Central University Library University of California, San Diego Note: This item is subject to recall after two weeks. Date Due NOV 12: '^ nrn i « ioq7 0139(1/91) UCSDLib. LIST OF CATALOGUES OF ENGLISH BOOK SALES ^Y.f/sA M^-^^eu^rK Deft of p^.-nteci iocj/cs, // LIST OF CATALOGUES OF ENGLISH BOOK SALES 1676-1900 NOW IN THE BEITISH MUSEUM PEINTED BY OEDEE OF THE TEUSTEES. SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM; AND BY Messrs. Longmans & Co., 39, Paternoster Eow ; Bernard Qxjaritch, 11, Grafton Street, W, ; Asher & Co., 14, Bedford Street, Covent Garden ; and Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press Ware- house, Amen Corner, London. 1915. [All rights reserved.] LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKK STREET, STAMFOKD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. PEEFACE. The collection of some eight thousand catalogues of English book sales here listed ranges from the sale of the library of Dr. Lazarus Seaman on 31 October, 1676, the first occasion when books were sold by auction in England, to the end of the nineteenth century. It owes its importance mainly to the long sets of the auctioneers' own copies, carrying on interleaves the prices and purchasers' names for every lot, and the totals of each sale, of various well-known firms. The longest of these sets is that of the firm which began as S. Baker, over Exeter Change, Strand, in the first half of the eighteenth century, and now fliourishes under the style of Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge. This runs from 7 January, 1744, to the end of our period. Other priced sets are those of Evans (1812-1845), Southgate (1825-1868), Lewis (1825-1852), Wheatley (1825-1837), and Puttick (1846-1888). In addition to these special sets the Museum is fairly rich in the earlier catalogues and in those of other firms, though few of these are priced, and fewer still give the purchasers' names. For some twenty years in the middle of the eighteenth century the collection is very weak, but, taken as a whole, it offers to the student of the history of book-collecting an unrivalled mass of material. Partly to preserve this historical interest, but mainly because of the large number of early anonymous sales, and for greater economy in printing, the order of the List itself is chronological, with a full Index of Owners, with the dates of their sales. The greater number of the Sale-Catalogues here fisted had never been entered in the General Catalogue of the Department of Printed Books, and were made avaiUil)lc for use by means of a rough hand- list on cards. Others appeared in the old manuscript catalogue of the Department of Printed Books, under one of six subdivisions of an unwieldy heading, Catalogues, which was much curtailed when it came to be printed. They are now all brought together in this Special List, which, it is hoped, will be found convenient to handle by those interested in them, while the General Catalogue is relieved of a burdensome addition. The compilation of the list was begun, in the intervals of more pressing work, by Mr. Harold Mattingly, then an Assistant m the Department of Printed Books, and on his transference to the Department of Coins and Medals was continued by Mr. I. A. K. Burnett. On the outbreak of war in August, 1914, Mr. Burnett, and also Mr. Mattingly, volunteered for military service. The preparation and indexing of the List were then far advanced, and the work was taken up and seen through the press by Mr. A. W. Pollard, Assistant Keeper of Printed Books, who had previously to some extent supervised it. G. F. BARWICK. BiuTisH Museum. March, 1915. INTEODUCTION. The earliest book auction of wliicli record siirvives is said to be that of the library of Philip van Marnix on 6 July, 1599. It took a little more than tliree- quarters of a century for this method of selling books to be adopted in England, and there is clear evidence that it was at the suggestion of an English Presbyterian minister ordinarily domiciled in Holland that the first English book sale Avas held. The Presbyterian minister was Dr. Joseph Hill, who, after his career at Cambridge had been cut short by the Act of Uniformity in 1662, transferred himself to Leyden, and later on became pastor of the Scottish Church at Middelburg, in Zeeland. The publication in 1673 of a pamphlet defending the tortuous policy of Charles II. led to Hill being ordered to leave Zeeland till the war with France was over. Until 1678, when he accepted a call to Rotterdam, Hill was in England, and it was about the middle of his stay here that there died " the Reverend and Learned Divine, Dr. Lazarus Seaman, sometime Vice- Chancellor of Cambridge, Master of Peterhouse, and late Minister of the Gospel in All-Hallows, Bread Street " (the recital of his titles is taken from a contemporary elegy), whose library was the first in England to " come under the hammer," on 31 October, 1676. That it was Hill who advised that the library should be sold in this way we know from a letter written to him 25 June, 1697, now preserved as Stowe MS. 709 in the British Museum, with an early endorsement, " Mr. Millington, the noted auctioneer, to Mr. Jos. Hill." The final cause of this letter was apparently a desire to interest the recipient in the forthcoming sale of part of the library of Dr. Edward Bernard, over which Millington presided at Oxford in the following October. Reserving mention of this, however, for a later paragraph, he addresses Hill with a warm expression of thanlcs " for your great Service done to Learning and Learned Men in your first advising and effectually setting on foot that admirable and universally approved of way of selling Librarys by Auction amongst us," and if this outburst of gratitude, over twenty years after the event, was not entirely disinterested, there seems no reason whatever to doubt the information which it conveys. The auction was preceded by the publication of a catalogue dignified by a Latin titlepage, reading : — Catalogus Variorum & Insignium Librorum Instructissimse BibliothecsD Clarissimi Doctissimiq; Viri Lazari Seaman, S.T.D., Quorum Auctio habebitur Londini in sedibus Defuncti in Area & Viculo Warwicensi, Octobris ultimo. Cura Gulielmi Cooper Bibliopolaj. As a Preface to it we find the following Address : — TO THE READER. Reader, It hath not been usual here in England to make Sales of BOOKS by way of Auction, or tvho ivill give most for them : But it having been practised in other Countreys to the Advantage both of Buyers and Sellers ; It was therefore conceived (for the Encouragement of Learning) to publish the Sale of these Books this manner of way ; and it is hoped that this will not be unacceptable to Schollers ; and therefore we thought it convenient to give an Advertisement concerning the manner of proceeding therein. First, That having this Catalogue of the Books, and their Editions under their several Heads and Numbers, it will be more easie for any Person of Quality, Gentlemen, or others, to Depute any one to Buy such Books for them as they shall desire, if their occasions will not permit them to be present at the Auction them- selves. Secondly, That those which bid most are the Buyers ; and if any manifest Differences should arise, that then the same Book or Books shall be forthwith exposed again to Sale, and the highest bidder to have the same. Thirdly, That all the Books according to the Catalogue are (for so much as we know) perfect, and sold as such ; But if any of them appear to be otherwise before they be taken away, the Buyer shall have his choice of taking or leaving the same. Fourthly, That the Mony for the Books bought, be paid at the Delivery of them, within one Month's time after the Auction is ended. Fifthly. That the Auction will begin the 31st of October at the Deceased D''^ House in Warwick Court in Warivick lane punctually at Nine of the Clock in the Morning, and Two in the Afternoon, and this to continue daily until all the Books be Sold. Wherefore it is desired, that the Gentlemen, or those Deputed by them, may be there precisely at the Hours appointed, lest they should miss the opportunity of Buying those Books, which either themselves or their Friends desire. The priced copies of the catalogue which have come down to us show that the five or six thousand volumes which formed Dr. Seaman's library sold very fairly well, and there is ample evidence, though much of it is derived from prefaces to subsequent sale-catalogues, that the new method of selling books was a distinct success. The most decisive proof of this is the fact that in the summer of 1686, when it had been in use for ten years, William Cooper, who had presided at Dr. Seaman's sale, was able to print a list of no fewer than seventy-four auctions which had been held, in London or the provinces, mostly by himself or Millington, Of the catalogues of these seventy-four sales, copies of all but five are entered in the present list, the missing ones being : — 12. M. Jon. Edwin, Bibl. . , ^ ^ , Mar. 29, 1680. cum Append. D. Dan 19. D. Th. Jessop ) j,^^ ^1. 168^ D. Castel 3 22. Pet. Cardonell, June 6, 1681. 28. Robert Croke, Esq. Feb. 23, 1681. 64. A Catalogue of Civil Law Books, being but half a sheet. Feb. 25, 168|. From the collector's standpoint, the most interesting of these early sales was that, on 15 May, 1682, of Richard Smith, the " Secondary of the Poultry Compter " (an office equivalent to that of under-sherifE and worth £700 a year), who had acquired and enlarged the collections of Humphrey Dyson, one of the earliest of " printed-book " men, and left behind him as many as eleven Caxtons, which, at prices ranging from 2s. for the Booh of Good Manners, to 18s. 2d. for Godfrey of Boloyne (" being K. Edward the IV.'s own Book "), realised a total of £3 45. 2d. The Smith sale stands by itself ; when we examine the catalogues of the other early book sales, we find that their main importance lay in the increased facilities they offered for buying and selling the learned works printed abroad on which English scholarship was still largely dependent. In the first half of the sixteenth century the demand in England for books of this class printed at Cologne, Basel and Paris, was sufficiently great for foreign book-agents to establish themselves in London in order to supply it. With the publication of editions like the Eton C/irusostom and Walton's Polyglott Bible, England was now a producer as well as a purchaser, and the premature challenge in the Oxford Phalaris of 1485, " Celatos Veneti nobis transmittere libros Cedite : nos aliis vendimus, Veneti," was a little better justified. But the need of foreign editions, as well as of the representative works of foreign literature, was still great ; and English book-agents visited the Frankfort book fair and traversed the Continent to supply their customers, not with the typographical curiosities or books valued for their rarity for which we find search being made in the eighteenth century, but for works which were wanted for study. Much of this searching had been done by private arrangement with wealthy buyers, but it had already led to the publication of catalogues, of which the British Museum possesses a few. Thus, in 1639, Robert Martin, whose premises were " in Old Bayly," issued a " Catalogus librorum ex praecipuis Italia; emporiis selectorum " (122. g. 22/1) ; in 1655 the library of Joannes Riolanus, a Paris physician, was offered for sale by John Martin and James Allestrye at the Sign of the Bell in St. Paul's Churchyard (S.-C. 842) ; in 1657 Octavian PuUeyn put forth a " Catalogus librorum in omni genere insignium " to be sold " at the sign of the Rose," also in St. Paul's Churchyard (S.-C. 922*/6), and in 1674, two years before the Seaman sale, Robert Scott, of Little Britain, issued a " Catalogus librorum ex variis Europfe partibus advectorum " (821. i. 13/5). These catalogues are not priced, their setters-forth preferring apparently to have a look at their customer, possibly also at the state of their own till, before deciding how much to ask. As we have noted, while the new method of selling books by auction, " or who will give most for them," speedily established itself, definite praises of it come mostly from the prefaces of the auctioneers. The same prefaces, however, allow us to see that some serious difficulties speedily arose. As early as the third a hope is expressed " of receiving such Encouragement from the Learned as may prevent the stifling of this manner of Sale," and in the fifth the auctioneers (Dunmore and Chiswell) refer to a report " that we intend to use indirect means to advance the Prices." Stigmatising this as " a groundless and malicious suggestion of some of our own Trade, envious of our Vndertaking," they yet meet tlie attack by the notice that " we have absolutely refused all manner of Commissions that have been offered us for buying." There can be no doubt that the ordinary booksellers had some reason for the hostility with which they are here credited. The private library must hitherto have been their easy prey, and these auctions, in which, according to the preface, " the Benefit (if rightly considered) " was " equally balanced between Buyer and Seller," were a tlu'eatening innovation. Before the first decade was over, however, we find several booksellers testing the efficacy of selling by auction as a means of turning their stocks into cash, and apparently the experiment was regarded as successful, as the trade sales quickly increased till, for a time, they far outnumbered those of private libraries. The mysteries of these trade sales soon become baffling. It seems clear that alongside of what may be called a commission business, in which libraries were sold by order of the owners, there was also a considerable speculative business in which the auctioneer himself collected, from home or abroad, the stocks of books which he offered for sale. On the other hand, we find quite early a tendency on the part of booksellers who did not actually take to the " rostrum " to give to the catalogues which they continued to issue some resemblance to those of the now popular book auctions, bv announcing that they would begin on a certain day. We find George Thomason selling the library of the Rev. Dr. Hawkins in this way in April, 1685, and C. Bateman, of the Bible and Crown, Holborn, sold several collections thus somewhere about 1695.* These sales more nearly resembled those of a modern draper than genuine auctions, but inasmuch as their number rapidly increased, and they frequently dealt with all or part of the books of important private owners, from Archbishops of Canterbury downwards, they are both interesting in themselves and an essential feature in any history of book-collecting. * The catalogue of the sale announced for Tuesday the 24th of an unspecified month or year probably is closer to this date than to 168G, under which it is conjecturally entered. In or about 1732 the further step was taken of printing the prices at which the books were to be bought. It may be noted that on 27 January of that year John Darby, of Bartholomew Close, issued an unpriced catalogue of the books which he was prepared to sell very cheaply on quitting business, and on 7 February reissued it with the prices affixed. The catalogue was quite an unimportant one, and it is very improbable that it set a new fashion in the trade. It is more likely that the quick adoption of the practice was due to the success of some more important sale not represented in the Museum collection, which, except for its long sets of auctioneers' copies of their own catalogues, has grown up very promiscuously. In any case, from about 1732 the dealer's catalogue with fixed printed prices (noted in our entries by the letters " P. F. P.") gradually supersedes those which left the disclosure of the fixed prices * to be made verbally by the dealer, or ascertained from a note written in the beginning of the book. As late as the end of the eighteenth century we trace the influence of the genuine auction in the addition to ordinary dealers' catalogues of such words as " This day," " Now selling," etc., and down to the close of that century all these catalogues are included in our list, as too intimately connected with the auction system to be omitted. If the Museum collection were equally representative in all its sections, as to which a caution has already been given, it would be clear that in the early part of the eighteenth century dealers' sales were far more common than genuine auctions, many private collections being sold in this way, presumably after having been purchased by the bookseller eyi bloc. Genuine book auctions, however, always continued to be held, and those of Thomas Rawlinson were on a scale which could hardly be paralleled till the dispersal of Heber's collections. That a still greater number were not held is due to the fact that the stream of gifts and bequests of books to public institutions which began in the seventeenth century continued to run freely during the eighteenth, and thus many books were prevented from coming under the hammer. The record of the auctions of the seventeenth and eighteenth centiiries, though augmented by many entries of dealers' catalogues, fills less than a quarter of our list. To prevent the interest of the * These sales are denoted by " P. F.," the reverse order of the letters being too closely associated with copies on Fine Paper to be turned to any other meaning. nineteenth century sales being depreciated by too large an admixture of anonymous trade sales of no importance, many of these have been omitted, it being easy to find them by the name of the auctioneer and date, while a printed record of them serves no purpose. All the book sales, however, belonging to the longest set in the Museum collection, that acquired periodically from Messrs. Sotheby and their predecessors, are here recorded. From this and the other sets mentioned in the Preface, information has in many cases been obtained both as to the owners of books sold anonymously, and the dates of sales incompletely dated on the titlepage. On the other hand, little or no help has been derived from this source in the difl&cult task of identifying or distinguishing owners bearing the same name or initials ; and despite much trouble having been taken it is probable that several owners have been split into two in our List or Index, and in other cases two or more men of the same name have been treated as one. The difficulty in these questions of identification arises from the twin facts that many collectors, after a sale (possibly a sale of their " mistakes "), make a fresh start and collect again, sometimes for many years ; and, on the other hand, that the heirs of collectors often keep their books intact as long as neither space nor money is needed, and then sell them. Thus, a collector holding a position in the Church, the legal profession or the Army, w^ho could easily be supplied with his full personal names if it were certain that his sale took place immediately after his death, has often had to be left with the incomplete description conferred upon him by the auctioneer, for lack of any certainty as to his floruit. In regard to this and other small points it cannot be hoped that the List has not suffered from the necessity which removed both its compilers to the work of national defence and left their task to be completed by another hand. For the Index, again, very valuable help was being given by a volunteer worker, Mr. Gordon Goodwin ; and deprivation of this, unhappily through Mr. Goodwin's serious illness, has probably also caused a few threads to be dropped. But the List, which is only a List and not a Catalogue, offers in a compact form a conspectus of English book sales for two centuries and a quarter, and it is hoped that students, collectors and dealers will all find it useful. ALFEED W. POLLARD. NOTE. The order of the entries is chronological. Catalogues of sales of which the year only is known are placed at the end of the list for that year, and those specifying the year and month, but not the day, at the end of the list for the month. The style and address of every firm, according to the information supplied by the catalogue, is given in full the first time it occurs in the List for any year ; in subsequent entries for that year (unless a change is made in it) in a shortened form, or, in the case of well-known firms, by initials only. The key to any initials used will thus always be found in an earlier entry for the same year. The letters " P. F." stand for Fixed Prices, and the letters " P. F. P." for prices fixed and printed. SALE CATALOGUES. 1676. Seaman, Lazarus, D.D. Library. With preface. Priced. W. Cooper, at Dr. Seaman's House, Warwick Lane. 31 Oct. 821. i. 1. (1.) & 11906. e. 1. 1677. KiDNER, Thomas, Rev. Library. With preface. Priced. W. Cooper, the King's Head, Little Britain. 6 Feb. 821. i. 1. (2.) Henchman, Humphrey, Bishop of London. Library. P. F. R. Scott, Little Britain. ' S.-C. 45-5. 1678. GrREENHiLL, William, Rev. Library. With preface. Partly priced. Zacharias Bourne, at F. Stable's Coffee-House, Bread-Street. 18 Feb. 821. i. 1. (3.) Manton, Thomas, D.D. Library. With preface. Priced. W. Cooper, at Dr. Manton s House, King Street, Covent Garden. 25 March. 821. i. 1. (4.) WoRSLEY, Benjamin, D.D. Library. With preface. Priced. J. Dunmore and R. Chisivell, over against the " Hen and Chickens," Paternoster Row. 13 May. 821. i. 1. (5.) & 11906. e. 5. GoDOLPHiN, John, J. ?7.Z). ; Phillips, Owen, If. yi. Libraries. With preface. Priced. W. Cooper, Westmorland-Court, St. Bartholomeiv's Close. 11 Nov. 821. i. 1. (6.) VoETius, Gisbert. Part of Library. (Catalogus variorum librorum instructissimiie bibliothecoe prsestantissimi doctissimiq; viri in Anglia defuncti, etc.) With preface. Priced. Moses Pitt, the White Hart, St. Bartholomew's Close. 25 Nov. 821. i. I. (7.) [Greville, Kobert, ith Baron Brooke, of Beauchamps Cotirt.] Catalogus librorum ex Bibliotheca uobilis cujusdam Angli, etc. Sangar, Gabriel, Rev. Library. With preface. Priced. N. Ranew, at the sign of the Harrow, Warwick Lane. 2 Dec. 821. i. 1. (8.) B 1679- 1679. Catalo.mis variorum li])rorum apiid tlieatiuin Sheldonianum . . .im- pressorum: et aliorum . . . propriis sumptibus Mosis Pitt... excusoruiu, etc. With preface. Priced. M. Pitt, PetHj -Canons -Hall. 24 Feb. 821. i. 1. (9.) Watkins, Stephen ; Sherley, Thomas, Dr. Libraries. Priced. ir. Cooper, the Queen's Head Tavern, Paternoster Row. [2 June.] 821. i. 1. (10.) Bysshe, Sir Edward. Library. With preface. Priced. John Ihmmore, the WoolsacL Ivy Lane. 15 Nov. 821. i. 1. (11.) & 11906. e. 11. 1680. DiGBY. Sir Kenelm. Library (afterwards in possession of George William Hervey, 2nd Earl of Bristol). With preface. Priced. At the Golden Lion, Paternoster Row. 19 April. 821. h. 3. & 11906. e. 13. Charxock, Stephen, D.D. Library. With preface. At the Sign of the Lamb, Cornhill. 4 Oct. " S.-C. 923. (2.) Watson, Thomas, D.D. Librarv. E. MiUington, at the Sign of the Lamb, Cornhill. 8 Oct. ' • 11906. e. 15. [Roper, Abel, Bookseller.] A Catalogue of two choice and consider- able Libraries of Books, Latin and English, etc. At Mr. Bridges's Coffee-House, Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill. 22 Nov. -^ S.-C. 1035. (12.) Stubb, Henry. Dr., of London ; Dillingham, Dr., ofOundle ; Vincent, Thomas, Dr., of London ; Cawton, Dr., of Westminster ; Dunton, John. Libraries. With preface. [T. Parlhitrst,] Warivick Lane. 29 Nov. 11906. e. 17. DuciE, W^illiam, 1st Viscount Downe. Library. P. F. R. Littlebury, Little Britain.- S.-C. 952. 1681. Palmer, Edward. Library, AVith preface. Priced. [E. MiUington,] At Mr. Palmer's House, Kirby Street, Hatton Garden. 14 Feb. 11906. e. 18. Brooke. Samuel, Dr. Librarv. W. Cooper, at the Pelican, Little Britain. 21 March. " S.-C. 922. (1.) Lawson, George, of Shrewsbury ; Fawler, George, of London; Stockdon, Owen, of Colchester ; Brooks, Thomas, of London. Libraries. With preface. E. MiUington, at the Auction House in Warwick Lane. 30 May. ^ S.-C. 1036. (9.) -1683 3 Lloyd, Nicholas, Rev. Library. Bysshe, Sir Edward. Kemaining part of Manuscripts. Priced. At J. Dunmore's, Ivy-Lane, Pater- N osier Row. 4 July. 11906. e. 23. Paget, Nathan, M.D. Library. With preface. W. Cooper, at the Pelican, Little Britain. 24 Oct. S.-C. 1036. (7.) Button, Radulph, Rev. ; Owen, Thankfull, Dr. ; Howell, William, Rev. Dr. Libraries. With preface. Priced. E. Millington, at J. Dunmore's Auction House, Lvy Lane, Paternoster Row. 7 Nov. 11906. e. 25. Parker, Henry, of Grays-Inn. Library. With preface. E. Milling- ton, at the Auction- House, Ivy Lane. 5 Dec. S.-C. 923. (3.) OuTRAM, William, Rev. Dr. ; Gataker, Thomas, Dr. Libraries. With preface. W. Cooper, Warivick Lane. 12 Dec. 11906. e. 27. 1682. Smith, Ricliard, Dr., of London. Library. With preface. Priced. R. Chiswell, St. Bartholomew's Close. 15 May. 821. i. 3. (1.) Rea, Walter. Library. Priced. W. Cooper, the Pelican, Little Britain. 19 June. ' 821. i. 3. (2.) Varso'^s, io\n\, of the Middle Temple. Library. Priced. E. Milling- ton, over against the Black Swan, Ave Mary Lane. 30 Nov. 821. i. 3. (3.) & 11906. e. 31. Humphry, John, of Roivell, Northants. Library. Partly priced. TT'. Cooper. Jonathan's Coffee-House, Cornhill. 4 Dec. 821. i. 3. (4.) & 11906. e. 32. 1683. Arthur, John, Rev. Dr. Library. With preface. Priced. E. Millington, over against the Black Swan, Ave- Mary -Lane. 12 Feb. 11906. e. 33. & 821. i. 3. (5.) [Wilson, Samuel, a Scot.'] Catalogus variorum Librorum, etc. Priced. Over against the Black Swan, Ave-Mary-Lane. 2 April. 821. i. 3. (6.) AVhateley, William, Rev. Dr., of Banbury. Library. Rutland, Simon, M.D. Medical Library. With preface. Partly priced. E. Millington, Bridge's Coffee House, Cornhill. 23 April. 821. i. 3. (7.) Walton, Brian, Bishop of Chester. Library. With preface. \^San.. Carr,] At the King's Head, St. Paul's Churchyard. 30 April. 821. i. 3. (8.) Rogers, Daniel, Rev., of Haversham, Bucks. Library. AVith preface. Partly priced. W. Cooper & E. Millington, Jonathan's Coffee-House, Cornhill. 21 June. 821. i. 3. (9.) B 2 4 1683- CoLLixs, John, of Gray's Inn. Library. With preface. Priced. E. MiUimjton, Fbjimj Horse Court, Fleet Street. 2 July. 821. i. 3. (10.) Adams, Charles, Rev., Great Baddoir, Essex. Librarv. With preface. Priced. At the Black Boy Inn, Chelmsford. 16 Nov. 8.-C. 867 Lloyd, John, Rev. Dr., of North Mimms, Herts ; Eaymoxd, Sir Thomas, J. P. Libraries. With preface. Priced. E. Millington, over against the Black Sivan, Ave Mary Lane. 3 Dec. 11906. e. 40. & 821. i. 3. (12.) 1684. GuNTER, Jasper, M.D. Library. With preface. Priced. E. Millington, over against the Black Swan, Ave Mary Lane. 20 March. 821. i. 3. (13.) Chace, Kichard, Rev. Dr. ; Bathukst, Christian, M.D. ; Tonstall, George, M.D. Libraries. With preface. Partly priced. W. Cooper, the Pelican, Little Britain. 24 March. ' 821. i. 3. (14.) Smallwood, Matthew, Dean of Lichfield. Library. Partly priced. In Gresham College, Bishopsgate Street. 2 May. 821. i. 4. (1.) Owen, John, Dean of Christchurch, Oxford. Library. With preface. Priced. E. Millington, over against the Black Swan, Ave Mary Lane. 26 May. 11906. e. 44. & 821. i. 4. (2.) [Kendon, Francis, Bookseller.] A Catalogue of the Libraries of two eminent persons deceased, etc. With preface. E. Millington, Mr. Bridge's Coffee-House, Cornhill. 16 June. 821. i. 4. (3.) [Gellibrand, John ; Simmons, Thomas.] A Catalogue of the Libraries of two eminent persons, etc. [E. Millington ?1 Tunhridge Wells. 8 Aug. ^ 821. i. 4. (4.) Bibliotheca Sturbitchiana, sive, Catalogus . . . librorum . . . quorum aiictio habebitur apud Nundinum Sturbitchianum, etc. With preface. E. Millington, Stourbridge Fair, near Cambridge. 8 Sept. 821. i. 5. (1.) IslooB,^, Sir ^on-AS, Master of Ordnance. Library. WitJi preface. Priced. E. Millington, over against the Black Stvan, Ave-Mary-Lane. 3 Nov. 11906. e. 48. Lye, Thomas, Rev. Dr. ; Jennings, Thomas, of London. Libraries. With preface. At Bridge's Coffee-House, Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill. 17 Nov. 11906. e. 49. Broeckhuysen, Benjamin, M.D. Library. With preface. W. Cooper, at the Sign of the Pelican, Little Britain. 1 Dec. S.-C. 923. (5.) -1685 ■ ^ 1685. Warner, John, Bishop of Rochester. Library. Witli preface. With a few prices. E. Millinqton, over against the Black Swan. 16 Feb. ^ 821. i. 4. (8.) A Catalogue of choice Books, chiefly Civil Law, etc. At Mr. Lyon's Coffee House, near Doctors' Commons. 25 Feb. 821. i. 4. (22.) Hawkins, William, Rev. Dr. Library. P. F. At George Thomasons, Mugwell Street, near Cripj)legate. 13 April. 11906. e. 51. Lee, Richard, Rev. Dr., of King's Hatfield, Herts. Library. With preface. At the Parsonage House, Hatfield. 28 April. , 821. i. 4. (10.) Bibliotheca Sturbrigiensis, sive, Catalogus . . . librorum . . . per auc- tionem vendendorum . . . in Nundino Sturbrigiano, etc. With preface. E. Millington, Stourbridge Fair. 8 Sept. 821. i. 5. (2.) Atfield, Ambrose, Rev. Dr. ; Cooth, John, Rev., of Somersetshire. Libraries. With preface. E. Millington, over against the Black Swan, Ave Mary Lane. 25 May. 11906. e. 53. [Parkhurst, Thomas, Bookseller.] Catalogus variorum Librorum ex bibliothecis selectissimis, etc. With preface. At Bridges Coffee- House, Pope's Head Alley. 19 Oct. 821. i. 4. (12.) Bibliotheca Gallica, Italica, Hispanica . . . cujusdam nobilis Angli, etc. E. Millinqton. Bridge's Coffee-House, Pope's Head Alley. 10 Nov. ^ ' 821. i. 4. (13.) HusHAR, Peter, Merchant, of Loyidon. Library of French and English Books. With preface. E. Millington, at Mr. Thomas Ward's House, Boar's Head, Cornhill. 18 Nov. 821. i. 4. (14.) Davis, Richard, Bookseller, of Oxford. Part of Stock of Books. Over againsttheBlackSivan, Ave Mary Lane. 26 Nov. 821. i. 4. (15.) [Pitt, Moses, Bookseller.] A Catalogue containing variety of ancient and modern English Books, etc." With preface. Partly priced. E. MilUnnton, Petty -Canon- Hall, St. Paul's Churchyard. 30 Nov. 821. i. 4. (16.) Stokes. David. Rev. Dr. Librarv. W. Cooper, the Pelican, Little Britain. 1 Dec. ' 11906. e. 61. [Pitt, Moses, Bookseller.] A Catalogue of several sorts of Bibles, Testaments, Common Prayers, etc. Over against the Black Swan, Ave Mary Lane. 10 Dec.^ 821. i. 4. (18.) A Catalogue of a remainder of several sorts of Bibles, Testaments, Common Prayers . . . lately exposed to sale, etc. P. F. At the Leg and Star I Cornhill . 10 Dec. 821. i. 4. (19.) 6 168G- 1686. [Chiswell, Kicliard, Bookseller.] A Collection of choice Books, etc. With preface. With a few prices. E. Millington, Bridge's Coffee- House, Pope's Head Alley. 8 Feb. 821. i. 4. (20.) A Catalogue containing variety of Books, of the Common and Statute Law, ancient and modern, etc. With preface. E. Millington, over against the Black Stvan. 18 Feb. 821. i. 4. (21.) Sedgewick, Obadiah, Rev. Dr. Library. With preface. E. Millington, the Black Sivan, Trumpington. 29 March. 821. i. 7. (1.) Terne, Christopher, F.R.S. ; Allen, Thomas, F.R.S. Libraries. Talbok, Robert. Medical Books. With preface. E. Millington, over agairost the Black Sivan. 12 April. 821. i. 6. (1.) Davis, Richard, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (First Part.) With preface by R. Davis. Priced. W. Cooper & E. Millington, near St. Michael's Church. Oxford. 19 April. 126. d. 1. & 821. i. 11. (1.) Bibliotheca Anglicana : or, a collection of choice English books, etc. Priced. At Jonathan's Coffee-House, Exchange- Alley, Cornhill. 5 May. 821. i. 6. (2.) [Whitwood, William.] A Catalogue of choice Books, consisting of divinity, history, etc. With preface. En. Wyre, at Mr. W. Glipsum's House, the Black Sivan, Trumpington. 17 May. 821. "i. 10. (1.) Bacon, Francis. Librarv. Priced. At Jonathan's Coffee-House, Exchange-Alley, Cornhill 19 May. 821. i. 6. (3.) Bradford, John, Dr. ; Cooper, William, Bookseller. Libraries. With preface. At Bridge's Coffee-House, Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill. 14 June. 821. i. 6. (4.) Weston, Sir Richard. Library (Law Books and MSS.). With preface. E. Millington, over against the Black Swan. 24 June. 821. i. 6. (5.) Castell, Edmund, Rev. Dr., Professor of Arabic at Cambridge. Library. AVith preface. Priced. E. Millington, at R. Skyrings', at the Eagle and Child, Cambridge. 30 June. 11906. e. 73. Catalogus Librorum medicorum, tam recentioruzn quani antiquorum, etc. With preface. IF. Cooper, at Child's Coffee-House, at the West- End of St. Paul's. 13 July. 821. i. 6. (6.) Bibliotheca medica et mathematica Anglo-Latina, cujusdam med. doct. Claris, nuperrime defuncti, etc. With preface. At the Auction-House in Ave-Marg-Lane, over against the Black Swan. 30 Aug. S.-C. 1039. (1.) -1687 7 Chamberlaine, James, Rev., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Library. With preface. E. Millington, CooJces-Row, Stourbridge Fair. 8 Sept. 821. i. 10. (3.) Davis, Richard, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Second Part.) Witli preface by R. Davis. Priced. W. Cooper <& E. Millington, at Mr. Newman's House, over against St. Michael's Church, Oxford. 4 Oct. 821. i. 11. (2.) Annesley, Arthur, 3rd Earl of Anglesey. Library. With preface. Thomas Philipps, over against the Black Swan, St. Paul's Churchyard. 25 Oct. ' S.-C. 1039! (3.) Sr^ppaud, Mr., of London. Library. With preface. At Mr. Thomas Ward's, at the Boar's Head, Cornhill. 16 Dec. S.-C. 1039. (4.) A Catalogue containing variety of English books in Divinity, History, Travels, etc. With preface. At Mr. Bridge's Coffee-House, Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill. 20 Dec. S.-C. 1039. (5.) Bateman, Christopher, Bookseller. Stock of philological and historical Greek Books, etc. P. F. [C. Bateman,] At the Bible and Croivn, Middle Row, Holborn. Tuesday the 24th [1686 ?]. 821. i. 15. (40.) 1687. A Catalogue of choice English Books, consisting of divinity, history, etc. At Jonathan's Coffee-House, Exchange Alley, Cornhill. 10 Jan. 821. i. 6. (11.) A Catalogue of variety of Books in quires, which will be sold in numbers, etc. E. Millington, over against the Black Sivan. 12 Jan. 821. i. 6. (12.) Mearne, Charles, Bookseller. French Books. W. Cooper, at the King's Arms, Charing Cross. 26 Jan. S.-C. 923. (1.) A Catalogue of the choicest, and most valuable Books of the Common and Statute Law hitherto published, etc. With preface. E. Milling- ton, over against the Black Swan. 14 Feb. 821. i. 6. (14.) Catalogus librorum Bibliothecse viri cujusdam literati, etc. With preface. W. Cooper, at the Pelican, Little- Britain. 14 Feb. S.-C. 1035. (18.) Mearne, Charles, Bookseller. English Books. With preface. E. Millingfon, Richard's Coffee-House, Fleet Street. 17 Feb. 821. i. 6. (16.) Mearne, Charles, Bookseller. Appendix to Catalogue of English Books. [E. Millington ?] Richard's Coffee-House, Fleet Street. 22 Feb. 821. i. 6. (16*.) Catalogus Librorum tam antiquorum quam recentium, etc. With preface. T. Bowman, at his Shop, High Street, Oxford. 28 Feb. 821. i. 7. (2.) 8 ■ 1G87- Coppixo, Jeremiah, of Sion College ; Beaumont, Anscel, of the Middle Temple. Libraries. At Jonathan's Coffee-House, Exchange Alley, Cornhill. 21 March. ^ S.-C. 1036. (6.) Bibliotlieca Selectissima,. diversorum librorum, etc. With preface. E. Millington, the Black Sivan, St. Paul's Churchyard. 18 April. S.-C. 1035. (22.) CovEXTRY, Sir William ; Coventry, Henry, Secretary of State to Charles II. Libraries. With preface. W. Cooper, at the late dtvelling-house of Mr. H. Coventry, Ilaymarhel. 9 Mav. S.-C. 923. (4, 5.) Catalogue of clioice Books in divinity, history, pliysick and poetry, etc. With preface. E. Millington, Richard's Coffee-House, Fleet Street. 9 May. "S.-C. 1035. (14.) Mayxard, John, Rev. Dr., of May field, Sussex. Library. E. Millington, Tom's Coffee-House, Pope' s-Head- Alley, Cornhill. 13 June. S.-C. 1033. (13.) Wray. Edward, of Barling, Lines. Library. With preface. Tf . Cooper, at the Pelican, Little Britain. 20 June. S.-C. 923. (18.) Bibliotheca-Latino-Anglica, viz., theologica, philologica, medica & philosophica . . . cui adjicitur collectio librorum ad legem com- munem Anglico spectantium. With preface. E. Millington, over against the Black Swan, Ave-Mary-Lane. 12 July. S.-C. 1035. (16.) A Catalogue of Latin, French and English Books, consisting of divinity, history, etc. At Wellington's Coffee-House, Threadneedle-Street. 17 Oct. ' S.-C. 922. (2.) Jacomb, Thomas, Rev. Dr. Library. With preface. With a few prices. E. Millington, at the sign of the Blade Sivan. St. Paul's Churchijard. 31 Oct. 821. i. 5. (4.) Cecil, William, 1st Baron Burleigh. Library. (Bibliotheca Illustris: sive Catalogus librorum . . . viri cujusdam prajnobilis ac honora- tissimi olim defuncti, etc.) With preface. Priced. T. Bentley & B. Walford, at the Bear. Ave-Mary-Lane. 21 Nov. 124. f. 17. & 821. i. 8. (1.) Sill, William, Rev. Dr. ; Callow, Cornelius, Dr. Libraries, With preface. E. Millington. the Black Sivan. St. Paul's Churchyard. 21 Nov. S.-C. 879. Catalosus Librorum ex variis Europae partibus advectorum. P. F. R. Scott, London. 821. i. 13. (4.) 1688. Massauve, Monsieur, Councillor of the Parliament at Montpellier. Library. With preface. Priced. E. Millington, the Black Swan, St. Paul's Churchyard. 1 Feb. 124. f. 20. & 821. i. 8. (2.) -1690 9 Scott. Robert, Boohseller, of London. Stock of Books. With preface. Priced. B. WalfonI, the Bear. Ave-Mary-Lane. 13 Feb. 821. i. 8. (3.) & 821. i. 13. (1.) Another issue with the preface in French. 821. i. 14. GuLSTON, AVilliam, Bishop of Bristol. Library. With preface. E. Millinqton. over aqainst the Black Sivan, Ave-Mary-Lane. 11 June. S.-C. 877. Davis, Richard, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Third Part.) With preface bv R. Davis. Priced. W. Cooper, at R. Davis' Warehouse, near St. Mary's Church, Oxford. 25 June. 821. i. 11. (3.) [Maitland, Jolm, Duke of Lauderdale.] Catalogus Librorum instruc- tissimae Bibliothecse nobilis cujusdam Scoto-Britanni, etc. With preface. B. Walford. the Bear, Ave Mary Lane. 30 Oct. 821. i. 2. (3.) 1689. Catalogus variorum, tarn recentium, quam antiquorum, rei medicse scriptorum insignium, etc. Sam's Coffee-House, Ave Mary Lane. 6 June. 821. i. 15. (32.) A Catalogue of vendible and useful English and Latin Books, etc. At the Three Half Moons, St. Paul's Churchyard. 12 Aug. 821. i. 15. (33.) A Catalogue of verv good English and Latin Books, etc. At the Three Half Moons, St. Paul's Churchyard. 9 Sept. S.-C. 1035. (4.) Maitland, John, Duke of Lauderdale. Remainder of Prints and Drawings. (Catalogus librorum instructissimse bibliothecae doctissimi cujusdam equitis, etc.) With preface. B. Walford, the Bear, Ave Mary Lane. 28 Oct. S.-C. 876. [Oliver, Elizabeth, Mrs., of Norwich.] A Catalogue of valuable Books, viz., in divinity, humanity, etc. With preface. E. Millington, at Mrs. Elizabeth Oliver's House, Norwich. 16 Dec. 821. i. 2. (4.) 1690. Fagel, Caspar ; Le Moyne, Stephen. Libraries. J. Bullord, at Sam's Coffee-House, Ave-Mary-Lane. 3 Feb. S.-C. 923. (19.) A Catalogue of variety of Books, Latin and English, etc. With preface. [Tf . Miller ?] The Star, at the West-End of St. Paul's Church. 13 March. 821. i. 15. (31.) Bibliotheca Locupletissima ex bibiiothecis duorum virorum doctis- simorum, quorum unus theologus alter medicus . . . conflata, etc. With preface. Priced. J. Bullord. Tom's Coffee-House. 2 April. 126. d. 2. (1.) 10 1690- Bibliotheca Selccta, sen, Catalogus Hbronim cujusdam generosi nuper defiincti, etc. At Rolls's Coffee-House, St. Paul's Churchyard. 7 April. S--C. 1035. (3.) Scott, Peter, Prebendary of Windsor. Library. With preface. Priced. John Bullord, at Sam's Coffee-House, Ave Mary Lane. 28 April. 124. e. 25. Maitland. John, Duhe of Lauderdale. Library. (French, Italian, Suamsh Books.) At Sam's Coffee-House, Ave-Mary-Lane. 14 May. ^ S.-C. 922. (3.) Maitland, John, Duke of Lauderdale. Library. (English part.) At Sam's Coffee-House, Ave-Mary-Lane. 27 May. S.-C. 1036. (17.) CataIo»us Librorum in omni facilitate insignium, etc. At Tom's Coffee- House. 9 Oct. 821. i. 15. (30.) Bibliotheca Generalis ex bibliothecis diiorum doctissimoruna theo- logorum et eximii cujusdam Medici, nuper defunctorum. composita, etc. J. Bullord, at Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 8 Dec. S.-C. 1035. (19.) 169L A Choice Collection of valuable Latin and English Books, etc. At the Guild Hall Coffee-House. 2 Jan. 821. i. 15. (36.) A Catalogue of excellent English Books, etc. J. Bullord,Will's Coffee- House, adjoining to the Court of Requests. 1 Feb. 821. i. 15. (26.) CuDWORTH, Ralph, D.D. Library. With preface. Priced. E. Mill- inqton. Roll's Coffee-House, St. Paul's Churchyard. 2 Feb. •^ ''■' S.-C. 875. Mill, Adiel, Bookseller. Catalogus variorum & insignium tarn antiquorum quam recentium Librorum in quavis lingua & facul- tate prae-ceteris excellentium, etc. With preface. B. Walford, attheSignof the Bear, Ave-Mary-Lane. 9 Feb. S.-C. 1035. (21.) A Curious Collection of Greek, Latin and English Books in all faculties, etc. J. Bullord, Town's Coffee-House, adjoining to Ludgate. 23 Feb. -^ 821. i. 9. (33.) A Catalogue of English and Latin Books, etc. With preface. William Miller, Roll's Coffee House. 16 March. S.-C. 923. (11.) Maitland, John, Duke of Lauderdale. Catalogus variorum Librorum in liuguis & facultatibus omnigenis insignium, sive bibliotheca instructissiraa doctissimi cujusdam generosi, etc. With preface. [J. Nicholson 'i.] Tom's Coffee-House. 26 March. 821. i. 9. (1.) A Catalogue of very good Latin, French, and English Books, etc. At Rolls's Coffee-House. 20 April. 821. i. 15. (24.) L\KE, John, Bishop of Chichester. Library. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee House. 21 April. 821. i. 9. (4.) -1691 11 A Catalogue of variety of English Books, both ancient and modern, etc. S. Ravcnshaiv, at the Corner of Birchin Lane, Cornhill. 7 May. 821. i. 9. (5.) A Catalogue of Latin and English Books, viz., divinity, historv, etc. J. BiiUord, Rolls s Coffee-House. 11 May. S.-C. 1035. (2.) A Catalogue of Books of two eminent mathematicians, etc. ./. Bullord, Rolls' s Coffee-House. 21 May. ■ 821. i. 9. (7.) A Catalogue of Latin and French Books, to be sold by auction ... to booksellers onlv, etc. At Clerk's Coffee House, Smithfield. 29 May. 821. i. 9. (8.) Mason, Philip, M.A. Librarv. At Ch. Hussey's House, the Flower- de-luce, Little Britain, [8 June.] ' S.-C. 1033. (6*.) A Catalogue of Latin, Greek, and English Books, etc. Daniel Blague, Guild Hall Coffee House. 15 June. 821. i. 9. (10.) A Catalogue of excellent English Books, in divinity, history, etc. At John's Coffee-House, Cheapside. 29 June. 821. i. 9. (11.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latine, and English Books in all faculties, etc. J. Bullord, Roll's Coffee-House. 13 July. 821. i. 9. (12.) A Catalogue of Books in folio, consisting of Fathers, Latin and English Commentaries on the Bible, etc. At Tom's Coffee-House. 31 July. 821. i. 9. (13.) A Catalogue of Latine, Greek and English Books, both antient and modern, etc. J. Shelton, Guild Hall Coffee-House. 17 Aug. 821. i. 9. (14.) Bromley, Tliomas. Librarv. At Tom's Coffee-House. 26 Aug. S.-C. 923. (8.) A Catalogue of Latin and English books in quires, etc. With a few prices. B. Walford, the Bear, Ave Mary Lane. 7 Sept. 821. i. 9. (16.) [A Catalogue of Books to be sold to booksellers only, etc.] At the Blew Anchor Inn, Little Britain. 28 Sept. 821. i. 9. (17.) A Catalogue of choice and valuable Books, etc. At Roll's Coffee House. 1 Oct. 821. i. 9. (18.) Blagrave, Obadiah, Bookseller. Stock of Books. J. Bullord, the Wool-Pack and Dolphin, Ivy Lane. 5 Oct. 821. i. 9. (20.) A Catalogue of Latine, Greek, and English Books, both antient and modern, etc. J. Shelton, Guild Hall Coffee-House. 6 Oct. 821. i. 9. (21.) A Catalogue of Divinity, History, Physick, Mathematical Books, etc., in Latin, French and English, etc. At Tom's Coffee-House. 7 Oct. S.-C. 1035. (17.) 12 , 10)91- Catalogus Libroruni modernorum & antiquorum selectissiinus, etc. With pi-ofaco. E. Millington, Roll's Cqffee-House. 12 Oct. 821. i. 9. (23.) A Catalogue of excellent Greeke, Latine and English Books, etc. J. Bullord, the Black Bear and Star, St. Paul's Churchyard. 13 Oct. 821. i. 9. (24.) Catalogus vtiriorum & insignium libroriim ex diversis Europae partibus advectoruin. To which is added an excellent catalogue of English Books, etc. With preface. B. Walford, Ave- Mary -Lane. 19 Oct. S.-C. 1035. (20.) Bibiiotheca Selectissima libroruin omnigenorum . . . quos magno sumptu . . . sibi procuravit Londinensis quidam Generosus [D. Lap- thorne?]. Witli preface. At the Black Lion, St. Paul's Churchyard. 9 Nov. S.-C. 1033. (1.) A Catalogue of ancient and modern Musick Books, both vocal and instrumental, etc. At Dewing's Coffee-House, Pope's Head Alley. 17 Dec. 821. i. 9. (27.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latine and English Books, both antient and modern, etc. J. Shelton, Guild Hall Coffee-House. 21 Dec. 821. i. 9. (28.) 1692. [A Catalogue of Books, bound and in quires, to be sold to booksellers onlv.] C. Hussey, Rolls's Coffee-House, St. Paul's Churchyard. 4 Jan. 821. i. 9. (29.) Maitland, John, Duke of Lauderdale. Manuscripts. (Bibiiotheca instructissima ex bibliothecis duorum doctissimorum theologorum . . . composita, etc.) J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoinina Ludgate. 15 Jan. " S.-C. 1036. (15.") Catalogus Librorum theologicorum, historicorum, etc. (First Part.) P. F. S. Ravenshaiv, Old Palace Yard, Westminster. 5 Feb. S.-C. 253. (3.) Bibiiotheca Selectissima : or, a catalogue of Books relating to divinity, law, etc. At the Gilded Acorn, St. Paul's Churchyard. 9 Feb. S.-C. 874. A Choice Collection of Greek, Latin, and English Books . . . will be sold to the booksellers of London, etc. J. Bullord. at the Woolpack arid Dolphin, Ivy-Lane. 17 Feb. 821. i. 9. (32.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latine and Englisli Books, both ancient and modern, etc. J. Shelton. Guild Hall Coffee-House. 29 Feb. 821. i. 9. (34.) A Catalogue of Books consisting of divinity, history : chiefly of physick. etc. C. Husseu, Rolls's Coffee-House. 7 March. S.-C. 1035. (13.) -1692 13 A Catalogue of Greek, Latine and English Books both antient and modern, etc. J. Shclton, Guild-Hall Cqffee-House. 4 April. S.-C. 1035. (5.) Davis, Eichard, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Fourth Part.) Pocock, Edward, Rev. Dr., Professor of Arabic at Oxford. Library. With preface by K. Davis. Priced. E. MiUington, near St. MicliaeVs Church, Oxford. 11 April. 821. i. 11. (4.) An Excellent Collection of Greek, Latin and English Books in all faculties, with most of the scarce and valuable Common law books of England. . . the Library of an eminent person deceased. /. Biillord, Tom's Coffee-House. 12 April. S.-C. 1035. (8.) Bibliotheca Ornatissima : or, a catalogue of excellent books ... as also of divers extraordinary and choice manuscripts, etc. With preface. N. Rolls, Will's {latelij Roll's) Coffee House, St. Paul's Churchyard. 18 April. 821. i. 5. (6.) A Catalogue of antient and modern English books, etc. With preface. E. MiUington, at the Toivn Hall, Abingdon. 9 May. -821. i. 2. (5.) Bibliotheca Lectissima : or, a catalogue of Greek, Latin and English Books, etc. With preface. N. Rolls, Will's {late Rolls's) Coffee- House. 30 May. 821. i. 15. (13.) A Catalogue of extraordinary Greek and Latin Books, published by Stephens, Aldus, etc. J. Bidlord, Tom's Coffee-House. 1 June. S.-C. 1033. (2.) A Catalogue of English Books, both ancient and modern, etc. J. Shelton, the Croivn Coffee-House, Threadneedle- Street. 6 June. 821. i. 15. (1.) Barham, Mr. Librarv. At the Black Lion, St. Paul's Churchyard. 7 [9] June. " S.-C. 1033. (3.) Bibliotheca Curiosa, or, a collection of Greek, Latin, and English books, etc. E. MiUington, Ives's Coffee-House, Ivy -Lane. 13 June. 821. i. 15. (12.) A Catalogue of Books to be sold by auction, etc. C. Hussey, the Black Lion, St. Paul's Churchyard. I'Aug. 821. i. 15. (39.) A Catalogue of Latin, French, and English Books, etc. At the Black Lion, St. Raid's Churchyard. 22 Aug. 821. i. 15. (8.) A Catalogue of Latine, Greek, and English books, etc. J. Shelton, Guild-Hall Coffee-House. 5 Sept. 821. i. 15. (9.) A Catalogue of Latin, French, and English Books, etc. At the Black Lion, St. Paul's Churchyard. 13 Sept. 821. i. 15. (7.) A Catalogue of Books to be sold by auction, etc. At Will's {lately Roll's) Coffee-House. 14 Oct. ' S.-C. 871. U 1692- A Catalogue of Latin, Greek, and English Books, etc. J. Shelton, Guild Hall Coffee-House. 2 Nov. • 821. i. 15. (6.) Catalogus librorum tarn antiquorum quam recentium in omni facilitate inaigniiim, etc. With a few prices. [John Hoivell ?] The Auction- House, near St. Mary's Church, Oxford. 9 Nov. 821. i. 2. (7.) lioYLv:, ,]ohn, of the Inner-Temple. Library. With preface. E. Milling - ion, Richard's Coffee-House, Fleet-Street. U Nov. S.-C. 1036. (10.) Appendix librorum, quorum auctio habenda est . . . 1692. [John Howell 1] The Auction-House near St. Mary's Church [Oxford]. 28 Nov. 821. i. 2. (8.) Catalogus insignium rarissimorumque in omni facilitate & lingua Librorum. etc. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. 29 Nov. S.-C. 1035. (1.) A Catalogue of Latin, Greek, and English Books, etc. ./. Shelton, Gtiild Hall Coffee-House. 12 Dec. 82L i. 15. (5.) 1693. Blewit, Matthew, Rev. Library. /. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 31 Jan. S.-C. 1036. (1.) A Catalogue of Latin, Greek, and English Books, both ancient and modern, on most subjects, etc. ./. Shelton, at Mr. John Martin's, Guild-Hall Coffee-House. 13 Feb. S.-C. 1035. (15.) Peade, Robert, Rev. Dr., of Horton, Bucks. Library. With preface. E. MillingtoH, Will's {once Roll's) Coffee-House, St. Paul's Church Yard. 20 Feb. S.-C. 1033. (12.) Catalogue des livres francois anciens & modernes, qui seroiit vendus par auction, etc. Exeter Exchange, Strand. 13 March. 821. i. 15. (2.) A Catalogue of valuable Books, viz. divinity, history, etc. J. Shelton, the Toioer Coffee-House, Tower Street. 20 March. 821. i. 15. (3.) Morgan, Silvanus. Librarv. At Town's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 5 April. ^ S.-C. 1033. (11.) A Catalogue of' Greek, Latine, and English Books, both ancient and moderm etc. J. Shelton, Guild-Hall Coffee-House. 26 April. S.-C. 882. (1.) Catalogue des livres francois, italiens & espagnols, qui seront vendus par auction, etc. Exeter Exchange. 15 May. S.-C. 914. A Collection of excellent English Books, consisting of divinity, history, philolou'v, etc. At Batsons Coffee-House, Cornhill. 23 May. S.-C. i035. (7.) Bibliotheca Insignis : or, a catalogue of excellent Greek, Latin and English books, etc. At Ralls's Auction-House. 12 June. S.-C. 1035. (9.) -1694 15 Cropper, John, Dr. Library. With preface. E. Millington, Will's {once Roll's) Coffee-House. 19 June. S.-C. 1036. (2.) A Catalogue of excellent English Books in divinity, history, etc. At Batson's Coffee-House, Corn-Hill. 27 June. S.-C. 908. Sparkes, Thomas, Rev. Dr. Library. At Tom's Coffee-House. 3 July. S.-C. 1036. (11.) DuNSTAN, John, of London. Library. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. 7 Sept. ' S.-C. 907. A Catalogue of valuable Books, viz., divinity, history, physick, etc. ./. Shelton, Guild-Hall Coffee House. 18 Oct. ' "S.-C. 554. Catalogue des livres frangois et italiens, qui seront vendus par auction, etc. J. Bullord, Exeter Exchange. 26 Oct. S.-C. 918. A Collection of modern English Books, consisting of divinity, poetry, moralitv, etc. At Batson's Coffee-House, Cornhill. 31 Oct. S.-C. 553. Meggot, Richard, Rev. Dr., Dean of Winchester. Library, With preface. Priced. E. Millington, Roll's Auction-House, Petty Canon Alletj. 6 Nov. S.-C. 1038. (1.) Catalogus variorum librorum in omnigena literatura . . . maxime insignium. With preface by Jacob Hooke. E. Millington, Rolle's Auction House, St. Paul's Churchyard. 20 Nov. S.-C. 917. Catalogue des nouveaux livres fran^ois, qui seront vendus par auction. Exeter-Exchange. 27 Nov. S.-C. 916. Reynolds, John, Rev. Librarv. ./. Shelton, Guild-Hall Coffee-House. 6 Dec. " S.-C. 882. (2.) 1694. Bibliotlieca lucnlenta, sive, Catalogus librorum in omni fere lingua . . . excellentium. E. Millington, Rolle's Auction-House, Petty Cannons Hall. 31 Jan. S.-C. 906. Grey, Thomas, Rev., of Dedham, Essex. Library. With preface. E. Millington, Rolls' s Auction-House. 8 Feb. S.-C. 923. (16.) Ashmole, Elias. Librarv. E. Millington, Rolls' s Auction-House. 22 Feb. " S.-C. 923. (9.) Bibliotlieca Selecta, a catalogue of Greek, Latin and English books, etc. E. Millington, Rolls's Auction- House. 8 March. S.-C. 905. A Choice Collection of Books in divinity, history, philosophy, etc. E. Millington, Rolls's Auction-House. 14 March. S.-C. 904. A Catalogue of English and Latin Books, in folio and quarto, etc. At Mr. Husseys, the Flower de Luce, Little Britain. 15 March. S.-C. 903. Palmer, Mr., of Bristol. Library. At Rolls's Auction -House. 5 April. S.-C. 1036. (4.) 16 169-t- Bibliotlieca Trilinguis : or, a catalogue of English, French and Italian Books in divinity, history, travel, etc. E. Millington, Batson's Coffee-Home, Cornhill. 2 "May. S.-C. 1035. (6.) Bennet, Rev. Dr., of Winwich, Lanes. Library. J. Bullonl, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgale. 18 May. 8.-C. 1036. (3.) Wright, Michael. Library, Prints, Antiquities, etc. J. Bullord, at Mr. Wright's House, James' Street, Covent Garden. 4 June. S.-C. 1036. (18.) An Excellent Collection of Books, consisting of Fathers, Historians . . . the Library of an eminent Serjeant at Law, lately deceased, etc. /. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. 2 July. S.-C' 902. A Catalogue of Latin and English Physick Books, etc. At Mr. Husseys House, the Flower de Luce, Little Britain. 30 July. S.-C. 910. A Catalogue of choice and valuable Books in Greek, Latin and English. Guild-Hail Coffee-House. 20 Aug. S.-C. 909. Catalogue of ancient and modern Books, especially of the writings of the most eminent divines of our own nation, etc. At Knowl's Coffee- House, SouthwarJc. 24 Sept. S.-C. 901. A Catalogue of Latin and French Books, etc. At Mr. Husseys House, the Flower de Luce, Little Britain. 1 Oct. S.-C. 900. Starkey, John. Library. At the Sign of the Crown, Little-Britain. 11 Oct. S.-C. 923. (7.) A Catalogue of excellent Books, in Greek, Latin and English, etc. At Tom's Coffee-House. 15 Oct. ^ S.-C. 915. Brittox, Thomas, Smallcoal-Man. Library. With a few prices. J. Bullord, Tom''s Coffee-House. 1 Nov. 821. i. 7. (5.) Catalogue des nouveaux livres fran(;ois, qui seront vendus par auction, etc. Exeter-Exchange. 14 Nov. S.-C. 555. Wilkinson, Henry, Principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. Library. E. Millington, Rolls'.? Auction-House. 15 Nov. S.-C. 923. (10.) CoGA, Nathaniel, Rev., D.D. Library. With preface. E. Millington, at the Falcon Inn, Petty-Cury, Cambridge. 27 Nov. S.-C. 1033. (9.) A Catalogue of choice Latin and English Books, on most subjects, etc. At the Sign of the Crown, Little Britain. 28 Nov. S.-C. 556. A Catalogue of Greek, Latin and English Books, both antient and modern, etc. At Mr. Sanders, at Carlisle Coffee-House, King-Street. 28 Nov. S.-C. 911. Bibliotheca Excellentissima : composed of the Libraries of two persons of great quality, etc. With preface. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. 6 Dec. S.-C. 920. (1.) -1695 17 Bibliotlieca Instructissima : or, a catalogue of Grreek, Latin and English books in all faculties, etc. At Rolls's Auction- House. 13 Dec. S.-C. 1033. (10.) 1695. A Catalogue of Latin and English books, etc. At Mr. Huaseys House, the Flower de Luce, Little Britain. 2 Jan. S.-C. 922. (12.) Catalogus variorum librorum, theologicorum, philologicorum, histori- corum, etc. E. Millington, Rolls's Auction- House, Petty Canon Alley. 21 Jan. S.-C. 1035. (11.) Belwood, Roger, of the Middle-Temple. Library. J. Bullard [sic], Temple-Exchange, Fleet Street. 4 Feb. S.-C. 1033. (7.) Collectio multifaria diversorum librorum plurimis facultatibus maxime insignium. etc. E. Millington, Rolls's Auction- House. 6 Feb. S.-C. 897. ScARBURGH, Sir Charles, M.D. Library. With preface. P. F. G. Bateman, the Bible and Cro^vn, Holhorn. 8 Feb. S.-C. 253. (13.) Harrington, James, of Lincoln' s-Lnn. Library. J. Nicliolson, at Mrs. Child's Coffee-House, near Ludg ate- Street. 13 Feb. S.-C. 1033. (4*.) ScARBURGH, Sir Charles, M.D. Library. (Mathematical and Physical Parts.) C. Bateman, the Bible and Crown, Holborn. 18 Feb. S.-C. 1033. (5.) BibliothecaeNobilissimae : sive, Collectio multifaria diversorum librorum . . . Pars prior, etc. With preface. E. Millington, Roll's Auction- House. 21 Feb. S.-C. 922. (6.) A Catalogue of Books in Latin and Eno'lish, etc. At Temple-Change, Fleet Street. 25 Feb. " 821. i. 15. (35.) Catalogue de livres latins, fran^ois, anglois & italiens, etc. [P. Varenne ?] Exeter-Exchange. 12 March. S.-C. 899. TiLLOTSON, John, Archbishop of Canterbury ; Bungle, Seth Mountley. Libraries. P. F. At C. Bateman s Shop, the Bible and Crown, Holborn. 9 April. S.-C. 253. (12.) Littleton, Adam, D.D. Library. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 15 April. S.-C. 1033. (4.) TiLLOTSON, John, Archbishop of Canterbury. Library. [John Nichol- son ?] at Mrs. Bourn's Coffee-House, near Guild-hall. 23 April. S.-C. 922. (13.) ScoTT, John, Rev. Dr., of London. Library. (Bibliotlieca Nobilissimse : sive collectio multifaria diversorum librorum . . . Pars posterior, etc.) Priced. E. Millington, Roll's Auction House. 23 May. S.-C. 1038. (2.) c 18 1695- Belts, John, Fellow of the College of P/njsicicms ; Fairfax, Nathaniel. Dr. Libraries. At the Guild Hall Coffee-House. 3 June. 821. i. 15. (37.) A Curious Collection of Books in divinity, history, and philology, etc. J. BulUml Toms Coffee-House. 11 June. S.-C. 898. Bibliothecae Nobilissimae. Pars tertia & ultima, etc. With preface. With a few prices. E. Millimjton, at the Auction-House in St. Bartholomew Close. 20 June. S.-C. 922. (6**.) Bibliotheca Exiniia : the library of a learned person of quality, etc. P. F. F. Mills and W. Turner, the Rose and Crown, without Temple Bar. 22 Aug. S.-C. 253. (11.) Partridge, James. Library. At the Naked Boy, the Corner-Shof of Pater-Noster-Roio and Warwick Lane. 25 Nov. S.-C. 923. (14*.) Trexchard, Sir John. Librarv. [John Nicholson ?] At Mr. Board's Coffee-House, Ave Mary Lane. 25 Nov. S.-C. 923. (13.) Stawel, John, Baron Stawel of Somerton. Library. (First Part.) J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. 3 Dec. 'S.-C. 1036. (13.) Puller, Timothy, Rev. Dr., of London. Library. Priced. E. Mil- lington, Rolls's Auction-House. 10 Dec. S.-C. 1038. (3.) Partridge, James. Appendix to Library, At the Naked Boy. Pater- Noster-Row. 16 Dec. S.-C. 923. (15.) Miller, William, Bookseller. Collection of Papers and Pamphlets. P. F. At the Acorn, St. Paul's Churchyard. [1695?] 620. a. 1. Tullie, George, Rev. Dr., of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Library, P. F. J. Atkinson, near Staples-Lnn, Holborn. Thursday, 21st instant. [1695.] ■^S,-C. 1036, (5.) 1696. Stawel, John, Baron Stawel of Soinerton. Library, (Second Part.) J. Bullord, at Mr. Knyff's House, over against the Painted Chamber, adjoining to the Court of Requests. 4 Feb, S,-C. 1036. (14.) LiTTLEBURY, Robert, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (First Part.) With preface. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 30 March. S.-C. 923. (20,) A Catalogue of English Books, viz., divinity, history, etc. J. Bullord, Dewing's {late Tom's) Coffee House, Pope's Head Alley. 9 April. 821. i. 9, (2.) AsHWELL, George, Rev. (Catalogus librorum tam antiquorum quam recentium, etc) Library. With preface. John Howell, the Auction- House, near St. Michael's Church, Oxford. 5 May. 821. i. 2. (9.) LiTTLEBURY, Robert, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Second Part.) With preface. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee House, adjoining Ludgate. 11 May. S.-C. 923. (20*.) -1697 19 Grah[a]me, Eichard, 1st Viscount Preston. Library. With preface. E. Millinqton, Rulls's Auction-House, Petty Canon Alley. 9 Nov. S.-C. 896. A Catalogue of English Books in divinity, history, geography, etc. Thomas Axe, Exchange Coffee-House, Threadneedle Street. 3 Dec. S.-C. 895. Norton, Rev. Mr. Library. E. Millington, Rolls's Auction House. 4 Dec. ' S.-C. 912. Miller, William, Bookseller. Stock of Books and Pamphlets. In Westminster Hall. Thursday, the 20th. [1696 ?] S.-C. 923. (12.) 1697. Bassett, William. Rector of St. Swithin's, London. Library. E. Millington, Rolls's Auction- House, Petty Cannon Alley. 4 Feb. S.-C. 894. A Catalogue of Books in divinity, history . . . &c., together with a collection of Prints and Drawings, etc. John Kinsey, at the Court of Requests [corrected to Wards], over against the Lobby of the House of Commons. 8 Feb. S.-C. 893. LiTTLEBURY, Robert, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Third Part.) J. Bullord, To)as Coffee House, adjoining Ludgate. 15 Feb. S.-C. 873. LiTTiiEBURY, Robert, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Fourth Part.) J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. 15 March. S.-C. 872. Annesley, Samuel, Rev., LL.D. Library. With preface. E. Mill- ington, Rolls's Auction-House. 18 March. S.-C. 881. (1.) HoRNECK, Anthony, D.D. Library. [Daniel Browne,] At the Sign of the Turk's Head, ivithout Temple Bar. 15 April. S.-C. 892. Grove, Robert, Bishop of Chichester. Library. J. Bullord, Town's Coffee-House. 27 April. S.-C. 891. B[r]ereton, William, 3rd Baron Brereton of Leighlin. Library, and Collection of Prints. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. 8 June. S.-C. 890. A Catalogue of Latin and English Books, both antient and modern, etc. At Walsal's Coffee-House, Bartholomew Lane. 12 July. S.-C. 913. ScATTERGOOD, Authouy, Rcv. Dr. Library. [J. Hartley and G. Huddleston,] At J. Hartley's, over against Gray's Inn. 26 July. S.-C. 889. The Library of a late eminent Sergeant of the Law, etc. P. F. J. Hartley, over against Gray's Inn, Holborn. 30 Aug. S.-C. 888. c 2 20 1697- A Catalogue of English, Greek, and Latin Books, both antient and modern, etc. Thomas Axe, Frank's Coffee-House, Thrcadneedle Street. 13 Oct. 824. e. 58. Bernard, Edward, Sacile Professor of Astronomy at Oxford. Library. With preface. E. Millington, by the Northgate, Oxford. 25 Oct. S.-C. 887. Hardixg, Micliael, Bev. Dr. Library. With a few prices. E. Millington, by the North-Gate, Oxford. 8 Nov. 821. i. 2. (11.) Bibliotheca Curiosa, or, A Choice Collection of Books . . . being lately the Library of an Eminent Mercliant (deceased) in the City of London, etc. At Rolls's Auetion-House. 15 Nov. S.-C. 946. (4.) Wallop, Eichard. Library. P. F. D. Brown, at Howsons Coffee- House, Devereux-Court. 22 Nov. S.-C. 946. (9.) Graham, Eichard, 1st Viscount Preston. Library. (Second Part.) At Abel Swall's, at the Unicorn in Pater-Noster Row. 24 Nov. S.-C. 946. (1.) LiTTLEBURY, Robert, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Fifth and Last Part.) J. Bullord, Tom's Coffec-House. 29 Nov. S.-C. 946. (5.) RuGELEY, Dr. Library. Partly priced. ./. Bullord, at Dr. Rugeley's late Dwelling House, near Southampton House, Bloomsbury. Tuesday the 19th. [1697 ?] S.-C. 886. Rug E LEY, Dr. Appendix to Librarv. John Bullord, at Dr. Rugely's DweUing-HouseS Tuesday the 19th. [1697 I] S.-C. 881. (2.) 1698. Hodgson, Mr., Schoolmaster. Librarv. P. F. .7. Nicholson, at the Kings Arms, Little Britain. 29 April. S.-C. 922. (9.) Shaw, Rev. Mr., of Hornchurch, Essex. Library. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 4 May. S.-C. 924. (13.) KxATCHBULL, Sir Norton, Bart. Librarv. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee- House. 22 June. ' S.-C. 946. (9.) Levixz, William, M.D., President of S. John's College, Oxford. Library. With preface. E. Millington, at the Auction-House, near North Gate, Oxford. 29 June. S.-C. 946. (6.) Berxard, Francis, Fellow of the College of Phgsicians. Library. (Three Parts.) With preface. Priced. [T. Hargrave ?] At the Doctor's dwelling-house. Little Britain. 4 Oct. 271. c. 2. & 820. c. 3. 1699. Lloyd, John, Bishop of St. David's. Library. J. Bullord, Tom's Ctffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 6 Feb. "^ S.-C. 250. (5.) -1699 21 Skinner, Mr. ; Hampden, Mr. Libraries. (Pars Secunda sive nobilissim. Pars Quarta & Ultima.) Witli preface. Priced. E. Millinqton, Temple Change Coffee-House, Fleet Street. 13 Feb. S.-C. 890. Payne William, Rev. Dr. Library. J. Bullord. Totns Coffee-House. 21 Feb. S.-C. 924. (12.) Anderton, William, Printer. Library. J. Bullord, at the Auction House, over against St. Michael's Church, Oxford. 1 March. 821. i. 2. (12.) [OxLAD, Jolin, Bookseller.] Catalogus variorum libronim anti quorum & recentiorum, etc. B. Shirlerj, at the Auction-House, over against St. MichaeVs Church, Oxford. 15 March. 821. i. 2. (13.) Du Prat, Mr. Library. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. 2 May. S.-C. 299. Bibliotheca Graeco-Latina, cujusdam viri illustris, etc. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. 23 May. S.-C. 250. (3.) Balfour, James, of Kinnaird ; Balfour, Andrew, M.D. Libraries. [.4. Simpson ?] High Street, Edinhurgh. 12 June. S.-C. 73. (3.) Jones, J., of Worcester. Stock of Books. With preface. E. Mill- inqton, at Mr. Jones' House, High-Street, Worcester. 17 Aug. S.-C. 946. (8.) A Catalogue of Autient and Modern Books, Greek, Latin, Italian, etc. P. F. S. Buckley, at the Dolphin, St. Paul's Churchyard. 14 Nov. S.-C. 924. (1.) Beaulieu, Jean de, Bookseller. Stock of Books. P. F. Opposite St. Martin in the Fields' Church. [1699 ?] S.-C. 270. (2.) Cook, Henry, Painter. Library. /. Bullord, at Mr. Cook's late D'welling-House in Bloomslnmi Square. Monday the 30th. [1699 ?] S.-C. 269. (2.) Hough. Ealph. Library. ./. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. Tuesday the 16th. [1699 ?] ' S.-C. 250. (1.) A Catalogue of Greek. Latin, and English Books, etc. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee House. Tuesday the 9th. [1699 ?] S.-C. 924. (8.) A Collection of Philological . . . Books . . . lately brought from France and Italy, etc. •/. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. Wednesday the 13th. [1699 ?] ^ S.-C. 251. (1*.) A Catalogue of valuable and choice Books, etc. P. F. At Howson's Coffee-House, Devereux Court, ivithout Temple-Bar. Monday the 17th. [1699 ?] 820. c. 1. (2.) An Appendix to the late Collection of Books brought from France and Italy : being a Collection of Greek, Latin, and Italian Books, etc. /. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House. Wednesday the 27th. [1699 ?] S.-C. 251. (1.) 22 1700- 1700. Catalogus libris exqiiisitissimis rarissimisquo oinniuin iiuthorum tain antif|aorum quam recentiura . . . instnictissiinus. ./. Bullard, in Schola Moralis P/nlosophue, Oxon. 20 June. S.-C. 269. (4.) Catalogue of antient and modern books, in Greek, Latin, Italian, etc. P. F. S. Buckley, at the Dolphin, St. Paul's Churchyard. 13 Nov. [1728 ?] 820. c. 1. (1.) Creech, Thomas, Fellow of All Souls Colleije, Oxford. Library. [B. Shirley ?J At Mrs. Weaver's House, Holijivetl, Oxford. 20 Nov."^ S.-C. 435. (2.) A Catalogue of the Library of an eminent person, deceased, etc. Francis Hubhart, Temple Coffee-House, Fleet-Street. 12 Dec. S.-C. 922*. (15.) Henley, Sir Andrew, Bart. Library. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. Monday the 12th. S.-C. 250. (4.) The Library of a reverend divine lately deceased, etc. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee House. Monday the 25th. [1700 ?] S.-C. 268. (2*.) A Catalogue of the Library of a person of honour . . . with near 1,000 choice MSS., etc. P. F. C. Bateman, at the Bible & Crown, Pater- Noster-Ro^v. [1700 ?] S.-C. 921. (2.) 1701. Hopkins, William, Prebendary of Worcester Cathedral. Library. [J. Bullord,] At the School of Dancing, near Ncnihgate, Oxford. 10 Feb. S.-C. 454. (2.) Sterry, Dr. Librarv. P. F. William Turner, at the Angel, Lincoln' s- Inn Back-Gate. 13 March. S.-C. 240. A Collection of the best ancient and modern authors in Philology, History, Antiquities, etc. J. Bullord, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 28 April. S.-C. 268. (3.) The Library of a person of quality lately deceased, etc. J. Bidlord. 21 May.' ' " S.-C. 269. (3.) Yi-sc-EST, C]\ar\es, of the Middle Temple. Library. (Appendix.) E.Mil- lington, Temple-Change Coffee-House. 2 June'. S.-C. 272. (3, 4.) Qi.AV.Kv:,'}>.,ofWyccombc, Bucks. Library. With preface. E. Milling- ton, at the Town-Hall, Wyccombc, Bucks\ 10 June. S.-C. 922*. (4.) The Library of a person of quality lately deceased. Part IL, etc. J. Bullord. 28 July. ' S.-C. 258. (1.) Wit, John de ; Huygens, Constantin ; Spanheim, Frederick. Books from Libraries. *S'. Buckley, at the Dolphin, Little Britain. 31 Dec. S.-C. 3.31. (9.) -1704 23 1702. Huntington, Robert, Bishop of Raphoe. Library. E. Millington, Temple Change Coffee House, Fleet Street. 27 Jan. S.-C. 330. (10.) Wit, John de ; Huygens, Constantin ; Spanheim, Frederick. Books from Libraries. Priced. At Exeter Exchange. 25 Feb. 821. g. 3. (1.) Owen, John, Bookseller. Collection of Books. J. Bullord, the Ram, Cambridge. 17 Nov. [1702 ?] S.-C. 300. Woodward, Robert, Bean of Salisbury. Library. Priced. E. Mil- lington, Exeter-Exchange. 30 Nov. " S.-C. 922". (5.) 1703. A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian and French books, collected chiefly from several libraries that have been sold by auction in divers parts beyond sea, viz. Alb. Rentes, Dav. Knibbe, Gasp. Kingius. Partly priced. P. Varenne, Exeter-Excliange. 9 Feb. 821. g. 3. (2.) Hodges, William, Rector of St. Sicithins, London. Library. [Z). Brown & R. Smith,] Exeter-Exchange. 23 Feb. [1703.] S.-C. 274. (1.) Sidle Y. Sir Charles, Bart. Library. Partly priced. [J. Bagfordi] At Tom's Coffee-House. 23 March. S.-C. 389. (1.) HoOKE, Robert, Professor of Mathematics. Library. (Appendix.) Priced. With preface bv R. Smith. E. Millington, Exeter-Exchange. 29 April. " S.-C. 389. (2 & 3.) Bibliotheca Selectissima, sive, Catalogus variorum librorum, in arte medica . . . prse Cfeteris excellentium : quos . . . medicus Anglian sibi procuravit. E. Millington, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 31 May. S.-C. 117. (11.) A Catalogue of Books, Greek, Latin, English, etc. With preface. J. Hooke Bibliotheca Legalis : being a catalogue of books, containing a col- lection of the most scaTCe and valuable autliors in the Statute and Common Law, etc. E. Curll, Temple Coffee-House, Devereux Court. 31 Jan. S.-C. 256. (7.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian, and French Books, etc. [J. Levi I] Tom's Coffee-House. 4 Feb. S.-C. 922. (1.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian and French Books, in which there is many of the classick authors, etc. P. Varenne, the Hen & Chickens, Strand. 18 Feb. S.-C. 256. (6.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian and French Books, etc. D. Mortier, the Hen cfc Chickens, Strand. 11 March. 821. g. 3. (5.) Umfeville, Rev. Dr., Lecturer of St. Andrews, Holhourn. Library. T. Ballard, Tom's Coffee-House. 24 June. 821. g. 3. (6.) A Catalogue of Books, consisting of a curious collection of the most eminent English authors, etc. E. Curll the Marine Coffee-House, BircMn Lane, Cornhill. 24 Oct. [1706 ?] 821. g. 3. (8.) Bayley, Thomas, President of St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford ; Parkhurst, Henry, Felloiv of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Libraries. [B. Shirley ?] At Mrs. Humphreys's, West End of St. Mary's Church, Oxford. 29 Oct. 821. g. 3. (7.) ScAMLER, John, Rev. Library. T. Ballard. 18 Nov. S.-C. 384. (1.) Bennet, Thomas. Bookseller. Part of Stock of Books. T. Ballard. 2 Dec. S.-C. 388. (3.) 1707. A Catalogue of choice and valuable Books, in Greek, Latin, English, etc. T. Ballard, Griqsley's Coffee-House, Thread-needle-Street. 19 Jan. 820. c. 4. (1.) Catalogue of a curious collection of valuable Books in Greek, Latm, French, and Italian, etc. D. Mortier, Tom's Coffee-House, adjoining Ludgate. 29 Jan. S.-C. 388. (2.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian . . . Books, collected chiefly from several Libraries bevond sea, etc. P. Varenne, Powell's Coffee-House Strand. 10 Feb. "^ S.-C. 384. (4.) A Catalogue of Books : being the librarv of a gentleman late of the Templet etc. R. Smith, Oxford Coffee-House, without Temple Bar. 25 Feb. S.-C. 384. (2.) Bibliotheca Inclvta : or, a catalogue of very valuable Greek, Latin, English, etc., 'books, etc. [W. Hawes ^ At the Black-Boy, Ave- Mary-Lane. 3 March. S.-C. 384. (3.) Bibliotheca Selecta, sive, Catalogus librorum in diversis Unguis, etc. T. Ballard, St. Paul's Coffee-House. 26 March. S.-C. 376. (3.) 26 1707- HvssEY, QlmatoiAn-n-. Boohseller. Stock of Books. (First Part.) With' preface by J. Hooke. T. Ballard, Tom's Coffee-House. 6 Oct. S.-C. 371. (1.) Plucknett, Leonard ; Everari:), Sir Hugh, Bart. liibraries. [R. Smith ?J At Exeter-Exchange, Strand. 20 Oct. S.-C. 254. (2.) Ketleby, Walter, Bookseller. Stock of Books. At the Black Boy Coffee-House, Ave-Mary-Lane. 30 Oct. S.-C. 254. (1.) Shrewsbury, William, Bookseller. Part of Stock of Books. AVitli preface by J. Hooke. T. Ballard, Tom's Coffee-House. 19 Nov. S.-C. 371. (2.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian . . . Books, collected from several libraries bevond sea, etc. P. Varenne, Exeter-Exchange. 24 Nov. S'.-C. 255. (1.) Ford, Richard. Library. With preface by J. Hooke. T. Ballard, Blue-Coal Coff'ee-House, Sivithin's Alley, io Dec. S.-C. 371. (3.) SiBBALD. *StV Robert, 3i".Z>. Library. (First Part.) P. F. At Andrew Symson's, Edinburgh. S.-C. 296. (2.) Bibliotheca Selecta ; o]', a catalogue of books, containing a selection of the most valuable authors, etc. E. Curll. the Marine-Coffee-House, BirchinLane,Cornhill. Tuesday the 26th. [1707.] S.-C. 388. (4.) 1708. Gaylard, Joseph, M.D. Library. T. Ballard, the Black-Boy Coffee- House, Ave Mary Lane. 28 Jan. S.-C. 371. (5.) A Catalogue of Latin, Italian, Spanish and French Books, collected chiefly from beyond sea, etc. D. Mortier, Tom's Coffee-House. 4 Feb. ^ S.-C. 255. (4.) Bibliotheca Triplex : or, a catalogue of the libraries of three eminent and learned gentlemen deceas'd, etc. With preface by J. Hooke. T. Ballard. 19 Feb. S.-C. 371. (4.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian . . . Books, collected chiefly from several Libraries beyond sea, etc. P. Varenne, at the sign of Seneca's Head, nr. Somerset-House. 8 March. S.-C. 255. (2.) Ray, John, F.R.S. Library. T. Ballard. 11 March. S.-C. 326. (6.) A Curious Collection of Books in several languages and faculties, etc. [P. Varenne ?] At the Temple Change, Fleet Street. 15 March. S.-C. 255. (3.) WiLLOUGHBY, Dr. Library. J. Shelton, at Mr. Richard Southby's, Christian Coffee-House, St. John's Street. 18 Oct. S.-C. 326. (12.) GooDALL, George, Rector of Padworth, Berks. Library. F. Hubbart the Black-Boy Coffee House. 29 Nov. ' S.-C. 279. (1. ) -1710 27 A C'atalogue of excellent Books, being the library of a gentleman late of tlie Temple, etc. [Edward Young ?] Exeter-Change, Strand. 29 Nov. S.-C. 281. (4.). 1709. A Catalogue of Books in Greek, Latin, Italian, French and English, etc. E. Curll, Exeter-Exchange. 6 Jan. S.-C. 279. (2.) Cars WELL, Francis, Rev., of Bray, Berks. Library. T. Ballard, the Blach-Boij Coffee-House, Ave Mary Lane. 9 Jan." S.-C. 252. (2.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian, and French Books in divinity, history, travels'; etc. J. Levy, Tom's Coffee House, St. Martin's Lane. 26 Jan. " S.-C. 279. (3.) Spademan, John, M.A. Library. With preface by J. Hooke. T.Ballard 21 Feb. S.-C. 279. (4.) A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian, French and English Books, etc. P. Varenne, at the Sign of Seneca's Head, near Somerset-House. 4 April. S.-C. 281. (5.) Palmer, Joshua, M.D. Library. T. Ballard, Blue-Coat Coffee-House, Sweetings Alley, nr. Royal Exchange. 11 April. S.-C. 280. (1.) A Catalogue of the Library of an eminent counsellor, etc. At the Temple Change Coffee-House, Fleet Street. 1 June. T. 1812. (15.) Pierce, Thomas, Rev. Dr. ; Pierce, Eobert, Rev. Libraries. [Benjamin Sherley ?] At Cary Price's, in Cat-Street, Oxford. 22 June. S.-C. 258. (2.) A Catalogue of choice Latin and English books, etc. John Reade & John Wilcox, Blue Coat Coffee House. 6 Oct. S.-C. 804. (1.) Pau. Lewis, M.D. Library. T. Ballard, at the Rising-Sun, Little Britain. 10 Oct. ' S.-C. 391. (10.) Eavenscropt, Thomas. Librarv. T. Ballard, the Black-Boy Coffee- House. 7 Nov. " S.-C. 258. (5.) Bibliotheca Curiosissima : or, a catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian . . . books in all faculties, etc. James Levi. 23 Nov. [1709 ?] S.-C. 246. (7.) King, Sir Edmund, M.D. ; S[pelman], Sir Henry. Libraries. Sold for J. Harding. Temple Change, Fleet-Street. 28 Nov. S.-C. 281. (1.), 1710. Basire, Isaac, D.D. ; Lane, Thomas, LL.D. Libraries. T. Ballard, the Black-Boy Coffee-House, Ave-Mary-Lane. 5 Feb. S.-C. 278. (3.) WiCH, Sir Cyrill. Library. With preface. E. Curll, Exeter-Change, Strand. 20 [Feb.]. S.-C. 278. (1.) •28 171U- A Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French and English Books, collected chiefly from several libraries beyond sea, etc. P. Varenne, Exeter-Exchange. 16 March. S.-C. 281. (2.) Betterton, Thomas, Comedian. Books, Prints, Drawings, etc. [J. Ilooke ?] At Mr. Beiterton's late lodgings, Russel- Street, Covent- Garden. 24 Aug. S.-C. 246. (9.) Bibliotheca Coleberrima : or, a catalogue of the library of a late learned country-gentleman, etc. With preface by J. Hooke. E. Curie, Blue- Coat Coffee House, Sweetings Alley. 10 Oct. S.-C. 246. (8.) Barrow. Isaac, Rev. ; Atkinson, Gilbert. ^.Z). Libraries. T. Ballard. 31 Oct. S.-C. 376. (5.) Goodwin, Thomas. Library. (First Part.) T. Ballard. 27 Nov. S.-C. 377. (3.) Bibliotheca Curiosa : or, a Catalogue of excellent Greek, Latin . . . Books . . . lately brought from beyond sea, etc. J. Levi, Exeter-Exchanqe. 13 Dec. " S.-C. 432. ('2.) Spelman, Sir Henrv. Library. (Second Part.) E. Curll, Temple- Change Coffee-House, Fleet-Street. Thursday the 26th. [1710 ?] S.-C. 281. (3.) & S.-C. 278. (2.) Catalogus variorum & insignium, tam antiquorum quam recentium librorum ... ex variis Europae partibus advectorum. P. F. At C. Bateman's, Pater-Noster Row. [1710 ?] S.-C. 319. (13.) 1711. Brown, Sir Thomas ; Brown, Edward, President of the College of Physicians. Libraries. T. Ballard, the Blach-hoy Coffee-House, Ave- Mary-Lane. 8 Jan. S.-C. 354. CoTTERELL, Sir Charlcs. Library. E. Curll. Exeter-Exchange, Strand. 8 Jan. S.-C. 319. (6.) [Spanheim, Ezechiel, Baron Spanheim.'] Bibliotheca Selecta : or, a catalogue of books collected by an eminent and learned gentleman for his own private use, etc. J. Levi, at the late Baron Spanheim' s House, St. James' s-Square. [1 Feb.] S.-C. 252. (4.) Sharrock, Robert, Prebendary of Winchester ; Sharkock, Robert, Esq. Libraries. N. Cox, Exeter-Exchange. 26 Feb. [1711 ?] S.-C. 326. (8.) Bibliotheca Selectissima : or, a catalogue of books in Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish and French, etc. T. Ballard. 26 Feb. S.-C. 376. (].) [Spanheim, Ezechiel, Baron Spanheim. Bibliotheca Selecta, etc. (Second Part.) Tom's Coffee-House, St. Martin's Lane. 9 March. S.-C. 252. (4*.) -1714 29 Thompson, Sir John, 1st Baron Haversham. Part of Library. P. F. At the Boufflers-Head Tavern, Charing-Cross. 13 March. S.-C. 252. (5.) Catalogue of Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish . . . Books, collected chiefly from several Libraries beyond sea, etc. P. Varenne, Exeter-Exchange. U March. S.-C. 246. (10.) Bernard, Charles, Surgeon. Library. With preface by C. Bateman. Priced. T. Ballard. 22 March. ' 125. b. 32. & 126. a. 8. Ferguson, Robert, Rev. ; Motte, Benjamin. Libraries. Francis Huhhert, Black-Boy Coffec-House, Ave-Mary-Lane. 14 May. S.-a 258. (4.) 1712. HoBBES, Thomas, M.D. Part of Library. P. F. At the Rose-Tavern, without Temple Bar. 3 April. ' S.-C. 330. (6.) A Catalogue of Books, antient and modern, etc. At Mr. Oshelt's, Shandois Street, near St. Martins Church. 24 Nov. S.-C. 301. (4.) 1713. A Catalogue of Books, etc. In the second story of the second house in the Bishop's Close. 25 Jan. S.-C. 922. (10.) Mainwaring, Arthur. Library. P. F. At D. Brown s Warehouse, Exeter-Exchange, Strand. 4 Feb. S.-C. 258. (3.) Sheeres, Sir Henrv. Librarv. P. F. Exeter-Exchange. 17 June. S.-C. 239. Wharton, Sir George. Librarv. P. F. At the Black-Swan, without Temple-Bar. 20 Oct. ^ S.-C. 331. (5.) Ayres, Pliilip. Library. P. F. At the Bear-Tavern, near the New Exchange, Strand. 10 Nov. S.-C. 331. (6.) Salmon, William, M.D. Librarv. (First Part.) With preface. T. Ballard, St. Paul's Coffee-House. 16 Nov. S.-C. 326. (7.) The Student's Library : or, a choice collection of books, etc. P. F. With a few MS. additions interleaved. E. Curll, Fleet-Street ; T. Harrison, Cornhill ; Steph. Fletcher, Oxford. 820. f. 21. 1714. Bigge, Dr., of High-Wickham. Library. For John Harding, at the Duke of Marlborough's Head, Fleet-Street. 9 March. S.-C. 385. (4.) Rymer. Thomas, Historiographer Royal. Library. P. F. At Exeter- Exchange, Strand. 10 March. S.-C. 301. (1.) Salmon, William, M.D. Library. (Second Part.) T. Ballard, St. Paul's Coffee-House. 10 March. " S.-C. 326. (7*.) 30 1714- Mandky, Venterus, Philomath. Library. P. F. At the Rose Tavern, ivithml Temple Bar. 15 March. " S.-C. 301. (2.) Loy DOS, Gi'An-fre, Chief Gardener to Queen Anne. Library. P. F. At Exeter Exchange. 22 March. S.-C. 301. (3.) Harold, Mr., Physician to King Williarn III. Library. P, F. At the Bear Tavern, Strand. 7 April. S.-C. 252. (1.) Ker, John, M.D. Library. F. Gyles, King's-Head Tavern, over against Gray' s-Inn, Holborn. 19 April. S.-C. 330. (11.) Gedder, Michael, Rev. Dr. Library. P. F. At Exeter Exchange. 10 May. ' S.-C. 319. (l'6.) A Catalogue of valuable and choice books in English, Latin, Greek, etc. P. F. At Exeter Exchange. 1 July. S.-C. 246. (2.) Greenwood, Nathaniel, Rector of Cottingham, Northants. Library. P. F. At D. Browne's Warehouse, Exeter Exchange. 30 Aug. S.-C. 5''35. (7.) Tyrril, Thomas, of the Temple. Library. P. F. At the Palsgrave- Head Coffee-House, without Temple-Bar. 11 Nov. S.-C. 245. 1715. Farringtox. John. Library. (Law Part.) At Exeter-Exehange, Strand. 9 March. ' S.-C. 319. (12.) RoTiER, Paul, M.D. Library. P. F. At the Bear-Tavern, Strand. 24 March. ' S.-C. 319. (3.) Pakemax, Thomas Part of Library. T. Bickerton, John's Coffee-House, Birchin Lane. 30 March. S.-C. 326. (3.) MiLXER, John, Rev., of Cambridge. Library. T. Ballard, St. Paul's Coffee-House. 4 April. ' " S.-C. 319. (1.) Bibliotheca Curiosa : or, a choice library, chiefly collected beyond sea, by an eminent person, etc. P. F. At the Bear-Tavern, Strand. 12 April. S.-C. 319. (9.) A Catalogue of valuable and choice Books in English, Latin, Greek, etc. P. F. At Exeter Exchange. 25 May. S.-C. 319. (2.) Lawrence, Thomas, Physician to King Williain III. Library. P. F. At the Palgrave-Head Coffee-House. 29 June. S.-C. 319. (17.) A Catalogue of valuable Books in physick, mathematicks, etc. P. F. At Exeter Exchange. 5 July. S.-C. 319. (18.) A Catalogue of good Books in Greek. Latin, English, French, etc. F. P. At Exeter-Change. 29 July. S.-C. 386. (2.) Brady, Thomas. Library. P. F. At the Black Swan, tcithout Temple- Bar. 19 Aug. . S.-C. 386. (1.) -1716 31 Wyrley, John. Library. P. F. At Exeter-Exchange. 17 Oct. S.-C. 28.3. (4.) Bibliotlieca Selecta, or, a curious selection of choice books in Greek, Latin, Italian, etc. P. F. At the Bear-Tavern. 26 Oct. S.-C. 293. (4.) MoRELLi, Dr. Library. J. Levi, Tom's Coffee-House, St. Martin's Lane. U Nov. " S.-C. 293. (7.) Gamblyn, Rev. Mr. Library. (A Catalogue of the library of a person of quality deceas'd, etc.) P. F. At the Fountain -Tavern, next the Inner-Temple-Gate, Fleet-Street. 24 Nov. S.-C. 283. (7.) Bruch, Dr., of Windsor. Library. P. F. At Exeter-Exchange. 12 Dec. " S.-C. 282. (6.) MuLLiNS, Harry. Library. T. Ballard, [At St. Paul's Coffee-House.] Monday the 15th. [1715 ?] S.-C. 247. 1716. Bibliotlieca librorum maxime insignium : or, A Choice Collection of scarce and valuable Books . . . lately brought from Italy, etc. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee-House. 5 Jan. S.-C. 282. (7.) MiGLiORUCCi, Jos. Mark Innocent. Library. With a few prices. At Mr. Jones's, at Craven-House, Witch-Street. 24 Jan. S.C. 394. (1.) Thompson, Francis, Rector of St. Matthew's, London. Library. P. F. At the Blade Swan, without Temple-Bar. 7 March. S.-C. 283. (5.) Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury. Library. T. Ballard. 19 March. S.-C. 283. (1.) Kenton, John, Rector of Shenfield, Essex. Library. P. F. At Exeter Exchange, Strand. 22 March. S.-C. 283. (2.) Murray, Ralph. Library. P. F. At the Blue Posts and Cross Keys, without Temple-Bar. 26 March. S.-C. 293. (1.) A Catalogue of valuable and choice Books, in English, Latin, Greek, etc. P. F. At Exeter Exchange. [28] March. S.-C. 282. (4.) A Catalogue of scarce and valuable Books, being the library of an eminent divine, etc. P. F. At Bp. Beveridge's Head, Pater-Noster- Row. 10 April. S.-C. 282. (5.) Newton, >StV Henry. Library. T.Ballard. 16 April. S.-C. 282. (3.) Bamenil, Mr. de.^ Library. P. F. At P. Varenn's, near Somerset- House. 2 May. S.-C. 293. (3.) Shower, John, Rev. Library. T. Ballard, at the Crown Coffeehouse, behind the Royal Exchange.' 2 May. 11903. bb. 49. (1.) Murrey, Ralph. Library. (Second Part.) J. Levi, Tom's Coffee House, St. Martin's Lane. 8 May. S.-C. 293. (2.) .32 1716- A Catalogue of the Liljiaiy of a barrister at law deceas'd, etc. P. F. At Exeter-Exchange. 1-i May. S.-C. 283. (8.) Embree. Joseph, Captain. Library. P. F. At the Black Swan ivithoul Temple-Bar. 19 June. S.-C. 293. (6.) Pother, Paul, M.D. Library. P. F. At the Lamb ivithout Temple- Bar. 27 June. ' S.-C 283. (6.) Salkeld, William, Serjeant-at-Law . Part of Library. P. F. At Exeter-E.vchange. 27 June. S.-C. 283. (3.) Southouse, Thomas, of the Inner Temple. Part of Library. Gardner, Francis. Library. P. F. At the Fountain Tavern at the Inner Temple Gate. 28 June. S.-C. 282. (2.) B-KMES, :ioseph, of Northampton; Todd, Rev. Mr. Libraries. P. F. At Exeter-Exchange. 30 July. S.-C. 293. (5.) Seward, Charles, Rev., of Kensington. Library. P. F. At the Blue- Posts Tavern next Temple-Bar. 21 Aug. S.-C. 282. (1.) Inglish, Rev. Mr. Library. P. F. At F. Gyles s, against Grays-Inn, Holborn. 7 Dec. " S.-C. 422. (2.) A Catalogue of the Libraries of a reverend and learned divine and schoolmaster and of a physician deceased, etc. P. F. At Exeter- Exchange. 12 Dec. ■ S.-C. 266. (3.) Lycence, William. Part of Library. P. F. At W. Mears's, at the Lamb. 13 Dec. " S.-C. 431. (3.) Partridge, John. 3I.D. Library. T. Bickerton, Paul's Coffee-House. Monday the 13th. [1716?] S.-C. 326. (4.) 1717. A Catalogue of valuable Books in several faculties and languages, etc. P F. At W. Mears's, the Lamb, without Temple-Bar. 7 May. 128. i. 1. (o.) Warre, John, Secretary to Robert Boyle. Library. P. F. At Exeter Exchange, Strand. 15 May. 821. e. 4. (8.) Woodward, Dr. Library. P. F. At the Paulsyrave-Head Coffee House, ivithout Temple-Bar. 23 May. 821. e. 4. (7.) Atkixs, Sir Robert, of Pinbury Park, Gloucester. Library. P. F. At Exeter Exchange. 11 July. 128. i. 1. (6.) & 821. e. 4. (4.) M\rch, Mr., of the Temple. Library. At W. Mears's, the Lamb. ' 17 July. ' S.-C. 385. (1*.) A Catalogue of the Libraries of a learned divine, and of an eminent lawyer, etc. P. F. At Exeter-Exchange. 9 Oct. S.-C. 385. (2.) KiRKE, Rev. Mr., of Chester. Library. P. F. At T. Corbet's Ware- house, at Mr. Baqsters, the Sign of the Child's Coat. 31 Oct. 128. i. 1. (7.) -1718 35 Gaunt, Mr., Attorney -at- Law. Library. P. F. At the Black-Swan, witliout Temple-Bar. 1 Nov. S.-C. 377. (2.) RiVETT, John. Librarv. P. F. At Exeter Exchange. 4 Dec. 128. i. 1. (8.) A Catalogue of a small collection of Books, etc. P. F. At Tom's Coffee-House, Villars Street. Tuesday the 17th. [1717 ?] 820. c. 6. (3.) A Catalogue of Books, divided into divinitv, phvsick, historv, etc. P. F. At Tom's Coffee-House. Wednesclav the 26th. [1717'?] 820. c. 11. 1718. A Small Parcel of very rare Books in Greek, Latin, Italian, and English . . . belonging to a gentleman lately deceased, etc. T. Ballard^ Paul's Coffee-House. 31 Jan. ' S.-C. 376. (2.), A Catalogue of the Libraries of an eminent lawyer and gentleman,, deceased, etc. P. F. At Exeter-Exchange, Strand. 5 Feb. S.-C. 422. (3.> Byrom, John, Rev., of Stanton-Quintin, Wilts. Library. Sold for John Harding at the Post-Office on the Pavement, St. Martin's Lane. 10 Feb. S.-C. 466. (3.) Hayes, Francis, of the Inner Temple. Librarv. P. F. N. Noel, the Rose and Crown, Pater-Noster Row. 18 Feb. 820. c. 6. (l.)i Capell, Elizabeth, Countess of Essex ; Winterbottom, Thomas, Vicar of Birlinq. Libraries. At D. Browne's Warehouse, Exeter Exchange. 31 March. S.-C. 319. (11.) Daws, Rev. Mr. Library, P. F. At W. Mears's, the fjatnh, tvithout Temple-Bar. 22 May. S.-C. 319. (10.) BowERMAN, Rev. Mr. Library. P. F. At W. Mears's. 12 June. S.-C. 386. (4.) Sylvester, Peter, M.D. Librarv. P. F. At Exeter-Exchange, 25 June. ^ S.-C. 331. (11.) WooDROFFE, Benjamin, Principal of Gloucester Hall ; Robinson, Mr,, Attorney, of New Inn. Libraries. P. F. At D. Browne's Warehouse. 9 July. S.-C. 331. (10.) DoLEMAN, Richard, M.D. Library. P. F. At Exeter Exchange.. 10 Sept. S.-C. 386. (3.). Douglas, Archibald, 2nd Earl of Forfar. Librarv. P. F. At W. Mears's. 13 Nov. ' S.-C. 385. (3.). Bibliotheca librorum maxime insignium : or, A Curious Collection of choice and valuable Books ... in Greek, Latin, etc. T. Ballard. 15 Dec. S.-C. 376. (4.) D 34 1718- A Catalogue of Books : whereof some are antient, and very curious, scarce, and valuable, etc. At Tont's Cojfec -House, Villar's Street, York Buildings. Monday the lath. [1718?) S.-C. 24G. (1.) 1719. Long, Rev. Mr., of Risley, Suffolk. Library. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee-House. 12 Jan. 128. i. 1. (10.) Bibliothecro Selectfe : or, a collection of the libraries of several eminent persons, deceas'd, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's Warehouse, Exeter Exchange, Strand. 11 Feb. 128. i. 1. (11.) Chamberlex, Peter, M.D. Librarv. P. F. At D. Brown's Ware- house. 27 Feb. ■' S.-C. 422. (5.) Cavendish, William, 1st Duke of Newcastle ; Cavendish, Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle ; Holles, John, ^rd Duke of Newcastle. Libraries. P. F. .V. Noel, Pater-Noster Row. 2 March. 128. i. 1. (2.) Patterson, William. Librarv. P. F. At D. Brown's Warehouse. 24 March. " S.-C. 391. (8.) BicKE'ssos, ^V\\\l•Am, of St. Thomas Hospital. Library. P. F. At D. Brown's Warehouse. 1 June. S,-C. 391. (9.) CoMYN, Samuel, Attorney-at-law. Library. P. F. At D. Browne's, the Black-Sivan, without Temfle Bar. 15 June. S.-C. 237. (8.) RowE, Nicholas, Poet Laureate. Library. P. F. At Exeter Exchange. 2G Aug. ^ 128. i. 1. (14.) Bibliotheca Miscellanea : a catalogue of scarce and valuable books in most faculties and languages, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's Warehouse. 16 Nov. S.-C. 376. (7.) 1720. Leigh, Francis, Fellow of the College of Physicians. Librarv. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee-House. 29 Feb. S.-C. 252. (3.) Bibliotheca Excellentissima : or, a catalogue of a choice collection of valuable books, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's Warehouse, Exeter- Exchange, Strand. 29 Feb. S.-C. 466. (8.) Bibliotheca librorum maxime insigniuni : or, a curious collection of choice and valuable books, etc. T. Ballard. 16 March. S.-C. 246. (11.) Fairfax, John. Librarv. P. F. At the Temple-Exchange Coffee-House. 17 May. ' 128. i. 1. (15.) A Catalogue, consisting of a collection of valuable Books, in most faculties and languages, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's Warehouse. 31 Aug. S.-C. 347. (1.) -1721 35 MiLBOURX, Luke, Rev., of Edinhurgh ; Broughtox, Jolin, D.D. Libraries. T. Ballard. 14 Nov. S.-C. 326. (1.) Oliphant, Charles, M.D. Library. T. Ballard. 12 Dec. S.-C. 284. (2.) A Catalogue consisting of a collection of valuable Books, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's, the Black Swan, without Temple Bar. 12 Dec. S.-C. 246. (3.) A Catalogue of valuable Books in several faculties and languages, etc. At Palsgrave-Head Coffee-House, tvithout Temyle-Bar. 20 Dec. S.-C. 451. (2.) A Catalogue of a very valuable Collection of Books and Prints of Antiquities, etc. C. Cock, at the Green Door, Little Piazza, Covent- Garden. Wednesday the IStli. [1720?] S.-C. 222. (5.) 172L Grey. Thomas, 2)id Earl of Stamford. Library. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee-House. 16 Jan. S.-C. 284. (3.) Green, Rev. Dr. Library. P. F. At W. Mears's, the Lamh, tvithout Temple Bar. 19 Jan. S.-C. 535. (6.) A Catalogue of choice and valuable Books in most faculties and languages, etc. T. Ballard. 20 Feb. S.-C. 258. (6.) Carr, Hon. William, of Lincoln's Inn ; Herbert, John, Vicar of Ridge, Herts. Libraries. P. F. At D. Browne's, the Black-Swan, tvithout Temple Bar. 6 March. S.-C. 392. (2.) Turner, Rev. Dr., of Greenivich. Library. P. F. At Mountagu's Coffee- House, Sheer Lane. 15 March. ' ' S.-C. 360. Catalogus rarissimorum nitidissimorumque librorum, etc. T. Ballard. 22 March. 128. i. 1. (18.) [RoBARTES, John, 1st Earl of Radnor.] Historical, Political and other Manuscripts. Thomas, Hugh. Library. (Librorum manuscriptorum ... in bibliotheca cujusdam viri primaria?. dignitatis, Privati Sigilli Carolo Secundo regnante custodis . . . Catalogus, etc.) P. F. At J. Woodman's Shop, Bow Street, Coveni Garden. 2 May. S.-C. 362. A Catalogue of the Libraries of a nobleman and another gentleman, etc. P. F. ^At W. Mears's. 10 May. S.-C. 246. (4.) Cade, Salisbury, M.D. Part of Library. P. F. At T. Corhett's Shop, Addison's Head, without Temple Bar. 17 May. S.-C. 466. (4.) Agate, John, Dr.. of Exeter. Library. P. F. At Mountagu's Coffee- House. 18 May. " S.-C. 358. Libri Selecti : being a curious collection of scarce and valuable books in Latin and Italian, etc. T. Ballard. [14] June. 128. i. 2. (3.) D 2 36 1721- Bayxard, Edward, M.D. Li1)rary. P. F. At the King's Arms Tavern, Covent Garden. 27 June. S.-C. 359. Lamb, Rev. Mr.. Vicar of Ealing. Part of Library. P. F. At W. Mears's. 28 June. 128. i. 2. (5.) Catalogus librorum insignium nuper maximam partem foris in Angliam advectorum, etc. T. Ballard. 28 June. S.-C. 319. (14.) Bibliotheca Miscellanea : a catalogue of scarce, valuable and useful Books, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's. 6 July. 128. i. 2. (6.) Bibliotheca librorum maximo insignium : or, a curious collection of choice and valuable Books, etc. Imperfect. T. Ballard. 24 Julv. S.-C. 319. (19.) Catalogus librorum excellentissimorum : or, a catalogue of the libraries of an eminent lawver of the Middle Temple, and a learned divine, etc. P. F. At W. Mears's. 3 Nov. S.-C. 319. (5.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's. 7 Nov. S.-C. 319. (15.) Collectio Itineraria : or, a catalogue of curious and uncommon books, in several languages and faculties, etc. P. F. At T. Corhett's Shop. 14 Nov. S.-C. 466. (6.) Bibliotheca librorum maxime insignium : or, a curious collection of choice and valuable books lately imported from abroad, etc. P. F. At the shop of J. Groenewegen and A. vander Boeck, Horace's Head. Strand. 20 Nov. S.-C. 319. (7.) Pluxkett, Peter, Uh Earl of Fingall. Librarv. P. F. At J. Wood- man's Shop. 22 Nov. ' S.-C. 377. (1.) A Small Parcel of some valuable Books and Manuscripts latelv imported from Italy, etc. T. Ballard. 30 Nov. S.-C. 319 (4.) Rawlinson, Thomas, F.R.S. Part of Librarv. Priced. T. Ballard. 4 Dec. " S.-C. 233. (2.) Bibliotheca Selecta : consisting of a large collection of curious books, etc. P. F. At A. Corhett's Shop, the old Hand and Pen, Drury Lane. 128. i. 2. (1.) 1722. Arnold, Mr., Atlorne>j-at-Law. Library. P. F. At W. Mears's, the Lanib, without Temple Bar. 31 Jan. ' S.-C. 237. (4.) Vaughan, John, \st Viscount Lishurne. Librarv. P. F. At J. Wood- man's Shop, Bow Street, Covent-Garden. 13 Feb. S.-C. 252. (6.) Vernox, George, Rector of Buckland, Herts ; Hargrave, James. Libraries. At D. Browne's, the Black-Swan, without Temple Bar. 20 Feb. S.-C. 237. (6.) -1722 37 Rawlinson. Thomas, F.R.S. Library. (Second Part.) Priced. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee House. 7 March. S.-C. 233. (1.) & 856. (1.) A Catalogue of the Libraries of several gentlemen, eminent and learned in their professions, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's. 7 March. S.-C. 332. (6.) Bibliotheca selecta, continens libros theologicos, juridicos, etc. P. F. At the Shop of J. Groeneivegen and A. vander Hoeck, Strand. 20 April. S.-C. 237. (2.) Turner, Sir Edward, Speaker of the House of Commons. Library. Trelawny, Sir Jonathan, Bishop of Winchester. Part of Library. P. F. At W. Mears's Shop. 26 April. S.-C. 361. Magliabechi, Antonio, Librarian to the Great Duke of Tuscany ; Rush- worth, John, Historian. Libraries. P. F. At J. Woodman's Shop. 8 May. S.-C. 391. (1.) Bibliotheca Luculenta : sive, catalogus librorum in omni fere lingua & facultate summe excellentium, etc. P. F. At D. Brotvne's. 5 June. S.-C. 466. (2.) Nicholas, Dr. Library. P. F. At L. Stokoe's Shop, near the Spring Garden, Charing Cross. 14 June. S.-C. 258. (8.) Barox, John, V ice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Library. P. F. At W. Mears's Shop. 13 July. S.-C. 258. (7.) WiNSTANLEY, Mr., of Littlehury. Collection of Books. (Bibliotheca Sturbitchiana ... a catalogue of curious books bought at Sturbitch Fair.) P. F. At T. Corbet's shop, Addison's- Head, ivithout Temple- Bar. 14 Oct. S.-C. 331. (7.) Rawlinsox, Thomas, F.R.S. Library. (Third Part.) Partly priced. T. Ballard. 17 Oct. S.-C. ^233. (3.) Vaughan, Maurice, Prebend of Windsor. Part of Library. P. F. At D. Browne's. 23 Oct. S.-C. 365. (2.) WixsTANLEY. 3Ir., of Littlebury. Collection of Books. (Bibliotlieca Sturbitchiana, &c. A catalogue of curious books . . . bought at Sturbitch-Fair.) P. F. At T. Corbet's Shop. 24 Oct. S.-C. 326. (10.) Cheyxe, Thomas, Rev., M.A. Library. P. F. At W. Mears's Shop. 1 Nov. S.-C. 466. (5.) Bibliotheca Curiosissima : or, a catalogue of the most curious English books in divinity, historv, etc. At the Turk's-Head Coffee-House, near Gray's-Inn. 2 Nov." S.-C. 319. (8.) Haaves, Samuel, Rev. Librarv. P. F. At F. Gyles's, over-against Gray's-Inn, Holborn. 20 NoV. S.-C. 330. (2.) 38 1722- Books : being a curious collection of architecture, antiquity, history, etc. At Mammruufs Coffee-Hoiise, Fleet-Street. 5 Dec. 128. i. 2. (11.) Catalogus librorum maxime insigniuni : or, a catalogue of choice and valuable books . . . being the library of a very learned country diyine, etc. 5 Dec. ' " " S.-C. 332. (1.) Bibliotheca exquisitissima, continens libros theologicos, juridicos, politicos, etc. P. F. At the Shop of J. Groenewegen <& A. vander HoecL 17 Dec. S.-C. 332. (2.) 1723. Anctil, Monsieur, Librarian to the Archbishop of Rheims. Library. P F At J. Woodman's Shop, Bow-Street, Covent Garden. 22 Jan. S.-C. 332. (9.) A Catalogue of very curious and uncommon Books, being the libraries of an eminent counsellor of the Inner-Temple, and a lady of quality, etc P. F. At T. Corhett's Shop, Addison's Head, ivithout Temple- Bar. 24 Jan. S.-C. 332. (5.) Yale, Elihu, Governor of Fort St. George. Fifth Sale. Pictures, Coins, Medals, Books, etc. [C. Cock,] At Mr. Yale's late dwelling-house, Queen-Square. 31 Jan. S.-C, 332. (7.) SiBBALD, Sir Robert, M.D. Library. G. Drummond & W. Broton, at Sir Robert's House in the Bishop' s-land, Edinburgh. 5 Feb. S.-C. 922*. (14.) Warley, Jonas, Archdeacon of Colchester. Library. P. F. At Jack- son's Shop, the Rose & Croivn, Little Britain. 5 Feb. 128. i. 2. (15.) Bibliotheca Curiosa : or, a catalogue of a choice collection of books, etc. P. F. At F. Clay's, the Bible, ivithout Temple-Bar. 7 Feb. 128. i. 2. (16.) Stanley, Henry, M.D. Library. P. F. At DicJcs Coffee-House, Covent Garden. 12 Feb. * 128. i. 2. (17.) Bibliotheca Literaria, sive librorum variorum hominum . . . catalogus . . . being a catalogue of the books of several learned persons lately deceased, etc. P. F. At W. Mears's Shop, the Lamb without Temple- Bar. 20 Feb. S.-C. 307. (1.) Hayley, William, Dean of Chichester. Library. P. F. At F. Gyles' s, over-against Gray's-Inn. 6 March. S.-C. 332. (3.) Bibliotheca Selecta : or, a catalogue of the library and MSS. of N. N. deceased, etc. P. F. At the Shop of J. Groenewegen d: A. vander Hoeck, Horace's Head, Strand. 1 April. S.-C. 248. Kawlixson, Thomas, F.R.S. Collection of Books. (Fourth Part.) T. Ballard, Paul's Coffec-Housc. 2 April. S.-C. 229. -1723 39 A Catalogue of tlie Library of a gentleman late of the Charterhouse, etc. P. F. At T. CorbeU's Shop. 4 April. . S.-C. 307. (5.) Jones, Eichard. Part of Library. P. F. At S. Illidge's sJiojj, under Series Gate, Lincolns-Inn, New Square. 30 April. S.-C. 308. (L) A Catalogue of Books in Greek, Latin, English, Italian, and French, etc. P. F. At W. Mears's Shop. 15 May. S.-C. 294. (1.) A Catalogue of the best part of the Libraries of a gentleman lately come from travel ; of an eminent divine, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's, the Blach-Sivan, ivithout Temple-Bar. 20 May. S.-C. 308. (3.) Bibliotheca antiquaria and politica : being a catalogue of the library of a very great statesman deceased, etc. P. F. At Dick's Cojfee- House. 21 May. S.-C. 294. (2.) Smith, Nathaniel, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Library. With preface. C. Cock, at N. Smith's Dwelling- House, Coleman Street, near Old Jewry. 31 May. S.-C. 353. (2.) A Catalogue of curious, valuable, and uncommon Books, etc. P. F. -/. Mc Ellen's Shop, Buchanan's Head, Strand. 4 June. 128. i. 3. (7.) A Small Parcel of Books and some valuable papers lately imported, etc. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee House. 20 June. S.-C. 353. (1.) BoYER, Edmund, of Camhenvell. (A catalogue of the Library of a person of quality, deceased, etc.) Library. P. F. At T. Corbett's Shop. 4 July. ' S.-C. 353. (3.) A Catalogue of the libraries of a learned gentleman, his lady, and an eminent practitioner of the law, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's. 9 July. S.-C. 353. (4.) Jones, Eichard. Library. (Second Part.) P. F. At Sam. Illidge's Shop. 6 Nov. S.-C. 353. (6.) Smith, J., Rector of St. Alphage, London. Library. At D. Browne's. 13 Nov. ■ S.-C. 353. (7.) Lambard, William. (Bibliotheca Literaria ; seu librorum maxime insignium catalogus, etc.) Manuscripts. P. F. C. Davis, Dick's Cojfee-House, Covent Garden. 3 Dec. 128. i. 3. (9.) Bibliotheca Selectissima : being a very curious and choice collection of books, collected out of several counties in England, etc. P. F. At T. Corbett's Shop. 5 Dec. 128. i. 3. (10.) A Catalogue of curious and uncommon Books . . . printed by the celebrated antient printers, etc. At Luke Stokoe's, over-against the Meuse-Gate, near Charing Cross. 16 Dec. S.-C. 392. (13.) 40 17-H- 1724. Kawlixson, Thomas, F.R.S. Library. (Fifth Part.) T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee House. 20 Jan. S.-C. 129. (2.) La Bazoxiere, Henry dc, Marquis. Library. P. F. At J. Wood- man's & D. Lyons shop, Russel Street, Covent Garden. 1 Feb. S.-C. 304. >Sibbald, Charles, Rector of Ualficld Bishops, Herts. Library. P. F. At W. Mears's Shop, the Lamb, toithoul Temple-Bar. 3 March. S.-C. 310. (3.) Marshall, Edward. Library. P. F. C. Davis, at the Broad-Cloth Warehouse, Covent-Garden. 5 March. S.-C. 310. (2.) CovEL, John, Master of Christ's College, Cambridge. Library. C. Cock, at the Golden-Eagle, Great Queen-Street, near Lincolns-Inn-Fields. 9 March. S.-C. 392. (5.) Chamberlayne, Edward, LL.D. ; Chamberlayne, John, F.R.S. Libraries. P. F. At D. Browne's, the Black- Swan, without Temple Bar. 11 March. ^--C 392. (3.) Catalomis insignium & omnis generis studii librorum ; being a catalogue of . . . books in Greek, Italian, etc. P. F. At the Shop of J. Groenewegen and A. vander Hoeck; Horace's Head, Strand. 18 March. 128. i. 3. (12.) Catalogus librorum prwcipue classicorum ; foris in Angliam nuper advectorum, etc. At the Parliameyit Coffee-House in the Court of Requests. 24 March. S.-C. 310. (1.) Bell, Thomas, Rev.. M.A. Library. P. F. At D. Browne's. 26 March. ^--t'- 451. (1.) Catalogus librorum, tam antiquorum, quam recentium . . . being the library of an eminent Minister of State, etc. P. F. At S. Ilardinq's, the Post-House on the Pavement in St. Martin's Lane. 20 April. S.-C. 392. (12.) LoMKXiE, Louis Henrv de, Count de Brienne ; Lomexie, Fran(;ois, Bishop of Coutanee. ' Libraries. With preface. P. F. At J. Wood- man's & D. Lyon's Shop. 28 April. S.-C. 401. South ERNE, Thomas ; Grant, Roger, Dr. Libraries. P. F. At T. Corbett's, Addison's Head, without Temple Bar. 6 May. S.-C. 356. A. Catalogue of a small, but verv curious and excellent parcel of books, etc. P. F. At T. Corbett's Shop. 18 June. S.-C. 295. (1.) Entwlstle, Bertie. Part of Law Library. P. F. At D. Browne's. 26 June. ' S.-C. 392. (11.) Dawes. William, Archbishop of York. Library. M. de Varenne, St. Paul's Coffee-House. 9 Noy. S.-C. 309. (1.) -1725 41 Thornton, Thomas, Antiquary. Library. P. F. C. Davis. 17 Nov. S.-C. 444. (2.) Primrose, Arcliibald, 1st Earl of Rosebery. Library. At the house of William Adam, Edinhurgli. 7 Dec. 11903. bb. 8. Bury, Sir Thomas ; Cony, Robert, of Rochester. Libraries. P. F. F. Gyles, over against Gray's Inn, Holborn. 8 Dec. 128. i. 4. (2.) [Rawlinson, Thomas, F.R.S. Library. Sixth Part.] [T. Ballard.] [1724.] " S.-C. 227. 1725. Bibliotheca Scotica : or, a catalogue of the library of a learned gentle- man of Scotland, etc. P. F. At W. Mears's shop, the Lamb, without Temple Bar. 20 Jan. S.-C. 310. (4.) D'Alone, Mr., Secretary to King William III. Collection of Prints. (Bibliotheca in omni disciplinarum genere illustrissimse [sic] . . . being a catalogue of choice, valuable and very scarce books, etc.) P. F. At the shop of J. Groeneivegen and A. van der Hoeck, Horace's Head, Strand. 1 Feb. S.-C. 302. Catalogus insignium librorum : being . . . part of the Stock of a book- seller lately deceased, etc. P. F. At the Sign of the Fan, Strand. 8 Feb. ' 128. i. 4. (6.) Barker, Robert. Library. P. F. F. Clay, the Bible, ivithout Temple- Bar. 11 Feb. ' S.-C. 305. Bibliotheca Curiosa : or, a catalogue of choice and valuable books, etc. P. F. L. Stokoe, near Charing Cross. 23 Feb. 128. i. 4. (8.) Librorum in omni scientia & facultate insignium catalogus, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's, the Black Saxin, without Temple Bar. 3 March. 128. i. 4. (9.) Maceuex, James, Bookseller. Collection of Books. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee-Home. 17 March. 128. i. 4. (10.) Catalogus librorum maxime insignium. Being a catalogue of very choice and valuable books, etc. P. F. By T. Osborne, at his shop in Gray's-Inn. 13 April. S.-C. 181. (2.) Bealixg, Richard Arundel. Library. [C. Cock 1] At Mr. Bealing's late dwelling-house in Burlington Street. 20 April. S.-C. 295. (2.) Crawfurd, Hon. Thomas. Library. P. F. At J. Woodtnati's & D. Lyon's Shop, Russel-Street, Covent-Garden. 3 May. S.-C. 182. (2.) Wixckler, Johann. of Hamburg. Library. Littlehales. Edmund, M.D. Books of Pliysick. P. F. At the Shop of J. Groenewegen and A. vander Hoeck. 11 May. S.-C. 295. (3.) 42 1725- Bibliotlicca curiosa «fe rarissima : being a catalogue of very curious and unconiiiion books, etc. P. F. At T. C'nrbe'd's Shop, Addison's Head, without Tcmplc-Bar. 10 June. S.-C. 222 (2.) Bibliotheca historica, tiieologica, necnon miscellanea, etc. P. F. At W. Mears's Shop. 25 June. S.-C. 222. (3.) Bibliotheca antiqua & moderna ; seu pra?stantium in varia facultate & lingua librorum catalogus, etc. P. F. At W. Mears's shop. 9 Nov. S.-C. 394. (2.) Librorum in omni litcratura prseclarissimorum catalogus, etc. P. F. At D. Browne's. 24 Nov. S.-C. 416. (1.) Egertox, Hon. Henrv. Library. P. F. ('. Davis, at the Kinr/s .irms, Covent-Garden. 1 Dec. S.-C. 387. (2.) MuSGRAVE, William, M.D. Library. P. F. [Andrew Brice, at the sign of the Printing Press, Hi(jh Street, Exeter.] 1725. S.-C. 222. (7.) A Catalogue of the Library of a Foreign Minister, collected by himself in Italy and France, etc. J. }Yilco.r, at Davis's Cqffcc-House, Covent-Garden. Wednesday the 22nd. [1725 1] S.-C. 468. (7.) Wants all after p. 32. In omni scientia & facultate librorum insignium catalogus . . . being the library of a gentleman lately deceased, etc. P. F. F. Ckoj, the Bible, "without Temple-Bar. Tuesday the 8th. [1725 ?] S.-C. 222. (1.) 1726. Keightley, Jolm ; Deale, John. Libraries. P. F. At T. Osborne's, Gray's Inn. 16 Jan. S.-C. 550. (9.) Smith, Roger, Antiquary. Library. P. F. At T. Osborne's. 20 Jan. S.-C. 277. Bibliotheca Selectissima : being a collection of curious, valuable, and scarce books, etc. P. F. At the shop of J. Pellet, St. Evremond's Head, Hay market. 1 Feb. S.-C. 713. (3.) Bridges, John, of Lincoln s-Inn. Library. Priced. [C. Cock ?] At Mr. Bridge's Chambers, 6, Lincolns-Inn. 7 Feb. (27 days.) 821. g. 4, 125. d. 7. & 679. c. 24. 125. d. 7. & 679. c. 24. arc more elaborate catalogues, arranged according to subjects, and not divided into lots for sale. Rawlixson, Thomas, F.R.S. Library. (Sixth [Seventh] Part.) C. Davis, London-House, Alder sgate- Street. 2 March. S.-C. 559. GiBBEs, Samuel. Library. P. F. Thomas Green, Charing-Cross. 3 March. " S.-C. 387. (1.) A Catalogue of very curious, valuable, and uncommon books, etc. P. F. At T. Corbett's shop, Addison's Head, without Temple-Bar. 24 March. S.-C. 416. (2.) -1727 43 Hall, Anthony, D.I). Library. P. F. At S. Harding's, on the Pavement in St. Martin's Lane. 25 April. S.-C. 416. (4.) La Chapelle, Louis de. Library. P. F. At J. Woodman's and D. Lyon's, Russel-Street. Covent Garden. 2 May. S.-C. 419. A Catalogue of a choice and curious collection of Greek, Latin, Italian, French and Spanish books, lately come from abroad, etc. P. F. At J. Pellet's shop. 2 May. S.-C. 468. (8.) CoNANT, John, LL.D. ; Grimbaldson, George, M.B. Libraries. P. F. F. Gyles, over against Gray's Inn. 10 M'Ay. S.-C. 415. Gambkrun, Gambarini, Mr. Library. [C. Cock ?] At the Corner-House, Pal-Mai. 3 June. ' S.-C. 222. (4.) Mills, Walter, M.D. Library. P. F. At the King's Arms Tavern, under the Piazza, Covent Garden. 9 June. S.-C. 418. ToLLET, George ; Barecroft, Richard, Rev. Libraries. P. F. At Weaver Bickerton's, the Black Swan, Exchange Alley. 21 June. S.-C. 416. (3.) Catalogus libroruni in variis Unguis & facultatibus . . . being the library of an eminent physician, etc. P. F. At the shop of E. Symon, over- against the Royal Exchange, Cornhill. 27 June. S.-C. 397. (1.) Bibliotheca antiqua & moderna : being a catalogue of very curious, valuable, and uncommon books, etc. P. F. At T. Corbet's shop. 29 June. S.-C. 382. (3.) HoRNE, Thomas, Vice-Provost of Eton. ' Library. P. F. At W. Mears's shop, the Lamb, without Temple Bar. 9 Nov. S.-C. 382. (1.) Testas, Aaron ; Thorowgood, Thomas. Libraries. P. F. T. Green. 14 Nov. S.-C. 444. (1.) Librorum insignium in variis Unguis & facultatibus, plerique ex Flandria, Brabantia . . . advectorum catalogus, etc. P. F. At J. Bote's shop, the Golden-Deer, Charing Cross. 28 Nov. S.-C. 397. (3.) Bibliotheca maxime curiosa & rara viri cl. defuncti, etc. P. F. At T. Corbet's shop. 29 Nov. S.-C. 397. (2.) Herbert, John. Library. P. F. D. Browne, jun., the Black Swan. 30 Nov. S.-C. 382. (2.) MatiCtNON, George Augustus de, Bishop of Lisieux. Library. P. F. J. Woodman d D. Lyon. 5 Dec. S.-C. 439. Thornicroft, aSiV John, Bart. ; Reeves, William, Rector of St. Mary's, Reading. Libraries. P. F. F. Gyles. 12 Dec. S.-C. 383. 1727. HiccocKS, Thomas. Library. P. F. At Weaver Bickerton's, the Black Swan, Exchange Alley, Cornhill. 18 Jan. S.-C. 550. (10.) 44 1727- Viri celeberrimi, Uteris liumanioribus bene periti, bibliotliecso catalogus, etc. P. F. At F. Clay's, the Bible, tvithoiU Temple Bar. 23 Jan. S.-C. 550. (11.) FoRTix UE LA HoGERETTE, Harduin, Archbishop of Sens. Library. r. F. At J. Woodman and D. Lyons, Russel-Street, Covent-Garden. 14 Feb. S.-C. 551. (1.) Sergeant, Thomas. Library. ./. Wilcox, at Davis's Coffee-House, Covent-Garden. 2 March. ' S.-C. 550. (3.) LArTHORXE, Richard. Library. P. F. At J. Pate's shop, the Golden Door, Charing Cross. 22 March. S.-C. 550. (12.) RoTSG\RD, Frederick. Library. P. F. At J. Groeneiver/en & Co.'s, Horaces Head, Strand. 27 March. S.-C. 550. (7.) Freemax, Thomas. Library. P. F. At T. Green's Shop, against Rochford's Coffee-House, Charing Cross. 28 March. S.-C. 550. (1.) Rawlixsox, Thomas, F.R.S. Part of Library. [Eighth Part.] C. Davis, at the Bedford Coffee-House, Covent-Garden. 26 April. S.-C. 550. (5.) HoLLiER, John. Dr. Library. P. F. At T. Corbet's Shop, Addison's- Head. 2 May. ' S.-C. 550. (2.) Du PoiRiER, James, Sieur de la Ra)nee. Library. P. F. At J. Woodman & D. Lyon's. 15 May. ' S.-C. 441. (1.) Beach, Paul. Library. P. F. At Weaver Bickerton's, in Devereux- Court, without Temple-Bar. 13 June. S.-C. 468. (6.) Richards. "Walter ; Woodhouse. Z)/-. Libraries. P. F. At D. Browne's, the Black Swan. 15 June. S.-C. 468. (9.) A Catalogue of part of the Libraries of an eminent lawyer, and another gentleman, both deceas'd, etc. P. F. At W. Hears' s Shop, the Lainb, without Temple-Bar. 6 July. S.-C. 468. (5.) Wallis, Mr., of Hoxton. One Hundred Books. E. Curll, at his house over against Catherine-Street, Strand. 14 July. S.-C. 331. (1.) Rawlixsox, Thomas, F.R.S. Librarv. (Ninth Part.) T. Ballard, St. Paul's Coffee-House. 16 Oct. ' S.-C. 561. (3.) Librorum maxium [sic] insignium catalogus : being a catalogue of very curious and uncommon books, etc. P. F. At T. Green's shop. 18 Oct. S.-C. 561. (8.) Dl'bourdieu, Jean Armand, Rev. Library. P. F. At Luke Stokoe's, the Bible and Key, Hay market. 7 Noy. ', ' ier/..|.;i*j S.-C. 713. (9.) !MoRELAXD, Samuel, F.R.S. Library. ./. Wilcox. 7 Nov. S.-C. 804. (3.) -1728 45 A Catalogue of Books, being tlie libraries of a barrister at law, and another gentleman, both deceased, etc. P. F. At W. Mears's Shop. 7 Nov. S.-C. 561. (6.) Keill, John, Dr. ; Fuller, Richard, Dr. Libraries (being part of the stock of Stephen Fletcher of Oxford). P. F. At the King's Arms Tavern, Covent Garden. 21 Nov. S.-C. 561. (1.) Rawlinson, Thomas, F.R.S. Library. [Tenth Part.] T. Ballard. 22 Nov. S.-C. 561. (2.) Bibliotheca Itineraria : a catalogue of very curious and uncommon books, collected out of several counties in England, etc. P. F. At T. Corbett's Shop. 29 Nov. S.-C. 561. (7.) Gilbert, Christopher. Librarv. P. F. At J. Pate's Shop. 6 Dec. S.-C. 561. (5.) JoLYVET, Monsieur, Councillor of the Parliament of Paris. Library. P. F. P. dii Noyers, Erasmus' Head, Strand. 19 Dec. S.-C. 561. (4.) 1728. Pellet, John, Bookseller. Stock of Books. J. Levi, Tom's Coffee-House. St. Martin's Lane. 15 Jan. S.-C. 561. (9.) Rawlinson, Thomas, F.R.S. Library. [Eleventh Part.] With a few prices. T. Ballard, St. Paul's Coffee-House. 22 Jan. S.-C. 526. (1.) Madox, Thomas. Library. J. Wilcox, at Mr. Madox's house, Feather- stone Buildings, Holbou'rn. 6 Feb. S.-C. 396. (3.) Banes, Matthew, Rev., of Fen Ditton, Camhs. Library. P. F. With MS. prices. W. Thurlbourn, Cambridge. 12 Feb. 270. d. 28. Brydges, Hon. Henry, D.D., Archdeacon of Rochester ; Rawlinson, John, of Hampsliire. Libraries. P. F. F. Gyles, over-against Gray's-Inn. 17 Feb. S.-C. 402. Coke, Right Hon. Thomas, Vice-Chamberlain to King George 1. Library, Pictures, etc. At Mr. Cooper's, the Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 19 Feb. S.-C. 803. (8.) Bibliotheca Selecta : or, a catalogue of books in all faculties . . . collected out of several auctions and sales abroad, etc. P. F. At the Shop of A. Vandenhoeck and G. Richmond, Virgil's Head, Strand, 19 Feb. S.-C. 526. (2.) Fyfe, Mr. Librarv. P. F. At T. Corbett's Shop, Addison's Head, without Temple Bar. 22 Feb. S.-C. 396. (2.) LowTHORP, John, Rev., F.R.S. ; Carew, Hon. Thomas. Libraries. P. F. C. Davis, Paternoster Row. 27 Feb. S.-C. 713. (4.). 46 1728- Spixckes, Nathaniel, Rev. Library. Gilbert, Sir Geoffry, Judge. Part of Library. P. F. At T. Osborne s, Gray's-Inn. 29 Feb. S.-C. 713. (5.) D'AuTKXY, Gebhard, F.R.S. Library. P. F. At the Horse-shooe- Tavcrn, German-Street. 12 March. " S.-C. 441. (2.) Rawlinson, Thomas, F.R.S. Library. [Twelfth Part.] T. Ballard 18 Marcli. S.-C. 395. (1.) DoBYXS, William, of Lincoln s Inn. Part of Library. P. F. At W. Mears's Shop, the Lamb, without Temple Bar. 20 March. S.-C. 467. (6.) Heixson, Joh. Theodor ; Marck, Hem-icus Hadrianus van der. Libraries. P. F. At J. Groenewegen & Co.'s, Horace's Head, Strand. [2 April.] S.-C. 398. Librorum in omni fere scientia & facultate prrostantium Catalogus, etc. P. F. F. Gyles. 2 April. S.-C. 395. (2.) KvsnKY, 3 ose-ph, Rev., of Cambridge. Library. J. Wilcox, at the Amster- dam Coffee House, Threadneedle Street. 3 April. S.-C. 804. (5.) Hill, John, of the Inner Temple. Valuable Antiquities. In the Hall at Lijon's-Inn, Witch-Street, near St. Clement's. 4 April. S.-C. 307. (3.) Bibliotheca antiquaria, sen librorum in omnia {sic^ facultate & lingua longe prcTstantium catalogus, etc. P. F. At T. Green's, the corner of Spring-Garden, near Charing Cross. 8 April. S.-C. 396. (1.) Librorum in omnibus fere facultatibus & Unguis catalogus, etc. P. F. A. Millar, Buchanan's Head, Strand. 16 May. S.-C, 467. (10.) Spelmax, Charles. Library. P. F. D. Browne, the Black Swan, without Temple Bar. 23 May. S.-C. 467. (7.) A Catalogue of a curious and valuable collection of Books in most languages, etc. Priced. W. Thurlbourn. 27 May. 128. i. 5. (4.) Howard, Jjord Frederick. Library. Ackres, Thomas. Books of Architecture, Prints, etc. P. F. J. Pote, Sir Isaac Newton's Head, Charing Cross. 6 Nov. S.-C. 445. (1.) Woodward, John, M.D., F.R.S. Library. Antiquities, etc. With preface. Priced. C. Bateman & J. Cooper, Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 11 Nov. 11900. b. 19. Rouse, Everard, of Deventer. Library. Scheynvoet, N. Cabinet of Prints. P. F. At the Shop of A. Vandenhoeck, Virgil's Head. 9 Dec. S.-C. 412. (1.) GiPPS, Sir Richard. Librarv and Manuscripts. P. F. At T. Green's. 13 Dec. " S.-C. 445. (2.) -1729 4'' 1729. Freind, Jolin, M.D. Librarv. /. Cooper, Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 2 Jan. ' S.-C. 432. (1.) HiXDE, Benjamin, of the Middle-Temple. Library. J. Wilcox, Bedford Coffee-Home, Covent-Garden. 20 Jan. S.-C. 442. (3.) Bibliotheca Anonvma : being the entire library of ,a curious foreigner, who is returning into Italy, etc. P. F. At S. Harding's shop, the Post-House, on the Pavement in St. Martin's Lane. 20 Jan. S.-C. 378. (8.) L'EscoTT, Rev. ; Lardeau, Mr. Libraries. P. F. P. Dunoyer, Erasmus s-Head, Strand. 10 Feb. S.-C. 442. (2.) Turner. Edmund. Library. P. F. At S. Harding's shop. 10 Feb. S.-C. 442. (1.) Pellet, John, Bookseller. Stock of Books.- (Bibliotheca miscellanea curiosa : being a catalogue of very scarce and valuable books, etc.) J. Levi, Tom's Coffee-House. 3 March. S.-C. 432. (3.) Groexewegen, John. Stock of Books. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee- House. 10 March. S.-C. 328. Ashfield. Frederick. Librarv. [J. Heath.] Next door to the Golden- Ball, near St. James s-House, Pall-Mali. 24 March. S.-C. 450. Anderson, James. Post-Master-General of Scotland. Library. P. F. A. Millar, Buchanan's Head, Strand. 17 April. S.-C. 413. Rawltnson, Thomas, F.R.S. Librarv. [Thirteenth Part.] T. Bcdlard. 21 April. S.-C. 412. (2.) Vallensius, Jacob, Chancellor of the Supreme Court of Holland. Library. Colbert, Jean Baptiste, Minister of Louis XIV. Books from Librarv. At the Shop of A. Yandemhoec'k, Virgil's Head, Strand. 23 April. 820. c. 7. (1.) Thorpe, George, D.D. ; Yard, Robert. Libraries. P. F. F. Gyles, over against Gray's Inn. 8 May. S.-C. 443. Bibliotheca Anonymiana : being a catalogue of scarce books . . . belonging to a learned gentleman lately deceas'd, etc. J. Wilcox, at Davies' Coffee-House, Covent-Garden. ' 17 Nov. S.-C. 267. (2.) Saint Amand, James ; Boucherett, David. Libraries. Harman NoorthoucJc, at his House in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 20 Nov. S.-C. 378. (7.) Rawlinson, Thomas, F.R.S. Librarv. [Fourteenth Part.] T. Ballard. 24 Nov. ' S.-C. 267. (L) Gardiner, Robert, Colonel. Library. P. F. At D. Browne's, the BlacJc Su-an, without Temple Bar. 4 Dec. S.-C. 378. (5.) 48 1729- PoTE, Joseph, Boolsdler. Stock of Books. P. F. /. Pole, at his shop, Sir Isaac Newton's Head, Charing -Cross. 15 Dec. S.-C. 378. (6.) Grainger, Walter, Merchant. Library. At Mr. Grainger's divelling- house, St. Martin's Lane, Cannon Street. 8.-C. 557. (5.) Holland, Sir Jolin, Bart. ; Holland, Sir William, Bart. Libraries. P. F. At Quidenham. 11900. f. 23. 1730. HuTTON, Kichard ; Kimpsox, Thomas, Rev. Libraries. P. F. At T. Green's Shop, Charing Cross. 7 Jan. S.-C. 373. (6.) Catalogus librorum in omni literaturrc genere notabilium, etc. P. F. -ii the shop of A. Vandenhoeck, Virgil's Head, Strand. 12 Jan. S.-C. 378. (3.) Hunt, Stephen, Dr. Library. (Bibliotheca Curiosa : being a large and curious collection of books, etc.) P. F. At 0. Payne's shop, the Bible, Round-Court, Strand. 11 Jan. S.-C. 335. (1.) Powell, Kichard. Library. P. F. At F. Claii's, without Temple-Bar. 14 Jan. ' " S.-C. 373. (5.) MoLYNEUX, Samuel. Library. J. Wilcox, at the Bedford Coffee-House, Covent-Garden. 20 Jan. S.-C. 856. (1.) Lee, Francis Henry, Colonel. Collection of Pictures, Books, etc. Mr Miller, Covent Garden. 21 Jan. 7805. e. 39. (9. Catalogus librorum in omnibus fere Unguis & facultatibus, prssertim medicinali, etc. C. Bateman, Davies' Coffee-House, Covent-Garden. 21 Jan. S.-C. 373. (4.) Gray, Robert, M.D. Library. Priced. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee- House. 26 Jan. ' 270. i. 23. (4.) kv^T-ER, Mr., Attorney-at-Law. Library. P. F. At the Post-0 ffice, the Corner of Great Queen-Street 3 Feb.^ S.-C. 378. (4.) Martin, Emmanuel, of Alicant. Library. Lyon, David. Pictures and Books of Prints. P. F. At D. Lyon's Shop, Russel Street, Covent Garden. 3 Feb. S.-C. 373. (2.) Gray, Robert, M.D. Library. (Books omitted in previous sale.*.) [T. Ballard ^At Paul's Coffee-House. 25 Feb. S.-C. 856. (4*.) Hill, Joseph, Rev., of Rotterdam. Library. J. Oswald, North's Coffee- House, King Street, Cheapside. 4 March. S.-C. 856. (2.) A Catalogue of uncommon and valuable Books, etc. H. Noorthouck, the Bedford Coffee-House, Covent Garden. 4 March. S.-C. 373. (7.) Haym, Nicola. Library. At C. Cock's Auction-Room, Poland Street. 9 March. S.-C. 856. (6.) -1731 49 Cheyxe, Willuim, 2nc? Viscount NewJiaven ; Eogers, John, D.D., Canon of Wells. Libraries. P. F. F. Gyles, over against Grai/s-Inn, Holborn. 10 Marcli. S.-C. 438. Morton, Charles, Dr. Library. J. Oswald. 15 March. S.-C. 380. (3.) A Catalogue of very valuable Books, in almost all branches of learning, chieflv architecture and books of sculpture, etc. H. Noorthouck. 18 March. S.-C. 373. (9.) Coleman, John. Library. P. F. H. Noorthouck. 21 April. S.-C. 373. (8.) Birch, John, M.I). Library. T. Ballard. 22 April. S.-C. 856. (3.) Hewer, Hon. William ; Hobart, Thomas, M.D. ; Hancocks, John, D.D. Libraries. P. F. C. Davis, Pater-Noster-Roiv. 23 Ai)ril. S.-C. 378. (2.) Woodman, James, Bookseller ; Lyon, David, Bookseller. Stocks of Books. C. Bateman, at D. Lyon's Shop, Riissel- Street, Covent-Garden. 4 May. S.-C. 373. (1.) Noorthouck, Harman, Bookseller. Stock of Books. C. Bateman, at Mr. Noorthouck's Dwelling House, Great Piazza, Covent-Garden. 2 July. S.-C. 373. (10.) MiDDLETON, Benjamin, of Norfolk-Street, Strand. Library. C. Bateman, Bedford Cojfee-House, Covent Garden. 23 Nov. S.-C. 557. (3.) Bibliotheca Selectissima : or, a choice collection of scarce and valuable books, etc. P. F. P. Dunoyer, Erasmus' Head, Strand. 26 Nov. S.-C. 557. (2.) DoDWELL, Henry, M.A.; Ewer, Isaac, of Lincoln's Inn. Libraries. P. F. F. Gijles. 1 Dee. S.-C. 557. (6.) Vandenhoeck, Abraham, Bookseller. Collection of Books. P. F. At A. Vandenhoeck's shop. 14 [Dec.]. 820. c. 8. Evans, John, Rev. Dr. Library. T. Ballard. 17 Dec. S.-C. 337. (2.) Harwood, John, LL.D. Library. P. F. At T. Payne's Shop, the Crown, Pater-Noster Row. Monday the 24th. [1730 ?] S.-C. 380. (1.) 1731. Collins, Antony. Library. (First Part.) Priced. T. Ballard, St. Paul's Coffee House. 18 Jan.^ 270. i. 23 (1.) Bale, Charles, Physician. Library. J. Levi, Tom's Coffee-House. 21 Jan. S.-C. 380. (2.) Rival, Pierre, Royal Chaplain. Library. At Mr. Bouchet's, on the Pavement in St. Martin's Lane. 1 Feb. S.-C. 338. Jett, Thomas, Library. C. Bateman, at Mr. Jett's Chambers, Coney Court, Gray's-Inn. 15 Feb. S.-C. 414. (1.) e 50 1731- Le Neve, Peter, Norroy King of Arms. Library. Priced. J. Wilcox, Bedford Coffee-House, Covent Garden. 22 Feb. 270. i. 23. (3.) Collins, Antonv. Library. (Second Part.) Priced. T. Ballard. 10 March. ' 270. i. 23. (2.) Dexyax, Robert, Marquis de Tilleul. Library. P. F. At J. Woodman & D. Lyons Shop, Russel- Street, Covent-Garden. 16 March. S.-C. 336. (1.) Shipston, John. Library. C. Bateman, at Mr. Shipston's Dwelling- House, Swithin's Alley, Royal Exchange. 16 March. S.-C. 380. (5.) Le Neve, Peter, Norroy King of Arms. Manuscripts & Curiosities omitted from Catalogue of Library. Priced. [J. Wilcox.] 19 March. 270. i. 23. (3*.) A Catalogue of Books, being the entire library of a person of distinction deceased. With preface. T. Corbett, at the Green Door, under the Little Piazza, Covent-Garden. 24 3Iarch. S.-C. 379. (1.) Pacey, Henry, M.P. ; Crosby, Henry, Reo., of Chester. Libraries. P. F. At D. Browne's, the Black Swan without Temple-Bar. 25 March. S.-C. 337. (1.) Bibliotheca miscellanea librorum impressorum & sculptilium, etc. P. F. At S. Harding's shop, on the Pavemeyit in St. Martin s Lane. 5 April. S.-C. 335. (2.) Liox, Rev. Mr. Library. Bale, Charles, Physician. Remaining part of Library. J. Levi. 12 April. S.-C. 379. (3.) Catalogus librorum in omni literatura? genere notabilium, etc. P. Y . At A. Vandenhoeck <£• Co.'s Shop, Virgil's-Head, Strand. 29 April. S.-C. 336. (2.) DoBBYNS, John, F.R.S. Library. C. Bateman, at Mr. Dobbyn's Dwelling-House, Snow-Hill. 6 May. S.-C. 404. (1.) Jett, Thomas. Collection of Manuscripts. C. Bateman, at Mr. Jett's Chambers, Gray's-lnn. 11 May. S.-C. 414. (2.) A Catalogue of scarce and valuable Books, the chief of which were lately brought from abroad, etc. /. Wilcox. 19 May. S.-C. 379. (2.) Brathwaite, Thomas, D.D. ; Brathwaite, Thomas, Surgeon. Libraries. T. Payne, at John's Coffee-House, Cursitor's Alley. 21 June. S.-C. 405. (1.) La Motte, J. E. de. Minister of the French-Savoy Church. Library. J. Levi, Tom's Coffee House. 1 Nov. S.-C. 266. (2.) Farewell, Philip, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; De Fok, Daniel. Libraries. P. F. 0. Payne, the Bible, Round Court. 15 Nov. C. 57. c. 47. -1732 51 1732. DoBBYNS, John, F.R.S. Library. (Second Part.) T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee-House. 10 Jan. S.-C. 404. (2.) Fraser, James, J. U.D. Library. P. F. 0. Payne, Round Court, Strand. 24 Jan. S.-C. 535. (2.) Marshall, John, Rector of St. George the Martyr, Queen-Square. Library. De Saint Hyacinthe, Mr. Remaining Books. J. Levi, Toms Coffee- House, St. Martins Lane. 24 Jan. S.-C. 264. (1.) Atterbury, Lewis, Rev., LL.D. ; Wentworth, Peter. Libraries, P. F. At T. Osborne's Shop, Gray's Inn. 25 Jan. S.-C. 449. Darby, John, Bookseller. Stock of Books. P. F. J. Darby, Bartholomeiv Close. 27 Jan. S.-C. 431. (2*.) Darby, John, Bookseller. Stock of Books. P. F. P. J. Darby. 7 Feb. S.-C. 331. (15.) Containing the same books as the catalogue dated 27 Jan. 1732. A Catalogue of most curious, rare and uncommon Books, etc. T. Corbett, the Rainbow Coffee-house, Villiers Street. S Feb. S.-C. 804. (6.) MoUx\tfort, John, M.D. Library. T. Ballard. 9 Feb. S.-C. 265. (1.) Mason, Philip. Library. P. F. H. Noorthouck, Cicero' s-Head, Strand. 10 Feb. ' S.-C. 391. (5.) DuNCKiN, Robert. Library. Slater, Edward, of lAncoln's Inn. Library. With preface. C. Cock, Great Piazza, Covent-Garden. 15 Feb. S.-C. 430. (1.) Hall, Joseph, Clerk in Chancery; Taylor, Brook, LL.D. Libraries. P. F. F. Gyles, over against Gray's-Inn. 22 Feb. S.-C. 330. (1.) A Catalogue of curious Books, which will be sold cheap, etc. P. F. P. At R. Montagu's Book-Warehouse, Great Queen's Street. 6 March. S.-C. 430. (3.) RuPERTi, George Andrew, D.D. Library. J. Wilcox, the Bedford Coffee- House, Covent Garden. 20 March. S.-C. 804. (7.) Pitt, Thomas, 1st Earl of Londonderry ; Bennet, Henry, Chaflaiyi to Lord Lovel. Libraries. Fraser, James, J. U.D. Remains of Library. P. F. 0. Payne. 27 March. S.-C. 214. (2.) Bibliotheca Curiosa : or, a catalogue of yery curious, scarce, and uncommon books and tracts, etc. Partly priced. L. Lawlor, St. Martin's Churchyard, Strand. 30 March. S.-C. 1034. (17.) Kilborn, Robert, LL.D. ; Marshall, John, Rector of Finchley ; Hall, Stephen, M.D. Libraries. P. F. At T. Osborne's Shop. 18 April. S.-C. 214. (1.) A Sale of Books, etc. P. F. P. At R. Montagu's Book-Warehouse. 26 April. S.-C. 430. (2.) E 2 Tr2 1732- Catalogus liljrorum in onniihus facultatibus & liiifjuis pra^stan- tissimorum, etc. F. V. At N. Provost's Warehouse at the Sign of the Ship in the Savoy. 8 May. S.-C. 215. A Catalogue of choice Books in several faculties and languages ... to which is added, a curious collection of prints, etc. P. F. A. & I. Vandenhoeck, Vm/H's Head, Strand. 10 May. S.-C. 264. (4.) Davies. John, Master of Queens' Colleqe, Camhridije. Library. P. F. P. {At Dr. Davies's Chambers.] Queens' College, Cambridge. 29 May. S.-C. 804." (9.) Bibliotheca Curiosa : or, a catalogue of a small but curious collection of books, etc. P. F. 0. Pa>jne. 24 Aug. S.-C. 331. (13.) Granger, Thomas. Library. T. Ballard. 9 Oct. S.-C. 407. The sale tvas postponed till 15 Jan. 1733. Erichs, George. Library. J. Wilcox. 9 Nov. S.-C. 804. (8.) Rawlixson, Thomas, F.R.S. Part of Library. -[Fifteenth Part.] T. Ballard. 13 Nov. ' S.-C. 355. Wright, Thomas ; Burton, Henry. Rev., M.A. Libraries. P. F. At T. Osborne's Shop. 21 Nov. ' S.-C. 331. (12.) 1733. Granger, Tliomas. Library. T. Ballard, Paul's Coffee-House. 15 Jan. New titlepage prefixal to catalogue of 9 October, 1732 q.v. S.-C. 407. Catalogus librorum in omni literaturse genere insignium, etc. P. F- At N. Prevost's Warehouse, at the Sign of the Ship in the Savoy. 23 Jan. S.-C. 406. Needham, William, Rev.. S.T.B. Library. P. F. P. T. Green, Charing Cross. 25Jaii. S.-C. 713. (7.) ■Calvert, Benedict Leonard ; Rollan, Monsieur. Libraries. P. F. 0. Payne, Horace's Head, Round Court, Strand. 28 Jan. S.-C. 334. (3.) Rawlinson, Thomas, F.R.S. Manuscripts, with an Appendix of printed books and pamphlets. [Sixteenth Part.] T. Ballard. 4 March. Dept. of MSS. DuNTON, John, BooJiscller ; Williams, Rev. Mr. Libraries. P. F. P. At R. Montagu's Bool- Warehouse, Great Queen Street. 23 April. S.-C. 713. (8.) Bibliotheca picola ma buonissima : being a small collection of very good and valuable books, collected by a learned divine, and noted apothecary. J. Levi. Tom's Coffee-House. 23 April. S.-C. 213. (2.) Harris, Richard. Library. P. F. 0. Payne. 6 Nov. S.-C. 713. (10.) -173t 53 Rawlixson, Christoplier, of Carle Hall, Lanes; Booth, Barton, Tragedian. Libraries. P. F. F. Gyles, over against Gray's Inn. Holborn. 6 Dec. ' S.-C. 541. (1.) A Catalogue of scarce and valuable Books, being the libraries of a learned gentleman, and eminent divine, etc. P. F. H. Noorthouch, Russell Court, Drury Lane. [6] Dec. S.-C. 541, (2.) Bennett, Francis, of Merryfield House, near Dorchester. Library. P. F. At R. Montagu's Book-Warehouse. 11 Dec. S.-C. 541. (4.) [A Catalogue of Books on Historv, etc.] P. F. P. [At R. Montagu's Book Warehouse.] [1733?] ' S.-C. 541. (3.) 1734. Martini, John Christoph, Rev. Librarv. J. Levi, Tom's Coffee- House, St. Martin's Lane. [28] Jan. " S.-C. 334. (1.) DuppER, Edward ; Clay, Cecil. Libraries. P. F. AtD. Browne's, the Black Swan, ivithout Tenifle Bar. 6 Feb. S.-C. 334. (2.) WiNCUP, Rev. Dr. ; Martin, Robert, of the Inner Tern fie. Libraries. P. F. At T. Osborne's Shop, Graij's-Inn. 19 Feb. S.-C. 216. A Catalogue of a choice Library of books, etc. P. F. P. At S. Baker's, the Angel and Crown, Russel-Street, Covent Garden. 19 Feb. S.-C. 334. (4.) Smith, Edward, of High-Wycomh, Bucks. Library. Radzivil, Pinsko. Collection of Chvmistrv. Alchymv, etc. P. F. L. Lawlor, in St. Martin's Churchyard] Strand^ 21 Feb. S.-C. 532. (1.) Byatt, Richard. Librarv. P. F. H. Noorfhouck. Russel-Court, near the Chapel 18 March.' ' S.-C. 532. (2.) Bibliotheca Ledettiana : being a small but very good collection of books of a gentleman gone, and of another going a travelling. J. Levi. 18 March. S.-C. 532. (4.) Partridge, John, M.D. Collection of Books. (Librorum patricii eruditissimi . . . catalogus. Being a catalogue of the libraries of a nobleman latelv deceased, etc.) P. F. P. J. Brindley, at the King's- Arms, New-Bond-Street. 2 April. S.-C. 532. (3.) Stephens, Robert, of the Inner Temple ; Chamberlen, Hugh, M.D^ Libraries. P. F. F. Gyles, over against Gray's Inn, HoTborn. 2 April. S.-C. 532. (5.) Ayliffe, John, LL.D. ; Baily, Rev. Mr. Libraries. P. F. P. At R. Montagu's Book-Warehouse, Great Queen Street. 4 April. S.-C. 532. (6.) Paston, William, 2nd Earl of Yarmouth. Library. Price, Robert, One of the Judges in the Court of Common Pleas. Books of Tracts. P. F. P. 0. Payne, Horace's Head, Round Court, Strand. 10 April. S.-C. 472. (1.) 54 1731- Catalogus Librorum insijj;niuin : or, a catalogue of a valuable library of searcc and uncommon books. J. Worrall, St. Paul's Coffce-House. 21 April. «--^' ^'32. (8.) A Catalogue of a choice Library of books, etc. P. F. P. At S. Baker's. 30 April. ^■-^'- '^32. (9.) Odingsells, Gabriel, Poet. Library. P. F. P. 0. Payne. 21 May. S.-C. 472. (2.) A Catalogue of Books, beinu the scarce and uncommon collection of a very curious gentleman, etc. F. P. At T. Edlins Shop, Story's Passaije. 24 June. S--C'. 467. (11.) A Catalogue of Books selected from the libraries of several persons deceased etc P. F. J. Bucliand, at Mr. Green's Chelmsford. deceasea, ^^ _^ ^^^ ^^2.) A Choic°e Collection of Books, being several libraries lately purchased, etc P F P. At R. Montaf/u's Boole-Warehouse. 25 Nov. S.-C. 290. (3.) 1735. A Catalogue of several thousand A'olumes wherein are many useful and curious books, etc. P. F. 0. Payne, Horace's Head. Round Court, Strand. 7 Jan. ^■-^- 218. (1.) A Curious Collection of Books of sculpture and single prints, with some drawings & two parcels of valuable Eoman medals, etc. P. F. At S. Hardinci's, on the Pavement in St. Martin's Lane. 12 Feb. 8.-C. 352. (6.) A Catalogue of scarce and valuable Books lately imported from France, etc. P. F. A. Lyon, under Tom's Coffee-House, Russel Street, Covent Garden. 4 March. ^■-^- '^13. (13.) Field, Henrv. Library. P. F. P. At S. Baker's, the Angel <& Crown, Russel-Streef, Covenf Garden. 20 March. S.-C. 286. (1.) Chishull, Edmund, Ftca/- o/ lFrt/?/;rt>«s/ne. Monday the 27th of this Instant, 1739. ^ S.-C. 303. Bibliotheca Picola : or, a small catalogue of very curious and useful books, collected by a person of qualitv, and a learned clergvman, etc. /. Levi. Wednesday, the 26th [1739 ?]. S.-C\ 426. (3.) A Catalogue of Books, as well ancient, as recent : In most arts, and rare sciences, useful or pleasant, etc. [Title rhymed.] P. F. P. In Jackson's Shop, Clare-Court, Drury Lane. [1739 ?] S.-C. 323. (5.) A Catalogue of curious Books concerning Most branches of polite and useful learning, etc. [Title rhymed.] P. F. P. At Jackson's Shop. [1739 ?] ' " S.-C. 323. (4.) 1740. Cockburne, William, M.D. Library. [C. Cock ?] At Mr. Cockburne's late dwelling-place, St. Jaynes' Street. 2 Jan. S.-C. 429. (3.) Chastel, Moses. Books in several Faculties. P. F. At the Golden Bible, Compton Street, Soho. 3 Jan. S.-C. 421. (3.) Jekyll, Sir Joseph. Librarv. At C. Cock's, Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 21 Jan. ' S.-C. 429. (4.) A Catalogue of several choice and curious Books in several faculties, etc. P. F. IF. Darre's, the Three Flour de Luces, Hayrmrket. 28 Jan. S.-C. 421. (4.) MiLXES, James, Dr. Librarv. P. F. P. 0. Payne, Horace's Head, Round Court, Strand. 12 Feb. S.-C. 423. (2.) A Large Collection of cheap Books, etc. P. F. At R. Montagu's Book- Warehouse, Great Queen Street. 18 Feb. S.-C. 344. (2.) -1742 . 61 A Catalogue of curious Books in divinity, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne, Round ^Court, Strand. 29 Feb. S.-C. 340. (2.) A Choice Collection of Books, being the libraries of a gentleman of the army, deceased, a reverend divine, etc. P. F. P. At R. Montagu's Booh-Warehoicse. 10 March. S.-C. 344. (3.) MoxTAGUE, Charles, 3rc? Earl of Halifax. Librarv. At C. Cock's. 11 March. ' S.-C. 429. (1.) Des Alms de Rousset, Charles, Bishop of Beziers ; Johnsox, Rev. Mr., M.A. Libraries. At T. Osborne's Shop, Gray's Inn. 18 March. 820. c. 10. (3.) Christiex, Peter. Librarv. T. Corhett, St. Paul's Coffee-House. 27 March. " S.-C. 426. (5.) Boerhaave, Herman, Professor. Part of Library. P. F. J. van den Hoeck, Virgil's Head, over-against Norfolk Street, Strand. 16 April. S.-C. 264. (3.) A Catalogue of Books in Greek, Latin, Italian, etc. P. F. P. 0. Payne. 1 May: S.-C. 423. (3.) A New Catalogue of Books consisting of illustrious authors in all parts. P. F. P. At A. Jackson's Shop.^ [2 May.] S.-C. 421. (1.) A Catalogue of a choice collection of Books, containing several thousand volumes, etc. F. P. S. Baker, Chaucer's Head, Russel Street, Covent Garden. ' 6 May. S.-C. 420. (3.) Wright, Rev. Mr., of Stepney ; Smith, John. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne. 8 May. S.-C. 423. (6.) A Catalogue of curious Books, etc. P. F. J. Duncan, St. Martin's Court, "is Sept. S.-C. 713. (14.) WixDE, Captain. Library. At C. Cock's. 31 Oct. S.-C. 266. (4.) A Catalogue of many thousand rare and valuable Books, etc. P. F. P. At J. Wilcox's, Virgil's Head, Strand. This dav. [1740 ?] S.-C. 344. (5.) 1741. Chilwell, William, of Vaux-Hall. Library. P. F. P. T. Payne, Bishopsgate Street. 9 Feb. ' 11901. aaa. 52. Baker, Thomas, B.D. Librarv. [W. Thurlbourn ?] At the Wrestlers Inn, Cambridge. 9 Nov. ' S.-C. 835. (1.) 1742. Harley, Edward, 2nd Earl of Oxford. Collection of Pictures, Anti- quities. Books of Prints and Drawings. Priced. C. Cock, Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 8 March. 7805. e. 39. (17.) 62 1742- RoYAL Library, Cambridge. Duplicates. (Part I.) [W. Thud- bourn ?1 III the Puhlich Schools, Cambridge. 29 March. S.-C. 835. (2.) A Catalogue of a small aud curious collection of Books, etc. [W. T hurl- bourn ?] Cambridge. 12 April. S.-C. 835. (3.) Royal Library, Cambridge. Duplicates. (Part IL) [W. Thurl- bourn ?J In the Publick Schools, Cambridge. 1 Dec. S.-C. 835. (2*.) 1743. Snape, Andrew, Provost of King's College, Cambridge. Library. P. F. Priced in MS. [W. Thurlbourn ?] At the Falcon Inn, Petty Cury, Cambridge. 9 May. 270. d. 29. (L) Hardy, Jolm, Vicar of Melton Mowbray. Library. P. F. At G. Aiiscough's Shop, Bridle-smithgate, Nottingham. 5 July. 82L d. IL SxAPE, Andrew, Provost of King's College, Cambridge. Library. (Remaining part.) Brearey, Henry, Rector of Boxworth, Cambs. Library. Priced. [If. Thurlbourn ?] At the Falcon Inn, Petty Cury, Cambridge. 7 Nov. 270. d. 29. (2.) 1744. Pellet, Thomas, M.D., F.R.S. Library. Priced. [S. Baker,] Over Exeter Change. 7 Jan. S.-C.S. 1. (1.) & 270. h. 32. Archer, Henry, Rev. Dr. ; Rushton, William, Surgeon. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Horace's Head, Round Court, Strand. 8 Oct. S.-C. 340. (3.) A Catalogue of Books, consisting of divinity, history, philosopliy and classical authors, etc. At W. Thurlbourn' s Shop, Cambridge. 19 Nov. S.-C. 835. (6.) Barker, Robert, F.R.S. ; Smart, James. Libraries. P. F. P. T.Payne. This day. Ll"4-4 ?] S.-C. 340. (4.) 1745. Stanley, Sir John, Bart. Library. Priced. S. Baler, over Exeter Exchange, Strand. 11 March. 270. d. 27. Warren, William, Rev. Dr. Library. P. F. P. At Dr. Warrens Chamber, Trinity-Hall, Cambridge. 22 May. S.-C. 835. (7.) Towers, William, D.D. Library. W. Thurlbourn, the Falcon Inn, Petty-Cur y, Cambridge. 13 Nov. S.-C. 835. (8.) Lyne, Matthew, Rev. Library. [W. Thurlbourn 1] At the Falcon-Inn, Cambridge. 29 Nov. S.-C. 835. (9.) -1749 63 1746. Stuart, William, D.D. JAhvdxy. Priced. [J. Winston and S. BaJcer.] At Paul's Coffee-Housc. 3 Feb. (20 days.) S.-C.S. 1. (3.) Seymour, Berkley ; Harneise, R., Rev. Libraries. W. Pitkin, the Falcon-Inn, Cambridge. 26 Feb. S.-C. 835. (10.) A Catalogue of Books to be sold by auction, etc. IF. Pitkin, [Cam- hridge.] 10 Nov. S.-C. 835. (11.) Buck, Thomas. Library. At the Falcon-Inn, Cambridge. 26 Nov. S.-C. 835. (12.) 1747. Adams, John, Master of Sidney Sussex College. Librarv. W. Pitkin, the Falcon-Inn, Cambridge. 26 .Jan. ^ S.-C. 835. (13.) Harley, Edward, 2nd Earl of Oxford. Collection of Tracts and Pamphlets. (No. 1.) P. F. P. T. Osborne, Gray's Inn. [2 March ?J 130. k. 16. (1.) Harley, Edward, 2nd Earl of Oxford. Collection of Tracts and Pamphlets. (No. 2.) P. F. P. T. Osborne. [1 April.] 130. k. 16. (2.) Harley, Edward, 2nd Earl of Oxford. Collection of Tracts and Pamphlets. (No. 3.) P. F. P. T. Osborne. [2 June.] 130. k. 16. (3.) Harley, Edward, 2nd Earl of Oxford. Collection of Tracts and Pamphlets. (No. 4.) Comarque, Rev. Mr., of Putney. Collection of Music. P. F. P. T. Osborne. [1 Oct.] 130. k. 16. (4.) 1748. Harley, Edward, 2nd Earl of Oxford. Collection of Tracts and Pamphlets. (No. 5.) P. F. P. T. Osborne, Gray's Inn. [1 Feb.] 130. k. 16. (5.) Allin, Richard, B.D. Part of Library. With an appendix of books to be sold. P. F. P. {W. Thurlbourn,] The Falcon-Inn, Cambridge. 7 Nov. S.-C. 8.35. (14.) Maittaire, Michael. Library. (First Part.) With preface. Priced. Cock & Langford, Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 21 Nov. (20 days.) 269. i. 20. 1749. Maittaire, Michael. Library. (Second Part.) With preface. Priced. Cock & Langford, Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 9 Jan. (24 days.) "^ 269. i. 21. A Catalogue of books, etc. At the Falcon-Inn, Cambridge. 20 Feb. S.-C. 374. (1.) 64 1749- A Catalogue of Books, etc. At the Falcon-Inn, Camhridge. 28 Feb. S.-C. 374. (2.) BiscoE. Ricliard, Rector of North Weald, Essex. Library. P. F. P. W. Thurlbourn, Camhridge. 29 June. S.-C. 374. (3.) Sparrow, Joseph. Reetor of Westly, Suffolk. Library. Biscoe, Ricliard, Rector of North Weald, Essex. Part of Library. [W. Thurlbourn,] The Falcon-Inn, Camhridge. 6 Nov. S.-C. 374. (6.) EvERSOX, Thomas, Rev. Library. At the Bell Inn, Thetford, Norfolk. 9 Nov. ^ S.-C. 374. (5.) Baylis, Sir Robert. Library. Priced. >S'. Baker, at the Rose Tavern near Temple-Bar. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 1. (4.) 1750. Bull, Henry, DD- Library. P. F. P. W. Thurlbourn, opposite the Senate-House, Camhridge. 28 June. S.-C. 374. (4.) A Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of Books . . . being the libraries of three clergymen lately deceased. [W. Thurlbourn,] The Falcon Inn, Camhridge. 6 Nov. S.-C. 374. (7.) A Catalogue of an Appendix to the auction of Books at the Falcon Inn in the°Petty-Curv. [W. Thurlbourn,] The Falcon-Inn, Camhridge. 21 Nov. ' S.-C. 374. (7*.) 1751. MiDDLETOX, Conyers, D.D. Library. S. Baker, at the Rose Tavern, near Temple-Bar. 4 March. "^ S.-C.S. 1. (5.) Watsox, Rev. Mr., Rector of Wood-Norton, Norfolk. Library. (A Cata- logue of several parcels of Books, lately purchased, etc.) P. F. P. ]V^ Thurlbourn, opposite the Senate-House, Camhridge. 11 March. S.-C. 374. (8.) Webbe, Edward, Counsellor-at-Laiv ; Davie, Alexander, of Sidney College, Cambridge ; Carrixgtox, Francis ; Worsley, Hon. Lady Marv P F. P. Libraries. At T. Osborne's, Gray's Inn. To 25 March. S.-C. 463. FMerrill. T. Stock of Books.] [Cambridge.] [March.] ■- S.-C. 374. (18.) A Catalogue of a verv neat and curious collection of Books in all parts of learninw, etc. P. F. P. W. Thurlbourn, Camhridge. 27 June. S.-C. 374. (9.) Perkixs, Rev. Mr., Rector of Triploe, Cambs ; Milxer, Joseph, Rev., of Nottinghamshire. Libraries. [_W. Thurlbourn,] The Falcon-Inn, Camhridge. 11 Nov. S.-C. 374. (11.) -1755 65 1752. Banyer, Rev. Dr., Vicar of Royston ; Sturgis, Rev. Mr., Rector of Ditton. Libraries. V. F. P. W. Thurlbourn, Cambruhje. 2 July. S.-C. 374. (13.) 1753. Paston, James, Dr., of Harleston, Norfolk ; Shipman, Rev. Mr., of Hadiscoe, Norfolk; Purt, Mark, Rector of Finhorough, Suffolk. Libraries. P. F. P. William Chase, Norivich. 13 Aug. 11902. b. 39. (1.) Bennet, Philip, Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge ; Milxer, Joseph, Rev., of Nottinghamshire. Libraries. [W. Thurlbourn,] The Falcon-Inn, Cambridge. 12 Nov. S.-C. 374. (14.) Mortimer, Cromwell, Dr. ; Pargiter, Edmund. Libraries. (Vol. I.) P. F. P. At T. Osborne's, Grai/s Inn. 26 Nov. 128. i. 7. A Catalogue of a large and curious collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. 29 Nov. S.-C. 340. (1.) 1754. A Catalogue of a neat and valuable collection of Books, etc. [W. Thurl- bourn,] At the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. 11 March. S.-C. 375. (1.) Turner, Horsemandon, Recorder of Maidstone ; Dobree. Peter ; White, Rev. Mr. Libi'aries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle-Street. 29 April [6 May]. 8.-C. 473. (1.) Coventry, Hon. Henry ; Bromley, Francis, Rector of Wickham, Hants ; Mann, Nicholas, Master of the Charterhouse. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston d- B. White, Fleet Street. 25 July S.-C. 474. Hare, Henry, 2>rd Baron Coleraine ; Clarke, Hon. Charles ; Dunster, Samuel, D.D. Libraries. (2 vol.) With preface. P. F. P. At T. Osborne's cfc J. Shipton's, Gray's Inn. 11 Nov. 12S. i. 8, 9. EooKE, George Henry, Rev. Dr. Library. [IF. Thurlbourn,] At the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. 11 Nov. " " S.-C. 375. (2.) Mead, Richard, M.D. Library. (First Part.) Priced. S. Baker, York Street, Covent Garden. iS Nov. (28 days.) S.-C.S. 2. (1.), C. 28. g. 16. (2.), 270. i. 28. (1.) & 821. g. 1. (2.) Hare, Henry, 3rd Baron Coleraine. Collection of Prints, Drawings, etc. Chambers, Ephraim. Library. P. F. P. At T. Osborne's & J. Shipton's. This and every day. 128. i. 5. (2.) 1755. Fielding, Henry. Library. Priced. S. Baker, York Street, Covent Garden. 10 Feb. ^ S.-C.S. 2. (3.) B-ENfioti, ^iWhim, Auditor of H.M. Imprest. Library. S.Baker. 3 March. S.-C.S. 2. (4.) E 66 1755- Mead, Richard, M.D. Librarv. (Secoucl Part.) Pricc-d. S. Baker. 7 April. (29 days.) S.-C.S. 2. (6.), C. 28. g. If3. (3.), 270. i. 28. (2.) & 821. g. 1. (2*.) Mall, John, Rev. Library. (Greater Part.) [W. Thurlhourn,] At the Falcon-Imf, Cambridge. 10 Nov. 8.-C. 375. (3.) A Catalogue of a curious and valuable collection of Books in divinitv, history, etc. [W. Thurlbourn,] At the Falcon-Inn. Cambridge. 13 Nov. S.-C. 374. (12.) A Catalogue of a large and verv good collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle- Street. 8 Dec. ' S.-C. 475. (1.) 1756. FoLKES, Martin, P.R.S. Librarv. Priced. S. Baler, York Street, Covent Garden. 2 Feb. (40 days.) " S.-C.S. 3. (1.), 124. e. 15. & 823. c. 17. A Catalogue of scarce and valuable Books, etc. At W. Bonnor's, Cambridge. 22 March. S.-C. 375. (4.) Rawlinson, Richard, LL.D. Librarv. [First Part.] Priced. S. Baker. 29 March. " S.-C.S. 3. (2.) & 270. d. 13. Brewer, Risley Risley ; Duck, Stephen, Rev.; Wallis, Thomas, M.D., of Stamford. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston «£ B. White, Fleet Street. 12 Aug. S.-C. 448. Bagnall, George ; Croxall, Samuel, Rev. Dr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Patjne, Castle Street. 16 Aug. S.-C. 475. (2.) & 011902. i. 1. (2.) Ward, Lees, M.A., Rector of Holton ; Mickleborough, John, Rector of Landbeach. Libraries. [If. Thurlbourn,] At the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. 8 Nov. S.-C. 375. (5.) 1757. Dalzell, Gibson ; Davis. Rev. Mr. ; Woodhouse, Dr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street 24 Jan. S.-C. 476. (1.) A Catalogue of the entire Library of an Italian gentleman. Priced. S. Baker. 4 Feb. S.-C.S. 3*. (1.), S.-C.S. 4. (2.) & 269. k. 29. (2.) Gastaldi, Battista. Library. Priced. S. Baker, York-Street, Covent- Garden. 10 Feb. S.-C.S. 4. (1.) & 269. k. 29. (1.) R.wvlixsox, Richard. LL.D. Pamphlets and Remainder of Librarv. Priced. S. Baker. 3 March. 270. d. 14. (1.) Keate, Sir William, Rev. ; Pollard, Arthur. Consul at Aleppo. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. 1 Aug. S.-C. 476. (2.) Challis, Martin, Rev. Library. (A Catalogue of many valuable parcels of Books, collected during the late vacation, etc.) [IF. Thurlbourn,} At the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. 7 Nov. S.-C. 375. (6.) -1759 f)7 C.?;^;ar, Sir Julius. Collection of Manuscripts. S. Paterson. at St. Paul's Coffee-House. 23 Nov. 11903. i. 29. This sale loas yosiponed, till 14 Dec. C.BSAR, Sir Julius. Part of Collection of Manuscripts. With preface. Priced. S. Paterson, St. Paul's Coffee-House. 14 Dec. 824. b. 17. (10.) 1758. EuTTY, William, M.D. Library. (Bibliotheca elegans & utilis. A cata- louue of the library of a noble Peer, etc.) P. F. P. J. Whiston & B. White, Fleet Street. 26 Jan. S.-C. 477. Saxsox, Monsieur; Peck, Francis, Rev. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Paijne, Castle Street. 13 Feb. S.-C. 478. & 011902. i. 1. (3.) Steele, Edward, Painter. Collection of Books, Tracts, MSS. and Coins. S. Paterson, the Feathers Tavern, Strand. 12 April. 7805. e. 39. (39.) Calamy, Edmund, Rev. Dr. Library. P. F. P. At Exeter Chafige, Strand. 19 June. ^ S.-C. 392. (1.) Lipyeatt, Thomas, Rev. Virtuoso Prints, Aldine Classics, etc. At the Angel Inn, Market Hill, Camhridfje. 26 June. S.-C. 375. (7.) HoADLEY, Benjamin, Dr. Library. (A Catalogue of a large and curious collection of Books, etc.) P. F. P. T. Patjne. 24 July. S.-C. 447. Gibbon, Williams, Rev., M.A. ; Hand, John, Counseller-at-Laiv. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston & B. White, Fleet Street. 1 Aug. S.-C. 479. 1759. Glover, Philips. Library. P. F. P. J. Whiston & B. White, Fleet Street. 23 Jan. " S.-C. 480. Dalzell, Hon. Kobert. Library. (A Catalogue of a large and curious collection of Books, etc.) P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. 5 Feb. S.-C. 481. (1.) & 11900. aaa. 42. (1.) A Catalogue of above fifteen thousand Volumes, etc. P. F. P. J. Hinxman, York. 14 Feb. 11904. e. 8. [Thomas, J.] Library. (Including books from the collection of Cardinal Ottoboni.) " Priced. S. Baker, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 26 Feb. S.-C.S. 3*. (2.) Clarke, Joseph, D.D. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 3 March. S.-C. S. 3*. (3.) Sturgeon, i?ei'. Mr. Library. [William Pitkin <& Charles Crow 'i] At the Free-School, Cambridge. 'l4 May. S.-C. 375. (8.) A Catalogue of a large and curious collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne. 6 Aug. S.-C. 481. (2.) & 11900. aaa. 42. (2.) F 2 68 1759- Martyn, Loraax, Serjeant-at-Law ; Carr, Henry Thomas. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston & B. White. 14 Aug. S.-C. 482. Nutting, Thomas, J. P. ; Nicholson, Rev. Mr., Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Libraries. [T. Merrill,] At the Falcon-Inn, Camhridge. 12 Nov. S.-C. 375. (18.) 1760. Barker, Edward, Baroyi of the Court of Exchequer. Library. P. F. P. J. Whiston & B. White, Fleet Street. 22 Jan. S.-C. 483. (1.) A Catalogue of near twenty thousand Volumes, etc. P. F. P. T. Pai/ne, Castle Street. 11 Feb. S.-C. 484. (1.) & 011902. i. 2.(1.) A Catalogue of two select parcels of Books, lately purchased, etc. [W. Thurlbourn,] At the Falcon Inn, Cambridge. 27 Feb. S.-C. 375. (9.) Kennedy, John, Dr. Collection of Pictures. Library, etc. Mr. Prestage, Savile Row. 30 April. "^ 7805. e. 39. (49.) Ames, Joseph, F.R.S. Collection of Books and Manuscripts. Priced. A. Langford, Covent Garden. 5 May. 11904. g. 24. A Catalogue of a large collection of the best Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne. 14 July. S.-C. 484. (2.) & 011902. i. 2. (2.) Potter, Thomas, M.P. ; Edwards, Vicerus, of Bedford Row. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston & B. White. 19 Aug. S.-C. 483. (2.) Du Pont, Andrew Peter. Library, Prints, etc. Priced. S. Baler, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 3 Nov. S.-C.S. 3*. (4.) Omer, Jacob, Vicar of Margate. Library. Colson, John, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge. Part of Library. [T. Merrill,] At the Falcon-Inn, Cambridge. 15 Nov. [1760.] S.-C. 375. (11.) He\th, Thomas, of Exeter. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 24 Nov. [1760.] S.-C.S. 5. (2.) A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books latelv purchased, etc. P. F. J. Paris, Cambridge. 24 Nov. S.-C. 375. (12.) Montagu, Charles, 1st Earl of Halifax. Collection of Manuscripts. S. Baker. 28 Nov. 7805. e. 39. (44.) 1761. A Catalogue of a large and curious collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. 28 Jan. S.-C. 485. (1.) Burton, Rev. Dr., Rector of Staplehurst ; Colson, John, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Camhridge. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston & R. White, Fleet Street. 17 Feb. S.-C. 486. Lethieullier, Smart, of Aldersbroke, Essex. Library. Priced. S. Baker, York-Street, Covent Garden. 23 Feb. S.-C.S. 12. (8.) -17G3 69 A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, consisting of several parcels lately purchased, etc. [W. Thurlbourn,] At the Red Lion, Cambridge. 2 March. S.-C. 375. (13.) Campbell, Hon. Alexander Hume, Lord Register of Scotland. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 13 April. 8.-C.S. 4. (6.) A Catalogue of a large collection of the best Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne. 12 Oct. S.-C. 485. (2.) & 011902. i. 2. (3.) Egerland, Hon. Augustus George ; Hepburn, George, Dr., of King's Lijnn ; Hody, Edward, Dr., of St. George's Hospital. Libraries. (A Catalogue for the year 1761, etc.) P. F. P. At T. Osborne's, Grai/'s-Lnn. 128. i. 10. 1762. NouRSE, Edward, Surgeon. Library. Priced. S. Baker, York Street, Covent Garden. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 3*. (5.) A Catalogue of a large collection of useful and valuable Books, etc. P. F. P. A. Webleij, the Bible <& Crown, Holborn. [15] Feb. 128. i. 11. (1.) A Catalogue of a very choice and curious collection of Books . . . consisting of several valuable libraries, lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. J. Whiston & B. White, Fleet Street. 16 Feb. 128. i. 11. (2.) CoLEBROOKE, Sir James, Bart. Librarv, Prints. Priced. S. Baker. 8 March. " S.-C.S. 3*. (7.) A Catalogue of Books and Prints, etc. [T. Merrill,'] In Red Lion Inn, Cambridge. 8 March. S.-C. 375. (14.) Ralph, James. Library. Price, Uvedale. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 5 April. S.-C.S. 4. (5.) A Catalogue of a large and curious collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. 5 May. S.-C. 489. (1.) Hayter, Thomas, Bishop of London. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 10 May. S.-C.S. 4. (7.) & 270. i. 37. Davies, Richard, M.D., of Bath. Library. P.F.P. T. Payne. 21 June. S.-C. 487. (2.) Taylor, Robert, Dr., F.R.S. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 28 Sept. S.-C.S. 5. (1.) & 269. k. 27. (2.) Humphreys, George, Surgeon. Library, Prints, etc. Priced. S. Baker. 11 NoV. " S.-C.S. 3*. (6.) Naylor, Rev. Dr. Library. P. F. J. Paris, Cambridge. 22 Nov. S.-C. 375. (15.) 1763. Erle, Augustine ; Reynolds, R., of Hertford. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. 8 Feb. S.-C. 488. (1.) 70 1703- Savage, John, D.D. Library, Prints. Tyndall, Savage, D.D. Library, Prints, Priced. S. Baker, York-Street, Covent-Gardcn. U Feb. S.-C.S. 3*. (8.) Williams, Thomas ; Harris, William. Vicar of Hornchurch, Essex. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston d: B. White, Fleet Street. 15 Feb. S.-C. 489. (L) St. John, Oliver, F.R.S. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 24 March. S.-C.S. 4. (4.) A Catalogue of a large and curious collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne. 22 Aug. S.-C. 488. (2.) & 011902. i. 3. (1.) Delafaye, Charles, of Wichhury, Wilts ; Pickard, William, o/ Echnonton ; Daubuz, Rev. Mr. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston & B. White. 23 Aug. S.-C. 489.. (2.) Edwin, Humphrey. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 16 Nov. S.-C.S. 3*. (9.) 1764. TuxsTALL, James, D.D. ; Clare, Rev. Mr.,- of Richmond. Libraries. P. F. P. /. Whiston & B. White, Fleet Street. 16 Feb. S.-C. 490. (1.) Dormer, Sir Clement Cottrell. Library (collected by Lieutenant C4eneral James Dormer). Priced. >S. Baker, York-Street, Cocent- Garden. 20 Feb. S.-C.S. 5. (3.) & 124. e. 11. Thoresby, Ealph, F.R.S. Library. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. 27 Feb. S.-C. 491. & 011902. i. 3. (2.) Dalton, John, D.D. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 21 March. S.-C.S. .-.. (4.) Hyde, Ed\vard, Is^ Earl of Clarendon ; Hyde, Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon; Hyde, Edward, 3rf/ Earl of Clarendon. Collection of Manuscripts (after^va^ds in possession of Joseph Radcliffe). S. Baker. 9 April. S.-C.S. 5. (5.) Mead, Richard, of Albemarle Street. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 18 April. " S.-C.S. 3*. (11.) AViLKES, John, M.P. Library. Priced. *S'. Baker. 3 Ma5^ S.-C.S. 5. (6.) Young, William. Library of Books, MS. Music, etc. Priced. Mr. Prestage, Standlinch, near Salisbury. 23 July. 824. b. 17. (11.) Jeffery, Bartholomew, of Exeter ; Axton, Thomas, Rev. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston d B. White. 21 Aug. S.-C. 490. (2.) Hutton, John, of St. Raid's Churchyard. English Library. Priced. *S. Paterson & W. Bristow, Essex Street, Strand. 22 Oct. " (27 days.) 270. i."24. 1766 71 Robinson, Jacob, Bookseller. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 3*. (12.) 1765. 'Parker, GeoTge, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield. Library. Priced. S.Baker, York-Street, Covent Garden. 14 Jan. S.-C.S. 5. (7.) Harris, Joseph, Assay Master of the Mint. Library, etc. Priced. S. Baker. 11 Feb. S.-C.S. 6. (1.) Smith, Edward, of Ed?nonthorj)e ; Bromfeild, Henry, of Bedford-Row ; Henley, Pliocion, Rec, M.A. Libraries. P. F. P. /. Winston & B. White, Fleet Street. 26 Feb. ■ S.-C. 492. Letherland, Joseph, F.R.C.P. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 14 March. S!-C.S. 6. (2.) & S.C. 804. (11.) Barnard, Sir John ; Simpson, Rev. Dr., Vicar of St. George's in the East; MiBDLETO^, Dr., of Bristol ; Ross, Dr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. 18 March. S.-C. 493. (1.) & 011902 i. 3. (3.) TowNSHEND, Hon. Edward, D.D., Dean of Norwich; Townshend, Ho7i. Horatio. Libraries. Letherland, Joseph, F.R.C.P. Books, Medals, etc. Priced. S. Baker. 13 May. S.-C.S. 6. (3.) MuNCKLEY, Nicholas, of Hainpstead. Library. P. F. P. T. Payne. 5 Aug. S.-C. 493. "(2.) & 011902. i. 4. (1.) 1766. A Catalogue of scarce and valuable Books, selected at various times from the libraries of the learned, etc. P. F. P. With copious MS. additions. G. Waqstaff, Brown's Lane, Spitalfields. 10 Feb. S.-C. 536. Mallet, David. Library. Priced. S. Baker, York-Street, Covent- Garden. 10 March. S.-C.S. 6. (4.) Negus, Thomas, D.D. ; Price, William, Painter of Glass. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 18 March. 128. i. 12. (1.) Baber, John, of Sunning-Hill Park. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 31 March. S.-C.S. 6*. (2.) & 269 k. 32. MusSELL, Ebenezer, of Bethnal Green. Library. A. Langford & Son. 30 May. 270. h. 30. (1.) Bibliotheca Literaria : a Cataloeue of books, prints, etc. P. F. P- J. Pole, Eton College, Eton. 4 July. 128. i. 12. (2.) Clements, Beniamin, of Isleworth. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 6 Nov. ■ S.-C.S. 3*. (10.) Chandler, Samuel, D.D., F.R.S. Library. Priced. S. Baker. 8 Dec. S.-C.S. 6=^. (1.) 72 1766- East, William ; Thornton, John ; Macaulay, George, M.D. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Davien, Russel Street, CoveM Garden. 18 Dec. 128. i. 1 (3.) 1767. DuPRE, John ; Bell, Hugh Barker ; Cooke, Rev. Mr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. Jan. 011902. i. 5. (1.) Tlte titlepage is mutilated and some names arc missing. A Catalogue of a neat and valuable collection of Books, ancient and modern, etc. P. F. P. W. Shropshire, the Kinr/s Arms and Golden Ball, New Bond Street. 2 Feb. ' 128. i. 15. (1.) Hadley, John, Physician to the Charter-House. Library. Priced. S. Baker & G. Leigh, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 5 Feb. S.-C.S. 7. (1.) Thomas, John, Bishop of Salisbury ; Calvert, Sir William. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White. Horaces Head, Fleet Street. 24 Feb. 128. i. 13. (1.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, in all branches of learning, etc. P. F. P. C. Marsh, Charing Cross. 9 March. 128. i. 12. (5.) Niblett, Stephen, D.D. ; Bilstone, John, Bev. Libraries. P. F. P. At J. Fletchers, the Turle, Oxford. 13 March. 128. i. 12. (4.) A Catalogue of a fine Librarv of English Books. Priced. B. cfe L. 24 March. ' S.-C.S. 7. (2.) A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books latelv purchased, etc. P. F. P. S. Baker & G. Leigh. 31 March. 128. i. 15. (2.) WagstafE's Catalogue of rare and uncommon Books, Plavs, and Pamphlets, etc. P. F. P. At G. Wagstaff's, Brick Lane, Spkalfields. 18 May. 128. i. 14. (1.) Percy, William, Attorney-at-Law. Library. P. F. P. H. Turpin, the Golden Key, West Smithfield. 30 June. 128. i. 15. (3.) Brooke, Montagu, of York. Library. P. F. P. ./. Todd & H. Solheran, York. 3 Aug. ^ 11904. e. 5. Wills, John, D.D., Prebendary of Sarum. Library. P. F. P. J. Whiston, 64, Fleet Street. 9 Aug. 128. i. 13. (3.) A Catalogue of several thousand scarce and valuable Books, Manu- scripts, Pamphlets, etc. P. F. P. G. Wagstaff. 7 Dec. 128. i. 14. (2.) A Catalogue of many thousand volumes of valuable Books, etc. P. F. P. W. Otridge, Strand. 21 Dec. 128. i. 14. (3.) Strahan, Alexander. Library. P. F. P. T. Payne. This day, and on sale till Christmas. 011902. i. 4. '(3.) & 128. i. 15. (4.) -1768 73 Tyrrel, Richard, Admiral. Library. (A Catalogue of Books in various languages, etc.) P. F. P. T. Wilcox, Virgil's Head, Strand. Tliisday. 128. i. 13. (2.) 1768. Baldwin, Sir Brydges ; Lawson, Dr. ; Lobb, Mr., of Peterhouse, Cambridge. Libraries. P. F. P. S. Baker & G. Leigh, York Street, Covent Garden. 12 Jan. 128. i. 16. (1.) MoxTEAGE, Stephen ; Johnston, Pelham, Dr. Libraries. P. F. P. E. Ballard, Little Britain. 27 Jan. 128. i. 16. (2.) PvUSSEL, Rev. Mr., of Guildforil ; Thomson, William, Rev., of Queen's College, Oxford. P. F. P. Libraries. T. Davies, Russel Street, Covent Garden. 28 Jan. 128. i. 16. (3.) Archer, Thomas, Rev., M.A. ; Archer, Benjamin, Rev., M.A. Libraries. P. F. P. W. Shropshire, the King's Arm and Golden Ball. New Bond Street. 1 Feb. 128. i. 16. (4.) Strahan, Alexander. Italian, Spanish and French Books ; Scottowe, Charles, Rev. Library. P. F. P. T. Patjne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. Feb. 128. i. 16. (5.) Grey, Zachary, Rev., LL.D. ; Postlethwayte, Malachy ; Cranmer, Thomas, M.D. Libraries. P. F. P. L. Davis & C. Reymers, over against Gray's Inn, Holhorn. 8 March. 128. i. 17. (1.) A Catalogue of a large, valuable, and curious collection of Books, in all languages, etc. P. F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 10 March. 128. i. 17. (2.) A Catalogue of a neat collection of Books in Greek, Latin, English, etc. P. F. P. J. White, Corner of Lincoln's Inn Fields. 21 March. 128. i. 17. (4.) A Catalogue of valuable and elegant Books, being several libraries, lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. W. Cater, opposite Red Lion Street, Holhorn. 21 March. 128. i. 17. (3.) Reynolds, Charles, D.D. ; Lodington, George. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Whiston, Fleet Street. 16 May. 128. i. 17. (5.) A Catalogue of ten thousand volumes of valuable Books in most languages, etc. P. F. P. W. Otridye, Strand. 4 July. 128. i. 18. (1.) Martyn, John, Professor of Botany at Cambridge. Library. Grey, Zachary, Rev., LL.D. Tracts and Volumes of Tracts. P. F. P. L. Davis cfe C. Reymers. 21 July. 128. i. 18. (2.) A Catalogue of several Libraries, newly purchased, etc. P. F. P. B. White. 16 Aug. 128. i. 18. (3.) Jephson, Rev. Mr., Rector of Crailce, Durham. Library. P. F. P. C. Etherington, York. 23 Aug. 11904. e. 10. 74 1768- A Catalogue of a valuable and elegant collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. IF. Cater. 21 Nov. 128. i. 18. (4.) Jenner, Thomas, President of Magdalen College, Oxford ; Fisher, John, Rector of Water-Stratford, Bucks. Libraries. P. F. P. At J. Fletcher's, the Turk', Chford. 6 Dec. 128. i. 18. (").) Anstis, John, Garter King at Arms. Collection of Manuscripts. Anstls, John, jun.. Garter King at Arms. Collection of Manuscripts. Mead, James. Law Library. Priced. S. Baker & G. Leigh. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. 7. (3.) A Catalogue of a large and curious collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne. This day, till Christmas. S.-C. 495. & 011902. i. 5. (2.) 1769. A Catalogue of valuable and curious Books, including several libraries and collections purchased at home and abroad, etc. P. F. P. T. Davies, Russel Street, Covent Garden. 26 Jan. 128. i. 19. (1.) Wettexiiall, Thomas, Rector of Walthamstow. Library. P. F. P. S. Baker cfc G. Leigh, York Street, Covent Garden. 14 Feb. 128. i. 19. (3.) A Catalogue of several Libraries, newlv purchased, etc. P. F. P. B. White, Horaces Head, Fleet Street. ^4 Feb. 128. i. 19. (4.) A Catalogue of several valuable Libraries latelv purchased, etc. P. F. P. J. Pridden, Fleet Street. 23 Feb. " 128. i. 19. (5.) Satkville, Elisabeth, DmcAca's o/Z)o/-srf. Library. P. F. P. T.Evans, Jjocke's Head, Covent Garden. [6 March.] 128. k. 1. (1.) British Museum. Duplicates from Library. Priced. S. Baker d G. Leigh. 4 April. S.-C.S. 12. (5.) & 820. i. 28. A Catalogue of several thousand Volumes in various languages, arts, and sciences, etc. P. F. P. H. Turpin, the Golden Key. West Smithfield. 27 June. 128. k. 1. (2.) Pawlet, Edward, F.R.S. Library. P. F. P. T. Pagne, Castle Street. St. Martins. [June.] " S.-C. 496. (1.) & 011902. i. 6. (1.) Spence, Joseph, Rev. ; Duncombe, William. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White. 8 Aug. 128. k. 1. (3.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, containing about five thousand volumes, etc. P. F. P. ./. White, at the Corner of Lincoln s Inn Fields. To 25 Sept. 128. k. 1. (4.) Thornton, R. ; Mitchel, John, Dr. ; Hayes, T., Dr., of Chester. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street. [7 Nov.] S.-C. 496. (2.) A Catalogue of several thousand valuable and elegant Books, etc. P. F. P. W. Cater, opposite Red Lion Street, Holborn. 18 Dec. 128. k. 1. (5.) -1770 75 HoBLYN, Robert, of Nansivhyden, Cornwall. Library. P. F. At J. Murray's, Fleet-Stfeet. 821. i. 16. A Catalogue of valuable Books in most languages and sciences, etc. P. F. P. D. Wilson & G. N., Strand. 128. i. 19. (2.) Wagstafi's Catalogue for 1769. Containing a choice collection of books lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. At G. Wagstaff's, Briclc Lane, Spital- fields. 128. k. 1. (6.) Wagstaff's Second Catalogue for 1769. Containing a valuable collec- tion of choice books, etc. P. F. P. G. Wagstaff. 128. k. 1. (7.) 1770. A Catalogue of a grand and curious collection of ancient and modern Engravings and Etchings, etc. P. F. P. W. Shropshire, New Bond Street. 1 Feb. 128. k. 2. (1.) Hutchinson, Thomas, Rev. Dr. ; Mudge, Zachariah, Rev., of Ply- mouth. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White, Horaces Head, Strand. 13 Feb. 128. k. 2. (3.) A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books, lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. S. Baler & G. Leigh, York Street, Covent Garden. Feb. 128. k. 2. (2.) A Catalogue of very curious and valuable Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Davies, Russel Street, Covent- Garden. To 25 March. 128. k. 2. (4.) Alleyne, Rev. Mr., of Stantone, Leicestershire ; Barham, John, Dr., of Lewes, Sussex ; Webb, Richard, Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Libraries. P. F. P. L. Davies, over against Gray's Inn, Holborn. March. 128. k. 3. (1.) Chalmers, Rev. Mr., of Eglin. Library, P. F. P. W. Ot ridge. Strand. March. 128. k. 2. (5.) Stanhope, Philip, Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Dresden. Library. Priced. B.&L. 2 April. S.-C.S. 7. (-4.) Humphreys, Cornelius, Chaplain to the Tower. Library. Priced. B. d: L. 23 April. S.-C.S. 7. (5.) A New Catalogue of Books for the vear 1770, etc. P. F. P. B. White- Aug. 128. k. 3. (2.) Bibliotheca Literaria Altera. A New Catalogue of Books in English, Latin, Greek, etc. P. F. P. J. Pote, Eton College. 8 Nov. The first sale tool place 4 July, 1766, q.v. 128. k. 3. (3.) A Catalogue of many thousand vakuable and elegant Books in fine condition, etc. P. F. P. W. Cates, opposite Red Lion Street, Holborn. 3 Dec. 128. k. 3 (4.) 76 . 1770- A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books, etc. P. F. P. ,/. Todd <& H. Solheran, York. 11 Dec. * 11904. e. 9. Grey, Jolin, F.R.S., of Aherdeen. Library. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. This da v. 011902. i. 6. (2.) & 128. k. 4. (1.) HoLLES, Thomas Pelham, 1st Duke of Newcastle. Remaining Part of Library. P. F. P. J. Robson, the Feathers, New Bond Street. This day. 128. k. 4. (2.) Lea, Rev. Mr. ; Blanshard, Wilkinson, Dr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne. This day. 011902. i. 6. (3.) A Catalogue of several thousand Books in various languages, etc. P. F. P. R. Dymott, opposite Somerset-House, Strand. This day. 128. k. 4. (3.) 1771. A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books, lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. S. Baker d G. Leigh, York Street, Covent Garden. Jan. 128. k. 5. (1.) A Catalogue of valuable and curious Books, consisting of several collections latelv purchased, etc. P. F. P. T. Davies, Russel Street, Covent Garden.'' 20 Feb. 128. k. 3. (2.) Webb, Phillip Carteret. Library. B. & L. 25 Feb. 8.-C.S. 7. (6.) Cavendish, Richard ; Jortin, John, Rev. Dr. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White, Horaces Head, Strand. Feb. 128. k. 5. (3.) Bibliotheca Anglica Curiosa. A Catalogue of several thousand printed books and tracts, etc. (First Part.) S. Paterson, Strand. 25 March. 269. d. 13. (1.) Sharpe, Gregory, Rev. Dr., Master of the Temple. Library, Prints and Drawings. Priced. B. d L. 8 April. S.-C.S. 7. (7.) & 269. k. 27. (1.) Chapman, John, Fellow of Merton College, Ojford. Librarv. P. F. P. At J. Fletcher's, the Turlc, Oxford. 16 April. 128. k. 6. (1.) Bibliotheca Anglica Curiosa, etc. (Second Part.) S. Paterson. 29 April. 269. d. 13. (2.) A Catalogue of a Scarce Collection of Books. Priced, B. & L. 29 April [1771 ?]. S.-C.S. 12. (2.) Bibliotheca Anglica Curiosa, etc. (Third Part.) S. Paterson. 20 May. 269. d. 13. (3.) A Catalogue of a large collection of curious and scarce Pamphlets, etc. P. F. P. T. Davies. To 20 June. 128. k. 6. (2.) Wheler, Granville, Rev., of Otterden Place, Kent. Librarv. P. F. P. B. White. Aug. 128. k. 6. (3.) -1772 77 CowpER, Rev. Mr., Fellow of Bennet College, Camhridye. Library. P. F. P. J. Robson, the Feathers, New Bond Street. This day. 128. k. 7. (1.) A Catalogue of upwards of twenty thousand Volumes . . . being several libraries lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. This day. 128. k. 7. (3.) C. Parker's New Catalogue for the Winter 1771, etc, P. F. P. At C. Parker's Shop, New Bond Street. 128. k. 7. (2.) 1772. Festing, Michael, D.D. ; Phelps, Richard ; Richardson, Messrs., Portrait Painters. Libraries. P. F. P. Messrs. Baker & Leigh, Yorh Street, Covent Garden. Jan. 128. k. 8. (1.) Stillingfleet, Benjamin. Librarv, Prints, etc. Priced. B. d L 3 Feb. ^ S.-C.S. 8. (2.) & 269. k. 35. Baker, Henry, F.R.S. Library, Prints, etc. Priced. B. & L. 10 Feb. S.-C.S. 8. (3.) Pemberton, Henry, M.D., F.R.S. Librarv. Wilson, James, M.D. Library. Priced. B. & L. 24 Feb. S.-C.S. 4. (3.) & 272. k. 29. (2.) Hall, Chester Moor ; Clarke, Thomas, Rector of Kirkhy-Heaton. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White, Horaces Head, Fleet Street. Feb. S.-C. 497. (1.) Beighton, Rev. Mr., of Egham. Library. Priced. B. & L. 30 March. S.-C.S. 8. (4.) & 269. k. 1. Wood, Robert, M.P. Librarv. Priced. B. & L. 22 April. S.-C.S. 8. (5.) & 269. k. 6. Canton, John, F.R.S. Library, etc. Priced. B. & L. 28 April. S.-C.S. 8. (6.) CoBENZL, Johann Philipp, Count; Fuente Fuerte, Marquis de; Buys, Abraham, Secretary to the States of Holland and West Friesland ; Douw, Philip, M.D., of Middelhurg. Books from Libraries. Priced. S. Paterson, Strand. 6 May. 269. k. 2. Thistlethwayte, Alexander. Library. P. F. P. B. White. Aug. S.-C. 497. (2.) WagstaflE's New Catalogue of rare old Books, etc. P. F. P. G. Wag- staff, Brick Lane, Spitalfields. 2 Nov. S.-C. 499. (1.) Mason, Rev. Dr. ; Ray, Rev. Mr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Paijne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. This day. S.-C, 500. Walwyn, Rev. Dr. ; Itchener, Rev. Mr., of Great Baddoiv, Essex ; Arnald, Richard, Rev. ; Praed, William Mackworth. Libraries. P. F. P. J. Robson, New Bond Street. This day. 128. k. 8. (3.) 78 1772- A Catalogue for MDCCLXXII of several Libraries and parcels of books, etc. P. F, P. R. Dijmott, opposite Somerset House, Strand. 128. k. 8. (2.) Turpin's Catalosue or near ten thousand Volumes for 1772, etc. P. F. P. //. Turpin, the Golden Keij, ]yest Smithfield. 128. k. 8. (4.) Wagstaffe's Catalogue for 1772. P. F. P. G. Waijstaffe. S.-C. 537. 1773. Smith, Joseph. British Consul at Venise. Library. Priced. S. Baker (& G. Leigh, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 25 Jan. S.-C.S. 8. (7.) & 272. k. 7. Lye, Edward, Rer. ; Delafaye, Theodore, Rev. ; King, Thomas, of Farnham, Surreij. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. Feb. S.-C. 501. (1.) West, James, P.R.S. Library. With preface by S. Paterson. Priced. Messrs. Lnnqford, at Mr. West's dwelling house. King's Street, Covent Garden. 2d March. (24 days.) 821. i. 28. (5.) & 270. k. 7. Martin, Thomas, of Norfolk. Collection of Manuscripts. Priced. B. (£• L. 28 April. S.-C.S. 9. (1.) A Catalogue of the Library of a General Officer. Priced. B. & L. 3 June. ^ S.-C.S. 9. (2.) Hall, John, of Magdalen College, Oxford. Library. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. [June.] S.-C. 498. BoRLASE, William, Rev. Dr. ; Scott, Joseph Nicol, Dr., of Ipswich. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White. Aug. S.-C. 501. (2.) WagstafE's Winter Catalogue of rare old Books for 1773, etc. P. F. P. G. Wagstaff, Brick Lane, Spitalfields. 1 Nov. S.-C. 499. (2.) Smith, Joseph, British Consul at Venice. Librarv. (Second Part.) P. F. P. J. Robson, New Bond Street. ' 128. k. 10. (1.) Whateley, Thomas ; Wallace, John. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne. This day. S.-C. 502. 1774. Morley, Richard, Counsellor-at-Law. Librarv. Priced. S. Baker & G. Leigh, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 28 Feb. S.-C.S. 9. (3.) Xevill, John, of the Middle Temple; Tathwell, Cornwall, Dr., of Stanford, Lincolnshire. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. Feb. S.-C. 503. (1.) A Catalogue of several Libraries, etc. P. F. P. C. Etheringion, York. 7 March. 11904. dd. 5. SxELLixG, Thomas, Bookseller. Library. *S. Paterson, Essex House, Essex Street, Strand. 14 March. S.-C. 326. (9.) -1775 79 Miller, Phillip, F.R.S. Library. Priced. B. & L. 12 April. S.-C.S. 9. (4.) Waiistaff's Summer Catalogue of rare Books for 1774, etc. P. F. P. 0. Wagstaff, Brich Lane, SpitaJfields. 2 May. S.-C. 499. (3.) GoDDARD, Henry, M.D. ; Kudd, Abraham Joseph, Rector of Londes- borough ; Baker, Joseph, of York. Libraries, Messrs. Langford, Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 9 May. S.-C. 535. (4.) BoTHA^.1, Rev. Mr., of Alhury, Surrei/. Library. P. F. P. B. White. 1 Aug. ' S.-C. 503. (2.) Wagstaff's Winter Catalogue of rare old Books for 1774, etc. P. F. P. G. Wagstaff. 7 Nov. S.-C. 499. (4.) Calderwood, Thomas ; Henley, Henry ; Brooke, Samuel ; Fearx- siDE, John ; Hall, Charles, Rev. Dr. ; Woodeson, Rev. Mr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. [22 Nov. 1774.] ' S.-C. 504. MissEXDEN Abbey, Buchinghamsliire. Library. Fletewode, William, Recorder of London. Remainder of Library. S. Paterson. 5 Dec. 269. k. 25. Lix\vooD, Nicholas ; Hijtchins, Rev. Mr. ; Nugent, Charles, Dr., F.R.S. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne. This day. S.-C. 505. C. Parker's New Catalogue of Books, etc. P. F. P. C. Parker, New Bond Street. 11904. c. 5. 1775. CowPER, Spencer, Dean of Durham. Library, Prints, etc. Dowdes- well, George, M.D. Library. Priced. S. Baker & G. Leigh, York- Street, Covent-Garden. 9 Jan. • S.-C.S. 9. (5.) WiLLES, Edward, Bishop of Bath and Wells ; Thomlinson, Rev. Mr., of Rochford, Essex. Libraries. Harley, Hon. Robert, of Lincoln's I)ut. Law Books. P. F. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 1 Feb. S.-C. 506. Askew, Anthony, M.D. Library. With preface. Priced. B. & L. 13 Feb. (20 days.) S.-C.S. 6*. (3.), 126. f. 16. & 822. c. 9. Templeman, Nathaniel, of Lincoln s-Lnn. Library. Priced. B. & L. 18 April. ^ S.-C.S. 9. (7.) Clarke, George Bagnall. Library. Priced. J. Christie, Pall Mall. 15 May. " 11901. bbb. 30. (2.) Ridley, Gloucester, D.D. Library. P. F. P. B. White. 1 Aug. S.-C. 507. Twynihoe, Christopher, Rev. Librarv. W. Sailers, Town-Hall, Bland- ford, Dorset. 21 Aug. " 824. b. 17. (4.) 80 1775- Abdy, Sir Anthony Thomas ; Abdy, Stotherd, Rev. ; Dowselt, Dr., Physician to the Charterhouse. Libraries. Daniel, Dr., of Colchester. Medical Part of Library. P. F. P. B. & L. Nov. 128. k. 10. (2.) Fox, Stephen, 2nd Baron Holland. Library. Priced. ;S. Christie, Pall Mall. 11 Dec. 11901. bbb. 30. (1.) C. Parker's New Catalogue of a fine collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. C. Parker, Neiv Bond Street. 11904. c. 2. 1776. Moore, John, Bishop of Bangor ; Murdock, Patrick, Rev. ; Barsham, Rev. Mr. ; St. John, Pawlet, Rev. ; Lowndes, William, Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne <& Son, Castle Street, St. Martin's. [10 Jan.] S.-C. 508. Stanley, Edward, Secretary to the Customs. Library. Priced. S. Baker & G. Leigh, York-Street, Covent Garden. 12 Feb. S.-C.S. 10. (1.) & 272. k. 29. (1.) A Catalogue of several valuable Libraries lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 26 Feb. S.-C. 509. (1.) De-Missy, Caesar, Rev. Library. Priced. B. & L. 18 March. S.-C.S. 10. (2.) Ratcliffe, John, of Bermondsey. Library. Priced. J. Christie. Pall Mall. 27 March. 270. k. 30. & 822. d. 6. (1.) Campbell, John, Dr. Library. Blyke, Richard, Deputy Auditor of H.M. Imprest. Library and Manuscripts. Priced. B. & L. 24 April. S.-C.S. 10. (3.) A Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. B. White. 1 Aug. S.-C. 509. (2.) A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books, etc, P. F. P. J. Todd, York. 20 Aug. 11904. e. 6. Walcot, John. Library, P. F. P. [Mr. Evatt ?] At Mr. Walcot's house in Upper Charles Street. 16 Oct. 824. b. 17. (G.) Wagstaff's Catalogue for 1776, etc. P. F, P, G. Wagstaff, Brick Lane, Spitalfields. Monday next, S,-C, 499. (5.) 1777. Danville, John ; Charlton, Robert Job, Rev. Dr. ; Beachcroft, Rev. Mr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne & Son, Castle Street, St. Martin's. [28 Jan.] S.-C. 010. Harwood, Edward, D.D. Library. Priced. S. Baker & G. Leigh, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 3 Feb. S.-C.S. 10. (4.) A Catalogue of several Libraries, lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 6 Feb. S.-C. 511. (1.) -1778 81 CoLEBROOKE, Sir George, Bart. Library and Books of Prints. Messrs. Christie & Ansell, Pall Mall. 20 Feb. 11900. bb. 2>i. Ives, John, jun., F.R.S. Library. Priced. B. & L. 3 March S.-C.S. 11. (1.) & 824. b. 17. (3.) A Catalogue of several valuable Libraries, etc. P. F. P. T. Wilson & Son, Dry Jen's Head, High Ousegate, York. 10 March. 11904. dd. 6. Villettes, Arthur, H.M. Minister to Switzerland; Lewis, George, F.R.S. Libraries. B. & L. 8 April. S.-C.S. 11. (2.) NoRRis, John, of Hempstead, Kent. Library. Norris, Sir John, Admiral. Manuscripts and Papers. Priced. B. & L. 28 May. S.-C.S. 11. (3.) A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books, etc. P. F. P. //. Sotheran, Yorh. 14 July. 11904. c. 4. Maty, Matthew, Principal Librarian of the British Museum. Library. P. F. P. B. White. 17 Aug. S.-C. 511. (2.) 1778. A Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 17 Feb. S.-C. 512. HoBLYN, Robert, of Nanswhyden, Cornwall. Library. Priced. S. Baker & G. Leigh, York-Street, Covent Garden. 2 March. (25 days.) S.-C.S. 11. (4.) Walter Shropshire's Catalogue ; being a most beautiful collection of Books of Prints, etc. P. F. P. W. Shropshire, Neiv Bond Street. 19 March. 7833. aaa. 2. (1.) Wilson, Bernard, Prebendary of Worcester. Library. Channing, John. Arabic Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S. Baker d G. Leigh. 4 [11] May. S.-C.S. 11. (5.) [Duncan, Sir William, Physician in Ordinary to His Majesty.] Library. Priced. G. Leigh, York-Street, Covent Garden. 28 Mav. S.-C.S. 11. (6.) A Catalogue of a large Collection of Books. Priced. Leigh and Sothehy, York Street, Covent Garden. 23 July. S.-C.S. 13. (1.) Green, John, Dr., of Greemvich ; Allison, Rev. Mr., Vicar of Wands- u'orth. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White. 10 Aug. S.-C. 513. Porter, Sir James ; Negus, W. ; Hooke, Rev. Mr. ; Giffard, Rev. Mr. ; Smith, N., Surgeon ; Pyne, Mr., Attorney. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne & Son, Castle Street, St. Martins. This dav. S.-C: 514. G 82 1779- 1779. Forester, Pulter, Rev. Dr. Library. P. F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 1 Feb. S.-C. 516. (1.) Ross, Alexander, Dr., of Aberdeen ; Gordon, Alexander, of H airhead ; Garden, Robert, Rev., of St. Fergtis. Libraries. In PitfoddeVs Hall, Castle Street, Aberdeen. 11 Feb. S.-C. 8U5. (2.) Grant, John, Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland. Library. Priced. Leigh & Sotheby, York-Street, Covent Garden. 22 Feb. S.-C.S. 13. (2.) A Catalogue of near forty thousand Volumes, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne & Son^ Castle Street, St. Martin's. [Feb.] S.-C. 515. (1.) Duff, Archibald. Library. P. F. P. Henry Payne, Pall Mall. 1 April. S.-C. 517. (1.) [Simmons, John. Library.] P. F. P. J. Gregory, Leicester. [6 Julv.] 128. k. 10. (3.) A Catalogue of a large and curious collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne <& Son. [16] July. S.-C. 515. (2.) Mores, Edward Rowe, F.A.S. Library. Priced. S. Paterson. King Street, Covent Garden. 2 Aug. ^ 11900. d. 20. A Catalogue of a curious and valuable collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. B. White. 5 Aug. S.-C. 516. (2.) A Catalogue of foreign and English Books . . . which will be sold ... to a select company of Booksellers, etc. At the I^ebec's Head Tavern, Strand. 30 Sept. S.-C. 1070. (52.) RiDDOCH, James, Rev., of Aberdeen. Library. J. Boyle, Pitfodel's Hall, Castle Street, Aberdeen. 6 Noy. " S.-C. 805. (3.) A Catalogue of several valuable collections of Books, etc. P. F. P. H. Payne. 29 Nov. S.-C. 517. (2.) & 11904. e. 3. 1780. A Catalogue of several Libraries, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne A Son, Castle Street, St. Martin's. Jan. S.-C. 518. (1.) Lawrence, Charles, of Red Lion Square. Library. P. F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 8 Feb. S.-C. 519. A Catalogue of the collection of . . . Coins and Medals, Gems, Books, Manuscripts, etc. J. Gerard, Litchfield Street, Soho. 2 March. 603. h. 6. (7.) Herouville, a. B. Morin d', Danish Consul at Naples. Library. Priced. I^eigh & Sotheby, York-Street, Covent Garden. 9 March. S.-C.S. 13. (3.^ -1782 83 [FuRNEAUX, Philip, D.D.] A Catalogue of the large and valuable Library of an eminent dissenting clergyman. Priced. L. cfc S. 10 April. S.-C.S. 13. (4.) ToFiELD, Thomas. Library. Priced. L. & S. 3 May. S.-C.S. 13. (6.) Pheringer, Mr. Italian Library. (First Part.) P. F. P. T. Payne & Son. [22] July. " S.-C. 518. (2.) A Catalogue of several libraries and parcels of books, etc. P. F. P. B. White. 17 Aug. S.-C. 520. 1781. North, Montagu, D.D. Library. Pheringer, Mr. Italian and French Books. (Second Part.)"^ P. F. P. T. Payne & Son. Castle Street, St. Martin's. Jan. S.-C. 521. (1.) A New Catalogue of Books for the year 1781, etc. P. F. P. B. White, Horaces Head, Fleet Street. 6 Feb. 128. k. 12. (1.) Irvine, Alexander, Dr. Librarv. In Pitfoddel's Hall, Castle Street, Aberdeen. 19 Feb. "^ S.-C. 805. (4.) Tyson, Michael, Rev., M.A. Library. P. F. P. Leigh d Sotheby, York Street, Covent Garden. Feb.' 128. k. 11. (1.) Scott, George, LL.D., of Woolston-Hall, Essex. Library. Priced. L. & S. 12 March. S.-C.S. 13. (8.) A CataloGue of a good collection of Books, etc. T. King,jun., Tavistock Street, ^Covent Garden. 26 March. S.-C. 806. (3.) Beauclerk, Tophani, F.R.S. Librarv. Priced. S. Paterson, opposite Beaufort Buildings, Strand. 9 April. (50 das^s.) 271. k. 3. FoTHERGiLL, John, M.D. Library, Priced. L. & S. 30 April. S.-C.S. 14. (1.) Andrews, George, of Wells. Librarv. P. F. P. T. Payne d Son. July. ' S.-C. 521. (2.) [Reed, Isaac, of Staple Inn. Books from library.] A Catalogue of part of the Librarv of a Barrister deceased, etc. Piiced. S. Paterson, 6, King-Street, Covent-Garden. 5 Dec. S.-C. 865*. (2.) 1782. A Catalogue of the genuine, large, and valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. S. Paterson, King Street, Covent Garden. 2 Jan. S.-C. 806. (5.) A Catalogue of several valuable Libraries and collections of books, etc. P. F. P. TI'. Cater, opposite Red Lion Street, Holborn. 7 Jan. 128. k. 11. (2.) G 2 84 1782- A Catalogue of a very large and valuable collection of Books, etc. P F. P. B. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 5 Feb. 128. k. 12. (2.) DoRE, Peter, Norroij Kiwi of Arms. Library. Ayloffe, Sir Joseph, Bart. Manuscripts and Prints. Priced. Leigh d Sothehy, York- Street, Covent Garden. 25 Feb. 8.-C.S. It. (2.) Winchester, Thomas, Rector of Applelon, Berts : Richardson, Robert, Rector of St. Anne's, Westminster. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne & Son, Castle Street, St. Martin's. Feb. S.-C. 522. lA Catalogue of Miscellaneous Books.] Priced. [L. d S.\ 13 March. S.-C.S. 12. (9.) Leigh, Egerton, LL.D., Archdeacon of Salop. Library. Priced. L. & S. 8 April. S.-C.S. 14. (3.) [Cary, Robert. Library.] Priced. [L. cfc S.] 29 April. S.-C.8. 14. (4.) A Catalogue of several scarce and valuable Libraries and parcels of books, etc. P. F. P. Pearson & Rollason, High Street, Birmingham. 29 April. S.-C. 715. (1.) WiLBRAHAM, Thomas, M.D., F.R.C.P. Librarv. Priced. L. d S. 9 May. S.-C.S. 14. (5.) A Catalogue of scarce and valuable Books . . . being the second part of Henrv Chapman's Catalogue for 1782, etc. P. F. P. H. Chapman , Old Round Court, Strand. 1 July. 128. k. 11. (3.) A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books now on sale, etc. P. F. P. B. White. 6 Aug. 128. k. 12. (3.) 1783. [BiLLio, Thomas, Rev. Librarv.] Priced. [Leigh d: Sothehy, Yorh Street, Covent Garden.] 27 Jan. S.-C.S. 12. (7.) A Catalogue of a verv valuable and large collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. B. White, ^Horaces Head, Fleet Street. 4 Feb. 128. k. 15. (1.) Wagstafi's Catalogue for 1783 of rare Books, Manuscripts, Missals, etc. P. F. P. G. Wagstaff, Brown's Lane, Spitaljields. 10 Feb. S.-C. 257. AsHTON, Thomas, D.D. ; Liddel, T., Rev. ; Gibson, Edmund, Bishop of London. Libraries. P. F. P. L. Davis, Holborn. 17 Feb. 128. k. 15. (2.) Merrick, Marshall Montague, D.D. Librarv. Priced. L.&S., York- Street, Covent Garden. 17 Feb. (22 days.) S.-C.S. 14. (6.) Chamberlayne, Edward ; Wibbersly, John, Rev., of Netvcastle. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne & Son, Castle Street, St. Martin's. Feb. S.-C. 714. (4.) & 128. k. 14. (3.) -1783 85 Crofts, Thomas, M.A., Chancellor of the Diocese of Peterhorour/h. Library. Witli preface. S. Paterson, King Street, Covent Garden. 7 April. (43 days.) 821. g. 11. [Beauzeville, Mr. ; Robinson, Mr. Libraries. Priced. [L. <£• 6'.] 28 April. S.-C.S. 12. (1.) A Catalogue of near twenty thousand volumes of curious and rare Books, etc. P. F. P. H. Chapman, Old Round Court, Strand. April. 128. k. 15. (3.) A Catalogue of the genuine, curious, valuable and magnificent Library of an eminent collector, etc. Mr. Gompton, Conduit Street. 8 May. S.-C. 834. (i.) Bailey, Anselm Yates. Library. Priced. L. & S. 26 May. S.-C.S. 15. (1.) A Catalogue of several valuable Libraries and collections of books, etc. P. F. P. W. Cater, opposite Red Lion Street, Holborn. 9 June. 128. k. 13. (1.) A Catalogue of several valuable Libraries and collections of books, etc. P. F. P. W. Cater. 7 July. S.-C. 715. (3.) Mead, Richard, M.D. Collection of Tracts. (A catalogue of near ten thousand volumes of . . . books, etc.) P. F. P. At No. 27 Snmr Hill. [1 Aug.] 8 Sept. S.-C. 716. (3.) & 128. k. 13. (3.) Lawrence, Thomas, President of the College of Physicians ; Waring, John, Surgeon of St. Thomas's Hospital. Libraries. P. F. P. B. White. 5 Aug. S.-C. 716. (6.) & 128. k. 13. (2.) Wheeler, Benjamin. D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity in the Univer- sity of Oxford. Librarv. Priced. L. tfc *S'. 13 Nov. S.-C.S. 8. (1.) Catalogue of Books, consisting of near ten thousand volumes, etc. P. F. P. R. Christopher, Stockton. 17 Nov. S.-C. 715. (5.) Baynham, Thomas, of the Inner Temple. Library. P. F. P. W.Lowndes, Fleet Street. 10 Dec. S.-C. 716. (2.) Ligonier, John Louis, 1st Earl Ligonier. Librarv. P. F. P. J. White, 43, Holhorn. This day. " 128. k. 14. (2.) Probert, John, Mathematician ; Cox, Samuel, of the Navy Office. Libraries. (H. Turpin's New Catalogue for 1783.) P. F. P. H. Turpin, West Smithfield, London. S.-C. 716. (5.) A Catalogue, consisting of several valuable collections of Books, etc. P. F. P. R. Faulder, New Bond Street. This day. S.-C. 715. (6.) A Catalogue of a very valuable and numerous collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. J. Rohson, New Bond Street. This day. 128. k. 14. (1.) A Catalogue of several valuable Libraries, etc. P. F. P. H. Gardner, Strand. This dav. S.-C. 716. (1.) 8G 1784- 1784. Hedges, Charles ; Cole, Willi;im, Rev. Lil)]aiics. P. F. P. B. White, Horaces Head, Fleet Street. 3 Feb. 128. k. 17. (1.) Gibson, Rev. Mr., Rector of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate ; Heckford, Rayner, of Thaxted, Essex ; Humphries, Mr., Atlorney-at-Laiv. Libraries. P. F. P. L. Davis, Holborn. 9 Feb. S.-C."717. (2.) A Catalogue of a valuable Library of books of a no})lcman, etc. Christie & Ansell, Pall Mall. [9] 2 Feb. S.-C. 806. (6.) A Catalogue of several Libraries of books, etc. P. F. P. D. Ogilv>j. Holborn. 9 Feb. S.-C. 718. (2.) Wood, Thomas. Library. J. Adams, at Mr. Wood's House, Brounlow Street, Long Acre. 16 Feb. 11900. bbb. 34. Done, William Stafford, D.D. Library. Priced. Leigh & Solhehi/. York Street, Covent Garden. 26 Feb."^ S.-C.S. 21. (4.) A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books, lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. H. Chapman, Old Round Court, Strand. 1 March. 128. k. 17. (2.) A Catalogue of a valuable and well-chosen Library of a nobleman, etc. Christie d Ansell. 10 March. S.-C. 806. (8.) A Catalogue of Books in various languages, etc. P. F. P. S. Hayes, Oxford Street. March. S.-C. 717. (5.) Betham, Edward, Rector of Greenford, Middlesex. Library and Collec- tion of Prints. Priced. L. & S. 13 May. S.-C.S. 15. (2.) Sewell, Sir Thomas, Master of the Rolls. Library. Messrs. Egerton, Chancery Ixine. 9 June. " S.-C. 806. (10.) The Second Part, or Appendix to Henry Chapman's Catalogue of Books for 1784, etc. P. F. P. H. Chapman. 1 July. 128. k. 17. (3.) Upton, John, F.R.S. Library. Priced. L. d- S. 15 Nov. S.-C.S. 15. (3.) Crisp, Samuel, of Surrey ; Kennicott, Benjamin, Rev. Dr., of Oxford ; Green, Rev. Mr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Paijne & Son, Castle Street, St. Martins. This day. S.-C. 718. (3.) MiLLAN, John. Library. P. F." P. T. & J. Egerton, Whitehall. Now selling. ^ S.-C. 717. (3.) MiLWARD, Thomas, Rev., of Queen s College, Oxford ; Hales, James, of Brazenose College, Oxford, Rector of Limehouse ; De L'Angle, Theophilus, Rector of Danhury, Essex ; Herries, John, Rev. ; Trumbull, Rev. Mr., of Hammersmith ; Evelyn, Sydney, of Upton- Gray, Hants ; Yaughan, George, Surgeon ; Methessius, Aaron. M.A., Rev. Libraries. (Pridden's Catalogue for 1784.) P. F. P. ./. Pridden, 100, Fleet Street. S.-C. 718. (4.) -1785 87 V s, T., M.B. ; Atwood, Rev. Dr. ; NewcoxMmende, G., Rev. Libraries. (Lackington's Catalogue for 1784.) P. F. P. J. Lacking- toji, 46, CMstvell Street, Moorfields. S.-C. 718. (1.) A Catalogue consisting of several valuable collections of Books, etc. P. F. P. R. Faulder, i2, New Bond Street. This day. 128. k. 18. (1.) A Catalogue of a most capital collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. ,/. Robson, New Bond Street. This day. 128. k. 18. (2.) A Catalogue of several valuable Libraries, etc. P. F. P. H. Gardner, Strand. This day. S.-C. 717. (4.) Supplement to a Cataloaue of Foreign Books, etc. P. F. P. W. Collins, Cornliill. ^ 128. k. 18. (3.) 1785. MoRELL, Thomas, Rev., Rector of Buckland, Herts. Library. P. F. P. Leigh & Sothehy, York Street, Covent Garden. 1 Jan. 129. i. 2. (1.) Harte, Walter, D.D., Canon of Windsor ; Bigland, Kalph, Garter King at Arms. Libraries. Priced. L. & S. 31 Jan. S.-C.S. 15. (4.) Skipwith, Francis William. Librarv. P. F. P. B. White & Son, Horaces Head, Fleet Street. 1 Feb. S.-C. 720. (3.) A Catalogue of curious and valuable Books, etc. P. F. P. L. Davis, Holborn. 1 Feb. S.-C. 719. (3.) JoHNSOX, Samuel, LL.D. Librarv. J. Christie, Pall Mall. 16 Feb. S.-C. 807. (4.) A facsimile reprint (1892) /or the Johnson Club Meeting at Oxford is at 011900. de. 3. Darker, John. Librarv. Priced. T. & J. Egerton, Scotland Yard. 23 Feb. " 270. k. 9. CusT. Richard. Dean of Lincoln ; Waldegrave, Thomas, Rev. Dr. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne & Son, Castle Street, St. Martin's. Feb. S.-C. 720. (2.) A Catalogue of Books in all languages, etc. P. F. P. T. King, New Broad Street & Lower Moorfields. Feb. S.-C. 720. (1.) Askew, Anthony, 31. D. Collection of Manuscripts. Priced. L. & S. 7 March. S.-C.S. 15. (5.) Another copy, unpriced, with a preface and a very few MS. notes, is at 270. d. 4. Chapman, John, D.D., Archdeacon of Sudbury. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 4 April. S.-C.S. 15. (6.) Walker, Samuel, Rev., of Whitchurch. Collection of Coins and Medals Books, etc. Partly priced. J. Gerard, Litchfield Street, St. Acme's, Soho. 6 April. 603. h. 6. (11.) 88 1785- [Staunton, Mr. ; Ibbott, Mr. Libraries.] Priced, [L. . & ^.] 15 March. S.-C.S. 17. (6.) [A Catalogue of MisceUaneous Books.] Priced. {L. & S.^ 28 March. S.-C.S. 18. (1.) Rose, William, LL.D. Librarv. P. F. P. T. Payne & Son, Castle Street, St. Martin's. March. ' 129. i. 4. (2.) A Catalogue of near twenty thousand volumes of curious Books, etc. P. F. P. H. Chafnian, Old Round Court, Strand. 1 April. 129. i. 4. (1.) Wright, Richard, M.D., P.R.S. Library. Priced. T. <& J. Egerton. Scotland Yard. 23 April. ' 272. k. 28. (1.) A Catalogue of several Libraries and parcels of books, etc. P. F. P. L. & S. 1 May. S.-C. 722. (2.) [A Catalogue of Miscellaneous Books.] Priced. [L. & S.] 16 Ma v. S.-C.S. 18. "(2.) A Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, lately deceased (chiefly collected by the Rev. Edmund Barrell, of Sutton, Kent). Priced. L. c& S. 19 Dec. S.-C.S. 18. (3.) Jebb, John, M.D. ; Nelme, L. D. Libraries. P. F. P. T. S.] 23 March. S.-C.S. 21. (6.) Chauxcy, Charles, M.D., F.R.S.; Chauncy, Nathaniel. Libraries. L. d- S. 15 April. 129. i. 15. (2.) Harding, Samuel, of Edyeivare. Collection of Pictures & Prints, Library, etc. Mr. Greenwood. 2 June. 7805. e. 5. (37.) [A Catalogue of miscellaneous Books.] Priced. [Z. & S.] 22 June. S.-C.S. 21. (7.) A Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of Books, etc. King <{• Chapman, King Street, Covent Garden. 15 Nov. S.-C. 808. (2.) Paitoni, Jo. Bapt., M.Z)., o/Fentce. Library. With preface. J. Robson, Conduit Street, Hanover Square. 22 Nov. (43 days.) 270. k. 20. (1.) Cornwall, Charles Wolfran, Speal-er of the House of Commons ; Martin, Samuel. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne & Son, Castle Street. St. Martin's. This day. 129. i. 14. (1.) LuDLAM, William, B.D. Library. Stebbing, Henry, Dr. Theological Part of Library. (L. Davis's Catalogue of a very large and valuable collection of books, etc.) P. F. P. L. Davis, near Gray's Inn. Holborn. Now on sale. 129. i. 13. (1.) [Sellon, William, Rev. ; Chapman. S., M.D. Libraries.] Priced. [L. & S.-] S.-C.S. 21. (2.) Without title. Young, William, of Soho ; K^^GHT, Eichard, of Greenivich. Libraries. P. F. P. T. d- J. Egerton, Whitehall. Now selling. 129. i. 13. (2.) 94 1790- A Catalogue of books : containin<); several valuable collections, lately purchased, etc. P, F. P. M. Chapman, Covent Garden. Now selling. [1790?] 130. k. 17. Edwards's Catalogue of a select collection of ancient and modern Books, etc. P. F. P. At Edwards's, 102, Pall Mall Now on sale. 129. i. ir,. (1.) 1791. BoTT, Edmund, of Christchurch, Hants ; Adair, Eobert. Libraries. Blake, John, of Parlianient Street. Books in Natural History. P. F. P. B. White, Horaces Head, Fleet Street. 25 Jan. 129. k. 1. (1.) Newton, Thomas, Bishop of Bristol. Library. P. F. P. T. Paijne, jun.. Castle Street, St. Martins. Jan. " 129. k. 1. (2.) [Jacob, Sir Hildebrand. Librarv.] Priced. [Leigh & Sotheby.] [8 Feb.] ^ S.-C.S. 22. (1.) [Warde, Rev. Dr., D.D. Librarv.] Priced. [L. <£• S.] 21 Feb. S.-C.S. 22. (2.) Browne, Joseph, of Shepton Mallet, Somersetshire. Museum. (Part 2. — -Library.) J. Gerard, Litchfield Street, St. Anne's, Soho. 23 ]\Iarch. 603. h. 8. (4.) Paris, Mr. Library. With preface. Priced. [J. Edwards. 102. Pall Mall] 26 March. 679. d. 27. & 269. d. 11. LoRT, Michael, D.D. Library. Priced. Leigh & Sotheby, York-Street, Covent Garden. 5 April. (25 days.) S.-C.S. 22. (3.) & 270. k. 20. (2.) Eon de Beaumont, Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste Andre Timothee d', Chevalier. Collection of Books and Manuscripts. With prefa- tory note. J. Christie, Pall Mall. [5 May.] S.-C. 392. (9.) LoRT, Michael, Z>.I). Collection of Prints and Maps. Priced. L. & S. 26 Mciy. S.-C.S. 21. (4.) Grose, Francis, F.R.S. Library and Collection of Prints and Dra wings. J. Egerton, Scotland Yard. 20 June. S.-C. 535. (8.) Swain, John Hadlev, Rev. ; Beckwith, Josiah, Attorneij-at-Law. Libraries. Priced."' L. & S. 20 June. S.-C.S. 23. (1.) A Catalogue of a genuine Collection of Prints. Drawings, and Books of Prints. Priced. L. & S. 18 July. ' ^ S.-C.S. 23. (2.) A Catalogue of the valuable Librarv of a divine of the Church of England. Priced. L. & S. 27 July. S.-C.S. 23. (3.) A Catalogue of Books, consisting of a great variety of curious articles, etc. P. F. P. S. Hayes, Oxford Street. On sale till Christmas. 129. i. 18. (3.) Butler, Robert. Library. P. F. P. J. Rohson, New Bond Street. Now selling. 129. i. 17. -1792 . 95 HiORXE, Francis, F.A.S. ; Osborne, Thomas, Rector of Clifton, Beds ; Brooker, Henry ; Overend, Marmaduke. Libraries. CouSE, Kenton. Books of Architecture. P. F. P. T. & J. Egerton, Whitehall. 129. i. 19. A Catalogue of scarce and valuable Books, etc. P. F. P. Shepper- son <& Reynolds, Oxford Street. Now selling. 129. i. 18. (1.) Hanson's Catalogue for 1791, containing a scarce and valuable collection of Books, Prints, etc. P. F. P. J. Manson, St. Martin's Lane. 129. i. 18. (2.) 1792. Lloyd, Philip, Dean of Norwich ; Homer, Henry, Rev., M.A. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. Jan. 129. k. 4. (1.) A Catalogue of an extensive and curious collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. B. White & Sons, Horaces Head, Fleet Street. 13 Feb. 129. k. 4. (2.) TowNE, John, Archdeacon of Stow. Library. Priced. Leigh & Soihehy, York Street, Covent Garden. 16 Feb. S.-C.S. 23. (4.) Umfreville, Edward, Barrister-at-Laiv. Law Manuscripts and Books. Landen, John, F.R.S. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 28 March. S.-C.S. 23. (5.) Monro, John, M.D. Library. Priced. L. & S. 23 April. S.-C.S. 23. (6.) Daly, Right Hon. Denis. Library. Priced. With preface. J. Vcdlance, 6, Eustace Street, Dublin. 1 May. 271. k. 10. [Heaton, Richard, Barrister-at-Law. Library.] Priced. [L. t& S.] 15 May. S.-C.S. 23. (7.) Pegge, Samuel, One of H.M. Grooms of the Privy Chamber. Library. Leigh, Sotheby & Son, York Street, Covent Garden. 12 Nov. S.-C. 808. (5.) A Catalogue of Books, consisting of a variety of curious articles lately imported from the Continent, etc. P. F. P. S. Hayes, 332, Oxford Street. On sale till Christmas. 129. k. 2. (1.) Leeke, Ralph ; Bull, J. Libraries. (Poole's Catalogue for 1792, etc.) P. F. P. J. Poole, Eastgate-Street, Chester. 129. k. 3. (2.) Whalley, Peter, Rev., M.A. ; Morris, Michael, M.D. Libraries. P. F. P. T. & J. Egerton, Whitehall. Now selling. 129. k. 2. (2.) A Catalogue of Books, containing manv valuable articles, etc. P. F. P. T. King, New Broad Street. This day S.-C. 726. (2.) A Catalogue of Books for 1792. Containing several valuable collections lately purchased. P. F. P. H. Chapman, Covent Garden. 129. k. 3. (1.) 96 1792- Sael's Catalofjue for 1792, consisting of twenty thousand volumes, etc. P. F. P. G. Sael, Newcastle Street, Strand. 129. k. 5. (2.) 1793. Appendix to T. King's Catalogue for 1792, containing a small assemblage of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. King, Covent Garden. Jan. S.-C. 728. (6.) SALT,Samne\, of tfte Inner Temple. Library. Priced. Leigh & S(jthehj. York Street, Cocent Garden. 7 Feb. ' S.-C.S. 24. (1.) PiTCAiRX, William. Part of Library. P. F. P. B. (k J. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 11 Feb. 129. k. 6. (2.) Lamoigxox, Chretien Francois de. Part of Library. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martini's. Feb. 129. k. 7. (1.) HixDLEY, John Haddon, Rev., A.M. Library of Books and Manu- scripts. Priced. L. d S. 4 March. ' S.-C.S. 24. (2.) A Catalogue of the elegant and valuable Library of a gentleman of distinction. Priced. L. & S. 20 March. " S.-C.S. 24. (3.) Talleyraxd Perigord, Charles Maurice de. Prince, Bishop of Autun. Library. Priced. L. & S. 11 April. S.-C.S. 24. (4.) Sympsux, Bev. Mr., of Harton. Collection of Books, Prints, Drawings, etc. J. Gerard, Litchfield Street, St. Anne's, Soho. 12 April. 603. h. 8. (6.) Caloxxe, Charles Alexandre de, Prime Minister of France. Household Furniture, Plate, Bronzes, Library, etc. Skinner & Dyke, Piccadilly. 13 May. " S.-C. 808. (8.) Paixe, James, F.S.A. Library. Box de Beaumoxt, Charles Gene- vieve Louis Auguste Andre Timothee d'. Chevalier. Kemaining Part of Library and Manuscripts. Priced. L. & S. 22 May. S.-C.S. 24. (6.) Taylour, John. LL.T). Library. Priced. L. & S. 6 June. (24 days.) " S.-C.S. 24. (7.) Second Volume of Lackington's Catalogue for Sept. 1793 to March 1794 . . . including ten valuable libraries lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. Ixickington & Allen, Finshury Square. Sept. 129. k. 10. (2.) RoBixsox. Francis. o/lFo/is^frtf/. Library. Priced. L.&S. 16 Dec. S.-C.S. 25. (1.) A Catalogue of an extensive collection of curious Books, etc. P. F. P. G. Saei, Newcastle Street, Strand. Now selling. 129. k. 10. (1.) A Catalogue of a select collection of Books in most languages, etc. P. F. P^ ir. Clarke, New Bond Street. Now selling. 129. k 6. (1.) -1794 97 A Catalogue of Books for MDCCXCIII. Part the First, etc. (Part the Second.) P. F. P. J. Egerton, Whitehall. This day. S.-C. 728. (3, 4.) A Catalogue of valuable Books, in all languages and sciences, lately purchased and imported from abroad, etc. P. F. P. J. Rohson, New Bond Street. Now selling. 129. k. 7. (2.) 1794. Pryce, Richard, Surgeon. Medical and Chirurgical Library. Priced. Leiyh & Sotheby, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 13 Jan. S.-C.S. 25. (2.) Pitts, John, Rector of Great Brickhill, Bucks. Library. P. F. P. B. & J. White, Horaces Head, Fleet Street. 20 Jan. 129. k. 11. (1.) Williams, William, Vicar of Harden. Library (with a few manuscripts and books with MS. notes by the Rev. Thomas Morell, D.D.). Priced. /.. & S. 20 Jan. S.-C.S. 25. (3.) A Catalogue of the collection of Books of a gentleman, etc. J. Gerard, Litchfield Street, St. Anne's, Soho. 22 Jan. 603. h. 8. (8.) Hunter, John. Librarv. J. Christie, Pall Mall. 1 Feb. 7805. e. 5. (46.) Grove, William Chafin, o/ZeaLs, Trifti-Afz-e. Library. Priced. L. & S. 10 Feb. S.-C.S. 25. (4.) Longmate, Barak, Engraver. Library of Books and Heraldic Manu- scripts. Priced. L. & S. 10 March. S.-C.S. 25. (5.) Plumtree, Russell, M.D., Regius Professor of Physic, Cambridge. Library. Priced. L. <& S. 20 March. S.-C.S. 26. (1.) A Catalogue of a very extensive and valuable collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. W. Otridge & Son, 134, Strand. 25 March. 129. k. 8. (2.) Du RovERAY, John Peter. Library. Priced. L. (& S. 31 March. S.-C.S. 26. (2.) Dunn, Samuel, Teacher of the Mathematics. Library, etc. Priced. L. & S. 10 April. S.-C.S. 26. (3.) Jackson, John, F.S.A. Library of Books, Prints, Manuscripts, etc. Priced. L. & S. 28 April. S.-C.S. 26. (4.) Stuart, John, 3;yZ Earl of Bute. Library. (Botanical and Natural History Part.) Priced. L. & S. 5 May. S.-C.S. 26. (5.) Brooke, John Charles, F.S.A., Somerset Herald. Part of Library. PiNGO, Benjamin, York Herald. Part of Library. Priced. L. & S. 29 May. S.-C.S. 26. (6.) A Catalogue of a curious and valuable Library, the property of a ci-devant French Marquis. Priced. L. & S. 9 June. S.-C.S. 26. (7.) 98 1794- Smkatox, Jolm, F.R.S. Library. P. F. P. J. Eyerton, Whitehall. Tills day. 129. k. 9. (2.) A Catalogue of a very select collection of Books in all languages, etc. P. F. P. At J. Edward's, Pall Mall. Now on sale. 129. k. 9. (1.) A Catalogue of Books for the vear 1794, etc. P. F. P. IF. Lowndes, 76, Fleet Street. " 129. k. 8. (1.) A Catalogue of valuable Books, ancient and modern, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. Now on sale. 129. k. 11. (2.) 1795. A Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. B. cfc J. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 12 Jan. 129. k. 12. (2.) A Catalogue of the Libraries of two gentlemen, lately deceased. Priced. Leigh & Sotheby, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 24 Jan. S.-C.S. 27. (1.) A Catalogue of an elegant and valuable parcel of Books, consigned from France. Priced. L. <& S. 5 Feb. S.-C.S. 27. (2.) RoBixsox, Robert, Rev., of Chesterton. Librarv. Priced. L. ct- S. 26 Feb. " S.-C.S. 27. (3.) A Catalogue of the valuable Librarv of a gentleman, lately deceased. Priced. L. & S. 16 March. ^ S.-C.S. 27. (4.) SouTHGATE, Richard. Rector of Warsop. Library. With memoir. Priced. L. & S. 27 April. 124. e. 14. (1.) & S.-C.S. 27. (5.) Miller, Gavin, A.M. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 15 Mav. S.-C.S. 27. (7.) Allex. Thomas. Library. Priced. L. & S. 1 June. S.-C.S. 27. (8.) & 124. c. 12. Stroxg, Thomas, F.A.S. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 22 June. S.-C.S. 27. (9.) Flexman, Roger. D.D. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 28. (2.) A Catalogue of Books in various languages, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. 129. k. 12. (1.) 1796. A Catalogue of rare and valuable Books for the year 1796, etc. P. F. P. B. & J. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 'l8 Jan. 129. k. 13. (1.) OwEX, Henrv. D.D. Librarv. Priced. Leigh (k Sotheby, York-Street. Covent-Garden. 20 Jan. ' S.-C.S. 28. (3.) A Catalogue of several select parcels of Books, etc. P. F. P. L. & S. Jan. S.-C. 730. (4.) -1796 99 Bishop. Samuel, Rev., Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School. Library. Priced. L. <& S. 5 Feb. S.-C.S. 28. (4.) Southwell, Edward. Library. Priced. L. rf- S. 16 Feb. S.-C.S. 28. (5.) Adams, George, Optician. Library. Priced. L. & S. 26 Feb. S.-C.S. 28. (6.) Herbert, William, Bibliographer. Library. Priced. L. d' S. 10 March. S.-C.S. 28. (7.) Harris, Rice, D.D. Library. Priced. L. <£• S. 23 March. S.-C.S. 28. (8.) Kippis, Andrew, D.D. Library. Priced. L. d- S. 6 April. S.-C.S. 28. (9.) Morrison, Thomas, Rev. Library. (First Part.) E. Jeffery, 11, Pall Mall. 13 April. ' S!-C. 808. (10.) A Catalogue of the splendid Library of a nobleman of the first dis- tinction, etc. Partly priced. At the Turf Gallery, Hanover Snuare. 18 April. ^ 125. 'b. 8. Orme, Robert, F.A.S. Library. Priced. L. d S. 25 April. S.-C.S. 28. (10.) Burrell, Sir William, Bart., LL.D. Town-Library. At the Turf Gallery, Hanover Square. 2 May. 269. c. 5. Bond, George, One of his Majesty's Serjeants-at-Laiv. Law Library. Priced. L. d: S. 10 May. S.-C.S. 28. (11.) Stainsby, John Alexander, Barrister-at-Lau\ Library. Priced. L. d; S. 16 May. S.-C.S. 28. (12.) Berkeley, George, Bishop of Cloijne ; Berkeley, George, Prebendary of Canterbury ; Berkeley, George Monk. Libraries. Priced. L. cfc S. 6 June. S.-C.S. 28. (U.) Edwards, Thomas, Rev., LL.D. Library. T. King, King Street, Covent Garden. 21 June. S.-C. 808. (12.) A Catalogue of an extensiye and yaluable collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. W. Otridge & Son, 134, Strand. 24 June. 129. k. 16. (1.) Leathes. Mr., Apothecary. Library (with the original drawings of Mrs. Elizabeth Blackwall for her Herbal). Priced. L. d S. 27 Oct. S.-C.S. 29. (1.) PIarris, George, LIj.D. Library. Priced. L. d S. 10 Nov. S.-C.S. 29. (2.) Simpson, Joseph, D.D ; Simpson, Bolton, D.D. Libraries. Priced. L. d S. 24 Noy. S.-C.S. 29. (3.) Hamilton, Right Hon. William Gerard, Secretary of State in Ireland. Library. Priced. L. & S. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. 29. (4.) H 2 100 1"96- Plumtree, Russell, Reij. Professor of P/n/sic, Camhrichje. Library. P. F. P. J. Walker, 44, Paternoster Row. Now on sale. S.-C. 730. (5.) A Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Egerton, Whitehall. This day. 129. k. 14. (1.) A Catalogue of Books and Tracts, etc. P. F. P. M. Stage, Leicester Square. Now selling. 129. k. 14. (2.) A Catalogue of Books in all languages, etc. P. F. P. At J. Edwards's, Pall Mall. Now on sale. 129. k. 1.5. (2.) A Catalogue of valuable Books, ancient and modern for 1796, etc. P. F. P. H.Chapimn, New Bond Street. 129. k. 13. (2.) A Catalogue of valuable Books . . . comprehending two valuable libraries, lately purchased, etc. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. 129. k. 15. (1.) 1797. Field, Matthew, Prebend of St. Paul's. Library. Priced. Leigh & Sothebij, Yiyrk-Street, Covent-Garden. 12 Jan. S.-C.S. 29. (5.) DoDD, James William, Comedian. Library. Priced. L. & S. 19 Jan. S.-C.S. 29. (6.) & 822. b. 29. (1.) A Catalogue of an elegant and valuable Library. Priced. L. 6c S. 20 Feb S-C.S. 29. (7.) Masox Edward, Secretary to the Duke of Cumberland. Library. Priced. L. & S. 2 March. S.-C.S. 29. (8.) A Catalogue of the genuine, elegant, and valuable Library of a clergy- man. Priced. Z. & S. ?, April. S.-C.S. 30. (4.) Carriere, Count de. Library. Priced. L. & S. 28 April. S.-C.S. 30. (5.) HoRNE Edmund Thomas Warren. Vocal and Instrumental Music. Priced. L. & S. 16 May. S.-C.S. 30. (6.) Willis, Arthur, Rector of Tewing, Herts ; Wilmott, William, Rector of Diaswell, Herts. Libraries. Priced. />. d: S. 17 May. ^ S.-C.S. 30. (7.) Smyth, George. Library. Priced. L. & S. 2 June. S.-C.S. 30. (9.) & 270. k. 32. Bearcroft, Edward, Barrister -at- Laic. Library. Priced. L. d: S. 14 June. S.-C.S. 30. (10.) Graham, William, Rector of Seckington. Library. Priced. L. d- S. 21 June. S.-C.S. 30. (11.) Bearcroft, Edward, Barrister -at- Law. Library. (Remaining Part.) Priced. L. cfe S. 12 July. S.-C.S. 31. (1.) Browne, William, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (First Part.) Priced.. L. d S. 23 Oct. S.-CS. 31. (2.1 -179S 101 Gould. Sir Henry, Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. Law Library. Priced. L. & S. 10 Nov. S.-C.S. 31. (3.) BuLKLEY, Charles, Rev. Library. Priced. L. & S. 23 Nov. S.-C.S. 31. (4.) Andrews, James Pettit, F.A.S. Library, Prints, etc. Turner & Daivson, at Mr. Andrews's House, Brompton Row. 1 Dec. S.-C. 808. (13.) Browne, William, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Second Part.) Priced. /.. d- S. 11 Dec. S.-C.S. 31. (5.) Oakes. J. J., Rev. Library. (A Catalogue for the year 1797.) P. F. P. If. H. Lunn, Oxford Street. S.-C. 731. (5.) A Catalogue of an extensive . . . collection of ancient and modern Books, etc. P. F. P. R. Faulder, New Bond Street. This day. S.-C. 731. (2.) A New Catalogue for the year 1797, of a valuable collection of Books, etc. P. F. P. T. Paijne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. 129. k. 16. (2.) 1798. RussEL, Sambrook Nicholas, Rev., A.M. Library. Priced. Leigh d- Sothehy, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 8 Jan. S.-C.S. 31. (6.) Mason, George, Greek and Latin Library. (Part 1.) Priced. [L. & S.] 24 Jan. S.-C.S. 31. (9.) [DoDD, James William, Comedian. Plays.] Priced. [L. & S.] [Jan. ?] S.-C.S. 31. (7.) Fitzherbert, William, Vicar of Hadlow, Kent. Library. Priced. L. ct S. 1 Feb. S.-C.S. 31. (10.) Kempe. William, One of his Majesty's Serjeants-at-Law. Library. Priced. L. & S. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 31. (11.) Spragg, Harvey, Rector of Pulborough, Sussex ; Putman, Henry, Rev. Libraries. P. F. P. J. White, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 19 Feb. 129. k. 17. (2.) Krauter, Philip David, D.D. Library. Priced. L. cfe S. 2 March. S.-C.S. 31. (13.) Franks, Napthali, of Mortlake. Small Parcel of Books. Priced. L. & S. 12 March. S.-C.S. 32. (1.) A Catalogue of the valuable . . . Library of a gentleman of eminence in the law, etc. Mr. Pullen, the Bank Coffee-House, Cornhill. 14 March. S.-C. 809. (5.) CH.iUNTRELL, Thomas, of Highbury Place, Islington. Library. Priced. L. & S. 19 March. S.-C.S. 32. ^(2.) A Catalogue of a most valuable selection of Books, etc. T. King, King Street, Covent Garden. 22 March. 129. k. 19. (1.) 102 1798- Pegge, Samuel, Rev., LL.D. Library. Priced. L. & S. 29 March. S.-C.S. 32. (.3.) Smith, William Edward, of the Treasun/ ; Hall, Edward, Apothecan/. Libraries. Priced. L. <& S. 12 April. S.-C.S. 32. (4.) Barnard, John, of Berkeley Square. Collection of Prints and Books of Prints. With preface. Priced. T. Philifs, Warwick Street, Golden Square. 16 April. (26 days.) 58. f. 8. & 679. c. 29. Montagu, Edward Wortlev. Part of Library. Priced. L. 6: S. 23 April. " " S.-C.S. 32. (5.) Montagu, James. Library. (Chiefly collected by Sir Charles Hedges, Secretary of State to Queen Anne.) Priced. L. & S. 27 April. S.-C.S. 32. (6.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. T.King. 27 April. S!-C. 809. (9.) Bray, Michael ; Duane, Matthew, F.E.S. Libraries. Priced. L. & S. 7 May. S.-C.S. 32. (7.) Farmer, Eichard, D.B. Library. Priced. T. King. 7 May. (36 davs.) S.-C. 1048. & 124 e."l6. Mason, George. Greek and Latin Library. (Second Part.) Priced. L.dS. 16 May. S.-C.S. 32. (8.), S.-C. 809. (11.) & 124. e. 2. (2.) Carriere, Comit de. Parcel of French Books. Priced. L. d: S. 19 May. S.-C.S. 32. (9.) Brooke, John, Rev., of Haughton. Library. Priced. L. ct *S'. 23 May. S.-C.S. 32. (10.) Auber, John, Rev., Rector ofBlaisden ; Drysdale, Rev. Mr. Libraries. Priced. L. & S. 4 June. S.-C.S. 32. (11.) [NoRRLS, 3Ir.] A Catalogue of the elegant and valuable Library of a gentleman. Priced. L. & S. 13 June. S.-C.S. 32." (12.) Chapman, Henry, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (First and Second Part. ) T. King, at Mr. Chaptnan's Shop, New Bond Street. 18 June. S.-C. 809. (15.) A Catalogue of a library of Books, etc. T. King. 27 June. S.-C. 809. (16.) [Frost, Mr., Barrister-at-Laic] A Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Barrister. Priced. L. & S. 28 June. S.-C.S. 32. (13!) Adair, James, Serjeant-at-Laiv. Law Library. Priced. L. d- S. 20 Nov. ' S.-C.S. 33. (1.) Mason, George. Library. (Third Part.) Priced. L. <& S. 27 Nov. S.-C.S. 33. (2.) & 124. c. 2. (3.) A Catalogue of a small but elegant collection of French Books. Priced. L. & S. 7 Dec. S.-C.S. 33. (4.) -1799 103 Adair, James, Serjeant-at-Lciw. Library. (Historical, Classical and Miscellaneous.) Priced. L. & S. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 33. (5.) A Catalogue of a choice collection of Books, together with sundry Prints and Drawings, etc. Mr. Langdon, the Anti-Gallican Coffee- House, near the Stock Exchange. 15 Dec. S.-C. 809. (18.) [Spencer, George John, 2nd Earl Spencer.] A Catalogue of the Dupli- cates of a Nobleman's Library. Priced. L. & S. 20 Dec. S.-C.S. 33. (6.) &. 272. k. 11. Clarke. Thomas, D.B.. of Hull. Library. P. F. J. Todd, Yorl: 822. e. 19. Clerk. Robert, General ; Molaxd, Richard, of Solihull ; Parsons, Mr., Rector of Pulham, Dorset. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Payne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. Now on sale. 129. k. 18. (1.) Enfield, William, Rev., LL.D. Library. (J. Cuthell's Sale Catalogue for 1798.) P. F. P. J. Cuthell, Holborn. S.-C. 732. (2.) Hayes, William, Mus. Doc., Oxon ; Hayes, Philip, Mus. Doc, Oxon. Musical Library, P. F. P. At Smart's Music Warehouse, Oxford Street. [1798?] C. 61. h. 1. (2.) Parkhurst, John, Rev., M.A. ; Bromfield, William, Surgeon to Her Majesti/'s Household. Libraries. P. F. P. T. Egerton, Whitehall. This day. ■ 129. k. 17. (1.) Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Bute. Library. P. F. P. T. King, junr., Oxford Street. Now on sale. S.-C. 732. (7.) Lunn's Catalogue for the year 1798, etc. P. F. P. W. H. Lunn, Oxford Street. " S.-C. 732. (4.) 1799. Leigh, Egerton, A.M., Archdeacon of Salop ; Moore, Nathaniel. Rev., LL.D. Libraries. Priced. Leigh dc Sothebij, York Street, Covent Garden. 4 Feb. S.-C.S. 33. (7.) [Hunter, John.] A Catalogue of an elegant selection of Books, chiefly duplicates, from a valuable library, etc. Priced. L. <£• S. 18 Feb. S.-C.S. 33. (8.) [Boyd, Mr.] A Catalogue of an elegant and valuable Library, the property of a gentleman. Priced. L. <& S. 20 Feb. S.-C.S. 33. (9.) Gordon, .S?V William, K.B. Library. Priced. L. & S. 4 March. S.-C.S. 33. (10.) W\LES, William, F.R.S. Mathematical Library. Priced. L. <{• S. 15 March. ' S.-C.S. 33. (11.) Rogers, Charles. F.R.S. Collection of Prints and Books of Prints. With preface. T. Philipe, Warwick Street, Golden Square. 18 March. (21 days.) o8- g- -^'- 104 1799- Stinton, Thomas, D.D. Library. Priced. L. & S. 28 March. S.-C.S. 33. (12.) [Allen, Mr.] A Catalogue of a very select, elegant and valuable collection of Books, the property of a gentleman, etc. Priced. L. cC- S. 8 April. ^ S.-C.S. 34. (1.) & 272. k. 8. Mason, George. Library. (Fourth Part.) Priced. L. & S. 25 April. S.-C.S. 34. (2.) & 124. e. 2. (4.) Bramston or Brampston, John, of Northantptonshire. Law Library. Priced. L.ctS. 29 April. S.-C.S. 34. (3.) [Boyd, Mr.] A Catalogue of a valuable Library, the property of a gentleman. Priced. L. <& S. 6 May. " S.-C.S. 34. (4.) Melmoth, William. Library. Bramston, John, of Northamptonshire. Library. (Second Part.) Kippis, Andrew, D.D. Library. (Reserved Part.) Priced. L. cfe S. 15 May. S.-C.S. 34. (5.) Addison, Right Hon. Joseph. Library. Priced. L. d S. 27 May. S.-C.S. 34. (6.) Wilkes, John, M.P. Part of Library. Priced. L. & S. 1 June. S.-C.S. 34. (7.) [Morris, Mr.] A Catalogue of a valuable portion of a well known Library, brought from the country. Priced. L. & S. 6 June. S.-C.S. 34. (8.) Price, Richard, D.B. Library. Priced. L. & S. 12 June. S.-C.S. 34. (9.) [Edwards, Mr.] A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books printed in the fifteenth century, etc. Priced. L. & S. 15 June. S.-C.S. 34 (10.) & 270. i. 20. [Hatfield, Mr.] A Catalogue of a valuable and elegant collection of Books, the property of a gentleman in the army, going abroad. Priced. L.&S. 2:5 June. ' S.-C.S. 34. (11.) [Lloyd, Thomas.] Catalogue of a curious and valuable Library, the property of a distinguished collector, etc. Priced. L. & S. 26 June. ' S.-C.S. 34. (13.) Sandby, Thomas, Professor of Architecture. Collection of Drawings. Prints, Books. Priced. L. & S. 18 July. S.-C.S. 34. (14.) The First Volume of Lackington, Allen & Co.'s Catalogue, Michaelmas 1799, to Michaelmas 1800, etc. P. F. P. Lackington, Allen & Co., Finsbury Square. 29 Sept. 129. k. 20. Bigland, Richard. Library. Priced. L. & S. 14 Nov. S.-C.S. 35. (1.) Gregory, E. Library. Priced. L. & S. 25 Nov. S.-C.S. 35. (2.) RoKEBY, Thomas, of Northamptonshire ; Pyle, Mr., Surgeon. Libraries. Priced. L. <& S. 4 Dec. S.-C.S. 35^ (3.) -1800 105 Vaughan, Felix, Barrister-at-Lau\ Library. Priced. L. d; S. 11 Dec. S.-C.S. 35. (4.) A Catalotiue of the duplicates of a nobleman's Library, etc. L. c& S. 20 Dec": S.-C. 834. (15.) A Cataloo-ue of Books, Prints, and Books of Prints for 1799, etc. P. F. P. John Simco, Golden Square. 129. k. 19. (2.) A Catalogue of valuable Books in various languages, etc. P. F. P. T. Paijne, Castle Street, St. Martin's. 129. k. 18. (2.) 1800. A Catalogue of a choice and valuable collection of Books and curious Tracts, etc. W. Richardson, 31, Villier Street, Strand. 22 Jan. >S.-C. 810. (1.) A Catalogue of a small and choice collection of Books, etc. Priced. Leiqh & Sothehy, York Street, Covent Garden. 28 Jan. S.-C.S. 35. (5.) Maixwairing, Joseph, F.R.S. Library. (A Catalogue of the valuable Law Library of a gentleman, etc.) Priced. L. c£- S. 5 Feb. S.-C.S. 35. (6.) A Catalogue of a valuable library of Books, Prints, etc. J. Christie, Pall Mall. 10 Feb. ^ S.-C. 810. (4.) A Catalogue of a good collection of Books, etc. T. King, King Street, Covent'Garden. 12 Feb. S.-C. 810. (5.) Morgan, William, D.D., Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. Library. Walker, Mr., Surgeon. Medical Library. Priced. L. & S. 13 Feb. S.-C.S. 35. (7.) MiLL>;, George Clalwev. Library. Priced. Mr. Jeffery, 11, Pall-Mall. 24 Feb. " " ' ' 124. e. 10. AscouGH, George Merrick, of the Inner Temple. Library. Priced. L. d- S. 25 Feb. S.-C.S. 35. (8.) Morton, Charles, Principal Librarian of the British Museum. Library. Priced. L. d S. 10 March. S.-C.S. 35. (9.) [Chichester, Arthur, 1st Marquess of Donegall.] Bibliotheca Magnifica & Curiosa. A catalogue of the library of a nobleman, etc. Tf. Stewart, 194, Piccadilhj. 10 March. S.-C. 810. (8.) A Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, etc. 20 March. BowEN, Thomas, Chajjlain of Bridewell Hospital. L. & S. 26 March. Mainstone, James, of Essex Street, Strand. Library 28 April. Priced. L. & S. S.-C.S. 35. (10.) Library. Priced. S.-C.S. 35. (11.) Priced. L. A S. S.-C.S . 36. (2.) 106 I'^'OO- A Catalogue of a capital and trulv valuable Library of a gentleman of fashion, etc. J. Christie. 1 May. S.-C. 810. (13.) A Catalogue of a good collection of Books, and books of prints, etc. T. Kinq Junr., Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. 3 May. S.-C. 810. (15.) Steevens, George, F.R.S.. F.S.A. Library. Priced. T. King. 13 May. 123. f. 15. Mackenzie, Hon. Stuart, Lord Privy Seal of Scotland. Library. Priced. L. & S. 15 May. S.-C.S. 36. (3.) Parker, Robert, o/" //^«??/(7j:. Law Librarv. Priced. L.&S. 20 May. S.-C.S. 36. (4.) Spencer, George John, Ind Earl Spencer. Duplicates of Library. Priced. L. cfe -S. 26 May. ^ S.-C.S. 36. (6.) Drake, George, of Bedford Square. Librarv. Priced. L. d- S. 30 May. ' S.-C.S. 36. (7.) Wachsel, Gustavus Anthony, Rev. Library. Priced. L. d- S. 5 June. S.-C.S. 36. (8.) A Catalogue of a well chosen library of Books, etc. T. King Junr. 18 June. S.-C. 810. (19.) Johnson, Alexander, M.D. ; Floud, John, of the Inner Temple. Libraries. Priced. L. & S. 20 June. S.-C.S. 36. (10.) Keate, George, of Charlotte Street, Bloomsburq. Library. T. Kinq. at Mr. Keatcs House, Bloomshury. 23 June.' S.-C. 810. (21.) Sayle, William, Rev. Librarv. Fair, George. Law Library. Priced. L. & S. 7 July. " S.-C.S. 36. (11.) A Catalogue of a capital & trulv valuable Librarv of a gentleman, etc. T. King Junr. 7 July. " ' S.-C. 810. (22.) Gautarel, Rev. Mr., Minister of the French Church, Spitalfields. Library. Priced. L. & S. 23 July. S.-C.S. 36. (9.) A Catalogue of a large collection of Books . . , being part of a nobleman's library, etc. T. Kinq. 22 Aug. S.-C. 810. (24.) Yardley, Edward, B.D. ; Gould, William, Rector of Stapleford Abbots, Essex ; Cooper, William, Rector (f Hardinqham, Norfolk. Libraries. P. F. P. Leigh d' Sotheby. [Before 30 Oct.] 130. k. 1. (3.) Steel, David, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (First Part.) Priced. Leigh, Sotheby & Son, York Street, Covent Garden. 30 Oct. S.-C.S. 37. (1.) A Catalogue of a small library of Books, etc. T. King. 5 Nov. S.-C. 810. (26.) A Catalogue of a small collection of Books, etc. T. King. 11 Nov. S.-C. 810. (27.) -1801 107 Pegge, Samuel, Groom of the Privij Chamber. Library. Priced. L., S. & Son. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 37. (2.) [HuLLMANDELL, Mr.] A Catalogue of a elioice collection of Books of the best French authors, etc. Priced. L., S. d; Son. 21 Nov. S.-C.S. 37. (3.) Stevens, William, D.D. Library, etc. J. Christie. 29 Nov. S.-C. 810. (31.) Downing, George, Barrister -at- Law. Library. Priced. L., S. d- Son. 1 Dec. S.-C.S. 37. (6.) Glynn, Robert, Dr., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Library. T. King. 4 Dec. S.-C. 810. (32.) Steel, David, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Second Part.) Priced. L., S. & Son. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 37. (7.) AscouGH, George Merrick, of the Inner Temple. Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. L., S. (. Librarv. Priced. Leigh & S. Soiheby, 145, Strand. 12 Jan. " S.-C.S. 63. (1.) De Burgh, John Thomas. 13/// Earl of Clanricarde. Library. Priced. L. rd Duke of Grafton. Duplicates of Library, etc. Priced. L. & S. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 74. (7.) 1812. Jepson, Graham, B.D. Library. Priced. Leigh & Sotheby, 145, Strand. 7 Jan. ^ ' S.-C.S. 74. (8.) Pearson, Richard, M.D. Medical Library. Priced. L. & S. 13 Jan. S.-C.S. 74. (9.) Smith, Andrew, of Lambeth. Duplicates of Library. T. King jun., at Fenton's Rooms, 391, Oxford Street. 22 Jan. " S.-C. 824. (3.) Guise, Samuel, Dr. Library. Priced. L. & S. 27 Jan. S.-C.S. 75. (1.) L. & S. 10 Feb. s.-c.s. 75. (3.) Priced. L. d S. s.-c.s. 75. (5.) L. & 8. 27 Feb. S.-C.S. 75. (6.) preface. Priced. 822. b. 36. (1.) -1812 129 Fexton, Ibbetson, of Walworth. Library. Priced. Stanley, Thomas, Colonel. Duplicates of Library. 19 Feb. Raixe, Matthew, D.D., F.R.S. Library. Priced. Chichester, Sir John, Bart. Library. With E. Jeffenj, 11, Pall-Mall. 28 Feb. A reprint of the last three days' sale. A Catalogue of miscellaneous Books, being chiefly the Duplicates of a Gentleman's Library, etc. Priced. L. & S. 20 March. S.-C.S. 75. (7.) [PiNKERTON, John, Antiquary.] A Catalogue of a very curious collec- tion of Early Printed Books relative to Scottish Historv, etc. Priced. L. (& S. 6 April. S.-C.S. 75. (9.) A Catalogue of a verv fine collection of Books, etc. Priced. L. (& S. U April. ' S.-C.S. 76. (1.) Ord, John, One of the Masters in Chancery. Part of Library. Priced L. (& S. 23 April. S.-C.S. 76. (2.) Thellusson, George Woodford, M.P. Library. Priced. L. & S. 29 April. S.-C.S. 76. (3.) TowNSHEND, George, 2nd Marquis Townshend. Library. Prints, Manuscripts. Priced. L. & S. 11 May. S.-C.S. 76. (4.) Pasley, John, of Colney Hatch. Part of Library. King & Lochee, 38, Kinfj Street, Covent Garden. 13 May. ' S.C. 824. (12.) Ker, John, 3rd Duke of Roxburghe. Library. With preface. Priced. R. H. Evans, at His Grace's late residence in St. James's Square. 18 May. (42 days.) S.-C.E. 1., 821. g. 27. & 123. f. 14. (1.) Baxter, Stafford Squire, of Gray's Inn. Library. King & Lochee. 25 May. S.-C. 824. (15.) Paulett, Vere, General, of Winsloiv, Bucks. Library, Prints, etc. W. Stewart, 194, Piccadilly. 25 May. S.-C. 824. (15.) Cavendish, Frederick, of Market Street, Herts. Library, Prints and Drawings. Priced. L. & S. June 2. S.-C.S. 76. (5.) A Catalogue of a very splendid collection of Books selected from the Library of a well known Amateur. Priced. L. & S. 8 June. S.-C.S. 76. (6.) Lawrence, John, of Ipswich. Library. T. King jun. 10 June. S.-C. 824. (17.) Mackinlay, John, Bookseller. Remaining Stock of Books. Priced. L. & S. 15 June. S.-C.S. 77. (1.) K 130 1812- Annesley, Francis, M.D. Library. Priced. E. Jeffenj. 30 June. 822. b. 36. (2.) Guise, Samuel, Dr. Library. Manuscripts collected in India, and Coins. With preface. Priced. L. & S. 3 July. S.-C.S. 77. (2.) FuLLERTON, Josepli, of Kent. Library. T. King jun. 7 July. S.-C. 824. (21.) Ker, John, 3rd Duke of Roxburg/ie. Library. (Supplement.) With preface by G. and W. Nicol. With printed prices. R. H. Evans, at His Grace's late residence in St. James's Square. 13 Jnh'. 123. f. 14. (2.) Rogers, Jonathan, Chief Physician to the Russian Fleet. Medical Library. Gower, Charles, M.D. Library (Duplicates). Priced. L. & S. 13 July. ^ S.-C.S. 77. (3.) A Catalogue of a very fine collection of Miscellaneous Books . . . also including the Library of a distinguished Emigrant, etc. Priced. L. & S. 28 July. ' ' S.-C.S. 77. (4.) Nisbett, Nehemiah, M.A., Rector of Tunstcd, Kent. Library. Priced. L. & S. 2 Nov. S.-C.S. 78. (1.) Mellish, Charles. Library. Priced. L. & S. 7 Nov. S.-C.S. 78. (2.) Bayley, AVeston, Rev. Library. (A Catalogue of a Collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. L. & S. 23 Nov. S.-C.S. 78. (3.) Dawxay, Lora, Viscountess Downe. Library (chieflv collected by her father, William Burton). Priced. L. & S. 9 Dec. S.-C.S. 78. (5.) Dampier, Thomas, Bishop of Elij. Portion of Library. Priced. R. H. Evans, 26, Pall Mall. 16 Dec. S.-C.E. 2. (1.) &"272. k. 20. 1813. Pinkertox, John. Librarv, Maps, etc. Priced. Leiqh & Sotheby, 145, Strand. 7 Jan. ' S.-C.S. 78. (7.) Donnelly, James, Surgeon. Library, Prints, etc. King & Lochee, 38, King Street, Covent Garden. 9 Jan. S.-C. 825. (2.) Appleyard, J., Bookseller, of Wimpole Street. Stock of Books. T. King Jan., at Fenton's Rooms, 391, Oxford Street. 19 Jan. S.-C. 825. (4.) Trye, Charles Brandon ; Shaw, Joseph, M.D., ofCambenvell. Medical Libraries. Priced. L. d: S. 22 Jan. S.-C.S. 79. (1.) [Hunter, John.] A Catalogue of an elegant selection from the Library of a well-known collector, etc. Priced. L. Charles, Bart., of Chart Park, Surrey. Library. Priced. L. & S. 2 May. S.-C.S. 85. (8.) MoNOUX, Rev. Sir Philip, Bart.; Gregg, William Potts, of the Inner Temple. Libraries. Priced. L. & S. 12 May. S.-C.S. 86. (2.) Sumner, Humphrey, Provost of Kimfs College, Cambridge. Library. Priced. R. H. Evans. 16 May. S.-C.E. 3. (3.) A Catalogue of a very capital collection of Books, selected from a Gentleman's Library, etc. Priced. L. & S. 18 May. S.-C.S. 86. (3.) Browne, William George, Oriental Traveller. Library. Priced. L. & S. 24 May. S.-C.S. 86. (3*.) Fridag, Sebastian. Part of Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 30 Mav. S.-C.S. 86. (4.) TowNELEY, John. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. R. H. Evans. 8 June. S.-C.E. 3. (4.) & 272. k. 12. (1.) BuRNEY, Charles, Mus.Doc., F.R.S. Library. Priced. L. & S. 9 June. S.-C.S. 86. (6.) A Catalogue of the Law Library of a very eminent Barrister ; also, his miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. L. & S. 9 June. S.-C.S. 86. (5.) 134 1814- A Catalogue of Books, consisting of the duplicates of several large Libraries, etc. Priced. R. H. Evans. 20 June. (28 days.) S.-C.E. 3. (6.) Stuart, James Alexander, Colonel. Library & Oriental Manuscripts. Priced. L. & S. 27 June. S.-C.S. 87. (1.) A Catalogue of a very select and magnificent collection of Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. L. <& S. 8 July. S.-C.S. 87. (2.) A Catalogue of the entire and valuable Library of a very distinguished Nobleman, etc. Priced. L. & S. 19 July. S.-C.S. 87. (4.) A Catalogue of a very rare and magnificent collection of foreign Books, etc. Priced. L. & S. 28 July. S.-C.S. 87. (5.) BuRNEY, Charles, Mus.D., F.R.S. Collection of Music. Partly priced. Mr. White, Great Georqe Street, Westminster. 8 Aug. C. 61. h. 1. (2.) A Catalogue of the Duplicates of a Gentleman's Library, etc. Priced. L. & S. 10 Aug. S.-C.S. 87. (6.) Philips, John Leigh. Librarv. Priced. Winstanley & Taylor, Man- chester. 17 Oct. ^ 11902. c. 30. (1.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. L. & S. 24 Oct. S.-C.S. 88. (1.) A Catalogue of a valuable Librarv of a Clergvman. etc. Priced. L. & S. 8 Nov. " " S.-C.S. 88. (2.) Stace, Machell. Books and Manuscripts. (Remaining Part.) Priced. L. & S. 21 Nov. S.-C.S. 88. (3.) Neale, Adam, M.D. Part of Medical Library. Priced. L. cfe S. 25 Nov. S.-C.S. 88. (4.) Tathwell, Cornwall, of Darlington. Librarv. T. Kinfj,jun., 125, High Holborn. 5 Dec. ' S.-C. 826. (5.) [White, Mr.] A Catalogue of a small and splendid collection of Books and Manuscripts, etc. L. & S. 5 Dec. S.-C.S. 88. (5.) Jackson, Francis James, H.M. Envoy Extraordinary to the United States of America. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. 88. (6.) FoLLETT, John, of the Middle Temple. Law Library. Milxer, Mr. Library. Priced. L. & S. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 88. (7.) A Catalogue of the Library of a foreign Nobleman, etc. Priced. L. & S. 21 Dec. " S.-C.S. 88. (8.) 1815. A Catalogue of a verv good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. Leigh & Sotheby, 145, Strand. 9 Jan. S.-C.S. 88. (9.) -1815 135 Howes, Thomas, Ttei\, M.A. Critical Library. Priced. L. & S. 20 Jan. S.-C.S. 88. (10.) A Catalogue of a very choice collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. L. d S. 1 Feb. S.-C.S. 88. (11.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. L. d- S. 20 Feb. S.-C.S. 89. (2.) A Catalogue of a very extensive and valuable collection of Old Plays, etc. Priced. King & Lochee, 38, King Street, Covent Garden. 28 Feb. ' 83! a. 31. & 130. k. 5. (1.) Hull, Christopher. Library. Priced. L. & S. 1 March. S.-C.S. 89. (3.) Roberts, John, Director of the East India Company. Library. Dodd, James William, Comed'^art. Portion of Librarv. Priced. R. H.Evans, 26, Pall Mall. 6 March. ' S.-C.E. 4. (1.) Craufurd, Robert, General. Part of Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 9 March. S.-C.S. 89. (4.) Roberts, John, of Whitchurch, Bucks. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 17 March. ^ S.-C.S. 89. (9.) [DuxsTER, Charles, Rev.] A Catalogue of a very choice and elegant selection of Books, the property of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. L. & S. 21 March. S.-C.S. 89. (6.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. L. & S. 29 March. S.-C.S. 89. (7.) [Le Blanc, Mr.] Books, Books of Prints & Missals. Priced. L. & S. 3 April. S.-C.S. 89. (8.) Edwards, James. Library and Collection of Greek Vases. Priced. E. 5 April. S.-C.E. 4. (2.) & 124. e. 1. Scott, James, D.D., of Trinitij College, Cambridge. Library. Priced. L. & S. 10 April. S.-C.S. 89. (11.) Watson, Thomas, Banker. Librarv. Priced. L. <& S. 17 April. S.-C.S. 89. (12.) [Cholmoxdley, Rev. Mr.] A Catalogue of a very good collection of Books, including part of the Library of a clergyman deceased, etc. Priced. L. d S. 18 April. S.-C.S. 89. (13.) [Parker, Mr.] A Catalogue of a collection of rare and curious Old Tracts, Manuscripts, Letters and Ballads, etc. Priced. L. & S. 28 April. S.-C.S. 90. (1.) Thompson, Sir Peter, F.R.S., F.S.A. Library. Priced. E. 29 April. S.-C.E. 4. (3.) & 821. g. 30. (1.) Parson, Thomas, D.D., of Amsterdam. Library. With preface by the owner. Priced. L. & S. 1 May. S.-C.S. 90. (2.) 136 1815- [SPEXfER, George John, 2n(l Earl Spencer.] Catalogue of the valuable duplicates of a Nobleman's library. Priced. E. 9 May. S.-C.E. 4. (4.) & 821. g. 30. (2.) [Le Blanc, Mr.] A Catalogue of the Library of a French Nobleman, etc. Priced. L. & S. 10 May. " S.-C.S. 90. (3.) [Buncombe, Charles.] A Catalogue of a splendid selection of Books, part of a magnificent Library, etc. Priced. L. 6c S. 12 Ma v. S.-C.S.* 90. (4.) Mayo, Charles, B.D. Books in the Anglo-Saxon, Gothic, and Icelandic Languages. Priced. L. & S. 15 May. S.-C.S. 90. (5.) A Catalogue of a collection of Books in various departments of literature. Priced. E. 16 May. S.-C.E. 4. (5.) Parris, p. C. Part of Library. Priced. L. & S. 18 May. S.-C.S. 90. (6.) Cavendish, William Spencer, Qth Duhe of Devonshire. Duplicates in Library. Priced. [E.] [29 May.] S.-C.E. 4. (6.) Hey, John, Norrisian Professor of Divinity in the Universitij of Cam- bridge. Library. Priced. L. & S. 29 May. S.-C.S. 90. (8.) Newtox, John, of Lincoln. Remaining Part of Librarv. T. Kimj, jun. High Holhorn. 29 May. " 130. k. 5. (12.) Palmer, Arthur, Serjeant-at-Law. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 5 June. S.-C.S. 91. (1.) A Catalogue of a most elegant collection of Books . . . constituting the rare and virtu part of the extensive Library of a Nobleman. With preface by G. and W. Nicol. Priced. E. 6 June. S.-C.E. 4. (8.) & 123. f. 19. Morris, Edward. Master in Chancery. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 8 June. ' S.-C.S. 91. (2.) Morton, John Burrage. Historical Library. Priced. L. <& S. 12 June. S.-C.S. 91. (3.) TowxELEY, John. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 19 June. S.-C.E. 3. (5.) & 272. k. 12. (2.) Beaufort, Louis de. Library. Priced. L. & S. 20 June. S.-C.S. 91. (6.) [Yates, John.] A Catalogue of the genuine and unreserved part of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. L. & S. 28 June. S.-C.S. 91. (7.) HiLTOX, John. Library. Priced. L. (& S. 4 July. S.-C.S. 91. (8.) [Hammoxd, p.] a Catalogue of the entire and very valuable Library of a gentleman deceased, etc. Priced. L. d- S. 13 July. S.-C.S. 91. (10.) Mordauxt, Charles Henry, bth Earl of Peterborough. Library. W. Stewart, 194, Piccadilly. 13 July. 130. k. 6. (5.) -1816 137 [Le Blanc, Mr.] A Catalogue of a verv fine collection of French and Latin Books, etc. PricedL L. d- S. 24 July. S.-C.S. 91. (11.) A Catalogue of a good collection of Books, etc. Priced. L. <£• S. 31 July. S.-C.S. 91. (14.) [Le Blanc, Mr.] A Catalogue of a very fine collection of French and Latin Books, etc. Priced. L. & S. 5 Aug. S.-C. S. 91. (15.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of Mathematical Books, etc. Priced. L. & S. 26 Oct. S.-C.S. 92. (1.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of modern French & German Literature, etc. Priced. L. & S. 7 Nov. S.-C.S. 92. (2.) Thoyts, Charles, Major. Libra rv. Priced. L. & S. 10 Nov. S.-C.S. 92. (3.) Evans, Thomas, Archdeacon of Worcester. Books from Library. Priced. L. & S. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 92. (4.) Cavendish, William Spencer, Qth Duke of Devonshire. Duplicates of Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 24 Nov. S.-C.E. 4. (7.) Sellon, Baker John, Serjeant-at-Laiv. Law Books from Library. (A Catalogue of the entire Law Librarv of an eminent Solicitor, deceased, etc.) Priced. L. & S. 28 [29] Nov. S.-C.S. 92. (5.) Delaval, Edward Hussey, F.R.S. Part of Library. Priced. L. & S. 4 Dec. S.-C.S. 92. (6.) GoLDSMiD, John Louis. Library. Priced. E. 11 Dec. S.-C.E. 4. (9.) & 272. k. 14. DoLBEN, Sir William, Bart. Books from Librarv. Priced. L. d- S. 13 Dec. ' S.-C.S. 92. (7.) King, John, Barrister-at-Law. Library. Priced. L. & S. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 92. (8.) A Catalogue of a verv good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. L. & S. 19 Dec. S.-C.S. 93. (1.) 1816. AsTLE, Edward. Portion of Library. Priced. R. H. Evans, 26, Pall Mall. • 10 Jan. S.-C.E. 5. (2.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of English miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. Leigh d Sotheby, 145, Strand. 22 Jan. S.-C.S. 93. (5.) A Catalogue of a collection of Books. Priced. E. 30 Jan. S.-C.E. 5. (3.) Harper, George, Rector of Stepney. Librarv. Priced. L. d S. 1 Feb. S.-C.S. 93. (6.) Marsh, Charles, F.S.A. Library of Books and Manuscripts. J. Christie, Pall Mall. 1 Feb. 130. k. 7. (3.) 138 181G- [Haylev, Mr. I A Catalogue of a valuable Library. Priced. E. 13 Feb. S.-C.E. 5. (1.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. L. cfc S. 19 Feb.. S.-C.S. 93. (8.) Hunter, William. Library. Priced. E. 23 Feb. S.-C.E. 5. (4.) A Catalogue of a select and valuable collection of Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. L. & S. 1 March. S.-C.S. 93. (9.) Calder, John, D.D. Librarv. Priced. L. & S. 12 March. S.-C.S. 94. (1.) Gordon, Sir Robert, of Gordonstoivn. Library. J. G. Cochrane, 1, Catherine Street, Strand. 14 March. 821. g. 31. Yi^sCrENT, WiW'iam, Dean of Westminster. Library. Priced. E. 15 March. S.-C.E. 5. (5.) Towers, Joseph, Rev., LL.D. Part of Library. Priced. L. & S. 16 March. S.-C.E. 94. (2.) Newnham, Thomas, ofNeivtimber Place, Sussex. Classical and Historical Library. Priced. L. & S. 25 March. S.-C.S. 94. (3.) Lettsom, John Coakley, M.D., LL.D. Library. (Part 2. — Medical.) Priced. L. & S. 3 April. S.-C.S. 94. (4.) A Catalogue of a collection of Books, late the property of a Nobleman. Priced. E. 5 April. S.-C.E. 5. (6.) A Catalogue of a valuable Library containing many rare and curious articles. Priced. E. 9 April. S.-C.E. 5. (7.) Henley, Samuel, D.D., F.S.A. Library. Priced. L. & S. 11 April. S.-C.S. 94. (5.) Portal, Charles Septimus. Library. Priced. L. & S. 24 April. S.-C.S. 94. (6.) Mackenzie, Francis Humberston, Lord Seaforth, Baron Mackenzie of Kintail. Part of Library. J. G. Cochrane. 3 Mav. ■ S.-C. 827. (12.) A Catalogue of a valuable Library containing many fine and scarce articles. Priced. E. 3 May. " ' S.-C.E. 5. (8.) [Talleyrand, Perigord Charles Maurice, Prince, Bishop of Autun.\ Bibliotheca Splendidissima. A Catalogue of a superlativelv splendid and extensive Library consigned from the Continent, etc. With preface. Priced. L. & S. 8 May. S.-C.S. 95. (1.) & 270. k..38. Hulse, R. Library. J. G. Cochrane. 17 May. 130. k. 8. (1.) Cramer, J. B. Collection of Music. Mr. White, Great George Street, Westminster. 21 May. C. 61. h. 1. (2, 3.) Catalogue of a valuable Library of a gentleman recently deceased. Priced. E. 23 May. S.-C.E. 6. (1.) -1816 139 A Catalogue of a gentleman's Library. Priced. E. 28 May. S.-C.E. 6. (2. Shepherd, W. Library. Priced. E. 30 May. S.-C.E. 6. (3. Peckover, Joseph. Library. J. G. Cochrane. 7 June. 130. k. 8. (3.) White, Cochrane & Co., Booksellers. Stock of Books. R. Saunders, Horace's Head, Fleet Street. 10 June. (32 days.) S.-C. 827. (2.) HuTTON, Charles, LL.D., F.R.S. Mathematical Library. Priced. L. (fc S. 11 June. S.-C.S. 95. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable Library. Priced. E. 13 June. S.-C.E. 6. (4.) Deconchy, L., Bookseller, of New Bond Street. Stock of Books. T. King, 38, King Street, Covent Garden. 17 June. S.-C. 827. (3.) [Brassey, W.] a Catalogue of a very elegant and choice collection of Books and Books of Prints. Priced. L. & S. 19 June. S.-C.S. 96. (1.) JuNOT, Andoche, Field Marshal. Duke of Ahr antes. Library. Priced. E. 19 June. S.-C.E. 6. (5.) & 270. k. 10. Morse, Eobert, of Clarges Street. Piccadilly. Library. T. Dodd, 42, Old Bond Street. 20 June. 130. k. 8. (11.) [Clayton, Sir Richard, Bart.] A Catalogue of part of the Library of a gentleman now resident on the Continent, etc. Priced. L. & S. 21 June. S.-C.S. 96. (2.) Walker, William, of Hayes, Middlesex. Library. Priced. L. & S. 25 June. ' S.-C.S. 96. (3.) Harington, Henry, M.B. Musical Collection. Follett, John, of the Middle Temple. Collection of Statutes, Manuscript Precedents of indictments, etc. Priced. L. & S. 2 July. S.-C.S. 96. (4.) LuNN, W. H., Bookseller. Collection of Books. Priced. E., at 30, Soho Square. 3 July. S.-C.E. 6. (6.) Webbe, Samuel, of Gray's Inn. Library, Music, etc. Mr. White. 4 July. ' C. 61. h. 1. (2/4.) Haslam, John. Library. Priced. L. & S. 5 Julv. S.-C.S. 96. (6.) Dewhurst, John, Rev., of Hackney. Library. Priced. L. d: S. 12 July. ■ S.-C.S. 96. (7.) A Catalogue of a very elegant and choice selection of Books, Books of Prints, Manuscripts, etc. Priced. L. d S. 18 July. S.-C.S. 96. (8.) &I30. k. 9. (1.) A Catalogue of a very sood collection of Books, etc. Priced. L. & S. 27 July. ' ^ S.-C.S. 96. (9.) 140 l'^16- RoscoE, William. Library. Priced. Mr. Winstanley, Marble Street, Liverpool. 19 Aug. " 272. k. 25. (1.) Gwinnett, Emilia, Mrs., of Penllyn Castle, Glamorgan. Books. Prints & Manuscripts. Priced. S. Sotheby, 145, Strand. 22 Oct. 8.-C.S. 97. (1.) Buxton, Mr., Bookseller, of Southwarh. Stock of Books. Messrs. King, 38, King Street, Covent Garden. 28 Oct. 130. k. 9. (6.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of miscellaneous Books, Prints and Maps, etc. Priced. S. 28 Oct. S.-C.S. 97. (2.) Bland, Robert, M.D. Library, Priced. S. 4 Nov. S.-C.S. 97. (3.) DuNSTER, Charles, Rev., M.A. Library. Priced. S. 11 Nov. S.-C.S. 97. (4.) Wilkin, Simon, of Cossey, near Norwich. Library, etc. Basham & Harman, on the premises, at Cossey. 19 Nov. S.-C. 827. (4.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 97. (5.) Alexander, William, F.S.A. Library. Priced. *S. 25 Nov. S.-C.S. 97. (6.) Howard, Charles, 11;/; Duke of Norfolk. Portion of Library and Prints. Priced. E. 28 Nov. S.'-C.E. 6. (7.) Coles, George. Library. Priced. S. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 97. (8.) Marchaxt, Nathaniel, R.A. Library. J. G. Cochrane. 14 Dec. 130. k. 9. (12.) Ormerod, Richard, Vicar of Kensington. Library. Priced. E. 16 Dec. ' S.-C.E. 6. (8.) [GuTCH, Mr.] A Catalogue of the genuine and very valuable Library, the property of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 98. (1.) A Catalogue of a small and elegant selection of Books, Prints . . . chiefly the property of a French Nobleman, etc. Priced. S. 23 Dec. S.-C.S. 98. (2.) 1817. A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of French Books, etc. Priced. ;S. Sotheby, 145, Stra7id. 6 Jan. S.-C.S. 98. (3.) Sequeira, Isaac Henrique. 31. D. Library. Priced. S. 13 Jan. S.-C.S. 98. (4.) Jackson, Seguin Henry, M.D. Library. Priced. *S'. 20 Jan. S.-C.S. 98. (5.) HoRXEMAN, H., Rev., of Stockholm. Library. R. Saunders, 39, Fleet Street. 21 Jan. S.-C. 828. (1.) -1817 141 A Catalooue of curious and valuable Books. Priced. R. H. Evans, 26, Pall Mall. 22 Jan. S.-C.E. 7. (1.) Pembroke, Charles. Law Library. Priced. S. 27 Jan. S.-C.S. 98. (6.) MuNRO, Sir Hugh, Bart. Part of Library. Priced. S. i Feb. S.-C.S. 98. (7.) BoRROMEO, Anton Maria, Count, of Padua. Library. With a preface. Priced. E. 7 Feb. ' S.-C.E. 7. (2.) GooDiXGE, Thomas, Rev., LL.D. Library. Priced. S. 10 Feb. S.-C.S. 98. (8.) Fellowes, Robert, Rev., M.A. Library. Priced. S. 13 Feb. S.-C.S. 98. (9.) Philipe. Thomas, Printseller. Collection of Books. Priced. E., at the late Mr. Philipe's Great Room, Warwick Street, Golden Square. 18 Feb. S.-C.E. 7. (3.) Rhodes, Alexander, F.S.A. Library, Prints, etc. Priced. S. 20 Feb. S.-C.S. 99. (1.) Howard, Charles, 11th Duke of Norfolk ; Astle, Edward. Further portion of Libraries. Priced. E. 1 March. S.-C.E. 7. (4.) [Pomeroy. Henry, '2,nd Viscount Harherton.] A Catalogue of the Duplicates of a Nobleman's Library, etc. Priced. S. 6 March. S.-C.S. 99. (3.) Meex. Henry, B.D. Library. Priced. S. 17 March. S.-C.S. 99. (4.) [Speidell, Mr.] A Catalogue of a small collection of Books of rare occurrence, etc. Priced. S. 24 March. S.-C.S. 99. (5.) [Clarke, 3Ir.] A Catalogue of a very choice and select collection of Books in English Literature, etc. Priced. S. 26 March. S.-C.S. 99. (6.) Roberts, John, Director of the East India Company. Chinese dra wrings. JuxoT, Andoche, Field Marshal, Duke of Ahrantes. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 26 March. S.-C.E. 7. (5.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 2 April S.-C.S. 99. (7.) [Talleyraxd-Perigord, Charles Maurice, Prince, Bishop of Autun.] A Catalogue of a small but very rare collection of Tracts, in Latin, Italian and French ; together with the remaining books of the Bibliotheca Splendidissima, etc. Priced. >S'. 18 April. S.-C.S. 100. (2.) A Catalogue of a fine collection of Greek, Latin & Italian Manuscripts, etc. (Imported from Sicily.) Priced. *S. 19 April. S.-C.S. 100. (3.) 142 1817- HoLLis, Thomas ; Hollis, Thomas Brand ; Disney, John, D.D., F.S.A. Libraries. Priced. S. 22 April. S.-C.S. 100. (5.) Savage, George, Rev., M.A. Library. Priced. *S'. 2 May. S.-C.S. 100. (6.) Beckford, William, of Fonthill Abbei/. Part of Library. Priced. S. 6 May. S.-C.S. 100. (7.) Sharpe, Lancelot, Rev., F.S.A. Part of Library. Priced. S. 9 May, S.-C.S. 100. (5.) Harley, Hon. Auditor. Library. Towneley, John. Further portion of Library. Priced. E. 22 May. S.-C.E. 7. (6.) Henry, John Joseph. Library, Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. 27 May. S.-C.S. 101. (2.) Johnson, John Mordaunt. Collection of rare specimens of Early Typography, Editiones principes, Aldine editions and ancient Manuscripts. With biographical preface. E. 2 June. S.-C. 803. (12.) AuvERGNE, Philip d', Duke de Bouillon. Library, Maps, Charts, etc. At Bagatelle, Jersey. 3 June. ' S.-C. 803. (11.) [BoRELLi, 31.] A Catalogue of a small collection of valuable Books and Books of Prints, the property of a foreigner quitting the kingdom, etc. Priced. S. 6 June. " S.C.S. 101. (3.) RoYSTON, William, F.L.S. Library. Priced. S. 9 June. S.-C.S. 101. (4.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman. Priced. E. 9 June. S.-C.E. 7. (8.) [Treuttel and WiJRTZ, Booksellers.] A Catalogue of the entire and extensive Library of an amateur of distinction, etc. Priced. S. 12 June. S.-C.S. 101. (5.) 272. k. 16. & S.-C. 828. (7.) Beloe, William, Rev. Library. Priced. E. 19 June. S.-C.E. 7. (9.) Barnes, William English, o/Z/ncoZn's /ww. La\v Library. Priced. S. 26 June. S.-C.S. 102. (1.) [DiBDiN, Thomas Frognall.] A Catalogue of the Library of an eminent Bibliographer. Priced. E. 26 June. S.-C.E. 7. (10.) [Smith, S.] A Catalogue of a portion of a gentleman's Library, etc. Priced. S. 30 June. S.-C.S. 102. (3.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 1 July. S.-C.S. 102. (4.) A Catalogue of a choice and elegant selection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 7 July. S.-C.S. 102. (5.) Hill, Thomas Noel, 2nd Baron Berwick. Part of Library. Priced. S. 15 July. S.-C.S. 102. (7.) -I.^IS 143'. A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 21 July. S.-C.S. 102. (8.) [Iremonger, R., Rev.] A Catalogue of the entire Library of a Clergy- man, etc. Priced. S. 28 June. S.-C.S. 102. (9.) Beaver, Robert, Surgeon. Medical Library. Medical and Chirur- GICAL Society. Duplicates of Library. Priced. S. 31 July. S.-C.S. 102. (10.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. *S'. 30 Oct. S.-C.S. 103. (1.) Ibbot, Henry. Library. Ames, Mr. Missals & Books of Prayers. Priced. S. 3 Nov. S.-C.S. 103. (2.) Baskerpield, Thomas, F.A.S. Library. Priced. S. 13 Nov. S.-C.S. 103. (3.) Bowman, Charles. Library. Priced. S. 24 Nov. S.-C.S. 103. (4.) Erskine, John. Library. Priced. E. 24 Nov. S.-C.E. 7. (11.) Mills, Charles. Library. Priced. S. 28 Nov. S.-C.S. 103. (6.) Thompson, Sir Alexander, Lord Chief Baron ofH.M. Court of Exchequer. Law Library, etc. Priced. S. 1 Dec. S.-C.S. 103. (6.) A Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 104. (2.). 1818. A Catalogue of a fine collection of Books, including the remaining portion of a Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. Sotheby. 145, Strand. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 104. (4.) Crosley, John, Mathematician. Library. Priced. S. 28 Jan. S.-C.S. 104. (5.) Phillips, George. Library. Priced. R. H. Evans, 26, Pall Mall. 9 Feb. ^ S.-C.E. 8. (1.) Duncan, Hon. Jonathan, Governor of Bombay. Oriental Manuscripts & Printed Books. Priced. S. 13 Feb. S.-C.S. 105. (1.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, lately imported from France, etc. Priced. S. 18 Feb. " S.-C.S. 105. (2.) Carter, John, F.S.A. Books of Antiquities, Music, Drawings and Prints. Priced. S. 23 Feb. S.-C.S. 105. (3.) A Catalogue of a valuable and very extensive collection of Books recently imported from Antwerp. Priced, E. 25 Feb. S.-C.E. 8. (2.) TuFFEN, J. F. Library. Priced. S. 2 March. S.-C.S. 105. (4.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. E. 9 March. S.-C.E. 8. (3.) Pollock, William, Library. Priced. E. 16 March. S.-C.E. 8. (4.) 144 1818- Palmer, Robert, of Drury Lane Theatre. Library. Priced. S. 17 March. S.-C.S. 105. (7.) [CouRTALL, Archdeacon.] A Catalogue of the entire and valuable Library of an eminent divine, etc. Priced. *S. 30 March. S.-C.S. 105. (8.) A Catalogue of a very select and curious collection of Books in the Northern and Eastern languages, etc. Priced. S. 2 April. S.-C.S. 105. (9.) CoGAN, Thomas, M.D. Library. Priced. S. 9 April. S.-C.S. 106. (1.) De Boffe, Mr., Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 1.) Priced. S. 13 April. S.-C.S. 106. (2.) James, Robert, M.D. Classical & Medical Library. Priced. S. 22 April. S.-C.S. 106. (3.) [Singer, Samuel Weller.] A Catalogue of the Library of a well-known collector, etc. Priced. E. 23 April. S.-C.E. 8. (5.) A Catalogue of a small and elegant collection of Books, Missals and fine Prints, etc. Priced. S. 28 April. S.-C.S. 106. (4.) MiCHELL, Matthew. Books & Books of Prints. Priced. S. 29 April. S.-C.S. 106. (5.) De Boffe, Mr., Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. S. 30 April. S.-C.S. 106. (6.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 9 May. S.-C.S. 106. (7.) British Museum. Duplicate Books. Priced. S. 18 May. S.-C.S. 107. (1.) BucHAN, Alexander Peter, Dr. Library, Prints, etc. Mr. Lahee, on the premises, 6, Percy Street, Fitzroy Square. 20 Mav. " S.-C. 828. (12.) Waldron, Francis Godolpliin. Library. Priced. E. 21 May. S.-C.E. 8. (6.) Nixon, John. Library. Priced. E. 27 May. S.-C.E. 8. (7.) [HuYBERS, Mr.] A Catalogue of a select and genuine Library of a Foreigner of distinction, etc. Priced. S. 28 May. S.-C.S. 107. (2.) [Akerman, Mr.] A Catalogue of a small and elegant Library, the property of a gentleman in Kent, etc. Priced. S. 1 June. S.-C.S. 107. (3.) Gasparolli, Ahhe. Library. (Theological Part.) Priced. S. 3 June. S.-C.S. 107. (4.) [Stanhope, Charles, ^rd Earl Stanhope.] A Catalogue of the Duplicates of a Nobleman's Library, etc. Priced. S. 14 July. S.-C.S. 108. (8.) -1819 145 PoPLE, William, SoofoelZer. Books from Stock. Priced. aS. 17 June, S.-C.S. 108. (2.) [Paravicini, Mr.] A Catalogue of a choice and elegant selection o£ Books & Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. 22 June. S.-C.S. 108. (3.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 3 July. S.-C.S. 108. (6.) [Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton.] A Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. 6 July. S.-C.S. 108. (7.) A Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 20 July. S.-C.S. 108. (9.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 2 Nov. S.-C.S. 109. (1.) Taylor, Thomas Grimwood, Vicar of Dedham. Library. John King (& Joseph Grice, Sun Inn, Ipswich. 3 Nov. 823. c. 22. (4.) De Boffe, Mr., Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Third Part.) Priced. S. Sothehy, 3, Waterloo Bridge Street, Strand. 6 Nov. S.-C.S. 109. (2.) GiFFORD, John. Library. Priced. S. 17 Nov. S.-C.S, 109. (3.) Malone, Edmond. Part of Library. Priced. >S. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 109. (4.) [Barrett, Mr.] A Catalogue of a very elegant and valuable portion of the Library of a gentleman deceased, etc. Priced. S. 7 Dec. S.-C.S. 110. (1.) Bindley, James, F.S.A. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. E. 7 Dec. S.-C.E. 9. (1.) & 822. d. 4. A Catalogue of a good collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. Sothehy, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 14 Dec. S.-C.S. 110. (2.) Thane, John. Historical and Numismatic Library. Priced. S. 21 Dec. S.-C.S. 110. (3.) DoDD, James William, Rev. Portion of Library. Priced. [E.] [1818 ?] S.-C.E. 8. (8.) 1819. Bindley, James, F.S.A. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. R. H. Evans, 26, Pall Mall. 11 Jan. S.-C.E. 9. (2.) De Boffe, Mr., Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 4.) Priced. S. Sothehy, 3, Waterloo Bridge Street, Strand. 14 Jan. S.-C.S. 110. (4.) Berridge, William. Library. Priced. E. 8 Feb. S.-C.E. 10. (1.) Bramston, J. W. Library. Priced. S., 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 8 Feb. S.-C.S. 110. (5.) 146 1819- BiNDLEY, James, F.S.A. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. E. 16 Feb. S.-C.E. 9. (3.) British Museum. Duplicate Books. Priced. S. 19 Feb. S.-C.S. 111. (1.) A Catalogue of a fine collection of miscellaneous and illustrated Books, etc. Priced. ;S. 15 March. S.-C.S. 111. (2.) [Davenport, Mr., & Nixon, John.] A Catalogue of a curious and valuable collection of Books. Priced. E. 19 March. S.-C.E. 10. (2.) James Charles, Major. Books & Books of Prints. Priced. S. 25 March. S.-C.S. 111. (4.) North, John. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. E. 29 March. S.-C.E. 10. (3.) Keith, Francis Mouat, Captain, R.A. Library, Missals & Manuscripts. Priced. S. 1 April. S.-C.S. 111. (5.) A Catalogue of a very fine collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced.'' S. 6 April. S.-C.S. 111. (6.) North, John. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 19 April. S.-C.E. 10. (4.) [Celotti, Abhe.] A Catalogue of a very rare and curious collection of Early Italian Poetry, etc. Priced. S. 26 April. S.-C.S. 112. (3.) FitzMaurice, Francis Thomas, 3n/ Earl of Kerry. Library. Priced. E. 5 May. S.-C.E. 10. (6.) RoMiLLY, Sir Samuel. Library. Priced. *S. 13 May. S.-C.S. 112. (4.) A Catalogue of a valuable and splendid collection of Books. Priced. E. 13 May. S.-C.E. 10. (7.) Pollard, Walter. Library. Priced. S. 20 May. S.-C.S. 112. (6.) Chardin, M. Library. Priced. S. 24 May. S.-C.S. 113. (1.) North, John. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. E. 25 May. S.-C.E. 10. (5.) Fitz-P\trick, John, 2nd Earl of Upper Ossonj. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 31 May. S.-C.E. 10. (8.) Prest, William. Library. Priced. S. 1 June. S.-C.S. 113. (3.) [Churchill, George Spencer, 5th Duke ofMarlhorough.] White Knights Library. Catalogue of that distinguished and celebrated Library. (Part i.) Priced. E. 7 June. S.-C.E. 11. (1.) A Catalogue of the genuine Library, Prints, and Books of Prints of an illustrious personage, etc. Priced. Mr. Christie, Pall Mall. 9 June. (23 days.) 123. f- 16. -1819 147 Unwin. J. W. E. Wheler, Lieut. -Colonel. Part of Library. Priced. S. 14 June. S.-C.S. 113. (5.) Evans. Thomas Simpson, LL.D. Mathematical Library. Priced. S. 17 June. S.-C.S. 113. (6.) [Churchill, George Spencer, bth Duke of Marlborough.] White Knights Library. Catalogue of that distinguished and celebrated Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 22 June. S.-C.E. 11. (2.) A Catalogue of a good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 22" June. S.-C.S. 113. (7.) A Catalogue of a choice and elegant selection of Books ... in old Italian, French and Spanish Poetry, etc. Priced. S. 26 June. S.-C.S. 114. (1.) [Emery, Mr.] A Catalogue of a small collection of French and Italian Facetiae, Poetry, Komances, etc. Priced. S. 28 June. S.-C.S. 114. (2.) Topping, James. Law Library. Priced. S. 29 June. S.-C.S. 114. (3.) Prest, William. Prints & Books of Prints. Keith, Francis Mount, Captain, R.A. Prints & Drawings. Priced. S. 1 July. S.-C.S. 114. (4.) Clay, Richard. Library. Priced. S. 3 July. S.-C.S. 114. (5.) HoGAED. Thomas. Library. Priced. S. 6 July. S.-C.S. 114. (6.) Crace. John. English Historical Library. Priced. S. 7 July. S.-C.S. 114. (7.) Lloyd, Thomas. Library. Priced. S. 8 July. S.-C.S. 114. (8.) Courtenay, Kenneth, D.D. Library. Priced. S. 27 July. S.-C.S. 114. (9.) Winthrop, Stephen, M.D. ; Evans, Thomas Simpson, LL.D. Libraries. Priced. *S. 29 July. S.-C.S. 114. (10.) Delafosse, R. M., Rev. Library. Priced. ;S. 20 Oct. S.-C.S. 116. (1.) Wilkinson. John, M.D., F.R.S. Library (including Gower's collections for a History of Cheshire). Priced. S. 27 Oct. S.-C.S. 116. (2.) De Boffe, Mr., Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 5.) Priced. S. 2 Nov. S.-C.S. 116. (3.) Rye, Joseph JekvH. Rev. Library. Priced. S. 8 Nov. S.-C.S. 116. (4.) A Catalosue of a collection of Medical Books, etc. Priced. S. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 116. (6.) Moseley. Benjamin. M.D. Library. Priced. E. 22 Nov S.-C.E. 11. (3.) KiLGOUR, T., Rev. Library. Priced. S. 25 Nov. S.-C.S. 116. (7.) l 2 148 1819- [Smith, Mr.] A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. .S. 3 Dec. S.-C.S. 116. (9.) MoLLER, Dr., of Hanover. Classical Books. Priced. S. 7 Dec. S.-C.S. 116. (10.) Douglas, William, Prebendary of Westminster. Library. Priced. S. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 117. (1.) 1820. A Catalogue of a good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. Sothebij, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 7 Jan. S.-C.S. 117. (2.) DowDESWELL, William, Lieutenant-General. Library. Priced. R. H. Evans, 96, Pall Mall. 10 Jan. S.-C.E. 11. (6.) A Catalogue of the Duplicates of the Libraries of two eminent Divines, etc. Priced. S. 12 Jan. S.-C.S. 117. (3.) Dauncey, Philip, of Gray's Inn. Law Library, Priced. S. 26 Jan. S.-C.S. 117. (5.) A Catalogue of a collection of Books. Priced. E. 28 Jan. S.-C.E. 12. (1.) A Catalogue of a very fine collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 3 Feb. S.-C.S. 117. (6.) Wright, William, M.D., F.R.S.L. Library, etc. In Carfrae's Sale Room, Edinburgh. 7 Feb. S.-C. 829. (1.) [Triphook, Robert.] A Catalogue of a very valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. ;S. 8 Feb. S.-C.S. 118. (1.) Miles, Richard, of Tavistock Street. Numismatic Library. Priced. S. 18 Feb. S.-C.S. 118. (3.) [Levien, Mr.] A Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman deceased, etc. Priced. S. 21 Feb. S.-C.S. 118. (4.) [Sabine, Mr.] A Catalogue of a portion of the Library of an eminent collector, etc. Priced. S. 23 Feb. S.-C.S. 118. (5.) Akers, Edmund Fleming. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. ;S. 28 Feb. [2 March.] S.-C.S. 118. (6.) Strettell, Amos. Library. Priced. E. 29 Feb. S.-C.E. 12. (3.) Macro, Cox, Rev. Dr. Manuscripts, Royal Autographs, etc. (In- cluding the valuable collections of Sir Henry Spelman.) By private contract. Mr. Christie, Pall Mall. Feb. S.-C. 552. With a note recording the sale of the Collection to Hudson Gurney and Dawson Turner for £700. Curry, James, M.D., F.A.S. Library. Priced. S. 27 March. S.-C.S. 119. (1.) -1820 149 Mathias, Thomas James. Library. Priced. E. 6 April. S.-C.E. 12. (4.) A Catalogue of a oood collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 13 April. " S.-C.S. 119. (3.) Akers, Edmund Flemino-. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S. 17 April. S.-C.S. 119. (4.) [Cooper, Barbara, Countess of Shaftesbury.] A Catalogue of the entire and valuable Library of a lady of distinction, etc. Priced. S. 1 May. S.-C.S. 119. (5.) Cooke, Edward. Portion of Library and a few Paintings. Priced. E. 3 May. S.-C.E. 12. (5.) A Catalogue of the choice and valuable Library of a distinguished Man of Fashion. Priced. E. 10 May. S.-C.E. 12. (6.) A Catalogue of a very fine and scarce collection of Books in the Persian, Arabic, and Afghan languages, etc. Priced. S. 13 May. S.-C.S. 119. (7.) Bray, William, F.A.S. Part of Library. Priced. S. 16 May. S.-C.S. 120. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. E. 17 May. S.-C.E. 13. (1.) LuDERS. Alexander, Barrister -at- Law. Library. Priced. S. 18 May. S.-C.S. 120. (2.) [Churchill, George Spencer, bth Duke of Marlborough.] White Knights Library. Complete set of Delphin Classics. Priced. E. 24 May. S.-C.E. 13. (2.) Rose, William Stewart. Library. Priced. S. 24 May. S.-C.S. 120. (3.) [LiTTLEDALE, Anthonv.] A Catalogue of the elegant Library of an eminent collector, deceased, etc. Priced. S. 5 June. S.-C.S. 120. (8.) Lysoxs, Samuel, F.R.S., F.A.S. Library. Priced. E. 5 June. S.-C.E. 13. (4.) AViLLiAMS, G. E. Music Books. Mr. White, Storey's Gate, Great George St., Westminster. 8 June. 7897. d. 13. (1.) A Catalogue of a good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 10 June. S.-C.S. 120. (5.) Catalogue of the elegant and splendid Library of an eminent Collector. Priced. E. 15 June. S.-C.E. 13. (6.) [Sheldox, Mr.] A Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman retiring into the country, etc. Priced. S. 22 June. S.-C.S. 120. (7.) A Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman. Priced. E. 24 June. S.-C.E. 13. (7.) 150 1820- PicKERiNG, Joseph, Rev., M.A. ; Russell, Claude. Libraries. Priced. S. 4 July. S.-CS. 121. (1.) [Giles, M.] A Catalogue of the splendid and valuable Library of a gentleman. Priced. E. 5 July. S.-C.E. 13. (8.) Arnold, Matthew, B,D. Library. Priced. S. 13 July. S.-C.S. 121. (2.) [Harvey, Rev. Mr.] Library. Priced. S. 21 July. S.-C.S. 121. (4.) Bindley, James, F.S.A. Library. (Part 4.) Priced. E. 2 Aug. S.-C.E. 9. (4.) A Catalogue of a good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 2 Aug. S.-C.S. 121. (5.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 2 Nov. S.-C.S. 122. (L) [Adlard, Mr.'] A Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman going abroad, etc. Priced. S. 13 Nov. S.-C.S. 122. (3.) Dawson, Beniamin, Rev., LL.D. Library. Priced. S. 17 Nov. S.-C.S. 122. (4.) [PoNSONBY, George, Barristcr-at-Law.] A Catalogue of the Parlia- mentary Librarv of an eminent barrister deceased, etc. Priced. S. 28 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 122. (5.) Lloyd, Thomas. Prints, Paintings, Manuscripts & Books. Priced. S. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 122. (6.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. 20 Dec. S.-C.S. 122. (7.) 182L A Catalogue of a good collection of Books, consisting chiefly of Miscel- lanies, History and Divinity, etc. Priced. S. Sotheby, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 11 Jan. S.-C.S. 123. (1.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, with a few articles omitted in the sale of the late J. Bindley. Priced. R. H. Evans, 96, Pall Mall. 16 Jan. S.-C.E. 9. (5.) Peirson, Thomas, D.D. Theological Library. Priced. S. 18 Jan. S.-C.S. 123. (2.) Kemble, John Philip. Library, Choice Prints and Theatrical Portraits. Priced. E. 26 Jan. S.-C.E. 14. (2.) Denis, ^(V Peter. Bart. Library. Priced. *S'. 30 Jan. S.-C.S. 123. (4.) Gower, Charles, M.D. Library. Priced. S. 8 Feb. S.-C.S. 123. (5.) Tuffen, J. F. Remaining Part of Library. Priced. S. 12 Feb. S.-C.S. 123. (6.) -1821 151 A Catalogue of a valuable Library. Priced. E. 13 Feb. S.-C.E. 14. (4.) Naldi, Giuseppe. Library, Prints, etc. Partly priced. Mr. Oxenhain, on the premises, 23, Soho Square. 14 Feb. 7897. d. 13. (2.) A Catalogue of a singularly rare collection of Manuscripts on paper and vellum in the Oriental, Hebrew, Latin and Italian languages, etc. Priced. S. 26 Feb. S.-C.S. 123. (7.) Spencer, George John, 2ncl Earl Spencer. Duplicates from Library (including portion of Library of the Duke di Cassano). With a preface by T. F. Dibdin. Priced. E. 2 March. S.-C.E. 14. (5.) A Catalogue of the very interesting Library of a gentleman, deceased, singularly rich in Early Typography, etc. Priced. S. 8 March. S.-C.S. 124. (1.) A Catalogue of a very excellent collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 14 March. S.-C.S. 124. (2.) CoETLOGON, Charles Edward de, Rev. Theological Library. Priced. S. 27 March. S.-C.S. 124. (3.) A Catalogue of valuable Books, Books of Prints, and works illustrated with Engravings. Priced. E. 2 April. S.-C.E. 14. (6.) Lock, William, of Norbury Park, Surrey. Library. Priced. >S. 3 April. S.-C.S. 124. (4.) Banks, John Cleaver, Rev. Library. Priced. S. 13 April. S.-C.S. 124. (5.) A Catalogue of an excellent collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 26 April. S.-C.S. 124. (6.) Knight, Edward. Library. Priced. E. 4 May. S.-C.E. 15. (2.) SiMCO, John, Bookseller. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S. 11 May. S.-C.S. 125. (3.) Aker.s, Edmund Fleming. Library. Priced. S. 17 May. S.-C.S. 125. (4.) Chetwynd, Richard, Uh Viscount Chetivynd. Library. Priced. E. 18 May. S.-C.E. 15. (3.) Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S. 24 May. S.-C.S. 125. (5.) David, John. Books, Books of Prints, Autographs, etc. Priced. E. 6 June. S.-C.E. 15. (4.) SiMCO, John, Bookseller. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S. 11 [18] June. S.-C.S. 126. (1.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman. Priced. E. 18 June. S.-C.E. 15. (5.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 25 June. S.-C.S. 126. (2.) 152 1821- A Catalogue of a choice and elegant selection of Books, containing several matchless articles in Earlv Spanish Poetry, etc. Priced. S. 4 July. ■ S.-C.S. 126. (5.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, Books of Prints, and Maps. Priced. E. 11 July. S.-C.E. 15. (6.) A Catalogue of a very good collection of Books, consisting of Classics, History, etc. Priced. S. 16 July. S.-C.S. 126. (6.) A Catalogue of an excellent collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 126. (8.) [Moore, Abraham.] A Catalogue of a very valuable Law Library, etc. Priced. S. 20 Aug. ' S.-C.S. 126. (9.) Harrison, George, Clarencieux Kinq of Arms. Part of Library. Priced. S. 5 Nov. S.-C.S. 127. (1.) RoDWELL, R. E. Numismatic Librarv. (A Catalogue of an excellent collection of Books, etc.) Priced. \S. 19 Nov. S.-C.S. 127. (2.) [CoATES, Rev. Mr.] A Catalogue of the Library of a Dissenting Clergyman, etc. Priced. S. 30 Nov. S.-C.S. 127. (4.) Howard, Charles, IK^DwA-eo/iVor/b/A-. Part of Librarv. Priced. E. 3 Dec. S.-C.E. 15. (7.) Buck, John William. Law Librarv. Priced. S. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 127. (5.) A Catalogue of a good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 127. (6.) [PiNKERTON, John.] A Catalogue of a verv curious and interesting collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 127. (7.) Channing, John Howard. Librarv. Priced. E. 20 Dec. S.-C.E. 15. (8.) 1822. [MoRETOX, Mr.] A Catalogue of an excellent collection of Books in general literature, also a curious selection of Old Plays, etc. Priced. S. Sotheby, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 11 Jan. S.-C.S. 127. (9.) Blackburn, John, of Hampshire. Portion of Librarv. Priced. R. H. Evans, 96, Pall Mall. 21 Jan. " S.-C.E. 16. (1.) A Catalogue of an elegant selection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 21 Jan. S.-C.S. 127. (10.) Thornton, Sir John, Rev. Librarv. Priced. S. 4 Feb. S.-C.S. 127. (12.) ISTED, George. Library. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, Rev. Original Drawings executed for Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Foreign Tour. Priced. E. 11 Feb. S.-C.E. 16. (2.) -1822 153 A Catalogue of a very good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 127. (14.) Bartleman, James. Library of Music Books. Mr. White, Storey's Gate, Great George Street. 20 Feb. C. 61. h. 1. (2/6.) Perry, James. Library, (Part 1.) Priced. E. 4 March. S.-C.E. 16. (3.) Mansfield, Sir James, Lord Chief Justice. Law Library. Priced. S. 6 March. S.-C.S. 128. (2.) A Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman . . . containing . . . Books in English and County History, etc. Priced. *S'. 11 March. S.-C.S. 128. (3.) Allan, George, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S. 18 March. S.-C.S. 128. (4.) Perry, James. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 27 March. S.-C.E. 16. (4.) Wroughton, Richard, of Drury Lane Theatre. Library. Bonnycastle, John. Part of Mathematical Library. Priced. S. 28 March. S.-C.S. 128. (6.) KiNNARD, William. Library. Priced. S. 17 April. S.-C.S. 128. (7.) Plumer, Walter. Library. Priced. S. 26 April. S.-C.S. 128. (8.) A Catalogue of an excellent collection of German Books, the property of a Literary Society, etc. Priced. S. 13 May. S.-C.S. 128. (9.) Perry, James. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. E. 16 May. S.-C.E. 16. (5.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. E. 24 April. S.-C.E. 16. (7.) Hochepied, Baron de, Lieut. -General. Library. Priced. E. 6 May. S.-C.E.16. (8.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Greek and Latin Classics, etc. Priced. E. 14 May. S.-C.E. 16. (9.) WiLDMAN, Thomas ; Wildman, James. Libraries. Priced. S. 21 May. S.-C.S. 128. (10.) A Catalogue of an excellent collection of modern Law Books, etc. Priced. S. 30 May. S.-C.S. 129. (1.) Barnes, William. Library. Priced. E. 3 June. S.-C.E. 17. (1.) Taylor, Henry, Rev., LL.B. Library. Priced. S. 3 June. S.-C.S. 129. (2.) Parton, John. Library. Priced. E. 12 June. S.-C.E. 17. (2.) Jones, John, of Exeter. Library. Priced. E. 21 June. S.-C.E. 17. (3.) [Smith, J. C] A Catalogue of the genuine Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. 21 June. S.-C.S. 129. (5.) 154 1.^22- PowELL, Thomas Harcourt, of the Inner Temple. Library. Priced. *S'. 4 July. S.C.-S. 129. (6.) CosSART, John Isaac, F.S.A. Library. Priced. »S'. 11 July. S.-C.S. 129. (7.) Grime, E., D.D. Library. Coetlogon, Charles Edward de, Rev. Sermons, etc. Priced. S. 17 July. S.-C.S. 129. (8.) [Stevenson, Mr.] A Catalogue of the entire Libraries of two gentlemen, etc. Priced. S. 29 July. S.-C.S. 129. (9.) D'AuBANT, General. Library. (A Catalogue of a collection of Books in every branch of General Literature, etc.) Priced. *S. 6 Nov. S.-C.S. 130. (1.) Pemberton, Christopher Robert, M.D. Medical and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. E. 11 Nov. S.-C.E. 17. (5.) A Catalogue of a good collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 13 Nov. S.-C.S. 130. (2.) CowPER, Thomas, of Lincoln's Inn. Law Library. (A Catalogue of part of the Law Library . . . belonging to a Gentleman at the Bar, etc.) Priced. S. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 130. (3.) Neunberg, G. V. Library. Priced. E. 28 Nov. S.-C.E. 17. (6.) [Haywood, Mr.] A Catalogue of the miscellaneous Library of a well- known collector. Priced. S. 2 Dec. S.-C.S. 130. (5.) Catalogue of the very choice and valuable Library of a gentleman retiring into the country. Priced. E. 9 Dec. S.-C.E. 17. (7.) [Pomeroy, Henry, 2nd Viscount Harberton.] A Catalogue of a portion of a Nobleman's Library, etc. Priced. S. 11 Dec. S.-C.S. 130. (6.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Member of Parliament. Priced. E. 18 Dec. S.-C.E. 17. (8.) Allan, George, F.S.A . Tracts. (A Catalogue of an excellent collection of Books in general literature, etc.) Priced. S. 20 Dec. S.-C.S. 130. (10.) 1823. A Catalogue of an excellent collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. Sothebij, 5, Wellington Street, Strand. 13 Jan. S.-C.S. 130. (11.) LowTH, Robert, Prebend of St. Paul's. Library (including the Library of his father, Robert Lowth, Bishop of London). Priced. R. H. Evans, 96, Pall Mall. 15 Jan. S.-C.E. 18. (1.) Whitaker, Thomas Dunham, LL.D. Library. Priced. S. 23 Jan. S.-C.S. 130. (12.) A Catalogue of an extensive selection of Books, detached from a Nobleman's Library, etc. Priced. S. 6 Feb. S.-C.S. 130. (13.) -1823 155 Blair, William. Theological, Miscellaneous and Medical Library.. Priced. E. 7 Feb. S.-C.E. 18. (3.) Perry, James. Library. (Part 4.) Priced. E. 21 Feb. S.-C.E. 16. (6.) A Catalogue of an excellent collection of Law Books, etc. Priced. >S'. 21 Feb. S.-C.S. 130. (14.) Beardmore, John. Library. Thornton, William, Lieutenant -Gene ml. Duplicates of Library. Priced. S. 24 Feb. S.-C.S. 131. (1.) Balm^. 'Edward. Rev.. F.R.S.,F.A.S. Librarv. Priced. E. 6 March. S.-C.E. 18. (4.) Brown, Yates. Part of Library. Priced. S. 11 March. S.-C.S. 131. (2.) Jones, Edward. Bard to the King. Part of Library. Priced. S. 20 March. ' S.-C.S. 131. (3.) Taylor, George Watson, M.P. London Library. (Part 1.) Priced. E. 20 March. " S.-C.E. 18. (5.) Stone, Arthur Daniel, M.D. Librarv. Priced. S. 14 April. S.-C.S. 131. (5.) Taylor, George Watson, M.P. London Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 14 April. S.-C.E. 18. (6.) Garrick, David. Library, Books of Prints, etc. (with modern books added by Mrs. Garrick). With preface. Priced. R. Saunders, 39, Fleet Street. 23 April. 824. k. 33. (1.) Bathurst, Robert. Library. Priced. S. 24 April. S.-C.S. 131. (6.) Samuel, George, Artist. Library. Priced. S. 30 April. S.-C.S. 131. (7.) [Ellis, Mr.'] A Catalogue of the entire and very valuable Library of a gentleman going to the Continent, etc. Priced. S. 5 May. S.-C.S. 131. (8.) Catalogue of the very valuable Library of an eminent collector. Priced. E. 12 May. ' ^ S.-C.E. 18. (7.) Earlom, Richard, Library. Priced. S. 15 May. S.-C.S. 131. (10.) BoEHM, Edmund. Library. Priced. E. 23 May. S.-C.E. 18. (8.) White, Benjamin. Books from Library. Chandless, Thomas. Library. Priced. S. 30 May. " S.-C.S. 131. (13.) Catalogue of rare Books, curious ancient Manuscripts, splendid Drawings of Natural History, etc. Priced. E. 5 June. S.-C.E. 19. (1.) Douglas, Sylvester, Baron Glenbervie. Librarv. (Part 1.) Priced. E. 13 June. '^ S.-C.E. 19. (2.) 156 1823- A Catalogue of a valuable and extensive Library of Oriental Literature, etc. Priced. S. 17 June. S.-C.S. 132. (2.) Graves, Richard Morgan, D.D. Libra rv. Priced. E. 26 June. S.-C.E. 19. (4.) A Catalogue of tlie valuable and elegant Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. 4 July. S.-C.S. 132. (4.) Douglas, Sylvester, Baron Glenhervie. Librarv. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 5 July. S.-C.E. 19. (3.) [Blake, Mr.] A Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. 15 July. S.-C.S. 132. (6.) Napoleon I., Emperor of the French. Library. Priced. *S. 23 July. S.-C.S. 132. (8.) Francis, Charles, Rector of Mildenhall, Wilts. Part of Library (includ- ing Hebrew Books of Professor [Edward] Pococke). Priced. S. 31 July. S.-C.S. 132. (9.) [Beckford, William.] The Valuable Library of Books in Fonthill Abbey. A Catalogue of the . . . Library . . . Books of Prints, etc. H. Phillips, at Fonthill Abbey. 9 Sept. (20 days.) 11901. bbb. 31. (1.) A Catalogue of an excellent collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 27 Oct. S.-C.S. 133. (1.) Cornwallis, Charles, 2nd Marquis Cornivallis. Library, Mr. Deck, [Bury St. Edmunds ?] 3 Nov. 823. c. 22. (5.) A Catalogue of excellent Classics & miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 6 Nov. S.-C.S. 133. (2.) Tayler, William, of Northampton Square. Library. Priced. S. 13 Nov. S.-C.S. 133. (3.) A Catalogue of valuable Books, containing many scarce articles in French, Spanish, and Italian literature, etc. Priced. E. 14 Nov. S.-C.E. 19. (5.) OoocH, John, Archdeacon of Sudbury. Classical and Biblical Library. Priced. S. 21 Nov. S.-C.S. 133. (4.) Brockett, John Trotter, F.S.A. Librarv. Priced. S. 8 Dec. S.-C.S. 133. (6.) Monkhouse, Rev. Dr. Collection of Music. (A Catalogue of an extensive and curious Collection of vocal and instrumental Music . . . a very choice Library of Illustrated Books, etc.) W. P. Musgrave, at Mr. Stanley's Rooms, 21, Old Bond Street. 10 Dec. 7897. d. 13. (5.) Nollekens. Joseph, R.A. Librarv. Priced. E. 18 Dec. S.-C.E. 19. (7.) -1824 157 A Catalogue of a collection of curious and valuable Books, chiefly consisting of Foreign Literature. Priced. E. 29 Dec. S.-C.E. 19. (8.) 1824. Gilchrist, Octavius Graham. Library. Priced. R. H. Evans, 96, Pail-Mall. 5 Jan. S.-C.E. 20. (1.) A Catalogue of an excellent collection of Books in every branch of Literature, etc. Priced. *S. Sotheby, 3, Wellington Street, Strands 5 Jan. S.-C.S. 134. (1.) Catalogue of the choice and valuable Library of a Nobleman deceased. Priced. E. 15 Jan. S.-C.E. 20. (2.) A Catalogue of an elegant portion of the Library of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. S. 19 Jan. S.-C.S. 134. (3.) [PoMEROY, Henry, 2nd Viscount Harberton.] A Catalogue of the remaining DupHcates of a Nobleman's Library, etc. Priced. /S. 28 Jan. S.-C.S. 134. (5.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. E. 7 Feb. S.-C.E. 20. (3.) Jones, Edward, Bard to the King. Part of Library. Priced. S. 9 Feb. S.-C.S. 134. (6.) Nassau, George. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. E. 16 Feb. S.-C.E. 20. (4.) Selwyn, John, Rev. Library. Priced. S. 20 Feb. S.-C.S. 134. (7.) Hodgson, William, F.R.S. Library. Priced. S. 1 March. S.-C.S. 134. (10.) Nassau, George. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 8 March. S.-C.E. 20. (5.) Pryce, David Fitzpatrick, Rev., LL.D. Library. Priced. S. 18 March. S.-C.S. 135. (1.) Harris, John Hull. Library. Priced. E. 22 March. S.-C.E. 20. (7.) A Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman deceased. Priced. E. 2 April. S.-C.E. 20. (8.) De Missy, Caesar, Rev. Portion of Books and Manuscripts. Nassau,. George. Books omitted in sale. Priced. E. 10 April. S.-C.E. 21. (1.) A Catalogue of a good collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. 3 May. S.-C.S. 135. (5.) Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman, Bart. Library. (Part 1.) With preface. Priced. E. 11 May. S.-C.E. 21. (2.). 158 1824- Barrow, Thomas, Barrister-at-Law. Part of Law Library. Priced. S. U May. S.-C.S. 135. (6.) Chambre, >S?> Alan, One of the Judges of the Common Pleas. Library. Priced. S. 18 May. S.-C.S. 135. (7.) Bloomfield, Robert, the Poet. Library, etc. Partly priced. T^^. Betts, at R. Bloomfield's house, Shefford, Beds. 28 May. ' 11903. d. 11. Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman, Bart. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 28 May. "' S.-C.E. 21. (3.) GuNN, John. Musical Library. W. P. Musgrave, at Mr. Stanley's Rooms, 21, Old Bond Street. iJune. 7897. d. 13. (6.) [Hughes, Rev. Mr.] A Catalogue of a valuable portion of the Library of a Clergyman, etc. Priced. >S. 8 June. S.-C.S. 135. (8.) Cartwright, Dr. Library. (A Catalogue of the Library of a Clergy- man, etc.) Priced. S.^ 11 June. S.-C.S. 135. (9.) A Catalogue of a yery fine and choice selection of Books from a gentleman's Library, etc. Priced. S. 17 June. S.-C. 136. (1.) [Dimsdale, Mr., Numismatist.] Catalogue of the entire and valuable Medallick Library of a late highly respected and eminent collector, etc. Priced. ;S. 18 June. " ^ S.-C.S. 136. (1*.) Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman, Bart. Librarv. (Part 3.) Priced. E. 21 June. " S.-C.E. 21. (4.) [Paravicini, Mr.] A Catalogue of a selection of extremely curious and rare Books, Missals, and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S. 2 July. S.-C.S. 136. (2.) A Catalogue of a very choice collection of Manuscripts and Printed Books in the Persian, Hindostani, Mahratta, Sanscrit, Afghan, Tamil, and Canara dialects. Priced. S. 5 July. S.-C.S. 136. (3.) Conde, Joseph Antonio. Library of Spanish Books. Priced. E. 6 July. ' S.-C.E. 21. (5.) Maxley, William, Sergeant - at - Law. Law Library. Priced. S. 8 July. S.-C.S. 136. (4.) Conde, Joseph Antonio. Library of Spanish Books and Manuscripts and Oriental Literature. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 15 July. S.-C.E. 21. (6.) Denver, Elizabeth Dennis. English Bibles & Tracts. Priced. iS'. 4 Aug. S.-C.S. 136. (7.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Heraldic Manuscripts and Books, etc. Priced. S. 4 Aug. S.-C.S. 136. (8.) Cooke, Edward, i?ector o/jycrvers^am. Library. Priced. J. Jackson, at the Rectory House, Haversham. 9 Aug. 11901. e. 26. -1825 159 A Catalogue of an excellent collection of Books in every department of literature. Priced. S. 1 Nov. S.-C.S. 138. (1.) Thorpe, John, of Cambridge. Library. Priced. S. 8 Nov. 8.-C.S. 138. (2.) SiMi'O, John, Bookseller. Books. Priced. E. 11 Nov. S.-C.E. 22. (1.) Otridge, John. Remaining Library. Priced. S. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 138. (4.) Chambers, Charles Cornelius, Rev. Library. Priced. E. 23 Nov. S.-C.E. 22. (2.) Muss. Charles, Enamel Painter. Librarv, Pictures, Prints, etc. Priced. ,S'. 29 Nov. " S.-C.S. 138. (5.) Raper, Henry. Library. Priced. S. 1 Dec. S.-C.S. 138. (6.) Catalogue of the valuable Law and Miscellaneous Library of an eminent Solicitor, retiring from the profession. Priced. E. 2 Dec. S.-C.E. 22. (3.) Catalogue of the small but valuable Librarv of a Collector. Priced. E. 10 Dec. " S.-C.E. 22. (4.) Cocker, B. C. Library. Priced. E. 16 Dec. S.-C.E. 22. (5.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Autograph Letters of dis- tinguished persons, etc. Priced. S. 16 Dec. S.-C.S. 146. (1.) & S.-C. 681. (1.) Gayfere, Thomas. Architectural Library. Priced. S. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 138. (7.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. E. 21 Dec. S.-C.E. 22. (6.) 1825. A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books. Priced. *S'. Sotheby, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 6 Jan. S.-C.S. 139. (1.) Maurice, Thomas, Rev., Assistant Librarian at the British Museum. Library. Priced. S. 8 Jan. S.-C.S. 139. (2.) Catalogue of rare, curious, and interesting Spanish, Greek, and other Foreign Books, recently consigned from Spain. Priced. R. H. Evans, 96, Pall Mall. 13 Jan. S.-C.E. 23. (1.) BuRGES, Sir James Bland, Bart. Library. Priced. J. W. Southgate, 22, Fleet Street. 20 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 1. (1.) A Catalogue of a singularly curious and interesting collection of Spanish Books. Priced. S. 20 Jan. S.-C.S. 139. (4.) Ha WORTH, James, F.R.C.P. Etymological and Medical Librarv. Priced. S. 24 Jan. ' ^ S.-C.S. 139. (5.) MiDDLETON, Thomas Fanshawe, Bishoj) of Calcutta. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 27 Jan. S.-C.E. 23. (2.) IGO 1825- JoNES, Edward, Bard to the Kinrj. Library [further part]. Priced. S. 7 Feb. S.-C.S. 140. (2.) Catalogue of valuable Books. Priced. E. 11 Feb. S.-C.E. 23. (3.) Celotti, Abbe. Collection of Italian & Spanish Literature. Priced. S. 14 Feb. S.-C.S. 140. (3.) [Pkowett, Mr.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 16 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 1. (4.) White, Benjamin. Books from Librarv. Priced. S. 23 Feb. S.-C.S. 140. (4.) Eendorp, John, of Amsterdam. Library. Priced. S. 28 Feb. S.-C.S. 141. (1.) Chamier, John. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 1 March. S.-C.E. 23. (4.) Catalogue of rare, curious, and valuable Spanish, Greek, Latin, and Miscellaneous Books. Priced. E. 11 March. S.-C.E. 23. (5.) Celotti, Abbe. Hebrew, Greek, & Latin Manuscripts. Priced. S. 14 March. S.-C.S. 141. (2.) Gregory, Edward, Rev. Astronomical & Philosophical Library. Priced. ,S'. 21 March. S.-C.S. 141. (4.) Jolly, Thomas ; Altham, R. W. Selections from Libraries. Priced. J. W. S. 24 March. S.-C.Sg. 1. (7.) Coventry, George. Library. Priced. S. 25 March. S.-C.S. 141. (5.) Catalogue of valuable Books, and Books of Prints. Priced. E. 28 March. S.-C.E. 23. (6.) Fauntleroy, Henry. Library. Priced. S. 11 April. S.-C.S. 142. (1.) NoRRis, Mr., of Weymouth. Circulating Library. Priced. J. W. S. 13 April. S.-C.Sg. 2. (1.) Rhodes, William Barnes. Dramatic Library. Priced. S. 18 April. S.-C.S. 142. (3.) & 11765. cc. 39. (1.) Young, John. Portion of Librarv. Priced. E. 18 April. S.-C.E. 24. (1.) Nasmith, James. Part of Library. Priced. J. W. S. 21 April. S.-C.Sg. 2. (3.) Powell, John Richard. Library. (A Catalogue of the splendid Duplicate Books of a distinguished collector, etc.) Priced. *S'. 29 April. S.-C.S. 142. (4.) ViTTY, Richard. Library. (Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Law Books.) Priced. J. W. S. 7 May. S.-C.Sg. 2. (6.) -1825 161 Smith, Thomas, of Paper Buildings, Temple. Library (containing fine Botanical Works, and Maps). Priced. S. 9 May. S.-C.S. 143. (1.) Catalogue of scarce and valuable Books. Priced. E. 12 May. S.-C.E. 24. (2.) Offor, John. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 14 May. S.-C.Sg. 2. (7.) Barrett, Samuel, of JJddens House, Dorset. Priced. S. 19 May. S.-C.S. 143. (3.) BoswELL, James. Library. Priced. S. 24 May. S.-C.S. 143. (4.) Catalogue of valuable, rare and splendid Books, Books of Prints, and curious Mamiscripts. Priced. E. 27 May. S.-C.E. 24. (3.) A Catalogue of an invaluable and highly interesting collection of unpublished Manuscript Historical Documents, etc. With preface. Priced. S. 30 May [20 June]. S.-C.S. 145. (1.) & S.-C. 926. Baker, George, Lace Merchant. Library. With a preface. Priced. S. 6 June. ' S.-C.S. 144. (2.) Yarnold, Charles, of Great St. Helens. Library. Priced. J. W. S. 6 June. • S.-C.Sg. 3. (2.) Jameson, Dr., of Cheltenham. Music Library, etc. W. P. Musgrave, at Mr. Stanley's Rooms, 21, Old Bond Street. 7 June. 7897. d. 13. (8.) LoPFT, Capel : Cooper, Henry. Law and Miscellaneous Libraries. Priced. E. ' 8 June. " S.-C.E. 24. (4.) Altamira, Marquess de. Library. Priced. S. 9 June. S.-C.S. 144. (3.) Murphy, Jacob, Archbishop of Cashel. Theological Library. Priced. S. 13 June. S.-C.S. 144. (4.) [Powell, Kichard, M.D.J Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including a Library from the country, and a portion of the Library of a physician retiring from practice. Priced. J. W. S. 15 June. S.-C.Sg. 3. (5.) A Catalogue of valuable Greek, Latin, Spanish, and Italian Books, recently consigned from Madrid, etc. Priced. E. 21 June. S.-C.E. 24. (5.) Sherwood, John Hallet. Librarv. Priced. ./. W. S. 24 June. S.-C.Sg. 3. (6.) Wright, S. Library. Priced. S. 28 June. S.-C.S. 145. (2.) Knyvett, William. Library of Music. W. P. Musgrave. 30 June. 7897. d. 13. (9.) Strahan, George, Rev. Dr. Library. (Remaining Part.) Priced. S. 4 July. S.-C.S. 145. (3.) M liJ2 1825- Hvno, Captain, R.N. Library, Charts & Maps. Priced. S. ir)July. S.-C.S. 145. (5.) Lucca, Tomaso de, de Cadore. Library. Priced. S. 18 July. S.-C.S. 146. (2.) NicoL, George and William. Rare and yaluable Books. PricecL E. 1« July. 8.-C.E. 24. (6.) FusELi, Henry, R.A. Classical Library (to ^v]licl^l is added a very fine collection of Prints by Marc Antonio . . . likewise the very beautiful Drawings of Entomology by Mr. Abbot). Priced. S. 22 July. S.-C.S. 145. (6.) Offor. John. Remainino; portion of Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 3 Aug. '^ S.-C.Sg. 4. (1.) Wilkinson. Robert, of Fenchurch Street. Books. Maps, & Charts. Priced. S. [29J 19 Sept. S.-C.S. 146. (3.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. *S'. 14 Oct. S.-C.S. 146. (4.) [Dent, J.] Catalogue of the remaining Duplicates of a distinguished collector. Tolfrey, Samuel. Library. Priced. S. 21 Oct. S.-C.S. 146. (5.) Kent, J. H., of Enfield ; Andrews, William. Libraries. Priced. L. A. Lewis, at the Bank Coffee House. 24 Oct. S.-C.L. 1. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. E. 16 Nov. S.-C.E. 25. (1.) [Barrington, Mr.] Catalogue of an extremely valuable collection of Books, including the La\v and Miscellaneous Library of a gentle- man. Priced. J. W. S. 8 Dec. S.'-C.Sg. 5. (5.) Meyer. John, Mr. Classical, Miscellaneous, and Medical Library. Priced. E. 13 Dec. S.-C.E. 25. (2.) Catalogue of valuable Books. Priced. E. 21 Dec. S.-C.E. 25. (3.) 1826. Watts, J. Turner. Library. Priced. R. H. Evans, 93. Pall Mall. 26 Jan. S.-C.E. 25. (4.) [SoTHEBY, Samuel.] Catalogue of a collection of Books chiefly on the Fine Arts, Bibliography, & Botany. Priced. S. Sotheby. 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 30 Jan. ' S.-C.S. 146. (6.) MacGowan, John, Rev. Library. Priced. ./. W. Southgate, 22, Fleet Street. 31 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 6. (3.) Celotti, Abbe. Library [further part]. Priced. S. 8 Feb. S.-C.S. 146. (7.) White, Henrv, Rev., of Lichfield. Library. Priced. J. W. S. 8 Feb. ' ■ S.-C.Sg. 6. (4.) -1826 1G3 Thorpe, Thomas, Boolseller. Classics and Books in the learned languages. Priced. E. 9 Feb. S.-C.E. 26. (1.) ToLFREY, Samuel. Library. (Catalogue of the valuable Law and Miscellaneous Library of an eminent barrister, etc.) Priced. S. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 146. (8.) [Priestley, Richard.] A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. Stewart, Wheatley & Adlard, 11, Down Street, Piccadilly. 1 March S.-C.W. 2. (2.) Thorpe, Thomas, Bookseller. Manuscripts, Autographs, and Charters with Seals, from the Astoya, Yriarte, and other celebrated collections. Priced. E. 2 March. S.-C.E. 26. (2.) & S.-C. 680. (13.) A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S. 4 [6] March. S.-C.S. 147. (1.) & S.-C. 681. (2.) Smedley, Edward, Rev. Library. Priced. E. 9 March. S.-C.E. 25. (5.) Christie, J dvaes, of High Holhor7i. Stock of Books. Priced. J.W.S. 10 March. S.-C.Sg. 7. (2.) Thorpe, Thomas, Bookseller. Books from Library. Priced. S. 13 March. S.-C.S. 147. (2.) Catalogue of a choice and select portion of the Library of a collector. Priced. E. 20 March. S.-C.E. 25. (6.) Arthixgton, Thomas. Library. Priced. S. 29 March. S.-C.S. 147. (4.) Thorpe, Thomas, Bookseller. Part of Stock of Books and Books of Prints. Priced. E. 5 April. S.-C.E. 26. (3.) Catalogue of an elegant Library of curious and valuable Books, Missals, and Manuscripts. Priced. E. 10 April. S.-C.E. 25. (7.) [Inglis, John Bellingham.] Catalogue of a small but highly interesting collection of the rarest Old Plavs in the English Drama, etc. Priced. S. 12 April. SVC.S. 147. (6.) & 11765. cc. 39. (2.) Thorpe, Thomas, Bookseller. Books from Libraries. Priced. S. 13 April. S.-C.S. 147. (8.) [Atcheson, Mr.] A Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman lately deceased. Priced. S. W. <& A. 17 April. S.-C.W. 2. (6.) JiAViERE, C. Yun, Jurisconsult of Brussels. Library. Priced. J.W.S. 20 April. S.-C.Sg. 7. (5.) MoRiCE, Burton. Library. Ellis, John, Barrister-at-Law. Law , Library. Priced. S. 20 April. S.-C.S. 148. (1.) Catalogue of the select and valuable Librarv of a literary gentleman. ■ Priced. E. 21 April. ' S.-C.E. 27. (1.) M 2 164 1826- Chp:valier, Tlionias, F.K.S. Medical & Scientilic Library. Priced. S. 24 April. S.-C.S. 148. (2.) Thorpe, Thomas, BonkseUer. Part of Stock of Books. Priced. E. 28 April. S.-C.E. 26. (4.) TowNSHEND, afterwards William-Powlett, Henry, 3rd Baron Baynin(j. Library. Priced. >S. W. & A. 1 May. S.-C.W. 2. (7.) Grave, Robert, Print Collector. Library. Priced. S. 4 May. S.-C.S. 148. (5.) Ferrers, Edmund, Rev., F.A.S. Library. Priced. E. 8 May. S.-C.E. 27. (2.) [Park, Thomas, Poet and Antiquanj.] Catalogue of the miscellaneous Library of a poetical Antiquary, etc. Shepherd, Charles, ofCohhani, Surrey. Library. Priced. S. 9 May. S.-C.S. 148. (6.) Gale, John, of Bruton Street. Part of Stock of Books. Priced. ,S. W. & A. 12 May. S.-C.W. 2. (8.) Pryc'E, Charles, Rev. Library. Priced. J. W. S. 16 May. S.-C.Sg. 8. (2.) Thorpe, Thomas, BooJcseller. Books from labrary. Priced. S. 18 May. S.-C.S. 149. (1.) Catalogue of rare, curious, and valuable Books, forming a portion of the Library of an eminent collector. Priced. E. 19 May. S.-C.E. 27. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of curious, splendid, and valuable Books. Priced. E. 22 May. S.-C.E. 27. (4.) Thorpe, Thomas, Bookseller. Part of Stock of Books. Priced. E. 25 May. S.-C.E. 26. (5.) Underhill, James. Library. Priced. S. 29 Mav. ' S.-C.S. 149. (2.) Stocking, Charles, of Paternoster Row. Portion of Stock of Books. Gale, John, of Bruton Street. Further portion of Stock of Books. Priced. S. W. & A. 31 May. S.-C.W. 3. (1.) [Shaw, Samuel, of Brunsivick Square.] Catalogue of the valuable, elegant and select Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. 1 June. S.-C.S. 149. (3.) Catalogue of a useful and valuable collection of Books. Priced. E. 2 June. S.-C.E. 27. (5.) Thorpe, Thomas, Bookseller. Collection of Books, principally in Spanish Literature. Priced. E. 5 June. S.-C.E. 26. (6.) Taylor, Charles, Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. Southqate, 160, Fleet Street. 8 June. S.-C.Sg. 8. (8.), Thorpe, Thomas, Bookseller. Books from Library. Priced. S. 8 June. S.-C.S. 149. (4.),. -1826 1G5 [IxGLis, John Bellingham.] Catalogue of a singularly curious and valuable selection from the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. *S. 9 June. ' S.-C.S. 149. (5.) & 821. i. 25. Campbell, John. Accountant General to the Court of Chancery. Law and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. E. 19 June. S.-C.E. 27. (6.) [Fraser, Mr.] Catalogue of the choice and elegant Library of a gentle- man, etc. Priced. \S. 22 June. " S.-C.S. 149. (7.) Thorpe, Thomas. Bookseller. Early Quarto Plays, Pageants, etc. Priced. S. 29 June [22 Nov.]. ' ' S.-C.S. 150. (5.) [HowSHALL. Mr.] Catalogue of the entire Stock of a Bookseller. Priced. J. W. S. 29 June. S.-C.Sg. 9. (1.) Catalogue of a very curious and valuable collection of Foreign Books and Manuscripts, recently consigned from Madrid. Priced. E. 4 July. ' S.-C.E. 27. (7.) Stocking, Charles, of Paternoster Row. Further portion of Stock of Books. Priced. S. W. & A. 10 July. S.-C.W. 3. (7.) YouxGMAN, P. Stock of Books, Stationery. Printing Materials, &c. Priced. S. W. & A., at Witham, Essex. "31 July. S.-C.W. 3. (8.) Taylor, Charles. Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. ./. W. S. 23 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 9. (6.) Wilkinson. Robert, of Fenchurch Street. Books & Books of Prints. (Remaining Part.) Priced. S. 23 Oct. S.-C.S. 150. (1.) WiCKENS, George. Bookseller and Stationer. Stock of Books. Priced. J.W.S.,at29/Prince'sStreet,Soho. 28 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 10. (2.) Pearson, John. F.R.S. Library. Priced. S. W. d& A. 6 Nov. S.-C.W. 4. (4.) Catalogue of the Classical, Critical, and Historical Library of a gentle- man, etc. Priced. S. 7 Nov. S.-C.S. 1.50. (3.) BoHTE, J. H. Foreign and English Books. Priced. E. 9 Nov. S.-C.E. 28. (1.) Bradby, Jame^. Special Pleader. Library. Priced. S. 15 Nov. S.-C.S. 150. (4.) Chatfield. Henry. Rev., of Balcomb. Sussex. Library. Priced. S. W. d- A. IGNov. S.-dW. 4. (5.) [Baynes, William, and Son, Booksellers.] Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books in quires and boards, etc. Priced. J. W. S., 22, Fleet Street. 20 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 10. (5.) Thorpe, Thomas, Bookseller. Spanish & Portuguese Books frcm Library. Priced. S. 28 Nov. S.-C.S. 150. (6.) Catalogue of a gentleman's Library. Priced. E. 28 Nov. S.-C.E. 2 8. (2.) 166 . 1826- Brookes, Josliua, F.R.S., F.L.S. Librarv. Priced. S. W. & A. 29 Nov. " S.-C.W. 4. (7.) Combe, Taylor, F.R.S. Numismatic & Classical Library. Priced. >S. 7 Dec. ~ S.-C.S. 150. (7.) BuMPUS, John, Bookseller. Portion of Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S., at 8o, Newgate-Street. 14 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 11. (1.) Cassaxo Serra, Duke of. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 18 Dec. S.-C.E. 28. (3.) [Knight and Lacey.] Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books . . . among which will be found ... a portion of the Stock of a very extensive publishing firm. Priced. J. W. S., 22, Fleet Street. 28 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 11. (2.) 1827. Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. Sotheby, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 8 Jan. S.-C.S. 151. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Maps. Priced. R. H. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 10 Jan. S.-C.E. 28. (4.) Clarke, William. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. Southjate, 22, Fleet Street. 13 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 11. (3.) [Constable, David.] Catalogue of a curious collection of Books in General History and Literature, etc. Priced. S. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 151. (2.) RiviNGTON, Charles and John, Booksellers. Portion of Stock of Old Books. Priced. Stewart, Wheatley & Adlard, 191, Piccadilly . 24 Jan. S.-C.W. 4. (12.) Allen, John. Librarv. Priced. L. A. Lewis, the Bank Coffee House. 26 Jan. * S.-C.L. 1. (17.) Browne, William, Rev. Books on Coins, Theologv. etc. Mr. Cana, Saxmundham, Suffolk. 26 Jan. " 823. f. 102. (2.) Lane, John. Library. Priced. J.W.S. 3 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 11. (5.) RiviNGTON, Charles and John. Booksellers. Part of Stock of Books & Books of Prints. Priced. S. 6 Feb. S.-C.S. 151. (4.) BLAfKLEY, William. Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 10 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 12. (1.) Fryer, Edward, M.D. Librarv. Priced. E. 10 Feb. S.-C.E. 28. (5.) Jones, William, Author of the History of the Christian Church. Library. Priced. S. W. <& A. 16 Feb. S.-C.W. 5. (1.) Drury, Henry, Rector of Fingest, Bucks. Library. Priced. E. 19 Feb. (23 days.) S.-C.E. 29. (1.') & 821. i. 21. -1827 167 NoEHDEN, George Henry, F.R.S. Library. Priced. S. 21 Feb. S.-C.S. 152. (1.) Hone, William. Collection of Books, Books of Prints, &c., collected for a History of Parody. Priced. J. W. S. 22 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 12. (3.) Farquhar, John, of FonthiU. Astronomical, Chemical,. & Philosophical Library. Priced. S. 1 March. S.-C.S. 152. (3.) Palmer, Samuel, Boolseller. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 2 March. S.-C.Sg. 12. (5.) CuMMiNG, Frogmere, Vicar of Cardinqton and Keysoe. Library. Priced. S.W.dA. 5 March. ' S.-C.W. 5. (3.) Terwin, John, of Upper Belgrave Place, Piudico. Library. Priced. J. W. S. 10 March. S.-C.Sg. 12. (6.) A Catalogue of a very extensive and highly valuable collection of Vocal and Instrumental Music, etc. Partly priced. W. P. Mitsgrave, at Mr. Sfanlei/'s Rooms, 21, Old Bond Street. 7 March. 7897. d. 13. (12.) Eaper, Matthew. Library. Priced. S. 12 March. S.-C.S. 152. (4.) [Pheney, Kichard, Bookseller.^ Catalogue of a select Law Library and a few miscellaneous Books. Priced. J. W. S. 15 March. S.-C.Sg. 12. (7.) Hardcastle, William, Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 20 March. S.-C.Sg. 13. (1.) Legge, Heneage. Library. Priced. S. W. & A. 20 March. S.-C.W. 5. (4.) Neely, S. D. Stock of Books and Household Furniture. Priced. S. W. & A., 204, Regent Street. 20 March. S.-C.W. 5. (5.) FiSKE, Robert, i9oo/aeZfer. Stock of Books. (Parti.) Priced. J.W.S. 27 March. S.-C.Sg. 13. (2.) Heathcote, Sir Thomas Freeman. Books & Books of Prints. Priced. S. 27 March. S.-C.S. 152. (6.) Dent, John, ^./?.,S.,i^.*S..4. Library. (Parti.) Priced. E. 29 March. "S.-C.E. 29. (2.) k 821. g. 35. (1.) Whitehouse, J. C. Library. Priced. L. 31 March. S.-C.L. 1. (20.) [Baynes, William, and Son, Booksellers.] Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books in quires, boards and bound, including a portion of the Stock of a respectable Publishing Firm. Priced. /. W. S. 4 April. S.-C.Sg. 13. (3.) Williams, Theodore, 7?er. Library. With preface. Priced. S.W.&A., 191, Piccadilly. 5 April. S.-C.W. 6. (1.), 824. i. 33. & 11901. k. 17. 168 1827- JoxES, John, LL.D., M.R.S.L. Library. Priced. *S'. 9 April. 8.-C.S. 152. (7.) Sturt, John, Librarian of the British Institution. Library. Priced. S. W. S. 14 April. S.-C.Sg. 13. (5.) Be-^t. John, F.R.S.,F.S.A. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 25 April. S.-C.E. 29. (3.) & 821. g. 3-5. (2.) SiDXEY, R. C. Part of Library. (A Catalogue of vocal and instru- mental Music, etc.) W. P. Musgrave, Great Maddox Street, Hanover Square. 25 April. 7897. d. 13. (3.) A Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. ;S'. 25 April. ■ S.-C.S. 152. (9.) Sherwill, Markham, Captain. Collection of original Letters and Autographs. Priced. J. W. S. 26 April. ^ S.-C.Sg. 13. (6.) ^Iathox, John Alexis. Library. Smith, Josias, Deputy Registrar of the Diocese of Chichester. Law Library. Priced. J.W.S. 1 May. S.-C.Sg. 13. (7.) Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany. Library. Priced. S. 7 May. S.-C.S. L53. (2.) Harding, John, Bookseller. Agricultural Librai-y. Priced. S. W. & A. 14 May. S.-C.W. 5. (10.) Catalogue of the splendid and valuable Librarv of an eminent collector. Priced. E. 14 May. ' S.-C.E. 30. (1.) Daltox, Thomas, Colonel. Library. Priced. E. 23 Mav. S.-C.E. 30. (2.) Metropolitax Literary Institutiox. Library, etc. Priced. ./. W. S., at 6, Chatham Place, Blackfriars. 24 Mav. ' S.-C.Sg. 14. (3.) KxiGHT AXD Lacey. Stock of Books. (Last portion.) Priced. ./. W. S. 30 May. S.-C.Sg. 14. (5.) Dobree, Samuel. Library. Priced. E. 31 May. S.-C.E. 30. (3.) Dance, Sir Nathaniel. Library. Priced. J. W. S. 2 June. S.-C.Sg. 14. (6.) Cholmoxdeley, J. Library. Priced. ./. 11'. ;S'., at the Auction Mart, Bartholomew Lane. 6 June. S.-C. 14. (7.) ZoTTi, Romualdo. Library. Priced. *S. 7 June. S.-C.S. 154. (3.) Campbell, John, Account ant-General to the Court of Chancery. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 8 June. S.-C.E. 30. (4.) CuMMiXG, James, F.S.A. Librarv. Priced. S. 15 June. S.-C.S. 154. (6.) KxiGHT AXD Lacey. Collection of Works on Architecture, etc. Priced. J. W. S., 22, Fleet Street. 18 June. S.-C.Sg. 14. (9.) -1827 169 Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, the property of an eminent collector. Priced. E. 18 June. S.-C.E. 30. (6.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, with a curious collection of Hebrew, Arabic, Persic, and Turkish Books, etc. Priced. E. 21 June. ' S.-C.E. 30. (7.) [Hall, Feter, Rev.] Library. (Part 3.) Catalogue of the third and principal portion of a collector's Library, etc. Priced. S. 25 June. S.-C.S. 155. (1.) Davies, Edward, Colonel, Author of the Life of Murillo. Miscellaneous and Military Library. Heber, Reginald, D.B., Bishop of Calcutta. Portion of Library.' Priced. S. W. d A. 4 July. S.-C.W. 6. (5.) FifiKK, Robert. Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. J.W.S. 4 July. S.-C.Sg. 15. (2.) Frederick Augustus. Duke of York and Albany. Maps & Charts. Priced. S. 4 July. S.-C.S. 155. (3.) Byron, George Gordon Noel, Baron Byron. Library. Priced. E. 6 July. S.-C.E. 30. (8.) KiTCHiNER, William, M.D. Library. (Unreseryed part.) Priced. S. 10 July. S.-C.S. 155. (5.) Catalogue of a valuable and interesting collection of Autograph Letters from the Koyal Archives of France, etc. Priced. S. 18 July. S.-C.S. 155. (8.) & S.-C. 681. (3.) Trollope, Dr., Headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School. Classical Library. Priced. S. 23 July. S.-C.S. 155. (9.) Jones, William, Author of the " History of the Christian Church." RemainingPortionof Stock of Books. Priced. S.W.dA. 31 July. S.-C.W. 6. (6.) l-ARPENTER, W. Stock of Books, etc. Priced. S. W. & A., at 10, Broad Street, Bloomshury. 30 Aug. S.-C.W. 6. (8.) Campbell, John, of Regent's Park. Library. . Priced. L., at the Mart, Bartholomew Lane. 10 Oct. ' S.-C.L. 1. (27.) AiREY, John, of Serjeant' s Inn, Fleet Street. Classical and Law Library. Priced. L., 15, Poultry. 1 Nov. S.-C.L. 2. (1.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S 5 Nov. S.-C.S. 156. (1.) Palmer, John. Library. Priced. L. 6 Noy. S.-C.L. 2. (2.) Haygarth, William. Library. Priced. E. 8 Noy. S.-C.E. 31. (1.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. 13 Nov. " S.-C.S. 156. (3.) 170 1827- MrxRo. Hector, Colonel. Library. Priced. S. W. & A. 14 Nov. S.-C.W. 7. (2.) Catalogue of a portion of tjie Library of a late eminent collector. Priced. E. 22 Nov. " S.-C.E. .31. (2.) Catalogue of a very fine and valuable collection of Books, Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 156. (4.) [AcKERMAX, Mr.\ Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books, including the Stock in Trade of a bookseller, etc. Priced. J. W. S. 30 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 16. (6.) Lawrance, G., Rev. Theological & Classical Library. Priced. S. 3 Dec. S.-C.S. 156. (5.) Martyn, Thomas, Rev., Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. Botanical and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. S. W.&A. 6 Dec. S.-C.W. 7. (4.) BoADEN, James ; Yates, J. Libraries. Priced. E. 12 Dec. S.-C.E. 31. (4.) Baratty, Charles, F.S.A., of the Inner Temple. Library. Hellixs, J., Rev., F.R.S. Mathematical & Astronomical Books. Priced. *S'. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 156. (6.) A Catalogue of a selection from the Library of a distinguished Noble- man, etc. Priced. S. W. cfc A. 15 Dec. S.-C.W. 7. (5.) [Br.MPUS, John.] Catalogue of a portion of the Stock of an extensive Publisher. Priced. J. W. aS. 17 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 16. (8.) Noble, Mark, Rev.. F.S.A. Librarv. Priced. 21 Dec. S.-C.E. 31. (5.) 1828. GooDWix. C, Bool-seller. Collection of Books. Priced. R. H. Evans, 9.3, Pall Mall. 3 Jan. S.-C.E. 31. (6.) CuTHELL, John, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 1.) Priced. S. Sothehy, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 7 Jan. S.-C.S. 157. (1.) Hayes, S. Greek and Latin Classics, etc. Priced. E. 11 Jan. S.-C.E. 31. (7.) Booth, William, of Dide Street, Manchester Square. Stock of Books. Priced. Stewart. Wheatleij (0 Adlard, 191, Piccadilly. 17 Jan. S.-C.W. 7. (6.)r A Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. »S. 17 Jan. S.-C.S. 157. (2.) Cuthell, John, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. .S. 21 Jan. S.-C.S. 157. (3.) [Phillips, Sir Richard.] Catalogue of Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Charters, etc. Priced. J. W. Soufhgate, 22, Fleet Street. 21 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 17. (.5.) & S.-C. 681. (4.) -1828 171 Anderson, William. Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S, 29 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 17. (7.) CuTHELL, John. Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 3.) Priced. S. 4 Feb. S.-C.S. 157. (5.) Cassano Serra, Duhe of. Collection of Manuscripts. Priced. E. 5 Feb. S.-C.E. 32. (1.) Crabb, George. Numismatic and Classical Library. Priced. J. W . S. 7 Feb. ' S.-C.Sg. 17. (8.) Catalogue of a collection of curious, rare, and valuable Books. Priced. E. 11 Feb. S.-C.E. 32. (2.) Catalogue of a choice and valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 158. (1.) Wright, W., Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. /. W. S. 16 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 17. (9.) CuTHELL. John. Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 4.) Priced. S. 18 Feb. S.-C.S. 158. (2.) Catalogue of the Classical and Historical Librarv of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. 3 March. ' S.-C.S. 158. (4.) Catalogue of the Librarv of an eminent collector. Priced. E. 3 March. " S.-C.E. 32. (4.) Forbes, David. Classical & Etvmoloaical Library. Priced. S. 10 March. " ^ S.-C.S. 158. (6.) Davis, William, of Southanifton Bow. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 11 March. S.-C.Sg. 18. (2.) Lysons, Daniel, Rev., F.R.S. ; Cassano Serra, Duke of. Portions of Libraries. Priced. E. 17 March. S.-C.E. 32. (5.) Roberts, Edward Walpole. Library (including the Numismatic Librarv of Barre Charles Roberts). Priced. S. 17 March. S.-C.S. 158. (7.) A Catalogue of a very choice collection of antient and modern. Vocal and Instrumental Music, etc. Partly priced. W. P. Musgrare, at the Auction Mart, Bartholomew Lane. 18 March. 7897. d. 13. (16.) Malkin, Benjamin Heath, LL.D. Librarv. Priced. E. 22 March. S.-C.E. 32. (6.) Cuthell, John. Books. (Part 5.) Priced. S. 29 March. S.-C.S. 159. (1.) BouRCHiER, Joseph, of Portsmouth. Librarv. Priced. L. R. Leivis, 15, Poultry. 25 March. " S.-C.L. 2. (12.) [CoATES, Mr.] Catalogue of a select Librarv of Divinity, etc. Priced. J. W. S. 25 March. ' S.-C.Sg. 18. (6.) 1'2 1828- Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. E. 1 April. S.-C.E. 32. (8.) Nichols, John, F.S.A. Part of Library. Priced. S. 16 April. S.-C.S. 159. (.3.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman. Priced. E. 17 April. S.-C.E. 33. (1.) Browne, William, Rev. Library. Priced. *S'. 24 April. S.-C. 159. (4.) Finch, Hon. D. Law Library. Priced. S. 2 Mav. S.-C.S. 159. (5.) FoLLETT, Mr., of Aldersgate Street. Circulating Library and mis- cellaneous collection of Books. Priced. J. W.S. 3 May. S.-C.Sg. 19. (3.) Willis, Thomas, Rev., LL.D. ; Nichols, .]olin, F.S.A. Libraries. Priced. S. 5 May. S.-C.S. 159. (6.) [Lloyd, Mr.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S. 10 May. S.-C.S. 160. (1.) .Sale, John, Gentleman of H.M. Chapel Royal ; Taylor, P.. Organist of Lynn, Aorfolk. Libraries, Music, etc. Partly priced. W. P. Musgrave. 12 May. 7897. d. 13. (17.) Edwards, Thomas, of Halifax, Yorkshire. Books, Manuscripts, and Missals. Priced. S. W. & A. 15 May. S.-C.W. 8. (7.) Parr, Samuel, Prebendary of St. Paul's. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. E- 16 May. " S.-C.E. 33. (3.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman, including a lariie collection of Plays. Priced. S. 28 May. S.-C.S. 160. (4 ) Holmes, James Parke. Library. Priced. E. 29 May. S.-C.E. .33. (4.) Crosbie, William, 4f/< Sotron ^rawrfm. Librarv. Priced. S.W.&A. 3 June. ■ S.-C.W. 9. (2.) A Catalogue of the valuable and genuine Stock in Trade of a Music Seller, etc. With a few prices. W. P. Musgrave. 3 June. 7897. d. 13. (18.) Catalogueof a portion of a gentleman's Librarv. Priced. E. 10 June. S.-C.E. 34. (1.) [Tayleure, John.] A Catalogue of an entire and extensive collection of Books on Angling, Field Sports, etc. Priced. S. 12 June. S.-C.S. 160. (5.) Bryan, Burges. Library. Rowlandson. Thomas. Books of Prints. Priced. S. 18 June. S.-C.S. 160. (7.) Gaillard, Joseph. Medical and Private Librarv. Priced. S. W. & A. 2-5 June. ' S.-C.W. 9. (3.) -1S2S 17;> Renouard, Antoine Ausustin. Bibliotlieca Alclina. Priced. E. 26 June. " S.-C.E. 34. (2.) [Paravicini, Mr.\ A Catalogue of a remarkable assemblage of fine and rare Books, etc. Priced. S. 27 June. S.-C.S. 161. (2.) A Catalogue of the unreserved portion of the Law Library of a Barrister, etc. Priced. S. 3 July. S.-C.S. 161. (4.) DowDESWELL, William, Lieut. -General. Library. Drummond, John, 1st Earl of MeJfort. Autographs, State Papers, etc. Priced. E. 4 July. '' S.-C.E. 34. (3.) GwiLT, Joseph. Collection of Modern Instrumental Music. Naldi, Giuseppe. Part of Collection of Music. W. P. Musqrave. 10 July. 7897. d. 13. (19.) Catalogue of tlie valuable Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. S. 11 July. ' S.-C.S. 161. (7.) Knibb and Langridge, of Worcester. Portion of Stock of Books. Priced. /. W. S. 16 July. S.-C.Sg. 20. (3.) Miranda, Francisco de, General. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. E. 22 July. ^ S.-C.E. 34. (6.) A Catalogue of a small and elegant collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. 24 July. ^ ' S.-C.S. 161. (8.) Mills, Abraham, F.R.S. Library. Priced. S. W. cC; A. 4 Aug. S.-C.W. 9. (5.) CoxE, William, Archdeacon of Wilts. Library. Priced. E., at the Rectory, Bremerton. 11 Aug. S.-C.E. 34. (7.) [LuTZ, George, Bookseller and Stationer.] A Catalogue of Books & Stationery. Priced. S. W. & A. 25 Aug. " S.-C.W. 9. (6.) Lewis, George, Rev. Library. Priced. L. 29 Oct. S.-C.L. 2. (26.) VAnji,^?im.Vie\,Prehendani of St. Paul's. Librar5^ (Part 2.) Priced. E. 31 Oct. " S.-C.E. 35. (1.) CuTHELL. John, JSoofoeWer. Stock of Books. (Part 6.) Priced. Sothehij & Son, ?>, Wellington Street, Strand. 7 [10] Nov. S.-C.S. 162. (1.) [RussELL, Mr.\ Catalogue of the Law Library of a gentleman, retired from the profession. Priced. J. W. S. 14 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 21. (2.) Lang, Robert, of Portland Place. Library. Priced. E. 17 Nov. S.-C.E. 35. (3.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 17 Nov. ■ S.-C.S. 162. (2.) Glyn, Thomas Christopher, of Lincoln's Inn. Law Library. Priced. S. & Son. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 162. (4.) 1"-^ 1828- Braxsby, James Hews, Rev. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 27 Nov. S.-C.S. 162. (5.) •Greex, *S'//- Justly Watson, Bart. Library. Green, Sir William, Bart.. General. Military Library. Priced. Wheatley & Adlard, 191, Piccadilly. 3 Dec. ~ S.-C.W. 10. (3.) XoRTH. Frederick, 5^// j&r;/-/ rj/T;w,;7/;>/Y/. Library. (Parti.) Priced. E. 1-5 JDec. ^ S.-C.E. 35. (4.) Eadclyffe, William, Rouge Croix. Historical & Heraldic Library. Priced. S. & Son. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 163. (2.) [Ford, Mrs.] Catalogue of a Circulating Library, etc. Priced. J. W. S. 27 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 21. (12.) HuTCHiNGS, E. S., Rev., Chaplain at Penang. Library. Priced. J. W. S. 29 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 22. (1.) 1829. 3IILLER, Joseph, of Barnard's Inn. Books, Prints, etc. Priced. J. W. Soiithgate, 22, Fleet Street. 10 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 22. (3.) Baynes, William, and Son. Bound and Boarded Stock of Books. Priced. ,/. W. S. 12 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 22. (4.) MoNKHOUSE, Joseph, Vicar of Market Deeping, Lincolnshire. Library. Priced. Wheatley d- Adlard, 191, Piccadilly. 12 Jan. S.-C.W. 10. (6.) North, Frederick, 5fh Earl of Guilford. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. R. H. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 12 Jan. " ' S.-C.E. 35. (5.) Ions, Augustus Davies, B.D. Oriental and Classical Library. Priced. Sotheby tt Son, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 15 Jan. S.-C.S. 163. (3.) Baynes, William, and Son. Bound, Boarded, and Quire Stock. (Part 2.) Priced. J. W. S. 21 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 22. (5.) NicoLL, Alexander, Rev., LL.D. Library. Priced. S.^ cfc Son. 21 Jan. ' S.-C.S. 163. (4.) Lowndes, William, First Commissioner of the Board of Excise. Library. Priced. S. d Son. 29 Jan. S.-C.S. 163. (5.) 4S1MMONS, Richard, of the Albany. Portion of Library. Priced. W. c& A. 2 Feb. S.-C.W. 10. (7.) BoNAR, Thomson. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 6 Feb. S.-C.S. 164. (1.) Major, Joseph. Library of Books and Books of Prints. Priced. J. W. S. 6 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 22. (8.) Smith, Francis. Library. Priced. E. 9 Feb. S.-C.E. 35. (7.) Catalogue of a selection of Books from the yaluable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 16 Feb. S.-C.S. 164. (2.) -1829 175 Mitchell, Charles, of Bond Street. Remaining Part of Stock of Music, With a few prices. IF. P. Musgrave, at the Mart, Bartholomew Lane. 18 Feb. 7897. d. 13. (20.) Wheldale, West, Rev. Library. Priced. >S. & Son. 20 Feb. S.-C.S. 164. (3.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Law Books, including the Library of a gentleman, retired from the profession. Priced. /. W. S. 21 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 22. (11.) Bachoffner, John, of Kentish Town. Library. Broderip, Charles. Library, Maps, etc. Priced. J. }Y . S. 25 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 22. (12.) 'No'RTK,¥vedevk-k, 5th Earl of Guilford. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. E. 28 Feb. ' S.-C.E. 35. (6.) Heywood, Samuel. Serjeant-at-Law. Library. Priced. E. 7 March. S.-C.E. 37. (1.) Mayans y Siscar, Gregorio. A Catalogue of a most extraordinary collection of Foreign Books and Manuscripts. (Bibliotheca Mayan- siana.) Priced. W. d A. 10 March. S.-C.W. 11.' (1.) NicoLL, Alexander, i?et'., LL. 7). Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S. d Son. 11 March. ' S.-C.S. 164. (5.) HiBBERT, George, of Portland Place. Library. With preface. Priced. E. 16 March. (42 days.) ' S.-C.E. 36. [Patch, Mr.] Library, etc. Priced. S. d Son. 18 March. S.-C.S. 164. (6.) WiXN, Hon. George, M.P. Library. Priced. S. d: Son. 31 March. S.-C.S. 165. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. E. 7 April. S.-C.E. 37. (2.) CuMBERLEGE, Stephen Austin. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 13 April. ' S.-C.S. 165. (3.) Priestley, Richard. Portion of Stock of Books. Priced. W. & A. 15 April. S.-C.W. 11. (6.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman, removed from the country. Priced. E. 22 April. S.-C.E. 37. (3.) [Priestly, Mr.\ Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S. & Son. 27 April. S.-C.S. 165. (5.) Catalosue of a gentleman's Library. Priced. E. 27 April. S.-C.E. 37. (4.) Surtees, M., Vicar of Cirencester ; Dumouriez, Charles Fran^'ois, General Libraries. Priced. W. & A. 28 April. S.-C.W. 11. (7.) [Turner, Mr.] Catalogue of a valuable Law Library, removed from Buckingham. Priced. J. If. S. 11 May. S.-C.Sg. 23. (10.) 176 1829- WiLLiAMSON, John, Rev., of Wimvick, Lanes. Library. Priced- S. i& Son. 11 May. S.-C.S. 165. (6.) Skinner, Matthew, D.D. Library. Priced. J. W. S. 12 May. S.-C.Sg. 24. (1.) Winn, ff on. George, M. P. Law Library. Priced. S. <& Son. 15 May. S.-C.S. 165. (7.) Catalogue of the select and valuable Librarv of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. d Son. 16 May. " S.-C.S. 165. (8.) Douglas, George, ISth Earl of Morton. Library. Priced. W. & A. 18 May. S.-C.W. 12. (1.) MiLNER, John. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 18 May. S.-C.E. 37. (5.) Catalogue of a small and uncommon collection of the choicest Books, chiefly collected by a foreian Nobleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 20 May. ^ S.-C.S. 166. (1.) Packer, William. Books, Books of Prints, etc. Priced. E. 21 May. S.-C.E. 37. (6.) Thorkelix, Grimr Jonsson, Professor, of Copenhagen. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a gentleman going abroad, etc.) Priced. L. A. Lewis, 15, Poultry. 22 May. S.-C.L. 3. (6.) Ireland, John. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 27 May. S.-C.S. 166. (2.) Catalogue of a remarkable assemblage of fine and rare Books, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 8 June. S.-C.S. 166. (5.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. E. 9 June. S.-C.E. 37. (7.) Rainier, Peter, Rear-Admiral. Part of Library. Priced. W. & A~ 10 June. S.-C.W. 12. (2.) Wilbraham, Roger. Portion of Librarv. Priced. E. 10 June. S.-C.E. 37. (8.) [Maynard, Hemy, 2trd Viscount Maynard.\ Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, the Duplicates of a Nobleman's Library. Priced. S. & Son. 11 June. S.-C.S. 166. (6.) [Arnoux, Mr.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, com- prising the Stock of a Bookseller, relinquishing the business, etc. Priced. /. W. S. 13 June. S.-C.Sg. 24. (6.) Packer, William. Library. Priced. E. 18 June. S.-C.E. 37. (9.) Wainewright, Abel, Rev., LL.B. Classical Library. Priced. S. & Son. 18 June. S.-C.S. 167. (1.) -18i.'9 177 Shield, William. Music, Books, Paintings, etc. Partly priced. W. P. Mtisgrare. on the premises, 31, Berners Street. 22 June. 7897. d. 13. (22.) Mayans y Siscar. Gregorio. A Catalogue of a rare and curious collection of Foreign Books and Manuscripts. (Bibliotheca Mayan- siana. Part 2.) Priced. W. & A. 25 June. S.-C.W. 12. (5.) Ord. Craven. Library. Priced. E. 25 June. S.-C.E. 37. (10.) & 823. f. 102. (3.) Catalogue of a valuable and very interesting collection of Original Letters and Autographs, etc. Priced. S. d- Son. 25 June. S.-C.S. 167. (3.) Davies, John, of the Rolls Chapel Office. Chancery Lane. Library. Priced. ./. W. S. 27 June. S.-C.Sg. 24. (9.) Abraham, Thomas, of the Inner Temple. Law and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. ./. W. S. 1 July. S.-C.Sg. 24. (11.) Lloyd. Charles, Bishop of Oxford. Librarv. Priced. S. & Son. 7 July. ■ S.-C.S. 167. (5.) Rexxie. John. F.R.S., F.S.A. Librarv. (Part 1.) Priced. E. 13 July. . ^ S.-C.E. 37. (11.) Stevenson, William. Author of" The Progress of Discover ij. Commerce, etc." Library. Priced. W. d: A. 16 July. S.-C.W. 12. (6.) Ash, Edward. Dr.. (f Folet/ Place. Medical Library. (Catalogue of a small but select collection of Books & Books of Prints, etc.) Priced. S. d: Son. 17 July. S.-C.S. 167. (6.) Dexley, John. Bookseller. Stock in Trade. (Part 1.) Priced. ./. W. S. 17 July. S.-C.Sg. 25. (2.) PvExxie, John. F.R.S.. F.S.A. Librarv. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 20 July. ' S.-C.E. 37. (12.) Yates, William, of Manchester. Library, Pictures, etc. Priced. R. Winstanlei/. on the premises. Stony-Knolls. Broughton, near Man- chester. 29 July. ' ' 7805. de. 14. Madden, Sir George. Major-General. Library. Lloyd, Charles, Bishop of Oxford. Remaining Books. Coins & Medals. Priced. S. d Son. 3 Aug. " S.-C.S. 167. (7.) A catalogue of a very choice collection of modern Vocal and Instru- mental Music, etc. With a few prices. W. P. Musgrave, at Mr. Lewis' Auction Rooms, 15. Poultry. 6 Aug. 7897. d. 13. (23.) Lmpey. John. Law Librarv. Priced. ./. W. S. 7 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 25. (5.) t'LARK. H. W.. of Uxhridge. Librarv. Priced. L. 13 Aus. S.-C.L. 3. (13.) N 178 1829- Baynes, William, and Son. Stock of Books. (Remaining portion.) Priced. J. W. S. 26 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 25. (7.) Smales, T. W. Circulating Library, etc. Priced. W. & A. 24 Sept. S.-C.W. 12. (10.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous assemblage of Books, Music, etc. Partly priced. W. P. Musgrave, at the Auction Mart, Bartholomeiv Lane. 26 Sept. 7897. d. 13. (25.) Triphook, Robert. Stock of Books. Priced. If. & A. 28 Oct. S.-C.W. 13. (3.) BucKHAM, Philip Wentwortli, Rev. Library. Heywood, Samuel, Serjeant-at-Laiv. Law Library. Priced. E. 31 Oct. S.-C.E. 38. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. d- Son. 5 Nov. S.-C.S. 168. (1.) Martyn, Martha, Widow of the Rev. Thomas Martyn, Professor of Botany at Cambridge. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 168. (2.) Disney, William, D.D., Hebrew Professor at the University of Cambrichje. Portion of Library. Priced. W. & A. 16 Nov. S.-C.W. 13. (4.) [Payne and Foss.] Books. Priced. *S'. d- Son. 19 Nov. S.-C.S. 168. (3.) Nares, Robert, Archdeacon. Library. Priced. E. 25 Nov. S.-C.E. 38. (2.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a dissenting minister. Priced. L. 25 Nov. ' S.-C.L. 3. (27.) GoFF, Richard. Library. Martyn, Martha, Widoiv of the Rev. Thomas Martyn, Professor of Botany at Cambridge. Remaining portion of Library. Priced. S. & Son. 3 Dec. S.-C.S. 168. (5.) A Catalogue of the splendid Library of a gentleman, removed from the West of England. Priced. W. & A. 9 Dec. S.-C.W. 13. (5.) Tavel, George Frederic, Rev. Classical and Theological Library. Harris, Mr. Library. Priced. >S'. & Son. 11 Dec. ^ S.-C.S. 168. (6.) Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books, including the Library of a Clergyman. Priced. J. W. S. 14 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 26. (5.) Crosse, John, of Hull ; Knight, Richard Pavne. Parts of Libraries. Priced. E. 21 Dec. ' S.-C.E. 38. (3.) 1830. Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, in every department of Literature, etc. Priced. Sotheby & Son, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 8 Jan. S.-C.S. 169. (1.) -1830 179 [Balmano, Mr.] Catalogue of a select and elegant Library, etc. Priced. S. cS; Son. 13 Jan. S.-C.S. 169. (2.) Massingham, Joseph, of Guildford, Surrey. Stock of Books, etc. Priced. /. W. Southgate, 22, Fleet Street. 15 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 26. (8.) Harcourt, Charles. Library. Priced. Wheatley & Adlard, 191, Piccadilly. 20 Jan. S.-C.W. 13. (8.) Ord, Craven. Manuscripts. Priced. R. H. Evans, 93, Pall-MaU. 25 Jan. S.-C.E. 38. (4.) & 823. f. 102. (4.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 1 Feb. S.-C.S. 169. (3.) CowiE AND Strange. Stock of Books, Stereotype and Copper Plates, etc. Priced. W. (& A., at 55, Paternoster Row. 3 Feb. S.-C.W. 13. (9.) Warren, Charles, of Lincoln's Inn, Chief Justice of Chester. Classical & Theological Library. Priced. S. & Son. 3 Feb. S.-C.S. 169. (4.) Nicholson, Alexander, F.S.A. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 15 Feb. S.-C.E. 38. (5.) [Goodwin, Mr.] Catalogue of a collection of Books. Priced. South- gate, Grimston & Wells, 22, Fleet Street. 16 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 27. (3.) Henderson, John, of Fitzroy Square. Library, Prints, Drawings, Coins and Medals, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 18 Feb. S.-C.S. 169. (6.) Birch, Walter, B.D. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 5 March. S.-C.S. 170. (1.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. E. 18 March. S.-C.E. 38. (6.) O'Meara, Barry Edward. Part of Library. Priced. S. & Son. 26 March. ' S.-C.S. 170. (5.) A Catalogue of a very curious collection of Autographs and Documents. Withdrawn from sale. E. 30 March. " S.-C.E. 38. (7.) Dalrymple, Sir John, Bart., Major-General. Librarv. Priced. S. & Son. 5 April. S.-C.S. 170. (6.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman, removed from his house in the country. Priced. E. 6 April. S.-C.E. 38. (8.) Duckworth, George. Books. Priced. *S'. G. & W. 15 April. S.-C.Sg. 28. (2.) HiGGS, William Simonds, F.A.S. Librarv. Priced. S. & Son. 26 April. ' S.-C.S. 171. (3.) Renouard, Antoine Augustin. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 26 April. S.-C.E. 39. (2.) N 2 180 . 1830- De Crespigny, Sir William Champion, Bart. Library. Priced. W. & A., 191, Piccadilly. 6 May. S.-C.W. U. (7.) Weston, Stephen, Rev., F.R.S. Library. (Eemaining part.) Priced. S. & Son. 7 May. ' S.-C.S. 171. (6.) Campbell, Hugh, 3rd Earl of March inmit. Library. E. 12 May. S.-C.E. 39.' (1.) Rexdlesham Parsonage, near Woodbridgc. Books, Prints, etc. Mr. Cana, Rendlesham, 13 May. 823. f. 102. (5.) Catalogue of the choice and valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 17 May. "' S.-C.S. 172. (2.) Clarke, J. C, o/33, Piccadilly. Stock of Books, etc. Priced. W. & A 20 May. S.-C.W. 15. (1.) Nicholson, Alexander, F.S.A. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 24 May. S.-C.E. 39. (3.) James, John Thomas, Bishop of Calcutta. Portion of Library. Priced. ^- 27 May. S.-C.E. 39. (4.) Hutton, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury; Harris, Kobert. Libraries. Priced. W. & A. 3 June. S.-C.W. 15. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, including the Library of an Antiquary. Priced. S. G. & W. 5 June. S.-C.Sg. 29. (2.) Hatfield, Thomas James. Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. S. & Son. 10 June. " S.-C.S. 173. (3.) Seymour, Lord Henry. Library. Priced. E. 10 June. S.-C.E. 39. (5.) De La Tour, Leop. Arn, Archdeacon, of Hildesheiw. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 14 June. S.-C.S. 173. (4.) PoLiDORi, Gaetano; Foster, Rev. Dr., of Cambridge. Libraries. Priced. W. & A. 15 June. S.-C.W. 15. (4.) West, Sir Edward, Chief Justice of Bombay. Miscellaneous and Law Library. Priced. S. G. cfe W. 15 June. S.-C.Sg. 29. (3.) Samuda, David. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 18 June. S.-C.S. 173. (6.) Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P.R.A. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 25 June. S.-C.S. 174. (1.) & 7855. i. 23. (5.) Catalogue of a very valuable collection of Books, principally consigned r from Paris. Priced. E. 25 June. S.-C.E. 39. (6.) Nicholson, Alexander, F.S.A. Books and Prints. Betham, Sir ^ William. Manuscripts. Fawcett, John, Actor. Play Bills. Priced. E. 6 July. S.-C.E." 39. (7.) Foss, Edward Smith, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 8 July. S.-C.S. 174. (5.) -1830 l!^l Cross, George Robert. Law Library. Priced. E. 9 July. S.-C.E. 39. (8.) Cross, George Robert. Miscellaneous Library. Priced. E. 12 Julv. S.-C.E. 39. (9.) [Wood, Mr.] Catalogue of the Architectural and Miscellaneous Library of a gentleman deceased. Priced. S. & Son. 22 July. S.-C.S. 174. (7.) A Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman remoyed from Shropshire. Priced. W. & A. 22 .July. S.-C.W. 15. (G.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. S. & Son. 30 July. S.-C.S. 174. (9.) [DowDiNG, John, Bookseller.] Catalogue of valuable Books. Chinese & Hindustanee Drawings, Engravings, &c. Priced. S. G. & 11'. 28 Sept. S.-C.Sg._ 30. (5.) Gregson, Matthew, of Liverpool. Library, Manuscripts, Prints, etc. T. Winstanlei/ & Son, Church Street, Liverpool. 18 Oct. S.-C. 927. (2.) [Burn, Jacob Henry, Bookseller.] Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. <& Son, at 20, King Street, Covent Garden. 21 Oct. S.-C.S. 175. (1.) A Catalogue of Books in every department of Literature and Science. Priced. E. 26 Oct. ' S.-C.E. 40. (1.) Stockdale, Mary R., Mrs., Bookseller. Portion of bound and boarded Stock. Priced. S. G. <& W. 3 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 31. (1.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. & Son, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 3 Nov. S.-C.S. 175. (2.) Catalogue of a very valuable collection of Books, obtained in a town on the Continent and in the East. Priced. E. 10 Nov. S.-C.E. 40. (2.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 11 Nov. S.-C.S. 175. (3.) Stockdale, Mary R., Mrs.. Bookseller: Part of quire Stock. Priced. S. G. & W. 17 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 31. (2.) Catalogue of a select and valuable collection of theological and classical Books, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 18 Nov. S.-C.S. 175. (5.) Mason, William Shaw. Library & Manuscripts. Priced. S. & Son. 24 Nov. " S.-C.S. 175. (6.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including a portion of the Library of a late Vice-President of the Linna?an Society. Priced. E. 30 Nov. S.-C.E. 40. (3.) KiLBURX, Thomas. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 2 Dec. S.-C.S. 176. (2.) 182 1830- Catalogue of a collection of Books, the property of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 176. (3.) North, Frederick, bth Earl of Guilford. Manuscripts (removed from Corfu). Priced. E. 8 Dec. S.-C.E. 40. (4.) Chapman, R. E., of Tool's Court. Library. Priced. S. G. & W. 11 Dec. ' S.-C.Sg. 31. (5.) MuxRO, John. Library. Priced. S. ct- Son. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 176. (5.) A Catalogue of the Library of a Clergyman lately deceased. Priced. W. & A. 13 Dec. " " S.-C.W. 16. (5.) North, Frederick, bth Earl of Guilford. Library imported from Corfu. Priced. E. 20 Dec. S.-C.E. 40. (5.) Catalogue of the choice and select Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 23 Dec. S.-C.S. 176. (6.) 1831. North, Frederick, 5th Earl of Guilford. Library imported from Corfu. (Part 2.) Priced. R. H Evans, 93. Pall Mall. 5 Jan. S.-C.E. 40. (6.). Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. Sotheby & Son, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 11 Jan. S.-C.S. 177. (1.) Pearson, William, of Ipstvich. Library and Collections of Pictures and Prints. King d: Garrod, Ipswich. 18 Jan. 823. f. 102. (6.) Barclay, Robert. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 19 Jan. S.-C.E. 40. (7.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, the property of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 19 Jan. S.-C.S. 177. (2.) [Lloyd, Mr.'\ Catalogue of the Duplicates of the Library of a gentle- man. Denley, John, Bookseller. Stock in Trade. (Part 2.) Priced. Southgate, Griniston, <& Wells, 22, Fleet Street. 24 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 31. (8.) Valpy, Edward, B.D. Classical and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. E. 27 Jan. S.-C.E. 40. (8.) Catalogue of a ver)- valuable collection of Books, and splendid Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 27 Jan. S.-C.S. 177. (3.) HiLLMANN, J. Books, Prints and Paintings. Priced. E. 7 Feb. S.-C.E. 40. (9.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, the property of a gentle- man, etc. Priced. S. <& Son. 10 Feb. S.-C.S. 177. (6.) British Museum. Duplicate Books. Priced. S. cfe Son. 24 Feb. S.-C.S. 177. (8.) & S.-C. 927. (7.) -1831 183 Meigh, Charles. Portion of Library and Collection of Autographs. Priced. E. 25 Feb. S.-C.E. 41. (1.) & S.-C. 956. (6.) HixTox, J. T., oj Warwick Square. Stock of Books. (Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc.) Priced. S. G. & W. 28 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 32. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, including a portion of a gentleman's Library, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 10 March. S.-C.S. 178. (1.) Caroline Ferdinanda Louisa, Duchess de Berry. Catalogue of the splendid Library of an illustrious foreign personage. Priced. E. 21 March. ^ S.-C.E. 41. (2.) Catalogue of the choice and select collection of Books, the property of a sentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 29 March. S.-C.S. 178. (5.) Horner, Francis. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 30 March. S.-C.E. 41. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and original Drawings. Priced. E. 14 April. ^S.-C.E. 41. (5.) Collier, William Field, Barrister. Library. Priced. S. d Son. 15 April. " S.-C.S. 178. (7.) Catalogue of a clioice and valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. tC- Son. 23 April. S.-C.S. 178. (8.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including a portion of the Library of the English Benedictine Monastery of Landspriug. Priced. E. 29 April. S.-C.E. 41. (6.) Thornton, William, Lieut. -General. Library. Priced. Wheatley & Adlard, 191, Piccadilly. 30 April. S.-C. W. 17.' (4.) Clarke, William, o/ New Bond Street. Library. Priced. S. (& Son. 2 May [11 July]. ^ S.-C.S. 180. (6.) MacArthur, John. Law Library. Priced. S. <^ Son. 6 May. S.-C.S. 178. (9.) Chamier, John. Library. Priced. E. 9 May. S.-C.E. 41. (7.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of theological and miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 16 May. S.-C.S. 179. (1.) Jones, Sir William, President oj the Asiatic Society. Library (with the books added subsequently to his deatli by Lady Jones). Price. E. 19 May. ' S.-C.E. 41. (8.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Autograph Letters of distinguished persons, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 20 May. S.-C.S. 179. (2.) & S.-C. 681. (5.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. d Son. 25 May. S.-C.S. 179. (3.) 184 1^-'51- Catalogvie of a portion of a gentleman's Library. J'riccd. E. 31 May. S.-C.E. 41. (9.) Walker, John, Vicar of Ilornchurch, Essex. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 2 June. S.-C.S. 179. (4.) Taylor, Lsaac, Rev., oj Om/ar. Library. Parkes, 8amuel, F.L.S. Portion of Library. Priced. S.G.d;W. 4 June. 8.-C.Sg. 33. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of theological and miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 7 June. S.-C.S. 179. (a.) Sanders, Francis Williams, nj Lincoln's Inn. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 10 June. S.-C.S. 179. (6.) Scott, Sir Claude, Bart. Librarv. Priced. E. 13 June. S.-C.E. 42. (1.) [Brydges, .> -1831 ]sr> A Catulogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 30 July. S.-C.S. 180. (11.) Griffiths. George Edward, Editor of the Monthh/ Revieiv. Librarv. Priced. W. 3 Aug. ' 8.-C.W. 17. (12.) [8mythe, Percy Clinton Sydney, 6fh Viscount Stranf/Jord.] Catalogue of a valuable and singularly rare collection of Books, the property of a Nobleman. Priced. S. & Son. 12 Aug. S.-C.S. 181. (3.) & S.-C. 949. (8.) [Sansox, Mr.] Catalogue of the valuable Library and Prints of a gentleman. Priced. E. 15 Aug. S.-C.E. 42. (7.) Symmons, John. Librar\'. Priced. S. tfe Son. 16 Aug. S.-C.S. 181. (i.) Thurston, R., of Fleet Street. Books. (Catalogue of Books, etc.) Priced. S. G. d- W. 17 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 33. (10.) Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. Original Manuscripts of the Waverley Novels and Tales of mv Landlord. Priced. E. 19 Aug. S.-C.E. 42. (8.) & S.-C. 680. (9.) A Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman. Priced. S. d'. Son. 30 Aug. S.-C.S. 181. (6.) DuppA, Richard, LL.B. Law and Miscellaneous Library, Prints and Drawings. Priced. E. 3 Sept. S.-C.E. 42. (9.) Reeves, John, M.A.. F.R.S. Library. Priced. S. d- Son. 14 Sept. S.-C.S. 181. (7.) Miller, Alfred, of Oxford Street. Stock of Books, Subscription Library, etc. Priced. W. 5 Oct. S.-C.W. 18. (1.) Dillon, John, F.S.S.A. Library. Barclay dc Skirving, Tronaatc, Glasgoiv. 14 Nov. " S.-C. 833.'' (1.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. dc Son. 17 Nov. S.-C.S. 182. (2.) A Catalogue of the Library of a Clergyman, etc. Priced. W. 22 Nov. S.-C.W. 18. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of Classics, Historical Works, Belles Lettres, and Valuable Books in every department of literature and science. Priced. E. 25 Nov. ' S.-C.E. 43. (2.) [HoLYGATE, Mr.] Catalogue of a portion of an extensive Dramatic Library. Priced. S. & Son. 28 Nov. S.-C.S. 182. (3.) [Raine, Jonathan ; Raine, Matthew, Rev.] Catalogue of a portion of the select and classical Library of a scholar, deceased, to which is added the Library of a clergyman, deceased. Priced. S. d: Son. 5 Dec. " S.-C.S. 182. (4.) GoMM, William, Rev. Library. Priced. E. 7 Dec. S.-C.E. 43. (3.) 186 1831- De Crespigny, Sir William Champion, Bart. Remaining portion of Library. Priced. W. 12 Dec. S.-C.W. 18. (3.) Catalogue of the entire Law Library of n Barrister, retired from the profession. Priced. S. G. & W^ 12 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 34. (7.) Butler, Weeden, Rev. Library. Priced. E. 19 Dec. S.-C.E. 43. (4.) 1832. Catalogue of a yaluable collection of Books ; to which are added the Duplicate Books of a gentleman's Library, etc. Priced. Sothehy cfc Son, Wellington Street, Strand. 11 Jan. ' S.-C.S. 182. (7.) Bailey, John, Engraver. Books, Paintings, Engravings, etc. Priced. Southgate, Grimston & ^^■ells, 22, Fleet Street. 20 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 34. (16.) [Haddan, Mr.] Catalogue of the very select and valuable Library of a gentleman. Priced. S. & Son. 20 Jan. S.-C.S. 182. (8.) Catalogue of a choice portion of the Library of a gentleman. Priced. R. H. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 20 Jan. "^ S.-C.E. 43. (5.) Agar, Peter. Library. B. Wheatley, 191, Piccadilly. 1 Feb. S.-C. 832. (1.) Catalogue of the select and valuable Library, the property of a gentle- man, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 4 Feb.' S.-C.S. 183. (1.) Catalogue of rare Books and early Engravings, consigned from Germany. Priced. E. 6 Feb. ^ S.-C.E. 43. (6.) Warder, Mr., Bookseller, of Change Alley. Stock of Books. Priced. S. & Son. 13 Feb. ' ' S.-C.S. 183. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of upwards of three thousand Autograph Letters, original, official, and other documents. Priced. S. G. d: W. 14 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 34. (20.) Robins, J., axd Co. Stock of Books, etc. Priced. S. G. & W. 21 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 35. (2.) YoNGE, Charles, Rev. Portion of Librarv. Priced. E. 27 Feb. S.-C.E. 44. (1.) Myers, Streynsham Derbyshire, Rev., M.A. Library. Priced. S. & Son. ^2 March. S.-C.S. 183. (4.) British Museum. Duplicate Books. Priced. S. <& Son. 12 March. S.-C.S. 183. (5.) Stapylton, Major-General. Library. Bourke, Edmund Fearon. Remainino portion of Library. Priced. E. 22 March. S.-C.E. 44. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 26 March. S.-C.S. 184. (3.) HURD, Philip. Library. Priced. E. 29 March. S.-C.E. 44. (3.) -1832 187 Greatorex, Tliomas, F.E.S., F.L.S. Musical Library. T. H. Watson, the Kimfs Concert Rooms, Hanover Square. 3 April. C. 61. li. 1. (2/11.) HiNTON, J. T., oj Warwich Square. Kemaining portion of Stock of Books, etc. Priced. S. G. & W. 6 April. ^ S.-C.Sg. 35. (8.) [Davenport, Mr. ; Eaine, Mattliew, D.D., F.E.S.] Catalogue of a very choice and elegant Library, the property of a bankrupt ... to which is added the reserved portion of the Classical Librarv of a scholar, deceased. Priced. S. <& Son. 9 April. ^ S.'-C.S. 184. (4.) Plowman, J. B. Library. Priced. W. 12 April. S.-C.W. 18. (9.) Nayler, Sir GeoTS,e, Garter King at Arms. Librarv. Priced. S.&Son. 16 April. ^ ' S.-C.S. 184. (5.) Dver. George. Librarv. Priced. S. & Sor}. 25 April. S.-C.S. 184. (6.) Catalogue of the select Librarv of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. <& Son. 27 April. ■ ^ S.-C.S. 184. (7.) Jackson, Joseph, oJ Banner Street. St. Luke's. Library. Priced. S. G. & W. 30 April. ' S.-C.Sg. 35. (11.) Catalogue of a verv rare and interesting collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 3 May. S.-C.S. 184. (8.) Ord. Craven. Remaining portion of Librarv. Priced. E. 9 Mav. S.-C.E. 44^ (4.) Marsh. Thomas Orlebar, Rev., F.L.S. Librarv. Priced. S. & Son. 15 May. ' S.-C.S. 185. (2.) Catalogue of a most interesting collection of Enelish Autographs, &c. Priced. S. G. & ^Y. 15 May. S.-C.Sg. 35. (13.) & S.-C. 680. (3.) Price, William, M.R.S.L. Oriental Librarv, Manuscripts & Drawings. Priced. S. & Son. 19 May. ' S.-C.S. 185. (3.) Glover, James David, Rev., M.A. Librarv. Priced. ^S'. & Son. 23 Mav. S.-C.S. 185. (5.) Catalogue of curious, rare, and valuable Books from the Librarv of a collector. Priced. E. 28 3Iay. S.-C.E. 44. (5.) Lucombe, Thomas. Old Stevne Librarv. Priced. S. G. & W. 4 June. S.-C.Sg. 36. (3.) Ellis, Charles Rose, 1st Baron Seaford. Portion of Librarv, Drawings and Prints. Priced. E. 13 June. S.-C.E. 45. (L) PiGOTT, Graham. Provost oj Eton. Librarv. Priced. S. & Son. 15 June. ^ S.-C.S. 185. (7.) Britton, John, F.S.A. Portion of Library, Drawings in Water Colours. Engravings. Paintings, etc. Priced. >S. G. & W. 18 June. S.-C.Sg. 36. (4.) 1.^'^ 1832- Vali'y, Richard, D.D., F.A.S. Library. Priced. E. 25 June. S.-C.E. 45. (2.) Hawkins, John Sidney. Treatises on Music, etc. Priced. W. 26 June. " 8.-C.W. 19. (I.) DucKETT, Sir George, Bart. Library. Autourapli ^Manuscripts, etc. Priced. >S. <£■ Son. 29 June. " S.-C.S. 187. (2.) Catalogue of a most interesting collection of English Autogi-aphs from the reign of Henry VIIL to the present time. Priced. S. & Son. 9 July. ' S.-C.S. 187. (3.) British Museum. Duplicate Books. Priced. S. d- Son. 10 July. 8.-C..S. 187. (1.) Jones, John Madgwick, Curate oj St. Bride s Church, Fleet Street. Library. Priced. S. G. & W. 10 July. S.-C.Sg. 36. (8.) Broadley, John. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 12 July. 8.-C.E."45. (3.) A Catalogue of a valuable portion of the Library of a uentleman, etc. Priced. E. 16 July. " 8.-C.E. 45. (4.) Nayler, Sir George, Garter King at Arms. Heraldic and Genealogical Manuscripts. Priced. *S'. d- Son. 25 July. S.-C.S. 187. (7.) & S.-C. 680. (7.) PosTON, Andrew Philip, Rev. Library. Priced. W. 30 July. S.-C.W. 19. (8.) M'CuLLocH, Thomas, Rev. ; Garden, Edmund, Rev. Libraries. Priced. E. 1 Aug. S.-C.E. 45. (5.) Marsh, Thomas Orlebar, Rev., F.L.S. Manuscript Collections relating to Bedfordshire. Robson, William, Artist. Autograph Works. (Catalogue of a select and valuable Collection of Books, etc.) Priced. S. & Son. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 187. (8.) Lsreels, Joseph. Hebrew Library. Priced. L. A. Levis, 15, Poultry. 2 Oct. ' S.-C.L. 5. (19.) Carpenter, John. Circulating Library, etc. Priced. S. G. & W.. at 34, High Holhorn. 15 Oct. " S.-C.Sg. 36. (14.) CuLLUM, Sir Thomas Gery, Bart. Books, etc. Mr. Deck, Bunf St. Edmunds. 18 Oct. ' 823. f. 102. (8.) [Thorpe, Mr.\ Catalogue of a singularly interesting collection of curious and scarce Books. Priced. S. & Son. 31 Oct. S.-C.S. 188. (1.) Sell, William. Stock of Books, etc. Priced. S. G. & W., 22, Fleet Street. 5 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 37. (1.) Mackintosh, Rt. Hon. Sir James. Library. Priced. E. 6 Nov. S.-C.E. 46. (1.) -K^33 189 OwEX, J.. Bookseller, oj Bell Alleij, Brmk. Stock of Books. Priced. L. 12 Nov. S.-C.L. 5. (21.) Farrent. John, Rev., oj Camberwell. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 15 Nov. ■ S.-C.S. 188. (2.) Catalogue of a curious collection of Books on Typography, Bibliography, Foreign Heraldry, and Chronicles, etc. Priced. S.d.Son. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 188. (3.) Butler, Charles, of Lincoln's Inn. Library, Prints and Music. Priced. E. 1 Dec. ■ S.-C.E. 46. (2.) KxiGHT, William. F.S.A., Architect. Library, Coins, Medals, etc. Priced. -S. & Son. 5 Dec. ' S.-C.S. 188. (5.) MuRTON, C, oJ 6, Great, Newport Street. Portion of Stock of Books in quires, etc. Priced. S. G. ct W. 7 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 37. (5.) Percival. John. Bev. Library. Priced. E. 20 Dec. S.-C.E. 46. (3.) [RiCKETTS, Sir George William, Judge in the Presidency of Madras.] Catalogue of the very valuable Law Library and select miscellaneous Books, the property of a late judtie in India. Priced. S. & Son. 20 Dec. ' ^ S.-C.S. 188. (8.) Catalogue of the valuable Law Library of a barrister retiring from the profession, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 22 Dec. S.-C.S^ 188. (9.) 1833. Low. Mrs. H., oJ High Holborn. Portion of Stock of Books. Priced. Southgate, Grimston & Wells, 22, Fleet Street. 4 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 37. (8.) [Blabxey, Mr.] A Catalogue of Books detached from a private Library in the environs of London, etc. Priced. Sotheby & Son, Wellington Street, Strand. 7 Jan. S.-C.S. 189. (1.) 'Viii.-iO-s,y^\\\\i\m,oftheMinories.F.S.A. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 23 Jan. " ' S.-C.S. 182. (2.) Savill, Joseph. Library. Priced. B. H. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 25 Jan. ' , S.-C.E. 46. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 4 Feb. S.-C.S. 189. (3.) BuMPUS, John. Stock of Books. Priced. L. A. Lewis, at 3, Skinner Street, Snow Hill. 5 Feb. S.-C.L. 5. (24.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters, formed by an eminent Collector. Priced. E. 13 Feb. S.-C.E. 46. (5.) & S.-C. 681. (6.) CLAiiKE, Adam, LL.D., F.A.S. Library. Priced. E. 18 Feb. S.-C.E. 46. (6.) 190 1833- [Lloyd, Mr.] Catalogue of a collection of scarce and curious Books, etc. Priced. S. <& Son. 22 Feb. S.-C.S. 189. (6.) YoNGE, Sir George, Bart. China, Portraits, Books, etc. John Dawson, at Hampton, Middlesex. 26 Feb. S.-C. 706. (17.) Catalogue of the Law Library of a gentleman retiring from the profes- sionf Priced. S. G. & W. 27 Feb. 8.-C.8g. 37. (13.) Gilbert, James. Stock of Books, etc. Priced. S. G. (^ W. 4 March. S.-C.Sg. 37. (14.) Catalogue of the valuable Library, the property of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 6 March. S.-C.S. 189. (7.) Smith Digby, Rev., of Worcester ; Lynde, W. J. Libraries. Priced. ;S'. G. cfe W. 12 March. S.-C.Sg. 37. (15.) Glen, James, Rev. Classical portion of Library. Kennie, John, FRS F.S.A. Remaining portion of Library. Priced. E. 19 March. ^ _ S.-C.E. 46. (7.) [Richardson, Mr.] Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, to which is added a portion of the Library of a gentleman deceased. Priced. S. & Son. 20 March. S.-C.S. 190. (2.) Tyton Arthur, i^.L.*S. Part of Library. Priced. S. & Son. 28 March. S.-C.S. 190. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including an extraordinary assemblage of rare and curious early voyages, and a few splendid books of Natural History. Priced. E. 29 March. S.-C.E. 47. (1.) Catalogue of splendid, curious and valuable Books. Priced. E. 3 Ajril. S-C.E. 47. (2.) Catalogue of the Law Library of a late judge m the West Indies, etc. Priced. S. G. & W. 8 April. S.-C.Sg. 38. (3.) Davy Henrv, Artist. Part of Books, Prints, etc. Mr. Deck, Ipswich. 16Apnl. 823. f. 102. (9.) Vaughan, William, F.R.S. Library. Priced. S. d Son. 17 April. S.-C.S. 190. (5.) Miranda Francisco de, General. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. E. ^ 20 April. '^-C-E. 47. (3.) Catalogue of the miscellaneous Library of a gentleman leaving England, etc. ° Priced. S. & Son. 24 April. S.-C.S. 190. (6.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Libraries of two sentlemen, etc. Priced. S. dc Son. 1 May. S.-C.S. 191. (1.) Catalogue of the valuable and extensive Library of a clergyman. Priced. E. 10 May. S.-C.E. 47. (4.) M\CDONALD, Sir James, Bart. Part of Library. Priced. S. & Son. 16 May. S-'^-^- ^^l- (^-^ -1833 191 Catalogne of the select collection of Prints & Drawings, also tlie small but valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 22 May. S.-C.S. 191. (6.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman deceased, etc. Priced. E. 24 May. ^ " S.-C.E. 47. (a.) [Thorpe, Mr.] Catalogue of an excellent collection of standard editions of the Classics, Lexicons, Books of Heraldry, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 25 May. " S.-C.S. 191. (7.) Maskelyne, Nevil, D.D., Astronomer Royal. Astronomical and Mathe- matical Library. Priced. L. & S. 27 May. S.-C.S. 72. (7.) Catalogue of the Miscellaneous and Law Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 30 May. "' S.-C.S. 191. (8.) Sears, M. U. Stereotype Plates and Copyrights. (Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc.) Priced. S. G. & W . 3 June. S.-C.Sg. 38. (16.) Taylor, Sir Simon, Bart. Library. Priced. E. 3 June. S.-C.E. 47. (6.) PuGiN, Augustus. Drawings, Books of Prints, Architectural Library, etc. Priced. B. Wheatley, 191, Piccadilly. 4 June. S.-C.W. 21. (1.) [Paravicini, Mr.] Books in Latin, Spanish, Italian, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 6 June. S.-C.S. 192. (1.) Elwyx, W. B. Library. Priced. W. 10 June. S.-C.W. 21. (2.) [Peppercorne, Mr.] Catalogue of an extensive and miscellaneous collection of Books, the property of a gentleman. Priced. S. & Son. 10 June. ' S.-C.S. 192. (2.) Robinson, Right Hon. Sir Christopher, LL.D., Judge of the Admiralty Court. Miscellaneous and Law Library. Priced. S. G. <& W. 12 June. ' S.-C.Sg. 38. (18.) CiANCHETTiNi, Pio. Original vocal Italian Music. Priced. >S. G. & W. 17 June. S.-C.Sg. 38. (20.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, including the Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. S. cfc Son. 17 June. S.-C.S. 192. (3.) Broadley, John, F.S.A. Librarj^, Prints and Original Drawings. (Part 2.) Priced. E. 19 June. S.-C.E. 47. (7.) Brand, John, of Sutton, Suffolk. Library. Mr. Cana, Woodhridge. 21 June. ■' 823. f. 102. (10.) [Halbach, Mr.] Catalogue of a rare and uncommon collection of the choicest Books, chiefly formed by a foreign Nobleman, etc. Priced. S. cfc- Son. 21 June. S.-C.S. 192. (5.) VJ-2 1833- SouTHGATE, J. W. Part of Library (including Broadsides collected bv Isaac Reed). Priced. S. G. & W. 21 June. S.-C.Sg. 38. (21.) Bkdford, W.. F.S.A. Library. Topographical, Historical and Miscel- laneous. Priced. E. 1 July. S.-C.E. 47. (8.) ([CuLSHA, Mr.'] Catalogue of the classical and miscellaneous Library of a gentleman. Priced. S. & Son. 1 July. S.-C.S. 193. (L) C'artwright, Edmund, 7?ei'.. 2^..1.*S. Part of Library. Priced. S. d- Son. 8 July. ' S.-C.S. 193. (2.) Haxrott, Philip Augustus. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. E. 16 July. "S.-C.E. 48. (1.) & 823. b. 32. (1.) Garrett, Georee, Solicitor. Librarv. Priced. S. S. & Son. 28 June. S.-C.S. 211. (6.) Heber, Richard. Library. (Part 12.) Priced. W. 1 July. S.-C.W. 30. (2.) & 011903. f. 28. (12.) Catalogue of a select collection of curious and rare Books in the Latin, Spanish. Italian and French lanouages, etc. Priced. S. c& Son. 4 July. ' " ^ S.-C.S. 211. (9.) Catalogue of the Historical, Bibliographical and Miscellaneous Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. d Son. 7 July. S.-C.S. 212. (1.) Scott, William, 1st Baron Stoicell. Library. Priced. S. & Son. 11 July. ' S.-C.S. 212. (2.) WiLKTXSOx, Georae. Library. Priced. E. 11 July. S.-C.E. 55. (6.) Wood, Manley, Rev. Library. Priced. Southgate <£• Son. 12 July. S.-C.Sg. 46. (26.) [Bligh, Ed\yard, 5^/* Earl oj Darnley.] A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, includino; the yaluable Town Library of a Noble- man deceased. Priced, if. 20 July. S.-C.W. 30. (3.) Skeltox. Joseph. Stock, Coppers and Copyrights of Works by. Priced.' Southgate & Son. 22 July. " S.-C.Sg. 46. (27.) Burtox, James, jun. Historical Manuscripts and Romances in Arabic. Priced. .S'. & Son. 28 July. S.-C.S. 212. (5.) Catalogue of a rare collection of yaluable works in the Arabic, Persian, Hindostanee, Bengalee, Sanskrit . . . and other Oriental Languages, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 13 Aug. S.-C.S. 212. (6.) Catalogue of the remaining portion of the valuable Library of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. S. & Son. 25 Aug. S.-C.S. 212. (7.) Catalogue of the Law Library of a country solicitor deceased. Priced. Southgate d- Son. 30 Aug. ^ S.-C.Sg. 47. (6.) KiXG, Benjamin Bushell, Stationer and Printseller, Monument Yard. Miscellaneous Books, Books of Prints, Engrayings and Paintings. Priced. Southgate & Son. 14 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 47. (11.) Catalogue of the valuable Law Library of a barrister. Priced. South- gate & Son. 24 Nov. "' S.-C.Sg. 47. (17.) Yreelisg, Sir 'Francis, Bart.. F.S. A. Library. Priced. E. 25 Nov. S.-C.E. 56. (2.) [Barker, Edmund Henry, oJ Thetjord.] A Catalogue of the extensive and useful Library of a well-known scholar. (Part 3.) Priced. W. 29 Nov. S.-C.W. 31. (5.) -204 1836- SiGMOND, George, M.D., F.S.A. Portion of Library. Priced. W. 8 Dec. S.-C.W. 31. (6.) Catalogue of a portion of a gentleman's Librarv, removed from Lincoln's Inn. Priced. E. 21 Dec. " S.-C.E. 56. (3.) 1837. [Pickering, Mr.] Catalogue of a collection of choice Topographical and Miscellaneous Books, beins tlie very select Library of a collector. Priced. Southgate & Son, 22, Fleet Street. 9 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 47. (30.) [SoTHEBY, Samuel, Bookseller.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. S. L. Sotheby, 3, Wellington Street. Strand. 9 Feb. S.-C.S. 213. (1.) A Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, including a selection from the Library of a noble Marquess. Priced. B. Wheatley, 191, Piccadilly. 15 Feb. S.-C.W. 32. (2.) [De Ville, Mr.] Catalogue of the valuable Librarv of a gentleman. Priced. S. L. S. 17 Feb. ' S.-C.S. 213. (2.) Heber, Eichard. Librarv. (Part 13.) Priced. W. 22 Feb. S.-C.W. 32. (3.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, Prints, and Books of Prints. Priced. R. H. Evans, 93, Fall Mall. 24 Feb. S.-C.E. 56. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 2 March. S.-C.S. 213. (3.) Major, John. Books. Priced. Southgate & Son. 3 March. S.-C.Sg. 48. (4.) Love, George, of Bunhill Row. Circulating Librarv. Priced. Southgate cfe Son. 9 March. " S.-C.Sg. 48. (5.) Fisher, Thomas, F.S.A. Topographical and Antiquarian Works by. Priced. Southgate & Son. 15 March. S.-C.Sg. 48. (6.) Philips, Nathaniel. Librarv, Prints, Books of Prints, and Paintings. Priced. E. 20 March. ' S.-C.E. 56. (5.) Clutterbuck, Thomas, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 12 April. S.-C.S. 213. (7.) D'Arblay, Alexander Charles Louis, Rev. Librarv. Priced. E. 12 April. " S.-C.E. 57. (1.) BucHAN, Peter. Library. With a few prices. In }Ym. Smith & Co.'s Sale Rooms, Aberdeen. 13 April. 11901. aa. 13. Catalogue of the Law Library of a countrv solicitor. Priced. Southgate & Son. 20 [21] April. " S.-C.Sg. 48. (11.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 21 April. S.-C.S. 213. (8.) -1837 205 Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman. Priced. E. 21 April. S.-C.E. 57. (2.) Greenland, G. & A. Part of Stock of Books. Priced. L. A. Lewis, 15, Poultry. 2 May. S.-C.L. 7. (20.) FoRSTER, Eicliard. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 3 May. S.-C.S. 2U. (2.) MiLNER, Charles, Barrister. Law Library. Priced. Southgate dt Son. 9 May. ^ S.-C.Sg. 48. (16.) Langdon, Augustus, LL.B. Library. Priced. E. 10 May. S.-C.E. 57. (3.) [Hand, Mr.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, the property of a gentleman. Priced. S. L. S. 10 [12] May. S.-C.S. 214. (S!) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the well-selected Library of an officer, etc. Priced. *S. L. S. 15 May. S.-C.S. 214. (6.) Brooke, W., and B., of Lincoln. Second-hand portion of Stock of Books. Priced. Southgate & Son. 16 May. S.-C.Sg. 48. (18.) Whitfield, John, oj Watford Place, Herts. Library. Priced. Sotith- gate & Son. 24 May. " S.-C.Sg. 48. (19.) Fisher, Thomas, F.S.A. Topographical Drawings and Prints, Portraits, Miscellaneous Prints, Inbrarv, and Manuscripts. Priced. E. 30 May. ^ S.-C.E. 57. (4.) Catalogue of Books, the property of a gentleman removed from Groom- bridge, Kent. Priced. L. 1 June. S.-C.L. 7. (23.) Hatt, Andrew, D.D., Rector oj Greenstead, Essex. Miscellaneous and Theological Library. Priced. Southgate & Son. 2 June. S.-C.Sg. 48. (20.) Dance, George, R.A., F.S.A. Architectural and Miscellaneous Library. Richardson, Charles. Topographical Drawings, Prints, and Library. Mathias, Thomas James. Literary Correspondence and Manuscripts. Priced. E. 19 June. S.-C.E. 57. (5.) Thynne, Thomas, styled Viscount Weymouth. Library. Priced. W. 21 June. ^ S.-C.W. 33. (3.) Catalogue of a very interesting collection of Autograph Letters of distingviished persons, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 21 June. S.-C.S. 215. (1.) Peat, Sir Robert, D.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 23 June. S.-C.S. 215. (2.) Dry, a. H. Sculptures, Paintings, Books, etc. (including models by Michael Angelo, brought to England by William Locke). Debenham ^ Stwr, 26^, St. James's Street. 28 June. 7855. f. 32. (3.) 206 1837- {WiLKiNS, Sir Charles.] Catalogue of a portion of the Library of an eminent orientalist. Belfour, John, M.R.S.L. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 30 June. S.-C.S. 2L5. (4.) Blackburn, John, M.P., oj the TeirqM. Law Library. Priced. Southgate & Son. 1 July. S.-C.Sg. 48. (24.) Jones, William, of North-End, Fulham. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 6 July. S.-C.S. 215. (5.) Stewart, Charles Clarke. Library. Priced. Southgate & Son. 6 July. S.-C.Sg. 48. (25.) LiTTLEDALE, Edward. Library. Priced. E. 14 July. S.-C.E. 57. (6.) Westley, F., and Davis, A. H., Publishers. Stock of Books. Priced. Southgate <& Son. 14 July. S.-C.Sg. 48. (26.) Kempe, Alfred John, F.S.A. Library. Priced. Southgate & Son. 20 July. ' S.-C.Sg. 48. (27.) Burton, James. Books, Books of Prints, and Drawings. Priced. W. 2 Aug. S.-C.W. 33. (6.) Hutton, Charles, LL.D., F.R.S. ; Maskelyne, Nevil, D.D., Astronomer Royal. Portions of Libraries. Priced. Southgate & Son. 7 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 48. (30.) William IV., King oj Great Britain and Ireland. Duplicates of Library. Priced. S. L. S. 24 Aug. S.-C.S. 215. (11.) {Hawkins, Edward, oj Peover Hall.] Catalogue of the extensive Library, remarkable for containing a few beautifully illuminated missals, etc. R. Winstanleij, at Peover Hall, Cheshire. 28 Aug. S.-C. 833. (17.) Fisher, Thomas, F.S.A. ; Kempe, Alfred John, F.S.A. Remaining portions of Books, Coins, Roman Antiquities, etc. Priced. Southgate & Son. 31 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 49._ (2.) Green, Ralph, Insvector -General oj Hospitals. Medical Library. Priced. W. 6 Sept. S.-C.W. 33. (7.) Jarrett, Thomas, of Groomhridge, Kent. Theological Library. Priced. L. 16 Oct. S.-C.L. 7. (28.) Catalogue of the Library of a sentleman, removed from Elv Place, Holborn. Priced. L. 19 Oct. S.-C.L. 7. (29.) Philips, Nathaniel. Books (received from America). Priced. E. 3 Nov. S.-C.E. 58. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 6 Nov. S.-C.S. 216. (1.) WoRTHiNGTON, Hugh, Rev., oj Salter's Hall. Theological Library. Priced. J. W. Southgate, 22^ Fleet Street. 15 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 49. (9.) -1838 207 Catalogue of au excellent collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 17 Nov. S.-C.S. 216. (2.) Catalo,s;ue of rare, curious and valuable Books, Manuscripts and Auto- graphs consigned from Italv, etc. Priced. E. 22 Nov. S.-C.E. 58. (2.) HoBSON, William Colling. Engraved Copper-Plates of Map of Ireland. S. L. S. 29 Nov. S.-C.S. 216. (4.) Kettle. John L. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 29 Nov. S.-C.S. 216. (5.) Combes, William. Library. Priced. E. 4 Dec. S.-C.E. 58. (3.) Copland, Alexander. Part of Library, Priced. S. L. S. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 216. (6.) West, William, M.D., M.R.I. A. Librarv. With preface. Charles Sharpc, 33, Anglesea Street. 9 Dec. " S.-C. 833. (10.) Cataloo'ue of an extensive collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. 216. (7.) Booth, William Henry, F.S.A. Librarv. Priced. E. 15 Dec. S.-C.E. 58. (4.) WoRTHixGTON, Hugh, Rev., of Salter's Hall. Kemaining portion of Theological and Classical Library. Priced. J. W. S. 18 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 49. (11.) [Priestley, Richard.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Classical, Historical J Theological and Miscellaneous Books. Priced. ;S. L. S. 19 Dec. ' S.-C.S. 216. (8.) 1838. Catalogue of a portion of the Stock of a Country Bookseller, etc. Priced. S. L. Sothehij, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 12 Jan. S.-C.S. 217. (1.) Wollaston, Henry John, Rev., A.M., F.L.S. Library. Priced. J. W. SoutJigate, 22, Fleet Street. 16 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 49. (13.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman deceased, etc. Priced. 7?. H. Evans, 93, Pall-Mall. 20 Jan. S.-C.E. 58. (5.) [Millard, Mr.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Theological and Miscellaneous Books. "Priced. S. L. S. 24 Jan. S.-C.S. 217. (2.) Francis, Sir Philip, K.B. Library. Priced. E. 3 Feb. S.-C.E. 58. (6.) White, Henry, Rev., of Lichfield. Library. (Remaining part.) North. Edward Roger, Rev. Books and Manuscripts from Library, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 5 Feb. S.-C.S. 217. (3.) Fenn, Robert, oj Charing Cross. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. , 7 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 49. (15.) 208 ■ ls;38- CoLLiNGWooD, Gcoige Lewis. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 17 Feb. S.-C.S. 217. (5.) Fenn, Robert, of Charinfj Cross. Stock of Books in quires. Priced. J. W. S. 26 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 49. (16.) Markham, Robert, Archdeacon oj the West Riding. Library. Priced. E. 26 Feb. S.-C.E. 58. (7.) Catalogue of a portion of the valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 3 March. S.-C.S. 217. (7.) Harmony Club. German and English Library, etc. Priced. L. A. Lewis, at the George and Vulture Tavern, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill. 21 March. S.-C.L. 8. (6.) Bentham, William, F.S.A., F.L.S. Topographical, Law and Miscel- laneous Library. Priced. E. 23 March. S.-C.E. 59. (1.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Historical, Classical and Oriental Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 12 April. S.-C.S. 217. (11.) Cotton, Horace Salusbury, Rev. Library (Part 1), including part of the Library of Robert Salusburv Cotton. Priced. S.L.S. 23 April. S.-C.S. 218. (1.) PiNNOCK, William. Stock and Copyrights of series of Preparatory School Books. Priced. /. W. S. " 27 April. S.-C.Sg. 49. (20.") [Agar, James, Barrister.] Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books, being a portion of the miscellaneous Library of a barrister. Priced. J. W. S. 1 May. S.-C.Sg. 50. (1.) Hull, Dr., of Manchester. Library. (Parti.) R.Winstanley, Lady man's Hotel, Bridge Street, Manchester. 7 May. S.-C. 833. (15.) [Agar, James, Barrister.] Catalogue of the valuable Law Library of a barrister. Priced. J. W. S. 8 May. S.-C.Sg. 50. "(2.) Marsh's Library, Dublin. Duplicate Books. Priced. C. Sharpe, Anglesea-Street, Dublin. 8 May. 11901. lib. 23. Pitt, William Morton, F.R.S. Library. Priced. E. 9 Mav. S.-C.E." 59. (3.) Debac, p. B. Guinibert. Philosophical, Mathematical and Scientific Library. (Catalogue of the Theological, Historical, and Classical Library of a clergyman, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. 14 May. S.-C.S. 218. (5.) KvLL. Dr., oJ Manchester. Library. (Part 2.) R. Witistanley. 16 Mav. S.-C. 833. (16.) [Kemble, Charles.] Catalogue of some valuable Books, including a well-selected Dramatic Library. Priced. S. L. S. 16 Mav. S.-C.S. 218. (6.) -1838 209 Clarke, Adam, Dr. Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. 21 May. S.-C.S. 218. (8.) Gresley, Sir Koger, Barf. Library. Priced. E. 22 May. S.-C.E. 59. (4.) Catalogue of an extensive collection of theological, historical and miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 31 Mav. S.'-C.S. 219. (1.) Harding and Lepard, Boohellers. Collection of Books. Priced. E. 11 June. S.-C.E. 59. (5.) Capell-Coningsby, Sarah, Countess oj Essex. Library. Mr. Rainy, 14, Regent Street. 13 June. S.-C. 833. (9.) FoRSSTEEN, W., o/ CMsea. Library. Priced. J.W.S. 16 June. S.-C.Sg. 50. (10.) Catalogue of the Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. E. 23 June. S.-C.E. 59. (6.) Leybourn, Joseph Gordon. Numismatic Books. Priced. S. L. S. 27 June. S.-C.S. 219. (10.) Harding and Lepard, Booksellers. Remaining portion of modern Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 9 July. S.-C.Sg. 50. (9.) Catalogue of the Theological and Miscellaneous Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 11 July. ' S.-C.S. 220. (1.) Catalogue of a very select and valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 17 July. ^ S.-C.S. 220. (3.) Van Mildert, William, Bishop oj Durham. Manuscripts. Priced. E. 21 July. S.-C.E. 59. (7.) Arch, John, and Arthur. Booksellers. Stock of Books and Books of Plates. Priced. J. W. S. 2 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 50. (13.) BiELBY, J., late English Master to the Empress Maria Louisa. Portion of Library. Priced. L. 10 Aug. S.-C.L. 8. (10.) Catalogue of a collection of historical, theological and miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 10 Aug. S.-C.S. 220. (6.) Catalogue of the well-selected classical, historical, theological, mathe- matical and miscellaneous Library of a gentleman. Priced. S. L. S. 15 Aug. S.-C.S. 220. (7.) Ottley, William Young. Manuscript Music. Priced. S.L.S. 17 Aug. S.-C.S. 220. (8.) Brooks, J. B., Book- and Printseller. Circulating Library and Stock of Miscellaneous Books. Priced. J. W. S. 20 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 50. (15.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books. Priced. S. L. S. 26 Sept. S.-C.S. 220. (13.) p 210 1838- HuxHAM, Dr., oj Plymouth ; Downham, Dr., of Exeter. Medical Library. Priced. J. W. S. 29 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 51. (1.) Catalogue of an excellent collection of Books in classical, historical, and general literature, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 5 Nov. S.-C.S. 221. (1.) Beloe, Henry Parr, Hev., A.M. Librarj-. Priced. J. W. S. 6 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 51. (2.) Wilson, Effingham. Stock of Books. Priced. L. 14 Nov. S.-C.L. 8. (15.) [HoLFORD, Mr.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Books of Prints. Priced. S. L. S. 15 Nov. S.-C.S. 221. (2.) Tyton, Arthur. Original Drawings illustrating Surrev. portion of Library, etc. Priced. E. 16 Nov. S.X'.E. 60. (1.) Catalogue of Books, being a portion of the Library of a clergvman. Priced. L. 22 Nov. S.-C.L. 8. (16.) Wilson, Effingham. Remaining Stock of Books. Priced. L. 21 Nov. S.-C.L. 8. (17.) Young, Matliew, Numismatist. Numismatic Library. Priced. *S'. L. S. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 221. (3.) Catalogue of the Law Library of a solicitor. Priced. J. W. S. 28 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 51. (4.) Young, Mathew, Numismatist. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 30 Nov. S.-C.S. 221. (4.) Watt, Fitz-James. Portion of I^ibrary. Macan, Turner, Major. Oriental Books and Manuscripts. Priced. E. 1 Dec. S.-C.E. 60. (2.) Laing, W., Bookseller ; Laing, D., Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Parts.) C. B.Tait, 11, Hanover Street. 4 Dec. S.-C. 833. (14.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 221. (b.) ScHLOSS AND Allpress. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 10 Dec. S.-C.Sg. .51. (5.) KiTCHiNER, William, M.D. Musical Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. 14 Dec. ' S.-C.^. 221. (6.) Browne, George Howe. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 221. (7.) Lawrence, Benjamin, Bev., M.A. Librarv. Priced. J. W. S. 18 Dec. ^ S.-C.Sg. 51. (6.) Cotton, Horace Salusburv, Rev. Books on Aneling. Priced. S. L. S. 20 Dec. ' " S.-C.S. 221. (8.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of rare, curious, and fine Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 21 Dec. S.-C.S. 221. (9.) -1839 211 1839. Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, to wliicli is added a consignment from Spain, Priced. R. H. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 18 Jan. S.-C.E. 60. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced.. S. L. Sotkehy, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 7 Feb. S.-C.S. 221. (11.) Macrone, Jolm. First portion of Boarded and Quire Stock of Books. Priced. /. W. Southgate, 22, Fleet Street. 14 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 51. (10.) Catalogue of tlie Library of a clergyman. Priced. L. A. Leivis, 15, Poultry. 15 Feb. S.-C.L. 9. (2.) Stennett, Joseph, Rev. Divinity Library. Priced. J. W. S. 21 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 51. (11.) [WiNDUS, 3Ir.] Catalogue of some choice and valuable Books and Books of Prints, from the Librarv of a collector. Priced. S. L. S^ 21 Feb. ' S.-C.S. 221. (12.) Rose, Hugh James, B.D. Library. Priced. E. 28 Feb. S.-C.E. 60. (4.) Lodge, Edmund, Clarenceux King -at- Arms. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 11 March. S.-C.S. 222. (3.) Jones, Joseph, Editor oj the " Encyclopedia Londinensis." Library. Priced. J. W. S. 13 March. S.-C.Sg. 51. (12.) [Valentine, Mr.] Catalogue of an interesting collection of Old and Modern Plays, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 13 March. S.-C.S. 222. (4.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, with a consignment from the East Indies, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 16 March. S.-C.S. 222. (5.) Rogers, William Lorance, F.S.A. Library. Mellish, William. Portion of Library. Priced. E. 22 March. S.-C.E. 60. (5.) Kernot, Henry. Stock of Books. Priced. J. W. S. 26 March. S.-C.Sg. 51. (14.) [Hearne and Co.] Catalogue of the Stock of Books and Stationery of a country firm dissolving partnership. Priced. J. W. S. 5 April. S.-C.Sg. 52. (1.) Prado, Samuel. Library and Music. Harding and Lepard, Book- sellers. Collection of Manuscripts. Priced. E. 11 April. S.-C.E. 60. (6.) [Kenrick, Jarvis, Rev.] Catalogue of a very valuable collection of Books, including the Library of a clergyman deceased. Priced. J. W. S. 17 April. S.-C.Sg. 52. (2.) p 2 212 1839- Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. ;S'. L. S. 17 April. S.-C.S. 222. (11.) Tate. Willinm. Library. Priced. >S'. L. S. 19 April. S.-C.S. 222. (12.) [Warren, Mr.] Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books . . . and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 20 April. S.-C.S. 222. (13.) Barclay, Mrs. Library, Engravings, Prints, Miniatures and Paintings (including the collection of Frederick Maiide Barclay). Priced. E. 23 April. S.-C.E. 61. (1.) Jamiesox, Jolm, D.D. Numismatic Library. Thompson, Sir Peter. Books from Library. Priced. S. L. S. 3 May. S.-C.S. 223. (1.) [HoLFORD. Charles.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Books of Prints. Priced. ;S'. L. S. 13 May. S.-C.S. 223. (3.) KiRKPATRiCK, George. Portion of Librarv, Ornitholoeical and other Paintings in Oil. Priced. E. 15 May. S.-C.E. 61. (3.) Stewart, James, F.S.S. State Papers, Letters and Autographs. Priced. S. L. S. 17 May. S.-C.S. 223. (5.) [DoLLiXGER, Dr.] Catalogue of rare and curioiis Books consigned from Germany. Priced: S. L. S. 22 May. S.-C.S. 223. (6.) Catalogue of the Law Library of a solicitor deceased. Priced. J. W. S. 23 May. ' S.-C.Sg. 52. (5.) Brittox. John, F.S.A. Librarv. (Part 3.) Priced. J. W. S. 29 May. ' S.-C.Sg. 52. (6.) CoLLixsox, John, oj Huddersfield. Librarv. Priced. L. 6 June. S.-C.L. 9. (10.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, removed from Rickmansworth. Priced. L. 10 June. ^ S.-C.L. 9. (11.) CoTTOX, Horace Salusbury, Rev. Librarv and Autographs. (Part 3.) Priced. S. L. S. 17 June. ' \S.-C.S. 223. (12.) Catalogue of the choice and valuable Librarv of a gentleman recentlv deceased. Priced. E. 21 June. ' " S.-C.E. 61. (4.") Barker. William, Rector of Silvcrton. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. 25 June. S.-C.S. 224. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. E. 29 June. ' S.-C.E. 61. (5.) Valextixe. W., Rev. Books on Angling, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 4 July. S.-C.S. 224. (2.) [DoLLiXGER, Dr.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of rare and curious Books consigned from Germanv, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 6 July. S.-C.S. 224. (3.) -1840 213 Catalogue of the select Law Library of a barrister deceased. Priced. ./. W. S. 8 July. ' S.-C.Sg. 52. (11.) Cox, Samuel Comptoii. Library. Priced. E. 16 July. S.-C.E. 61. (6.) Catalogue of the Philological, Theological, Historical, Classical and Miscellaneous Library of a gentleman deceased. Priced. S. L. S. 1 Aug. ' S.-C.S. 224. (8.) Creexwood, C, and J. Engrayed Copper and Steel Plates of the Atlas of the Counties of England & Wales. S. L. S. 5 Aug. S.-C.S. 224. (9.) EiGAUD, Stephen Peter. Theological, Classical, and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. E. 6 Aug. " S.-C.E. 61. (7.) [HoLFORD, Charles.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, to which are added the Library of a gentleman deceased. Priced. S. L. S. 9 Aug. ' " S.-C.S. 224. (10.) Barker, Edmund Henry, of Thefford. Library. (Reserved part.) Priced. S. L. S. 4 Oct. ' S.-C.S. 225. (1.) Williams, Owen Jones, Musical Composer. Welsh Books, etc. (Cata- logue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. /. W. S. 10 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 53. (2.) Mitchell, Joseph, 31, D. Theological, Historical, Medical and Miscel- laneous Library. Priced. E. 16 Oct. S.-C.E. 62. (1.) Catalogue of the Theological, Mathematical and Miscellaneous Library of a clergyman, deceased. Priced. L. 28 Oct. S.-C.L. 9. (SO!) Taylor, .James. Brighton Roval Library. (Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc.) 'Priced. \j. W. S. 29 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 53. (4.) Catalogue of a portion of tlie Library of a gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. E. 14 Nov. " S.-C.E. 62. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 225. (4.) Catalogue of the miscellaneous Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 30 Nov. ' S.-C.S. 225. (5.) [Mitchell, Mr.] Catalogue of the Duplicate Volumes of two fashion- able Libraries, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 9 Dec. S.-C.S. 225. (6.) Catalogue of the Library of a sentleman, etc. Priced. E. 9 Dec. S.-C.E. 62. (3.) 1840. KiNNARD, William, Architect. Books, Engravings, Drawings, Paintings, etc. Priced. /. IF. Southrjate, 22, Fleet Street. 9 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 53. (14.) 214 1840- Smith, Charles Jolin, F.S.A., Engraver. Library. Priced. S. L. Sotheby, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 15 Jan. S.-C.S. 226. (1.) PiccoLOMixi, Signior. Collection of Manuscripts. Priced. R. H. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 17 Jan. S.-C.E. 62. (4.) Catalogue of the valuable Theological and Miscellaneous Library of a late "eminent divine, etc. Priced. L. A. Lewis, lb. Poultry. 20 Jan. S.-C.L. 10. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 28 Jan. S.-C.S. 226. (2.) Vaughan, Sir John, Justice oj the Court oj Common Pleas. Portion of Law Library. Priced. J. W. S. 30 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 54. (1.) Vaughan, Sir John, Justice oj the Court oj Common Pleas. Historical, Classical and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. J. W. S. 5 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 54. (2.) Weale, James. Library. Priced. E. 5 Feb. S.-C.E. 62. (5.) Catalogue of the very select and valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. -S. L. S. 13 Feb. S.-C. 226. (6.) Smith, James, Author of ''Rejected Addresses." Library. Priced. S. L. S. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 226. (7.) XJackson, Mr., Bookseller.] Catalogue and miscellaneous collection of Books, beinw a portion of the extensive Second Hand Stock of a country bookseller. Priced. J. W. S. 19 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 54. (4.) «GiLES, John Allen, D.C.L. Town Library. Priced. S. L. S. 24 Feb. S.-C. 226. (8.) (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc. Priced. E. 27 Feb. S.-C.E. 62. (6.) Ingle, Thomas, M.D. Medical Library. Priced. L. 28 Feb. S.-C.L. 10. (8.) [Jackson, Mr., Bookseller.] Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, being the third portion of the extensive Second Hand Stock of a country bookseller. Priced. J. W. S. 28 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 54. (5.) Caton, Thomas, Mott, M.D. Library. Priced. L. 2 March. S.-C.L. 10. (9.) Catalogue of the Duplicates of the Library of a nobleman deceased. Priced. E. 11 March. S.-C.E. 62. (7.) (Catalogue of Theological and Miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 11 March. S.-C.S. 226. (10.) AVilliams, John. Books and Engravings. (Part 1.) Priced. L. 12 March. S.-C.L. 10. (10.) BiDDULPH, Thomas Tregenua, Rev. Portion of Library. Priced. J. W. S. 20 March. S.-C.Sg. 54. (8.) -1840 215 CocKSEDGE, Joseph. Arcliitectural and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. L. 20 March. S.-C.L. 10. (12.) Butler. Samuel, Bislwp oj Lichfield. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. Christie & Manson, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 23 March. 011900. ee. 18. (2.) Reynolds, Mr., Coin Dealer. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. 31 March. S.-C.S. 227. (3.) Children. John Georse, F.R.S. Entomological Library. Priced. S.L.S.' 6 Aprih S.-C.S. 227. (4.) Walker. James, Rear-Admiral. Portion of Library. Priced. /. W. S. 7 April. S.-C.Sg. 54. (10.) Catalogue of a valuable and interesting collection of Historical and Pubfic Documents, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 11 April. S.-C.S. 227. (5.) Catalogue of the select Law Library of a barrister, retiring from the profession. Priced. J.W.S. li April. S.-C.Sg. 54. (11.) Granville, Augustus Bozzi, L.R.C.P. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 13 April. S.-C.S. 227. (6.) Yeates, Thomas. Library of Hebrew and Syriac Books and Manu- scripts. Priced. J. W. S. 15 April. S.-C.Sg. 54. (12.) Brixton, John, F.S.A. Stock, Copperplates, Copyrights and Remainders cf Works, etc. Priced. J. W. S. 22 April. S.-C.Sg. 54. (13.) Lloyd, Thomas. Library. (Remaining portion.) Priced. S. L. S. 7 May. S.-C.S. 227. (10.) Williams, John. Books on Architecture, Fine Arts, etc. (Part 2 1) Priced. L. 8 May. S.-C.L. 10. (16.) Lloyd, Thomas. Autograph Letters, etc., illustrative of English History. Priced. S. L. S. 9 May. S.-C.S. 227. (11.) Carter, Joseph, B.D. ; Birch, Thomas, Rev., LL.D. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. 11 May. S.-C.S. 227. (12.) Barrington, Shute, Bishop of Durham. Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. S. L. S. 19 May. S.-C.S. 228. (3.) A Catalogue of Autograph Letters, State Papers, etc. Priced. Fletcher & WheaUey, 191, Piccadilhj. 21 May. S.C. 681. (10.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of fine, rare, and curious Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 27 May. S.-C.S. 228. (7.) Row, Walter, of Great Marlborough Street. Part of Stock of Books. Priced. L. 28 May. S.-C.L. 10. (20.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of rare and curious Books, printed, for the most part, in the fifteenth century, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 30 May. S.-C.S. 228. (8.) 216 1840- BuTLER, Samuel, Bishop of Lichfield. Library. (Aldine Collection, Part 2.) Priced. Christie & Mansons. 1 June. 011900. ee. 18. (3.) Catalogue of some valuable and rare Books, choice Illumined Missals, Historical and other Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 2 June. S.-C.S. 228. (9.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman, removed from Ley ton. Priced. L. 3 June. S.-C.L. 10. (22.) CtOODall, Joseph, Provost oj Eton. Library. With preface. Priced. S.L.S., at the Lodge, Eton. 8 June. S.-C.S. 228. (11.) Briggs, John, Rev., M.A. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S., at the Fencing Room, Eton. 20 June. S.-C.S. 229. (1.) Halliwell, James Orchard, F.R.S. Part of Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. 25 June. S.-C.S. 229. (2.) Halliwell, James Orchard, F.R.S. Part of Collection of Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. 27 June. S.-C.S. 229. (3.) Newmax, Robert Finch, City Solicitor. Law Library. Priced. Southgate & Son, 22, Fleet Street. 6 July. S.-C.Sg. ob. (11.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. T. d; C. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 6 July. S.-C.E. 63. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. *S'. L. S. 16 July. S.-C.S. 229. (7.) Greenwood, C, and J. Engraved Copper and Steel Plates of the Atlas of the Counties of England and Wales. Priced. S. L. S. 18 July. S.-C.S. 229. (8.) Faxcourt, T.. Rev. Library. Priced. S. & S. 25 Julv. S.-C;Sg. 55. (14.) Catalogue of a portion of a gentleman's Library, etc. Priced. T. & C. E. 31 July. S.-C.E. 63. (2.) Sweetinburgh, R. F., of Oxford. Books. Priced. L. 3 Aug. S.-C.L. 10.^ (27.) Denley, .John, of Brijdqcs Street, Covent Garden. Last portion of Stock of Books. Priced. 'S. <& S. 10 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 55. (15.) Catalogue of the well-selected Library of a gentleman, decensed. etc. Priced. S. L. S. 10 Aug. S.-C.S. 229. (11.) Williams, John. Further portion of Stock of Books. Priced. L. 18 Aug. S.-C.L. 10. (28.) Nicholas, T. Librarv. Priced. S. & S. 21 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 56. (1.) Kennett. Richard James, of York Street, Covent Garden. Stock of Books. Priced. S. & S. 31 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 56. (2.) -1841 217 Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. E. 31 Aug. S.-C.E. 63. (3.) George, Thomas. Books, Engravings, Drawings, Paintings, etc. Priced. S. & S. 10 Sept. " S.-C.Sg. 56. (3.) Cory, Robert, Jun., F.S.A. Librarv. B. Rix, Great Yarmouth. 19 Oct. ■ 11902. cc. 28. HouLSTON, Edward. Private Library and portion of Stock of Books. Priced. L. 28 Oct. ' S.-C.L. 10. (33.) Cooper, George Frederick. Stock of Law Books. Priced. *S'. & S. 4 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 56. (5.) HoARE, Prince. Portion of Librarv. Priced. aS^. & 8. 12 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 56. (6.) BoLLAND, Sir William, one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer. Librarv. Priced. R. H.. T. & C. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 18 Nov. S.-C.E. 63. (4.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books in all branches of Literature, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 18 Nov. S.-C.S. 2.30. (2.) Joy, Henry Hall, Q.C. Librarv of Law Books. Priced. S. cC- S. 26 Nov. ' S.-C.Sg. 56. (8.) Joy, Henry Hall, ().C. Portion of Librarv. Priced. S. & S. 27 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 56. (9.) [Petit, Mr.] Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman. Priced. S. L. S. 2 Dec. * S.-C.S. 230. (3.) [Prattinton, Peter.] Catalogue of the select Library of a gentleman deceased, removed from the neiehbourhood of Worcester. Priced. S. L. S. 14 Dec. " S.-C.S. 230. (5.) Houlstox, Edward. Further portion of Stock of Books. Priced. L. 17 Dec. S.-C.L. 10. (40.) Matthews, Arthur, B.D. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. 21 Dec. S.-C.S. 230. (6.) 1841. Macrone, John. Further portion of Stock of Books. Priced. Soutkgate & Son, 22, Fleet Street. 7 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 56. (13.) Scott, Alexander John, D.D., Chaplain to " Lord Nelson." Library. Priced. S. L. Sothebv, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 14 Jan. S.-C.S. 230. (7.) Catalogue of the elegant and valuable Library of a gentleman. Priced. R. H., T. & C. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 20 Jan. S.-C.E. 63. (5.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of fine Books, and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 27 Jan. S.-C.S. 230. (8.) Smallfield, John. Stock of Books. Priced. L. A. Lewis, 125, Fleet Street. 28 Jan. S.-C.L. 11. (2.) 218 1S41- CooKE, Jonathan, of Preston. Stock of Books, Engravings, etc. Priced. L. 15 Feb. S.-C.L. 11. (3.) FoRSTER, John, of Fitzroy Square. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 19 Feb. S.-C.S. 231. (1.) Pensam, John, Law Library. Priced. S. & S. 24 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 57. (3.) Cataloeue of the select Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 27 F^eb. S.-C.S. 231. (2.) Pensam, John. Miscellaneous Library. Priced. S. S S. 8 March. S.-C.Sg. 57. (5.) Smallfield, John. Remaining Stock of Books. Brown, Robert. Library. Priced. L. 9 March. S.-C.L. 11. (5.) Hill, Thomas. Library, Prints, Autographs and Manuscripts. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. iO March. S.-C.E. 64. (1.) Catalogue of a choice assemblage of valuable Books and fine Works of Engravings, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 12 March. S.-C.S. 231. (5.) D\LLA\VAY, James, Rev., F.S.A. Portion of Library. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 31 March. S.-C.E. 64. (2.) Catalogue of an assemblage of rare and miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. ;S'. L. S. 1 April. S.-C.S. 231. (8.) Page, Richard, of Northampton Square. Library. Priced. >S. L. S. 3 April. S.-C.S. 231. (9.) Ryan, Michael, M.D. Medical and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. L. 21 April. S.-C.L. 11. (8.) Willis, William, Bookseller, oj Manchester ; Houlston, Edward. Stock of Books. Priced. L. 1 May. S.-C.L. 11. (9.) Catalogue of a valuable and interesting collection of Autograph Letters, Historical and Exchequer Documents, etc. Priced. S. L. S. [3 May] 30 April. S.-C.S. 231. (12.) & S.-C. 681. (11.) Catalogue of the choice and valuable Library of a well-known collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 10 May. " S.-C.S. 232. (1.) Catalogue of the remaining portion of the Library of an eminent collector. Priced. R. 11., T. & C. E. 11 May. S.-C.E. 64. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 13 May. S.-C.S. 232. (2.) CatalogLieof a collection of Law Books, etc. Priced. S.L.S. 15 May. S.-C.S. 232. (3.) Grace, Sheffield, F.S.A. Portion of Library. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 18 May. S.-C.E. 64. (4.) Smith, J. R., of Lynn. Stock of Books. Priced. L. 28 May. S.-C.L. 11. (11.) -1841 !19 Cutaloffue of the very select and valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 3 June. S.-C.S. 232. (5.) Sweet, Charles, of (rmt-esenf/. Stock of Books. Priced. L. 7 June. . S.-C.L. 11. (12.) WiGHTMAX, George, Stock of Books. (Parti.) Priced. L. 8 June. S.-C.L. 11. (13.) Catalogue of a valuable selection of Chissical and Miscellaneous Books, fronrthe Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 11 June. S.-C.S. 232._ (6.) CataloRue of the Library of a medical gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. L. U June. S.-C.L. 11. (U.) Kloss, Georg Franz Burkhard. Professor in Frankfort. Collection of Early Printed Books. Priced. L. 18 June. S.-C.L. 11. (16.) [Vaughax, W.] Catalogue of the valuable Law Library of a barrister retirins: from the profession. Priced. S. L. S. 19 June. S.-C.Sg. 58. (3.) Absalo:^!, Philip. Heraldic and Miscellaneous Library, Illustrated Manuscripts, Portraits, Prints, etc. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 23 June. S.-C.E. 64. (5.) Catalogue of the valuable Law Library of a solicitor removed from the country. Priced. S. & S. 2 July. S.-C.Sg. 58. (5.) Boose Y, Mr., of Broad Street. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. 9 Aug. S.-C.S. 233. (10.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of choice, rare, and curious Books, consigned from German}^ Priced. *S'. L. S. 27 Aug. S.-C.S. 233. (11.) Wells, John, of Bromletj, Kent. Library. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 3 Sept. S.-C.E. 65. (1.) [Bancks axd Co., of Manchester.] Catalogue of a miscellaneous collec- tion of Books, chieflv modern, including the Bankrupt Stock of a Bookseller. Priced. " S. d: S. 8 Sept. S.-C.Sg. 58. (13.) Chalmers, George, F.R.S., F.S.A. Librarv. (Part 1.) Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 27 Sept. S.-C.E. 66. (1.) SiOR, Mr, Stock of Books. Priced. S. & S. 27 Sept. S.-C.Sg. 58. (16.) Bancks and Co., of Manchester. Portion of Stock of Books. Priced. S.dS. 7 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 59. (1.) Holmes, John, F.S.A., of Retford. Library. Priced. S. L. S. 18 Oct. S.-C.S. 234. (1.) Daly, Charles. Stock of Books. (Part 1.) Priced. L. 20 Oct. S.-C.L. 11. (21.) 220 1841- HoPE, James, M.D., F.R.S. Medical Library. Priced. L. 29 Oct. S.-C.L. 11. (22.) Akerman, Samuel Crew, Bookseller, oj Greville Street. Stock of Books. Priced. S. & S. 18 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 59. (5.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 18 Nov. S.-C.S. 234. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Law Books, removed from Clement's Inn, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 19 Nov. S.-C.S. 234. (5.) Daly, Charles. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. L. 24 Nov. S.-C.L. 11. (25.) Akerman, Samuel Crew, Bookseller, oj Greville Street. Kemainder of Stock of Books. Priced. S. & S. 2 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 59. (7.) PuiGBLANCH, Antouio, Dr. Librarv. Priced. L. 9 Dec. S.-C.L. 11. (28.) Archer, John, Port Inspector oj H.M. Excise. Library, etc. Priced. S. & S. 15 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 59. (9.) Farington, Robert, D.D. Theological, Classical and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 15 Dec. S.-C.E. 65. (2.) Catalogue of a choice assemblage of Books ; including some fine and rare volumes, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 234. (10.) Catalogue of a large collection of popular Novels and Romances of the present day ; being the Duplicates of a fashionable Library, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 16 Dec. S.-C.S. 235. (1.) Catalogue of the Library of a gentleman leaving London. Priced. L. 17 Dec. ' S.-C.L. 11. (29.) Bancks and Co., oj Manchester. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. S. & S. 20 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 60. (1.) Butler, Samuel, Bishoi^ oj Lichjield. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. [Christie & Manson, 8, Kinq Street, St. James's Square.] [1841.] 011900. ee. 18. (4.) In the cataloque oj Puttich S. 16 June. S.-C.S. 246. (1.) Phelps. John Delafield, F.B.S., F.S.A. Library. Priced. R. H., T. &C. E. 19 June. S.-C.E. 67. (7.) Catalogue of a choice selection of books from the Library of a gentle- man, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 26 June. S.-C.S. 246. (3.) Catalogue of the valuable Librarv of a baronet deceased. Priced. R. H.. T. cD C. E. 4 July. ^ S.-C.E. 67. (8.) WranCtHAM, Francis, F.R.S., Archdeacon of East Riding. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S. L. S. 12 July. S.-C.S. 247. (1.) Dallix. Kobert, Rev. Librarv. Priced. H. S. <6 Co. 25 July. S.-C.Sg. 65. (3.) LocKYER, Edmund Leopold. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. 26 Julv. S.-C.S. 247. (3.) Templemax, Jolm, of Regent Street. Books. Priced. L. 26 July. S.-C.L. 14. (16.) Catalogue of a portion of the valuable Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 8 Aug. S.-C.E. 67. (9.) Templeman, John, of Regent Street. Books. Priced. L. 11 Aug. S.-C.L. 14. (18.) ILloyd, Mr.] Catalogue of the remaining portion of the Books and Manuscripts of a distinguished collector deceased. Priced. S. L. S. 14 Aug. S.-C.S. 247. (4.) Forster, Samuel, D.D. Librarv. Mr. Spurling, at tlie Rectory, Sfiotleij, near IpswicJi. 20 Sept. 824. i. 49. (5.) CoxE, William, Rev. ; Woodforp, Matthew, Archdeacon oj Winchester. Selections from Libraries. Priced. H. S. & Co. 18 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 65. (7.) Lang, Charles Porcher. Library. Priced. R.H.,T.&C.E. 3 Nov. S.-C.E. 68. (1.) Lowxdes, Henry. Librarv. Priced. S. Leigh Sothehy & Co., 3, ]Yellington Street, Strand. 7 Nov. S.-C.S. 248. (1.) Bingham, N. Medical, Theological and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. L. 10 Nov. S.-C.L. 14. (23.) [GoocH, Mr.] Catalogue of a collection of Books, Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 14 Nov. S.-C.S. 248. (2.) Thomas, Thomas. Library. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 29 Nov. S.-C.E. 68. (2.) -1844 227 Wrangham, Francis, F.R.S., Archdeacon of East Riding. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S. L. S. d Co. 29 Nov. S.-C.S. 248. (5.) Maddox, George. Arcliitectural Library. Priced. L. 1 Dec. S.-C.L. 14. (28.) Blunt, Henry, M.A., Rector of Streatham. Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. L. 8 Dec. S.-C.L. 14. (29.) [Eytox, Joseph Walter King, F.S.A.] Catalogue of a selection of Books from the Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 249. (1.) Scott, Webster, and Geary. Copyrights, Steel and Stereotype Plates, and Printed Stock. Priced. "L. 13 Dec. S.-C.L. 14. (30.) Catalogue of some valuable theological, historical and classical books from the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 18 Dec. " S.-C.S. 249. (2.) Catalogue of a very choice collection of rare and curious Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 21 Dec. S.-C.S. 249. (.3.) Catalogue of a collection of Miscellaneous and Law Books, the property of a gentleman deceased. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 22 Dec. S.-C.E. 68. (3.) [Evans, Mr.'\ Catalogue of a small but good collection of Classical, Historical and Miscellaneous Books. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 23 Dec. S.-C.S. 249. (4.) 1844. Reynolds, William Foster. Library. Priced. S. Leigh Sothehy & Co., 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 15 Jan. S.-C.S. 249. (5.) Tate, James, Canon oj St. Paul's Cathedral. Portion of Librar}'. Priced. R. H., T. & C. Evans, 93, Pall Mall. 15 Jan. S.-C.E. 68. (4.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 31 Jan. S.-C. 249. (6.) Black, John, Editor oj the " Morning Chronicle." Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 16 Feb. S.-C.S. 250. (1.) Black, John, Editor oj the " Morning Chronicle." Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. S. L. S. cfc Co. 11 March. S.-C.S. 251. (1.) JoLLEY, Thomas, F.S.A. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 March. S.-C.S. 251. (2.) Black and Armstrong, Foreign Booksellers. Remaining Stock of Books. Priced. A. Lewis, 8, Wellington Street North, Strand. 22 March. S.-C.L. 15. (8.) Black and Armstrong, Foreign Booksellers. Remaining Stock of Books. Priced. L., 125, Fleet Street. 11 April. S.-C.L. 15. (11.) Q 2 228 1844- [Eytox, Josepli Walter King, F.S.A.] Catalogiie of some fine and valuable Books from the Library of an eminent collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 April. ^ S.-C.S. 251. (3.) Catalogue of the residue of the valuable Library of a dignitary of the Church of England. Priced. S. L. S. ci- Co. 18 April. ^ S.-C.S. 251. (4.) Black, John, Editor of the " Morning Chronicle." Part of Library. Wrangham, Francis, Rev., F.R.S. Part of Library. St. Amaxd, Monsieur de. Mathematical and Scientific .Books. Priced. ,S. L. S. & Co. 22 April. S.-C.S. 251. (5.) FAGA.N, Christopher Sullivan, 6r'e?ieraL Library. Priced. L. 15 April. ^ S.-C.L. 15. (15.) Lowe Sir Hudson, Lieut. -General, K.C.B. Remaining portion of Library. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 1 May. S.-C.E. 68. (5.) SoUTHEY Robert, LL.B., Poet Laureate. Library. Priced. 8. L. S. & Co. 8 May. S.-C.S. 252. (1.) Harm\n, Jeremiah. Library. Priced. R. H., T. & C. E. 20 May. ■ " ' ' S.-C.E. 68. (7.) Bright, Beniamin Heywood. Law Library. Priced. S. L. S. March. S.-C.L. 17. (8.) Fletcher, William. Library. (Including the Library of William Fletcher, late one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Ireland.) Priced. S. L. S. d- Co. 9 March. S.-C.S. 264. (6.) Anstice, Robert, F.G.S. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. d Co. 24 March. S.-C.S. 264. (10.) [Eyton, Joseph Walter King, F.S.A.] Catalogue of some very choice and valuable Books ... to which is added a selection of fine books from the Library of an eminent collector. Priced. ;S. L. S. & Co. 27 March. S.-C.S. 264. (11.) Thane, Thomas. Books, Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 2 April. S.-C.S. 264. (12.) Johns, William, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, the property of a gentleman, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. d Co. 7 April. S.-C.S. 265. (2.) Stevenson, Thomas, Bookseller, of Camhridge. Stock of Books. (Part 3.) Priced. L. 9 April. S.-C.L. 17. (11.) Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex. Music. Christie d Manson, 8, King Street, St. James's 'Square. 20 April. 7897. i. 29. Hall. Peter, Rev. Books. Priced. S. L. S. d: Co. 28 April. S.-C.S. 265. (4.) Waller. Thomas, of Bromley. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. d: Co. 1 May. ' S.-C.S. 265. (5.) Stevenson, Thomas, Bookseller, of Cambridge. Stock of Books. (Part 4.) Priced. L. 13 May. S.-C.L. 17. (15.) Till, William, of Covent Garden. Numismatic Library. Priced. S. L. S. d Co. 15 May. S.-C.S. 265. (7.) Todd. Henry John, Archdeacon of Cleveland. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 16 May. S.-C.S. 265. (8.) Bayly, Henrv, Major -General. Private and Professional Library. Priced. X.' 25 May. S.-C.L. 17. (16.) [Bates, Mr., of Lichfield.], Catalogue of a collection of Books, including the Library of a gentleman removed from Lichfield, etc. Hutchison, Robert. Portion of Library. Priced. S. d B. 27 May. S.-C.Sg. 69. (7.) [Chorley, William Brownswood.] Catalogue of the Librarv of a gentleman. Priced. S. L. S. d Co. 3 June. S.-C.S. 266. (3.) 234 1846- HoLGATE, William, of the G.P.O. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 8 June. " S.-C.S. 266. (4.) Heppel, G. H. Portion of Library. Priced. S. & B. 10 June. S.-C.Sg. 69. (8.) Stevenson, Thomas, Bookseller, of Cambridge. Stock of Books. (Part 5.) Priced. L. 10 June. S.-C.L. 17. (20.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books from the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 12 June. S.-C.S. 266. (5.) Upcott, William. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& Co., at the rooms of Messrs. Evans, 106, New Boml Street. 15 June. S.-C.S. 267. (1.) & 11902. g. 44. (1.) Stevenson, Thomas, Bookseller, of Cambridge. Stock of Books. (Part 6.) Priced. L. 19 June. S.-C.L. 17. (23.) Upcott, William. Manuscripts and Autograph Letters. Priced. S. L. S. & Co., at the rooms of Messrs. Evans, 106, New Bond Street. 22 June. S.-C.S. 267. (2.) & 11902. g. 44. (2.) Wordsworth, Christopher, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 22 June [1846]. S.-C.S. 266. (9.) Goodenough, Edmund, D.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 29 June. ' S.-C.S. 267. (4.) NoRRis, John, of High Wycombe. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 7 July. ' S.-C.S. 267. (6.) Emans, William. Stereotype Steel and Copper Plates and remaining Stock of Books. Priced. S. & B. 8 July. S.-C.Sg. 69. (11.) Barker, Samuel, of Rutland. Library. (Including the libraries of the Rev. William Whiston and Thomas Barker.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 July. S.-C.S. 267. (7.) Field, Barron, Chief Justice of Gibraltar. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 20 July. S.-C.S. 268. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of rare Books, Books of Prints, and Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 7 Aug. S.-C.S. 268. (4.) Gantter, Louis. Musical Library. Priced. Puttick & Simpson, 191, Piccadilly. 10 Aug. ' S.-C.P. 1. (3.) Allen, John. Part of Library. Upcott, William. Rest of Library and Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 12 Aug. S.-C.S. 268. (5.) [Evans, Robert Harding.] Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, Manuscripts . . . Engravings, Books of Prints . . . the property of a bankrupt. Priced. S. L. S. & Co., at 106. New Bond Street. 25 Aug. S.-C.S. 268. (6.) -1847 235 Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including a Library removed from Staffordshire. Priced, *S'. & B. 16 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 70. (1.) Chorley, William Brownswood. Spanisli Books. Priced. S. L. S. & Go. 21 Oct. S.-C.S. 269. (1.) Dedel, Baron. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 2 Nov. S.-C.S. 269. (2.) Wedgwood. Josiali. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d: Co. 16 Nov. S.-C.S. 269. (3.) Haslock, Jolm, Rev., of Kentish Town. Theological and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. >S'. & B. 20 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 70. (8.) [Steuart, John Robert.] Catalogue of the Numismatic Library of an eminent collector. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 25 Nov. S.-C.S. 270. (1.) Hodgson, Charles, Vicar of St. Tudy, Cormvall. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. (& Co. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 270. (2.) [Nasmyth, Alexander, Dentist.] Catalogue of the Botanical Library of a Gentleman . . . also the valuable Library of an eminent Surgeon- Dentist. Priced. S. L. S. <& Co. -i Dec. S.-C.S. 270. (3.) Farrell, R. Library. Priced. S. & B. 9 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 70. (13.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 270. (4.) Wakefield, Daniel, Q.-C. Law Librarv. Priced. P. c& S. 14 Dec. S.-C.P. 1. (11.) Dukes, Thomas Farmer, F.S.A. Historical Manuscripts relating to Shropshire. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 16 Dec. S.-C.S. 270. (5.) [HoARE, Mr.] Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Theological, Classical and Historical Books. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 270. (6.) [DowDiXG, Rev. M. ; Lyte, Henry Francis, Rev.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of English and foreign Theology, being the Libraries of two clergymen, etc. Priced. S. & B. 18 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 70. (14.) Maunoir, Professor of Geneva. Autograph Letters and Manuscripts. ^ Priced. P. & S. 18 Dec. S.-C.P. 1. (12.) 1847. [Eyton, Joseph Walter King, F.S.A.] Books from Library. (Cata- logue of a valuable assemblage of fine Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. Sothehy cfc Co., 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 11 Jan. S.-C.S. 270. (7.) 236 1847- Ciitalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Library of a Literary Character. Priced. Southfjate cfc Barrett, 22, Fleet Street. 12 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 70. (16.) Wal.sh. James. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 18 Jan. S.-C.S. 270. (8.) [Ryax. Sir Edward.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of modern Law Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. <& Co. 21 Jan. S.-C.S. 271. (1.) Strong, William, Bookseller, of Bristol. Stock of Books. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 1 Feb. S.-C.S. 271. (2.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 11 Feb. S.-C.S. 271. (4.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 26 Feb. S.-C.S. 271. (6.) [WiLKS, John, M.P. for Sudbury, Suffolk:] Catalogue of the valuable Library of an eminent collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Go. 12 March. S.-C.S. 272. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, including the Library of a gentleman, removed from Bristol. Priced. ;S'. & B. 18 March. S.-C.Sg. 71. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 29 March. S.-C.S. 272. (3.) Caroline Ferdinanda Louisa, Duchess de Berri. Illustrated Works from Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. S. (& B. 30 March. S.-C.Sg. 71. (3.) Stumpff. J. A. Musical Collections. Priced. Puttick & Simpson, 191, Piccadilly. 30 March. S.-C.P. 2. (7.) & C. 61. h. 1. (1/3.) Challoner, Neville Butler. Part of Stock of Music, etc. Priced. P. & S. 1 April. S.-C.P. 2. (8.) Banks, J. Cleaver. Librarv. Priced. P. d- S. 15 April. S.-C.P. 2. (9.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 1.5 April. S.-C.S. 272 (4.) Capel, John. Books, etc. Messrs. Winstanley, 32, Russell Square. 23 April C. 61. h. 1, 3. (12.) Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 23 April. S.-C.P. 2. (11.) Capel, John. Paintings. Library of Music, etc. Messrs. Winstanley. 26 April. . C. 61. h. 1, 3. (13.) Catalogue of Autograph Letters, partly the collection of a Royal Personage, etc. Priced. P. & S. 27 April. S.-C.P. 2. (12.) -1847 237 Catalogue of a very choice assemblage of fine Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 29 April. S.-C.S. 273. (2.) PiGOTT, John Hugh Smvth. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. d: Co. 3 May. ' S.-C.S. 273. (3.) Bennett, William, of Paternoster Row. Stock of Books, etc. Priced. S. & B. 7 May. S.-C.Sg. 71. (8.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of an editor, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 7 May. ^ S.-C.P. 3. (2.) [Eyton, Joseph Walter King, F.S.A.'\ Catalogue of some very choice Books from the valuable Library of an eminent collector. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 14 May. S.-C.S. 274. (1.) Pott, Joseph Holden, Archdeacon of London. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 May. S.-C.S. 274. (2.) Sykes, Mary Elizabeth, Lady. Library. (Remaining Part. Catalogue of a valuable collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 22 May. S.-C.P. 3. (5.) Blake, Stephen. Library. Priced. S. d B. 28 May. S.-C.Sg. 71. (11.) Ranuzzi, Vincenzio, Count. Manuscripts from Collection. Priced. P. & S. 31 May. S.-C.P. 3. (7.) These Manuscripts ivere sold privately. Ai^DERDO^, John TroctoT, of Berkshire. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 1 June. ' S.-C.S. 274. (4.) Chidley, John James, Bookseller. Entire Printed Stock, Stereotype Plates, Copper and Steel Plates, and Copyrights. Priced. L. A. Lewis, 125, Fleet Street. 1 June. S.-C.L. 18. (7.) RiEGO, Miguel del, Canon de Oviedo. Library. Priced. S. L. S. (£• Co. 2 June. S.-C.S. 279 (2.) Harman, Edward. Library. Christie & Manson, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 4 June. 11904. dd. 27. (1.) Catalogue of the Law Libraries of a barrister retiring from the profes- sion, and of a solicitor, deceased. Priced. S. & B. 7 June. S.-C.Sg. 7L (12.) Hawkins, Enoch, of H.M. Chapel Royal, St. James's. Musical Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 14 June. S.-C.S. 275. (4.) Parsons, James, Rev. Classical and Theological Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 16 June. S.-C.S. 275. (5.) PoPPE, Frederick. English and German Library. Priced. L. 18 June. S.-C.L. 18. (8.) Stumpff, J. A. Library. Priced. P. & S. 18 June. S.-C.P. 3. (8.) 238 1847- Reyxolds, William, of Eldon Street. Remaining Stock of Books. Priced. L. 22 June. S.-C.L. 18. (9.) M.ihLEVi,io\\n, Q.C., of Lincoln s Inn. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 23 June. S.-C.S. 275. (7.) DoNXADiEU, A. Part of Autograph Letters. With preface. Priced. P. (t- >S'. 29 June. S.-C.P. 3. (9.) [Eytox, Joseph Walter King, F.S.A.] Catalogue of some very choice and valuable Books from the library of an eminent collector. Chiswell. Richard Muilman Trench. Part of Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. d- Co. 1 July. S.-C.S. 276. (1.) WiLSOx, W^nlter, of Bath. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 5 Julv- S.-C.S. 276. (2.) Carter, Thomas. Library. Priced. L. 6 July. S.-C.L. 18. (10.) £HoLMER, Mr.^ Catalogue of the valuable Librarv of a well-known collector. Priced. S. & B. 7 July. ' S.-C.Sg. 71. (16.) Stevexsox. Thomas, Bookseller, of Canthridge. Further portion of Stock. Priced. L. 8 July. S.-C.L. 18. (11.) Cary. Wilton. Librarv. Priced. S. cfc B. 16 Julv. \S.-C.Sg. 71. (18.) HoscHELES, Ignace. Part of Library. (Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. cfc S. 23 July. S.-C.P. 3. (12.) KxiGHT, William, F.S.A. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 2 Aug, S.-C.S. 277. (2.) Du Plessis, C. H. J. B. A"., Chevalier ; Bellixi, Signor. Autograph Letters from Collections. Priced. P. d- S. 7 Aug. S.-C.P. 4. (1.) [MacDoxald, Major.] Catalogue of an interesting and valuable collection of Manuscripts, the property of a gentleman formed during his residence in Hungarv, Northern Italy, and Greece. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 11 Aug. ' ' S.-C.S. 278. (2.) Skegg, Edward. Autograph Letters. Gray, Thomas, the Poet. Unpublished Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. d Co. 12 Aug. S.-C.S. 278. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, including the greater portion of the Librarv of an eminent phvsician, etc. Priced. P. d S. 17 Aug. ' ' ' S.-C.P. 4. (2.) Pooler, Richard Turner. Library. Turxer, Sharon, Historian. Part of Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. d Co. 18 Aug. S.-C.S. 278. (5.) Smeetox, George. Part of Librarv, etc. Sorelli, Guido. Books from Library. Priced. P. d S.' 28 Sept. S.-C.P. 4. (4.) -1848 239 RiEGO, Miguel del, Canon cle Oviedo. Spanisli Books. Priced. S. L. S. <& Co. 6 Oct. S.-C.S. 279. (1.) Hamilton, Charles J., of High Street, Islington. Stock of Books. (Part 1.) Priced. S. & B. 14 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 72. (3.) Hamilton, Charles J., of High Street, Islington. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. S. & B. 2 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 72. (6.) Murphy, John, B.C. Bishop of Cork. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 3 Nov. S.-C.S. 280. (1.) Snare, R., of Reading. Portion of Stock of Second-Hand Books. . Priced. S. & B. 16 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 72. (9.) Louis [Bonaparte], King of Holland. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 281. (1.) Hamilton, Charles J., of High Street, Islington. Collection of Auto- graph Letters, Manuscripts, etc. (Part 3 of Stock.) Priced. S. & B. 25 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 72. (10.) & S.-C. 679. (6.) [Fox, Henry Edward, Ath Baron Holland.] Catalogue of some valuable Duplicate Books from the Library of a nobleman. [Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris.] Part of Librarv. Choveaux, F. A. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 29 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 281. (2^.) Catalogue of a collection of Books in various languages, including a portion of the Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 30 Nov. S.-C.P. 4. (13.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of fine Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 9 Dec. S.-C.S. 282. (1.) Catalogue of the greater part of the valuable Library of an eminent literary character, etc. Priced. P. & S. 9 Dec. S.-C.P. 4. (14.) 3IURPHY, John. B.C. Bishop of Cork. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 282. (2.) Hewlett, A. Library. Priced. S. & B. 16 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 72. (17.) [Gauntlett, Henry John.] Catalogue of the very extensive, rare, and valuable Musical Library of a distinguished professor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 17 Dec. S.-C.P. 5. (1 ) 1848. Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Books of Prints. Priced. S. Leigh Sothehy & Co., 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 7 Jan. S.-C.S. 283. (1.) Morgan, John, F.L.S. Medical Library. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. Puttick & Simpson, 191, Picca- dilkj. 12 Jan. S.-C.P. 5. (3.) Wise, Benjamin, Rev. Library. Priced. Southgate <& Barrett, 22, Fleet Street. 14 Jan. ^ S.-C.Sg. 73. (2.) 240 1848- Catalogue of valuable Books and fine Books of Prints. Priced. S. L. S. dc Co. 14 Jan. S.-C.S. 283. (3.) Snare, E., of Reading. Further portion of Stock of Second-hand Books. Priced. S.'cicB. 21Jan. S.-C.Sg. 73. (3.) Essex, Timothy, Mus. Doc. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable col- lection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 27 Jan. S.-C.P. 5. (4.) Hughes, Thomas Smart, Rev. Books, Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 31 Jan. S.-C.S. 283. (5.) Murphy, John, R.C. Bishop of Cork. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 2 Feb. S.-C.S. 284. (1.) HuTTNER, Johann Christian, of the Foreign Office. English and Foreign Library. Priced. L. A. Leivis, 125, Fleet Street. 17 Feb. S.-C.L. 19. (4.) Irving, John, M.P. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 22 Feb. S.-C.S. 284. (6.) Earle, William. Library. Priced. S. & B. 24 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 73. (10.) Jeffs, William, Bookseller. Part of Stock of Books. Priced. P. & S. 25 Feb. S.-C.P. 5. (7.) Hughes, John Newington. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 29 Feb. S.-C.S. 288. (1.) Catalogue of the very select Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 4 March. ' S.-C.S. 285. (2.) PiCART, Samuel, Rev. Musical Librarv. Priced. P. & S. 10 March. S.-C.P. 6. (1.) Hatchett, Charles, F.R.S. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 13 March. S.-C.P. 6. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters, including forty-eight Unpublished Letters of David Garrick, etc. Priced. P. & S. 16 March. S.-C.P. 6. (3.) [Newman, J.] Catalogue of the valuable Law Library of an eminent Queen's Counsel who has retired from the profession. Priced. S. & B. 17 March. S.-C.Sg. 73. (14.) Audinet, Philip, Engraver. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 20 March. ' S.-C.S. 286. (1.) Green, John, o/ 33, *SoAo *S(7ware. Stock of Music. (Parti.) Priced. P. & S. 27 March. S.-C.P. 6. (5.) [Bellchambers, Edmund.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books in elegant bindings. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 4 April. S.-C.S. 286. (4.) Hatchett, Charles, F.R.S. Part of Musical Library. Priced. P. & S. 12 April. S.-C.P. 6. (7.) -1848 241 Green, John, of 33, Solio Square. Stock of Music. (Part 2.) Priced. P. & S. U April. S.-C.P. 6. (8.) Alchorne, Stanesby, of the Mint. Part of Library. Hamlet, Miss. Books and Books of Prints. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 17 April. S.-C.S. 287. (3.) Catalogue of a portion of a Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 17 April. " S.-C.P. 6. (9.) HoPKiNSON, Arthur. Library. Priced. S. <& B. 19 April. S.-C.Sg. 73. (21.) Catalogue of rare and valuable Books, fine Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. <& Co. 28 April. S.-C.S. 287. (4.) Murphy, John, R.C. Bishop of CorJc. Library. (Part 4.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 1 May. S.-C.S. 288. (1.) Eyton, Joseph Walter King, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 May. S.-C.S. 289. Bransby, James Hews, Rev. Library. Priced. P. & S. 22 Mav. S.-C.P. 6. (11.) HuRD, Philip, Barrister-at-Laiv. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 24 May. S.-C.S. 290. (1.) Parry, Edward. Library and Engravings. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 25 May. S.-C.S. 290. (2.) GoDDARD, Charles, Archdeacon of Lincoln. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 30 May. S.-C.S. 290. (5.) [James, Mr.'] Catalogue of the Library of an eminent author, and of a gentleman deceased. Priced. 8. L. S. cfe Co. 1 June. S.-C.S. 290. (6.) Sams, AV. B. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 5 June. S.-C.S. 291. (1.) Green, John, of 33, Soho Square. Stock of Music. (Part 3.) Priced. P. & S. 6 June. S.-C.P. 6. (14.) Green, John, o/ 33, ^oAo /S^-ware. Stock of Music. (Part 4.) Millar, T. F., of Bath. Part of Musical Library. Priced. P. & S. 9 June. S.-C.P. 6. (15.) Catalogue of the Natural History and Miscellaneous Library of a gentleman deceased, removed from Stoke Newington. Priced. L. 9 June. S.-C.L. 19. (16.) Askew, R. C, Barrister -at-Laiv. Law Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 June. S.-C.S. 291. (2.) Richardson, Robert, of the Bengal Civil Service. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 June. S.-C.S. 291. (3.) Henderson, Alexander. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 21 June. S.-C.S. 292. (3.) R 242 1848- MuRPHY, John, R.C. Bishop of Cork. Library. (Theological Part.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 3 July. S.-C.S. 293. (3.) Bullock, John. Autograph Letters. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 10 July. S.-C.S. 294. (1.) & S.-C. 678. (8.) Wellesley, Henry, \st Baron Cowley. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 11 July. S.-C.P. 7. (6.) Bullock, John. Books. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 13 July. S.-C.S. 294. (2.) Catalogue of a second portion of exceedingly choice Books, consigned from Paris . . . Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 July. S.-C.S. 294. (4.) CouLTHART, John Ross. Library. Priced. P. & S. 20 Julv. S.-C.P". 7. (8.) Delessert, Benjamin. Library. Priced. ^S'. L. S. & Co. 21 July. S.-C.S. 295. (3.) Field, John. Library. Garrick, David. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 25 July. S.-C.S. 295. (4.) Powell, David T., Rev., LL.B. Library. Priced. P. & S. 31 July. S.-C.P. 7. (12.) Catalogue of valuable Books, including a portion of the Library of an eminent divine, etc. Priced. P. & S. 24 Aug. S.-C.P. 7. (14.) Brogden, James, Rev., M.A. Theological and Classical Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 25 Aug. S.-C.S. 298. (2.) Maskell, William, Rev. Liturgical Works. (Duplicate volumes of the Maskell Collection in the British Museum.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 30 Aug. S.-C.S. 298. (3.) [Mason, M.] Catalogue of some valuable Books, Books of Prints and rare Engravings . . . the property of a gentleman having left his residence in Paris. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 31 Aug. The Catalogue is in French. S.-C.S. 298. (4.) Cotton, Horace Salusbury, Rev., Ordinanj of Newgate. Library. (Remaining part, including part of Library of Robert Salusbury Cotton.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 7 Sept. S.-C.S. 299. (2.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous assemblage of Historical, Theological, and Classical Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. cfe Co. 9 Sept. S.-C.S. 299. (3.) Norton, J. T. Library. Priced. S. <£• P. 14 Sept. S.-C.Sg. 74. (10.) Robinson, William, ZP.P)., P.*S..4. Part of Library. Priced. P. d S. 20 Sept. ^ S.-C.P. 8. (2.) BouLGE Hall, Suffoll-. Books, Engravings, etc. Boulge Hall, near Woodbridge. 28 Sept. 824. i. 49. (8.) -1849 243 Creak, Alexander, Rev. Library, Rix & Burton, Great Yarmoutli. 26 Oct. " 824. i. 49. (14.) Bartlett, Mr., of Blanclfonl, Dorsetshire. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 6 Nov. S.-C.S. 300. (1.) [Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Baron Loughborough, 1st Earl of Rosslyn.] Catalogue of a portion of tlie Library of a late Lord Chancellor. Priced. P. & S. 20 Nov. S.-C.P. 8. (6.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Theological Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 300. (3.) White, William Archibald Armstrong, Barrister -at-Laio. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 8 Dec. S.-C.S. 301. (4.) Young, George, D.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 11 Dec. S.-C.S. 301. (5. Rogers, Edward, o/jLu'erjoooL Part of Library. Priced. S.L. S. & Co. 12 Dec. " S.-C.S. 301. (6.) Scott, Page Nicol. Library. Priced. P. & S. 14 Dec. S.-C.P. 8. (9.) Benwell, Peter Sarney. Part of Historical Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 16 Dec. S.-C'.S. 302. (2.) Hodges, Charles, of Franlfort. Autograph Letters. Priced. P. & S. 18 Dec. S.-C.P. 8. (11.) Murphy, John, R.C. Bishop of Cork. Library. (Part 6.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 302. (3.) [Lyte, Henry Francis.] Catalogue of a collection of English and Foreign Theological Books, the property of a well-known collector, lately deceased. Priced. S. & B. 20 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 74. (22.) RoKEWODE, John Gage. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 22 Dec. S.-C.S. 302. (4.) 1849. Stowe House, Buckinghamshire. Library. Priced. S. L. Sotheby & Co., 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 8 Jan. (24 days.) t i S.-C.S. 303. Baseir, George. Library. Lysoxs, Samuel. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co.^ 14 Feb. S.-C.S. 302. (6.) [LiBRi, Guglielmo.] Catalogue of very fine, important, and valuable Books, selected from the Library of an eminent literary character. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 19 Feb. S.-C.S. 304. (1.) D'IsRAELi, Israel. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 16 March. S.-C.S. 304. (4.) Greenland, Alfred. Books and Books of Prints, Prints, Drawings and Pictures. Priced. L. A. Lewis, 125, Fleet Street. 20 March. S.-C.L. 20. (5.) R 2 244 1849- Greex, Jolm. nf 33, Soho Square. 8tock of Music. Priced. Puttiel- & Simpson. 19L Piecadilhj. 21 March. S.-C.P. 9. (11.) WiLSox, Sir (iiffin. Musical Library. Priced. P. & S. 23 March. S.-C.P. 9. (12.) Adams, Thomas, of Edmonton. Library. Priced. Southgate d- Barren, 22. Fleet Street. 24 March. ^ S.-C.Sg. 75. (7.) Catalogue of valuable Books from the Libraries of several gentlemen, etc. Priced. S. L. cfe S. Co. 29 March. S.-C.S. 306. (1.) Blake. Rigid Hon. Anthonv R. Books from Library. Priced. P. & S. 4 April. ■ "^ S.-C.P. 9. (13.) RifHARDSox. Robert, M.B. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 11 April. ■ S.-C.S. 306. (3.) [Anderdon, G.] Catalogue of the Librar^^ of a gentleman leaving London. Priced. S. L. S. d- Co. 20 April. S.-C.S. 306. (6.) Watt. James, of Aston Hall, Waricickshire. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. d: Co. 23 April. S.-C.S. 307. (1.) Catalogue of the Library of a Fello\y of the Antiquarian Society. Priced. L. 24 April." S.-C.L. 20. (7.) BoxNELL, J. P. Stock of English Theological Books. Priced. S. d- B. 30 April. S.-C.Sg. 75. (11.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous assemblage of valuable Books and Books of Enoravinas. etc. Priced. S. L. S. cfc Co. 14 May. S.-C.S. 308. (1.) TiXDAL, Sir Nicolas Convnuham. Law Library. Priced. S. L. S. cfe Co. 18 May. ' " S.-C.S. 308. (2.) FoRSTER. Edward, of Woodford, Essex. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 21 May. S.-C.S. 308. (3.) Isaacson. Stephen, i?er., i^.^S'. J. Library. Priced. P. cfe ^. 30 May. S.-C.P. 10. (8.) PiLKiXGTOX, John. Library. Priced. S. d: B. 31 May. S.-aSg. 75. (17.) LoxGMAX. Browx, Greex axd Lokgmax. Stock of Second-hand Books. Priced. >S'. L. S. d Co. 4 June. S.-C.S. 309. (2.) Stowe House, Buckinghamshire. Manuscripts (collected by Thomas Astle and George Nugent Temple Grenville, 1st Marquis of Bucking- ham). With preface. ,S'. L. S. & Co. 11 June. S.-C.S. 310. Sold privately to the Earl of Ashhurnham for £8,000. MiLLiNGEX, James. Numismatic and Antiquarian Books. Priced. S. L. S. S'. L. S. & Co. 9 Aug. S.-C.S. 314. (4.) Ottley, William Young. Books formerly in Library of. (Catalogue of some rare and choice Books . . . Egyptian Antiquities, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 10 Aug. " S.-C.S. 314. (5.) Catalogue of a very interesting collection of Charters and Deeds, illustrative of the history of Normandy, etc. Priced. *S'. L. S. & Co. 11 Aug. S.-C.S. 314. (6.) Habell, John Henrv. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d. Co. 15 Aug. S.-C.S. 314. (7.) Challoner, Neville Butler. Printed Music. (Remaining Part.) Printed. P. <& S. 31 Aug. S.-C.P. 11. (11.) Maunder, Samuel. Library. Priced. L. 3 Oct. S.-C.L. 20. (18.) Favell, Samuel. Library. Priced. L. 10 Oct. S.-C.L. 20. (20.) Thomson, Anthony Todd, M.D. Library. Priced. P. & S. 17 Oct. S.-C.P. 12. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 17 Oct. S.-C.S. 315. (1.) Dawes, Frederick William. Books, Paintings, etc. Priced. P. & S. 31 Oct. S.-C.P. 12. (4.) 246 1849- Catalogue of a valuable collection of Historical, Theological and Classical Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 6 Nov. S.-C.S. 315. (2.) [Saunders & Otley.J Catalogue of the Duplicates of a Circulating Library. Priced. S. & B. 12 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 76. (4.) Jermyn, James. Library, Paintings, etc. Rix & Burton, at Reydon CottcKje, near Southwold. 19 Nov. 824. i. 49. (12.) MoRAX, Edward Ealeigh. Library. Priced. P. d- S. 19 Nov. S.-C.P. 12. (3.) RoDD, Thomas, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 1.) Priced. S. L. S. (& Co. 19 Nov. S.-C.S. 315. (4.) An earlier issue of this catalogue, at S.-C. 945. (5.), gives the date of the sale as 30 July, 1849. Boyd, Hugh Stuart. Selection from Library. Priced. S. & B. 23 Nov. " S.-C.Sg. 76. (5.) RoDD, Thomas, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 315. (5.) [Rich, 0., Bookseller. American Books.] Catalogue of the curious, rare and valuable Library of a well-known Collector, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 29 Nov. S.-C.P. 12. (8.) Hodgson, John, Q.C. Law Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. 316. (2.) Winston. James, of Drury Lane Theatre. Librarv. Priced. P. & S. 13 Dec. ' S.-C.P. 13. (1.) Catalogue of some valuable Books and Illuminated Manuscripts con- signed from abroad, etc. Priced. >S'. L. >S. & Co. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 316. (3.) Cramer, John Anthony, Dean of Carlisle. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& Co. 14 Dec. S.-C.S. 316. (4.) Mitchell, William. Autograph Letters [including] Unpublished Letters of David Garrick. Priced. P. d: S. 17 Dec. S.-C.P. 13. (2.) RoDD. Thomas, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 3.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 317. (1.) Preston, Mr., of Bean Street, Soho. Part of Stock of Music. Priced. 7^ c£ S. [19] 18 Dec. S.-C.P. 13. (3.) Chaulieu, Charles. Printed and Manuscript Music. Priced. P.&S. 22 Dec. S.-C.P. 13. (5.) Morton. Thomas ; Cooper, Samuel. Medical Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. <& Co. 24 Dec. S.-C.S. 317. (2.) -1850 247 1850. Tennant, Mr. Library. Priced. S. L. Sotliebij & Co., 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 7 Jan. S.-C.S. 317. (3.) PoYNDER, John. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 10 Jan. S.-C.S. 317. (4.) EoDD, Thomas, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 4.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 21 Jan. ' S.-C.S. 318. (1.) AsHBY, William Aslibv. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 31 Jan. S.-C.S. 318. (2.) RoDD, Thomas, Bookseller. Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 4 Feb. S.-C.S. 318. (3.) Catalogue of the law library of a barrister. Priced. Southgate & Barrett, 22, Fleet Street. 9'Feb. S.-C.Sg. 76. (15.) Serjeant, John. Books, Prints and Drawings. Priced. ;S. & B. 13 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 76. (16.) Catalogue of a very choice selection of magnificent Books and Pictorial Works, from the Library of an eminent collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 319. (2.) Anstey, Christopher, D.D. ; Anstey, Christopher, Author of the " New Bath Guide." Portion of Libraries. Priced. L. A. Lewis, 125, Fleet Street. 18 Feb. S.-C.L. 21. (7.) RoDD, Thomas. Autograph Letters. Upcott, William. Corre- spondence. Priced. 8. L. S. & Co. 25 Feb. S.-C.S. 319. (5.) & S.-C. 950. (12*.) Catalogue of the collection of Autograph Letters, the property of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 25 Feb. S.-C.S. 319. (4.) Harding, Benjamin. Library. Priced. ;S. L. S. & Co. 26 Feb. S.-C.S. 319. (6.) Catalogue of some valuable Theological and Historical Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 28 Feb. S.-C.S. 319. (7.) RoDD, Thomas, Bookseller. Books from Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 4 March. S.-C.S. 319. (8.) Lawford, George, Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 5 March. S.-C.S. 320. (1.) Carpenter, James, Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. P. & S. 8 March. S.-C.P. 14. (1.) Sophia, Princess, Daughter of George III. Books from Library. (Catalogue of Pictures and valuable Books, etc.) Priced. L. 8 March. S.-C.L. 21. (10.) 248 1850- GoRDON, Thomas, Major-General, of Aberdeen. Historical Library and Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. <& Co. 15 March. S.-C.S. 320. (2.) Payne and Foss, Booksellers. Stock of Books. (Part 1.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 18 March. S.-C.S. 321. LiNNECAR, George. Autograph Letters. Priced. Puttick & Simpson, 191, Piccadilhj. 19 March. S.-C.P. 14. (3.) Catalogue of some valuable Books, fine Books of Prints, English Historical Works, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 4 April. S.-C.S. 322. (1.) Maitland, Samuel Rofiey, D.D. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 29 April. S.-C.P. 14. (9.) Catalogue of the select Library of a distinguished literary character, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 6 May. S.-C.S. 323. (1.) Lloyd, H. E. Library. Priced. L. 14 May. S.-C.L. 21. (17.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Historical, Philological, Classical, and Theological Books, etc. Priced. &. L. S. & Co. 16 May. S.-C.S. 323. (6.) Catalogue of the very select Library of a clerg}'man, removed from the country, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 16 May. S.-C.P. 15. (3.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a clergyman, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 18 May. S.-C.P. 15. (4.) Low, James, of the India House. Library. Priced. P. <& S. 23 May. S.-C.P. 15. (5.) GuizoT, Fran9ois Pierre Guillaume. Part of Library. (Catalogue of valuable Books and Books of Engravings, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 24 May. S.-C.S. 323. (8.) Hall, Peter, Pei\ Library. Priced. &. L. S. & Co. 27 May. S.-C.S. 324. (2.) Lear, Francis, Dean of Salisbury. Portion of Library. Priced. S. & B. 5 June. S.-C.Sg. 77. (10.) Scott, John, M.D., of Bedford Square. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& Co. 5 June. S.-C.S. 325. (1.) Scott, John, M.D., of Bedford Square. Oriental Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 June. S.-C.S. 325. (2.) Catalogue of a small collection of Books, Books of Prints and Engravings, etc. Priced. >S'. L. S. & Co. 15 June. S.-C.S. 325. (3.) Scott, John, M.D., of Bedford Square. Medical Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 17 June. S.-C.S. 325. (4.) French, Josiah. Library. Autograph Letters, etc. Mr. Tebbott, Sheet Street, Windsor. 18 June. S.-C. 678. (16.) -1850 249 Catalogue of a collection of Medical Books, etc. Priced. ;S'. L. S. tfc Co. 18 June. S.-C.S. 325. (5.) Scott, John, M.D., of Bedford Square. Music. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 19 June. S.-C.S. 325. (6.) BuRTOisr, Richard. Autograph Letters. Priced. P. & S. 21 June. S.-C.P. 15. (8.) Payne and Foss, Booksellers. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 24 June. S.-C.S. 326. (1.) Rich, 0., Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Further part.) Priced. P. ci- S. 25 June. S.-C.P. 15. (9.) Mason, William. Library. Priced. L. 1 July. S.-C.L. 21. (23.) Catalogue of choice and valuable Books and fine Books of Engravings, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 6 July. S.-C.S. 326. (3.) [Thorpe, Thomas, Bookseller.] Catalogue of 4,000 curious and interest- ing Tracts and Sermons, Forms of Praver, Litursy, etc. Priced. S. c& B. 8 July. ' S.-C.Sg. 77. (13.) Catalogue of the valuable Law Library of a barrister who has retired from the profession in consequence of ill-health. Priced. S. (& B. 11 Jidy. S.-C.Sg. 77. (14.) Cox, Francis; Neale, E., Bei., of Taplow, Berks; Stonhouse, Sir James. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 15 Jidy. S.-C.S. 327. (3.) Fletcher, Charles, Rev., of Southwell, Nottinghamshire. Theological Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 22 July. S.-C.S. 328. (1.) [Keats, Joseph Henry, Bookseller. Spokes, James, Music and Bookseller.] Catalogue of two Circulating Libraries. Priced. S. & B. 23 July. S.-C.Sg. 77. (16.) Dukes, Thomas Farmer, F.S.A. Librar)-. Priced. S. L. S. cfc Co. 27 July. S.-C.S. 328. (2.) Baxter, William, D.D. Librarv. Priced. P. c£- S. 30 Julv. S.-C.P.' 16. (2.) Davies, George, of Scarborough. Library. Neligan, William Chadwick, Rector of St. Mary, Shandon, Cork. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & Co. 5 Aug. S.-C.S. 328. (4.) Stamp, John Sundius, Rev. Autograph Letters, Engravings, etc. Priced. P. d- S. 6 Aug. S.-C.P. 16. (5.) KiRBY, William, Rev., of Barham, near Ipswich. Library, etc. Robert Garrod, at Barham Rectorij, near Ipswich. 7 Aug. 824. i. 49. (18.) Chaulieu, Charles. Printed and Manuscript Music. Priced. P. & S- 9 Aug. S.-C.P. 16. (6.) 250 1H50- Catalogue of a very select collection of English Historical and Topo- graphical Books," etc. Priced. >S'. L. S. d; Co. 9 Aug. S.-C.S. 328. (5.) Carpenter, James, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Remaining part.) Priced. P. d S. 21 Aug. S.-C.P. 16. (9.) Catalogue of a rare, interesting, and valuable collection of works chiefly relating to the History of America, etc. Priced. *S'. L. S. <& Co. 21 Aug. «.-C.S. 328. (6.) Doughty, Charles Montague, Rev. Library, Pictures, etc. S. Flick, at Theherton Hall, near Saxmundhani. 28 Aug. 824. i. 49. (15.) Joiixsox, William Moore, D.D. Librarv. Priced. P. dt S. 2 Sept. S.-C.P. 16. (8.) AVhitex. Charles. Stock of Books. Priced. L. 25 Oct. S.-C.L. 21. (38.) RoDD, Thomas, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Miscellaneous portion.) Priced. S. Leigh Sotkehy dt J. Wilkinson, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 28 Oct. S.-C.S. 329. (1.) Bromet, William, M.D. Books from Librarv. Priced. P. & S. 4 Nov. " S.-C.P. 16. (12.) RoDD, Thomas, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Last part.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 9 Nov. S.-C.S. 329. (2.) [Sotherax, Son and Draper.] Catalogue of the valuable remaining Stock of Books and illustrated works, etc. Priced. L., at 50, Lombard Street. 11 Nov. S.-C.L. 21. (41.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, chiefly the property of a gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S. L. S. d: J. W. 18 Nov. S.-C.S. 330. (3.) Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge. Musical Collections. Priced. P. cfe S. 28 Nov. S.-C.P. 17. (3.) Garnett. Richard, Rev., of the British Museum. Librarv. Priced. .S'. L. S. 6: J. W. 4 Dec. S.-C.S. 330. (5.) Gibson. James. Rev., of Worlington. Librarv. Priced. L., 125, Fleet Street. 13 Dec. ' S.-C.L. 21. (46.) Brumell, John. Library. Rodd, Thomas, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Remaining part.) Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 14 Dec. S.-C.S. 330. (7.) Christison, S. George. Autograph Letters. French, Josiah, of Windsor. Duplicate Autograph Letters. Priced. P. & S. 14 Dec. S.-C.P. 17. (7.) Fullartox, John. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 16 Dec. S.-C.S. 331. (1.) -1851 251 Brown, James, Clerh in the G.P.O. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 20 Dec. ' S.-C.S. 331. (3.) [Beavan and Steuart,] Catalogue of the entire remaining Stock of Architectural and Scientific Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. & B. [30] 21 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 78. (7.) 1851. Catalogue of the Library of a clergyman, etc. Priced. Puttick (& Simpson, 191, Piccadilkj. 2 Jan. S.-C.P. 17. (9.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Books of Prints, etc.) Priced. S. L. Sothehy & J. Wilkinson, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 9 Jan. S.-C.S. 331. (5.) Burgess, Thomas, Bookseller. Stock of Medical Books. (Catalogue of a large collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 17 Jan. S.-C.P. 17. (10.) Catalogue of the very select and valuable Library of a gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 27 Jan. S.-C.S. 332. (1.) Bromet, William, M.D. Library. (Further part.) (Catalogue of a collection of Books from the Library of a nobleman, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 28 Jan. S.-C.P. 18. (1.) Catalogue of a very valuable and important collection of Classical and Historical Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J.W. 3 Feb. S.-C.S. 332. (2.) Wynn, Right Hon. Charles Watkin Williams. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J.W. 5 Feb. S.-C.S. 333. (1.) Amyot, Thomas, P.P.S. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 10 Feb. S.-C.S. 332. (3.) Albin, Thomas, of Spalding. Remaining Stock of Books. Priced. L. A. Lewis, 125, Fleet Street. 11 Feb. S.-C.L. 22. (7.) Black, Alexander, Bookseller. Stock of Foreign Books. Priced. P. (& S. 13 Feb. S.-C.P. 18. (3.) Catalogue of some interesting Autograph Letters, comprising those of Charles I., Charles IL, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J.W. 1 March. S.-C.S. 333. (2.) Innes, George, Rev., of Warivick. Library. Priced. P. cfe >S'. 3 March. S.-C.P. 18. (6.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, principally from the Library of a sentleman in the country, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J.W. 3 March. S.-C.S. 333. (3.) Dixon, Mary, Mrs. Catholic Library. Priced. L. 7 March. S.-C.L. 22. (11.) 252 1 Sol- Catalogue of some valuable Books, fine Illustrated Works, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 March. S.-C.S. 333. (5.) EwBANK, Thomas, Rev. Library, Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 19 March. S.-C.S. 334. (1.) Hebbert, Charles, of Pall Mall. Library. (Remainino; part.) Engravings, etc. P. & S. 20 March. S.-C.P.' 18. (8.) Andrews, W., Bookseller, of Bristol. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 24 March. S.-C.S. 334. (2.) Cadell, Robert, of Edinhurgh. Copyrights, Steel Plates, Woodcuts, etc., of the works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Mr. Hodgson, at the London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill. 26 March. 824. i. 5. (4.) Catalogue of the Law Library of an eminent legal functionary, deceased, etc. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 1 April. S.-C.S. 334. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable and interesting portion of the Library of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 8 April. S.-C.S. 335. (1.) St. Croix, Charles de, of Jersey. Roman Coins. Neligax, William Chadwick, D.D. Numismatic Books. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 10 April. S.-C.S. 335. (2.) Ives and Swan, Booksellers. Stock of Theological Books. Priced. P. & S. 12 April. S.-C.P. 19. (2.) Catalogue of some valuable Books and Books of Engravings, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 14 April. S.-C.S. 335. (4.) Catalogue of some very rare and interesting Autograph Letters from the portfolios of a distinguished collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. cfc J. W. 14 April. S.-C.S. 335. (3.) Catalogue of some Books from the Library of a distinguished Philan- thropist, deceased. Priced. L. 19 April. S.-C.L. 22. (18.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of fine and very choice Books, pictorially illustrated Works, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 28 April. S.-C.S. 335. (5.) Catalogue of an exceedingly choice collection of Autograph Letters, the property of a gentleman (selected from the collections of William Upcott and others). Priced. P. & S. 29 April. S.-C.P. 19. (4.) Williams, Daniel, Rev. Library. Priced. L. 2 May. S.-C.L. 22. (20.) Orde-Powlett, William, 2nd Baron Bolton. Part of Librarv. Halpin, Nicholas John, Rev. Library. Priced. S. L. S. S'. L. S. & J. W. 11 April. S.-C.S. 364. (3.) Cooper, Charles Purton, Q.C., F.R.S. Part of Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 18 April. S.-C.S. 365. (1.) At 824. i. 15 there is a preliminary catalogue of this sale, with appendices containing a list of Mr. Cooper's books at Autun, Paris, Chdlon-sur-Saone, Lyons, Louvain, Brussels, and Dijon, which seem to have been sold subsequently by private agreement. Catalogue of the Library of a well-known classical Scholar and Author, etc. Priced. P. & S. 26 April. S.-C.P. 31. (1.) Catalogue of a selection of valuable and rare Books from the Library of a distinguished Collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 2 May. S.-C.S. 366. (1.) Hurt, Charles, of W irks worth, Derbyshire. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 3 May. S.-C.S. 366. (2.) Martin, Edward Wenman. Library and Books of Prints. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 9 May. S.-C.S. 366. (4.) -1853 261 Catalogue of a selection of valuable books from the Library of a Collector. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 May. S.-C.S. 366. (5.) JoLLEY, Thomas, i^.>S..4. Library. (Part?.) Priced. S.L.S.&J.W. 18 May. S.-C.S. 367. Pennington, Thomas, i?eu., M.^. Library. Priced. P. & S. 18 May. S.-C.P. 31. (3.) BoscAWEN, George Henry, Zrd Earl of Falmouth. Musical Collections (including the Musical Library of T. M. Alsager). Priced. P. & S. 26 May. ^ S.-C.P. 31. (4.) Taylor, Isidore Justin Severin, Baron. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 1 June. S.-C.S. 369. PuGiN, Augustus Welby Northmore. Books omitted or returned from Sale of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 8 June. S.-C.S. 370. (2.) Pereira, Jonathan, M.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 17 June. ■ S.-C.S. 370. (5.) [LiBRi, Guglielmo.] Catalogue of curious, rare and valuable Books and Manuscripts from the Library of an eminent Collector. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W'. 20 June. S.-C.S. 371. (1.) Moore, Thomas, the Poet. Autograph Letters, Poems, etc. Clark, Kichard, Gentleman of H.M. Chapels Royal. Musical and Literary Curiosities. Priced. P. & S. 23 June. S.-C.P. 31. (7.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Historical, Topographical, Theological, and Miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 24 June. S.-C.S. 372. (1.) Moore, Thomas, the Poet. Copyright Musical Works. Clark, Richard, Gentleman of H.M. Chapels Royal. Literary and Musical Collections. Butler, George, Dean of Peterborough. Music from Library. Stokoe, John, M.D. Music. Priced. P. & S. 25 June. S.-C.P. 32. (1.) Hawtrey, Edward Craven, Z).Z)., P/ot;os< q/'£'/ow. Library. (Parti.) Priced. S. L. S. & J.W. 1 July. S.-C.S. 372. (3.) Catalogue of very choice and valuable Historical, Topographical, Theological and Classical Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W . 8 July. S.-C.S. 373. (1.) Catalogue of miscellaneous Books, Elementary and Pictorial Works, illustrating the Fine Arts ... of an Artist, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. PF. 11 July. S.-C.S. 373. (3.) Pennington, Montagu, Rev. Library. Beeby, James. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 22 July. S.-C.P. 32. (5.) Harding, George Perfect. Library and Miniatures. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 23 July. S.-C.S. 374. (1.) 262 1^53- Lee, Samuel, D.D. Oriental and Classical Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 25 July. S.-C.S. 374. (2.) Empson, William, M.A.. F.R.S.L. ; Squire, Edmund, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 28 July. S.-C.S. 374. (3.) Butter, George, D.D., Dean of Peterborough. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 8 Aug. S.-C.S. 375. (L) Catalogue of a very choice collection of valuable and important Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. ct S. W. 15 Aug. S.-C.S. 375. (2.) Calkin and Budd, of Pall Mall. Stock of Music. (Last part.) Smith, John Stafford. Books from Library. (Catalogue of 1900 Engraved Music Plates, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 17 Aug. S.-C.P. 32. (9.) Roche, James, o/ Coz-yt. Library. Priced. S.L.S.&J.W. 19 Aug. S.-C.S. 375. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, Books of Prints and Versions of the Scriptures, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 27 Aug. S.-C.S. 375. (5.) Foster, Frederick, of Pall-Mail. Library, and Books of Prints. DoHERTY, John, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. Librarv. (Reserved portion.) Priced. -S. L. S. & J. W. 2 Nov. S.-C.S. 376. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable Law Library, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 376. (2.) Wright, Samuel, Professor of Materia Medica in Birmingham . Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 14 Nov. S.-C.S. 376. (3.) Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman and well-known Scholar, etc. Priced. P. & S. 15 Nov. S.-C.P. 33. (5.) Weare, William, Rev., of Enfield. Theological and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. Soicthgate & Barrett, at 393, Strand. 18 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 83. (11.) Reboul, Eugene, Botanist. Botanical Library. (Catalogue of a very choice assemblage of valuable Books and Books of Prints.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 28 Nov. S.-C.S. 376. (5.) Place, Francis. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d: J. W. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 376. (7.) Catalogue of the Library of a Clergyman, deceased, etc. Priced. P. d S. 8 Dec. S.-C.P. 33. (6.) Hawtrey, Edward Craven, D.D., Provost of Eton. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. 377. (2.) Curtis, Thomas, of Lowndes' Square. Library. Priced. P. d: S. U Dec. S--C.P. 33. (7.) -1854 263 [Moon, Francis Graham, Alderman, Printseller and Piihlisher.] A Cataloo'iie of the entire remaining copies of Roberts's Holy Land, etc. With preface. Priced. S. & B., 22, Fleet Street. 15 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 83. (13.) Musical Institute of London. Library. Priced. P. & S. 15 Dec. S.-C.P. 33. (8.) Pavignano, a. de, Count. Autographs and Manuscripts. Priced. P. & S. 16 Dec. ^ S.-C.P. 33. (9.) Catalogue of the extensive and valuable collection of Maps, Charts, and Atlases of all countries, formed by a Diplomatic Gentleman, deceased. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 377. (3.) PiGOTT, John Hugh Smyth, of BrocMey Hall, Somerset. Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 19 Dec. S.-C.S. 377. (4.) DuNCOMBE, John, Music-Seller. Stock of Books, Music, etc. Priced. P. & S. 20 Dec. S.-C.P. 33. (10.) 1854. . Catalogue of an important collection of rare Books, Books of Prints, illuminated and historical Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S. L. Sothebtj & J. Wilkinson, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 9 Jan. S.-C.S. 377. (5.) Catalogue of an important assemblage of fine Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 17 Jan. S.-C.S. 378. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books from the Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 23 Jan. S.-C.S. 378. (3.) Macartney, George, 1st Earl of Macartney. Library and Manuscripts. Priced. Puttich & Simmon, 191, Piccadilly. 24 Jan. S.-C.P. 34. (4.) Catalogue of a collection of Greek and Latin Classics, Early Printed Booifs, illustrated with woodcuts, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 31 Jan. S.-C.S. 378. (4.) Catalogue of the Musical Library of a distinguished Professor, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 4 Feb. S.-C.P. 34. (5.) Hill, Justly, Archdeacon of Buckingham. Library. Priced. P. & S. 13 Feb. S.-C.P. 34. (6.) Catalogue of valuable and rare Books, a few Manuscripts and works printed on vellum, etc., comprising the valuable Library of a dis- tinguished Ambassador, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 13 Feb. S.-C.S. 379. (1.) 264 1854- [Crawford, Charles Henry, Rev.] Catalogue of an important selection of exceedingly choice, rare and valuable Books, together with some finely illuminated Manuscripts, from the Library of a well-known Collector. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 20 Feb. S.-C.S. 379. (4.) PiGOTT, John Hugh Smyth, of Brockley Hall, Somerset. Autograph Letters. Rainbow, J. M., of Tulse Hill, Norwood. Autograph Letters. Faussett, Bryan, Rev. English Charters. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 25 Feb. S.-C.S. 379. (6.) [WiLKS, C] Catalogue of the remaining portion of the valuable Library of an eminent Collector. Priced. S.L. S. & J.W. 2- March. S.-C.S. 379. (7.) Harixgtox, Richard, D.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 10 March. " S.-C.S. 380. (2.) Pickering, William, Bookseller. Library. G. Robinson, on the premises, 111, Piccadilly. 13 March. S.-C. 1015. (3.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc.* Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 16 March. S.-C.S. 380. (3.) Pickering, William. Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 1.) Priced. S. L. S. cfe J. W. 20 March. S.-C.S. 380. (4.) Catalogue of some valuable Books, including many interesting and rare works, illustrative of the History of Ireland, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 1 April. ' S.-C.S. 381. (1.) AsTLEY, Richard, Rev. Library. Priced. P. & S. 10 April. S.-C.P. 35. (8.) BoHN, James, Bookseller. Part of Stock of Books. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 19 April. S.-C.S. 381. (2.) Woodward, Mr., Music-Seller, of Cheltenham. Stock of Music. Priced. P. & S. 24 April. S.-C.P. 35. (9.) Parry & Co., Printseller, ofLeadenhall Street. Stock of Books. Priced. S. & B. 28 April. S.-C.Sg. 84. (15.) Shaw, Henry, F.S.A. Publications of. Priced. S. L. S. & j! W. 1 May. ' S.-C.S. 381. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Theological Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. (& J. W. 8 May. S.-C.S. 382. (1.) [Straker, Mr.] Catalogue of a large and interesting collection of Theological Books, etc. Priced. P. d- S. 12 Mav. 'S.-C.P. 35. (11.) -1854 265 [Horner, Mr.] Catalogue of an exceedingly select and valuable assemblage of rare and beautiful Books, forming the greater portion of the library of an eminent Collector, comprising . . . works in early English Theology from the well-known collection of William Maskell, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 19 May. S.-C.S. 382. (5.) Catalogue of the Library of a legal Gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 26 May. S.-C.S. 382. (7.) Stokes, Charles. F.R.S., F.S.A. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 30 May. ' S.-C.S. 383. (1.) GwiLT, Joseph, F.S.A. Part of Library. Capon, W., Architectural Draughtsman. Books, Drawings, Paintings, China. Priced. P. & S. 31 May. S.-C.P. 36. (4.) Betham, Sir William. Ulster King of Arms of all Ireland. Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 1 June. S.-C.S. 383. (3.) Betham, Sir William, Ulster King of Arms of all Ireland. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 2 June. S.-C.S. 384. (1.) PoYNDER, Edward. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 5 June. S.-C.S. 384. (2.) Whelan, William. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 8 June. S.-C.S. 384. (3.) Catalogue of an important assemblage of valuable, choice and fine Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 June. S.-C.S. 384. (4.) Holmes, John, of the Manuscript Department, British Museum. Library. Priced. P. & S. 15 June. S.-C.P. 36. (7.) Stevenson, Seth William, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 16 June. S.-C.S. 384. (5.) LoscoMBE, Clifton Wintringham, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 19 June. S.-C.S. 385. (1.) BuNSEN, Christian Carl Josias von. Chevalier. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 23 June. S.-C.S. 385. (2.) Salisbury, E. G. Part of Library. Priced. P. <& S. 23 June. S.-C.P. 36. (9.) [Miller, William Henry, of Craigentinny.] Catalogue of a very valuable and important collection of Early English Poetry . . . from the extensive Library of an eminent Collector, deceased. Priced. S. L. S. & J. Tf. 29 June. S.-C.S. 385. (4.) Meldrum, John, Manager of the Lutterworth Bank. Library. Pigott, John Hugh Smvth. Books from Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 3 July. ' S.-C.S. 385. (5.) Gardner, John Dunn. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W . 6 July. S.-C.S. 386. (1.) 266 1^54- Catalogue of very choice Books from the Library of a distinguished Member of the Royal Society, etc. Priced. P. & S. 6 July. S.-C.P. 36. (11.) Wilson, Henry, of the Rami Exchange. Library, etc. Priced. P. & S. 12 July. S.-C.P. 37. (1.) Cerutti, Signor ; Pymar, T. ; Freeling, Clayton ; Gwilt, Joseph ; Adamson, Mr., Music-Seller. Music from Collections. Priced. P. & S. 19 July. S.-C.P. 37. (2.) Rainbow, J. M. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 22 July. S.-C.S. 387. (1.) Whelpdale, John de. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 1 Aug. S.-C.S. 387. (2.) Catalogue of the Library of a Barrister, and selections from other Libraries, etc. Priced. P. & S. 2 Aug. S.-C.P. 37. (4.) Gray, Thomas, the Poet. Reserved Books, Autograph Manuscripts, and Letters. (Catalogue of some choice and fine Books, comprising a further selection from a valuable Library removed from Bucking- hamshire, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 4 Aug. S.-C.S. 387. (4.) Harcourt, William Bernard. Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. .S. L. S. & J. W. 5 Aug. S.-C.S. 387. (5.) Pickering, William, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. S. L. S. <&J.W. 7 Aug. S.-C.S. 388. (1.) Saunders, Thomas, Comptroller of the City of London. Library. Priced. S. <& B. 14 Aug. S.-C.Sg. 86. (2.) Catalogue of the select and useful Library of a popular Author and Editor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 16 Aug. S.-C.P. 37. (5.) Catalogue of the Library and small collection of valuable Manuscripts, the property of a foreign literary character, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 28 Aug. S.-C.S. 388. (4.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books and Books of Prints, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 1 Sept. S.-C.S. 388. (5.) Pickering, William, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 3.) Priced. S.L.S.&J. W. 30 Oct. S.-C.S. 389. (1.) Darby, Thomas Elde. Books from Library. Priced. P. d S. 13 Nov. S.-C.P. 38. (3.) King Joseph Charles, of Mai da Hill. Historical and Classical Library. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 13 Nov. S.-C.S. 389. (2.) Evans Thomas, Rev. Dr., Head Master of King's School, Gloucester. Library. Priced. S.L.S.i&J.W. 17 Nov. S.-C.S. 390. (1.) James, Edward, Canon of Winchester. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 23 Nov. S.-C.S. 390. (2.) -1855 267 GuGLiELMO, P. D., Professor of Singing. Instrumental Music and Popular Songs. Priced. S. L. S. & J. Tf . 29 Nov. S.-C.S. 390. (4.) Neligan, William Chadwick, Rev., LL.D. Part of Library and Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 5 Dec. S.-C.S. 390. (6.) GiLMAN, Mr., of Hingham. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a very choice selection of valuable and rare books, from the very fine Library of an eminent Collector, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 7 Dec. S.-C.S. 391. (1.) Pickering. William, Bookseller. Manuscripts and Autograph Letters. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. 391. (3.) Baker, Anthony St. John. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 391. (5.) Croker, Thomas Crofton, F.S.A. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 18 Dec. S.-C.P. 38. (8.) Cottingham, Lewis Nockalls, F.S.A. Architectural Library. (Remain- ing part.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 22 Dec. S.-C.S. 391. (7.) 1855. Pickering, William, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 4.) Priced. S. L. Sotheby & J. Wilkinson, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 11 Jan. S.-C.S. 392. (1.) Jolley, Thomas, F.S.A. Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 392. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, the property of a gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 17 Jan. S.-C.S. 392. (3.) HussEY, Robert, D.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 22 Jan. S.-C.S. 392. (4.) Lawrence, William. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. [28 Jan.] S.-C.S. 393. (2.) Maltby, William. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 31 Jan. S.-C.S. 393. (3.) Catalogue of a valuable Numismatic Library, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 9 Feb. S.-C.S. 393. (4.) Bernal, Ralph. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 Feb. S.-C.S. 394. (1.) [Cunningham, Peter.] Catalogue of the larger portion of the very valuable collection of Autograph Letters, Manuscripts ... of a well- known Collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J.W. 26 Feb. S.-C.S. 394. (3.) Greswell, William Parr, Bev. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W . 28 Feb. S.-C.S. 394. (4.) 268 1855- KiTTO, John, D.D. Lil)rary. (Part 1.) Price. Puttick cfe Simpson, 191, Pkcadilbj. 5 March. S.-C.P. .39. (5.) Trithex, Francis Henry, Ph.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 March. ' ' S.-C.S. 395. (2.) Catalogue of a large collection of useful Books in general literature, the Library of an Editor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 12 March. S.-C.P. 39. (6.) Law, Charles A., F.L.S. Autograph Letters. Priced. P. & S. 19 March. S.-C.P. 40. (1.) EuTHERFURD, Andrew, Lord Rutherfurd. Library. Priced. T. Nisbet, 11, Hanover Street, Edinburgh. 22 March. 824. i. 34. (1.) WiLKS, John, Attorney, of Finsbury Square. Autograph Letters, Manuscripts, etc. (Remaining part.) Du Bois, Edward ; Taylor, John. Letters. Priced. *S. L. S. d- J. W. 22 March. S.-C.S. 395. (4.) PoLWARTH. Mr., of Pimlico. Library. Priced. P. & S. 26 March. S.-C.P. 40. (2.) Daly, Charles. Remaining Stock of Books. Priced. Southgate & Barrett, 22, Fleet Street. 28 March. S.-C.Sg. 87. (16.) Lawford, Edward. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 16 April. S.-C.S. 396. (2.) BoHN, James, Bookseller. Part of Stock of Books. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 20 April. S.-C.S. 396. (3.) Cooper, Bransby, Surgeon. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 25 April. " ' S.-C.S. 397. (2.) WiLKS, John, Attorney, of Finsbury Square. Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 26 April. S.-C.S. 397. (3.) Baker, James, Rev., Chancellor of the Diocese of Durham ; Cramer, William, Professor of Music. Music from Libraries. Priced. P. d S. 30 April. S.-C.P. 40. (6.) Copley, Right Hon. John Singleton, Ist Baron Lyndhurst. Part of Law Library. Priced. S. L. S. d' J. W. 30 April. S.-C.S. 397. (4.) Brayley, Edward Wedlake. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 1 May. ' S.-C.S. 377. (6.) Copley, Right Hon. John Singleton. 1st Baron Lyndhurst. Part of London Library. Priced. S. L. S. d: J. ^^' . 1 May. S".-C.S. 397. (5.) [Baker, .James, Rev.. Chancellor of the Diocese of Durhaw.] Catalogue of the Library of the late Chancellor of Durham (containing the residue of the late Sir Thomas Bernard's collection). Priced. S. L. S. d- J. W. 2 May. S.-C.S. 397. (7.) -1855 269 Du Bois, Edward. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 4 May. S.-C.S. 398. (1.) [Hare, Julius Charles, Archdeacon, of Lewes.] Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Clergyman lately deceased. Priced. S. L. S. & J, W. 10 May. S.-C.S. 398. (4.) Catalogue of the small but select Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. U May. S.-C.S. 398. (5.) Spry, John Hume, D.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 15 May. S.-C.S. 398. (6.) Smith, Richard John, of the Adelphi Theatre. Library. Priced. P. & S. 17 May. S.-C.P. 40. (7.) Bayley, William H. Ricketts, Rev. Theological and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. S. & B. 18 May. S.-C.Sg. 88. (5.) [White, W.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of most beautiful Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 21 May. S.-C.S. 399. (2.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a well-known Biographer and Critic, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 21 May. S.-C.P. 41. (2.) Baker, James, of Coleman Street. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d: J. W. 24 May. S.-C.S. 399. (4.) Baker, James, of Coleman Street. Autograph Letters. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 26 May. S.-C.S. 399. (5.) Bell, Richard J. Stock of Books. Kitto, John, D.D. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. P. & S. 31 May. S.-C.P. 41. (4.) Stuart, Right Hon. Charles, \st Baron Stuart de Rothesay. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 31 May. S.-C.S. 400. Weale, John, of High Holhorn. Stock of Books. Priced. S. & B. 4 June. S.-C.Sg. 88. (10.) Catalogue of some very interesting Autograph Letters, the property of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. *S. L. S. & J.W. 7 June. S.-C.S. 399. (9.) Bishop, Sir Henry Rowley. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 14 June. S.-C.P. 41. (7.) Benthall, Francis, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 18 June. S.-C.S. 401. (2.) Vansittart, Arthur. Library. Priced. ;S'. L. S. & J. W. 20 June. S.-C.S. 401. (3.) Freeling, Clayton. Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 27 June. S.-C.S. 401. (5.) •270 1855- O'GoRMAX, George. Library. Priced. P. & S. 28 [29] June. S.-C.P. 41. (11.) Browne. James, oj St. Albans. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d' J. W. 30 June. ' S.-C.S. 401. (6.) Fitch, William Stevenson. Printed Books and Manuscripts illustrative of the history of the County of Suffolk. Priced. P. & S. 2 July. S.-C.P. 42. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Historical, Biographical, Theological, Philological and Classical Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W . 3 July. S.-C.S. 402. (1.) RoUT^, Martin Joseph, B.D. Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 5 July. S.-C.S. 402. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, including the Library of a Clergyman, etc. Priced. P. ct- S. 14 July. S.-C.P. 42. (2.') Jones, Richard, Rev., Professor oj Historij and Political Economy at the East India College. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. \V . 16 July. " S.-C.S. 402. (4.) Meigh, Charles. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 19 July. S.-C.S. 403. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Books from the Library of a Nobleman, deceased, etc. Priced. P. d' S. 24 July. S.-C.P. 42. (5.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books in all classes of literature, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 27 July. S.-C.S. 403. (2.) Catalogue of an exceedingly choice assemblage of rare, valuable, and beautiful Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. tfc /. W. 1 Aug. S.-C.S. 404. (1.) NicoL, William, oJ Pall Mall. Books. Priced. S. L. S. d: J. W. 13 Aug.. S.-C.S. 404. (5.) Catalogue of valuable Books and interesting Manuscripts, including British, Irish and Foreign History, etc. Priced. S. L. S. S.-C.P. 50. (8.) Davies, Robert, oj Llannerch, Denbighshire. Tracts and rare Books. Priced. S. L. S. (€• J. W. 18 July. S.-C.S. 434. (5.) Catalogue of valuable assemblage of rare and choice Books . . . from the Library of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. (& J. W. 20 July. S.-C.S. 435. (1.) Leslie, John, Theological Bookseller. Stock of English and Foreign Theology, etc. Priced. Soiithgate cfc Barrett, at 58, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. 21 July. S.-C.Sg. 95. (9.) Elliott, James, Rev., oj Pitmore Lodge, near Taunton. Part of Library. Priced. S.L.S.(&J.W. 24 July. S.-C.S. 435. (2.) Page, Robert, oJ Madeira ; Tonna, Lewis Hippolvtus Joseph. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. S J. W. 30 July. S.-C.S. 435. (4.) Forbes, Edward, F.R.S. Geological and Scientific Library. (Catalogue of an extensive assemblage of Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J . W . 11 Aug. S.-C.S. 436 (3.) Catalogue of a large collection of Books, a selection from the Library of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 11 Aug. S.-C.P. 51. (1.) [Stevens, Henry, oj Vermont.'] Catalogue of a very important collec- tion of Earlv English Bibles and Testaments, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J.W. 20 Aug. S.-C.S. 437. (1.) Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, Engravings . . . Autograph Letters . . . collected for the illustration of the life and exploits of . . . Admiral Lord Nelson, etc. Priced. P. & S. 20 Aug. S.-C.P. 51. (2.) Caldecott, Thomas. Library (Remaining part). (Catalogue of the Library of a Clergyman, etc.) Priced. ^S. L. S. & J. If. 26 Aug. S.-C.S. 437. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of Books in all branches of literature, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 28 Aug. S.-C.S. 437. (3.) Catalogue of a portion of the Ijibrary of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 31 Aug. S.-C.S. 437. (4.) Catalogue of a large collection of miscellaneous Books, including a portion of the Library of a Clergyman, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 2 Sept. ■ S.-C.P. 51. (4.) 280 1^-^"- [BiGGS, George, Bookseller and Publisher.] Catalogue of the miscel- laneous Stoclc of a Bookseller retiring from business. Priced. S. & B. 7 Sept. S.-C.Sg. 96. (4.) BoGUE, David. Portion of Stock of Books, etc. Priced. S. & B. 23 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 96. (5.) Catalogue of the Library of a distinguished foreign Nobleman and Diplomatist, etc. Priced. P. & S. 2 Nov. S.-C.P. 51. (7.) RoBixsox, Ct. & J., Booksellers, oj Liverpool. Stock of Books. Prixsep, W. H. Library. (Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 6 Nov. S.-C.S. 438. (L) Spiller, Frederick Tremlett. Library. Priced. S. <& B. 9 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 96. (7.) Hazlitt, William Carew. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 438. (2.) Catalogue of a portion of the valuable and interesting Library of a well-known Editor, Antiquary and Bibliographer, etc. Priced. P. & S. 17 Nov. S.-C.P. 51. (9.) Catalogue of the Military Library of an Officer, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 438. (3.) Jones, G. N. Music and Instruments. (Catalogue of a large and interesting assemblage of Music and Instruments, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 28 Nov. S.-C.P. 51. (11.) Blomfield, Charles John, BisJiop oj London. Part of Classical and Theological Library. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 30 Nov. S.-C.S. 438. (5.) Coxybeare, William Daniel, Dean oj Llandajj. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 7 Dec. S.-C.S. 439. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of rare and curious Books and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. 8. L. S. S J. W. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 439. (2.) Catalogue of the Library of a Clergvman, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 17 Dec. S.-C.P. 52. (3.) 1858. Stevexsox, p., oj Kensington. Library. Leslie, John. Stock of Theological Books. (Remaining portion.) Priced. Souihjaie & Barrett. 8 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 97. (1.) HocKiXG, Dr., oj Twickenham. Library. Priced. >S'. Leifjh Sothebi/ & John Wilkinson, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 13 Jan. S.-C.S. 440. (1.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Gentleman, deceased . . . removed from Hampstead, etc. Priced. Puttick and Simpson, 191 , Piccadilly. 13 Jan. S.-C.P. 52. (9.) -1858 281 Collins, Henry George, Map, Atlas and Globe Publisher. Stock of Books and Engraved Plates. Priced. S. ct B. 15 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 97. (2.) Dixon, Henry, oj Tivickenham. Library. Priced. *S'. L. S. & J. W . 22 Jan. " S.-C.S. 440. (3.) Smith, Hinton, Rev., M.A. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a very valuable assemblage of Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. TF. 2 Feb. S.-C.S. 440. (4.) Aruen, Richard Pepper, ?>rd Baron Alvanley. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 441. (2.) Nicholson, George Stewart. Library (Remaining part). Barker, William BurkhaKit, F.R.A.S. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & J. IF. 3 March. S.-C.S. 442. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books in modern Theological and Historical Literature, formed by an eminent Divine. Priced. 8. L. S. & J. W. 8 March. S.-C.S. 442. (3.) Catalogue of a valuable Library, archaeological, historical and miscel- laneous, formed by an eminent Antiquary. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 11 March. S.-C.S. 442. (4.) GuTCH, John Mathew, F.S.A. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. ct J. W. 16 March. S.-C.S. 443. Mason, William Monek. Literary Collections and Original Com- positions. With preface. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 29 March. S.-C.S. 444. (2.) ToPLis, John, Rev., B.D. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 12 April. S.-C.S. 444. (3.) Catalogue of an interesting collection of Works in Illustration of Poetical and Dramatic History, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 26 April. ' S.-C.S. 445. (5.) Price, Edward, Rev. Library (Remaining part). Priced. S. L. S. c6 J. W. 28 April. S.-C.S. 445. (6.) SoTHEBY, Samuel Leigh. Two Hundred and Twenty Copies of " Principia Typographica." Priced. J. W. 5 Mav. S.-C.S. 446. (3.) Croker, Right Hon. John Wilson. Autograph Letters. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 6 May. S.-C.S. 446. (4.) Bogue, David. Further portion of Stock. Priced. S. ct B. 12 May. S.-C.Sg. 98. (4.) Talbot, Bertram Arthur, 2Qth Earl oj Shrewsbury. Library (Remaining part). (Catalogue of a valuable and important assem- blage of Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 19 May. S.-C.S: 446. (9.) 282 1858- Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including Books of Enoravings, important works on Botany, etc. Priced. *S. L. S. d: J. W. 27 May. ' S.-C.S. 447. (1.) Derixg, >S'(> Edward, 1st Bart. Books and Manuscripts from Library. TwYSDEN', Sir Roger, Bart. Books and Tracts from Library. (Catalogue of an important collection of Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 8 June. S.-C.P. 54. (4.) Catalogue of Theological and miscellaneous Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 9 June. S.-C.S. 447. (5.) Catalogue of rare and curious Books, illustrative of the English Drama and Early English Literature, the property of a well-known Shake- spearian Commentator. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 14 June. S.-C.S. 447. (7.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of choice and fine Books, and illustrated works, comprising the concluding portion of the Library of an eminent Collector. Priced. *S'. L. S. d J. W. 17 June. S.-C.S. 448. (1.) [Gancia, Giovanni, of Brighton.] Rare Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 23 June. S.-C.S. 448. (2.) Daly, Robert, Bishop of Casliel and Waterford. Catalogue of a very important selection of Earlv Theological Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 25 June. ' S.-C.S. 448. (3.) Halliwell, James Orchard. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words (Stereotype plates, copvrisht, and entire remaining stock). Priced. >S'. L. S. & J. ^¥. 26 June. S.-C.S. 448. (4.) Bliss, Philip, Rev., D.C.L., Principal of St. Mary's Hall, Oxford. Library. (First part.) Priced. ,S'. L. S. d- J. W". 28 June. S.-C.S. 449. Wellesley, Henrv, Rev., D.D., Principal of New Inn Hall, Oxford. Engravings. (First Part.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 29 June. S.-C.S. 448. (5.) Ayrton, William, F.R.S. Musical Library. Priced. P. & S. 3 July. ' S.-C.P. 55. (2.) Hicks, Mrs., of Seymour Street ; Fixch, Right Hon. Lady Charlotte ; Ayrtox, William, F.R.S. Books from Libraries. Priced. P. & S. 12 July. S.-C.P. 55. (3.) Catalogue of a further choice portion of the valuable Library of a well- known Collector. Priced. S. L. S. d J. IF. 16 July. S.-C.S. 450. (3.) Bexxett, Thomas, Solicitor. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d J. ^^ . 20 July. ' S.-C.S. 450. (4. ) -1858 283 Abercrombie, William, Colonel. Library. Sharp, Thomas, oj Leam- inqton. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 23 July. S.-C.S. 450. (5.) Elder, Edward, Rev. Dr., Head Master oJ the Charter House. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. Pf. 28 July. S.-C.S. 45L (L) Allott, Richard, Rev., D.D. Musical Library. Priced. P. & S. 2 Aug. ■ S.-C.P. 55. (7.) Warrington, Captain, R.N. Historical Papers and Autograph Letters. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 2 Aug. S.-C.S. 45L (4.) Singer, Samuel Waller, F.S.A. Autograph Letters, Mamiscripts, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 45L (5.) Catalogue of the valuable and select Library of a Gentleman. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 4 Aug. S.-C.S. 45L (6.) Bliss, Philip, Rev., D.C.L. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 9 Aug. S.-C.S. 452. Dymock, Thomas Frederick, Rev. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 18 Aug. S.-C.S. 453. (1.) Bartley, George. Library, etc. Messrs. Winstanley, at the residence No. 11, Woburn Square. 19 Aug. C. 61. h. 1. (5/11.) Catalogue of an assemblage of curious and rare Books, the property of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 19 Aug. S.-C.S. 453. (2.) Catalogue of some curious and rare Books and Tracts from the Library of a Clergyman, deceased, etc. Priced. >S. L. S. & J. W. 20 Aug. S.-C.S. 453. (3.) Bliss, Philip, Rev., D.C.L. Autograph Letters. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 21 Aug. S.-C.S. 453. (4.) Catalogue of an extensive assemblage of useful and valuable Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. (& J. W. 23 Aug. S.-C.S. 453. (5.) [Catalogue of the Edge Lane Hall Library.] Messrs. Winstanleij d: Son, High Street, Liverpool. 20 Sept. S.-C. 1042. (1.) Neill, Arthur. Library. Priced. *S. d B. 13 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 99. (1.) [Bentley, Richard.] Catalogue of an extensive collection of modern Books. Priced. S. & B. 25 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 99. (3.) Catalogue of a large collection of miscellaneous Books, including a portion of the Library of a learned Professor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 25 Oct. S.-C.P. 56. (1.) BoGUE, David. Stock of Books, etc. (Further portion.) Priced. ;S. & B. 1 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 99. (5.) 284 1858- Cataloeue of a portion of the Library of a deceased Baronet, etc. Priced. P. & S. 1 Nov. S.-C.P. 56. (2.) Bliss Philip, Rev., D.C.L. Books omitted from Sale of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. IF. 8 Nov. S.-C.S. 454. (1.) [Se\rle, James.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books. Priced. ^. & B. 19 Nov. S.-C.Sg. 99. (6.) Harley, John Pritt. Library, Prints, etc. G. Robins, on the premises. No. 14, Upper Goiver Street. 23 Nov. ^ C. 61. h. 1. (5/12.) CouRTEXAY, John Frederick. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 25 Nov. •'^•-C-S. 455. (2.) Allott, Richard, Rev., D.D. ; Beaufort, Sir Francis, Admiral. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. ^Y . 29 Nov. S.-C.S. 455. (3.) Harward, John, oj Stourbridge. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 9 Dec. ^--C.S. 456. (1.) Catalogue of the first portion of valuable Books, forming "The Metropolitan Library," etc. Priced. >S'. L. S. & J. W. 16 Dec. ^ " S.-C.S. 456. (2.) Burgon, Thomas, of the British Museum. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 22 Dec. S.-C.S. 456. (3.) Catalogue of a very valuable assemblage of Books and Manuscripts, chiefly the property of a Collector, etc. Priced. *S'. L. S. & J. W. 23 Dec. ^--C-S. 456. (4.) 1859. Chisholm, Duncan Macdonell, The Chisholm. Library. Priced. S. Leiqh Sotheby & John Wilkinson, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 12 Jan. S.-C.S. 457. (4.) Miller, William, oJ Upper East Smithjield. Stock of Books. Priced. Southgate & Barrett, 22, Fleet Street. 18 Jan. S.-C.Sg. 99. (10.) Catalogue of the Library of a Clergvman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. 9- Cataloffue of the Library of a Clergyman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 12 May. S.-C.P. 58. (8.) HuxTABLE, John. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <£• J. W. IS Mav. S.-C.S. 463. (4.) Turner, Dawson, M.A., F.R.S. Library (Remaining Part). Priced. P. & S. 16 May. S.-C.P. 59. (1.) Hodgson, Richard, Rev. Library. Spiller, W. H. Portion of Library. S. & B. 25 May. S.-C.Sg. 101. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of Books in various languages, etc. Priced. S. L. S. (& J. W. 28 May. S.-C.S. 464. (2.) Catalogue of a portion of the Librar}^ of a late Member of the Numis- matic Societies of London and Paris, etc. Priced. S. L. S. d: J. W. 30 May. S.-C.S. 464. (3.) Catalogue of valuable Theological, Historical and Antiquarian Books, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 1 June. S.-C.S. 464. (5.) Turner, Dawson, M.A., F.R.S. Manuscript Library. AVith preface. Priced. P. <& S. 6 June. S.-C.P. 60. Wellbeloved, Charles, Rev. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 8 June. S.-C.S.. 465. (2.) Markland, James Hevwood, F.R.S. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. Tf . 11 June. S.-C.S. 465. (3.) Bogue, David. Remainder of many Publications. Collins Brothers. Stock of Atlases and Maps, JEngraved Plates, and Copyrights. Priced. S. & B. 13 June. S.-C.Sg. 101. (4.) [Halliwell, James Orchard.] Books illustrative of the English Drama. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 13 June. S.-C.S. 465." (4.) Catalogue of the Library of an Artist, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 14 June. S.-C.P. 61. (2.) CoTTiNGHAM, Edwin, M.R.C.S. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 15 June. S.-C.S. 466. (1.) CoTTiNGHAM, Edwin, M.R.C.S. Medical Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 20 June. S.-C.S. 466. (2.) Hastie, James, of Gray's Inn. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 23 June. S.-C.S. 466. (3.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Handel's Oratorios, etc. Priced. S. L. S. cfc J. W. 23 June. S.-C.S. 466. (4.) Broderip, William John, of Grai/s Inn. Library. Priced. ;S. L. S. & J. W. 27 June. S.-C.S. 467. (1.) Jenkins, Miss, of Clifton. Library, Autographs and Engravings. Priced. P. & S. 27 June. S.-C.P. 61. (5.) -1859 287 Catalogue of a collection of Books, chiefly from tlie Library of a Gentle- man, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 2 July. S.-C.S. 467. (4.) Squibb, Georee James, F.R.C.S. Library. Priced. P. <& S. 8 July. S.-C.P. 6L (7.) Barrett, Thomas, of Lee Priori/, Kent. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 11 July. ^ S.-C.S. 468. (1.) PiLKiNGTON, Henry, ilf..4. Library. Priced. »S. L. >S. c6 J. F. 20 July. S.-C.S. 468. (2.) [Bradbury, A.l Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 28 July. S.-C.S. 468. (5.) LiBRi, Guglielmo, Count. Library (Choicer Part). With preface. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 1 Aug. S.-C.S. 469. & 470. & 11903. k. 14. Delafosse, Daniel Charles, Rev. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d: J. W. 16 Aug. S.-C.S. 471. (1.) Sale notice of the Copies and Copyright of Hartland's Genealogical and Chronological Chart of the Royal Houses of Europe, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 19 Aug. S.-C.S. 471. (2.) Jerrold, Douglas. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 26 Aug. S.-C.S. 471. (4.) Williams, John, Archdeacon oj Cardigan; Gardner, George, of Birthivaite^ Hall, Windermere. Libraries. Shaw, Thomas A. Eemaining Library and Autograph Letters. Priced. S. L. S. & J. If. 29 Aug. S.-C.S. 472. Ewer & Co., Messrs., oj Oxford Street. Part of Stock of Music. Priced. P. & S., on the premises, 390, Oxford Street. 1 Sept. S.-C.P. 62. (9.) Fitch, William Steyenson. Library and Manuscripts. Mr. Ross, Tower Street, Ipswich. 14 Sept. S.-C. 680. (5.) Dendy, S. Miscellaneous and Law Libraries. Priced. S. & B. 26 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 102. (4.) CoLLiNGWOOD, James. Library. Priced. >S'. & B. 31 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 102. (5.) Hughes, Edward, F.R.A.S. Library. Priced. P. & S. 31 Oct. S.-C.P. 63. (1.) Catalogue of the Library of a distinguished Antiquary, etc. Priced. P. is. 16 Nov. S.-C.P. 63. (3.) Biggs, George, Editor of the " Family Herald " ; Hare, F. G. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 17 Noy. S.-C.S. 473. (3.) Lay, William, Bookseller and Publisher, of King William Street, Strand. Stock of Books. Priced. S. & B. 23 Noy. S.-C.Sg. 102. (9.) 288 1859- Catalogue of the Library of an eminent Divine, Bioo;raplier and Editor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 28 Nov. ^ S.-C.P. 63. (4.) FiTfH, William Stevenson. Librarv (Remaining Part). Priced. S. L. S. cfc J. W. 29 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 474. (2.) Bell, W. J., of Wallsend. Literary Collections. Priced. P. & S. 13 Dec. S.-C.P. 63. (6.) Catalogue of a collection of Books with Illustrations by the Bewicks and their pupils, etc. Priced. P. & S. 15 Dec. S.-C.P. 63. (7.) The date in misprinted 1852 Jor 1859. MiTFORD, John, Rev., of Benhall, Saxmundham. Library (First Part). Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 475. Messrs. Darton axd Co. Stock of Books. Priced. >S. & B. 19 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 102. (13.) Davis, Daniel Gateward, Bishop of Antigua. Books from Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. <& S. 20 Dec. S.-C.P. 64. (1.) 1860. Smith, Hamilton, Lieutenant-Colonel. Part of Library. (Catalogue of the select Library of a Gentleman leaving London, etc.) Priced. *S. Leigh Sothehy & John Wilkinson, 3, Wellington Street, Strand. 3 Jan. S.-C.S. 476. (2.) Pashley, Robert, Q.C. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 9 Jan. S.-C.S. 476. (3.) Brown, W. J., Jun. Library of Music and Musical Literature. Priced. Puttick and Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 12 Jan. S.-C.P. 64. (3.) Lawrell, James. Library, (Catalogue of a valuable Collection of Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 476. (4.) Hudson, James, Secretary of the Royal Agricultural Society. Library. Priced. P. & S. 17 Jan. S.-C.P. 64. (4.) Richardson, Charles, LL.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W . 21 Jan. S.-C.S. 477. (1.) Catalogue of the select Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 27 Jan. S.-C.S. 477. (3.) OoM, Adolphus Kent. Library. (Parti.) Priced. P. & S. 30 Jan. S.-C.P. 64. (5.) Brewer, John Sherren, of Norwich. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. d; J. W. 3 Feb. ' S.-C.S. 477. (5.) OoM, Adolphus Kent. Library. (Part 2. — Musical.) (Catalogue of a large collection of valuable Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 10 Feb. S.-C.P. 64. (7.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 17 Feb. ■ S.-C.P. 64. (8.) -1860 289 Singer, Samuel Weller. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 20 Feb. S.-C.S. 470. (1.) [Bentley, Richard.] Catalogue of the Remainders of Popular Modern Books, in quires and bound, the property of an eminent publishing House. Priced. S. & B. 21 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 103. (9.) Fergusson, Robert Cutlar. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 28 Feb. S.-C.S. 478. (2.) Trimbey, George, and Co. Stock of Music. Priced. P. & S. 5 March. S.-C.P. 65. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of fine Books and Books of Engravings, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 March. S.-C.S. 479. (2.) Deeth, Sylvanus G. Stock of Books. Templeman, George. Col- lection of Books. J. C. Maguire & Co., Washington City. 20 March. 11900. cc. 30. HoLLiNGS WORTH, Arthur G. H., Rev., Vicar of Stowmarket, Suffolk. Library. Priced. S. & B. 20 March. S.-C.Sg. 103. (15.) Stone, Thomas, Felloiv of Brasenose College, Oxjorcl. Library. (Cata- logue of a miscellaneous collection of capital English Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 21 March. S.-C.S. 480. (1.) Bayley, Robert Slater, Rev., F.S.A. Library. Priced. P. & S. 23 March. S.-C.P. 65. (3.) Clarke, John, of Frith Street. Library and Stock of Books. Priced. P. & S. 27 March. S.-C.P. 65. (4.) Turner, Dawson, M.A., F.R.S. Ray, Hemy Belward. Autographs and MSS. from Collections. (Catalogue of a large and highly curious collection of Autographs and MSS., etc.) Priced. P. & S. 3 April. S.-C.P. 65. (5.) Singer, Samuel Weller. Librarv. (Part 2.) Priced. 8. L. S. & J. W. 11 April. " S.-C.S. 481. (1.) Trimmer, Henry Scott, Rev. Library. Priced. S. Leigh, Sotheby (& J. Wilkinson, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 19 April. S.-C.S. 481. (3.) Riddle, Joseph Edmund, Rev., M.A. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 20 April. S.-C.S. 481. (4.) Forbes, Henry, Organist of St. Luke's, Chelsea. Musical Library. (Catalogue of several valuable Musical Properties, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 24 April. S.-C.P. 66. (1.) MiTFO-RB, John, Rev., of Benhall, Suffolk. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 24 April. S.-C.S. 482. Earle, George, of Castle Street East. Part of Circulating Library. Priced. P.' <& S. 7 Mav. S.-C.P. 66. (2.) ■290 1860- Catalogue of a collection of Printed Books, containing numerous articles of Rarity and Curiosity, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 8 May. " ^ S.-C.S. 483. (1.) Scott, Thomas Hobbes, Rev., M.A. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 9 May. S.-C.P. 66. (3.) Betham, Sir William, Ulster King of Arms. Genealogical and Heraldic Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 10 Mav. S.-C.S. -483. (2.) Henry, Thomas Hetherington, F.R.S. Scientific Library. Gwillim, John, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of curious and rare Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 11 May. S.-C.S. 483. (3.) Singer, Samuel Weller. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 16 May. S.-C.S. 483. (4.) Young, Anna, Mrs., of Rochester. Library. Priced. P. & S. 21 May. " S.-C.P. 66. (5.) Singer, Samuel Weller. Selected portion of choice and interesting copies of rare and valuable works. Priced. S. L. S. d' J. W. 24 May. S.-C.S. 484. (1.) Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman from Kent, etc. Priced. P. & S. 24 May. S.-C.P. 66. (6.) Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Books . . . relating to . . . America and the West Indies. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 25 May. S.-C.S. 484. (2.) Chambers, Richard, F.L.S. Library. (Remaining Part.) Priced. P. & S. 4 June. S.-C.P. 66. (7.) [Bentley, Richard.] Catalogue of the remaining Stocks of very popular modern Standard Books, in quires and boards, together with numerous important copyrights and stereotype plates, the property of an eminent publishing firm. Priced. S. & B. 11 June. S.-C.Sg. 104. (11.) [Sainsbury, John.] A Catalogue of the great historical collection formed ... by the Collector and Founder of the Napoleon Museum . . . Manuscripts, Portraits, Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. Chinnock <& Galsworthy. 21, Old Bond Street. 18 June. S.-C. 986 & 823. h. 15. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of very choice Books and valuable Illuminated Italian Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 18 June. S.-C.S. 485. (3.) Turner, Thomas, q/ G'/owces^er. Library. Priced. P.&S. 20 June. S.-C.P. 67. (2.) -1860 291 Catalogue of an extremely valuable collection of Books and Manuscripts, including some beautiful Horre and Officia, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 20 June. S.-C.S. 485. (4.) Catalogue of a verv select portion of the Library of a Gentleman, leaving London, etc. Priced. &. L. S. d J. W. 22 June. 8.-C.S. 486. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of rare and curious Books, etc., including a Selection of Duplicates from tlie Library of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 26 June. ^ S.-C.P. 67. (3.) Smart, Sir George Thomas ; Barnard, Sir Andre .v. Parts of Musical Libraries. Priced. P. & S. 28 June. S.-C.P. 67. (4.) Staunton, Sir George. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 30 June. S.-C.S. 486. (3.) PuRDAY, Z. T. Stock of Music. (Parti.) Priced. P. d S. 2 July. S.-C.P. 67. (6.) PuRDAY, Z. T. Stock of Music. (Part 2.) Priced. P. d S. 2 July. S.-C.P. 67. (7.) Sargent, F. ; Steinkopf, Carl Friedrich Adolf, D.D. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. & J. IF. 4 July. S.-C.S. 486. (4.) Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, removed from Bayswater, etc. Priced. P. & S. 5*July. S.-C.P. 67. (8.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books . . . chiefly formed by an eminent Orientalist, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. Tf . 7 Julv. S.-C.S. 487. (1.) MiTFORD, John, Rev., of Benhall, Saxmundham. Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 9 July. S.-C.S. 487. (2.) MoRADEi, Dr., of Florence. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of extremelv curious, interesting, and rare Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 9 July. ^ S.-C.P. 67. (10.) Crowninshield, Edward A. Part of Library. Smith, Hamilton, Lieutenant - Colonel. Drawings. (Catalogue of a collection of singularly interesting, fine and rare Books, etc.) With preface. Priced. P. & S. 12 July. S.-C.P. 68. (1.) & 11904. f. 32. Kenyon, T. G. Library. Priced. S. & B. 17 July. S.-C.Sg. 105. (7.) Smith, Philip, Rev. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 20 July. S.-C.S. 487. (6.) Catalogue of a very select portion of the Librarv of a Gentleman, leaving London, etc. S. L. S. & J. W. 22 June. "' S.-C. 999. (6.) Holland, Lancelot, of Beckenham, Kent ; Holland, Henry, of Montagu Square. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 23 July. S.-C.S. 488. (1.) u 2 292 1S60- Wessel and Co., Messrs., of Hanover Square. Stock of Music. Priced. P. & S. 2.3 July. S.-C.P. 68. (2.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 2 Aug. ^ S.-C.S. 488. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable Library, removed from Yorkshire, etc. Priced. P. & S. 6 Aug. " S.-C.P. 69. (3.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of an eminent Divine and CVitic, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 15 Aug. S.-C.P. 69. (4.) Catalogue of the choice Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. ;S. L. S. & J. W. 21 Aug. ^ S.-C.S. 488. (2.) Maucotel, Charles. Stock of Music and Musical Instruments. Priced. P. & S. 28 Aug. S.-C.P. 69. (2.)- Knight, J. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 29 Aug. S.-C.S. 489. (3.) Sams, Joseph, of Darlington. Library and Stock of Books. Priced. P. & S. 5 Nov. ' S.-C.P. 70. (2.) Singer, Samuel Weller. Library. (Last Part.) Priced. ^S. L. S. & J. W. 8 Nov. " S.-C.S. 490. (1.) Smythe. Thomas, Barrister-at-Law. Library. Priced. S. /,. S. (k J. W: 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 490. (2.) Mason. G. E. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. P. & S. 13 Nov. S.-C.P. 70. (3.) Catalogue of the valuable Law Library of a Barrister gone abroad, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 15 Nov. S.-C.S. 490. (3.) DwARRis, Sir Fortunatus ; Delille, Charles Jean ; Smith, P., Rev. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 490. (4.) Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of Books, including the Library of a Clergyman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 20 Nov. S.-C.P. 70. (4.) Mason, G. E. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. P. & S. 27 Nov. S.-C.P. 71. (1.) Tancred, Hemy William, M.P. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. IF. 28 Nov. ' S.-C.S. 491. (1.) Sancha, Justo de. Part of Library. Priced. S. L. S & J. W. 3 Dec. S.-C.S. 491. (2.) Smith, Hamilton, Lieutenant-Colonel. Drawings. (Catalogue of a collection of interesting Books in aeneral literature, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 3 Dec. ^ S.-C.P. 71. (2.) Catalogue of the remaining copies of . . . Surtees' History of Durham and Raine's History and Antiquities of North Durham, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. ^6 Dec. S.-C.S. 491. (3.) -1861 293 AcKERMANX, F. ; Gaugaix, Mrs., of EdinhurgJi. Catalogue of a most extensive variety of modern Books. Priced. S. & B. 11 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 106. (5.) Masox, G. E. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. P. S'. L. S. & J. W. 21 Nov. S.-C.S. 505. (3.) Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. F. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 505. (4.) Cartwright, James Boardman, P^ev. Librarv. Priced. &. L. S. & J. W. 25 Nov. S.-C.S. 505. (5.) Taylor, Joseph. Manuscript Collections, etc. (Catalogue of a Library of capital English and foreign Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 28 Nov. " f^--C.P. 78. (4.) Treherne, Edmund, M.I.C.E. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 28 Nov. • S.-C.S. 506. (1.) Plint, Thomas Edward, of Leeds. Librarv. Priced. S. & B. 4 Dec. ' S.-C.Sg. 109. (8.) Catalogue of the valuable Law Library and a portion of the Miscel- laneous Library of an eminent Judge, deceased, etc. Priced. S. L. S. C& J. W. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 506. (3.) B^NDiNEL, BuWideY, Bodlei/s Librarian, Oxford. Books and Tracts. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 9 Dec. S.-C.S. 506. (4.) Catalogue of miscellaneous Books, including a selection of Duplicates from the Library of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, etc. Priced. P. & S. 11 Dec. S.-C.P. 78. (5.) Hunt George, Rev., F.R.S. ; Miles, William, Major-General. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 507. (2.) Graham, RL Hon. Sir James Robert George, Bart., F.R.S. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 19 Dec. S.-C.P. 78. (7.) Hunter, Joseph, Rev., F.S.A. Library. Priced. ;S. L. S. & J. W. 19 Dec. S.-C.S. 507. (3.) & S.-C. 934. (3.) 298 1862- 1862. Catalogue of the Musical Library of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. Puttick and Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 6 Jan. S.-C.P. 78. (9.) Macpherson, Francis, Bookseller, of Oxford. Stock of Books. Priced. S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wilkinson, 13 {late 3), Wellington Street, Strand. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 508. (2.) Furze, J. N. Part of Library. Sancha, Justo de. Library. (Remaining Part.) Texison, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Books returned from sale of Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 23 Jan. S.-C.S. 509. (3.) & S.-C. 963. (4.) ViLLiERS, Hon. Henry Montagu, Bishop of Durham. Library. Priced. P. & S. 27 Jan. " S.-C.P. 79. (1.) Baillie, David, of Belgrave Square. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 30 Jan. S.-C.S. 509. (1.) Sotheby, Samuel Leigh. Books. Priced. John Wilkinson, at Messrs. Sotheby and Wilkinson's House, No. 13 {late 3), Wellington Street, Strand. 8 Feb. S.-C.S. 509. (3.) Bandinel, Bulkeley, Bodley's Librarian, of Oxford. Books returned from sale of Library. (Catalogue of an assemblage of Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. ^ & J. W. 10 Feb. S.-C.S. 509. (4.) [Tasker, Joseph.] Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 7 March. S.-C.S. 510. (5.) Catalogue of an important collection of Books, including a valuable portion of the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 18 March. S.-C.S. 511. (1.) & S.-C. 681. (15.) Williams, T. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 25 March. S.-C.S. 511. (2.) Coleridge. Herbert. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 10 April. S.-C.S. 511. (3.) Laing, Allan Stewart, of Tanfield Court, Temple. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 12 April. S.-C.S. 511. (4.) HoRSLEY, Charles Edward. Musical Library (comprising the Libraries. of William Horslev and John Wall Callcott). Priced. P. & S. 16 April. ' S.-C.P. 80. (3.) & C. 61. h. 1. (6/13.) Heath, John, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 23 April. S.-C.S. 512. (1.) Baldock, Robert, of High Holborn. Stock of Books. (Part 1.) Priced. P. & S. 24 April. S.-C.P. 80. (4.) [Booth, Lionel.] County Histories, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 2 May. S.-C.S. 512. (5.) -1862 299- Catalogue of the Library of a Naturalist, etc. Priced. P. & S. 5 May. ' S.-C.P. 80. (5.) Drummond, Miss, of Berlcelei] Square. Bristol. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 6 May. S.-C.S. 513. (L) Palgrave, Sir Francis. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. F. 12 May. S.-C.S. 513. (3.) Baldock, Eobert, of High Holhorn. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. P. cC- S. 21 May. S.-C.P. 81. (3.) & S.-C. 996. (2.) BoDLEiAX Library, Oxford. Catalogue of a valuable collection of curious, rare and interesting Books, being Purchase-Duplicates from the Bodleian Library, Oxford, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 21 May. ^ S.-C.S. 514. (1.) & S.-C. 1016. (1.) Johnson, Manuel John. Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S. L. S. 6 J. W. 27 May. S.-C.S. 514. (2.) Catalogue of the Parochial Library of St. George the Martyr, Queen. Square, Bloomsbirry, etc. Priced. P. & S. 30 Mav. S.-C.P. 81. (4.) Thojl^s, George, Colonel. Part of Library. (Catalogue of the Theological and Miscellaneous Library of a Clercyman, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. cfc J. W. 31 May. ^ ' ' S.-C.S. 515. (1.) Baldock, Robert, of High Holhorn. Stock of Books. (Part 3.) Priced. P. & S. 17 June. S.-C.P. 81. (7.) Lloyd, Charles, Rev., Senior Student of Christ Church, Oxford. Aldine Collection. Hunter, Joseph, F.S.A. Genealogical and Historical Papers. Gwilt, Joseph, F.S.A. Library. (Remaining Part.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 18 June. ' S.-C.S. 516. (2.) Campbell, John, of New Bond Street. Stock of Music. Priced. P. <& S. 24 June. S.-C.P. 81. (8.) Catalogue of a various collection of Books and Manuscripts, chiefly from the Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 26 June. ' S.-C.S. 516. (6.) Hawtrey, Edward Craven, Rev.. D.D., Provost of Eton. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d: J. W. 30 June. S.-C.S. 517. & S.-C. 934. (2.) Catalogue of an extraordinary collection of State Documents and Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. P. S. L. S. & J. W. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 524. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Music, including the Library of a Professor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 20 Nov. S.-C.P. 84. (2.) GuBBiNS, Charles. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Books, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 24 Nov. S.-C.S. 524. (2.) Leifchild, John, Rev. ; Corner, C. Parts of Libraries. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 26 Nov. S.-C.P. 84. (3.). Tierney, Mark Aloysius, Rev. Librarv- Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 1 Dec. ' S.-C.S. 524. (3.) Edwards, John, Rev., Canon of Durham. Library. Priced. S. L. S.. S J. W. 8 Dec. S.-C.S. 524. (4.) Mitchell, Archibald, Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. P. & S. 12 Dec. S.-C.P. 84. (5.) Ellis, John, of Bernard Street, Russell Square. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d J. W. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 525. (1.) & S.-C. 963. (2.) Darling, George, M.D. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 525. (2.) Catalogue of the Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 19 Dec. ^ S.-C.S. 525. (3.) Catalogue of a large and interesting collection of Autograph Letters from the portfolios of several Amateurs, etc. Priced. P. & S. 19 Dec. S.-C.P. 84. (6.) 1863. Leslie, John, of Great Queen Street. Stock of Books. Priced. Puttick (k Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 2 Jan. S.-C.P. 84. (8.) Byron, Lady Noel. Library. (Eemaining Part.) (Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 5 Jan. S.-C.P. 85. (1.) Maynard, Samuel, of Leicester Square. Stock of Books. Priced. S. Leiqh Sothehu & John Wilkinson, 13 {late 3), Wellington Street, Strand. 7 Jan. S.-C.S. 526. (1.) Chichester, J. H. R. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 19 Jan. S.-C.S. 526. (2.) & S.-C. 963. (1.) Clarke. D. E,. Part of Library. (Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Collector, deceased, etc.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 26 Jan. S.-C.S. 526. (3.) Hedgley, John, of Ehury Street, Pimlico. Stock of Music. Priced. P. & S. 28 Jan. S.-C.P. 85. (2.) & C. 61. h. 1. (6/10.) 302 1863- Dering, Sir Edward, Bart. Deeds and C'harters from Library. (Catalogue of an extremely interesting and valuable collection of rare and fine Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 4 Feb. S.-C.P. 85. (3). Hawes, Sir Benjamin. K.C.B. Library. S. L. S. & J. W. 4 Feb. ^ ' S.-C.S. 527. (4.) Catalo'Jue of an extremely interesting and vakiable collection of rare and lane Books, etc. P. <& S. 4 Feb. S.-C. 996. (3.) Barnwell, Charles Frederick, M.A., F.R.S. ; Trecothick, Alderman. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 6 Feb. S.-C.S. 527. (3.) RowLATT, John Clarke. Rev. Library. Priced. P. & S. 12 Feb. S.-C.P. 85. (4.) Pardoe, Julia, Miss. Autographs. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 14 Feb. S.-C.S. 527. (5.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Roman-Catholic Gentleman, etc. Priced. >S. L. S. & J. W. 19 Feb. S.-C.S. 528. (1.) Ebers. Messrs.. of Old Bond Street. Stock of Books and Circulating Library. (Part I.) Priced. P. & S. 25 Feb. S.-C.P. 85. (5.) & S.-C. 965. (1.) Adolphus, John Levcester. Law Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 27 Feb. ■ " S.-C.S. 528. (4.) Chichester, J. H. R. Musical Library. Randall, Richard. Library. Priced. P. & S. 4 March. ^ S.-C.P. 86. (1.) Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron Macaulay. Part of Library. Priced. ;S. L. S. <& J. W. 4 March. S.-C.S. 528. (5.) & S.-C. 963. (5.) Bird, William, of Liverpool. Library. (Remaining Part.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 11 March. S.-C.S. 529. (1.) Beltz, Samuel. Library (partly collected by George Frederick Beltz). Priced. S. L. S. cO J. W. 16 March. S.-C.S. 529. (2.) Bird, Charles Smith, Rev. Library. Priced. P. <& S. 16 March. S.-C.P. 86. (3.) Walker, Z>;-. Natural History Library. Priced. S. & B. 24 March. S.-C.Sg. 113. (10.) AcKERMANN, Rudolph. of Regent Street. Portion of Stock of Books. Priced. >S'. & B. 31 March. S.-C.Sg. 113. (11.) Morgan, Sydney, Lady. Library. Browne, Joseph. Architectural Library. Priced. ,S'. L. S. & J. Tf. 1 April. S.-C.S. 529. (3.) Elizabeth, Princess. Landgravine of Hesse Homhurg. Library. Priced. S. L. S. d- J. W. 7 April. S.-C.S. 529. (4.) -1863 303 Hogg, James, and Sons. Stock of Books, Stereotype Plates, Wood Blocks and Copyrights. Priced. S. & B 14 April. S.-C.Sg. 113. (13.) Catalogue of a liiglily curious portion of the valuable Library of a distinguished Collector, etc. Priced. *S. L. S. & J. W. 15 April. S.-C.S. 530. (1.) & S.-C. 1027. (6.) Catalogue of the Library of an eminent Scholar, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 16 April. S.-C.P. 86. (6.) CoRRiE, John, of Southington, Hants. Library. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 20 April. ■ S.-C.S. 530. (2.) Ebers, Messrs., of Old Bond Street. Stock of Books and Circulating Library. (Second Part.) Priced. P. & S. 20 April. S.-C.P. 86. (7.) DuFFiELD, Richard, Rev., B.D. Library. Priced. *S. L. S. & J. W. 27 April. ' S.-C.S. 531. (1.) Catalogue of a large collection of Music, including the Library of an Amateur, etc. Priced. P. & S. 29 April. S.-C.P. 86. (9.) Whateley, William, Q.C. Part of Library. Priced. P. (& S. 4 May. S.-C.P. 87. (i.) Coles, Henry Beaumont, M.P. ; Majendie, Henry Lewis, Rev. ; De La Motte, William. Libraries. Priced. ;S. L. S. & J. W. 11 May. S.-C.S. 531. (3.) Bennett, James, Rev., D.D. Library. Priced. P. & S. 18 May. S.-C.P. 87. (4.) Catalogue of a large collection of rare, interesting and valuable Books and Tracts, the whole of which relate to the history, languages and literature of America and the Indies, etc. Priced. P. & S. 21 May. S.-C.P. 87. (5.) Ingall, Thomas. Library of Natural History. Priced. S. L. S. <& J. W. 27 May. " S.-C.S. 532. (4.) Jeans, Edward, of Norwich. Stock of Books. Priced. P. & S. 8 June. S.-C.P. 88. (1.) Adolphus, John Leycester, the Younger. Library (including collection of John Adolphus, the Elder). Priced. >S. L. S. & J.W. 11 June. S.-C.S. 533. (1.) & S.-C. 1004. (1.) Balmanno, Robert, F.S.A. Library. (Catalogue of fine and interesting Books, Works on the Arts, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 16 June. S.-C.P. 88. (3.) Bonaparte, Louis Lucien, Prince. Library. (Chemical and Scientific Part.) Priced. S. L. S. & J. Tf. 18 June. S.-C.S. 533. (2.) HoBSON, William. Library. Priced. S>. L. S. 6c J. W. 19 June. S.-C.S. 533. (3.) 304 ]S63- BowLY, Heni"v. Library. Leake, John Martin. Library. (Reserved Part.) Priced. >S'. L. S. & J. W. 22 June. S.-C.S. 533. (4.) MoGiNiE, N. C. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 23 June. S.-C.P. 88. (4.) [Smyth, George Arthur, Rev.] Library. Priced. P. & S. 3 Julv. S.-C.P. 88. (5.) Adolphus, John Leycester. Autograph Letters and Manuscripts. Priced. ;S'. L. S. & J. W. 6 July. S.-C.S. 534. (3.) Johnston, D. M. Library. Priced. P. & S. 10 July. S.-C.P. 88. (6.) Buckle. Henrv Thomas. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & J. Tf. 13 July. ■ S.-C.S. 535. (1.) Catalogue of the Library and Collection of Manuscripts of a well-known Collector in the West of England, etc. Priced. P. & S. 16 July. S.-C.P. 89. (1.) Perry, William Glroves, of Warwick. Stock of Books. (Catalogue of a large collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 27 July. S.-C.P. 89. (2.) Catalogue of a very important assemblage of fine and rare Books and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S. L. S. cfe J. W. 28 July. S.-C.S. 536. (1.) & S.-C. 1027. (7.) Hardy, Peter, F.R.S. Librarv. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 29 Julv. S.-C.S. 536. (2.) Robins. Sanderson, Rev. ; Sadler, Percv, of Homerton. Libraries. Priced. S. L. S. dt J. W. 31 July. ' S.-C.S. 536. (3.) Webb, G. R. Bysh. Architectural Library. Priced. S. d- B. 5 Aug. ' S.-C.Sg. 114. (16.) Sullivan, Sir Charles, Bart., Admiral. Part of Library, etc. Priced. P. & S. 6 Aug. S.-C.P. 89. (4.) & S.-C. 996. (5.) Kalergi, John. Library. Waddilove, Robert Darley, Dean of Ripon. Spanish Library. Priced. S. L. S. d: J. W. 7 Aug. S.-C.S. 537. (1.) & S.-C. 1004. (4.) Johnston, D. M. ; Radford, Joshua. Autographs and MSS, (Cata- logue of an extensive and highly interesting assemblage of Auto- graphs and MSS., etc.) Priced. "P. d S. 12 Aug. S.-C.P. 89. (5.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a distinguished Entomologist, etc. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 13 Aug. S.-C.S. 537. (2.) Archer, Henry. Library. Priced. S. L. S. & J. W. 19 Aug. S.-C.S. 537. (3.), S.-C.S. 538. (1.) & S.-C. 1004. (5.) Purday. Thomas Edward, and Son, of Oxford Street. Stock of Music. Priced. P. cC- ,S'. 31 Aug. S.-C.P. 89. (7.) -1863 305 Catalogue of tlie valuable Library of a Collector, deceased, etc. Priced. S. L. S. cfc J. W. 31 Aug. ' S.-C.S. 538. (2.) Holmes, Tliomas, of Ludgate Hill. Stock of Modern Books and Stationery. Priced. .S. & B. 15 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 115. (1.) Catalogue of a remarkable collection of upwards of sixty thousand English Tracts and Pamphlets, etc. Priced. P. d -S. 2 Nov. S.-C.P. 90. (1.) Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von. Baron. The Hum- boldt Librarv . . . With a bibliographical and biographical memoir by Henry Stevens. [S.L. S. d: J. W.] 5 Nov. S.-C. 964. Miller, Fiennes Sanderson, Lieutenant-Colonel . Librarv. Priced. P.&S. 9 Nov. S.-C.P. 90. (2.) Bickers and Bush, Booksellers. Remainders and numerous copies of popular modern Books and illustrated Works. Priced. S. S., If. & H. 26 Feb. S.-C.S. 563. (4.) HiGGS, Ed\vard. Library. ^S'., W. & H. 1 March. S.-C. 1003. (9.) Catalogue of an extremely interesting collection of Antiquarian Music of great curiosity and rarity, etc. Priced. P. & S. 2 March. S.-C.P. 105. (7.) & S.-C. 1028. (8.) Ferguson, Robert, Physician to Queen Victoria. Library. Priced. P. d- S. 6 March. S.-C.P. 105. (8.) Graham, John, Bishop of Chester. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 March. S.-C.S. 564. (2.) Catalogue of a small but exceedingly choice collection, received from Italy, of Autograph Letters and Diplomatic Correspondence, etc. Priced. P. d^S. 13 March. S.-C.P. 105. (10.) Gardiner, Marguerite, Countess of Blessington. Autograph Letters. (Catalogue of an interesting collection of Autograph Letters, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 14 March. - S.-C.P. 105. (11.) Catalogue of a collection of highly interesting, valuable and rare Books, from the Library of an eminent Collector, etc. Priced. P. d S. 15 March. S.-C.P. 106. (1.) & S.-C. 1001. (1.) ■Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, deceased. Priced. S., W. & U. 22 March. S.-C.S. 564. (3.) Morton, James, Prebendary of Lincoln. Library. Priced. P. d S. 26 March. S.-C.P. 106. (4.) & S.-C. 962. (3.) Catalogue of an important collection of rare, curious and valuable Books. Priced. S., W. d H. 13 April. S.-C.S. 565. (2.) FiTZGiBBON, Richard Hobart, 3rd Earl of Clare. Part of Library. Williams, T., Rev. Books from Library. Priced. S., W. d U. 16 April. S.-C.S. 565. (3.) & S.-C. 1003. (4.) NuTT, David. Second-hand Stock of Books. (Remaining part.) Priced. S., W. d H. 23 April. S.-C.S. 565. (6.) -1866 315 Catalogue of the interesting Library of a Physician who is leaving England, etc. Priced. P. & S. 26 April. ' S.-C.P. 107. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of highly curious Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, etc. Priced. P. d S. 28 April. S.-C.P. 107. (3.) TAYLO'R,Iiiaac. of Stanford- Rivers. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 1 May. S.-C.P. 107. (4.) Metzler and Co., of Great Marlborough Street. Stock of Music. Priced. P. & S. 7 May. S.-C.P. 107. (5.) Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph, F.R.S., F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 May. S.-C.S. 566. (9.) Catalogue of an extremely curious, highly interesting and valuable Library, etc. Priced. P. & S. 14 May. S.-C.P. 108. (1.) Arthington, Robert, of Leeds. -"Part of Library and Books of Prints. WiLLiMOT, John, M.D. Library. Bouchier, Barton, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 17 May. S.-C.S. 566. (5.) Caley, John. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of scarce Books, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 24 May. S.-C.S. 566. (7.) & S.-C. 1003. (3.) Malta College. Catalogue of the well-selected Library of a Collegiate Institution, etc. Priced. P. d S. 28 May. S.-C.P. 108. (4.) Lewis, John Delaware. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 5 June. S.-C.S. 567. (11.) Peacock, Thomas Love. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 June. S.-C.S. 567. (3.) & S.-C. 962. (6.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of an eminent Naturalist, deceased, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 12 June. S.-C.P. 108. (9.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, selected from the Libraries of Collectors, etc. Priced. >S'., W. & H. 15 June. S.-C.S. 568. (1.) Tallemach, Richard. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 June. S.-C.S. 568. (2.) Catalogue of the valuable and interesting Professional and General Library of an eminent Physician, etc. Priced. P. & S. 19 June. S.-C.P. 109. (1.) Pateman, William Slater D., Publisher. Library. Priced. Southgate 6 Co., 22, Fleet Street. 20 June. S.-C.Sg. 122. (4.) Catalogue of an interesting collection of English and Foreign Books from a distinguished Library, etc. Priced. P. & S. 6 July. S.-C.P. 109. (5.) Catalogue of a private Library removed from the country, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 July. S.-C.S. 569. (1.) 316 186G- Mackixlay, T. G.. F.S.A. Libraiv. Priced. P. & S. 12 July. S.-C.P. 109. (6.) Fenn, Sir Joseph. Autourapli Letters and MSS. Priced. P. & S. 16 July. ' S.-C.P. 109. (8.) Fairholt, Frederick William, F.S.A. Librarv^ Priced. *S'., If. & H. 23 July. 8.-C.8. 569. (5.) & S.-C. 1003. (7.) Banks, Sir Thomas Christopher, Bart. Library, etc. (Catalogue of a larse and interestins collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. ct- S. 25 "July. S.-C.P. 110. (1.) & S.-C. 1003. (1.) Maitland, Samuel Roffev, Rev., D.D. Library. Priced. P. & S. 1 Aug. ' S.-C.P. 110. '(3.) & S.-C. 962. (2.) Wellesley. Henrv, Principal of N en: Inn Hall, Oxford. Manuscripts. Priced. ,S'.. Tf.' & H. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 569. (9.) Dixon, J. H. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 6 Aug. S.-C.S. 570. (1.) & S.-C. 1003. (6.) Jewell, Joseph Henry, of Great Russell Street. Stock of Music. Priced. P. cfc S. 8 Aug. S.-C.P. 110. (4.) CtResley, John Morewood, Rev.. M.A. Library. Priced. >S'. W. (& H. 10 Aug. S.-C.S. 570'. (2.) & S.-C. 1003. (8.) Bell, John Gray, of Manchester. Autograph Letters from Stock. Priced. P. & S. 14 Aug. S.-C.P. 110. (5.) Bromley, Sir Richard. K.C.B. Library. Priced. P. & S. 15 Aug. S.-C.P. 110. (6.) Haggard, William Debonaire. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Aug. S.-C.S: 570. (5.) & S.-C. 1006. (2.) Wright, Harry, Rev., of Cheltenham. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 Aug. " ^ S.-C.S. 570. (6.) Catalogue of a large and interesting collection of rare and valuable Books, etc. Priced. P. & S. 30 Aug. S.-C.P. 110. (9.) Catalogue of a jDortion of the valuable Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 Nov. S.-C.S. 571. (3.) Wellesley, Henrv, Rev., Principal of New Inn Hall, Oxford. Library. Priced.'^ S.. W. & H. 8 Nov. (and 14 days). S.-C.S. 571. (4.) & S^C. 1043. (1.) Ansell, Thomas. M.D., F.S.A. Library. Priced. P. & S. 13 Nov. S.-C.P. 111. (2.) Sherman, James, Rev. Books from Library. (Catalogue of the very select Library of a Clergyman, etc.) Priced. P. <£■ S. 16 Nov. S.-C.P. 111. (3.) -1867 317 Major, John Richardson. Rev., D.D. Library. (Catalogue of a vahuible collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. (k S. 26 Nov. S.-C.P. 111. (8.) & S.-C. 962. (1.) Catalogue of the Library of a Dignitary of the Church, some time deceased, etc. Priced." S., W. & H. 28 Nov. S.-C.S. 572. (2.) Wetter, Conrad. Librarv. Priced. S., TT'. 6: H. 3 Dec. S.-C.S. 572. (3.) Platt, Samuel. Part of Librar\'. Priced. .S'., ir. d- H. 4 Dec. S.-C.S. 572. (4.) Catalogue of a collection of highly valuable Books, including a portion of the Library of a Nobleman! etc. Priced. P. d S. 5 Dec. S.-C.P. 111. (9.) Catalogue of an important collection of rare and curious Books and Tracts, etc. Priced. P. d S. 6 Dec. S.-C.P. 111. (10.) Beeton, Samuel Orchart. Publisher. Stock of Publications. Priced S. & Co. 10 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 123. (6.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Clergyman, removed from Kent, etc. Priced. P. & S. 12 Dec. S.-C.P. 111. (11.) Catalogue of important and valuable Books, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. .572. (6.) Addison, Lucas & Co. Stock of Music. (Catalogue of upwards of 20,000 Engraved Music Plates, etc.) Priced. P. d- S. 17 Dec. S.-C.P. 112. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the Librarv of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. /S., W. & H. 20 Dec. ' S.-C.S. 572. (7.) 1867. Craik, George Lillie. Library. Priced. Puttie}^ & Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 3 Jan. S.-C.P. 112. (5.) Greville, Robert Kaye, LL.D., of Edinburgh. Library. Priced. Sothehi/, Wilkinson & Hodge. 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 10 Jan. S.-C.S. 573. (1.) Catalogue of a large and interesting collection of valuable Music from the Libraries of several distinguished Amateurs and Professors, etc. Priced. P. & S. 11 Jan. S.-C.P. 112. (6.) Leckie, Captain. Library. (Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 14 Jan. S.-C.P. 112. (7.) & S.-C. 1006. (5.) Pantin, Thomas Pindar, Rev. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 Jan. S.-C.S. 57.3. (2.) & S.-C. 1005. (1.) CouRTHOPE, William, Somerset Herald. Librarv. Priced. S. W. d: H. 23 Jan. S.-C.S 573." (3.) & S.-C. 1007. (6.) 318 1867- GoRDOX, Adam, Lord. Part of Libraiv. Priced. P. & S. 28 Jan. S.-C.P. 112. (10.) Dingwall, Arthur, Advocate. Library. T. Chapman, No. 11, Hanover Street, Edinbimjh. 5 Feb. ' S.-C. 1007. (7.) Valle, Frederick. Library. Priced. P. cfc *S'. 11 Fel). S.-C.P. 113. (1.) Price, Sir Charles Rugge, Bart. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 Feb. S.-C.S. 573. (6.) & S.C. 1005 (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Ancient and Modern Music, etc. Priced. P. & S. 21 Feb. S.-C.P. 113. (3.) Robertson, Joseph, LL.D. Library. T. Chapinan, No. 11, Hanover Street, Edinburgh. 26 Feb. " S.-C. 1005. (4.) Carpenter, William Hookham, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 Feb. S.-C.S. 574.' (3.) & S.-C. 1007. (5.) Catalogue of an assemblage of rare, important, and useful Books . . . the Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. P. & S. 27 Feb. S.-C.P. 113. (4.) Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. P. & S. 2 March. S.-C.P. 113. (5.) Mayor, Joseph Bickersteth, Rev. ; Poynder, John, Rev. Libraries. (Catalogue of a collection of Historical, Theological, Classical, and Miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. <£• S. 4 March. S.-C.P. 113. (6.) Catalogue of the Librarv of a Gentleman. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 March. " S.-C.S. 574. (6.) Bloomfield, Samuel Thomas, Rev., D.D. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 March. S.-C.S. 574. (7.) & S.-C. 1007. (3.) Boyne, William, F.S.A. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 March. S.-C.S. 574. (8.) & S.-C. 1007. (4.) LuSHiNGTON, Charles. Library. Priced. S.. W. & H. 14 March. S.-C.S. 574. (9.) Monterasi, Lorenzo. Books and Prints. (Catalogue of valuable Books and Prints, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 14 March. S.-C.P. 113. (8.) Batcheldor, Thomas, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 March. S.-C.S. 575. (1.) & S.-C. 1007. (1.) KiDD, William. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 20 March. S.-C.P. 113. (9.) Catalogue of valuable Books from the Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 March. " S.-C.S. 575. (2.) -1867 319 Catalogue of valuable Books from the Library of a Collector, etc. S., W. <& H. 29 March. ' S.-C. 933. (2.) Tytler, Patrick Fraser. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection, of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 4 April. 8.-C.P. 114. (3.) & S.-C. 1005. (5.) Grylls, W., Rev., M.A. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 April. ' S-.-C.S. 575. (3.) Catalogue of the valuable and interesting Library of a Collector,, removed from Somersetshire, etc. Priced. P. & S. 11 April. S.-C.P. 114. (5.)- Catalogue of the Select Library of a late eminent Physician, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 April. S.-C.S. 575. (4.) Catalogue of some very important Books from the Library of a well- known Collector, etc. Priced. S., ^V. & H. 17 April. S.-C.S. 575. (5.y Leeds, W. H. Library. Priced. P. & S. 29 April. S.-C.P. 114. (6.) & S.-C. 1006. (6.). Catalogue of some valuable Books, chiefly from the Library of a Collector, deceased, etc. Priced. S.,W.'&H. 3 May. S.-C.S. 575. (7.)' Rhodes, Edward Duncan, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 May. " S.-C.S. 576. (1.) Woodward, Francis Blake, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Theological and Miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. <& S. 13 May. S.-C.P. 114. (9.) Haynes, Joseph B. Library. Priced. SoiUhgate d Co., 22, Fleet Street. 16 May. ' S.-C.Sg. 125. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, chiefly from the Library of a Collector, deceased, etc. Priced. S.,W.'i. George T. Libiaiv. (Catalogue of the Library of a dis- tinguished Architect, etc.) Priced. *S'., IF. ((• //. 13 June. S.-C.S. 577. (4.) Banks, Sir Thomas Christopher, Bart. Heraldic Collections and Correspondence. Lemox, Robert. Library. (Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. P. rf- S. 17 June. S.-C.P. 115. (6.) -Gage. Sir Thomas, Bart. Part of Library and Manuscripts. Priced. S..W. & H. 25 June. S.-C.S. "^578. (3.) & S.-C. 1006. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Gentleman. Priced. ;S., ir. & H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 578. (-4.) Haggard, William Henry. Part of Topographical Library. (Cata- logue of the select Library o[ a Gentleman, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 28 June. " S.-C.S. 578. (5.) [Maddex, ,S//- Frederic. I Part of Library. S., W. & H. 29 June. S.-C. 933. (4.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Gentleman, who has recently left iiis official residence. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 June. S.-C.S. 578. (6.) Staixfokth, Francis John, R<'-. Library. (Consisting entirely of Works of Briti-sh and American Poetesses, and Female dramatic writers.) Witli a preface. Priced. .8., W. & H. 1 Ju]\^ S.-C.S. 579. (1.) & S.-C. 992. (1.) CoPLiXG, John, of Hac.kiien. Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 3 July. S.-C.P. 116. (1.) Smith, George, of Russell Square. D.L. of the Tower Hamlets. Library. Priced. >S., W.&H. 10 July. S.-C.S. 580. & S.-C. 1058. (1.) HuETT. Noah. Stock of Books. Priced. P. d S. 15 July. S.-C.P. 116. (3.) Catalogue of interesting Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, heraldic and county Collections, etc. Priced. *S'.. W. d H. 19 July. S.-C.S. 579. (4.) & S.-C. 933. (5.) Smith, Samuel, Vicar of Lois Weedon, Northants. Library. (Catalogue of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. d S. 25 July. S.-C.P. 116. (5.) Cole, Robert, F.S.A. Autographs and Historical MSS. (Second Part.) Priced. P. & S. 29 July. S.-C.P. 116. (6.) [Stevens, Henrv, of Vermont.] Books. Priced. P. <& S. 6 Aug. S.-C.P. 117. (2.) Lacy, Rophino. Dramatic and Musical Copyrights. Brettell, Mr. Stock of Music. (Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of Antiquarian and Modern Music, etc.) Priced. P. (& S. 8 Aug. S.-C.P. 117. (3.) -1867 321 Allport, Josiali, Rev. Library, (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 12 Aug. S.-C.P. 117. (4.) Babington, Benjamin Guy, M.D., F.R.S. Medical Library. (Cata- logue of the Library of a Gentleman, etc.) J Priced. S., W. & H. 12 Aug. S.-C.S. 581. (1.) [Jeffs, Mr.] Books. Priced. P. & S. 20 Aug. S.^C.P. 117. (5.) Catalogue of . . . the Libraries of a Gentleman, lately deceased, and of an eminent Physician. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 Aug. S.-C.S. 581. (6.) Beeton, Samuel Orchart, Publisher. Stock of Publications. Priced. S. & Co. 23 Oct. S.-C.Sg. 126. (2.) Ferriar, John, Dr. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of rare and curious Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 12 Nov. S.-C.P. 118. (4.) & S.-C. 1007. (8.) Eenouard, George Cecil, Rev. Library. Hincks, Edward, Rev. Oriental Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 582. (2.) & S.-C. 1005. (3.) Bell, B. J., Examiner in Navigation to the Port of London. Library. Priced. S.,W.<& H. 18 Nov. S.-C.S. 582. (3.) & S.-C. 1007. (2.) Catalogue of a large and interesting collection of Antiquarian and Modern Music, etc. Priced. P. & S. 18 Nov. S.-C.P. 118. (5.) HoDGKiN, Thomas, M.D., F.R.G.S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Nov. S.-C.S. 582. (4.) & S.-C. 1006. (3.) Catalogue of the very select Library of a Gentleman, leaving his residence. Priced. ' S., W. & H. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 582. (5.) Chorley, John Eutter. Library. Priced. P. & S. 27 Nov. S.-C.P. 118. (8.) & 11903. bbb. 25. Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. d H. 2 Dec. S.-C.S. 583. (1.) [Natali, M. a.] Books. Priced. P. <& S. 3 Dec. S.-C.P. 118. (10.) Catalogue of valuable Books, the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 6 Dec. S.-C.P. 119. (1.) Catalogue of the Library of a Clergyman, removed from Herefordshire, etc. Priced. P. & S. 12 Dec. [1867.] S.-C.P. 119. (2.) Bates, Edward. Musical Library. (Comprising many works once in the possession of Joah Bates.) Priced. P. & S. 20 Dec. S.-C.P. 119. (5.) Messrs. Day & Son. Stock of illustrated and illuminated Books, etc. Priced. ,S. & Co. 23 Dec. S.-C.Sg. 127. (2.) Y 322 1868- 1868. Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Books in all classes of literature, etc. Priced. Sothehy, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 6 Jan. S.-C.S. 584. (1.) Perkins, William, of Kingsbury, Middlesex. Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of ancient and modern Books, etc.) Priced. Putlick and Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 13 Jan. S.-C.P. 119. (7.) & 8.-C. 1026. (6.) ToMLiNS, Frederick Guest ; Totton, William Churcli, Rev. ; White, John, of Doncaster. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 Jan. S.-C.S. 584. (3.) Flaxman, Jolin. R.A. Part of Library. Mason, Henry Brookland, Rev., M.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 Jan.' S.-C.S. 585. (1.) & S.-C. 1025. (6.) Prowse, Thomas, of Hanivay Street. Stock of Music. (Catalogue of an extensive and varied collection of ancient and modern Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 30 Jan. S.-C.P. 119. (11.) Cotton, Henry, Archdeacon of Cashel. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. <& h! 31 Jan. S.-C.S. 585. (2.) & S.-C' 1025. (4.) Faraday, Michael, D.C.L., LL.D. Library. (Part 1.) (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. <& S. 6 Feb. S.-C.P. 120. (1.) BoHN, Henry George, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 1.) Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Feb. S.-C.S. 586. Faraday, Michael, D.C.L., LL.D. Library. (Second Part.) (Cata- logue of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 25 Feb. S.-C.P. 120. (7.) Hesilrige, Sir Thomas Maynard, Bart. Portion of Library. Priced. Southgate & Co., 22, Fleet Street. 26 Feb. S.-C.Sg. 127. (4.) Leathley, Charles. Part of Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 2 March. S.-C.S. 587. (2.) Rogers, Samuel, Poet. Books from Library. Cook, James, Captain. Manuscript Journals, etc. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable and interesting Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 10 March [1868]. S.-C.P. 120. (8.) & S.-C. 991. (1.) W^iLLiAMS, Sydney. Part of Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 16 March. ■" S.-C.S. 587. (5.) & S.-C. 991. (5.) WiNDUS, Benjamin Godfrey. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 March. " S.-C.S. 588. (1.) & S.-C. 991. (6.) Albani, Cardinal. Books from Library. Priced. S.. W. d: H. 27 March. S.-C.S. 588. (2.) -18G8 323 Berger, George. Stock, Stereotype Plates, and Copyrights. (Cata- logue of a valuable and extensive collection of popular modern Books.) Priced. S. & Co. 30 March. S.-C.Sg. 128. (2.) LoxSDALE, John, Bislwp of Lichfield. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 March. ' S.-C.S. 588. (3.) Metzler, George. Music Plates from Stock. Hollow ay, Thomas, of Hanway Street. Stock of Music. Prowse, Thomas, of Hanivay Street. Stock of Music. (Remaining Part.) Priced. P. (& S. 30 March. S.-C.P. 121. (1.) Bbuton, James. Drautati-^t. Library. (Catalogue of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. c& S. 1 April. S.-C.P. 121. (3.) & S.-C. 1025. (3.) Catalogue of the Librarv of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. (& H. 2 April.' S.-C.S. 589. (2.) Catalogue of an unusually interesting and important collection of Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 6 April. S.-C.P. 121. (4.) Siebold, Philipp Franz von, Baron. Books from Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of English and foreign Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 16 April. "^ S.-C.P. 121. (7.) Leathley, Charles. Librarv. Priced. *S., W. (& H. 20 April. S.-C.S. 589. (6.) Foss, Henrv. Librarv. Priced. S.. W. & II. 24 April. S.-C.S. 590. (2.) Catalogue of an extraordinary collection of works relating to America, etc. With preface. Leavitt. Strebleigh <& Co., New York. 27 April. 11903. h. 4. HoLLOWAY, Thomas, of Hanivay Street. Music from Stock. (Catalogue of the remaining Librarv of the Musical Societv of London, etc.) Priced. P. d: S. 2 May. ' S.-C.P. 121. (11.) Catalogue of valuable Books the Librarr of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. d S. 6 May. ' S.-C.P. 121. (14.) Catalogue of a valuable and important collection of rare, curious, and standard Books and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S.,W.(S:II. 8 May S.-C.S. 590. (4.) & S.-C. 1014. (2.) Catalogue of the choice and valuable Library ... of an eminent Collector, lately deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. d H. 11 Ma\^ S.-C.S. 590. (5.) [Natali, M. a.] Books. Priced. P. <& S. [18 Mav ?] 'S.-C.P. 122. (3.) Lewis, John Delaware. Librarv. (Further Part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Mav. ' S.-C.S. 591. (3.) & S.-C. 1026. (3.) Y 2 324 1868- Smirke, Sir Kobert, R.A. Part of Library. Priced. >S., W. & H. 28 May. S.-C.S. 592. (2.) Catalogue of a portion of tbe Library of a Collector, comprising works relating to America, etc. Priced. *S., W. & H. 30 May. S.-C.S. 592. (3.) Pearson, Edwin. Books and Wood Engravings, by or relating to Thomas and John Bewick. With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 June. S.-C.S. 593. (L) & S.-C. 1026. (7.) T ATT AM Henry, -Rev., D.Z). Library. Priced. S.,W.d:H. 16 June. S.-C.S. 593. (3.) Catalogue of an extensive collection of valuable Books and Manuscripts comprisincr the Library of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 June. S.-C.S. 593. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Theological, Classical, and Mis- cellaneous Books, the Librarv of a Clergyman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 2 July. " ' S.-C.P. 123. (4.) Catalogue of the choice and valuable Library, chiefly of English Literature . . . the property of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 July. ' S.-C.S. 594. (3.) Catalogue of a very important and extensive series of Unpublished Political Papers of the Reign of George III., etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 July. S.-C.S. 594. (4.) Alison, Sir Archibald, Bart. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 July. S.-C.S. 594. (5.) Dennys, Edward, ofHampstead. Library. Priced. P. & S. 15 July. S.-C.P. 123. (6.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of an Amateur, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. [18 July.] S.-C.S. 595. (2.) Gibson, John, R.A. ; Spence, Benjamin Edward ; Marochetti, Carlo, Baron. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 July. S.-C.S. 595. (3.) CoRSER, Thomas, Rev., M.A. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S., W. & H. 28 July. S.-C.S. 596. (1.) Hutton, Joseph, Rev., LL.D. Library. Priced. P. & S. 30 July. ^ S.-C.P. 124. (1.) Slade, Felix. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 596. (3.) & S.-C. 1055. (3.) WiNDUS, Anslev. Books from Library. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 10 Aug. S.-C.P. 124. (2.) Catalogue of extremely rare and curious Books, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Aug. S.-C.S. 597. (1.) -1868 325 Smith, John, Bev., of Buckhurst Hill, Essex. Library. Priced. S., W. & H.. 11 Aug. S.-O.S. 597. (2.) Catalogue of a very interesting assemblage of Autograpli Letters, etc. Priced. P. & S. 20 Aug. S.-C.P. 124. (6.) BucHANAT^, Walter ; Hall, William John, Rev. ; Strong, William, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 Aug. S.-C.S. 598. (2.) & S.-C. 1025. (1.) Cuff, John Harcombe, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 26 Aug. S.-C.P. 124. (8.) Prowse, Thomas, of Hanivay Street. Stock of Music. (Remaining Part.) (Catalogue of a large collection of Ancient and Modern Music, etc.) Priced. P. & \ 1 Sept. S.-C.P. 124. (10.) Forbes, Duncan, LL.D. Librarv. B. B. & H. H. Hodgson, No. 115, Chancery Lane. 19 Oct. " S.-C. 1025. (7.) Catalogue of an extensive collection of valuable Books, including the Library of a Dignitary of the Church, deceased, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 9 Nov. S.-C.P. 125. (5.) Catalogue d'une precieuse collection de Lettres Autographes et de Manuscrits . . . autrefois dans la possession d'une grande et noble famille Italienne, etc. With preface. Priced. S.,W.d:H. 11 Nov. S.-C.S. 599. (1.) Oliver, B. M. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Nov. S.-C.S. 599. (3.) & S.-C. 1026. (5.) [HoTTEN, John Camden.] Books. Priced. P. & S. 19 Nov. S.-C.P. 125. (7.) Hawkins, Edward, F.R.S., F.S.A. ; Hawkins, Edward, Junior. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 600. (1.) & S.-C. 1025. (8.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 2.3 Nov. S.-C.P. 125. (9.) BoYNE, William, F.S.A. Books and Book Prints. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 600. (2.) Jesse, Edward. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 Nov. S.-C.S. 600. (3.) & S.-C. 1026. (1.) Davies, George Austin, of Oxford Street. Stock of Music. (Catalogue of a large collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 3 Dec. S.-C.P. 125. (11.) Neligan, William Chadwick, Rev., D.D. Irish Antiquities, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Dec. S.-C.S. 600. (4.) Triphook, Robert, Bookseller. Library. Westmacott, Charles Molloy. Manuscript Note Books. (Cat"alogue of a large assemblage of Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 8 Dec. S.-C.P. 126. (1.) & S.-C. 991. (4.) 326 1868- Palmer, Ebenezer, of Paternoster Row. Stock of Books. (Remaining Part.) Priced. P. & S. 14 Dec. S.-C.P. 126. (2.) Johnson, J. M. W. Library. (Remaining Part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Dec. ' S.-C.S. 601. (1.) & S.-C. 1026. (2.) LoNGLEY, Charles Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Library. B. B. & H. H. Hodgson, No. 115, Chancery Lane. 16 Dec. S.-C. 1026. (4.) Beckles, Miss ; Tasker, Joseph. Libraries. (Remaining Part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Dec. S.-C.S. 601. (3.) & S.-C. 1025. (2.) Hastings, Hemy Weysford Charles Plantagenet Rawdon, Uh Marquis of Hastings. Library. Mr. Philips, Wheeler Gate, Nottingham. 29 Dec. S.-C. 1055. (2.) Dean, Amos, Professor. Library. P.P. P. Joseph Sabin, New York. 1868. " 11903. cc. 24. 1869. Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. Puttick and Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 6 Jan. S.-C.P. 126. (6.) MoRRELL, Thomas H. Library. Priced. Bangs, Merwin & Co., New York. 12 Jan. ^ 11903. cc. 25. Blewitt, Octavian. Part of Library. Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13. Wellington Street, Strand. 25 Jan. S.-C.S. 602. (4.) & S.-C. 942. (2.) NiLSEN, Nils Andrew. Library. Priced. P. & S. 25 Jan. S.-C.P. 126. (8.) & S.-C. 943. (4.) BuRNELL, George Rowdon, Architect. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 Jan. S.-C.S. 603. (1.) WiszNiEWSKi. Adam, Prince. Library. Priced. >S.. W. & H. 8 Feb. S.-C.S. 604. (1.) & S.-C. 959. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books . . . including the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 10 Feb. S.-C.P. 127. (1.) Palmer, Ebenezer, of Paternoster Row. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) (Catalogue of a small Stock of Modern Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 15 Feb. S.-C.P. 127. (2.) Catalogue of the miscellaneous Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Feb. ' S.-C.S. 604. (2.) Bacon, Charles Edward, M.D. Library. Priced. S.,W.& H. 17 Feb. S.-C.S. 605. (1.) & S.-C. 942. (1.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Clergyman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Feb. S.-C.S. 605. (2.) -1869 327 Brabazon, William John Moore, Rev. ; Wright. H. G., M.D. Libraries. Priced. P. & S. 3 March. S.-C.P. 127. (6.) Benson, Clii-istopher, Master of the Temple. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 4: March. S.-C.S. 606. (L) Hearsey, Sir John Bennett, General ; Hartshorne, John. Libraries. Priced. S., W. <& H. 12 March. S.-C.S. 606. (3.) & S.-C. 942. (6.) CoRSER, Thomas, Rev., F.S.A. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S., W. & H. 17 March. S.-C.S. 607. (1.) Sheppard, John George, Rev., D.C.L. Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. <& S. 17 March. S.-C.P. 127. (8.) & S.-C. 959. (1.) Catalogue of a large and interesting collection of Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. P. & S. 22 March. S.-C.P. 127. (10.) Sim, Adam, of Cutter. The Culter Maynes' Library. With preface. T. Chapman. No. 11, Hanover Street, Edinburgh. 31 March. S.-C. 959. (2.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a well-known literary Gentleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 April. S.-C.S. 607. (3.) Turner, Dawson. Autograph Letters from Collection. (Catalogue of a very interesting collection of Autograph Letters, etc.) Priced. P. & S'. 3 April. S.-C.P. 128. (1.) Catalogue of an important collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Papers, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 April. S.-C.S. 609. Arnold, S., Dr. ; Arnold, S. T. Books and Music from Libraries. (Catalogue of a large collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 14 April. S.-C.P. 128. (6.) Wyse, Sir Thomas ; Barry, Henry, Rev. Parts of Libraries. 'Priced. S., W. & H. 15 April. ^ S.-C.S. 608. (5.) Woodward, W. Elliott. Library. With preface. Leavitt, StreUeigh & Co., New York. 19 April." 11903. i. 31. Petit, Louis Hayes. Library. (With additions made by the Rev. John Louis Petit.) Priced.' S., W. & H. 21 April. S.-C.S. 610. & S.-C. 943. (5.) [Young, John.] Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 April. S.-C.S. 611. (2.) Wilson, Lestock P. Library. Priced. P. & S. 29 April. S.-C.P. 128. (9.) Goode, William, Dean of Ripon. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 May. S.-C.S. 612. & S.-C. 942. (5.) 328 1869- Maidment, James. Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a well- known Scotch Antiquary, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 May. S.-C.S. 613. (2.) & S.-C. 943. (2.) Drury, Charles, Rev. Library. Tickell, Eichard. Books and Manuscripts from Library. Priced. P. & S. 24 May. S.-C.P. 129. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 May. S.-C.S. 613. (5.) TNiCHOLL, J. C, of MertJiyr Ttidvil] Part of Library. S., W. & H. 26 May. " S.-C. 943. (3.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 28 May. S.-C.P. 129. (3.) Bibliotheca Mexicana. A Catalogue of an extraordinary collection of Books and Manuscripts, almost wholly relating to the history and literature of North and South America, particularly Mexico, etc. Priced. P. cfc S. 1 June. S.-C.P. 129. (4.) & 11908. de 29. Dillon, John. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 June. S.-C.S. 614. (4.) Dillon, John. Autograph Letters. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 June. S.-C.S. 615. Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 16 June. S.-C.P. 130. (1.) James, John Burleigh, Rev. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S., W. & H. 21 June. S.-C.S. 617. & S.-C. 943. (1.) Maxwell, Hemy, 7th Baron Farnliam. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 June. S.-C.S. 618. & S.-C. 942. (4.) Lucas, Charles, Principal, R.A.M. Library. (Catalogue of a collec- tion of miscellaneous Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 30 June. S.-C.P. 130. (3.) Porrett, Robert, F.R.S., F.S.A. Library. Priced. >S'., W. & H. 8 July. S--C.S. 619. (1.) Catalogue of a large collection of Books . . . including the Library of a Clergyman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 8 July. S.-C.P. 130. (4.) Ellis, "Sir Henry, F.R.S., F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 July. ' S.-C.S. 619. (3.) & S.-C. 942. (3.) Burn, Jacob Henry. Books and Tracts. Priced. P. & S. 21 July. S.-C.P. 130. (8.) Catalogue of a collection of scarce and curious Books, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 July. S.-C.S. 620. (2.) Carritt, Marshall ; Smith, George, of Copthorn, Sussex. Libraries. (Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Books, etc.) Priced. S., W. c6 H. 2 Aug. S.-C.S. 620. (3.) -1869 329 Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Library of a Baronet, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 5 Aug. S.-C.P. 131. (3.) CoRSER. Thomas, Rev., F.S.A. Library. (Part 3.) With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 Aug. S.-C.S. 621. (2.) & S.-C. 1050. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Library of an Antiquary, etc. Priced. P. & S. 9 Aug. S.-C.P. 131. (4.) Frost, William Edward, A.R.A. Library. Gilman, W. A. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Aug. S.-C.S. 621. (3.) SwANSTON, Clement T. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. P. & S. 11 Aug. S.-C.P. 131. (5.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of an Amateur, etc. Priced. S., W. d H. U Aug. " S.-C.S. 621. (4.) Greswell, Edward, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Aug. S.-C.S. 622. (1.) Weld, M. Hartstonge. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 Aug. S.-C.S. 622. (2.) DuNCOMBE, H. H. Library, Leslie, Dr. Medical Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 Aug. S.-C.S. 622. (3.) Catalogue of a large collection of Books, including the Library of a learned Professor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 30 Aug. S.-C.P. 131. (8.) Evans, Lewis, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. d H. 8 Nov. S.-C.S. 623. (1.) [HOTTEN, John Camden.] Books. Priced. P. <£' S. 16 Nov. S.-C.P. 132. (6.) Palmer, Ebenezer, of Paternoster Row. Stock of Books. Bowles, Sir William, Admiral, K.C.B. Library. (Catalogue of a large and interesting collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 18 Nov. S.-C.P. 132. (8.) Dashwood, George Henry, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Books, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 624. (1.) Addison, Robert. Stock of Music. (Remaining Part.) Hime & Addison, Messrs., of Manchester. Engraved Plates and Copyrights. Priced. P. & S. 29 Nov. S.-C.P. 133. (1.) SwANSTON, Clement T. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. P. & S. 2 Dec. ' S.-C.P. 133. (2.) Catalogue of the miscellaneous Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 Dec. S.-C.S. 624. (2.) Copland, James, M.D., F.R.S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 Dec. ' S.-C.S. 625. (1.) 330 1869- A Catalogue of a collection of extremely curious and interesting Printed Books and Ancient Manuscripts in Rabbinical, Biblical and General Oriental Literature, etc. Priced. P. d S. 13 Dec. S.-C.P. 133. (3.) Palmer. Ebenezer. of Paternoster Row. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) (Catalogue of a large collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. d' S. 14 Dec! S.-C.P. 133. (4.) Wansey, William, F.S.A., Library. Waddington, George, Dean of Durham. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 625. (3.) & 8.-C. 959. (3.) 1870. Bronwix, Brice, Rev. Part of Library. (Catalogue of valuable Books,, etc.) Priced. Puttick & Siwpson, 47. Leicester Square. 12 Jan. S.-C.P. 134. (3.). Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of a private library comprising a large assortment of . . . books relating to America, etc. Priced. Leavitt, Streblekjh & Co., New York. 17 Jan. 11903. e. 30. Cranstoun, James Edmund, 9th Baron. Library (consisting mainly of the collection of Richard Barre Dunning, [2nd] Baron Ashburton). Smith, Toulmin. Part of Library. Priced. Wilkinsok, Thomas^ Rev. ; Chaffin, James ; Jenks, David, Rev. ; Sturrock, William, Rev. Libraries. Sothehy, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 21 Jan. S.-C.S. 626. (2.) Aspland. Robert Brook, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Feb. S.-C.S. 627. (1.) [CtiLEMANN, F. G. H.] Catalogue of a Bibliotheca Typographica . . . comprising one of the most valuable collections . . .of Books, illus- tratino- the Historv of Printing from its invention, etc. Priced. S., W^d H. 7 Feb. S.-C.S. 627. (2.) & S.-C. 931. (1.) Dix. James, of Bristol Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Feb. S.-C.S. 627. (3.) & S.-C. 937. (1.) Catalogire of the Library of an Antiquary and selections from other private Libraries, etc. ^ Priced. P. cfe S. 11 Feb. S.-C.P. 134. (9.) Woodward, Bernard Bolingbroke, F.S.A. ; Collings, Tlioma.s, of the Admiralty. Libraries. Bloomfield, Samuel Thomas, Rev., D.D. Librarv. (Remaining Part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Feb. S.-C.S. 628. (1.) CoRSER, Thomas, Rev., F.S.A. Library. (Part 4.) Priced. S., H\ cfe H. 23 Feb. S.-C.S. 628. (2.) -1870 331 Burn, Jacob Henry. Autograph Letters. Priced. P. cfc S. 2 March. S.-C.P. 135. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. d March. 8.-C.S. 628. (4.) WiuRAM, Henry Loftus ; Roget, Peter Mark, M.D. Libraries. BuRCHAM, Thomas Barrow, M.A. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 March. S.-C.S. 628. (5.) Catalogue of a further portion of the extensive and valuable Library of a well-known Collector, comprising the Shakspearian portion, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 March. S.-C.S. 629. (1.) & S.-C. 937. (1.) Williams, John, Rev., called Ah Ithel. Library. King, J., Colonel. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 15 March. S.-C.P. 135. (5.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of an eminent Collector, comprising early Bibles and Liturgies, etc. Priced. S., W. d' H. 18 March. S.-C.S. 629. (2.) Rice, John A. Library. With preface. Bangs, Merwin & Co., New York. 21 March. ' 11904. g. 18. PoRCHER, H. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 April. S.-C.S. 630. (1.) Catalogue of miscellaneous Books, English and foreign, including the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 11 April. S.-C.P. 135. (10.) [Marshall, Julian.] Catalogue of the choice Library of a well-known Amateur, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 April. S.-C.S. 630. (2.) & S.-C. 970. (1.) Bruce. John, F.S.A. Library. With a preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 April. ' S.-C.S. 631. (1.) & S.-C. 960. (4.) Catalogue of valuable Early Printed Books, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 May. " S.-C.S. 631. (2.) BoHN, Henry George, Boolsellcr. Stock of Books. (Part 2.) Priced. S., W. & H. 9 May. S.-C.S. 632. & 633. Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 16 May. S.-CP. 136. (4.) A Catalogue of a collection of extremely curious Books and Manuscripts, almost wholly relating to the history and literature of North and South America, particularly Mexico, etc. Priced. P. & S. 20 May. S.-C.P. 136. (7.) Jamieson, William, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. d H. 7 June. S.-C.S. 634. (5.) 332 1870- Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. (& H. 10 June." S.-C.S. 634. (8.) FowLE, W. F. Part of Library. Priced. *S'., W. & H. 13 June. S.-C.S. 635. (1.) Manners, George, F.S.A. Autogxapli Letters and Historical Manu- scripts. (First Part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 14 June. S.-C.S. 635. (2.) Brayley, Edward William ; Dallas, Augustvis Robert Charles, Rev. ; Cole, John William. Libraries. Priced. >S'., W. & H. 15 June. S.-C.S. 635. (3.) [Churchill, John Spencer, 7th Duke of Marlborough.] Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, being the duplicate and surplus copies from a very celebrated Library, etc. Priced. P. dt S. 15 June. S.-C.P. 137. (2.) & S.-C. 960. (2.) Martin, Byam. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 June. S.-C.S. 636. (2.) Bryan, Guy, Rev., M.A. Library. Priced. S., TF. & H. 24 June. S.-C.S. 636. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Antiquarian Music, etc. Priced. P. & S. 25 June. S.-C.P. 137. (4.) Catalogue of a scarce and curious collection of Books and Pamphlets, wholly relating to the history and literature of America, etc. Priced. P. & S. 27 June. S.-C.P. 137. (5.) Me ale Y, R. R. Parry. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 July. S.-C.S. 636. (7.) & S.-C. 970. (2.) Redding, Cyrus. Librarv. (Catalogue of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 4 July. S.-C.P. 137. (7.) Corser, Thomas, Rev., M.A. Library. (Part 5.) Priced. S., W. & H. 11 July. ' S.-C.S. 637. (3.) Short, Thomas Vowler, Bishop of St. Asaph. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Theological, Classical, and Miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. d S. 11 July. S.-C.P. 137. (8.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of x\utograph Letters and Papers, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 July. S.-C.S. 638. (2.) RouPELL, Robert Prioleau, Q.C. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 July. S.-C.S. 638. (3.) & S.-C. 1049. Catalogue of an interesting collection of Autograph Letters, including those of Sovereigns of England and France, etc. Priced. P. & S. 25 July. S.-C.P. 138. (3.) Catalogue of valuable and useful Works from the Libraries of a Noble- man, deceased, and other Collectors, etc. Priced. ;S'., Tf. (& H. 30 July. S.-C.S. 638. (4.) -T870 333- Catalogue of the Library of a learned Professor, etc. Priced. P. <£ *S, 1 Aug. " S.-C.P. 138. (5.) Bodleian Library, Oxford. Catalogue of a valuable collection of rare, curious and interesting Books, being Purchase-Duplicates of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, etc. Priced. S., W. <& H. 3 Ami. S.-C.S. 639. (L) cfe S.-C. 960. {3.y HuLMER, Robert Thomas, M.R.C.S. Library. GoocH, Richard. Manuscript Collections. (Catalogue of Scientific and Miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. c& S. 17 Aug. S.-C.P. 138. (6.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Aug. ' S.-C.S. 639. (3.) HoLLiDAY, Hon. George H. Library. With preface. Lcaviit^ Strebleigh & Co., New York. 10 Oct. ' 11903. h. 13. Olliver, Robert W. Stock of Music. Priced. Puttick & Simpson on the Premises, 19, Old Bond Street. 17 Oct. S.-C.P. 139. (1.)- Anderson, Matthew, o/A''eu'c«6'??e-o»-r2/ne. Library. Priced. 8.,W. & H. 14 Noy. ' S.-C.S. 610. (1.) Rough, Captain, of East Molesey, Surrey. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. S'., W. & H. 25 June. S.-C.S. 704. (4.) Taylor, Charles Richard. Librarv, Coins and Medals, Antiquities, etc. Priced. S., W.- (& H. 29 June. S.-C.S. 706. (1.) BowRiNC4, Sir John, F.R.S. Library. (Remaining Part.) (Catalogue of a collection of Scientific Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 6 July. S.-C.P. 163. (3.) Catalogue of the valuable Librarv of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. (fe H. 14 July." S.-C.S. 707. (3.) IsHAM, Sir Charles, Bari. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. <& S. 15 July. ■^S.-C.P. 163. (6.) Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts and Engravings from the Librarv of a Clergyman, etc. Priced. S., W. d H. 17 July. S.-C.S. 707. (4.) Catalogue of Theological, Classical, Philological and Miscellaneous Books, including; a selection from the Library of an eminent Dignitary of the Church, etc. Priced. P. & S. 22 July. S.-C.P. 163. (8.) Valentine, William, Rev. Librarv. Priced. S., If. & H. 23 July. S.-C.S. 708. (1.) Power, John. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 29 July. " S.-C.P. 163. (10.) Smith, Edmund, of Ferribij. East Yorkshire. Library. Priced. S., W. cfc H. 5 Aug. S.-C.S. 708. (6.) & S.-C. 930. (4.) 350 1^74- Freeman, William Peere Williams. Priced. S., W. (& H. 10 Aug. S.-C.S. 709. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, from the Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. P. d S. 10 Aug. S.-C.P. 163. (11.) Catalogue of the valuable Library removed from Ansley Hall, Ather- stone, Warwickshire, etc. Priced. S., W. d; H. 13 Aug. S.-C.S. 709. (2.) Weippert, a. N. ; Stead, Henry, and Co., of Pkcadilly. Stock of Music Plates and Cooyrights. Priced. P. & S. 17 Aug. S.-C.P. 163. (12.) Frederick, Sir Richard, Bart. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Aug. ■ S.-C.S. 709. (3.) Bliss, Henry, Q.C. Library. Priced. *S'., TF. & H. 20 Aug. S.-C.S. 709. (4.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S., If. <& H. 9 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 710. (1.) Chermside, Sir Robert Alexander, M.D. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 23 Nov. S.-C.P. 164. (10.) Bliss, Henry, Q.C. Library. Priced. S., W. c& H. 24 Nov. S.-C.S. 710. (3.) Procter, Bryan Waller (" Barry Cornwall "). Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. (& S. 2 Dec. S.-C.P. 164. (13.) Catalogue of a very valuable collection of Manuscripts and Printed Books, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 Dec. S.-C.S. 711. (2.) Nichols, John Gough, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 Dec. S.-C.S. 711. (3.) & S.-C. 930. (3.) Rhodes, Matthew John, M.A., of Pennoyre, Brecon. Library. Priced. .S., W. & H. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 712. (3.) 1875. Strettell, Henry Hill. Library. Priced. Sothehj, WilJcinson <& Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 14 Jan. S.-C.S. 712. (5.) PococK, Charles Innes. Library. (Catalogue of Books and Manu- scripts, etc.) Priced. Puttick d' Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 19 Jan. S.-C.P. 165. (7.) Vivian, George, of Bath. Library and Books of Prints. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Jan. " S.-C.S. 713. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters and Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 2S Jan. '^ S.-C.S. 713. (2.) -1875 . 351 HopwooD AND Crew, Messrs., of New Bond Street. Stock of Music Plates and Copyrights. Priced. P. d& S. 8 Feb. S.-C.P. 165. (11.) Catalogue of a valuable and important collection of Books . . . and Illuminated Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 714. (4.) Lankester, Edwin. F.R.S., F.L.S. Library. Priced. P. & S. 16 Feb. ^ S.-C.P. 166. (1.) GoDwix. John, of Bath. Part of Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Feb. ' S.-C.S. 714. (5.) HoTTEN, John Camden. Genealogical and Heraldic Collections. (Catalogue of an interesting collection of Deeds and Charters, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 24 Feb. S.-C.P. 166. (4.) Bridges, Matthew ; Wilson, William, D.D., Canon of Winchester. Parts of Libraries. Priced. P. d- S. 2 March. S.-C.P. 166. (6.) Hackett, Miss, of HacJcnei/. Librarv. (Catalogue of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. (6 S^ 10 March. S.-C.P. 166. (7.) Sumner, Charles Richard, Bishoy of Winchester. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 March. S.-C.S. 715. (5.) Catalogue of a most important, interesting and valuable series of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 March. S.-C.S. 715. (7.) Cramer and Co., of Regent Street. Stock of Music Plates and Copyrights (Part 1.) Priced. P. & S. 18 March. S.-C.P. 166. (8.) Langdon, Augustus, LL.B. Coins and Numismatic Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 March. S.-C.S. 715. (8.) Williams, John, F.S.A. Library. Stopford, Edward Adderley, Archdeacon of Meath. Part of Library. Dexter, J. F. Publica- tions with Humorous Illustrations. Priced. S.,W. <& H. 22March.- S.-C.S. 716. (1.) HoPwooD AND Crew, Messrs., of New Bond Street. Stock of Modern Music. Priced. P. & S. 24 March. S.-C.P. 167. (1.) Catalogue of interesting and valuable Autograph Letters, being the extensive collection of a Country Gentleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 March. ' S.-C.S. 716. (2.) Hutchinson, James, of Cowley Manor, Gloucestershire. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. <& S. 6 April. S.-C.P. 167. (2.) Jones, Owen. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 April. S.-C.S. 717. (2.) Young, John, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 April. S.-C.S. 717. (3.> 352 1875- Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, including the Liln-ary of a late Professor of Political Economy in the University of Oxford, etc. Priced. P. & S. U April. S.-C.P. 167. (4.) Medlock, Henrv, Ph.D., F.C.S. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.') Priced. P. & S. 21 April. S.-C.P. 167. (5.) Bennett, Sir William Sterndale, Mas. Doc. Library of Books and Music. Priced. P. & S. 26 April. S.-C.P. 167. (6.) EoMiLLY, Ri(jJit Hon. John, 1a'/- Baron RotniUy. Library. Priced. S., W. (& H. 4 May. S.-C.S. 718. (5.) Halley, Alexander, .iW.Z)., F.G.S. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 5 May. S.-C.P. 167. (10.) PococK, Lewis, F.S.A. Collection of Johnsoniana. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 May. S.-C.S. 718. (7.) [Morel, M.] Books on Architecture, Art and Decoration. Priced. P. & S. 13 May. S.-C.P. 167 (11.) Carlill, John Burford, M.D. Part of Library. (Catalogue of mis- cellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 21 May. ' S.-C.P. 168. (2.) Catalogue of the Theological and Miscellaneous Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 May. S.-C.S. 719. (6.) Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. ;S., W. & H. 22 May.' S.-C.S. 719. (7.) Benzon, Ernst L. S. Part of Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 May. S.-C.S. 720. (1.) & S.-C. 1032. O'Callaghax, Dr. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 May. S.-C.S. 720. (2.) Phillips, John, F.R.S., Professor of Geology at the University of Oxford. Library. Priced. S., V/. & H. 27 May. S.-C.S. 720. (3.) Cramer and Co., of Regent Street. Stock of Music. Hackett, Miss, of Hackney. Musical Library. Priced. P. & S. 31 May. S.-C.P. 168. (3.) Maudslay, Henry, Engineer. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 June. S.-C.S. 720. (6.) Catalogue of an assemblage of valuable Books and Manuscripts from the Libraries of various collectors. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 June. S.-C.S. 721. (2.) EuiNG, William, of Glasgow. Autograph Letters, and Literary Docu- ments. PricecL S., W. & H. 17 June. S.-C.S. 721. (7.) .Stuart, William, of AUenham Abbey, Herts. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 June. S.-C.S. 721. (6.) -1875 353 Lowe, Richard Tliomas, Rev. Library. Priced. *S., W. & H. 21 June. " S.-C.S. 722. (2.) L^E, ^obevt, M.D., F.R.S. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. <& S. 24 June. S.-C.P. 168. (9.) Yates, James, M.A., F.R.S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 June. S.-C.S. 722. (3.) Oetzmann and Co., of Bake/r Street. Stock of Music Plates and Copy- rights. (Catalogue of a collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 30 June. S.-C.P. 168. (11.) Martineau, Philip. Library. Tite, Sir William. Books returned from sale. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 July. S.-C.S. 722. (5.) Godwin, Henry, F.S.A. Antiquarian and Topographical Library. Shaw, Henry, F.S.A. Library. (Remaining part.) Morse, C. Part of Library. Vogan, Thomas Stuart Lyle, Rev., D.D. Library. Priced. S.,W.& H. 15 July. S.-C.S. 723. (3.) Greene, J. S. Turner. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 19 July. ^ S.-C.P. 169. (3.) Smirke, Sir Edward. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 July. S.-C.S. 723. (4.) Wright, H. Library. (Catalogue of the Libraries of a Gentleman, deceased, etc.) Priced. .S'., W. & H. 24 July. S.-C.S. 724. (1.) Chippindale, Edward. Musical Library. Priced. P. & S. 26 July. S.-C.P. 169. (5.) Spencer, Richard. Works on Freemasonry. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 July. ^ S.-C.S. 724. (2.) Catalogue of scarce and curious Books, comprising many rare but imperfect examples, useful for making up and completing other copies, etc. Priced. P. & S. 28 July. S.-C.P. 169. (6.) Catalogue of a selection of Books from the Library of an Irish Clergy- man, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 724. (4.) Moore, Sampson. Musical Library. Davis, Alfred J. Stock of Music. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of miscellaneous Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 16 Aug. S.-C.P. 169. (10.) Ormerod, George, LL.D. ; Ormerod. Thomas Johnson. Libraries. Priced. S.,W.& H. 16 Aug. S.-C.S. 725. (2.) Bird, James, Dr. Library. (Remaining part.) (Catalogue of a large assortment of valuable Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 23 Aug. S.-C.S. 725. (3.) Galland, George Alfred. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Nov. S.-C.S. 726. (1.) 2 A 354 1875- Catalogue of a collection of Books and Manuscripts, including a portion of the Library of a Gentleman, removed from Park Lane, etc. Priced. P. & S. 10" Nov. S.-C.P. 170. (4.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, including the Library of an Architect, removed from the Adelphi, etc. Priced. P. & S. 15 Nov. S.-C.P. 170. (5.) Gardner, John Dunn. Library. (Eemainingpart.) Priced. S.,W. & H. 18 Nov. S.-C.S. 726. (2.) & S.-C. 931. (1.) Duff and Stewart, Messrs., of Oxford Street. Stock of Engraved Music Plates and Copyrights. Priced. P. & S. 22 Nov. S.-C.P. 170. (7) Dyce, William, R.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 727. (1.) Catalogue of valuable Books, including a portion of the Library of a Baronet, etc. Priced. P. & S. 30 Nov. S.-C.P. 170. (9.) [Morel, M.] Books on Architecture, Art, and Decoration. Priced. P. d S. 2 Dec. S.-C.P. 171. (1.) Clark, Samuel, Rev., M.A. Library. (Catalogue of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 8 Dec. S.-C.P. 171. (3.) Harvey, Mrs., of Croydon. Librarv. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 13 Dec. S.-C.P. 171. (4.) Taylor, Thomas, of Berners Street and Gordon Square. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 728. (1.) Martin, George William A. Stock of Music. Priced. P. S S. 16 Dec. S.-C.P. 171. (5.) Potter, Joseph, Architect. Library. Strickland. Walter, M.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Dec. S.-C.S. 728. (3.) 1876. Canney, George, M.D. Library. (Catalogue of Medical and Mis- cellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. Puttick & Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 17 Jan. S.C.-P. 171. (10.) Eussell, Jesse Watts, of Staffordshire. Library. Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 17 Jan. S.-C.S. 729. (2.) Hastings, Warren. Books from Library. (Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 25 Jan. S.-C.P. 171. (11.) Roberts, E., F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 Jan. S.-C.S. 729. (6.) Bullock, John. Autograph Letters and Literary Documents. (Part 1.) Priced. S., W. & H. ^ Feb. S.-C.S. 730. (2.) -1876 355 EyAxN, Right Hon. Sir Edward, F.R.S. Library. Priced. P. & S. 8 Feb. " S.-C.P. 172. (5.) Miller, Rowland; Cussons, John, Rev., M.A. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 Feb. S.-C.S. 730. (6.) Glee Club. Library. (Catalogue of a large and important collection of Music.) Priced. P. & S. 28 Feb. S.-C.P. 172. (10.) Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts in various Languages. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 Feb. S.-C.S. 731. (2.) Carrington, Richard Christopher, F.R.A.S. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. (& S. 1 March. S.-C.P. 172. (11.) J AMES, ViliWium, Rev., Rector of Bilton. Library. Priced. S.,W.(S;H. 8 March. " S.-C.S. 731. (5.) Ellis, George. Books and Theatrical Papers. (Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts, comprising the second portion of the extremely interesting dramatic collection formed by a well-known collector, etc.) Priced. S., W. (& H. 9 March. S.-C.S. 731. (6.) Ashley, William Thomas B. Autosraph Letters and Literary Docu- ments. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 March. S.-C.S. 731. (8.) Ashley. William Thomas B. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 March. S.-C.S. 7-32. (1.) Catalogue of an interesting collection of Autograph Letters, the property of a ^Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 23 March. S.-C.P. 173. (1.) Davison, John, Canon of Worcester; Morgan, John, Rev., M.A. Libraries. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. cfe S. 27 March. S.-C.P. 173. (2.) Lee, John, LL.D. Library and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 April. S.-C.S. 733. (2.) & S.-C. 931. (3.) Addington, Samuel. Autograph Letters. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 April. S.-C.S. 733. (3.) Harris, Frederic, of Gateacre, near Liverpool. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 April. S.-C.S. 734. (1.) Drake, Samuel Gardner, o/ Boston [Mass.]. Library. (Parti.) With preface. Leonard & Co., Boston [Mass.']. 2 May. 11904. g. 26. Catalogue of a collection of Books, the Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. ^ Priced. P. & S. 10 May. ' S.-C.P. 173. (10.) Catalogue of a collection of Classical and Miscellaneous Literature, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 May. S.-C.S. 735. (3.) Bruton, H. W. Works of George Cruikshank. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 May. S.-C.S. 735. (4.) 356 1876- Strickland, Agnes, Miss ; LEt, Thomas Faulkner, Rev., D.D. ; Yeowell, James. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 May. S.-C.S. 736. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. P. & S. 22 May. S.-C.P. 174. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Music, a portion of the Library of a well- known Professor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 29 May. S.-C.P. 174. (3.) [Bragge, William, Engineer and Antiquary.'] Manuscripts. Priced. S., ^¥. & H. 1 June. S.-C.S. 737. (6.) Taylor, Thomas, of Berners Street. Autograph Letters and Literary Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 June. S.-C.S. 738. (1.) Catalogue of Books of Prints and Books relating to the Fine Arts, together with a portion of the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 12 June. S.-C.P. 174. (5.) Hall, Spencer, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 June. S.-C.S. 738. (8.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Autograph Letters, from several private sources, etc. Priced. P. & 8. 29 June. S.-C.P. 174. (10.) Trimmer, Hemy Syer, Rev. ; Winsland, Nicholas ; Brodie, George. Libraries. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 4 July. S.-C.P. 175. (1.) Crawford, Charles Hemy, Rev., M.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 July. S.-C.S. 740. (3.) Wyatt, Sir Matthew Digby, F.S.A. Books from Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 July. S.-C.S. 741. (1.) Cunningham, Francis, Lieut. -Colonel. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 July. ' S.-C.S. 741. (2.) Catalogue of a fine and very valuable Library of Books, the property of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 19 July. S.-C.P. 175. (5.) Browne, Alfred, Rev., M.A. Oriental Literature from Library. (Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. [27 July.] S.-C.S. 742. (3.) White, W. Foster. Part of Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 July. S.-C.S. 742. (4.) Masson, Elizabeth, Miss. Musica ILibrary. Priced. P. & S. 31 July. S.-C.P. 175. (6.) Mortimer, John, of 14, Hanover Square. Library. (Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 31 July. S.-C.S. 742. (5.) Redgrave, Samuel. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 743. (1.). -1876 357 B.A-RHIS, George, of Stourport. Library. Priced. S.,W.d;H. 4 Aug. S.-C.S. 743. (2.) Bellamy, Thomas ; Cramer, Charles, of Rycle, Isle of Wight. Libraries. (Catalogue of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Aug. S.-C.S. 743. (4.) Clarke, James Fernandez, Surgeon. Library. Penman, Eichard, Rev. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 14 Aug. S.-C.P. 175. (9.) Brown, Kobert. Library and Water-Colour Drawings. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Aug. S.-C.S. 743. (5.) Charlton, John M., Rev., M.A. ; Brocas, Mrs., of Basingstoke ; De Morgan, Campbell, F.R.S. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 Nov. S.-C.S. 744. (L) Hughes, William, F.R.G.S. Library. (Catalogue of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 8 Nov. S.-C.P. 176. (6.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Gentleman, leaving his residence, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 Nov. S.-C.S. 744. (2.) Elliot, Sir Henry Miers, K.C.B. ; Wilks, Theodore Chambers, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Nov. S.-C.S. 744. (3.) Fowle, Fulwar William, Rev. ; Green, Thomas Sheldon, Rev. Libraries. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 20 Nov. S.-C.P. 176. (10.) Angel, Alfred. Musical Library. Priced. P. & S. 24 Nov. S.-C.P. 176. (12.) Marchetti, J., of Turin. Italian Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 Nov. S.-C.S. 745. (1.) Tregelles, Samuel Prideaux, LL.D. Library. Priced. P. & S. 29 Nov. S.-C.P. 176. (14.) Baily, Thomas Farmer. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. i Dec. S.-C.S. 745._ (2.) [DiGBY, Kenelm Henry.] Books formerly in Library. Priced. P. &S. 5 Dec. ■ S.-C.P. 176. (15.) Angel, Alfred ; Wegg, William. Libraries. Priced. P. & S. 11 Dec. S.-C.P. 177. (2.) Field, Walter, Rev., M.A. Library. Tress, Richard. Agricultural Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Dec. S.-C.S. 746. (1.) Pickering, Thomas. Musical Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 746. (5.) Corser, Thomas, Rev., F.S.A. Library. (Concluding part.) Cafes, Dunn, & Pilcher, 8, Clarence Street, Albert Square, Manchester. 19 Dec. S.-C. 1050. (1.) Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Engravings . . . the property of an Amateur, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Dec. S.-C.S. 746. (6.) 358 1877- 1877. Pickering, Thomas. Library. Priced. Sothehy, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 11 Jan. B.-C.S. 746. (9.) CatalotTue of a collection of Ancient Deeds and Documents, formed by an Amateur, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Jan. S.-C.S. 747. (2.) Catalogue of an interesting collection of Autograph Letters and Literary Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Jan. S.-C.S. 747. (3.) Parke, William. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Jan. S.-C.S. 747. (4.) Catalogue of an extraordinary collection of Autograph Letters and Manuscripts, chieflv foreign . . . formed by an eminent German Antiquary in Dresden, etc. Priced. Puttick and Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 23 Jan. S.-C.P. 177. (9.) KoLLMANX, August Fricdrich Carl. Music from Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. c& S. 30 Jan. S.-C.P. 177. (10.) Bullock, John. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Feb. S.-C.S. 748. (1.) Knight Samuel , D.D. Books from Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 6 Feb. S.-C.P. 177. (11.) Mallet Robert. C.E., F.R.S. Professional Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 Feb. S.-C.S. 748. (2.) Waugh, Ruf us D. S. Topographical Collections, etc. Priced. P. & S. 12 Feb. S--C.P- 178. (2.) Catalogue of miscellaneous Books, including the Library of a Baronet, etc. Priced. P. & S. 14 Feb. S.-C.P. 178. (3.) Milman, Robert, Bishop of Calcutta; Graham, Thomas John, M.D. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 748. (4.) Cock, Lamborn, of New Bond Street. Stock of Engraved Music Plates and Copyrights. Priced. P. & S. 20 Feb. S.-C.P. 178. (4.) Catalogue of an important collection of Books and Manuscripts, com- prising a series of works on the game of Chess, etc. Priced. S. W. & H. 1 March. S.-C.S. 749. (1.) Bullock, John. Autograph Letters. (Remaining part.) Priced. S. W. & H. 5 March S.-C.S. 749. (2.) Catalogue of a large collection of Books, the Library of a Collector, recently deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 6 March. ^ S.-C.P. 178. (7.) A Catalogue of the interesting and valuable Autographs and Literary Documents from the collection of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. S.. W. & H. 7 March. S.-C.S. 749. (3.) -1877 359 Folder, John. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 March. S.-C.S. 749. (4.) Whittingham. Alfred. Stock of Music Plates. (Remaining part.) (CataloQue of a valuable collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 29 March. S.-CP. 179. (2.) MouLTON. C. F. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 April. S.-C.S. 751. (4.) Daniel, J. Cato, LL.D. Books and Autographs. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 A^ril. S.-C.S. 751. (7.) ToWNELEY, Charles, Colonel, F.R.S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Api-il. S.-C.S. 752. (1.) Hughes, John Newington. Part of Correspondence of General Sir Thomas Fairfax and H.H. Prince Rupert. Priced. S., W. & E. 21 April. S.-C.S. 752. (2.) HosKYNS, Chandos Wren. Library. (Catalogue of County Histories and other valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 24 April. S.-C.P. 179. (7.) Jones, Edward, Rev., of Bistre, Flintshire. Library. (Catalogue of Theological, Miscellaneous, and Classical Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 2 May. S.-C.P. 179. (9.) Mytton, William. Topographical and Genealogical Manuscripts. (Continued bv W. Hardwick.) Priced. S., W. & H. 2 May. S.-C.S. 752.(6.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 May. S.-C.S. 752. (7.) BoNNiN, Thomas Scott, Rev., B.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 Ma)'. S.-C.S. 753. (1.) Beck, Thomas Snow, M.D. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 14 May. S.-C.P. 179. (12.) A Catalogue of an extensive collection of the inimitable Works of George Cruikshank, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 May. ^ S.-C.S. 753. (3.) Catalogue of valuable Books, Paintings and Decorative Porcelain, etc. Priced. -S., W. & H. 16 May. S.-C.S. 753. (4.) Green, Beniamin Richard. Autograph Letters. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Autograph Letters, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 17 May. S.-C.P. 180. (1.) Morgan, E. S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 May. S.-C.S. 753. (5.) Gregory, Charles, of Hampstead. Library. (Catalogue of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 31 May. S.-C.P. 180. (5.) 360 1877- Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman, leaving liis residence, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 May. S.-C.S. 754. (1.) BowERBANK, James Scott, LL.D., F.R.S. Library. Priced. P. & S. 5 June. S.-C.P. 180. (6.) Catalogue of a selection of valuable Manuscripts from various collections. Priced. S., If. & H. b June. S.-C.S. 754. (3.) Sharp, William, of Manchester. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 June. S.-C.S. 754. (4.) Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts from various collections. Priced. S., W. <& H. 11 June. S.-C.S. 754. (5.) Smith, William, F.S.A., of Southwick Street. Part of Library and Engravings. Priced. [S., W. & H.] [16 ? June.] S.-C.S. 755. (2.) A Catalogue of the valuable Librarv of a Gentleman, deceased. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 June. " S.-C.S. 755. (3.) Whitfield, Richard G. Books, Prints and Works of Art. Priced. P. & S. 22 June. S.-C.P. 180. (10.) WooLLEY, Frederick, Rev. Part of Library. (Catalogue of Mis- cellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. (& S. 25 June. S.-C.P. 180. (11.) BuLLER, W. Wentworth. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 755. (8.) Crotch, William, Mus. Doc. Musical Library. (Catalogue of a col- lection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 28 June. S.-C.P. 180. (12.) Catalogue of the Library of an Antiquary and a selection of Books and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 4 July. S.-C.P. 180. (13.) Verrall, J. F., of Denmark Hill. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 July. " S.-C.S. 756. (1.) Kershaw, John. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 July. S.-C.S. 756. (2.) Simpson and Co., of Argyll Street. Stock of Engraved Music Plates and Copyrights. Priced. P. & S. 11 July. S.-C.P. 181. (2.) PococK, Charles Innes. Library. (Remaining part.) (Catalogue of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. i. Libraries. (Cata- logue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 6 March. S.-C.P. 184. (3.) Brinley, George, of Hartford, Conn. Librarv. (Part 1.) Geo. A. Leavitt & Co., New York. 10 March. ' 11905. k. 19. WiLCOCKE, S. H., of Newington Causeway. Stock of Music Plates and Copyrights. Hime and Son, of Liverpool. Part of Stock of Music Plates, etc. Priced. P. & S. 18 March. S.-C.P. 184. (4.) Smirke, Sydney, R.A., F.R.S., F.S.A. ; Railton, William. Libraries. Frost, William Edward, R.A. Librarv. (Remaining part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 21 March. ' S.-C.S. 767. (4.) Wright, Charles Edward, Rev., B.D. Library. Priced. S., W. & H, 26 March. " S.-C.S. 767. (6.) GwYN, Henry, Herald Painter. Books, etc. (Catalogue of a collection of English and Foreign Books, etc.) Priced. P. & 8. 27 March. S.-C.P. 184. (7.) Lonsdale, C. Musical collection, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 March. S.-C.S. 767. (7.) Catalogue of a portion of the Librarv of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. P. d' S. 4 April. ' S.-C.P. 184. (10.) Payne, John Thomas. Books and Miniatures. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 April. S.-C.S. 768. (6.) Catalogue of the miscellaneous Library of a Physician, removed from the West-End, etc. Priced. P. & S. 11 April. S.-C.P. 184. (12.) Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books, illustrated by the late Geor'ge Cruikshank, etc. Priced. S., W. <& H. 11 April. ^ S.-C.S. 768. (7.) 364 1878- WoRNUM, Ralph Nicholson. Library. Priced. >S'., W. <£■ H. 16 April. S.-C.S. 769. (1.) BiDDULPH, T. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 April. S.-C.S. 769. (2.) Catto. John. Part of Library. Priced. >S'., Tf. & H. 1 May. S.-C.S. 769. (3.) Robertson, William, of Exeter College, Oxford. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 1 May. ' S.-C.P. 184. (L1) Whitburn, Augustus. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of scarce, interesting and yaluable Books, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 2 May. S.-C.S. 769. (4.) Duval, Philip Snaith, Bev. ; Davis, John, Rev., Ordinary of Neivgate. Libraries. (Catalogue of the Library of a Roman Catholic Priest, etc.) Priced. P. d S. 3 May. S.-C.P. 184. (16.) Cruikshank, George. Library, Prints, etc. Priced. S., W. d H. 17 May. " S.-C.S. 770. (4.) Catalogue of a yaluable collection of Autograph Letters, forming the Haylev Correspondence [i.e., letters to and from William Hayley], etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 May. S.-C.S. 770. (5.) Lonsdale, Christopher, of Old Bond Street. Stock of Engraved Music Plates and Copyrights. Priced. P. & S. 21 May. " S.-C.P. 185. (3.) €arr, R. p. Musical Works from Library. Priced. S., W. S'., W. & H. 18 June. S.-C.8. 786. (2.) Forbes, Duncan, Dr. Oriental Manuscripts. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Oriental Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 23 June. S.-C.S. 786. (4.) Catalogue of tlie valuable Library of a Gentleman, leaving liis residence, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 787. (1.) EiDGWAY, Joseph. Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 June. S.-C.S. 787. (2.) Snoxell, William. Musical Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of Ancient and Modern Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 30 June. S.-C.P. 191. (11.) Snoxell, William. Librarv. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. <& S. 2 July. S.-C.P. 191. (12.) Sharp, G., of Highgate. Library. (Eemaining Part.) Reid, Robert. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 July. S.-C.S. 787. (4.) Anderson, Sir Henry Lacon, K.C.S.I. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 July. ■ S.-C.S. 788. (2.) Durrell, Samuel J. Stock of Engravings, Books, etc. Priced. P. & S. 16 July. S.-C.P. 192. (5.) Snoxell, William. Autographs and Manuscripts. Priced. P. <& S. 21 July. " S.-C.P. 192. (6.) Capper, John Lewis, Per. ; Porter, W. K. Libraries. Priced. P. (& S. 22 July. S.-C.P. 192. (7.) Ramage, Craufurd Tait, Dr. ; Dobree, John Gale, Rev. Libraries. Rodwell, John Medows, Rev. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 July. S.-C.S. 788. (4.) Stonard, John, Rev., D.D. Librarv, etc. Priced. S.. W. & H 30 July. ■ S.-C.S. 788. (5.) Attwood, Frederick Lyndon. Library. (Catalogue of a large and valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. <£• S. 5 Aug. S.-C.P. 192. (10.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters and Literary Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 Aug. S.-C.S. 788. (8.) Holloway, W. Williams ; Hamilton, J., Captain ; Tayler, William, F.S.A. ; Wall, W. J. ; Gillman, Andrew. Libraries. Wilson, John, D.D., of Bombay. Oriental Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 Aug. S.-C.S. 789. (2.) Oarbett, James, Archdeacon of Chichester ; Pirie, Henry George, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Aug. S.-C.S. 789. (4.) 2 B 370 1879- Knott, W., Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of Mis- cellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 27 Oct. S.-C.P. 193. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of Books and Manuscripts, including the Libraries of Gentlemen deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Nov. S.-C.S. 790. (L) Catalogue of the valuable Library of an eminent Literary Professor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 12 Nov. S.-C.P. 193. (7.) Bell, George, of Leeds. Stock of Music Plates, Copyrights and Un- published Manuscripts. Priced. P. & S. 20 Nov. S.-C.P. 193. (9.) Parker, John William, Publisher. Library. Priced. S., W. d: H. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 790. (3.) Smart, Newton. Rev. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 26 Nov. S.-C.P. 193. (12.) Laing. David, LL.D. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Dec. S.-C.S. 791. & S.-C. 1013. (2.) Turner, Sydney, Dean of Ripon ; Bull, Henry, Rev. Parts of Libraries. (Catalogue of a large collection of Theological and Miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 8 Dec. S.-C.P. 193. (15.) Smee, Frederick. Musical Librarv. Priced. P. & S. 15 Dec. S.-C.P. 194. (2.) MusGRAVE, George, Rev. Books from Library. (Catalogue of rare, curious, and valuable Books, and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. P. c6 S. 17 Dec. S.-C.P. 194. (4.) Ancell, Wilson. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Dec. S.-C.S. 792. (6.) 1880. Jones, Robert, Rev., of Rotherhithe. Part of Library. Dicken, Alldersey, Rev., D.D. Library. Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 12 Jan. S.-C.S. 793. (1.) Bates, Thomas Holden. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 793. (2.) Reekes, John, of the Royal Academy of Music. Musical Works. Priced. Puttick & Simvson, 47, Leicester Square. 19 Jan. S.-C.P. 194. (11.) Blore, Edward, F.S.A. Library. Priced. P. & S. 21 Jan. S.-C.P. 194. (13.) WoRTHiNGTON, James William, Rev., D.D. Library. Priced. S., W. 6: H. 29 Jan. S.-C.S. 794. (1.) -1880 371 Dunn, Henry. Remainder and Copyrights of Stock of Publications. (Catalogue^ of a collection of Theological and Miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 4 Feb. S.-C.P. 195. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable and interesting collection of Books, etc. Priced. >S., W. & H. 17 Feb. S.-C.S. 794. (6.) Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of Books, comprising many rare and curious Works, etc. Priced. P. & S. 18 Feb. S.-C.P. 195. (5.) CONNELL, John Force. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Feb. S.-C.S. 794. (7.) Catalogue of an extraordinary collection of Books, relating to the curious subjects of the Ship of Fools, the Dance of Death, and Reynard the Fox, etc. Priced. S.. TF. & H. 1 March. S.-C.S. 795. (2.) Price, Lake. Part of Library. Priced. >S'., IF. & H. 2 March. S.-C.S. 795. (3.) James, Thomas, Rev. Archaeological and Anticjuarian Library. Priced. S., TF. & H. 8 March. S.-C.S. 795. (5.) Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of important Books and Manuscripts from the Libraries of various Collectors, etc. Priced. S.,W. & H. 10 March. S.-C.S. 795. (6.) Saunders, William Wilson, F.R.S. Library. (Remaining Part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 15 March. S.-C.S. 796. (1.) ToMPSON. Frederick Henrv, Rev. Library. Priced. P. & S. 18 March. S.-C.P. 195. (13.) Beard, John, Rev., D.D. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 March. S.-C.S. 796. (5.) ScHOLFiELD, Dr. ; Carter, Thomas, of Acton. Musical Libraries. (Catalogue of a scarce, curious, and interesting collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 22 March. S.-C.P. 195. (14.) Laing. David, ZL.D. UhxnTy. (Part 2.) Priced. S.,W.&H. 5 April. S.-C.S. 797. & S.-C. 1013. (3.) Catalogue of the Library of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. <& H. 17 April. S.-C.S. 798. (2.) Cooper, Joseph Thomas, Organist of Christ Church, Newgate Street. Musical Library. Priced. P. <& S. 19 April. S.-C.P. 196. (1.) Lloyd, Henry Robert, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 21 April. S.-C.P. 196. (3.) Carlyle, John Aitken, M.D.. LL.D. Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 27 April. S.-C.S. 798. (7.) 2 B 2 372 1880- Catalogue of a valuable Library, the greater part of which was collected . . . by an intimate friend of Horace Walpole, etc. Priced. S.,W. & H. 29 April. S.-C.S. 799. (3.) RoTHERY, C. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 5 May. S.-C.P. 196. (7.) Hales, Miss, of Hales Place, near Canterbury. Library. Priced. S., W. d H. 7 May. S.-C.S. 799. (6.) Gaisford, Thomas, D.D. Library. (Philological Part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 13 May. S.-C.S. 800. (1.) Harward, John. Library. (Remaining Part.) Priced. S.,W.&H. 18 May. S.-C.S. 800. (3.) Manners, George, F.S.A. Autograph Letters, etc. (Further Part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 20 May. S.-C.S. 800. (4.) Wilson, Thomas, Rev., of Emmanuel College, Camhridge ; Bridges, James, Professor of Drawing. Libraries. Priced. S.,W. & H. 21 May. S.-C.S. 800. (5.) Catalogue of the valuable Instrumental and General Musical Library of a distinguished Professor, etc. Priced. P. & S. 24 May. S.-C.P. 196. (11.) Oxenford, John. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 26 May. S.-C.P. 196. (13.) Parry, John Humffreys, Serjeant-at-Laiv. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 May. S.-C.S. 801. (1.) Vale, W. H. ; Green, W. T. Libraries. Priced. S.,W. & H. 28 May. S.-C.S. 801. (3.) Metzler and Chappell, Messrs., of Great Marlborough Street. Stock of Music Plates. Priced. P. & S. 31 May. S.-C.P. 196. (14.) Bryant, W. A. Oil Paintings, Portraits, Library, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 7 June. S.-C.P. 197. (1.) Benzon, Mrs., of 10, Kensington Palace Gardens. Part of Library, Priced. S., W. & H. 14 June. S.-C.S. 802. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Books in all classes of Literature, comprising the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 14 June. S.-C.P. 197. (4.) Banks, Sir Joseph. Illustrations of the County of Lincoln. (Catalogue of an assemblage of rare and valuable Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 15 June. S.-C.S. 802. (2.) Heberden, William, Rev. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a portion of the choice and valuable Library of a Gentleman, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 17 June. S.-C.S. 802. (3.) Gardner, Cecil Dunn. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 June. S.-C.S. 802. (4.) & S.-C. 1013. (4.) -1880 373 [Morel, V. A., and Co.] Books on Architecture, Art Decoration, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 24 June. S.-C.P. 197. (9.) RusKiN, John. Books from Library. Priced. P. c6 S. 30 June. S.-C.P. 197. (11.) Dixon, William Hepworth. Library. Priced. S., W. (& H. 6 July. S.-C.S. 803. (4.) Ramirez, Jose Fernando. Library. (Relating mainly to Mexico.) With preface. Priced. P. & S. 7 July. S.-C.P. 197. (14.) & 011908. i. 24. Catalogue of a select and valuable collection of Books illustrated by the late George Cruikshank, and of his early Caricatures, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 July. S.-C.S. 803. (6.) Catalogue of an extensive collection of Caricatures, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 July. S.-C.S. 803. (7.) Lysons, Samuel, Rev., F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 July. S.-C.S. 803. (8.) Browne, William Meredith. Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. (& S. 14 July. S.-C.P. 198. (1.) Stephens, Archibald John, Q.C. Library. Priced. S., W. cfc H. 14 July. S.-C.S. 803. (9.) Cowper. Hon. Spencer. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 July. S.-C.S. 804. (1.) Laing, David, LL.D. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. >S'., W. & H. 20 July. S.-C.S. 804. (3.) & S.-C. 1013. (5.) Planche, James Robinson, Somerset Herald. Books from Library. Priced. P. & S. 21 July. S.-C.P. 198. (4.) Green, Joseph Henrv, F.R.S. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 July. ^ S.-C.S. 805. (1.) Kenealy, Edward Vaughan Hyde, LL.D. Books from Library. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 29 July. S.-C.P. 198. (6.) Bell, Thomas, F.R.S., F.Z.S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 July. S.-C.S. 805. (2.) Rahles, John. Librarv, Pictures, etc. Priced. P. & S. 3 Aug. S.-C.P. 198. (11.) Hay, W. E., Major. Library. (Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 9 Aug. S.-C.S. 806. (1.) Catalogue of a large collection of valuable Books, comprising several small private Libraries, etc. Priced. P. & S. 11 Aug. S.-C.P. 198. (10.) 374 1880- Gladwell, T. H. Books, Engravings, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Aug. S.-C.S. 806. (2.) KENRirK, Jarvis, Rev. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 Nov. S.-C.S. 807. (1.) Bragge, William, F.S.A. Portion of Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Nov. " S.-C.S. 807. (2.) Miller, John Cale, Canon of Worcester Cathedral. Library. (Cata- logue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced, P. & S. 11 Nov. S.-C.P. 199. (8.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. P. & S. 16 Nov. S.-C.P. 199. (10.) Catalogue of the valuable Libraries of a literary Gentleman . . . and of a well-known Genealogist, etc. Priced. P. cfc S. 24 Nov. S.-C.P. 199. (13.) Catalogue of a choice collection of Autographs, principally of Musical, Dramatic, and Literary Celebrities, etc. Priced. P. (& S. 30 Nov. S.-C.P. 199. (14.) Jennings, Hargrave. Books from Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. d S. 2 Dec. S.-C.P. 199. (15.) Porter, John Scott, Rev. Theological Librarv. Priced. P. & S. 10 Dec. " S.-C.P. 199. (17.) WiLKiifiS, George, ArcJideacon ; Webb, J. C. ; Blair, Alexander, LL.D. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 808. (7.) Ward, George Kaphael. Engravings and Books. Priced. S.,W.&H. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 808. (8.) Dalton, William, i^ev., S.D. Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 20 Dec. S.-C.S. 809. (1.) Marsh, John Fitchett. Musical Library. (Catalogue of a rare and curious collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 20 Dec. S.-C.P. 200. (5.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, including the Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 22 Dec. 'S.-C.P. 200. (7.) 1881. Grant, Francis, Colonel. Part of Library. Priced. Puttick & Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 12 Jan. S.-C.P. 200. (9.) Gladstone, Helen, Mrs. Library. Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 13 Jan. S.-C.S. 809. (3.) Cqmby, Anthony, Rev. Library. Priced. >S.. W. & H. 19 Jan. S.-C.S. 809. (4.) -1881 375 Newton, John Farmer, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Theological and Miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 20 Jan. S.-C.P. 200. (13.) Harrison, William, of Samleshury Hall, Preston. Library. Priced. S.,W. <&H. 25 Jan. S.-C.S. 810. (3.) & S.-C. 1059. (1.) Cock, Lamborn, of New Bond Street. Stock of Engraved Music Plates and Copyrights. (Remaining Part.) Priced. P. cfe S. 26 Jan. S.-C.P. 200. (16.) FiTZGiBBON, Richard Hobart, 3rd Earl of Clare. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 Jan. S.-C.S. 810. (4.) Harlowe, Stephen Harlowe. Dramatic and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Feb. S.-C.S. 810. (5.) Britton, Thomas Hopkins, Rev. Library. Taylor, Alfred Swaine, Dr. Medical and Scientific Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 Feb. S.-C.S. 810. (6.) TucKETT, John. Topographical and Genealogical Books, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 2 Feb. S.-C.P. 200. (17.) Leighton, W., Junior. Works of George Cruikshank. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 Feb. S.-C.S. 811. (1.) & S.-C. 1059. (2.) Clifton, H. N. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 10 Feb. S.-C.P. 201. (2.) Pakington, John Somerset, Baron Hampton. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 Feb. S.-C.S. 811. (4.) Laing, David. LL.B. Library. (Part 4.) Priced. &., W. & H. 21 Feb. S.-C.S. 811. (6.) & S.-C. 1013. (7.) Catalogue of a valuable Library of Books on Musical History and Theory, the Musical Drama, etc. Priced. P. & S. 21 Feb. S.-C.P. 201. (5.) Webb, Henry, of Claphani ; Goldham, Richard, Rev. ; Cudden, Charles Francis, Rev. Theological Libraries. Priced. P. & S. 24 Feb. S.-C.P. 201. (8.) Churchill, Henrv Blencowe. Library. Priced. S.,W.<&H. 25 Feb. S.-C.S. 812. (1.) Ben Oliel, Maxwell Moehluff, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 3 March. S.-C.P. 201. (10.) DiGBY, Kenelm Henry. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 March. S.-C.S. 812. (5.) Gardner, E. B. Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 15 March. S.-C.S. 813. (1.) Whitehead, Robert firench, Rev., D.D. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 March. S.-C.S. 813. (2.) 376 1^81- BuxTON, Harry Wilmott, Barrister-at-Law. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 March. S.-C.S. 813. (4.) Holt- White, Algernon. Library, (eollected by Thos. Holt-White.) Priced. S.,W. & H. 5 April. S.-C.S. 814. (1.) Rutland, George, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Stock of Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 April. S.-C.S. 814. (2.) W^ARREX, Joseph. Organist. Musical and General Library, Autographs, Manuscripts, etc. ' Priced. P. & S. 8 April. S.-C.P. 201. (19.) M * * * *, Comte de. Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 April. S.-C.S. 815. (2.) Sharp, William. ofSawhridgeworth. Musical Library. Priced. P. cfe S. 25 April. S.-C.P. 202. (4.) Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 April. S.-C.S. 815. (3.) Gould, John. F.R.S. Ornithological Library. Priced. P. cfe ;S. 4 Mav. S.-C.P. 202. (7.) Burton, John Hill, D.C.L. Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 16 May. S.-C.S. 816. (5.) Watts, Thomas, of the British Museum. Library. Davidson, Samuel, Rev., D.D. Theological and General Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 May. " S.-C.S. 816. (6.) Lewis, R. Beulah, Rev. Theological Library. Priced. P. & S. 1 June. S.-C.P. 202. (16.) Davies, John Speed. Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 June. S.-C.S. 818. (1.) Bicknell, Henry Sanford, Library and Autographs and Engravings. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 June. " S.-C.S. 818. (3.) Engel, Carl. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 13 June. S.-C.P. 202. (20.) Eyton, Thomas Campbell. Library. (Chiefly Natural History.) Priced. S., W. & H. 17 June. S.-C.S. 818. (6.) The first initial is misprinted on the title, J. for T. Catalogue of the valuable collection of Autograph Letters and Literary Documents of a Gentleman. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 June. S.-C.S. 819. (1.) Stanford, J. F. Musical Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of Instrumental Music, including the Libraries of the Islington Musical Society, the Lynn Philharmonic Society, etc.) Priced. P. cfe S. 22 June. S.-C.P. 203. (1.) Christie-Miller, Wakefield. Catalogue of duplicates from the Historical and Geographical Portions of the Britwell Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 819. (3.) -1881 377 Catalogue of a valuable and fine collection of Books from various select private Libraries, etc. Priced. P. cfc S. 27 June. ^ S.-C.P. 203. (3.) Catalogue of a selection of valuable Books in splendid bindings, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 June. S.-C.S. 819. (4.) Way, Gregory Lewis. Portion of Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 July. " S.-C.S. 819. (5.) Baily, John Walker, of Cham-pion Park, Surrey. Ornamental Cabinets, Books, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 July. S.-C.S. 819. (6.) Bryce, William Moir. Books and Autograph Letters from Library. Priced. P. cfe .S'. 4 July. S.-CP. 203. (4.) Engel, Carl. Books on Musical History, Theory, and Practice. Warren, Joseph. Librarv. (Remaining Part.) Priced. P. & S. 7 July. S.-C.P. 203. (5.) Stevens, Henry, of Vermont. Books and Manuscripts relating to the History and Literature of America and the Franklin Collection. (Part 1.) 'With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 July. S.-C.S. 820. & S.-C. 1059. (3.) Seager, Charles, M.A., Oxon. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Theological and Miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 13 July. S.-C.P. 203. (7.) Casa Mena, Marquis of; Sierra (Rafael de) Canon. Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. <& H. 16 July. S.-C.S. 821. (2.) W-VRD, Stephen Henrv, M.D. Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. &H. 21 July. S.-C.S. 821. (5.) Catalogue of the collection of Dramatic Portraits . . . Books and Autograph Letters, of a well-known Amateur. Priced. S.,W. & H. 28 July S.-C.S. 822. (2.) Cruikshank, George. Catalogue of the Last Portion of Works of the late George Cruikshank, including Water-Colour Drawings, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 July. S.-C.S. 822. (3.) Pyne, Henry. Theological Portion of Early Printed English Books. Forbes, Charles; Rawlins, Henry J. E. Libraries. Priced. S., W.&H. 2 Aug. S.-C.S. 822. (4.) Bulmer, William, Publisher. Library. Priced. P. & S. 4 Aug. S.-C.P. 203. (14.) MacCarthy, Denis Florence. Books from Library. Priced. P. & S. 5 Aug. S.-C.P. 203. (15.) Rawlins, Henry J. E. Collection of Autograph Letters. Priced. S., W. & H. ' 10 Aug. S.-C.S. 823. (1.) Tennant, James, F.G.S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Aug. S.-C.S. 823. (2.) ■ 378 1881- Redl, Charles Artliur. Library. Priced. S., W. S., W. & H. 1 March. S.-C.S. 830. (4.) Catalogue of a valuable and fine collection of Books, the property of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 8 March. S.-C.P. 207. (1.) BoucH, Sir Thomas. Scientific Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 March. ' S.-C.S. 830. (6.) Davies, Henry, M.R.C.S. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 March. ' S.-C.S. 830. (7.) Thornton, E. N. Library. Priced. S., W. S H. 15 March. S.-C.S. 831. (1.) BoHN, Henry George. Bibliographical Works, Books on Pottery and Porcelain, Literally and Fine Art Journals, etc. Priced. S.,W. & H. 16 March. ' S.-C.S. 831. (2.) BuRGES, William. Part of Library. Priced. P. & S. 20 March. S.-C.P. 207. (6.) Davies, David Kevnolds. Library. Priced. S.,W.d:H. 22 March. S.-C.S. 831. (5.) Beresford Hope, RigJtt Hon. Alexander James Beresford, M.P. Selection of excessively rare and valuable Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 March. S.-C.S. 831. (6.) & S.-C. 1059. (5.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of rare Books, chiefly in the Spanish, French, and Italian languages, etc. Priced. P. & S. 23 March. S.-C.P. 207. (8.) Clifford, Maurice P., D.D. Theological Library. Priced. P. rd Earl of Sunderland. Library. (Part 5.) Priced. P. & S. 10 March. S.-C.P. 211. (2.) & 11907. r. 7. (5.) Catalogue of an important and valuable Library, commenced by an eminent Admiral in the reign of Queen Elizabeth and continued by his descendants. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 March. S.-C.S. 849. (4.) Collins, Henrv. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 April. S.-C.S. 850. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, including the Library of a Gentle- man, deceased, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 4 April. S.-C.P. 212. (16.) Williams, Benjamin, of Paternoster- Roiv. Stock of Music Plates and Copyrights, etc. Priced. P. ck S. 16 April. S.-C.P. 213. (1.) Chester, Joseph Lemuel, Colonel; Kemp, John Charles, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 April. S.-C.S. 850. (10.) RowsELL, Joel. Portion of Stock of Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 April. S.-C.S. 851. Catalogue of a collection of rare, curious, and valuable Books, chiefly selected from the Library of two Collectors, etc. Priced. P. & S. 25 April. S.-C.P. 213. (2.) -1883 383 Clarke, William Henry, Rev. Library. Priced. P. & S. 2 May. S.-C.R 213. (5.) Arbuthnot, Charles George James, General. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 16 May. S.-C.P. 213. (8.) Jackson, W. S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 May. S.-C.S. 852. (6.) Clay, Charles, M.D. Theological and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 May. S.-C.S. 852. (7.) RoTHERY, Charles. Library. (Part 2.) Hargreaves, Dr. Library. Priced. P. & S. 20 May. S.-C.P. 202. (14.) Herman, Henry. Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W.(&H. 21 May. S.-C.S. 853. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Gentleman. Priced, S., W. & H. 23 May. S.-C.S. 853. (3.) Blockley, John, Music Publisher. Library. (Catalogue of a collec- tion of Books and Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 27 May. S.-C.P. 213. (11.) Platt, Samuel, Barrister -at- Law. Library. Priced. P. & S. 31 May. S.-C.P. 214. (1.) Spencer, Charles, Zrd Earl of Sunderland. Books returned from Sale of Library. Priced. P. & S. 1 June. S.-C.P. 211. (3.) Booth, William Joseph, F.R.S. ; Booth, Mrs. William Joseph. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 June. S.-C.S. 854. (1.) HoRWOOD, Alfred John. Historical, Legal, and Antiquarian. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 June. • S.-C.S. 854. (2.) Blockley, John, Music Publisher. Stock of Music Plates and Copy- rights. Priced. P. <& S. 11 June. S.-C.P. 214. (3.) TowNELEY, John. Towneley Library. With a preface. Priced. S., W. (& H. 18 June. " S.-C.S. 855. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, comprising many yaluable and rare, including Duplicates from the Library of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 18 June. S.-C.P. 214. (5.) Towneley, Christopher. Towneley Manuscripts. With a preface. Priced. S., W. <& H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 855. (2.) Beckford, William. Library, removed from Hamilton Palace. (Part 3.) With a preface. Priced. S., W. <& H. 2 July. S.-C.S. 857. & S.-C. 1060. (3.) HoLDEN, Hubert Ashton, LL.D. ; Farr, William, F.R.S. Parts of Libraries. Priced. P. <& S. 2 July. S.-C.P. 214. (9.) Trebinoff, M. W. S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 July. S.-C.S. 856. (6.) 7384 1883- Ciitiilogue of highlv interesting Autograph Letters and other Docu- ments. Priced. ' ,S'., W. (& H. 16 July. S.-C.8. 856. (7.) Williams, Conrad. Librarv. Priced. P. & S. 17 July. S.-C.P. 215. (1.) Catalogue of a choice collection of Autograph Music and Autograph Letters of Musicians. Priced. S., If. S., W. d H. 10 Aug. S.-C.S. 861. (1.) Laidlaw, William. Musical Librarv. (Part 1.) Priced. P. & S. 17 Aug. ' S.-C.P. 215. (9.) -1883 * 385 Laidlaw. William. Musical Library. (Part 2.) (Catalogue of an extensive collection of Musical Property, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 22 Aug. S.-C.P. 215. (10.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books on Natural History. Priced. S., W. <& H. 5 Nov. S.-C.S. 862. (1.) Carthew, George Alfred, F.S.A. Antiquarian Library, and MS. Genealogical Collections relating to Norfolk. Priced. S., W. & H. 8' Nov. S.-C.S. 862. (2.) Dash, William. Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of Books, ' etc.) Priced. P. & 'S. 12 Nov. S.-C.P. 216. (8.) Royal College of Physicians. Catalogue of Books and Manu- scripts . . . Duplicates from the Library of the College, etc. Priced. S., W. <& H. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 862. (3.) Eastwick, Edward Backhouse. C.B. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Nov. S.-C.S. 862. (4.) Davidson, William. Theological Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Nov.' ^ S.-C.S. 863. (1.) Oakey, J. Collection of Caricatures, Portion of Library, Engravings. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Nov. S.-C.S. 863. (2.) Catalogue of a large collection of valuable Illustrated Books . . . including the Library of a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 21 Nov. ' S.-C.P. 216. (10.) Barber, Stephen Nicholson. Musical Library. Priced. P. & S. 27 Nov. ■ S.-C.P. 216. (12.) Beckford, William. Library, removed from Hamilton Palace. (Part 4.) With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 Nov. S.-C.S. 863. (5.) & S.-C. 1060. (4.) Massy, Edward Taylor. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. ?> Dec. S.-C.S. 863. (6.) Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books . . . including a portion of the Library of a well-known Bibliographer, deceased, etc. Priced. P. & S. 3 Dec. S.-C.P. 216. (14.) Irons, William Josiah, D.D. Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. <& H. 5 Dec. S.-C.S. 863. (7.) Carnegie, John, Captain, R.N. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 Dec. S.-C.S. 864. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of extremely rare and valuable Books relating to America, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 10 Dec. S.-C.P. 216. (16.) Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, including the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 13 Dec. S.-C.P. 217. (1.) 386 1883- BoRROw, George ; Dowson, John, M.A. ; Roach, F. Books and Manuscripts.^ Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 864. (4.) Catalogue of a collection of rare and curious Books from the Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. P. & S. 20 Dec. S.-C.P. 217. '(4.) 1884. Mayne, Frederick Otway, Rev. Theological Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. Puttick & Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 7 Jan. S.-C.P. 217. (6.) Shepherd and Kilner, Messrs., of Southampton Street, Strand. Stock of Music, etc. Priced. P. & S. 10 Jan. S.-C.P. 217. (7.) BuRXELL, Arthur Coke, CLE. Library. Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 14 Jan. S.-C.S. 865. (1.) Spielaiann, Marion Harrv. Collection of Works of George Cruikshank. Priced. S., W. & H. ^ 25 Jan. S.-C.S. 865. (4.) Neligax, William Chadwick, Rev., LL.D. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 Jan. S.-C.S. 865. (5.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, including the Library of the Diss Book Club, etc. Priced. P. & S. 28 Jan. S.-C.P. 217. (14.) Bewick, Thomas. Collection of Books and Engravings (after\yards in possession of Miss Isabella Bewick, his daughter). [Reprinted as a Bewick memento.] With introduction. Priced. Davison 6: Son, Newcastle-upon-Ttjne. 5 Feb. 7854. i. 14. Wiper, William, of Manchester. Portion of Library. Oliver, William Disnev. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 Feb. S.-C.S. 866. (5.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, including a number of Numismatic Books, etc. Priced. P. & S. 14 Feb. S.-C.P. 217. (18.) Meek, George; Meek, George, Major. Library of Brantridge Park, Balcombe, Sussex. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 867. (2.) Robinson, Francis Barlow. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Feb. S.-C.S. 867. (3.) Macdouall, Charles, Li.7). Library. Priced. S.,W.(&H. 20 Feb. S.-C.S. 867. (4.) Vaillant, V. J. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. <£ S. 27 Feb. S.-C.P. 218. (3.) Baylee, Joseph, D.D. Library. Priced. .S'., W. & H. 7 March. S.-C.S. 868. (5.) Sabixe, Sir Edward. K.C.B. Scientific and miscellaneous Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 March. S.-C.S. 868. (6.) -1884 387 Mill, Baroti Browne. Library. Burton, Decimus ; Clinton, Henry, Colonel. Portions of Libraries. Vardon, Arthur. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 March. S.-C.S. 868. (1) Bedford, Francis. Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 21 March. S.-C.S. 869. (1.) Way, Greoory Lewis. Further Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W. <& H. 27 March. ' S.-C.S. 869. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Library of a well-known Literary Man, etc. P. (& S. 3 April. S.-C.P. 218. (17.) Dent, St. John. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 April. S.-C.S. 870. (1.) Bell, Robert, of Norris Castle, Isle of Wight. Portion of Library. HoARE, Edward, Captow. Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 7 April. S.-C.S. 870. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of rare, curious and valuable Books, com- prising a series of rare editions of the Bible, etc. Priced. P. & S. 7 April. S.-C.P. 218. (18.) Steering, Henrv, D.D. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 April. S.-C.S. 870. (4.) Leitch, William Leighton. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 April. S.-C.S. 870. (5.) AcHESON, Archibald Brabazon Sparrow, Earl of Gosford. Library. With preface. Priced. P. & S. 21 April. S.-C.P. 219. (1.) Percy, Thomas, Bishop of Dromore. Manuscript Ballads, Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 April. S.-C.S. 871. (2.) & S.-C. 1056. (2.) Hamilton, Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton. Library. (The Hamilton Palace Libraries.) With preface. Priced. S., W. S H. 1 May. S.-C.S. 871. (3.) & S.-C. 1056. (3.) Stovel, Charles, Rev. Theological Library and Manuscripts. Priced. P. & S. 6 May. S.-C.P. 219. (3.) DuERDiN, John. Library. Priced. P. & S. 9 May. S.-C.P. 219. (4.) HuTCHiNGS AND RoMER, Messrs. Stock of Engraved Music Plates and Copyrights, etc. Priced. P. & S. 19 May. S.-C.P. 219. (6.) Catalogue of an extensive collection of Books of Emblems. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 May. S.-C.S. 872. (5.) BowYER, Sir George, Bart. Library. Payne, Joseph. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 June. S.-C.S. 873. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of valuable, rare and curious Books, including the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 4 June. S.-C.P. 219. (8.) 2 c 2 388 1884- Grimes, Charles Caines. Portion of Library. Crolly, James M., Rev. Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 9 June. S.-C.S. 873. (4.) CouPER, James. Autographs and Manuscripts. Priced. P. & S. 13 June. S.-C.P. 220. (L) Wheatley, Benjamin Kobert. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 16 June. S.-C.P. 220. (2.) HuLLAH, John. Music and Library of Books on Musical Literature. Priced. P. & S. 25 June. S.-C.P. 220. (5.) Cataloo-ue of Autograph Letters and Literary Documents. Priced. S.,W.& H. 25 June. S.-C.S. 875. (4.) Marshall, Julian. Collection of Autograph Letters. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Jime. S.C.-S. 875. (5.) CuRTEis, Edward Jeremiah. Library. Priced. P. & S. 30 June. S.-C.P. 220. (7.) Latreille, Frederick. Dramatic Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 June. " S-CS. 875. (7.) Cook, Edward Dutton. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 July. S.-C.S. 875._ (8.) Beckford, William ; Hamilton, Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton. Books found imperfect and returned from sales of Beckford -1885 389 Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters and Literary Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. b Aug. S.-C.S. 878. (3.) Collier. John Payne. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 Aug. S.-C.S. 879. (L) & S.-C. 1056. (5.) Costa, Sir Michael. Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 11 Aug. S.-C.S. 879. (2.) Ford, John Kermack ; Stephenson, Simon. Libraries. Hale, Bernard. Part of Library. Lavender, Joseph. Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 12 Aug. S.-C.S. 879. (4.) CzERNEY, William, of Oxford Street. Stock of Engraved Music Plates and Copyrights, etc. Sprague and Co., Messrs., of Regent Circus, Stock of Musical Manuscripts, etc. Priced. P. & S. 21 Oct. S.-C.P. 221. (3.) MiLLiGAN, Joseph. Library. Priced. S.. W. & H. 6 Nov. S.-C.S. 880. (3.) Catalogue of Madrigals, Music, Books and Autographs. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Nov. S.-C.S. 880. (4.) FoRMAN, Harry Buxton. Portion of Library. Priced. ^S., W. & H- 12 Nov. ' ^ S.-C.S. 880. (5.) Beer, John T., F.R.S.L. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 Nov. S.-C.S. 880. (6.) Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Nov. S.-C.S. 881. (1.) Catalogue of valuable Books, including a selection from the Library of a deceased Nobleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 18 Nov. S.-C.P. 221. (7.) Benson, George, Lmj Vicar of Westminster Abbey. Musical Library. Priced. P. "& S. 25 Nov. S.-C.P. 221. (10.) Catalogue of a collection of valuable, curious and uncommon Books and Tracts, including a number relating to America, etc. Priced. P. & S. 10 Dec. S.-C.P. 221. (14.) Thorold, Sir John Hayford, Bart. Portion of Library. (Syston Park Library.) With a preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 12^ Dec. S.-C.S. 882. NoLTE, L., Dr. Theological Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collectionof Books and Autographs, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 22 Dec. S.-C.P. 222. (4.) 1885. Catalogue of a collection of Books, including a selection from the Library of an old County Family, etc. Priced. Puttick & Sifnpson , 47, Leicester Square. 8 Jan. S.-C.P. 222. (6. ) 390 1885- GiBBiNGS, Ricliard, D.B. Portion of Theological Library. Priced. Soihebii, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 12 Jan. S.-C.S. 883. (1.) Harvey, George C. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 883. (2.) AsPLAND, Alfred. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Jan. S.-C.S. 88.3. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of Books and MSS., including the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 21 Jan. S.-C.P. 222. (8.) Herman, Henrv. Portion of Dramatic Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 23 Jan. "^ S.-C.S. 884. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a Collector. Priced. S.,W.<& H. 24 Jan. S.-C.S. 884. (2.) Giles, John Allen, Rev., D.C.L. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 Jan. S.-C.S. 884. (5.) Goss, Sir John ; Ward, Arthur Robert, Rev. Musical Libraries. Priced. P. & S. 29 Jan. S.-C.P. 222. (10.) Robinson, William, of St. Martin's Lane. Stock of Music. (Part 1.) Priced. P. d S. 5 Feb. S.-C.P. 222. (12.) Watson, R. ; Abbott, Edwin Abbott, D.D. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Feb. S.-C.S. 885. (1.) Byron, George Gordon Noel, Baron Byron. Autograph Letters. Hodgson, Joseph Stordey, Canon. Collection of Letters. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 March. S.-C.S. 885. (4.) Catalogue of the Autograph Love Letters of John Keats. Six unpub- lished Letters of Charles Lamb. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 March. S.-C.S. 885. (3.) Ireland, Alexander. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 March. S.-C.S. 886. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Books, including; the Library of an Antiquary, etc. Priced. P. & S. 18 March. ^ S.-C.P. 223. (5.) Onslow, Arthur George, ^rd Earl of Onslow. Clandon Library (in- cluding Collection of Rt. Hon. Arthur Onslow). Priced. S., W. & H, 20 March. ' S.-C.S. 886. (2.) Beet, Thomas. Stock of Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 March. S.-C.S. 886. (3.) Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts. Priced. >S., W. & H. 30 March. S.-C.S. 887. (3.) Goss, ^?> John. Musical Library. (Remaining Part.) (Catalogue of an extensive collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 8 April. S.-C.P. 223. (10.) -1885 391 Catalogue of valuable Books, Priced. S., W. & H. 10 April. S.-C.S. 887. (4.) Jennings, Hargrave. Books from Library. (Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. S'., W. & H. 25 Feb. S.-C.S. 903. (4.) Catalogue of a collection of English and Foreign Books, including a small Library removed from Ireland, etc. Priced. P. & S. 25 Feb. S.-C.P. 227. (15.) Hatton, Edward H. Finch. Collection of Autograph Letters and Documents (chiefly from the correspondence of Sir William Hamilton). Priced. S., W. & H. 3 March. S.-C.S. 904. (1.) Whelan, William Curteis. Library (formed by James Robinson Planche). Priced. S., W. & H. b March. S.-C.S. 904. (3.) Brodhurst, Henry. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 March. S.-C.S. 904. (4.) Baron, John, D.D. Library. Priced. .S'., If. ct H. 9 March. S.-C.S. 904. (5.) Tilsley, Hugh. Library. Reid, William Wardlaw. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 March. S.-C.S. 904. (6.) 394 1886- Napier, George Webster. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 March. S.-C.S. 905. (4.) Stone, William Henry, M.D. ; Sale, Jolin Bernard. Musical Col- lections, (Catalogue of an extensive collection of Ancient and Modern Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 22 March. S.-C.P. 227. (20.) Jackson, Thomas, Rev., of Stoke Neivington. Theological Library. (Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced P. cfc S. 12 April. S.-C.P. 228. (5.) Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts, from various collections. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 April. S.-C.S. 906. (4.) Banks, Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph, P.R.S. Correspondence and Letters. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 April. S.-C.S. 907. (1.) Thynne, Francis John. Library. (Catalogue of a selection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 15 April. S.-C.P. 228. (7.) Catalogue of an interesting collection of Autograph Letters and Literary Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 April. S.-C.S. 907. (3.) Hartley, Leonard Lawrie. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. P. & S. 3 May. S.-C.P. 233. (1.) HoTHAM, Henry John, Rev. Selections from Librarv. Ellacombe, Henry Thomas, Rev., F.S.A. Library. Priced!! S., W. cf- H. 13 May. S..C.S. 908. LiVERi, Marquis de. Books from Librarv. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 17 May. S.-C.P. 228. (11.) CoRRiE, George Elwes, D.Z). Librarv. Priced. S.,W. & H. \%^ia.\. S.-C.S. 908. (2.) Addington, Samuel. Library. (The Addington Collections.) Priced. *S'., W. & H. 24 May. S.-C.S. 909. (2.) Blockley, Theodore William, of Berners Street. Stock of Music Plates and Copyrights, etc. Priced. P. d: S. 7 June. S.-C.P. 228. (19.) Bentley, John, of Birch House, Lancashire. Library. Christie, Mamon & Woods, 8, Kinij Street. St. James's Square. 9 June. S.-C.C. 2. (16.) PiTTMAN, Josiah. Musical Librarv, Books, etc. Priced. P. & S. 10 June. ' S.-C.P. 229. (2.) Ball, John Howell ; Cobb, Thomas. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 June. S.-C.S. 910. (1.) Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 June. S.-C.S. 910. (3.) -1886 395- Fergusson, James, C.S.I., D.C.L. Architectural and Miscellaneous- Library, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 June. S.-C.S. 910. (4.) Walker, Thomas Shadford. Collection of Printed Books and Manu- scripts. Priced. *S'., W. <& H. 23 June. S.-C.S. 911. (2.) Anderson, John, Actor. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 24 June. S.-C.P. 229. (6.) Cheney, Edward. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 June. S.-C.S. 911. (3.) Catalogue of a small Library of valuable and rare Welsh Books and Books relating to Wales, etc. Priced. P. & S. 28 June. S.-C.P. 229. (7.) Stevens, Henry, of Vermont. Books relating to the History and Literature of America. (Stevens's Historical Collections. Part 2.} Priced. S., W. & H. 1 July. S.-C.S. 912. (2.) Eobertson, John Elliot Pasley, D.C.L. Library. Priced. S.,W. d; H. 3 July. S.-C.S. 912. (3.) Callcott, Robert S. Musical Library, Water-Colour Drawings, etc. Priced. P. d S. 5 July. S.-C.P. 229. (10.) Pyne, Henry. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 July. S.-C.S. 912. (4.) Simes, Nathaniel Phillips. Library. (Strood Park Library.) Priced. S., W. & H. 9 July. S.-C.S. 913. (3.> Thomas, W. Jones. Library, comprising Early Printed Books, etc. ;S'., M. & F. 12 July. " S.-C.C. 3. (7.) Tytheridge, William Henry Walter. Library. Priced. P. & S. 12 July. S.-C.P. 229. (13.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of an Amateur, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 July. S.-C.S. 914. (1.) Jones, Thomas Heron, Viscount Ranelagh. Library. C, M. & PF. 19 July. S.-C.C. 3. (9.) Elwes, Dudley George Carv, F.S.A. Library, Paintings, China^ Ornaments, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 July. S.-C.S. 914. (2.) Wilson, William Wilson Cams. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 July. S.-C.S. 914. (3.) Clegg, Rowland, ird Viscount Hill. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 July. S.-C.S. 915. (1.) Howard, Henry Charles, ISth Earl of Suffolk and 11th of Berkshire. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 July. S.-C.S. 915. (2.) Tatham, John, Rev. Theological Library. Priced. P. & S. 28 July. S.-C.P. 229. (17.) 396 1886- Catalogue of valiuible Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 July. S.-C.S. 915. (3.) Phillipps, Sir Thomas. Bart.. F.R.S. First portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 916. FiTZGiBBON. John, 2n(l Earl nf Clare. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 Aug. ' S.-C.S. 917. (3.) Donaldson, Thomas Leverton, Professor ; Jones, J. W. Portions of Libraries. Way, Gregory Lewis. Further portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Aug. S.-C.S. 917. (4.) CuBiTT, W. D., Son and Co. Stock of Music, Music Plates, Musical Instruments, etc. Priced. P. & S. 20 Aug. S.-C.P. 229. (20.) Solly, Edward, F.R.S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 Nov. S.-C.S. 918. (1.) Dickinson, Francis Henrv. Library. Priced. S.. W. & H. 10 Nov. S.-C.S. 918. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, including the Library of a Gentleman, removed from Southwell, Notts, etc. Priced. P. & S. 10 Nov. S.-C.P. 230. (8.) Helfrich, Rudolph. Library. Priced. S.. W. d- H. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 919. (1.) Hodgkinson, Sampson. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Nov. " S.-C.S. 919. (2.) Bell, George, of Leeds. Stock of Music Plates and Copyrights, etc. Priced. P. & S. 19 Nov. S.-C.P. 230. (12.) Pohlmann and Sons, of London and Halifax ; Lyon and Hall, of Brighton; Swan, David, of Glasgow. Stocks of Music Plates and Copyrights, etc. Priced. P. & S. 24 Nov. S.-C.P. 230. (14.) Car NAB y, J. Books and Manuscripts. Priced. P. d S. 25 Nov. S.-C.P. 230. (15.) Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Autogi'aph Letters, chiefly of French Celebrities, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 920. (1.) Severne, John Edmund. Collection of Autograph Letters and Papers. (Collected by Michael Wodhull.) Priced. ^S., If. & H. 29 Nov. S.-C.S. 920. (3.) Sforzesca, Saporiti della, Marquis. Collection of Books (comprising nearly every publication of Giovan-Batista Bodoni). Priced. S., W. & H^ 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 920. (7.) Vaughan, Henry Halford. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Dec. S.-C.S. 920. (8.) -1887 397 Catalogue of a collection of valuable Standard English and French Books . . . being chiefly the Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. P. & S. 8 Dec. ' S.-C.P. 230. (IS.) Jebb, John, D.D. Library. Priced. S.. W. cO H. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 920. (10.) Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Literary Documents, from private sources. Priced. S., W. d H. 13 Dec' S.-C.S. 921. (1.) Leigh, William Henry, 2nd Baron Leigh. Part of Library. Priced. P. (& S. U Dec. ' S.-C.P. 231. (1.) Hardy. Sir William. F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. ct- H. 1.5 Dec. S.-C.S. 921. (2.) Catalogue of old rare and valuable Books from an old Essex Library, etc. Priced. P. & S. 16 Dec. S.-C.P. 231. (2.) 1887. Isaacson, John Frederick, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. Puttick & Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 5 Jan. S.-C.P. 231. (7.) Bleasdell, John, Rev. Portion of Library. Miller, William. Stock of Books. Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 26 Jan. S.-C.S. 922. (5.) Bennett, William James Early, Rev. Theological Library. Cookesley, William Gift'ord. Rev. Classical Library. Priced. P. & S. 2 Feb. S.-C.P. 231. (14.) Walford, Cornelius. Portion of Library. W.\tson, E,., of North Seaton. Morpeth. Remaining portion of Library. Priced. S.,W. ci: H. 3 Feb.' ^ ' S.-C.S. 923. (1.) Thoms, William John. Library. Priced. .S'., W. d; H. 9 Feb. S.-C.S. 923. (2.) Smith, Alfred Russell. Stock of Books. Flint, William Richard. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 923. (4.) Thomson, Allan, M.D. Scientific Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 16 Feb. S.-C.P. 231. (16.) Borlase, William Copeland, M.P., F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 Feb. S.-ClS. 924. (1.) Fane, John, 17^/i Earl of Westmorland. Musical Library. (Catalogue of an assemblage of valuable Musical Property, etc.) Priced. P. d: S. 22 Feb. " S.-C.P. 231. (17.) Sherard, Mary, Countess of Harhorough [afterwards Mary Clagett]. Library. Christie, Manson & Woods, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 23 Feb. S.-C.C. 4. (15.) 398 1887- Seillikre, Achille, Baron. Portion of Library. (La Bibliotheque de Mello.) With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 Feb. 8.-C.S. 924. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, including the Library of an old Collector, etc. Priced. P. <& S. 2 March. S.-C.P. 23L (20.) Catalogue of valuable, rare and curious Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 March. S.-C.S. 925. (3.) FoRTESCUE, Edward Bowles Knottesford, Rev.,M.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 March. S.-C.S. 925. (4.) Walker, Eobert. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S., W. <& H. 25 March. ^ . S.-C.S. 926. (2.) Barthes axd Lowell, of Great Marlborough Street. Stock of Books. Priced. P. & S. 28 March. S.-C.P. 232. (7.) Hockley, Frederick. Library. Priced. *S'.. W. & H. 6 April. S.-C.S. 927. (3.) Hartley, Leonard Lawrie. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. P. & S. 18 April. S.-C.P. 233. (2.) Harefield Library, etc. Priced. S., W. d H. 22 April. S.-C.S. 927. (5.) Meysey-Thompsox, Sir Henry ; Meysey- Thompson, Lady. Library. (Chiefly collected bv Colonel Shipperdson.) Priced. S., W. tfc H. 28 April. ' S.-C.S. 928. (3.) Willey and Co., of Great Marlborough Street. Stock of Engraved Music Plates and Copyrights. Priced. P. & S. 2 May. S.-C.P. 232. (11.) Cooper, Joseph, F.S.A. Library. Priced. >S'., W. & H. 12 May. S.-C.S. 929. (3.) O'Brien, James, 3r(l Marquis of Thornond. Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of English and Foreign Books, etc.) Priced. P. (& S. 17 May. S.-C.P. 234. (3.) Hall, John Edward. Librarv. Priced. ;S'., W. & H. 18 May. S.-C.S. 929. (5.) HussEY, Richard Charles, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 May. ^ S.-C.S. 930. (1.) Thompson, William Hep worth, D.B. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 May. ^ S.-C.S. 930. (2.) Catalogue of an extensive Library of Music, the property of a dis- tinguished Amateur. Priced. P. & S. 25 May. S.-C.P. 234. (5.) Joy, Frederic Walker, Bev. Collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 May. S.-C.S. 930. (4.) -1887 399 Cosier, Robert Arnold ; Leech, William ; Waddell, C. J., of Man- chester. Libraries. C, M. & Tf. 1 June. S.-C.C. 6. (15.) HowLETT, W. E., F.S.A. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. (i:S. IJune. S.-C.P. 234. (7.) Lindsay, James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Craicford. Library. (Bibliotlieca Lindesiana. Part 1.) With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. June 13. S.-C.S. 931. Barthes and Lowell, of Great Marlborough Street. Stock of Books. (Remaining part.) Priced. P. & S. 15 June. S.-C.P. 234. (11.) CuRRiE, George Wodehouse. Library. Dashwood, Sir Henry W., Bart. Portion of Library. C, M. ^& W. 23 June. S.-C.C. 6. (26.) Craig, James Thomson Gibson. Library. (Parti.) Priced. S.,W.&H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 933. (1.) Moss, John, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 29 June. S.-C.P. 235. (2.) Smalley, George Washburn. Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 11 July. ^ ■' S.-C.S. 933. (3.) Catalogue of a portion of the valuable Library of Rare Books and Important Manuscripts of a Nobleman. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 July. S.-C.S. 934. (1.) RouPELL, Robert Prioleau, Q.C. Library. (Concluding portion.) Priced. S., W. & H. 16 July. S.-C.S. 934. (2.) DowLiXG, Reginald Ble^vitt. Books, Paintings, Studies, etc. Priced. P. & S. 18 July. S.-C.P. 235. (6.) P[iot], Eugene, of Paris. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 July. ■ S.-C.S. 934. (3.) Mayer, Joseph, F.S.A. Books, Manuscripts, Deeds and Autograph Letters. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 July. S.-C.S. 934. (4.) Mayer, Joseph, F.S.A. Collection of Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 July. S.-C.S. 934. (5.) Brice, William, of Bristol. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 July. S.-C.S. 935. (1.) Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 July. S.-C.S. 934. (7.) Douglas, Robert Casper, Rev. Library. (Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 27 July. S.-C.P. 235. (10.) Whatman, James. Library. C, M. & W. 28 July. S.-C.C. 7. (17.) Randall, W. H. Library. Priced. S.. ^Y. & H. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 936. (1.) 100 1887- Haxce, Henry Fletcher. Dr., H.M. Consul; Diamond, Hugh Welch, M.D. ; Wallace, C, Rev. ; Barnes, William, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 Aug. S.-C.S. 936. (2.) Fane, H. J. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. <^ S. 10 Aug. S.-C.P. 235. (12.) Kew, Alfred. Musical Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Musical Instruments, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 17 Aug. S.-C.P. 235. (13.) Bailey and Co., nf Cheltenham. Stock of Modern Sheet Music. (Catalogue of valuable Musical Property, etc.) Priced. P. (& S. 27 Sept. S.-C.P. 236. (2.) Hyde, Henry, Major-Geneml. Scientific Library. Priced. P. cfc S. 26 Oct. ' ■ S.-C.P. 236. (7.) Brewer, T. D. Part of Library. Priced. P. cfe S. 27 Oct. S.-C.P. 236. (8.) Phillips, William Cornwallis, Major-Geneml. Library. Priced. S., W. (& H. 2 Nov. S.-C.S. 937. Husk, William Henry ; Hickson, Thomas. Musical Libraries. (Cata- logue of an extensive collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 7 Nov. S.-C.P. 236. (9.) Betts, William ; Davis, James Edward, Barrister-at-Law. Libraries- (Catalogue of a collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. c& S. 9 Nov. S.-C.P. 236. (10.) CzERNY, William, of Berners Street. Stock of Engraved Music Plates and Copyrights. Priced. P. & S. 15 Nov. ^ S.-C.P. 236. (12.) Wallis, Alfred, F.R.S.L. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. d H. 21 Nov. S.-C.S. 938. (1.) Shaw, Thomas ; Langdale, Edward Frederick. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 Nov. S.-C.S. 938. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books and Manuscripts, including several small private Libraries, etc. Priced. P. & S. 24 Nov. S.-C.P. 236. (16.) Catalogue of an important collection of Autograph Letters and Docu- ments, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 Nov. S.-C.S. 938. (3.) Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 938. (4.) Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Literary Documents, from private sources. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 Dec. S.-C.S. 939. (2.) Husk, William Henry. Books from Library. Priced. P. d& S. 7 Dec. S.-C.P. 236. (18.) Grant, Hannah, Miss. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 Dec. S.-C.S. 939. (4.) -1888 401 HoARE, Sir Richard Colt, Bart. Remaining portion of Library. (Stour- head Heirlooms.) Priced. S., W. c& H. 9 Dec. S.-C.S. 939. (5.) Cock, J. Lamborn. Stock of Engraved Music, Plates and Copyrights. (Remaining part. Purchased in 1879 by Messrs. Cramer and Co.) Priced. P. <& S. U Dec. S.-C.P. 236. (19.) Hirst, John, J. P. Librarv. Priced. S., W. d H. U Dec. S.-C.S. 940. Wheble, James. Library. Lockyer, J. George. Books from Library. (Catalogue of valuable Books, etc.) Priced. P. d S. 15 Dec. S.-C.P. 236 (20.) Tucker, John Jervis, Admiral ; Hanbury Williams, Ferdinand. Libraries. C, M. & W. 20 Dec. S.-C.C. 7. (32.) 1888. Carter, Harry Wvndham. Library. Priced. Sothebij, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 11 Jan. S.-C.S. 941. (1.) Watson, J. R. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 Jan. S.-C.S. 941. (2.) Nash, D. W., Barrister-at-Law ; Williamson, W. B. Parts of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 Jan. S.-C.S. 941. (3.) Greatheed, Samuel Stephenson, Rev. Musical Library, etc. Bishop, Sir Henry Rowley. Operas. (Catalogue of an extensive collection of Music, etc.) Priced. Puttick & Simpson, 47, Leicester Square. 23 Jan. S.-C.P. 237. (8.) Greatheed, Samuel Stephenson, Rev.; Parkhouse, George. Libraries. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. (& S. 30 Jan. S.-C.P. 237. (11.) Arrowsmith, William Robson, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 Feb. S.-C.S. 942. (3.) Catalogue of choice and valuable Books from several collections, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 Feb. S.-C.S. 943. (4.) Stewart, John Leveson Douglas. Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 1 March. S.-C.S. 942. (7.) Finch, Heneage, 1th Earl of Ai/lesford. The Aylesford Library. (Removed from Packington Hall.) Christie, Manson & Woods, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 12 March. S.-C.C. 8. (30.) Mapleson, James Henry. Musical Library. (Catalogue of the very extensive Ladies' and Gentlemen's Theatrical Wardrobe, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 14 March. S.-C.P. 237. (21.) JIiRST, R. A. H., Major. Library. Wilson, Sir William James Erasmus. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 March. S.-C.S. 944. (1.) 2 D 402 1888- Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, the property of a Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 March. S.-C.S. 943. (5.) Martin, Waldyve Alexander Hamilton ; Belt, William John, F.S.A. Books and Manuscripts from Libraries. Priced. S., W. d H. 19 March. S.-C.S. 944. (2.) Craig, James Thomson Gibson. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S.,W. & H. 23 March, 6 April. S.-C.S. 94o. Martin, H. W. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of miscellaneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 26 March. S.-C.P. 238. (6.) [Benzon, Mr.] Library. (Remaining part.) Priced. S., W. & H, ^ 17 Apnl. • ^ S-C-S. 946. (2.) Stewart, R. B. M., of Glasgow. Library. Priced. S., W. d H. 19 April. S.-C.S. 946. (3.) Hutchinson, Cyril George, Canon of Gloucester. Library. (Catalogue of valuable Books and MSS., etc.) Priced. P. &. S. 25 April. S.-C.P. 238. (11.) Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, the property of a Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 May. S.-C.S. 947.^ (2.) King Kelburne, M.D. Library. (Catalogue of a collection of miscel- faneous Books, etc.) Priced. P. <& S. 9 May. S.-C.P. 238. (12.) Burt H W. ; RENNiE.William ; Tanton, Mrs. Libraries. C.,M.<&W. "^ 14 May. S.-C.C. 10. (39.) Heywood, James John, Rev. Engravings, Books, Drawings, etc. (Remaining part.) Priced. S., W. <& H. 15 May. ^ ^^ ' S.-C.S. 948. (3.) Day, John. Library. Finch, Heneage, ItJi Earl of Aylesford. Books returned from the sale of the Avlesford Library. C, M. & W. 23 May. ^ S.-C.C. 10. (42.) Mapleson, James Henry. Operatic Library. (Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 28 May. S.-C.P. 239. (1.) WiLLSON, Edward James, F.S.A. Books, Manuscripts, Drawings, etc. MuiR VfiWisim, of the Blake Press, Edmonton. Books from Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 May. S.-C.S. 949. (3.) Breese, Edward, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 May. S.-C.S. 949. (4.) Denison William Henry Forester, \st Earl of Londcshorough. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 June. S.-C.S. 950. (1.) -1888 403 Ross, Major. Johusoniana. C, M. & W. 5 June. S.-C.C. 10. (50.) Beresford-Hope, Rt. Hon. Alexander James Beresford, LL.D. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 June. S.-C.S. 950. (3.) CoPELAND, William John, Rev. Library. Priced. P. & S. 11 June. S.-C.P. 239. (5.) Denison, William Henry Forester, 1st Earl of Londeshorongk. Auto- graph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. (& H. il June. S.-C.S. 951. (2.) Turner, Robert Samuel. Librarv. (Part 1.) With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 June. " S.-C.S. 952. Edmunds, W. H. Martin. Library. Priced. P. & S. 27 June. S.-C.P. 239. (8.) Brinckman, Sir Theodore, Bart. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 July. S.-C.S. 953. (2.) HuTTON, Robert Rosseter, Rev. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 July. " S.-C.S. 953. (3.) Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents being part' of the collection of a foreign Nobleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 July. ' S.-C.S. 953. (4.) DuFP, John, of Greenock. Library and Manuscripts (including the Collection of John Adam, of Greenock). Priced. S., W. d& H. 6 July. S.-C.S. 953. (5.) Atkinson, John William, Solicitor. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 July. S.-C.S. 953. (6.) Lennard, Henrv Barrett. Part of Library. Cooke, Ch. H. Archi- tectural Library. Priced. P. & S. 11 July. S.-C.P. 239. (12.) Procter, Anne Benson, Mrs. Books from Library. (Catalogue of a collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 16 July. S.-C.P. 239. (13.) Stark, John Mozlev, of Garrich Street. Stock of Books and Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 July. S.-C.S. 954. (2.) Sykes, Christopher, M.P. Books from Library. Priced. P. <& S. 19 July. S.-C.P. 240. (2.) Scamp, William, C.E. Architectural and Engineering Books from Library. (Catalogue of collections of valuable Books and Manu- scripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 23 July. S.-C.S. 955. (2.) Read, C. J. Librarv. (Catalogue of an extensive collection of Music, etc.) Priced. P." & S. 27 July. S.-C.P. 240. (6.) Sykes, Christopher, M.P. Books from Library. Shaw, James, of Leeds. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. P. & S. 30 July. S.-C.P. 240. (7.) 2 D 2 404 1888- Neligan, William Chad wick, Rev. Library. (Remaining' part.) Cresswell, Dr.; Coleridge, Derwent, Rev.; Gray, John Hamilton, Rer. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 July. S.-C.8. 956. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters and Literary Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Aug. S.-C.S. 956. (2.) Preston. Arthur, of Nonrich. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. -S'., W. & H. 8 Aug. S.-C.S. 957. (1.) Hibbert, J. N. ; Streatfeild, John Fremlyn ; Crawford, A. P. Parts of Libraries. Sim, George, of Edinburgh. Library. (Cata- logue of valuable Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. L3 Aug. S.-C.S. 957. (2.) Stane, John Bramston. Library. (Catalogue of a large collection of Books, etc.) Priced. P. & S. 15 Aug. S.-C.P. 240. (11.) Potts, Henry. Library. Barrow, Francis, of Kensington ; Trench, Francis Chevenix, Rev. Parts of Libiaries. Priced. S., W. & H. . 2 Nov. S.-C.P. 958. (1.) Hunt, Robert, F.R.S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 Nov. S.-C.P. 958. (2.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Oriental and other Manuscripts from the Library of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 Nov. ' S.-C.S. 958. (3.) Leycester, William Wrixon ; Gray, John Edward, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. <& H. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 958. (4.) Craig. James Thomson Gibson. Library. (Part 3.) Priced. S.,W. d: H. 15 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 959. (1.) Turner, Robert Samuel. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. >S., W. & H. 23 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 960. Catalogue of an important and very interesting collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Dec. S.-C.S. 961. (1.) Catalo'fue of choice and valuable Books from Libraries of Collectors, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 961. (2.) Bowker, James. Library, comprising ... an autograph manuscript of Sir Thomas Wyatt's poems, formerly in the possession of Sir John Harington. C, M. & W. 11 Dec. ^ S.-C.C. 11. (98.) 1889. Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart., F.R.S. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. Sothebu, Wilkinson (& Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 22 Jan. S.-C.S. 962. (2.) -1889 405 Pollock. Alexander Russell. Library. Priced. S.,W.^tH. 28 Jan. S.-C.S. 962. (3.) Dyneley, R. D. Library. Barnes, Reginald Henry, Rev. Books relating to Devon and Cornwall. 4 Feb. S.-C.S. 963. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable and cboice collection of Books, from the Library of a Nobleman, etc. Priced. S.. W. <& H. 12 Feb. S.-C.S. 964. Denton, William, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Feb. S.-C.S. 964. (2.) Catalosue of Books and Manuscripts, including portion of the Library of a'Nobleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Feb. S.-C.S. 964. (3.) Hope, John Adrian Louis, 7th Earl of Hopetoun. Library. With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 Feb. S.-C.S. 965. (1.) Mackenzie, John Mansfield. Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 11 March. S.-C.S. 967. Catalogue of an Italian Library of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries, formed by a Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. cfc H. 20 March. S.-C.S. 966. (2.) Scott, William Henry Walter Montagu Douglas, Qth Duke of Buccleuch. Duplicates from Library, etc. Priced. ;S., W. & H. 25 March. S.-C.S. 966. (4.) Salmond, David ; White, John Forbes, LL.D. Books and Manu- scripts from Libraries. Priced. ;S., W. d H. 28 March. S.-C.S. 966. (5.) Burnett, Alexander E. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 April. S.-C.S. 968. (1.) Thornhill, Sir Thomas, Bart. Part of Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 15 April. S.-C.S. 968. (4.) Pullan, Richard Popplewell, ^.^..4. ; Wall, William Edward, Rev. Libraries. Coram, Bickford. Part of Library. Arnold, Thomas James, F.S.A. ; Hogg, Thomas Jefferson. Books from Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 April. S.-C.S. 969. (1.) Catalogue of an important collection of French Autogi-aph Letters and Historical Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 May. S.-C.S. 969. (2.) Catalogue of an important and very interesting collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 May. S.-C.S. 969. (4.) Williams, John de Kewer, Rev. Cromwellian Museum of Books, Tracts, Coins, etc. With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 May. S.-C.S. 969. (5.) 400 1889- Smith \Yi\\[amC\\av\es,ofShortgrove, Essex. Part of Library. Priced. 's.,W.c&H. 10 May. S.-C.S. 970. (2.) HuTT, Charles. Stock of Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 May. S.-C.S. 970. (1.) MoNSON, Frederick John, 5th Baron Monson. Library (from Gattou Park). Christie, Manson & Woods, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 14 May. S.-C.C. 13. (65.) Hamilton, Alexander Douglas, lOth Duke of Hamilton. Manuscripts on Vellum from Collection. (Catalogue of ninety-one Manuscripts on Vellum, etc.) With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 May. S.-C.S. 971. (2.) Prideaux, Walter. Library. C, M. & W. 29 May. S.-C.C. 14. (7.) Knight, C. J.. F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 Jun£. S.C.-S. 972. (7.) Streatfeild, John Fremlyn. Part of Library. Tucker, Stephen. Engravings. (Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 12 June. S.-C.S. 973. (1.) HiLDYARD, Thomas Blackborne Thoroton. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 June. S.-C.S. 973. (3.) Lindsay, James Ludovic, 2&h Earl of Crauford. Library. (Part 2.) With prefatory letter. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 June. S.-C.S. 974. (1.) Constable, William. Manuscripts (including the Collection of John Burton). Priced. S., W. & H. 24 June. S.-C.S. 974. (2.) Constable, William. Library (including that of John Burton). Priced. S., W. (& H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 974. (3.) Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Historical Manuscripts, consigned from abroad, etc. Priced. S., W. cfc H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 975. (1.) Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell - Phillipps, James Orchard. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 July. S.-C.S. 975. (2.) Hampden, Augustus Edward Hobart, Qth Earl of Buckinghamshire. Library. Priced. *S., W. & H. 5 July. S.-C.S. 975. (3.) Perkins, Frederick, ofChipstead, Kent. Library. Priced. S., W. d- H. 10 July. S.-C.S. 976. (1.) Lees, W. Nassau, General. Library and collection of Oriental Manu- scripts. (Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts.) C.,M.&W. 30 July. ^ S.-C.C. 15. (9.) Catalogue of an important and very interesting collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 July. S--C.S. 977. (1.) -1890 407 Jack, Thomas Godfrey. Library. Priced. S., W. d& H. 31 July. S.-C.S. 977. (2.) Graham, Robert, of Wimbledon ; Muntz, George H. M. Libraries. Walton, Cliarles, of Tunhridge Wells. Part of Library. Creswick, William. Books from Library. Priced. >S., W. d: H. 6 Aug. S.-C.S.' 978. Benbow, George Edmund. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Nov. S.-C.S. 979. (L) Offley, Georae. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 Nov. S.-C.S. 979. (2.) Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, Bart. Library. (Remaining part.) Love, R. H. ; Smith, John James, Rev., of Caius College, Camhridge. Libraries. Rodney, George Bridges Harley Dennett, 7th Baron Rodney ; Deane, John Bathurst, Rev. Parts of Libraries. Priced. &., W. & H. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 980. T)o'B&0'ii,io\\n, of Richmond. Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 979. (4.) Darby, John Nelson. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 Nov. S -C S. 979. (5.) Babington, Churchill, Z).Z). Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 27 Nov. S.-C.S. 981. (1.) Chisholme, William. Autograph Letters, etc. (Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Autograph Letters, etc.) Priced. 8., W. & H. '11 Nov. S.-C.S. 981. (2.) Leigh, John, of Manchester ; Harnage, Sir George, Bart. ; Snare, John. Parts of Libraries. Vaughan, Walter Arnold, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 Dec. S.-C.S. 981. (3.) Thibaudeau, Alphonse Wyatt. Stock of Books, Prints, Drawings, etc. 9 Dec. S.-C.S. 982. (2.) Cox, Cornelius. Library. C, M. & W. 10 Dec. S.-C.C. 15. (25.) 1890. Catalogue of a portion of the very choice Library of the Chevalier de N , deceased, etc. Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 13 Jan. S.-C.S. 982. (7.) [Fry, Francis,] Versions of the Bible. (Remaining part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Jan. S.-C.S. 982. (8.) Ward, Thomas Merriman. Early Bibles, New Testaments, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 983. (1.) Sanctuary, Thomas, Cawon o/ /Sarwm. Library. Priced. S.,W.<&H. 17 Jan. S.-C.S. 983. (2.) 408 1890- PoRTER, Josias Leslie, D./). Librarv. Pritcd. S.,W.dH. 20 Jan. S.-C.S. 983. (3.) ToMLiXE, George. Portion of Library. Christie, Manson & Woods, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. ' 22 Jan. S.-C.C. 16. (5.) Nesbitt, Alexander. Part of Library. Foljambe, Thomas ; Pal- grave, William Gifford ; Leith, Edward Tyrrell. Libraries. Priced. S., W. d- H. 28 Jan. S.-C.S. 983. (6.) Gage, Sir Thomas, Bart. Culford Hall Library (afterwards the property of R. B. Berens). Nicholson, Mrs. E. Part of Library. Priced.' S., W. & H. 5 Feb. S.-C.S. 984. (3.) FooTE. Alexander. Musical Library. {Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Feb. S.-C.S. 984. (6.) How, Richard. Library. Priced. S., ^Y. & H. 3 March. S.-C.S. 985. (5.) Scott, William Bell. Part of Librarv. Priced. S.,^Y.&H. 7 March. S.-C.S. 985. (6.) Jesse, John. F.R.S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 March. S.-C.S. 986. (2.) Bedford, George. Art Library. Barlow, Thomas Oldham. Library. C, M. & If. 18 March. " S.-C.C. 16. (40.) Hayward, Abraham, Q.C. Autograph Letters and Manuscripts. (Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Autograph Letters, etc.) Priced. S.,W. & H. 20 March. S.-C.S. 986. (3.) Wilson, John, of King William. Street, Strand. Stock of Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 March. S.-C.S. 986. (5.) Kenyon, John G. Part of Library. (Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 27 March. S.-C.S. 986. (6.) Sinclair, James. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 April. S.-C.S. 987. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the valuable Library of a French Baron, lately deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 April. S.-C.S. 987. (2.) Gaisford, Thomas. Part of Library. Priced. S..W.&H. 23 April. S.-C.S. 988. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the valuable Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. ;S., If. & H. 2 May. S.-C.S. 988. (2.) Morten, W. V. Autograph Letters, Portraits, etc. Priced. S.,W. & H. 5 May. S.-C.S. 988. (4.) -1890 409- Catalogue of very valuable Books, tlie property of an English Amateur resident at Paris, etc. Priced. S., W. tfc H. 5 May. S.-C.S. 988. (3.) Percy, John, M.D.. F.R.S. Library. Priced. *S'., If. d H. Q May. S.-C.S. 989. (1.) Sullivan, Sir Edward, Bart., Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Part of Library, Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Moy, 27 May, 5 June. ■ S.-C.S. 990. Wells, William, of Holme \Yood, Peterborough. Library. C, M. d: W. 21 May. S.-C.C. 18. (28.). Catalogue of an important collection of Autograph Letters of Literary Celebrities, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. '21 May. S.-C.S. 991. (1.) Catalogue of valuable Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 June. S.-C.S. 991. (3.) Hughes, Thomas Fiott. Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books. Priced. ,S., W. & H. 5 June. S.-C.S. 991. (4.) Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts in all classes of Literature, etc. ^ Priced. S., W. & H. 14 June. S.-C.S. 991. (5.) Original Manuscripts of Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Priced. >S., W. & H. 18 June. S.-C.S. 991. {Q.) PococK, Crawford John. Works of George & Pt. CVuikshank, J. Leech, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 June. S.-C.S. 992. (2.) Talbot, James, ^th Baron Talbot of Malahide. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 June. S.-C.S. 992. (4.) Young, Alexander, of Glasgow. Part of Library. Priced. ;S., W. & H. June 26. S.-C.S. 993. (1.) Marshall, Frank A. ; Blanchard, Edmund Forster. Libraries. Priced. S., If. & H. 30 June. S.-C.S. 993. (2.) Hartree, William. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Jiilv. S.-C.S. 994. (4.) Sage, James, of Lincoln's Inn Fields. Stock of Books. Priced. S., W. & M. 19 July. S.-C.S. 995. (3.) Boyd, John Pringle ; Kichardson, T. M., Member of R. Society of Painters in Water Colours; Bridge, Miss, of Eaton Square. Libraries. C, M. & W. 22 July. S.-C.C. 19. (1.) CosENS. Frederick William, F.S.A. Autograph Letters. Priced. ,S., W. ci- H. 24 July. S.-C.S. 995. (5.) CosENS, Frederick William, i^.AS..4. Manuscripts. Priced. S.,W. & H. 25 July. S.-C.S. 996. (1.) Heffill, H. ; Dupuis, Harry, Rev. Libraries. Priced. ;S., W. d- H. 28 July. S.-C.S. 996. (4.) 410 1890- Catalogue of Autograpli Letters and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 July. S.-C.S. 996. (3.) Somerset, Emily Frances, Duchess of Beaufort. Library. C, M. cfc W. 31 July. S.-C.C. 19. (10.) Bradley, Edward, Rev. [" Cuthbert Bede "]. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Aug. S.-C.S. 996. (7.) KoDNEY, George Bridges Harley Dennett, llh Baron Rodney. Part of Library. Grant, Alexander, CLE. ; Longe, Robert, Rev. ; Hatfield, John ; Ashe. Thomas, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 Aug. S.-C.S. 997. (2.) CoSEXS, Frederick William, F.S.A. Library, Engravings and Draw- ings. Priced. S., W. d H. 11 Nov. " S.-C.S. 999. Millard, James Elwin, Canon of Winchester. Earlv Printed Books. Priced. S.,W.&H. 25 Nov. "' S.-C.S. 998. (4.) English, John Hampden. First Editions of Works of Charles Dickens. BoYES, John Frederick. Manuscripts and Letters of William Makepeace Thackerav. (Catalogue of valuble Books and Manu- scripts, etc.) Priced.* S., W. cfe H. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 998. (-5.) Catalogue of a collection of English and Foreign Autographs, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 998. (6.) Manners, George, F.S.A. Autograph Letters and Manuscripts from Collectiom Priced. ;S'., W. & H. '21 Nov. S.-C.S. 998. (7.) Fenwicke, Gerald Charles. Rev., of Blaston Manor, TJ fpingham. Library. C, M. d; W. 27 Nov. S.-C.C. 19. (23.) Mackenzie, Colin, Major. Library. Boyle, Colonel. First Editions of Popular Novelists, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 Nov. S.-C.S. 1000. (1.) Catalogue of a portion of the valuable Library of a French Gentleman, deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Dec. S.-C.S. 1000. (2.) King, Walter, of Paisley. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 Dec. ' S.-C.S. 1000. (3.) Catalogue of very valuable Books, the property of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. S.,W. & H. 4 Dec. S.-C.S. 1000. (5.) Grace, John Gregory. Library. Hollond, Robert. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 Dec. S.-C.S. 1000. (6.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Books, the property of a Gentle- man, removed from Bayswater, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 Dec. S.-C.S. 1000. (7.) SouTHBY, T. Havward. Library. Farr, W. W. Part of Library. Priced. S., Wl & H. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 1001. (1.) -1891 ^11 Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Autograph Letters and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 1001. (2.) 1891. Marshall, William, Solicitor, of Eh/. Library. Priced. Sothebij, Wilkinson (& Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 14 Jan. S.-C.S. 1001. (7.) Wiper, William. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 1002. (1.) Baggallay. Sir Richard, Lord Justice of Appeal ; Coding, Charles. Libraries. Christie, Madison & Woods, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 29 Jan. S.-C.C. 20. (7.) White, Henry, Rev. Library. (Remaining part.) Ellis, Alexander John, F.R.'S. Library. Priced. >S., W. d H. 29 Jan. S.-C.S. 1002. (3.) Hailstone, Edward, i^'.S.^. Library. (Parti.) Priced. S.,W.SH. 4 Feb. " S.-C.S. 1003. Paine, Cornelius. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Feb. S.-C.S. 1004. Cox, Arthur, of Brighton. Sporting Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 25 Feb. ■ S.-C.S. 1005. (1.) Maskell, William, M.A. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Feb. S.-C.S. 1005. (2.) Wood, Hon. George, M.L.G., of Grahams Town, Cape of Good Hope. Library. Nichol, John, Professor of English Literature at Glasgow ; JoLY, jasper Robert, LX.D. Parts of Libraries. Priced. S.,W.<&H. 2 March. S.-C.S. 1005. (4.) Crawford, W. H., of Lakelands, County Cork. The " Lakelands " Library. With preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 March. S.-C.S. 1006. Roots, George, E.S.A. Library. C, M. & W. 25 March. S.-C.C. 20. (42.) Jackson, Sir Louis. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 April. S.-C.S. 1007. (2.) Smith, Charles Roach, i^.^..4. Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 7 April. S.-C.S. 1007. (4.) Catalogue of an important and valuable collection of Autograph Letters and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 April. S.-C.S. 1008. (1.) Walker, Mrs., of Blijth Hall, Worksop ; Browne, Harold, Bishop of Winchester ; Briggs, Edwin Francis Ashworth, Barrister-at-Law ; Mangles, Alfred, Rev. Parts of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 April. S.-C.S. 1008. (3.) 412 1H91- Hailstone, Edward. i^.S. J. Library. (Part 2.) Priced. S.,W.(&H. 23 April. S.-C.S. 1009. Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Gentleman, etc. Priced. S., W. &H. i May. S.-C.S. 1010. (4.) Knatchbull-Hugessex, Edward Hugessen, \st Baron Brabourne. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 May. S.-C.S. 1010. (6.) Ashley, Hon. Mrs. Willi;im, late of St. James's Palace. Library. C, M. & W. 21 May. S.-C.C. 21. (36.) Ryax. Charles. Library. Priced. S.. W. (fc H. 28 May. S.-C.S. 1011. (4.) Mapplebeck, Thomas. Autograph Letters from Collection, etc. Priced. S., W. (& H. 1 June. S.-C.S. 1011. (5.) Rose, James Anderson. Library. Priced. >S'., W. & H. 1 June. S.-C.S. 1012. (1.) Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Manuscripts, comprising Original Manuscripts of Wilkie Collins. Priced. *S'.. W. & H. 3 June. S.-C.S. 1011. (6.) Phipps, Constantine Charles Henry, bth Marquis of Normanhij. Books, Engravings, Drawings and Manuscripts from Mulgrave Castle Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 June. S.-C.S. 1012. (2.) Walker, Charles Edmund, Rev. Library ; also a small collection of Engravings. C, M. & W. 17 June. S.-C.C. 22. (19.) Catalogue of the Library of an eminent Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 June. " S.-C.S. 1013. (4.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Docu- ments, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. '21 June. S.-C.S. 1013. (6.) HiBBERD, Shirley, i^'.i^./^./S'. Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 29 June. S.-C.S. 1013. (7.) Raffles, Thomas, D.D. Autograph Letters and Historical Docu- ments. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 June. S.-C.S. 1014. (1.) May, Robert Charles ; Coleridge, Derwent, Rev. ; Hollaxd, Edward, Rev. ; Melville, Robert ; Cox, Arthur. Parts of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 July. S.-C.S. 1015. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of English and Foreign Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S., W. cfc H. 13 July. S.-C.S. 1014. (4.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters and Documents, from the Library of a French Gentleman, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 July. ■ S.-C.S. 1014. (.5.) Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart., F.R.S. Autograph Letters and His- torical Documents. (Part 1.) Priced. S., \V. & H. 15 July. S.-C.S. 1014. (6.) -1891 413 Tiffin, Walter Francis. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 July. S.-C.S. 1016. (1.) PococK, Crawford John. Librar\^. Priced. *S'., W. & H. 17 July. S.-C.S. 1016. (2.) Peering, Charles, Rev. ; Gale, Frederick. Libraries. (Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. 8., W. & H. 20 July. S.-C.S. 1016. (3.) Eyton, Thomas Slaney. Librarv. (Catalogue of Books and Manu- scripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. '& H. 24 July. S.-C.S. 1017. (1.) PococK, Crawford John. Autograph Letters and Historical Docu- ments. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 July. S.-C.S. 1017. (2.) Cooper, Charles Henrv, F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 Oct. ' ' S.-C.S. 1018. (1.) Warwick, John. Librarv. Priced. S., W. dt- H. 2 Nov. S.-C.S. 1018. (2.) Thomas, William Jones, Rev. Library. (Renaining part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Nov. " S.-C.S. 1019. (1.) Shuter, Leonard. Librarv. Priced. S., IF. & H. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 1019. (2.) Luard, Hem-y Richards, Z).Z). Librarv. Priced. S.,W.&H. 16 Nov. S.-C.S. 1019. (3.) Le March ant, M. L. Library. Priced. >S'., W. & H. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 1019. (4.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a well-known Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 Nov. S.-C.S. 1020. (1.) Lauder, Sir Thomas North Dick, Bart. Part of Library. Jackson, John, Solicitor, of Manchester ; Saraiva, A. R. Libraries. Priced. S., W. <& H. 25 Nov. S.-C.S. 1020. (2.) Catalogue of several important collections of Autograph Collections, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 1020. (3.) Green, E. B. Library. Houle, Joseph. Part of Library. Vaughan, John. Books and Prints. Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell- Phillipps, James Orchard. Librarv. (Further part.) Priced. ;S., If. & H. 30 Nov. ' S.-C.S. 1021. (1.) Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart., F.R.S. Librarv. (Part 3.) Priced. S., W. & H. 7 Dec. S.-C.S. 1021. (4.) Tyrell, Walter Robert, Lieut.-Col. Valuable Library. Cockburn, Archibald. Library. C, M. & W. 7 Dec. S.-C.C. 23. Edkins, William. Librarv, Priced. S.. 11'. S., W. & H. 21 March. S.-C.S. 1026. (1.) RiGGALL, Edward, M.R.C.S. Part of Library. Priced. *S., W. & H. 22 March. S.-C.S. 1026. (2.) Larking, John Wingfield. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 April. S.-C.S. 1027. (1.) Larking, John Wingfield. Autograph Letters, Manuscripts and Deeds. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 April. S.-C.S. 1027. (.3.) Bentinck, Right Hon. George Augustus Frederick Cavendish; Overall, William Henry, F.S.A. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 April. ' S.-C.S. 1028. (1.) Wingfield, Hon. Lewis Strange. Library and collection of Autograph Letters. C, M. & W. 12 April. S.-C.C. 25. (17.) Catalogue of an important collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, etc. Priced. S., IF. & H. 28 April. S.-C.S. 1028. (.3.) Gardyne, T. M. Bruce. Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 April. S.-C.S. 1028. (5.) Anderson, GeorL'e B. Books from Library. Priced. S., W. S'., W. & H. 16 Nov. S.-C.S. 1041. (1.) Barclay, Henry Ford ; Virtue, James S. ; White, George Henry ; Hay'es, James, of Ennis ; Durden, Henrv ; Bertrand, Joseph. Parts of Libraries. Priced. S.. W. & H. \1 Nov. S.-C.S. 1040. (2.) Adair, John G. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 Nov. S.-C.S. 1041. (2.) Deacon, Frederick W. J. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 Nov. S.-C.S. 1041. (5.) Scott, William Booth. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 Nov. S.-C.S. 1041. (6.) Elsted, W. p. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 Dec. S.-C.S. 1041. (7.) Catalogue of the choice portion of the Library of a Gentleman, recently deceased, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 1042. (4.) Lawrence, Henry Walton. Part of Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Dec. * ' S.-C.S. 1042. (5.) Catalogue of a valuable collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Dec. S.-C.S. 1042. (6.) Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts, etc. Priced. S.,W.<& H. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 1043. (1.) Dennis, George, C.M.G. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 Dec. S.-C.S. 1043. (4.) Hill, E., Mryor. Library. C.,M.&W. 21 Dec. S.-C.C. 27. (32.) -1893 417 1893. Stott, Edward Nicholson, Rev. Library. Priced. Sothehy, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 12 Jan. S.-C.S. 1043. (5.) Stibbs, Edward William, Bookseller. Stock of Books. (Part 3.) Priced. S., W. & H. 16 Jan. S.-C.S. 1044. (1.) HoLBORN, R. M. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Jan. S.-C.S. 1044. (3.) Cole, Sir Henrv, K.C.B. Part of Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 6 Feb. "^ ' S.-C.S. 1045. (1.) NiEUWENHUYS, C. J. Library. Christie, Mansion & Woods, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 9 Feb. S.-C.C. 28. (18.) Dillon, Arthur Edmund Denis, lUh Viscount Billon. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 Feb. S.-C.S. 1045. (9.) Buckley, William Edward, Rev. Library. (Part 1.) Priced. S., W. & H. 27 Feb. S.-C.S. 1046. CoMYN, Sir Robert. Part of Library. Drake, Sir William, F.S.A. Heraldic and Genealogical Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 March. S.-C.S. 1047. (2.) Walker, J. T. E. Library remoyed from Studley Castle, Warwick- shire. C.,M.& W. 22 March. S.-C.C. 29. (6.) Webster, John, LL.D. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 March. " S.-C.S. 1048. (1.) Arthur, Thomas Glen ; Main, Alexander. Autograph Letters. (Catalogue of important Autograph Letters, etc.) Priced. ;S., W. & H. 10 April. S.-C.S. 1048. (3.) Catalogue of the Library of a Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 April. S.-C.S. 1048. (4.) Ditchfield, James Butterworth, M.D. ; Reid, George William, F.S.A. Libraries. Mapplebeck, Thomas ; Hallowes, Major, of Chester- field. Parts of Libraries. Priced. *S., W. & H. 24 April. S.-C.S. 1049. (1.) Walker, Fountaine. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 May. S.-C.S. 1049. (2.) Mapplebeck, Thomas. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. (Remaining part.) Priced. S., W. & H. 3 May. S.-C.S. 1049. (4.) Catalogue of a portion of the collection of London Topography, formed by an eminent Collector, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 May. S.-C.S. 1050. (2.) 2 E 418 1893- ASHLEY, George Manners, 20tJi Baron Hastings. Portion of Library. Gibson, John, F.R.I.B.A. Library. C, M. & W. 9 May. S.-C.C. 30. (3.) Walker, Edwin, of Huddersfield. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 May. S.-C.S. 1050. (5.) Harries, D. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. (Cata- logue of important Autograph Letters, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 24" May. S.-C.S. 1051. (1.) Bateman, William ; Bateman, Thomas. Library. (The Bateman Heirlooms.) Priced. S., W. & H. 25 May. S.-C.S. 1051. (2.) Dalziel, George. Part of Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 7 June. S.-C.S. 1052. (2.) Clements, George, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 June. S.-C.S. 1052. (3.) Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart., F.R.S. Part of Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 June. ^ ^ S.-C.S. 1053. (2.) MouNSEY, Mrs. Portion of the Auchinleck Library, formed by the late Lord Auchinleck. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 June. S.-C.S. 1054. (2.) Catalotfue of important and valuable Autograph Letters. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 [26] June. S.-C.S. 1054. (3.) Selby Prideaux John. Part of Library. Laing, Patrick Sinclair. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 1054. (4.) Hennessy, Sir John Pope ; Wallis, John. Libraries. Scott, H. D. Colvill. Portion of Library. Tawse, George. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 July. S.-C.S. 1055. (3.) Bishop Stortford School. Portion of Library. Nicholson, Brinsley, M.D. Library. Cavendish, Francis W. H., J. P. Portion of Library and Collection of Autographs. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 July. S.-C.S. 10.56. (2.) Moore, Edward, Rector of Boughton Malherbe. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Oct. S.-C.S. 1057. (1.) Dillwyn, Lewis Llewelyn, F.Z.S., F.L.S. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 Oct. S.-C.S. 1057. (2.) Munster, Henry. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 Oct. S.-C.S. 1057. (3.) Jarvis John William, and Son, Booksellers. Stock of Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Nov. S.-C.S. 1057. (4.) -1894 419 Trench, Richard le Poer, 2nd Earl of Clancartij. Portion of tlie Garbally Library. [Withdrawn from sale by order of the High Court of Justice.] Warrington, Richard Silvester. Portion of Heraldic and Genealogical Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Nov. S.-C.S. 1058. (1.) Catalogue of interesting collections of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Nov. S.-C.S. 1057. (5.) Crowther, Joseph S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 1058. (3.) Calvert, John Proctor. Coins, Tokens, Medals and Numismatic Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 1059. (1.) Hazlitt, William, the Elder ; Hazlitt, William, the Younger ; Hazlitt, William Carew. Selected portion of Books, Manuscripts and Letters (including the Hazlitt Papers). Priced. With a preface, S., W. & H. 23 Nov. S.-C.S. 1059. (2.) Catalogue of valuable Books, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Dec. S.-C.S. 1059. (5.) Catalogue of valuable Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. 1059. (6.) Chapman, John, of Hull ; Pawson, J. E. Libraries. Codrington, Sir Gerald ; Ellerton, E. Parts of Libraries. Priced. S.,W. cfc H. 14 Dec. S.-C.S. 1060. (1.) Turner, Joseph, of Leeds. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 1060. (4.) 1894. ToMLiNSON, John, of Doncaster ; Fitzgerald, Thomas ; Palmer, Alfred. Portions of Libraries. Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 15 Jan. S.-C.S. 1061. (1.) ToovEY, James, Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Feb. S.-C.S. 1062. (1.) Brand, James. Library. Christie, Manson & Woods, 8, King Street, St. Jaims's Square. 5 March. S.-C.C. 32. (30.) Danby, George. Library. C, M. & W. 5 March. S.-C.C. 32. (31.) ToovEY, James, Bookseller. Collection of Books on Sports and Pastimes. Priced. S., W. <& H. 8 March. S.-C.S. 1062. (2.) Parker, J. Books from Library. Priced. S., W. d H. 9 March. S.-C.S. 1063. (2.) Kennedy, E. Sherard. Library. C, M. & W. 12 March. S.-C.C. 32. (36.) Garrett, John. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 March. S.-C.S. 1063. (4.) 2 e 2 420 1894- NiCHOLSON, John, Dr. Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 19 March. S.-C.S. 1064. (2.) Catalogue of a collection of Miscellaneous Books from various Private Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 March. S.-C.S. 1064. (3.) Sharpe, Benjamin; Brjffault, R. ; Browning, Reuben; Vine, Mrs. W. ; Palmer, Albert Reynolds, Rev. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 April. S.-C.S. 1066. (1.) Buckley, William Edward, Rev. Library. (Second and concluding portion.) Priced. S., W. & H. 16 April. S.-C.S. 1065. Hodges, George B. E. ; Joseph, Edward. Libraries. C, M. & W. 17 April. S.-C.C. 33. (18*.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters, English and Foreign. Priced. S., W. & H. 23 April. S.-C.S. 1066. (5.) Catalogue of an important collection of Autograph Letters and Signed Documents of the great Napoleon, the members of his family, his supporters and his opponents. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 April. S.-C.S. 1066. (6.) REiD,HughGalbraith, ii^./S.^. Librarv. Priced. S.,W.<&H. 3 May. S.-C.S. 1067. Stogden, John Cole. Collection of Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 May. S.-C.S. 1068. (2.) Farthing, J. J. Library and collection of Drawings and Engravings. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 May. S.-C.S. 1068. (3.) Catalogue of valuable Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 May. S.-C.S. 1069. (1.) Burgess, Frederick. Dramatic and Miscellaneous Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 31 May. S.-C.S. 1069. (4.) Hamond, William Parker. Library. Priced. S.. W. & H. 5 June. S.-C.S. 1069. (6.) Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock, P.R.A. ; Calvert, John Proctor. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 June. S.-C.S. 1070. (1.) Foster, Birket. Portion of Library. Spielmann, Marion Harry. Portion of Library. Toovey, C. James, Bookseller. Sporting and other Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 June. S.-C.S. 1070. (2.) Langham, Sir James Hay, Bart. Library. Eastlake, Elizabeth, Lady. Drawings and Engravings. C, M. & W. 19 June. S.-C.C. 34. (26.) Crawhall, Joseph. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. d H. 23 June. S.-C.S. 1071. (5.) Catalogue of various Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 1071. (7.) -1894 421 Hawley, Sir Joseph, Bart. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 July. S.-C.S. 1072. (2.) McNivEN, Charles Mannoir, Rev. ; Blane, Mrs. M. E. : Perry, James. Libraries. Priced. S.,W. & H. 5 July. S.-C.S. 1072. (3.) Wills, Howell. Library of ancient MSS. and Printed Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 July. S.-C.S. 1073. (1.) WiNGFiELD, Hon. Lewis. Collection of Autograph Letters. Jameson, Anna, Mrs. Portion of Correspondence and collection of Manuscripts. Spielmann, Marion Harry ; Field, Henry W. Manuscripts, Priced. *S., W. & H. 16 July. S.-C.S. 1073. (2.) LowSLEY, Luke. Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 19 July. S.-C.S. 1074. (1.) Kydd, Samuel. Portion of Library. King, Edward, Rev., F.S.A. {Scot.) ; Peace, Maskell William. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 July. S.-C.S. 1075. (1.) Trench, Eichard Somerset Le Poer, Uh Earl of Clancartij. Portion of Garbally Library. Power, Manley Kingsmill Manley ; Godfrey- Fausset, John Toke ; Gall, Francis Herbert, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 2 Aug. S.-C.S. 1075. (2.) Williams, Samuel Charles Evans. Portion of Library. Hudson, William. Library. Wallis, William Gray, Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Nov. S.-C.S. 1076. (1.) Smith, Sir William, D.C.L., LL.D. Library. Priced. S.. W. & H. 5 Nov. S.-C.S. 1076. (2.) Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus, 1st Baron Metcalfe. Priced. S., W. 6 H. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 1076. (5.) Smith, H. S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Nov. S.-C.S. 1076. (7.) Catalogue of the valuable Miscellaneous Library of an Irish Journalist. Priced. ;S., W. & H. 19 Nov. S.-C.S. 1077. (1.) Catalogue of valuable Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 1077. (2.) Shearwood, Emma, Miss. Library (formed by William L. Shear- wood). Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 1077. (3.) Shield, James. Part of Librarv. Salmon, Oscar ; Young, Thomas Michael. Libraries. Priced. ^ S., W. & H. 28 Nov. S.-C.S. 1077. (4.) Gros VENOR, Eobert, Isf 5a/-on £^&Mr^. Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 3 Dec. S.-C.S. 1078. (1.) Gott Family, of Armley House, Leeds. Library, forming part of the Gott heirlooms. C, M. & W. 4 Dec. S.-C.C. 34. (30.) 422 1894- BuNBURY, Sir Edward Herbert, Bart. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 1078. (3.) Catalogue of an important collection of Autograph Letters and Docu- ments. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 1078. (4.) Johnson, Thomas. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. RivETT, John. Portion of the Correspondence of the late Rev. F. Wrangliam, Archdeacon of Chester. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Dec. S.-C.S. 1078. (5.) Whitchurch, James ; Chapman, Thomas, F.R.S. Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 Dec. S.-C.S. 1079. (1.) 1895. Catalogue of Books from various Libraries. Priced. SotJiehj, Wilkin- son & Hodqe, 13, Wellinqton Street, Strand, 14 Jan. S.-C.S. 1079. (3.) Holding, John Carter. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Jan. S.-C.S. 1079. (5.) Waterton, Edmund. Waterton Library. Priced. ;S., W. & H. 18 Jan. S.-C.S. 1079. (6.) Yates, Edmund Hodgson. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 Jan. S.-C.S. 1080. (1.) Hochepied Larpent, John Melville de, 9th Baron ; Child- Villiers, Julia, Countess of Jersey, afterwards Mrs. Charles Brandling ; and Brandling, Charles.' Parts of Libraries. De Merle, W. H. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 Jan. S.-C.S. 1080. (4.) New, Herbert. Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 7 Feb. S.-C.S. 1080. (6.) Kelly, William, F.S.A. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 Feb. ' S.-C.S. 1080. (7.) Jack, T. G. ; Nethercote, Henry Osmond. Libraries. King, J. K. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 Feb. S.-C.S. 1081. (1.) Bonaparte, Louis Lucien, Prince. Duplicates from Library and collection of Basque Literature. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Feb. S.-C.S. 1081. (3.) Stuart, William, of Aldenham Abbey, Herts. Portion of Library. Christie, Manson & Woods, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 6 March. S.-C.C. 36. (27.) Hawkins, William Bentinck L., Rev. Library. (Part 1.) C, M. & W. 7 March. S.-C.C. 36. (29.) Denman, Thomas, \st Baron Denman ; Thornton, Rev. Canon. Portions of Libraries. De Rabaudy, George. Library. Priced. ;S'.. W. & H. 15 March. S.-C.S. 1082. (2.) -1895 423 Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart. Manuscripts and Autograph Letters. (Bibliotheca Phillippica.) Priced. S., W. & H. 21 March. S.-C.S. 1082. (3.) Gennadius. John. Library. Priced. With a preface. S., W. & H. 28 March. S.-C.S. 1083. (1.) Hawkins, William Bentinck L., i^eu. Library. (Part 2.) C.,M.<&W. 7 Aprih S.-C.C. 37. (3.) Frampton, Rupert Fetherstonhaugh ; Jackson, R. G. Collections of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S.,W.(S;H. 10 April. S.-C.S. 1083. (3.) HiLDYARD, Thomas Blackborne Thoroton. Portion of Library. Simeon, Lady Catherine Dorothea. Part of Library. Perkins, Charles Frederick. Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 22 April. S.-C.S. 1084. (2.) Hawkins, William Bentinck L., Rev. Library. (Part 3.) C, M. & W. 24 April. S.-C.C. 37. (15.) Clark, J. A. Collection of Works by and relating to Charles Dickens. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 April. S.-C.S. 1084. (4.) Dasent. >Si> George Webbe. Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W.<&H. 29 April. S.-C.S. 1084. (5.) Pinkney, Robert. Library. Priced. S., W. cfc H. 1 May. S.-C.S. 1084. (6.) Framinghj^i, Christopher. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 May. S.-C.S. 1085. (1.) Cook, James William. Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 13 May. Titlepage missing. S.-C.S. 1085. (7.) Reynell, Miss. Selection from the Library of C. W. Reynell. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 May. S.-C.S. 1085. (8.) Mathews, Elkin, and Lane, John. Stock of Books. Priced. S., W . & H. 16 May. S.-C.S. 1085. (9.) Titlepage missing. Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert ; Blanchard, Richard. Libraries. Montagu, John. Portion of Library. Bullen, George, Keeper of Printed Books, British Museum. Library. Reform Club. Duplicates from Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 May. S.-C.S. 1086. (1.) Titlepage missing. Daubuz, Robert Claude, Captain, R.E. Portion of Library. Joly, Jasper Robert, LL.D. Works illustrated by Rowlandson. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 May. S.-C.S. 1086. (5.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. <& H. 30 May. S.-C.S. 1086. (7.) 424 1895- SwiNDELLS, George Harding. Portion of Library. Priced. Sm* Augustus. Selection from Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 29 April. S.-C.S. 1121. (1.) PoNSONBY, Hon. Ashley. Library, formed by Frederick, 3rd Earl of Bessborough. C, M. & W. 4 May. S.-C.C. 47. (23.) Scott, M. C. Further portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 May. S.-C.S. 1121. (4.) Kay, Mrs. R. L. Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 6 May. S.-C.S. 1121. (5.) DoMViLLE, Sir Cecil, Bart. Books and Manuscripts. Burra, James Salkeld. Portion of Library. Eagle, E. Library. Books, pamphlets, etc., relating to the South Sea Bubble and Mississippi Scheme. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 May. S.-C.S. 1122. (2.) Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart. Portion of Manuscripts and Autograph Letters. 17 May. S.-C.S. 1123. (1.) Catalogue of valuable Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 May. S.-C.S. 1123. (2.) Catalogue of important Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 May. S.-C.S. 1123. (3.) HoLDEN, Hubert Ashton, Rev. Library. Walbran, William, Rev. Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 25 May. S.-C.S. 1123. (4.) Catalogue of valuable Modern Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 June. S.-C.S. 1124. (3.). 430 1897- Kit'HARDSON, Francis. Part of collection of Manuscripts. (Catalogue of valuable Books and important Manuscripts.) Priced. S.,W. <& H. 15 June. S.-C.S. 1125. (5.) Smith, H. Spencer. Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W. <& H. 17 June. S.-C.S. 1126. (1.) Richardson, Francis. Remaining portion of collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Pollock, Russell. Part of collection of Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. <& H. 19 June. S.-C.S. 1126. (3.) AsHBURNHAM, Bertram, 5th Earl of Ashburnham. . Ashbiirnliam Library. (First portion.) With a preface and with illustrations. Priced. S.,W.(&H. 25 June. S.-C.S. 1127. Coleman, Robert W. Library of Books on Angling (originally collected by Rev. G. W. Bethune). Priced. *S'.. W. & H. 8 July. S.-C.S. 1128. (4.) Gardner, Cyril Dunn. Library. Priced. S.. W. & H. 10 July. S.-C.S. 1128. (5.) Burrell, R. M. Library. Armley House, Leeds. Remaining portion of Library. Boehm, Sir Edgar, Bart. Portion of Library. C, M. & W. 15 July. S.-C.C. 49. (1.) €onway, Moncure Daniel. Portion of Library. Slatter, T. J., F.G.S. ; Caswell, Clement James ; Beck, James, Rev., F.S.A. ; Wilkinson, A. Libraries. Skerrett, Marianne, Miss. Collection of Drawings bv H.M. Queen Victoria. Priced. S.,W.&H. 19 July. S.-C.S. 1129. (3.) BoYCE, George P. Library. C, M. & W. 26 July. S.-C.C. 49. (11.) Jack, Thomas Godfrey. Portion of Library. Halliday, Harold. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 July. ^ S.-C.S. 1130. (2.) Scott, M. C. ; Farquharson, James John. Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 July. S.-C.S. 1130. (3.) JowERS, Alfred. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 Oct. S.-C.S. 1131. (1.) Frere, William Edward. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 Oct. " S.-C.S. 1131. (3.) Hillier, a. W. ; Oakey, John. Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 Nov. S.-C.S. 1131. (4.) Griffith, Henry, F.S.A. Portion of Library. Hogg, Robert, F.L.S. Botanical and Miscellaneous Library. Douglas-Crompton, Sidney. Entomological Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Nov. S.-C.S. 1131. (5.) -1897 431 Lonsdale, Prudentia, Mrs. Library. (Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts, etc.) Priced. S., W. cfc H. 5 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 1132. (1.) AsHBURNHAM, fl'ow. Percy. Portion of Library. Priced. S.,W.&H. 8 Nov. S--C.S. 1132. (2.) Catalogue of a remarkable collection of Books in magnificent modern Binding. With illustrations. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Nov. ^ S.-C.S. 1132. (4.) Robinson, George Thomas, F.S.A. Portion of Library. Priced. ,S., W. & H. 12 Nov. S.-C.S. 1132. (5.) Catalogue of a collection of rare and interesting Books chiefly relating to the discovery, history, literature, biography and aboriginal dialects of Spanish America, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Nov. S.-C.S. 1132. (6.) Eden, William Morton, 5th Baron Auckland ; Orlebar, R. R. B. ; Wadmore, Henry Robinson, Rev. ; Smart, Hawley, Captain ; Pennington, W. Selections from Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 22 Nov. S.-C.S. 1133. (2.) Catalogue of Forty-one Autograph Letters from Sir Philip Francis to his cousin . . . also Letters from other supposed authors of Junius. With a preface and with facsimiles. Priced. S.,W. & H. 27 Nov. S.-C.S. 1134. (2.) Wyman, Charles ; Frere, B. T. ; Cunningham, George G. Portions of Libraries. Wade, Charles Joseph. Library. Gilks, E. Collection of Australian Books and Newspapers. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 Nov. S.-C.S. 1134. (3.) Tompkins, J. A. Collection of Sporting Books and Engravings. Priced. S., W. <& H. 2 Dec. S.-C.S. 1134. (4.) AsHBURNHAM, Bertram, 5th Earl of Ashhurnham. Ashburnham Library. (Printed Books. Second portion.) With a preface and with illus- trations. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 Dec. S.-C.S. 1135. (1.) Arbuthnott, John, lOth Viscount Arbuthnott. Arbuthnott Missal, Horge and Psalter. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 1135. (2.) Pollard, William Edward. Library. Priced. S.,W. & H. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 1136. (1.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a Gentleman. Priced. *S., W. & H. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 1136. (4.) Weaver, Harold Baillie. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 Dec. ■ S.-C.S. 1136. (5.) 432 1898- 1898. Catalogue of valuable Autograph Letters and Historical Documents, including autograph letters of and relating to Lord Byron. Priced. Sothebij, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, WeUinqton Street, Strand. 14 Jan. S.-C.S. 1137. (3.) Dewhurst, Henry. Library. Hart, Richard. Rev. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 Jan. S.-C.S. 1138. (1.) Skene, George, of Skene. Library formed in 17th and 18th centuries. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 Jan. S.-C.S. 1138. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books. Priced. S.,W. & H. 2 Feb. S.-C.S. 1139. (1.) Briggs, Arthur. Part of Library. Chambers, John David. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Feb. S.-C.S. 1139. (2.) Catalogue of the first portion of the choice Library of a Gentleman (who is leaving England for some years). Priced. S., ^Y. & H. 9 Feb. S.C.S. 1139. (4.) Cavendish, Henry Anson, Uh Baron Watermark. Portion of Library. Baker, Charles, F.S.A. ; Macdonald, Fitzherbert. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Feb. S.-C.S. 1139. (5.) Churton, William Ralph, Canon. Library. Tomlinson, John. Re- maining portion of Library. Gibson, Charles Hepworth. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 Feb. S.-C.S. 1140. (4.) Smith, Joseph Travers, F.Z.S. Library (comprising a portion of the Library of the late Lord Chief Justice Cockburn). Blackburn, H. Portion of Library. Angerstein, William. Remaining portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 March. S.-C.S. 1141. (2.) Tucker, Stephen. Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. (Catalogue of valuable Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.) Priced. S., W. & H. 11 March. S.-C.S. 1141. (4.) Heath, Douglas Denon. Library. Collingwood, Charles Edward Stuart, Rev. Selection from Library. Jackson, Charles ; Hamil- ton, Walter. Portions of Libraries. Priced. S.,W.&H. 18 March. S.-C.S. 1142. (1.) Johnson, Maurice, F.S.A. Portion of Library. (Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of Books, Manuscripts, AutogTaph Letters, etc.) Priced. S., W. & H. 21 March. S.-C.S. 1142. (2.) Weaver, Harold Baillie. Books and Manuscripts. Christie, Manson & Woods, 8, King Street, St. Jaines's Square. 29 March. S.-C.C. 51. (17.) HoNYWOOD, William Philip. Library. Hipkins, Alfred James, F.S.A. Portion of Musical Librarv. Hamilton, Walter. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 April. S.-C.S. 1143. (3.) -1898 433 Bliss, Francis Edward. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 April. S.-C.S. 1143. (6.) Walford, Edward. Library and collection of Autograph Letters. Medwin, Sidney. Eare Books illustrated by Aiken, Rowlandson, etc. Priced. S., W. dc H. 25 April. S.-C.S. 1144. (3.) Whitehead, Thomas Miller. Library. Priced. *S., W. & H. 3 May. S.-C.S. 1145. (1.) Stavely, George Augustus Pepper ; Talbot, F. Portions of Libraries. Butler, John Banks Meek, Rev. Library (consisting chiefly of books from the Library of James Holbert Wilson). Priced. S., W. & H. 6 May. S.-C.S. 1145. (4.) Ashburnham, Bertram, bth Earl of Ashhurnham. Ashburnham Library. (Printed Books. Third and final portion.) With illus- trations. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 May. S.-C.S. 1145. (5.) NouAiLLE, Anne, Miss ; Mayhew, Samuel Martin, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 May. S.-C.S. 1146. (3.) Stewart, W. H., of Paris and New York. English Library. Rendle, AV. Portion of Library. Unwin, Mrs. Library. Oakley, John Jefferyes. Remaining portion of Library. Priced. S.^W. & H. 2 June. S.-C.S. 1147. (2.) Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart. Bibliotheca Phillippica. (Further por- tion of collection of Manuscripts and Autograph Letters.) Fairfax Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 6 June. S.-C.S. 1147. (3.) Stansfeld, John. Library. Priced. *S., W. & H. 13 June. S.-C.S. 1148. (1.) Perceyal, Charles George, 1th Earl of Egmont. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 June. S.-C.S. 1148. (3.) Wilbraham, Roger William. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 June. S.-C.S. 1148. (4.) Howard, Henry. Library. C.,M.<&W. 22 June. S.-C.C. 53. (5.) Kean, Charles. Library (including Autograph Letters, Engravings and Relics of Edmund Kean). Priced. S., W. & H. 23 June. S.-C.S. 1149. (1.) Sidney, H. Portion of Library. Parker, Albert Edmund, 2>rd Earl of Morley. Three Illuminated Manuscripts of the 15th century. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 June. S.-C.S. 1149. (4.) Cock, Alfred, Q.C., F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 July. S.-C.S. 1151. (1.) Stoughton, John. Collection of Manuscripts. (Catalogue of important and valuable Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.) Priced. S., W. & H. 14 July. S.-C.S. 1151. (2.) 434 1898- FoRTESCUE, Francis. Library. Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward ; Wayte, William, Rev. Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 July. S.-C.S. 1L52. (2.) Catalogue of valuable Books and interesting Autograph Letters and Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 July. S.-C.S. 1152. (1.) Salvin, Osbert, F.R.S. Portion of Library. Davidson, Samuel, Rev. Portion of Theological Library. Gowans, James, Bookseller. Portion of Stock. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 Oct. S.-C.S. 1153. (1.) Catalogue of a valuable Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Nov. S.-C.S. 1153. (4.) Ireland, Miss. Manuscripts. (Catalogue of important and valuable Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.) Priced. S.,W. & H. 4 Nov. S.-C.S. 1153. (5.) Makellar, William, Rev. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 Nov. S.-C.S. 1154. PiLKiNGTON, Frederick Thomas ; Staveley, George Augustus Pepper. Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 Nov. S.-C.S. 1155. (2.) Snow, Edward. Library of Books on Angling. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 Nov. S.-C.S. 1155. (3.) Morris, William. Portion of Collection of Manuscripts, Early Printed Books, etc. With a preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 Dec. S.-C.S. 1156. (1.) Ashburnham, Bertram, bth Earl of Ashhurnham. Ashburnham Library. (Valuable Books returned from the sales of the Ashburnham Library, having been found to be imperfect.) Priced. S.. ^Y. d: H. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 1156. (4.) Doyle, Laurence. Library. Collection of Books and Manuscripts relating to Mary Queen of Scots. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 1157. (1.) ToRRENS, Mrs. Library. Priced. S., Tf . & H. 22 Dec. S.-C.S. 1157. (2.) 1899. Catalogue of the Library of a Gentleman. Priced. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 9 Jan. S.-C.S. 1158. (1.) McKenzie, Robert Jeffrey. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Jan. S.-C.S. 1158. (2.) Catalogue of the valuable Library of a well-known Collector. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 Jan. S.-C.S. 1158. (4.) Catalogue of valuable Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 Jan. S.-C.S. 1158. (5.) -1899 435 Elliot, John Lettsom. Portion of Library. Westby, Alfred. Library. Priced. S., W. c6 H. 24 Jan. S.-C.S. 1158. (6.) Delane, John Thadeus. Library. Complete set of Publications of the Kelmscott Press. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 Feb. S.-C.S. 1159. (3.) Thayer, Alexander Wheelock. Series of Musical Scores of Beethoven, Schubert, etc. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Feb. S.-C.S. 1159. (5.) YoRKE, Albert Edward Phillip Henry, 6i/i Earl of HardivicJce. Hard- wicke Papers and Manuscripts. S., W. d H. 22 Feb. Sold privalehj to the British Museum. S.-C.S. 1160. (1.) WiLBRAHAM, Roger William; Hay, Mrs. S., of Wimbledon ; Scott- Huxley, Thomas, Rev. ; Morrison, Mrs. Alfred ; Des Rufpieres, C. N. Selections from Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 27 Feb. S.-C.S. 1160. (2.) Clarke, Egerton Harrv. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 9 March. S.-C.S. 1161. (2.) Catalogue of a portion of the Library of a well-known Amateur. Priced. S., W. cC H. 11 March. ^ S.-C.S. 1161. (3.) Ward, James, of Nottingham. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 16 March. S.-C.S. 1161. (6.) Cock, Alfred, Q.C. Portion of Law Library. Bertrand, Professor. Collection of Books and Engravings on Fencing, Duelling, etc. Priced. S., W. d H. 17 March. S.-C.S. 1161. (7.) Catalogue of a portion of the valuable Library of a Gentleman. Priced. >S., W. & H. 23 March. S.-C.S. 1162. (2.) Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 29 March. S.-C.S. 1162. (4.) Rayner, William ; Jervoise, Francis Michael Ellis. Catalogue of important and valuable Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 April. S.-C.S. 1163. (4.) Stainton, Henry Tibbatts, F.R.S., F.L.S. Entomological and Scientific Library (including portion of Library of James Francis Stephens). Priced. S., W. & H. 19 April. S.-C.S. 1163. (6.) TiMMiNS, Samuel, F.S.A. Portion of Library. Rayner, William. Collection of Early Newspapers. Chapman, John Henry. F.S.A. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 April. S.-C.S. 1164. (1.) Harford, Frederick R. Kill, Rev. Portion of Library. Wynn, Sir Henry Watkin Williams. Library. Stevenson, Margaret Isabella, Mrs. Books by Robert Louis Stevenson. Priced. S., W. & H. 24 April. S.-C.S. 1164. (2.) 2 F 2 436 1899- AsHBURNHAM, Bertram, Uh Earl of Ashburnham. Portion of the collection of Manuscripts known as the " Appendix." Priced. S., W. a- H. 1 May. S.-CS. 1165. (1.) RuTTER, Henrv, LL.B. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 May. "' ' S.-CS. 1165. (3.) Clerk, Sir George, Bart. Portion of Library (chiefly collected by John Clerk of Eldin). Priced. S., W. & H.^ 5 May. S.-C.S. 1165. (4.) Catalogue of the valuable and extensive Library of a Gentleman. Priced. S., W. <& H. 8 May. S.-C.S. 1166. (1.) Clabox, John Moxon. Law Library. Fowler, James, M.R.C.S., F.S.A. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 May. S.-C.S. 1166. (3.) Walton. W. W. Portion of Mendale Library. Addison, J. Library. Jackson. Samuel Percy. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 1 June. ■ S.-C.S. 1167. (4.) Phillipps, Sir Thomas. Bart. Bibliotheca Phillippica. (Further portion of collection of Manuscripts and Autograph Letters.) Priced. S., W. cf- H. 5 June. S.-C.S. 1167. (5.) Wright, William. Library and Collections of Engraved and other Portraits and Autograph Letters. With a preface. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 June. S.-C.S. 1168. (3.) Stephenson, G. H. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. .30 June. S.-C.S. 1169. (6.) Thorold, Sir John Hayford, Bart. Part of Library. Forman, William Henry, of Dorking. Library and Collection of Engravings, by and after W. Hogarth. MoiR, H. Allen. Complete set of the Kelmscott Press Publications. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 July. S.-C.S. 1170. (1.) Hunt, John Mortimer. Library. Priced. S.. W. & H. 10 July. S.-C.S. 1170. (3.) Baring, Edward Charles, l.s< Baron Rcvelstoke. Library. Methuen, Paul Sanford, Srd Baron Methuen, Books from Collection. Christie, Manson & Woods, 8, King Street, St. Jatnes's Square. 11 July. S.-C.C. 59. (6.) Muirhead, James Patrick, M.A. ; Lye, John Gaunt; Sowerby, John Edwin. Portions of Libraries. Allman, George James, M.D., F.R.S. ; Fowle, Edmund, Rev. Libraries. Priced. S., W. dc H. 11 July. S.-C.S. 1171. (1.) -1899 437 Manning, Charles Robertson, Canon ; Smith, William Alexander, of Newark. Libraries. Harford, Frederick Kill. Further portion of Library. Hampden, Renn Dickson, Bishop of Hereford. Portion of Library. Smith, Bryce, Artist. Library. Skrine, Harcourt, Rev. Portion of Library. 20 July. S.-C.S. 117L (4.) Mills, Edmund James, F.R.S. ; Hulme, Frederick Edward, F.L.S., F.S.A. ; BoRRER, William, M.A. ; Weightman, William H. ; Beale, Thomas Barbot ; Lunn, John Robert, Rev. ; O'Flahertie, Theobald Richard, Re/v. Selections from Libraries. Priced. &., If. & H. 25 July. S.-C.S. 1172. (3.) Hankey, Blake Alexander ; Hewetson, Mrs. Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 July. S.-C.S. 1172. (5.) Marsden, Maurice Howard, Rev. Manuscripts. (Catalogue of valuable collections of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents.) Priced. 8., W. & H. 28 July. S.-C.S. 1172. (4.) Hewetson, Bendelack, F.L.S. Portion of Library. Bryan, Alfred. Collection of Books, Prints, etc. Priced. S., W. d H. 30 Oct. S.-C.S. 1173. (1.) Constable, Sir Frederick Augustus Talbot Clifford, Bart. Tixall Library (formed originally by the first Lord Aston). Priced. aS., W. & H. 6 Nov. ■ S.-C.S. 1173. (3.) Burgess, Mrs. ; Prince, Charles Leeson, M.R.C.S. Manuscripts. Kavanagh, Julia. Manuscripts. (Catalogue of valuable Auto- graph Letters and Historical Documents.) Priced. S., W. & H. 8 Nov. S.-C.S. 1173. (4.) Kermack, John W. S. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 Nov. S.-C.S. 1173. (5.) Thelusson, Frederick William Brook, btJi Baron Rendleshani. Selections from Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 Nov. S.-C.S. 1174. (3.) Archer, Henry : Burgess, Mrs. ; Oakley, Christopher ; Henry, Mrs. M. F. ■ Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. b Dec. S.-C.S. 1175. (3.) Murray, John, Publisher, the Younger. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 Dec. S.-C.S. 1175. (4.) Grosart, Alexander Balloch ; Norton, Daniel. Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 11 Dec. S.-C.S. 1175. (5.) Morris, William, of Sydney, N.S.W. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 D^c. S.-C.S. 1176. (2.) Salt, Samuel ; Stephen, Mrs. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 18 Dec. S.-C.S. 1176. (4.) Sykes, Christopher. Library. Tindal, C. H. Library of the late Actor Tindal. C, M. & W. 19 Dec. S.-C.C. 60. (24.) 438 1900- 1900. MoNiER-WiLLiAMS, Sir Monier, K.C.I.E. ; Adams, Henry Cadwallader, Rev. ; Jackson, T. B. Libraries. Priced. Sotl/eby, Wilkinson d- Hodge, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. 29 Jan. S!-C.S. 1177. (2.) Campbell, W. Y., of London and Johannesburg ; Blake, Henry Wol- laston ; Cart, Henrv. Selections from Libraries. Priced. S., W.&H. 6 Feb. ^ S.-C.S. 1177. (5.) Graves, Charles, Bishop of Limerick. Selection from Library. Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick. Part of Library. Taylor, Herbert. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 15 Feb. ^ S.-C.S. 1178. (2.) Feilding, Sir Percy Kobcrt-Basil, K.C.B. Collection of Works, Caricatures, Illustrations, etc., by G. & R. Cruikshank. Kipling, Alice, Mrs. Three First Editions of Early Writings by Rudyard Kipling. Priced. >S., W. & H. 26 Feb. ' S.-C.S. 1178. (5.) Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Priced. S., W. &H. b March. S.-C.S. 1179. (1.) Prince, Charles Leeson, M.R.C.S. Scientific and Miscellaneous Library. Harris, Alfred ; Okell, Miss ; Murchison, R. F. Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 8 March. S.-C.S. 1179. (3.) Frazer, William, M.D. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 14 March- S.-C.S. 1179. (5.) Sidney, H. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 19 March. S.-C.S. 1180. (2.) Waller, John. Collection of Autograph Letters, Historical Docu- ments, etc. Priced. ,S., W. & H. 23 March. S.-C.S. 1180. (5.) Brice, Seward, Q.C. Library. Priced. S., W. d: H. 26 March. S.-C.S. 1180. (6.) Barber, Henry Jocelyn. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 March. S.-C.S. 1180. (7.) Nichols, Harry Sidney, Bookseller. Priced. >S'., W. & H. 2 April. S.-C.S. 1181. (1.) White, Gleeson. Further Portion of Library. Thrupp, Charles J. Portion of Library. Sachs, T. R. Angling Library. Bright, Mynors, Dr. ; Cattley, T. ; Tilfor, J. ; Mathers, Edward P. ; Portions of Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 4 April. S.-C.S. 1181. (2.) Haslam, J. C. Library. Christie, Manson d- Woods, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 9 April. S.-C.C. 62. (8.) Hornby, James. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. d H. 23 April. S.-C.S. 1182. (1.) Barber, John Thomas. Library. Priced. *S., W. d H. 25 April. S.-C.S. 1182. (2.) -1900 439 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 April. S.-C.S. 1182. (4.) Chatelain, Jean Baptiste Francois Ernest de, Chevalier. Portion of collection of Autograph Letters. Priced. S., W. & H. 5 May. S.-C.S. 1182. (6.) Grant, Francis, Colonel. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 May. S.-C.S. 1182. (7.) Grant, Francis, Colonel. Collection of Broadsides, Proclamations, Black Letter Ballads and other literary curiosities. With a preface. Priced. S., W. &H. ^ May. S.-C.S. 1183. (1.) Jones, Henry (" Cavendish "). Portion of Library. Sparling, Henry Halliday. Bare Kelniscott Press Publications. (Catalogue of valuable and rare books, including important collections of autograph letters of Charles and Mary Lamb.) Priced. S., W. & H. 21 Mayf ' S.-C.S. 1183. (6.) Catalogue of valuable books selected from the Library of a Nobleman. With illustrations. Priced. S., W. cfc //. 25 May. S.-C.S. 1183. (7.) Hughes, William K., F.L.S. Library (including collection of Dickensiana). Priced. S., W. & H. 31 May. S.-C.S. 1184. (2.) Inglis, J. B. Library of Books and Manuscripts (the property of Dr. C. Inglis). Priced. ;S., W. & H. 11 June. S.-C.S. 1184. (4.) Catalogue of an interesting portion of the valuable collection of Illuminated and other Manuscripts and Early Printed Books with woodcuts, the property of a gentleman in Austro-Hungary. With illustrations. Priced. S., W. & H. 20 June. S.-C.S. 1185. (4.) Harvey, Francis, Bookseller. Stock of Books. Priced. S., W. & H. 21 June. S.-C.S. 1185. (5.) Virtue-Tebbs, Henry. Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 25 June. S.-C.S. 1185.. (6.) Davis, Herbert, of Brighton. Collection of Books, Prints, Drawings, ■ etc., mostly relating to Brighton. Priced. S., W. & H. 7 July. S.-C.S. 1187. (1.) Hill. Edward, Canon ; Snaith, F. B. ; Traill, Henry Duff. Libraries. Colby, Frederic Thomas, D.D., F.S.A. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 12 July. S.-C.S. 1187. (4.) TuER, Andrew White, F.S.A. Collection of Children's Books of the xviitb, xviiith and xixth centuries, and series of Horn-Books. Priced. S., W. S H. 17 July. S.-C.S. 1187. (7.) Catalogue of valuable and rare books, manuscripts and autograph letters selected from various libraries. Priced. S.,W.(S:H. 18 July. S.-C.S. 1188. (1.) 440 1900 Bertik, Montagu Peregrine Albemarle, I2th Earl of Lindse!/. Portion of Library. Triced. S., W. & H. 23 July. S.-C.S. 1188. (2.) Campbell, George Douglas, Sth Duke of Argyll ; Cafe, William Martin, General ; Heales, Alfred, Major ; Budworth, Charles Edward Dutton, Captain. Portion of Libraries. Priced. S., W. cf- //. 25 July. S.-C.S. 1188. (4.) Johnstone, Richard, Lieutenant. Fulford Hall Library. Boyle, Mrs. Books of Engravings and Etchings. Thorpe, W., President of the Chemical Societu ; Symons, George James, F.R.S. Scientific Libraries. Priced. S., W. & H. 30 JiUy. S.-C.S. 1189. (2.) Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts comprising works relating to America, etc. Priced. .S., W. & H. 29 Oct. S.-C.S. 1190. (1.) Baring Francis Denzil Edward, Uh Baron Ashburton. Portion of Library. Priced. S., W. <& H. 14 Nov. S.-C.S. 1191. (1.) Attwood, G. Carew Reynell. Collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Heard, Sir Isaac. Portion of Correspon- dence and Collection of Autograph Letters. Priced. S., W. <& H. 23 Nov. ' S.-C.S. 1191. (4.) Davis, Henry Newnham. Portion of Library of Books and Manu- scripts. Priced. S., W. & H. 26 Nov. S.-C.S. 1192. (1.) Catalogue of a collection of Autograph Letters, Play Bills, Pamphlets, Books, Caricatures, Portraits, etc., relating to the Stage and the Drama. Priced. S., W. & H. 28 Nov. S.-C.S. 1192. (2.) Scott, Montague David. Librarv. Priced. S., W. & H. 3 Dec. S.-C.S. 1192. (4.) Catalogue of Bindings by the Guild of Women-Binders and the Hamp- stead Bindery, for which the Silver Medal was awarded at the Paris Exhibition, 1900. With a preface by Hampstead Binderies and with illustrations. Priced. S., W. & H. 10 Dec. S.-C.S. 119.3. (1.) Waller, William Noel, Ma joi- -General. Portion of Library (collected by Edmund Waller and his descendants). Priced. S., W. & H. 12 Dec. S.-C.S. 1193. (2.) Blomfield, George John, Rev. Library. Barrow, Sir John, Bart. Portion of Library. Bagot, Mrs. Part of Library. Priced. S., W. & H. 13 Dec. S.-C.S. 119.3. (3.) Catalogue of a collection of valuable Books and Manuscripts, ancient and modern. Priced. S., W. & H. 17 Dec. S.-C.S. 1193. (5.) SUPPLEMENTAEY LIST. Sale Catalogues preserved in the Departmental Library of the Department of Manuscripts,- not in the Department of Printed Books. [Hyde, Henry, 'Ind Earl of Clarendon.] A Catalogue of the Library of a Person of Honour. [1709 ?] Jekyll, Right Hon. Sir Josepli, Master of the Rolls. Manuscripts. Johi Whiston, Raid's Coffee-House, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 26 Feb. 1739. Claveli-, Walter, F.R.S., of the Inner Temple. Library. John Heath, Exeter Exchange in the Strand. 29 March, 1742. Brydges, James, 1st Duke of Chandos. Library. Priced. Cod:, Exeter Exchange in the Strand. 12 March, 1747. I;Ewis, John, Rev., of Margate. Library. P. F. P. Thomas Payne, Old Round Court, Strand. [March, 1748.] Ward, Knox, Clarencieux King at Arms. Library, Langford, at the Great Room, late the Fountain Tavern, near Exeter Exchanae, in the Strand. 21 Feb. [1749 ?] Holmes, George, Deputy Keeper of Records. Books, ^Manuscripts and Books of Prints. Lewis, John, Rev., of Margate. Manuscripts. Langford, Great Piazza, Corent Garden. 21 Dec. 1749. Vertue, George. Library. Ford. St. James's, HaymarAet. 18 March, 1757. [Umfreville, Edward.] Law, and other printed Books and Manu- scripts. Samuel Paterson, Feathers Tavern, Strand. 13 Feb. 1758. Henley, John, Rev. Original Manuscripts and Manuscript Collections. Satn. Paterson, Essex House, Essex Street, Strand. 21 June, 1759. Warburton, John, Somerset Herald. Library. Samuel Paterson, Essex House. 19 Nov. 1759. 442 1764- Thoresby, Ralph, F.R.S. Mus?euin Thoresbyanum. Coins and Manuscripts. Priced. Winston Bristow, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross. 5 March, [1764.] Stukeley, William, M.D. Library. Samuel Paterson, Essex House. 28 April, 1766. [Davis, —, /^et'.] Library. Priced. Samuel Paterson. 8 April, 1767. Freind, William, Dean of Canterbury. Library. S. Baler & G. Leigh, York Street, Covent Garden. 28 April, 1767. Morris, Robert, Herald-yainier to King George 111. Library. Priced in part. Samuel Paterson, Essex House. 19 Feb. 1771. Ives, Jolin, i^./?.^., -F.6'.^. Library. Priced. Langford, Great Piazza, Covent Garden. 3 March, 1777. Justice, William, of Hingham, Norfolk. Pictures, Prints and Library of Printed Books and Manuscripts. Sam. Paterson, 6, King Street, Covent Garden. 25 March, 1780. Stuart, J. Library. Priced. Paterson, Strand. 11 Feb. 1782. Germatn-Sackville, George, 1st Viscount SackviUe. Library. Riley, Pail-Mall. 28 June, 1786. Thomas, Edward, Reo., F.R.S. , F.S.A. Library. Priced in part. Paterson, King Street, Covent Garden. 1 July, 1787. WiLLSON, Henrv Brouncker, M.D. Printed Books and Manuscripts. Priced. Gerard, Litchfield Street, St. Anne's, Soho. 16 Dec. 1790. [Yorke, Philip, 2nd Earl of Hardivicke.] Duplicate Part of Library of a Nobleman. J. Robson, Conduit Street, Hanover Square. 6 Feb. 1792. [Beauclerk, Aubrey, 5th Duke of St. Albans.] Library. Robson, Turf Gallery, Conduit Street, Hanover Square. 18 April, 1796. Herbert, William. Collection of Manuscripts. (A Catalogue of a choice and valuable Library.) Arrowsmith and Bowley, Bow Street, Covent Garden. 21 Nov. 1798. Warburtox, John, Somerset Herald. Heraldicai Library. Thomas King, 36, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. 5 July, 1799. [TiGHE, Robert Stearne.] Books. W. Richardson, 31, the Corner of Villier Street, in the Strand. 22 Jan. 1800. [Homfray, John, Rev., of Merton College, Oxford.] Coins and Medals, earlv printed Books, Engravings and Drawings. Mr. Richardson, 31, the Corner of Villier's Street, in the Strand. 28 Nov. 1803. Swinburne, Henry. Second portion of Librarv. Stewart, 194 Picca- dilly. 9 Feb. 1804. -1831 443 Murphy, Arthur, Trandator of Tacitus. Library. WMiavi Steivart, 194, Piccadilly. 11 Dec;. 1805. [Stage, MaclielL] A Catalogue of a rare and select collection of Books, Tracts, etc., in splendid bindinns. Stewart, 194, Piccadilly. 1 Dec. [1808.] Johnstone, James, Author of " Antiquitates Celto-Normannicw." Northern Part of the Library. (The Family Library of a Gentleman of Distinct-ion, deceased.) Thomas Jones, 6, Eustace Street, Dublin. 16 April, 1810. Ii^iPEY, Sir Elijah, Bart. Persian Manuscripts, Drawings, Library and Books of Prints. H. Phillips, 73, New Bond Street. 21 May, 1810. Bradley, W., Rector of Hendrcd, etc. Library. (A catalogue of a miscellaneous collection . . . Also the Heraldic part of an ancient Family Library in Sussex.) King & Lochee, 38, King Street, Covent Garden. 24 Aug. 1810. Lloyd, John, LL.D., F.P.S. Library, from the presses of Caxton, Wynkvn de Worcle, Pvnson, etc., etc. Broster, of Chester, at Wygfair. 15 Jan. 1816. Hulse, R. Books. J. 0. Cochrane, 1, Catherine Street, Strand. 17 May, 1816. TuTT, Theophilus Tompson. Library. King, 38, King Street, Covent Garden. 20 June, 1817. SiM,^, Dr., of Bath. Libraries of Dr. Sims and a private Gentleman. Bartruni, 10, Milsom Street, Bath. 12 Jan. 1824. Page-Turner, Sir Gregory Osborne, Bart. Library. Christie, Battles- den House, Wohurn. 19 Oct. 1824. HoDSOLL. Edward. Library. Squibb c& Son, Saville Row. 8 Aug. 1826. Constable, David, Advocate. Library. D. Speare, 80, Prince's Street, Edinburgh. 19 Nov. 1828. O'Reilly, Edward, of Harold's Cross. Bibliotheca Hibernica. Printed Books and Manuscripts. Charles Sharpe, 33, Anglesea Street, Dublin. 30 Nov. 1830. WiLKiNS, George, D.D., Archdeacon of Nottingham. Library, from Leeds Castle, a great part . . . collected by the Lords Fairfax. Christie, King Street, St. James's Square. 10 Jan. 1831. Cooper, Austin, F.S.A. Library. Edu'ard Maguire, 23, Suffolk Street. 21 Feb. 1831. 444 1831- Peckham, Jolui, of Sloiu/li. Library. Wise. St. Clement's, Oxfard. 5 May, 1831. Woods, Edward. Library. Edward Maguire, 23, Suffolk Street, Dublin. 26 May, 1831. Parkes, David. Library, Coins, etc. Tisdale, Lion Inn, Shrewsburij. 19 Aug. 1833. [Perceval, John, ith Earl of Egmont.\ Library. (From Enmore Castle, Somersetshire.) F. Braithwaite, at Mr. Toivn's Auction Rooms, Conduit Street, Bond Street. 14 July, 1834. FiTZROY, Lord Henry. Librarv. Cafe, Great Marlborough Street. 14 April, 1835. Bird, Thomas, F.A.S., of Dry-bridge House, Hereford. Literary Collections relating to Herefordshire. Thomas Cooke, Dry-bridge House, Hereford. 8 March, 1837. Wheatley, Benjamin. Library. Fletcher & Wheatley, 191, Piccadilly. 11 Dec. 1837. Whitby. Thomas. Library. W. & C. Pugh, Red Lion Wharf, Uqrper Thames Street. 15 May, 1838. [STRO^^G. — , Bookseller, of Bristol.^ Collection of Books. J. W. South- gate, 22, Fleet Street. 10 July, 1839. NoTT, George Frederick, D.D. Library. T. Godicin & Son, Close, Winchester. 11 Jan. 1842. KinCt-Tenison, Edward, Viscount Kingsborough. Library. Charles Sharpe, Anglesea Street, Dublin. 12 July [1 Nov.], 1842. Holmes, — , Rev. Drawings, Books of Prints, richly illuminated Missals and Books. Fletcher, Star Hotel, Southampton.' 26 July, 1842. FitzClarence, George, 1st End of Mxinster. Library (a portion). Wilmot, 13, Upper Belgrave Street. 5 April, 1843. Coxgreve, Miss, of Iscoyd Park. Library, Prints and Paintings. C hurt on, Iscoyd Park, Whitchurch. 19 Aug. 1843. Murray, Louisa, Countess of Mansfield. Library. George Robins, Richmond Hill. 29 April, 1844. Lascelles. B. F. Library. Mr. Fletcher, 19] , Piccadilly. 29 May, 1844. PiMLOTT, John. Books, Drawings, Autographs, Books of Prints, etc. E. Hodgson, 192, Fleet Street. 14 June, 1844. []\Iorrison, Edward, General] Collection of Books, the Library of a Lady of Rank and of a General Officer. J. Fletcher, 191, Piccadilly. 23 April, 1845. -1851 445 Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall, R.A. Library. Christie <£■ Manson, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 13 May, 1845. Deuchar, Alexander, Seal Emjraver to Queen Victoria. Heraldic Library. Edinhurgh, 1845. GwYN, John Fraunceis, of Ford Ahhey. Library. English <& Son, Ford Abheij. 26 Oct. [1846.] [Ker, David Stewart, M.P.] First Portion of Library of a Gentleman, particiilarly rich in . . . early Typography. Christie (t Manson. 8 March, 1847. Barnett, H., of St. James's, Duke's Place. Books in Hebrew and other foreign languages. J. H. Page, 7, Old Jewry. 19 May, 1847. Harman, H. Library. Christie & Manson. 23 June, 1847. [Ker, Dayid Stewart, M.P.] Library of a well-known Collector, deceased. [Second portion.] Christie & Manson. 1 Feb. 1848. PoNSONBY, Frederick, ?>rd Earl of Besshorough. Library. Christie & Manson, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. 3 April, 1848. [Ker, David Stewart, M.P.] Further [Third] Portion of the Library of a well-known Collector, deceased. Christie d Manson. 15 June, 1848. [Macdonald, — , Major.] Manuscripts, Drawings, etc. Puttick & Simpson, 191, Piccadilly. 23 June,^1848. Bi^AYDS, Thomas, of Englejield Green. Library. Christie & Manson. 26 March, 1849. [Ker, David Stewart, M.P.] Further [Fourth] Portion of the Library of a well-known Collector, deceased. Christie & Manson. 7 May, 1849. Fleming;, Robert, of Stoneham Park. Library. Removed from Stoneham Park. Christie c& Manson. 20 July, 1849. PiGOTT, John Hugh Smyth. Library. English & Son, Brockley Hall, Somerset. 8 Oct. 1849. CoPLESTON, Edward, Bishop of Llandaff. Library. Tojjlis & Son, 16, St. Paul's Church Yard. 25 Feb. 1850. Porter, Jane. Library. Christie & Manson. 24 July, 1850. Hanmer, Job Walden. Library. W. H. Hammond, 28, Chancery Lane. 22 Aug. 1850. Haughton, Sir Graves Chanmey. Livres et Manuscrits. Me. Fournel, Rue des Bons-Enfants 28, Paris. 9 June, 1851. 446 1851- TuRNBULL, William Barclay David Donald. Library . . . consisting of Books in English and Scottish Topography, etc. C. B. Tait & T. Nisbet, 11, Hanover Street, EdinhurglK 12 Nov. 1851. Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick. Library and Pictures. C. B. Tait awes, Frederick Wm. 31 Oct. 1849. , William, Archbishop of York. 9 Nov. 1724. Dawnav Lora, Viscountess Downe. 9 Dec. 1812. Daws, Rev. Mr. 22 May, 1718. Dawson, Benjamin. 17 Nov. 1820. , Gilbert. 17 May, 1736. Day, John. 23 May, 1888. , WilKam. 2 June, 1845. Day and Son. 23 Dec. 1807. DajrroUes, Solomon. 1786. Deacon, Edward Erastus. 27 Nov. 1844. , Frederick W. 30 Nov. 1892. Deale, John. 16 Jan. 1726. Dealtry, Thomas, Rev. 10 Aug. 1883. Dean, Mr., Bookseller. 20 Feb. 1804. , Amos, Prof. 1868. Deane, John Bathurst. 12 1889. Dearie and Co. Debac, P. B. 1838. De Boffe, Mr. 6 Nov. 1818 1819. De Burgh, John Thomas, 13th Earl of Clanricarde. 26 June, 1809. De Clifford, Edward Southwell, 2\st Baron. 11 Feb. 1834. Deconchy, L. 17 June, 1816. De Crespio-njr, Sir "i.^'illiam Champion. 6 May, 18.30 ; 12 Dec. 1831. Dedel, Baron. 2 Nov. 1846. Deering, Sir Edward, Bart. 3 Dec. 1811, 2 H 2 21 Aug. 1872. Guinibert. 14 Nov, May, 13 April, 30 April & ; 14 Jan. & 2 Nov. 468 INDEX Deeth, Sylvanus G. 20 March, 1 8()(». De Foe, Daniel. 15 Nov. 1 7.31 . Degullion. Rev. Mr. 1786. De I-a Borde, Mr. 19 Feb. 1801. Delafaye, Charles. 23 Aug. 1703. , Theodore. Feb. 1773. Delafosse, Dan. Chas. 16 Aug. 1859. — , R. M. 20 Oct. 1819. De La Motte, Wm. 11 May, 1863. Delane, John Thadeus. 13 Nov 1878 ; 13 Feb. 1899. De L'Angle, Theophilus. De La Tour, Leopold Arn. 1830. Delaval, Edward Hussev. 1815. Delessert, Benjamin. 21 July, 184!S Deletanville, Thomas. 1785. Delille, Charles Jean. 20 Nov. I860 8 July, 1861. Delivitt, James. 20 Oct., 1809. Delia Lena, Innocenzo. 14 Jan. 1814 Delme, Seymour. 6 Nov. 1896. 1784. 14 June, 4 Dec. March, 1738. 30 Jan. 1895. 18 March, 177() ; Delpfuch, Mr De Merle, W. H. De-Missy, Caesar 10 April, 1824. De Morgan, Campbell. 8 Nov. 1876. Dcndy, S. 26 Oct. 1859. Denis, Sir Peter. 30 Jan. 1821. Denison, William Henry Forester, \st Earl oj Londesborough. 4 June & 11 June, 1888. Dcnley, Mr,, Bookseller. 20 June. 1842. , John. 17 July, 1829 ; 24 Jan 1831 ; 10 Aug. 1840. Denman, Thomas, \st Baron Dennian. 15 March, 1895. Dennis, George, C.M.G. 21 Dec. 1892. , George T. 13 June, 1867. Dennys, Edward, o/ Ilampstead. 15 July, 1868. Dent, J. 15 March, 1804 ; 4 April. 18U8 ; 21 Oct. 1825. ,John,F.R.S.,F.S.A. 29 March & 25 April, 1827. , St. John. 5 April, 1884. Denton, Wm., Rev. 15 Feb. 1889. Denyau, Robert, Marquis de Tilleul. 16 March, 1731. Denver, Elizabeth Dennis. 4 Aug. 1824. DeRabaudy, George. 15 March, 1895. Dering. (Sir Edward, \slBart. 8 June, 1858 ; 10 July, 1861 ; 4 Feb. 1863 ; 13 July, 1865. See also Deering. De Saint Hyacintho, Mr. 24 Jan. 1732. De Sali-s, H. Jerome. 21 Jan. 1811. Dcs Alris de Rousset, Charles, Bishop of Bt'ziers. 18 March, 1740. Des RuffitVes, C. N. 27 Feb. 1899. De Thorn, Mr. 25 April, 1737. Deuchar, Alexander. 1845. M. De Verdion, John Theodora. See Verdion. Devey, Frederick William. 31 Julv, 1862. De Ville, Mr. 17 Feb. 1837. Devon, Henry C. 4 Nov. 1896. Devonshire, (jth Duke of. See Cavendish. Dew, Charles. 23 June, 1892. Dcwhurst, Heiu-v. 21 Jan. 1898. , John. 12" July, 1816. Dew-Smith, Albert George. 29 Jan. 1878. Dexter, J. F. 22 March, 1875. Diamond. Hugh Welch. M.D. 8 Aug. 1887. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. 26 June, 1817 ; 11 Feb. 1822. Dicken, Aldersey. 12 Jan. 1880. Dickenson. William. 1 June, 1719. , Francis Henry. 10 Nov. 1886. Dick-Lauder, Sir Thomas North. 1 Dec. 1896. Dickson, William, Bookseller. 1 Nov. 6 3 Dec. 1834 : 19 Jan. 1835 ; 31 May, 1836. Digby, Sir Kenelm. 19 April, 1680. , Kenelm Henry. 5 Dec. 1876 ; 7 March, 1881. Dillingham, Dr. 29 Nov. 1680. Dillon, Arthur Edmund Denis, 16th Viscount Dillon. 24 Feb. 1893. , John. 7 & 10 June, 1869. , John, F.S.S.A. 14 Nov. 1831. Dillwyn, Lewis Llewelyn. 30 Oct. 1893. Dimsdale, Mr. 18 June, 1824. Dingwall, Arthur, .Advocate. 5 Feb. 1867. Dircks. Heni-y. 6 May, 1874. Disney, J., Rev. 29 Feb. 1804. , John, D.D. 22 April. 1817. . William, D.D. 22 Dec. 1807 ; 16 Nov. 1829. INDEX 469 D'Israeli, Isaac. 10 March, 1849. Diss Book Club. 28 Jan. 1884. Ditchfield, James Butterworth. 24 April, 1893. Dix, James. 11 Feb. 1870. , Josiah. 5 July, 1810. Dixon, Henry. 22 Jan. 1858. , J. H. 6 Aus. 1866. , Mary. 7 March, 1851. — , Wm. Hepworth. 6 July, 1880. Dobbyns, John. 6 May, 1731 ; 10 Jan. 1732. Dobree, John Gale. 23 July, 1879. , Peter. 29 April, 1754. , Samuel. 31 May, 1827. Dobson, John. 22 Nov. 1889. Dobyns, Robert. 1 Nov. 1737. , WiUiam. 20 March, 1728. Dockwray, J. 1785. Dodd, Rev. Mr. 15 Feb. 1808. , JamesW'n^.. Comedian. 15 Jan. 1797; [Jan.?! 1798; 6 March, 1815. , James VVni., liev. [1818 ?J Dodwell, Henry. 1 Dec. 1730. 22 May & 6 Jul v. 31 July, 1895. L.C.J, of Ireland. Doellinger, Dr. 1839. Doetsch, Henry. Doherty, John, 2 Nov. 1853. Dolben, Sir William. 13 Dec. 1815. Doleman, Ricliard. 10 Sept. 1718. Dollinsjer. See Doellinger. Domville, Sir Cecil. 12 May, 1897. Donaldson, Thomas Leverton. 16 Aue. 1886. Done, William Stafford. 26 Fe)). 1784. Donegall, Arthur, 1st Marquess of. See Chichester. Donnadieu, A. 29 June, 1847 ; 29 July, 1851. , I\I. 8 Aug. Donnelly, James. Doran, John. 6 June, 1878. Dore, Peter. 25 Feb. 1782. Dormer, Sir Clement Cottrell. 20 Feb. 1764. ^— , James. 20 Feb. 1764. , Hon. John. 20 April, 1738. Dorset, Elisabeth Sackville, Duchess of. 6 March, 1769. D'Orville, James Philip. 7 June, 1804. Doubleday, John. 30 April, 1856. 1864. 9 Jan. 1813. Doughty, Charles Montagu. 28 Aug. 1850. Douglas, Archibald, 2nd Earl of Forfar. 13 Nov. 1718. , George, ISth Earl of Morton. 18 May, 1829. , Robert Casper. 27 July, 1887. , Sylvester. Baron Glenbervie. 13 June & 5 July, 1823. , William. 10 Dec. 1819. , William, 4th Dule of Qiteens- herry. 18 June, 1805. Douglas-Crompton, Sidney. 3 Nov. 1897. Douw, Philip. 6 May, 1772. Dovvdeswell, George. 9 Jan. 1775. , WiUiam. 10 Jan. 1820 ; 4 July, 1828. Dowding, Rev. Mr. 18 Dec. 1846. , John, Bookseller. 28 Sept. 1830. Dowling, Reginald Blewitt. 18 July, 1887. Downe, Wm., \st Viscount. (SeeDucie. , Lora, Viscountess. (SeeDawnay. Downham, Dr., of Exeter. 29 Oct. 1838. Downing, George. 1 Dec. 1800. , Henry, Rev. 19 Aug. 1878. Dovvsett, Dr. Nov. 1775. Dowson, John, M.A. 17 Dec. 1883. Doxatt and Co. 11 June, 1813. Doyle, Laurence. 17 Dec. 1898. Drake, Francis. 18 Nov. 1801. , George. 30 May, 1800. , Samuel Gardner. 2 Mav, 1876. , Sir William. 13 March, 1893. Dragonetti, Signor. 25 June, 1852. Drummond, Miss, of Bristol. 6 May. 1862. ; John, 1st Earl of Melfort. 4 Julv, 1828. -, Wm., Rev. 20 Jan. 1879. Drury, Charles, Rev. 24 May, 1869. , Henry. 21 Feb. 1827. Dry, A. H. 28 June, 1837. Drysdale, Rev. Mr. 4 June, 1798. Duane, Matthew. 7 May, 1798. Du Bois, Edward. 22 March & 4 May. 1855. Dubourdieu, Jean Armand. 7 Nov. 1727 ? Dubrunfaut, Augustin Pierre. 21 July, 1883. Ducarel, Andrew Coltee. 3 April, 1786. 470 INDEX Ducic, William, ]st Viscount Doimic UiSU. Duck, Stephen. 12 Auji. ITaC. Duckett, ^(> George. 29 Juno, 1882. Duckworth, George. 15 April, 1830. Duerdin, John. 9 May, 1884. Dufl, Archibald. 1 April, 1779. , John, of Greenock. 6 July, 1888. Duff and Stewart. 22 Nov. 187.5. Duffield, Richard, i?e(;. 27 April, 18(>3. Dugdale, Sir William. 20 Nov. 1862. Dukes. Thomas Farmer. Ki Dec. 1846 ; 27 July, 1850. Dimiouriez. Charles Fran(,'oi". 28 April, 1829. Duncan, John. 31. D. 26 Fell. 1856. . Hon. Jonathan. 13 Feb. 1818. , Sir William. 28 May. 1778. Dunckin, Robert. 15 Feb. 1732. Dunconibe, Charles, 12 Mav, 181.">. . H. H. 25 Aug. 1869."^ , John. 20 Dec. 1853. , William. 8 Aug. 1769. Dunn, Henry. 4 Feb. 1880. . Samuel. 10 April, 1794. Dunning, Richard Barre, 2nil Baron Ashburton. 21 Jan. 1870. Dunstan, John. 7 Sept. 1693. Dunster. Charles. 30 May, 1811: 21 March, 1815 ; 11 Nov. 1816. , Samuel. 11 Nov. 1754. Dunton, John, Bookseller. 23 April. 1733. , John. Rev. 29 Nov. 1680. Du Plessis, C. H. J. B. V. 7 Aug. 1 847. Du Poirier, James. 15 May, 1727. Du Pont. Andrew Peter. 3 Nov. 1 760. Duppa. Richard. 3 Sept. 1831. Dupper. Edward. 6 Feb. 1734. Du Prat, Mr. 2 May, 1699. Dupre, John. Jan. 1767. Dupuis, George. 10 Aug. 1812. , Harry, Rev. 28 July, 1890 Durand. Henry. 31 May, 1808. Durden. Henry. 17 Nov. 1892 Durham, Shute, Bishop of. See Bur- rington. , Thomas, Bp. of. See Thurlow. , Wm., Bp. of. See Van Mildert. Du Roveray, John Peter. 31 March. 1794. Durrell. Samuel J. 16 Julv, 1879. Du Soul, Moses. 23 March. 1 736. Dutens, Louis. 10 Dec. 1802; 28 April, 1809. Duval. Mr. 11 May, 1813. , Philip Snaith. 3 May, 1878. Dwarris, Sir Fortunatus. 20 Nov. 1860. Dyce, William, R.A. 22 Nov. 1875. Dyer. George. 25 April, 1832. Dymock, Thomas Frederick. 18 Aug. 1 858. Dyneley. Captain, of Bramhope 'Manor. 13 Feb. 1865. M. . R. D. 4 Feb. 1889. Eagle, E. 12 May, 1897, Earle, G. 7 May, 1860. , Joseph. 29 April, 1835. . WiUiam. 24 Feb. 1848. Earlom, Richard. 15 May, 1823. East, William. 18 Dec. 1766. Eastlake. Sir Charles Lock, P. R.A. 8 June, 1894. , Elizabeth, Lady. 19 June, 1894. Eastwick, Edw. Backhouse. 15 Nov. 1883 Ebers, Messrs. 25 Feb. & 20 April, 1863. Eljury, l.s< Baron. See Grosvenor. Eccles, Allen Harrison. 20 Nov. 1801. Ecton, John. 17 Nov. 1735. Eden. William George, 4th Auckland. 22 July, 1885. , William Morton, 5th Auckland, 22 Nov. 1897. Edge Lane Hall. 20 Sept. Edinburgh Philharmonic 26 Jan. 1871. Edkins. Thomas. 24 Jan. .William. 11 Dec. 1891. Edmondson, Joseph. 26 June, 1786. Edmunds, \A'. H. Martin. 27 June, 1888. Edwards, Mr. 15 June, 1799. , James. 5 April, 1815. . John, Canon of Durham. 8 Dec. 1862. • , John, Rev., of Birmingham. 1 Mav, 1809. , Samuel. 11 July, 1804. . Thomas. 9 March, 1835. . Thomas, of Halifax. 15 May, 1828. , Thomas, of Llandaff House. 13 April, 1871. •, Thomas, Rev. 21 June, 1796. Baron Baro7x 1858. Societv. 1845. INDEX 471 Edwards, Vigerus. 19 Aug. 1700. Edwin, Humphrey. 16 Nov'. 17H3. Eedle, Edward. 'lO Feb. 1846. Egerland, Hon. Augustus George. 1761. Egerton, Mr. 15 March, 1787. , Francis, Zrd Duke oj Bridijc- water. 27 April, 1802. , Hon. Henry. I Dec. 1725. Egmont, 4<7( Earl of. See Perceval. Ehrhart, Dr. 28 June, 1809. Elcho, Susan Charteris, Lady. 14 Aug. 1835. Elder, Edward, D.D. 28 July, 1858. Eldridge, John, R. 4 March, 1897. Eliott, Francis Augustus, 2nd Baron Heathfield. 17 March, 1814. Elizabeth, Princess, Landgravine of Hesse-Homhurq . 7 April, 1863. Elkins, W. H. 5 Jan. 1865. Ellacombe, Henry Thomas. 13 May, 1886. EUerton, E. 14 Dec. 1893. , John Lodge. 1 Dec. 1873. Ellice, C. F. 15 Jan. 1896. Elliot, Sir Henry Miers. 15 Nov. 1876. , John Lettsom. 24 Jan. 1899. Elliott, James, Rev. 24 July, 1857. Ellis, Mr. 5 May, 1823. , Mrs., of Russell Sq. 20 No\- 1871. , Alexander John. 20 June, 1842 ; 29 Jan. 1891. , Charles Augustus, 6th Lord Howard de Walden. 18 March, 1869. M. , Charles Rose, 1st Baron Seaford. 13 June, 1832. , Frederick Startridge. 18 Nov. 1885. , George. 9 March, 1876. , Sir Henry. 19 July, 1869. , John. 7 April, 1813. , 3 o\m. Barrister. 20 April, 1826. , John, F.R.S. 1786. , John, of Bernard St. 15 Dec. 1862. , John Joseph. 29 Aug. 1855. Elsted, W. P. 3 Dec. 1892. Elwes, Dudley George Cary., F.S.A. 21 July, 1886. Elwyn, W. B. 10 June, 1833. Ely, Thomas, Bp. of. See Dampier. , William, Bp. of. See Fleetwood. Ely, James, Bp. of. See York. Emans, William. 8 July, 1846. Emery, Mr. 28 June, 1819. , George, and Co. 18 Feb. 1874. Empson, William. 28 July, 1853. Enfield, William. 1798. Engel, Carl. 13 June & 7 July, 1881 ; 4 May, 1S82. English, John Hampden. 26 Nov. 1890. , Thomas. 3 July, 1805. Entwistle, Bertie. 26 June, 1724. Eon de Beaumont, Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste Andre Timothee d', Chevalier. 5 May, 1791 ; 22 May, 1793 ; 12 Feb. 1813. Erichs, George. 9 Nov. 1732. P^richsen, Sir John Eric. 4 March, 1897. Erie. Augustine 8 Feb. 1763. P]rnouf, Baron. 29 July, 1861. Erskine, John. 24 Nov. 1817. Essex, Elizabeth, Countess of. See Capell. , Sarah, Countess of. See Capell- Coningsby. , Timothy, 27 Jan. 1848. li^stwick, Sampson. 3 Dec. 1739. Euing, William. 17 June, 1875. Evans, Mr. 23 Dec. 1843. , Mr., Bookseller. 24 April, 1865. , Alfred Bowen. 4 June, 1879. , Herbert Norman. 10 May & 21 June, 1864. , John. 17 Dec. 1730. , Lewis, Rev. 8 Nov. 1869. , Thomas, Archdeacon. 20 Nov. 1815. , Thomas, D.D. 17 Nov. 1854. , Thomas Simpson 1 7 June & 29 July, 1819. Evelyn, Sir George Augustus William Shuckburgh. 21 Jan. 1856. , Sydney. 1784. Everard, Sir Hugh. 20 Oct. 1707. Everett, James, Rev. 19 Aug. 1873. Everson, Thomas. 9 Nov. 1749. Ewbank, Thomas. 19 March, 1851. Ewer, Isaac. 1 Dec. 1730. , Samuel. 24 Nov. 1808; 27 March, 1809. Ewer and Co. 1 Sept. 1859. Exton, William. 16 March, 1892. Eyre, Mr. 20 May, 1801. 472 INDEX Eyton, Joseph Walter King. 29 June & 21 Dec. 1842 ; 10 Feb., 22 March & 13 Dec. 1843 ; 15 April, 1844 ; 27 March, 184(5 ; 11 Jan., 14 May & 1 July, 1847 ; 15 May, 1848. — — -, Thomas Campbell. 17 June, 1881. -, Thomas Slaney. 24 July, 1891. Eywood, Herefordshire. 10 July, 1873. Fagan, Christopher S. 25 April, 1844. Fagel, Caspar. 3 Feb. 1690. Frans. — , Henric. 1801. — ; Henry. Fair, George. 1 March, 1802. 8 April & 11 ]Mav 17 Feb. 1813. 7 July, 1800. Fairbrother, Chas. 12 March, 189(1. Fairfax, John. 17 May, 1720. , Nathaniel. 3 June, 1695. Fairfax Manuscripts. June, 1898. Fairholt, Fred. Wm. 23 July, 18G6. Falconer, J. J. 22 Aug. 1877. , Thomas, D.D. 30 Aug. 1842. Falero, Luis. 4 March, 1897. Falle, Philip, of Jersey. 7 Dec. 1 865. Falmouth, George Hemy Boscawen, 3rd Earl of. 26 May, 1853. Fancourt, T., Bev. 25 July, 1840. Fane, Francis William Henrv, Earl of Westmorland: 16 July, 1892. , H. J. 10 Aug. 1887. , John. Earl of Westmorland. 22 Feb. 1887. Faraday, Michael. 6 & 25 Feb. 1868. Farewell, Phihp. 15 Nov. 1731. Farington, Robert. 15 Dec. 1841. Farish, James. 18 Jan. 1882. Farley, Charles. 18 April, 1859. Farmer, Hugh. 7 July, 1834. , Richard. 7 May, 1798. Farnliam, Heiuy Maxwell, 1th Baron. 28 June, 1869. Farquhar, John. 1 March, 1827. Farqiiharson, James John. 30 July. 1897. Farr, W. W. 10 Dec. 1890. , William, F.R.S. 2 July, 1883. Farrell, R. 9 Dec. 1846. Farrent, John. 15 Nov. 1832. Farrington, .John. 9 March, 1715. Farthing, J. J. 21 May, 1894. Fauntleroy, Henry. 11 April, 1825. Favell, Samuel. 10 Oct. 1849. Fawcett, John 6 July, 1830. Fawler, George 30 May, 1681. Fazakerley, J. 9 Feb. 'l801. Fearn.side, John. 22 Nov. 1774. Feilding, Sir Percy Robert Basil. 26 Feb. 1900. Fellowes, Robert. 13 Feb. 1817. , Thomas Lyon. 1 Aug. 1882. Fenn, Sir Joseph. 16 July, 1866. , Robert. 7 & 26 Feb. 1838. Fenton, Ibbetson. 10 Feb. 1812. . Samuel Graeme. 11 April & 8 July, 1864. Fenwicke, Gerald Charles. 27 Nov. 1890. Ferguson, Robert. 14 May, 1711. , Robert, M.D. 6 March, 1866. Fergusson, James. 15 Nov. 1802. , James, C.S.I. 22 June, 1886. , Robert Cutlar. 28 Feb. 1860. Ferrand, Jonathan. 10 Nov. 1845. Ferrers, Edmund. 8 May, 1826. Ferriar, John. 12 Nov. 'l867. Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal. 24 May, 1821. Festing, Michael. Jan. 1772 Field, Canon. 18 Dec. 1896. , Barron. 20 July, 1846. , Henry. 20 jNIarch, 1735. , Hem-y W. 16 July, 1894. , John. 22 Jan. 1827. , John. 25 July, 1848. , Matthew. 12 Jan. 1797. , Samuel Pryer. 21 Jan. 1879. , AValter, Rev. 11 Dec. 1876. Fielding, Henry. 10 Feb. 1755. Fillingham, William. 24 April, 1805 Filbnham, J. J. A. 6 Aug. 1862. Finch, Lady Charlotte. 1 2 July, 1858. , Hon.Tf. 2 May, 1828. , Heneage, 6th Earl of Aylesford. 25 Aug. 1873. , Heneage, llh Earl of Aylesford. 12 March & 23 Mav, 1888. Fingall, -ith Earl of. See Plunkett. Fisher, Bookseller. 31 Oct. 1805. , George, Rei\ 13 Aug. 1873. , John. 6 Dec. 1768. , Thomas. 15 March, 30 May & 31 Aug. 1837. Fiske, R^obert. 27 March & 4 July, 1827. Fitch, William Stevenson. 2 July, 1855 ; 14 Sept. & 29 Nov. 1859. Fitton. William Henry. 8 May, 1856. INDEX 473; Earl of 31 Jan. ] 5 Jan. 3rd Fitzclarence, George, \st Earl oj Munsfer. ;> April, 1843. M. , William George, 2nd Earl of Munster. 22 March, 1855. M. Fitzgerald, Thomas. 1.5 Jan. 1894. Fitzgibbon. John, 2nd Earl of Glare. 12 Aug. 1886. , Richard Hobart, 3rd Clare. 16 April, 1866 ; 1881. Fitzherbert. AUeyne, Rev. 1896. , William. 1 Feb. 1798. Fitzmaurice, Francis Thomas, Earl of Kerry. 5 jMay, 1819. Fitzpatrick. John, 2nd Earl of Upper Ossory. 31 May, 1819. Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Graf ion 18 Dec. 1811. ,LordB.enry. 14 April, 183.5. M. , Sir Robert. 10 Feb. 1897. Flaxman, John, R.A. 28 Jan. 1868. , William. 20 March, 1809. Fleetwood, Archdeacon. 10 May, 1738. , William. Bishop of Ely. 10 May, 1738. Fleming, Robert. 20 July, 1849. M. Fletcher, Alex., J5.7J. 15 Jan. 1861. , Charles, Bev. 22 July, 1850. , Sir Henry. 27 Jan. 1864. , Stephen. 21 Xov. 1727. , William. 9 March, 1S46. , William, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Ireland. 9 March. 1846. , William, of the Midland Circuit. 19 Dec. 1833. , William, Rev. 27 Aug. 1872. , William Frederick Hampden. 29 May, 1879. Fletewode, William. 5 Dec. 1774. Flexman, Roger. 15 Dec. 1795. Flint, William Richard. 15 Feb. 1 887. Floud, John. 20 June, 1800. Flowers, George French, Mus.Dor. 15 Nov. 1872. Fly, Hem-y. 17 March, 1834. Folder, John. 8 March, 1877. Foley, Robert. 1786. Foljambe, Thomas, 28 Jan. 1890. Folkes, Martin. 2 Feb. 1756. FoUett, Bookseller. 3 May, 1828. , John. 15 Dec. 1814 : 2 July, 1816. Foote, Alexander. 17 Feb. 1890. Forbes, Charles. 2 Aug. 1881. , Sir Charles Stewart. 22 Feb. 1897. , David. 10 March, 1828. , Duncan. 19 Oct. 1868 ; 23 June,. 1879. — , Edward, F.R.S. 11 Aug. 1857. , Hy., Organist. 24 April, 1860. Ford, Mrs. 27 Dec. 1828. — — , Edward, ASurc/eo??. 26 Oct. 1809. , Henry, Prof. 10 Nov. 1851. , John Kei'mack. 12 Aug. 1884. , Richard. 10 Dec. 1707. , Richard. 9 May, 1861. Fordham, J. E. 12 March, 1896. Forester, Pulter. 1 Feb. 1779. Forfar, Archibald, 2nd Earl of. See Douglas. Forman, Harry Buxton. 12 Nov. 1884. ; William Henry. 3 July, 1899. Forshall, Josiah, Rev. 10 April,. 1865. M. Forssteen, W. 16 June, 1838. Forster, Mrs. 4 Nov. 1895. , Charles, B.D. 26 Feb. 1872. -, Edward. 21 May, 1849. , John, of Fitzroy Square. 19 Feb. 1841. , John. M.P. 25 June, 1878. , Richard. 17 Nov. 1806 , Richard. 3 May, 1837. , Samuel. 20 Sept. 1843. Forsyth, William. 3 Nov. 1834 ; 11 Nov. 1835. Fortescue, Edward Bowles Knottes- ford. 16 March, 1887. . Francis. 25 July, 1898. , Wniiam, of Octon. 4 June, 1896. Fortin de la Hoguette, Harduin,. Archbishop of Sens. 14 Feb. 1727. Foss, Edward Smith. 8 July, 1830. , Henry. 24 April, 1868. Foster, Rev. Dr. 15 June, 1830. , Birket. 11 June, 1894. , Frederick. 2 Nov. 1853. Foster and King. 3 May, 1865. Fothergill, John. 30 April, 1781 Fowle, Edmund. 11 Julv, 1899. — — , Fulwar Wilham. 20 Nov. 1876. , W. F. 13 June, 1870. , William. 26 Nov. 1801. Fowler, James. 18 May, 1899. Fox, Charles James. 17 July, 1813. 474 INDEX Fox. Charles Rich. 22 June, 1874. ■ , Henry Edward, 4:th Baron Holland. 29 Nov. 1847. , Stephen, 2nd Baron Holland. 11 Dec. 1775. , William Johnson, M.P. 1 3 May, 1892. Framinghani, Christopher. 3 May, 1895. Frampton, Ruoert Fetherstonhaugh. 10 April, 1895. Francis, Charles. 31 July, 1823. -, /Sir Philip. 3 Feb.*' 1838. Franck, James. 6 April. 1843. Franks, Mr. 20 June, 1864. , Napthali. 12 March, 1798. Fraser, Mr. 22 June, 1826 ; 28 July, 1834. . Hon. Archibald. 9 & 18 Feb. 1852 ; 12 Aug. 1864. , George, Bishop of Dundee. 16 July, 1885. , James. 24 Jan. & 27 March, 1732. . Simon 22 Dec. 1803. Frazer, AVilliam. 14 March, 1900. Frederick, Sir Charles. 5 Julv, 1786. , Sir Richard. 18 Aug. 1874. Frederick Augustus, Duke oj York and Albany. 7 May & 4 July, 1827. Freeling, Clavton. 19 July, 1854 ; 27 June, 1855. , Sir Francis. 25 Nov. 1836. , Sir George Hj'^. 7 June, 1842. Freeman, Henry, Rector of Folks - worth. 29 May, 1865. , Henry, Rev. 17 June, 1885. . Thomas. 28 March, 1727. , William Peere Williams. 10 Aug. 1874. Freind, John. 2 Jan. 1729. , William, Dean of Canterburt/. 28 April, 1767. M. French. Josiah. 18 June & 14 Dec. 1850. Frere, B. T. 29 Nov. 1897. , John Tudor. 14 Feb. 1896. -, Wilham Edward. 30 Oct. 1897. Fridag, Sebastian. 30 May, 1814 Frost, — , Barrister. 28 June, 1798. , William Edward. 11 Aug. 1869; 21 March, 1878. Fry, Francis 15 Jan. 1890. Fryer, Edward. 10 Feb. 1827. Fuelling, Mr. 28 Jan. 1801. Fucnte Fuerte, Marquis de. Fulford Hall. 30 July, 1900. Fullarton, John. 16 Dec. 1850. , WiUiam. 10 Oct. 1808. Fuller, Joseph and Samuel B., Print- sellers. 3 Nov. 1862. , Richard. 21 Nov. 1727. Fullerton, Joseph. 7 July, 1812. Furneavix, Phihp. 10 April, 1780. Furze, J. N. 23 Jan. 1862. Fyfe, Mr. 22 Feb. 1728. Gage, Sir Thomas. 25 June, 1867 ; 5 Feb. 1890. Gahagan, Henry. 15 April. 1834. Gaillard. Joseph. 25 June, 1828. Gaisford, Thomas. 13 May, 1880 ; 23 April, 1890. Gale, Frederick. 20 July, 1891. , John, of B niton Street. 12 & 31 May, 1826. Gall. Francis Herbert. 2 Aug. 1894. Galland, George Alfred. 10 Nov. 1875. Galloway, Thomas. 13 Feb. 1852. Galnie, Robert. 20 June, 1810. Gambarini, 3Ir. See Gamljerini. Gambart,ErnestandCo. 171"^:). 1852. Gamberini, Mr. 3 June, 1726. Gamble, Miss. 11 Feb. 1886. Gamblyn, Rev. Mr. 24 Nov. 1715. Gameau, J. A. V. 13 March, 1804. Gancia, Giovanni, of Brighton. 27 June, 1856 ; 23 June, 1858. , J., of Milan. 6 May, 1882. Gantter, Louis. 10 Aug. 1846. Garbett, James. 22 Aug. 1879. Garden, Edmund. 1 Aug. 1832. , Robert. 11 Feb. 1779. Gardiner, Marguerite, Countess of Blessington. 14 March, 1866. , Robert. 4 Dec. 1729. Gardner, Cecil Dunn. 21 June, 1880. •, Cyril Dunn. 10 July, 1897. , E. B. 15 March, 1881. , George. 29 Aug. 1859. — ■ — , John Dunn. 6 July, 1854 ; 18 Nov. 1875. Gardyne. Alexander. 7 July, 1885. , T. M. Bruce. 29 April, 1892. Garnett, Richard, Rev. 4 Dec. 1850. Garnons, William Lewes Pugh. 2 March, 1864. Garrett, George. 22 July, 1833. INDEX 475 Garrett, John. 15 March, 1894. Garrick, David, the Actor. 23 April 1823 : 16 March & 25 July, 1848 17 Dec. 1849 ; 19 Feb. 1896. , Eva Marie. 23 April. 1823. GasparoUi. Ahhe. 3 June, 1818. Gastaldi, Battista. 10 Feb. 1757 Gataker, Thomas. 12 Dec. 1681. Gaugain, Mrs., oj Edinbun/h. 1 1 Dec 1860. Gaunt, Mr. 1 Nov. 1717. Gauntlett. Henry John. 17 Dec. 1847 Gautarel, Rev. Mr. 23 July, 1800. Gayfere, Thomas. 17 Dec. 1824. Gaylard, Joseph. 28 Jan. 1708. Gedder, Michael. 10 May, 1714. Geddes, Alexander. 26 March, 1804 Gellibrand, John. 8 Aug. 1684. Germadius, John. 28 March, 1895. George, John, o/ Sonthqate. 19 Aug 1878. , Thomas. 10 Sept. 1840. Germain-Sackville, George, \st count Sackville. 28 June, 1786 Gibbes, Samuel. 3 March, 1726. Gibbings, Richard. 12 Jan. 1885. Gibbon, Edward. 7 Nov. 1833. . William. 1 Aug. 1758. Gibson, Rev. Mr. 9 Feb. 1784. , Charles Hepworth. 24 Fel) 1898. , Edmund, Bishop of London 17 Feb. 1783. , James. 13 Dec. 1850. , John, F.R.I.B.A. 9 May, 1893 , John, R.A. 27 July, 1868. , Robert, Rev. 4 June, 1879. , William Sidney. 12 June, 1871 Giffard, Rer. Mr. 1778. Gifford, John. 17 Nov. 1818. Gilbert, Christopher. 6 Dec. 1727. , Sir Geoffry. 29 Feb. 1728. ■ , James. 4 March, 1833; 23 Jan 1834. Gilchrist, Alexander. 9 Dec. 1873. , John Borthwick. 10 Aug. 1842 , O. W. 9 Dec. 1809. , Octavius Graham, 5 Jan. 1824, , Percy Carlvle. 13 July, 1896. Giles, Mr. 5 July, 1820. , John Allen. 24 Feb. 1840. , John Allen, Rev. 29 Jan. 1885, Gilks, E. 29 Nov. 1897. Gill, Thomas, of Lambeth. 22 Fel) 1802. Vis- M. GiUman, Andrew. 13 Aug. 1879. , James. 30 March, 1843. Gilly, Stephen. 17 Dec. 1855. Gilman, Mr., of Hinqham. 7 Dec. 1854. , W. A. 11 Aug. 1869. Gilpin, George. 25 July, 1810. Gipps, Henry, Rev. 6 March. 1878. , Sir Richard. 13 Dec. 1728. Giustiniani, Prof. 11 Dec. 1882. Gladstone, Helen. 13 Jan. 1881. Gladwell, T. H. 18 Aug. 1880. Glasse, Wm. Bulkeley. 18 July, 1892. Glen, James, Rev. 19 March, 1833. Glenijervie, Douglas Sylvester, Baron. 13 Jime & 5 July, 1823. Glenlee, Sir William Miller. 18 Jan. 1853. Gloucester, William Frederick, Duke of. 29 July, 1835. Glouton, M. 30 March, 1865. Glover, James David. 23 May, 1832. . John Hulbert. 10 April, 1861. , Philips. 23 Jan. 1759. Glyn. Thomas Christopher. 26 Nov. 1828 Glynn, Robert. 4 Dec. 1800. Goddard, Charles. 30 Mav, 1848. , E., Rev. 4 Feb. 1878. , Henry. 9 May, 1774. Godfrey-Fausset, John Toke. 2 Aug. 1894. Coding, Charles. 29 Jan 1891. Godolphin, John. 11 Nov. 1678. Godwin. Henry. 15 July, 1875. , John, of Bath. 18 Feb. 1875. •, William. 17 Jvine, 1836. Goff, Richard. 3 Dec. 1829. , Robert C. 21 Aug. 1873. Goldham, Richard. 24 Feb. 1881. Goldsmid. John Louis. 11 Dec. 1815. Gomm, William. 7 Dec. 1831. Gooch, Mr. 14 Nov. 1843. , John. 21 Nov. 1823. , Richard. 17 Aug. 1870. Goodall, George. 29 Nov. 1708. , Joseph. 8 June, 1840. Goodban, Charles. 4 May, 1882. Goode, William, Dean of Ripon. 10 May, 1869. Goodenough, Edmund. 29 June, 1846. Goodinge, Thomas. 10 Feb. 1817. Goodman, Thomas. 26 March, 1739. Goodwin, Mr. 16 Feb. 1830. 476 INDEX Goodwin, C, Bookseller. 3. J an. 1828. , John Medmer. 13 Ay)ril. 1897. , Thomas. 27 Nov. 1710. Gordon, iHr. 8 Sept. 1736. , Lord Adam. 2S Jan. 1867. —.Alexander. 11 Feb. 1779. .Alexander, Rev. 6 May, 1882. — ^, Sir Robert. 14 March, 1816. , Sir AVilliam. 4 March, 1799. Gordonstoun Library. 14 March, 1816. Gorman, Thomas. 2 Nov. 1813. Gosford, Arcliibald Brabazon Spar- row, Earl of. See Acheson. Goss, Sir John. 29 Jan. & 8 April, 1885. Gossett, Isaac. 7 June, 1813. Gott Family, of Armley House, Leeds. 4 Dec. 1894. Gough, Richard. 5 April, 1810. Gould, Sir Henry. 10 Nov. 1797. , John, F.B.S. 4 May, 1881. — , WilUam. 1800. Gowans, James, Bookseller. 24 Oct. 1898 , Wm., Bookseller. 11 Dec. 1871. Gower, Charles, M.D. 13 July, 1812; 8 Feb. 1821. , Foote. 11 Feb. 1788. Grace, Sheffield. 18 May, 1841. Grafton, 3rd Duke oj. See Fitzroy. Graham, Caroline Agnes, Duchess nj Montrose. 6 June, 1895. , Sir James Robert George. 19 Dec. 1861. , John, Bishop oJ Chester. 8 March, 1866. , Richard, \st Viscount Preston. 9 Nov. 1696 : 24 Nov. 1697. , Robert. 6 Aug. 1889. , Thomas John. 15 Feb. 1877. , William. 21 June, 1797. Grahame, Barron. 14 Jan. 1878. Grainger, Walter. 1729. Grange, Ernest L. 14 March, 1892. Granger, Thomas. 9 Oct. 1732 ; 15 Jan. 1733. (irant, Alexander. 7 Aug. 1890. , D., Rev. 28 June, 1809. — — ■, Francis. Colonel. 12 Jan. & 16 Nov. 1881 : 7 & 9 May, 1900. , Hannah. 8 Dec. 1887. , John, Baron oj the E.vchequcr in Scotland. 22 Feb. 1779. , Johnson. 14May<.l- IJuly. 1845. Grant, Roger. 6 May, 1724. Granville, Augustus Bozzi. 13 April, 1840. Grave, Robert, Print Collector. 4 May, 1826. , Robert, Printseller. 18 April, 1803. Graves, Charles, Bishop of Limerick. 15 Feb. 1900. , Francis. 18 June, 1861 ; 14 July, 1864. , John Thomas, F.R.S. 21 Nov. 1870 ; 31 July, 1871. , Richard Morgan. 26 June. 1823. Gray, George Robert. 13 Nov. 1872. , John Edward, Naturalist. 20 March, 1874. , John Edward, Rev. 12 Nov. 1888. — , John Hamilton. 31 July, 1888. , Robert. 26 Jan. & 25 Feb. 1730. — ■ — , Thomas, the Poet. 27 Nov. 1845 ; 12 Aug. 1847 ; 28 Aug. 1851 ; 4 Aug. 1854. Greatheed, Samuel Stephenson. 23 & 30 Jan. 1888. Greatorex, Thomas. 3 April, 1832. Green, Rev. Dr. 19 Jan. 1721. , Rev. Mr. 1784. -, Benjamin Richard. 17 May, 1877. , J. J. 22 Dec. 1896. , John, of Covent Garden. 22 Ma-s', 1871. , John, Dr., of Greenwich. 10 Aug. 1778. , John, ofSoho Square. 27 March ; 14 April; 6 & 9 June, 1848; 21 March, 1849. , Joseph Henry. 27 July, 1880. , Sir Justly Watson. 3 Dec. 1828. — , Ralph. 6 Sept. 1837. , Thomas Sheldon. 20 Nov. 1876. , Sir William. 3 Dec. 1828. , W. T. 28 Mav, 1880. Greene, Edward. 17 May, 1737. , J. S. Turner. 19 Julv, 1875. , William. 17 May, 1737. Greenhill, WiUiam. 18 Feb. 1678. Greenland, Alfred. 20 March, 1849. , G. & A. 2 May, 1837. Greenwich Circulating Library. 19 Dec. 184.5. INDEX 477 Greenwood, C. and J. 5 Aug. 1839 ; 18 July, 1840. , Nathaniel. 30 Aug. 1714. , Thomas. 8 March, 1872. Gregg, WiUiam Potts. 12 May, 1814. Gregory, Charles, oj Hampstead. 31 May, 1877. , E. C. 25 Nov. 1799. , Edward. 21 March, 1825. , Olinthus Gilbert. 17 March. 1842. , Samuel. 10 March, 1859. , Thomas J. 13 March, 1S72. Gregson, Matthew. 18 Oct. 1830. Grenville, Family of. 27 June, 18G5. Gresley, John More wood. 10 Aug. 1866. Greswell, Edward. 17 Aug. 1869. , WiUiam Parr. 28 Feb. 1855. Gretton, Philip. 6 Oct. 1834, Greville, Hon. Charle.s. 11 Jime, 1810. , Robert, 4i/i Baron Brooke 2 Dec. 1678. , Robert Kaye. 10 Jan. 1867. Grey, Hon. Anchitel. 7 April. 1834. -, John, F.R.S. 1770. , Thomas, 2nd Earl of Stamford. 16 Jan. 1721. ■ , Thomas, Rev. 8 Feb. 1694. . Zachary. 8 March & 21 July. 1768. Griffith, Henry, F.S.A. 3 Nov. 1897. , John, Rev. 23 Dec. 1895. Griffiths, George Edward. 3 Auc. 1831. — — , John, D.D. 29 Jan. 1886. Grimbaldson, George. 10 May, 1726. Grime, E., D.D. 17 July, 1822. Grimes, Charles. 14 Nov. 1737. — — , Charles Caines. 9 June, 1884. , J. A. 25 March, 1872. Grinfield, Edward William, Rev. 11 Jan. 1865. Groenewegen, John. 10 March, 1729. Grosart, Alexander Balloch. 11 Dec. 1899. Grose. Francis, the Younger. 20 June, 1791. Grosvenor, Robert, 1st Baron Ebury. 3 Dec. 1894. Grove, Sir George. 4 Nov. 1895. , Robert, Bishop of Chichester. 27 April, 1697. , William Chafin. 10 Feb. 1 794. GrvHs. W., Rev. 8 April, 1867. Gubbiiis, Charles. 24 Nov. 1862. Guest, Augustus. 22 March, 1871. Guglielmo, P. D. 29 Nov. 1854. Guilford, bth Earl of. See North. Guise, Samuel. 27 Jan. & 3 July, 1812. Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume. 24 May, 1850. . Gulston, Joseph. 8 May, 1786. , William, Bishop of Bristol. 11 June, 1688. Cunn, John. 1 June, 1824. Gunter, Jasper. 20 March, 1684. Gurney, Daniel. 1 Dec. 1881. Putch, Mr. 18 Dec. 1816. , John Mathew. 16 March, 1858. , Robert. 12 Jan. 1852. Gwillim, John, Rev. 11 May, 1860. GM-ilt, George, F.S.A. 14 Oct. 1856. , Joseph. 10 Juljs 1828. , Joseph. 31 May & 19 July, 1854 ; 18 June, 1862. Gwinnett, Emilia. 22 Oct. 1816. Gwyn, Henry, Herald Painter. 27 March, 1878. , John Fraunceis. 26 Oct. 1846. M. GvU, Thomas. 5 April, 1803. Habell, John Henry. 15 Aug. 1849. Hackett, Miss, of Hacknev. 10 March & 31 May, 1875. , Charles Danvers. 23 Feb. 1859. , John, Bishop of Lichfield. 25 Jan. 1886. Hackney College. 21 Jan. 1802. Haddan, Mr. 20 Jan. 1832. , Arthur West. 26 Aug. 1873. Haddon, George. 1786. Hadley, John. 5 Feb. 1767. Haggard, Wm. Debonaire. 22 Aug. 1866. , Wm. Henry. 28 June, 1867. Haigh, B. B., Rev. 8 Jan. 1879. Hailstone, Edward, F.S.A. 4 Feb. & 23 April, 1891. Haines, Thomas. 5 Feb. 1897. Halbach, Mr. 21 June, 1833. Halden, W. A. 20 April, 1864. Hale, Bernard. 12 Aug. 1884. Hales, Miss. 7 May, 1880. , James. 1784. Halifax, Earls of. See Montague. Hall, Anthony. 25 April, 1726. 478 INDEX Hall, Charles. 22 Nov. 1774. , Chester Moor. Frl). 1772. , Edward. 12 April. 17J)S. , Henry, Rev. 28 March. 1814 , John, of Kensimjfon. 10 Nov. 1856. , John, o/ Magdalen College, Oxford. June, 1773. , John Edward. 18 May, 1887. . John Hancock. 10 May, 1859. , John Orde. 30 July, 1884. , Joseph. 22 Feb. 1732. , Peter, Rev. 25 June. 1827 ; 28 April, 1846 ; 27 May, 1850. , Spencer, J'. S".. 4. 26 June, 1876.* , Stephen. 18 April, 1732. , William John, Rev. 24 Aug. 1868. Halley, Alexander. 5 May, 1875. Halliday, Harold. 27 July, 1897. Halliwell, afterwards Halliwell- Phillipps, James Orchard. 25 & 27 June, 1840 ; 23 May. 1856 ; 21 May, 1857 ; 26 June, 1858 ; 13 June. 1859 ; 1 July, 1889 ; 30 Nov. 1891 ; 1 July, 1895. Hallowes, Major, of Chesterfield. 24 April, 1893. Halpin, Nicholas John. 8 May, 1851. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. 26 Nov. 1895. Hamilton. Alexander Douglas, 10th Duke of Hamilton. 1 May & 8 July, 1884 ; 23 May, 1889. — — , Charles J. 14 Oct., 2 Nov. & 25 Nov. 1847 ; 22 May, 1851. . J., Captain. 13 Aug. 1879. , Walter. 18 March & 4 April. 1898. , Sir William. 3 March, 1886. , William Gerard. 12 Dec. 1796. Hamilton Palace Libraries. See Beck- ford, W. ; Hamilton, A. D. Hamlet, Miss. 17 April, 1848. Hamman, Richard. 18 Nov. 1811. Hammond, P. 13 July, 1815. Hamond, Wm. Parker. 5 June, 1894. Hampden, Mr. 13 Feb. 1699. ; Augustus Edward Hobart, i\th Earl of Buckinghamshire. 5 July, 1889. , Renn Dickson. Bishop of Hereford. 20 July, 1899. Hamper, William. 21 July, 1831. Hanbury, Benjamin. 20 April, 1864. Hanbury Williams, F. 20 Dec. 1887. Hance, Hy. Fletcher. 8 Aug. 1887. Hancocke, John. 23 April, 1730. Hand. Mr. 10 May, 1837. , John. I Aug. 1758. Hankey, Blake Alexander. 28 July, 1899. Hanmer, Job Walden. 22 Aug. 1850. M. Hanrott, F. G. 6 July, 1835. , Philip Augustus. 16 July & 5 Aug. 1833 ; 20 Feb., 15 March 6 22 March, 1834 ; 28 Jan. 1857. Harberton, 2nd Viscount. See Pomeroy. Harborough, Earl and Countess of. See Sherard. Harcourt, Charles. 20 Jan. 1830. . Frances Vernon, Larf?/. 21 Aug. 1873. -, Wm. Bernard. 5 Aug. 1854. Hardcastle, William. 20 March, 1827. Harding, Benjamin. 26 Feb. 1850. , John. 14 May, 1827. , Michael. 8 Nov. 1697. , Samuel. 2 June, 1790. •, William. 22 Feb. 1834. Harding and Lepard. 9 June, 1 1 June & 9 July, 1838 ; 11 April, 1839. Hardwick, Philip Charles. 11 Aug. 1885. , W. 2 May, 1877. Hardwicke, Earls of. See Yorke. Hardy, James, M.D. 19 May, 1806. , John. 5 July, 1743. — , Peter, F.R.S. 29 July, 1863. , Sir William. 15 Dec. 1886. Hare, F. G. 17 Nov. 1859. , Henry, 3rd Baron Coleraine. 11 Nov. '1754; 1754. , Julius Charles. 10 May, 1855. Harefield Library. 22 April, 1887. Harford, Miss. "^30 July, 1895. — , Frederick Kill, Rev. 24 April & 20 July, 1899. Hargrave, James. 20 Feb. 1722. , Joseph Smith. 5 Jan. 1808. Hargreaves, Dr. 20 May, 1883. , John. 30 July, 1896. Harington, Henry. 2 July, 1816. , Richard. 10 March, 1854. Harley, Hon. Auditor. 22 May, 1817. , Edward, 2nd Earl of Oxford. 8 March, 1742 ; 2 March, 1 April, 2 June & 1 Oct. 1747 ; 1 Feb. 1748. INDEX 470 Harlev, John Pritt. 23 Nov. 1858. ,'Hon. Robert. 1 Feb. 1775. Harlowe, Stephen Harlovve. 1 Feb. 1881. Harman, Edward. 4 June, 1847. , H. 23 June, 1847. M. , Jeremiah. 20 May, 1844. Harmony Club. 21 March, 1838. Harnage, Sir George. 2 Dec. 1889. Harneise, R. 26 Feb. 1746. Harold, Mr. 19 April, 1714. Harper, George. 1 Feb. 1816. Harpur, Samuel. 17 June, 1802. Harries, D. 24 May, 1893. Harrington, James. 13 Feb. 1695. Harris, Mr. 11 Dec. 1829. , Alfred. 8 March, 1900. ■ , Sir Augustus. 29 April, 1897. , Frederic, o/ Ga^eacre. 24 April, 1876. , George. 10 Nov. 1796. , George, of Stourport. 4 Aug. 1876. , Henry, of Heaton Hall. 1 7 June, 1872. , John Hull. 22 March, 1824. , Joseph. 11 Feb. 1765. , Rice. 23 March, 1796. , Richard. 6 Nov. 1733. , Robert. 3 June, 1830. , WilUam. 15 Feb. 1763. Harrison, Archdeacon. 4 Nov. 1895. , Edward. 25 April, 1737. , George, Clarencieux. 5 Nov. 1821. , Michael, Rev. 8 April, 1873. ■ , Thomas. 7 Aug. 1851. , William, Canon of St. Alban's Cathedral. 29 Nov. 1882. , William, of Samleshury Hall. 25 Jan. 1881. Hart, H. C. 22 Feb. 1897. , Richard, Rev. 21 Jan. 1898. , Thomas. 19 Nov. 1803. Harte, Walter. 31 Jan. 1785. Hartley, David. 6 April, 1859. M. , Leonard Lawrie. 1 June, 1885 ; 3 May, 1886 ; 18 April, 1887. Hartree, William. 10 June, 1890. Hartshorne, Charles Henry. 14 Aug. 1865. , John. 12 March, 1869. Harvey, Mrs., of Croydon. 13 Dec. 1875. Harvey, Rev. Mr. 21 July, 1820. , George C. 16 Jan. 1885. , J. 6 July, 1885. , James, Bookseller. 21 June, 1900, , John. 13 Nov. 1834. Harward, John. 18 May, 1880. — — , John, of Stourbridge. 9 Dec. 1858 ; 10 May, 1859. Harwood, Edward, D.D. 3 Feb. 1777. ,F^dward, Numismatist. 28 April, 1814. — , John. [1730 ?] Haslam, J. C. 9 April, 1900. -, John. 5 July, 1816. Haslewood, Mr. 8 May, 1809. , Joseph. 16 Dec. 1833. Hasloch, John. 20 Nov. 1846. Hastie, James, of Gray's Inn. 23 June, 1859. Hastings, Henry Weysford Charles Plantagenet Rawdon, 4:th Marquess of Hastings. 29 Dec. 1868. , Right Hon. Warren. 22 Aug. 1853. M. ; Jan. 1876. Hatchett, Charles. 13 March & 12 April, 1848. Hatfield, Mr. 25 June, 1799. , John. 7 Aug. 1890. , Thomas James. 10 June, 1830. Hatt, Andrew. 2 June, 1837. Hatton, Edward Hatton Finch. 3 March, 1886. Haughton, Sir Graves Chamney. 9 June, 1851. M. Havergal, William Henrv, Rev. 21 Jan. 1879. Havershana, 1st Baron. See Thomp- son, J. Hawes, Sir Benjamin. 4 Feb. 1863. , Samuel. 20 Nov. 1722. — , Wilham, Prof. 15 Nov. 1872. Hawkins, Edward. 20 Nov. 1868. , Edward, jun. 20 Nov. 1868. , Edward, of Peover Hall. 28 Aug. 1837. , Enoch. 14 June, 1847. , FrankK., Captain, R.N. 6 Nov. 1872. , John Sidney. 26 June, 1832 ; 8 May, 1843. , Waher. 18 Aug. 1862. • , Wilham. 13 April, 1685. , William Bentinck L. 7 March, 7 & 24 April, 1895. 480 INDEX 1810. 1885. Hawley, John. 17 March, 1857. -, Sir Joseph. 2 July, 1894. Haworth, Adrian Hardy. 10 [11] March, 1834. , James. 24 Jan. 1825. Hawtrey, Edward Craven. 1 July & 12 Dec. 1853 ; 30 June, 1862. Hay, Andrew. 10 May, 1738 ; 4 May, 1739. , Edward Drummond. 21 Aug. & 22 Dec. 1851. , Mrs. S., oj Wimbledon. 27 Feh. 1899. , W. E., Major. 9 Aug. 1880. Haydon, S., Artdst. 20 Feb. 1892. Hayes, Francis. 18 Feb. 1718. , James, oj Ennis. 17 Nov. 1892. , Sir John. 1 Feb. , Phihp. [1798 ?] , S. 11 Jan. 1828. , T. 7 Nov. 1769. , Thomas. 7 Aug. —— , William. [1798 ?] Haygarth, Williani. 8 Nov. 1827. Hayley, WiUiam. 2 May, 1844. , William, Dean of Chichester. 6 March, 1723. Hayna, Nicola. 9 March, 1730. Haynes, Joseph B. 16 May, 1867. Hays, R., Bookseller. 24 March, 1836. Hayter, Thomas, Bishop oj London. 10 May, 1762. Haynard, Abraham. 20 March, 1890. , Charles. 21 Feb. 1810. Haywood, Mr. 2 Dec. 1822. Hazlitt, Wilham. 23 Nov. 1893. , \Nm.,theYounger. 23 Nov. 1893. , Wm. Carew. 12 Nov. 1857 : 23 Nov. 1893. Heales, Alfred, Major. 25 July, 1900. Heard, Sir Isaac. 23 Nov. 1900. Hearne, Thomas. 16 Feb. 1736. Hearn'=i and Co. 5 April, 1839. Hearsey, Sir John Bennett. 1 2 March, 1869. Heath, Amed^e John, Baro7i. 7 Nov. 1892. — , Baily. 7 July, 1809. , Benjamin. 26 April, 1810. , Charles. 23 July, 1842. , Douglas Denon. 18 March, 1898. , John, Fellow oj King's College, Cambridr/e. 23 April, 1862. , Matthew. 13 Dec. 1844. Heath, Robert Amadeus, Baron. 24 April, 1879. , Thomas. 24 Nov. 1760. , William, oj Neio Orjord Street. 26 Nov. 1878. Heathcote, Robert. 8 April & 10 June, 1802; 20 April, 1803; 15March, 1804 ; 11 Feb. & 16 Dec. 1805 ; 2 May, 1808. , (Sir Thomas Freeman. 27 March, 1827. Heathiield, Francis Augustus Eliott, 2nd Baron. 17 March, 1814. Heaton, Beresford Rimington. 8 March, 1897. , Richard. 15 May, 1792. Hebbert, Charles. 20 March, 1851. Heber, Reginald, Bishop oj Calcutta. 4 July, i827. , Richard. 10 April, 5 June, 10 Nov. & 8 Dec. 1834 ; 19 Jan.. 23 March, 1 April & 25 May, 1835 ; 10 & 29 Feb., 11 April, 30 May «& 1 July, 1836 ; 22 Feb. 1837. Heberden, William, Eev. 17 June, 1880. Heckford, Rayner. 9 Feb. 1784. Hedges, Charles. 3 Feb. 1784. , Sir Charles, Secretary oj State. 27 April, 1798. Hedgley, John. 28 Jan. 1863. Heffill, H. 28 July, 1890. Heinson, Joh. Theodor. 2 April, 1728. Helfrich, Rudolph. 12 Nov. 1886. Helhns, J. 13 Dec. 1827. Helps, Sir Arthur. 23 Nov. 1877. Hemes, Joseph. 30 July, 1716. Henchman, Humplirey. 1677. Henderson, Alexander. 21 June, 1848. , John, oj Covent Garden Theatre. 20 Feb. 1786. -, John, oj Fitzroy Square. 18 Feb. 1830. Henley, Sir Andrew. 1700. , Henry. 22 Nov. 1774. — , John, Eev. 21 June, 1759. M. , Phocion. 26 Feb. 1765. , Samuel. 11 April, 1816. Hennessy, Sir John Pope. 1 7 July, 1893. Henry, J. 17 March, 1834. , John Joseph. 27 May. 1817. , Mrs. M. F. 5 Dec. 1899. INDEX 481 Henry, Thomas Hetherington. 11 May, 1860. Hepburn, George. 1761. Heppel, G. H. 10 June, 1846. Herbert, Mr., Engineer. 21 July. 1737. , John. 30 Nov. 1726. , John, Rev. 6 March, 1721. , Wilham, Antiquary. 10 March, 1796 ; 21 Nov. 179>^. M. Hereford, James, Bisho]) of. See Beauclerk. , Renn, Bishop of. See Hamp- den. Herman, Henry. 21 May, 1883 ; 23 Jan. 1885. Herouville, A. B. Morm d'. 9 March, 1780. Herries, John. 1784. Hertz, Bram. 2 Aug. 1861. Hervey, George WiUiam, 2nd Earl of Bristol. 19 April, 1680. Hesilrige, Sir Thomas Maynard. 26 Feb. 1868. Hewer, Hon. William. 23 April, 1730. Hewetson, Mrs. 28 July, 1899. , Bendelack. 30 Oct. 1899. Hewitt, Dr. 3 Dec. 1739. Hewlett, A., of Somerset. 16 Dec. 1847. — — , Jonathan. 11 Nov. 1878. Hewson, John. 21 May, 1867. Hey, Mrs., of ConnaugM Square. 18 Nov. 1844. , John. 29 May, 1815. Heywood, James John. 15 May, 1888. , Samuel. 7 March & 31 Oct. 1829. Hibberd, Shirley. Hibbert, George. , George, of 16 March, 1829. , J. N. 13 Aug. 1888. , Julian. 8 March, 1871. -^, Samuel, Dr. 28 March, 1856 Hiccocks, Thomas. Hicks, Mrs., of 12 July, 1858. Hickson, Samuel. 9 April, 1872. , Thomas. 7 Nov. 1887. Higgs, Edward. 1 March, 1866. , Wm. Simonds. 26 April, 1830 Highley, Mr., jun. 5 Feb. 1856. Highmore, Nathaniel, 29 Aug. 1833 29 June, 1891. 17 April, 1809. Portland Place. 18 Jan. 1727. Seymour Street. Higley, J. R. 31 May, 1842. Hilditch, Edward. 29 May, 1805. Hildyard, Thomas Blackborne Thoro- ton. 18 June, 1889 ; 22 April, 1895. Hill, Mr. 17 Feb. 1843. , E., Major. 21 Dec. 1892. •, Edward, Canon. 12 July, 1900. -, Francis Chorley. 27 June & 13 July, 1896. -, George, H.M. Ancient Serjeant- at-Law. 20 June, 1808. , Jere. 16 Nov. 1863. , John. 4 April, 1728. , Joseph. 4 March, 1730. , Justly. 13 Feb. 1854. , N. 10 Dec. 1856. -, Rowland, 3rd Viscount. See Thomas. 6 June, 1811 ; 10 March, 1841. , Thomas Noel, 2nd Baron Berwick. 15 July, 1817. , Walter. 1 Aug. 1808. , William Noel, 3rd Baron Ber- tvick. 26 April, 1843. Hillier, A. W. 1 Nov. 1897. j Hillmann, J. 7 Feb. 1831. j Hilton, John. 4 July, 1815. Hime and Addison, of Manchester. 29 Nov. 1869. Hime and Son, of Liverpool. 18 March. 1878. Hincks, Edward. 12 Nov. 1867. Hinde, Benjamin. 20 Jan. 1729. , William Henry FitzSimon. 25 Jan. 1886. Hindley, John Haddon. 4 March, 1793 ; 6 June, 1805. Hindmarsh, Thomas. 6 Nov. 1861. Hinds, William. 26 Jan. 1892. Hinton, J. T. 28 Feb. 1831 ; 6 April, 1832. Hiorne, Francis. 1791. Hip kins, Alfred James. 4 April, 1898. Hirst, John. 14 Dec. 1887. , R. A. H., Major. 15 March, 1888. Hoadley, Benjamin, Bishop of lVi)i- chester. 8 Feb. 1807. , Benjamin, M.D. 24 July, 1758. Hoare, Mr. 17 Dec. 1846. 2 I 482 INDEX Captai April, Julv, Hoare, Edward, 1884. , Prince. 12 Nov. 1840. , Sir Richard Colt. 30 1883 ; 9 Dec. 1887. Hobart, Thomas. 23 April, 1730. Hobbes, Thomas. 3 April, 1712. Hoblyn, Robert. 1769. 2 March, 1778. Hobnor, Charles Birkbeck. 12 Nov. 1861. Hobson, Wilham. 19 June, 1863. , William ColUng. 29 Nov. 1837. Hochepied, Baron de. 6 May, 1822. Hochepied Larpent, John Melville de, mh Baron. 30 Jan. 1895. Hocking, Dr., oj Twickenham. 13 Jan. 1858. Hockley, Frederick. 6 April, 1887. Hodges, Charles, oj Frankjorl. 18 Dec. 1848. , Christopher. 23 March, 1814. , Edward, Mus. Doc. 4 July, 1864. , George B. C. 17 April, 1894. , Henry, Rev. 16 Dec. 1870. , W. R. 9 Mav, 1864. M. , William. 23" Feb. 1703. Hodgkin, Thomas. 19 Nov. 1867. Hodgkinson, Sampson. 17 Nov. 1886. Hodgson, Mr. 29 April, 1698. , Charles, Rev. 26 Nov. 1846. , John, Q.C. 12 Dec. 1849. , John, Rev. 22 March, 1871. , Joseph Stordey. 2 March, 1885. , Richard, Rev. 25 May, 1859. , Wilham, F.R.S. 1 March, 1824. HodsoU, Edward. 8 Aug. 1826. M. Hody, Edward. 1761. Hoel, Will. See Howell. Hogard, Thomas. 6 July, 1819. Hogg, James, and Sons. 14 April, 1863. , Robert, F.L.S. 3 Nov. 1897. , Thomas Jefferson. 25 April, 1889. Hoguette, Harduin Fortin de la. ► Fortin de la Hoguette. Holbein, Thomas. 8 May, 1865. Holborn, R. M. 26 Jan. 1893. Holcroft, Thoma'i. 13 Jan. 180, 17 Oct. 1809. Sec Holden, Hubert Ashton. 2 July, 1883 ; 25 May, 1897. , John. 29 Dec. 1891. Holding, John Carter. 17 Jan. 1895. Holford, Charles. 15 Nov. 1838 ; 13 May & 9 Aug. 1839. Holgate, William. 8 June, 1846. Holland, Edward, Rev. 2 July, 1891. , Henry. 23 July, 1860. , Henry Edward, Uh Baron. See Fox. ■ , Sir John, Bart. 1729. , Lancelot. 23 July, 1860. , Stephen, 2nd Baron. See Fox. , Sir Wilham. 1729. Holies, John, Zrd Duke oj Newcastle. 2 March, 1719. , Thomas Pelham, \st Duke oj Newcastle. 1770. Holliday, Hon. George H. 10 Oct. 1870. Hollier, John. 2 May, 1727. HoUingsworth, Arthur G. H. 20 March, 1860. , John Banks. 2 June, 1856. Hollis, Thomas. 22 April, 1817. , Thomas Brand. 22 April, 1817. Hollond, Robert. 5 Dec. 1890. Holloway, Thomas. 6 July, 1864 ; 30 March & 2 May, 1868. , W. WiUiams. 13 Aug. 1879. Holljrvvood, John. 27 Nov. 1895. Holme, Bryan. 28 June, 1865. M. Holmer, Mr. 7 July, 1847. Holmes, — , Rev. 26 Julv, 1842. M. , George. 21 Dec. 1749. M. , James Parke. 29 May, 1828. , John, F.S.A. 18 Oct. 1841; 22 March, 1842. , John, oj the British Museum. 15 June, 1854. , L. T. 24 June, 1813. , Peter, Rev. 16 June, 1879. , Thomas. 15 Oct. 1863. Holt, Henry Frederic. 5 July, 1871. Holt-White, Algernon. 5 April, 1881. . Thomas. 5 April, 1881. Holygato, Mr. 28 Nov. 1831. Homer, Henry. Jan. 1792. Homfray, John. 28 Nov. 1803. M. Hone, William. 22 Feb. 1827 ; 25 Feb. 1843. Honywood, Wm. Philip. 4 April, 1898. Hood. Edwin Paxton. 5 Feb. 1886. , William. 7 July, 1834. INDEX 483 Hook, James. 30 Jan. 1874. Hooke, Rev. Mr. 1778. , Robert. 29 April, 1703. Hooker, Sir William. 29 April, 1856. Hope, Adrian. 16 April, 1896. , Henry P. 18 Feb. 1813. — — , James, M.D. 29 Oct. 1841. , John Adrian Louis, 1th Earl of Hopetoun. 25 Feb. 1889. , Thomas. 21 May, 1896. Hopkins, J. L., oj Rochester Cathe- dral. 30 Oct. 1873. , William. 10 Feb. 1701. Hopkinson, Arthur. 19 April, 1848. , WilUam, F.S.A. 29 May, 1867. Hopwood, William. 2 July, 1864. and Crew. 8 Feb. 1875 ; 24 March, 1875. Hornby, Charles. 10 Dec. 1739. , James. 23 April, 1900. Horncastle, Frederick. 6 JvUy, 1852. Home, Edmund Thomas Warren. 16 May, 1797 ; 8 Jan. 1810. , Thomas. 9 Nov. 1726. Horneck, General. 21 Oct. 1804. , Anthony. 15 April, 1697. Horneman, H. 21 Jan. 1817. Horner, Mr. 19 May, 1854. , Rev. Mr. 21 Jan. 1736. . Francis. 30 March, 1831. Horsley, Charles Edward. 16 April, 1862. , Samuel, Bishop oj St. Asaph. 4 May, 1807 ; 1 April, 1835. , William. 16 April, 1862. Horticultural Society. 2 May, 1859. Horwood, Alfred John. 8 June, 1883. Hoskyns, Chandos Wren. 24 April, 1877. Hotham, Henry John. 13 May, 1886. Hotten, John Camden. 19 Nov. 1868 ; 16 Nov. 1869 ; 10 & 24 Nov. & 17 Dec. 1873 ; 5 & 27 Jan., 23 Feb. & 23 April, 1874 ; 24 Feb. 1875. Hough, Ralph. [1699 ?] Houle, Joseph. 30 Nov. 1891. Houlston, Edward. 28 Oct. & 17 Dec. 1840 ; 1 May, 1841. How, Richard. 3 March, 1890. Howard, Charles, 11th Duke of Nor- folk. 28 Nov. 1816 ; 1 March, 1817 ; 3 Dec. 1821. — — , Lord Frederick. 6 Nov. 1728. , Henry. 22 June, 1898. Howard, Henry Charles, Earl of Suf- folk and Berkshire. 26 July, 1886. — , John, F.R.C.P. 5 June, 1809. , Thomas. 14 Nov. 1737. de Walden, Charles Augustus, 6th Lord. See Ellis. Howell, John. 27 May, 1872. , Wilham. 6 Nov. 1738. , WilHam, D.D. 7 Nov. 1681. Howes, Henry. 6 Aug. 1878. , Samuel B. 10 July, 1806. , Thomas. 20 Jan. 1815. Howlett, W. E., F.S.A. 1 June, 1887. Howley, Edward. 6 April, 1857. Howshall, Mr. 29 June, 1826. Hoyle, John. 14 Nov. 1692. ; Joseph, Rev. 17 April, 1871. Hudson, Henry. 22 March, 1852. , JaiTies. 17 Jan. 1860. • , WilUam. 1 Nov. 1894. Huett, Noah. 15 July, 1867. Hughes, Rev. Mr. 8 June, 1824. , Edward. 31 Oct. 1859. , John Newington. 29 Feb. 1848 ; 21 April, 1877. , Thomas Fiott. 5 June, 1890. , Thomas Smart. 31 Jan. 1848. ; William. 8 Nov. 1876. , Wilham R. 31 May, 1900. Hugo, Mrs. 17 Dec. 1881. -, Thomas, Rev. 8 Aug. 1877. Hull, Dr., of Manchester. 7 & 16 May, 1838. , Cliristopher. 1 March, 1815. Hullah, John. 20 Dec. 1860 ; 25 June, 1884. Hullmandell, Mr. 21 Nov. 1800. Hulme, Frederick Edward. 25 July, 1899. , Robert Thomas. 17 Aug. 1870. Hulse, R. 17 May, 1816. Humberston, Francis Mackenzie, Lord Seaforth. See Mackenzie. Humboldt, Friedrich Heim-ich Alex- ander von. Baron. 8 May, 1834 ; 5 Nov. 1863 ; 14 March, 1871. Humphreys, Cornelius. 23 April, 1770. , George. 11 Nov. 1762. , Samuel. [1736 ?] Humphries, Mr. 9 Feb. 1784. Humphry, John. 4 Dec. 1682. Hunt, Edward. 27 May, 1735. , George, Rev. 17 Dec. 1861. , John Mortimer. 10 July, 1899. 2 I 2 4NI INDEX Hunt, Robert, F.R.S. 7 Nov. I88S. , Stephen. 14 Jan. 1730. , Wm. Powell. 17 Dec. 1873; 18 June, 1879. Hunter, Mr. 9 Feb. 1801. Hunter, Francis Henry. 9 April, 1834. ^, John, 1 Feb. 1794; 18 Feb. 1799 ; 5 Feb. 1802 ; 4 Feb. 1805 ; 16 Jan. 1808 ; 2 Feb. 1813. , John, of Alount Severn. 9 May, 1842. •, Joseph, Rev. 19 Dec. 1861 ; 18 Juno, 1862. — , Wilhain. 23 Feb. 1816. Huntingdon, Robert, Bishop of Raphoe. 27 Jan. 1702. Hurd, Captain, R.N. 15 July, 1825. , Philip. 29 March, 1832. , Philip. 30 July, 1845 ; 24 May, 1848. Hurlbert, Mrs. K. 13 July. 1896. Hurst, John. 12 July, 1809. Hurt, Charles, o/ Worksworth, Dei-by- shire. 3 May, 1853. Husbands, J. 1738. Hushar, Peter. 18 Nov. 1685. Husk, William Henry. 7 Nov. it 7 Dec. 1887. Hussey, Christopher. 6 Oct. 1707. , Joseph. 3 April, 1728. , Richard Charles. 20 May, 1887. , Robert, D.D. 22 Jan. 1855. , Thomas, Bishop of Waterford. 7 Jan. 1805. Hutchings, R. S. 29 Dec. 1828. Hutchings and Romer. 19 May, 1884. Hutchins, Rev. Mr. 1774. Hutchinson, Cyril George. 25 April, 1888. — — , James, of Cowley Manor. 6 April, 1875. , Joshua H. 29 Feb. 1892. , Thomas. 13 Feb. 1770. Hutchison, Robert. 27 May, 1846. — — , Robert, of Commercial Road. 20 Dec. 1842. Huth, Charles Frederick. 6 June, 1895. Hutt, Charles, Bookseller. 13 May, 1889. Huttner, Johann Christian. 17 Feb. 1848. Hutton, Charles. 11 June, 1816; 1 April. 1835 ; 7 Aug. 1837. Hutton, Hugh, Rev. 10 June, 1872. , John. 22 Oct. 1764. , Joseph, Rev. 30 July, 1868. , Matthew, Archbishop of Canter- bury. 3 June, 1830. , Richard. 7 Jan. 1730. , Robert Rosseter, 4 July, 1888. Huxham, John, M.D. 29 Oct. 1838. Huxley, Thomas Henry. 30 March, 1896. Huxtable, John. 13 May, 1859. Huybers, Mr. 28 May, 1818. Huygens, Constantin. 31 Dec. 1701 ; 25 Feb. 1702. Hyacinthe, De Saint, Mr. See De Saint Hyacinthe. Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon. 9 April, 1764. , Edward, 3rd Earl of Clarendon. 9 April, 1764. — ■ — •, Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon. [1709 ?]M; 9 April, 1764. — — , Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon. [1709 ?] M. -, Henry, Major -General. 26 Oct. 1887. Ibbot, Henry. 3 Nov. 1817. Ibbott, Mr. 25 April, 1785. Impey, 6'irEhjah. 21 May, 1810. M. , John. 7 Aug. 1829. Ingall, Thomas. 27 May, 1863. Ingle, Thomas. 28 Feb. 1840. Ingleby, Clement Mansfield. 7 April, 1879. Inghs, Charles. 11 June, 1900. , John Bellingham. 12 April & 9 June, 1826 ; 31 July, 1871 ; 11 June, 1900. , Sir Robert Harry. 12 Nov. 1889. Inglish, Rev. Mr. 7 Dec. 1716. Ingram, Herbert, & Co. 3 Dec. 1855. Innes, George, Rev. 3 March, 1851. Jons, Augustus Davies. 15 Jan. 1829. Ireland, Miss. 4 Nov. 1898. , Alexander. 13 March, 1885. , John. 27 May, 1829. , Samuel. 7 May, 1801. , William Henry. 20 July, 1835. Iremonger, Mrs. E. 26 April, 1813. , Joshua. 8 April, 1805. , R. 28 June, 1817. INDEX 485 Irons, Wm. Josiah, D.D. 5 Dec. 1883. Ironside, Edmund. iO May, 1834. Irvine, Alexander. 19 Feb. 1781. Irving, John. 22 Feb. 1848. Isaacson, John Frederick, 7?er. 5 Jan. 1887. , Stephen. 30 May, 1849. Isham, Sir Charles. 15 July, 1874. Isreels, Joseph. 2 Oct. 1832. Isted, George. 24 May, 1809 ; 11 Fel). 1822. Itchener, Rev. Mr. 1772. Ives, John, F.E.S.. F.S.A . 3 March. 1777. M. , John, F.R.S., jun. 3 March, 1777. Ives and Swan. 12 April, 1851. July. July. Feb. 1814. Jack, Thomas Godfrey- 31 1889 ; 9 Feb. 1895 ; 27 1897. Jackson, Bookseller. 19 & 28 1840. , Charles. 18 March, 1898. , F. 13 July, 1896. , Francis James. 12 Dec. , John. 28 April, 1794. , John, Solicitor, oj Manchester. 25 Nov. 1891. -, John Cohen, Rev. 13 Dec. 1895. , Joseph, o/ Banner St., St. Luke's. 30 April, 1832. -, Sir Louis. 2 April, 1891. , R. G. 10 April, 1895. , Sir Richard Downes. 17 Dec. 1845. -, Samuel Percy. 1 June, 1899. — — , Seguin Henry. 20 Jan. 1817. , T. B. 29 Jan. 1900. -. Thomas, o/ Penrhyn. 16 Dec. 1808. , Thomas, Rev. 12 April, 1886. -, W. S. 16 May, 1883. Jacob, Edward. 13 Feb. 1789. — , Sir Hildebrand. 8 Feb. 1791. — ■ — , Joseph. Aug. 1737. Jacomb, Robert. 7 Juljs 1834. ; Thomas. 31 Oct. 1687. James, Captain, oj Greenwich. 1 Jan. 1835. , Mr. 1 June. 1848. , Charles. 25 March, 1819. , Edward. Canon oj Winchester. 23 Nov. 1854. James. Edward Woolford. 24 June, 1873. , John Burleigh. 21 June. 1869. — ■ — , John Thomas, Bishop oj Cal- cutta. 27 May, 1830. , Robert. 22 April, 1818. — — , Thomas. Rev. 8 March, 1880. , William, Rev. 8 March, 1876. Jameson. Dr., oj Cheltenham. 7 June, 1825. , Anna. 18 June, 1861 ; 16 July, 1894. Jamieson, John. 3 May, 1839. , AVilliam. Rev. 7 June, 1870. Jarett, Thomas. 16 Oct. 1837. Jarman, John Boykett. 17 May, 1859 ; 13 June, 1864. Jarvis. John William, and Son. 1 Nov. 1893. Jeacocke, Caleb. 28 April, 1786. Jeane, Mr. 7 Nov. 1842. Jeans, Edward. 8 June, 1863. Jebb, John. 1787. , John, D.D. 10 Dec. 1886. , Sir Richard. 1 Feb. 1788. Jee, William. 1 June, 1803. Jeffery. Mr., Solicitor. 7 Dec. 1842. — , Bartholomew. 21 Aug. 1764. Jeffreys, Julius. 4 June. 1874. Jeffs, ".Ifr. 20 Aug. 1867. , William. 25 Feb. 1848. Jekvll. Joseph, F.R.S. 4 March, 1842. ; Sir Joseph. 26 Feb. 1739 M ; 21 Jan. 1740. Jenkins, Miss, oj Ciijtoti. 27 June. 1859. , Joseph John. 2 Jvily, 1885. Jenkinson, John Simon, Rev. 1 June, 1872. , Robert Henry. 8 June, 1857. Jenks, David, Rev. 21 Jan. 1870. Jemier, Thomas. 6 Dec. 1768. Jennings, Hargrave. 2 Dec. 1880 ; 16 April, 1885. , James. 6 Fel). 1834. , Thomas. 17 Nov. 1684. Jephson, Rev. Mr. 23 Aug. 1768. Jepson, Graham. 7 Jan. 1812. Jerdon, Thomas Caverliill. 14 Jan. 1873 ; 20 March, 1874. Jermyn, James. 19 Nov. 1849. Jerrold, Douglas. 26 Aug. 1859. .Jersey, 7//; Ea?-! oj. See Villiers. 486 INDEX Jervoise, Francis IMichael Ellis. 15 April, 1899. Jesse, Edward. 30 Nov. 1868. , John, F.R.S. 11 March, 1890. Jessop. Thomas, D.D. 16 June, 1864. Jett, Thomas. 15 Feb. & 11 May, 1731. Jewell, Joseph Henry, o/ Great Rus- sell Street. 8 Aug. 1866. Johns, William, Rev. 7 April, 1846. Johnson, Rev. Mr. 18 March, 1740. , Alexander. 20 June, 1800. , J. M. W. 15 Dec. 1868. , Jolin Mordaunt. 2 June, 1817. — — , Manuel John. 27 May, 1862. , Maurice. 21 March, 1898. , Richard. 3 Dec. 1807. , Samuel. 16 Feb. 1785. , Thomas. 11 Dec. 1894. , William Moore. 2 Sept. 1850. Johnston, D. M. 10 July & 1 2 Aug. 1863. , Pelham. 27 Jan. 1768. Johnstone, James. 16 April, 1810. , Richard, Lieutenant. 30 July. 1900. Joliffe, Robert. 5 April, 1853. JoUey, Thomas. 20 Feb. & 9 June, 1843 ; 15 March & 10 June, 1844 ; 23 June, 1851 ; 15 June, 1852 ; 18 May, 1853 ; 16 Jan. 1855. Jolliffe, Lewis. 13 April, 1859. Jollv, Thomas. 24 March, 1825. Joly, Jasper Robert. 2 March, 1891 ; 2*7 May, 1895. Joly vet. Monsieur. 19 Dec. 1727. Jones, Mr., oj Chelsea. 12 April, 1803. , Rev. Mr., oj Isleworth. 12 Nov. 1739. , Anna Maria, Lady. 19 May, 1831. , Edward, Bard to the Kinq. 20 March, 1823 ; 9 Feb. 1824 ; 7 Feb. 1825. , Edward, Rev., oj Bistre. 2 May, 1877. , Ellis. 1 Feb. 1786. , G. N. 28 Nov. 1857. , Griffith Morgan. 24 Aug. 1809. , Henry ("Cavendish"). 21 May, 1900. , J., oj Worcester. 17 Aug. 1699. , J. W. 16 Aug. 1886. , Jezreel. 1 Feb. 1737. , John, LL.D. 9 April, 1827. Jones, John, oj Exeter. 21 June, 1822. , John, Rev., oj Birmingham. 14 May, 1861. , John Madgwick. 10 July, 1832. , Joseph, Editor oj the Encyclo- paedia Londinensis. 13 March, 1839. , Owen. 10 April, 1875. , Rich. 30 April & 6 Nov. 1723. , Richard, oj Belqrave Square. 24 Nov. 1851. , Vvich., Projessor. 16 July, 1855. , Rich. Lambert. 7 Sept. 1865. , Robert, Rev., oj Rotherhithe. 12 Jan. 1880. , Thomas Heron, Viscount Rane- laqh. 19 July, 1886. , William, Historian. 16 Feb. & 31 July, 1827. , William, oj North-End, Fulham. 6 July, 1837. , Sir William. 19 May, 1831. Jordan and Manwell. 2 & 21 Dec. 1807. Jortin, John. Feb. 1771. Joseph, Edward. 17 April, 1894. Jowers, Alfred. 25 Oct. 1897. Joy, Francis. 8 Nov. 1844. , Frederic AValker, Rev. 27 May, 1887. , Henry Hall. 26 & 27 Nov. 1840 ; 11 March, 1843. Joyce, Fehx. 12 July, 1865. Judkin, Thos. James. 24 Jan. 1872. Junot, Andoche, Duke oj Abrantes. 19 June, 1816 ; 26 March, 1817. Jupp, Richard Webb. 13 Dec. 1852. Justice, William. oj Hingham. 25 March, 1780. M. Kalergi, John. 17 Aug. 1863. Kahsch, Marcus, P7i.D. 18 Nov. 1885. Kane, James Percy. 5 Feb. 1897. Kanmacher, Fred. 17 May, 1804. Kavanagh, Juha. 8 Nov. 1899. Kay, Mrs. R. L. 6 May, 1897. Kean, Charles. 23 June, 1898. Keane, Wilham, Rev. 9 Dec. 1873. Keate, George. 23 June, 1800. , Sir William. 1 Aug. 1757. Keats, Joseph Henry. 23 July, 1850. Keegan, J. 5 March. 1852. Keightley, John. 16 Jan. 1726. INDEX 487 Keill, John. 21 Nov. 1727. Keith, Francis Mouat. 1 April & 1 July, 1819. Kelly. William, F.S.A. 8 Feb. 1895. Kelsall, Charles. 1 July, 1831. Kemble, Charles. 16 May, 1838. , John Phihp. 26 Jan. 1821. Kemp, John Charles, i?e?'. 17 April. 1883. Kempe, Alfred John. 20 July & 31 Aug. 1837. — — , William. 15 Feb. 1798. Kempthorne, John. 2 Nov. 1738. Kendall, John. 9 March, 1865. Kendon, Francis. 16 June, 1684. Kenealy, Edward Vaughan Hyde, LL.D. 29 July, 1880. Kennard, Coleridge J. 6 June, 1895. Kennedy, E. Sherard. 12 March, 1894. , James, M.D. 11 Dec. 1851. — — , John. 30 April, 1760. , Thomas. 27 March, 1872. , Thomas Stuart. 30 July, 1895. Kennet, White, Bishop of Peter- borough. 29 May, 1865. Kennett, Richard James. 31 Aug. 1840. Kennicott, Benjamin. 1784. Kenrick, Jarvis, Rev. 17 April, 1839; 4 Nov. 1880. , John, Rev. 20 Jan. 1879. Kent, Rev. Mr. 17 May, 1736. , J. H. 24 Oct. 1825. Kenton, John. 22 March, 1716. Kenyon, John G. 27 March, 1890. ; T. G. 17 July, 1860. Ker, David Stewart, 3f.P. 8 March. 1847 M ; 1 Feb. & 15 June, 1848 M ; 7 May, 1849 M. , John, 3rd Duke of Roxburqhc. 18 May, 1812. Kermack, John W. S. 13 Nov. 1899. Kemon, Joshua. 17 May, 1809. Kernot, Henry. 26 March, 1839. Kerrick, Richard Edward, Rev. 18 July, 1873. Kerry, "ird Earl of. See FitzMaurice. Kershaw, John. 9 July. 1877. Ketleby, Walter. 30 Oct. 1707. Kettle, John L. 29 Nov. 1837. Kew, Alfred. 17 Aug. 1887. Kidd, Wilham. 20 March, 1867. Kidner, Thomas. 6 Feb. 1677. Kilborn, Robert. 18 April, 1732. Kilburn, Thomas. 2 Dec. 1830. Kilgour, T. 25 Nov. 1819. Kimpson, Thomas. 7 Jan. 1730. Kimpton, Benjamin. 7 Nov. 1862. King, Colonel. 15 March, 1870. , Benjamin Bushell. 14 Oct. 1836. , Sir Edmund. 28 Nov. 1709. . Edward, F.R.S. 1 Feb. T& 14 March, 1808. , Edward, F.S.A. (Scot.). 30 July, 1894. ; J. K. 9 Feb. 1895. , James, Singer. 15 Oct. 1878. , John. 15 Dec. 1815. , John Glen. 11 Feb. 1788. ^— , Joseph Charles. 13 Nov. 1854. , Kelburne. 9 May, 1888. , Thomas, of Drury < Lane Theatre. 5 June, 1806. , Thomas, of Farnham, Surrey. Feb. 1773. s .Walter, of Paisley. 2 TDec. 1890. Kiughorn, Joseph. See Kingshorn. Kingius, Gasp. 9 Feb. 1703. Kingsborough, Viscount. See King- Tenison. Kingseley, G. 12 Nov. 1739. ivingshorn, Joseph. 19 Oct. 1833 ; 9 Feb. 1836. King-Tenison, Edward, Viscount Kingsborough. 1 Nov. 1842. M. Kinnard, Robert. 29 Oct. 1802. , WiUiam. 17 April. 1822 ; 9 Jan. 1840. Kipling, Alice, Mrs. 26 Feb. 1900. Kippis, Andrew. 6 April, 1796 ; 15 May, 1799. Kirby, William, Rev. 7 Aug. 1850. Kirgate, Thomas. 3 Dec. 1810. Kirke, Rev. Mr. 31 Oct. 1717. Kirkpatrick, George. 15 May, 1839. Kirkvip, Seymour, Baron, of Florence. 6 Dec. 1871. Kitchiner, William. 6 Feb. 1809 ; 10 July, 1827 ; 14 Dec. 18.38. Kitto, John. 5 March & 31 May, 1855. Kloss, Georg Franz Burkhard. 7 May & 27 Nov. 1835 ; 18 June, 1841. Knapp, Robert. 26 Feb. 1803. Knatchbull, Sir Norton. 22 June, 1698. Knibb and Langridge. 16 July, 1828. 4flewel]yn, Henry. Lloyd, Mr 1831 ; : 1843. 17 May, 1886. Choral Society 17 June, 1831. 10 Mav, 1828 ; 24 Jan. Feb. "^1833 : 14 Aue. Lloyd, Charles, Bishop oj Oxjord. 7 July & 3 Aug. 1829. , Charles, oj CJirist Church, Oxjord. 18 June, 1862. — , H. E. 14 May, 18.50. , Henry Robert. 21 April, 1880. , John, Bishop oj St. David's. 6 Fel). 1699. , John,LL.D. 15 Jan. 1816. M. , John, oj North Alimms. 3 Dec. 1683. , John, Rector oj Tothill. 5 July, 1810. , Nicholas. 4 July, 1681. , Philip, Dean oj Norwich. Jan. 1792. •, Thomas. 26 June, 1799. , Thomas. 8 July, 1819 ; 6 Dec. 1820. , Thomas. 7 & 9 May, 1840. Llwyd, E. 6 April, 1807. Lol)b, Mr. 12 Jan. 1768. Lock, WiUiam. 3 April, 1821 Locke, Wilham. 28 June, 1837. Locker, William. 24 April, 1801. Lockhart, John Gibson. 4 June, 1856. Lockyer, Edmund Leopold. 26 July, 1843. , J. George. 15 Dec. 1887. Loddy, Air. 18 Aug. 1865. Lodge, Edmund. 11 March, 1839. Lodington, George. 16 May, 1768. Lofft, Capel. 8 June, 1825. Loftie, William John. 24 Fell. 1873. Lomax, Thomas George. 9 June, 1873. Lombe, Thomas. 10 Feb. 1801. Lomenie, Francois, Bishop oj Cout- ance. 28 April, 1724. , Louis Henry de, Count de Brienne. 28 April, 1724. London, Charles John, Bishop oj. See Blomfield. , Edmund, B. oj. See Gibson. , George. 22 March, 1714. , John, B. oj. See Randolph. , Robert, Bp. oj. See Lowth. — — , Thomas, Bp. oj. See Hayter. Londonderry, 1st Earl oj. 27 March, 1732. Long, Rev. Mr. 12 Jan. 1719. , Charles. 11 Nov. 1813. Longe, Robert, Rev. 7 Aug. 1890. INDEX 491 Longley, Charles Thomas, Archbisho]) of Canterbury. 10 Dec. 1868. Longman, Browii, Green and Long- man. 4 June, 1849. Longmate, Barak. 10 March, 1794. Lonsdale, Christopher. 28 March & 21 May, 1878. , John, Bishop of Lichfield. 30 March, 1868. , Prudentia. 5 Nov. 1897. Lord, Rev. Mr. Nov. 1737. , Charles Frewen. 31 Oct. 1864. Lort, Michael. 5 April & 26 May, 1791. Loscombe, Clifton Wintringham. 19 June, 1854. Louis [Bonaparte], King of Holland. 22 Nov. 1847. Lousada, A. B., ATiss. 24 March, 1834. Love, George. 9 March, 1837. , R. H. 12 Nov. 1889. Loveden, Pryse. 14 March, 1859. Lovie, John. 20 May, 1808. Low, Mrs. H. 4 Jan. 1833. ^— , James. 23 May, 1850. Lowdham, Lewis AUsopp. 27 Feb. 1836. Low^e, Frederic Pyndar, Rev. 5 Feb. 1873. ■ , Sir Hudson. 1 May, 1844. , Richard Thomas, i?ef. 21 June, 1875. Lowndes, Henry. 7 Nov. 1843. , William. 10 Jan. 1776. , William, 1st Commissioner of the Board of Excise. 29 Jan. 1829. Lowsley, Luke. 19 July, 1894. Lowth, Robert, Bishop of London. 15 Jan. 1823. , Robert, Prebend, of St. Patil's. 15 Jan. 1823. Lowthorp, John. 27 Feb. 1728. Luard, Henry Richards, Z).Z). 16 Nov. 1891. Lubbock, Richard. 20 June, 1810. Lucas, Charles, Principal, R.A.M. 30 June, 1869. Lucca, Tomaso de. 18 July, 1825. Lucombe, Thomas. 4 June, 1832. Luders, Alexander. 18 May, 1820. Ludlam, William. 1790. Lumby, Joseph Rawson. 7 Dec. 1896. Lunn, John Robert. 25 July, 1899. , W. H. 13 Jan. 1802 ; 21 Nov. 1811 ; 3 July, 1816. Lushington, Charles. 14 March, 1867. Lutz, George. 25 Aug. 1828. Lyall, William Rowe, Dean of Canter- bury. 15 June, 1857. Lycence, William. 13 Dec. 1710. Lye, Edward. Feb. 1773. — — , John Gaunt. 11 July, 1899. , Thomas. 17 Nov. 1084. Lynde, W. J. 12 March, 1833. Lyndhurst, 1st Baron. See Copley. Lyne, Matthew. 29 Nov. 1745. Lyon, Mr. 27 Nov. 1807. — — , David. 3 Feb. & 4 May, 1730. and Hall, of Briqhton. 24 Nov. 1886. Lysons, Daniel. 17 March. 1828 ; ■3 Nov. 1834. , Samuel. 5 June, 1820 ; 14 Feb. 1849. , Samuel, Rev. 12 July, 1880 ; 31 May & 15 June, 1882.' Lyte, Hemy Francis. 26 May, 1843 ; 18 Dec. 1846 ; 20 Dec. 1848 ; 4 July, 1849 ; 6 June, 1851. , John Walker Maxwell. 4 July, 1849. Lytton, Rosina, afterwards Bulwer- Lytton, Baroness. See Bulwer. M****. Comte de. 25 April, 1881. MacAlpine, Wm. Hy. 23 July, 1896. Macan, Turner. 1 Dec. 1838.' MacArthur, John. 6 May, 1831. Macaulay, George. 18 Dec. 1766. — — , George, Rev. 31 March, 1896. , Thomas Babington, Baron Macaulay. 4 March, 1863. Macbride, John David. 22 Nov. 1877. MacCarthy, Denis Florence, Barrister. 20 June, 1805 ; 5 Aug. 1881. Macclesfield, 2/id Earl of. See Parker. MacConkey, Andrew, Rev. 14 Feb. 1872. MacCulloch, Thomas. 1 Aug. 1832. MacDonald, Major. 11 Aug. 1847; 23 June, 1848. M. , Fitzherbert. 10 Feb. 1898. , Sir James. 16 May, 1833. Macdouah, Charles. 20 Feb. 1884. Maceuen, James. 17 March. 1725. Macfarlan, Robert. 3 Dec. 1804. MacGouan, John, F.R.S. Edin. 13 May, 1803. MacGowan, John, Rev. 31 Jan. 1826. 192 INDEX Alackay, Andrew. 9 Feb. 1810. -, Charles. 19 Dec. 1877. Mackenzie, Colin. 28 Feb. ISrAi. , Colin, Major. 25 Nov. 1890. , Francis Humberston, Lord Seajorth, Baron Mackenzie of Kin- tail. 1815; 3 May, 1816. , John Mansfield. 11. March, 1889. , Robert Jeffrey. 11 Jan. 1899. , Hon. Stuart. 15 May, 1800. Mackinlay, Mr. 10 Dec. 1805. , John. 15 June, 1812. -, T. G., F.S.A. 12 July. 18(i(). Mackintosh, jSir James. 6 Nov. 1832. Mackrell, Wm. Thomas. 5 June, 1867. MacMahon, Sir Thomas We.stropp. 22 Feb. 1897. MacNiven, Charles Mannoir. Rev. 5 July, 1894. Macpher.son, Francis, Bookfteller. 16 Jan. 1862. Macro, Cox. Feb. 1820. Macrone, John. 14 Feb. 1839 : 7 Jan. 1841 ; 7 March, 1842. INIacWilliam, James Ormiston, M.D. 2 July, 1862. Madden, Sir Frederic. 29 June, 1867; 7 Aug. 1873. — ■ — , George. 3 Aug. 1829. , Richard Robert. 20 Nov. 1865. Maddison, John. 6 March, 1809. Maddox, George. 1 Dec. 1843. Madox. Erasmus. 14 Jan. 1846. , Thomas. 6 Feb. 1728. Magens, John Dorrien. 4 April, 1865. Maggioni, S. Manfredo. 30 Mav, 1867. Magliabechi, Antonio. 8 May, 1722. Magniac, Hollingword. 16 July, 1892. Maidment, James. 22 May, 1869. Main, Alexander. 10 April, 1893. , Robert. 6 May, 1879. Mainstone, James. 28 April, 1800. Mainwairing, Joseph. 5 Feb. 1800. Mainwaring, Arthur. 4 Feb. 1713. Maitland, John, Duke oj Lauderdale. 30 Oct. 1688 ; 28 Oct. 1689 ; 14 & 27 May, 1690; 26 March, 1691 ; 25 Jan. 1692. — . Samuel Roffey. 29 April, 1850 ; 1 Aug. 1866. Maittaire, Michael. 21 Nov. 1748 ; 9 Jan. 1749. Majendie, Henry Lewis, Rev. 1 1 May, 1863. Major, John. 3 March, 1837. , John Richardson, D.Z>. 26 Nov. 1866. — , Joseph. 6 Feb. 1829. Makellar, William, Rev. 7 Nov. 1898. Malcolm, John George, Master oj the Grown Office. 28 Nov. 1872. Malkin, Benjamin Heath. 22 March, 1828. Mall, John. 10 Nov. 1755. Mallet, David. 10 March, 1766. , Robert. 12 Feb. 1877. Malone, Edmond. 26 Nov. 1818. Malta College. 28 May, 1866. Maltby, William. 31 Jan. 1855. Mandey, Venterus. 15 March, 1714. Mangles, Alfred, Rev. 13 April, 1891. Manley, William. 8 July, 1824. Mann, Nicholas. 25 July, 1754. Manners, George, F.S.A. 14 June, 1870; 8 July, 1878; 20 May, 1880 ; 27 Nov. 1890. Manning, Charles Robertson, Canon. 20 July, 1899. Mansel, Henry Longueville, Dean oJ St. PauVs. 17 Jan. 1872. Mansfield, Sir James. 6 March, 1822. , Louisa, Countesfi oj. See Murray. Manton, Thomas. 25 March, 1678. Mapleson, James Henry. 14 March & 28 May, 1888. Mapplebeck, Thomas. 1 June, 1891 ; 24 April & 3 May, 1893. March, Mr. 17 Julj-, 1717. Marchant, Nathaniel. 14 Dec. 1816. Marchetti, J.,o/T;/r('». 27 Nov. 1876. Marchmont. See Campbell. I\Iark, Heriricus Hadrianus van der. 2 April, 1728. Market Bo^worth Grammar School. 13 Aug. 18 7. Markham, Robert. 1788. , Robert, Archdeacon. 26 Feb. 1838. Markland, James Heywood. 1 1 June, 1859 ; 29 May, 1865. Marks, Joseph. 23 [28] Jan. 1807. Marlborough, Dukes oj. See Churchill. Marochetti, Carlo, Baron. 27 July, 1868. Marriott, Wharton Booth. 17 Feb. 1873. INDEX W^y Marsden, Maurice Howard. 28 July, 1899. Marsh, Charles. 1 Feb. 1816. , Herbert, Rev. 11 Jan. 1853. — — , John Fitchett. 20 Dec. 1880 ; 12 May, 1882. , Narcissus, Archbishop oj Armagh. 8 May, 1838. , Thomas Orlebar. 15 May & 3 Aug. 1832. Marsh's Library, Dublin. 8 May, 1838. Marshall, Edward. 5 March, 1724. , Frank A. 30 June, 1890 , John, Rev., Chaplain to the Prince of Wales. 16 May, 1808. ■, John, Rector of Finchley. 18 April, 1732. , John, Rector of St. George the Martyr. 24 Jan. 1732. , Julian. 25 April, 1870 ; 26 June & 29 July, 1884. — — , William, Rev. 30 May, 1864. — — , Wm., Solicitor. 14 Jan. 1891. Marsham, Charles, ind Earl of Romney. 18 March, 1813. Martin, de. Count, oj Milan. 10 Aug. 1871. , Byam. 20 June, 1870. , C. 28 Jan. 1807. , Edward Wenman. 9 May, 1853. , Emmanuel. 3 Feb. 1730. , George Wm. A. 16 Dec. 1875. , H. W. 26 March, 1888. , John. 7 April, 1856. , Robert. 18 Jan. 1892. , Samuel. 1790. , T. 24 April, 1811. , Thomas. 28 April, 1773. , Waldyve, Alexander Hamilton. 19 March, 1888. , William, D.D. 17 April, 1788. Martineau, Joseph. 18 Jan. 1864. , Philip. 5 July, 1875. Martini, John Christoph. 28 Jan. 1734. Martyn, Serjeant -at -Laiv. 16 Feb. 1809. , John. 21 July, 1768. , Lomax. 14 Aug. 1759. , Martha. 12 Nov. & 3 Dec. 1829. , Robert. 19 Feb., 1734. , Thomas, Regius Projessor. 6 Dec. 1827. Maskell, William. 30 Aug. 1848 ; 19 May, 1854 ; 26 Feb. 1891. Maskelyne, Nevil. 27 May, 1811 r 1 April, 1835 ; 7 Aug. 1837. Mason, Mr. 16 May, 1871. , Rev. Dr. 1772. — , A. J. 19 July, 1856. , Edward. 2 March, 1797. -, G. E. 13 & 27 Nov. A- 12 Dec. 1860 ; 15 Jan. 1896. , George. 24 Jan., 16 May & 27 Nov. 1798 ; 25 April. 1799 ; 20 Jan. 1807. , Hy. Brookland. 28 Jan. 1868. , M. 31 Aug. 1848. , Philip. 10 Feb. 1732. , Philip, M.A. 8 June, 1691. , W. H., oj Chichester. 2 May.. 1844. , William. 1 July, 1850. , William Monck. 30 Jan. 1834 ;: 4 June, 1852 ; 29 March, 1858. , William Shaw. 24 Nov. 1830_ Massauve, Monsieur. 1 Feb. 1688. Massingham, Joseph. 15 Jan. 1830. Masson, Elizabeth, Miss. 31 July,. 1876. Massy, Edward Taylor. 3 Dec. 1883.. Masters, William. 12 Feb. 1736. Mather, Cotton. 10 Aug. 1883. Mathers, Edward P. 4 April, 1900; Mathews, Charles. 19 Aug. 1835. Mathews, Elkin,. and Lane, John. 16 May, 1895. Mathias, Thomas James. 6 April,. 1820 ; 19 June, 1837. Mathisson, Robert. 24 Jan. 1739. Mathon, John Alexis. 1 May, 1827. Matignon, George Augustus de,. Bishop oj Lisieux. 5 Dec. 1726. Maton, Wm. George. 21 May, 1835. Matthews, Arthur. 21 Dec. 1840. Maty, Matthew. 17 Aug. 1777. Maucotel, Charles. 28 Aug. 1860. Maudslay, Henry. 2 June, 1875. Maunder, Samuel. 3 Oct. 1849. Maunoir, Projessor. 18 Dec. 1846. Maurice, Thomas. 8 Jan. 1825. Mauzy, Samuel. 27 March, 1805. Mayor, William Fordyke. 25 Jan.. 1853. Mawley, Thomas Robert. 18 July,. 1844. Maxwell, Henry, 1th Baron Farnham.. 28 June, 1869. 4!I4 INDEX May, John, oj Blackheath. 10 Nov. 185(i. , Robert Charles. 2 July, 1891. Mayans y Sisctir, Gregorio. 10 March 6 25 June, 1829. Mayer, Joseph, F.S.A. 19 & 20 July, 1887. Mayhew, Irenppus. 17 Dec. 1835. , Sam. Martin. 25 May, 1898. Maynard, Henry, 3rd Viscount May- nard. 11 June, 1829. , John. 13 June, 1087. -— , John, Rev. 18 Feb. 1878. , Samuel. 7 Jan. 1803. Mayiie, Fred. Otway. 7 Jan. 1884. Mayo, Charles. 15 May, 1815. Mayor, Joseph Bickersteth. 4 March, 1867. Mead, James. 12 Dec. 1708. • , Richard, M.D. 18 Nov. 1754 ; 7 April, 1755 ; 1 Aug. 1783. , Richard, oj Albemarle Street. 18 April, 1704. Mealey, R. R. Parry. 1 July, 1870. Mearne, Ch&rles, Bookseller. 26 Jan., 17 & 22 Feb. 1687. Medical and Chirurgical Societv. 31 July, 1817. Medlock, Henry. 21 April, 1875. Medwin, Sidney. 25 April, 1898. Meek, George, Major. 15 Feb. 1884. Meen, Henry. 17 March, 1817. Meggot, Richard. Nov. 1093. Meigh, Charles. 25 Feb. 1831 ; 19 July, 1855; 23 Feb. 18-50; 26 June, 1861. Mein, Charles. 23 March, 1730. Meldriun, John. 3 July, 1854. Melfort, 1st Earl oj. S^(/' Samuel Rusli. 20 July, 1871. Meysey-Thompson, Sir Hy. 28 April, 1887. Michell, Matthew. 29 April, 1818. Mickleborough, John. 8 Nov. 1756. Middleton, Dr. 18 March, 1765. , Benjamin. 23 Nov. 1730. , Conyers. 4 March, 1751. , John. 2 Nov. 1885. , John Henry. 26 April, 1897. , Thomas Fanshawe, Bishop of Calcutta. 27 Jan. 1825. Migliorucci, Joseph Mark Innocent. 24 Jan. 1716. Milborne, John. 22 March, 1736. Milbourn, Luke. 14 Nov. 1720. ^Mildest, William Van, Bishop oj Durham. See Van Mildest. Miles, Richard. 18 Feb. 1820. ^— , William. 17 Dec. 1861. Mill, Adiel. 9 Feb. 1691. , Baron Browne. 1 1 March, 1 884. Millan, John. 1784. Millard, Mr. 24 Jan. 1838. — ■ — , James Elwin, Canon Chester. 25 Nov. 1890 ; 1895. Miller, Alfred. 5 Oct. 1831. , Fiennes Sanderson. 1803. , Gavin. 15 May, 1795. — — , John, Q.C. 16 Feb 23 June, 1847. , John Cale, Canon. 11 1880. , Joseph. 10 Jan. 1829. , Phillip. 12 April, 1774. , Rowland. 14 Ych. 1870. , T. F., oj Bath. 9 June, 1848. ; Wm., Bookseller. 1095 & 1696. , Wm., Bookseller. 2() Jan. 1887. , Wm., oj Upper East Smithfield. 18 Jan. 1859. -, Sir Wm., Lord Glenlee. 18 Jan. 1853. oj li'm- 10 July, 9 Nov. 1842 Nov INDEX 495 Miller, Wm. Henry. 29 June, 1854. Milles, Jeremiah. 10 & 25 April, 1843. Millichope Park. 22 July, 189(3. Milligan, Joseph. 6 Nov. 1884. Millingen, James. 25 June, 1849. Millington, Edward. 10 Jan. 1704; 19 Feb. & 23 April, 1705. Mills, Abraham. 4 Aug. 1828. , Charles. 28 Nov. 1817. , Edmund James. 25 July, 1899. ^— , Edward. March, 1748. M. , George Galwey. 24 Feb. 1800. , Walter. 9 June, 1726. Milman, Robert, Bishop oj Calcutta. 15 Feb. 1877. Milner, Mr. 15 Dec. 1814. , Charles. 9 May, 1837. , J. 8 April, 1845. , John. 18 May, 1829. , John, Rev. 4 April, 1715. , Joseph. llNov. 1751; 12Nov. 1753. Milnes, James. 12 Feb. 1740 Milward, Thomas. 1784. Miranda, Francisco de. 22 July, 1828 ; 20 April, 1833. Missenden Abbey. 5 Dec. 1774. Mitchel, John. 7 Nov. 1769. Mitchell, Dr. 10 Aug. 1803. , Mr. 9 Dec. 1839. , Archibald. 12 Dec. 1862. , CharJes. 18 Feb. 1829. , Joseph, M.D. 16 Oct. 1839. , Thomas. 18 April, 1861. — , WiUiam. 17 Dec. 1849. Mitford, John, Rev. 17 Dec. 1859 ; 24 April & 9 July, 1860. Mivart, St. George. 9 July, 1873. Moeller, Dr. 7 Dec. 1819. Moginie, N. C. 23 June, 1863. Moir, H. Allen. 3 July, 1899. Moland, Richard. 1798. Molesworth, Sir Lewis. 8 March, 1897. Moller, Dr. See Moeller. Molyneux, Samuel. 20 Jan. 1730. Moncrief, William Welwood. 1 & 15 Oct. 1803. Mondidier, Count. 15 Dec. 1851. Monier- Williams, Sir Monier. 29 Jan. 1900, Monkhouse, Rev. Dr. 10 Dec. 1823. , Joseph. 12 Jan. 1829. Monoux, Sir Philip. 12 May, 1814. Monro, John. 23 April, 1792. Monson, Frederick John, 5ih Baron Monson. 14 May, 1889. Montagu, Charles, \st Earl oJ Halijax. 28 Nov. 1760. , Charles. Zrd Earl oJ Halifax. 11 March, 1740. , Edward Wortley. 23 April, 1798. , James. 27 April, 1798. , John. 20 May, 1895. Montagu Family. 15 April, 1872. Montague-Dunk, George, 2n.d Earl oj Halifax. 21 Nov. 1806 ; 20 July, 1808. Monteage, Stephen. 27 Jan. 1768. Monterasi, Lorenzo. 14 March, 1867. Montgomery, Robert, Rev. 28 March, 1856. Montino, Senor. 6 Dec. 1877. Montresor, John. 1800. Montrose, Duchess oj. See Graham. Moon, Francis Graham. 15 Dec. 1853. Moore, Abraham. 20 Aug. 1821. , C. 3 Dec. 1855. M. , Edward, Rev. 26 Oct. 1893. , Francis. 28 April, 1856. , Graham. 8 Nov. 1844. , John, Bishop oj Bangor. 10 Jan. 1776. , John, Doctor. 1 Nov. 1737. , Sir Jonas. 3 Nov. 1684. , Nathaniel. 4 Feb. 1799. , Sampson. 16 Aug. 1875. ■ , Thomas. 23 & 25 June, 1853 ; 20 April, 1874. Moradei, Dr. 9 July, 1860. Moran, Edward Raleigh. 19 Nov. 1849. Morant, Alfred William Whitehead. 8 Feb. 1864 ; 24 May, 1882. Mordaunt, Charles Henry, 5th Earl oj Peterborough. 13 July, 1815. More, Sir Thomas. 24 Nov. 1735. , William. 14 Feb. 1737. Morel, M. 13 May & 2 Dec. 1875. , V. A., and Co. 24 June, 1880. Moreland, Samuel. 7 Nov. 1727. Morell, Thomas. 1 Jan. 1785. Morelh, Dr. 14 Nov. 1715. Mores, Edward Rowe. 2 Aug. 1779. Moreton, Mr. 11 Jan. 1822. Morgan, E. S. 17 May, 1877. , John, F.L.S. 12 Jan. 1848. , John, Rev. 27 March, 1876. , Silvanus. 5 April, 1693. 496 INDEX Morgan. Lady Sydney. 1 April, 1863. , W. H. ir) July, 1801. , William, D.D. 13 Feb. 1800. Morice, Burton. 20 April, 1826. , John, F.S.A. 19 June, 1844. Morley, Richard. 28 Feb. 1774. — , Wm. Hook. 13 March, 1861. Morrell, Robert Price. 6 Nov. 1872. . Thomas H. 12 Jan. 1869. Morrice, Colonel. 14 Nov. 1803. Morris, Mr. 6 June, 1799. , Edward. 8 June, 1815. , Michael. 1792. , Hohert, Herald-painter. 19Fel). 1771. M. — — , Val. 5 Aug. 1873. , Wm., of Sydney. 15 Dec. 1899. , Wm., Poet. 5 Dec. 1898. Morrison, Mrs. Alfred. 27 Feb. 1899. , Edward, General. 23 April. 1845. M. Morse, C. 15 July, 1875. , Robert. 20 June, 1816. Morson, Thomas. 31 March, 1871. Morten, W. V. 5 May, 1890. Mortimer, Cromwell. 26 Nov. 1753. , John. 31 July, 1876. Morton, Charles, Dr. 15 March, 1730. , Charles, Principal Librarian oj the British Museum. 10 March, 1800. , George, \^th Earl oj. See Douglas. , James. 26 March, 1866. , John Burrage. 12 June, 1815. , Thomas. 24 Dec. 1849. Moscheles, Ignace. 23 July, 1847. Moseley, Benjamin. 22 Nov. 1819. Moss, John, Rev. 29 June, 1887. Motte, Benjamin. 14 May, 1711. Moule, Thomas. 11 March, 1852. Moulton, C. F. 6 April, 1877. Mounsey, Mrs. 23 June, 1893. Mountain, Jacob Henry Brooke, D.D. 9 Dec. 1872. Mountfort, John. 9 Feb. 1732. Mountnorris, \Oth Earl oj. See Anneslev. Moxhull Hall. 25 Jan. 1886. Mudge, Zachariah. 13 Fe1>. 1770. Muir, William. 30 May, 1888. Muirhead, James Patrick. 11 July, 1899. Mulgrave Castle. 8 June, 1891. Muller, John. 1785. Mullins, Harry. [1715 ?] Mumford, Daniel. 14 March, 1808. Munckley, Nicholas. 5 Aug. 1705. Munro, Hector, Col. 14 Nov. 1827. , Sir Hugh. 4 Feb. 1817. , John. 13 Dec. 1830. Munsell, Joel. 1 1 April, 1865. Munster, Earls oj. See Fitzclarencc. , Henry. 31 Oct. 1893. Muntz, George H. M. 6 Aug. 1889. Murchison, R. F. 8 March, 1900. — , R. M., Captain. 27 June, 1864. Murdock, Patrick. 10 Jan. 1776. Murphy, Arthur. 11 Dec. 1805. M. , J. A. 4 July, 1845. , Jacob, E.G. Archbishop oj Cashel. 13 June, 1825. , John, E.G. Bishop oj Cork. 3 Nov. & 13 Dec. 1847; 2 Feb., 1 May, 3 July & 18 Dec. 1848. Murray, Lord. 18 Feb. 1862. M. , John. 8 Dec. 1899. , Louisa, Countess oj Mansfield. 29 April, 1844. M. , Ralph. 26 March & 8 May, 1716. Murton, C. 7 Dec. 1832. Musgrave, Mr. 17 Jan. 1834. , George, Rev. 17 Dec. 1879. , William, M.D. 1725. Musical Institute of London. 15 Dec. 1853. Muss, Charles. 29 Nov. 1824. Mussell, Ebenezer. 30 May, 1766. Mvers, Streynsham Derbyshire. '2 March, 1832. Mytton, William. 2 May, 1877. N , Chevalier de. 13 Jan. 1890. Naldi, Giuseppe. 14 Feb. 1821 ; 10 July, 1828. Napier, George Webster. 22 March, 1886. Napoleon I., Emperor oj the French. 23 July, 1823. Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul, Prince. 10 Dec. 1872. Nares, Robert. 25 Nov. 1829. Nash, D. W\ 20 Jan. 1888. , Francis. 25 July, 1851. , John. 15 July, 1835; 9 Aug. 1849. Nasmith, James. 21 April. 1825. INDEX 497 Nasmyth, Alexander. 4 Dec. 1846. , Robert. 2G Feb. 1874. Nassau, George. 26 Feb., 8 March 6 10 April, 1814. Natali, M. A. 3 Dec. 1864 ; 18 May, 1868. Nayler, Sir George. 16 April & 25 July, 1832 ; 28 June, 1836. Navlor, Rev. Dr. 22 Nov. 1762. • — "-, F. 27 July & 11 Aug. 1885. Neale, Adam. 25 Nov. 1814. , E. 15 July, 1850. Neave,Hy. Lyttelton, Rev. 17 March, 1874. Needham, William. 25 Jan. 1733. Neely, S. D. 20 March, 1827. Negus, John, D.D. March, 1786. ; Thomas. 18 March, 1766. , W. 1778. Neill, Arthur. 13 Oct. 1858. Neligan, William Chadwick. 5 Aug. 1850 ; 10 April, 1851 ; 5 Dec. 1854 ; 18 June & 24 July, 1861 ; 7 Dec. 1868 ; 23 Feb. 1872 ; 28 Jan. 1884 ; 31 July, 1888. Nelme, L. D. 1787. Nelson, Horatio, Viscount Nelson. 31 March, 1853. Nesbitt, Alexander. 28 Jan. 1890. Nethercote, Henry Osmond. 9 Feb. 1895. Nettleton, Edward. 26 Aug. & 10 Oct. 1851. Neunburg, G. V. 28 Nov. 1822. Nevill, John. Feb. 1774. Neville, William. 1 March, 1811. New, Herbert. 7 Feb. 1895. Newcastle, Dukes oj. See Cavendish ; also Holies. Newcome, Rev. Mr. 1789. , John, Dean oj Rochester. 1789. , P. 1789. Newcommende, G. 1784. Newey, John. 16 Nov. 1738. Newhaven, William, 2nd Viscount. See Cheyne. Newhouse, Thomas Postletwaite. 29 April, 1801. Newland, Montagu. 9 July, 1849. Newman, J. 17 March, 1848. , James, oj High Holborn. 30 July & 13 Aug. 1877. , Robert Finch. 6 July, 1840. , Wm. Lewin. 2 Jan. 1857. , Wm. Lewis. 19 Feb. 1835. Newnliam, Thomas. 25 March, 1816. , William, oj Farnham, Surrey. 23 Jan. 1857. Newton, Anne. 22 March, 1813. , Sir Henry. 16 April, 1716. , Sir Isaac. 22 March, 1813. , John. 29 May, 1815. , John Farmer. 20 Jan. 1881. , Thomas, Bishop oj Bristol. Jan. 1791. , William, oj Thetjord. 1 1 Jan. 1864. Neyle, Gilbert N. 5 Jan. 1835. Niblett, Stephen. 13 March, 1767. Nichol, John. 2 March, 1891. Nicholas, Dr. 14 June, 1722. •, Edward. 14 Aug. 1877. -.Sir Edward. 14 Aug. 1877; 18 April, 1879. , T. 21 Aug. 1840. Nicholl, J. C. 26 May, 1869. Nichols, Harry Sidney, Bookseller. 2 April, 1900. , John, F.S.A. 16 April & 5 May, 1828. , John Bowyer, F.S.A. 10 Feb. 1843 ; 11 July, 1856 ; 24 May & 19 Dec. 1864. , John Gough. 4 Dec. 1874 ; 5 April, 1879 ; 25 July, 1892. Nicholson, Rev. Mr. 12 Nov. 1759. , Alexander. 15 Feb., 24 May 6 6 July, 1830 ; 29 Nov. 1842. , Brinsley, M.D. 27 July, 1893. , E., Mrs. 5 Feb. 1890. -, George Stewart. 3 March. 1858. , John, Dr. 19 March, 1894. Nicol, George and William. 18 July, 1825. , WiUiam. 13 Aug. 1855. Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris. 29 Nov. 1847. Nicolay, Frederick. 29 Nov. 1809. Nicoll, Alexander. 21 Jan. & 11 March, 1829. , John, D.D. 28 June, 1813. Nieuwenhuys, C. J. 9 Feb. 1893. Nilsen, Nils Andrew. 25 Jan. 1869. Nisbett, Nehemiah. 2 Nov. 1812. Nius, Mr. 24 June, 1842. Nixon, John. 27 May, 1818 ; 19 March, 1819. Noble, Daniel. March, 1786. , Mark. 21 Dec. 1827. 498 INDEX Noble, Theophilus. 22 Sept., 24 Oct., 21 Nov. & 5 Dec. 1851 ; 20 Feb. 1852. Noehden, George Henry. 21 Feb. 1827. Nollekens, Joseph. 18 Dec. 1823. Nolte, L., Dr. 22 Dec. 1884. Noorthouck, Harmen. 2 July, 17.30. Norden, Bookseller. 19 July, 1834. Norfolk, Wth Duke oj. See Howard. Norris, Mr. 13 June, 1798. — ■ — ■, Mr., oJ Weymouth. 13 April, 1825. , John. 28 May, 1777. , John, oj High Wycombe. 7 July, 1846. , Sir John. 28 May, 1777. , Thomas, o/ Bury. 21 Aug. 1873. North, Edward Roger. 5 Feb. 1838. , Frederick, oth Earl oj Gniljord. 15 Dec. 1828 ; 12 Jan. & 28 Feb. 1829 ; 8 & 20 Dec. 1830 : 5 Jan. 1831 ; 9 Nov. & 17 Dec. 1835. , John. 29 March, 19 April & 25 May, 1819. , Montagu. Jan. 1781. Northbrook, \st. Earl of. See Baring. Norton, Rev. Mr. 4 Dec. 1696. , Daniel. 11 Dec. 1899. , J. T. 14 Sept. 1848. Nott, George Frederick. 11 Jan. 1842. M. 22 March, 1842. 25 May, 1898. 15 Feb. 1762. ) June, 1852 ; , John, M.D Nouaille, Anne. Nourse, Edward. Novello, Vincent 3 Sept. 1862. Nugent, Charles. 1774. Nutt, David, Bookseller. 23 April, 1866. Nutting, Thomas. 12 Nov 12 Jan. & 17.59. Oakes, J. J. 1797. Oakey, J. 19 Nov. 1883. , John. 1 Nov. 1897. Oakley, Christopher. 5 Dec. 1899. , John Jefferyes. 2 June, 1898. O'Brien, James, 3rf/ Marquis oj Thomond. 17 May, 1887. O'Callaghan, Dr. 27 May, 1875. , Mr. 27 June, 1864. , Hon. George. 26 May, 1856. Odingsells, Gabriel. 21 May, 1734. Oetzmann and Co., oj Baker Street, 30 June, 1875. Offley, George. 6 Nov. 1889. Off or, George, oj Grove House, Hackney. 27 June, 1865. , John. 14 May & 3 Aug. 1825. O'Flahertie, Theobald Richard, Rev. 14 Jan. 1896 ; 25 July, 1899. Ogilvy, David and Son. 2& 15 June & 13 July, 1807. O'Gorman, George. 28 [29] June, 1855. Okell, Miss. 8 March. 1900. Oliphant, Charles. 12 Dec. 1720. , Thomas, oj the Madrifial Society. 24 & 26 April, 1873. Oliver, B. M. 17 Nov. 1868. , Elizabeth. 16 Dec. 1689. , William Disney. 7 Feb. 1884. , William Hutchinson, Rev. 16 July, 1873. Oliviera, Marshall. Oilier, Charles. 22 July, 1878. Olliver, Robert W. O'Meara, Barry Edward. 1830. Omer, Jacob. 15 Nov. 1760. Onslow, Arthur. 20 March, 1885. , Aj-thur George, 3rd Earl Onslow. 20 March, 1885. , Mainwaring. 21 Aug. 1862. Oom, Adolphus Kent. 30 Jan. 10 Feb. 1860. Ord, Craven. 25 June, 1829 ; 25 Jan. 1830 ; 9 May, 1832. , John. 23 April, 1812. Orde-Powlett, William. 2nd Baron Bolton. 8 May, 1851. O'Reilly, Edward, oj Harold's Cross. 30 Nov. 1830. M. Orford, Uh Earl oj. See Walpole. Orlebar, R. R. B. 22 Nov. 1897. Orme, Robert. 25 April, 1796. Ormerod, George. 16 Aug. 1875. , Richard. 16 Dec. 1816. , Thomas Johnson. 16 Aug. 1875. Ormsbj', Robert Vandeleur. 6 Maj% 1882. Osborne, George Godolphin, 9th Duke oj Leeds. 15 April, 1896. , Thomas. 1791. Ostell, Thomas. 10 Oct. 1842. Osterley Park. 6 May, 1885. Otridge, John. 22 Nov. 1824. 14 Oct. 1835. 19 July, 1877 ; 17 Oct. 1870. 26 March, oj & INDEX 499 Otter, William, Bishop oj Chichester. 2 May, 1844. Ottley, William Young. 17 Aug. 1838 ; 10 Aug. 1849. Ottoboni, CWrfinraZ. 26 Feb. 1759. Outram, William. 12 Dec. 1681. Ouvry, Frederic. 30 March & 1 Aug. 1882. , Henry Aime. 24 July, 1877. Overall, Wm. Henry. 11 April, 1892. Overend, Marmaduke. 1791. Owen, Rev. Mr. 21 March, 1842. , Henry, D.D. 20 Jan. 1796. , J., Bookseller. 12 Nov. 1832. , John, Bookseller. 17 Nov. [1702?] , John, Dean of Christchurch. 26 May, 1684. , John, Recorder oJ Windsor. 17 Nov. 1735. , Thankfull. 7 Nov. 1681. Oxenford, John. 31 July, 1877 & 26 May, 1880. Oxford, Charles, Bp. of. See Lloyd. , 2nd Earl of. See Harlev. Oxlad, John. 15 March, 169^9. Pacey, Henry. 25 March, 1731. Packer, William. 21 May & 18 June, 1829. Page, Richard. 3 April, 1841. , Robert. 30 July, 1857. Paget, Nathan. 24 Oct. 1681. Page-Turner, Sir Gregory Osborne. 19 Oct. 1824. M. Pagitt, William. 1788. Paine, Cornelius. 16 Feb. 1891. , James. 22 May, 1793. Paitoni, Jo. Bapt. 22 Nov. 1790. Pakeman, Thomas. 30 March, 1715. Pakington, John Somerset, Baron Hampton. 14 Feb. 1881. Palgrave, Sir Francis. 12 May & 20 Nov. 1862. , Robert. 5 Feb. 1883. , WiUiam Gifford. 28 Jan. 1890. Palmer, Mr., of Bristol. 5 April, 1694. , Albert Reynolds. 5 April, 1894. , Alfred. 15 Jan. 1894. , Arthur. 5 June, 1815. , Ebenezer. 14 Dec. 1868 ; 15 Feb., 18 Nov. & 14 Dec. 1869. , Edward. 14 Feb. 1681. , John. 6 Nov. 1827. Palmer, Joshua. 11 April, 1709. — — , Richard. 20 Dec. 1809. , Robert. 17 March, 1818. , S. 29 July, 1864. — , Samuel. 2 March, 1827. Pamplin, William, of Frith Street, Soho. 25 Nov. 1.863. Panizzi, Sir Anthony. 16 June, 1879. Pantin, Thomas Pindar, Rev. 21 Jan. 1867. Paravicini, Mr. 22 June, 1818 ; 2 July, 1824 ; 27 June, 1828 ; 6 June, 1833. Pardee, Julia. 14 Feb. 1863. Pargiter, Edmund. 26 Nov. 1753. Paris, Mr. 26 March, 1791. Park, Thomas. 9 May, 1826; 17 June, 1835. Parke, William. 22 Jan. 1877. Parker, iMr. 28 April, 1815. , Albert Edmund, 3rd Earl of Morley. 27 June, 1898. , George, 2nd Earl of Maccles- field. 14 Jan. 1765. , Henry. 5 Dec. 1681. , J. 9 March, 1894. , John William. 20 Nov. 1879. , Robert. 20 May, 1800. — — , William, Rev. 18 May, 1803. Parkes, David. 19 Aug. 1833. M. , Joseph. 13 Feb. 1866 ; 24 Jan. 1872. , Samuel, F.L.S. 4 June, 1831. Parkhouse, George. 30 Jan. 1888. Parkhurst, Henry. 29 Oct. 1706. , John. 1798. , Thomas. 19 Oct. 1685. Parkins, Rev. Mr. 21 July, 1737. Parlane, James. 20 March, 1897. Parlby, Samuel. 26 July, 1803. Parr, Samuel. 16 May & 31 Oct. 1828. Parris, P. C. 18 May, 1815. Parry, Edward. 25 May, 1848. , James. 5 July, 1894. , John Humffreys, Serjeant-at- Law. 27 May, 1880. and Co. 28 April, 1854. Parsons, Rev. Mr. 1798. , James, i?ei'. 16 June, 1847. , John. 30 Nov. 1682. Par ton, John. 12 June, 1822. Partridge, James. 25 Nov. & 16 Dec. 1695. , John. 1716 ; 2 April, 1734. , Richard. 20 Jan. 1874. 9 TT 500 INDEX Pashley, "Robert, Q.C. 9 Jan. 1860. Pasley, John. 13 May, 1812. Passavant, J. H. de Speyr. See, Speyr-Passavant. Paston, James. 13 Aug. 1753. , William, Ind Earl o/ Yarmouth. 10 April, 1734. Patch, Mr. 18 March, 1829. Pateman, Wm. Slater D. 20 June, 1866. Patterson, William. 24 March, 1719. Pattison, Mark. 27 July, 1885. Pau, Lewis. 10 Oct. 1709. Paul, Sir Edward J. Dean. 1 2 March, 1896. Paulett, Vere. 25 May, 1812. Pauli, Christian William Henry, Rev. 20 Aug. 1877. Pavignano, A. de. Count. 16 Dec. 1853. Pawlet, Edward. June, 1769. Pawson, J. E. 14 Dec. 1893. Payn, Thomas, Rei\ 7 April, 1853. Payne, 3Ir. 10 Dec. 1805. , John Howard. 27 Feb. 1834. , John Thomas. 28 & 30 April. 1857 ; 10 April, 1878. , Joseph. 4 June, 1884. , William. 21 Feb. 1699. Payne & Foss. 19 Nov. 1829 ; 18 March & 24 June, 1850. Peace, Maskell W^illiam. 30 July, 1894. Peachey, Henry John, 3rd Baron Selsey. 20 June, 1872. Peacock, Thomas Love. 11 June, 1866. Peade, Robert. 20 Feb. 1693. Pearse, William, Rev. 16 Jan. 1871. Pearson, Edwin. 10 June, 1868. , James. 27 Jan. 1804. , John, F.R.S. 6 Nov. 1826. , Richard, M.D. 13 Jan. 1812. , Thomas. 14 April, 1788. , V\m.,oJ Ipftwirh. 18 Jan. 1831. Peat, Sir Robert. 23 June, 1837. Peck, Francis. 13 Feb. 1758. Peckham, John, oj Slough. 5 May, 1831. M. Peckitt, Henry. 11 Dec. 1809. Peckover, Joseph. 7 June, 1816. Pegge, Samuel. 29 March, 1798 Peirson, Thomas. 18 Jan. 1821. 12 Nov. 1792 12 Nov. 1800. 1 May, 1815 Pellet, John. 15 Jan. 1728 ; 3 March, 1729. — , Thomas. 7 Jan. 1744. Peltier, M. 19 Dec. 1803 ; 18 Dec. 1809. Pemberton, Christopher Robert. 11 Nov. 1822. , Henry. 24 Feb. 1772. Pemble, Henry, Rev. 22 Nov. 1855. Pembroke, Charles. 27 Jan. 1817. Penman, Richard, Rev. 14 Aug. 1876. Penn, Granville. 16 Jvme & 30 Julj', 1851. , William. 29 Feb. 1872. Pennant, Richard, Baron Penrhyn. 20 March, 1809. Penneck, Richard. 16 May, 1803. Pennicott, William. 10 July, 1811. Pennington, Montagu. 22 July, 1853. , Thomas, Rev. 18 May, 1853. — ^, W. 22 Nov. 1897. Penrhyn, Richard Pennant, Baron. 20 March, 1809. Penrose, Thomas. 2 July, 1851. Pensam, John. 24 Feb. & 8 March, 1841. Pentin, Philip. 22 Dec. 1896. Penton, Mr. 15 Dec. 1842. Peppercorne, Mr. 10 June, 1833. Pepys, William Hasledine. 3 Dec. 1856. Perceval, Charles George, Itli Earl oj Egmont. 18 June, 1898. Percival, John, Rev. 20 Dec, 1832. Percy, John, M.D. 6 May, 1890. — — , Thomas, Bishop of Dromore. 29 April, 1884. , William. 30 June, 1767. Pereira, Jonathan. 17 June, 1853. Perkins, Mr. 19 May, 1843. , Rev. Mr. 11 Nov. 1751. , Charles Frederick. 22 April, 1895. , Frederick, of Chipstead Place, 17 July, 1861 ; 10 July, 1889. , Henry, o/ Springfield. 3 June, 1873. , Thomas. 1738. , William, oJ Kingsbury. 13 Jan. 1868. Perring, Charles, Rev. 20 July, 1891. Perry, James. 4 March, 27 March & 16 May. 1822 ; 21 Feb. 1823. , William Groves. 27 July, 1863. INDEX 501 Peterborough, 5th Earl of. See Mordaunt. Petheram, John. 18 Feb. & 28 March, 1859. Petit, Mr. 2 Dec. 1840. , John Lewis. 6 Feb. 1786. , Louis Hayes. 21 April, 1860. Peto, James, i?et'..LL.i?. 8 Nov. 1877. Petrie, Henry. 23 June, 1842. Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph. 13 Feb. 1856 ; 10 May, 1866. Petty, William, 1st Marquis oj Lansdowne. 6 Jan., 14 & 30 April, 1806 ; 27 April, 1807. Phelp, James. 9 Feb. 1843. Phelps, John Delafield. 19 June, 1843. , Richard. Jan. 1772. Pheney, Richard. 15 March, 1827 ; 20 Dec. 1833 ; 17 March, 1834. Pheringer, Mr. 22 July, 1780 ; Jan. 1781. Philipe, Thomas. 18 Feb. 1817. Philipps, Trenham Walshman. 14 March, 1856. Philips. John Leigh. 17 Oct. 1814. , Nathaniel. 20 March & 3 Nov. 1837. Philhpps, Sir Thomas. 3 Aug. 1886 22 Jan. 1889 ; 15 July & 7 Dec 1891; 4 July, 1892; 19 June, 1893 21 March, 1895 ; 10 June, 1896 17 May, 1897 ; 6 June, 1898 5 June, 1899. Phillips, Major-(?eireraL 2 Nov. 1887. , Edward. 12 Nov. 1845. — — , George. 9 Feb. 1818. , John, F.R.S. 27 May, 1875. — , Owen. 11 Nov. 1678. , Richards. 10 Dec. 1851. , Sir Richard. 21 Jan. 1828. , William. 1 April, 1835. Philpott, T., Rev. 17 Jan. 1856. Phipps, Constantino Charles Heniy, 5th Marquis oj Normanhy. 8 June, 1891. . John. 25 Feb. 1802. Prcart, Samuel. 10 March, 1848. Piccolomini, Signior. 17 Jan. 1840. Pickard, Leonard. 24 May, 1802. , William. 23 Avag. 1763. Pickering, Mr. 9 Feb. 1837. — ■ — , Basil Montagu. 7 April & 28 May, 1879. , Joseph. 4 July, 1820. Pickering, Thomas. 18 Dec. 1876 ; 11 Jan. 1877. , W^illiam, Bookseller. 13 & 20 March, 7 Aug., 30 Oct. & 12 Dec. 1854 ; 11 Jan. 1855. Pickford, James Hollins, M.D. 17 July. 1878. Pierce, Robert. 22 June, 1709. — , Thomas. 22 June, 1709. Pierson, Archdeacon. 13 June, 1807. Pigott, Graham. 15 June, 1832. -^- — , John Hugh Smyth. 3 May, 1847 ; 8 Oct. 1849. M. ; 19 Dec. 1853 ; 25 Feb. & 3 July, 1854. Pilkington, Frederick Thomas. 28 Nov. 1898. , Henry, M.A. 20 July, 1859. , John. 31 May, 1849. Pimlott, Mr. 13 Jan. 1836. , John. 14 June, 1844. M. Pimm, Joseph. 7 Aug. 1834. Pinelh, Maffei. 2 March, 1789 ; 1 Feb. 1790. Pingo, Benjamin. 29 May, 1794. Pinkerton, John. 6 April, 1812 ; 7 Jan. 1813; 18 Dec. 1821. , William, F.S.A. 12 Nov. 1873. Pinkney, Robert. 1 May, 1895. Pinnock, Wilham. 27 April, 1838. Pinto, Isaac Ben Haim. 8 March, 1871. Piot, Eugene. 18 July, 1887. Pirie, Hy. George, 7?ef. 22 Aug. 1879. Pitcairn, William. 11 Feb. 1793. Pitman, Robert B. 21 Nov. 1861. Pitt, John. 18 Nov. 1735. , Moses. 30 Nov. & 10 Dec. 1685. , Thomas, \st Earl of London- derry. 27 March, 1732. , William. 20 Jan. 1808 ; 1 Feb. 1809. , William Morton. 9 May, 1838. Pittman, Josiah. 10 June, 1886. Pitts, John. 20 Jan. 1794. Place, Francis. 6 Dec. 1853. Planche, James Robinson, Somerset Herald. 21 July, 1880 ; 5 March, 1886. Platel, William. 13 Dec. 1810. Piatt, Samuel. 4 Dec. 1866. , Sainuel, Barrister. 31 May, 1883 Flint, Thomas Edward. 4 Dec. 1861. Plowman, J. B. 12 April, 1832. Plucknett, Leonard. 20 Oct. 1707. 50: INDEX Plumb, John Barker. 23 Juno, 1882. Plumer, Walter. 26 April, 1822. Plumtree, Russell. 20 March, 1794. 1796. Plunkett, Peter, Uh Earl of FingalL 22 Nov. 1721. Pocock, Charles Innes. 19 Jan. 1875 ; 1(3 July, 1877. , Crawford. 19 June, 1890. , Mrs. Crawford. 16 July, 1895. , Crawford John. 17 & 24 July, 1891. , Innes. 21 Dec. 1860. ■ , Lewis, F.S.A. 10 May, 1875 ; 24 July, 1883. Pococke, Edward. 31 July, 1823. Pohlmann and Sons, oj London d- Halijax. 24 Nov. 1886. Pole, Sir William. 19 Feb. 1896. Polidori, Gaetano. 15 June, 1830. Pollard, Arthur. 1 Aug. 1757. , Walter. 20 May, 1819. , William Edward. 13 Dec. 1897. Pollock, Alexander Russell. 28 Jan. 1889. , Russell. 19 June, 1897. ■ , William. 16 March, 1818. Polwarth, Mr., of Pimlico. 26 March, 1855 Pomeroy, Henry, 2nd Viscount Harberton. 6 March, 1817; 11 Dec. 1822 ; 28 Jan. 1824. Poniatowski, Stanislaw, Prince. 30 Oct. 1873. Ponsonby, Hon. Ashley. 4 May, 1897. , Frederick, 3rd Earl of Bess- borough. 3 April, 1848. M. ; 4 May, 1897. , George. 28 Nov. 1820. Pooler, Ric. Turner. 18 Aug. 1847. Fop\e,\\m., Bookseller. 17 June, 1818. Poppe, Frederick. 18 June, 1847. Porcher, H. 9 April, 1870. Porrett, Robert. 8 July, 1869. Porson, Richard. 16 June, 1809. Portal, Charles Septimus. 24 April, 1816. Porter, Henry. 17 Dec. 1877. , Sir James. 1778. , Jane. 24 July, 1850. M. , John Scott, Rev. 10 Dec. 1880. , Josias Leslie. 20 Jan. 1890. , W. K. 22 July, 1879. Postlethwaite, Malachy. 8 March, 1768. Poston, Andrew Philip. 30 July, 1832. Pote, Joseph. 15 Dec. 1729. Pott, Joseph Holden. 15 May, 1847. Potter, Mr., Bookseller. 23 June, 1845. — — , Joseph. 22 Dec. 1875. , Thomas. 19 Aug. 1760. Potts, Henry. 2 Nov. 1888. Powell, David T. 31 July, 1848. , John Richard. 29 April, 1825. , Richard. 14 Jan. 1730. , Richard, M.D. 15 June, 1825. , Samuel. 23 July, 1852. Harcourt. 4 July, 29 July, 1874. Kingsmill Manley. ■ , Thomas 1822. Power, John. , Manley 2 Aug. 1894. , Peckleton. 13 April, 1897. Poynder, Edward. 5 June, 1854. , John. 10 Jan. 1850. , John, Rev. 4 March, 1867. Prado, Samuel. 11 April, 1839. Praed, William Mackworth. 1772. Pratt, Josiah, Rev. 30 Jan. 1845. , S. J. 25 Jan. 1853. Prattinton, Peter. 14 Dec. 1840. Prescott, J. D. 10 Aug. 1842. Prest, Wm. 1 June & 1 July, 1819. Preston, Mr., of Dean Street, Soho. 19 Dec. 1849. , 1st Viscount. See Grahame. , Arthur, of Norwich. 8 Aug. 1888. , Martin Inett. 2 Aug. 1892. Price, Sir Charles Rugge. 13 Feb. 1867. , Edward, Rev. 8 Nov. 1852 ; 28 April, 18.58. , James. 24 June, 1895. , Lake. 2 March, 1880. , Richard, D.D. 12 June, 1799. , Robert. 10 April, 1734. , Uvedale. 5 April, 1762. , Wm., M.R.S.L. 19 May, 1832. , Wm., Painter -^ of Glass. 18 March, 1766. Pridden, Wm., Rev. 17 March, 1873. Prideaux, Walter. 29 May, 1889. Priestley, Richard. 1 March, 1826 ; 15 April, 1829 ; 19 Dec. 1837. Priestly, Mr. 27 April, 1829. Primrose, Archibald, 1st Earl of Rose - bery. 7 Dec. 1724. INDEX 503 Prince, Charles Leeson. 8 Nov. 1899 ; 8 March, 1900. , Samuel, Rev. 11 Dec. 1865. Pringle, Alexander. 18 July, 1895. Prinsep, W. H. 6 Nov. 1857. Prisse d'Avennes, A. C. T. Emile. 17 Feb. 1879. Pritchett, R. T. 9 March, 1864. Probert, John. 1783. Procter, Anne Benson. 16 July, 1888. , Bryan Waller (" Barry Corn- wall "). 2 Dec. 1874. Prowett, Mr. 16 Feb. 1825. Prowse, Thomas, o/ Hanway Street. 30 Jan., 30 March & 1 Sept. 1868. Pryce, Charles, Rev. 16 May, 1826. , David Fitzpatrick. 18 March. 1824. , Richard, Surgeon. 13 Jan. 1794. Pugin, Augustus. 4 June, 1833. , Augustus Welby Northmore. 27 Jan. & 8 June, 1853. Puigblanch, Antonio. 9 Dec. 1841. Pulham, James Brook. 8 April, 1861. PuUan, Richard Popplewell. 25 April. 1889. Puller, Timothy. 10 Dec. 1695. Pulteney, Richard. 26 April, 1802. Punshon, William Morley, Rev., LL.D. 13 Dec. 1881. Purday, Charles Hy. 23 June, 1885. , Thomas Edward, and Son. 31 Aug. 1863. , Z. T. 2 July, 1860. Purk, Mark. 13 Aug. 1753. Purland, Theodosius. 20 Aug. 1852. Purver, Anthony. 1 Feb. 1786. Putman, Henry. 19 Feb. 1798. Pyle, Mr. 4 Dec. 1799. Pymar, T. 19 July, 1854. Pyne, Mr. 1778. , Henry. 2 Aug. 1881 ; 5 July, 1886. Queensberry, 4 Aug. 1867 ; 19 Nov. 1872 ; 11 July, 1881 ; 1 July, 1886. , James. 12 Jan. 1809. -, John. 17 Oct. 1737. , Richard Jolin Samuel. 27 March, 1872. , William, D.D. 29 Nov. 1800. Stevenson, Mr. 29 July, 1822. , Margaret Isabella, Mrs. 24 April, 1899. , P., of Kensington. 8 Jan. 1858. , Seth William. 16 June, 1854. . Thomas, Bookseller. 11 Dec. 1845 ; 27 Feb., 7 March, 9 April, 13 May & 10 & 19 June, 1846 ; 8 July, 1847. , William. 16 July, 1829. Steward, John Henry, JRev. 10 Aug. 1864. Stewart, C. E. 5 March, 1879. , Charles Clarke. 6 July, 1837. , Charles James, Bookseller. 13 June & 6 Nov. 1882. ■ -, James. 17 May, 1839. , John Leveson Douglas. 1 March, 1888. ■ , R. B. M., o/ Glasgow. 19 April, 1888. , W. H., of Paris and New York. 2 June, 1898. Stibbs, Edward William, Bookseller. 8 July & 27 Oct. 1892 ; 16 Jan. 1893. StiUingfleet, Benjamin. 3 Feb. 1772. Stinton, Thomas. 28 March, 1799. Stirling, Thomas. 11 Feb. 1864. Stockdale, Mary R., Bookseller. 3 & 17 Nov. 1830. Stockdon, Owen. 30 May, 1681. Stocking, Charles. 31 May & 10 July, 1826. Stogden, John Cole. 19 May, 1894. Stokes, Charles, F.R.S. 30 May, 1854. , David. 1 Dec. 1685. , Jonathan. 28 Nov. 1855. Stokoe, John, M.D. 25 June, 1853. Stonard, John, D.D. 30 July, 1879. Stone, Arthur Daniel. 14 April, 1823. , Thomas, Fellow oj Brasenose, 21 March, 1860. , William Henry, M.D. 24 Nov. 1885 ; 22 March, 1886. Stonhouse, Sir James. 15 July, 1850. Stonnard, Mr. 8 Feb. 1813. Stopford, Edward Adderley, Arch- deacon oJ Meath. 22 March, 1875. Stott, Edward Nicholson, Rev. 1 2 Jan. 1893. Stoughton, John. 14 July, 1898. Stourhead Heirlooms. 30 July, 1883 ; 9 Dec. 1887. Stovel, Charles, Rev. 6 May, 1884. Stowe House, Buckinghamshire. 8 Jan., 11 June & 9 Aug. 1849. Stowell, William Scott, \st Baron. 11 July, 1836. Strahan, Alexander. 1767 ; Feb. 1768. , George, D.D. 4 July, 1825. Straker, William, Bookseller. 26 Jan. & 10 Feb. 1842 ; 12 May, 1854 ; 22 April, 1856. Strange, John. 16 March, 1801. Strangford, Qth Viscount. See Smythe. Streatfeild, Hannah, Mrs. 14 Julv, 1896. , John Fremlyn. 13 Aug. 1888 ; 12 June, 1889. Street, J. P. 14 Aug. 1851. , Samuel. 24 April, 1786. Strettell, Amos. 29 Feb. 1820. , Henry Hill. 14 Jan. 1875. Strickland, Agnes. 19 May, 1876. , Walter. 22 Dec. 1875. Strong, — ,Bookseller, of Bath. 10 Julv, 1839. M. , Thomas. 22 June, 1795. , Wm., Bookseller. 1 Feb. 1847. , Wm., Rev. 24 Aug. 1868. Strood Park. 9 July, 1886. Stuart, Charles, 1st Baron Stuart de Rothesay. 31 May, 1855. , J. 11 Feb. 1782. M. , Sir James, Bart. 28 April, 1836. , James Alex. 27 June, 1814. , John, 3rd Earl of Bute. 30 May, 1785 ; 5 May, 1794 ; 1798. , William. 27 Nov. 1738. , WiUiam, D.D. 3 Feb. 1746. — , William, of Aldenham Abbey. 17 June, 1875 ; 6 March, 1895. Stubb, Henry. 29 Nov. 1680. Studley Castle, Warwickshire. 22 March, 1893. Stukeley, Wm. 28 April, 1766. M. Stumpff, J. A. 30 March & 18 June, 1847. INDEX 513 Sturcli, Mr., of Dorset Square. 11 March, 1872. Sturgeon, Eev. Mr. 14 May, 1759. Sturgis, Rev. Mr. 2 July, 1752. Sturrock, Wm., Rev. 21 Jan. 1870. Sturt, John. 14 April, 1827. Style, Sir Charles. 14 May, 1805. Suffolk, Henry Charles, Earl of. See Howard. Sullivan, Sir Charles, Admiral. 6 Avig. 1863. , Sir Edward, Lord Chancellor of Ireland. 19 & 27 May, 5 June, 1890 Summers, Mr , Charles Winchester. -, Humphrey. , James, Rev. 24 Nov. 1803. Richard, Bishop 11 March. 1875. 16 May, 1814. 19 Dec. 1878. of , Richard. 14 Nov. 1805. Sunderland, 3rrf Earl of. See Spencer. Surtees, M. 28 April, 1829. , Robert, F.S.A. 25 June, 1856. Sussex, Augustus Frederick, Duke. of. See Augustus Frederick. Sustenance, S. W. 23 Jan. 1835. Suter, Edward Dyer. 27 Jan. 1879. Swain, John Hadley. 20 June, 1791 Swan, David, of Glasgow. 24 Nov. 1886. Swanston, Clement Tudway. 12 Dec. 1864 ; 11 Aug. & 2 Dec. 1869. Sweet, Charles, of Gravesend. 7 June, 1841. Sweetinburgh. R. F. 3 Aug. 1840. Swinburne, Henry. 10 Jan. 1803; 9 Feb. 1804. M. Swindells, George Harding. 5 June, 1895. Sydenham. Floyer. 28 Feb. 1788. Sydney, John. 8 Nov. 1813. Sykes, Cliristopher. 19 & 30 July, 1888; 19 Dec. 1899. , Sir Mark Masterman. 11 & 28 May & 21 June, 1824 ; 1824. , Mary Elizabeth, Lady. 22 May, 1847. Sylvester, Peter. 25 June, 1718. Symmons, John. 16 Aug. 1831. Symons, George James, F.R.S. 30 July, 1900. Sympsun, Rev. Mr. 12 April, 1793. Syston Park. 12 Dec. 1884. Tait, C. B. 12 Nov. 1852. M. Talbor, Robert. 12 April, 1686. Talbot, Colonel. 5 April, 1736. , Bertram Arthur, 20th Earl of Shrewsbury. 22 June, 1857 ; 19 May, 1858. , Sir Charles. 2 May, 1814. , F. 6 May, 1898. , James, 4.Z>. 22 April, 1856. Webbe, Edward. 25 March, 1751. , Samuel. 4 Jvily, 1816. Webster, John, LL.D. 5 May, 1892 ; 27 March, 1893. Wedgwood, Josiah. 16 Nov. 1846. Weeton, T. R. 31 Oct. 1834. Wegg, William. 11 Dec. 1876. Weightman, Wm. H. 25 July, 1899. Weippert, A. N. 17 Aug. 1874. Welch, Anne. 7 Nov, 1810. Weld, M. Hartstonge, 20 Aug. 1869. Wellbeloved, Charles, Rev. 8 June, 1859. Wellesley, Henry, 1st Baron Cowley. 11 July, 1848. , Henry, D.D. 29 June, 1858 ; 3 Aug. & 8 Nov. 1866. , Henry Richard Charles, 1st Earl Coivley. 29 July, 1885. , Richard CoUey, Marquis Wellesley. 17 Jan. 1843. Wells, John. 3 Sept. 1841. , William. 21 May, 1890. Welsford, Henry. 12 Nov. 1852. Wentworth, Peter. 25 Jan. 1732. Wesley, William. 23 Feb. 1857. Wessel and Co. 23 July, 1860. West, Sir Edward. 15 June, 1830. , James,P.R.*S. 29 March, 1773. , Thomas. 3 Dec. 1739. , William, M.D. 9 Dec. 1837. Westby, Alfred. 24 Jan. 1899. Western Amateur Glee Club. 8 July, 1861. Westley, F. 14 July, 1837. Westmacott, Charles Molloy. 5 May, 1852 ; 8 Dec. 1868. , Sir Richard, R.A. 10 July, 1857. Westmorland, John Fane, 17;/i Earl oj. 22 Feb. 1887. Weston, Ambrose. 5 Dec. 1810. , Charles, Prebendary oj Durham. 15 Feb. & 10 May, 1802. , Sir Richard. 24 June, 1686. , Stephen. 7 May, 1830. Westropp, Hodder Michael. 5 Nov. 1885 Wettenhall, Thomas. 14 Feb. 1769. Wetter, Conrad. 3 Dec. 1866. Weymouth, Thomas Thynne, Vis- count. 21 June, 1837. Whalley, Peter. 1792. Wharton, Sir George. 20 Oct. 1713. Whateley, Thomas. 1773. , William. 23 April, 1683. , William, Q.C. 4 May, 1863. Whatman, James. 28 July, 1887. Wheatley, Benj. 11 Dec. 1837. M. , Benj. Robert. 16 June, 1884. WTieble, James. 15 Dec. 1887. Wheeler, Benjamin. 13 Nov. 1783. , Thomas. 18 March, 1808. Whelan, WiUiam. 8 June, 1854. , William Curteis. 5 March, 1886. Wheldale, West. 20 Feb. 1829. 520 INDEX Wheler, Granville. Aug. 1771. , Robert Bell. IG Dec. 1870. Whelpdale, John de. 1 Aug. 1854. Whistler, George W. 7 Aug. 1871. Whiston, William, Rev. 15 July, 1846. Whitaker, Edward. 14 Nov. 1737. , Thomas Dunham. 23 Jan. 1823. Whitburn, Augustus. 2 May, 1878. Whitby, Thomas. 15 May, 1838. M. Whitchurch, James. 14 Dec. 1894. Whitcomb, R. 9 & 13 Jan., 1835. White, Mr. 5 Dec. 1814. , Rev. Mr. 29 April, 1754. , Benjamin. 30 May, 1823 ; 23 Feb. 1825. , Gleeson. 4 April. 1900. — , Henry, Rev. 8 Feb. 1826 ; 5 Feb. 1838. , Henry, Rev. 29 Jan. 1891. , John, oj Doncaster. 20 & 30 Jan. 1868. , John, oj Newgate Street. 3 March, 1788. , John Forbes. 28 March, 1889. , Joseph. 2 Nov. 1810. , Thomas. 25 May, 1786. , Thomas Pritchard. 18 June, 1861. — , W. 21 May, 1855. , W. Foster. 28 July, 1876. , William. 7 July, 1813. , William Archibald Armstrong. 8 Dec. 1848. White, Cochrane and Co. 10 June, 1816. Whitefoord, Caleb. 10 May, 1810. Whitehead, Robert ffrench, D.D. 21 March, 1881. , Thomas Miller. 3 May, 1898. Whitehouse, J. C. 31 March, 1827. White Knights Library. 7 & 22 June, 1819 ; 24 May, 1820. Whiten, Charles. 25 Oct. 1850. Whitfield, John. 24 May, 1837. , Richard G. 22 June, 1877. Whittaker, John Wm., D.D. 2 Mav, 1857. Whittingham, Alfred. 23 Nov. 1870 ; 29 March, 1877. Whitty, John Irvine. 23 July, 1861. Whitwood, William. 17 May, 1686. Wibbersley. John. Feb. 1783. Wich, Sir CyriH. 20 Feb. 1710. Wickens, George. 28 Oct. 1826. Wightman, George. 8 June, 1841. Wigram, Hy. Loftus. 10 March, 1870. Wilberforce, Samuel, Bishop of Win- chester. 22 Oct. 1873. Wilbraham, Roger. 10 June, 1829. ^—, Roger William. 20 June, 1898; 27 Feb. 1899. — — , Thomas. 9 May, 1782. Wilcocke, S. H. 18 March, 1878. Wildman, James. 21 May, 1822. , Thomas. 21 May, 1822. Wilkes, John. 3 May, 1764 ; 1 June, 1799; 29 Nov. 1802. Wilkin, Simon. 19 Nov. 1816. Wilkins, Sir Charles. 30 June, 1837. , G., D.D. 10 Jan. 1831. M. , George, Archdeacon. 10 Dec. 1880. Wilkinson, A. 19 July, 1897. , George. 11 July. 1836. , Henry. 15 Nov. 1694. •, John, M.D. 27 Oct. 1819. , Robert. 29 Sept. 1825; 23 Oct. 1826. .Thomas, Rev. 21 Jan. 1870; 1 May & 8 June, 1872. Wilks, C. 2 March, 1854. , John, M.P. 12 March, 1847 ; 12 May, 1851 ; 22 March & 26 April, 1855 ; 6 March, 1857. , Samuel Charles, Rev. 9 Dec. 1873. , Theodore Chambers, Rev. 15 Nov. 1876. Willement, Thomas. 22 June, 1865. Willes, Edward, Bishop oj Bath and Wells. I Feb. 1775. Willett, Ralph. 6 & 20 Dec. 1813. , Ralph, oj Merly. 24 March, 1859. Willey and Co., oj Great Marlborough Street. 2 May, 1887. William IV., King. 24 Aug. 1837. William Frederick, Duke oj Glou- cester. 29 July, 1835. William-Powlett, Henry, 3rd Baron Bayning. 1 May, 1826. Williams, Rev. Mr. 23 April, 1733. , Rev. Mr., Rector oj Harlington. 19 March, 1789. , Benjamin. 16 April, 1883. , Conrad. 17 July, 1883. , Daniel, Rev. 12 July, 1808 ; 2 May, 1851. , G. E. 8 June, 1820. INDEX 521 Williams, George, Canon. 10 Nov. 1881. , George, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. 3 July, 1878. , Henry Griffin. 6 Feb. 1871. , John, Bookseller, of Guildford. 27 June, 1836 ; 12 March, 8 May & 18 Aug. 1840. , John, Archdeacon. 29 Aug. 1859. , John, F.S.A. 22 March, 1875. , John, Rev., called " Ab Ithel.'' 15 March, 1870. , Sir John Bickerton. 2 & 5 March, 1853. , John de Kewer, Rev. 6 May, 1889. , Orlando Harris. 16 July, 1849. , Owen Jones. 10 Oct. 1839. , Samuel Charles Evans. 1 Nov. 1894. , Sydney. 16 March, 1868. , Sydney, of " WilliaTns dc Nor- gate." 20 May, 1892. -, T. 25 March, 1862. , T., Rev. 16 April, 1866. , Theodore. 5 April, 1827. , Thomas. 15 Feb. 1763. , Thomas, of Northumberland House. 28 April, 1882. — ^, William. 16 July, 1849. , William, of the South London Musical Society. 24 Feb. 1879. ■ , William, Vicar of Marden. 20 Jan. 1794. Williamson, John. 11 May, 1829. , W. B. 20 Jan. 1888. , William. 16 Dec. 1872. WiUimot, John, M.D. 17 May, 1866. Willis, Arthur. 17 May, 1797. , George. 5 Oct. 1852. , Robert, Rev., F.R.S. 8 April. 1872. . Thomas. 5 May, 1828. , William. 1 May, 1841. Willoughby, Dr. 18 Oct. 1708. Willow Bank, Fulham. 2 July, 1849. Wills, Howell. 11 July, 1894 ; 1 Dec. 1896. , John. 9 Aug. 1767. Willson,Edward James. 30May,1888. , Hy.Brouncker. 16Dec.l790. M. Wilson, Alex., General. 7 June, 1892. — - — , Bernard. 4 May, 1778. , Effingham. 14 & 24 Nov. 1838. , Sir Erasmus. 15 March, 1888. Wilson, Francis J. S. 17 Feb. 1853. •, George. 29 Feb. 1803. , Sir Giffin. 23 March, 1849. , Henry. 12 July, 1854. , Horace Hayman, Professor of Sanskrit. 28 Jan. 1861. , J. 4 Feb. 1835. ^, James. 24 Feb. 1772. , James Holbert. 6 May, 1898. •, John, Bookseller. 25 March, 1890. , John, Dr., of Bombay. 13 Aug. 1879. , Lestock P. 29 April, 1869. , Richard, Rev., of Cambridge. 14 March, 1879 ; 29 April, 1885. — , Samuel. 2 April, 1683. , Thomas, Rev. 21 Mav, 1880. , Walter, of Bath. 5 July, 1847. , William. Canon of Winchester. 2 March, 1875. , Wilham, F.S.A. 23 Jan. 1833. , Wm. Wilson Carus. 22 July, 1886. Winchester, Benjamin, Bishop of. See Hoadley. , Jonathan, Bishop of. See Trelawny. , Thomas. Feb. 1782. Winckler, Johann. 11 May, 1725. Wincup, Rev. Dr. 19 Feb. 1734. Winde, Captain. 31 Oct. 1740. Windham, Joseph. 11 Feb. 1811. , WiUiam. 20 Julv, 1810. Windus, Mr. 21 Feb. 1839. -, Ansley. 10 Aug. 1868. , Benja'min Godfrey. 23 March, 1868. Wing, Tycho. 22 March, 1813. Wingfield, Sir Charles, 19 May, 1892. , Hon. Lewis Strange. 12 April, 1892 ; 16 July, 1894. Winn, Hon. George. 31 March & 15 May, 1829. Winsland, Nicholas. 4 July, 1876. Winstanley, Mr. 14 & 24 Oct. 1722. , Edward N. 3 Nov. 1852. Winston, James. 13 Dec. [1849 ?] Winterbottom, Thomas. 31 March, 1718. Winthrop, Stephen. 29 July, 1819. Wiper, WiUiam. 7 Feb. 1884 ; 16 Jan. 1891. Wise, Benjamin. 14 Jan. 1848. 522 INDEX Wiszniewski, Adam, Prince. 8 Feb. 1869. Wit, John de. 31 Dec. 1 70 1 ; 25 Feb. 1702. Wodhull, Michael. 3 March, 1801 ; 24 March, 1803 ; 1 1 Jan. & 29 Nov. 1886. WoUaston, Henry John. 16 Jan. 1838 Wood, Mr. 22 July, 1830. , Hon. George. 2 March, 1891. , Henry Hayton. 10 Aug. 1883. , Manley. 12 July, 1836. , Robert, M.P. 22 April, 1772. , Thomas. 16 Feb. 1784. , Wilham. 8 Nov. 1855. Woodbvirn, Samuel. 14 June, 1854. M. Woodeson, Bev. Mr. 22 Nov. 1774. Woodford, Emperor John Alexander. 11 May, 1809. , Matthew. IS Oct. 1843. Woodhouse, Dr. 15 June, 1727. , Dr. 24 Jan. 1757. , John. 12 Dec. 1803. Woodman, James. 4 May, 1730. Woodroffe, Benjamin. 9 July, 1718. Woods, Edward. 26 May, 1831. M. Woodville, WilUam. 3 July, 1805. Woodward, Dr. 23 May, 1717. , Mr., Music-Seller, of Chelten- ham. 24 April, 1854. ~ — , Bernard Bolingbroke. 18 Feb. 1870. , Francis Blake. 13 May, 1867. , John, M.D. 11 Nov. 1728. , R. H. W. 2 Aug. 1892. , Robert, Dean of Salisbury. 30 Nov. 1702. , W. EUiott. 19 April, 1869. WooUev, Frederick, Rev. 25 June, 1877!: Woollgar, Jolui Webb. 20 May, 1851. Woolmer, Shirley Foster. 11 Feb. 1886. Wootton, Miss. 14 Nov. 1842. Wordsworth, Christopher. 22 June, 1846. Worlidge, Thomas. 5 April, 1754. Wornum, Ralph Nicholson. 16 April, 1878. Worsley, Benjamin. 13 May, 1678. , Hon. Lady Mary. To 25 March, 1751. Worthington, G. B. 30 March, 1897. — , Hugh. 15 Nov. & 18 Dec. 1837. Worthington, James William, Rev. D.D. 29 Jan. 1880. Woulfe, Peter. 6 June, 1803. Wrangham, Francis. 12 Julj' & 29 Nov. 1843 ; 22 April, 1844. Wray, Edward. 20 June, 1687. , ^irWilliamUllithorne. 12 April, 1809. Wrench, Jacob George. 15 July, 1861. Wright, Rev. Mr. 8 May, 1740. , Charles Edward, Rev., B.D. 26 March, 1878. , H. 24 July, 1875. , H. Q.,M.D. 3 March, 1869. , Harry, Rev., of Cheltenham. 24 Aug. 1866. , John Allan. 18 Dec. 1844. — , Michael. 4 June, 1694. -, Nathan. 6 May, 1808. , Peter. 25 Oct. 1833. , Richard, M.D. 23 April, 1787. , S. 28 June, 1825. , Samuel. 14 Nov. 1853. , Thomas. 21 Nov. 1732. , William. 12 June, 1899. , William, Bookseller. 16 Feb. 1828 ; 12 Mav, 1834. , Wilham, M.D. 7 Feb. 1820. Wrighton, T. B. 15 July, 1861. Wrightson, Henry. 17 Feb. 1879. -, Thomas Barnardiston. 15 July, 1801. Wrigley, E. G. 16 Nov. 1892. Wroughton, Richard. 28 March, 1822. Wundt, L., Captain. 15 Jan. 1896. Wiirtz, Mr. See Treuttel & Wurtz. Wyatt, Sir Matthew Digby. 15 July, 1876. , Richard. 19 March, 1813. Wyman, Charles. 29 Nov. 1897. Wyndham, Henry Penruddocke. 8 April, 1872. , Wadham. 8 April, 1872. Wynne, Charles Watkin Williams. 5 Feb. 1851. , Edward. 6 March, 1786. , Sir Henry Watkin W^illiams. 24 April, 1899. Wyrlcy, John. 17 Oct. 1715. Wyse, Sir Thomas. 15 April, 1869. Wyttenbach, J. Samuel. 24 Feb. 1834. INDEX 52a Yalden, Thomas. 14 Feb. 1737. Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke. Yard, Robert. 8 May, 1729. 31 May, 1882. Yardley, Edward. 1800. , Philip, 2nd Earl oj Hardwicke. Yarmouth, 2nd Earl of. See Paston. 6 Feb. 1792. M. 1 Yarnold, Charles. 6 June, 1825. Young, Alexander, of Glasgow. Yates, Edmund Hodgson. 21 Jan. 26 June, 1890. 1895. ■ — ■ — , Anna, Mrs., of Rochester. , J. 12 Dec. 1827. 21 May, 1860. , James, F.R.S. 24 June, 1875. , Arthur, F.R.S. 1 Dec. 1896. , John. 28 June, 1815. , &> Charles George, Garter King , William. 29 July, 1829. of Arms. 18 Dec. 1871. Yeates, Rev. Mr. 5 April, 1736. , George, D.D. 11 Dec. 1848. , Thomas. 15 April, 1840. ■ , James Forbes, M.D. 10 April, Yenn, John. 30 April, 1835. 1861. Yeowell, James. 12 Nov. 1873 ; , John. 18 April, 1825. 19 May, 1876. , John, F.S.A. 26 April, 1869 ; Yonge, Charles, Rev. 27 Feb. 1832. 12 April, 1875. , Sir George. 26 Feb. 1833. , Mathew. 26 & 30 Nov. 1838 ; York, Duke of. See Frederick 14 Nov. 1842. Augustus. , Thomas Michael. 28 Nov, ,Ja.mes,Bp.ofEly. 26 Nov. 1808. 1894. , William, .4rcM?j. o/. *See Dawes. , William. 23 July, 1764. Yorke, Albert Edward Phillip Henry, , William, of Soho. 1790. 6th Earl of Hardwicke. 22 Feb. Youngman, P. 31 July, 1826. 1899. Yriarte, Sefior. 2 March, 1826. , Charles. 10 July, 1834. , Henrv Frederick Redhead. 26 May, 1882. Zotti, Romualdo. 7 June, 1827. LONDON: PRINTED BV WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STKEET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 • Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. UCSD Librl