B M 023 222 iiEMiAN liiii MP Emu DICTIONARY COMMON WORDS IN THE DIALECTS 0I< THE ALEui^iAk INDIAN AS SPOKEN BY THE OOGASHIK, EGASHIK, EGEGIK, ANANGASHUK AND M?SREMIE TRIBES AROUND SULIMA RIVER AND NEIGHBORIXG PARTS OF THE AEASKA PENINSULA. COMPILED BY CHARLES A. LEE. OOGASHIK, 1896. PUBLISHED BY LOWJVIAN & HANFORD STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. i SEATTLE, WASH. ',•• ••••■• • •••••• PREFACE. The author, in placing this little book before the public, feels that in so doing he adds his mite to the useful and timely literature of the day. The ground has not been covered before, and all travelers in the Alaskan Peninsula will appreciate to its fullest extent the purpose of this work. The aborigines of this far awa}- country have no written language, and this work aims to put before the traveler or trader a^means of communication with this people which it is hoped will be of mutual benefit to both. Many years of residence in this country and thor- ough familiarity with its people, have, we believe, well equipped us for the realization of our task, THE AUTHOR. ySESiS ALASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. A Anchor Cets-yuk. Arrow Rakik-vit. Arm Tat lik. Anger, exclamation of E-ke. Almanac, date Shis-lak. Above, up ]\[ia. All right, good A-shik-tuk. Ahead, go, to take Cita. AUgone {.ri^iX'"' B Bad, ugly, no good Asi-duk. By and by, soon, after Ataku Beer-made of flour | Ma-cooloe \_or Bi-vak. \-\ Big, large, great Biil-shoi ■■' Beaver Ba-luk-tak. Beans Bo-bik. i Bread \ 9rff^' ""'' \ Clip-par. 6 AI.ASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. Breast Cat-gat. Box, chest Ca-sik. Butter Mus-lik. Boy, young man ._ Malt-jiska. Bag, ponch.--v ,:_;_|_,;IJ__: Mu-shuk. Black, sunburnt. — --J -J J Rap-kie. yL\zQ.^y\tl^^:i:I--c^.^J<^--l-^\---'u..Shiiko-lenik, Brush -!_1_— __I_lLil±J.!<__<_'I__ Charie-duk. Bear Tagoga. Bring, here Tie-de-kruk. Blankets U-lik. Bend, to hide Laffa-lutten, Building, house Damo. Brave, get out U-na. Believe, to think Ba-talie. Break, to spoil Cup-li-ku. Buy, to sell Cabu-shak. Book, .paper, letter Cali-kam. Below, down U-na-nie. Boat Ba-lia. Bless, to cross Ma-lish-ie. Beluga or white whale Ba-tuku. Bacon Shit-Dinkie. Barrel, keg Bou-ska. c Codfish A-te-pa. Chewing tobacco Agolo-kiiluk. Cartridge Batlouk. AI.ASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. Cover, to cover ."1- --.Ba-tiia. Church Chur-ko. Coffee Caffie-aniuk. Close by, short distance Lak-shini-tiik. Church warden Sia-rosta. Calico S/iiJ-sak. Coal C/-khe. Coal oil, preacher Ca-shak. Cry, to make noise Cia lu-teft. Carry Elak-ynk. Cross, to bless BTa-lish-ie. Clean, to drink Shak-shak. Cap, hat Sla-bak . Cold, old, year, winter Snik. Chief, king Tyon. Come here Tia-hitten. Cup Chie-shak. Change Uk-liku. Come, to return Atteirie-rie-kiik. Cooking, pot As-juk. Capsize, to turn over Balnk-likii. Cooper Bou-skie. Coat La-mie. Door, to shut the door Batu-luko. Deer Elmec. Dried Salmon Ehkii-lanie. Dance, festivity Ouc-elat. 8 AI^ASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. Dislike, exclamation of Chin. Don't drop that . Chak-enihhu. Dig, to mine, mineral Com-juk . Drilling, sheeting Mit-kalie. Don't know Matloun. Drink, to Clean Shak-shak. Duck Shako lu-gen. Disgust, exclamation of U-nalii keja. Down, below Unanie. Day after tomorrow U-nakii-iniatsku. Distance, long, faraway lak-shik-tuk. Dog Sa-bacca. Date, Almanac- Shis-lak. Dog harness Ela-kat. K Empty, nothing Bu-kaii-coku. -rA„„ r Ca yaimk, also -tigg \Ma-nik. Bat, strychnine Oi-shak. Engine, machinery, reloading tools Ma-shin-ak. Extinguish Nipo-niuko, Ears Tin-duk. Ebb, to go away Te-ire-diik. Enough Tawia. K Fishing boat Ba-lia. Father Baba rat. AI.ASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. 9 Finger .Cuni-umeii. Fire Ca-tiak. Fill up with water Emerisna. Foot Et-kat. Faraway, long distance Oak shik-tok. Festivity, dance Oue-elat. Fur Musk-roa. Flour Mii-kak. Frying-pan Skal-tiik. Fetch here Toe-skin. Fish, salmon Ariba, ahoSa-yak. a Good, all right A-shik-tuk. ^ , , 1 , f Mi?i-7iuko, also Great number, plenty {Erne lik-tiik. Get out, brave U-na. Go home Toa-liitten. Goto Akie, also Akifik. Get out of the wa}- Azu zva. Gone Be-duk. Great, big, large Bul-shoi. Go ahead, to take Cita. Grouse Cola baska. Give to me Emik-rue. Go that way Qachufi. Goose La-yik. Good (Russian) Slabna. Gong _- Cheaiv jak. lO ALASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. Go ahead more Chal-lie. ^ -, ■, ,. \ Chie-moca, also Good day, greeting <^ Chu-mia. Go away, to ebb Tie-ire-duk. Girl Titeb-jouski. Grass U-bou-gik. Gunpowder Bo-ruk. Gray wolf Ca-yanie. TT 1 f Afkat, also Hand { ,, ■ ', , \ Aig-what. Hot cakes, slapjacks Alat-jes Heavy Ak-ta7iak-iuk. Higher degree Bic ber-becka-luni. Handkerchief- Bla-tiik. Hurry up, go faster Chuka-lutten. Half Cnp-muk. How many, how much Copt-jinik. Half of Cu-pa. Heavy rope Elaf-kuk. Hide, to bend Laffa-lutten. Here Wai, also ma-na. Hair Niijat. Head Na-shuk. How, who SNalima, nau-gau, ' \e-na-nia. XT X- I Shuk-tie. also Hunting :-\Layik.shuk-lie, AI^ASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. Hat Sla-bok. Hour, watch Cha-sat. Hatchet Ta puluk. Horns Chernn-rak. Harpoon -lak-shit. House Domo. Hot, warm Ukt-iiactuk. Hammer Mallie-tuk. Holiday B7'as snik. I I thank you (Russian) Bassie-pa. I will not Buft-jini-toa. I don't like to Be?ii}igenrituk. Ill humor Coniak ink. I thank you for what I ate Co-yana. Inside, in the house Ca-maiiie. I give to you Cun-nie. In /;/ Likii. I don't know Nat-loun. In that direction I-gdi- In the village Co-7iati-nie. I, me Min-gce. J Joking Lingen aka. Jacket Balditk. AI.ASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. K Kiss, to kiss Betchie-liiko. Knife Nu-shuk. King salmon Taria-kuk. Kettle Chij-nie. King Salmon River Codo bik. Kulicadak River Culicii dak?iie. Key, lock, to lock Cluts-juk. Know, to think Ba-nem ntia. Keep quiet Stades. Iv Land otter O-kaja. Large, big, great Bul-shoi. Letter, paper, book Cali-kain. Lock, to lock, key Cluts-juk. Linen, thread Cluk-yak. Lie, to tell a lie Ek-lut, Liar Eklu ten. Leg E-ruk. Lead Etnar-ganuk. Load, loaded Emerk-tuk. Leaf tobacco Ig-mik. Lamp _-. Lam-bak. Look out now Lengen-aka. Lard Man-tenka. Look, to see l\la-gut. AI,ASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. I3 Look here, listen Taiik-ru. Ivong distance lak-shik-tiik. Leave, to walk A-jak-tiik. m: Men-niico, also Much, many, very [An-gte. Make, to work Ala-bur-tut. Molosses Bata-kak. Mink Copt-jik-shuk. Mad, angr}' Couiuk-tuk. Mine, mineral, to dig Com-juk. Moccasins Comuk-saks. Moon, mouth Ira-luk. Mittens Lum-shuks. Many years to you, a new year's greeting Men-nuco-elatta. Machinery, engine, reloading gear Mashiji ak. Mast, pole, stick Na-pak-tet. Matches Spit-kanik. Match Spit-ska. Money, to pay linkie. Mighty, strong Tul-ril-nik. Me, I _ Win-gee. Mouth Caji-nent. Make noise, to cry Cia-hiten. More dial lie. Moose Tun-tun. H ALASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. No good, bad Asi-diik. Native — one man canoe Ca-yak. Native — two man canoe Ca-yak-bak. Native — three man canoe - By-darkey. Native — skin overcoat Barkey. Native — water-proof Cama-lmka. Native— earth house Bearra-berrie. Nothing, empty Bukan-kuka. Noise, disturbance Cia-hitefi No Xeito, also conga. Nail, nails Ek-yuk-tel. Now Noo-tun. o Outside Ok-vian nie. Oilskin Cama-Iinka. Over night, sleep Counk-tuk. Over there Ca7i-nia, Out of In-liku. Old, year, winter Snik. Pants Ut-rnks. Pound Ush-hak. Pay, money Tinkie. Plenty, great number Enie-lik-iiik. ALASKA INDIAN DICTIONARY. 1 5 Pot cooking Asjuk. Parents An-jiat jie. Pillow Be tuska. Preacher, coal oil Ca-shak. Pike Cal rek. Paper, book, letter Cali-kam. Potatoes Cal-tucket. Primers Cap-silak. Pocket - Cat manie. Pain sick Coup ink. Pour out, to Ela liiko. Pull out of, in, to In-liku. Push Chin-likii. Pouch, bag - Mu-shnk. Pole mast, stick Na pak-tet. Pipe- Truth-ka. Plate Toiis-jik. Put it down Tlek-hue. R Right, here, there Win. Return, to come At-tierie-kiik. Revolver Pistol-tak. ■^ed fox Canel lennk. Red rock Lis-sissa. ■D-n f Rhssu, also Rifle \Rifetanak. Rabbit Us kanat. R it TJ/'^- ■«c* mJTfQ jl^-^ 1 c r 7 1982 LsfiPiiki.;oci£Eprj BECcm. DHT37T8Z S€P 1 8 1983 C i 'SEP^i -83