THE BRITISH NOVELISTS; WITH AN ESSAY, AND PREFACES BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL, MRS. BJRBAULD. H $eto (jfHttton. VOL. XXVIII. LONDON : PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RI VINGTON ; W. LOWNDES; SCATCHERD AND LF.TTERMAN J J. NUNN ; J. CUTHELLj JEFFERY AND SON; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORMEANDCO. ; T. WILKIEJ CADET L AND DAVIES ; J. AND W. T. CLARKE ; J OTRIDGE ; LACKJNGTON and co.; s. bagster; j. muhray; j. booker; j. black; BLACK AND CO.; J. RICHARDSON; J. M. RICHARDSON ; R- SCHO- i.ey ; j mawman ; r. h. evans ; a. k. new-man and co- ; J. ASl'ERNE ; J. CARPENTER; 3. BOOTH ; W. GINGER ; BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY ; T.HODGSON; J. BOHNJ J. F.BERS ; SHER- WOOD, NEELY AND JONES; G. AND W. B. WHITTAKER; SETCH- ELL AND SON ; WHl'IMORE AND FENN ; R. HUNTER; G. COWIE AND CO.; R. SAUNDERS; T. AND J. ALLMANJ T.BOONE; C. brown; j. rrumby ; edwards and co. ; T. Hamilton; j. lei-ard; g. mackie ; w. mason ; j. miller; ocle, duncan AND CO. ; RODWELL AND MARTIN J HURST, ROBINSON AND CO. ; WILSON AND SONS, YORK; STERLING AND SLADE J AND FAIR- BAIRN AND ANDERSON, EDINBURGH. 1820. Ellerton i. Henderson, Printers, Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, London. SIMPLE STORY. BY MRS. INCHBALD. *' When my occasions took me into France, towards the close of the laic reign, (he clergy, under all their forms, engaged a considerable part of my curiosity. " They seemed to me, beyond the clerical character, liberal and open ; with the hearts of gentlemen, and men of honour. They seemed to me rather a superior class; a sort of men, amongst whom you would not be surprised to find a Fenelon." BURKE. A NEW EDITION, WITH THE LAST CORRECTIONS BY THE AUTHOR. 5 \ i> '9> c i MRS. INCHBALD. 1 O readers of taste it would be superfluous to point out the beauties of Mrs. Inchbald's novels. The Simple Story has obtained the decided ap- probation of the best judges. There is an ori- ginality both in the characters and the situations which is not often found in similar productions. To call it a simple start/ is perhaps a misnomer, since the first and second parts are in fact two di- tinct stories, connected indeed by the character of Dorri forth, which they successively serve to illustrate. Dorriforth is introduced as a Roman priest of a lofty mind, generous, and endued with strong sensibilities, but having in his disposition much of sternness and inflexibility. His being in priest's orders presents an apparently insurmount- able obstacle to his marriage ; but it is got over, without violating probability, by his becoming- heir to a title and estate, and on that account receiving a dispensation from his vows. Though slow to entertain thoughts of love, as soon as he perceives the partiality of his ward, it enters his breast like a torrent when the flood-gates are opened. The perplexities in which he is involved by Miss Milner's gay unthinking conduct bring them to the very brink of separating for ever ; and very few scenes in any novel have a finer effect than the intended parting of the lovers, VOL. XXVIII. a ii MRS. INCHBALD. and their sudden, immediate, unexpected mar- riage. It is impossible not to sympathize with the feel- ings of Miss Milner, when she sees the corded trunks standing in the passage ; or again, when after their reconciliation she. sees the carriage which was to take away her }over chive empty from the door. The character of the ward of Dorriforth is so drawn as to excite an interest such as we seldom feel for more faultless cha- racters. Young, sprightly, full of sensibility, gay and thoughtless, we feel such a tenderness for her as we should for a child -who is placing on the brink of a precipice. The break between the first and second parts of the story has a sin- gularly fine effect. We pass over in a m.oment a large space of years, and find every thing changed : scenes of love and conjugal happiness are vanished ; and for the young, gay, thought- less, youthful beauty, we see a broken-hearted penitent on her death-bed. This sudden shifting of the scene has an effect which no continued narrative could produce ; an effect which even the scenes of real life could not produce; for the curtain of futurity is lifted up only by degrees, arid we must wait the slow succession of months and years to bring about events which are here presented close together. The death-bed letter of Lady Milner is very so- lemn, and cannot, be perused without tears. Dorriforth in these latter volumes is become, from the contemplation of his injuries, morose, unrelenting, and tyrannical. How far it was possible for a man to resist the atrong impulse of nature, and deny himself the sight of his MRS. INCHBALD. iii child residing in the same house with him, the reader will determinne ; but the situation is new and striking. It is a particular beauty in Mrs. Inchbald's compositions, that they are thrown so much in- to the dramatic form. There is little of mere narrative, and in what there is of it, the style is careless ; but all the interesting parts are carried on in dialogue : we see and hear the persons themselves; we are but little led to think of the author, and it is only w'hen we have done feel- ing that we begin to admire. The only other novel which Mrs. Inchbald, has given to the public is Nature and Ait. It is of a slighter texture than the former, and put together without much attention to probability; the author's object being less to give a regular story than to suggest reflections on the political and moral state of society. For this purpose two youths are introduced, one of whom is edu- cated in all the ideas and usages of civilized life; the other (the child of Nature) without any knowledge of or regard to them. This is the frame which has been used by Mr. Day and others for the same purpose, and naturally tends to introduce remarks more lively than solid, and strictures more epigrammatic than logical, on the differences between rich and poor, the regard paid to rank, and such topics, on which it is easy to dilate with an appearance of reason and humanity ; while it requires a much profounder philosophy to suggest any alteration in the social system, which would not be rather Utop'ar than beneficial. iv MRS. TNCHBALD. There is a beautiful stroke in this part of the work, where Henry, who, according to Rous- seau's plan, had not been taught to pray till he was of an age to know what he was doing, kneels down for the first time with great emotion; and on being asked if he was not afraid to speak to God, says, " To be sure I trembled very much when I first knelt, but when I came to the words 'Our Father who art in heaven,' they gave me courage, for I know how kind a father is." But by far the finest passage in this novel is the meeting between Hannah and her seducer, when he is seated as judge upon the bench, and, without recollecting the former object of his af- fection, pronounces sentence of death upon her. The shriek she gives, and her exclamation, " Oh, not from you ! " electrifies the reader, and cannot but stir the coldest feelings. Judgement and observation may sketch cha- racters, and often put together a good story ; but strokes of pathos, such as the one just men- tioned, or the dying-scene in Mrs. Opie's Father and Daughter, can only be attained by those whom nature has endowed with her choicest gifts. One cannot help wishing the author had been a little more liberal of happiness to poor Henry, who sits down contented with poverty and his half-withered Rebecca. There is another wish the public has often formed, namely, that these two productions were not the only novels of such a writer as Mrs. Inchbald. SIMPLE STORY. CHAPTER I. DORRI FORTH, bred at St. Omer's, in all the scholastic rigour of that college, was, by edu- cation and the solemn vows of his order, a Roman Catholic priest : but, nicely discriminating between the philosophical and the superstitious part of that character, he adopted the former only, and pos- sessed qualities not unworthy of the first pro- fessors of Christianity. Every virtue which it was his vocation to preach, it was his care to practise : nor was he in the class of those of the religious, who, by secluding themselves from the world, fly from the merit they might acquire in reforming mankind. He refused to shelter himself from the temptations of the layman by the walls of a cloister; but sought for, and found that shelter within the centre of London where he dwelt, in his own pru- dence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. He was about thirty, and had lived in the metro- polis near five years, when a gentleman, above his VOL. XXVIII. B 2 A SIMPLE STORY. own age, but with whom he had in his youth con- tracted a sincere friendship, died, and left him the sole guardian of his daughter, who was then eigh- teen. The deceased Mr. Milner, on his approaching dissolution, perfectly sensible of his state, thus rea- soned with himself before he made the nomination : " I have formed no intimate friendship during my whole life, except one : I can be said to know the heart of no man, except the heart of Dorriforth. After knowing his, I never sought acquaintance with another ; I did not wish to lessen the exalted estimation of human nature which he had inspired. In this moment of trembling apprehension for every thought which darts across my mind, and more for every action which soon I must be called to answer for ; all worldly views here thrown aside, I act as if that tribunal, before which I every moment expect to appear, were now sitting in judgment upon my purpose. The care of an only child is the great charge which in this tremendous crisis I have to execute. These earthly affections that bind me to her by custom, sympathy, or what I fondly call pa- rental love, would direct me to consult her present happiness, and leave her to the care of those whom she thinks her dearest friends ; but they are friends only in the sunshine of fortune : in the cold nip- ping frost of disappointment, sickness, or connubial strife, they will forsake the house of care, although the very fabric which they may have themselves erected." Here the excruciating anguish of the father over- came that of the dying man. " In the moment of desertion," continued he, " which I now picture to myself, where will my child find comfort ? That heavenly aid which reli- gion provides, and which now, amidst these agoniz- A SIMPLE STORY. 3 ing tortures, cheers with humble hope my afflicted soul; that she will be denied." It is in this place proper to remark, that Mr. Milner was a member of the Church of Rome, but on his marriage with a lady of Protestant tenets, they mutually agreed their sons should be educated in the religious opinion of their father, and their daughters in that of their mother. One child only was the result of their union; the child whose future welfare now occupied the anxious thoughts of her expiring father. From him the care of her educa- tion had been withheld, as he kept inviolate his pro- mise to her departed mother on the article of reli- gion, and therefore consigned his daughter to a boarding-school for Protestants, whence she re- turned with merely such ideas of piety as ladies of fashion, at her age, mostly imbibe. Her little heart, employed in all the endless pursuits of per- sonal accomplishments, hid left her mind without one ornament, except such as Nature gave ; and even they were not wholly preserved from the ravages made by its rival, Art. While her father was in health he beheld, with extreme delight, his accomplished daughter, with- out one fault which taste or elegance could have imputed to her ; nor ever inquired what might be her other failings. But, cast on a bed of sickness, and upon the point of leaving her to her fate, those failings at once rushed on his thought ; and all the pride, the fond enjoyment he had taken in behold- ing her open the ball, or delight her hearers with her wit or song, escaped his remembrance, or, not escaping it, were lamented with a sigh of compas- sion, or a contemptuous frown at such frivolous qualifications. " Something essential," said he to himself, " must be considered something to prepare her for an n 2 4 A SIMPLE STORY. hour like this. Can I then leave her to the charge of those who themselves never remember such an hour will come ? Dorriforth is the only person I know, who, uniting the moral virtues to those of religion, and pious faith to native honour, will pro- tect without controuling, instruct without tyranniz- ing, comfort without flattering; and, perhaps in time, make good by choice, rather than by con- straint, the tender object of his dying friend's sole care." Dorriforth, who came post from London to visit Mr. Milner in his illness, received a few moments before his death all his injunctions, and promised to fulfil them. But, in this last token of his friend's perfect esteem, he still was restrained from all authority to direct his ward in one religious opi- nion, contrary to those her mother had professed, and in which she herself had been educated. " Never perplex her mind with any opinions that may disturb, but cannot reform," were his latest words ; and Dorriforth's reply gave him entire satisfaction. Miss Milner was not with her father at this affect- ing period : some delicately nervous friend, with whom she was on a visit at Bath, thought proper to conceal from her not only the danger of his death, but even his indisposition, lest it might alarm a mind she thought too susceptible. This refined tender- ness gave poor Miss Milner the almost insupport- able agony of hearing that her father was no more, even before she was told he was not in health. In the bitterest anguish she flew to pay her last duty to his remains, and performed it with the truest filial love; while Dorriforth, upon important busi- ness, was obliged to return to town. A SIMPLE STORY. CHAPTER II. Dorri forth returned to London heavily afflicted for the loss of his friend ; and yet, perhaps, with his thoughts more engaged upon the trust which that friend had reposed in hiin. He knew the life Miss Milner had been accustomed to lead : he dreaded the repulses his admonitions might possibly meet ; and feared he had undertaken a task he was too weak to execute the protection of a young woman of fashion. Mr. Dorriforth was nearly related to one of our first Catholic peers ; his income was by no means confined, but approaching to affluence ; yet such was his attention to those in poverty, and the mode- ration of his own desires, that he lived in all the careful plainness of economy. His habitation was in the house of a Mrs. Horton, an elderly gentlewo- man, who had a maiden niece residing with her, not many years younger than herself. But, although Miss Woodley was thirty-five, and in person ex- ceedingly plain, yet she possessed such cheerful- ness of temper, and such an inexhaustible fund of good nature, that she escaped not only the ridicule, but even the appellation of an old maid. In this house Dorriforth had lived before the death of Mr. Horton ; nor upon that event had he thought it necessary, notwithstanding his religious vow of celibacy, to fly the roof of two such innocent females as Mrs. Horton and her niece. On their part, they regarded him with all that respect and reverence which the most religious flock shows to its pastor ; and his friendly society they not only es- teemed a spiritual, but a temporal advantage, as the liberal stipend he allowed for his apartments and board, enabled them to continue in the large and B3 A SIMPLE STORY. commodious house which they had occupied during the life of Mr. Horton. Here, upon Mr. Dorriforth's return from his journey, preparations were commenced for the re- ception of his ward ; her father having made it his request that she might, for a time at least, reside in the same house with her guardian, receive the same visits, and cultivate the acquaintance of his com- panions and friends. When the will of her father was made known to Miss Milner, she submitted, without the least re- luctance, to all he had required. Her mind, at that time impressed with the most poignant sorrow for his loss, made no distinction of happiness that was to come ; and the day was appointed, with her silent acquiescence, when she was to arrive in London, and there take up her abode, with all the retinue of a rich heiress. Mrs. Horton was delighted with the addition this acquisition to her family was likely to make to her annual income, and style of living. The good- natured Miss Woodley was overjoyed at the expect- ation of their new guest, yet she herself could not tell why ; but the reason was, that her kind heart wanted a more ample field for its benevolence : and now her thoughts were all pleasingly employed how she should render, not only the lady herself, but even all her attendants, happy in their new situa- tion. The reflections of Dorriforth were less agreeably engaged : cares, doubts, fears, possessed his mind and so forcibly possessed it, that upon every oc- casion which offered, he would inquisitively endea- vour to gain intelligence of his ward's disposition before he saw her ; for he was, as yet, a stranger not only to the real propensities of her mind, but even to her person ; a constant round of visits, having A SIMPLE STORY. 7 prevented his meeting her at her father's, the very few times he had been at his house, since her final return from school. The first person whose opi- nion he, with all proper reserve, asked concerning Miss Milner, was Lady Evans, the widow of a ba- ronet, who frequently visited at Mrs. Horton's But that the reader may be interested in what Dorriforth says and does, it is necessary to give tome description of his person and manners. His figure was tall and elegant ; but his face, except a pair of dark bright eyes, a set of white teeth, and a graceful arrangement in his clerical curls of brown hair, had not one feature to excite admiration yet such a gleam of sensibility was diffused over each, that many persons admired his visage as completely handsome, and all were more or less attracted by it. In a word, the charm, that is here meant to be described, is a countenance on his you read the feelings of his heart saw all its inmost workings the quick pulses that beat with hope and fear, or the gentle ones that moved in a more equal course of patience and resignation. On this countenance his thoughts were pourtrayed ; and as his mind was en- riched with every virtue that could make it valuable, so was his face adorned with every expression of those virtues; and they not only gave a lustre to his aspect, but added an harmonious sound to all he uttered; it was persuasive, it was perfect eloquence: whilst in his looks you beheld his thoughts moving with his lips, and ever coinciding with what he said. With one of those expressions of countenance, which revealed anxiety of heart, and yet with that graceful restraint of all gesticulation, for which he was remarkable, even in his most anxious concerns, he addressed Lady Evans, who had called on Mrs. Horton to hear and to request the news of the day : 8 A SIMPLE STORY. " Your ladyship was at Bath last spring you know the young lady to whom I have the honour of being appointed guardian. Pray" He was earnestly intent upon asking a question, but was prevented by the person interrogated. " Dear Mr. Dorriforth, do not ask me any thing about Miss Milner : when I saw her she was very young ; though indeed that is but three months ago, and she can't be much older now." " She is eighteen," answered Dorriforth, colour- ing with regret at the doubts which this lady had increased, but not inspired. *' And she is very beautiful that I can assure you," said Lady Evans. " Which I call no qualification," said Dorriforth, rising from his chair in evident uneasiness. " But where there is nothing else, let me tell you, beauty is something." " Much worse than nothing, in my opinion," re- turned Dorriforth. ' But now, Mr. Dorriforth, do not from what I have said, frighten yourself, and imagine your ward worse than she really is. All I know of her is merely, that she's young, idle, indiscreet, and giddy, with half a dozen lovers in her suite ; some coxcombs, others men of gallantry, some single, and others married." Dorriforth started. " For the first time of my life," cried he with a manly sorrow, " I wish I had never known her father." " Nay," said Mrs. Horton, who expected every thing to happen just as she wished, (for neither an excellent education, the best company, nor long experience had been able to cultivate or brighten this good lady's understanding) " Nay," said she " I am sure, Mr. Dorriforth, you will soon convert her from all her evil ways." A SIMPLE STORY. " Dear me," returned Lady Evans, " I am sure I never meant to hint at any thing evil ; and for what I have said, I will give you up my authors if you please ; for they were not observations of my own : all I do is to mention them again." The good-natured Miss Woodley, who sat work- ing at the window, an humble, but an attentive listener to this discourse, ventured here to say ex- actly six words : " Then don't mention them any more." " Let us change the subject," said Dorriforth. " With all my heart," cried Lady Evans ; " and I am sure it will be to the young lady's advantage." " Is Miss Miluer tall or short?" asked Mrs. Hor- ton, still wishing for farther information. " Oh, tall enough of all conscience," returned she : " I tell you again that no fault can be found with her person." " But if her mind is defective" exclaimed Dor- riforth, with a sigh " That may be improved as well as the person," cried Miss Woodley. " No, my dear," returned Lady Evans, " I never heard of a pad to make straight an ill-shapen dis- position." " Oh, yes," answered Miss Woodley: " good company, good books, experience, and the misfor- tunes of others, may have more power to form the mind to virtue, than " Miss Woodley was not permitted to proceed ; for Lady Evans, rising hastily from her seat, cried, " I must be gone I have an hundred people waiting forme at home besides, were I inclined to hear a sermon, I should desire Mr. Dorriforth to preach, and not you." Just then Mrs. Hillgrave was announced. " And here is Mrs. Hillgrave," continued she " I be- 10 A SIMPLE STORY. lieve, Mrs. Hillgrave, you knew Miss Milner; don't you ? The young lady who has lately lost her fa- ther?" Mrs. Hillgrave was the wife of a merchant who had met with severe losses : as soon as the name of Miss Milner was uttered, she lifted up her hands, and the tears started in her eyes. "There!" cried Lady Evans, " I desire you will give your opinion of her, and I am sorry 1 cannot stay to hear it." Saying this, she curtsied and took her leave. When Mrs. Hillgrave had been seated a few minutes, Mrs. Horton, who loved information equal- ly with the most inquisitive of her sex, asked the new visitor " if she might be permitted to know, why, at the mention of Miss Milner, she had seemed so much affected." This question exciting the fears of Dorriforth, he turned anxiously round, attentive to the reply. " Miss Milner," answered she, " has been my benefactress, and the best I ever had." As she spoke, she took out her handkerchief and wiped away the tears that ran down her face. " How so?" cried Dorriforth eagerly, with his own eyes moistened with joy, nearly as much as hers were with gratitude. " My husband, at the commencement of his dis- tresses," replied Mrs. Hillgrave, " owed a sum of money to her father, and from repeated provoca- tions, Mr. Milner was determined to seize upon all our effects. His daughter, however, by her inter- cessions, procured us time, in order to discharge the debt ; and when she found that time was insuf- ficient, and her father no longer to be dissuaded from his intention, she secretly sold some of her most valuable ornaments to satisfy his demand, and screen us from its consequences. A SIMPLE STORY. 11 Dorriforth, pleased at this recital, took Mrs. Hil- grave by the hand, and told her, " she should never want a friend." " Is Miss Milner tall, or short?" again asked Mrs. Horton, fearing, from the sudden pause which had ensued, the subject should be dropped. " I don't know," answered Mrs. Hillgrave. " Is she handsome, or ugly?" " I really can't tell." " It is very strange you should not take notice." " I did take notice, but I cannot depend upon my own judgment. To me she appeared beautiful as an angel ; but perhaps I was deceived by the beau- ties of her disposition." CHAPTER III. This gentlewoman's visit inspired Mr. Dorriforth with some confidence in the principles and character of his ward. The day arrived on which she was to leave her late father's seat, and fix her abode at Mrs. Horton's ; and her guardian, accompanied by Miss Woodley, went in his carriage to meet her, and waited at an inn on the road for her reception. After many a sigh paid to the memory of her fa- ther, Miss Milner, upon the tenth of November, arrived at the place, half-way on her journey to town, where Dorriforth and Miss Woodley were expecting her. Besides attendants, she had with her a gentleman and lady, distant relations of her mother's, who thought it but a proper testimony of their civility to attend her part of the way, but who so much envied her guardian the trust Mr. Milner had reposed in him, that as soon as they had delivered her safe into his care, they returned. 12 A SIMPLE STORY. When the carriage, which hrought Miss Milner, stopped at the inn gate, and her name was an- nounced to Dorriforth, he turned pale something like a foreboding of disaster trembled at his heart, and consequently spread a gloom over all his face. Miss Woodley was even obliged to rouse him from the dejection into which he was cast, or he would have sunk beneath it : she was obliged also to be the first to welcome his lovely charge lovely beyond description. But the natural vivacity, the gaiety which report had given to Miss Milner, were softened by her re- cent sorrow to a meek sadness and that haughty display of charms, imputed to her manners, was changed to a pensive demeanour. The instant Dor- riforth was introduced to her by Miss Woodley as her " guardian, and her deceased fathers most beloved friend," she burst into tears, knelt down to him for a moment, and promised ever to obey him as her father. He had his handkerchief to his face at the time, or she would have beheld the agitation the femotest sensations of his heart. z : This affecting introduction being over, after some minutes passed in general conversation, the car- riages were again ordered ; and, bidding farewel to the relations who had accompanied her, Miss Milner, her guardian, and Miss Woodley departed for town; the two ladies in Miss Milner's carriage, and Dorri- forth in that in which she came. Miss Woodley, as they rode along, made no at- tempts to ingratiate herself with Miss Milner ; though, perhaps, such an honour might constitute one of her first wishes : she behaved to her but as she constantly behaved to every other human crea- ture and that was sufficient to gain the esteem of a person possessed of an understanding equal to Miss Milner's. She had penetration to discover Miss A SIMPLE STORY. 13 Wood ley's unaffected worth, and was soon induced to reward it with the wannest friendship. CHAPTER IV. After a night's rest in London ; less violently im- pressed with the loss of her father, reconciled, if not already attached to her new acquaintance, her thoughts pleasingly occupied with the reflection that she was in that gay metropolis a wild and rap- turous picture of which her active fancy had often formed ; Miss Milner waked from a peaceful and refreshing sleep, with much of that vivacity, and with all those airy charms, which for a while had yielded their transcendent power to the weaker- in- fluence of her filial sorrow. Beautiful as she had appeared to Miss Woodley and to Dorriforth on the preceding day, when she joined them this morning at breakfast, re-possessed of her lively elegance and dignified simplicity, they gazed at her, and at each other alternately, with astonishment : and Mrs. Horton, as she sat at the head of her tea-table, felt herself but as a menial servant ; such command has beauty when united with sense and virtue. In Miss Milner it was so .united. Yet let not our over-scrupulous readers be misled_, and extend their idea of her virtue so as to magnify it beyond that which frail mortals com- jnonly possess ; nor must they cavil, if, on a nearer view, they find it less ; but let them consider, that if she had more faults than generally belong to others, she had likewise more temptations. From her infancy she had been indulged in all her wishes to the extreme of folly, and started habitually at the unpleasant voice of control. She was beauti- vol, xxvm. c 14 A SIMPLE STORY. ful ; she had been too frequently told the high value of that beauty, and thought every moment passed in wasteful idleness during which she was not gaining some new conquest. She had a quick sensibility, which too frequently discovered itself in the imme- diate resentment of injuries or neglect. She had, besides, acquired the dangerous character of a wit ; but to which she had no real pretensions, although the most discerning critic, hearing her converse, might fall into this mistake. Her replies had all the effect of repartee, not because she possessed those qualities which can properly be called wit, but that what she said was delivered with an energy, an in- stantaneous and powerful conception of the senti- ment, joined with a real or a well-counterfeited sim- plicity, a quick turn of the eye, and an arch smile. Her words were but the words of others, and, like those of others, put into common sentences: but the delivery made them pass for wit, as grace in an ill- proportioned figure will often make it pass for sym- metry. And now, leaving description, the reader must form a judgment of the ward of Dorriforth by her actions ; by all the round of great or trivial circum- stances that shall be related. At breakfast, which had just begun at the com- mencement of this chapter, the conversation was lively on the part of Miss Milner, wise on the part of Dorriforth, good on the part of Miss Woodley, and an endeavour at all three of those qualities on the part of Mrs. Horton. The discourse at length drew from Mr. Dorriforth this observation : " You have a greater resemblance of your father, Miss Milner, than I imagined you had from report : I did not expect to find you so like him." " Nor did I, Mr. Dorriforth, expect to find you; any thing like what you are ! " A SIMPLE STORY. 16 " No ! pray what did you expect to find me?" " I expected to find you an elderly man, and a j)lain man." This was spoken in an artless manner, but in a tone which obviously declared she thought her guar- dian both young and handsome. He replied, but :not without some little embarrassment, " A plain rman you shall find m& in all my actions." " Then your actions are to contradict your ap- pearance." For in what she said, Miss Milner had the quality peculiar to wits, of hazarding the thought that first occurs, which thought is generally truth. On this, he paid her a compliment in return : " You, Miss Milner, I should suppose, must be a very bad judge of what is plain, and what is not." " How so?" " Because I am sure you will readily own you do not think yourself handsome; and allowing that, you instantly want judgment." " And I would rather want judgment than beau- ty," she replied ; " and so I give up the one for the other." With a serious face, as if proposing a very serious question, Dorriforth continued, " And you really believe you are not handsome?" " I should, if I consulted my own opinion, believe that I was not: but in some respects I am like Roman Catholics; I don't believe upon my own understand- ing, but from what other people tell me." " And let this convince you," replied Dorriforth, " that what we teach is truth ; for you find you would be deceived, did you not trust to persons who know better than yourself. But, my dear Miss Milner, we will talk upon some other topic, and never resume this again. We differ in opinion, I dare say, on one subject only ; and this difference I hope will never c 2 10 A SIMPLE STORY. extend itself to any other. Therefore, let not reli- gion be named between us ; for as I have resolved never to persecute you, in pity be grateful, and do not persecute me." Miss Milner looked with surprise that any thing so lightly said should be so seriously received. The kind Miss Woodley ejaculated a short prayer to herself, that Heaven would forgive her young friend the involuntary sin of religious ignorance ; while Mrs. Horton, unperceived, as she imagined, made the sign of the cross upon her forehead, as a guard against the infectious taint of heretical opi- nions. This pious ceremony Miss Milner by chance observed, and now shewed such an evident propen- sity to burst into a fit of laughter, that the good lady of the house could no longer contain her re- sentment, but exclaimed, " God forgive you," with a severity so different from the sentiment which the words conveyed, that the object of her anger was, on this, obliged freely to indulge that impulse which she had in vain been struggling to suppress ; and no longer suffering under the agony of restraint, she gave way to her humour, and laughed with a liberty so uncontrolled, that it soon left her in the room with none but the tender-hearted Miss Woodley a witness of her folly. " My dear Miss Woodley," then cried Miss Mil- ner, after recovering herself, " I am afraid you will not forgive me." " No, indeed I will not," returned Miss Wood- But how unimportant, how weak, how ineffectual are words in conversation, looks and manners alone express : for Miss Woodley, with her charitable face and mild accents, saying she would not forgive im- plied only forgiveness ; while Mrs. Horton, with her enraged voice and aspect, begging Heaven to par- A SIMPLE STORY. 17 don the offender, palpably said, she thought her unworthy of all pardon. CHAPTER V. Six weeks have now elapsed since Miss Milner has been in London, partaking with delight all its plea- sures ; while Dorriforth has been sighing with appre- hension, attending to all her words and ways with precaution, and praying with zealous fervour for her safety. Her own and her guardian's acquaintance, and, added to them, the new friendships (to use the unmeaning language of the world) which she was continually forming, crowded so perpetually to the house, that seldom had Dorriforth even a moment left him from her visits or visitors, to warn her of her danger : yet when a moment offered, he caught it eagerly pressed the necessity of " time not al- ways passed in society ; of reflection, of reading, of thoughts for a future state, and of virtues acquired to make old age supportable." That forcible power of genuine feeling, which directs the tongue to elo- quence, had its effect while she listened to him, and she sometimes put on the looks and gesture of assent : sometimes even spoke the language of conviction ; but this the first call of dissipation would change to ill-timed raillery, or peevish re- monstrance, at being limited in delights which her birth and fortune entitled her to enjoy. Among the many visitors who attended at her levees, and followed her wherever she went, there was one who seemed, even when absent from her, to share her thoughts. This was Lord Frederick Lawnley, the younger son of a duke, and the avowed favourite of all the most discerning women of taste, c 3 18 A SIMPLE STORY. He was not more than twenty-three ; animated, elegant, extremely handsome, and possessed of every accomplishment that would captivate a heart less susceptible of love than Miss Milner's was supposed to be. With these allurements, no wonder if she took pleasure in his company ; no wonder if she took pride in having it known that he was among the number of her devoted admirers. Dorriforth beheld this growing intimacy with alternate pain and pleasure : he wished to see Miss Milner married, to see his charge in the protection of another, rather than of himself; yet under the care of a young nobleman, immersed in all the vices of the town, without one moral excellence, but such as might result eventually from the influence of the moment under such care he trembled for her happiness ; yet trembled more lest her heart should be purloined without even the authority of matrimonial views. With sentiments like these, Dorriforth could never disguise his uneasiness at the sight of Lord Frederick ; nor could the latter want penetration to discern the suspicion of the guardian, and conse- quently each was embarrassed in the presence of the other. Miss Milner observed, but observed with indifference, the sensations of both : there was but one passion which then held a place in her bosom, and that was vanity ; vanity defined into all the species of pride, vain-glory, self-approbation[; an inordinate desire of admiration, and an immo- derate enjoyment of the art of pleasing, for her own individual happiness, and not for the happiness of others. Still had she a heart inclined, and often- times affected by tendencies less unworthy; but those approaches to what was estimable, were in their first impulse too frequently met and inter- cepted by some darling folly. Miss Woodley (who could easily discover a vir- A SIMPLE STORY. 19 tue, although of the most diminutive kind, and scarcely through the magnifying glass of calumny could ever perceive a fault) was Miss Milner's in- separable companion at home, and her zealous advocate with Dorriforth, whenever, during her ab- sence, she became the subject of discourse. He listened with hope to the praises of her friend, but saw with despair how little they were merited. Sometimes he struggled to subdue his anger, but oftener strove to suppress tears of pity for his ward's hapless state. By this time all her acquaintance had given Lord Frederick to her as a lover ; the servants whispered it, and some of the public prints had even fixed the day of marriage : but as no explanation had taken place on his part, Dorriforth's uneasiness was in- creased ; and he seriously told Miss Milner, he thought it would be indispensably prudent in her to entreat Lord Frederick to discontinue his visits. She smiled with ridicule at the caution ; but finding it repeated, and in a manner that indicated authority, she promised not only to make, but to enforce the request. The next time he came, she did so ; as- suring him it was by her guardian's desire, " who, from motives of delicacy, had permitted her to so- licit as a favour what he could himself make as a demand." Lord Frederick reddened with anger : he loved Miss Milner ; but he doubted whether, from the frequent proofs he had experienced of his own inconstancy, he should continue to love ; and this interference of her guardian threatened an explanation or a dismission, before he became tho- roughly acquainted with his own heart. Alarmed, confounded, and provoked, he replied, " By Heaven, I believe Mr. Dorriforth loves you himself; and it is jealousy alone that makes him treat me in this manner." 20 A SIMPLE STORY. " For shame, my lord ! " cried Miss Woodley, who was present, and who trembled with horror at the sacrilegious supposition. " Nay, shame to him, if he is not in love," an- swered his lordship ; " for who but a savage could behold beauty like hers without owning its power?" " Habit," replied Miss Milner, " is every thing : Mr. Dorriforth sees and converses with beauty ; but, from habit, he does not fall in love ; and you, my lord, from habit, often do." " Then you believe that love is not in my dispo- sition?" " No more of it, my lord, than habit could very soon extinguish." " But I would not have it extinguished I would rather it should mount to a flame ; for I think it a crime to be insensible of the divine blessings love can bestow." " Then you indulge the passion to avoid a sin? This very motive deters Mr. Dorriforth from that indulgence." " It ought to deter him, for the sake of his oaths; but monastic vows, like those of marriage, were made to be broken : and surely when your guardian cast his eyes on you, his wishes " " Are never less pure," she replied eagerly, " than those which dwell in the bosom of my celestial guardian." At that instant Dorriforth entered the room. The colour had mounted into Miss Milner's face, from the warmth with which she had delivered her opinion ; and his accidental entrance at the very moment this praise had been conferred upon him in his absence, heightened the blush to a deep glow on every feature : confusion and earnestness caused even her lips to tremble and her whole frame to shake. A SIMPLE STORY. 21 " What is the matter ?" cried Dorriforth, looking with concern on her discomposure. " A compliment paid by herself to you, sir," re- plied Lord Frederick, " has affected your ward in the manner" you have seen." " As if she blushed at the untruth," said Dorri- forth. " Nay, that is unkind," cried Miss Woodley ; " for if you had been here" " I would not have said what I did," replied Miss Milner, " but had left him to vindicate himself." " Is it possible that I can want any vindication ? Who would think it worth their while to slander so unimportant a person as I am?" " The man who has the charge of Miss Milner/' replied Lord Frederick, "derives a consequence from her." " No ill consequence, I hope, my lord I" said Dorriforth, with a firmness in his voice, and with an eye so fixed, that his antagonist hesitated for a mo- ment in want of a reply ; and Miss Milner softly whispering to him, as her guardian turned his head, to avoid an argument, he bowed acquiescence. Then, as if in compliment to her, he changed the subject ; and with an air of ridicule he cried, " I wish, Mr. Dorriforth, you would give me ab- solution of all my sins, for I confess they are many, and manifold." " Hold, my lord," exclaimed Dorriforth, " do not confess before the ladies, lest, in order to excite their compassion, you should be tempted to accuse yourself of sins you have never yet committed." At this Miss Milner laughed, seemingly so well pleased, that Lord Frederick, with a sarcastic sneer, repeated, From Abelarri it came, " And Elo'ua Mill must love the name." 22 A SIMrLE STORY. Whether from an inattention to the quotation, or from a consciousness it was wholly inapplicable, Dorriforth heard it without one emotion of shame or of anger while Miss Milner seemed shocked at the implication ; her pleasantry was immediately suppressed, and she threw open the sash and held her head out at the window, to conceal the embar- rassment these lines had occasioned. The Earl of Elmwood was at that juncture an- nounced a Catholic nobleman, just come of age, and on the eve of marriage. His visit was to his cousin, Mr. Dorriforth ; but as all ceremonious visits were alike received by Dorriforth, Miss Milner, and Mrs. Horton's family, in one common apartment, Lord Elmwood was ushered into this, and of course directed the conversation to a different topic. CHAPTER VI. With an anxious desire that the affection, or ac- quaintance, between Lord Frederick and Miss Milner might be finally dissolved, her guardian received with infinite satisfaction, overtures of mar- riage from Sir Edward Ashton. Sir Edward was not young or handsome, old or ugly, but immensely rich and possessed of qualities that made him worthy of the happiness to which he aspired. He was the man whom Dorriforth would have chosen before any other for the husband of his ward ; and his wishes made him sometimes hope, against his cooler judgment, that Sir Edward would not be re- jected. He was resolved, at all events, to try the force of his own power in the strongest recommenda- tion of him. Notwithstanding that dissimilarity of opinion A SIMPLE STORY. 23 which, in almost every instance, subsisted between Miss Milner and her guardian, there was in general the most punctilious observance of good manners from each towards the other on the part of Dorri- forth more especially ; for his politeness would some- times appear even like the result of a system which he had marked out for himself, as the only means- to keep his ward restrained within the same limita- tions. Whenever he addressed her there was an unusual reserve upon his countenance, and more than usual gentleness in the tone of his voice : this appeared the effect of sentiments which her birth and situation inspired, joined to a studied mode of respect, best calculated to enforce the same from her. The wished-for consequence was produced ; for though there was an instinctive rec- titude in the understanding of Miss Milner that would have taught her, without other instruction, what manners to observe towards her deputed father ; yet, from some volatile thought, or some quick sense of feeling, which she had not been ac- customed to correct, she was perpetually on the verge of treating him with levity ; but he would on the instant recal her recollection by a reserve too awful, and a gentleness too sacred for her to violate. The distinction which both required was thus, by his skilful management alone, preserved. One morning he took an opportunity, before her and Miss Woodley, to introduce and press the sub- ject of Sir Edward Ashton's hopes. He first spoke warmly in his praise ; then plainly said that he be- lieved she possessed the power of making so deserv- ing a man happy to the summit of his wishes. A laugh of ridicule was the only answer ; but a sud- den frown from Dorriforth having silenced her mirth, he resumed his usual politeness, and said, " I wish you would show a better taste than thus pointedly to disapprove of Sir Edward." 24 A SIMPLE STORY. " How, Mr. Dorriforth, can you expect me to give proofs of a good taste, when Sir Edward, whom you consider with such high esteem, has given so bad an example of his, in approving me?" Dorriforth wished not to flatter her by a compli- ment she seemed to have sought for, and for a mo- ment hesitated what answer to make. " Reply, sir, to that question," she said. " Why then, madam," returned he, " it is my opinion, that supposing what your humility has ad- vanced be just, yet Sir Edward will not suffer by the suggestion; for in cases where the heart is so imme- diately concerned, as I believe Sir Edward's to be, taste, or rather reason, has little power to act." " You are in the right, Mr. Dorriforth : this is a proper justification of Sir Edward and when I fall in love, I beg that you will make the same excuse for me." " Then," said he, earnestly, " before your heart is in that state which I have described, exert your reason." " I shall," answered she, " and assuredly not consent to marry a man whom I could never love." " Unless your heart be already disposed of, Miss Milner, what can make you speak with such a de- gree of certainty 1 " He thought on Lord Frederick when he uttered this, and he rivetted his eyes upon her as if to penetrate her most secret inclinations, and yet trembling for what he might find there. She blush- ed, and her looks would have confirmed her guilty, if the unembarrassed and free tone of her voice, more than her words, had not preserved her from that sentence. " No," she replied, " my heart is not stolen away ; and yet I can venture to declare, that Sir Edward will never possess it." " 1 am sorry, for both your sakes, that these are A SIMPLE STORY. 25 your sentiments," he replied. " But as your heart is still your own," and he seemed rejoiced to find it was, " permit me to warn you how you part with a thing so precious. The dangers, the sorrows you hazard in bestowing it, are greater than you may possibly be aware of. The heart once gone, our thoughts, our actions, are no more our own, than that is." He seemed forcing himself to utter . all this; and yet he broke off as if he could have said much more, if the extreme delicacy of the subject had not restricted him. When he left the room, and she heard the door close after him, she said, with an inquisitive thought- fulness, " What can make good people so skilled in all the weaknesses of the bad ? Mr. Dorriforth, with all those prudent admonitions, appears rather like a man who has passed his life in the gay world, ex- perienced all its dangerous allurements, all its re- pentant sorrows, than like one who has lived his whole time secluded in a monastic college, or in his own study. Then he speaks with such exquisite sensibility on the subject of love, that he commends the very thing which he attempts to depreciate. I do not think my Lord Frederick would make the passion appear in more pleasing colours by painting its delights, than Mr. Dorriforth could in describing its sorrows; and if he talks to me frequently in this manner, I shall certainly take pity on Lord Fre- derick, for the sake of his adversary's eloquence." Miss Woodley, who heard the conclusion of this speech with the tenderest concern, cried, " Alas ! you then think seriously of Lord Frederick 1" "Suppose I do, wherefore that alas! Miss Woodley ?" " Because I fear you will never be happy with him." vol. xxvm. D 26 A SIMPLE STORY. " That is plainly saying, he will not be happy with me." " I do not know : I cannot speak of marriage, from experience," answered Miss Woodley ; " but I think I can guess what it is." " Nor can 1 speak of love from experience," replied Miss Milner ; " but I think I can guess what it is." " But do not fall in love, my dear," cried Miss Woodley, with her accustomed simplicity of heart, as if she had been asking a favour that depended upon the will of the person entreated ; " pray do not fall in love without the approbation of your guardian." Her young friend smiled at the inefficacious prayer but promised to do all she could to oblige her. CHAPTER VII. Sir Edward, not wholly discouraged by the denial with which Dorriforth had, with delicacy, acquaint- ed him, still hoped for a kind reception : and he was so often at the house of Mrs. Horton, that Lord Frederick's jealousy was excited ; and the tortures he suffered in consequence convinced him, beyond a doubt, of the sincerity of his affection. Every time he beheld the object of his passion, (for he still continued his visits, though not so frequently as heretofore,) he pleaded his cause with such ar- dour, that Miss Woodley, who was sometimes pre- sent, and ever compassionate, could not resist wish- ing him success. He now unequivocally offered marriage, and entreated that he might lay his pro- A SIMPLE STORY. 21 posals before Mr. Dorriforth; but this was positively forbidden. Her reluctance he imputed, however, more to the known partiality of her guardian for the addresses of Sir Edward, than to any motive which depended upon herself: and to Mr. Dorriforth he conceived a greater dislike than ever ; believing that through his interposition, in spite of his ward's attachment, he might yet be deprived of her. But Miss Milner declared, both to him and to her friend, that love had, at present, gained no influence over her mind. Yet did the watchful Miss Woodley, oftentimes hear a sigh escape from her unknown to herself, till she was reminded of it ; and then a crimson blush would instantly overspread her face. This seeming struggle with her passion /endeared her more than ever to Miss Woodley : and she would even risk the displeasure of Dorriforth by her compliance with every new pursuit that might amuse those leisure hours which her friend, she now perceived, passed in heaviness of heart. Balls, plays, incessant company, at length roused her guardian from that mildness with which he had been accustomed to treat her. Night after night, his sleep had been disturbed by fears for her when abroad : morning after morning it had been broken by the clamour of her return. He therefore gravely said to her one forenoon as he met her accidentally upon the staircase, " I hope, Miss Milner, you pass this evening at home V Unprepared for the sudden question, she blushed and replied, " Yes ;" though she knew she was engaged to a brilliant assembly, for which her mil- liner had been consulted a whole week. She, however, flattered herself that what she had said might be excused as a mistake, the lapse of D2 28 A SIMPLE STORY. memory, or some other trifling fault, when he should know the truth. The truth was earlier divulged than she expected for just as dinner was removed, her footman delivered a message to her from her milliner concerning a new dress for the evening the present evening particularly marked. Her guar- dian looked astonished ! " I thought, Miss Milner, you gave me your word that you would pass this evening at home V " I mistook for I had before given my word that I should pass it abroad." " Indeed ! " cried he. " Yes, indeed ; and I believe it is right that I should keep my first promise : is it not ?" " The promise you gave me then, you do not think of any consequence ?" " Yes, certainly, if you do." " I do." " And mean, perhaps, to make it of more conse- quence than it deserves, by being offended." " Whether or not I am offended you shall find I am." And he looked so. She caught his piercing eyes hers were imme- diately cast down ; and she trembled either with shame or with resentment. Mrs. Horton rose from her chair moved the de- canters and fruit round the table stirred the fire and came back to her chair again, before another word was uttered. Nor had this good woman's officious labours taken the least from the awkward- ness of the silence, which, as soon as the bustle she had contrived was over, returned in its full force. At last, Miss Milner rising with alacrity, was preparing to go out of the room, when Dorriforth raised his voice, and in a tone of authority said, " Miss Milner, you shall not leave the house this evening." A SIMPLE STORY. 29 " Sir !" she exclaimed with a kind of douht of what she had heard ; a surprise, which fixed her hand on the door she had half opened, but which now she shewed herself irresolute whether to open wide in defiance, or to shut submissively. Before she could resolve, he rose from his chair, and said, with a force and warmth she had never heard him use before, " I command you to stay at home this evening." And he walked immediately out of the apartment by another door. Her hand fell motionless from that which she held she appeared motionless herself till Mrs. Hor- ton, " beseeching her not to be uneasy at the treat- ment she had received," made her tears flow as if her heart was breaking. Miss Woodley would have said something to comfort her ; but she had caught the infection, and could not utter a word. It was not from any real cause of grief that Miss Woodley wept ; but there was a magnetic quality in tears, which always at- tracted hers. Mrs. Horton secretly enjoyed this scene, though the well-meaning of her heart, and the ease of her conscience, did not suffer her to think so. She, however, declared she had " long prognosticated it would come to this ;" and she " only thanked Heaven it was no worse." " What can be worse, madam? " cried Miss Mil- ner. " Am not I disappointed of the ball ? " " You don't mean to go then?" said Mrs. Hor- ton. " I commend your prudence ; and I dare say it is more than your guardian gives you credit for." " Do you think I would go," answered Miss Mil- ner, with an eagerness that for a time suppressed her tears, " in contradiction to his will 1 " " It is not the first time, I believe, you have acted D 3 30 A SIMPLE STORY. contrary to that, Miss Milner," replied Mrs. Hor- ton, and affected a tenderness of voice to soften the harshness of her words. " If you think so, madam, I see nothing that should prevent me now." And she went eagerly out of the room as if she had resolved to disobey him. This alarmed poor Miss Woodley. " My dear aunt," she cried to Mrs. Horton, " fol- low and prevail upon Miss Milner to give up her design : she means to be at the ball, in opposition to her guardian's will." " Then," said Mrs. Horton, " I'll not be instru- mental in deterring her. If she does go, it may be for the best : it may give Mr. Dorri forth a clearer knowledge, what means are proper to convert her from evil." " But, my dear madam, she must be preserved from the evil of disobedience ; and as you tempted, you will be the most likely to dissuade her. But if you will not, I must endeavour." Miss Woodley was leaving the room to perform this good work, when Mrs. Horton, in imitation of the example given her by Dorriforth, cried, *' Niece, I command you not to stir out of this room this evening." Miss Woodley obediently sat down : and though her thoughts and heart were in the chamber of her friend, she never marked by one impertinent word, or by one line of her face, the restraint she suffered. At the usual hour, Mr. Dorriforth and his ward were summoned to tea. He entered with a coun- tenance which evinced the remains of anger : his eye gave testimony of his absent thoughts ; and though he took up a pamphlet affecting to read, it was plain to discern that he scarcely knew he held it in his hand. Mrs. Horton began to make tea with a mind as A SIMPLE STORY. 31 intent upon something else as Dorriforth's. She longed for the event of this misunderstanding : and though she wished no ill to Miss Milner, yet with an inclination bent upon seeing something new with- out the fatigue of going out of her own house she was not over scrupulous what that novelty might be. But for fear she should have the imprudence to speak a word upon the subject which employed her thoughts, or even to look as if she thought of it at all, she pinched her lips close together, and cast her eyes on vacancy, lest their significant regards might expose her to detection. And for fear that any noise should intercept even the sound of what might happen, she walked across the room more softly than usual, and more softly touched every thing she was obliged to lay her hand on. Miss Woodley thought it her duty to be mute ; and now the gingle of a tea-spoon was like a deep- toned bell, all was so quiet. Mrs. Horton, too, in the self-approving reflection tba.t she was not in a quarrel or altercation of any kind, felt herself at this moment remarkably peace- ful and charitable. Miss Woodley did not recollect herself so, but was so in reality. In her, peace and charity were instinctive virtues : accident could not increase them. The tea had scarcely been made, when a servant came with Miss Milner's compliments, and she " did not mean to have any tea." The pamphlet shook in Dorriforth's hand while this message was de- livered. He believed her to be dressing for her evening's entertainment ; and now studied in what manner he should prevent or resent her disobedi- ence to his commands. He coughed drank his tea endeavoured to talk, but found it difficult some- times he read ; and in this manner near two hours were passed away, when Miss Milner came into the 32 A SIMPLE STORY. room not dressed for a ball, but as she had risen from dinner. Dorriforth read on, and seemed afraid of looking up, lest he should see what he could not have pardoned. She drew a chair and sat at the table by the side of her delighted friend. After a few minutes' pause, and some little em- barrassment on the part of Mrs Horton, at the disappointment she had to encounter from this un- expected dutiful conduct, she asked Miss Milner, " if she would now have any tea?" She replied, " No, I thank you, ma'am," in a voice so languid, compared with her usual one, that Dorriforth lifted up his eyes from the book ; and seeing her in the same dress that she had worn all the day, turned them hastily away from her again not with a look of triumph, but of confusion. Whatever he might have suffered if he had seen Miss Milner decorated, and prepared to bid defiance to his commands ; yet even upon that trial, he would not have endured half the painful sensations he now for a moment felt he felt himself to blame. He feared that he had treated her with too much severity he admired her condescension, accused himself for having exacted it he longed to ask her pardon he did not know how. A cheerful reply from her, to a question of Miss Woodley's, embarrassed him still more. He wished that she had been sullen : he then would have had a temptation, or pretence, to have heen sullen too. With all these sentiments crowding fast upon his heart, he still read, or seemed to read, as if he took no notice of what was passing ; till a servant came into the room and asked Miss Milner at what time she should want the carriage : to which she replied, " / don't go out to-night." Dorriforth then laid the book out of his hand, and, by the time the ser- vant had left the room, thus began : A SIMPLE STORY. S3 " Miss Milner, I give you, I fear, some unkind proofs of my regard. It is often the ungrateful task of a friend to be troublesome sometimes unman- nerly. Forgive the duties of my office, and believe that no one is half so much concerned if it robs you of any degree of happiness, as I myself am." What he said, he looked with so much sincerity, that had she been burning with rage at his late be- haviour, she must have forgiven him, for the regret which he so forcibly exprest. She was going to re- ply, but found she could not, without accompanying her words with tears : therefore, after the first at- tempt, she desisted. On this he rose from his chair, and going to her, said, " Once more shew your submission by obeying me a second time to-day. Keep your appointment : and be assured that I shall issue my commands with more circumspection for the future, as I find how strictly they are complied with." Miss Milner, the gay, the vain, the dissipated, the haughty Miss Milner, sunk underneath this kindness, and wept with a gentleness and patience, which did not give more surprise than it gave joy to Dorriforth. He was charmed to find her disposi- tion so tractable prophesied to himself the future success of his guardianship, and her eternal as well as temporal happiness from this specimen of com- pliance. CHAPTER VIII. Although Dorriforth was the good man that he has been described, there were in his nature shades of evil. There was an obstinacy, which himself and hii friends termed firmness of mind ; but which, had 34 A SIMPLE STORY. not religion and some contrary virtues weighed hea- vily in the balance, would have frequently degene- rated into implacable stubbornness. The child of a sister once beloved, who married a young officer against her brother's consent, was at the age of three years left an orphan, destitute of all support but from his uncle's generosity : but though Dorriforth maintained, he would never see him. Miss Milner, whose heart was a receptacle for the unfortunate, no sooner was told the melan- choly history of Mr. and Mrs. Rushbrook, the pa- rents of the child, than she longed to behold the innocent inheritor of her guardian's resentment, and took Miss Wood ley with her to see the boy. He was at a farm house a few miles from town : and his extreme beauty and engaging manners wanted not the sorrows to which he had been born, to give him farther recommendation to the kindness of her who had come to visit him. She looked at him with ad- miration and pity, and having endeared herself to him by the most affectionate words and caresses, on her bidding him farewel, he cried most piteously to go along with her. Unused at any time to resist temptations, whether to reprehensible or to lauda- ble actions, she yielded to his supplications ; and having overcome a few scruples of Miss Woodley's, determined to take young Rushbrook to town, and present him to his uncle. This design was no sooner formed than executed. By making a present to the nurse, she readily gained her consent to part with him for a day or two ; and the excess of joy denoted by the child on being placed in the carriage, repaid her before hand for every reproof she might receive from her guardian, for the liberty she had taken. " Besides," said she to Miss Woodley, who had still her fears, " do you not wish his uncle should have a warmer interest in his care than duty ? It is A StMPLE STORY. 35 duty alone which induces Mr. Dorriforth to provide for him ; but it is proper that affection should have some share in his benevolence ; and how, when he grows older, will he be so fit an object of the love which compassion excites, as he is at present ? " Miss Woodley acquiesced. But before they ar- rived at their own door it came into Miss Milner's remembrance, that there was a grave sternness in the manners of her guardian when provoked ; the recollection of which made her a little apprehensive for what she had done. Her friend, who knew him better than she did, was more so. They both be- came silent as they approached the street where they lived ; for Miss Woodley having once repre- sented her fears, and having suppressed them in re- signation to Miss Milner's better judgment, would not repeat them and Miss Milner would not con- fess that they were now troubling of her. Just, however, $s the coach stopped at their home she had the forecast and the humility to say, " We will not tell Mr. Dorriforth the child is his nephew, unless he should appear fond, and pleased with him, and then I think we may venture without any danger." This was agreed ; and when Dorriforth entered the room just before dinner, poor Harry Rushbook was introduced as the son of a lady who frequently visited there. The deception passed : his uncle shookhands with him; and at length, highly pleased with his engaging manner and applicable replies, took him on his knee, and caressed him with affection. Miss Milner could scarcely restrain the joy it gave her ; but unluckily, Dorriforth said soon after to the child, " And now tell me your name." " Harry Rushbrook," replied he, with force and clearness of voice. Dorriforth was holding him fondly round the waist 36 A SIMPLE STORY. as he stood with his feet upon his kness ; and at this reply he did not throw him from him but he re- moved his hands, which had supported him, so sud- denly, that the child, to prevent falling on the floor, threw himself about his uncle's neck. Miss Milner and Miss Woodley turned aside to conceal their tears. " I had like to have been down," cried Harry, fearing no other danger. But his uncle took hold of each hand which had twined around him, and placed him immediately on the ground. The dinner being that instant served, he gave no greater marks of his resentment than calling for his hat, and walking instantly out of the house. Miss Milner cried for anger ; yet she did not shew less kindness to the object of this vexatious circum- stance : she held him in her arms while she sat at table, and repeatedly said to him (though he had not the sense to thank her), " That she would al- ways be his friend." The first emotions of resentment against Dorri- forth being passed, she returned with her little charge to the farm house, before it was likely his uncle should come back ; another instance of obe- dience, which Miss Woodley was impatient her guardian should know. She therefore inquired where he was gone, and sent him a note for the sole pur- pose of acquainting him with it, offering at the same time an apology for what had happened. He re- turned in the evening seemingly reconciled ; nor was a word mentioned of the incident which had occurred in the former part of the day : still in his countenance remained the evidence of a perfect re- collection of it, without one trait of compassion for his helpless nephew. A SIMPE STORY. 37 CHAPTER IX. There are few things so mortifying- to a proud spirit as to suffer by immediate comparison : men can hardly bear it, but to women the punishment is intolerable ; and Miss Milner now laboured under this humiliation to a degree which gave her no small inquietude. Miss Fenton, young, of exquisite beauty, elegant manners, gentle disposition, and discreet conduct, was introduced to Miss Milner's acquaintance by her guardian, and frequently, sometimes inadvert- ently, held up by him as a pattern for her to follow: for when he did not say this in direct terms, it was insinuated by the warmth of his panegyric on those virtues in which Miss Fenton excelled, and in which his ward was obviously deficient. Conscious of her own inferiority in these subjects of her guardian's praise, Miss Milner, instead of being inspired to emulation, was provoked to envy. Not to admire Miss Fenton was impossible to find one fault with her person or sentiments was equally impossible and yet to love her was un- likely. That serenity of mind which kept her features in a continual placid form, though enchanting at the first glance, upon a second or third fatigued the sight for want of variety ; and to have seen her dis- torted with rage, convulsed with mirth, or in deep dejection, had been to her advantage. But her superior soul appeared above those emotions, and there was more inducement to worship her as a saint than to love her as a woman. Yet Dorriforth, whose heart was not formed (at least not educated) for love, regarding her in the light of friendship only, beheld her as the most perfect model for her sex. vol. xxvm. E 44G32 .38 A, SIMPLE STORY. Lord Frederick on first seeing her was struck with her beauty, and Miss Milner apprehended she had introduced a rival ; but he had not seen her three times, before he called her " the most insufferable of Heaven's creatures," and vowed there was more charming variation in the plain features of Miss Woodley. Miss Milner had a heart affectionate to her own sex, even where she saw them in possession of supe- rior charms ; but whether from the spirit of contra- diction, from feeling herself more than ordinarily offended by her guardian's praise of this lady, or that there was a reserve in Miss Fenton that did not accord with her own frank and ingenuous disposi- tion, so as to engage her esteem, certain it is that she took infinite satisfaction in hearing her beauty and virtues depreciated or turned into ridicule, par- ticularly if Mr. Dorriforth was present. This was painful to him on many accounts ; perhaps an anxiety for his ward's conduct was not among the least ; and whenever the circumstance occurred, he could with difficulty restrain his anger. Miss Fenton was not only a person whose amiable qualities he admired ; but she was soon to be allied to him by her marriage with his nearest relation, Lord Elmwood a young nobleman whom he sincerely loved. Lord Elmwood had discovered all that beauty in Miss Fenton which every common observer could not but see. The charms of her mind and of her fortune had been pointed out by his tutor ; and the utility of the marriage, in perfect submission to his precepts, he never permitted himself to question. This preceptor held with a magisterial power the government of his pupil's passions ; nay, governed them so entirely, that no one could perceive (nor did the young lord himself know) that he had any. This rigid monitor and friend was a Mr. Sand ford. A SIMPLE STORY. 39 bred a Jesuit in the same college at which Dorri- tbrth had since been educated; but previous to his education the order had been compelled to take another name. Sandford had been the tutor of Dorriforth as well as of his cousin, Lord Elmwood, and by this double tie he seemed now entailed upon the family. As a Jesuit, he was consequently a man of learning ; possessed of steadiness to accomplish the end of any design once meditated, and of saga- city to direct the views of men more powerful, but less ingenious, than himself. The young earl, ac- customed in his infancy to fear him as his master, in his youthful manhood received every new indul- gence with gratitude, and at length loved him as a father : nor had Dorriforth as yet shaken off simi- lar sensations. Mr. Sandford perfectly knew how to influence the sentiments and sensations of all human kind, but yet he had the forbearance not to " draw all hearts towards him." There were some, whose hatred he thought not unworthy of his pious labours to ex- cite ; and in that pursuit he was more rapid in his success than even in procuring esteem. It was an enterprise in which he succeeded with Miss Milner even beyond his most sanguine wish. She had been educated at an English boarding- school, and had no idea of the superior and subor- dinate state of characters in a foreign seminary: besides, as a woman, she was privileged to say any thing she pleased ; and as a beautiful woman, she had a right to expect that whatever she pleased to say should be admired. Sandford knew the hearts of women, as well as those of men, though he had passed but little of his time in their society. He saw Miss Milner's heart at the first sight of her person ; and beholding in that small circumference a weight of folly that he K2 40 A SIMPLE STORY. wished to eradicate, he began to toil in the vineyard, eagerly courting her detestation of him, in the hope he could also make her abominate herself. In the mortifications of slight he was expert ; and being a man of talents, whom all companies, especially those of her friends, respected, he did not begin by wast- ing that reverence he so highly valued upon ineffec- tual remonstrances, of which he could foresee the reception, but wakened her attention by his neglect of her. He spoke of her in her presence as of an indifferent person ; sometimes forgetting even to name her when the subject required it ; then would ask her pardon, and say that he " really did not recollect her," with such seeming sorrow for his fault, that she could not suppose the offence intend- ed, and of course felt the affront more acutely. While, with every other person she was the prin- ciple, the cause, upon whom a whole party depended for conversation, cards, music, or dancing, with Mr. Sandford she found that she was of no importance. Sometimes she tried to consider this disregard of her as merely the effect of ill-breeding ; but he was not an ill-bred man : he was a gentleman by birth, and one who had kept the best company a man of sense and learning. " And such a man slights me without knowing it," she said ; for she had not dived so deeply into the powers of simulation, as to suspect that such careless manners were the result of art. This behaviour of Mr. Sandford had its desired effect : it humbled her in her own opinion more than a thousand sermons would have done, preached on the vanity of youth and beauty. She felt an in- ward shame at the insignificance of these qualities that she never knew before ; and would have been cured of all her pride, had she not possessed a de- gree of spirit beyond the generality of her sex ; A SIMPLE STORY. 41 such a degree as even Mr. Sandford, with all his penetration, did not expect to rind. She determined to resent his treatment ; and, entering the lists as his declared enemy, give to the world a reason why he did not acknowledge her sovereignty, as well as the rest of her devoted subjects. She now commenced hostilities against all his arguments, his learning, and his favourite axioms ; and by a happy talent of ridicule, in want of other weapons for this warfare, she threw in the way of the holy father as great trials of his patience as any that his order could have substituted in penance. Many things he bore like a martyr at others, his fortitude would forsake him, and he would call on her guardian, his former pupil, to interpose with his authority : she would then declare that she only had acted thus " to try the good man's temper, and that if he had combated with his fretfulness a few mo- ments longer, she would have acknowledged his claim to canonization ; but that, having yielded to the sallies of his anger, he must now go through numerous other probations." If Miss Fenton was admired by Dorriforth, by Sandford she was adored ; and, instead of placing her as an example to Miss Milner, he spoke of her as of one endowed beyond Miss Milner's power of imitation. Often, with a shake of his head and a sigh, would he say, " No : I am not so hard upon you as your guar- dian : I only desire you to love Miss Fenton ; to re- semble her, I believe, is above your ability." This was too much to bear composedly and poor Miss Woodley, who was generally a witness of these controversies, felt a degree of sorrow at every sen- tence which, like the foregoing, chagrined and dis- tressed her friend. Yet as she suffered too for Mr. Sandford, the jov of her friend's reply wns mostly K :j 42 A SIMPLE STORY. abated by the uneasiness it gave to him. But Mrs. Horton felt for none but the right reverend priest ; and often did she feel so violently interested in his cause, that she could not refrain giving an answer herself in his behalf thus doing the duty of an ad- versary with all the zeal of an advocate. CHAPTER X. Mr. Sandford finding his friend Dorriforth frequent- ly perplexed in the management of his ward, and he himself thinking her incorrigible, gave his coun- sel, that a suitable match should be immediately sought out for her, and the care of so dangerous a person given into other hands. Dorriforth acknow- ledged the propriety of this advice, but lamented the difficulty of pleasing his ward as to the quality of her lover ; for she had refused, besides Sir Ed- ward Ashton, many others of equal pretensions. " Depend upon it then," cried Sandford, " that her affections are engaged ; and it is proper that you should know to whom." Dorriforth thought he did know, and mentioned Lord Frederick ; but said that he had no farther authority for the supposition than what his observation had given him, for that every explanation both upon his and her side had been evaded. " Take her then," cried Sandford, " into the country ; and if Lord Frederick should not fol- low, there is an end of your suspicions." " I shall not easily prevail upon Miss Milner to leave town," replied he, " while it is in the highest fashion." " You can but try," returned Sandford; " and if you should not succeed now, at least fix the time you mean to go during the autumn, and be firm to your determination." " But in the autumn," replied A SIMPLE STORY. 43 Dorriforth, " Lord Frederick will of course be in the country ; and as his uncle's estate is near our residence, he will not then so evidently follow her, as he would if I could induce her to go immedi- ately." It was agreed the attempt should be made. In- stead of receiving this abrupt proposal with uneasi- ness, Miss Milner, to the surprise of all present, immediately consented, and gave her guardian an opportunity of saying several of the kindest and politest things upon her ready compliance. " A token of approbation from you, Mr. Dorri- forth," returned she, " I always considered with high estimation : but your commendations are now become infinitely superior in value by their scarcity ; for I do not believe that since Miss Fenton and Mr. Sandford came to town, I have received one testi- mony of your esteem." Had these words been tittered with pleasantry, they might have passed without observation ; but at the conclusion of the period, resentment flew to Miss Milner's face, and she darted a piercing look at Mr. Sandford, which more pointedly expressed that she was angry with him, than if she had spoken volumes in her usual strain of raillery. Dorriforth was con- fused ; but the concern which she had so plainly evinced for his good opinion throughout all that she had been saying, silenced any rebuke he might else have given her, for this unwarrantable charge against his friend. Mrs. Horton was shocked at the irreve- rent manner in which Mr. Sandford was treated: and Miss Woodley turned to him with a benevolent smile upon her face, hoping to set him an example of the manner in which he should receive the re- proach. Her good wishes did not succeed ; yet he was perfectly unruffled, and replied with coolness, 44 A SIMPLE STORY. " The air of the country has affected the lady already : hut it is a comfortable thing-," continued he, " that in the variety of humours to which some women are exposed, they cannot be uniform even in deceit." " Deceit!" cried Miss Milner: " In what am 1 deceitful ? Did I ever pretend that I had an esteem for you ? " " That would not have been deceit, madam, but merely good manners." " I never, Mr. Sand ford, sacrificed truth to po- liteness." " Except when the country has been proposed, and you thought it politeness to appear satisfied." " And I was satisfied, till I recollected that you might probably be of the party. Then every grove was changed into a wilderness, every rivulet into a stagnated pool, and every singing bird into a croak- ing raven." " A very poetical description ! " returned he calm- ly. " But, Miss Milner, you need not have had any apprehensions of my company in the country ; for I understand the seat to which your guardian means to go, belongs to you ; and you may depend upon it, madam, that I will never enter a house in which you are the mistress/' " Nor any house, I am certain, Mr. Sandford, but in which you are yourself the master." " What do you mean, madam ? (and for the first time he elevated his voice) : am I the master here V " Your servants," replied she, looking at the com- pany, " will not tell you so ; but I do." " You condescend, Mr. Sandford," cried Mrs. Horton, " in talking so much to a young heedless woman ; but I know you do it for her good." " Well, Miss Milner," cried Dorriforth, (and the A SIMPLE STORY. 45 most cutting thing he could say), " since I find my proposal of the country has put you out of humour, 1 shall mention it no more." With all that quantity of resentment, anger, or rage, which sometimes boiled in the veins of Miss Milner, she was yet never wanting in that respect towards her guardian which withheld her from ever uttering one angry sentence directed immediately to him ; and a severe word of his, instead of exas- perating, was sure to subdue her. This was the case at present: his words wounded her to the heart, but she had not the asperity to reply to them as she thought they merited, and she burst into tears. Dorriforth, instead of being concerned, as he usually was at seeing her uneasy, appeared on the present occasion provoked. He thought her weeping was a new reproach to his friend Mr. Sandford, and that to suffer himself to be moved by it would be a tacit condemnation of his friend's conduct. She under- stood his thoughts, and getting the better of her tears, apologized for her weakness ; adding, " She could never bear with indifference an un- just accusation." " To prove that mine was unjust, madam," re- plied Dorriforth, " be prepared to quit London, without any marks of regret, within a few days." She bowed assent ; the- necessary preparations were agreed upon; and while with apparent satisfac- tion she adjusted the plan of her journey (like those who behave well, not so much to please themselves as to vex their enemies), she secretly triumphed in the mortification she hoped that Mr. Sandford would receive from her obedient behaviour. The news of this intended journey was of course soon made public. There is a secret charm in be- ing pitied, when the misfortune is but ideal ; and Miss Milner found infinite gratification in being told, 46 A SIMPLE STORY. " that hers was a cruel case, and that it was un- just and barbarous to force so much beauty into concealment while London was rilled with her ad- mirers, who, like her, would languish in conse- quence of her solitude." These things, and a thousand such, a thousand times repeated, she still listened to with pleasure ; yet preserved the con- stancy, not to shrink from her resolution of submit- ting. Those involuntary sighs, however, that Miss Woodley had long ago observed, became still more frequent ; and a tear half starting in her eye was an additional subject of her friend's observation. Yet though Miss Milner at those times was softened into melancholy, she by no means appeared unhappy. Her friend was acquainted with love only by name ; yet she was confirmed from these increased symp- toms, in what she before only suspected, that love must be the foundation of her care. " Her senses have been captivated by the person and accomplish- ments of Lord Frederick," said Miss Woodley to herself; " but her understanding compels her to see his faults, and reproaches her passion. And, oh !" cried she, " could her guardian and Mr. Sandford but know of this conflict, how much would they have to admire ; how little to condemn !" With such friendly thoughts, and with the purest intentions, Miss Woodley did not fail to give both gentlemen reason to believe a contention of this nature was the actual state of Miss Milner's mind. Dorriforth was affected at the description, and Sandford urged more than ever the necessity of leaving town. In a few days they departed : Mrs. Horton, Miss W r oodley, Miss Milner, and Mr. Dor- riforth, accompanied by Miss Fenton, whom Miss Milner, knowing it to be the wish of her guardian, invited, for three months before her marriage, to her A SIMPLE STORY. 47 country seat. Elmwood House, or rather Castle, the seat of Lord Ehnwood, was only a few miles distant from this residence, and he was expected to pass great part of the summer there, with his tutor, Mr. Sandford. In the neighbourhood was also (as it has been already said) an estate belonging to an uncle of Lord Frederick's ; and most of the party suspected they should soon see him on a visit there. To that expectation they in great measure attributed Miss Milner's visihle content. CHAPTER XL With this party Miss Milner arrived at her country house ; and for near six weeks, all around was the picture of tranquillity. Her satisfaction was as evident as every other person's ; and all severe ad- monition being at this time unnecessary, either to exhort her to her duty or to warn her against her folly, she was even in perfect good humour with Miss Fenton, and added friendship to hospitality. Mr. Sandford, who came with Lord Elmwood to the neighbouring seat, about a week after the ar- rival of Miss Milner at hers, was so scrupulously exact in the observance of his word, " never to enter a house of Miss Milner's," that he would not even call upon his friend Dorriforth there : but in their walks, and at Lord Elmwood's, the two parties, re- siding at the two houses, would occasionally join, and of course Sandford and she at those times met ; yet so distant was the reserve on either side, that not a single word upon any occasion was ever ex- changed between them. Miss Milner did not like Mr. Sandford ; yet, as 48 A SIMPLE STORY. there was no cause of inveterate rancour, admiring him, too, as a man who meant well, and her being besides of a most forgiving temper, she frequently felt concerned that he did not speak to her, although it had been to find fault as usual: and one morning, as they were all, after a long ramble, drawing to- wards her house, where Lord Elmwood was invited to dine, she could not refrain from dropping a tear at seeing Sandford turn back and wish them a " Good day." But though she had the generosity to forgive an affront, she had not the humility to make a conces- sion : and she foresaw that nothing less than some very humble atonement on her part would prevail upon the haughty priest to be reconciled. Dorri- forth saw her concern upon this last trifling occasion with a secret pleasure, and an admiration that she had never before excited. She once insinuated to him to be a mediator between them ; but before any accommodation could take place, the peace and composure of their abode were disturbed by the arrival of Sir Edward Ashton at Lord Elmwood's, where it appeared as if he had been invited in order to pursue his matrimonial plan. At a dinner given by Lord Elmwood, Sir Edward was announced as an unexpected visitor. Miss Mil- ner did not suppose him such ; and she turned pale when his name was uttered. Dorriforth fixed his eyes upon her with some tokens of compassion, while Sandford seemed to exult; and, by his repeated " welcomes" to the baronet, gave proofs how much he was rejoiced to see him. All the declining en- mity of Miss Milner was renewed at this behaviour; and suspecting Sandford as the instigator of the visit, she could not overcome her displeasure, but gave way to it in a manner which she thought the most mortifying. Sir Edward, in the course of A SIMPLE STORY. 49 conversation, inquired " What neighbours were in the country ;" and she, with an appearance of high satisfaction named Lord Frederick Lawnley as being hourly expected at his uncle's. The colour spread over Sir Edward's face Dorriforth was confounded and Mr. Sandford looked enraged. " Did Lord Frederick tell you he should be down?" Sandford asked of Dorrifoath. To which he replied, " No." " But I hope, Mr. Sandford, you will permit me to know V said Miss Milner. For as she now meant to torment him by what she said, she no longer constrained herself to silence ; and as he harboured the same kind intention towards her, he had no longer any objection to make a reply, and therefore answered, " No, madam, if it depended upon my permission you should not know." " Not any thing, Sir, I dare say. You would keep me in utter ignorance." " I would." " From a self-interested motive, Mr. Sandford that 1 might have a greater respect for you." Some of the company laughed Mrs. Horton coughed Miss Woodley blushed Lord Elmwood sneered Dorriforth frowned and Miss Fenton looked just as she did before. The conversation was changed as soon as possible; and early in the evening the party from Milner Lodge returned home. Miss Milner had scarcely left her dressing-room, where she had been taking off some part of her dress, when Dorriforth's servant came to acquaint her that his master was alone in his study, and beg- ged to speak with her. She felt herself tremble : she immediately experienced a consciousness that she had not acted properly at Lord Elniwood's ; for vol. xxviu. F 50 A SIMPLE STORY. she felt a presentiment that her guardian was going to upbraid her, and her heart whispered that he had never yet reproached her without a cause. Miss Woodleyjust then entered her apartment, and she found herself so much a coward, as to pro- pose that she should go with her, and aid her with a word or two occasionally in her excuse. " What ! you, my dear," returned Miss Woodley, " who not three hours ago had the courage to vin- dicate your own cause before a whole company, of whom many were your adversaries ; do you want an advocate before your guardian alone, who has ever treated you with tenderness ! " " It is that very tenderness which frightens me : which intimidates, and strikes me dumb. Is it pos- sible I can return impertinence to the language and manners which Mr. Dorriforth uses 1 And as I am debarred from that resource, what can I do but stand before him like a guilty creature, acknowledg- ing my faults ? " She again entreated her friend to go with her : but on a positive refusal, from the impropriety of such an intrusion, she was obliged at length to go by herself. How much does the difference of exterior cir- cumstances influence not only the manners, but even the persons of some people ! Miss Milner in Lord Elmwood's drawing-room, surrounded by lis- teners, by admirers, (for even her enemies could not look at her without admiration), animated with approbation and applause and Miss Milner, with no giddy observer to give her actions a false eclat destitute of all but her own understanding, (which secretly condemns her) upon the point of receiving censure from her guardian and friend, are two dif- ferent beings. Though still beautiful beyond de- scription, she does not look even in person the same. A SIMPLE STORY. 51 In the last mentioned situation, she was shorter in stature than in the former she was paler she was thinner and a very different contour presided over her whole air, and all her features. When she arrived at the door of the study, she opened it with a trepidation she could hardly ac- count for, and entered to Dorriforth the altered woman she has been represented. His heart had taken the most decided part against her, and his face had assumed the most severe aspect of reproach; but her appearance gave an instantaneous change to his whole mind and countenance. She halted, as if she feared to approach he hesitated, as if he knew not how to speak. Instead of the anger with which he was prepared to begin, his voice involuntarily softened, and without know- ing what he said, he began, " My dear Miss Milner " She expected he was angry, and in her confusion his gentleness was lost upon her. She imagined that what he said might be censure, and she con- tinued to tremble, though he repeatedly assured her, that he meant only to advise, not to upbraid her. " For as to all those little disputes between Mr. Sandford and you," said he, " I should be partial if I blamed you more than [him. Indeed, when you take the liberty to condemn him, his character makes the freedom appear in a more serious light than when he complains of you ; and yet, if he provokes your retorts, he alone must answer for them : nor will I undertake to decide betwixt you. But I have a question to ask you, and to which I require a serious and unequivocal answer : Do you expect Lord Frederick in the country V Without hesitation she replied, " I do." " One more question I have to ask, madam, and to which I expect a reply equally unreserved : Is F-2 52 A SIMPLE STORY. Lord Frederick the man you approve for your hus- band r Upon this close interrogation she discovered an embarrassment, beyond any she had ever yet be- trayed, and faintly replied, " No, he is not." " Your words tell me one thing," answered Dor- riforth, " but. your looks declare another : which am I to believe V " Which you please," was her answer, while she discovered an insulted dignity, that astonished, without convincing him. " But then why encourage him to follow you hither, Miss Milner ?" " Why commit a thousand follies," she replied in tears, " every hour of my life V "You then promote the hopes of Lord Frederick without one serious intention of completing them ! This is a conduct against which it is my duty to guard you, and you shall no longer deceive either him or yourself. The moment he arrives, it is my resolution that you refuse to see him, or consent to become his wife." In answer to the alternative thus offered, she ap- peared averse to both propositions ; and yet came to no explanation why ; but left her guardian at the end of the conference as much at a loss to decide upon her true sentiments, as he was before he had thus seriously requested he might be informed of them ; but having stedfastly taken the resolution which he had just communicated, he found that re- solution a certain relief to his mind. A SIMPLE STORY. 53 CHAPTER XII. Sir Edward Ashton, though not invited by Miss Milner, yet frequently did himself the honour to visit her at her house ; sometimes he accompanied Lord Elmwood, at other times he came to see Dor- riforth alone, who generally introduced him to the ladies. But Sir Edward was either so unwilling to give pain to the object of his love, or so intimidated by her frowns, that he seldom addressed her with a single word, except the usual compliments at enter- ing, and retiring. This apprehension of offending, without one hope of pleasing, had the most awkward effect upon the manners of the worthy baronet ; and his endeavours to insinuate himself into the affections of the woman he loved, merely by not giving her offence either in speaking to her or looking at her, formed a character so whimsical, that it frequently forced a smile from Miss Milner, though his very name had often power to throw a gloom over her face : she looked upon him as the cause of her being hurried to the election of a lover, before her own mind could well direct her where to fix. Besides, his pursuit was troublesome, while it was no triumph to her vanity, which, by the addresses of Lord Fre- derick, was in the highest manner gratified. His lordship now arrives in the country, and calls one morning at Miss Milner's : her guardian sees his carriage coming up the avenue, and gives orders to the servants, to say their lady is not at home, but that Mr. Dorriforth is : Lord Frederick leaves his compliments and goes away. The ladies all observed his carriage and servants. Miss Milner flew to her glass, adjusted her dress ; and in her looks expressed every sign of palpitation f 3 54 A SIMPLE STORY. but in vain she keeps her eye fixed upon the door of the apartment : no Lord Frederick appears. After some minutes of expectation, the door opens, and her guardian comes in. She was disap- pointed : he perceived that she was, and he looked at her with a most serious face. She immediately called to mind the assurance he had given her, " that her acquaintance with Lord Frederick in its then improper state should not continue ;" and be- tween chagrin and confusion, she was at a loss how to hehave. Though the ladies were all present, Dorriforth said, without the smallest reserve, " Perhaps, Miss Milner, you may think I have taken an unwarrant- able liberty, in giving orders to your servants to deny you to Lord Frederick : but until his lordship and I have had a private conference, or you conde- scend to declare your sentiments more fully in re- gard to his visits, I think it my duty to put an end to them." " You will always perform your duty, Mr. Dor- riforth, I have no doubt, whether I concur or not." " Yet believe me, madam, I should perform it more cheerfully, if I could hope that it was sanction- ed by your inclinations." " I am not mistress of my inclinations, sir, or they should conform to yours." " Place them under my direction, and I will an- swer for it they will." A servant came in " Lord Frederick is returned, sir, and says he should be glad to see you." " Shew him into the study," cried Dorriforth hastily, and, rising from his chair, left the room. " I hope they won't quarrel," said Mrs. Horton, meaning that she thought they would. " I am sorry to see you so uneasy, Miss Milner," said Miss Fenton, with perfect unconcern. A SIMPLE STORY. 55 As the badness of the weather had prevented their usual morning's exercise, the ladies were em- ployed at their needles till the dinner bell called them away. " Do you think Lord Frederick is gone?" then whispered Miss Milner to Miss Wood- ley." I think not," she replied. " Go ask of the servants, dear creature ;" and Miss Woodley went out of the room. She soon returned, and said, apart, " He is now getting into his chariot : I saw him pass in violent haste through the hall : he seemed to fly." " Ladies, the dinner is waiting," cried Mrs. Hor- ton ; and they repaired to the dining-room, where Dorriforth soon after came, and engrossed their whole attention by his disturbed looks, and unusual silence. Before dinner was over, he was, however, more himself; but still he appeared thoughtful and dissatisfied. At the time of their evening walk, he excused himself from accompanying them, and they saw him in a distant field with Mr. Sandford in earnest conversation ; for Sandford and he stopped on one spot for a quarter of an hour, as if the interest of the subject had so engaged them, they stood still without knowing it. Lord Elmwood, who had joined the ladies, walked home with them. Dorri- forth entered soon after, in a much less gloomy humour than when he went out, and told his rela- tion, that he and the ladies would dine with him the next day, if he was disengaged ; and it was agreed they should. Still Dorriforth was in some perturbation, but the immediate cause was concealed till the day follow- ing, when, about an hour before the company's departure from Elmwood Castle, Miss Milner and Miss Woodley were desired, by a servant, to walk into a separate apartment, in which they found Mr. Dorriforth, with Mr. Sandford, waiting for them. Her guardian made an apology to Miss Milner for 56 A SIMPLE STORY. the form, the ceremony, of which he was going to make use ; but he trusted the extreme weight which oppressed his mind, lest he should mistake the real sentiments of a person whose happiness depended upon his correct knowledge of them, would plead his excuse. " I know, Miss Milner," continued he, " the world in general allows to unmarried women great latitude in disguising their minds with respect to the man they love. I, too, am willing to pardon any little dissimulation that is but consistent with a modesty that becomes every woman upon the subject of marriage. But here, to what point I may limit, or you may extend, this kind of venial deceit may so widely differ that it is not impossible for me to re- main unacquainted with your sentiments, even after you have revealed them to me. Under this con- sideration, I wish once more to hear your thoughts in regard to matrimony, and to hear them before one of your own sex, that I may form an opinion by her constructions." To all this serious oration, Miss Milner made no other reply than by turning to Mr. Sandford, and asking, " if he was the person of her own sex to whosejudgment her guardian was to submit his own?" " Madam," cried Sandford, angrily, " you are come hither upon serious business." " Any business must be serious to me, Mr. Sand- ford, in which you are concerned ; and if you had called it sorrowjul, the epithet would have suited as well." " Miss Milner," said her guardian, " I did not bring you here to contend with Mr. Sandford." " Then why, sir, bring him hither? for where he and I are there must be contention." " I brought him hither, madam, or I should rather say, brought you to this house, merely that A SIMPLE STORY. 57 he wight be present on this occasion, and with his discernment relieve me from a suspicion that my own judgment is neither able to suppress nor to confirm." " Are there any more witnesses you may wish to call in, sir, to remove your douhts of my veracity ? If there are, pray send for them before you begin your interrogations." He shook his head. She continued, " The whole world is welcome to hear what I say, and every different person is welcome to judge me differently." " Dear Miss Milner!" cried Miss Woodley, with a tone of reproach for the vehemence with which she had spoken. " Perhaps, Miss Milner," said Dorriforth, " you will not now reply to those questions I was going to put?" " Did I ever refuse, sir," returned she, with a self-approving air, " to comply with any request that you have seriously made ? Have I ever refused obedience to your commands whenever you thought proper to lay them upon me I If not, you have no right to suppose that I will do so now." He was going to reply, when Mr. Sandford sul- lenly interrupted him, and walking towards the door, cried, " When you come to the point for which you brought me here, send for me again." " Stay now," said Dorriforth. " And Miss Mil- ner," continued he, ," I not only entreat, but con- jure you to tell me have you given your word or your affections to Lord Frederick Lawnley?" The colour spread over her face, and she replied, " I thought confessions were always to be made in secret : however, as I am not a member of your church, I submit to the persecution of a heretic, and I answer Lord Frederick has neither my word nor any share in my affections." 58 A SIMPLE STORY. Sandford, Dorriforth, and Miss Woodley looked at each other with a degree of surprise that for some time kept them silent. At length Dorriforth said, " And it is your firm intention never to become his wife?" To which she answered, " At present it is." " At present ! Do you suspect you shall change your mind?" " Women sometimes do." " But before that change can take place, your acquaintance will be at an end ; for it is that which I shall next insist upon, and to which you can have no objection." She replied, " I had rather it should continue." " On what account?" cried Dorriforth. " Because it entertains me." " For shame, for shame !" returned he : " it en- dangers your character and your happiness. Yet again, do not suffer me to interfere, if the breaking with my Lord Frederick can militate against your felicity." " By no means,'' she answered : " Lord Frederick makes part of my amusement, but can never consti- tute my felicity." " Miss Woodley," said Dorriforth, " do you com- prehend your friend in the same literal and un- equivocal sense that I do?" " Certainly 1 do, sir." " And pray, Miss Woodley," said he, " were those the sentiments which you have always enter- tained ?" Miss Woodley hesitated. He continued " Or has this conversation altered them?" She hesitated again, then answered, " This con- versation has altered them." " And yet you confide in it!" cried Sandford, looking at her with contempt. " Certainly I do," replied Miss Woodley. A SIMPLE STORY. 59 " Do not you, then, Mr. Sandford?" asked Dor- riforth. " I would advise you to act as if I did," replied Sand ford. " Then, Miss Milner," said Dorriforth, " you see Lord Frederick no more : and I hope I have your permission to apprize him of this arrangement." " You have, sir," she replied with a completely unembarrassed countenance and voice. Her friend looked at her as if to discover some lurking wish, adverse to all these protestations, but she could not discern one. Sandford, too, fixed his penetrating eyes upon her, as if he would look through her soul; but finding it perfectly composed, he cried out " Why, then, not write his dismission herself, and save you, Mr. Dorriforth, the trouble of any farther contest with him?" " Indeed, Miss Milner," said Dorriforth, " that would oblige me ; for it is with great reluctance that I meet him upon this subject : he was extremely impatient and importunate when he was last with me: he took advantage of my ecclesiastical situation to treat me with a levity and ill breeding, that I could ill have suffered upon any other consideration than a compliance with my duty." " Dictate what you please, Mr. Dorriforth, and I will write it," said she, with a warmth like the most unaffected inclination. " And while you, sir," she continued, " are so indulgent as not to distress me with the importunities of any gentleman to whom I am averse, I think myself equally bound, to rid you of the impertinence of every one to whom you may have objection." " But," answered he, " rest assured I have no material, objection to my Lord Frederick, except from that dilemma, in which your acquaintance with 00 A SIMPLE STORY. him has involved us all ; and I should conceive the same against any other man, where the same cir- cumstance occurred. As you have now, however, freely and politely consented to the manner in which it has been proposed that you shall break with him, I will not trouble you a moment longer upon a subject on which I have so frequently ex- plained my wishes, but conclude it by assuring you, that your ready acquiescence has given me the sincerest satisfaction." " I hope, Mr. Sandford," said she, turning to him with a smile, " I have given you satisfaction likewise?" Sandford could not say yes, and was ashamed to say no : he, therefore, made answer only by his looks, which were full of suspicion. She, notwithstanding, made him a very low courtesy. Her guardian then handed her out of the apartment into her coach, which was waiting to take her, Miss Woodley, and himself home. CHAPTER XIII. Notwithstanding the seeming readiness with which Miss Milner had resigned all farther acquaint- ance with Lord Frederick, during the short ride home she appeared to have lost great part of her wonted spirits : she was thoughtful, and once sighed heavily. Dorriforth began to fear that she had not only made a sacrifice of her affections, but of her veracity ; yet, why she had done so, he could not comprehend. As the carriage moved slowly through a lane between Elmwood Castle and her own house, on casting her eyes out of the window, Miss Milner's countenance was brightened in an instant; and that A SIMPLE STORY. 61 instant Lord Frederick, on horseback, was at the coach door, and the coachman stopped. " Oh, Miss Miiner," cried he (with a voice and manner that could give little suspicion of the truth ofwhathesaid), " I am overjoyed at the happiness of seeing you, even though it is but an accidental meeting." She was evidently glad to see him: but the earnestness with which he spoke seemed to put her upon her guard not to express the like satisfaction ; and she said, in a cool constrained manner, she '"was glad to see his lordship." The reserve with which she spoke gave Lord Frederick immediate suspicion who was in the coach with her, and turning his head quickly, he met the stern eye of Dorriforth ; upon which, without the smallest salutation, he turned from him again abruptly and rudely. Miss Miiner was confused, and Miss Woodley in torture, at this palpable af- front, to which Dorriforth alone appeared indifferent. " Go on," said Miss Miiner to the footman, " de- sire the coachman to drive on." " No," cried Lord Frederick, " not till you have told me when I shall see you again." " I will write you word, my lord," replied she, something alarmed. " You shall have a letter im- mediately after I get home." As if he guessed what its contents were to be, he cried out with warmth, " Take care, then, madam, how you treat me in that letter. And you, Mr. Dorriforth," turning to him, " do you take care what it contains ; for if it be dictated by you, to you I shall send the answer." Dorriforth, without making any reply, or casting a look at him, put his head out of the window on the opposite side, and called, in a very angry tone, VOL. XXVIII. G 62 A SIMPLE STORY. to the coachman, " How dare you not drive on, when your lady orders you ?" The sound of Dorriforth's voice in anger was to the servants so unusual that it acted like electricity upon the man ; and he drove away at the instant with such rapidity that Lord Frederick was in a moment many yards behind. As soon, however, as he recovered from the surprise into which this sud- den command had thrown him, he rode with speed after the carriage, and followed it, till it arrived at the door of Miss Milner's house ; there, giving himself up to the rage of love, or to rage against Dorriforth for the contempt he had shewn to him he leaped from his horse when Miss Milner stepped from her carriage, and seizing her hand, entreated her " not to desert him, in compliance with the in- junctions of monkish hypocrisy." Dorriforth heard this, standing silently by, with a manly scorn upon his countenance. Miss Milner struggled to loose her hand, saying, " Excuse me from replying to you now, my lord." In return, he lifted her hand eagerly to his lips, and began to devour it with kisses; when Dorriforth, with an instantaneous impulse, rushed forward, and struck him a violent blow in the face. Under the force of this assault, and the astonishment it excited, Lord Frederick staggered, and, letting fa'l the hand of Miss Milner, her guardian immediately laid hold of it, and led her into the house. She was terrified beyond description ; and with ex- treme difficulty Mr. Dorriforth conveyed her to her own chamber, without taking her in his arms. When, by the assistance of her maid, he had placed her upon a sofa, overwhelmed with shame and confusion for what he had done, he fell upon his knees before her, and " implored her forgiveness A SIMPLE STORY. 63 for the indelicacy he had been guilty of in her pre- sence." And that he had alarmed her, and had forgotten the respect which he thought sacredly her due, seemed the only circumstance which then dwelt upon his thoughts. She felt the indecorum of the posture he had condescended to take, and was shocked. To see her guardian at her feet, struck her with a sense of impropriety, as if she had seen a parent there. With agitation and emotion, she conjured him to rise ; and, with a thousand protestations, declared, " that she thought the rashness of the action was the highest proof of his regard for her." Miss Woodley now entered : her care being ever employed upon the unfortunate, Lord Frederick had just been the object of it: she had waited by his side, and, with every good purpose, had preached patience to him, while he was smarting under the pain, but more under the shame, of his chastisement. At first, his fury threatened a retort upon the servants around him (and who refused his entrance into the house) of the punishment he had received. But, in the certainty of an amende honorable, which must hereafter be made, he overcame the many temptations which the moment offered ; and, remounting his horse, rode away from the scene of his disgrace. No sooner had Miss Woodley entered the room, and Dorriforth had resigned to her the care of his ward, than he flew to the spot where he had left Lord Frederick, negligent of what might be the event if he still remained there. After inquiring, and being told that he was gone, Dorriforth retired to his own apartment with a bosom torn by more excruciating sensations than those which he had gj^en to his adversary. The reflection which struck him first with re- G 2 64 A SIMPLE STORY. morse, as he shut the door of his chamber, was j " I have departed from my character from the sacred character, the dignity of my profession and sentiments I have departed from myself. 1 am no longer the philosopher, but the ruffian I have treated with an unpardonable insult a young noble- man, whose only offence was love, and a fond desire to insinuate himself into the favour of his mistress. I must atone for this outrage in whatever manner he may choose; and the law of honour and of justice (though in this one instance contrary to the law of religion) enjoins, that if he demands my life in satis- faction for his wounded feelings, it is his due. Alas ! that I could but have laid it down this morning, un- sullied with a cause for which it will make inade- quate atonement !" His next reproach was " I have offended, and filled with horror, a beautiful young woman, whom it was my duty to have protected from those brutal manners, to which I myself have exposed her." Again " 1 have drawn upon myself the just up- braidings of my faithful preceptor and friend ; of the man in whose judgment it was my delight to be ap- proved : above all, I have drawn upon myself the stings of conscience." " Where shall I pass this sleepless night?" cried he, walking repeatedly across his chamber. " Can I go to the ladies? I am unworthy of their society. Shall I go and repose my disturbed mind on Sand- ford ? I am ashamed to tell him the cause of my uneasiness. Shall I go to Lord Frederick, and humbling myself before him, beg his forgiveness ? He would spurn me for a coward. No" and he lifted up his eyes to Heaven, " Thou all-great, all-wise and omnipotent Being, Thou whom I have most offended, it is to Thee alone that I have re- course in this hour of tribulation, and from Thee A SIMPLE STORY. 65 alone I solicit comfort. The confidence with which 1 now address myself to Thee, encouraged by that long intercourse which religion has effected, 1 here acknowledge to repay me amply in this one mo- ment, for the many years of my past life, devoted with my best, though imperfect, efforts to thy ser- vice." CHAPTER XIV. Although Miss Milner had not foreseen any fatal event resulting from the indignity offered to Lord Frederick, yet she passed a night very different from those to which she had been accustomed. No sooner was she falling into a sleep, than a thousand vague, but distressing, ideas darted across her imagination. Her heart would sometimes whisper to her when she was half asleep, " Lord Frederick is banished from you for ever." She shakes off the uneasiness this consideration brings along with it ; she then starts, and sees the blow still aimed at him by Dorri- forth. No sooner has she driven away this painful image, than she is again awakened by beholding her guardian at her feet suing for pardon. She sighs, she trembles, and is chilled with terror. Relieved by tears, towards the morning she sinks into a slumber, but waking, finds the same images crowding all together upon her mind : she is doubt- ful to which to give the preference. One, however, rushes the foremost and continues so. She knows not the fatal consequence of ruminating, nor why she tlwells upon that, more than upon all the rest, but it will give place to none. She rises languid and disordered, and at breakfast G 3 66 A SIMPLE STORY. adds fresh pain to Dorriforth by her altered appear- ance. He had scarcely left the room, when an officer waited upon him with a challenge from Lord Fre- derick. To the message delivered by this gentle- man, he replied, " Sir, as a clergyman, more especially of the Church of Rome, I know not whether I am not ex- empt from answering a demand of this kind ; but not having had forbearance to avoid an offence, I will not claim an exemption, that would only indemnify me from making reparation." " You will then, sir, meet Lord Frederick at the appointed hour ? " said the officer. " 1 will, sir ; and my immediate care shall be to find a gentleman who will accompany me." The officer withdrew, and when Dorriforth was again alone, he was going once more to reflect ; but he durst not. Since yesterday, reflection, for the first time, was become painful to him ; and even as he rode the short way to Lord Elmwood's immediately after, he found his own thoughts were so insufferable, that he was obliged to enter into conversation with his servant. Solitude, that formerly charmed him, would, at those moments, have been worse than death. At Lord Elmwood's, he met Sandford in the hall ; and the sight of him was no longer welcome : he knew how different the principles which he had just adopted were to those of that reverend friend, and without Sandford's complaining, or even suspecting what had happened, his presence was a sufficient re- proach. He passed him as hastily as he could, and inquiring for Lord Elmwood, disclosed to him his errand. It was to ask him to be his second. The young earl started, and wished to consult his tutor, A SIMPLE STORY. 67 but that his kinsman strictly forbade ; and having urged his reasons with arguments which at least the earl could not refute, he was at length prevailed upon to promise that he would accompany him to the field, which was at the distance only of a few miles, and the parties were to be there at seven on the same evening. As soon as his business with Lord Elmwood was settled, Dorriforth returned home, to make prepara- tions for the event which might ensue from this meeting. He wrote letters to several of his friends, and one to his ward ; in writing which, he could with difficulty preserve the usual firmness of his mind. Sandford, going into Lord Elmwood's library soon after his relation had left him, expressed his surprise at finding he was gone; upon which that nobleman, having answered a few questions, and given a few significant hints that he was entrusted with a secret, frankly confessed what he had promised to conceal. Sandford, as much as a holy man could be, was enraged at Dorriforth for the cause of the challenge, but was still more enraged at his wickedness in ac- cepting it. He applauded his pupil's virtue in making the discovery, and congratulated himself that he should be the instrument of saving not only his friend's life, but of preventing the scandal of his being engaged in a duel. In the ardour of his designs, he went immediately to Miss Milner's entered that house which he had so long refused to enter, and at a time when he was upon aggravated bad terms with its owner. He asked for Dorriforth, went hastily into his apartment, and poured upon him a torrent of re- bukes. Dorriforth bore all he said with the patience of a devotee, but with the firmness of a man. He owned his fault ; but no eloquence could make him recal the promise he had given to repair the injury. 68 A SIMPLE STORY. Unshaken by the arguments, persuasions, and me- naces of Sandford, he gave an additional proof of that inflexibility for which he had been long distin- guished ; and after a dispute of two hours, they parted, neither of them the better for what either had advanced, but Dorriforth something the worse : his conscience gave testimony to Sandford's opi- nion, " that he was bound by ties more sacred than worldly honour." But while he owned, he would not yield to the duty. Sandford left him, determined, however, that Lord Elmwood should not be accessary in his guilt, and this he declared ; upon which Dorriforth took the resolution of seeking another second. In passing through the house on his return home, Sandford met, by accident, Mrs. Horton, Miss Mil- ner, and the other two ladies, returning from a saunter in the garden. Surprised at the sight of Mr. Sandford in her house, Miss Milner would not express that surprise ; but going up to him with all the friendly benevolence which in general played about her heart, she took hold of one of his hands, and pressed it with a kindness which told him more forcibly that he was welcome, than if she had made the most elaborate speech to convince him of it. He, however, seemed little touched with her be- haviour ; and as an excuse for breaking his word, cried, " I beg your pardon, madam ; but 1 was brought hither in my anxiety to prevent murder." f He then went to Miss Woodley, and, taking her hand, repeated much the same as he had said to Mrs. Horton. Miss Milner now trembled beyond all power of concealment. " My lord," replied Miss Woodley, a good deal affected, " 1 sincerely hope my prayers for your happiness may be heard." She and Mrs. Horton were both standing, as well as Lord Elm wood ; but Miss Milner kept her seat, till his eye was turned upon her, and he moved slow- ly towards her : she then rose ; every one who was present, attentive to what he would now say, and how she would receive what he said, here cast their eyes upon them, and listened with impatience. They were ail disappointed : he did not utter a syllable. Yet he took her hand, and held it closely between his. He then bow ed most respectfully and left her. No sentence of, " I wish you well "I wish you health and happiness ; no " prayers for blessings on her ;" not even the word " farewel," escaped his lips. Perhaps, to have attempted any of these might have impeded his utterance. She had behaved with fortitude the whole evening, and she continued to do so, till the moment he turn- ed away from her. Her eyes then overflowed with tears ; and in the agony of her mind, not knowing what she did, she laid her cold hand upon the person next to her : it happened to be Sandford ; but not observing it was he, she grasped his hand with vio- lence ; yet he did not snatch it away, nor look at her with his wonted severity. And thus she stood, silent and motionless, while Lord Ehuwood, now at the door, bowed once more to all the company, and retired. 192 A SIMPLE STORY. Sandford had still Miss Milner's hand fixed upon his ; and when the door was shut after Lord Elm- wood, he turned his head to look in her face, and turned it with some marks of apprehension for the grief he might find there. She strove to overcome that grief, and, after a heavy sigh, sat down, as if resigned to the fate to which she was decreed. Instead of following Lord Elmwood, as usual, Sandford poured out a glass of wine, and drank it. A general silence ensued for near three minutes. At last turning himself round on his chair towards Miss Milner, who sat like a statue of despair at his side, " Will you breakfast with us to-morrow ?" said he. She made no answer. " We sha'n't breakfast before half after six," con- tinued he, " I dare say ; and if you can rise so early why do." " Miss Milner," said Miss Woodley, (for she caught eagerly at the hope of her passing this night in less unhappiness than she had foreboded), " pray rise at that hour to breakfast : Mr. Sandford would not invite you, if he thought it would displease Lord Elmwood." " Not I," replied Sandford, churlishly. " Then desire her maid to call her," said Mrs. Horton to Miss Woodley. " Nay, she will be awake, 1 have no doubt ;" re- turned her niece. " No," replied Miss Milner, " since Lord Elm- wood has thought proper to take his leave of me, without even speaking a word, by my own design never will I see him again:" and her tears burst forth, as if her heart burst at the same time. " Why did not you speak to him ?" cried Sandford " Pray did you bid him farewel 1 And I don't see A SIMPLE STORY. 193 % why one is not as much to be blamed in that respect as the other." " I was too weak to say I wished him happy," cried Miss Milner ; " but Heaven is my witness, I do wish him so from my soul." " And do you imagine he does not wish you so ?" cried Sandford. "You should judge him by your own heart : and what you feel for him, imagine he feels for you, my dear.'' Though " my dear" is a trivial phrase, yet from certain people, and upon certain occasions, it is a phrase of infinite comfort and assurance. Mr. Sand- ford seldom said " my dear" to any one to Miss Milner never; and upon this occasion and from him, it was an expression most precious. She turned to him with a look of gratitude : but as she only looked, and did not speak, he rose up, and soon after said, with a friendly tone he had sel- dom used in her presence, " I sincerely wish you a good night." As soon as he was gone, Miss Milner exclaimed, " However my fate may have been precipitated by the unkindness of Mr. Sandford, yet, for that par- ticle of concern which he has shown for me this evening, I will always be grateful to him." " Aye," cried Mrs. Horton, "good Mr. Sandford may show his kindness now, without any danger from its consequences. Now Lord Elm wood is going away for ever, he is not afraid of your seeing him once again." And she thought she praised him by this suggestion. VOL, XXVIII. 194 A SIMPLE STORY, CHAPTER XXIX. When Miss Milner retired to her bedchamber, Miss Woodley went with her, nor would leave her the whole night ; but in vain did she persuade her to rest, she absolutely refused ; and declared she would never, from that hour, indulge repose. " The part I undertook to perform," cried she, " is over : I will now, for my whole life, appear in my own cha- racter, and give a loose to the anguish 1 endure." As daylight showed itself " And yet I might see him once again," said she ; " I might see him within these two hours, if I pleased, for Mr. Sand- ford invited me." " If you think, my dear Miss Milner," said Misy Woodley, " that a second parting from Lord Elm- wood would but give you a second agony, in the name of Heaven do not see him any more ; but if you hope your mind would be easier, were you to bid each other adieu in a more direct manner than you did last night, let us go down and breakfast with him. I'll go before, and prepare him for your reception you shall not surprise him and 1 will let him know, it is by Mr. Sandford's invitation you are coming." She listened with a smile to this proposal, yet objected to the indelicacy of her wishing to see him, after he had taken his leave; but as Miss Woodley perceived that she was inclined to infringe this delicacy, of which she had so proper a sense, she easily persuaded her it was impossible for the most suspicious person (and Lord Elmwood was far from such a character) to suppose that the paying him a visit at that period of time could be with the most distant imagination of regaining his heart, or of altering one resolution he had taken. A SIMPLE STORY. 195 But though Miss Milner acquiesced in this opi- nion, yet she had not the courage to form the de- termination that she would go. Daylight now no longer peeped, but stared upon them. Miss Milner went to the looking-glass, breathed upon her hands and rubbed them on her eyes, smoothed her hair and adjusted her dress ; yet said, after all, " 1 dare not see him again." " You may do as you please," said Miss Woodley " but I will. I that have lived for so many years under the same roof with him, and on the most friendly terms, and he going away, perhaps for these ten years, perhaps for ever, I should think it a dis- respect not to see him to the last moment of his remaining in the house." " Then do you go,'' said Miss Milner, eagerly ; " and if he should ask for me, 1 will gladly come, you know ; but if he does not ask for me, I will not and pray don't deceive me." Miss Woodley promised her not to deceive her ; and soon after, as they heard the servants pass about the house, and the clock had struck six, Miss Wood- ley went to the breakfast-room. She found Lord Elmwood there in his travelling dress, standing pensively by the fire-place and, as he did not dream of seeing her, he started when she entered, and, with an appearance of alarm, said, "Dear Miss Woodley, what's the matter?" She replied, " Nothing, my lord ; but I could not be satisfied without seeing your lordship once again, while I had it in my power." "I thank you," he returned with a sigh the heaviest and most intelligent sigh she ever heard him condescend to give. She imagined, also, that he looked as if he wished to ask how Miss Milner did, but would not allow himself the indulgence. She was half inclined to mention her to him, and s 2 190 A SIMPLE STORY. was debating in her mind whether she should or not, when Mr. Sandford came into the room, saying, as he entered, " For Heaven's sake, my lord, where did you sleep last night?" " Why do you ask 1 " said he. " Because," replied Sandford, " I went into your bedchamber just now, and I found your bed made. You have not slept there to-night." " I have slept no where," returned he : "I could not sleep ; and having some papers to look over, and to set off early, I thought I might as well not go to bed at all." Miss Woodley was pleased at the frank manner in which he made this confession, and could not resist the strong impulse to say, " You have done just then, my lord, like MissMilner ; for she has not been in bed the whole night." Miss Woodley spoke this in a negligent manner, and yet Lord Elmwood echoed back the words with solicitude, " Has not Miss Milner been in bed the whole night ? " " If she is up, why does not she come to take some coffee 1 " said Sandford, as he began to pour it out. " If she thought it would be agreeable," returned Miss Woodley, " I dare say she would." And she looked at Lord Elmwood while she spoke, though she did not absolutely address him ; but he made no reply. " Agreeable !" returned Sandford, angrily : " Has she then a quarrel with any body here? Or does she suppose any body here bears enmity to her ? Is she not in peace and charity ? " " Yes," replied Miss Woodley ; " that I am sure she is." " Then bring her hither," cried Sandford, " di- A SIMPLE STORY. 197 rectly. Would she have the wickedness to imagine we are not all friends with her?" Miss SVoodley left the room, and found Miss Milner almost in despair, lest she should hear Lord Elmwood's carriage drive off before her friend's return. " Did he send for me ? " were the words she ut- tered as soon as she saw her. " Mr. Sandford did, in his presence," returned Miss Woodley ; " and you may go with the utmost decorum, or 1 would not tell you so." She required no protestations of this, but readily followed her beloved adviser, whose kindness never appeared in so amiable a light as at that moment. On entering the room, through all the dead white of her present complexion, she blushed to a crimson. Lord Elmwood rose from his seat, and brought a chair for her to sit down. Sandford looked at her inquisitively, sipped his tea, and said, "He never made tea to his own liking." Miss Milner took a cup, but had scarcely strength to hold it. It seemed but a very short time they were at break- fast, when the carriage, that was to take Lord Elm- wood away, drove to the door. Miss Milner started at the sound : so did he : but she had nearly dropped her cup and saucer ; on which Sandford took them out of her hand, saying, " Perhaps you had rather have coffee V Her lips moved, but he could not hear what she said. A servant came in, and told Lord Elmwood, " The carriage was at the door." He replied, " Very well." But though he had breakfasted, he did not attempt to move, s 3 193 A SIMPLE STORY. At last, rising briskly, as if it was necessary to go in haste when he did go, he took up his hat, which he had brought with him into the room, and was turning to Miss Woodley to take his leave, when Sandford cried, " My lord, you are in a great hurry." And then, as if he wished to give poor Miss Milner every moment he could, added (look- ing about), " I don't know where I have laid my gloves." Lord Elrawood, after repeating to Miss Woodley his last night's farewel, now went up to Miss Milner, and taking one of her hands, again held it between his, but still without speaking ; while she, unable to suppress her tears as heretofore, suffered them to fall in torrents. " What is all this ? " cried Sandford, going up to them in anger. They neither of them replied, or changed their situation. " Separate this moment," cried Sandford, " or resolve to be separated only by death." The commanding and awful manner in which he spoke this sentence, made them both turn to him in amazement, and, as it were, petrified with the sensation his words had caused. He left them for a moment, and going to a small bookcase in one corner of the room, took out of it a book, and, returning with it in his hand, said, " Lord Elmwood, do you love this woman ? " " More than my life," he replied, with the most heartfelt accents. He then turned to Miss Milner: " Can you say the same by him 1 " She spread her hands over her eyes, and ex- claimed, " Oh, Heavens !" " I believe you can say so," returned Saudford ; A SIMPLE STORY. li>9 " and in the name of God, and your own happiness, since this is the state of you both, let me put it out of your power to part." Lord Elmwood gazed at him with wonder, and yet as if enraptured by the sudden change this con- duct gave to his prospects. She sighed with a kind of trembling ecstacy ; while Sandford with all the dignity of his official character, delivered these words : " My lord, while I thought my counsel might save you from the worst of misfortunes, conjugal strife, 1 importuned you hourly, and set forth your danger in the light it appeared to me. But though old, and a priest, I can submit to think I have been in an error : and I now firmly believe it is for the welfare of you both to become man and wife. My lord, take this woman's marriage vows you can ask no fairer promises of her reform she can give you none half so sacred, half so binding ; and I see by her looks that she will mean to keep them. And, my dear," continued he, addressing himself to her, " act but under the dominion of those vows towards a husband of sense and virtue, like him, and you will be all that I, himself, or even Heaven can desire. Now, then, Lord Elmwood, this moment give her up for ever, or this moment constrain her with the rites which I shall perform, by such ties from offend- ing you, as she shall not dare to violate." Lord Elmwood struck his forehead in doubt and agitation ; but, still holding her hand, he cried, " I cannot part from her." Then feeling this reply as equivocal, he fell upon his knees, and said, " Will you pardon my hesitation ? And will you, in mar- riage, show me that tender love you have not shown me yet? Will you, in possessing all my affections, bear with all my infirmities ?" She raised him from her feet, and bv the ex- 200 A SIMPLE STORY. pression of her countenance, by the tears that bathed his hands, gave him confidence. He turned to Sandford ; then placing her by his own side, as the form of matrimony requires, gave this for a sign to Sandford that he should begin the ceremony. . On which he opened his book, and married them. With voice and manners so serious, so solemn, and so fervent, he performed these holy rites, that every idea of jest, or even of lightness, was absent from the mind of the whole party present. Miss Milner, covered with shame, sunk on the bosom of Miss Woodley. When the ring was wanting, Lord Elmwood sup- plied it with one from his own hand ; but through- out all the rest of the ceremony he appeared lost in zealous devotion to Heaven. Yet, no sooner was it finished, than his thoughts descended to this world. He embraced his bride with all the transport of the fondest, happiest bridegroom, and in raptures called her by the endearing name of " wife." " But still, my lord," cried Sandford, " you are only married by your own church and conscience, not by your wife's, or by the law of the land ; and let me advise you not to defer that marriage long, lest in the time you should disagree, and she refuse to become your legal spouse." " I think there is danger," returned Lord Elm- wood, " and therefore our second marriage must take place to-morrow." To this the ladies objected ; and Sandford was to fix their second wedding-day, as he had done their first. He, after consideration, gave them four days. Miss Woodley then recollected (for every one else had forgot it) that the carriage was still at the door to convey Lord Elmwood far away. . It was of course dismissed : and one of those great incidents A SIMPLE STORY. 201 of delight which Miss Milner that morning tasted, was to look out of the window, and see this very carriage drive from the door unoccupied. Never was there a more rapid change from de- spair to happiness to happiness perfect and su- preme than was that, which Miss Milner and Lord Elmwood experienced in one single hour. The few days that intervened hetween this and their second marriage were passed in the delightful care of preparing for that happy day ; yet, with all its delights, inferior to the first, when every unex- pected joy was doubled by the once expected sorrow. Nevertheless, on that first wedding-day, that joy- ful day, which restored her lost lover to her hopes again ; even on that very day, after the sacred cere- mony was over, Miss Milner (with all the fears, the tremors, the superstition of her sex) felt an excruciating shock, when, looking on the ring Lord Elmwood had put upon her finger, in haste, when he married her, she perceived it was a mourning ring. END OF BOOK THE FIRST. CHAPTER XXX. Not any event throughout life can arrest the re- flection of a thoughtful mind more powerfully, or leave amore lasting impression, than thatof returning to a place after a few years absence, and observing an entire alteration, in respect to all the persons who once formed the neighbourhood. To find that many, who but a few years before were left in their bloom of youth and health, arc dead to lind that 20*2 A SIMPLE STORY. children left at school, are married and have children of their own that some, who were left in riches, are reduced to poverty that others, who were in poverty, are become rich; to find those once re- nowned for virtue, now detested for vice roving husbands grown constant constant husbands be- come rovers the firmest friends changed to the most implacable enemies beauty faded ; in a word, every change to demonstrate, that " All is transitory on this side the grave." Guided by a wish, that the reflecting reader may experience the sensation, which an attention to cir- cumstances like these must excite, he is desired to imagine seventeen years elapsed since he has seen or heard of any of those persons who, in the fore- going part of this narrative, have been introduced to his acquaintance; and then, supposing himself at the period of those seventeen years, follow the sequel of their history. To begin with the first female object of this story : The beautiful, the beloved Miss Milner she is no longer beautiful no longer beloved no longer tremble while you read it ! no longer virtuous. Dorriforth, the pious, the good, the tender Dor- riforth, is become a hard -hearted tyrant ; the com- passionate, the feeling, the just Lord Elmwood, an example of implacable rigour and injustice. Miss Woodley is grown old, but less with years than grief. The boy, Rushbrook, is become a man; and the apparent heir of Lord Elmwood's fortune ; while his own daughter, his only child by his once-adored Miss Milner, he refuses ever to see again, in ven- geance to her mother's crimes. The least wonderful change is, the death of Mrs. Horton. Except Sandford, who remains much the same as here- tofore. A SIMPLE STORY. 203 We left Lady Elmwood at the summit of human happiness a loving; and heloved bride. We now rind her upon her death-bed. At thirty-five, her " course was run ; " a course full of perils, of hopes, of fears, of joys, and, at the end, of sorrows all exquisite of their kind, for ex- quisite were the feelings of her susceptible heart. At the commencement of this story, her father is described in the last moments of his life, with all his cares fixed upon her, his only child. How vain these cares ! how vain every precaution that was taken for her welfare ! She kuows, she reflects upon this ; and yet, impelled by that instinctive power which actuates a parent, Lady Elmwood on her dying day has no worldly thoughts, but that of the future hap- piness of an only child. To every other prospect in iier view, " Thy will be done !" is her continual ex- clamation ; but where the misery of her daughter presents itself, the expiring penitent would there combat the will of Heaven. To detail the progression by which vice gains a predominancy in the heart, may be a useful lesson ; but it is one so little to the gratification of most readers, that the degrees of misconduct, by which Lady Elmwood fell are not meant to be related here ; but instead of picturing every occasion of her fall, to come briefly to the events that followed. There are, nevertheless, some articles under the former class, which ought not to be entirely omitted. Lord Elmwood after four years enjoyment of the most perfect happiness that marriage could give, after becoming the father of a beautiful daughter, whom he loved with a tenderness almost equal to his love of her mother -was under the indispensable necessity of leaving them both for a time, in order to rescue from the depredation of his own steward, his very large estates in the West Indies. His voyage 204 A SIMPLE STORY. was tedious ; his residence there, from various ac- cidents, was prolonged from time to time, till near three years had at length passed away. Lady Elm- wood, at first only unhappy, became at last pro- voked ; and giving way to that irritable disposition which she had so seldom governed, resolved, in spite of his injunctions, to divert the melancholy hours caused by his absence, by mixing in the gay circles of London. Lord Elmwood at this time, and for many months before, had been detained abroad by a severe and dangerous illness, which a too cautious fear of her uneasiness had prompted him to conceal : and she received his frequent apologies for not returning, with a suspicion and resentment they were calcu- lated, but not intended, to inspire. To violent anger succeeded a degree of indiffer- ence still more fatal. Lady Elmwood's heart was not formed for such a state : there, where all the tu- multuous passions harboured by turns, one among them, soon found the means to occupy all vacancies; a passion, commencing innocently, but terminating in guilt. The dear object of her fondest, her truest affections, absent, far off; those affections painted the time so irksome that was past, so weari- some that which was still to come, that she flew from the present tedious solitude to the dangerous society of one whose mind, depraved by fashionable vices, could not repay her for a moment's loss of him, whose felicity she destroyed, whose dishonour she accomplished. Or, if the delirium gave her a moment's recompence, what were her sufferings, her remorse, when she was awakened from the fleet- ing joy, by the arrival of her husband ! Happy, transporting, would have been that arrival but a few months sooner! As it would then have been un- bounded happiness, it was now but language affords no word that can describeLadyElmwood's sensations, A SIMPLE STORY. 205 on being told her lord was arrived, and that necessity alone had so long delayed his return. Guilty, but not hardened in her guilt, her pangs, her shame, were the more excessive. She fled from the place at his approach ; fled from his house, never again to return to a habitation where he was the master. She did not, however, elope with her para- mour, but escaped to shelter herself in the most dreary retreat ; where she partook of no one comfort from society, or from life, but the still unremitting friendship of Miss Woodley. Even her infant daughter she left behind, nor would allow herself the consolation of her innocent, though reproachful, smiles. She left her in her father's house, that she might be under his virtuous protection ; parted with her, as she thought, for ever, with all the agonies with which mothers part from their infant children : and yet, those agonies were still more poignant, on beholding the child sent after her, as the perpetual outcast of its father. Lord Elmwood's love to his wife had been extra- vagant : the effect of his hate was the same. Be- holding himself separated from her by a barrier not ever to be removed, he vowed, in the deep torments of his revenge, never to be reminded of her by one individual object; much less, by one so near to her as her child. To bestow upon that child his affec- tions, would be, he imagined, still, in some sort, to divide them with the mother. Firm in his resolu- tion, the beautiful Matilda was, at the age of six years, sent out of her father's house ; and received by her mother with all the tenderness, but with all the anguish, of those parents, who behold their offspring visited by the punishment due only to their own offences. While this rigid act was executing by Lord Elm- wood's agents at his command, himself was engaged VOL. XXVIII. T 206 A SIMPLE STORY. in an. affair of still weightier importance- -that of life or death. He determined upon his own death, or the death of the man who had wounded his ho- nour and destroyed his happiness. A duel with his old antagonist was the result of this determination : nor was the Duke of Avon (who before the decease of his father and eldest brother was Lord Frederick Lawnley) averse from giving him all the satisfaction he required ; for it was no, other than he, whose passion for Lady Elm wood had still subsisted, and whose address in gallantry left no means unattempted for the success of his designs no other than he (who, next to Lord Elmwood, had been of all her lovers the most favoured) to whom Lady Elmwood sacrificed her own and her husband's future peace, and thus gave to his vanity a prouder triumph than if she had never bestowed her hand in marriage on another. This triumph, however, was but short : a month only, after the return of Lord Elmwood, the duke was called upon to answer for his guilt, and was left on the ground where they met, so defaced with scars, as never again to endanger the honour of a husband. As Lord Elmwood was inexorable to all accommodation, their engagement had continued for a long space of time ; nor could any thing but the assurance that his opponent was slain have at last torn him from the field, though himself was dangerously wounded. Yet even during the period of his danger, while for days he lay in the continual expectation of his own dissolution, not all the entreaties of his dearest, most intimate, and most respected friends, could prevail upon him to pronounce forgiveness of his wife ; or to suffer them to bring his daughter to him, for his last blessing. Lady Elmwood, who was made acquainted with the minutest circumstance as it passed, appeared to A SIMPLE STORY. '207 wait the news of her husband's decease with pati^ once : but upon her brow and in every lineament of her face was marked, that his death was an event she would not for a day survive; and she would have left her child an orphan, in such a case, to have fol- lowed Lord Elmwood to the tomb. She was pre- vented the trial: he recovered ; and from the ample vengeance he had obtained upon the irresistible person of the duke, he seemed, in a short time, to regain his tranquillity. He recovered, but Lady Elmwood fell sick and languished. Possessed of youth to struggle with her woes, she still lingered on, till near ten years decline had brought her to that period, with which the reader is now to be presented. CHAPTER XXXI. In a lonely country on the borders of Scotland, a single house by the side of a dreary heath, was the residence of the once gay, volatile Miss Milner. In a lame gloomy apartment of this solitarv habitation ( the windows of which scarcely rendered the light ac- cessible) was laid upon her death-bed, the once lovely Lady Elmwood pale, half-suffocated from the loss of breath; yet hersenses perfectly clearand collected, which served but to sharpen the anguish of dying. In one corner of the room, by the side of an old- fashioned settee, kneels MissWoodley, praying most devoutly for her still beloved friend, but in vain en- deavouring to pray composedly : floods of tears pour down her furrowed cheeks, and frequent sobs of sorrow break through each pious ejaculation. (lose by her mother's side, one hand supporting her head, the other drving from her face the cold T 2 208 A SIMPLE STORY. dew of death, behold Lady Elmwood's daughter- Lord Elrawood's daughter too ; yet he is far away, negligent of what either suffers. Lady Elmwood turns to her often and attempts an embrace, but her feeble arms forbid, and they fall motionless. The daughter, perceiving these ineffectual efforts, has her whole face convulsed with grief: she kisses her mother ; holds her to her bosom ; and hangs upon her neck, as if she wished to cling there, not to be parted even by the grave. On the other side of the bed sits Sandford, his hairs grown white, his face wrinkled with age, his heart the same as ever the reprover, the enemy of the vain, the idle, and the wicked, but the friend and comforter of the forlorn and miserable. Upon those features where sarcasm, reproach, and anger dwelt, to threaten and alarm the sinner, mild- ness, tenderness, and pity beamed, to support and console the penitent. Compassion changed his lan- guage, and softened all those harsh tones that used to denounce perdition. " In the name of God," said he to Lady Elmwood, " of that God, who suffered for you, and, suffering, knew and pitied all our weaknesses by Him, who has given his word to take compassion on the sinner's tears, I bid you hope for mercy. By that innocence in which you once lived, be comforted ; by the sor- rows you have known since your degradation, hope, that in some measure, at least, you have atoned ; by the sincerity that shone upon your youthful face when I joined your hand, and those thousand virtues you have since given proofs of, trust, that you were not born to die the death of the wicked." As he spoke these words of consolation, her trembling hand clasped his her dying eyes darted a ray of brightness but her failing voice endeavour ed in vain to articulate. At length, fixing her looks A SIMPLE STORY. 209 upon her daughter as their last dear object, she was just understood to utter the word, " Father." " I understand \on," replied Sandford, " and hy all that influence I ever had over him, hy my prayers, my tears," and they flowed as he spoke, " I will implore him to own his child." She could now only smile in thanks. " And if I should fail," continued he, "yet while I live she shall not want a friend or protector all an old man, like me, can answer for" here his grief interrupted him. Lady Elmwood was sufficiently sensihle of his words and their import, to make a sign as if she wished to cmhrace him; but, finding her life leaving her fast, she reserved this last token of love for her daughter : with a struggle she lifted herself from her pillow, clung to her child, and died in her arms. CHAPTER XXXII. Lord Elmwood was by nature, and more from educatiou, of a serious, thinking, and philosophic turn of mind. His religious studies had completely taught him to consider this world but as a passage to another ; to enjoy with gratitude what Heaven in its bounty should bestow, and to bear with submission whatever in its vengeance it might inflict. In a greater degree than most people he practised this doctrine : and as soon as the shock which he re- ceived from Lady Elmwood's infidelity was abated, an entire calmness and resignation ensued ; but still of that sensible and feeling kind, that could never suffer him to forget the happiness he had lost: and it was ^is sensibility which ursred him to fly from t :3 210 A SIMPLE STORY. its more keen recollection ; and which he avowed as the reason why he would never permit Lady Elm- wood, or even her child, to be named in his hearing. But this injunction (which all his friends, and even the servants in the house who attended his person, had received,) was, by many people, suspected rather to proceed from his resentment, than his tenderness : nor did he deny that resentment co-operated with his prudence ; for prudence he called it, not to re- mind himself of happiness he could never taste again, and of ingratitude that might impel him to hatred : and prudence he called it, not to form another at- tachment near to his heart, more especially so near as a parent's, which might again expose him to all the torments of ingratitude, from an object whom he affectionately loved. Upon these principles he adopted the unshaken resolution, never to acknowledge Lady Matilda as his child ; or, acknowledging her as such, never to see, to hear of, or take one concern whatever in her fate and fortune. The death of her mother appeared a favourable time, had he been so inclined, to have recalled this declaration which he had solemnly and repeatedly made. She was now destitute of the pro- tection of her other parent, and it became his duty, at least, to provide her a guardian, if he did not choose to take that tender title upon himself: but to mention either the mother or child to Lord Elm- wood was an equal offence, and prohibited in the strongest terms to all his friends and household ; aud as he was an excellent good master, a sincere friend, and a most generous patron, not one of his acquaintance or dependents was hardy enough to incur his certain displeasure, which was always violent to excess, by even the official intelligence of Lady Elmwood's death. Sandford himself, intimidated through age, or by A SIMPLE STORY. 211 the austere and morose manners which Lord Elm- wood had of late years evinced Sandford wished, if possible, that some other would undertake the dangerous task of recalling to iiis memory there ever was such a person as his wife. He advised Miss Woodley to write a proper letter to him on the sub- ject ; but she reminded him, that such a step would be more perilous to her than to any other person, as she was the most destitute being on earth, with- out the benevolence of Lord Elm wood. The death of her aunt, Mrs. Hortou, had left her solely relying on the bounty of Lady Elmwood, and now her death had left her totally dependent upon the earl ; for Lady Elmwood, though she had separate effects, had long before her demise declared it was not her in- tention to leave a sentence behind her in the form of a will. She had no will, she said, but what she would wholly submit to Lord Elmwood's ; and, if it were even his will that her child should live in poverty, as well as banishment, it should be so. But, perhaps, in this implicit submission to him, there was a distant hope, that the necessitous situa- tion of his daughter might plead more forcibly than his parental love : and that knowing her bereft of every support but through himself, that idea might form some Utile tie between them, and be at least a token of the relationship. But as Lady Elmwood anxiously wished this prin- ciple upon which she acted should be concealed from his suspicion, she included her friend, Miss Woodley, in the same fate ; and thus the only per- sons dear to her she left, but at Lord Elmwood's pleasure, to be preserved from perishing in want. Her child was too young to advise her on this sub- ject, her friend too disinterested ; and at this moment they were both without the smallest means of sub- sistence, except through the justice or compassion 212 A SIMPLE STORY. of Lord Elmwood. Sandford had, indeed, promised his protection to the daughter; but his liberality had no other source than from his patron, with whom he still lived as usual, except during part of the winter, when the earl resided in town : he then mostly stole a visit to Lady Elmwood. On this last visit he staid to see her buried. After some mature deliberations, Sandford was now preparing to go to Lord Elmwood, at his house in town, and there to deliver himself the news that must sooner or later be told ; and he meant also to venture, at the same time, to keep the promise he had made to his dying lady. But the news reached his lordship before Sandford arrived: it was an- nounced in the public papers, and by that means first came to his knowledge. He was breakfasting by himself, when the news- paper that first gave the intelligence of Lady Elm- wood's death was laid before him. The paragraph contained these words : " On Wednesday last died, at Dring Park, a village in Northumberland, the right honourable Countess Elmwood. This lady, who has not been heard of for many years in the fashionable world, was a rich heiress, and of extreme beauty ; but although she received overtures from many men of the first rank, she preferred her guardian, the pre- sent Lord Elmwood (then Mr. Dorriforth) to them all : and it is said their marriage was followed by an uncommon share of felicity, till his lordship, going abroad, and- remaining there some time, the conse- quences (to a most captivating young woman left without a protector) were such as to cause a separa- tion on his return. Her ladyship has left one child by the earl, a daughter, aged fifteen." . Lord Elmwood had so much feeling upon reading this, as to lay down the paper, and not take it up A SIMPLE STORY. 213 again for several minutes : nor did he taste his cho- colate during this interval, but leaned his elbow on the table and rested his head upon his hand. He then rose up walked two or three times across the room sat down again took up the paper and read as usual. Nor let the vociferous mourner, or the perpetual weeper, here complain of his want of sensibility ; but let them remember that Lord Elm- wood was a man a man of understanding of cou- rage of fortitude above all, a man of the nicest feelings : and who shall say, but that at the time he leaned his. head upon his hand, and rose to walk away the sense of what he felt, he might not feel as much as Lady Elmwood did in her last moments ? Be this as it may, his susceptibility on the occa- sion was not suspected by any one yet he passed that day the same as usual ; the next day too, and the day after. On the morning of the fourth, he sent for his steward to his study, and after talking of other business, said to him, " Is it true that Lady Elmwood is dead ? " " It is, my lord." His lordship looked unusually grave, and at this reply fetched an involuntary sigh. " Mr. Sandford, my lord," continued the steward, " sent me word of the news, but left it to my own, discretion, whether I would make your lordship ac- quainted with it or not: I let him know I declined." " Where is Sandford T asked Lord Elmwood. " He was with my lady," replied the steward. " When she died V asked he. " Yes, my lord." "lam glad of it : he will see that every thing she desired is done. Sandford is a good man, and would be a friend to every body." " He is a very good man indeed, my lord." There was now a silence. Mr. Giftard then, 214 A SIMPLE STORY. bowing, said " Has your lordship any further com- mands 1 " " Write to Sandfbrd," said Lord Elmwood, hesi- tating as he spoke, " and tell him to have every thing performed as she desired. And whoever she may have selected for the guardian of her child has my consent to act as such ; nor in one instance, where I myself am not concerned, shall I oppose her will." The tears rushed into his eyes as he said this, and caused them to start in the steward's : observing which, he sternly resumed, " Do not suppose from this conversation, that aiiv of those resolutions I have long since taken are or will be changed : they are the same, and shall con- tinue inflexible." " I understand you, my lord," replied Mr.Giffard, " and that your express orders to me, as well as to every other person, remain just the same as formerly, never to mention this subject to you again." " They do, sir." " My lord, I always obeyed you, and I hope 1 always shall." " I hope so too," he replied in a threatening accent. "Write to Sandford," continued he, "to let him know my pleasure, and that is all you have to do." The steward bowed and withdrew. But before his letter arrived to Sandford, Sand- ford arrived in town ; and Mr. Giffard related, word for word, what had passed between him and his lord. Upon every occasion, and upon every topic, except that of Lady Elmwood and her child, Sand- ford was just as free with Lord Elmwood as he had ever been; and as usual (after his interview with the steward) went into his apartment without any previ- ous notice. Lord Elmwood shook him by the hand, as upon all other meetings ; and yet, whether his A SIMPLE STORY. 215 fear suggested it or not, Sandford thought he ap- peared more cool and reserved with him than for- merly. During the whole day, the slightest mention of Lady Elniwood, or of her child, was cautiously avoided ; and not till the evening, after Sandford had risen to retire, and had wished Lord Elmwood uod night, did he dare to mention the subject. He then, after taking leave, and going to the door, turned back and said, " My lord" It was easy to guess on what he was preparing to speak : his voice failed, the tears began to trickle down his cheeks, he took out ins handkerchief, and could proceed no farther. " i thought," said Lord Elmwood, angrily, " 1 thought I had given my orders upon the subject : did not my steward write them to you ?" " He did, my lord," said Sandford, humbly ; " but I was set out before they arrived." " Has he not told you my mind, then ?" cried he, more angrily still. " He has," replied Sandford " But"'- " But what, sir?" cried Lord Elmwood. " Your lordship," continued Sandford, " was mistaken in supposing that Lady Elmwood left a will. She left none." " No will! no will at all!" returned he, sur- prised. " No, my lord," answered Sandford: " she wish- ed every thing to be as you willed. " She left me all the trouble, then, you mean?" " No great trouble, sir; for there are but two persons whom she has left behind her, to hope for your protection." " And who are those two?" cried he hastily. " One, my lord, I need not name : the other is Miss Woodley." 216 A SIMPLE STORY. There was a delicacy and humility in the manner in which Sandford delivered this reply, that Lord Elmwood could not resent, and he only returned, " Miss Woodley- is she yet living?" " She is : I left her at the house I came from." " Well then," answered he, " you must see that my steward provides for those two persons. That care I leave to you ; and should there be any com- plaints, on you they fall." Sandford bowed, and was going. " And now," resumed Lord Elmwood, in a more stern voice, " let me never hear again on this sub- ject. You have here the power to act in regard to the persons you have mentioned ; and upon you their situation, the care, the whole management of them depends ; but be sure you never let them be named before me, from this moment." " Then," said Sandford, " as this must be the last time they are mentioned, I must now take the opportunity to disburden my mind of a charge " - " What charge V cried Lord Elmwood, morosely interrupting him. " Though Lady Elmwood, my lord, left no will behind her, she left a request." " A request!" said he starting " If it is for me to see her daughter, I tell you now before you ask, that I will not grant it ; for by Heaven (and he spoke and looked most solemnly), though I have no resentment against the innocent child, and wish her happy, yet I will never see her. Never, for her mother's sake, suffer my heart again to be softened by an object I might doat upon. Therefore, sir, if that is the request, it is already answered : my will is fixed." " The request, my lord," replied Sandford, (and he took out a pocket-book from whence he drew several papers), " is contained in this letter ; nor do A SIMPLE STORY. 2L>7 I rightly know what its contents are." And he held it, timorously, out to him. "Is it Lady Elmwood's writing?" asked Lord Elmwood, extremely discomposed. " It is, my lord : she wrote it a few days before she died, and enjoined me to deliver it to you with my own hands." " I refuse to read it;" cried he, putting it from him ; and trembling while he did so. " She desired me," said Sandford, (still present- ing the letter), " to conjure you to read it -for her father s sake." Lord Elmwood took it instantly. But as soon as it was in his hand, he seemed distressed to know what he should do with it ; in what place to go and read it ; or how to fortify himself against its con- tents. He appeared ashamed too, that he had been so far prevailed upon, and said, by way of excuse, " For Mr. Milner's sake 1 would do much ; nay, any thing, but that to which I have just now sworn never to consent. For his sake I have borne a great deal : for his sake alone, his daughter died my wife. You know, no other motive than respect for him prevented my divorce. Pray (and he hesitated), was she buried by him ? " " No, my lord : she expressed no such desire ; and as that was the case, I did not think it necessary to carry the corpse so far." At the word corpse, Lord Elmwood shrunk, and looked shocked beyond measure but, recovering himself, said, " I am sorry for it ; for he loved her sincerely, if she did not love him and I wish they had been buried together." " It is not, then, too late," said Sandford, and was going on but the other interrupted him. " No, no we will have no disturbing of the dead." VOL. XXVIII. U 218 A SIMPLE STORY. " Read her letter, then," said Sandford, '' and bid her rest in peace.'' " If it is in my power," returned he, " to grant what she asks, I will ; but if her demand is what I apprehend, I cannot, I will not, bid her rest by com plying. You know my resolution, my disposition, and take care how you provoke me. You may do an injury to the very person you are seeking to befriend : the very maintenance I mean to allow her daughter I can withdraw." Poor Sandford, all alarmed at this menace, re- plied with energy, " My lord, uuless you begin the subject, I never shall presume to mention it again." " I take you at your word ; and in consequence of that, but of that alone, we are friends. Good night, sir." Sandford bowed with humility, and they went to f.icir separate bed-chambers. CHAPTER XXXIII. After Lord Elmwoodhad retired into his chamber, it was some time before he read the letter Sandford had given him. He first walked backwards and forwards in the room : he then began to take off some part of his dress, but he did it slowly. At length, he dismissed his valet, and, sitting down, took the letter from his pocket. He looked at the seal, but not at the direction ; for he seemed to dread seeing Lady Elmwood's hand-writing. He then laid it on the table, and begau again to undress. He did not proceed, but, taking up the letter quickly (with a kind of effort in making the resolution), broke it open. These were its contents : A SIMPLE STORY. 219 " MY LORD, " Who writes this letter I well know I well know to whom it is addressed I feel with the most powerful force both our situations ; nor should I dare to offer you even this humble petition, but that at the time you receive it there will be no such person as I am in existence. " For myself, then, all concern will be over : but there is a care that pursues me to the grave, and threatens my want of repose even there. " I leave a child : I will not call her mine that has undone her : I will not call her yours that will be of no avail. I present her before you as the grand-daughter of Mr. Milner. Oh ! do not refuse an asylum, even in your own house, to the destitute offspring of your friend the last and only remain- ing branch of his family. " Receive her into your household, be her con- dition there ever so abject. I cannot write distinctly what I would my senses are not impaired, but the powers of expression are. The complaint of the un- fortunate child in the Scriptures (a lesson I have studied), has made this wish cling so fast to my heart, that, without the distant hope of its being fulfilled, death would have more terrors than my weak mind could support. " ' I will go to my father. How many servants live in my father's house, and are fed with plenty, while I starve in a foreign land!' " I do not ask a parent's festive rejoicing at her approach I do not even ask her father to behold her ; but let her live under his protection. For her grandfather's sake do not refuse this to the child of his child, whom he entrusted to your care, do not refuse it. " Be her host ; I remit the tie of being her parent, u 2 220 A SIMPLE STORY. Never see her but let her sometimes live under the same roof with you. " It is Miss Milner, your ward, to whom you never refused a request, who supplicates you not now for your nephew, Rushbrook, but for one so much more dear that a denial She dares not surfer her thoughts to glance that way she will hope and in that hope bids you farewel, with all the love she ever bore you. " Farewel, Dorriforth farewel, LordElmwood and before you throw this letter from you with con- tempt or anger, cast your imagination into the grave where I am lying. Reflect upon all the days of my past life the anxious moments I have known, and what has been their end. Behold me, also : in my altered face there is no anxiety no joy or sorrow all is over. My whole frame is motionless my heart beats no more. Look at my horrid habita- tion, too, and ask yourself whether I am an object of resentment." While Lord Elmwood read this letter, it trembled in his hand : he once or twice wiped the tears from his eyes as he read, and once laid the letter down for a few minutes. At its conclusion, the tears flowed fast down his face : but he seemed both ashamed and angry they did, and was going to throw thepaper upon the fire. He, however, suddenly checked his hand ; and, putting it hastily into his pocket, went to bed. CHAPTER XXXIV. The next morning, when Lord Elmwood and Sand ford met at breakfast, the latter was pale with fear A SIMPLE STORY. 221 for the success of Lady Elniwood's letter : the earl was pale too, but there was besides upou his face something which evidently marked he was displeased. Sandford observed it, and was all humbleness, both in his words and looks, in order to soften him. As soon as the breakfast was removed, Lord Elm- wood drew the letter from his pocket, and, holding it towards Sandford, said, " That may be of more value to you than it is to me : therefore I give it you." Sandford called up a look of surprise, as if he did not know the letter again. " Tis Lady Elniwood's letter," said Lord Elm- wood ; " and I return it to you for two reasons." Sandford took it, and, putting it up, asked fearfully, " what those two reasons were." " First," said he, " because I think it is a relic you may like to preserve. My second reason is, that you may shew it to her daughter, and let her know why, and on what conditions, I grant her mother's request." " You do then grant it?" cried Sandford joyfully : " I thank you you are kind you are considerate." " Be not hasty in your gratitude : you may have cause to recal it." " I know what you have said," replied Sandford : " you have said you grant Lady Elniwood's request you cannot recal these words, nor I my grati- tude." " Do you know what her request is?" return- ed he. " Not exactly, my lord : I told you before I did not ; but it is, no doubt, something in favour of her child." " I think not," he replied. " Such as it is, how- ever, I grant it ; but in the strictest sense of the u 3 222 A SIMPLE STORY. word no farther and one neglect of my com- mands releases me from this promise totally." " We will take care, sir, not to disobey them." " Then listen to what they are ; for to you I give the charge of delivering them again. Lady Elm- wood has petitioned me, in the name of her father (a name I reverence), to give his grandchild the sanction of my protection ; in the literal sense, to suffer that she may reside at one of my seats ; dis- pensing at the same time with my ever seeing her." " And you will comply ?" " I will, till she encroaches on this concession, and dares to hope for a greater. I will, while she avoids my sight, or the giving me any remembrance of her. But if, whether by design or by accident, I ever see or hear from her, that moment my com- pliance to her mother's supplication ceases, and I abandon her once more. Sandford sighed. Lord Elmwood continued : " I am glad her request stopped where it did. I would rather comply with her desires than not ; and I rejoice they are such as I can grant with ease and honour to myself. I am seldom now at Elmwood Castle : let her daughter go there. The few weeks or months I am down in the summer, she may easily, in that extensive house, avoid me : while she does, she lives in security when she does not you know my resolution." Sandford bowed the earl resumed : " Nor can it be a hardship to obey this command : she cannot lament the separation from a parent whom she never knew " Sandford was going eager- ly to prove the error of that assertion ; but he pre- vented him, by saying, " In a word without farther argument if she obeys me in this, I will provide for her as my daughter during my life, and leave her a fortune at my death ; but if she dares " A SIMPLE STORY. 223 Sandford interrupted the menace prepared for utterance, saying, " And you still mean, I suppose, to make Mr. Rushbrook your heir ? " " Have you not heard me say so ? And do you imagine I have changed my determination ? I am not given to alter my resolutions, Mr. Sandford ; and I thought you knew 1 was not : besides, will not my title be extinct, whoever I make my heir? Could any thing but a son have preserved my title ? " " Then it is yet possible " " By marrying again, you mean? No no I have had enough of marriage ; and Henry Rush- brook 1 shall leave my heir. Therefore, sir " " My lord, I do not presume " " Do not, Sandford, and we may still be good friends. But I am not to be controuled as formerly : my temper is changed of late changed to what it was originally, till your religious precepts reformed it. You may remember, how troublesome it was to conquer my stubborn disposition in my youth : then, indeed, you did ; but in my more advanced age, you will find the task too difficult." Sandford again repeated, " he should not pre- sume " To which Lord Elmwood again made answer, " Do not, Sandford ; " and added, " for I have a sincere regard for you, and should be loath, at these years, to quarrel with you seriously." Sandford turned away his head to conceal his feelings. " Nay, if we do quarrel," resumed Lord Elm- wood, " you know it must be your own fault; and as this is a theme the most likely of any, nay, the only one on which we can have a difference (such as we cannot forgive), take care never from this day to renew it . Indeed, that of itself would be an of- 224 A SIMPLE STORY. fence I could not pardon. I have been clear and explicit in all I have said ; there can be no fear of mistaking my meaning ; therefore, all future expla nation is unnecessary : nor will I permit a word, or a hint on the subject from any one, without showing my resentment even to the hour of my death." He was going out of the room. " But before we bid adieu to the subject for ever, my lord there was another person whom I named to you " " Do you mean Miss Wooclley ? Oh, by all means let her live at Elmwood House too. On consideration, I have no objection to see Miss Woodley at any time : I shall be glad to see her. Do not let her be frightened at me : to her I shall be the same that I have always been." " She is a good woman, my lord," cried Sand- ford, delighted. " You need not tell me that, Mr. Sandford : 1 know her worth." And he left the room. Sandford, to relieve Miss Woodley and her lovely charge from the suspense in which he had left them, prepared to set off for their habitation, and meant himself to conduct them from thence to Elmwood Castle, and appoint some retired part of it for Lady Matilda, against the annual visit which her father should pay there. To confirm this caution, before he left London, Giffard, the steward, took an oppor- tunity to wait upon him, and let him know, that his lord had acquainted him with the consent he had given for his daughter to be admitted at Elmwood Castle, and upon what restrictions ; that he had farther uttered the severest threats, should these re- strictions ever be infringed. Sandford thanked Gif- fard for his friendly information. It served him as a second warning of the circumspection that was ne- A SIMPLE STORY. 225 cessary ; and having taken leave of his friend and patron, under the pretence that " he could not live in the smoke of London," he set out for the North. It is unnecessary to say with what joy Sandford was received by Miss Woodley and the hapless daughter of Lady Elmwood, even before he told his errand. They both loved him sincerely ; more especially Lady Matilda, whose forlorn state, and innocent sufferings, had ever excited his compassion, and caused him to treat her with affection, tender- ness, and respect. She knew, too, how much he had been her mother's friend ; for that, she also loved him ; and for his being honoured with the friendship of her father, she looked up to him with reverence. For Matilda (with an excellent under- standing, a sedateness above her years, and having been early accustomed to the private converse be- tween Lady Elmwood and Miss Woodley,) was per- fectly acquainted with the whole fatal history of her mother ; and was, by her, taught the esteem and admiration of her father's virtues which they so justly merited. Notwithstanding the joy of Mr. Sandford's pre- sence, once more to cheer their solitary dwelling ; no sooner were the first kind greetings over than the dread of what he might have to inform them of possessed poor Matilda and Miss Woodley so pow- erfully, that all their gladness was changed into affright. Their apprehensions were far more for- cible than their curiosity : they dared not ask a question, and even began to wish he would continue silent upon the subject on which they feared to lis- ten. For near two hours he was so. At length, after a short interval from speaking, (during which they waited with anxiety for what he might next say), he turned to Lady Matilda, and said, " You don't ask for your father, my dear." 226 A SIMPLE STORY. " I did not know it was proper," she replied, timidly. " It is always proper," answered Sandford, " for you to think of him, though he should never think on you." She burst into tears, and said that she " did think of him, but she felt an apprehension of men- tioning his name." And she wept bitterly while she spoke. " Do not think I reproved you,'' said Sandford : " 1 only told you what was right." " Nay," said Miss Woodley, " she does not weep for that : she fears her father has not complied with her mother's request ; perhaps, not even read her letter." " Yes, he has read it," returned Sandford. " Oh, Heavens !" exclaimed Matilda, ciasping her hands together, and the tears falling still faster. " Do not be so much alarmed, my dear," said Miss Woodley : " you know we are prepared for the worst ; and you know you promised your mother, whatever your fate should be, to submit with pa- tience." " Yes," replied Matilda; " and I am prepared for every thing but my father's refusal to my dear mother." " Your father has not refused your mother's re- quest," replied Sandford. She was leaping from her seat in ecstasy. " But," continued he, c do you know what her request was ? " " Not entirely," replied Matilda ; " and since it is granted, I am careless. But she told me her letter concerned none but me." To explain perfectly to Matilda, Lady Elmwood's letter, and that she might perfectly understand upon what terms she was admitted into Elmwood Castle, A SIMPLE STORY. 227 Sand ford now read the letter to her ; and repeated, as nearly as he could remember, the whole of the conversation that passed between Lord Ehnwood and himself; not even sparing, through an erroneous delicacy, any of those threats her father had de- nounced, should she dare to transgress the limits he prescribed nor did he try to soften, in one instance, a word he uttered. She listened sometimes with tears, sometimes with hope, but always with awe, and with terror, to every sentence in which her fa- ther was concerned. Once she called him cruel then exclaimed " he was kind ; " but at the end of Sandford's intelligence, concluded " that she was happy and grateful for the boon bestowed." Even her mother had not a more exalted idea of Lord Elinwood's worth than his daughter had formed ; and this little bounty just obtained would not have been greater in her mother's estimation than it was now in hers. Miss Woodley, too, smiled at the prospect before her : she esteemed Lord Elmwood beyond any mortal living : she was proud to hear what he had said in her praise, and overjoyed at the expectation of being once again in his company ; painting at the same time a thousand bright hopes, from watching every emotion of his soul, and catch- ing every proper occasion to excite or increase his paternal sentiments. Yet she had the prudence to conceal those vague hopes from his child, lest a disappointment might prove fatal ; and assuming a behaviour neither too much elated nor depressed, she advised that they should hope for the best, but yet, as usual, expect and prepare for the worst. After taking measures for quitting their melancholy abode, within the fortnight they all departed for Elmwood Castle ; Matilda, Miss Woodley, and even Sandford, first visiting Lady Elmwood's grave, and bedewing it with their tears. 228 A SIMPLE STORY. CHAPTER XXXV. It was on a dark evening in the month of March, that Lady Matilda, accompanied by Sandford and Miss Woodley, arrived at Elmwood Castle, the mag- nificent seat of her father. Sandford chose the evening, rather to steal into the house privately, than by any appearance of parade to suffer Lord Elmwood to be reminded of their arrival by the public prints, or by any other accident. Nor would he give the neighbours or servants reason to sup- pose the daughter of their Lord was admitted into his house, in any other situation than that in which she really was permitted to be there. As the porter opened the gates of the avenue to the carriage that brought them, Matilda felt an awful and yet gladsome sensation, which no terms can describe. As she entered the door of the man- sion this sensation increased and as she passed along the spacious hall, the splendid staircase, and many stately apartments, wonder, with a crowd of the tenderest, yet most afflicting sentiments, rushed to her heart. She gazed with astonishment ! she reflected with still more. " And is my father the master of this house ?" she cried " and was my mother once the mistress of this castle '( " Here tears relieved her from a part of that burthen which was before insupport- able. " Yes," replied Sandford, " and you are the mis- tress of it now, till your father arrives." " Good Heaven ! " exclaimed she, " and will he ever arrive ? And shall I live to sleep under the same roof with my father ? " " My dear," replied Miss Woodley, " have not you been told so ?" A SIMPLE STORY. 22}) " Yes," said she, " but though I heard it with extreme pleasure, yet the expectation never so for- cibly affected me as at this moment. I now feel, as the reality approaches, that to be admitted here, is kindness enough : I do not ask for more I am now convinced, from what this trial makes me feel, that to see my father would occasion emotions I could not perhaps survive." The next morning gave to Matilda more objects of admiration and wonder, as she walked over the extensive gardens, groves, and other pleasure grounds belonging to the house. She, who had never been beyond the dreary, ruinous places which her de- ceased mother had made her residence, was naturally struck with amazement and delight, at the grandeur of a seat, which travellers came for miles to see, nor thought their time mispent. There was one object, however, among all she saw, which attracted her attention above the rest, and she would stand for hours to look at it. This was a whole-length portrait of Lord Elmwood, es- teemed a very capital picture, and aperfect likeness. To this picture she would sigh and weep ; though, when it was first pointed out to her, she shrunk back with fear, and it was some time before she dared venture to cast her eyes completely upon it. In the features of her father she was proud to discern the exact mould in which her own appeared to have been modelled ; yet Matilda's person, shape, and complexion were so extremely like what her mother's once were, that at the first glance, she appeared to have a still greater resemblance of her, than of her father: but her mind and manners were all Lord Elm wood's ; softened by the delicacy of her sex, the extreme tenderness of her heart, and the melancholy of her situation. VOL. XXVIII. x 230 A SIMPLE STORY. She was now in her seventeenth year : of the same age, within a year and a few months, of her mother, when she first became the ward of Dorriforth. She was just three years old when her father went abroad and remembered something of bidding him farewel ; but more of taking cherries from his hand, as he pulled them from the tree to give to her. Educated in the school of adversity, and inured to retirement from her infancy, she had acquired a taste for all those amusements which a recluse life affords. She was fond of walking and riding ; was accomplished in the arts of music and drawing, by the most careful instructions of her mother ; and as a scholar, she excelled most of her sex, from the pains which Sandford had taken with that part of her education, and the superior abilities he possessed for the task. In devoting certain hours of the day to study with him, others to music, riding, and such harmless re- creations, Matilda's time never appeared tedious at Elmwood Castle, although she received and paid no one visit : for it was soon divulged in the neigh- bourhood, upon what stipulation she resided at her father's, and studiously intimated, that the most prudent and friendly behaviour of her true friends would be, to take no notice whatever that she lived among them : and as Lord Elmwood's will was a law all around, such was the consequence of that will, known, or merely supposed. Neither did Miss Woodley regret the want of visitors, but found herself far more satisfied in her present situation than her most sanguine hopes could have formed. She had a companion whom she loved with an equal fondness with which she had loved her deceased mother ; and frequently, in this charming habitation, where she had so often A SIMPLE STORY. 231 beheld Lady Elmwood, her imagination represented Matilda as her friend risen from the grave, in her former youth, health, and exquisite beauty. In peace, in content, though not in happiness, the days and weeks passed away, till about the mid- dle of August, when preparations began to be made for the arrival of Lord Elmwood. The week in which he was to come was at length fixed, and some part of his retinue was arrived before him. When this was told Matilda, she started, and looked just as her mother at her age had often done, when, in spite of her love, she was conscious that she had offended him, and was terrified at his approach. Sandford, observing this involuntary emotion, put out his hand, and, taking hers, shook it kindly ; and bade her (but it was not in a cheering tone) " not be afraid." This gave her no confidence : and she began, before her father's arrival, to seclude herself in the apartments allotted for her during the time of his stay ; and, in the timorous expectation of his coming, her appetite declined, and she lost all her colour. Even Miss Woodley, whose spirits had been for some time elated with the hopes she had formed, from his residence at the castle, on drawing near to the test, found those hopes vanished ; and though she endeavoured to conceal it, she was full of apprehensions. Sandford had certainly fewer fears than either ; yet upon the eve of the day on which his patron was to arrive, he was evidently cast down. Lady Matilda once asked him ; " Are you cer- tain, Mr. Sandford, you made no mistake in respect to what Lord Elmwood said, when he granted my mother's request? Are you sure he did grant it ? Was there nothing equivocal on which he may ground his displeasure, should he be told that I am here ? Oh, do not let me hazard being once again x 2 232 A SIMPLE STORY. turned out of his house ! Oh ! save me from pro- voking him perhaps to execrate me." And here she clasped her hands together with the most fervent petition, in the dread of what might happen. " If you doubt my words or my senses," said Sandford, " call Giftard, who is just arrived, and let him inform you : the same words were repeated to him as to me." Though from her reason, Matilda could not doubt of any mistake from Mr. Sandford, yet her fears suggested a thousand scruples ; and this reference to the steward she received with the utmost satis- faction, (though she did not think it necessary to apply to him), as it perfectly convinced her of the folly of the suspicions she had entertained. " And yet, Mr. Sandford," said she, " if it is so, why are you less cheerful than you were ? I cannot help thinking but it must be the expected arrival of Lord Elmwood which has occasioned this change." " I don't know," replied Sandford, carelessly ; " but I believe I am grown afraid of your father. His temper is a great deal altered from what it once was : he raises his voice, and uses harsh expressions upon the least provocation : his eyes flash lightning, and his face is distorted with anger upon the slight- est motives : he turns away his old servants at a mo- ment's warning, and no concession can make their peace. In a word, I am more at my ease when I am away from him ; and I really believe," added he with a smile, but with a tear at the same time " I really believe, I am more afraid of him in my age, than lie was of me when he was a boy." Miss Woodley was present : she and Matilda looked at one another ; and each of them saw the other turn pale at this description. The day at length came on which Lord Elmwood was expected to dinner. It would have been a high A SIMPLE STORY. 233 gratification to his daughter to have gone to the topmost window of the house, and have only beheld his carriage enter the avenue ; but it was a gratifi- cation which her fears, her tremor, her extreme sensibility would not permit her to enjoy. Miss Wood ley and she sat down that day to din- ner in their retired apartments, which were detached from the other part of the house by a gallery : and of the door leading to the gallery they had a key, to impede any one from passing that way, without first ringing a bell ; to answer which was the sole em- ployment of a servant, who was placed there during the earl's residence, lest by any accident he might chance to come near that unfrequented part of the house : on which occasion the man was to give im- mediate notice to his lady, so as she might avoid his presence by retiring to an inner room. Matilda and Miss Woodley sat down to dinner, but did not dine. Sandford dined, as usual, with Lord Elmwood. When tea was brought, Miss Woodley asked the servant, who attended, if he had seen his lord. The man answered, " Yes, madam ; and he looks vastly well." Matilda wept with joy to hear it. About nine in the evening, Sandford rang at the bell, and was admitted : never had he been so wel- come. Matilda hung upon him as if his recent in- terview with her father had endeared him to her more than ever ; and, staring anxiously in his face, seemed to inquire of him something about Lord Elm- wood, and something that should not alarm her. " Well how do you find yourself?'' said he to her. " How are you, Mr. Sandford?" she returned, with a sigh. " Oh ! very well," replied he. "Is my lord in a good temper?" asked Miss Woodley. x 3 234 A SIiMPLE STORY. " Yes, very well," replied Sandford, with in- difference. " Did he seem glad to see you?" asked Ma- tilda. " He shook me by the hand," replied Sandford. " That was a sign he was glad to see you was it not?" said Matilda. " Yes ; but he could not do less." " Nor more," replied she. " He looks very well, our servant tells us," said Miss Woodley. " Extremely well, indeed," answered Sandford ; " and to tell the truth, I never saw him in better spirits." " That is well," said Matilda, and sighed a weight of fears from her heart. " Where is he now, Mr. Sandford ?" " Gone to take a walk about his grounds, and I stole here in the mean time." "What was your conversation during dinner?" asked Miss Woodley. " Horses, hay, farming, and politics." " Won't you sup with him ? " " I shall see him again before I go to bed." " And again to-morrow?" cried Matilda: " what happiness ! " " He has visitors to-morrow," said Sandford, " coming for a week or two." " Thank Heaven," said Miss Woodley : " he will then be diverted from thinking on us." " Do you know," returned Sandford, " it is my firm opinion, that his thinking of ye at present is the cause of his good spirits." " Oh, Heavens ! " cried Matilda, lifting up her hands with rapture. " Nay, do not mistake me," said Sandford : " I would not have you build a foundation for joy upon A SIMPLE STORY. 2515 this surmise ; for if he is in spirits that you are in this house so near him positively under his pro- tection yet he will not allow himself to think it is the cause of his content ; and the sentiments he has adopted, and which are now become natural to him, will remain the same as ever: nay, perhaps with greater force, should he suspect his weakness, as he calls it, acting in opposition to them." " If he does but think of me with tenderness," cried Matilda, " I am recompensed." " And what recompence would his kind thoughts be to you," said Sandford, " were he to turn you out to beggary?" " A great deal a great deal," she replied. " But how are you to know he has these kind thoughts, if he gives you no proof of them?" " No, Mr. Sandford ; but supposing we could know them without proof." " But as that is impossible," answered he, " I shall suppose, till proof appears, that I have been mis- taken in my conjectures." Matilda looked deeply concerned that the argu- ment should conclude in her disappointment ; for to have believed herself thought of with tenderness by her father, would have alone constituted her happiness. When the servant came up with something by way of supper, he told Mr. Sandford that his lord was returned from his walk, and had inquired for him. Sandford immediately bade his companions good night, and left them. " How strange is this !" cried Matilda, when Miss Woodley and she were alone " My father within a few rooms of me, and yet I am debarred from see- ing him ! Only by walking a few paces I could be at his feet, and perhaps receive his blessing !" " You make me shudder," cried Miss Woodley ; *23G A SIMPLE STORY. " but some spirits less timid than mine might per- haps advise you to the experiment ! " " Not for worlds !" returned Matilda : " no counsel could tempt me to such temerity ; and yet to en- tertain the thought that it is possible I could do this, is a source of infinite comfort." This conversation lasted till bed-time, and later ; for they sat up beyond their usual hour to indulge it. Miss Woodley slept little, but Matilda less : she awaked repeatedly during the night, and every time sighed to herself, " I sleep in the same house with my father ! Blessed spirit of my mother, look down and rejoice." CHAPTER XXXVI. The next day the whole castle appeared to Lady Matilda (though she was in some degree retired from it) all tumult and bustle, as was usually the case while Lord Elmwood was there. She saw from her windows the servants running across the yards and park ; horses and carriages driving with fury ; all the suite of a nobleman ; and it sometimes elated, at other times depressed her. These impressions, however, and others of fear and anxiety, which her father's arrival had excited, by degrees wore off; and after some little time she was in the same tranquil state that she enjoyed be- fore he came. He had visitors, who passed a week or two with him ; he paid visits himself for several days ; and thus the time stole away, till it was about four weeks from the time that he had arrived : in which long period Sandford, with all his penetration, could A SIMPLE STORY. 237 never clearly discover whether he had once called to mind that his daughter was living in the same house. He had not once named her (that was not extraordinary) ; consequently no one dared name her to him; but he had not even mentioned Miss Wood- ley, of whom he had so lately spoken in the kindest terms, and had said, " he should take pleasure in seeing her again." From these contradictions in Lord Elmwood's behaviour in respect to her, it was Miss Woodley's plan neither to throw herself in his way, nor avoid him. She therefore frequently walked about the house while he was in it, not in- deed entirely without restraint, but at least with the show of liberty. This freedom, indulged for some time without peril, became at last less cau- tious ; and as no ill consequences had arisen from its practice, her scruples gradually ceased. One morning, however, as she was crossing the large hall, thoughtless of danger, a footstep at a distance alarmed her almost without knowing why. She stopped for a moment, thinking to return : the steps approached quicker ; and before she could retreat, she beheld Lord Elmwood at the other end of the hall, and perceived that he saw her. It was too late to hesitate what was to be done : she could not go back, and had not courage to go on : she therefore stood still. Disconcerted, and much affected at his sight (their former intimacy coming to her mind with the many years, and many sad occurrences passed, since she last saw him), all her intentions, all her meditated schemes how to conduct herself on such an occasion, gave way to a sudden shock ; and to make the meeting yet more distress- ing, her very fright, she knew, would serve to recal more powerfully to his mind the subject she most wished him to forget. The steward was with him ; and as they came up close by her side, Giffard ob- 238 A SIMPLE STORY. serving him look at her earnestly, said softly, but so as she heard him, " My lord, it is Miss Woodley." Lord Elmwood took off his hat instantly; and, with an apparent friendly warmth, laying hold of her hand, he said, " Indeed, Miss Woodley, I did not know you ; I am very glad to see you :" and while he spoke, shook her hand with a cordiality which her tender heart could not bear ; and never did she feel so hard a struggle as to restrain her tears. But the thought of Matilda's fate : the idea of awaken- ing in his mind a sentiment that might irritate him against his child, wrought more forcibly than every other effort ; and though she could not reply dis- tinctly, she replied without weeping. Whether he saw her embarrassment, and wished to release her from it, or was in haste to conceal his own, he left her almost instantly ; but not till he had entreated she would dine that very day with him and Mr. Sandford, who were to dine without other company. She curtsied assent, and flew to tell Matilda what had occurred. After listening with anxiety and with joy to all she told, Matilda laid hold of that, hand which she said Lord Elmwood had held, and pressed it to her lips with love and reverence. When Miss Woodley made her appearance at dinner, Sandford (who had not seen her since the invitation, and did not know of it,) looked amazed ; on which Lord Elmwood said, " Do you know, Sandford, I met Miss Woodley this morning; and, had it not been for Giffard, I should have passed her without knowing her. But, Miss Woodley, if I am not so much altered but that you knew me, I take it unkind you did not speak first." She was unable to speak even now : he saw it, and changed the conversation ; when Sandford eagerly joined in dis- course, which relieved him from the pain of the former. A SIMPLE STORY. 2'M) As they advanced in their dinner, the embarrass- ment of Miss Woodley and of Mr. Sand ford dimi- nished ; Lord Elmwood, in his turn, became, not embarrassed, but absent and melancholy. He now and then sighed heavily ; and called for wine much oftener than he was accustomed. When Miss Woodley took her leave, he invited her to dine with him and Sandford whenever it was convenient to her : he said, besides, many things of the same kind, and all with the utmost civility, yet not with that warmth with which he had spoken in the morning : into that he had been surprised ; his coolness was the effect of reflection. When she came to Lady Matilda, and Sandford had joined them, they talked and deliberated on what had passed. " You acknowledge, Mr. Sandford," said Miss Woodley, " that you think my presence affected Lord Elmwood, so as to make him much more thoughtful than usual: if you imagine these thoughts were upon Lady Elmwood, I will never intrude again ; but if you suppose that I made him think upon his daughter, I cannot go too often." " I don't see how he can divide those two objects in his mind," replied Sandford : " therefore you must e'en visit him on, and take your chance, what reflections you may cause ; but, be they what they will, time will steal away from you that power of affecting him." She concurred in the opinion, and occasionally she walked into Lord Elmwood's apartments, dined, or took her coffee with him, as the accident suited ; and observed, according to Sandford's prediction, that time wore off the impression her visits first made. Lord Elmwood now became just the same before her as before others. She easily discerned, too, through all that politeness which he assumed 240 A SIMPLE STORY. that he was no longer the considerate, the for- bearing- character he formerly was ; but haughty, impatient, imperious, and more than ever impla- cable. CHAPTER XXXVII. When Lord Elm wood had been at his country seat about six weeks, Mr. Rushbrook, his nephew and his adopted child that friendless boy whom Lady Elmwood first introduced into his uncle's house, and by her kindness preserved there arrived from his travels, and was received by his uncle with all the marks of affection due to the man he thought worthy to be his heir. Rushbrook had been a beautiful boy, and was now an extremely handsome young man : he had made unusual progress in his studies, had completed the tour of Italy and Germany, and returned home with the air and address of a perfect man of fashion. There was, besides, an elegance and persuasion in his manner almost irresistible. Yet with all those accomplishments, when he was intro- duced to Sandford, and put forth his hand to take his, Sandford, with evident reluctance, gave it to him: and when Lord Elmwood asked him, in the young man's presence, " if he did not think his nephew greatly improved," he looked at him from head to foot, and muttered " he could not say he observed it." The colour heightened in Mr. Rush- brook's face upon the occasion ; but he was too well bred not to be in perfect good humour. Sandford saw this young man treated, in the house of Lord Elmwood, with the same respect and atten- tion as if he had been his son ; and it was but pro- bable that the old priest would make a comparison A SIMPLE STORY. 24L betwcen the situation of him and of Lady Matilda Elmwood. Before her, it was Sandford's meaning to have concealed his thoughts upon the subject, and never to have mentioned it but with composure. That was, however, impossible : unused to hide his feelings, at the name of Rushbrook his countenance would always change ; and a sarcastic sneer, some- times a frown of resentment, would force its way in spite of his resolution. Miss Woodley, too, with all her boundless charity and good will, was, upon this occasion, induced to limit their excess ; and they did not extend so far as to reach poor Rushbrook. She even, and in reality, did not think him hand- some or engaging in his manners : she thought his gaiety frivolousness, his complaisance affectation, and his good-humour impertinence. It was impos- sible to conceal those unfavourable sentiments en- tirely from Matilda ; for when the subject arose, as it frequently did, Miss Woodley's undisguised heart, and Sandford's undisguised countenance, told them instantly. Matilda had the understanding to ima- gine, that she was, perhaps, the object who had thus deformed Mr. Rushbrook, and frequently (though he was a stranger to her, and one who had caused her many a jealous heart-ach), frequently she would speak in his vindication. " You are very good," said Sandford, one day to her : " you like him, because you know your father loves him." This was a hard sentence for the daughter of Lord Elmwood to hear, to whom her father's love would have been more precious than any other blessing : she, however, checked the assault of envy and kindly replied, " My mother loved him too, Mr. Sandford." " Yes," answered Sandford, " he has been a grateful man to your poor mother. She did not sup- VOL. xxvm. Y 242 A SIMPLE STORY. pose when she took him into the house when she entreated your father to take him and through her caresses and officious praises of him, first gave him that power which he now possesses over his uncle : she little foresaw, at that time, his ingratitude, and its effects." " Very true," said Miss Woodley, with a heavy sigh. " What ingratitude ?" asked Matilda. " Do you suppose Mr. Rushbrook is the cause that my father will not see me ? Oh, do not pay Lord Elmwood's motive so ill a compliment." " I do not say that he is the absolute cause," re- turned Sandford: " but if a parent's heart is void, I would have it remain so, till its lawful owner is re- placed. Usurpers I detest." " No one can take Lord Elmwood's heart by force," replied his daughter : " it must, I believe, be a free gift to the possessor ; and, as such, whoever has it has a right to it." In this manner she would plead the young man's excuse ; perhaps but to hear what could be said in his disfavour, for secretly his name was bitter to her -and once she exclaimed in vexation, on Sandford's saying Lord Elmwood and Mr. Rushbrook were gone out shooting together, " All that pleasure is eclipsed which I used to take in listening to the report of my father's gun ; for I cannot now distinguish his from his parasite's." Sandford (much as he disliked Rushbrook), for this expression, which comprised her father in the reflection, turned to Matilda in extreme anger : but as he saw the colour rise into her face, for what, in the strong feelings of her heart, had escaped her lips, he did not say a word; and by her tears that follow- ed, he rejoiced to see how much she reproved herself . Miss Woodley, vexed to the heart, and provoked A SIMPLE STORY. 243 every time she saw Lord Elmwood and Rushbrook together, and saw the familiar terms on which this young man lived with his benefactor, now made her visits to him very seldom. If Lord Elmwood observed this, he did not appear to observe it ; and though he received her politely when she did pay him a visit, it was always very coldly : nor did she suppose if she never went, he would ever ask for her. For his daughter's sake, however, she thought it right sometimes to shew herself before him ; for she knew it must be impossible that, with all his apparent in- difference, he could ever see her without thinking for a moment on his child ; and what one fortunate thought might some time bring about was an object much too serious for her to overlook. She therefore, after remaining confined to her own suite of rooms near three weeks, (excepting those anxious walks she and Matilda stole, while Lord Elmwood dined, or before he rose in a morning,) went one forenoon into his apartments, where, as usual, she found him with Mr. Sandford and Mr. Rushbrook. After she had sat about half an hour, conversing with them all, though but very little with the latter, Lord Elm- wood was called out of the room upon some business : presently after, Sandford : and now, by no means pleased with the companion with whom she was left, she rose, and was also retiring, when Rushbrook fixed his speaking eyes upon her, and cried, " Miss Woodley, will you pardon me what I am going to say "? " ;< Certainly, sir you can, I am sure, say nothing but what I must forgive." But she made this reply with a distance and a reserve very unlike the usual manners of Miss Woodley. He looked at her earnestly, and cried, "Ah ! Miss Woodley, you don't behave so kindly to me as you used to do ! " Y 2 244 A SIMPLE STORY. " I do not understand you, sir," she replied very gravely. " Times are changed, Mr. Rushbrook, since vou were last here : you were then but a child." " Yet I love all those persons now, that I loved then," replied he ; " and so I shall for ever." " But you mistake, Mr. Rushbrook : I was not, even then, so very much the object of your affections there were other ladies you loved better. Per- haps you don't remember Lady Elmwood !" " Don't I ?" cried he. " Oh ! " (clasping his hands and lifting up his eyes to heaven), " shall I ever forget her 1 " That moment Lord Elmwood opened the door : the conversation, of course, that moment ended ; but confusion, at the sudden surprise, was on the face of both parties: he saw it, and looked at each of them by turns with a sternness that made poor Miss Woodley ready to faint ; while Rushbrook, with the mostnatural and happy laugh that ever was affected, cried, " No, don't tell my lord, pray, Miss Woodley." She was more confused than before, and Lord Elmwood turning to him, asked what the subject was. By this time he had invented one, and, con- tinuing his laugh, said, " Miss Woodley, my lord, will to this day protest that she saw my apparition when I was a boy ; and she says it is a sign I shall die young, and is really much affected at it." Lord Elmwood turned away before this ridiculous speech was concluded; yet so well had it been acted, that he did not for an instant doubt its truth. Miss Woodley felt herself greatly relieved ; and yet so little is it in the power of those we dislike to do any thing to please us, that from this very cir- cumstance, she formed a more unfavourable opinion of Mr. Rushbrook than she had done before. She saw in this little incident the art of dissimulation, A SIMPLE STORY. 245 cunning, and duplicity in its most glaring shape; and detested the method by which they had each escaped Lord Elmwood's suspicion, and perhaps anger, the more, because it was so dexterously managed. Lady Matilda and Sandford were both in their turns informed of this trait in Mr. Rushbrook's character : and although Miss Woodley had the best of dispositions, and upon every occasion spoke the strictest truth, yet, in relating this occurrence, she did not speak all the truth ; for every circumstance that would have told to the young man's advantage literally had slipped her memory. The twenty-ninth of October arrived, on which a dinner, a ball, and supper, was given by Lord Elm- wood to all the neighbouring gentry : the peasants also dined in the park off a roasted bullock : several casks of ale were distributed, and the bells of the village rung. Matilda, who heard and saw some part of this festivity from her windows, inquired the cause ; but even the servant who waited upon her had too much sensibility to tell her, and answered, " he did not know." Miss Woodley, however, soon learned the reason, and, groaning with the painful secret, informed her, " Mr. Rushbrook on that day was come of age." " My birth-day was last week," replied Matilda ; but not a word beside. In their retired apartments, this day passed away not only soberly, but almost silently ; for to speak upon any subject that did not engage their thoughts had been difficult, and to speak upon the only one that did had been afflicting. Just as they were sitting down to dinner their bell gently rung, and in walked Sandford. iX Why are you not among the revellers, Mr. Sandford V cried Miss Woodley, with an ironical Y 3 246 A SIMPLE STORY. sneer, (the first her features ever wore). "Pray, were not you invited to dine with the company ? " " Yes," replied Sandford : " but my head ached ; and so I had rather come and take a bit with you." Matilda, as if she had seen his heart as he spoke, clung round his neck and sobbed on his bosom : he put her peevishly away, crying " Nonsense, non- sense : eat yoifr dinner." But he did not eat him- self. CHAPTER XXXVIII. About a week after this, Lord Elmwood went out two days for a visit : consequently Rushbrook was for that time master of the house. The first morning he went a-shooting, and returning about noon, in- quired of Sandford, who was sitting in the breakfast- room, if he had taken up a volume of plays left upon the table. " I read no such things," replied Sand- ford, and quitted the room abruptly. Rushbrook then rang for his servant, and desired him to look for the book, asking him angrily, " who had been in the apartment ; for he was sure he had left it there when he went out." The servant withdrew to inquire, and presently returned with the volume in his hand, and " Miss Woodley's compliments : she begs your pardon, sir : she did not know the book was yours, and hopes you will excuse the libertv she took." " Miss Woodley !" criedRushbrook with surprise : " she comes so seldom into these apartments, I did not suppose it was her who had it. Take it back to her instantly, with mv respects, and I beg she will keep it." A SIMPLE STORY. 247 The man went, but returned with the book again, and, laying it on the table without speaking, was going away; when Rushbrook, hurt at receiving no second message, said, " I am afraid, sir, you did very wrong when you first took this book from Miss Woodley." " It was not from her 1 took it, sir," replied the man : " it was from Lady Matilda." Since he had entered the house, Rushbrook had never before heard the name of Lady Matilda. He was shocked, confounded more than ever ; and to conceal what he felt, instantly ordered the man out of the room. In the mean time, Miss Woodley and Matilda were talking over this trifling occurrence ; and, frivolous as it was, drew from it strong conclusions of Rush- brook's insolence and power. In spite of her pride, the daughter of Lord Elmwood even wept at the insult she had received on this insignificantoccasion : for, the volume being merely taken from her at Mr. Rushbrook's command, she felt an insult ; and the manner in which it was done by the servant might contribute to the offence. While Miss Woodley and she were upon this con- versation, a note came from Rushbrook to Miss Woodley, wherein he entreated he might be per- mitted to see her. She sent a verbal answer, " She was engaged." He sent again, begging she would name her own time. But sure of a second denial, he followed the servant who took the last message ; and as Miss Woodley came out of her apartment into the gallery to speak to him, Rushbrook pre- sented himself, and told the man to retire. " Mr. Rushbrook," said Miss Woodley, " this intrusion is unmannerly ; and destitute as you may think me of the friendship of Lord Elmwood" In the ardour with which Rushbrook was waiting 248 A SIMPLE STORY. to express himself, he interrupted her, and caught hold of her hand. She immediately snatched it from him, and with- drew into her chamber. He followed, saying, in a low voice, " Dear Miss Woodley, hear me." At that juncture Lady Matilda, who was in an inner apartment, came out of it into Miss Woodley 's. Perceiving a gentleman, she stopped short at the door. Rushbrook cast his eyes upon her, and stood motionless : his lips only moved. " Do not depart, madam," said he, " without hearing my apology for being here." Though Matilda had never seen him since her infancy, there was no occasion to tell her who it was that addressed her: his elegant and youthful person, joined to the incident which had just occurred, con- vinced her it was Rushbrook. She looked at him with an air of surprise, but with still more of dignity. " Miss Woodley is severe upon me, madam,' continued he : " she judges me unkindly ; and I am afraid she will prepossess you with the same unfa- vourable Sentiments." Still Matilda did not speak, but looked at him with the same air of dignity. " If, Lady Matilda," resumed he, " I have of- fended you, and must quit you without pardon, I am more unhappy than I should be with the loss of your father's protection ; more forlorn than, when an orphan boy, your mother first took pity on me." At this last sentence, Matilda turned her eyes on Miss Woodley, and seemed in doubt what reply she was to give. Rushbrook immediately fell upon his knees. "Oh ! A SIMPLE STORY. 249 Lady Matilda," cried he, " if you knew the sensa- tions of my heart, you would not treat me with this disdain." " We can only judge of those sensations, Mr. Rushbrook," said Miss Woodley, " by the effect they have upon your conduct : and while you insult Lord and Lady Elmwood's daughter by an intrusion like this, and then ridicule her abject state by mockeries like these " He rose from his knees instantly, and interrupted her, crying, " What can I do ? What am I to say, to make you change your opinion of me? While Lord Elmwood has been at home, I have kept an awful distance ; and though every moment I breath- ed was a wish to cast myself at his daughter's feet, yet as I feared, Miss Woodley, that you were in- censed against me, by what means was I to procure an interview but by stratagem or force 1 This ac- cident has given a third method, and I had not strength, I had not courage, to let it pass. Lord Elmwood will soon return, and we may both of us be hurried to town immediately. Then how, for a tedious winter, could I endure the reflection that I was despised, nay, perhaps considered as an object of ingratitude, by the only child of my deceased benefactress ? " Matilda replied with all her father's haughtiness: " Depend upon it, sir, if you should ever enter my thoughts, it will only be as an object of envy." " Suffer me then, madam," said he, " as an earnest that you do not think worse of me than I merit suffer me to be sometimes admitted into your presence." She would scarce permit him to finish the period, before she replied, " This is the last time, sir, we shall ever meet; depend upon it; unless, indeed, Lord Elmwood should delegate to you the controul 250 A SIMPLE STORY. of my actions his commands I never dispute."' And here she burst into tears. Rushbrook walked towards the window, and did not speak for some time ; then turning himself to make a reply, both Matilda and Miss Woodley were somewhat surprised to see that he had shed tears himself. Having conquered them, he said, " I will not offend you, madam, by remaining one moment longer ; and I give you my honour, that, upon no pretence whatever, will I presume to intrude here again. Professions, I find, have no weight'; and only by this obedience to your orders can 1 give a proof of that respect which you inspire ; and let the agita- tion I now feel convince you, Lady Matilda, that, with all my seeming good fortune, I am not happier than yourself." And so much was he agitated while he delivered this address, that it was with difficulty he came to the conclusion. When he did, he bowed with reverence, as if leaving the presence of a deity, and retired. Matilda immediately entered the chamber she had left, without casting a single look at Miss Woodley by which she might guess of the opinion she had formed of Mr. Rushbrook's conduct. The next time they met they did not even mention his name ; for they were ashamed to own a partiality in his favour, and were too just to bring any accusation against him. But Miss Woodley, the day following, communi- cated the intelligence of this visit to Mr. Sandford, who, not having been present and a witness of those marks of humility and respect which were con- spicuous in the deportment of Mr. Rushbrook, was highly offended at his presumption ; and threatened if he ever dared to force his company there again, he would acquaint Lord Elmwood with his arro- gance, whatever might be the event. Miss Wood A SIMPLE STORY. 251 lev, however, assured him, she believed he would have no cause for such a complaint, as the young- man had made the most solemn promise never to commit the like offence ; and she thought it her duty to enjoin Sandford, till he did repeat it, not to mention the circumstance, even to Rushbrook him- self. Matilda could not but feel a regard for her father's heir, in return for that which he had so fervently declared for her : yet the more favourable her opi- nion of his mind and manners, the more he became an object of her jealousy for the affections of Lord Elmwood; and he was now, consequently, an object of greater sorrow to her than when she believed him less worthy. These sentiments were reversed on his part towards her : no jealousy intervened to bar his admiration and esteem : the beauty of her person, and grandeur of her mien, not only con- firmed, but improved, the exalted idea he had form- ed of her previous to their meeting, and which his affection to both her parents had inspired. The next time he saw his benefactor, he began to feel a new esteem and regard for him, for his daughter's sake ; as he had at first an esteem for her, on the foundation of his love for Lord and Lady Elmwood. He gazed with wonder at his uncle's insensibility to his own happiness, and would gladly have led him to the jewel he cast away, though even his own expul- sion should have been the fatal consequence. Such was the youthful, warm, generous, grateful, but un- reflecting mind of Rushbrook. 252 A SIMPLE STORY. CHAPTER XXXIX. After this incident, Miss Woodley left her apart- ments less frequently than before. She was afraid, though till now mistrust had been a stranger to her heart she was afraid, that duplicity might be con- cealed under the apparent friendship of Rushbrook. It did not indeed appear so from any part of his late behaviour, but she was apprehensive for the fate of Matilda: she disliked him too, and therefore she suspected him. Near three weeks she had not now paid a visit to Lord Elmwood ; and though to her- self every visit was a pain, yet as Matilda took a delight in hearing of her father, what he said, what he did, what his attention seemed most employed on, and a thousand other circumstantial informa- tions, in which Sandford would scorn to be half so particular, it was a deprivation to her, that Miss Woodley did not go oftener. Now, too, the middle of November was come, and it was expected her father would soon quit his country seat. Partly therefore to indulge her hapless companion, and partly because it was a duty, Miss Woodley once again paid Lord Elmwood a morning visit, and staid dinner. Rushbrook was officiously polite, (for that was the epithet she gave his attention in re- lating it to Lady Matilda) ; yet she owned he had not that forward impertinence she had formerly disco- vered in him, but appeared much more grave and sedate. " But tell me of my father," said Matilda. " I was going, my dear but don't be concerned don't let it vex you." "What? what?" cried Matilda, frightened by the preface. A SIMPLE STORY. 253 " Why, on my observing that I thought Mr. Rushbrook looked paler than usual, and appeared not to be in perfect health (which was really the case), your father expressed the greatest anxiety imaginable : he said he could not bear to see him look so ill, begged him, with all the tenderness of a parent, to take the advice of a physician, and added a thousand other affectionate things." " I detest Mr. Rushbrook," said Matilda, with her eyes flashing indignation. " Nay, for shame ! " returned Miss Woodley : " do you suppose I told you this, to make you hate him?" " No, there was no occasion for that," replied Matilda : " my sentiments (though I have never before avowed them) were long ago formed : he was always an object which added to my unhappiness ; but since his daring intrusion into my apartments, he has been the object of my hatred." " But now, perhaps, I may tell you something to please you," cried Miss Woodley. " And what is that ?" said Matilda with indif- ference ; for the first intelligence had hurt her spirits too much to surfer her to listen with pleasure to any thing. " Mr. Rushbrook," continued Miss Woodley, V replied to your father, that his indisposition was but a slight nervous fever, and he would defer a physician's advice till he went to London ; on which Lord Elmwood said, And when do you expect to be there'?' he replied, Within a week or two, I suppose, my lord.' But your father answered, ' I do not mean to go myself till after Christmas.' ' No indeed, my lord ! ' said Mr. Sandford, with surprise : ' you have not passed your Christmas here these many years.' * No,' returned your father ; vol. xxvm. z 254 A SIMPLE STORY. ' but I think 1 feel myself more attached to this house at present, than ever I did in my life.'" " You imagine, then, my father thought of me, when he said this ? " cried Matilda eagerly. " But I may be mistaken," replied Miss Wood ley. " I leave you to judge. Though I am sure Mr. Sandford imagined he thought of you, for I saw a smile over his whole face immediately." " Did you, Miss Woodley V "\es: it appeared on every feature except his lips ; those he kept fast closed, for fear Lord Elm- wood should perceive it." Miss Woodley, with all her minute intelligence, did not, however, acquaint Matilda, thatRushbrook followed her to the window when the earl was out of the room, and Sandford half asleep at the other end of it, and inquired respectfully but anxiously for her; adding, " It is my concern for Lady Matilda which makes me thus indisposed : I suffer more than she does ; but I am not permitted to tell her so : nor can I hope, Miss Woodley, that you will." She replied, " You are right, sir." Nor did she reveal this con- versation, while not a sentence that passed, except that, was omitted. When Christmas arrived, Lord Elmwood had many convivial days at Elmwood house ; but Matilda was never mentioned by one of his guests, and most probably was never thought of. During all those holidays, she was unusually melancholy, but sunk into the deepest dejection when she was told the day was fixed, on which her father was to return to town. On the morning of that day she wept incessantly ; and all her consolation was, " She would go to the chamber window that was fronting the door through which he was to pass to his carriage, and for the first, time, and most probably for the last time in her life, behold him." A SIMPLE STORY. 255 This design was soon forgot in another : " she would rush boldly into the apartment where he was, and at his feet take leave of him for ever : she would lay hold of his hands, clasp his knees, provoke him to spurn her, which would be joy in comparison to this cruel indifference." In the bitterness of her grief, she once called upon her mother, and re- proached her memory ; but the moment she recol- lected this offence (which was almost instantaneous- ly), she became all mildness and resignation, " What have I said?" cried she. " Dear, dear honoured saint, forgive me ; and for your sake I will bear all I have to bear with patience: I will not groan: I will not even sigh again : this task 1 set myself, to atone for what I have dared to utter." While Lady Matilda laboured under this variety of sensations, Miss Woodley was occupied in be- wailing, and endeavouring to calm her sorrows ; and Lord Elmwood, with Rushbrook, was ready to set off. The earl, however, loitered, and did not once seem in haste to be gone. When at last he got up to depart, Sandford thought he pressed his hand, and shook it with more warmth than ever he had done in his life. Encouraged by this supposition, Sand- ford said, " My lord, won't you condescend to take your leave of Miss Woodley?" " Certainly, Sand- ford," replied he, and seemed glad of an excuse to sit down again. Impressed with the pitiable state in which she had left his only child, Miss Woodley, when she came before Lord Elmwood to bid him farewel, was pale, trembling, and in tears. Sandford, notwithstand- ing his patron's apparently kind humour, was alarm- ed at the construction he must put upon her ap- pearance, and cried, " What, Miss Woodley, are you not recovered of your illness yet?" Lord Elm- wood, however, took no notice of her looks : but, z 2 256 A SIMPLE STORY. after wishing her her health, walked slowly out of the house ; turning back frequently and speaking to Sandford, or to some other person who was behind him, as if part of his thoughts were left behind, and he went with reluctance. When he had quitted the room where Miss Wood- ley was, Rushbrook, timid before her, as she had been before her benefactor, went up to her, all hu- mility, and said, " Miss Woodley, we ought to be friends : our concern, our devotion is paid to the same objects, and one common interest should teach us to be friendly." She made no reply. " Will you permit me to write to you when I am away?" said he. " You may wish to hear of Lord Elmwood's health, and of what changes may take place in his resolutions. Will you permit me?" At that moment a servant came and said, " Sir, my lord is in the carriage, and waiting for you." He hastened away, and Miss Woodley was relieved from the pain of giving him a denial. No sooner was the travelling carriage, with all its attendants, out of sight, than Lady Matilda was conducted by Miss Woodley from her lonely retreat, into that part of the house from whence her father had just departed ; and she visited every spot where he had so long resided, with a pleasing curiosity, that for a while diverted her grief. In the breakfast and dining rooms, she leaned over those seats, with a kind of filial piety, on which she was told he had been accustomed to sit. And, in the library, she took up with filial delight, the pen with which he had been writing; and looked with the most curious atten- tion into those books that were laid upon his read- ing desk. But a hat, lying on one of the tables, gave her a sensation beyond any other she experienced on this occasion : in that trifling article of his dress, A SIMPLE STORY. 257 she thought she saw himself, and held it in her haud with pious reverence. In the mean time, Lord Elm wood and Rushbrook were proceeding- on the road, with hearts not less heavy than those which they had left at Elmwood House ; though neither of them could so well define the cause of this oppression, as Matilda could ac- count for the weight which oppressed hers. CHAPTER XL. Young as Lady Matilda was during the life of her mother, neither her youth, nor the recluse state in which she lived, had precluded her from the notice and solicitations of a nobleman who had professed himse'f her lover. V r iscount Margrave had an estate not far distant from the retreat Lady Elmwood had chosen ; and being devoted to the sports of the country, he seldom quitted it for any of those joys which the town offered. He was a young man, of a handsome person, and was, what his neighbours called, " a man of spirit." He was an excellent fox-hunter, and as excellent a companion over his bottle at the end of the chace : he was prodigal of his fortune, where his pleasures were concerned, and as those pleasures were chiefly social, his sporting companions and his mistresses (for these were also of the plural number) partook largely of his wealth. Two months previous to Lady Elmwood's death, Miss Woodlev and Lady Matilda were taking their usual walk in some fields and lanes near to their house, when chance threw Lord Margrave in their way during a thunder-storm, in which they were suddenly caught; and he had the satisfaction to convcv his new acquaintances to their home in his z 3 258 A SIMPLE STORY. coach, safe from the fury of the elements. Grateful for the service he had rendered them, Miss Woodley and her charge permitted him to inquire occasional- ly after their health, and would sometimes see him. The story of Lady Elmwood was known to Lord Margrave ; and as he beheld her daughter with a passion such as he had been unused to overcome, he indulged it with the probable hope, that on the death of the mother, Lord Elmwood would receive his child, and perhaps accept him as his son-in-law. Wedlock was not the plan which Lord Margrave had ever proposed to himself for happiness; but the excess of his love, on this new occasion, subdued all the resolutions he had formed against the married state ; and not daring to hope for the consummation of his wishes by any other means, he suffered him- self to look forward to marriage, as his only resource. No sooner was the long-expected death of Lady Elmwood arrived, than he waited with impatience to hear that Lady Matilda was sent for and ac- knowledged by her father ; for he meant to be the first to lay before Lord Elmwood his pretensions as a suitor. But those pretensions were founded on the vague hopes of a lover only ; and M iss Woodley, to whom he first declared them, said every thing possible to convince him of their fallacy. As to the object of his passion, she was not only insensible but wholly inattentive to all that was said to her on the subject : Lady Elmwood died without ever being disturbed with it ; for her daughter did not even remember his proposals so as to repeat them again, and Miss Woodley thought it prudent to cou- ceal from her friend every new incident which might give her cause for new anxieties. Wheu Sandford and the ladies left the North and came to Elmwood House, so much were their thoughts employed with other affairs, that Lord Margrave A SIMPLE STORY. 250 did not occupy a place ; and (luring the whole time they had heen at their new abode, they had never once heard of him. He had, nevertheless, his whole mind fixed upon Lady Matilda, and had placed spies in the neighbourhood to inform him of every circumstance relating to her situation. Having im- bibed an aversion to matrimony, he heard with but little regret that there was no prospect of her ever becoming her father's heir, while such an informa- tion gave him the hope of obtaining her upon the terms of a mercenary companion. Lord Elmwood's departure to town forwarded this hope ; and, flattering himself that the humiliating state in which Matilda must feel herself in the house of her father might gladly induce her to take shel- ter under any other protection, he boldly advanced as soon as the earl was gone, to make such overture as his wishes and his vanity told him could not be rejected. Inquiring for Miss Woodley, he easily gained ad- mittance ; but at the sight of so much modesty and dignity in the person of Matilda, the appearance of so much good will, and yet such circumspection in her female friend, and charmed at the good sense and proper spirit which were always apparent in Sandford, he fell once more into the dread of never becoming to Lady Matilda any thing of more im- portance to his reputation than a husband. Even that humble hope was sometimes denied him, while Sandford set forth the impropriety of troubling Lord Elmwood on such a subject at present ; and while the viscount's penetration, small as it was, discovered in his fair one more to discourage than to favour his wishes. Plunged, however, too deep in his passion to emerge from it in haste, he meant still to visit, and to wait for a change to happier cir- 260 A SIMPLE STORY. cumstances, when he was peremptorily desired by Mr. Sandford to desist from ever coming again,- " And why, Mr. Sandford?" cried he. " For two reasons, my lord. In the first place, your visits might be displeasing to Lord Elmwood : in the next place, I know they are so to his daugh- ter." Unaccustomed to be addressed so plainlv, par- ticularly in a case where his heart was interested, he nevertheless submitted with patience; but, in his own mind, determined how long this patience should continue no longer than it served as the means to prove his obedience, and by that artifice to secure his better reception at some future period. On his return home, cheered with the huzzas of his jovial companions, he began to consult those friends what scheme was best to be adopted for the accomplishment of his desires. Some boldly ad- vised application to the father in defiance to the old priest; but that was the very last method his lordship himself approved, as marriage must inevitably have followed Lord Elmwood's consent : besides, though a peer, Lord Margrave was unused to rank with peers ; and even the formality of an interview with one of his equals carried along with it a terror, or at least a fatigue, to a rustic lord. Others of his companions advised seduction ; but happily the vis- count possessed no arts of this kind to affect a heart joined with such an understanding as Matilda's There were not wanting among his most favourite counsellors some who painted the superior triumph and gratification of force. Those assured him there was nothing to apprehend under this head ; as, from the behaviour of Lord Elmwood to his child, it was more than probable he would be utterly indifferent as to any violence that might be offered her. This last A SIMPLE STORY. 261 advice seemed inspired by the aid of wine ; and no sooner had the wine freely circulated than this was always the expedient, which appeared by far the best. While Lord Margrave alternately cherished his hopes and his fears in the country, Rushbrook in town gave way to his fears only. Every day of his life made him more acquainted with the firm, un- shaken temper of Lord Elmwood, and every day whispered more forcibly to him, that pity, gratitude, and friendship, strong and affectionate as these pas- sions are, were weak and cold to that which had gained the possession of his heart: he doubted, but he did not long doubt, that which he felt was love. " And yet," said he to himself, " it is love of such a kind as, arising from causes independent of the object itself, can scarcely deserve that sacred name. Did I not love Lady Matilda before I beheld her? For her mother's sake I loved her and even for her father's. Should I have felt the same af- fection for her had she been the child of other parents ? No. Or should I have felt that sympa- thetic tenderness which now preys upon my health, had not her misfortunes excited if? No." Yet the love which is the result of gratitude and pity only, he thought had little claim to rank with his : and, after the most deliberate and deep reflection, he concluded with this decisive opinion He should have loved Lady Matilda in whatever state, in what- ever circumstances ; and that the tenderness he felt towards her, and the anxiety for her happiness before he knew her, extreme as they were, were yet cool and dispassionate sensations, compared to those which her person and demeanour had incited : and though he acknowledged, that by the preceding sen- timents, his heart was softened, prepared, and mould- ed, as it were, to receive this last impression ; yet 262 A SIMPLE STORY. the violence of his passion told him that genuine love, if not the basis on which it was founded, had been the certain consequence. With a strict scru- tiny into his heart he sought this knowledge, but arrived at it with a regret that amounted to despair. To shield him from despondency, he formed in his mind a thousand visions, displaying the joys of his union with Lady Matilda ; but her father's im- placability confounded them all. Lord Elmwood was a man who made few resolutions ; but those were the effect of deliberation : and as he was not the least capricious or inconstant in his temper, they were resolutions which no probable event could shake. Love, which produces wonders, which se- duces and subdues the most determined and rigid spirits, had in two instances overcome the inflexi- bility of Lord Elmwood : he married Lady Elmwood contrary to his determination, because he loved ; and for the sake of this beloved object, he had, con- trary to his resolution, taken under his immediate care young Rushbrook; but the magic which once enchanted away this spirit of immutability was no more Lady Elmwood was no more, and the charm was broken. As MissWoodley was deprived of the opportunity of desiring Rushbrook not to write, when he asked her the permission, he passed one whole morning in the gratification of forming and writing a letter to ber, which he thought might possibly be shown to Matilda. As he dared not touch upon any of those circumstances in which he was the most interested, this, joined to the respect he wished to pay the lady to whom he wrote, limited his letter to about twenty lines ; yet the studious manner with which these lines were dictated, the hope that they might, and the fear that they might not, be seen and regarded bv Ladv Matilda, rendered the task an anxiety so A SIMPLE STORY. 263 pleasing, that be could have wished it might have lasted for a year ; and in this tendency to magnify trifles was discoverable the never-failing symptom of ardent love. A reply to this formal address was a reward he wished for with impatience, but he wished in vain ; and in the midst of his chagrin at the disappoint- ment, a sorrow little thought of occurred, and gave him a perturbation of mind he had never before ex- perienced. Lord Elmwood proposed a wife to him, and in a way so assured of his acquiescence, that if Rushbrook's life had depended upon his daring to dispute his benefactor's will, he would not have had the courage to have done so. There was, however, in his reply and his embarrassment something which his uncle distinguished from a free concurrence ; and, looking stedfastly at him, he said in that stern manner which he now almost invariably assumed, " You have no engagements, I suppose ; have made no previous promises?" " None on earth, my lord," replied Rushbrook candidly. " Nor have you disposed of your heart ?" " No, my lord," replied he ; but not candidly, nor with any appearance of candour : for though he spoke hastily, it was rather like a man frightened than assured. He hurried to tell the falsehood he thought himself obliged to tell, that the pain and shame might be over: but there he was deceived; the lie once told was more troublesome than in the conception, and added another confusion to the first. Lord Elmwood now fixed his eyes upon him with a sullen scorn, and, rising from his chair, said, " Rushbrook, if you have been so inconsiderate as to give away your heart, tell me so at once, and tell me the object." '264 A SIMPLE STORY. Rushbrook shuddered at the thought. " I here," continued the earl, " tolerate the first untruth you ever told me, as the false assertion of a lover; and give you an opportunity of recalling it: but after this moment it is a lie between man and man a lie to your friend and father, and I will not forgive it." Rushbrook stood silent, confused, alarmed, and bewildered in his thoughts. Lord Elm wood pro- ceeded : " Name the person, if there is any, on whom you have bestowed your heart; and though I do not give you the hope that I shall not censure your folly, I will at least not reproach you for having at first denied it." To repeat these words in writing, the reader must condemn the young man that he could hesitate to own he loved, if he was even afraid to name the object of his passion ; but his interrogator had made the two answers inseparable, so that all evasions of the second, Rushbrook knew, would be fruitless, after having avowed the first; and how could he confess the latter ? The absolute orders he received from the steward on his first return from his travels, were, " never to mention his daughter, any more than his late wife, before Lord Elmwood." The fault of having rudely intruded into Lady Matilda's presence rushed also upon his mind; for he did not even dare to say by what means he had beheld her. But, more than all, the threatening manner in which this rational and apparently conciliating speech was uttered, the menaces, the severity which sat upon the earl's countenance while he delivered those moderate words, might have intimidated a man wholly independent and less used to fear him than his nephew had been. A SIMPLE STORY. 265 " You make no answer, sir," said Lord Elmwood, after waiting a few moments for his reply. " I have only to say, my lord," returned Rush- hrook, " that although my heart may be totally disengaged, I may yet be disinclined to marriage." " May ! may ! Your heart may be disengaged !" repeated he. " Do you dare to reply to me equi- vocally, when I have asked a positive answer?" " Perhaps I am not positive myself, my lord ; but I will inquire into the state of my mind, and make you acquainted with it very soon." As the angry demeanour of his uncle affected Rushbrook with fear, so that fear, powerfully (but with proper manliness) expressed, again softened the displeasure of Lord Elmwood ; and, seeing and pitying his nephew's sensibility, he now changed his austere voice, and said mildly, but firmly, " I give you a week to consult with yourself: at the expiration of that time I shall talk with you again ; and I command you to be then prepared to speak, not only without deceit, but without hesita- tion." He left the room at these words, and left Rushbrook released from a fate which his appre- hensions had beheld impending that moment. He had now a week to call his thoughts together, to weigh every circumstance, and to determine whether implicitly to submit to Lord Elmwood's recommendation of a wife, or to revolt from it ; and see another, with more subserviency to his will, ap- pointed his heir. Undetermined how to act upon this trial which was to decide his future destiny, Rushbrook suffered so poignant an uncertainty, that he became at length ill ; and before the end of the week that was allotted him for his reply, he was confined to his bed in a high fever. Lord Elmwood was extremely affected at his indisposition : he gave him every care he vol. xxvm. 2 A 26G A SIMPLE STORY, could bestow, and even much of his personal attend- ance. This last favour had a claim upon the young man's gratitude, superior to every other obligation which since his infancy his benefactor had conferred ; and he was at times so moved by those marks of kindness he received, that he would form the inten- tion of tearing from his heart every trace that Lady Matilda had left there, and, as soon as his health would permit him, obey to the utmost of his views, every wish his uncle had conceived. Yet again, her pitiable situation presented itself to his compassion, and her beauteous person to his love. Divided be- tween the claims of obligation to the father, and tender attachment to the daughter, his illness .was increased by the tortures of his mind, and he once sincerely wished for that death of which he was in danger, to free him from the dilemma in which his affections had involved him. At the time his disorder was at the height, and he lay complaining of the violence of his fever, Lord Elmwood, taking his hand, asked him " if there was any thing he could do for him." " Yes, yes, my lord, a great deal," he replied eagerly. " What is it, Harry?" " Oh ! my lord," replied he, " that is what I must not tell you." " Defer it, then, till you are well," said Lord Elmwood, afraid of being surprised or affected by the state of his health, into any promises which he might hereafter find the impropriety of granting. " And when I recover, my lord, you give me leave to reveal to you my wishes, let them be what they will V His uncle hesitated ; but seeing an anxiety for the answer, by his raising himself upon his elbow in the bed and staring wildly, Lord Elmwood at last A SIMPLE STORY. 267 said, " Certainly yes, yes," as a child is answered for its quiet. That Lord Elmwood could have no suspicion what the real petition was which Rushbrook meant to present him, is certain ; but it is certain he ex- pected he had some request to make with which it might be wrong for him to comply, and therefore he now avoided hearing what it was : for great as his compassion for him was in his present state, it was not of sufficient force to urge him to give a pro- mise he did not mean to perform. Rushbrook, on his part, was pleased with the assurance he might speak when he was restored to health ; but no sooner was his fever abated, and his senses perfectly re- covered from the slight derangement his malady had occasioned, than the lively remembrance of what he had hinted alarmed him, and he was abashed to look his kind but awful relation in the face. Lord Elmwood's cheerfulness, however, on his re- turning health, and his undiminished attention, soon convinced him that he had nothing to fear. But, alas ! he found, too, that he had nothing to hope. As his health re-established, his wishes re-esta- blished also, and with his wishes his despair. Convinced by what had passed, that his nephew had something on his mind which he feared to re- veal, the earl no longer doubted but that some youthful attachment had armed him against any marriage he should propose; but he had so much pity for his present weak state, as to delay that further inquiry, which he had threatened before his illness, to a time when his health should be entirely restored. It was the end of May before Rushbrook was able to partake in the usual routine of the day. The country was now prescribed him as the means of complete restoration ; and as Lord Elmwood 2 A 2 268 A SIMPLE STORY. designed to leave London some time in June, he advised him to go to Elmwood House a week or two before him. This advice was received with delight, and a letter was sent to Mr. Sandford to prepare for Mr. Rushbrook's arrival. CHAPTER XLI. During the illness of Rushbrook, news had been sent of his danger, from the servants in town to those at Elmwood House, and Lady Matilda expressed compassion when she was told of it. She began to conceive, the instant she thought he would soon die, that his visit to her had merit rather than imperti- nence in its design, and that he might possibly be a more deserving man than she had supposed him to be. Even Sandford and Miss Woodley began to recollect qualifications he possessed, which they never had reflected on before ; and Miss Woodley, in particular, reproached herself that she had been so severe and inattentive to him. Notwithstanding the prospects his death pointed out to her, it was with infinite joy she heard he was recovered ; nor was Sandford less satisfied ; for he had treated the young man too unkindly not to dread lest any ill should befal him. But although he was glad to hear of his restored health, when he was informed he was coming down to Elmwood House for a few weeks in the style of its master, Sandford, with all his religious and humane principles, could not help conceiving, that " if the youth had been properly prepared to die, he had been as well out of the world as in it." He was still less his friend when he saw him ar- rive with his usual florid complexion. Had he come A SIMPLE STORY. 26JJ pale and sickly, Sand ford had been kind to him ; but, in apparently good health and spirits, he could not form his lips to tell him he was " glad to see him." On his arrival, Matilda, who for rive months had been at large, secluded herself as she would have done upon the arrival of Lord Elmwood ; but with far different sensations. Notwithstanding her re- striction on the latter occasion, the residence of her father in that house had been a source of pleasure, rather than of sorrow to her ; but from the abode of Rushbrook she derived punishment alone. When, from inquiries, Rushbrook found that on his approach, Matilda had retired to her own con- fined apartments, the thought was torture to him : it was the hope of seeing and conversing with her, of being admitted at all times to her society as the mistress of the house, that had raised his spirits,, and effected his perfect cure beyond any other cause; and he was hurt to the greatest degree at this respect, or rather contempt, shown to him by her retreat. It was, nevertheless, a subject too delicate for him to touch upon in any one sense : an invitation for her company, on his part, might carry the ap- pearance of superior authority, and an affected con- descension, which he justly considered as the worst of all insults. And yet, how could he support the reflection that his visit had placed the daughter of his benefactor as a dependent stranger in that house, where in reality he was the dependent, and she the lawful heiress. For two or three days he suffered the torment of these meditations, koping that he should come to an explanation of all he felt, by a fortunate meeting with Miss Woodley ; but when that meeting occurred, though he observed she talked to him with less reserve than she had formerly done, and even gave some proofs of the native kind- 2 A 3 270 A SIMPLE STOKY. ness of her disposition, yet she scrupulously avoided naming Lady Matilda; and when he diffidently inquired of her health, a cold restraint overspread Miss Woodley's face, and she left him instantly. To Sandford it was still more difficult for him to apply ; for though frequently together, they were never sociable : and as Sandford seldom disguised his feelings, to Rushbrook he was always severe and sometimes unmannerly. In this perplexed situation, the country air was rather pf detriment than service to the late invalid ; and had he not, like a true lover, clung fast to fancied hope, while he could perceive no reality but despair, he would have returned to town, rather than by his stay have placed in a subordinate state the object of his adoration. Persisting in his hopes, he one morning met Miss Woodley in the garden, and, en- gaging her a longer time than usual in conversation, at last obtained her promise " She would that day dine with him and Mr. Sandford." But no sooner had she parted from him, than she repented of her consent ; and upon communicating it, Matilda, for the first time in her life, darted upon her kind com- panion, a look of the most cutting reproach and haughty resentment. Miss Woodley's own sen- timents had upbraided her before ; but she was not prepared to receive so pointed a mark of disappro- bation from her young friend, till now, duteous and humble to her as to a mother, and not less affec- tionate. Her heart was too susceptible to bear this disrespectful and contumelious frown, from the ob- ject of her long-devoted care and concern ; the tears instantly covered her face, and she laid her hands upon her heart, as if she thought it would break. Matilda was moved ; but she possessed too much of the manly indignation of her father, to discover what she felt for the first few minutes. A SIMPLE STORY. 271 Miss Woodley, who had given so many tears to her sorrows, but never, till now, one to her anger, had a deeper sense of this indifference than of the anger itself, and, to conceal whatshe suffered, left the room. Matilda, who had been till this time working at her needle, seemingly composed, now let her work drop from her hand, and sat for a while in a deep reverie. At length she rose up, and followed Miss Woodley to the other apartment. She entered grave, majestic, and apparently serene, while her poor heart fluttered with a thousand distressing sensations. She approached Miss Woodley (who was still in tears) with silence : and, awed by her manners, the faithful friend of her deceased mother exclaimed, " Dear Lady Matilda, think no more on what 1 have done ; do not resent it any longer, and I'll beg your pardon." Miss Woodley rose as she uttered these last words ; but Matilda laid fast hold of her to prevent the posture she offered to take, and instantly assumed it herself: " Oh, let this be my atonement!" she cried with the most earnest supplication. They interchanged forgiveness ; and as this re- conciliation was sincere, they each, without reserve, gave their opinion upon the subject that had caused the misunderstanding ; and it was agreed an apology should be sent to Mr. Rushbrook, " That Miss Woodley had been suddenly indisposed :" nor could this be said to differ from the truth, for since what had passed she was unfit to pay a visit. Rushbrook, who had been all the morning elated with the advance he supposed he had made in that lady's favour, was highly disappointed, vexed, and angry, when this apology was delivered ; nor did he, nor perhaps could he, conceal what he felt, although his unkind observer, Mr. Sarfdford, was present. 272 A SIMPLE STORY. " T am a very unfortunate man !" said he, as soon as the servant was gone who. brought the message. Sandford cast his eyes upon him with a look of surprise and contempt. " A very unfortunate man indeed, Mr. Sandford," repeated he, " although you treat my complaint contemptuously." Sandford made no reply, and seemed above mak- ing one. They sat down to dinner. Rushbrook ate scarcely any thing, but drank frequently : Sandford took no notice of either, but had a book (which was his custom when he dined with persons whose conver- sation was not interesting to him,) laid by the side of his plate, which he occasionally looked into, as the dishes were removing, or other opportunities served. Rushbrook, just now more hopeless than ever of forming an acquaintance with Lady Matilda, began to give way to symptoms of impatience ; and they made their first attack, by urging him, to treat on the same level of familiarity that he himself was treated, Mr. Sandford, to whom he had, till now, ever behaved with the most profound tokens of respect. " Come," said he to him, as soon as the dinner was removed, " lay aside your book and be good company." Sandford lifted up his eyes upon him stared in his face and cast them on the book again. " Pshaw," continued Rushbrook, " 1 want a com- panion ; and as Miss Woodley has disappointed me, I must have your company." Sandford now laid his book down upon the table ; but, still holding his fingers in the pages he was reading, said, " And why are you disappointed of A SIMPLE STORY 373 Miss Woodley's company?. When people expect what they have no right to hope, 'tis impertinent assurance to complain they are disappointed." " I had a right to hope she would come," an- swered Rushbrook, " for she promised she would." " But what right had you to ask her ?" " The right every one has to make his time pass as agreeably as he can." " But not at the expence of another." " I believe, Mr. Sandford, it would be a heavy expence to you, to see me happy : I believe it would cost you even your own happiness." " That is a price I have not now to give," replied Sandford, and began reading again. " What, you have already paid it away 1 No won- der that at your time of life it should be gone. But what do you think of my having already squan- dered mine ? " " I don't think about you," returned Sandford, without taking his eyes from the book. " Can you look me in the face and say that, Mr. Sandford 1 No, you cannot ; for you know you do think of me, and you know you hate me." Here he drank two glasses of wine, one after another. " And I can tell you why you hate me," continued he : "it is from a cause for which I often hate myself." Sandford read on. "It is on Lady Matilda's account you hate me, and use me thus." Sandford put down the book hastily, and put both his hands by his side. " Yes," resumed Rushbrook, " you think I am wronging her." " I think you insult her," exclaimed Sandford, " by this rude mention of her name : and I command you at your peril to desist." 274 A SIMPLE STORY. " At my peril ! Mr. Sandford ? Do you assume the authority of my Lord Elmwood?" " I do on this occasion ; and if you dare to give your tongue a freedom" Rushbrook interrupted him "Why then I boldly say (and as her friend, you ought rather to applaud than resent it,) I boldly say, that my heart suffers so much for her situation, that I am regardless of my own. I love her father I loved her mother more but I love her beyond either." " Hold your licentious tongue," cried Sandford, " or quit the room." " Licentious ! Oh ! the pure thoughts that dwell in her innocent mind are not less sensual than mine towards her. Do you upbraid me with my respect, my pity for her? They are the sensa- tions which impel me to speak thus undisguised, even to you, my open no, even worse my secret enemy !" " Insult me as you please, Mr. Rushbrook ; but beware how you mention Lord Elmwood's daughter." " Can it be to her dishonour that I pity her ; that I would quit the house this moment never to return, so that she supplied the place which I with- hold from her?" " Go, then," cried Sandford. " It would be of no use to her, or I would. But come, Mr. Sandford, I will dare do as much as you. Only second me, and I will entreat Lord Elm- wood to be reconciled to see and own her." " Your vanity would be equal to your temerity you entreat ? She must greatly esteem those pa- ternal favours which your entreaties gained her ! Do you forget, young man, how short a time it is, since you were entreated for ?'' " I prove that I do not, while this anxiety for A SIMPLE STORY. 275 Lady Matilda, arises, from what I feel on that very account." " Remove your anxiety, then, from her to your- self; for were I to let Lord Elmwood know what has now passed" " It is for vour own sake, not for mine, if you do uot." " You shall not dare me to it, Mr. Rushbrook." And he rose from his seat. " You shall uot dare me to do you an injury. But to avoid the tempta- tion, I will never again come into your company, unless my friend, Lord Elmwood, be present, to protect me and his child from your insults.'' Rushbrook rose in yet more warmth thau Sand- ford. " Have you the injustice to say that I have insulted Lady Matilda ? " " To speak of her at all, is, in you, an insult. But you have done more You have dared to visit her ; to force into her presence and shock her with your offers of services which she scorns ; and with your compassion, which she is above." " Did she complain to you ? " . ' " She or her friend did.'' " I rather suppose, Mr. Sandford, that you have bribed some of the servants to reveal this circum- stance." " The suspicion becomes Lord Elmwood's heir." " It becomes the man who lives in a house with you." " I thank you, Mr. Rushbrook, for what has passed this day : it has taken a weight off my mind. I thought my disinclination to you might per- haps arise from prejudice ; this conversation has relieved me from those fears, and I thank you." Saying this he calmly walked out of the room, and. left Rushbrook to reflect on what he had been doing. 276 A SIMPLE STORY. Heated with the wine he had drank (and which Sandford, engaged on his book, had not observed) no sooner was he alone, than he became by degrees cool and repentant. "What had he done?" was the first question to himself. " He had offended Sandford." The man, whom reason as well as pru- dence had ever taught him to respect, and even to revere. He had grossly offended the firm friend of Lady Matilda, by the unreserved and wanton use of her name. All the retorts he had uttered came now to his memory ; with a total forgetfulness of all that Sandford had said to provoke them. He once thought to follow him and beg his par- don : but the contempt with which he had been treated, more than all the anger, withheld him. As he sat forming plans how to retrieve the opinion, ill as it was, which Sandford formerly entertained of him, he received a letter from Lord Elmwood, kindly inquiring after his health, and saying that he should be down early in the following week. Never were the friendly expressions of his uncle half so welcome to him ; for they served to sooth his imagination, racked with Sandford's wrath, and his own displeasure. CHAPTER XLII. When Sandford acted deliberately, he always acted up to his duty : it was his duty to forgive Rushbrook, and he did so ; but he had declared he would never " be again in his company unless Lord Elmwood was present ;" and with all his forgiveness, he found an unforgiving gratification in the duty of being obliged to keep his word. The next day Rushbrook dined alone, while A SIMPLE STORY. 277 Sandford gave his company to the ladies. Rush- brook was too proud to seek to conciliate Sandford by abject concessions ; but he endeavoured to meet him as by accident, and meant to try what, in such a case, a submissive apology might effect. For two days all the schemes he formed on that head proved fruitless : he could never procure even a sight of him. But on the evening of the third day, taking a lonely walk, he turned the corner of a grove, and saw in the very path he was going, Sandford accom- panied by Miss Woodley ; and, what agitated him infinitely more, Lady Matilda was with them. He knew not whether to proceed, or to quit the path and palpably shun them. To one who seemed to put an unkind construction upon all he said and did, he knew that to do either would be to do wrong. In spite of the propensity he felt to pass so near to Matilda, could he have known what conduct would have been deemed the most respectful, to that he would have submitted, whatever painful denial it had cost him. But undetermined whether to go forward, or to cross to another path, he still walked on till he came too nigh to recede : he then, with a diffi- dence not affected, but most powerfully felt, pulled oft* his hat; and, without bowing, stood respectfully silent while the company passed. Sandford walked on some paces before, and took no further notice as he went by him, than just touching the fore part of his hat with his finger. Miss Woodley curtsied as she followed. But Lady Matilda made a full stop, and said, in the gentlest accents, " I hope, Mr. Rush brook, you are perfectly recovered." It was the sweetest music he had ever listened to ; and he replied with the most reverential bow, " I am better a great deal, ma'am." Then instantly pursued his way as if he did not dare to utter, or wait, for another syllable. VOL. xxviii. 2 B 278 A SIMPLE STORY. Sandford seldom found fault with Lady Matilda ; not because he loved her, but because she seldom did wrong. Upon this occasion, however, he was half inclined to reprimand her; hut yet he did not know what to say; the subsequent humility of Rushbrook, had taken from the indiscretion of her speaking to him, and the event could by no means justify his censure. On hearing her begin to speak. Sandford had stopped ; and as Rushbrook after re- plying, walked away, Sandford called to her crossly, " Come, come along;" but at the same time he put out his elbow, for her to take hold of his arm. She hastened her steps, and did so : then' turning to Miss Woodley, she said, " I expected you would have spoken to Mr. Rushbrook : it might have pre- vented me." Miss Woodley replied, " I was at a loss what to do : when we met formerly, he always spoke first." " And he ought now," cried Sandford angrily ; and then added, with a sarcastic smile, " It is cer- tainly proper that the superior should be the first who speaks." " He did not look as if he thought himself our superior," replied Matilda. " No," returned Sandford ; " some people can put on what looks they please." " Then while he looks so pale," replied Matilda, " and so dejected, I can never forbear speaking to him when we meet, whatever he may think of it." " And were he and I to meet a hundred, nay a thousand times," returned Sandford, " I don't think I should ever speak to him again." "Bless me! what for, Mr. Sandford?" cried Matilda; for Sandford, who was not a man that repeated little incidents, had never mentioned the circumstance of their quarrel. A SIMPLE STORY. 279 " I have taken such a resolution," answered he ; " yet I bear him no enmity." As this short reply indicated that he meant to say no more, no more was asked ; and the subject was dropped. In the mean time, Rushbrook, happier than he had been for months, intoxicated with delight at that voluntary mark of civility he had received from Lady Matilda, felt his heart so joyous, and so free from even - particle of malice, that he resolved, in the humblest manner, to make atonement for the violation of decorum he had lately committed against Mr. Sand ford. Too happy, at this time, to suffer a mortification from any indignities he might receive, he sent his servant to him into his study, as soon as he was re- turned home, to beg to know " if he might be per- mitted to wait upon him, with a message he had to deliver from Lord Elmwood." The servant returned " Mr. Sandford desired he would send the message by him or the house- steward." This was highly affronting ; but Rush- brook was not in a humour to be offended, and he sent again, begging he would admit him ; but the answer was, " he was busy." Thus wholly defeated in his hopes of reconciliation, his new transports felt an allay ; and the few days that remained before Lord Elmwood came, he passed in solitary musing, and ineffectual walks and looks towards that path in which he had met Matilda : she came that way no more ; indeed, scarce quitted her apartment, in the practice of that confinement she was to experience on the arrival of her father. All her former agitations now returned. On the day he arrived she wept ; all the night she did not sleep ; and the name of Rushbrook again became hateful to her. The earl came in extremely good 2 B 2 280 A SIMPLE STORY. health and spirits, but appeared concerned to find Rushbrook less well than when he went from town. Sandford was now under the necessity of being in Rushbrook's company ; yet he would never speak to him but when he was absolutely compelled, or look at him but when he could not help it. Lord Elm- wood observed this conduct, yet he neither won- dered nor was offended by it. He had perceived what little esteem Sandford had showed his nephew from his first return : but he forgave, in Sandford's humour, a thousand faults he would not forgive in any other ; nor did he deem this one of his greatest faults, knowing the demand upon his partiality from another object. Miss Woodley waited on Lord Elmwood as for- merly ; dined with him, and related, as heretofore, to the attentive Matilda, all that passed. About this time Lord Margrave, deprived by the season of all the sports of the field, felt his love for Matilda (which had been violent, even though di- vided with the love of hunting,) now too strong to be subdued ; and he resolved, though reluctantly, to apply to her father for his consent to their union ; but writing to Sandford this resolution, he was once more repulsed, and charged, as a man of ho- nour, to forbear to disturb the tranquillity of the family by any application of the kind. To this, Sandford received no answer ; for the peer, highly incensed at his mistress's repugnance to him, de- termined more firmly than ever to consult his own happiness alone ; and as that depended merely upon his obtaining her, he cared not by what method it was effected. About a fortnight after Lord Elmwood came into the country, as he was riding one morning, his horse fell with him, and crushed his leg in so unfortunate a manner as to be at first pronounced of dangerous A SIMPLE STORY. 28L consequence. He was brought home in a post- cliaise, and Matilda heard of the accident with more grief than would, perhaps, on such an occasion, have appertained to the most fondled child. In consequence of the pain he suffered, his fever was one night very high ; and Sandford, who seldom quitted his apartment, went frequently to his bed- side, every time with the secret hope he should hear him ask to see his daughter: he was every time disappointed ; yet he saw him shake, with a cordial friendship, the hand of Rushbrook, as if he delighted in seeiug those he loved. The danger in which Lord Elmwood was sup- posed to be was but of short duration, and his sud- den recovery succeeded. 'Matilda, who had wept, moaned, and watched during the crisis of his illness, when she heard he was amending, exclaimed, (with a kind of surprise at the novelty of the sensation), " And this is joy that I feel ! Oh ! I never till now knew what those persons felt who experienced joy." Nor did she repine, like Mr. Sandford and Miss Woodley, at her father's inattention to her during his malady ; for she did not hope like them she did not hope he would behold her, even in dying. But, notwithstanding his seeming indifference, while his indisposition continued, no sooner was he recovered so as to receive the congratulations of his friends, than there was no one person he evi- dently showed so much satisfaction at seeing as Miss Woodley. She waited upon him timorously, and with more than ordinary distaste at his late conduct, when he put out his hand with the utmost warmth to receive her, drew her to him, saluted her (an honour he had never in his life conferred before), and with signs of the sincerest friendship and affection. Sandford was present; and, ever 2 R 3 282 A SIMPLE STORY. associating the idea of Matilda with Miss Woodley, felt his heart bound with a triumph it had not enjoyed for many a day. Matilda listened with delight to the recital Miss Woodley gave on her return, and, many times while it lasted, exclaimed, " She was happy." But poor Matilda's sudden transports of joy, which she termed happiness, were not made for long con- tinuance: and if she ever found cause for gladness, she far oftener had motives for grief. As Mr. Sandford was sitting with her and Miss Woodley one evening, about a week after, a person rang at the bell and inquired for him. On being- told of it by the servant, he went to the door of the apartment, and cried, " Oh ! is it you? Come in." An elderly man entered, who had been for many years the head gardener at Elmwood House a man of honesty and sobriety, and with an indigent family of aged parents, children, and other relations, who subsisted wholly on the income arising from his place. The ladies, as well as Sandford, knew him well : and they all, almost at once, asked, " what was the matter ; " for his looks told them something distressful had befallen him. " Oh, sir ! " said he to Sandford, " I come to en- treat your interest." " In what, Edwards ?" said Sandford with a mild voice : for, when his assistance was supplicated in distress, his rough tones always took a plaintive key. " My lord has discharged me from his service ! " returned Edwards, trembling, and the tears start- ing in his eyes : " I am undone, Mr. Sandford, unless you plead for me." " I will," said Sandford, " I will." '" And yet 1 am almost afraid of your success," replied the man; " for my lord has ordered me out A SIMPLE STORY. 283 of his house this moment; and though I knelt down to him to be heard, he had no pity." Matilda sighed from the bottom of her heart, and yet she envied this poor man, who had been kneeling to her father. " What was your offence ?" eried Sandford. The man hesitated ; then, looking at Matilda, said, " I'll tell you, sir, some other time." ' " Did you name me, before Lord Elmwood ? " cried she, eagerly, and terrified. " No, madam," replied he, " but I unthinkingly spoke of my poor lady who is dead and gone." Matilda burst into tears. " How came you to do so mad a thing?" cried Sandford ; and the encouragement which his looks had once given him now fled from his face. " It was unthinkingly," repeated Edwards : " 1 was showing my lord some plans for the new walks, and told him, among other things, that her ladyship had many years ago approved of them. ' Who ? ' cried he. Still I did not call to mind, but said, ' Lady Elmwood, sir, while you were abroad' As soon as these words were delivered, I saw my doom in his looks, and he commanded me to quit his house and service that instant." " I am afraid," said Sandford, shaking his head, *' I can do nothing for you." " Yes, sir, you know you have more power over my lord than any body ; and perhaps you maj be able to save me and all mine from misery." " 1 would, if I could," replied Sandford, quickly. " You can but try, sir." Matilda was all this while bathed in tears ; nor was Miss Woodley much less affected. Lady Elm- wood was before their eyes ; Matilda beheld her in her dying moments ; Miss Woodley saw her as the gay ward of Dorriforth. 284 A SIMPLE STORY. " Ask Mr. Rushbrook," said Sandford : " pre- vail on him to speak for you : he has more power than I have." " He has not enough, then," replied Edwards ; " for he was in the room with my lord when what I have told you happened." " And did he say nothing? " asked Sandford. " Yes, sir ; he offered to speak in my behalf, but my lord interrupted him, and ordered him out of the room : he instantly went." Sandford, now observing the effect which this narration had on the two ladies, led the man to his own apartments, and there assured him he dared not undertake his cause ; but that if time or chance should happily make an alteration in his lord's dis- position, he would be the first who would endeavour to replace him. Edwards was obliged to submit ; and before the next day at noon, his pleasant house by the side of the park, his garden, and his orchard, which he had occupied above twenty years, were cleared of their old inhabitant, and all his wretched family. CHAPTER XLIII. This melancholy incident, perhaps affected Matilda, and all the friends of the deceased Lady Elmwood, beyond any other that had occurred since her death. A few days after this circumstance, Miss Woodley, in order to divert the disconsolate mind of Lady Ma- tilda, (and in the hope of bringing her some little anecdotes, to console her for that which had given her so much pain,) waited upon Lord Elmwood in his library, and borrowed some books out of it. He was now perfectly well from his fall, and received A SIMPLE STORY. 25 her with his usual politeness, hut, of course, not with that peculiar warmth which he had discovered when he received her just after his illness. Rushbrook was in the library at the same time : he shewed her several beautiful prints which Lord Elmwood had just received from London, and appeared anxious to entertain and give tokens of his esteem and respect for her. But what gave her pleasure beyond any other attention, was, that after she had taken (by the aid of Rushbrook) about a dozen volumes from different shelves, and had laid them together, saying she would send her servant to fetch them, Lord Elmwood went carefully to the place where they were, and, taking up each book, examined minutely what it was. One author he complained was too light, another too depressing, and put them on the shelves again ; another was erroneous, and he changed it for a better. Thus, he warned her against some, and selected other authors, as the most cautious preceptor culls for his pupil, or a fond father for his darling child. She thanked him for his attention to her, but her heart thanked him for his attention to his daughter : for as she had herself never received such a proof of his care since all their long acquaintance, she reasonably supposed, that Matilda's reading, and not hers, was the object of his solicitude. Having in these books store of comfort for poor Matilda, she eagerly returned with them ; and in re- citing every particular circumstance, made her consi- der the volumes, almost like presents from her father. The month of September was now arrived ; and Lord Elmwood, accompanied by Rushbrook, went to a small shooting seat, near twenty miles distant from Elmwood Castle, for a week's particular sport. Matilda was once more at large ; and one beautiful 286 A SIMPLE STORY. morning, about eleven o'clock, seeing Miss Woodley walking on the lawn before the house, she hastily took her hat to join her ; and not waiting to put it on, went nimbly down the great staircase with it hanging on her arm. When she had descended a few stairs, she heard a footstep proceeding slowly up ; and (from what emotion she could not tell) she stopped short, half resolved to return back. She hesitated a single instant whether she should or not then went a few steps further till she came to the second landing-place ; when, by the sudden winding of the staircase, Lord Elmwood was imme- diately before her ! She had felt something like affright before she saw him ; but her reason told her she had nothing to fear, as he was away. But now, the appearance of a stranger whom she had never before seen ; the authority in his looks, as well as in the sound of his steps ; a resemblance to the portrait she had been shown of him ; a start of astonishment which he gave on beholding her ; but above all, her ftais confirmed her that it was him. She gave a scream of terror ; put out her trembling hands to catch the balustrades for support missed them and fell motionless into her father's arms. He caught her, as, by the same impulse, he would have caught any other person falling for want of aid. Yet when he found her in his arms, he still held her there, gazed on her attentively, and once pressed her to his bosom. At length trying to escape the snare into which he had been led, he was going to leave her on the spot where she fell, when her eyes opened, and she uttered, "Save me!" Her voice unmanned him. His long-restrained tears now burst forth, and seeing her relapsing into the swoon, he cried out eagerly to A SIMPLE STORY. 287 recal her. Her name did not, however, come to his recollection nor any name but this : " Miss Milner Dear Miss Milner ! " That sound did not awaken her : and now again he wished to leave her in this senseless state, that, not remembering what had passed, she might escape the punishment. But at this instant, Giftard, with another servant, passed by the foot of the stairs ; on which, Lord Ehuwood called to them, and into Giffard's hands delivered his apparently dead child, without one command respecting her, or one word of any kind ; while his face was agitated with shame, with pity, with anger, with paternal tenderness. As Giftard stood trembling, while he relieved his lord from this hapless burthen, her father had to unloose her hand from the side of his coat, which she had caught fast hold of as she fell, and grasped so closely, it was with difficulty removed. On at- tempting to take the hand away he trembled, fal- tered, then bade Giffard do it. " Who? 1, my lord ! I separate you ! " cried he. But recollecting himself, " My lord, I will obey your commands whatever they are." And seizing her hand, pulled it with violence : it fell, and her father went away. Matilda was carried to her own apartments, laid upon the bed ; and Miss Woodley hasted to attend her, after listening to the recital of what had passed. When Lady Elmwood"s old and affectionate friend entered the room, and saw her youthful charge lying pale and speechless, yet no father by to com- fort or sooth her, she lifted up her hands to Heaven exclaiming, with a burst of tears, " And is this the end of thee, my poor child ? Is this the end of all our hopes of thy own fearful hopes and of thy 288 A SIMPLE STORY. mother's supplications X Oh, Lord Elmwood ! Lord Elmwood ! " At that name Matilda started, and cried, "Where is he? Is it a dream, or have I seen him? " " It is all a dream, my dear," said Miss Woodley. " And yet I thought he held me in his arms," she replied: " I thought I felt his hands press mine. Let me sleep and dream again." Now thinking it best to undeceive her, " It is no dream, my dear," returned Miss Woodley. " Is it not?" cried she, rising up, and leaning on her elbow. " Then I suppose I must go away go for ever away." Sandford now entered. Having been told the news, he came to condole ; but at the sight of him Matilda was terrified, and cried, " Do not reproach me, do not upbraid me ; I know I have done wrong I know I had but one command from my father, and that I have disobeyed." Sandford could not reproach her, for he could not speak : he therefore only walked to the window and concealed his tears. That whole day and night was passed in sympa- thetic grief, in alarm at every sound, lest it should be a messenger to pronounce Matilda's destiny. Lord Elmwood did not stay upon this visit above three hours at Elmwood House: he then set oft* again for the seat he had left, where Rushbrook still remained, and from whence his lordship had merely come by accident, to look over some writings which he wanted immediately dispatched to town. During his short continuance here, Sandford cau- tiously avoided his presence ; for he thought, in a case like this, what nature would not of herself effect, no art, no arguments of his, could accomplish : to A SIMPLE STORY. 289 Nature, then, and Providence he left the whole. What these two powerful principles brought about, the reader will be informed, when he peruses the following letter, received early the next morning by Miss Woodlev. CHAPTER XLIV. A LETTER FROM GIFFARD, LORD ELMWOOD S HOUSE STEWARD, TO MISS WOODLEY. " MADAM, " My lord, above a twelvemonth ago, acquainted me he had permitted his daughter to reside in his house ; but at the same time he informed me, the grant was under a certain restriction, which, if ever broken, . 1 was to see his then determination (of which he also acquainted me) put in execution. In consequence of Lady Matilda's indisposition, ma- dam, I have ventured to delay this notice till morn- ing. I need not say with what concern I now give it, or mention to you, I believe, what is forfeited. My lord staid but a few hours yesterday, after the unhappy circumstance on which I write took place; nor did I see him after, till he was in his carriage : he then sent for me to the carriage door, and told me he should be back in two days' time, and added, ' Remember your duty.' That duty, I hope, madam, you will not require me to explain in more direct terms. As soon as my lord returns, I have no doubt but he will ask me if it is fulfilled ; and I shall be under the greatest apprehension, should his com- mands not be obeyed-. " If there is any thing wanting for the convenience of your and Lady Matilda's departure, you have vol. xxvni. 2 c '290 A SIMPLE STORY. but to order it, and it is at your service : I mean likewise any cash you may have occasion for. I should presume to add my opinion where you might best take up your abode ; but with such advice as you will have from Mr. Sandford, mine would be but assuming. " I would also have waited upon you, madam, and have delivered myself the substance of this letter ; but I am an old man, and the changes I have been witness to in my lord's house, since I first lived in it, have added, I think, to my age many a year ; and I have not the strength to see you upon this occasion. I loved my lady I love my lord and I love their child : nay, so I am sure does my lord himself; but there is no accounting for his resolutions, or for the alteration his disposition has lately undergone. " I beg pardon, madam, for this long intrusion, and am, and ever will be (while you and my lord's daughter are so), your afflicted humble servant, " ROBERT GIFFARD." " Elmwood House, " Sept. 12." When this letter was brought to Miss Woodley,. she knew what it contained before she opened it, and therefore took it with an air of resignation : yet though she guessed the momentous part of its con- tents, she dreaded in what words it might be related ; and having now no essential good to expect, hope, that will never totally expire, clung at this crisis to little circumstances ; and she hoped most fervently the terms of the letter might not be harsh, but that Lord Elmwood had delivered his final sentence in gentle language. The event proved he had ; and, lost to every important comfort, she felt grateful to him for this small one. Matilda, too, was cheered by this letter; for shn A SIMPLE STORY. 291 expected something worse ; and one of the last lines, in which Giftard said he knew " his lordship loved her," she thought repaid her for the purport of the other part. Sandford was not so easily resigned or comforted. He walked about the room when the letter was shown to him called it cruel stifled his tears, and wished to show his resentment only ; but the former burst through all his endeavours, and he sunk into grief. Nor was the fortitude of Matilda, which came to her assistance on the first onset of this trial, suffi- cient to arm her, when the moment came she was to quit the house her father's house never to see that or him again. When word was brought that the carriage was at the door, which was to convey her from all she held so dear, and she saw before her the prospect of a long youthful and healthful life, in which misery and despair were all she could discern ; that despair seized her at once, and gaining courage from her sufferings, she cried, " What have I to fear, if I disobey my father's commands once more ? He cannot use me worse. I'll stay here till he returns again throw myself in his way, and then 1 will not faint, but plead for mercy. Perhaps, were I to kneel to him kneel, like other children to their parents and beg his blessing, he would not refuse it me." " You must not try," said Sandford, mildly. " Who," cried she, " shall prevent my flying to iay father? Have I another friend on earth ? Have I one relation in the world but him? This is the second time I have been turned from his house. In my infant state my cruel father turned me out ; but then he sent me to a mother : now I have none ; and I will stay with him." 2 c 2 292 A SIMPLE STORY. Again the steward sent to let them know the coach was waiting. Sandford, now, with a determined countenance, went coolly up to Lady Matilda, and taking her hand, seemed resolved to lead her to the carriage. Accustomed to be awed by every serious look of his, she yet resisted this ; and cried, " Would you be the minister of my father's cruelty"?" " Then," said Sandford, solemnly to her, " fare- well from this moment you and I part. I will take my leave, and do you remain where you are at least till you are forced away. But I'll not stay to be driven hence; for it is impossible your father will suffer any friend of yours to continue here after this disobedience. Adieu." " I'll go this moment," said she, and rose hastily. Miss Woodley took her at her word, and hurried her immediately out of the room. Sandford followed slow behind, as if he had fol- lowed at her funeral. When she came to that spot on the stairs where she had met her father, she started back, and scarce knew how to pass it. When she had " There he held me in his arms," said she : " and I thought I felt him press me to his heart ; but I now find I was mistaken." As Sandford came forward to hand her into the coach "Now you behave well," said he: " by this behaviour, you do not entirely close all prospect of reconciliation with your father." " Do you think it is not yet impossible ?" cried she, clasping his hand. " Giffard says he loves me," continued she ; " and do you think he might yet be brought to forgive me V " Forgive you !" cried Sandford. " Suppose I was to write to him, and entreat his forgiveness?" A SIMPLE STORY. 293 " Do not write yot," said Sand ford, with no cheering accent. The carriage drove off : and as it went, Matilda leaned her head from the window, to survey Elmwood House from the roof to the foundation. She cast her eyes upon the gardens, too upon the fish-ponds- even the coach-houses, and all the offices adjoining which, as objects that she should never see again, she contemplated as objects of importance. CHAPTER XLV. Rushbrook, who, at twenty miles distance, could have no conjecture what had passed at Elmwood House during the short visit Lord Elmwood made there, went that way with his dogs and gun, in order to meet him on his return, and accompany him in the chaise back. He did so : and getting into the carriage, told him eagerly the sport he had had during the day ; laughed at an accident that had befallen one of his dogs ; and for some time did not perceive but that his uncle was perfectly attentive. At length, observing he answered more negligently than usual to what he said, Rushbrook turned his eyes quickly upon him, and cried, " My lord, are you not well V " Yes; perfectly well, I thank you, Rushbrook ;" and he leaned back against the carriage. " I thought, sir," returned Rushbrook, " you spoke languidly I beg your pardon." " I have the head-ache a little," answered he : then taking off his hat, brushed the dust from it ; and, as he put it on again, fetched a most heavy sigh ; which no sooner had escaped him, than, to drown its sound, he said briskly, 2C 3 2fi4 A SIMPLE STORY. " And so you tell me you have had good sport to-day ?" " No, ray lord ; I said but indifferent." " True ; so you did. Bid the man drive faster : it will be dark before we get home." " You will shoot to-morrow, my lord ?" " Certainly." " How does Mr. Sandford do, sir?" " I did not see .him." " Not see Mr. Sandford, my lord ! But he was out, I suppose ; for they did not expect you at Elmwood House." " No, they did not." In such conversation Rushbrook and his uncle continued to the end of their journey. Dinner was then immediately served ; and Lord Elmwood ap- peared much in his usual spirits ; at least, not sus- pecting any cause for their abatement, Rushbrook did not observe any alteration. Lord Elmwood went, however, earlier to bed than ordinary, or rather to his bed-chamber ; for though he retired some time before his nephew, when Rush- brook passed his chamber-door, it was open, and he not in bed, but sitting in a musing posture, as if he had forgot to shut it. When Rushbrook's valet came to attend his mas- ter, he said to him, " I suppose, sir, you do not know what has hap- pened at the castle." " For Heaven's sake, what?" cried Rushbrook. " My lord has met Lady Matilda," replied the man. " How? Where? What's the consequence?" " We don't know yet, sir : but all the servants suppose her ladyship will not be suffered to remain there any longer." " They all suppose wrong," returned Rushbrook, A SIMPLE STORY. 295 hastily " My lord loves her, I am certain, and this event may be the happy means of his treating her as his child from this day." The servant smiled, and shook his head. " Why, what more do you know V " Nothing more than 1 have told you, sir, except that his lordship took no kind of notice of her lady- ship that appeared like love." Rushbrook was all uneasiness and anxiety to know the particulars of what had passed ; and now Lord Elmwood's inquietude, which he had but slightly noticed before, came full to his observation. He was going to ask more questions ; but he recollected that Lady Matilda's misfortunes were too sacred to be talked of thus familiarly by the servants of the family : besides, it was evident this man thought, and but naturally, it might not be for his master's interest the father and the daughter should be united ; and therefore would give to all he said the opposite colouring. In spite of his prudence, however, and his delicacy towards Matilda, Rushbrook could not let his valet leave him till he had inquired, and learned all the circumstantial account of what had happened ; ex- cept, indeed, the order received by Giffard, which being given after Lord Elmwood was in his carriage and in concise terms, the domestics who attended him (and from whom this man had gained his in- telligence) were unacquainted with it. When the servant had left Rushbrook alone, the perturbation of his mind was so great, that he was at length undetermined whether to go to bed, or to rush into his uncle's apartment, and at his feet beg for that compassion upon his daughter which he feared he had denied her. But then, to what peril would he not expose himself by such a step I Nay, he might, perhaps, even injure her whom he wished 29G A SIMPLE STORY. to serve ; for if his uncle was at present unresolved whether to forgive or to resent this disobedience to his commands, another's interference might enrage and precipitate him on the latter resolution. This consideration was so weighty, it resigned Rushbrook to the suspense he was compelled to endure till the morning, when he flattered himself that by watching every look and motion of Lord Elmwood, his penetration would be able to discover the state of his heart, and how he meant to act. But the morning came, and he found all his pry- ing curiosity was of no avail : Lord Elmwood did not drop one word, give one look, or use one action that was not customary. On first seeing him, Rushbrook blushed at the secret with which he was entrusted ; then, as he gazed on the earl, contemplated the joy he ought to have known in clasping in his arms a child like Matilda, whose tenderness, reverence, and duty had deprived her of all sensation at his sight; which was, in Rushbrook's mind, an honour that rendered him superior to what he was before. They were in the fields all the day as usual : Lord Elmwood now cheerful, and complaining no more of the head-ache. Yet once being separated from his nephew, Rushbrook crossed over a stile into another field, and found him sitting by the side of a bank, his gun lying by him, and himself lost in thought. He rose on seeing him, and proceeded to the sport as before. At dinner, he said he should not go to Elmwood House the next day, as he had appointed, but stay where he was three or four days longer. From these two small occurrences, Rushbrook would fain have extracted something by which to judge the state of his mind ; but upon the test that was im possible : he had caught him so musing many a time A SIMPLE STORY. 297 before ; and as to his prolonging his gtay, that might arise from the 6port : or, indeed, had any thing more material swayed him, who could penetrate whether it was the effect of the lenity, or the severity, he had dealt towards his child ; whether his continu- ance there was to shun her, or to shun the house from whence he had banished her ? The three or four days for their temporary abode being passed, they both returned together to Elm- wood House. Rushbrook thought he saw his uncle's countenance change as they entered the avenue; yet he did not appear less in spirits; and when Sand- ford joined them at dinner, the earl went with his usual attention to him, and (as was his custom after any separation) put out his hand cheerfully to take his. Sandford said, " How do you do, my lord?" cheerfully in return ; but put both his hands into his bosom, and walked to the other side of the room. Lord Elm wood did not seem to observe this affront; nor was it done as an affront : it was merely what poor Sandford could not help ; for he felt that he could not shake hands with him. Rushbrook soon learned the news that Matilda was gone; and Elmwood House was to him a desert he saw there no real friend of hers, except poor Sandford, and to him Rushbrook knew himself now more displeasing than ever ; and all his overtures of atonement he, at this time, found more and more ineffectual. Matilda was exiled ; and her supposed triumphant rival was, to Sandford, odious beyond what he had ever been. In alleviation of their banishment, Miss Woodley, with her charge, had not returned to their old re- treat ; but were gone to a farm-house, not farther than thirty miles from Lord Elmwood's. Here Sand ford, with little inconvenience, visited them; nor did 298 A SIMPLE STORY. his patron ever take notice of his occasional absence : for as he had before given his daughter, in some measure, to his charge, so honour, delicaqy, and the common ties of duty, made him approve, rather than condemn, his attention to her. Though Sandford's frequent visits soothed Ma- tilda, they could not comfort her ; for he had no consolation to bestow that was suited to her mind ; her father having given no one token of regret for what he had done. He had even inquired sternly of Giffard, on his returning home, " If Miss Woodley had left the house." The steward guessing the whole of his meaning, answered, " Yes, my lord ; and all your commands in that respect have been obeyed." He replied, " I am satisfied." And, to the grief of the old man, he appeared really so. To the farm-house, the place of Matilda's resi- dence, there came, besides Sandford, another visitor far less welcome Viscount Margrave. He had heard with surprise, and still greater joy, that Lord Elmwood had once more closed his doors against his daughter. In this her discarded state, he no longer burthened his lively imagination with the dull thoughts of marriage, but once more formed the barbarous design of making her his mistress. Ignorant of a certain decorum which attended all Lord Elmwood's actions, he suspected that his child might be in want ; and an acquaintance with the worst part of her sex informed him, that relief from poverty was the sure bargain for his success. With these hopes, he again paid Miss Woodley and her a visit ; but the coldness of the former, and the haugh- tiness of the latter, still kept him at a distance, and again made him fear to give one allusion to his pur- pose : but he returned home, resolved to write what A SIMPLE STORY. 209 he durst not speak. He did so he offered his ser- vices, his purse, his house : they were rejected with disdain, and a stronger prohibition than ever given to his visits. CHAPTER XLVI. Lord Elmwood had now allowed Rushbrook a long vacation, in respect to his answer upon the subject of marriage ; and the young man vainly imagined his intentions upon that subject were entirely given up. One morning, however, as he was with him in the library, " Henry" said his uncle, with a pause at the beginning of his speech, which indicated that he was going to say something of importance, " Henry you have not forgot the discourse I had with you a little time previous to your illness ?" Henry paused too for he wished to have for- gotten it but it was too strongly impressed upon his memory. Lord Elmwood resumed, "What! equivocating again, sir? Do you re- member it, or do you not?" " Yes, my lord, I do." " And are you prepared to give me an answer ? " Rushbrook paused again. " In our former conversation," continued the earl, " I gave you but a week to determine : there has, I think, elapsed since that time half a year." " About as much, sir." " Then surely you have now made up your mind ?" " I had done that at first ray lord if it had met with your concurrence." " You wished to lead a bachelors life, I think jou said?" 300 A SIMPLE STORY. Rushbrook bowed. " Contrary to my will ?" " No, my lord, I wished to have your approba- tion." " And you wished for my approbation of the very opposite thing to that which I proposed ? But I am not surprised : such is the gratitude of the world ; and such is yours." " My lord, if you doubt my gratitude " " Give me a proof of it, Harry, and I will doubt no longer." " Upon every other subject but this, my lord, Heaven is my witness that your desires " Lord Elmwood interrupted him : " I understand you : upon every other subject, but the only one which my content requires, you are ready to obey me. I thank you." " My lord, do not torture me with this suspicion : it is so contrary to my deserts, that I cannot bear it." " Suspicion of your ingratitude ! you judge too favourably of my opinion it amounts to certainty." " Then to convince you, sir, I am not ungrateful tell me who the lady is you have chosen for me, and here I give you my word, I will sacrifice all my future prospects of happiness; all, for which I would wish to live ; and become her husband as soon as you shall appoint." This was spoken with a tone so expressive of despair, that Lord Elmwood replied, " And while you obey me, you take care to let me know, it will cost you your future peace. This is, I suppose, to enhance the merit of the obligation but I shall not accept your acquiescence on these terms." " Then, in dispensing with it, I hope for your pardon." A SIMPLE STORY. 301 " Do you suppose, Rushbrook, I can pardon an oftence, the sole foundation of which arises from a spirit of disobedience; for you have declared to me your affections are disengaged. In our last conver- sation did you not say so V " At first I did, my lord ; but you permitted me to consult my heart more closely ; and I have since found that I was mistaken." " You then own you at first told me a falsehood, and yet have all this time kept me in suspense with- out confessing it." " I waited, my lord, till you should inquire " " You have then, sir, -waited too long," and the fire flashed from his eyes. Rusii brook now found himself in that perilous state, that admitted of no medium of resentment, but by such dastardly conduct on his part as would wound both his truth and courage; and thus, ani- mated by his danger, he was resolved to plunge boldly at once into the depth of his patron's anger. " My lord," said he, (but he did not undertake this task without sustaining the trembling and con- vulsion of his whole frame), " My lord waving for a moment the subject of my marriage permit me to remind you, that when I was upon my sick bed, you promised, that on my recovery you would listen to a petition I should offer to you." " Let me recollect," replied he. " Yes I do remember something of it. But 1 said nothing to warrant any improper petition." " Its impropriety was not named, my lord." " No matter that you must judge of, and answer for the consequences." " 1 would answer with my life, willingly but I own that I shrink from your displeasure." " Then do not provoke it." " I have already gone too far to recede ; and you VOL. XXVIII. 2 D 302 A SIMPLE STORY. would of course demand an explanation, if I attempt- ed to stop here." " I should." " Then, my lord, I am bound to speak but do not interrupt me : hear me out, before you banish me from your presence for ever." " I will, sir," replied he, prepared to hear some- thing that would excite his resentment, and yet de- termined to hear with patience to the conclusion. " Then, my lord," (cried Rushbrook, in the greatest agitation of mind and body), " your daugh- ter" The resolution Lord Elmwood had taken (and on which he had given his word to his nephew not to interrupt him) immediately gave way. The colour rose in his face his eye darted lightning and his hand was lifted up with the emotion that word had created. " You promised to hear me, my lord," cried Rushbrook, " and I claim your promise." He now suddenly overcame his violence of pas- sion, and stood silent and resigned to hear him ; but with a determined look, expressive of the vengeance that should ensue. " Lady Matilda," resumed Rushbrook, " is an object that wrests from me the enjoyment of every blessing your kindness bestows. I cannot but feel myself as her adversary as one who has supplanted her in your affections who supplies her place while she is exiled, a wanderer, and an orphan." The earl took his eyes from Rushbrook, during this last sentence, and cast them on the floor. " If I feel gratitude towards you, my lord'', con- tinued he, " gratitude is innate in my heart ; and I must also feel it towards her who first introduced me to your protection." Again the colour flew to Lord Elmwood's face ; A SIMPLE STORY. 303 and again he could hardly restrain himself from ut- tering his indignation. " It was the mother of Lady Matilda,'' continued Rushbrook, " who was this friend to me ; nor will I ever think of marriage, or any other joyful prospect, while you abandon the only child of my beloved patroness, and load me with rights which belong to her." Here Rushbrook stopped : Lord Elmwood was silent too, for near half a minute ; but still his coun- tenance continued fixed with his unvaried resolves. After this long pause, the earl said with compo- sure, which denoted firmness, " Have you finished, Mr. Rushbrook ?" " All that I dare to utter, my lord ; and 1 fear 1 have already said too much." Rushbrook now trembled more than ever, and looked pale as death ; for the ardour of speaking being over, he waited his sentence, with less con- stancy of mind than he expected he should. " You disapprove my conduct, it seems," said Lord Elmwood ; " and in that you are but like the rest of the world ; and yet, among all my acquaint- ance, you are the only one who has dared to insult me with your opinion. And this you have not done inadvertently, but willingly and deliberately. But as it has been my fate to be used ill, and severed from all those persons to whom my soul has been most attached, with less regret I can part from you than if this were my first trial." There was a truth and a pathetic sound in the ut- terance of these words that struckRushbrook to the heart ; and he beheld himself as a barbarian, who had treated his benevolent and only friend with insufferable liberty void of respect for those cor- roding sorrows which had imbittered so many years of his life, and in open violation of his most peremp- 2 D 2 304 A SIMPLE STORY. tory commands. He felt that he deserved all he was going to sutler, and he fell upon his knees ; not so much to deprecate the doom he saw impending, as thus humbly to acknowledge it was his due. Lord Elm wood, irritated by this posture, as a sign of the presumptuous hope that he might be forgiven, suffered now his anger to burst all bounds ; and raising his voice, he exclaimed with rage, " Leave my house, sir. Leave my house instant- ly, and seek some other home." Just as these words were begun, Sandford opened the library door, was witness to them, and to the imploring situation of Rushbrook. He stood silent with amazement ! Rushbrook arose, and feeling in his mind a pre- sage, that he might never from that hour behold his benefactor more, as he bowed in token of obe- dience to his commands, a shower of tears covered his face ; but Lord Elmwood, unmoved, fixed his eyes upon him, which pursued him with enraged looks to the end of the room. Here he had to pass Sandford ; who, for the first time in his life, took hold of him by the hand, and said to Lord Elmwood, " My lord, what's the matter ?" " That ungrateful villain," cried he, " has dared to insult me. Leave my house this moment, sir." Rushbrook made an effort to go, but Sandford still held his hand ; and meekly said to Lord Elm- wood, " He is but a boy, my lord, and do not give him the punishment of a man." Rushbrook now snatched his hand from Sand- ford's, and threw it with himself upon his neck ; where he indeed sobbed like a boy. " You are both in league," exclaimed Lord Elm- wood. iC Do you suspect me of partiality to Mr. Rush- A SIMPLE STORY. 305 brook ?" said Sandford, advancing nearer to the earl. Rushbrook had now gained the point of remaining in the room ; but the hope that privilege inspired (while he still harhoured all the just apprehensions for his fate) gave hirth, perhaps, to a more exquisite sensation of pain, than despair would have done. He stood silent confounded hoping that he was forgiven fearing that he was not. As Sandford approached still nearer to Lord Elmwood, he continued : " No, my lord; I know you do not suspect me of partiality to Mr. Rushbrook. Has any part of my behaviour ever discovered it?" " You now then only interfere to irritate me." " If that were the case," returned Sandford, " there have been occasions when I might have done it more effectually ; when my own heart-strings were breaking, because I would not irritate, or add to what you suffered." " I am obliged to you, Mr. Sandford," he re- turned, mildly and thankfully. " And if, my lord, I have proved any merit in a late forbearance, reward me for it now : and take this young man from the depth of sorrow in which I see he is sunk, and say you pardon him." Lord Elmwood made no answer and Rushbrook, drawing strong inferences of hope from his silence, lifted up his eyes from the ground, and ventured to look in his face : he found it serene to what it had been, but. still strongly marked with agitation. He cast his eyes away again, in shame and confusion. On which his uncle said to him, " I shall post- pone the exacting of your obedience to my late orders, till you think fit once more to provoke them ; and then, not even Sandford shall dare to plead your excuse." Rushbrook bowed. 2 D 3 306 A SIMPLE STORY. " Go, leave the room, sir." He instantly obeyed. Then Sandford, turning to Lord Elrnwood, shook him by the hand, and cried, " My lord, I thank you I thank you very kindly, my lord : I shall now begin to think I have some weight with you." " You might indeed think so, did you know how much I have pardoned." " What was his offence, my lord ?" " Such as I would not have forgiven you, or any earthly being besides himself: but while you were speaking in his behalf, I recollected there was a gratitude so extraordinary in the hazards he ran that almost made him pardonable." " I guess the subject then," cried Sandford ; " and yet I could not have supposed" " It is a subject we cannot speak on, Sandford : therefore let us drop it." At these words the discourse concluded. CHAPTER XLVII. To the relief of Rushbrook, Lord Elrnwood that day dined from home, and he had not the confusion to see him again till the evening. Previous to this, Sandford and he met at dinner ; but as the attend- ants were present, nothing passed on either side respecting the incident in the morning. Rushbrook, from the peril which had so lately threatened him, was now in his perfectly cool and dispassionate senses ; and notwithstanding the real tenderness which he bore to the daughter of his benefactor, he was not insensible to the comfort of rinding himself once more in the possession of all those enjoyments he had forfeited, and for a moment lost. A SIMPLE STORY. 307 As he reflected on this, to Sandford he felt the first tie of acknowledgment : but for his compas- sion, he knew he should have been, at that very time of their meeting at dinner, away from Elmwood House for ever, and bearing on his mind a still more painful recollection the burthen of his kind patron's continual displeasure. Filled with these thoughts, all the time of dinner, he could scarce look at his companion without tears of gratitude ; and whenever he attempted to speak to him, grati- tude choaked his utterance. Sandford, on his part, behaved just the same as ever ; and to show he did not wish to remind Rush- brook of what he had done, he was just as uncivil as ever. Among other things, he said, " He did not know Lord Elmwood dined from home ; for if he had, he should have dined in his own apartment." Rushbrook was still more obliged to him for all this ; and the weight of obligations with which he was opprest made him long for an opportunity to relieve himself by expressions. As soon, therefore, as the servants were all withdrawn, he began : " Mr. Sandford, whatever has been your opinion of me, I take pride to myself, that in my sentiments towards you, I have always distinguished you for that humane, disinterested character, you have this day proved." " Humane and disinterested," replied Sandford, " are flattering epithets indeed, for an old man going out of the world, and who can have no temptation to be otherwise." " Then suffer me to call your actions generous and compassionate, for they have saved me " " I know, young man," cried Sandford, inter- rupting him, " you are glad at what I have done, and that you find a gratification in telling me you 308 A SIMPLE STORY. are ; but it is a gratification I will not indulge you with : therefore, say another sentence on the sub- ject, and" (rising from his seat) " I'll leave the room, and never come into your company again, whatever your uncle may say to it." Rushbrook saw by the solemnity of his counte- nance he was serious, and positively assured him he would never thank him more ; on which Sandford took his seat again, but he still frowned, and it was many minutes before he conquered his ill-humour. As his countenance became less sour, Rushbrook fell from some general topics he had eagerly started in order to appease him, and said, " How hard is it to restrain conversation from the subject of our thoughts ! And yet amidst our dearest friends, and among persons who have the same dis- positions and sentiments as our own, their minds, too, fixed upon the self-same objects, this constraint is practised ; and thus society, which was meant for one of our greatest blessings, becomes insipid, nay, often more wearisome than solitude." " I think, young man," replied Sandford, " you have made pretty free with your speech to-day, and ought not to complain of the want of toleration on that score." " I do complain," replied Rushbrook ; " for if toleration were more frequent, the favour of obtain- ing it would be less." " And your pride, I suppose, is above receiving a favour." " Never from those I esteem ; and to convince you of it, I wish this moment to request a favour of you." " I dare say I shall refuse it. However, what is it?" " Permit me to speak to you upon the subject of Lady Matilda ! " A SIMPLE STORY. 309 Sandford made no answer, consequently did not forbid him ; and he proceeded : " For her sake as I suppose Lord Elmwood may have told you I this morning rashly threw myself into the predicament from whence you released me: for her sake I have suffered much for her sake I have hazarded a great deal, and am still ready to hazard more." " But for your own sake, do not," returned Sand- ford drily. " You may laugh at these sentiments as romantic, Mr. Sandford ; but if they are, to me they are never- theless natural." " But of what service are they to be either to her or to yourself?" " To me they are painful, and to her would be but impertinent, were she to know them." " I shan't inform her of them : so do not trouble yourself to caution me against it." " I was not going you know I was not but I was going to say, that from no one so well as from you, could she be told my sentiments without the danger of receiving offence." " And what impression do you wish to give her, from her becoming acquainted with them V " The impression, that she has one sincere friend ; that upon every occurrence in life, there is a heart so devoted to all she feels that she never can suffer without the sympathy of another ; or can ever com- mand him, and all his fortunes to unite for her welfare, without his ready, his immediate com- pliance." " And do you imagine, that any of your profes- sions, or any of her necessities, would ever prevail upon her to put you to the trial ?" " Perhaps not." 310 A SIMPLE STORY. " What, then, are the motives which induce you to wish her to he told of this ? " Rushbrook hesitated. " Do you think," continued Sandford, "the intel- ligence will give her any satisfaction ? " " Perhaps not." " Will it be of any to yourself?" " The highest in the world." " And so all you have been urging upon this oc- casion, is, at last, only to please yourself." " You wrong my meaning : it is her merit which inspires me with the desire of being known to her it is her sufferings, her innocence, her beauty " Sandford stared ; Rushbrook proceeded : " It is her " " Nay, stop where you are," cried Sandford : " you are arrived at the zenith of perfection in a wo- man, and to add one qualification more would be an anti-climax." " Oh ! " cried Rushbrook with warmth, " I loved her before I ever beheld her." "Loved her!" cried Sandford, with marks of astonishment : "you are talking of what you did not intend." ."lam, indeed," returned he in confusion : "I fell by accident on the word love." " And by the same accident stumbled on the word beauty ; and thus by accident am I come to the truth of all your professions." Rushbrook knew that he loved ; and though his affection had sprung from the most laudable motives, yet was he ashamed of it as of a vice : he rose, he walked about the room, and he did not look Sand- ford in the face for a quarter of an hour. Sandford, satisfied that he had judged rightly, and yet unwill- ing to be too hard upon a passion which he readily A SIMPLE STORY. 311 believed must have had many noble virtues for its foundation, now got up and went away, without saying a word in censure, though not a word in approbation. It was in the month of October, and just dark at the time Rushbrook was left alone, yet in the agita- tion of his mind, arising from the subject on which he had been talking, he found it impossible to re- main in the house, and therefore walked into the fields. But there was another instigation, more powerful than the necessity of walking : it was the allurement of passing along that path where he had last seen Lady Matilda, and where, for the only time, she had condescended to speak to him divested of haughtiness, and with a gentleness that dwelt upon his memory beyond all her other endowments. Here he retraced his own steps repeatedly, his whole imagination engrossed with her idea, till the sound of her father's carriage returning from his visit, roused him from the delusion of his trance, to the dread of the embarrassment he should endure on next meeting him. He hoped Sandford might be present ; and yet he was now almost as much ashamed of seeing him as his uncle, whom he had so lately offended. Loath to leave the spot where he was, as to enter the house, he remained there, till he considered it would be ill manners, in his present humiliated si- tuation, not to show himself at the usual supper hour, which was now nearly arrived. As he laid his hand upon the door of the apart- ment to open it, he was sorry to hear by Lord Elm- wood's voice he was in the room before him : for there was something much more conspicuously dis- tressing, in entering where he already was, than had his uncle come in after him. He found himself, however, re-assured by overhearing the earl laugh 312 A SIMPLE STORY. and speak in a tone expressive of the utmost good humour to Sandford, who was with him. Yet again, he felt all the awkwardness of his own situation; but, making one courageous effort, opened the door and entered. Lord Elm wood had been away half the day, had dined abroad, and it was necessary to take some notice of his return. Rush- brook, therefore, bowed humbly; and, what was more to his advantage, he looked humbly. His uncle made a slight return to the salutation, but continued the recital he had begun to Sandford ; then sat down to the supper-table supped and passed the whole evening without saying a syllable, or even casting a look, in remembrance of what had passed in the morning. Or, if there was any token that shewed he remembered the circumstance at all, it was the putting his glass to his nephew's, when Rushbrook called for wine, and drinking at the time he did. CHAPTER XLVIII. The repulse Lord Margrave received did not di- minish the ardour of his pursuit ; for as he was no longer afraid of resentment from the earl, whatever treatment his daughter might receive, he was deter- mined the anger of Lady Matilda, or of her female friend, should not impede his pretensions. Having taken this resolution, he laid the plan of an open violation of laws both human and Divine ; and he determined to bear away that prize by force, which no art was likely to procure. He concerted with two of his favourite companions; but their advice was, " One struggle more of fair means." A SIMPLE STORY. 313 This was totally against bis inclination ; for he had much ralher have encountered the piercing cries of a female in the last agonies of distress than the fatigue of her sentimental harangues, or elegant re- proofs, such as he had the sense to understand, but not the capacity to answer. Stimulated, however, by his friends to one more trial, in spite of the formal dismission lie had twice received, he intruded another visit on Lady Matilda at the farm. Provoked beyond bearing at such unfeeling assurance, Matilda refused to come into the room where he was, and Miss Woodley alone received him, and expressed her surprise at the little attention he had paid to her explicit desire, " Madam," replied the nobleman, " to be plain with you, 1 am in love." '* I do not the least doubt it, my lord," replied Miss Woodley : " nor ought you to doubt the truth of what I advance, when I assure you, that you have not the smallest reason to hope your l6ve will be returned; for Lady Matilda is resolved never to listen to your passion." ' That man," he replied, " is to blame, who can relinquish his hopes upon the mere resolution of a lady." '* And that lady would be wrong," replied Miss Woodley, " who should entrust her happiness in the care of a man who can think thus meanly of her and of her sex." *' I think highly of them all," he replied ; " and to convince you in how high an estimation I hold her in particular, my whole fortune is at her com- mand." " Your entire absence from this house, my lord, she would consider as a much greater mark of your respect." A long conversation, as uninteresting as the fore- VOL. XXVIII. 2 B 314 A SIMPLE STORY. going, ensued : when the unexpected arrival of Mr. Sandford put an end to it. He started at the sight of Lord Margrave ; but the viscount was much more affected at the sight of him. " My lord," said Sandford boldly to bin, " have you received any encouragement from Lady Matilda to authorise this visit?" " None, upon my honour, Mr. Sandford : but I hope you know how to pardon a lover ! " " A rational one I do ; but you, my lord, are not of that class while you persecute the pretended ob- ject of your affection." " Do you call it persecution that I once offered her a share of my title and fortune ; and even now, declare my fortune to be at her disposal ? " Sandford was uncertain whether he understood his meaning : but Lord Margrave, provoked at his ill reception, felt a triumph in removing his doubts, and proceeded thus : " For the discarded daughter of Lord Elmwood cannot expect the same proposals which I made, while she was acknowledged and under the protec- tion of her father." " What proposals then, my lord?" asked Sand- ford hastily. " Such," replied he, " as the Duke of Avon made to her mother." Miss Woodley quitted the room that instant. But Sandford, who never felt resentment but against those in whom he saw some virtue, calmly replied, " My lord, the Duke of Avon was a gentleman, a man of elegance and breeding ; and what have you to offer in recompense for your defects in qualities like these ?" " My wealth," replied he, " opposed to her in- digence." Sandford smiled, and answered, A SIMPLE STORY. 815 " Do you suppose that wealth can be esteemed, which has not been able to make you respectable? What is it makes wealth valuable ? Is it the plea- sures of the table ; the pleasure of living in a fine house, or of wearing fine clothes ? These are pleasures a lord enjoys but in common with his valet. It is the pleasure of being conspicuous which makes riches desirable ; but if we are con- spicuous only for our vice and folly, had we not better remain in poverty ? " " You are beneath my notice." " I trust I shall continue so ; and that your lord- ship will never again condescend to come where I am." " A man of rank condescends to mix with any society, when a pretty woman is the object." " My lord, I have a book here in my pocket, which I am eager to read : it is an author who speaks sense and reason. Will you pardon the im- patience I feel for such company, and permit me to call your carriage ? " Saying this, he went hastily and beckoned to the coachman. The carriage drove up, the door was opened, and Lord Margrave, ashamed to be exposed before his attendants, and convinced of the inutility of remaining any longer where he was, departed. Sandford was soou joined by the ladies ; and the conversation falling, of course, upon the nobleman who had just taken his leave, Sandford unwarily exclaimed, " I wish Rushbrook had been here." "Who?" cried Lady Matilda. " I do believe," said Miss Woodley, " that young man has some good qualities." " A great many," returned Sandford, mutter- ingly. " Happy young man ! " cried Matilda : " he is beloved by all those whose affection it would be my 2 E 2 316 A SIMPLE STORY. choice to possess, beyond any other blessing this world could bestow." " And yet I question if Rushbrook be happy," said Sand ford. " He cannot be otherwise," returned Matilda, " if he is a man of understanding." " He does not want understanding neither," re- plied Sandford ; " although he has certainly many indiscretions." " But which Lord Elmwood, I suppose," said Matilda, " looks upon with tenderness." " Not upon all his faults," answered Sandford ; " for I have seen him in very dangerous circum- stances with your father." "Have you indeed?" cried Matilda: "then I pity him." " And I believe," said Miss Woodley, " that from his heart, he compassionates you. Now, Mr. Sand- ford," continued she, " though this is the first time I ever heard you speak in his favour (and I once thought as indifferently of Mr. Rushbrook as you can do), yet now I will venture to ask you, whether you do not think he wishes Lady Matilda much hap- pier than she is ? " " I have heard him say so," answered Sandford. " It is a subject," returned Lady Matilda, " which I did not imagine you, Mr. Sandford, would have permitted him to have mentioned lightly in your presence." " Lightly ! Do you suppose, my dear, we turned your situation into ridicule ? " " No, sir; but there is a sort of humiliation in the grief to which I am doomed that ought surely to be treated with the highest degree of delicacy by my friends." " I don't know on what point you fix real delicacy ; but if it consists in sorrow, the young man gives a A SIMPLE STORY. 317 proof he possesses it, tor he shed tears when I last heard him mention your name." " I have more cause to weep at the mention of his." " Perhaps so : but let me tell you, Lady Matilda, that your father might have preferred a more un- worthy object." " Still had he been to me," she cried, " an object of envy. And as I frankly confess my envy of Mr. Rushbrook, I hope you will pardon my malice, which is, you know, but a consequent crime." The subject now turned ^again upon Lord Mar- grave; and all. of them being firmly persuaded this last reception would put an end to every further in- trusion from him, they treated his pretensions, and himself, with the contempt they inspired, but not with the caution that was requisite. CHAPTER XLIX. The next morning early, Mr. Sandford returned to Elmwood House, but with his spirits depressed, and his heart overcharged with sorrow. He had seen Lady Matilda, the object of his visit ; but he had beheld her considerably altered in her looks and in her health. She was become very thin, and instead of the vivid bloom that used to adorn her cheeks, her whole complexion was of a deadly pale ; her counte- nance no longer expressed hope or fear, but a fixed melancholy : she shed no tears t but was all sadness. He had beheld this, and he had heard her insulted by the licentious proposals of a nobleman, from whom there was no satisfaction to be demanded, because she had no friend to vindicate her honour. Rushbrook, who suspected where Sandford was 2 E 3 318 A SIMPLE STORY. gone, and imagined he would return on the following day, took his morning's ride, so as to meet him on the road, at the distance of a few miles from the castle ; for, since his perilous situation with Lord Elmwood, he was so fully convinced of the general philanthropy of Sandford s character, that in spite of his cliurlish manners, he now addressed him, free from that reserve to which his rough behaviour had formerly given birth. And Sandford, on his part, believing he had formed an illiberal opinion of Lord Elmwood's heir, though he took no pains to let him know that his opinion was changed, vet resolved to make him restitution upon every occasion that offered. Their mutual greetings, when they met, were un- ceremonious, but cordial ; and Rushbrook turned his horse and rode back with Sandford : yet, in- timidated by his respect and tenderness for Lady Matilda, rather than by fear of the rebuffs of his companion, he had not the courage to name her, till the ride was just finished, and they came within a few yards of the house. Incited then by the appre- hension he might not soon again enjoy so tit an opportunity, he said, "Pardon me, Mr. Sandford, if I guess where you have been, and if my curiosity forces me to inquire for Miss Woodley's and Lady Matilda's health'!" He named Miss Woodley first, to prolong the time before he mentioned Matilda; for though to name her gave him extreme pleasure, yet it was a pleasure accompanied by confusion and pain. " They are both very well," replied Sandford : " at least they did not complain they were sick." "They are not in spirits, 1 suppose?" said Rushbrook. " No, indeed," replied Sandford, shaking his head. A SIMPLE STORY. 319 " No new misfortune lias happened, 1 hope?" cried Rushbrook : for it was plain to see Sandford's spirits were unusually cast down. '" Nothing new," returned he, " except the inso- lence of a young nobleman." " What nobleman?" cried Rushbrook. " A lover of Lady Matilda's," replied Sandford. Rushbrook was petrified. " Who ? what lover, Mr. Sandford ? Explain." They were now arrived at the house ; and Sand- ford, without making any reply to this question, said to the servant who took his horse, " She has come a long way this morning : take care of her." This interruption was torture to Rushbrook, who kept close to his side, in order to obtain a further explanation ; but Sandford, without attending to him, walked negligently into the hall, and, before they advanced many steps, they were met by Lord Elmwood. All further information was put an end to for the present. " How do you do, Sandford?" said Lord Elm- wood, with extreme kindness, as if he thanked him for the journey which, it was likely, he suspected he had been taking. " I am indifferently well, my lord," replied he, with a face of deep concern, and a tear in his eye, partly in gratitude for his patron's civility, and partly in reproach for his cruelty. It was not now till the evening, that Rushbrook had an opportunity of renewing the conversation which had been so painfully interrupted. In the evening, no longer able to support the suspense into which he was thrown, without fear or shame, he followed Sandford into his chamber at the time of his retiring, and entreated of him, with all the anxiety he suffered, to explain his allusion 820 A SIMPLE STORY. when he talked of a lover, and of insolence to Lady Matilda. Sandford, seeing his emotion, was angry with himself that he had inadvertently mentioned the circumstance ; and putting on an air of surly im- portance, desired, if he had any business with him, that he would call in the morning. Exasperated at so unexpected a reception, and at the pain of his disappointment, Rushbrook replied, " He treated him cruelly; nor would he stir out of his room, till he had received a satisfactory answer to his question." " Then bring your bed," replied Sandford, " for you must pass your whole night here." He found it vain to think of obtaining any intelli- gence by threats : he therefore said in a timid and persuasive manner, " Did you, Mr. Sandford, hear Lady Matilda mention my name ? " " Yes," replied Sandford, a little better recon ciled to him. " Did you tell her what I lately declared to you V he asked with still more diffidence. " No," replied Sandford. " It is very well, sir," returned he, vexed to the heart, yet again wishing to sooth him. " You certainly, Mr. Sandford, know what is for the best : yet I entreat you will give me some fur- ther account of the nobleman you named." " I know what is for the best," replied Sandford, " and I won't." Rushbrook bowed, and immediately left the room. He went apparently submissive ; but the moment he showed this submission, he took the resolution of paying a visit himself to the farm at which Lady Matilda resided ; and of learning, either from Miss Woodley, the people of the house, the neighbours, A SIMPLE STORY. 321 or perhaps from Lady Matilda's own lips, the secret which the obstinacy of Sandford had withheld. He saw all the dangers of this undertaking ; but none appeared so great as the danger of losing her he loved, by the influence of a rival : and though Sandford had named " insolence," he was in doubt whether what had appeared so to him was so in reality, or would be so considered by her. To prevent the cause of his absence being sus- pected by Lord Elmwood, he immediately called his groom, ordered his horse, and giving those servants concerned a strict charge of secrecy, with some frivolous pretence to apologize for his not being present at breakfast (resolving to be back by dinner) he set off that night, and arrived at an inn about a mile from the farm at break of day. The joy he felt when he found himself so near to the beloved object of his journey, made him thank Sandford in his heart for the unkindness which had sent him thither. But new difficulties arose, how to accomplish the end for which he came. He learned from the people of the inn, that a lord, with a fine equipage, had visited at the farm ; but who he was, or for what purpose he went, no one could inform him. Dreading to return with his doubts unsatisfied, and yet afraid of proceeding to extremities that might be construed into presumption, he walked disconsolately (almost distractedly) across the fields, looking repeatedly at his watch, and wishing the time would stand still till he was ready to go back with his errand completed. Every field he passed, brought him nearer to the house on which his imagination was fixed ; but how, without forfeiting every appearance of that respect which he so powerfully felt, could he attempt to enter it? He saw the indecorum, resolved not to be 322 A SIMPLE STORY. guilty of it, and yet walked on till he was within but a small orchard of the door. Could he then retreat ? He wished he could ; but he found that he had proceeded too far to be any longer master of him- self. The time was urgent : he must either behold her, and venture her displeasure, or by diffidence during one moment give up all his hopes, perhaps, for ever. With that same disregard to consequences which actuated him when he dared to supplicate Lord Elmwood in his daughter's behalf, he at length went eagerly to the door and rapped. A servant came : he asked to " speak with Miss Woodley, if she was quite alone." He was shown into an apartment, and Miss Wood- ley entered to him. She started when she beheld who it was ; but as he did not see a frown upon her face, he caught hold of her hand, and said persuasively, " Do not be offended with me. If I mean to offend you, may I forfeit my life in atonement.'' Poor Miss Woodley, glad in her solitude to see any one from Elmwood House, forgot his visit was an offence, till he put her in mind of it : she then said, with some reserve, " Tell me the purport of your coming, sir, and perhaps I may have no reason to complain." " It was to see Lady Matilda," he replied, " or to hear of her health. It was to offer her my services it was, Miss Woodley, to convince her, if possible, of my esteem." "Had you no other method, sir?" said Miss Woodley, with the same reserve. " None," replied he, " or with joy I should have embraced it ; and if you can inform me of any other, tell me I beseech you instantly, and I will imme- diately be gone, and pursue your directions." A SIMPLE STORY. 323 Miss Woodley hesitated. " You know of no other means, Miss Woodley ?" he cried. " And yet I cannot commend this," said she. " Nor do I. Do not imagine because you see me here, that I approve of my visit ; but/reduced to this necessity, pity the motives that have urged it." Miss Woodley did pity them ; but as she would not own that she did, she could think of nothing else to say. At this instant a bell rung from the chamber above. " That is Lady Matilda's bell," said Miss Wood- ley : " she is coming to take a short walk. Do you wish to see her ?" Though it was the first wish of his heart, he paused, and said, " Will you plead my excuse?" As the flight of stairs was but short, which Ma- tilda had to come down, she was in the room with Miss Woodley and Mr. Rushbrook, just as that sentence ended. She had stepped beyond the door of the apart- ment, when, perceiving a visitor, she hastily with- drew. Rushbrook, animated, though trembling at her presence, cried, " Lady Matilda, do not avoid me, till you know that I deserve such a punishment." She immediately saw who it was, and returned back with a proper pride, and yet a proper politeness in her manner. " I beg your pardon, sir," said she : " I did not know you. I was afraid I intruded upon Miss Woodley and a stranger." " You do not then consider me as a stranger, Lady Matilda? And that you do not requires my warmest acknowledgments." 324 A SIMPLE STORY. She sat down, as if overcome by ill spirits and ill health. Miss Woodley now asked Rushbrook to sit ; for till now she had not. " No, madam," replied he, with confusion ; " not unless Lady Matilda gives me permission." She smiled, and pointed to a chair ; and all the kindness which Rushbrook during his whole life had received from Lord Elmwood never inspired half the gratitude which this one instance of civility from his daughter excited. He sat down with the confession of the obligation upon every feature of his face. "1 am not well, Mr. Rushbrook," said Matilda, languidly ; " and you must excuse any want of eti- quette at this house." " While you excuse me, madam, what can I have to complain of?" She appeared absent while he was speaking, and turning to Miss Woodley, said, " Do you think I had better walk to day V " No, my dear," answered Miss Woodley : " the ground is damp, and the air cold." " You are not well, indeed, Lady Matilda," said Rushbrook gazing upon her with the most tender respect. She shook her head ; and the tears, without any effort either to impel or to restrain them, ran down her face. Rushbrook rose from his seat, and, with an accent and manner the most expressive, said, " We are cousins, Lady Matilda : in our infancy we were brought up together : we were beloved by the same mother ; fostered by the same father " " Oh! oh!" cried she, interrupting him with a tone which indicated the bitterest anguish. A SIMPLE STORY. 325 " Nay, do not let me add to your uneasiness," he resumed, " while I am attempting to alleviate it. Instruct me what 1 can do to show my esteem and respect, rather than permit me, thus unguided, to rush upon what you may construe into insult and arrogance." Miss Woodley went to Matilda, took her hand, then wiped the tears from her eyes, while Matilda reclined against her, entirely regardless of Rush- brook's presence. " If I have been in the least instrumental to this sorrow," said Rushbrook, with a face as much agitated as his mind. " No," said Miss Woodley, in a low voice, " you have not she is often thus." " Yes," said Matilda, raising her head, " I am frequently so weak, that I cannot resist the smallest incitement to grief. But do not make your visit long, Mr. Rushbrook," she continued; " for I was just then thinking, that should Lord Elmwood hear of this attention you have paid me, it might be fatal to you." Here she wept again, as bitterly as before. " There is no probability of his hearing of it, madam," Rushbrook replied : " or if there was, I am persuaded that he would not resent it ; for yesterday, when I am confident he knew that Mr. Sandford had been to see you, he received him on his return with unusual marks of kindness." " Did he I " said she and again she lifted up her head ; her eyes for a moment beaming with hope and joy. " There is something which we cannot yet de- fine," said Rushbrook, " that Lord Elmwood strug- gles with ; but when time shall have eradicated" Before he could proceed further, Matilda waa vol. xxvm. 2 F 5)26 A SIMPLE STORY. once more sunk into despondency, and scarcely attended to what he was saying. Miss Woodley, observing this, said, " Mr. Rush- brook, let it be a token we shall be glad to see you hereafter, that I now use the freedom to beg you will put an end to your visit." " You send me away, madam," returned he, " with the warmest thanks for the reception you have given me ; and this last assurance of your kind- ness is beyond any other favour you could have bestowed. Lady Matilda," added he, " suffer me to take your hand at parting, and let it be a testi- mony that you acknowledge me for a relation." She put out her hand, which he knelt to receive, but did not raise it to his lips. He held the boon too sacred ; and looking earnestly upon it, as it lay pale and wan in his, he breathed one sigh over it, and withdrew. CHAPTER L. Sorrowful and affecting as this interview had been, Rushbrook, as he rode home, reflected upon it with the most inordinate delight ; and had he not seen decline of health in the looks and behaviour of Lady Matilda, his felicity had been unbounded. Entranced in the happiness of her society, the thought of his rival never came once to his mind while he was with her: a want of recollection, how- ever, he by no means regretted, as her whole ap- pearance contradicted every suspicion he could possibly entertain, that she favoured the addresses of any man living; and had he remembered, he would not have dared to name the subject. A SIMPLE STORY. 327 The time ran so swiftly while he was away, that, it was beyond the dinner hour at Elmwood House when he returned. Heated, his dress and his hair disordered, he entered the dining-room just as the dessert was put upon the table. He was confounded at his own appearance, and at the falsehoods he should be obliged to fabricate in his excuse : there was yet, that which engaged his attention, beyond any circumstance relating to himself the features of Lord Elmwood of which his daughter's, whom he had just beheld, had the most striking resem- blance : though hers were softened by sorrow, while his were made austere by the self-same cause. * Where have you been?" said his uncle, with a frown. " A chase, my lord I beg your pardon but a pack of dogs I unexpectedly met." For in the hackneyed art of lying without injury to any one, Rushbrook, to his shame, was proficient. His excuses were received, and the subject ceased. During his absence that day, Lord Elmwood had called Sandford apart, and said to him, that as the malevolence which he once observed between him and Rushbrook had, he perceived, subsided, he advised him, if he was a wellwisher to the young man, to sound his heart, and counsel him not to act against the will of his nearest relation and friend. " I myself am too hasty," continued Lord Elm- wood ; " and, unhappily, too much determined upon what I have once (though, perhaps, rashly) said, to speak upon a topic where it is probable 1 shall meet with opposition. You, Sandford, can reason with moderation. For after all that 1 have done for my nephew, it would be a pity to forsake him at last ; and yet, that is but loo likely, if he should provoke me to it." 2 F 2 328 A SIMPLE STORY. " Sir," replied Sandford, " I will speak to him." " Yet," added Lord Elmwood, sternly, " do not urge what you say for my sake, but for his own : I can part from him with ease but he may then re- pent ; and, you know, repentance always comes too late with me." " My lord, I will exert all the efforts in my power for his welfare. But what is the subject on which he has refused to comply with your desires ? " " Matrimony have not I told you 1 " " Not a word." " I wish him to marry, that I may then conclude the deeds in respect to my estate ; and the only child of Sir William Winterton (a rich heiress) was the wife I meant to propose : but from his indiffer- ence to all I have said on the occasion, I have not yet mentioned her name to him you may." " I will, my lord, and use all my persuasion to engage his obedience ; and you shall have, at least, a faithful account of what he says." Sandford the next morning sought an opportunity of being alone with Rushbrook. He then plainly repeated to him what Lord Elmwood had said, and saw him listen to it all, and heard him answer to it all, with the most tranquil resolution, " That he would do any thing to preserve the friendship and patronage of his uncle but marry." " What can be your reason?" asked Sandford, though he guessed. " A reasoH I cannot give to Lord Elmwood." " Then do not give it to me, for I have promised to tell him every thing you shall say to me." " And every thing I have said ? " asked Rush- brook, hastily. " As to what you have said, I don't know whether it has made impression enough on my memory to enable me to repeat it." A SIMPLE STORY. 8*29 "lam glad it has not." " And my answer to your uncle is to be, simply, that you will not obey him V " I should hope, Mr. Sandford, that you would express it in better terms." " Tell me the terms, and I will be exact." Rushbrook struck his forehead, and walked about the room. " Am I to give him any reason for your disobey- ing him ?" " I tell you again, that I dare not name the cause." " Then why do you submit to a power you are ashamed to own ? " " I am not ashamed I glory in it. Are you ashamed of your esteem for Lady Matilda 1 " " Oh ! if she is the cause of your disobedience, be assured I shall not mention it; for I am forbid to name her." " And, surely, as that is the case, I need not fear to speak plainly to you. I love Lady Matilda ; 01, perhaps, unacquainted with love, what I feel may be only pity : and if so, pity is the most pleasing pas- sion that ever possessed a human heart, and 1 would not change it for all her father's estates." " Pity, then, gives rise to very different sensa- tions for I pity you, and that sensation 1 would gladly exchange for approbation." " If you really feel compassion for me, and I be- lieve you do, contrive some means by your answers to Lord Elmwood to pacify him, without involving me in ruin. Hint at my affections being engaged, but not to whom : and add, that I have given my word, if he will allow me a short time, a year or two only, I will, during that period, try to disengage them, and use all my power to render myself worthy of the union for which he designs me." 2 F 3 330 A SIMPLE STORY. " And this is not only your solemn promise, but your fixed determination." " Nay, why will you search my heart to the bot- tom, when the surface ought to content you?" " If you cannot resolve on what you have pro- posed, why do you ask this time of your uncle? For should he allow it you, your disobedience at the expiration will be less pardonable than it is now." " Within a year, Mr. Sandford, who can tell what strange events may not occur, to change all our prospects ? Even my passion may decline." " In that expectation, then, the failure of which yourself must answer for, I will repeat as much of this discourse as shall be proper." Here llushbrook communicated his having been to see Lady Matilda ; for which Sandford reproved him, but in less rigorous terms than he generally used in his reproofs : and Rushbrook, by his entrea- ties, now gained the intelligence who the nobleman was who addressed Matilda, and on what views ; but was restrained to patience, by Sandford's arguments and threats. Upon the subject of this marriage, Sandford met his patron, without having determined exactly what to say ; but rested on the temper in which he should find him. At the commencement of the conversation he told him, " llushbrook begged for time." " I have given him time have I not ? " cried Lord Elmwood : " what can be the meaning of his thus trifling with me?" Sandford replied, " My lord, young men are fre- quently romantic in their notions of love, and think it impossible to have a sincere affection where theisr own inclinations do not first point out the choice." " If he is in love," answered Lord Elmwood, " let him take the object, and leave my house and A SIMPLE STORY. 331 me for ever. Nor under this destiny can he have any claim to pity ; for genuine love will make him happy in banishment, in poverty, or in sickness : it makes the poor man happy as the rich, the fool blest as the wise." The sincerity with which Lord Elniwood had loved was expressed, as he said this, more than in words. " Your lordship is talking," replied Sandford, " of the passion in its most refined and predominant sense, while I may possibly be speaking of a mere phantom that has led this young man astray." " Whatever it be," returned Lord Elmwood, " let him and his friends weigh the case well, and act for the best so shall I." " His friends, my lord ! What friends, or what friend has he upon earth but you ? " " Then why will he not submit to my advice, or himself give me a proper reason why he cannot 1 " " Because there may be friendship without fami- liarity ; and so it is between him and you." '* That cannot be ; for I have condescended to talk to him in the most familiar terms." " To condescend, my lord, is not to be familiar." " Then come, sir, let us be on an equal footing through you. And now speak out his thoughts freely, and hear mine in return." " Why then, he begs a respite for a year or two." " On what pretence V " To me, it was preference of a single life ; but I suspect it is, what he imagines to be, love, and for some object whom he thinks your lordship would disapprove." " He has not, then, actually confessed this to you?" " If he has, it was drawn from him by such means, that I am not warranted to say it in direct words." " 1 have entered into no contract, no agreement 332 A SIMPLE STORY. on his account with the friends of the lady I have pointed out," said Lord Elmwood : " nothing beyond implications have passed betwixt her family and myself at present; and if the person on whom he has fixed his affections should not be in a situ- ation absolutely contrary to my wishes, I may, perhaps, confirm his choice." That moment Sandford's courage prompted him to name Lady Matilda, but his discretion opposed. However, in the various changes of his counte- nance from the conflict, it was plain to discern that he wished to say more than he dared. On which Lord Elmwood cried, " Speak on, Sandford ; what are you afraid of? " " Of you, my lord." He started. Sandford went on : "I know no tie, no bond, no innocence, that is a protection when you feel resentment." " You are right," he replied, significantly. " Then how, my lord, can you encourage me to speak on, when that which I perhaps should say might offend you to hear ? " " To what, and whither are you changing our subject?" cried Lord Elmwood. " But, sir, if you know my resentful and relentless temper, you surely know how to shun it." " Not, and speak plainly." " Then dissemble." " No, I'll not do that ; but I'll be silent." " A new parade of submission. You are more tormenting to me than any one I have about me; constantly on the verge of disobeying my orders, that you may recede, and gain my good will by your forbearance. But know, Mr. Sandford, that I will not suffer this much longer. If you choose in every conversation we have together (though the most A SIMPLE STORY. 333 remote from such a topic) to think of my daughter, you must either banish your thoughts, or conceal them ; nor by one sign, one item, remind me of her." " Your daughter did you call her? Can you call yourself her father?' " I do, sir : but I was likewise the husband of her mother. And, as that husband, I solemnly swear " He was proceeding with violence. " Oh ! my lord," cried Sandford, interrupting him, with his hands clasped in the most fervent sup- plication " Oh ! do not let me draw upon her one oath more of your eternal displeasure. I'll kneel to beg that you will drop the subject." The inclination he made, with his knees bent to- wards the ground, stopped Lord Elmwood instantly. But though it broke in upon his words, it did not alter one angry look : his eyes darted, and his lips trembled with, indignation. Sandford, in order to appease him, bowed and offered to withdraw, hoping to be recalled. He wished in vain : Lord Elmwood's eyes followed him to the door, expressive of the joy he should receive from his absence. CHAPTER LI. The companions and counsellors of Lord Margrave, who had so prudently advised gentle methods in the pursuit of his passion, while there was left any hope of their success ; now, convinced there was none, as strenuously recommended open violence ; and sheltered under the consideration, that their depre- dations were to be practised upon a defenceless woman, who had not one protector, except an old 334 A SIMPLE STORY. priest, the subject of their ridieule ; assured like wise from the influence of Lord Margrave's wealth, that all inferior consequences could be overborne, they saw no room for fears on any side ; and what they wished to execute, they with care and skill premeditated. When their scheme was mature for performance, three of his chosen companions, and three servants, trained in all the villanous exploits of their masters, set off for the habitation of poor Matilda, and arrived there about the twilight of the evening. Near four hours after that time (just as the family were going to bed), they came up to the doors of the house, and, rapping violently, gave the alarm of fire, conjuring all the inhabitants to make their way out immediately, as they would save their lives. The family consisted of few persons, all of whom ran instantly to the doors and opened them ; on which two men rushed in, and with the plea of saving Lady Matilda from the pretended flames, caught her in their arms, and carried her oft"; while all the deceived people of the house, running eagerly to save themselves, paid no regard to her ; till looking for the cause for which they had been terrified, they perceived the stratagem, and the fatal consequences. Amidst the complaints, the sorrow, and the affright of the people of the farm, Miss Woodley's sensa- tions wanted a name. Terror and anguish give but a faint description of what she suffered : something like the approach of death stole over her senses, and she sat like one petrified with horror. She had no doubt who was the perpetrator of this wickedness ; but how was she to follow ; how effect a rescue ? The circumstances of this event, as soon as the people had time to call up their recollection, were sent to a neighbouring magistrate ; but little could A SIMPLH STORY. 335 be hoped from that. Who was to swear to the robber? Who undertake to rind him out? Miss Woodley thought of Rushbrook, of Sandford, of Lord Elrawood ; but what could she hope from the want of power in the two former ? what from the latter, for the want of will? Now stupified, and now distracted, she walked about the house inces- santly, begging for instructions how to act or how to forget her misery. A tenant of Lord Elmwood's, who occupied a little farm near to that where Lady Matilda lived, and who was well acquainted with the whole history of her and her mother's misfortunes, was returning from a neighbouring fair just as this inhuman plan was put in execution. He heard the cries of a woman in distress, and followed the sound, till he arrived at a chaise in waiting, and saw Matilda placed in it by the side of two men, who presented pistols to him as he offered to approach and ex- postulate. The farmer, though uncertain who this female was, yet went to the house she had been taken from (as the nearest) with the tale of what he had seen j and there, being informed it was Lady Matilda whom he had beheld, this intelligence, joined to the powerful effect her screams had on him, made him resolve to take horse immediately, and, with some friends, follow the carriage till they should trace the place to which she was conveyed. The anxiety, the firmness discovered in determin- ing upon this undertaking, somewhat alleviated the agony Miss Woodley endured ; and she began to hope timely assistance might yet be given to her beloved charge. The man set out, meaning at all events to attempt her release ; but before he had proceeded far, the few friends that accompanied him began to reflect on 330 A SIMPLE STORY. the improbability of their success, against a noble- man, surrounded by servants, with other attendants likewise, and, perhaps, even countenanced by the father of the lady, whom they presumed to take from him : or if not, while Lord Elmwood beheld the offence with indifference, that indifference gave it a sanction they might in vain oppose. These cool reflections tending to their safety, had their weight with the companions of the farmer: they all rode back, rejoicing at their second thoughts, and left him to pursue his journey and prove his valour by himself. CHAPTER LII. It was not with Sandford as it had lately been with Rushbrook under the displeasure of Lord Elmwood : to the latter he behaved, as soon as their dissen- sion was past, as if it had never happened. But to Sandford it was otherwise: the resentment which he had repressed at the time of the offence, lurked in his heart, and dwelt upon his mind for several days; during which he carefully avoided exchanging a word with him, and gave other demonstrations of being still in enmity. Sandford, though experienced in the cruelty and ingratitude of the world, yet could not without dif- ficulty brook this severity, this contumely, from a man, for whose welfare, ever since his infancy, he had laboured; and whose happiness was more dear to him, in spite of all his faults, than that of any other person. Even Lady Matilda was not so dear to Sandford as her father ; and he loved her more that she was Lord Elmwood's child, than for any other cause. A SIMPLE STORY. 337 Sometimes the old priest, incensed beyond bear- ing, was on the point of saying to his patron, "How, in my age, dare you thus treat the man whom in his youth you respected and revered ? " Sometimes, instead of anger, he felt the tear, he was ashamed to own, steal to his eye, and even fall down his cheek. Sometimes he left the room half determined to leave the house : but these were all half determinations ; for he knew him with whom he had to deal too well, not to know that he might be provoked into yet greater anger ; and that should he once rashly quit his house, the doors, most proba- bly, would be shut against him for ever after. In this humiliating state (lor even the domestics could not but observe their lord's displeasure) Sand- ford passed three days, and was beginning the fourth, when sitting with Lord Elmwood and Rushbrook just after breakfast, a servant entered, saying, as he opened the door, to somebody who followed, " You must wait till you have my lord's permission." This attracted their eyes to the door, and a man meanly dressed walked in, following close to the servant. The latter turned, and seemed again to desire the person to retire, but in vain : he rushed forward re- gardless ofhis opposer, and, in great agitation, said, " My lord, if you please, 1 have business with you, provided you will choose to be alone." Lord Elmwood, struck with the intruder's earnest- ness, bade the servant leave the room ; and then said to the stranger, " You may speak before these gentlemen." The man instantly turned pale, and trembled then, to prolong the time before he spoke, went to the door to see if it was shut returned yet, still trembling, seemed unwilling to say his errand. VOL. XX VI II. 2 G 338 A SIMPLE STORY. " What have you done," cried Lord Elmwood, " that you are in this terror ? What have you done, man?" " Nothing, my lord," replied he; " but I am afraid I am going to offend you." "Well, no matter," he answered carelessly ; " only go on, and let me know your business." The man's distress increased ; and he replied, in a voice of grief and affright, " Your child, my lord !" Rushbrook and Sandford started ; and, looking at Lord Elmwood, saw him turn white as death. In a tremulous voice he instantly cried, " What of her?" and rose from his seat. Encouraged by the question, and the agitation of him who asked it, the poor man gave way to his feelings, and answered with every sign of sorrow, " I saw her, my lord, taken away by force : two ruffians seized and carried her away, while she screamed in vain to me for help, and looked like one in distraction." " Man, what do you mean?" cried the earl. " Lord Margrave," replied the stranger, " we have no doubt, has formed this plot : he has for some time past beset the house where she lived ; and, when his visits were refused, he threatened this. Besides, one of his servants attended the carriage : I saw, and knew him." Lord Elmwood listened to the last part of this account with seeming composure : then turning hastily to Rushbrook, he said, " Where are my pistols, Harry?" Sandford forgot, at this instant, all the anger that had passed between him and the earl : he rushed towards him, and grasping his hand, cried, " Will you then prove yourself a father ? " A SIMPLE STORY. 339 Lord Elmwood only answered, " Yes," and left the room. Rushbrook followed, and begged, with all the earnestness he felt, to be permitted to accompany his uncle. While Sandford shook hands with the farmer a thousand times ; and he, in his turn, rejoiced, as if he had already seen Lady Matilda restored to liberty. Rushbrook in vain entreated Lord Elmwood : he laid his commands upon him not to go a step from the castle ; while the agitation of his own mind was too great to observe the rigour of this sentence on his nephew. During hasty preparations for the earl's depar- ture, Sandford received from Miss Woodley the sad intelligence of what had occurred ; but he returned an answer to recompense her for all she had suffered on the sad occasion. Within a short hour Lord Elmwood set off, ac- companied by his guide, the farmer, and other at- tendants furnished with every requisite to ascertain the success of their enterprize : while poor Matilda little thought of a deliverer nigh ; much less, that her deliverer should prove her father. CHAPTER L1II. Lord Margrave, black as this incident of his life must make him appear to the reader, still nursed in his conscience a reserve of specious virtue, to keep him in peace with himself. It was his design to plead, to argue, to implore, nay even to threaten, long before he put his threats in force ; and with this and the following reflection, he reconciled as 2 G 2 340 A SIMPLE STORY. most bad men can what he had done, not only to the laws of humanity, but to the laws of honour. " 1 have stolen a woman certainly," said he to himself, " but I will make her happier than she was in that humble state from which 1 have taken her. 1 will even," said he, "now that she is in my power, win her affections ; and when, in fondness, hereafter she hangs upon me, how will she thank me for this little trial, through which I shall have con- ducted her to happiness!" Thus did he hush his remorse, while he waited impatiently at home, in expectation of his prize. Half expiring with her sufferings, of body as well as of mind, about twelve o'clock the next night, after she was borne away, Matilda arrived ; and felt her spirits revive by the superior sufferings that awaited her ; for her increasing terrors roused her from the death-like weakness brought on by extreme fatigue. Lord Margrave's house, to which he had gone previous to this occasion, was situated in the lonely part of a well-known forest, not more than twenty miles distant from London. This was an estate he rarely visited ; and as he had but few servants here, it was a spot which he supposed would be less the object of suspicion in the present case, than any other of his seats. To this, then, Lady Matilda was conveyed a superb apartment allotted her and one of his confidential females placed to attend upon her person, with all respect and assurances of safety. Matilda looked in this woman's face, and seeing she bore the features of her sex, while her own knowledge reached none of those worthless cha- racters of which this creature was a specimen, she imagined that none of those could look as she did, and therefore found consolation in her seeming ten- A SIMPLE STORY. 341 derness. She was even prevailed upon (by her promises to sit by her side and watch) to throw her- self on a bed, and suffer sleep for a few minutes for sleep to her was suffering ; her fears giving birth to dreams terrifying as her waking thoughts. More wearied than refreshed with her sleep, she rose at break of day ; and, refusing to admit of the change of an article in her dress, she persisted to wear the torn disordered habiliment in which she had been dragged away : nor would she taste a mor- sel of all the delicacies that were prepared for her. Her attendant for some time observed the most reverential awe ; but finding this humility had not the effect of gaining compliance with her advice, she varied her manners, and began by less submissive means to attempt an influence. She said her orders were to be obedient, while she herself was obeyed at least in circumstances so material as the lady's health, of which she had the charge as a physician, and expected equal compliance from her patient. Food and fresh apparel she prescribed as the only means to prevent death ; and even threatened her invalid with something worse, a visit from Lord Margrave, if she continued obstinate. Now loathing her for the deception she had prac- tised, more than had she received her thus at first, Matilda hid her eyes from the sight of her ; and, when she was obliged to look, she shuddered. This female at length thought it her duty to wait upon her worthy employer, and inform him the young lady in her trust would certainly die, unless there were means employed to oblige her to take some nourishment. Lord Margrave, glad of an opportunity that might apologize for his intrusion upon Lady Matilda, went with eagerness to her apartment ; and, throwinghim- 2 G 3 34*2 A SIMPLE STORY. self at her feet conjured her, if she would save his life, as well as her own, to submit to be consoled. The extreme aversion, the horror which his pre- sence inspired, caused Matilda for a moment to forget all her want of power, her want of health, her weakness ; and rising from the place where she sat, she cried, with her voice elevated, " Leave me, my lord, or I'll die in spite of all your care. I'll instantly expire with grief, if you do not leave me." Accustomed to the tears and reproaches of the sex, though not of those like her, he treated with indifference these menaces of anger, and, seizing her hand, carried it to his lips. Enraged, and overwhelmed with terror at the affront, she exclaimed (forgetting every other friend she had), " Oh ! my dear Miss Woodley, why are you not here to protect me V " Nay," returned Lord Margrave, stifling a pro- pensity to laugh, " I should think the old priest would be as good a champion as the lady." The remembrance of Sandford, with all his kind- ness, now rushed so forcibly on Matilda's mind, that she shed tears, from the certainty how much he felt, and would continue to feel, for her situation. Once she thought on Rushbrook, and thought even he would be sorry for her. Of her father she did not think she dared not : one single moment, in- deed, that thought had intruded; but she hurried it away it was too bitter. It was now again quite night, and near to that hour when she came first to the house. Lord Mar- grave, though at some distance from her, remained still in her apartment, while her female companion had stolen away. His insensibility to her lamenta- tions the agitated looks he sometimes cast upon A SIMPLE STORY. 343 her her weak and defenceless state all conspired to fill her mind with increasing horror. He saw her apprehensions in her distracted face, dishevelled hair, and the whole of her forlorn ap- pearance ; yet, in spite of his former resolutions, he did not resist the wish of fulfilling all her dreadful expectations. He once again approached her, and again was going to seize her hand ; when the report of a pistol, and a confused noise of persons assembling towards the door of the apartment, caused him to desist. He started but looked more surprised than alarmed her alarm was augmented ; for she sup- posed this tumult was some experiment to intimi- date her into submission. She wrung her hands, and lifted up her eyes to Heaven, in the last agony of despair, when one of Lord Margrave's servants entered hastily, and announced " Lord Elmwood ! " That moment her father entered and, with all the unrestrained fondness of a parent, folded her in his arms. Her extreme, her excess of joy on such a meet- ing, and from such anguish rescued, was, in part, repressed by his awful presence. The apprehen- sions to which she had been accustomed kept her timid and doubtful : she feared to speak, or clasp him in return for his embrace, but, falling on her knees, clung round his legs, and bathed his feet with her tears. These were the happiest moments that she had ever known ; perhaps, the happiest he had ever known. Lord Margrave, on whom Lord Elmwood had not even cast a look, now left the room ; but, as he quit- ted it, called out, 344 A SIMPLE STORY. " My Lord Elmwood, if you have any demands The earl interrupted him : " Would you make me an executioner ? The law shall be your only an- tagonist." Matilda, quite exhausted, yet upheld by the sud- den transport she had felt, was led by her father out of this wretched dwelling more despicable than the hovel of the veriest beggar. CHAPTER LIV. Overcome with the want of rest for two nights, through her distracting fears, and all those fears now hushed ; Matilda, soon after she was placed in the carriage with Lord Elmwood, dropped fast asleep ; and thus, insensibly surprised, she leaned her head against her father in the sweetest slumber that imagination can conceive. When she awoke, instead of the usual melancholy scene before her view, she beheld her father ; and heard the voice of the once dreaded Lord Elmwood tenderly saying, " We will go no further to-night : the fatigue is to^ much for her. Order beds here directly, and some proper person to sit up and attend her." She could only turn to him with a look of love and duty : her lips could not utter a sentence. In the morning she found her father by the side of her bed. He inquired " if she was in health suf- ficient to pursue her journey, or if she would remain at the inn where she was." *' I am able to go with you," she answered in- stantly. A SIMPLE STORY. 345 " Nay," replied he, " perhaps you ought to stay here till you are perfectly recovered V " I am recovered," said she, " and ready to go with you," fearful that he meant to separate from her, as he had ever done. He perceived her fears, and replied, " Nay, if you stay, I shall do the same and, when I go, shall take you with me to my house." " To Elmwood House?" she asked eagerly. " No, to my house in town, where I intend to be all the winter, and where you shall still continue under my care." She turned her face on the pillow to conceal tears of joy, but her sobs revealed them. " Come," said he, " this kiss is a token you have nothing to dread. I shall send for Miss Woodley too immediately," continued he. " Oh ! I shall be overjoyed to see her, ray lord and to see Mr. Sandford and even Mr. Rush- brook." " Do you know him ? " said Lord Elmwood. " I have seen him two or three times." The earl, hoping the air might be a means of re- establishing her health and spirits, now left the room and ordered his carriage to be prepared : while she arose, attended by one of his female ser- vants, for whom he had sent to town, to bring such changes of apparel as were requisite. When Matilda was ready to join her father in the next room, she felt a tremor seize her, that made it almost impossible to appear before him. No other circumstance now impending to agitate her heart, she felt more forcibly its embarrassment at meeting, on terms of easy intercourse, him of whom she had never been used to think but with that distant re- verence and fear which his severity had excited ; and she knew not how she should dare to speak to 346 A SIMPLE STORY. or look on him with that freedom which her affec- tion warranted. After many efforts to conquer these nice and re- fined sensations, but to no purpose, she at last went to his apartment. He was reading ; but, as she entered, he put out his hand and drew her to him. Her tears wholly overcame her. He could hate intermingled his: but assuming a grave counte- nance, he entreated her to desist from exhausting her spirits; and, after a few powerful struggles, she obeyed. Before the morning was over, she experienced the extreme joy of sitting by her father's side as they drove to town, and of receiving, during his conversation, a thousand intimations of his love, and tokens of her lasting happiness. It was now the middle of November ; and yet, as Matilda passed along, never to her did the sun shine so bright as upon this morning never did her ima- gination comprehend that the human heart could feel happiness true and genuine as hers ! On arriving at the house, there was no abatement of her felicity : all was respect and duty on the part of the domestics- all paternal care on the part of Lord Elmwood ; and she would have been at that summit of her wishes which annihilates hope, but that the prospect of seeing Miss Woodley and Mr. Sandford still kept this passion in existence. CHAPTER LV. Rushbrook was detained at Elmwood House during all this time, more by the persuasions, nay prayers, of Sandford than the commands of Lord Elmwood. He had, but for Sandford, followed his uncle, A SIMPLE STORY. 347 and exposed himself to his anger, sooner than have endured the most piercing inquietude which he was doomed to suffer till the news arrived of Lady Ma- tilda's safety. He indeed had little else to fear from the known firm, courageous character of her father, and the expedition with which he undertook his journey : but lovers' fears are like those of women, obstinate ; and no argument could persuade either him or Miss Woodley (who had now ventured to come to Elmwood House), but that Matilda's peace of mind might be for ever destroyed before she was rescued from her danger. The summons from Lord Elmwood for their com- ing to town, was received by each of this party with delight ; but the impatience to obey it was in Rush- brook so violent, it was painful to himself, and ex- tremely troublesome to Sandford ; who wished, from his regard to Lady Matilda, rather to delay than hurry their journey. " You are to blame," said he to him and Miss Woodley, " to wish, by your arrival, to divide with Lord Elmwood that tender bond which ties the good, who confer obligations, to the object of their benevolence. At present there is no one with him to share in the care and protection of his daughter, and he is under the necessity of discharging that duty himself: this habit may become so powerful, that he cannot throw it off, even if his former reso- lutions should urge him to it. While we remain here, therefore, Lady Matilda is safe with her fa- ther ; but it would not surprise me, if on our arrival (especially if we are precipitate) he should place her again with Miss Woodley at a distance." To this forcible conjecture they submitted for a few days, and then most gladly set out for town. On their arrival, they were met, even at the street-door, by Lady Matilda; and, with an expres- 348 A SIMPLE STORY. sion of joy they did not suppose her features could have woru, she embraced Miss Woodley ! hung upon Sandford ! and to Mr. Rushbrook, who from his conscious love only bowed at an humble dis- tance, she held out her hand with every look and gesture of the tenderest esteem. When Lord Elmwood joined them, he welcomed them all sincerely ; but Sandford more than the rest, with whom he had not spoken for many days before he left the country, for his allusion to the wretched situation of his daughter and Sandford (with his fellow-travellers) now saw him treat that daughter with an easy, a natural fondness, as if she had lived with him from her infancy. He appeared, however, at times, under the apprehension that the propen- sity of man to jealousy might give Rushbrook a pang at this dangerous rival in his love and fortune. For though Lord Elmwood remembered well the hazard he had once ventured to befriend Matilda, yet the present unlimited reconciliation was some- thing so unlooked for, it might be a trial too much for his generosity. Slight as was this suspicion, it did Rushbrook injustice. He loved Lady Matilda too sincerely, he loved her father's happiness and her mother's memory too faithfully, not to be re- joiced at all he witnessed : nor could the secret hope that whispered him, " their blessings might one day be mutual," increase the pleasure he found in beholding Matilda happy. Unexpected affairs, in which Lord Elmwood had been for some time engaged, had diverted his atten- tion for a while from the marriage of his nephew : nor did he at this time find his disposition sufficient- ly severe, to exact from the young man a compli- ance with his wishes, at so cruel an alternative as that of being for ever discarded. He felt his mind, by the late incident, too much softened for such A SIMPLE STORY. 340 harshness : he yet wished for the alliance he had proposed ; for he was more consistent in his cha- racter than to suffer the tenderness his daughter's peril had awakened, to derange those plans which he had long projected. Never, even now, for a mo- ment did he indulge for perhaps it would have been an indulgence the design of replacing her exactly in the rights of her birth, to the disappoint- ment of all his nephew's expectations. Yet, milder at this crisis in his temper than he had been for years before, and knowing he could be no longer irritated upon the subject of neglect to his child, he at length once more resolved to trust him- self in a conference with Rushbrook on the plan of his marriage ; meaning at the same time to mention Matilda as an opponent from whom he had nothing to fear. But, for some time before Rushbrook was called to this private audience, he had, by his un- wearied attention, endeavoured to impress upon Matilda's mind the softest sentiments in his favour. He succeeded but not so fully as he wished. She loved him as her friend, her cousin, her foster- brother, but not as a lover. The idea of love never once came to her thoughts ; and she would sport with Rushbrook like the most harmless infant, while he, all impassioned, could with difficulty resist dis- closing to her what she made him suffer. At the meeting between him and Lord Elmwood, to which he was called for his final answer on that subject, which had once nearly proved so fatal to him ; after a thousand fears, much confusion and embarrassment, he at length frankly confessed his " heart was engaged, and had been so long before his uncle offered to direct his choice.'' Lord Elmwood, as he had done formerly, desired to know, " on whom he had placed his affections." " I dare not tell you, my lord," returned he ; VOL. XXVITI. 2 H 350 A SIMPLE STORY. " but Mr. Sandford can witness their sincerity, and how lqjig they have been fixed." ** Fixed !" cried the earl. " Immoveably fixed, my lord; and yet the object is as unconscious of my love to this moment, as you yourself have been ; and I swear ever shall be so, without your permission." f Name the object," said Lord Elmwood anxi- ously. " My lord, I dare not. The last time I named her to you, you threatened to abandon me for my arrogance." Lord Elmwood started " My daughter ! Would you marry her'" " But with your approbation, my lord ; and that " Before he could proceed a word further, his uncle left the room hastily ; and left Rushbrook all terror for his approaching fate. Lord Elmwood went immediately into the apart- ment where Sandford, Miss Woodley, and Matilda, were sitting, and cried with an angry voice, and with his countenance disordered, " Rushbrook has offended me beyond forgiveness. Go, Sandford, to the library, where he is, and tell him this instant to quit my house, and never dare to return." Miss Woodley lifted up her hands and sighed. Sandford rose slowly from his seat to execute the office; While Lady Matilda, who was arranging her music books upon the instrument, stopped from her employment suddenly, and held her handkerchief to her eyes. A general silence ensued, till Lord Elmwood, re- suming his angry tone, cried, " Did vou hear me, Mr. Sandford ?" A SIMPLE STORY. 361 Sandford now, without a word in reply, made for the door ; but there Matilda impeded him, and, throwing her arms about his neck, cried, " Dear Mr. Sandford, do not." " How !" exclaimed her father. She saw the impending frown, and, rushing to- wards him, took his hand fearfully, and knelt at his feet. " Mr. Rushbrook is my relation," she cried in a pathetic voice, " my companion, my friend : be- fore you loved me he was anxious for my happiness, and often visited me to lament with and console me. I cannot see him turned out of your house without feeling for him what he once felt for me." Lord Elmwood turned aside to conceal his sensa- tions : then raising her from the floor, he said, " Do you know what he has asked of me 1 " " No," answered she in the utmost ignorance, and with the utmost innocence painted on her face ; " but whatever it is, my lord, though you do not grant it, yet pardon him for asking." " Perhaps you would grant him what he has re- quested ?" said her father. " Most willingly was it in my gift." " It is," replied he. " Go to him in the library, and hear what he has to say ; for on your will his fate shall depend.'' Like lightning she flew out of the room ; while even the grave Sandford smiled at the idea of their meeting. Rushbrook, with his fears all verirkfcl by the man- ner in which his uncle had left him, sat with his head reclined against a book-case, and every limb extended with the despair that had seized him. Matilda nimbly opened the door and cried, " Mr. Rushbrook, I am come to comfort you." " That you have always done," said he, rising in 352 A SIMPLE STORY. rapture to receive her, even in the midst of all his sadness. " What is it you want ?" said she. " What have you asked of my father, that he has denied you ? " " I have asked for that," replied he, " which is dearer to me than my life." " Be satisfied then," returned she ; " for you shall have it." " Dear Matilda ! it is not in your power to be- stow." " But he has told me it shall be in my power ; and has desired me to give or to refuse it you, at my own pleasure." " O Heavens ! " cried Rushbrook in transport, " has he ? " " He has indeed before Mr. Sandford and Miss Woodley. Now tell me what you petitioned for?" " I asked him," cried Rushbrook, trembling, " for a wife." Her hand, which had just then taken hold of his, in the warmth of her wish to serve him, now dropped down as with the stroke of death her face lost its colour and she leaned against the desk by which they were standing without uttering a word. " What means this change?" said he. " Do you not wish me happy?" " Yes," she exclaimed "Heaven is my witness ; but it gives me concern to think we must part." " Then let us be joined," cried he, falling at her feet, " till death alone can part us." All the sensibility the reserve the pride, with which she was so amply possessed, returned to her that moment. She started back, and cried, " Could Lord Elrawood know for what he sent me ?" " He did," replied Rushbrook" I boldly told him of my presumptuous love ; and he has given to A SIMPLE STORY. 353 you alone, the power over my happiness or misery. Oh ! do not doom me to the latter." Whether the heart of Matilda, such as it has been described, could sentence him to misery, the reader is left to surmise ; and if he supposes that it could not , he has every reason to suppose that their wed- ded life was a life of happiness. He has beheld the pernicious effects of an impro- per education in the destiny which attended the un- thinking Miss Milner. On the opposite side, what may not be hoped from that school of prudence, though of adversity, in which Matilda was bred I And Mr. Milner, Matilda's grandfather, had bet- ter have given bis fortune to a distant branch of his family, as Matilda's father once meant to do, so that he had given to his daughter A PROPER EDUCATION. THE END OF VOL. XXVIII. Ellcrton and Hemlerton, Prime. Johnson's Court, London. r UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ft QCftNfflgfc .-ten ',l>-iJW J ** 1 25 T99I WW) MA1 ^ ^ ? 3 llIilllHil L 005 213 495 4 SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000 073 072 1