARIOUS BATTERIES 47- PORTABLE BATTERIES TELEGRAPH BATTERIES. Current mainly due to Chemi- cal Action. E.M.F. De- pendent on Chemical Combination. I. A battery may be composed of one or more cells, each of which consists, generally, of two conducting plates (usually two dissimilar metals) immersed in liquid. Now any two dissimilar metals placed in an acid which can chemically affect either or both of them, manifest different electric potentials ; and when the poles, i.e. the extremities of the metal plates outside the liquid, are joined by a con- ductor, the tendency of these potentials is to unite and produce equilibrium by the fall of the higher to the lower, which necessarily results in a 'flout of current? as described in Section A (Introductory Remarks) ; the chemical action which goes on in the cell, however, maintains the initial difference of potential between the poles, the degree of this difference depending mainly upon the readiness with which one metal (the active or electro-positive, as it is called) is attacked by the acid, as compared with the other or electro- negative plate. 1 Investigations have proved that the mere contact of two dissimilar metals also causes them to assume different po- tentials, but the effects manifested from contact alone bear no proportion to the results of chemical action. 2. Now the force of this chemical action consti- tutes the electromotive force of the cell, a property of the highest importance in the construction of any form of battery, for it is that on which the effective strength of the current directly depends. 2 It is desirable, therefore, to select materials which combine to develop this property to the greatest degree, which, as has been shown above, is done by employing a combination in which the active plate is highly electro-positive as compared with the negative plate. SECTION B 1 It is custom- ary to call the electro-positive or active plate the + plate, and the electro- negative the plate, and to consider the current as generated by and starting from the former in the direction of the arrow shown in fig. 43, 173, sec. D. The direction of the current outside the liquid would, therefore, be from the extremity of the - plate, which is called the + pole, to the extremity of the + plate, which is called the - pole. 2 Law i, App. A. i8 Current Strength Directly Pro- portional to E.M.F., and Inversely to Resistance. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. The following list represents an electro-chemical series of metals, arranged, according to a determination of Fara- day, in the order of the relative potentials they exhibit when immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, each being electro -positive to that which follows it on the list, so that the greatest difference of potential obtainable would be exhibited if the first and the last were taken to form a pair : >-, - - * Considerations in the Choice of Battery Material. g c 'S .5 N H HH g .3 C/3 r^ CQ . introduced. The chemical action which takes place in the form of cell above described, when the poles are joined, is as follows : The solution is decomposed, hydrogen being liberated at the copper or negative plate, to which it adheres in the form of bubbles, and oxygen combines with the zinc or active plate to form zinc oxide, which is again dissolved by the acid of the solution forming sulphate of zinc, this action being thus attended by consumption of the zinc plate. The acid, however, is also consumed, and this, as will be understood from what has been said above (para. 3), must result in a corresponding increase of the resistance of the cell. But this is not all ; for the E.M.F. is impaired and rendered inconstant by the deposition of free hydrogen on the negative plate, giving rise to polarisation, as described in def. 19 (Sect. A). Again, the free hydrogen thus deposited has the further property of reducing metals from their salts, and tends to cause the deposition of zinc (from the sulphate of zinc in solution) on the copper plate, which, being thus faced with zinc, assumes the potential of the zinc plate, and this results in the destruction of the E.M.F. of the cell, which depends on the difference of potential manifested by the respective metals. For telegraph batteries, therefore, which are required for continual work, it is obvious that these injurious effects, resulting from the deposit of hydrogen, should be pre- vented. Various forms of battery aim at effecting this in various ways. In Daniell's battery it is done by the introduction of a second liquid containing a copper salt, by which the liberated hydrogen, instead of collecting in bubbles on the negative plate, is employed in depositing metallic copper thereon, thus preventing the inconstancy and loss of E.M.F. which would be caused by the deposit of free hydrogen. Minotti's form of this battery is that which has been hitherto adopted, almost universally, for telegraphic pur- poses in India ; but before describing this in detail it may be well to draw attention to some of the most important or typical forms of battery, as described briefly in the follow- ing paragraphs, with the object of illustrating how, by each C 2 2O MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Daniell's Batter}-. combination, the properties essential to the acquisition of a strong and constant current are obtained. It will be observed that the high E.M.F. and low re- sistance necessary for the production of a strong current may be obtained at the expense of constancy ; and that the most constant current is not the strongest which can be produced : further, that the acquisition of electrical qualifi- cations may be attended with cost, inconvenience, or me- chanical difficulties disproportionate to the purposes for which the battery may be required. Taking all these points into consideration, the respective merits and demerits of the various batteries described, as relating to the special nature of the work for which they are designed, can be compared. Their resistances, being affected by variety of size, shape, mechanical arrangement, nature of porous vessel or diaphragm, strength of acid solutions, &c., cannot be compared in the same definite terms as their E.M.F., which, for constant batteries, is the same for every combination of the same kind independently of its size or form. 1 5. Daniell's battery consists of a zinc and copper pair ; the zinc, which is the active plate, is immersed in dilute sulphuric acid contained in a porous vessel ; the copper or negative plate is placed in an outer jar containing a solution of sulphate of copper, which is kept saturated by the insertion of crystals of the copper sulphate. In this, as in every form of cell, the outer jar should be made of some insulating and watertight material, such as glazed stoneware, porcelain, guttapercha, &c. 2 E.M.F. = 1-079 volts. 3 Chief feature -.Constancy. Polarisation is prevented by surrounding the negative plate with the copper solution. 4 Advantages: (i) Constancy. (2) Inexpensiveness. Disadvantage : Waste of material due to internal action when the battery is not at work, an unpreventable cause of which is the property called ' osmose' 5 Use : Adapted by its constancy for continual work, and consequently well suited for purposes of telegraphy. 2 Sometimes the outer vessel is made of copper, and so forms the negative plate as well ; but this would not do for a tele- graph battery, whose cells should always be as well insulated as possible ( 38). 5 Defs. 7 and 34- 4 Def. 19, and 4- 5 Def. 28. TELEGRAPH JJ^-LJ. .*^yvy.c,07>^>--J ^ '-- i^ 25. The reason why the junction between the bare wire and the disc is made by hammering, 5 and not by 5 16. the help of solder, is that the latter would set up local action in the cell (because it would manifest a potential different from that of the copper), and waste of material would be the result. 6 6 33 . 26. The consumption of sulphate of copper in pro- perly prepared cells being in proportion to the strength of current elicited, which we know by Ohm's law to be inversely proportional to the resistance in circuit, 7 the E.M.F. 7 Law i,. being constant, it follows that those cells which are joined pp ' ' through low resistances, such as that of a ' local circuit] 8 8 180, 181. which is generally about 50 ohms, would become exhausted more rapidly than those cells which are joined through a telegraph ' line circuit] 8 the resistance of which may be several hundreds, or even thousands, of ohms. Twice as much sulphate of copper is therefore used for local cells as for line cells, the former being made to contain twenty-four ounces and the latter twelve. Notwithstanding this, a line cell should last much longer than a local cell, for it has been proved 9 that the average current passing through a line cell is about one-tenth of that required for working a ' sounder,' 10 the usual resistance of which is about 30 ohms. 10 58. 27. Again, the internal resistance of a battery or cell decreases with the consumption of material ; any sudden increase of resistance, therefore, would show that something was wrong. The defect may be in the diaphragm, 11 n 23. TELEGRAPH BATTERIES. or may be due to the formation of some salt in the cell introducing undue resistance. This is the case sometimes when the initial chemical action of the cell deposits the in- soluble oxide of zinc upon the zinc disc before the current is sufficient to reduce it to sulphate of zinc. 1 When this is the case, the zinc presents a white appearance, and should be at once replaced by a clean disc. 28. The consumption of sulphate of copper is indicated by the level of the zinc disc ; when this has sunk to a depth corresponding to the original thickness of the layer of sulphate of copper with which the cell was charged, it will be found that the cell has become exhausted, and its internal resistance reduced to the saturated dia- phragm alone, about 5 ohms. 29. One of the advantages claimed for the Minotti is that it is constructed on the principle of a 'gravity battery,' the object of such being to prevent the natural tendency always displayed by the liquids in a two-fluid cell to mix with one another. In view to preventing this, the gravity battery was devised, in which the heavier liquid (or that of greater specific gravity) occupies the lower portion of the jar, and the lighter liquid the upper ; porous vessels or partitions are dispensed with, their office being per- formed by the action of gravity alone. It will be readily understood that the slightest movement of such a battery would be liable to derange it, absolute stillness being neces- sary to allow of the liquids maintaining their respective levels. We have this principle in the Minotti in which the saturated solution of sulphate of copper in the lower part of the jar is heavier than the semi-saturated solution of sul- phate of zinc in the upper part ; these solutions, however, are kept apart, not by gravity alone, but by the porous dia- phragm of sand or sawdust. Nevertheless, in this, as in the case of the ordinary gravity battery, the greatest care should be taken to avoid unnecessary movement or shaking of the cells, the result of which would be that the copper solution would be forced up to the zinc disc, on which a salt of copper would be deposited and the E.M.F. of the cell consequently endangered ; local action would be set up and material uselessly consumed. There is never perfect separation of the liquids even in the Minotti ; so . there is always some waste, but this is D 33 SECTION B. 30- 34 SECTION B. Processes by which a Cell comes into Working Order. E.M.F. Con- stant for Similar Cells. C varies with R t by Ohm's Law. Local Action. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. reduced to a minimum by care in the manipulation of the cell. The utility of the diaphragm as a separator is greatly dependent on the care with which it has been prepared. 1 To avoid shaking up the solutions, it is advisable to place newly- prepared cells, before the water is added, in the position which they are to occupy permanently. 30. When a cell is prepared in the ordinary way, 2 the water has first to penetrate through the diaphragm down to the sulphate of copper ; immediately it has done so, the chemical action of the cell is started, and its E.M.F. esta- blished, which, as explained before, remains very constant up to the time the cell is exhausted. Not so, however, the resistance, which at first is very high, 3 but is reduced as chemical action goes on by the formation of sulphate of copper in solution in the lower part of the cell and diaphragm in place of water. As the resistance is thus reduced, so does the force of the current increase, according to Ohm's law, and as the current increases, so does the action which it creates in the short-circuited cell also increase, in virtue of which the solution occupying the upper part of the cell and diaphragm is converted into sul- phate of zinc. Thus, when the poles of a newly-prepared cell are joined, the internal resistance continues to fall, and the current strength to increase, until it is fit for use. 31. The E.M.F. of a Minotti being a constant quantity so long as there is any action at all in the cell, and being the same for all similar chemical combinations, 4 we can multiply the E.M.F. of a battery by increasing the number of cells joined in series, 5 remembering, however, that each cell carries with it its own resistance, and that the current emitted by a battery or cell, though directly proportional to its E.M.F., is affected at the same time by its internal p resistance (C = -^).* 32. Hence it follows that when the internal resistance (jR) of a battery cell varies (E being constant), the current (C) also varies ; and as the current (C) is the property of the cell which produces signals, deflections, &c., it is evident that the larger 7? becomes, the less working power the cell displays. 33. Ohm's law thus teaches us that when we have high E.M.F. and low resistance, we may expect a strong current. We know also that the strength of current produced by a 1 17 and 44. 16. 19- 4 2. 5 19. * Law : App. A. Use of Battery Sponge or Syringe. Formation of Zinc Sulphate. TELEGRAPH BATTERIES. battery or cell is proportional to the amount of battery material consumed. To avail ourselves, however, of the full value of the current, it is necessary that it should accu- mulate at the poles or electrodes of the battery or cell, l otherwise it is lost to practical use, and battery material is consumed to no purpose. This waste is due to what is called local action, the effect, often, of impurities (principally iron) in the zinc plate. The iron and the zinc assume different potentials in the exciting acid, and each particle of iron and the zinc sur- rounding it form the plates of a closed battery, the circuit of which is completed by the solution in which they are im- mersed, the result being that chemical action is always going on, whether the poles of the battery cell are open or closed, and the zinc, which is the electropositive metal, is consumed to no purpose. 2 To prevent this cause of local action, battery zincs which have to be immersed in strong acids are amalgamated, with the object of rendering their surface uniform. 3 This precaution is not necessary in the case of the Minotti battery, in which the zinc is immersed in water, subsequently converted by the action of the current into sulphate of zinc ; local action, however, occurs in the Minotti, from the tendency of the liquids to mix, which can never be prevented altogether in any two -fluid battery, though care in the first preparation and in the subsequent handling of the battery will reduce this source of waste of material and loss of current to the lowest possible limit. Amalgamation would, of course, be no remedy for this. 34. A battery sponge is useful for removing the water from cells in which it has become impure or saturated. 4 Syringes may, under certain circumstances, be convenient for this purpose, but if so, they should not be used also for replenishing the cells with fresh water ; for there would be a risk of re-inserting impurities, particularly copper solution, which would do as much harm as shaking the cell. A metal vessel should not be used for replenishing cells, unless it be made of zinc. 35. White crystals are sometimes seen on the zinc discs as well as on the jars of working cells, caused by the water becoming saturated with the sulphate of zinc formed by the chemical action of the cell, the principal danger D 2 35 Def. 33. 5- MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Composition to prevent Corrosion. To clean Coppers and Zincs. Leakage from Cell to Cell. attending the formation of which is that it is likely to reach the junction between the brass terminal screw and the neck of the zinc disc, and being when dry a very bad conductor, it would introduce a large unnecessary resistance into the circuit. Secondly, it is liable to form on the sides and edges of the cell, and cause leakage by drawing off the liquid of the cell by capillary action. Prevention. (i) As the crystals are caused by satura- tion, keep the cells replenished with clean water, removing the zinc solution when necessary. (2) The first fault is prevented by keeping the water below the junction of the zinc disc and brass terminal screw. (3) The second by keeping the jars dry and clean, but where this is impracticable, by coating their rims with paraffin. l (4) A mixture of coal tar and resin (or sealing wax), painted over the junction between the neck and brass ter- minal of the zinc disc, prevents the formation of sulphate of zinc at this point. 36. To clean copper discs. (i) Keep them from exposure to the air. (2) On finding them dirty or tarnished, immerse them at once into boiling water with tamarinds in it. (3) When bright and clean, wash them with fresh water, and leave them under water till required for use. (4) If the above is not sufficient, the leading wires must be taken off, and the disc must be heated in a charcoal fire and plunged, while hot, into cold water. To clean zinc discs : [Zincs which are much eaten away should be re-cast.] Those which are only slightly worn should be brushed until they assume a bright smooth surface. This can be done either with a battery brush of iron or steel wire, or the surface may be ground smooth on sandstone. Zincs must not be kept in water. 37. Another point in the conservancy of batteries to be observed, with a view to its prevention, is leakage taking place by capillary action through the wires which connect the cells with one another, inside the insulated covering of the wire, caused by the latter not adhering as closely to the wire as it should. 1 This is best done by melting the paraffin in a shallow dish, and dipping the inverted battery jar into it, so that the rim becomes covered to a depth of about a quarter of an inch. Adaptation of ' Battery Power TELEGRAPH BATTERIE This affects the working of the cell seriously, the copper solution of one cell to be conveyed to the zinc solution of the next. Remedy. Seal up the ends with wax, guttapercha, paraffin, or Chatterton's compound. To prevent the same happening through the outer surface of the connecting wires, soak them before use in melted wax. 38. Leakage may be caused by a damp battery stand, or by cracked jars, or by cells touching one another, the result being that the cells are partially short circuited ; their current is thus shunted, 1 and a portion of it is consequently lost to ' Defs. 21, 22. practical use. The insulation of the battery stand may be effected by standing it on insulators, these being wiped daily. 39. When a battery is worked out, as shown by the signs of exhaustion referred to in paras. 27 and 28, it should be dismantled and the contents of the cell disposed of as follows : Copper deposit, when it can be detached from the disc, should be collected, as it is pure metallic copper ; when adhering to the disc so firmly that it cannot be hammered off without injuring the disc, clean with tamarind, if necessary, 2 and use again. 2 36. Sulphate of copper remaining should be washed and used again, its chemical state being unchanged by the action of the battery. The diaphragm, on the contrary, becomes saturated with mixed solutions which, in the case of a sawdust dia- phragm, can never be removed. A sand diaphragm may be cleansed by being thoroughly well washed ; in either case, however, it is safer not to use an old diaphragm again. It the cell has been carelessly handled metallic copper may be found in the diaphragm. 40. When a cell is dismantled, it can be seen by the state of its contents whether it has been care- fully prepared and looked after. First) by the regular deposit of metallic copper, which should be evenly distributed over the copper plate. Second, by the absence of copper in the diaphragm. Third, by the cleanness of the zinc disc. 41. Battery power for line work is regulated as follows : MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION 'No. ll B. RULE 5> 3 to Length and A Gauges and Climatic Changes. Use for every 100 " " *f Si 8 miles of 55 _ i rNo. iB.W.G.=5o I.G. Wire, 4 cells in series Arrangement of Cells for Local Circuits. Standard Cell. Summary of Rules for the Preparation of Battery Cells. Conservancy. = 24 = 16 = 12 = 6 5 6 8 12 16 13 during the dry season ; and during the wet, so many more cells as the state of the line may require. 1 42. Local batteries are arranged as follows : The average resistance of a departmental sounder 2 being about 30 units, it is worked to the best effect with four local cells joined in series ; 3 if more sounders than one are to be worked, they are grouped in couples, and one local battery of four cells in series and two parallel 4 is connected up with each group according to the diagram shown in fig. 46. 5 43. A standard cell is kept in every office as a unit of E.M.F., and the E.M.F. of any battery or cell is estimated relatively to the standard cell which is taken as unity (=!).* It is prepared like any other cell, with particular care^ and is never used for any purpose other than testing. 44. The following are the most essential points to be re- garded in setting it up, and may be considered a summary of rules for guidance in the preparation of any battery cell : (1) Take care that the jar and all that goes into it are dean. (2) That the leading wire is well insulated. (3) That the contact between this and the copper plate is clean and firm. (4) That the zinc terminal screw bites. (5) That leakage is not caused by the wire, allowing of capillary action within the insulated covering. (6) That the diaphragm is of right consistency, not too tight nor too wet, and not offering unnecessary resistance in the shape of paper or other discs above and below it ; nor too loose, so as to admit of the liquids mixing. 45. To preserve the standard cell. (i) Most care- fully avoid shaking it. (2) Keep the zinc disc covered with water, but keep this below the brass terminal. 1 This is dis- covered by measuring the arriving current, 290. 2 73- 5 Law 15, App. A. 4 19- 5 181. * The result in volts would be E. x i '079, as the E.M.F. of a Minotti = 1*079 volts 5- R.ough tandards of efficiency for Line,' Local/ Testing,' and Standard ' Jells. 'ortable Battery. TELEGRAPH BATTERIES. (3) Remove froth and all dirt from the surface of the water. (4) Change the zinc whenever it becomes discoloured. (5) Keep the circuit open, and only use the cell for testing. Criterion of efficiency of the standard cell : Its resistance should be about 20 ohms, and its current should give a deflection of not less than 60 through the thin coil of the tangent galvanometer. 1 46. The following may be considered standards of efficiency (useful, though rough) of the various kinds of batteries used : 39 Best resistance Best deflection (tangent galvanometer) Standard cells Line Local Testing 20 ohms 30 IO 20 ,, 6 o / (not less} through thin coil, \and no resistance. cc 55 " 65 60 152. 47. The departmental form of portable battery con- sists of a small box divided into cells by the plates them- selves copper and zinc which are soldered together in pairs, the rims being covered with pitch to prevent local action between them. 2 It is filled with sand and powdered salammoniac moistened with water (or cotton cloth, in pieces, saturated with a solution of salammoniac). /, . . r , Zinc is dissolved and chloride of zinc formed. [NOTE. For < Battery Testing' see Section F, Paras. 267-288. 3 ] 33- 3 The faults to w hi c h the battery is liable 216-224. SECTION C. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS PART I. SIGNALLING INSTRUMENTS 48- 57. PRINCIPLES ON WHICH SIGNALLING AND TESTING INSTRU- MENTS ARE CONSTRUCTED 58- 97. RECEIVING INSTRUMENTS : THEIR DESCRIPTION, ACTION, EFFICIENCY, MODE OF ADJUSTMENT AND ADAPTATION TO FORM MORSE CHARACTERS. THE MORSE ALPHABET AND RULES FOR ACCURATE SIGNALLING 98-103. ELECTRIC BELLS 104-108. TRANSMITTING APPARATUS: SINGLE AND DOUBLE CURRENT KEYS 109-121. EFFECTS OF ELECTRO-STATIC INDUCTION AS SHOWN BY PHENOMENA OF 'CHARGE,' 'DISCHARGE,' AND 'RETURN CURRENT OF DISCHARGE.' SIMILITUDE OF A TELEGRAPH LINE TO A LEYDEN JAR OR CONDENSER. EXTRA CURRENTS, THE EFFECT OF VOLTAIC OR ELECTRO-DYNAMIC INDUCTION. SUMMARY OF CAUSES AFFECTING SPEED 122-124. THE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC SHUNT : ITS USE AS A CURE FOR THE EFFECTS OF VOLTAIC INDUCTION, ALSO AS EXERTING A COUNTER INFLUENCE ON THE RETARDING AND PROLONGING EFFECTS OF ELECTRO-STATIC INDUCTION 125-132. VARIOUS FORMS OF DISCHARGING ARRANGEMENTS, FOR NULLIFY- ING THE EFFECTS OF ELECTRO-STATIC INDUCTION 133-134. LIGHTNING DISCHARGERS 135-141. VARIOUS FORMS OF SWITCHES OR COMMUTATORS PART II. TESTING INSTRUMENTS 142-165. DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS FORMS OF GALVANOMETERS ; THE WHEATSTONE BRIDGE, THE DIFFERENTIAL GALVANOMETER, SHUNTS AND RESISTANCE COILS. THEIR MODE OF USE AND PRINCIPLE OF ACTION PART III. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS 166-172. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES AND THE PRINCIPLE OF THEIR ACTION : INSULATOR AND JOINT DETECTOR, WHEATSTONE'S ABC DIAL INSTRUMENTS. THE TELEPHONE AND MICRO- PHONE Signalling and Testing Instruments. Electro - magnetism. Action of Current on Soft Iron Core. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS. PART I. SIGNALLING INSTRUMENTS. 48. TELEGRAPH instruments may be classed under two heads viz. ' signalling ' and ' testing ' instruments. 49. In both cases the property of electro-magnetism is mainly made use of i.e. the desired effect is produced by the operation of a galvanic current upon soft iron or a permanent magnet. 50. The ordinary Morse sounder ] is an example of the electro-magnetic action of a current on soft iron. In the following diagram A B may be considered to represent one of the soft iron cores of the sounder, round which the current circulates in the direction indicated by the arrows. 2 When the current traverses the coil, the soft iron SECTION C. 73- 2 In speaking of a current, a + current, i.e. copper to line, is always referred to in the absence of remark to the contrary. FIG. i. RIGHT-HANDED HELIX. core becomes a magnet with its north pole at B and its south pole at A. If in the same circuit the battery be reversed, 3 the end 5 138. of the core, which was before a north pole, becomes a south, and vice versa. Or if with the same current as in fig. i, the wire round the coil be wound in the opposite direction, as shown in 44 SECTION C. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. fig. 2, then j which was a north pole before, becomes south, and A north (see fig. 2). This polarity, according to the direction of the current and the winding of the coil, is determined by Ampere's law, 1 and a means is thus pro- i Law 13 and vided of winding the coils of electro-magnets according to 53> A PP- A - the magnetic effect they are required to produce. FIG. 2. LEFT-HANDED HELIX. Polarised Instruments. Effect of a Current on Magnet. Oerstedt's Discovery. Ampere's Law. Directly the current ceases, the magnetism in the core ceases also, presuming the absence of coercive force 2 in soft, i.e. pure untempered iron, a property which renders it of the greatest use in the manufacture of signalling instru- ments. When the core of an electro-magnet in its normal state is under the influence of a permanent magnet, as in the case of a Siemens' relay, 3 it is said to be polarised, and the current exercising its effect on the core either increases or reduces its polarity according to the direction in which the electro-magnet is wound, or reverses the polarity of the core altogether, according to the strength of the permanent magnet. 51. The effect of a current on a permanent magnet is illustrated by any galvanoscope or galvanometer needle. 4 The direction in which the needle deflects is determined by the direction of the current. 52. The simplest case to consider is that of a mag- netic needle suspended over a straight wire. Immediately a current is sent through the wire the needle is deflected so as to stand across it. 53. Professor Ampere developed this discovery, and enunciated his famous law by which the direction in which the needle will deflect under the influence of a current is known. He imagines an observer swimming with the current Def - 43- 59 and 60. Effect of a Current on a Magnet Pro- portional to Current Strength and Number of Convolutions. Principles on which Galvano- meters are Made. Application of Electro- magnetism to the Construc- tion of Signalling Instruments. Attractive Force of Electro- magnets. Sounders and Relays. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. with his face always turned towards the needle ; the north pole is always deflected to his left. 54. The force of the deflection depends principally upon the strength of the current and the distance between the wire and the magnet ; and if the wire be bent round the magnet so as to be above as well as below it, the effect of the current is doubled ; by an additional turn it is trebled and so on, the action of the current on the magnet being directly multiplied by the number of convolutions round it. 55. The above facts illustrate the essential principles upon which the construction of galvanoscopes or galvano- meters is based. It is also evident that by multiplying the convolutions of wire round the needle, increased sensitiveness can be obtained.' 1 Other circumstances, however, which will be fully ex- plained in treating of the various forms of galvanometers, 2 come into play, and there is a limit to the multiplying effect of the convolutions, owing to the fact that the extra resist- ance introduced by the increased number of coils opposes the intensity of the current. 3 56. To return then to signalling instruments, the first matter for consideration is how the property of electro- magnetism is to be applied so as to produce signals, either audible or visible, with the greatest effect. In either case signals are made by the attraction of a soft iron armature by the core of an electro-magnet under the influence of a current. 57. A certain force 4 is required to allow of the attrac- tion being sufficient to record signals or produce readable sounds. 5 58. The instrument which performs this office is usually called a sounder, various forms of which are described in paras. 73-87 ; but as these require a strength of arriving current seldom obtainable through a long and imperfectly insulated line, a more sensitive instrument, called a relay, is placed in the line circuit as the receiver, and is so con- structed as to work with the faintest currents, and, in so doing, to complete a local circuit 6 containing the sounder and a local battery, which can be adjusted to any required strength. 45 SECTION C. 1 Galvano- meters are for this reason also called multipliers. * 143-165. Def. 3. 4 In practice not less than twelve ounces. 5 This force of attraction de- pends upon the strength of the current, the number of convolutions round the core, and the size of the core. The larger the core, how- ever, the greater the 1 Magnetic Inertia.' See remarks on Speed of Signalling, 131. 6 181. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION C. Siemens' Relay : Description. Siemens' polarised relay is the form universally adopted for departmental use. 59. Its essential parts are a strong permanent L- shaped magnet, NS (fig. 3), two soft iron cores and shoes, n, n' (the latter adjustable), a soft iron tongue, s (delicately pivoted), and working between two contacts one, platinum, p, which is adjustable and regulates the play of the tongue ; the other, agate, A, which is fixed (fig. 4) ; a micrometer screw, M, and the coils. The frame in which the contacts p and A are fixed is called tjie carriage, the adjustment of which, by means of the screw M, determines the position of the tongue with regard to the shoes n and n'. In the newest pattern of relay the frame is fixed, and the screw M, which is attached to the nut n', serves to increase or decrease Electrical Action of Siemens' Relay. FIG. 3. FIG. 4. SIEMENS' POLARISED RELAY. the mass of iron acting on the tongue, the result being the same in either case. A magnetic indicator, consisting of a small magnetic needle finely balanced on a vertical pivot, which is sup- ported by a small flat base of brass, is placed on the glass cover of the relay, and acts as a galvanoscope, showing the presence of any current, however faint, passing through the coils. 60. By magnetic induction 1 the tongue s assumes the * Def. 41. same magnetism as the upper or south pole of the per- manent magnet, and the cores and shoes, n, n', the same as the lower or north pole ; so that when no current is flowing s is attracted either by n or n', whichever is nearer. Suppose this to be n', and the tongue to be against the Bias. Working Force. , Rest Force, and Force of Restitution. Weak Point of Siemens' Relay. Play. Force of Restitution accelerated by a Reverse Current or E.M. Shunt. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. rest contact A (fig. 4), and suppose a current to be sent through the coils, tending to make n' a south pole, and, consequently, n a north pole, then the original force of n' becomes decreased or reversed, and that of n correspond- ingly increased, so that the tongue is drawn over towards n (against the platinum contact />), and remains there till the current ceases. When this happens, the soft iron cores resume their original condition, and the tongue falls back to A by reason of the nut n' being nearer to it than n. Thus the relay works by the polarity of n and n' produced by the making and ceasing of the current, and hence it is termed polarised. 61. In order that the tongue may always have a bias towards the insulated or rest stop A, it is necessary that the adjustment be so made that the magnetism of the shoe n can never exert a stronger force on the tongue than n' when no current is flowing ; so that on the cessation of the force (called the l working force'\ which tends to draw the tongue against the working contact />, under the influence of a current, the tongue will readily return to its initial position, against the rest stop A. 62. The force which holds the tongue, in its position of rest, against A, under the influence of the magnetism of the nearer shoe ', is called the restforce, and that which draws it back to that position on the cessation of the working force is called the force of restitution. Now it is obvious that in any one adjustment of the relay the force of restitution tending to draw the tongue back to A after it has been attracted to p must be smaller than that exerted on the tongue when already against A. 63. This fact presents an obstacle to sensitiveness in all polarised instruments ; a defect which consequently applies to the Siemens' relay, and which is, in fact, the weak point of that instrument. 1 64. The effect of this disparity between the rest force and force of restitution is, however, reduced to a minimum by making the play of the tongue as small as possible by means of the adjustable contact screw p. 65. From the above it will be clear how the system of double current working 2 in which the force of restitution is no longer effected simply by the bias of the tongue, but by an opposite current drawing it back with a force equal to or 47 SECTION C. 1 It will be ob- served also that in one adjust- ment the force of restitution is the same what- ever the strength of the working cur- rent may be. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Adjustment. Sensibility dependent on Play of Tongue. Use of Micro- meter Screw. Limit to Small- ness of Play. Sticking. 62-64. 2 See fig. 46, 181. Remedy for Sticking. greater than the working force remedies the above-men- tioned defect in the Siemens' relay, rendering it far more sensitive, and reducing the necessity for readjustment. The same object is effected by the application of an electro -magnetic shunt, the action of which is explained in para. 122. 66. Adjustment of the relay. The shoes having been securely fixed with their faces parallel and equidistant from the tongue, the more delicate adjustment of the relay is effected as follows. 67. To obtain the greatest sensibility, make the play of the tongue between the metal and agate points as small as possible, l provided it is sufficiently large to allow the contact to be opened on the cessation of the current, and not to be jammed by the screwing of the micrometer screw. This is best done by screwing the local contact screw towards the tongue until a beat on the sounder shows the local circuit to be completed, 2 then gradually unscrew the contact again until the instant when the sounder armature is released. Further adjustment to suit variations in the received current is effected by means of the micrometer screw, which alters the relative position of the tongue and the shoes as circumstances require. 68. There is a limit to the smallness of the play of the tongue, for it is necessary to prevent its being jammed against both contacts when its position is altered by the micrometer screw. Further, the play must be so large that the circuit shall not be closed by the spark produced by the extra current, 3 3 See 119 and so large also that the motion of the tongue shall by its and 226 ( F )- momentum be sufficiently strong to cause a firm contact, and consequently a readable signal on the sounder. 69. The tongue sticks when the play is too large, or when it is placed too near the attracting, and too far from the re- pelling pole, under the influence of a current ; in either case this fault is due to the fact that the demagnetisation of the shoe or the reversal of its magnetism caused by the cessation of the current does not cause the tongue to return to the position from which it was moved by the current of magne- tisation. 70. Sticking is thus prevented in the first instance by Efficiency. Range. Sounders inserted in Local Circuit. Siemens' Morse Sounder. Electrical Action of Siemens' Sounder. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. careful adjustment of the play of the tongue, and further by the adjustment of the micrometer screw. 71. The efficiency of a relay is tested by its range ; that is, the extent to which the strength of the working current may be altered without necessitating alteration in the adjust- ment of the instrument. To find this : Adjust the relay with minimum play, with the tongue as far from the metallic stud as regular working will admit of, so that it will work with one cell through a, re- sistance equal to its own ; then apply 10 cells without any external resistance : the relay should work without readjust- ment, thus displaying a range of 20, the minimum range a Siemens' relay should exhibit. 1 The above results may of course be effected under diffe- rent conditions of E.M.F. and resistance, as circumstances may suggest. As a rule, for relays of 1,000 units and under, use i and 10 cells ; for those of greater resistance, use 2 and 20 cells respectively. Many of the newer relays exhibit a range of 25 and up- wards ; any range, however, can be measured and calculated, as shown in para. 344, Sect. F. 2 72. Sounders. It has been mentioned that the attrac- tion of the tongue of the relay against the working contact p 3 causes a sounder to work. The circuit in which the sounder is placed and its mode of action being explained in Section D on circuits^ it will be only necessary here to describe the instrument itself. 73. The form of sounder most generally used is the Siemens' Morse, represented in fig. 5. 74. Like the relay, it works on the principle of electro- magnetism, its coils being wound round soft iron cores which become magnetic under the influence of a current. Unlike the relay cores, however, they become altogether demag- netised by the cessation of the current (presuming the iron to be perfectly pure), as the sounder is not a polarised instrument. 5 The soft iron armature A is attracted by the cores when- ever a current traverses the coils, imparting its motion to the brass lever L L to which it is attached, one extremity of which plays between the contacts 1 and 2. In its position of rest, L L is held against contact 2 by E 49 SECTION C. 1 That the current in the second case is twenty times as strong as in the first is appa- rent from Ohm's law, as follows : Calling the E.M.F.ofeach cell used e ; resistance of relay R current in first case c ; cur- rent in second case C. Then, in the second case, C = * oe ~~R~ And, in the first case, R = 20 The battery resistance is neglected in the above, being insignifi- cant, in com- parison with the external resistances employed. 2 The faults to which the relay is subject are described in 226. 5 59, fig. 4- 4 181. 5 50. SECTION C MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. means of the spring 5 s, the force of which is adjusted by the screw c. 1 When a current flows through the coils, the magnetism of the cores produced thereby overcomes the force of the spring and attracts the armature A, causing the end of the lever to be drawn from contact 2 and pressed against 1. Here the is a non- polarised instrument, differs from that of the polarised relay, the armature being drawn back by an antagonistic spring, and not by the polarity of a magnet. FIG. 5. SIEMENS' MORSE SOUNDER. Translation Springs for Prolonging Contacts. Adjustment of the Siemens' Morse Sounder. 75. The contact between L and 1 is prolonged by means of the translation spring /, and the screws x and Y regulate the play of the lever between the contacts 1 and 2. 76. The adjustable parts of the sounder are as follows : (1) The two screws x and Y above and below the arma- ture lever L L, which limit its play. (2) Their clamping screws. (3) The spiral spring (acting against the current), which draws back the lever into its position of rest. Rules for adjustment : (i) Adjust the lower limiting screw FSO that the arma- ture (under the influence of a current) does not quite touch the small rivet at the top of the core ; a piece of common note paper should pass between them with slight friction. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS : SIGNALLING. Efficiency. Electrical Circuit of Siemens Sounder and Relay Com- bined. When thus adjusted, clamp up this lower screw by its jam nut. (2) Adjust the upper limiting screw A- making the play as small as possible so as to admit of maximum speed and clearness of sound. (3) Adjust the spiral spring s s by the following process: Work the sounder electrically, and tighten the spring until the magnet is unable to attract the armature ; mark the posi- tion of the screw on the stem ; now loosen the spring until the armature falls on the electro-magnet by its own weight ; mark the second position on the screw, then tighten the screw to about midway between the two marks. N.B. Fix all jam nuts securely. 77. A Siemens sounder should give a range of 20. 78. Fig. 6 represents, symbolically, the complete circuit of a Siemens' Morse sounder and relay combined. SECTION C. T C Z FIG. 6. SIEMENS SOUNDER AND RELAY. Platinum Points and their Use. In the above there are four distinct electrical circuits through the instrument : (1) That of the arriving line current entering at L and leaving at E. 1 (2) That of the local current entering at c, traversing the sounder coils and relay tongue, and leaving through B and z. 2 (3) That of the received translating current entering at T and leaving at 2. 3 (4) That of the sending translation current entering at 1 and leaving at r. 3 79. pppp represent platinum points ; these are placed between the tongue and metallic contacts in the relay, be- cause they close the circuit of the local current ; and as the E 2 1 See ' Circuit of S Working, 180, Sect. D 2 See ' Local Circuit,' 181, Sect. D. 3 See ' Trans- lation Circuit,' 183, Sect. D. SECTION C. Douglas State Railway Sounder. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. spark, due to the passage of such strong currents, takes place at these points, a hard metal such as platinum is necessary. Platinum points are also placed, to ensure conductivity, where the sounder lever makes contact, both with the upper and lower pillar, as both these contacts close the translation circuit. 80. Another form of sounder in use in the department is that known as the Douglas sounder. Its electrical principle is precisely the same as that of the Siemens sounder. In fig. 7 its various parts are lettered so as to agree with FIG. 7. DOUGLAS SOUNDER, with Key and connections complete, for direct working on State Railways, &c. the corresponding parts of the Siemens sounder shown in ng. 6. The main difference between the two instruments is in the shape of the lever L L, the position of the contact screws 1 and 2 and their pillars, as also that of the antagonistic spring s s. The Douglas sounder is now chiefly used for direct working on short circuits, and particularly for State railway working in closed circuit l without a relay. Its complete electrical circuit and internal and external 189. Adjustment. Efficiency. Dubern Sounder. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. connections as a State railway sounder are shown in fig. 7, which includes the key. 81. The Douglas sounder is adjusted in the same way as the Siemens ; its range should be 25. It will be observed from figs. 6 and 7 that the armatures of both the Siemens and Douglas sounders are split longitu- dinally. This is done with the object of preventing a circuit for extra currents l which would be formed by the rapid magne- tising and demagnetising of the cores. 82. Fig. 8 represents a Dubern sounder, which is 53 SECTION C. "9- FIG. 8. DUBERN SOUNDER. designed either for direct working, or for use, like other sounders, in a local circuit. Its principle is that of placing the armature in the strongest magnetic field, 2 with which object it is placed across the coils, as shown in fig. 8, and it is relieved of fric- tion as much as possible by means of the spiral spring s t inside which is a vertical pin to which me armature is fixed. This pin is pivoted at its lower end below the armature, and at its upper end below the screw M. The weight of the armature on its lower bearing is regu- lated by the position of the screw R on the pin, by which the spiral screw 5 is tightened or loosened, the bottom end of the spiral being permanently fixed to the small screw B ; the Def. 40. 54 SECTION C. Adjustment. Efficiency. Portable Sounder. Adjustment. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. top end is fixed to the circular screw M, the adjustment of which imparts a lateral motion to the spiral screw and armature, thus serving to give the latter the necessary bias against the rest stop, and playing the part of the screw c (figs. 5 and 7) which regulates the force of the antagonistic spring. The armature (prolonged) plays between the limiting screws x and y. When the instrument is to be used for direct working, the coils are wound to a resistance of 500 ohms. 1 When used as a local sounder, they are made of the usual resist- ance of 30 ohms, and the armature is furnished with a translation spring. 83. The play of the instrument is adjusted by means of the screws x and F, in the same way as that of the Siemens and Douglas sounders is done by the screws similarly lettered. See figs. 5 and 7. 84. A Dubern sounder should have a range of 25. 85. Fig. 9 explains the essential parts of a portable sounder. The whole of the apparatus, including key and connec- tions, is enclosed in a small box ; the soft iron tongue, s, which produces the sound, is pivoted on the south pole, 5, of a permanent L-shaped magnet, the soft iron cores of the electro -magnet being attached to the north pole (hidden in the figure) of the permanent magnet. The portable sounder is a polarised instrument, 2 and its electrical action is precisely similar to that of the polarised relay explained in paras. 59 and 60, and will be understood by reference thereto, the essential parts, s, s, n, n' in fig. 9 corresponding with the similarly lettered parts in fig. 3. The terminals z, L, c (fig. 9) are connected outside the instrument to earth, line, and copper respectively. Inside, z is connected to one end of the coils, L to the other end (through the front contact of the key), and c 3 to the back contact of the key. The resistance of the coils is usually about 500 ohms, and the sounder is worked direct by the current from the line. 86. The play of the tongue is adjusted by means of the screws x and y, which are kept in position by their jam nuts. 4 1 250 ohms each. 105. 1 The faults to which the various forms of sounders are liable are described in Sect. E, 227. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: Efficiency. 87. The portable sounder should exhibit a range of 20 and should work with a current of i milli-oersted. 1 55 1 Defs. 2 and 34, and 289. FIG. 9. PORTABLE SOUNDER. Morse Characters. 88. The various kinds of sounders described above pro- duce, by the attraction and release of their armatures, audible signals, which are distinguished from one another by their duration. A short signal, or a long one, or a combination of both, represents a letter of the alphabet. The length of each signal is determined by the dura- tion of time between the sound caused by the attraction of the armature and that caused by its withdrawal under the influence of the antagonistic spring, when the current ceases. These signals are separated from one another by pauses, the length of a pause being the duration of time between MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. The Morse Alphabet. the return of the armature to its position of rest and its next attraction to the cores of the electro-magnet. The pauses or spaces between the signals are as impor- tant as the signals themselves ; for their duration indicates whether they separate from one another individual characters, or letters, or words. 89. Representing a short signal by a dot (-), and a long one by a dash ( ), and combining the two thus (- ), the letter * a ' is formed, which consists of two signals, viz. a dot and a dash, separated by a space. Various combinations of the dot with the dash, as shown below, compose the conventional code known as the Morse alphabet LETTERS A Units N Unity 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 Lt 15 16 17 18 i 2 3 ! 3 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 ]-t lo te. 17 1819 B B B C B HI p K D K Q B m m E R F m S C m T H , U m 1 V m ' J w m K X m m L Y n m m M z . B I ( Ch 1 U 6 R 1 E s m E 2 7 3 8 a 4 5 " H 9 O . m m . EB B E, B ' BB THE MORSE ALPHABET. Rules for Accurate Signalling. Correct signalling depends mainly upon the accurate duration of signals and spaces. 90. The following rules will be found useful as a guide for giving to each signal and space its correct value : TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. c- 1. A dot is taken as the unit of time or (when repre- SECTION sented on paper) length. , ^ ^ 2. A dash is three times the length of a dot, and is thus equal to 3 units. 3. The space between each signal or character forming a letter should be i unit, i.e. equal to i dot. 4. The space between each letter of a word should be 3 units. 5. That between each word of a sentence 5 units. It should further be observed that no letter of the Morse alphabet can contain more than four cha- racters ; and that every figure must contain exactly five. The observance of this fact and of the regular system on which the figure code is arranged, progressing by dots from i to 5 and by dashes from 5 to o ; and the check each figure exercises on itself by containing so many dots followed by dashes making up the balance of 5, or vice versa, should render errors in the signalling of the figure code easy of detection and prevention ; and it may not be out of place here to add, by way of warning, that the chief, if not the only cause of errors in the signalling of figures (on which, it must be remembered, the most important issues may depend), is due to a practice, unfortunately too common, known as ' exaggerating signals,' by which a letter is given more cha- racters than it really possesses : for example, the letter h, a most common victim of this ill-treatment, is, by the addition of an extra dot, mutilated into the figure 5- Thus it behoves every telegraphic operator, not only to bear in mind, but to exercise, the practical check that no letter can contain more than four characters, and no figure less than five ; and positively to desist from taking down any word containing a letter or figure in which a departure from this rule is observed. ink-writers. pi. It has been shown how, by means of various kinds of sounders, the signals representing characters of the Morse alphabet are produced. and distinguished by the ear. In order, however, that these signals should leave some visible trace of their existence, as is necessary in the case of foreign messages, special contrivances are adopted by which the Morse characters are recorded on tape, by the move- ment of the armature of the sounder. This is effected by the addition to the armature of a SECTION C. Siemens Ink-writer. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. light lever, with a small thin brass wheel at the end of it, which is made to revolve by clockwork. The fulcrum or axis of the lever is between the armature and the wheel. When the armature is at rest the lower edge of the wheel dips into a vessel of prepared ink : at each attraction of the armature the wheel is raised, and lightly touches a paper tape which is made to pass over small grooved brass rollers revolving at a uniform rate ; l each movement of the arma- * The tape ture is thus communicated to the tape, on which dots and te rate'of not dashes are printed in ink, resembling the Morse characters less than six shown in the preceding table. minute' Such a recording instrument is called an ink-writer. It is joined up in the local circuit like any other sounder, the circuit being, as usual, closed by a relay under the in- fluence of a current from the line. Ink-writers are sometimes fitted up together with a relay, galvanoscope, key and switch, all on one board. 92. Fig. 10 represents such an arrangement. FIG. 10. SIEMENS INK-WRITER (Relay, &c., combined). The isolated arrangement first mentioned is preferable ; as, however, the ink-writer with relay combined is sometimes used, and its connections are somewhat complicated, its terminals and the mode of joining them up may, with ad- vantage, be explained, as follows : Ink- writer Terminals and Connections Embossing Recorders. Needle Instru- ments. Single Needle. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. 93. Ink- writer terminals (from right to left). 59 Marked Joined inside instrument to Joined outside instrument to L Galvanoscope Line E V | Earth and K$ of discharger i D S T or T f By plugs to bar short-cir- ; 1 cuiting galvaroscope Z of ink-writer K of key (middle) (For translation work) to { of i or i \ other ink-writer I I of sounder (For translation work) to T or I of other ink-writer II 2 of sounder (For translation work) to IJL of other ink-writer II 2 of key (back) and L of( relay E of discharger l III 3 of sounder (For translation work) to copper of battery of other instrument Z ZE of relay D of ink-writer, and by plug between D, E to earth C i of key front contact L of discharger 1 e 1 Metal contact of relay Zinc of local battery c f Sounder coils Copper of local battery The faults to which the ink-writer is subject are described in Section E (para. 228). 94. Before the invention of recording the characters in ink was thought of, the tape was marked by means of a sharp style (instead of a wheel) at the end of the lever ; such in- struments are still in use, and are called ' embossers.' Characters thus formed, however, are neither so perma- nent nor so legible as those recorded in ink. Both ink- writers and embossers are also made for direct working with a resistance of about 500 units, and as such are adapted for use on railway telegraphs. 95. The instrument most commonly used on railways for open circuit working is the needle instrument. 2 96. The single needle is the simplest form of signal- ling instrument made, and the most inexpensive. The receiving part of the instrument is simply a gal- vanoscope consisting of two coils of wire and a small needle between them with its north end downwards. Signals are formed by the left and right deflections of the needle under the influence of reverse currents ; a left deflection representing a dot, and a right a dash of the Morse alphabet. The ivory stops / and y limit the deflections of the needle on either side. 1 As ink- writers are usually em- ployed on long circuits on which dis- charging arrangements are necessary, the connections shown in the third column explain how the discharger is joined up with the ink- writer. Fig. 24, 126, shows a dia- gram of the discharging instrument. 190. 6o MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 1 1 represents the circuit of the instrument in its state of rest for receiving. Its own battery is insulated by the centre of the handle H, which is generally made of ebonite or some hard wood, and the circuit of the line current entering at B is completed by the movable metallic springs L and R and the contact T against which they press ; thence it traverses the coils, and proceeds through A to the earth. FIG. ii. SINGLE-NEEDLE INSTRUMENT. Double-needle Instrument. The vertical handle H is the sending part of the instru- ment ; its upper and lower parts, c and z, being insulated from one another at H, and, when it is turned so that z presses against x, c also- presses against L, breaking the contact 7 1 , and sending a zinc current to line. When turned in the reverse direction a copper current is sent to line. + Any convenient form of battery reverser might take the place of H and the springs L and R. A newer form of single-needle key is that known as the tapper or pedal, the action of which is explained at para- graph 107, and represented in fig. I5. 1 97. The double-needle instrument is simply the single- needle instrument doubled, having two pairs of coils and ment is subject two handles. The electrical action of the two instruments is precisely 229. the same. 1 The faults to which the needle instru- TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. 6l 98. Bells are sometimes used in connection with receiving instruments for the purpose of arresting atten- tion. The alarum or trembleur (the form of bell most used in departmental offices) consists of an electro -magnet, D D, to the armature M of which is connected a flexible steel arm with a small leaden hammer H at its extremity, which, under the influence of a current, strikes the bell E. A steel spring, s, breaks and makes contact with the ad- SECTION C. FIG. 12. ALARUM OR TREMBLING BELL. justable screw F according as the armature is attracted towards the cores or not. The instrument can be short circuited by a plug between A and B. The electrical circuit of the instrument will be at once understood from fig. 12. All that it is necessary to remark upon is the spring s at which contact is made and broken. In its position of repose the armature rests against this ng, but immediately a current passes through the coils the armature is drawn away from the spring towards the core of the electro-magnet. When such occurs, however, it is manifest that the circuit is no longer complete, being broken at s ; and there- Note. The short-circuiting chattering bell is a modifica- tion of this instrument, and is so con- trived that each attraction of the armature short-circuits the battery. The current in the coils being thus shunted, the armature is released, which breaks the shunt circuit, causing re- attraction of the armature under the influ- ence of the current, which now follows the direct cir- cuit of the coils, so that attrac- tion and release continue successively. 62 Ad ! ustment. Efficiency. Single-stroke Bel). Adjustment. Efficiency. Transmitting Apparatus. l The defect to which this spring is MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. fore immediately the current has done its work in causing the attraction of the armature, the circuit is broken ; the magnetism of the soft iron core disappears, and the tongue falls back on the spring s. 1 Immediately it does so, however, the circuit is closed again, and so long as a current is flowing, the above action is repeated, and contacts are alternately made and broken Sect. '" 230. in rapid succession, the bell being struck by the hammer at each attraction of the armature. 99. To adjust the instrument, make the distance between the armature and core as large as possible while yet admitting of its working. Then reduce this distance to one-half by adjusting the screws at c at the back of the armature lever. Then adjust the spring till contact is made at s, and until the best ring of the bell is obtained. The play, and consequently the speed, of the hammer is regulated by the screw F. Further, by turning the bell itself round, a position is found when the ring is most regular and clear. 100. The alarum should exhibit a range of 25. 101. The single-stroke bell, commonly used in railway offices, consists of an ordinary horse-shoe electro- magnet, with a soft iron armature carrying a wire with a hammer at its extremity, so arranged as to strike the inside of the bell at each attraction of the armature under the influence of a current. On the cessation of the current, the armature (like that of a sounder) is drawn back by an antagonistic spring, s. 2 The instrument is provided with a plug, the removal of which breaks the circuit of the coils, and thus throws the bell out of circuit. 102. Its play is adjusted by a screw at the back of the hammer furnished with a jam nut, and the bell is turned round till the best ring is ascertained by experiment. The force of the antagonistic spring is also regulated by an adjusting screw. 103. The bell should give a range of 25. 104. The foregoing remarks on the subject of instru- ments have been confined to those parts of the signalling apparatus which indicate received signals ; in other words, receiving instruments^ whether relays, sounders, recorders, 2 8o > fi g- ? TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. indicators, or bells ; all of which are actuated by the influ- ence of currents on electro-magnets. The transmitting apparatus is far more simple and less varied ; the main object being the contrivance of a simple means of causing a current to flow through a telegraph circuit at given intervals, the duration of which can be so controlled as to indicate the dots and dashes of the Morse alphabet. 105. This is effected by means of the key or handle, the general simple form of which is represented conven- tionally in fig. I3- 1 Line U Copper 175- A B is a continuous brass lever, working vertically on the pivot c, a connection at which keeps the lever always joined to the line ; 7 and 2 represent the points at which the lever makes contact with brass studs (all four contact points being platinum-tipped) fixed to an insulated base-board. The knob at A is also made of insulating material. The spiral spring s, joined to the lever and base-board, keeps the end B of the lever drawn down, so that the key in its position of rest forms a conducting circuit, through contact ^, between the line and the receiving instrument. 2 When A is pressed by the hand, however, contact 2 is 45 broken and 7 is closed, allowing a battery current to flow into the line and work the receiving instrument at the distant end, just so long as A is held down, the antagonistic spring s opening the contact 7 directly the pressure of the hand is withdrawn. Thus dots and dashes are signalled at will. 3 106. It will be observed that the above operation only sends a single current that is to say, a current from the same pole of the battery at each depression of the key, which is all that is desired in the case of non-polarised instruments. 4 4 The case of the needle instrument, however, is different, 180, fig. 5 The faults to. keys art- are described in Sect. E, 232. 6t SECTION C. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. in which signals are formed by opposite deflections of the needle. 1 Fig. n shows how the handle of the needle instrument effects this by reversing the current. In para. 65 it was explained how a reverse current would accelerate the return of the relay tongue to its posi- tion of rest ; in other words, accelerate its force of restitu- tion. In order to do this, a key differing from the simple Morse key represented in fig. 13 is necessary. Keys by which positive and negative currents are sent alternately are called double current or reversing keys. Fig. 14 shows a simple arrangement by which this can be done. 96. The Tapper or Pedal Key. FIG. 14. PLAN OF REVERSING KEY. A and B are springs, both having a tendency to press towards c, a fixed contact. When the handle H is in its position of rest (as in the figure), A makes contact with c. When the handle is de- pressed and contact 1 closed, B presses against c, and H against A ; contact 2 being opened. Supposing the line and battery connections completed as shown by the dotted lines, it is evident from the diagram that when the key is in a position of rest a zinc current flows to line through A ; and that every time the handle is depressed a copper current goes to line (through #). Further, when the key is released again, the current is at once re- versed and a zinc current flows to line (through A). 107. Various forms of reversing keys are employed. Fig. 15 represents that known as the tapper or pedal referred to in para. 96 ; and which, in the newer forms of needle instrument, takes the place of the upright handle. L and E are the terminals of two springs, which in their position of rest press against the upper bar c. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. When either is depressed, it forms metallic contact with the lower bar z. From the diagram it is apparent that when the key is at rest the battery is in open circuit. 1 1 179. XtM When the handle 7 is depressed, a copper current flows to line (zinc to earth) ; and when 2 is depressed a zinc current flows to line (copper to earth). Thus, copper and zinc currents can be sent in rapid succession, and the former may be employed to indicate the dashes, and the latter the dots composing Morse characters, or vice versa. I08. Fig. 1 6 gives a symbolic representation of a con- stant resistance key, joined up for sending a momentary reverse current after each direct current. FIG. 16. CONSTANT RESISTANCE KEY. When the key is at rest, the line is joined to earth, and contact z is closed. The play of contacts z and R is so adjusted, by means of springs, that when the key is depressed R is closed just before z is opened, and z is opened before c is closed ; so an instantaneous zinc current from the battery e precedes and follows each + signal from the battery . 2 109. The above form of key (fig. 16) is commonly used 196. 66 SECTION C. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. as a discharging key, but before describing its action as such, it will be advisable to describe those phenomena observed in telegraph lines and cables known as charge and dis- charge, with a view to explaining why discharging instru- ments are used. Charge : Variable and Permanent State. FIG. 17. PHENOMENA OF 'CHARGE.' Suppose A B to be a telegraph line with its distant end B to earth. At A is a simple key, by pressing which contact 1 causes a current to flow through the line. a, b, are galva- nometers of equal sensitiveness inserted in the line at A and B respectively. When contact 1 is closed a current flows through the line traversing the galvanometers a and b almost simul- taneously. At the instant of contact, however, the galvanometers, though equally sensitive, manifest very different deflections, a being violently deflected to its full extent before b shows any movement at all (see fig. 17). Suppose the key to be still held down, the needle of a will be observed to settle down at a point on the scale rather below its first deflection, while b will deflect more and more till it reaches the point at which a remains steady. * 110. This shows that it takes a certain appreciable time before the current arriving at the distant end of a line attains the same strength which it has when leaving the battery, and that during this time, which is termed the variable state, the strength of current goes on increasing in the more distant portion of the line until it is the same at all points, when it is said to have assumed the permanent state. Supposing 'b (fig. 17) to be a receiving instrument, it is evident that the speed with which it would indicate signals 1 It is supposed here that the insulation of the line is perfect, and that the strength of current is the same at every point through- out its length. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. is very much influenced by the time the line takes to receive a charge. Now the duration of this variable state is in direct pro- portion to the length of the line, which accounts for the fact that the effects of charge, though often imperceptible on short lines, vastly impede rapid signalling on long ones. Any increase of resistance in the line, battery, or earth circuits increases the duration of the variable state, as it impedes the circulation of the current through the line. Leakage has the same effect, by diminishing the potential of the current arriving at the distant end of the line. The extra currents of electro-magnets in circuit also prolong the duration of the variable state. The above impediments to rapid signalling are due to the effects of charge, by which signals not only take an appreciable time to arrive at the distant end of a line, but are formed by an inconstant current increasing in strength until it arrives at its maximum, or even sufficient strength to work the receiving instrument. From this it follows that the first evidence of a signal is weak and undefined, owing to the gradual appearance of the current, under the influence of the charge (or static charge, as it is called) of the wire. III. We have also to consider the effects of discharge, to illustrate which the diagram represented in fig. 17 is here reproduced (fig. 18), with the addition of a second earth SECTION C. FIG. 18. PHENOMENA OF DISCHARGE. connection at the sending end A, which can* be made by closing contact 2 of the key. In the above diagram, suppose the handle 1 to be first depressed so that a current flows from A to , deflecting the F 2 68 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION C. Return Current of Discharge. Induction. Electro-static Induction. The Leyden Jar. galvanometer needles a and b to the right, as shown by the arrows. Let contact 1 now be opened and 2 immediately closed, then the needle of a will be suddenly deflected to the left, showing that the whole of the charge has not passed to earth through />, but that a considerable portion returns through a to earth, by way of contact 2, deflecting the needle in the opposite direction to the charge current as shown by the dotted arrow. The longer and better insulated the line, and the greater the resistance in circuit, the greater will be this discharge current, as all the above circumstances tend to impede the flow of the original or direct current of charge to earth at the further end. 112. It is evident that if another galvanometer were inserted between 2 and the earth, it would be deflected similarly to a by this current of discharge, or return current, as it is appropriately called. Now this is the position that the receiving relay takes in ordinary open circuit (or s] working, 1 so that after each signal sent by the closing of contact 1 a return current flows to earth through 2, causing a momentary beat on the relay. 2 This return current of discharge must not be confounded with the extra current (described in para. 119) which occurs momentarily at each closing and interruption of the battery circuit, and which is due to the inductive effect of the current on itself. 113. Both effects are due to induction, but of different kinds and exhibiting different phenomena. In the former case the line has held a charge by virtue of the properties of electro-static induction. The ' extra current ' in the second case is the result of electro-dynamic induction. 3 114. The phenomena of electro- static induction may be most simply understood from the action of a Leyden jar. 115. Fig. .19 represents a common form of this instru- ment. The glass 1 jar A is coated inside and out to the same height with tin-foil, which is not carried up to the top of the jar, for the better insulation of the coatings from one another. 1 180 and fig. 45. 2 Special instru- ments used to remedy the effects of discharge are explained in 125-132. 118-119. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. In the mouth of the jar is fixed a stopper of dry wood, or any good insulator, which holds a metal rod, the lower end of which is in connection with the inner coating of the jar, and the upper end terminates in a knob B outside. If FIG. 19. THE LEYDEN JAR. the conductor of an electrical machine in action be placed close to , and the outer coating of the jar be connected with the ground, the inner foil will become charged with positive electricity and the outer with negative, sparks pass- ing from the conductor to the jar till the latter is charged : the greater part of the charge thus communicated to the jar will, if the coatings of foil are well insulated from one another, be retained for many days. To discharge the jar a metallic connection is made between the outer foil and the knob ; the opposite electricities which were accumulated on the inner and outer coatings immediately combine with a force infinitely greater than that which charged the jar, as judged by the sparks it emits, or by severe shocks if the body form part of the circuit. After the first discharge, the jar may be found possessed of a residual charge, as evidenced by faint sparks on approaching a conductor from the outer foil to the knob B. The above phenomena prove that the jar is thus capable of receiving and storing up a charge of electricity, and of retaining it for a considerable time. The action which takes place to produce this effect is explained on the principle of static induction, based on the fact that if a conductor, A, connected with the ground, MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION C. be placed near another conductor, B, insulated and charged with electricity (fig. 20), a mutual inductive action takes place, by which the charge of B is greatly increased. FIG. 20. PHENOMENA OF STATIC INDUCTION. The Con- denser. To explain this, suppose B to be positively electrified. Its charge then induces a certain quantity of electricity to the side of A next to B, repelling a corresponding quantity of + electricity from A to the earth. Now suppose B also to be connected with the ground, as shown by the dotted line ; the electricity developed in A reacts upon B, augmenting B'S 4- charge by a certain amount and repelling a corresponding amount of electricity from B to earth. l This reflex action continues indefinitely, causing accu- mulated charges of electricity to be condensed on B. Il6. On this principle condensers are made, and are so termed because they are used to condense or store up electricity. Fig. 21 represents the principle of any form of con- denser. It consists of a number of layers of tin-foil separated from one another by thin sheets of paper saturated with paraffin, or sometimes sheets of mica. These layers of tin-foil are arranged to form two series, A and B, which by induction act in a precisely similar way to the inner and outer coatings of a Leyden jar, 2 or to the plates A and B in fig. 20. The plates of the A series (fig. 21) are joined together ; likewise those of B, but the two series are kept insulated from one another. Thus a + current entering the B series charges these 1 Electricity developed in this manner, by induction, is called Bound, Dissimulated, or Latent, be- cause it exhibits the remarkable property of not passing off, even when the conductor on which it is con- densed is con- nected to earth. Should the other con- ductor be removed, how- ever, the elec- tricity of the first no longer remains bound, but passes away to earth. This latter natural condi- tion of electri- city is called Free. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS : SIGNALLING. plates with electricity of the same kind, inducing in the A plates an equal amount of electricity, and causing a cor- responding amount of + electricity to pass through A to earth. SECTION FIG. 2i. THE CONDENSER. Resemblance Leyden jar or Voltaic or Elec- induction 110 From the above process, which is called condensation of electricity, it is easy to understand how a small charge of electricity from the battery c (fig. 21), communicated to the B series (the A series being to earth), can be accumulated in a condenser, and thus be increased to any extent according to the capacity l of the condenser. The quantity of the charge depends upon the number of cells used in the battery, upon the size of the dielectric sheets, 2 their thinness, and the smoothness of their surface. The use and application of condensers to telegraph work will be explained hereafter. 3 The object of the foregoing remarks has been to explain how, by virtue of electro-static induction, a charge of elec- tricity is communicated to and retained by a Leyden jar or condenser. 4 1 17. Now a telegraph line may be regarded in the light of either : the wire itself playing the part of the inner coat- x j *-' ing of the Leyden jar ; the ground and all connected to it, such as posts, &c., representing the outer coating ; and the air, the dielectric, acting like the glass jar, and admitting of induction between the wire and the earth. 5 Electro-static induction, however, is not the only force at work which affects the transmission of signals along a telegraph wire ; 6 and in order that the important part played also by voltaic or electro-dynamic induction may be ,. J . .... clearly understood, the phenomena resulting therefrom will be briefly described as follows : J , 11-11 n8. A galvanic current sent through a wire has the power of inducing a momentary current in a neighbouring 1 Def. 15. 2 Def. 17. 5 202. 4 The faults condensers liable are described in 231. 5 Bearing this ^indTus 111 obvious that telegraph line the less facility j s offered to induction, and consequently to 'charge.' MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION wire, this action being called induction ; and the mo- _ c ' __, mentary current produced, the induced or secondary current. The battery current is called the inducing or primary current. Suppose the ends of the primary wire A, B (fig. 22) to be joined to a battery and key, and those of the secondary wire a, b joined to a galvanoscope, it will be observed that in making battery contact 7 the primary current will cause a secondary current in the wire #, b, as indicated by a move- ment of the needle ; the deflection, however, only lasts an instant, and the needle at once falls back to zero, this induced current being opposite in direction to the primary current. FIG. 22. PHENOMENA OF VOLTAIC INDUCTION. When the primary circuit is broken^ another momentary deflection is observed in the galvanoscope, this time showing the induced current to be the same in direction as the battery current. The action thus observable in single wires is greatly increased when they are wound in coils. If, when a current is flowing in the primary coil, it be brought nearer to the secondary coil, or if the strength of the primary current be increased, a secondary current will be induced similar in direction to that when contact is made ; and if the reverse be done, a current will be induced in the same direction as would be caused by breaking the primary circuit. These principles will be found detailed among the laws of induced currents, 1 and a knowledge of them is of great i Laws 20-22, importance. App - A - If a magnet take the place of the primary current in the above instances, the same effects of induction will be produced ; TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. and this may be readily understood from Ampere's theory ', that a magnet is simply a solenoid, 1 or rather a bundle of solenoids, i.e. each molecule of a magnetic substance is traversed by a closed electric current. Extra Current. lip. Another phenomenon of induction is that known as an extra current, which is caused by the inductive action of a current on itself. At the moment a current commences to flow through a long coil of an electro-magnet, it induces in it an extra current lasting but an instant, flowing in a reverse direction to that of the battery and opposing it, so that if there were a soft iron core in the coil its magnetisation would be delayed. 2 2 The strength On breaking the battery current, an instantaneous direct curren ts is current is induced, which would therefore tend to delay the ^^^ of demagnetisation of the same core. a soft iron core There are thus two kinds of extra current, viz. the jjj^jjl^ inverse caused by making contact which opposes the battery, App. A. and exists when the magnetism of the iron is increasing and the direct, caused by breaking contact, and which exists when the magnetism is decreasing. Although the E.M.F. of both the extra currents is the same, the effect of the direct (caused by breaking contact) is the more observable, as it acts in the same direction as the battery current which it momentarily increases. The spark observed in relays at the moment contact is broken in the local circuit is an illustra- tion of this fact. 3 5 La w 21, It is thus obvious that the extra current in the coils of App- A electro-magnets tends to increase the variable state, 4 and * no. consequently to diminish the speed of signalling. Extra Current 120. To counteract the retarding effects of extra currents Cotis^eutrai in the coils of electr - ma g nets > the Y are sometimes wound ised by joining parallel instead of in series. 5 5 l62 - them parallel. The effect of ^ j s to cause ^g extra current in the coils to be opposite in direction to one another, and thus they neutralise each other instead of combining, as they do that by joining when the coils are wound in series, to oppose the primary para n e i t h e i r current at its commencement, and to augment and prolong ^^"^ g e ~ it at its Close. 6 App. A), and' Summary of I2 i. Induction is the main cause which diminishes the further, that Cruises iffcct- trie magnetic ing the Speed speed of signalling ; first, by accumulating on the surface force of the ?I) S Srda S : f the Wire a P rtion f the current which W0uld Othe tfon by Electro- wise pass on to form signals ; the quantity accumulated A PP . A). 74 SECTION C. static Induc- tion, ' Charge and Discharge. (&) Magnetic Inertia. (c] Extra Currents. (d) Mechanical Inertia. (e) Residual Magnetism. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. depending upon the length and surface of the wire, 1 upon its proximity to the earth, and upon the insulating medium which separates it from the earth. For this reason the electro-static capacity 2 of cables is much greater than that of land lines i.e. they hold a much greater charge. The greater this electro-static capacity, the less the speed, for it causes the first portion of a sent current to be absorbed or accumulated as shown above, and thus it retards the first appearance of the signal at the distant end. 3 Again at the cessation of the signal, the accumulated charge takes an appreciable time to discharge, and conse- quently each signal is prolonged. 4 Thus ' charge ' produces retardation, and c discharge ' pro- longation. This of course necessitates slower signalling to prevent dots from running one into another. Again, an electro-magnet cannot be magnetised and demagnetised with infinite rapidity. The core takes time to magnetise and to lose its magnetism ; 5 and, moreover, the currents which pass through the coils induce other currents in the same coils which retard their demagnetisa- tion. These extra currents, as they are called, and which are created in the line as well as in the coils of electro- magnets, 6 influence speed by retarding the commencement of a signal and delaying its termination, and their strength is proportional to the number of turns of wire in the electro- magnet, as well as to the mass of iron in the core. The sensitiveness of receiving instruments is an important point affecting the speed of signalling, and the play of the armatures of electro-magnets should for this reason be made as small as possible. Further, the cores of the electro- magnets should be made of the purest iron possible, in order to allow of their be- coming demagnetised immediately on the cessation of the current. 7 The two last-mentioned causes affecting speed, viz. me- chanical inertia and residual magnetism, do not present the obstacles to rapid signalling which the effects of induction do, to remedy which it is necessary to overcome the retard- ing and prolonging effects of charge and discharge respec- 1 Law 12, and 114-117. Def. 15. 109 and in and 5 Defs. 44 and 48. 119. 7 Defs. 43 and 44- TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS : SIGNALLING. tively, and to counteract the influence of extra currents ; in the first case by discharging the line as rapidly as possible, and in the second by annihilating the effects of extra cur- rents by counter extra currents more powerful than those from the line. 122. The latter object is fulfilled by the electro- magnetic shunt, which consists of a soft iron core in the shape of a horse-shoe, wound with insulated wire, the ends of which are connected to the two terminals of the receiving relay x, as represented in fig. 23. 75 FIG. 23. RELAY WITH E.M. SHUNT.! From what has been said of extra currents, it will be understood that a momentary extra current of demagnetisa- tion will be formed in the coils of the relay and shunt, in the direction shown by the dotted arrows, at the termination of each signal received. 2 It has also been shown that the strength of the extra currents formed in electro-magnets depends upon the number of turns of wire and the mass of iron in the core, so that it is quite possible to construct the E.M. shunt s so that its extra current shall be equal to or greater than that passing through R. It will be observed, by reference to the dotted arrows in the figure, that the extra current of s opposes that of R at the point E ; and if the two ' currents be equal in strength, that of s will exactly counteract and neutralise that of R. If, then, the magneto-inductive capacity of the shunt be greater than that of the relay (as it is made in practice), the stronger extra current of s will not only counteract that of R, 1 To increase the inductive effect of the core, the two extremities of the horse-shoe are joined by a fixed armature. 2 119 and 121 (c). 7 6 SECTION C. Results of the E.M. Shunt. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. but overcome it, and will tend to press the tongue against the insulated stud A, as represented in the figure ; prevent- ing its being attracted to M, as it otherwise would be under the direct influence of the extra current produced by the inductive action of the working current on itself. Again, looking at the dotted arrows in the figure, it will be observed that the resultant extra current from the shunt i.e. what remains after neutralising the opposite extra cur- rent of the relay flows from E to L in the opposite direction to the working current, thus supplying the relay with a momentary force of restitution, which tends to draw the tongue immediately back to the rest stop A. 1 Thus, the E.M. shunt performs a second and important function in counteracting the prolonging effects of discharge, 2 by exerting a contrary force on the tongue and drawing it back to its rest stop A at the termination of each received signal. It must be distinctly remembered, however, that the E.M. shunt takes no part in discharging the line. This is effected on a different principle altogether by discharging instruments, which are explained in paras. 1 2 5-1 3 2. 3 From what has been said in the foregoing paragraphs with regard to the action of the shunt at the termination of each signal, its action at the commencement of each signal will be readily understood. The extra currents will be in the opposite direction to that shown in the figure, and the superior extra current of the shunt will tend to draw the tongue over to its working contact M t aiding the working force, preventing retardation, thus rendering the commencement of signals sharp, and acting in the contrary direction to the ' charge ' current of the line. 4 123. The shunt thus fulfils the following important objects : (1) At the commencement of each received signal, it pro- duces an extra current in the same direction as, and adding to the force of the initial working current through the coils of the relay. (2) At the termination of every received signal, it pro- duces an extra current in the opposite direction to the work- ing current, the effect of which is to hasten the return of the tongue to A, thus remedying the defect of Siemens relay, to which reference has been made. 5 61-63. 2 III, 112, and 121 (a). 3 Observe that shunts are applied in the Receiving Circuit, and discharging instruments in the Sending Circuit. 4 109, no, and 121 (a). 5 61-63. Efficiency. Discharging Arrangements. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. (3) As its extra current acts in the reverse direction to the charge and discharge of the line, it sharpens received signals by checking the retarding effects of ' charge ' at the commencement and the prolonging effects of ' discharge ' at the end of each signal. 1 The resistance of the shunt should be equal to that of the relay with which it is joined. On the principle of shunts or derived circuits, 2 it is reasonable to conclude that half the working .current will be diverted from the relay through the shunt circuit of equal resistance ; and this is right so far as the permanent current is concerned. It is necessary, however, to bear in mind the action of the extra current of the shunt at the commence- ment of each received signal, which, traversing the coils of the relay in the same direction as the working current, adds to its strength just at the moment when its force is required to draw the tongue over from the rest stop to the working contact ; this done, the strength of the working current in the relay coils, although reduced by the derived circuit of the shunt, is sufficient to hold the tongue over against the rest stop, when it is once there, until the cessation of the signal. 124. As the object of the shunt is to produce an extra current, its efficiency is tested by the extra current produced in its coils by the minimum working current. The E.M. shunt, when joined up with a relay of the same resistance as its own, should give a flick with a current of three milli- oerstedts. 3 125. In paras. 109-112 it was explained how telegraph lines become electro-statically charged by the battery cur- rent ; and how, after the release of the front contact ( g r opposite to one another, one on each arm, at the end nearest SECTION the equator l (i.e. near the bend of the horse-shoe), between _ Ct . which projections a polarised tongue plays ; 2 the electro- i Def. 39. magnet is so wound that these projections, under the in- 2 The tongue fluence of a current in the coils, form consecutive poles, each as?ong Sed ^ being of opposite polarity to the outer extremity of its own permanent arm of the horse-shoe ; and being so much nearer the neutral line, the magnetism of these projections is much Siemens weaker than that of the extremities. 6^ elay ' 59> The process of demagnetisation which takes place at the cessation of each signal, momentarily reverses the polarity of the soft iron projections, by reason of the residual mag- netism in the extremities, which is not only stronger and opposite in kind, but, owing to the greater distance between the outer poles, does not disappear so rapidly as the mag- netism of the projections ; the result being that the tongue is assisted back to its position of rest by this temporary reversal of the magnetism of the projections ; speed of signals is gained by the force of restitution thus supplied, and the range of the instrument is made very large by the prevention of the necessity for re-adjustment, the residual magnetism of the core being in proportion to the strength of the working current. 3 5 j n t hi s This same property, which, in the case of the receiver, is ^eskJuai ma* applied to the important purpose of accelerating the force of netism supplies restitution, is made use of in the discharger in the following tut^instead 1 ' manner, for the purpose of connecting the line momentarily of being a to earth at the end of each sent signal. pediment to" The circuit will be understood from the following figure, s P eed ( 6 s)- which also explains the mode of connecting up the instru- ment. The 132. The discharging part of the arrangement, z>, is pre- scharger. c i se ly the same in form as the receiver, /?, 4 but the position 4 in fact the of the tongue between the soft iron projections is so adjusted anT^are D that a current flowing through the coils of the discharger, in pivoted on the the direction of the arrow, presses the tongue harder against its rest stop, p. When the current ceases, however, the momentary re- versal of the polarity of the projections between which the tongue lies, as described in the foregoing paragraph, causes the tongue to fly across to the contact ^, but the magnetic force which causes this action being only momentary, the G 82 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION tongue returns again immediately to/, by virtue of the bias , ^ , it is originally given against that stop. Siemens' Lightning Discharger. > To line. FIG. 26. THE D'ARLINCOURT ARRANGEMENT.! 1 In this diagram the Sounder and Local Circuit of the Receiv- ing Relay R are omitted for clearness" sake Examining the figure, it will be observed that every time the key K is depressed, the tongue of s, which is an ordinary Siemens relay of low resistance, joined in the circuit of the line battery, is attracted to the working contact JF, and the circuit of the local battery is closed through the coils of the discharger, the tongue of which is thus kept pressed against/. The moment contact 1 of the key is opened, the tongue of the discharger makes an instantaneous contact with q, as explained above, thus connecting the line for an instant direct to earth through A", the discharger tongue, and contact q ; by this means effecting the discharge of the line. 133. It is most essential that an efficient means be pro- vided of discharging the line of lightning, which, owing to its high potential, is a source of great danger to instruments; demagnetising or reversing the polarity of magnets, fusing the coils of electro-magnets, and rupturing their insulating covering (or dielectric") 2 in rinding for itself a speedy path to 2 Def. 17. the ground. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. This property of high potential, causing it to leave a metallic circuit for a more direct passage to earth through air a property not exhibited by a galvanic current is taken advantage of in the various forms of apparatus devised for discharging lightning. Siemens plate discharger is the departmental form, as represented in fig. 27. i: FIG. 27. SIEMENS' LIGHTNING DISCHARGER (FOR A SINGLE LINE). Efficiency. Switches or Commutators. Fig. 47, 182. It consists of two brass plates, one placed upon the other, but kept from touching one another by very thin ebonite washers, w^ w, w^ w. The upper plate, L, is joined l in the circuit of the line outside the instrument, and the lower, E, is connected to earth, so that in the case of lightning it is discharged direct to earth, passing in a spark from L to , instead of traversing the metallic circuit of the instrument. The inner surfaces of the plates are grooved, at right angles to one another, on the principle that points facilitate discharge. 134. The efficiency of the lightning discharger is proved by the perfect conduction of each plate between its terminal screws, s, s, and by absolute insulation between the plates themselves. 2 135. In order to make such changes in circuits as may be found necessary, without the inconvenience of taking off charger is wires or otherwise interfering with fixed connections, switches or commutators are used, whereby this opera- tion is performed simply by the insertion or withdrawal of metallic plugs or screws. 136. The form most commonly used is that known as the S.T.D. switch, represented in fig. 28. G 2 2 The faults to Dis bed h Sect E, 233. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION C. z, z>, s, T are brass blocks insulated from one another by a circular wooden or ebonite base-board, but connected, when necessary, by means of plugs inserted in the circular apertures between them. FIG. 28. S.T.D. SWITCH. The chief use of this switch is for joining lines either direct, or in translation, or for open circuit working. The method of connecting it up for these purposes is shown in figs. 47 and 48.* L is joined to line. s instrument. D D of neighbouring switch. T T instrument. 137. A more complicated form of switch, known as the P. switch, is specially designed for connecting lines and 183. 182 and "\2bT.efSutMJZanil Sounder , --------- -jr ------ >- j- ------- _ ------- >. Jfclay fiattery ToKof JtigTit May^ \To. ofleftjlelay FIG. 29. P. SWITCH. instruments for parallel working, 2 admitting also of the same changes of connections as are effected by the S.T.D. switch described in the foregoing paragraph. 186, Lever Switch. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. The terminals are connected up as shown by the dotted lines in fig. 29, 1 and plugs are inserted for working the various circuits as follows : In D for D working (paragraph 185) ; In s, s, E s ( 180) ; In r, T, E T ( 183) ; In s, s, P, P P ( 186) ; In s, s, z, z A ( 187) ; In E, z connecting either line with earth direct. By withdrawing plugs, either or both lines can be in- sulated. 138. Another form of switch is that shown in the fol- lowing figure. See also fig. 51, 187. PLu.y FIG. 30. CURRENT REVERSER. This switch can be used for various purposes, 2 but is generally employed for changing the poles of the battery. Its connections, when used for this object, are repre- sented in fig. 71, para. 293. Supposing the terminals c and z to be joined to the copper and zinc poles of a battery respectively, and L and E to line and earth as shown by the dotted lines in fig. 30, then it is evident that when plugs are inserted in 1 and 2 a copper current is sent to line, and the zinc of the battery is joined to earth. But by changing the plugs to 3 and 4 the current is reversed, zinc being to line, and copper to earth. 139. The same object is effected by the lever switch, which is represented in fig. 31, this form of switch being sometimes met with as a fixture on the base-board of the 2 In offices into which only two lines are led, this instru- ment is used as a line commu- tator ( 140). 5 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION Wheatstone's bridge or other apparatus, nothing being . c ' ^ visible of it except the handle H and the two stops s, s between which it plays. FIG. 31. LEVER SWITCH OR BATTERY REVERSEK. It will be observed that the terminals correspond with those of the current reverser described in the last paragraph, and are similarly joined up. With the handle turned to the right, as shown in the above figure, copper is joined to line, and zinc to earth, by means of the steel springs -7, 2, 3, 4, which press on two semicircular pieces of metal, a and b, which are fixed to the axis of the handle, being insulated by the ebonite ring R> and separated from one another. When the handle is turned to the left, the springs 2 and 3 press on ft, and 1 and 4 on a, so that copper is then joined to earth, and zinc to line, and the current is thus reversed. The 140. Where the number of lines and instruments in an Commutator. o ffi ce exceeds two, the bar switch or commutator is used. It consists of two sets of brass bars fixed at right angles to one another, as shown in fig. 32, the upper set being insulated from the lower. There are, however, holes in all the bars, upper and lower, corresponding with one another so that any one upper bar can be connected to any one lower bar by means of a brass screw. Fig. 32 represents a commutator for four lines. The L terminals of the upper series are all joined to the i Through lines, 1 and the j terminals of the lower series to the instru- *? Lightning . . . Dischargers 'ments : thus any line can be joined to any instrument, or ( 182). TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: SIGNALLING. to the spare bar T (for testing purposes), or direct to earth, or looped together direct or through a galvanoscope. SECTION C. The Battery Commutator. Connecting Screw. FIG. 32. THE COMMUTATOR. 141. On the same principle, and with a slight modifica- tion in the number of upper and lower bars to meet the requirements of the case (the lower bars s, T\, s 1 , E being dispensed with), a similar instrument is used as a battery commutator, enabling the number of cells in any battery to be increased by the insertion of plugs in the commutator. For suppose the terminal T (fig. 32) to be joined to earth, and the zinc pole of a line battery to be joined to j l so that it can be connected with earth by means of a screw in the hole marked 1 ; then, suppose a spare battery to be joined up with its zinc pole to J IH and its copper pole to L 19 it is evident that by taking out the screw from 1 and in- serting it at 3, earth will be taken off the line battery and put on to the zinc pole of the spare battery ; and by insert- ing a second screw in 2, the line battery zinc will be con- nected to the spare battery copper, and thus the strength of the latter battery will be added to the former. 38 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. In this way a commutator may be made to provide for any number of line and spare batteries ; a lower bar being reserved for the copper pole of each spare battery and one for the earth ; and an upper bar for the zinc pole of each battery both line and spare. l The faults to _ J ... . , . . .. which Switches It will be observed that the spare batteries can be joined and Commu- up in series with one another in the same way that the spare ^dls^ribedtn is added to the line battery as described above. 1 Sect. E, 234. 8 9 PART II. TESTING INSTRUMENTS. The Galvanoscope. 142. Electric currents may be discerned in various ways ; the most practically convenient of these being the effect produced on a magnetised needle. To indicate the presence of an electric current by this means, instruments called galvanoscopes or galvano- meters are used ; the principle of which has been already explained under the head of electro-magnetism. 1 Fig. 33 represents the form of galvanoscope inserted in the line circuit 2 to indicate whether a current is passing. Galvano- meters. FIG. 33. GALVANOSCOPE. It consists of a hollow coil of insulated wire containing a small magnetic needle, rather more than half an inch in length, supported horizontally on a small steel pivot. A paper pointer or indicator is fixed on the centre of the needle at right angles to its length, the movements of which, under the influence of the current, are limited by the copper stops s, s, so that, besides affording a means of observing whether a current is passing, short and long beats can be distinguished from one another, and passing signals can thus be read. If instead of limiting the deflections of this instrument it were provided with a scale, whereby the extent of its deflections could be measured, it would be called a gal- vanometer. 143. There are many forms of galvanometers, varying in Si-SS- 185. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION C. Aids and Obstacles to Sensitiveness. sensitiveness and in their mode of construction to suit special requirements. 144. Sensitiveness, that is, the readiness with which the needle moves under the influence of a current, is gained in various ways. First, by multiplying the number of convolutions or coils of insulated wire around the needle as explained in para. 54. It must be remembered, however, that a point is arrived at when an increase of the number of convolutions does not increase the deflections in a corresponding ratio, because each layer of coils has to be wound at a greater distance from the needle than the layer next inside it, and thus the effect of the current on the needle becomes less according as the coils are further off, until it is so reduced as to render the addition of convolutions an obstacle (owing to the increased resistance they introduce) rather than a gain to sensitiveness. Second^ by using as small a needle as possible so that it may not be deflected out of the influence of the coils, 1 and yet it should be so long that its poles are sufficiently far apart to be unaffected by one another. Third) by making the hollow space inside the coil, in which the needle is placed, as small as possible, so that the convolutions shall be as near to the needle as practicable, and thus exert the greatest possible influence upon it. 2 Fourth) by causing the needle to move with as little friction as possible about its support. 3 Fifth) by making the needle as light as possible with the above object, and yet making it, or its indicator, so long that the smallest deflection of the needle may be clearly indicated on the scale. 4 Sixth) by rendering the needle as insensible as possible to the effect of terrestrial magnetism ; either by the use of directive magnets, 5 or by weakly magnetising the galvano- meter needle. The magnetism of the needle must, however, be sufficiently strong to return to the magnetic meridian on the cessation of the current in the coils. 6 Seventh) by the use of an astatic pair of needles with the same object. 7 Terrestrial magnetism must, however, be allowed to exert sufficient force to bring the astatic pair back to zero against the friction of the suspension of the needles. 1 Observed in all delicate gal- vanometers, the Sine galva- nometer ex- cepted, in which special arrangements are devised for keeping the needle under the influence of the coils ( ISO). 2 Specially observed in Thomson's Reflecting Gal- vanometer and all delicate galvanometers of high resist- ance. 3 Generally effected by the use of a fine silk or hair fibre, free of torsion. 4 Carried out to perfection in the Thomson Galvanometer, in which the needle and mirror together weigh only i grain, and the indicator, which is a weightless ray of light, is 6 feet in length (i.e. twice the distance be- tween the mir- ror and scale), causing a large traverse on the scale for a fa ; nt deflection of the needle ( 156). 5 See note * next page. 6 See note f next page. 7 See note J next page. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: TESTING. g r Simple form of 145. The foregoing remarks will explain how the in- SECTION Galvanometer. strument described in para. 142 may be converted into a , _ ^ _ , galvanometer of required sensitiveness by being furnished * Directive with an accurately graduated scale (the movable stops s. s ma ^ ets . either ,x , . . -I, fixed or sepa- bemg removed) ; by containing a suitable number of con- rate, are gene- volutions of wire in its coils, according to the measurements to be taken ; by delicate suspension of the needle, whose nometers, the weight and size are reduced to adequate limits ; and by JJg ^ced suitable protection from the gravitating influence of terres- towards the trial magnetism. SSfSfthua Calibration. 146. With regard to the scale from which the angle opposing and of deviation of the needle is read off, it is to be remarked influence of tha that the same current does not necessarily cause the same ea rth's mag- ,.,.*, netism on the number of degrees deflection to be indicated on the scale, galvanometer. even of galvanometers of the same description, owing to t And vice the difference in sensitiveness which must exist in various netiic fidd muf t instruments. be sufficiently It is necessary, then, to find by actual experiment the deflection each galvanometer indicates under the influence come to re st _,,,.-,, , , . with a limited of the same E.M.F. through the same resistance. number of The Calibrated 147. On this principle the instrument, departmentally vibrations. Galvanoscope. knQwn ^ the calibrated galvailOSCOpe, is Constructed. I ^ 32, and It consists of a coil of insulated wire, less than i ohm in resistance, so wound as to leave a hollow space inside the coil slightly over 3 inches in length. In this is pivoted a magnetised needle 3 inches long, the ends of which support a light brass circular ring, marked in divisions of 5 each. It is observed by experiment through what resistance, in each case, the needle deflects to these various divisions respectively, under the influence of a current of a single Minotti element, the E.M.F. of which has been shown to be a constant quantity, equal in value to about i volt. l i Def. 7, and The various resistances introduced to produce corre- 3 1 - spending deflections are noted on a card, and afford a means of determining the approximate value of any unknown re- sistance (between the limits tabulated on the card) placed in the circuit of the instrument and a Minotti cell, according to the deflection produced ; a deflection of or near 15, for example, representing the inserted resistance as being about the same as that noted on the card opposite the deflection r o 2 2 It is pre- 01 1 5 sumed that the Efficiency. Sources of Inaccuracy in Galvano- meters. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. As in this instrument the scale moves with the needle, it is necessary that some fixed object should indicate its de- flections. This is effected by means of a line scratched on a small circular piece of glass let into the cover of the instru- ment, through which a portion of the scale is visible, so that the division immediately under the scratch or near it can be read off. 148. The performance of the instrument is best checked by its agreement with that noted on the card referred to above, which always accompanies the instrument. On this is also noted the number of oscillations made by the needle before coming to rest (never less than 60), also the number made in two minutes (generally about 35). 149. Now in the simple form of galvanometer described in principle, in para. 145, when the needle is deflected, under the influence of a current, it is clear that the greater the angle of deflection the further the poles of the needle are removed from the influence of the coils. On this account, the deflections observed in such gal- vanometers are not to be relied upon as being proportional to the current when they exceed 20. FIG. 34 . The disparity between the Sine and the Arc will be apparent from the following : Supposing the circle A B C to represent the graduated scale of a galvanometer, and D B the needle, pivoted at the centre D (B indicating zero) ; the sine of 20 is represented by the portion of the radius D E ; and the sine of any other angle would be found by letting fall a perpendicular from the arc to the radius from the number of degrees indicating the angle on the arc, B C, which can be graduated into ninety equal divisions of i each. By letting fall perpendiculars from any number of degrees up to 20, it will be observed that the arc and sine agree nearly ; but when the deflec- tion extends to multiples of 20, the values of the sines are not multiplied in the same ratio, but diminish towards 90, E F being less than D E, F G than E F, and GH than F G. (See Table of Sines, App. B. ) Again, the directive forcQ of the earth's magnetism, which tends to bring the needle to rest in the magnetic meridian, horizontal magnetic in- tensity of the testing station and that of the station where the instrument was calibrated, i.e. where the table was framed on the result of ex- periments, sufficiently agree (as they do all over India) to render the readings com- parable. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: TESTING. is proportional to the sine of the angle of deflection of the needle, and not to the angle itself. l Now between o and 20 the degrees on the arc of a i For proof circle are fairly proportional to their sines. Above that of thi . s se ? point, however, the sines differ considerably from the App. B. degrees as they increase towards 90. For this reason, also, deflections above 20 cannot be taken to represent the relative strength of the currents which produce the deflections. The sine ISO. To meet these difficulties the sine galvanometer Galvanometer, wag d ev i se d ? w hich consists of a circular coil of insulated wire (of high or low resistance according to the purpose for which it is required) in which a magnetised needle is deli- cately suspended ; the coil is made movable in a horizontal plane, so that it can be turned after the needle and kept parallel with it, thus always exerting its full force upon it in any position. To effect this the needle is surrounded by a circular graduated scale, the scale and coil revolving together ; out- side this scale is a similar but fixed scale, forming part of the stand of the instrument. When the galvanometer is used the coil is placed in the magnetic meridian so that the needle points to zero of the inner scale, which is so placed with reference to the outer scale that the zero points of both coincide. When a current is sent through the coil, the needle is deflected out of the magnetic meridian. The coil is then turned after the needle until the zero point on the inner scale and the needle again coincide. The number of degrees through which the coil is turned, and which obviously re- present the angle through which the needle was deviated out of the magnetic meridian, is thus indicated on the outer fixed scale. When the needle is thus deflected, the directive force of the earth's magnetism tending to draw it back to the mag- netic meridian is proportional to the sine of this angle of deflection as stated in para. i49; 2 and the force of the 2 Solution IX. current on the needle being exerted in a direction perpen- App * B> dicular to the plane of the coil, 3 it is evident that the 3 Solution VIII. strengths of currents measured by the sine galva- App - a nometer are proportional to the sines of the angles through which the coil is moved after the needle. 94 The Tangent Galvanometer. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. 151. The tangent galvanometer also provides against the inaccuracies referred to in para. 149. The arrangement for rendering the effect of the current on the needle constant in any position of the needle is simpler than that of the sine galvanometer, this being ef- fected in the tangent galvanometer by the use of a very small needle as compared with the diameter of the coil, so that the electro-magnetic effect of the current on the needle is practically the same, whatever position the latter may take. The instrument consists of a coil of very thick insulated wire, or sometimes a simple ring of copper, in the centre of which the needle is suspended. The length of the needle should not exceed ^ the diameter of the coil. A long fine indicator of aluminium is fixed to the centre of the needle at right angles to it, by which the deflections are read on a circular graduated scale, the indicator point- ing to zero of the scale when the coil is placed in the mag- netic meridian, as it is when used. The current passing through the coil is pro- portional to the tangent of the angle of deflec- tion. 1 This is the principle of the tangent galvanometer. Owing to its accuracy this form of instrument is much used for electrical measurements. The greater distance of its coils from the needle renders it less delicate than the sine galvanometer, but, on the other hand, admits of a gain in sensitiveness by increasing the number of convolutions in the coil, the increased distance of the outer convolutions from the needle relatively to the inner being slight ; and the wire being thick, a considerable number of convolutions may be wound without sensibly increasing its resistance. 2 It was shown in treating of the sine galvanometer 3 that the value of sines decreases as the number of degrees of the angle increases. With tangents, however, the reverse is the case, as may be proved by drawing a tangent, A B, i.e. a line perpendicular to any radius, DC, of a circle (fig. 35) : calling the point c (at which the tangent touches the circle) zero ; and supposing the arc to be graduated from zero (o) to 90, a line drawn from the centre of the circle through any degree of the arc till it touches the tangent represents the tangent of that 1 For proof see Solution VIII. App. B. 2 144- 5 i49~ TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: TESTING. angle : thus c E represents the tangent of 20, E F of 40, FG of 60. Now it will be observed that though c E and E F are fairly equal, F G is considerably greater than E F ; and for higher angles the tangent will be found to increase in an 95 FIG. 35. PRINCIPLE OF TANGENT GALVANOMETER. Departmental Tangent Galvanometer. enormous ratio, up to 90 (the tangent of which is infinity), a line drawn through which from the centre would be parallel to the tangent A B, and thus never meet it at all. This great difference between the arc and its tangent is observed in angles over 45, on which account observations are likely to be more accurate when the deflections do not exceed 45, for, as will be seen from the figure, the difference of a degree or two on the scale is a small matter, but the error is much exaggerated on the tangent of the higher angles. 1 For the same reason, accuracy in reading off the deflec- tions on the scale is of the greatest importance. In comparing the strengths of currents with this instru- ment, the deflections are noted, the value of the tangents of the angles of deflection being taken from a table of natural tangents and substituted for the angles themselves. 152. On the above principle the departmental tan- gent galvanometer is constructed, which contains two coils, one of thick wire, measuring about i ohm in resistance, the other of thinner wire measuring about 100 ohms. The length of the needle is ^ the diameter of the coils. To render the instrument complete for the measurement of electromotive forces and resistances it is furnished with resistance coils ; two, measuring 20 and 200 ohms respec- tively, being inserted in the circuit of the thick coil ; and resistances of 1,000 and 2,000 ohms each are added to the circuit of the thin coil. 2 1 The tangents, of angles from q to 45 only vary between o and i ; but between i and OO for angles between 45 and 90. See Table of Natu- ral Tangents, App. B. 260, 261. 9 6 SECTION C. , , Efficiency. Astatic Galvanometer. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. By means of plugs, either coil can be cut off or placed in circuit ; the same with the fixed resistances. 153- ( J ) Tne electrical efficiency of the instrument is proved by the agreement of the resistance of the various coils with the values marked on the instrument. (2) The mechanical efficiency, by the number of oscilla- tions the needle makes before coming to rest, and by its accurate return to zero. The number of complete oscillations or vibrations should not be less than I5. 1 (3) The magnetic efficiency, by the number of oscilla- tions of the needle in a given time, under the influence of the earth's magnetism alone. It should perform not less than 7 oscillations in 10 seconds. (4) The sensitiveness of the galvanometer is proved by the extent of the deflections of the needle under the in- fluence of the E.M.F. of the standard cell through various resistances. The deflections should be not less than 5 through thin coil and 2,000 ohms. 10 1,000 55 C thick nil. 200 ohms. 2 154. From the descriptions of the various forms of gal- vanometer already referred to, 3 it will have been observed that one source of unsensitiveness, common to all, is the directive action of the earth's magnetism, which in causing the needle to take up its position in the magnetic meridian, opposes its deflection under the influence of a current. The astatic galvanometer provides a remedy for this by the use of an 'astatic pair ' of needles. 4 Two magnetic needles almost** equal in strength are connected, one above the other, by a light vertical shaft of aluminium, with their poles reversed ; i.e. the north pole of the upper is over the south pole of the lower, and vice versa, so that the attractive force of the earth's magnetism on one pole is counteracted by its repulsive force on the other. 6 The pair thus fixed is delicately suspended, so that the lower needle is inside the coil and the upper one just above it. 1 Dcf. 50. 2 Resistance of cell presumed to be 20 ohms. In the three prior cases the resistance of the cell is im- material. 3 142-153- 4 Def. 32. 5 If the needles were equally magnetised, then the earth's magnetism would have no directive force at all, and the pair would not return to zero, but would re- main in any position. 6 Law 23, App. A. Efficiency. Thomson's Reflecting Galvanometer. 1 Law 13, A pp. A, and S3- Def. 50. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS : TESTING. Remembering Ampere's law, 1 it is evident that a current passing through the coil causes both the upper and the lower needle to deflect in the same direction, so that the effect is double what it would be on a single needle ; and further, the astatic principle on which the needles are joined with reversed poles, almost nullifying the impeding effects of terrestrial magnetism renders them free to move with the weakest currents. To add further to the sensitiveness of the instrument the coils can be wound with as many convolutions as necessary, and should be close to the needle. The astatic principle can be applied to various forms of galvanometers. 155. The astatic condition of the pair of needles is measured by the time it occupies in making an oscillation across the magnetic meridian. From five to ten seconds is a fair time for one vibration. 2 156. In para. 144 it was explained how sensitiveness was gained by the use of a long indicator, the extremity of which would move through a considerable space on the scale for a small deflection of the needle, and which would effect a further advantage in admitting of larger divisions of the scale, thus rendering readings more accurate. There is, however, this disadvantage in increasing the length of the indicators hitherto described, that their weight is increased according to their length, and an obstacle to sensitiveness is thus introduced. In Thomson's reflecting galvanometer the advan- tage is gained without the disadvantage attending it, by the use of a ray of light as the indicator. 3 The needle itself, which is a piece of magnetised watch spring | of an inch in length, fixed to a small circular con- cave mirror, the whole weighing only i^ grain, is delicately suspended in a coil of fine wire, the resistance of which is generally about 2,000 units or more, the coil being very close round the needle, which is so small as to be always under the influence of the coil in any position. 4 The needle is generally made astatic, and the instrument and seventh is provided with a directing magnet, a glass case for prevent- ing any disturbing effect of the air on the needle, and adjust- able feet for levelling the stand. It is thus extremely sensitive and capable of responding 97 3 144, fifth clause (note). 4 144, sixth id seve clauses. 9 8 Shunts. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. to the weakest currents, and is consequently adapted for the measurement of very high resistances. For observing the deflections of the needle, a horizontal scale on a wooden stand is placed in front of the galvano- meter at a convenient distance, found by experiment, gene- rally about three feet from it. Below the zero point of the scale, which is at its centre, a vertical slit is cut containing a fine wire drawn down the middle of the slit. A lamp is placed behind this so as to shine through the slit on to the mirror of the galvanometer, which reflects back on to the scale a spot of light containing the image of the wire. The instrument is adjusted so that when the needle is at rest this image is upon the zero point of the scale. A current through the coils deflects the needle and mirror, causing a slight movement of the former to be indi- cated by a readable deflection of the image on the scale. As the ray of light moves through an angle double that of the deflection of the needle, it is thus an indicator of about six feet, i.e. twice the length between the mirror and scale. In taking measurements with this form of galvanometer, it is customary to consider the strength of currents as pro- portional to the angle of deflection of the needle ; which is true when the deflections on the scale do not exceed 5, for within this limit the values of tangents vary almost equally with their angles ; and from the above description of the in- strument, it will be seen that the principle of the tangent galvanometer enters into the construction of the Thomson, which contains a small needle in a large coil ; but as a de- flection of i of the needle moves the image more than one inch on the scale when the mirror and scale are three feet apart (so that no reading of the scale can represent a deflec- tion of more than 10 with this instrument), the readings may be accepted as indicating the strength of the current with sufficient accuracy. The deflections of this instrument can be controlled within small limits by means of shunts specially prepared for each instrument. 1 i The faults to 157. When a current passing through the coils of a gal- nomete^fa^e" vanometer produces too large a deflection for observation or liable are for accuracy, the terminals of the instrument are connected sec^ G 235. by means of wire, which forms a shunt or derived circuit, 2 2 De f s . 2I> 22 . TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: TESTING. the resistance of which bears a known proportion to that of the galvanometer, so that only a fraction of the current passes through the coils to deflect the needle, the rest being led through the derived path of the shunt. 1 ' 9 n . the same Resistance of 158. The relative strength of the current in the galvano- derived circuits meter and shunt circuits depends entirely upon their respec- the terminals of tive resistance according to the law of derived circuits. 2 in the local If, for example, their resistances were equal, half the current would go through the galvanometer and half through shunted with a the shunt wire of high re- tne SHUnt. sistance, which In practice it is found necessary to make the resistance forms a path of the shunt a small proportion of that of the galvanometer, current o?de- so as to admit of a large portion of the current being diverted magnetisation by the shunt circuit of low resistance, the small portion tra- sec. c"and versing the coils being sufficient (owing to the effect of con- l e spf"* at the relay con- volutions; 3 to deflect the needle. tact is pre- It is customary to provide sensitive high resistance vented - galvanometers with shunts containing three coils marked -J, AmT^'and -^, and ^, implying that their respective resistances bear Solution I, these proportions to that of the galvanometer ; or, in other * P J words, that they reduce the deflections of the galvanometer I4 ^. s ' by TO> TW and nroo- respectively ; so that in taking a measurement with the galvanometer when it is shunted with the shunt, the value of the deflection must be multiplied by 10 ; with the ^ shunt by 100 ; and with the -gfa shunt by 1,000. Thus, the multiplying powers of these shunts are 10, 100, and 1,000 respectively. In the first case 9 tenths of the current flow through the shunt and i tenth through the galvanometer. In the second, 99 hundredths flow through the shunt and i hundredth through the galvanometer : and in the third, 999 thousandths flow through the shunt and i thousandth through the gal- vanometer ; in each case the resistance of the shunt being Resistance of galvanometer Multiplying power of shunt i, Or o = - * For proof of n ~1 this formula Where S = resistance of shunt : see Solution v. A PP . B. ,, G = galvanometer ; n = multiplying power of shunt. H 2 100 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION C. "- r Multiplying Power of Shunt. Resistance Coils. 159. By the following formula the multiplying power of any shunt whose resistance and that of the galvanometer are known, may be found : 1 60. It has been already shown 1 that electromotive force is that property of the current which enables it to over- come resistance ; and Ohm's law 2 establishes the fact that the strength of the current, i.e. the property by which it de- flects galvanometer needles, &c., 3 is directly proportional to ts E.M.F., and inversely proportional to its resistance. Thus, the property of resistance affords a convenient means of uniformly controlling the visible effects of the cur- rent ; for example, the current of one Minotti cell through a Thomson's galvanometer with a resistance of 1,000 units in circuit will cause a certain deflection ; by doubling the re- sistance in circuit the deflection will be halved, and so on. 4 And conversely, if in the second case an unknown resist- ance had been inserted, resulting in the deflection being halved, its value would be at once known to be double that which was in circuit in the first case. For measurement and comparison various standards or units of resistance have been decided upon, the unit most generally adopted being the ohm or B.A. unit. 5 * For proof see Solution IV. App. B. 1 Def. 5. 2 Law i, App. A. 3 Def. i. 4 A Thomson's Galvanometer is mentioned for simplicity, the deflections being con- sidered as pro- portional to the currents flowing through the coils ( 156). 5 Defs. 12 and 34- FIG. 36. RESISTANCE COILS. Coils of wire varying in resistance from one ohm and up- wards and connected so as to form a series, as represented in fig. 36, are called resistance coils. The resistance of the whole series is generally 10,000 units ; any coil or coils can be short-circuited by means of a plug, as shown in the figure. The value of each coil is marked opposite the plug hole. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: TESTING. 101 Heating Effect of Currents on Coils. Bifilar Winding of Coils and its Object. 161. The wire of the coils is made of German silver, the resistance of which does not vary much with change of temperature. l 162. Further, instead of winding the coils in one con- tinuous length, the wire of each coil is first doubled and then wound on to the bobbin, as represented in fig. 37, the result of which is that the convolutions of one half of the coil are wound in the opposite direction to those of the other half. SECTION C. 1 The chief cause of change of tem- perature is the passage of the current, which flowing through the coils heats the wire. It is therefore ad- visable not to keep the cur- rent flowing longer than necessary. FIG. 37. SPECIMEN OF BIFILAR WINDING. It has been already explained 2 that the inductive action 8and r ........ .. r . , no, and Laws of a current upon itself is manifested in a coil of wire by an 20-22, App. A. * extra current,' the strength of which depends upon the force of the primary current and the number of convolutions in the coil. The effect of these extra currents, especially in the case of the high resistance coils, would seriously disturb the de- flections of the galvanometer which is of necessity in their proximity for testing purposes. Now the above method of bifilar winding, although it does not prevent the extra current being formed, yet, as will be observed from the figure, it causes the extra current in each convolution to be opposite in direction to that of the adjacent convolution, so that the extra current in one half of the coils is engaged in neutralising that of the other half, and the galvanometer is undisturbed. 163. The influence of resistance in controlling the effec- tive strength of the current on a galvanometer, as described in the preceding paragraphs, is in direct agreement with Ohm's law, 3 which states that current strength or potential 3 Law i, is immediately proportional to the electromotive force and pp ' ' 102 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. The Wheat- stone Bridge. inversely proportional to the resistance in circuit ; from which it follows that with the same E.M.F. the greater the resist- ance in circuit, the greater the fall of potential of the current 1 l Defs. 3 and 4. This law is just as true for a ' divided circuit ' 2 as for 2 Def. 21. one composed of a single wire, so that if two precisely similar galvanometers were inserted in each of the paths / and q of the divided or derived circuit represented in fig. 38, in which a uniform current is flowing in the direction shown by the arrows, they would deflect equally when situated at points in p and q at which the resistances from a were equal. FIG. 38. DERIVED CIRCUIT. Conversely, when the galvanometers in / and q were situated at any points of equal resistance, their similar de- flections would show the potential of the current at these points to be the same. Again, supposing these two points to be connected across by a wire in which a galvanometer was inserted, it is evident that as the potential of the current at each point is the same, and enters the galvanometer in opposite directions, no de- flection would be produced. Thus it can be proved whether the potentials are equal at any two points of a derived circuit by connecting them through a galvanometer, and observing whether there is any deflection manifesting the passage of a current. 3 164. Upon this principle the arrangement known as Wheatstone's bridge or balance is based. It consists of three sets of resistance coils, A, , and w, with a sensitive galvanometer, G, joined across the points p and q, as symbolically represented in fig. 39. Any unknown resistance (x) which it may be required to measure is joined up between the terminals L and L V The battery current enters at /, divides between the parallel circuits A, w and , x, and leaves at n. From what has been said in para. 163, it is clear that 3 A deflection would of course show a difference of potential, re- sulting in a flow of current. See Defs. 5 and 6. TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: TESTING. when the potentials at p and q are equal, no current will pass through the galvanometer, and the needle will remain unmoved. This condition of equal potentials at / and q constitutes * balance] which is obtained by adjusting the resistance of JF, which consists of a set of resistance coils, adjustable from i to 10,000. w 103 FIG. 39. WHEATS-TONE BRIDGE. The Differential Galvanometer. A and B each contain three coils of 10, 100, and 1,000 units resistance respectively, and can thus be used for ad- justing the ratio of one branch to the other. When balance is obtained, as shown by the galvano- meter needle standing at zero, it follows that the resistance of the circuit A, w is equal to that of the parallel circuit B) x and that if A is equal to *, x must be equal to w ; or more generally A : B . : w : x, . X B ' W ~ ~A or x = -w* A This equation is called the condition of permanent balance, and thus affords a means of determining the value of any unknown resistance. 1 165. On the same principle, viz. the equalisation of potentials, by means of resistance, the differential gal- vanometer is used for the measurement of resistances. * For proof see Solution VI. App. B. 1 The modes of testing lines, earths, and various resist- ances and electromotive forces with this instrument are explained in Sec. F, on 'Testing.' 104 SECTION C. 'MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. The instrument is symbolically represented in fig. 40. It consists of two distinct coils of equal resistance, and equal in their effect on the needle, the two wires being wound together on to the same bobbin, but in such a way that a current sent through the instrument shall traverse the coils in opposite directions ; thus, if the copper pole of a battery were connected to the terminal c, to which the inner ex- tremities of both the coils are joined ; and the zinc pole to A and , the outer terminals of the coils, the current would divide at c, circulating from c to A, and from c to B in con- trary directions and the needle would stand at zero. FIG. 40. DIFFERENTIAL GALVANOMETER. Further, if equal resistances were inserted between each of the terminals and the battery, the needle would still remain at zero. Any difference, however, in the resistance of either circuit would cause a difference of potential between the currents in either coil, and thus the needle would be deflected. ^ and s' are shunts of equal resistance (generally -^ that of the galvanometer ; thus having a multiplying power of loo). 1 w is a box of resistance coils adjustable from i See 158, to 10,000 ; x, the unknown resistance to be measured, is I59> inserted between L and L TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS: T$^& 105 When iv = x the needle stands at zero, and thus the SECTION resistance of x is known. . - ' f - - The condition of balance for this instrument is therefore represented by the equation X = W* * For proof of this equation If the shunt s is placed in circuit, then see Solution VII. App. B. X = TOO W. Or if the shunt s' be placed in circuit, then w t See Law 9, X = --- T App. A, and 100 159. io6 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. PART III. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS. SECTION C. Magneto- electric Induction. Principle of Magneto- electric Machines. 1 66. In para. nS 1 it was explained how, by indue- l See also tion, a current flowing through a coil of wire produces a App A momentary extra current, in a neighbouring wire, opposite in direction to the primary current when the latter com- mences, increases, or is brought nearer to the secondary coil ; and that another momentary extra current is formed, in the same direction as the original current, whenever the latter ceases, decreases, or is moved away from the secondary coil. It was shown in para. 119 that the above effects were also produced in a coil by the inductive action of a cur- rent upon itself, the strength of the extra currents being increased by the insertion of an iron core in the interior of the coil ; and supposing a current to be sent through such an electro -magnetic coil, the inverse extra current (caused by commencing or increasing the direct current) would retard the magnetisation of the core ; the direct extra cur- rent tending to delay its demagnetisation. Further, in para. 118 the converse also was shown to be the case, viz. that if the pole of a permanent magnet, instead of a battery current, were approached towards and withdrawn from a coil of wire, it would produce extra cur- rents in the coil in precisely the same way that the galvanic current does ; that is to say, any alteration of the magnetic field in the neighbourhood of the coil would create an extra current therein, just as any alteration of the battery current was shown to affect the magnetism of the core of an electro- magnet. 167. Thus, if an ordinary electro-magnet, consisting of a pair of coils containing soft iron cores, be so placed in the field of a permanent magnet as to be capable of altering MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS. their relative position, so that the coils may be under the influence of either pole of the magnet successively, extra currents in reverse directions will be formed in the coils for each change of polarity produced in their cores. The number of currents thus produced in a certain time will of course depend upon the rapidity with which these reversals are effected, and by means of a commutator, to be explained hereafter, 1 the extra currents may be made to act } 169. all in one direction, causing a continuous flow of current, the force of this current depending also upon the strength of the magnetic field. 2 2 Def. 40. The Magneto- 168. Instruments made on this principle are called Machine. magneto- or dynamo-electric machines. FIG. 41. MAGNETO- OR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINE. Fig. 41 explains the principle on which they act, in which, for simplicity, the arrangement is confined to one permanent magnet, in the form of a horse-shoe with its poles at N and s, and a pair of coils whose soft iron cores A and B are con- nected to a cross-bar of soft iron, capable of motion round the axis o in the direction shown by the arrows, and so pivoted (by means of a shaft running through o) that the lower ends of the cores A and B rotate over the poles N and s, close to, but not touching them. The above figure represents the axis of the coils as lying across that of the permanent magnet, the cores A and B being equidistant from the poles N and s, so that the latter have no influence on the former. Now suppose the pair of coils to be turned to the right till A is over N, when B must also be over s. During this quarter-revolution magnetism is induced in both the cores A and B, which goes on increasing until they stand over the poles, when their magnetism is at its maximum. io8 The Commutator. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. This increase of magnetism in the cores forms an extra current in the coils which surround them. Again, continuing the motion in the direction of the arrows, and observing the action of the core A (that of B is precisely similar), as A recedes from N the magnetism of the core decreases until it becomes nil again when midway be- tween N and 5 ; continuing the motion towards s, however, the magnetism of A begins to increase again till it stands over s, but as the magnetism it now acquires is opposite in kind to that with which it started from AT, its effect corre- sponds to a decrease of its original magnetism from maxi- mum + to maximum , thus acting in one direction ; its motion, therefore, from N to 5 produces an extra current in the coils without any reversal, but opposite in direction to the extra current formed by the rotation of the coil in the direction from s to TV, viz. from to +. Thus, for every complete revolution of the pair of coils two currents are formed, opposite in direction ; one while the magnetism of the coils is increasing, i.e. while they are approaching the poles of the permanent magnet, the other while their magnetism is decreasing, i.e. while they are re- ceding from the poles. 169. The commutator consists of two metal pieces m and , fitted round the shaft on which the coils revolve, as represented in section in fig. 42 ; these pieces being insu- lated from one another by pieces of ebonite, e, e f , and from the shaft by an ebonite ring between it and them. The extremities of the coils are joined to m and n respectively. FIG. 42. THE COMMUTATOR. The above figure represents the position of the commu- tator when the coils lie in the position of no current as they are shown in fig. 41. In this position it will be observed that the two steel springs s s' which are connected with the fixed terminals Magneto- electric Currents of High Potential. Insulator and Joint Detector. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS. L and E of the instrument press against the ebonite pieces e and e', the ends of the coils being thus insulated. When the coils are turned from N to s in the direction of the arrows (fig. 41), i.e. when the magnetism of the core is increasing, m is connected to L, and n to E (fig. 42) ; but by the other half-revolution, when the magnetism is decreas- ing, n is connected to L, and m to E ; but as these two half- revolutions produce two currents in opposite directions, it is evident that by their alternate connection to the terminals L and E their effect on the circuit outside these terminals is that of a current in one direction. 170. By means of the magneto- electric machine currents of very high potential 1 can be produced. Its magnetic field can be made very powerful by the use of a large number of strong compound magnets ; and the rotatory speed of the coils can be rendered extremely rapid by the use of steam power. As such it is employed for generating powerful currents for the production of the electric light and various purposes. 171. A small and portable form of magneto-electric machine, turned by hand, is applied to great practical use in Schwendler's insulator and joint detector. The current, which is produced by even slow rotation of the handle, is sufficient to produce severe shocks. It is also such that when passed through a line insulator offering some millions of ohms' resistance, it can be detected by the shock the tester receives when placed himself in the circuit A key, which is fitted up as part of the connections of the instrument, and which when closed forms part of the conducting circuit, affords him the means of doing this. The key has two platinum-tipped knobs, one fixed, the other movable. By placing a finger on each knob, and pressing the movable one, the key circuit is broken, and the current passes through the fingers of the tester. It is estimated that the resistance of an insulator which would allow of a current being thus felt is less than a megohm ; but that if the finger on the fixed knob be re- placed by the tongue, the current can be detected, by taste, through resistances up to 8 megohms. 2 To test the conductivity of a joint, the portion of the circuit in which the insulator is placed is bridged over by a 109 Def. 3. - The standard of minimum resistance for a single insulator is 2,000 meg- ohms. no MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION C. Wheatstone's ABC Instru- ment. direct circuit, by means of a plug, this direct circuit being broken by the key as before. The terminals of the coil are, however, also connected, by insulated wires, to each end of the joint to be tested, which thus forms a shunt or derived circuit ; l so that if the joint is perfect, i.e. offers no resistance, no appreciable cur- rent passes through the direct path. If the resistance of the joint is over 5 ohms, the current in the direct path is strong enough to be tasted on opening the key contact ; and if over 200 ohms, the current can be felt by the fingers. 172. In the electro-magnetic machine described in para. 170, the coils are represented as movable round the poles of the permanent magnet ; it is evident, however, that if each pair of coils with its cores be fixed to a pole of the permanent magnet, an alteration of the magnetism of the cores and the consequent production of extra currents in the coils can be effected by causing a soft iron armature to rotate instead of the coils themselves, with the gain of re- ducing the friction and simplifying the connections between the wires and the terminals of the instrument. This plan is adopted in Wheatstone's ABC instru- ment, in which the reversed currents thus produced are applied to telegraph purposes, each reversal being made to cause the armature of an electro-magnet at the distant end of the line to vibrate, thus turning an escapement wheel with an index needle attached. It is found that the extra currents induced in a pair of coils when the armature approaches the cores are not so strong as those induced when it recedes from them ; this inequality is remedied in Wheatstone's instrument by the use of two pairs of coils, the ends of the armature thus being made to approach one pole while it recedes from the one opposite to it. The breadth of the armature covers the space between two neighbouring cores. Four reversals are effected by each revolution of the armature. The Wheatstone's ABC instrument consists of two essential parts, the transmitter and the receiver. 2 The transmitter, which is inclosed in a wooden case, consists of a magneto-electric machine, as described above, but without a commutator, currents being formed by uni- 1 Def. 2 , and 157- 2 Fig. 57, J 97- MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS. IIr formly turning a handle which is in connection with the axis SECTION of the armature. A . C ' _. Connected to the same axis is a metal pointer, which revolves outside the upper surface of the box, on which is fixed a circular dial, divided into 30 parts, containing the 26 letters of the alphabet, 3 signs of punctuation, and an asterisk ; one of which divisions is passed over by the metal pointer for each current produced, i.e. at each quarter-revo- lution of the armature. l i Fig. 57, Round the dial are 30 metal keys, the depression of any J 97- one of which stops the pointer at the letter or sign opposite the depressed key, and at the same time cuts off the currents immediately the pointer arrives at that spot, where it remains until another key is depressed. Underneath the circular row of keys is an endless chain, which is forced out into a loop by a projection under the key which is depressed ; the depression of any other key, how- ever, at another point in the chain tightens it and pushes up the key which was put down previously, and the pointer moves on to the key last depressed. The receiver also carries a dial marked to correspond with that of the transmitter, and a fine pointer which rotates over the dial ; its axis being that of a small escapement wheel, moved by the backward and forward attractions of the tongue of an electro-magnet under the influence of each current sent by the transmitter. Thus, if the pointers of both transmitter and receiver be at the asterisk, which represents the zero of the dials, one revolution of the handle which, as explained before, produces four currents will turn the pointer through four letters, e.g. to the letter ' d: Suppose this to be the case, or, which is the same thing, that the key opposite d is depressed, by which the currents are cut off from the line terminal on the arrival of the pointer at d\ and suppose the terminals of the electro-magnet of the receiver to be at the same time joined to the terminals of the transmitter, the four currents which caused the pointer of the transmitter to traverse four divisions of the dial (up to the letter d} will also produce four attractions of the arma- ture of the receiver, causing its pointer also to move through four spaces on the dial, stopping at the letter d. Thus the depression of any key of the transmitter causes I T2 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION C. The Telephone. the pointer of the receiver to stand at the corresponding letter or sign, affording a means of telegraphing words and sentences. The receiver is provided with a switch, by means of which the circuit of an alarum can be added to that of the receiver when required for calling attention. The mode of connecting up these instruments is shown in para. 197, Sec. D, on 'circuits,' 172 (a). A description of the instruments in use in the Indian Telegraph Department would be incomplete without mention of the telephone and the apparatus connected there- with. The telephone itself is an instrument by which sounds are reproduced, on the principle that sound is the result of vibration ; also the converse, viz. that just as the pitch of any note is dependent on the number of vibrations which take place in a given time (the greater the number of vibra- tions the higher the note, and vice versa), so also, by causing the same frequency of vibration the identical note will be the result. ! The instrument consists of a small electro-magnet e (fig. 42 a), the soft iron core of which is connected with the end of a steel permanent magnet jvs. FIG. 42 (a). A thin circular disc, z> t of soft iron, is placed opposite the end of the core of the electro -magnet, being held in this position by means of the shoulder of a mouthpiece, as re- ferred to below, so as to be capable of vibrating under the influence of any pressure of the air in the direction of the arrow. The instrument, as described in principle in the above figure, is inclosed in a light cylindrical case of ebonite or wood, as represented by dotted lines in fig. 42 (#), termi- nating in a mouthpiece, the object of which is to concentrate upon the disc D any sound directed against it. At the other end of the case are two terminal screws, s, s, to which the ends of the coil are led. 1 The intensity or loudness of the sound is determined by the amplitude of the vibra- tions ; the timbre or cha- racter by the harmonics pro- duced, these being notes, the frequency of vibration of which are exact multiples of the frequency of vibration of the funda- mental note. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS. I To explain the principle of the instrument, its action SECTION both as a transmitter and receiver of sound will be here de- ._ / scribed, though, for reasons explained hereafter, its use is almost entirely confined to receiving. First, as a sending instrument. In its position of rest the soft iron core of the electro-magnet is magnetised by induc- tion from the permanent magnet w's, and itself induces magnetism in the soft iron disc D. Every vibration of the air caused by speaking in front of D is communicated to the disc itself, each movement of which, in the direction of the arrow (fig. 42, a\ increases the magnetism of the core, and each return of the disc to its position of rest, by reason of its own elasticity, causes a corresponding decrease in the magnetism of the core. Now it has been already explained } that every alteration l 166. in the magnetism of the core of an electro-magnet is attended by a current in the coil which surrounds it, the direction of which is reversed according as the magnetism of the core is increased or decreased, its E.M.F. being proportional to the variations of magnetic force, and consequently to the variations of pressure against the disc D. Thus every vibration of the disc creates a current in the coil, the strength of which is proportional to the intensity of the vibration. Now suppose the two ends of the coil e to be connected with the terminals of another similar telephone, which in this case is made the receiving instrument, it is evi- dent that every current produced in the coil e, corresponding to the vibrations of the disc z>, is communicated to the coil of the receiving telephone, the currents in which react upon the magnetism of the core of the electro-magnet of the re- ceiver, causing movements of the disc (corresponding to the vibrations of the sending disc z>), which again vibrate the air in front of the receiving disc, reproducing the sounds which originally actuated D. This instrument is extremely sensitive as a receiver, re- vealing sounds which the ear, unaided, is not capable of detecting ; the electromotive forces produced in the coil, however, under the influence of the small vibrating disc, are so small that it lacks the power required for perfect sending. 172 (b). This desideratum in the telephone as a trans- mitter led to the employment of special sending instruments termed microphones, in which increase of E.M.F. is gained i MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. by applying a permanent galvanic current to the circuit, the resistance of which, being made to vary with each vibration of the sending disc, a corresponding variation in the strength of the battery current in the coils of the receiver is effected, which thus causes the variations of the receiving telephone to correspond with those of the transmitter. Fig. 42 (b} represents in its simplest form the general principle on which a microphone, M, is used as a transmitter with a telephone, r, as the receiver. Line \Receiver\ M (Transmittn FIG. 42 (6). B is the microphone battery, which sends a permanent current through the circuit including the line and the coils of the receiving telephone T, causing the disc D to be attracted to the core with a certain force, which is constant so long as the strength of the current remains the same. That part of the microphone circuit, however, between the points L' and E' is so constituted that with every vibra- tion of the disc D' the strength of the battery current is altered. This is effected by the insertion of one or more carbon pencils, the pointed ends of which, /, /, rest loosely in sockets fixed to the back of the thin disc D', which is made of some light resonant wood, 1 against which the voice or sound to be transmitted is directed, this being concen- trated upon the disc by means of a mouthpiece. Every vibration of the air in front of the disc D' is thus communicated to the carbon conductors, the resistance of which varies in proportion to the intensity of each vibration, which again, in accordance with Ohm's law, produces a cor- responding change in the strength of current in the coils of 1 Deal is the best, this wood being chosen for the sound- ing boards of pianos &c. on account of the readiness with which it re- sponds to vibrations. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS. the receiving telephone, reacting upon the disc of that in- strument and causing it to vibrate the air in front of the disc D, and to reproduce the sounds which originally vibrated the transmitting disc D' . In some forms of transmitter, such as the ' Gower ' and 'Crossley,' an induction coil is inserted in the microphone circuit ; the battery poles being closed through the primary coil and carbon conductor the secondary coil being joined up between the line and earth, the telephone being included in the latter circuit. Any change in the strength of the current which, in this case, flows through the primary coil instead of through the line, produces an extra current in the secondary coil, 1 tra- versing the line and coils of the receiver which thus responds to the vibrations of the transmitter as explained above. In Johnston's form of transmitter a direct current is used ; but the microphone M (fig. 42, c\ instead of forming Line SECTION C. FIG. 42 (4 Outgoing Microphone Circuit Contacts 2 and 3 open ; i and 4 closed and s, s connected through c. Incoming Telephone Ditto. Incoming Bell ,, i, 3 and s, s open ; 2 and 4 closed. Outgoing Bell i. 4 and s, s open ; 3 and 2 closed. [Bell Circuits dotted.] part of the line circuit, is inserted as a shunt to the trans- mitting battery z?, the poles of which are respectively con- i 2 1 118, and Law 20, App. A. Il6 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. nected to either end of the carbons ; so that when the instrument is at rest nearly the whole of the battery current is short-circuited through the low resistance of the carbon transmitter ; but when the latter, under the influence of the voice, vibrates with the disc (to which it is attached), corre- sponding variations occur in the strength of the current flowing out through the line, these being greater by reason of the microphone being in a derived circuit, than they would be if it were in the direct circuit of the line. An alarum A or other form of electric bell is generally used in connection with the telephone T for calling atten- tion when the talking apparatus is not being used. By means of a switch x v either the telephone or the bell is placed in circuit, the outer arm of the switch Y being arranged as a receptacle for the telephone, which, when not in use, is always placed in it. The weight of the telephone draws down the arm, thereby closing contact 2, which places the bell in circuit, in a position to call attention when re- quired. When the telephone is removed from the hook, contact 2 is opened and -/ is closed, and at the same time the two springs s, s are connected to one another by the metallic contact c, which is insulated from the lever of the switch A separate line battery (either galvanic or magneto- electric) for ringing the bell can be applied to the line circuit by means of a key, usually in the form of a push button p fitted up as part of the transmitting apparatus. In Johnston's arrangement the same battery (generally six Minotti cells in series for short lines) is used for the microphone and the alarum, the latter being included in a local circuit l and worked by a relay ;?, as shown by the i 181. dotted line (fig. 42, c). In most arrangements Bell's tele- phone is used as the receiving instrument. For exchanging communication between two stations connected by a telegraph line, each station is fitted with the complete apparatus referred to above. SECTION D. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS 173-197. VARIOUS CIRCUITS OF SINGLE TELEGRAPHY 198-210. VARIOUS CIRCUITS OF DUPLEX TELEGRAPHY 211-213. CIRCUITS CONTAINING COVERED WIRES TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. Battery Circuit. 173. A circuit has been described 1 as consisting of a battery and everything between its two poles which takes a part in conducting the current, as represented in the follow- ing figure, in which the direction of the current is shown by arrows : Zinc FIG. 43. ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT. Def. 13. Internal and External Circuit and Resistance. Conventional Symbols for the various portions of Telegraphic Circuits. It will be observed that the current starts from the gene- rating or + plate, 2 whence it is conducted by the liquid to 2 i (note), the negative plate ; thence to the -f pole, from which it is conducted by a wire to the pole, which is the outer extremity of the + plate from which the current started, thus traversing a complete round or circuit as it is called. 174. That portion of the circuit which is between the plates is called the internal circuit, and its resistance the internal resistance of the battery ; the portion between the poles is called the external circuit, and its resistance the external resistance of the circuit. 175. The following paragraphs describe various forms of telegraphic circuits, the component parts of which are, for the sake of simplicity, represented symbolically. As conventional symbols are universally adopted, their I2O MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Wire Connec- tion. Branch Con- nections. use is recommended in taking down diagrams of any circuits whatever. The following explanations will render them intelligible : (i) A straight (or curved) line repre- " sents a wire connecting two points of a circuit. (2) The jpoint at which any branch connection is made is indicated by a dot. Cross Wires. (3) In order to trace wires which cross one another, one of them is looped at the point where they cross. Direction of Current. Resistance Coils. Battery Cell. Earth Plate. (4) The direction of currents is shown by arrows. (5) A sinuous line denotes resistance coils l inserted in the circuit. (6) Represents a battery cell, its + and poles 2 being indicated. Any 2 i (note), number of such cells can be drawn in series or parallel 3 to represent batteries so connected. (7) Represents an earth plate. 160. Fig. 46, 181. Polarised Relay. Sounder (Non- polarised). Galvanoscope or Galvano- meter. -o (8) A polarised relay. 4 In rough dia- * 59. grams the nuts and shoes can be omitted. (9) Represents a sounder. The spring shown in the figure explains that the sounder indicated must be a non-polarised one/ (10) Represents any form of galvano- scope or galvanometer. 6 5 73-84- 142-156. Differential Galvanometer. (n) A differential galvanometer. 7 165. Coils repre- senting Shunts, &c. Electric Bell or Alarum. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. 121 (12) Represents any coil of wire ; its use, whether as a shunt, a magneto-induc- tion coil, or any other purpose, being ex- pressed by a referring letter. 1 l 157 and (13) Represents an electric bell. 2 98-103. Signalling Key. Constant Resistance Key. (14) Signifies an ordinary single cur- rent signalling key. 3 5 J0 ^ (15) A constant resistance key. 4 4 108. Condenser. (16) A condenser. 5 "6. K.M. Shunt. Lightning Discharger. Switch. Commutator. Current Reverser. Current Strength the same at all points of a Direct Circuit. (17) An electro-magnetic shunt. 6 6 122. (18) A Siemens' lightning discharger, the upper plate forming part of the line circuit, the lower being joined to earth. 7 7 133. (19) Represents the s. T. D. switch, the insertion of a plug being indicated by a cross, as in the figure. 8 (20) Represents the bar commutator, in which the cross signifies the point at which the upper and lower bars are joined by the connecting screw. Only so many bars as are necessary for the circuit under description need be shown. 9 /*^r (21) Represents a current reverser, ~T+~> crosses indicating the insertion of plugs. 10 176. The external part of the circuit represented in fig. 43 n may be supposed to be composed of a telegraph u line, one end of which is connected to the -f pole of the Z 3 6 - 140. 138. 173. 122 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION D. Earth Circuit. battery, the other end being brought back to the pole, the flow of current through the line in the direction of the arrow being caused by the completion of a conducting circuit. If, however, this circuit were broken at any point, the current would cease to flow, and the + and electricities of the battery, being deprived of a conducting medium through which to unite, would accumulate at their respective poles. When the poles are joined by a conductor these electri- cities reunite, resulting in the flow of a current from the + to the pole, the strength of which is the same in every point of such a circuit, independently of its resistance, pro- vided the insulation of the circuit is uniform. 177. The earth, being a conductor of electricity, may form part of the circuit between the battery poles, as repre- sented in fig. 44. FIG. 44. EARTH CIRCUIT. This fact is of the greatest importance in telegraphy, as it renders it unnecessary to connect both ends of a telegraph wire to the battery poles to form a circuit, as in fig. 43, the current being afforded a means of returning to the pole of the battery through the ground, in the direction shown by the arrows in fig. 44. Earth Plates. Ij8. Connection with the ground is made by means of earth plates, which consist of sheets of copper J of an inch in thickness, and measuring about 4x3 feet, which are buried vertically in moist ground. Although the specific resistance of earth is much greater than that of iron, its actual resistance can be reduced to almost nothing by the use of large plates, thus making the sectional area of the earth circuit very great ; * for it may be considered as a column of earth, of which the plates at each end represent the section. i $ee Law ZI (*) A PP- A - TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. 12 Open and Closed Circuit. Open Circuit or S Working. The action of the earth in thus taking the place of a return wire effects the important result of reducing the re- sistance of the complete circuit to about one-half what it would be if it were all of wire. It is. of course, necessary that the plates should make as good connection with the ground as possible, which is effected by using a metal whose surface keeps clean. Conducting wires are soldered to the plate ; they are of insulated wire, to prevent electrolytic action at points of leakage and consequent corrosion of the wire. 1 SECTION D. The conducting nature of the soil itself affects the readi- 2 39 ness with which the current is diffused ; and when it is necessary to lay an earth plate in badly conducting soil, it is advisable to lead the conducting wires underground a few yards from the building, and there to sink the earth plate vertically in a pit filled with charcoal and old scrap iron up to the edge of the plate, measures being taken to keep the soil above it always moist, and to lead, if pos- sible, all surface drainage and discharge from water-pipes to it. 179. The circuit represented in fig. 44 is called a closed circuit, as the poles of the battery are closed through a conductor, the result of which is that a continuous current is caused to flow in the direction shown by the arrows. A circuit in which the poles of a battery are not thus permanently connected, but closed by means of a key to form signals, is called an open circuit. Telegraph circuits are worked on both the open and closed principles, as explained in the following paragraphs. 180. The open circuit system is that generally adopted in departmental offices. Fig. 45 represents the essential parts of the circuit neces- sary to explain its working. The figure represents two stations, A and B, with their keys in the position of rest, the circuit thus being open. Suppose A to send a signal to B by closing contact 1 of his key. Contact 2 is opened, and /i's battery circuit is closed through the line contact 2 of #'s key relay, and earth ; and the current flows in the direction shown by the arrows, forming a signal on &'s relay at each depression of -4's key. Thus signals are exchanged, and stations as far apart as 1 Def. 26, and 124 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION 800 miles and upwards are able to communicate with one _. another. Local Circuit. Lint ,1 FIG. 45. MORSE OPEN CIRCUIT WORKING WITH RELAYS. l8l. These signals, however, are not read off the relays, for reasons already explained ; l the sounder, which performs this office, being joined up with the relay and a local battery in what is called the local circuit, as separately shown for clearness' sake in fig. 46, which represents two relays and sounders joined up in the circuit of one local battery, con- sisting of two series of four cells each, joined parallel. 2 42. FIG. 46. LOCAL CIRCUIT. It will be seen from the above that every attraction of the relay tongue against its metal working-contact, under the influence of a current from the line, closes the circuit of the local battery, which can be adjusted to any required strength in order to work the sounder, which the current, arriving through a long line, reduced in strength by the resistance and leakage thereof, would fail to do. The sounder terminals can be shunted by a coil of wire to prevent a spark being formed at the opening of the relay contacts. 3 3 157, and marginal note. Office Circuit between Line and Signalling Instruments. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. 182. The apparatus included in that portion of the office circuit which is between the line and the signalling key, not directly affecting the principle of open circuit or s working and the mode of connecting it up, is, for the sake of clear- ness, separately represented in fig. 47, and it is important that the same order with regard to the relative position of the various instruments be followed in all cases in joining them up. Line 125 FIG. 47. S OFFICE CONNECTIONS. The lightning discharger is placed next the line in order to protect all the apparatus from the effects of lightning ; * * 133- and it will be observed that the lower plate of the discharger is connected to a special earth plate of its own, distinct from the battery and instrument earth. 183. It was shown in para. 180 that there is a limit to the length of line through which two stations can com- municate with each other direct, owing to the reduction of the strength of the original current by the resistance opposed to it, as well as through leakage at all the points of support, for which the addition of battery power fails to compensate. It then becomes necessary that intermediate stations should either repeat i.e. receive the distant signals in open circuit, 2 which is called ' opening out,' and re-transmit them 2 g ee fj g> 43> by hand towards their destination or translate them by an I2 6 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. arrangement which shall cause received signals to be auto- matically repeated by the instruments themselves. The latter object is effected by means of switches in the intermediate office, plugs being inserted between the L and T terminals of the switches attached to the lines to be joined. Lines thus connected are said to be joined in T. Fig. 48 illustrates the circuit of the intermediate T office and the course of the incoming and outgoing currents ; and it will be observed that the incoming current from station A, in working the relay, causes each attraction of its tongue to be the means of picking up a fresh battery current and automatically sending it on to B by means of the sounder in its local circuit, which acts as a key. Current frvmA ToJB FIG. 48. TRANSLATION CIRCUIT (of an Intermediate Station joined in T). To render the Translation Circuit as clear as possible, only those Connections are shown which are traversed by the Line Currents. The relay and sounder on the A side are represented above as actually working under the influence of a current from A, which enters through T of the left-hand switch into the T pillar of the right-hand sounder (at rest), thence through the lever and pillar 2 to L of the left-hand relay, the coils of which it traverses and goes to earth. In doing so, however, it works the left-hand sounder, the lower pillar (1) of which is connected to the copper pole of the right-hand battery, whose current therefore passes through 1 into the attracted lever, thence into the pillar T, Circuit of T working with Discharging Arrangements. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. which is joined to T of the right-hand switch, and thus pro- ceeds through the line to station B. To secure a good contact between the lever and battery pillar (/) of a translating sounder, both are tipped with platinum, and the former is provided with a spring which prolongs the contact. 184. Fig. 49 explains how discharging arrangements may be connected up in the circuit of translation working. 127 FIG. 49. TRANSLATION WITH DISCHARGING ARRANGEMENTS. R and R' are Receiving Relays. D ,, D' ,, Discharging Relays. E ,, E' ,, Line Batteries. In this figure, as in fig. 48, the Local Batteries &c. are not shown, for the sake of clearness. D and G Working Circuits. The line current from A is shown in the above (as in fig. 48) to be actually working the left-hand relay and sounder, causing contact 1 of the latter to be closed, and thus placing the line to B in connection with its own battery. It will now be observed that the coils of the discharging relay D' are inserted in this battery circuit, the current of which causes the tongue of discharger D' to be drawn against its working contact, thus connecting the line (on the B side) to earth for a moment through contact 2, after each sent signal, and discharging it direct instead of through the coils of the receiving relay x^ 1 185. The intermediate office, whose translation circuit is represented in figs. 48 and 49, may be joined over direct, or in z>, as it is called, by connecting the lines to A and B directly with one another. 126. 128 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION D. P Working Circuit. This is done by means of the switches shown in the diagrams, the D terminals of which may be joined to each other by a short length of covered wire. By removing the plugs from T and inserting them be- tween L and D of both switches, the office is joined in D. A galvanoscope 1 may be inserted in this wire for the l 142- purpose of observing passing signals, in which case the office is said to \>t joined in G. G galvanoscopes are always provided with a short circuit plug, so that their resistance is only introduced into the circuit when they are being used. 186. To obviate the necessity for the continuous and close watching required to observe and attend to passing signals when indicated only by a galvanoscope needle, the system of parallel relay (or P) working, as it is called, has been introduced, by which such signals can be read by sound. . Fig. 50 represents the circuit of an intermed ate station joined in /, from which it will be observed that the E FIG. 50. PARALLEL POLARISED RELAY OR P WORKING. The P Switch described in 'para. 137 affords the means of joining from S to P. It is omitted from, this diagram in order that the actual P circuit may be more clearly understood. terminal of the left-hand relay R is connected to the L terminal of the right x l , and vice versa, so that a current entering from either line passes through a divided circuit 2 between the middle contacts of the two keys ; but from the mode of joining up the relays, a current from A works R only, pressing the tongue of /e 1 harder against its rest stop. Similarly a current from B works y? 1 only ; thus each relay responds to the current of its own line. According to the law of derived circuits 3 the strength of 3 Law Def. 21. current in each path is inversely proportional to the resist- App. A. TELEGRAPHIC ance of each branch ; hence the two relay^da^^^be^f SECTION equal resistance, in order that one may not divert more of . ^ . the current than the other. Another important result of using relays of equal resist- ance is that the extra currents formed in their coils will be equal, and thus counteract one another. 1 i n 9 , and To obviate the necessity for readjustment on changing ^ 2 a ^ p 21 ^ d from s to P work, by which the resistance of the circuit is considerably altered (the working current being manifestly stronger in the former than in the latter circuit), equating batteries e and e' are inserted in the derived circuits, so as to add the necessary strength for p working to the received current from whichever side it comes, these batteries being so placed that their current is in the same direction as the working current in either branch ; but, being equal in strength (generally one cell each), and opposed to one another in direction, each cancels the other's influence on the line. To facilitate adjustment a horse-shoe directing magnet is placed on each relay cover, by turning which the tongue can be delicately adjusted as near to the neutral line be- tween the shoes as possible, so that the force required to drive the tongue back to its rest stop may be so small as to be produced by the cessation even of the weakest line current ; so that ' sticking,' a common fault in p working, resulting from weakness of the line current and inefficient adjustment, may be avoided. It is obvious, therefore, that the strength of the received current should never be less than three milli-oerstedts. 2 - 289. 187. In fig. 51 the same circuit as that shown in fig. 50 is reproduced with the addition of a P switch, illustrating how the lines are changed from open circuit to p circuit working and vice versa ; the local circuit (in dotted lines) is also added, in which it will be observed an alarum is intro- duced. By inserting plugs in s s E both relays are placed in open circuit, as already explained, 3 the left-hand instrument com- 3 137. municating with station A and the right with B. By removing the plug from , and having plugs in s, s, P, P, the instruments are joined for parallel or P working. An alarum a is shown in the local circuit of the left-hand K MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION D. instrument, by means of which the intermediate office thus joined over can be called in when closed for traffic. During working hours the alarum is short-circuited by means of a plug, signals passing in p being audible and suffi- cient of themselves to arrest attention. FIG. 51. CIRCUIT OF A WORKING. T and D and Line Battery Connections are not shown in figs. 50 and 51, in order that the A and P Circuits may be more distinctly traced. When, however, the P office closes, the short circuit plug is removed from a, so that the bell rings every time a current from station A causes the local circuit to be closed. In order that ordinary signals passing through the p circuit may not do this, the intermediate office adjusts the parallel relays just so unsensitively that the ordinary working currents between A and B do not affect them. The equating batteries are therefore thrown out of circuit by removing the plugs from p, p and inserting them in z, z the office is then said to be joined in A (plugs in s, s, z, z) ; and whenever it is necessary that it should be called in, this is done by means of an increased current sufficiently strong to work the relay on the A side. A effects this by causing B to reverse his battery 1 and himself giving a beat ; the left-hand relay of the inter- mediate office works, closes the local circuit, and rings the alarum. 1 This is best done by a Cur- rent Reverser (see 138) inserted between the Battery and Key. Looped Open Circuit (Morse). TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. In practice any terminal office, observing that an inter- mediate ' A office ' is being called, immediately reverses his battery and gives a beat. 188. Railway stations close to one another are often con- nected in loops by the ' train ' or * block wire ' i.e. the special wire used for blocking trains from station to station, and worked in open circuit. Fig. 5 2 represents such an arrangement .4 and B are the terminal stations of a train wire connected by a loop con- taining the intermediate station c. l/nic Closed Circuit (Morse). E3 FIG. 52. LOOPED OPEN CIRCUIT (MORSE). It will be observed that when the key of any one of these stations is depressed, the instruments of all the stations in the loop are worked, each station containing one battery of which the copper pole is to line. The number of stations which may be joined together in such a loop is limited to five, each of the intermediate stations being joined up similarly to c. They may, however, be provided with a means of joining the zinc battery pole to earth in case of interruption on either side. 189. The same three stations are represented in fig. 53 as joined up in closed circuit. 1 It will be observed here that only the terminal stations are provided with batteries, that of A being joined with its copper pole to line, and that of B with zinc to line and copper to earth ; thus a continuous current flows from A to JB, attracting the sounder armatures in each station when all the keys are at rest, as they are shown in the figure. The interruption of this current, by depressing any one of the keys in the circuit, causes all the armatures to be released, K2 179- 132 SECTION D. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. signals being read from the upward or reversed beats of the levers. The ' main ' or ' talking wire ' that is, the wire by which paid messages are sent on State railway lines is usually worked in closed circuit, as many as five stations being joined in one loop. Line Line FIG. 53. CLOSED CIRCUIT (MORSE). The State Railway Sounder used for both the Circuits described in paras. 188 and 189 will be found illustrated in fig. 7, para. 80, which explains its connections. The advantages this system has over the looped open circuit, described in the foregoing paragraph, are as follows : (1) The instrument being worked with no current, the necessity for readjustment to suit the strength of various received currents is avoided. (2) By dispensing with batteries at the intermediate stations, the supervision and conservancy of batteries is cen- tralised at the terminal stations. (3) The number of battery cells required is reduced to \ of what is necessary for open circuit working in a loop containing three instruments, \ for four instruments, and i for five. On the other hand, the disadvantages of closed circuit working are : (1) That the batteries are always at work, thus becoming more rapidly exhausted than if used intermittently. (2) The continuous action of the current tends to injure the covered wires in circuit. (3) Translation in closed circuit is complicated. To the practical reader cases will doubtless suggest themselves in which the advantages will outweigh the dis- Looped Open TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. advantages, rendering the adoption of the closed circuit system desirable. ipo. Another form of circuit, which, on account of its simplicity and inexpensiveness, has been extensively adopted on railways for working ' station to station ' or ' train ' wires, is the needle circuit, in which a large number of stations can be looped together in open circuit ; there being, how- ever, a limit to this number, as the battery of each station must be strong enough to work the instruments of all the other stations in the loop. Fig. 54 represents three stations JT, F, and z so joined, with needle instruments, the action of which is described in paras. 96 and 97. Each station is provided with one battery, which, in the case of intermediate stations such as F, serves to work in both directions. SECTION D. Line Zine FIG. 54. LOOPED OPEN CIRCUIT (NEEDLE INSTRUMENTS). The line circuit is completed through the coils and handles of all the instruments in the loop, as shown by fig. 54, signalling currents being switched on to the lines by means of the handles, as explained in para. 97. Intermediate stations are provided with a separate instru- ment for each station with which they are in communication, and further, with a means of joining to earth (as shown by the dotted line, fig. 54). which, in the case of interruption between v and z, enables Y still to communicate with x (disconnecting the z line meanwhile). 134 Reverse Cur- rent Working. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. A single-stroke bell, e f t 3. It is evident, however, that the potential of the line would be lowered still more (viz. below zero) if it were connected to the zinc pole of the sending battery instead of direct to earth ; and that thus its discharge would be accelerated. This is effected in the following manner by the 'zinc sender' depicted in fig. 56 : The zinc sender, d, is a Siemens' relay of low resist- ance, placed between the line battery E and the front contact of the signalling key. The tongue of d plays between two metal contacts 3 and 4, the former of which is joined to the L terminal of the receiving relay R, the other to the zinc pole of a reverse battery *, whose copper pole is joined to earth. When signals are sent by the depression of the key, the battery circuit is closed through contact / of the key and the coils of the zinc sender d, causing its tongue to be attracted to contact 4> At the same time contact 2 of the key is opened. The shunt b, attached to the terminals of the zinc sender, 138 SECTION D. Circuit of ABC In- struments. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. causes contact 4 to remain closed a moment after the current ceases in the coils of the relay d. 1 line. 1 The action of the Shunt is fully explained in S 126. FIG. 56. ZINC SENDER. Thus, at the cessation of each signal, when the key is released and contact 1 broken, 2 being simultaneously closed, the line is discharged through contact .2, the tongue d, contact 4> and the zinc battery , before the tongue (d) falls back against its rest contact 3, connecting the line to the receiving relay R. 197. Fig. 5 7 represents the circuit of a line worked by Wheatstone's ABC instruments. 2 e t e' represent the coils of the electro-magnets in the re- ceivers, ;;/, m' the magneto-electric coils of the transmitters. Supposing x to be sending to y, currents are generated in the coils of m by turning the handle (h) of that trans- mitter ; these currents passing out through e to line, and thence through e' to earth at y, cause the indicators of these three instruments to work together, stopping when they arrive at that letter on the dial at which the key of m is depressed. When the pointer of the transmitter reaches this de- pressed key the connection between the coil m and the line is broken, as explained in para. 172, and no further current can flow out to the line until the key is raised by the de- pression of another key, when all three needles travel on to the letter on the dial corresponding to the last depression, and so on. 172. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. s, s' are the ends of brass levers, by turning either of which to the left a clockwork alarum is switched on to the circuit of the receiver for calling attention. When the instrument is in use for telegraphing, the switches are turned to the right, as shown in the figure, in which position they cut the alarum out of circuit. Lightning dischargers, d and d' ', are inserted in the line circuit, as it is most important that the instruments should be protected from the effects of lightning, which would readily demagnetise the delicate polarised electro-magnets of the receivers. 139 ac FIG. 57. ABC CIRCUIT. If the needles of all the instruments in circuit do not work in unison, the line and earth wires should be tempo- rarily replaced by a short piece of wire connecting the T and E terminals of the instrument. If, on turning the handle of the transmitter, it be found that the pointers of the transmitter and receiver thus joined together in short circuit still fail to correspond, reverse the connecting wires, joining the terminal A to E and L to T, If this remedies the failure the line should be joined up accordingly (i.e. A joined to E instead of to z., and z joined to earth) ; but if not, and the needle of the receiver loses letters, i.e. falls behind the pointer of the transmitter, the springs between which the escapement wheel plays require tightening ; if the reverse be the case, i.e. that the receiver gains letters, the springs require loosening. If, however, the receiver agrees with the transmitter when they are joined on short circuit as above, but fails 140 SECTION D. Duplex Telegraphy. Duplex Cir- cuit. Bridge Method. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. when connected through a line with another instrument, as represented in fig. 57, it is probable that the line is in fault. It is important that lines worked with magneto-electric currents should be well insulated, especially in the case of circuits in which Wheatstone's A B G instruments are used, as the failure of a single reversal would be liable to destroy the sense of a whole word. In order to bring the needle of the receiver to the same letter as the pointer of the transmitter, the former is provided with a small handle, by which the tongue of the electro- magnet is moved backwards and forwards by the hand in the same way as it is actuated by the magneto-electric currents. 198. The circuits described in the foregoing paragraphs have been confined to those which admit of single working, that is, of transmission in one direction only on the same wire. Duplex telegraphy admits of transmission in opposite directions at the same time on the same wire. To effect this, it is evidently necessary that the circuit be so arranged that signals formed by the depression of the key at one station shall work the receiving instrument of another station without affecting that of the sending station ; and further, that the transmitting and receiving apparatus at both ends be always in circuit, so that either or both stations be in a position to send and receive. Various modes of accomplishing this object have been devised, the most practical of which may be divided into two classes : the one including those methods which are based on the principle of the Wheatstone bridge, 1 in which outgoing currents have no effect on the receiving instrument of the same station by placing the latter in a null branch, similarly to the bridge galvanometer ; the other on the principle of the differential galvanometer, 2 in which the effect of the out- going currents on the home receiving instruments are nullified by dividing the coils of the latter into two separate circuits of equal resistance, so that the outgoing current dividing between them exercises an equal and opposite magnetic ./ effect on the cores. 199. The first of these systems is known as the bridge method, the circuit of which is illustrated by fig. 58. A and B are two stations so connected that A can both TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. transmit to and receive from B at the same time, or vice versa. Examining the arrangements at station A (those of B are precisely similar), the circuit of the Wheatstone's bridge (fig. 39) l will be at once recognised ; the line circuit 2 taking the place of the x branch, and the relay R that of the gal- vanometer, the branch resistances a and b, and the adjustable resistance ;r, corresponding with those similarly lettered in fig- 39- ' B 141 SECTION D. 2 I.e. the re- sistance of the line together with that portion of the derived circuit comprising the receiving apparatus at the distant end. FIG. 58. BRIDGE DUPLEX. Thus, when the condition of balance is fulfilled, i.e. when a : b : : w : x or, in other words, a x = b w, a current made to enter the system at the point ;;/, by the depression of the key A', will have no effect on the relay x, the potentials at the points p and q being equal. Thus (in the ist case) the signalling current does not affect the relay of the home station, when the resistances are adjusted according to the above condition, in which the system is said to be in a state of permanent balance. Tracing A'S current from the point m, where it divides between two circuits of equal resistance, viz. through I' and w to earth, and through the line and receiving apparatus of station B to earth, the latter portion, which may be called the signalling current, enters B at the point p', at which it again divides, one portion traversing and working the relay K', and completing the circuit to earth through w' , the 1 4 2 SECTION D. Adjustable Resistance. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. other portion passing through the branch resistances a' and b'j which form a shunt circuit to the relay. Thus (in the 2nd case} A'S signals work B'S relay. In precisely the same manner ris signals would not affect the home relay A'', but would work ^'s relay R. Now, suppose that while ^'s key is depressed, B also sends a signal by the depression of K' ; g's current divides at the point ;//', one portion flowing to earth through V w 1 , the other through a' to line ; but, as explained before, with- out altering the potentials at p' and q', so that the effect of ^'s current on tfs relay R' is not disturbed. B^ current, however, on arriving at A alters the potential at the point /, making it greater than that at S single signals. A then depresses his key, con- tinuing to receive attacks from B, whose signals are now duplex signals, as both keys are down. If A'S relay works equally well with duplex as with single signals, balance is perfect ; but if not, the resistance of w is adjusted till it does. If received signals miss, it is evident that too much current passes to earth through /F, and too little through the relay ; the resistance of iv is therefore increased ; if, how- ever, signals stick, then the reverse is the case, and the resistance of w is decreased. After thus altering the resistance of JF, A releases his key again, observing whether his relay still responds perfectly to .B'S single signals. Minor adjustments are made by means of the micro- meter screw. A then gives ' RtJ and B repeats the opera- tion. Either station tests the effect of his outgoing current by observing the magnetic indicator on his relay, which, of 144 Duplex Condensers. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. course, remains unaffected when permanent balance is perfect. 202. Permanent balance, however, is not the only ad- justment necessary in the case of long and well-insulated lines ; for, although the w branch may compensate for the resistance of the line, it does not balance the effects of its capacity. It has been explained 1 how, by virtue of the latter pro- perty, momentary currents of charge and discharge are formed when the battery contact is closed and opened ; and, as the receiving relays are always in circuit, they would be affected by these induced currents, which would thus inter- fere with ordinary signals. It is, therefore, necessary that the artificial line w, which balances the resistance of the real line, should also be made to balance its capacity. FIG. 59. DUPLEX CONDENSERS. This is done by means of condensers joined parallel to the resistance coils of w, as shown in fig. 59, the action of which may be explained as follows : Considering the resistance w to occupy its proper position in the duplex circuit as represented in fig. 58, it is evident that every time A depresses his key to send a signal to B, the current which goes to charge the line splits at the point ;, dividing between the line circuit (through a) and the w circuit (through />). - 116 and Now if the capacity of the condenser c, 2 the outer and Def. 15. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. inner plates of which are respectively joined to the line and earth terminals of iv t be equal to the capacity of the line, the amount of charge held by the condenser will be exactly equal to that of the line, so that when ^'s key is released, the current of discharge rushing out from the line in the direction from p to q will be met by the equal and opposite current of discharge from the condenser, in the direction q to /, thus counteracting the effects of the charge of the line on the relay R. The capacity of the condenser is made adjustable, like the resistance of the branch w, to correspond with variations in the capacity of the line. There is an important point, however, in which the action of the line and a single condenser of equal capacity differ, and that is in the time they take to discharge. A long well-insulated line takes a considerable time to discharge, as explained in para, in, owing to the resistance it offers at every point to the passage of the current. In order, therefore, to produce a corresponding retardation in the discharge of condensers, resistance is inserted between each pair of plates. When the condenser capacity of the branch w is equal to the capacity of the line the system is said to be in a state of transient balance. TO obtain 203. As the effects of inductive capacity are manifested Balance^ by extra currents of momentary duration, the absence of induction beats on the relay indicator of the sending station is a proof that transient balance is perfect. After permanent balance is obtained, as described in para. 201, the capacity of the condenser is adjusted for transient balance, as follows : A depresses his key and releases it sharply ; any move- ment of the relay indicator, manifesting a return current from the line, shows that its capacity is not balanced. If the depression of A'S key causes a sudden deflection of the indicator needle the condenser capacity is too small. If, on the other hand, A'S condenser capacity be too large, it can be discovered by causing B to give a continuous beat, during which the depression of A'S key will cause a momentary interruption of x's signal ; A therefore reduces capacity until the depression of his key has no effect on #'s signal. 146 Respective Advantages and Disadvan- tages of the Bridge and Differential Methods of Duplex. Differential Duplex Working. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. 204. The bridge method of duplex working presents this advantage, that as the receiving instruments are placed in a null circuit, between the points p and q (fig. 58), no special form of receiving apparatus is necessary, as is the case in the differential system described in the following paragraph. It has, on the other hand, a great disadvantage, detract- ing from its efficacy on long lines, viz. loss of working force, owing to the battery current being split up by means of the various derived circuits offered to its course by the bridge apparatus. The result of this is that the bridge system of duplex telegraphy requires four times the battery power used for working the same line single or simplex. Differential duplex is accomplished with 2\ times the battery power used for single working. 205. In the differential system of duplex working the effect of outgoing currents on the home instrument is nullified, on a similar principle to that of the differential galvanometer, 1 viz. that equal currents passing through equal coils produce equal magnetisation in the cores thereof. Line FIG. 60. DIFFERENTIAL DUPLEX. Fig. 60 represents two differential (Siemens') relays, R and R', each with two equal coils wound on the above principle; the permanent magnets of the instruments are shown in the figure, in order that their action may be more clearly under- stood. With no current, the tongue 5 (see station A) is a south pole by induction, and the two shoes jv, , north poles, as explained in para. 60. When A sends a signal by the depression of his key, the current splits at the point K, dividing itself equally between Constant Resistance Keys for Differential Duplex. Permanent and Transient Balance. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. the two coils which, besides being equal themselves, are placed in circuits of equal resistance (the resistance of w being made equal to that of the line, the front coil and the derived circuit of the back coil, artificial line and battery of the distant station) ; the effect of the home current in both coils is to decrease equally the north polarity of the shoes N, #, which thus exert an equal magnetic force on the tongue s, from opposite directions, so that the relay does not work under the influence of outgoing currents. An incoming current, however, acts differently. Entering by the right coil (in the opposite direction to the outgoing current), it increases the north polarity of the shoe N t and thence proceeding through the left coil and w to earth, it decreases or reverses the polarity of n, so that both coils act in the same direction, their tendency being to cause the tongue s to be attracted towards N. 206. In the case of long and well-insulated lines, when condensers are not available, constant resistance keys may be used, as described in para. 128, with the object of dis- charging the line of return currents 207. The condition of permanent balance in differential duplex working is that the resistance of w be equal to that of the line circuit, which comprises the line wire and the circuit of the distant station ; transient balance is obtained by making the condenser capacity c l equal to that of the line. The mode of adjusting permanent and transient balance is precisely similar to that described for obtaining balance for working bridge duplex. 2 The above conditions of balance being fulfilled, it will be seen that the strength of single and duplex signals is the same, and that the depression of either key is responded to by the distant relay, the instrument of the home station remaining unaffected by outgoing currents. For, suppose a signal to be sent from A to B by the depression of the key K ; the battery current divides at the point K, half traversing the line circuit, the other half the derived circuit to earth through w ; but as these equal cur- rents traverse the relay R in opposite directions, the tongue s does not move. Thus (in the first case) the signalling current does not affect the relay of the home station. The portion of A'S current traversing the line circuit, L 2 147 202. 201 and 148 Double Current Differential Duplex. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. however, flows to earth at station B through the coils of the relay R' and w (fig. 60), causing R' to work, as described in para. 205. Thus (in the second case) A'S signals work tis relay. Similarly, ^'s signals do not affect the home relay R', but are responded to by relay R at station A. Next, suppose that while A'S current is working B'S relay, B depresses his key, K' . As explained before, R' is un- affected by the home current of JB, but is responded to by /?, the distant relay at A ; for the front portion of A'S current which flows out to the line is opposed by the received current from B so long as .s's key is depressed, the result being that the opposite current from B neutralises the current flowing out to line through ^'s front coil, 1 so that R works under the influence of the current in its back coil, which renders n a south pole, so that the tongue s is drawn towards N by each depression of ^'s key (K*). Similarly, tfs relay would respond to ^'s signals when both were sending, the magnetic effects of the currents, in each case, on the distant relay being the same as that pro- duced by the currents which form single signals. Thus (in the third case), when both keys are depressed, the relays respond to distant signals, but are unaffected by those of the home station. 208. Differential duplex is sometimes worked by double currents, 2 with the object of accelerating the action of the relays and thus increasing the speed of signals. Fig. 6 1 represents such an arrangement, in which Gerrit Smith's battery reverser is used to transmit reverse currents. The battery reverser consists of an electro-magnet m, the coils of which are joined in circuit with a local battery e and an ordinary key k. Each depression of the key k causes the armature a to be attracted. The armature a is permanently connected to earth, and its two continuations c, d are so arranged that one or other of them is in contact with one of the steel springs s, s f , both of which have a tendency to press against p, which is a fixed pillar permanently connected with the line and artificial line through the differential relay K. One of the steel springs, s, is permanently connected to the copper pole of the line battery E, the other s' to the zinc pole. 1 The front coil in each case is that which is joined to the line ; and the back that which is joined to the artificial line w QT: w'. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. When the armature a is at rest, as it is shown in the figure, the zinc pole of the line battery is connected to the line through the spring s' and pillar /, the other spring s being pressed away from p by the lever c, which further connects the copper pole of the line battery with earth. line. 149 FIG. 61. DOUBLE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL DUPLEX. When, however, the key k is depressed, the armature a is attracted towards m, drawing down the end c of the lever, which permits the spring s to press against /, connecting copper to line, zinc being joined to earth through s' by means of the end d of the lever, which at the same time presses s' away from /. Thus each depression of the ordinary key k causes the electro- magnet to send a copper current into the line, a continuous zinc current flowing to line during the pauses between the signals. The play of the springs s, s' should be so carefully adjusted that contact with the pillar p is made by one just before it is broken by the other, the point K being thus always in connection either with the line or battery. 1 209. Another system of duplex working is that known as split battery duplex, which has the advantage possessed by the bridge system, in that a special form of receiving instrument is not required, provided, however, that the instrument be a polarised one ; 2 and there is no necessity for any special form of transmitting key ; further, the ' split battery *' is superior to the ' bridge ' method in that the arriving current in the former system is not reduced to the same extent by derived circuits, as in the bridge method. 1 By using two batteries, one with its , the other with its + pole to earth, this special apparatus can be dispensed with, the simple key k' being used, its middle point k joined direct to K, its front and back contacts being joined to the poles of the + and - batteries respectively. This plan is found the simpler, and is generally adopted. and 60. 59. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION D. The same amount of battery power is required for split battery duplex as for the system described in para. 205 as differential duplex, there being a similarity between these two methods in that they are both differential ; l the batteries being in the former case differentiated, and in the latter the instruments a difference in favour of the latter. Fig. 62 represents the circuit of two stations, A and B, connected for split battery duplex working. Def. 30. Line FIG. 62. SPLIT BATTERY DUPLEX. Examining the circuit of station A (that of B is precisely similar), w represents the middle point of the signalling battery, the back and front halves , e of which are com- posed of an equal number of cells of equal resistance. K is the signalling key, the depression of which short- circuits the whole of the line battery, the copper pole of which is joined to the line and the zinc pole to earth through the adjustable resistance w^ which is made equal to that of the line and the derived circuit of the distant station ; the condenser c being adjusted to balance the capacity of the line, as explained in para. 202. The middle point m of the battery is joined to earth through the receiving relay R, which is an ordinary Siemens' polarised relay connected up in reverse direction, i.e. with its L terminal to earth, so that a copper current entering the relay from the line will cause the tongue to be attracted towards its insulated stud, as shown in the figure, instead of towards the metal working contact, as would be the case if joined up in the usual way. When employed in the split battery duplex circuit, how- ever, the tongue is adjusted with a bias 2 against the metal contact, so that when no current flows through the relay 61. TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. the local battery circuit is closed, causing the sounder to work. Now referring to fig. 62, it will be observed that when no signals are being sent, i.e. both keys AT, K 1 at rest with their contacts open, the battery currents flow in the direc- tions shown by the arrows, the front half e of ^'s battery being opposed by the front half e' of B'S battery, which thus counteract and neutralise one another ; a continuous current from the back half E of either battery thus flows through the relay of its own station, causing the tongue to be held against its insulated stop, as represented in the figure. The principle of closed circuit working 1 will be here 1 189, and recognised, signals being formed by the interruption of the g ' 53 * permanent current flowing through the coils of the receiving instrument. Single and duplex signals 2 are both formed by the * 199 (last absence of current in the receiving relay ; in the former case by nullifying the continuous current by an equal current opposite in direction, and in the latter by cutting off the current altogether. How this is effected by the transmitting station without influencing the home station will be understood from the following paragraph. Permanent 210. The condition of permanent balance in this system (with batteries split at their middle point, as described above) is that w, the resistance of the artificial line, and x, that of the real line and the derived circuit of the distant station, be equal. v Transient balance is obtained by making the capacity of the condenser c equal to that of the line. 3 3 202. The mode of adjusting permanent and transient balance is precisely similar to that described for obtaining balance for working both the bridge and differential systems of duplex. 4 4 201 and Supposing balance to be thus adjusted, and that A de- presses his key to send a signal to B (K 1 open), ^'s battery is then short-circuited ; its front half e is no longer free to oppose the front half e' of x's battery, the current from which therefore flows to A, dividing between the derived circuit of /? and w to earth, thus keeping the tongue of R still held against its insulated stop. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Thus (in the first case} the signalling current does not affect the relay of the home station. It does, however, affect that of the distant station in the following manner : Tracing the current from e' (the. front half of ^'s battery), which, as described above, on the depression of ^'s key, flows through R and w, thence through the point n to earth and back to the zinc pole of its own battery via n', R', and the point m', the course of this current through #'s relay R' is opposed by the copper current of E' (the back half of 's battery) ; and these two opposite currents being equal (because w 1 = x), they counteract one another, causing no current to flow through the coils of R', the tongue of which consequently falls back against its metal contact, producing a signal on the sounder so long as ^'s key is depressed. Thus (in the second case) A'S signals work B'S relay. Similarly, #'s signals do not affect the home relay /?', but work A'S relay R. Next, considering the case in which both A and B depress their keys together. The act of doing so short-circuits both their batteries so that the currents are entirely cut off both from the line and instruments ; the tongue of R' therefore falls back, as ex- plained in case 2, producing a signal so long as the key K is depressed, and vice versa ; relay R responds to the signals of K', the strength of duplex and single signals being obviously the same, since both are produced by ' no current.' Thus (in the third case), when both keys are simultaneously depressed, the distant relays work, those of the home station being unaffected. Circuits 211. The circuits described in the foregoing paragraphs containing o f this section embrace such systems of working as are Covered Wires. , . . T .. adopted in India. Those portions of the circuit included between the line and earth, termed 'office connections,' are invariably composed of covered copper wires, the insulating material employed being a specially prepared form of indiarubber, known as Hooper's core, which bears exposure to high tem- perature better than guttapercha or any other kind of insulating covering. Guttapercha not only cracks by exposure to heat as well as light, but becomes plastic, allowing the position of the TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS. ! q -, conductor inside to shift ; and its resistance decreases with rise of temperature. At a given temperature, the resistance of guttapercha is far below that of indiarubber. l i At 75 Fahr. The superiority of indiarubber for office, or earth, or l ^^ s ^ e aerial connections is thus obvious ; and, besides possessing Core is sixteen the advantage of higher insulation, its specific inductive S^uoP 8 ** capacity is lower than that of guttapercha, 2 an important guttapercha. point in considering its merits as regards use for circuits 2 The specific including long submarine wires, by virtue of which property capacity of air retardation is reduced and speed enhanced. 3 being =i ; The following, however, can be said in favour of gutta- pe rcha=4-2 ; percha : Hooper's Core = 3 ' i ; (1) Guttapercha never perishes under water, and insu- pure india- lates sufficiently well at low temperatures, its resistance rubber =2-8. increasing with pressure. 4 I2: (2) Indiarubber, on the contrary, suffers decomposition rature ofthe under water, or under any circumstances whereby air is sea below 1,200 J fathoms is excluded. supposed to be (3) Guttapercha is more easily jointed than indiarubber. (4) Faults in indiarubber (accidents excepted) are gene- Pressure, of rally extended over a considerable length, occurring through a general deterioration of material ; those in guttapercha depth. are usually confined to a single spot : hence the greater ease with which the latter may be localised. joints in 212. In making joints in the insulating covering, Covered Wires. or core ' of wires used for circuits laid under water as, for example, submarine cables special apparatus is used, and great care and experience are necessary in order to insure the insulation of the joint being not less perfect than that of the cable at any other point. For office connections, however, the following will be found a simple and effectual form of joint : Unwind the felt tape which forms the outer surface of the core for about two inches from the ends of the wires to be jointed, allowing the tape to hang down, as shown in fig- 63. Next, pare off the indiarubber from the copper wire for the same distance, tapering the ends as shown in the figure. Thoroughly clean the ends of the copper wires, thus stripped, with sandpaper ; for the presence of the least por- tion of dirt will endanger the continuity of the joint and render soldering difficult. -MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Then firmly twist the wires round one another, as shown below. FIG. 63. JOINT IN OFFICE CONNECTIONS. Connections between Wires and Terminal Screws. Bind a piece of damp rag round each end of the core to prevent its being melted by the heat of the soldering bolt. Apply the solder, removing the bolt immediately the solder is seen to run through the joint, so that the wire may not be unnecessarily heated. After wiping the joint with a dry cloth it should be covered with Chatterton's compound (a prepared mixture of Stockholm tar, resin, and guttapercha) until the covering is rather thicker than the ordinary core ; the tape ends should then be tightly wound round this and neatly fastened ; the joint is then complete, but should be allowed to become perfectly cool before any strain is put upon the wire. 213. Every joint connecting office wires should be sol- dered, except, of course, in cases where such connections are made by means of terminal or binding screws, when perfect continuity should be secured by keeping the contacts scrupulously clean. Further, the wire should be looped closely round the terminal screw in the same direction as the screw turns that is, almost invariably to the right so that the tendency of the loop is to close round the screw when the latter com- mences to 'bite,' instead of opening out from it, as the tendency would be if the wire were looped in the contrary direction. SECTION E. FAULTS IN TELEGRAPHIC APPARATUS AND THEIR REMEDY 214-215. GENERAL FAULTS 216-224. BATTERY FAULTS 225-237. INSTRUMENT FAULTS 238. GENERAL REMEDIES FOR INSTRUMENT FAULTS 239. FAULTS IN OFFICE CONNECTIONS 240. EARTH FAULTS 241-242. LINE FAULTS FAULTS IN TELEGRAPHIC CIRCUITS AND THEIR REMEDY. First Causes 214. The telegraphic circuit may be considered as com- SECTION of Faults. prising four different parts, viz. the battery, the instruments, . ^ the 0$^ connections (including that with the eartJi), and the line. The failure of any of these parts to perform their re- quired functions results in the interruption of the circuit. Each class of apparatus is subject to faults peculiar to itself. The line is most exposed to the weather and to accidents, whereby it may be broken or displaced from the insulators which support it. In offices, faults generally result from less obvious causes, being often so gradual in their development as to lead to waste of battery power or reduction of sensitiveness in the instruments, or complete eating away of the connecting wires for a long-continued period, before making their presence felt by actual interruption or even imperfect communication. At the same time evidences of the existence of such faults are not wanting to those who know where to look for them ; it therefore becomes a matter of great importance that the earliest signs indicating incipient failure of any part of the circuit should be understood, and further, that they should be acted upon immediately they are observed, so that pre- vention may obviate the necessity for cure. injurious 2I 5- Before proceeding to describe the various kinds of Effects of Dust faults peculiar to the different parts of the circuit it may be well to draw attention to the great importance attaching to cleanliness in all matters relating to telegraphy. Dirt is a semi-conductor ; its presence, therefore, in a conduct- ing circuit, e.g. between contact points or between terminal screws, must introduce unnecessary resistance into the circuit. Faults in Working Batteries, and their Indica- tions. Mixing of Liquids. 158 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Being a semi-conductor, it must also be a semi-insulator; its effect, therefore, on the surface of an insulating body must be to reduce its insulation, and to cause an unneces- sary loss of current. Its exclusion, therefore, from instruments, keys, switches, lightning dischargers, and all metallic contacts cannot be too scrupulously attended to. In the line circuit its presence in joints is detrimental to conduction ; on the surface of insulators it impairs the insulation of the line. In the battery circuit its adherence to the surface of the jars tends to leakage, and its presence on the battery plates or screws adds to the resistance of the circuit. 216. The faults most likely to occur in telegraph batteries are detailed in the following paragraphs, it being understood that the battery cells have been carefully pre- pared and set up in the first instance. 217. Mixing of the copper and zinc solutions in one or more of the cells, whereby a copper salt is deposited on the zinc disc and the E.M.F. of the cell is destroyed. Indication. The zinc disc becomes discoloured. Cause and remedy. This fault is generally the result of the cell having been suddenly shaken, in which case the dis- coloured disc should be replaced by a clean one. It may be due to the imperfect preparation .of the cell, in which case the disc will soon become discoloured again ; the cell should then be removed altogether and dismantled. 218. Local action within the cell. 1 Indication. Loss of effective current, frequently attended with frothiness of the surface. Cause and remedy. The presence of dirt or other im- purities in the cell is the general cause of this fault ; the froth and all impurities therein should be removed from the surface of the water immediately on its appearance. In view of prevention^ the sand or sawdust is well washed previous to use. Leakage. 2IQ. Leakage, by imperfect insulation from the ground, resulting in continuous loss of current. Indication. Dampness of the battery stand or of the outer surface of the battery jars, or the deposition of crystals thereon. Cause and remedy. The first two indications are likely Local Action. 33- FAULTS IN CIRCUITS AND THEIR REMEDY. to be due either to moisture of the air or carelessness in replenishing the cells with water. The jars and the battery stand should be wiped dry, and care taken that the latter is not resting against a damp wall, nor in fact against any object whatever. The crystals formed on the sides of the jars also act like 1a syphon, and draw off the liquid over the edges of the jar. They should be wiped off immediately they appear, but as their formation is due to saturation of the zinc solution, it should be prevented by keeping the zinc disc always covered with clean water. 1 Cross Leakage. 220. Cells short-circuited or shunted, resulting in the whole or part of the current of one or more cells being I lost, by the completion of a circuit within the poles of the battery. Indications. In the case of a complete short circuit, it will probably be found that the leading wires between the copper and zinc poles of two or more cells are in metallic contact with one another. A partial short circuit may be indicated by the insulated covering of the leading wire between two cells being either cracked, or loose, or covered with crystals of sulphate of zinc, or by the surface being damp, or by a drop of liquid being visible at the end of the wire which is fastened to the zinc terminal, or by discoloration of the zinc disc. Cause and remedy. The cause in both cases is to be found in the insulating covering of the leading wire. If it is loose and allows of the liquid percolating between the core and the wire, the end should be sealed up with Chat- terton's compound. The conduction of the liquid over the outer surface of the wires is prevented by soaking the covered wires, before use, in melted wax. Disconnection. 221. Cells disconnected wholly or partially, by which the resistance of the battery is increased and the current weakened. Indication. Deposition of white crystals of zinc sulphate on the terminal screws of the zinc plate or discoloration of the disc ; or the appearance of dirty froth thereon. Causes and remedy. The action of the cell causes the formation of zinc sulphate at the zinc plate, which crystallises 159 1 The Zinc Solution is removed by means of a sponge. See 34- i6o MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Rise in Resistance. Fall in Resistance. when the water becomes saturated with the salt ; hence the necessity for frequently changing the water, as this sulphate when dry offers a high resistance. 1 If the zinc is discoloured, it should be removed. If the liquid is only frothy, the froth should ,be removed. The appearance of the above indications together in the cells of a battery would indicate neglect. If disconnection in a battery be manifested, without any of the above appearances, and the cells are clean, it is probable that one of the terminal screws has become loosened by accident. If this is not the case, then probably the remedy will be found by piercing the diaphragm. 2 Such a fault occurring through the looseness of a ter- minal screw may be intermittent in its nature, causing the cell to emit a current of varying strength. 222. Increase of internal resistance of a cell, whereby the current is weakened. Indication. The only sure indication in this case is that afforded by actual measurement ; the cell often presents a clean and passive appearance, but this is not an infallible criterion. Cause and remedy. If there are no external evidences of corrosion, or dirt or neglect, this fault is probably due to polarisation of the copper plate, 3 which even in a constant battery may take place when strong currents are generated through low resistance. The free hydrogen, collecting in the form of bubbles at the copper plate, may, however, be liberated by piercing the diaphragm with a pointed piece of wood or bone or non- metallic substance. If the above remedy fails to reduce the resistance and increase the current, and the terminals are clean and firmly connected, the fault is probably due to a dirty plate, and the zinc should be changed. 223. Decrease of internal resistance of a cell signifies consumption of material, and is therefore to be expected to attend the working out of the battery. Indication and cause. The zinc disc sinks in the jar as the sulphate of copper becomes consumed by the action of the cell. When it has sunk to a depth corresponding to the original depth of the sulphate of copper, there is no more 1 To prevent the formation of crystals at the zinc terminal a composition is applied to the neck of the disc ( 35). 222. FAULTS IN CIRCUITS AND THEIR REMEDY. 161 Battery Faults indicated by Regular Tests. Instrument Faults. to consume, the action of the cell may be expected to cease. The resistance of an exhausted Minotti is about five ohms. 224. It will be observed that the faults enumerated above all affect more or less the internal resistance of the battery ; regular testing, therefore, as will be explained here- after, 1 affords an accurate and valuable means of detecting the first traces of falling off, the symptoms of such being directly indicated by the deflections of the testing galvano- meter. 225. The efficiency of telegraph instruments is practically tested by their sensitiveness under the influence of working currents. The principal defects to which instruments are liable may be stated in general terms as follows : (i.) Mechanical faults, due to friction, imperfect springs, contacts working loose, &c. (ii.) Electrical faults, due to defective insulation of covered wires in coils or connections, causing contacts or derived circuits or leakage, through uninsulated parts of the instrument ; also to imperfect contacts through dust, or dirt, or oxidation ; also to discontinuity, caused by the fusion of a coil by lightning, or by corrosion, or accidental breakage of any part of the instrument connections. The end of a coil is frequently found to be the spot at which such a defect occurs. (iii.) Faults of magnetisation, whereby permanent magnets lose their magnetism through exposure to heat ; or their polarity is reversed from the same cause or by the effects of lightning ; also when the iron cores of electro- magnets retain their magnetism after the cessation of the current. (iv.) Faults of adjustment, whereby the current is employed in overcoming unnecessary mechanical inertia ; as, for instance, when the play of tongues or levers is too great, 2 or antagonistic springs are too strong ; or where extra currents produce unnecessarily large sparks in conse- quence of too great play, impairing the points thereby ; or by want of judicious adaptation of battery power to the resistance in circuit. 226. The relay is subject to the following defects : 3 (a) Loose carriage. In those relays in which the micro- meter screw effects adjustment by moving a traverse, con- see M SECTION E. 267-288. 2 64 and 121 id). 3 For descrip- tion of the instrument, 59- MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. t SECTION taining the limiting points between which the tongue plays, ^_ t * this traverse or * carriage,' after long use, or through rough handling of the micrometer screw, becomes loose. This is a serious fault, for the instrument is thrown out of adjust- ment by the working of the tongue under the influence of the current, which alters the position of the carriage, and consequently the play of the tongue. Immediately such a fault shows itself, the instrument should be sent for repair. (b) Unequal coils. This fault occurs when, from acci- dent or other cause, the insulating covering of the wire in either coil becomes imperfect, admitting of contact between several convolutions of wire. Such a defect shows itself by the unequal magnetic effect exerted by the two cores on the tongue, and is further proved by testing the resistance of each coil separately. Coils in which such a defect is manifested must be re- wound. (c) Imperfect insulation of working contact. The metal working contact is itself insulated from the body of the relay, and is further connected by insulated wire, through the sounder coils, to the copper pole of the local battery. The zinc pole is joined to the relay tongue ; and, as this is not insulated from the rest of the instrument, any defect in the insulation of the working contact or of the wire connected with it would short-circuit the local battery through the tongue, a fault which would make itself known by causing a permanent beat on the sounder. (d) Demagnetisation of permanent magnet. This may be the result of exposure to heat or the effects of lightning. The failure of the relay to act, under the influence of a current, as a polarised instrument, as displayed by the attraction of the tongue by either core indifferently, would at once indicate such a fault. Remagnetisation, by means of a powerful permanent or electro- magnet, would be necessary. (e) Residual magnetism in cores or shoes. This fault arises from impurity of the iron, which may have become hard in course of use. It is rendered apparent by the sluggish movement of the tongue, the result of magnetic inertia, 1 and is remedied by annealing the iron ; the more i 121 (b\ FAULTS IN CIRCUITS AND THEIR REMEDY. gradually the iron is allowed to cool the more effectually will the process of annealing be accomplished. 1 (/) Oxidation of platinum contacts. The platinum points i 238 (/). between the tongue and the working contact become fused by the sparks caused by the extra currents, which are formed on the making and breaking of the local circuit, 2 a black 2 119. oxide being deposited upon the points, which introduces considerable resistance into the local circuit, thus affecting the strength of signals on the sounder. The oxide is removed by the application of chalk and oil, and the spark is prevented or reduced by connecting the terminals of the sounder coils through a comparatively high resistance, and thus forming a derived circuit or shunt through which the extra currents pass instead of discharging in a spark through the air. The strength of these extra currents is dependent on the strength of the current of the local battery ; hence, again, the necessity for regulating the battery power according to the resistance of the local circuit. 3 3 42 and (g) Mechanical inertia of the tongue. l8l> The delicacy of suspension of the tongue between its bearings is sometimes impaired by their becoming dirty or rusty, in which case they should be cleaned with chalk and oil. The smallest drop of best watchmaker's oil will serve to connect the tongue with the bearings as well as to keep them clean. The friction between the tongue and its bearings should be so small that when the shoes are removed, and the tongue is made to move under the influence of a small magnet held above the middle of the iron part of it, it should swing rapidly, and should only come to rest after a great many oscillations. (/i) Imperfect adjustment. The sensitiveness of the instrument is greatly dependent upon its accurate adjustment, which should be carried out in accordance with the processes already described. 4 4 66-70. (/) A broken coil of course interrupts the circuit alto- gether, being indicated by the failure of the tongue to work, or the magnetic indicator to deflect, under the influence of a received current. Faults in the 22 7- () The various forms of sounder described Sounder. i n Section C 5 are, in common with the relay, subject to the 5 73-87. M 2 164 Faults in the Ink-writer. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. defects described in clauses (b\ (e\ (ti), and (/) of the fore- going paragraph, and the remedies therein prescribed apply equally to the case of the sounder. Dirt and dust must be prevented from collecting on contact points, this precaution being specially necessary when the instruments are used for translation. 1 (b) Imperfect insulation of the pillars from the base plate and from one another, or of the coils or connecting wires from the base plate, would give rise to serious faults in translation working, creating metallic contacts between these parts of the instrument, which would cause a permanent beat on the sounder with which it is joined up in translation. (c] The spiral antagonistic spring is liable to lose its power by long-continued use, thus failing to exert the re- quired force of restitution, the result of which is that the armature ' sticks / in spite of careful adjustment. When this is the case a new spiral spring should be fitted. 2 228. (a) The ink-writer 3 is liable to the same faults as the sounder, and besides these, is subject to defects in its clockwork machinery and inking arrangements, the result of accident or long-continued use. (b) Broken spring. The steel spring which sets the machinery in motion may be broken by over-winding, an accident which should be prevented by care ; and as a further precaution against which the clockwork should never be allowed to run down completely. (c) Dust and rust seriously affect the springs and all the steel and iron part of the machinery, and are excluded as much as possible by inclosing the clockwork in an air-tight case. The wheels and bearings become clogged from the same cause, in which case the latter should be lubricated with pure watchmaker's oil. The bearings of the wheels rest in countersunk holes in the sides of the brass case, and are covered by thin, closely fitting brass plates, which should only be opened for the purpose of oiling the bearings. (d) Friction of the paper wheel^ i.e. the wheel which holds the tape, may impede the action of the clockwork, in which case the axle should be oiled ; or the sides of the wheel may be screwed up too tightly against the roll of tape ; or 1 183, and fig. 48. * The rules for adjusting various forms of Sounders will be found in 76, 81, 83,' and 86. 5 93- FAULTS IN CIRCUITS AND THEIR REMEDY. the tape itself may offer friction by the adhesion of the different layers to one another. In this case, without taking off the wheel, unroll the tape by hand and roll it up again, so that when unwound by the clockwork it may be relieved of the strain necessary to separate the layers. ( ( a ) The needle instrument * is liable to the i 9 6. Needle instru- rupture or imperfect insulation of its coils or connections, or to the demagnetisation of the needle, defects which, with their respective remedies, are described in para. 226 (clauses b and z) and para. 238 (d). 1 66 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION E. Faults in Electric Bells, Electro-mag- netic Shunts, and Discharg- ing Relays. Faults in -the Condenser. (b) Imperfect continuity of the sending or receiving circuit of the instrument, or both, may be caused by the accumula- tion of rust or dirt on the steel springs which press against the contact T (fig. n), and between which the handle makes battery contact. This is indicated by a falling off in the strength of the deflections of the needle under the influence of the sent or received current, or both. If the application of chalk and oil does not remove the dust or rust, the springs should be cleaned with kerosine oil, rubbed on with brown paper ; if this fails, fine emery powder may be used. The same fault would result from weak springs, in which case they would require to be re-tempered or renewed. Such a fault in the sending circuit can be at once dis- covered by short-circuiting the instrument with a piece of wire connecting the terminals A and B (fig. n). 1 On turning l 96. the handle the needle should deflect violently. The receiving portion of the circuit is tested by connect- ing the battery poles direct with the terminals A and , leaving the handle at rest, when the same deflections should be observed. (c) The permanent deflection of the needle out of the per- pendicular is sometimes the result of terrestrial magnetism or of earth currents, in which case the disc is turned round until the needle hangs midway between its limiting studs. The roughness of these studs sometimes causes the needle to cling to them. Rubbing them with a black-lead pencil is a remedy against this. 230. Electric bells, 2 electro-magnetic shunts, 3 2 98-103. and discharging relays 4 are subject to the faults general 3 122. to electro-magnets, as described in paras. 226 and 227, the 4 126. only special source of defect to which attention is necessary being in the steel spring of the alarum, which is likely to lose its power. Cleaning the spring with oil, and thus keeping it free from rust, is the best prevention against this fault. . 231. The condenser 5 only suffers from two defects, 5 n6. viz. : (1) Deterioration of the dielectric. (2) Surface leakage between the terminals. Both these faults produce the same effect, viz. that ot FAULTS IN CIRCUITS AND THEIR REMEDY. T impairing the inductive capacity of the condenser by creating SECTION a conductive circuit between its terminals. E - In the first case, which is the most serious, a path of more or less resistance is opened to the current between two adjacent plates through the injured dielectric ; this fault is generally the result of exposure to heat or light, and when once developed there is no remedy for it short of re- insulating the plates ; hence it becomes most important to take measures to prevent the occurrence of this fault. With this object, the boxes of condensers should be inclosed in air-tight cases or cupboards, always kept closed, these cases being a further protection against the settlement of dust or damp on the surface of the condenser boxes. The terminals are usually, for the sake of insulation, fitted into sockets of ebonite, the surface of which should be kept dry and clean. Faults in Keys. 232. The key l is so simple in its mechanism that it is i 105. not liable to many faults. (a) Dirty contacts are the chief cause of defect, which should be carefully guarded against by exercising the pre- cautions recommended in para. 226 (/). The unnecessary resistance introduced by dirt or dust between the front contacts would reduce the strength of sent currents ; and received signals would be weakened by the presence of dirt between the back contacts. (b) Weak antagonistic spring. Imperfect continuity of the received circuit is sometimes caused by the steel spiral antagonistic spring becoming weak and failing to effect a firm back contact when the handle is released by the hand, () Corrosion of plate. The resistance of copper earth plates is often found to increase after long use, in conse- quence of the formation of a green greasy oxide on their surface similar to that described in the case of commutator plugs. 2 On the first indication of this fault the plate should be thoroughly cleaned, as the longer oxidation goes on, the more difficult its removal becomes. (c) Polarisation may result from such a fault as the above, or from any cause whereby electrical contact between the plate and the ground is rendered imperfect, the conse- quence of which is that the plate fails to diffuse the current into the earth and becomes charged or polarised, as it is called, discharging its current back through the line circuit in the opposite direction to the working current. 241. Faults in the line circuit may be due to either of the following causes : 173 178. 234 (a). 174 Natural Causes obstructing Communica- tion. Atmospheric Electricity. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. (a) Total disconnection, caused by breakage of the line through accident, a bad joint, or rusty wire. (b) Partial disconnection is almost invariably the result of an imperfectly soldered joint which has not actually given way. This fault is often intermittent in its nature. (c) Total or ' dead" 1 earth is caused by the line wire forming connection with damp ground, either directly or by touching an iron post or stay, or a wet tree, whereby a perfect contact is formed with the ground, the resistance of the fault in this case being nil. (d) Partial earth<\s due to similar causes, which do not, however, cause perfect connection with the ground. 1 (e) Contacts are caused by two or more wires being twisted together or connected by a piece of wire thrown upon them, by which they are placed in metallic contact, the resistance of such a fault being generally nil, when the contact is called perfect ; or by kite-strings, dead snakes, leaves of trees, or other imperfect conductors, whereby the contact itself offers resistance, in which case it is called a partial contact? Disconnections , earths, and contacts may occur together ; for example, in the case where a line is broken and the ends on the ground and touching other wires. Sec. F, on * Testing,' includes a description of the mode of localising the various faults which occur in telegraph lines. 242. Communication through telegraph lines is subject to disturbances due to what are termed natural currents, such being attributable to any of the following causes : (1) Atmospheric electricity. (2) Earth currents. (3) Thermo-electric currents. (4) Moisture. (a) Atmospheric currents are generated by the electricity of the air or clouds, either by induction or by direct dis- charge ; any change of state in the air or clouds producing a current in the line. Lightning dischargers 3 are the only protection against disturbances of this kind ; and when they fail, it becomes necessary to stop work and put the line direct to earth, until the atmospheric electricity is sufficiently discharged to allow of communication being resumed. 1 A trouble- some and not uncommon cause of earth faults is the persistent building of crows' nests on the telegraph posts. These nests contain bits of wire, such as ends of binding or jointing wire, which may have been left on the ground, and form a conducting circuit between the line and the iron post. Hence the necessity for requiring the workmen to gather up and bury all useless scraps of wire. 2 Snakes are not unfre- quently dropped across the wires by birds. 133- Earth Currents. Thermo- electric Currents. Moisture. FAULTS IN CIRCUITS AND THEIR REMEDY. These currents must be clearly distinguished from 'earth currents,' the causes of which are as follows : (ft) Earth currents simply appear to be caused by currents flowing from one part of the earth to another (owing to a difference of potential between these points) through the line, which is placed in metallic contact with the ground by means of the earth plates. These currents must not, however, be confused with the currents produced by polarisa- tion of earth plates, 1 though they exhibit the same features. Earth currents are intimately connected with magnetic storms. They are observed to be strongest in lines running N.E. and S.W., and are variable in strength and direction. When they are so strong as to interfere with communication their effect can be nullified by throwing off earth and using a spare line, when there is one, as a return wire. (c) Thermo-electric currents are generated between dif- ferent points of the line, varying in temperature. These currents, however, are rarely, if ever, sufficiently strong to interfere with the working current. (d) Moisture, such as rain, or dew, or sea air, has the effect of producing polarisation currents at points of defective insulation. Such faults are felt least when working with a copper current, 2 but when the strength of the polarisation currents, due to electrolytic action, is such as to obstruct communica- tion, their direction may be reversed by sending a zinc current through the line for a short time. 240 (< Def. 26, and 239 (c). SECTION F. TESTING 243-266. MEASUREMENT OF ORDINARY RESISTANCES BY VARIOUS METHODS, WITH RULES FOR THE SELECTION OF SUITABLE TESTING BATTERIES AND INSTRUMENTS 267-278. MEASUREMENT OF BATTERY RESISTANCES (OR ANY RESISTANCES CONTAINING E.M.F.), BY VARIOUS METHODS 279-287. MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE (VARIOUS METHODS) 288. REGULAR TESTS OF BATTERIES 289-291. MEASUREMENT OF ARRIVING CURRENTS 292-318. TESTING OF LINES (REGULAR TESTS) 319-333. DITTO (FAULT TESTS) 334. MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITIES 335-343. 'EARTH' AND 'LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR' TESTING (VARIOUS METHODS) 344. TESTS OF INSTRUMENTS AND CONNECTIONS TESTING. Object of Testing. To measure ordinary Resistances. Resistances measured by the Wheatstone Bridge. 243. Electrical testing has two objects : first, that of examining the normal conditions of batteries, lines, and earths, which is the purpose of regular testing \ any sudden or unaccountable change from the regular readings recorded thus affording a means of detecting and remedying faults before they affect communication or otherwise show them- selves ; the second object, which is accomplished by fault testing (and which is confined to the lines\ being that of ascertaining the locality of a fault immediately its presence is manifested. 244. The simplest electrical measurement which can be made is that of a resistance not containing an electromotive force : for example, a piece of wire or a coil, such being called a ' dead resistance.' A resistance of this kind may be measured in various ways. 245. By the Wheatstone bridge, described in para. 164 (see fig. 39). The unknown resistance, which we may call x, is joined up between the terminals L and L' of the bridge, and, as explained in the above-mentioned paragraph, X W. * * For proof A of this formula, see By this means resistances from o'oi unit up to one million Solution vi. J App. B. units can be measured. As the measurement of x depends upon the * balance ' of the bridge, which is adjusted by the resistance of the various branches, it is necessary that this should be tested, which is done as follows. i8o To test the Branches of the Bridge. To test the Insulation of the Bridge. Resistances measured by the Differential Galvano- meter. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. 246. To test the bridge for conduction. Opposite branches being equal, the First, make x == o W o A =10 potentials at p and q should be equal, and therefore there should be no deflection of the galvano- meter, indicating balance to be perfect. A strong deflection of the needle should result, indicating that W is too large. A stronger deflection of the needle, in the opposite direction, should show x too large. Fourth, make W also ( O P p P osite branches bein S a S ain infinity, A and B ( being each =1000 i Second, make W i, x, A, and B remain- ing as before Third, now make x J infinity equal, balance should be re- stored, as indicated by no deflec- tion of the needle. In testing with equal branches A and B their resistance should be determined by that under measurement. If x be between i and 100 units, A and B should be = 10. 100 1000 A and B should be = 100. 1000 i oooo A and B should be = 1000. 247. To test the bridge for insulation. As the limit of measurement (by balance) with the bridge is one million units, it is only possible to test whether its insulation resistance is above that standard. This is done by making A = 10 B = 1000 W= 10000 x = infinity. The deflection of the needle should show x greater than T> W, i.e. greater than one million. A 248. The differential galvanometer, described in para. I65, 1 affords another means of measuring x. When neither shunt is used, 1 See fig. 40. TESTING. With the shunt 5 in circuit, Rules for testing the Accuracy of the Differential Galvano- meter. Resistances measured by the Deflec- tion of a Galvano- meter. = 100 w:- And with the shunt s', TW vy ' The differential galvanometer, like the bridge, has a range of measurement from o - oi to 1,000,000 units ; the bridge, however, is the more accurate measurer of the two, in consequence of the difficulty experienced in winding both coils of the differential galvanometer alike. 249. The accuracy of the differential galvanometer is tested as follows : * For proof, see Solution VII. App. B. For conduction. X = O or make Second, make then make Third, make then make vV \J 1 W= o wlth or ( without \ X =00 rr^ 1 shunts | X =00 \ W= o { x = o i x = o I w= i! r 1 x = i W= o \ For insulation. Make X =00 W =10000 with the shunt s I Balance should be indi- cated by no deflection. The needle should in both cases be deflected strongly, but in oppo- site directions. The needle should be deflected in opposite directions, but less strongly than in the second case. The deflection should show x greater than 100 W, i.e. greater than one million. 250. By deflections, on the principle that the angle of deflection of a galvanometer needle (or, in the case of sine and tangent galvanometers, 1 the sine or tangent respectively * 150 and of the angle of deflection) is proportional to the strength of * 51 ' the current, which is itself inversely proportional to the re- sistance in circuit ; 2 that is to say, if a certain resistance, w, * Law i, be joined up in the circuit of a battery and galvanometer, a A PP- A - certain deflection of the needle will be the result. Suppose, now, that w is replaced by some other resistance, x. Then, if x be equal to JF, the deflection of the needle will be the T g 2 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION same as before ; or, if x be one half oi w^ then the deflection , R .. will be double what it was before ; or, if x be twice as great as w, the deflection will be half what it was before. In other words, with the same electromotive force, the strength of current, as shown by the deflection of the galvanometer, is inversely proportional to the resistance in circuit i.e. * This follows directly from Ohm's Law R being the resistance in circuit ; c= E E the electromotive force, as represented by the number of R cells in series ; from which Cthe strength of current, as denoted by the angle of de- 5~~ flection of the galvanometer. Now if, in the circuit above described, R (the known re- '*' R ^~c' sistance) be replaced by x, an unknown resistance which it is desired to measure E remaining the same it follows that E x =c> C' representing the deflection of the galvanometer when the unknown resistance x is in circuit. Now if C= C' that is, if the deflection is the same with x in circuit as it was when R was in circuit it follows that xR. If not, however, then And, E being the same in both cases, ~ r * It is pre- _ = _ sumed here, for R C' ' the sake of simplicity, that _ C R the Galvano- .*. x -- - meter used is one in which the deflections that is, the unknown resistance x is equal to the known re- a re propor- sistance R, multiplied by the ratio between the angles of ^jonai to th e deflection in the first and second cases respectively. * current ( 149). Effect of altering the E.M.F. of the Testing Battery. TESTING. 251. It may often occur that, although the angle of deflection C in the first case with the resistance R in circuit, may be a readable deflection, x, the unknown re- sistance, may be so much greater than R that when x is in circuit the needle may scarcely be deflected a single degree on the scale, with the same battery. Hence it becomes desirable to increase the electromotive force of the testing battery, so that in the second case with the large resistance x in circuit the strength of the current may be increased sufficiently to produce a readable deflection, C', of the needle for comparison with the deflection C, obtained in the first case with the smaller electromotive force ' through the smaller resistance R. Calling the increased E.M.F., when x is in circuit, E f , we have X R ~c E' C EC' Battery 252. It will be observed that the only resistances taken Resistance j nto accoun t f n the above circuit are those external to the when taken into account, testing battery. It must be remembered, however, that the batteries themselves contain resistance, and under certain circum- stances the battery resistance may form an important part of that of the whole circuit. For example, in the case when a single cell whose re- sistance is 20 ohms * is joined in circuit with a very low resistance, say 2 ohms, it is obvious that if another cell be added to the first (in series), although the E.M.F. will be doubled, the strength of the current as indicated by the deflection of the galvanometer will not also be doubled. This is because the resistance introduced by the second cell (20 ohms) is so great in comparison with the external resistance (2 ohms) that the increased E.M.F. does not 4 6. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. increase the strength of the current accordingly, on account of the resistance introduced along with it, which acts on the strength of current in the inverse or opposite way to E.M.F. that is to say, by adding E.M.F., the strength of the current C is increased ; but, by adding resistance, C is de- creased ; thus it may happen that adding cells to a battery may have no effect whatever upon the deflections of a galvanometer in circuit, the strength or quantity of the cur- rent (not its E.M.F. simply) being the property of the current which does work, i.e. deflects needles, decomposes water, heats wires, &C. 1 l Def. i. This may be very simply explained by Ohm's law as follows : Now, in the first case described above, viz. when the circuit is composed of one cell of 20 ohms, and an external resistance of 2 ohms, C= 1 = - 20 + 2 22 In the second case, when another cell is added, , _ 2 2 __ 1 ~~^2~"21 ) that is to say, the strength of the current (and consequently the deflection) is almost precisely the same with two cells as with one. If, however, the external resistance be very large com- pared with that of the battery for example, say 5000 ohms then, with one cell, 20 + 5000 6020 and with two cells, 20+80+5000 50^0 2520 /. C' : C :: 5020 : 2520, C 1 = or =- = 2 nearly; C 2520 that is to say, the current is twice as strong with two cells as with one. Rule for calculating the Strength of Current in reference to arrange- ment of battery power. Testing Batteries joined for Tension or Quantity. Measure- ment of Low Resistances. TESTING. 253. This enables us to make a rule which shall be a guide in calculating the effect of the current in all cases of testing by deflections, according to the number of cells used, under various conditions of resistance. This rule may be stated as follows : If the resistance to be tested is so great that the battery resistance is insignificant in com- parison with it, then, by multiplying the E.M.F. of the battery, the deflections will be multiplied accordingly. That is to say, if one cell causes the needle to deflect 10, two cells will produce a deflection of 20, and so on (in instruments whose deflections are proportional to the strength of the current). 254. The definition of E.M.F. 1 accounts for this fact, i Defs. 5 for, being that property of the current which overcomes re- and 6 - sistance, it follows that when the external circuit is such that the work of the testing current is that of overcoming high resistance the battery should be given high E.M.F., which is effected by joining its cells in series, or for ' tension ' as it is sometimes called. . It is obvious, on the other hand, that if the resistance of the circuit to be measured is so small that the current has practically nothing to overcome, then the property of high E.M.F. is not required, and no increase of deflection would result from joining the cells in series. In this case, doubling the quantity of the current would double the deflections. Now as the quantity of the current depends upon the quantity of material consumed, it is evident that by doubling the surface of the plates of a cell or, which is the same thing, joining two cells parallel to one another 2 the quan- 2 19. tity of the current (and consequently the deflections) will be doubled in those cases where the external resistance is insig- nificant compared with that of the battery. Hence joining cells parallel is called ''joining for quantity' 255. The fact of doubling the surface, by joining the plates of the cells parallel, reduces their combined resistance to one half that of a single cell, according to the law of de- rived circuits, their joint resistance being the product of the resistance of each cell divided by their sum. 3 For example, * Law 8, the parallel resistance of two cells, each measuring 20 units, is App - A - '85 i86 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Adjustment of Battery Power according to work to be done. Deflections controlled by Adjustment ofE.M.F. and by Galvano- meter Shunts. 20X20 20 + 20 40 or half the resistance of one cell. Thus, in testing low resistances, when it is desired to reduce the battery resistance to less than that of one cell, it can be effected by joining cells parallel. 256. It will be observed that the effects of joining batteries for tension or for quantity respectively are in agreement with the law for obtaining the maximum effects from electro-magnets, viz. that the greatest magnetic force is obtained when the internal resistance of the battery is equal to the resistance of the coils of the electro-magnet. 1 1 Law 15, These rules, regulating the adjustment of battery power, App * A> are useful, not only in the case of testing currents, but in the adaptation of working batteries to suit the circuits in which they are placed. 257. From the above remarks 2 it will be understood 3 251 et seq. how the addition of E.M.F. in the testing battery increases the range of measurements which may be tested by deflec- tions, in those cases where the unknown resistance x (para. 251) is so much greater than the known resistance ^?, as to render the deflection of the galvanometer, when x is in circuit, too small for comparison with its deflection when was in circuit, the E.M.F. in both cases being the same. On the other hand, it may occur that x may be so much smaller than R that the deflection with x in circuit may be so much greater than with R in circuit (the E.M.F. being the same), that the needle may deflect to its full extent on the scale, and readings be thus again incomparable. Here it would be necessary to reduce E.M.F., so as to reduce the deflections in a corresponding ratio until brought within readable limits. Under certain circumstances, however, the E.M.F. of the battery may be already so small as not to admit of further reduction, as, for example, in the case when one cell only is used. Other means must therefore be employed for reducing the deflections within readable bounds, this being most con- veniently done by shunting the galvanometer, so that a known fraction of the current only shall pass through the coils to deflect the needle ; these deflections being multiplied again by the coefficient known as ' the multiplying power of R esistances measured with the Thomson Galvano- meter. TESTING the shunt ' l in calculating the effective strength of the cur- rent. 258. The Thomson galvanometer, 2 which, by its extreme sensitiveness, indicates the weakest currents passing For descrip- through its coils, is used in accordance with the above prin- ciples for the measurement of very high resistances. Fig. 64 represents the instrument joined in circuit with the testing battery E, and an unknown resistance x. s represents the shunt. 3 instrument, see 156. 157- FIG. 64. MEASUREMENTS WITH REFLECTING GALVANOMETER. Now, considering the deflections of the needle as directly proportional to the strength of the current flowing through the coils, 4 it follows from Ohm's simple law that 4 149. E representing the number of cells employed, C the deflec- tion produced thereby through the unknown resistance x. Now supposing E and x in the above circuit to be re- placed by a different electromotive force e t and a known resistance ^?, and calling the deflection in this case C' Then, by the same law, or R = 4.. And comparing the two circuits, we have i88 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. J& 2. _ ; C' E EC' T e C Adjustment of Circuit. the above being a general formula which is applicable to any E. M. forces and resistances which may be in circuit. 259. Now the deflection C' produced by the known E.M. force e, through the known resistance 7?, may be ad- justed to any value most convenient consistent with readable deflections. For example, supposing C' to be produced by the cur- rent of one cell through a resistance of 10,000 ohms, the galvanometer being shunted with the -^-g- shunt i.e. the shunt which allows y^^ part of the current to go through the galvanometer or, in other words, has the effect of multiplying the value of the resistance in circuit by 1,000 ; then C' = 10000x1000 1 million Now, supposing the unknown resistance x to be a very large one, and, in order to produce a readable deflection C when x is in circuit, we increase the number of cells to 100, and take off the shunt so as to give the galvanometer its full deflecting power ; then, in this case, and, comparing this with the preceding equation, / . 100 1 million ' x -t- c / million x x 100 millions (or megohms), and x = 100 (megohms}. To measure Resistances with the Tangent Galvano- meter. the~ tangent TESTING. 260. To measure resistances with galvanometer. Having selected a suitable testing battery of known re- sistance, / join up between its poles the resistance to be measured, x, and the galvanometer, whose resistance may be called G. Then observe the deflection indicated by the galvano- meter, which we may call a. Now replace the unknown resistance oc by a known re- sistance IV, the rest of the circuit remaining the same, and observe the deflection in the second case, which we may call a 10 . Then 189 SECTION F. x = tan a tan # c * For proof of this formula, see Solution X. 261. In measuring low resistances with strong currents, App- B it is desirable to use a galvanometer of low resistance, be- cause, in this case, the sensitiveness gained by increasing the number of convolutions in the coil would be counter- acted by the resistance they introduce into the circuit. 1 i 54. The case is different, however, in measuring high resist- ances when the resistance of the galvanometer bears but a small proportion to the external resistance to be measured. In this case a high resistance galvanometer should be used, not that its resistance is of any advantage, but because it implies a large number of convolutions in the coils, the whole of the multiplying power of which is brought to bear (as their resistance can be neglected) to render the needle sensitive to the currents, enfeebled as they may be, in con- sequence of the high external resistances they have to traverse. Thus, in the departmental tangent galvanometer, 2 which 2 152. has two separate coils one of high, and the other of low resistance it is advisable to use the thick coil for measuring low resistances (i.e. up to 350 units), and for higher resist- ances the thin. 262. As a rule, the various observations made in the same test should be taken through the same coil of the instrument ; it is possible, however, that the battery and known resistance making up one of the circuits may allow of a very readable deflection through one coil, when the de- flection obtained through the same coil with the unknown MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. resistance in circuit may be either too small or too large for comparison ; hence it becomes necessary to take the read- ing, in the case of the second circuit, through the other coil. Now this shows that there is a certain property in dif- ferent coils, depending on their respective resistance, form, or construction, whereby the deflections of each differ, although actuated by the same current through the same external resistance. This property, peculiar to each coil, which may be represented by the letter K, is called the coefficient of the coil ; and as the value of the coefficient K varies for each, so, in the same proportion, will the deflections of various coils (or in the case of tangent galva- nometers, the tangents of their deflections) differ. For example, supposing it to be possible to find two exactly similar coils, whose coefficients may be called K and K', respectively, and that two equal currents C, C' are sent through these coils, then in this particular case, as the value of the coefficients K, K 1 is the same for both coils, their deflections a and a' through the thick and thin coils, respectively, will be equal. Supposing .AT and K' , however, to be different; and, for example, that C represent the current in the thick coil, and C 1 that in the thin, produced by the same battery, through no external resistance in either case ; Then (by the principle of the tangent galvanometer) C=Ktan a and C' == K' tan a 10 C K tan a ' C' K' tana! whence C K' tan a C' K tan a! . K' __ C 1 tan a ' ' ~K ~ C tan a 10 = n. This ratio (represented above by the letter n) may be found once for all for any pair of coils ; and to reduce their deflections to the same terms, the readings through the thin coil must be multiplied by n, or those through the thick coil divided by n, as is obvious from the above equation ; hence n is called the reduction coefficient of the coils. TESTING. To measure 263. In those cases in which the readings of the galva- SngbotTcoiis nometer cannot be controlled by the alteration of the E.M.F. of the Tangent of the testing battery l such, for example, as the measure- Galvanometer. ment of earths of very low res i s tance, when increased E.M.F. would give rise to polarisation, 2 and to variations in the resistance in circuit the use of two coils becomes necessary. In this case the natural current between the earths is used as the testing battery, and the resistance (x) to be measured is first placed in the circuit of the thick coil of the galvanometer of resistance g whose coefficient is K, Calling the deflection produced in the above circuit #, 191 SECTION ._ F " 251. 222 - Rules for Testing with the Tangent Galvanometer. Efficiency. Accuracy of Observations. To control Deflections. Instrument placed out of the field of then Ktan a? = g+ Now, replacing the thick coil g in the above circuit by the thin coil g', whose coefficient is K ', and noting the deflection a', then, in the second case, K' tan a' = from which, tan a tan a" tan tan a' n * For proof, see Solution XT. App. B. 264. The following will be found useful rules to be remembered when testing with the tangent galvanometer. (1) The tester should satisfy himself as to the perfect efficiency of the instrument electrically, magnetically, and mechanically. 3 (2) Errors of observation cannot be totally avoided, but to reduce them to a minimum the deflections should be controlled so as not to exceed 45, and to be as near that angle as possible. 4 (3) The position of the needle on the scale is controlled by the use of suitable resistances and electro- motive forces in the circuit ; 5 and it should be remembered that the most accurate results are obtained when the known resistance inserted ( W) is equal to (x), the resistance to be measured. (4) The deflections of the needle being influenced by neighbouring magnets or magnetic bodies, great 3 For tests of efficiency, see 153- 4 The reasons for this are explained in 151. See fig- 35- 5 251 and 257- SECTION F. neighbouring Magnets. Compensation for Errors of Zero Point. Adjustment of E.M.F. and Resistance of Testing Battery. To reduce the Resistance of the Testing Battery. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. care is necessary that such be removed to a distance (found by experiment), where their movement to and fro does not affect the galvanometer needle. (5) Errors of zero point, observed by the needle not returning to zero, in the course of testing, must be overcome by using reversed currents for each observation, and taking the mean of + and readings. Earth currents may sometimes cause this, when the earth forms part of the circuit. (6) On the principle that the maximum effect is obtained when the internal resistance of the bat- tery is equal to the resistance external to it, 1 a J Law 15, battery of high resistance, i.e. containing a number of cells App> A * in series, should be used for measuring high resistances ; but for the measurement of low resistances, the battery resistance should be as low as possible, so as to reduce errors in its computation to a minimum, but yet large enough to maintain its constancy, for in batteries of low resistance polarisation takes place, causing variation, both in their resistance and electromotive force. 2 2 222. (7) To reduce the resistance of a testing bat- tery to less than the normal resistance of one cell, when necessary, increase the surface by joining the number of cells ''parallel] 3 and calculate their joint resistance 3 254. ( j, 4 having carefully found the individual resistance 4 Law 8, Testing Battery the same throughout one test. J A pp. A. \ sum of each. This calculated value will be more correct than the measured resistance of a number of cells thus joined up ; for the measurement of such a circuit, closed as it is through a very small resistance, is liable to be rendered inaccurate by virtue of polarisation, creating a false resistance. In testing electromotive forces also, calculations are likely to be more correct than measurements, the E.M.F. of a Minotti cell being a constant quantity ; 5 and, further, 5 31. the measurement of its E.M.F. is dependent on its re- sistance, 6 and all measurements are liable to errors of 6 264 (2). observation. (8) For the various observations taken in the measure- ment of one quantity, the same testing battery should be used, unless absolutely impracticable, as in the case when a very high resistance is to be measured. 7 ? 25I . Choice of Galvanometer Resistance. Both Coils only used when absolutely necessary. Battery tested before and after Measurement^. Measurements made rapidly. Resistances measured with the Sine Galva- nometer. Bridge used in Measurement of high Resist- ance. TESTING. (9) In testing resistances up to 350 units the thick coil is used, and above that the thin, for reasons explained in para. 261. (10) The same coil should be used for the various observations in measuring the same quantity when practi- cable, as explained in para. 262. (n) When great accuracy is required, the resistance of the testing battery should be measured both before and after the tests. (12) All measurements should be made as quickly as possible, as the resistance of standard coils may vary under the influence of continued currents ; 1 and also in cases when the earth forms part of the circuit, in 2 3 6 - order that the earth plates may not become polarised, and thus render results inaccurate. 2 265. To measure a resistance with the sine galvanometer, the same process is adopted as that de- scribed in para. 260, for measurements with the tangent galvanometer, the same formula holding true ; but with this modification that the sines instead of the tangents of the angles of deflection are used ; thus : '93 _sin a' f ~ sin a\ It must be remembered in this case that the deflections of the needle on the scale are not read off direct, but are ascertained by turning the coil after the needle, so that the zero point of the movable scale stands under the needle ; in which case the number of degrees through which the coil was turned, as indicated by the outer fixed scale, represents the angle of deflection. 3 On account of this operation, it takes longer to execute measurements with the sine, than with the tangent galvano- meter. 266. The Wheatstone bridge may be used for the measurement of a high resistance, in connection with a sensitive galvanometer ; for, although when used as a ' balance] it is only capable of measuring resistances up to one million, 4 it can be made to form part of the circuit for testing by deflections so that its branch resistances A and B act as shunts to the galvanometer ; the adjustable resist- ance w being used as described in para. 259. o 161 and 240. 150. 245- 194 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Fig. 65 represents such an arrangement, in which the A branch of the bridge is used as a shunt, whose resistance is adjustable by 10, 100, or 1,000 units. B is plugged up so that its resistance =o, and the terminals L and L' are insulated. To find the deflection with the known resistance w in circuit, insert plugs in 1 and 6, the current reverser c being plugged at 2 and 3 for a copper current, and at 4 and 5 for a zinc current. Observe the deflection a of the needle, with i cell through the resistance w^ allowing for the multiplying power of the shunt A. 1 According to the law of shunts 2 the resistance in circuit would be represented by the expression + \+G J 159 2 Law 9, App. A. (G being the resistance of the galvanometer), and it is easy to adjust the resistances of w and ^, so that the above expression may be made equal to i million, Then, Join x, the resistance to be measured, between L and L' making A = o B = oo W=. oo To measure Resistances containing Electromo- tive Force. Measure- ment of Battery Resistance. TESTING. Increase the electromotive force to n cells, and call the SECTION deflection in this case b. F- Then, if the instrument in use is a reflecting galvano- meter it follows that x = - n E*( millions j or, if a sine galvanometer, x = Sm a n E (millions}, sin b Q \ ) 267. In treating of the measurement of resistances in the foregoing paras. (244-266), the property of resistance alone has been considered, with reference to the quantity x to be measured. It often occurs, however, that x may contain an electro- motive force, as in the case of battery cells (the object of which is to generate electromotive force), 1 or in the case of lines in which natural currents may be flowing, 2 or between earth plates, the result either of polarisation, 3 or of the difference of potential of the plates ; 4 and it is obvious that the effect of this electromotive force, when opposed to that of the testing battery, is to create an apparent increase of resistance in circuit ; or when acting in the same direction as that of the testing battery, to indicate a corresponding decrease of resistance. For this reason it is necessary to take all measurements of x both with + and currents, so that the apparent error in one case is counteracted by the error in the opposite direction, in the other case. Further, it is sometimes found convenient to use the electromotive force contained in x as its own testing battery. 268. Batteries are tested both for Resistance and Electro- motive Force. As the internal resistance of the battery often forms an important part of the testing circuit in the measure- ment of an electrical resistance or electromotive force ; 5 and 5 252. further, as any alteration in the resistance of a working battery is a sign either of exhaustion or of some specific fault ; 6 it is 6 27. obviously important that this property of the battery should be accurately ascertained. The internal resistance of a battery may be measured by 1 2. 2 242. 3 240(4 4 242 (*). ig6 First Method, with the Tangent Galvano- meter. Second Method (Poggen- dorff's), with the Wheat- stone Bridge. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. any of the following methods, which describe various pro- cesses of measurement, with various instruments, one or more of which will be found to apply to the case of any telegraph office. 269. First Method. To measure the resistance of a battery with the departmental tangent galvano- meter. As the battery contains an electromotive force (E) of its own, it is used to supply its own testing current. First, the battery and galvanometer are joined in circuit ; and the deflection produced, which may be called a, is noted. 1 Second, a known resistance w (adjusted so as to produce a readable deflection a') is inserted in the above circuit. Then, denoting by/ the battery resistance to be measured, and by g the resistance of the galvanometer, /= tan a' tana tan a' ( w 270. Second Method. To measure the resistance of a battery with the Wheatstone bridge (Poggendorff). The standard cell is inserted between L and L' ; and the branch B is made infinity. The battery, whose resistance f is to be measured, is joined up to the points m and #, as shown in the following figure : Standard cell Battery to le teslcd (f) 1 For a single cell the thin coil may be used, but for a battery pro- ducing too large deflec- tions through the thin coil to be read, the thick coil is used. * For proof of this formula, see Solution XII. App. B. FIG. 66. First, make .4 = 1110, and adjust w till balance is ob- tained. Second, make A = IO, and call this value A', and the resistance unplugged in this case to obtain balance then ~ AW -AW. J ~ W- W ; f For proof of this formula, see Solution XIII. App. B. TESTING. Third 271. Third Method. To measure the resistance wmiam (Si <> f the testing battery of the Wheatstone bridge. Thomson's). (Sir William Thomson.) The battery to be tested is first joined in circuit with the galvanometer, g, and a resistance, w, its poles being shunted by a resistance, A. w and A are adjusted so as to produce a convenient deflection (a). The shunt is then taken off, and the resistance of w in- creased until the same deflection (a) is reproduced. Calling the new resistance ^, and that of the battery to be tested,/ W'W / = ^ or, if the shunt A be made equal to w+g* f=W- W. The Wheatstone bridge itself supplies the necessary apparatus. The positions of the battery and galvanometer are interchanged ; 1 the A branch forms the shunt to the i Fig. 66, battery, and its resistance is made =10, 100, or 1,000, so as 27 - to produce a suitable deflection (a). B = o. W any suitable resistance. X = 00. After noting the deflection (0), the shunt is taken off by making ^=00, which, of course, increases the deflection; * Forinthe plugs are then withdrawn from w until the original deflection first circuit the (a) is reproduced through the new resistance, w'. Stedby 8 m Fourth 272. Fourth Method. To measure the resistance ^ ^ _ E Method,with O f a battery with the sine galvanometer. the bine Gal- - i i / i i i 11 i vanometer. Join the poles of the battery to be tested to the terminals of a sine galvanometer ; note the deflection (a) produced, and find the sine of this angle. Then insert resistance w until the deflection is reduced to the angle whose sine is half that of the first deflection ; then Method, the 273. Fifth Method. To measure the resistance of SfeTtant a battery with any tangent galvanometer. Gaivano- The process is precisely similar to that prescribed in the meter. 198 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION F preceding para, for measurements with the sine galvano- meter, the only difference being that the tangents instead of the sines of the angles of deflection are read ; and, by the same reasoning, Sixth Method, with the Differential Galvano- meter. 274. Sixth Method. To measure the resistance of a battery with a differential galvanometer. 1 First join the battery to be tested in circuit with one coil only of the galvanometer, and note the deflection produced. Then through both coils, in series, by which the deflec- tion will be increased ; because, by doubling the convolu- tions, sensitiveness is also doubled. 2 The resistance of the added coil, however, has to be considered ; if the addition of this in the second case exactly doubled the total resistance in circuit, then the deflections in the first and second cases would be the same. It will be found in practice, however, that the deflection in the second case is greater than in the first. This is due to the fact that / is not doubled at the same time that the resistance of the galvanometer coils is. If, then, in the third case resistance w be inserted, until the first deflection is reproduced, it follows that w is equal tof, the resistance of the battery ; thus, 165. 144- Seventh Method, with a re- flecting Gal- vanometer. 275. Seventh Method. To measure the resistance of a battery with Thomson's reflecting galvano- meter, or any galvanometer whose deflections are propor- tional to the current traversing the coils. Join up the battery, /, and galvanometer, g, in circuit with a resistance, w^ and note the deflection, a. Increase the resistance to w', and note the corresponding deflection, b. Then, from Ohm's law, and according to the principle of the instrument, the current in the first case may be expressed thus : ^ and, similarly, in the second case : W + g+f TESTING. 199 Eighth Method, Mance's Bridge Method. ( W+g)=fb + b ( W+g) ; -b)=b (W'+g)-a (W+g), and/= 276. Eighth Method. Mance's bridge method of testing the resistance of a battery. Place the battery whose resistance f is to be measured in the x branch of the bridge. FIG. 67. As the resistance to be measured possesses an electro- motive force of its own, it is used to supply its own testing current, and the usual testing battery is removed and re- placed by a key in a circuit known as the F branch of the bridge. By depressing the key, the resistance of the F branch is made nil, and, by opening it, infinity. Adjust the resistance of the branches A, B, and w until the deflection of the galvanometer is the same whether the key be open or closed. Now, as this can only occur when the condition of balance is obtained, 1 i.e. when it follows that or, in this case, as the battery forms the x branch, 164. Ninth 277. Ninth Method (Mance's). To measure the re- by sistance / of a battery by opposing electromotive force. 200 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION F. Join the poles of the battery to be tested to a galvano- meter, and into this circuit introduce a smaller battery (generally i cell) with its poles reversed so as to oppose the battery under test. FIG. 68. Tenth Method, with a Calibrated Galvano- scope or Galvano- meter. Measure- ment of Electro- motive Force. First Method, with the Tangent Galvano- meter. Shunt the poles of the battery whose resistance /is to be measured through a variable resistance W, and adjust this resistance until the galvanometer needle stands at zero. Calling the number of cells in the battery under test . E And that of the opposing battery e Then /= W-- W* e 278. Tenth Method. To measure the resistance of a battery with a calibrated galvanometer. 1 The battery to be tested is joined up in circuit with the galvanometer, and the deflection rioted. Look up the corresponding deflection on the card issued with the instrument, and note the resistance marked opposite to it. This represents the average resistance per cell of the battery under test, for reasons explained in para. 252, and when multiplied by the number of cells in series represents the resistance of the whole battery. 279. The unit of electromotive force is termed a Volt, 2 and as the E.M.F. of a Minotti or any form of DanielPs cell is almost identical with the volt, it is found convenient to measure the electromotive force of working batteries in terms of a standard Minotti cell. 3 280. First Method. To measure the electromotive force, E, of a battery, with the tangent galvano- meter. 4 Calling the E.M.F. of the battery under test E, and its * For proof of this formula, see Solution XIV. App. B. 1 For descrip- tion of the instrument and its mode of use, see 147. 2 Def. 7. 3 43- 4 For descrip- tion of the instrument and its use, see TESTING. 2OI Second Method, with the Wheat- stone Bridge. resistance/; and the corresponding properties of the standard cell used for comparison E' and/' ; Firs^ observe the deflection a', produced by the standard cell through the galvanometer alone, the resistance of which is g. If the departmental tangent galvanometer be the instrument employed, use the thin coil. Second. Observe the deflection a, produced by the battery under test, through the same coil and a suitable external resistance w. 1 Then tana 1 __ f' + g 281. Second Method. To measure the electro- motive force, E, of a battery, with the Wheatstone bridge (Poggendorff). The circuit is arranged in precisely the same way as that represented in fig. 66, para. 270. When balance is obtained, no current flows through the branches x and g of the bridge, but follows the circuit com- posed of A, W) and / From the same observations which are made to measure the resistance of the battery, its electro- motive force is calculated by the following formula : 1 With the Departmental Tangent Gal- vanometer, n r may = 2,000 ohms. * For proof of this formula, see Solution XV. App. B. Third Method, with any Gal- vanometer. 282. Third Method. To measure E, the electro- motive force of a battery, in terms of that of the standard cell, e, with any galvanometer. First join the battery to be tested in circuit with the galvanometer, g t and a certain resistance, w ; and note the deflection produced. Then replace the battery by the standard cell and adjust the resistance until a value, iv', is found, when the same deflection is obtained. Then, by Ohm's law E _g+f + W e g+f + W (f and / being the resistances of the battery and standard cell respectively). t For proof of this formula, see Solution XVI. App. B. 2O2 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Fourth Method, the same with a Shunt. Fifth Method (Wheat- stone's). g+f + Or, as e is the standard of unity *_*+/ + W The above simple plan has the merit of being practi- cable when only a galvanoscope is available. 283. Fourth Method. The same when a shunt is necessary to bring the deflection produced by the stronger battery within readable limits. In this case, the expression g in the first circuit described in the preceding para, becomes (s representing the resistance of the shunt), according to the law of derived circuits, 1 and the value of the deflection is multiplied by , the multiplying power of the shunt 2 Thus : +/+ W e+s +/'+ W s 284. Fifth Method. To measure the electromotive force of a battery by Wheat'stone's system. The battery, whose electromotive force E is to be measured, is joined up with a galvanometer ; resistance being inserted, if necessary, to produce a convenient deflec- tion, say #, which is noted. Resistance (iv) is then added until the deflection is reduced to b, which reading is also noted. Now replace E by e (the electromotive force of the standard cell), and adjust the resistance in circuit so as to reproduce the first deflection (a). Then add resistance (w 1 ) until the second deflection (b) is reproduced. From Ohm's law it is obvious that E e ' W_ W Or, as e is taken as unity, being the standard of com- parison * Where^-and J/^are very large compared with/, the latter may be neglected. 1 Law 8, App. A. 2 159- . w< Sixth Method, by opposing equal Elec- tromotive Forces. Seventh Method (Poggen- dorff's). TESTING. 285. Sixth Method. To measure the electro- motive force of a battery by opposing to it a battery of equal electromotive force. Connect the poles of the battery to be tested with the terminals of a galvanometer. Then into this circuit insert cells of known electro- motive force, with their poles in the opposite direction to those of the battery under comparison, adjusting their number until the deflection of the galvanometer is reduced to zero. Then, obviously, the electromotive force of the battery under test is equal to that of the cells inserted. 286. Seventh Method (Poggendorff's). To measure the electromotive force E of a battery by opposing e, that of a standard cell or cells. Join the poles of the battery to be tested (E) to an adjustable resistance w. To the terminals of w connect also another circuit, consisting of a galvanometer, G, and a battery of smaller electromotive force e (generally i cell), with its poles reversed to those of E, as shown in the following figure : 203 FIG. 69. Now, the direction of the currents of both batteries is the same through w t but opposite through G. w forms a shunt, by adjusting which the amount of current from , flowing through c, can be regulated. By increasing w, therefore, the deflecting current of E can be reduced to that of e t when the needle will stand at zero ; in which case (g+f) (the strength of current from E, whose resistance is F) is equal to 204 SECTION F. Eighth Method, with a Re- flecting Gal- vanometer. Regular Tests of Batteries. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. e (the current strength of e, whose resistance is / the resist- ance of the galvanometer being g). Whence FW gF + fF + gW F + W g+f F + W W+g+f 287. Eighth Method. To measure the electro- motive force, E, of a battery by means of a re- flecting galvanometer. First join the standard cell e in circuit with the galvano- meter and a certain resistance w> adjusted so as to cause a readable deflection, a. Then replace the starfdard cell by the battery E, and observe the deflection produced, b. Now, from the principle of the reflecting galvanometer, 1 the deflections a and b are proportional to the strength of current in the first and second circuits respectively, i.e. g = a & g+ /. E - + e F 4- W+ F g+ Or if, as is probable, it be necessary to shunt the galvano- meter in the second case (with the larger battery E\ to keep the deflections within readable limits, The expression g in the numerator becomes -, g+ s the value of the deflection b is multiplied by the coefficient of the shunt g+ s * s 288. Batteries are tested daily. When first set up, each cell is tested in the battery room, both for resistance and electromotive force, by one or other of the methods 156- 159- TESTING. described in the preceding paragraphs, apparatus available. As the electromotive force of the Minotti reaches its full extent immediately chemical action takes place in the cell and remains constant, it becomes necessary to measure the resistance only in taking the regular daily tests of working batteries. When the cells have been short-circuited l a sufficient time to have reduced their resistance to the standard re- quired for the purpose to which they are to be applied, they are joined up together and the whole battery is tested in the battery room. The operation is then repeated in the instrument room, and if the additional resistance of the leading wires makes no appreciable difference (as it should not, these wires being always as short as possible), further tests are continued at the commutator. In order that they may be made as expeditiously as pos- sible, and that the whole of the office connections may be included in the circuit, it is generally arranged as follows : 205 Line FIG. 70. The galvanometer G is joined up between the testing bar of the commutator and the lower plate of the lightning dis- charger, by which it is connected with the earth. B and A' represent any line battery and signalling key joined up in the ordinary circuit for s working. 2 In order to close the circuit of the line battery , it is only necessary to throw off the line by removing the com- mutator screw in x and replacing it in -/. Then insert a plug in 2. On depressing the key A~ the battery current traverses the leading wires, key, commutator, galvanometer, and 180. 20 5 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. lightning discharger earth, thence returning through the battery earth to the zinc pole of the battery B. As the natural tendency of working batteries is to fall in resistance according to the consumptipn which goes on, any sudden rise in resistance should be at once checked by a test in the battery room, with a view to discovering whether the increased resistance is due to an imperfect contact, or to a defect in one of the leading wires. If to neither, it will probably be traceable to one of the causes mentioned in paras. 221, 222 (sec. E). Strength of 289. The design of a line battery being the production ri^^at^fe- of a current wnicn sha11 work a receiving instrument at the tant ^Station, distant end of a telegraph line, it is of obvious importance that the strength of the arriving current should be known, for as the insulation of no line can be absolutely perfect, the loss of current along it, due to leakage, must always render the received current less than that which leaves the battery at the transmitting end. The unit current, that is, the standard by which cur- rents are measured, has been already described as the Am- pere or Oerstedt? such being the current produced by i i Def. 2. volt (the unit of E.M.F.) through i ohm (the unit of resist- ance). As signalling currents, however, never exceed more than a few thousandths of an oerstedt in strength, it is more con- venient to express them in thousandths or millioerstedts (moe). 2 It is found in practice that Siemens' relays work best with a current of from 3 to 5 moe. The minimum arriving current is thus fixed at 3 moe ; and when found to be less than that strength the sending station is instructed to increase battery power, or if this fails to bring the current up to 3 moe, an intermediate station is called in to translate or repeat. 4 moe is considered the average, and 5 moe the maximum arriving current. If a current is received stronger than the maximum, the sending battery is reduced until the current arriving falls to about 4 moe, the average. Measure- 2QO. The process by which these values of the strength received * rece ^ ve ^ currents is determined may be described as Currents. follows : TESTING. 2O7 Remembering that the current produced by i volt through SECTION i ohm is called an oerstedt ; that is F * . - ohm and that the E.M.F. of a Minotti cell is so nearly equal to i volt that it is always taken as such ; * it follows that i 43. iy___ = strength of current in oerstedts ; ___ Res. in circuit Or No. of cells x 1QOO= fa {n mi u ioer5 tcdts. Res. in circuit For example, the current from i cell through 300 ohms, _^voU__ . 0033 oerste dts 300 ohms or 3 '3 millioerstedts. The current c arriving through any line is measured as follows, by means of the departmental tangent galvano- meter : First, to form a standard of comparison, the current d of the standard cell is measured through the amount of resistance, w, necessary to produce, through the galvano- meter, g (thin coil), a deflection of 45, whose tangent is Supposing W=300 g = 100 /= 20 (res. of cell) Then C' = 0'0023 oerstedts ^20 = 2'3 moe, which may be called the constant of the galvanometer ; and this fixed value of d representing the strength of the con- stant current, in moe, has only to be multiplied by the tan- gent of the deflection (a), produced (in the same instrument, of course) by any arriving current, to determine c, the strength of that current in moe. For, on the principle of the tangent galvanometer C_ _ tan a _ tan a C tan 45 T~ :. C = C tan a. 20 8 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION Now suppose, for example, the deflection a in the above . F " __ . case to be 50. Then c (the strength of the arriving current producing this deflection), = C tan 50 X 1 m 1()2 moe = -^ moe. Thus, the value of any arriving current is at once calcu- lated from its deflection on the tangent galvanometer. Again : The constant value of c' for any galvanometer being determined, it is easy to calculate the deflections which will correspond to any given strength of arriving current in moe. For as C tan a it follows that in the case of a current of $ moe, _L = tan a 2-38 .'. tan a = 1-26, which will be found from a table of tangents to represent an angle of 52 (nearly). Similarly for a current of ^ moe, = tan 2-38 .'. tan a = 1'6$, which is the tangent of 59 (about). And for a current of '5 moe, -5 = tan a .*. tan a = 2'1, which is the tangent of 65 (nearly). Thus the galvanometer whose constant is 2*38 moe, as described above, would indicate an arriving current of 3 moe by a deflection of 52 l> moe ., 59 3 moe 65 Line testing by Strength of received Currents. TESTING. In taking these measurements, the galvanometer is in- serted between the receiving instrument and the earth. 2pl. The system of measuring received currents is ex- tensively adopted in England, where it is used as a means of estimating the insulation of the various lines. The resistance of each line, and the E.M.F. of the bat- tery used to work through it, being known, the maximum current which can possibly be received is at once ascertained by dividing the latter by the former : e.g. suppose a battery of 10 cells to be used to work a circuit of 1,000 ohms ; here C = 10 1,000 = 0-01 oerstedts Or 10 millioerstedts 209 Regular Testing of Lines. Bridge used for Testing. which may be called the standard current of that circuit, i.e. the current arriving when the insulation of the line is abso- lutely perfect ; and any falling off from the standard current (provided the battery is in order) must be due to leakage along the line the greater the leakage, the greater being the falling off of the strength of the arriving current from the standard value ; thus the ratio between the arriving cur- rent and the standard forms a comparative measure of the state of insulation of the line. 292. In India, however, where a more perfect know- ledge of the electrical state of the lines is required, to afford data whereby faults occurring in long sections may be localised electrically, regular tests of the actual conduc- tion and insulation resistance of the lines are periodically made and recorded ; whereby also the normal condition of the line is constantly under observation, and a means is thus afforded of often detecting irregularities before they develop themselves into faults which would interrupt com- munication. 293. The instrument universally used for regular test- ing is the Wheatstone's bridge, described in para. 164. The following figure represents the apparatus with the connections and switches used for line testing. -/ is a key by means of which the testing current can be made to enter the bridge at m. u is a battery reverser, by plugging 2 and 3 of which, p 210 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION the copper pole of the testing battery E is connected to m Fj of the bridge. A zinc current is applied by changing the plugs to 4 and 3. 8 Dislcml Station Adjustment of Testing Battery. FIG. 71. v is a switch by means of which the point n of the bridge is connected either to the earth (plug in 7), or to the battery (plug in 6), or to both battery and earth (plugs in 7 and $). 294. Another switch s (shown separately in fig. 72) is often inserted between the block (z) of the battery reverser 17, and various zinc poles of the testing battery (e.g. the ist, FIG. 72. loth, and 3oth), so that by inserting a plug in 3 the E.M.F. of the whole battery of 30 cells is applied, as required for measurement of lines and other high resistances. By changing the plug to e 1 the testing battery is re- TESTING. 211 Mode of connecting Lines to be tested with the Bridge. The Conduc- tion Test. duced to 20 cells, for the measurement of lower resist- ances. When the plug is changed to e', then only one cell is in circuit, forming a suitable battery for measuring very low resistances. 295. It has been explained in para. 245 how any ordi- nary metallic resistance x, joined up between the terminals L and iJ of the bridge, can be measured. The resistance of a telegraph line is measured in pre- cisely the same way. The end of the line at the testing station is joined to L of the bridge : the farther end, although it cannot be brought back direct to the L' terminal, is practically joined thereto by using the earth as a return wire. This is effected by connecting the distant end to the earth, as shown in fig. 71, the return circuit to L' being completed through the earth at the testing station joined to the switch F, thence through the plug 7 to n and L' of the bridge ; a plug being inserted in either # or 6 to connect the testing battery with the earth. 296. Thus in the above circuit the resistance between the points L and L' (to be measured) is that of the line alone, the earth resistance being so small in comparison that its value may be neglected. 1 The above measurement constitutes what is called the Conduction Test, denoted by the letter ft). Thus when balance is obtained vfl 177 and The Circuit Test. The Insula- tion Test. 297. If the distant station inserts a relay between the line and the earth at the point R (fig. 71), the resist- ance under measurement between the points L and L' comprises that of the line and relay, the measurement of which constitutes the circuit test, denoted by the letter 5181. 208. If, however, the distant station throws off earth by insulating the end of the line, then the return circuit to L' is altered, being no longer completed simply through the resistance of the line wire and the insignificant resistance between the earth-plates, but through each point of leakage of the line to the testing office earth. p 2 2I2 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION The measurement in this case is that of the resistance of . F ~ ^ the insulators, that of the wire being comparatively insignifi- cant in the case of a short well-insulated line. This measurement, which is called the insulation test, is denoted by the letter g. Objects of 299. Thus: the Circuit -^ shows the measured conductor resistance of the line. the measured insulation. SO represents the measured resistance of the line and distant relay together ; and by the difference, SO Jt), affords a measure of the resistance of the relay itself. Measured 300. This, however, is not the only object of the circuit Relay Re- test j ts mos t important use being that the measured value sistance an . indication of of the relay R, as shown by the difference between SO and insiSon^of ^' ^ orms a valuable criterion as to whether the measured the Line. values of fl) and are correct. For if SO tt), as found by the difference between the measured values of the circuit and conduction tests, be exactly equal to the known resistance of the relay inserted at the distant end, then it follows that tt) represents the cor- rect conductor resistance of the line. This, however, is only the case when the insulation of the line is very high. When the reverse is the case, the testing current is shunted by the derived circuits formed at each point of leakage, so that only a portion of it arrives at the distant end ; the greater this leakage, the more nearly will the value of tt) correspond with that of SO ; in other words, the smaller will be the measured resistance of the relay. Thus it is that the measured value of the relay affords an indication as to whether the measured resistance jt) re- presents the real conductor resistance of the wire, or that of a derived circuit made up of the wire and the paths of leakage. In the same way, the measured value of SO W is a check on the correctness of >, the measured insulation of the line ; for if the measured resistance of the relay is much less than its actual known resistance, it shows that the dif- ference is due to escape of the current along the line, and this may be so great that may not be a measure of the insulation merely, as it should be, but that the actual re- sistance of the wire may be so considerable in comparison with the insulation that it cannot be neglected. Correction of the measured Values rendered necessary by defective Insulation. Order of Observations made in regular Testing. Adjustment of Branch Resistances of Bridge. Routine of Testing. Relay Resistance. TESTING. 301. In the above cases the values of f and tt> both require correction : and the measured relay 212E tt) not only points out when this is necessary, as explained above, but, by the proportion it bears to the actual known value of the relay, forms the basis on which the formulae for corrected values are calculated, as described in paras. 311-315., 302. The regular tests of lines embrace the three measurements described above, which are made in the fol- lowing order : I. Circuit. . . . 8181 II. Conduction . . . tD III. Insulation . . 303. In taking the measurements of the circuit and con- duction tests, equal branches are used in the bridge, A and B being usually made 1,000 each, as the resistance of tele- graph lines under test is generally between 1,000 and 10,000 units. For the insulation test, however, where the absolute insulation resistance of the line is often greater than 10,000 (the maximum resistance of the comparison coil w\ it is necessary to adjust the branches A and B^ so as to gain a multiplying power ; B being made 1,000 and A 100, when the absolute insulation resistance of the line is between 10,000 and 100,000 units, in which case the resistance un- plugged in wis multiplied by 10 ; or, when the resistance to be measured is greater than 100,000, - is made ^^ -, in A 10 which case the resistance unplugged in w is multiplied by 100. 304. The testing officer, before taking the circuit test, informs the distant station by the signal * circuit] which is replied to by the resistance marked on the relay in circuit. Before the conduction test is taken, the signal ' Con- duction minutes' is sent, which is acknowledged by the readings of the wet and dry bulb thermometer. The signal ' Insulation minutes ' is then given, and ac- knowledged by the state of the weather at the distant station. 305. The importance of knowing the actual resistance of the relay included in the circuit test, for comparison with the measured value 812H tt>, has already been explained in para. 300. 2I 3 214 Reduction of Resistances to corre- sponding Units. Reduction of Resistances to corre- sponding Tempera- tures. Positive and Negative Readings differ owing to Natural Currents. Calculation of measured Resistances allowing for the Effect of Natural Currents. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY, 306. If the resistance given by the distant station be expressed in B.A. units, and the comparison coil used for measurement be composed of resistances in Siemens units (as is the case with most, if not all, of the bridges used in the department), it is necessary to reduce the B.A.U. to S.U. by multiplying the former by i'o456, as i ohm or B.A. unit = i -045 6 S.U. 1 307. The resistances marked on telegraph instruments represent their value at 80 Fahrenheit, and as copper wire increases in resistance about *2i per cent, with each degree of temperature (Fahrenheit), it is necessary when accuracy is required to reduce the marked resistances to their corre- sponding value at the actual time of test. This is done by the following formula : ?/ _ rj+y-^),. ' | v + (/ _ ^) a / *' ^ In the above Rt = Resistance at temperature f '. 7~) __ j. \. f .. . 1 Appendix VIII. Vol. I. Testing In- structions, con- tains a useful table in which the operation is already per- formed for corresponding values between i and 100 units. * For proof of this formula, see Solution XXXVII. App. B. a = 'oo2i, the coefficient of increase of resistance of copper for each degree (F.) of temperature. 308. The three measurements, viz. SJ, ft), and g, from which the electrical condition of the line is known, are all taken with positive and negative currents, the difference between the + and readings representing a measure of the strength of the natural currents existing in the line. 2 267 and 309. Expressing by w' the resistance unplugged in the Def - 29- comparison coil w to obtain balance when testing with a positive current, and w" the resistance unplugged when a negative current is used, if the difference between w 1 -and w" is small their mean is taken, i.e. : B and , the electromotive force of the natural current, is con- sidered nil. Rule. The difference between w' and w" is considered small when less than 20% for resistances under 1,000 units, or less than 15% for resistances under 5,000 units , 10% over 5,000 TESTING. 215 When the difference is greater than stated above, and e is SECTION sufficiently large to be a multiple (N) of , the electromotive _ ; _ , force of the testing battery e = NE, and the following for- mula is used for the calculation of x, the resistance to be measured : w + w' w" -w' * Int , his , u X = - - N formula the 2 2 branches A and the value of N being as under : % e s ^PP ose( _ __ ^L^' _ f t /being the W" + W> + 2(A + *ff For proof of Electro- 310. When the strength of the natural current is con- these formulae, ^e Force stable, as in the last case, its electromotive force e is cal- xvn^Ap a Natural culated in terms of the testing battery E, and expressed by the following formula : _ W" W' _ E + t For proof of w " 4. w > J_ 2(A {- 2f) ' this formula, see Solution The above calculations are only made in the case of the App. B. circuit and conduction tests. The simple mean of positive and negative readings is always taken in the case of the insulation measurements, for, as the distant end of the line is disconnected from the earth, the difference between w' and w" is likely to be the result more of electrolytic action l than of natural cur- l 242 (d). rents. Correction of 311. It has been explained, in para. 300, that in the case measured o f p er f ec t insulation, $211 tt> (the difference between the measured circuit and conduction resistances) is equal to x, the actual resistance of the relay in circuit, in which case the measured values may be accepted as correct, but in pro- 2 By an error portion to the leakage of the line, so does TO - w become g^Kj^ 1 less than A'. 2 be greater than To discover, therefore, whether corrections are necessary, ^Jg ajew^ the first thing to do is to compare 212H tt) with /?, the case of high actual resistance of the distant relay. 3 tfSSSi?* If 512H tt> = ^> or very nearly, and at the same time circumstances, the insulation is so great that the conduction resistance can be J^y^t? by 3 , the test should neglected against it, that is, in practice, say when -g- > 36, be rejected. the measured values suffice, and no corrections are neces- temperature of sary. test : see 37- 216 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Corrected Relay Resistance a Test of Uniformity of Line. Correction of measured Values of ' Conduc- tion ' and ' Insulation ' in the case of a uniform Line. 312. When the above, however, is not the case, g, the corrected value of the measured relay resistance, is calcu- lated by the following formula : - As the above formula is based on the supposition that the electrical condition of the line is uniform throughout its length, it becomes, conversely, by its approximation to R (the actual value of the relay), a criterion of the uniformity of the line. Thus, if the value found for^ agree within 15% of R (at temperature of test), the line may be considered uniform, and the resultant fault, consequently, at the centre of conduction, i.e. / = I' (I and /' representing the conduction resistance from testing station to resultant fault, and from resultant fault to distant station respectively), as explained in Solution XIX. App. B. 313. In this case, the actual corrected insulation resistance of the line (/) is found by the following formula : and * For proof of this formula, see Solution XIX. App. B. ) f t For proof of this formula, iM=j (the corrected insulation per mile) see Solution the corrected conductor resistance (L) of the and same line, by the following : and T r L Resistance 3 J 4' Or, expressing the same in terms of reduced per Mile length, the convenience of which will be understood from expressed in , , , . , r ,, reduced tne remarks which follow : Length. Whence m m representing the reduced length in miles per mile K average conduction resistance per mile M actual length in miles ; TESTING. M and, denoting by q the ratio , i.e. the average gauge m of the wire of which the line is composed, 217 The plan of expressing the average conduction resistance per mile of the whole line in reduced length i.e. in terms of No. i wire (Indian Iron Wire Gauge) is most convenient for comparing the results of regular tests when a knowledge of the average only is required, but is not a sufficient record from which to calculate the distance of faults, unless it so happen (which is rarely, if ever, the case) that the whole line is composed of wire of the same gauge. For the localisation of faults it is necessary to know the reduced length of each gauge, which is found by dividing its length by its I.W. gauge. Thus the reduced length of a section containing two miles of No. i wire I.W.G. would be - = 2 ; and to find M, the reduced length, of a line containing various gauges, a', a", a'", &c. (expressed by their numbers according to the I.W.G.), of lengths /', I", I 1 ", c. respectively, + &c. It is most important that the various lengths and gauges of wire in every line that is tested should be accurately known ; which with their corresponding reduced length should be recorded The following will be found a convenient form : LINE No. FROM TO sections and gauge of wire (I.W.G.) Actual length of section Actual distance to end of section Reduced length of section Reduced dis- tance to end of section () co (A) (m= -a) 00 50 177-666 177-666 3 '5533 3-5533 24 9-250 186-916 0-3854 3*9387 6 6-048 192-964 1-0080 4-9467 This table shows at once in case of a fault (the conduction resistance to which (L) has been found) in what section the fault lies, for 218 Measured Values, how corrected in the case of a line not uniform in Insulation and Con- duction. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. f reduced distance ") _ L \ to the fault J ~~ M from which n (the actual distance) is calculated, by the formula explained in para. 323 on ' Fault Testing.' l 315. If the value found for g (para. 312) is not within 15 per cent, of 21, it proves that the line is not uniform in 1 To find r, the actual resistance per mile, of any particular section of wire, of length /, and diameter d, in a line made up of various lengths, /, /', and diameters d, d r , from x, the measured absolute conduction resistance of the whole line, For, asTthe resistance of any wire is inversely proportional to the square of its diameter [App. A, Law n (ii)], the resistance of any section / /' ;***#! whence, the per-mile resistance of the same section i r T* + d^ Similarly, for any other length /', of diameter d' x I I 1 or, in a line composed of any number of sections of wire, of diameters d, d', d" ...... &c. /, /', /" . . &c. of lengths to find the per-mile resistance of any particular gauge, it is only necessary to divide x by the product of d' 2 (the square of the diameter of that parti- cular gauge), and a constant c (c being the sum of all the lengths divided by the squares of their respective diameters), i.e. &c. Displace- ment of resultant Fault. Localisation of resultant Fault. Section Tests. TESTING. insulation and conduction, the measured values for which are therefore corrected by the following general formula, in which want of uniformity is taken into account : = A/ (g - and j (the insulation per mile) is found by multiplying / (the absolute insulation) by M (the actual length of the line), And . (3 K being found by dividing L (the absolute conduction re- sistance) by ;// (the reduced length of the line). * 316. If the value of the corrected relay g (para. 312) be greater than R, the resultant fault is beyond the centre of conduction ; if g be less than /?, the resultant fault is nearer (towards the testing station) than the centre of conduction. 317. The real conduction resistance (/) of the line, from the testing station to the resultant fault, is found by the following formula : -v>. representing its distance in miles. K Or, calculated from the measured values, 219 * For proof of this formula, see Solution XX. App. B. f For proof of this formula, see Solution XXL App. B. 1 Def. 38. =V ( Further, the position / and the resistance z of the resul- tant fault can be found by the following formulae : Z = G) 1 G) y representing the resistance of any fault ; r being the conduction resistance from the testing station to the fault. 318. The conduction and insulation of separate sections of the same line may be calculated from measurements I For proof of this formula, see Solution XIX. App. B. See Equation (3), Solution XIX. ; || For proof of these formulae, see Solution XX II App. B. 22O MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION made at one end of the whole line by the following formulae : In the above figure A c represents a line consisting of two sections A B and B c. Let gj and |t)j represent the measured insulation and conduction respectively of the section A B ; and 2 an d tt>2 tne same for the whole line, joined direct at B ; and and #) the required corresponding values for the distant section B c, Then, in the case of an imperfectly insulated line, the measured values of which require correction, tt> = 1 (n>a -n> 2 * For proof of these formulae, see Solution XXIV. App. B. Or when the measured values suffice, Fault Testing. To discover whether Fault is in Office. = tt> 2 - n>i t And 319. The faults to which the line circuit is liable l viz. ' disconnections/ ' earths,' and contacts, total or partial, are also common to the circuit of the office, including bat- teries, instruments, earths, or connecting wires ; \hzfirst step to be taken, therefore, on the existence of a fault becoming known, is to ascertain whether it is in any part of the office circuit, i.e. in the batteries, instruments, connecting wires, or earth plates, or whether it is on the line, i.e. that part of the circuit exterior to the terminal post of the office. 320. To ascertain this : First. Close the front contacts of the signalling key by means of a lead pencil or the blade of a penknife, without depressing the handle ; so that contacts f For proof of these formulae, see Solution XXIII. App. B. 1 241. Nature of Line Faults and their dis- tinguishing Features. TESTING. 1 and 2 of the key are both closed together. 1 If the sounder works, it shows that there is no fault in the back contact of the key, nor in the relay coils, nor in the circuit in which they are joined, and that the relay contacts and every part of the local circuit are in order. 2 Second. Take a regular test of the line battery at the commutator, as explained in para. 288. If the deflec- tion agrees with the regular readings recorded, it proves that there is no fault in the battery, earth-plates, key, switch, or contacts 1 and 2 of the commutator, nor in any of the wires connecting them. 3 Third. Replace the commutator screw as usual, for working ; disconnect the wire between the testing bar of the commutator and the galvanometer, and join that terminal of the galvanometer by a direct wire to the line at the ter- minal post 4 Then depress the key ; if the deflection now observed agrees with the former reading, it proves that the continuity of the working bars of the commutator and that of the upper plate of the lightning discharger, and of the leading wire therefrom to the terminal post, is perfect, and that there is no fault in any part of the office circuit between the earth-plate and the terminal post. 5 321. The line must therefore be tested for earth? contact? or discontinuity? as the case may be. Any or all of these classes of faults may occur together ; for example, a line may be broken, its ends to earth, and the wire in contact with a working line. It must, therefore, first be decided which class of fault to test for. The case of a contact, when the signals of one line are shown upon another, is sufficiently clear to distinguish it from earth or disconnection. The tester should, however, be sure that the duplicate signals are due to contact and not to induction, which can be ascertained at once by depressing the key on one line ; if the signal produced on the instrument of the other line continues so long as the key is depressed, there is contact ; but if the signal is only a transient one, observed at the instant of depressing and releasing the key, then induction is the cause. 7 A discontinuity, however, in the case when both ends of the broken wire rest on the ground, is liable to be mistaken 221 1 Fig. 45, 180. 2 Fig. 46, 181. 3 Fig. 70, 288. 4 The other terminal of the galvanometer remains joined to earth through the lower plate of the lightning discharger, as before. 5 Where a good line enters the office, as well as the faulty line, the first step taken may be simply that of looping the two wires at the terminal post. If perfect signals can be exchanged between the instruments of these lines, the complete office circuit must be in order, and the fault is on the line. If the contrary be the case, the fault inmost probably in the office, and should be traced by the processes de- scribed above. If not actually in the office, it will be found close to it. 6 See 241, Section E. 7 n8. 222 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION F. General principle on which Faults are localised: (i) In a Line of uniform Gauge. (2) In a Line composed of Wires of various Gauges. for an earth fault, for the result may be that the measured conduction resistance to the fault is even less than the normal value of the whole line, instead of being greater, as would be the natural result of a more or less insulated break. It then becomes necessary to loop the faulty wire with a good line at the distant station, and to measure the resist- ance of the loop without any earth on the bridge. If the resistance of the loop be higher than the normal conduction resistance of the wires, then the fault must be discontinuity with earth ; but if it agree with the normal resistance, the fault is probably earth alone. The latter result, however, might occur in the case of a broken wire, the ends of which made perfect, i.e. dead earth at the fault, which in this case would itself offer no resist- ance. It would, however, give rise to a strong natural current of polarisation, which would distinguish it from earth on an unbroken wire. 1 322. To find the distance, , of a fault from the testing station, it is necessary first to measure the absolute conduction resistance, x, of the line up to the fault ; and in the case of a line of uniform gauge simply to divide this by A-, the average resistance per mile ; Thus: n = miles. K. 323. In the case of a line composed of various gauges, however, the reduced length to the fault must be found by dividing x by r, the reduced conduction resistance per mile. 2 This reduced length is then compared with the last column of the table (explained in para. 314), prepared for the particular line under test, from which it is seen up to what section the reduced length, thus found, extends. then Calling \ the actual 1 length up to the farther and j. the reduced J end of the section n S\ + (a representing the number [I.W.G.] of the wire in which the fault occurs). 1 In testing- faults in which natural cur- rents exist, the testing currents should be made as small as possible, and the readings should be taken as quickly as possible, so as not to polarise the fault more than can be avoided. 2 314- 3i5- * For proof of this formula, see Solution TESTING. 223 Dead Earth 324. To localise a dead earth it is sufficient to take a si m pl e conduction test, x (mean of + and readings), and if the line be of one gauge, Or if composed of various gauges, * For proof of this formula, as explained in para. 323. xxv luti n Partial Earth 325. When the fault offers resistance, however, in which App. B. wire Smle case it: is called partial earth, the above value for x would obviously be too high. In such a case, the resistance of the fault itself is an important and often a varying element. Further, it is subject to variation owing to polarisation, caused by the testing currents. To reduce the effects of this to a minimum, a testing battery as small as possible is used, and + and readings are taken, as explained in paras. 267 and 337. Further, the reverse currents should be applied as fol- lows : First, a +, or copper current, should be kept on so long as the resistance of the circuit is observed to increase ; } l Def. 26 and when approximately constant, note the + readings, and I95- apply the or zinc current, which will dissolve the copper salt formed at the surface of the fault by electrolytic action, and will gradually reduce its resistance until the metallic 2 There will be surface becomes bare, when the resistance will of course be no difficulty in at its minimum, and the reading should be noted at this JjJSkelhe moment. 2 reading, as As a partial earth admits of communication with the minimum is distant station, the insulation i of the line is first measured, reached the re- , sistance of the and then the conduction resistance w. fault begins to In this case, the resistance to the fault, rise a s ain ' . owing to pola- risation by the \T \ j. -W) (I- W) f hydrogen being L being the normal conduction resistance of the line, formed at the taken from regular tests under corresponding conditions of Suit! 06 climate, &c. t For proof of x may be still more accurately determined by taking a ^^[JJ,^' circuit test w in addition to the above, xxvi. App. B. 224 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SECTION F. Earth on a multiple line. The Loop Test. When -'-V (I-W) (I-w W-w * For proof of this formula, see Solution R denoting the resistance of the relay inserted, reduced XXVL A PP- R to the temperature at which the test was taken. 1 1 3?- n (the distance of the fault in miles) is found as ex- plained in para. 322, if the line be of uniform gauge ; or, as in para. 323, in the case of different gauges. 326. An earth dead or partial should, when a second good line is available, always be tested by the loop method ; for, as the following figure explains, the testing current enters the fault at z, by both branches of the bridge, in opposite directions ; its resistance, therefore, or any natural current in it, can exercise no influence on the test. FIG. 73. In the above figure, x represents the conduction resist- ance to the fault through the faulty wire ; and y that of the whole of the good line and the section of the faulty line beyond the fault. The two lines are looped at the distant end, care being taken that the loop is perfectly insulated from the ground, and the two near ends are brought to the bridge ; the faulty wire to b and the good wire to L, so that x (which must always be less than y, in the case of similar lines) may be in the same branch as the comparison coil w. The branches of the bridge must be always made equal. The resistance of the comparison coil, w, is now TESTING. 225 adjusted till balance is obtained, with the testing battery to earth : plugs in f 1, 2, 3, for + current 1 U, 4, 5,$ - J The resistance of the looped lines, L, is next measured, with no earth on the testing battery : plugs in f 1, 2, 3, 6 for + current "I U, 4, 5, - / ' The resistance up to the fault is at once found by the following formula : T TXT X = Y * * For proof 2 of this formula, see Solution And #, the distance in miles, is calculated by the for- mula either in para. 322 or 323, according as the line is made up of wire of one or more gauges. Contact on a 327. To localise a contact between two wires (when First* G inC a third wi re is n t available for a loop\ it is necessary to Method. connect one of the two wires in contact to L of the bridge, the other to L', and to take two measurements of their resistance, the first (^) when their distant ends are insulated, and apart ; The second (w) when their distant ends are insulated, but looped together. Let L ' and L " represent the real conduction resistance of these lines, respectively, to the dis- tant station, and x ' and x " the conduction resistance, to the fault, of the corresponding wires, z the resistance of the contact itself. Then if z = o (i.e. perfect contact), Or expressing (x ' + x ") as x, which thus represents the conduction resistance of the two wires between the testing station and the contact, 22 6 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. and if the lines are of uniform gauge, of resistances A* and K ' per mile respectively, n (the distance of the fault) =- > - 7/ (miles). Or, if K ' and K " are equal, W In the above, the lines in contact have been considered as being of equal length ; but if, in consequence of a diver- sion, one be longer than the other ; for example, suppose the wire whose resistance to the fault is expressed by x " to be longer than x ' by, say, d miles, then X= x'+ x"= nK + (n + d) K" X-dK" And when the lines are composed of various gauges, X-8r" . 8 being the reduced length of the diversion, the other letters of the formula corresponding with those explained in para. 323. We have now to consider the case in which the contact itself offers resistance, as indicated by the measurement w being greater than w. In this case, X W */(R w} ( W w}* * For proof of this formula, /? being the sum of the resistances L' + L". n (the distance to the fault) is found precisely as in the A PP- B - preceding cases explained in this paragraph. Correction 328. When the resistance of the contact (z) is not zero, for Leakage. an( j ^Q insulation of the lines in contact is imperfect, a second fault (/) viz. earth due to leakage is introduced, the magnitude of which depends upon the ratio Z -. When this is considerable, the value obtained for x, by the formula in the preceding paragraph, requires correction as follows : TESTING. 227 Expressing by e the ratio - and by 5) Then i' the corrected absolute insulation of one line, 1 /" that of the other, 1 /' the resistance of the first line up to the resultant fault due to leakage, 1 I" the same for the second line, 1 /the sum of /' + /". 1 Known from record of pre- vious tests. and the combined resistance (z') of the two faults / and z becomes whence _-_ +* * Law 8, App. A. and the corrected value for x becomes X = {w- Second Method : Contact on a two-wire line localised by the Loop Method. -w) (W-w}}(i + e)cl. 329. A contact may be localised on the principle of the loop test as follows : M^ \/ j 2*^~ S ^ Jt /\ II "Xaw yN-ii" E P 7 W FIG. 74. The end of one of the wires in contact is brought to L of the bridge. Q 2 228 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Third Method : Contact localised by the Loop Method when a third good wire is available. The distant end of the same wire is joined to earth. The distant end of the other wire is insulated, the home end being connected to the testing battery (through the battery reverser), as shown by the dotted line. L 1 of the bridge is joined to earth through plug 7. Then, when balance is obtained (branches A and B being equal, as they are always made in the loop test), the testing current enters the contact from the A branch through w and y, and from the B branch through #, so that x = w +y, Then disconnecting the second wire from the battery (both ends insulated), and taking an ordinary conduction test of the wire connected to L, and calling the resistance un- plugged to obtain balance in this case w 1 x+y = W. . . . (2) But, from equation (i), x y = W. Whence, by adding (i) and (2), x W + W = resistance to fault, and x n = -- miles, f J\. Or, in the case of a line of different gauges, 330. When a third good wire is available the following connections are made : The good wire and one of the faulty wires are joined to L and L' of the bridge respectively, their other ends being looped at the distant station. The second faulty wire is joined to the testing battery, its distant end being insulated. Then, at balance (A and B being equal), x + w'= y ; * If balance is not obtainable, with line to L, and earth to L', reverse the con- nections. But if balance is obtainable in both cases, the best value of x is obtained by taking the measurement first with line to /- and earth to L', and then vice versd, w being taken as the mean of the two measure- ments. t 322- t 323- y - X = (I) Then, disconnecting the second faulty wire from the battery TESTING. )oth circuit of the loop test, and Subtracting (i) from (2) 229 reverser and leaving both ends insulated, we have the SECTION (2) * 326. Whence , the distance in miles, is found as described in the preceding case (para. 329). Discon- nection. Localisation by Insula- tion Test. Localisation by Capacity Test. FIG. 75. 331. A perfectly insulated break can be localised by an ordinary insulation test, on the principle that the length of line to the fault (n) is to the length of whole line (jv) as the absolute insulation of the whole line (/) l is to the absolute insulation of the section up to the fault, i.e. n 'N n = , i It is assumed in the above case that the insulation of the line is uniform throughout its length. 332. In the case of a break in a single wire the method of localisation by the insulation test is open to the objection that, owing to the great changes which the normal insulation of lines undergoes, it is very difficult to decide what value of 1 Known from regular tests taken under similar condi- tion of weather and time of day ; or if there be a second good wire by comparison with tests of that, at the time of fault test. 230 SECTION F. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. i to select from the regular tests as most likely to correspond with the state of insulation of the line when the fault test is taken. In such a case the capacity test is of great advantage as a check on the results obtained by the insulation tests. It is based upon the principle that the length of line up to the fault (n) is to N the length of the whole line as the inductive capacity of the line up to the fault (s) is to that of the whole line (s), 1 i.e. 334- Imperfectly Insulated Break. Measure- ment of Capacities. s being known by regular capacity tests recorded in terms of a standard condenser. 333. In the case of a break, when the end of the wire is not perfectly insulated from the ground, correct localisation from the testing station is impossible, as there is no means of ascertaining what proportion of the measured insulation is due to the fault itself and what to the line ; thus, a distant fault offering considerable resistance may be mis- taken for a near fault offering infinite resistance (i.e. an insulated break). Here, again, the capacity test forms a useful criterion, for a near disconnection is generally characterised by high insulation and low capacity, and a distant disconnection by low insulation and high capacity. 334. The capacity of a line is proportional to the quantity of current (Q) with which it can be charged by a given electromotive force. The amount of this current is proportional to the transient deflection or throw of the needle of a galvanometer placed in its circuit. This first swing is, of course, its maximum deflection, which we may call a. Again, the force which produces this deflection (i.e. the current of charge or discharge) is proportional to the sine of half the angle of deflection. 2 Whence, Q = sin \ a. Thus the capacity s, of a line or condenser, can be measured 2 This follows the law relating to a force actuating a pendulum, to which the momentary current of charge or dis- charge deflect- ing the needle to its full ex- tent may be compared. It is assumed that the motion of the needle is not sensibly impeded by friction, or by the resistance of the air. TESTING. either by the current of charge or discharge. The following figures will sufficiently explain the circuit in either case : FIG. 76. CHARGE. Make momentary contact (i) and observe the throw of the needle FIG. 77. DISCHARGE. With key at rest, the current is charging the line (through 2). Allowing time for the line to be fully charged, make momentary contact (i) and observe a. Then, in either case, as explained above, Q = sin \ a. Suppose the above to represent the charge of a con- denser of capacity c, with which it is desired to compare the unknown capacity, s, of a line, and supposing a' to repre- sent the throw of the needle in the case of the line (the dis- tant end of which is of course insulated), the current being denoted by Q'. S _ Q' _ sin i- a' C ~ Q ~~ sin \ a Then and c o sin or, with unequal electromotive forces, E and E', in the first and second cases respectively, 231 SECTION F. Q sn a C E'Q E' sin a stn a I T ' sin a C It is presumed that the above readings, a and 0', are taken at the same time and with the same galvanometer, so that the constant of the instrument is the same in both cases. 232 SECTION F. Earth Testing. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. The state of insulation of the line under test has an im- portant influence on the results of capacity tests, for leakage obviously tends to increase the deflection when the current of charge is applied, and to decrease it in the case of the discharge current j hence, to reduce this source of error to a minimum, it is advisable to take both charge and discharge tests and to take the mean of a series of successive deflec- tions of both, alternately. 335. The importance of a good earth has been already remarked upon (para. 178). The maximum resistance a telegraph earth should offer is TO units. As every office is provided with two earths, 1 it is easy to test whether they fulfil the above condition by measuring their total resistance by any of the simple methods described in the preceding paragraphs, 2 their two leading wires forming the terminals of the circuit (x + y) to be measured. Call this w' . . Then, if w' be less than 10 units, of course the resistance of either of the two earths x or y alone must be within the required limit. This result does not, however, show how much of the resistance measured is due to one earth and how much to the other. In order to ascertain this, it is necessary to use a third earth (z) for comparison, so that by measuring each pair of earths together we obtain the following equations : x + y = w' x + z = w" y + Z = W'". Care must be taken that there is no metallic connection between one earth and another, for the object of the test, which is to measure the resistance offered by the surface of the soil to the diffusion of the current from each plate, would then of course be defeated. The absence of natural currents between any two earth plates at once indicates that the plates are in metallic con- tact, unless the measurement proves the resistance between them to be so great as to account for the natural current not being observed. 182. 243-266. First Method : with Tangent Galvano- meter and no Battery. TESTING. The resistance of the leading wires is, of course, always as small as possible. 336. When the E.M.F. of the natural current between each pair of earth plates is sufficiently strong, it is used as its own testing battery, whereby the polarisation likely to result from the use of a galvanic cell is avoided, together with the inaccuracy attendant thereon. 1 To measure earth resistance when the natural current between each pair of earths is sufficiently strong to produce readable deflections (say not less than 10) with the tangent galvanometer. Note the mean of + and readings, obtained from each pair of earths, both through the thick and thin coils of the galvanometer. a representing deflections through the thick coil a' thin in the case of each couple. Then, as explained in para. 263, the resistance of each pair of earths tan a ~ tan a' ' w' or w" or w'" = tan a ion a r ~ From which the separate values of x, y, and z are found, as follows : / _j_ /' t w' + w'" - w" w > _ w < 325- * For proof of this formula, see Solution XL App. B. f For proof of these equa- tions, see Solu- tion XXIX. App. B. Second Method : with the Tan- gent Galva- nometer and a Testing Battery. 337. In the case when the natural current be- tween each pair of earth plates is not sufficiently strong to produce readable deflections through the thin coil, it becomes necessary to use a testing battery. This should be as small as possible, in order that polari- sation of the plates may be avoided, 2 and, with the same object, the tests should be executed as rapidly as possible. The standard cell, of resistance /, will, as a rule, suffice, and the readings should be taken through the thick coil (resistance g), with no external resistance. 240. 234 Third Method : with the Calibrated Galvano- scope. Fourth Method : with the Wheatstone's Bridge and no Testing Battery. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Call the deflection resulting from the above circuit, c, which should be measured before and after the earth circuits. Then insert each pair of earths (w\, and note the mean of the deflections in each case, with opposite currents * Then w' or w" or w"' = tan C \ tan a + tan b " (/+ g).' From which the separate values of x, y, and z are found, as explained in para. 336. 338. To measure the resistance of earths with the calibrated gal vanoscope, first join up the instrument in circuit with the standard cell and the two leading wires to be used, and by comparing the deflections (mean of + and readings) with the calibration table, 1 note the re- sistance (r) due to the battery, leading wires, and galvano- meter, which make up this circuit, and deduct it from the subsequent value obtained in measuring each pair of earth plates. Then separate the two ends of the leading wires, which are joined to each other, connecting the free end of one to one earth plate (x, say) and the other to y. Then observe the decreased deflection (mean of + and readings), and, comparing it again with the table, note the increased resistance due to the addition of the pair of earths (w') t remembering to exclude the value noted for r. Repeat the same operation for each pair, viz. w" and w'", and from these measurements find the value of x, y, and z, as explained in para. 336. 339. When a Wheatstone's bridge is available, and the natural current between each pair of earths is sufficiently strong to render a testing battery unnecessary, Mance's method, described in para. 276, is the simplest and most accurate. Each pair of earths is successively joined up between the terminals L and L' of the bridge ; and * Each pair of earths should be inserted, first with one to the + and the other to the pole of the testing cell, and then vice versa. t For proof of this formula, see Solution XXX. App. B. 147- w' or w" or w'" = W Fifth Method : with the Diffe- rential Galva- nometer and no Testing Battery. Sixth Method : with the Wheatstone's Bridge and a Testing Battery. Seventh Method : with the Differential Galvanometer and a Testing Battery. To Test Lightning Conductors. TESTING. w being the mean of + and readings ; and the separate values for x, y, and z are found as explained in para. 336. 340. The differential galvanometer may be used for the above test, in which case w 1 or w" or w'" = W* 341. In measuring the resistance of earths with a Wheatstone's bridge in the case when a testing battery is necessary, it is reduced to one cell, 1 and each pair of earths is successively joined up between the terminals L and L! of the bridge, and measured with + and cur- rents like any ordinary resistance ; and w' or w" or w 1 " = ? A W*t A x,y, and z being found as explained in para. 336. 342. The same measurements may be made with the differential galvanometer, in which case w 1 or w" or w'" = W,% x, y, and z being found as before. 343. The principal object of a lightning conductor being to afford a path of least resistance to the discharge (either disruptive or silent) of the electricity of the clouds to the earth, it is obvious that the conductor should be continu- ous, and that it should make as perfect a connection with the earth as possible. The foregoing rules for earth testing apply, therefore, to the measurement of the resistance of lightning conductors. Looking upon the conducting rod and its earth (x) as one, a leading wire should be first connected with the point, so as to include the whole of the rod in the circuit, and another leading wire to each of two separate earths, y and z, successively. If the resistance be found unduly high, then disconnect the leading wire from the upper extremity, and join it to the rod just above the level of the ground, and repeat the test ; if the resistance in circuit be now reduced, there is a fault in the rod ; if, however, it be found the same as before, the rod is perfect, and the fault is underground, being probably due to imperfect earth. 235 SECTION F. * 248. 1 If this is not sufficient to overcome the natural current opposing either measurement of the battery current, two or more cells may be joined parallel, so as to keep the resistance of the battery down. t J 248. 236 SECTION F. Tests of Instruments and Con- nections. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Faults in the rod are likely to be due to bad joints ; hence the necessity for carefully testing them when the rod is first constructed, and if possible before erection, when it should be ascertained that every joint is soldered. The points attached to the upper part of the rod, the object of which is to facilitate the combination of the oppo- site potentials of the clouds and the ground by silent dis- charge, should also be in perfect contact with the rod, and should be kept free from corrosion. In testing the efficacy of lightning conductors it should be ascertained that they are perfectly connected with all masses of metal about the building, such as iron pipes, gutters, and other lightning rods, if more than one is used. In the case of the earth connection being found defec- tive, the precautions recommended with regard to a tele- graph earth may be observed with advantage. 1 344. The electrical resistance of instruments and connections can be measured, according to the apparatus available, by either of the methods described in paras. 245, 248, 250, 258, 260, 265, by which also the efficiency of the insulation of those parts which are pur- posely kept free of contact with one another may be tested. The range of instruments is ascertained by the pro- cesses described in para. 71. The resistance (w) to be added in order to give any range (n) may be calculated by the following formula : 278. * For proof of this formula, see Solution 71- p representing the number of cells used (without external App> B . resistance) to produce the strong current c ; 2 q the number of cells used (with external resistance w) to produce the weak current c ; 2 R the resistance of the instrument ; /the average resistance per cell (which may be neglected when R is large). In the case when only one fixed resistance w is avail- able, it becomes necessary to adjust the ratio ^, i.e. the TESTING. 237 relative battery power used in the two circuits, to find #, the required range. Here p- H( 1 R __ * For proof of R + W ( n 1)qf this formula, see Solution XXXII Usually q = 1 for instruments whose resistance is under App. B.' 1,000 units, and 2 for greater resistances. Capacity is ascertained by the mode explained in para. 334, and the prolonging effects of extra currents as described in para. 124. APPENDIX A. LAWS AND PRINCIPLES I- 7. LAWS OF CURRENTS 8-12. LAWS OF CIRCUITS 13-19. LAWS OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM 20-22. LAWS OF INDUCTION 23-26. LAWS OF MAGNETISM LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. LAWS OF CURRENTS. 1. Ohm's Law. (i.) THE strength or intensity of a current c is equal to the electromotive force E divided by the total resistance in circuit R : (ii.) Or, letting ?- represent the external resistance and/ the internal resistance of each battery cell joined in series, and expressing by n the number of cells (of resistance/), C = 2. Kirch- hoff' s Laws. 3. Bosscha's Laws, or Corollaries to Kirch- hoff ' s Laws. (iii.) If the n cells are joined parallel, nE> ^. __ nr+f (i.) The sum of the current strengths in all those wires which meet in a point is equal to nothing. In other words, the sum of all the currents approaching the point is equal to the sum of those going away from it. (ii.) In any inclosed figure the sum of all the products of the currents into the resistances of the wires conveying them is equal to the sum of all the electromotive forces in the circuit. (i.) If in any system of circuits containing any electro- motive forces there is a conductor in which the current = o t the currents in the remaining circuits are not altered if the circuit of the conductor in question is taken away, together with the electromotive force contained in it. (ii.) If the conductor in question contains no electro- motive force it may be removed, and the points between which it previously existed may be connected directly with R * Because in this case E nE nr+f 242 4. Laws of Mutual Action of Currents. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. each other without affecting the currents in any part of the circuit. If, on the other hand, it contain an electromotive force, an equivalent electromotive force must be inserted between the points before they can be joined again. (iii.) In a system of linear conductors containing electro- motive force, the current set up in any conductor a by an electromotive force contained in any other conductor b will be identically the same as that which would be set up in b by an equal electromotive force in a. (iv.) If in a system of linear conductors there are two of them, a and I, in which an electromotive force in a produces no current in b, then a may be divided or re- moved without altering the current in b, and likewise b may be divided or removed without altering the current in a. (i.) Two parallel wires in which currents flow in the same direction attract one another ; or, more simply, * Parallel currents in the same direction attract one another? (ii.) ''Parallel currents in opposite directions repel one another? (iii.) When the wires are straight, but not parallel, they (i.e. the currents in them) attract one another, if both currents flow towards or away from the point of con- vergence ; (iv.) But repel one another if one current flows towards and the other from the point of convergence. Thus, it is obvious that the tendency of angular currents is to become straight, so that, in the following figure, the points a and c would tend to coincide ; likewise b and d. FIG. 78. [If two wires conveying currents be coiled, the above effects are multiplied in proportion to the number of con- volutions ; and if one coil be large enough to embrace the other, the larger will, if the currents are flowing in the same direction in both, draw the latter into it ; but if the currents are flowing in contrary directions through the coils, repulsion will take place between them. A magnet presented to the interior of the larger coil will behave similarly to the smaller coil, bearing out the resem- blance between magnets and solenoids.] 1 Def. 25. 5. Maximum Current of a Battery. 6. Laws of Current Strength in Derived Circuits. 7. Laws of Electrolytic Decomposi- tion. LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. In a telegraphic circuit the best effect is obtained from the battery when the internal resistance of the battery approximates most nearly that of the circuit exterior to it. (i.) The sum of the currents in the derived parts of a circuit is equal to the strength of the main current. (ii.) The strength of current in each branch of a derived circuit is inversely as the resistance of the branch. (i.) The quantity of any particular electrolyte decom- posed in a given time is proportional to the strength of the electrolysing current. l (ii.) With the same current the quantities decomposed of various electrolytes are proportional to their chemical equivalents. 243 1 Def. 26. LAWS OF CIRCUITS. 8. Combined (i.) The joint resistance R of any two branches of a Resistance of derived circuit 2 of resistances x and y respectively is equal 2 Defs. 21, 22. CircuTor to tne product of the two resistances divided by their sum, Multiple i.e. Arc. R = _^__.* X +/ (ii.) Denoting by R the joint resistance of any three circuits, x, y, and 0, * For proof, see Solution I. App. B. xy + yz + #s i.e. their product divided by the sum of the products of each pair. (iii.) The joint resistance of any number of resistances in derived circuit is found by dividing unity by the sum of their reciprocals : p- 1 * t For proof, see Solution II. App. B. For proof, see Solution III. App. B. [The reciprocal of any number is 1 divided by that number.] [Conductivity is the reciprocal or converse of resistance, and vice versa thus, if x = the resistance of a circuit, - = its conductivity or conduction.] oc 9. Multiply- The multiplying power of any shunt of resistance s on ing Power of a galvanometer of resistance G is represented by the follow- ing expression : + , ~5~' $ R 2 For proof of this formula, see Solution IV. App. B. 244 10. Resist- ance of Shunts. 11. Resist- ance of Telegraph Wire. 12. Laws which govern Speed of Signalling. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. To prepare a galvanometer shunt having a multiplying power n, the resistance of the shunt must be n 1 (i.) The resistance of any wire of one quality is directly proportional to its length. (ii.) It is inversely proportional to its weight per mile, and also inversely proportional to the square of its diameter. (i.) In cables (or well-insulated land lines) of similar make, the speed of signalling in each, s and s f , is inversely proportional to the squares of their respective lengths ; thus * For proof, see Solution V. App. B. S' ~ ' I*' (ii.) If the lengths are the same, the speed is proportional to the expression X lo. Where d represents the diameter of the conductor, and D that of the insulator or dielectric. Thus, for two cables of equal lengths but of different diameters, S S' ** (iii.) If their lengths differ as well as their diameters, s_ _ l '* d * l s- d CV / 2 d 1 * tL. LAWS OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. 13. Action of Currents on (Oefstedt's discovery). Ampere's Rule. A suspended magnet brought within the influence of a current will take up a position across it. Ampere's rule for the direction of the magnet in such a case is as follows : ' Imagine an observer swimming with the current, with his face always turned towards the needle, the north pole is always deflected to his left? 14. Polarity of Electro- Magnets. 15. Best Re- sistance for Electro- Mag- netic Coils. 16. Laws of the Magnetic In- tensity of Elec- tro-Magnets. 17. Principle of Tangent Galvanometer. 18. Deflection of Galvano- meter Needle. 19. Principle of Sine Galva- nometer. LAWS AND PRINCIPLES. In electro-magnets the south pole is always found at that end where the positive current enters a right-handed helix. 1 The maximum force is obtained from an electro-magnet, when the resistance of the coils is equal to the resistance of the battery. The magnetic force developed in the soft iron core of an electro-magnet is proportional to the strength of the battery current and to the number of turns of the wire. 2 A circular current flowing in the plane of the magnetic meridian deflects a needle, which is infinitely short in com- parison with the radius of the current, so that the tangent of the angle of deflection is proportional to the strength of the current? The angle of deflection is not determined in any way by the strength of the magnetism in a single needle. If the circular conductor or coil be turned after the deflected needle until the latter lies again parallel with the coil, the current strength is proportional to the sine of the angle through which the conductor is turned.^ LAWS OF INDUCTION. 245 '50. 2 It must be re- membered that this law treats only of the force of magnetic at- traction in an electro-mag- net, irrespec- tive of its efficiency for use as a signal- ling instrument in the matter of speed, where other condi- tions, such as extra currents, magnetic inertia, resi- dual magnet- ism, &c., come into effect and must be con- sidered. 3 iSi. * 150. 20. Laws and Principles of Induced Cur- rents. 21. Laws of Extra Currents. 22. Laws of Extra Currents in Coils of Elec- tro-Magnets. (i.) A current at the moment of the circuit being closed produces in a neighbouring conductor an inverse induced current. 5 (ii.) A current at the moment it ceases produces a direct induced current. (iii.) A current which is removed, or which diminishes in strength, gives rise to a direct induced current. (iv.) A current which is approached, or which increases in strength, gives rise to an inverse induced current. (v.) A continuous and constant current does not induce any current. (vi.) The strength of induced currents is proportional to that of the inducing currents. (i.) With the same strength of primary currents, the extra currents obtained on opening and closing the circuit have the same electromotive force. (ii.) The E.M.F. of the extra current is proportional to the strength of the primary current. The strength of the extra currents induced in the coils of electro-magnets, by the working currents which pass through them, is proportional to the number of convolutions in the electro-magnet and to the mass of iron in the core. 5 In the case of an electro- magnet, the inverse current exists during the time the magnetism is increasing ; the direct, while it is decreasing. 246 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. 23. Mutual Action of Magnets. 24. Law of Magnetic At- tractions and Repulsions. 25. Law of the Direction of the Amperian Currents in Magnets. 26. Law of Portative Force of a Magnet. LAWS OF MAGNETISM. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract one another. Magnetic attractions and repulsions are inversely as the square of the distances between the bodies exerting their influence on one another. At the north pole of a magnet the direction of the Amperian currents 1 is opposite to that of the movement of l 118 (last the hands of a watch ; but at the south pole the direction is clause), the same as that of the movement of the hands of a watch. The portative force p 2 of a saturated horse- shoe magnet 3 2 Def. 45. is proportional to its own weight / and to a coefficient #, 5 Def. 47. depending upon the coercive force of the steel. 4 * Def. 43. This is expressed mathematically by Hacker's formula APPENDIX B. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS PORMUL^E. To those who do not possess the knowledge of mathematics necessary for the comprehension of algebraic formulae, the study of electrical science is likely to be rendered difficult by reason of the unintelligible symbols which are often introduced into the thread of explanations such as may relate to the working of instruments, the action of currents, the testing of batteries, lines, or earths ; in fact, the most ordinary electrical matters. Moreover, the fact of not understanding these formulae renders such explanations un- attractive, and too often induces the reader at the sight of them to give up all attempt to follow the reasoning any further. This is a mistake which is usually the result of a wrong impression as to what formulae really are ; and it is the object of the following remarks and proofs to show that, by the exercise of a little intelligence and perseverance, the reader who will take the pains to master even the very rudiments of arithmetic and algebra may follow and under- stand many of the electrical truths and principles algebrai- cally expressed which were at first quite incomprehensible to him. He will then discover that the real object of mathe- matical formulae is not intricacy, but simplicity and brevity r , and that each letter represents some distinctive electrical feature, such as a resistance, electromotive force, deflection, &c., which, when combined with arithmetical or algebraical signs, represents some electrical law in a much more concise and intelligible form than could be expressed in a great number of words. The sight of letters of the Greek alphabet, which are frequently met with in formulae, need create no alarm, for they are employed in precisely the same manner as English letters, i.e. simply as conventional signs representing certain quantities, to avoid the necessity for writing these quantities in full ; for example, the English letters L and / may have 250 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX been used to denote the lengths of two conductors under , B - certain conditions ; then, to express the lengths of the same conductors under different conditions, it may be obviously convenient to employ the corresponding Greek letters A and X. As all formulae are based upon laws and principles, it is essential that the fundamental laws which govern the action of electrical currents &c. should be thoroughly understood, and with this object they are included in the preceding appendix (A). It will be found that the laws of currents and circuits (Nos. i to 12, App. A) comprise the principles on which testing formulae generally are based, two of which, in par- ticular, are of the greatest use and importance, viz. No. i, Ohm's Law, and No. 8, On the joint resistance of derived circuits. The first is expressed by the simple formula the truth of which is confirmed by experiment, as manifested by the deflections of a galvanometer needle under various conditions of electromotive force and resistance. (For examples see paras. 250 and 290, sec. F.) l The laws for the joint resistance of derived circuits admit of such simple mathematical proof as to be readily understood by the beginner, and their development will form a suitable introduction to the solution of electrical formulae generally. * Law i, App. A. 1 See Appendix II. Testing In- structions. Ohm's Law mathemati- cally proved. FORMULA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 251 APPENDIX B. SOLUTION I. joint Resist- The joint resistance R of two conductors x D n eriv?d and ft forming a derived circuit, is equal to the circuits. product of the resistances of each conductor di- vided by their sum. R - *y x +y Let x and y represent the resistances of the two branches of the derived circuit between the points a and b. 1 * Defs. 21, 22. Then Let x be the sum of the two resistances x and j, i.e. X=x+y. _ i _ X x y xy i.e. ? - = the joint conductivity of the derived circuit (conductivity being the reciprocal of resistance). 2 2 Law 8 > And, for the same reason, the joint resistance R will be App ' A ' the reciprocal of this, or , x + y i.e. the product of x and y divided by their sum. APPENDIX J3. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SOLUTION II. The joint resistance # of any number of con- ductors in derived circuit is equal to the product of their resistances divided by the sum of each resistance multiplied into each of the other re- sistances. Thus, in the circuit represented below, z>_ xy* FIG. 80. It will be observed that the above figure represents the circuit described in the preceding proof, with the addition of a third wire of resistance z. It was shown by Solution I. that the expression for the joint resistance of x and_y is . xy Its joint resistance, therefore, with that of z is found, as explained in the preceding case, by dividing their product by their sum, i.e. xy X Z x whence xyz xy + xz x + y xy +yz + xz FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. SOLUTION III. The joint resistance R of any number of resist- ances in derived circuit is found by dividing unity by the sum of their reciprocals. 1 i Law 8, Thus, in the preceding case, A PP- A - x y z For the sum of the above resistances would be x + y z. Therefore the sum of their conductivities would be x y z (resistance and conductivity being reciprocals of one another). For the same reason, x y 254 APPENDIX B. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY SOLUTION IV. To find n the multiplying power of a shunt of resistance s on a galvanometer of resistance G. * Law 9, App. A, and 158, 159- A galvanometer and its shunt form a derived circuit containing two branches of resistances G and s respectively. A current c of E.M.F. E flowing through this circuit will, therefore, divide between these branches into two currents, CD ^2) the strength of which may, in accordance with Ohm's Law, 1 be expressed as follows : l Law i, App. A. Ci = . = current in G branch ; G c - E - S ^~'S ' " " " But C = /. (substituting the above value for and by i the force of the current as represented by JVD, and resolving / into the two forces bE (parallel to the plane of the deflected needle) and Nb (at right angles to it), and similarly the force / into the components an and aw, then, as the components an and bE act parallel to the needle, they exercise no influence on its deflection; the only rer maining forces therefore acting on the pole N are the two opposite forces NO, tending to increase the angle a, and Nb, tending to diminish it. 2 Note. Atten- tion is here confined to the action of the forces on one pole, N, of the needle ; the same reasoning of course applies to the action of the pole 6 1 . S 2 2 6 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX But, when the needle is in equilibrium, Na = M. Now Na = i . COS a* * The angles NCB, Nab, and Nb = t . sin a* . aND, are by construction /. / COS a = t . Sin a equal, and thus-o . z" a , o i t . tan a. That is, the tangent of the angle of deflection is proportional to the strength of the current in the coil. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 26l SOLUTION IX. Proof of the theory of the sine galvanometer. In the preceding proof it has been shown that and that Nb = t sin a Nb = Na. Each of the forces therefore acting on the deflected needle and holding it in equilibrium may be denoted by the expression t sin a. Now suppose the coils of the sine galvanometer to be turned after the needle. l The current in the coils will cause the needle to be deflected still farther from the magnetic meridian until a point is reached where the needle lies parallel to the coils, in which position they are shown in the following figure, a representing the angle through which the needle and coils have been turned out of the magnetic meridian. 150. The deflecting force /, represented by the line jra, thus acts at right angles to the needle as well as to its own plane, viz. that of the coils. Na being counteracted by the equal and opposite force / represented by the line Nb, tending to draw the needle back to the magnetic meridian AB. 2 6 2 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. But it has been shown above that Nb t sin a .'. Na = / sin a i.e. i = t sin a. And it may be similarly shown that, for any other strength of current /', requiring the coils to be turned after the needle through an angle # /0 , that /' = / sin a'* That is, the currents are proportional to the sines of the angles through which the coils are turned after the needle. FORMULA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 263 SOLUTION X. To measure a resistance x by the deflections of a tangent galvanometer. PROOF. In the first circuit, described in para. 260, it follows from Ohm's Law that tan a = - , + G+f and in the second circuit that " /O tan a x +G+f ThuS = " W + G+f tana " tana r x+G+f Whence x (tan a) + (G +/) tan a = ( W + +/) tan a' .-. x (tan a) = (W + G +/) /a a'-(G +/) to r +/ )^^o_ ^^ tan a ' tan a APPENDIX B. '260. X = taH a ' (W+G+f}-(G +/).t t Formula tan a ^ i.xix. Testing In- structions. 264 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX P. SOLUTION XL To measure a resistance x using both coils of the tangent galvanometer. tana* * tan a' 6 * * 263. tan a _ tatTa 70 PROOF. It has been shown in the case of the first circuit described in para. 263 that Ktana* = _^ g+x and in the second circuit that K' tan a' = g 1 + x K tan a _ g' + x K' tan a' "" ~g+x tana _ g' + x K' tan a' " Y+^ ' ^ and as K 1 -= =n ..... (see para. 262) tan a _ ~ tan whence X = i tan a ' .f t Formula tan a ^ XXIV v Testing In- tan a n structions. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 2 6$ SOLUTION XII. To measure / the internal resistance of a battery with the departmental tangent galvano- meter. f _^ tan a 10 _ * '269. J ~ tan a - tan a 10 ' PROOF. In the case of the first circuit described in para. 269, it follows from Ohm's Law that c - E ~ and, in the second circuit, E C' = f+g+ E f+g f+g But as, according to the principle of the tangent galvano- meter, 1 i 151. C_ __ tan a C 7 == tan a' then by substituting the latter expression for the former tan a _ f + g 4- w tan a' ~ f+g (tan a) f + (tan a) g = (tan a') (f+g+w) .'. f(tan a - tan a') = w (tan a') - g(tan a - tan a') f ( tan a ') w & ( tan a ~ tan a ') " (tan a tan a 10 ) " (tan a tan a') f __ tan a ' . W F.t t Formula J tan a - tan a' LXV. Testing Instructions. 266 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SOLUTION XIII. To measure / the resistance of a battery with the Wheatstone's bridge (Poggendorff). f AW -A'W* /= W-W ' * 270. PROOF. By reference to fig. 66, para. 270, it will be observed that when balance is obtained no current flows through the x and g branches of the bridge, but is closed through the circuit composed of A, w, andf. Now, by KirchhorFs second law, l which states that the * Law 2 (ii), total electromotive force in any circuit is equal to the sum App. A. of all the resistances multiplied by the sum of all the cur- rent strengths (c) in the same circuit, it follows that, in the first circuit described in para. 270, E = C(A rr),T f and.fi' represent the and for the same reason, in the closed circuit made up of electromotive w> x, and P-, as no current flows in x and r, forces in the first and second ., CW observations respectively of whence E _ A +/+ W t 7 = W and similarly in the second case described in para. 270, E' _ A 1 + f+W W and as E e E^_ ~7 A' +/+ W W A+f+W W A'W + fW+WW = AW +/W + WW fW-fW = AW -A'W f(W-W'} = AW -A'W FORMULA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. SOLUTION XIV. To measure / the resistance of a battery by Mance's method of opposing E.M.F. f=W~-W* e PROOF. Referring to fig. 68 (para. 277), it is obvious that when the galvanometer needle stands at zero, c (the current strength of the battery E on the needle) must be equal to c (the effective strength of the battery e). Now c = E x W J * 7^ I rr? 'he multiplying power of the shunt w on W+G the galvanometer G\ and whence * r> _L fW e + 'f+w f GW G'+W EW W + G c 7 fw + f+w e / (G + W)+GW +-ftr G(f+W)+fW EW fG+fW + GW" Gf+GW+fW APPENDIX B. and 2 68 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SOLUTION XV. To measure E the electromotive force of a battery in terms of the standard cell with the tangent galvanometer. tan a tana' ' f+g PROOF. Calling d the current strength of the standard cell in the first circuit described in para. 280, and c the current strength of the battery under test in the second circuit, it follows from Ohm's Law l that i Law i, App. A. c= and that r , _ ~ And, from the principle of the tangent galvanometer, 2 that 2 151. C tan a C 7 ~~ tan a 10 tana f+g+W 'ta^Ta 7 * = E' f+g Hence <^ == f . _Z*L tan a' E 1 ^L tan a f+g+ w " "E'~ tana!* f'+g and E = . ..E'.t t Formula tan a' f ' + g LXVII. Testing In- structions. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS 269 SOLUTION XVI. To measure E the electromotive force of a battery with the Wheatstone bridge (Poggendorff). ^=4=4^ + '-* * 281 - PROOF. The circuit is described in fig. 66, para. 27O. 1 l See also In the first case described in para. 270 it follows from 28x - Kirchhoffs second law 2 that \ L *w 2 (ii), App. A. E= C(A+f+W) and e=CW (E and e representing the electromotive forces of the battery under test and of the standard cell respectively) E _A+f+W 7 = ~W~ and Now, by the formula in para. 270, proved by Solution XIII. f _ AW'-A'W s = w-w ' /. Substituting the above value of/, F ^[A + W A W'-A' W = l W ' W(W-W Hence (e, the standard, being taken as unity) F - A + W 4- ' W(W-W) _ (A + W)(W-W) + A W'-A' W W(W- W 1 } AW+ WWA W- WW +A W'-A' W W(W-W>} MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. AW-A'W + WW- WW W(W - W) W(A-A')+W(W-W) W(W-W') W(A-A') W(W-W') W(W-W] " W(W-W') A A' A * * Formula 7/r7 JM + 1-* VIII. Testing W W Instructions. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 271 APPENDIX B. SOLUTION XVII. To find x the corrected resistance of a con- ductor influenced by natural currents. _ w" + w' *39- Denoting by the letters A, , w, G, x, and F the currents which flow through the corresponding resistances #, t>, w, l g, x, and / respectively in the figure represented above, we have, when balance is established (i.e. G = o), the following equations of current strength according to KirchhorT's first law. 2 Considering the A-W=.o point/ A=W (a) B=X ....() /. X-B =o . (t) /. F-A-B=o 1 w' expressing the value of w when measured with a + cur- rent, and w" its value with a current. 2 Law 2 (i), App. A. m .... * Suppose the natural current (e) to be in the same direc- tion as the testing current (E), as shown by the arrows, then by KirchhorT's second law 3 we have the following three s Law 2 (ii), equations : A PP- A - In the closed figure mpqm . . . . aA b = o . . (i) No E.M.F. in a or b. a A = bB. 272 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX In the closed figure npqn .... xX w' W= e . (2) . _ B ; . (e) the E.M.F. in x being the only E.M.F. in the circuit. f mpqn and ] In the closed figure^ testing \/F+aA+xX=E + e (3) [ battery J E in /and e in x being the total E.M.F. in the circuit. Substituting in (3) the values F=-A+B wdX=*& and in (2) the values W=A and^=J? equations (3) and (2) may be written . . . (3) and ^^ w'A e ..... (2) Dividing (3) by (2) E+e == , "7~ xB-w'A e xB w'A . E+e __ B(x+f) + A(f+a) e xBw'A Now, by equation (i), a A = bB> .: A = b B. a Substituting this value of A in equation (4), *B-B a Dividing numerator and denominator by B> ax-bw' FORMULA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 273 7? APPENDIX Let = y B. then _ a(x+f)+b(f+a) # * - bw' + y (ax- bw') = a (x +f) + j (ax.bw 1 ) = ax + af + bf + ab ax+bw' y (ax-bw') = a(b+f) + b (f+w 1 ). . . (6) Now, suppose the testing battery to be reversed then, by a similar process, 1 - E = 1 - y = ax bw" . . (8) ,x Now, from equations (6) and (8), y (ax - bw') = a (b + f) + b and y (bw" -ax) = a (b + /) -I- b (f + w") .'. by addition jy (fatf 1 bw') = ^^ + 2af + ^w' + bw" Again, equations (6) and (8) may be written axy bw'y= ab + of }- bf + bw' and fluey + bw"y = al> + a/ + l>f + bw" .'. by subtraction, 2axy bw'y bw"y = bw' bw" 2axy = by (w' + w") + b(w' w") _b(w' + w") b(w'-w") ~~ -~ -- 274 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX Substituting the value ofy from equation (i b (w'-w") x ^ ' + 2a b (w 1 + w") + zf(a + b) 2ab b(w"-w') x = t>(' + "} , b* (w' -w") (w" -w') %a ' za{b(w' + w") + 2f(a + b) + 2ab] _b w' + w" b(w' \ a' 2 2[b (w 1 + w") + 2{ab+f(a + b}}} Now (w' w") (w" w'} = b (w"-w') (w"-w') ' Now the following proof (Solution XVIII.) goes on to show that the ratio e_ _ N= b(w"-w') _ E b w ' + and, substituting ^for this expression in equation (n), b fw' + w" A7 W"-W'\* X = - J -r-r-5 -- ^V -- J- * a \ 2 2 J or, with equal branches a and , * Formula III. Testing Instructions. * T W" W' . t Formula V. X = - - - N. .t Testing r * Instructions. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 275 APPENDIX B. SOLUTION XVIII. To find e the electromotive force of a natural current in the line in terms of E the E.M.F. of the testing battery. w"-w' 3 J o. PROOF. Referring to the preceding proof (Solution XVII. ), it has been shown by equation (10) that _ E_ _ b (w 1 + w") =Z 7 ' b) + 2ab b(w"-w') b(w"-w') E b (w' + w') + t>{ab + f(a + b)} and calling the ratio -^, = N, N = Or, with equal branches a and b^ <,!," _ . N = Or, b ( w "-w') e = E. .t t Formula IV. Testing Instructions. t Formula VI. Testing Instructions. T 2 276 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX B SOLUTION XIX. To find g the corrected relay resistance from the measured values , 5123, and n>. *r=^ . ,' w -* '3". PROOF. FIG. 86. Let AB represent a telegraph line, of which L = the corrected conduction resistance ; Let / = the corrected conduction resistance from A to the resultant fault (at c) ; And /' = the corrected conduction resistance from c to B. (Thus L = l + F) and let i = the corrected insulation resistance of the whole line. Then, in the case of the circuit test, in which a relay R is included, it follows, from the law of derived circuits, 1 that * Law 8, App. A. i+l'+R In the conduction test > = ' +7 f ? , .... w and in the insulation test =/+*. - (3) And suppose the insulation of the line to be uniform, i.e. /=:/', !SSE LlB^s Of THE r UNIVERSITY FORMULAE AND Subtracting (i) from (3) 277 APPENDIX B. - a = (4) And subtracting (2) from (i) am m - + . ... _ _ Dividing (4) by (5) Now by (3) = / + / /. /=-/. And substituting this value of / in equation (6) R And expressing by ^ this corrected value of /?, = giae^-jm) * * Formula S g Instructions. 2 7 8 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX B. SOLUTION XX. To find / the corrected absolute insulation of any line from the measured values g, SO, and w> 'V * 3x5. PROOF. Subtracting equation (i) from (3) in the preceding proof (Solution XIX.) And subtracting (2) from (3) (Solution XIX.) .-. g/'+g/'-ito -/'> = / . . (8) Thus, from equations (7) and (8) Now, it has been shown above, that subtracting (2) from (3) (Solution XIX.) FORMULA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 279 APPENDIX R And substituting in this equation the value of I' found by equation (9) iR (8 - fflgi) - i ' (ggg ~ tt) . _ m , . J? (g - gigE) - * (fflO - tt>) ae(g- (g - = V ( XXIV. (a) Testing Instructions. 2 g MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX B. SOLUTION XXL To find L the corrected absolute conduction resistance of any line from the corrected insulation. PROOF. It has been already shown by fig. 86, Solution XIX., that L = / + /', and by equation (3), Solution XIX., that / = -/, and by equation (9), Solution XX., that je(g Whence - 8 xxv. (, and by corresponding capitals the currents which flow through them respectively : A being thus the current starting from A, flowing through #, and arriving at y', and B the amount of current arriving at B through b, we have, by the laws of current strength in derived circuits, 1 the following expression for the amount of A LaAV A 9 ' current flowing through 8 to the second fault y" : Solution IV. App. B. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 283 D . A y* +yy -*-^ ^^ -* 1 / ; (\\ 7 Similarly, the current flowing through b and reaching B is as follows : B-D-1L y + b B - A ' y+W ^ = A . y'y" b+ y'y"* y'y" . B= A ' Now suppose that in the line AB instead of the two faults y, y" there be only one fault, of resistance z (I being the resistance of the line from A to z\ and /' the resistance beyond, I I' FIG. 88. Then the current flowing through /' and arriving at B is as follows : L 1 = L^, But L< = B, and L = A. y'y" Next, suppose the earth to be removed from #, i.e. the line A B to be insulated at its 'distant end, then by the same reasoning, in the case of two faults y' and y", A _ Constant A n 4- -^ V+y'+s 284 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. ne fault z, Constant APPENDIX Or, in the case of only one fault z, B. / + * ' But = A, '-^m Further / + /' = a + 3 + b . . . . (3) And, from equations (i), (2), (3), Now suppose y and y ' to be invariably so close together (as they are in an ordinary line containing an innumerable number of faults, each of great resistance) that 8 can be neglected against b, Then the right-hand factor in equation (4) approximates to unity very rapidly, and we have and, substituting this approximate value of /in equation (5), ylyll Now, in a working line, as y' andy must be so large, as compared with b, that b can be neglected, much more can B (a small portion of b) be neglected against the sum of them. Thus, <> Now, calling r 7 and r' the resistances from A toy and y" respectively, Then, from equation (8), / = - .... (io) /+/' i.e. for any faulty whose distance from A (in resistance) =?- j) 2= ~ FORMULA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. , the sum of(ry) S (ry) APPENDIX ~ the sum of (y) == whence, dividing numerator and denominator by j 2 , z(r , * Formula XXIV. (c) Testing Instructions, From equation (9) App. XI. (a). And dividing again by jy 2 , -/ Z = - -T t Formula App. XI. (a) Testing Instructions. 2 86 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX B. SOLUTION XXIII. To find n> and g the absolute conduction and insulation resistance of the distant section of a highly insulated line, where measured values do not require correction. tt> = tt>2 tDl * * 318. Referring to the figure in para. 318, it is obvious in the case when the insulation of the line ABC is so good that measured values are correct, that n> = tt>2 Wi- lt will be observed here that tt> occupies the same position with regard to the line A B that x, the measured relay, does in the case of a circuit test of the line A B. Thus, the above equation, tt) = tt>2 tt>l> is identical with R $2i - ttJ-t t 3". And as 8123 corresponds with JD 2 in figure (para. 318), and tt)i corresponds with jt> in the same figure, tt> (the resistance of J3C) . Now let g, g ly 2 represent the absolute insulation resistance of the sections whose absolute conduction resist- ance is expressed by JD, tt>i> tt>2 respectively. Then, by the law of derived circuits, T ' Law 8, App. A. - 33. 33^332+313; FORMULA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 287 SOLUTION XXIV. To find n> and > the absolute conduction and insulation resistance of the distant section of an imperfectly insulated line. w = gi(tt>2-tPi) * * 3I8< 3l-tt>2 and Si (fj->i)* ^iP^ir PROOF. Again referring to the figure in para. 318, it has been shown in the preceding proof (Solution XXIII.) how (in the case of measured values) tt> 5 the resistance of the section /? c, corresponds with R the measured relay resistance in the circuit test. Similarly, in the case where corrections become neces- sary on account of defective insulation, n> would correspond with g the corrected relay resistance. 1 * 312. Now it has been proved (Solution XIX.) that 3- And substituting for g, f, SO, and tt>, the values as repre- sented in the figure (para. 318), Similarly, for the corrected insulation of the section B c, Putting ^ = 288 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SOLUTION XXV. To calculate n the distance in miles of a fault in a line composed of wires of different gauges from x the measured conduction resistance. * 323. PROOF. . Let AB represent a telegraph line, between any two points c and D of which a fault exists. The references above the line relate to actual length (in miles), and those below the line to. reduced length (in miles). Thus n = actual distance from A to fault. A. = actual distance from A to end of section CD in which fault lies. /u = reduced length from A to end of section CD in which fault lies. Let x the absolute conduction resistance up to the fault, and r = the reduced conduction resistance per mile up to the fault. Then, obviously, * the reduced length in miles to the fault. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. Hence /x - = the reduced length from the fault to D. And as / - w =-> 315- i.e. the reduced length of 1 _ any gauge of wire j " .'. Actual length from fault to D Hence, from the figure, = X - a i. - - Now, supposing the portion of the line A D to be made up of several sections of different gauges, of which CD is one, Then X = the sum of their lengths = 2A And ya = the sum of their reduced lengths = 2/x n = 2A -j- a ( - 2u J.f \r ) 289 f Formula xxxix. Testing Instructions. 290 APPENDIX B. MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SOLUTION XXVI. To find x the conduction resistance to fault in the case of a partial earth on a single wire. x = w N/ (Z w) (I w}* * 325- or W-w PROOF. c y FIG. 90. Let A B represent a telegraph line containing a fault at c. As the fault is & partial earth it contains resistance in itself. Let this resistance = z, And the resistance of the line from A to c = x, And the resistance of the line from c to B = y. First. To find x from a conduction test only. Let w = the conduction resistance of the faulty line mea- sured from A (B to earth). / = the resistance of the faulty line when insulated at B. Z = the known resistance of AB when the line is in order. Then L = x + y . . . . (i) I=x + z . . . . (2) W = X + ~y^ f . . . (3) f La\v 8, y + z ' A P p. A. Whence y = L x Z = I - X. FORMULA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. And substituting these values in (3) 2QI APPENDIX R L w = x + L + / 2x 'L~+ I 2x LIx* w = L + I 2x Lw + Iw 2xw = LI x 2 x 2 2xw = LI Lw Iw. Adding + w 2 to both sides of the equation x 2 Sxw + w 2 = LI Lw Iw + w (x - wY = (L - w) (/ - w} x w = + \/(L w) (I w) * X = W \/ (L W) (I ?.'). f Second. To find x when the circuit test is prac- ticable. In this case / = / + z $ (*" being the corrected insulation of the line A B). And further it has been proved that = / V W-w Now, comparing the above figure with that in Solution XIX. /=* and * = 2, /. in this case z * The - sign is always taken, as the + value would obviously make x too large. t Formula XLIII. Testing Instructions. J See fig. 86, Solution XIX. See Solution x-x. = / = V" W-w And by equation (2), above, * = /-* (/- W}(I-w}R W-w II Formula XLII. Testing Instructions. U 2 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. SOLUTION XXVII. To find x the conduction resistance to fault in the loop test. 2 PROOF. Referring to fig. 73, para. 326, it is obvious that (i) x 4- y = Z, the total resistance of the looped wires when not connected anywhere with the earth. And (ii) x + W=y when balance is obtained. /. adding (i) and (ii), 2x + W + y = L + y .-. ax = L - W *: = ^ ~ f t Formula 2 XLVI. Testing Instructions. FORMULAE AND: THEIR SOLUTIONS APPENDIX B. SOLUTION XXVIII. To find x the conduction resistance between testing station and fault of two wires in contact in the case when the contact itself offers resistance. X = w -^( - w)(W-w)* * 327 . PROOF. Referring to para. 327, in which the letters composing the above formula are explained, it follows that when the distant ends of the two lines in contact are insulated lV=x'+x"+z . . . (a) and when looped at the distant, end that w =x ' + *" + 7^-^T^'' f ' <*> 1 ^V * T * -r -L> X App. A. (By definition, L' x 1 = resistance of one line beyond the contact L" x" resistance of the other line beyond the contact) And calling x' + x" == X then from equation (a) And from (b) Now from (c) z= W- X. And substituting this value in (d} W-X+ R-X 294 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX WX R .-. w W-2X + R w W 2wX + wR = X* + WR X 2 - vwX = WR-wW - wR. * The -sign Adding + iv 1 to both sides of the equation must be taken - as the + value X*- wX + fi =WR-wW- wR + : b v tusly (X- m ? = (W-U,)(R-U:) ,ar g k e. A ' t0 v _i_ /7-*?jr TTTi t Formula X W >^/(W W)(R w)* XLVII. Testing X*stW-r*/\Ww)(R w).-f Instructions. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 295 SOLUTION XXIX. To find the values of x t y y and z the several resistances of three earths from their collective resistances when measured in pairs. Let x +y w' ( * ) j These values are found by . (2) I either of the methods de- / 3 \ scribed in paras. 335-338 , _ w < + w >/>_ w z = w" To find x. By adding (i) and (2) From (3) j Subtracting (3) from (4) 2x = w' + w" w (4) APPENDIX B. 336. 2 Similarly, to find y. By adding (i) and (3) 2y + x + z = w'+ w'" From (2) x + z w". Subtracting (2) from (5) 2y = w' + w'" w" = _/ ~ (5) 2 296 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX Similarly, to find z. B. By adding (2) and (3) 2z + x + y = w" + w" r (6) From (i) x + y = w'. Subtracting (i) from (6) 2z w" + w"' w 1 FORMULA AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 297 APPENDIX a SOLUTION XXX. To measure the resistance of earths by means of the tangent galvanometer and a testing battery. / tan c \ * 337- tan PROOF. In the above formula w represents the resistance of any pair of earths ; c the mean of + and deflections from the testing battery through thick coil of galvanometer ; a "I the deflections through the pair of earths with reverse b ] currents ; /the resistance of the testing battery ; fits E.M.F.; e the electromotive force of the natural current ; g the galvanometer resistance (thick coil). First, considering the testing current and natural current flowing in the same direction E + e oc tan a (/+ g + w). When opposite in direction E e oc tan b (/+ g + w). /. (by addition) 2E oc (tan a+ tan b) (/+ g + w) Now suppose the deflection c to be produced by another battery of electromotive force E' and resistance/ 7 through a known external resistance w f . Then by the former reasoning ^'oc tan f (/'+ g + w'\ 298 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX Whence tan a + tan ,_ R ... E - E ' tan c (j . f + g + w E tan c f'+g + W' " ~E' ' tana+ tanT And if E' = E \ tanc $ Further, when w' o (i.e. no external resistance) * Formula LXXII. Testing Instructions. FORMULAE AND THEIR SOLUTIONS. 299 SOLUTION XXXI. To calculate the external resistance w to be added in order to test any required range n. ? + (n-l)qf* * 344- PROOF. Referring to para. 7 1 (sec. C) and para. 344 (sec. F) and using the nomenclature employed therein, The strong current c in the second observation may be expressed : and the weak current c in the first observation c - 4 e qf+R + w But ~ represents the range of the instrument (n) _ P ~ whence wp + pgf + pR _ n pqf+qR / = n <^-R+nqf-qf f Formula XCII. U> = (9* - l] R + (n - 1} qtf Teeing \-P ' Instruct Instructions. 300 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. APPENDIX B. SOLUTION IXXXIL To calculate the ratio ^, i.e. the relative bat- tery power to be used, in order to find a given range n with a fixed external resistance w. p = _ * * 344 PROOF. In the preceding proof (Solution XXXI.) it is shown that whence n (P the value of the same resistance at temperature /', it follows that . being=-oo2i, as explained in | 307. - 32 a _ Rt whence _ 32) a _ 3g ) g 302 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. TABLE OF NATURAL SINES & NATURAL TANGENTS Deg. Sine Deg. Sine Deg. Tan Deg. Tan I 0175 46 7193 I 0175 46 1 '0355 2 0349 47 73H 2 0349 47 I -0724 3 0523 48 743* 3 0524 48 1106 4 0698 49 7547 4 0699 49 1504 5 0872 50 7660 5 0875 50 1918 6 1045 5i 7771 6 1051 51 2349 7 '1219 52 7880 7 1228 52 2799 8 1392 53 7986 8 '1405 53 3270 9 *5 6 4 54 8090 9 1584 54 3764 10 1736 55 8192 10 1763 55 4281 ii 1908 56 8290 ii 1944 56 4826 12 2079 57 8387 12 2126 57 '5399 13 2250 58 8480 13 2309 58 6003 14 2419 59 8572 14 2493 59 6643 15 2588 60 8660 15 2679 60 7321 16 2756 61 8746 16 2867 61 8040 I? 2924 ' 62 8829 17 3057 62 8807 18 3090 63 8910 18 3249 63 9626 19 3256 64 8988 *9 '3443 64 0503 20 3420 65 9063 20 3640 65 2-1445 21 3584 66 9i35 21 3839 66 2-2460 22 "374 6 67 9205 22 4040 67 2 '3559 2 3 3907 68 9272 2 3 4245 68 2-475I 24 4067 69 9336 24 4452 69 2-6051 25 4226 70 '9397 25 4663 70 2-7475 26 43 8 4 7 1 9455 26 4877 j 71 2-9042 27 4540 72 '95 IT 27 5095 72 3-0777 28 4695 73 1 -9563 28 5317 73 3-2709 29 4848 74 9613 2 9 '5543 74 S'4874 30 5000 75 9659 30 '5774 75 37321 31 5150 76 9703 31 '6009 76 4-0108 3 2 5299 77 "9744 32 6249 77 4-33I5 33 5446 78 9781 33 6494 78 4-7046 34 5592 79 9816 34 6745 79 5-1446 35 '573 6 80 9 8 4 8 35 7002 80 5 >6 7i3 36 5878 81 9877 36 7265 81 6-3138 37 6018 82 9903 37 7536 82 7'S4 38 6i57 83 9925 38 7813 83 8-1443 39 6293 84 '9945 39 8098 84 9'5i44 40 6428 85 9962 40 8391 85 1 1 "43 4i 6561 86 997 6 41 8693 86 14-30 42 6691 87 99 86 -42 9004 87 19-08 43 6820 88 '9994 43 9325 88 28-64 44 6947 89 99 9 8 44 9657 89 57-29 45 | 7071 90 I 'OOOO 45 I'OOOO 90 Infinite INDEX INDEX. N.B. The numbers refer to the paragraphs in which the items occur, not to the pages. PARAGRAPH * A,' working circuit . . . . . . .187 A. B.C. Instrument . . . . . . . 172, 197 faults in ........ 237 Absolute units . ..... (Def. 35, Sec. A.) Accurate signalling, rules for . . . . .90 Action : ( Chemical] of Bunsen's battery . . . . 12 Daniell's battery . . . . . .12 Grove's battery . . . . . 12 Leclanche's battery . . . . .12 Minotti battery . . . . 12 (Electric] of alarum or trembling bell . . . . 98 electro-magnetic shunt . . . . . 122 polarised relay . . . . . .60 sounders and non-polarised instruments generally . . 74 (Electrolytic}', cables, lines, and earth- wires (Def. 36, Sec. A), (App. A, Law 7) .194, 195. 2 3 2 239 (Electro-magnetic] of a current on a magnet . . . 49-54 (Local] in battery cells . . . . . . 33 (Magnetic} of one magnet on another . . (App. A, Law 23) (Magneto-electric} of a magnet on a current . . 118, 166, 167 Adjustment of battery power . . . 41,251,256,294 Adjustment of instruments : Electric bells ....... 99, 102 Relays . . . . . . . . . 66 Sounders . . . . . . 76,81,83,86 Air, in batteries, effect of . . . . . 23 Alarum : Adjustment of . . . . . . . 99 Principle of ....... 98-100 Alphabet (Morse) . . . . . . . 88, 89 X 306 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. PARAGRAPH Amalgamation of battery zincs .... (Def. 33, Sec. A) Ampere unit of current .... (Defs. 2, 34, Sec. A) Ampere's Law (App. A, Law 13). . > . . . -53 Amperian currents (Def. 49, Sec. A), (App. A, Law 25) . . . 118 Anode ... ... (Def. 26, Sec. A) Arrangement : ' Calling in ' . . . . . . . 187 For testing batteries from signal room ..... 288 Of batteries for local circuits ..... 42, 181 Arriving currents, to measure . . . . . 289-291 Astatic : Galvanometer (Def. 32, Sec. A) . . . . . 154 Needle to remagnetise ....... 238 Atmospheric electricity, its effect on lines . . . . 242 Attraction, magnetic .... (App. A, Laws 23 and 24) Balance : Permanent ....... 201, 207, 210 Transient ...... 203, 207, 210 Wheatstone's (or bridge) 163, 164, 246, 247, 293-298, 303, 322-333, 339, 341 Batteries (see Section B) : Adapted to circuit for which required . . . 41, "25 1-257, 294 Air or gas in, effects of, and remedy . . . 23, 27 Bichromate of potassium . . . . . .10 Constant (Def. 20, Sec. A) ... 15, 30, 31 Changes manifested by working . . . -27, 28, 223 Conditions to be fulfilled by . . . . 13 Conservancy of, rules for . . . . . -45 Copper deposit in, treatment of . . . 39, 40 Diaphragm, use of . . . . . 17? 18 Defects in, and their remedy . . . .23, 216-224 Dismantled . . . . . . . 39, 40 Efficiency of . . . . . ... 46 Electromotive force of (Def. 6, Sec. A) . .2, 14, 30, 31, 43, 251, 253 E.M.F. of, methods of testing: ..... 279-287 1. With tangent galvanometer ..... 280 2. With the bridge . . . . . . . 281 3. W T ith any galvanometer ..... 282 4. With any galvanometer and shunt . . . . . 283 5. Wheatstone's .... ... 284 6. By opposing equal E. M. F. . . . . 285 7. Poggendorff s method . . . . . . 286 8. With a reflecting galvanometer . . . 287 E.M.F. of Minotti, constant . . . . . 30, 31 Equating for P work . . 186 Exhausted . . 27, 28, 39, 40 Faults in . . - 216-224 INDEX. 307 Batteries continued. PARAGRAPH For ' line ' circuits ...... 26, 46 For ' local ' circuits ..... 26, 42, 46 For testing purposes . . . . . . .46 How adapted to circumstances . . . . 41, 42, 251, 256 Insulation of . . . . . . . .38 Joined for ' tension ' or ' quantity ' . . . . . 254 Leakage of, cause, effect, and remedy .... 37, 219, 220 Local action in ....... 33, 218 Management of, rules for . . . . -45 Mixing of liquids ...... 29,40,217 Polarisation of, by current (Def. 19, Sec. A) . 13, 15, 23, 222 Portable . . . . . . . . . 47 Preparation of (rules for) . . . . . -44 Reserve, for emergencies . . . . . 22 Resistance of . . . . . . 17, 22, 27, 28, 30 Resistance of: Methods of Testing ..... 267-278 1. With departmental tangent galvanometer . . . 269 2. Poggendorff s with the bridge . . . . 270 3. Sir W. Thomson's method . . . . .271 4. With sine galvanometer . . . 272 5. With tangent galvanometer , . . . . . . 273 6. With differential galvanometer . . . . 274 7. With reflecting galvanometer . . . . . 275 8. Mance's bridge method . . . . . 276 9. Mance's method of opposing E.M.F. . . . .277 10. With the calibrated galvanoscope . . . . 278 Salt, effect of adding . . . . . . .20 Shaking of cells, why to be avoided . . . 29, 40 Standard cell, use of . . . . . 43, 45, 46 Testing of, for E.M.F. ...... 279-287 ,, resistance ..... 267-278 To bring into working order . . . . 19, 30 ,, ,, rapidly . . . . .21 Zinc sulphate in, harm and remedy . . . 35 Battery : Bunsen's, description and use ...... 9 Bichromate of potassium . . . . . 10 Cells, best deflection for . . . . .46 Best resistance for . . . . . 46 , , Current of, why unequal . . . . . 32 ,, < Short circuited ' . . . . . . . 19 ,, In series' . . 19, 254 ,, 'Parallel' . ... 19, 254 Circuit ........ I, 173 Commutator . . . . . . 140 Connections . . . . . . . 24, 25, 239 Daniels, description and use . . . . . . 5 Fuller's, ,, . . . . . II X 2 308 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. continued. PARAGRAPH Grove's, description and use . . . . 8 Lee lane he* s, ,, ,, . . . . .7 MinottfS) description and advantages of . . . . 4, 6, 16 Plates, to clean . . . . . . 36 Polarisation of (Def. 19, Sec. A) ... 13, 15, 23, 222 'Poles' ........ I ' Power,' adaptation of, to circuit . . . 41, 42, 251-256, 294 Resistance, when taken into account ... . . . 252 ,, To measure by various methods . . . 268-278 Reverser . . . ..... . 138, 208 Syringe, use of . . . . . . . 34 Testing . ... . . . 267-288 Zincs, composition for . . . . 35 ,, corrosion of ..... . . -35 Beats : ' Contact ' and ' induction,' to distinguish between . . - . . 321 On instruments, ' sticking ' 69, 70, 226, 227, 242 Bells : Electric. (See Alarum.) . . . . . 98-103 single stroke . ... . . . 101-103 faults in . . . . . . . 230 Best deflection for battery cells through tangent galvanometer . . 46 Best resistance for : Battery cells, line . . . . . . . . 46 ,, local .. . . . . . .46 ,, testing . . . . . . . 46 ,, standard . . .. .. . . .46 Earth plates . . . 335 Electro-magnets ., . . . . (App. A, Law 15) Best wire for : Office connections . .... . . . 211 Resistance coils . . . . . . . .161 Bias to relay tongue ... . . . . 61 Bichromate of potassium battery . . . . .10 Bifilar, winding of coils . . . . . 162 Bosscha's corollaries ..... (App. A, Law 3) Bridge, Duplex ., .. .. .. . . . 199-204 Bridge : Wheatstone's . . 163, 164, 246, 247, 293-298, 303, 3 2 2-33.3> 339, 341 Battery testing with .... 270,271,276,281 Earth testing with ...... 339, 341 Line testing with, regular ...... 293-318 for faults . 319-333 Resistances measured by . . . . . . 245, 266 Bunsen's Battery .... -9 B.W.G. (Birmingham wire gauge) . . . . 41 INDEX. 309 PARAGRAPH Cable core, insulating materials of . . . . . .211 Cables and land lines, faults in . . . 241, 242, 321-333 Calibrated galvanoscope ..... 147, 278, 338 Calibration . . . . . . . . . 146 Calling-in arrangement . . . . . . .187 Capacity : Electrical ...... (Def. 15, Sec. A) Unit of. . . . ' . " . . (Def. 16, Sec. A) Specific inductive . . . . . (Def. 18, Sec. A) Test, for insulation of line ...... 332 To measure . . . . . . . 334 Capillary action in battery cells . . . . . 35> 37 Cells: Arrangement of ..... 41, 42, 251-256, 294 Best resistance for . , . . .46 Bubbles of air or gas in, their effect and remedy . . . 23, 27 Capillary action in . . . 35, 37 Connecting wires of, to join . . . 24, 25, 239 Current of, why not uniform . . . . . 32 Difference between ' line ' and ' local ' . . . 26 Dismantled . . . . . . . 39, 40 Exhausted . . . . . . . 27, 28, 39, 40 Joined for quantity, in series, and on short circuit . . 19, 254 Leakage between, cause, effect, and remedy . . 37, 219, 220 Local action in . ...... 33,218 Minotti . . . . . . . . 4, 6, 16 Mixing of liquids in ...... 29,40,217 Newly prepared . . . . . . 19, 20, 21 Parallel . . . . . . .19, 254 Preparation of, rules for . . . . . . . 44 Reserve ........ 22 Resistance of . . . . .27, 28, 32, 46 ,, to adjust ..... 17,30,222,223 ,, to measure ...... 267-278 Shaking of, why avoided ..... 29, 40, 217 Standard cell, object of . . . . 43, 45, 46 ,, right resistance for . . . . .46 Sulphate of copper, quantity required for . . . 26 ,, ,, remaining in . . . -39 ,, zinc, harm and remedy . . . 35 To bring into working order . . . . . 19, 30 ,, ,, rapidly on emergencies . 21 To replenish ........ 34 Changes manifested by working batteries . . .27, 28, 223 Charge, static, of telegraph lines, &c. .... 109-121 Chemical action of various batteries . . . . 12 Circuit : Electrical (Def. 13, Sec. A) . . . 173, 174, 177 310 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Circuit continued. PARAGRAPH 'A' working . . . . . . . 187 'ABC' working ....... 197 Battery . . . 173, 174 Calling-in arrangement . . . . . .187 Closed system of working . . . , . . 179, 189 Current strength at all points of . . . . .176 ' D ' working . . . . . . . 185 Derived or divided (Def. 21, 22, Sec. A) . . . . 163 Double current working . . . . . 65, 191-1 94 Duplex, bridge method ..... 199-204 ,, differential ...... 205-208 ,, split battery . . . . . . 209, 210 Earth . . . . . . . . . 177 'G' working ........ 185 Local, and arrangement of cells * . . . . . 42, 181 Microphone ........ 172 Office . . . . . . . . 182 Open system of working . . . . 179, 180, 182 ,, ,, looped . . 188, 190 'P' working . . . . . . . .186 Needle instrument . . . . . . . . 190 Reverse current, system of working .... 65, 191-194 ' S ' working ...... 179, 180, 182 Telephone ........ 1720 Test, of lines ....... 297, 299 ' T ' or translation working ..... 183, 184 Worked with positive signalling currents . . . . . . 194 ,, negative signalling currents . ' . . 195 Working, faults in, and their remedy (see Sec. E) . . . 214-242 Zinc sending . . . . . . . 196 Circuits : (See Sec. D) . 173-213 Symbolically represented . . . . . . 175 Cleaning battery plates . . . . . 36 ' Closed circuit ' . . . . . . .179,189 Coefficient of coils ... . . 262 Coercive force . . . . . . (Def. 43, Sec. A) Coils : Bifilar winding of . . * . . . . . 162 Electro-magnetic . . . . . .54 Galvanometer, use of two ...... 261-263 Heated by current . . . . . . .161 Induction . . . . . . . ..118 Magneto-electric ...... 166, 167 Reduction, coefficient of .... . 262 'Resistance' . . . . . . . 160 ,, best wire for . . . . . . 161 Communication, natural causes, obstructing, and their remedy . . 242 INDEX. 311 Commutator : PARAGRAPH For batteries . . . . . . . . 141 For lines . . . ... . . . 140 For magneto -electric currents . . . . . . 169 Faults ..... ... 234 Composition for battery zincs . . . . . 35 Condensers : Description and use of . . . . . . 116, 117 For duplex working . . . . . 202 Faults in ........ 231 Conduction, test, of lines . . 296,313,314 Conductivity, reciprocal, of resistance . . . (Def. 9, Sec. A) Conductor . . . ... . . (Def. 8, Sec. A) For lightning, to test ....... 343 Conjugate conductors ..... (Def. 37, Sec. A) Connections : Batteiy. . . . . . . . 24, 25, 239 Office . . . . . .211, 212, 213, 238, 239 Conservancy of batteries, rules for ..... 45 Constant : Batteries (Def. 20, Sec. A) . . . . . 15, 30, 31 of galvanometer ..... (D'ef. 27, Sec. A) Resistance key . . . . . . . . 107 Contacts : Platinum ..... 79, 226, 232, 233, 238 Between lines . . . . . . . . 241 On a double line, to localise .... 327, 328, 329 On a line where a good wire is available, to localise . . . 330 Convolutions, effect of, in galvanometer . . . . .54, 144, 261 Copper : Deposit in batteries, treatment of . . . . . 39, 40 Plate, to clean ........ 36 Sulphate in batteries ...... 26, 39 Core (Hooper's), for cables and office wires . . .211, 212 Correction of measured values . . . 301,311-314,328 Corrosion of battery zincs . . . . -35 Covered wires ...... 211,212 Criterion : Of efficiency of earths ....... 355 ,, galvanometers .... 148, 153, 155 relays ... . . 71 ,, battery cells . . . . 46 Of exhaustion of battery cells . . . . . 27, 28 Of magnetisation of galvanometer needles . . . . 238 d Of preparation of battery cells ... . . 40 Of uniform insulation of line . . . . . . 312 Of state of insulation of line . . . . . 311 * Cross Leakage,' between battery cells . . . 37> 220 312 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Current : PARAGRAPH Arriving, through a telegraph line . , . . 289-291 Electric or galvanic (see Introductory Remarks) . (Def. 4, Sec. A) Heating effect of . . . . . . 161, 236 Intensity or strength . . . . (Def. 3, Sec. A) Result of chemical action . . . . . i Reverser . . . . . . .138, 208 Strength (effective) varies with resistance in circuit . 32, 38, 208, 253 Strength at all points of a circuit . *. . . .176 Unit of ....... (Def. 2, Sec. A) Currents : Action of, on magnets or soft iron (App. A, Law 13) 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 Action on one another ..... (App. A, Law 4) Amperian (Def. 49, Sec. A), (App. A, Law 25) . . 118 Earth or natural (Def. 29, Sec. A) . . 242, 308-310 Extra (Def. 23, Sec. A), (App. A, Law 21) . . 119, 120, 121 Induced, by currents (App. A, Law 20) . . . .118 Induced, by magnets ...... 166, 167 Magneto-electric . . . . . . .170 Maximum from a battery ..... (App. A, Law 5) Primary . . . . . . . .118 Received, to measure . . . . . 289-291 Return (Def. 24, Sec. A) ..... 112, 119 Reverse . . . ... . . 65 Thermo-electric (on line) . 242 Transient . . . . . . . 321, 334 D working circuit . . . . . . . .185 Daniell's battery . . . . . . Sfc D'Arlincourt relay ...... 130-132 Dead earth, to localise . . . . . 324, 326 Defects and their remedy : in Batteries . . . . . . . . 216-224 Earths ......... 240 Galvanometers . . . . . . .235, 238 Transmitting and receiving apparatus . . . 225-234, 238 Definitions. (See Sec. A.) Deflections : Best with standard cell and tangent galvanometer . . .46 Controlled by adjustment of E.M.F. and galvanometer shunts . . 257 Inversely proportional to resistance . . . . 32, 253 Measurement of resistances by . . . . 250, 257-266 Vary with different galvanometers . . ... 144, 262 Vary with work done by battery . . . . 32 Demagnetisation of permanent magnets . . . . 226, 238 Deposit : Copper in batteries . . . . . . 39, 40 Zinc sulphate in batteries . . . . . -35 INDEX. 313 PARAGRAPH Derived circuit (Def. 21, 22, Sec. A) . . . . . . 163 Current strength in . . . . (App. A, Law 6) Combined resistance of . . . . (App. A, Law 8) Detector (insulator and joint) . . . . . 171 Dial instrument . . . . . . . 172, 197 Faults in ........ 237 Diaphragm : in batteries ; form and use of . . . . . 17, 18 Defects in . . . . . . 23 Dielectric (Def. 17, Sec. A) . . . 115, 116, 117, 231 Difference : between line and local cells ..... 26, 46 of potential (see Introductory Remarks) . . . (Def. 5, Sec. A) Differential (Def. 30, Sec. A) : Duplex . . .... . . 205-208 Galvanometer . . . . . . 165 ,, To measure resistance with .... 248 ,, To test batteries with . . . . . 274 , , To test earths with . . . . 340, 342 ,, To test efficiency of . . . . . 249 Directive action of a current on a magnet . . . (App. A, Law 13) Dirt or dust, faults caused by . . . . . . 215 Discharge . . . . . . . . 109-121 Discharging arrangements . . . . . 125, 130, 132 For translation working . . . . . .184 Discharging instruments : (Key) . . ... . . . ' . . 128 (Relay) . . . . . . .126, 127 Faults in . ... . . . . 230 Disconnection : of line circuit ....... . . . . 241 to localise . ... . . . . . 331-333 Dismantled battery cells . . . . . . 39, 40 Displacement of resultant fault . . . . . . 316 Divided circuit. (See Derived Circuit. ) Double current : Differential duplex . . ..... . . 208 Key ........ 106, 107 Working ...... 65, 191-194, 208 Double needle instrument . . . . . 97 Douglas sounder . . . . . . 80, 8 1 Dubern sounder ..... 82, 83, 84 Duplex : Telegraphy ...... 198-210 Working, bridge method ...... 199-204 Differential ...... 205-208 Split battery ..... . 209, 210 Duration of battery cells . ..... . . .26 3 14 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Circuit of . . . . . . . . . 177, 240 Electrical standard required . . . . -335 Insulation, where necessary . . . . 178 Earth plates . . . . . . . 178 Not to be in metallic contact . . . . 335 Polarisation of . . . . . . . . 240 To lay (precaution) . . . . . 178 Earth currents, or natural currents (Def. 29, Sec. A) . 242, 308-310 Earth faults : ' Dead * or * partial ' . . . . . . 241 Dead earth on a single line, to localise . . . 324 Earth on a multiple line, to localise . . . 326 Partial earth on a single line, to localise . . . .325 Earth testing : with bridge . . . . . . . 339, 341 with calibrated galvanoscope ...... 338 with differential galvanometer ..... 340, 342 with tangent galvanometer ..... 336, 337 Effective strength of current varies with resistance in circuit . . 32, 253 Efficiency of : Discharging instruments . . . . . 127, 134 Earths . . . . . . . . . 335 Electric bells . . . . . . 100, 103 Electro-magnetic shunts . . . . 124 Galvanometers ..... 148, 153, 155 Relays . . , . . . . 71 Sounders . . . . . . 77, 81, 84, 87 Electric : Current . . . . (See Introductory Remarks, Sec. A) Potential . . (See Introductory Remarks, Sec. A & Def. 3} Quantity . . . . . . . (Def. i, Sec. A) Resistance . . . . . (Def. 10, Sec. A) Electric bells . . . . . . . .98-103 Electricity (see Introductory Remarks, Sec. A) : Atmospheric, effect of, on lines ..... 242 Electrification. ...... (Def. 14, Sec. A) Electrolyte. ...... (Def. 26, Sec. A) Electrolytic action (Def. 26, Sec. A), (App. A, Law 7) 194, 195, 232, 239, 242 Electrostatic : Capacity (Def. 15, 16, Sec. A) . . . 332, 334 Induction . . . . . . . . 114, 121 Electro-magnetic : Capacity . . . . . . . 121, 122 Shunt ...... 65, 122, 123, 124 ,, Faults in . . . . . . 230 Electro-magnetism and its application to telegraphy . . . 49-57 Electro-magnets : Best resistance for . . . . (App. A, Law 15) INDEX. 315 Electro-magnets continued. PARAGRAPH Effect of convolutions of . . . . . . . 54 Extra current in (App. A, Law 22) .... no, 121 Magnetic intensity of (App. A, Law 16) . . . 57 Polarity of . . . . (App. A, Law 14) Faults in . . . . . . . . 230 Elements (galvanic) . . . . . . .5-12 Electromotive force : (Def. 6, Sec. A) . . 2, 14, 30, 31, 43, 251, 253, 257, 279, 310 Constant for all similar elements . . . . 30, 31 Dependent on chemical combinations . . . 2 Of batteries, to measure by various meth ods . . . 279-287 Embossing recorders . . . . . . . . 94 Equating battery, for P work . . . . . .186 Equator, magnetic ...... (Def. 39, Sec. A) Exhausted batteries . . . . . 27, 28, 39, 40 Extra current (Def. 23, Sec. A): . . . . 119, 120, 121, 162 Laws of ...... (App. A, Law 21) In electro-magnets (App. A, Law 22) . . . . 119, 121 Farad, unit of capacity ..... (Def. 16, Sec. A) Fault : Resultant (bzL 36, Sec. A) ..... 316,317 Testing ....... 3 * 9-333 Faults : In apparatus generally . . . . . . 214, 215 In batteries ....... 216-224 In earth circuit . . . . . . . 240 Line circuit ...... 241, 242, 321-333 Office circuit, including instruments .... 225-239 ,, to discover ...... 320 Field, magnetic ..... (Def. 40, Sec. A) Fuller's bichromate battery . . . . . .n Formulas and their solutions ...... (App. B) G working circuit . . . . . . . .185 Galvanic : Current . . . (See Introductory Remarks, Sec. A and Def. 4) Elements ........ 5-12 Polarisation (Def. 19, Sec. A) . . .13, 15, 23, 222 Galvanometers: ... 55, 143, 144, 145 Astatic (Def. 32, Sec. A) . . . . . . 154 Constant of (Def. 27, Sec. A) . . . . . . 259 Defects in . . . . . . . . 235 Departmental tangent . . .152, 260-264, 269, 280, 336, 337 Differential . . 165, 274, 248, 249, 340, 342 Effect of convolutions of wire in ... 54 316 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Galvanometers continued. PARAGRAPH Inaccuracies in . . . . . . . -149 Needle deflection of ... . . (App. A, Law 18) ,, demagnetisation of, causes and remedy . . 226, 238 Reflecting . . . , . . . 156, 250, 258, 275, 287 Sine (App. A, Law 19) .... 150, 265, 272 Tangent (App. A, Law 17) . . -IS 1 } 273, 280, 340, 342 Thomson's reflecting . . . . .156, 258, 275, 287 Use of .two coils ....... 261-263 Galvanoscopes . ... . . . . .142 Calibrated ... . . .147, 278, 338 Gas in battery cells, effect of . . . . 27 Gauge : of wire (App. A, Law 11) . . . . . 41, 322, 323 battery power with reference to . . . . 41 Gerrit Smith's battery reverser . ... . . . 208 Gravity battery, principle of . . . . .29 Grove's battery . . . ..... 9 Guttapercha for cables or office connections . . . 211,212 Heat: Effect of, on insulation of covered wires . . . . . 211 ,, resistance of wire . . . . 161, 236, 307 Heating effect of current ...... 161,236 Helix, right and left handed . . . . . -5 High resistance galvanometer, use of . . . . . 261 Hooper's core, for cables and office connections . . .211, 212 Horizontal galvanoscope for G working . . . 142 Hydrogen (free) . . . . . - (Def. 19, Sec. A) Inaccuracies in galvanometers . . . . . 149 Indiarubber for cable core and connections . . . .211 Induced currents, laws and principles of . . (App. A, Law 20) Imperfectly insulated break . . . . -333 Induction : Electrostatic and dynamic . . . . 113,114,118-121 Magnetic . . . ..... (Def. 41, Sec. A) Magneto-electric . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Retardation caused by . . . . .121 Inductive : Action between telegraph wires . ., . . 118 Action of current on itself (extra current) . . .119 Capacity ... . (Def. 15, Sec. A) Inertia : Magnetic (Def. 48, Sec. A) . . . 121, 226 Mechanical . . . . 121, 226 INDEX. 317 Injurious : Effects of salt in battery cells . ,, zinc sulphate in battery cells Ink-writers .... Defects in Instrument faults, nature of Instruments : (See Sec. c) ABC Adjustment of Alarum (trembling) Astatic galvanometer Bells ..... Commutators (battery and line) Condenser .... Constant resistance key Current reversers D'Arlincourt relay . Departmental tangent galvanometer Dial .... Differential galvanometer Discharging key Discharging relay Double current key Double needle .... Douglas sounder Dubern sounder Electro-magnetic shunt Embossing recorder Galvanometers Galvanoscope, calibrated ,, horizontal, for G working Ink-writer .... Insulator and joint detector Keys or handles Leyden jar . Magneto-electric Microphone Needle. .... P switch .... Portable sounder Recording .... Reflecting galvanometer Relay, D'Arlincourt Relay, Siemens Reverse current key S.T.D. switch Shunts, electro-magnetic . ,, (galvanometer). . PARAGRAPH 20 35 9i 92, 93 . . 228 . 225 . 48-172 . 172 66, 76, 81, 83, 86, 99, 102 99, 100 154, 155 98-103 . 140, 141 . Il6, 117, 202, 231 . . 108 . 138 . 130-132 152, 153 . . 172 . 165 . . 128 126, 127 . 106, 107 . 97 . 80, 81 82, 84 . 122 94 143-165 . 147 . . 142 . 91, 92, 93 . . 171 . . 104-108 . . US 166-172 . 172 (*) 95-97 135 85-87 . 91-94 . 156 . 130-132 58-71 . 106, 107 . 136 . 122 157-159 3l8 'MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Instruments continued. PARAGRAPH Shunts, prolonging. . . . . . 126 Siemens' lightning discharger . . . . . 133 ,, ink-writer . . .", . . 92, 93 Morse .... 73-78 Sine galvanometer . . . . . 150 Single needle ........ 96 Single current key ,. . . . . . . . 105 Single stroke bell . . . . . . 101-103 Sounders ........ 72-87 State railway sounder . . . . . 80, 8 1 Switches ........ 135-141 Tangent galvanometer . . . . . . 151-153 Telephone . . . . . . . 172 (a} Wheatstone's bridge or balance. . . . . 163, 164 Zinc sender ....... 129, 196 Insulated break, to localise . . . . .331, 332 Insulating material for cables . . . . . 211 Insulation : of batteries . ..... 38 of earth wires, necessity for . . . . ..178 Insulation test of lines ..... 298,313,314,331 Insulator : Definition of ..... (Def. n, Sec. A) Detector . . . . . . . .171 Intensity (of current). (See Potential.) . . . (Def. 3, Sec. A) Internal resistance : of battery cells, how regulated . . . . . 17, 30 ,, to measure ..... 267-278 I.W.G. (Indian wire gauge) . . . . . 41 Ions . ' . . . . . (Def. 26, Sec. A) Iron, to render soft ........ 238 Joint detector . . . . . . . . 171 Joints in office wires . . . . .- . .212 battery wires . . . . . . 25 Kathode ....... (Def. 26, Sec. A) Key: Constant resistance . . . . .108, 206 Discharging . . . . . . . .128 Faults in . . . . . . . 232 Morse . ..... 104, 105 Reversing ........ 106, 107 * Kick,' use of, in D'Arlincourt's relay ..... 132 Kirchhoff's laws ...... (App. A, Law 2) INDEX. QRH\^ X3I9 PARAGRAPH Laws ..... (See App. A ; Laws and Principles) Leading wires, best insulating covering for . . . . . 211 Leakage : of batteries . . . . . . 37> 219, 220 of lines, corrections for . . . 301,311-314,328 Leclanche M s battery . . .7 Lever switch ... ... 139 Leydenjar. . . . 115 Lightning : Conductors, to test ... . 343 Dischargers ...... -133 ,, faults in .... . . 233 Line : and local cells, difference between ... 26, 46 Batteries, preparation of . . . . 21, 44 Lines : Charge and discharge .... .109-117,121 How affected by earth currents (Def. 29, Sec. A) . . 242, 308-310 Length, gauge, battery power, and resistance . 41 (Law II, App. A) Lines or cables, faults in . . 194, 195, 241, 242 Line testing : By strength of received currents . . . .291 For faults .... . 3*9-333 Regular . . . 292-318 Line wire, resistance of (App. A, Law 1 1) . . . 307 Local : Action in battery cells . . . . . 33, 218 and line cells, difference between . . .26, 46 batteries, arrangement of .... .42 Local circuit . . . . . . 42, 72, 181 Localisation of faults : in offices ........ 320 lines ...... . 321-333 (Resultant fault) . . . . .. . 317 Loop test . . 326, 329, 330 Looped open circuit working . . . 1 88, 190 Low resistance galvanometer, use of . . . . 261 Low resistances, measurement of . . . . . . 255 Machines, magneto-electric ...... 166-172 Magnet, action of currents on (App. A, Law 13) . . . 49-54 Magnetic : Attraction and repulsion .... (App. A, Law 24) Equator , . (Def. 39, Sec. A) Field . . . . . . (Def. 40, Sec. A) Induction . . . (Def. 41, Sec. A) Inertia (Def. 48, Sec. A) . . . . . . . 121 320 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Magnetic continued. PARAGRAPH Meridian ...... (Def. 42, Sec. A) Moment ...... (Def. 46, Sec. A) Polarity ...... (Def. 39, Sec. A) Magnetisation : of astatic needles . . . . . . . 238 of galvanometer needles . ... . . . 238 Magneto-electric : Currents . -. . ' . . . . . 166, 170 Instruments ....... 166-172 Machines . . . . . . . 167, 168 Magnets : Action of, on one. another . . . . (App. A, Law 23) Currents induced by . . . . .118, 166, 167 Portative force of (Def. 45, Sec. A) . . (App. A, Law 26) Management of batteries, rules for . . . 45 Mance's methods of measuring battery resistance . . . 276, 277 Mathematical proofs of electrical formulae .... (App. B) Mechanical inertia . . . . . . .121 Measurement : of arriving currents . . . . . . . 289-291 battery resistance . . . . . 267-278 capacity . . ... 334 electromotive force ...... 279-287 resistance of ordinary conductors .... 243-266 ,, of earths and lightning conductors . . 335-343 Meridian, magnetic ...... (Def. 42, Sec. A) Metrical units ...:.. (Def. 35, Sec. A) Microfarad ...... (Defs. 16, 34, Sec. A) Microphone . : . . . . . 172 (b) Millioerstedt (Def. 2 and 34, Sec. A) . . : . . . 289 Minotti element, description and advantages of .6, 13, 14, 15, 16 Moisture, effect on lines . . . . . . 242 Moment, magnetic . . . . . (Def. 46, Sec. A) Monsoon batteries, provision for . . . . . 22 Morse alphabet : . . . . . . . -89 Characters . . . . . . ... 88 Instrument ....... 73-79 Key . . . . * . . . 104, 105 Multiple arc. (See Derived Circuit. ) (Def. 21, 22, Sec. A) . . 163 Multiplying effect of convolutions in galvanometer coils . 54, 144, 261 power of shunts (App. A, Law 9) ' . . . .159 Natural currents, or earth currents (Def. 29, Sec. A) . 242, 267, 308-310 to measure strength of . . . . .310 Needle, astatic (Def. 32, Sec. A) . . . . . . 154 To remagnetise ...... 238 INDEX. 321 Needle instrument : PARAGRAPH Single ... 95, 96 Double. . . . . . . . '97 Faults in . . . . . . . 229 Needle, magnetic, deflection of (App. A, Law 18) 32, 144, 250, 253, 257-266 Negative signalling currents . . . . . 195 Null methods . ...... (Def. 31, Sec. A) Obstacles to telegraphic communication ..... 24^ speed . . . . . . . 121 Oerstedt's discovery (action of a current on a magnet) . . 52 Oerstedt (unit of current) (Defs. 2 and 34, Sec. A) . . . 289-291 Office connections : ...... 211-213 Faults in, to discover . . . . . . 320 Joints in ........ 212 Ohm, unit of resistance . . . (Defs. 12 and 34, Sec. A) Ohm's law : Illustrated by newly prepared battery cell . . . 30-32 Simple form of . . . . (App. A, Law i) Open circuit working ..... 179,180,182 looped . .... 188, 190 Oscillation : of magnetic needle ..... (Def. 50, Sec. A) Test of magnetism in galvanometer needles . . . 153 (Hi) ,, accurate suspension of needle . . . 153 (ii) Osmose (Def. 28, Sec. A) . . . . . . 5 Parallel : Cells joined ....... 19, 254 Instrument coils joined . . . . . 120 P. switch . . . ..... . . 137 Relay working . . . . . . . . 186 Partial earth on a single wire, to localise ..... 325 Pedal key . . . . . . . . 107 Permanent balance . . . . . 201,207,210 Permanent state . . . . . . . . no Pivots, to test efficiency of . . , . . . 153 (ii) Plates : Battery . . . . . . . . . I ,, to clean ...... . 36 Earth . . . . . . . . . 178 Platinum points ..... 79, 226, 232, 233, 238 Play: of keys ......... 232 of relay tongue ....... 64, 68, 226 of sounders. . . . . . . . . 76 Y 322 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. PARAGRAPH Poggendorffs method of testing battery resistance . . .270 E.M.F. . . . . 286 Polarisation by galvanic current (Def. 19, Sec. A) 13, 15, 23, 222, 325, 337 Polarised earth plates . . . . . 240, 337 Polarised relay : Defects in ....... 63, 226 System of working . . . . . . 1 86 Polarity : Magnetic ...... (Def. 39, Sec. A) electro-magnets ..... (App. A, Law 14) Poles, battery ....;...! Portable battery, construction and action . . . . . 47 sounder, ,, ,,.... 85, 86, 87 Portative force (Def. 45, Sec. A) ... (App. A, Law 26) Positive signalling currents . . . . . . 1 94 Potassium battery . . . . . .10,11 Potential : Difference of . . (See Introductory Remarks, Sec. A and Def. 5) Directly proportional to E.M.F. and inversely to resistance . . 3 Electric . . (See Introductory Remarks, Sec. A and Def. 3) Preparation of batteries, rules for . . . 44 Pressure, effect on cables . . . . . . .211 Processes by which a battery cell comes into working order . 30 Prolonging effect of shunts . . . . . .126 Proofs, mathematical, of electrical formulae . . . (See App. B) Quantity : Batteries joined for ...... 19,254 Electric ....... (Def. i, Sec. A) ,, unit of. . . . . (Def. 2 and 34, Sec. A) Range of relays . . . 71 Received currents, to measure ..... 289-291 Reciprocals . . . (App. A, Law 8) Recording instruments . . . . 91-94 Reduced length (Def. 38, Sec. A) . . 315 Reduction coefficient of coils . . . . . 262 Reduction of resistances : To corresponding temperatures . . . . . 307 To corresponding units ...... 306 Reflecting galvanometer . . . 156 To measure resistance with . . 258, 275 To measure E. M. F. with . . . 287 Regular tests of batteries . . . . . .288 Regular tests of lines . . 292-318 Relays and sounders . 58-87 Defects in working of, and remedy . . . 226 INDEX. 323 PARAGRAPH Relay, D'Arlincourt ...... 130-132 Relay resistance, measured and corrected . . . 305, 311-314 Relay, Siemens ....... 59-71 Remagnetisation of galvanometer needles . . . . 238 Repulsion, magnetic ..... (App. A, Law 24) Reserve batteries . . . . . . 22 Residual magnetism (Def. 44, Sec. A) . . 121, 131, 132, 226 Resistance : Apparent (not real) . . . . . . 267 Coils ........ 160, 236 Containing E.M.F. . . . . . . 267-278 Electrical ...... (Def. 10, Sec. A) Greater than one million tested with bridge . . . 266 ,, ,, with reflecting galvanometer . . 258 Of batteries . . . . .27, 28, 32, 46, 222, 223 , ,, To measure, by various methods . . . 267-278 ,, When taken into account .... 252, 253 Of battery cells, how regulated . . . . . 17, 30 derived circuit ...... (App. A, Law 8) earths and lightning conductors, to measure by various methods 335-343 electro-magnets ..... (App. A, Law 15) exhausted cells . . . . . . .28 line cells . . . . . . 46 line wire ...... (App. A, Law n) local cells . . . . . . . . 46 shunts (App. A, Law 10) . . . . .158 standard cell . . . . . . 46 Ordinary, to measure by various methods . . . 243-266 Reciprocal, of conductivity . . . . (App. A, Law 8) Units of (Def. 12, 34, Sec. A) . . . . . . 306 Restitution, force of . . . . . . 62 Resultant fault (Def. 36, Sec. A) . . . . . 316, 317 * Rest force ' . . . . . . . 62 Retardation of signals . . . . . . .121 Return current (Def. 24, Sec. A) . . . . . 112, 119 Reverse current : Working ...... 65, 191-194, 208 Key ........ 106, 107 Rules for : Accurate signalling . . . . . . .90 Adjustment of battery power to circuit required . . . . 253 Conservancy of batteries . . . . 45 Preparation of batteries . . . . . . . 44 Regulating battery power for line circuits . . . 41 ,, ,, local circuits . -42, 181 Testing with the tangent galvanometer ..... 264 324 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. PARAGRAPH S. working . . . .. .. . , . 179, 180, 182 Salt in batteries, its use and abuse . . . . . .20 Saturation point of magnet . . ... . . (Def. 47, Sec. A) Section tests ........ 318 Sensitiveness : of galvanometers . . . . . . 144 of relays ........ 67 of sounders . . . . . . . . 76 Series, cells joined in . . .. .. . . 19 Shaking of cells, why avoided . . . . . 29,40,217 Short circuit, cells joined on . . . . . 19 Shunts : Electro-magnetic ..... 65, 122, 123, 124 ,, Faults in ...... 230 Galvanometer, use and adaptation of . . 157, 257, 283 Multiplying power of (App. A, Law 9) . . . -159 Prolonging effect of . . . . . . . . . 126 Resistance of (App. A, Law 10) . . . . . . .158 To discharging relays "... . ... . . 126 Siemens : Lightning discharger . . . . . . 133 Morse instrument {relay and sotmder combined] . . . . 78 Morse sounder . . . . ... . 73-77 Siemens relay ........ 59-71 Siemens unit of resistance . . . . (Def. 34, Sec. A) Signalling, rules for . . . . . 90 Signals : Retardation of . . . . . . . .121 Received measurement of . . . . . . 289-291 Signal room, battery testing from ...... 288 Sine galvanometer : Principle of (App. A, Law 19) . . . . . . 150 To measure resistances with . . . . 265, 272 Single : Line. To localise faults in . . 324, 325, 331-333 Needle instrument ...... 95, 96 Stroke bell . . ... . . . 101-103 Solenoid . . . . (Def. 25, Sec. A) Solution of formulae ...... (App. B) Sounder faults . . . 227 Sounders and relays ..... . 58-87 Specific inductive capacity . (Def. 18, Sec. A) Speed of signalling (App. A, Law 12) . . . . . 121 Split battery, Duplex ...... 209, 210 Sponge for batteries .... . . . 34 Springs (instrument), defects in . . . 227, 228, 232, 238 Standard : Cell ........ 43, 45, 46 INDEX. 325 Standard continued. PARAGRAPH Current . . . . . . . 289 Range of relay . . . . . . ..71 Resistance of earth plates . , . . . -335 State railway sounder . . . . . 80, 81 Sticking of relay tongue, cause and remedy . . 69, 70 Strength of battery current (Def. 3, Sec. A) . . 32, 176, 253 Switches ........ 135-145 Faults in . . . . . . . 234 S.T.D. switch . . . . . . . .136 Sulphate of copper in batteries . . . . 26, 39 Zinc ...... 21, 35 Symbols to represent telegraphic circuits . . . 175 Syringes or sponges for batteries . . . . . -34 Tangent galvanometer . . . . . . . 151 Best deflection . . . . . . . . 153 Departmental, construction and principle . . . . . 152 Inaccuracies in deflection. Remedy . . . . 151, 264 Principle of (App. A, Law 17) ... . . 151 Reduction coefficient of coils ...... 262 Testing earth with .... . 336, 337 ,, E.M.F. of batteries, with ..... 280 ,, Internal resistance of batteries with . . . 269, 273 To measure resistance with . . . 260, 263, 264 To control readings of . . . . . . 264 Use of two coils ...... 261,262 Tapper key . . . . . . . . 107 Telegraphic communication, natural causes obstructing . . . 242 Telephone ...... .172(0) Temperature : Effect on guttapercha . . . . . . .211 ,, wire ....... 161, 236 Formula for correcting resistance according to temperature . . 307 Tension : Batteries joined for (Def. 3, Sec. A) . . 19, 254 of battery current. (See Potential) . . . (Def. 3, Sec. A) Testing, object of . . . . . . . 243 Testing battery, adjustment of . 251-257, 294 Tests of batteries (various methods) ..... 267-287 For E.M.F. ....... 279-287 For resistance ....... 267-278 Regular, from signal room ...... 288 Tests of bridge for conduction and insulation .... 246, 247 Tests of differential galvanometer for conduction and insulation 248, 249 Tests of earths or lightning conductors (various methods) . . 335-343 Tests of instruments and connections ..... 344 326 MANUAL OF TELEGRAPHY. Tests Of lines : PARAGRAPH By strength of received currents . . . . . 291 (Fault) with bridge or differential galvanometer . . 3!9~333 (Regular) with bridge or differential galvanometer . . . 292-318 Thermo-electric currents on lines ..... 242 Thomson's galvanometer : To measure E. M. F. of batteries with . . . . . 287 , ,, resistance of batteries with . . . 258,275 Thomson's reflecting galvanometer . . . . 156 Thomson's, Sir W., method of testing resistance of battery . .271 Throw of galvanometer needle . . . . . 334 Transient : Balance ...... 203, 207, 210 Current ...... . 321, 334 Translation work ....... 183, 184 Translation springs . . . . . . 75 Transmitting apparatus ...... 104-108 Trembling bell ....... 98-100 Uniformity of telegraph lines, test of .... 312-314 Units (Def. 34, Sec. A) . . . . . . 306 Absolute ...... (Def. 35, Sec. A) Metrical ..... . (Def. 35, Sec. A) Unit: of capacity (Def. 16 and 34, Sec. A) . . . . 334 of current (Def. 2 and 34, Sec. A) . . . . . 289-291 of deflection (Def. 34, Sec. A) ... . . 290 of E.M.F. (Def. 7 and 34, Sec. A) . . . . . 43 of length ...... (Def. 34, Sec. A) of quantity. ..... (Def. 2 and 34, Sec. A) of resistance ..... (Def. 12 and 34, Sec. A) of time ....... (Def. 34, Sec. A) of weight ...... (Def. 34, Sec. A) Variable state . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Variation : of current in cable or land line (Def. 26 and 29, Sec. A) . 242, 308 of faults . . . . . . . . . 325 Vibration of magnetic needle .... (Def. 50, Sec. A) Volt (Def. 7 and 34, Sec. A) . . . . . . . 43 Voltaic induction . . .118-121 Weber, unit of electric quantity . . .. (Def. 2 and 34, Sec. A) Wheatstone's : ABC instrument , . . . . . 172, 197 Bridge or balance ....... 163, 164 INDEX. 327 Wheatstone's bridge : PARAGRAPH Battery testing with .... 270, 271, 276, 281 Earth testing with ..... 339, 341 Line testing with . 293-298, 303, 322-333 Principle of, c. . . . . 163 Resistance greater than one million tested with . . 266 To test for conduction . . . . . 246 ,, insulation . . ... . 247 Wheatstone's method of testing E.M.F. of batteries . . . . 284 Wire: B.W.G. and I.G. ...... 41 Effect of convolutions ..... 54, 144, 261 Resistance of, with reference to length and gauge . (Law n, App. A) ,, affected by temperature . . . 161, 236, 307 Wires : Connecting for batteries . . . 24, 25, 239 (office), joints in ...... 211,212,239 Effect of heat on ..... 161, 236, 307 Working force . . . . . . 61 Zinc sender ... 129, 196 Zinc sulphate, use and danger of . . 21, 35 Zincs : Battery to clean ... ... 36 Composition for . . . . . 35 Corrosion of . . . . . . -35 Discoloration of . . . . . 29 PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON ERSITY OF CALIFOENIA LIBBABY BEBKELEY TH IS BOOK IS DUE^ THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW SEP 7 1917 NOV221918 50rn-7,'16 YG 19558