240 .0162 LIBRARY yMiVtRSirr of CAllFOIXIM SAN DIEGO 3 1822 01042 6997 UNfVERSmr IfBRARY ' OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DiEtiO U JOILA, CALIFORNIA The Early Printed Books in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. A Hand-list arranged in order of Country,Town &' Press, with short references to Proctor's Index and other Bibliographical Works COMPILED BY STEPHEN GASELEE, M.A., F.S.A., C.B.E. FELLOW OF MAGDALENE COLLEGE LIBRARIAN AND KEEPER OF THE PAPERS AT HIS majesty's FOREIGN office CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 192 I Pnce Two Shillings and Sixpence net CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY C. F rr.AV l^rAV^^.^•; LONDi I- CALCUTTA J- MACMil MADRAS ) TORONTO : THE MACMll CANADA. Lt[, I'""' ••■ a..r; C>//e^^. //^--- G>il.arr<^tyr., Cxni^^i. The Early Printed Books in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. A Hand-list arrano-ed in order of Country, Town &* Press, with short references to Proctor's Index and other Bibliographical Works COMPILED BY STEPHEN GASELEE, M.A., F.S.A., C.B.E. FELLOW OF MAGDALENE COLLEGE LIBRARIAN AND KEEPER OF THE PAPERS AT HIS majesty's FOREIGN OFFICE CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 192 I This hand-list does not profess to be more than a foundation on which, it is to be hoped, some future bibliographer will work to produce a complete catalogue, comparable to that compiled by Mr G. Chawner for the Library of King's College : for the Library of Corpus Christi College well deserves such careful treatment, not only owing to the intrinsic interest of the early books it contains, but from the source (Archbishop Parker) of the great part of the collection. The references are in all cases made as short as is consistent with inteDigibility: for example, when a book is in both Hain and Proctor, only the number in the latter is given, as the Hain number may always be found through the Proctor reference. Since the re-arrangement of the Library the early printed books have been placed together and many have been removed for this purpose from the Parker Cupboard. As the numbers have not been altered however, the phrase "Parker Cupboard" has been retained to e.xplain an otherwise mysterious enumeration. Much remains to be done, especially in the identification of fragments used in bindings. The following books will repay further investigation in this respect: B-4-24, 25, 26, 27: D-4-25: L-8-55: P-3-1, 2: P. Cupboard 8, 29, 45, 46, 47, 50, 61, 70, 83, 93, 134, 163, 195, 186, 202, 203, 209, 211, 220, 226, 246, 247, 257, 265, 298, 395, 430. The subject of bindings is scarcely touched: a note, such as "Stamped leather binding" will shew when a further investigation might well produce satisfactory results. 12 May, 191 1. Since the above note was written, the College Librarian, Sir Geoffrey Butler, K.B.E., has subjected this hand-list to a searching revision; I can only consent to its appearance with my single name on the title- page if readers will understand that very many of the identifications of former owners and of bindings are due to him, while bibliographical short-comings are mine alone. S. G. I September, 1921. BLOCK-BOOK [NETHERLANDS?] 1. Biblia Pauperum. Fo. ii.d. Sotheby i. 65. Lacks first and last leaves. Parker BOOKS PRINTED FROM TYPES PART I. Up to 1500 GERMANY MENTZ Peter Schoeffer 2. Aquinas super 4° scntentiarum. F". 13 June i^fxj. Parker Proctor 87. On vellum. 3. Valerius Maximus, Facta et Dicta. F". I4junei47i. Lewis Proctor 95. Sunderland sale no. 8256'. Citron morocco, early (?) xviii century. Samuel Savage Lewis was fellow of the College 1869-91. 4. Augustinus de vera vita. 4". n.d. [c. 1475 (?)]. Lewis (?) Proctor 138. Erhard Reuwich 5. Breydenbach, Itinerarium. Fo. 11 Feb. i486. Parker Proctor 156. Stamped leather binding, with fleurs-de-lys. ' Leaf I, printed on the recto only, and without some of the red print, is bound in a second time at the end of the volume. A piece of printer's waste formerly used as a fly-leaf (?). 4 GERMANY STRASBURG J. Mentelin 6. Paulus de S. Maria, Scrutinium Scripturarum. F". n.d. [n.a. 1471 (?)]• Proctor 209. Stamped leather Cambridge (?) binding. 7. Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum Morale. F". 9 Nov. 1476. Parker Proctor 214, but date in colophon. The i?-Printer 8. Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum Historiale. po. n.d. Parker Proctor 254. Oak boards. [4 vols, in 2.] 9. Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum Naturale. po. n.d. Parker Oak boards. [4 vols, in 2.] Proctor 255. Printer of the 1481 Legenda Aurea 10. Turrecremata, Expositio Psalterii. F°. 23 April 1482. Parker Proctor 414. Printer of the 1483 Vitas Patrum 11. Phil, de Pergamo, Catho moralizatus. F». n.d. Lewis [Also called "Speculum Regiminis."] Proctor 431. Stamped leather Cambridge (?) binding. 12. Rampegollis, Aurea Biblia. 4°. n.d. Proctor 434. J. Reinhard, usually called Griininger 13. Soccus, Sermones de Sanctis. F^. 13 April 1484. Proctor 440. Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg 14. Sermones Parati. F°. i Sept. 14S7. Parker Proctor 613. Stamped leather binding, with flcurs-de-lys. Formerly the property of Gollerton, quondam capellanus regius. 15. Rfuclilin, Vocabularius Breviloquus. F". 26 Aug. 1495. Cosyn Proctor 637. Stamped leather binding. Formerly the property of Dr Thomas Cosyn (Master of the College 1487- 1515)- GERMANY 5 Martin Flach 16. Herolt, Sermones discipuli. F°. 1492. Parker Proctor 696. Stamped leather binding. Printer of the 1493 Casus Breves 17. Michael of Hungary, Sermons. 4". 1494. Parker Proctor 738. COLOGNE U. Zell 18. Jac. de Voragine, Legenda Aurea. F<^. 1483. Parker Copinger 6434. Voulli^me BDK 623. Stamped leather binding. [Only sig. F onwards.] From Stoke by Clare. Printer of the Flores Sancti Augustini 19. Bart. Glanville, de proprietatibus rerum. F". n.d. Parker Proctor 1 105. VouUieme BDK 218. "Peg and tie" leather binding. Bartholomaeus of Unkel 20. Gerardus de Vliederhoven, Cordiale iv novissimorum. 4°. 1483. Parker Proctor 1 142. VouUieme BDK 453. [Only leaves 1-8.] J. Guldenschaff 21. J. Nyder, Formicarius. F". n.d. Parker Proctor 1223. VouUieme BDK 849. Stamped leather binding. 21a. See also Fragments in Parker Printed Book, no. 8, which are from the same book. Ludwig of Renchen 22. Jac. de Voragine, Legenda Aurea. F°. 1485. Parker Proctor 1277. VouUieme BDK 624. Stamped leather with scroll MARIA. Formerly the property of Motynden monastery, the gift of W. Roberton (?). 6 GERMANY 23. Rampegollis, Aurea Biblia. 4°. n.d. Parker Proctor 1 28 1. VouIIieme BDK looi. 24. Rolewinck, Fasciculus Temporum. F". n.d. Parker Proctor 1284. VouUieme BDK 1033. H. Quentell 24fl. Guilelmus de Gouda, Expositio mysteriorum missae. 4°. n.d. Geoffrey Butler Hain 6802 (?). VouIIieme BDK 527. Formerly in the library " S. Petri Erphordiae" (Erfurt). AUGSBURG G. Zainer 25. Petrus Comestor, Historia Scholastica. F". 1473. Lewis Proctor 1539. Bought at the Didot Sale: formerly the property of the Library at Liibeck (duplicate). [Half of leaf 133 and another. Fly-leaves of no. 26.] 26. Guillermus Peraldus de fide et legibus. F". n.d. Lewis Proctor 1556. J. F. Connell's sale. Oak boards. J. Schonsperger 27. Schedel, Liber Chronicarum. F". i Feb. 1497. R. Jordan Proctor 1786. Stamped leather binding. Formerly the property of Robert Jordan, admitted to the College 1635, M.A. 1642. NUREMBERG J. Sensenschmidt 28. F. de Retza, Comestorium vitiorum. F°. 1470. Lewis Proctor 1942. Didot sale. Stamped leather binding. A. Coburger 29. Duns Scotus super n scntentiarum. F". 23 April 1481. I 'rector 2001. 30. Duns Scotus super I scntentiarum. F". 1481. Proctor 201 1. 31. Duns Scotus, Ouodlihcta. Fo. 1481. I lain '6435. Stamped leather binding. GERMANY 32. Vincent of Bcauvais, Speculum Doctrinak'. !•". i6 March i486. Parker Copinger 6243. 33. Nicolaus de Lyra, Biblia cum postillis. F". 12 April 1493. Proctor 20S3. Stamped leather binding. Formerly the property of Richard Buxton, Canon of Stoke by Clare. 34. Bruno, Psalterium. 1497. Parker Proctor 21 17. Stamped leather binding. Fly leaves from a printed service book. 35. Bonaventura super sententias. F°. 1500. Hain *3543. Stamped leather binding. G. Stuchs 36. Guillelmus Parisiensis de Fide etc. F°. n.d. [1496 (?)]. Proctor 2275. SPIRES P. Drach 37. Ludolphus in Psalterium. F". [1491 or after.] Parker Proctor 2381. Stamped leather binding, with fieurs-de-lys. LUBECK B. Ghotan 38. Birgittae Revelationes. F". 1492. Parker Proctor 2625. REUTLINGEN Michael Greyff 39. Nicolaus de Ausmo, supplementum in Summam Pisani. F". 5 Jan. 148?. Parker Proctor 2701. ITALY ITALY ROME C. Sweynheym and A. Pannartz 40. Cicero de Oratore etc. F". 12 Jan. 1469. Proctor 3295. Sunderland sale no. 2922. Late XVII centurj' (?) citron morocco. J. Ph. de Lignamine 41. Si.xtus IV de sanguine Christi. F". [1473. 1 Proctor 3389. Stamped leather half-binding over oak boards. Lewis J. Bulle of Bremen 42. Ordines Judiciales. po. n.d. Two leaves: formerly fly-leaves of P. Cupboard 286. Parker VENICE Wendelin of Spires 43. Boccaccio, Genealogiae deorum. F". 1472. Parker Proctor 4045. 44. Boccaccio de montibus etc. F". 13 Jan. 1473. Parker Proctor 4048. N. Jenson 45. Macrobius. F°. 1472. Lewis Proctor 4085. Sunderland sale no. 7791. From the Convent of St Anastasia at Verona. XVIII century red morocco. 46. .\quinas de veritate Cath. Fidei. F". 13 June 1480. Parker Proctor 4125. English XV century binding '. ' According toMrE. Gordon Duff (Westminster and London Printers, Cambridge, 1906, p. 103) the dies used in this binding must date from the xn rontury. ITALY 9 Gabriele di Pietro 47. Augustinus de civitate Dei. F". 1475. C. Urswyke^ Proctor 4193. On vellum. Joh. de Colonia and J. Manthen 48. Johannes Imola in Clementinas. F". 27 April 1480. Parker Proctor 4340. G. Walch 49. Durandiis, Rationale. F". 18 May 1482. Proctor 4488. Baptista de Tortis 50. Martial. F". [1484?] Hain 10818 (?). Stamped leather binding. Signature of loannes Loder. Thomas de Blavis, second press 51. Blondus, historiae. F°. 28 June 1484. Parker Proctor 4758. H. Lichtenstein, fourth press 52. Rainerus de Pisis, Pantheologia. F^*. 12 Sept. i486. Proctor 4788. Vol. II is in a stamped leather binding, with initials G.W.W. (?) (Weale 63, 64), as nos. 72, 146. 52fl. Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum historiale. F^. 5 Sept. 1494. Geoffrey Butler Proctor 4798. On fly-leaf "Sum Petri Henrici Amstcrodami" and several inscriptions. Bern. Benalius 53. J. Ph. Bergomensis, Supplementum Chronicarum. F°. 15 Dec. i486. Parker Proctor 4868. Stamped leather binding. ^ Formerly Dean of the College and Almoner of Henry VII. 10 ITALY Bern. Rizus of Novaria 54. Duns Scotiis super iii sententiarum. F°. 21 April 1490. Hain *64I9 (3). 55. Duns Scotus super iiii sententiarum. F". 3 Nov. 1490. Hain *64I9 (4). 56. Duns Scotus, Ouodlibeta. F". n.d. [1490]. Proctor 4958. Bonetus Locatellus 57. W. Burley, super physica Aristotelis. Fo. 2Dec. 1491. Parker Proctor 5028. Stamped leather binding. 58. Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares. F". 22 Sept. 1494. Proctor 5055. 59. Mesne, Opera; etc. F°. 31 March 1495. Parker Proctor 5059. Stamped leather binding. 60. Vitas Patrum. 4°. 6 April 1500. Parker Proctor 5 1 01. Stamped leather binding. Lazarus de Soardis 61. Virgil. F". 3 Jan. 1491. Copinger 6069. Formerly the property of T. Crawley. Philippus Pincius 62. Cicero, Rhetorica. F". 8 July 1496. Proctor 5313. Cambridge stamped leather binding. Formerly the property of Francis Blomefield of "Caius College." Barth. de Zanis, third press 63. Cicero, Oraliones. ¥". 5 Jan. 1495; 26 Jan. 1496. Proctor 5333. Simon Bevilaqua 64. .\rnoldus do Villa no\-a, Ilerbohirium. 4". 14 Dec. 1499. Parker Proctor 5415. ITALY ri Bernardinus de Vitalibus 65. Apicius (If re coquinaria; etc. 4". n.d. [c. 1500]. Parker Proctor 5539. Aldus Manutius 66. Lascaris, Erotcmata. 4". 2S 1^'cb. I49|. Lewis Proctor 5546. 67. Aristophanes. F". 15 July I49. 19 Aug. 1520. Willoni Panzer vii. 328. 433. Bound by Garrett Godfrey. J. de Romoys 257. Fortalitium fidei. 4°. 26 Nov. 15 11. Parker For S. Guegnart. Panzer vii. 296. 171. Stamped leather binding. Printers unidentified 258. Durandus, Rationale. 4°. 4 Sept. 1503. Parker For Jac. Huguetan. Leather binding, with stamps of double-headed crowned eagle- (cf. no. 195) and fleur-de-lys. 259. Floretus de virtutibus. 4". 10 Jan. 1509. Parker For Jac. Huguetan. Bound by Nic. Spierinck. 260. St Augustine, in Psalmos. F°. 15 March 15 19. Panzer vii. 325. 412. 261. Nic. de Tudesco super Concilio BasiUensi. 8°. n.d. Parker 261rt. Prudentius etc. 4°. n.d. Parker A. A. Renouard, p. 306. [A Lyons imitation of an .\ldinc edition.] Panelled binding by J. R[eynes]. ' Fellow in 1588. Tlie book contains Adversaria of J. Bilncy, executed for heresy at Norwich in 1531. - Cf. Bilderbeck, Early Printed Books in the Library of St Catharine's College, Cambridge, iQii, Plate II, no. 6. FRANCE, BELGIUM 33 ROUEN Martin Morin 262. Nic. Denise, Resolutio Theologorum. 4". 16 Oct. 1304. Parker Stamped leather binding, willi Oiivid on front cover, Crucifixion on back. J. le Forestier 263. Lavacrum conscientiae. H". n.d. [1515 (?)J. I'arker Panzer vin. 286. 28. J. Mace 264. Boethius de consolationc. 4". n.d. Parker Tudor binding, with arms and rose. J. Richard 265. Bonaventura, Dieta Salutis. 8°. 15 Jan. 1507. Parker Bound by Nic. Spierinck. G. Gaullemier 266. Alani Parabolae. 4°. n.d. Parker [PLACE UNIDENTIFIED: FRANCE? CATALONIA?] 267. R. Lull, de probabilitate art. fidei. 8". n.d. Parker [FRANCE (?) AFTER 1520 (?)] 267fl. Praeclara Francorum facinora. 8°. n.d. Parker T. W. in red crayon. BELGIUM LOUVAIN Thierry Martin 268. DisccptatioinconcilioConstantiensi. 40. March 1517. Parker Panzer vii. 262. 38. 269. Hadr. Amerotius, Compendium C.raecae Granimatices. 4°. 14 Oct. 1520. Panzer vn. 264. 58. Nijhoff-Kronenberg, 155. Formerly belonged to Ben Jonson (with his signature, much cut) and Charles Scarborough. B. 3 34 BELGIUM, AUSTRIA 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. ANTWERP Thierry Martin Rodolphus Agricola, Opuscula. 4". 31 Jan. 15 11. Panzer VI. 4. 11. Nijhofif-Kronenberg, 46. Cebetis tabula etc. 4°. n.d. Nijhoff-Kronenberg, 544. Adrian van Berghen Paeniteas cito. 4". 1503. Arnold's Customs of London^. F°. n.d. Sayle 6073. Nijhoff-Kroneiiberg, 142. Michael Hillenius Latomi Dialogus. 4°. 1519. Nijhoff-Kronenberg, 1326. 275. Erasmi apologia adversus Leium. 4°. 1520 [before Nijhoff-Kronenberg, 782. 276. Erasmi responsio ad Leium. 4". April 1520. Panzer vi. 7. 39. Nijhoff-Kronenberg, 864. 277. Erasmi liber tertius. 4°. 1520. J. Thybault 278. Erasmi apologia adv. Latomum. 4". 15 19. Printer unidentified 279. Tscep vol wonders. F". 17 June 1514. Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker April]. Parker Parker AUSTRIA VIENNA J. Singrenius 280. Juvencus. 4°. 1519. Parker Panzer ix. 40. 218. Tudor binding, rose and royal arms. ' This book is also sometimes ascribed to the press of J. Doesborch. This copy contains an impression of a turned type. SPAIN, ENGLAND 35 SPAIN SARAGOSSA Jorge Coci 280a. Miguel del Molino, Repertorium Fororum y obser- vantiarum etc. F". 31 Oct. 1513. J. V. Perowne Latassa, Biblioteca Nueva de los Escrilores Aragoneses, p. 36. ALCALA Arnaldus Gulielmus de Brocario 281. Biblia Polyglotta. F". 31 May 1513. Parker Panzer vi. 441 sq. ENGLAND LONDON Wynkyn de Worde 282. Complaynte of the soiile. 4". n.tl. 283. Stans puer ad mensam. 4". 1520. [Cf. Sayle 243.] 284. J. Fisher, Sermon against Luther, 4". n.d. Sayle 217. [Possibly after 1520.] 285. Exornatorium curatorum. 4°. n.d. [Possibly after 1520.] R. Pynson 286. J. de Garlandia, Synonyma. 4". 1502. Sayle 254. 287. J. de Garlandia, Equivocorum Interpretatio. 4°. 9 March 1503. Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker 36 ENGLAND 288. Manuale Sarum. Y°. 1506. On vellum. Bound by G.W.W. (Weale 63, 64). 289. Ortus vocabuloriim. 4°. 22 Aug. 1509. 290. Barclay, Ship of Folys. 4°. 13 Sept. 1509. Sayle 257. 291. Whyston, AUegationes. 4°. 1512. 292. Barclay, Sallust. 40. n.d. [Cf. Sayle 310, 311.] 293. Barclay, Mancinus. 4°. n.d. Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Julian Notary 294. Promptoriiim Parvulorum. 4°. 12 Aug. 1508. Printer unidentified 295. W. B0...1 Indulgence [Broadside]. 1515. 296. Another copy. Parker Parker ' Both this and the following are mutilated so that the rest of the name cannot be read. Additions (1922) lo I he Haiid-lisl of Early Printed Books in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge PART I. I'p to 1500 GERMANY COLOGNE U. Zell 18((. Augustiiius de disciplina Christiana. 4°. n.d. Lord Queenborough Proctor 825. Formerly property of Geo. Dunn. 186. Johannes Chrysostomus de dignitate sacerdotii. 4°. [n.a. 1472.] C. Thomas-Stanford Proctor 85 7. IBc. Augustinus de fuga muHerum. 40. n.d. Lord Queenborough Proctor 861. Bound up with i8a. Formerly property of Geo. Dunn. NUREMBERG A. Coburger ^v)*"^ 28a. Bibha Latina. F". 6 Aug. 1479. Lord Queenborough j^w*-"^ Proctor 1993. Johann Sensenschmidt, second press, with Andreas Frisner 286. Bibha Latina. F". 1476. Lord Queenborough Proctor 2203. FREIBURG IM BREISGAU Kilian Fischer 39«.Bonaventura super secundum hbrum sententiarum. F". [n.b. 2 May 1493.] Geoffrey Butler Proctor 3213. UNKNOWN PLACE Unknown Printer 396. Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi : Bemardus, de planctu Mariae. 40. n.d. Lord Queenborough Hain '12439. 2 ITALY ITALY ROME In domo Francisci de Cinquinis 41a. Paulus Ulmeus, Apologia religionis fratrum heremitaram. 4°. 18 July 1479. Lord Oueenborough Proctor 3610. Stephan Planck 42rt. Bonus de raptu Cerberi. 4°. n.d. Lord Oueenborough Proctor 3690. VENICE Bonetus Locatellus 59a. Thomas Aquinas super primo libro sententiarum. F". 3 Oct. 1498. Lord Oueenborough Proctor 5091. English (? Oxford) stamped leather binding over wood boards; with clasps. Formerly property of Geo. Dunn. 596. Thomas Aquinas super secundo libro sententiarum. F". 22 Dec. 1498. Lord Queenborough Proctor 5096. Bound with 59a. MANTUA Paul of Butzbach 77a. Nicolaus de Lyra, Postilla super epistolas PauU. F". 28 April 1478. Lord Queenborough Proctor 6894. BRESCIA Bernardus Misinta, third press 78a. Pamphilo Sasso, Epigrammata, disticha et Elegiac. 4°. 6 July 1499. Lord Oueenborough Proctoi' 7045. For A. Britannicus. TURIN Jacobinus Suigus, fifth press, with Nic. de Benedictis 79a. Alexander de sancto Elpidio de ccclesiastica potestate. 40. 10 Feb. 1494. Lord Queenborough Proctor 7222. Formerly property of Geo. Dunn. ITALY, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE 3 REGGIO D'EMILIA Franciscus de Mazalibus 796, Dionysius of Halicaniassiis, Antiquitates Romanae. F". 12 Nov. 1498. Lord Oueenborough Proctor 7256. CIVIDALE DE FRIULI Gerardus Lisa, third press 79c. Isidorus, Chronica. 4°. 24 Nov. 1480. Lord Queenborough Proctor 7267. SWITZERLAND BASLE Johann de Amorbach 84fl. Bemardiiius, Quadragesimale de Christiana ReHgione. F". n.d. Proctor 76,52. Lord Oueenborough Johann Froben 846. Bibha Latina. S"". 27 Oct. 1495. Lord Oueenborough Proctor 7760. Stamped leather binding o\er wooden boards. FRANCE PARIS Johann Higman (with Wolfgang Hopyl) 96«. Missale Leodiense. F". 24 Nov. 1499. Lord Queenborough Copinger 4149. W. H. J. Weale, Uibl. Uturg. p. 85. Georg Wolf, first press 966. Cassiodorus, Historia tripartita. 4". n.d. (c. 1492). Lord Queenborough Proctor 814S. LYONS Matthaeus Huss 10066. Joh. de Verdena, Sermones "Dormi Secure." 4°. 1492. Lord Queenborough Hain *r5Q63. PART II. 1500— 1520 GERMANY MUNICH Johann Schobsser 135rt.Das Bayrisch Landtsrechtpiich. F°. 1516. Lord Oueenborough Panzer Annalen Appendix 842c ITALY VENICE Bonetus Locatellus 150a. Thomas Aquinas super tertio libro sententiarum. F". 18 March 1501. Lord Oueenborough Bound with 59a. Formerly property of George Dunn. FLORENCE Jo. Stephano di Carlo, from Pavia 170(7. Savonarola, della verita della Fede Christiana. 4". 25 April 1516. Lord Queenborough BRESCIA Bernardus Misinta, third press nob. Pamphilo Sasso, Origo Agislariorum. 4". 28 June 1502. Lord Queenborough FRANCE LYONS J. Moylin, alias de Cambray 252a.Bibha Latina. F". 12 April 1516. G. G. Morris Stamped leather (? Lyonnese) binding over wooden boards. ROUEN Petrus Olivier 265a. Compendium textuale compilationis decretalium Gregorii IX. 8^". 16 Feb. 13 19. Lord Queenborough Specimen of stamped leather hin(Hnn of f.ondon, Iiy G. G. c. 1500. Weale, English Bindings, No. 115. KEY TO OLD ENUMERATION I. In MSS. Shelves. 51. 1-5-8 2. MS. 15 52. D-6-I, 2 3. L. Cupboard 52a 4- L. Cupboard 53- 1-6-2 5- I-6-11 54- F-4-2o"> 6. C-7-14 55- F-4-201" 7- 0-I-20 56. F-4-2o'« 8. 0-I-2I, 22 57. K-9-18 0- O-I-lS, 19 58. G-5-27 10. P. Cupboard 322'" 59- P-4-4 11. F-7-3 60. P. Cupboard 3 12. B-q-I5<" 61. G-6-2 13- F-7-5 62. G-5-5'" 14- 07-7 63. G-5-5'^' 15- N-5-8 64. P. Cupboard 196 16. C-7-17 65. P. Cupboard i68<2' 17- MS. 429 66. L. Cupboard 18. P. Cupboard 54 67. L. Cupboard 19. 0-4-13 68. L. Cupboard 20. B-9-23U) 68a . E-4-8 21. C-7-4 69. L. Cupboard 21a 70. 0-3-27 22. 1-6- I 4 71. E-2-7 23- B-9-23 72. C-7-6 24. P. Cupboard 312'=' 73- P. Cupboard i68<« 24a 74- P. Cupboard 458 25. L. Cupboard 75. P. Cupboard 168'^) 26. L. Cupboard 76. L. Cupboard 27. 1-6-3 77. L. Cupboard 28. L. Cupboard 78. P. Cupboard 168'" 29. B-i-22'" 79- P-4-1 30. B-I-22'2' 80. G-8-37'" 31- B-I-22O' 81. G-5-5'" 32- 0-1-23 82. 0-3-28, 29, 30, 31, 32 33- A-3-5, 6, 7, 8 83. 0-4-15 34- P. Cupboard 50 84. C-7-1 35- D-6-14, !■; 85. C-7-12 36. C-7-15 86. F-4-2 1 37- C-7-9 87. B-9-14 38. F-4-9 88. G-5-ioi'> 39- C-7-21 89. G-5-io<2> 40. L. Cupboard 90. C-7-1 I 41- C-7-3 91. P. Cupboard 353"' 42. Framed and glazed 92. N-5-7''' 43- F-5-1") 93- C-7-2oC> 44- F-5-i<«> 94. P. Cupboard 353<'> 45. L. Cupboard 95- F-5-14 46. C-7-2 96. P-3-1 (fly-leaf) and E- 47- MS. 346 5-18 (fly-leaves) 48. 0-3-26 97. P. Cupboard 242 49. F-7-4 98. L. Cupboard 50. G-4-10 99. N-5-7 iioa. P. Cupboard 8 111. MS. 351 112. MS. Class. 113. O-4-14 114. P. Cupboard 172 (fly- leaves) 115. L-8-55 116. MS. 429<" 117. L-6-28 118. P. Cupboard 53'" 119. C-7-8 120. P. Cupboard in 121. A-8-39'<> 122. C-7-5 123. I-5-19 124. P. Cupboard 355'-' 125. P-3-25 126. P-4-5 127. P. Cupboard 339'" 128. P. Cupboard 8i'2> 129. P. Cupboard 368'" 130. P. Cupboard 428 1 3.1. A-8-39'=' 132. P. Cupboard 119'" 133. I-5-21'" 134. I-5-2i'a 135- N-5-9 136. E-5-17 137. F-6-i4<" 138. F-6-15 139. F-6-13 140. F-6-i4<2> 141. C-7-2 o'" 142. P. Cupboard 17 143- P-3-24"" 144. M-8-I8 145- P-3-24"' 38 KEY 146. 147. 148. 149- 150. 151. 152- 153- 154- 155- 156. 157- 158. 159- 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167 168. 169. i69fl 170. 171. 172. 173- 174- 175- 176. 177- 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 190. 191. 192. 193- 194. 193- 196. 197. N-5-6 P. Cupboard 116 F-4-16, 17, i8 E-2-i6'2' E-2-i6<'> 0-3-25 G-5-2 P-4-9 P. Cupboard 123'" E-io-43 G-4-9 P. Cupboard 332 E-10-4 A-3-17 P. Cupboard 10 P. Cupboard 177'" P. Cupboard i//"" P. Cupboard 177'°' I-5-14 D-6-13 P. Cupboard I77<>> F-4-19 P-4-13 P. Cupboard 119'-' , P. Cupboard 35^'" G-6-1 P-i-i G-5-8 F-5-4, 5, 6 P. Cupboard 184'!' F-6-9 F-6-X0 B-3-11, 12, 13, 14, 15 G-9-1 A-3-25 B-3-16 P. Cupboard 23'" C-6-4"' G-9-5 F-4-13, 14, 15 P. Cupboard 138 E-8-5 P. Cupboard inj'*' 0-4-9 C-7-r6 N-5-7'" P. Cupboard 20'-' P. Cupboard 20'" F-5-12 C-7-13 F-3-6 A-7-28'2) 0-4-16 198. O-4-17 199. A-7-28'" 200. P-4-13 (fly-leaves) 201. O-4-11 202. P. Cupboard 364'" 203. O-4-12 204. P. Cupboard 335'** 205. P. Cupboard 190 206. P. Cupboard 106 207. P. Cupboard 368'" 208. H-2-14 209. H-5-i<2) 210. P-4-38 21X. P— 3-24**^ 212. H-5-i<» 213. G-5-3 214. P-2-35 215. P. Cupboard 156 216. P. Cupboard 11 217. G-5-4 218. P. Cupboard 193*" 2i8a. 0-8-22'=' 219. P. Cupboard 364'-' 220. A-8-39'" 221. A-8-39'^' 222. P. Cupboard 193''^' 223. C-7-19'" 224. P. Cupboard 193'^' 225. P. Cupboard 25'" 226. B-9-8<« 227. B-9-8l'> 228. P. Cupboard 142 229. P. Cupboard 82 230. P. Cupboard 8r'" 231. P. Cupboard 215'" 232. P. Cupboard 215'=* 233. P. Cupboard 215'^' 234. P. Cupboard 215'" 2343.0-9-23 235. P. Cupboard 286 236. P. Cupboard i84(s> 237. P. Cupboard 6 238. 1-5-23 239- G-8-22<2' 240. P. Cupboard 136'=' 241. P. Cupboard 80 242. G-8-37<" 243- N-3-26 244. D-6-16, 17, 18, ig 245. 0-3-20 246. O-3-23 247. 0-3-21 248. O-3-22 249. P. Cupboard 273 250. 0-3-24 251. A-3-9, 10, II, 12, 13 252. P. Cupboard 83 253. P. Cupboard 341 254. P. Cupboard 263 255. H-5-29 256. P. Cupboard 301 257. P. Cupboard 172 258. P. Cupboard 51 259. P. Cupboard 24 260. B-4-14 261. P. Cupboard 438 261a. P. Cupboard 10 262. P. Cupboard 162 263. P. Cupboard 60 264. P. Cupboard 7 265. P. Cupboard 136'" 266. P. Cupboard 20''' 267. P. Cupboard 402"' 267a. P. Cupboard 154 268. P. Cupboard i8o'» 269. B-8-27'*' 270. P. Cupboard 174"' 271. P. Cupboard 174''" 272. P. Cupboard 20'"' 273. P. Cupboard 318 274. P. Cupboard 328'" 275. P. Cupboard 328'=' 276. P. Cupboard 328'" 277. P. Cupboard 328''' 278. P. Cupboard 328<» 279. P. Cupboard 53'" 280. P. Cupboard 119"* 280a. In Box 281. A-2-22, 23, 24 282. P. Cupboard 335'" 283. P. Cupboard 20'" 284. P. Cupboard 335<'> 285. P. Cupboard 335<2' 286. P. Cupboard 20'" 287. P. Cupboard 20''^' 288. F-7-1 280. N-7-42<" 290. Q-5-12'" 291. P. Cupboard 184''' 292. Q-5-12''' 293- Q-5-12'" 294. N-7-42''" 295. P. Cupboard 296 (fly- leaf) 296. P. Cupboard 296 (fly- leaf) PRINTED IN ENGLAND AT THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ]. B. PEACE, M.A. u Mi: JfiStJlJIHIUS HIWNIJAI 1 IHRAR/l/'fJI 'M D 000 807 831 1 AhP r^ <^m:M-^:^m^mM^.