W/r | I 1 %OJITV3-d S | ;s i ? S = .i I ^ ?5 ^> S 1 i *r i l i 1 _ s s a I W(T!W|7 ?' \ ; ; MO , PANDEMONIUM, RECORDS OP THE HER! AT WHICH KING ALCOHOL OBTAINED DOMINION OVER THE WORLD FROM HIS SATANIC MAJESTY. REV. A. K. CRAWFORD, A. M, Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1874, in the office of the Librarian of Goagrets, at Washington. HEALDSBURG, GAL.: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE RUSSIAN RIVBR FLAG. 1874. DEDICATION, This Poem is affectionately dedicated to the temperance workers * in Sonoma county, California, whose kind appreciation has brought it >T before the public by these resolutions unanimously adopted at a Di-s- < trict Convention of the I. O. G. T. : C Resolved, That in the opinion of this Ludge the poeni Avhich our J District Deputy has delivered during this campaign, entitled, "Pande- * monium," is calculated to do good * * * * * * ; 1: we therefore request Brother Crawford to have this poeui published in pamphlet form Resolved, That the expense of publishing one thousand copies be included in the current expenses of the Lodge. EXPLANATORY. The reader may remember that the germ of this poem appeared in a prase article in the religious and temperance papers eight years ago. For this and every other borrowed thought the writer is grate- ful. A friend of the muses, oti hearing this poem, said, "It contains the original ideife of seven different poets." But all modern poets might say, with Campbell, when asked to write something original in a lady's album: ** Ail original something, lair tuai ,fv>d .0-1 Hiiw ufidw woft .' swrtoc/ -fif) Wo 3iK : iSif ^ Bfuiot sir ;'i9ndy n-nhlii! f f>fl :>' ait\.'. . ! O duff ..i .wof rairf ^f pi wwoq Milt *f /xfhcf * oi's ,og leopnoo oi gimanpniy arafift binpit 1o hooft 8'aoif ,iood ^ravo guid ,raiIrx>iq rfliflo ba* rt'jvaieri ni sfaod otlt If;; dw ^aoidJ sdJ noqa ii odw fill f ricxl sdJ ,boO TUO lol [ dfljnfolf !{ rt . ! ngioi dioh inetoqinmO biown 6n* an* idgh Bid \fa^y blow BOO^OI *di iuoda ! !HAUi.ia>u/,T) r . noniA f 006 850 039 6