UC-NRLF B M b=n bED cfc-v iSilii i;;','.r,; "i^rjt'ffll^n at;'i:;;;u;i;''i);'.:,-vr.-:.-. ►mP'-^'! Ife M4'^H ■">r^' r^_ n n '"^ w ■ U CHECK-LIST OR BRIEF CATALOGUE OF THE ENGLISH BOOKS, 1475-1640 IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY AND ART GALLERY COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF GEORGE WATSON COLE ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. JULY. 19 19 -JUNE. 1920 NEW YORK PRIVATELY PRINTED 1920 'p V* ^' Pbxtaioey Note. This supplementary list of Additions and Corroctions includes all such material previously issued in the supplement to the main list, in July, 1919, as well as that added or noted since that date. This combination of the two supplements results in but two alphabets of entries and references, and one alphabet of corrections; the former supplement may, therefore, be entirely disregarded by users of the Chock-list. The present list includes many references to entries in the main list not found in the supplement, additional to the references printed in the main list, besides those referring to entries in the supplement itself. It does not include, however, references already made in the main list, when the names or titles concerned are repeated here in newly acquired editions or for other reasons. This second supplement is sent to those who have checked the instalments of the main list sent them heretofore, and to a few other collectors and libraries who have manifested an interest in the list. Those to whom it is sent are requested to check it in the same manner as the instalments of the main Clieck-list, and to return a checked copy. Notes of any length made in the original list of Additions and Corroctions need not be repeated, unless the author of such notes finds their repetition desirable and convenient. July, 1920. Gborgb Watson Colb, Librarian. 7812;^ ADDITIONS. [New titles and new references] Abridgment des touts les Cases reportez alarge per Monsieur Plowden. See [Ashe, Thomas] (fl. 1600- 1618). Abridgment or Snmmarie of the Scots Chronicles. See [Monipenny, John]. The Actes and Life of Robert Bruce. See [Barbour, John] (1316 M395). An Addition Declaratorie to the Bulles [of 14 Aug. 1567 and 25 Feb. 1570]. See [Norton, Thomas] (1532- 1584). Adlington, William, trans, of Apuleius or Appuleius (fl. ea. 150 A. D.). The Golden Asse. London, by William How, for Abraham Veale, 1571. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig.: A-7J; Aa-Ii'; Kk-. (Perry). ■ London, by Valentine Symmes, 1596. sm. 4to. 4th Ed. Sig.: A-Z^; Aa-Dd*. (Malone-Perry). The Admirable Life of Saint Wenefride. See Robert of Shrewsbury (d. 1167), trans, by [Niceols, Richard] (1584-1616). Aelfredi Regis Res Gesta?. See [Asser, bishop of Sher- borne] (d. 909?). Ainsworth, Henry (1571-1622 or 1623). Annotations vpon the Book of Psalmes. [Part I] [Amsterdam?], 1617. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig. : A-Z^ ; Aa-Oo*. Annotations vpon the Fifth Book of Moses called Deuteronomie. [Amsterdam?], 1619. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-Z* ; Aa-Nn* ; Oo-. Airay, Henry (1560?-] 616). Lectures vpon the Whole Epistle to the Philippians. London, by Edw : Grif- fin for William Bladen, 1618. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: V, A-Z«; Aa-Zz«; Aaa-Hhh«; Iii=; Aaa-Ooo"; Ppp* (last, prob. blank, lacking). Alba. The Months Minde of a Melancholj- Loner. See [Tofte, Robert] (d. 1620). 461 Alday, John (fl. 1570), trans, of Boistuau de Launai, Pierre (16th century). Theatrum Mundi. The Theatre or Rule of the Worlde. London, by Henry Bynneman for Thomas Hacket, 1574. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sig.: 1[.«; *.^ A.-T.«. (Perry). Alessio Piemontese (pseud, of Girolamo Ruseelli?). The Secretes of Maister Alexis of Piemount. See Ward or Warde, William (1534-1604), translator. Alexis of Piemount. See Alessio Piemontese (pseud, of Girolamo Ruseelli?). An Aluearie or Quadruple Dictionarie. See [Baret or Barrett, John] (d. 1580?). Amner, John (d. 1641). Sacred Hymnes of 3, 4. 5. and 6. parts for Vo^'ces & Vyols, [Bassus only]. London, by Edw : Allde, 1615. sm. 4to. Sig.: [A]^B-D*; E^. Amorum Troili et Cressidae. See [Chaucer, Geoffrey] (1340?-1400) and [Kynaston or Kiuaston, Sir Fran- cis] (1587-1642). An Anatomy of the World. See [Donne, John] (1573- 1631). [Andrewes, Lancelot] (1555-1626). Opuseula Quae- dam Posthuma. Londini, excudebat Felix Kyngston pro R. B. [Richard Badger] & Andraea Hebb, 1629. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: [A]* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); a*; B-Z*; Aa-Cc*; Dd^ (last blank and genuine); (a)-(l)*; (m)2 (last blank and genuine). The Copie of the Sermon preached on Good-Friday before the Kings Maiestie. VI. April 1604. London, by Robert Barker [1604] . sm. 4to. Sig.: A-E*; F^. London, by Robert Barker [1604]. sm. 4to. 3d (?) Ed. Sig. : A-E*. — XCVI Sermons. London, by Richard Badger, 1635. folio in 6s. 3d Ed. Sig.: 1 1. without sig. -mark; A®; B-Z^; Aa-Ee^ Ff-Kk*; Ll-Zz«; Aaa-Fff«; Ggg*' (4th blank) Hhh-Xxx«; Yyy« (3d blank); Zzz^ Aaaa-Sfff° Aaaaa«; (bbbbb)* (last blank); Ccccc-Hhhhh« liiii-Kkkkk^ Lllll-Ooooo^ Ppppp*; Qqqqq' (1st blank) ; Rrrrr« (last blank) ; Sffff-Ttttt*. — A Sermon at Hampton Court, Sept. 28, 1606. London, by Robert Barker [1606?]. sm. 4to. 2d (?) Ed. Sig. : *A*-*G*, each 4 leaves. 462 Andrewes, Lancelot (1555-1626). A Sermon Preached at Whitehall, on Easter Day, 1614. London, by Robert Barker, 1614. sm. 4to, 1st Ed. Sig. : A^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-F". [ ] A Sermon Preached at Whitehall the fift of No- uember la.st, 1(517. London, by John Bill, 1618. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-G* (la.st blank and genuine). [ ] A Sermon Preached on Easter day last, 1618. London, bv John Bill, 1618, sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A^'; Bb-Gg*. [ ] A Sermon Preached on Munday the 25. of Decem- ber, being Christmas day, 1609. London, by Robert Barker [1610?]. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-E*. [ ] A Sermon Preached on Sunday the fifth of August last, at Holdenbie. Loudon, by Robert Bark- er, 1610. sm. 4to. Isl Ed. Sig.: A-K* (last blank and genuine). [ ] A Sermon Preached on Tuesday the 25. of De- cember, being Christmas day, 1610. London, by Robert Barker [1611?]. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-E* ; F-. [ ] A Sermon Preached on the 24. of March, being Easter Day. London, by Robert Barker, 1611. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A' (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-F* (last, prob. blank, lacking). [ ] London, by Robert Barker, 1611. sm. 4to. 2d (?) Ed. Sig. : A-E'. [ ] Tortura Torti. Londini, excudobat Robertus Barkerus, 1609. sm. 4to. 2d? or "iudicare" Ed. Sig.: as in 1st? or "dicare" Ed. (page 7 of main list). See also this item in the "Corrections" below. Anghiera, Pietro Martire (1455-1526). De Orbe Nouo. See Hakluyt, Richard (ca. 1552-1616), translator. An Answere to a Letter of a Jesuited Gentleman. See [Copley, Anthony] (1567-1607?), supposed author. An Answer to the Profession made bj'^ James Hamilton, See Scotland. General Assembl3\ An Answere to the Question: Whether the Emperour that now is, can bee Judge in the Bohemian Con- trouersie or no? [Prague?], 1620. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-C*; D^ (last blank and lacking). An Aunswere to the Treatise of the Crosse. See [Calf- hill or Calfield, James] (1530?-1570). 463 Anthony, Francis (1550-1623). The Apologie, or De- fence of Aurum Potabile. London, by John Legatt, 1616. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig-. : II* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); A-Q* (last, prob. blank, lacking). The Apocalyps, or Reuelation of S. John (Junius). See [Barbar, Thomas] (fl. 1587), supposed transla- tor. Ar., A. The Practise of Princes, no place, 1630. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-C* (last, prob. blank, lacking). The Arraignment of John van Olden Barneuelt. See Oldenbarneveldt, Jan van (1547 M619). The Araignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward and Vncon- stant Women. See [Swetnam, Joseph] (fl. 1617). The Arte of Limmiug. London, by Richard Tottill, 1573. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-C^ (Holden). London, by Thomas Purfoot, 1596, sm. 4to. 5th Ed. Sig.: A-C^ (Perry). Articles of Agreement made betweene the French King and those of Rochell, vpon the Rendition of the Towne, the 24. of October last. See France. Crown (Louis XIII, 1610-1643) and La Rochelle, France. Articles of Agreement [etc.] 1628. Articles of Peace, Entercourse, and Commerce, con- cluded in a Treatie the 18. day of August 1604. See Great Britain. Treaties, etc. Arundell, Peter. See Erondelle or Arundell, Peter (fl. 1586-1624). Ascham, Roger (1515-1568), and Sturm, Johann (1507-1589). Epistolffi dute, De Nobilitate Angli- cana. 1551. (In Heresbach, Conrad (ca. 1502- , 1576). De Laudibus Graecarum Literarum Oratio. ff. 33-51). [Ashe, Thomas] (fl. 1600-1618). Abridgment des touts les Cases re]5ortez alarge per Monsieur Plowden. Londini, in redibus Janae Yetsweirt [1600?]. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: [A-Y (1st blank and genuine) ; B-M^; N*. AorTpo\oyo/i,avta. See [Carleton, George] (1559-1628). Aurelius, Abraham (1575-1632). In Nuptias Frederici V. et Elizabethae Epithalamium. Londini, apud Gulielraum Stansby, 1613. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-B^ Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus (121-180). His Medita- tions concerning Himselfe. See Casaubon, Meric (1599-1671), translator. 464 Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, called The Philosopher, Emperor of Rome, pseud. The Golden Boke of Mar- cus Aurelius. See Bourchier, John, 2d baron Ber- ners (1467-1533), trans, of Guevara, Antonio do (ca. 1490-ca. 1545). Avity, Pierre d' (1573-1635). The Estates, Empires and Priueipallities of the World. 8ee Grimston, Edward, translator. Awdelay or Awdeley, John (fl. 1559-1577). The Cruel Assault of Gods Fort. London, by John Awdeley, n. d. [ca. 1570?]. folio broadside. (Britwell). Ecelesi. XX. Remember Death, and thou shalt neuer sinne. London, by John Awdeley, 1569. folio broadside. (Britwell ) . An Epitaphe vpon the Death of Mayster John Viron Preacher. London, by John Awdely, n. d. [ca. 1570?]. folio broadside. (Britwell). B., G. A Free Admonition Avithout any Fees. To warne the Papistes to beware of three Trees. Londo, by John Awdely, for Henry Kirkham, 1571. folio broadside. ( Britwell ) . B., H. See Burton, Henry (1578-1648). B., H., trans, of Vermigli, Pietro Martire (1500-1562). Most Learned and Fruitfull Commentaries vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes. London, by John Daye [colophon 1568]. folio in 6s. 1st Ed. Sig.: A.-Y.«; Aa.-Yy."; AA.-YY.«; AAa.-MMm.«; NNn.*. (Avery). [B., I.] Certaine Letters declaring in Part the Passage of Aifaires in the Palatinate. Ampsterdam, 1621. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-B*; C^ B., R., trans, of Bunting, Heinrich (1545-1606). Itin- erarium Totius Sacrae Seriptura?. London, by Adam Islip, 1619. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: ^* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); A-Z^; Aa- Mm8; Nn-Oo*. The Baiting of the Popes Bull. See [Burton, Henry] (1578-1648). Bale, John (1495-1563). A Brefe Chronycle concerning the Examination and Death of Sir John Oldecastell. London, by Anthony Scoloker, and "Wyllva Seres [1548]. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sig.: A-G«. (Pembroke). Scriptorum Illustriii Maioris Brytannie. Basilea« apud Joannem Oporinum [eolophons 1557-1559]. folio in 4s. 2d Ed. Sig. : vol. I : a' ; yS* ; y\- a-Z* ; A-Z* ; aa-ZZ* ; Aa-Zz* ; Aaa*; vol. 11: a'; /3*; a-z* ; A-T*. 465 Ball, John (1585-1640). A Treatise of Faith. London, by George Miller for Edward Brewster, 1632. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d Ed. Sig.: *«; A«; a-; B-Z« ; Aa-Dd«; Ee^ Ff-Hh«; li* (last, prob. blank, lacking). A Ballad of King Henry II. and the Miller of Mansfield. (first part only, without place or date), folio broad- side. (Britwell). [Barbar, Thomas] (fl. 1587), supposed trans, of Junius, or Du Jon, Francois (1545-1602). The Apocalyps, or Reuelation of S. John. [Cambridge], by John Legat, 1596. sm. 4to. 3d(?) Ed. Sig. : ^*; A-Z*; Aa-Nn* (last blank and genuine). [Barbour, John] (1316?-1395). The Actes and Life of Robert Bruce. Edinburgh, by Andro Hart, 1616. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sig.: Tin'; A-Z«; Aa-Cc«; Dd2. [Baret or Barrett, John] (d. 1580?). An Aluearie or Quadruple Dictionarie. Colophon : Londini, excude- bat Henricus Denhamus typographus, Guilielmi Seresij vnicus assignatus, 1580. folio in 6s. 2d Ed. Sig.: A« (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B.-Y.«; Aa.- Yy.«; Aaa.-Nnn.«; Ooo.*; Aaaa.-Sfff.^ Tttt.« (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Perry). Barker, John. Of the Horyble and Woful Destruccion of Jerusalem. London, by Thomas Colwell, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). Barlow, William (d. 1613). The Summe and Substance of the Conference. London, by John Norton, and are to bee sold by Joshua Kirton, and Thomas Warren, 1638. sm. 4to. 5th Ed. Sig.: A-P*. Barrett, John (d. 1580?). See Baret or Barrett, John (d. 1580?). Barrow, or Barrough, Philip (fl. 1590). The Method of Physick. London, by George Miller, 1639. sm. 4to in 8s. 8th Ed. Sig.: A-Z«; Aa-Hh8;Ii2. Bartholomaeus Anglicus, de Glanvilla. See Glanville, Bartholomaius Anglicus, called de (fl. 1230-1250). Barthram Priest. See Ratramnus, monachus Corbiensis (d. ca. 868). Basse or Bas, William (d. 1653?). Three Pastoral Elegies; of Anander, Anetor, and Muridella. [Lon- don], by V. S. [Valentine Simmes] for J. B. [Joseph Barnes], 1602. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A* (1st blank and genuine); B-F*. (Brit- well). 466 Bastwick, John (159:1 1654 ) , and others. A Brief e Rela- tion of (!ertaine Speeiall Speeches in tlie Starre- Chiimber. [London?], 16:58. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig.: A-D*. (Avery). Beacon, Richard. See Beeon or Beacon, Richard (fl. 1594). Bede de la Gormandiere, Jean (tl. 17th century). The Masse Disphiyed. Sec fChaloner, Edward] (1590'/- 1625), supposed translator. [Bedford, Thomas]. A Treatise, wherein is declared the SutTiciencie of Enj^lish Medicines. London, by II. L. [Hnmphrev Lownes] for Tho. Man, 1615. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sig. : A^ (1st and last, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-P. [Bedingfield, Thomas] (d. 1618), trans, of Cardano, Girolamo (1501-1576). Cardanus Comforte. Lon- don, by Thomas Marsh, 1576. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d Ed. Sig. : A" (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; A(repeated)- M«; N«. (Perry). Bell, James (fl. 1551-1596), translator. Against Jerome Osorius and against his slaunderous Inuectiues. 1581. See Haddon, Walter (1516-1572). [Belloy, Pierre de] (b. ca. 1540). A Catholicke Apolo- gie. London, for Edward Aggas [1590?]. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-T«; V*. Benison, Francis. An Epitaph, of Maister Fraunces Benison. London, by John Awdely, 1570. folio broadside. (Britwell). Benvenuto, pseud. The Passenger. London, by T. S. [Thomas Snodham] for Richard Redmer. 1612. sm. 4to. 1st Ed., with Redmer Imprint. Sig. : A= ; ^^ A^ B-Z^ ; Aa-Zz* ; Aaa-Zzz* ; Aaaa- Kkkk* ; LIU-. Berners, John Bourchier, 2d Baron. See- Bourchier, John, 2d Baron Berners (1467-1533). Bertram Priest. Scr Ratramnus. monachus Corbiensis (d. ca. 868). Beza, Theodore (1519-1605), editor. See Bible. New Testament. Latin. 1582. Bible. Numbers in Darlow and Moule's Historical Cata- logue of Printed Bihlcs are here given, to be added to the entries on the pages indicated. page 31, nos. 7, 17, 24; page 32, nos. 34, 48, 49, 55, 72, 85, 86, S?.; page :i3, nos. 107. 151, 167, 193, 206, 208, 222, 225, 232, 238 ; page 34, nos. 240, 242, 292, 385, 407, 407, 403. , 9587; page 35, no. 231 (the first entrv only) ; page 36 (beginning Avith the New Testament), nos. 6162, 19, 20, 50, 58; page 37, nos. 74. 83. 134, 132, 198. 202. 254, , ;U4 or 288, , 406 or 398A ; page 38. no. 9580, , 1430 (the first and third entries only). 467 Bible. English. 1560. The Bible and Holy Scriptures eontej'ned in the Okie and Newe Testament. Geneua, bv Ronland Hall, 1560. 4to. 'Sig.:*%*; a.-z.^ A.-Z.*; Aa.-Zz.*; &.«; Aaa.-Zzz.*; Aaaa.-Zzzz." ; Aaaaa.^ Bbbbb.«; AA.-ZZ.*; AAa.- LLl.*. (Dariow & Moide 77). 1586. The Bible. Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke. London, by Christopher Barker, 1586. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig. : 2 11. without sig.-marks; A.-Z.**; Aa.-Zz.«; Aaa.-Hhh.^ lii.^ *.*; Kkk.-YjT«; Zzz.". (Dar- low &Moule 146). -^— 1613-14. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament, and the New. London, by Robert Bar- ker, 1613-14. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: A-Z«; Aa-Zz^; Aaa-Sff«. 1615. The Holy Bible, containing the Okie Testa- ment, and the Neuu. London, by Robert Barker, 1615. 8vo. Sig.: A-Z*^; Aa-Zz^; Aaa-Kkk^ (Darlow & Moule 267). 1615. The Bible: translated according to the Hebrew and Greeke. London, by Robert Barker, 1615. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: V (1st and last, prob. blank, lacking) ; A-Z«; Aa-Zz^ Aaa-Hhh^ lii^; **; Kkk-Yyy^ Zzz^". (Darlow & Moule 268). — — 1625-27. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament, and the New. London, by Bonham Nor- ton, and John Bill, 1625 (Ncav Testament 1627, its colophon 1626). sm. 8vo. Sig.: A-Z«; Aa-Zz^ Aaa-Kkk^ 1632. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testa- ment and the Neuu. London, by Robert Barker, and by the Assignes of John Bill, 1632. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: A^ A ( repeated )-Z^ Aa-Zz^; Aaa-Rrr^ (Darlow & Moule 354). 1634. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testa- ment and the Neuu. London, by Robert Barker, and by the Assignes of John Bill, 1634. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: A^ A ( repeated )-Z^,f Aa-Zz^ Aaa-Kkk«; Lll^ (Darlow & Moule 377?). New Testament. English. 1534. The Newe Testa- ment, djdygently corrected and compared with the Greke by'Willyam Tindale. [Antwerp, by Marten Empereur?], 1534. 8vo. Sig.: *.^ **.-•; A-Z"^; a-z^ Aa-Ee^ (Huth). (Darlow & Moule 5). 1549. The Newe Testament translated by M. Wil. Tvndall. no place, 1549. sm. 8vo. 'Sig.: ^^ *'"; A-Z^ a-z«; Aa-Bb^ Cc". (Huth). (Darlow & Moule 51). 468 Bible. New Testament. English. 1552-0.3. The Newe Testament. Colopiion : (London], imprynted hy Rycharde Jugge 1 1552-53 J. .sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: 1[.«; }^.'"; A.-Y.^ z.«; Aa.-Qq.^; Rr.*. ( Huth ) . ( Darlow & Monle 6'J ) . 1557. The Newe Testament. Geneua, by Conrad Badius, 1557. 8vo. Sig.: *.«; ♦*.*; a.-z.« ; A.-Z.« ; Aa.-Ll.«. (Hiith). (Darlow & Moule 76). 1589. The Text of the New Testament of Jesus Christ. London, by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1589. folio in 6s. Sig.: •*; A-Y«; Aa-Yy« ; Aaa-Yyy"; Aaaa-Vvvv''' ; Xxxx\ (Darlow & Moule 156). — 1G33. The New Testament. London, by Robert Barker and the Assignes of John Bill, 1633. 12mo. Sig.: A-Y^'. (Huth). (Darlow & Moule 373). — 1640. The New Testament. London, by Robert Barker and the Assignes of John Bill, 1640. 12mo. Sig. :A-Yi-. (Huth). (Darlow & Moule 427). — Greek. 1632. 'H Kaiv^ Aia6r}Kr). Nouum Testa- mentum. Cantabrigi*, apud Tho : Buck, 1632. 8vo. Sig.: 1 1. without sig.-mark; A-Z«; Aa-SP (last blank and genuine). (Darlow & Moule 4678). — Latin and English. 1548. The Newe Testament in Englishe and in Latin. Colophon: [London], by Willyam Powell, 1548. sm. 4t.o in 8s. Sig.: A.-Z.«; AA.-00.«; PP.''. (Huth). — Spanivsh. 1596. El Testamento Nueuo de Nuestro Sefior Jesu Chri.sto. En casa de Ricardo del Campo [i. e. London, by Richard Field], 1596. sm. 8vo. Sig. : * •* (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; A-Z** ; Aa-Zz** ; Aaa* (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Huth; Bridge- Avater). (Darlow & Moule 8473). Gospels. English. 1571. The Gospels of the fower Euangelistes translated in the old Saxons tymo out of Latin into the vulgare toung of the Saxons. London, bv John Dave, 1571. sm. 4to. Sig.: A>; If 2; 'b.-Y."; Aa.-Yy.^ AA.-HH.-. (Huth). (Darlow & Moule 95). Bible. New Testamoit. Selections. English. The Epistles and Gospelles. [1545?]. See [Taverner. Richard] (1505-1575), editor. Bibliander, Theodorus (in German Buchmann, Theo- dor) (1504-1564). A Godly Consultation vnto the Brethren and Companyons of the Christen Religyon. Colnphon : Basil! hv Rndulphe Bonifante, 1542. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-V«. 469 Bilson, Thomas (1546 or 7-1616). The True Difference betweene Christian Subiection and Vnchristiau Re- bellion. Oxford, by Joseph Barnes, 1585. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig. : A« ; a* (last blank and genuine) ; B-C* ; D-Z« ; Aa-Zz"; Aaa-Ggg*; Hhh*; 1 1. without sig.-mark. Birch, William. The Complaint of a Sinner, vexed with Paine. London, by Alexander Lacy, for Richard Applow, n. d. folio broadside, (Britwell). A New Balade of the Worthy Seruice of late doen by Maister Strangwige in Fraunce. London, by Alexander Lacy for William Owen, n. d. folio broad- side. (Britwell). A Warnyng to England. London, by Alexander Lacie, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell) Birckbek, Simon (1584-1656). The Protestants Eui- dence, taken out of Good Records. London, for Robert Milbourne, 1635. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d Ed. Sig.: a« (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; b^; c*; A-P^; Q* ; Aa-Nn«. Blundeville, Thomas (fl. 1561). Mr. Blundevil his Ex- ercises. London, by Richard Bishop, and are to be sold by Beniamin Allen, 1636. sm. 4to in 8s. 7th Ed. Sig.: A^ (1st blank and genuine); B-Z® ; Aa-Zz^; Aaa-Eee*. [ ] A New Booke containing the Arte of Ryding. Colophon: London, by Willvam Seres [1575?]. sm. 8vo. lst(?) Ed. Sig.: A.«; B.*; A.-M.^; A.-E.«; F.*; A-C« ; D^ Boaistuau, Pierre, called Launay. ^ce Boistuau de Launai, Pierre (16th century). Bocc^cftio, Giovanni (1313-1375). [The Decameron.] The Modell of Witt, Mirth, Eloquence, and Conuer- sation. [London], by Isaac Jaggard, for Matliew Lownes, 1625 (vol. 2 : London, by Isaac Jaggard 1620). sm. folio. 2d Ed. of vol. 1," 1st Ed. of vol. 2 Sig.: vol. I; A^ (1st blank and genuine) ; B-V Aa*; Bb-Nn*' (last, prob. blank, lacking) ; vol. IT 4 11. without sig.-mark (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; V; W; ^W; B-Z"; Aa-Zz*; Aaa". (Wallace). Bohemia. Crown (1619-1620). Frederick L The Dec- laration and Information against the Vniust Man- dates published in the Name of the Emperour. no place, 1620. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-C*. Boistuau de Launai, Pierre (16th centurvO. Theatnun Mundi. The Theatre or Rule of the" Worlde. See AJday, John (fl. 1570), translator. 470 [Bolton or Boulton, Edmund] (1575 7-1633?). Nero Ccesar or Moiiarchie depraued. London, 1G27. sm. folio in 4s. 2d Ed. Sig. : A^; 1 1. without sig.-mark; A (cont'd)'; A (repeated)"; 1 1. without sig.-mark; B-Z*; Aa- Qq*. Bolton, Robert (1572-1631). A Cordiall for Chi-istiaus in the Time of iVffliction. London, by deorge Miller, 1040. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-D*; E^ A Discourse about the State of True Ilappinewse. London, by John Lcgat, for Edmund Weauer, 1636. sm. 4to in 8s. (ith Ed. — 2(1 Issue. Sig.: A-P«; Q^ London, by John Legatt, for Edmund Weauer, 1638. sni.'4to in 8s. 7th Ed. Sig.: A-0«;P^Q-R^ Helps to Humiliation. London, by John Okes, for Michael Spark, 1637. sm. 4to. 4th Ed. Sig.: A* (1st blank and genuine) ; B-H*. Instructions for a Right Comforting Afflicted Con- sciences. London, by T. H. [Thomas Harper] for Thomas Weauer, 1635. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d Ed. Sig.: ^« (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; A-Z«; Aa-Pp^ Qq* (last blank and genuine) ; Rr*. London, by Tho. Badger, for Tho. Weauer, 1640. sm. 4to in 8s. 3d Ed. Sig. : ^^ (1st 2 blank and genuine) ; A^ (last blank and genuine); A ( repeated )-Z^; Aa-Oo^; PP-Qq^ Last and Learned Worke of the Foure last Things. London, by George Miller, 1639. sm. 4to. 4th Ed. Sig. : 2 11. without sig.-marks ; a-c« ; d'' ; B-R« ; S-T* ; A-N*; A-I*; A-C*. The Saints Soule-exalting Humiliation. London, by John Hauiland, for Rapha Harford, 1634. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: aa*; Aa-Ll-; Mm-; ^* (last, prob. blank, lacking), The Saints Sure and Perpetuall Guide. London, by E. Purslow, for Rapha Harford, 1634. sm. 4tx) in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: 1 1. without sig.-mark; (b)-(q)«; (r)^<» (last, prob. blank, lacking). Some Generall Directions for a Comfortable Walk- ing with God. London, by John Legat, for Edmund Weauer, 1638. sm. 4to in 8s. 5th Ed. Sig. : A« ; H^ B-Z" : Aa-Bb« ; Cc«. A Booke of Christian Exercise appertaining to Resolu- tion. See [Parsons or Persons, Robert] (1546-1610). 471 Book of Common Prayer. Church of England. 1614. The Booke of Common Prayer, with the Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid. London, by Robert Barker, 1614. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: A«; B'°; C-W. London, by Bonham Norton and John Bill, 1626. 8vo. Sig.: A-F«. 1632 ( ?). [The Booke of Common Prayer, and Ad- ministration of the Sacraments.] [London? 1682?] sm. 4to in 8s. Sig. : A-E« ; F«. 1634. The Booke of Common Prayer, and Admin- istration of the Sacraments. Colophon : London, by Robert Barker : and by the Assignes of John Bill, 1634. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: A-E«; F^ French. 1553. Le Liure des Prieres Communes, de 1 'Administration des Sacremens & autres Cere- monies en I'Eglise d 'Angleterre. [London], de I'im- primerie de Thomas Gaultier, 1553. sm. 4to. Sig.: a.-e."; f.^ A.-Z.''; Aa.-Zz.*. (Bridgewater). Greek. 1638 Aeirovpyia Bp€TTaviKr) rjyovv Bt/^Xos Ar]iJ.o(TL(ov lEii)(U)V koi AiaKOvrjatw; MxJcrTr/piwv. Jiibfr Pr C cum Publicarum. . . Londini, typis Tho. Cotesi pro Richardo Whitakero, 1638. sm. 8vo in 4s. 1st Ed. Sig.: 1 1. without sig.-mark; A*; ay'; ^-^5^*; B-N*; A-0*.;P^ [The Book of Justices]. Colophon: Londini, in gedibus Thomae Bertheleti, 1544. sm. 8vo. Sig.: A-L^ A-D«; A^; B^; A-W ; F' ; A\ Book of St. Albans. See [Berners, Bernes, or Barnes, Dame Juliana] (b. 1388?) (pp. 30-31). Boorde or Borde, Andrew (1490?-1549). A Compendy- ous Regimente or Dyetary of Health. [London, by me Thomas Colwel], 1562." sm. 8vo. 4th Ed. Sig.: A.-H.«. Borough, Burgh or de Burgo, Johannes (d. 1386). Pupilla Oculi. London, apud bibliopolas in cimiterio sancti Pauli sub intersignio sactissime ac indiuidue trinitatis, impensis Vvilhelmi bretton, 1510: Colo- phon: [Parisiis], opera wolft'gagi hopylij impressa. sm. folio in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: a-r^; f". (Crawford-Brooke). Parisiis, venundantur ab lahannc paruo [1527]. sm. 8vo. Sig.: a.-z.** ; i" \ Q^; A.-D.**. (Bridgewater). Boulton, Edmund. 8ce Bolton or Boulton, Edmund (1575?-1633?). 472 [Bour, Arthur]. A Worthy' Mirrour, wherein you may Marke, an Execllent Discourse of a Breeding? Larke. London, hv Richard Jhoncs, 1589. folio broadside. (Britwell)'. Bour, N. An Ejiytapho vpon the Death of J. Juell, Doctor of Dininitie and Bi.sshoj) of Sarisburie. Lon- don, bv Kieharde Johnes, 1571. folio broadside. (Britwell). An Epytapho vpon the Death of Sir William (iar- rat Knig:ht. London, by Richarde Johnes, 1571. folio broadside. (Britwell). [Bowes, Thomas] (fl. 1586), trans, of La Primaudaye, Pierre de (b. 1545). The French Academic. Lon- don, for Thomas Adams, 1618. folio in 6s. 6th Ed. Sig.: f' (1st, prob. blank, lacking): **"'; A-Z/' ; Aa-Zz"; Aaa-Zzz'^ Aaaa-Tttt'' (last, prob. blank, lacking:). (Perry). Boys, John (1571-1625). An Exposition of the Domini- cal Epistles and Gospels . . . The Winter Part, from the first Aduentuall Sunday to Lent. London, by Felix Kj'ngston, for William Aspley, 1611. sm. 4to in 8s. lst(?) Ed. Sig. : A^; B-V^ (last blank and genuine). An Exposition of the Dominical Epistles and Gos- pels . . . The Spring-part, from the first in Lent to Whitsunday. London, by Felix Kyng.ston, for William Asplev, 1610. sm. 4to in 8s. Ist(V) Ed. Sig.: A2; B-Q^ R^ (last, prob. blank, lacking). An Exposition of the Dominical Epistles and Gos- pels . . . The Summer-part, from Whitsunday to the twelfth after Trinitie. London, by Felix Kyngston, for William Asplev, 1611. sm. 4to in 8s. lst(?) Ed. Sig.: A=; B-Q^ R^ -] The Autumne Part, from the twelfth Sundy after Trinitie, to the last in the whole Yeere. Lon- don, bv Melchisedech Braduuood for William Asplev, 1613. 'sm. 4to in 8s. 2d( ?) Ed. Sig. : A- ; B-P^ Incomplete ; all after sheet P lacking. [Bradshaw, William] (1571-1618). Puritanismus Anglicanus. Francofurti, prostat in Bibliopolio Aubriano. 1610. sm. 8vo. 1st Latin Ed. Sig.: A-G«; H^ Brathwaite, Richard (1588?-1673). The Engli.sh Gen- tleman. London, by John ITauiland, and are to be sold by Robert Bostock, 1630. sm. 4to. l.st Ed. Sig.: ^-: ^(repeated)*; A-Z*; Aa-Zz*; Aaa-Ppp*. (Britwell). Bratton, Henry de. See Braeton, Bratton, or Bretton, Henry de (d. 1268). 473 [Braunschweig, Hieronymus] . The Vertiiose Boke of Distyllacyon. See [Andrewe, Laurence] (fl. 1510- 1537), translator. Brende, John, trans, of Curtius Rufus, Quintus (fl. 1st century). The Historie of Quintus Curtius, con- teyning: the Actes of the Great Alexander. [Lon- dini], in »dibus Richardi Tottell, 1561. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d Ed. Sig. : A." (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B.-Z.«; Aa.- Gg.%- Hh.* (last, prob. blank, lacking). Brent, Sir Nathaniel (1573 M652), trans, of Sarpi, Pietro, name in religion Paolo Servita (1552-1623). The Historic of the Councel of Trent. London, by Robert Barker and John Bill, 1620. folio in 6s. 1st English Ed. Sig. : A'' (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-7/'; AA-ZZ*-" ; AAA-ZZZ" ; AAAA-ZZZZ« ; AAAAA- ZZZZZ« (last blank). Brerewood or Bryerwood, Edward (1565 M613). En- quiries touching the Diuersity of Languages, and Religions. London, by John Norton, for Joyce Nor- ton, and Richard Whitaker, 1635. sm. 4to. "^ 3d Ed. Sig. : 2 11. without sig.-marks; *-**■*; A- ; B-Z^: Aa-Cc*; Dd^ (De Puy). Recherches C'urieuses sur la Diuersite des Langues et Religions. Paris, chez Oliuier de Varennes, 1640. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. KSig.: a^ e« (la,st, prob. blank, lacking) ; A-V^ X*. Breton, John de (d. 1275), supposed author. Britton [on the Laws of England]. [Edited] by Edm. Win- gate. London, by the assig-nes of John Moore, 1640. sm. 8vo. Sig. : r-,*'; A-Z'' ; Aa-Qq« ; R-S^ Breton, Nicholas (1545?-1626?). The Arbor of Amorous Denises. London, by Richard Johnes, 1597. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-F*. (Britwell). Brittons Bowre of Delights. London, by Richard Johnes, 1597. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-F*. (Britwell). [ ] Characters vpon Essaies Morall, and Diuine. London, by Edw. Griffin, for John Gwillim, 1615. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A** (1st blank and lacking); B-D« (last 2 blank, 1st genuine, 2d lacking). (Britwell). -] Cornu-copise, Pasquils Night-cap. London, for Thomas Thorp, 1612. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A^; B-Q*. 474 Breton, Nicholas (ir)45?-1626?). A Diiiiiie Poeme. Loiuloii, for -lohii Browne and John Deane. IGOl. sill. 4tu. Lst Ed. Sig.: A-F*. A Floorish vpon Fancie. London, by Richard Jhones, 1577. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-Q^ R2. (Britwell). [ ] The Good and the Badde. London, by George PursloAve for John Bndge, 1616. sm. 4to. Ist Ed. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-F*. [ ] Marie Magdalens Lone. London, by John Dan- ler [1595). sni. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig. : \-E« (last blank and genuine) ; F-G». (Brit- well). [ ] No VVliippinge, nor Trippinge. London, for John Browne, & John Deane, 1601. sm. 8vo. Sig.: A-D«. (Britwell). A reprint of this edition was described on page 53 of the main list. The Pilgrimage to Paradise. Oxford, by Joseph Barnes, 1592. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: V, A-N*. (Britwell). A Smale Handfull of Fragrant Flowers. London, bv Richard Jones, 1575. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. "^Sig.: A«. (Britwell). [ ] A Solemne Passion of tlie Soules Lone. London, by Simon Stafford for Willi im Barley, 1598. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig.: A-B*. (Britwell). The Soules Harmony. London, bv S. Stafford, for Randall Bearkes, 1602. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A8 (1st blank and lacking) ; B^; C*. (Brit- well). The Wil of Wit. London, by Thomas Creede, 1597. sm. 4to. 3d(?) Ed. Sig.: A-V* (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Brit- well). Imperfect ; leaves K3-Q4 lacking. The Workes of a Young Wyt trust vp with a Far- dell of Prettie Fancies. London, by Tho. Dawson, and Tho. Gardyner, 1577. sm. 4to. Ist Ed. Sig.: A.-K.* (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Brit- well). Bretton, Henrv de. See Bracton, Bratton, or Bretton, Honrv-de (d. 1268). Breuiarv of Health. See Boorde or Borde, Andrew (1400?-1549). Brice, Thomas. Against Filthy Writing and Such Like Dolighting. London, by John Aide for Edmond Halley, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). 475 Bridges, John (d. 1618). A Defence of the Gouern- ment Established in the Church of Englande. Lon- don, b}' John Windet, for Thomas Chard, 1587. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig. : ^*; ^^^ (last, prob. blank, lacking); A-Z^; Aa^; Bb^ (last blank and genuine) ; Cc-Zz^; Aaa- Yyy^ (last blank and genuine); Aaaa-(3^ggg^ ; Hhhh* (last blank and genuine) ; liii-Tttf; Vvw" (last, prob. blanl^, lacking). A Briefe Discourse Dialoguewise. Sec [Daunce, Ed- ward] . A Briefe Relation of Certaine Speciall Speeches in the Starre-Chamber. See Bastwick, John (1593-1654), and others. Bright, Timothy (1551 ?-1615). An Abridgement of the Booke of Acts and Monunientes of the Churche. See Poxe, John (1516-1587). Brisset, Georges, sieur Desgrutieres. The Apologie. [London], for William Barlev, and John Baily, 1610. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-D*. Bristol, George Digby, 2d Earl of. See Digby, George, 2d Earl of Bristol (1612-1677). Broke or Brooke, Robert (d. 1558). Ascuns Nouel Cases. 1597. See Bellew. Richard (fl. 1585). As- cuns Nouel Cases . . . Escrie de la Graunde Abridge- ment [of Broke]. Broke or Brook, Thomas (fl. 1550). An Epitaphe de- claryng the Ijyfe and End of D. Edmund Boner &c. London, by John Daye, n. d. folio broadside. (Brit- well). Brooke, Robert. See Broke or Brooke, Robert (d. 1558). Broughton, Hugh (1549-1612). An Aduertisement of Corruption in our Handling of Religion. [Middel- burg, Richard Schilders], 1604. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-0^ [ 1 A Treatise of Melchisedek. London, [by Rich- ard AVatkins] for Gabriel Simson and William White, 1591. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. — 2d Issue, with dedication. Bruce, Robert (1554-1631). The Way to True Peace and Rest. London, by R. Field for Thomas Man and Jonas Man, 1617. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st London Ed. Sig. : A« ; B-Z8 ; Aa8. Bruele, Gualterus. Praxis Mediciufe, or. The Physicians Practice. London, by John Norton, for William Shearer, 1632. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A2; B-Z*; Aa-Zz*; Aaa-Ggg*. (Perry). 476 Bryerwood, Edward. Bee Brerewood or Bryerwood, Edward (1565 M613). Buchanan, George (1506-1582). De Jure Regni apud Scotos. [Edinburgh, by John Ross], 1580. sm. 4to. 2d Ed.— 2d Issue. Sig.: A-0^ Paraphrasis Psalmorum Dauidis Poetica. Colo- phon: Argentorati, excudebat Josias Rihelius, 1572. sm. 8vo. Sig. : ) : ( ° (last blank and genuine ) ; A-Z^ ; a-b® ; c'. HerborniE, 1592. sm. 12ino. Sig.: A-R^2. g6 Buckhurst, Thomas Sackville, Baron. See Sackville, Thomas, Earl of Dorset and Baron Buckhurst (1536- 1608). Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of. See Vil- liers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham (1592-1628). Bunting, Heinrich (1545-1606). Itinerarium Totius SacrtE Scripture. See B., R., translator. Bull, Henry (d. 1575?), trans, of Luther, Martin (1483- 1546). A Commentarie vpon the Fifteene Psalmes. London, by Richard Field, 1615. sm. 4to in 8a. 2d Ed. Sig.: A-V^; X* (last blank and genuine). A Bull Graunted to Doctor Harding. See [Norton, Thomas] (1532-1584). Burdet, Robert. The Refuge of a Sinner, wherein are Briefely Declared the Chiefest Poinctes of True Sal- uation. London, by Richard Johnes, 1565. folio broadside. ( Britwell ) . Burgh, Johannes. See Borough, Burgh or de Burgo, Johannes (d. 1386). Burghley, William Cecil, lord. See Cecil, William, Lord Burghley (1520-1598). The Burnynge of Paules Church in London. See [Pilkington, James] (1520?-1570). Burroughes, Jeremiah (1599-1646). The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit. London, by M. F. [Miles Flesher] for R. Dawlman, and L. Fawne, 1640. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sig.: A*; B-Z«; Aa-Ff«. [Burton, Henry] (1578-1648). The Baiting of the Popes Bull. London, by W. J. [William Jones] for Michaell Sparke, 1627. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: 2 11. without sig.-marks (1st lacking); ^*; yy*; a*; ••*; §* (last blank and genuine) ; A-N*. 477 Burton, Henry (1578-1648). eToint author. A Brieve Ke- lation of Certaine Speciall Speeches in the Starre- Chamber, See Bastwick, John (1593-1654), and others, [ ] Israels Fast. London, 1628. sm. 4to. Sig. : A-G"* (last, prob. iDlank, lacking). Burton, William (d. 1616). [Works]. [London, by Felix Kyngston, for Thomas Man, 1602]. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig. : A* ; B-Z« ; Aa-LP ; Mm« ; A^ ; B-R« (last, prob. blank, lacking). Title-page lacking : above is binder 's title. Bussy d'Ambois. See [Chapman, George] (1559?- 1634). Butler, Charles (d. 1647). The Principles of Musik. London, by John Hauiland, for the Author, 1636. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: II^H^ A-R\ (Perry). Byfield, Nicholas (1579-1622). A Commentary: or, Sermons vpon the Second Chapter of the First Epistle of Saint Peter. London, by Humfrey Lownes for George Latham, 1623. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: A*^ (1st blank and genuine); B-Z^; Aa-Zz*; Aaa-Nnn^. C, E. A Little Treatise of Baile and Maine-prize. See [Coke, Sir Edward] (1552-1634). C, E. D. L. I. A Catholicke Apologie. [1590?]. See [Belloy, Pierre de] (b. ca. 1540). C, H. Diana. See Constable, Henry (1562-1613). C, Ro. A True Historicall Discourse of Muley Hamets Rising. London, by Thomas Purfoot for Clement Knight, 1609. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-K*; L^ (last blank and genuine). (Robin- son). [Calderwood, David] (1575-1650). The Course of Con- formitie, as it hath Proceeded, is Concluded, should be Refused. [London?], 1622. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A*; a*; */*; B-Y^ Z2. (Bridgewater). [Calf hill or Calfield, James] (1530?-1570). An Aun- swere to the Treatise of the Crosse. London, by Henry Denham, for Lucas Harryson, 1565. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A.-S.*; T.*"'; V.-Z.* ; AA.-ZZ.*; AAA.-DDD.*. Calvin, Jean (1509-1564). A Commentarie vpon the first Booke of Moses called Genesis. See Tymme, Thomas (d. 1620), translator. 478 Calvin, Jean (1500-1564). Commentaries on the I'.salmes. See [(jiokliiig-, ArthurJ (153G?-lti05"0, translator. The I'salmes of Dauid and others. AVitli M. John Caluins Connnentaries. 1571. Foure Sermons entreating of Matters very profit- able for our Time. See Feilde or Field, John (d. 1588), translator. Thirteene Sermons entreating of the Free Election of God in Jacob, and of Reprobation in Esau. See Feilde or Field, John (d. 1588), translator. Two and twentie Sermons. See [Stocker, Thomas] (fl. 1569-1592), translator. Cambises, King of Persia. See Preston, Thomas (1537- 1598). A Lamentable Tragedy. Cambridge, University of. Carmen Natalitium ad Cunas Illustrissimoe Principis Elisabethag. [Canta- brigiffi], ex Academia3 Cantab rigiensis Typographeo, 1635. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: TI%- A-L*; M^ (last blank and lacking). [Camden, William] (1551-1623). The Historic of Mary Stuart Queene of Scotland. See [Udall, William], supposed translator. [ ] Institutio Gra3ca3 Grammatices compendiaria. [Rotomagi], excudebat Joannes Cousturier, 1633. sm. 8vo. Sig.: A-M^ (Bridgewater). [ ] Remaines Concerning Britaine. London, by Nicholas Okes, for Simon Waterson, 1623. sm. 4to in 8s. 3d Ed. Sig.: A« (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-Y«; Z* (last, prob. blank, lacking). Camerarius, Philipp (1537-1624). The Walking Libra- rie. 1621. See Molle, John, translator. Canterbury Tales. See Chaucer, Geoffrey (1340?-1400). Cardano, Girolamo (1501-1576). Cardanus Comforte. See [Bedingfield, Thomas] (d. 1613), translator. Carey, Henry, 2d Earl of Monmouth (1596-1661), trans. of Malvezzi, Virgilio, Marchese di (1599-1654). Romulus and Tarquin. London, by J. H. [John Hauiland] for John Benson, 1637. sm. 12mo. Sig.: 2 11. without sig.-marks; A-N'*^ (last 2, prob. blank, lacking). (Holden). [Carleton, George] (1559-1628). AVrpoAoyo/A.mta The Madnesse of Astrologers. London, ])v W. Jaggard for W. Turner of Oxford, 1624. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking); ** ; ^*; B-Q*;R^ 479 Carmelianus, Petrus (d. 1527), [Carmina de illustris- siino24 principii Castelle Karoli 5 Marie sp5salib' , prefixed and appended to: Solemnes eerimonie in suscipieda Maximiliani Imperatoris Legatione. Ad Hericu septimu Regem. Pro sposalibus et matrimonio inter pricipem Karolum, 5 Mariam regis Herici filia cotrahendis.] [London, Richard Pynson, ca. 1510]. sm. 4to. Sig. : A-D, 6 and 4 11. alternately; E, 4 11. (Hoe). Carmen NataJitium ad Cunas lUustrissimge Elisabethae. See Cambridge, University of. Casa, Giovanni della (1503-1556). Galateo. 1576. /See Peterson, Robert (fl. 1600), translator. [Casaubon, Meric] (1599-1671). A Treatise of Vse and Custome. London, by J. L. [John Legate II], 1638. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-Z*; Aa-Bb"* (last blank and genuine). trans, of Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus (121-180). His Meditations concerning Himselfe. London, by M. Flesher, for Richard Mynne, 1634. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A* (1st blank and genuine) ; C-Z*; Aa-Pp*. The Case is Altered. How? Aske Dalio and Millo. See T., F. The Catalogue of the Chancellors of England. See [Philipot, John] (1589 M645). Catherine [Benencasa], of Sienna, Saint. See [Vineis, Raymundus de]. The Lyf of Saint Katherin of Senis. A Catholike and Ecclesiasticall Exposition of the Holy Gospel after S. John (Marlorat). See Tymme, Thomas (d. 1620), translator. A Catholicke Apologie. See [Belloy, Pierre de] (b. ca. 1540). Catholic Church (Roman) — Liturgies, etc. — Hymnals (Sarum). Expositio Ilymnoru scdm Vsum Sarum. Colophon: Impressum Lvigduni p Johanne de vingle [ca. 1500?]. sm. 4to in 6s. Sig.: a-i^ (last, prob. blank, lacking); A«; B-P; K^ (last blank and genuine) ; a^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; b-d^. (Bridgewater). Processionals (Sarum). Processionale ad Vsum Insignis ac Preclare Ecclesie Sail. Rothomagi [in officina Ricardi Hamilionis], Venale habetur apud Robertum valentinu, 1555. sm. 4to in 8s, Sig.: a-t^; v^°. (Bridgewater). Caussin, Nicolas (1583-1651). The Holy Court. 1634. See Hawkins, Sir Thomas (d. 1640), translator. 480 Caxton, William (1422?-1491), trans, of Le Fevre, Raoul. The Ancient Historic of tlie Destruction of Troy. London, by Barnard Alsop, 1617. sm. 4to in 8s. ^5th Ed. Sig. : A* (1st blank and genuine) ; A (repeated)- T«; U*; Aa-Ff«; Gg-Hh* ; li-Tt^. , translator. Caxton 's Eneydos 1490 Englisht from the French Liure des Eneydes, 1483. London, 1490 (repr. Early English Text' Society, 1890). 8vo. 1st Ed., reprinted. Sig.: [a]-b«; B-0»; P^ (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Huth). , printer. Sec [Burgh, Benedict] (fl. 1472), trans. of Cato, Dionysius (d. 60 B. C). Paruus Catho. Magnus Catho' fca. 1477]. , printer. See Chaucer, Geoffrey (13407-1400). The Canterbury Tales, [ca. 1478]. , printer. See Chaucer, Geoffrey (1340?-1400), trans, of [Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus ] (ca. 475-525). De Consolacione Philoso- phie. [ca. 1478]. , printer. The Chronicles of England. [June 10, 1480]. printer. See The Fifteen O's, and other Prayers. [ca. 1490]. (Reprint). — , printer. See Gower, John (13257-1408). Con- fessio Amantis. [1483]. —, printer. /S^ce Lydgate, John (13707-1451). Stans Puer ad Mensam. [ca. 1477]. — , printer. See [Mirk, John] (fl. 1403?). Festial. Westminster, June 30, 1483; also [ca. 1491]. — , printer. See Quattuor Sermones. Four Sermons. [ca. 1483]; also [ca. 1491]. — , printer. See Sixtus IV. Pope (1414-1484). Sex Epistolffi. [1483]. (Reprint 1892). — , printer. See Tiptoff or Tibetot, John, Earl of Worcester (14277-1470), trans, of Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B. C). Tulle of Old Ago. Tullius de Amicicia. Declamacyon de Noblesse. [Aug. 12, 1481]. — , printer. Sec Trevisa, eTohn de (1326-1412), trans. of Higden, Ranulf (d. 1364). Polycronycon. [1482]. printer. See [Vocabulary, French and Euglish], Prouffvtable Lernynge for to Fvnde nil bv Ordre. [ca. 1480]. — , printer. See [Wondville or Wvdville, Antliony, Baron Scales and 2d Earl Rivers] H 442 7-1 483) , translator. Cordval, or The Pour La.st Thinges. March 24, 1479. 481 Caxton, William ( 1422 ?-1491), printer. See [Woodville or "Wydville, Aiithonv, Baron Scalcvs and 2d Earl Elvers] (1442?-1483), trans, of Du Castel, Christine (de Pisan) (ca. 1363-ca. 1431). The Morale Pro- uerbes of Cristyne. 1478. , printer. Sec Woodville, or Wydville, Anthony. Baron Scales and 2d Earl Rivers (l'442M483), trans, of Tigrnonville. (Inillaiime dc. The Bictes or Sayen- gis of the Philosophres. [1477] ; also [ca. 1479] ; [ca. 1489]. •s printer. (The works listed below printed by Wynk>m de Worde with Caxton 's types). (1) The Chastvsin^ of Gods Chvldern. [ca. 1492]. (2) Treatise of Lone. [ca. 1493]. (3) [Vineis, Ra:\Tnnndns de]. The Lyf of Saint Katherin of Senis. [ca. 1493]. Certaine Letters deelarinp: in Part the Passage of Affaires in the Palatinate. See [B., I.] Certain most Godlv, Frnitfnl, and Comfortable Letters. See [Coverdale, Miles] (1488-1568). Chaloner, Edv^ard (1590-1625). Six Sermons now first pnblished. Oxford, bv W. Tnrner, for Henry Cur- tevn, 1629. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: -k^; A-T*. [ ], snpposed trans, of Bede de la Gormandiere, Jean (fl. 17th -entnry). The Masse Displayed. Ox- ford, bv John Lichfield, and James Short, 1619. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: 1[* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); ^*T*; A-0*. Chamber, John (1546-1604). A Treatise against Jndi- eial Astrologie. London, by John Harison, 1601. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-Q^ QQ*: QQQ^ ; R-T* (last blank and genuine) ; A-E*; F^. [Champney, Anthonyl (1569?-1643?), snpposed author. An Answere to a Jesnited Gentleman. See [Copley, Anthony] (1567-1607?). snpposed anthor. [ ] supposed anthor. An Answer to a Pamphlet, Litifnled: The Fisher Catched in his own e .Net. See [Fisher, John (name in religion of John Percy)] (1569-1641). [ ] and others. The Conies of Certaine Discourses. Roane, by tlm heires of Ja. Walker, [or more prob- ably London, bv John Windet] 1601. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: -k*; Aa-Zz*. (Bridge water). Chapman, Georere (]559?-1634). Andromeda Liberata. London, for Laurence L'Tsle. 1614. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: f* (1st, prob. blank, lacking") ; ^^*: A'; BE*; F^ (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Wallace). 482 Characters vpoii Essnies Aforall, and Diuine. Sec [Bre- ton. Xicholas] (154r)?-l(i2G?). Charles I, king of Great Britain (1600-1649). For royal proclamations and other documents issued by Charles I in his capacity as sovereign, IScc the entry: (Jreat Britain. Crown (Charles I, 1625-1649). Charles V, Roman Emperor (ISOO-looS). Sec Car- molianus, Petrus (d. 1527). [Cnrmina de illustris- simoK principu Castelle Karoli 5 Marie spdsalib' [etc. ca. 1510]. Chester, Robert (ca. 1566-ca. 1640). Anuals |sic] of Great Brittaine. 1611. First issued under title: Loues Martyr; or, Rosalin's Complaint. [1601]. Loues Martyr. [1601]. See also; Shakespeare, William. Poetry. Phoenix and Turtle, ^vith Threnos. The Chiefe Promyses of God. See Bale, John (1495- 1563). A Tragedie or Enterlude Manifesting the Chiefe Promises of God vnto Man. The Choise of Change. See [Robson, Simon]. A Christian Dialogue, betweene a Deformed and a Re- formed Catholike. See [Bell, Thomas] (fl. 1573 1610). Christian Prayers. See Book of Christian Prayers. Christianae Pietatis Prima Institutio. See [Nowell, Nowel, or Noel, Alexander] (1507?-1602). Christianographie. See [Pagitt, Ephraim] (1575?- 1647). Christine de Pisan. See Du Castel, Christine (de Pisan) (ca. 1363-ca. 1431). Churchyard, Thomas (1520?-1604). Churchyardes Farewell. [London], for Edwarde Russell, n. d. folio broadside. (Brit well). — Churchyardes Lamentacion of Freyndsliyp. Lon- don, by Thomas Colwell for Nicolas Wyer, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). — The Contention betwyxte Churchyeard and Camell. London, by Owen Rogers, for Mychell Loblee, 1560. sm. 4to. ist Ed. Sig.: ^^■, A.-G.*; H.^. (Britwell). — The Epitaphe of the Honorable Earle of Penbroke. London, by Wylliam Gryffith, 1570. folio broadside. (Britwell)'. — A Farewell cauld, Churchyearcls, Rounde. From the Courte to the Cuntry Grownd. London, by Wylliam Gryflfith, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). 4S3 Churchyard, Thomas (1520M604). A Greatter Thanks, for Churchyardes Welcome Home. London, by Alexander Lacy; for Arthour Pepwel, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). A Scourge for Rebels. London, for Thomas Cad- men, 1584. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-C^ (last blank and lacking). Circes (Gelli). See Men, Henry, translator. [Clapham, John]. The Historic of Great Britannie. London, by Valentine Simmes, 160(j. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d Ed. of Part I, 1st Ed. of Part II. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-V*'. [Coke, Sir Edward] (1552-1634). A Little Treatise of Baile and Maine-prize. London, for William Cooke, 1637. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig.: A* (1st 2, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-E'. Colson, William. A General Tresury, a Perpetual Repertory, or a Common Councel-Place of Accounts. London, bv Nicholas Okes, 1612. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A^; A-Z*; Aa-Ti* ; Kk^; Aaa-Nnn^ Nnn( re- peated)^. A Commentarie on the Fifteene Psalmes (Luther). See Bull, Henry (d. 1575?), translator. A Commentarie vpon the first Booke of Moses called Genesis (Calvin). See Tymme, Thomas (d. 1620), translator. Commentaries of the Ciuill Warres of Fraunce (Serres). See Tymme, Thomas (d. 1620), translator. Company of Merchants of London, trading with the East Indies. See East India Company. A Complaynt agaynst the Wicked Enemies of Christ in that they haue so Tyrranusly Handled the Poore Chrystians. [London, ca. 1600]. folio broadside. (Britwell). A Complaynt of them that be to soone Maryed, See [Copland, Robert] (fl. 1508-1547). The Complaynte of them that ben to late Marved. See [Copland. Robert] (fl. 1508-1547). The Confession and Publike Recantation of Thirteene Learned Personages. See M., I., translator. The Conspiracie of Catiline (F'elicius Constantius). See Paynell, Thomas (fl. 1528-1567), translator. Costitutiones Prouinciales & Othonis. See [Lyndwood, William] (1375?-1446). A Continuation of the Collection of the History of Eng- land. See [Trussell, John] (fl. 1620-1642). 484 [Cooke, Alexander] (1504-1032). Yet More Worke for a Masse-Priest. London, bv William Jones, and are to be sold by William Sln^ffanl, 1(522. sm. 4to. Sig. : A-; B-F*; G" (la-st l)lank and genuine). Cooper or Couper, Thomas, 1)|). (1517-1594). Coopers Chronicle. [London |, Anjrust 1. 15G5. sm. 4to in 8s. 4th Ed. Sig.: a."; b=; e-d"; g^ h-; A-Z"; Aa-Zz« ; A-B«; C-D*. Cooper, Thomas. Thesaurns Linguae Romana? & Britannicfti. Londini [excudebat J. Charlewood ? ] , 1573. folio in 6s. 2d Ed. Sig. : ^.^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking); A.-Y."; Aa.- Yy.^ ; Aaa.-Yyy.® ; Aaaa.-Yyyy.'* ; Aaaaa.-Yyyyy." ; Aaaaaa.-Vv\'vw." ; Ddddddd.-Ooooooo.® ; Ppppppp- Qqqqqqq.*. (PerrjO- Copie of a Letter concernying the Doynges of the Ladie Marie of Scotland. See [Buchanan, George] (1506- 1582). The Copie of a Letter to the Earle of Levcester. See [Crompton, Richard] (fl. 1573-1599).' [Copland, Robert] (fl. 1508-1547). A Complaynt of them that be to soone Maryed. Colophon: [London], bv Wynts'^n de Worde, 1535. sm. 4to. ' Sig. : A.-B.*. (Britwell). [ ] The Complaynte of them that ben to late Maryed. Colophon: [London], Wynkyn de Worde [1535? |. sm. 4to. Sig.: A.-B.^ (Britwell). [ ] The Hye Way to the Spyttell Hous. Colophon : London, by Robert Copland [ca. 1530]. sm. 4to. Lst Ed. ■ Sig.: A.-E.*. (Britwell). -] Jyl of Braintfords Testament. London, bj-^ AVilliam Copland, n. d. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-B*. (Britwell). Copye van eenen Brief van meoster T. M. tot meester H. A. See M., T. Cordyal, or The Four Last Thinges. See [Woodville or Wvdville, Anthonv, Baron Scales and 2d Earl Rivers] (]442?-1483)," translator. Comet, John. An Admonition to Doctor Story beeing Condemned of High Treason. London, by John Alkie, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). Cornu-copiae, Pa.squils Night-cap. See [Breton, Nicho- las] (1545T-1626?). 485 Cornwallis, Sir William (d. 1631). Essayes. Newly en- larged. London, hy J. Windot for John Browne, 1610. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. (2d Ed.— 3d Issue of part 1, with new title-page). Sig. : A" (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-M' (last blank and genuine); N-Z""; Aa-Xx"" (last, prob. blank, lacking). Corro, Antonio a (1527-1591). Dialogns Tlieologiens. Qno Epistola Dini Panli Apostoli ad Romnnos Ex- planatnr. Londini, excudebat prelum Thoma.s Pur- foetij, 1574. sm. 8vo. Sig.: *."; * *.*; A.«; B.-O.^ P.*. Een cort Disconrs op bet Vonnisse ende de Execntie van de acht Verraders. See W., T. [Cotton, Robert Bruce] (1571-1631). The Danger wherein the Kingdome now standeth, & the Iiemedie. no place, 1628. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-C^ A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco. See [James I. king of Great Britain] (1566-1625). The Course of Conformitie. See [Calderwood, David] (1575-1650). Coverdale, Miles (1488-1568), trans, of Bullinger, Hein- rich (1504-1575). The Christen State of Matry- monye. Colophon : London, by Nyeholas II\dl, 1552. sm. 8vo. 7th Ed. Sig.: A-M** (last blank and lacking). (Pembroke). [Crompton, Richard] (fl. 1573-1599). The Copie of a Letter to the Earle of Le.ycester. London, by Christo- pher Barker, 1586. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-E* (last blank and genuine). (Perry). — — The Mansion of Magnanimitie. London, for Wil- liam Ponsonbv, 1599. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-P< The Cronycle of all the Kynges: that haue Peygned in Englande: sythe the Conquest of Wyllyam Con- queroure. [London, ca. 1590]. folio broadside. (Brit well). [Crosse, William] (fl. 1630), trans, of Sallustius Cris- pus. Caius (86-34 B. C). The Workcs of Cains Cri.s- pus Salustius. [London], are to be sould bv Tho : Walkley, 1629. sm. 12mo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A"; B-Z^-; Aa-Cg^- (last, prol). blank, lack- ing). Crowley, Crole or Croleus, Robert (1518?-1588). Fryer John Franncis of Nigeon in Fraunce. Tjondon, by John Charlewoode, 1586. sm. 4to. Sig.: *.*; A.-R.'* (last blank and genuine). The Cruell Brother. Sec [D'Avenant, Sir William] (1606-1668). 486 Cuningham or Keningham, William (b. 1531). The Co.smo^*a])liieul Glasso. Loiuliui, ext'itssimi in offu-iiia Joan, Daij Typoj^'aphi, lijaO, sni. folio in (is. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-S"; T* (last blank and lacking). Cupids Reuengo. See [Beanmont, Francis J (1584- 1616) and Fletcher, John (1579-1625). Cynthia. See [Barnfield, Richard] (1574-1627). D., C. A Discourse of the State Ecclcsiasticall of tliis Kingdome. .See [Downing, Calybute] (1606-1644). D. I. P. B. R. W., pseud. See Ponet or Poynet, John (1514?-1556). D., R. An Epitaph vpon the Death of Richard Price Esquier. London, by John Oharlewood [1586J. folio broadside. (Brit well). Dacres, Edward, trans, of Macchiavelli or Machiavelli, Niccolo di Bernardo dei (1469-1527). Discourses, upon the First Decade of T. Liuins. London, by Thomas Paine for William Hills and Daniel Pake- man, 1636. sm. 12mo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A^- (1st blank and genuine); (a)^- (11th blank and lacking); B-Z^'; Aa-Ee^^ (last 2 blank and genuine). [Dallington, Sir Robert] (1561-1637). A Method for Trauell. Shewed by Taking the View of France. London, bv Thomas Creode [1605?]. sm. 4to. ]st Ed. Sig.: [A] 2; B^ C^; B-X^ Y^. Damon and Pithias. See Edwards, Richard (1523?- 1566). The Danger wherein the Kingdome now standeth, & the Remedie. See [Cotton. Robert Bruce] (1571- 1631). Daniel, Samuel (1562-1619). The Collection of the His- tory of England. London, bv Tho. Cotes, for Simon Waterson, 1634. folio in 6s.* 6th Ed. Sig.: A*; B-Z«. (Perry;). Daniels Siftyng in these our Dayes. London, by Richarde Johnes, 1572. folio broadside. (Britwell). [Darcy or Darcie, Abraham] (fl. 1625), translator. See Camden, William (1551-1623). Annales. 1625. Darius, A Pretie new Enterlude of the Story of King. See Story of King Darius. [Daunce, Edward]. A Briefe Discourse Dialoguewise. London, by Richard Field, 1590. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-D* (last, prob. blank, lacking). De Burgo, Johannes. See Borough, Burgh or de Burgo, Johannes (d. 1386). 487 De Dominio Maris, Juribusque ad Dominium Praeeipue Spectantibus Assertio Breuis et Metliodica. See [Welwood or Welwod, William] (fl. ir)78-l()22). De Furoribus Gallicis. See [Hotman, Frangois] (1524- 1590). De Groot, Hugo. See Grotiiis or De Groot, Hugo (1583- 1645). De Malines, Gerard. See Malynes, Malines or De Malines, Gerard (fl. 3586-1641). De Principatibus Italiae. See [Seofgat (in Latin Sege- thus or Seglietus), Thomas], editor and translator. The Dead Tearme. See [Dekker, Thomas | f 1570V- 1641?). The Declaration and Information against the Yniust Mandates published in tlie Name of the Emperour. See Bohemia. Crown (1619-1620) Frederick T. The Declinatour and Protestation of the some some- times Pretended Bishops. See KScotland. General Assembly. A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh. See Bacon, Francis (1561-1626). [Dekker, Thomas] (1570?-1641 ?). English Villanies seuen seuerall Times prest to Death by the Printers. London, by M. Parsons, and are to be sold bv James Becket, 1638. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig. : A-0*. Delia. See [Daniel, Samuel] (1562-1619). Delia Casa, Giovanni. See Casa, Giovanni della (1503- 1556). Denton, John. An Epitaph vpon the Death of Edward Earle of Darby. London, by W. Williamson [1572?]. folio broadside. (Britwell). [Desainliens, Claude]. The French Sehoolemaister. London, 1iy William How: for Abraham Veale. 1573. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-V^ (Perry). The Description and Vse of His Maiesties Dials in White-Hall Garden. See [Gunter. Edmund] (1581- 1626). [Devereux, Robert, 2d Earl of Essex] (1566-1601). A True Coppie of a Discourse. London, for Thomas^ Woodcock, 1589. sm. 4to. 1st Ed.— 2d Issue. Sig. etc. as in 1st Issue; 10 lines of text (beginning "After his coming into the fleet." and ending "called him to other feruices") have been added on page 27, and the text on pp. 27 and 28 has been reset and slightly altered to allow for the addition. (Huth). 488 Digby, George, 2d Earl of Bristol (1612-1677). The Third Speech to the House of Commons, concerning Bishops, and the Citie Petition, the 9th. of Febr: 1640. [London], for Tho: Wa I Ivlcy, 1640. sm. 4to. Sig. : A* (1st blank and genuine) ; B*; C-. Digges, Sir Dudley (1583-1639), joint author. Foure Paradoxes or Politic^ue Discourses. 1604. Sve DvA'Ai^a, Thomas (d. 1595), and Digges, Sir Dudley (1583- 1639). Digges, Leonard (1588-1635). A Prognostication Euer- lastinge. Loudon, by Thomas Marsh, 1576, sm. 4to. 6th Ed. Sig. : A-L*. Digges, Thomas (d. 1595). A Geometrical Practical Treatise named Pantometria. London, by Abel Jeffes, 1591. folio in 4s. 2d Ed. Sig.: [A]-Z*; Aa-Cc*. (Perry). and Digges, Sir Dudley (1583-1639). Foure Para- doxes, or Politique Discourses. London, by H. Lownes, for Clement Knight, 1604. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: 2 11. without sig.-marks; A-0*. A Direction or Preparatiue to the Study of the Law. See [Fulbeck, William] (1550-1603?)*. Disce Mori. Learne to Die. See [Sutton, Christopher] (1565?-1629). Disce Viuere. Learne to Line. See [Sutton, Christo- pher] (1565 M629). A Discourse of the State Ecclesiasticall of this King- dome. See [Downing, Calybute] (1606-1644). A Discourse vpon the Present Estate of France (Hurault). See Aggas, Edward (fl. 1564-1601), translator. Discourses, vpon the First Decade of T. Liuius (Mac- ehiavelli). See Dacres, Edward, translator. A Discoursiue Probleme concerning Prophesies. See [Harvey, John] (1564-1592). The Discription of a Rare or rather most Monstrous Fishe taken on the East Cost of Holland. London, by Thomas Purfoote, n. d. folio broadside. (Brit- well). The Disobedient Child. See Ingelend, Thonms (fl. 1560). The Disobedient Child. Distyllacyon, The Vertuose Boke of. See [Andrewe, Laurence] (fl. 1510-1537), trans, of [Braunschweig, HieronymuB] . 489 The Doctrine of Dying-Well. London, for F. Coules, 1628. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig. : A'^; B^ Dominis, Marco Antonio de (1560-1624). Marcus An- tonius de Dominis suit' Profectionis Consilium Ex- ponit. Londini, apud Joannem Billium, 1616. sm. 4to. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-E^; V- ; G* (last, prob. blank, lacking). Donne, John (1573-1681). Two Sermons Preached before King Charles vpon the xxvi verse of the lirst Chapter of Genesis. [Cambridge], by the Printers to the Vuiuersitie of Cambridge, 1634. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: [A]-; B-0^ (Forman). Dorset, Thomas Sackville, Earl of. Sec Sackville, Thomas, Earl of Dorset and Baron Buekhurst (1536- 1608). [Douglas, N.] supposed author. Rapta Tatio. 1604. See [Skinner or Skynner, Sir John], supposed author. Dow, Christopher. Innouations Vniustly Charged vpon the Present Church and State. London, by M. F. [Miles Flesher] for John Clark, 1637. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A^ B-Q*; q*; W ; r^ S-Z*; Aa-Ff*. Downham or Downame, George (d. 1634). An Ab- stract of the Duties Commanded, and Sinnes Forbid- den, in the Law of God. London, bv Felix Kyngston, 1625. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig. : A* (1st 2 blank and genuine) ; B-M*. [Downham or Downame, John] (d. 1652). A Con- cordance to the Bible of the Last Translation. Lon- don, by the Assignes of Clement Cotton [1634?]. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: V, A-G^^ H^. [Downing, Calybute] (1606-1644). A Discourse of the State Ecclesiasticall of this Kingdome. Oxford, by William Turner, 1633. sm. 4to. 1st Ed.— 2d Issue. Sig.: [A] 2; B-N*; 0- (last, prob. blank, lacking). Du Castel, Christine (de Pisan) (ca. 1363-ca. 1431). The Morale Prouerbes of Cristyne. See [Woodville or Wvd^dlle, Anthon.y, Baron Scales and 2d Earl Rivers] ( 1442 ?-1483 ) ," translator. Du Jon, Francois. See Junius or Du Jon, Franyois (1545-1602)! Du Moulin, Pierre (1568-1658). The Jesuites Shifts, and Euasions. London, by T. S. [Thomas Snod- ham?] for Nathauael Newbery [1624]. sm. 4to. Sig.: xY-E^; F- (last blank and genuine). 490 Dutch East India Company. See Oostindische Veree- nigde Maatschappij. [Du Val, Michael]. Kosa Hispani-Anglica sen Malum Punicum Angl'Hispanicum. [London, 1G23?]. sm. 4to in 2s. 1st Ed. Sig. : 2 11. without sig. -marks ; a^ ; e^ ; A-Q'. (Bridgewater). [E., T.], editor. The Lauues Resolutions of Womens Rights. London, by the assignes of John More, and are to be sold by John Groue, 1G32. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: A* (1st blank and genuine); a^; B-Z*^; Aa- - Cc"* ; Dd^ [Earle, John] (1601-1665). Microcosmographie. Lon- don, by E. A. [Elizaheth Allde] for Robert Allot, 1633. [Repr.: London, Methuon & Co., 19(UJ. sm. 12mo. 6th Ed., augmented, reprinted. Sig. : 2 11. without sig. -marks ; A" ; B-N^^ East India Company. A Remonstrance of the Nether- lands East India Company, in Defence of the said Companie, touching the Bloudy Proceedings at Am- boyna [translated for and issued by the English East India Company]. With the Acts of the Processe, against the sayd English. And the Reply of the Eng- lish East India Company, to the said Remonstrance. London, by John Dawson, for the East India Com- pany, 1632. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig.: A-E*; A^ (marked A2-A4) ; B-E%- B-G*. This Edition differs from the 1st, among otner re- spects, in that leaf [E4], blank in the 1st Ed., is here used for the second title-page, and leaf A (2d series) has been cancelled. Edmondes, Sir Clement (1564?-1622). Obseruations vpon Ca»sars Comentaries. London, for Math : Lowuos, 1609. sm. folio in 6s. 3d Ed. Sig.: A^ A (repeated)*; B-Z'"'; Aa-Bb«; Cc^ (last blank and genuine) ; b-r* (last blaiik and genuine) ; f*; t- (last, prob. blank, lacking); B.-C.*; D.-V." (last blank and genuine). Edmundes, Clement. See Edmondes, Sir Clement (1564?-1622). Edward VI, king of England (1537-1553). Sec Great Britain. Crown (Edward VI, 1547-1553). Edwards, Richard (1523?-1566). The Paradyse of Daynty Denises. London, by Henrj'^ Disle, 1576. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A*; A ( repeated )-L*. (Brit well). London, bj^ Robert Walde-graue, for Edward White, 1585. sm. 4to. 5th (?) Ed. Sig.: A-M*. (Britwell). 401 Edwards, Richard (1523?-1566). The Paradyse of Dayiitv Denises. London, by Edward Allde for Eduuard White, 1596. sm. 4to. 7th Ed. Sig.: [A]-T/. (Britwell). London, for Edward AVhite [colophon 1600J. sm. 4to. 8th Ed. Sig.: A-L^ (Britwell). London, by Edunard White, 1606. sm. 4to. 9th Ed. Sig.: A-L^ (Britwell). Effingham, Charles Howard, Baron Howard of. See Howard, ('luirlcs, liaron Howard of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham (1536-1624). Eight Bookes of the Pcloponnesian Warre (Tlmcy- dides). Sec Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679), trans- lator. Elderton, William (il. 1592 f). A Ballat intitnled Northombcriand Ncwes. Tjon(U)n, by Thomas Pnr- footc, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). An Epytaphe vj^jion the Death of J. Jiiell. Lon- don, In- Thomas Colwcll |1571|. folio broadside. (Britwell). The Lamentation of Follie. London, by Edward Allde. n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). Tlie Paiiges of Lone and Loners Fittes. London, by Richard Laiit, 155!). folio broadside. (Britwell). The Trne Fonrme and Shape of a Monslrons Chyld. AVliich was borne in Stony Stratforde. Lon- don, 1)^' Thomas Colwell [1565 1. folio broadside. (Britwell). Elizabeths L(jsse, togetlier with a Welcome for King James. See A Monriiefnl Dittie, cntituled . . . Elyot, Sir Thomas (14i)()M546), trans, of Eucolpius. The Image of Goncrnannce. Colophon: London, by WA'llvam Seres [1556 |. sm. 8vo. 3d Ed. Sig.: A-Z^; Aa*. 1st Ed. entered on ])age 128 of main list nnder Elyot, Sir Thomas, trans, of Severns, Alexander. Endimion (Goml)anld). See Hnrst, Ricliard. traiisUt- tor. England, Church of. ("ertaiiie Praiers to l)e vsed at this Present Time for the (lood Successe of the Frem-h King. London, by the Depnties of Christopher Bar- ker, 1590. sm. 4to. Sig.: A^ A Form of Prayer to be vsed of all the Kings Subiects enery j'-eere the 27. of March. London, by Robert Barker, and by the Assignes of John Bill, 1638. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-E^ F^. 492 England, Church of. A Fonrmo of Prayer, neeessjiry lor lilt' I 'resent Time and State. Loiulon, by the Deputies of ( "lii-ist()|)liei' llarkei", I.ISS. sm. 4to. Sic;.: A'. A Psahne and (V)lleet of Thankesfjining, not vnnieet for this Present Time. London, hy tlie Depu- ties of (Christopher Barker, LIHM. sm. 4to. Rig.: A\ Constitutions and Canons. Ai'ticles agreed vpon in the Conuoeation Iiolden at London, in the year 17){)2. London, In- l^onham Norton and .lohu P.ill, 1():50. sm. 4to. Sig. : A-D'. • London. 1).\' RolxM't P>arker, and by the As- signes of John Dill. K)."!;!. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-D*. Constitnlions ami Cations Eeelesiast ieall. London, by John Norton, for Joyee Norton, and Kiehard AVhitaker, l(j;5;5. sm. 4to. " Sig.: A-P*. — Homilies. Cei-taine Sermons Ajipoynted by tlie Queens Maiestie, to l)e' Declai-ed and liead. [Colo- phon: London, by Kiehard -higge] LITG, i'u4. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: A-]\r; N^ A-Z^ Aa-Pp'^; Qq^ Certaine Sermons or Homilies. Tjondon, by flolin Norton, for Joyee Norton and Kiehard Whitaker, 1633. folio in 6s. 2 vols, in 1. Sig.: vol. I: a*; A-H" ; I" (last, prob. blank, laek- ing) ; vol. II: 2 11. without sig.-marks; Aa-Zz"; Aaa-Ddd«. English Congregation at Ceneva. Book of Common Prayer. Nrr Book of Connnon Prayer. English Con- gregation at Geneva. English \'illanies seuen seuerall Times pi-esl to Deatii by ' the Printers. See | Dekker, Thomas | ( 1 .')7() 'MiMl ? j. The Ensamples of Vertue ami \'ii'e (Hanapus). See Paynell, Thomas (ti. L")28-ir)67), translator. Enterlude. For titles beginning witli this word See Interlude; or the siguilieant word or woi'ds of the title. Epicedium Cantaltrigiense. See Cambridge, Pniversity of. The Epigrams of P. \'irgirms Maro. and others. See [Penkethman. .loliul {W. 1638 i. translator. Essayes ami Charaeters of a Prison and Prisoners. See [Min-liuU or Mynshull, Getl'rayJ (ir)I»4'M66b). Essex, Robert Devereux, 2d Earl of. See Devereux, Kobert, 2d Earl of Essex (1566-1601). 493 The Estates, Empires and Prineipallities of the World (Avity). See Grimston, Edward, translator. Everard, John (b. 1587). Britanno-Romanus. Lon- dini, excudebat Giilielm. Hall impensis Guliel. Wel- bie, 1611. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-El (Bridgewater). An Excellent and Material Disconrse. See [B., 8.]. An Excellent Ditty made vpon the Great Victory, which the French King- obtayned against the Duke de Maine, and the Romish Rebels, n. p., n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). Extremities vrging the Lord General Sir Era. Veare to offer the late Anti-parle with the Arch-duke Albertus. London, for Thomas Pauier, 1602. sm. 4to. ]st Ed. Sig. : A-C* (last, prob. blajdc, lacking). (Huth). F., A. ,_ translator. See [Fleming, Abraham] (1552?- 1607), trans, of Yirgilius Maro, Publius (70-19 B. C). The Bucoliks, with his Georgiks or Ruralls. 1589. [Farnaby, Thomas] (1575M647), ed. of Juvenalis, Decimus Junius (ca. 40-ca. 125) and Persius Flac- cus, Aulus (34-62). Junii Juuenalis et Auli Persii Flacei Satyra\ Londini, excudebat Richardus Field unpensis Guilielmi Welby, 1612. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. ►Sig. : A-L* (last blank and genuine). (Brw.). The Fauourites Chronicle. See [Langlois, , called Fancan, Canon of Saint Honore]. The Fay re Maid of the Exchange. See fUevwood, Thomas] (d. 1650?). [Featley or Fairclough, Daniel] (1589-1645) A Sec- ond Parallel, together with a Writ of Error sued against the Appealer. London, for Robert Milbourne 1626. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig : A-0'; Aa-Mm*; Nn= (last, prob. blank, lack- ing). Feilde or Field, John (d. 1588), trans, of Calvin, Jean (lo09-1564). Foure Sermons entreating of Matters very profitable for our Time. London, [bv Thomas Dawson] for Thomas Man, 1579. sm. 4to in 8s 1st Ed. Sig.: a^^; **^; A-G«; H* (last, prob. blank, lacking). - Thirteene Sermons entreating of the Free Election of God in Jacob, and of Reprobation in Esau. London, [by Thomas Dawson] for Thomas Man and Tobie Cooke, 1579. sm. 4to in 8s 1st Ed Sig.: A^; B."; B. (repeated )-Z.«. Felicius Constantius, Durantinus. The Conspiracie of Catilme. See Paynell, Thomas (fl. 1528-1567), trans- lator. 494 Fennor, William. The Compters Oommon-Wealth. Lon- don, by Edwaid (iriffin for Oeorfre Gibhes, 1617. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-M* (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Perry). Fering, W. A New Yeres Gift, intituled, a Christal (lias for all Estates to looke in. London, by William How, for Richard Johnes fl^.^O]. folio broadside. (Britwdl). Fidanza, Giovanni. See Bonaventura, Saint (Giovanni Fidanza) (1221-1274). Figueiro, Vasco. The Spaniards Monarchie and Leaguers Olygarchie. See 0., H., translator. Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony (1470-1538). Le nouel Natura Breuiuni. Londini, in .l^Mibus Richardi Tot- telli, 1588. sm. 8vo. Sig.: A.-D.«; A.-Z.«; Aa.-Ll.^ Fleming, Abraham (1552?-1607). An Epitaph vpon Maister William Lambe Esquire. London, by Henrie Denhani, for Thomas Turner [1580]. folio broad- side. (Britwell). [ ] trans, of Virgilius Maro, Publius (70-19 B. C). The Bucoliks, with his Georgiks or Ruralls. London, bv T. 0. [Thomas Okes] for Thomas Woodcoeke, 1589. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-E*; A-K*; L-. (Huth). Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650). The Way to Blessednes, a Treatise or Commentary, on the First Psalme. London, bv J. D. [John Dawson] for James Boler, 1632. sm.'4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-S^ (last blank and genuine); T*; V. (Forman). The Flight of Time, di.seerned by the dim Shadow of Jobs Diall, Job 9. 25. See [Matthew, Roger]. Florio, Michel Agnolo or Michelangelo (fl. 1550-1557). Ilistoria de la Vita e de la Morte de Signora Gio- vanna (Jraia. [Middelburgh], stampato appresso Richardo Pittore [i. e. Richard Schilders], 1607. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig. : A*; B-Z\ Floures for Latine S peaky ng Selected and Gathered out of Terence. See TTdall or TU'edale, Nicholas (1505- 1556), translator, Foord, John (fl. 1597). Apocalypsis Jcsu Christi . . . Breui, pei*spicua & methodica tomponmi & person- arum designatione, exposita per Joanncm Foorthe. Londini, excudebat Vidua Thomas Orwini impensis Rodulphi Jacksoni & Roberti Dexter, 1597. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-Y® (last blank and genuine). 495 Forth Feasting, ^ce tDnimmond. William, of Haw thornden ] (1585-1649 ) . Fougasses, Thomas de. The Clenerall Historie of the Magiiitiecnt State of Venice. 1612. 8cr Shute, W., translator. Foure Snnnes of Aymon. See Aymon, The Foure 8o]mes of. The Fourth Parte of Comentaries of the Cinill Warres in Frannee (Serres). 8ce Tvmme, Thomas Ui. 1620). translator. Fowns, Richard (1560?-1625). Trisag-ion or, The Three Holy Offices of Jesus Christ. London, by Hnmfrev Lonnnes for Matheun Lonunes, 1619. sni 4to in 8s 1st Ed. Sig.: A^; a^^; B*; C-Z^^ ; Aa^ *S- Aa(cont'd)^ Bh- 7.7^- Aaa-Eee^ Fff^ (last, prob. blank, lacking). Foxe, John (ir)16-1587). An Abridgment of the Booke of Acts and ]\Ionnmentes of the Church, bv Tiniothe Bright. London, by J. Windet, 1589. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d(?) Ed. Sig.: 4 11. without sig.-marks; A-Z"; Aa-IIh^ li'; AA-SS^ TT*; VV-YY«; ZZ^ (last lacking). Actes and Monuments. London, for the Companie of Stationers, 1610. folio in 6s. 6th Ed. Sig.: vol. I: •'^ (1st, prol). blank, lacking); Y; A.-U.«; Aa.-Uv.«; Aaa-Sfl".*^; Ttt.-Uvv.^ vol. TI : Aaaa.-Uvvv.«; xVaaaa.-Beeee." ; Ff f ff .-Ggggg.* ; Hhhhh.-Uvvvv.'' ; Aaaaaa.-Uvvvvv.''' ; Aaaaaaa.-' TJvvvvvv. -' ; Aaaaaaaa.-Zzzzzzzz." ; Aaaaaaaaa - B])bl)libbbb.". See Haddon. Walter (1516-1572). Against Jerome Osorius and against his slannderous Doc- trines. Continued by M. John Foxe, and Englished by James Bell. 1581. France. Crown (Louis XTTl, 1610-1643). Letters Patents delaring his Intent touching those of the Reformed Iveligion. no place, 1621. sm 4to Sig.: A-C*. ()hi'mia. ('ruwn (Firderick V, H)19-l(;i2()). Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange. Sec Orange, Fred- erik Ilendrik van Nassau, Prinee of ( 15H4-l(j47). The French llerauhl sent to the Princes of Christen- dome. [Lo)uh)n?|, 1022. sm. 4to. Sig. : A» (1st hhudv and genuine); B-C (hist, prob. hhmk, lacking). The French Selioolcniaister. Sec [Desainliens. 01au.de |. [Fulbeck, William] ( i:)(i()-l()()3?). A Direction or Preparatiue to the Stu.dy of the Ijawe. London, by Thomas Wight, 1600. sm. 8vo. ]st Ed. Sig. : A' ; B-N'\ [ ] London, for the Oompany of Stationers, [ 1620. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sig.: A*; B-N*^ (last hhmk and genuine). Fulgens, Cenatoure of Rome. See Med wall, Henry (fl. I486). A Codely Tnterludi" of Fnlgens Cenatoure of Rome. Fulke, William (1538-1589), trans, by Gifford, George (d. 1620). Pnelections vpon the Renelation of S. John. London, hy Thomas Purfoot, 1573. sm. 4to in 8s. Sig.: *.'; A.-T.'; U." (last, prob. blank, lacking). Fuller, Thomas (1608-1061). The Histories of the Holy Warre. Cambridge, l)y R. Daniel, for Thomas Buck, and are to be sold by John Williams, 1()40. sm. folio in 4s. 2d Ed. Sig.: ^•, 1 1. withont sig.-mark; ic^( cont'd)''; A-Z*; Aa-Dd-*; Ee"; Ff-Mm*; Nn" (last, prob. blank, lacking) ; Oo-Pp*; Qcf". Fullwood, William (fl. 1562). A Snpi)lication to Elder- tonne, for Leaches Vnlewdnes. London, by John Aide, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). G., F. The End and Confession of John Felton. Lon- don, hv William Honn : for William Pickering [1570]." folio broadside. (Britwell). Galateo (Casa). See Peterson, Robert (11. 1600), trans- lator. 497 Gale, Thomas (1507-1587). Certaine VVorkes of Chirurgerie. London, by Thomas East, 1586. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d(?) Ed. Sig.: ^.«; A-0^ P^ (Perry). Gallant, Treatise of a. See Treatyse of a Galaut. Galli, Antimo. Rime all 'Illiistrissima Signora Eliza- betta Talbot-Grey. Londini, excudebat M. Brad- wood, 1609. sm. 12mo. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-B^' (last blank and genuine) ; C-E^^ j^ij^g^ 4 blank and genuine). Gardiner, Stephen (1483?-1555). De Vera Obedientia. Rome [by Hugh Singleton], 1553. sm. 8vo. 3d Eng- lish Ed. Sig.: A-G^ H^ (Pembroke). Gataker, Thomas (1574-1654). Of the Nature and Vse of Lots. London, by Edward Griffin and are to be sold by William Bladen, 1619. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: V, A-Z*; Aa-Zz^ Gelli, Giovanni Battista (1498-1563). Circes. See Iden, Henry, translator. The Generall Historic of the Magnificent State of Venice (Fougasses). See Shute, W., translator. Gibbens, Nicholas. Questions and Disputations con- cerning the Holy Scripture. London, by Felix Kyngston, 1601. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A* ; a' ; B-Z* ; Aa-Zz* ; Aaa-Zzz* ; Aaaa-Bbbb*. Gibson, William. A Discription of Nortons Falcehod of Yorke Shy re, and of his Fatall Farewel. London, by Alexander Lacie, for Henrie Kyrkeham, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). Gifford, George (d. 1620), translator. Praelections vpon the Reuelation of S. John. 1573. See Fulke, William (1538-1589), translated by Gifford, George. Glanville, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, called de (fl. 1230- 1250). De Proprietatibus Rerum. [Cologne, Printer of the Flores S. Augustini, 1472?]. folio. Sig.: [A-Z^% a^^b^.] There are no signature-marks; the series given is that used in the best authorities. Colophon: Haarlem, gheprint en de oeck mede voleyndt van mi Jacop Bellaert, 1485. folio. Sig.: aa® (1st blank and lacking) ; bb*; a-r^; r(re- peated)^; P; s-t^; v®; u®; w-z^ ; z ( repeated) ^ ; 9"; e®; A^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-Y (includino' W)«; AA-BB^ CC-DD«; EE« (last blank and lacking) . ( Crawford-Pembroke) . 498 Glanville, Sir John (1580-1061). The Copies of Two Speoclirs ill Purlijiinoiit. By John (ilanvill [audi by Sir Honry Martin. | London], 1028. sni. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A*; A ( repeated )-B' (last, proh. blank, lack- ing). (Bridgewater). The Glory of England. See [Gainsford, Thomas] (d. 1624?). God and the King. Srr James T, king of Great Britain (1500-1025). A Godlie Forme of Household Gouernment. Sec [Clea- ver, Robert]. Gods Loue to Mankind. See [Hoard, Samuel] (1599- 1058). [Golding, Arthur] (1530 ?-ie05?), translator. The Psalmes of Dauid and others. With M. John Caluins Commentaries. Colophon : London, by Thomas East and Henry Middelton: for Lucas Harison, and Gorge Byshop, 1571. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: *.«; **.-; A.-Z.« ; Aa.-Nn.«; Aaa.-Zzz.«; Aaaa.- Kkkk.^; Llll.'' (last blank and genuine). trans, of Trogus, Gnaeus Pompeius. Thabridg- ment of the Histories. London, ])v Thomas Marshe. 1504. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st English Ed. Sig.: *.^; * *.^ A.-Z.^ (Perry). Gombauld, Jean Ogier de (ca. 1567-1666). Endiraion. See Hurst, Richard, translator. The Good and the Badde. Sff [Breton, Nicholas] (1545?-1626?). Gorboduc, The Tragedie of. See [Norton, Thomas] (1532-1584) and [Sackville. Thomas, Earl of Dorset and Baron Buckhui-st] (1586-1584). Gorges, Sir Arthur (d. 1025), trans, of Lucanus, Mar- cus Annaeus (89-05). Lucans l*harsalia. London, for T. Thorp, 1014. sm. folio in Gs. 1st Ed. Sig.: A" (1st, prob. l)lank, lacking) ; B-Z" ; An-Q.i''. (Perry). The Gospelles of Dystaues. Colophon : London, by Wynkyn de Worde. n. d. sm. 4to. Sig.': aJ: B*; C"; D.* ; E.«. (Britwell). Gosson, Stephen (1554-1024). The Shoole [sie] of Abuse. London, by Thomas VVoodco^^-ke. 1579. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: 2^='' (1st, prob. blank, lacking): A-E^ P" (last, prob. l)lank, lacking). Gouge, William, D.D. (1578-1658). A Guide to Goe to God. London, by G. M. [George Miller] for Ed. ward Brewster, 1680. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d Ed. Sig.: A« (1st blank and genuine) ; B-Y«; Z\ 499 Granger, Timothy. A Moste True and Marueilous Straunge Wonder. London, by Thomas Colwell [1568 J. folio broadsitie. (Brit well). Gray, Thomas de. See De La Grey, Thomas, Great Britain. Crown (James I, 1603-1625). His Maiesties Declaration, touching his Proceeding;^ in the late Assemblie of Parliament. London, by Bon- ham Norton and John Bill, 1621. sm. 4to. Sig.: A^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-IP; I-; A- C* (last blank and genuine). Placcaet den 15. Januarij 1606, teghen dry Jesuiteu. [Amsterdam, by Cornelis Claesz.J, 1606. sm. 4to. Sig. : 2 11. without sig.-marks. Placcaet nopende het bannissement der Jesuiten uyt het Coninckrijcke van Enghelandt. [Holland], nae de Copye Ghedruckt tot Louden by Kobert Barker, 1604. sm. Ito. Sig.: A\ Proclamatie nopende het ontdecken vande grouwelijcke verraderie ende conspiratie. [Hol- land], nae de Copye Ghedruckt tot London by Rob- ert Barcker [1606?]. sm. 4to. Sig. : 2 11. without sig.-marks. Proclamatie ofte Verkondinghe aen alle Edelen van Enghelandt. Rotterdam, by Jan van Waesberghe, 1603. sm. 4to. Sis-.: A*. Proclamatie VVaer inne den Coninck van Enghelandt verclaert, dat hy hem schrijuen sal Coninck van Groot Bretanien. [Holland], nae de Copye Ghedruckt tot I^onden by Robert Barker, 1604. sm. 4to. Sig. : 4 11. without sig.-marks. A Proclamation concerning Tobacco. Lon- don, by Bonham Norton and John Bill, 1624. broad- side, bound in folio. Het Relaes van syne Majesteyt in dese leste Sessie van t'Parlamente. Amstelredam, te coop by Desiderius de la Tombe, ende ')y Cornelis Claesz., 1606. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-E^; F". His Maiesties Speach in this last Session of Parliament [Nov. 9, 1605]. London, by Robert Barker, 1605. sm. 4to. 1st Ed.— 2d (?) 'issue. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-M*. 500 Great Britain. Crown (James I, 1603-1625). His Maiesties Speach in the Vpper House of Parliament, the 26. of ^rareh, 16lM. J^ondon, by Bonham Norton and John liill, 16L'l. sm. 4to. 8iir)80?). Jolian Jolian, the Hus- haiidc, Tyl), his Wife, and Svf Jhaii, the Freest. Colophon': lljondon], by Wyilyam Rastell, 1533. I Reprinted at the Chiswiek Pres.s by C. Whittinghain, ISin]. sm. Svo. 1st Ed., reprinted. Sig.: [A] = ; B-C*; D^ (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Devonshire). Hieron, Samuel (1576?-1617). The Sermons. London, 1624-1619. folio. C'ollation, imprints, dates, et(;., nncertain. Hill, Thomas (fl. 1590). A Trne Almanack for the ycare M.D.LXXII. n. p., [15721. folio broadside. (Brit well). His Maiesties Declaration, touching his Proceedings in the late Assemblie of Parliament. See Great Britain. Crown (James I, 1603-1625). His Meditations concerning Himselfe (Aurelius An- toninns). See Casaubon, Meric (1599-1671), trans- lator. Hispanus, Petrus. See John XXI, pope (Pedro Juliao Rebello) (d. 1277). Historia Mnndi ; or Mercator's Atlas. See [Saltonstall, Wve] (^. 1630-1640), trans, of Mercator, Gerard (1512-1594). The Historie of George Castrot, surnamed Scanderbeg (La Vardin). See I., Z., translator. The Historie of Great Britannic. See [Clapham, John]. The History of Lewis the Eleuenth (Mathien). See Grimston, Edward, translator. Historie of Mary Stuart (Camden). See [Udall, Wil- liam], supposed translator. The Historie of the Councel of Trent (Sarpi). See Brent, Sir Nathaniel (1573?-1652), translator. The Historie of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart Qneene of Scotland (Camden). See [Udall, Wil- liam], supposed translator. The Hystories (Polybius). See [Watson, Christopher] (d. 1581), translator. [Hoard, Samuel] (1599-1658). Gods Lone to Mankind. Manifested. [London], 1633. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : a* (1st blank and genuine) ; A-0* (last blank and genuine). The Soules Miserie and Recouerie. London, by M. F. [Miles Flesher], 1636. sm. 8yo. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-Z^ ; Aa-Ll' ; 1 1. without sig.-mark. 607 Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679), trans, of Thucydides (471-401 B. C). Eight Bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre. Loudon, for lien: Seile, 1629. folio in 4s. 1st Ed. Sig.: 1 1. without sig.-mark; A*; (a) -(c)*; B-Z*; Aa-Zz*; Aaa-Yyy*; Zzz'' (last blank and genuine). (Forman). Hodson or Hodgson, William (fl. 1640). The Diuine Cosmographer. [Cambridge], by Roger Daniel, 1640. sm. 12ino. 1st Ed. Sig.: 6 11. without sig.-marks (1st, prob. blank, lacking); A-F^^; G«. (Holden). Hog-Faced Gentlewoman. See A Certaine Relation of the Hog-Faced Gentlewoman. Holiday, Barten. See Holyday or Holiday, Barten (1593-1661). HoUybande, Claudius, pseud. 8ee Desaiuliens, Claude. Holsome and Catholyke Doctryne concerninge the Seuen Sacramentes of Chiystes Church. See Watson, Thomas (1513-1584). The Holy Court (Caussin). See Hawkins, Sir Thomas (d. 1640), translator. Holyday or Holiday, Barten (1593-1661), trans, of Persius Flaccus, Aulus (34-62). Aulus Persius Flaccus his Satyres. London, by W. Stansby for R. Higginbotham. 1635. sm. 8vo. 4th Ed. Sig.: A« (1st prob. blank, lacking); B-F" (last, prob. blank, lacking). Homer. Achilles Shield. /S'ce Chapman, George (1559 ?- 1634), translator. Hopton, Arthur (1588?-1614). A Concordancy of Yeares. [London, by Nicholas Okes] for the Com- pany of Stationers, 1616. sm. Svo. 3d Ed. Sig. : A^(lst, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-R^. (Perry). Hoptons Concordancy enlarged. 1635. (Part 2 only). >8^ee Penkethraan, John (fl. 1638). Additions to Hoptons Concordancy. 1635. Howson, John (1557-1632). A Second Sermon Preached at Panics Crosse, the 21. of May 1598. London, by Arnold Hatfield for Thomas Adams, 1598. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig: A-G* (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Brw.), [Hurault, Michel]. A Discourse vpon the Present Es- tate of France. See Aggas, Edward (fl. 1564-1601), translator. Hurst, Richard, trans, of Gombauld, Jean Ogier de (ca. 1567-1666). Endimion. London, by J. Okes, for Samuel Browne, 1639. sm, Svo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-0«. 508 Hutton, Luke (d. 1598). Luke Iluttons Lamentation: which he wrote the day before his Death. London, for Thomas Millington, 1598. folio broadside. (Britwell). The Hye Way to the Spytteli llous. See [Copland, Robert] (fl. 1508-1547). I., T. A Joyful Song of the Royall Receiuing of the Queenes Most Excellent Maiestie into Iler Highnesse Campe at Tilburie. London, by John Wolfe for Ricliard Jones, 1588. folio broadside. (Britwell). L, Z., trans, of La Vardin, Jacques de. The Historic of George Castriot, surnamed Seanderbeg, King of Albania. London, [by Richard Field] for William Ponsonby, 159G. folio in 6s. 1st Ed. Sig.: lf« (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; A-Z"; Aa-Vv«. (Wallace). Iden, Henry, trans, of Gelli, Giovanni Battista (1498- 1563). Circes. [London, by John CawoodJ, 1557. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A.-S.«; T.*. (Perry). If you Know not Me, you know No Bodie. See [Hey- wood, Thomas] (d. 1650?). Ignatius his Conclaue. See [Donne, John] (1573-1631). The Image of Gouernaunce (Eucolpius). See Elyot, Sir Thomas (1490?-1546), translator. Entered on page 371 of main list under Severus, Alexander (205-235). Institutio Gra3Cffi Grammatices Compendiaria. See [Camden, AVilliam] (1551-1623). Institution of a Christen Man. See England, Church of. Institutions, or Principal Grounds of the Lawes and Statutes of England. Sec Great Britain. Laws, Statutes, etc. Ireland, Church of. Articles of Religion. London, for Thomas Dowries, 1629. sm. 4to. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-E* (la-st, prob. blank, lacking). Itinerarium Totius Sacrae Scriptura? (Biinting). See B., R., translator. [James I, king of Great Britain] (1566-1625). A Coun- tcr-Blaste to Tobaeco. Londoji, by R. B. [Robert Barker], 1604. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-C*; D^ A Meditation vpon the 27, 28, 29, Verses of the XXVIT. Chapter of St. Matthew. London, by John Bill, 1620. sm. 12mo. Sig.: ^^2 (1st 2 blank and lacking); A-P^-; G" (last 2 blank and lacking). 600 James I, King of Great Britain (1566-1625). A Ee- monstranee for the Right of Kings. Cambridge, by Cantrell Legge, 1616. sm. 4to. Sig.: >^^; A-Z*; Aa-Pp*. For royal proclamations and other documents issued by James I in his capacity as sovereign, See the entry: Great Britain. Crown (James I, 1608-1625). Jerome, Saint. See Hieronymus, Eusebius Sophronius (ea. 340-420). John XXI, pope (Pedro Juliao Rebello) (d. 1277). The Treasuiy of Healthe. See Llwyd or Lhuyd, Hum- phrey (1527-1568), translator. John Winchcomb, The Pleasant Historic of. See [De- loney, Thomas] (1543 M607?). [Johnson, Richard] (1573-1659?). The Most Famous History of the Seauen Champions of Christendome. London, for Cuthbert Burbie, 1596. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking) j B-Z*; Aa-Dd*. (Perry). Imperfect; lacks all after Dd4 (p. 204). Jon, Frangois du. See Junius or Du Jon, Francois (1545-1602). Jorden, Edward (1569-1632). A Discourse of Naturall Bathes, and Minerall Waters. Loudon, by Thomas Harper, 1631. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-M^;N2. Josephus, Flavius (37-95?). The Famous and Memo- rable Works. See Lodge, Thomas (1558-1625), trans- lator. The JoyfuU Entrie of the Dukedome of Brabant. See Spain. Treaties, etc. The Joy full Receyuing of the Queenes Maiestie into Noruuich. See [Garter, Bernard] (fl. 1570). A Juniper Lecture. See [Taylor, John] (1580-1653). Junius or Du Jon, Frangois (1545-1602). The Apoc- alyps, or Reuelation of S. John. 1596. Sec [Bar- bar, Thomas] (fl. 1587), supposed translator. The Painting of the Ancients. London, by Richard Hodgkinsonne ; and are to be sold by Da- niel Frere, 1638. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-Z^ Aa-Yy*; Zz^. A Just and Moderate Answer to "An Exact Discouery of Romish Doctrine." [London? 1605?]. sm. 4to in 2s. Sig.: A^; a^ B-P^. (Bridgewater). The Just Italian. See [D Avenant, Sir WilH;im] (1606- 1668). Juvenalis, Decimus Junius (ca. 40-ca. 125). Satyrge. See [Farnaby, Thomas] (1575?-1627), editor. 510 Jyl of Braintfords Testament. See [Copland, William] (H. 1508-1547). Kempis, Thomas a. Of the Imitation of Christ. 8ee liogers, Tliomas (d. 1616), translator. Keningham, William. See Cimingham or Keniugham, William (b. 1531). Knell, Thomas, junior (fl. 1560-1581). An A B C to the Christen Congregaeion. London, by liycharde Kele [1560VJ. folio broadside. (Britwell). An Answer to a Papistieall Byll, east in the Streets of Northampton. London, by John Awdely, 1570. folio broadside. (Britwell). Kyd or Kid, Thomas (1558-1594), supposed author. Solimon and Perseda. See entry under title. L., R. Diella : Certaine Sonnets. See Linehe or Lynche, Richard (fl, 1596-1601), supposed author. L., W., Gent., translator. See [Lisle or L'Isle, William] (1569-1637), trans, of Virgilius Maro, Publius (70-19 B. C.) Eclogues. La Ramee, Pierre de. See Ramus, Petrus (1515-1572). La Rochelle, France. See France. Crown (Louis XIII, 1610-1643), and La Rochelle, France. Articles of Agreement made vpon the Rendition of the Towne, the 24. of October last. 1628. Lambarde, William (1536-1601). Eirenarcha: or Of the Office of the Justices of Peace. London, by Ra: Newbery, and H. Bj^nneman, by the ass. of Ri. Tot. & Chr. Bar., 1581. sra. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A.*; B.-Z.«; Aa.-Ll.«. A Lamentable Dittie composed vpon the Death of Robert Lord Deuereux late Earlc of Essex. London, for Margret Allde, 1603. folio broadside. (Britwell). The Lamentable Fall of Queene El nor. London, for William Blackwell [ca. 1600]. folio broadside. (Britwell). Langland, William (1330 M400?). The Vision of Pierce Plowman. See entry under: Pierce Plowman, Tlie Vision of. • [Langlois, , called Fancan, Canon of Saint IIo- no7-e]. The Fauourites Clironicle. [Loudon], jn'iiitod according to the French Copie, 1621. 1st Eil. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-E*; F^. Latimer, Hugh (1485?-1555), joint author. A Frendly I'arewel. See Ridley, Nicholas (1500?-! 555) and Latimer, Hugh (1485?-] 555). Laus Pediculi (Heinsius). See Guitard, James, trans- lator. 611 La Vardin, Jacques de. The Historie of George Cas- triot, surnamed Scanderbeg. See I., Z., translator. Laws. See Great Britain. Laws, Statutes, etc.; Scot- land. Laws, Statutes, etc. The Lauues Resolutions of Womens Rights. See [E., T.], editor. Le Grys, Sir Robert (d. 1635), trans, of Velleius Pater- culus, Marcus (ca. 19 B. C.-ca. 31 A. D.) His Ro- mane Historie. London, by M. F. [Miles Flesher] for R. Swaine, 1632. sm. 12mo. 1st Ed Sig.: A-S^-; T«. Leland or Leyland, John (1506?-1552). Naeniae in mortem Thomas Viati Equitis incomparabilis. Lon- dini [apud Reynoldum Wolfe], 1542. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A\ [Le Shalleux, N.] A True and Perfect Description, of the Last Voyage attempted by Capitaine John Rybaut. London, ])y Henry Denham, for Thomas Hacket [1566?]. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed., reprinted. Sig.: A.-*; B.-D.«. A photostatic facsimile after the British Museum copy. A Letter: Whearin, Part of the Entertainment vntoo the Queenz Mtiiesty in 1576, iz signified. See [Lane- ham, Robert] (fl. 1575). Letters Patents declaring his Intent touching those of the Reformed Religion. See France. Crown (Louis XIII, 1610-1643). The Life and Acts of Sir William Wallace. See [Henry the Minstrel, or Blind Harry or Hary] (fl. 1470- 1492). Lightfoot, John (1602-1675). Erubhin or Miscellanies Christian and Judaicall, and others. London, by G. Miller for Robert Swayne and William Adderton, 1629. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-N« ; O*. Limming, The Arte of. See The Arte of Limming. [Lisle or L'Isle, William] (1569-1637), trans, of Vir- gilius Maro, Publius (70-19 B. C). Eclogues trans- lated into English: By W. L. Gent. London, by William Jones, 1628. sm. 8vo. Sig.: ^«; A-L«; W. (Forman). Lithgow, William (1582-1645?). A Most Delectable and True Discourse. London, by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Thomas Archer, 1616. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig.: A-R* (last, prob. blank, lacking). 512 Lithgow, William (1582-1645?). The Totall Discourse of LoMj^ Nineteene Yoares Trauayles. London, by Nicholas Okes, and are to bo sold by Nicholas Fussell and llunipliery Mosley, 1632. sm. 4lo. 4th Ed. Sig.: A-Z*; Aa-Zz*; Aaa-Vuu*. (Perry). A Little Treatise of Baile and Maineprize. Se& [Coke, Sir Edward] (1552-1634). Littleton, Sir Thomas (1422-1481). [Les Tenures]. [London, by Richard Pynson, ca. 1502?]. folio in 6h. Sig. : A« ; B-H« ; I^. — — Littletons Tenures in English, lately Perused and Amended. London, for the Companie of Stationers, 1612. sm. 8vo. Sig.: A-S«. Liturgies. See Book of Common Prayer; Catholic Church (Roman) — Liturgies, etc. Lively, Edward (1545T-1605). A True Chronologic of the Times of the Persian Monarchic. London, by Felix Kingston for Thomas Man, John Porter, and Rafe Jacson, 1597. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-Q^; R- (last blank and genuine); S-Z^; Aa-Cc«. The Liuing Librarie. See Molle, John, trans, of Camera- rius, Philipp (1537-1624). The Walking Librarie. 1621. 1st Ed.— 2d Issue. A Liuing Remembrance of MS^cc [Breton, Nicholas] (1545M626?). Musa llospitnlis. See Christ Church College, Oxford. Mynshull, Geffray. See MiushuU or Mynshull, Gcffray (1594M668). The Mysteryes of Nature and Art. See [Bate, John]. N., R., translator. Sec Norton, Robert, supposed trans- lator. Napier or Neper, John (1550-1617). A Plaine Dis- couery of the whole Reuelation of Saint John. Edin- burgh, by Robert Walde-grane, 159;}. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: A« (1st lacking) ; B-S«; T*. Nash or Nashe, Thomas (1567-1601). The Vn fortu- nate Traueller, London, by T. Scarlet for C. Burby, 1594. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-0*. (Britwell). Natures Embassie. See [Brathwaite, Richard] (15881- 1673). Nelson, William (fl. 1580). A Memorable Epitaph, made vpon the Lamentable Complaint of the People of England, for the Death of Sir Frauneis Walsing- ham. [London], for William Wright [1590] . folio broadside. ( Britwell ) . Neper, John. See Napier or Neper, John (1550-1617). Nero Caesar or Monarchic Depraued. Sec [Bolton or Boulton, Edmund] (1575 M633?). Nettesheim, Henricus Cornelius Agrippa de. See Agrippa de Nettesheim, Henricus Cornelius (1486- 1535). A New Booke containing the Arte of Rvding. See [Blundeville, Thomas] (fl. 1561). A Neuu Discourse of a Stale Subiect. See [Harington, Sir John] (1561-1612). A Neuu Letter of Notable Contents. See [Ilarvey, Ga- briel] (1550?-1631). A New Spring. See [Brathwaite, Richard] (1588?- 1673). 619 A New Yeares Gifte Dedicated to the Popes Holinesse. See [Garter, Bernard] (tl. 1570). Newton, Thomas (1542M607). An Epitaphe vpon the Lady Knowles. London, by William How, for Richarde Johnes [1568 J. folio broadside. (Brit- well). Niccols, John. See Nichols or Niccols, John. [Niccols, Richard] (1584-1616), translator. Three Pre- cious Teares of Blood. London, for John Budge, 1611. sm. 4to in 2s. 1st Ed. Sig. : [A]* (1st 2 blank, 1st lacking, 2d genuine) ; B-H2. [ ] , translator. The Admirable Life of Saint Wene- fride. 1635. See Robert of Shrewsbury (d. 1167), trans, by [Niccols, Richard]. Nichols or Niccols, John. A Declaration of the Recan- tation of John Nichols. London, by Christopher Barker, 1581. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-M«; N^ John Niccols Pilgrimage. London, by Thomas Dawson, for Thomas Butter, and Godfrey Isaac, 1581. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: *«; A-K**; L*; L ( repeated )-M«; N«; 0-R^ (Perry). No Whippinge nor Trippinge. See [Breton, Nicholas] (1545?-1626?). Noel, Alexander. See Nowell, Nowel, or Noel, Alex- ander (1507 M602). Norris, Ralph. A Warning to London by the Fall of Antwerp. London, by John Allde, n. d. folio broad- side. (Britwell). Norton, Robert, supposed translator. See Camden, Wil- liam (1551-1623). [Annals]. Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of. See Howard, Charles, Baron Howard of Effingham, Earl of Not- tingham (1536-1624). O., H., trans, of Figueiro, Vasco. The Spaniards Monarchic, and Leaguers Olygarchie. London, by Richard Field for John Harison, 1592. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-F*. Ockham or Occam, William (d. 1349?). Qurestiones et Decisiones in IV Libros Sententiarum. Colophon: Lugduni, per Johannem Trechsel, 1495 (Nov. 9-10). folio in 8s. Sig.: l-3«; a-z8; aa-hh«; A-H«; F; K-P«; Q"; R- U« ; Xi% AA-BB«. ( Halsey ) . Of Mariage and Wiuing (Tjlsso). See [Tofte, Robert] (d. 1620), translator. 520 Of the Endes and Deathes of Two Prisoners, lately Pressed to Death in Nevvjirate. London, by John Awdely [1569]. folio broadside. (Britwell). Of the Imitation of Christ (Kempis). See Rogers, Thomas (d. 1616), translator. Of tlie Knowledge and Conducte of Warres. Sec [Proc- tor, Tlionias] (fl. 1578). An Olde Mans Lesson, and a Young: Mans Loue. See [Breton, Nicholas] (1545V-1626?), editor. 01denbarn«veldt, Jan van ('1547?-1610). The Arraif?n- niciit of John van Olden Barnenelt. London, by Edward (Jriffin for Ralph Ronnthwait, 1619. sm. 4to. Sitr. : A^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-F* (last, pi-ob. blank, lacking). A True Description of the Execntion of Jus- tice, done ill the Grancnhagc vpon Sir John van Olden Barnauelt. Lojidon, by Felix Kingston for Nathaniel Newbery, 1619. sm. 4to. Sig. : 2 11. without sig.-marks ; A-C* ; D^. Oostindische Vereenigde Maatschappij. Remonstrance in Defence of the Proceedings at Amboyna. 8ee East India Company. Opuscula Qna^lam Posthuma. See [Andrewes, Lance- lot] (1555-1626). Orange, Frederik Hendrik van Nassau, Prince of (1584-1647). See Articles agreed vpon and con- cluded betweene Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange and the Towne of s'Hertogenbosh, 1629. Overbury, Sir Thomas (1581-1613). Sir Thomas Ouer- bury his Wife. London, by I. J. [Isaac Jaggard?] for Robert Swavne, 1627. *sm. 8vo. 12th Ed. Sig.: A-V«. (Perry). London, by R. B. [Richard Badger], for Robert Allot, 1632. sm. 8vo. 16th(?)Ed. Sig.: A-V8. Owen, David (fl. 1642). Herod and Pilate Reconciled. [Cambridge], by Cantrell Legge, 1610. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: T; W (last blank and genuine) ; A-G*; H^ (last, prob. blank, lacking). P., Guil. G. A Moorning Diti vpon the Deceas of Henry Earl of Arundel. London, by John Allde [1579], folio broadside. (Britwell). P., I., translator. See [Penkethraan, John] (fl. 1638). Pagit, Eusebius (1547?-1617). The Historic of the Bilile. London, by J. L. [John Legate], and are to be sold by Simon Watorson, 1627. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sig.: A-B"*; C". (.Bridgewater). 521 Paolo, Servita. Sec Sarpi, Pietro, name in religion Paolo Servita (1552-1623). Parallelismus Nov-antiqui Erroris Pelagiarminiani. See [Featley or Fairclough, Daniel] (1582-1645). [Parker, Henry] (1604-1652). The Case of Shipmony briefly discoursed. [London], Ann. Dom. 1640. sm. 4to. Sig. : A-F« ; Gt\ Differs from the other edition of 1640, among other respects, in having imprint as above instead of "Anno Dom. 1640." [Parsons or Persons, Robert] (1546-1610) . A Booke of Christian Exercise appertaining to Resolution. Perused by Edmund Bunny. London, by Thomas Harper, and are to be sold by J. Waterson, 1640 (part 2: by A. M. [Augustine Mathewes] for Simon Waterson, 1631). sm. 12mo. 2 parts in 1 volume. Sig.: A-X^%- A" (1st blank and genuine) : B-T^^ yio_ Pasquils Mad-Cappe. See [Breton, Nicholas] (1545?- 1626?). II Pastor Fido (Guarini). See [Dymoke], translator. Paynell, Thomas (tl. 1528-1567), translator. Eegimeu Sanitatis Salerni. Colophon: London, by Abraham Vele, 1557. sm. 8vo. 5th(?)Ed. Sig.: *^; ^^; A.* (last blank and genuine); B.- Y.^; Z.* (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Brushfield- Perry). , trans, of Felicius Constantius, Durantinus. The Conspiraeie of Catiline : with the Historye of Jugurth, writen by Salust, and translated by Alexander Barck- Ir.ye. Colophon: Loddon [sic], by John Waley [1557]. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig.: A.-X.-*; Y.*" (one blank and lacking); a.-z."*; Aa.-Hh.*. , trans, of Hanapus, Nicolaus, patriarch of Jeru- salem. The Eiisamples of Vertue and Vice. [Lon- don, by John Tisdale], 1561. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig. : C^ (1st 2, prob. blank, lacking) ; A.-Z.«; Aa.- Zz.«; a.-c.«; d.^ (Perry). Peake, Richard. See Pike or Peake, Richard (jfl. 1625). Peele, Stephen. A Letter to Etnne, to Declare to ye Pope, John Feltoii his Frierifl is llangd in a Rope. [London], b.y Alexander Lacie for Ilenrie Kyrk- ham, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). A Proper New Balade expressyng the Fames. [London], by Alexander Lacie for Hejirie Kyrkham, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). 522 Penkethman, John (fl. 1638). Additious to Hoptou's Coiit'oi-cltUiey. LoJidoii, by Amie Griffin for Andrew licbb, 1635. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig. : A®; B* (last, prob. blank, lacking). [ ], trans, of Virgilius Maro, Publius (70-19 B. C). Tbe Epigrams of 1*. Virgilius Maro, and others. London, by G. P. [George PursloweJ, 1624. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-D«. (Huth). Perimedes the Blaeke-Sniith. See [Greene, Robert] (1560M592). Perkins or Parkins, John (d. 1545). A Profitable Booke treating of the Lawes of Englad. Colophon : London, by Eieharde Tottel, 1581. sm. 8vo. 3d Ed. Sig.: A.-C.«; B.-Y.^. Perkins, William (1558-1602). A Cloud of Faithfull Witnesses. Leading to the Heauenly Canaan. Lon- don, by William Stansby for Henry Fetherstone and John Parker, 1622. sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: A*; B-Z«; Aa-Mm« ; Nn*. A Reformed Catholike. London, by John Legatt, 1634. sm. 8vo. 4th Ed. Sig.: A-X«. Persius Flaccus, Aulus (34-62). Satyraj. See [Far- naby, Thomas] (1575?-1647), editor. Peterson, Robert (ti. 1600), trans, of Casa, Giovanni della (1503-1556). Galateo. London, for Raufe Newberv, 1576. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: 'a*; y.3; B.-Q.*; R.\ f Perry). A Petition Apologetieall, by the lay Catholikes of Eng- land. See Great Britain, Catholics in. Petrus Carmelianus. See Carmelianus, Pctrus (d. 1527). Petrus Hispanus. See John XXI, pope (Pedro Juliao Rebello) (d. 1277). Phaer or Phayer, Thomas (1510?-1560), trans, of Vir- gilius Maro, Publius (70-19 B. C). The Nyne fyrst Bookes of the Eneidos of Virgil. London, by Rouland Hall, for Nicholas Englande, 1562. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. (of the nine books). Sig.: •.*; A.-T.^ U.2; Aa.-Gg.*. (Huth). The Thirtoene Bookes of Aoneidos. London, by Thoma.s Creede, 1596. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d Ed. Sig.: a*; A-V*; X* (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Perry). [Philipot, John] (1589?-1645). The Catalogue of the Chancellors of England. London, by Tho. Cotes, and are to be sold by Andrew Crooke, 1636. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-L* ; M* ; 1 1. without sig.-mark ; a-k*. 623 Philips, Edward. Cei'taiine Godly and Learned Sermons. London, by Richard Field for Ciithbert Burbie, 1605. sm. 4to in 8s. Isi Md. Sig.: T (1st; pwb. blank, lacking) ; A-Z'^; Aa-Gg« (laS^, pr6b. blank, lacking). Phillips, Philips, m- Phillyps, John (fl. 1570-1591). A Baiad intituled, A Cold Pye for the Papistes. Lon- don, by Williaiil How, for Richard Johnes, n. d. f olid' broadside. (Britwell). ^— An Epytaph of the Right Worshipful! Knight, Sir William Oarfat. London, by Richarde Johnes, 1571. f 6ii6' broadside. (Britwell ) . An Epitaphe on the Death of Lady Margaret Dug- lasis. London, for Eduuard White, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). Philorlactophil, pseud. See [Bolton or Boulton, Ed- mund] (1575M633?). Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni (1463-1494). Here is Coteyned the Lyfe of Johan Picus. See [More, Sir Thomas] (1478-1535), translator. [Pilkington, James] (1520M570). The Burnynge of Panics Church in London. London, by Willyam Seres [1563]. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A.-R.«; S.*. (Perry). Pisan, Christine de. See Du Castel, Christine (de PLsan) (ca. 1363-1431). Plat or Piatt, Sir Hugh (1552-1608). The Jewell House of Art and Nature. London, by Peter Short, 1594.. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : A-0* ; A-G* ; H" ; A-I* ; K". (Perry) . Plowden, Edmund (1518-1585). Les Commentaries.. [Londiui], in Aedibus Richardi Tottelli, 1584. folio; in 4s. Sig.: §^; B.-Z.*; AA.-ZZ.*; AAA.-ZZZ.*; AAAA.- ZZZZ.*; AAAAa.-GGGGg.^ HHHHh.« (last blank and genuine) ; A.-Z.* ; AA.-SS.* ; TT.*' (last blank, and genuine) ; A.*' (last blank and genuine). Poemata Sacra, Latine & Anglice Seripta. See [Salt- marsh, John] (d. 1647). Poland. Treaties. See The Forme of the Agreement, etc. 1635. Pole, Reginald (1500-1558). Pro Ecclesiasticas Vnitatis Defensione, Libri Quatuor. Colophon: Excussum Romte, apud Antonium Bladum Asulanum [1539?], sm. folio in 6s. 1st Ed. Sig. : 1 1. without sig.-mark ; A-Y« ; Z*. Polybius (ca. 204-122 B. C). The History of Polybius. See Grimston, Edward, translator, ' Sec [Watson, Christopher] (,d, 1581), trans- lator. 524 [Ponet or Poynet, John] (1514M586). A Shorte Treatise of Politike Poiiiier. no place, 1556. sm. 8vo. L 1st Ed. f Sig.:A-L^M*. (Perry). A Poste with a Packet of Madde Letters. See [Breton, Nicholas] (1545M626?). Potter, Christopher (1591-1646). Want of Charitie Justly Charged. Oxford, by the Printers to the Vniuersity, and are to bo sold by John Clarke, 1633. sra. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: •^ *•«; A-IP; a-h«. London, by M. F. [Miles Flesher] for John Clarke and are to be sould by William Webb, 1634. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sig.: A-S^ (last, prob. blank, lacking). Powell, Thomas (1572M635?). Tom of All Trades. London, by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, for Beniamin Fisher, 1631. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A^; B-G*. (Perry). Poynet, John. See Ponet or Poynet, John (1514M586). The Practise of Princes. See Ar., A. A Prayer sayd in the Kinges Chappell in the Tyme of llys Graces Sicknes. London, by wyllyam Copland [1553]. folio broadside. (Britwell). Prayers. See Book of Christian Prayers. Book of Common Prayer. England, Church of. Catholic Church (Roman) — Liturgies, etc. Preston, Thomas (1537-1598). A Lamentation from Rome. London, by Wylliam Gryffith, 1570. folio broadside. (Britwell ) . Primaudaye, Pierre de la. See La Primaudaye, Pierre de (b. 1545). The Principall Nauigations of the English Nation. See [Hakluyt, Richard] (1552?-1616). [Proctor, Thomas] (fl. 1578). Of the Knowledge and Conducte of Warres. [Londini], in sedibus Richardi Tottelli, 1578. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig. : ^.°(lst, prob. blank, lacking) ; A-M^ (Perry) . Prynne, William (1600-1669). Anti-Arminianisme. [London], 1630. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. i Sig. : A^ ; a-b^ ; F ; W ; nr ; e^ ; b*-z** ; a-'*-!-"*^ ; qq*-ff**. God, no Impostor, nor Deluder. [London], 1630. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig.: a*-e*'' (last blank and genuine). , joint anthor. A Brief o Relation of Certaine Speeiall Speeches in th«' Starrc-t hamher. See Bast- wiek, John (1593-1654), and others. 525 A Psalme of Prayer and Praise for the Prosperous and Good Estate of our Soueraigne Lord the King. Lon- don, by Edward Allde, n. d. folio broadside. (Brit- well). A Psalme of Thanksgiuing. See S., T. The Psalmes of Dauid. Sec [Brathwaite, Richard] (1588?-1673). The Psalmes of Dauid and others. With M. John Caluins Commentaries. See [Golding, Arthur] (1536?-1605?) translator. Purchas, Samuel (1575 M626). Purchas his Pilgrim- age. London, by William Stansby for Henry Fetherstone, 1617. folio in 6s. 3d Ed. •Sig.: V\ W; A^ B-Z«; Aa-Zz«; Aaa-Zzz^ Aaaa- Zzzz**; Aaaaa-Ccccc" ; Ddddd*. Puritanismus Anglieanus. See [Bradsha.w, William] (1571-1618). The Queenes Arcadia. See [Daniel, Samuel] (1562- 1619). Ramsay or Ramsey, Laurence (fl. 1550-158.S). A Short Discourse of Mans Fatall End. London, for Timotliy Ryder [1578]. folio broadside. (Britwell). Ramus, Petrus (1515-1572), attributed author. The Three Partes of Commentaries of the Ciuill Warres of France. 1574. See Tymme, Thomas (d. 1620), trans, of Serres, Jean de (ca. 1540-1598). The Fourth Parte of Comentr.ries of the Ciuill Warres in Fraunce. 1576. See Tymme, Thomas (d. 1620), trans, of Serres, Jean de (ca. 1540-1598). [Rastell, John] (d. 1586). An Exposition of certaine Wordes and Termes of the Lawes of this Realms. London, for the Company of Stationers, 1607. sm. 8vo. Sig. : A-Z« ; Aa-Bb«. Ratramnus, monachus Corbiensis (d. ca. 868). The boke of Barthrani Priest intreatinge of the Bodye and Bloude of Christ. Colophon: London, by Thomas Raynalde, and Anthony Kyngstone [1548]. sm. 8vo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-B^; C* (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Pem- broke). Rebello, Pedro Juliao, afterwards Pope John XXI. See John XXI, pope (Pedro Juliao Rebello) (d. 1277). The Reedifying of Salomons Temple, and the Laborers thereof. London, for Wyllyam Pickering, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). A Relation of a Journey begun An : Dom : 1610. See [Sandys, George] (1578-1644). 526 Remaines concerning Britaine. See [Camden, William] (1551-1623). Remember Mtin both Night and Daye. Thou must nodes die, there is no Nay. London, by Willyam Powell for Willyam Pickering, 1566. folio broad- side. (Britwell). Remonstrances made by the Kings Maiesties Ambassa- dour, June 1615. See Great Britain. Legation (France). The Repentance of Peter and Judas. Sec [Richardson, Charles] . A Replycacion agaynst Cortajme Yong Scolers. See |8kelton, JohnJ (1460M529). Vn Report fait per vn vncerteine Anthour del part de vn Argument del Edmoild Plowden. Colophon : [Londinij, in Aedibus Richardi Tottelli, 1584, folio in 4s. Sig. : A.* (1st blank and genuine) ; B.-T).*. Respublica, sine Status Regni Scotia? et Ilibernife. Lugd. Bat., ex offifdna Elzeuiriana, 1627. 24mo in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-S^ (la.st 3 l)lank and genuine). (Brw.). Colophon : Lugd. Bst Learned and Fruitfull Commentaries vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes. 1568. See B., H., translator, Vertumnus, sine Annus Rceurrons. See [Gwinne, Mat- thew] (1558?-1627). 644 Vicars, John (1580?-1652), trans, of Owen, John ( 15(^0 ?-1622). Epigrams. See Owen, John (1500?- 1622). , trans, of Virgilius Maro, Publius (70-19 B. C.) The XII ^Eneids of Virsril. London, are to be sold by Ni. Alsop, 1633. 8vo.^ 1st Ed. Sig.: A-Z8; Aa-Dd«; Ee^ (last, proh. blank, lack- ing). (Huth). Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham (1592-1628). A Continued Journall, August 17. London, for Thomas Walklev, 1627. sm. -4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-C^ Virgilius Maro, Publius (70-19 B. C.) The Bucoliks, with his Georeiks or Kuralls. See [Fleming, Abra- ham] (1552?-1607), translator. Eclogues translated into English. See [Lisle or L'Isle, William] (1569-1637), translator. The Epigrams of P. Virgilius Maro, and othera. See [Penkethman, Jolm] (fl. 1638), translator. The First Foure Books of Virgils ^Eneis. See Stanyhurst, Richard (b. 1547), translator. The Nyne fyrst Bookes of the Eneidos of Virgil. See Phaer or "Phayer, Thomas (1510?-1560), trans- lator. The XII ^ncids of Virgil. See Vicars, John (1580?-1652), translator. Virginia. A Note of the Shipping, Men, and Prouisions sent and prouided for Virginia, l)y Henry Earle of Southampton, and the Compaiiy, and other Priuate Aduenturers. 1621. [London, 1622]. folio. Sig.: 2 11. without sig.-marks. (Lefferts). Virginia, Council for. Begin. : Whereas vpon the Re- turne of Sir Thomas Dale Knight . . . the Tr(\isin'er, Councell, and Company . . . hauc beene tli roughly informed and a.ssured of the good Estate of that Colony . . . [London? 1616 or 1617]. folio broadside, folded to small quarto. (T-efferts). Le Vray Purtraict d'un Ver Monstrueux qui a este Irouue dans le Coeur d'un Cheual. Londres, chez Jean Wolfe, n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). W., D. I. P. B. R., pseud. Sec Ponet or Povnct, John (1514?-1556). W., I. A Table briefly Pointing out sudi Places o^ Scripture, as Condemne the Principjdl Points of Popery. [London], 1625. folio broadside. [W., R.] Martine Mar-Sixtus. London, [by Thomas Orwin] for Thomas Woodcock, 1592. sm. 4"to. 2d Ed. Sig.: A* (1st, prol). blank, lacking) ; B-F*. 545 W., T. Een eoi-t Discours op het Vonnisse ende de Exe- cutie van de acht Verraders. [Holland] , 1H06. sni. 4tn. Sig.: A*; B^^. W., T. A Sermon Preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the ninth of December, 1576. 1578. See [White, Thomas] (1550 M624). Walker, George (1581?-1G51). The Surame of a Dispu- tation betweene Mr. "Walker and a Popish Priest, no place, 1624. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-E*; F\ Walker, William, pastor of Chiswick. A Sermon preached at the Funerals of William, Lord Russell, Baron of Thornhaugh, the 16. of September, 1613. London, for John Hodgets, 1614. sm. 4to. Sig.: A-D (last blank and genuine). The Walking Librarie (Camerarius). See Molle, John, translator. Walkington, Thomas (d. 1621). The Optick Glasse of Humors. Oxford, by W. T. [William Turner] and are to be sold by M. S. [Michael Sparke], [1631]. sm. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sig.: 2 11. without sig.-marks: ^*; A-T/ (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Holden). Ward or Warde, William, (1534-1604?) trans, of Ales- sio Piemontese (pseud, of Girolamo Ruscelli?). The Secretes of l\Iaister Alexis of Piemount. London, by John Kingstone for Nicolas Inelande, 1558. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: lj(.*; *.* (last, prob. blank, lackincr) ; A.-Z.*; Aa.-Kk.*: Ll.^. (Perry). A Warning against the Idolatrie of the Last Times. See [Perkins, William] (1558-1602). A Warning for Worldlings. See Corderoy, Jeremy (fl. 1600). [Watson, Christopher] (d. 1581), trans, of Polybius (ca. 204-122 B. C.) . The llystories. [Loudon], by Hen. Bynnemau for Tho. Hacket [colophon: 1568]. sm. 8vo. 1st English Ed. Sig.: A.-Q.«. Beginning and end imperfect; signatures uncer- tain. Watson, Thomas ri513-1.584). Holsome and Catholyke Doctryne concerninge the Sen en Sacrameiitcs of . Chrystes Church. Londini, in Eedibus Roberti Calv, 1558. sm. 4toin8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: 4 11. without sig.-marks; A.-T.'': K.^-; Tj.-Z.'; Aa.^ (last blank and genuine). (Avery). The Welspoken Nobodv, n. p., n. d. folio broadside. (Britwell). 54B [Welwood or Welwod, William] (fl. 1578-1622). Do Domiiiio Maris, Juribusciue ad Domiiiiuin Prsecipue Spc'ctaiitibiis Assertio Breuis et Method ica. Cosmo- })oli, excudebat G. Fontisiluius [i. e. London? George Eld? I, 1615. sm. 4to. 1st Latin Ed. Sig.: [A]* (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-1)*; E^ West, William (fl. 1568-1594). Symboleography. Lon- don, by the Assignes of John More, 1632 [part II, for the Companie of Stationers, 1627]. sm. 4to in 8s. 6th Ed. of Part I, 4th Ed. of Part II. Sig.: vol. I: A-Z8; Aa-Qq«. vol. II: U^; A-Z«; Aa- Xx«;Yy^Zz2. (Perry). Whately, William (1583-1639). The New Birth: or, A Ti-eatise of Regeneration. London, by the Assignes of Joano Man and Beniamin Fisher, 1635, sm. 4to. 3d Ed. Sig. : A-Z* ; Aa* ; Bb". Whetstone, George (1544?-1587?\ A Remoinbrannep of the Life, Death and Vertnes of Thomas late Erie of Sussex. London, by John Wolfe and Richard Jones, 1583. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-B^ (Perry). Whight, Nicholas. A Commendation of Musicke. Lon- don, by Alexander Lacy, n. d, folio broadside. (Britwell). Whimzies. Sec [Brathwaite, Richard] (1588?-1673). The Whipper of the Satyre his Pennance in a White Shooto. London, for Thon.tus Pauier, 1601. sm. Svo. Sig.: A-B» (last 3 blank aid genuine). (Brit.). [White, Thomas] (1550?-1624). A Sermon Preached at Pawles Ci'osse on Sunday the ninth of December, 1576. London, by Francis Coldock, 1578. sm. Svo. 1st Ed. Sig.: A*; A (repeated )-D^. (PerrsO- Whitgift, John (1530?-1604). The Defense of the Aunswere to the Admonition, against the Replie of T. C. London, by Heniy Binneman, foi- Humfrey Tove, 1574. sm. folio in 6s. 1st Ed. Sig.: a.''; b.8; A.-Z.«; Aa.-Zz.« ; Aaa.-Xxx.«; Yyy.*; AAaa.*. [Williams, John] (1582-1650). Great Britains Salo- mon. Ijondon. bv John Bill, 1625. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A-K*. Wingate, Edmund (1596-1656), cHitor. SIrr Breton, John de (d. 1275), supposed author. Britton [on the Laws of England] . 1640. Withers, Fabian, trans, of Indagine, Joannes ab (Johann Hagen) (16th century"). Briefc Tntro<1uc- tions vnto the Arte nf Chiromancy. lyondon, by Tho. Purfoot. 1598. sm. Svo. 2d Ed! Sig.: A-Q' (last, prob. blank, lacking). (Perry). 547 Wits Theater of the Little World. 8ee [Allott, Robert] (fl. 1600). Wollay, Edward. A New Yeres Gyft, intituled, A Playne Pathway to Perfect Rest. London, by Wil- liam How, for Richard Johnes, 1571. folio broad- side. (Britwell). [Woodville or Wydville, Anthony, Baron Scales and 2d Earl Rivers] (1442 M483), translator. Cordyal, or The Four Last Thinges. [London, by William Caxton, March 24, 1479 I . sm. folio in 8s. 1st Ed. Sig.: [a]« (1st blank and lacking); [b]-[i]«; [k]« (last blank and lacking). (Britwell). [ ], trans, of Du Castel, Christine (de Pisan) (ca. 1363-ca. 1431). The Morale Prouerbes of Cristyne. Colophon: [London], by Caxton, feuerer the. xx. 1478. sm. folio. 1st Ed. Sig. : 4 umiumbered 11. without sig. -marks. (Brit.) , The World and the Child. A Propre Newe Interlude of the Worlde and the Chylde. Colophon: London, by me Wynkyn de worde, 1522. [Reprinted: London, from the Shakespeare Press, by William Bulmer and Co., 1817.] sm. 4to. 1st Ed., reprinted. Sig.: 3 11. without sig.-marks; A"; B*; C«; 1 I without sig. -mark. A Worthy Mirrour, wherein you may Marke, an Excel- lent Discourse of a Breeding Larke. See [Bour, Arthur]. Wright, Henry. The First Part of the Disquisition of Truth, concerning Political Affaires. London, by Nicholas Okcs, 1616. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-N*; 0^ (last blank and genuine). Wright, Thomas (fl. 1604). The Passions of the Minde in Generall. London, by Valentine Simmes for Wal- ter Burre, 1604. sm. 4to in 8s. 2d Ed. Sig.: A^ a=^; B-Z«; A-C^ (last, prob. blank, lack- ing). (Perry). London, by Miles Flesher, and are to be sold by Robert Dauulman, 1630. sm. 4to in 8s. 4th Ed. Sig.: A*^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-Z^; Aa*. Wyrley, William (1565-1618). The True Vse of Armorie. London, by J. Jackson, for Gabricll Cawood, 1592. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. Sig.: 2 11. without sig.-marks (1st blank and gen- uine) ; A-V*. (Perry). Year Books. See Great Britain. Laws, Statutes, etc. [Year Books]. Yet More Worke for a Massc-Pricst. Sec [Cooke, Alex- ander] (1564-1632). 548 Young, Thomas, lato of Rtaplo-TTin. En^lands Bane: or, Tlio Description of Drnnkeniiesse. London, by William Jones, and are to be sold by Thomas Baylee, 1617. sm. 41x). 1st Ed. Sig.: A-F*. (Perry). Zodiacus Vitae. See. [Manzolli, Pietro Angelo] (fl. 1510-1540). 649 CORRECTIONS. [Errors and changes in main list] Aggas, Edward (fl. 15C4-1G01), trans. A Discourse vpon the Present Estate of France. 1588. (page 3 ol' main list). Add to autiior entry: of lluranlt, Michel. Albion Knight, [ca. 1566]. For details See A Mery Play bothe Pythy and Pleasaunt of Albion Knij^lit. (page 288 of main list). Alexander, Sir William, Earl of Stirling (L567M640). The Mapp and Description of New-England. 1630. (page 4 of main list). Change Signatures to read: A^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-G*. [Andrewes, Lancelot] (1555-1626). Tortura Torti. 1609. (page 7 of main list). Change Edition note to read: 1st? or "dieare" Ed. : and Signatures to . . . Eee^ (last blank and lacking). An Answer to a Pamphlet, Intituled: The Fisher Catched in his owne Net. See [Fisher, John (name in religion of John Percy)] (1569-1641). Reference was pre^nonsly made (page 7 of main list) to C, A. An Answere to Certaine Scandalous Papers. 1606. (page 7 of main list). Entry changed to: [Cecil. Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury] (1563 M612). Articles agreed vpon and concluded betweene Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange and the Towne of s'Her- togenbosh. 1629. (page 10 of main list). Entry changed to : Orange, Frederik Hendrik van Nassau, Prince of. Ashley, Anthony, editor [etc.] (page 11 of main list). Entry changed to: Ashley, Anthony, trans, of Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon (fl. 1583-1589). The Mariners Mirrour. [London or Leyden, 1588]. folio. 1st Ed.; insert "^*" in Signatures before ''A-0«". Ayscu, Edward (fl. 1633). A Historie Contayning the Warres . . . (page 13 of main list). Add im- print : London, by G. Eld, 1607. [Baillie, Robert] (1599-1662). Ladensium 'AYTOKA- TAKPI2IS the Canterburians Self-Conuiction. 1640. (page 19 of main list). Add to Signatures: A-D* (last 2 blank; 1st genuine, 2d lacking). 651 Bandello, Matteo (1480-1562). Certaine Tragicall Dis- courses. 1567, 1579. For details See entrv under Fentoii, Sir Geoffrey (1530M608). (page 139 of main list). Barclay, John (1582-1621), translated by [May, Thomas] (1595-1630). The Mirrour of Mindes or Barclays Icon Animoriim. For details See entry mider [May, Thomas] (1595-1680), trans, [etc.] (page 285 of main list). Barneveldt, Jan van Olden (1547?-1619). Barneuels Apologie. 1018. (page 23 of main list). Entry changed to: Oldenbarne veldt, Jan van (1547?-1619). Bartholomaeus. His Booke De Proprietatibus Rerum. See Batman, Stephen (d. 1584), editor, (page 24 of main list) . Cancel whole reference, and substitute the following: Bartliolomaius Anglicus. See Glanville, Bartholomffius Anglicus, called de (fl. 1230-1250). Baynes, Paul (d. 1617). The Diocesans Tryall. 1621. (page 25 of main list). Add: 2d Ed. — 1st Issue. Becan, Martin (1550-1624). The English Jarre. Change dates to read: (1561-1624) ; and reference tO: See I., W., Priest, translator. Beringer, Joachim (fl. 17th century). The Romane Conclaue. 1609. (page 30 of main list). Entry changed to: Ursinus, Joachimus, Bible. English. 1562. (page 32 of main list). Change imprint to read: London, by Richarde Harrison, 1562, and remove brackets from date in both cases. Welsh. 1630. Y Bibl Cyssegr-Lan. 1630. (page 34 of main list). Cancel imprint, and substitute reference : See Book of Common Prayer. Church of England. Welsh. 1630 [part 2]. New Testament. English. Paraphrases. 1549. The first tome of the Paraphrase of Erasmus. [1549] , (page 38 of main list). Entry changed to: Udall or Uvedale, Nicholas (1505-1556), trans, of Erasmus, Desiderius (1465?-1536). Change date to 1548; add "lst(?) Ed."; and add note: 1 loose leaf without sig.-mark inserted between L. and M. (last series). Book of Christian Prayers. Christian Prayers and Medi- tations in English. 1569. (page 42 of main list). Change Signatures to read: a^ (blank and lacking) ; 2 11. without sig.-marks; a(cont'd)^; [etc.] Book of Common Prayer. Church of England. 1596. (page 44 of main list). Change Signatures to read: *8. B-L»; M"; N-Y« (last blank and genuine). Welsh. 1630. (page 46 of main list). Change Signatures to read : A-B^ ; C^ ; 1 1. without sig.-mark ; C (cont'd)^; D-G«; Aa-Zz''; Aaa-LlP (last blank and genuine) . 652 Book of Common Prayer. Church of Scotland. 1584. The Foniie of Prayers aiid Adiuiiiistralion of tlie Sacrfunentes. 1584. For detoils iicc P><)ok of Coiiiiiion Prayer. English Congregation at (icneva. 1584. ipage 46 of main list). Book of Common Prayer. English Congregation at Geneva. 1584. The Forme of Prayers and Aduduis- tration of the Sacramentes. 1584. (page 4() of main list). Entiy chantred to: Book of Common Prayer. Church of Scotland. 1584. [Breton, Nicholas] (1545M626?). Wits Priuate Wealth. 1639. (page 53 of main list). Change Edi- tion from 7th to 5th. [Bridges, John] (d. 1618), trans, of Bible. New Testa- ment. Saero-sanctum Xouum Testameutum. (page 54 of main list). Change Signatures to read : A-B*; e«; C-X^ Y^ Aa-Zz^ Aaa-Bbb«; Ccc"; Ddd« (last blank and genuine). C, A. An Answer to a Pamphlet, Intituled : The Fisher Catched in his owne Net. See [Fisher, John (name in religion of John Percy)] (1569-1641. Previously entered under C, A. (page 62 of main list). [Caesar, Sir Julius] (1558-1636). The Ancient State of the Court of Ivctpiests. (page 62 of main list). Change Signatures to read: [A]^; B*; A-T*; V; 1 1. without sig.-mark; V( cont'd)^ (blank and gen- uine). Camden, William (1551-1623), translated by N., R. I Robert Norton?]. Annals, or The Ilistorie of the Most Ren()\v)ied and Victorious Princesse Elizabeth. London, by Thoma.s Harper, for Beniamin Fisher, 1635. sm." folio in 6s. 2d Ed. Sig. : 2 11. without sig.-marks; a^; 1 1. without sig.- mark; a (cont'd)^; b-c* ; d" : A-Z": Aa-Zz^'; Aaa- Bbb''; Ccc-Ddd*; Eee'''. (Bridgewater). Entry corrected from page 63 of main list. Campion, Edward (1540-1581). The Description of a Ma.ske at Whitehall on Saint Stephens Night. 1614; The DiscriptioH of a Maske at White-TTall on Twelfth Niglit. 1607; A Relation of tlie i^ate Royall Enter- tainment at Cawsome-lTouse. 1613. (page 64 of main list). Entrv changed to: Campion, Thomas (1575- 1620). A Partieidar Declaration of the Traiterous Aifec- tion borne against Her Maiestie by Edmond Campion Jesnite. and other Condemned Priestcs. 1582. For details iSffr entry under title (page 326 of main list). Campion, Thomas (1575-1620). This entry should be used for tiie last tiu-ce titles on page 64 of main list. 553 Case, John (d. 1600). Speculum Moralium Qusestionum. 1585. (page 68 of main list). Change Signatures to read: f-1"^T*; A-Z^ Aa-Bb^ Cc-Ee* (last, prob. ])lank, lacking). Caxton, William (1422M491), trans. The Ancient Historic of the Destruction of Troy, 1636. (page 70 of main list). Cancel whole entry. [Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury] (1563?-1612). An Answere to Certaine Scandalous Papers. 1606. For details See entry under title (page 7 of main list). Certayne Matters Concerning the Realme of Scotland, (page 72 of main list). Cancel imprint and substi- tute: See [Monipenny, John]. [Champney, Anthony] (1569 M643?) and others. The Copies of Certaine Discourses. 1601. For details See entry under title (page 88 of main list). Charles Emanuel I, Duke of Savoy (1562-1630). A Re- lation of the Warres betweene Charles Emanuel and the Cardinal of Mantua. 1615. For details See entry under title (page 351 of main list). [Chilmead, Edmund] (1610-1654), trans, of Ferrand, Jacques (fl. 1623). Erotomania. 1640. For de- tails See entry under Ferrand, Jacques (fl. 1623). (page 140 of main list). [Clerke, William] (fl. 1595), supposed author. Poli- inanteia. 1595. (page 84 of main list). Entry changed to [Covell, William] (d. 1614?). Coke, Sir Edward (1552-1634). La Dixme Parte des Reports. 1614. (page 85 of main list). In title ~ read "Part" for "Parte"; and change Signatures to read: . . . Aa^ (last blank and genuine). Cooper, Thomas. Thesaurus Linguje Romance & Bri- tannicfp. 1584. (page 88 of main list). Change im- print to read : Londini [in tedibus Henrici Bynne- mani], 1584; and Signatures to read: ^'^ (1st blank and genuine); . . . [Aaaaaa-[V\'^vvv" ; Aaaaaaa- Mnuinummm" (last l)lank and lacking). The Copies of Certaine Discourses. 1601. (page 88 of main list). Entry changed to: | Champney, Anthony] (ir)69?-1643?), and others. [Covell, William] (d. 1614?). Polimanteia. 1595. For (h^tails See entry under [Clerke, William] (fl. 1595), supposed author, (page 84 of main list). [Crakanthorpe, Richard] (1561-1626). Justinian the l^jtiiperor defended. 1616. (page 94 oP main list). Add: 1st Vj(\.; and cliaiigo Signatures to read: 2 11. witlioiit sig.-marks (1st, proh. blank, la<'king) ; A-C*; 11- (last, prob. blank, lacking,). 564 Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556), translated hy Cheke, Sir John (1514-1557). Dei'ensio Verae et C'atholitiai Doi^triiui' de Sacramento. 1553. (i)aji:e 94 of main list). Read: |Ix>ndon. by Reynold or Revner Wolfe], 1553. 1st Latin Ed. Crooke, Kilkiah (not William as on page 95 of main list). Sij^natnres uncertain, hut probal)ly : §* (1st l^lank and genuine); ^^ ; 2 11. without sia-.-marks [perhaps from 1631 ed.] ; [etc.] Daniel, Samuel (1562-1619). The Collection of the His- toric of England, (page 99 of main list). Add note: Previously published under title: The Historic of England, 'The First Part of. The Historic of England, The First Part of. (pape 99 of main list). Add note: Later published under title : The Collection of the Historic of England. Davies, John, of Hereford (1565?-1618). Hnmours Heauen on Earth. 1609. (page 103 of main list). Add : 1st Ed. Despite the listing of an edition of 1605 in the British Museum Catalogue, their copy has been personally examined, and the catalogue fonnd in error, so that the 1609 edition may be reckoned as the first. De La Grey, Thomas. The Compleat Horseman and Expert Femer. 1639 (2 issues'). For details See entry under Gray or Grey. Thi>mas de (page 170 of main list). De Vera et Genuina -Tesu Christi Religione. Cpage 106 of main list). Change imprint to read: [Lugduni Batanonim. apnd William Brewster( ?)], 1618: and Signatures to read: A^ : B-X^ Y». The Defence of Conny Catching. 1592. (page 107 of main list). Entry changed to: [Greene, Rol)ert] (1560?-! 592), supposed author. [Devereux. Robert, 2d Earl of Essex] (1566-1601). A True Coppie of a Discourse. 1589. (page 112 of main list). Add: 1st Ed.- — 1st Issue. A Discouery of Certaine Errours in [Camden's] Britan- nia, (page 114 of main list). Sire [Brooks, Ralph] (1553-1625; not [Brome, Richard] (d. 1652). Done, John. Polvdoron. 1631. (page 116 of main list). Change Signatures to read: A' (3d cancelled) ; 2 11.. marked A3 and A4; [etc.]. Drake, Thomas. Ten Counter-Demaundes. 1618(?). Entry changed to: Draxe, Thomas (d. 1618). Draxe, Thomas fd. 1618). Ten Counter-Dcmanndes. 1 61 8 (?) . For details S^rc entry under Drake, Thomas, (page 120 of main list). 555 [Earle, John] (1601-1665). Micro-cosmo^aphie. 1628. (pa^e 125 of main list). Change 2d Ed. — 1st Issue to 3d Ed.— 2d Issue ; and 2d Ed.— 2d Issue to 3d Ed. — 1st Issue. Eden, Richard (oa. 1521-1576), trans, of Cortes, Mar- tin (d. ca. 1582). The Arte of Nauigation. 1596. (page 126 of main list). Change Edition from 4th to 6th. Elyot, Sir Thomas (1490M546). The Boke named the Gouernour. (pages 127 and 128 of main list). Change 1544 Ed. to 4th, and 1557 Ed. to 6th. — The Castel of Heltli. Add to the statements on page 128 of main list the following: 1541, 2d Ed.; 1561, 6th Ed. ; and 1572, 7th Ed. — A Preseruatiue agaynst Deth. 1545. (page 128 of main list) . Add : 1st Ed. trans, of Severus, Alexander (205-235). The Image of Couernance. [1541]. (page 128 of main list). Author changed from Severus to Eueolpius. [England, Church of]. An Exhortation vnto Prayer. [1543?]. (page 128 of main list). Transfer to pane 130, under heading: England, Church of. Liturgies, etc. Enelands Wedding Garment. 1603. (page 131 of main list). Add: 1st Ed. The Enig^lish Farrier. 1638 (?). (page 131 of main list). Change 1st Ed. to 2d Ed. The English Jarre, (page 131 of main list). Change reference to read: See I., W., Priest, trans, of Becan, Martin (1561-1624). The EngHshmans Docter. See [Harrington, Sir John (1561-1612), translator, (pane 131 of main list). Read: See [Harington, Sir John] (1561-1612). Erasmus, Desiderius (1465?-1536). Enchiridion Militis Christiani. 1548. (page 132 of main list). Add: 6th Ed. Paraphrase vpon the Newe Testament. Change- reference on p. 132 of main list to read: See TTdall' or ITvedale, Nicholas (1505-1556), translator. Ero"delle, Pierre, trans, of Lescarbot, Marc. Nona Francia. n. d. [after 1624]. (page 133 of main list). Entry changed to: Erondelle or Arundell, Peter (fl. 1586-1624). and edition from 2d to 1st. Eueolpius. The Image of Gouernance. See Elyot, Sir Thomas (1490?-! 546). translator. Reference on page 371 of main list from Severus, Alexander (205-235). Eusebius Philadelphus, pseud. Dialogi. 1574. (page 138 oi' main list). Entry cliujiged to: Pliiladelphus, Eusebius. Change Signatures to read : ^ ' ; -^'^ ; f 1^"^ ; 4 11. without sig.-marks (last 2 blank and genuine). F,, H., tians. of Pelegromius, Simon (ca. 1507-1572). Synonymorum Sylua. 1585. (page 134 of main list). Add : 2d Ed. F., R., trans, of Dedekind, Friedrich. The Schoole of Slouenrie. 1605. (page 135 of main list). Add: 2d Ed. The Faire Maide of Bristow. 1605. (page 135 of main list) Add : 1st Ed. Fa vine, Andrew. The Theater of Honour juid Knight- hood. 1623. (page 137 of main list). Change Sig- natures to read: . . . a-z'' ; aa-lP; *-***; mm-tt®; vv-/z^; aaa* (last blank and lacking). [Featley or Fairclough, Daniel] (1589-1645). Cygnea Cantio. 1629. For details iSee entry under James 1 (1566-1625). (page 232 of main list). Fenton, Sir Geoffrey (1539?-1608). Certaine Tragieall Discourses. 1567, 1579. (page 139 of main list). Add to author entry : trans, of Bandello, MatttM) (1480-1502). trans, of Guevara, Antonio de (ea. 1490-ca. 1545), and others. Golden Epistles, (page 139 of main list). 1577, cancel "1st Issue"; 1582, read : "3d Ed." trans, of Guicciardini, Francesco (1482-1540). The Historic of Guicciardin. 1579. (page 139 of main list). Add: 1st Ed.; and change Signatures to read: . . . AAAAA-FFFFF« ; GGGGG*; HHHIIH^. 1599. (page 139 of main list) . Add : 2d Ed. ; and change Signatures to read: A'^ (1st, i)rob. blank, lacking); B-Z"; . . . Aaaa-Hhhh" (hist blank and lacking) . Feme, Sir John (d. 1609). The Blazon of Gentrie. 1586. (page 140 of main list). Change Signatures to read: A«; a^ B-Y«; 7/ (last, prob. blank, hieking^ ; Aa8; Bb^ Cc-Hh«; li*; Kk^ (last, prob. blank, lack- ing). (Bridgewater). Ferrand, Jacques (fl. 1623). Erotomania. 1640. (page 140 of main list). Entry changed to: fChilmead, Edmund] (1610-1654), trans, of Ferrand, Jac(|uos (fl. 1623). Finet or Finett, Sir John (1571-1641), trans, of Lucinge, Rene de (15.53-ca. 1615). The Beginning, Continu- ance and Decay of Estates. 1606. (page 141 of main list). Change imi)riiit to read: London. | by Arnold Hattleld] for -John Hill, 1600. sm. 4to. Isl Ed.; and Signatures to read : A- : b' ; A-V* ; X-. 667 [Fisher, John (name in religion of John Percy)] (1569- 1G41}. An Answer to a Pamphlet, Intituled: The Fisher Catched in his owne Net. For details /S'ee entry under C, A. (page 62 of main list). Fitzgeffrey, Charles (1575?-16;:I8). Sir Francis Drake. 1596. (page 142 of main list). Cancel "11. without sig.-mark", which belongs to a later issue. Cancel the 1819 reprint of this work, on the same page. Fletcher, Francis. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. 1635. (page 1-13 of main list) . Cancel whole entry. Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650). Brittain's Ida. 1628. For details ISee entry under Spenser, Edmund (1525 M599). (p. 400 of main list). [Ford, Emanuel] (fi. 1607). The most Famous History of Parismus. 1630. (page 147 of main list). Change edition from 5th(?) to 4th; and Signatures to read: A-0« ; P* ; A-S« ; T*. The Forme of the Agreement made at Strnrasdorff. 1635. (page 148 of main list). Entry changed to: Poland. Treaties, Frith, John (1503-1533). A Boke Answeryng vnto M. Mores Letter, (page 152 of main list). Add im- print: [London, by Richard Jugge], 1546. [G., R.] Salutem in Christo. 1571. (page 154 of main list) . Change printer to Jolm Day. [Gainsford, Thomas] (d. 1624). The Glory of Eng- land. 1618, (page 155 of main list). Change de- scription to read: sm. 4to in 8s. 1st Ed. Galvano or Galvao, Antonio (1503-1557). The Dis- coueries of the World. 1601. (page 155 of main list). Entry changed to: Hakluyt, Richard (1552- 1616), trans, of Galvano or Galvao, Antonio. Garnett, Henry (1555-1606). A True and Perfect Rela- tion. 1606. Cancel all matter printed on pages 156- 157 of main list, and substitute the following. Garnett, Henry (1555-1606). A True and Perfect Re- lation of the Whole Proceedings, against the Late Traitors. London, by Rol)ert Barker, 1606. sm. 4to. 1st Ed.— lst(?) Issue. Sig.: A-Z*; Aa-Zz*; Aaa-Fff* (last blank and gen- uine ) . ( Bridge water ) . London, by Robert Barker, 1606. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. — 2d (?) Issue. Sig. as in 1st (?) Issue. Line 12 of title reads "grounds" instead of "grounds"; and leaves Ee 3, Ff 4 and Qq are cancels, reading as in 3d(?) Issue, except that line 22, redo of Ff 4, reads "Warre) it Were meete" instead of "War) it Were as meete"; line 22, verso of Ff 4, reads "pyrats" instead of "pirats"; and the last line ends "leaves" instead of "leaueth"; and line 12, verso of Qq 4, reads "chimicall'' instead of "chymicall". 558 Garnett, Henry (1555-1006). A true and Perfect Re- Jcilioji |ett;.j London, by Robert Barker, 1GU6. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. — 8d( ?) Issue. Sij^-. as in lst("0 Issue. Sheets Au-Aaa have been entirely reset, lines 4-5 ol' title reading-: ] . . . Garnet a le- | fuite, . . . | instead of | . . . (Jariiet a lefuite, . . . 1 ; and other typographical vanations occur. Gascoigne, George (1525?-1577). The Whole VVoorkes. 15y7. (page 157 of main list). Add: '.id Collected Ed. — -1st Issue; and note: Tlie 1st Col- lected Ed. had title: A lluudreth sundrie Elovvres, the 2d Ed.: The Posies of George Gascoigne. Ad»l similar notes to the titles here listed. [ ], supposed author. The Myrroure of Oure Lady. 1580. (page 158 of main list). Entry changed to: [Gascoigne, Thomas] (140;:5-1458). [Gascoigne, Thomas] (1403-1458). The Myrroure of Oure Lady. 1530. For details See entry under [Gascoigne, George] (1525-1577), supposed author? (page 158 of main list). Gentili, Alberico. (page 159 of main list). Change dates from (1558-1(502) to (1552-](i08), Gheyn or Ghein, Jakob de (1565-1629?). The Exercise of Arnies, 1607. (page 161 of main list). (Uiange Signatures to read: 2 11. without sig.-iuarks: (%?)'^ : A^ ; B^ ; A^ ; B^ ; 42 plates ; A^ B^ ; A^ ; B^ ; 43 plates ; a^; b^; [c]i; a^ ; b^ ; [(']'; 32 plates. (Bridgewater). Gildas (516?-570?). The Epistle. 1638. (page 162 of main list). Entry changed to : | llabington, William] (1605-1654), trans, of Gildas. [Gill, Alexander] (1597-1642). The New Starr of the North. 1032. (page 162 of main list), Hlutry changed to title. Glanville, Bartholomaeus Anglicus, called de (fl. 1230- 1250). On page 162 of main list add to reference the following: See Batman, Stephen (d. 1584), etlitor. A Godly Sermon [on Luke XVI.] 1575. (page 164 of main list). Entry changed to: [Wimbledon, Richard]. Golburne, John, trans, of Vigor, Simon (ca. 1515-1575), and others. Actes of the Dispute, 1506. (page 164 of main list). Add imprint: I^ondon, by Thomas Creede, 1602, A Good Speed to Virginia, See [Gray. Robert | (fl. 1609). This reference was printed out oi' its ali)lia- betical order, on page 167 of the main list, and slioidd be transferred to its proper place on page 16(). 559 Googe, Barnabe (1540-1594), trans, of Heresbach, Con- rad (eu. 1502-1576). Foure Bookes of Hiisbaudry. 1577. (page 166 of main list). Change date of birth of Heresbach to 1496. trans, of Marcellus Palingenius, pseud, of Man- zolli, Pietro Angelo (il. 1510-1540). (page 166 of main list). Cancel "of Marcellus Palingenius, pseud. ' ' [Gower, John] M. A. (Jesus College, Cambridge). Pyr- gomachia. (page 168 of main list). Add inipruit: London, for Robert Milbourne, 1635; and add to Edition note : 1st Issue. -, trans, of Ovidius Naso, Publius (43 B. C.-18 A. D.) Quids FestiualJs, or Roniane Calendar. 1640. (page 169 of main list). Edition should read: 1st Ed. — 2d Issue, with words "Caeterorum defiderium mundum fatigat" following "Finis" on page 146. Add Note: 1st Ed. — 1st Issue has not these words. Gray or Grey, Thomas de. The Compleat Horseman, and Expert Ferrier. (page 170 of main list). Entry changed to : De La Grey, Thomas. Great Britain. Court of the Admiralty. Articles of Enquiry. 1640. (page 170 of main list). Add: 2d(?) Ed. Crown (James I, 1603-1625). The Kings Maiesties Speech in the Vpper House of the Parliament, on Munday the 19. Day of March 1603. (page 174 of main list). Add note that the Huth copy is of the 2d (?) Ed., with signatures in italics, and other typographical variations. The Supplication of Certaine Masse-Priests. 1604. (page 175 of main list). Enter under title; anil add note ; Formerly issued with title : A Suppli- cation to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie. 1604. — Laws, Statutes, etc. A Collection of Entrees. 1596. (page 177 of main list). Entry ^langed to : [Rastell, William] (1508 M565) ; add: 3d Ed. Sig- natures changed to read : 6 11. without sig.-marks ; A* (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-Z^; [etc.] [Liber Magne Carte cum alijs Statutis] . 1519. (page 178 of main list). Change title to read: [Paruus Codex qui Antiqua Statuta Vocatur] ; and Signatures to read: A.«; A. (repeated) -N." (last 2 blank and lacking) : A.^- (last 2 blank and lacking). [Paruus Codex qui Antiqua Statuta Voca- tur]. 1508. (page 179 of main list). Change Sig- natures to read: ^.^ A.-N." (last 2 blank and lack- ing) ; A.^2 (last 2 blank and lacking). 560 Great Britain. Laws, Statutes, etc. Registmm Omniiira J^reuiiun. Londiiii, apud Richardiiin Tottelum, 1553. (page 379 of main list). Change Signatures to read: ?"; 5 (repeated)* (last, prob. blank, lacking); a-z'"; aa-zz"; aaa-fff"; ggg*; hhh" (last blank and gen- uine) ; a*; A-N«; 0-P*. [Another Issne]. Londini, apud Richardum Tottelum, 1553. (page 179 of main list). Change imprint to read : In a^dibus Janae Yetsweirt relictae Caroli Yetsweirt. 1595; and Signatures to read: . . . A&-Zz«; Aaa-Fff«; Ggg^ Hhh-Yyy«. — A Table to al the Statutes ... no date, (page 179 of main list). Cancel the first three words, and add note that eaoli year has separate title and is therefore now catalognod separately. The same note of sepa- rate cataloguing applies to all the Year Books on the following pages. (Henry VIII, 1509-1547). The Second Volume. 1575. (page 181 of main list). Change Signatures to read : A« ; A (repeated) *'' ; B* ; A-W ; I* ; A" ; B^ ; A-D*; E* (last blank and genuine). Greene, Robert il560?-1592). Ciceronis Amor, (page 184 of main list) . Change 1601 to 3d Ed. ; and 1616 to 7th Ed. [ ], supposed author. The Defence of Conny Catch- ing. 1592. For details See entiy under title (p. 107 of main list). Greenes Arcadia, or Menaphon. 1616. (page 184 of main list). Change Edition from 5th to 3d. Oi'eenos Mourning Garment. 1616. (page 184 of main list). Change Edition from 3d to 2d. The Honorable Historie of Frier Bacon, and Frier Bungay. 1630. fpago 185 of main list). Change Edition from 3d to 2d. — ] A Paire of Turtle Doues. 1606. (page 185 of main list). Change Edition to read : Earliest known Ed. ^ — The Scottish Historie of James the Fourth. 1598. (page 186 of main list). Change Edition to read: Earliest known Ed. — The Spanish Ma.squerado. 1589. (page 186 of main list). Chance Edition from 1st(?) to 2d. Theeues Falling Out. 1637. fpage 186 of main list). In the note change "5thf ?) " to "4th". Gregory, Martin (d. 1582). A Biscouerie of the Mani- fold, Corrui)tions of the Holy Scriptures. 1582. (pa<2:e 187 of main list). Entry changed to: Martin. Gregory (d. 1582). 561 Grimston, Edward, trans. The Estates of the World. 1615. (pa^e 188 of main list). Add to author entry: of Avity, Pierre d' (1573-1635). , trans, of Serres, Jean de (ca. 1540-1598). A Gen- eral Inuentorie of the History of France. 1607. (page 188 of main list). Add: 1st Ed., and change Signatures to read: . . . A»; B-S«; T* (last blank and genuine) ; [etc.] Grimston or Grymeston, Elizabeth (d. 1603). Miscel- lanea, (page 188 of main list). Change date from [1604] to [oa. 1618]. Guicciardini, Francesco (1482-1540). Two Discourses. See [Jones, William], translator, (page 189 of main list). Change reference to read: . . .See [I., W.], translator. [Habington, William] (1605-1654), trans, of Gildas (516?-570?). The Epistle. 1638. For details See entry under Gildas (page 162 of main list). Hakluyt, Richard (1552-1616), trans, of Galvano or Galvao, Antonio (1503-1557). The Discoueries of the World. 1601. For details See entry under Gal- vano (page 155 of main list). Hall, Joseph (1574-1636). The Works. 1628. (page 194 of main list). Change Signatures to read: A*' (1st blank and genuine) ; B-Z"; Aa-Zz"; Aaa-Bbb«; Ccc*; Ddd-Zzz«; Aaaa-Sffl"; Tttt-Vvvv«; Zzzz*'; Aaaaa-Ttttt%- a^; b-n^ o^; [etc.] One of the Sermons preacht at Westminster, April 5, 1628. (page 196 of main list). Add to title: I with] A Sermon preach 't to His Maiestie, March 30. Change imprint to read: London [by William Stausby]; [pt. 2] by M. F. [Miles Flesher], 1628; and Signatures to read: A^ (1st, prob. blank, lack- ing) ; B-H^' ; 12. Polemices Sacr^e. 1611. (page 196 of main list). Add : 1st Ed.— 1st Issue. Hannay, Patrick (d. 1629?). Songs and Sonnets. 1622, repr. 1841. (page 197 of main list). This is a re- print of part of the author's "Nightingale," and never appeared separately before 1640. Harris, Robert (15SM658). Goodnes and Mercie. 1624. (page 200 of main list). Title cropped at to]) ; should read : Gods Goodnes and Mercie. Harvey, Gabriel (1550 M631). Pierces Supererogation. 1593. (page 202 of main list). Change tlie second and third groups of signatures from 2s to 4s. Hawkins, Sir Thomas (d. 1640). trans, of Manzini or Mancici, Giovanni Battista. Obseruations vpon the Fall of Seianus. 1634. (page 204 of main list). In- sert the word "Politicall" at head of title. 562 [Hexham, Henry] (1585?-1650?). A Tonnp-Combat. 1623. (page 210 of main list). ( 1) (^lanno to title entry and insert on page 420, cancelling the refer- ence now printed there. (2) Change the edition of the sm. 4to to "1st Ed." Heylyn, Peter (1580-1641). (page 210 of main list). Change dates to: (1600-1662). Histrio-Mastix. 1610. (page 218 of main list). Add to title : Or, The Player Whipt. [Hitchcock, Robert] (fl. 1580-1591). trans, of Sanso- vino, Francesco Tatti (1521-1586). The Qnintes- once of Wit. London, by Edward Allde, 1590. (page 218 of main list). The two copies listed are now re- garded as 1st and 2d Issues of the 1st Edition, the TTalsey copy to read: 1st Ed. — 1st Issue, with 5-linc imprint, the Hoe copy : 1st Ed. — 2d Issue, ^^^th 6-line imprint. Holland, Philemon (1552-1637). trans, of Plinius Se- cundus, Caius (23-79). The Historic of the World. 1601. (page 221 of main h'st). Change Signatures to read : 6 11. without sig.-marks fist blank and genu- ine) ; . . . Aaa-Iii« ; Kkk* ; A-Z« ; Aa-Zz« ; Aaa-ftgg^ : TThh*; lii-Ooo^; Ppp^ (last, prob. blank, lacking). I., S. The Haughty Heart Humbled. 1628. (page 229 of main list). Entrv changed to: Jerome, Stephen (fl. 1604-1650). [I., W.], trans, of Guicciardini, Francesco (1482-1540). Two Discourses. 1595. For details See entry under [Jones. William] (1561-1636) [etc.] on page 238 of main list. James I, king of Great Britain (1566-1625). Cygnea Cantio. 1629. (page 232 of main list). Entry changed to: [Featlev or Pairclough. Daniel] (1589- 1645). Jerome. Stephen (fl. 1604-1650). The Haughty Heart nuiiibled. 1628. For details See entry under I., S. (page 229 of main list). Jewel. John (1522-1571). A Defense of the Apologip. 1571. (page 235 of main list). Change Ed. from 2d to 3: Albion Knight. The Mirrour of Mindes or Barclays Icon Animorum. Sec [May, Thomas] (1595-1680), translator, (page 294 of main list). Change reference to read: See Barclay, John (1582-1621), translated by L^^y, Thomas] (1595-1630). Molle, John, trans, of Camerarius, Philipp (1537-1624). The Lining Librarie. 1621. (page 297 of main list). Change Edition note to read: 1st Ed. — 2d Issue ol' his : The Walking Librarie, with changed title. [Monipenny, John]. Certayne Matters Concerning the llealme of Scotland, as they were A. D. 1597. Lon- don, for John Flasket, 1603. sm. 4to. 2d Ed. Sig. : [A]- (1st, prob. blank, lacking); B-M* ; N^ (hist, prob. blank, lacking). (Bridge water). Entered on page 72 of main list under title. Montague, Walter (1603-1677). The Shepheard's Paradise, (page 297 of main list). Change imprint to read: London, for Thoina.s Dring, 1629 [really 1659]. Morton, Thomas (1564-1659). Apologia Catholica. 1605. (page 301 of main list). Add: 1st Ed.; and change Signatures to read: k^* ; 1 1. marked A; 4 11. marked A2-A5; [etc.] [ ] The Encounter against M. Parsons. [1610]. liead: 1st Ed. — 1st Issue, without date. Adil note: In the Signatures series Aa-Yy* does not include Ww, [ ] "Cancel note of variant copy, and insert: [ ] London, for John Bill, 1610. sm. 4to. 1st Ed. — 2d Issue, with date, and an added leaf at end for Errata. Mosan, Jacob, trans, of Wirtzung, Christopher. The (h'ueral Practise of Physicke. 1605. (page 302 of main list). Add: 2d Ed.; change Signatures to real : A^"; A (repeated )-Z«; [etc.] The Myrroure of Oure Lady. See [Gascoigne, Thoma.s] (1403-1458). Reference was previously made (page 294 of main list) to [Gascoigno, Conrge] (1525?- 1577). 665 Nash or Nashe, Thomas (1567-1601). The three fol- lowing items by Thoiuas Nash (1588-1648) 'have been wrongiy entered under this heading: Miscelanea, 1639; Pappe with an Hatchet, (a reference); and Quaternio. 1633. Nash, Thomas (1588-1648). The three following items by this author have been wrongiy entered (pages 307-308 of main list) under Nash or Nashe, Thoma^s (1567-1601): Miscelanea. 1639; Pappe witJi an Hatchet (reference only) ; and Quaternio. 1633. The New Starr of the North. 1632. For details See entry under [Gill, Alexander] (1597-1642). (page 162 of main list). Nice Wanton, [ca. 1560]. (page 312 of main list). Change date to [ca. 1565]. North, Sir Thomas (1535?-1601?), trans, of Plutarch. The Liues of the Noble Grecians and Romans. 1579. (page 314 of main list). Change Signatures to read; 1 1, without sig.-mark (blank and genuine) ; *''; 1 1. without sig.-mark; [etc.]. 1603. (page 314 of main list). Change Sig- natures to read: A*" (1st blank and genuine) ; . . . o* last blank and genuine). Cancel Jones copy. Obseruations vpon the Fall of Seianus (Manzini or Mancici). (Reference on page 271 of main list). Cancel, and insert in proper place on page 337 refer- ence reading: Politicall Obseruations vpon the Fall of Seianus [etc.] Oldenbarneveldt, Jan van (1547?-1619). Barneuels Apologie. 1618. For details See entry under Barne- veldt, Jan van Olden (page 23 of main list). Orange, Frederik Hendrik van Nassau, Prince of. Articles agreed vpon . . . 1629. For details See entry under title (page 10 of main list). P., I. W. The English Jarre. 1612. (page 321 of main list). Entry changed to: W., I., Priest. Parkinson, John (1567-1650). Theatrum Botanicum. 1640. (page 324 of main list). Change Signatures to read : . . . Aaaa-LllP ; jVImmm* ; Nnnn-Zzzz". . . A Particular Declaration or Testimony [etc.] 1582. (page 326 of main list). Entry changed to: Campion, Edward (1540-1581). [Penry, John] A Treatise, etc. (page 329 of main list). Change date to 1590; add "1st Ed."; and change Signatures to read : [ * ] * ; F : B-II* ; r. Philadelphus, Eusebius. Dialogi. 1574. For details See entry under Eusebius Philadelphus. pseud, (page 133 of main list). 566 Pierce Plowman, The \''ision of. [London, 1550]. (page 334 of main list). Change Signatures to read: *.*; A-Y*; 2>; Aa-Ff*; Gg- (last blank and lacking). A Plaine Confutation of a Treatise of Brownisme. Bee [Alison, Richard]. On page 5 of the main list the main entry should be bracketed. Plowden, Edmund (1518-1585), Les Comentai'ies. 1578. (pjige 33G of main list). Change date to read 1578-1579; change "folio in Gs" to "folio in 4s"; in Signatures change A-Z"^; AA-ZZ*^; AAA-ZZZ"; AAAA-ZZZZ'^; AAAAa-GCGGg^ to read 4 loaves in- stead of 6 in each instance; insert: IlUHHli" (last blank and genuine). Cancel "(Jones)." Poland. Treaties. The Forme of the Agreement made at Strumsdorlt", of the Truce Betwixl, the Kings Maiesty of Poland and the Kingdome of Sweden. 1635. For details 8ee entry under title (page 148 of main list). Polimanteia. 8ee, [Covell, William] (d. 1614?). Ref- erence was made on pajie 337 of main list to [(-larke, John] (fl. 1595), supposed author. The Popes Complaint to his Minion Cardinals, against Lhe Good Successe of the Bohemians, no place, fca. 1620]. (page 337 of main list). Change imprint to read: [London, ca. 1620] ; and add: 1st Ed. The Practice of Pietie. &c,e [Bayly, Lewis] (d. 1631). (page 338 of main list). Cancel the whole reference. A Proper Dyaloge betwene a Gentillman and a Hus- bandma. 1530 (reprinted 1863). For details Hce entry under [Roy, William] (fl. 1527). Prosopopoeia, or. A Conference held at Angelo Castle. [1620?]. (page 340 of main list). Change imprint to read : [London, ca, 1620] ; add : 1st Ed. ; and in Signatures change the small a to capital A. Purchas, Samuel (1575?-1626). Purchas his Pilgrim- age. 1613. 1st Ed. (page 342 of main list). In Sig- natures change A® to A^. [Purslowe, E.], supposed author. A Very Liuely Por- trayture. 1640. (page 343 of main list). Entry changed to title, and Signatures to read: A^ ; 1 1, without sig,-mark; A(cont'd)2; B-H*, [Rastell, William] (1508M565). A Collection of En- trees. 1596. For details 8ee entry under Great Britain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (page 177 of main list) , A Relation of the Now Present Warres, betweene Charles Emanuel, D, of Sauoy, and the L, Cardinal of Mantua, (page 351 of main list). Entry changed to: Charles Emanuel I, Duke of Savoy (1562-1630). 567 A Remedy for Sedition. 1636. (page 351 of main list). Change date to 1536. [Reynolds, Henry] (fl. 1630), trans, of Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595). Torquato Tassos Aminta Eng-lisht. (page 352 of main list). Add imprint: London, by Aug. Matliewes for William Lee, 1628. Rosa, Thomas (suppased the same as Ross, Thomas, 1575 "M618). Idaea, sine De Jacobi Regis, Virtnti- bus & Ornamentis. 1608. (page 356 of main list). Add : 1st Ed. ; and change Signatures to read : A* (1st blank and genuine) ; B-X«; Y*; Z^ (last blank and genuine). [Roy, William] (fl. 1527). A Proper Dyaloge betwene a Gentillman and a Husbandma. 1530 (reprinted 1863). (page 360 of main list). Entry changed to title. Sarpi, Paolo (1552-1623). (page 365 of main list). Add to heading: "Name in religion Paolo Servita"; add : 1st Ed. ; and change Signatures to read : A-K^ (last, prob. blank, lacking). Savile, Henry (1549-1622), editor. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam praecipui. 1596. (page 365 of main list) . Change Signatures to read : ^^ ; A-R^ ; S^ T-Z'-'; Aa-Dd"; Ee^; Ff-Zz*^; [etc.] Schultz, Abraham. See Seultetus or Schultz, Abraham (1560-1624). Scot, Thomas, Minister at St. Clements, Ipswich. Vox Dei. 1623. For details See entry under Scott, Thomas (1580?-1626). (page 368 of main list). Scotland, Church of. Ministei-s. Boanerges. 1624. (page 367 of main list). Cancel the word "Minis- ters" in heading. Scott, Thomas (1580?-1626). Vox Dei. 1623. (page 368 of main list). Entry changed to: Scot, Thomas, Minister at St. Clements, Ipsmch; and Signatures to: A^ (1st, prob. blank, lacking) ; B-D^ (last 2, prob. blank, lacking). Seultetus, Abraham (1560-1624). Sermon preached t)efore Frederick and Elizabeth. (Reference on page 369 of main list). Change headins- to Seultetus or Schultz, Abraham (1560-1624). Severus, Alexander (205-235). The Image of Gouer- nance. See Elyot, Sir Thomas (1490?-1546). trans- lator. Author entry changed from above to Eucolpius. Shakespeare, William (1564-1616). Source Plays. [Henrv the Fourth and Henry the Fifth]. 1617. (page 379 of main list). Chiuigc Ed. to: 2d Ed.— 2d Issue. 568 Spenser, Edmund (1525?-1599). Brittain's Ida. 1628. ([)a5?(' 400 of main list). Entry changed to: P'letcher, Phineas (1582-1628). Stow, John (1525?-1605). Tlio Siiruey of London. 1633. (page 407 of main list). Add: 4th Ed.; and change Signatures to read : A** ; B-Z^ ; Aa-Xx^ ; Yy^ ; (Yy)^ Yy(cont'd)i; Zz«; [etc.] The Supplication of Certain Masse-Priests. 1604. For details See entry under Great Britain. Crown (James I, 1603-1625). (page 175 of main list). T., W., trans, of Mexia oi- Messia, Pedro de. The His- toric of all the Roma lie Empcrours. 1604. (page 413 of main list). Entry changed to: Trahcron, W., trans, [etc.] [Tomkis or Tomkys, Thomas] (fl. 1614). Lingua; or Tlie Combat of the Tongue, no date (Mostyn copy), (page 420 of main list). Change date to: [ca. 1618] ; and add : 3d Ed., and Sig. : A-K*. Tracy, Richard (d. 1569). A Supplication to our Moste Souereigne Lorde Kyng Henry the Eight. 1544. (page 421 of main list). This entry should be l>racketed. Traheron, W., translator. The Historic of all the Romane Empcrours. 1604. For details See entry under T., W. (page 413 of main list). Turberville or Turbervile, George (1540?-1610). trans, of Mantuanus, Giovanni Battista Spagnuoli, known as. (page 426 of main list). Change author to Spagnuoli, (iiovanni Battista (1448?-1516). Udall or Uvedale, Nicholas f 1505-1556), trans, of Eras- mus. Desiderius ( 1465?-1536). The first tome of the Pfira[)hra.se of Erasmus. 1548. For details See entry under Bible. New Testament. English. Para- phrases. 1540. (page 38 of main list). Ursinus, Joachimus. The Romane Conch, ue. London, for John Jagger. 1609. sm. 4to. Sig.: A^: B-Z^ Aa-Crg^ Hh^. (Bridgewater). EntcT-ed on page 30 of main list under Beringer. Joachim. A Very Liuely Porti-ayture [etc.] See [Purslowe. E.], supposed anthoi-. (page 431 of main li.st). Change above reference to read : For details See entry under [Purslowe, E.], (page 843 of main list). Vot: Dei. Srr f Scott. Thoma.sl (1.580?-! 626). (page 434 of main list). Change reference to read: See Scot, Thomas, ^Minister at St. Clements, Ipswich. W., I.. Pnest. trans, of Becan, Martin H. 561 -1624). The p]nglish Jarre. 1612. For details See entry under P., I. W. f paTe 321 of main list). .■169 Wagenar, Luke. The Mariners Mirrour. See Ashley, Anthony, editor, (page 435 of main list). Change entry to read: Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon (fl. 1583- 1589), and "editor" to "translator." Willet, Andrew (1562-1621). Hexapla in Genesin. Cambridge, by John Legat, 1605. (page 444 of main list). Change Signatures to read: ^^ ; A-Y^; Z^ ; Aa*; Z(cont'd)^; Bb-Sf*^; Tt* (last blank and genu- ine). [Williams, John] (1582-1650). The Holy Table, Name & Thing, (page 445 of main list). Change imprint to read: [Lincoln?], for the Diocese of Lincoln, 16:57. sm. 4to. lst( ?) Ed. A Sermon [on Galatians 6:14]. 1628. (page 445 of main list). Add: 1st Ed. ; and change Signa- tures to read: [A]^ B-F*; [G]^ [Wimbledon, Richard]. A Godly Sermon [on Luke XVI.] (etc.) 1575. For details >S'ee entry under title (page 164 of main list). Wren, Robert (1585-1667). A Sermon [on Proverbs 24: 21]. 1627. (page 453 of main list). Change Robert to Matthew. Youth. The Enter! ude of Youth, no date (Mostyn copy), (page 455 of main list). Change imprint to read: Colophon: London, by Wvllvam Copland [ca. 1560-62] ; and add : 3d( ?) Ed. " ^ 570 '^nnw R0f. Stack U.C, BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3'^bT52M7 17 n 781236 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY ^4m iii