NOTICES ON CHINESE GRAMMAR PART I. ORTHOGRAPHY AND ETYMOLOGY. BY PHILO-SINENSIS. BAT A VI A: PRINTED AT THE MISSION PRESS. MDCCCXL1I. NOTICES 7/2- CHINESE GRAMMAR. BOOK I. CHAPTER I. ON SOUNDS. WITH regard to the sounds of the Chinese language She student would da well to consult Morrison's Gram- mar, which contains a short treatise on4he subject, la MarshmanVClayis Siuica,' there is a long and too theo* reticai essay. An able paper on this topic appears it* the Illrd Vol. of the Chinese repository, Na 1. Abel Roi/iusat's Gramtrmire Chinoise, contains a lucid expo oition of the system. Premare, in his Notitue, is v^ry short The introiuction to Kanghe's Dictionary, ftom whence most of the remarks of the above writers have been taken, is very full on the subject. For the FokeeB, in particular, gee Medhurst's introductory remarks to his Dictionary of that dialect, -and Dyer's -system of intonation; while for the Canton dialect, the Chinese Chrestomathy may be consulted, which adds Httle to the ^3-neral notices contained in the above wofks. i. On examining the. great mass of tte sounds of language, they appear as if they were the ^ dilation made by a child, Ajch just ^ m& la, he 5 foo; Sfor of SOUNDS. CHAP. !, simple.monoe-\ilables do the greater part of the words itesisl;; : ..TBey^te thus the bare pronunciation of the elements of which every other language consists, with- out their multifarious combinations. 2. The Chinese is the most monosyllabic tongue on. -earth, though not entirely so. The Annjtmese is fuller, and admits of more combinations; the Siamese resem* bles the Chinese in many respects, so also the Laps, but both have a greater number of polysyllables; the Birmah and Pegu, two cognate dialects, have increased their compounds, and the Cambodian still more so; the Ko- rean and Japanese are decidedly polysyllabic, though admitting of Chinese sounds to a great extent. It may also be remarked, that the Chinese oral medium has more combined words than the written one. 3. The student must therefore be prepared to deal with monosyllables in all their imperfections. If he 4 merely wishes to study Chinese literature, this subject need not engage much of his attention; but if, on the contrary, he intends to speak the language, he must from the very first, bestow much care upon repeating, after the teacher, with a shrill voice, every sound, endeavour- ing to assimilate his enunciation, as much as possible, to the Chinese drawl. Missionaries, above all, must acquire the proper pronunciation, from frequent oral communications with the natives, and they cannot do better than live amongst the people, in order to ensui < the acquisition of their dialects. Difficult as is the task, still many stupid Malays and Negros have learnt to pronounce the tones of the Chinese language bv this means; whilst well-educated men, who have confin- ed themselves to their teachers, have found great dif- ficulty of utterance, whenever they come in contact TOth the common people. The table of syllables, in v Morrison's alphabetic Dictionary, or that contained in Prsmare's Notitiee, if repeatedly read with a native, will pcrbapb assist the student in acquiring the various souses contained in the Chinese language. We have, for the most part, retained Morrison's orthography. which thoughr the initial, j^j led, to steal, as the final; thus 1 (ae and 1) e6 becomes Ie5. This is a very tedious process, and aot'eVfeH understood by the natives. The curious reader will find' enough upon this subject, in Kanghe's dictiouary, and Marshman's grammar^ 8^ The whole number of distinct sounds formed in Hie above manner is 629, including 195 aspirated ones, It WdUtS haxxe-been quite impossible to have expressed ^riB6ffs with so very few articulations of the voice, and AeTefdrethe* Chinese intonated them to increase their variety and distinctness. There are altogether font tones,, called^" shing, as ^ ping, the eveD,J; shang f . the high on0,0furac ate, ^ kheu, the low or falling soundy our grave;, and the J?v juh, or abrupt sound. The Chinese, mark them thus, i ^ ^ this, however* is not done, unless the word receive a dif- ferent signification from wha" it has generally, and only very exact writers, in few cases, make use of this diacritical mark. The reason is, that every native when hearing for the first time a word pronounced, though, otherwise entirely ignorant of the system,, knows imme* diately ta what sound* i* bdougs, Wsstew CHAP. S. SOUNDS. 5 lars mark thera^ when expressing Chinese in Roman letters, the ping, by a, the shang, by a, the k'beu, by a. the jfch f by &. This intonation is a very essential part of the language, to which a student from the. very first must accustom his ear. It would be in vain to attempt to convey an idea of the proper pronun- ciation cf these tones by rules; the auditory organs alone must be consulted; and when the distinction between them is ascertained, t ought to be carefully marked, what tone each character bears, for otherwise none will learn to talk intelligibly. Premare^ Morrison, and others have given lists of the tones, which if attentively perused with a teacher, will best initiate the student in this mystery. 9. The meaning of words, though to a foreign ear sounding in the same manner, is materially altered by intonation; thus ^g eh6o,ahinge; JjJ choo, a kitchen; J| choo, a place; jfe chuh,to go out. JJ. ma, hemp; 3| ma, ahorse; J| ma, to scold; ^ m, or ino, to wipe. Only those words which end in a simple vowel can have the short sound. Hherearenot many sounds that have tttis regular number of intonations ; 533 have the ping, 501 the shang, 519 the k'heu, and 221 the jiih, which gives the whole number of different sounds, varied by tones, to be found in the Chinese language, as 178L 10. It is remarkable that the same system of intona- tion is found throughout all the dialects, and it may therefore be considered as an essential part of the lan- guage. Some dialects subdivide the tones into two classes, higher and lower ping, shang, &c, whilst poets merely divide them into ^ ping, even; and JL tsih, deflected; subdividing them again into v^ tsing, clear, and >U chub, impure tones. 11. Notwithstanding this intonation, there are still, an immense number of words, which, though conveying different ideas, are to a European ear pronounced exact- ly alike; no les& than 1165 characters heave the sound rfe, and of the other sounds, tbare are often from 50 to ISO dbaiacte to each* aod ou average 16 characters to fj SOUKftS. CHAP. L each intonation, so that notwithstanding this refine- ment of tones there exists stii! very great confusion in the enunciation of this extraordinary language. 12. We have already remarked, that several cha- racters change their signification with the variation of the tone, as for instance g| yu, rain, becomes jj? yu, it rains; f|J woo, to hate, becomes H woo, or hoo, how ? H 6. or go, bad. Thus many substantives and adjec- tives are turned into verbs by giving to them the k'heu tone, as jt choo, aJord; choo,to rule; 1 shang, above; Jg shang, to ascend. Poets assume great liber- ty in changing the intonation, for the sake of cadence and rhyme. We would urge the reader most particular- ly to give his attention to this subject, as this peculi- arity is so very frequently overlooked. 13. Many characters change their signification, by adopting different sounds, or in other words, certain cha- racters have a variety of sounds and meanings. For instence, the character )rg read khe, means elegant, tall ; readkan, it signifies sincerity ;&] ke, to cut; read kwae. means to sharpen. This will appear still more clear, on examination of the dictionary: we merely subjoin the remark, that there are several characters, which may he read with two different accents, or even sounds, without changing the meaning. 14. It frequently happens that a similarity of sound conveys a similarity of meaning, thus "tt, king, $2. lung,^ king, and *g king, mean all violent; so also ii Ifj JR. 4R. 3R an< i ^ a ^ pronounced juen, or nwan, mean equally soft. This is not merely the case, where there is an apparent similarity of character, but also where these have not the slightest resemblance, i-i& HI heae, CJK! fit heae, bold: ^ and T g heaou, to call out. It is worthy of observation, that to a certain class of sounds, a certain series of ideas is attached, which remark would be confirmed by a reference to the dictionary: we shall quote here some examples : ^ shih, %g che,^j? seih, and H seth, all signify to know> to be acquainted wiih, yjij tung, ^ tung, |g. and tsung, ' CHAP. II. CHARACTERS. fmmg, mean obscure, dull, A slight attention to thte subject, w/mld greatly facilitate the acquisition of the meaning of characters. 15. Many passages in Chinese boolcs are obscure, be* cause the writers, not consulting the meaning of the characters, and merely expressing the sound, without reference to the Dictionary, havegreatly embarrassed the sense. This, is principally the case where persons have only a partial acquaintance with the written language. 16. Without proper attention to the intonation the spoken Chinese language is a mere unintelligible jargon; great stress therefore should be laid upon the intonation, as a wrong tone is not only grating to the ear of the scholar, but perceptible by the most vulgar. In com- position, the Chinese carefully put together their words, so as to produce a rythmus. and when the regular cha- not suffice, they use expletives to render the cadence complete. It would be well for the foreign student, when -beginning to read Chinese, to do it just in the same singing manner as the natives employ, for by this means he will learn to proaounce correctly, and avoid confounding congenial sounds. CHAPTER II. CN THE CHARACTERS. FOR a general system of the Chinese character, see Abel Remusat's Grammar. Marshcnan's Grammar contains a variety of good ideas, mingled with some un- founded theories. 1. To convey ideas of objects, by tracing an outline of them, is the first and most natural way of writing The Chinese being throughout an original people, a- dopted this mode in high antiquity, and the inventive. of writing is ascribed to tuh-he and TsangheS. Tbese tvorthiessresaidto haw fifet discovered this important 8 CHARACTERS. CHAP. II, art, on beholding the lines on the back of a tortoise, and the streaks with which beautiful insects are adorned. But as every body cannot paint, and the process in itself is a very tedious one, some more easy representation of ideas became necessary; the forms were contracted and remodelled, so as to suit the convenience of the writer. Tt is also very obvious, that for the greater part of ideas no imitative representations could be made,, and there- fore new and arbitrary signs had to be invented. Thus did the present system of the Chinese characters come into being, and attain completion after many changes and improvements. They constitute without exception the most stupendous work of human genius, of which xhe literary world can boast, and were brought to per- fection by the incessant exertion and ingenuity of thou- sands of the most intelligent persons, chosen from a nation counting millions, apd this after the labour of many centuries. Their acquisition is, therefore, very difficult,, but their construction is worthy of our ad- miration. 2, They have been aptly compared to our numerals, each possessing an intrinsic meaning, with this differ- ence, however, that from the component parts of some of the Chinese characters the sound can be partially ascer- tained. As a graphic system they have beauty and expressiveness in their favour, but their being so nume- rous and difficult of acquisition are very, great defects. The paucity of sounds in this language renders all syl- labic, or alphabetic representation of the same nugatoiy, and the manifold dialects make their adoption a matter of impossibility. The characters, therefore, are best adopted to form the written medium of the Chinese language. ; but some of the cognates, as the K o/eaa and Japanese, possess a syllabic system, by which the sounds of the characters are indistinctly conveyed; and e?en the Cochin fonesvadmits of the use of certains $mbols, which serves for conveying the sounds, nearly in the same manner as the above-named system. It as by the use of tfc -victors that this great nafcu has remain* ed one. whole* and btf^ gn&i soever tha uiaiactisai atf- tiHAP. II. CHARACTERS. 9 fere ; vices, the literature has * d the same, intelli- gible to the inhabitants of the most distant provinces, throughout all ages. 3. The modes of writing the characters are various. Those in present use are, 1st, the & *$| sung te, in which character most of the books are (>rinfcu. It is firm and slid*, plain and perspicuous; but it is little used ip writing: 2nd, the ^ ^f ktae shoo, pattern style, an elegant and free hand, differing from the other by the to tai absence of all stiffness : 3rd; the -fj- H" hing shoo or running hand, which is the quick mode of writing used in the business of common life: 4th, the J ^ tsaoutsze, is the extreme of the above, full of abbrevia- tions and contractions, betokening the hurry, mth whirl the characters are written, and almost unintelligible, except to the initiated. With the firs* three, even one who makes any pretensions to Chinese scholarship should make himself acquainted, while he should ajs*- endeavour to read the latter. There are besides these three ancient forms, little used, except by pedants, anc* in prefaces. They are 1st, the jji % le shoo, officu* style. introduced about the commencement of our ere thus called on account of its being used in the publi offices; it is more coarse and clumsy than any of th above, but has furnished the elements from whence th present mode of writing was drawn: 2nd, the ^ ^1 chuenshoo, a square character totally different from a others, almost exclusively used for seals : 3rd, the $$ $- k'ho tow, tadpole style; this is the primary hieroglyphic first used at the invention of writing, and now entirely / obsolete. The Chinese characters ere written from top f to bottom, and from the right to the left of the page, 4. A good classification of the characters i> still a d- sic! era turn; the Chinese have very little method in siu- matters, and exhibit therein the total absence of a phil sophi-cal spirit. The original and most nutural division which is still retailed i.n some Japanese dictionaries is to place their* according to their signification. Thu all characters that denote celestial objects are place uuder one head, those which signify berreetiol ones mi- 10 CHARACTERS. CHAP. II. der another, &e. This arrangement, however, has ma- By great defects, and renders it often very difficult to fed a character. Ihe mode adopted. by Kanghe and others, is to place the characters tender keys or ra* dica3$, called %5 poo; and another plan is to divide the ivhole mass of sy mi- ols according to the principles on which they were originally constructed. 5. In detailing the latter classification we follow native authors: 1st, there are characters refering to na- tural objects, to which they bear some resemblance; these are called ^ $1 hing seang, or hieroglyphics. Such are $ muh, derived from ts? the eye, &c. $- tsze, from ^ a child, &c. in all 608 in number. 2nd, there are characters that combine two or three ideas, in order to form a whole, as 3| seang, from wood. eye, and bamboo, which joined together signify a box. (the ( hinese have them elegantly made of bamboo.) l/D ning, composed of sun and moon; signifying toge- ther bright, clear: these are called ^ ^ hwuy e, combination of ideas, amounting to 740 in number: 3rd, those which convey by their formation some idea of situ- ation or form; as j=L san, three, formed of three strokes put together; 7\ hea, for ^ below, i and shang, for -i- above; these are called^S^che sze> indications of things, and are together 107. They might however, very pro- perly be'placed in the first class, 4th, there is # class, Called inverted symbols^ which have lost their originaf form; thus^ yew, right, for *)* ;andjfe tso, left, for ^ : these are called ^ ^L chuea choo, inverted significa- tions, and are 372 in number. This class seems to be Entirely fanciful. 5th, there are characters that have lost their direct meaning, and have retained the metaphorical one. Such are t'heih, a concealed heart, now used for vice. J# chub, grass springing forth, used fcr to go out. These are called jL f*| kea tseay, metaphorical, aflic? are 598 m Dumber. 6th, characters conveying some idea of sound are called ^ % shing hing, phonetic characters; they consist of compounds, of wjiich one con- veys the idea, and the other the sound: thut> 4fe pih, a cypress , composed of ^ muh, a tree, and & pih, CHAP. II. CHARACTERS, 11 white. The former indicates the idea, the latter the sound. 3^ gno, a goose, coro posed of ^ guo, the sound, and ^ neaou, the bird. This latter class is the most numerous, and contains no less thaia 21,810; making with the above 24,235 characters. 6. The elements of the characters are very sample; a horizontal and a perpendicular line, two obKque ones drawn in different directions, one with a hook at the end, and a point or dot; from these few strokes the vast variety of Chinese symbols has been framed, and they are all found in the character jjc yung, eternal. It is remarkable, that neither the circle nor the triangle has been used, whilst the square appears in the most varied forms. Calvgraphy is a science amongst the Chinese, and nobody can lay claim to scholarship without being able to write a fair hand. Much attention, therefore, is bestowed on the art of drawing the characters, and tnaay of the Chinese write very beautifully. The student ought to learn from a native teacher how best to sketch the symbol, and carefully imitate his manner. 7. The radicals under which the Chinese characters are classified, are 21 4. It is by no means necessary that there should be so many, for the forms of some are contained in others, and about one third have only a dozen characters under each, so that many of them are quite superfluous. In Gonsalves' Dictionary the num- ber has been considerably reduced. We may remark with regard to these radicals that most of them are ge- neric terms, under which a whole host of words is torn- prised ; such as ^ neaou, bird; $t yu, fish; ^ tsaou, gTass, &c. Though in many instances the radical in- fiuences the iiicaning, it must not always be interred, that this is the case; thus J|f tseay, to pretend, is found under the radical grass ; f|| kea, a price, is classed un der the .radical man, and so with a great many others. The number of characters arranged under each radical differs also very considerably ; thus *$ tsaou, grass, has 1423; j- shwuy. water, has 1333; J show, the hand, has 1012; Q k'hi.w. the mouth, has S83, It appears that the inventors of this system Uave embodied in their J2 CHARACTERS. CHAt. 11. list many original ideas, -whilst they have introduced 150 various, sounds. Ibis shows that the classification now treated of, was the result of deep research and much labour. 8. The principal use of these radicals, or keys, is to enable the student to find out the words in 'the Imperial Dictionary. As soon as be has discovered the radical, which occupies generally the most conspicuous part of the character, whether to the left or right, above or be- low, (the left being, however, the place of most of them,) he must oount the strokes of whieh the other part of the character is composed, and then look into the Dictionary, where he will find the word- arranged under its appro- priate radical, according to the number of the strobes: thus ^ tseay, tc borrow, is under the radical A, jin ? a raaiij with 8 strokes; $& j, will be found under the key i ho, fire, with 1 2 strokes, &c. The method of counting the number of strokes can only be acquired by use; thus * yih. is only considered as or- tri JC yew, and A mow, as two; and 12 k'how cbhb - ii>g three strokes. 9, Many characters are writ ten in different ways; equally correct; thus ^ che, to rehab, may be written '% % and $| So jS.aaon, torains/is also writ* ten jgg J|g. and thus with many characters that are much in use, some of wbteh hs*T six 'diffetcnt forms; one, however, is always thepredojaiivvte. 10. T Chinese lexicographers bve drawn a line of deraarkation between these --variations. 1. There are j ^1 ching tsze, characters which are correctly written, and have no variations. 2. (^ ^ tuivg tsze, identical characters, different forms having the same meaning, as j$| and -ff| shen, food, a mess; ^ ^ * ^S* il, and ^ all pronounced kwei, tlr^' ebeek bones, a diverging road, ; 3. >f(t '^-t'himg sze, ckaracters that have some rolation to each other, and may be used promiscuously, such as $* tsan, to rcangle, ab? viced fbr H. three: Jg moln. hnn^y. used forjjlf mefc v S8cret. 4. ^ f piin ts^r- r and ' ^ kco tsze,' origiBiai and ancient forms of the character ; of CHAP. II. CHARACTERS.- IS these there are a good many, as js for k'heu to walk; A for & kwae, a clod. 5. <& ^ ^hiVi, or vulgar forms; this class is the most ous. as jti for jflL k-wei, a denum ; ^ for J| . c&o>*. e rif-FiCE -will be < lerstand ; such nre^. far ^ ye:o severe; ^ lor ^ pan. to manage; HP A a lh>visand otljv- 1L Characters gnghily Riodified,' ought not to be considered as syn0ftiifloti$j unless the respective charac- teristic parts have a similar meaning, and the charac- ters differ in xio oilier res j)ecl Thus nany charac have promiscuoi&ly -;^'-' Hifih, wood, M- chuh. bnnv and -^ 'tsacuf, grass, 'for radicals^ and if the .voairdnder of the form reserableb one the other, they may almost lie looked upon as synonimes. Should, however, prevailing figure be ^5 nhjb. a stone, /^ jiiL, a man, or jfo Mth, Ktrengtli, then how similar soever in form, they gewerally differ as widely in meaning. Many Eynibols are to an unaccustomed eye nearly alike, though the meaning is materially different; thus .^t ping, peace,, aM ^ hoo, a note of admiration in. or at. ^ keen, to see, and Jl pei, a pearl, or precious substance. in distinguishing these, the attention should be directed to see, whether a perpendicular stroke be used, or one with a hook nt the bottom, and whether the slanting Strokes be straight- or bent Kanghe has given, in the introduction of tl.e Ihiperial Dictionary a list of cha- racters, which resemble each other; and Dav>* has writ- ten a very useful treatise upon Chinese Culigraphy, in fl-'- !rai38arm phrases it reads thus, j^ A keu jin, ',:rnuuate of the second degree; ^ Up? keu tung, behaviour; ^ ^j keuhing, to put in practice , c keu, a nobleact; - j^l yih keu, with oae fc once; l) - keu she, the whole world; 16 WORDSo CHAP, III. keu tseeti, to recommend; $j ^ kce, ; ]ca; : to arrange: $fc 3^1 paou keu, to patronize; ^ JljL seih ken, detail; J^ JL keu che, conduct; j^ .Jj leangkeu, twice; 4^ II: keu fa, to bring forward; A. jfa. ta keu, loudly; ^ ^ ^ ^ keu show che laou, a job; jjt JpL tae keu, to raise; fr ^ keu jang, to elevate; ^j^ tih keu, eminent; ^- ^ keu meers, to dispense ; ^ J^ kaou keu, to inform against, and many others. In this manner the meaning of the cha- racters is multiplied to a very great extent, and the most common ones ar subject to almost infinite variations. 17. It is therefore no email lask 10 become sant \vith the symbols of the Chinese language. Tiir best plan is to become ac^:-: ; - V({ with the 'kr of euphony, as J$~ he, and $L yay. 2. lr:o i s ks upon this subject we shall co-- : r^ 'jurseV 'jipally to the written language, :HATV tit. -jRiwa. It only notice the oral pBedhm, in so far as it stands in re- lation with the other. The Chinese language is exceed ingiy dissimilar to one wegU **> toagxies, and the Eur?i peau stuclent at^yerv stt- 'he greatest discrepa^ ties, if not the utmost contrariety, jis cornered with all that he has been hitherto accustomed to. The sooner, therefore, su h alearr?* can ; di\esthiiiiselt of Ms former ideas of Grr^mrnar^tht better. A.jDcitf^ene hereopenfe before his eyes ? and the more completely he can localize himself in this new sphere, the more easily will ne com- prehend the structure of the Chinese tongue. 3. Referring to the above enumeration of characters, it will be seen t tb. ^uagc m i, which ha* so maaj syrribol*; o foi > suppose that they weic fonned according ic the w^ats of and that no ; chatacler was framed, ttnl^as a new ides rei)dered it. rieces^ar. Them must ha^e been a great demaad for t^mh^ among a series of writers, who lif ed during a period of more than ^0 centuries, aod who touched almost upon every topic oi literc* penning volume upon volume, on each subject, if therefore, it may not be considered 4he rirhest language. {as far as the number of^ords is concerned,) it yields the palm of superiority to very ^few. 4. The Chinese is remarkable for an abundance oi synonymes, which were perhaps found necessary, either to remedy the defect of a monosyllabic t ngue, or to aid in the rythmus. A great number of these have at most the same meaning, at any rate i* is difficult to dis- cern the shades of difference between some of them; take, for instance, the characters for expressing the idea of examining; they are. ^ cha, jj ch, ^ sang, % kaou, ft kc, ^ kew, ft sin, jfc keen, ^ aieen, ^ tau, Sj ^Sn^ |&j seuo, jg% yen, |g yug, .- keen, ^j| kwan^ j^ sbe, ^ keaou, ^ hih, j she.^fr kan, 4 in r|^ fang, |i ke, ^ kwei |^ seang,and ^ hTh, all of which, either separately or combined, bave this meaning. So also the : charac* teis&j speaking ; L as f ktiang, 18 WOBDfc, CfiAP. ill. |. tan, ^ yun,1l yu, jq yufr,.|fe- lun, ^ fcaou, _ seu, &e. 5. The great resources of the language, however. consist in its capacity for forming compounds. Phrase? containing two words may be divided into four classes: 1. When both the characters are synonymous, as -^ ^ cha cha, to investigate: H !g shea seay, to writer $ $L hae urh, a child: fj || seTh shuh, accustomed. 2. When one of the characters gives a a general, and the other a definite meaning, as ^ yf seu taou, tautology; in this instance, >^ taou, to speafc, gives the general, and ~| seu, to reiterate, the definite sense. Jjl jjfc sanyen^ stern y severe; where ^ yen, regulates the meaning; and $. ^ keaou pwan, to transfer, where 3t expresses the definite idea, 3. When two characters respectively contribute to give a new 'but cognate idea: thus $ $- pwan 16, a snare, from $ pwan, ropes thrown about to entangle, and $t lo, threads of silk: ^ ^ pei pwan, to rebel, from ^f" pei, to turn the back on, and $m pwan t to revolt: (^ -f^ tung pwan, a companion* from 8 tung, together with, and ^ pwan, a^b associate, 4. When by the juxta-positioa of two characters an idea is elieked, which is not inherent in either of them: as j? ^ fang peen, alms, from ^r fang, a square, and ^ peen, convenience: _jfc i seen giing^ a teacher, from $L seen, previous, and i sang, bcra: > ^ ling gae, your daughter, from ^- ling, honourable^ an(! ^ gae, to Jove. 6. The first class is the most numerous. The Ch^ nese, much delighting in euphony, group a great many characters together, merely for the sake of sund. Thus they say, ^fe. j$L e fuh, clothes; ^jr sfeg ming^ life. Or they form the words isriih a view to greatest dis- tinctness in the sounds^ and to prevent mistakes. Thus they combine } $ e yu^, for joyful; *t& e, alone, raight signify a hundred other things,, but by this cdlo- eaison its meamiig is fixed. So tbey say, fc ^ tszc seu, regular; there are so many words pronounced tsze, thai the latter r whe cnunriated, ^ooM not distinctly . r iii. woum IS convey the proper idea meant by tsze. This is the great secret, 'Why, notwithstanding the paucity of indi* vidual sounds, and the great sameness with which the characters are pronounced, there still exists so much distinctness in the spoken language. But these com. pommfe are already definitely fixed by the force of habit. and cannot be put together at random, something like our words topsy turvy* harum scarum, and similar ex* presskms. A fine ear will soon discover the propriety and euphony that exists in this juxta-positkm of wotxis. In fee spoken language these synonymes occur more frequently, for the above reasons, than in the written. Let it, however, not be imagined, that the above com* pounding characters can only join with one associate; for there are several that may combine with two ae three others, with equal justice. To give an instance of the ainazing^exuberance of the Chinese languge we ]; yg sha imm, priest; a few also are repeated, as jg: jn pe pe, arranged iu order; and the language itself admits of tautology to a considerable extent 7. The second class is far less numerous, and there exists yet no Dictionary that has eareMly collected them, either native or foreign. A few will be found inters- persed in every lexicographic work, and especially iu Morrison's. They ought to be made a peculiar subject of study, otherwise many passages and phrases will rie-> eessarily be misunderstood. $$ ^ kwei yin, for io- gtwace, means defalcation, which a beginner, pethap% would translate, to tose^money: j^ ^ kung kv?^, CK- ercises of a literary nature, and by -no means, meritorious tasjks. To fee able to understand and use this class of WORDS, CHAP. XII properly famishes the best proof of real progress in the study of Chinese lore. 8. To the third class tnany words similar to our bricklayer, shcomaker, &c, belong. Under this head * T e also reckon a great number of metaphorical expres- sions, such as H X. ko tsub, to bind up the feet, gene- rally used for being fettered, or hampered;^ $ kwang kwn, a bare stick, a sharper: 7)* A seaou jin, a lit- tle man, a worthless fellow: ^ 4j| hwan fei, the soul flying, used for fainting; and many others, in which the Chinese have shown very great ingenuity. We ought here to remark, that it matters very little, whether in our acceptation of the words, the compounding characters are adjectives, substantives, or verbs; and Whether tfc<*y may be united with others belonging to a different class, the Chinese draw no such distractions, and amalgamate words at pleasure, no matter to what class they original- ly belong. 9. The fourth class, certainly the most difficult, is not remarkable for its richness in primary ideas, but for its utility in describing scientific objects, or words that have been introduced by progressive civilization* such as $1 $f[. seun foo, a Lieut. Governor: jfc. jf sfawuy sse, an admiral: %& jfe twan choo, a fault, an error: ^f ^ wae ko, surgery. The student should imt separate tfcese expressions, but consider them as compounds; just as he woutl pollysyllabie words in any language, and thus read waeko, and not wae ko, no more than he would pronounce, or write sur gery, or trans actions. 1(1 We should not be far wrong in affirming, feat the number of compounds in Chinese is greater than that of single characters, though most of the original ideas are conveyed in monosyllables, as is also the case in many instances in our own tongue. The Chinese language, moreover, is b well adapted to form new compounds, that the stock appears to be inexhaustible. As, however, every thing in Chinese Grammar depends Oc the collocation* of words, it is by DO fnea&s a& indi& feiettt' i&atttr w&kfe d fee two jp&^tO3 be put fce&re CHAP. if*. woitm 21 and which behind; a transposition either deranges the whole idea, or gives rise to a new one ; thus 3t i seen sng, conveys the idea of "teacher;" hut trans- posed "born before/* So also -ft i gn choo, a patron, hut ' t Jft, choo g&it, the grafce of God, And ty g| chung kwo, China, but H *f* kwo chung, the middle of a kingdom. 11. There are a great many characters, which though not forming a single idea, are very frequently found in company: such as ^ ;Q- tth hing, the prac- tice of virtue. >f~ H jin e 5 tefwolence and* justice; ^J HP le hae, advantage and injury : ^t $8, t&ou le, the principles of reason. The line of demarcation be* Iween compounds and adventitious collocations cannot be drawn so definitely, that there should not be occasionally an approach to either side, IB regard to the above mentioned classes, it ought also to be remenibered, that they are not so distinct, as' our general rules would geem to intimate; still this arrangement may enable the student to classify the compounds with which he "meets critically, and thus considerably assist his memory. 12. Though each of the last three classes have a distinct meaning in combination, yet they may occasion- ally be used separately; thus the compound JL H yen tsze, signifies together, faither and mother; butthej- may in certain connections be also read jS. yen, stem, and H tsze, kind t whicii^are the original meanings viation ; jj& ' ijfe. ^ ^ paou heen shin shin, detesr tation; words of ibis class are either strictly speaking compounds, as j% ^ ^ ^ seang Iwan che tsing, attachment; and ^ S^ ^ ^ sbwuy sze yew kefli, a post captain ; or they consist of the mere repeti* tion of two -compounds, as ^ ). ^- ^ paou ehangfungkeang, the defences ,(ofa country;) ^ ^ i> Jfc kin he yuh yg, delicacies: ^t' >u> ^ J^ sang sin ine^ k, abandoned, or they are ciflcumlo^ cations, such as ^ ^ ^ l& chow neen che nuy, within the cmnpass of e year; /^ /^ jfc jfe kwei tsan woo te, greatly ashamed; flL jli ^(t "fe kea tseay ming sfl^ pretence. Still, whatever they may be f they convey a single idea, more or less forcibly express- ed. There are very few of five characters like $| yf- Ui Jx $ lo foo san shihlan, the dendr(*bium; an3 fl $J. St.; if IS keen ts^g die yen yu, appthegms. Those of six are mere frequently met with, a ^ ^ ^ 56 ^ jt P aou heo shin tung king sze, learned; ^ ^ ^ ' $ ^ ^ tw^aa chwai^ ching s^i yen wei, majesty. 16. It cannot be denied that seme of these latter compounds may be resolved into distinct significations, still the native reader considers them as expressing one idea, and the meaning thus conveyed by the aid of a animal: c ..ymbols is fixed more impressively upon hk iniod. The ormatioii of these words seems to have just in the ssme manner a$ our adopiioa of CHAP. in. WORSS. 23 compound Greek words, as we ourselves stood in want . of proper tenpis for subjects of which ctur ancestor* / could not form the slightest notion. The Chinese lan~ guage possesses, moreover, one advantage; it .can place a great number of words before substantives^ as epi- thets, and thus incorporate the description of Ihe subject mth the word itself, so as to represent it under the most varied forms, (See the Syntax.) 17. A great many compounds, if we may call them so, are. also formed, by putting at the end of a string of words either J& chay, or teih; as ff ' Ifc ffij ta yu teih, a fisherman; ^ ^ $3 tso heae teih, a shoe* maker. Whether we denominate these phrases, or simple compounds, it is all the same; the idea becomes by this process concentrated, thus ^ % cho chay. a maker; ^J 3$ hingchay, a waiter. $1 31 seang puh taou chay, incomprehensible, u* $L ^ fa $ irij fifc yew kwei lieu teih, irregular; ^ *~g" ^ ^ puh k'hoshay tefli, unpardonable. (For the formation of words bj annexing $ uA, and ^ ^ s * e see the (Chapter W Particles.) 18* A little study of the language soon convinces one, that it not merely consists of words, but in a great measure of sentences, or phrases, which are used, ae our law terms and proverbs. This ought to be kepi ii view by the student, and as many of these trite express sions committed to memory, as that faculty is abte to retain* 1^ The Chinese have no idea of our grammatical distinctions, aor has a singte native writer touched upon the subject^ Whatever, therefore, is said in the second part of this work must be understood as an attempt to place the language under grammatical rules, in order to facilitate the study of it to Eumpeans. A word may be used as a substantive, adjective, or verb, just as it pleases tfc^ speaker or writer, and its position shows in what sense it ought to be understood; for instance, jfe yu, with, may also signify to give; :ty yih, to oppress, may also Be tta disjunctive partite; ^ tsin, mayb^ e tlfg 'JtOtm. CHAK I. relation,.*)? to approach, or ftea?; > che, may signify trf, or toamveat; f^r neang, to lookup, or the preposition to, We find r4s0 the same word repeated, when the first is a verb, and the second a substantive or adjective, for instance jji ^ te te, to treat younger brothers as such; ^ .JL 3\ $ she shs fei fei, to declare what isrightio be right r id what is V7roug to be wrong: ^S- ' i& M -S ' mou ^ aoa wo ^ ^ esteem what is good rmd hate what is bad, 20, The Chinese themselves divide all words into j| ^ heu tsze, empty ch^ , or jp& ^ tsoo tsxe f anxyiaries, and '|f ^ shih tsze$ solid ones; th* former are the particles, the latter the otbur pails o| speech. These are again subdivided mto .$ 3p. living characters, verbs, or ^c '4" Sise tse ? ad adjec BOOK 11 GRAMMAR, ETYMOLOGY, CHAPTER I. THE 1. WE ought -here to ^ premise that the Chinese wifb its cognate tongues has no inflexions, and that alt the grammatical distinctions, which are thus indicated L* other languages, are here conveyed by particles an6 generic terms. 2. We suppose that the student is acquainted witb general Grammar, and therefore spend no time in defini- tions. Whatever is here said points strictly to the pecu* liarities of the language, without any attempt at adspt ; bg this tongue to tbe Lgititt trremmar* We intend to C&AJB. I. give the Chinese, as a whole, such as it is > independent of any other language, to enable the reader to become fully acquainted with its idioms. ON THE ARTICLE. J&. In most instances, the Chinese language leaves the article unexpressed: as ^ g ^ j& %, j muh tseang tae ch6 tsze leaou, the carpenter has brought the table: ft ^ >^v ^ he6 s^ng tsae juh ub, the pupil has just entered the house. When* however, a stress is laid upon the word, either ke, the third persona! pronoun, or %j chay, the relative pronoun, or the demonstratives }fc teze, $% ^ze,or^ pe, are used to indicate it: as Jj Hi f ^P ^5 l&jL ke 6 pepuhklioshaymeen. the sin oan- not be pardoned : ^ ^ ^. fo ke jin hwae tub sin, the man harbours malicious intentions: Jfe ^ > 1ft ?T ~j& & tsze tsze shang k'ho kea yay, this child is still praise-worthy: ^f IS ^f> Sfe It hZf * s ^ pull ke^ ko, the tree does not bear fruit: ;ffc. j| -^ ^- H. 1S. pe tse tsing chun sang gow, the woman became a widow in her youth: A ^ lit ^ ^ 1fe ^ Ifr ^ jin chay woo tih gan nJlog jin chih boo, IiiAV can the man void of virtue hold an office ? 4. la the conversational language 2t $9 chay ko, and ^ ^ na ko, serve the same purposes. It ought to be remarked, that all these pronouns may be translated this or that; but still the rule holds good, that wherever a definite article is necessary, the above words are used. The most frequent term employed in books is j ke. 5. The indefinite article is, in highly finished literary works, never expressed; in books wiitten in the conver- sational style, and in common parlance it is conveyed, though not very frequently ,^>y yih, 'fffi yih ko> * ^H yih ko, and ^ yih ko, (an abbreviated fomofijj ko;) g 1$ -jfc ^ >7> ^ petfj yih kong shale, gave him a pear: ^ ^ ^ 26 SASS&. oH&r. i. & jfc k'han yih ko yen sih telh ncu, he saw a beauty: ^ >fgj :$f % yew ko haou e 5 having a Sood intention. Almost all the Chinese substantives ave their particular numerals, which, put before the noun, serve to circumscribe the indefinite article, as "~ $5* DL y& chih chuan, a vessel: > -ft ^ yih keen sze, a business: ^. ^ ^ yih chun k'bw&e sze, a pleasing affair: *% j)jfe j|t yu te yih fcaon, an edict. (See the paragraph on numerals.) OK 6. Before proceeding further with the noun, we must here remark, that there exists a very great differ- ence between the conversational style, and works strictly literal, which will be amply treated of under the Chapter on Style; we shall only observe here, that we intend henceforth to distinguish these two modes by conv. (conversational,) and lit. (literary.) ' 7. The genitive is expressed either by position. preceding the nominative, or by H che, (lit.) and j$ teih, (conv.) l*hus A. 4 jin uh, a man's house: ^ H theen sing, heaven's stars. It is thus thai many compounds are formed, as ^ $r shoo fang, book room, a library: ^f ,tjt yu shwuy, rain water. Regard to euphony and practice, will teach us whether we ought merely fco indicate this case by position, or to use ) che, and IHj teih; for one may say, A ]Jt ^ jin che uh, and J^ b 3, t'heen che sing, without changing the idea. If, however, several words precede, these particles must always be used; as ^ 33L ^ ta<>u le che ching, the truth of right principles: # -jfc A ^ % ^r ywn fei'fhajin & woo, it was not the affair of other people: & % It H che shen chay che foh, to know the happiness of flje good: "^ H * fe A chung kwo teih jin, a man of the centra! empire, a Chinese. In the colloquial style jfc te, and ^ te, on account of sound. ?rft -rften substituted for CHAP. I. CASES. 27 ' Every class of words, when placed before the noun, may require the genitive particle, just as if they were nouns; x 9* ft 'ft *t ^ ts6 hing che yang, the man- ner of doing any thing: A ^ ^ jin che to, many people: H |L > /& shea leang che sin, a good aeart^ and similar expressions: (see also the paragraph upon the particles ^ che, and jHf teih.) It is well to remark also the following formations : ^5 |f$ teeh teih, made of iron: Jfi 1$ shih teih, stony: ^ W *niih teih, wooden: ^ % seay teih, written. 8. The dative is seldom expressed. The following may he noticed: $ H #. . jlf- ffc e sin me tse joo ? we provii : 3 you with fuel and rice: ;$fe 41? ^ A she g5n chung jin, to show favour f o all men. In cases where emphasis is required, the particle j^ yu, is used; *& ^ ^ ^ yu ke tuh, r^ead io him, (this may how- ever also signify, cause hn to read:) ^ J88 JL ^1 fi yu P^ n g yew sfcwo hwa, to speak to a friend; ^ ^ $L JL A ieih tseeri yu kung jin, to give inoney to workmen: ^ ^ % ^ yu gno Mn lae s seize and bring him io me: fa heang, ^f yu, anci ^ yu, (the latter merely on account of the similarity of sound) are often used for ^ yu, as in the following jjastanceir, ^ ^ Jfa ^p yu gno woo kao, it is JQO- thing to me: ^ A Ht ^ 3& 7 u ji woo pe jah^ no advantage to men: gj fe fa wn yu gno, ask me: fa ifc ^ heang t'ha shwft, tell him: ^ ^ ^ ^ heang yang shang t'haou, ask the Hong-merchants, or demand from them. Speaking to., may be expressed by ^ -flfc ^| tuy ta keanar, speak to him: ft ^ ^ ho ta shw6, or ^ ^ <|Jt te to shwo, tell him^(conv.) JFor, or instead of, is mostly ex- pressed by 3fc wei, and occasionally by 4* tae, and ^ te, as }^ A ^ -j^- wei jin keuen ming, (lit,) to sacrifice one's life for men: ? jjt A ^ taou sh& jin, to kill mea with die sword; H ^ JH A e vm - ^"h jiu, to subdue men with kindness, g) yew r is rtot only used to indicate the place from whence any tl as J| v jfc Ife wei joo tso, I do it on your account- ^ fi $$ X tae heung pwan le, I manage it for my brother; ^~ ^ ft *e tsae hae pa. afraid r.bout the child. cr K ^ y^^^?St tsuD ?r aBr l ^ tsze ex - ne;KS ^ ^ ^ * kea le lae. come ttel- t < t ^ * * 5^ tsze t" ae pin. frr- .vent JT at, is convey S t&Sv. J- ViK ^- yu, df .- bV tf Jt -- HAP. 1. 5KSRE. 29 tsaou miih, there is no yerdure or wood on the hill: X ft, 7 /v H j& fheen leaner vu jin chc sin, heavenly goodness in the human heart; *fe ^ weikewchoo ke, to seek it in oaeV Ji >*t- jjL ^ff che yu che shen, tarest in extreme goodness; , S * *5r J* ^ Iten Ife^g neen yu ching mow yft, for two years be traded in the city. With, is expressed by _Jfe{ yu ? and timg, as J^ JV ^B ^2 yn jin seang ho, to live peaceably Trith people; A) ^ JiJ \ tucgjoo ch'huh wae, to go afcvr.-aJ. ;vith you: ^ kea? is used ic the same manner. . v.sed before words expressing time, are generally n as -jf- >^ :i ^ ^ ^ ^ Ht sliih yew uA tsae seun show fang yuhl on the 12th year he went to inspect the districts and mountains ; tp " 8 & ^ *fr tseih 3^ ch'huh sing ching, on that very day he left the provincial city. The use of ^ yu, to express *n is by no means of frequent occurence. 1 1 . The vocative is cither not expressed at all, as ^ 3%T %* lao^ yay lae, come here, sir ! or by ^ yay, after the word, as ^ ^fc. ^ yu yay lae, come hither Yu ! or by ^ o, as ^5 ^ f^ lang keun o. oh my husband ! In conversation uj va ? is sometimes .put after the word, to indicate this case; Jj^ yu> and ?jt. e, are likewise used in this manner in good wri- tings: ^ vf- gae}^a ? and Ff hen, are frequently used in exclamations, .and -j^ tsae, at the end of a sentence. (See the paragraph on interjections.) 12. The student will readily perceive, that the Chi- nese cases, as given above, do not exactly correspond with ours, but further study will teach him where to use these particles, and where to omit them, whilst it will also :rd him in the construction of seiner ON GESDR. 13, Chinese nouns, grammatically considered, have no gender; but whenever the saUoe of things is pointed out. there are generic terms to convey tihe sane: t\v 30 NUMBER. CHAP. I. man beings, )&> nan, and $- neu, express male and fe- male; for animals generally, & kung, and -#* moo; for cattle in particular, $L mow, and >ffc pin; for birds, %JL heung, and Jft. tsze; for inanimate things, (9j kang. [nasculine, and ^ jow, feminine: j?L keen, and $$ kwao, or )^ ym, and ]5 ya?ig, for the male and female principles of nature, have their origin in the popular idea, fnai sex pervades the universe, and that all inan- imate things partake either of one or the other quality. 14, The words above mentioned are never added to the substantive, unless with a view express the gender; as ^ ke, a fowl; || ^ ke kung, acock; ^ -Jg- be mow, a hen; & jfy ^ & Wt ^ fr & % tsze iween yang we heaou she pin mow chay, I do not yet know whether these sheep are ewes or rams; i ^ ^t -^ sang tsze nan neu ko yih, he brought forth children, onfc son and one daughter. The appli- cation of these characters is very easy; they seldom oc- cur, and only when it is a matter of importance, that the gender should bs known. ON NUMBER. 15. Every Chinese noun may be expressive of tbe plural as well as the singular, thus J\^ jiu, may be a man, and in en; ^ neu, may he a ox, atid oxen; 4f it heo skng, disciple, or disciples. Unless it be distinctly indicated that a wcrd has a plural signification it is left doubtful. The plural form of the noun is pointed out, when necessary, by the use of particles: we shall here enumerate the particles which are used for the purpose, beginning with the most common, and afterwards ex- plaining them. ^ *&ng, #9 mun, ^ P^.ifl ^J "^ tsaou, -j^- tse, ^sd ^ chow, which a*e put after &e substantive: so also ^ k5, fj| choo. ? jl. chung, t* fan, and j| shoe; sil of which are put bfore tbe :o6iUt, feud are strrctfy shaking collective adjectives, though used to convey the sense of the plural; so also lg ^Iseang t^ng, agrieulturists and artisans: $ ^/ ^ ^t 1 A, -? P^ en pi n g w & n woo, jshang 1 jin tang, soldiers, civilians, military officers, and merchants, (the and is always left ouU) $^ mun, is more frequently used with the personal pronouns, as 3$ ^ g*to mum, ' wsj ^ '1W jo raun, you; sometimes in conversation it is annexed to substantives: ^ pei, is employed when u class is to be indicated, as g, ^ 6pei, th wicked; "^' ^ tseen peijvirid >$t ^ how pet, predecessors, and successors; ^ || ^ ^ wang e die pei, the unjust; |^_^ ^ X tung pei ehe jin, equals; f tsaouVand^S luy, are nearly of tbe same import as ^ pel, but not so frequently used; thus * ^ kwan Isaou, means officer^ ; ar*d H |^ fei luy, vagabonds: 1^- tse, and i^ chow, indicate likewise classes, and kinds, companies; -g- ^ WO o tse, we, is used by good writers. ). ^ Chung is very frequently used, as |^ ]tf chung sbang, all the merchants, or the merchants: 1 i chung sing, all living things, or .ereatiires, mankind, |i choo, is also corot?on, a. ^ 5fe i l fi i -" '4Ht jSi chuo seen sang keae woo piag', the tea- chers are all well; ^ % choo ivith, all things, things-' So also 4^ k6, as ^ A kojin, every man, or men; -^ ^ k6 choo, every place, or places:^ slioo, has nearly the same signification, as f| choo, though less frequently used, as ^S i: shoo sze, scholars; %, fan > is more coiimion, asjl A fan jin, all men, or men; /C fan, is often preceded by $& choo, as JL *$) fsm wuk thir>g& t or ^ ;t ?% ff dioo fa^ wub hteo tfUMBBB, CHAP, Ju ^ Keae, and >&p to, frequently occur m good Writings as well as in conversation: as A ^f j& :C jin keae ehe cbe, all men know it; it, -? Sf~ 3? %* foo tsze keae hing tih, father and son both practiced vir- tue; ift jt f> ^fc p&ng yew too pub tsae, the friends are all ab- sent; 4ft keu, is most frequently found in literary com- position, as /H fft % W M > ^ y ew so sze wuhkeu puh show Jbe received none of the things that were given; ^ ^ ^ ^ mcen yang keu sze, all the sheep died; ^ %$ 1jC 4-" ^ eu , n ^ e ^ ett tseuen, the weapons were sli prepared. ^ Han, is less frequent, as ^ fy ^ ^ joo han tsung che, the scholars all followed him, 20. There are a. variety of other modes of expressing the plural: by repetition, as ^ & kea kca, every fami- ly, families; g jihjih, every day, or daily. By the word j to, many, as ^* g A ^ tfe ^ ^ chung kwo jin to ch'huh wae fang, many Chinese go to foreign countries ; or by the numerals Jj pih f and H wan, (but ^ tseen, less frequently,) BS lg *Jr pih kwah/ihe Mandariiis ; ^ ^ pih pwan, various ways; H ^S waatih, all virtues, or virtues, || -^ wan she, for many ages; ^ ^ tseen ke, a variety of plans. There are some peculiar forms of expression, as ^ ^ sze hae, four seas, or the seas; i 3? woo fang, the five points, or all points; J. ^ woo ping, the ele- ments; i ^ woo lun the relations of life; JL ^_ woo kuh, the various kinds of grain; JL ^ wootseo, the different ranks of nobility; Jt ^ woo we, the five, or various tastes : because the Chinese, either in reality or imagination, assume them to be so many in number. Such are also jL ^ kew chow, the nine parts of the world, or the whole globe; $U % k ew J ew > creatures, &c. For excess and multitude, ^ keun, ^ yun, and $r fuug, are often used, as ^ yV keun jin, many met*.; $& $i *j $i chueu chih yuB tseih, the vessels assembled irferowds; '^ |^ ^ j$t toau tsih fnng ',::,% the thieves rose up, as thick as bees : we find also, H4f>. 1, JSUMSEB, jiu joo iin, or ^u & joe sa, men lifco threats or hills, that is in great multitudes; or shorter without -$$ joo, 6s JL li Jin san, or X $$ j* u ^ ae ? mejl *** con- siderable numbers, like hills ami seas. Some, the Chi- nese express by j| soo, and H' ke, a$ ^ %} ke kea some sentences, and Ijfc. JJ soo jKh, several days. 21. An idiomatic peculiarity, which the Chinese has in common with the Japanese, is the addition of a ge- neric term to various nouns, for the sake of enumeration, which we may compare to mil habit of sayitig heads of oattle, *?w?m of silk, sheet* of paper, &c, But eipres* sioHS of this kind are not of frequent occurrence witn us; whilst in Chinese few isoims are found to which one* two, or even three af these terms isuot applicable* We shall here quota the most coimacm. ii Ko, is applied to a great variety of soufig, espe* eiallyin conversation; when written in the above man* ner, it stands ibr living beings, but for inanimate things it changes into ^ ko 3 or the abbreviated fonn ^ ko; fewwriters> however, make this grammatical dk l .-.*- tioin Thus 1SJ X yihko jin, one man; '. -|g ^aa ko pan, three planks; . >f-/g^wsoko ping, *ive cakes. 4 Chih, is applied to vessels, animals, and si objects; as m? ^.|&&ze chih cliuen, or|& 1RI chuen sse cliih, four ships; Z ^ ^ san chihyatig three sheep; JL ^ % woo chih cho, five tables. %\ Tuy,and ^ shwang, are used with all the nouns, that can be arranged in pairs ; as ^ ^[ yih tuy heae, a pair of shoes; ^ ^ yih shwang wS, a pair oi stockings: and further, as in other languages. j}4 Chang, is used for every thing that can be spread out; as ^ ^yihchang ehe, a sheet of paper; ^-* $k ^ ^ yih changk&oushe, aproefematioB,(that is, a paper containing one;) ^ pg ^ yih chang mun ]een, a door screen. ^> !Pa 5 >^ nsodfor things that have a handle; as 7- IS fl yih pa taou, a sword; ^ j& saou pa, a besom, and a variety of others. ^jL Che. is. used for things that are straight, in thr CHAJP, I . of Branches^ as %$i Ht y& che peen, a whip; "LUT y& che chub, a flute. $fc Teaou, very much resembles the former, in its use, as ^ gj| yih teaou shing, a cord; f^ ^ yth teaou ho, a river, &c. 8H Keen, is used for objects that comprehend space, &s buildings of every description: thus 3. $] ^ san Keen Sh, three houses. ^ Tso, BOW and then, also $f tso, designates places, as M. ^5 yih tsoching, ac%; Z Jl 2> sari tea-jib, three towns. tfj* Fuh s or X peih, are used for pieces, or parts; as y jjf yih pe9i poo, a piece of cloth, rt l lg ^ urh fuh hwa, two pictures^ $ Keen, serves to enumerate things m general, as """ ^ yih keen sze, or ^ ff sze keen, an affair; gan keen, a case in law- in the former in- chun, is often used. This particle is like ko, arid^ ehih, and is often promiscuously em- ployed; as 'ft ify yih keen san, a jacket; % ff -wuh keen, things; ^ ft ho keen, goods, &c. ^S!f Foo, means a set, a lot; as $ &. & yih foo Khe keu t a set of instruments, or utensils. $% Kwae, is used for pieces, or any thing substantial and sol id fas ^>5 yihkwaebbih, a stone: S j^ j^sankwae yin, three doUars; jg twan, @j and yucm, are used for globular things; and^ fang, for pk--.-es; as /-^ ^ ^ ^ yih faog choo juh, a piece of J.H?:!;. W* Cbh\, a gust, a dash, a beam; as )*4 JL y2i chin fung f , a gust of wind; Rfc j& yih chin kwang, a beam of light; ^ $$ yih chin yen, a puff of smoke: ^ chang. is used nearly in the same man- ner; as . ^ 'j- yih chang woo, a mist; tfjfr g yih chang yu, a shower of rain. K Paou, is used for bundles, as ^ -fe yih paorv rrseea hwa, a bale of cotton; t ^yi che 5 a bundle of paper; so also #L cha, as yih cba peih, a bundle of pencils ; ^L ^ jib che, a bundle of paper: so also j^. so, C Kea. for frames and machiner as $i ^ CHAK -K NtTMBgU. 35 ih kea shwuy keu, a firfe. engine; *j? ^ | swan pwan,.an abacus. * Tan> for things of weight and burdens; as fa ^F yih tan hingle, a load of baggage 4f |[ yih tan soo tsae, a load of vegetables J?& Teen, for small things, drops, &,?., as f^ yih teen she, a moment of time;.*- |fg g yih tee** rain, a drop of ink. )?C Twan, indicates parts, and sentences; as g. ^j- ^ yihtwansin wan, a piece of news; !L >fc yih twan te, a part of land. 4jf Kwan, enunserates things that are hollow; as ^ Ipt yih kwan. peih r a pencil; ^ ^"'3^b. bwah seaou, a pipe |^ Kwan, tke4$c teaou, enumerates law$ 5 -pip-jsceptg.- potitions, business, affaire, &c. as |gt ^ yih kw sze, an affair;^ >ff -s ^ tsow tsingyih kwan, memorial. Jfe Koo, for shares and parts; as |_ i ^ sange, a share in some trading concern: yih koo shing, a bundle of twine -ft Wei, and & ming, are used &r enumerating hu- man beings; the former, however, is mainly confined to persons of raiik; while \J yuen, is applied to gc^en> meat officers. For instance ^r j/% E9 -^ fan r^acfii szemiiig, four foreign sailors; J$ ^ ^ ffeseangkung san wei, three gentlemen; X *l S ^-w^n kwan yuen, ttirec civilians; ^L wei, is^ also used for as ^L 1i paou wei, a cannon. ^ TsSiBg,is used for a layer, a story, a set ; as /f |g; y^b tsSing che, a sheet of paper ; yf j?L .. yih ts&ng fc~ pun, and^ peeih are used exclusive- ly for books and papers ; fy keu, for enumerating sen- tences &nd phrascB; yjf, taou, and f te, for edicts and states papers; as ||- TJJ& ^ yu teg san taou, three gdigte; "g show, is applied to odes; as ~f(~ ^ yih show she, a piece of poetry : |[ yfc, is used occasionally for TtKK&s and papers ; HS f[ ^ ^ yih yS che t&een. a feund^ 0f gilt paper: ^ fuog, for enumerating letters: as if f| yih fung gin, one letter. ^ Kewn, and ^lio, for congregated numbers; as -^ t ijz $; yihkeun neaou, a covey of birds; ^ g| ^ yib feo fei t'hoo, a company of vagabonds. 1 ling, is employed for carriages and caps: and ^ ckuec, for rows and files ; as - *p -Jc qp yih chueu ping tipg, a ftle of soldiers: Jfe dbin, or.^choo, for trees v^ ko, for plants: ^. shing, and |^ leaug, fur car^ riages and sedan chairs:^ tnow, for plots of Isoid et groimd;^ ling, for ccats or jackets:^ t'iow, and V kl*QW,
r rollg, books, chapters, &c. jfe. tsan v for me .2y fbnued things ; lk Ieag, for silver : tr. ivosmm 37 22. The reader will no doubt perceive that most of these terms are attached to nouns, to which they bear some relation, either in shape or quaiiiy* and a frequent perusal of the 'foregoing paragraphs will enable the stu- dent to make a right use of them. We may add, how- ever, that they form an essential part of the language* and to omit them, when necessary, would be as great an offence against grammar, as to dispense with our articles and prepositions, when the construction calls for them, Several nouns take a variety of numerals, and in most instances tleir leaning is thereby modified. But en* phony, and the structure .of the language, often rec; them* where there exists no apparent necessity. The Chinese say, foriustaace, ^ /,' poo 'peiL 'for cioih: ft $t fc JL lefiwei jiuheuag, benevolent brethren, or gentlemen, &c.' In most cases, hoivever, stnct enumeration of the subjegi is not omitted, CHAPTEE It TRB A2>ia^iVS- ..~ POSITIVE, 1 . Ta E recsark previously made, that Chinese worcea- sionally be changed into nouoti, as Jt JL ke to, its greatness; ^t ^ keseaou, its littleness; o also into verbs; as ^ . ta che, to enkrge it, Sec. On the oAer haud, many uouii:i occasionally assume tiie shape of ad- jectives by being placet before other substantives, as ^ ^ t'Kfeea chaoi>, H*e c^sfeal dynasty, ^ ^ ehr wuh, worfdly things g %. ^ che *$h Jia, vary hardhearted. 3 COMPARATIVE CH AS*. Tt. 2. - It is peculiar to the Chinese language to unite a great many words before nouns, wfcieb then assume the nature of adjectives; as Jl ^ ^ i& A fan yew ping teih Jin, *11 the sick; $ ft & '* * ' y ^ % yew ke caa e chuen mow yih cne tsih, the duty of insti- tuting enquiries into the trade of foreign vessels ; all the words are here placed hi relation to J| tsih, as if they were its epithets. 3. Much of the signification of adjectives depends upon their position. The common mode is to place them before the Boun ; as ^ A baou jin, a good man ; if two or three precede, they do not require a connective particle; as^ J*,&shenleang min, virtuous people; J^ .'Sfe vlt ;& tneiyen tseih nju, a beautiful modest wo* man. Where there are more than two adjectives, fc ehe, generally intervenes between them and , the sub* stantive; |t M #\ ^ ^ 1? g paouyole hae cbe kwan yueti, cruel and annoying officers. Two adjec- tires put together have rf ten ^ teih, or chay, at the end; as J| )B % yaou yung teih, needful; j jj^ % be yea chajr, very severe. 4. Wtenevcr the substantive verb is implied, adjec- tivesare put after the aoun; as A 3& fa haou, be is a good man; Hi 3jfe sing m^ng. he is of a. savage nature. Phrases Kfce the following are u~e{iK.yit ; as j^ jfe & ;fc. t ? h^i teche ta, the greatness .of heaven and earth; & ii ^ ^ sin leang che kwan, the extent f gene- -Iu these cases the adjective by its position as *he nature of a aoun, as hinted above. The for* of epithets like $ $ nuih teih, woodea; : ir kin teih, goidten; and A $ t'heeja tefla, he ^ very common. COMPARATIVE. . We know f no language that adopts so es of expressing the degrees of comparison, as She i.e$-e. For tbe benefit, of the reader we shall here ^^npifculate all that has oiste under our observafioa^ &hd trtistiie will endeavour to femilis^ixe himself phrases. .' II. COMPARATIVE, 3$ 6. Our more is expressed byjtkang; as Jt | Itmg mei, more beautiful ; when two objects are coin* pared with each other the latter is preceded by &;pe to compare; as . jJt # )*- 4l * g. It teze aeu pe pe ueu k&ng mei, this woman is more beautiful tfean that : jS kSng, is however, occasionally omitted; a& 3% )t ik $$ --^.gnopejoohaouyih seay^lam ihe? better tban you ; or jgfkeaou, is annexed ; as -Jfc A ^ ^ .j. ^ gno pe keaou joo k^ng baou ? I am better than yom Sometimes k&ng is preceded by * % seang tay ; as >^ ^ ^g ^ ^ ^^ 300 gno seaag tuy, gno k&ng haoti, compared with each other, I am better than you; the same idea is also conveyed by ^L iSJ keaou tuy. Furthermore, the word Jt k^ng is found in phrases like the following; as Jt ^f ^ j| kSngyewsbin yen, still more excessive; ^ j ^ Jf pe shang kang fei,. he is still more fat; ^ ^ : f_ ij }& )fe P e * b^ e ^^ n ^ aou ^ wo * sze > that is much better than this. Ihere are also instances where jJtkSng, k followed by^yu; as f Sf. $:&&&$+ W kin neen che kuh Mng fung shing yu tseen neen teih, the grain of this year is more abundant than the former year; or a phrase like the following may be formed: ^tfiM^^^MM5t kin waii ho cha Hng tsaou, shih fan chp kwo, we have taken tea earlier this even- ing, and eaten rice rater. 7. Besides what has been already said it will be well to notice the fallowing modes in which ? pe, is used ; as $K jt jfe ^ ne pe t'ha kaoii, you are taller than he ; ^ fa ^C *j^ ^ tsew T pe shwu}^ haou to. wine is much better than water; x g VC 7^ ^ j^ ^L ^ ji kung tseang pe puh tih mrag foo che yung. the usefulness of the mechanic is not to be compared with that of the husbandman; ^ *$t >t J^ ^ ^ pub kan pe shing cluing hwa t by no mean superior to the central flowery nation ; ^ ^fc JjS f M && chay ko pe na ko yu fa haou, this i& much "-beUer than ::-.;i,t , ^Jt 1^ ^ ?- ^ ^T ^ san shang ta pan puh k*ho pe, a pnvafe j^crchc,Titis inferior to tie chief of a fac- ' 40 cmiPAs&mB.. OTAF, v*. ehay ko pe na ko yew ltata, this is better that : isc keaeu, is often used in the following as If 4$L |S tsuy keaon k'hingv a lighter critae ; & Q JS_ J ttrh muh feeaou kin, ear and eyes are very Dear : f$L ^1 M- Hi teen ke keaou kwau* to have the term more extended ; J ^ * ^ ^L j^ keaou tseen yew keeEWoo ts&ng, compared with what it was before, it Jbas been rather less thai* increased. 8. ^ Yu, as well as \^ kwo, aire often used to con- vey the idea of more: as^Jt'^ heen yu Yu,.tncre. excellent than Yu ; -^ ^ Jjj^ kwei yu yin- n'ior^ va able than silver; jfL ^ -S ^ jSt ^^ weyr^ yu tsze she chay. it has never been worse than at LU<- present time. Instances of \& kwo> are ^k ^?- ^ 3 joo haou kwo g better than myself; or with jfc yu> as fy *j& ^jft ^ ,f c j oo haou kwo yu gno, the same;. ;]>yg j&. ^jjL sea^u kwo yu e, less than ananty * S 3r&1&\ It * * 4> $1 -^ J 3- ke tfli hing hwo he ta kwo, hwo he seaoa kwo yu keun tsze, his virtuous actions are more or less than those of the superior man ; ^ ^ *& ]&, \ {ghwan yaou haon kwo chay ko, he wants it still better than this. It is also occasionally followed by ifc yu shin, as ^ ^T -& i $& 1& ke wang hing kwo yue yu shir?, his worthless conduct is still more outrageous; or preceded by ^ mo 5 as ^ jA/ i ^ jfc X kaoo san mokwoyu ilieen. iliere are no a ills higher tban the heavens '> $ &, 3f P^ twx> p>v;in iseer, not more than half a year; ^g -^ ^ /^cbe shth kwo .j in. wiser than the generality of men. 9. ^ Yu^ better, is often used to designate the com- parative degree ; as jH ^ yu nan, more difficult ; -jfa ^ jj *$L hang chuen yu kwae, he sailed faster ; ^ ^f 1$ ^ y u }" u ^ ie11 y^ n ? ^ e ^ r & an boasting : it is* also used withjfiRZ Ma, .after it ; as ^r ^ ^S Jg yu kea seay yip, Btill more dissolute: and riot imfrequemtly repeated, HS ^ i & $r ^ry^w sin yu yu, still more sorrowful, ot ^iterated in the following manner ; as ^ *|fc jfe $ y* - hwae yu e, the -quicker *-hfe easier ; ^ X<|r-i|Tu kew yu CHAP. W, COMI*A3AtIVK. 41 nan, the longei th ^ ^ 3L yii teia y u tlmnar, t?ri y pfth ciie, the the effort and exertion, the le^s Ae chance of attaining the object: ft yew, sometimes oct*;-T% as ;& if >j& Vhofcwae, still more strange; ffe g j ^ y * yew shen, his fepeeeh was still mor .complete; 4^ "is JjL 3- fa S ^ '-tfe wejook%w)f r^echeyewsfcing chay yay, there is fcotkmg like tfe Confaeiu fallness, Ifi this sense, on acceuot of the of the s^nnd, $jt yu, is now and then iised; we meet wiih^f yih;a ^^ih shinv more : exteasiTely; ^ yfe shen, more exc'dlent; ^ ^ :; ife A i^ ^ |g k'heu shing yihyuen urh jib mwan, fee jyuvr^ycwi sepa- rate yourself iro^.; the sages, the m<^$ ^ou *nU b*f purfed up. ^ YuS* is also used in this mim* 1 1\ s ^' ^- yut haou. better j ^ |% ^f ^ yu^ twig jufe ti 9 the he prospers the more he gives. It has also $!r f&, as a fix; as M & iS- yug fi haou^ much better; ^^ 3 1 yih fS haou leaou, still better* - ^. || fi ylti ft & meen, still more respectable. J^-^r Shing yn, is afeo usedforr/tdr^/as J^ ^ ^| jfe W 1^ JiiS shing yu pug kwang pih pei, he light of the mdo is a hundred times brighter than that of the fire*fly v So also, but seldom, jt yew. as lit Xj^-tsze yew haou, this is Better. 10. To conij.are whole senteBces^ tiing, is used; as .If. ft >p ^ f' ning sze pCth k'hopei ie s it i? better to die tihan to deny one's principles;^ ir ^: ^ ^ If ^ K, ningk'ho show pin, pfthb'ho kow tseu, it is better to atifler poverty, than to purloin; jg $ ^ & 5jf 1fe"lc,.yu ke cliay yay, nine keen, in ceremonies, it is better to be economical^ than pr<>" feBe;f Jf flt * ^ ^ T . * -fc ning fc'ho siti ke yew, puh k'hp sin ke woo* it is better to believe IB its existence, than to believe in its non-ex'Stence. II. >2 Jo. ./, is often used in comparisons, in various ways; as ffi i9 ^ Jtu vl 1H. ^ na ko pah joo chay ko haou, that is not so go*Ki as this; 53 ^ ^ ^ 3^ pa p8h joo hoo maag, ilie leopard is not so ferocious a<- x yib CHAP. n. y^i. j* to if the water became still deeper, the iks i -still crtlpp* ^ Yih> is no v* and then used fanwre. B i*i f: J[ Ife -#^JzL ^ $r joo seu yih Jbeaou,joQ:heiiyih%uQg, wtuterfhan SBOW, and red- der .than IMood; ; -*5 3$ $& puhjoo Vhin Jaou. no- iMng Kke diligent eSbtt: in this case it is used syno- nymously with ^ 16, which is often preceded by the negative partible j| mo; as^ ^ 1f Jt .-'& jo sxe $ there is nothing better than to die together. teiiees of the latter description are of frequent yence;(see also the 4*egative particles,) as ^ jfc riio tsze yew shin, nothing" exceeding this, or -this: Jt A 3& ^m&tachekung, no greater merits- J^ 3$ Jfr ^ {^HjoopuhLwang, we !rad better not go; '* * 2t T- : ^ -H yu ke che taou, grift joo' piih taou, it is better not to come at all, than to come late, 12. Of tne various ways m which our word more is expressed, notice the following:^ ^ ^ tosanfun, tliree parts more; -f- $ -^ &hih to rieen, more than ten years; t & ^ ^iih lae neen, ten years -n>ore; ^ X kaou yih clrih, hi|hei one covid; ^L *-* if" twan yih tsun,. shorter one inch; ^ T 7 ^ j^ pub hea wan Kin, not less than ten -thousand taels; -f % ^r A shthyew yti jjn, more than ten men; -g- ^ ffe A pb yew^yu jiu, mi>re thai* one hundred men. The comparator is also occastcaaally iudit;ate3 : by an interrogative pronoun; as 3t i ^L ^ seen sftng shiih heen, who is wier than you, Sir. As comparafees, the following phrases may be cited: .Jt J^ 7 |&. : yu0i> shing peih pe, a hundj^ times &*>re distant If ^ ^ 3T* - ^L I ^ >f - *t aE.twy teeih tih yew shan yih pwim kamr, yew hae yih pwan sbia, crimes ac curaulated as tigh asmountams, and as deep as seas 2/L Hwang, frequently occurs to denote, how much stored as >JL ^f p .^ hwang chmig two hoo, how much more tbe central empire ? JL -3> U : '}5 >JL ^ A ^ 9L J^ % ^ ^t'been tseaypuh wei, urhyu jia fcoo, hwang yu kwei hoo, heaven is not adverse, how much less men, and still less^spirits^ $i Shin, is used iJMhe 9&c& >ense t but less frequsstly; as CHAJP, U, 'SUPERLATIVE 43 shin tszeyewteae, how much more -he: who has talents? $1 H shin yu, how much mare it may be saidf Ttte reader mil easily infer from what has been said the richness of the Chinese language in this particular* and an attentive reading of the above paragraphs, will enable him to ..comprehend the great variety of ways by which the comparative is expressed. 13. The Chinese have maBy words Jike oof mr^ ^ tsuy, siring shor^&t ts^g, has, and J| tsin, some of wnich ais placed .befbre the adjectives^ and some after 1hem Thus J. $ ehe sirii>g^ extremely sacred^ ^ i? ieih haou, very good; ^ Jf ^ ;^ show J3^ keih e, very much disgraced: Jf ^i 6 t^yung ttiing e keihy^ery brave; ^ # ^ S teaou fe'hoofeeUi shin s he experienced intenae aufierijig; ^ ^ teay she tremely excellent; ^ ^ 4fc H. ^. cietib yay e eeedingly virtuous^ |f ^ J & Sm:die,<3ia ya respectful ;^ ^15. M .gae Vjissg die ffyp8ififiil> ^ fi ^ ^hea^fl^cbe keib,he joyed great hi^pmess; ^. ^ tsujr lo, ^ery much ^ ^ jf ^uy kwan km yaou d" thd h%best ance; fa 'fa tsuy .seen, the fhsfc ^. H ^ ' tsuy wef t yih f the yery first; SRrJIt^ j& hing seas^tsuy feeih, an exceedingly flourishiag condition; ]k ~vb & ^ ^ fi tsuy kaou cfee yew luh eh'hih, the highest is five covids; ^ jt; shin s&e, very ri^it; ^ if shin: haou, very ..good; # ^g ^ ^Lpfife ining che shin, very dark; ^T ^ S ^ Vho-gae shin e, very ami- able; Si 8 S ^ Wr ^ tsung ming shin puh shin^ his intelligence is^uite iitjsurpassabfe; H fe ^ 3& w** sSralim.kfih> extremely bettutifal. Jssteaot of ^ shin % 31 shin $ ig sometimes used, from the resent blanceofsoundzas JE_ f sliiuchung, very important- ^ siiin wei klio liSn, very detestable; 8^ 4 ytngj very 44 OTraUATnra CHAP. tsin yu* me first. The examples of / shoo, are ^ ^ shoe to, veiy many; jji JS- shooe, very extraordinary: ~ shooweihwS yih, very dissimilar;^, shoo seo tswsg, very neglectful; the latter instances are of frequent occurrence in edicts. ^ Ifth tse, occur*? less frequently, and then generally in company with rhe r orL k'hae; asf^L ^ ^ Hf kliae tseg heaou *y\i, Very digtinct orders. In edicts we skc find ^ tsung, H- ke, and^ s&n> ueA to exp^ss the superlative de* gree: thus ^i If % ^ tsung chujig kew pan, ver/ severely frosecuted ; ^' ff k ; *yrt:, ^ery . sirict;Jf#|iy| li5 le sin yen, the new laws are very rigorous, ^ft. H^n, is iweii in roaversation ; as 4 V ^|- ^l^ng tih ban, V.TV ; :^ ^f| ^ haou lib h&n, ver) giH'd. is its *v*d Ji uin. is occasionally used, on account of the similar^ ^T of sound 1 1,, There are various other modes of expressing the superlative degree, as fhae; thus & % tTiae to f too inuch;iB} JL ^i 7^ ho t'hae woo le, how v ery mde \ $r Iff JL ^8 woo tsin t ? has shin, very unkind; ,^S '- ^T '*< & tlh hing t'hae two, very virtuous, A Ta, is now and then used in the same manner; as;g fc.-fr m yew ta fun peg, or Jt J, H.ta.pfib scang t'huiig, very different, ^ Te occurs, as ^ ^ ts yih nieaon, very Ssc^llent 7ft ting, ss J| iJ- ting haou, very good; also Jt as X ^- shanghaou, very good; or J~ ^ shacg yih % t^ng haou. good in the highest degree; ^ jj^ ^ $*- tih 'she piih haou, very bad. 15.. ^L i^eang 5 is likewise used, b^t auly ia a few install c^s; as ft j&. lea-ng k^w, fer a coafflaernhbe lang to, at good mBrsy Ifeiis also 1^ heu kew, very long: or^ % heu to, ^? heu shaou, very few, $fr Haoa, is in the same masmer; j^ j^F 5L isaou kew, a goo<| while; and more frequently fc cenve^ation; as if Jfc ptth, and less frequently jfr J!t. haoii snufa: ifauft -I ham p6b ping gaw 3 very peaceful; pub bo mab, esceediugh CHAJP, II. SUpttajUATlVS* 45 The idea of the superlative is afco .eiqi&essed by the re- petition of the adjective; as j| Tl '.kaw> kaoV very high ; P3 3$ ifiing raing, very bright: or by aJdi% some noun that possesses the quality indicated by the /adjee* live ia the highest degree: as A H t'heea haoii, as high asheavea^ very high; ^ JL-yen shin, as deep as the abyss, very deep;^, ^ ^ die sae seufij paper that ith snow, very white, . life Tsen&. is very often used before the adjee*. to denote the superlative degsee; as $& ^ ; tseu^ nxeaou, very esceiieat; |g li tseui mei. extreTaely beautiful; ^ H^ piih ahmg. and .^ l puh kT7Q, the. forraer put generally belore, a^d tbe latter after the ai jecthe 3 are likewise of frequent occurrence; as ^ ^ ^ $$~ fung shiog p^ih shing, insurpassaidy abundant^ X ^ T H& Hk. j^ n P^h feTio shing soo, an innumer- able host; ffe ^ \fi. j^ puh kwo, very hot; or in a oi structioo like the foUowing; >ft. il $ \& ^ J^ kwaesomokwo yuts^e, msutpassably swift; ^ ^ ^ %jf~ chow g6 shin piih shing, desperately wicfeeA ^ M6- is also used in the same manner; as $ ^ ^ 5^ mo tache kung, the highest degree of meiit; ^t "R. M ..^ J^ ^ S & e kan tan mo tsze wei shin, flap* teg courage not to be surpassed; or a phrase like the following may be formed; as & $L t * VI "9T ^ ^ kekwanleang wooek*hokea e, or ^.^r^T ^x woo so k'ho kea, such generosity is not to be ex- ceeded; ^ M * ^. ^ jfc kwae kwo woo e fuh keache, excessively perverse; or the .following J| jjt || % ^ .]Jfc tsan neo woo joo yu tsze, insurpns^bly cruel; ^^.41-^ ^f 3* %- ke hvyanheTro: r ;puh keikhisjoy wa uabounded ; so also i& cony^r^aJipn, 4^ ^ Mr T J?> ^ he hwan ieih kaou p6h "fib, very joyful 17. Before closing this suTa^ect,. we may o%fiserve, that the numerals ^ w&3, ^ tseen^ v ^ f&h, and Hf* efeiE, are often used to deu^te the superlative degree; tbe tits* id last mst fre^iiently; as j| 'i?- wan ly good: f shili, joined with "? 46 TOftSCRfAl. FROiromr HAF, also used to shew the gradation of epitfaets; as !$e Jim fiaou, somewhat gorwlr 3t '-^ ^ wo fun haott, tojctably good, t ^ ^f shih ftin haou, veiy good. These are still a few phrases that in some rare ia* stances express the .highest degree: as ^ 4t chaou Ju cife leJJt, J -Jg dMV ch*bfih cho0 luy,j^ ^g sae kwo, 0. ^*ae sliing^ att of which denote any thing above the COIKTHOU: so also tsuy kwei, Tery sinful, H |^ go kwei, mcst -tf- kae she, the most ennnontiu the age, CKAPTEft III THE PEB80KAL 1. W'E may here premise, as Jg| ^ .rotm. you. So also 4 V S& ffi ?Q^ ieang *i>ofef ? jj gnoleti; we all of tis; ^ ^ joa all yfe' ^cefluas. 2, The -{^-SBOURS .of the Stst peracri art ^f y*l^- : 'y^ andvV -^. and sometime* >| y lbv v are -ya^d, ^ CSA*. .lit. f>n803?A PftQiWW, 4 3. The Chinese verbs often imply the pronoun, e IB the Gxeek and Latin languages; thus B yue, he s~ii, ^" k'hat), you see, I see, or he sees. ^Hiee there is BO inflection is the Chinese, at* in $be languages, to indicate the person, it .must be found out by the.context Nothing is so repulsive to the Chinese ea?. and the genius of the language, as the frequent repe tition of the personal pronouns. The pessessive is likewise, in most instances, where our language TC* quires it, omitted; an3 only where a stress is laid tzpou the word, it is at all employed. 4. Instead of using 4Jie personal pronouns, the Chi* neseadopi various modes of avoiding it, of which w shall enumerate the priacipal, whilst we refer the rea- der for .the remainder to the Chapter oa the epistdar^ style. 5. For the first person, either the same is sobstt* tuted, or the pronoun dispensed with; bj repeating subject: thus ^ #: f| 1j$ Jfc ^ Rwo wo.o tsze sze,I (Kwo) have iio ability &r managing thi^ af- fair ; *h $ & & A t f & m * m & M wae shang foo ta jin -tae tseen, fuh ke chuy -fcoo pun hang, (lij the foreign merchant, repair to the triJjunal of Your iiKcellcney, and htanbly ask that you will con- descend tD look upon (me} the nierehant. In describ- ing one'^ own office or profession, the term iir^imating the tjame very often beats the prefix Jt pin; thus-gover* nors in their edicts never .use the personal pronoun, but, in speaking of themselves, put JL pun, before their title: as fc. ^ ^ pun poo tang, I, the 'Governor.; ^ ^ ^ pun kwan poo, I, the BopjH>; ^ W HULU lieen, L the district Magistrate; ^ J^ pun ching, I, the assis- 'taut Magistrate; so that in a Document of some * leagth, where we should employ the ^onoui), perhaps 40 times, in Chinese it would not CCCUT ^once. 6. There are, moreover, some ccBveafiorial Ibi'mg, by which persons designate themselves. The most common is j mov;, such an one, and % yo, the stupid -one, for I Tfea Emperor iises JS1 ehia; tings, and pri&ces, !$* /v kwa jiu. S^-Xkoa jia. -^ ^A .5^ jife }in, and r >J; i & seaou telh^fjtpo, and inferior officers, * T> ehe ha. In common parlance between equals, 1 is expressed by $t i wan b&ng, and we by #& 3 wan pei; so also ^ te, I; andl^te pei, we. The people in writing to their superiors call themselves W- A tsuyjin, sinners; (which is also used in addresses to the l)eity;) and^e, arits; scholars and unlearned persons uee |^ 4 heo s^ng r or P3 i iiaiiii sSng:. A tifoman speaking to her husband, calls herseiiVfe tst ; ci, eoncabine, or ^>f ^ pe tse^, handmaid: a son address- ing his father denominates himself ^ *% piih seaou, y degnerate y or >) jiL seaouurh, the little boy; adaugh- ter uses ij* 3< seaou nytt, the little ^irl ; and an old man, $t A laoufoo, the old fellow. Thus there are for every rank in life, degradbg terms for expressing the first personal pronoun; asm most oriental languages. 7, The same rule applies to the possessive; thus for my father, brother, &c. the Chinese say & 3L kea foo, the father of our family; or . ^. foo ts'hin, my Beloved father; ^ JL k^ heung, the elder brother of JUT household; and ^ ^ shay te, the younger brother in our cottage. A husband referring to his wife would say & A nuy JIB, the person witliin; 1^ 'Jr nuy ->h.ih 8 the one at home: jjj^j& tse^ fang, the vulgar one in theehamT>cr; -*$ 0$ tih foo^ ihe lonely woman; 4*? $1 ehue kin^, llie d:; r l thorn: & ^ san tse, my clownish wite: aod ^ l!$ tseew nuy, the mean? person within. For my jrelntlon, a man would say % ^ shay ts'hiii^ the cot* tage ronnection; and for ir?y son ^ & keuen tsze, the puppy; for my family, jfl $L ban kea. the cold house* !k>l<];!W my house, $ji ^ ban shay, 'the chilly cottage; and for my servant, fr ^ seaou keae, the little $oy* The r^Gc t common adjectives used for the gurtscses r,t* self depreciation are| tseea, base;pe, vile-; " as CHAP. III. PEKSONAt PRONOUNS. 43 mean surname; ^ || pa kwo, our vile country; ^ ~fc shay hea, myjow cottage. These humiliating forms expression are so interwoven with the Chinese language, that the omission of them, and the substitution of the simple pronouns, would he very offensive against the taste of this extraordinary people, 8. The second personal pronouns are y$r joo, ^ nth* and in conversation^ ne ; Jt nyu, is occasionally used &ri$t joo> and^Jfene, ferine; on account of the simi- larity of sound. In ancient books we find occasionally 75 fiae ? J& j&, and-jiflljoo, for the second personal pro- noun. Thus 7$ - J jg zmefoo nae tsoo, your father and grand-father; Jl J$ )fr too nae sin, examine your heart The remarks we have made above on the first, apply also to the second personal pronoun. 9. >. As in the induce of the first person, there are conventional terms used as substitutes for the setfosd personal pronoun. Thus towards inferiors the name is BOW and then used: equals aye addressed by ^ JL te fe^ung, /brother; or^b |L seen sSng, teacher ;^g ^ seang kimg, Sir; fc $ jin heufig* benevolent brcther; & )L Jaouheutig, venerable brother;^ JjS& tsun kea, Sir:^ J: keashacg, ditto;^ ^ heungchsog, elder brother :g ^ a ko/ brother;^ virbenng tae v or & ^u tae beucg, e&alted brother: and to a lady ^ ^.a tseay, sister. All these ^erds infer the eminence or ex- cellence of the person addressed, but are used in com- mon conversation in the same way as our ytm. If a per- son have an? official rank, that is then tneatroiied. 10. As honourable expressions towards superiors, we may-^einaA thefollowiBg:^ A te jm, % k~ A laou ta jra^jfe J^ jfc laou tafoo. whieh are used either to venerable pei-sons, or people in high rank; as vener- able Sir ! or your Excellency ! To teacbers, or ffentle- men are applied ^t 4 seeas&ng, teacher; >g % i iaou seen sang, venerable teacher:^ JL ^ laoa tae tat, venerable superior; j^j ^ i tat lao^ seen s^ng : great and venerable teacher; or^ ^l?jti sze, venerable instructor. Spiritual guides are addressed as ^ 3c shin foo, spiritual fatbei. r lo men MI 50 PERSONAL PRONOUNS. CHAP. III. or people who have great capital at their command, they use^fe ^ laou teay, venerable father; jL ^fjr tn yay, great Sirei^ ^ laoa yay, venerable Sire! jL % 3jjr ta laou yay, great and venerable Sire ! the latter is addressed almost exclusively to Mandarins of high rank, while to persons high in the military service, JL ^ tae sze, great general, is used. The Emperor is addressed by H J| ^ wan suy yay, the sire of ten thousand years ;|| i shing choo, the august lord; 7? T pe ha, Your Majesty ; JL |t ^ ta hwang te ; the great Emperor; H Jt hwang s&uig, his Imperial Eminence, and similar titles : in letters a variety of other expressions are adopted, of which we shall speak here- after. We may just remark, however, that 251 every rank of life, there are certain expression to convey an idea of the esteem in which one holds the person addressed, Thus Coufucius called his disciples Jj> ^- seaou tsze, little children ; or d ^ ^ urh san tsze, my fcwo or three lads; while they, an the other hami* called him, ^r -J- woo tsze, our sage; or simply^ ts^e, sage! There are a variety of other words principally combined with ^ fan, a pattern, used for you, in highly flowery language, as 3t fi, kwang fan, the bright pattern; f| tae fan, exalted pattern; J| ^ yen fan, strict pattern; and ^ |i| ioo fan, urgent pattern. ^ Yen, counte- nance, seems likewise to be occasionally applied thus: as *P l| tae yen, your exalted countenance;^^ e yen, your proper demean our; andX ^ heung yen, niy brother's countenance. So also ^ tae, and u tae, in various wsytf; asj^ ^ laou tac tae, venerable \Sir? *pf 0} tae foo, your honoured name; -? ^ tae kea, eminent Sir; & ^ tae ting, an epithet applied to the ihree highest officers in the state; and a great number of Other expressions. Several persons are addressd by JrJ 'Jjt |e wei, gentlemen! instead of f <^ urh tang, you. 11. One of the most common words used instead of the possessive pronoun of the second person is 4^ ling, honourable; as ^ )L ling 'heung, your honourable brother; 4" ^f' Inig tsun, ys^ur honoured father; - CHAP, III. PERSONAL PRONOUNS. 1 ling tang, your respected mothei ; 4^ |p ling laag, your honourable son ; ^r -| ling gae, your excellent daugh- ter; likewise called nf & tseen kin, your treasure; so also ^ Jt ling .^hing, your good wife; ^ ifl ling chung, your favoured concubine. In the same sense ^ &wei> nohte; and 'I? tsun, honourable, are also used: as jff Hj kwei kwo, your noble country ;~^| J| kwei k&n/T che, meaning him, , it, or them, is- the most frequent; as ^J ^ ta che, heat him, her, it, &.C. jffe >j. ^ keu cfeuh die, drive Item away. In ancient hooks we find a possessive :v>ttnj^keu^, which is exclusively used for this ase: as ^ JpL ^ I^Jfc, ffc chang keu tih, paou |eu wei, he who preserves his virtue, maintains his throne. Otherwise^ tsiE, own, and |t ke, his, are far wore frequent. It Tsze, may occasionally stand for he, or she; aiid d% she, for it; as ^ X JK ^ seaou jin fan she, the inferior man reverses it. In a construction like ^ |f| ^ foo tub chay, he who reads, ^ foo, iDight he thou ht to stand for the third personal pro- noun, but more 'of this under the relative. As a general rule we have remarked, that the third nnal pronoun is less in use than any of the others, and that the na me or noun often 'replaces it The language heing devmd of grammatical rules, as we understand them, nmch obscurity is thus avoided. 14, The reciprocal pixmou&s are H$ tsae, ke, fi & teze fee, g |^tsze kea, ft jf- tsse shii),j^ ^ pun shinj kung, J| shin, and^tsin. These are joined with the persaual prooouns; as^c ^ 2*- gno ts^e ke,l myself; & j> ke tso, he himself did it; ^ ^ tsin lae, he himself came ; & ^ 3k P^a she gno, or ie gno pun shin, it is I rayself; ^ ^c teze kea woo t&een^ bt htriiseli bas got no money; ts?;e hae tsze ke, %e injured himself; tsse mwan tsae tsuh, -self-sufficient, ^ wet t'heen tsze, being himself Emperor; foo tsin kung k^ng, my father himself J ghefl; ^ ^ J^ ^ tsze shit? puh tung, he himself DT move; ig d ^ ^ ^ tezeke wooleang mow s ; jeKes ha^a uo feasible plan; ^ Ijr.t&m pedh, an CHAF. ill. S>E^IOSTKA^JVE PRONOUNS, 53 autograph ;^$i ^ tsin show* bis owaa hand, ID opposition to that of aiiOtber;^ J^tsin yu, self praise; H C ? J$ kungjsiri pae woo, be himself bowed and dancedy j} 3j|; 3 ^' kung tsin ke tsze, he di$ the work himself; 3$ $3 3& j? gfl kung woo teih, 1 myself have no strength ; ^ J|| wei kung, my trifling body, is an Tmirible expression for myself; ;fl| H J^- tub tsxe $u* jin, I myself alone; |J ^ tsge .sbe^: self-righteous; }g- ^ k& fcsge, each one himself >ffe ^ pe tsge, others together with fmeVself;- ^ >^ ^ '!^ jiayihke cbe gae tsang, to follow oneis own partiality or passions; ^ ^ i r!S ^ & ^ A che yew ke, urb pahche yew jin, to advert merely to one's ownself and not to advert to others: i. e. selfish. The above will eluci* date the manner in which the reciprocal pronoun is ap- plied. Whenever there is no stress upon the personal pronoun, it is omitted. 15, The term used to express mutually is-tS seang, with its compounds 5 3$ boo seang, fj ^| tsze seang, $3| ^| te seang, ;$ j^ seang ying, ^g ^ seang tuy, %Q & seang e,^ || seang ehing,^ . seang boo, together with $C P^ ^L ^ze $ and ^j kin; ag ^@ ^f seang haou, on mutual good terms ;jt $S %& ^ hoo seang ho rniih, mutual harmony; >|i. ^ ^g Using tsing seang y ing, dispositioiis corresponding to each other; ^ -^ jfg |jj fookwei seang tuy 5 riches and ho- nouis which correspond to each other; 5$^ ^ ^ ^C >^ pe tsze hoo e chang, this and that man depend on each other ;^.)Jt ^" ^ pe^tsze yew tsuy, there are faults oa both sides; g Jj_ tsze hoo, mutual regard; ~~ %8 )fy ^ M M jr| ' tscl kill yew seang kwan, there exists oa the wole a mutual relationship. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS !6c Hie demonstrative pronouns are Jfc tsze,^p sze 5 ^tiiize,^ she,^ chay, ^ foo, andjft ke, for, this, the latter also for fM/rwith^S" dhay^ pe s and>SfJ na, for ffeil. These; ate dwnys put before the nouu, except 54 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS CHAP. HI. 3ji chay, which is strictly speaking * relative pronoun. Dfc T.8e, and
^ ia/e tang go t'hoo, this kind of worthless fellows; Jfc 2: ff .& tsze ehe wei yay, *his is what wi f ; H teze shih yu6 shih liih jih, now in the tenth tuonth, on, the 16th day; or ^ tsze, *^t" tsze chay, is frequently used at the opening of a discourse, es- pecially in letters when the real contents are broached: '?* 0% kiu tsze, now; ^ *$& neen tsze, thinking about tbis;j{L "^ tsae tsze, here;^^| tsung tsze, from hence* ^ She, occurs in the following corabinaiions; as ^ %she she, this time: ^* ^-yu&ta. or J ^ yu she, thus; ^ H ^ $f t&ngsbech^sh^or ^ 4 -^ tyu she die she. at this thne} Jl A she jin, this niaa; % yuug sV\e ose xkiii.;-^: jfc sh^ ^. on this ic' count ;J|^J|| tbe tefti, thea;J^ ^ she e t therdbr^ ^ >i; joo she, thus; ^ -% tsze she^ and A .Jjr yu she, from hence ;^ ^ ^^ she so hau chay, it is this tuac he hates, 18. \|, ^ Chay sze, this Business ; 3, fSi ^/C chay !;rj jin, this man; (conversational) ^ ^ chay she, afc *ii>$ time; ^f ^ cfeay Ic, here; ^ ^|chay yar,g, in this manner; g^^ chay p wan, in this way; and ]l"^ chay S^g, these' ^ lie. otherwise the third personal pro- CHAP. IIJ. RELATIVE PBOTCOUNS. 55 , is frequently used for the demonstrative, especi- ally in good writing: as^ A kejin, this, or that mun, Jft $r kesze,this;jL ^ WJ^fke jo ho shing: yen, how can this be described in wo5ls;fj . & Jf Jfi urh ping rain ke yung, you soldiers and people are using this; ^ ^L ke yay, that night; jj^ ~p- )* > ke shwuy ehe ohe, who can know this ijj; Chay, conveys our idea of the demonstrative, in all those eases where it is followed in our language by s relative; as those who, that which: thus))j| ^r^ shun woo ehay, those who obey me; ~ J ^ frf jfe 1jfc urh chay puh k'ho tih keen, these two things cannot be had together; ^ % M ' $(* J* %i Z~ gae woo chay, gno yih gae che, these wha love me, I also love them. ' 19. $L A Pe jin, that man; Jfc - ^ ffc ^-pe yih she, tszis yih^he, that was onetime, this is another; # ^ tsae pe, in' that place ;^ ^/Cnajin, that man; 3p Bl" jH na she how, at that time; Jfj$ fg ^- na ko tszc, that ]joy;f(5 1 A ^^ fij St f$ na ko JIB puh she gno sM teih, it is net I who killed that inan. As demonstratives might also be considered words of the folio wing class, H^ wei,$t wei, and ; itc v/ei, when combined with BJ" she: as^. w weishe, at that time; also<^ ^- kin neen, this year;^> ^ pun yue, thk month. In like manner ;% || yew choo, it is thus; and several others: but as they only convey these mean- ings in those particular instances, they cannot lay full claim to this name. The demonstrative is occasionally dispensed with in sentences like the following: as -^ W $ ^ Jjf J u g^e gae yu chay, I love those who love me; ^J ^ *R ^ t A g^ hSn h&n woo teib jin, 1 hate those that hate me. RELATIVE PttONOUNS. 20. These are only two, viz. $f so, and^ chay; but their use is so much varied, that it is necessary to give a number of examples in order to exhibit their full foiee aad meaning. DO RELATIVE PRONOUNS. CHAP. 111. 21. Thus J$p so, m the following -sentence jfr jfa 5ft H- pelh yew so sze, lie must have something of which he thinks; $j |f fl H so wei full 16, that which is culled happiness and pleasure; jgf' ^ J|- ^j?f so yew ban keen, all those who are traiterous Chinese; % ffi it & *j$ woo so yaou che wuh. the thing which I -.want, ^ % ^ J$i /V so wei clifey pe jin,the man wholes it; j^ ft &&'& $T & she so e, kwan ke so yew, look to the motives by which he is guided, tibe principles from which he actstjjt _^f tfjjr, ke so yah, that which he desires; $f P tc ^00 so puh nng, there is nothing.tjiat he is unable to do; omnipotent; "H" $% 3\ 31 ho so puh che, what place Is tijere to which he does not go; ^g* ffi jfc ^ hoo so puh koo, whatis^here upon which he does not bestow attention ? o- where does he not look*? that is, he looks every where; or thus JL ^ $f ^ fan ke so yew. all that he has, or whatsoever he lias; jl j3f ^ ^ fan so mae mae, whatsoever he bought and sold; & ffi ^ ^ fan so keaou yew, all with whom he associates; j3f )5. so e, means the motive from which an action springs ; also therefore ; ^ ^ so t^ng, that which is suitable, one's doty. This pronoun never adopts"^ t^ng or any other plural particle. It may, however, be preceded by *& cfee, as in the following sentence; B ^ $% ~|J ^ ^C* 2l ^f ii ^ ow ^ e so sun g f s ^ che so che, what is- recited by tbe ii>^.th is not always that which is known t\y the CHAP. III. HKLATlVi: PRONOUNS, 57 22. The use of^- chay, is still more varied It oftfcn serves to form substantives for other words: as shen chay, the virtuous 1. e. lie who is virtuous-; ho ehay, the .student, i e. he who c-;tudJes; $ 4f & 4fc she heo yth chay che kwo. this is the studying of the Yih-king to excess: , -4f A tfi ft x gae jin chayjinh&nggae ehe y he who loves mentis always beloved by men;j& ^ .3^ j& "If xT 'J$T tsze shen wei ching chay che sbuh, this is the contrivance of those who govern well; so also in explanations and definitions: as & ^- 4|. ^ ^R shan ichay tseiiea .cheytiec, hills are the sources of fountains; X jfc ^ '1* "IT & tih chay ;jm ehe so tan^ i^ yay, virtue is thst which ought t^ b^ prmriecd by men If i-t refer (o something going boibre it i? pre- ceded !>y & yay: asr| & $3 sharig yay ch-H T , the a- bove merchanr. Phrases like the following occur fre- quently in the best writer.- ft * ,# ,4f "M- ^ Kik & 4^ A it ^ ^ *- fooheao jin che che, shen sh&h jin che sze chay yay, (y consists in skilfoHy carry ing out people's design, rnd in appropriately recording their doings, (that is, a fihal child realises 'the intentions of his parents, and furnishes n continual comment upon their actions.) Mai^k also the following sentences: as & H ^ ^ ffi 7^ ^P U j2T-'>fe min jih tseen shen, urh puh che wei che chay. the people daily advance in virtue, without know. ing that they do so'; ^ j ^ ^ jl& % * ^ 4^ wei yew heo yang tsze, urh how kea chay yay\ tlr^re are no (femalts^who (first) learn to nurse children and afterwards marry ;$& j .% ^ ^ ^- |f ^ Jfe joo tsze chay, tsae keih ke shin chay yay, thus calamity will affect his person; ^ ^ ^ ^L tih c h & y P^ n 7 a y virtue is the main thing. 23. The relativ. is sometimes understood, in which case ^L che, a^ 1 ^ teih are used. Thus ^ ^ ^ ^ woo yew che-i* ih, the ink 1 have; 4? >fx 1^ "Ifc "SL ^'^f'*Tfc v g"0 puh sin t'ha shwo teih sin wan, I do not .'believe uie news he tells: INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS, CHAP. gae dbfc nyu, the woman 1 love ; and sometimes the a- bove named particles are omitted: as^ ^ A .3t $ we yew qin keih t?foa there is none to equal him; ^~ 3 dt k'han hoo keun szt% the soldiers who beheW the corpse. 24. The principal interrogative pronouns shwuy,jffe shuh, and t? ho; each of which is used in various ways, as may Be seen from the following ex- amples. 25. |pL | Shwuy kan, who dares ? H A shwuy jii>, what man ?^% ^ she sh wuy r who is it? ^ ^ ^ ^ nae teih shwuyho., to whom is it of consequence? ^ ^ ^ shwuy che tsze, whose son ^ M iea tsze, the son of whose family ? & $fl , ~jfc tbjse wuh she shwuy teih, whose are these tilings? ^ ^ ^ shay gno ke shwuy, who would pass by me^? ~fjl 1& >, she shwuy che kwo, whose fault is it? ^ ^ ^Spuh keih joo keih shwuy, if he does not give it you, to whom will he give it ?".Jt ^ iljk ^- ke chung shwuy haou, who amongst them is the hest; or in con- versation 1& IffijfjL H 7^. ^ t'ha mun le t'how shwuy haou, ditto. ^ "^ |jt puh lun shwuy, whosoever; ^ ^ ^ 13 woo wun sbway ho, whichsoever; ^ ^j S puh keu shwuy, ao matter who. 26. ft |t Shuh n^ng, who is able ? or ^ ^ ^J ke shub n^ng che, ditto. ^ *& ^ ^ we che shuh she, we know not which is right ; ^ ^ ^ ; &shuh puh k 5 ho jin yay, what cannot be borne ^J^ ft ^- ^ >?: keun shuh yu put?, ^euh, ^ith whom would Your Majesty find a deficiency ? ft Jff f^ E ^ -shuh yi?er^ shuh che yay, what can he wish for that he does obtain i$V fjf ^J ^ ^ ^L J^-kew nae hing- sken chay shuh shing, who is it that excels in virtue and patience*? ^f ^ ^ ^ ^ Ji ^L -& t'ho seaou shuh shin, k'ho-gae shub shin, can anything be acuiycari aBythiirg be more lamentable ? CHAP. III. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS 27. 13" $ Ho sze, what business ? $t it /*J ke kooho tsae, what is the cause? t*T ^ ^ ^f ht> yew yu gn-o tsae, what is that to me ^^U -f* "fc yu ho, what caii be dane for me ? ^? 5t p ,"!%" ke nring ho, what can he do against fate ? ~Jfe 5- A, $?f joo thing jin ho, flow ean he rectify others? 1*T 'jH j ^ be tih che shwuy, what a falling off in virtue ! ^ ^ /^ 3jf sheborjin cliay, what man is that? jlc ^ ^f A H keaou hwan ho jin urh, to whom did you restore it? j|r H ^ 1^ j oo hwan hoping, what 8ickness have you fot -? % % ^ S ^T ke yen chay wei ho, what were is words ?f^T v ft ho kaon, how high? or what is the "height? or ^ ^ ^ kaou- ke to, or ^ ^ -f? k^,^ joo ho, how high is it? 3^ ^T "wei ho, -fa" ^ ho koOj fi ^ jin ho, all sigwir why ? fC jE ^P jfe ho joo tsse, how is it come to this extent'? f*j ^p ho joo, how is it? at the end of sentences, and ~$$ f?f joo hc^, bow ? ia what Titaoimn? at their beginning. ^ ^" ^ .Ife- Ho yew bo woo, who. has, and who -has uoi ? frj Jfl ho ch'hoo, what place? where ? T. It" ^ A pttb hxn ho jin ? whosoever; ^ffc^ W A-^ peiehay ho jin sse, what is that man ? IP| ^ ^ ^ w> ^*n che yew f what n'eed of vexation ? 28. There are other words Which crccasiottally stand as adverhs, and at crfher times as interrogative pronouns Thus B^ chow, occurs in a verjt few mstan* ccs 'for vdvo^ as ^ Xfp l|^ Jft t89ie tseang chow e. whom will you depend o'a? 3 j% shin mo, tar-ff ^ ahih mo, with ^ ^ ts&ng mo, or merely & shia, are of very frequent occurrence in conversation. (See the chapter on interrogative particieSv) Thus *ffc -ft j^_ shwoshin mo, what do yu say ? $ ^ l -fgj ^ Jf t^ joo k%?m cbay iko ts^ng mo yang sho T ^ ^ ^*^L |t j^ puh 4 r hung tih tTia shw6 ^hin "mo, I do not un- derstand what he says. j8JS ^ Na ko, occurs for nlwse ; as ^ 3f$ ^ ^f ^ ^" s he na -k^ te ^ n show pei}%, writing is this? ^ j?f >fg} A, he na 60 DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS. CHAP. III. kojin, who is that^ ^ Ko,jL k'he, and ^ yen, are occasional!', lis'j'i bistead of 19" ho. DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS. 29, They are ^ko,^-, mei, aM & rhfih yih. The use of each of them will be beSt illustrated by ex- amples, Thus^r H ko kwo, every nation;^ "f" jji ^ ko yen ke che, let eaeh one speak his own opi- nion;^ fe ko sih,^f all shades, or descriptions ; ^- ^ kohang, every article; ^j A ^ ^ >$L ^ an ?jin ko yew pun sze, of those two, each one is endowed wiflk talent ;-~ $T 'it ko yu ke tang, every one in his own clan; 3r A ko^yih jin, 6f each one man; ^~ A J^ JlL k6 jin ko keen, each has his own peculiar opinion ; ^r ^?r jit J$I k6 k6 cha pe^, differing from each other; jg- Ijffi & ^ k6 pan ko sze, every one managing 1 his own business; %r ^ & $} ko hwan ko teih^ ]^t each one have his own; fr A %$ ifc-^ft ko jin too e ke, ffi ^ triei yih keen sze. every affair;^ g| mei she, each time; ^ & mei mei, always;^ ^ ^ jlj^ met y&h s^ang how, I have frequently wished to wait upon you in person ; 4|- ^ ^ mei sze wan, he enquired about every matter. 30. Both is expressed in the following manner: ^ ^ A ^ J^ ^ ke urh jin" keae seay tsze, both of them are writing; $J f! |^ jfe m leang ko too j en ping, both of them have contracted a disease; $ j?*} ^& ^g| i^-^J. i*ha num learig ko lingle, both of theta are ^brewd; ^ ^1 ^ urh kung yung sin, tb-} CtfAP. Ill, INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. 61 both exerted themselves;^ Jf jfjl 38. & hemig tc keen fen fa, both the elder and younger brother have transgressed the law; $? $L f 'jjjfL y leang wei shih fan leaou, or $j $L fit f- /gt leang wei keu shih fan, or ^ 'fe / f5L.;S too shih fan leaou, you both have eaten, yfc 3% -- ^f ^ j S 110 k y ew c he, we both have otir several intentions;^ 1* Jl ^ |S 3t 'ft ^ rauh tseang jru teih tseang ping 1^6 sdang, both the car- penter and smith are at work at the box; 5c 5" { ^ jg| foo tsze.vkeae taou, both father TIIK! sou are come. 31, JSither m&*ieither are expressed in the follow- ing manner: ^ -J- ^ 3^ ^ fp^ hwu tsze hwo nyu yew tsuyy either your son or daughter is guilty; ^ J^ i^ ^ ^- ^ pufe she joo tsew she t'ha, it is either you or he: or $ fa $? ^ ^ J tse ^ P e ? if ^ot you than he; or J^C ^f jSfv^ ^r j^ chung peih yew yih, between ysu, one -must he iaipKeated; ^ ^ ^ j^ ^C ^ ^ i hw she keaou sze hwo she e s&ng, he is either a teacher or physician; ^ ^ ^p X fg jg ^ urh pang she jinkeen peih yew yih, it must be either of the bystanders. Neither is -formed by affixing the .negative- par- tide: as li fin ^ & jflf 1% J g. c?^y ko pub she na ko puh she, it is neither this noi thai; ^ $3 jjj[ & ** M J m leang f he meen keae woo, he has neither money nor respectability;^ $fc ^ ^ pe tsze kiii fei, neither the one nor the other; or JL ty $r chung woo yih, neitiier one of the two; ^ X ^l&angjin too woo kwo, neither of them is guilty: ffi -fH .?! *e leang ko piih she, 5t is neither cf theta; ^ t^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t'ha ir i? in ^ang ko too puh tuh ? neither of them wept;^ d -g| %* ^ ^ ^f^ woo urh puh chay keae uuh tso, neither of us servants will do it IJ*DES1NITE PRONOUNS. 32. We shall enumerate the principal characters ustd fori uleiinite pronouns, and the various modes in thid ti-^5,4 of terms is expressed. - 62 !>N!>EEIN!TB PROKOI7NS. CHAP. III. ^ Mow,.$cRne body, such a one;^t J mow jin a certain perscm ; .^ 5f mow k'hih, a certain* strauger, or visitor;^ -- ^ j^ Jaoumoo mow she y old mother So and so J~ *$ $fc~ Jjt J^ tsze seih yu mow hoo, should I be familiar with such an one., J^c Hwo, is of- ton u&ed in; the same manner: as ^ fcj hwc> yu a eer~ tain person lias said; fjf JL hwO jin, some body. -^ Yew, also occurs in the same sense: as $j J\^ yew jin r some body, or sotrre man; fe ^ A ^. ^fc ^rpeib yew Jin paou t'ha che, certainly some one has told him- ^ ^r -^ y.ew wh keen, or % jfe yew wuh, some- tning; ^ ^ yew tsze, sometimes. So also ^ ^ yew ke tsaDU, ^ ^. J, yew ke peen, j^ >^ ftj she yew teih r $ ^ $fc hw6 yew she, ^ ^ ^ heu ke fan, ^ ^ 9? ^f y^w to shaou she, all mean sometimes. r nf#tv< is expressed by^ -jgj ke ko, a fewf soo fin, several persons,* ^J >P ^A 7^w to jin, more or Jess ; ^. A ke jin, A few people ; ^ U oojiih v a few days; ^ ^ g pah soo jih, net many days; orjfi JJ piih jih, within a short time. Several; i& thus expressed; % ^fc Y ew soo > ^ ere are several; || jg ke ko, several ;-jj- ^ B fs^B ke jih, 'j^veral d^ysago;^ ^ J| shangkechoo, wounded in &e%^eral places; ^ ^ ^ ^ yew T ke kw r aewiih, he has several curiosities; ^ ^ ^ * ke fan, several times. For none or nothing, me negative i<; employed: as J& A woo jin, no man, none; ^ 3l ^ ^- S? choo e puh yih eh'huh, none of the Barbarians came for- ward ; '$$ ^ J^ ^ ^ yih ko yay rniih yew k heu, not one went away ; or ^rg J|L ^f ^ yih ko wei yew klieu, notWB, in the-s:in; CHAP. III. INDEtJNi'FE PRONOUNS. 63 leang sin tungliaou won, both their mkidU have similar prejudices and predilections; )is) yih tung, aH toge- ther;^ J^ sang lung, the same;i ]pj jth -H ta tung seaou c, Very much the same, and differing 1 but little; p| $* ~- ^ tung sinyHi e, with one heart and mind; J3 ^ %f A, tung taou teih j in, men of the same pursuits; jf, ^ ptih tung, not the same, different; -^ (5J kung tung, ?*11 together;^ ^} ho tung, together with, the same with ; {J J3^ ^ ^ tung paou kung 300, born of the same womb, and sucking at the same breast; uterine brothers:^} $ $ tniig-ehin seih, of the same couch and mat, bed fellows : Jl} $j- tung leaou, afellov/ officer; J^J ^ tung tsung, of the same window, fellow students;^. ^ |^ ^ woo puh tung chay, throughout the same; ^ fjjj keaetung, or ^ |^ * ^ keae tang yih jen,all the same. There are other words expressing same^ of which we enumerate the most common: as < yih, one>; ^ yih yang, or jjji yih pwan, after one manner; & ~- kwei yih, it comes to the same thing; Jf * hwa^ yih, to draw one liue;^i joo yih, as one; jfj yih meen, at the same time;^ ffi keae jen, all the same; ^ > P u k keae jen, universally the same; J^ ^ ta 1&S seang kin, generally, nearahouts ; ^ $ woo e e yay, no difference; || H woo e, ditto. yih ch6, one rut, or trace ; p S ^ joo ch'huh yih ch^, as if driving inone rut; ^ ^J >$t ^ ^ t'ha f hung joo yih yang kaou, he is of the same height with you. 34. ForoMeror another the Chinese use^fha, 4W -pefe?j5 Kng, aiid^- e. r IMs -Jjfc, H t'haj'h, another day;>fS A w'hajin, anofher ra^n;^ X P^ ji, some one else; ^J i -fe ^ P& sang fha e, to form some other plan ; $ j$L ^ ^ pee woo t'ha sze, no other ^| ^ shooluy, all kinds ^ ^ shoo to, many;^ ^ ohoi. min, all the people, the ^conimoR peqne:^ jjfa shoo kr. nearly, nearabouts;JSr ^ shu0i!co, almost:"^- ^ choo k ung. all you gentlemen ! pj| l|F choo sze. all affairs; ^jj ^ choo to. a great many;J| -^ shoo chung, the multitude;^ ^ choo tsze, all the philosophers, the whole school ;ffj ^ choo shwo, general opinion; |j| ^ choo kea. the \\hole tribe of philosophers; ^ ^ choo joo, the whole (acuity of scholars. ^ Keae, and^L kae. occur. (J are occiio3:5!ly sy^o* 1 CHA?. nr. roLLETtv^ PRONOJUNS. 65. nyfhous: asjt ^ nyu keae* the women ail;$L *8T chungkeae, all;# X JL teae pun keih, all made quate;jf $ |f nrh gno yh t'he, you and I arc one; ^. $c ^ f&t'hae tekeae jen, nearly all the same,; ^ ^ ^ i wan wuh keae siing, all things are gene rated;^ ^7 ^ |t l ou yew keae tsae> both old and young arc present; ^iV th kae ' ail to g f ^ er - $- '^|L >H vfe tsesng kae keu chtih, dri^e them ail out toge- ther; A Mk ta kae, in general, or on an average. ^? Too. occurs in this seruse; asA^^ Jin t^ keu tsun hoo Sin, he fcep& it all in hi heart; ^ ^ keu k# 5 each, every one; ^i9f^> ^ ^ ^t yew so sze keu puh show, tf all thai he gave he received nothing So also ^eu;as^4fc seukeaou, to teach all ;^ ^ seumei, to level all. In the sense of ail, ^r tseen, is used; as ^ ^g tseen seueo, they all chose; j; ^p Jt ^ ^| puh yueii tseen chay t'hing, he did not wish thai all should hear; j^ tseen yufe,, all said. We meet with ,^ haa ? likewise as a eollective; thus A $0 $ ^ yi wuh ban heacg, rational arid irrational tribes all enjoyed it; $C ^ ^ ban tsetsftti. all were assembled;^; ^ bar c, all suitable: "^ ^ 4| ^ shang tan ksueti ym ? all the merrhantR have contributed money. Mark also the following phrases: ^ ^ tse lae, they come all together ; ij^ ^ ^ yih tse keu i&, all is- sued forth tog'ethe? ; ^ '^ * ^ tse eh'huh tseg yihg-, they all went wt to oneet him ; ^ ^ tse shing, all vhh one roice;^ ^ -wei tee, all together ;|f ^ h6 iea, your whole family ; ^ ^ A bo jih jin, ail the people of the city. We may mention ^ kuog, in the saoie conoetitioa ; as.^ ^ kungcke, all of them knew, or gener* Hy known ^ ^ kuu^ ke, the whole number; ^ "^ i S Jk kuug e kwo ching, all unitedly ed aboui the gOFemment of the coutry ;/ TO NUMERALS. CHAP, IV. jin fehinituag* fun, men and spirits were ail exasperated, ||. 4^ toiuK: kung, or- $|_ kung tsung, aH toge her, - fte whole , >- -j ta kung. ditto, t^ ^' ho kung, all together; ^ 4^ kung kung. publicly together: $g W $LkTOg searg foo tsoo. they ait helped each other. A ^.Ta kea, iiv oonversation, signifies all, every one, all of you: as;^ fa fa g $ jj takea ineen "meen ^gajag she, they all looked at each other. As a collective j^ seih, IB frequently used; asjfe ^ seih ken 5 all; |g ^ seih twan, the whole were eut off; ^} 1J & yjh ts4^ tsin seih, the whole number, all together: ^ % seih leih, with one's wfeele strength . ^ y tain teae, all; |5 /* tsb sin, with she whole mind- 4- ^t tseuen fche whole number, all; ^ yin ts\ oy-^-^ yih ping, }^ yih t'huag, i^ yili ic, ^i- yih t*he, severally signifies the whole, all together. We only remark in addition, that ^ to, many, is often used m a collective pronoun, and that words like $ ketin, a heed; '4^ yuen, clouds ; ^ fung, bees; are frequently used to denote multitudes, though it would not be ex- actly proper to consider them in the light of collectives. We may easily perceive after the perusal of this Chapter, that the pronouns of this gigantic language as varied as those of the richest language. CHAPTER IV\ . OTMERALS, I. THERE are three v?ays of writing the numerals, The first is called the& ^ fc ^ S ^ yuen pua tf?ihBCK) miih tsze, or the original mode of writing them, antfris common in books or ac;ounts, The second is cat UM capital mode of writ?ng > and consists in a selection of ^^meters shnikr in sound, but of various meanings. 7 hey are ased ia brds and imporiant document^ te CHAP, IV. NUMERALS. 63 prevent their being easily erased or chants**!* or for the sake of ornament, and the display of learning. Tfce third and last called fa ^ fo "lit ^ t* a ^a * e *& sootsze, or^ **f $$ Ijfc g .^ soo chow masoonaufe tsze, are abbreviated forms used to facilitate writing, and expedite the drawing out of accounts; they derive iheir names from Loo-Choo, the place where they were per- haps invented. 2, The iphole system of numeration is decimals which the Chinese carry through all their calculations, to the highest and lowest numbers. They went ongin- al]y not further than a myriad, #ad up to this day go on numbering in this manner. Thus the? say, f- J sbih wan, ten myriads, for 100,000; E ~f" j^ san 8hih wago, thirty myriads, for 300,000; gf ^ yih pih wan, a hundred myriads, for 1,000,000; ^F Hf yih ts&m wan, a thousand myriads, for 10,000,000. The follow* ing is of later invention: such asfj|:yih, 100,000; ^bchaou, 1,000,000 - JC king, 10.000,000;^ kae, 100,000,000. The word^ te,J^ jang,>^| kow>|g ke'en,3 ching, and^ tsae,are also used by the BueL hfiist and Tao^-priests to enumerate their endless kulpas. 3. Some numerals are used in a peculiar manner, of which we shall exhibit the principal idioms. Yih, is used in numerous compounds, some of which have been alluded to, in a formelr part of this work, and need not be repeated here: the following, however, may be noticed: yih yih, one by one; /fc yih sin, with one heart, unanimous; || J woo yih pub, without exception; ^ pub yih, or 5j feiyih, not merely one kind; ]|p yih king, as soon as; |g yih meen, at the same time, whilst, one while, occasionally repeated: as 5f A P3 jg 1^" ^ 3fc tft $Ji y& m ^ en ch'huh jnun, yih meen tuy cliang pan shwo taou, whilst he was going out of th* gate, he said at the same time to his servant, &cV jfej yih tsft, partly: as - |ij ft % % ft if yih tsih e ke, yih tsih e keu, partly with joy, and partly with fear; ^ wan yih, one in ten thousand, scarce* IjT, if perhaps; ;|c yih k'how shwuy, one draught 68 NUMERALS. CHAP, IV, of water; ||- yih she, at one time; Jt )?tfyiia tee she, in a moments time; jfc yih tsze, once; ~ ^ yih sang, the -whole life; %j}s yrh t'hung , as soon #s he heard: and so with various other verbs: as jjfe yih shwuy, as soon as he slept; ^ ^ yih wang, as soon>as he went away. They use also ^ yih wei, orj|~ chuen yih, ad^ ^ij yih teen yih taou, topsyturvy. 4. The second cardinal number ^ urh,is used . for both : also in the following connections ^f* Z~ puh urh, the same; ^--jfe urfa sim, double minded: ^ ^urh ts'hm, the two relatives, parents, ^ Leatig, is syno- nyrnous with the above; as ^ H leang e, cr j^ "" ^ J^ngta, the two regular oir great ones, i. e. heaves and ^artfi; ^. ^ leang teaou,>the. plaintifi' and defendant; % ^ leaiig mei, the two handsome things, i. e. genius m lams, and beauty in woman; 5- ^ san sze, to ilunk. 5. Ihey go on to enumerah: j^ ^. tsaesan, means <%a?e and again, frequently, thrice :Z |SL san tsuh^ the three relations, viz. father, mother, and wife; 2. $i g, the three ties in life, vis. prince and minis- r ftiriaer^md son, husband and wife; jL ^ san kwang, three lights, viz. un, mooa, and stars; 2- ^ sau , the three fowers^ viz. heaven, earth, and mate; S ^ san pan| the three classes of attendants in a public est Jiiefaiy ranks. 6. They have afe^. % sae fang, the four Bar- ters; 1^ sze hea, in every part; Kg ^ sze shoo> in every place; 83 jg sse meen, an every side. So also )$ ^ sze e,all the BarbarisKK|]g ^ sae paoo, the four precious things* viz. pencil, pamper, ink, and ink- stone; ygt vfe sze hae-the four seas, by Hrhkt China is supposed to be surrounded, often used for the whole Empire ;.3J j|j sze heang. the four points of the eo^- pfass; B3 ^L sze ke, and W l^p sze she, the four seasons; $9 ^ sze t'he, or 83 ^ sze she, the fct& members, or extremities; and |5f ^ sze tuh, the four rivers, (in the north of China.) 7. Tbey proceed with theii groujniigs ioJLwoo. five; as Jt ^ wookuh, five kinds of grain, or grain in general ;; ^ TITOO Itin, the five relations in Ufe^ viz, priDce and suojeci, , husband and wife, pRronts a^dch?- dren, elder and younger brothers, with frie^ulsandeom- pmiions;j ^c ^ Seaou, the five preeejl-ts, respect- mg, each ef these ;JL ^--woohing, the five elements, viz. water, fire, wood, metal, and earth, of which all in- visible thfangs are^oom^osed, and to whteh correspond the JL M ^ r oo sung, five planets, vk. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jepiter, and Saturn; JL ^ woo tsang, the five viscera; 3E. ^ woo sih, the five colours; *#~ woo wei, the five tastes; ^& woo yo, the five highest mountains in China, towards which the worship of the ancients was directed ; jE ^ woofeeo, the five ranks of nobility; and i ^ woo- fang, the four points of the compass and fee centre, or zenith. 8. They go on to enumerate ft &~ Kih ko, the four quarters of the world with the zenith and nadir ;^r ^ ihh poo, the six tribunals at Peking;-/; jjL luh fang, the six departments of administration in the provinces, in imitation of the foregoing ;;/\ ^ luh keih, the six calamities or inflictions, 1 hus they have also - g^ tseih ching, the seven celestial regulator?, viz. the sun, moon, and five planets; A. ^" pa fang, the eight p&iueipit] r . ' juhordinate.poiutsof the compass; /V a Ta, ih-i eiwbi diSeit;nt la\v*s of the criming 70 NtmSRASX. CHAP. IV, code; A. :ff f>a hicg, the eight different ways by which the tributary grain arrives at Peking 9, They advance in their cfa*aiieatiaa of numerals* to jt> kew: as,fc R) kew num. the nine gates of the capital ;;#, Jc &2W- keaon, the nine apertures of the lieart;^ jJL kew pin ? the nine gradations of official Tank ; JL. -tik kew chow, the nine provinces ; JL ^J kew bm^, the nine junishine;af3;& &_ kew tseuen, the nine fountains^, underneath which lies hades ; *f ^ shih tseuen, entirely perfect; *f -^ sh*h fun, very much : "g 7 *|* pih kwaa, all the Mandarins; f -fe pih sing, the hundred surwaines, the people; g" 4^ P^ n hwuy? tiie g e * neral assemblage of nerves^ the braii); ~J? ,^r, pih miihj the whole class of trees; ^ ^ pih ke, a Unudred plans, a great many schemes; ~g~ '$ ~g *}* pih fk pih chung, prove successful in every enterprise; *Jf ^ -^ pih tsesn wan, an immense number; ^ ^L tseen tsew, a hundred autumns, the birth-day of a person of rank ; ^P IT ^ 1^ ts ^ en P^ *^ a to^ft a S reat wany ser- wats; ^f ^ ts^en suy, a title of a king, Your Majesty ! ^ ^|| tseen chow, the same; ^f & J| ^ tseen saa wan shwuy, all woods and waters; ^f ^ ^& ^r tseen neen wan tsae, an amazing long time; ^ g wan kwo, all nations; ^ ^ wan suy, $Jj ^ ^ wan suy yay, and ^ $ ^ wan wan suy, all mean His Imperial Ma- J est y H ^ wan show, the Imperial birth-day; ^ ^r wan fang, all pahs of the work!;$| ^| ^ ^wau nan tsung- min^, at all risks obey you; j^ ^ wan she, forallagc^^ Wan, followed by a negative increases its power: as$| ^ ^ ^ wan puh kantso, I Y^-'Id not on any account dare to do so; ^ ^ yih chacu, or 4fe ^, chaou Trin, the millions of the people; j^ yfa king chaou, the capital 10. Fractions, ^ ^ ling &oo, are expressed in the foil owing manner: as jEL ^ ^ ^ sanfunyew yih fun, or H ^ it *"* san fun che yih, one4hird; ^7 ^ ^ luh fun che sze, two-thirds; ^L -^ > J kew fun che woo, five-ninths; ^ pwan, one-half; ^ vin yih yuen pwan, one dollar and a half: yih men pwan, or j yih ueeu CHAP* XV. NUMERALS. 71 yew pwan> *one year and a half; f 41; ^ HJ" neen ke pwaii pih, about half ce tury old; ^ jsK P^an heang. lialf a minute; ^ ^ pwaa yay, midnight; ip -j- pwan tsfce, a son in law ; ^ % ta "pwan, the majority ; ^ ^ ^ j|^ pwan bin ywan e, half belieti&g half db-ucting. **p Chung, sand ^ yang, &* both used in the sei-s?;- of half: a quarter is 48? ^ j sze fiin the yth; a qiu^ ter of an Lour is j?^ ^ %$ she shin yih k'hih, 11. Once, twice, thrice, &c. are expressed in Chi- nese I/y joining the jiuiBerais to^ tsge, lU hwuy ? ^ fan, and if, tiaou: as one: He *;Jt- syotb^e, .several i5*irB; >L H *'S^ jih, second day ;]3| |gj S2ie.hwiiy, four Cimea; S JO U5 ..> ||- I&h fe six times ; ^ ^kefan, several times; xj| yili tsaoi, once; -}* v|f sMh tsaou, teaiiines; ^ ^ fea tsaoiu aeveral times] fp ^jt tseS tsze^ j die ts2e, ife.l'o.y tsze, f & iuy tsae,^ ^feen tsze, ^ ^ to ^Lhaou ke tsze, ^ .jg: wang ^- ./f se seS, |f H. tsae t?ae else san,jji ^ teih texe, |f ^ chuBg-dbg che^ all signify iany times, 12. Double is ex|^e^sed by.JI chuag, wd shwang:asE ^ chui^fuli, a douUe t?ress; i ^ cliiing fah, again; j| ^j| chung k'hih, to reprint; 2. Z "i^ Si[ ^ san C ^ ITP S ^h^v.^b luh, three doubted; H $Jt yih tihwaag w^ 5 a pair ef stockings; % ^ shwiicg ts'hit), parents :^ |f shwang shwang, io pairs, ^ ^ woo shwnng, iaeomparable, geerles^; ^ >^ sliWMig tseuen, boA perfect Jp Tan,^ tuh, %$ till, asd \ tuh yi jin, ke siagJe tnau;^ ^ t^h show, with a single haml; J| j| chili ^hin, one peisoa alone. Fold is expressed %jr^ pei, and ^ kea; as Z fa san pei, ;^ 21 f? to sail pei, or >f 1^ 51 iS & shaag sao pei, threefold; i ^L M san ctjow shin, a three fold cord; jfr f Iksa yih pei, 72 NtmBKALS. CHAP, IT. double; ^ ^ -f" if? shing che shih pei* ten times more; Jtu >fe" jka]uh pei, fix fold. 13. In order to express the ordinal, 1foe Chmese prefix Jjl te, before the cardinals: as^ & te sze,, be fourth;^' ^ te kew, the ninth. It Might, however, to be observed, that they are seldom used, and that the Chinese generally express the carJinals thus: ^ -Jt ^ /L ^ taou kwang shih kew aeen, in the 19th year of Taou-kwang: .2* % san yufc, the third mouth; 3& $3 keueu sxe, the fourth bo^k. 14 Odd is expressed by^" Hug: as ^ ^f ^ i^ -f- urh tseen Kng luh shih, 2,OSO;^ ^ ^ ^ e was Jing sze, 40,004. More is expressed by^ yn: as s* IT ^ ^ ^ foh pih ye yu ts^en^ more than 600, oe huii- dred and five years of age;^ -^ 4- 5. j^ show liih shtfe san suy, at 63 years of age ; -f ^" ^ ^^^ y ew san, thirteen^ ^ ^ ^L luh yew urh, sixty two. These ar the peeri&i&r modes in which the Chinese use the numerals and they ought consequently to be imprinted upon the memory. 15, Addition is called by the Chinese X4 soo 4 substraetioa ^ $t t^eo soo; multipiicatioa |l shliig shoo; the raultipifefitioa tabled f^ &~ i$L kew fao soo; and division is called ^ ^t ftin soo. The whole process of arithmetic is performed by the ( bi with great dexterity m the afiacus, a instrument whid* every Siuologue trill be eoaversant, We have kkeady remaxked thai the decimal CHAP. IV. NUMERALS. 73 system was carried by the Chinese to a very great ex- tent. Most of their money accounts, their measures, and their whok calculations being founded upon it In computing money they use the folio wijjg terms. Ten 'j* hwuh, make one 4^ sze, ten^ sze one^ h, ten^- haou. one /It le, (or cash) ten/!! in vne *?- (or candareen) ten^ fun, one, ||[.t6een, (or mace) Leu ^ tseen, one $| leang, (atael. or ounce.) For heavier articles they add 16 S leaiig, make one % kin, (or cat- ty, 1J lb, avoirdupoise) 100 j>f kin, make one ^ ten, or ^L tan, (pecul, 133^ Ib.) 17. ' Tlieir long measure is the following: 10 & fun. make one 3~ tsun, (or pint:) 10 ^ tsun, one K. chih, (or oovid) 10 }L chih, one ^t chang, (about four yards; in Canton a yard is called^ ma;) 10 ^: chang make one $\ yin, In- measuring distances they say, live Jt chih. make one^ poo, (or pace about 5^ feet,) 360 ^ poo, make one $. le, (Chinese mile, about 659| ( yards,) 250 HL le v make" one^ too. (mathematical degree, which is also iivided scientifically into 60^ fun, or minutes; and each of these 1j~ fun, into sixty ^ chaou, or s* coeds.) In land measure ilve ^ chih, (as above) make one ^ poo, or kuag, 240 Jj, kung ? make one SX. mow, and lOOpijLmow, one^ king, 18. In dry measure, their mode oi reckoning is the following:;?; ^t luh suh, make one i kwei v ten i kwei, one ty chaou, ten^? chaou, one i|c tso, ten jjfc one ^ cb^, ten ^ cho, one ^ho, ten ^ ho, one ci\ig, or pint, (about 31| cubic pints) ten ^ shing, 3|- t<*w, or peck, (about 316 cubic puts) five Jy tow, on? S4 hwiih, (or 15bO cubic pints) and twoi=fhwuh 5 make one >6 shih,(or 3160 cubic pints.) This is the scientific arrangement, not exactly followed in com- mon life, where two ft yo, make one ^feo, the remain- der it as above. 19. In working time the Chinese make use of fwo sets of horary characters: the first is *f ^ shth kaa, the ten stems, or JJc ^ t'heen kan, the ceie,s*tial stems, hese are f kea, t^ yih, ^| piu^, X tine. ri woo, ft wei. The oilier *t- 74 NUMERALS. CHAP. IV. ries consists of he "f ~ j. shih urh che, the twelve branches; ais<> called :$fc Xte cne the terrestrial bran- ches; which are ^ iszfi, JL chow, *rs, Thus JL *f chingwo, exact ntK>u., or 1 keaottwoo, 11; ^.. M ..T ^ cbiv.- keacu hae, 9; R M. &c. Tlie j^^ she s^ are divided into eight^ k'h'ih, quarters; an- these into ^ pwan, or halves;* as jt J8$ * ^| chine seA yih k'hin, a quarter past eight; P. M. $ *f? ^ keaou yin urh k'hihpr;*,::, 37{ r*iinute nasi A. M, I he night from seven in the evening, 10 five IP. the morning, is divided into live J* k^sisg. or watches. each comprising two hours. The sanie twelve branche^ sen'e also to designate the points of the compass: thu> ^h tsze, means north; ^ woo, south: ^jj maou, east; and W yew, west; the other eight denote the inter- mediate points. Most of their months consist of 30 days; the first month is called J JJ ching yut; the first clay of each month is called ^ Is'hoo jih: while tfeis% ts'hoOj is prefixed to all the days up to the tentl*. day: as ^f - B is'hoo urh jih, the second day: ^ff "L S ts*hoc san jih, or sithply ^J 2. ts'hoo san, ibe third day* &c. Tke month is occasionally divided into three decades, called Jt || shang seun ; vj* 3? chung seim > and *T ^ hea seun; the first, second, and third decades ; ^j |*J seun ituy, within ten days ; | wae, more than ten da y; Z ^ san seiui, one seun, the same: Jf g* -t ^ Been e already 70 years of age. An intercalary of wBirh there are seven in nineteen years, is 5 M J lm .V u ^, the rule for fixing the same i*. . iv. *. 75 that when during a lunar month, the sun does not enter any particular sign of dis zodiac, that mouth is in- tercalary. The Chinese year is luni-solav, consisting of 12 lima? months, to which an intercalary month is added as a- bove, to make the lunar correspond with the solar year. it commences on the new moon nearest to the fifteenth degree of Aquarius, and is corrected according to the so- lar year, by the use of twenty four terms or half moriim, called |p ^r t-se' ling ; eacb of which expresses the pe- riod of the sims passage through the half of a zodiacal ign, .See the amused table. ) CHINESE TEEMS. Jan. 6. /h '%%- Seaou-han. Sun 15* in Capricorn. Jan. 21. *. *Ta-han, >^ fr'eb. 5. A * Leib-chun, j; Site in * w Feb. 19, 33 3JC Yu-shwuy, ) . .. Mar. 5. ^^King-chih, $ Sunm Pisces. Mar. 20. ^ ^ Chun-fun, > c . Apr. 5. Jt 58 Tsiug-ming, 5 &Un " Apr. 20. 'Sc S Kuh-yu, > ,, . _ May . 5. A 3E Leih-hea, { Sun m Taurtts - May 21. j} ^t Seaou-mwan, > ,, . June 6. -S Jl Mang-chung, {&*" Genum. June 21. i j Hea-che, ) c . _ July 7. ;J^ ^f Seaou-shoo. J * un m ^ nc - July 23. A 4Ta-shoo, Aug. 7. Jt Jt Leih-tsew, J Sun m A^g. 23,^ ^ Choo-shoo, > , vr .rep. 8. fi^Pih-loo, ^un 111 Vwgo. Sep. 23. $fc ^- Tsew-fiin. > _ Oct 8. ^ ^ Han-loo, Sua Llbra - Oct. 23. if^ Sbwang-keang N ov, 7. 4 ^ Leih-tani:. ters 76 NUMERALS. CRAP. 1Y. The Chinese count their years either according to the r.-i*?'j of an Krnperor; as for 1840 they say >3t 3fe ~- "t if* taou kwang urh shih Been, or according to a cycle, called ^ ? keS tsze, of *^fc T "?" hwa ke tsse, each consisting of 60 years: these are marked by the above horary character-, (See the annexed tahle. 1 840 is the 37th year Jf ^ kng tsze, of the 75th cycle, since the days of Hwang-te. ) THE EWA-KEA-TSZE, OR CYCLE OF SIXTY keatsie 2 f i ym chow ping ym 4 n kea 12 yih hae 13 iiigmaou tote 14 TJL ting chow I hi I woo yin 6 Jb ! ke 17 18 * ii< SZ-. 19 21 kett shin '23 yki 31 W i 32 41 51 shin 42 we ping uu Tt feac 25 WOO tSJC 26 mug shin yib see piag woo A kf chow f^ sin rc 9 ;in whin 10 woe 20 we kang yin tinL r yew ting we ,5. i 45, >$ ;? r/** seufai i woosJSiiri 36, 46 ke hae | ke yew 37 47, A jL. "^tb /^X" j ^t/% Miaou 29 I 38 [ 4^ ^JL i ^^ sin ebow i ui hat 39. 49 jin shis 30 -. kwei ? jin yin j jin tsxt 40 50 kea yii 52 yih maou ping shin -54 re sze 55 56, &8 .57, kang shin 58 fg *iu yevr 59 jin scuh 60. k^vci CHAF. V. 21 . In enumerating, the Chinese do not generally the ordinal* as our first, secondly, thirdly. &c. hv 1 adopt iht> following method las**- ^jt yih lac, first ~ $L arh lae, secondly; (also occasionally $ ^R ^ ^ /- ) or * 3% yib chay, in th first instance; ~~ % urh eh ay, in the second instance: or < jjf.yih tsih, in th first place; -j2. |$ urh tsih. in the second place; or ~~ H yih yu&,ji Q urh yuc, the same-; -->r % keyih, the ftrst;j}( ^ ke urh, the second; &c. In many in- stances they only use yih, and will go through a whole sones of subirrtr, prefecte^ >ath yih. Fii^t, second, and tte are expressed byjt shang, 4 1 chung, and T hert Fire^ and last by^^rche chung, ^ $L pun mo, and Jf ,C t'ho'-v v ei. First *od second by jE. ching ; ai>d^tsung. First, upper- mo6t is jt y^en: as ^ ^ yoen jih, the first day of the year; ;c v if yuen neen, the first year *f ? reign. FOT the first 'lay -:>fa TI/'-'V; month ^ so, is sometimes used instead of^KJ ts'hoo, first. ^ The uppennost i v s also ex- pressed hy^ kwfi as ^ $& isuy kwei, the chief of sinners. Otherwise first (before others) is expressed by It" ^ show seen. t>r ^ ^ -ts tiy seen. Last: as last year is expressed by ^ ^ k'heu neta, ^ ^ kew i>een. or .f : i^: k r h ^bc last day of the year is CHAPTES Y THE VERB. 1, As the Chinese verb has not yet been exhibited in all its bearings, we shall be the more particular upon this suteect Thus it will be our object to show, how. thoughTtevoid of moods and tenses, it is made to answer all the purposes of our conjugations and infections; while we must always bear in raind, that unless rhe distinction become necessary, aone of the grammatical 78 AUXILIARIES. CHAP. V. particles or auxiliaries are employed. It is an exiensive subject in the disquisition of which, we in treat the rea- der's patience, which will, as we hope, be not inappropri- ately bestowed. We shall not burden the memory by rule's, but mostly teach by examples, and endeavour to shew by these, the various modes in which the verb, tailed by the Chinese !pr ^ tung tsze, or Jg '^ hwo tsze. a r-rO-viDg or living ehm~acteris used, AUXILIARIES. 2. We begin with this class, as affording an intfCM duction to the subsequent remarks. From the nature of the language we may easily suppose that auxiliaries are rather numerous. The principal ones with their va- rious uses are enumerated below. 3. The first is % tih, to get, or obtain; it also sig- nifies ability. Thus f ^ tso tih, it may be done, practicable; $t ^ gae t*h, may he loved, amiable; 'ft Jf* 1$ te Fuk ^' i**ay not be done, impossible, ~$L % -flf shwo puh tih. it cannot be spoken, unspeak- J i & ^ %!t PU& tih- shwo, idem. J| jfa ^ -j mu lib shwo, cam'-- saj anything; $r ^ ^ *$t s eay . dh puh k'hwae, cannot write fast; -^ ^ ^ puh tih e. *: 3%- ^f puh tih puh, cannot avoid; ^ -$J pun vih ieaou, cannot close ; ^ ^he tih, can rejoice; ^ ^kixig tih, frightened; <| ^ nan tih, difficult to be obtained; If <$ & ^. ^than tih woo yen, can be de- sired without loathing; It -f| T ^ mei tih puh shing, can be considered i>eautifid in the extreme; ^ ^ i^zc tih, to have possession of one's self; ^g ^ seang tih, to be mutually agreeable;^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tsingpiih tih tung pCih tih, could neither move nor be at rest. As already shown above, ^ tih, often indicates the su- perSative degree; as ^ -ff ^ panu'tili keih, _as cruel ** powftihle , >fC ||r pa puh tih. or ^ ^"<> -ib. ; ;^ ^ iieeti tih, or^j| ^ j>iv that it may ?>e avoided, or dhpettetf'i ^ ; ^-: r?. 4^ -f& CHAP. V, \lj\n, lAfUES. 73 meen pub til', *i %\ A* tpf sang puh lip, unavoidable, 4. We next rtfir to j|f cho, Wnieh is in some res- pects related to the above, though less definable. lr means to cause, to effect, and, in many in-statices, v/heii affixed to verbs, cannot be explained by any corres- ponding word in English: for instance .it M leih chi\ he' stood :5| 3f teih cho, did kick; If tso cho. sat: ^ ^ na cho, took. To this we add th$ f~ inst i.; ni caning will he clearly seen: i; ^f k till we fed; J$ t li~ keen cho. got ;!-. oft"% V ","ho. lookF.fl to-war^ ; $- ^ ..^" shwuy puh cho, could not sleep ;^ ^F\ j^f tsin puh cho, could not find; W ^ "^f lew cho gno, retained m.^;^ ^ ^ kan tih cho, succeeded in the pursuit; H? 7J[ 1& ^^ en cn ^ t'ha, thought about him; ^ ^ inei cho, oi\ what account, for what purpose; ^ ^ cl>o keih; to be in haste; ^ ^- cho ling, to issue or- ders; TJJ: ^ cho naou, got into a rage, |j| >^ cho 16, or ^ ^ y ew cn n answerable for* The general meari- insr, in most of these instances is, to reach, effect, come to obtain, cause. 5. We may also specify^ kea on, or ^ |;r rase with;^she/^tfc^]^keih;^\ie 3 'iiKijt are all used to form a neuter causative, the first two ex- clusively in conversation: as^i ^ If -! ^ ^ keaou gno chow yay k'hin laou, make me work night and day;^^l -i$ ^ jS5 hewkcaoit foo t'hung wrm,, do not let the woman hear of it;^t ^ ^Ji ife" ^ ^ keaou gno jooho pan sze, how shall I be ahle to ma- nage the business;^: 5jp fl@ ^t 8^ ^ ieaou 0* ko urii shwuj cho, made the child sleep; v$ $% ff: 'ff -^ H ^ keaou gno tso heu to go safe, caused me to do a ^reatdeai of wickedness; *$ ^ ^ ^ -^ ^ keaou - i.ih k liae k'how, he gave me no opportunity for opep rw^th;^kj^^ "I 4 ^ 'S - Ifc ^ %" joofaft : ven. keaou gno me-htso le hmiy. by your m^cr: speech and frequent repetition you pre- vent sue from understanding" you ;*4 ]i|j ,-^r j^ ,^ ^: keaou shasig sae to ^Kth Uh. r^.^kc it insupportable t the merchants. ^. Keaou, oii accouutof tbesimila- 80 AUXILIARIES, CHAP. V. ritv of* sound, is often used in the same manner. ifc ffi She tih, it will do; fc A -ft & ^t she jin show nan woo soo, to cause numberless sufferings to people;^ f^ ^ ^t woo she gno shih, do not cause me to sailer loss; -?Jt A 3 ff :j^ : fL she jin ke shoo lae, cause people to send letters, -fife She, is also used for perhaps: as also 15 ftl^he she, /II fjt ka she, in th same sense ;-f~ ^ &*g wan, to give notice; ^ A Ir ling jin await pe. to cause people to rejoice; - f y ^ SJ 1 1$t t w ** n ^ n g k^ a tsze :? DO sze ^ ^1 not ^ et your family starve;^ jg ^ ^ pe tseue pe ynen, to cauc>e the sources of evil to he cut off; j^t ^" gf- ^ ^ pc yew o e iae, cause him to have something to rely on; T4 -$f $- jfc ^" ^ rfe P e ^^ P 6 tsze > rcw P in S g kn - cause that . ttiei'e may ^ be peace on both sides. This word is also whiten ^ pe. $$ Keih, like the tbyraor, denotes to give: as ^ j^|- shan** kf:ih, to ^ive a re ward; f| ^ mae keih, to sell to; 3^^ keihtexe, give a commuaication, or commu- iiitate;|^^ 3^.^ keih ling hung pae, eause them to receive a passpor! . In edicts, this word is used in various ways. But in conrersation ic is often used in the passive sense: as ^ ^ || ^ keih gno ma t'ha, he was blamed by me; ^ %$ $& j^ gno keih t'ha nu, I was blamed by hirw;|^-^^f <^ keih gno bwo , he was told by me, Che, nieaas also to cause: as ( gt c che, in or- der to; JL )JSk che e ? cause that; | ^ che t^ to com- munieat^ information;^ ^ ke che, address to ? ^t ^ che che, to make known, or cause to know, ^ ;f jj^ ^ che yew ts?:e sze, until this atfair was brougit a- bout; Jt ?& ^ ie s *e to cause death, ^ ^ J^J ^ JJ. ^ k'hin laou r ehe tewan tseen, worlt diligently in or- der to gain money ; ^ ^ fcew che, do not let: Jt '^ s ' ehe ling, cause. 6. jjK^ Peih, "I* kae,JS ji"gv^ wo ^M seil - 5! e 5 ^' tang, andj. ie, all mean oughi, mugl; and should, either singly or ia compounds. ?ji ijfr Wei peih. it is not jaecessary, it is net certain; $fc ^ pai'h teo, CHAP V AUXILIARIES, 81 ))k |c peih yaou, all mean indispensably necessary, fy? Peih, often denotes the future tense, conveying a si- milar meaning to our shall: as $*' 3J peih lae, shall come;^ *jj peih se'ay, will write ; ijfc $ peih tseang, certainly will;^ $ peih je, o*^ *j& ^ peih joo she, it must be thus; / & peih king, it will be so af- ter all Ying kae, ought ;^ ^ kae aBg s should; kae tsze, ought to die; j^ j^ ^ ^ ^ keu tunge kae yay, conduct as it ought tobe jfe ^* \ingtang, ought, what is proper: & ^ tsae ying, certainly ought, i! isnjy duty; ^g j^ seang yung, mutually required: JJL ^c ying shing, to take upon oneV self an obligation, to promise; JL J| ^ #t we * P^g yew tsze^ it ought nof to be thm ^ ^ Woo seu, $r jjt woo peih, ^ ji" woo e, mean severally must, ought, necessary ? iftdfejpensable; as -fr )% %woo suh hing, you mMt walk fast; ^ ^ Jt ^ woo peih tsin leih, it is accessary that you should ex- ert yourself; ^ jt ^f ^ woo e neang t'heeu, w ought to look up to heaven, J?jf J^ Seu yaou, necessarily must; ^f ^ seu t'hae, must wait;H> ^ji ^sung seu, above all must, you must decidedly; zjljjji $jfr ^ keu^ seu ttsban show, must cut off hid head; |TA 3j( ^& nan ta seu hw&n, young men when grown up should be married ;^jf ^ ^ ^ seu woo tih chuy koo, must not on any account make tences. ^ JSeu, is now and then used in the same ^ $ Woo e, and j Jt le e, ought, it is proper; # 3C *ean ? e t befitting;^ J & ;fr 3^ woo e ch'hiib leih wan seun, you ought to exert yourself to finish the business: jg. ^ peen e, suitable; | j tih e. proper; J ,^ e jen, feuitable;^ Jt hih e, just what ought to be. 5 '^ Leta-g,^ ^ pun tang, mean what ought to be done; ;Jfj ^ seang tang, what is fitting to be done; IB M tag seay, must write; J? ^ ^ 3t ^ 1 tang lae t^heen taou, it is reasonable that we should trust to providepee;^.^ ^ g- pun 8<3 tang wei, what ou^ht to be done. CHAP. T\ M Le, just, reasonable, ought ; $f ^ ^ le so tang wei, what ought to be done;j!j| J fgj |j| lee *vS?i tsuj',he ought in reason 10 he punished, 1 . $gf Yue,| yo, 4? jaon,V^| she, and if k'hang, a?l mean wislv, desire, want wtH: as^ ji tsnng yuei\ H j|: yuen e, to iwdbpH; $ A ^ ;ji yuen wan jin heang f uB, w^ wish -all men to eajoy happineaa, j|f ^ 5P ft M "1 X f # fT-^ '^3V yew seay tih, yuen tuh ye^* ruh piih tin. wishing to write write, wishing to read and cannot read;^ yeu e k*fae diing, wv - -- you to go on your journey. ^ y uetr T;; - sn4t 3t 4t'^ y* 9 mean to de- But could not; ^ ^ ^ ^ eyo irang elmen, he wished to sail | ^ "^ N ^ e yoho vim, what does fee wish to do? J ^fc |f ^ A ^ ^f y^n yo yo Seftj^in seang ho, he wished toiwjj ^a good tern> Mrith his family, p Yaou, and Jik & yo yaou ? mean to want, wish, &&* as $ ^ # y aou ch'iivA keae, he wanted to go out; Jc |r ^tJ^ yoyacmV b cliing, he wanted to atr tac 5t the city; ^ 4| tsuy JAOU, or ^ ^ kin yaou, verj much wanted 3^ She, is used to express desire, wish, but is not r^soy*J so frequently as any of the above auxiliaries B ^ ^ ^- sii-* yu yo shih, io be addicted cc eat- ing and drinking; **f ^ ^ ^ sli<3 yo woo keung hfjt ^ ^ i le she^e. ] was only desirous of gain. K'hang, -/ill, to be willing as ^ ^ pub uw:, he v^^s a^wvlliug f ^> follow,-^ , to absent to, to agree to , ;j| ^ ^ ji6 one was willing Lo do it. The verbs ft pa,^ ta, & lae, k'hei^ t^ tliae, |^ kan v |f h^gi nnd $| p'ha, are used in various ways as auxiliaries. $B Pa, to take hold of, to grasp, often occurs as ai; auxiliary, an*i is w many instances untranslatable: a$ Jf ife fe f^ -S- A ?>a fhab taou fsngBuy, tafc B !* j tV 3T P a no k'hmg leaou. treated rrie pa sin tsoo bo, to feed the riie of his heart towards him; $J ^ jjf ~* >^ pa sin mt yih mo. just lay your hand upon yul: ..From' these va- rious examples H v^ii appear, feat the word, either gh eb a causative meaiimg, or niay be translated % view, ar consiior, especially when followed, by <* tm^jfe or^ idae, 43- Ta, to beat, or strike, is used m a variety o as ata auxiliary: thus |j ^ ta eao7i, to sweep; $J *i$- ta tea, to fight; ^j |^ ta teen, to arrange; f ^ta ITS, ^ ta pan, to dress ;fj ^ ta shwuy^ to tafhing. to enquire; J^''^fr 'jjtf iM yu gno ta ko ehaou meen, turn the face to me; M & ta ^ t'he lae, drag him out of the water; ^ puh takiii, not of great importance, no matter; jg - H ta shir nio|5hkm, deem ofno^coiisequencQ; 4j ^ ta chang, to fight. ^ Lae^ coma is used in Vcirious wija as an auxilia- ry, hut commonly following the verb: ES ^ ^ ^t tso j^jjb las, could not do il; ^^ ^ jj* j&h tih lait, come entar,:^ ^ lung lae, ayproadb ; g lae taou, arrive ; -^L ^. w^ng lae, going 3Bdcomipg^mterc#**>* talking; (^ jjt k'he lae, generally naea & t#-comm*oce;) & ^ ch'hiih lae, go out; ^ $} $ na ch'huh iae, take it but;^ $ $ jfc mug tlia chlmh lae, bring him out. It is often used as an ad- verb, er adjective; as^ $[, yuen lae, originally, now, placed at the begma ing of sentences, that explain the foregoing: as ^ $ 5C tsung iae puh, or^ ^L -& tsung lae woo, never ^ ^l ts&n Isc, the above fre- quently in edicts : ^ ^ how Ise, afterwards; $t ^ JjJ ^ tsung kin e lae, henceforward;^ j3| lae t'how, origin; j^ j|| lae leih, hi^torj, state, circumstan- ces, particulars, ,$JL ^ J|| woo lae leih, no foundation, no truth, unaccountable; Jt 4} Icie yew. c^use. yarfeii- |^r*; i ^t B woo lae j3i, for tjiese five days; ^ |^ ^ ^fc Ji y ew sze ^ * ae y 11 ^' moj ^. *han four months ago; j^^ lae jKh, next day; ^ ^ tseang lae, in future, 3 K*heu^ to go: as ^ ^ lae k'hcw, tQ go and corae , ife ife ^ *i" *eng lae seang k'heu, io ponder; ^ ^ ^ ^- shw^S lae shwft k*heu, to talk over a .matter; ^ J- seaou piih k'heu, unsaleable, cannot fee sold; 51 ^ chlmh k'heu, go out; .3&-i tsm k'heu, o> jfec ^ juh klieu/to enter; ^ ^ le k'heu, or ^ ^ ^ ie k'hae k'heu, to leave, to separate 4 J^.^- kwo k'heu, to pass aw 4 uh k'heu, it cannot b said; i ^fe k'faeutsew, to re- cede and approach, twa oppc&itcs; j^ $- k'heu she, to le*Ve the world, *o dxff#;?^F ^'^ eu n ^ ell ^ ast J ear ; ^ ^ k'heu how, afte^waKls. ^r T'hae, to wait, stands in our acceptation of the word in conversation, apparently without any meaning: as ^ jj^F 3i- | i , rao f fcae yaou shwo lae, just as I speL: y6 fha^aou puh k neu, gno y5 i'hat- yaou k'heu, 1 wish apt to gc, and yet I wisk tQ go xsg CHAP. V, AritiLlAUE6, 85 v Ian fhaek'heih, having no appetite; gi\o k^heu t'hfce lae, I went and am come again; *JE $S i^- *>e fhae yaou fhan hae, do you wish tc fathom the sea? This word is used in many i&ber in- stances, and is generally fallowed by-f| yaou. -ft Kan, to dare: g -$t k'he kan, how dare? Fol- lowed byjjc she, it means perhaps, I guess; as *$L ?k ^f\ jji ika& she puh lae, perhaps he will not come;^ Jt^ Jill ^ ^ an s ^ e P been gno, I guess he has deceived me:' or join fejff pa: as^ *fa ^ %Q ^ )& ^ kaa pa fuh che taou sin tsing, perhaps hehas no knowledge of my love. If lAing, means to play, and trifle, er to effect in a had sense, and is variously used: as ^ j& ^t ^ ^ lung t'ha woo nae ho, he brought him into difficulties; || ^ ^ ^ mae lung show ^wan, to show off one's cleverness; ^ JjjjL lunghwae, to spoil; If ~jjf lung yew, to lead astray : and so on in many other instances. $3 Pa, alone; or joined to $ k'hung, or preceded by *+ chih, indicates a probability: as ^ >{& ^ ^ Ip k'hung pa we k*he shin, he has perhaps not yet risen; *lfi 3[ T 11 -fj- P a taou P ua ^5 we s ^ a ^ probably not be able to reach the pkce,^ >f& 3t ^1 ^. T chih pa foo ts'hin sze leaou, the father is probably dead, ^ King, occurs frequently in the sense of do^ and many times in a way which appears untranslatable; as "-fj- ^-hingjoo, to order ;^ -jj;^ 4JT yen hing cha na, to institute severe investigation and seizure; gp ^ jj& ^ tscih bing neen wkn, to institute immediate search; tf ^ hing tseang, to bestow praise. 9. Among the auxiliaries may be enumerated #| i^na; pif k'ho, "^ ts'hing,^hew,Jfef pe^. fy N^ng, is -used in the sense of cnn, may, able, to do; as ^g f^ aang ts6,can do; ^ ^ nang seay, can write; % ^ ^- yew n&ng hing, able to do; ^ ^ ^ g t^f kepuh o^ng tsze poo, beco^ild v.^-t feed himself when hungry ?T K'ho, in the sen-se of may, or can: as Jl ^T ^ ^> ^ IF ^ih k'ho tung k'how, puh k'ho tung show, you may spe*]*, but you must ut)t act: i e, scotd v but apt beat; fe ^ >j ye w to pdh k'ho, why rrot^ 86 AUXILIARIES CHAP. V ?f 1& k'ho few, or in conversation *f M k'bomo, eau it be 4 ? and now and then;~*!f ^ k'hoshe, may ftbe?i^ *? ,^-lif twan hoo puh k 'ho, on no account Often when standing before verbs, it gives them the adjective signification : as W *j fc'ho.gac. car, beloved, amiable; -if & k'ho MB, hatefiu Salable ;1?" Ji k'ho keen, it is evident; "S" i|~ 41 / % i^-V^c yaw shin mo iBg keu, \vhat pi oofs are there, fr t; -gr *$| yew k'ho a-vv^y chow, could anything he so aete^tatee; ^ A ^ k'lbo jin e,s*ieh as people would iike. It often indi- the imperative: asyfr "5" ; li ^ ^ ^ joo k'ho ua i:ha lae, go and fetch some tea; # pj ^ ; ni? k'hc tso yih tso, sit a wttik, 1J J#. k'hc- e^ ^f El|! ^Jk bo eh wo k, .fflay gain m ^T wo P^ n k j ho, most certabily. -f| Tsing, in the sense of to ask, request, is often used by the polite Chinese to express the imperative : sa ~f| 4j tsing tso, pray sit down, ^ ^ ^ S!R g I^e, pray came, || $j tsing w^n, I beg to enquire; "^ ^| ^ ^ tding pe k'han f ih k'han. let me have a lof/k, ^ Hew, meaning to cause, to r^ 4 to leave off: an d -$} P 6 ^^ to ^ e l 6 *^ f are often used tr> indicate the negative imperative: as ^ || 7^ ? hrv>- yaoii wang , do not forget; ^ >{f} ^ hew 14 ?ie, do not fear - ^ ^fe hew tih kwo keen, do'nt be too &. ^t ife' It 'ffc ^ w keaou fha .seaou hwa, 3o not let him make gam<; talk; jg[ J| ^ ^ |>^ yaoii sac cho, do n^, believe: ^ ^ J^ j^ peS yaou c ^iV7A, da not teilit 10. The ibliowiog^ wa,-J| pa, ^ t^ii, kwti, ^ yih, ^ peBi, and ja ching > are all words descriptive of the past tense; as -done } finished, &e. ThuH ^ ^ keatig -wan, having said; ^ ^ wsm pan, having maoagM ; jt H WTO p^% fu% prepared^ complete;^ ^ wan CHAP. V. AUXILIARIES 3H Thing pa, having heard ;-|| T pa leaou, done, made an end of ; 3f H chih pa, dismis^d: ^ ^Q pa she, to desist from the examination;!! ^ pa she, shut the market; ^ X pa km g, lea^e off wori. Jt H Tsinsha, killed them all; ^ ^L tste too, ex- tirpate tfe whole ; ^ ^ ^ $t IT pisg tsiih keae e*n- tei!., m jih^ having ph-s*ed several feys; ^ ^> M" >^ pe t'ha mwan kwo, was deceived by him, jj?- ^ ^ -^ pub kwo pwan ncen-, uot more than half "a year, ^L Yih. to come to a close, to slop, is thus combined: as -^ lisan yih, having scattered: 3} ^f tt yih taou tsan yih, with one blow he cut off his head; f^ ^ M Sfe ho yflfcts&e che r how has it come to this; ^ *| yen yih, haviiig done speaking. ^ Peib, to terminate, is thus joined with othe? terms: as | J^ hv;apeih, having finished speaking; ^ ^ yuenpeih, having expressed a wish; ^ jj X ^P }ib n ^ en UT *k kung peib, within a year the work was finufned; j|~ ^ tsir?. peih, having completed. ^ Ching, to perfect, is thus used : as $ $t ching cho, finished doing it; $r; ^ ching keaou, finished the intercourse; JGJf ^ >fe ciiit'g puh k'he, weuld not ef- fect; ]$ i4 chiug tsaou, fully constructed. 1 1. Those which follow jg show,^ keen, ^ tsaoa, ff ling, and pt kih, are words that frequently describe ihe passive. Thus ^sho^, no receive, J * show hae, to be injured; $ $$- show juh, ta be i^sulied; % ^ show dioo, tx> be killed;^: ^Hj shcwhl:ir ? or f; ^ ebow tsuy, to be punished, JL Keen, to sec: asj? ^ keen seaou, to be laughed at y or laughable ;J ^ ke^uieaBg, to be excused; JJi % keen sew, to be ashamed ;J, ^ keen k'he, to be re- jected; X JL f ^ puh keen hwau pe, not to us delighted, gf Tsaou, to meet: as if % |[ tsaou k'biu hwo s to be ;eJHged ; ?ft ^ tsaou. t-sib wei, to be environed 6 SUBSTANTITE VERBS, CHAP. V. by the rebels; y| >f tsacw <* r to be beaten. \IL Yu, which means also u> meet, it frequently used in the same manner: as \!L b |f ^ -^ ^ yu kwan rhe life tsco, to &e oppresses! by the Mandarins. ^ff Ling, to receive, is sometimes used in the passive sense: as ^gj f^li&g joo, to receive commands, to he or- dered; *rji ^ lin< kaou, to be instructed. ft* Keih, to eat, is thus used in a few instances; as ^ ^ keih yih king, to be astonished; tfLJjtj keifc kwei, to be injured; & ^ 1^ ^ keih sin shew koo. to suffer distress. % Wei, to be, sometiH>eo assuaies thf passive form: as ^ ^ ^ ^ wei t'ha so hae, injuyfed by him. 12. ^F Tseang, to take, is frequently used in sen- tences wlrere it is scarcely translatable: as ^ Jfa- ^ "^ ^ A tseaag ko tsiug shwo yih peen, he gave a detail of the whole :$ ^fc T ^ tee^ a'Jba hea yo/ he put him in prison; 4$p ^ ^ ^ tseang tseen keaou fha, pay him the money ;^ ^ SJ| ^ ^ tseang jooydb taou chaou luh, to transcribe an order; $ \^ ; ~F J? >^ tseang peen t'heen hea sin ciie,&ought foj him in the whole Empire. ( )ften, however, it is used to Indicate the ftitee tense: as 7^ ^tseang tso, wil] d;^ M tseang seay, will write; % J^ f9" ^. tseang yo ho wang, where are you going ?^J- $f *- kt iseaug gan ch'bfih, which way shall we carry out the plan; % $f ^r i % woo tseang nae ho, what shall i do: ^ ^ tseang* lae. hereafter, in future ; $f- ^C ^ang keih, almost, nearly ;4j| ^c ^ $fc tseang tsze wan keaou, Laving near!? paid the wh>ie; -^ j E >f v^ tseang kin sr.n feang she, about the third watch. SUBSTANTIVE VERBS, 13. They are the following: ^ yew, ^ nae, ff ke.. ^ wei, ^ she, and JL tsae. ^ \>w, there is, also to have: as ^ A ^ Y ew P a shwd, there are some who say; ^ |fr yC U yew "huenjuh k'how, there are setne vjessete tb^t have en- CHAP V. SUBSTANTIVE VEKBS. 89 tercel the harbour; $r % %jr so yew hing le, the baggage that was there ; A % ^- *j| ye* yfw how tsing, there was a strong affection; ^ ^ -f -*F kin yew shih neen, it is now teir years ago; -fe % 4 wei ehe yew yay, there never has been. In the signification of have it occurs in w frequent- ly: a$^ || A ^ ^ yew tseen, jin ke&e lung, if you have money, all peeple will respect you;^ f yew $ze> have business, occupied ;>^ J^ yew woo, have or cot have ; the former is the positive, the latter the negative verb substantive :$ ft & jfc fl yew jih sze woi> jih, >vhca you are in possession of anything, think on the day when you will have it not; ^ ^ yew le> it has sonv- reason, or it is? reasoimble:^ ^ yew le, to have politeness, to be polite; ^ 5% yew been, to have limits, afew;ifc ^ yew soo, to have a number, several; *3t ^" wun yew^havc wot; in conversation ^ % we yew 5 not yet have. It fa also used to indicate the past tense; as |f Jfc yew \eang, they hava said; $&$%<$* king yew ehih Ibg, he lias already ordered it. ^ Nae, is used th&s; jft ^ A gtio ae jin, I am a *nan;75 Jt ^ naeta 1160. he was greatly incensed ; ^ 3j T $ *? na nae ^^ a ^ eu ? ^ e was dismounting from the carriage;^. A 7^ ^ 3JL "$' urh jin pC?h fuh yen. the two men did not speak agaio. ^ He, occurs in the following connection: as -g A he haou jin, he is a good man; J} ^ j| y^ heleangkew,itislongago^J^ ^ ill $ * 3 we he tung sze ehe taou loo, it is the way to lie with him j& >$? ^ ^ woo so he wee, there is no property. ^ Wei has a great variety of sigoific^tkms: is ^ J^ wci)m., to be a man, or to aet the man;.^ )>5? jg. Jb wei jcih woo wei, it must be done;|||.^ nan wei, to make difficult, to atmoy;^[ ^ yew v/oi to h;we any- thing to do 1 ig. ' woo wei, ta have nothing to do. It is sorcetimc .-: coimeeted with >1 e, to cou^ider, tc view: as W ^ " A. e we * hing jin, to coiwider him iis a sage. It is often used to indicate the pas^tvc: AS 3| A ^)f ^ wei jin so ban, to be hated by rn*>n : ^ jjg ^ ^ wei chungf so sin. to be believed bv iiil;, g -g $^ 90 VARIOUS CLASSES OF VFBBS CHAP. V. wei sih fcv me, M awa) by lust (See also the Prepo* sitions.) ^, She, ib thus employed: asJe Jl ^r she hwaiig ^e, it Is the Emperor, Jfi ^ -iP J& pub she joo tszc. it is not thus 5 ^ j|i] ~ ^ shetsih yen she, when it is so. say that it is so; Jg ^fr ^- jo she hoo, is it thus *? ?ll^C i% & ^ she ching ho sin hoo, indeed what heart is this ! $L Tsae, is thus fL Q ^ sze tsae muh teen ? the busmess is before your eyes, present;^ ^ ^ tsae bug meen, to be in one's presence; Is 4L tS2etsae,tobeone ? ^:rMf; ",f- & J^ T. puh tsae hwa hea, need not be told. It ought to he remarked, thai $L tsae, always indicates the place of be- ing in, (See also the Prepositions.) Notwithstanding the variety of these verb*, thr nrp often left out where our laneuage would veqi -- ; - ; ^ 4 H A gnto chimg *i*v6jiB, 1 am a Chinese. VARIOUS CLASSES OF VERBS. 1 c The distinction we draw between the neuter and active verbs does not, from the nature of the Ian- ^e, sxistim Chinese; in a few instances, however, mark Is \vritlen above the w or a > indicate its hav^ ipg adopted aa active- signification. 15 The passive, as we have already remarked is indicated by J^ keen -^ show, }A tsaou, and other *rerfcs. Besides these forrna we may ?ti}l mark the fol- b^ing &1fc A k'he yii jio, or,^ J A k'heyujin, pised by men. So sko ^ 5t ^ "l> ? ! nrnng ke keaoa i^un, taught by him, ^ j: ^ ^ rnung ke paoa hoo, protecte i by hini c ^ ?e, is also frequently used 111 tiiis sense: as^ S ^ 3^ P e mow sn ^ cnfc *iH^d fay some body ; ^ W. ? ir ^ P^ Iwan keun &o sha. killed by the re- nous army; ^ ^ ^ tsin pe sl^ou, entirely &m*t; P c fJr tseang t&o, pttrced with oae C'HAP. V, MOODS. 91 tornit of the spear;)*, ^1 W~ tfc 3 ~& fan pc t'hs shwoleaou gno, on the co'Ttrary it was told me by binr So also $b yewvawd occasionally @ vin: as t& 1$L JIQ vew t/hu k'ha' ^h, esUliibhod by him: g] 3L || yin heung pa lurig, denied l^ ti<\ b- T* 1 Kiay weii also to notice phrases like the following: .A. M ^ jini yew woo teih, or A iSf ^ ^ j^ so heen chay, hated or detested by men; *pj~ >^ ,^ ^" ^ J\ k'ho lecn wang kaoush^jin, the man H'UO S falsely accused and killed, is to be pitied; |ft $f f^. shwuy so she che chay, by whom was he scut? ^ ^ she tse^ng teih wuh, these are stoiea ^^; ^' Uoulacchc ho. .stolen articles. 3)5 f& 1^ ;^ heguo tets6 chttv, > done bv my broiaei MOODS, 16. The indicative requires no comment, and of conjunctive we have already spoken in the case of *J k'ho, which indicates a possibility or probability; at* W ^ k'ho t&o, it may do; If ^J k'ho hiug, it may be clone Th^re exist many conditional particles, which circum* scribe the conjunctive Such asjfH joo,^ jo^ tang:, ?f t ! baug4f yoo,^ shg, ^ kow. ^ she, $i Vng, and ^ hwo. To give a distitict idea of their use, w.$ shall exemplify the various modes in which they arc employed. 17. ^ Joo, andj j6, are nearly synonymous: as itH ^ ^. J^. joo yew yin tseen, if I had money; j|JI l!f ^ j sn taou,ifthe letter arrive. They are al jso combined; as^j 3& . ]fc joo jo foo sze, if my fa- ther were to die, j Jo, is more frequently used than any other, either alone or combined as^fS 31 tang jo, ' J5 she, 4 ft jo ke s * .* kwo jo,^ Jfc J6 . tang jo pun ting, if he Jo not listen ; jo ibc pfih ching ping> if >he peace be a&l io*uvtauted; 92 MOODS, CRAP; V. 6 fee wan tseun,if it be finished ;& vl; ^5t ^ kwo jo chihfa tsung sze, if incfeed he adhere to the letter of the law and follow' up the busi- ness; jfe ^ & > jo she ch'huh leih, if he exert himself; j $; ^p ^ jo jeu k'hag tso.ifhe will 1 do it; $ 3a % jfc 36 f 3$ jo ehay yew sin keu tseue .jjno, if he have a heart to forsake me, ^<* Jcrc, is also used with 'K kea, to convey an idea of pvoTyiifcility ; as flSL."flfc ; ^ ^5 kea joo we lib Ie, f;uppcsiDg you could not make money: -^ ^ kea jen. aHcij^. <^, kea ling, both signify suppose the same idea is conveyed by f^U pe joo, and^ ^ pe jo as^f ^1 T> * $ ^js ^ p? j^o pulj tseang ke shoo iac, if fee da yet bring the boek;^ ^ T 5 3f> ^f jjt pe J6 kwan ytue; piib kwan so. if'lhcMandaricg do not restrain him, 18, j^ Tanc^ 3 ^lH tang, are ^ynouymiK^ : -jfe.- ^ tri^rig fcwd, ai tH^fjf |^ taagjein, CBS^TS ^f; ^ $t ^t Ig, t^g k&a king wet, if you wa to discbey; ^ ^ ^ ^ teogb^dptth&teg-s if he 4o not go:^ ^ ig ^ yf^ X. taugjsttfuh^puhtbg^butif'kappmess fte cerfaki. .of -smyr iffipcrt^; as sin iub ujrk koo shew : i>uK just as if owe cnectal effon., ariT -it) "% yoo &be pub e, if perhaps not accotduig- to CKZ -> wfehes, t ' Shg, ^t * *W h v5, md ft Ht ^hfe Ac, are used % the same sense: as H: |f % J~ |i ^bwoye^ tsaa , if iperhaps he have talent,^ it % H ^ ^ s*!ie chimb mun woo s^e, if p*Aaps fee may have gone out and attended to his business. if Kow, bear* the same sense: as if ^ ^p ^ ^ H^ay tsze,ifhedo -not neglect to write: kow uh jeru if it" be not thu-*; ^ 4f ^ icow ysw che yu tih 7 if he have an to virtue CHAP, V. MOODS. 93 *, is mostly used in connection wiitifJt she, bui sometimes occurs alone- : as{fL-|& pf ^ she >>oo yulo, if it do not rain:^ $t f[ ^ & vercomc the enemy, ^f Hwo. and 9g J$ fatr6 chay, perhaps, likely, if may be, bear the same sense: as ft $ ^ ^ $& hwo jtja hw6 puli jen, it may be so ; or it may not be K>: $% J& $. 88 J3 ^ w ^ c ^ a y shing keen hwuy kwo ? he may pss'hapB avail himself of die opportunity and return to his country 19. Words !ike$C kan, ^ iR to k?^,.^C ^ feau ehe;^>]& kau pa, 01 jt ^& chili pa,^ J f6 kuaa* pa, * ^ ^ P a P^ h ^* ^P ^ and htopah*^ often indicate the conjunctive. (See auxiliary ^eibs j So also !> ^p to twan, S ^ paois kwan, end ^ ^ kwau femg^ as^- ^ ^ ^L M S, ^/ to frvan we k^ib che woo &etm s fei is most likely (he may be) not yet 5ti jests of age, ^ ^ ^ -^ J ^ v> ^ tsing feew hao-y ltsitu it m&y b" immediately vtell U ^ %j jfi] ^ PAXJ yew le ta, he may i>e successful, or it is U&ciy will be successful These forms are e^du&ivelf in conversation. 20 T^ $p Choo fei and J^: ^ choo Eeaou, staaS for i^/a^v as St ^ U| ^fe 1$ ^noofeik'haekinkang, unless you relax the prohibitions $ Jfe S^ i* jfc. 1& *5~ $L c ^ lao ^ ^ eu tse ^ e tih teze yay, unless yt irvAfry, youc^za have no children;]^: ^ ^ ^ f^ ^ choo ieacu shay te tso wan, unless my yon-ngei brotkei* writs the csoay. 2L Jt f Sho .fbo t * ^ shoo ke.#, snd yih, cccur in the sense of perhaps, as JS. -^ ^ ^ ioo k'hoyay, it may perhaps do ^| H^? ^ If ^ shoo ke k lie ching tseeu wan^, .he ma\ fciliaps lure gono on liiS journey and proceeded ^ *- )^ ^ yih ching sze, lie may iKjhap* finish the business SNFINIT1VE. CHAP. V. Say, although, requires Die conjunctive: as^. -fr suy hing tih, although he practice virtue. 22. We quote still the following modes of convey- ing the sense of the conjunctive Jffc $$ <&, $ Yuen joo chang show, may you live long; A F $ * ^ ^ Jf /I -& she k'ho jinyay, shun puhk'ho jin yay t if this can be endured, what cannot be endured '? ^jjt ^ 3fe -.18 s "J ^ $5 nan taou gno tso ieaou pub eh ing, is it possible that I could have erred'? ( -^ 3i Nan taou, either with or without ^ jfe puh ching, is thus frequently used, while it is difficult to translate it by a corresponding term in our language.)-^, if . ^g $ ^| "$ nan taou hwan sze e he giio r should she still think about me? ~JJL xj jt ^ JL ^ tfc nan taou nyu yew heung puli ching. can it be that the woman led you astray; -jfc *t ?I ^ * & W 9| Jfc t'ha (*iy tliow t'ha t guo yay tuy t how joo, if he might resist hiro, Imitiht also resibt you ? ^. j^Alt ^ ^ % fi ke puh tsaou hwa, gno puh i.aog choo, it he laave no luck, I cannot stay;, y % ** % fa W fc ^ y'g e che yew, tseih tsseyih sze, if any bad action were to be de- nounced, it is this, $| ^ JL '$L %? A > ^ che ke mmg, tsew jay jin cheuoo v if you were to point out hss uame, you would only incite the anger of thers. INFINITIVE, 23. The Chinese language has no particular way of expressing this mood; thus the forms ^ jj; ig gno i>ae seay, 1 love to write, ^ ffe ^t tsingt'ha iae, request him to come; are a mere juxta-positions of words. If- a stress be laid upon the \vord ^o of our infioitivre, the sen^e is conveyed by $ e, f che, and 5t >^l che e: as $i %fc ^sk M % %, gno keih joa e yung cbc, i gave it you to use it } ^ ^ ^ ^ 51 ^ 1^ ^voo keaou seang kung che e pe, I called you, Sir, to prepare; 3l -T S A IL Xt ^ f& keuntszegaejin 5 cheepoufuh, the superior .man loves mankind, in order to spread hap- s amongst them, ^ ^ ^, *J ^ woo che c i loo. CHAP. V. IMPERATIVE. 95 cbe, I came to call him; # j, ^L - ~& ebwan t'ha baou, be though? it well to gladden others, IMPERATIVE 24. To what we have already said, whet) treating of the auxiliary verbs, we may add the following The Imperative is expressed by^Tfc/ho: as Sfe-^T 3fc ft joo k'ho seen yhi, do you drink first: "5" tt k'ho cL'huh xnniu go out of doors. But tris form i* useJ towards inferiors, seldom to equals, and never to superiors; in which latter casefff ts'hing, pray;^ ke. beg: and^ wang, hope; are substituted. 25. To express let, the Chinese employ severs! words: as Jj| -ftfc-f t ? hing t'ha tso. let him do it; & ^ ^ ^[ ^ 3$ yew tih yangshartg ganpan, let the Hong merchants manage this well; ^ ^ - yunggno fe'LeiL let me go;^| ^"^ping t'ha shwo, let him talk:f ^^^ j* n foo choo fan, let the woman boil her rice; $L JJL ^ ^ yu ke tsin yay, let him enter; H^f ^ J^. ^ heu tseang cho pwau, let the artisan ex- cavate the rock ; f i ^ $ %& jin ping k'he ting, let them get up the anchor; /^ ^ Jt ^ chun gno k'he ching,let me goon my journey; ^t it ^ fj- yun che poo hing. let them walk on foot, 26. Often no other term than the simple verb is used to indicate (he Imperative: as ^ ^ ^ "ffe T^tso, gno miDg yu joo, sit down, I shall distinct! y inform? you. A nide manner is sometimes employed by adding $| pa. attheeiid; as^Sc ^ ^ joo k'heu pa, you beoif! go asvay ! Whilst on the other hand, the ; >< 4 bins; happy, fortunate, adds urbanity to the eipre^lc*: : as Jife ^ ?4 ^ ^ ^ show shih po le hing e, recrive my trillii)g' present: %= & $&J& 3$ hing \\oo keu tsei)egno, do not reject mc;^ ^ hing t'hing, listen. 27. JL Tseay 5 is very frequently used to indicate the imperative-: as y jt ^ n joo te&iy keen k'how, do you be silent: A %& ^ t hing ming k'heu, let us hear the orders a^d b< ^f r olio wed by a negative 95 THE PARTICIPLE. CHAF, V. it signifies do not: as JL ^C ^f -}4 tseaypuh k'hotein. do not enter; JL J| ^ ^j-tseay mo so hing, don't go so fast. 28 Of'fk hew, und^ pee 1 , we have already spo- ken. f| Mo, ^ wuh, and ^S-woo, are used in ihe same manner: as j| tJL r*S6 shwo, don't say * ^ || f\vuh wei nan., don't be afraid of difficulties^ ~& ^L vroo fan fa, don't transgress the law, 3+ -fc Puh yaou. i& used in the same sense: as ^ ^ 55- pub yaou kuh. don't weep :^fH^gDoyaoujoo seay, I want you to wnie or write. TH2 PARTICIPLE. 29 speaking the Chinese have no express mode of conveying the participle; and in all the cases where the genius of our language requires this inflexion tLe mere Chinese verb stands instead thereof. Term.?; like the following may easily be explained: as ^ f 1ST !F j tsoteih ho S2e, what ^re you doing ? g ^ l^f ^T % >'-" u shwuy so iriing chay^by whom was thh ordered, ^ ^ g^ ^ l yun lae teuitung se, trans ported goods; i 5fe g]> %* ^P ^ ^ le;h, tso. go, keae puh k'ho ning, sending, sitting, or sleeping he was at rest. INTERROGATIVE FORMS OF THJE VfiBB, 30, The modes of asking a question are exceeding^ )y various, and for funher information we refer the rea- der to the Interrogative Particles. Here we may, how* ever, notice the following instances: as ^ $L %* & joo lae puh lae, do you come, 01 do you not come *? ^ # Ifc % t, A ^ kliefei tso jih lae che jin loo, is he noi the raan who camt yesterday ? ~&f $ -?f ^ k s l?.o ehing foo, can he walk?^U ^ -^ A ^ ^ j ( > bo till yu jin wang lae, how can I have in- with wen ^ CHAP, V. TIMB. 97 THE TEASES, 31. The Chinese verb is devoid of those nice dis- tinctions which reader other languages so accurate m expressing time. It is true, that (here are a number rf auxiliaries and particles to convey the idea a: th* ten- ses, but only then, when a stress is laid upon tfee lii?M that anything happened or was done, arc thewe worfc Bj|,.. e ^* n P aou s ^ a che keen, whilst he was throwing stones; ( J ching, generally commences the sentence, and H keen, stands at the eiid:) & ^ : ^ * ^ ke lae che she, yu pun tsae kea, when he came I was not at home; $.* 3fe ^ ^ t'halae, gno tsae k'heu, when he came, I had just gone away ;^ T ^ 3? ^ Y& ba, yu feug wang, just when it rained, 1 set off; ^ ||| j&:_ ]^, ehih tsae kung teih, just when they attacked the enemy: j$f tfe ^ j^ shechetung Iung 5 it was just then in the Rjidst of winter ; 3fc i i$ ^ ^ gnok'heu teih she how, when I went aw&y. In narratJYeg, the mere verb without any additional partickis use d to convey the idea of the imperfect kctaM* as JL ^r ^ ^ -fc ^r . k'hung ts^t- tsuh nt ; en tseih shih san, Oonfaeins dica at the age of 73; $ %l Hit M li ^Kn *A tsaou cfcuen chih, the merchants built *oaie vessels. There are a great Diany other expressions to indicate the imperfect tense: for instance $_ "^ ^ I? ^ 4 ^ tsuag taeen ko kwo mih kih tseih hwuy, in .fwtney times the learned of every nation assembled together PERFECT TENSE. 34. Besides the words we have enumerated amongst the auxiliaries, such as 3p peih,]** yih, ^1 wan, Ice. the following particles deserve notice, as designating the past tense; J lesou, e. y ^ king 9 L ke 5 ^ tsang, f shang.i ft e king, -f; &*& kmg,f l^ts^ng king, *^ ^ tseen king. ^J Leaou, stands always at (he end cf sentences : as $Jt 7 ts ^ leaou^done; ^ ^ T $eay tsxe leaou, hav* ijig writtea; ^4 ^ ,^ P<5 t j ha tea leaoa, blamed by CHAP. V. PERFECT TENSE. 99 iu E. and fe ke may be instanced thus: -? ft /f ^ -^ * yu ke [>ag u*h shih she, I have already boil ed and eaten it; , ^ ^ ^ 3 e pan le sze leaou, having managed the business : & J ' e che, has arrived; d ^ JL It e tin keen e, it h&s l>oen found, IS King, and|i J6. been'., king, omir as follows: 15 ft Ifr king hingyu, I have ordered it; |g, $j^ $ 7& ^L been king sze hw&n. Iwan, the business has been brought into confusionll UNeS king, i^iost frequeptly occurs in edicts: as -J %OL ^c & ^C ^ neg^ing p&e ping kung keih, I have already appointed soldiers to at- tack, ^f j(S Tang king, is also met with; as^ ^ ^ jfe ^ ^ tang king -weikwS choo tszehae, we have removed from the Enipire this evil. Also & ^ e king: as 6 M. W ^ ^ e king foo t^ chuen, he has already embarked. ^ Ts^ng, is not uncommon: as ^ ^ ^fe. 7 tsSng shih fan leaou, having eaten ric6;-^ $. M 3ji ts&ng king k'he chiug, he has already gone on ths journey; ^ 1^ ^L ^ t'ha hang chuen, he has already sailed.^ ^ pub t&^ng,^ ^ we tsng, occur in th sense of no* y*tf; as L ^ i 3^ we ts^ng shang t'heen, he has not yet ascended to heaven; ^ ^ ^ ^ puu tskng tseih hwuy, they were not yet assembled. ^ Shang, may also be noticed: as ^ ?] 3 1 ^J8 $ shang yiu yu chaou nuy, he has led him into court But this particle is more used with the negative: a ~ ^ >P 1$ we shang puh le, has never been without gain; ^ '4" 3* f& we shaixg puh kan ? never feiled in being moved by it^jL^r^^^^^ k'hung tsze shang wei wei le e, Confucius was once a com- missioned officer; ^ i" ^ Jf A ^ ^ gno shang yu foo jin shw6 kwo, I have spoken with the woman. Mark also the folio wing sentence: as ^ JL ^ yew keen fow, have you seen him or not; v ^ ^ -ffc muh yew sM t^ha, have not yet killed h|ni; g^ H. ^ jib ts w^u, i< wa* fiiii&hed yesterday. 100 TEffSRS. CHAP. V. PLUPERFECT TKKSft. 35. By the use Of the particles indicating the Im- perfect terse, and those of the perfect, the pluperfect is Mug ts&6 yabu ming, shifemuh tseang e king kan leaou, just when he was going to give directions, it happened that die carpenter bad already cut down &et,ree;]t % Jfr"' Jfc.. & & W shih tsae teou ck*ng. heu v :g e eVhuh mun, on his arrival at the city, tny brother liad already gone out of the fate;^ i ^ & j% A M \H * e sSng lae she, ping jin king kwo she. when the physician came, the patient had al- ready died. FUTURE 36. We stall not here repeat what we have already i ^ ehow,^ ^ *ze..haw f - and^ tsew, serve likewise to indicate catling time: as II ft vfe *$L '*jf l ^ A/tsie tsze olie how puh uh sin jin, after this I sh&ll aever believe people %aSn; -^ $i -fr M 3f & how lae tsae yew fang ft, after that we shall again have some means of managing the scatter; % ^ ^ % f fk tseang lae puh yaou ts5 Iwaa, afterwards, or its fiitore, he will not give rise to dbturbances;^ % ^ ~3& %~ % tsae yui& te tsew k*he shin, lie wUf -go -on his way at tfe^ end of the month; W S ^ & 7 ft hwuy ^ v kwo, ting tsae hea seuu, he will certainly return to his country daring the last -teew ft t'ha ? if be revenge himself I shall punish you come, I hall not go. Of all fee teu*<*5 tlvb rtle particul^iized, nor arc ^ tseaisg, ijt peife, and dhuuar gfammttkal j>artieles always put, whcu our CHAP. VI. ADVERBS. 101 language peremptorily demands them. 'The Chinese lire in the past and present, and care tittle fa fuhmty, and tins may account for their having so few terms to convey the meaning of coniing time PERSON AND NUMBER. 37. For th perspn we refer te the personal pro- noun, and only remark, that the pronoun is often left out, indeed it w considered to be inherent in the verb, while its omission gives rise to much obscurity. Hie impersonal verbs are like the following; as 7; f hea yu, it rains; T 'fj: hea seu 5 it snows; j| ' H 3k she kwac gno, it concerns us;^ ^ jfa $jk she ling gno hwatn, it occasions me joy: they are soir^tmsea dk- tiugiiif hed irctn the others by the addition of /# ^ peih seu, must; and i e, ought 38. Of number w merely observe that the Chi- nese verb is never affected by it In our remarks a- bove t if?e have not spoken of the indicative mood, be- cause i| is the simple form of the verb, without the ad- dition of any grammatical particle; the potential and optative moods are imaginary forms of the verb, which have no existence HI the language, and have been in- vented to suit Chinege grammar to that of western na- tions. Should the student not find any of the gramma- ticai distictions explained which other tongues exhibit, he has only to refer to the particles, where some further elucidation will be given, CHAPTER VI. ADVERBS. 1. b? a fev? instances the adjective becomes an ad- verb by adding $; jeu. acd^t joo, to it: as ^ ^ f& 103 INTEHJROGATIVES. GHAF. VI. Riang jeij, vaistly;^ ^; haou jen, well; It $fe jen, beautifully; >} "tSj jttt *$ seunseun joo y ay, sincerely; ^L DSLr&t <& hang hang joo yay, unceremo- niously, without shew. Adverbs are also fo*ied by prefixing $ e, to a substantive: as gt H e, justly; $ fi. e le, politely. In other instances the adjective is very generally used as an adverb. INTERROGAflVES 2. The Chinese language is rich ia thit class of words, and we shall endeavour to enumerate the .prin- cipal j&odes of interrogation. ^T Ho, is an interrogative pronoun of which we have already treated. BJ W Yin ho, $ ^ wei ho ? ^mf ft ho koo. fpj ^ ho wei,^f ^r ho keu,^ l^ho yoen,and|^ f^T yuen ho, all stand for why, wherefore, on what account, &c. as^il ^ joo ho, how?' "iU ho joo, how will this do'? The latter at the end of senten- ces; as ^ ^ 1ST 4$ ke k'bo ho tsae, how will this dot f*J ^ % ho kan sze,how dare I to die? ^^ -$t *f* f? ^ y- tsung chingfooho yew, in administering the government what difficulty would there be '? JS ^ ^[pf joo yu ho, what can he do to me? in 3E A ^ joo ching jin ho, how can he rectify others ? 'fcf -g| >fc ^ ho tih die shwae, what a failing of virtue ! ^ jfep fiT -ke. joo cfce fao, how will that do? jSfU "^ ^ ^ joo che uae ho, what is to be done ? ^[ Hoo,^ woo, ^ ho, and ^ woo, all signify hew, why 4 ? af|| rlsll ^ ^ woo n^.ng taasr ehe, hew can one endu^iiiis^ -g| ^7 ^ ffc hoopwh peon hwa. wbv do you not reform? ^ ^ jf" ^=- hots^ih tsae foo 5 why accumulate riches ? i>^ ^ jm Jlfc hoo wt^i joo tsze, how is it thus? x % J?,^ ^fe woo tsiib taou tsae, how it be worth while speaking of ? '* * -ft Ho, stands for why not? asm %wd foo lae, why not return ? ^ -fr 'f ^ /s? fe yen urh chej ^hy does not each of you express opiaicaa ? CHAP. TI. INTEBROGATIVKS, 105 4. jl K'he, signifies how ? as Vhe yew isse le foo, how e&n such a princ.yie JL jk ^ ^ & ? k he a wei ptih jin fooj why endure it? H ^ ^ ^ ^" k'he tsae foo to shaou, fcow does it consist in the quantity *? ji 3^ k'he tan, how dare 1 presume"? (a common expression of .'polite-' ness :) J[ J$ JL ^ k'h J8 she foo, how is it thus 9 J|; ^ ;fti ^- Jfc^ k'be yew kea yu tsse tsae, can any- thing be added to this *? (ne plus ultra.) j ji J ^ 3f '"^1 ^1;^^ ic'heurh tsge che so e niog keih rssre, boTT can you swo geatieruen attain to this $ J *>fi ?$ W 7 i^" ^ k v he puh shin k'ho seih tsae, how is it notdeeply to be lamented ? ^$i He has a similar meamitig: ^^^ ^ ic yew tih tsae, howh he virtual . ^ 3f* ta ke he puh yu&, why does he not sp^ok 1 ^ -> "^ ^ >> S suy to, yih he e wei, though much, yet what is to be done with it "? 5,^ Yen, pccips at Ae commencement of a sentence* ai? 3t ffi ^ y eD ywg'fihi, what will be the lise of "ki!- Img him; ^ ^ p. ji ^ yenkjinyu e, ^hy for^ sake benevolence and justice ? ^ ^ ^ >^ Jfc jt ^. ^ she yen tih wei ta chang foo foo,. how can he be- come a great hero. ^ Gan, has also the sense of the interrogative: as ^ 3L >S? ^ g*^ tih teuh sin foo, how can you be content*? |f ^ ^ it gan kan wang tsze, how can I dare to hope for this ? ^ ^| J^ ^ gan n5ng to yay. how ean we escape *? 6. J| 3) M6 fei, is not unusual in asking a tionras ^ # f& ^ j Ajjj mdfeilsewlie she jin mil, iftitnot this man'? ^. 5}t B^ ^t ^ ? mo fe? ts8 yay tso leaou> was it not done last night? J^ ^ ^ mo pub fcbe, is it noUo? | ^ ^ ^ ^ mo fei keea leaou dn foo, he has surely seen the bride. 7> H- Ke, occurs in the sense of how, how many; as H J -^ ke'to tseen, how much money? H A ke jin, how many meaS^fe ^f J6 kau, signifias the same. To show flievsrious modes m which Aow?is ex- pressed, we quote the following: as $ tosh^iqa 104 itfTEJVRGGATIVKS. CHAP. VI. cb*ng; or &t beu, how long? A e 3j> j?n K:e to,- or ^ ||- iH* A yp.w ke ko jin, how many omr? ^ S* ^t y^ k kzey# 5f Jfe ife to shaou tbse soo, $ || -jf tsgfc ke ho. all signify how many times $ a$ |f % J? -j& maetot&aan tseen, ^ jjF || ^ y io fthaou me fenfe, and fr IS ^ ^T mac kea ke ho, for ho^ much wa* It sold, or at what price ^ . In esODversaticri the followig m^des of fcterro- gsrtriK! are in use. \fp NarasfB 1 ^ "t ^ ^t'.na lo hwan king to tsxjy, whc will stii! jabber;^ ^ f^ . #f f. -|f r>hc na ko t?ih show peih, whose handwriting is this ? jf r- fg ^|; -^ A 4, ^ A nayih ko *he hapu ?:n she gi> jin, which is a good and which is a bad man ? 1$ ^ ;n ^t? ^ # * na yew puhho puh nmh cie k, why fihutud we not live ia harmony ? : *P ^ Na Ie 5 bow, whare; as ty jfg. nale k^n, whitiber are you going ^^ ^ ^ ^ |g ^ na le keang tih hwa lae, how can you speak ,thus ? ^T ^ $$ k'ho uh haou na, is not that well ? 4 shkt s fe JS tsng md, 4f 7f shin mo, yangr* all signify in what manner? as ; tving teih, "what $ 1C* ^ r ^- *& ts^ng ^o haon'ne, how will that be well ? -Sp ^ 5 k'heo tAng leaou, how i* that to be done? ^& ^ ^ $f pa ts|ngm6 teih, what do you fear? fcjfkdt^ Sfe is&ig ni^ ^ ^ yew shin mo sse keen, what h year business t if ^ ^sj- ^ jj, shin mo haoue sxe, wh^t gaod ioteDtious? >^ ^ ^r ^ ^ ts&ng nae woo t&nng ymg ? how is it thai there are no traces '? Nan toa y jacccw wift ot without ^ jij p^ he end: s^ip. ^ ik "f" ^ ^- ^ ^ ?^n -Low kaou |u pik ching, have you first ac- cused me Ip. M <$ ^ 3* san taou tso wan have you finished the work ^ Sometisaes at the ; puh ching r*orely is used; ^ ^ fc & ? pah Ifeib teaou-g^o- ^ub ^Hiug, will he CHAP, VI. 9. The particles aflixed to the end of senter denoting a question are the following :^ yay^lS ^ foo, jfeyu, or ratte^ yn, and,oceas choo. Yay,is very common: as^ ~$P sbeyay, kit ^5 y(f fow y ay , is it so or not 4 ? : |t |L ^ k wo keen is this truly to be seen ? or ;^ lL jf we keen yay, can it not be seen "? ^ J>1 ^ :|t $f |f Bo c ehe ke jen yay, how do you know that it is thos? In a few ^ yay, is used forfl^ yay a ^ Tsae, is also of frequent oceiirenee: tsae, what is that 4 ! ^>ft.^ gai* ttae tsae 9 where it"? ^} /v.^ ^ yew JIB foo tsae, does this from men ? J ^ JN. 4^> ^ mouanjinyay tsae, what} to tyranize over people? 5 -fa -Ju ^- seay sin yay ijb yu tsae, does he write a letter? e tsae, is ttot this proper f ^ Foo, is a general sign of the interrogative, at the end of sentences: as tfc ^^ ^ i*e che taou foo, do you know it*? |L HTsU ^ ^ k he k'ho hwa$ tseeij. foo, how can you ,pay.-:the money? ^7 ^ ^ ^- put* yih 16 foo, is it not joyful f ^~ Choo, sometimes occurs: as ^ ^ yew cboo, is il ihus*? A ^ ^ ^ jin yew shay choo, should men a^ bandon him; ^ ^ jfg ^^f k'he li^ urbsbib cboo, could he eat it^ Yu, and more seldom^, yu, are met with: ap S- yu, is he a sage t ^ ^ Jft, ^ & * iew che yu, yih yu cbe yu, did be seek for it, or was it given to him *? M Mo, is used in conversation: as J| m6 fei ts?e iin mo^ is it not this mau? ^w keen ra6,nave you seen it ? Fow, ifeit v or is it not ^ is a sign of the in* as Jl "S she.fow, is it so or not ? ^ ^ Jfj- she fow k'ho bing, may it be done or not?^" ^ tsftng fow, is it done or not yet *? ^ J| ^ ^ fow yu mwan neen, is be of full Age? ^ "1^ jftl ^- /Jk* ^. ^ 4!> tsijh hea^cbe woo sin yu fow yay> dd yon k?H>w my intention ? -fe |4 ^ "^ fow, t$Jb puh tboo, if not, sfcaU not kill them; ^g ;fc JL 106 NEGATIVES. CHAP, VJ fceih, if not he will not deliver; jf- ^1 ^ -fe wei che ho fow, we do not know Whether it is suitable or not, II. Whence Is expressed by^^My^tsuog ho eboo s fj ^t 'DS ^ tsze tvangho choo, whence; ^ ho &mng, from whence;^ .5? ^ tsuny; na le, from; tl ^ffe ts ze pe, ^ ^ J| tsze kae choo, _ r ^ yew pe, all express thence: and- ^jH ho cboo, where;; hang ho choo, whither. 12. This is also a very numerous rJass: the princi- ones are^ piih: as^ffifc ^P $ ts?..-- puh Jae. it can- not be done ; jp, ||I ^ ^ P^^ 3 te^^b P^b le, neither instant nor remote, i, e the middle course; ^ ^ ^ ^ gno jew puh she, 1 have done something wrong; Jf* Jf' Jfi '3k pub tih puh klieii, I cannot avoid going, ^ ^- pub she, mi o time, sfjon;^ ^ pah ke, not long, 'within a short time ; jfi Q pfih ] i'h, not mauy clays., shortly;^ ^ jfc ^p jHt puh yung puh joo tsze, i cannot be otherwise than thus ^ |^; puh jen, not thue; 7 ^ pub bhe 9 not right, wrong; gp ^ ^> puh tib piih, wnot be avoided, must 4 ^F ^ ^ puh k'ho puh, mmi not omit, ought;; ^ >J|t pub w^i not only; (fol* lowed ^y^ JL yih tseay, but also;) ^ ^ puh f^ v lawless; ^ ^ puh Jeaou, or ^ ^ puh keo, linexpectv emy; ^ ^ ^ pub yKh iirh t6ub s wants scarcely anything to be complete, ^|| piih yaoii do not; ^ ^ pfih jo, nothing b^ttej than; jfc fe |g ~fi puh tsae "Jbwa hea, need not be recorded; ^ ;l! JJL ^ puh ^ tseay shwo, let us not detail this, but say r a phrase to denote the transition from one subject to another , | pub seaou, B^edlessr^ ^ puh seaou H degetse* ^ ^P ^ ^ baou puh hwan lo, rejoiced much ;|fe Woo, have aot 9 is the opposite cf ^ yew, have^ ^ -$k *f^ ^ V ew wo tefog pe, whether or uo fc<^ chay, chvii^h fr*e4 who is u^e<|uai to yourself, do n*>t hitve 3 0RAP. VI. KEGATIVES, 107 friend unlike yourself; -$& jfp 3lr >tf woo urh wei yew, possessing aothi* g and pretending to have all; $& J|!J j| jjjj^ woo tsih yen woo, if you have not, say that you have not; Jt $) $g ~|T woo yew k'hae yen, no way of commencing the con versa tion ; @J ^ pf $ ^. : kwu puh k'hoyihjih woo keun, an empire cannot be one clay without a prince; .J&. -jfH woo joo, nothing like> much better; ^ jj% ^ ^- wo so P^ n teae,- no place where he is not, omnipresent; J$^ J9f ^ -{J woo so puh ehfc, nothing that he does not know, omniscient; %7 ^J 5 J&- ffii Jp 3r Ji- ch'hoo ch'huh yu woo, urh kwei yu woo, it came forth out of nothing and reverts to no- thing; ^ & J ^. )fr shih eh'huh yu woo sin, really unintentional; $ jj? ). Jt ^ $$* tsun nan chih oyu keae woo, 1 have neither son nor daughter; J^ Jt $L T ^ ^ t'heen shaug te hea keae woo, neither ia heaven above, nor on earth beneath ; $* ^ woo chang s death ; ^ ^ 4fe ^VP e P^i woo yib* not one of them, 13. i}p Fei, and Sfeie occur: as ^ ^" A, >f% ^* fei been jin puh fe^ho f r ay, none but a worthy man ^p; ^ J$L F j^ fei we ; s yih 5 not only, but; ^ ^" fei fuache szej contrary to one's duty; ^ fc fei pe tern chang, extraordinary ; the same a& 3fe fei chang, uncommon ; ^ ^ she fei, right & wrong ; $t ^L ^ ^T fei t'ha pGh k'ho, we cannot do without faim;^. vfc ^ 1^ feif^motso, do, not do unlawful things i$\ ^%>7w 3jiz^L fei ke kwei urh tee^ to sacri- fice to the spirit of a man With whom we have had fie connection ; If ^ 5fc 3t >^ kung fceu fei ke jin, to recommend ao improper person ; ^ ^ fei wei, bad ac- tions. 01 Fei, is sometimes used m the sense of wof, which case it has always a bad meaning; as ffi ^ fei tih tuy iun s without virtue or with foad to -sink into perdition, ^ Fuh,, is commons as w ^31 ^ fdh joo vay, ua equal; ^ "^ fuh kMng, UB willing yjL ^7 '^g Jt ^ ^ ^ e fuh mwan ke chih she yew, he wfts afflicted on account of not having fulfilled the duties of his station, ,14 Jl M^ is a negative of p?oktbi%a; as 108 NBeATIVESc CHAP, mo seaoti, doft't laugh i "SS? J?" SBO yaou yitt tso )e$ou, do not make a mistake; J| fpj ^ mo tun^ show, do not proceed to violence: ||' ^ $16 shwo, don't say. is often followed by "#$ tsew: as || 1^t~5fe ^ ^ ^ life ^ ^ ^ ^ nio shwo gno yew yin tseen, tsew she fibih muli yew, not to say that I have money, I am even destitute of food. Combined with adjectives of ^ shin, it conveys the idea of the superlative degree, as has been already remarked: as shin yusze, nothing could exceed this; teyut'heen, nothing greater than heaven; mo tachekung,insurpassable merits; kwo yu sze > nothing can exceed this ; (ne plus ultra ; ) Jfc m6 pe, incomparable,-^ ^. ^ ^ mo wang mo lae, neitiier go nor come; J|3a m ^> J> $*& best, nothing like. Muh, occurs iu conversation; as ^5t 'i ^r ^ ko ke hwuy, no opportunity; $& jh $T n>uh nae bo 1 ao resource, ^ ^ ^ ^" miih ko tTiow seu, no clue; ^L ^" ^ HB m ^ 1 yibjih heen. ; not for one day at leisure, % Jt y]L ^ Jp shin shang muh tih chuen t nothing to wear on his body; ^t 4E >fe ^^b P a pi^g? no handle to lay hold of ; ^fSI ^ ^ ^* yih ko yay muh yew, I have not one of them; -^- g^ jfa |@ tsuen muh yew yih ko, none at all. 15. ^ We, occurs in combination, as ^ ^ wets^ng t and ^- ^f" wechang, in the sense of not now, not yet; thus ^ ^^ keih fen mo, have you eateii rice'? ^ we, or ^ ^ we tsng, not yet; ^ ^ ^ ^ we lae che sze, things not yet co&e to pass, future events , ^ ^r we she, not hitherto; ^ ^ ^ ^ we yew che yay, or ^ 5^ ^ ^ we che yew yay, this has never been the case; jj^ jjJ we peih, not certainly, or not necessarily; ^ ^ ^ i& Jfc wei yew pub joo tsze, it never has beeo otherwise; ^ ^ ^ yoo we tsuh, still discon- tented;^ ^ we tiag, unsettled ;^^T we k'ho, can- cot, or may not;^ ^ tsung we, never. 16. Of -5F woo, and ^ wuh, we have already spo- ken, but add here a .few remarks :-$- Ir ^ ^ woo kwd che, no need of m$kmg eo? ado ^bout it CttA*. *1 eAT*. * J Ji $ woo lieu too jib, do not icHy spend day: -S- 1^ |J f& wo Uf k Uf k sin* ^ aot divide your beart; ^ ,^ * wuh wei nan, do not fear difficulties; ^ Ifr ^Pt jf hing wuh fuhyen, do not if you please,' apeak of it again; xft JJj ty ^ fc kwo tsih wuh tan kae, when you have transgressed do not feai? to repent 17* J| Ivlei, audU* meg, are occasionally used as negatives: as^ ^ fc me chang, unusual; J^ ^ me kae, without end; Jit ^ ^ ^ mei yew k'he^ wei^ there was Rot one left; ^ ^ mee yew, have not 18. P5 Waiig,'^ woo,^ we, H p'ho, and some- times "t wang, are used in ancient books as negatives: thus (9 ^ wangkeih, unbounded; S| ^ Jit ^ wang yew tsze sze $ there is no such thing; Jf ^ HJ ^] che 36 wang wan, do just as if you did not hear, jit Woo, appears to be an abbreviation of |& woo: as |fe ^g ^ woo fuh fun, no share of happiness ;^ ^ we tsi5, no* to do:^ ^| ;ii v ^ we yew sin far^notthe least cnu- rage- g, ^J p'hc tsih, uniathoinabie ; ^ yih woo fang; the advantages are unbounded. 19 . 1 hese negatives cannot be used at random, but the foregoing examples will serve in some measure ta direct the- reader how to employ them. To render the meaning of the negative still stronger the following words are prefixed:^ twan f< ^J tse&, ^ keg, ^ tseug, ^ tsun^^|. chung, || wan, ^ tseuen, j^v ta^ haoUs^ seaou*j|l leo.and J| pitigr as f|f ^* ^|> ^T twan foe puh k'ho, this cannot on any account be done; H ^ ^ ^ H wan wan puh shay tsuy, oa no account remit sins;^ ^ ^. ^. tseeu haou woo e t not the slightest difference- ^ _$| fj= haou woo tsuy^ entirely iiocent; |^ ^ ft ^ *seu6 piih k'hwau tae f not the slightest induigenoe ; j^ ^. ^ ;$| ^. ping woo yih kan sang ke, there was not one single standard. 20. A great many words are formed by these nega- tives just in thr s^me maoner as with our in% uii-, l and dis-; a$ ^ ^ M. yew tsing le, reasonable; |R- IE woo tsing le, vuireasonable, ^ f^ yew le, ^ wix? ie, unpolite:^ ^ woo^ang, woo keusg* eudlesfc fa woo 110 ADVERBS OF TIMEo CHAP, VL f* ^fl) shin she puh le ? very disadvantageous;^ ^ Woo tfcth< peerless; ^ ^ puh jin, not only means des fitute of benevolence, but cruel, tyrannical; ^ g. puh bin, unministeriike, rebellions; ^ ^ puh jin, eornpas' skmate ; ^ J^ woo too, inordinate, lieentiouSo Besides these, there are a great iaanv similar words, which, by prefixing a negative obtain an opposite meaning. The Chinese are also very fond of repeating the same idea with the negative: as ^ W Jfc Sfe *ei urh puh chow, beautiful and not ugly, i e. very beautiful; ^g j j?g 3fe 3E ^ twan thing urh fei wae seay, correct in con- duct and not depraved;^ ^ Hfc ^ $% ^ k'hin laoit ping puh Ian to, to work industiiaariy and not tf show remissuess.^ ^ M ^ ^ jfi> show k : hoo ping woo gan fuh, to suffer misery without the enjoy meat of any happiness. 2 1 T \ < "i only aflirm , but render the oiv^er; a* j ^" ^ ^J ]Jfc we yew puU joo.tsifce, it oil ^wiseijfjf ]J ^ }g- mejihpuh day without ttrinkiog of yoij> *. c. to think ever\ ? ' day, ^ $k llji Jj l^ wootsia ieih, me*-setf to the utmost; |g_ j^ ^r woo puh kwow every tiling ; JR. '^ f| woo pah 22. >^- Bhe yew. and h*.-. stand few our sbJh , tsae, means really; 1 ^, f$C kwo jen s in tw*fi je., det:idediy; - ^. yilt fciag, certainly; verily * 111 She, means tim^ or when as Brf $| ^ she fisoseay tb^ when he sat ;dowu to^nte, & H It, ^Hf ch huh muj) the she, when he went out of the fifate; $t A > ^ 1l chiBg jin c he she how, whan he had become a nsaji 3 or was of age;. 0?f % she she, always constantly;-^ jj?f me* she,veveiry tvme;-Sf ^f ping hhe, ; ordinarily.;^ ]^r ^aou she, a little . ^hile;^" j^p- kew she.^b W seen she,^ J}^ seih she, r;/xiHJp l|^ chow sh* al) mean formerly; Jt ^ tsze she 9 at, this titsjei " 8^ *aug he^ ^ she she,^ jj^ wei she, and & ^ 1^ * an g s '^ e f * 6 ^ e i a ^ signify, at that to . . f'ha lie, at another time; ^ how in future, afterwards 3 j ^ ^- BUY she, imniediately, from time to time ; ^ ^ v^w sh6, soijfi^timies;^ g^ ho she, ^Jj^ kes^and in convefsatiop ^ ^ j}| j^vhin mo she 110 w, nil mean -when 1 ? fp ^ tseih she, i atdy;||f^ is'he tr&nh, every moineDf>^ tBo ^ ^jfi ^h- ctie, |u^t^l thai time; 1$ $? hwo ^^, i a sertaiB iime;% tf^ rha *N,|| ^ ^ ^h^^ ^F peen she, and --^f 1^ I i a short, time, ira* mediately; ^ 8^ jffl t&ng she Heii, within a rKoment; ^ ^T ban she^eklom.;^ J^ h expressed by i^, kin, j kin j?h,^ siu, ^ ^ ^ 3/L we yew to fep foo king: formerly, reads thus: L wgt 112 ADVERBS or TIME. O#AP, jg| tseen t'how,^ ^ tseen hang, ^ ^jt tang seta, ^g- yih ceih,J| -f^ nang* seih, andHlf -far ehow seih, ^ } Seihiih, on a former day, ^ ^ koo she, ID for* mer times; J-, ^ shang kop, in high antiquity; A- i f haekoo, in wry high antiquity. Afterwards, is ex- pressed by jj$ ^ sze how, ^ \J| how peen, and ^ Jig how f how, 8 p Tso |ifir means yesterday; ^ tin jih, to day; ^] B tseen jih, the day before jester- day; B^ ming jih, to-morrow;^ fl bow jih, the day after to-morrow;^ ^ tseen neen, the year before Iast 5 ^|| ^ kew neen, last year;^^ kin ueen, the present year; B8 ^ wing neen, next year;S- ^ mei neen, or ^ ^F Been neen, yearly. 26. Whilst, and during, are expressed by B keen, l^"tse,^!J kang,and jEching: as Jt ^ lUf }SJ chinge lun keer^ whikt they were debating; ^ jfc ^ ]^ szechetse v between life and death; ^ ^.^ H?J che kang, whilst coming to the engagement: ^ shing yaou kliae yen, whilst wishing to speak; jJfc 1?| |S5 tszeshe keen, during ;\it ^ leenyay ? during the night; H y% ^ BU ching choo rfaow jkeen, wMsi in a state of indecision, Hitherto 5 is expressed by 1% ^ heang lae,^ $. tsung lae. $} jJfc taou ts^e, $^ ^3 ft* taou joo tsse, and $>J ^t ^ iaou joo kin. Henceforth, by ^ i ^ kin e lae, ^ ^ K/. ^ tsze Mn e bow. Till and until, by^j^t^ yu, \^ j&- yih yu,^ feeih, ^fi & chih che,l|, ^- tae kin, ^ ^ keih che, and ^!i i-aou. ^ Chang, ^ ^ chang she, >lE ^ hang chang, }s. ^ ha jig: she, '^ ^ cbang yue 5 ^ ^ puh twan ^ |^ ptsh tseue. ^ ^ tse^ leen, ^ ^ and k'hih k'hih, ineati constantly, always. 27, "J Leaou as we have already remarked, seems |o indkate the past: as -f ^ ^, 5 tso kwo leaou, having ta teaou* kin leaau, the Mandarin has seised, beaten* and confined him inprbtm; ^? J $L ^fc~ leaou leaou yay we, is it done, or not yet done. Often it is put at the end of sentences merely for the anke of eu phony: as }1L^ ^L^fe J*H @ jT chay yew she naa te muh leaou, this is a difficult theme, it is not mifre- quently preceded by ^ yay: a& J^, ^ ^ 3fe S yay tftj shin shi^uy ieaou, his virtue is very mucfi degeue* rated; ^ ^ ^ ^jC |^ ^ yay puh kwan ne^ze leaou, k d^es not concern your affairs; ^ ^ ieaou sse v 6r ^ y^l Ieaou -keuh, theaftair is done; $ JtL ieaou keep, to see thoroughly; ^ ^ ^ )ffi ^ leaou leaou jen ming pin, very plainly; ^J ^ ^ leaou puh tih, exceed- ingly unbearable; ^ ^ ^ JS^T -f^ shih' foa ying heung leaou tih, the bravest of the brave ; ^ ^ $ ^ 5 3 ^ c ^ay t^ng ieih ieang joo ho fcaini tih, a degree of strength how can one withstand; *$ 1,^S ^ l^a^ p&h tib ctay mo haou, ex- eeedingly excettent: ^ J?> ^ ^ .>Sj l^j^ kaouipuh eih kea heuog kiB laou, the diligence of ^iny elder bro* flier is excessive. 2* EV &s ^^ have already remarked likewise indi* catea the past: m , ^ e seay, I have written; 2* Ug o urh, past the proper time: Jfjj L urii e, tht? whole w done, nothing more; ^ gfg ^ ijg ^ yew Ieang yift urhe, I hav* only two taels 1 ana c more* Jfc piti iih c, no resource; g, ^ c rfiio, too mncfe ^ J| bae tsie e , here tf^ com to an eud. " OF 28. Tfee fallowing are the mo^t frequent; chay lev teac ^ cho^fc L ^e so te<*, all "p, Jfc feng 3 jBp $ fc n& iu Use, ? sta^d aevenliy for dioo; i -114 A9VCKM Or epDAKTITY. CHAP, i ev pressed by $} y& yaw tsze,;^ $fa fcsimg '^ by^ D& j|t &^ r 'g n& ho 7 ;$^;$t tsvsti Our word towarSs, S expressed by jfg heaag, a( 'wang; asJnJ Jt heang jiuaig, upwards;]^ "p heang downwards;^ g wang se 5 west-ward;^ 1 -""* pei how 9 bark ward ; $g ^| l^ang teeen, or"|| tse lbrwrd;5^ S wae mee0j outward; ^. ^ k ween, ^ j^; choo choo, and J^j ^ taou choo, r y ^ M jl^ P^ ' im ^ c ^? *^ ^ keu' ho choo a whersspsves; ^ :| x taou che ehoo a and Hi) ^S ^ ^ h^^ng shin te wfaithersoever; rf* chung, xj^ @ chuag feeefij aod, ^: dkung yang, all signify middle, iiDVEBBS OF 29. M Pih pwaB,^ It eboo pwai^ all various; it ^ehay pwan, this sort such;2fj pwam, that s it rna^y be translated net the least: ^~~ -tt* ^ ^ yih seay gan y^y raiah yew t he bad e least rest; ^ -^ ^ Sf mGh seay t'hc meen, the la^ respectability, Tt is also followed by shin mo, in ih 4me aense: as shiu mo, talk a linle; ^f M seay shin mo, to introduce >omethii Jf F*ho, loused in tbe aen^e of rather: as plbo t4>,rathel mucb;J^ ^[ plioyew, rather much; $$ ^i ^ P* tl0 p*ho % heal tih, to understand somewhat 0f anything; ^[ ^ ^ jg, p'bo se e hwA, raf her doubU ia; fe| H p^So E*ng t rafter capably 116 rMPOOTlONft, CHA*>, 82, ^ To f miK?b;^^ kwo to, "too sonsy ; to cbting, header, too beavvt^ ^ tarfuMnMA tokwa, bow iBauyl how much ?Jk tbung u^gr^atTnuIiitiidtBs, ^j Sfei, sad pf ma the more, and ^ hwa&g, how &m?h the taoire, ire used IB ways: a? >& A bwsng tseay, stiil tDre, fuithei^ ^bo hwang, how much lime iore;>^ ^ ' ^ %- fl5 ^ hwang yay wei yew yiwig tlum urh ^ now imii*th the more so, as he only uttas c^istaa! sighs and nothing else; J^ fe^ng, more; |^ ^U A seu yih "jin, we muststUi nave one man; ^ ^ k^ng shin king Yneaou, the more the better; jg^ k^og pdh to dhiih, give BO more orders; ^ Vhae boshe s still wait how long; IB , and It 4 CHJiPTEB PKEPCSTT1ONS. I. WH-EK treatmg of the easas of substantives we lready adverted to this class of words, We shall give aticcinet ^ew oittiebr various us^s s Yu, /*, ^ is used m very different waysr as - leapw le towrii him ifae proper ceremoBieg; f| ^ y%iehysn, talkcRUtiotisly withhiraj ^ ^SL ifc t*uh yu yet?,, not profthy to bt 'iqpraaa to^ 1ft ^fe y u sa ebtMii* b* swore ihat he would bin iint^i^ **&;& A J *t ^ ^ *to Ji iTbnig V* 1 ]*% fe ^* B l^* 11 vith tt dub or wiib & w2n*i ^ f|t )| jfc yujp* -^^ e'diftB* to bring mat* tec* afc^ fey y^u^viB Jfc 3? & T> W ^ nit pdh hiog-ytt pu w5a ttiug, 4b fe^M aad atjt to Is Uae^me ^ot to lm-t sfft A HI & i CHAP* VII. PWBPOJUflOyS* 117 sbwuy yu ^ang teih, who will opp^e You? Majesty "? Jf- ^36 ^ y u J 8 ^ n syo* conclude a contract with you; ^ ^ 1^ HI y 1 * ttirn taag 15, to rejoice vith inspire the hearts of the people with dtaBenee; ^ J^. t^ p&h yu teuo yew, not comprised in it; %iHi $ y 3f- &Mih n&ng yw yu s%e foo who i^ sufficient for thisf ^ ^ A jgM^^u ta !e, atiifice with great ceremony j ^; ^, KS p^h y u wUn, be did not ask it of him ^ ijf. jfc ^ k an .V 11 c fa m | ^^^ &fe eoncems poliiies; ^j: J^- T&. ^} J& yi k^ih p^, aad parted with tears 5 |k ^ ju 1m, to fee preseitt at the sacrifice; ^ ^ ^L'^ pub lib y ^h^* cuid not be present at tihe examinations; y $$. ffl Jfa ^ jfe kew ebe yu, yih yu ebe yu, did "he seek for it, or was it given to him f jft- ]it 3$. it yu ^ a 8 ** 00 ^5 different from this. It is also used m comparison; a^^. ^- ^ $1 5|t ^ tih yii ks kea po, m Ytrtue sincerity m better . j8l J?^ y fc^ tSng^ yfth knng wh s^e t J faaQ, Shag fceu raaou uli uA che tsuh, it is better to dwell lyi^tmw ho- vel and be r ontent, than to ascend a splendid uyw yu pe is your niece or my wife f 2. -$b Yu.and J yu, -^%aify on, i, a/; u cbeshei, terev^utfltetupreme ya t Men woo yew, in heaves there are H?J rows; ^ ^ 5 1 jl- ^ yu kea yu I wo wco OWB fHw>?Sj iw of my csuBtiy-is there hope; ^fc -}- ^ %- yu shUr f5h neew^ ID the 16th ^ear| ^ ^ ^ v gao joe foo ywn, b to jw*? like s l>uck; ^- "^^ ^ ^ (i y u ke t^ag, each g'to bk clan; - bew keif u sought help /rom ki exbertatkm; ^ ^ ^f yu-' fe- pub ? in" strict jopiieC i* otntial be done. ^ ^ 46 as of gpo/fartbfe. faith to me; ^ $ che yu-cfaing " FRSPosmora. jiii, Dtttil he was full-grown; JLl ^* paca g&n yw wao yih, to repay the leu tbousa&dth part of hi& kindness; ^f IF 1 ^ yu pifa ie die wae, mot than ooe> hundred miles. We have already lafriarked that^ yu serves to <2e- sciibe the pmsuite: as ^ ^ ^ ^ jjfc- 'A laou leih *?hay che yu juvtiiuse WBC perform manual labour are ruled by mea; j| |- .% * * % [J& & &eui* teze yew wfih^ lei yew yu wtth, the superior man possesses tilings but k &ot jpot*et*^d try ibeirj, i. e. not enthrelled by his riches; Jfc jj^ 5^ ^ & ? sze yu foo jin che shew, died by tbe hand of a woman ; ^ ^ ^ ssh^ yu tsou, killed ty the sword. It is used also in compa- risons: as 5 -jfe $fc -ffc yih neen ebang yu t'ha, one year older than he; JJJL ^ ^- ^ ^ m6 kooju tsze uhe, there are acue more helpless than those who place loo much confidence in themselves* ^ Foo, af, *X and on, is used nearly a the above: thus H$ -? -t R ch'hfih foo ke keen, to go out from them ; JpL ^ 3lh e foo tsze, different from this; -J- JL &?e chliuh feo shang, thoughts come frcua ^ |^ ^ ^ g&o cte&og foo shin, hide it about per&aii;:Sf ^jziSL^ ^ haouheo kin foo che, la tore learning is a near approach to knowledge* tli H fcing.fob foo kwei, to w&m a rich man; ^- jfu she foo, fmn Let?^; ^ ^ wan, different ifrom what he heard ;^ lit woo woo yb foo urh, i will not hide it from you ; ^ ^ puh aa, it doe not consist m that h :eed also s eompaTisoas: a^ ^ A^ ^ ^ ^ m6 ta .yaou tsliu-a, aeae greater ifests Vacu. sad Shun ; ^{ % B Ik ^f "S gnjihjih diafeg ft : . 1 am djjjr 'ei&T *h& you, 3. jjil 1^ jsignilies by, ihr&Mih* with ; as "3gL lu le c yu h^4s, reason te eonfaundM fey '^Sf H; e dbhwa, to draw mth the fim^f ; )>l 3R ^ e le dhuy. i, t6 ded^ci fey reasoning; ^ yew f fco. fe it dififercntl ^l ^ ft: i? c CHAft, VII* ^WOSITIOKS. 119 , in flie tenth month of the year* $1 - &, from Che past to fijture ages; ij >- "W 4l ***** WIT e how, from flow and henceforth; $ 3% e w*i, to eon side r, to loolk upon; $ $; ^| J^ e wei sbtitg jin, considered kim&& a sng%\! 7; $L ^ -|| p&h e -wei'e^ ootto^arefor &'* n S. $j w e ebih^wei kiuh,ia uke the straight for the croauedj jit grasp be cppTesscd th*peon|e; J^ B e '! ^^ -1> ^ ^ e , acoofding to my fefilish pten;$ ffc- tsltm njftnf hue ch% h ire&tau ber as hts own **T5 El ^ ^ ^ Q 8 110 kwfln b% aeej?dmg to my view of tfat matter. gi E, r sometimes used for JU yung:- M. -i^- ^ )Jl ^ woo wv> e yay, do n<^ iie we; ^ ^ ^ Bl JW&& && ptlh e 4 hs was indignaift at his not be- ing employed, W Kl So e ? ^. j^l feoo , and ^ }>t she 3 all sigisi* (y 1]ift evftfej rea80a > motive, therefore? as ^ ^, S^ Vi nhekeso e, consider bis motives;...^ ^ ^l -fc peife yew e yay , there must be & cause; $ fe e teo 2 -this my w;^^ thoejitmay pass;^ $, feo e 3 whereby: ^ $> woo e ? is sometimes pufc for ^ S w0 e 9 i Will m0i desist;^ J# |!J 3E ^ wo^e tefb wang if yaa will not deskt^ Aea let u$ ^peak fif the royal tern of govenxmedi 4, ^| Ch^ Is -nearly synonymmis with though it w aat so frequently used: $& |^ /$ dioo sin, tt hmrt; ^ ^ 2* he dioo ke, to db tom-iaib one**- ctf| $ ^ 2^ w cfeoo fee, to *ek awythipig iVorn ^t>e'&. fi^lf;^ M ^ ^^ ^ ,Rj pmchoo b'biii, chin chop shoo ashi^lS origin of 5t Ur m Gce^tHietC, and th e? i* deuce -of it io fc&^ people; ^ ^ ^ sbe cfeoo dfca?3g he potnfod to Ihe pdni of bis hBi^d; % ^ tjt l%oo> : ctvw^ tee wt^fo^ itao biai-gtidie;^ J^ ^ fea dhooAin, (e tt^ fleet m 9UBfc4feif. 5. ^ Te, principally used k eommsaftkiit and re^ gambling hi many r^peclj* &. m h ged to describe the dative case? 20 ^ ^ fe ^ ^|*te jootseui6 hwau khv to da 9^w ia yow behalf with KM eauee of cala- mity; 3^ ^ TJ M^be jt^i thscMag, 1 will for PRfifrOftrftOIHi. CfAP. Til. set out cm this joXimey; ^ A $ fbe jh? Ieih % to exert one's-self for people, We* t is used In the sense of for, in behalf of: a$ heftwsi ke, to study lor one's own benefit; '* . . . wei sbwuy, if ! am act grieved CD feis account, on whose account should I be grieved ?-% @ jS^ wei kwo cht>o faae, cm bdbdtf f one's oouuiry to remove c&l&iui* ty; ^ 5^ ^ weJ the be, to be glad on that account^ f^C v H? ^- ^ve wei pin ts'hin^ to jpetition a one's be ball ;' ^ "X. *p |C wei i'hen nea se^au, U be A Uugh- etock to the empire; ^ v ^ ^ ^^ giio we* ts^eyen che.,- 1 will speak for you, Sit! ^ X J& jft wei jia cbe ping, h, is owe of the most frequent ; as Jt j^o t&ae ching, in th city;^ ^ home; ^ tl| tsae sass, on the hills; |j ^ becomfiapteblv; jb ^ -t toe gno , it devolve* apa> aie f it rents .with me?; keen isae ^ho% wilfa a drawn sword i hid h&id; ; now; ^ ^ >? teem tsxe e ? the' way ' It is afta combtiitd with m ^itmbw af ether It ^ a^ ^ ^ tsae >r^ tss&tih w&e, i^ul^ide the b^use; g, above ;>$. A i tgae $n shasig, on ^j -ub t&c It, fo the. : ' CHAP. VII. FtlBPOSmONS, 12 J , kwftching tsae foo yang rain f good government consists in providing for the nation. 7. f| Tsze, fi yew; $t tsung, all meau/r0*, oto?, fy, through; as g ^fc ^ ^ft ) ^ tsze t'ha t&aoi? neih e me, from the time that he rebelled and thence- forward; ll ^ 5 4" tsze koo che kin, from ancient times until now; fa $t fc tsze tstmg tsae, from the- time of being at; fl $. Jd tsze lae woo, never; ^ ^ lae tsze. origin. )fe Yew, is employed nearly in the same sense i at itl ^ tL ^V y ew ^ ae e few, it is long since; || ^J ^ woo yew tih, no way of getting it ;-3|L-& kin yew ? the origin, or causa of anything;^ ^ $1 k'he tsing yew, or y ^1 sze yew, causes; ip Sj t) Si ne yew teze,tseu, misfortune brought upon one's-seif; A St iS ^ yew tsze larhlae, from henceforth;^ \jj tsung yew, or ^ ^J tsze ye w, signify from:}) ^ yew she, from hence ;^| ^ chow .yew, tfee mesas thvough wjieh anything is brought about; j*- Jfc j^L 3t ^ yew kiij e keib yuen, from the neat to the more distant; rfj jib H ^. y ew ^emirn- tin^ enter 'by this door;$} ^ ^V jst yew yuen jfifa iih, to enter through the ganlem in to the house; ^r ^ |^ ^^vew yang s&ang piu ts'hing, to petition through the Jiong merchants; $] ^ *g" -|< ^ yew woo kwafc chingpan, to be transact eti by the military Mandarins; 4 * '3)t ^ Jfe; j| yew she keun she ta shing, from this time the power of the military greatly increased. ^ Tsung, means also from: a$ ^ ffi ^ tsung yuen ivrh 5ae t came from a distance; |fc-^ -^ ^) woo tsung eha seun, no means of investigating; ^ ^ >v ^ woo tsurjg juh show, no means to get into one*$ hands; $, ^ ^ tsung fang chliuh, went out of the room. ^ 8. ft: Hc^ug, "^ wang, and ^J neang, 11 meat* &>K.T*:t$.- ^ ,^ g) heangnao, southwards; % -f@ gg fcttg ky httan^ t f how v to have some fixed object; |& heang tseeo. foi^ards; /^ ^ Jt si heang the heart directed upwards; t&| CHAP. rti to dfcmand from him; f| J|] j^ ^ heaug p3ng wo, ; tb speak to a friend. * So alsb ^ tvang: as 113 J| H: JR T ^ h\vuy hiivg chung tsow. Be turned his horse, and iraa rds the city; - 1| B 4r 2^ pt ^ *P *ng :'hing 9 &an kweikew k'how, he made three g-euuflexioxis and inne prostrations a he went towards th:.' galact;. IB like B)am>ejr^T yi^g: as ^ ^L ^ ^ ^* 1^ ||[ J^ wei tsze she yi?'g ko two chuen thih t and hereby we addre&s onrs*f!vs to the vessels of evei-y oation; ^ j$ p ^ ft joo ying ko tea, we enjoin upon every family. 9. Jl bhang, afc^^, T> hea, feeW, J^te, bentatk, nil used as prepo&jtions: thus ^ j^, > jfe. shaug h^a te, up to heaven, and down to earth; ^ "* fcH* J^* rfiang puh yuen t*heen^ hea pub Vew jin^ above he HA not rej>!CC against heaven, below lie harboured &o enmity against men ; J JL kan shang, >Tne up with; ^ i 1@ J pub shang urh ko not above two months; Jr T; shang hea, above below, more or less;^ i ^ k r tian shang wan, he above chapter; J: X^ shang sin, to rise up in raittd; ^ ^. t&ae te,1>elow. 10. 1$ Tseen, and ^t seen, raeaDing tefwre; and how, after, come under this elas* of words : as ^ sh&iig tseen k'cen, to go forward;^!. ^ yen , befcite one's eye; ^ ^ ^ ^ tsung tseen ehe soiae fofmer bdsrne^: ^ ^ tsag tsees, to be be- fi>re- ^ $ If Hi teeen fee\i k'ho keen, you may look before the carriage, i @. take warning;^ + ^ || yew Aih nee& t*eei>, ten years ago; >|| ^ tae iseen, before the tnbusa!, before Your Exceilerey; ^ ^ ^f 18 we che tseep wSn, neve* heard of It fidfbre; ^ ^ Is^n tsin, to go forward; fSf ^ ^ ue t*eeu tsow, cb do you go l^efore; % $& sen che, to know beforehand; ^" $L ^ ^tj-^ag seen k'liuiig. bow, ta strive lo gel before from a fear of belt^g behind. So also^ how; a ^?i how tae > in afte? asres; ^t how sbe CHAP. VII, PREPOSITIONS. 133 trae sun, the children and grand-cMidrea of the coving age. |gj Keen, between* letwi$t> and le t w*, and &**&,}"* wae, ***** 6fe; may be ranked among die Chinese prepositions: as 8 $J .yuea nuy, m the gardea; $fc $? te nuy, wiUi* in tfce laud* ^ ^L t& pub tsae QUJT, not compruad' therein;.^ ^ ^> ^ ^ W p6h tsae she kin she wy t not comprised within the prohibitkms; 3. U 1% ^ j^san jib nuy peih sze, will die within three days; $ ^ chtng le, within the city;^. B3 le meeii, inside So abo#h wae; as ^ M^ k6 wae, outside the &u^ burbs; ^ %* e wae, beyond expectation; jfe $r k'hth wae, out of the common way, extraordinary; ^fe 34 ^ H- l*i wae she gin, to shew favour beyond the letter of the law;^ fi wae meea, and ^^ wae t'how, outside, outer surface; ^ ^ ciiioo wae, besides, with the exception of: these characters are always sepairated, the first commencing the sentence* ad the latter coai. pleting it: thus * % || 1ft ' * . jR ^ i ft * cboo joo chih kae foo yen niug cha peen wa. besides ordering the said Foo Magistrate to institute a Strict investigation. l2,^Tae, means for, instead of: as % tfc

ft yueu t'hae man. on account of your bad treatment; g ^ ^j via wei le^for Ihe sake of gam; @ $ Si ^ yn >*he eho he, be sacrificed dccifiduig to the time;jj& { ^ ^ 124 PREPOSITIONS. CHAP. VII. peih yin ke tsae, you must employ men according to their talents. Keih, is used in the sense of to, until, &b|. J^' taou choo y every where; >JfL ^j- ^> f^J woo go puh taou, extending to everyplace;^ ^ taou te. or f !J j^. taou te, still, yet, after all. & Ch'biih, ow/,/rom, comes under the same class: as ^ & ^ na ch*huh lae, bring him out; ^ & ^ seay chtuh lae, write it out;^ ^ JJ5 f9 chuh t'ha ehtiuh mun, he kicked him out of doors. '$& Ho, and )^J tung, together^ with\ the former prin cipallv in coDversation; as ^J ifc -$r fSrho ne hing loo, to walk with you; ^ )^3fc ^ l^fi Jin ho ma, both and bor&es, occurs in the of together \ with, in cott- /*/ ^* l4 ?> v ^t ^ ^ ^ en ^ ^ e mao ^ j^ writh-.his comp&nions he braved death; CfcAP, Vlt. PREPOSITIONS. 125 ^L A ^1- * ^" J?- leen jin yu shoo na keen, both the man attd the letter were brought up for inspection. Id. We may observe here, that many Chinese verbs comprise i themselves our prepositions, an account of which would come better uader the head f Syntax, A ter more exatnj lesof prepositions may here fee given, Thu nttouti 1*1 quantity > is expressed by./c $?| ta y<\ ^ ^ ta kae^ HL^ -3$- cha puh to, Jb T> shanghea; thus ^v ^ jfiL t~ $fc ta yo woo tseen yin, about 6000 dollars; ^ jK^lio'fc'he chin, about to depart; 3k -Sfc -S& "^ ching yaou ma le, "he was about to a- buse; jfo i$L5L. $ she che ching yug, it was Qho&t tike first month; ^ 3& ^ t neen tsean^j luh fthib, he was about 60 years of age; W ~fc sze fang, and fil taoti choo, ail about, every where; ^ ^ tsew yaou tso, I was just about to do it 14* According, is expressed by>$* e, gan,^| $5 sunjing,'andflfe.keu: thus^^Pj ganle, ac- cording to law; ^ ^ ^c tfr fcsua chaou gan pan> he managed it well accordingly; D$ ^ ^ jing foo yuen^ he accordingly repaired to die office; ^ 'jj. keukin 5 ac- cording to his petition;^ ^ Jb tsung e keen v accord, ing to your opinion; i$l $H$k.e kwei keu, according to custom. ^ yu t&ze che wae, ^r ifc M* t^e wae, besides ^ ^ shang yew,, Btili more, besides. For through, the Chinese use iE t'hung, and x as it tr t'hung hing, to go through; $J ^ tsze t'how, to stab through. Wit hout. is thus expressed: as 5K ^ i6 ^ ^ ^t 4^ fel joo urh we tih kew ming., without you we sfeould not have saved our rives ; Jft ^ ^ ^ f& i ^ woe; jptib tih (so $r e. without laoney men can&of trade* CKAF, TIH, Concerning* is expressed hy 25 jS 31 yajl ^ une jVfBf bin, and I| ^ kwc? ya: as ^ f J J6 yu beting, ojeenaing your eider brother; !fc & ^ ^ X ^* fun frae &e ie gSay shoo, I shall write to you a let- ter eoacieramg ifeis business, CHAPTER 1. THIS is a very utimercus class, to which we wish to draw the attention of the student, for without a due knowledge of them, neither can the books be pro- perly understood, nor the language appropriately writ- ten or speken. The Chinese being destitute of in- flexions, much of the intelligibility of sentences depends upon the proper use of these particles. 2. These are the following; Jt tseay , and, stands frequently at the commencement of sentences and whole sections: as JL llfc tseay&hwo, a&d it is said; which is aa introductory phrase at the commencement of most worts of fiction. This "particle also couples words: as 'S & Hi fco tseay k''hw.n 3 rich and liberal; ^ ^5 fi ^ sn ^ J cirSilseay kwang; Jee|i and wide; ^J i f^t gttoUeay^wShjoo, 1 also ask you; ^ JL J& ^ yu tseay !&ou inae teen, in my old age I bought a field; Jl j^ tey foo, .now further, Jl jjt teeay joo f ac\vas % 4>r thus; JL IE Ji >%, tseay keu tseay teow, riw resisting, and now running; ^f 5. ^ ;fc JSl y tiseay pub <:he tsub, stil he was nat content; JL ^ ^ ^t ^ ^M-^^y JD ( ^ bing pah ching ki^:, still, his actions were not correct; ^ ^C ^ IT ^ 3J" yew ua fcboo k'hiu k'hao, raoreovci he took the CHAK VIII. COPULATIVES, 12? book and looked over it diligently r^fe JL koo tseay t ^R JL kenen tseay, ^ JL teeen tseay, all signify for the time beiag, under existing circumstances : JL J\ *f6 tseay ebih p'ha, I waly fear. This particle is also often used, as we have formerly jreinarked to denote the imperative: thus JL ^ T *j[ ffi tseay k'han hea hwuy fun keae, just look at the aext chapter for the explanation ;JL ^fL^.^I tseay p6h yaou sbwo, do not speak of it; JL H. "ft $ A tgeay mo bhw6 t'ha jin, do not speak of other men; 715 JL JSfc ~fi t-sew tseay fang hea, just put down the wine. 3. JC Yew, awdf fltio, is frequently used, especial- ly in conversation: as4| A ^ ^ X ^ ^ ^Ir A chow jin ehe to yew yew kew yu jia, if you receive a charge from people, you will also be solicited by them ; 3t- K ^ ^ J ew chih she seaou, and only laughed; A m tQ* ffeA^^yew k'feuig p'ha pe t'hs eaou hwa, he also feared lest the other should Jaugb at bin*. It is frequently followed by a negative? as $k X ^ ^1 joo yew puh che, do you also not know; ^ ^ ^ ^ y^w pui show ming, again he would not receive orders ;Jt ^ Jpjj ^| yew woo fan naoi^ more over he was not angry ;^X ^ yew lae, come again* JL ^ ^t 3@r y ew ^ ae tee ^ ^ ew > again he got himself into a scrape; ^, ^L bvaug yew, how rtiuch the more; ^^ X- ffib yew, again; ^ X.^ ^ fiih yew joo tsse, a gain thus. This particle is often repeated ia a sentence ; as Jt ^ 3^ "|fe ^ ^f X- ^ c ^ i ^ y 5 ^ yi ^ yia leaou yew chih, feamvg eaten he .iraafe ; aod fearing druakeB he ate agaic;^ X^^JL^JC^L ^ ^ ping yew sii:g puh keih, ss yew sxe pfih tih, he was so .^kk that he could not live, aadas for death He could .not die, i. e, neither dead nor alive; ^ ^ X, ^ X.^Hyew he yew muB^ yew king, he rejoiced and was sad, and alm> feared; * X ^ #Jt ffe^Jfe & ^JttTvayyew hwuy p5h keib, ka& yew ^ae woo sin, as to repe&tance lie could not effect ii, and a& for reformation he had no toifc;l& & K .X1^ .X Ji H. X A 128 COPULATIVES. CHAP. Till. yew tsun sew. yew tseay to tsae, yew yew he k'he, yew laou shih, yew k'heen Jang, yew ho k'he, he was a man of manly beau ty, of much talent, endowed with spirit, honesty, modesty, and affability, 4, 7*8 Urh, is used both as a eopulative and disjunc- tive: thus ^P ffii $f ^1 heo urh she shih che, to learn and constantly to habituate ^yourself to anything; 1^6 H f^ urh yu jen, and he said yes, be it so; f^ ^ ffij $p % yin go urh yang shen, hide the bad and proclaim the gbod. This particle is, however, frequent- ly used as a mere elegant appendage, partly to maintain the cadence, and partly to give a turn to the sentence, in which cases we cannot exactly translate it: as & $fe 3%r ffi ^Pi- win woo tth urh ching, the people could not find tenas in which to praise;^ jg >) fa fQ fei keen man ui h ho, if this he not rudeness, what is it 4 ? 1$t tfi !fc M tan urh piih yen, never tired with apeak- iag;^ ffip >. ^) 4&-A W B g ^A 6k nu y wo j'B# fortunately nobody was in the house; % 5^ |t 36 ^ yew yih nyu mei urh been, he has a daughter who is both pretty and accomplished;^ 1& '3JL $i mwan urh bow se^, whey^ it is full it will nm out When ffi) urh is put between two adjectives or substan* lives the latter modifies the former: as JP, 35 ^ le urh jin, stern, but benevolent ; ^ T?D ^f- kaou urh pingj high, but level; jj|| ift $ kwaBg mh maou, exteasive f but luxuriant; $fe ^ Jfil JL ^ chuen kTiiiig urh tseay foo, rtre vessel is light and moreover buoyant: ify J$~ ^ ^ ^ urfa kin ho yew foo, can this exist now ? tftt <$* S5' ^ urh kin urb how v heiieef<>rwdrd;if5 ti. urh e, sr:d lathing urore; -fc -^ i^ ^ jis tih urh a, bcnevo* lent but nothmg farther j ^c ~f~ 7tn\i. kew ts?^ urh e, nine sons oinrlj: ^ fe ^ &. yu tsge >irh , only here; ^ ^ jen OTSI, still, yet; ^ ^ , ^5 urh e urh e, abr scluteiy Bathing more. 5;- ^^Yay. and >^yih, are ved. as cofmlatives: ffe Ibnner 0n1y ia conyersataon : m ^ ^ ^L > -^ ^ jay swan rlha yew pun sss, it may be accounted that he has taUnts;4v *J ^" ^- tS ^ J*y seacwi BVTS WCK? lull fo 9 my. daughter a* lsk> laforiunaf^ It & CHAP, VIII. COPULATIVES. followed by > yew f in enumerating things: as . yay yew teen mow, yav yew kea tsze, he had houses, fields, and riches It is often put behind the pronouns and other words, when it may he translated by even: as ^ ^ ^ ^ hay yay seaou sze^ even, this is a small business; ^ .& Ifc? )fr dfe* 4ft g** y a y wo * m ts * G cning, 1 myself al- so have no intention to enter; the city; ^C ^ ^ ^* ~~ $ jN- A 4C fr& shwuy yay puh hhay yth pe -.-yu fin keih teih, he did not eveo give a drink of water to the people ;1| ^ ^ >S if l|-;-3t.4fc shing heea yay puh V ho Vhantd yay, even a sage cannot thoroughly fathom it; * ^fc ^ ^ yih seay yay piih liog, not in the least degree intelligent; *| &. Jfe ^ y& faaouyay woogae, not the slightest obstacle. *& & Yay she, and & jfc ^ yay piih she, occur feiy Frequently: as ^ -^ ^ ^L ^ Hr y a y ^e moo ts'liiu yu pei, this is also prepared by my mother; & ^ %L ^ {& ^ ^| yay she wang fei sin sze leaou, this is also spending one's thought to no purpose; $L ^ ^ ^ctt yay we k'ho che, it is also what cannot be known or determined upon; ^ Jj^ yay we, not yet It is often repeated in a sentence several times: as ^ & ^ ^ A ^ ^fc Jfc S 3t tseen yay puh hwan jin, e yay ptth mae lae, he neither paid the people their money, nor did he buy any clothes;^ & ^ ^ ffi ^ D & ^ ^ H$ W shiu yay piih yung ne kin, k'howyay puh yung ne I'hae, he will neither allow you to approach his person, nor permit you to open your mouth. It is also used in questions: as ^ ^ ^ ^ puh yay 16 foo, is this not delightful $ ^f $f, ^ ^ ^ ^ k'han t'ha k'h&ng yay puh k'h^ng, to see whether he would or would not; ^ ty ;IL $L Jfc ^, puh che she yay puh she, 1 do not know whether it is so or not; ^ $& ^ & >T fi. puh che tsae yay piih t$ae, 1 do not know whether he i* there or not ffi \'ih, is mere fr^c:uer*t]y used in books: as ^ffc ^ "ft ^ t'ha yih ghwo yu^, fee COPULATIVES. CHAP. VIII, this ie atao well, it wfll do; 3fc Jb& & & mow *ze yih: wooyuen, I bhouid even DO! refine were I to die; ^^P A yihjoOiAe^itisalsothiis;^; ^P Jl ^ H JF ^ I*& <* teuh <*ay feo jfih yew, he who does not know contentment even when rich, is soirowful; ^f\ ^F ^ ^ puh yih pe foo, was this not jjjtean'l l$l & f| Jfr. jjp 1" ^| suy ne tsze tseu yih k'helgen, though you have brought thi* upon yourself, still you are wor- thy of pity-; ^ fc ft IF It it ?t[ sh & P un sh o yih iae tbk tub, even ten volumes of books he ought to rend entirely through;^ 5^ Jjfr Jit ~f pf Jt keen she yih woo yen k'ho hw6 9 on seeing him he could not lifter a word; $t ^ & ^ H ^ yih pah yung gno been yew, he did not allow me to saunter about. 6, ^t Keib. ifc used for and in edicts, and minor iviirtngs, though not of frequent occurrence; as ^ X ^ gnckeifa joo, Iacdyou;X^t yew keih, now in Conjunction with; >i ^ e k^ until, to. \1|. Leen, occurs in the sense of and, together with; as#t ^H^ gno leen joo, I and you; ^ A ,% leen jin in*, both men and horses It is often followed by % yay. when it means even; as | & & ^ ^ leen fang yay fiah *a<>u, he had even not swept the room. In this ease it is often preceded in the first part of the sentence by ^ ^ mo shwd, do not say; Jf; ^ piih fih, nototjly;^ fR pub tan, not merely; ^ %& puh toh, not^nly: as X $$ * ^ |gj ^ ^ iS ^c ^ u Si ;pf puh tub tse tszehwuy lae, leen chih nyu urh k how fan chaou, not only did my wife and children re- turn, but my two nieces also came back; | Ifc *& ^ 5t it * * 'It II # ^ mo sbw6 chay she che 16, Ken bow she cfae fuh yfti heang, not to speak of the joys of the present world, even the happiness of the world to coine he wiil also enjoy. 7 ^ Keen, bears the sen&e of sad, together with ? COTgobtly: as^.^H If * ^ ^ IX >6 If flf jfe ping poo ^hang Riiookcen too ts'd yuen yew too yu *be, Ae prmdeai tf ihe mOsihry M*arcl and Tnember of the Ceiisurate: |^ 5E ^ ^ keun woo -keen le military affairs and the CHAP. VIII. COPULATIVES, revenues; ^ rS ^* ^ keen ur ^ y ew c ^ to them together; jfe j)fc ^ JlJ^en tsze urhe, these two ideas conjointly ;^L Kt 4& l|S[ S y ew keen woo fr'he. meen, and moreover withou^ respectability;^ |& keen neg, to govern together: 2, fy IP ^T sati keen keen tseuen,the three form one whole; |t 1^ 3fc 1tL ehow yay keen tsow, be travelled both night and day ;^ ^ Ife Jk 3jfr w& a woo keen woo kung, ueiAer the civil nor military officers have any merit. ;| Ping, has nearly the same signification as the a- bove: as ^ H. ^ shoo ping tsaou, the trees aad grass.; ^ ^ ping keen, together with ;^ # *: ft ^ ^ ^ Y chun ke show shuh ping meen yen che, let him redeem himself and avoid severe punishment; Jfi. *$}^ ^ |C tseay mei ping mei, both the sisters were beautiful; & 3f pinghing, to walk together; % Ifr fc 1% 1> laouyew ping keae na hea, he seized on old an. $ Tsih, signifying /An; sometimes stands for also, and; as Sli Q\ ty *$-& kwo th wfih taw kae f having tranfegre^ed, then do not Imitate to ch4nge* ^ $L teih yih ^^y, then it is one, the*ame; ^p ^ ^ ;!7 Si W ^ jfc ^g y ew }' u ''ht l ih e heo wan, if fiiexe still j$i8&itt. stresjj* fojr r^etice^ then COPULATIVES, CHAP. VIII. terature; | fj ]| shih tsih tung eho, tsin tsih tung ehwang, to eat at the same tables and sleep in the same bed. This partirle is often usrd in deductions, and in pursuing a train of reasoning. 1^ If j$ 3t it sew shin tsih taou leih, cultivate per- sonal virtue, then good principles will be established; ^MMM-M ^ ^ M ^ ; k'hin tsih ching, ching tsih hing, hiug tsih tsin, be diligent, and it will be accomplished, when accomplished you will succeed, and when successful, you may advance. In the same way f^ |j jen tsih, and ^ Jfj she tsih, are also used, 88 & 1$ i ^ g! J ^ & Yin joo chuy tsze, she tsih pBh lae since you have refused you will not come. hib particle is also repeated with yih: as J}*j ^r ^^PJt^yih tsih e he, yih tsih e yew, partly witfc ^ partly with sorrow. In conversation it stand* often wth *f ka, at the end of sentences containing a request; aft fr^ 4fc'H It SS ^T hwangt'heen k^ho leen chuy kcw tsih ko, let august heaven lie compassionate and grant release, then it will do; let him come Over and speak, and that will do. tp Tseih, then, is in some instances used as the a boye: as ^ $L ^ % IP A B 8i too yay we kdb tio tseih leen jib shwuy, last night rot having been able to sleep, I have been hiciined to sleep during Hv whole day; ^ -j| ^ ju tseih she tsin heung, this i#the*t my own brother. It is often putia this manner,* as explanatory of a foregoing part of the sentence. 9 ^ Foo, stands often at the commencement of s^jtenoes as referring to something that has preceded: thus ^ ^ ^ foo jin ch.jy, now with respect to virtue; ~^ ife '*& foo t^oo kwan, now the military Mandarins /ioasly f>|^ken c^g ^ ^ ife '^ H A foo yew pflA che cfeo yay, now this is true oppression. **WJt ^t Ttsew, then, Is ofteim&ed m conversation, as T^ *3fc ^C ^ ^ $jc yaou pub tso, tsew puh tso, if yti do'uot if ant to do it, then do not doit: also joined 's $i ^ |k ^ ^ seang peih tsew she * ft mi^tbe he- ^ ^ ^ feew ^he leaotn CHAP. VIII. COPULATIVES. it \* thus. This term is often preceded by J| shwo: as 3 ft ^ S &$*&$ shwo puh tain pur) fun, tsew she wang hing leaon, not only did he not do his duty, but he acted like wine dis- reputably;^ $fc i & & & + ^ *F -^6 hew sbwo snn keen,tsew shesbih keen too yew, not fci say three pieces, even ten pieces are IB my possession, it is also followed by ^ yay, when it means even: Ufa ^ IfL & ^ J5t ^ tsew wan sze yay pub kan tsse, I do not refuse to die even ten thousand deaths; Tfjfc ^ i$ ^ A& % >F % tsew she t'he* shih jin, yay kin puh teifa, even a man of iron and stone could not re sistit Mark also the following expressions: i ^ ~j : $. t^|l >JR ^J cbayyang feeang iaa, tsew yew e sin choc leaou, this kind of language leaves no room for doubting; Ife i *$$ ^ tsew bSng joa t'hefe, it then Became hardened like iroa; ^t ^ ^ $t tsew he mung yih pwan,, it was like a dream. > 11, 'I he use of ^ peea , liew, wen> nearly resem* Bles the above; as ^ ^ ^ ^ ^fc >f> ^ '^ l^ eia she pe tse yay puh k'ho k'hwan f even in my wife, I could not forgive this; %. & ^ If J^ ^ Jgt A fc ^L A ^| peen slje king^ sge t'heen tsze shS jin, yay fang jin kTian, even when the Emperor at the Capital puts any one to death, he allows the people to see it; 1ft ~$$- F e n haou* ^at is well, that will do; ^ 1S: ^ >F 'flf_8 no l* ei1 ^k pBb.tih, immediately ! could not ea *l ^ ^ ^ ? ^- ^ a P^ en ma t& ^-uh, when he scoldea be abused people bitterly. It is also repeated jf 1 W ^ W 'fi ^ iae [)gen mae, puh mae peea pa, if you want to buy, buy; if not, Jet it alone; -flp f * flt ^ * H * H 4t ft ^ 1^ ^ e tfiR shoo peen tung gno luh, gno tun shoo peen tung lie tub, if you wish to study, then study with me, and if I study. 1 will study with you, 12, $? &e*^ meaning therefore* then, yet, is used often at the commencement of a section, and ic coanec* tkm with^ shwo, to introduce a iiew subject Ja this instance it is ateo preceded by % jjjl puh te, let us drop the subject, and now speak of something else, Often it serves to render a sentence still stronger: ij* ^ *fil "J k'heopuh seih leaou, yet it is not to be regretted; 4$ J|, ^ ^C ^ ife k'heo she leang yang peih f, yet these are two different hand*;||- % jjp >f % ^ ft jj: woo k'han ne fc6 wan k'he5 keae e, 1 shall look on unl til you have finished, and then explain my idea; H i$ if ^ ^r Jin teih k'beo pub haou, thus it is not well ; f 1ft $t ^ 3t -*P ^ ^ ne peea too mung, gno Vheft tang yay. you are dreaming, and I am benighted; ^*'* W.#.,4 * ^ ^ ^ k'heo she ne fang gno, fei she yu tsin ne, you are making inquiries after me, it is not I who am seeking for you; -p ^ $fc %% %& k'heo she sin seang che, he is a new acquaintance; ^P SL >F JL ^'he6 ping puh keen, he did not see him; ^ B -SP .^ BF kin jih k'heo seang yay, do you still think about it?. It is often followed byj she, and & yayras^ ^ ^ *, ^ ^Tk s he6she yih tsze yay puh shih. he does not know a single letter; . ko seaou tseay, k'heo yay swan puh tih yih o urh tsze, len daughters cannot be reckoned equal to one son; M ^ ^p & ~~ ^ sing lae k*heo she yih mung, and when he awoke, behold it was a dream \3Qf & ^ ^ k'heo yay haou seaou, it is after all a ridiculous affair. It is also often used in phrases implying a question, as some of the above sentences sufficiently hbew: so ako ^F ^ ffl ^ k'heo she ho koo, for what cause is thk ? \i 1 3 ~ft *p ^ -^ A hay ko geang kuog, k'heo she ho jin, who is this gentleman ? 13. ^ Fang, and $j|;tsae^ together witb^ seuen, and 31 nyih, are used for then^ the first is much em- ployed in all kinds of writing: thus ^ jf J^ ^ /v tth fang k'ho fub jiu 4 if you display virtue, you may then subdue 'mankind; ^ Jjj. ^jL j|| fang tih kee, he then attained his vvish; ^J ~# ^ fe guo fang fang sin^ I tht^ii set my mind at ease; ^ ^ ^f 3 fong tsae eay leaou, he then finished hb writing: ^ euen is ut>ed VM tbe same manner iu *di*ts but rather Beldam. So i bsaks aud CHAP. Vtll. COPULATIVES. 135 Tsae, w frequently met with: as ^. r H $|, ^r SJ ^ hwan yaou che ke jih, tsae tih taou show, you have only to wait a few days, and then it will come to hand; ^ ?L H *|b ^ x!^ *f tsae s ^ e ko chang kew che ke, this is then a scheme that will work ing;^ Jl ft^Jt Ji tsaeplujen tih t'ha shaag tow, then you may deceive him, so that he will be caught, i. e. swallow the bait. fK'i nj;, may frequently be translated by and: as 4SI- ~ ^ fc'* 1 ?;?- W<)O ^ y ea > an ^ ke did not speak one word; 7^ Jt~" Jl ^ SR ^J k%ig, sbe yih tso k'hung ching leaou, and it was merely an empty citadel; ^ ^, IL ^ >P t k'tngr che che puh w^n. and how shall we manage so, that he will ask no questions. 14, $] Taou, and &] taou, though verbs, the first to arrive, and the second to fall, are in conversation used variously as connective particles: thus ^ ^ & Tfc chay taou y ay puh tso, this then is not a mistake; yih keen, taou yay rneaou, if I had been one step earlier and seen him, it would have been well; %? ^ ^ & ~*jj?- 3 ko sze taou yay woo leaou, every affair was mis- managed; ^t f^ ^j ^ @ ^ wei ho taou yaou hwuy k'heu,why do you want to return? ^ ^ ^ ^^ S. ^ ^ ^ nan taoune mun taou ching pin puh tih, it is hard to say that you cannot present one petition ; ^ ^ 3 X ffl %- "^ |fe ne she nalejin taou hwuy sh wo hwa, from whence are you, that you are able to speak our language? & % f| &! # 33 ? -^ gnc k'heuen choo s&ng taou puh joo k'beu leaou pa, I advise you all to make the best of your way off; v6 f$ ^r ^ ^ ^ij f^ $ flj . 3R ^ hw teih na P" h *6, taon na cho ko sze teih, it you cannot seize him alive, you may "btaiu ius dead body;^ 1^ %- ^ Hfe 3t ^^ bo taou k'heu hae t ? ha siing ming, why then do you qo to Hijur. bife life V j^j -S 4^- & *w tacu ^ c wo sin tsujg. on che contrary, he. is without affection;^ ^ 4r J>. tacu noo k'he lae, on the gontrary he got angry. Tins character may in the above iu&tdices iTc transited by- 135 COPULATIVES. CHAP. how&xr, *till* on the contrary, 4*e. whilst no one particle of oar own will in all instances convey -the idea, When joined toJsLte, it means stilL however ^ after all: a %] 7& -SS, Hit 3 taou te tsaou nan leaou, yet he met witb difficulties;^ Jl- ^ ^ li ^ J ft # ^ dt ^f *flow woo yin-tseen, taou te yaou tsin leih mow ta sge, though 1 have no money, I shall still exert snyself to plan some great affair. It-is aifed often jepeaied W & i* ^ . fi ^ -$ * * * H* ^f , at *.JL Be too kwan kea tih ylk t^ou nmiy siig fe'he, nan taou ta yay taou muh sing k'he, though you be a servant to a magistrate, yet you can fall mto a passion, it is' hard to say that your master cannot also have -such ebullitions? 3% ^ l|" "ft ^ H f t ^ "fL ^S. gno pfih yen yii, ne taott shwo fchangshwft twan, though 1 say nothing, yet you prate very largely. Both j$| chuen, and )* fan, are used te signify on tht contrary, tft, yet: as % ^ ^ $ ft ^ jflJ ke tsuy chuen wo<> e fuh kea, this crime un the contrary cannot be exceeded in enormity; j|q| ^. ^r ^ chuen woo fang f&, on the contrary we have no resource; ^ 3^ ^ Jg. S $f sze P^h tneiiifan weiso hae, if the business ie not kept quiet, some mischief will yet come of it; * % % ^ JR % ^ % te mow kenyih, fan show ke vnng, thi* being a rebellious plot, they will still meet with calamity. 15. $ Jen, stands for y&, truly, and still: thua ^ ^ ^ ^ jenyih yew ch^ttill it does exist; $fr iffi ^ t jeKiirh wejin,set this is not benevolence; f X fg ^ k*hekejepfoo,h^wis it feus? ^ ft) "^ ^ ^ ^- jea tsih puh isuh bed foo, is it not then wcrtlsyto%e acquired? f* I^|^ Iff jea tsih tseang saeho, but then what is to be don 3 Jfe ^(C ^t ^P $t cfce f^ze jen how cfee chung, if you know this, then you will also know all; ^ j f^ we peih jen, it IH not necessarlfe so; ^ $ ?o ^: t&aee jen nrh jeu, it k thus in itself, self-existent, always the same, immuta* We; $f ^ jeu yay, it u truly thus; ^ ^C P^h jeiij it is thus Compouads like ^ Tfo jen urh, but; CHAP. WSt. COPCH.ATIVES. 13? my jen, although; $& <|ft jen how, afterwards; |$fc ^ ke jen, since; ^ ^ jen yih, also;f5 $& jing jen, as heretofore ; are frequent in the best writers, 16. Ip. Suy, is used for though^ although^ with its compounds; as SjL Jj suy jen, notwithstanding; | |& tSK 5fc suy jen joo tsze, although it be thus; *jg| j$ j^k suy joo tsze, ditto, ip. J& ^ suy j5 she, ditto. ^ $ ^ Jjt suy jen chay yang, ditto, used iu conversation: fj^ suy she, although it be thus; % 4i $ 4j ^JL i? ^ su y y ew tY ^ ^i G S' we t$a$tseuen pe, though he has virtue, yet is he not perfect; || ffi i ^ 2, ^ ^ ^ ^ ]. suy jen yang tsze san neen, k'heo we kan gan, though he nourishedt the child for three years, yet it did nQt prove grateful; 9JL Jgl ^ & $ ife- p 2 ^ suy joo she, jeu fei king keu che sin, fhoupi it was thus, yet did he not shew any fear; ^ ^ >J ^f $f ^F ^ ^ suy shing, yih yew so puh che yen, though a man be a sage, yet there are some things which he will not know; JJ; ^^^^^P?S^>fc suy woo puh heo, jen hwuy w&n urh che che, though I have not learnt this, yet 1 know it from hearsay The particles that most commonly follow $jl suy, in the cond part of the sentence, are ]fc yih, $fe jen, <$|I t^ shang,^: tsew, and ^ yay. $* Ke, occurs in the sense of since: as ^L 5fc ke jen joo tsze, since it is thu; gfc '^| |f ^ J ^? ke yew tsin sin kee leih, since he has exerted him- self to the utmost. $) Shang, stands for yet, still* fyc, as 'f ^ shang yew, there is still; ^ ^ ^ ^ 1l f!L Ife ^ neen suy laou mae, shang n&ng che ma, though he is old and decrepid, yet he can gallop about on horseback; $j ^t & shang tsae uh, he is still at home; -flfc 1^ ^ J^f f^ t'ha shang we ching sze, he has not yet accomplished the business. $5 J ing, signifies still t as before: thus jen, again n as before;^ ^ jiog kew, as formerly; ing shang wang pe^still hfi'went thither; $$ c ^ aou ^ ew pan r arrange it as heretofore; lae to 138 CO* JUNCTIONS. CHAP* Vlll. jifig t& tseen ch&, he still commits the former faults, he goes on in the old way. CONDITIONAL CONJUNCTIONS. 17. The&e are 3S jo, andifc joo: thus ^ Jq 1st j^ tsae ^ woo *fke a g a * n faH * nt(l an error; ^ J^ fa%tft^L%&3b jo p&h raeen leih tso guh k'h shin, if he do not exert himself, and go quickly on big journey; % ffc jo fee,, since it is thus; $jj $ Jf\ &\ j& jo jen puh seaou sin, if you do not take care; jjg ^ ^ jfc" 3F 41 'V . .t^ * A j^ ^ e t5h * ae P& n k'han ne tso kung foo, if I come back again and do not see you at work ; ^C %> H & ^ ^t gnojowoosifcwfcane, if 1 had no intention of asking you; ^ : ^ ^^ fijT kaou e keen jo ho, what is your opinion; 'p 1C ^ ^5 yen seaouts2ejo,he spoke and laughed, as if he were at ease-;fi ^ seang jo, similar to each other ;JS H 'RT ^ jo tsze ho lae, from whence does he come Jfe ft jopei, men of the same kind, fellows ;J )H ^ jo p^i fei t'hoo, such a set of villains. iB Joo, is also used in this sense: as^P ^% jfe joa yew rhe, if he has a mind;:|i ^ $j || joo shoo taou jh. if the letter should arrive on that very day; jjjj ^ 'S* joo fan chaiig\ as if turning round his har.d; ^ ^ ^ ^ joo soo tsinghwan, to pay according to the num- ber, to pay the whole; in ^ ^H ^ joo e joo yuen, ac- cording to one's wishes and desires; ^ in -j ^ tang joo che ho, how then shall we do; ^ ^ ^"fj joa the nae ho, what is then to be done 1 CAUSATIVE CONJUNCTIONS. 18. The principal ones are yin, ^ yuen, ^yuen. *& koo, ^ ^ yuen koo, ^. ^t ^she e, ^ wei, g \in, exptesnes for, because, on accQuwtof: as sr w 3 ^ CHAP, VIII. mSJUNCTIVES. 139 9t .A, y* n seaou shih ta, on account of small matters he ha* missed greater ones; $fc S ^ ^ peib jiu lie tsae, it must be^n account of his talents * gj jfe >, ~$fc yin tsze che koo, on this account; S H^F ffc ^ yhxtJie che tee,' to sacrifice according to the seasons* ^ Yaen, and^ yuen, occur in the same sense: as ||l ))t ^ $L /& yuen tsze puhyu sin, on this ao count he was not delighted; Jt fc $p Sfc Vpen lae joe tsze, originally it is thus; ffl $t 3S> >t ^ ' ifc ^ fc ^ ^ yin joo faa ft yuen too, pSh kan kliwan tae, I dare not be lenient, because you have transgressed the laws;^l ^ H ^ JToen pun tstiv go, OB account of our w%dness: f f Jf% j| .** ^ ^ i yin puh koo tsin tseih che yuen, keae keumg koo too s^ng, by not paying attention to his relatives^ they spent a life of poverty. jg Kae, occurs in the sense offor.because : as ^ ^ *tfl" ^ "If ^ ^ ae ^ eun ts *g yi y ew chang sze. for in military matters, tliere is a constant duty to perform; t Jt^f^^^&^^feae sbang she chang yew puh chwang ke tsin chay, for in ancient times the &Q were some who did not bury their relations; gt t J ^ ^t T -fT ^ S kaeeshinming show taou, puh wang hing che e, for it was with the in- tention of maintaining good principles, and of not acting disorderly. J|[ Kae, often commences essays, that con- tain a whole string of reasonings, but it is by no means so frequently used by the Chinese as the genius of our language would demand, arid foreign writers err by inserting it wherever for occurs in our tongue. The surest way is to substitute g| yin, which is by far the most common, and also to let the cause precede the ef- fect, which is almost; an invariable rule iu Chinese. DISJUNCTIVE. 19. & ChihjJt ebe,fj^ c?he, and 1^ ta, are used for but, only^ &*c. the first in conversation, the second in good writings, sad the two following ia edicts, 140 DISJUNCTIVES. . (MA?. Vttt. Chih, is often followed hjjt she: as 3^ Jv Jt j 4 ^H gno ehib she sze ieaou pa, there is sothiug left &v iftfe but todie; J* ^ $k i% chib she jin nae, ills hly to* be patient. Followed by $6 pa, ffi tih, 3*f haou, and^f kwan, it -gives a peculiar emphasis to those i^ordb' : as,j\ *f& ^ 3& ^ *jj? chih pa sze puh w&n tatig, I only fear that the business is not secure; j?> 5. H |fe ^ chih san jih tsew lae, he will come in three days; 3% * '" v ;& gno chih tang puh fhe, I merely acted it as iff knew nothing of it; J* H6 "5$ 1P9 V$fr j!t chih pa ne mun hih sze, 1 only fear you will be frghtened to deathf ^> ^ Jf^ ^f& W ^ ^ shwtt lae chih pa ae pdh sin, if I tell you, I fear you will not believe; }* ^ chih tth, means/orcerf, without resource^ and occurs fts commonly as the preceding: J ^ ;fe ^fe chih trti k'he ching, there remained nothing for him to do but to proceed on his journey, z. \ J& vi }> ^ S^ 1fc ttrfi jin woo fa, chih tih kiin t'ha, they both were at a loss what to do, and had only to follow him; 'X 4f *"" ^~ fe 3 chih tih yih tse k*hei leaou, they were forced to go all together a way ; ^ 0$- \|, ^ chih haou chay tang, it is only *f this ort; }* ^ m ^ Jt A. chih haou tso ko wan JIB, he is only good for a literary character; J^ $$- ;^ fl chih haou woo luh jih, only about five or six days; JP ^ chih k\yan> signifies merely, only tJris:J& ?j ^;i chih kwan fang sin, only quiet yourself; J?^ ^ ^"% ^ 4- cbih kwan k'hin k'hin^iuh shoo, only attend diligently to your books; j\ ^f ^ H ^ ^. ^ *fe chih kwan chungjih tan lae tan k'heu, he would do nothing the whole day but babbk and talk;j^ J[ cn1 ^ e ^ means, only this is proper; J J^ chih koo, only regard this, mind nothing else; ){ %* chih k'ho, this alone is prac- ticable; J* jfe IS A chih tszeurh e, only this and no- thisg else; JS^ M chih yew. merely this, and nothing else;.)*, |fc #t ^ Ife chih yun tsae show nan, only on this account he suffered, it Ghe, is used iu the same manner, but by far not so frequently : thus jL ^| ^ ijhe y$w yit tseen, I have only one cash; ^ ^ 3$ % ^ jt ^fc 5" S ae c ^ e j 8 ^n, puh che jocr tssej be CHAP. VIII. DISJUNCTIVES. 141 loved him as his own self, and not merely as his son; IP & te ne.en, but, o'nly 1 thought; .^jL-'ff $ ^ Jft che kwei ke kangshun, but valuing their obedience. 20. fS Tan, Ip tan, and fit tan, signify but, only: as IS. ?$J A *!5 ^ tan lew yih jin urh k'heu. he left only one man and went uway;^JL > Ht ^tan puh t'hing ming, only he did not listen to the orders. It is often followed by3*ehih; as ffi. J* -fejB JC Hf Ijfa tan chih woo pang yew k'ho ts'bing, but he had no friends to invite ;$L $fe >P ^i& H tan jeu puh nng kwo man, he could not OTercome his grief; ffi "f| ^L )ifc tan ts'hing fang TO,, I only request you io be at ease; ^fE^^Ji jfc tan yuen jootsze, I only wish that it may be so; >f ^fc Jfi $# tan tso puh fang, there is no objection to your sitting down. It often means wheresoever, all: iR fE @ fa M ^ an taughingchay, all who went with him. ty Tan, is used in the same sense: as If* ^ 1% fSS tan shaou .t'ha.yih ko, he alone is wanted; ^ J ^ Si ^I tan ehihkwan hooshw6, he thinks of no* thing but talking at random; 11 ^. ^ Jfc ^ tan tae ts'hin kin gho> h only approached me, or condescended to me; jp ^ ^ *l^ 4^ tan koo ke kea seaou, he only looked to his family, m Tan, is used in the same sense. 21. ffi Wei, flji. wei,$| wei, and 7J nae, signify on~ ly, but: thus ^ ^ ^-^ % wei cho we mo kwang, but the table was not yet polished; ^ HL iS iL wei Iwan urh e, there was nothing but anarchy; *$. 3@ IB wei le she too, only hankering after gain^ ifji ^ ^ wei ming she t'hing, only listen to orders, Wei, and ^. wer, are used in the same manner. 7$ Nae, is used as a particle: thus 7) ^ ^f '\ nae puh k'ho kew t^un, hut it cannot be Icmg maintain- ed; 7} ^ ^r /i Bae puh show sin, but he could not guard his heart: ^ % 36 nae, or 7$ $ nae jo, mean as to, as regards. 22. ^|f, Hwan, is used in the sens*; of &ko* stilly or: &*%* ^S "ffc iC tt fif puh seang fha bwan ke tih, 1 did not think that be iras stBJ erifidfol of it: 142 DISJUNCTIVES. CHAP. Vltt. hwaa shaug isaou, it is still early; j^ J Ife choq leaou gno hwaa yew i*a ko, if I be ex- cluded^ who else is there. With a negative after it, it means not yet.- as ^ %* ^ ^ ^ bwan puh taou pu heang, he has sot yet arrived in Iris native place. Re- peated it means either, or: as ^ Jfe . ^ ^ -& &- ^ bwan she tang chin, hwau she kea* is this true or false ; ^ -3t "p&. Jfc' ill *. W * twan she tseu tse, hwau she tae seay, whether will he marry her or still wait a little. The second is often left out: as $~ U ^ C ~$L $L & ^ ^ kin jih pfch che, hwan lae y$y pSh lae, to day we do not know, whether he will eorae or not; 4$ til ^ ^ ^fe- ^ ^ ne hwan she lew yupuh lew, will you detain him or not;^Sl ;: J|^ ^ ^J?* ^ hwan she keen t'ha puii keen t'ha, have you seen him er not. It may also be translated by then .* as ^ j$i 5" ^. ;1L ^ Ifc S chay yin tsze hwan she yaou kin teih, this money then is of some importance; J)? ^.^t ?5& ^ $ na le bwan iin teih ch T hub,how can you recognize him; ffe ^ ^ 1(5 f >b 36 , * ^ t 1$ gno rhay yang teih k'htio pe sze hwan kea shih pei, this kind of suffering is then ten times worse than actual death. 23. ^fe H w6, and Iffp yih, signify either and or : with a negative neither arid nor: thus ^C ^ ^ ^ hw& wang hwi>- lae, either coming or going; ^ ^ ^ ^h hwo tso hwo gno, either sitting or lying down; *% $ ^ ^F ^S hwoien hw6 puh jen, it may be thus or it may not; 1$ ^ A JS. jR j & *& e foo vew hwuy, it was right that he should feel regret We bave already remarked that it jls often put at the end of sentences, and in such instances it ifc now and then followed by-^ tsae: as^ ^ ^ 3$ jin yuen foo tsae, how far off is virtue! It is also repeated in interrogations: as^ % 2$ 3* 3t B8 M ^ ke heo chay foo, ke w^n chay foo, whether has he learnt it or heard it*? ft ^ ^ ^ ji shwi^ k'heu foo ehwuy choo, who goes and who stays ? ^ ^ puh y ih, either as a question or sign of admiration has -$ foo, after it: as ^ ^ fc ^ puh yih jin foo, is not this be- nevolence? ^ $ HF ^ puh yih kin foo, is not this diligence ? In the following instances it may be consi- dered either as an expletive or a preposition: as $ ^f- tft] en'huh foo ke keen, he came from amongst them; ~# )& e foo tsze, diiFerent from this; ^ f ~ ifc ho foo fsze, agreeing with this; $| ^ J& ke foo sze, or $ & ft shoo foo sse, nearly dead;^# ^ 3t fl sze foo foo tsin, like his father, ^ ^ Woo foo, is synonymous with 3fe*j$% woo ben* ^ y^ woo foo, ^ yjjf. w-oo foo, and HH ^ wcw> foo, all f which denote a/a^ / 3.^ E, and 1^ he, are mere fi&aS particles, and atri-ctly euphonic, denoting au annti^ m the 144 FXPtETIVSS AMf) mTEBJECTTOm CHAP. IS, img sentence, or terminating a phrase: as %$? }) $ |L *eang peth jen e* I think it must be so; -- ^ "J j^ kin she jen e, BOW 1 examine the words; *% fa Jt k'ho che e, it may be known ;- || jfj ft It Jin e urh e e, only virtue and justice, (nothing more;) $$% J It chwang yu ke she e, stored up in the mar- ~ ket; % ~ 9& >t g^voo we che che e, I do not yet know it. It often corresponds with the relative hay, and admits the following combinations ; as |^ e f<*>, ^ A e foo,|tJl jen e, 3 urhe, & ee, and ^ H ho e, which are mere finals. -^ He, is mostly used in poetry, for the same pur- pose as the above: as J$; *$* ^ -^ hih he heuen he, now splendid ! how glorious ! -^ H A *$T pe me jin "he^ that beautiful person ! ^ A ^ se fang jia he, one from the western regions; ^ JL ^r -^ gan teeay hingbe, tranquil and happy. 4. ^ Tae, is a particle like ^ fco, and is used in exclamations as well as questions: as^.-^^ shen tsae wMn, how excellent a question! % ^*$ A foo tsae yen yay, how rich the language ! fi *K 'fc been tsae hwuy yay, how worthy a man is Hwuy ! 1f ^ ^ ^ ho ke meaou tsae, what an error ! JL ^ ^ A. )& 3L tatsae sbing jin che taou, how sublime are the principles of the sages lljii t*F ^ 3* fuh ho e t*ae,- why again doubt ? $: >& -{ gan tsae tsae, where is it ? J| ^ ^ ^ ^ keuen tsze to foo tsae, does a Superior man have so many (wants) % 5. r's dishonesty; jfc & ^L $i yih yay, in burying one's father and mother, it is the same, whether one be in respectable or mean circum* & a final it is also followed by j^yu: as ^ R R* ( jin bing pub wa&gmiu yay yu 146 EXPt^TlVES AND INTERJECTIONS, CHAP, a benevolent Government does not entang e the jifetiple t {in the net of the law;) ^ & yay e, is of frequent oc- currence: as "ij~ "IK ^ ^ *& k'howeijin fang yay e, it may he called a virtuous plan; ^ J5L |fc -fc 6, |>uh tbuh kwan yay, e, not worthy to be looked upon. 6. :fcr- Foo is used by the befit writers as a final, sy toonymous withjj/i yay, and H e, with which it is also combined: as t$ ^ ^P T $T 3$ Jfe Jfe." ching ehe puh k'ho yen joo tsze foo, sincerity 'cannot thus be hid- den; 31 J^ shin ta, or3l jt ^ shin ta foo, it is very great! t 2^. ft .^t wanjg* che ming e foo, it is your fate to die; ||j$; 3ft -fe jt ^gno che yay foo % no one knows me;^ |t .^ woo e foo, it is done with me; ill ^jt ^ft ^ h& wang kwan foo, why do you not go and look ? 6 ^ A e e foo, abstain from it 7. ^% Yen, is often added at the end of sentences for the sake of elegance; J- ifc ^ A ^ yu tsse yew jin yen, there are men here; X >p & ^ e shaou sge yen, he ought to ponder a little; E A ^ ^ ^ 3fe | ^ ^ san jin hing peih yew gno sze yen, if there be three walking t< gether, 1 shall always fiiid a teacher, (t e. one of the number will teach me.) It is also re* peated for the sake of cadence: a EH j$f ^ ^ ||" ^ 4 ^ S 2e she hing yen, wan wuh kng yen, die four season* revolve, and all things are generated; JL ^ Ht ^i ^ ^ ft ^fi shing shin he yen, wan wuh fuh yen, the stars are suspended (in heavens, vault) and all things are overspread. It is likewise an ex? pletive: as i ^ ^ shaug yen chay, suj)eriorH; 7* ^ ^^hea yen chay, inferiors; % -/^ ^ ^ ^ yoo yew bwo yen chay, there are still some who doubt. This particle is often used for the sake of alliteration, which is a peculiarity of the Chinese: as Ip J: jSL $| teih shang t'heen yen, he then ascended to heaven; ^ ^ ^ ^ taou puh chuen yen^Jrue do< triass hftve fiet b^eu commuiucated^p )fe ^ ^ joo tssse yen yen, thus speaking; ^^^ mei yen yen, a fine countenance* Expressions like & ^ hwub yen, suddenly; 7& )^i ^ tun bin yen. Joyfully; where H yen, b CffAP. IXc MPtTIVF,8 AND INTERJECTIONS. 147 mth *$C jen, in the formation of adverbs, occur in the best writers. 8. & Urb,^f urh, and US urh, convey as finals the idea of the diminutive. i& Urh, principally in conversation: as #?- 'ft 3 & 3t ^ 3fc tseang shwang yea urh kwan gno, he looked at me with both his eyes; V 1JJL 'HfL $$ %) 0& 3% ~?$ % k'how le shw6 ke keu haou k'han hwa urh, his mouth uttered a few fine words. In descriptions it is repeated for the sake of euphony: as ^ & '2 $- J&' ]$ P $j ^ Jjt $L U$t yen urh shin, f>e urh kaou, ch'he urh k'hung, shun urh k'hwang, the eyes were deep, the nose projecting, the teeth hollow, and the lips wide open, Jf. Urh, is inore frequent in books: as ^ jjjf ^ ffi ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 ^r ^ eun c ^ a y ^ e h^ we i puh yew ke mi og urh, he is almost a prince, and only wants the name; |fe & 3t fuhszeurh e, not think about it; ^ Ihlltar* ^Jl * X f ^ puh he tso chay lung peih fhow te win kwan urh, he did not like to become a civil Mandarin that handles the pencil; || & ^ 3&F ^L *^ ^S fe J^ ^ ^F" fei shay ptth tih chay jdh ting,woo shatooaurh, could I not throw away, this bU of black gauze cap t i. e. the badge of authority, and retire from office. |$f Urh, is also met with: as | ^ /^Ut keung tseenjin urh, a poor, mean wretch;^ || H ^ keu urh pa ping, on a sudden he disbandedhis soldiers; >$L ffi ^ ^ fjfwei sotsih yen urh, it depends upon what you chooss; ^C^ ^f Jl $ koouvbtseen tseay gan, let us therefore rest a little; 7) HI nae urk, it is thus ; ^ |Sf yun urh, just as it is aid, \c. It also forms adverbs like$ jen, and ^ yen: as ^ |f tsuh urh, suddenly;^ ^ shen u&, well; % ffi