m [/ Ix THE TARN & THE LAKE THE TARN THE LAKE THOUGHTS ON LIFE IN THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE BY C. J. HOLMES LONDON : PHILIP LEE WARNER 7 GRAFTON ST. BOND ST. W. MCMXIII LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA TO THE MEMORY OF MY BROTHER FRANK MARCH 5, 1871 JAN. 26, 1890 PREFACE ORIGINALLY designed as an Introduction to a few studies of Italian painting and sculpture, this essay has overrun its intended bounds. At the outset it proved impossible to recall the pleasant waters of youth, without recalling also the much-enduring affec- tions and friendships so lightly accepted then ; and the sad story of the inhabitants of the Lake would not tell itself without the trivial angling incidents whereby acquaintance with their habits was slowly and painfully gained. Indeed it has often seemed to me curious that the experience of anglers has been so little utilized by scientific inquirers. Salmo fario may, for the ichthy- ologist, be no more than a single species with perhaps a few local variants. To the trout fisherman, however, he is no mere trout, one and indivisible, aXX' e DC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 893 536 3 - Ri " -. "-- : , /' !- " '"''' '-. .'".-"""' ' -" o-v-" /'- '. ; "^- : ;?^%/,^..^^,,; ; -<: i . 1