UC-NRLF $B IMS MMfi yj^j^^Xl^' '^^^ oy (^ ^^^mpfg? ..^^■•^ r^ CATALOG \] M / OF THE LIBRARY OF THE RUSSELL INSTITUTION. CLASSED AND ARRAKGED BY EDWARD WEDLAKE BRAYLEY, F.S.A. M.R.S.L. F;G.S. &c. &c. WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS / FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE INSTITUTION. LONDON: PRINTED BY C, WHITTINGHAM, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. 1835. oTv^cj^iTir^ •^1. 0/ /\^. / // J^, "^FO '^^ f ■ ^&... A t^x REGULATIONS FOR THE CIRCULATION OF BOOKS, ESTABLISHED BY THE FIRST COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT, -fKi^^-^r^ - ^^^Y 26, 1808. V REVISED AND AMENDED. ^^ o(^'' 1st. Every Proprietor or Subscriber applying for a Book, is to receive it from the Librarian, who is to enter it, with the name of such Proprietor or Subscriber, in a Book to be kept for that purpose, together with the Day of the Month on which the Book is taken from the Library. 2nd. Books of great value, or which cannot easily be replaced, or which are necessary for general Consultation, shall not be taken from the Library, unless by a special order of the Committee. 3rd. No Proprietor nor Subscriber shall have more than Four Volumes from the Library at any time in his possession, without special permission from the Com- mittee. 4th. The Time allowed for keeping Books out of the Library, is Three Weeks for a Folio, a Fortnight for a Quarto, and One Week for all smaller Books. The Books are to be sent for and returned by the Proprietors and Subscribers; but in case any Book or Books shall be kept longer than the Time thus limited, (and the Librarian shall have applied for the same in writing j) a Fine shall be incurred on each Book of Three-pence per Dai/, for every Day after the Expiration of the time of such notice, and no other Book shall be delivered to the same Person, until the Book or Books so detained shall have been restored, and the several Fines paid, 5th. No new Publication shall be taken out of the Library until the Expiration of a certain time, to be fixed in each case by the Committee when the Book is pur- chased ; but if no express limitation is made by the Com- mittee, then the time shall be one Month for a Folio or Quarto, and one Fortnight for other Books. 6th. If a Book be at any time required which is not then in the Library, the Person applying for it is to enter his Name, with the date of his application, in a Book to be kept for that purpose, and he shall receive it in rotation, according to the date of the entry of his Name, provided he sends for it on the day appointed by the Librarian. 7th. If any Book or Books be defaced, injured, or with- held from the Library for the space of One Calendar Mojith, after Notice shall have been given, by Letter, to return the same, such Book or Books shall be purchased for the Library at the expense of the Person so detaining, damaging, or losing the same. 8th. Every Proprietor or Subscriber desirous of recom- mending the purchase of any Work, shall leave a written notice of his recommendation with the Librarian, to be laid before the Committee. 9th. No Book shall be delivered out by the Librarian, without an Order signed by the Proprietor, or Subscriber, vn applying for the mme, containing the name of the Book, and the date of the Application, except in case of a per- gonal delivery to the Proprietor himself. 10th. The Librarian shall keep a Book, in which he shall make an entry of all Books injured, lost, or unduly detained, which Book shall be laid before the Committee for examination at each of their Meetings. 11th. No Book shall be delivered out to Order by the Librarian, except hetu)een the hours of Ten and Four, o'clock. 12th. The foregoing Regulations shall be entered into a Book, in which each Person subscribing to the Library and Rooms, shall sign his Name, GfiNERAX. AXlRANa&IMCEM-T. Page Rules for Circulation v — vii Divinity, including Ecclesiastical History, ^c. . . . 1—11 Classical, chiefly Greek and Latin 1 1 — 17 Geographical, including Topography, Antiquities, Sfc 17—49 History, State Papers, Political Economy, ^c. . . 49 — 75 Biographical, including Historical Memoirs .... 75 — 96 Science and Art, including Lexicons, Dictionaries, Fine Arts, Law, Physic, 8fc 96 — 122 Poetry and the Drama, English, French, Italian, 8fc 122 — 140 Miscellaneous, Including Pamphlets, Tracts, Essays, 8fc 140—176 Parliamentary Proceedings, zwcZwrfiw*/ Debates, Journals, Reports, Sfc 1 76 — 1 8 1 Miscellaneous, Foreign Languages 181 — 187 Novels, Tales, AND Romances 187 — 198 Periodical Publications, Encyclopcedias, Trans- actions of Learned Societies, Journals, Reviews, Magazines^ Newspapers, 8fc 1 99 — 205 General Index. Original Laws and Regulations. List of Proprietors. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE RUSSELL INSTITUTION. JANUARY 20, 1835. BOOKS rO WHICH THIS MARK (•) IS PREFIXED, ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE TAKEN OUT OF THE LIBRARY, WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE COMMITTEE. DXVINZTV, dbC. Including Ecclesiastical History, Sermons ^ Annotations ^ and Treatises. Abernethy's (Rev. John) Sermons, 4 vols. 3rd edit. . . 1751 Alison's (Rev. Archibald) Ditto, 3 vols Edin. 1814 Assertio Sept. Sacramentorum Adv. Mart. Lutherum, (auc. Hen. VIII.) et Assertionem Regis Angl. de Fide Catholica adversus Lutheri Babylon, captivit. det'en. auc. Bishop Fisher Parisiis, 1562 Barclay's (Robert) Apology for the Quakers, 4to 1765 -^j*^ *Bacon's (John) Liber Regis, 2 vols. 4to 1786 Baker's (Miss Rachel) Sermons during Sleep, &c 1815 Barnes's (Rev. Joshua) AvkiKOKaTOTrrpov , sive Estherse His- toria, &c Cantabr. 1679 Barrow's (Dr. Isaac) Works, 2 vols, fol 1722 Beke's (Charles T.) Origines Biblicae, or Researches in Primeval History, vol. i. (Presented by the Author) . . 1834 Bell's (Sir Charles) Treatise on the Hand, its Mechanism and Vital Endowments, as evincing Design 1833 B 2 DIVINITY, &c. Benson's (Dr. George) Paraphrase on St. Paul's Epistles, 2 vols. 4to 1752 (Rev. C.) Twenty Discourses for the Hulsean Lecture Camh. 1 822 Christian Discourses for the Hulsean Lecture 1824 *Bentham's (Jeremy) Deontology, or the Science of Mo- rality, arranged from his MSS. by Dr. Bowring, 2 vols. 1834 Bible (Holy), 4to 1806 *Biblia Hebraica a Vander Hooght Amstel, 1705 *Biblia Hebrayco y Espanol, fol Amsterdam^ A.M. 5522 Bingham's (Rev. Joseph) Church History, 2 vols. fol. ... 1726 Blair's (Dr. Hugh) Sermons, 5 vols 1808 Blunt's (Rev. I. J.) Sketch of the Reformation in England 1832 Bossuet (Bishop James), Oraisons Funebres Paris, 1114: Bourdaloue's (Le Pere) Sermons, 15 torn Paris, 1723 *Bower's (Archibald) History of the Popes, 6 vols. 4to. . . 1748 Bray's (Rev. Dr. Thomas) Bibliotheca Parochialis, &c. . . 1707 Bridge-water Treatises ; vide articles Bell, Buckland, Chalmers, Kidd, Kirby, Prout, Roget, and Whewell, 1833—1835 Brown's (Dr. W. L.) Essays on a Supreme Creator, 2 vols. 1816 Buchanan's (Dr. Claudius) Jubilee Sermons and Star in the East, 7th edit 1810 Christian Researches in Asia, 3rd edit. . ,Edin. 1812 Buckland (Rev. Wm.) on Geology and Mineralogy, con- sidered with reference to Natural Theology 1835 Bunyan's (John) Works, 3rd edit. 2 vols, fol 1767 Pilgrim's Progress 1811 Burkitt (Rev. Wm.) on the New Testament, fol 1734 Burnet's (Bishop Gilbert) History of the Reformation of the Church of England, 6 vols 1825 on the Thirty-nine Articles, 3rd edit, fol 1705 Butler's (Bishop Joseph) Analogy 1802 (Charles) Book of the Roman Catholic Church . . 1825 Hist. Memoirs of the Catholics, 2nd edit. 2 vols. . 1819 Calamy's (Dr. Benj.) Sermons 1715 *Calmet's (Le Pere) Diet, de la Bible, 4 tom Paris, 1722 Campbell (Dr. Geo.) on Miracles, 3rd edit. 2 vols. Edin. 1797 DIVINITY, &c. 3 Cave's (Rev. Wm.) Ecclesiastici, or Lives of the Fathers, fol 1683 ^ Lives of Christ and the Apostles, foL 1703 Hist. Literaria Script. Ecclesiast. 2 torn. . . Oxon. 1743 Chalmers (Dr. Thos.) on the Evidences of the Christian Religion, 4th edit Edin. 1817 on the Christian Revelation in Connection with Modern Astronomy Glasg. 1817 on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man, 2 vols. 1833 Chandler's (Dr. Samuel) Hist, of Persecution, 68 HISTORY, &c. Sammes's (Aylett) Britannia Antiqua Illustrata ; or, An- tiquities of Ancient Britain, fol 167d Sarrans' (Mons.) Memoirs of La Fayette and the French Revolution of 1830, 2 vols 1833 Savary, (Mons. Duke of Rovego) Momoirs of, by Himself, Illustrative of the Emperor Napoleon, 4 vols 1820 Saxon Chronicle Dissected, The, and the Saxon Annalists Identified 18301 Say's (Jean-Bap.) Traite D'Economie Politique, 2 tom. . . 1814 Scheffer's (John) Hist, of Lapland ; — Accounts of Finland and Livonia; — Dr. Rudbeck's Journey in Lapland in 1701, &c 170^ Schiller's (Frederick) History of the Thirty Years' War in /" Germany, 2 vols 1791 Scott's (John) Visit to Paris in 1814 I8I( Paris Re-visited in 1815 181^ Scott's (Sir Walter) History of Scotland, 2 vols 1830| — Tales of a Grandfather, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th series, 12 vols, (vide Scott, Miscel. Class.) . . Edin. 1828-3(1 Segur's (Le Comte de) Memoirs and Recollections of his own Times, viz. from 1753 to 1823, 2 vols 182^ ■ (General Count Phillip de) Campaign in Russia in 1812, under the Emperor Buonaparte, 2 vols 1824 Ditto, in French, 2 vols Paris, 1825 Selden's (John) Titles of Honor, 2nd edit, fol 1631 Shepherd's (Rev. Wm.) Paris in 1802 and 1814 1814 Sheridan's (C. F.) Revolution in Sweden circa 1 772, 2nd edit. 1783 Sinclair's (Sir John) History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire, 3 vols. 3rd edit 1803 Sismondi's (T. C. L. Simonde de) Hist, des Republiques Italiennes du Moyen age, 16 tom. in 8 Paris, 1809-18 (J. C. L. de) Italian Republics 1832 Smith's (Dr. Adam) Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 3 vols. 10th edit 1812 ' , Ditto, with Notes, and an additional Volume of Observations by David Buchan?in, 4 vols 1814 (John Prince) Elements of the Science of Money, 1813 Smqllett's (Dr. T.) History of England from the Revolution in 1668 to the Death of George II. 5 vols 1812 Snodgrass's (Major) Narrative of the Burmese War .... 1827 HISTORY, &c. 69 *Somers's (Lord) Tracts, 4 vols. 4to 1748 * Tracts, from King John to George 1. ; revised, augmented, and arranged by Sir W. Scott, 13 vols. 4to. 1807 Somerville's (Dr. Thomas) History of the Reign of Queen Anne, 4to 1 798 * Political Transactions and History of Parties from Charles H. to William HI. 4to 1792 Southey's (Dr. Robert) Translation of the Rev. Martin DobrizhofFer's Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay, first published in 1784, 3 vols. . . 1822 Chronicle of the Cid, 4to 1808 Expedition of Orsua, and Crimes of Aguirre . . 1821 Book of the Church, 2 vols 1 824 Vindicise Ecclesiae Anglicanae, or Letters to Charles Butler, Esq. in Vindication of the above 1826 I History of Brazil, 3 vols. 4to 1810-19 "k^;:^ Peninsular War in Spain, 3 vols. 4to 1822-32 I Life of John Wesley, and Rise and Progress of Methodism, 2 vols 1820 Spain and Portugal, History of, from B.C. 1000 to A.D. 1814 1833 Speed's (John) History of Britaine, fol 1623 *Spelman's (Sir Henry) English Works, fol. 2nd edit 1727 *Spotswood's (Archbishop) Hist, of the Church and State of Scotland from 203 to 1625, 4th edit, with an Appendix of the Succession of Archbishops, &c. to 1676, fol. . . . 1677 Staiil Holstein's (Madame la Baron ne de) Considerations sur la Revolution Francois, 3 tom 1818 Ditto, English Translation, 3 vols. 2nd edit. 1821 De L'Allemagne, 3 tom 1813 — Ten Years' Exile '. 1821 Stanyan's (Temple) Grecian History, 2 vols 1776 State Tracts on the Revolution of 1688, and Reign of William III. 2 vols, fol 1705, 1706 *State Trials (Hargrave's edition) from the year 1388 to 1743, 11 vols, in 10, fol 1776-1781 * (Continuation by Thos. Jones Howell) from 1803 to 1820, viz. 23rd George III. to 1st George IV. 12 vols, and Index to ditto, by D. Jardine 1817-1828 k 70 HISTORY, &c. Statistical Illustrations of the British Empire, compiled by order of the London Statistical Society, 3rd edit 1827 Stephen's (James) West Indian Slavery Delineated 1824 Stewart's (Col. David) Sketches of the Highlanders, with Historical Details of the Highland Regiments, 2 vols. . . 1822 Strada's (Fam.) Histoire de la Guerre de Flandre, 2 vols. fol d Paris, 1650 Stuart's (A.) Genealogical History of the Stewarts, 4to. . . 1798 * Letters to Lord Mansfield on the Douglas Cause, and Examination of the Evidence 1773 (James) Antiquities of Athens, 3 vols. fol. . . 1762-94 Sullivan's (R.J.) Analysis of the Political Hist, of India . 1785 Sully's (Duke of) Memoirs from 1570 to 1610, 5 vols. . . 1770 Memoirs, (vide Biographical Class.) •I ♦Sydney's (Sir Henry and Sir Philip) State Papers, edited by Arthur Collins, 2 vols, fol 1746 Tarleton's (Lieut, Col.) Campaigns in North America in 1780 and 1781, 4to 178 Temple's (Sir John) Irish Rebellion in 1641, 4to 1646 Ditto, 8vo Reprint, 1812 (Sir William) Works, 4 vols 1770 i Thompson's (Richard) Chronicles of London Bridge .... 182' Thornton's (Lieut. Gen. Wm.) Speech on Catholicism in the House of Commons, May 7, 1818, with Authorities, &c. (Presented to the Institution by Himself.) 181^ *Thuani (Jac. Augusti) Historiarum sui Temporis (viz. 1545 to 1608), 7 tom. fol 1733 ♦Thurloe's State Papers from 1638 to 1660, 7 vols. fol. . . 174 Todd's (Rev. H. J.) Letter on Bishop Gauden's Icon Basilikc, (Bound up with Wordsworth's *' Who wrote Icon Basilike ?") 1825^ Tomline's (Bishop) Life of the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, 3 vols. 1821-23 Tooke's (Rev. William) History of the Russian Empire, jji during the Reign of Catharine II. and to the Close of the 18th Century, 3 vols. 3rd edit 1800 ■ , The same, translated into French, 6 tom. .Paris, 1801 Tott's (Baron de) Memoirs on the Turks and Tartars, 2 vols. 1785 Trial of the Rev. Robert Bingham for Arson, in 1811.... 1811 of De Berenger, Lord Cochrane, and others, in 1814. 1814 1 HISTORY, &c. 71 Trial of Colonel Despard in 1803 1803 of John Home Tooke in 1794. 1795 of Lord Viscount Melville in 1806 1806 of Mons. Peltier in 1803 1803 of John Stockdale in 1789 1790 of Arthur Thistlewood, James Ings, Thomas Brunt, and others, in 1820, 2 vols 1820 of Dr. James Watson in 1817, 2 vols 1817 Tully's (J. D.) History of the Plague at Malta and other Islands in 1813-14 1821 Turner's (Sharon) History of the Anglo-Saxons, 2 vols. 4to. 2nd edit 1 807 History of England from the Norman Conquest to Henry VII. 3 vols. 4to 1814-15 History of the Reign of Henry VIII. 1826 Reigns of Edward VI., Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth 1829 Tyrrell's (James) Bibliotheca Politica, fol. 2nd edit 1727 Tytler's (Wm.) Inquiry into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots, 4th edit. 2 vols 1790 (Alexander Eraser) Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern, 2 vols. 6th edit 1813 Venetian History, Sketches from, 2 vols 1831 *Vergilii (Polydori Urbinatis) Anglicse Historise (to Henry VII.), fol Basil. 1546 Vertot's (Abbe) Histoire des Chevaliers de Malthe, 7 tom. 1761 Villani (Giovanni) Istorie Fiorentine di, 8 vols.. .Milan, 1802-3 Underwood's (T. A.) Memorable Events in Paris, or Jour- nal of a Detenu in 1814, with Anecdotes of Buonaparte in Elba 1828 Universal History, from the Earliest Accounts to the Year 1760, 60 vols 1779-84 /. Ancient Universal History. Vol. 1. . . . History of the World from the Creation to the Deluge, and thence to the Birth of Abraham. History of Egypt to the time of Alexander the Great. History of the Moabites, Ammonites, Midianiles, Edomites, Amalekites, Canaanites, and Philistines. History of the Ancient Syrians. 72 HrSTORY, &c. Vol. 2 . . . . History of the Phoenieians. History of the Jews from the Birth of Abraham to the Babylonish Captivity. Vol. 3. . . . History of the Jews from their Return from the Babylonish Cap- tivity to the Destruction of Jerusalem by Vespasian. History of Assyria. History of the Babylonians. History of the Ancient Phrygians, Trojans, and Lycians, Vol. 4 . . . . History of the Medes and Persians. History of the Scythians and Gomerians. History of the Lydians and Lycians. Vol. 5 . . . . History of Greece during the Fabulous and Heroic Ages. History of the Athenians. History of Sparta to its Union with the Achaean League. Vol. 6. . . . History of Thebes and of the Minor States of Greece. History of the Grecian States in Asia Minor. History of Sicily. Vol. 7 . . . . History of Sicily concluded. History of Rhodes, Crete, and other Grecian Islands. History of the Macedonians to the Death of Alexander. Vol. 8 . . . . History of Macedon, Syria, and Egypt, after the Death of Alexander. History of Armenia and Pontus. Vol. 9-14 . . The Roman History from the Building of Rome to the Taking of Constantinople by the Turks. Vol. 15 . . . History of Carthage. Vol. 16 . . . History of Numidia, Mauritania, Lybia, and Ethiopia, and of the Arabs to the Time of Mohammed. History of the Empires of Nice and Trapezond. History of Ancient Spain and of the Gauls. Vol. 17 . . . History of the Ancient Germans. History of Britain to the Invasion of the Angles and Saxons. History of the Huns, Vandals, and other Northern Nations. History of the Ostrogoths in Italy, the Exarchs of Ravenna, and of the Lombards. Vol. 18 . . . History of the Turks, Tartars, and Moguls. History of the Indians, Chinese, and Etruscans. Appendix and General Index. //. Modern Universal History. Vol. 1-3 . . History of Mdiammed and of the Arabs. History of the Turks and of the Seljukians of Persia. Vol.4. . . . History of the Seljukians concluded. History of the Moguls and Tartars, of the Mogul Empire, of Bukharia, of Persia under the Descendants of Jenghiz Khan, and of Tamerlane. Vol. 5 . . . . History of Tamerlane concluded. History of Persia, of the Turkmans, and Usbecks. HISTORY, &c. 73 Vol. Vol. Vol. 6. . . 7. . . 8-9. . Vol. 10 . . Vol. 11 . . Vol. 12 . , Vol. 13 . . Vol. 14 . . Vol. 5, . . . History of the Kingdom of Karasm. Description and History of Hindustan. History of India History of the Eastern Tartars and of the Empire of China. History of the Settlements in the East Indies by the several European Nations, viz. The Spaniards, English, Dutch, Danes, French, Flemish, and Swedes, History of the Othman Empire, History of the Othman Empire concluded. History of the Jews since the Destruction of Jerusalem. History of the Dispersion of the Jews concluded. History of Egypt, of Africa, and the African Islands. History of Abyssinia and the neighbouring Kingdoms on the Coast of Zanguebar, and of the Hottentots, History of the Kingdoms on the Western Coast of Africa, of Kongo, Angola, Loango, Benin, the Gold Coast. History of the Gold Coast concluded. History of the Ivory Coast, of the Grain Coast, of Sierra Leone, the Interior of Africa, of Barbary, Morocco, Fez, and Algiers. Vol. 15 . . . History of Algiers concluded, of Tunis, Tripoli, Barca, and of the Island and Order of the Knights of Malta. Vol. 16-17 . History of Spain. Vol. 18 . . . History of Portugal. Vol. 19 . , . History of Navarre. Vol. 20-21 . History of France. Vol. 22-23 . History of Italy, and of the Republic of Venice. Vol. 24 . . . History of Venice concluded. History of Naples. Vol.25 . . . History of Naples concluded. History of Genoa, and of the German Empire. Vol. 26-27 . History of Germany concluded. History of Holland. Vol. 28 . . . History of Holland concluded. History of Denmark. Vol. 29-30 . History of Denmark concluded. History of Sweden. History of Poland. Vol. 31-32 . History of Poland concluded. History of Prussia, Russia, the Imperial Cities, Geneva, the Electorates, and Minor States of Germany. Vol. 33 . . . History of Tuscany and of Milan. Vol. 34-36 . History of North and South America and of the West Indies. Vol. 37-38 . View of the Modern Geography of the World — General Index to the Modern Universal History. Vol. 39-40 . History of Britain. Vol. 41 . . . History of Scotland. Vol. 42 . . . History of Ireland. 74 HISTORY, &c. *Ussher's (Archbishop) Annals of the World to the Destruc- tion of the Jewish Commonwealth circa A.M. 4787, fol. I65i Waldegrave's (James, Earl) Memoirs from 1 754 to 1 758, 4to. 1821 Walpole's (Robert) Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, 4to. 2nd edit 1818 (Sir Robert) Memoirs, by Coxe, 3 vols 1798 (Horace, Earl of Orford) Memoirs of the Last Ten Years of George the Second's Reign, 2 vols 4to. . . 1822 Walsh's (Rev. R.) Journey from Constantinople to England 1828 Walton's (Wm.) Spain, or Who is the Lawful Successor to the Throne ? 1834 Warden's (Wm.) Conduct and Conversations of Bonaparte on board the Northumberland and at St. Helena .... 1816 Washington's (Gen.) Official Letters from 1775 to 1778, 2 vols 1 795 Life, by Chief Justice Marshall, 5 vols 1809 Wheaton's (Henry) History of the Northmen, or Danes and Saxons 1831 Whitaker's (Rev. John) Ancient Cathedral (St. German's) of Cornwall, Historically Surveyed, 2 vols. 4to 1826 * White's (Rev. Joseph) Institutes of Timour, 4to.. . Oxon. 1783 (Rev. J. Blanco) Practical and Internal Evidence against Catholicism, 2nd edit , 1826 Whitelock's (Bulstrode) Memorials of English Affairs from 1625 to 1661, fol 1732 *Wicquefort's(Mons. de)Ambassador and his Functions, fol. 1716 Wilks's (Mark) History of the Persecution of the Protes- tants in the South of France in 1814-16, 2 vols 1821 (Col. Mark) Historical Sketches of the South of India, or History of Mysoor to 1799, 3 vols. 4to 1817 Williams's (Helen Maria) Sketches of the State of Manners and Opinions in the French Republic, 2 vols 1801 Narrative of Events in France, from the landing of Buonaparte at Elba in March 18 15, to the Restoration of Louis, 18th of July, 1815 1815 Wilson's (Sir Robt.) Remarks on the Russian Army, and Sketch of the Campaigns in Poland in 1806-7, 4to. . . 1811 Windham's (Rt, Hon. Wm.) Speeches in Parliament, with some Account of his Life by Thomas Amyot, 3 vols. . . 1812 HISTORY, &c. 75 *Winwoocl's (Sir Ralph) Memorials of State Affairs in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I., 3 vols. fol. . . 1725 Wollstonecraft, (Mary) On the French Revolution, 2nd edit. 1 795 Wolsey's (Cardinal) Life by Dr. Fiddes, fol 1724 • Life and Administration, by John Gait 1812 Woodfall's Junius, including his Correspondence with Wilkes, Woodfall, &c. with Notes, and Fac Similes, 3 vols. 1812 Wordsworth's (Rev. Dr. Christopher) "Who wrote Eikon Basilike ? " Considered and Answered 1824 Documentary Supplement to Ditto 1825 Wraxall's (Sir Nath. W.) Memoirs of his Own Time, 2 vols. 1815 Courts of Berlin, Dresden, &c. 2 vols. 3rd edit. 1806 Memoirs of the Kings of France of the Race of Valois, with a Tour through France, 2 vols 1777 Young's (Sir Wm.) History of Athens, 3rd edit 1804 York, (Fred. Duke of) Parliamentary Evidence relating to his Conduct as Commander-in-Chief in 1809 1809 BIOGHAPKV, <&.c. Including Historical Memoirs, Biographical Dictionaries, Reminiscences, and Epistolary Correspondence. Abeillard and Heloise, their Lives and Letters, (Anno 1079 1163) by the Rev. Joseph Berington, 4to. Birmingham, 1787 Abrantes, (Madame Junot) Memoirs of the Duchess of, by herself, 7 vols 1832-35 Agrippina, the Empress, (Wife of Germanicus) Memoirs of, by Eliza Hamilton, 3 vols 1804 *Aikin's (Dr. John) General Biography, 10 vols. 4to. 1799-1815 ■ Lives of John Selden and Archbishop Usher .... 1812 A- (Miss Lucy) Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. 1818 Memoirs of James I. 2 vols 1 822 Memoirs of Dr. John Aikin, with a Selection from his Miscellaneous Works, 2 vols 1823 Memoirs of Mrs. Barbauld, 2 vols 1826 Memoirs of Charles I. 2 vols 1834 16 BIOGRAPHY, &c. Akenside, (Mark, M;D.) Essay on his LifC; Writings, and Genius, by Charles Bucke .... * 1 832 Alberoni (Cardinal) and Wm. Duke of Ripperda, Lives of, by George Moore, 2 vols, in 1. 1806 Alexander VI. (Pope) and his Son Coesar Borgia, Lives of, &c. by Alexander Gorden. ^ 1729 Alfieri, (Vittorio) Memoirs of 1820 Ali Pacha, of Jannina and Vizier of Epirus, his Life, including Particulars of Modern Greece, 2nd edit 1823 Angouleme's (Duchess of) Private Memoirs, or Journal of the Captivity of the Royal Family of France, 1792-95, 1817 Annual Biography and Obituary, 19 vols 1817-35 Anspach's (Margravine of) Memoirs, by Herself, 2 vols.. . 1826 Antoinette (Marie) Queen of France, her Private Life, by Madam Campan, with Historical Anecdotes, 2 vols. . . 1823 Aram (Eugene), his Life, Trial, Letters, &c.. . .Richmond, 1832 Armstrong (J., M.D.), Memoirs and Medical Opinions of, by F. Boot, M.D. vol. 1 . (Presented by N. R. Clarke, Esq.) 1 834 Aubrey's (John) Lives of Eminent Men, and Letters from the Bodleian Library, 3 vols 1813 Auto-Biography, or Narrative of Wm. Brown, a Soldier of the 45th Kilmarnock, 1829 Auto-BiOGRAPiiY, viz. Life of CoUey Cibber, 1 vol. — Lives of Hume, Lilly, and Mons. Voltaire, 1 vol. — Mettioirs of Marmontel, 2 vols. — Adventures of Robert Drury, 1 vol.— Geo. Whitefield and James Ferguson, 1 vol.— Mary Robinson and Charlotte Charke, 1 vol. — Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and Prince Eugene, 1 vol. — Augustus Von Kotzebue, 2 vols. — Capt. John Creichton, William Gifford and Thomas Ell wood, 1 vol. — Lewis Holberg, 1 vol. — James Hardy Vaux, 1 vol. — Edmund Gibbon, 2 vols. — Benvenuto Cellini, 2 vols. — James Lackington, 1 vol. — Theobald Wolfe Tone, 1 vol. — ■ Frederica, Margravine de Bareith, 2 vols. — Diary of Geo, Bubb Dodington, Baron of Melcombe Regis, 1 vol. • — Memoirs of Goldoni, 2 vols. — Memoirs of Vidocq, Agent of the French Police, 4 vols. — Memoirs of Madame Du Barri, 4 vols. — William Sampson, an Irish Exile, 1 vol.— 33 vols 1826-32 BIOGRAPHY, &c. 77 Ayder All Khan, Nabob-Bahader, his History, 2 vols. . . . 1784 Ditto, Hyder Ally, by Fras. Robson 1786 Bacon, Fryer, the Famous History of, Reprint , 1820 Baker, (Rev. Thos. B. D.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by the Rev. Robt. Masters, with a Catalogue of his MS. Collections Cambridge^ 1784 Barbauld's (Mrs. Anna L.) Miscellaneous Works, with Memoirs of the Authoress^ by Lucy Aikin, 2 vols 1826 Barrington's (Sir Jonah) Personal Sketches of his Own Times, 3 vols 1827-32 Bayard (Chevalier), History of his Feats, Gests, and Prowesses, translated from Godefroy's edit. 2 vols 1825 Beattie's (Dr. James) Account of his Life, including Original Letters, by Sir Wm. Forbes, 3 vols. 2nd edit. . 1807 Bedford, Anecdotes of the House of 1790 Beloe's Memoirs of a Sexagenarian, or Recollections of a Literary Life, 2 vols -. 1817 Bernard (Sir Thos.), Life of, by the Rev. J. Baker 1819 Benger's (Miss) Memoirs of Queen Anne Boleyn, 2 vols. . 1821 a Memoirs of Mary, Queen of Scots, 2 vols 1822 Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, 2 vols. 1825 Bentley, (Dr. Richard) Account of his Life and Writings, with Anecdotes of distinguished Literary Characters of his Time, by Bishop Monk, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1833 Berkeley Manuscripts, Extracts, &c. from Smyth's Lives of the Berkeleys, and History of Berkeley Castle, &c, by the Rev. T. D. Fosbroke, 4to 1821 Bernardi's (Major John) Life, by Himself 1729 Betterton, (Thos.) Life of, and Works 1710 *Bibliotheque Orientale, par M. D'Herbelot, Contenant tout ce qui fait Connoitre les Peuples de I'Orient, 4 tom. 4to A la Haye, 1777-79 Bingley's (Rev. Wm.) Biographical Conversations on the most Eminent Voyagers and British Characters, 2 vols. 1818 *Biographia Britannica, 7 vols, fol 1747-66 *— , Ditto, 2nd edit, by Dr. Kippis, Dr. Towers, &c. to the article Falstolff, 5 vols, fol 1778-93 Biographia Medica, by Benj. Hutchinson, 2 vols 1799 73 BIOGRAPHY, &c. *Biographical Dictionary, General, by Alex. Chalmers, 32 vols, bound in 16 1812 , Ditto, 12 vols 1784 *Biography, Universal, by Dr. J. Lenipriere, 4to 1808 Biography of the British Stage 1824 Biographical Tracts, 2 vols. Reprints, 1813-20 Vol. 1.— England's Worthies, from 1642 to 1647 ; Hugh Peters ; James, Duke of Monmouth ; and Colonel Blood. Vol. 2. — Cotton's Henry III. ; Anne Bullen ; Wilson's Court and Character of James I. ; Book of Sports ; George Villiers, First Duke of Buckingham ; and Queen Henrietta Maria. Bolton's (Solomon) Extinct Peerage from the Conquest . . 1769 Bonaparte, or Buonaparte (Napoleon), Intercepted Letters relating to, when in Egypt 1800 , Barre's French Consulate under, including a Sketch of his Life 1804 's Empire in France, Barre's Account of 1804 Secret History of his Cabinet and Private Life, by Lewis Goldsmith, 2nd edit 1810 , Secret Memoirs of, 2 vols 1815 's Russian Campaign in 1812, by Eugene Labaume 1815 's Campaign in Russia in 1812, by Gen. Comte de Segur, 2 vols 1824 and the Grand Army in Russia, or a Critical Examination of Segur's Work, by General Gourgaud . . 1825 's Russian Campaign in 1812, by Sir Robert Ker Porter, 4to 1813 , Intercepted Letters and Dispatches relating to. when at Dresden in 1813 1814 -'s Last Reign, Letters relating to, by J. Cam Hobhouse, with an Appendix of Official Documents, 2 vols. 1816 , Manuscript concerning, from St. Helena .... 1817 , Memoires Historiques de, Liv. ix 1820 , Ditto, in English 1820 Campaign in Saxony in 1813, by Baron Von Odeleben 1820 's Reign in France, General Gourgaud's Memoirs of, 2 vols , . 1823 BIOGRAPHY, &c. 5^ Bonaparte, or Buonaparte (Napoleon), Letters concerning, written on board the Northumberland, during the Voyage to St. Helena in 1815 1816 . -, his Surrender to Capt. Maitland 1826 in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena, including his own Opinions on the most important Events of his Life, by Barry E. O'Meara, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1822 -, Memoirs of France during his Reign, dictated by Himself to the Count de Montholon, 2 vols 1823 Journal of his Private Life and Conversations at St. Helena, by the Count de Las Casas, 4 vols, in 8. . . 1823 , Life of, by Sir Walter Scott, 9 vols Edin, 1827 Memoirs illustrative of his History, by M. Savary, Duke of Rovigo, 4 vols 1828 , Private Memoirs of, during the periods of the Directory, the Consulate, and the Empire, by M. de Bourrienne, 4 vols 1 830 , Life of, in the Annual Obituary, 6th vol 1823 Medals, Description of the, by Capt. Laskey . . 1813 's (L.) Reply to Sir W. Scott's Life of Napoleon 1829 Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux, His Life, by Charles Butler . . 1812 ■ 's Oraisons Funebres Paris, 1774 Boswell's (James) Life of Dr. Johnson, 4 vols. 5th edit.. . 1807 Bowers' (Lieut. W.) Naval Adventures, 2 vols 1833 Brasbridge's (Joseph) Fruits of Experience 1824 Brown's (Wm.) Narrative of a Soldier of the 45th Regiment during the War in Spain and Portugal 1829 Bruce (James), the African Traveller, Life of, by Major F. B. Head 1830 Brydges, (Sir Egerton) His Auto-Biography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries, 2 vols 1834 Buncle, (John) Life of, &c., 4 vols 1770 Buonarroti (M. A.) Vita di In Firenze, 1746 Burghley, (William Cecil, Lord) Memoirs of his Life and Administration, by Dr. Edw. Nares, 3 vols. 4to 1828-31 *Burnet's (Bishop) Memoirs of James and William Dukes of Hamilton, with many original Papers of Charles I. fol. 1677 Burns, (Rob.) the Scottish Poet, Life of, by J. G. Lockhart, 1831 Burke's (Edmund) Life, by James Prior, 2 vols. 2nd edit. 1826 ~ — Epistolary Correspondence with Dr. Lawrence . . 1827 80 BIOGRAPHY, &c. *Burke's (John) Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, vols. 1. and 2 1834-35 *Burke's (P. J.) Book of Princes, or Guide to the Public Journals 1832 Busby's (Dr. Thomas) Concert Room and Orchestra, or Anecdotes of Music and Musicians, 3 vols 1825 Butler's (Charles) Reminiscences, 2 vols 1822 Life of Archbishop Fenelon 1820 Y^**- Life of Erasmus 1825 r • Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish, and V . Scottish Catholics, 2 vols 1819 Byron, (Lord), Recollections of his Life, from 1808 to 1814, by R. C. Dallas 1824 ^ and Some of his Contemporaries, with Recollec- tions of the Author's Life, &c. by Leigh Hunt, 4to 1828 " Letters on the Character and Poetical Genius of, by Sir E. Brydges 1824 Conversations with Thomas Medwin 1832 ■ , Wanderings of Childe Harold, by Lieut. Bedford, 3vols.ini 1825 Cabot (Sebastian), a Memoir of, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery 1831 Calamy's (Rev. Dr. Edm.) Historical Account of his Own Life and Times, (1671-1731) 2 vols 1829 Campbell's (Dr. John) Lives of the British Admirals, and Continuation of, to 1812, by Henry Redhead Yorke and Wm. Stevenson, 8 vols 1812-17 • (Hugh) Love Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots, &c. 1 824 Canning's (Geo.) Political Life, by A. G. Stapleton, 3 vols. 1831 Canova (Antonio), Memoirs of, with an Analysis of his Works, and a View of Modern Sculpture, by J. S. Memes 1825 Cappe's (Mrs. Catharine) Memoirs, by Herself 1822 Carleton's (Capt. George) Memoirs, by Himself, including particulars of the Campaign in Spain, under Charles Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough, 4th edit Edin. 1809 Carter's (Mrs. Eiiz.) Works and Memoirs of, by the Rev. M. Pennington, 4to 1807 Ditto, with a new edition of her Poems, Miscel- lanies, &c. 2 vols. 4th edit ,, 1825 Cartwright (Major J.), his Life and Correspondence, 2 vols. 1 826 BIOGRAPHY, &c. 81 Casper Hauser, the Adult Child, Account of, by A. Von Fuerbach 1833 Cassan's (Rev. S. Hyde) Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, with Gale's History of Winchester Cathedral, 2 vols. . . 1827 Catharine II. of Russia, Life of, by the Rev.W.Tooke, 3 vols. 1799 ■ , Secret Memoirs of the Russian Court towards the end of her Reign, and commencement of that of Paul the First, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1801 , Anecdotes of, and of the Revolution in 1762, by M. de Rulhiere 1797 Caulfield, (James, Earl of Charlemont) Memoirs of, by Francis Hardy, 4to: 1810 Cellini, (Benvenuto) Memoirs of, by Himself, translated by Thomas Roscoe, Jun. 2 vols 1822 Ditto, by Thomas Nugent, 2 vols 1 832 Chalmers's (George) Life of Mary, Queen of Scots, (Drawn from the State Papers), including Subsidiary Memoirs of Francis II., her first husband ; of Lord Darnley, her second husband ; of James, Earl Bothwell, her third husband ; of the Regent Murray, her Illegitimate Brother; and of Maitland,her Secretary, 2 vols. 4to. . . 1818 Charke's (Mrs. Charlotte) Life of, by Herself 175r> Charles I., Life of, by Dr. Wm. Harris 1 7(i() , Commentaries on his Life and Reign, by J. D'lsraeli, 5 vols 1828-30 , and some of the Regicides, Trials of, &c 1832 , Memoirs of, and of his Court, by LucyAikin, 2 vols. 1833 Charles II., Life of, by Dr. Wm. Harris 1772 Chatham (Wm. Pitt, Earl of). Anecdotes of his Life, and Speeches in Parliament from 1736 to 1778, 4 vols 1792 Ditto, History of his Life 1783 Chatterton, (Thos.) his Life, and View of the Controversy concerning Rowley's Poems, by the Rev. Dr. Gregory . 1789 Chaucer (Geoffrey), his Life, with Sketches of the Manners, S,,^ Opinions, Arts, and Literature of England in the 14th Century, by Wm. Godwin, 2nd edit. 4 vols 1804 Cheke's (Sir John, Knt.) Life, by Strype Oxford, 1821 Clayton's (John) Sketches of Biography, shewing the influence of Literature upon Character 1825 M 8^ BIOGRAPHY, &c. Coleridge's (S. T.) Biographia Literaria, or Biographical Sketches of his own Life and Opinions, 2 vols 1817 CoUins's (xA.rthur) Peerage of England, 3rd edit. 5 vols, in 6. 1776 Ditto, with Longmate's Supplement, 9 vols. . . 1779-84 Ditto, greatly augmented and continued, by Sir Egerton Brydges, 9 vols 1812 CoUingwood, (Admiral Lord) Memoirs of, by Geo. L. N. ColHngwood, with Selections from his Public and Private Correspondence, 4to 1829 Colman's (George) Random Records, 2 vols 1830 Columbus (Christopher), his Life and Voyages, by Wash- ington Irving, 4 vols i 828 Correggio and Parmegiano, Lives of, 1823 Cowper's (Wm.) Life and Letters, with Remarks on Epistolary Writers, by Wm. Hayley, 4 vols. Chichester, 1809 Private Correspondence, by the Rev. Dr. J. Johnson, 2 vols 1824 , Memoirs of his Early Life 1816 , Life of, with Remarks on his Writings, &c. by Thos. Taylor 1834 Cranmer (Archbp.), his Life, by the Rev. H. J. Todd, 2 vols. 1831 Vindication of, by ditto 1826 Crauford, (J., Earl of) his Life and Military Atchievements 1769 Crockett's (Col. David) Sketches and Eccentricities 1834 Cromwell, (the Protector Oliver), Memoirs of, and of Richard and Henry, his sons, by O. Cromwell, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1812 , Life of, by Dr. Wm. Harris 1762 Cumberland's (Richard) Memoirs, by Himself, with Anec- dotes of distinguished Characters of his time, 2 vols.. . . 1807 Cunningham's (Allan) Lives of the most eminent British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 6 vols 1830-33 Vol. 1. Early Painters, Hogarth, Wilson, Reynolds, Gains- borough. — Vol. 2. West, Barry, Blake, Opie, Morland, Bird, Fuseli. — Vol. 3. Gibbons, Gibber, Roubiliae, Wilton, Banks, Nollekens, Bacon, Damer, Flaxman. — Vol. 4. William of Wykeham, Inigo Jones, Wren, Vanbrugh, Gibbs, Kent, Earl of Burlington, Chambers. — Vol. 5. Jamesone, Ramsey, Romney, Kunciman, Copley, Mortimer, Raeburn, Hoppner, Harlow, lionington. — Vol. 6. Cosway, Allan, Northcote, Beaumont, Lawrence, Jackson, Liverseege, Barret. BIOGRAPHY, &c. 83 Currants (Rt. Hon. John Philpot) Speeches, 2nd edit. . . 1808 Life, by his Son, Wm. Henry Curran, 2 vols 1819 , Recollections of, by Charles Phillips 1818 Cuvier (Baron), Memoirs of, by Mrs. Lee 1833 Da Costa's (Hippolyto Joseph) Narrative of his Persecution by the Inquisition, for Free Masonry, in 1802, 2 vols.. . 1811 Davy (Sir Humphrey), Life of, by Dr. J. A. Paris, 4to. . . 1831 's Consolations in Travel, or the Last Days of a Philosopher 1830 Davenport's (R. A.) Dictionary of Biography 1831 Dibdin's (Thos.) Reminiscences, 2 vols 1827 *Dictionnaire Universel, Historique, Critique et Bibliogra- phique, 20 torn. 9th edit Paris, 1810-12 Digby's (Sir Kenelm) Memoirs, by Himself, &c 1 827 Dobson's (Mrs.) Troubadours, from the French of Mons. de Saint Palaye 1807 (Mrs. Susanna) Life of Petrarch, 2 vols. 6th edit. 1805 Dodd's (Thos.) Connoisseur's Repertory, or Biographical Dictionary of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Archi- tects, from the 12th to the 18th Century; Aa, to Barro- let, 6 vols, (unfinished) 1824-30 Doddington's (Geo. Bubb, Lord Melcombe Regis) Diary, from 1749 to 1761, 3rd edit 1785 *Dugdale's (SirWm.) Life, Diary, and Correspondence, 4to. 1827 Dumouriez' (General) Memoirs, by Himself, 3 vols 1796 Dutens' (Louis) Memoirs, by Himself, 5 vols 1805 Edgeworth's (Abbe) Memoirs, with the Last Hours of Louis XVI. by C. Sneyd Edgeworth 1815 Edgeworth, (Richard Lovell) Memoirs of, by Maria Edge- worth, 2 vols 1820 Edward, the Black Prince, History of, by Arthur Collins. . 1776 Ellis's (Hon. Geo. Agar) Historical Inquiries respecting f the Character of the Lord Chancellor Clarendon 1827 Elmes's (Jas.) Anecdotes and Relics of Art and Artists, 3 vols 1825 Erasmus, Life of, with Remarks on the state of Literature between the 10th and 16th Centuries, by Chas Butler. . 1825 , Life of, with Historical Notes and Documents, by the Rev. Dr. John Jortin, 3 vols 1808-12 84 BIOGRAPHY, &c. Essays on the Lives of Covvper, Newton, Heber, &c 1830. Evelyn's (John) Memoirs, comprising his Diary, from 1641 to 1705-6, Familiar Letters, and Private Correspondence with Charles L and his Secretary, edited by William Bray, 2 vols. 4to. 2nd edit 181^ Eugene de Savoie, Memoirs du Prince, par Lui-meme ... 1811 Fenelon, (Archbishop of Cambray) Life of, 3rd edit, with the Lives of St. Vincent de Paul, and Henri-Marie de Bouden, a Letter on Ancient and Modern Music, and Historical Memoirs of the Jesuits 1819 Eerrar's (Nicholas) Life, by Dr. P. Peckard . . Cambridge, 1790 Einati's (Giovanni) Life and Adventures in the East, edited by W. J. Banks, 2 vols 1830 Eitzgerald's (Lord Henry) Life and Death, by Thomas Moore, 2 vols 1831 Flechier's, (Esprit, Bishop) Oraisons Funebres . . . , Paris, 1774 Fothergill's (Dr. John) Life and Works, by Dr. J. C. Lett- som, including Accounts of Peter Collinson, and Dr. Alexander Russell, 4to 1784 Fouche's (Duke of Otranto) Memoirs, by Himself, 2 vols. 1825 Fox, (Rt. Hon Charles James) Characters of, selected and written by Dr. Parr, 2 vols 1 809 — — 's Speeches in Parliament, 6 vols 1815 Francis the First, his Life and Times, by James Bacon, 2 vols 1830 Franklin, (Dr. Benjamin) Memoirs of his Life and Writings by Himself, and his Grandson Wm. Temple Franklin, together with his Correspondence and Negociations, 3 vols. 4to 1818 Frederick II. King of Prussia, Life of, by Lord Dover, 2 vols. 1832 , Reign of, by Dr. J. Gillies 1789 Frederick William II. Ditto, Reign of, by L. P. Segur, 3 vols 1801 Frederick III. Ditto, by Dr. Joseph Towers, 2 vols 1795 Frederique Sophie Wilhelmine de Prusse, Margrave de Bareith, Memoires de, ecrits de sa main, 2 tom 1812 Froissart, Memoirs of, by M. de St. Palaye 1809 Fuller's (Dr. Thomas) Worthies of England, first printed in 1662, edited by John Nichols, 2 vols. 4to 1811 BIOGRAPHY, &c. 95 Gait's (John) Auto-Biography, 2 vols 1833 Garrick (David), Memoirs of, with Anecdotes of the Stage for thirty years, by Thos. Davies, 2 vols 1808 's Life, by Arthur Murphy, 2 vols , 1801 Galerie Historique des Hommes les plus Celebres, Publiee par Mons. C. P. Landon, 13 torn 1805*11 Geddes (Rev. Dr. Alex.), Memoirs of, by Dr. J. M. Good 1803 Genghizcan the Great, History of, by M. de la Croix, Sen. 1722^ Genlis' (Countess de) Memoirs of, by Herself, illustrative of the Hist, of the 18th and 19th Centuries, 8 vols, in 4. 1824-26 George II., Memoirs of, by Lord Orford, 2 vols. 4to 1824 George III., Reign of, by R. Scott, 5 vols 1821 George IV., Account of his Coronation, by Robert Huish, 1821 Godwini (Franc. Bishop of Hereford) de Prsesulibus Anglioe Commentarius, fol Cantabr. 1743 Gold-headed Cane ; or. Anecdotes of the Physicians Rad- cliffe. Mead, Askew, Pitcairn, and Baillie, 2nd edit. , . 1828 Goldsmid (Benj.), Memoirs of, by L. Alexander 1808 Good (John Mason, M.D.) Memoirs of his Life, Writings, and Character, by Dr. O. Gregory 1828 Gower and Chaucer, Illustrations of their Lives and Writings, by the Rev. Henry J. Todd 1810 Grammont, Comte de, Memoires du, par le Comte Antoine Hamilton, 4to 1793 , Memoirs of 1782 Granger's (Rev. J.) Biographical History of England from King Egbert to the Revolution, or Illustration of En- graved Portraits, 4 vols. 4th edit 1804 Ditto, Noble's Continuation, 3 vols 1806 Greswell's (Rev. Wm. Parr) Memoirs of Politian, Picus of Mirandula, Sannazarius, Bembus, Fracastor, Flaminius, and the Amalthei; with Translations from their Poetical Works, Notes, &c. 2nd edit Manchester, 1805 Grey (Lady Jane), and her Times, by Geo. Howard 1822 Griffin (Rev. Edm. D.), Life of (and Remains), by Dr. John Vickar, 2 vols New York, 1831 *Grindal (Archbp.), History of, by the Rev. J. Strype, fol. 1710 Grotius (Hugo), Life of, by Charles Butler, with Minutes of the History of the Netherlands 1 826 86 BIOGRAPHY, &c. Guillaume III., Histoire de, par N. Chevalier, fol. Amst. 1692 Guise, (Henry, Duke of) Memoirs of 1669 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, History of, by the Rev. Walter Harte, 2 vols. 3rd edit 1807 Hacket's (Dr. John) Scrinia Reserata, a Memorial, &c. of Archb. John Williams, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, fol, 1693 Hall's (Bishop) Life and Times, by the Rev. J. Jones. . . . 1826 Hall (Rev. Robert), Memoir of, by Dr. O. Gregory 1833 Hampden (John), Memorials of his Party and Times, by Lord Nugent 1832 Handel (Geo. Fred.), Life and Commemoration of, by Dr. Chas. Burney, 4to 1785 Harrington's (James) Life, by J. Toland, and Works, 4to. 1771 Harris's (James) Life and Works by Lord Malmesbury, his Son, 2 vols. 4to 1801 , (Dr. Wm.) Lives of Charles I., Charles II., Oliver Cromwell, and James I., 5 vols 1753-72 Hastings (Lady Elizabeth), her Holy and Exemplary Life, by Thomas Barnard Leeds, 1742 Hausset's (Mad. du) Private Memoirs of the Court of Louis XV 1825 Hawkins' (Lsetitia Matilda) Memoirs, Anecdotes, &c. 3 vols 1822-24 Haydn and Mozart, Lives of, with Observations on Metas- tasio, and on the Music of France and Italy, by Mons. L. A. C. Bombet 1817 Hays's (Miss Mary) Female Biography, 6 vols 1803 Heber (Bishop Reginald), his Life and Correspondence, 2 vols. 4to 1830 Henry VIII., Life and Reign of, by Lord Herbert of Cherbury, fol 1649 Henry, Prince of Wales, Son of James L, his Life, by Dr. Birch Dublin, 1760 Herbert (Edw. Lord), of Cherbury, Life of, by himself, 4to. 1792 Heriot (George), Memoirs of, and Account of his Hospital at Edinburgh Edin. 1822 Historical Recollections of Henry V. ; James Grahame, Marquis of Montrose; P. G. Dumont; the Princess Chris. Sophia de Wolfenbuttel ; B.C.Munich; Victor BIOGRAPHY, &c. m Amadeus; James Grahame, Viscount Dundee; and Gustavus, King of Sweden 1829 Hogarth (Wm.), Biographical Notices of, by J. Nichols. . 1782 Holcroft's (Thomas) Memoirs, by Himself, 3 vols 1816 Holland's (Lord) Account of the Lives and Writings of Lope de Vega and Guillen de Castro, 2 vols, in 1 .... 1817 ♦Hollis (Thomas), Memoirs of, 2 vols. 4to 1780 Humboldt (Alex. Von), his Travels and Researches .... 1832 Hunter (John), Memoir of his Life and Doctrines, by Dr. Joseph Adams 1817 Hunter's (John D.) Memoirs of his Captivity among the North American Indians, with Anecdotes of their Manners, Customs, &c 1 823 Hutchinson (Col.), Memoirs of, by Lucy his Widow, with her own Life, and a Summary of Public Affairs during the Commonwealth, 4to. 2nd edit 1808 Hutton's (Wm.) Life, by Himself, with an Account of the Riots at Birmingham in 1791 1816 Howard (John), Life of, by Dr. Aiken 1792 , Ditto, by Dr. J. B. Brown 1823 James I., Memoirs of the Court of, by Lucy Aiken, 2 vols. 1822 , Life of, by Dr. Wm. Harris 1753 James II., Memoirs of, 2 vols 1821 James (Dr. J.T.), Bishop of Calcutta, Memoirs of, by the Rev. Edward James 1830 Jeanne d'Arc, la Vie de, &c. par M. Ber. Saint-Prix 1817 Jefferson's (Thos.) Memoirs and Correspondence, 4 vols. . 1829 Jeffreys (Lord Chancellor), Memoirs of, by H.W.Woolrych, 1827 Jenner (Dr. Edward), Biographical Anecdotes of. (Vide Smyth's Berkeley Manuscripts) 1821 — , Life and Correspondence of, by Dr. J. Baron . . 1827 Johnson (Dr. Samuel), Life of, by Sir John Hawkins, 2nd edit. 1787 , Life of, by James Boswell, 4 vols 1807 , Life of, by James Boswell (including a Tour to the Hebrides), with numerous Additions and Notes, by Dr. J. W. Croker, 5 vols 1831 Jordan (Mrs.), Life of, by James Boaden, 2 vo!s 1831 Josephine, Memoirs of the Empress Edin. 1831 --\ 88 BIOGRAPHY, &c. Josephene, Memoires sur Trmperatrice, ses Contemporaires, &c. 3 torn Paris, 1828 Kames, (Henry Home, Lord) Memoir of his Life and Writings, by Alex. Frazer Tytler, 2 vols. 4to Edi7i. 1807 Kelly's (Michael) Reminiscences, 2 vols 1826 Kemble (John Philip), Memoirs of, including a History of the Stage from the time of Garrick, by James Boaden, 2 vols 1825 Knox (John), Life of, with Illustrations of the Ecclesiastical, Literary, and Biographical History of Scotland, in the 16th Century, by the Rev. Dr. Thos. M'Crie, 2 vols.. . 1812 Lackington's (John) Confessions (the Bookseller) 1804 Lafayette (General), Memoirs of, by B. Sarrans, 2 vols.. . 1832 Lanzi's Italian Painters, 6 vols. Translated by T. Roscoe. 1828 Larochejaquelein (La Marquise de). Memoirs of, by Her- self, and of the War in La Vendee Edin. 1816 Las Casas (Count de). Memoirs of, by Himself 1818 Latimer (Bishop Hugh), Life of, by the Rev. Wm. Gilpin, 1755 Lavellette (Count), Memoirs of, by Himself, 2 vols 1831 Lawrence (Sir Thomas), his Life and Correspondence, by D. E. Williams, 2 vols 1831 Lawyer, Life of a 1 830 Lee's (Henry) Memoirs of a Manager, 2 vols, in 1 1830 Le Neve's (John) Lives, &c. of the Protestant Archbishops, viz. vol. i. p. 1 and 2 1720 Leo X., Life and Pontificate of, by Wm. Roscoe, 6 vols. 2nd edit 1806 Lettsom (Dr. John Coaxley), Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Thos. Joseph Pettigrew, 3 vols 1817 Levis (Mons. de). Souvenirs et Portraits par, 1780-89 . . 1813 Liverpool (Charles Jenkinson), 2nd Earl of, his Life and Administration 1 827 Locke (John), his Life and Correspondence, by Lord King, 4to 1829 Lords Chancellors, Lords Keepers, &c. Lives of, from William the Norman's Reign, 2 vols, in 1 1712 Lorenzo de Medici, called the Magnificent, Life of, by Wm. Roscoe, 3 vols. 5th edit 1 80') ■ : ■, Illustrations of, by ditto 1822 BIOGRAPHY, &c. 89 Lovis le Grand (XIV.), Histoire dv Roy, par le Pere Menestrier. fol Paris, 1691 Louis XVI., Private Memoirs of the last year of his Reign, by Bertrand de Moleviile, 3 vols , 1797 » Memoiresdu Regne des, par Mons. J. L. Sou- lavie, 6tom 1801 Macartney (Earl of), Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by J. Barrow, 2 vols. 4to , 1807 Macklin (Charles), Memoirs of, principally from his own Papers, including particulars of the Stage, for 100 years, by J. T. Kirkman, 2 vols , . . . 1799 Marlborough (John), Duke of. Memoirs of, by Archdeacon Coxe, 3 vols. 4to 1818-19 ' History of 1754 Marmontel, Memoirs of, by Himself, 4 vols. 2nd edit. . . . 1806 Martyrologium Romanum, ad Novam Kalendarii, &c. .. 1650 Mary, Queen of Scots, Life of, by George Chalmers, 2 vols. 4to. (Vide Chalmers.) , 1818 , Memoirs of, by Miss Benger, 2 vols 1823 , Inquiry into the Evidence against, by William Tytler, 2 vols. 4th edit 1790 , Vindicated, by the Rev. John Whitaker, 3 vols. 2nd edit 1 790 • , her Persecutions, Sufferings, and Trials, by Hugh Campbell T , 1826 Massaniello, the Fisherman of Naples, his Rise and Fall.. 1756 Memoirs (Secret) of the Court of Petersburgh, 2 vols. . 1811-12 Melville (Andrew), Life of, with Illustrations of the Eccle- siastical and Literary History of Scotland, by the Rev. Dr. Thomas M'Crie, 2 vols Edin. 1819 Metastasio (Abate), Memoirs of, by Dr. C. Burney, 3 vols. 1796 \Midshipman, Life of a 1829 Milton (John), Account of his Life and Writings, by the Rev. H. J. Todd 1826 Mirabeau, Recollections of, by Etienne Dumont 1832 Montague's (Mrs. Eliz.) Letters, 4 vols 1813 (Lady M . Wortley) Works and Memoirs, 5 vols. 1 805 Moore's (Thomas) Life of Sheridan, 2 vols 1825 ■ (George) Lives of Cardinals Alberoni and Riparda, 1806 N 90 BIOGRAPHY, &c. More (Sir Thomas), Life of, by William Roper, his Son-in- law ; Singer's edition, Chiswick, 1822 Munro (Sir Thomas, Bart.), Gleig's Life and Correspon- dence of, 3 vols 1830 Murphy's (A.) Essay on the Life and Genius of Dr. Johnson, 1793 Murray's (Lindley) Life, by Himself, York, 1826 Musicians, Dictionary of, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1827 Nash (Richard), called Beau Nash, Life of, 2nd edit 1762 *Nelson (Admiral Lord), Life of, from MSS., by the Rev. J. S. Clarke and Dr. J. M' Arthur, 2 vols. 4to. (Pre- sented to the Institution by the late J. Williamson, Esq.) 1 809 's Life, by Robert Southey, 2 vols 1818 Ney (Marshall), Memoirs of, 2 vols 1833 Nichols' (John) Literary and Biographical Anecdotes of the 18th Century, 9 vols 1812-15 Illustrations of the Literary History of the 18th Century, 4 vols 1817-22 Nollekens (James) and his Times, by J. T. Smith, 2 vols. 1828 North (Francis, Lord Keeper), Life of, by the Hon. Roger North ; including the Characters of Sir Matthew Hale, Sir George Jeffries, Sir Leoline Jenkins, Sidney Godol- phin, and other Statesmen of the Times of Charles II. and James II. 2 vols. 2nd edit 1808 Osman the Great, Life of, by Madame de Gomez, 2 vols. 1735 Ossory's (John, Earl of) Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dean Swift 1752 Paley (Dr. Wm.), Memoirs of, by G. W. Meadley, toge- ther with Paley 's Defence of Bishop Law's Considera- tions on a Subscription to Articles of Faith 1809 Parr (Rev. Dr. S.), Memoirs of his Life, Writings, and Opinions, by the Rev. Wm. Field, 2 vols 1828 Memoirs of, by J. Johnstone, M. D. (Vide Parr's Works, Miscellaneous Class.) 1828 Penn (Wm.), Founder of Pennsylvania, Memoirs of his Public and Private Life, by Thomas Clarkson, 2 vols. . 1813 Pennant's (Thomas) Literary Life, 4to 1793 Pepys's (S.) Memoirs, Diary, and Correspondence, 5 vols. 1828 Penott (Sir John), Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, his Life, by Dr. R. Rawlinson 1727 BIOGRAPHY, &c. 91 Peter the Great, Czar of Russia, his Life 1832 j Petrarque (Francois), Memoires pour la Vie de, avec des Notes, et les Pieces justificatives, 3 vols. 4to Amst. 1746 Philip of Macedon, Life and Reign of, by Dr. Thomas Leland, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1775 Philip n. of Spain, History of his Reign, by Dr. Robert Watson, 3 vols. 6th edit 1803 HL Ditto, by Dr. Robert Watson, 3 vols. 6th edit. 1808 Pilkington's (Rev. M.) Dictionary of Painters, with addi- tions, an appendix, &c. by Henry Fuseli, 4to 1805 Pinkerton (John), Literary Correspondence of, 2 vols 1830 Pitt (William), Earl of Chatham, Life of, 1783 (Rt. Hon. Wm.), Political Life of, by J. Gifford, 6 vols. 1809 , Memoirs of, by Bishop Tomline, 3 vols 1821 Pius VI. (Pope), Memoirs of,his Life and Pontificate, 2 vols. 1799 Plutarch's Lives, translated from the Greek, by J. Lang- horne, D.D. and W. Langhorne, A.M. with Corrections, &c. by the Rev. Francis Wrangham, 6 vols. 3rd edit. . 1819 Vol, 1. Life of Plutarch, Tables of Time, Coins, Weights, Chrono- logy, &c. Lives of Theseus, Romulus, Lycurgus, Numa, Solon, Publicola, Themistocles, Camillus. Vol. 2. Pericles, Fabius Maximus, Alcibiades, Caius Marcius Co- riolanus, Timoleon, Paulus ^milius, Pelopidas, Marcellus, Aris- tides, Cato the Censor. Vol. 3. Philopoemen, Titus Quinctius Flaminius, Pyrrhus, Caius Marius, Lysander, Sylla, Cimon, LucuUus, Nicias, Marcus Crassus. Vol. 4. Sertorius, Eumenes, Agesilaus, Pompey, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar. Vol. 5. Phocion, Cato the Younger, Agis and Cleomines, Tiberius and Caius Gracchus, Demosthenes, Cicero, Demetrius, Anthony. Vol. 6. Dion, Brutus, Artaxerxes, Aratus, Galba, Otho. — Index. Plutarch's Lives, translated by Dryden, with Notes, by M. Dacier, 8 vols 1727 Vol. 1. Plutarch to Publicola.— Vol. 2. Themistocles to C. M. Coriolanus. — Vol. 3. Timoleon to T, Q. Flaminius. — Vol. 4. Phyrrus to Lucullus. — Vol. 5. Nicias to Pompey. — Vol. 6. Alexander the Great to Cato Major. — Vol. 7. Agis to M. T. Cicero.— Vol. 8. Dion to Otho. Pollnitz, (Baron de) Travels and Memoirs, by Himself, 4 vols 1737-8 92 BIOGRAPHY, &c. Polwhele's (Rev. Richard) Traditions and Recollections, Domestic, Clerical, and Literary, 2 vols 1826 Porteus, (Bishop) Life of, by the Rev. Robert Hodgson. . 1811 Prevost, (Lieut. Gen. Sir Geo.) Account of his Public Life, 1823 Priestley, (Dr. Joseph) Memoirs of, by Himself and his Son Joseph, with Observations on his Writings by Judge Cooper and the Rev. Wm. Christie, and four Posthu- mous Discourses, 2 vols 1 807 Professional Anecdotes ; or Ana of Medical Literature, 3 vols. 1825 Raffles, (Sir Thos. Stamford) Life of, by his Widow, 4to. . 1832 Raleigh, (Sir W.) Life of, by Arthur Cayley, Jun. 2 vols. . 1806 ^ -^ Life of, by P. F. Tytler 1833 Retz (Cardinal de). Memoir of, 4 vols 1774 Reynolds's (Sir Joshua) Works, with his Life, by Edmond Malone, 3 vols. 3rd edit 1801 ^'^ Memoirs of, by James Northcote, with a Memoir of William Gandy, Varieties on Art, and additional Anecdotes of Sir Joshua's Contemporaries, 4to 1813-15 Reynolds's (Fred.) Life and Times, by Himself, 2 vols. . . 1826 kichardson's (Samuel) Life and Correspondence, with Ob- sefvatiotis on his Writings, by Anna Barbauld, 6 vols. . 1804 Richmond (Rev. Legh), Memoir of, by the Rev. T, S. Grimshawe, 6th edit 1829 Rienzi, Conjuration de, par le Pere du Cerceau . . Paris, 174^ Riley's (S. W.) Itinerant ; or. Memoirs of an Actor, 3 vols. 182J Robertson (Dr. William), Life and Writings of, by Dugald Stewart, 4to. and 8vo 180] Romilly's (Sir Samuel) Speeches in the House of Com- mons, 2 vols. 182( Romney (George), Life of, by William Hayley, 4to 1809 Roscoe's (William) Leo the Tenth, 6 vols 1 806 Lorenzo de Medici, 2 vols. 4to. 3rd edit 1797 Illustrations of Ditto 182^ Roscoe (William), Life of, by Henry Roscoe, 2 vols 183^ Russell (Lady Rachel), Letters of, from the Originals at ' Wooburn Abbey,' with an Introduction, including the Trial of Lord Russell, and a Vindication of his Character against the aspersions of Sir John Dalrymple, 6th edit. 1801 Russell (Lord), Memoirs of, by Lord William Russell, 4to. 1819 I Biography, &c. 93 Ruddiman's (Thomas) Life, by George Chalmers, with Anecdotes of Buchanan 1794 Ryan's (Richard) Scenes, &c. in Theatrical History and Biography, 3 vols 1825 Salt (H.), his Life and Correspondence,by J. J.Halls,2 vols. 1834 Salvator Rosa, his Life and Times, by Lady Morgan, 2 vols. 1824 Savary(M.),Dukeof Rovigo, Memoirs of, by Himself, 4 vols. 1828 Scott (Rev. Thomas), Life of, by the Rev. J. Scott, 4th edit. 1822 Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France, from the Journals, &c. of the Princess de Lamballe, 2 vols 1826 Segur's (Le Comte de) Memoirs, by Himself, 2 vols 1825 Seward's Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons of the three last Centuries, 4 vols. 5th edit 1804 Sexagenarian (Rev. William Beloe), Memoirs of a, 2 vols. 1817 Sheridan (Rt. Hon. R. B.), Memoirs of, by T. Moore, 2 vols. 1825 , Memoirs of his Public and Private Life, by Dr. Watkins, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1817 Sheridan (Mrs. Frances)> Memoirs of, by Mrs. Lefanu. . . . 1824 Shipp (Lieut. J.), Memoirs of his Military Career, 3 vols. . 1832 Siddons (Mrs.), Memoirs of, by James Boaden, 2 vols. . . 1827 !_- Life of, by Thomas Campbell, 2 vols 1834 Sinclair (Sir John), his Correspondence, 2 vols 1831 Sixtus V. (Pope), Life of, by Gregorio Leti, translated from the Italian, by the Rev. Ellis Farneworth, foL. 1754 Smith (Miss Elizabeth), Life and Fragments of . , Dublin, 1808 Smyth's Berkeley MSS., with a History of the Castle and Parish of Berkeley, by the Rev. Thos. D. Fosbroke, 4to. 1821 Somerville's(Jas.,Lord) MemorieoftheSomervilles, 2 vols. 1815 Spence's (Rev. Joseph) Anecdotes of Men and Books, col- lected from Pope's Conversations, &c. with his Life and Notes, by S. Weller Singer , 1820 Stanley's (Thomas) History of Philosophy, and Lives of the Philosophers of every Sect, 3rd edit, fol 1701 Stebbing's (Rev. Henry) Lives of the Italian Poets, 3 vols. 1831 St. John's (J. A.) Lives of Celebrated Travellers, 2 vols. 1831-32 Vol. 1, William de Rubruquis, Marco Polo, Ibn. Batuta, Leo Africanus, Pietro Delia Valle, J. B. Tavernier, F. Bernier, Sir J. Chardin, Engt. Koempfer, Hen. Maundrell.— Vol. 2. J. P. de Tournefort, Dr. Thomas Shaw, F. Hasselquist, Lady Wortley Montague, Richard Pococke, John Bell, John Ledyard, George Forster, James Bruce. 94 BIOGRAPHY, &c. Stevens (William, Treasurer of Queen Anne's Bounty), Memoirs of, 2nd edit 1814 Stewarts, the, Geneological History of, 4to 1798 Stockdale's (Rev. Percival) Memoirs of Himself, with a Dis- course on Old Age, and an Examination of the Question on Public and Private Education, 2 vols 1809-23 Stothard (C. Alfred), Memoirs of, by Mrs. C. Stothard . . 1822 Sully's (Duke of) Memoirs, from 1570 to 1610, 5 vols. . . 1770 • Ditto, by A. Jamieson, 2 vols. 1822 '■ Ditto, in French, 8 vols 1747 Swift's (Dean) Essay on the earlier part of his Life, by the Rev. Dr. J. Barratt 1808 Taylor's (John) Records of his own Life, 2 vols 1832 Teonge's (Rev. Henry) Diary from 1675 to 1679 1825 Titian, Life of, by James Northcote, R. A., with Anecdotes of the distinguished Persons of his Times, 2 vols 1830 Tooke (John Home), Memoirs of, by A. Stephens, 2 vols. 1813 Trial of, in November, 1794, 2 vols 1795 Tott's (Baron de) Memoirs of the Turks and Tartars, 2 vols. 1785 Trenck (Fred. Baron), Memoirs of, by Himself .... 1788 Turenne (Marshall de), Memoirs of, 2 vols 1735 Turner (Mrs. Joanna), Memoir of, by Dr. Bogue, (bound up with Miss R. Baker's Sermons during Sleep) 1820 Voltaire, Vie de, par le Marquis de Condorcet, vide Vol- taire's Works, vol. 71 Basle, 1790 Voltaire's Life, with Notes, by G. P. Monke 1787 Walpole's (Horatio, Earl of Orford) Works, including an Account of Royal and Noble Authors, (Vol. i.) Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of Richard III., (Vol. ii.) Anecdotes of Painting, &c., (Vol. iii.) Catalogue of En- gravers, and Reminiscences, (Vol. iv.) Letters, (Vols. v. and vi.) 6 vols. 4to 1798-1818 , Letters of, to Sir Horace Mann, 3 vols 1833 Memoirs of George II., 2 vols. 4to 1824 Walpole (Sir Robert), Memoirs of, by the Rev. Wm. Coxe, 3 vols. 4to 1798 Walton's (Isaac) Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir H. Wotton, Mr. R. Hooker, Mr. G. Herbert, and Dr. R.Sanderson; Notes, and a Life of Walton, by Dr.T. Zouch, 2nd edit. 1807 BIOGRAPHY, &c. 9^ Ward's (Professor) Lives of Sir Thomas Gresham, and of the Professors of Gresham College, fol 1740 Warner's (Rev. R.) Literary Recollections, 2 vols 1830 Washington (Gen. George), First President of America, Life of, by Chief Justice Marshall, 5 vols 1804 's Official Letters, from 1775 to 1778, 2 vols. 1795 Watson's (Bishop) Anecdotes of his own Life, 4to 1817 Wesley's (John) Life, including an Account of George Whitfield, and of the Rise and Progress of Methodism, by Robert Southey, 2 vols 1820 West (Benj.), Life, Studies, and Works of, by J. Gait, 1816-20 Westminster-Hall, or Professional Relics, and Anecdotes of the Bar, Bench, and Woolsack, 3 vols 1825 Whitaker's (Rev. John) Life of St. Neot 1809 White's (Henry Kirke) Remains, with his Life, by Robert Southey, 3 vols 1808-22 Wiclif (John), Life of, by the Rev. C. 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Wren (Sir Christopher), Memoirs of his Life and Works, with a brief View of the Progress of Architecture in England, by James Elmes, 4to 1823 Wykeham (Bishop), Life of, by the Rev. Dr. R. Lowth . . 1759 Yorke's (Phillip) Royal Tribes of Wales, 4to.. . Wrexham, 1799 Zoologists, Lives of Eminent, viz. Aristotle, Pliny the Elder, Gesner, Belon, Salviani, Rondelet, Aldrovandi, Jon- ston, Goedart, Redi, Swammerdam, Ray, Rheumer, and Linnseus ; by William Macgillivray Udin. 1834 Zwingle (Ulrich), the Swiss Reformer, Life of, by J. G. -^ Hess, translated by Lucy Aikin 1812 SCXENCB AND AZIT. Including the Fine Arts, Law, Natural History, Physics, Sfc. Abercrombie (Dr. John) on the Intellectual Powers, and the Investigation of Truth, 2nd edit Edin. 1831 Abernethy's (John) Surgical and Physiological Essays . , 1793 . 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P.), on the Art of Instructing the Deaf and Dumb 1819 Arts et Metiers, Dictionnaire Portatif des, 2 torn. ....... 1767 Auctores De Febribus, Gr., Arab., et Lat. fol Venetiiy 1576 Ayeen Akbery, or Institutes of the Emperor Akber, trans- lated from the Persian, by Francis Gladwin, 2 vols. ... 1810 Babbage's (Chas.) Reflections on the Decline of Science in England 1830 Economy of Machinery and Manufactures .... 1832 Baglivi, (Georgii) Opera omnia Medico- Practica et Anato- mica, 4to Ludg. Bat. 1745 *Bailey's (Nathan) Etymological English Dictionary, by Dr. J. N. Scott, fol 1755 Baillie's (Dr. M.)Morbid Anatomy of the Human Body, 4to. 1799 Bakewell's (Robt.) Introduction to Geology, 2nd edit 1815 Bailly's(M.) Hist, de L' Astronomic Ancienne, 4to. Paris^ 1775 Hist de L' Astronomic Moderne, 2 vols. 4to. DittOy 1779 Bancroft's (Dr. Edw.) Experimental Researches into the Philosophy of Permanent Colours, 2 vols 1813 Barclay's (Dr. J.) 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This work, from the 6th vol. has been continued under the Title of '' The Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts." Brayley's (E. W. Jun.) Utility of the Knowledge of Nature considered, &c. (Presented by the Author.) 1831 . Edition of Parke's Chemical Dictionary 1834 Brayley's (Edw. Wedlake) Theatres of London, 4to 1826 SCIENCE AND ART. 101 Brerewood's (Edw.) Enquiries touching the Diversity of Languages and Religions 1674 Brewster's (Dr. David) Treatise of the Kaleidoscope .... 1819 * Edinburgh Encyclopsedia, 4to. 18 vols. Edin. 1830 Letters on Natural Magic 1832 *Brisson's (Mons. A. D.) Ornithologie, 6 torn, 4to. Paris, 1710 British Almanac and Companion, 8 vols 1828-35 British Association for the Advancement of Science, First Report of its Proceedings, Meeting at York, (Presented by the Committee) 1 832 , Reports of the First and Second Meetings, at York in 1831, and at Oxford in 1832 1833 •British Encyclopedia, by Wm. Nicholson, 6 vols 1809 British Galleries of Art 1824 *Britton's (John) Architectural and Chronological Anti- quities of Great Britain, &c. 5 vols. 4to 1807-26 Corsham House , 1 806 Stafford Gallery 1806 Edition of the Picture of London, 27th edit. . . 1833 Magazine of the Fine Arts 1821 Britton and Pugin's (Augustus) Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, 2 vols 1824-26 Brochant, (Mons. A. J. M.)Traite de Mineralogie, 2 torn. Anix. Brown's (Dr. John) Medical Works, with his Life by Dr. Wm. C. Brown, 3 vols 1804 Brown's (Capt.Thos.)Conchologist's Test Book, Glasgow, 1833 Buckland's (Professor) Reliquiae Diluvianse, or Observa- tions on Organic Remains, and other Geological Pheno- mena, 4to 1823 *Buffon (Le Comte de) and Daubenton's (Mons.) Histoire Naturelle, Generate et Particuliere, et Supplement, 21 torn, in 10, 4to Amsterdam, 1766-78 Bulwer's (John) Chirologia, or the Natural Language of the Hand; and Chiromania, or Art of Manual Rhetoricke, 1644 Burnett's (Gilb. T.) Outlines of Botany, or Practical Guide to the Study of Plants, 1 vol. in 2 1835 Burney's (Dr. C.) General Hist, of Music, 4 vols. 4to.2d edit. 1 789 Vol. 1. Dissertation on the Music of the Ancients; of Egyptian, Hebrew, and Greek Music ; of Musical Contests at the Public 102 SCIENCE AND ART. Games, and of Musical Sects ; of Roman Music. — Vol. 2. Of Church Music, and the invention of Counter-point j Of the Time- Table ; and Application of Music to Modern Languages ; Provenjal Languages and Songs ; French, Italian, Cambro-British, English ; Early Contrapuntists on the Continent; Ditto in England ; Progress of Music in England. — Vol. 3. Progress of Music in England continued; State of Music in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, the IVetherlands, and England, during the 16th and 17th centuries ; Church Music in England to the present Time. — Vol. 4. Invention of Recitation, and Establishment of the Opera, Oratorio, Comic Opera, and Musical Interludes, in Italy ; Of Cantatas ; Dramatic Music and Italian Opera in England ; Handel's Operas ; Progress of the Musical Drama and of Music at Venice, Naples, Rome, and in Germany, France, and England, during the 18th century. Burn's (Rev. Dr. R.) Ecclesiastical Law, 4 vols. 7th edit. 1809 Burn's Justice, &c. and Parish Officer, 5 vols. 21st edit. . 1810 Burserius's (J. B.) Practice of Medicine, 5 vols. . ,Edin. 1802 Burton's (James) Excerpta Hieroglyphica, Parts 1 to 4. (Presented hy the Author) Qahirah, 1828 *Calepini Dictionarium Undecim Linguarum, fol., . Basil, 1598 Camper's (Professor) Connection of the Science of Anatomy with the Arts of Drawing, Painting, and Statuary, 4to. 1828 Carey's (G. G.) Astronomy, as it is known at the present day 1825 Carmichael's (Richard) Essay on the effects of Carbonate of Iron, &c. upon Cancer, 2nd edit. (Bound up with Mathias on the Mercurial Disease) Dublin, *Castelli (Bart.) Lexicon Medicum, Graeco-Latinum, 4to. *Catesby's( Mark) Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, revised by Edwards, 2 vols. fol.. . 1771 Cellini, (Benvenuto) Du' Trattati di, dell' Oreiiceria, e della Sculptura, 4to 1 731 Celsus(A. Cornelius) deMedicina, edit. L.Targa,4to.XM^(i. 1785 , Ditto, translated by Dr. James Grieve 1756 Ceperi (Gisb.)Harpocrates, Mon. Antiq. Inedita, 4to. Traj. 1687 Cesar's (Les), De L'Empereur Julien, with Notes, &c. by Spanheim, 4to Paris, 1696 *Chambaud's (Louis) Fr. and English Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. 1805 Chaptal's (Mons. J. A.) Chemistry, applied to the Arts and Manufactures, 4 vols 1807 Elements of Chemistry, 3 vols. 2nd edit. ...... 1705 ^^'-^k I SCIENCE AND ART. 103 Charnock's (John) Marine Architecture, 3 vols. 4to 1800 ^■Clark's (J. Paterson) New System of Treating the Human Teeth, &c. (Presented by J. Powell, Esq.) 1829 .Clarke's (Edw. G.) Modern Practice of Physic, 2nd edit. 1807 Claridge's (John) Shepherd of Banbury's Rules to Judge of the Changes of Weather 1 826 Clerk's (John) Essay on Naval Tactics, 4to. 2nd edit. Edin. 1804 Code Napoleon, with an Introductory Discourse on Ancient Laws and Lawgivers, by Bryant Barrett, 2 vols, in one, 1811 Code de Commerce Paris, 1 807 • de la Conscription, par L. Rondonneau ib. 1810 Civil des Fran^ais ib. 1813 Codes de I'Empire Fran^ais, 1 torn, en 3 torn ib. 1813 Colquhoun, (Dr. P.) on the Police of the Metropolis, 7th edit 1806 Combe's (Andrew, M. D.) Principles of Physiology, ap- plied to the Preservation of Health, and Improvement of Education, 2nd edit 1 834 Conversations on Chemistry, (Mrs. Marcet's) 2 vols. 4th edit. 1815 on Political Economy (Ditto) 1816 Cooke's (Dr. J.) Treatise on Nervous Diseases, 2 vols, . . 1820^ Cotesii (Rogeri) Harmonia Mensurarum, et alia Opuscula Mathematica, 4to Cantab. 1722 Cottu (Mons.), De 1' Administration de la Justice Criminelle en Angleterre, et de I'Esprit du Gouvernement . , Paris, 1820 Cousins (Victor), His Report on Public Instruction in Prussia, Normal Schools, &c 1834 ' Cowell's (Dr. John) Law Interpreter Cambridge, 1607 Cragii (D. Thomse) Jus Feudale, ed. ter Edin. 1732 Crell's (Dr. C. W. S.) Chemical Journal, 3 vols 1791 Cronstedt's (A. F.) Mineralogy, improved by Engerstrom and De Magelan, 2 vols. 2nd edition 1788 Cruikshank's (Wm.) Anatomy of the Absorbing vessels, 4to. 1793 Crusius (D. Christian August) Anletunguber Naturlichen Bejebenheiten, 2 vols Leipzig, 1774 Cullen's (Dr. Wm.) Practice of Physic, 2 vols Edin. 1800 Synopsis Nosologise Methodicse, sixta edit. Edin. 1803 Culverwell's (R. J., M. D.) Treatise on Consumption, &c. (Presented by the Author) 1834 104 SCIENCE AND ART. 1 Curi (C. S.) Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, fol. 3 vols. Basil, 1576 Currie (Dr. James), on the Effects of Water in Fever and Febrile Diseases, 2 vols 1 806 Cuvier's (Mons. G.) Comparative Anatomy, 2 vols 1802 Cuvier's Essay on the Theory of the Earth, with Mineralo- gical Notes, and Cuvier's Geological Discoveries, by Professor Jameson, 3rd edit Edin. *Da Costa's (Emanuel Mendes) British Conchology, 4to. . . Dallas's (James) Tables of the Comparative Value of Spirits, &c. (Presented by Messrs. Dring and Page) . . *Dallaway's (Rev. James) Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of English Heraldry, 4to Gloucester, 1793 Anecdotes of the Arts in England 180' Account of Pictures exhibited at the British Institution from 1813 to 1823 1824 Dalrymple's (John) Essay on Feudal Property, 3rd edit. . . 175i Dalton's (Dr. John) Meteorological Observations and Essays, 2nd edit Manchester, 183- Darwin's (Dr.) Phytologia, or the Philosophy of Agricul- ture and Gardening, 4to 180i Zoonomia, or the Laws of Organic Life, 4 vols. 3rd edit 180 Plan of Female Education, 4to 179! 1 Davy's (Sir Humphrey) Elements of Chemical Philosophy 181^ ■ Researches on Nitrous Oxide 1800 ■ Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, 4to 18 U Daubeny's (Dr. C.) Description of Active and Extinct Vol- canoes, with Remarks on their Origin, Phenomena, &c. 182( *Debrett's Complete Peerage, 20th edit, by W. Courthorpe 183 De la Beche's (H. T.) Geological Memoirs from the " Annales des Mines" 182 Delaval's (Edw. H.) Enquiry on the Permanent Colours of Opake Bodies Warrington, 178^ De L'Epee's (L'Abbe) Method of Educating the Deaf and Dumb 180a Delpino's (Jos. Giral) Spanish Grammar 180 De Moivre's (A.) Doctrine of Chances, or Calculations on the Probabilities of Events in Play, and application of the same to Annuities on Lives, 4to 175( SCIENCE AND ART. 105 De Pauw's (Mons.) Philosophical Dissertations on the Egyptians and Chinese, 2 vols 1795 De Sacy's (Mons. A. T. S.) Grammaire Arabe, 2 vols. . . 1810 Desaguliers' (J. T.) Experimental Philosophy, 2 vols. 3rd edit 1763 Dibdin's (Charles) Musical Tour Sheffield, 1788 *Dictionnaire de L'Academie Fran^oise, 2 torn, 4to. Ann. vii. *Diccionario Nuevo de las Lenguas Espanola y Francesa, par Francisco Sobrino, 2 torn. 4to. 4th edit. . .Brussels, 1744 Duffin (E. W.), on the Deformity of the Spine in Females, (Presented by Robert Hall, Esq.) 1 829 Durand's (Dr. David) Historie de la Peinture Ancienne, from Pliny, with the Latin Text, fol 1725 Edinburgh Practice of Physic, &c. 5 vols, viz : Physic, vols. 1 and 2 ; Surgery, vols. 3 and 4 ; and Midwifery, vol. 5 1803 Encyclopaedia, by Dr. David Brewster and others, 18 vols 1809-1830 Philosophical Journal, (Quarterly) by Dr. Brew- ster, and Professor Jameson, 14 vols 1819-26 Egyptian Antiquities, 2 vols 1832-33 Elgin Marbles, Report on, by the Committee of the House of Commons 1816 , Account of, and of Athens, by the Rev. E. T. Burrow, 1 vol. (all published) 1817 , vide Sharpe and Visconti. *Elmes (J.) and Ollier's (J.) Dictionary of the Fine Arts, 1826 Lectures on Architecture, or History of the Art . . 1821 Emerson's (William) Principles of Mechanics, 4to. 5th edit. 1800 *Encyclop9edia Britannica, and Supplement to 3rd edit. 20 vols. 4to Edin. 1797-1803 Ditto. Supplement to the 4th, 5th, & 6th edit. 6 vols. 4to 1824 *Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences, des Arts, et des Metiers, par M. Diderot et M. D'Alembert, 21 tom. fol. (Presented by Henry Hallam, Esq.) Paris, 1751-65 *Encyclop8edia Metropolitana, or Universal Dictionary of Knowledge, (in progress) 40 parts, 181 8-1834 p 106 SCIENCE AND ART. Epps's (Dr. J.) Horee Phrenologicse, (Presented by the Author) 1829 Horae Phrenologicse, 2nd. edit 1834 Phrenology (ditto) 1 827 Evelyn's (John) Translation of Mons. Freart's Parallel of Ancient and Modern Architecture, &c. fol 1733 Numismata ; a Discourse of Medals, fol 1697 Silva; or a Discourse of Forest Trees, and growth of Timber, 2 vols. 4to 178( Eustachii (Bart.) Tab. Anatomicarum, B. S. Albini, Expli- catio, fol LeidcBj 176] Fairholme's (George) Geology of Scripture 1833 Faraday's (Michael) Chemical Manipulation 1821 Felibien (Mons.) Des Principes de I'Architecture, de la Sculpture, &c. 4to. 3rd edit Paris, 1697 Ferber's (Jno. James) Mineralogical Travels through Italy, 1776 Ferguson's (James) Astronomy 1809 Flora Londinensis, by Wm. Curtis, 6 vols, fol 1777-98 Scotica, by the Rev. John Lightfoot, 2 vols 1792 Britannica, by Dr. J. E. Smith, 3 vols 1800-4 Fontana, (Felix Abbe) on Poisons, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1795 Fontenelle's (Mons. de) Plurality of Worlds 1737 Fordyce's (Dr. G.) Treatise on Digestion, 2nd edit 1791 Forgery of Bank Notes, Report on, by the Committee of the Society of Arts 1819 Forster's (Thomas E.) Researches about Atmospheric Phenomena ISL Fothergill's (Dr. John) Medical Works, with his Life by Dr. Lettsom, 4to * 1784 Franklin's (Dr. Benj.) Works Philosophical, Political, and Moral, with Memoirs of his early Life, by himself, 2nd edit. 3 vols 1806 Frend's (Wm.) Evenings Amusements, or Beauty of the Heavens Displayed, 8 vols, for 1806, 1811, 1814, 1815, 1818, 1819, 1820, and 1822 Fresnoy's (C. A. Du) Art of Painting, by Dryden; with R. Graham's Short Account of Eminent Painters. ... 1716 Fuseli's (Henry) Lectures on Painting, 4t,o 1820 SCIENCE AND ART. 107 Gall and Spurzheim's (Drs.) Physiognomical System 1815 Garnett's (Dr. Thos.) Annals of Philosophy, 3 vols. . . 1801-4 Gassendi (P.), Institutio Astronomica et Kepleri Dioptrics, 1653 Genera Plantarum ; et Termini Botanici Edin. 1778-80 Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical 1830 *Gesneri (J. M.) Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, 4 vols. fol.. . 1749 Gilpin's (Rev. Wm.) Forest Scenery, 2 vols. 3rd edit 1808 River Wye, 5th edit 1800 Girard (L'Abbe) et M. Beauzee, Synonymes Francois, recueillis par, 2 tom 1 770 *Glanvilla (Ranulph de) Tractatus de Legibus, &c. Anglise, 1673 Goethe, (J. W. de) on Leonardo da Vinci's Picture of the Last Supper, with an Introduction, &c. by Dr. Noehden, 1821 Good's (Dr. J. Mason) Study of Medicine, 4 vols 1822 Greeks and Romans, their Arts, Manufactures, Manners, &c. 2 vols 1834-5 Greenough's (G. B.) First Principles of Geology, (Bound up with Brande's Outlines of Geology) 1819 *Gregory's (Dr. G.) Diet, of Arts and Sciences, 2 vols. 4to. 1806 (Dr. O.) Treatise on Mechanics, 3 vols. 2nd edit. 1807 Grotii (Hugo), De Jure Belli ac Pacis, 2 tom Amst. 1720 Guillimeau's (Mons.) Histoire Naturelle de la Rose .... 1800 Guillie's (Docteur) Essai sur I'lnstruction des Aveugles, 2nd edit Paris, 1819 Hair, the Art of Preserving it 1825 Hales's (Rev. Step.) Vegetable Staticks 1727 Haller (Alberti von) Elementa Physiologiae Corporis Hu- mani, 8 tom. 4to Laus, 1757 Hancock's (Dr. Thos.) Essay on Instinct 1824 Harte's (Rev. Walter) Essays on Husbandry 1770 Harveii (Guil.) Opera Omnia, 4to 1766 Hassenfratz's (Mons.) Traite de 1' Art de Calciner la Pierre Calcaire, &c. 4to Paris, 1825 Hauy's (Rene- Just Abbe) Treatise on Natural Philosophy, with Notes by Dr. Olinthus Gregory, 2 vols 1807 Hayley's (Wm.) Essay on Sculpture, with Notes, 4to. . . . 1800 Hayward's (Joseph) Science of Horticulture, comprising a Practical System for the Management and Training of Fruit Trees, 2nd edition. 18^4 I 108 SCIENCE AND ART. Hazlett's (Wm.) Sketches of the Principal Picture Gal- leries of England 18$ Heberden (Dr. Wm.) Commentarii de Morborum, &c 1807 *Hederici (B.) Lexicon, Gr. etLat. Ernesti and Morell, 4to. 1810 Hennin*s(Mons.) Manuel deNumismatique Ancienne,2tom. 1830 Henry's (Dr. W.) Experimental Chemistry, 2 vols. 7th edit. 1815 Herschel's (Sir John) Discourse on Natural Philosophy. . 1830 *Hesychii Lexicon Gr. cum Notis variorum, Jn. Alberti, 2 vols, fol Ludg. Bat. 1759 Hewson, (Wm.) on the Properties of the Blood, 3rd edit.. 1780 -, on the Lymphatic System 1774 Higgins* (William) Experiments, &c. on the Atomic Theory and Electrical Phenomena 1814 Hiirs (Dr. John) Urania 1754 Hippocratis Opera, (Gr. et. Lat.) Foesii, fol Franc. 1624 Hoare's (Prince) Enquiry into the Arts of Design ...... 1806 Epochs of the Arts, including Hints on Painting and Sculpture 1813 Hogarth (Wm.), illustrated from his own Manuscripts, by John Ireland, 3 vols. 3rd edit 1812 Home (Sir E.), on the Treatment of Strictures, 2 vols. 3rd ed. 1 805 On the Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, 2 vols 1811 Hooper's (Dr. W.) Rational Recreations, 4 vols. 4th edit. 1794 Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philoso- phy, with additions, &c. by Dr. Chas. Hutton, 4 vols. . 1803 Horse, The ; with a Treatise on Draught 1831 Horseley (Bishop), on the Principles of Mathematics, Oxon. 1801 Huberi (Ulrici) Prselectiones Juris Civilis, Secundum In- stitutiones et Digesta Justiniani, ed. ter. 3 torn. 4to. . . 1711 Humbolt's (Mons. Alex, de) Geognostical Essay on the Superposition of Rocks 1817 Humphreys (James), on the Laws of Real Property, with the Outlines of a Code 1726 Hunter's (Dr. A.) Georgical Essays, 4 vols York, 1803 Hunter (J.), on certain parts of the Animal (Economy, 4to. 1792 , on the Blood, Gun-shot Wounds, &c. 4to 1790 Hunter's Natural History of the Human Teeth, 4to 1803 •Hutton's (Dr. Chas.) Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. 1796 SCIENCE AND ART. 109. Huxhamii (Joannes) Opera, 4to 1778 Innes (John), his Anatomical Tables of the Human Body, 2nd edit. 4to 1779 Insect Architecture 1829 Insect Transformations 1 830 *Ionian Antiquities (Chandler and Revett's), published by the Society of Dilettanti, fol 1759-97 Iron and Steel, Treatise on the Manufacture of, (Lardner) 1831 *Jacob's (Giles) Law Dictionary, Tomlins* edit. 2 vols. 4to. 1797 James's (Rev. J. T.) Flemish, Dutch, and German Schools of Painting 1822 Jameson's (Professor) Mineralog-y of the Shetland Isles and Isles of Arran, (Bound up with Dr. Maculloch's Western Islands of Scotland) 1798 Jesse's (Edward) Gleanings in Natural History, with Local Recollections, and Hints for Anglers 1832 Ditto, 2nd Series, with Extracts from the MSS. of the late Mr. White, of Selborne 1834 Johnson (Dr. James), on the Morbid Sensibility of the Stomach and Bowels, 4th edit 1827 , Change of Air, and Pursuit of Health, 3rd edit. 1833 ■ ^'s Recess, or Autumnal Relaxation in the High- lands and Lowlands 1 834 •Johnson's (Dr. Samuel) Dictionary, History, and Gram- mar, of the English Language, 2 vols. 4to ] 806 * 's D itto, enlarged by the Rev. H . T. Todd, 4 vols. 4to. 1818 Johnson's (W. B.) History of Animal Chemistry, 3 vols... 1803 *Jones' (Rev. Dr. J.) Greek and English Lexicon. (Pre- sented by the Author) 1 823 Joplin's (Thomas) Analysis and History of the Currency Question, (Presented by the Author) 1832 *Junii (Franc.) Etymologicum Anglicanum, et Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, Edw. Lye Oxon. 1743 Karnes's (Lord) Historical Law Tracts, 3rd edit Edin. 1736 Principles of Equity, 3rd edit ib. 1778 Keill's (Dr. John) Introduction to Astronomy 1721 *Kenrick's (Dr. Wm.) English Dictionary, 4to 1773 Kirby (Wm.) and Spence's(Wm.) Entomology, 4 vols. 1815-24 Kircheri (A.) Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrse, fol RomcBj 1646 Kirwan's (Richard) Geological Essays 1799 110 SCIENCE AND ART. La Baume (Mons.), on Indigestion and Galvanism 1827 Lambinet's (Citoyen P.) Recherches sur L'Origine de L'Imprimerie Bruxelles, Ann. vn, Ditto, 2 torn H Paris, 1810 Lamarck (M. le Chev. de), Histoire Naturelle des Ani- maux sans Vertebres, 7 torn, en 4 Paris, 1815-22 , Memoires de Physique et d'Hist. Naturelle . .ib. 1797 , Refutation de la Theorie Pneumatique ib. 1796 Lancet (The), 17 vols 1825-35 Landseer's (John) Lectures on the Art of Engraving 1807 Langues, Traite de la Formation Mechanique des, 2 torn. 1765 Lanzi's (Abate Luigi) History of Painting in Italy from the revival of the Fine Arts to the end of the 18th century.. 1828 Laplace (Mons. P. S.), Traite de Mecanique Celeste, 4 tom. 1 805 , Exposition du Systeme du Monde, 4to Ann. vii. Larkin's (N. J.) Solid Geometry and Chrystallography . . 1820 Laskey's (Capt. J.C.)Description of theMedals of Bonaparte, 1818 *Lathom's (John) Synopsis of Birds, 10 vols. 4to 1781 Lavoisier's (Mons.) Elements of Chemistry, 2 vols. Edin. 1 802 Lawrence's (Wm.) Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man 1819 Le Clerc's (Dr. D.) Histoire de la Medecine, 4to.. ,Amst. 1723 Lee's (James) Introduction to Botany Edin. 1806 Lenoir's (Mons. A.) Musee des Monuments Fran^ais, 3 tom. 1810 Le Roux, (Mons. P. J.) Dictionnaire Comique, &c. par, 1752 Leslie's (John) Philosophy of Arithmetic, (Bound up with Barlow on the Theory of Numbers) Edin. 1817 Levison's (J. L.) Mental Culture, or Means of Developing the Human Faculties 1833 Lewis's (Wm.) Commerce of Arts, 4to 1763 Library of Useful Knowledge, 3 vols 1827-34 Vol. 1. Preliminary Discourse on the Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science. — Mechanics. — Hydrostatics. — Hydraulics. — Pneumatics. — Heat. — Optics. — Double Refraction and Pola- risation of Light. Vol. 2. Popular Introductions to Natural Philosophy. — Newton's Optics. — Description of Optical Instruments. — Thermometer and Pyrometer. — Electricity. — Galvanism. — Magnetism. — Electro- Magnetism. Vol. 3. Astronomy. — History of Astronomy, — Mathematical Geo- graphy. — Physical Geography. — Navigation. SCIENCE AND ART. HI Lind ley's (John) Introduction to the Natural System of Botany 1830 Introduction to Botany 1832 Linnaei (Caroli von) Amcenitates Academicse, 10 torn. . . . 1787 Genera Plantarum HolmicB, 1764 Linnseus's Families of Plants, translated from Dr. Reich- ard's edit, by the Botanical Society of Lichfield, 2 vols. 1787 . System of Nature, with an Account of his Life and Writings by Dr. Wm. Turton, 7 vols 1806 __. Tour in Lapland, pub. by Dr. J. E. Smith, 2 vols. 1811 ■ , General View of his Writings, by Dr. W. G. Maton ; and the Diary of Linnaeus by Himself, 4to. . . 1805 *London Medical Dictionary, by Dr. B. Parr, 2 vols. 4to. 1809 London Medical Gazette, 4 vols 1832-34 Long's (Dr. Roger) Astronomy, 2 vols. 4to Camb. 1742-64 Loudon's (J. C.) Encyclopaedia of Gardening, 1 vol. in 2, 1835 *Ludwig's (C.) Teutschenglisches Lexikon, and English German, and Fr. Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. 4th edit.. . 1789-91 *Lye's (Ewd.) Dictionarium Saxonico et Goth ico- Latin um, ed. Owen Manning, 2 tom. fol 1772 Lyell's (Charles) Principles of Geology, being an attempt to explain the former Changes of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes now in operation, 3 vols 1830-33 Macculloch's (Dr. John) Geology of the Western Isles of Scotland and Isle of Man, 2 vols., and Prints, 1 vol. 4to 1819 Annual Journeys in the Highlands, and West- ern Isles of Scotland, 4 vols 1824 Lectures on Political Economy 1 824 *M'Culloch's (J. R.) Dictionary of Commerce and Com- mercial Navigation, 2nd edit 1 834 Maclaurin's (Colin) Algebra, &c. 4th edit 1779 Treatise on Fluxions, 2 vols. 4to Edin. 1742 Macnab's (Dr. H. G.) Treatise on the Utility of Analysis and Analogy in Education 1818 Macnish's (Dr. Robt.) Anatomy of Drunkenness, 4th edit. 1834 Majendie's (Dr.F.) Elementary Compendium of Physiology, 1 827 Maggio (Totto) Relazione dell' Experienze, &c. Trans- fusione del Sangue, 4to Bologna^ 1668 112 SCIENCE AND ART. \ Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Memoirs of, 7 vols. 1st and 2nd. series 1789-1813 Marshall's ( Wm .) Rural Economy of Gloucestershire, 2 vols. 1 796 Ditto, Midland Counties, 2 vols 1796 Ditto, Southern Counties, &c. 2 vols 1798 Ditto, Norfolk, 2 vols 1795 Ditto, West of England, 2 vols 1805 Ditto, Yorkshire, 2 vols 1796 Marshall, on Planting and Rural Ornament, 2 vols. 3rd edit. 1 803 's Minutes of Agriculture, and Sketch of the Vale of London, 2 vols 1799 Review and Abstract of the Agricultural Reports from the Midland Department York, 1815 Ditto, Northern Department ib. 1 808 Ditto, Western Department ib. 1810 Massey's (W.) Origin and Progress of Letters 1763 Mathias, (And.) on the Mercurial Disease, 3rd. edit. (Bound up with Carmichael upon Cancer.) 1816 Maittaire (Mich.) Annales Typographici ab Artis Inventse orig. ad Ann. 1664, 3 vols. 4to Ajustel. 1733 Mawe's (John) Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones, 1828 Mead's (Dr. Rich.) Medical Works, 4to 1762 Medals, Knowledge of, and Instructions for Study. ..... 1697 Meerman's, (G.) Origines Typographicse, 4to 1765 Menageries, (The) 2 vols * 1829 Miller's (John) Inquiry into the Statute and Criminal Law, 1822 Miller's Inquiry into the Civil Law 1 825 ♦Miller's (Philip) Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary, Professor Martyn's edit. 4 vols, fol 1807 *MiIlin's (Mons. A.L.) Galerie Mythologique, 2 vols. Paris, 1810 Millington's (John) Natural and Experimental Philosophy, part 1. (Presented by the Author) 1823 Mirabeau, (Comte de) on Lettres de Cachet, 2 vols. . . , . . 1787 Moller's (Dr. George) Essay on Gothic Architecture 1 824 Montagu's (Basil) Opinions of Different Authors upon the Punishment of Death, 3 vols. (A Present to the Institution) 1813 Ditto, 2 vols 1809-12 Montesquieu's (Baron de) Spirit of Laws, 2 vols. 5th edit. 1773 SCIENCE AND ART. 113 Morery's (M. Louis) Grand Dictionnaire Historique, ou Le Melange Curieux de L'Histoire Sacree et Profane, et Supplement, 6 vols, in 4, fol d. Amsterdam, 1702-16 Morgagni (John Bapt.), on the Seats and Causes of Diseases, 3 vols. 4to 1 769 Morgan (Sir T. C.) on the Philosophy of Life 1819 (Wm.) on Assurances, Annuities, and Reversions, 1821 Moule's (Thos.) Bibliotheca Heraldica ; Mag. Brit 1822 Mudie's (R.) Feathered Tribes of the British Islands, 2 vols. 1 834 Murdoch's (John) Dictionary of Distinctions 1811 Murray's (John) System of Materia Medica, and Pharmacy, 2 vols .Edin. 1810 Elements of Chemical Science, part 1 1818 (Lindley) English Grammar, 2 vols. 2nd edit.. . 1809 Musseum Kircherianum, fol Romce, 1709 Musicians, Dictionary of, 2nd edit. 2 vols 1827 *Nares's(Mr. Archdeacon) Glossary, Illustrative of Shakes- peare and his Contemporaries, 4to 1 822 *Naturalist's Miscellany, by Shaw and Nodder, 24 vols. in 12 1800 Neumann's (Dr. Caspar) Chemical Works, methodized, enlarged, &c. by Wm. Lewis, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1773 Newtoni (Isaaci) Opera, Com. Illustrabat Dr. S. Horsley, 5 tom. 4to 1779-1785 Tom. 1. Arithmetica Universalis ; De Methodo Rationum Prima- rum et Ultimarum ; De Analysi per ^quationes Infinitas ; Ex- cerpta, &c. ad Series Fluxionesque pertinentia ; De Quadratura Curvarum ; Geometria Analytica ; Methodus DifFerentialis ; Enumeratio Linearum tertii Ordinis. Editoris : Logistica Infini- torum ; Geometria Fluxionum. — Tom. 2. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Lib. 1. et 2. — Tom. 3. Principiorum, Lib. 3. ; De Mundi Systemate : Theoria Lunae ; Lectiones Opticae. Editoris : De Viribus Centralibus, &c. — Tom. 4. Optics ; Letters on Reflecting Telescopes, Theory of Light and Colours, and Excitation of Electricity in Glass ; Tabula Calo- rum ; Problemata Bernouilliana ; Of Motion about a Double Centre ; Letters to Bentley in Proof of a Deity ; Recensio Coramercii Epistolici ; Commercium Epistolicum. — Tom. 5. Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended ; Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and St. John ; Historical Account of two Corruptions of Scripture relating to the " Three in One." Nicolas's (N. H.) Synopsis of the Peerage, 2 vols 1825 Q 114 SCIENCE AND ART. 1 Nolan's (Dr.) Analogy of Revelation and Science, Oxford^ 1833 *Notitia Anglicana, Shewing Atcheivements, Quarterings, ^.^ Impalements, Titles, &c. of the English Nobility, 2 vols. 1724 ; X)pie*s (John) Lectures on Painting, and Memoir of his Life by Mrs. Opie, 4to 1809 *Owen's (Wm. now Dr. O. Pugh) Welsh Dictionary, 2 vols. 1 803 Ozanam's (Mons.)Recreations, Mathematical and Physical, 1768 *Palladio's (A.) Architecture, Revised by Leoni, 2 vols. fol. 1721 Parkes' (Samuel) Chemical Catechism, Revised and adapted to the present state of Chemical Science, by Edw. W. Brayley, Jun 1834 *Parkinson's (James) Orgapic Remains of a former World, or Examination of Extraneous Fossils ; 3 vols. 4to. viz. Vol 1, the Vegetable Kingdom; Vol. 2. the Fossil Zoophytes ; Vol. 3, the Fossil Star-fish, Echini, Shells, Insects, Amphibia, Mammalia, &c 1 804- 1811 Introduction to the Study of Fossil Organic Remains, 2nd edit 1 830 Paris's (Dr. J. A.) Treatise on Diet, 2nd edit 1827 Philosophy in Sport, 3 vols, in 2 1827 Partington's (C. F.) Marquis of Worcester's Century of Inventions, with Illustrative Notes and Diagrams .... 182.5 Manual of Natural and Experimental Philo- sophy, 2 vols, in 1 1 828 Parsons's (Dr. J.) Remains of Japhet, or Enquiries into the Affinity and Origin of the European Languages, 4to. . . 1767 Patini (Caroli) Imperatorum Rom. Numismata ex ^re mediae et minimse Formae, fol Argentince, 1671 Pegge's (Rev. S.) Coins of the Archbishops of Canterbury, &c. 4to 1772 Pellat's (Apol. Jun.) Memoir on the Origin, Progress, and Improvement of Glass Manufactures, and Incrustations, 4to. (Presented by the Author) 1821 ^Pennant's (T.) British Zoology, 4 vols. viz. Vol. 1, Quad- rupeds; Land Birds.— Vol.2. Water Birds.— Vol. 3. Rep- tiles ; Fishes. — Vol. 4. Crustacea ; Mollusca; Testacea, 1812 Phillidor's (A. D.) Analysis of the Game of Chess 1790 Analysis of the Game of Chess, translated by VV. S. Kenny, and Illustrated by Diagrams 1824 SCIENCE AND ART. \\5 Phillidor's (A. D.) Studies of Chess, 2 vols 1810 Phillips's (Henry) Pomarium Britannicum, 2nd edit 1821 (S. M.) State Trials, prior to the Revolution of 1688, Reviewed and Illustrated, 2 vols. 1826 ■ (Sir Rich.) Million of Facts, and Correct Data, in the Entire Circle of the Sciences, &c 1833 (Win.) Outlines of Mineralogy and Geology .... 1826 ■ (John) Guide to Geology 1834 Philosophical Magazine, by Dr. Alex. Tilloch,58 vols. 1798-1821 *Pilkington's (Rev. M.) Dictionary of Painters, with con- siderable Additions, by Henry Fuseli, R. A. 4to 1805 Pinel's (Philip) Treatise on Insanity Sheffield, 1806 Pinkerton's (John) Essay on Medals, 2 vols 1789 *Pitisci (Samvelis) Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanorum, 2 torn, fol Leov. 1713 Pitta (W. C, M. D.), On the Influence of Climate on the Human Species 1812 Planche's (J. R.) Hist, of British Costume 1834 Playfair's (John) Natural Philosophy, 2 vols Edin. 1812 Pompeii, Account of, 2 vols 1832 vide Gell, Geographical Class. Poor Laws, Extracts from the Commissions concerning . , 1833 Porcelain and Glass, Treatise on the Manufacture of, &c. (Lardner's Cabinet) 1832 Postlethwait's (Malachy) Dictionary of Trade and Com- merce, 2 vols. fol. 4th edit 1774 Pott's (Percivall) Chirurgical Works, with his Life and Notes by Sir James Earle, 2 vols 1808 *Port-Royal Greek Grammar, 2nd edit 1759 * — ' Latin Grammar, 2 vols 1 758 Powell's (Rev. Baden) Hist, of Natural Philosophy 1834 Preston's (Thos.) Commercial Arithmetic 1817 Price's (Uvedale) Essays on the Picturesque, 2 vols 1810 Price (Dr. Rich.), on Annuities, Morgan's edit. 2 vols. . . 1803 Priestley's (Dr. Joseph) Experiments on Air, 3 vols. Birm. 1790 Hist, of Electricity and Experiments, 4to. 4th ed. 1774 History, &c. of Optics, 2 vols. 4to 1772 Lectures on Oratory and Criticism, 4to 1777 .Pringle, (Dr. John) on Diseases of the Army, 4to 1765 116 SCIENCE AND ART. Prichard's (Dr. J. C.) Physical History of Man 18i; Pulteney's (Dr. R.) View of the Writings of Linnaeus, 4to. 2nd edit, by Dr. W. G. Maton 180^ Quarterly (Brande's) Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts, 21 vols 1817-26 Raspe's (R. E.) Critical Essay on Oil Painting, &c. 4to... 1781 Reid (Dr. Thos.), on the Active Powers of Man, 4to. Edin. 1788 , on the Intellectual Powers, 4to , 1788 Reid's (Dr. J.) Essays on Insanity, Hypochondriasis, &c.. 1816 Repertory of the Arts, 16 vols, and Index 1794-1806 Ditto, Second Series, 46 vols 1802-1825 Reynolds's (Sir Joshua) Literary Works, with an Account of his Life and Writings by Edmond Malone, 3 vols. . . 1801 , Memoirs of, with Varieties on Art, and Supp. to the Memoirs, by James Northcote, 4to 1813-15 Richardson (Jonathan), on Painting and Criticism, 4to. . . 1792 's (John) Arabic Grammar, 4to 1801 Robertson's (John) Treatise on Mathematical Instruments, 1775 Roget (Dr. P. M.), on the Deaf and Dumb, on Cranioscopy, and on Physiology, from the Supplement to the Ency- clopaedia Britannica; on a New Instrument for Per- forming Mechanically the Involution and Evolution of Numbers ; and on the cause of an Optical Deception in the appearance of the Spokes of a Moving Wheel, from the Philosophical Transactions; and on Galvanism, from the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. (Presented by the Author) 1815-1826 Rousseau (J. J.), on Botany, with Additions by Professor Martyn, 3rd. edit 1791 Royal Humane Society, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th, and 59th Reports, 5 vols. (Presented by the Committee) .. 1829-33 Rumford's (Count) Philosophical Essays, 3 vols. 5th edit. 1800 Russell's (Dr. Patrick) Treatise on the Plague, 4to 1791 Rutter (J.) and Carter's (D.) Modern Eden, or the Gar- dener's Universal Guide 1759 Salmon's (Wm.) Palladio Londinensis, and Builder's Dic- tionary, 4to. 2nd edit 1738 Salt's (Henry) Essay on the Phonetic System of Hiero- glyphics , 1825 SCIENCE AND ART. lit Sarratt's (J. H.) Works of Gianutio, and Gustavus Selenus on Chess, 2 vols, in 1 1817 ♦Scapulae (J.) Lexicon Graeco-Lat. Elzever, fol.. ,Amstel. 1652 Scheele's (C. W.) Chemical Essays 1 786 Schmeisser's (J. G.) System of Mineralogy, 2 vols 1795 Scudamore (Dr. Chas.) on the Gout and Rheumatism, 2nd edit. (Presented by the Author) 1817 Sharp's (W.) Thirty Outlines of the Elgin Marbles, 4to. . 1817 *Shaw (Dr. G.) and Stephens's (J. F.) General Zoology, l2voh. viz. Vol. 1 and 2. Mammalia. — Vol. 3. Amphibia. — Vol. 4. and 5. Pisces. — Vol. 6. Insects. — Vol. 7 to 12. Aves 1824 *Shaw and Nodder's Naturalist's Miscellany, 24 vols, in 12. 1800 Sheldon's (John) Absorbent System, 4to 1784 Silk Manufacture, Treatise on its Origin, Progress, and Present State (Lardner's Cabinet) 1831 Simson's (Dr. Robt.) Elements of Euclid, 12th edit 1804 ■ Euclid, edited in the Symbolical form, by R. Blakelock 1831 *Simonis (Johannes) Lexicon Manuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum, 2 vols. 4to Ludg. Bat. 1763 Sinclair's (G.) Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, 2nd edit. 1825 Singer's (G. J.) Electricity and Electro-Chemistry 1814 *Skynner's (D. S.) Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, fol.. 1671 Slator and Hall's Instructions for cultivating Flax and Hemp Dublin, 1724 Smart's (J.) Tables of Interest, Discount, Annuities, &c. 4to. 1726 Smeaton's (John) Narrative of the Building and Construc- tion of the Eddystone Lighthouse, 2nd edit, fol 1813 Smellie's (W.) Philosophy of Natural History, 2 vols. 4to. 1790 *Smith's (Dr. J. E.) Flora Britannica, 3 vols , 1804 Linnaeus's Lachesis Lapponica, 2 vols 1811 Introduction to Botany 1805 Somerville's (Mrs.) Connexion of the Physical Sciences . . 1834 *Sowerby (James) and Shaw's (Dr. J. E.) English Botany, 36 vols 1799-1814 Spallanzani's (L'Abbe Laz.) Travels in the Two Sicilies, 4 vols 1 798 •— Tracts on Animals and Vegetables, 2 vols 1803 118 SCIENCE AND ART, *Spelman's (Sir Henry) Glossarium Archaiologicum, fol. . 1687 *Spence's (Rev. Joseph) Polymetis, fol 1747 Spigelii (Adrianii) Opera, viz. De Fab. Humani Corporis, &c. ed. a J. A. Vander Linden, fol Amstelodamiy 1645 Sprat's (Bishop) Hist, of the Royal Society, 4to. 4th edit. 1734 Spurzheim, (J. G.) and Gall's Physiognomical System . , 1815 Statutes (Public) of William IV., 2 vols 1833-35 *Staunton's (Sir G. T.) Ta Tsing Leu Lee, or Funda- mental Laws of China, 4to 1810 Stewart's (Dr. L.) Remarks on the Medical Profession, in regard to the division of Labour. (Presented by the Author) 1826 Essay, on Tendency to Disease of Body and Mind in Refined Life, and the Principles of Cure, Ditto. . . . 1828 Stewart's (Dugald) Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, 2 vols Edinburgh, 1828 Stower's (C.) Printer's Guide 1805 Stratagems of Chess, 3rd edit 1817 *Stuart (James) and Revett's (Nicholas) Antiquities of Athens, 3 vols, fol 1767-1794 Sugar Refiners' (Messrs. Severn & Co.) Trial with the Imperial Insurance Company 1820 Sydenham (Dr. Thomse) Opera Medica, 4to Genevce, 1723 's Works, with Notes and Annotations by Dr. Geo. Wallis, 2 vols 1788 Tactique des Assemblees Legislatives, (Bentham's) 2 torn. 1816 Theorie des Peines et des Recompenses, (Ditto) 1811 *Thelwairs (John) Letter toCHne, on Imperfect Develope- ments of the Faculties, and Impediments of Speech, 1810; and Results of Experience on Defective Utterance, &c. 1814 Thomson's (Dr. Thos.) System of Chemistry, 5 vols. Edin. 1807 — - Ditto, 4 vols. 5th edit 1817 History of the Royal Society, to the end of the 18th Century, 4to 1812 Annals of Philosophy, 1st Series, 16 vols.. . 1813-20 Ditto, 2nd Series, 9 vols 1821-25 Thornton's (Dr. R. J.) Elements of Botany, 2 vols 1812 Thury's (Mons. de) Catacombes de Paris 1815 ♦Time's Telescope, &c. 3 vols. 1 833-35 SCIENCE AND ART. lid Tooke's (John H.) Diversions of Purley, 2 vols. 4to. 1798-1805 Transactions of the Royal Society, Abridged by Drs. Hut- ton, Shaw, and Pearson, 18 vols. 4to 1809 Ditto, at Large, 14 vols. 4to 1801-14 Ditto, Index to the Anatomical, Medical, Chirurgical, and Physiological Papers, 4to 1814 . of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 4 vols. 4to 1787-98 . of the Royal Irish Academy, 1 1 vols. 4to. 1 797-1810 of the Society of Arts, 40 vols 1803-1823 . of the Linnean Society, 1 vols, in 5. 4to. 1791-1811 of the Geological Society, 2 vols. 4to. . 1811-1814 of the Manchester Society, 7 vols 1789-1813 of the American Philosophical Society, 5 vols. 4to 1789-1802 Turner's (Edw. M. D.) Elements of Chemistry, 5th edit.. . 1834 Turton's (Dr. Wm.) System of Nature, translated from Linnaeus, with Enlargements and a Life of Linne, 7 vols. viz.VolA. Mammalia; Birds; Amphibia; Fishes. — Vol. 2 & 3, Insects. — Vol. 4. Worms. — Vol. 5 & 6. Vegetable Kingdom. — Vol.7. Mineral Kingdom: Life of Linne . . 1806 Vallisneri (Antonio) Opere Fisica-Mediche, 3 tom. fol.. . . 1733 Vattel's (Mons. de) Law of Nations 1797 Vegetable Substances, used in the Arts, and in Domestic Economy 1829 Vegetable Substances, used for the Food of Man 1832 Vince (Rev. S.) and Wood's (Rev. J.) Mathematics, 3 vols, viz. Vol. 1. Algebra; Fluxions. — Vol.2. Optics; Astro- nomy. — Vol. 3. Mechanics; Hydrostatics; Trigonome- try; Conic Sections ; Gravitation Cambridge, 1801-6 Vineyards, Topography and Products of 1824 Visconti's (Chev. E. Q.) Catalogue of, and Memoirs of the Elgin Marbles 1816 *Vitruvius's (Marc. Pollio) Architecture, with Observations on his Life by Wm. Newton, fol 1791 *Vocabolario Delia Crusca, 7 tom. fol. 4ta. impr 1729-33 *Ure's (Dr. A.) Dictionary of Chemistry, 3rd edit. : 1828 New System of Geology 1 829 Wadd's (Wm.) Cases in Surgery, 2 parts 4to. (Presented by the Author) 1817 120 SCIENCE AND ART. Wadd's (Wm.) Comments on Corpulency, Lineaments of Leanness, and Mems. on Diet and Dietetics 182^ Walker's (John) Euclid's Elements of Plane Geometry (Presented by the Author) , 1827 Commentary on the Compendium of Logic used in the University of Dublin, 4th edit. (Ditto) Glasgow, 1821 Philosophy of Arithmetic and Elements of Algebra, (Presented by the Author) Dublin, 1812 *Walker's (John) Pronouncing Dictionary, 4to. 4th edit.. 1806 WaUisii (J.) Opera Mathematica, 3 torn. fol. . . Oxon, 1695-99 Walsh's (Rev. R.) Essay on Ancient Coins, Medals, and Gems, illustrative of the early Progress of Christianity, 2nd edit 1828 Walton (Isaac) and Cotton's (Chas.) Complete Angler, with the Lives of the Authors and Notes by Sir John Hawkins, 7th edit 1800 Walton's (Wm.) Peruvian Sheep, Llamas, &c 1811 Waring (Dr.E.), Meditationes Algebraicse, 4to.. . Cantab. 1782 ■ , Ditto Analyticae, 4to ib. 1785 , Algebraicarum Curvarum Proprietates, 4to. ib. \112 Watkins's (Francis) Popular Sketch of Electro- Magnetism, or Electro-Dynamics (Presented by the Author) .... 1828 Watson's (Bishop) Chemical Essays, 5 vols. 7th edit 1800 *Watts (Dr. Robt.) Bibliotheca Britannica, 4 vols. 4to. . . 1824 ♦Webster's (Dr. Noah) Dictionary and Grammar of the English Language, with an Introductory Dissertation on the Nature of Languages, 4to. 2 vols 1831 Wells's (Dr. Wm. C.) Essay on Vision 1792 Werner's (Abm. Gottlob) Treatise on the External Cha- racters of Fossils, Trans, by Thos. Weaver .... Dublin, 1805 Westmacott's (C. M.) British Galleries of Painting and Sculpture 1824 Whishaw's (J .) Law Dictionary, (Presented by the A uthor) 1 829 Classified Analysis of the several Sections of the Reform Act, (Ditto) 1832 Whiston's (Wm.) Theory of the Earth, 5th edit 1737 White's (Chas.) Account of Gradation in Man, Animals, and Vegetables, 4to 1799 (Fras. Sellon) Hist, of Inventions and Discoveries, 1827 SCIENCE AND ART. 121 White's (Rev. G.) Natural History of Selborne, &c. 2 vols. 1802 *White's (Dr. J.) ^gyptiaca, viz. P. i. Pompey's Pillar; P. ii. Abdollatif's Antiquities, with Notes Oxon. 1801 Whiter's (Rev. Walter) on the Disorder of Death 1819 *Whiter's (Rev. W.) Universal Etymological Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to Cambridge J 1822 Wildman's (Thos.) Treatise on Bees, 3rd edit 1778 Wilkins's (Bishop) Mathematical and Philosophical Works, and an Account of his Writings, 2 vols 1 802 * Essay on an Universal Character, fol 1668 *Wilkins*s (Wm. Junr.) Magna Grsecia, fol.. . Cambridge^ 1807 Wilkinson's (J, J.) Treatise on the Limitation of Actions, &c. (Presented by the Author ) 1 829 Willan (Dr. Robt.), on Cutaneous Diseases, 2 vols. 4to.. . 1808 , on Vaccine Inoculation, 4to 1 806 Wilson (Alex.) and Bonaparte's (C. L.) American Orni- thology, or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States, 4 vols Edin. 1831 Wilson's (Rev. T.) Archaeological Dictionary, 2nd edit. . . 1793 Wine and Spirit Adulterations Unmasked . , 1827 Winslow's (J. B.) Anatomy, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. 5th edit. . . 1776 Withers's (Rev. Dr.) Aristarchus, or the Principles of Com- position 1822 Woodhouse's (Robt.) Trigonometry 1 809 Wotton's (Rev. Dr. Wm.) Short View of Hickes's The- saurus, with Notes, &c. on the Northern Literature, Anglo-Saxon Coins, &c. by Maur. Shelton, Esq. 4to. . 1735 Wronski (Hoene), Petition au Parlement Britannique, sur la Spoliation d'un Savant Etranger par le Bureau des Longitudes de Londres 1822 , Trois Lettres a Sir H. Davy, sur L'Imposture Publique des Savans a Privileges ou des Societes Savantes 1 ^ -2 's Address to the Board of Longitude on the State of the Mathematics and New Celestial Mechanics . . . 1820 Wynne's (Edward) Eunomus, or Dialogues on the Laws and Constitution of England, 4 vols 1774 Young's (Arthur) Annals of Agriculture, 45 vols. . . 1784-1808 Northern Tour, 4 vols. 2nd edit 1781 R 122 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. Young's (Arthur) Eastern Tour, 4 vols 1771j Southern Tour, 3rd edit 1773 Tour in Ireland, 2 -ols. 2nd edit 1794 Travels in France, 2 vols. 4to. 2nd edit 178Q *Young's (Dr. T.) Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature 182S ■ Lecture? on Natural Philosophy and the Mecha- nical Arts, 2 vols. 4to ^ 1801 *Zoega (G.), De Origine et Usu Obeliscorum, fol. RomcB, 1797 Zoological Society, its Gardens and Menageries, 2 vols.. . 1831 POETRV AND TKB DRAMA. English, Frerich, ItaliaUj Sfc. Addison's (J.) Poems and Plays, vide his Works, vol. 6. 1804 Age, the Moral, Political, and Metaphysical 1810 Aikin's (Dr. John) Select Works of the British Poets, with Biographical and Critical Prefaces 1820 «—— — Letters on English Poetry 1827 (Miss Lucy) Epistles on Women, with Notes and Miscellaneous Poems, 4to 181 Akenside's (Mark) Pleasures of Imagination, &c 1788 Alfieri (Vittorio) Tragedie, 6 torn 1806 X; Alfieri's Tragedies, Translated by Charles Lloyd, 3 vols . . 1815 Anderson's (R.) Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect, Carl. 1805 Anstey's (Christopher) New Bath Guide, 7th edit 1776 Ditto, J. Britton's edit., with Notes 1833 Arezzi, the Count, a Tragedy 1824 Ariosto's (M. Lodovico) Orlando Furioso, 4to. . . Venetia, 1603 Ditto, Translated by Hoole, 5 vols 1 785 Baillie's (Mrs. Joanna) Plays, 4 vols 1802-12 Vol. 1 .—Basil ; Tryal ; Be Montfort.— Vol. 2. The Election ; Ethwald ; Second Marriage. — Vol. 3. Orra ; Dream ; Siege ; Beacon. — Vol. 4. Rayner ; Country Tnn ; Constantine Paleo- logus. Metrical Legends, 2nd edit 1821 Baker's (D. E.) Biographica Dramatica, 2 vols 1782 ^ Ditto, by Baker, Reed, and others, 4 vols 1812 I POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 123 Ballard's (E. G.) Poems for Young Persons, 2 vols 1825 Banim's (John) Celt's Paradise 1821 Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatick Works, with Critical and Explanatory Notes, 10 vols 1778 Vol. 1. Prefaces, &c. Maid's Tragedy ; Philaster ; King and No King ; Scornful Lady. — Vol. 2. Custom of the Country ; Elder Brother ; Spanish Curate ; Wit Without Money ; Beggars' Bush. — Vol. 3. Humorous Lieutenant ; Faithful Shepherdess ; Mad Lover ; Loyal Subject ; Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. — Vol. 4. Laws of Candy ; False One ; Little French Lawyer ; Valentinian ; Mons. Thomas. — Vol. 5. Chances ; Tragedy of Rollo, Duke of Normandy ; W^ild-Goose Chase ; A Wife for a Month ; Lover's Progress ; Pilgrim. — Vol. 6. Captain ; Pro- phetess ; Queen of Corinth ; Tragedy of Bonduca ; Knight of the Burning Pestle. — Vol. 7. 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J.) Court of Chancery, a Satirical Poem . . 1827 Boileau, (Mons. Nicolas) (Euvres de, 2 torn. . .Paris, Ann. vii. Bowles's (Rev. W. L.) Grave of the Last Saxon 1 822 Bowring's (John) Specimens of Russian Poetry 1821 Braitwait's (Richard) Barnabse Itinerarium 1818 Brayley's (Edward Wedlake) Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Theatres of London, 4to 1827 British Theatre (New), or Dramas not yet acted, 4 vols.. . 1 814 Brydges's (Sir Egerton) Sonnets and Poems 1795 Bulwer's (E. L.) Siamese Twins, and other Poems 1831 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 125 JBurgoyne's (Lieut. Gen.) Works and Life, 2 vols 1808 t Vol. 1. — Memoirs ; Maid of the Oaks; Lord of the Manor. — Vol. 2. Heiress ; Richard Coeur de Lion. Burns's (Robert) Works, with his Life, by Dr. James Currie, 4 vols. 2nd edit 1806 Relics of, collected by R. H. Cromek 1813 Butler's (Samuel) Hudibras, with Annotations by the Rev. Dr. Zachary Grey, 3 vols 1 770 Byron's (Lord) Poetical Works, 6 vols 1825 Vol. \. — Chllde Harold's Pilgrimage, Cantos i. ii. iii. — Vol. 2. Childe Harold, Canto iv ; Giaour ; Bride of Abydos. — Vol. 3. Cor- sair J Lara ; Siege of Corinth, Parisina ; Prisoner of Chillon ; Beppo. — Vol. 4. Mazeppa ; Manfred ; Hebrew Melodies ; Ode to Buonaparte ; Monody on the Death of Sheridan ; Lament of Tasso ; Minor Poems. — Vol. 5. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice ; Prophecy of Dante ; Cain. — Vol. 6. Sardanapalus ; the Two Foscari. Byron's Don Juan, 2 vols, and cantos i. to viii. 3 vols. 1820-28 Works, with his Life, by Thomas Moore, and his Letters and Journals, 17 vols. . . . , 1833 Vols. 1 to 6. — Life of Lord Byron — Vol. 7. Hours of Idleness; Occasional Pieces, 1807-8 ; English Bards and Scotch Reviewers; Occasional Pieces, 1808-10.— Vol.8. Child Harold's Pilgrimage, a Romaunt, with Prefaces, Appendix, and Historical Notes. — Vol. 9. Occasional Pieces, 1811-13 ; Hints from Horace ; Curse of Minerva; Waltz; Giaour; Bride of Abydos; Corsair, &c. — Vol. 10. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte ; Lara; Hebrew Melo- dies ; Seige of Corinth ; Parisina ; Domestic Pieces ; Monody on Sheridan ; Prisoner of Chillon ; The Dream ; Occasional Pieces, 1814-16.— Vol. 11. Manfred ; Lament of Tasso y Beppo ; Mazeppa; Ode on Venice; M organ te Maggiore ; Pro- phecy of Dante ; Occasional Pieces. — Vol. 12. Francesca of Rim- ini ; Stanzas on the Po, &c. ; The Blues ; Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice ; Vision of Judgment ; Occasional Pieces, 1821. — Vol. 13. Heaven and Earth ; Sardanapalus ; The Two Foscari ; The De- formed Transformed. — Vol. 14. Cain ; Werner ; Age of Bronze ; The Island ; Stanzas, &c.— Vols. 15 to 17, Don Juan. Werner 1823 Deformed Transformed, 2nd edit 1824 . Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice ; and Prophecy of Dante 1821 Childe Harold, Cantos i. and ii. with other Poems, 4toand8vo 1812 126 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. Byron's Childe Harold, Canto iv. Historically Illustrated by John Hobhouse, 2nd edit 181i (Lord), Review of his Character and Writings .... 1826 Bysshe's (Edw.) Art of English Poetry, 6th edit. 4 vols.. . 1718 Camoens's(L. de)Lusiad, translatedby W. J.Mickle, 3vols. 1809 Campbell's (Thomas) Specimens of the British Poets, with Biographical Notices, &c. 7 vols 1819 Theodric, and other Poems 1 824 Gertrude of Wyoming, 4to 1809 Pleasures of Hope 1 825 Carrington's (N. T.) Dartmoor 1826 Gary's ( Rev. Henry F.) Translation of Dante's Vision, or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise ; with a Life of Dante and Illustrative Notes, 3 vols. 2nd edit 1819 Chalmers's (George) Supplementary Apology for the Be- lievers in the Shakspeare Papers 1799 Chatterton's (Thos.) Rowley's Poems, with a Commentary by the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Milles, 4to 1782 Chamfort's (M. de) Precis de L'Art Theatral Dramatique des Anciens et des Modernes, 2 vols, in 1 Paris, 1808 Chaucer's (Geoffrey) Works, and Life, &c. Urry's edit. fol. 1721 Poetical Works, 14 vols, in 7 Edin. 1782 Life of, by Wm. Godwin, 4 vols 1804 Chetwood's ( W. R.) History of the Stage 1 754 Churchill's (C.) Poems, Sheridan's Monody on the Death of Garrick, and Lloyd's Actor, and Conversation, 4to. 1754-79 Clare's (John) Village Minstrel and other Poems, 2 vols.. 1821 Clarke's (W. B.) River Derwent, P. 1. and other Poems.. 1822 Collier's (J. Payne) History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare, and Annals of the Stage, to the Restoration, 3 vols 1831 Colman's (George) Broad Grins, 6th edit 1815 Poetical Vagaries, 2nd edit 1814 Congreve's Works, with his Life, 2 vols 1788 Corneille's (Mons. P.) Theatre, 5 tom Amsterdam, 1723 's (Mons. T.) Theatre, 5 tom Ditto, 1723 Cornwall's (Barry) Marcian Colonna, Sicilian Story, and other Poems 1820 ) Flood of Thessaly, Girl of Provence, &c 1 823 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 127 Cowley's (Abraham) Select Works, and Life by Bishop Hurd, 2 vols. 3rd edit 1777 Cowper's (Wm.) Poems, with his Life by the Rev. Dr. John Johnson, 3 vols 1808-15 Translation of Homer, 4 vols. 2nd edit 1802 Life of, by Thos. Taylor 1834 Crabbe's (Rev. George) Borough, 3rd edit. 2 vols 1810 Poems, viz. Village, Parish Register, &c. 2 vols. . 1809 . Tales 1812 ■ Tales of the Hall, 2 vols 1819 Life and Poems, 8 vols 1 834 Crebillon (P. J. de) (Euvres de, 3 vols Paris, 1785-1811 Vol- 1. Idomenee; Atr6e et Thyeste ; Electre.— Vol. 2. Rhada- misthe et Z^nobie ; Xerxes; Semiiamis ; Pyrrhus. — Vol. 3. Catilina ; Le Triumvirat, ou La Mort de Ciceron ; Discours Academiques. Creech's (Rev. Thos.) Idylliums of Theocritus, with the Life of Theocritus by Bishop Kennet, and Rapin's Dis- course upon Pastorals 1713 Creech's Lucretius, in English Verse, 2 vols 1720 Croly*s (Rev. Geo.) Angel of the World, and other Poems, 1820 Catiline, and other Poems 1822 Cromwell's (Thos.) Druid, a Tragedy, with Notes on the Antiquities and. early History of Ireland, (Presented by the Author) 1832 *Dante (Alighieri), la Divina Commedia, con varie Annota- zioni ; with his other Works in Prose and Rhyme, and Memoirs of his Life, 4 tom. 4to Venezia, 1757 Dante's Vision, translated by the Rev. H. F. Gary, 3 vols. 1819 Darwin's (Dr. Erasmus) Poetical Works, 3 vols 1806 D'Avenant's (Sir W.) Poetical and Dramatic Works, fol. 1772-73 Gondibert; Madagascar; Minor Poems ; Entertainment at Rutland House ; Caelum Britannicum ; Temple of Love ; Triumphs of the Prince D'Amour ; News from Plymouth ; Distresses ; Seige ; Fair Favourite; Seige of Rhodes; Playhouse to be Lett ; Unfor- tunate Lovers; Wits; Love and Honour; Lavir against Lovers j (The Man's the Master ; Platonic Lovers ; Albovine, King of the Lombards ; Just Italian ; Cruel Brother. Davies's (Tiios.) Dramatic Miscellanies, 3 vols 1784 Dodsley and Pearch's Collection of Poems, 10 vols. . . 1766-70 Donne's (Dr. J.) Poems 1669 128 POETRY AND THE DRAM.'U Drake's (Dr.) Ancient and Modern Stages Surveyed 1704 Delille's (Jacques) Trois Regnes de la Nature, avec des Notes par M. Cuvier, 3 torn Paris, 1808 Drummond's (Sir Wm.) Odin, Part I. 4to 1817 Dryden's (John) Works, witb^liis Life, and Notes by Sir Walter Scott, 18 vols 1808 Vol. 1.— Life and Literary Character of Dryden.— Vol.2. Wild Gal- lant; Rival Ladies; Indian Queen; Indian Emperor; Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen. Sir Martin Mar- All ; Tempest ; An Evening's Love, or the Mock Astrologer ; Tyrannic Love, or the Royal Martyr. — Vol. 4. Almanzor and Almahide, or Con- quest of Granada ; Ditto, Part 11. ; Marriage-a-la-Mode ; As- signation, or Love in a Nunnery. — VoL 5. Amboyna, or Cru- elties of the Dutch ; State of Innocence, and Fall of Man ; Aureng-Zebe ; All for Love, or the World well Lost. — Vol. 6. Liniberham, or the Kind Keeper ; CEdipus ; Troilus and Cres- sida, or Truth found out too Late ; Spanish Friar, or Double Discovery. — Vol. 7. Duke of Guise; Albion and Albanius ; Don Sebastian. — Vol. 8. Amphitryon, or the two Sosias ; King Arthur, or the British Worthy ; Cleomenes, the Spartan Hero ; Love Triumphant; Masque for the Pilgrim. — Vol.9. Annus Mirabilis, the Year of Wonders, 1666 ; Absalom and Achito- phel ; the Medal, &c.— Vol. 10. Religio Laici ; Threnodia Augustalis ; Hind and Panther ; Britannia Rcdiviva ; Prologues and Epilogues; Mack-Flecknoe.— -Vol. 11. Epistles; Elegies; and Epitaphs ; Odes ; Songs, &c. Lyrical Pieces ; Fables ; Tales from Chaucer ; Fables from Boccace.— Vol. 12. Tales from Chaucer ; Translations from Ovid's Epistles, Metamorphoses, and Art of Love ; Ditto from Theocritus ; Lucretius, Horace and Homer.— Vol. 13. Translations from Juvenal and Persius ; Life of Virgil; Translations of Virgil's Pastorals.— Vol. 14. Virgil's Georgics ; Virgil's ^,neis, Lib. i. to vii. — Vol. 15. Virgil's ^neis, Lib.viii. to xii. ; Dryden's Poems ; Art of Poetry, &c. ; Prose Works.— Vol. 16. Life of St. Francis Xavier, the Apostle of the Indies and Japan.— Vol. 17. Life of Plutarch ; History of the League ; Controversy between Dryden and Stillingfleet. — Vol. 18. Defence of Woman ; Characters of M. St. Evremond and Polybius ; Life of Lucian ; Dryden's Letters ; Appendix.— Index. Ebers's (John) Seven Years at the King's Theatre 1825" Edgeworth's (Maria) Comic Dramas 1817 Egerton's Theatrical Remembrancer 1788 Ellis's (George) Specimens of Early English Metrical Ro- /^ mances, with an Historical Introduction, 3 vols 1805 Early English Poets, with an Historical Sketch on English Poetry and Language, 3 vols. 3rd edit 1803 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 12Q Fair Rosamond and Jane Shore, Historical and Metrical Memoirs of 1828 Falconer's (Wm.) Shipwreck, 4th edit 1 772 Farquhar's (George) Works, 2 vols. 10th edit 1772 Vol. ] . — Memoirs of Farquhar ; Poems and Letters ; Discourse upon Comedy ; Stage Coach ; Love and a Bottle ; Constant Couple; Sir Harry Wildair. — Vol.2. Inconstant; TwinEivals; Recruiting Officer ; Beaux Stratagem. Faustus, from the German of Goethe 1821 Fielding's (Henry) Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius by Arthur Murphy, 10 vols , 1806 Vol. 1. Essay on Fielding's Life; Love in several Masques; Temple Beau ; Author's Farce ; Pleasures of the Town ; Rape upon Rape ; Tom Thumb the Great. — Vol.2. Modern Husband; Mock Doctor ; Debauchees, or the Jesuit Caught ; Miser ; Intriguing Chamber Maid ; Don Quixote in England, — Vol. 3. Virgin unmasked; Universal Gallant; Pasquin ; Historical Register for 1736; Eurydice ; Eurydice Hiss'd ; Tumble-Down- Dick ; Miss Lucy in Town ; VV'edding Day. — Vol. 4. Fathers, or the Good-Natured Man, &c. For Remaining Contents, vide Novels and Romances. Filmer's (Dr. Edw.) Defence of Plays, &c 1707 Fitzadam's (Ismael) Harp of the Desert, including the Battle of Algiers, and other Pieces, 2nd edit 1 821 Lays on Land 1821 Ford's (John) Dramatic Works, with Notes, &c. by William Gifford, 2 vols 1827 Foscolo's (Ugo) Essays on Petrarch 1823 Fragments, in Prose and Verse, by Miss Smith . .Dublin^ 1808 Fudge Family, in Paris, (by Thos. Moore) 4th edit 1818 Genlis' (Countess of) Theatre of Education, 4 vols 1781 Goethe's (J. W. Von.) Faust, &c. trans, by Lord F. L. Gower, 2 vols 18 9.^ *Gompertz's (J.), Time, or Light and Shade, a Poem, 4to. (Presented by the Author) 1815 Grandmaison (F. A . Parseval), Les Amours Epiques, Paris, 1811 Grant's (Mrs.) Highlanders, and other Poems, 3rd edit. . . 1810 Gray's (Thos.) Works, including his Poems and Corre- spondence, with his Life, &c. by W. Mason, 2 vols. . . 1807 Gray's Poems, with Bentley's Designs, (Presented by W. B. Rooke, Esq.) 1766 s 130 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. Green's (Robert) Dramatic Works and Poems, with some account of the Author, &c. by the Rev. A. Dyce,2 vols. 1831 Gresset (Mons.), (Euvres de, viz. Ver Vert, Edouard III., Sidnei, Le Mechant, &c. 2 torn RoueUy 1788 Grey's (Dr. Zachary) Notes on Shakespeare 1754 Griffith's (Mrs.) Illustrations of the Morality of Shake- speare's Drama 1775 Grover's (H. M.) Socrates, (Presented by the Author). . 1828 Hall's (Bishop Joseph) Satires, with Illustrations by the Rev. Thos. Warton, and Notes by S. W. Singer 1824 Hardinge's (Judge) Miscellaneous Works in Prose and Verse, 3 vols ", 1818 Hawkins's (Thos.) Origin of the English Drama, Illustrated in its various Species, viz. Mystery, Morality, Tragedy, and Comedy Oxford, 1773 Vol. 1. Candlemas Day; Every Man; Hyeke Scorner; Lusty Juventus; Gammer Gurton's Needle ; King Cambises. — Vol. 2. The Spanish Tragedy ; David and Bethsabe ; Soliman and Perseda ; Ferrex and Porrex. — Vol.3. Supposes; Humorous Poet; Return from Parnassus ; Wily Beguiled. Hayley's (Wm.) Poems and Plays, 6 vols 1787 Hazlett's (Wm.) View of the English Stage 1818 Lectures on Dramatic Literature 1820 Characters of Shakespeare's Plays 1817 Hobhouse's (John Cam) Illustrations of Lord Byron's Childe Harold, Canto iv 1818 Hogg's (J., the Ettrick Shepherd) Queen's Wake, 4th edit. 1815 Hogg's (James) Pilgrims of the Sun Edinburgh, 1815 (Thos.) Fabulous History of the Ancient Kingdom of Cornwall, in a Series of Poems, (Presented by the Author) 1 827 Holford's (Miss) Wallace, or the Fight of Falkirk, 2nd edit. 1810 Hood's (Thos.) Whims and Oddities 1826 Ditto, 2nd Series 1827 Epping Hunt 1829 Comic Annuals, 6 vols. 1830-35 Hoole's (John) Translation of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, 5 vols. 2nd edit 1785 Ditto of Metastasio's Dramas and Poems, 2 vols. 1808 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 131 Hoole's (John) Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, 2 vols. 8th ed. 1802 Horace's Poetical Works, translated by the Rev. P. Francis, 4 vols. 2rid edit 1747 Horace in London, by the Authors of the Rejected Ad- dresses, 4th edit 1815 Howitt's (Wm. and Mary) Desolation of Eyam, &c 1827 Howard's (Hon. Sir Robert) Poems 1696 Howard (Henry, Earl of Surrey) and SirT. Wyatt's Poems 1717 Hunt's (Leigh) Months, descriptive of the Seasons 1821 Inchbald's (Mrs.) British Theatre, Modern Theatre, and Farces, 24 odd volumes 1808-11 Ireland's (Samuel) Miscellaneous Papers, &c. attributed to Shakespeare ; and Vindication of his own Conduct. , 1796 Jameson's (Mrs.) Characteristics of Women, (or Analyza- tion of Shakespeare's Female Characters,) 2 vols 1832 Jackson's (Z.) Shakespeare's Genius Justified 1819 Jenyns's (Soame) Poems, vide his Works, vols. 1 and 2. . 1793 Johnny Newcome's Military Adventures 1816 Johnson's (Dr.) Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy, 12 vols 1806 Vol. 1. Poems, &c. Irene. — Vol. 2. Observations on Shakespeare's Plays. — Vol. 3. Translations from Brumoy, on the Greek Comedy and the Greek Theatre. — Vol. 4, 5, 6. Rambler. — Vol. 7. Idler. — Vol. 8. Miscellaneous, and Journey to the Western Isles.— Vols. 9, 10, 11. Lives of the Poets.— Vol. 12. Lives of Eminent Persons, and Letters. (Dr.) Works of the English Poets, with Prefaces Biographical and Critical, 75 vols 1790 Vols. 1 to 6 Lives of the Poets.— Vols. 7 to 9. Cowley and Den- ham's Poems.— Vols. 10 to 12. Milton.— Vols. 13. and 14. Butler. — Vols. 15. and 16. Rochester, Roscommon, Otway, Waller. — Vol. 17. Pomfret, Dorset, Stepney, John Phillips, Walsh.— Vols. 18 to 24. Dryden.— Vols. 25 and 26, Smith, Duke, King, Sprat, Halifax.— Vols. 27 to 29.— Parnell, Garth, Rowe.— Vols. 30 and 31. Addison, Hughes.— Vols. 32 to 34. Sheffield, Prior, Congreve. — Vols. 35 to 38. Blackmore, Fenton, Gay, Granville.— Vol. 39. Yalden, Tickell, Hammond.— Vols. 41 to 44. Somervile, Savage, Swift, Broome. — Vols. 45 to 51 Pope.— Vols. 52 and 53. Pitt's Virgil, &c.— Vols. 54 and 55. Thomson.— Vols. 56 to 59. Watts, A. Phillips, West, Collins, Dyer, Shenstone. — Vols. 60 to 64. Young, Mallet, Akenside, Littehon.— Vol. 65 to 70. Moore, Cawthorne, Churchill, Fal- 13i POETRY AND THE DRAMA. coner, Lloyd, Cunningham, Green, Goldsmith, Paul Whitehead* — Vols. 71 to 73. Armstrong, Langhorne, Wm. Whitehead, Jenyns. — Vols. 74 and 75. Index. Jokeby, a Burlesque on Rokeby 181! v.. Jonson's (Ben.) Works, with his Life and Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by Peter Whalley, 7 vols 1756 Vol. 1. Jonson's Life ; Every Man in His Humour; Every Man Out of his Humour ; Cynthia's Revels. — Vol. 2. Poetaster ; Sejanus, his Fall ; Volpone ; Epicoene, or the Silent Woman. — ^ Vol. 3. Alchemist; Catiline ; Bartholomew Fair. — Vol. 4. Devil is an Ass ; Staple of News ; New Inn ; Magnetic Lady. — Vol. 5. Tale of a Tub ; Sad Shepherd ; Mortimer's Fall ; Entertain- ments ; Speeches ; Masques. — Vol. 6. Masques ; Epigrams ; Underwoods.— /Vol. 7. Underwoods ; Timber ; Horace's Art of Poetry translated ; English Grammar; Leges Convivales ; Case^ is Altered. Keats's (John) Endymion, a Poetic Romance 1818 Jj^ Kemble's (J. P.) Essay on Macbeth and Richard the Third, 1817 (Miss F. A.) Francis the First 1832 Kirke White's (Henry) Remains in Prose and Verse, with his Life by Robt. Southey , 3 vols 1 808-22 Klopstock's Messiah, translated by the Rev. Joseph Col- Iyer, with his Essay on Divine Poetry, 3 vols 1799 Knight's (Rich. Payne) Landscape, 4to. 2nd edit 1795 Progress of Civil Society, 4to 1 796 Knowles's (James Sheridan) Hunchback 1832 La Fontaine,(Mons.de.) Fables Choisies, par, 2 vols. Paris, 1811 Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, par, 3 torn. Amst, 1 762 Lamb's (Chas.) Tales from Shakespeare, 2 vols. 3rd edit. 1816 Works, including John Woodvil, a Tragedy ; Mr. H., a Farce ; Poems and Essays, 2 vols 1818 Lays of the Minnesingers, or German Troubadours of the 12th and 13th Centuries 1825 Lee's (Nathaniel) Tragedies, 4to 1675-1678 Nero ; Sophonisba ; Gloriana ; Rival Queens, or the Death of Alexander the Great ; Mithridates. Lockhart's (J. G.) Ancient Spanish Ballads, 4to. , ,Edin. 1823 Lilio's (George) Dramatic Works, 2 vols 1810 Vol. 1. Life of Lillo ; Silvia, or the Country Burial ; George Barn- well ; Life of Scanderbeg ; Christian Hero. — Vol. 2. Fatal Curiosity ; Marina ; Elmerick, or Justice Triumphant ; Britan- nia and Batavia : Arden of Feversham. POETRY AND TH£ DRAMA. * 13^ Lucan's Pharsalia, Translated by Nicholas Rowe,fol 1718 Mansel's (Robt.) Free Thoughts upon the Stage, j .,HuU, 1814 Marlowe's (Kit) Works, 3 vols 1826 Vol. 1. Tamerlane the Great, p. 1 and 2. ; Jew of Malta.— Vol. 2. Edward II. ; Dr. Faustus ; Massacre of Paris ; Dido, Queen of Carthage. — Vol. 3. Lust's Dominion ; Hero and Leander ; Ovid's Elegies ; Epigrams and Elegies ; 1st Book of Lucan. *Massinger's (Philip) Plays, with Notes by William GifFord, 4 vols. 2nd edit 1813 Vol. 1. Advertisement, Introduction, and Essay by GifFord ; Virgin Martyr; Unnatural Combat ; Duke of Milan.— Vol. 2. Bond- man ; Renegado ; Parliament of Love ; Roman Actor ; Great Duke of Florence. — Vol. 3. Maid of Honour ; Picture ; Empe* ror of the East ; Fatal Dowry ; New Way to Pay Old Debts. — • Vol. 4. City Madam ; Guardian ; A Very Woman j Bashful Lover ; Old Law. Master's (M. K.) Progress of Love, 2nd edit 1811 Metastasio's (Abbe Pietro) Dramas and Poems, Translated by John Hoole, 3 vols 1 800 Vol. I. Artaxerxes ; Olympiad ; Hipsipyle ; Titus; Demetrius; Dream of Scipio ; Cantatas — Vol.2. Achilles in Scyros; Dem- ophoon ; Adrian in Syria ; Dido ; ^tius ; Uninhabited Island ; Triumph of Glory. — Vol. 3. Zenobia ; Themistocles ; Siroes ; Regulus ; Romulus and Hersilia ; Discovery of Joseph ; Cantatas. Melendez, (Dr. D. Juan) Poesias de, 3 tom., . Valladolid, 1797 Menzini (Benedetto) Opere di, 4 tom. 4to Firenze, 1731 Mickle's (Wm. Julius) Poems, and Siege of Marseilles, a Tragedy, with Anecdotes of his Life, 4to 1794 Milman's (Rev. H. H.) Samor, Lord of the Bright City, 1818 Fall of Jerusalem 1 820 Martyr of Antioch 1822 Belshazzar 1 822 Anne Boleyn 1826 Milton's (John) Poetical Works, with Notes, by Bishop Newton, 3 vols. 4to 1749-76 das Verlohrne Paradies, libersetzt von Zacharia, 4to. 1 762 Mitford's (Miss M. R.) Foscari, a Tagedy 1826 Moliere, OEuvres de, avec des Remarques Grammaticales, &c. par M. Bret, 8 tom 1 809 Tom. 1. Vie de Moliere ; L'Etourdi,ou LesContretems; Le Depit Amoureux ; Les Precieuses Ridicules.— Tom. 2. Sganarelle, ou 134 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. Le Cocu Iraaginaire; Don Garcie de Navane, ou Le Prince ^ Jaloux ; L'Ecole des Maris ; Les Facheux ; L'Ecole des Femmes. — Tom. 3. La Critique de I'Ecole des Femmes ; L'Impromptu de Versailles ; La Princesse d'Elide ; Les Fetes de Versailles en 1664; Le Mariage Force; Don Juan, ou Le Festin de Pierre. — Tom. 4. L'Amour Medecin ; Le Misan- thrope; Le Medecin malgre Lui ; Melicerte; Pastorale Comique; Le Sicilien, ou L'Amour Peintre. — Tom. 5. Le TartufTe ; Amphi- tryon ; L'Avare. — Tom. 6. George Dandin, ou Le Mari Con- fondu ; Fetes de Versailles en 1668 ; M.dePourceaugnac ; Les AmansMagnifiques. — Tom. 7. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme ; Les Fourberies de Scapin ; Psyche. — Tom. 8. Les Femmes Savan- tes ; La Contesse d'Escarbagnes ; Le Malade Imaginaire ; La Gloire du Val-de-Grac^. Montagu's (Mrs.) Essay on Shakspeare 1810 Montgomery's (J.) West Indies, and other Poems, 3rd edit. 1810 Wanderer of Switzerland, &c. 5th edit 1811 World before the Flood, and other Poems . . 1813 Songs of Zion 1822 Pelican Island, and other Poems 1827 (Robt.) Omnipresence of the Deity, 2nd edit. 1828 Moore's (Thos.) Lalla Rookh, 4to 1817 Fables for the Holy Alliance, &c 1823 Loves of the Angels 1 830 Moravian Hymns 1754 Murphy's (Arthur) Dramatic and other Works, 7 vols. . . . 1786 Vol.1. Orphan of China ; Zenobia; Grecian Daughter ; Alzuma. — Vol. 2. Apprentice ; Upholsterer ; Old Maid ; Citizen ; No one's Enemy but his Own ; Three Weeks after Marriage. — Vol. 3. Way to Keep Him ; All in the Wrong ; Desart Island. — Vol. 4. Know your own Mind ; School for Guardians ; Choice ; News from Parnassus. — Vol. 5. and 6. Gray's Inn Journal. — Vol.7. Prologues; Epilogues, &c. ; Game of Chess; Templum Famae ; Rival Sisters. Neele's (Henry) Poems, 2 vols 1827 Newnham's (Rev. F.) Pleasures of Anarchy, 1829, & Sup 1830 Newton's (Rev. John) Olney Hymns, 12th edit 1831 Ocean Cavern, (The) a Poem 1819 Ossian's Poems, translated by James Macpherson, with a Preliminary Discourse on their Authenticity, and Dr. Blair's Critical Dissertations, 2 vols 1806 Mackenzie's (H.) Report of the Highland Society on their Authenticity, with an Appendix of Documents, 1805 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 135 Otway's (T.) Works, viz. Plays, Poems, and Letters, 3 vols. 1768 Vol. 1. Alcibiades ; Don Carlos; Titus and Berenice; Cheats of Scapin. — Vol. 2. Friendship in Fashion ; Soldier's Fortune ; Atheist. — Vol. 3, Orphan ; Caius Marius ; Venice Preserved ; Poems and Letters. Percy's (Bishop) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, with an Essay on the Ancient Minstrels, &c. 3 vols. 5th edit. 1812 Peter Pindar's (Dr. John Wolcot) Works, 4 vols 1816 Penn's (Granville) Examination of the Primary Argument of the Iliad 1821 Petrarca, Rime de, 2 torn 1 796 Plays, &c. various, 2 vols 1761-77 Vol. 1. Beggar's Opera; Maid of the Mill; Artaxerxes; Jovial Crew ; Falstaff s Wedding ; She Stoops to Conquer ; Runaway. — Vol. 2. Alzuma ; South Briton ; Henry the Second ; Man of Business; Matilda; Sir Thomas Overbury. Plumptre's (Rev. James) English Drama Purified, 3 vols. (A Present from the Editor) Carnb. 1812 Vol. 1. Gamester; Jane Shore; George Barnwell; Douglas; Lady Jane Grey. — Vol. 2. Provoked Husband ; Conscious Lovers ; Good Natured Man ; Word to the Wise ; Clandestine Marriage.— Vol.3. Lionel and Clarissa ; Toy Shop ; King and Miller of Mansfield ; Sir John Cockle at Court ; Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green ; Barataria ; Rosina. ^ Collection of Songs, Moral, Sentimental, In- structive, and amusing, &c. 3 vols 1824 PoUok's (Robt.) Course of Time, 7th edit 1828 Polwhele's (Rev. R.) Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, and Tyrtaeus, 2 vols, in 1 1811 Pope's (Alexander) Works, vi^ith his Life, Notes, &c. by Dr. Joseph Warton, 9 vols 1797 Vol. 1. Life of Pope; Pastorals; Messiah; Windsor Forest; St. Cecilia's Day, &c. ; Essay on Criticism ; Rape of the Lock. — Vol. 2. Sappho to Phaon ; Eloisato Abelard : Temple of Fame ; Wife of Bath ; Statius's Thebais, B. i. ; Dryope ; Vertumnus and Pomona ; Imitations ; Miscellanies ; Epitaphs. — Vol, 3. Essay on Man ; Moral Essays ; Essay on Satire. — Vol. 4. Pro- logue to the Satires ; Satires and Epistles of Horace ; Satires of Dr. Donne ; Epilogue to the Satires ; Fragment of Brutus ; Preface to the Iliad ; Postscript to the Odyssey. — Vol. 5. Imita- tions of Horace ; Martinus Scriblerus ; Memoirs of P. P. Clerk of this Parish ; Of the Poet Laureate; Prose Satires on Dennis and Cuill ; A Key to the Lock; Thoughts. — Vol. 6. Dunciad, i 136 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. with Prolegomena and Appendix ; Dunciad, as in the 4to of 1728. — Vol. 7, 8, and 9, Pope's Letters and Correspondence ; Cha- racterof Katharine, Duchessof Buckinghamshire, natural Daughter of James II.; Guardians; Preface to Shakespear ; Pope's Last Will. Porderi's (Miss) Veils, or Triumph of Constancy. (Pre- sented by the Authoress) 1815 Prynne's (W.) Histrio-Mastix, the Players Scorge, or Actors Tragaedie, 4to 1633 Pursuits of Literature (Mathias's) a Satirical Poem, with Notes, 13th edit, with the Citations Translated 1805 Racine (Jean) (Euvres de, 5 torn Paris, 1799 Tom. 1. La Thebaide, ou Les Freres Ennemis; Alexandre; An- dromaque ; Les Plaideurs. — Tom. 2. Britannicus, Berenice; Bajazet; Mithridate. — Tom. 3. Iphigenie ; Phedre; Esther; Athalie. — Tom. 4. and 5. CEuvres diverses en Vers et en Prose. Reigning Vice, The, a Satirical Essay (Presented by the Author) 1827 Rejected Addresses, or New Theatrum Poetarum 1812 , with Notes, &c 1 833 Richardson's (Wm.) Essays on Shakespeare, 5th edit. . . 1798 Richardson's (Mrs. Charlotte) Poems York, 1806 Riley's (S. W.) Itinerant, or Memoirs of an Actor, 3 vols.. 1829 Ritson's (Joseph) English Anthology, 3 vols 1793 Scottish Songs, 2 vols 1794 Bibliographia Poetica 1802 Ancient English Metrical Romances, 3 vols 1802 Robin Hood, Songs and Ballads of, with Notes and Life of Robin Hood, by Joseph Ritson 1824 Rodd's (Thos.) Charles the Great, Orlando, and the Twelve Peers of France, English, with Metrical Versions from Spanish Ballads concerning them, 2 vols 1812 Rogers's (Samuel) Pleasures of Memory, and other Poems, 1822 Italy 1822 Human Life, 4to 1818 Rolliad, or Probationary Odes, Eclogues, and Criticisms, Political Satires, 22nd edit 1812 Roscoe's (Wm.) Nurse, a Poem, from the Italian of Luigi Tansillo, 3rd edit Liverpool, 1804 Rowe's (Mrs. E.) Works in Prose and Verse, with Poems by T. Rowe, and Memoirs of the Authors, 3 vols.. . 1738-39 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 137 Ryan's (Richard) Dramatic Table Talk, or Scenes, &c. in Theatrical History and Biography, 3 vols 1825 Schlegel's (Augustus Wm.) Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, 2 vols Edin. 1815 Scott's (Sir Walter) Poetical Works, viz. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, Sir Tristram, Lay of the Last Minstrel, Ballads, &c. 5 vols Edin. 1806 Bridal of Triermain 1817 Don Roderick, 4to 1811 Harold the Dauntless 1817 • Lady of the Lake, 4to Edin. 1810 Lay of the Last Minstrel, 13th edit 1812 Lord of the Isles, 4to Edin. 1810 Marmion, a Tale of Flodden Field, 7th edit 1811 Rokeby, 4to Edin. 1813 Sir Tristrem, 3rd edit Edin. 1811 Poetical Works, 12 vols 1833-34 Vols. 1 to 4. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. — Vol. 5. Sir Tristrem.— Vol. 6. Lay of the Last Minstrel. — Vol. 7. Marmion. — Vol. 8. Lady of the Lake.— Vol.9. Rokeby and Don Roderick. — Vol. 10. Lord of the Isles. — Vol. XL Bridal of Triermain ; Harold the Dauntless, &c. — Vol. 12. The Dramas. Seymour's (E. H.) Remarks on Shakspeare's Plays, 2 vols. 1805 *" Shakspeares (Mr. William) Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies," from the edit, of 1623, fol 1814 Shakspeare's Plays, Johnson and Stevens's edition ; Re- vised by Isaac Reid, with Notes, by various Commen- tators, and Additions to the Historical Account of the English Stage, by George Chalmers, 21 vols 1803 Vol. 1. to 3. Prolegomena, viz. Prefaces ; Life of Shakspeare ; Dr. Farmer's Essay ; Account of the English Stage, &c. — Vol. 4. Tempest ; Two Gentlemen of Verona ; Midsummer-Night's Dream ; — Vol. 5. Merry Wives of Windsor ; Twelfth Night. — Vol. 6. Much Ado about Nothing ; Measure for Measure. — Vol. 7. Love's Labour Lost ; Merchant of Venice. — Vol. 8. As You Like It ; All's Well that Ends Well.— Vol. 9. Taming of the Shrew; Winter's Tale.— Vol. 10. Macbeth; King John. —Vol. 11. King Richard II. ; King Henry IV. part I.— Vol. 12. King Henry IV. part II. ; King Henry V.— Vol. 13. King Henry VI. part I. and II. — Vol.14. Henry VI. part III.; Richard III.— Vol. 15. King Henry VIII. ; Troilus and Ciessida.— Vol. 16. Coriolanus ; .Tulius Csesar. — Vol. 17. Antony and Cleopatra ; King Lear.— Vol. 18. Hamlet ; Cymbelmc— Vol. 19. Timon T I 138 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. of Athens ; Othello. — Vol. 20. Romeo and Juliet; Comedy of Errors. — Vol. 21. Titus Andronicus ; Pericles, Dissertations, Addenda, and Glossarial Index. Shakespeare's Hamlet, and As You Like It ; a Specimen of a New edition, by Thomas Caldicot (Presented by 1 James Powell, Esq.) 1819 Shakspeare, Index to, by the Rev. S. Ayscough, 2nd edit. 1827 on his Authorship of the Two Noble Kinsmen, 1 833 Life of, by Aug. Skottowe, 2 vols 1824 Papers, vide Chalmers. Shee's (Martin Archer) Elements of Art, with Notes on the state of the Arts, Patronage, &c 180 Rhymes on Art, 3rd edit 1809 Tragedy of Alasco 1824 Shelley's (Percy Bysshe) Miscellaneous Poems 1826 Masque of Anarchy , 1 834 Sheridan's (Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley) Works, 2 vols. . . 1821 I Vol.1. Rivals; St Patrick's Day ; Duenna; Trip to Scarborough. — Vol.2. School for Scandal ; Camp; Critic; Pizarro. Smith's (Mrs. Charlotte) Elegiac Sonnets, 9th edit 1800 Southey's (Robert) Minor Poems, 3 vols 1815 Joan of Arc, 2 vols. 4th edit 1812 . ^ Madoc, 3rd edit 1812 Vision of Don Roderick, 2 vols 1812 Thalaba the Destroyer, 2 vols. 3rd edit 1814 All for Love ; and the Pilgrim to Compostella . 1829 Lives of Uneducated Poets, and Attempts in Verse, by J. Jones 1831 Spenser's (Edmond) Faerie Queene, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by Ralph Church, 4 vols 1758 Stebbing's (Rev. Henry) Lives of the Italian Poets, 3 vols. 1831 Stevens's (G. A.) Lecture on Heads, (bound with Anstey's Bath Guide) 1787 Syntax's (Dr.) Tour in Search of the Picturesque 1804 Second Tour, in Search of Consolation 1823 Swift's (Dean) Poems, Martinus Scriblerus', &c. vide his Works, vols. 16 to 19 1803 Taylor's (Henry) Van Artevelde, 2 parts 1834 Tasso's (Torquato) Jerusalem Delivered, translated by John Hoole, 2 vols. 8th edit, with Notes 1802 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 130 Tighe's (Mrs. Henry) Psyche, and other Poems, 3rd edit. 1811 Vanbrugh's (Sir John) Plays, 2 vols. 1759 Vol. 1. Relapse, or Virtue in Danger; Provoked Wife; ^sop ; False Friend. — Vol.2. Confederacy ; Mistake; Country House ; Journey to London ; Provoked Husband. Vergier (Mons. Jacques) CEuvres de, 3 vols 1780 Voltaire, CEuvres Completes de, 71 tom Basle, 1784 Tom, l.Lettres; Oedipe ; Fragment d'Artemire ; Mariamne; Bru- tus; Eryphile. — Tom. 2. Zaire ; Adelaide du Guesclin ; Amelie, ou Le Due de Foix ; La Mort de Cesar ; Alzire, ou Les Ameri- cains. — Tom. 3. Zulime ; La Fanatisme, ou Mahomet le Pro- phete ; M6rope ; S^miramis. — Tom. 4. Oreste ; Rome Sauvee, ou Catilina ; L'Orphelin de la Chine ; Tancrede. — Tom. 5. Olimpie ; Le Triumviiat ; Les Scythes ; Les Guebres, ou La Tolerance ; Sophonisbe. — Tom. 6. Les Lois de Minos ; Dom Pedre ; Les Pelopides ; Irene ; Agathocle. — Tom. 7. L'ln- descret; L'Enfant Prodigue ; La Prude ; Nanine.ou le Prejug6 A'^aincu ; La Femme qui a raison. — Tom. 8. L'Ecossaise ; Le Droit du Seigneur ; Chariot, ou la Comlesse de Givry ; Le De- positaire; Socrate. — Tom. 9. Samson ; La Princesse de Navarre ; Le Temple de la Gloire ; Le Baron d'Otrante ; Pandore ; Les Deux Tonneaux ; Tanis et Zelide, ou les Rois Pasteurs ; Jules Cesar ; L'Heraclius Espagnol, ou La Comedie Fatneuse. — Tom. 10. La Henriade. — Tom. 11. La Pucelle. — Tom. 12 et 13. Poemes, Epitres, Stances, et Odes. — Tom. 14. Coutes en Vers — Tom. 15. Lettres en Vers, &c. — N.B. The remaining Volumes are in Prose. — See Miscellaneous Class. Warren's (E.) Poet's Day, 3rd edit 1804 Warton's (Dr. Thos.) History of English Poetry from the 11th Century, with three Dissertations, viz. On Roman- tic Fiction, the Progress of Learning in England, and the Gesta Romanorum, 3 vols. 4to 1774-81 Poetical Works, with his Life and Notes, by the Rev. Richard Mant, 2 vols. 5th edit Oxford, 1802 (Dr. Thos.) Observations on Spenser's Fairy Queen, 8vo. 2 vols, in 1 1807 (Joseph) Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, 2 vols. 4th edit 1780 Wieland's Musarion Leipzig, 1799 Wilkes's (Thos.) General View of the Stage 1759 Wordsworth's (Wm.) Poetical Works, 5 vols 1827 — River Duddon 1 820 140 MISCELLANEOUS. Wright's (Walter Rodwell) Horee lonicse, Orestes, and other Poems, 3rd edit 181 Young's (Dr. Edward) Works, 3 vols 1792 Vol. 1. Poems, Busiiis, King of Egypt. — Vol. 2. Revenge; Bro- thers; Night Thoughts, B. i. to vii.— Vol. 3. Night Thoughts, B. viii. to ix. Centaur not Fabulous. I'2 1 Night Thoughts, original edition, 2 vols. 4to. , .1743-45 Yriarte (D. Juan de) Obras Sueltas de, 2 torn 1774 (De Tomas de) La Musica Burdeos, 1 809 Zampieri (II Conte Camillo) Poema, 4to Piacenza, 1763 MZSCEIiXiANEOVS. Including Pamphlets, Tracts, Essays, Sfc. I Addison's (Joseph) Works, 6 vols 1804 Vols. 1, 2, and 3. Spectator and Tatler. — Vol. 4. Guardian ; Whig Examiner ; Lover. — Vol. 5. Dialogues on Medals ; Remarks on Italy, &c. — Vol. 6. Poems and Plays. Aikin's (Dr.) Letters to his Son, 2 vols. 4th edit 1806 Alison's (Rev. Archibald) Essays on Taste, 4to Edin. 1799 Ditto, 2 vols ib. 1811 Anecdote Library, small 4to 1 826 Apician Morsels, or Tales of the Table, Kitchen, and Larder - 1829 Apulejo, deir Asino D'Oro, Translated from the Latin by Agnolo Firenzuola 1 792 Art of Employing Time to the Greatest Advantage .... 1822 Athenian Sport, or Two Thousand Paradoxes Merrily Argued 1707 Aubrey's (John) Miscellanies 1784 Bacon's (Lord) Essays 1822 Works, 5 vols. 4to 1765 Vol. 1. His Life ; on the Proficience and Advancement of Learning ; Sylva Sylvarum ; Essays ; Apothegms, «&c.— Vol. 2. Works Political ; Law Tracts. — Vol. 3. History of Henry VII. ; Theological Works ; Letters, Speeches ; Charges, &c. — Vol. 4. Opera Philosophica ; Opera Civilia et Moralia. Bank Dividends, Unclaimed, Account of, 3 vols. . . . 1808-15-23 MISCELLANEOUS. 141 Barbauld's (Mrs. Anna Letitia) Works, viz. Poems, Corres- pondence, and Miscellaneous Pieces, with a Memoir of Mrs. Barbauld, by Lucy Aikin, 2 vols 1825 Barrington's (Hon. Daines) Miscellanies, 4to 1781 Beattie's (Rev. Dr. James) Dissertations, 4to 1783 Essays, 4to Edin. 1776 Beccaria's Essay on Crimes and Punishments ib. 1810 Beckford (Peter) on Fox and Hare Hunting 1810 Beloe's (Rev. Wm.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 vols 1807-12 Belsham's (Wm.) Essays, Philosophical, Moral, &c. 2 vols. 1799 Bent's (W.) London Catalogue from 1800 to March, 1827, 1827 Beresford's (J.) Miseries of Human Life 1806 Bernard's (Sir Thomas) Spurinna, or Comforts of Old Age, with Notes, and Biographical Illustrations 1816 Berkeley's (Bishop) Works, 2 vols. 4to Dublin, 1784 Bielfeld's (Baron) Elements of Universal Erudition, 3 vols. 1770 Blair's (Rev. Dr. Hugh) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 3 vols. 10th edit 1806 Bland's (Robt. M. D.) Proverbs, chiefly from the Adagia of Erasmus, 2 vols, in 1 1814 Bourne's (Rev. Henry) Antiquitates Vulgares, with an Appendix by the Rev. John Brand 1810 Boyle's (Hon. Robert) Works and Life, 6 vols. 4to 1772 Vol. 1. Boyle's Life, by Himself and the Rev, Thomas Birch; On the Spring and Weight of Air ; On the Love of God ; Physiolo- gical Essays ; the Sceptical Chymist ; Chemical Experiments on ■ Salt, Spirits, Sulphurs, Mercury, Phlegm, Water, and Earth ; On Colours, and a Lucid Diamond. Vol. 2. Essays on Experimental Philosophy ; On the Style of the Holy Scriptures ; Occasional Reflections ; Experimental History of Cold^ Hydrostatical Paradoxes. Vol. 3. On the Origin of Forms and Qualities ; New Experiments on the Spring and Weight of Air ; Tracts on Particular Qualities Cosmical Suspicions, Subterraneal and Submarine Temperature, and the Bottom of the Sea ; Pneumatical Experiments ; On Experimental and Natural Philosophy ; On the Origin and Virtues of Gems ; On Flame and Air ; an Hydrostatical Dis- course ; Experiments in Natural Philosophy, &c. Vol. 4. On Theology ; the Growth of Metals ; Magnets ; Recon- cileableness of Reason and Religion ; Experiments, various ; Mechanical Origin of Heat and Cold, and the Production of I 142 MISCELLANEOUS. Tastes and Odours ; On the Doctrine of Qualities ; On Vola- tility, Corrosibility, Precipitation. Electricity, Aerial Nocti- luca, &c. a Discourse on Things above Reason ; A Chymical Paradox ; Physico-mechanical Experiments ; On Human Blood ; On the Porousness of Animal and Solid Bodies ; Experiments on Mineral Waters. Vol. 5. On Motion ; On the Salubrity, &c. of the Air ; On Cor- puscular Philosophy ; On the Use of Simple Medicines ; On the Wisdom and Power of God ; Free Inquiry into the received Notion of Nature ; the Martyrdom of Theodora and Didymus ; Medicinal Experiments and Receipts ; Disquisition on Final Causes ; On Vitiated Light ; Medicina Hydrostatica ; the Christian Virtuoso ; Experimenta et Observatioues Physicae ; General History of the Air. Vol. 6. On Customary Swearing and a Dissuasion from it ; Corres- pondence and Various Tracts ; Appendix to the Christian Vir- tuoso. Part 2. — General Index. Brady's (John) Varieties of Literature 182i Bray ley's (Edw. Wedlake) Popular Pastimes 181i Graphic and Historical Illustrator 183! British Essayists, with Prefaces Historical and Biographical, by Alexander Chalmers, 45 vols 180a Adventurer, by Hawkesworth, 3 Vols. — Connoisseur, by Colman and Thornton, 3 Vols. — Guardian, by Pope, &c. 3 Vols. — Idler, by Johnson, 1 Vol. — Lounger, by Mackenzie, 2 Vols. — Looker On, 4 Vols. — Mirror, 2 Vols. — Observer, by Cumberland, 3 Vols. — Rambler by Johnson, 4 Vols. — Spectator, by Addison, 10 Vols.— Tatler, by Steele, 5 Vols.— World, by Moore, 4 Vols. — General Index, 1 Vol. Brydges (Sir Egerton) and Hazlewood's (John) Censura Literaria, 10 vols 1805-1 Buckingham (J. S.) versus Banks, &c 1 82( Burdon's (William) Materials for Thinking, 2 vols 181( Burke (Edmund) on the Sublime and Beautiful 178' Burnet's (George) Specimens of English Prose Writers, to the Close of the 17th Century, with Sketches Biogra- phical and Literary, 3 vols 181J Burton's (Robt.) Anatomy of Melancholy, 2 vols 1806 Campbell's (Dr. George) Philosophy of Rhetoric, 2 vols. 180f Chesterfield's (Lord) Miscellaneous Works, with his Life by Dr. M. Maty, 4 vols. 2nd edit 1771 Letters to his Son, 4 vols. 1 1th edit 180( MISCELLANEOUS. 143 pBiesterfield's (Xord) Letters to A. C. Stanhope, on the ^Education of his God-son 1817 Clubs of London, with Anecdotes of their Members, &c. 2 vols 1828 Coleridge's (S. T.) Aids to Reflection 1825 Collet's (Stephen) Relics of Literature 1823 Confessions of an Opium Eater, (by J. Quincey) ..,.•• 1823 Colton's (Rev. C. C.) Lacon, or Many Things in Few Words, 2 vols 1820-22 Crowe*s (Rev. Henry) Zoophilos, 3rd edit 1822 Cruikshank and Westmacott's Points of Misery 1823 De Foe's (Daniel) Robinson Crusoe, with Technical and Geographical Annotations 1815 Dibdin's (Charles) Musical Tour, 4to Sheffield, 1788 (Rev. Thos. Frognall) Guide to the Formation of a Library, 2 vols 1 825 D'Israeli's (J.) Curiosities of Literature, 3 vols. 6th edit. . 1817 Ditto, Second Series, 3 vols 1823 Calamities of Authors, 2 vols 1812 • Literary Character illustrated by the History of Men of Genius 1818 Dodsley's (Robt.) Economy of Human Life 1813 Drake's (Dr. N.) Literary Hours, 3 vols. 3rd edit 1804 Gleaner, or Periodical Essays from scarce or neglected Volumes, with Notes, 4 vols 1811 Winter Nights, 2 vols 1820 ' Noontide Leisure, 2 vols 1824 Ducarel's (Dr.) Anglo-Norman Antiquities considered, in a Tour through part of Normandy, in 1752; with an Appendix, containing a Description of the Bayeux Tapestries, by S. Lethieullier, Esq. and other papers, fol. 1767 Dunlop's (John) History of Fiction, or Critical Account of Works of Romance, &c. 3 vols Edin. 1816 History of Roman Literature, from its Earliest Period to the Augustan Age, 3 vols 1823-28 Dutens (Mons. Louis) Origine des Decouvertes attributes aux Modernes, 4to. 3rd edit 1796 • Memoirs of a Traveller, (Himself) now in Retire- ment, 5 vols 1805 144 MISCELLANEOUS. Edgeworth's (Maria and R. L.) Practical Education, 3 vols. 2nd edit 1801 (R. L.) Essays on Professional Education, 4to.. 1809 (Maria) Essay on Irish Bulls 1802 • Letters to Literary Ladies 1805 Elia's (Chas. Lamb) Essays 1823 Essay on Knowledge 1810 Espriella's Letters on England, (by R. Southey) 4 vols.. . 1808 Fearn's (John) Essays on Consciousness and External Perception, 4to 1812 Ferriar's (Dr. J.) Illustrations of Sterne, &c 1798 Fielding's (H.) Works, and Life, by A. Murphy, 10 vols.. 1806 Vol.1 to 4. Plays, vide Poetry, &c. — Vol. 4. Jonathan Wild; Journey to the Next World, — Vol. 5. Joseph Andrews ; Prefaces to David Simple, &c.— Vol. 6. and 7. Tom Jones.— Vol. 8. Essays, &c., various ; Amelia. — Vol. 9. Amelia concluded ; Essays on Conversation and Character. — Vol. 10. Covent Garden Journal; Charge to the Grand Jury, in June, 1749 ; Voyage to Lisbon ; Inquiry into the Increase of Robbers, &c. Fitz-Osborne's Letters, (by Wm. Melmoth) bound up with Lyttelton's Dialogues of the Dead, and Shenstone's Essays, 1787 1787 Fosbroke's (Rev. T. D.) Tourist's Grammar 1826 Foster's (John) Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance.. 1820 Foster's (J.) Essays on Decision of Character, &c. 9th edit. 1830 Fugitive Pieces, by various Authors, 3rd edit. 2 vols 1771 Vol. 1. — 1. Critp, or a Dialogue on Beauty. 2. Account of the Emperor of China's Gardens, near Pekin. 3. Essay on Defor- mity, by Wm. Hay, Esq. 4. Lucina sine Concubitu. 5. A Modest Defence of Gaming. 6. The Pretty Gentleman. 7. The Polite Philosopher. 8. Plan of an Essay on Delicacy. Vol. 2. — 1. A Vindication of Natural Society. 2. History and Antiquities of the Ancient Villa of Wheatfield. 3. Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highlands. Lord Whitworth's Account of Russia. 5. Paul Hentzner's Journey into England in 1598. 6. Cooper's Hospital for Decayed Authors. 7. Spencer's Parallel between Sign. Magliabechi and Robert Hill. Gaieties and Gravities, a Series of Essays (by J. Smith) 3 vols 182 Gentleman's Magazine, Selections from, 4 vols 1809 Gerund de Campazas, (Friar) History of, Translated by Dr. Warner, 2 vols 1 772 I MISCELLANEOUS. 145 ibbon's (E,) Miscellaneous Works, with his Life, &c. Illus- trated with Notes, by Lord Sheffield, 3 vols. 4to. . 1796-1815 Gisborne's (Rev. Thos.) Duties of Men, 2 vols. 7th edit. . 1824 Duties of Females, 11th edit , 1816 Godwin's (Wm.) Thoughts on Man, his Nature, Produc- tions, and Discoveries 1831 Goldsmith's (Dr. Oliver) Miscellaneous Works, with an Account of his Life and Writings, 4 vols. , . , , 1801 Vol. 1. Life of Goldsmith ; Vicar of Wakefield ; Enquiry into the State of Polite Learning, — Vol, 2, Citizen of the World .-^ Vol. 3. Citizen of the World concluded. — Vol. 4. Lives of Dr. Parnell, and Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke ; Prefaces, various ; the Bee ; Essays. Grant's (Mrs.) Letters from the Mountains, written between the Years 1773 and 1807, 3 vols. 5th edit 1813 I Grant (Mrs.), On the Superstitions of the Highlanders, I 2 vols 1811 [ Greville's (Mrs.) Maxims, Characters, and Reflections . . 1768 i Griffith's (Edw.) Cases of Supposed Exemption from Poor I Rates, in respect to the Inns of Court 1831 ' G{ilistan, or the Rose Garden, Translated from the Persian of Sady, by Francis Gladwin .,..,, , 1808 Hardinge's (Judge) Miscellaneous Works, 3 vols. , 1818 Hazlitt's (Wm.) Table-talk, or Original Essays 1821-22 Heraldic Anomalies (by the Rev. Wm. Beresford) 2 vols.. 1823 Harington's (Sir John) Nugse Antiquae, 2 vols 1804 Harris's (James) Works, and Life, by his Son, Lord Malmsbury, 2 vols. 4to , 1801 Vol. 1. Life and Character of the Author; The Three Treatises, viz. a Dialogue concerning Art ; a Discourse on Music, Painting, and Poetry ; and a Dialogue on Happiness : Hermes, or a Phi- losophical Inquiry concerning Universal Grammar. — Vol. 2. Philosophical Arrangements ; Philological Inquiries ; Appendix on Ancient Manuscripts, and the Literature of Russia. Hayter's (Rev. J.) Report on the MSS. of Herculaneura, 4to. 1811 Hervey's (Mary Lepel, Lady) Letters, with a Memoir of the Authoress, and Illustrative Notes 1821 Hickeringill's (Rev. Edw.) Works, 2 vols 1709-16 Holbein's (Hans) Dance of Death 1816 Hone's (Wm.) Year Book, or Daily Recreation and Infor- mation, &c 1833 u 146 MISCELLANEOUS. Howell's (J.) Familiar Letters, 4to 1645 Hume's (David) Essays and Treatises, 2 vols. . . . .Edin. 1804 Hunt's (Leigh) Indicator and Companion, 2 vols 1822-28 Kurd's (Bishop) Dialogues, Moral and Political, with his Letters on Chivalry and Romance, 3 vols. 5th edit. . . . 1777 Irving's (Washington) Salmagundi 1825 Jackson's (W.) Thirty Letters on Various Subjects, 2nd ed. 1784 James's (Rev. Thos.) Catalogus Librorum in Bibl. Bod- leiana, 2 vols. 4to Oxon. 1605, 1620 Jenyns's (Soame) Works, with Sketches of his Life and Family by C. N. Cole, Esq. 4 vols. 2nd edit 1793 Jones's (Sir Wm.) Works, with a Life of the Author by Lord Teignmouth, 13 vols 1807 Vol. 1. and 2. Life and Correspondence of Sir William Jones. Vol. 3. Anniversary ])iscourses; Orthography of Asiatick Words; On the Gods of Greece, Italy, and India. — Vol. 4. Essays on the Chronology, Astronomy, INIusic, and Poetry of India; On the Source of the Nile, Game of Chess, &c. — Vol. 5. On the Plants of India ; Persian Grammar and History of the Persian Language.— Vol, 6. Poeseos Asiaticae Commentariorum, &c. Vol. 7. Judicial Charges ; Institutes of Hindoo Law. — Vol. 8, Institutes continued ; Mohammedan Law of Succession to Pro- perly of Intestates ; Ditto of Inheritance ; On the Law of Bail- ments ; on the Legal Suppression of Riots ; Reformation of Parliament; Principles of Government; Character of Lord Ashburton. — Vol. 9. Speeches of Isaeuson the Law of Succession at Athens. — Vol. 10. The Moallakat, or Seven Arabian Poems suspended in the Temple at Mecca ; Poems, chiefly from the Asiatick Languages ; On Poetry and the Arts ; On the Writings of Zoroaster. — Vol. 11. L'Histoire de Nadir Chah. — Vol. 12. Ditto concluded : Traite sur la Poesie Orientale ; Description of Asia; Short History of Persia. — Vol. 13. Hitupadesa of Vich- nusarman, or Maxims on the Acquisition and Breach of Friend- ship, and on War and Peace ; the Enchanted Fruit, or Hindu Wife ; Hymns ; Extracts from the Vedas ; Poems ; List of Sanscrit MSS. presented to the Royal Society. Kames (Lord) Elements of Criticism, 2 vols. 8th edit 1807 Sketches of the History of Man, 3 vols Edin. 1807 Loose Hints upon Education ib. 1781 Keates's (George) Sketches from Nature, 2 vols 1779 Kelsall's (Chas.) Last Pleadings of Cicero 1812 Phantasm of an University, with Prolegomena, 4to. 1814 Kett's (Rev. Dr. H.) Elements of General Knowledge, 2 vols. 1809 MISCELLANEOUS. 147 Knight, (R. Payne) On the Principles of Taste 1805 Knowledge, an Essay on 1810 Lambeth and the Vatican, or Anecdotes of the Church of Rome, of the Reformed Churches, &c. 3 vols 1827 Landor's(W. S.) Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, vol. 3 1827 Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, 2 vols , 1824 Literature, New Memoirs of, 6 vols 1725-27 Locke's (John) Works, and Life, 10 vols. 10th edit 1801 Vol. 1 to 3. Essay on Human Understanding, — Vol. 4. Ditto Vin- dicated, in Letters to the Bishop of Worcester, &c. — Vol. 5. Considerations on the Coinage and Value of Money ; Essays on Government, and Exposure of the False Principles of Sir Robt. Filmer. — Vol. 6. Letters on Toleration. — Vol 7. Reasonable- ness of Christianity, and Vindication of the Same. — Vol. 8. Es- say, and Paraphrases on St. Paul's Epistles. — Vol. 9. Thoughts on Education, Examination of Malebranche's Opinion of See- ing all things in God ; a Discourse of Miracles ; Memoirs of Anthony, 1st Lord Shaftsbury ; Correspondence. — Vol. 10. Correspondence continued ; Fundamental Constitution of Ca- rolina ; Letters ; Remarks, &c. ; on the Preservation of Fruits j on Silk ; History of Navigation to the Year 1704, and Cata- logue and Character of most Books of Voyages and Travels. Conduct of the Understanding Edin. 1825 London, City of, its endowed Charities, reprinted from the Reports of the Commissioners 1829 Macdonnel's (D. E.) Dictionary of Quotations, 9th edit. . 1826 Mackenzie's (Sir George) Essay on Taste, 4to 1811 (Henry) Works, 8 vols Edin. 1 808 Vols. 1 and 2. Man of Feeling, and Man of the World.-— Vol. 3. Julia de Roubign^. — Vols. 4 to 7. Papers from the Mirror and Lounger. — Vol. 7. Lives of Dr. Blacklock, Lord Abercromby, and Wm. Tytler ; Proceedings of Pariiament in 1804. — Vol. 8. Poems and Plays. Malcolm's (J. P.) Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London from the Roman Invasion, to 1700, 3 vols. 2nd edit 1811 Illustrative Anecdotes of the Manners of Europe, from Charles II. to Queen Anne 1811 Anecdotes of the 18th Century, 2 vols 1810 Mandeville's (Dr. Bernard de) Fable of the Bees, with 148 MISCELLANEOUS. Essays on Charity and Charity Schools, and the Nature of Society 1806 Meiner's (C.) History of the Female Sex, 4 vols 1808 Meursius (Joan.) de Luxu Romanorum, 4to Hafnice, 1631 *Microcosm, (by G. Canning and others) Original edit. . . 1786-7 [ Milton's (John) Prose Works, edited by Dr. Chas. Sym- mons, with a Life of the Author, Interspersed with Translations and Critical Remarks, 7 vols 1806 Vol. 1. Familiar Epistles on the Reformation of Church Discipline and Prelatical Episcopacy ; the Reason of Church-Govern- ment urged against Prelaty ; Apology for Smectymnuus ; Of Education ; Areopagitica, or Defence of the Press ; the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, Book i. — Vol. 2. Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, Book ii. ; Tetrachordon Colasterion, a Defence of the Treatise on Divorce ; the Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, or National Right to depose and punish a Tyrant ; On the Articles of Peace with the Irish Rebels ; Eiconoclastes, in answer to Eikon Basilike. — Vol. 3. Ditto continued ; Defence of the People of England against Salraa- sius ; On Religious Toleration ; On the Commonwealth, &c. Brief Notes on Dr. Griffith's Sermons; Accidence commenced Grammar. — Vol. 4. History of Britain ; Of True Religion, Heresy, &c. ; Brief History of Moscovia, &c. ; Declaration, or Letters Patent for the Election of John III., King of Poland ; State Letters, various. — Vol. 5. Ditto ; Manifesto against Spain ; Defensio pro Populo Anglicano, and other Latin Works. — Vol. 6. State Letters, Papers, and Familiar Letters in Latin ; Prolusiones quaedam Oratoriae ; Artis Logicae, &c.; Petri Rami Vita ; Second Defence of the People of England. Index. — Vol. 7. Life of Milton, with an Appendix on his Poems, &c. and on the malignant Plagiarisms of Lauder. Monboddo, (James, Burnet Lord) on the Origin and Pro- gress of Language, 6 vols. 2nd edit Edin. 1774 Montagues (Mrs. Eliz.) Letters, 4 vols 1810-13 Montagu's (Lady Mary Wortley) Works, 5th edit 1805 Montaigne's (Michel Seigneur de) Essais, avec des Notes, &c. par P. Coste, 3 torn Paris, 1725 Montesquieu's (Mons. de) Persian Letters, 2 vols. 4th edit. 1762 Morgan's (J. M.) Revolt of the Bees (Presented by the Author.) 1 826 (Lady) Book of the Boudoir, 2 vols 1829 Muckersy's (Rev. J.) Letters on Life and Manners, 3 vols. 2nd edit 1809 MISCELLANEOUS. 149 [urphy's (Arthur) Works, 7 vols 1786 Vol.1. Orphan of China ; Zenobia ; Grecian Daughter; Alzutna; Vol. 2. Apprentice ; Upholsterer ; Old Maid ; Citizen ; No One's Enemy but his Own ; Three Weeks after Marriage.-- Vol.3. Way to Keep Him; All in the Wrong ; Desert Island. — Vol. 4. Know your own Mind ; School for Guardians ; The Choice; News from Parnassus. — Vol. 5. and 6. Gray's Inn Journal. — Vol. 7. Poetical Epistle to Dr. Johnson ; Expos- tulation ; Prologues, Epilogues, &c. ; Game of Chess ; Templum Famae, &c. ; Rival Sisters. Neele's (Henry) Literary Remains 1828 Olla Podrida, 2nd edit 1788 Owen's (Robert) Address on the Formation of Character, in 1816 ; and New View of Society, in Four Essays . . 1813 . New View of Society, 2nd edit 1816 Pamphleteer, 29 vols 1813-28 General Index to Ditto. Vol. Page Abernethy's Hunterian Oration, in 1819 14 145 Acheson, (N.) on American Encroachments 6 33, 361 Agriculture, Dissertation respecting the National 11 23 American Question, Further Documents on 2 249 Ditto, or Why still at War 4 651 America, U. S. Statements and Reports on the Banks of, &c. 17 229 Points to be Discussed 5 105 Angleterre, De la Constitution de r 27 97 Anticipation of American Notes on the British Declaration, in January, 1813 1 487 , Political Squib in 1778, reprinted 19 309 Apprentice Laws, on the Operation of, «Scc 3 217 Army, a Standing One, inconsistent with a Free Government 10 109 Assey, (Chas.) on the Trade to China, &c 14 515 Authors' Claims to their Own Copy Right 2 169 Badeley, (Dr.) on Prince Hohenloe's Cures 22 225 Banks, (Sir Jos.) on the Blight in Corn 6 401 Remarks on his Hypothesis 31 107 Banks, the Country, Plan for Reforming of 18 51 Barker's (E. H.) Letter on Hughes's Address on the Greeks 21 189 on the Claims of Sir Philip Francis to the Authorship of Junius 27 415 Bastile Prison, some Account of, with Life of La Tude 3 195 Bate Dudley's, (Henry) Addresses on Irish Tithes 6 239 Baverstock, ('Jas.) on the State of the Brewery 2 477 Beames (J.) on the Power of the Court of Chancery 29 125 Beaumont's Essay on Saving Banks 7 475 , (J. B.) Essay on Criminal Jurispi-udence .......... 18 67, 401 Ditto, continued 19 97 Beaumont's Letter to Lord Sidmouth on Public Houses 9 433 150 MISCELLANEOUS. Vol. Becket's (And.) Plan for Public Prosperity 2 Bennett, on the Commutation of Tithes 6 Bennett, (Grey) on the Abuses in Newgate 11 Bentham's (Jer.) Defence of Economy Against the late Mr. Burke 9 Ditto, Against Mr. Geo. Rose 10 Bentham, on a Constitutional Code for States 22 on Mr. Peel's Speech on 21st March, 1825 25 's Indications respecting Lord Eldon 26 Bernard, (Sir Thos.) on the Supply of Fish 1 • on Employment and Sustenance of the Poor 10 Bexley's (Lord) Letter to the Freeholders of Kent 29 Bible Society, Transactions of, Abridged 6 Bignon, (Mons.) les Cabinets et les Peuples 22 Bird's (Rev. C.) Sermon on Christian Charity 26 (C.) Letter to the Rt. Hon. R. Peel, M. P 29 Blane, (Sir Gilb.) on the High Price of Provisions 9 Blaquiere, (Ed.) on the Greek Confederation 22 's Greece and her Claims 26 Bloomfield's (Bishop) Letter to Charles Butler, Esq 25 Reply to the above, by Ditto 25 Boleyn, (Anne) Love Letters addressed to, by Henry VIII. 21 Bosquett's Treatise on Duelling 12 Bowles, (Rev. W. L.) Vindiciae Wykehamicae 13 • , on the Increase of Crime, &c 15 's Reply to the Quarterly Reviewer on Pope's Works 17 • Reply to O. Gilchrist 18 two Letters to Lord Byron 18 331, Letter to Thomas Campbell 20 Bowring's (John) State of the Prisons in Spain and Portugal 23 British Empire, on its Power and Prosperity 28 Ditto Ditto 28 Broadhurst, (Mrs.) on Female Schools 27 Brougham, (H.) on the Present State of the Law 29 s Speech on the Abuse of Charities 13 -'s Speech on the Education of the Poor 16 Broughton's (Capt.) Reply to G. W. Hall, on the Agricul- tural Question 18 Bruce's (Jno. Esq.) Speech on East Indian Affairs 2 Brydges(Sir E.) on the further Amendment of Copy Rt. Act 10 • , on Relieving the Poor 11 , on the Definition of Riches 20 Burchell, (W. H.) Hints on Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope 17 Burgess, (H.) on the Fitness of the System of the Bank of England — of the Country Banks — and of the Branch Banks of England 28 Burrows on National Prejudices 9 MISCELLANEOUS. 151 Vol. Page Butler, (Chas.) on the Religious and Military Orders 5 33 , Inaugural Address on Laying the Foundation Stone of the London Institution 7 407 , on the Legality of Impressing Seamen 23 225 , Address to the Protestants of Great Britain 1 457 , Counter Address in Reply 2 531 Byron's (Lord) Life and Genius, by Cosmo Gordon 24 175 Letter to, and Animadversions on 19 347 Character, by Sir Walter Scott 24 169 Campbell's (Hugh) Ossiana, &c 15 67 Canning's, (Geo.) Speech in Parliament, 29th January 1817 10 1 Ditto, at Liverpool, March 18th, 1820 16 215 Speech in 1822, on Lord John Russell's Motion... 21 221 Cappe, (Mrs.) on visiting Female Wards of Prisons, &c. ... 8 371 Catholic Question, vide Croft, Gisborne, Newcastle, Nugent, Philpotts, Rossmore, Smith, Stapylton, Teynham, and Westmeath Carnot's Memorial to the King of France 5 1 Cash Payments, Letter on, addressed to Mr. Pole 12 9 • Ditto, addressed to Lord Liverpool 16 161 Chalmers's State of the Kingdom, Nov. 20th, 1815 7 481 Thoughts on Cash Payments 14 195 Chambers, on the Fallacy of the Sinking Fund 15 367 Chancery Court, Observations on its Utility 26 525 Channing, (W. E.) on the Character of Napoleon 29 55 on the Character and Writings of Milton 26 507 Chateaubriand's (Vis.) Buonaparte and the Bourbons 3 443 Chateaubriand, on the Censorship of the Press 24 59 Chevalier's (Thos.) Remarks on Suicide 23 305 Chitty, on Proposed Alterations of the Game Laws 9 171 Christian's, (Professor) Observations on Savings Banks 17 275 Churcli of England, on the Interests of the 19 477 Circulating Money, on Increasing the Quantity of 11 1 Clarkson, on the Increase of Pauperism 8 385 Clay's Free Trade Essential to Great Britain's Welfare, &c.. 17 457 Clayton's (Sir Richd.) Treatise on Grey Hounds 9 49 Cobbett's (W.) Objections to the Unitarian Bill, considered 2 1 Columbia, in 1825 29 485 Congreve, (Sir Wm.) on the renewing of Cash Payments ... 15 437 Constant, ( Benj .) on the Liberty of the Press 6 205 on the Dissolution of the Chambers, &c 18 97 Cooke, on Repealing the Usury Laws 13 139 ■ , on the Responsibility of Ministers 5 299 , on the High Price of Bullion, &c 14 225 Conciliators, Two Letters on Catholic Emancipation 3 153 . Reflections on Ditto, by Bishop Milner 3 553 Copy Right Bill, Observations on 18 583 Corn Question, Considerations on 17 549 152 MISCELLANEOUS. Vol. Corn Question continued 18 Corn Laws, the, Catechism on 27 Corn Laws, the, Observations on 28 Corn Question, Remarks on the State of 22 Cornaro (L.) on Longevity, (Translation) 18 • ■ — • Ditto, continued 19 Cottu (Mons.) on the Criminal Code of England, &c 16 Courtenay's, (T. P.) Letter on the Poor Laws 11 Courts Martial, on the Inadequacy of 14 Croft (J. W.), on the Reformed Church of France, and on the Roman Catholics in Great Britain and Ireland 27 Crombie's Letters on the Agricultural Institution 8 Ditto on the Depreciation of Bank Notes 10 Crucifixion (Self) of Matthew Lovat 3 Cunningham's (Rev. J. W.) Caution to Continental Travel- lers 21 Observations on Friendly Societies 22 Curates, the, Appeal to the Legislature Examined 17 Currency, an Essay on, (Original) 17 Letter on. Addressed to Mr. Robinson 19 Curwen's (J.C.) Speech on the Poor Laws, in 1816 8 Ditto, Ditto, in 1817 10 Daubeny's (Chas.) Reasons for notjoining Bible Societies... 5 Defence of the Cortes, &c. translated 14 De Pradt's Comparison of the Powers of England and Russia 25 Vrai Systeme de I'Europe, &c 25 De Renzy (Capt.) on an Artificial Hand 22 431 Dissenters and Catholics, their Proposed Union, for obtaining a Repeal of Disqualifications 1 Distilleries, on the Competition of, with Breweries 7 697 Dunlop's (A.) Sketches on Political Economy 11 403 Dunn (Wm.), on Vansittart's Plan of Finance 16 263 Dunsky (H. D.), on the Timber and Deal Trade 18 277 Dyer's (Geo.) Letters on the English Constitution 12 143, 305 Dissertation on Benevolence 13 391 Dupin's (M.) Discours a 1' Occasion du Proces contre le Constitutionnel 26 Eustace's (Rev. J.C.) Reply to Bishop of Lincoln's Charge 2 Ditto, Continued 14 East Indies, on the British Commerce with the, &c 11 , Letter on the Suppression of Public Discussion, 24 , Second Letter on ditto 25 East India Charter, on the, by Dr. Millian 1 Question, Letters on, by Gracchus 1 Letter by Probus in Answer to ditto 1 East Indies, on open Trade to, by Fabius 1 t , Report on the Claims of the Out Ports 2 . MISCELLANEOUS. J53 Vol. Page East Indies, Hints Relative to the Renewal of Charter 2 195 • , Speech of J. Bruce, Esq. in Comn\ittee, H. C. 2 441 • , Remarks on the Evidence before Parliament ... 2 467 , Religious Plans for, Speech of Chs. Marsh, esq. 2 495 East India College, Mallhus's Statement respecting the 9 469 Edmeads (Rev. Wm.), on Commuting Tithes 7 1 Reply to the above, by L. Tadman 12 1 Education, Thoughts on the present system of, in the Univer.- sity of Cambridge, by Eubulus 20 301 ■ Sequel to ditto ditto ditto 20 o43 Elector's Remembrancer, a Guide to the Votes 20 233 Elford (Sir Wm.) on the Game Laws 10 19 Eliot's (F. P.) Letters on the State of the Nation 3 337 Ditto, to Lord Liverpool, in 1816 7 261 . Ditto, Ditto in 1814 4 1 Ditto, Ditto in 1815 5 487 Elmes's ( Jas.) Letter to Thos. Hope, Esq. on the Fine Arts, 3 329 Englishman's, an. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Goderich ... 29 15 Elwes (John), Life of, by the late Major Topham 25 341 Episcopacy considered with Reference to Modern Societies... 16 421 Erskine's (Lord) Defence of the Whigs 15 287 ■ Appeal on the Subject of Greece 23 37,207 Erskine, Sketch of the Character of the late Lord 23 413 Examination, on an Addition of Students', by Philo-Grantus 20 311 • of the Controversy respecting Life 24 477 Exchanges, Two Tables Illustrative of, &c 15 281 Exportation, advantageous, on the True Principles of 12 247 Falconer's Plan for Building Churches, &c 6 569 Farren's (G.) Letter to the Earl of Eldon, on Finance 29 227 Fathom , on the Scarcity of Money and its Effects 7 445 Fearn's (J.) Review of Bishop Berkeley's First Principles, &.c. 3 345 • on External Perception , 5 55 Letter to Professor Stewart, &c 12 231 Feldbourg's (A.) Appeal on Behalf of Norway 4 223 Field's (Geo.) Analogy of the Sensible Sciences ..., 17 195 ■ Analogy of the Moral Sciences 23 447 Finance, Project of, without New Taxes , 11 115 Finlayson's (Dr. R.) Essay on the Dry Rot 26 161 Fire, on guarding Houses against, by Gov. Hastings 5 353 Fletcher's (Judge) Charge to the Grand Jury in Wexford, at the July Assizes, 1814 4 370 Letter on the above 5 151 Forman (Capt.) on Improving the Revenue 28 169 Forster (Thos.) on Pestilential Fever, its Causes, &c 24 403 on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow 4 431 on the Organology of the Brain 5 473 on the Atmosphere's Influence on Diseases 14 107 . — • Ditto ditto ditto 15 99 X 1.54 MISCELLANEOUS. " Vol. Pag« France, on the Actual Situation of 6 52] on the Financial State of, in 1816 7 221 Francis's (Sir P.) Letter on the Norway Question 4 6' Plan for Reform in the House of Commons 9 54( French Drama, Dissertation on, &c 12 41 Frend (Wm.) on the National Debt 9 411 on the Smoke of London 15 6] Frost, on Paying Witnesses in Civil Actions 9 191 Fry's (J. S.) Concise History of Tithes 15 391 Game Laws, Three Letters on the 11 32( Gardiner (H.) on Absenteeism 27 Genlz on the Liberty of the Press in England 15 Germany, and the Revolution, by Professor Goerres 15 Gilbert (Davies) on the Bullion Question 14 Gisborne's (T. Jun.) Letter to the Rev. H. Phillpotts, D.D. on his Letters to the Right Honourable George Canning... 28 Glover's Thoughts on the Property Tax 8 Glover on Pauperism in England 10 Goldsmith (Lewis) on the Appointment of Mr. Canning, &c. 22 29S Good's (Dr.) Letter on the Mischiefs of the Tread Mill, &c. 23 Grammar Schools, Letter on Decayed, &c 13 Considered with respect to a case recently decide d 16 Granville's (Dr.) Letter on the Quarantine Bill 25 Gray (Simon) on the Production of Wealth, &c 17 Greece, Considerations sur la Guerre Actuelle 24 La, en 1821 et 1822 23 Gregory's Oration at the Philosophical Society, in 1817 13 Grenville's (Lord) Letter on the Catholic Claims 5 Grenfell's (Pascoe) Speech on the Sinking Fund, April, 1814 9 Guardian Society, Address to the 11 Gurney's Notes on Prisons in England and Scotland 15 228, Ditto Ditto Ditto 16 Hamburg, Management of Poor in 11 Hamilton's (Dr.) Letter on Surgical Regulations 12 Hastings (Marq. of). Summary of his Indian Administration 24 Hawkins' (Henry) Reform the Ruin of Parliament 1 Hayti, Remarks on French Works respecting 13 Heathfield on the Liquidation of the National Debt 15 , Further Observations on Ditto 16 , Ditto Ditto 17 Heathfield's Observations on Trade, Agriculture, and the Public Debt 20 Henry the Eighth's Love Letters to Anne Boleyn 21 ^. Ditto Ditto 22 Higgins' (Godfrey) Horae Sabbaticae 27 on Maculloch's Doctrines of the Corn Laws, &ic... 27 Hillary (Sir W.) on Preservation of Lives, &c. from Shipwreck 23 MISCELLANEOUS. 1^ Vol. Page Hillary's Suggestions for Embellishing the Metropolis 24 335 Sketch of Ireland in 1824 25 1 • Plan for a Steam Life Boat, &c 25 133 Hohe»loe (Prince), Cures by, &c 22 225 Holdsworth on the State of the Country 9 215 Holford (George) on the Criminal Prisons, &c 18 143 Holkham Agriculture, Observations on 13 403 House of Commons, Analysis and Votes of, in 1823 22 451 Holy Alliance, on the Acts and Projects of the 18 1 Holy Allies, on the Conduct of the 18 41 Hudson (I. C.) on Employing Children to Sweep Chimnies... 22 407 Hughes (Rev. T. S.) Remarks on a Sceptic's Essay on the Eternity of the World 26 467 on the Cause of the Greeks 21 167 • 's Considerations on Ditto 22 199 Letter Addressed to, on Ditto, by C. H. Barker 21 189 's Letter to Godfrey Higgins, esq. on his Horae Sabbaticae 27 197 Hume's (Joseph) Resolutions on the State of the Nation, May 4th, 1826 26 549 Huskisson's (Wm.) Speech of the Finances 2 203 Impressment, on the Right and Practice of 14 381 ■ , A Letter to W. Wilberforce on the Sul jt^ct of. . . 24 383 , Substance of a Letter to Lord Melville upon ... 24 463 Ireland, on the Disturbances in the Southern Parts of 24 97 , on some of the Evils of 25 141 , the Case of, set at Rest 25 161 • , on the Condition of the Poor in 29 457 Ireland's (Dr.) Letter to Henry Brougham, Esq 14 93 Jackson (Randle) on the Increase of Crime 29 307 Jacob (W.) on the Agriculture and Com Trade of Northern Europe 29 361 Jee on the Management of the Poor 9 563 Jemmett's (H.) Letter to the Right Hon. R. Peel on Arrest for Debt 26 321 Jemmett (H.) on Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy 27 141 Jesuits, a Brief Account of the 6 39 Jew, Letter from a, to a Christian on the late Attacks on the Bible 16 275 Joint Stock Companies 27 257 Joseph the Second's (Emperor) Letters to Distinguished Persons ' 19 79,273 Joplin (T.) on the Principles and Practice of Banking 24 529 Kaye (Bishop of Bristol), his First Charge, in August, 1821 20 357 Kerrison on the Bill for Regulating Apothecaries 6 313 Kirk (Rev. J.) on Roman Catholic Principles 13 85 Kaox (Dr.) on the Bill respecting Grammar Schools 19 249, 431 Koster on the Amelioration of Slavery 8 305 p: 156 MISCELLANEOUS. Vol. Lambton's (J. G.) Speech on Reform of Parliament 21 La Fayette (General), Outlines of his Life 26 Lansdowne's (Marquess of) Speech on Foreign Commerce, in the House of Lords .» 17 54S Law's (Rev. Dr. G. H.) Charge to the Clergy of Bath and Wells, in 1825 26 Law, Remarks on its present State, Administrations, and Abuses 26 Law of Assault, Letter on, to the Right Hon. R. Peel 26 awrence (Sir Jas.) on Dramatic Emancipation 2 -^ on the Nobility of British Gentry 23 Leckie's Essay on the Practice of the British Government ... 11 Le Mesurier's (Rev. William) Counter Address in Reply to Charles Butler ; ; 2 Libraries, Public, and the Booksellers, Case stated 2 Library, on the Formation of a Select 2 Lincoln's (Bishop of, Tomline) Charge to his Clergy 1 ' Reply to Ditto, by G. Eustace 2 Lingard's (Dr.) Reply to the Edinburgh Reviewer's Remarks on his Anglo-Saxon Antiquities 7 Lingard (John) on Timber, the Dry Rot, &c 16 Liquors, Fermented, on the Evil Effects of, &c 12 Liturgy, on the Exclusion of the Queen's Name therefrom ... 18 Liverpool's (Lord) Speech on Report of the Bank Committee 14 , Letter to, on the Distress of the Country 17 Long (Sir Chasi) on the High Price of Bread 10 Lovat (Matthew), Account of his Self Crucifixion 3 36 Lowe (John) on Recognizing the South American States 21 40 Ditto Ditto 22 48' Ditto Ditto 20 21 Maclean (Dr.) on the Prevention of Pestilential Diseases ... 10 44 on the Plague, and its Causes, &c 16 on the Quarantine Laws 21 Maclaren (C.) on the Advantages of Railways 26 51 Mainwaring (G. B.) on the Police of the Metropolis 19 53 Ditto Ditto 20 Marriage and Divorce, Remarks on 17 ' , Further Remarks on 18 Marryat's (Jos.) Speech in Parliament, June 5th, 1825, on the Timber Duties 17 Marsh's (Dr. Herbert) Sermon for the Bible Society 1 Address to the University 1 ■■■ Inquiry, &c. on neglecting to give the Prayer Book with the Bible 1 Letter to, by Mr. Vansittart 1 Second Letter to, by Ditto ... 1 15' Answer to Mr. Vansittart 1 361 Congratulatory Letter to, by the Rev. P. Gandolphy, on Inquiry, as above 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 157 Vol. Page Marsh's (Dr. Herbert) Reply to Gandolphy's Letter ....*.... 2 71 ' Second Letter to, by Gandolphy ^ 2 397 • Letter to, by a Protestant Dissenter 6 295 • Answer to Preceding i... 301 Marsh's (Chas.) Speech in the House of Commons, on the Religious Plan for India i..,. 2 495 Malthus on the Peat Bogs of Ireland 9 79 Mc Dermoti's Letter to Rev. W. L. Bowles, on Poetry, &c. 20 119, 385 Mc Michael (Dr.) on Contagion and Quarantine 25 516 Meadley's (G. W.) Historical Portraits 18 129 Medical Reform, Observations on 3 413 Members of Parliament, Alphabetical List of, in February, 1823, with their Votes on all the Great Questions of the Sessions, in 1821-22 21 293 Mercator on a New Division of Monies, &c 4 171 Merewether's (Rev. F.) Letter to the Editor of the Quarterly Review 29 147 Metropolis, on the Buildings and Improvements of the 25 277 Mendicity, Plan for Suppressing of... 21 389 Mexico, Political Life of Iturbide, Ex-Emperor of 28 395 Military Obedience, an Argument on 17 157 Militia, Observations on the 3 263 Milner's (Bishop) Reflections on Conciliator's Letters on the Catholic Question 3 553 Milton's (John) Plan of Education, (reprinted) &c 17 120 Mitchell (Jas.) born blind and deaf, Histoiy of 6 333 Montagu (Basil) on the Insolvent Debtor's Bill 5 513 on the Punishment of Death, &c 12 287 's Thoughts on Liberty, &c 21 73 Morrison (Dr.) on the Embassy to China, in 1816 15 139 Musgrave (T. M.) on an Effective Balance of Power 3 3 Mustard Seed, on the Medical Efficacy of 23 385 Myers's Remarks on a Course of Education 12 337 Napoleon, Historic Doubts relative to 27 475 Naismith (John) on the Duty on Foreign Corn 4 489 National Debt, Expediency of Reducing the 18 305 , Resolutions Respecting, July, 1822 21 365 Newcastle's (Duke of) Letter to Lord Kenyon on Ca- tholicism 29 265 Newton's (J. F.) Defence of a Vegetable Regimen 19 497 Ditto Ditto 20 97,411 Non-Conformists, on the Marriage of, &c 15 207 Nugent (Lord) on the Political Claims of the Roman Catholics 28 1 • 's Letter to the Electors of Aylesbury 29 277 Observations on Credit, the Bankrupt Laws, &c 13 350 on the Regium Magistatem 25 125 O'Connor's (Dr.) Appeal to Pope Pius VII 23 43 I 158 MISCELLANEOUS. Vol. Onslow's (Serjeant) Speech in Parliament, April 27th, 1814, to Amend the Laws of Servants, &e 4 ■ Speech on better Securing the Liberty of the Subject 5 Speech in 1816, for Reducing the Rate of Interest 8 Oration, Funeral, for the Doge Loredano ..*.... 12 Oratory, Irish, its Effects on Catholic Emancipation 10 Owen (Robt.) on the Effects of the Manufacturing System ... 11 Pamphleteer, Classed Catalogue of the, from No. 1 to 58 ... 29 Parliament, on a Reform in, by Modicus 6 , Ditto Ditto 7 Parnell's (Sir Henry) Speeches on the Corn Laws 4 Letter to Ditto, on Ditto 4 History of Penal Laws against the Irish Catholics, from the Treaty of Limerick to the Union 20 ' Ditto Ditto concluded ... 21 Pauperism, Statistical Illustrations of 25 Payne's Address to Proprietors of Bank Stock 7 Pepe (Gen.) sur la Revolution de Naples 23 Perpetual Motion, a few words towards the Discovery of. 21 Philips's (Charles) Speech on a Trial for Adultery 7 Phillipart (John), Observations on Officers' Benefit Fund ... 2 ' on the Libels against Chateaubriand 12 Phillpott's (Rev. H.) Letter to Right Hon. G. Canning, on the Disqualification of Catholic Subjects 27 Ditto Ditto 27 Phocion in Defence of the People of England 18 Pickmore (J. R.) on the Propriety of Midwives, instead of Surgeons, Practising Midwifery 28 Pillory, Brief Observations on this Punishment 4 Pius the Seventh's Journey and Imprisonment 4 /Plagiary, the Warned, or a Vindication of the Stage 25 Piatt (Rev. T. Pell) on Certain Versions of the Holy Scriptures 28 Police Report of 1816, Considerations on 21 , the present System of, considered 3 Policy, Asiastic, of England and Russia 25 Polidori (Dr.) on the Punishment of Death 8 Poor, on the Means of Benefiting the 16 Poor-rates, Plan to Supersede the 9 Population, on the Means of Restraining 16 Potter's (Rev. J. P.) Letter to J. Hughes, Esq. on Popular Education 29 Powell (J.) on the Financial and Commercial Systems of Great Britain 26 Pradt's (Abbe de) Comparison of the Powers of Russia and England 24 ■ Vrai Syst^me de I'Europe relativement a I'Am^rique et a la Grece ;..... 26 MISCELLANEOUS. 159 Vol. Page Preston (R.) on a Reduction of the Poor Rates, &c 11 551 • 's Review of the Condition of the Landed Interest ... 7 127 • 's Further Consideration on Ditto 9 125 Proposals for Constitutional Reform, Sketch of 2 297 Protestant Tory Refuted 28 45 Public-House Licences, Letter on 7 107 Public Schools, on the Objections to 4 103 Punishment, Capital, Strictures on, &c 3 43 Raffles's (Sir Thos.) Discourse to the Literary and Scientific Society at Java, in September, 1815 8 67 Rattenbury (J. F.) on the Cession of the Floridas 15 261 Reform of Parliament, the Ruin of Parliament 1 288 • , Constitutional, and Letter to Wm. Pitt 21 43 , in Two Parts, &c. by Philo Junius 23 527 Registry of Deeds and Wills, on Offices for the 12 461 Report on the Expediency of Renewing Cash Payments 14 447,449 -of the Lords on Ditto, in 1819 14 477.480 • by the Directers of the Bank 14 509 " of Select Comraitte on the Criminal Laws, &c 15 349 of Ditto, on the State of Gaols, &c 15 601 • sur I'Etat actuelle des Prisons en France 25 97 of Commissioners of Weights and Measures 16 135 of Committee on the Distressed Settlers at the Cape.. 23 391 • of Select Committee on the Reduction of the Price of Labour 23 495 of the National Society, for 1813 2 29 of the Fish Association Committee 1 445 , Second, of Ditto 2 155 ■ , Further, of Ditto 6 541 • of Committee of Weights and Measures, Obser- vations on 4 369 • on the Assize of Bread 6 99 ■ on Mad Houses 6 257 • ■ on the King's Bench and Fleet Prisons, &c 6 471 . of Select Committee on the Elgin Marbles 8 433 on Chimney Sweepers, against Employing Boys 10 483 Ricardo's and Dr. Adam Smith's Doctrines, compared 23 517 Ditto 24 49 Richardson (Dr.) on Farmers and the Poor Laws 8 157 Richmond (Duke of) on Universal Suffrage, &c 24 351 Roberts (Col.) on the Plan for Officers' Benefit being Abandoned 2 323 Romilly's (Sir S.) Speech on the Slave Trade 6 407 Roscoe (Wm.) on the Viscissitudes of Literature, &c 11 507 Rossmore's (Lord) Letter on Catholic Emancipation 29 49 Rouse (Wm.) on the Comparative Value of Copyhold and Freehold Land 7 361 Royal Marriage Act, Appeal for its Repeal 3 447 160 MISCELLANEOUS. Vol. Sandford's (Professor) Letter to the Rev, Peter Elmsley, oa the Edinburgh Review and University of Oxford 21 Santa Rosa (Count) on the Piedmontese Revolution 19 Savary (Gen.), Vindication of his Conduct 9 , a Letter on the above, to the Editor 11 Saxony, King of, his Claims on Prussia 5 Say's (J. B.) Letter to Malthus, translated 17 Science, Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of 27 Scripture, on Revising the Authorised V^ersion of 13 Senior's (N. W.) Introductory Lecture on Political Economy 29 Shakespeare Monument, Committee on the (burlesque) 22 Sheffield's (Lord) Reports to the Lewes Wool Meetings 3 Ditto Ditto 26th of July, 1813 4 on the Abuse of the Poor Laws 13 Sheridan (C. B.) on the Greek Revolution 24 Sinclair (Sir John) on the State of the Countiy, in Dec. 1816 9 ■ General Report on Scotland 10 on the Progress of National Calamity 10 ■ on resuming Cash Payments 12 Sinclair's Papers on Political Subjects 13 Slaves, on Establishing a Registry of 7 Registry Bill, Brief Remarks on 7 Slave Trade, on compelling Spain to relinquish it 7 . , Suggestions on the 4 Smith's (Rev. Syd.) Letter on the Catholic Question 27 Smith's (Thos.) Letter on the New Coinage 10 Smith's (Baron) Charge to the Grand Jury, County West- meath 16 Smith's (Sir Wm.) Two Political Allegories 16 Somers's (Lord) Defence of the Constitution, &c 10 South American Affairs, Remarks on 13 Spain, Perfidies of France towards.. 22 , the Non-establishment of Liberty there explained ... 24 Spanish Question, Short Dissertation on the 21 . Constitution, read in Presence of the Cortes 22 Spurzheim and Gall's Physiology and Anatomy 5 Stapylton's fMartin) Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, on Catholicism 29 272 State of the Nation at the commencement of the Year 1822. .. 20 2 ^ Reply to the above, by J. Collier 21 1 , Opinions on the, Ditto 21 519 Statistical Illustrations of Great Britain, Preface to 26 353 Stewart's (Lieut. Col.) Considerations on the Indian Govern- ment, and the Burmese War 26 205 Sugden on Redeemable Annuities 7 271 Sugden's (E. B.) 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Secretary's Assistant, 5th edit \ 183 Sevigne's (Madame de) Letters, translated from the Paris Edition of 1806, 9 vols 18 Recueil des Lettres de, 10 tom Paris, 180' , Seward's Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, 4 vols 180 Shaftesbury's (Earl of) Characteristics, 3 vols. 2nd edit.. 171- Sharp's (Richard) Letters and Essays, in Prose and Verse, 1834 Sidney's (Sir Philip) Works, viz. Countess of Pembroke's / Arcadia, Defence of Poetry, and Poems, 3 vols 17 Sismondi's (J. C. L. Simonde de) Historical View of the ^. Literature of the South of Europe, translated by Thos. Roscoe, 4 vols 1 826 Sketch Book, by Geoffry Crayon (Washington Irving) 2 vols. 3rd edit 1820 Slaney's (Robt. A.) Rural Expenditure 1824 Smith's (Dr. Adam) Theory of Moral Sentiments, and Dis- sertation on the Origin of Languages, 2 vols. 9th edit. . 1801 Smith's (Horatio) Festivals, Games, and Amusements, Ancient and Modern 1831 Smollett's (Dr. Tobias) Works, with his Life, and a View of the Progress of Romance, by Dr. J. 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Cock 1810 3 Ricardo's (David) High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depre- ciation of Bank Notes 1810 3 Ditto, 4th edit, with an Appendix on some Passages in the Edinburgh Review 1811 4 Ditto Ditto 1811 5 on Protection of Agriculture 1822 4 Vol. 8. Ricardo's (David) Reply to Bosanquet's Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee, 1811; Proposals for an Economical and Secure Currency, 1816; Plan for the Estab- lishment of a National Bank, 1824 ; Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock, with Remarks on Malthus, 1815. Vol. 9. Grenville(Lord) on the Supposed Advantages of a Sinking Fund, 1828 ; Malthus (Rev. T. R.) on the Measure of Value, 1823; Graham (Sir James) on Corn and Currency, 1826; Whitmore (W. W.) on the Present State and Future Prospects of Agriculture, 1823 ; Whitmore's (W. W.) Letter to the Electors of Bridgenorth, on the Corn Laws, 1826. Vol. 10. A Letter on the Principle of Taxation as connected with the Liberty of the Subject, by Wm. 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Observations on Matters of Prize, and the Practice of the Admiralty Prize Courts 1810 22 Prison Labour, Thoughts on, &c. &c, by a Student of the Inner Temple ; — and a Letter to the Rt. Hon. Robt, Peel, on the Nature and Effects of the Tread Mill, (Presented by Dr, J. Mason Good.) 1824 28 Randolph's (D. M.) Treatise on Wheel Carriages 1810 11 Report, of the House of Commons, on Chimney Sweeping by Boys 1817 1 , Ditto, on Insolvent Debtor's Acts 1816 2 • , Ditto, on the Resumption of Cash Payments 1819 2 , Ditto, of the Guardian Society of Public Morals, and Asylums for Prostitutes 1815 7 , Ditto, Ditto 1821 7 • , Second, of the House of Commons, on Mendicity and Vagrancy 1816 7 , Fourth, on the Improvement of Prison Discipline 1822 5 , on Diseases of the Eye, at York Hospital 1819 9 , Second, of the Merino Society 1812 11 , of the House of Commons on the Poor Laws, July 4 1817 27 z 170 MISCELLANEOUS. Vol, Rogers, (Edw.) on Taxes upon Raw Produce and on Commuta- tionof Tithes 1822 8 Roget (Dr.) on a case of Recovery from the Poison of Arsenic ... 1812 11 Romilly's (Sir Samuel) Observations on Criminal Law 1810 22 Roscoe's (Wm.) Remarks on Proposals from France in 1807 15 Rose, (Rt. Hon. George Rose) on Public Expenditure and the Influence of the Crown 1810 15 's Speech on the Corn Laws, 5th of May, 1814 1814 23 Sabine's (Capt.) Remarks on Capt. Ross's Voyage towards the North Pole 1819 4 , Capt. Ross's Reply to Ditto ; 1819 4 Scudamore's (Dr. Chas.) Analysis of the Mineral Waters of Tun- bridge Wells 1816 9 Secret Anecdotes of the Revolution of the 18th of Fructidor, and of the Deportations to Guiana 1799 25 Selkirk, (Earl of; on an Effectual System of National Defence ... 1808 20 Silk Manufactures, Ruinous Tendency of the Spitalfields Act 1822 27 S]aney(R. A.) on the Employment of the Poor 1822 27 Slave Trade, Macaulay's (Z.) Letter to the Duke of Gloucester, on the Slave Trade at Sierra Leone, &c. in Reply to Dr. Thorpe, 1615 18 , Report of the African Institution on Ditto 1815 18 , Exposure of Mr. Marryatt's IMistatements on 1816 18 , Ruinous Situation of the West India Islands 1811 18 , Clarkson's (Thos.) Thoughts on the Emancipation of Slaves 1823 24 , Bickell's (Rev. R.) Real Picture of Slavery in the W^est Indies 1825 24 , Debate in the House of Commons in May 1 823, on the Abolition of Slavery, with a Preface, &c. on the State of Slaves in the West Indies 1823 24 Smith's (Sir J. E.) Considerations on the University of Cam- bridge, and the Botanical Professorship there 1818 , Monk's (Rev. J. H.) Reply to the above 1818 (J. P.) Speech in Behalf of D. J. Eaton 1812 Experiments on an Effectual Nightly Watch 1812 . Argument against the Corn Laws 1815 Southey (Robt.), Letter on his Wat Tyler and other Works 1817 Spence's (Wm.) Agriculture the Source of Britain's Wealth 1808 State of the Nation 1822 Start's (Chas.) Real State of France in 1809 1810 Sugden's Letters (E. B.) on the Annuity Act, and Legal Rate of Interest 1812 _ ■ Letters on the Sale, Devising, &c. of Estates 1812 Considerations on the Rate of Interest, &c 1816 Summary View of the Profession of a Solicitor 1811 Thelwall's (John) Plan of Tuition, &c 1805 . Trident of Albion, and Introductory Discourse on Elocutionary Science 1805 MISCELLANEOUS. 171 Vol. Torrens' (R.) Essay on the External Corn Trade 1815 29 Urquhart (Thos.), on the Evils of Impressment 1816 28 Variable Standard of Value, Pernicious Effects of, shewn in a Letter to the Right Hon. Robert Peel 1819 3 Vetus, Letters of, on Public Affairs 1812 14 Vice-Chancellor, Objections to the Project for Creating one 1812 22 , Observations on the Same 1813 22 Wainewright (Rev. Latham,) on the Literary and Scientific Pur- suits of the University of Cambridge 1815 28 Williams's (Chas. Wye) Exposure of Fallacies in the Letter to Sir Robt. Peel, on a Variable Standard of Value 1819 3 • Considerations on the Increase of Forgery 1818 7 Wilson's (John) Treatise on the Statutes for Registering Deeds, &c. in Middlesex and York 1819 30 Wooler (J. T.), Reports of his Two Trials for alleged Libels 1817 8 Wynne's (C. W. W.) Argument on the Power of the House of Commons, to Commit for Breach of Privilege 1810 15 « Vol. 31. Cottoni Posthuma, viz. Proceedings against Ambassadors ; Kings and Council ; Lawfulness of Combats ; Popish Practices ; Estates of English Sovereigns ; Valour Anatomized, by Sir Phillip Sydney, &c. Vol. 32. Book of Sports, and Remarks on the same ; Account of Origen and his Opinions ; On Creation ; On Ilannonizing the Bible ; Christ's Birth Mistimed ; Reformation of the Church of Ireland; Conference at Hampton Court in 1603; Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia ; On the Dutch Fishery ; Coronation of Charles II. in Scotland ; Answer of the States General to the Declaration of War in 1674 ; Trial of W. Penn and Wm. Mead in 1673 ; Trial of T. Rudyard, F. Moor' and Others in 1670 ; Defence of William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, against Spain in 1581 ; Proceedings at a Great Council of the Jews, in Hun- gary, 1650; Letters on Charles the Second"'s (presumed) Sted- fastness in Protestantism ; Relation of the Death of Charles II. with Copies of Two Papers found in his strong box. Vol. 33. Brougham's (H.) Speech on the State of the Law, in February, 1828 ; Lawes' (Mr. Serj. Ed.) Suggestions on Practice, Pleading, and Evidence, 1827; Redesdale's (Lord) Consider- ations on the Report of the Chancery Commission, 1826 ; Meri- vale's (J.H.) Letter to Wm. Courtenay, Esq. on the Chancery Commission, 1827. Vol. 34. Huskisson's (Right Hon. W.) Speech on the Shipping Interest, 1827 ; Lindo (A. A.) on the Injurious Tendency of the Modifying of our Navigation Laws, 1828 ; Jones (W.) on the Insolvent Debtor's Act, 1827 ; Wilmot's (Sir E. E.) Letter to the Magistrates of England on the Increase of Crime, 1828 ; Winn (T. S.) Supplement to a Speedy End to Slavery, 1827 ; 172 MISCELLANEOUS. NUgent^s (Lord) Remarks on a Pamphlet of the Rev. Dr. G* Scobell, 1827 ; Browne (Rt. Hon. Denis) on the Present State of Ireland, 1822 ; Corporation and Test Acts. Vol. 35. Diocletian's Edict, Fixing a Maximum of Prices through- out the Roman Empire, A.D. 303, 1826 ; Lingard's (Dr. J.) Vindication of Certain Passages in the Fourth and Fifth Volumes of his History of England, 1826 ; Lane (C. T.) on the Coronation Oath, 1826 ; Ditto, second edition, 1828. Vol. 36. Mafkham's Letter to the Earl of Aberdeen on Attaching a Museum of Antiquities to the Society of Antiquaries, 1828 ; University of London, Statement by the Council of, 1827 ; Ditto, Second Ditto, 1828; Perry (James) on the New System of Education, 1822 j Young's Thoughts on the Advancement of Academical Education in England, 1826. Vol. 37. Statement of a Proposed Natural Society for the Preven- tion of Pauperism, by means of Systematic Colonization ; A Letter on Systematic Colonization, by Chas. Tennant^ Esq. M.P. ; Letters on Systematic Colonization and Emigration, by the same j British Relations with the Chinese Empire, in 1832 1830-32 Vol. 38. Trial of Lieut. Col. John Lilburn, in Oct. 1649; Dr. Drakes' Source of our present Fears discovered, 1709 ; Letters on the Management of the War, and on the Negotiations for a Peace, addressed to a Tory-Member, 1711 ; The Reception of the Palatines Vindicated, 1711; An Examination of the Ma- nagement of the War, and of the Letters on the Negotiations, 1711; Vox Populi, Vox Dei: Being True Maxims of Govern- ment, 1709; Letter to Sir J. [ ] B. [ ] concerning the late Minehead Doctrine, 1711 ; A full Answer to the Depositions concerning the Birth of the pretended Prince of Wales, with a Plan of the Apartments of St. James's Palace, 1711 1649*1711 Vol. 39. Camden's Remaines concerning Britaine, 1623 ; Hey- lyn's Historic of St. George of Cappadocia, and Institution of the Order of the Garter, 1633 ; Camden's Reges, Reginae, Nobiles, et alij in Ecclesia Coll. B. Petri Westmonasterij Sepulti, &c. 1606. Vol. 40. Tonge's (Dr.) Romish Doctrine on Conspiracy and Rebellion, 1679 ; Peter's (John) Diary of the Siege of Vienna in 1683-84 ; Imperial Expedition in Hungaria in 1684, and Siege of Buda, 1685 ; Travestin's Proceedings against the Turks, and Siege of Newhensel in 1685 ; Observations upon the Warre in Hungary, 1689 ; Politick Maxims of Lewis XIV. 1689 ; ' Peneton's (Mons.) Persecutions of the Protestants, by Lewis XIV. in the Principality of Orange, 1 689 ; Selden's (John) Table Talk, 1698; Life of Pope Innocent XL 1690 ; Letters on the Unity of the Church, 1690 ; Siege of Lymerick, with the Articles of Surrender, 1692 Persecutions of the Protestants in Lower Aquitaine in 1692. MISCELLANEOUS. 173 Vol. 4L History, Opinions, and Present Legal Position of the English Presbyterians, 1834 ; A Letter to the Vice-Chancellor, in Confutation of his Remarks on the British and Foreign Uni- tarian Association, by James Yates, M.A. 1834 ; A Plain Statement of the Trusts and Recent Administration of Lady Hewley's Charities, by Thos. Wm. Tottle, with the Catechism of Mr. Edw. Bowles, &c. 1834 ; Speech of C. P. Cooper, on the Case respecting Lady Hewley's Charities, 1834 ; Observations on the Civil Disabilities of the British Jews, by John Coles, 1834. Vol. 42. On the Present State of British Intercourse with China, by Chas. Marjoribanks, Esq. 1833 ; England, France, Russia, and Turkey, 1834 ; South Australia, Outline of a Plan for a New Colony there, 1834 ; American Criticisms on Mrs. Trol- lope's Domestic Manners of the Americans, 1833 ; Three Months in Jamaica in 1832, by Heniy Whiteley, 1833 ; The Appeal of the late Attorney General of New South Wales, 1831. Vol. 43. Statements (various) Relating to the Objects and Ar- rangements of the University of London, and King's College ... 1827-33 Vol. 44. Causes of the wretched condition of the Irish Peasantry, and Sketch of a Plan for restoring them to Habits of Industry and Good Order, by Capt. Adams, 1833 ; Plan of a Poor Law for Ireland, by G. Poulett Scrope, Esq. 1833; Colonies at Home ; or Means for Providing for the Irish Poor, &:c. by Wm. Allen, Esq. 1832 ; An Address to the House of Commons, on the Oaths required to be taken by its Members, by Daniel O'Connell, Esq., with Arguments relating to the said Oaths, by E. B. Sugden, Esq. 1829. VoL 45. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte, by Archdeacon Whately, 1831 , Reply to Sir Walter Scott's His- tory of Napoleon, by Louis Bonaparte, 1829 ; Siege of Antwerp in 1832 ; Trial of Bishop, Williams, and May, (for the Murder of the Italian Boy) December 2, 1831 ; Trial of Eugene Aram, for the Murder of Daniel Clark, at Knaresborough, in February, 1744-45, 1832 ; Trial of Wm. Cobbett, Esq. for a presumed Libel, July 7, 1833 ; Reply to Bingham Baring's Letter in Justification of the Infamous Arrest of Mr. and Mrs. Deacle, by the Rev. D. Williams, A.M. 1832. Vol. 46. Oxford As It Is, by a Foreigner of rank, 1834 ; On the Present Corrupt State of the University of Cambridge, by R. M. Beverley, Esq. 1833 ; Remarks (contradictory) upon the same, by a Member of Trinity College, 1833 ; On the Morals and Religion of the University of Cambridge, with reference to the same, by J. F. Russell ; Letter to R. M. Beverley, Esq. on his Pamphlet, by an Undergraduate, 1833 ; Review of Mr. Norris's Attack upon the British and Foreign Bible Society, by the Rev. Wm. Dealtry, B.D. 1815; Percival's (Hon. and Rev. A. P.) Defence of Himself, for refusing to use the Office for the Burial of the Dead, over a Suicide, 1833 ; On the Worship of the Virgin Mary, &cc. 1832. 174 MISCELLANEOUS. Tracts, Medical, 4 vols 1812-34 Vol. Courtenay's (Dr. C. B.) Practical Treatise on Syphilis 1825 2 Fair's (Wm.) Essay on the Eflfects of the Fucus Helminthocorton on Cancer 1822 1 Faithom,(Dr. John) on Liver Complaints and Bilious Disorders^ 1820 3 Falconer's (Magnus) Experiments on the Blood, P. iii 1777 3 Hill's (Daniel) Practical Observations on the Efficacy of Oxygen, or Vital Air, in the Cure of Diseases 1820 I Observations and Cases Illustrative of Ditto 1824 1 Saumarez's (Richard) Oration before the Medical Society 1813 1 Scudaraore's (Dr. Chas.) Essay on the Blood, both in a Healthful and a Diseased State, with an Account of a Saturated Solution of Alum as a Styptic Remedy in Hemorrhage .../ 1824 1 . Chemical and Medical Report on the Mineral Waters of Buxton, Tunbridge Wells, Bath, Cheltenham, &c 1820 Wadd's (Wm.) Remarks on Corpulence 1816 . Observations on the Cure of Strictures, &c 1812 Vol. 4. The Anatomy of Drunkenness, by Robert Macnish, 1827 : On Human and Comparative Anatomy, by Peter M. Roget, M.D. 1826; An Account of the Beulah Saline Spa, by G. H. Weatherhead, M.D. 1832 ; An Oration Delivered before the London Medical Society, by Wm. Shearman, M.D. 1834; Address of Earl Stanhope to the Medico-Botanical Society, 1829 ; Various Tracts on the Disease called Cholera Morbus, 1831-32. Tracts on Reform, &c. 4 vols 1830-3- Vol. 1. The Result of the General Election, or What has the Duke of Wellington gained by the Dissolution 1 The Duke of Welling- ton and the Whigs ; The Question of Reform considered, with Hints for a Plan ; Speech of T. B. Macauley, on Reform, in the House of Commons, March 2, 1831 ; On the Present Balance of Parties in the State, by Sir J. Walsh, Bart. 1832 ; Reply to Sir J. Walsh, by Montague Gore, Esq 1830-3 Vol. 2. What will the Lords do? Ditto, Second Part; The Crisis, or a Warning Voice to the Lords ; Friendly Advice to the Lords ; The Prerogative of Creating Peers ; Official Edition of Lord J. Russell's Bill to Reform the Representation, as delivered to the Lords, on Thursday, September 22, 1831 ; The Speeches of Earl Grey, Tuesday, Oct. 4, and Friday, Oct. 7 ; The Lord Chan- cellor's (Lord Brougham) Speech, on Friday, Oct. 7 183 Vol. 3. On the Reasonableness of Church Reform, 1830 ; History of Tithes, by Biblicus, 1831 ; A Legal Argument, shewing that Tithes are the Property of the Public and of the Poor, by W^m. Eagle, Esq. 1831 ; On Church Reform, 1832 ; Principles of Church Reform, by the Rev. Dr. Thos. Arnold, 1833; Church and State in America, by C. Colton, A.M. 1834; Letter on the MISCELLANEOUS. 175 Present State of the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge} 1834. Vol. 4. Refutation of the Calumnies of the Quarterly Review against the Lord Chancellor, 1833 ; The Reformed Ministry, and the Reformed Parliament, 1833 ; A Letter on the Present Crisis, by Edw. Lytton Bulwer, Esq. 1834 j Ditto, eighth edit, with a Letter from Lord Brougham, 1834. Tracts, Scientific, &c. 1 vol 1812-34 Vol. 1. A Sketch of the Properties of Mr. Cummings' Machine Organ, 1812 ; Brookes's Address to the Zoological Club, Nov. 29, 1828 ; Brayley's (Junior) Remarks on the Rationale of the Formation of Filamentous and Mamillaiy Varieties of Carbon ; On the Probable Existence of but Two Distinct States of Aggre- gation in Ponderable Matters ; On Certain Organs of the HeiicidtE, usually regarded as their Eyes ; and on the Existence of Salts of Potash in Rock Salt, &c. 1826-29: Origin, Progress, and Present State of the Thames Tunnel, 1827 ; On the Insecurity of Sir H. Davy's Lamp, and Perfect Security of Upton and Roberts's New Safety Lamp, 1833 ; A Concise History of Steam Carriages on Common Turnpike Roads, 1834 ; Biographical Sketch of Nicolo Paganini, with Remaiks on his System of Playing on the Viohn, 1831 ; Architectural Observations on the Abbey Church at Bath, by Edw. Wm. Garbett, 1834 ; Markland's Letter on the Expediency of Attaching a Museum to the Society of Anti- quaries' Institution, 1828. Tutti Frutti, by Prince Puckler Muskau, 2 vols 1834 Tyler's (Alex. Eraser) Essay on the Principles of Transla- tion, 3rd edit Edin. 1813 Ventouillac's (L. T.) French Librarian, or Literary Guide, (Presented by the Author.) 1829 Walpole's (Horace, Lord Orford) Works, Letters, &c. 6 vols 1798-1818 Vol. 1 . Fugitive Pieces in Verse and Prose ; Mysterious Mother ; Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors. — Vol. 2. Castle of Otranto; Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of Richard III. ; Supplement to Ditto, and Replies to Dean Milles, and the Rev. R. Masters ; /FAes Walpolianae, or Description of the Pictures at Houghton Hall ; Miscellanies ; Description of Straw- berry Hill. — Vol. 3. Anecdotes of Painting, Architecture and Sculpture. — Vol. 4. Catalogue of Engravers ; Life of Geo. Ver- tue ; Appendix to Anecdotes of Painting ; Miscellanies on Chatterton ; Quarrel between Rousseau and Hume ; Reminis- cences ; Hierogliphic Tales ; Miscellaneous Verses ; Letters to R. West, &c. — Vol. 5. Letters to and from Persons of Emi- nence. — Vol. 6. Letters to George Montague. Warburton's (Bishop) Letters, 2nd edit 1819 176 PARLIAMENTARY. Warburton's (Bishop) Tracts, &c 1789 Wild Sports of the West, with Legendary Tales and Local Sketches [in Ireland], 2 vols 1832 Williams, (Dr.) Catalogue of his Library in Red Cross Street 1727 Working Man's Companion, viz. Results of Machinery ; — Cottage Evenings; — the Physician, (Cholera); — Rights of Industry, (Capital and Labour,) 3 vols 1831-32 Zimmerman, (J. G.)Ueber die Einsamkeit, 4 vols. Leipzig, 1785 , on Solitude, 2 vols 1797-98 PARZiIAMBNTARV PROCBSDIKGS. Including Debates, Journals, Reports, and other Papers, 1740 to 1834. ENGLAND AND WALES. Adulteration of Clover and Trefoil Seeds 1821 Agricultural Distress 1820 Agriculture, Depressed State of 1821-1822 , Present State of 1833 Algiers, on the French Expedition to 1833 Arigna Mining Company 1827 Army, Extraordinary Expenses of 1817-1820 Estimates 1818-1821 Auctions, Laws relating to 1818 Austrian Loans, Correspondence on Repayment of 1821 Bakers, Country, on Petitions of 1818 Bank of England Charter, Report on, and Minutes of Evidence 1833 Bankrupt Laws 1818 Barnstaple Election, Minutes of Evidence 1819 Bill 1819 Beer and Breweries 1818-1819 Beer, Sale of, and irregularities arising from it 1833 Belgium, Papers Concerning 1832-1833 Berkshire Polls, on shortening the Duration of. 1820 Berners, Barony of, Evidence relating to it 1832 Boroughs, New, Abstracts relating to 1832 Borthwick (W. BI.) and Alexander (Robt.) Case of 1823 Boyd, (General) on Petition of 1818 Bread, on Existing Regulations and Sale of 1821 PARLIAMENTARY. 177 Calendar of the Lords' Journals, 1509 to 1808, viz. from the 1st Hen. VIII. to 49th Geo. Ill 1810 ■Camelford Election, Minutes of Evidence 1819 Cash Payments, 2nd Report on the Resumption of 1819 Charitable Donations, Exemptions of, from the Property Tax 1820 Churches, on Building New, Reports 1 to 5 1821-25 Claims on France ••••• 1821 Commercial Relations between Trance and Great Britain, 1st Report ... 1834 Common Law Courts, 4th and 5th Reports 1832-33 Contagious Fever, in London 1818 Contagion of Plague 1819 Copy-right Acts 1813, 18 Cork Jackets, or Seaman's Friend 1817 Cotton Goods, on Duties payable for , 1818 Courts of Justice, Duties, Salaries, and Emoluments in, viz. Court of Chancery, Admiralty Court, High Court of Delegates, and High Court of Appeals for Prizes, Common Pleas, Court of Arches, Prerogative Court, and Court of Peculiars, Consistory, and Commissary Courts of London, P2xchequer and Ex. Chamber, and King's Bench Courts 1740-1824 ' Courts of Law, Saleable Offices in 1810 for Small Debts 1823 Court of Chancery, on Delay of Suits 1811 Criminal Laws 1819 Criminal Offenders, and on Secondary Punishments 1833-34 Customs and Excise 1820-21 Commissioners of, and Treasury, Correspondence between, respecting the Dismissal of Officers for taking Fees 1819 Reports, 13th and 14th 1823 Debates, by Cobbettand Hansard, from 1803 to 1820, 41 vols 1804-20 , 2nd Series, by Hansard, from 1820 to 1830, 25 vols 1820-30 , 3rd Series, by Ditto, from 1830 to 1834, 24 vols 1830-34 Debt, Commitments for, from 1798 to 1818 1819 Droits of the Crown and Admiralty, Accounts of, from 1793 to 1818 1818 East India Docks, Petitions and Evidence 1818 Education of the Lower Orders, and of the Poor 1818 , Charities for, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th. 13th, 14th, 15th, and 23rd Reports on, with Appendixes, 19 vols... 1820-32 Evidence, Minutes of (but imperfect) on Bills &c. viz. Birmingham Railway ; Chimney Sweepers ; Coleorton Railway ; Gravesend Pier ; Liverpool Election Petition ; Sunderland Dock ; Warwick Disfran- chisement 1834 Expired and Expiring Laws 1818-21 Factories, &c. Labour of Children in 1833 Fees of Clerks of Justice and Assize 1814-18 .Ditto of Clerks of the Peace 1818 Finance Reports 1819 Accounts 1818-19-21 Fishing Vessels, entered at the Custom House 1824 Foreign Trade, and the means of Improving it , 1820 A A 178 PARLIAMENTARY. Framework Knitters 1819 Gas Light Establishments 1823 Gaols, Returns from, &c. viz. Fleet and Marshalsea, Newgate, Tothill Fields, New Prison, Clerkenwell, Milbank Penitentiary, Houses of Correction, Compter, &c 1818-21 Commitments, Trials, and Convictions, &c. from 1817 to 1821 Greece, Protocols of Conferences on 1832 Herring Fishery 1819-21 Highways and Turnpike Roads, on the Management and Expense of M'Adamizing, &c 1818-21 Holyhead Road, Menai Strait and Bridge, Turnpike Trust, Holyhead Mail and Packets, and Shrewsbury, and Bangor Ferry Road 1821 Insolvent Debtor's Court 1822 Journals of the House of Commons from 1547 to 1825, viz. 1st Edw. VI. to 6th Geo. IV. 80 vols. fol. General Index to ditto, from Vol. 1. to Vol. 75, 7 vols. fol. Journals of the House of Lords, from 1776 to 1819, viz. 17th Geo. III. to 6th Geo. IV. 18 vols. fol. . General Index to ditto, from Vol. 20 to Vol. 25, fol. N. B. The above Journah of the Lords and Commons, with the Indexes and Calender, were presented to the Institution, in 1832, by W, H. Courtenay, Esq. Deputy Clerk of Parliaments. Juries of Middlesex, Persons liable to serve on 185 Justice, Administration of, upon the Northern Circuit, and in Wales 1818-21 Labourers' Wages, Report and Returns 1824-25 Land Tax, Exoneration of small Livings, &c 1820 London Bridge 1821 Lyme Regis, Cobb at 1818 Manufactures, Commerce and Shipping 1833 Metropolis Paving, Watching, and Lighting 1814 Navy Estimates 1818-21 Northern Roads, Report and Estimates of Two New ones, from Catterick Bridge, Yorkshire, to the Carter Fell, and New Castleton 1820 Ordnance Estimates 1818-21 ■ , Returns of the Establishment 1821 Orphan's Fund of the City of London 1822 Parliamentary Representation 1832 Peerage, Report of the Lords Committees, from June, 1816, to May, 1820, 1820 Peers of the Realm, on the Dignity of, 3 vols 1829 Penryn Election, 1807 and 1819, and Bribery Bill 1819 Poor Laws, and Poor Rate Returns 1818-21 Poor Law Commission, Appendix to Report A. Part 1 1834 Poor, the, on the Education of, 3 vols 1\ 1819 Population Abstracts for 1801, 1811, and 1821, 3 vols. (Presented by Charles Tennant, Esq.) . Ditto for 1831, 3 vols 1831 Port of London, on the Improvement of 1799 Post Office, General, Palmer's Reform of 1807 PARLIAMENTARY. 179 Post Office, New General, St. Martin's-le-Graud 1820 Post, Extra, Memorials, &c. on 1821 Printing and Stationeiy 1822 Quarantine, Returns of the Establishment 1821 Read Baronetcy, Papers concerning it 1832 Returns respecting Parliamentary Representation, Assessed Taxes, &c.... 1832 Revenue, Population, Commerce, &c. of the United Kingdom, and its Dependencies, Tables of the. Part I. from 1820 to 1831 1833 Ribbon Weavers, Evidence on Petitions of 1818 Rochester Bridge, State of 1820 Roman Catholic Subjects, Regulations of, in Foreign States 1803-17 Royal Establishments, of Her late Majesty Queen Charlotte, His Majesty George IV. (at Windsor) &c 1819 Sabbath Day Observance 1833 Salaries in Public Offices, Pensions, Allowances, &c 1793-1821 Salt Duties, Laws relating to 1817-18 Secret Committees, Reports from, in 1818, Papers on the Disturbed State of the Country, in 1819, and Castlereagh's Six Bills on Sedition, &c... 1819 Sewers of the Metropolis 1823 Sheriffs' Fees at the General Election in 1818 1819 . Charges at Elections in 1820 1820 Sinecure Offices, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reports 1810-12 Slave Trade, Treaty on, with Spain, and State and Treatment of the Slaves in the Colonies 1817-21 Standing Orders of the House of Commons, relative to Private Bills, and other Matters 1811 Steam Engines and Furnaces 1820 Treasury, Secretaries of State's Offices, and Privy Council, Establishment and Expenditure of 1821 Turnpike Trust Accounts 1824 Usury Laws 1818-21 Vagrants, Laws relating to 1821 Warwick Election Petition, Report on 1834 Watchmakers, Laws relating to • 1818 Water, Supply of, to the Metropolis 1821 Weights and Measures, 2nd Report 1820 West India Dock Company, Annual Accounts of, from July 1799, to February 1820 1821 Westminster, Improvements in, Reports and Memorials of 1808-10 Wheat, &c. Papers concerning 1833 Woods and Forests, 8th, 9th, and 10th Reports on... 1331-33 Woollen Cloth Stamping 1821 Works, Office of, on the Business and Expenditure of 1813 Yeomanry and Volunteer Corps, in 1820 .*.. 1821 SCOTLAND. Caledonian Canal Reports, 15 to 18 inclusive 1818-21 Courts of Justice, viz. Sheriff and Commissary, Justiciary, Exchequer, Jury Court, Office of Chancery, &c 1818-20 ISO PARLFAMENTARY. freeholders, Roll of, in every County 1820 Gaols, Houses of CorrectioH, &c 1819 Harbours of Peterhead and Banff 1820 Highland Roads and Bridges 1819-21 Lunatics, Returns concerning 1818 Malt Duties, Evidence on Petitions 1821 Privilege, Breach of, at Lanark 1818 Royal Burghs 1819-21 Signet, Keepers of, and Sheriff's Clerk, Papers relating to 1818 IRELAND. Chancery Court, Papers concerning, and Fees and Salaries of the Officers 1818-34 Charitable Institutions, Grants, Estimates, Salaries, &c 1828 Church of Ireland, Various Papers relative to, and to Public Edu- cation : 1833-34 Contagious Fevers 1811 Distillation, Experiments on, at Carrickfergus 1821 •— , Hlicit, and Private Stills 1819 Dublin Taxes 1820 Education, Reports of Commissioners 1818-21 Elections, Expenses of Sheriffs at, &c 1820 Fisheries, Report of Commissioners, for 1819 1821 Gaols and Prisons 1819-21 Grand Jury Presentments, Dublin, 1807,1821 1821 Harbours, viz. Donaghadee, Port Patrick, and Dunmore 1821 House of Industry 1820 Imports and Exports 1821 Inland Navigation, Lough Allen Canal 1818 Law Proceedings, on Excise, Customs, Stamps &c 1821 Limeiick City, Grand Jury Presentment, &c 1821 Election, in 1820 1820 — , Freemen of, Report of the Irish House of Commons in 1761.. . 1820 Limerick County, Outrages in. Monthly Returns of 1833 Parishes, Unions and Disunions of 1819 Population of, from the Enumeration in 1831 1833 Poor, the. State of Disease and Condition of, with an Appendix on the Bogs of Ireland 1819 Privilege, Breach of, Evidence on the Petition of J. W. Grady, Esq. a-ainst W. W. Quin 1816 Proclamations, Accounts relating to 1821 Revenue, the Expenses of Collecting it 1821 Salaries, Emoluments, &c. of Public Officers 1820-21 Stationery, as supplied by Mr. Alderman King 1821 BRITISH COLONIES AND SET"! 1 EMENTS. Africa, Gold and Windward Coasts of. Reports on, by Commodore Sir George Collier 1820 Ceylon, Net Revenue and Expenditure of, in 1815 and 1816 1819 MISCELLANEOUS. 181 [Demerara and Berbice, Table of Fees and Customs 1820 East India Company, the Affairs of, viz. Public ; Finance and Accounts j Revenue ; Judicial ; Military ; Political ; Report, and General Ap- pendix, 14 vols 1832 , the^ Various Papers on the Finances and Trade of, 1833-34 East India Affairs, Appointment of Commissioners to the Board of Control 1821 , Annual Revenue Accounts 1818-21 , Burning of Hindoo Widows 1821 , Debts of the Nabob of the Carnatic, Reports from the 13th to the 17th, and Report on a Petition of Creditors in 1817 1818-21 ■ , Execution of the Killedar of Talneir ]819 , Police and Administration of Justice 1819 ■ , Regulations passed by the Governments of Bengal, Fort St. George, and Bombay, from 1815 to 1818 Gibraltar, Offices, Revenues, Taxes, and Duties of 1821 Ionian Islands, Constitutional Charter of 1818 Leeward Islands, Duties of 4§ per Cent., Colonial Acts, Accounts of Receipts and Pensions on 1820 Malta and Gozo, Revenue and Expenditure of, in 1817 and 1818 1819 North American Colonies, Accounts of Trade Parga, Accounts relating to 1820 Red River Settlement, North America, Attacks on the Settlers, Death of Governor Semple, &c 1819 Tobago, Papers relating to 1820 West Indies, Rations and Allowances of the Military, and Correspondence relating to the Payment of the Troops 1821 busceiiXiAneovs. French, Italian, Spanish, German, S^c. Almaiiach Imperial, 2 vols Paris, 1809-12 Apulejo, Deir Asino d'Oro, traslatato da M. Agnolo Firenzuola 1792 Barbier de Paris, par Ch. Paul de Kock, 4 torn. . . Paris, 1827 Beccaria (Cesare), Dei Delitti e Delle Pene, &c. Livorno, 1821 Boccaccio (Giovanni), Decamerone di, 5 torn. .. Toscano, 1770 Boileau (Nicolas), OEuvres de, 4 torn Amsterdam, 1735 Causes Celebres, 20 torn Paris, 1739-50- Claire d'Albe, par Madame Cottin, 2 vols Paris, 180a- Corinne, ou L'ltalie, par Madame de Stael Holstein^ 3 torn. 1809- 182 MISCELLANEOUS. Dacier (Madame), Les Comedies de Terence, avec la Tra- duction et les Remarques, 3 torn Rotterdam, 17l1 Tom. 1. La Vie de Terence; L'Andriene ; L'Eunuque.— Tom. 2. Le Phormion J L'Hecyre. — Tom. 3. L'Heautontimorumenos ; Les Adelphes. DefFand's (Marquise de) Letters to Walpole, form 1766 to 1780, and to Voltaire, from 1759 to 1775, 4 vols 1810" De Lespinasse (Mile.) Lettres de, depuis 1773 jusqu'a 1779, 2 torn Paris, 1809 De Sevigne (Madame) Recueil des Lettres de, 10 tom. Paris, 1801 Expose des Droits de Sa Majeste Tres Fidele Dona Maria IL, et de la Question Portugaise, avec les Pieces Justi- ficatives et Documens a I'Appui, &c Paris, 1830 Feyjoo (Benito Geronymo), Theatro Critico Universal, &c. sopra les Errores Comunes, 9 tom. 2da imp. . . Madrid, 1727 • , Cartas Eruditas, y Curiosas, &c. 5 tom 2da imp. 1748 Fenelon Les Aventures de Telemaque de .... Maestricht, 1782 Firenzuola (Agnolo), Opere di, 5 tom. in 3 Milano, 1802 Flechier (I'Eveque Esprit), Oraisons Funebres de . .Paris, 1774 Fontenelle (B. le Bovier de), (Euvres de, 8 tom. . . Paris, 1790 Tom. 1, Eloges, ou Pieces relatives a Fontenelle ; Dialogues des Morts. — Tom. 2. Entretiens sur la Pluralite des Mondes, &c. ; Th6orie des Tourbillons Cart^siens ; Histoire des Oracles. — Tom. 3. Histoire de Theatre Fran9oisj Vie de Corneille, &c. Psych6 ; Bellerophon ; Th6tis et Pel6e ; En^e et Lavinie ; Brutus ; Idalie. — Tom. 4. Macate ; Le Tyran ; Abdolonyme ; Le Testament ; Henriette ; Lysianasse ; La Comete ; Pygma- lion. — Tom. 5. Discours sur la Nature de L'Eclogue ; Poesies Pastorales et Diverses ; Discours, &c. Diverses ; De L'Origine des Fables ; Fragmens d'un Traile de la Raison Humaine. — Tom. 6 et 7. Prefaces, et Eloges des Academiciens. — Tom. 8. Doutes sur le Systeme Physique des Causes Occasionnelles ; Lettres Galantes, &c. Gellert's (C. F.) Sammtliche Schriften, lObande. Leipzig, 111 5 Vol. 1. Fables.— Vol. 2. Moral Tales.— Vol. 4. Letters on Taste i Life of the Countess G***. — Vol. 5. Treatises and Disserta- tions. — Vol 6 and 7. Moral Discourses. — Vol. 8 and 9. Corres- pondence.— Vol. 10. Life of the Author. Genlis (Madame la Comtesse de) Les Battuecas, 2 tom. . . 1817 . , Les Parvenus, 3 tom 1819 . , Petrarque et Laure, 2 tom. en 1 1819 , Les Chevaliers du Cygne, 3 tom Paris^ 1805 MISCELLANEOUS. 183 Goothe's (J. W.) Herman et Dorothee Paris , 1800 Gesner's (Solomon) La Mort D'Abel ; Pastorales et Poemes, Idylles et Po'emes Champetres Paris , 1768 Gil Bias, par Le Sage, 4 tom Parisy 1813 Gracian (Lorenzo) Obras de, 2 tom. 4to Barcelona, 1757 Graffenaur (Dr. Jn. Philippe) Lettres Historiques, Litte- raires, &c. Ecrites en AUemagne, en Prusse, et en Pologne, en 1805-8 Paris, 1809 Grimm (Baron de) et Diderot, Memoires Historiques, Litteraires, &c. depuis 1770 jusqy'en 1790, 4 tom. 2nd edit 1814 , Correspondance Litteraire, Philosophique et Cri- tique, depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1769, 6 tom Paris, 1813 Guillemeau's (M.) Histoire Naturelle de la Rose . , Paris, 1800 Helvetius (Mons. C. Adr.) (Euvres de, viz. De L'Esprit ; et De L'Homme, 2 tom. 4to 1781 Hoffmann (J. A.) Von der Zufriedenheit Hamburg, 1748 Josephine, Memoires sur, I'lmperatrice, et ses Contem- porains, 3 tom Paris, 1828 Lavater's (J. C.) Aus-sichten in die Ewigkeet, 4tom. Zurich, 1777 Laharpe (J. F.), Lycee, ou Cours de Litterature, Ancienne et Moderne, 19 tom Paris, All. VII. Machiavelli (Niccolo), Opere di, 6 tom. 4to Firenze, 1782 Malebranche(Mons.), Recherche de la Verite, 4 tom. Paris, 1712 Mathilde, ou Memoires tires de L'Histoire des Croisades, par Madame Cottin, 6 tom 1805 Menagiana, ou Les Bons Mots, &c. de Mons. Menage, 4 tom 1729 Montaigne (Michel, Seigneur de), Essais de, 3 tom. 4to Paris, 1725 Montesquieu (Mons. de), (Euvres de, 3 tom. 4to 1767 Tom. 1 et 2. De L'Esprit des Lois, et Defense de L'Esprit des Lois ; Lysiraaque. — Tom. 3. Lettres Persanes ; Causes de la Grandeur des Remains et de leur D6cadenee ; La Temple de Gnide ; L'Essai sur le Gout. Pascal (Blaise), (Euvres de, 5 tom Haye, 1779 Petrarque, Memoires de, 3 tom. 4to Amsterdam, 1764-67 ■ , Rime di, 2 tom 1 796 Racine (Jean), (Euvres de, 5 tom Paris, 1799 I 184 MISCELLANEOUS. Redi (Francesco) Opere di, 7 torn NapoH, Rochefoucauld (Due de la) Maximes et Reflections Mo- rales Rousseau (Jn. Jaques), QEuvres Completes de, 17 torn. . . Tom. 1 et 2. Julie, ou la nouvelle Heloise. — Tom. 3 et 4. L'Emile ou de L'Education. — Tom. 5. Discours sur le R6taMissement des Sciences et des Arts, &c. ; Lettres sur la Musique Fian^aise ; Le Devin du Village; Narcisse, ou L'Amant de Lui meme ; ]>ettres; Discours sur L'Economie Politique. — Tom. 6. L'Origine de lTnegalit6 parmi les Hommes ; Du Contrat Social ; Lettre sur les Spectacles Publiques ; Description du Gouvernement de Geneve. — Tom. 7, La Reine Fantasque ; De LTmitation I'heatrale ; Pygmalion ; Mandement de Archeveque de Paris, portant Condamnation d'un Livre qui a pour titre, Emile, ou de L'Education ; Lettie a M. de Beaumont, Archeveque de Paris ; Extraits des Journaux ; Les Differends de Rousseau avec Mons. Hume ; Lettres et Pieces Justificatives. — Tom. 8. Lettres de la Montagne ; La Decouverte du Nouveau Monde ; Iphis; Poesies diverses ; Lettres. — Tom. 9 et 10. Dictionnaire de Musique. — Tom. 11. Les Amours du Milord Edouard ; Emile et Sophie, ou les Solitaires ; Le Levite D'Ephraim ; Lettres a Sara, &c. ; L'Engagement Tem^raire ; Les Muses Galantes ; Traduction du premier Livre de Tacite, et de L'Jpocolokintosh de Seneque ; Olinde et Sophronie, tire du Tasse ; Dissertation sur la Musique Moderne. — Tom. 12. Dialogues Diverses, &c. ; Considerations sur le Gouvernement de Pologne ; Dictionnaire de Botanique, et Lettres Elementaires ; Jugement sur la Paix Perp^tuelle, et sur la Polysynodie ; Essai sur L'Origine des Langues. — Tom. 13. Refutation du Discours, &c. par M. Gautier, ei du Discours par un Academicien du Dijon ; Poesies, Lettres, &c. — Tom. 14. Projet pour L'Education ; Oraison Funebre ; Les Prisonniers de Guerre ; Lettres, Pieces, Justificatives, Remarques ; Plaidoyer pour et centre J.J. Rousseau et Mons. Hume ; Le Docteur Pansophe. — Tom. 15. Replique de M. Borde ; L'Homme Phy- sique ; La Vertu Veng6e par L'Amiti6 ; Lettres Diveres. — Tom. 16 et 17. Les Confessions de Rousseau ; Lettres Diverses, Saint-Evremond's (Mons. de) (Euvres, avec la Vie de L'Au- teur parM. des Maizeaux, 5 torn Amsterdam, 1735 Saint-Foix, (Mons. de) (Euvres Complettes, 5 torn. Paris, 177< L'Oracle ; Deucalion et Pirrha ; Le Silphe ; L'Isle Sauvage ; Julie, ou L'Heureuse Epreuve ; Eg6rie ; Le Double D^guise- ment ; Zeloide ; Arlequin au Serrail ; Le Rival Suppose ; La Colonie ; La Cabale. — Tom. 2. Les Graces ; Alceste ; Les Veuves Turques ; Les Parfaits Amans ; J^es Hommes ; Le Derviche ; Le Financier ; Lettres Turques. — Tom. 3, 4, et 5. Essais Historiques sur Paris. — Tom. 6. Histoire de L'Ordre du S. Esprit. MISCELLANEOUS. 18$ Saiat-Simon, (Louis Due de) QEuvres complettes, pour servir a I'Histoire des Cours de Louis XIV., de la Re- gence, et de Louis XV Strasbourg^ 1791 Tom. 1 — 6. Notice sur la Vie du Due de Saint-Simon : M6moires D'Etat et Militaires du Regne de Louis XIV. — Tom. 7 et 8. Memoires Secrets de la Regence de Philippe Due D'Oil^ans. Tom. 9 — 12. Hommes lUustres, des Regnes de Louis XIV., et Louis XV. — avec Notes et Additions. — Tom. 15. Histoire et Revolutions du Gouvernement de la France ; La Constitution de la Monarchic Franfoise ; Ordonnances : Memoire sur les Princes Legitimes Francois, &c. Table Generale. Saint-Pierre, (J. H. B. de) (Euvres de, 7 torn. Hambourg^ 1797 I Saint-Prix (M. Berriet)' Jeanne D'Arc, ou Coup d'CEil sur les Revolutions de France au Terns de Chas. VI. et de Chas. VII. et sur-tout de la Pucelle D'Orleans, &c. 1827 jStael Holstein, (Madame la Baronne de) sur la Litterature, j avec un Precis de la Vie de L'Auteur, 2 torn. . .Paris, 1812 , De L'lnfluence des Passions 1813 , Zulma, et Trois Nouvelles, precede d'un Essai sur les Fictions 1813 Tableau de la Litterature Fran^aise, pendant le 1 8me siecle, 1813 jTiraboschi, (Cav. Abate Girolomo) Storia del la Letter atur a ji Italiana, 16 torn. 4to, 2da ediz Modena, 1787 Tressan, (M. le Comte) Corps D'Extraits de Romans de I Chevalerie, 4 torn Paris, 1 782 Vergier, (Jacques) Qjluvres de, 3 vols a Londres, 1780 Vertot, (Mons. L'Abbe) Histoire des Chevaliers de Malthe, 7 tom Paris, 1761 Revolutions de Suede, 2 tom ib. 1768 Ventouillac, (L. F.) Le Petit Hermite, tire de L'Hermite de la Chaussee d' Antin par M. Jouy, 2 vol 1 824 Voltaire, GEuvres Complettes de, &c. 71 tom. . , Basle, 1784-90 Tom. 1—15. Y'lde Poetry and the Drama, Page 74.— Tom 16—19. Essai sur les Moeurs et L'Espiit des Nations, et sur les Princi- paux Faits de L'Histoire depuis Charlemagne jusqu'a Louis XIIL— Tom. 20 et 21. Siecle de Louis XIV.— Tom. 22. Precis du Siecle de Louis XV. — Tom. 23. Histoire de L'Empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. — Tom. 24. Histoire de Charles XII. — Tom. 25. Annales de L'Empire depuis Charlemagne. — Tom. 26. Histoire du Parlement de Paris.— Tom. 27 et 28. M^- langes Historiques, renferment le Pyrrhonisme de L'Histoire ; Responses a la Beaumelle, et a le Jesuit Nonotte ; Supplement B B 186 MISCELLANEOUS. au Siecle de Louis XIV. ; La Defense de Mon Oncle ; Un Chretien centre Six Juifs ; De quelques Niaiseries ; Fragmens sur L'Histoire ; Defence du L'Essai sur les Moeurs ; Des Men- songes Imprimes et du Testament Politique du Cardinal de Richelieu. — Tom. 29 et 30. Politique et Legislation, viz. La Voix du Sage et du Peuple ; Tdees de la Mothe le Vayer ; Pensees sur L'Administration Publique, et de La Paix Perpetu- elle ; Les Droits des Hommes et les Usurpations des Autres ; Le Tocsin des Rois ; Le Cri des Nations ; Des Embeilissemens de Paris ; Commentaire sur le Livre des Delits et des Peines ; Prix de la Justice et de L'Huraanite ; Commentaire sur L'Esprit des Lois ; Sermon du Papa Nicolas Charisteski ; Traite sur la Tolerance a I'Occasion de la Mort de Jean Calas ; Essai sur les Probabilites en Faits de Justice ; Supplement aux Causes C^lebres. — Tom. 3L Elemens de Philosophic de Newton, et Defense du Newtonianisme ; Essai sur la Nature du Feu ; Dis- sertation sur les Changements arrives dans notre Globe ; Des Singularities de la Nature ; Les Colima9ons. — Tom. 32 — 35, Philosophi6 G6nerale ; Metaphysique, Morale, et Theologie, viz. Traite de Metaphysique ; Le Philosophe Ignorant ; II Faut Prendre un Parti; Tout en Dieu ; De L'A.me; Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron ; Remarques sur les Pensees du Pascal ; Profession de Foi des Theistes ; Examen Important de Milord Bolinbroke ; Dieu et les Hommes Epitre aux Romains ; La Bible enfin Expliquee par plusieurs Aumoniers ; De la Nouveau Testament; Collection D'Anciens Evangiles ; Deux Lettres de Pilate, &c. ; Histoire de L'Etablissement du Christianisme. — Tom. 36. Dialogues et Entretiens Philosophiques. — Tom. 37—43. Dictionnaire Philosophique. — Tom. 44. Memnon, ou la Sagesse Humaine ; Zadig, ou la Destinee ; Micromegas ; Candide, ou L'Optimisme ; Le Blanc et le Noire ; Jeannot et Colin ; L'ln- genu. — Tom. 45. L'Homme aux Quarante Ecus ; La Princesse de Babylone ; Les Lettres D'Amabed ; Histoire de Jenni, ou L'Ath^e et Le Sage ; Les Oreilles du Comte de Chesterfield et de Chapelain Goudman ; Le Taureau Blanc, &c. — Tom. 46. Fac^ties — Tom. 47 — 49. Melanges Litt6raires, viz. Panegyrique de Louis XV. ; Eloges Funebres, &c. ; Vie de Moliere, avec de petits Sommaires de ses Pieces ; Lettres Chinoises, &c. ; De la Tragedie et de la Comedie Anglaise ; Lettres Diverses : Me- moire sur la Satire : Les Honnetetes Litt^raires ; Commentaire Historique sur les (Euvres de I'Auteur de la Henriade ; Observa- tions sur les (Euvres Diverses, &c, ; Connaisance des Beautes et de D6fauts de la Poesie et de L'Eloquence ; Caracteres et Por- traits ; Panegyrique de St. Louis ; Lettres Diverses ; Le Tombeau de la Sorbonne. — Tom. 50 et 51. Commentaires sur Corneille. — Tom. 52 — 54. Correspondance du Roi de Prusse, Frederic III,, depuis 1736 jusqu'a 1777. — Tom. 55. Correspondance de L'lm- peratrice de Russie Catherine III., depuis, 1763 — 1774. — Tom. 56 — 68. Correspondance Generalede M.de Voltaire depuis 1715 NOVELS, ROMANCES, &c. 187 1771. — Tom. 69 et 70. Correspondance D'Alembert, Sec- Tom. 71. Vie de Voltaire, par le Marquis de Condorcet ; Pieces Justificatives ; Memoires de Voltaire, Ecrits par Lui-raeme. — Tables Generale et Chronologique. Wieland's (C. M.) Musarion, oder die Philosophie der Grazien Leipzig, 1799 NOVEXiS, ROMAM-CES, AND TAX.EIS. Abbot, the (Sir Walter Scott), 3 vols Edin. 1820 Ada Reis (Lady Caroline Lamb), 3 vols 1823 Alhambra, Tales of the (Washington Irving), 2 vols 1832 *' Alia Giornata," or to the Day, 3 vols 1826 Almacks, 3 vols 1827 Ahnacks Revisited, or Herbert Milton, 3 vols 1828 Anastatius, or Memoirs of a Young Greek (Thomas Hope), 3 vols 1820 Andrew, the Savoyard (C. Paul de Kock), 2 vols 1833 Andrew Wylie, Sir (Wm. Gait), 3 vols Edin. 1822 Annals of the Parish (Ditto) Edin. 1821 Anna St. Ives (Thos. Holcroft), 5 vols 1 800 Anna, or the Welch Heiress (Mrs. Bennett), 4 vols 1796 Anne of Britanny, 3 vols 1810 Anne of Geierstein (Sir Walter Scott), 3 vols 1829 Anselmo, a Tale of Italy (A. Vieusseux), 2 vols 1825 Antiquary (Sir Walter Scott), 3 vols Edin. 1816 Arabian Nights 1825 Arthur Mervyn (C. B. Brown), 3 vols 1809 Astonishment (F. Lathom), 2 vols 1802 Ayesha, the Maid of Kars (James Morier), 3 vols Ayrshire Legatees (Wm. Gait) Edin. 1821 Baboo (The), and other Tales, descriptive of Society in India, 2 vols 1834 Balance of Comfort (Mrs. Ross), 3 vols 1817 Banished Man (Mrs. Charlotte Smith), 4 vols 1794 Batchelor and Married Man, 3 vols 1817 Barney Mahoney^ (Thomas Crofton Croker) 1832 Belinda (Miss Edgeworth), 2 vols 1 820 188 NOVELS, ROMANCES, &c. Body and Soul (Rev. Dr. Wilkins), 2 vols 1823 Boccaccio's (Giov.) Novels and Tales, fol. 5th edit 1684 Bogle Corbett (John Gait), 3 vols 1831 Borderers (J. F. Cooper), 3 vols 1829 Bracebridge Hall (Washington Irving), 2 vols 1823 Brambletye House (Horace Smith), 3 vols 1826 Bravo (J. F. Cooper), 3 vols 1832 Brownie of Bodsbeck (James Hogg), 2 vols Edin. 1818 Caleb Williams (Wm. Godwin), 3 vols 1797 Camilla, or a Picture of Youth (Madam D'Arblay), 5 vols. 1797 Campbell, or Scottish Probationer, 3 vols Edin. 1819 Canterbury Tales (Miss Sophia Lee), 5 vols 1800 Castle Rackrent (Miss Edgeworth) 1804 Castle of Otranto (Horace Walpole) 1824 Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne (Mrs. Anne Radcliffe) . . 1799 Catholic, the (Wm. H. Ireland), 3 vols 1 807 Cavalier, the (Lee Gibbons), 3 vols » 1 821 Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress (Mad. D'Arblay), 2 vols. 1820 Chronicles of the Canongate (Sir Walter Scott), 2 vols. viz. Highland Widow ; Two Drovers ; and Surgeon's Daughter 1827 ■ 2nd Series, 3 vols. viz. St. Valentine's Day, or the Fair Maid of Perth 1828 Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea (Chas. Johnstone) 1822 Clan Albin, 4 vols Edin. 1815 Clarentine (Miss Burney), 3 vols 1816 Clarissa Harlowe (Samuel Richardson), 8 vols 1820 Cloudesley (Wm. Godwin), 3 vol 1830 Coelebs in Search of a Wife (Mrs. Hannah Moore), 2 vols. 1813 Coningsby (Sir E. Brydges) Paris, 1819 Contarini Fleming ( — D'Iraeli, Jun.), 4 vols 1832 Continental Adventures (Miss Jane Waldie), 3 vols 1826 Convent 1826 Corinne, ou L'ltalie (Mad. de St'ael Holstein), 3 torn. . . . 1809 Correction, 3 vols 1819 Cottagers of Glenburnie 1 800 Countess and Gertrude (Miss L. M. Hawkins), 4 vols. . . 1811 Country Belles, or Gossips Outwitted (Agnes A. Barber), 3 vols 1824 NOVELS, ROMANCES, &c. 189 I Crates and Hipparchia (C. M. Wieland), (Presented by C. R. Coke, the Translator) 1823 Crotchet Castle (T. L. Peacock) 1831 Crusaders (Sir Walter Scott), 4 vols. viz. The Betrothed, 2 vols, and the Talisman, 2 vols 1824 I Cyril Thornton, his Youth and Manhood, 3 vols 1827 ' Dame Rebecca Berry, or Court Scenes in the Reign of Charles II., 3 vols 1827 Darnley, or the Field of the Cloth of Gold (G. P. James), 3 vols 1830 De Foix, or Sketches of the 14th Century (Mrs. Bray, late Mrs. Charles Stothard), 3 vols 1826 ,-Denounced, 3 vols 1830 •Delphine (Mad. de Stael Holstein), 6 vols, in 3 1803 Dervventvvater (Robert Trotter) Edin. 1825 De Santillana (Zara Wentworth) 4 vols 1825 Destiny (Miss Ferriar), 3 vols 1831 De Vavasour, 3 vols 1826 De Vere, or the Man of Independence (R. Ward), 4 vols. 1827 Devereux (E. L. Bulwer), 3 vols 1829 Devil's Elixir (E. T. A. Hoffman), 2 vols 1824 Devil on Two Sticks (Le Sage) Edin. 1 822 .Diary of an Ennuyee (Mrs. Jameson) , 1826 Diary of a Physician (W. Harrison), 2 vols 1834 Discipline (Mrs. Brunton), 3 vols Edin. 1814 I Disowned (E. L. Bulwer), 2nd edit. 3 vols 1829 Don Quixote (Cervantes, Jervis's translation), 4 vols 1821 Don Sebastian, or the House of Braganza (Miss A. M. 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Brydges) 3 vols 1821 Hamel, theObeah Man, 2 vols 1827 Harrington and Ormond (Miss Edgeworth), 3 vols 1817 Hawkesworth's (Dr.) Almoran and Hamet 1820 Headsman, the (Washington Irving), 3 vols 1833 NOVELS, ROMANCES, <&rc. 191 Hearts of Steel, 3 vols 1826 Hebrew Tales (Translated by Hyman Hurwitz) 1826 Heiress of Bruges (Thos. C. Grattan), 3 vols 1831 Heidenmauer, or the Heathen's Wall (J. F. Cooper), 3 vols. 1832 Helen (Maria Edgeworth), 3 vols 1834 Helen Monteagle (Mrs. Lefanu), 3 vols 1818 Heraline, or Opposite Proceedings (Miss Hawkins), 4 vols. 1821 Herbert Lacy, (T. H. Lister), 3 vols 1828 Hermsprong (Robert Bage), 3 vols 1799 High-ways and Bye-ways (T. C. Grattan), 2 vols 1824 , Ditto, 2nd Series, 3 vols 1825 ■ , Ditto, 3rd Series, 3 vols 1827 Hogg's (James) Winter Evening Tales, 2 vols Edin. 1820 Honor O'Hara (Miss A. M. Porter), 3 vols 1826 Hugh Trevor (Thomas Holcroft), 4 vols 1801 Humphrey Clinker (Dr. Smollett), 2 vols 1 820 Hungarian Brothers (Miss A. M. 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Surr), 3 vols 1815 Maid Marian 1822 Man of Feeling (Henry Mackenzie) 1820 Man of the World (Henry Mackenzie) Edin. 1 823 Mandeville (William Godwin), 3 vols ,,Edin. 1817 , Lady Julia (Mrs. Brooke), 2 vols 1787 Marianne, La Vie de (Mons. de Marivaux), 3 torn 1741 Marriage (Miss Ferriar), 3 vols Edin. 1818 Martineau's (Miss Harriet) Illustrations of Political Eco- nomy, 9 vols, viz 1832-33 Vol. 1.— Life in the Wilds; The Hill and the Valley ; Brooke and Brooke Farm. Vol.2. — Demerara; Ella of Garveloch ; Weal and Woe in Gar- veloch. Vol. 3. — A Manchester Strike ; Cousin Marshall ; Ireland. Vol. 4. — Homes Abroad ; For Each and for All ; French Wines and Politics. Vol. 5. — The Charmed Sea ; Berkeley, the Banker. Vol. 6. — Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek ; The Loom and the Lugger. A'^ol. 7. — Sowers not Reapers ; Cinnamon and Pearls ; A Tale of the Tyne. Vol. 8.— Briery Creek ; The Three Ages. Vol. 9. — The Farrers of Budge Row ; The Moral of Many Fables. Illustrations of Taxation, 2 vols 1834 Vol. 1.— The Park and the Paddock ; The Tenth Haycock ; The Tendency of Sticks and Strikes to Produce Low Wages. Vol. 2. — The Jerseymen Meeting ; The Jerseymen Parting ; The Scholars of Arnside. Matilda, a Tale of the Day (Lord Normanby), 2 vols. 2nd edit ". 1825 Maxwell (Theodore Hook), 3 vols 1830 NOVELS, ROMANCES, &c. 193 Melmoth (Rev. Henry Maturin), 4 vols 1820 Member, the (John Gait) 1832 Mentors, the Two (Miss Clara Reeve) 1803 Missionary, the (Lady Morgan), 3 vols 1811 Modern Philosophers (Miss Hamilton), 3 vols 1804 Modern Griselda (Miss Edgeworth) 1825 Monastery, the (Sir Walter Scott), 3 vols Edin. 1820 Monk of Madrid, 4 vols 1802 Montalbert (Mrs. Charlotte Smith), 3 vols. 1795 Montgomery, or West Indian Adventurer, 3 vols 1812 Mordaunt (Dr. Moore), 3 vols 1800 Mornton (Miss Marg. 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Godwin). Stories of Waterloo. Thaddeus of Warsaw (Miss J. Porter). Vathek (W. Beckford); Castle of Otranto (Horace Walpole) ; and Bravo of Venice (M. G. Lewis). •^-—Water Witch, or the Skimmer of the Seas (J. F. Cooper). Steam-Boat (John Gait) Edin. 1822 Story Teller, 2 vols, in 4 1833 St. Leon (Vl^m. Godwin), 4 vols 1800 St. Ronan's Well (Sir Walter Scott), 3 vols 1824 Strathallan (Mrs. Lefanu), 4 vols 1816 Tales of My Landlord (Sir Walter Scott), 1st series, 4 vols. viz. Black Dwarf, 1 vol.— Old Mortality, 3 vols. Edin. 1817 , 2nd series, 4 vols. viz. Heart of Mid Lothian Edm. 1818 NOVELS, ROMANCES, &c. 197 f Tales of My Landlord, 3rd series, 4 vols. viz. Bride of Lammermoor ; and Legend of Montrose 1819 , 4th series, 4 vols. viz. Count Robert of Paris and Castle Dangerous, 4 vols 1832 Tales of a Voyager to the Arctic Ocean, 1st series, 3 vols. 1826 I , 2nd series, 3 vols. 1829 ^ Tales, Illustrative of the Five Senses 1830 I Tales of a Physician (W. H. 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White Hoods (Mrs. Bray), 3 vols 1828 Wife and Lover (Miss Holcroft), 3 vols 1814 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship (Goethe) 3 vols 1824 Women, or Pour et Contre (Rev. H. Maturin), 3 vols. . . 1818 Woodstock (Sir Walter Scott), 3 vols 1 826 Young Duke (D'Israeli jun.) 3 vols 1831 Young Philosopher (Mrs. Charlotte Smith), 4 vols 1798 Younger Son (— Trelawny), 3 vols 1832 Zeluco, (Dr. Moore) 2 vols ] 789 ■ Ditto, 2 vols 1820 Zillah (Horace Smith), 4 vols 1828 Zohrab, or the Hostage (James Morier) 3 vols 1832 I PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 199 FBRXODZCAZ. PVBZ.ICATXOMS. J.ncludingEncyclopcedias, Transactions, Journals, Parliamentary Debates, Magazines, and Reviews. (*) All works under this head, preceded by an Asterisk, are regularly purchased on publication. A.merican Quarterly Review, 3 vols, (reprint) 1811-12 Annalsof Philosophy (Dr. Thomson's), 1st series, 16 vols. 1813-20 Ditto, 2nd series, 9 vols 1821-25 lAnnual Register, 67 vols 1758-1825 ! Ditto, New, 45 vols 1780-1833 \ *Arcana of Science, 3 vols 1833-35 , *Army and Navy Lists 1 835 }' *Asiatic Journal 1 835 Athenseum (Dr. Aikin's), 5 vols 1807-09 (Newspaper), 8 vols 1828-34 ♦Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 36 vols 1817-34 *Boyle's Court Guide 1835 ♦British Almanac and Companion, 7 vols 1829-35 British Critic, 9 vols. viz. 34 to 42 1810-13 Ditto, new series, 23 vols 1814-25 * Ditto, Quarterly, 2 vols 1825-26 * , Quarterly Theological Review, and Ecclesi- astical Record, 14 vols 1827-34 British Review, 18 vols 1811-21 ♦Cambridge University Calendar Cambridge, 1835 Classical Journal (A. J. Valpy's), 22 vols 1810-20 Cobbett's (Wm.) Weekly Register, 18 vols 1826-34 Constable's Edinburgh Magazine, 8 vols 1817-21 *Constitutionel, Le, (French Paper) ' 1835 Critical Review, 3rd series, 11 vols. viz. 14 to 24 1808-11 Ditto, 4th series, 6 vols 1812-14 ■ Ditto, 5th series, 4 vols 1815-17 Crypt, or Receptacle for Things past 1828 ♦Debrett's Complete Peerage (Wm. 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Transactions of the Cymmrodorian, or Metropolitan Cam- brian Institution (Presented by the Cymmrodorian), vol. 1 1822-24 Transactions of the Geological Society, 2 vols. 4to. . . 1811-14 of the Linnean Society, 10 vols, in 5. . 1791-1811 of the Manchester Society, 7 vols 1786-1813 of the Royal Society of London, abridged by Drs. Hutton, Pearson, and Shaw, 18 vols. 4to 1809 * Ditto, at Large, 17 vols. 4to 1801-17 of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 4 vols. 4to .' Edin. 1788-98 of the Royal Irish Academy, 1 1 vols. 4to. 1787-1819 IJnclaimed Dividends, 3 vols 1808-15-23 *United Service Journal 1 vol 1835 Universal Catalogue, 2 vols 1772-73 Westminster Reviev^r, 15 vols 1828-34 MORNING. EVENING. *Moming Chronicle. Herald. Post. Advertiser. 'Courier. Globe. Standard. Sun. ♦Times. Minutes of the House of Lords. Votes and Daily Proceedings of the House of Commons. Those marked thus (*) are filed and preserved in the Library of the Institution. ^Athenaeum. ^Chambers' Edinburgh Journal. *Cobbetfs Register. *Leigh Hunt's London Journal. *Literary Gazette. ♦London Gazette (Tuesdays and Fridays). *Penny Cyclopaedia. *Penny Magazine. *Pinnock's Guide to Knowledge *Printing Machine. ^Saturday Magazine. *Spectator Newspaper. DICTIONARIES, &c. 203 M^V^f ^t. m tfie Meaning Boom. Europe. Africa. United States. The World. Asia. America. Hollar's View of London (Presented by W. L. New- man, Esq.) Gary's Plan of London. Cruchley's Thirty Miles round London. Plan of London, as Destroyed by the Great Fire (Pre- sented by James Whishaw, Esq.) Topographical Survey of the Borough of St. Mary-le-bone. lEn tje flifirarp. A Genealogical and Chronological Chart of the Kings of England. Potamology, a Tabular View of the Principal Rivers of the World. DICTIONARIES, BNCYCIiOPSDIAS, IiEXICONS, dec. Dictionnaire de I'Academie Fran9oise. American Gazetteer (Morse). Antiquitatum Romanorum (Pitiscus). Archaeological (Wilson). Arts et Metiers (Diderot et D'Alembert). Arts and Sciences (Gregory). de la Bible (Calmet). Bibliotheca Britannica (Watt). Bibliotheca Classica (Dymock's) Bibiiotheque Orientale (D'Herbelot). Biographia Britannica (Kippis). Biographia Medica (Hutchinson). Biographical, General (Chalmers). Biography, Universal (Lempriere). ' British Encyclopaedia (Nicholson). 204 DICTIONARIES, &c. Dictionnaire British Topography (Gough). Chemistry and Mineralogy (Aikin). Chemistry (Ure). Chemistry (Turner). Classical (Lempriere). Comique, Satyriqiie, &c. (Le Roux). Commercial, (M'CuUoch). Concordance (Cruden). Distinctions in English Words (Murdoch). Edinburgh Encyclopaedia (Brewster). Encyclopaedia Britannica and Supplements. Encycloptedia Metropolitana. English (Johnson and Todd). English Language (Webster), 2 vols. ■ English and Latin (Coles). English Pronouncing (Walker). Espanola y Francesa (Sobrino). Etymological (Bailey). Etymologicum Anglicanum (Junius). ' Etymologicon Ling. Angl. (Skynner). Fran^ois-Anglois, &c. (Boyer). ' — French and English (Chambaud). French Nouns (Boileau). Gardener, and Botanist's (Miller). Gardening (Loudon). General Biography (Aikin). Geographical, of England and Wales (Cobbett). German, English, and French (Ludwig.) Glossarium Archaiologicum (Spelman). Grgeco-Latinum (Scapula). Graeco-Prosodiacum (Merall and Maltby). Greek (Hesychius). Greek and English (Jones). Greek, French, and English (Guy Miege). Greek and Latin (Hedericus). Greek Primitives (Booth). — Historical and Critical (Bayle). Historicum, Geographicum, Poeticum (Stephens and Lloyd.) DICTIONARIES, &c. 205 Dictiqiiary Italian and English (Baretti). Law (Jacob and Tomline). Law (Wishaw). . London Medical (Parr). Mathematical and Philosophical (Hutton). Medicum, Grseco-Lat. (Castell). of Musicians, 2 vols. of Painters (Pilkington and Fuseli). Pantheon (Bell). • Portatif des Arts et Metiers, 2 vols. Saxonico et Goth-Lat. (Lye and Manning). Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Ainsworth and Morell). Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Curio), 3 vols. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Gesner). Trade and Commerce (Postlethwayt). . Veterinary (Boardman). Vocabolario della Crusca. . Undecim Linguarum (Calepinus). Universal Character (Wilkins). Universal Etymological (Whiter). Universal Gazetteer (Cruttwell). . Universal, Historique, Critique, &c. Welsh and English (Owen). 6 <^/?^ y/// if) GENERAL INDEX. For Alphabetical References to the Pamphleteer, Parliamentary Papers, Tracts, Novels, and Periodicals, see those respective Heads in the Catalogue itself. Aeeillard and Heloise, their Lives and Letters, 75 Abel's (C.) Journey to China, 17 Abercrombie (Dr. J.) on the Intel- lectual Powers, 96 Abernethy's (J.) Essays, 96 ; Physio- logical Lectures, 96 ; Surgical Works, 96 Abernethy's (Rev. John) Sermons, 1 Abrantes, Memoirs of the Duchess of, 75 Abu Taleb Khan's (Mirza) Travels, 17 Account of the Visit of the P. Regent, the E. of Russia, and the K. of Prussia, to the Corporation of Lon- don, in 1814, 49 Accum's(rred.) System of Chemistry, 96 ; Analytical Mineralogy, 96 ; Chemical Amusement, 96 ; Treatise on Gas Light, 96 Adam's (Dr. Alex.) Geography, 17 ; Roman Antiquities, 11 : Summary of Geography and History, 49 Adam's (R.) Palace of Diocletian, 96 Adams's (G.) Essay on Vision, 96 Adams's (J.) Defence of the United States, 49 Adams's(R,)AfricaandTimbuctoo,17 Adams (Sir Wm.) on Diseases of the Eye, 96 Addison's (J.) Works, 140 j Poems and Plays, 122 Adolphus's (J.) Hist, of England, 49 iEliani varia Hist. Gronovii, 12 ^Ifridi Magni Vita, 49 ^schyli Tragoediae (a Schiitz), 12 ; by Potter, 12 ^schinis. Opera, 13 jEsop's Fables, 12 Africa, Discovery and Adventures in, 17 African Association Proceedings, 17 Age, the. Moral, Political, &c. 122 Agriculture, Communications to the Board of, 96 ; Bath Society Papers, 96; Recreations in, by Dr. Ander- son, 97 ; Essays on, 97 ; Annals of, by A. Young, 97 ; Farmer's Magazine, 97 Agricultural Reports, viz. England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, 97,98 Agriculture, Reviews of, by W.Mar- shall, 98 Agrippina, the Empress, Life of, 75 Aikin's (A. and C. R.) Diet, of Che- mistry and Mineralogy, 98 ; Ap- pendix to ditto,. 98 Aikin's (John, M.D.) England De- lineated,. 17 ; Manchester, 17 ; England Described, 17 ; General Biography, 75 ; Selden and Ussher,. 75 ; British Poets, 122 ; Letters on English Poetry, 122 ; Letters to his- son, 140 Aikin's (Miss L.) Epistles on Women, 122 ; Queen Elizabeth, 75 ; James I., 75; Dr. J. Aikin, 75; Mrs. Barbauld, 75 ; Charles I., 75 Akenside's (Mark) Pleasures of the SJ Imagination, 122 ; Essay oft his n Life, &c. by C. Burke, 76 Akerman's (J. Y.) Numismatic Manuel, 98 Alberoni (Card.) and W, Duke of Ripperda, Lives of, 76 Aleman's (M.) Gusman D'Alfarache, the Spanish Rogue, 190 Alexander's (Capt. J. E.) Travels, 17 Alexander VI. (Pope) and his son Caesar Borgia, Lives of, 76 Alexandri ab Alex. Gen. Dierum, 11 Alfieri (V.) Memoirs of, 76; Tra- gedie, 122 Alfieri's Tragedies, by C. Lloyd, 122 Algarotti's (Count) Letters, 49 Ali Pacha, Life of, 76 Alison's (Rev. Arch.) Sermons, 1 ; Essays on Taste, 140 208 GENERAL INDEX. Alia Giornata, 187 Allen's (T.) History of Lambeth, 17 ; History of Surrey, 17 Almacks, 187 Almacks Revisited, 187 Almanach Imperial, 181 America, History of the United States, 49 Ammianus (Marc.) cura Ernesti, 1 1 Notis, J. Gronovii, 11 Anacharsis' Travels, 11 Anacreon (I'eius) et Vita, cura Barnes, 11; Odes of, 11 Anacreontis Carmina, 11 Anderson's (G. and P.) Guide to the Highlands, 17 Anderson's (R.) Ballads, 122 Anderson's (Adam) Origin of Com- merce, 49 Anderson's (Dr.) Recreations in Agri- culture, Natural History, Arts, and Literature, 97 ; Essays on Agricul- ture and Rural Affairs, 97 Andrews's (Capt.) South America, 17 Andrews's (J. P.) History of Great Britain, 49 Anecdote Library, 140 Angouleme's (Duchess of) Private Memoirs, 76 Annals of Philosophy, by Dr. Thom- son, 98 ; Ditto, new series, 98 Anne of Britanny, 187 Annual Biography and Obituary, 76 Annual Register, 49 ; New, 49 Anquetill's (Mons.) Universal His- tory, 50 Anspach's (Margravine of) Memoirs, 76 Anson's (Lord) Voyage round the World, 17 Anstey's (C.) New Bath Guide, 122 ; Ditto, J. Britton's edit. 122 Anthologia Graeca, 11 Antiquaries, Society of. Catalogue of the Library, 50 Antiquarian Repertory, 17 Antoinette (Maria), her Private Life, by Mad. Campan, 76 Appianus, a. Schweighaeuser, 11 Apician Morsels, 140 Apollonius Rhodius, cura Shaw, 11 Apulejo, deir Asino D'Oro, 140 Arabian Nights, 187 Aram (Eugene), his Life, Trial, &c., 76; Bulwer's Novel of, 190 Arbuthnot's I'ables of Weights and Measures, 11 Arcana of Science and Art, 98 Arctaei Opera, 98 Arezzi, the Count, a Tragedy, 122 Ariosto's (M. L.) Orlando Furioso, 122; Ditto, translated by Hoole, 122 Aristophanes, Burmanni, 11 Armstrong (J., M.D.) Memoirs, and Medical Opinions of, 76 Arnold's (Rev. R.) Commentary, 7 Arnott's (Dr. N.) Elements of Physics, 98 Arrianus, Gronovii, 11 Arrowsmith (J. P.) on the Art of In- structing the Deaf and Dumb, 99 Art of Employing Time to the Greatest Advantage, 140 Arts et Metiers, Dictionnaire des, 99 Ashe's (Thos.) Travels in America, 18 Ashmole's (E.) History of the Order of the Garter, 50 Asiatic Annual Register, 50 Athenieus, Casauboni, 11 Athenian Letters, 12 Athenian Sport, or Two Thousand Paradoxes Merrily Argued, 140 Atherstone's (E.) Sea Kings of Eng- gland, 195 Atkinson's (C. S.) Otterbourne, 193 Atlasses, various, 18 Aubrey's (J.) Lives and Letters of Eminent Men, 76 ; Miscellanies, 140 Auctores De Febribus, 99 Aulus Gellius, by Beloe, 12 Aulus Gellius (Attic nights) Gronovii, 12 Austen's (Miss) Emma, 189 ; North- anger Abbey, 193 ; Persuasion, 194 ; Pride and Prejudice, 194 ; Sense and Sensibility, 195 Australia, Picture of, 18 Auto-Biography, or Life of William Brown, 76 Auto-Biography, viz. Colley Cibber, Hume, Lilly, Voltaire, Marmontel, Robert Drury, George Whitfield, James Ferguson, Mary Robinson, Charlotte Charke, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Prince Eugene, A. Von Kotzebue, Capt. J. Creichton, Wil- liam GifFord, Thos. Ellwood, Lewis Holberg, James Hardy Vaux, Ed- mund Gibbon, Benvenuto Cellini, James Lackington, Theo. Wolfe Tone, Frederica Margravine de Bareith, Vidocq, Mad. du Barri, William Sampson, 76 Autumn near the Rhine, 18 Ayder AH Khan, his History, 77 j Ditto, Hyder Ally, 77 Ayeen Akbery, by Gladwin, 99 GENERAL INDEX. 209 Babbage (C.) on the Decline of Sci- ence in England, 99 ; Economy of Machinery, &c. 99 Baber's (Z. Muhamraed) Memoirs of Himself, 50 Baboo, the, 187 Bacon, Fryer, the Famous History of, 77 Bacon's (John) Liber Regis, 1 Bacon's (Lord) Essays, 140 ; Works, 140 ; History of Henry VII., and Godwin's (Bishop F.) Annals of HenryVIII. Edward VI. and Queen Mary, 50 Bagdad, Pachalik de, 18 Bage's (R.) Hermsprong, 191 Baglivi (G.), Opera omnia Medico- Practica et Anatomica, 99 Bailey's (N.) Etymological English Dictionary, 99 Baillie's (Mrs. J.) Plays, 122; Me- trical Legends, 122 Baillie's (Dr. M.) Morbid Anatomy of the Human Body, 99 Bailly (M.) sur I'Atlantide de Platon, 12; Histoire de I'Astronoraie An- cienne,99 ; Histoire de I'Astronomie Moderne, 99 Baker's (D. E.) Biographia Drama- tica, 122; Ditto, by Baker, Reed, &c. 122 Baker (Rev. T.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, 77 Baker's (Miss R.) Sermons, 1 Baker's (Sir R.) Chron. of Kings of England, 50 Bakewell's (Robert) Introduction to Geology, 99 Baldwin's (G.) Recollections of Egypt, 50 Ballard's (E. G.) Poems for Young Persons, 123 Balsamo's (Abbate) Slate of Sicily, 18 Bancroft's (Dr. E.) Experimental Re- searches on Colours, 99 Banier's (L'Abbe) Mythology, 12 Banim's (J.) Celt's Paradise, 123 Bank Dividends, Unclaimed, Account of, 140 Bankes's (H.) History of Rome, 50 Banks's (T. C.) Baronage of Eng- land, 50 Bannister's (S.) Humane Policy, 18 Barbadoes, History of, 50 Barbauld's (Mrs.) Miscel . Works, with Life of the Authoress, 77 Barber's (Agnes) Country Belles, 188 Barclay's (Dr. J.) Inquiry on Life and Organization, 99 Barclay's (Robert) Apology, 1 Baretti (G.), Dizionario, &c. Italian and English, 99 Barlow's (P.) Theory of Numbers, 99 Barnam's (H. L.) Spy Unmasked, 195 Barnes (Rev. Josh.), Estherfe Hist. &c. 1 Barry's (Wm,) History of the French Consulate, 50 ; Rise and Fall of Buonaparte's Empire. 50 Barrington's (Hon. D.) Miscellanies, 141 Barrington's (Sir J.) Sketches of his Own Times, 77 Barrow's (Dr. Isaac) Works.. 1 ; Ma- thematical Lectures, 99 Barrow's (J.) Southern Africa, 18 ; Travels in China, 18 ; Cochin China, 18; Arctic Regions, 18 Barrow's (J. jun.) Excursions in the North of Europe, 18 Barruel's (L'Abb6) Mem. of Jacobi- nism, 50 Barry's (J.) Works, 99 Barthelemy's (L'Abbe) Travels in Italy, 18 Bartram's (Wm.) Travels in North and South Carolina, 18 Batchelor and Married Man, 187 Bates's (G.) Elenchi Motuum Nupe- rorum in Anglia, 50 Bayard (Chev.), his History, 77 Bayle's(Mons. P.) Historical and Cri- tfbal Dictionary, 50 ; Supplement of Chaufepi^, 50 ; (Euvres, 50 Beattie's (Dr. J.) Dissertations, 141 ; Essays, 141 ; Life and Letters, 77 Beaufort's (Captain) Karamania, 18 Beaufoy's (Colonel) Experiments, 18 Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatic Works, 123 Beauties of England and Wales, 19 Beccaria (C) Dei Delitti e Delia Pene, 181 ; Essay on Crimes and Punishments, 141 Beckford (P.) on Fox and Hare Hunt- ing, 141 Beckford 's (Wm.) Italy, 19 ; Vathek, 197 Beckmann's (J.) History of Inven- tions, 99 Beddoes{Dr. T.) and Watt (J.) on the Production, &c. of Factitious Airs, 99 Bedford, Anecdotes of the House of, 77 Beechey's (Captain) Voyage, 19 EE 210 GENERAL INDEX. Beke's (C. T.) Origines Biblics, 1 Bell's (Sir Charles) Treatise on the Hand, 1 Bell's (C.) System of Operative Sur- gery, 99 Bell's (J. and C.) Anatomy of the Human Body, 99 Bell's (J.) Travels to Pekin, &c. 19 Bell's (John) Pantheon, 12 ; British Theatre, 123 Bell's (Major) Tabular Vi«w of Uni- versal History and Literature, 50 Beloe's (Rev. "W.) Anecdotes of Lite- rature and Scarce Books, 141 ; Me- moirs of a Sexagenarian, 77 Belsham's (William) History of Great Britain, 50 ; Appendix to ditto, 50 ; Essays, Philosophical, Moral, &c. 141 Belsham's (W.) Chronology of the Reigns of George III. and IV., 50 Belzoni's (G.) Egypt, 19 Benger's (Miss) Memoirs of Queen Anne Boleyn, 77 ; Mary, Queen of Scots, 77 ; Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, 77 ; Valsinore, 197 Bennet's (Mrs.) Anna, or the Welch Heiress, 187 ; Juvenile Indiscre- tions, 191 Benson's (Dr. G.) Paraphrase on St. Paul, 2 Benson's (Rev. C.) Hulsean Dis- courses, 2 Bent's (W.) London Catalogue, 141 Bentham's (J.) Deontology, 100 Bentley (Dr. R.), his Life and Writ- ings by Bp. Monk, 77 Beresford's (J.) Miseries of Human Life, 141 Beresford's (Gen. Lord Viscount) Re- futation of Colonel Napier, 51 Berger's (Ch. H. de) Coram, de Per- sonis, 124. Bergman's (Sir T.) Chemical Essays, 100 ; Dissertation on Elective At- tractions, 100 Berington's (Rev. J.) Literary History of the Middle Ages, 51 ; Reigns of Henry II. Richard I. and King John, 51 Berkeley's (Bp.) Works, 141 Berkeley Manuscripts, by Fosbroke, 77 Bernard (Sir T.) Life of, by Rev. J. Baker, 77 Bernard's (Sir T.) Spurinna, or Com- forts of Old Age, 141 Bernard's (J.) Retrospections of the Stage, 124 Bernardi's (Major J.) Life, 77 Bernard's (R. B.) Tour in France, &c. 19 Berry's (Lady C.) Flirtation, 190 Berry's (W.) Genealogia Antiqua, 51 Bertholet (C. L.) on Chemical Sta- tics, 100 Betterton (T.), Life of, and Works, 77 Berzelius (Dr. I. J.) on Animal Che- mistry, 100 Bevan's (E., M. D.) History of the Honey Bee, 100 Bibliotheque Orientale, 77 Bible (Holy), 2 Biblia Hebraica, 2 Biblia Hebrayeo y Espanol, 2 Bielfield's (Baron) Elements of Uni- versal Erudition, 141 Bigland's (J.) History of Europe, 51 Billets in the Low Countries, 19 Billing's (Commodore) Voyages, 19 Billington's (J.) Architectural Di- rector, 100 Billington's (W.) Facts, &c. on Planting Oaks, 100 Bingham's (Rev. J.) Church His- tory, 2 Bingley's (Rev. W.) Biographical Conversations, 77 Biographia Britannica, 77 ; ditto, by Drs. Kippis and Towers, 77 Biographia Medica, 77 Biographical Dictionary, 78 ; ditto, by A. Chalmers, 78 Biography, Universal, by Dr. Lem- priere, 78 Biography of the British Stage, 78 Biographical Tracts, viz. England's Worthies ; Hugh Peters ; James, Duke of Monmouth ; Colonel Blood ; Cotton's Henry III. ; Anne Bullen ; Wilson's James I.; Book of Sports ; G. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham ; Queen Henrietta Maria, 78 Bion et Moschus, a Gilb. Wakefield, 12 Biot (J. B.) Trait6 de Physique, 100 Birch^ (Dr. T.) History of the Royal Society, 100 Bird's (J.) Juvenile Observatory, 100 Birds, the Architecture of, 100 Birkbeck's (M.) Notes on Illinois, 19 ; Notes on France, 19 Blackstone's (Judge) Commentaries, 100 Blackwell 's (T.) Court of Augustus, 51 Blaine's (D.) Veterinary Art, 100 Blair's (Rev. Dr. Hugh) Sermons, 2 ; Lectures on Rhetoric, &c. 141 GENERAL INDEX. 211 Blair's (Dr. J.) Chronological Ta- bles, 51 Bland's (R., M. D.) Proverbs, 141 Blayney's (Lord^ Forced Journey, 20 Blewitt's (R. J.) Court of Chancery, 124 Blunt's (Rev. I. J.) Sketch of the Reformation, 2 Boardman's (T.) Diet, of the Veteri- nary Art, 100 Boccaccio (G.), Decamerone di, 181 ; Novels and Tales, 188 Boileau's (D.) Dictionary of French Nouns, 100 Boileau (Mons. de), (Euvres de, 124 Bolingbroke's (H.) Demerara, 20 Bolingbroke's (Lord) Works, 51 Bolton's (S.) Kxtinct Peerage, 78 Bonaparte (Napoleon), numerous works relating to, 78, 79 ; Me- moires de, 51 ; (Louis) Govern- ment of Holland, 51 Bond's (Thomas) Sketches of Looe, 20 Bonet's (Theop.) Sepulchretum, 100 Bonney's (Rev. H. K.) Fothering- hay, 20 Booth's (Rev. J.) Greek Lexicon, 100 Bos (Lamb), Obs. Mis. Criticae, 12 Bosset's (Lieutenant-Col.) Parga, 51 Bossu's (Mons.) Louisiana, 20 Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux, Life by C. Butler, 79 ; Oraisons Funebres, 79 Boswell's (J.) Corsica, 20; Tour to the Hebrides, 20 ; Life of Dr. John- son, 79 Botta's (C.) History of Italy, 51 Boulanger (M.) L'Antiquit6 d^voi- lee, 51 Bourdaloue's (Le Pere) Sermons, 2 Bourget's (Dom.) Abbey of Bee, 20 Bourgoing's (J. F.) Spain, 20 Bourne's (Rev. H.) Antiquitates Vul- gares, 141 Bowdich's (T. Edvy.) Mission to Ash- antee, 20 Bower's (Arch.) History of the Popes, 2 Bower's (Lieut.) Naval Adventures, 79 Bowles's (Rev. W. L.) Grave of the Last Saxon, 124 Bowring's (J.) Specimens of Russian Poetry, 124 Boyer's (A.) French and English Dictionary, 100 Boyle's (Hon R.) Works and Life, 141 Boyse's (S.) Transactions of Europe, 51 Brady's (J.) Varieties of Literature, 142 Braitwait's (R.) Barnabae Itinerarium, 124 Brand's (Thos.) Elements of Chemis- try, 100 Brande's (Wm. T.) Outlines of Geo- logy, 100 ; Journal of Science and the Arts, 100 Brasbridge's (J.) Fruits of Experience, 79 Bray's (Rev. Dr. T.) Bibl. Parochi- alis, 2 Bray's (Mrs.) De Foix, 189; Fitz of Fitz Ford, 190 ; White Hoods, 198 Bray ley's (E. W.) History and Anti- quities of Westminster Abbey, 20 ; Londiniana, 20 ; Isle of Thanet, 20 ; Theatres of London, 20 ; (and Britton's) Memoirs of the Tower, 20; Graphic Illustrator, 20 ; Popu- lar Pastimes, 142 ; History of the Late Houses of Parliament, 201 Brayley's (E. W. Jun.) Castles of England and Wales, 20; Utility of the Knowledge of Nature, 100; Edition of Parkes' Chemical Cate- chism, 100 Brerewood's (E.) Diversity of Lan- guages and Religions, 101 Brewer's (J. N.) Beauties of Ire- land, 20 Brewster's (Dr. D.) Treatise of the Kaleidoscope, 101 ; Edinburgh En- cyclopaedia, 101 ; Letters on Natu- ral Magic, 101 Bridgewater Treatises, 2 Bright's (Dr. R.) Travels in Hunga- ry, 20 Brisson's (Mons.) Ornithologie, 101 British Almanac and Companion, 101 British Association, Reports of its Proceedings, 101 British Encyclopedia, 101 British Galleries of Art, 101 British Essayists, 142 British India, by Murray, 20 British Theatre, (New), 124 Britton's (J.) Architectural Antiqui- ties of Great Britain, 20 ; Chrono- logical Antiquities of Great Britain, 20 ; Illustrations of Fonthill Abbey, 20 ; Picture of London, 20 ; Cor- sham House, 101 ; StaflPord Gallery, 101 ; Magazine of the Fine Arts, 101 Britton and Pugin's Public Building* of London, 101 Brochant (Mons.) Traits de Minora* logic, 101 Brooke's (A. de Capell) Travels to the North Cape, 20 212 GENERAL INDEX. Brooke's Winter in Lapland, 21 Brooke's (H.) Fool of Quality, 190 Brooke's (Mrs.) Lady Julia Mande- viile, 192 ^ Brown's (Capt.) Conchologist's Text Book, 101 Brown's (C. B.) Arthur Mervyn, 187 Brown's (Dr. J.) Medical Works, with Life, by Dr. W. Brown, 101 Brown's (W.) Narrative of a Soldier, during the War in Spain and Por- tugal, 79 Brown's (Dr. W. L.) Essays, 2 Browne's (W. G.) Travels' in Africa, 21 Bruce's (J.) Source of the Nile, 21 Bruce (James) Life of, 79 Brunton's (Mrs.) Dicipline, 189 ; Emmeline, 189; Inheritance, 191 ; Self-Controul, 195 Bruckeri Hist. Cr. Philosophise, 12 Bruyn (C. le) Voyage au Levant, 21 Bryant's (J.) Ancient Mythology, 12 Bryant and Morritt on the Siege of Troy, 12 Brydges's (Sir E.) Letters from the Continent, 21 ; Recollections of Foreign Travels, 21 ; Auto-Bio- graphy, 79 ; Sonnets and Poems, 124 ; (and Hazlewood's) (J.) Cen- sura Literaria, 142 ; Coningsby, 188 ; Hall of Hellingsley, 190 ; Lord Brokenhurst, 191 j Ralph Willoughby, 194 Brydone's (P.) Tour in Sicily, 21 Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau, 21 Buchanan's (Dr. C.) Jubilee Sermons, 2 ; Christian Researches in Asia, 2 Buchanan's (Dr. F.) Travels in the Mysore, 21 Buchanan's (G.) Rerum Scot. Hist. 52 Buckingham's (J. S.) Travels in Palestine, 21 ; Travels in Meso- potamia, 21 Buckingham versus Bankes, 142 Buckland (Rev. W.), Geology and Mineralogy, 2 ; Reliquiae Dilu- vianae, 101 BufFon (Le Conite de) and Dauben- ton's Histoire Naturelle, 101 Bullocks Travels in Mexico, 21 Bulwer's (Edw. L.) England and the English, 51 ; Siamese Twins, "'24; Devereux, 189 ; Disowned, 189 ; Eugene Aram, 190 ; Last Days of Pompeii, 191 ; Paul Clifford, 194; Pelham, 194 ; Pilgrims of the Rhine, 194 Bulwer's (Hen. L.j France, Social, &c. 51 Bulwer's (J.) Chirologia, and Chiro- mania, 101 Buncle(J.), Lifeof, 79 Bunyan's (John) Works, 2 ; Pilgrim's Progress, 2 Buonarroti (M. A.) Vita di, 79 Burckhardt's (J. L,) Life and Travels in Nubia, 21 ; Syria, and Holy Land, 21 ; Notes on the Bedouins and WahAbys, 21 Burdon's (W.) Materials for Think- ing, 142 Burghley's (Lord) State Papers, 52 Burghley (W. C. Lord), his Life, by Dr. Nares, 79 Burgoyne's (Lieut. Gen.) Works and Life, 125 Burke's (Edm.) Works and Speeches, 52 ; Correspondence with Dr. Lau- rence, 52 ; Life, by Prior, 79 ; Philo- sophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas on the Sublime and Beau- tiful, 142 Burke's (J.) Peerage and Baronetage, 52 ; Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, 80 Burke's (P. J.) Book of Princes, 80 Burkitt(Rev. W.) on the New Tes- tament, 2 Bum's (Rev. Dr.) Ecclesiastical Law, 102 ; Justice, &c. and Parish Offi- cer, 102 Burne's (Lieut. A.) Travels into Bok- hara, 21 Burnet's (Bishop Gilbert) History of the Reformation, 2 ; On the Thirty - nine Articles, 2 ; Life, and History of his own Time, 52 ; Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton, &c., 52; Travels into Switzerland, Italy, and Germany, 21 Burnet's (G.) Specimens of English Prose Writers, 142 Burnet's (G. T.) Outlines of Botany, 101 Burney's (Capt. J.) Voyages in the South Seas, 21 Burney's (Dr. C.) General History of Music, 101 Burney's (Miss) Clarentine, 188 Burns's (Robt.) Works, with Life by Dr. Currie, 125 ; Relics of, by Cro- mek, 125 ; Life of, by Lockhart, 79 Burserius's (J. B.) Practice of Medi- cine, 102 Burton's (J.) Excerpta Hieroglyphica, 1Q2 GENERAL INDEX. 213 Burton's (Robt.) Anatomy of Melan- choly, 142 Busk's (M.M.) Spain and Portugal, 21 Busby's (Dr. T.) Anecdotes of Music and Musicians, 80 Butler's (Bishop J.) Analogy, 2 Butler's (Chas.) Book of the Roman Catholic Church, 2; Hist. Memoirs of the Catholics, 2 ; Empire of Charle- magne, 52 ; History of the English, Irish, and Scottish Catholics, 52 ; Reminiscences, 52 ; Life of Fene- lon, 80 ; Life of Erasmus, 80 ; Memoirs of the Catholics, 80 Butler's (S.) Hudibras, 125 Bygge's (Professor T.) Travels in France, 21 Byron's (Lord) Journey to Greece, 21 ; Recollections of his Life by R. C. Dallas, 80 ; and some of his Con- temporaries by Leigh Hunt, 80 j Letters on the Genius of, &c. by Sir Egerton Brydges, 80 ; Conver- sations with Thomas Medwin, 80 ; Wanderings of Childe Harold, by Lieutenant Bedford, 80; Poetical Works, 125; Don Juan, 125; Works, with Life by Moore, 125 ; Werner, 125 ; Deformed Trans- formed, 125 ; Marino Faliero, 125 ; Childe Harold, 125; Ditto, illus- trated by J. Hobhouse, 126; Re- view of his Character and Writings, 126 Bysshe's (E.) Art of English Poetry, 126 Cabot (S.) Memoir of, 80 Caesaris (C. Julii) Opera, a Box- hornii, 12 ; Comment. Oudendorpii, 12 ; in usum Delphini, 12 Caesar's Commentaries, by Duncan, 12 Cailli6's (R6n6) Travels to Timbuctoo, 22 Calamy's (Dr. Edm.) Own Life and Times, 52 Calamy's (Dr. Benj.) Sermons, 2 Calepini Diet. Undecim Liuguarum, 102 Calmet's (Le Pere) Diet, de la Bible, 2 Callimachus, Ernesti, 12 Cambrian's Traveller's Guide, 22 Camden's (Wm.) Britannia, 22 Camoens's (L. de) Lusiad.by Mickle, 126 Campbell, or Scottish Probationer, 188 Campbell's (C.) Balearic Isles, 52 Campbell's (Dr. J.) Survey of Great Britain, 52 Campbell's (H.) Love Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots, 80 Campbell's (Dr. J.) Lives of the Ad- mirals, and Continuation of, by H. R. Yorke and Wm. Stevenson, 80 Campbell's (Dr. G.) Essay on Mira- cles, 2 ; Philosophy of Rhetoric, 142 Campbell's (J.) Travels in South Africa, 22 Campbell's (T.) British Poets, 126; Theodric, 126; Gertrude of Wyo- ming, 126; Pleasures of Hope, 126 Camper's (Prof.) Connection of Ana- tomy, with the Arts of Drawing, Painting, &c. 102 Canning's (Geo.) Political Life, 80 Canova (A.) Memoirs of, 80 Cappe (Mrs. C.) Memoirs of, 80 Carey's (G. G.) Astronomy, 102 Carew's (R.) Survey of Cornwall, 22 Carleton's (Capt. G.) Memoirs, 80 Carlisle's (N.) Grammar Schools, 52 Carmichael's (R.) Effects of Carbonate of Iron upon Cancer, 102 Game's (J.) Letters from the East, 22 ; Switzerland and Italy, 22; Tales of the West, 197 Carolina (South) and Georgia, History of, 52 Carpenter's (W.) Calendarium Pales- tinae, 52 Carrington's (N. T.) Teignmouth, &c. . Guide, 22 Carrington's (N. T.) Dartmoor, 126 Carte's (T.) Hist, of England, 52 Carter's (Mrs. Eliz.) Works, and Me- moirs of, by the Rev. M. Penning- ton, 80 Cartwright (Major J.), his Life and Correspondence, 80 Carver's (J.) Travels in North Ame- rica, 22 Caiy's (Rev. H.F.) Trans, of Dante's Vision, 126 Casper Hauser, the Adult Child, Ac- count of, 81 Cassan's (Rev. S. H.) Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, with Gale's Hist, of Winchester Cathedral, 81 Castellan (Mons.) Lettres sur la Moree, 22 Castelli (Bart.) Lexicon Medicum,102 Catesby's (M.) Nat. History of Caro- lina, Florida, and the Bahama Isles, 102 Catherine II. of Russia, Life of, by Tooke, 81 ; Secret Memoirs of, 81 214 GENERAL INDEX. Catherine II., Anecdotes of, by M. de Rulhiere, 81 Catullus, TibuUus, et Propertius, 12 Causes C616bies, 181 Caulfield (J., Earl of Charlemont), Memoirs of, by Hardy, 81 Cave's (Rev. W.) Ecclesiastici, 3; Lives of Christ and Apostles, 3 ; Hist. Lit. Script. Eccles. 3 Cesars (Les) De L'Emp. Julien, 102 Cebetis Tabula, cura Gronovii, 12 Cellini (Benvenuto), Memoirs of, translated by Roscoe, 81 ; Ditto, by Nugent, 81 Cellini (Bevenuto) Due Trattati, dell Oreficeria e della Sculptura, 102 Celsus (A. C.) de Medicina, 102 ; Ditto, Translated by Dr. Grieve, 102 Cervantes, Don Quixote, 189 Chad's (G. W.) Counter Revolution in Holland, 52 Chalmers's (Alex.) Colleges, &c. of Oxford, 22 Chalmers's (G.) Life of Mary Queen of Scots, 81 ; Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare Papers, 126 Chalmers's (Dr. Thos.) Evidences of the Christian Religion, 3 ; on the Christian Revelation in connection with Modern Astronomy, 3 ; on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, 3 ; Political Economy, 52 Chambaud's (L.) French and English Dictionary, 102 Chamberlayne's (J.) State of Great Britain, 52 Chamfort (M. de) Precis de L'Art Th^atral Dramatique, 126 Chandler's (Dr. Sam.) Hist of Perse- cution, 3 Chandler's (Dr. R.) Travels in Asia Minor, 22 Chappell's (Lieut.) Voyage to Hud- son's Bay, 22 Chaptal's (Mons.) Chemistry applied to the Arts, 102 ; Elements of Che- mistiy, 102 Charke (Mrs. C.) Life of, 81 Charles I. Harris's Life of, 81 ; Com- mentaries on his Life, &c. by D'ls- raeli, 81 ; and some of the Regi- cides, Trials of, 81 ; Memoirs of, by Lucy Aikin, 81. Charles II. Harris's Life of, 81 Charles I. and II. Accounts of, 52 Chamock's (J.) Marine Architecture, 102 Chastellux's (Marquis de) Travek in N. America, 22 Chateaubriand's (Mon. de) Travels in Greece, Egypt, &c., 22 Chateaubriand (Vis. de) Natchez, 193 Chatham (W. Pitt, Earl of) Anecdotes and Speeches of, 81 j Ditto, History of his Life, 81 Chatterton's (Thos.) Rowley's Poems, 126 Chatterton (T.), Gregory's Life of, 81 Chaucer (Geof.), Godwin's Life of, 81 ; Works and Life, 126; Poeti- cal Works, 126 Cheke's (Sir J.), by Strype, 81 Chenier's (Mons.) State of Morocco, 22 Chesterfield's (Lord) Miscellaneous Works, 142 ; Letters to his Son, 142 ; Letters to A. C. Stanhope, 143 Chetwood's (W. R.) History of the Stage, 126 Chevalier (M.), on the Plain of Troy, (bound up with Bryant's Disserta- tion), 12 Chronicle of the Cid, 52 Chronicorvm Tvrcicorum, 53 Churchill's (C.) Poems, 126 Cibber, Colley, Life of, 76 Ciceronis Opera, Oliveti, 12 Cicero, Life of by Middleton, 12 ; Let- ters and Epistles, by Melmoth, 12 ; Cato and Laelius, by Ditto, 12 Civil (the) Wanes, History of, 53. Claire d'Albe, par Mad. Cottin, 181 ClanAlbyn, 188 Clapperton's (Capt.) Second Expedi- tion into Africa, 22 Clare's (J.) Village Minstrel, 126 Clarendon's (E. Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars, 53 ; State Papers,53 ; Life,by Himself, 53 Claridge's (J.) Shepherd of Banbury's Rules to judge of the Changes of Weather, 103 Clark's (H.) History of the Orders of Knighthood, 53 Clark's (J. P.) System of treating the Human Teeth, 103 Clarke's (E. G.) Modern Practice of Physic, 103 Clarke's (Rev. J. S.) Maritime Dis- covery, 22 Clarke's (Dr. E. D.) Life and Tra- vels, 22 Clarke's (James), Survey of the Lakes, 22 Clarke (Dr. Sam.) on the Being and Attributes of God, 3 Clarke's (W. B.) River Derwent, 126 Clarkson's (T.) Abolition of the Slave Trade, 53 GENERAL INDEX. Classical Journal, 12 Claudianus Gesneri, 12 Clayton's (J.) Sketches of Biography, 81 Clerici et Hammondi Comment, in V. et N. Test. 3 Clerici (J.) Harmonia Evangelica, 3 Clerke's (J.) Naval Tactics, 103 Clubs of London, with Anecdotes of their Members, 143 Cobbett's (Wm.) Protestant Refor- mation, 53 ; Geographical Diction- ary, 22 ; Register, 199 Code Napoleon, by Barrett, 103; de Commerce, 103 ; de le Conscrip- tion, 103 ; Civil des Fran9ais, 103 ; de I'Empire Franfais, 103 Cockburn's (Lieut-Gen.) Voyage to Cadiz, 22 Cochrane's (Capt. C. S.) Columbia, 22 Cochrane's (Capt.) Pedestrian Tour, 22 Cogan's (Dr. Thos.) Treatise on the Passions, 3 ; Ethical Treatise, 3 Cogan's (T., M.D.) Tour on the Rhine, 22 Coke's (Lieut. E.T.) Subaltern's Fur- lough, 23 Colden's (Hon. C.) Indian Nations of Canada, 23 Coleridge's Six Months in the West Indies, 23 Coleridge's (S. T.) Biographia Lite- raria, 82; Aids to Reflection, 143 Cole's (C.) State Affairs, 53 Collet's (S.) Relics of Literature, 143 Collier's (J. P.) History of Dramatic Poetry, 12 Collingwood (Admiral Lord), Me- moirs of, 82 Collins's (A.) Peerage, 82 ; ditto, with Supplement, 82 ; ditto, Brydges' edition, 82 ; British Peerage, 53 Collins's (D.) New South Wales, 53 Collins's (Lieut.- Colonel) New South Wales, 23 Colman's (G.) Broad Grins, 126; Poetical Vagaries, 126; Random Records, 82 Colquhoun (P.) on the Resources of the British Empire, 53 Colquhoun (Dr. P.) on the Police of the Metropolis, 103 Colton's (Rev. C. C.) Lacon, 143 Columbus (Christ.), History of his Life and Voyages, by Irving, 23 ; his Life, by Irving, 82 Combe's (A., M.D.) Principles of Physiology, 103 21^ Concanen (M.) and Morgan's (A.) History and Antiquities of St. Sa- viour's, Southwark, 23 Condamine's (C. M. de la) South America, and Tour in Italy, 23 Conder's (J.) Italy, 23 Confessions of an Opium Eater, 143 Congreve's Works, with his Life, 126 Convent, 188 Conversations on Chemistry, Mrs. Marcet's, 103; on Political Eco- nomy, 103 Conway's (D.) Journey through Nor- way, &c. 23 Cook's (Capt. J.) Voyages, 23 ; Voy- age to the Pacific Ocean, 23 Cook's (Dr. G.) History of Scotch Reformation, 3 Cook's (Rev. Dr.) Reformation in Scotland, 53 Cooke (Dr. J.), on Nervous Dis- eases, 103 Cooper's (J. F.) Borderers, 188; Heidenmauer, 190 ; Last of the Mohicans, 191 ; Bravo, 188 ; Pilot, 194; Prairie, 194; Red Rover, 194 ; Spy, 195 ; Water Witch, 198 Cordiner's (Rev. J.) Ceylon, 23 Corinne, par Mad. de Stael Holstein, 181 Corneille(Mons.P.)Le Theatre de, 126 Corneille (Mons.T.)Le Theatre de,126 Cornelius Nepos,cura van Staveren, 12 Cornwall's (B.) Marcian Colonna, Sicilian Story, &c. 126 ; Flood of Thessaly, &c. 126 Coronations of English Sovereigns, 53 Corpus Juris. Gothofredi, 12 Correggio and Parmegiano, Lives of, 82 Correction, 188 Corry (J.) and Evans's (Rev. J.) His- tory of Bristol, 23 Cosin's (Rev. Dr. R.) Eccl. Angl. Politica, 3 Cotesii (R.) Harm. Mensurarum, 103 Cottu (Mons.), De 1' Administration de la Justice Criminelle en Angle- terre, 103 Cottin's(Mad.) Matilde, 183; Eliza- beth, 189 Cousin (V.) his Report on Public Instruction in Prussia, &c. 103 Coventry's Pompey the Little, 194 Cowell's(Dr. J.) Law Interpreter, 103 Cowley's (A.) Select Works, and Life by Bishop Hurd, 127 Cowper (Wm.) his Life and Letters, by Hayley, 82 ; Private Correspon- 216 GENERAL INDEX. dence by the Rev. Dr. Johnson, 82 ; his Early Life, 82 ; Taylor's Life of, 82 ; Poems, 127 ; Translation of Homer, 127 ; Taylor's Life of, 127 Cox's (Rev. Robt.) Liturgy Revised, 3 Cox's (Ross) Columbia River, 23 Coxe's (Rev. Wm.) Travels in Swit- zerland, 23 ; Poland and Russia, &c. 23 ; Russian Discoveries, 23 Coxe's (Archdeacon) History of the House of Austria, 53 ; Memoirs of the Kings of Spain, 53 ; Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough, 53 ; Memoirs of Sir R. Walpole, 53 ; Shrewsbury Correspondence, 53 Coxe's (H.) Guide through France, 23 Crabbe's (Rev. G.) Borough, 127 ; Poems, 127 ; Tales, 127 ; Tales of the Hall, 127 ; Life and Poems, 127 Cragii (D. T.) Jus Feudale, 103 Cranmer (Archbishop), Todd's Life of, 82 ; Vindication of, by ditto, 82 ; Vindication of, 53 Crauford (J., Earl of), his Life, 82 Craven's (Lady) Journey through the Crimea, 23 Craven's (Hon. R. Keppel) Tour through Naples, 23 Crawfurd's (J.) Embassy to Ava, 24 Cr6billon (P. J. de), (Euvres de, 127 Creech's (Rev. T.) Theocritus, 127 ; Lucretius, 127 Crell's (Dr.) Chemical Journal, 103 Crevier's (J. B. L.) Roman Emperors, 54 Cressy's (Hugh Paulinus) Church His- tory of Brittany, 3 Crichton's (A.) Arabia, 54 Crockett's (Colonel D.) Sketches and Eccentricities, 82 Croker's (T. C.) Researches in Ire- land, 24 ; Fairy Legends, 24 ; Barney Mahoney, 187 ; Fairy Le- gends, 190; Killarney Legends, 191 ; Tales of the Munster Fes- tivals, 197 Croly's (Rev. G.) Angel of the World, 127 ; Catiline, 127 ; Salathiel, 195 Cromwell (the Protector Oliver), Me- moirs of, by O. Cromwell, 82 ; Harris's Life of, 82 Cromwell's (0.) Memoirs of the Pro- tector, 54 Cromwell's (T.) Druid, 127 Cronstedt's (A. F.) Mineralogy, 103 Crowe's (E. E.) Hist, of France, 24 Crowe's (Rev. H.) Zoophiles, 143 Cruden's (Alex.) Concordance, 3 Cruikshank and Westmacott's Points of Misery, 143 Cruikshank's (W.) Anatomy of the Absorbing Vessels, 103 Crumpe (Dr.) on the Employment of the People, 54 Crusius (D. C. A.) Anleitung uber Naturlichen Begebenheiten, 103 Cruttwell's (Rev. C.) Tour through Great Britain, 24 ; Universal Ga- zetteer, 24 Cudworth's (Dr. R.) Intellectual System, 3 Cullen's (Dr. W.) Practice of Physic, 103 ; Synopsis, 103 Cullen's (Miss) Mornton, 193 Culverwell's (R. J., M.D.) Treatise on Consumption, 103 Cumberland's (R.) Memoirs, 82 ; John de Lancaster, 191 Cunningham's (Alex.) Hist, of Great Britain, 54 Cunningham's (Allan) Lives of Bri- tish Painters, Sculptors, and Archi- tects, 82 Cunningham's (P.) New South Wales, 24 Cuperi(G.)Harpocrates, Mon, Antiq. Inedita, 102 Curio (C. S.) Thesaurus Lingua? La- tinae, 103 Currie (Dr. J.) on the Effects of Cold Water in Fever, 104 Curran's (Rt. Hon. J. P.) Speeches, 83 ; Life, by his Son, 83 ; Phillips's Recollections of, 83 ; Speeches on Irish State Trials, 54 Curtius (Quintus) Snakenburgii, 12 Cuvier (Baron), Memoirs of, by Mrs. Lee, 83 Cuvier's (Mons.) Comparative Ana- tomy, 104 Cuvier's Theory of the Earth, 104 Cyril Thornton, 189 Dacier (Mad.) Les Comedies de Terence, 182 Da Costa's (H. J.) Persecution by the Inquisition, 83 Da Costa's (E. M.) British Concho- logy, 104 Dallas's (J.) Tables on the Value of Spirits, 104 Dallaway's (Rev. Jas.) Constanti- nople, 24 ; English Heraldry, 104 ; Anecdotes of the Arts, 104 ; Pic- tures at the British Institution, 104 Dalrymple's (Alex.) Collection of Voyages, 24 GENERAL INDEX. 217 )air)'mple's (Sir D.) Great Britain, 54 [Dalrymple's (Sir J.) Annals of Scot- land, 54 ; On Feudal Property, 104 jDame Rebecca Berry, 189 [Pampier's (Capt. W.) Collection of Voyages, 24 ikon's (Dt. J.) Meteorological Ob- servations, 104 mte (A.) La Divina Commedia, 127 ►'Anville's Ancient Geography, 12 •Arblay's (Madame) Camilla, 188 ; Cecilia, 188; Evelina, 189; Wan- derer, 198 tarell's (Rev. W.) History of Dover Castle, 24 I'Arlincourt's (M. le Vicomte) Ipsi- bo6, 191 'Arlincourt's Renegade, 194 »arwin's (Dr. E.) Phytologia, 104 ; Zoonomia, 104 ; Plan of Female Education, 104 ; Poet. Works, 127 'Avenant's (Sir W.) Poetical and Dramatic Works, 127 Lvies's (Thos.) Dramatic Miscella- nies, 127 >avenport's (R. A.) Dictionary of Biography, 83 DaviIa(E.C.)GuerreCivilidiFrancia, -A Davy's (SirH.) Elements of Chemical Philosophy, 104; Researches on JSitrous Oxide, 104; Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, 104; Paris's Life of, 83 ; Consolations in Travel, 83 Davy's (Dr. J.) Interior of Ceylon, 24 Daubeny's (Dr. C.) Description of A^olcanoes, &c. 104 D'Auteroche (L'Abbe) Voyage en Siberie, 24 Dawson's (R.) State of Australia, 24 Dayes's (Edw.) Picturesque Tour, 24 Debretfs (J.) State Papers, 54 Debrett's Complete Peerage, 104 Deffand's (Marquise de) Letters to Walpole, and to Voltaire, 182 De Foe's (D.) History of the Union, 54 ; History of the Plague in Lon- don, 54 ; Robinson Crusoe, 143 De la Beche's (H. T.) Geological Memoirs, 104 Delaval's ( E.) Enquiry on Colours, 104 De L'Epee's (L'Abb6) Method of Educating the Deaf and Dumb, 105 De Lespinasse (Mile.) Lettres de, 182 Delille (J.) Trois Regnes de la Nature, 128 De Lolme's (J. L.) Constitution of England, 54 Delpino's (J. G.) Spanish Grammar, 104 DeMoivre's(A.) Doctrine of Chances, 104 Demosthenes, by Leiand, 13 ; et ^'Eschines, a Brooke, 13 ; a Dob- son, 13 Denham's (Major) and Clapperton's (Lieut.) Travels in Africa, 24 Denholm's (Jas.) History of Glasgow, 24 Denina (C.) Rivoluzioni della Ger- mania, 54 ; Delle Rivoluzioni d'ltalia, 54 Denou's (Vivant) Voyages in Egypt, 24 Denounced, 189 De Pauw's (Mons.) Phil. Dissert, on the Egyptians and Chinese, 104 Depons' (F.) South America, 24 Derham's (Rev. W.) Aslro-Theology, 3 ; Physico-Theologv and Life, 3 De Roos's (Lieut. F. F.) United States and Canada, 24 Desaguliers' (J. T.) Experimental Philosophy, 105 De Sacy (Mons.) Grammaire Arabe, 104 De Sevign6 (Mad.) Lettres de, 182 De Vavasour, 189 D'Ewes's (Sir S.) Journal, 54 D'Haussez's (Baron) Great Britain, 24 De Witt's (J.) True Interest, 54 Dibdin's (C.) Musical Tour, 143 Dibdin's '(Rev. T. F.) Guide to the Formation of a Library, 143 Dibdin's (Thos.) Reminiscences, 83 Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Lexicons, &c., 203-5 Dieu's (Ludov. de) Critica Sacra, 3 Digby's (Sir K.) Memoirs, 83 D'lvernois's (Sir F.) Geneva, 54 ; Napoleon, 54 Diodorus Siculus, W^esselingii, 13 Diogenes Laertius, Meibomii, 13 Dionysius Harlicarnassus, curaReiske, 13 D'lsraeli's (Isaac) Genius of Ju- daism, 3 ; Charles I. 54 ; Curiosi- ties of Literature, 143; Ditto, Second Series, 143; Calamities of Authors, 143; Literary Character, 143 D'lsraeli's (Jun.) Contarini Fleming, 188 ; Vivian Grey, 197 ; Young Duke, 198 Dobie's (Rowland) History of the United Parishes of Si. Giles and St. George, 24 Dob Hall's (Capt. B.) Fragments of Voy- ages and Travels, 28 ; Travels in North America, 28 ; Sketches in North America, 28 ; Voyage to Corea, and the Loo Choo Island, 28 ; Chili and Peru, 28 Hall's (Lieut. F.) Canada and the United States, 28 ; Travels in France, 28 Hall's (Col.) Columbia, 28 Haller (A. von) Elem. PhysiologiaB Corp. Humani, 107 ' Hallam's (H.) Europe in the Middle Ages, 58 ; Hist, of England, 58 Hamel, the Obeah Man. 190 Hamilton's America, 28 Hamilton's (Mrs.) Cottagers of Glen- burnie, 188 Hamilton's (Dr. R.) Inquiry into the National Debt, 58 Hamilton's (W. G.) Parliamentary Logick, 58 Hamilton's (Miss) Modern Philoso- phers, 192 Hampden, (J.) Nugent's Memorials of, 86 Hampshire, from Domesday Book, 85 Hancock's (Dr. T.) Essay on Instinct, 107 Handel (G. F.) Dr. Burney's Life of, 86 Hanway's ( J.) Travels in Russia, &c. and History of Nadir Shah, 28 Hardinge's (Judge) Miscellaneous Works, 145 Hardwicke's (Lord Chancellor) State Papers, 58 Hardy's (Lieut.) Travels in Mexico, 28 Hargrove's (E.) Knaresborough and Ilarrovpgate, 58 Harington's (Sir J.) Nugae Antiquae, 58 Harleian Miscellany, 58 Harring's (H.) Poland, 58 Harrington's (J.) Life by Toland, 86 Harris's (J.) Life and Works, 145 Harris's (Dr. W.) Lives of Charles I. Charles II. Oliver Cromwell, and James I. 86 Harris's (Dr.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, 29 Harrison's (W.) Diary of a Physician, 189 Harrison's (W. H.) Tales of a Phy- sician, 197 Harte's (Rev. W.) Essays on Hus- bandry, 107 Hartley's (D.) Observations on Man, with additions by M. Pistorius, 4 Hartley's (Rev. J.) Researches in Greece and the Levant, 4 Harveii (G.) Opera Omnia, 107 Harwood (Dr. E.) on the Classics, 13 Harwood's (Thos.) Grecian Antiqui- ties, 13 Hasselquist's (Dr.) Travels in the Levant and Holy Land, 31 Hassenfratz's (Mons.) Traite de I'Art de Calciner la Pierre Calcaire, 107 Hastings (Lady Eliz.) her Life, by T. Barnard, 86 Hastings's (Warren) State of India, 58 Hatsell's (J.) Precedents, 58 Hawkesworth's (Dr. J.) Account of Voyages in the Southern Hemi- sphere, 31 Hawkesworth's (Dr.) Almoran and Ilamet, 190 Hawkins's (Miss L. M.) Memoirs, &c. 86 ; Countess and Gertrude, 188 ; Heraline, 191 ; Rosanne, 195 Hawkins's (T.) Origin of the English Drama, 130 Hauy (Abb6) on Natural Philosophy, 107 Haydn and Mozart, Bombet's Lives of, 86 Hayley (William) on Sculpture, 107 ; Poems and Plays, 130 Hays's (Miss M.) Female Biography, 86 Hayter's (Rev. J.) Report on the MSS. of Herculaneum, 145 Hayward's (J.) Science of Horticul- ture, 107 Hazlitt's (W.) Picture Galleries of England, 108; View of the English Stage, 130 ; Lectures on Dramatic Literature, 130 ; Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, 130 ; Table Talk, 145 Head's (Capt. F. B.) Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau, 21 ; Notes on the Pampas, &c. 31 Hearne's (S.) Journey from Hudson's Bay, 31 Hearne's (Thos.) Discourses by Eng- lish Antiquaries, 31 Hearts of Steel, 191 Heber's (Bp. R.) Journey through 224 GENERAL INDEX. India, 31 ; his Life and Correspon- dence, 86 Heberden (Dr. W.) Commentarii de Morboruin, 108 Hederici (B.) Lexicon Gr. et Lat. 108 Helvetius (Mons.) ORuvres de, 183 Henderson's (E.) Biblical Researches, and Tour in Russia, 4 Hennin's (]Mons.) Manuel de Numis- matique Ancienne, 108 Henry, Prince of Wales, son of James I., Dr. Birch's Life of, 86 Henry's (Dr. W.) Experimental Che- mistry, 108 Henry's (Dr. R.) Great Britain, 59 ; ditto, continued by Andrews, 59 Henry III. and Henry IV. Lives of, 58 Henry IV. of France, Memoirs of, 58 Henry VIII. Assertio Sept. Sacra- mentorura, 1 ; Court of, by Mrs. Thomson, 58 ; Lord Herbert's Life of, 86 Henshall and Wilkinson's South Bri- tain, 31 Heraldic Anomalies, 145 Herbert's (Edw. Lord) Life of Henry VIII. 59 Herbert (Edward, Lord), of Cherbury, Life of, 86 Heriot's (G.) Canadas,32 Heriot (George), Memoirs of, 86 Herodotus, Gronovii, 13 ; by Beloe, 13 Herrera Tordesillas (Ant. de), His. Gen. de las Indes Occidentales, 59 Ilerschel's (Sir J.) Discourse on Na- tural Philosophy, 108 Hervey's (M. L. Lady) Letters, 145 Hesiod, by Cooke, 13 Hesiodus, Robinsoni, 13 Hesychii Lexicon Gr. 108 Heude's (Lieut.) Voyage up the Per- sian Gulf, and Journey from India, 32 Hewson (W.) on the Properties of the Blood, 108 ; on the Lymphatic System, 108 Hey's(Dr. J.) Lectures on Divinity, 4 Heywood's (Mr. Serjeant) Vindication of Fox's Hist, of James II. 59 Hickeringill's (Rev. E.) Works, 145 Hickes's (Dr. G.) Jovian, 5 Higgins' (W.) Experiments on the Atomic Theory, &c. 108 Highmore's (A.) History of the Artil- lery Company, 59 Hill's (Dr. J.) Urania, 108 Hindoos (The), Account of, 32 Hinton's (J. H.) History of the United States, 32 Hippisley's (Col. G.) Expedition in South America, 32 Hippocratis Opera, Gr. et Lat. 108 Historical Recollections, 26 Hoadley's (Bishop Benj.) Works, 5 Hoare (P.) on the Arts of Design, 108; Epochs of the Arts, 108 Hoare's (Sir R. C.) Tour in Ireland, 32 ; Classical Tour, 32 Hobhouse's (J. C.) Letters from Paris, 59 ; Illustrations of Lord Byron's Childe Harold, 130 Hodges's (W^m.) Travels in India, 32 Hoffman's (E. T. A.) Devil's Elixir, 189 Hoffmann (J. A.) Von der Zufrieden- heit, 183 Hogarth (Wm.) illustrated by J. Ire- land, 108 ; Nichols's Notices of, 87 Hogg's (J.) Queen's Wake, 130 ; Pil- grims of the Sun, 130 ; Brownie of Bodsbeck, 188; Winter Evening Tales, 191 ; Shepherd's Calendar, 195 Hogg's (T.) Fabulous History of the Ancient Kingdom of Cornwall, 130 Holbein's (Hans) Dance of Death, 145 Holberg's (L.) Journey to the World under Ground, 191 Holcroft's (T.) Memoirs, 87 ; Anna St. Ives, 187 ; Hugh Trevor, 191 Holcroft's (Miss) Wife and Lover, 198 Holford's (INIiss) Wallace, 130 Holingshed's (R.) Chronicles, 59 HoUis (T.) Memoirs of, 87 Holland's (Dr. H.) Travels in the Ionian Isles, Macedonia, &c. 32 Holland's (Lord) Lives of Lope de Vega and Guillen de Castro, 87 Holman's( J.) Journey through France, Italy, Switzerland, &c. 32 Home (Sir E.) on the Treatment of Strictures, 108 ; on the Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, 108 Homeri I lias et Odyssea, a Clarke, 13 Homeri Ilias, a Clarke, 13 Homer's Iliad, Pope's Translation, by Gilb. Wakefield, 13 ; Odvssey, Ditto, by Wakefield, 13; Iliad, by Cowper, 14; Odyssey, by Covvper, 14 Hone's (W^m.) Revolutioh in France, 59; Year Book, 145 Hoods (T.) Whims and Oddities, 130 ; GENERAL liNDEX. 225 ■'Itto, Second Series, 130; Epping tiunt, 130; Comic Annuals, 130 Hook's (T.) Love and Pride, 192; Maxwell, 192 ; Parson's Daughter, 193; Sayings and Doings, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series, 195 llooke's (N.) Roman History, 59 Hooker's (Rev. R.) Eccles. Polity and Life, 5 Hooker's (W. J.) Tour in Iceland, 32 Hoole's (J.) Translation of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, 130; Ditto of Metastasio's Dramas and Poems, 130 ; Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, 131 Hooper's (Bishop G.) Works, 5 Hooper's (Dr. W.) Rational Recre- ations, 108 ; Recreations in Mathe- matics, &c. 108 Hope's (Thos.) Anastatius, 187 Horace, by Boscawen, 14 Horace in London, 131 Horace's Art of Poetry, by Hurd, 14 ; Poetical Works, translated by the Rev. P. Francis, 131 Horatius, in usum Delphini, 14 ; Gesneri et Zeunii, 14 Home's (T. H.) Brief View of the Christian Religion, 5 Horse, the, with a Treatise on Draught, 108 Horsley's (Bishop Samuel) Sermons, 5 ; Discourses and Sermons, 5 ; Principles of Mathematics, 108 ; Newtoni Opera, 113 Howard (J.), Dr. Aikin's Life of, 87 ; Dr. Brown's Ditto, 87 Howard (H., Earl of Surrey), and Sir T. Wyatt's Poems, 131 Howard's (Hon. Sir R.) Poems, 131 Howe's (J.) Works and Life, 5 Howell's (J.) Familiar Letters, 146 Howell's (Dr.) Medulla Hist. Ang. 59 Howison's Foreign Scenes, 32 ; Sketches of Canada, 32 Howitt's (Wm.) History of Priest- craft, 5 Howitt's (Wm. and Mary) Desolation of Eyam, 131 Hoyland's (J.) Customs of the Gypsies, 59 Huberi (U.) Praelectiones Juris Civilis, 108 Hughson's (Dr. H. P.) History of London, 32 ; Walks through Lon- don, 32 Hull's (W. W.) Inquiry into the Means, &c. of Altering the Canons ike. of the Church of England, 5 ; On the Athanasian Creed, 5 Humboldt's (Alex.de) Essay on New Spain, 32 ; and Bonpland's Personal Narrative, 32 ; On the Superpo- sition of Rocks, 108 Humboldt's (A. Von) Travels and Researches, 87 Hume's (D.) Hist, of England, 59 ; Essays and Treatises, 146 Humphreys (J.) on the Laws of Real Property, 108 Hunt's (Leigh) Months, 131; Sir Ralph j:sher, 195; Indicator and Companion, 146 Hunter's (Dr. A.) Georgical Essays, 108 Hunter (J.) on the Animal CEconomy, 108 ; on the Blood, &c. 108 Hunter's Nat. History of the Human Teeth, 108 Hunter (J.), Dr. Adam's Memoirs of his Life and Doctrines, 87 Hunter's (J. D.) Captivity among the North American Indians, 87 Hunter's (Capt. J.) Voyage to New South Wales, 32 Hurd's (Bishop Richard) Sermons, 5; Dialogues and Letters on Chivalry, 146 Hurwitz's (H.) Hebrew Tales, 190 Hutchinson (Col.) Memoirs of, by his Widow, 87 Hutton's (W.) Hist, of Birmingham, 32 ; Battle of Bosworth, 59 ; Life, by Himself, 87 Hutton's (Dr. C.) Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, 108 Huxhamii (J.) Opera, 109 Hyde's (Rev. Thomas) Vet. Pers. et Parth. et Med. Religionis His- toria, 5 Ibn Batuta's (Mohammed) Travels in Africa, Persia, &c., 32 Inchbald's (Mrs.) British Theatre, Modern Theatre, and Farces, 131 ; Simple Story, 195 ; Nature and Art, 193 India, Sketches of, 32 lngris's(H. D.) Spain. 33 Innes (J.), his Anatomical Tables of the Human Body, 109 Insect Architecture; 109 Insect Transformations, 109 Johnny Newcome's Military Adven- tures, 131 Ionian Antiquities, 109 G G 226 GENERAL INDEX. lielaad, Beauties of, 33 ; Evidence on the State of, 59 ; Ireland's (S.) Miscellaneous Papers, &c. attributed to Shakespeare, 131 L eland's (W. H.) Catholic, 188 Lish Student, 191 lion and Steel, Manufactures of, 109 living's (Rev. Edw.) Orations, 5 Irving's (Washington) Conquest of Granada, 59 ; Salmagundi, 146 ; Tales of the AUiambra, 187 ; Brace- bridge Hall, 188 ; Headsman, 190 ; Sketch Book, 195 ; Tales of a Tra- veller, 197 Irwin's Voyage to the Red Sea, 33 Isocrates, a Battle, 14 ; by Dinsdale. 14 ^ Istorici delle Cose, Veneziane, 59 Italic, Voyage d'un Fran9ois en, 33 I'aly and the Italians, 33 Italy, Sketches and Description of, 33 Jacob's (G.) Law Dictionary, 109 Jacob's (W.) I'ravels in Spain, 33; Travels in Germany, Holland, and France, 33 Jackson's (J. G.) Morocco, Suez, and Timbuctoo, 33 Jackson's (W.) Letters on Various Subjects, 146 Jackson's (Z.) Shakespeare's Genius Justified. 131 Jacquemout's (V.) Travels in India, 33 James I., Life of, by Sanderson, 59 ; Memoirs of, by Lucy Aikin, 87 ; Life of, by Dr. Harris, 87 James II., Memoirs of, 59 James's (G.P.) Darnley, 180 James's (J. T.) Tour in Germany, Sweden, Russia, Poland, &c. 33 James's (Rev. J. T.) Flemish, Dutch, and German Schools of Paiutinsr. 109 ^ James (Dr. J. T.) Bp. of Calcutta, Memoirs of, 87 Jamrs (Rev. T.), Cat. Lib. in Bibl. bodleiana, 146 James's (VV.) JVJaval History, 59 Jameson's (Mrs.) Female Sovereigns, 59; Chaiacteristics of Women, 131 ; Diary of an Eanuy^e, 189 Jameson's (Professor) Mineralogy of the Shetland Isles, and Isles of Arran, 33 Jowett's (Rev. Wm.) Christian Re- searches in the Mediterranean, 5 ; Ditto in Syria, 5 Jebb's (I., M. D.) Works and Life, 5 Jeanne d'Arc, la Via de, 87 Jefferson's (T.) American Revolution, 59 ; Memoirs and Correspondence, 87 Jeffery's (Ld. Chan.) Woolrych's Me- moirs of, 87 Jenkins's (Alex.) History of Exeter, 33 Jenner (Dr. E.), Anecdotes of, 87 ; Life and Correspondence, 87 Jenyn's (Soame) Poems, 131 ; Works, 146 Jesse's (E.) Gleanings in Natural History, 109 ; Ditto, with Extracts from Mr. White's JNISS., 109 Jewell (Bish. J.), Apologia Eccl. Angl. 5 Jews, History of the, 5 Johnson (Dr. J.) on the Stomach and Bowels, 109 ; Change of Air, 109 ; Recess, 109 Johnson's (Dr. S.) Diet. &c. of the English Language, 109 ; Ditto, by Todd, 109 ; Life of, by Sir J . Haw- kins, 87; Ditto, by J. Boswell, 87 ; Ditto, by Boswell, Croker's edition, 87 ; Works, Murphy's edition, 131 ; English Poets, 131 ; Rasselas, 194 Johnson's (W. B.) History of Animal Chemistry, 109 Johnstone's (Chev. de) Rebellion in Scotland, 59 Johnstone's (C.) Chrysal, 188 Jokeby, a Burlesque on Rokeby, 132 Jones's (Capt. G. M.) Travels in Norway, &c., Russia, and Turkey, 33 Jones's (Rev. Dr. J.) Greek and Eng- lish Lexicon, 109 Jones's (Sir W.) Works and Life, 146 Jonsou's (Ben) Works, Whalley's edition, 132 Joplin (T.) on the Currency Ques- tion, 109 Jordan (Mrs.), Boaden's Life of, 87 Jortin's (Dr. J.) Tracts, 5; Remarks on Eccles. History, 5 Josephi Opera, Hudsoni, 5 Josephus, by Whiston, 5 Josephene, Memoirs of the Empress, 87 Josephene, Memoires sur I'lmplra- trine, 88 J udkin's ( Rev. C.) Oriental Mission, 5 Juifs, Traitte des Ceremonies des, 60 Junii (F.) Etymologicum Anglicarum, 109 Junius Identified, &;c. 60 Junius's Letters, 60 GENERAL INDEX. 227 Juvenal et Persius, in usum Delphini, 14 ; Ruperti, 14 ; by Gifford, 14 Kaye's (Bishop J.) Ecclesiastical His- tory, 5 Kaempferi (Dr. Eng.) Amoenitatum Exoticarurn, 33 Kaempfer's (Eng.) History of Japan, and Descript. of Siam, 33 ; His- toire de I'Empire du Japon, 33 Kames (H. H., Lord), Memoirs of, by A. F. Tytler, 88 ; Hist. Law Tracts, 109 ; Elements of Criticism, 146; Sketches of the History of INlan, 146 ; Hints upon Education, 146 Kalm's (P.) North America, 33 Keats's (J.) Endymion, 132 Keates's (George) Sketches from Na- ture, 146 Keightley's (T.) Mythology, 60 Kelsall's (C.) Last Pleadings of Ci- cero, 146 ; Phantasm of an Uni- versity, 146 Kelly's (M.) Reminiscences, 88 Kemble (J. P.) Boaden's Life of, 88 ; Kemble's Essay on Macbeth and Richard the Third, 132 Kemble's (Miss) Fiancis the First, 132 Kenrick's (Dr. W.) English Diet. 109 Kett's (Rev. Dr. H.) Elements of General Knowledge, 146; Emily, 189 Kidd (John,M.D.) on the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man, 6 Kincard's (Capt. J.) Adventures of the Rifle Brigade, 60 Kirby's (Rev. Wm.) History, &c. of Animals, considered with reference to Natural Theology, 6 Kirby (W.) and Spence's (W.) En- tomology, 109 Kircheri (A.) Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae, 109 Kirke White's (H.) Remains, 132 Kirkpatrick's (Col.) Nepaul, 33 Kirwan's (R.) Geological Essays, 109 Kirwan's (Rev. W. B.) Sermons, 6 Klopstock's Messiah, 132 Knight's (R. P.) Landscape, 132 ; Progress of Civil Society, 132 ; on the Principles of Taste, 147 Knowledge, an Essay on, 147 Knowles's (J. S.) Hunchback, 132 Knox (J.) Dr. M'Crie's Life of, 88 Krusenstern's (Capt.) Voyage round the World, 34 Kock's (C. P. de) Barbier de Paris, 181 ; Andrew the Savoyard, 187 Kotzebue's (A. Von) Italy, 33 Kotzebue's Journey from Berlin, 34 ; Exile to Siberia, 34 Kotzebue's (Lieut.) Voyage into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, 34 ; Voyage round the World, 34 Kotzebue's (Morritz Von) Russian Prisoner, 60 Labaume's (Chev. E.) Russian Cam- paign, 60 La Baume(Mons.) on Indigestion and Galvanism, 110 Labillardiere's (Mons.) Search of La Perouse, 34 Laborde's (Alex, de) View of Spain, 34 Lackington's (J.) Confessions, 88 Lacretelle (Mons.), Histoiie de France, pendant le 18e Siecle, 60 ; Guerres du Religion, 60 Lactantii Opera, 6 Lafayette (Gen.) IMenr'oirs of, 88 La Fontaine, (Mons. de) Fables Choisies, 132; Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, 132 Laharpe (J. F.) Lycee, on Cours de Litterature, 183 Laing's (M.) History of Scotland, 60 Lamarck (M. C. Chev. de). Hist. Nat. des Animaux sans Vertebres, 110; Memoires de Physique, 110; Refutation de la Theorie Pneuma- tique, 1 10 Lamb (Lady C.) AdaReis, 187 Lamb's (Chas.) Tales from Shake- speare, 132 ; Works, 132 Lambeth and the Vatican, 147 Lambinet (P.) sur L'Origine de L'lm- primerie, 110 Lancet, the, 110 Lander's (R. and J.) Expedition to the Niger, 34 Landon's (Miss) Francesca Carrara, 190 ; Romance and Reality, 195 Landor's (W. S.) Imaginary Conver- sations of Literary Men, 147 Landseer's (J.) Lectures on the Art of Engraving, 110 Lang's (Dr. J.) History of New South VV ales, 34 Langues, Traite de la Formation des, 110 Laplace (Mons.), M^canique Celeste, 110 ; Systeme du Monde, 110 228 GENERAL INDEX* Lanzi's Italian Painters, by Roscoe, 88 Laidner's (Dr. N.) Works and Life, 6 Larkin's(J.) Solid Geonietry, &c. 110 Larochejaquelein (La Marquise de), Memoirs of, 88 Las Casas' (Count de) Life and Con- versations of the Emp. Napoleon at St. Helena, 60 ; Memoirs of, 88 Laskey's (Capt.) Medals of Bonaparte, 110 Lathom's (F.) Astonishment, 187 Lathom's (J.) Synopsis of Birds, llO Latimer (Bp.), Gilpin's Life of, 88 Latrobe's (Rev. C. J.) South Africa, 34 Lavater's (J. C.) Aus-sichten in die Ew^igkeet, 183 Lavellette (Count), Memoirs of, 88 Lavoisier's (Mons.) Elements of Chemistry, 110 Lauderdale's (Earl of) Government of India, 60 Law's (Rev. Wm.) Serious Call, 6; Christian Perfection, and Unlaw- fulness of Stage Entertainment, 6 Lawrence (Sir Thos.), his Life and Correspondence, 88 Lawrence's (W.) Lectures on Physi- ology, Zoology, &c. 110 Lawyer, Life of a, 88 Lays of the Minnesingers, 132 Leake's (Wm. M.) Tour in Asia Minor, 34 Le Clerc (Dr. D.), Hist, de la M^decine, 110 Lee's (H.) Memoirs of a Manager, 88 Lee's (J.) Introduction to Botany, 110 Lee's (N.) Tragedies, 132 Lee's (Miss S.) Canterbury Tales, 188 ; Life of a Lover, 191 ; Recess, 194 Lefanu's (Mrs.) Helen Monteagle, 190 ; Leolin Abbey, 191 ; Strathallan, 196 Ledwich's (Dr. E.) Antiquities of Ire* land, 34 Legend of Argyle, 191 Legh's (Thos.) Journey in Egypt, 34 Leland's (Dr. J.) Advantages of Christianity, 6; Defence of Chris- tianity, 6; Discourses, 6; View of Deistical Writers, 6 Leland's (John) Itinerary, 34 Leland's (Dr.) Hist, of Ireland, 60 Lemaistre's (J. G.) Travels in France, &c. 34 Lerapriere's ( W.) Tour to Morocco, 34 Le Neve's (J.) Lives, &c. of the Pro- testant Archbishop?; 88 /els i Lenoir (Mons. A.), Mus6e des M^ numents Franfais, 110 Lennox's (Mrs.) Female Quixote, 19^ Village Anecdotes, 197 Leo X., Life of, by Wm. Roscoe, Le Roux (Mons. P. J.), Diet. Cc mique, 110 Le Sage's Devil on Two Sticks, 18J Gil Bias, 190; VaniUo Gonzak 197 Leslie's (J.) Philosophy of Arithme- tic, 110 Lessep's (Mons. de) Kamtschatka, 34 Lettsom (Dr. J. C), Pettigrew's Life of, 88 Levesque (C. P.), Histoire de Russie, ^^ m Levis (M. de), Souvenirs et PortraiB par, 88 ■ Levison's (J. L.) Mental Culture, 110 Lewis and Clarke's (Capts.) Travels in America, 34 ~ Lewis's (M. G.) Journal of a We India Proprietor, 34 Lewis's (Sam.) Topographical Di tionary, 34 Lewis's (W.) Commerce of Arts, 110 Leyden's (Dr. J.) Travels, &c. in Africa, 34 Liancourt's (Duke de Rochefoucault) North America and the Canadas, 35 Library of Useful Knowledge, 110 Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, 191 Lillo's (G.) Dramatic Works, 132 Limborch's (Philip a) Hist, of the In- quisition, 6 Lindley's (T.) Voyage to Brazil, 35 Lindley's (J.) Introduction to the Nat. Sj'stem of Botany, 111 Lindsay ( H. H.) and GutzlafTs Voyage to China, 35 Lindsey's (Rev. Theo.) Sermons, 6 Lingard's (Rev. Dr.) History of Eng* land, 60 Link's (H. F.) Travels in Portugal, &c. 35 Linnasi (C. von) Amoenitatis Acade- micae, 111 ; Genera Plantarum, 111 Linnaeus's Families of Plants, 111; System of Nature, HI ; Tour in Lapland, 111; General View of his Writings, 111 Lister's (T. H.) Granby, 190; Her- bert Lacy, 191 Literature, New Memoirs of, 147 Liverpool's (Lord) Collection of Trea- ties, 60 GfeNEtlAL INDEX. 229 Liverpool (C. J., second Earl of), his Life, 88 Livy, a Drakenborch, 14 ; by Baker, 14 Lloyd's (L.) Field Sports in the North of Europe, 35 Lobo's (Father J.) Voyage to Abys- svnia, and Le Grand's Dissertations, 35 Locke (J.), his Life and Correspond- ence, by Lord King, 88 ; Works and Life, 147 ; Conduct of the Un- derstanding, 147 Lockhart Papers, the, 60 Lockhart's (J. G.) Valerius, 197 ; Ancient Spanish Ballads, 132 ; Life of Burns, 79 London, its Endowed Charities, 147 Londonderry's (Marq. of) Peninsular War, 60 ; War in Germany and France, 60 London Gazette, 61 London Medical Dictionary, by Dr. Parr, HI London Medical Gazette, 111 Long's (E.) Hist, of Jamaica, 35 Long's (Dr. R.) Astronomy, 111 Longinus.Toupii, 14; on the Sublime, by Smith, 14 Lords Chancellors, Lords Keepers, Lives of, 88 Lorenzo de Medici, Life of, by Roscoe, 88 ; Illustrations of, by Ditto, 88 Loskiel's (G. H.) Moravian Mission to North America, 35 Lover's Legends and Stories of Ire- land, 192 Louis le Grand, Histoire du Roy, 89 Loudon's (J. C.) Encyclopsdia of Gardening, 111 Louis XVI., IMoleville's Memoirs of, 89 ; M6moires du Regne des, 89 ; Memoires de, 61 ; Private Memoirs of, 61 ; Narrative of his Last Hours, 61 Louis XVIII. 's Journey to Brussels, 61 Lowth's (Bishop R.) de Sacr^ Poesi Heb. 6 ; Translation of Isaiah, 6 Lowth's (Rev. Wm.) Commentary, 7 Lucan's Pharsalia, by Rowe, 133 Lucanus (Pharsalia) Oudendorpii, 14 Lucian's Works, by Tooke, 14; by Dr. Francklin, 14; Selections from, by Walker, 14 Lucianus, Hemsterhusii, 14 Luccock's (J.) Rio de Janerio, 35 Lucretius, a Wakefield, 14 ; by Creech, 14 Ludlow's (Gen.) Historical Letters, 61 ; Memoirs, 61 Ludwig's (C.) Teutschenglisches Lex- ikon, and English, German, and French Dictionary, 111 Lushington's (Mrs. C.) Journey from Calcutta, 35 Lusignan's (S.) Voyage to Smyrna and Constantinople, 35 Lyall's (Dr. R.) Character of the Russians, 35 Lycophron, Richardi, 14 Leyden's (Dr.) Malay Annals, 60 Lye (Edw.), Diet. Sax. et Goth. Lat. ed. O. Manning, 111 Lyell's (C.) Principles of Geology, 111 Lyon's (Capt. G. F.) Northern Africa, 35 ; Voyage to the North Seas, 35 ; Attempt to reach Repulse Bay, 35 LysaB Orationes, a Taylor, 14 Lysiae, quae extant Omnia, a Dobson, 14 Lysias and Isocrates, by Gillies, 14 Lysons's (Rev. D.) Environs of Lon- don, 35 Lyttleton (Lord) on St. Paul's Con- version, with West on the Resur- rection, 6 ; History of Henry 11. 61 Macartney (Earl of) Barrow's Me^ moirs of his Life and Writings, 89 Macauley's (Mrs. C.) History of Eng- land, 61 Macculloch's (Dr. J.) Geology of the Western Isles of Scotland, 35 ; Annual Journeys, 35 ; Lectures on Political Economy, 111 Macdonnel's (D. E.) Dictionary of Quotations, 147 Mac Farline'6(C.) Constantinople, 36 Macgill's (Thos.) Travels in Turkey, &c. 36 ; Account of Tunis, 36 Machiavelli (N.) Opere di, 183 Mackenzie's (Sir G.) Travels in Ice- land, 36 ; Essay on Taste, 147 Mackenzie's (Henry) Works, 147 j Julia de Roubign^, 191 ; Man of Feeling, 192 ; Man of the World, 192 Mackenzie's (Lieut. R.) War with Tippoo Sultaun, 61 Mackintosh's (Sir J.) History of Eng- land, 61 ; Vindiciae Gallicce, 61 M'Crie's (Rev. Dr. Thos.) History of the Reformation in Italy, 6 ; Life of Knox, 6 ; Life of Melville, 92 M'CuUoch's (J. R.) Political Eco- nomy, 61 ; Dictionary of Commerce, 111 II 230 GENERAL INDEX. M*Leod's (J.) Voyage to Loo Choo, and Shipwreck of the Alceste, 36 Maclaurin's (C.) Al|?ebra, 111 ; Trea- tise on Fluxions, 111 Macklin, (Chas.) Kirkman's Memoirs of. 89 Macknight's (Dr. J.) Gospel History, 6 ; Harmony of the Gospels, 6 Macmichael's (Dr.W.) Journey from Moscow, 36 M'Nab (Dr. H. G.), on the Utility of Analysis and Analogy, 111 Macneill's (H.) Scottish Adventurer, 195 Macnish's (Dr. R.) Anatomy of Drunkenness, 111 Macpherson's (J.) History of Great Britain. 61 ; State Papers, 61 Macpherson's (D.) Annals of Com- merce, 61 ; Commerce with India, 61 Madden's (R. R.) Travels in Turkey, Egypt, &c. 36 Madox's (F.) History of the Exche- quer, 61 Maggio (T.) Relazione dell' Esperi- enze, 111 Mahon's (Lord) War of the Succes- sion in Spain, 61 Maid Marian, 192 Maimbourg's (M.) History of the League, 61 Maintenon (Mad. de), Memoirs of, 61 Maitland's (Wm.) History and Survey of London, 36 Maittaire (M.) Annales Typographici, 112 Majendie's (Dr. F.) Compendium of Physiology, 111 Malcolm's (Major-General) Central India, 36 Malcolm's (J. P.) Londinium Redi- vivum, 36; Manners and Customs of London, 147 ; Manners of Eu- rope, 147; Anecdotes of the 18th Century, 147 Malcolm's (Sir J.) Sketches of Persia, 36 Malebranche (Mons.), Recherche de la Verite, 183 Malthus's (Rev. T. R.) Essay on Population, 61 ; Addition to ditto, 61 ; Political Economy, 61 ; East India College, 61 ; Definitions, 61 Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Memoirs of, 112 Mandeville's (Dr. B. de) Fable of the Bees, with Essays on Charity Schools, &c., 147 Its upon )n Dis-I Mansell's (R.) Free Thought the Stage, 133 Mant's (Rev. R.) Bamptor courses, 6 ; Sermons, 6 Manuscript from St. Helena, 61 Manuscripts in the French King's Library, 61 Manwaiing (Rev. Edw.), on the Classics, 14 Mariner's ( Wm.) Account of the Ton- ga Islands, 36 Mariti's (L'Abb6) Travels through Cyprus, Syria, ike. 36 Marivaux (Mons. de), Vie de Mari- anne, 192 Marlborough (J.), Duke of, Coxe's Memoirs of, 89 ; History of, 89 Marlowe's (Kit) Works, 133 Marmontel, Memoirs of, 89 Marsden's ( W.) History of Sumatra, 3 Marshall's (J.) Geographical and Sta tistical Display, Digest of Parlia mentary Journals, 62 Marshall's (VV.) Rural Economy < Gloucestershire, 112 ; Ditto, Mid land Counties, 112 ; Ditto, South em Counties, 112; Ditto, Norfoli 112 ; Ditto, West of England, 112- Ditto, Yorkshire, 112 Marshall on Planting and Rural Oma ment, 112 ; Minutes of Agriculture 112 ; Reviews and Abstracts Agricultural Reports, 112 Martialis Epigrammata, 14 Martineau's (Miss H.) Illustrations Political Economy, 192 ; Ditto Taxation, 192 Marty rologium Romanum, 89 Mary, Queen of Scots, Life of, by San< derson, 62 ; Memoirs of, by Mi Benger, 62 ; Life of, by Chalmers 62 ; Inquiry into her Conduct, 62 Evidence Against, 89 ; Vindicated 89 ; Her Persecutions, &c., 89 Maryatt's (Capt.) Peter Simple, 194 Massaniello, his Pride and Fall, 89 Mason's (W. M.) Hist, and Antiq. c St. Patrick's Cathedral, 36 Massey's (W.) Origin and Progress ol Letters, 112 Massinger's(P.) Plays, GifFord's edit., 133 Master's (M. K.) Progress of Love,133 Mathias (A.) on the Mercurial Dis- ease, 112 Matthew's (Rev. H.) Diary of aa Invalid, 36 Maturin's (Rev. H.) Melmouth, 192 Women, 198 GENERAL INDEX. 231 klaturin's (Rev. R. C.) Sermons, 6 "aundrell's (Henry) Journey from Aleppo, 36 aurice's (J.) Indian Antiquities, 36 aw's (Lieut.) Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, 36 awe's (J.) Travels in Brazil, 36; Treatise on Precious Stones, 112 ^^ay*s(T.) History of the Parliament, 62 Mayer's (Luigi) Views in Egypt and Palestine, 37 Mayo's (C.) Universal History, 62 Mead's (Dr. R.) Medical Works, 112 Medals, Knowledge of, 112 Meerman (G.), Origines Typogra- phicaj, 112 Meiner's (C.) History of the Female Sex, 148 Melendez, (Dr. D. J.) Poes^as, 133 Melville (A.), Life of, by M'Crie, 62 ]\Iemoiis of the Court of Petersburgh, 89 Menage (Mens.) Menagiana de, 183 Menageries, the, 112 Menandri et Philemonis Reliquiae, 14 Menzini (B.) Opere di, 133 ' Mercurius Rusticus, et Querela Can- tabrigiensis, 62 j Metastatic (Abate), Dr. Burney's j Memoirs of, 89 ; Dramas and I Poems, translated by Hoole, 133 • Meursius (J.) de Lux a Romanorura, ; 148 Mezeray's (Sieur de) History of France, 62 Michaelis (J. D.) on the New Testa- ment, 6 Michaux's ^ Criminal Trials, 2 vols 1832-35 / Cumberland's (George) Essay on the Utility of Collecting the best Works of the Ancient Engravers of the Italian School, together with a Critical Catalogue (and Anec- dotes, &c.) of the rare Italian Prints in the British Mu- seum and Royal Academy, 4to 1 827 Curtis's (Wm.) Flora Londinenses, 6 vols, fol 1777-98 Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, translated by Dr. H. M'Murtrie 1834 De La Beche (H. T.) on Geology, How to observe 1835 De Sallengre (Alb. Hen.) Novvs Thesavrvs Antiqvitatvm Romanarvm Congestvs ab. 3 tom. fol. Hagcje-Comitvnij 1716 Donovan's (Michael) Chemistry, 4th edit 1837 Dumont (M. Et.) Tactique des Assemblee's Legislatives, Extraitdes Manuscritsde M. J. Bentham,2tom. Geweve, 1816 Duncan's (John) Essays on the Art of Weaving. . Glasgow, 1808 Durham University Calendar Durham, 1837 Dufief's (Mons. N. G.) Nature displayed in her mode of teaching Language to Man, and particularly exemplified by the French Tongue, 5th edit. 2 vols 1822 Duncan's (Wm.) Elements of Logick, 7th edit 1776 Education Journal, (Presented by the Editor) 1836 Education, Central Society of, first Publication 1837 Elgin, (Earl of) Memoirs of his Pursuits in Greece 1815 Fabri (Basilii) Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticse, recens. Buchner, fol Lypsice et Franco/. 1680 Forster's (Thos.) Pocket Encyclopaedia of Natural Pheno- mena in respect to the Seasons 1 827 Fuseli's (Henry) Lectures on Painting, 2ad series, 4to. . . 1830 Gerrard's (Joh.) Siglarum Romanum, 4to 1792 Gilbart's (James Wm.) History of Banking in America .. . 1837 SCIENCE AND ART. 17 Gordon's Universal Accountant, 2 vols Edin. 1787 Gregory's (Dr. David) Practical Geometry, 10th edit. Edin. 1787 Henslow's (Rev. J. S.) Principles of Descriptive and Phy- siological Botany 1836 Higgins (W. Mullinger) on the Earth ; its Physical Con- dition and most Remarkable Phenomena 1836 — Treatise on Light and on Optical Instruments, (Presented by John Capel, Esq.) 1828 Hogg's (Thos.) Manual of Mineralogy, (Presented by the Author) 1828 *Hope's (Thos.) Historical Essay on Architecture, with Illustrations from Drawings made by the Author in Ger- many, France, Italy, &c. 2 vols. 2nd edit 1835 *Horsley's (John) Britannia Romana, or the Roman Anti- quities of Britain, fol 1732 Inwood's (Henry Wm.) Erechtheion, at Athens, &c. Imp. fol. 1 827 Imrie's (W. M.) Parent's Dental Guide, ( Presented by the Author) 1834 James (G. P. R.) on the Educational Institutions of Ger- many 1 835 Jameson's (Robert) Mineralogy Edin. 1837 Jesse's (Edw.) Angler's Rambles 1836 Johnson's (Dr. James) Economy of Health, or Stream of Human Life 1836 Kennedy's (James) History of the Contagious Cholera, &c. 3rd edit. (Presented by the Author) 1832 Lardner (Rev. Dr.) on the Steam Engine, and its Applica- bility to Navigation and Rail-roads, 5th edit 1836 Le Couteur (Capt. John) on the Varieties, Properties, and Classification of Wheat Jersey , 1836 Le Lu^'s (Mons. J. A.) Recherches sur les Modifications de L' Atmosphere, 4 torn Paris, 1 784 Linnseus's Species Plantarum, 2 tom. 3rd edit. Vindobonce, 1764 Mackey's (S. A.) Mythological Astronomy 1827 Mackintosh's (Right Hon. Sir James) Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy, chiefly in the 17th and 18th Centuries ; with a Preface by the Rev. Wm. Whe- well 1 837 Marchand's (M.) L'Origine et des Premiers Progres de L'Imprimerie, 4to A la Haye, 1740 D 18 SCIENCE AND ART. Martin's (Benj.) System of Decimal Arithmetick 173^ Philosophical Grammar, 2nd edit 173( Elements of Geometry 173J System of Optics, 2 vols 1740—175^ Essays (Twelve) on Electricity, Visual Glasses, &c. &c 1746—177: Bibliotheca Technilogica, 3rd edit 1741 Introduction to the Newtonian Philosophy 1751 Ditto, 5th edit 175^ Philosophical Geography 175( Theology 176( Mackcoull's (John) Abuses of Justice, 2nd edit 1 Si- Malcolm's (J. P.) Historical Sketch of the Art of Carica- turing, 4to. (Presented by Richard Walford, Esq.) . . 181 J Matthews's (Wm.) Hydraulia, or the Waterworks of Lon- don and other Great Cities 183^ Meige (Guy) French and English Dictionary, fol 168^ Millengen's (Dr. J. G.) Curiosities of Medical Experience, 2 vols 1 ss-; Miscellanea Curiosa, sive Ephemeridum Medico Physica- rum Germanicarum Academiee, 4to. 15 torn. . . 1675 — 169! Morell and Maltby's Lexicon Graeco Prosodiacum, 4to. . . 182' Musical History. Vide Hogarth, Biography 183^ Nares's (Rev. Dr. Edw.) Man, as known to us Theologi- cally and Geologically 1 83^ Neri's (Antonio) Art of Glass 166* Nichors(Dr. J.P.) Views ofthe Architecture of the Heavens ISS"? Nichols, (John) on the Teeth ( Presented by the Author). . 183* Nicholas's (Wm.) Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemis- try, and the Arts, 36 vols 1802— IJ . Introduction to Natural Philosophy, 2 vols. 179( __ British Encyclopaedia, 6 vols 1 80J Ogle's (Geo.) Antiquities Explained, vol. i. 4to. (all that was published) 173! Parr's (Dr. Barth.) London Medical Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. 1 80S Phillips's (John) Treatise on Geology Edin. 183' Proclus's Philosophical and Mathematical Commentaries on the First Book of Euclid ; with a History of the Re- storation of Platonic Theology, and Proclus's Theological Elements, by Thos. Taylor, 2 vols. 4to 179! SCIENCE AND ART. 1^ North's (Hon. Roger) Discourse on the Study of the Laws, with Notes and Illustrations 1824 Perry's (James) Perryian Principia and Course of Educa- tion, 4to 1829 Pline, Histoire de la Peinture Ancienne, fol 1725 Poor Law, First and Second Annual Reports of the Poor- Law Commissioners, 2 vols 1835-36 Porter's (G. R.) Progress of the Nation, in its various Social and Economical Relations; Sections I. and II. Population and Production 1836 Philosophical Transactions, the, Abstracts of Papers printed in, from 1800 to 1830 inclusive, 2 vols 1832 Ray's (John) Wisdom of God in the Works of the Creation, 1798 Physico-Theological Discourses on the Chaos, the Deluge, and the Dissolution of the World, 2nd edit. 1693 Representation of the People, Acts of Reform to determine the Division of Counties and Limits of Cities and Bo- roughs 1832 Redding's (Cyrus) History and Description of Modern Wines, 2nd edit 1836 Ricardo's (David) Principles of Political Economy and Taxation 1817 * Richardson's (Charles) Dictionary of the English Lan- guage, 4 vols. 4to 1836 (Charles J.) Treatise on the Warming and Ventilation of Buildings by the improved system of Heated Water Circulation, (^Presented by A. M. Per- kins, Esq.) 1837 Stephens (Chas.) and Lloyd's (N.) Dictionarium Histori- cum, Geographicum, Poeticum, fol 1686 Simpson's (Thomas) Algebra, 4th edit 1775 Smith's (G.) Laboratory ; or School of Arts, 6th edit. 2 vols. 1799 Smith's (Dr. Southwood) Philosophy of Health, 2 vols. 1835-37 Stillingfleet's (Benj.) Tracts relating to Natural History, Husbandry, and Physick 1 762 Story's (Dr. Joseph) Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic Edin, 1835 Stuart's (Robt.) Anecdotes of Steam Engines, their In- ventors and Improvers, 2 vols 1829 Taylor's (Joseph) Curiosities of Nature and Art 1819 t 20 SCIENCE AND ART. Taylor's (Rev. Dr. John) Elements of Civil Law, 4to 1755 Titian, Notices of his Life and Works, by A. Humes/t. . . . 1829 Turnbull's (VVm.) Treatise on the Strength, Flexure, and Stiffness of Cast Iron Beams and Columns 1832 Turton's (Rev. Dr. Thos.) Natural Theology Considered with reference to Lord Brougham's discourse on that subject, 1836 Uwins's (Dr. David) Treatise on the Disorders of the Brain and Nervous System, (Presented by the Author) 1833 On the Disorders connected with Indigestion, (Pre- sented by the Author) 1828 Ure's (Dr. Andrew) Philosophy of Manufactures, or an Exposition of the Scientific, Moral, and Commercial Economy of the Factory System in Great Britain 1835 Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain systematically investigated, 2 vols 1836 Vince (Rev. S.) and Wood's (Rev. J.) Trigonometry and Mechanics 1810-12 Walker's (John) Elements of Elocution, 2 vols 1781 Wallis's (John) Natural History and Antiquities of North- umberland and of the Tract called the North Bishoprick in Durham, 2 vols. 4to 1769 Ward's (John) Young Mathematician's Guide, 8th edit. . 1747 Whewell's (Wm.) History of the Inductive Sciences, 3 vols. 1 837 Whishaw's (Francis) Analysis of Railways 1837 White's (Rev. G.) Natural History of Selborne, &c. with additions by Sir William Jardine Edin. 1832 Wilson (Dr. A. Philips) on Febrile Diseases, 4 vols 1804 *Yarrell's (Wm.) History of British Fishes, 2 vols 1836 Zoological Society, Proceedings of, from 1830 to 1835, 2 vols. (Presented by James WhishaiVj Esq.) 1830-35 POZSTRV AND THE DZtAlHA. English, French, Italian, Spanish, Sfc. Anti-Jacobin, Poetry of the, 6th edit 1828 Baillie's (Mrs. Joanna) Dramas ; 3 vols 1836 Vol. 1. — Romiero; The Alienated Manor ; Henriquez; The Martyr. Vol. 2. — The Separation ; The Stripling ; The Phantom ; En- thusiasm. Vol.3.— Witchcraft; The Homicide j The Bride ; The Match. Blair's (Hugh) Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian 1 765 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 21 Bloomfield's (Robert) Remains ; viz. Poetical Fragments; Nature's Magic; Tour down the Wye; Anecdotes, &c, 2vols.ini 1824 Bowring's (Dr. J.) Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain 1824 Boz, Sketches by, Illustrative of Every -day Life, and Every- day People, 2 vols 1 836 2nd Series 1837 Bulwer's (Edw. L.) Duchess de la Valliere, 3rd edition . . 1836 Burns's (Robert) Works, with his Life, by Allan Cunning- ham, 8 vols 1 834 ditto, 2 vols Edin, 1825 Caunter's (Rev. Hobart) Island Bride 1830 Chalkhill's (John) Thealma and Clearchus Reprint^ 1820 Coleridge's (S. T.) Poetical Works, 3 vols 1834 Sibylline Leaves 1817 Remorse, a Tragedy 1813 Cowper's (Wm.) Works, with his Life, by Dr. Robert Southey, 15 vols 1835-37 Elegant Extracts in Verse 1791 Goethe's (J. W. Von) Faust, translated into English Prose, with Remarks and Notes, by A. Hayward, Esq. 2nd edit 1834 Faustus ; the Bride of Corinth ; and the First Wal- purgis Night : translated and illustrated with Notes, by John Anster, LL.D 1835 Grahame's (James) Poems ; viz. The Sabbath ; Sabbath Walks; Rural Calendar ; the Birds of Scotland ; Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots, &c. 2 vols, in 1 1807 Gray's (Thos.) Works, &c. with Extracts from his Original MSS., Philological, Poetical, and Critical: edited by Mathias, 2 vols. 4to 1814 Greek Dramatic Poets, Popular English Specimens of, (iEschylus) 1831 Hemans (Mrs.) Poetical Remains of 1836 Home's (John) Tragedies; viz. 1. Douglas; 2. Agis; 3. Siege of Aquileia; 4. Fatal Discovery; 5. Alonzo; 6. Alfred 1758-78 Johnson's (Dr.) Lives of the Poets, 2 vols 1824 Le Grand's (M.) Fabliaux, or Tales of the 12th and 13th Centuries, translated by G. L. Way ; with Notes, &c. by G. Ellis, 3 vols 1815 22 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. Macklin's (Charles) Plays; viz. Man of the World, and Love ^-la-mode, 4to 1793 Mary, Queen of Scots, and other Ancient Poems, edited by J. Fry 1810 Mohere, (Euvres de, 2 torn Paris, 1835 Moliere's Works, translated, 5 vols Glasgow, 1751 Montgomery's (James) Lectures on Poetry and General Literature 1 833 Moore's (Thos.) Fudges in England 1835 Fudge Family at Paris 1818 P>^ yi^^ Morgan's (Lady) Dramatic Scenes from Real Life, 2 vols. 1833 Ossian, Poems of, including the Poetical Works, &c. of James Macpherson, and Notes and Illustrations by Mal- colm Laing, 2 vols Edin. 1805 Plays, Modern 1824-33 Vol. 1. — The Count Arezzi ; Francis the First; Foscarij the Hunchback ; the Wife, a Tale of Mantua. Plays, &c. Various, 10 vols 1733-58 Vol. 1.— Bold Stroke for a Wife ; Twin Rivals ; Tamerlane ; Earl of Essex. — Vol. 2. Theodosius, or the Force of Love ; Fair Penitent ; Royal Merchant, or the Beggar's Bush ; Constant Couple, or a Trip to the Jubilee. — Vol. 3. London Merchant, or George Barnwell ; The Wonder, a Woman keeps a Secret; Lady Jane Gray ; Love makes a Man, or the Fop's Fortune ; Mistake. — Vol.4. 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Russell's (Lord John) Don Carlos, 3rd edition 1822 < Schiller's (Frederick) William Tell, with Illustrative Notes 1829 Wallenstein, two parts, translated by Coleridge 1800 ^ MISCELLANEOUS. 23 Scott*s (Sir Walter) Field of Waterloo Edin. 1815 Shakspeare, Annotations on, 2 vols 1819 Shepherd's (H. J.) Countess of Essex 1835 Sheridan's (Right Hon. R. B.) Dramatic Works 1834 Siddons's (Henry) Practical Illustrations of Rhetorical Ges- ture and Action, adapted to the English Drama 1807 Southey's (Robert) Curse of Kehama, 4to 1810 Talfourd's (Mr. Sergeant) Ion, a Tragedy 1 836 Thoms's (P. P.) Chinese Courtship, translated from the Flower's Leaf of t*he Chinese ; with an Appendix on the Revenue of China Macao ^ China 1 824 Walk's (W. D.) Raphael and other Poems 1830 Warton's (Thomas) Poems 1777 Wordsworth's (Wm.) Yarrow revisited, with other Poems 1835 Young's (Dr.) Night Thoughts, translated into French by M. le Tourneur, 2 tom Paris, 1769 MISCXSZiXiANBOUS. Including Pamphlets, Tracts, Essays, ^c. Blagdon's (F. W.) Dictionary of Classical Quotations ... 1819 Book of Table Talk, 2 vols 1836 Brougham's (Lord) Opinions .of, on Politics, Theology, Law, Science, Education, Literature, &c. as exhibited in his Speeches and Writings 1 837 Bristol Library Society, the, Catalogue of the Books belong- ing to (Presented by the Directors,) Bristol, 1814 Bulwer's (Edw. L.) Student, 2 vols 1 835 Butler, (Miss Fanny) Journal of, in America, in 1832, 2 vols 1 835 Castillo's (Don. J. M. del) Cartas a Amira sobre La Mito- logia, Traducidas del Frances de C. A. Demoustier, 3 tom. (Presented by the Translator) Paris, 1837 Chateaubriand's (the Viscount de) Sketches of English Literature, with Considerations on the Spirit of the Times, Men, and Revolutions, 2 vols 1836 Clarke's (Dr. Adam) Bibliographical Miscellany, 2 vols, in 1 . 1806 Coleridge's (Hartley) Doctor, 4 vols 1 835-37 • (S. T.) Friend ; a Series of Essays 1809-12 Cunningham's (Rev. J. W.) Velvet Cushion 1814 Devon and Exeter Institution, the, Catalogue of the Library of (Presented by the Managers,) Exeter, 1826 24 MISCELLANEOUS. Dibdin's (Rev. Thos. Frognall) Typographical Antiquities, voL 3 1816 Dickens's (Charles) Sketches by Boz, 1st series, 2 vols. . . 1836 ditto, ditto, 2nd series 1 836 Elegant Extracts ; viz. Epistles ; Prose ; Verse ; 3 vols. . . . 1791 Fontenelle's (Archbishop) Dialogues of the Dead 1 760 Fox's (W. J.) Lectures of Morality, as modified by the va- rious Classes into which Society is divided 1836 1. The Morality of Poverty ; 2. Aristocratical and Political Mo- rality ; 3. Morality of the Mercantile and Middle Classes ; 4. Military Morality ; 5. The Morality of the Legal Profes- sion J 6. Morality of the Press ; 7. Clerical Morality. Grant's (Charles) Great Metropolis, 2 vols 1 836 Harrington's (James) Life, by J. Toland, and Works, 4to. 1771 Hartford (Frances, Countess of) and Pomfret (Henrietta- Louisa, Countess of) Correspondence, between the Years 1738 and 1741, 3 vols. 2nd edit 1806 Hartshorne's (Rev. C. H.) Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge ; illustrated by Original Letters, and Notes Biographical, Literary, and Antiquarian 1829 Hazlitt, (Wm.) Literary Remains of; with a Notice of his Life, by his Son ; and Thoughts on his Writings, by Edw. L. Bulwer and Mr. Serjeant Talfourd, 2 vols. . . 1836 Hippisley's (J. H.) Chapters on Early English Literature . . 1837 Hole's (Richard) Remarks on the Arabian Night's Enter- tainments 1797 Hume's (David) Philosophical Works, 4 vols Edin. 1826 Hunt's (Leigh) Literary Examiner 1823 Irving's (Washington) Miscellanies; viz. No. 1. A Tour in the Prairies ; No. 2. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey ; No. 3. Legends of the Conquest of Spain, 3 vols. . . 1835-36 London Institution, the, a Catalogue of the Library of, vol. i. (Presented by the Board of Management) 1 835 Kitchiner's (Dr. Wm.) Traveller's Oracle, or Hints for Locomotion, 2 vols 1827 Liber Scholasticus ; being an Account of the Fellowships, Scholarships, and Exhibitions, of the Two Universities and Public Colleges and Schools 1829 Literary Souvenir, 1827-29, 3 vols 1827-29 London Catalogue of Books, from 1800-27 1827 ditto, 1810-31 1831 MISCELLANEOUS. 25 Madden's (R. R.) Infirmities of Genius illustrated, 2 vols. 1833 Manchester Portico Library, The, Catalogue of, (Presented hy the Board of Management) Manchester, 1 831 Maurice's (Rev. Thos.) Brahminical Fraud detected .... 1812 Middleton's (Dr. Conyers) Monumenta Antiquitatis, 4to. . 1745 Montagu's (Lady M. W.) Letters, 2 vols, in 1 1810 Mudie's (James) Felonry of New South Wales; with Anecdotes of Botany Bay Society 1837 Seward's (Anna) Letters, written between the Years 1784 and 1787, 6 vols Edin. 1811 Sidney's (Sir Philip) Arcadia, fol 1655 Smith's (Horatio) Tin Trumpet, or Heads and Tails, 2 vols. 1836 Stanley's (Hon. Mrs. Eleanor) Deportment of a Married Life 1798 Taylor's (Henry) Statesman (Presented hy J. C. Taunton, Esq.) 1836 Tracts on Bullion, Paper Currency, &c .*. 1837 Vol. 11. Joplin's (T.) Case for Parliamentary Inquiry into the Circumstances of the Panic ; Torrens' (R.) Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Melbourne on the Causes of the recent Derange- ment in the Money Market, and on Bank Reform, 1837 ; Morri- son's (Wm. Hampson) Observations on the System of Metallic Currency, 1837 ; Palmer's (John Horsley) Causes and Conse- quences of the Pressure upon the Money Market, 1837 ; Ricardo's (Sampson) Observations on ditto, 1837 ; Lloyd's (Sam. Jones) Reflections suggested by the perusal of Mr. J. H. Palmer's Pam- phlet, 1837 ; Palmer's (John Horsley) Reply to ditto, 1837. Tracts; Legal, Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous. 1802-37 Vol. 47. Concerning the Relations of Great Britain, Spain, and Por- tugal, to each other, and to the Common Enemy ; and specifically as affected by the Convention of Cintra, by Wm. Wordsworth, 1809. Vol. 48. Poems, chiefly written in Retirement, (viz. The Fairy of the Lake, Eflusions, &c.) 1802 ; and Two Letters to Francis Jeffrey, Esq. on the Calumnies and Misrepresentations of the Edinburgh Review, by John Thelwall, 1804. Vol. 49. Crisis of Britain in Industry and Finance, 1830; Nib- lock's (Joseph White, D.D.) Piety and Patriotism, or the Church the Champion of Liberty, 1835; Report of the Hearing of the Case of the Wolverhampton Meeting House, 1836; Revan's (John) Evils of the State of Ireland ; their Causes and Remedy, a Poor Law, 1837 ; Esten's (Jas. Christie, LL.D.) Observations on the Constitutions, Political and Judicial, of the British Colo- nies ; with Proposed Amendments, 1836; Stock's (J. S.) Obser- vations on the Case of Lady Hewley's Charities, 1836. 26 MISCELLANEOUS. Vol. 50. Record Commission, The, Observations, Letters, and Opi- nions of the Commissioners, on the Constitution and Duties of 1836 ; Records, Public, the, Letters from Eminent Historical Wri- ters relating to the Publications of the Board of Commissioners on, 1836; Cole's (Henry) Letters on the Conduct of Chas. Purton Cooper, Esq. the Secretary, and on the General Management of the Commission in Dec. 1835 and Jan. 1836, 1836; Black's (Wm. Henry) Comparative Account of Works produced and Monies received by the Commissioners of the Public Records, 1837 ; Montagu's (Basil) Letter addressed to Chas. Purton Coo- per, Esq. Sec. upon the Report of the recent Record Committee, 1837 ; Remarks on Certain Evils to which the Printed Evidence taken by Committees of the House of Commons is at present sub- ject, 1837 ; Resolutions and Proceedings of the Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to inquire into the Manage- ment and Aff.iirs of the Record Commission, 1837. Vol. 5L Bulwer's (Edw. Lytton) Letter to a late Cabinet Minister on the Present Crisis, 1834 ; Bulwer's (Hen. Lytton) Lords, Go- vernment and Country, 1836 ; What Nextl or the Peers and the Third Time of Asking, 1837 ; Tomkins's (Isaac) Thoughts upon the Aristocracy of England, 1835 ; Sugden's (Rt. Hon. Sir Edw.) Letter to the Rt. Hon. Viscount Melbourne on the Present State of the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Couit of Chancery and House of Lords, 1835 ; Lynch's (H.) Letter to the Rt. Hon. Viscount Melbourne on ditto, ditto; Crombie's (Rev. Dr. Alex.) Letterto Wm. Tancred, Esq. M. P. on the Ballot, 1837. Vol. 52. Spain, Legitimacy the only Salvation for, 1835 ; Spain, the Policy of England towards, 1837 ; Sequel to ditto, 1837. Tracts, Medical, &c. vol. 5 1764-1768 Theobald's (Dr. John) Young Wife's Guide in the Management of her Children, 1764; Chalmers' (Dr. Lionel) Essay on Fevers, 1768 ; Jackson's (H.) Essay on British Isinglass, 1765. Tracts, Religious, 2 vols 1797-1837 Vol. 1. Levi's (David) Defence of the Old Testament, 1797 ; Sa- muel's (M.) Address from an Israelite on the attempted Conver- sion of the Jews, 1827; Goodman's (Rabbi Tobias) Faith of Israel, 1819 ; Hurwitz's (Hyman) Hebrew Dirge on the Death of the Princess Charlotte, 1817 ; Lyon's (S.) Explanation of an Antique Medal called the Shekel of David, 1810 ; Letter to the Parisian Sanhedrim, 1808 ; Leo's (Christopher) Examination of the Fourteen Verses selected from Scripture, by J. Bellamy, as a Specimen of his Emendation of the Bible, 1817 ; Goodman's (Rabbi Tobias) Sermon on the Demise of George IIL, A.M. 5580; Priestley's (Dr. Joseph) Letters to the Jews, 1786. Vol. 2. Critics Criticised : with Remarks on a Passage in Dr. Chal- mers* Bridgewater Treatise, by the Author of " Hampden in the Kineteenth Century," 1834; Elucidations of Dr. Hampden's MISCELLANEOUS. 27 Theological Statements, 1836; Curtis's (Thos.) Four Letters to the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of London on the inadequate Pro- tection of the authorised Version of Scripture, 1833 ; Turton's (Dr. Thos.) Text of the English Bible, 1833 ; Benson's (Christo- topher) on the Proceeding of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 1837 ; Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the Necessity of an immediate Alteration of the Doctrines of the Church of England, by a Clergyman of her Commune, 1835 ; Bowles's (Rev. Wm. Lisle) Discourse on King Charles's Martyrdom, 1836 ; Smith (Rev. Sydney) on the Ecclesiastical Commission, 1837; Smith's (Rev. Sydney) New Reign ; the Duties of Queen Vic- toria, 1837 ; Eretzsepher's Remarks on Dr. Buckland's Mosaic Creation, 1837; Hoppus's( John) Thoughts on Academical Edu- cation, &c., 1837. Tracts, Scientific, &c 1635-1751 Vol. 2. Leadbetter's (Chas.) Astronomy of the Satellites of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn, 1729 ; Hardy's (Samuel) Theory of the Moon made perfect, 1751 ; Whiston's (Wm.) Longitude dis- covered by the Eclipses, &c. of Jupiter's Planets, 1738 ; Whis- ton's (Wm.) Calculations of Solar Eclipses without Parallaxes, 1724; Whiston's (Wm.) Longitude and Latitude found by the Dipping Needle, 1721 ; Norman's (Robert) Newe Attractive, shewing the Nature, Propertie, and manifold Vertues of the Loadstone, 1720; Gellibrand's (Henry) Discourse, Mathemati- cal, on the Variation of the MagneticaH Needle, 1635 ; Moun- taine and Dodson's Account of the Methods used to describe Lines on Dr. Halley's Chart, &c., shewing the Variation of the Magnetic Needle, about the Year 1744, in all the known Seas, 1746. Vol. 3. Cummitig's Sketch of the Properties of the Machine Or- gan, 1812 ; Worgan's (Thos. Danvers) Musical Reform, 1829; Ure's (Dr. Andrew) Experimental Enquiry into the Modes of Warming and Ventilating Apartments, 1836 ; Latham's (R. G.) Address to the Authors of England and America on the Necessity and Practicability of permanently remodelling their Alphabet and Orthography, 1834; Whewell's (Rev. Wm.) Remarks on an Ar- ticle in Number CIX. of the Quarterly Review relative to New- ton and Flamstead, 1836 ; Whewell's (Rev. Wm.) Thoughts on the Study of Mathematics as a part of Liberal Education, 1836; Barlow's (Peter) Experiments on the Transverse Strength and other Properties of Malleable Iron with reference to its Use for Railway Bars, 1835; Whitley (Geo.) on the Locomotive Steam Plough and Harrow, 1837. Turkish Spy, 10th edit. 8 vols 1734 Walpole's (Hon. Horace) Letters to the Earl of Hertford, 4to 1825 2« PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. Walpole's (Horace) Correspondence with George Montagu, Esq. ; with Illustrative Notes, 3 vols 1837 Woman as she is, and as she should be, 2 vols 1835 PARZiZAIIIENTAXtV PROCEBDZXTCS^S. Including Debates, Reports, Minutes of Evidence, Inquiries, S^c. ENGLAND AND WALES. Aborigines, (British Settlements) Reports on 1836 ditto, ditto 1837 Agriculture and Conditions of the Poor in Europe, Papers on, and Reports from Consuls, 1833-35 1836 State of ; House of Commons' Inquiry; Reports, 1, 2, and 3... 1836 State of ; House of Lords' Inquiry 1836 Army, the. Inquiry into the System of Military Punishments in 1836 Practicability and Expediency of Consolidating the different De- partments connected with the Civil Administration of the 1837 Arts and Manufactures, Principles of Design, &c 1836 Borough Representation, Returns relating to 120 of the smallest Boroughs now sending Members to Pariiament, with Plans, vol. 1 1832 Boundary Reports j Reports of the Commissioners on the proposed Divi- sion of Counties and Boundaries of Boroughs, with Plans, parts 1 to 8 1832 Boundaries and Wards of certain Boroughs and Corporate Towns, Report of advising Commissioners on, with Plans, parts 1,2, and 3 1837 Bridlington Harbour Bill, Evidence on 1837 British Museum, its Condition, Management, and Affairs 1836 Charities, Public, Reports on ; viz. 26th, 27th, 29th, 2 parts, and 30th 1835-36 Digest of Reports on, from 1832 to 1835 1835 Civil List Establishment, the, Fees, Gratuities, &c. of the several Public Offices on 1837 Consular Establishments, the, Inquiry into 1835 Corn, &c.. Prices of, from 1815 to 1835 1836 Foreign, Quantities Imported from 1815 to 1835 1836 Counties, Proposed Divisions of, under the Reform Bill, with Maps .... 1832 County Rates, Sec, Report of Commissioners 1836 Appendix, ditto, part 2 1837 Criminal Law, 2nd and 3rd Reports of the Commissioners on, (Juvenile Offenders) 1836-37 Correspondence on, between the Commissioners and the Secretary of State for the Home Department 1837 Criminal Law, Statements on, prepared by Direction of the Secretary of State for the Home Department 1836 Offenders in England and Wales, Statements of the Compara- tive Number committed for Trial in each of the last Seven Years ; viz. from 1828 to 1834 1835 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. 29 Criminal Offenders in 1835 and 1836, Tables of, 2 Reports 1836-37 Dean Forest, Reports of Commissioners of, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th... 1835 Excise Inquiry, 19th Report ; Excise Licences 1836 Digest of the Reports, and Index 1836 Education, Extracts relating to, from Reports made to the Poor Law Com- missioners 1833 Inquiry 1835 Abstract of the Number of Schools in England and Wales, vol. 3 1835 Established Church, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, Reports of the Commissioners to consider its Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues 1836 Orders in Council for ratifying Six Schemes proposed by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners under an Act, &c 1837 Factories, Reports of Inspectors on, for the Half Year ending December 31, 1836 1837 Gaols, 4th and 5th Reports 1835 Schedules and Returns respecting 1835 Greek Loan, Papers relating to the 3rd Instalment, and Additional Papers 1836 Houses of Parliament, Reports on the Ventilation of 1835 Islington Market Bill, Evidence on 1837 Joint Stock Banks, Inquiry into the Operation of the Act of the 7th of George IV. respecting their Establishment 1836 Lancaster, Courts of the County Palatine of, 2nd Report of Inquiry into Proceedings in Suits, &c 1835 Law Courts; viz. Chancery, Exchequer, and Bankruptcy, Returns re- specting 1836 Literary Institutions and Libraries in Foreign Countries, Communications concerning, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 1835 Locomotive Engines, on the danger of Fire arising from, in passing through Narrow Streets, on Railways, 2nd Report 1836 Metropolis Police Offices, Report on 1837 Mirror of Parliament, Sessions 1835, 1836, 1837, 9 vols 1835-37 Municipal Corporation Inquiry, 2nd Report; viz. London and Southwark, and London Companies 1837 Municipal Corporations, Boundaries, &c., 3 vols. (\'ide Boundaries, &c.) 1837 Protest of Sir Francis Palgrave against the Re- port 1835 North America and the United Kingdom, Existing Facilities of Inter- course between 1836 Oaths, on the Expediency of substituting a Declaration in lieu of 1837 Parishes, on the Survey of, under the Tithe Commutation Act 1837 Parrett Navigation Bill, Evidence on 1837 Pilotage, Laws and Regulations relating to, report on 1835 Poor, Expenditure for their Maintenance and Relief in the years, 1830— 31—32—33—34 1835 Poor Law Commissioners, 1st and 2nd Annual Reports of 1835-36 Poor Law Amendment Acts, Minutes of Evidence taken on, and Reports of Committee of the House of Commons oa 1837 30 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. Post-Office Department, Reports on Inquiry into its Managements, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th 1836-37 Prisons in Great Britain, Reports of Inspectors in 1836, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 1836 ditto in 1837, 2nd Report 1837 Prussia, its Ecclesiastical Establishments, Papers relating to 1836 Railway Bills, Report on the Standing Orders, respecting, &c. 1836 , Evidence respecting, viz. Brighton ; Cheltenham and Great Western ; Chester and Birkenhead ; Dublin and Drogheda ; Great Western ; Hull and Selby ; London Grand Junction ; Manches- ter and Cheshire Junction ; North Midland ; Oxford and Great Wes- tern Union ; Sheffield and Rotherham ; and TafF Vale 1837 Railways proposed. Standing Orders relating to, of the House of Lords, August, 1836 1836 Railway Subscription Contracts, deposited in the Private Bill Office, of the House of Commons, Nos. 1. to 50 1837 Record Commission, Report, Minutes of Evidence, &c 1836 Revenue, Population, Commerce, &c. of the United Kingdom, Tables rela- ing to. Parts IV. and V., and Supplements to Parts III. IV. and V. 1835-37 Roman Catholic Worship, Returns of Places of meeting for, and of all Monastic Establishments, in England and Wales 1836 Sheffield Gas Bill, Evidence on 1837 Stafford Disfranchisement Bill, Evidence on 1837 Stamp Duties of Great Britain and Ireland, Schedule 1836 Statute Law, The, Report of the Commissioners on the Consolidation of . 1835 Steam Carriages, Tolls on. Report on the Bill, to repeal, &c 1836 Steam Vessels, Vide Thames, River Switzerland, Report on the Commerce and Manufactures of, by John Bowring 1836 Thames River, The, Report on the Laws respecting carrying passengers for hire upon 1837 Timber Duties, Report on, &c 1836 Turnpike Trusts and Tolls, Report on 1836 . — Income and Expenditure in the Year, 1834 1836 Woods and Forests, 12th and 13th Reports on 1835-36 SCOTLAND. Boundaries, Reports on proposed, of Cities, Burghs, and Towns in respect to the election of Members to serve in Parliament, with Plans 1832 Law Commissioners, 2nd Report of 1835 Leith Harbour, affairs of, as connected with the City of Edinburgh 1836 , North Trinity Harbour, and Dock Bill, Evidence on 1837 Municipal Corporations, Appendix to the General Report 1836 Prisons of Scotland, 2nd Report on 183T Religious Instruction, 1st Report of Commissioners on 1837 Universities of Scotland, Evidence, Oral and Documentary, relating to, 4 vols. viz. Vol. 1. University of Edinburgh; vol. 2. University of Glasgow ; vol. 3. University of St. Andrews ; vol. 4. University of Aberdeen 1837 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. 31 IRELAND. Boundaries, Proposed, of Cities and Boroughs sending Representatives to Parliament, Returns on, with Plans 1832 Ecclesiastical Revenue and Patronage, Inquiry into, 3rd Report 1837 Education, National, 1st and 2nd Reports of Commissioners on, for the year ending March 31, 1835 1835 Returns respecting 1835 Appendix to the 3rd Report, and Supplement to ditto 1836 Education, New Plan of, 1st and 2nd Reports on 1837 Fictitious Votes, 1st and 2nd Reports on 1837 Fisheries, 1st and 2nd Reports on 1836 Foundation Schools and Education, Reports on ., 1836 Ireland, Report on the State of 1835 Lunatics, Returns of all Costs in Law and Equity, Paid out of their estates 1836 Municipal Corporations, City of Dublin, Parts I. and II. Appendix ; and Supplemental Tables to the 1st Report 1835-37 Orange Lodges, Associations, and Societies, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reports ... 1835 Parishes, to which the Crown presents in its own Right, Returns of 1836 Poor Inquiry, and Condition of the Poorer Classes, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Re- ports ; Appendices, C, E, F, G. (State of the Irish Poor in Great Bri- tain) and H, two Parts ; and Supplement to Appendices, D, E, and F, 1835-36 , Remarks on the third Report of the Commissioners, by G. C. Lewis, esq 1837 Ditto, by N. W. Senior, esq 1837 Laws, Report on, of George Nicholls, esq 1837 Prisons in Ireland, 14th Report on 1836 Public Instruction, 1st and 2nd Reports on, and Appendix to 1st Report 1835 Works, Commissioners of, l3t,2nd,3rd, and 4th Annual Reports of 1836-37 Schools, &c. Returns respecting 1835 ditto 1837 Western Harbours, Evidence on 1835 BRITISH COLONIES, SETTLEMENTS, AND DEPENDENCIES. Canada, Lower, Papers relating to Lands 1837 Reports of Commissioners on alleged Grievances of 1837 Affairs of 1837 East India Company, Affairs of ; Reports 1 to 14 1832 Particulars of Compensations, Superannuations, &c. 1835 Emigration, Correspondence relating to, from 1835 to 1837 ; with Returns of the Numbers of Persons who have emigrated from Great Britain and Ireland to the British Colonies and to the United States of America in 1835 and 1836 1837 Jamaica, Extracts of Correspondence relating to alleged mal-treatment of Prisoners in St. John's Parish, &c 1837 Negro Apprenticeship in the Colonies 1836 Russell, Mr. Pro-Consul, Correspondence relating to his Imprisonment at Panama in 1836 1837 32 NOVELS, ROMANCES, AND TALES. Slave Trade, Class A., Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, the Havanah, Rio de Janeiro, and Surinam, in 1834, 1835, and 1836 1835-3 • Class B., Correspondence with Foreign Powers in 1834, 1835, and 1836 1835-3 Slavery, Abolition of. Report on the Measures of Government to give effect to it, in Jamaica, Barbadoes, British Guiana, and Mauritius, in 1833—1835 183 Papers in Explanation of the Proceedings of the Le- gislature of Jamaica for giving effect to the Act 183< Orders in Council to enforce the Act 183" Van Diemen's Land, Papers relating to, in a Dispatch from Col. Arthur, of October 29, 1836 183' XKCXSOSZiZiANSOVS. French and Italian. Batteux, (L'Abbe) Le Quatre Poetiques; D'Aristote, D'Horace, de Vida, de Despreux, par, 2 torn 1771 De Brosses, (President) Traite de la Formation Mechanique des Langues, et des Principes Physiques de I'Etymo- logie, 2 torn Paris, De Mably, (L'Abbe) Observations sur L'Histoire de France, par, 4 torn Khell, 1 791 D'Orleans, (Phiiipe de) La Vie de Regent de France, 2 torn. Grammont, (Comte de) CEiivres du, 6 torn 1760-62 Les Nuits d'Young, traduites par M. le Tourneur, 2 torn. 1769 Lettres d'une Peruvienne, en Italien et en Francois, .... 1810 Louis XL, Histoire de, par M. Duclos, 3 torn. A la Haye, 1745 Pape Sixte Vth., La Vie du, par Gregoria Leti. . . .Paris, 1698 Rabutin, (Roger de, Comte De Bussy) Mem.oires de, 2 torn. 1721 Saint Real, (M. L'Abbe) (Euvres de, 6 torn. , Amsterdam, 17401 Sainte Palaie's, (M. de) Hist. Litteraire des Troubadours, 3 torn Paris, 1 774 Synonymes Fran9ois, par L'Abbe Girard, &c. 2 vols. Paris, 1 770 IfOVSZ-S, ROMANCSS, AMD TAIiES. Albigenses, (Rev. H. Maturin) 4 vols 1824 Almoran and Hamet, (Dr. Hawksworth) 1820 Abel AUnutt, ( James Morier) 3 vols 1837 NOVELS, ROMANCES, AND TALES. 33 Anglo-Irish, 3 vols ..,...., 1834 Arabian Nights, New, 3 vols 182 Barham Downs, (Robert Bage) Edin. 1824 Ben Brace, the Last of Nelson's Agamemnons,(Capt. Cha- mier) 3 vols 1 836 Catholic, (W. H. Ireland) 3 vols 1807 Chronicles of Waltham, (Rev. G. R, Gleig) 3 vols 1835 Contes Tartares, Les mille et un quart D'Heure, 3 torn. . . 1783 Day in the Woods, (Thomas Miller) ". 1836 Decision, (by the author of Correction) 3 vols 1819 Ernest Maltravers, (H. L. Bulwer) 3 vols 1837 Fielding's, (Henry) Novels, viz. Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones, Amelia, and Jonathan Wild, with a memoir of the author by Sir Walter Scott Edin. 1824 Frank Mildmay, or the Naval Officer, (Captain Marryat) 1835 Five Nights of St. Albans, The, 3 vols 1 829 Gulliver's Travels, (Dean Swift) Edin, 1824 Gonsalvo of Cordova, (M. Florian) 3 vols, in 1 1792 Hartlebury, or the Election, 2 vols 1834 Henry, (Richard Cumberland) 1 824 Highland Smugglers, (J. B. Frazer) 3 vols 1832 Honor O'Hara, (Miss A. M. Porter) 2 vols. ..New York, 1827 Integrity, (Mrs. Hofland) 1834 Isn't it Odd? (Charles Dibdin, jun.) 3 vols 1822 Jack Brag, (Theodore Hook) 3 vols 1837 James Wallace, (Robert Bage) 1824 Julia, or the New Eloisa, (J. J. Rousseau), 3 vols 1794 Kindness in Women, (Thomas Haynes Bayly) 3 vols 1 837 Klosterheim, or the Masque, ( Quincey) 1832 La Belle Assemblee, (Madam de Gomez) 4 vols. 8th edit. 1765 Last Man, (Mrs. Shelley) 3 vols 1826 Massenburg, 3 vols 1 825 Miriam Coffin, or the Whale Fisherman, 3 vols 1 834 Slonikins (J. F. Cooper), 3 vols 1835 Mount Hennith (Robert Bage) Edin. 1824 Munchausen, Baron , 2 vols 1792 Mysteries of Udolpho, and Romance of the Forest 1824 O'Donnel (Lady Morgan) 1835 Pelham (Edw. L. Bulwer) 1835 F 34 NOVELS, ROMANCES, AND TALES. Provost (John Gait) 1822 Pupil of Pleasure (S. J. Pratt), 2 vols. 2nd edit 1777 Richardson's (Samuel) Novels ; viz. Pamela, Clarissa Har- lowe, and Sir Charles Grandison, with a Memoir of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott, 3 vols Edin. 1 824 Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes (Edw. L. Bulwer), 3 vols. 1835 Roderick Random, 2 vols 1 790 Romance of History (France) (Leitch Ritchie), 3 vols. ... 1831 Smollett's (Dr. Tobias) Novels; viz. Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, Humphry Clinker, Ferdinand, Count Fathom, Sir Launcelot Greaves, and Don Quixote, trans- lated from Cervantes, with a Memoir of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott, 2 vols Edin. 1821 Standard Novels 1835-37 Alhambra (Washington Irving). Anastasius (Thomas Hope), 2 vols. Crotchet Castle, Headlong Hall, Maid Marian, Nightmare Abbey, (S. L. Peacock). Darnley, or the Field of the Cloth of Gold (G. P. R. James). De L'Orme (G. P. R. James). Frank Mildmay (Capt. Marryat). Headsman (J. F. Cooper). Hajji Baba of Ispahan (James Morier). Hajji Baba in England (James Morier), Heidenmauer (J. F. Cooper). Heiress of Bruges (Thos. C. Grattan). Parson's Daughter (Theodore Hook). Paul Clifford (Edw. L. Bulwer), Philip Augustus, or the Brothers in Arms (G. P. R. James). Red Rover (J. F. Cooper). Trevelyan (Mrs. Gore). Younger Son ( Trelawney). Zohrab, the Hostage (James Morier). Tales of an Antiquary (Richard Thomson), 3 vols 1828 of Passion ; viz. Lord Lovel's Daughter; the Bohe- mians ; Second Love, 3 vols 1829 of the Peerage and the Peasantry (edited by Lady Dacre), 3 vols 1835 of the Great St. Bernard, 3 vols 1828 Thaddeus of Warsaw (Jane Porter), 4 vols 1819 To-Day in Ireland, including the Carders, Connemara, Old and New Light, and the Toole's Warning, 3 vols. . 1834 PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. 35 Telemachus 1800 Truckleborough Hall, 3 vols 1827 Wanley Penson, or the Melancholy Man ( Sadler), 3 vols 1791 Waverley Novels (Sir Walter Scott), 33 vols. ; viz. Novels and Tales, 16 vols. ; Novels and Romances, 9 vols. ; and Historical Romances, 8 vols Edin. 1822-25 Wondrous Tale of Alroy (D'Israeli, jun.), 3 vols 1 833 Woman's Love (Mrs. Lemon Grimstone), 3 vols 1832 Women as they are, or the Manners of the Day (Mrs. Gore), 3 vols 1835 Yesterday in Ireland (E. E. Crowe), including Corramahon, and the Northerns of Ninety-Eight, 3 vols 1834 Younger Brother (Charles Dibdin, sen.), 3 vols. 3rd edit. 1793 PSRZODZCiLZ. PUBZiXCATZONS. Including Encyclopcedias, TransactionSy Journals, Parliamentary Debates, Magazines, and Reviews. (•) All works under this head, preceded by an Asterisk, are regularly purchased on publication. ♦Analyst, 5 vols 1834-36 ♦Asiatic Journal, 9 vols 1835-37 ♦Chambers's (Edinburgh Journal), 6 vols 1832-37 ■ Information for the People 1 835 Cobbett's (Wm.) Political Register; 4 vols. viz. vols. 14, 16, 17, and 19 1808-11 Journal of Science and Art, New Series, 8 vols 1827-30 New Edinburgh Review, 5 vols 1821-23 Edinburgh Review, Index to from vol. 21 to vol. 50 1832 Johnson's Edinburgh Magazine 1834 London Medical Gazette, 3 vols 1 835-37 Frazer's Magazine, 2 vols , 1834 Journal (Quarterly) of Education, 10 vols 1831-35 ♦Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 7 vols 1832-37 ♦Law List 1837 ♦Law Magazine, or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, 7 vols, 1834-37 36 DICTIONARIES, &c. *London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, con- ducted by Brewster, Taylor, and Phillips, 11 vols.. . 1832-31 *Magazine of Popular Science and the Useful Arts, 4 vols. 1836-3^ New Quarterly Review, or British Colonial Register, 3 vols. 1811-13 *North America Review ; viz. vols. 36 to 43, 8 vols... . 1833-36 ♦Quarterly Review, 48 to 57, 12 vols 1832-37 *Spectator Newspaper, 6 vols 1 832-37 *United Service Journal, 10 vols 1834-37 Companion to the Newspapers, 4 vols, in 2. 1834-36 DZCTZOirAXlZES, ZSNdrCZiOPSSDXAS, dec. Dictionaries, Classical Quotations (Blagdon). English Language (Richardson). . ditto (Kenrick). — ^— Glossary (Nares). Fine Arts (Elmes). . Historicum, Geographicum, et Poeticum (Stephens and Lloyd). Historique (Morery). Hebraicum et Chaldicum (Simonis). . Topographical, of England (Lewis). of London (Elmes). Encyclopoedia Heraldica (Burke). A LIST OF THE ESTABLISHMENT AND PROPRIETORS OF THE RUSSELL INSTITUTION. (as existing) NOVEMBER 10th, 1837. ESTABLISHMENT. Patron. His Grace the DUKE of BEDFORD. President. The Right Hon. LORD JOHN RUSSELL, M.P, Vice-Presidents. The MARQUESS of LANSDOWNE. The MARQUESS CAMDEN. The EARL of DEVON. Right Hon. LORD HOLLAND. LORD SOUTHAMPTON. Right Hon. LORD ABINGER. SIR STEPHEN GASELEE. HENRY THOMAS HOPE, Esq. M.P. Trustees. Right Hon. Lord Abinger. Sir Stephen Gaselee. Mr. Serjeant Storks. Thomas James, Esq. Henry Farrar, Esq. Managrers. Mr. Serjeant Storks. John Britton, Esq. F.S.A. Henry Farrar, Esq. Robert Hunter, Esq. F.R.S. Thomas James, Esq. John Lewis, Esq. P. M. Roget, M.D. Sec. R.S. B. P. Witts, Esq. Committee. Mr. Serjeant Lawes. James Powell, Esq. Dr. Stewart. Dr. Shearman. Charles Fowler, Esq. R. H. Solly, Esq. F.R.S. Dr. Bostock, F.R.S. Dr. Stroud. B. W. Barker, Esq. James Whishaw, Esq. F.S.A. Thomas Gibbes, Esq. William Frend, Esq. Richard Walford, Esq. J. J. Wilkinson, Esq. C. F. Barnwell, Esq. F.R.S. A. W. Tooke, Esq. Secretary and Ziibrarian. Edw. Wedlake Brayley, F.S.A., M.R.S.L., F.G.S., &c. &c. Assistant. Mr. Robert Daly Walker. LIST OF PROPRIETORS OF THE RUSSELL INSTITUTION. NOVEMBER 10, 1837. No. 412 Abinger, Lord Spring Gardens 6 Abraham, G. F Great Marlborough Street 182 Abraham, Robert Torrington Street 305 Abud, W. T New Ormond Street 1 Adam, William Lincoln's Inn Fields 353 Adlington, Thomas .... Bedford Row 130 Agar, James Holly Terrace, Highgate 439 Aikin, C. R Great James Street 698 Albo, J. J 506 Alexander, R. W Norton Street 32 Allan, Grant Gower Street 320 Allcock, W. P Woburn Place 244 Allen, Frederick 361 Anderdon, John L Tavistock Square 587 Andrews, Charles Upper Bedford Place 4 Ansted, Charles Penton Place 661 Anstey, G. R 226 Appleton, James Holborn Hill 235 Arden, Joseph Upper Bedford Place 255 Arden, R. E Red Lion Square 478 Arnott, Dr Bedford Square 2 Aston ,Thomas,Sen.f/a^e^ 193 Aston, Thomas, ) y 594 Aston, Thomas, ) ""• • • 45 Atherton, Miss E Great James Street 11 Atkinson, Thomas (late) 505 Austen, Benjamin Montague Place 470 Austin, George 280 Bagster, William Compton Street, Regent Sq. 299 Bailey, George Lincoln's Inn Fields 2 List of Proprietors, No. 211 Bakewell, F. C Downshire Hill, Hampstead 31 Baldwin Robert Queen Square 82 Bam ford, Capt Hendon 383 Banister, T. M Brompton 578 Banks, William St. Anne's Terrace, Brixton 24 Bannister, Mrs Gower Street 81 Barclay, James Kenton Street 688 Barker, B. W Gower Street 96 Barker, William Mabledon Place 652 Barnwell, C. F. F.R.S.. Woburn Place 50 Barrett, Samuel 455 Barron, Edward Sidmouth Street 402 Barron, George Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Sq. 317 Barstow, James Temple 238 Barter, W. G. T Frederick PI. Hampstead Rd. 373 Bartram, T. R Hunter Street 61 Bate, John (late) 14 Baxendale, Lloyd S Hampstead 690 Bayly, Robert Queen Square 42 Beaumont, J. P Bernard Street 29 Bedford, the Duke of (Patron) Belgrave Square 38 Bedford, Francis Stoke Newington 344 Bedford, C. St. Clair . . . Bedford Row 39 Bedford, George Bedford Row 289 Beetson, William Woburn Place 376 Bell, George 250 Bell, J. C. C Russell Square 279 Bellamy, John Woburn Square 59 Belt, William Brunswick Square 67 Bennett, James Oxford Street 5 Benson, T. S Old Broad Street 318 Benson, B. J. Upper Woburn Place 106 Benson, Thomas Upper Woburn Place 654 Benson, W. J Upper Woburn Place 5Q Berrey, J. A Weston Place, Pentonville 693 Bethell, Richard Lincoln's Inn 410 Bigg, Edward Tavistock Square 171 Biich, Rev. Dr New Ormond Street 558 Bird, Col. W Howland Street 518 Bird, J. L Lincoln's Inn 47 Bishop, H. W 46 Bishop, William 62 Blackburn, Mrs Cape of Good Hope 523 Blackburn, Joshua .... Liquorpond Street 649 Blackburn, William .... Lincoln's Inn 347 Blaine, D. P South Row, New Road List of Proprietors. 3 Blick, Charles (late) . . Blicke, Dr. W. F. . . Walthamstow Bligh, Richard Southampton Buildings Bligh, John South Crescent Blyth, Joseph Ibbotson's Hotel Bogue, John John Street, King's Road 462 Bolding, H.J Lodge Place, St. John's Wd. 396 Bompas, Mr. Serjeant . . Serjeant's Inn 48 Bond, William Newman Street Booth, James Woburn Square Booth, W. H. (late) . . Bostock, Dr. J. F.R.S.. . Upper Bedford Place Bowden, Ambrose Randolph St. Camden Town Bowker, William Gray's Inn 510 Brackenbury, Rev. J. .. Grove House, Chelsea 527 Brandon, Daniel Judd Street 503 Brealey, Daniel Crutched Friars 20 Briggs, Joseph Raymond Buildings 378 Brise, J. R Spain's Hall, near Finchin- 51 Britton, John, F. S. A. [field (Manager) Burton Street 390 Brodrick, William Great Ormond Street 267 Bromley, J. W Great Coram Srreet 43 Brooke, Samuel St. Omer 599 Brooks, J. W John Street, King's Road 113 Brough, Anthony Portland Place 52 Brown, A 526 Brown, Thomas Ireland 186 Brown, Samuel Equitable Insurance Office Q^5 Bruce, Henry Tavistock Square 524 Bryant, Shuttleworth, (late) 115 Buchanan, Walter Upper Woburn Place 521 Buckton, Frederick .... 33 Buller, Cornelius 71 Burchell, William Upper Bedford Place 111 Burchett, J. R Burton Crescent 229 Burden, Thomas ("^a^ej.. 63 Burmester, J. J Camden Town 17 Burnell, George Park Square 384 Burnside, Francis Farningham 57 Burrow, Charles Grove Terrace, Kentish Town 465 Burton, John Hoi born 69 Burton, W. L 83 Busk, Edward Lincoln's Inn 77 Busk, George ......... 51 1 Butt, R.J Great Russell Street 4 List of Proprietors. No. 398 Byde, Charles 360 Byles, J. Barnard Inner Temple 105 Campbell, Duncan York Place, Highbury Terrace 127 Campbell, Capt Leigh Street, Burton Crescent 285 Capel, James Russell Square 537 Capel, John Russell Square 700 Cancellor, J. H Upper Gower Street 395 Caslon, William 75 Castillo, Le Chev. de . . North Crescent 535 Cavell, John Gray's Inn Place 13 Chambers, J. E J udd Street 90 Chambre, Thomas Nottingham Place 54 Champion, Percival .... Russell Square 98 Chawner, Thomas Guilford Street 160 Chetham, Capt. Sir Edw. Burton Crescent 683 Child, RohQxi( late) 103 Chilton, George Temple 109 Christopher, George .... Great Ormond Street 37 Churchill, Charles Seymour Place 437 Clark, Charles Burton Street 3 Clark, Thomas William . . Burton Street 243 Clarke, John Serle Street 85 Clarke, J. C Q5 Clarke, N. R Upper Bedford Place 325 Clarke, William W 631 Clayton, John 304 Clement, J. T Bucklersbury 225 Clissold, Rev. H 629 Clode, George Gordon Place 262 Clowes, J. Ellis Brunswick Square 112 Coates, Thomas ) r- i ' t t^- u 89 Coates, Thomas \ ^'"<=°'" ' '"" fields 93 Cole, George Ailesbury 484 Cole, C. N Furnival's Inn 539 Cole, H. W Chancery Lane 371 Coles, John Harper Street 533 Collyer, J. N Queen Square 356 Comyn, E. R Mecklenburgh Square 88 Cooke, Thomas King Street, Holborn 129 Cooper, E. P Lincoln's Inn 76 Cope, Thomas Gordon Street 425 Copp, John Fleet Street 286 Cornwall, Thomas Soley Terrace, Pentonville 107 Cotton, Henry Great Queen Street 154 Coulthurst, W. M Gr. George Street, Westm. ^5Q Coventry, Thomas Tavistock Square 582 Cowie, Dr. M. B Mecklenburgh Street List of Proprietors. 5 No. 590 Cranage, John Tavistock Square 84 Crickitt, T. L 190 Cropper, J. A South Square, Gray's Inn 125 Crump, Frederic Great Coram Street 375 Cuerton, Charles Bedford Row 576 Cundy, J. W Tavistock Place 87 Curling, Daniel Custom House 100 Cavelje, Thomas Southampton Buildings 148 Dally, Francis 374 Danvers, John (late) .. . 553 Darke, S. W Red Lion Square 429 Darling, Dr. George. . . . Russell Square 554 Davie, William (late) 330 Davies, George Tavistock Square 137 Day, Thomas Montague Street 134 Dealtry, Peregrine Bedford Square 496 Delafite, Rev. H. (late) . 544 Delarue, J. M 490 Denison, Thomas Tavistock Place 273 Denton, Henry Lincoln's Inn 122 Derby, Cobbett George Street, Portman Sq. 102 Deverell, John Montague Place 92 Devon, Earl of Chapel Street, Grosvenor Sq. 530 De Zoete, S. H Gower Street 126 Dickinson, William fZa^e^ 118 Dietrichsen, Lionel Oxford Street 536 Dobinson, J. G Gray's Inn Square 121 Dollman, Edward Seymour Place North 132 Donaldson, James Bloomsbury Square 542 Donaldson, Stuart Tavistock Square 551 Doughty, Ralph 139 Doxatt, Lewis 136 Drew, Walter Gower Street 216 Dryden, C. B 23, Lincoln's Inn Fields 669 Duckworth, Samuel, M. P. Woburn Place 133 Duncan, J. S 22 Easthope, John, M.P. . . 556 Ebden, J. W 187 Eckett, Robert Hadlow Street 131 Edgcombe, Mrs Southgate 327 Edwards, Hugh Great Coram Street 144 Edwards, John 329 Enfield, Edward Russell Square 614 Entwistle, Thomas 640 Evans, Charles Compton Street East 230 Evans, John Inner Temple 140 Eves, George 6 List of Proprietors, No. 331 Eyton, John (late) .... 658 Falcon, Maitland Kirkcudbris^ht 192 Farden, Mrs Great James Street 671 Farrar, Thomas Wokingham, Berkshire 324 Farrar, Henry fMawa^rer J Gray's Inn 477 Farrar, Frederick Doctors Commons 633 Farrar, Francis Tavistock Place 159 Farrer, William Loxham Lincoln's Inn Fields 559 Fearn, Joseph 659 Fellows, Charles Russell Square 1 62 Fenn, Thomas Burton Street 35 Fernandez, Peregrine . . . Lamb's Conduit Street 146 Few, Charles Henrietta St. Covent Garden 367 Few, Robert Doughty Street 626 Finden, Thomas Barron House, Mitcham 150 Fisher, J. W 435 Fisher, Dr. Thomas .... CoombeWood, near Kingston 650 Fisk, George 567 Flanders, William Upper Woburn Place 675 Flather, John Lincoln's Inn 385 Fowler, Charles Gordon Square 204 Fox, Charles Soley Terrace, Pentonville 442 Fox, E. B Montague Place 632 France, Thomas Upper Bedford Place 686 Francklin, M. N Lombard Street 147 Fraser, Alexander Great Coram Street 557 Frere, George Bedford Square x 234 Frend, William Tavistock Square 394 Froude, William Lincoln's Inn Fields 514 Gale, Samuel Judd Place West 95 Gamlen, Thomas Furnival's Inn 294 Gardner, Robert 5Q6 Garland, J. B 308 Garnet, Robert Bernard Street 173 Gaselee,SirStephen,V.P. Montague Place 591 Geldard, Richard Albany Street 183 Gemmell, William 266 Gibbes, Thomas Tavistock Place 170 Gibbins, J. P ; . . . Mornington Crescent 178 Gibson, James 525 Gillett, John Tavistock Street, Bedford Sq. 188 Gloucester, the Duke of (late) 242 Glover, William Tavistock Place 691 Gooden, James Tavistock Square 176 Goulding, Miss Newman Street 191 Gower, John List of Proprietors. 1 No. 1 17 Graef, J. G Southampton Place 175 Grane, George Hampstead b^5 Grane, William Bedford Row 287 Grane, W. J Bedford Row 174 Grant, Rev. Johnson . , . Kentish Town 31 1 Grant, Dr. Klein Bernard Street 695 Gray, G. M Staple's Inn 180 Gray, Simon Mornington Crescent 569 Green, William 1 85 Greenhill, Edward 568 Grey, William (late) . . . 415 Grimble, William Distillery, Albany Street 504 Grubb, Edward Lincoln's Inn 404 Gwynne, Thomas Somerset Place 212 Hallam, Henry, F.R.S.. Wimpole Street 196 Hamilton, Colonel James 203 Hanbury, W. Lunn .... Gunnersbury 197 Hand, Robert 574 Hannam, Thomas ...... Middlesex Place,Lisson Grove 508 Hancock, John 682 Harman, Pettus Guilford Street 674 Harrison, George 689 Harrison, H. A Burton Street 199 Harrison, Paul (late) . . 123 Harrison, W. T. Jun. . . Doughty Street 573 Hartley, William ^00 Hartnell, John Burton Crescent 382 Harvey, R. S Queen Ann St. Cavendish Sq. 220 Harvey, William 302 Hasker, Mrs Tavistock Place 672 Haslewood, William 224 Hathorn, George Brunswick Square 26 Hayes, Joseph 281 Heath, Henry Hunter Street 625 Heath, James (late). . . . 357 Hedge, Edward Park Village East 79 Helps, F. A North Brixton 579 Hendrie, William Crescent Place 156 Henriques, D. Q Woburn Square 667 Henriques, J. G Upper Woburn Place 231 Henry, Charles 236 Hensley, J.J Tavistock Square 619 Hewitt, Benj. B Upper Seymour Street 497 Hewlett, Rev. John B.D. Hunter Street 575 Hibbert, John Great Ormond Street 434 Hibbert, John, Jun Great Ormond Street 23 Hicks, Leonard .... ... Gray's Inn 8 List of Proprietors. No. 213 Hill, CD 586 Hill, James B Lamb's Conduit Place 58 Hill, John Great Coram Street 158 Hill, Rowland Burton Crescent 448 Hinxman, John Great Russell Street 198 Hoare, P. R 584 .Holdsworth, John Tottenham Court Road 161 Holm, H. H Norton Street 290 Holme, Brian Brunswick Square 562 Hone, Nathaniel 507 Hooke, Benjamin Bernard Street 201 Hoppner, Lascelles 572 Hoppus, Rev. John .... Alfred Place 593 Houseman, John, Jun... Woburn Place 200 Howard, William Bayswater 300 Hue, Dr. C Guilford Street 53 Hughes, George Lavender Hill, Wandsworth 607 Hull, W. W Tavistock Square [Road 27 Hulme, R. P 571 Hume, Joseph Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Sq. 34 Hume, J. D Russell Square 214 Humphrys, H. J. (late) 583 Hunter, David 673 Hunter, John 679 Hunter, Robert, F. R. S. (Manager) Burton Crescent 223 Hurle, Henry (late) 165 Imrie, William Savill Row 272 Ingram, Rev. J. R Woburn Square 15 Jackson, Richard 588 James, Thos. (Manager) Burton Crescent 205 James, T. A Burton Crescent 332 Jenkins, Fielder Woburn Place 195 Jenkyns, John Red Lion Square 670 Jeremy, George, Jun. .. Guilford Street 184 Johnstone, George ..... Tavistock Square 120 Jones, J. W Stonesfield Street, Islington 245 Jones, Mrs. (late) 681 Joplin, Thomas Montague Street 222 Jortin, John Charlotte Street, Bedford Sq. 239 Jowett, Joshua 474 Joy, George John Street, Pentonville 248 Kay, Joseph Gower Street 349 Kay, W. P Gower Street 534 Kilgour, George Woburn Place 246 King, James Tavistock place 228 Knight, John. Upper Gordon Street List of Proprietors. 9 No. 247 Knight, Admiral Sir John (late) 251 Lambe, Dr. W King's Road 114 Lambert, G. T. (late) .. 473 Lammin, James Euston Square 282 Lane, Samuel Greek Street, Soho 142 Lane, John Keppel Street 275 Lansdowne, the Marquis of, V. P Lansdowne House 445 Larpent, George . , 421 Latham, Henry Hunter Street 270 Lawes, Mr. Serjeant Blackheath 369 Lawrence, Charles Pinner 408 Leach, Thomas Russell Square 316 Legh, Rev. Edm. D Southampton St. Bloomsbury 595 Legrew, J. L. (late). . . . [Square 263 Leonard, William Vernon Place 265 Le Sonef, John Addle Street 157 Levien, L Robert Street 597 Levisque, Peter Guilford Street 617 Levys, P 592 Lewis, John (Manager) . Southampton Place 91 Lewis, William (late) . . 642 Lewis, B Verulam Buildings 145 Lewis, William Woburn Place 253 Lievesley, Morris, Jun. . . Foundling Hospital 303 Lloyd, E. A Bedford Row 269 Lloyd, W. H Park Square West 359 Lloyd, John Upper Woburn Place 141 Locock, Henry Myddelton Square 468 Lord, Wm. Hind Brunswick Square 598 Lousada, J. B Brussels 260 Lowe, J. W Lincoln's Inn 261 Lowe, William Montague Street 257 Lynch, W. D Great Russell Street 264 Lyon, J. W Belgrave Square 227 Macdougall, John 293 Macintyre, James J Muswell Hill 608 Mackenzie, Alexander . . Southampton Place 517 Mackenzie, George .... Claremont Row, Pentonville 152 Mackenzie, Henry Claremont Row, Pentonville 531 Mackenzie, Roderick ... Hunter Street 241 Mackintosh, R. Duncan . 306 Maclean, Donald 610 M'Cormick, William. . . . Upper Gower Street 529 Mac Rae, Ivie Hare Tokenhouse Yard 609 M'CuIlum, John Gordon Place 10 List of Proprietors. No. 454 M'Culloch, William Upper Bedford Place 309 M'Donoui^h, William ... Tavistock Place 268 M'Gill, James Euston Place 297 Mallett, J. L Somerset Place 30 Mann, J. H Kentish Town 620 March, John 552 Margetts, John Hunter Street 44 Marks, Edmund, jiin. ... Euston Square 210 Marshall, James Abbey Road, St. John's Wood 194 Marshall, W. S Russell Square 49 Martin, John Lincoln's Inn 611 Martinez, S. G CumberlandTerrace, Regent's 602 Mathews, J. H Temple [Park 104 Mawley, Charles Bloomsbury Square 635 Maynard, Joseph Keppel Street 494 May, Thomas Baker .... Lincoln's Inn 699 Maynard, Henry 540 Mayou, John Judd Place East 444 Mead, J. C Keppel Street 284 Meagoe, Henry Mortimer Street 135 Merivale, J. H. F.R.S... Woburn Place 128 Meux, Thomas Bloomsbury Square 12 Middleton, William Lamb's Conduit Street 307 Mieville, A. A Russell Square 209 Miles, Frederick Henrietta Street 1 19 Miles, John Watford 606 Mills, Benjamin Park Village 639 Mills, John Great Russell Street 389 Mills, Joseph Great Russell Street 637 Mills, Samuel Russell Square 628 Milroy, Dr Norton Street 577 Milward, George Gordon Square 1 8 Mocatta, Abraham Woburn Place 169 Mocatta, A. L Russell Square 310 Mocatta, Moses Russell Square 259 Molyneux, Henry Southampton Row 215 Montefiore, Moses, jun. . Torrington Square 295 Mordaunt, George 301 Morgan, C. R Upper 'Bedford Place 615 Moxon, Henry Temple 298 Murdoch, Thomas 358 Murrietta, Christobel de. . Tavistock Square 499 Myatt, William Upper Grafton Street 252 Nares, E. P. (late) 313 Natt, Thomas Gloucester Place 314 Nelson, J. W Mecklenburgh Square 351 Nelson, R. A Gray's Inn Square List uf Proprietors. 11 No. * 532 Nelson, Thomas W Great Coram Street 612 Nesbitt, John Mincing Lane 97 Niblock, Rev. Dr Tavistock Place North 9 Nicolas, Sir Harris Torrington Square 315 Northage, William 613 Norton, J. D Lincoln's Inn 322 Ogle, Richard 680 Oliver, William Hamilton Place 362 Pacey, John Temple 555 Padley, Paul Frederick Street 336 Page, Samuel High Holborn 339 Paine, John Red Lion Square 319 Paull, A 538 Peachey, James Brunswick Square 328 Pensam, John Gower Street 678 Perring, Rev. Charles. . . Torrington Square 560 Perring, Philip Torrington Square 86 Perkins, T. L Lamb's Conduit Street 335 Perry, John Gray's Inn 618 Petit, L. H Lincoln's Inn 345 Phelps, William Montague Place 341 Phillips, Henry New Bond Street 342 Phillips, Charles New Bond Street 348 Phillips, Sir George Mount Street 354 Phillips, Thomas Brunswick Square 648 Philp, Thomas Albion Place 258 Pilcher, Jeremiah Russell Square 172 Pinckard, G. H Great Russell Street 221 Pinckard, Henry Great Russell Street 68 Pitcher, J. H Queen Square 622 Pitman, G.J 596 Piatt, William Temple 541 Playfair, Andrew Gibson Square, Islington 355 Plumer, T. H Examiner's Office 101 Porter, Thomas Euston Square 563 Povah, Rev. John Newington Green 350 Powell, James Great Coram Street 337 Praed, W. T Fleet Street 696 Presland, T. P 446 Pretty, William Mabledon Place 338 Prickett, George Seymour Place 240 Radley, John Lamb's Conduit Place 387 Rashleigh, Philip Temple 364 Ray, Robert 365 Rayer, William 36 Reid, James Bloomsbury Square 370 Reid, Mrs Grenville Street 12 List of Proprietors, No, 657 Reid, Thomas Regent Street 391 Rew, John Tavistock Square 380 Rhodes, Thomas Muswell Hill 623 Richardson, James 550 Richmond, Christopher (late) 219 Riding, Dr. R Euston Square 646 Risdon, John Lansdowne Place 585 Robarts, H. P Everett Street 323 Roberts, Mrs. (late) 386 Robertson, Colin' Welbeck Street 149 Robertson, George Doughty Street 512 Robins, J. W Kentish Town 624 Robinson, Charles (late) 601 Roe, John France 372 Roget, Dr. P. M. F.R.S. (Manager) Bernard Street 366 Romilly, Cuthbert (late) 55 Ronalds, Charles Gray's Inn Square 515 Ross, M Great Russell Street 694 Rowe, Malhias AVoburn Place 627 Ryan, J. R 581 Sadler, Joseph Gordon Place 636 Sale, R. C. Surrey Street 392 Salt, J. S Russell Square 189 Salt, W. T Russell Square 78 Salter, William Charlton Street 166 Sandell, H. W Chichester Place 151 Sanders, R. B Hart Street, Bloomsbury 677 Sandys, Sampson Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street 419 Satchwell, Mrs Great Portland Street 254 Savage, J. H Gower Street 638 Savage, W. H Gower Street 368 Scargill, John Burton Crescent 413 Scarlett, Hon. R.C.,M. P. Park Street, Westminster 409 Schrieber, Charles 401 Scott, Robert 343 Scott, William Lansdowne Place 108 Scrimgeour, R. S Powis Place 644 Searle, A. V. D Windham Club House 687 Service, Andrew Bedford Place, Bloomsbury 431 Sewell, T. H Clarendon Square 433 Sewell, William Veterinary College 426 Shadwell, Charles Canterbury Villas, MaidaVale 73 Sharp, James Tavistock Square 124 Shaw, T. G Grenville Street 420 Shaw, Samuel List of Proprietors . 13 No. 66 Shaw, William King's Road 407 Shearman, Dr. W. . Northampton Square 651 Shearman, Miss M Euston Place 340 Shearman, William .... Euston Place 513 Sheldon, Solomon Woburn Place 422 Sheldon, William 206 Shepard, R. J Tavistock Square 406 Sherwin, (Mrs. Hewson) Woburn Place 483 Shipster, G. F Great James Street 321 Shore, George Guilford Street 1 1 Sikes, Henry Clapton 452 Skair, Alexander Camden Town 424 Slaughter, Mihill Heathcote Street 8 Smith, E. Osborne .... Tavistock Place 60 Smith, Henry Torrington Square 423 Smith, John 580 Smith, John (late) 457 Smith, John Henry .... Gower Street 416 Smith, Joseph, F.R.S. . . Gray's Inn 417 Smith, Maurice 393 Smith, Samuel 291 Smith, T. G Montague Street 492 Smith, Thomas H Liverpool Street 346 Smith, W. H Woburn Square 10 Smith, William Wyke . . Southampton Street 233 Smyth, Hen. C Albion Street, Hyde Park 547 Smyth, L. C Frederick Street 99 Sneath, James (late) . . 411 Solly, Richard H. F.R S. Great Ormond Street 153 Somerviile, J. F Dindee House, Wells 545 Spearman, H. J Balcombe House, Sussex 436 Speidell, Rev. Thomas . . 697 Spencer, Rev. Peter .... High Holborn 405 Spencer, Thomas 155 Spencer, W. S. (late). . 288 Spinks, Frederick John Street 333 Spooner, Thomas Hornsey 418 Squire, James 249 Stafford, Robert Smith Square, Westminster 502 Stanfeld, Thomas Wolrich Fitzroy Square 399 Stanger, James Cumberland 438 Starkey, J. C Nantwich, Cheshire 685 Steele, James Bernard Street 666 Stephenson, Daniel .... Guilford Street 600 Stewart, Dr. L Keppel Street 634 Stockfleth, J. D 441 Stodart, George Russell Square 14 List of Proprietors, No. 643 Storks, Mr. Serjeant fi»/a- nager) Gower Street 41 Straight, Samuel Bedford Place 403 Strickland, H. S 548 Stroud, Dr. William. . . . Great Coram Street 509 Stuart, William Frederick Street 428 Sugden, Henry Lincoln's Inn Fields 179 Symonds, John Great Coram Street 28 Tagart, C. T New Ormond Street 312 Tait, WiUiam Upper Gower Street 397 Tatham, T. J Bedford Place 25 Taunton, J. C Hatton Garden 663 Taverner, Lewin Gray's Inn 450 Tayler, Rev. Thos. (late) 427 Taylor, Edgar Bedford Row 168 Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth.. Grafton Street 388 Tennant, Charles Russell Square 16 Tenterden, Lord Portman Square Q55 Thackeray, Joseph .... Clarendon Street 616 Theobald, John Camden Cottages 208 Thiselton, Aug. M Goodge Street 605 Thomas, C. Smith Cambridge Terrace, Edgware 463 Thompson, William Torrington Square [Road 217 Thompson, Dr.Theophilus Keppel Street 326 Thompson, Thomas .... Tavistock Square 647 Thomson, William 443 Thornton, John Ravensboum Terrace, Lewis- 430 Thornton, Gen. William Grosvenor Gate [ham 447 Tims, John 292 Tippets, J. B 440 Tooke, A. William Russell Square 645 Tripp, George Sidmouth Street 74 Tripp, R. S Lincoln's Inn 460 Trower, George Russell Square 237 TurnbuU, Dr. Alexander Russell Square 432 Turner, Edward Beech Hill 451 Turner, Frederick Bloomsbury Square 218 Tweedie, Dr. Alexander Montague Place 19 Tyas, J. H 456 Tyndal, G. B 630 Tyrie, J. G Great Coram Street 461 Valentine, Francis Keppel Street 72 Valpy, A. J Sussex Place, Regent's Park 464 Vaux, Edward Upper Montague Street 684 Vernell, James Tavistock Square 177 Viesseux, Andrew Godfrey Cottage, Downshire 80 Uhthoff, Henry [Hill List of Proprietors. J 5 No. 70 Upcroft, J. M Salisbury Place 561 Ure, Dr. F.R.S Charlotte Street, Bedford Sq. 116 Uwins, Dr. David (late) 469 Walford, Richard Woburn Place 363 Walford, Frederick Woburn Place 138 Walford, J. B Woburn Place 377 Walford, J. G Custom House 485 Walker, Charles Ludlow Waller, N Hart Street, Bloomsbury Wallop, William Winchester Place, Pentonville Walne, D. H Bloomsbury Square Walton, William (late) Ward, W. T Berners Street Ware, Samuel Gray's Inn Ware, Martin Bridge Street, Blackfriars Warner, John Temple Warren, Mrs Bedford Scjuare Wastell, William (late) Waters, E. T Wathen, G. H Euston Square Watson, Mrs Marchmont Street Watson, A. K Temple Watson, G. B Denmark Hill Way, J. H Melton Street, Euston Square Welbank, John , . West, D Egremont Place, New Road West, Thomas , Southampton Place Western, Edward Caroline Place, Mecklenburgh 476 Weston, Ambrose Highbury Place [Square 621 Whishaw, James, F.S.A. Woburn Place 466 Whishaw, Henry Woburn Place 488 Whitehurst, Thomas. . . . Woodford, Essex Whitehurst, Charles .... Nine Elms, Surrey Whitmarsh, Francis, Jun. Guilford Street Wilbraham, Edward. . . . Lincoln's Inn Wilkins, William Wilkinson, Dr. Abraham Wilkinson, G. H Wilkinson, J. J Seymour Place Wilkinson, M. E Wilhams, Dr. R Bedford Place WilHamson, James .... Hunter Street Williamson, John Guilford Street Willett, R. H Wilson, J.J Northampton Square 482 Wilson, Lieut.-Col. (late) 641 Wilson, Thomas Burton Street 16 Lht of Proprietors, No. 486 Wingfield, R. B Temple 40 Winslow, Edward Torrington Square 381 Winstanley, R. (late) .. 207 Winthrop, Benjamin Upper Bedford Place 459 Witts, B. P. (Manager) Brunswick Square 522 Woodhouse, H. W Regent Square 94 Woodhouse, Richard . . . Torrington Square 276 Wooldridge, James 19, Regent St. Waterloo PI. 498 Woodward, Corbett .... Furnival's Inn 495 Worhman, C. H 692 Wornum, Robert Camden Street 278 Worthington, Charles . . 604 Wren, William Weld . . . Tavistock Place 274 Wright, C. T 167 Wyllie, William Castlebar House 164 Wynne, Rev. John .... Bedford Row 546 Yarker, Robert 501 Yates, Joseph 458 Yatman, William Great Russell Street 453 Young, G. A Harper Street 500 Young, R. M Great Ormond Street 7 Zieltzke, Miss Hampstead l^onotarg Life ^zmUt%.* Baker, John Torrington Square Hunter, Jamieson Mecklenburgh Square Seeker, J. O Temple Townsend, John Great Marlow * The other persons named under this head, in the last Printed List, have ceased to be Members, from having discontinued the payment of the Annual Subscription. i SECOND APPENDIX CATALOGUE OF -^ THE LIBRARY RUSSEI.I. INSTITUTION, CLASSED AND ARRANGED BY EDWARD WEDLAKE BRAYLEY, F.S.A., &c., &c. LONDON: JAQUES AND SON, PRINTERS, 30. KENTON STREET, BRUNSWICK SQUARE. I 1843. flC^ ^'^t^ '^ ' *f /■ THE RUSSELL INSTITUTION: JULY 1st, 1843. ^patron. His Grace the DUKE oj BEDFORD. The Right Hon. LORD JOHN RUSSELL, M.P. The marquess of LANSDOWNE, K.G. The earl of DEVON, D.C.L. LORD SOUTHAMPTON. Right Hon. LORD ABINGER, D.C.L. Mr. SERJEANT STORKS. HENRY THOMAS HOPE, Esq. Crufitetjg. RIGHT HON. LORD ABINGER. THOMAS JAMES, ESQ. MR. SERJEANT STORKS. HENRY FARRAR, ESQ. IHanagerji. JOHN BRITTON, ESQ. F.S.A. THOMAS JAMES, ESQ. HENRY FARRAR, ESQ. JOHN LEWIS, ESQ. CHARLES FOWLER, ESQ. P. M. ROGET, M.D. Sec. R.S. ROBERT HUNTER, ESQ. F.R.S. JAMES WHISHAW, ESQ. F.S.A. Committ«. DR. REID. THOMAS GIBBES, ESQ. EDW. WILBRAHAM, ESQ. Q.C. B. P. WITTS, ESQ. W. F. BOTELER, ESQ. Q.C. JOHN FLATHER, ESQ. DR. RIDING. H. C. ROBINSON, ESQ. F.S.A. MR. SERJEANT GLOVER. DR. STROUD. HENRY SMITH, ESQ. S. S. WIGG, ESQ. REV. DR. HOPPUS, F.R.S. CLAUDE PERRING, ESQ. RICH. H. SOLLY, ESQ., F.R.S. GEO. H. PINCKARD, ESQ. ^tcxtt^v^ antJ librarian. EDWARD WEDLAKE BRAYLEY, F.S.A., &c., &c. ^^^isltant. MR. ROBERT DALY WALKER. GZSN'ERAX. ARRANGSMBNT. Page Divinity, including Ecclesiastical History y Sfc, . . 1 — 3 Classical, &c 3 — 4 Geographical, including Topography, ^c 4 — 10 History, including State Papers, Political Eco- nomy, Sfc 10 — 14 Biography, including Historical Memoirs .... 14 — 19 Science and Art, including Fine Arts, Law, Physics, ^c 19 — 25 Poetry and the Drama 25 — 27 Miscellaneous, including Tracts, Essays, <^c. . . 28 — 31 Novels, Romances, and Tales 32 — 33 Periodical Publications, Encyclopcedias, Cata- logues, Gray's (Mrs. Hamilton) Tour to the Sepulchres of Etru- ria, in 1839 1810 Gray's (Capt. Geo.) Journals of Two Expeditions in North- west and Western Australia, in 1837 — 39, 2 vols 1841 Gurney's (Joseph J.) Winter in the West Indies 1841 Harris's (Capt. Wm. Cornwallis) Wild Sports of Southern Africa 1839 Hawkins' (Dr. Bissel) Notes and Reflections during a Ram- ble in Germany 1826 Head's (Sir George) Home Tour through the Manufac- turing Districts of England, in 1835 183G Home Tour through Various Parts of the United Kingdom, with Memoirs of the Writer as an Assistant Commissary-General in the Peninsula . . 1837 Hood's (Thos.) Up the Rhine 1840 Howitt's (Wm.) Visits to Remarkable Places, Old Halls, Battle Fields, and Scenes Illustrative of Striking Pas- sages in English History and Poetry 1840 Inglis's (H. D.) Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote 1837 Tyrol, with a Glance at Bavaria, 3rd edit. 1837 Journey through Norway, Part of Sweden, and the Islands and States of Denmark Edin., 1829 Innes's (Wm.) Liberia, or Colony of Free Negroes on the Coast of Africa Edin., 1831 Ireland's (Samuel) Picturesque Views on the River Thames, 2 vols 1799 Isle of Wight, History of the Neiuport, 1795 . Guide to the, by Thos. Brettell 1840 Jameson's (Mrs.) Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada, 3 vols 1838 GEOGRAPHICAL, kc, Jocelyii's (Lord) Six Months with the Chinese Expedition 1841 Keith's (Sir G. Mouat) Voyage to South America and the Cape of Good Hope, 4to 1819 Kenned}' 's (Wm.) Republic of Texas; its Rise, Progress, and Prospects, 2 vols 1841 Kinnear's (John) Cairo, Petra, and Damascus, in 1839 ; with Remarks on the Government of Mehemet Ali .... 1841 Laing's (Samuel) Tour in Sweden, in 1838 1839 Notes of a Traveller on the Social and Political Character of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, &c. during the present Century 1842 Lantier's (Mons. E. F.) Travels of Antenor in Greece and Asia, with Notes by the Translator, 3 vols 1799 Lawes's (Edw.) Scamper through Italy and the Tyrol, in 1841 . .(Presented by the Author) 1842 Ledyard's (John) Travels in Russia, Siberia, and Africa, 2nd edit 1834 ^Londonderry, Ordnance Survey of the County of, un- der the Superintendence of Colonel Colby, Vol. i. 4to. Dublin, 1837 M'Culloch's (J. R.) Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, 2 vols 1841 — 42 Mackenzie's (Chas.) Notes on Haiti, made in 1826 — 28, 2 vols 1830 Madden's (Dr. R. R.) Twelvemonth's Residence in the West Indies, during the Transition from Slavery to Apprenticeship, 2 vols 1835 Manchester, Panorama of, and Railway Companion .... 1834 Marryat's (Capt.) Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institutions, 3 vols 1839 Martin's (R. Montgomery) History of Upper and Lower Canada 1836 Martineau's (Miss Harriet) Retrospect of Western Travels, 3 vols 1838 Medhurst's (Rev. W. H.) China ; its State and Prospects 1838 Mitchell's (Major T. L.) Three Expeditions into the Inte- rior of Eastern Australia, with Descriptions of the re- cently-explored Region of Australia Felix, and the present Colony of New South Wales, 2 vols 1838 8 GEOGRAPHICAL, &c. Murray's (Hon. Chas. Augustus) Travels in North Ame- rica, from 1834 to 1836, including a Summer Residence with the Pawnee Tribe of Indians, and a Visit to Cuba and the Azores Islands, 2 vols 1839 Murray's (Hugh) British America, comprehending Ca- nada, Upper and Lower, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas, and the Fur Countries, &c. 3 vols Edin., 1839 Neale's (Dr. Adam) Travels in Germany, Poland, Mol- davia, and Turkey, 4to 1818 Oliver's (Stephen) Rambles in Northumberland and on the Scottish Border 1835 Outram's (Major James) Rough Notes of the Campaign in Sinde and AfFghanistan, in 1838 — 9 (Presented by the Author) 1840 Paget's (John) Hungary and Transylvania, 2 vols 1839 Pardoe's (Miss) City of the Magyar, or Hungary and her Institutions, in 1839 — 40, 3 vols 1840 Parish's (Sir Woodbine) Buenos Ayres, and the Provinces of Rio de la Plata 1839 Parry's (Capt.Wm. E.) First Voyage in 1819—20, Sup- plement to, 4to 1824 Pennant's (Thos.) Journey from Chester to London .... 1811 Polack's (J. S.) New Zealand, being a Narrative of Travels and Adventures in that Country, between the Years 1831 and 1837, 2 vols 1838 Postan's (Mrs.) Cutch ; or Random Sketches in Western India , 1838 Rail-road iana, or Sketches of the Vicinity of the London and Birmingham Railway 1838 Ramond's (Mons. L.) Voyages au Mont Perdu et dans la Partie Adjacente des Hautes-Pyrenees a Paris, 1801 Rigby's (Miss) Residence on the Shores of the Baltic, 2 vols 1841 Ruschenberger's [W. S. W.) Voyage round the World, in the Years 1835—37, 2vols 1838 Russell's (Rev, Dr. M.) Polynesia, or an Historical Ac- count of the Principal Islands in the South Sea, in- cluding New Zealand Edin., 1842 GEOGRAPHICAL, &c. 9 Saint Fond's (B. Faujas) Travels in England, Scotland and the Hebrides, 2 vols. 1799 Sandys's (George) Journey to Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Land, Italy, &c., in 1610, &c., folio, 3rd edit 1627 Scandinavia, see Crichton, «^c., Geog Schomburgk's (Robert H.) Description of British Guiana, Geographical and Statistical 1840 Sedgwick's (Miss) Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home, 2 vols 1841 Sinclair's (Catherine) Shetland and the Shetlanders, or the Northern Circuit 1840 Sorbiere's (Mons.) Voyage to England, with Memoirs of his Life 1709 Spencer's (Edmund) Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartary, &c., in 1836, 2 vols., 2nd edit 1838 Travels in the Western Caucasus, in 1836, 2 vols 1838 Stephens's (John L.) Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land, in 1836, 3rd edit., 2 vols. 1838 Incidents, &c. in Greece, Turkey, Rus- sia, and Poland, in 1835 1839 Incidents, &c., in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, in 1839, 2 vols 1841 Incidents, &c., in Yucatan, in 1841 — 42, 2 vols 1843 Stockdale's (J.J.) Sketches of the Island of Java, 2nd edit. 1812 Traill's (Professor T. S.) Physical Geography Edin., 1838 Trollope's (Mrs. Frances) Vienna and the Austrians, 2 vols. 1838 Visit to Italy, in 1841, 2 vols 1842 Turnbuirs (P. E.) Austria, 2 vols. . . o 1840 Von Wrangell's (Admiral Ferdinand) Expedition to the Polar Sea, in 1820 — 1823, edited by Major Sabine . . 1840 Venables' (Rev. R. Lister) Domestic Scenes in Russia, in 1837—38 1839 Vieusseux's (Andrew) Italy and the Italians in the Eighteenth Century, 2 vols. 2nd edit 1824 Vigne's (G. T.) Personal Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan, and of a Residence at the Court of Dost Mahomed, &c 1840 c 10 HISTORY, &c. Von Raumer's (Fredk.) Italy and the Italians, 2 vols. . . 1840 Urquhart's (D.) Spirit of the East, Illustrated in a Jour- nal of Travels through Roumeli, 2 vols 1838 Weatherhead's (Dr. G. Hume) Pedestrian Tour through France and Italy (Presefited by the Author) 1834 Webb's (Daniel C.) Four Excursions in Great Britain, in 1810 and 1811, viz. from London to the Land's End, Cornwall, — to Lancaster, — to Edinburgh, — and to Swansea 1812 Willis's (Browne) Survey of St. Asaph, considerably en- larged, &c., by the Rev. Edward Edwards, 2 vols. . . 1801 Wood's (Lieut. John) Journey to the Source of the River Oxus, by the Route of the Indus, Kabul, and Badakh- shan, in the Years 1836—8 1841 *Wordsworth's (Rev. Dr. Christopher) Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical 1840 HISTORir, due. Ancient and Modern; including State Papers, Trials, Political Economy, and Memoirs^ Alison's (Archibald) History of Europe, from the Com- mencement of the French Revolution, in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815, 10 vols. . . . 1838 — 41 • Principles of Population, and their Connection with Human Happiness, 2 vols 1840 Ancell's (Samuel) Journal of the Blockade and Siege of Gibraltar, from 12th of September 1779, to March 10th 1783, 4th edit Cork, 1793 Arnold's (Dr. Thos.) Introductory Lectures on Modern History Oxford, 1842 Asiatic Researches, (reprint) 11 vols 1800 — 1811 Bastile, History of the ; and of the French Revolution, Man in the Iron Mask, &c 1790 Beatson's (Dr. Robert) Chronological Register of both Houses of the British Parliament from the Union in 1708 to 1807, 3 vols 1807 Beaumont's (Gustave de) Ireland ; Social, Political, and Religious, 2 vols., edited by W. C. Taylor, L.L.D. . . 1839 HISTORY, &c. 11 Bj6rnstjerna*s (Count) British Empire in the East 1840 Borrow's (George) ZincaH, or an Account of the Gypsies of Spain, 2 vols 1841 Bible in Spain, 3 vols 1843 Brougham's, (Henry, Lord) Speeches upon Questions relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests, with Historical Introductions, &c., 4 vols 1838 Burton's (Thos.) Diary of the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard Cromwell, from 1656 to 1659, with an Intro- duction containing an Account of the Parliament of 1654, from the Journal of GuibonGoddard, Esq., edited, with Notes, &c., by John Towill Rutt, 4 vols 1823 Byron (Lord Wm.) Trial of, in 1765, for the Murder of Wm. Chaworth 1765 Cantemir's (Prince Demetrius) History of the Growth and Decay of the Othman Empire, that is, from the Year 1300 to 1711, translated by the Rev. N. Tindal, fol.. . 1734 Carlyle's (Thos.) Lectures on Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History 1841 on Chartism 1842 Clarke's (S. R.) Vestigia Anglicana, or Conversations on the History of England, 2 vols 1830 De Foe's (Daniel) Political History of the Devil, 3rd edit. 1734 Dodd's (Chas. R.) Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence 1842 Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, of Great Britain and Ireland 1842 Drinkwater's (Capt. John) History of the late Siege of Gibraltar, 3rd edit 1786 Dudley (Earl of) his Letters to the Bishop of LlandafF . . 1840 England, Pictorial History of, being a History of the People as well as of the Kingdom, 8 vols, in 4 ... .1837 — 41 Pictorial History of, during the Reign of George the Third, by George L. Craik and Charles Mac Farlane, 6 vols, in 3 1841 — 44 Englefield's (Sir Henry C.) Walk through Southampton 1801 Eyre's (Lieut. V.) Narrative of Events in Affghanistan . . 1843 Fonblanque's (Albany) England under Seven Adminis- trations, 3 vols 1837 12 HISTORY, &c. Germany, Social Life in, Illustrated in the Acted Dramas of Her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia of Saxony, translated by Mrs. Jameson, 2 vols 1840 Goodman's (Bishop Godfrey) Court of King James the First, now first published from the Original MSS., by John S. Brewer, M.A., 2 vols 1839 Gray's (Mrs. Hamilton) Sepulchres in Etruria in 1839. . 1840 Gray's (Simon) Happiness of States, &c. (Presented by the Author y) 4to 1839 All Classes Productive of National Wealth, &c. (Presented hij the Author) 1840 Gray versus Malthus, or the Principles of Population and Production Investigated (Presented by the Author) . . 1840 Guillim's (John) Display of Heraldrie, 4th edit., with Additions, by Francis Nower 1660 Haliburton's (James) Bubbles of Canada, 2nd edit 1839 Havelock's (Capt. Henry) Narrative of the War in AfF- ghanistan, 1838—9, 2 vols 1840 Hawkins's (Dr.Bisset) Germany; theSpiritof her History, Literature, Social Condition, and National Economy, illustrated &c. by Comparison with other Countries . . 1839 Head's (Sir Francis B.) Narrative of Proceedings in Up- per Canada in 1836 and 1837 1839 Heeren's (A. H. L.) Historical Researches into the Poli- tics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal Nations of Antiquity, — Greece — 1834 Hough's (Major W.) Narrative of the March and Opera- tions of the Army of the Indus, in the Expedition to Affghanistan, in the Years 1838 — 1839 (Presented by Thos. G. Hough, Esq.) 1841 Jocelyn's (Lord) Six Months with the Chinese Expedition, or Leaves from a Soldier's Note Book 1841 Johnson's (George W.) History of English Gardening, Chronological, Biographical, Literary, and Critical . . 1829 Keightley's (Thos.) Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy 1831 Lights and Shades of Military Life, by Count Alfred de Vigney, ahd M. Elzear Beaze; edited by Major-Gen. Sir Charles Napier, 2 vols 1840 HrSTORY, &c. 13 Lloreiite, (D. Jean Antoine) Histoire Critique de L'lnqui- sion d'Espagne, traduite par Alexis Pellier, 4 torn. a Paris, 1817 M*Culloch's (J. R.) Statistical Account of the British Empire, 2 vols 1837 Merivale's (Professor Herman) Lectures on Colonization and Colonies, 2 vols. . . . w 1841 Paget's (John) Hungary and Transylvania, with Remarks on their Condition, Social, Political and Economical, 2 vols 1839 Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 2nd edit., 3 vols. . .Edin., 1810 Prescott's (Wm. H.) Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, of Spain, 3 vols 1839 Public Records; — a Description of the Contents, Objects, and Uses of the Various Works, Printed by Authority of the Record Commission, for the Advancement of Historical and Antiquarian Knowledge 1821 Rose's (Thos.) HistoriaTechnica Anglicanae, a Systematic Arrangement of the Leading Events in English His- tory 1835 Royle's (Dr. J. F.) Essay on the Productive Resources of India 1840 Sale's (Lady) Journal of the Disasters in AfFghanistan, 1841—2 1843 Salmon's (Thos.) Chronological Historian, 2 vols. 3rd edit. 1747 Scott's (John Lee) Narrative of his Imprisonment in China after the Wreck of the Brig Kite 1841 Segur's (M. Le General Comte de) Histoire de Napoleon et de la Grande Armee pendant I'Annee 1812, 2 tom. 3ieme edit Paris, 1825 Sharpe's (Samuel) History of Egypt under the Ptolemies, 4to 1838 Smyth's (Professor Wm.) Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the Close of the American Revolution, 2 vols Cambridge, 1840 Spalding's (Wm.) Italy and the ItaHan Islands, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, 3 vols Edin., 1841 Stevenson's (W. B.) Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence in South America, 3 vols. 1825 14 BIOGRAPHY, &c. Swinburne's (Henry) Courts of Europe at the Close of the last Century, 2 vols 1841 Thiers' (M. A.) History of the French Revolution, trans- lated, with Notes and Illustrations, by Frederick Sho- berl, 5 vols 1838 Thomson's (Richard) Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John, zctionariss,z:ncvci.ofjedias, &.C. *Architecture and Archaeology of the MiddleAges(Britton) 1838 Arts, Manufactures, and Mines (Dr. Ure) 1839 Classical Dictionary (Lempriere's, enlarged) 1834 Geographical, Statistical, and Historical (M'Culloch) . . 1842 Greek and Roman Antiquities (Smith) 1842 Italien, Latin, et Francois (L'Abbe Antonini) 1743 Penny Cyclopaedia, 26 vols 1833 — 1843 CATAZ.OaUES. Bohn's (C. Henry) Catalogue {Presented by the Pub- lisher) 1841 Bohn's (James) Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Books {Presented by the Publisher) 1840 London Institution, Catalogue, systematically classed, {Presented by the Committee) 2 vols 1835 — 1840 Red-Cross Street Library, Dr. Williams's, {Presented by the Trustees) 2 vols 1841 GENERAL INDEX TO THE FIRST AND SECOND APPENDIXES TO Abercrombie's (Dr. John) Philosophy of the Moral Feelings . . Ackerman's (J. G.) Coins of the Romans relating to Britain . . Addison's (Chas. G.) Damascus and Palmyra Adolphus's (John) History of France Aikin's (Dr. John) Reign of George III Ainsworth's (Wm.) Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldaea Alison's (Archibald) History of Europe, from 1789 to 1815 ■ Principles of Population, and their Connection with Human Happiness America, Men and Manners in Ancell's (Sam.) Jom-nal of the Blockade and Siege of Gibraltar Anecdotes and Traditions, see Camden Society Angelo's (Henry) Reminiscences Anson, (Adml. Lord) Life of, by Sir John Barrow Anti-Jacobin, Poetry of the Antonini, (M. I'Abbe) Dictionnaire Italien, Latin, et Francois. . Arabian Tales New Aram, Eugene, Memoirs of, by Norrison Scatcherd Arcana of Science and Art Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry, translated by Twining, with Notes, &c Armstrong's (Dr. John) Island of Minorca Arnold's (Dr. Thos.) Lectures on Modern History Arnott's (Dr.) Treatise on Warming and Ventilation, and on the Thermometer Stove Arundale's (F.) Jerusalem and Mount Sinai Asiatic Researches Atlases, viz. Raynal's India, Cell's Rome and its Vicinity, United States, Walker's British, &c Atterbury's (Bishop) Sermons and Discourses Auber's (Peter) China Australia, The Friend of Australia, South, a Description of Austria and the Austrians Axel, a poem, from the Swedish — . . 25 Babbage's (Chas.) Ninth Bridgewater Treatise — .. 19 Back's (Capt.) Arctic Land Expedition 3 Bacon's (Lieut.) Sketches from Nature in Hindostan — Bage's (Rob.) Barham Downs 33 James Wallace 33 — Mount Henneth 33 — Firtt App. Second App. Page 14 Page 14 . . 4 8 . — 8 . — . 4 — . 10 . 10 3 . — . 10 . 28 11 . — . 14 20 . — .. 19 — . 32 — .. 33 . 14 14 . — . 3 — . 4 — . 10 .. 19 3 . . — . 10 3 — . 1 — . 8 — . 4 — . 4 36 GENERAL INDEX. First Second App. App. Page Page Baillie's (Mrs. Joanna) Dramas 20 . . — Bailly's (Mons.) Ancient History of Asia 8 . • — Baird's (Sir David) Life 11 • • — Baker's (Thos.) Reflections upon Learning — . . 1 Baker's (Henry) Essays on tlie Microscope 15 .. — Bakewell's Introduction to Mineralogy 15 . . — Bampfylde Moore Carew, King of the Beggars, Adventures of — ..14 Bannister, (John) Memoirs of, by John Adolphus — ..15 Barbadoes, Sketches and Tales of — . . 4 Barclay's (G.) First Steps in Electrotype — . . 25 Barnes's (Edvv.) Cotton Manufactures of Great Britain 14 . . — Barrow's (John) Visit to Iceland, and Tour round Ireland in 1835 4 . . — A ustrian Lombardy, the Northern Tyrol, and Bavaria . . — • • 4 Bastile, History of the, and of the French Revolution — . . 10 Batteux,(L'Abbe) Le Quatre Poetiques 32 . . — Bayley's (John) History, &c. of the Tower , 8 .. — Bayly's (Thos. H.) Kindness in Women 33 .. — Bealc's (Thos.) Natural History of the Sperm Whale — . . 19 Beatson's (Dr. Robert) Register of both Houses of Parliament from 1703 to 1807 , —..10 Beaufoy's (Col. Mark) Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments .. 15 . . — Beaumont's (Gustavus de) Ireland, Social, Political, and Reli- gious ; edited by Dr. Taylor — . . 10 Beethoven, (Ludwig Von.) Life and Correspondence of, by Ignace Moscheles — .. 15 Bell's (J.) New Pantheon, or Dictionary of Mythology 8 . . — Bell's (Thos.) British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea .... 15 . . — History of British Reptiles — . . 19 Beltrami's (J. C.) Pilgi-image to the South of the Mississippi and Bloody River 4 . . — Bennett's (George) Wanderings in New South Wales in 1832 — 4 4 . . — Benson's (Robt.) Sketches of Corsica 4 . . — Bentham's (Jeremy) Theorie dcs Peines et des Recompenses . . 15 . . — Berkshire, Journey Book of . . . . » — . . 4 Bernard's (John) Retrospections of the Stage 11 . . — Berry's (VVm.) Encyclopa3dia Heraldica 15 . . — Bickham's (George) Beauties of Stow — . . 4 Bigelovv's( Dr.) Elements of Technology — ..19 Bingham's (Commander J. Elliot) Expedition to China — . . 4 Binns' (Jonathan) Miseries and Beauties of Ireland — . . 4 Billing's (Dr. Alex.) First Principles of Medicine — .. 19 Bird's (Dr. Golding) Elements of Naiural Philosophy — ..19 Birds, Domestic Habits and Faculties of 15 . . — Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Report on, 1840 — . . 19 Bjornstjerna's (Count) British Empii'e in the East — .. 11 Blagdon's Dictionary of Classical Quotations 23 . . — Blair's (Hugh) Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian .. 20 . . — > Blakey's (R.) Lives of the Principal Fathers of the Church 15 Bloomfield's (Robt.) Remains 21 . . — Bloxham's (M. H.) Principles of Gothic Ai-chitecture — . . 19 Boase's {\yT.) Treatise on Primary Geology — . . 19 Bolingbroke, (Lord) Memoirs of, by G. W. Cooke II .. — Bonanni (D. Giacomo) Delle Antiche Siracuse 4 . . — Bonaparte (Napoleon) Life of 11 . . — in Council 11 .. — Bonaparte, ( Lucien) Ojiinions of 11 . • — GENERAL INDEX. ^^^^ 37 First Second Jpp. App. Page Page Bonnet's (Mons.) Contemplations of Nature — .. 19 (Euvres d'Histoire Naturelle etde Philosophie, &c. . . — . . 31 Book of Table Talk 23 . . — Booth's (A.) Intellectual Guide to London — . . 28 Sorrow's (George) Zincali, or Gypsies of Spain — .. 11 Bible in Spain — .. 11 Boswell's (Henry) Antiquities of England and Wales 4 . . — Bosworth's (Rev. J.) Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar .... — . . 19 Bowring's (Dr. J.) Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. . . . 21 . . — Bowyer's (Wm.) Observations on the New Testament 1 . . — Boz, Sketches by 21 . . — Brande's (Wm. Thos.) Manual of Chemistry 15 . . — Bray's (Mi's.) Tamar and Tavy 4 . . — Brayley (Edw. W.) and Britton's (John) Houses of Parliament 4 . . — Brenton's (Capt.) Naval History of Great Britain 8 . . — Brewster's (Sir David) Martyrs of Science, or the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler — .. 15 Brewster's Treatise on the Microscope — . . 19 on Magnetism 15 . . — on Optics — .. 19 Bristol Library Society, Catalogue of its Books 23 . . — British Architects, Transactions of the Institute of 15 . . — British Costume, History of 15 . . — British India, Account of, by Hugh Murray and others 8 . . — British Museum, viz. Egyptian Antiquities, Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles, and Townley Gallery 15 .. — British Physicians, Lives of — . . 16 British Statesmen, Lives of, by Sir Jas. Mackintosh and J. Foster 11 . . — Britton's (John) Oxford Cathedral 15 . . — . Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages — . . 20 Brougham's (Henry, Lord) Natural Theology 1 .. — Dissertations of Subjects of Science connected with Theology — . . 1 Speeches upon Public Rights, Duties, &c — .. 11 Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in George III. 's Reign — .. 15 Opinions of, as exhibited in his Speeches and Writings 23 . . — Broughton's (Mrs.) Residence in Algiers. Brown's (Capt. Thos.) Book of Butterflies 15 . . — Brown, (Chas. B.) the American Novelist, Memoirs of 10 . . — Brown's (Dr. Thos.) Philosophy of the Mind 15 . . — Bruin's (Cornells de) Reizen over Moskovie, &c 4 . . — Bryan's (Mrs.) Astronomy — . . 20 Brydges's (Sir Egerton) Memoirs of the Peers in James I.'s Reign — ..15 Buchanan's (Dr. Francis) Kingdom of Nepal 4 . . — Bucke's (Chas.) Ruins of Ancient Cities — . . 4 Buckingham's (J. S.) Travels in Assyria, Media, Persia, &c. . . — . . 4 Arab Tribes 4 . . — Bulwer's (Sir Edw. Lytton) Athens, its Rise and Fall, &c 8 . . — Duchess de la Valliere 21 . . — Student 23 . . — Sea-Captain — . . 25 Lady of Lyons — . . 25 Alice, or the Mysteries — . . 32 Last of the Barons — . . 32 39 GENERAL INDEX. Firtt App. Page Bulwer's (Sir Edward L.) Last Days of Pompeii — Zanoni — Ernest Maltravers 33 Pelham 33 Rienzi 34 Paul Clifford 34 Bulwer's (Hen. Lytton) Monarchy of the Middle Classes in France 4 Bunyan's (John) Pilp^rim's Progress, edited by Southey — Buonarroti, (Mich. Ang.) his Life and Works, by R. Duppa . . 11 Burge's (Wm.) Temple Church — Burgess, (Thomas) Bishop of Salisbury, Life of, by Dr. Harford — Burne's (Lieut.-Col. Sir Alex.) Journey to, and Residence in Cabool — Burnett's (Dr. Thos.) Theory of the Earth — Burnley's (W. H.) Island of Trinidad — Burn's (Robert) Works and Life, by Allan Cunningham 21 Burton's (Rev. Dr.) History of the Christian Church — Lectures upon the Ecclesiastical History of the First Century — Burton's (Thos.) Diary of the Parliaments of Oliver and Richard Cromwell, from 1656 to 1 659, with an Account of that of 1654, from Goddard's Journal — Butler, ( Mrs. Fanny) Journal of, in America 23 Butts, ( Rev. J. M.) on the Book of Enoch — Buxton's (Thos. F.) Effects of Prison Discipline 15 Byron, (Lord) Life of, by Thos. Moore 11 Byron, (Wm. Lord) Trial of, for Murder. — Calderon's (Madame) Life in Mexico — . . 5 Callcott's (Lady) Scripture Herbal — . . 2 Cambridge, Conversations at — . . 29 Cambridge Tart — . . 25 Camden Society, Publications of — 28,29 Campbell's (Thos.) Pilgrim of Glencoe, &c — . . 26 Campan's ( Madame) Private Journal 11 Canada, Backwoods of 4 Canning, (Elizabeth) her Trial for Perjury 15 Cantemir's (Pjince) Growth and Decay of the Othman Empire, from 1300 to 1711 — Cape of Good Hope, Notes on that Colony 4 Carey, (Dr. Wm.) Memoir of 11 Carlsbad, Mineral Waters of, &c 16 Carlyle's (Thos.) Lectures on Heroes, and Hero- Worship — on Chartism — Carter's (James) Lectures on Taste 15 Cartwright, (Bishop of Chester) his Diary — Castillo's (Don. J. M. del) Cartas a Amira sobre La Mitologia, from the French of Demoustier 23 Caswell's (Rev. Hen.) City of the Mormons — Catliu's (George) North American Indians — Caucase et la Georgie, Lettres sur le — Caulincourt, Duke of Vicenza, Recollections of — Caunter's (Rev. Hobart) Island Bride 21 Cellini, (Benvenuto) Opere di — Celsus (A. Cornelius) de Mcdicina, (^rcive's Translation revised — Chalkhill's (John) Thealma and Clearchus 21 GENERAL INDEX. 39 Firtt Second App. App^ Page Page Chalmers's (Rev. Dr. Thos.) Lectures on National Churches . . — . . 2 Chamier's (Capt.) Ben Brace — • • 32 Channing's (Dr. Wm. E ) Lectures on the Elevation of the La- bouring Classes — • • 2 Charles XII. of Sweden, Voltaire's History of — . . 15 Chateaubriand's (Viscomte de) Travels in America and Italy . . — . . 5 Sketches of English Literature 23 . . — Chatterton's (Lady G.) South of Ireland — . . 5 Chatterton (Thos.) Life of, by J. Dix — . . 15 Chemistry, Elements of 15 . . — Chinese Courtship, vide Thorns 23 . . — Church Reform 1 . . — Circumnavigation of the Globe, and Progress of Discovery in the Pacific 4 . . — Civil Engineers, Transactions of the Institution of 15 .. — Clarendon's (Edw., Earl of) Rebellion and Civil Wars in Ireland 8 . . — Clarke's (S. R.) Vestigia Anglicana — . . 11 Clarke's (Dr. Adam) Bibliographical Miscellany 23 . . — Clarkson's (Thos.) Strictures on the Life of Wilberforce, by his Sons — .. 15 Clerical Guide, and Ecclesiastical Directory 1 . . — Clive, (Robt., Lord) Life of, by Major-Gen. Sir J. Malcolm . . 11 . . — Clockmaker — . . 29 Cobbett's (Wm.) Rural Rides — . . 5 Weekly Register 8 . . — Coleridge's (S. T.) Poetical Works 21 . . — Sibylline Leaves, and Remorse 21 . . — " -' • — Friend, a Series of Essays 23 . . — Coleridge's Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit — . . 2 Collins's(Rev. C. Trelawny) Perranzabuloe — .. 2 Colton's (Rev. C. C.) Modern Antiquity — . . 26 Combe's (Taylor) Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum . . 16 . . — Comber's (Dr. And.) Physiology of Digestion 15 . . — Comber's (George) Constitution of Man in Relation to External Objects 15 . . — Moral Philosophy — . . 20 Comic Almanack e o — . . 26 Constabulary Force, Report on — . . 20 Contes Tartares 33 . . — Contests in Ireland, see Camden Society — . . 29 Conybeare's (Rev. Wm.) Theological Lectures — . . 2 Cooke's (Rev. Wm.) Pantheon 11 . . — Cooper's (C. P.) Lettres sur la Gourde la Chancellerie d'Angle- terre 16 . . — Cooper's (J. F.) England 4 . . — Monikins 33 . . — Deer Slayer — . . 32 Headsman, Heideumauer, and Red Rover 34 . . — Homeward Bound, or the Chase — . . 32 Pathfinder, or Inland Sea — . . 33 Precaution — . . 33 Corneille, Chefs d'CEuvre — . . 31 Corney's (Bolton) Illustrations of D'Israeli's Curiosities of Lite- rature — . . 30 Corro's (Chev. John de) Essay on the Mineral Waters of Carlsbad 16.. — Coulson (Wm.) on Deformity of the Chest 16 . . — 40 GENERAL INDEX. First Second yipp. App. Courthope's ( Wm.) Extinct Baronetage 11 . . — Cowper's (Wm.) Works, with his Life, by Southey 21 . . — Crevier's (M. N.) Histoire de L'Universite de Paris 8 . . — Crichton and Wheaton's Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern . . — . . 5 Criminal Trials 12 . . — Crockett's (Col. David) Exploits in Texas 12 . . — Croisades, L'Esprit des 8 . . — Crowe's (Eyre E.) Yesterday in Ireland 35 . . — History of France 8 . . — Cromwell's (Oliver) Memoirs of his Life and Actions, in Three Panegyrics, written in Latin, and Englished by Milton — . . 15 Cruize of the Midge — . . 32 Cumberland's (George) Essay on Engravings, and Catalogue of Italian Prints in the British Museum and Royal Academy . . 16 . . — Cumberland's (Rich.) Henry 33 . . — Cunningham's (Rev. J. W.) Velvet Cushion 23 . . — Curtis's Flora Londinensis 16 . . — Cuvier's (Baron) Animal Kingdom, translated by Dr. M'Murtrie 16 . . — D'Abrantes, (Madame Junot) Duchess of, Les Memoires 12 . . — Dacre's (Lady) Tales of the Peerage and the Peasantry 34 . . — Daguerre's (M.) History and Practice of Photogenic Drawing, translated by Mesmes — . Dana, (R. H.) Two Years before the Mast — . DanielPs (J. F.) Introduction to Chemical Philosophy — . Meteorological Essays — . Dansey's (Rev. Wm.) Horse Decanicse — . D'Arblay's (Madame) Diary and Letters — ■ . Darell's (Rev. Wm.) Dover Castle 8..— D'Aubign6's (J. H.) History of the Reformation in Germany, &c. — • . 2 Davies's (J.) Caribby Islands 4 . . — Da Vinci (Leonardo) Life of, by Brown — . . 16 Davis's (J. F.) Chinese, &c 4 . . — Chinese, &c — . . 5 Davy, (Sir Humphrey) Memoirs of, by Dr. Davy 12 . . — De Brosses, (President) sur la Formation Mecanique des Langues, &c 32 . . — Debrett's Baronetage, by Courthope 9 . . — Decyphering, Art of 7 . . — De Foe's Journal of the Plague Year, re-edited by Edw. W. Brayley, with Illustrative Notes, &c. (Vide Scott) 9 . . •— De Foe's (Daniel) Political History of the Devil — .. 11 De La Beche (H. T.) on Geology, How to Observe 16 . . — De Lamartine's (Alphonse) Travels in the East , . — . . 5 De la Motte, (Countess) her Adventures — .. 16 De Levis, (M.) Souvenirs et Portraits 12 . . — Delille's (C. J.) Selections from the Best French Authors — . . 31 De Mably, (L'Abbe) Observations sur L'Histoire de France . . 32 . . — De Sallengre, (Alb. Hen.) Novvs Thesavrvs Autiq. Roman. Cong, ab 16 . . — Descamps, (M.) Voyage Pi ttoresque de la Frandreetdu Brabant — ..31 De Tocqueville's (Alexis) Democracy in America 9 . . — Devon and Exeter Institution, Catalogue of its Library 23 . . — D'Herbelot (Mons.) Bibliotheque Orientale 4 . . — Dibdin's (Rev. T.F.) Introduction to the Greek and Latin Classics 3 .. — Typographical Antiquities 24 . . — GENERAL INDEX. 41 First Second App. A pp. Page Page Dibdin's (Chas,) Younger Brother 35 . . — DIbdin's (Chas. Jun.) Isn't it Odd 33 . . — Dickens' (Chas.) Sketches, by Boz 24 .. — • American Notes — . . 5 ■ Nicholas Nickleby ;. — . . 33 Dickson's (Dr. S.) Unity of Disease, &c — . . 20 Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, &c 36 . . 34 D'Israeli's (Benj.) Wondrous Tale of Alroy 35 . . — D'Israeli's (J.) Flim Flams, or Life and Errors of my Uncle, &c. — . . 30 Distinguished Men of Modern Times — . . 16 Dodd's (Chas. R.) Manual of Dignities, &c — .• 11 Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage — .. 11 Dodd's (Dr.) Sisters — . . 32 Donaldson's (J. W.) New Cratylus, or Contributions towards a Knowledge of the Greek Language — . . 20 Donovan's (Michael) Chemistry 16 .. — Domestic Economy — . . 20 Dongola and Sennaar, Expedition to 4 . . — Don Quixote, translated by Shelton; and an amended Translation — ..32 D'Orleans, Regent de France, La Vie de Due 32 . . — Douce's (Francis) Illustrations of Shakspeare, (fee — . . 26 Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier, Lives of 12 . . — Drew, (Samuel) his Life and Literary Labours 12 .. — Drinkwater'R (Capt.) History of the Siege of Gibraltar — ..11 Dudley's (Earl of) Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff — . . 16 Dufief's (Mons.) Nature Displayed in her Mode of Teaching Languages to Man, exemplified by the French Tongue 16 . . — Dumas, (Count M.) Memoirs of his Own Time — . . 16 Dumont, (M. Et.) Tactique des Assemblees Legislatives, from the MSS. of Bentham 16 . . — Duncan's (John) Essays on Weaving 16 .. — Duncan's (Wm.) Elements of Logick 16 . . — Dunton, (John) his Life and Errors 12 . . — Durham University Calendar 16 . . — Earl's (G. W.) Eastern Seas and Archipelago, in 1832—4 .... 4 . . — Education, Central Society of. First Publication 16 . . — First, Second, and Third Publications — . . 20 Minutes of Committee of Council — . . 20 Education Journal 16 .. — Edward III., History of, and Edward the Black Prince, by Joshua Barnes 12 .. — Edwards' (H.) Old English Customs, and Remarkable Charities — . . 30 Egerton's(LadyFrances) Journal of a Tour in the Holy Land.. — .. 5 Elegant Extracts, viz. Epistles ; Prose ; Verse 24 . . — Elgin, (Earl of ) his Pursuits in Greece 16 .. — Elizabeth Penning, Trial of. &c 10 . . — Ellis' (Mrs.) Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees — . . 5 ' Daughters of England — . . 30 Elmes's (James) Topographical Dictionary of London and its Environs 6 . . — England, Pictorial History of — . . 11 History of, in the Reign of George the Third, by Craik and Mac Farlane — .. 11 Englefield's (Sir H. C.) Walk through Southampton — ..11 English Poets, Lives of, &c .^ . . 16 G ^ 42 GENERAL INDEX. First Second Apj). App. Page Page Enoch, the Prophet, translated by Archbishop Lawrence .... 1 . . — Epicurean, by Thos. Moore — . . 32 Eulenstein, (C.) Performer on the Jews' Harp, his Life 12 . . — Excerpta of Wit, or Railway Companion, by A. L. Mocatta .. — ..30 Exmouth, (Adm. Lord) his Life, by E. Osier 12 .. — Eyre's (Lieut.) Narrative of Events in Affghanistan — .. 11 Fabri (Basilii) Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae 16 . . — Fair Rosamond, Memoirs of 12 . . — Falconer's ( Wm.) Shipwreck — . . 26 Fanshawe, (Lady) Memoirs of — . . 16 Faraday's (Dr. M.) Experimental Researches in Electricity. ... — . . 20 Faulkner's (Thomas) Description of Chelsea — . . 5 Fellows' (Charles) Excursion in Asia Minor — . . 5 Discoveries in Lycia — . . 5 Xanthian Marbles — . . 6 Fenelon's (Archbishop) Telemachus 35 . . — Ferriar's (Miss) Destiny — . . 32 Inheritance — . . 33 Marriage , — . . 33 Field's (Geo.) Outlines of Analogical Philosophy — . . 21 Fielding's (Henry) Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones, Amelia, and Jonathan Wild 33 . . — Five Nights of St. Albans 33 . . — Florian's (M.) Gonsalvo of Cordova 33 . . — Fonblanque's (Albany) England under Seven Administrations — ..11 Fontenelle's (Bern, de) Dialogues of the Dead 24 . . — Forbes' (Major) Eleven Years in Ceylon — . . 5 Forster's (Thos.) Natural Phenomena in respect to the Seasons 16 . • — Fortune's Epitome of the Stocks and Funds — ..21 Fox, (Chas. James) Memoirs of, by J. B. Trotter 12 . . — Fox's (W. J.) Lectures of Morality 24 . . — ' — Lectures on National Education — . . 21 Fox, jun. (Wm.) La Bagatella, or Delineations of Home Scenery — . . 26 Eraser's (J. B.) Journey from Constantinople to Tehran — . . 5 Travels in Koordistan, &c — . . 5 Frazer's (J. B.) Highland Smugglers 33 . . — Frederick the Great, and his Times, edited by Thos. Campbell — . . 16 Funnell's (Wm.) Voyage round the World, &c — . . 6 FuseU's (Henry) Lectures on Painting 16 . . — Gait's (John) Provost 34 . . — Garrow's (Rev. D. W.) Croydon 6 . . — Gaudentio di Lucca — . . 32 Gell's (Sir William) Rome and its Vicinity. , 5 . . — Geological Specimens, Catalogue of — . . 31 George the Fourth, Diary illustrative of his Times — .. 16 Germany, an Analysis of Madame de Stael's W^ork on that Country 5 . , — , Germany, Social Life in, illustrated in Dramas — . . 12 Gerrard's (Job.) Siglarium Romanum 3 . . — Gilbart's (Jas. W.) Banking in America 16 .. — Girard's (L'Abbe) Synonymes Francois 32 . . — Gleig's (Rev. G. R.) Chronicles of Waltham 33 . . — • Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary — . . 6 GENERAL INDEX. ^^^ 43 Firtt Stcond App. App. Page Page Godwin's (Wm.) Lives of the Necromancers > 12 . . — Goethe, Characteristics of, by Falk, Von Miiller 12 . . — Goethe's Faust, translated into English Prose, with Notes, by A. Hay ward , 21 . . — Faustus, Bride of Corinth, and First Walpurgis Night, translated by Dr. J. Anster 21 . . — Goldsmith, (Oliver) Life of, by James Prior 12 .. — Gomez, (Madame de) La Belle Assemblee 33 . . — Good's (Dr. J. Mason) Book of Job 1 . • — Study of Medicine, improved by S. Cooper — . . 21 Goodman's (Bp.) Court of King James the First — •• 12 Gordon's Universal Accountant 17 .. — Gore's (Mrs.) Trevelyan 34 . . — Women as they are 35 . . — Soldier of Lyons — ■ • 33 Gouger's (Robert) South Australia — ■ . • 6 Graah's (Captain) Expedition to East Greenland — • • 6 Granville's (Dr. A . B.) Spas of Germany — . . 6 Grahame's (James) Poems 21 • . — Grammont, (Comte de) (Euvres du 32 . . — Grant's (Chas.) Random Recollections of Lords and Commons 12 .. — Great Metropolis 24 . . — Grant, M.P. (Charles) Memoir of — . . 16 Grant's (Henry) Nestorians, &c — . . 2 Grattan's (Thos. C.) Heiress of Bruges 34 . . — Highways and Byeways, Ist series — • • 32 Gray's Works, with Extracts from his MSS., edited by Mathias 21 . . — Gray's (Capt. Geo.) Expeditions in Northern and Western Aus- tralia — .. 6 Gray's (Mrs. Hamilton) Tour in Etruria — . . 12 Gray's (Simon) Happiness of States, &c — ..12 All Classes productive of National Wealth, &c — ..12 Spaniard, &c — . . 26 Gray versus Malthus, or the Principles of Population and Pro- duction investigated — . . 12 Greek Dramatic Poets, Specimens of (iEschylus)' 21 . . — Greek and Roman Classics, Observations on — . . 3 Horace, Ars Poetica, &c. with Commentary — . . 3 Gregory's (Dr. David) Practical Geometry 17 .• — Gresham, (Sir Thomas) Life and Times of — . . 16 Grimaldi, (Joseph) Memoirs of — . . 16 Grimstone's (Mrs.) Woman's Love 35 . . — • Grinfield's (E. W.) Nature of the Likeness of God in Man 1 . . — Guide to Trade,— the Printer — . . 21 Guillim's (John) Display of Heraldrie — . . 21 Guizot's (M.) Lectures on European Civilization 9 . • — Gully's (Dr.) Simple Treatment of Disease — . . 21 Exposition of Neuropathy or Nervousness — ..21 Gurney's (Jos. J.) Winter in the West Indies — . . 6 Gwilt's (Joseph) Rudiments of Architecture — . . 21 Hall's (Capt. Basil) Schloss Hainfiekl 5 . . — Hallam's (Henry) Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries 9 . . — Haliburton's (James) Bubbles of Canada — . . 12 Clock Maker, or Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick .... — . . 30 44 GENERAL INDEX. First Second App. App. Page Page Haliburton's Letter Bag of the Great Western, or Life in a Steamer — . . 30 Hammer's (J.) Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphics explained — . . 21 Hansard's (T. C.) Typographia, or History of Printing — . . 21 Hardy, (Thos.) his Trial 10 . . — Hargrave's (E.) Knaresborough and Harrowgate 5 • . — Harrington's (James) Works, with his Life, by Toland 24 . . — Harris's (Rev. John) Mammon • • • • 1 • . — Harris' (Capt. W. C.) Wild Sports of South Africa — . . 6 Harris, (Gen. Lord) Life and Services of — . . 16 Hartford and Pomfret, (Countesses of) their Correspondence . . 24 . . — Hartshorne's (Rev. C. H.) Book Rarities in the Cambridge University 24 . . — Haughton's (Sir G. C.) Prodromus, or Inquiry into the Princi- ples of Reasoning — . . 21 Havelock's (Capt.) Narrative of the War in Affghanistan .... — . . 12 Hawkins's (Dr. Bissel) Notes during a Ramble in Germany — . . 6 Germany: the Spirit of her History, «Scc — ..12 Hawksworth's (Dr ) Almoran and Hamet 32 . . — Haydon's Picture of Xcnophon's First View of the Sea, in the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks, described iii — v — Hazlitt, (Wm.) Literary Remains of, with a Notice of his Life, and Thoughts on his Writings by Bulwer and Talfourd 24 . . — Head's (Capt. F. B.) Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau . . 6 . . — Head's (Sir F. B.) Narrative of Proceedings in Upper Canada . . — . . 12 Head's (Sir George) Tour through the Manufacturing Districts — .. 6 Tour through various Parts of the United Kingdom . . — . . 6 Heber's (Bishop) Poetical Works — . . 26 Heeren's (A. H. L.) Historical Researches — . . 12 Hemans, (Mrs.) Poetical Remains of 21 . . — Memorials of — . . 16 Works of — . . 16 Henry IV., Roi de France, Les Amours de — . . 16 Henry VIII., Life and Reign of, by P. F. Tytler 12 . . — Henslow's (Rev. J. S.) Principles of Botany 17 .. — Heme's (Samuel) Charter House 5 ^. — Herschel's (Sir J. F. W.) Treatise on Astronomy — . . 21 Higgins (W. M.) on the Physical Condition and Phenomena of the Earth 17 . . — on Light and on Optical Instruments 17 .. — Hill's (B. E.) Recollections of an Artillery Officer 9 .. — Hippisley's (J. H.) Chapters on Early English Literature .... 24 . . — Historical Parallels 9 . . — Holland's (Mrs.) Integrity 33 . . — Hogarth's (George) Musical History and Biography 12 . . — Hogg's (Thos.) Manual of Mineralogy 17 .. — Holcroft's (Thos.) Travels through Westphalia, Holland, and the Netherlands, to Paris, 1803 5 . . — Hole's (Rich.) Remarks on the Arabian Nights Entertainments 24 .. — Holman's Travels in Russia, Siberia, &c 6 .. — Journey through France, Italy, Savoy, &c 5 . . — Home Education — . . 30 Home's (John) Tragedies 21 . . — Hone's (William) Every-day Book, and Table Book _ . . 30 Year Book — . . 30 Hood's (Thomas) Up the Rhine — . . 6 Own, or Laughter from Year to Year — . . 26 GENERAL INDEX; First Second App. App. Page Page Hood's Tylney Hall — • • 33 Hook's (Theodore) Jack Brag 33 . . — Parson's Daughter 34 . . — — Gilbert Gurney — • • 32 Jack Brag — . • 33 Widow and Marquis — • • 33 Hope's (Thos.) Historical Essay en Architecture 17 . . — A nastasius 34 . . — Horner, M. P., (Francis) Memoirs of, and Correspondence .... — .. 17 Horsley's (John) Britannia Romana 17 . . — Hough's (Major) Expedition to AfFghanistau — ..12 Howard's (John) State of the Prisons in England and Wales . . — . . 30 Account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe — . . 30 Howe, (Adm. Earl) Life of — • • 17 Howitt's (Mary) Wood Leighton — . • 33 Howitt's (William) Visits to Remarkable Places — . . 6 Hughes's (Rev. T. S.) Continuation of Hume and Smollett's England 9 . . — Huish's (Robert) Coronation of George IV 9 .. — Hume's (David) Philosophical Works 24 . . — Hunt's (Leigh) Literary Examiner 24 . . — Hutchinson's (John) Ancient Principles of Sacred Philosophy 2 . . — Inglis's (H. D.) Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote .... — . . 6 Tyrol, &c — . . 6 Journey through Norway, &c — . . 6 Ireland in 1834 5 . . — Switzerland, the South of France, and the Pyrenees . . 5 . . — Imrie's (W. M.) Parents' Dental Guide 17 .. — Innes' ( Wm.) Siberia — . . 6 Inwood's (II. W.) Erechtheion, at Athens 17 .. — Ireland's (Samuel) Views on the River Thames — . . 6 Ireland's (W. H.) Catholic 33 . . — Irving s (Washington) Astoria, or Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains 3 . . — Capt. Bonneville's Adventures beyond the Rocky Mountains of the Far West 4 . . — Tour in the Prairie ; Abbotsford and Newstead Ab- bey ; and Legends of the Conquest of Spain 5 . . — Alhambra 34 . . — Isaacs's (Nath.) Eastern Africa, &c 5 .. — Isle of Wight, History of — . . 6 Guide to, by Thomas Brettell -— . . 6 Isocrates' Orationes et Epistolas — . . 3 Jackson, (And.) President of the United States, his Life, by Wm. Cobbett 12 . . — Jackson's (John) Treatise on Wood Engraving — . . 21 James's (G. P. R.) History of Chivalry 9 . . — Educational Institutions of Germany 17 .. — Darnley, De L'Orme, and Philip Augustus 34 . . — Henry Masterton — . . 32 James's (T. A.) Count Cagliostro — . . 32 Jameson's ( Mrs.) Female Sovereigns 13 . . — Studies and Rambles in Canada — . . 6 Jameson's (Robert) Mineralogy 17 . . — 46 GENERAL INDEX. First Second App. App. Page James the First, Court of, see Goodman^ S^c, Hist — Jane Shore, Memoirs of, see Fair Rosamond 12 Jansen (M.) L'Origine de la Gravure en Bois — Jennings' (Dr. David) Jewish Antiquities — Joan d'Arc, Memoirs of — Johnson, (Dr.) Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy 13 Johnson's (Dr.) Lives of the Poets 21 Johnsoniana, or Supplement to Boswell, by Crofton Croker . ... 13 Johnson's (G. W.) History of English Gai'dening — Johnson's (Dr. James) Economy of Health 17 Jesse's (Edw.) Anglers' Rambles 17 Jocelyn's (Lord) Six Months with the Chinese Expedition .... — Jones's (D.) Secret History of Whitehall 9 Jones, (Rev. Robert) Memoirs of 13 Josephine, the Empress, Memoirs of 13 Judson, (Mrs.) Memoir of — Kean, (Edmund) Life of, edited by Boz 13 Keightley's (Thomas) Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy — Keith's (Rev. Dr. Alex.) Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion from the Fulfilment of the Prophecies 2 Keith's (Sir G. M.) Voyage to South America, &c — Kempe's (A. J.) Church of St. Martin-le-Grand 5 Loseley Manuscripts 9 Kennedy's (James) History of Contagious Cholera 17 Kennedy's (Wm.) Republic of Texas — Keppel's (Major Geo.) Balcan and Asia Minor 5 Kerr's (Robt.) Voyages and Travels from the Earliest Ages . . 5 Kinnear's (John) Cairo, &c — Kitchiner's (Dr. Wm.) Traveller's Oracle 24 Klopstock, Life of, see Smith 14 Knight's (Dr. Wm.) New Theory of the Earth -— Knighton (Sir Wm.) Memoirs of — Knowledge, Pursuit of, under Difficulties 13 Knowles's (J. Sheridan) Love, a Drama — Laborde's (M. Leon de) Arabia Petrsea 2 Laiug's (David) Plans, &c. of the New Custom House, and other Buildings, &c — Laing's (Samuel) Residence in Norway 6 Tour in Sweden — Notes of a Traveller, on France, &c — Laird (M'Gregor) and Oldfield's (R. A. B.) Expedition into Africa 6 Lamb, (Chas.) his Letters, and Life of, by Mr. Serjeant Talfourd 13 Lamballe's (Princess de) Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France 13 Lancaster (Joseph) Life of — Lance's (E. J.) Hop Farmer — Lane's (Edw. W.) Modern Egyptians 6 Lantier's (M. E. F.) Travels of Antenor — Lardner, (Rev. Dr.) on the Steam Engine 17 Latrobe's (Chas. Joseph) Rambles in Mexico 6 Lauder's (Sir T. D.) Tales of the Highlands — Law and Lawyers, or Sketches of Legal Biography — Lawes' (Edw.) Scamper through Italy, &c. — (iENERAL INDEX. 47 First Second App. App. Page Page Lawrance's (Miss) Memoirs of tlie Queens of England — .. 17 Le Coutier, (Capt.) on the Varieties, &c. of Wheat 17 .. — Ledyard's (John) Travels in Russia, &c — • • 17 Lee's (Mrs. R. Bowdich) Stories of Strange Lands 6 . . — Le Grand's (M.) Fabliaux, or Tales of the 12th and 13th Cen- turies, translated by Way 21 . . — Lempri^re's (Dr. J.) Classical Dictionary 3 .. — Lempriere's Classical Dictionary > — . . 3 Les Nuits d'Young, traduites par M. le Tourneur 32 . . — Lettres d'une Peruvienne 32 . . — Lettsom's (Dr. J. C.) Hints to promote Beneficence, &c — . . 30 Levis's (Mons. De) England in the 19th Century 6 .. — Liber Scholasticus 24 . . — Liebig's (Dr.) Organic Chemistry — . . 22 Animal Chemistry — . . 22 Lights and Shades of Military Life, by Count de Vigny and M. Beaze — . . 12 Lilly's (Wm.) Life and Times 13 . . — Lindley 's (John) Theory of Horticulture — . . 22 Linnseus's Species Plantarum 17 . . — Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, Lives of 13 .. — Literary Souvenir « 24 . . — Lives of Eminent Persons, viz. Galileo, Kepler, Newton, &c. . . 13 . . — Living Authors, Dictionary of — . . 17 Llorente, (D. J. A.) Histoire de I'lnquisition d'Espagne — . . 13 Ludolphus's (Joh.) Ethiopia 6 . . — London Catalogue of Books, from 1800 to 1827 ; and from 1810 to 1831 24 . . — Londonderry, Ordnance Survey of that County — . . 7 Loudon's (J. C.) Suburban Gardener, &c — .. 22 Louis XL, Histoire de, by Duclos 32 . . — Lover's (Samuel) Songs and Ballads — . . 26 Rory O'More — . . 33 Lucj's (Mons.de) sur les Modifications de P Atmosphere 17 .. — Macauley's (T. Babington) Lays of Ancient Rome — . . 26 Essays, as published in the Edinburgh Review — . . 30 Maceroni's (Col.) Memoirs of — . . 17 Macilwain's (George) Medicine and Surgery — . . 22 Mackcoull's (John) Abuses of Justice 18 . . — Mackenzie's (Chas.) Notes on Haiti — . . 7 Mackey's (S. A.) Mythological Astronomy 17 .. — Mackintosh, (Sir James) Life of 13 . . — -^— ^— on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy 17 .. — Macklin's (Chas.) Plays 22 . . — Mactaggart's (John) Three Years in Canada 6 . . — Madden's (Dr. R. R.) Infirmities of Genius 25 . . — Residence in the West Indies — . . 7 Malcolm's (J. P.) Art of Caricaturing 18 . . — Manchester Portico Library, Catalogue of 25 . . — Manchester, Panorama of — . . 7 Mant's (Dr. Richard) Academical Sermons — . . 2 Maurice's (Rev. Thomas) Brahminical Fraud Detected — . . 2 Mantell's (Dr. G. A.) Wonders of Geology — . . 22 Marchand, (Mons.) L'OriginedeL'Imprimerie 17 .. — Firtt Secoml App. App. Page Page . 17 . 17 13 . 33 . — — . 7 — . 33 — . 33 — . 33 . 33 — . 33 — . 33 — . 33 — . 33 48 GENERAL INDEX. Marlborough, (Duchess of) her Private Correspondence ...... Meraoh-s of Marmontel, Meraoires d'un Pere Marryat's (Capt.) Frank Mildmay Diary in America ■ Jacob Faithful Japhet in Search of a Father ■ King's Own ' Mr. Midshipman Easy Newton Foster Pacha of Many Tales Peter Simple Rattlin the Reefer Martin's (Benjamin) Decimal Arithmetic, Philosophical Gram- mar, Elements of Geometry, System of Optics, Essays on Electricity, Visual Glasses, &c. Bibliotheca Technilogica, New- tonian Philosophy, Philosophical Geography and Theology 18 . . — Mathematical Institutions — . . 22 Martin's (R. Montgomery) History of Canada — . . 7 British Colonies 6 . . — Martineau's (Miss Harriet) Society in America 6 . . — Western Travels — . . 7 How to observe, — Morals and Manners — . . 22 Mary, Queen of Scots, and other Ancient Poems, edited by J. Fry 22 . . — Massaniello, or Revolutions of Naples 13 . . — Maturin's (Rev. H.) Albigenses 32 . . — Matthews, (Charles) Memoirs of — . . 17 Matthews's (Wm.) Hydraulia, or Waterworks of London, &c. . . 18 .. — Maurice's (Rev. Thos.) History of Hindostan 9 . . — Maxwell's (Alex.) Plurality of Worlds 2 . . — Maxwell's (W. H.) Bivouac — .. 32 Captain Blake — . . 32 M'Culloch's (J, R.) Statistical Account of the British Empire . . 6 . . — Geographical Dictionary — . . 7 M'Kenzie's (Sir George) Royal Line of Scotland 9 . . — Medhurst's (Rev. W. H.) China — . . 7 Medwin's (Thomas) Angler in Wales — . . 22 Meige's (Guy) French and English Dictionary 18 . . — Melville, (And.) Life of, by T. M'Crie 2 . . — Merivale's (Prof.) Lectures on Colonization — .. 13 Middleton's (Dr. Conyers) Monumenta Antiquitatis r. 25 . . — Miller's (Hugh) Old Red Sandstone — . . 22 Miller's (Thomas) Rural Sketches — . . 30 Day in the Woods 33 . . — Millengen's (Dr.) Curiosities of Medical Experience 18 . . — Milman's (Rev. H. H.) History of Christianity — .. 2 Milner's (Dr. John) Treatise on Ecclesiastical Architecture — . . 22 Miscellanea Curiosa 18 . . — Mitchell's (Major) Expeditions into Eastern Australia, &c — . . 7 Mocatta's (Moses) Wisdom of Solomon 2 .. — Moffatt's (Robert) Missionary Labours in South Africa — . . 2 Moliere, (Euvres de 22 . . — Moliere's Works, translated 22 . . — Monk, Duke of Albemarle, Memoirs of — ..,17 Montagu's (Lady M. W.) Letters and Works, edited by Lord Wharncliffe 13 . . — GENERAL INDEX. Montagu's (Lady) Letters Montgomery's (James) Lectures on Poetry and General Lite- rature More, (Mrs. Hannah) Life of, by Rev. H. Thompson Morell and Maltby's Lexicon Grseco-Prosodiacuni Moore's (Thos.) History of Ireland Fudges in England Fudge Family at Paris Alciphron Moore, (Anne) the Fasting Woman of Tutbury Morgan's (Lady) Dramatic Scenes from Real Life O'Donnel Morgan's (J.) History of Algiers Morier's (James) Abel Allnutt , Mudie's (James) Felonry of New South Wales Mudie's (Robert) Popular Mathematics , Munchausen's Travels, or Gulliver Revived Murray's (Hon. C. A.) Travels in North America, &c. Murray's (John) Elements of Chemistry Murray's (Hugh) British America, &c Myttou's (John) Life of, by Nimrod Nares's (Rev. Dr. Edw.) Man as Known to us Theologically and Geologically Neale's (Dr. Adam) Travels in Germany, &c Neff, (Felix) Memoir of, by Dr. Gilly Nelson's (Admiral Lord) Letters to Lady Hamilton Newton, (Sir Issac) Life of, by Sir D. Brewster Neri's (Antonio) Art of Glass Nichol's (Dr. J. P.) Architecture of the Heavens Phenomena and Order of the Solar System Nichols, (John) on the Teeth Nicholson's (Wm.) Journal of Natural Philosophy, &c.. Intro- duction to Natural Philosophy, and British Encyclopaedia . . Nicolas's (Sir Harris) Testamenta Vetusta Niebuhr (G. B.) Reminiscences of, by Lieber Noel's (Rev. Baptist) Midland Counties of Ireland in 1836 .... North's (Hon. Roger) Discourse on the Laws Novels, Romances, and Tales, various Nugent's (Lord and Lady) Legends of the Library at Lillies . . O'Croly's (Rev. David) Points of Difference between the Two Churches Ogle's (George) Gems, or Antiquities Explained Okey's (Chas.) Law, &c. affecting the Commercial and Civil In- tercourse of the Subjects of Great Britain and France Oliver's (Stephen) Rambles in Northumberland Orrery's (Lord) Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dean Swift Ossian's Poems, Blair's Dissertation on, see Blair Ossian's Poems, &c. with Notes, by Malcolm Laing Outram's (Major) Notes of the Campaign in Sinde and Affgha- nistan Paget's (John) Hungary and Transylvania — Paley's (Dr. Wm.) Natural Theology, with Notes, by Lord Brougham and Sir Charles Bell 2 H First Second App. App. Page Page 25 . — 22 .. . 17 18 . — 9 . — 22 . — 22 . — . 26 13 . — 22 . — 33 . — 9 . — 32 . . — 25 . — . 22 33 . — . 8 . 22 — . 8 13 . . — 18 . — . 8 . 17 13 . — 13 . 18 . — 18 . — . 22 18 . — 18 . ___ 13 . — — . 17 ^ 19 . — ^ 32 . 32 — . 32 18 13 20 . 22 . 8 ^' 50 GENERAL INDEX. First Seeond ylpi>. /tpp. Page Pagci Palgrave's (Sir F.) Truths and Fictions of the Middle Ages . . — . . 33 Pape Sixte V,, La Vic dc, par G. Leti 32 . . — Pardee's (Miss) City of the Sultan C . . — City of the Magyar — . . 8 Parliament, Mirror of, or Debates in 9 . . — Parliamentary Test and Vote Books 9 . . — Parliamentary Companion 10 .. — Parliamentary Proceedings, viz. Reports, Minutes of Evidence, Inquiries, &c. for England and Wales 28 . . — ■ for Scotland 30 . . ^ for Ireland 31 .. -r- for the British Colonies, Settlements, and Depend- encies 31 . . — Parr's (Dr. Barth.) Medical Dictionary 18 .. — Parish's (Sir Woodbine) Buenos Ayres, and Rio de la Plata . . — . . 8 Parry's (J. D.) Woburn Abbey vi. . - — Parry's (Rev. J. D.) Woburn Abbey C . . — Parry's (Capt. W. E.) Supplement to his First Voyage .... — - • . 8 Pasley's (T. H.) Natural Philosophy — . . 22 Paterson's Roads G . . — Patron! Ecclesiarum 2 . . — Paul's (Rev. R. B.) Tour to Moscow . . — Pauper Children, Report on Training of, by the Poor Law Com- missioners • • — . • 23 Peacock's (T. L.) Crotchet Castle, Headlong Hall, Maid Marian, and Nightmare Abbey 34 . . -- Pemberton's (Dr.) View of Sir Issac Newton's Philosophy . . — . . 23 Peninsular Campaigns, Annals of, 1808^14 10 - Pennant's Journey from Chester to London — . . 8 Pepys's (Samuel) Life, Journals, &c — •• 18 Periodical Publications, including Journals, Magazines, Re- views, &c 35 . . 33 Perry's (James) Perryian Principia and Course of Education . . 19 ^ — — Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk , — • . 13 Phillips's (John) Treatise on Geology 18 — .. Geology — . • 23 Philosophical Transactions, Abstracts of, from 1800 to 1830 .. 19 . . — Physical Theory of Another Life ■< 2 . . — Pick's (A.) Translation from the Hebrew of the Minor Pro- phets, &c — . . 2 Picton (Sir Thos.) Memoirs and Correspondence of 13 . . — Piggott's (Rev. S.) Reflector, or Christian Advocate — . . 2 Pitt, Earl of Chatham, Correspondence of — ..18 Platter, (Thomas) Schoolmaster of the 16th Century, his Auto- biography , . '-^ . . 18 Plato's Dialogues and Apology of Socrates — • . 4 Plays, various. Modern and otherwise 22 . . '■^ Plauti Opera, Lambini Edit 3 . . —^ Pline, Histoire de la Peinture Ancienne 19 . . — Pliny's Letters, translated by Lord Orrery 4 . . — Peter I. of Russia, Life of, by Mottley -^ • • 18 Pocock's (Lewis) Explanation of the Nature^ &c.j of Assurances upon Lives — . . 23 Polack's (J. S.) New Zealand — . . 8 Polwhele's (Rev. Rich.) Discourses 2 . . — Poor Law Reports 19 . . — GENERAL INDEX. Poor Law Commissioners, Report of, for 1835-^1840 Reports of, on the Continuation of the Poor Law Commission Poor Laws, Ireland, Three Reports on, by George Nicholls, Esq. Popery, a History of Porter's (G. R.) Progress of tlie Nation Progress of the Nation in its Social and Commercial Relations Treatise on the Origin, &c., of the Silk Manufacture Porter's (Miss A. M.) Honor O'Hara Porter's (Jane) Thaddeus of Warsaw * Postan's (Mrs.) Cutch, or Sketches in Western India Power's (Tyrone) Impressions in America Pratt's (S. J.) Pupil of Pleasure Prescott's (W. H.) Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella PrJtchard's (Dr.) Natural History of Man Proclus's Commentaries on Euclid, Restoration of Platonic Theology, and Theological Elements, by Thos. Taylor Public Records, Description of Punster's Pocket Book, (The) or the Art of Punning Quin's (Mich. J.) Steam Voyage down the Danube Quincey's Klosterheim, or the Masque Rabutin, (Comte de Bussy) Memoires do Rail-roadiana Ramond's (M.) Voyages au Mont Perdu Ranke's (Leopold) History of the Popes of Rome, translated by Mrs. Austin ■ Ranking's (John) Wars and Sports of the Mongols and Romans Ray's (John) Low Countries, Germany, &c,, with Catalogue of Plants in those Countries Wisdom of God in the Creation, and Discourses on the Chaos, Deluge, &c Redding (Cyrus) on Modern Wines Reid and Matheson's American Churches Reid's (Lieut. Col.) Attempt to develop the Law of Storms, - Travels in Yucatan, &c — .. & Stevens, (William) Treasurer of Q. Anne's Bounty, Memoirs of, by Sir J. Allan Park ^.. IS- Stevenson's (VV. B.) Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence in South America — .. 13 Stillingfleet's (Benj.) Tracts on Nat. History, Husbandry, and Physick 19 .. — St. John's Journal of a Residence in Norway 7 . . — Stockdalc's (J. J.) Sketches of Java — . . 9* St. Palaie's (Mons. dc) Histoire Litteraire des Troubadours. ... 14 . . — Strang's (John) Germany in 1831 7 . . — Strickland's (Miss) Lives of the Queens of England — . . 18 Strong's (Dr. Joseph) Conflict of Laws 19 .. — Struensee and Brandt, Counts, Lives of, by Drs. Hunter and Hee 14 . . — Stuart's (Robt.) Anecdotes of Steam Engines, their Inventors, &c. 19 . * — Sturm's (C. C.) Reflections 2 . . — St. Vincent (Earl of) Life and Correspondence, by Capt. Brenton — .. 18- ^ Sullj', (Duke of ) Memoirs of the — .. 18 Swartz, (Rev. C. M.) Life and Correspondence of, by Dean Pearson 14 . , — Swift's (Dean) Gulliver's Travels 33 . . — Swinburne's (Henry) Courts of Europe at the Close of the last Century , — .. 14 Symonds' (Jelinger C.) Arts and Artizans at Home and Abroad — ..24 Syntax's (Dr.) Tour in Search of the Picturesque — . . 27 Taylor's (Arthur) Glory of Regality 10 . . — Taylor's (Rev. Dr. John) Elements of Civil Law 20 . . — Taylor's (Jos.) Cariosities of Nature and Art 20 . . — Taylor's ( Henry) Statesman 2o . . — Taylor's (Dr. W. C.) Student's Manual of Ancient Histoiy .... 10 . . — Talfourd's (Mr. Serj.) Ion, a Tragedy 23 . . ~ Temple's (Major) Excursions in the Mediterranean, Algiers, and Tunis 7 . , Tennant's (George) Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, &c. . . 7 . . — Tennyson's (Arthur) Poems — . . 27 Terry and Parker's Treatise on a Process for increasing the Pro- duct of Sugar from the Cane — . . 24 Thackeray's ( W. M.) Irish Sketch Book — . . 31 Thclwall, (John) Life of, by his Widow 14 . . — Thiers' (M. A.) History of the French Revolution _ . . 14 Thoms's (P. P.) Chinese Courtship, translated from the Flower's Leaf of the Chinese 23 . . Thomson's (Rich.) Talcs of an Antiquary 34 .. — ■ Historical Essuy on the Magna Charta — . . 14 Thornton's (Edward) India , 10 . . — Thorpe's (Dr. John) Registrum Roiiense 10 . . — (GENERAL INDEX. h'irst Secnvd A/q). Apit. I'ase Page Titian, Notices of his IJfe and Works, by A. Humcsh 20 . . — Tracts, viz. on Bullion and Paper Currency 26 . . — Legal, Historical, &c 25 . . — Medical, &c 2(3 . . — Religious 20 • • — Scientific , , ,,.,,,,,,,,,,, 27 . . — Traill's (Prof.) Physical Geography -— .. 1) Trelawney's Younger Son 34 . . — Trials, Remarkable, brought down to 1825 10 . . — Trial of William Lord Byron, for Murder — . . 14 Trincado (Don M.) de los Soberano de la Europa 10 . . — Trollope's (Mrs.) Vienna and the Austrians — .. Visit to Italy — . . S) , — Vicar of Wrexhill — . . 33 Widow Barnaby, — . . 33 Troubadours, Histoire Litteraire dcs 10 .. — Truman, (Dr. Matt.) on Food, and its Influence on Health and Disease ....,.,,,,,,.,,,.,,,...,..,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,, ■— . . 24 Tuckey's (Capt.) River Zaire or Congo, in South Africa 7 . . — Turkish Spy ,,,,,.,,..,.,,,,,, 27 . . — Turnbull's (P. E.) Austria — . . 9 Turnbull's (Wm.) Experiments on Cast Iron Beams and Columns 20 . . - — Turton's (Dr. Thos,) Natural Theology, considered wjtU Refe- rence to Lord Brougham's Paley ,,.,.,,,»..,., 2 .. -^ Twelve Years' Military Adventures ^ ..,.*.. , 10 . . — Tyler's (Rev. J. E.) Origin and Nature of Oatlis 2 . . — Tytler's (P. F.) History of Scotland , — . . 14 Ure's (Dr. And.) Philosophy of Manufactures 20 , . — ■ ■ ■ ■■ ' Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain . . . , 20 . . •.— Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines ...... -^ . . 24 Urquhart's (D.) Spirit of the East ,...., — . . 10 Uwins, (Dr. David) on Disordjexa of the Brain ajid Nervous System, and on Indigestion ,...,....,...,......,.. 20 . . ^- Venable's (Rev. R. L,) Scenes in Russia r— . . 9 Vieusseux's (Andrew) Italy and the Italians , . . • . — . . 9 History of Switzerland , ^— . . 14 Vigne's (G. T.) 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