Jf GEOGRAPHY D.C. HEATH BcCG, B O 3 T O V v * OF THE WOKLD SHOWING UNITED STATES AND ITS POSSESSIONS United States FouesuonB in Bed Scale of Hllai on the Equator Bait from 160 Greenwich 180 120 Longitude PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER BY PRESCOTT F. JERNEGAN, A.B. PHILIPPINE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANILA BOSTON, U.S.A. D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS 1906 COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY D. C. HEATH & CO. All rights reserved. EDUCATION DCFff EDUC. LIBRARY PREFACE THE Philippine Geography Primer is intended for use in the third grade. It includes as much material as the average class may be expected to cover. After deducting holidays and time spent in reviews, examinations, and exercises in modeling and map drawing, sufficient time will remain for one hundred and fifty les- sons, each including about one hundred and sixty words of the text ; this will complete the book within the year. In plan, the book adheres to the principle that the study of geography should begin with facts observable at home, and relating to the physical features and changes of the surface of the earth. To this subject, Part I, about one tenth of the work is devoted. The main facts about the earth as a whole are then presented, as an indispensable requisite for the study of the political and com- mercial geography of even so restricted an area as the Philippines. Thus, near the beginning of their study, the pupils learn in a general way the place of their country in relation to the great world, its zones, races, and the broad activities of its peoples. This subject, Part II, occupies about one eighth of the Primer. A somewhat detailed study of the Philippines constitutes Part III, covering about one third of the book. The chief- ends sought are : first, to convey an idea of the volume and value of the natural resources of the Philippines, and the inadequate development of these resources, as well as of the peoples of the country ; secondly, to point out how and why such growth as exists has been secured. The reasons for the locations and prosperity of the larger towns, and for the superiority in products . of one section over the others, are indicated. Thirdly, to show in what directions and bv fL /\ H ff A O / iv PREFACE what means the resources of the land and the people may be more fully utilized. Part IV includes rather more than one third of the book, and attempts to give those facts about the continents and countries of the world that are an indispensable part of even a primary educa- tion. The method of presentation agrees in general with that fol- lowed in case of the Philippines, with the addition of comparisons and correlations of these countries with the Philippines. Asia, and the countries of Asia nearest the Philippines, receive the first place for obvious reasons ; Europe the next, as the source of the civilization of the Philippines and the physical complement of Asia, then America as following Europe historically both in its own development and in its relation to the Philippines. The re- maining continents receive only the modicum of attention that the limits of a primer permit. SUGGESTIONS TO FILIPINO TEACHERS IN teaching Part I, show the pupils, if possible, the forms of land and water. Take them out doors. Have them ex- amine the soil and find the sand and decayed vegetation. Show them the stones in the bed of a dry stream. Show them how the stones have broken one another into sand. If you live near the coast, show the pupils the beach, the action of the waves and tides, a cape, a harbor, etc. There are little hills and valleys near every school. Show the pupils how the little streams have dug small valleys and left hills between the valleys. Make them see what they read about in the book. Have the pupils draw a map of the school room, of the school grounds, and of the town. Have th.em find out some distance in the town that is ^kilometer, another that is a mile. Have them walk this distance and see how many minutes it takes. Have them find a tract of land that is just one hectare, and another that is just one acre. In teaching Part II, use the globe with every lesson. Have each of the pupils point out the equator, the poles, the zones, the oceans, the continents. Show them the motions of the earth with the globe. In teaching indus- tries, have them bring to school sam- ples of the different things that are manufactured in the town. Have them find out themselves what things are exported from the town and imported into it, and the prices at which these things are sold and bought. In teaching Part III, the Philip- pines, make models of the different islands in sand. The relief map on page 29, as well as the colored maps on pages 26, 27, 41, and 57, will prove helpful in this part of the work. Have the pupils draw from the map and from memory every island said province they study. Teach them to bound each province and to tell what island is nearest north, east, south, and west of your island. Have them bring to school specimens of the plants, metals, and minerals found in or near your town. If possible, get specimens of their products from other provinces, and show them to the class. If any of the pupils have lived in other towns of the province or other provinces, have them tell the class about those towns and provinces. In teaching Part IV, show the pupils pictures from larger geographies and other books. Study each picture in the Primer. Have the pupils tell you everything the picture teaches about geog- raphy. In preparing each lesson, find VI SUGGESTIONS TO FILIPINO TEACHERS out what any map and any picture in the book can teach you about that lesson. Besides the questions in the "Helps," ask others that you think will help the pupils to understand the lesson. Ask the questions in different ivords from those of the book, after you have used the book questions. Do not let the children recite like parrots. Make them think. Wherever the book says " because," or "therefore," or "reason," be sure that you find out the reason and learn how to explain it. Make the children understand it so that they can tell it in different words from those of the book. Always ask yourself and the chil- dren of what use the knowledge gained in a lesson is. Ask how it may help them to become good farmers and ivork- men and citizens. Ask whether other towns, provinces, and countries are better in any way than yours, and if they are better, why they are better and how you may improve your town, province, and country. TJiis is why we study geography. CONTENTS PART I THE LAND, THE WATER, AND THE AIR PAGE I. The Soil . 1 II. Hills and Mountains .2 III. Valleys . 3 IV. Rivers 4 V. Ponds and Lakes 6 VI. The Ocean 6 VII. The Rain 8 VIII. The Air 9 IX. Maps ...... 9 PART II THE EARTH AS A WHOLE I. Shape and Size of the Earth 12 II. Motions of the Earth . . . . . . . . . .13 III. The Zones 15 IV. The Continents and Oceans 18 V. The Great Races of Mankind 20 VI. Industry and Commerce ........... 22 VII. Government 23 PART III THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS I. THE PHILIPPINES AS A WHOLE 25 1. Climate and Products 28 2. Animals, Metals, and Minerals ........ 34 3. Government ............ 38 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE ISLANDS AND PROVINCES 39 1. The Luzon Group 39 2. The Visayan Group 55 3. The Mindanao Group 62 PART IV THE CONTINENTS AND COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD I. ASIA 67 1. Asia as a Whole 67 2. Countries of Asia 71 II. EUROPE 79 1. Europe as a Whole .......... 79 2. Countries of Europe 82 III. NORTH AMERICA 94 1. North America as a Whole 94 2. Countries of North America ......... 98 IV. SOUTH AMERICA ............ 113 1. South America as a Whole 113 2. Countries of South America 114 V. AFRICA . 119 1. Africa as a Whole 119 2. Countries of Africa 120 VI. AUSTRALIA AND THE PACIFIC ISLANDS . . . . . . .125 APPENDIX . 128 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER PART I THE LAND, THE WATER, AND THE AIR against one another and break the rocks. The waves of the sea break the rocks on the shore. I. The Soil We live on the land. The land is made of soil and rocks. The soil is soft ; the rocks are hard. Most of the surface of the land is soil, and under the soil there is solid rock. Rub some dry soil between your fingers. Some of the little pieces in the soil are hard and sharp. They are pieces broken from the solid rock. Some of them are large and SOme of them The waves break the rocks and make sand You may see much sand by the rivers and on the seashore. This sand is made from the rocks which the water has broken. Soil is also made by the de- caying of the rocks. The air and the rain make the rock fall into little pieces, and in this way The rocks decay and make soil SO1 1 1S formed. are small, but in good soil most ^ ll s f made f rom ?- of the pieces are very small. n e cks **?*> f a [ e l)roken These little pieces of rock we call mto / P artwles ^ the streams sand. and waves - How are rocks broken into There are little dark pieces in little pieces ? Rivers roll rocks some soils. These pieces are 1 2 PHILIPPINE GEOGKAPHY PRIMER soft. They are not hard and that rises slowly; a steep slope sharp, like sand. They are rises quickly, pieces of decayed leaves, grass, The top of a mountain is called or wood, and they make the soil the summit. A sharp summit is fertile. Plants grow well in fer- called a peak. When a mountain Point out hills, mountain range, slopes, summit, peak, and river tile soil. Nearly all animals get their food from plants, and most plants get food from the soil. Without soil there would be very lit- tle food. Soil is very useful. Without soil, few plants, ani- mals, or men could live. Helps. Get some soil. Find sand and little rocks in it. Find decayed plants in it. Of what two things is the land made? With what is most of the surface of the land covered? What is under the soil? From what is soil made ? In what two ways is soil made from rocks? What do plants get from soil ? Why is soil useful ? Spell. Soil, decayed, fertile, useful. II. Hills and Mountains High places in the land are called hills. Very high hills are called mountains. The sides of hills and mountains are called slopes. A gentle slope is one or hill is very long in one direction, it is called a ridge. A long, high ridge with several peaks, is called a mountain range. Most mountains are made of rock. There is little soil on mountains. Mountains are parts of the solid rock that have been pushed up from under the surface of the earth. Some hills, also, were made in this way. Volcanoes. Some mountains have holes in them out of which are thrown hot water, stones, ashes, and lava. 1 Such moun- tains are called volcanoes. 2 The hole in a volcano is called a crater? 1 Lava is rock melted by great heat under the surface of the earth. When the lava is thrown into the air by the volcano, it is scattered and hardens in little pieces called cinders. 2 See picture of a volcano on page 53. 8 See picture of a crater on page 52. THE LAND, THE WATER, AND THE AIR There are many volcanoes in the Philippine Islands, and some- times they destroy houses and people. Uses of Mountains. -- Many mountains are covered with for- ests. From the forests men cut trees, and from the trees they get lumber. With the lumber they build houses and ships. The mountain streams give water for the fields. The streams turn the wheels of mills. From the mountains come gold, silver, iron, and other useful metals, and by and by we shall learn that the mountains help to make the rain fall on the land. Mountains give us lumber, streams of water, and metals, and cause rain. Helps. What is a hill? Where have you seen a hill ? What is a moun- tain ? Where have you seen a moun- tain ? How far from your town is the nearest mountain ? What is a slope ? A gentle slope ? A steep slope ? Tell where there is a gentle slope and a steep slope near your town. What is a summit ? A peak ? A ridge ? A moun- tain range ? Of what are mountains made ? Of what are many hills made ? Why is fine soil found in the lowlands ? What is a volcano ? Lava ? A crater ? Name four uses of mountains. Spell. Mountain, slope, peak, range, volcano. III. Valleys The low land between two hills or mountains is called a valley. Some valleys are very narrow, and some are so wide that you cannot see across them. How Valleys are Made. - - The smallest stream of water is called a rill. When other rills join it. range The rills cut little channels in the land the stream becomes a brook. The brook is larger and stronger than a rill. The brook carries along soil and many small stones. The water and the stones cut a channel in the land. This chan- nel grows wider and deeper. The rain washes soil into the brook, and the brook carries. the soil away. In this way most valleys were made. Some valleys were made by the rising or sinking of the land. When mountain ranges are pushed up from under the sur- face of the earth, the low land between them is called a valley. Many great valleys were made in this way. PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PKIMER Most valleys were cut out of the land l)y streams of water. Some large valleys are formed by the rising of mountain ranges. Uses of Valleys. Most of the fertile land is in the valleys. Most valleys have rivers in them. People can travel and trade easily by going along the rivers, so many people live in the valleys. river. The place where the river begins is called its source. The place where the river flows into another body of water is called its mouth. Very swift parts of the river are called rapids, and where the river falls over a wall of rock a waterfall is formed. A fertile river valley Most of the people live in the valleys because most of the fertile land is in the valleys. Helps. What is a valley ? Is there a valley near the schoolhouse? Where have you seen a large valley ? What is a rill ? A brook ? A chan- nel ? How are most valleys made ? How are some large valleys made ? Are there more people in the valleys or in the mountains? Give two rea- sons for your answer. Spell. Valley, fertile, travel, rea- sons. Waterfall and rapids Is a river higher at its source or at its month ? When rain falls, some of it sinks into the ground. The water flows slowly along under the ground. By and by, on some hillside or in some valley, it may come to the surface of the ground, making a spring. Many rivers have their sources in springs. Deltas. All rivers carry some A large stream of water flow- sand and fine soil. When the ing through the land is called a river reaches the ocean or a lake, THE LAND, THE WATER, AND THE AIR the water stops running. Then the sand and the fine soil fall to the bottom of the sea or lake, as sediment. After a long time the sediment fills the ocean or lake near the mouth of the river, and makes new, flat land. This land is called a delta. Deltas are fertile, and sometimes they are very large. There are large deltas at the mouths of the Agno and Pain- pan ga rivers in Luzon. and fertile lowlands are formed on each side of the river. These lowlands are called flood plains. A river system, river basin, and delta Flood Plains. --When a river flows over its banks, there is a flood. When there is a flood, the water runs swiftly and carries much sediment. This sediment falls upon the land and builds it up higher. After many floods, great A flood in Manila River Basins and Systems. The smaller streams that flow into a river are called its branches. The land from which a river and its branches carry away the water is called a river basin. The river and its branches are called a river system. Uses of Rivers. Boats sail on rivers ; rivers are, therefore, use- ful for travel and trade. The water of rivers is carried to fields to help plants grow. Some rivers turn the wheels of mills. Rivers make deltas and flood plains. Rivers are useful for travel and trade, and to give ivater for plants and mitts. Helps. What is a river ? The source ? The mouth ? What are rapids? What is a waterfall? A spring ? Sediment ? Where have you seen a delta? How is it made? Can you tell why a delta is flat ? What is a flood plain ? Can you tell why it takes a long time to make PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER a flood plain ? What is a river branch ? A river basin? A river system? Name four uses of rivers. Spell. Basin, system, source, mouth. V. Ponds and Lakes A pond is a small body of water nearly or quite surrounded by land. A very large pond is called a lake. Sometimes a pond or lake is only a broad place in a river, the river flow- ing in at one end of thepondor lake, and out at the other end. Uses of Lakes. Lakes have nearly the same uses as rivers. The land around lakes is often fertile, and many towns are built on their shores. Can you tell why? Helps. What is a pond ? A lake ? What are the uses of lakes ? Spell. Rapids, waterfall, delta, sediment. VI. The Ocean The ocean is the great body of water that covers most of the surface of the earth. Three fourths of the earth's surface is water ; only one fourth is land. The ocean is much deeper than rivers or lakes. The highest mountain in the Philippines could be hidden far below the surface in many parts of the ocean. The water of the ocean is salty and it usually has a blue or green color. The ocean rises twice and falls twice every twenty-five hours. For about six hours the water rises, and then for about six hours the water falls. This motion of the ocean is called the tide. The moon and the Lake Taal sun cause the tide. Land Forms. TJie coast or coast line is the place where the land and the ocean meet. When a point of land goes far out into the ocean, it is called a cape. If the cape is nearly sur- rounded by water, it is called a peninsula. A small body of land sur- rounded by water is called an island. Land that is not an is- land is called the mainland or continent. A narrow body of land that joins two larger bodies of land is called an isthmus. Water Forms. A portion of the ocean partly surrounded by land is called a bay or gulf. THE LAND, THE WATER, AND THE AIR A very large bay or gulf may be Men build lighthouses on capes called a sea. If a bay is small and near dangerous reefs. They and is nearly surrounded by land, place large lamps in them. The it is called a harbor. A harbor light of the lamps shines far over is a safe place for ships when the wind blows hard. A city built near a har- bor is called a port. Straits and channels are narrow bod- Land and water forms the sea and guides the sailor safely. The ocean is deep and wide. Many ships sail on it, and the rain comes from it. The stars ies of water that connect larger and the lighthouses guide the bodies of water. Uses of the Ocean. One great use of the ocean is as a waterway sailors. Helps. What is the ocean? How much of the surface of the earth does the for the thousands of ships that ocean cover? How deep is the ocean? sail upon it. It gives us many what is the taste of ocean water? t/ TTTl i 1 1_ J_1- _ O TTTT A. fish for food. Winds from the ocean cool us, and in the next lesson we shall learn how the rain that falls upon the earth land ? The mainland ? An isthmus ? comes from the ocean. Lighthouses. When the sailor cannot see the land, he guides his ship by the stars; but the stars are sometimes hid- den by clouds, and in some places rocks are A lighthouse on a rock near the surface of the ocean. rocks are called reefs, sula, isthmus, harbor, ships strike these wrecked > lighthouse. i 11 1 Wrecked means broken to pieces. Such Sometimes reefs and are wrecked. 1 What color has the ocean? What is the tide ? What causes the tide ? What is the coast, or coast line? What is a cape ? A peninsula ? An is- ithmus ? What is a bay ? A gulf ? A sea? A harbor? A port ? What are straits, and channels ? What are the main uses of the ocean ? What in the ocean is good to eat? In what two ways is the sailor guided? What is a reef? A lighthouse? Spell. Ocean, coast line, penin- strait, reef, 8 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER VII. Rain Water Vapor. Wet clothes placed in the sunshine become dry. The water goes from the clothes into the air. Therefore we know that there is water in the air. In the same way, the air takes up water from lakes, ponds, and rivers, from wet land, and from the ocean. The sun- shine breaks the water into little particles called water vapor. We cannot see water vapor, but it is always in the air. Clouds and rain Rain. Warm air takes up water vapor from the ocean. The winds carry it to the high, cold mountains. The cold makes the particles of water unite and form drops of water. These drops of water fall down as rain. Rain makes the plants grow, and forms brooks, rivers, and lakes. Clouds. Clouds are made of drops of water. These drops are so small and light that they float in the air. When many little drops are near together, they make a cloud. Dew. In the early morning you may often see little drops of water on the grass. We call these drops of water dew. At night the water vapor in the air cools and makes drops of dew on the grass. The air takes up water vapor, chiefly from the ocean. Rain, clouds, and dew are made by the cooling of the water vapor in the air. Ice and snow are water made very hard by the cold. In cold countries the water freezes in the winter, and the lakes and rivers are covered with ice. In some of the larger Philippine cities there are great machines for making ice. People cool their food and water with ice. Snow is found only in cold countries, or on high moun- tain tops. When the water vapor in the air becomes very cold, it freezes and makes little white particles called snowflakes. These particles fall from the clouds and cover the earth with a coat of beautiful, white snow. When it is very cold, water vapor changes to snow, and water changes to ice. THE LAND, THE WATER, AND THE AIR Helps. What is water vapor ? Can you see water vapor? How may we know that water vapor is in the air? What turns water vapor into rain? Of what use is rain? What are clouds? What is dew? Where are ice and snow made? What changes water to ice? Of what is snow made? What changes water vapor to snow? Of what use is ice ? Spell. Cloud, freezes, vapor. flake, machine, VIII. The Air The Air. We cannot see the air, but it is all around us and high above us. Birds fly in the air. Clouds float on the air. We breathe the air. When the air moves over the earth, we call it 'wind. A very strong wind is a storm, or gale. The strongest wind is called a typhoon. In the Philippines, it is often called a baguio. The winds that blow a long time in the same direction are called in the Philip- pines monsoons. Copyright, 1904, by N. L. Stebbins. Large ships are driven by the wind Winds are very useful. They carry the water vapor to the mountains and so help to make rain. They turn windmills, and they drive skips over the sea. Air is everywhere over the earth. Air in motion is wind. Wind brings rain and moves ships. Wind turns windmills. Helps. Where is the air? Can you see the air? How do you know there is air? Of what use is the air? What is wind? What is a storm, or gale ? A typhoon, or baguio? A mon- soon? What are the uses of wind ? Spell. Typhoon, baguio, monsoon. IX. Maps Maps show the position of places, or where places are. 1 Maps also show the distance be- tween places, or how far one place is from another. A small map may show great distances. On your map it may be only one centimeter from your town to the nearest town. By the road it is, perhaps, ten kilometers. Then one centimeter on the map means ten kilometers on the land. If two towns are twenty kilometers apart on the land, they will be two centimeters apart on such a map. If it is three centimeters on such a map from your town to the nearest town, how far will 1 See the map on page 10. 10 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PKIMER it be on the land from your town to the nearest town ? You may walk towards differ- ent places. Each place is in a certain direction from you. Directions have names. The direction in which the sun rises is called east. The direction in which the sun sets is called west. *-. \ How to find the North Star There is a star in the heavens called the North Star. The direction of that star from us is north. When we face the north, the direction behind us is called south. When we face east, north is on our left hand, and south is on our right hand. South is the opposite of north, and west is the opposite of east. Northeast is halfway between north and east. Where, then, is southeast ? Southwest ? North- west ? WEST EAST Chart showing directions A simple map. Compare with the picture on page 7 Map Directions. On maps the top of the map means north. The right side of the map means east. The left side of the map means west. The bottom of the map means south. On a map the comparative size of places is shown. Mindoro is about twice as large as Cebu. Then on a map Mindoro will cover twice as much paper as Cebu. THE LAND, THE WATER, AND THE AIR 11 A map also shows the outline of the coasts and seas. You may see on the map every cape and bay. Of what use is this to the sailor ? Most maps are fiat. They do not show the difference between the high land and the low land. The map on page 29 is of a different kind. That map is called a raised or relief map. There are many things that a map does not show. People, houses, animals, and many other things cannot be well shown on maps. Maps show position, distance, direction, size, and outline. Helps. How can a map show great distances? Where is east? West? North? South? Northeast? South- east ? Southwest ? Northwest ? What part of a map means north ? East ? West ? South ? How can a map show the size of a place? Of what use is a map to a sailor ? Name two kinds of maps. What is the dif- ference between a flat map and a raised map ? Name three things maps do not show well. Spell. Position, distance, direc- tion, opposite, outline. Review Questions. Of what two things is the land made ? What is beneath the soil ? Why is soil use- ful ? What is a hill ? A mountain ? A slope ? What is a channel ? A volcano? A crater? What are the uses of mountains ? What is a valley ? How were most valleys made ? How were the mountains and some great valleys made ? What is a river ? What are rapids ? What is a water- fall ? A delta? A flood plain ? A river basin ? A river system ? What are the uses of rivers ? What is a pond ? A lake ? What; is the ocean ? The tide? A cape ? An island ? An isthmus ? A bay ? A gulf ? A sea ? A harbor ? A port? A strait? A reef? A lighthouse ? What is water vapor ? Rain ? What are clouds ? What is dew ? Snow ? Ice ? How is rain made ? What is wind ? A gale ? A typhoon ? A baguio? Of what use is wind? Name five things that maps show. Name two kinds of maps. Of what use is a map ? PAET II THE EARTH AS A WHOLE the axis. The two ends of the I. Shape and Size of the Earth ^ ^ ca]led ^ The ^ The land and water make the that points towards the North eartJ^ or world. The part of the Star is called the north pole. earth which we ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The other pole sailor named equator is Magellan found the Philippines, about 40,000 kilometers (25,000 He sailed west from Spain with miles) long, three ships. Two ships were The distance through the cen- lost, but one of them, the Vic- ter of the earth from one side of toria, sailed around the world, the earth to the other, is called The Victoria never turned back the diameter. The diameter east, but sailed on and on to the of the earth is about 12,800 west. At last she reached Spain kilometers (8000 miles) long, again. Then men knew that the earth is round. Size of the Earth ' - ' The earth is very large. It takes manv She earth is a great round ball weeks? Qn the fast j t Ships sail around it. steamers and railway trains, to Axis and Poles. We think go around the world. The earth of a long line through the center is larger than the moon, but the of the earth. This line we call sun is very many times larger 12 THE EAETH AS A WHOLE 13 than the earth. The sun and the sun seems to rise in the east. the moon look small because It is because we are then mov- they are very far from the earth, ing toward the sun. The sun The earth is very large, but the seems to set in tne west ? because sun is much larger. II. Motions of the Earth Rotation. The earth seems to be still. We cannot see it move. We cannot feel its mo- tion. The sun seems to move across the sky. But the sun does not move. It stands still and the earth moves. The earth turns around its axis once every twenty-four hours. This motion is called the rotation of the earth. To rotate is to turn around as a top turns when it spins. when the sun is setting we are NORTH POLE SOUTH POLE Point out the diameter of the earth The earth turns on its axis from west to east. This is why S UTH POLE moving from the sun. It is be- cause we cannot see the motion of the earth that we think the sun moves. Day and Night. Hold an orange or a ball before the light of a lamp. You will see that one half of the orange or ball is in the light and the other half in the darkness, It is the same with the earth. Half of the earth is always in the sunlight, and half of it is always in the darkness. 1 The rotation of the earth on its axis once in every twenty- four hours makes day and night. 1 See picture on page 14. 14 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PEIMEK It is day for us when our part of the earth is facing the sun. It is night for us when the earth has turned and is between us and the sun. When it is day One half is in the light, and one half is in darkness where we are, it is night on the other side of the world. When it is day in the Philippines, on what part of the earth is it night ? The sun stands still. Tlie earth moves around its axis from west to east. This motion of the earth causes day and night. Helps. Of what is the earth made ? What is the shape of the earth? How do we know that the earth is round ? What is the axis of the earth ? The poles? The north pole? The south pole? The equator? The di- ameter? How far is it around the earth? How far is it through the earth ? Look on the globe and see what continent lies down through the cen- ter of the earth from the Philippines. How far must one travel from the Phil- ippines to reach the place on the surface of the earth which is opposite the Philippines ? How far is it to that place through the center of the earth ? Is the earth larger or smaller than the moon ? Than the sun '/ \ \ The Year. Besides rotating on its axis every day, the earth has another kind of motion. It moves in a long path around the sun. The path of the earth around the sun is almost a circle. The sun is in the center of the circle. The earth moves around the sun once in 365J days. This time is a year. A year is the time that it takes the earth to move around the sun. The path of the earth around the sun Why do the sun and the moon look small ? Does the sun move around the What is the rotation of the How often does the earth What makes the sun seem to To set? How much of the earth ? earth ? rotate ? rise? earth is always in the sunlight ? In the darkness ? When is it day ? When is it night ? What is a year ? Spell. Equator, diameter, axis. THE EARTH AS A WHOLE 15 III. The Zones Hold a globe, 1 with the north pole pointing up, before the light of a candle. You will see that the light falls directly on the equator, and that near the poles there is less light. Rotate the globe, and you will understand that because of the bright light day after day, there is a warm belt around the earth near the equator. Close to the poles not so much light falls on the earth's surface. Therefore, these parts of the earth are cold. Between the warm and the cold regions, there are two other broad belts around head a part of the year. The part of the earth where the sun is sometimes directly overhead, is called the torrid zone. The zones the earth, where it is neither very hot nor very cold. These five divisions of the earth's sur- face are called zones. The Torrid Zone. For a long distance north and south of the equator the sun is directly over- 1 If no globe is at hand, an orange or chico with a stick through the center may be used. A scene in the torrid zone In the torrid zone it is always warm. There is no snow or ice in this zone, except on the high- est mountains. Most of the brown and black people of the world live in the torrid zone. The Philippine Islands are in the torrid zone. Many great forests and useful plants grow in the torrid zone. Many fruits, such as the mango, papaya, and chico grow only in the torrid zone. The tiger, 1 the lion, and the elephant, 2 and many other large wild animals live in this zone. 1 See pic- ture of tiger on page 70. 2 See pic- ture of ele- p h a n t on page 67. Lion 16 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER The Frigid Zones. The far north and south parts of the world are always cold. " Frigid " means cold; therefore, those parts of the earth are called the frigid zones. In these zones the land is often covered with ice and In the frigid zone. Eskimos killing a walrus snow. Few trees grow in the frigid zones. The sea is cold, and great fields and hills of ice float over the water. In the summer many birds, such as ducks and sea-gulls, come from the warmer zones to these cold regions. There are many seals, w r alruses, and whales in the waters of the frigid zones. Few land animals are found there be- cause few trees and plants grow for them to eat ; but the great white polar bear and the reindeer are found in the north frigid zone. The polar bear eats fish and seals, and the reindeer eats little plants. A few people live in the north frigid zone. In the south frigid zone no people have yet been found. The people of the north frigid zone are called Eskimos. They are very short, and dress in the skins of animals. They have no fruits and plant no crops, but eat the flesh of animals and fish. In the winter they sometimes live in houses made of snow and ice. The Temperate Zones. - The parts of the world be- tween the torrid zone and the frigid zones are called the tem- perate zones. One is called the north temperate zone, and the other the south temperate zone. "Temperate" means not very hot or very cold. In the temperate zones it is some- times hot and sometimes cold. - Winter. The ground is covered with snow The cold part of the year is called winter. The hot part of the year is called summer. The winter in the temperate zones is not so cold as in the frigid THE EARTH AS A WHOLE 17 zones. The summer is not so hot as in the torrid zone. After winter comes spring. Then the snow and the ice of winter turn into water. The grass and leaves grow again. Flowers bloom and the birds come from the torrid zone. Summer follows spring. In the hot months of summer the fruits and grain ripen. An autumn scene in the north temperate zone After summer comes autumn, or the fall. The days then grow cooler. The leaves fall and the flowers die. The grass turns brown. After autumn comes winter. Spring, summer, autumn and winter, are the four seasons of the temperate zones. There is less rain in the temper- ate zones than in the torrid zone. There is not so much rich soil as in the torrid zone. Yet some of the largest and best crops in the world grow in the temperate zones. More people are found in the temperate zones than in all the other zones. Most of the white race live there. The people of this zone have made the steam- ship, the railroad, and many machines, and they are very hard workers. For these reasons they are richer than the people of the other zones. There are three kinds of zones the torrid, the temperate, and the frigid. They have different seasons, plants, animals, and races of people. Helps. What is a zone ? In what part of the world is the sun directly overhead for a part of the year ? Where is the torrid zone ? Is it warm or cold in the torrid zone ? What peo- ples live in the torrid zone ? Name some fruits that grow only in the tor- rid zone. Name some of the large animals of the torrid zone. In what zone is the Philippine Islands ? Where are the frigid zones ? What often covers land and sea in these zones ? Do birds live there ? What animals are found in the seas of the frigid zones? What land animals live in these zones? Who are the people? What do they eat ? Of what do they build their winter houses ? Where are the temperate zones ? What does " temperate " mean ? What is winter ? Spring ? Summer ? Autumn, or fall ? What does " season " mean ? Is there much rain in the temperate zones ? Is the soil good ? Do good crops grow in the temperate zones ? What kind of people live there ? What do they make ? Why are they richer than the people of the other zones ? Spell. Torrid, elephant, frigid, walrus, seal, temperate, autumn, sea- son, railroad, Eskimos, reindeer. 18 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER IV. The Continents and Oceans A half of the earth is called a hemisphere. " Sphere " means a ball, and " hemi " means half. NORTH The half of the world north of equator is the northern hemi- sphere. Most of the land is in the northern hemisphere. The half south of the equator is the south- ern hemisphere. We also divide the world into the eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere. The eastern is called the Old World and the western the New World. Can you tell why? Continents. A very large body of land mostly or entirely sur- rounded by water, is called a continent. In the western hemi- sphere there are two con- tinents, North America and South America. In the eastern hemisphere there are four conti- nents, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Europe and Asia are sometimes counted together as one continent. This continent is then called Eurasia. The Oceans. Between the continents are very wide bodies of salt water. The whole of this water is called the ocean, or the sea. The large divisions of the ocean or the sea are called oceans. Find the oceans and name them. Which is the largest? Which is nearest the Philippines ? The northern hemisphere The southern hemisphere THE EAKTH AS A WHOLE 19 The western hemisphere Helps. What does hemisphere mean ? Which is the land hemisphere ? The water hemisphere ? What is a continent ? What continents are in the eastern hemisphere ? The western? What is the ocean ? What other name has the ocean ? What are the large divisions of the ocean called ? What ocean is farthest north ? Far- thest south ? What ocean is between Asia and the Americas ? Between Australia and Africa? What ocean is south of Asia? North of North America ? North of Europe ? W T hat ocean is east of North America ? West of North America? East of South America? South of South America? West of South America? What ocean is west of Africa ? East ? South ? What ocean is west of Europe? North of Europe? What ocean is east and south of Australia ? West of Australia? Name all the oceans. Spell. Hemisphere, Eurasia, Eu- rope, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, continent, Arctic, Antarctic, Atlantic, Pacific. The eastern hemisphere Map Questions. 1 Where is north on this map ? Where is south ? East ? West ? Find the six continents on this map. Find the five oceans. Find the Philippine Islands. Find the United States. Find Spain. Which continent is nearest the Philippines ? What continent is south of the Philippines? What direction is the United States from the Philip- pines ? What direction is South Amer- ica from the Philippines ? What direction is Africa ? (See map, pages 68 and 69.) What group of islands is north of the Philippines ? W T hat small island is between the Phil- ippines and China? What ocean is east of the Philippines ? West ? What cape is at the southern end of South America ? Of Africa ? When Magellan's ship, the Victoria, sailed around the world, she passed these two capes. On the map and on the globe, find the route of the Victoria west around the world. Name the oceans over which she sailed. By what other route do ships now go from the 1 See the map on page 21. 20 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Philippines to Spain? (By the Suez Canal.) What oceans and seas do they cross on this route ? What ocean would you cross in sailing from the Philippines to the western port of the United States ? In sailing west to the eastern coast of the United States ? V. The Great Races of Mankind Races. Men speak different languages and have different customs. They do not all look alike. We may say that men who have the same color belong to the same race. Then we shall find five races of men. They are, the ivhite, the yellow, the black, the brown, and the red races. The White Race. The white, or Caucasian, race is the most nu- merous. More than one third of all men belong to the white race. Most people of this race live in Europe, but they are also found on every other continent. The white people live chiefly in the temperate zones, the best part of the world for man's home. They have better health and more strength and energy than the people who live in hot coun- tries. More than one half of all the land in the world belongs to the white race. They have good schools. The people are intelli- gent, they work hard, and they use machinery in their work. For these reasons the white race is the richest and most powerful of all the races. The Yellow Race. --The peo- ple of the yellow, or Mongolian, race live chiefly in eastern Asia. China is the home of most of the yellow race. The yellow race is nearly as numerous as the white race. The yellow people are hard workers, but they have few ma- chines. None of them except the Japanese have good schools. The Black Race. The people of the black, or Negro, race live mostly in Africa. The black people are very ignorant. They have very few clothes and poor houses. They have no fine cities. Most black people are called Ne- Caucasian, or white Mongolian, or yellow Negro, or black Malayan, or brown 22 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PEIMER groes. The blacks of the Philip- pines are called Negritos. The Brown Race. Most Fili- pinos belong to the broivn, or Malayan, race. The brown people live on the Malay Peninsula, on most of the islands between Asia and Australia, and on most of the islands of the Pacific Ocean. The brown race has better schools and towns than the black race. The brown people are learning to become great. Any race that will study and work hard can become great. The Red Race. The red race is the least numerous of the five races. Most of the red race live in the two Americas. They are called American Indians. Before the white people came to America the Indians were savages and lived by hunting and fishing. Now many of them are farmers. There are jive great races. Work and study are the principal things that make a race strong. Helps. Name three ways in which men are different. How many races are there? Which race is the most numerous? Where do most of the American Indian mother and child white race live ? Where else are white people found ? Give four reasons why the white race is strong and rich. Where do the people of the yellow race live ? Do these people work more with their hands or with machines ? In what continent do most of the black people live ? Are they civilized ? What are the black people of Africa called ? What are the blacks of the Philippines called ? To what race do most Filipinos be- long ? Where do most of this race live? Has the black or the brown race the better schools and towns ? Which is the least numerous race? Where do they live ? Spell. Negroes, Negritos, savage, intelligent. VI. Industry and Commerce Hunting and Fishing. The kind of work which a man does is called his occupation, or indus- try. Hunting animals is the oldest occupation of man. Catch- ing fish is another very old occu- pation. Hunting and fishing are very uncertain ways of living. The hunter and the fisherman are often hungry. Why ? Agriculture. The occupation of most men is agriculture, or farming. In nearly every coun- try there are many farmers. In the Philippines more than half the men are farmers. The tor- rid zone is the best place for farming. There the land is fer- tile, -and men can plant and reap every month in the year. Yet THE EAETH AS A WHOLE 23 one farmer of the temperate zones often gets more food from the ground than several farmers of the torrid zone. This is because farmers in the temperate zones use machines for doing their work. A large ocean steamer for carrying on commerce Commerce. - - Farmers often raise more food than they can eat. They need many things besidesfood. To buy these things the farmer sells the food that he does not need. This buying and selling, and carrying goods from place to place, is called commerce. People who buy and sell are called merchants. Manufacturing. The manu- facturer is the man who makes things out of wood, metal, and other materials. Tools, clothes, and many other things that we use are manufactured. Most of the manufacturers live in the cities of the temperate zones. There are not many manufac- turers in the Philippines, because the Philippines are a farming country. Helps. What does "occupation" mean? What are the oldest occupa- tions ? Are these the best occupations ? Why? Are there any people in the Philippines who live by hunting? Do they live in the mountains or in the valleys ? Why ? Are there many Filipino fishermen ? What is the oc- cupation of most men? Which zone is the best for farming? Why? In which zone do farmers get the most for their work ? Why ? Name some things the farmer needs besides food. How does the farmer get these things ? What is commerce? Why is com- merce necessary ? What are the people who carry on commerce called ? What is a manufacturer? Where do most manufacturers live ? Are the^re many manufacturers in the Philippines ? W T hy? Spell. Occupation, industry, agri- culture, manufacturer, commerce, mer- chant. VII. Government The father commands his chil- dren and they obey. This is family government. Some of the mountain people of the Philip- pines have only family govern- ment. When men live in towns, they need a different kind of govern- ment. The men who take care of the roads, the schools, and other things that all the people of the town use, form the town government. When the people of many towns have one government for all the towns, they form a state or nation if no other people rule them. The government of the PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PEIMEK whole nation is the national gov- ernment. A country is the land where the people of a nation live. A colony is a country ruled by another country. A nation is usually governed by a king or a president. A king has great power. In some countries he can take the life of any of his people. A king usu- ally rules as long as he lives. When he dies, his son is made ruler of the country. A presi- dent is elected by the people. He holds the office for a few years ; then another man is elected in his place. A country ruled by a king is called a kingdom. If the kingdom is large and has many people, it is called an empire. The ruler of an empire is called an emperor. Most of the countries of the world are ruled by kings or em- perors. A country with a presi- dent is called a republic. When a country has several parts, the ruler of each part is often called a governor. There is one governor general for all the Philippines, and a governor for each of the thirty-eight provinces of the Philippines. The place where the ruler of a country lives, or where the government is con- ducted, is called the capital. Helps. What is family government? What two other kinds of government are there ? What is a nation or state ? What is a country ? What is a king ? Has a king much power? How long does a king rule ? What is his country called ? What is an empire ? What is the ruler of an empire called? tVhat is a republic ? A president ? By whom is a president elected ? How long does he rule? Who is President of the United States ? What is a governor? What is the highest official of the Philippines called ? What is the high- est official of each province called? What is a capital ? Spell. Empire, emperor, nation, state, country, republic, president, capi- tal, governor general. Review Questions on Part II. How do we know that the earth is round ? What is the axis of the earth ? What is the rotation of the earth ? In what direction does the earth rotate ? What is a year ? Name the zones. Why are the people of the temperate zones rich? How much of the earth's sur- face is land? How much is water? Name the continents. Name the oceans and tell what continents each ocean touches. Name five things that maps show. Of what use are maps ? Name the five races. Tell in which conti- nent each race lives. Which race is the most civilized? Which race is the least civilized ? Name five great occu- pations. Why is there little manufac- turing in the Philippines ? Name three kinds of government. Tell what is meant by each kind. What is a king ? A kingdom? An emperor? An em- pire ? A president ? A republic ? A nation or state? A country? Who is governor general of the Philippines ? Who is governor of your province ? What city is the capital of the Philip- pines? What city is the capital of your province ? PART III THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS I. The Philippines as a Whole Position. A group of many islands is called an archipelago. The Philippine Archipelago lies between Asia and Australia. To which of these continents is it nearer ? In what zone is it ? Name the waters that surround it. (See the map on page 29.) Number. There are more than three thousand Philippine Islands. Many of them are only small rocks. People live on less than three hundred of the islands. There are only twelve islands of great importance. They are : Luzon, Mindanao, Sdmar, Ne- gros, Panay, Palawan, Mindoro, Leyte, Cebu, Boliol, Masbate, and Jolo. Most of the Filipino people live on these twelve, islands. Surface. All the larger is- lands are mountainous. Most of the mountain ranges run north and south. (See the map on page 29.) There are more than twenty active volcanoes. Upon the mountain slopes and along many of the rivers are thick forests. The coasts are very irregular. The coasts of the Philippines, if placed in a straight line, would reach half- way around the world. Rivers. Many short, swift rivers run to the sea. Swift rivers bring much soil from the mountains, so the valleys of such rivers are very fertile. Only a small part of the soil is culti- vated. Copyright, 1906, by C. W. Hodgson. The Abra River and its fertile flood plain Public Land. About one seventh of all the land is owned by the Filipinos. The rest is public land. Any male Filipino more than twenty-one years old may have for himself sixteen hectares of this public land by living and working upon it for five years. Land obtained in this way is called a homestead. The Philippines are mountain- ous, irregular islands. There are great forests, many rivers, and rich valleys. There is much rich, uncultivated land. 25 28 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Helps. What is an archipelago ? Where are the Philippines? How many Philippine Islands are there? What are many of them? How many islands are inhabited? How many islands are of great importance? Name them. Are there many moun- tains ? Tell about the rivers. The valleys. The coasts. Is much of the soil cultivated? How much of the land do Filipinos own? How much public land may a Filipino get for his own ? What must he do to own this land ? Spell. Archipelago, Luz6n, Min- danao, Palawan, Leyte, Masbate, Jolo, Cebii, Panay, Mindoro, Bohol. 1. Climate and Products Climate. Summer and winter are much alike in the Philippines.. It is always warm, except upon the high mountain tops. Yet there are seasons in the Philip- pines. In most of the islands it rains for several months; then the days are dry and sunny for several months. There are, then, two seasons in the Philippine Islands, a rainy season and a dry season. The winds bring the water vapor from the sea to the land. From June to November the wind blows from the China Sea, from southwest to northeast, across the Philippines. This wind is called the southwest monsoon. This wind carries much water vapor. The high mountains cool the water vapor, and it falls as rain. After the wind passes over the mountains it is a dry wind. So, when it rains on the west side of the moun- tains it is dry on the east side. Copyright, 1006, by C. W. Hodgson. A path through a Philippine forest From November to June the wind blows in the opposite direc- tion from that of the southwest monsoon. What direction is that? From what ocean does this monsoon come ? Which is then the rainy side of the islands ? More rain falls on the east coasts of Luzon, Samar, and Mindanao than in other parts of the islands. The driest part of the Philippines is in the Ca- gayan valley, Luzon. < 'S) < u RELIEF MAP OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 30 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Plants. Most plants need plenty of rain and heat. The cli- mate of the Philippines is hot and moist. Everywhere there are many plants. Great forests on Most kinds of rice grow best on wet lowlands, but there are kinds that grow well on the highlands. Rice needs plenty of water. In the mountain slopes and in river dry years the rice crop is very valleys cover more than one half small. There are many rice fields the surface of the Phil- i p p i n e s. Many Filipi- nos live on plants which grow with little culti- vation, like the banana, coconut, and many other fruits. near rivers. The water should be brought in canals from these rivers to the fields. Then two crops of rice in- The water flows from the higher to the lower rice fields. Two crops a year are raised a year, stead of one, could be raised. Besides food plants, there are The Philippines have a warm in most of the islands the lam- climate, with a wet and a dry sea- loo and bejuco, or rattan palm, son . There are great forests and so useful for making furniture. many use f u i plants. Much rice There are other valuable palms, is raised. such as the areca, coconut, bum, and nipa. Indigo is a valuable plant, from which comes a ma- terial used to color cloth blue. Rice. The chief cultivated plant is rice. It grows on most of the islands, and is the main food of most Filipinos. The largest amount of good rice land is in central^ Luzon. Pan- gasinan, Nueva Ecija, and Tar- lac raise about half of all the rice grown in the Philippines. Helps. What kind of climate have the Philippines ? What are the sea- sons in the Philippines ? What are the two monsoons called? In what months does the southwest monsoon blow? To what parts of the islands does it bring rain ? In what months does the northeast monsoon blow ? To what parts of the islands does it bring rain ? Which parts of the islands re- ceive the most rain ? The least rain ? Are there many plants in the Phil- ippines? Why? On what kind of plants do many Filipinos live? Name three plants of use in build- THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 31 ing houses. Name all the kinds of palms that you know. For what is indigo used ? What plant is most cul- tivated in the islands ? How many kinds of rice are there in the Philip- pines? Where are the largest rice fields ? How may two rice crops be raised in one year ? Spell. Monsoon, bejuco, indigo, valuable. 2. Products Continued Corn. This useful plant was brought to the Philippines from Mexico. Corn is much easier to cultivate than rice, because it does not need so much water. In northern Luzon, in Cebu, and in Panay, a large amount of corn is raised and eaten. Corn is very good food also for horses and cattle. Much land where rice does not grow well is good for corn. A sugar mill Sugar is made in the Philip- pines from the sap of the sugar- cane. The cane is cut and ground in mills. The sap is pressed out by rollers. Then it is boiled to drive away the water. Molasses and sugar are left. The sugar is then separated from the molasses. Most of the sugar of the Philippines is made in Luzon, Panay, and Negros. Tobacco Tobacco, like corn, was brought from Mexico. The leaves are picked when ripe, and dried in the sun, or in a house. Then they are made into cigars and cigarettes. Most of the to- bacco grows in northern Lu- zon, and is sent to Manila. A great deal of tobacco and many cigars and cigarettes are sent from the Philippines to China, Spain, and other countries. Coconuts. Many valu- able products come from the coconut palm. The dried meat of the coconut is called copra. The meat of the nut is dried in the sun or over slow fires made in holes in the ground. Oil is obtained from the copra by heating and pressing it. Coconut 32 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER oil is burned in lamps, is used in cooking, in dressing the hair, and in the manufacture of soap. Copra is the second largest export 1 of the Philippines. Much of the copra is sent to France. There the oil is pressed out and used to make soap, can- dles, and butter. Some of these things are sent back to the Philippines and sold here. Why are they not made in the Philip- pines ? Stripping hemp Fiber Plants. Abaca, or Manila hemp, is the most valu- able of the fiber plants of the Philippines. Rope and cloth are 1 An " export " is something sent to another coantry to be sold. made from it. Abaca grows in the Philippines better than in any other part of the world. Hemp forms more than one half of the total exports of the Philip- pines. Maguey is another fiber plant of value. Most of the maguey is raised in northern Luzon. Cotton grows well in many parts of the islands, but very little is raised. Most of the cot- ton cloth used in the Philippines comes from other countries. Why? The pineapple gives the fiber from which piTia cloth is made. Most of this fiber is produced in the Visayas. From the leaves of the burl palm hats and mats are- woven. From the nipa palm mats, sails, and thatch are made. Fruits. --The banana, mango, guava, and chico are the most common Philippine fruits. Most of these grow in all parts of the Philippines. Make a list of the different fruits that grow near your town. Vegetables. Many kinds of vegetables grow in the Philip- pines. The camote, ubi, sinkamas, and gabi are common. Euro- pean and American vegetables are grown, but they are smaller in size and poorer in quality than in their home countries. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 33 Other Products. Coffee and cacao are valuable plants. Grutta- percha is an important product. It is obtained from the trunks and branches of certain trees. Rubber is a product much like gutta-percha. It is obtained from the sap of trees and vines. Woods. In the great forests of the Philippines there are nearly one thousand different kinds of trees. About one hun- dred kinds of these trees give lumber valuable for building. The antipole and the molave are much used for building ships and wharves. There are little animals in the sea that eat wood. They do not like the antipolo and the molave, so these woods last a long time in the sea. Narra is a beautiful wood for furniture, and guijo is a useful building wood. Sometimes Filipinos, when they wish to clear the ground for planting, burn down valu- able trees. It is wasteful and foolish to do this, because such trees will be worth a great deal of money in the future. There are many useful plants in the Philippines. Abaca is the most valuable fiber plant. There are many valuable building woods. TABLE OF THE CHIEF CROPS OF THE PHILIPPINES Islands pro- Islands produc- Islands pro- ducing the ing the Second ducing the Largest Largest Third Largest Amounts. Amounts. Amounts. Rice Luzon Pan ay Negros Abaca Luzon Leyte Mindanao Copra Luzon Mindanao Leyte Sugar Negros Luzon Cebii Tobacco Luzon Cebii Negros Corn Luzon Cebii Negros Cotton Luzon Negros Cebii Cacao Luzon Cebii Mindanao Sawing lumber Helps. From what country was corn brought here? Is it easier to raise corn or rice ? In which islands does most of the corn grow? For what is corn useful ? Does corn need much or little water ? Name eight of the principal crops of the Philippines. Which island grows the most sugar-cane? Name the three islands that produce the most rice. The three that produce the most hemp. The most copra. Tobacco. Cotton. Corn. Cacao. From what is sugar made in the Philippines ? In what islands is most of the sugar made ? From what country was tobacco brought ? Where is most of the tobacco raised? To 34 PHILIPPINE GEOGKAPHY PKIMER what countries is most of the tobacco sent ? Where is most of it manufac- tured into cigars and cigarettes ? From what is copra made? How is it made ? Where is most of it sent? How is coconut oil made ? For what is it used? What besides copra and oil do we get from the coconut palm ? Which is the best Philippine fiber plant? What is made from its fiber ? How much of the exports of the Philippines is abaca fiber ? Name some other fiber plants. Why is so little cotton raised? Name 'four things made from the nipa palm. Name the four most common fruits. How many good building woods are in the forests ? Name four of them. Why is it unwise to burn trees to clear land ? Spell. Abaca, fiber, antipolo, molave, narra, guijo, export, ma- guey. 3. Animals, Metals, and Minerals Animals. There are few large wild animals in the Phil- ippines. In ancient times the Filipinos hunted the carabaos for food. The king of Spain ordered the Filipinos to catch them and tame them. In the island of Mindoro there is an animal, much like the cara- bao, called the timarau. Its horns are shorter and straighter than the horns of the carabao. A small bear is found in Pala- wan. Deer, wild pigs, monkeys, and very large snakes are found in the mountains on many islands, and crocodiles live in some of the rivers. Horses, goats, sheep, and cattle were brought to the Philippines by the Spaniards. There are nearly seven hun- dred kinds of birds in the islands. Fishing rafts and lighthouse Fish. There are many fine fish in the seas around the Philip- pines. With larger boats and better nets more fish could be caught. In the rivers and lakes of Luzon and the Visayas there used to be many large fish, but now there are only a few. This is because the people do not yet understand how to take care of the fish. When they catch a small, young fish, they ought to throw it back into the water in order that it may grow large and lay many eggs. One ought to catch only the larger fish, or fish will become fewer and fewer. Metals and Minerals. Gold, copper, and iron are metals. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 35 Coal, salt, and petroleum are min- erals. There are many valuable metals and minerals in the moun- tains of the Philippines. Most of the gold is found in the mountains of Luzon, in Masbate, and in northern Min- danao. Copper is found in Luzon and other islands. Iron is found in Luzon, lead in Mindoro, and coal in many of the islands. The best Philippine coal is found in the islands of Polillo and Ba- tdn. Polillo island belongs to Tayabas province ; Batan be- longs to Albay province. Pe- troleum is found in Tayabas province and in Cebu. There is much fine build- ing stone in the islands. Mortars for pounding rice, rollers for grinding sugarcane, and blocks for building walls, houses, bridges, and roads, are cut from the solid rock. There, are many valuable metals and minerals in the Philippines. Helps. Which is the largest wild animal in the Philippines? Where is it found? Which wild animal is found in Palawan ? Name other kinds of wild animals. What lives in the rivers? Name four kinds of animals brought here by the Spaniards. How many kinds of birds are there in the Philippines? Why are there few large fish in the rivers and lakes? Name three metals found in the islands. Three minerals. Name the parts of the Philippines where the most gold is found. Where the most copper is found. The most iron. The most lead. Name three things made from stone. Is there much building stone in the Philippines ? Spell. Timarau, crocodile, mineral, petroleum, mortar, Polillo. 4. Peoples Not all Filipinos are alike. Those who have the same lan- guage and customs form a tribe. There are about twenty-four tribes in the islands. Negritos The Negritos. The Negritos were probably the first people who lived in the Philippines. They are small, with woolly hair, flat noses, and very dark skins. They wear little clothing, and wander from place to place. Look at the pictures of the Ne- gritos. How do they differ from the Filipinos that you have seen? .The Negritos are savages. 36 PHILIPPINE GEOGEAPHY PRIMES, They have the poorest kind of houses and tools and are very ignorant. They eat fruits and roots. They hunt deer and pigs. There are about twenty-five thou- sand Negritos in the Philippines. Most of them live in Luzon, Negro s, Panay, and Mindanao. The Malayan Filipinos. Most Filipinos belong to the Malayan, or brown, race. There are many different Malayan peoples in the Philippines. They are divided into three groups the Chris- tians, the Moros, and the Pagans, or wild tribes. The Christian Filipinos live chiefly in Luzon and in the Visa- yas. They speak different dia- lects. There are eight groups : Visayans, Tagalogs, Ilocanos, Bicols, Pangasindns, Pampan- gans, Cagayans, and Zambals. The most numerous of these peoples are the Yisayans. They live in the central islands, and in northern Mindanao. The Tagalogs number about one fifth of all Filipinos. They live in central and southern Luzon. The Ilocanos number nearly a million. They live mainly on the northwest coast of Luzon. There are more than half a million Bicols. The Bicols live in southern Luzon. The Pangasinans and Pam- pangans live in the provinces which bear their names. The Cagayans live in the Cagayan valley, and the Zam- bals in Zambales. Copyright, 1906, by C. "W. Hodgson. Bagobos, a tribe of Mindanao Of the nearly eight million people who live in the Philip- pines, about seven million belong to the eight Christian peoples. These peoples have most of the knowledge, wealth, and power in the Philippines. The Moros number more than a quarter of a million. Some are civilized, but many are half wild. They live in Mindanao, the Sulu Archipelago, and Palawan. They speak different dialects, but have the same religion. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 37 This religion is Mahomet anism. The Mahometans believe there is only one God. They think Mahomet spoke for God. Tlw Pagan, or Wild, Tribes. There are fourteen wild Malayan tribes living in the mountains. They number about four hundred thousand people. Most of them, live in Luzon and Mindanao. These tribes speak different dia- lects, and differ in dress, customs and religion. Many of them are savages, but some are indus- trious and peaceable. THE FOURTEEN WILD TRIBES OF THE PHILIPPINES Name Where found Igorots Northern Luzon Ilongots Northeast Luzon Mangyans Mindoro Bukidnons Luzon and Visayas Bataks Palawan Tagbanuas Palawan Subanos Western Mindanao Bilans Southern Mindanao Tagabilis Southern Mindanao Tirurays Southern Mindanao Manobos Eastern Mindanao Mandayas Eastern Mindanao Bagobos Eastern Mindanao Aetas Eastern Mindanao Foreigners. A foreigner is a man who was not born in the country where he lives, but who has come from another country. Most of the foreigners in the Philippines are Chinese. Besides the American soldiers, there are eight thousand other Americans in the Philippines. Most of them work for the government. There are a few thousand Spaniards who are merchants and farmers, some English, French, and Germans, many Japanese, and a few other foreigners. Many different peoples live in the Philippines. Most of them are Malayans. Most of the Fili- pinos are Christian and civilized. There are wild tribes. Foreigners from many countries live here. Helps. What is a tribe? How many tribes live in the Philippines ? Who were the first people to live in the Philippines? Describe the Ne- gritos. What kind of houses have they? What do they eat? How many Negritos are in the Philippines? Where do most of them live ? To what race do the Filipinos be- long ? Into what three divisions may we separate the Malay Filipinos? Where do the Christian Filipinos live ? How many Christian peoples are there ? Name them. Which is the most numerous? Where do the Visayans live ? The Tagalogs ? The Ilocanos ? The Bicols? The Pangasinans? The Pampangans ? The Cagayans ? The Zambals ? How many people are there in the Philippines ? How many of these are Christians ? Where do the Moros live? Where do most of the wild tribes live ? What is a foreigner ? Spell. Negritos, Visayans, Taga- logs, Ilocanos, Bicols, Pangasinaus, Pampangans, Cagayans, Zambals, for- eigners, Spaniards, Japanese. 38 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PEIMER 5. Government The Philippine Islands belong to the United States of America. The Governor General of the Phil- ippines is chosen by the President and Senate of the United States. A government building in Manila The Philippine, Commission is the body of men which makes most of the laws for the Philip- pines. There are five Ameri- can and three Filipino commissioners. The President and Senate of the United States choose the commissioners. There are thirty-eight provinces. Each province has a governor. In most prov- inces the people of the province choose their governor. Nearly all the governors are Filipinos. The provincial governor, the provincial treasurer, and the divi- sion superintendent of schools form the provincial hoard. Such a board governs most provinces. The provinces are divided into municipalities. Each municipal- ity has a president elected by the people of the town. Manila is the capital of the Philippine Islands. Manila is not in a province, but has a gov- ernment of its own. Each prov- ince has a capital where the governor of the province lives. TJie Philippine Islands belong to the United States of America. They are ruled by a governor gen- eral and a commission, both chosen by the President and Senate of the United States. There are thirty- eight provinces, and the capital, Manila. Each province has a capital and a governor. Helps. To what country do the Philippines belong? Who appoints the A bridge across the Pasig River at Manila governor general ? Who make laws for the Philippines ? How many commis- sioners are there ? How many of them are Filipinos ? Who appoints the commissioners? How many provinces are there ? What is the chief of a province called? Who elect him? What is the head of a town called ? Who elect him ? Who form the provin- cial board? What does this board do ? Spell. Commission, president, provincial. municipality, THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 39 II. Description of the Islands and Provinces 1. The Luzon Group Luzon. Surface. There are about three hundred islands in the Luzon group. The largest is Luzon (area 40,969 sq. m. or 106,195 sq. km). Most of Northern Luzon is high above the sea. Three moun- tain ranges divide it into valleys and coastal plains. 1 (See the maps on page 41 and page 29.) Name the three mountain ranges of northern Luzon. Central Luzon lies between the mountains of northern Luzon and Manila bay and Lake Bay 2 on the south. A great plain stretches south and west from the G-ulf of Lingayen to Manila bay. To the east of this plain rise the mountains of the Sierra Madre range; to the west those of Zambales. The Cardballo Sur mountains separate northern Luzon from central Luzon. Most of central Luzon is formed of several large river val- leys with very gentle slopes. Not many forests are on the great central plain. Southern Luzon lies south of Lake Bay and Manila bay. It 1 A coastal plain is a plain bordering on the sea. 2 Bay as used here is not an English word, but the Filipino name of the lake. It is pronounced bai. is a land of many short moun- tain ranges and broken highlands. There are no large plains. Mayon and Taal, the two most famous volcanoes of Luzon, are here. Copyright, 1906, by C. W. Hodgson. In the mountains of northern Luzon People. More than one half of all the people of the Philip- pines live on Luzon. All the Christian peoples, except the Yisayans, live here. Twenty- three of the thirty-eight prov- inces of the Philippines are on Luzon. These provinces we may divide into six groups. The provinces that are most alike in surface, products, and people form a group. TJtere are many mountains and forests on Luzon. The coast is irregular. Half the people and much of the icealth of the Phil- ippines are on Luzon. Helps. How many islands are there in the Luzon group? Describe the surface of Northern Luz<5n. Of Cen- tral Luzdn. Of Southern Luzdn. What part of the Filipino people live 40 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER on Luzon? How many of the Chris- tian peoples live on Luzdn? How many provinces in Luzon ? What prov- inces do we put in the same group ? Spell. Lingayen, Sierra Madre, Caraballo, describe. The Cagayan Valley Provinces The Cagayan river is the larg- est in Luzon. It flows in a wind- ing course through a broad, fertile valley. In its basin lie three provinces : Cagayan, Isa- , Nueva Vizcaya. Each year A bouse in the mountains of Nueva Vizcaya the floods of the Cagayan spread fertile mud over the fields near its banks. The Cagayan valley pro- duces most of the tobacco of the Philippines. Cagayan Province produces much corn, but very little rice. Alcohol is made from the nipa palm. Much salt is made and many mats are woven in this province. Most of the people are Cagayans. Many Ilocanos live in the towns along the river. Wild tribes live in the mountains on both sides of the valley. Tu- guegarao is the capital city. Aparri is the chief port. The Batan and the Babuyan islands, north of Luzon, belong to Cagayan province. Here cattle, horses, and pigs are raised. The small, rocky island of Yami is the most northern island of the Phil- ippine group. Isabela is much like Cagayan in products and people. The finest kind of tobacco grows in Isabela. Cacao and coffee are raised, and in the forests some valuable woods are found. Hag an, the capital, is halfway up the Cagayan river. Nueva Vizcaya is nearly sur- rounded by mountains. The soil is fertile, but only a small part is cultivated. There are few in- dustries and little commerce, be- cause most of the people belong to the wild tribes. The Christians of the province are Ilocanos. Eice and salt are the chief prod- ucts, and some tobacco, sugar and coffee are raised. Bayombong, the capital, and Solano are the chief towns. The provinces of the Cagayan valley are fertile. Tobacco is ihe principal product. There are few Christian people, but many wild tribes. Helps. Which is the largest river of Luzon? How does it enrich the Kta.Maria tie Mayan ITBAYATI^J BATAN ISLANDS BaSCCgjMf.lRRAYA anCarlo^ ATANL BABUYAN ISLANDS VOL. >'DfcA8 R GUINAPAC R LUZON AND NEIGHBORING ISLANDS 20 40 60 Ob 100 120 HO U.U. POATES ENGR'G CO., N.r. PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER land? What do you call land that lies along a river and is sometimes covered by water (p. 5) ? What prov- inces are in the valley of the Cagayan ? What is the chief product of this valley ? What are the chief products of Cagayan province ? Towns ? What is the chief people ? What groups of islands belong to Cagayan ? Name some products of these islands. Which island is farthest north ? Tell about the people of Isabela. About the products. About the capi- tal. Tell about the land of Nueva Vizcaya. About the products. Peo- ple. Towns. Spell. Tuguegarao, Aparri, Viz- caya, Ilagan, Bayombong, Solano, Babuyan, Yami, Cagayan. Copyright, 1906, by C. W. Hodgson. The Cordillera central mountains of northern Luzon The Provinces of the Northern Highland Much of northern Luzdh is a plateau. 1 This plateau is much broken by mountains. Lepanto- Bontoc, Benyuet and Abra occupy most of this region. A part of each of the Cagayan valley prov- inces lies in this plateau. Near the center of the plateau is 1 " Plateau " means a high level plain. Mount Data, a lofty mountain of northern Luzon. From this mountain four large rivers flow. Find and name them. The climate of these provinces is different from that of the low- lands. On cold nights in winter the people keep fires burning all night, for warmth. Igorots The Igorots. Nearly half of the wild people of the Philippines live in these provinces. Most of them are called Igorots. They are divided into many small groups of different names. The Igorots are short, strong people. Most of them wear their hair long and have few clothes. The Igorots raise camotes, rice, coffee, and cattle. From the great pine trees they cut boards and build houses. Some of the Igorots are very warlike. These warlike ones are called head-hunters, because they cut off the heads of their enemies. They do this as part of their re- ligion. The Igorots believe that THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 43 there are many gods who live in the trees and in the mountains. Baguio, the capital of Benguet jwovince, is nearly a mile above the sea. Baguio is the capital of the Philippines in the hot months. In April and May the governor general and the Com- mission live there. The road through the mountains to Baguio follows the Bued river. The narrow channel of the Bued river There is copper and gold in Benguet. Coffee is grown and exported. Cervantes is the capital of Lepanto-Bontoc. At Mancayan are copper and gold mines. Cof- fee is raised and salt is manu- factured. Helps. Name the provinces of the northern plateau. What is the highest mountain of northern Luzon ? De- scribe the climate. Tell about the Igo- rots. What do they raise ? Tell about their religion. Tell about Baguio. What are the products of Benguet? What is the capital of Lepanto-Bontoc ? What metals are mined in that prov- ince ? Name two other products. Spell. Benguet, Lepanto-Bontoc, Igorot, Baguio, Cervantes, Mancayan. The Provinces of the Northwest Coast The long, narrow Ilocos plain is fertile and thickly populated. Many rivers cross it, flowing from the Ilocos range into the China sea. These rivers are short and swift, and wash down from the mountains the rich soil that makes the country so fertile. The three provinces of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and Union occupy this coastal plain. The people are Ilocanos. Ilocos Norte is the greatest rice producing province of north- ern Luzon. Maguey is one of the leading products. Maguey fiber is not so long or so strong as abaca fiber, but it is valuable. Rope and twine are made from maguey. More cotton is raised in Ilocos Norte than in any other province of Luzon. Many cotton blankets and towels are woven here. In the northern part of the province cacao and rubber vines grow well. Tobacco is grown and exported. Laoag, the capital, is one of the largest towns in Luzon. Batac and Dingras are also important towns. 44 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Ilocos Sur is the richest of the Ilocano provinces. Rice, sugar, maguey, cotton, tobacco, coco- nuts and indigo are produced; and horses and cattle are raised. The church tower at Laoag Vigan, the capital, is a rich town of many tine houses. Juan de Salcedo, who conquered most of Luzon for the Spaniards, settled here in 1572. Pottery, bricks, salt, carriages, shoes, saddles, cigars, and cigarettes are made in and near Vigan. There are many wood carvers and silver- smiths. Candon and Narvacan are large towns. The old province of Abra is now a sub-province of Ilocos Sur. In the large towns of Abra the people are Ilocanos. In the mountainous regions are many Tinguians and other Igorots. Corn and tobacco grow well in Abra, and many horses are raised. Timber is floated down to Vigan on the Abra river. Bangued, the former capital, is a beautiful and healthful town. Union is the third province in the Islands in the production of tobacco. Rice, coconuts, sugar, and maguey are other products. Cotton cloth and pottery are manufactured. San Fernando, the capital, has the best harbor on the northwest coast. In the mountains of Union there are many Igorots. Some Pangasi- nans live in the southern part. The Ilocos country is a narrow, fertile, coastal plain. Rice and maguey are the chief products. The people are industrious and prosperous. Making pottery Helps. Describe the Ilocos plain. How many provinces are there in this group ? Name them from north to south. Who are the people ? Name a sub-province of Ilocos Sur. Which of these provinces produces the most rice ? Name five other products of Ilocos Norte. What is the capital ? THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 45 Which is the richest of the Ilocano provinces ? Name its products. De- scribe the capital. Who settled there in 1572? Name the manufactures. Name three other large towns. Which province is third in the amount of tobacco raised ? Name four other products of Union. Two manu- factures. What is the capital ? How is it situated ? What three peoples live in Union ? Spell. Maguey, Laoag, Dingras, Salcedo, pottery, carriages, saddles, silversmiths, Narvacan, Tinguians, Bangued. The Provinces of Central Luzon Most of Pangasinan is a fertile plain, with mountains on the east and west. The Agno, the second largest river in Luzon, runs through Pangasinan. Many nipa palms and coconuts grow along the coast. Rice, sugar- cane, and tobacco are raised, and much rice is exported to other provinces. Nearly one third of all the rice raised in the Philippines is grown in Pangasinan. There is some commerce by sea with the north- west coast of Luzon. Salt, alco- hol, hats, and mats are impor- tant manufactures. This province is the home of the Pangasinans. The population, about four hundred thousand, is the largest of any province of Luzon. There are some Negritos and Igorots in the mountains. Lingayen, the capital of the province, and Dagupan, the larg- est city in the province, are built on the delta of the Agno river. The railroad from Manila ends at Dagupan. Calasiao, San Car- los, and Bautista are other im- portant towns. The plaza at Lingayen Tarlac Province is hilly in the west and level in the east. Rice, alcohol, pottery, timber, and sugar are the principal products. The people are mainly Ilocanos, Pam- pangans, and Pangasinans. There are some Tagalogs and Zambals. In the mountains are many Ne- gritos. Can you tell why so many different peoples live in this province ? Tarlac, the capital, is a com- mercial town on the railroad. At Murcia is a government farm. On this farm rice fields are plowed by a great steam plow which turns six deep furrows at a time. The rice is planted, cut, threshed, and hulled by machinery. (See the picture on page 46.) 46 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Helps. Describe the surface of Pan- gasinan. What large river runs through Threshing rice by machinery this province ? Name the agricultural products. Manufactures. People. The provincial capital. Other large towns. Describe the surface of Tarlac prov- ince. Name the principal products. The peoples. The capital. Tell about the government farm. Spell. Pangasinan, Lingayen, Cala- siao, Bautista, Zambals, threshed, hulled, machinery, Murcia. The Provinces of Central Luzon Continued Pampanga, except the moun- tainous western part, lies in the great plain of central Luzon. The Pampanga river, which drains the province, is one of the largest rivers in Luzon. Through what other provinces does it flow ? Pampanga is the second prov- ince in the Philippines in the production of sugar. Much rice is raised. Alcohol is one of the chief products. Fishing and the weaving of pina cloth are impor- tant industries. Most of the people are Pam- pangans. Besides San Fernando, the capital, Bacolor, Angeles, and Guagua are important towns. Nueva Ecija. This province is mountainous in the north and east, and nearly level in the west and south. The chief crops are rice, sugar, corn, and hemp. Some timber is cut in the mountains. Most of the people are Taga- logs, but there are also many Ilocanos. San Isidro, the capital, is on the railroad. Gapdn and Cuyapo are large towns. Rice stacks in Pampanga Bulacan is mountainous in the east. The rest of the province is a plain, drained chiefly by the Angat and Pampanga rivers. Bulacan is called the u Garden of Luzon." The land produces rice, sugar, fruits, and timber. There are many nipa swamps. More than half of all the alcohol made in Luzon is manufactured in the province of Bulacan. At Angat are famous iron mines. The manufacture of cloth, cigars, and cigarettes are impor- tant industries in the towns of THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 47 Bulacdn, Hagonoy, and Baliuag. The hats of Baliuag are famous. Malolos is the capital. The people of Bulacan are nearly all Taga- logs. The provinces of the central plain of Luzon have many people. Rice, sugar, and alcohol are the chief products. Helps. Describe the surface of Pampanga. What rivers drain Pam- panga? What are the chief products of Pampanga ? To what tribes do the people belong? Name the larger towns. The capital. Describe the surface of Nueva Ecija. What are its chief crops? Who are the tow n s. The capital. D escribe the surface of Bulacan. What is the chief river ? What is found at Angat ? What are the chief agricul- Making a banca in the forests , , ofzambaies tural prod- ucts ? Manu- factures? What are the chief towns? What city is the capital ? Spell. Pampanga, Bacolor, Ange- les, Gruagua, Ecija, Isidro, Baliuag. The Western Provinces of Central Luzon Zambales and Bataan provinces have narrow coastal plains and steep mountains. There are heavy forests from which some timber is shipped to Manila. Subic bay is an important har- bor. Olongapo is a United States naval station. 2ba, the capital of Zambales, is an important town. Many Ilocanos, Zambals, and some Pangasinans live in this province. There are many Negritos in the mountains. Rice, sugar-cane, and tobacco are raised in Zambales. The fisheries are important. At Mariveles, in Bataan prov- ince, are the largest stone quar- ries in the islands. The people of Bataan raise rice, sugar-cane, cotton, indigo, and vegetables. Tagalogs and Negritos live in this province. Balatiga is the capital. Making salt in Cavite province Cavite. The land slopes north- ward from the mountains to Ma- nila bay, and eastward to Bay Lake. Some hemp -and coffee are raised on the hillsides. On the lowlands, sugar-cane, rice, and fruits are raised. Fishing and salt making are common occupa- tions on the coast. There is some weaving of cotton and hemp. 48 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PKIMEB, At Cavite, the capital, is a United States naval station. Imus and San Francisco are large towns. The people of Cavite are Tagalogs. A view of Cavite Cavite province is famous in Philippine history. Many battles were fought in this province be- tween the Filipinos and the Span- iards. Near the town of Cavite the American fleet, under Admi- ral Dewey, destroyed the Spanish war ships in 1898. Helps. Describe the surfaces of Zambales and Bataan. What province is located at Olongapo? What is the capital of Zambales? To what tribe do the people belong ? What are the products ? What is found at Mari- veles ? What are the products of Bataan ? Who are the people ? What city is the capital ? Describe the surface of Cavite. What are the products of the high- lands ? Of the lowlands ? What are the industries on the coast ? What is the capital? Name two other large towns. Tell why Cavite is famous in history. Spell. Zambales, Bataan, Subic, Balanga, Imus, Spanish. The Lake Provinces Rizal is mountainous in the east, and nearly level in the west. This province incloses the city of Manila on the land side. It carries on a large trade with Ma- nila in timber, bamboo, fruits, coconut oil, alcohol, lime, and areca nuts, which are sent down the Pasig river. Rizal has many stone quarries. A railroad runs up the north bank. of the Pasig river to the capital, Pasig. Malabon, the largest town in the province, has many cigar factories and a sugar refinery, where the coarse, brown sugar is made clean, fine, and white. The people of Eizal are Tagalogs, except a few Negritos in the mountains. La Laguna. The land is low and fertile near the lake. On the north, south, and east are lofty moun- tains. Mt. Banajao (2250 meters or 7382 feet) is the highest mountain of central Luzon. Near Majayjay are the Botocdn Falls, the highest in the Philippines. Botocan Falls THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 49 On the lake shore are most of the large towns. From them great quantities of fruit and vegetables are sent to Manila by steamers. On the west shore of the lake is Colombo,, where Jose Rizal was born. Los Ba- nos is noted for its hot springs, whose waters heal diseases. In the eastern part of the province are Santa Cruz, the capital, Pag- sanjdn, noted for its fine water- falls, and Paete, famous for its wood-carvers. Coconut rafts at Pagsanjan There are large coconut groves in La Laguna, containing about 3,000,000 full-grown trees. Co- pra and coconut oil are the chief products. Much tuba is also pro- duced. The people are Tagalogs. Helps. Describe the surface of Kizal. What is sent to Manila? Where is the railroad ? Name the chief towns. The capital. What people live in Eizal ? What is a sugar refinery ? Describe the surface of La Laguna province. What is the highest moun- tain ? What famous waterfall is in this province? What towns are on the west shore of the lake ? On the east shore ? In what town was Jose Eizal born ? What town is noted for its hot springs? What town is the capital ? What are the chief prod- ucts ? To what tribe do the people belong ? Spell. Quarries, areca, refinery, Banajao, Botocan, Pagsanjan, Paete. The City of Manila Manila, the capital of the Philippine Islands, is the only city of the Philippines that is known all over the world. It is the largest city in the is- lands. There are about 230,000 people in Manila, most of whom are Tagalogs. There are also in Manila Filipinos from many other parts of the islands, and many for- eigners. Manila is built on the Bay of Manila, at the mouth of the Pasig river, on both banks. The land is low and flat, and not a healthful location for a great city. Yet Manila has grown to be a great city, because the com- merce of the great plain of cen- A railroad train tral Luzon reaches it by the railroads, by the Pampanga river 50 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Copyright, 1903, by D. Encinas. View in Manila, looking east from the cathedral and Manila bay, and by Lake Bay and the Pasig river. A scene on the Pasig river Manila has hundreds of snops and factories, fine business buildings, and many beautiful churches. The palace' of the governor general, the treasury, where the money of the govern- ment is kept, and other great government buildings are here. In these buildings thousands of rnen do the work of the Philip- pine government. Carriages in great numbers and electric cars are seen in the streets of Manila, and in the city are parks and gardens where people can walk, drive, or rest. Manila is the center of trade for the whole archipelago, and receives hemp, sugar, and to- bacco from hundreds of smaller ports. From Manila these prod- ucts are sent to foreign coun- tries. Out in the harbor one can always see ships from different parts of the world. Great walls of stone, called breakwaters, have been built in the bay to protect the ships from the waves, and make the harbor safe in times of storm. Electric car in Manila The industries of Manila are many and varied. There are sawmills which cut the timber of the provinces into lumber, and factories where some of this lumber is made into furniture. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 51 There are cigar and cigarette factories, and many other fac- tories, where carriages, ropes, machinery, shoes, matches, ice, The ice factory at Manila alcohol, buttons, and other things are made. Manila has many newspapers and publishes many books. Railroads run from Ma- nila to different parts of Luzon, and the telegraph connects it with all the great cities of the world. Every Filipino should visit Manila. History. The Spaniards con- quered Manila in 1570. Le- gazpi, the first Spanish governor of the Philippines, settled in the city in 1571. The Chinese at- tacked the city in 1574, but were driven away. The British took it in 1762, but soon gave it back to Spain. The Americans captured Manila in 1898. It is now one of the best-governed cities in the world, and one of the finest cities in the Orient. 1 1 Asia and Africa, with the islands near them, are often called the " Orient." Manila is rich and great. It has much commerce and many manufactures. Every Filipino should visit Manila. Helps. How many people live in Manila? Who are they? Why has Manila become great ? Find on the map the provinces whose goods can reach Manila easily by water. What are some of the great buildings ? How do people travel through the streets ? What are the chief products brought to Manila? Where are these things se-nt from Manila? Name the chief manufactures? Who conquered Ma- nila in 1570? In 1762? In 1898? How does it now compare with other cities ? Spell. Electric, telegraph, churches, treasury. Making baskets in Manila The Provinces of Southern Luzon The Tagalog Provinces Batangas. The province of Batangas is mainly highland and mountains. In the center of Batangas is Lake Taal. 1 From an island in the lake rises Taal Volcano. There are hot lakes 1 See picture on page 6. 52 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PKIMER of different colors in the crater. Many times in the past the vol- cano has thrown out lava and destroyed people and towns. The crater of Taal volcano Batangas once produced much coffee and many fine horses. The rust 1 destroyed the coffee trees, and the surra killed many horses. The government is now planting new coffee trees, and is bringing fine horses to the Phil- ippines. Rice, sugar, and corn are the chief products of Batan- gas. Many fruits are grown, and some hemp is raised. There are several large and well-built towns in Batangas. Among them are Liipa, Batangas, Baan, and Taal. Batangas is the capital. The people of Ba- tangas province are Tagalogs. Tayabas is the longest prov- ince of Luzon. It is very moun- tainous. There are fine woods in the forests. The chief pro- ducts are rice, sugar, copra, and tobacco. The oil of the lumban seed is used for lamps and in paint. The people of Tayabas build many boats. Can you tell 1 A disease of the coffee tree. why ? Sinamay and pina cloth are woven there. Lucena is the capital of the province. Lucbdn and Tayabas are important towns. The people are nearly all Tagalogs. On the east coast there are some Bicols, and in the mountains a few Negritos. Polillo Island belongs to Ta- yabas. Fine coal is found there. Marinduque also belongs to Tayabas. It is a mountainous island, thickly inhabited by Tagalogs. Boac is the chief town. Rice, sugar, coconuts, and abaca are the chief pro- ducts. Copyright, 19i>0>, by C. W. Hodgson. A road near Lucena Helps. Describe the surface of Ba- tangas. What famous lake and volcano are in Batangas ? What were formerly the two great products of Batangas? Why did they fail ? What is the gov- ernment doing about it ? What are now the chief products ? Name four large towns. What is the capital? To what tribe do the people belong ? THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 53 Describe the surface of Tayabas. What are the products ? What town is the capital ? Name other impor- tant towns. Who are the people? Name two islands that belong to Taya- bas. What mineral is found on Po- lillo? What is the chief town of Marinduque ? What are the products of Marinduque ? To what tribe do the Marinduque people belong ? The Bicol Provinces TJie Bicol Peninsula has many mountains, rivers, and waterfalls. The inhabitants are mainly Bi- cols. Negritos live in the moun- tains. The rich and fertile valley of the Bicol, the largest river, is the rice field of southern Luzon. May on Volcano, in Albay province, is the highest moun- tain and the most active volcano in Luzon (2412 meters - 7916 feet). In the nineteenth cen- tury it was in violent eruption twenty-five times, destroying most beautiful mountains in the world. The three Bicol provinces are the richest hemp-growing region An old church at Daraya, destroyed by May6n whole villages and killing many people. May on is one of the Mayon in the Philippines. Good roads have been built, on which to carry the hemp to the seaports. In Albay and Sorsogon there are forests of fine wood, and boat building is an important indus- try. Besides hemp and timber, other products of the Bicol prov- inces are copra, alcohol, sugar, and ilang-ilang, a flower from which perfume is made. On the island of Batdn coal is mined. Nueva Cdceres, the capital of Ambos Camarines, is the most important Bicol town. Albay is the capital of Albay province ; and Sorsoyon is the capital of Sorsogon province. Leyazpi is the chief hemp port. At Pa- racale gold is found. Daet and San Jose are important seaports. Helps. Where is the Bicol penin- sula? Describe its surface. Who are its inhabitants? Name its three provinces. What is the chief river ? 54 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER What is produced in the valley of this river ? What famous volcano is in Albay ? Tell what you know about it. What is the chief product of the Bicol peninsula? Name other pro- ducts. What is the chief city of Am- bos Camarines? The chief port of Albay? Name other important towns. On what island is coal mined? Name the capital of each of the three prov- inces. Spell. Camarines, peninsula, ilang-ilang, Sorsogon, Mayon. Masbate and Mindoro Masbate is now a part of the province of Sorsogon. Burias and Ticao islands also belong to Sorsogon. The people of these islands are mainly Visayans. Among them are a few Bicols and Tagalogs. Masbate produces timber, sugar, coconuts, and hemp. There are some gold mines on Masbate which are worked by machinery. In Burias the chief industry is weaving sacks and mats from buri leaves. Mindoro. The coast of Min- doro is regular, low, and sandy. The interior is mountainous and covered with thick forests. Along the coast there are a few towns peopled by Visayans and Tagalogs, and in the mountains little villages of Mangyans, a sav- age tribe much like the Negritos. But the greater part of Mindoro is uninhabited. Its rich soil and valuable timber are unused. Mangyans The principal business of the people of the coast towns is trade in forest products. They export bejuco, nipa, sago, timber, and a few cattle. They also raise sugar, rice, hemp, and tobacco. Calapdn is the capital and prin- cipal town. Mt. Halcon is the second highest mountain in the Philippines. The small islands that make the Lubang group be- long to the province of Mindoro. Helps. Name three islands that belong to Sorsogon. Who are the people of these islands ? Name the largest islands. What are four pro- ducts of Masbate? What metal is mined in Masbate ? What is the chief industry of Burias ? Describe the coast of Mindoro. De- scribe its surface. Who are the in- habitants ? What are the products ? The chief towns ? What is the high- est mountain ? What group of small islands is north of Mindoro ? Spell. Burias, Ticao, Mindoro, Halcon, Mangy an, bejuco. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Review Questions on the Luz6n Group. Describe the surface of Luzon. What part of all the Filipinos live on Luzon ? Name the part of Luzon that produces the most tobacco. Sugar. Hemp. Name two islands of the Luzon group on which coal is found. Name three provinces in which maguey is grown. Name two provinces that grow indigo. Which province raises the most cotton ? Loading hemp In what part of Luzon do the Igo- rots live ? The Negritos ? Through which provinces of Luzon do railroads run ? What is the largest town next to Manila? What town is the sum- mer capital of the Philippines ? What is the largest river of Luzon? The highest mountain ? The largest plain ? The highest plateau ? The largest lake ? Why has Manila become a great city ? Name the provinces of the Cagayan valley. Give the capital of each. How many provinces in Luzon ? Name the provinces of the Ilocos coast. Give the capital of each. Name the lake provinces. Give the capital of each. Name the provinces of the cen- tral plain. Give the capital of each. Name the Bicol provinces. Give the capital of each. What other provinces are there ? Name the capital of each. Name a naval station of the United States in Luzon. What province is noted in history? What town was the home of Salcedo ? Who settled in Manila in 1571 ? When was Ma- nila captured by the Americans ? 2. The Visayan Group The Visayan islands lie be- tween Luzon and Mindoro on the north, and Mindanao on the south. Samar ^ Leyte, Panay, Negros, Cebu, and Bohol are the largest islands. There are more than 2,600,000 of the Visayan people, and nearly all of them live on the islands of this group. Samar and Leyte Samar is the largest of the Visa- yan islands, and the third in size of all the islands of the Philip- pines. Yet some of the smaller Visayan islands have more people than Samar. One reason for this Copyright, 1906, by C. W. Hodgson. San Juanico Straits between Samar and Leyte is that there are no wide plains and valleys in Samar, and the high hills, the rivers, and the thick forests make traveling diffi- cult. Therefore, there are no large towns away from the coast. PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PBIMER S^mar produces hemp of the first class, sugar-cane, and rice. Copra and coconut oil are ex- ported from the east and south coasts. Caibalogan, the capital, has a large trade with Manila in hemp and copra. Calbayog is the largest town. Homonlion Island was the first island of the Philip- pines on which the Spaniards landed. Leyte. - - Leyte has a larger population than Samar. Its mountains are higher, but its plains are broader. Hemp grow- ing is the leading industry. Rice, sugar-cane, cacao, and corn are raised. Rope is manufactured, Making rope of abaca fiber and much coconut oil is ex- ported. Wax and honey are found in the forests. What in- sects make wax and honey? Sponges, shells, and pearls are gathered from the sea. Tadoban, the capital, is an important port at which many boats are built. Three important hemp shipping ports are Baybay y Ormoc, and Maasin. The little island of Limasaua is south of Leyte. Here, in 1521, Magellan took possession of the Philippines in the name of the king of Spain. Helps. Between what large islands does the Visayan group lie ? Name the larger islands of this group. Who are the inhabitants ? How does Samar compare in size with other islands of the Philippines ? Why has Samar so few people ? What are its chief pro- ducts ? What is the capital ? The largest town ? Why is Homonhon famous in Philippine history ? Describe the surface of Leyte. Name the agricultural products. Name two products from the forests. Name three from the sea. What is the capi- tal ? The largest town ? Name three important hemp ports. W T hat did Magellan do at Limasaua ? Spell. Catbaldgan, Tacloban, Leyte, possession. Cebu and Bohol Cebu. This island is a long mountain range with steep slopes running down to the sea. The coastal plains are narrow. The western mountain slope is cov- ered with forests. Coconut palms grow in the lowlands. There is not enough rain in Cebu for very good farming. Fruit growing is an important industry, because fruit trees do '{r-'/'-lA-OU** "N Mambajao^ -%] MT.L,,:'. .,e u i Talifafa^Ki-'ufllfe^: ^^ZX^xCiMT^^Sg UU. POATES ENGR"~iCO., N.Y. Copyright, 1906, by Caspar W. Hodgson 58 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER not need much rain. Some rice is raised, but more is imported from other islands. Corn, hemp, sugar-cane, and cotton are the chief agricultural products. The chief manufactured pro- ducts are salt, alcohol, pottery, and cloth made from hemp, silk, pina, and cotton. Cebu has valu- able fisheries, and sponges and shells are collected from the sea. In its mountains coal and gold have been found. The province of Cebu has a population of 650,000, the largest of all the provinces of the Philip- pines. The island of Cebu is the third island of the Philippines in population. Many foreign merchants have fine business houses in Cebu. Carcar, Argao, and Dumanjug are other important towns. Loading copra at Cebu The city of Cebu, which is the capital of the province, is the second city of the Philippines in foreign commerce. Boats from many smaller ports bring cargoes to Cebu, and Cebu sends out ships laden with hemp, copra, and sugar to Manila, America, England, China, and Japan. Fort San Pedro, Cebu Cebu was the first city in the Philippines settled by the Span- iards. Legazpi came here in 1565. In 1521 Magellan was killed in Mact&n, an island near Cebu. Bohol has many mountains and is nearly round in shape. Its rivers are small, and its coast is sandy. The soil of Bohol is not so fertile as the soil of the other large Visayan islands. Rice, corn, tobacco, and cacao are raised. Bohol is thickly inhabited and its people are hard workers. They cultivate the soil, weave cloth of cotton, silk, and hemp, make mats, fish, and gather shells and pearls. They sell their products to the people of the other islands. The exports of Bohol are copra, wax, seashells, pearls, and tortoise shells. Tagbilaran, the capital, and Loon, Tubiyon, and Calape are large towns. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 59 Helps. Describe the shape and surface of Cebii. Why is fruit grow- ing an important industry? Name four agricultural products. The chief manufactured products. Four kinds of cloth woven. Two mountain pro- ducts. What is the population of Cebii ? How many islands have more people than Cebii? Which islands are they ? Tell about the commerce of the city of Cebii. Why is Cebii famous in his- tory ? What happened at Mactan in 1521 ? When did Legazpi reach Cebu? Tell about the surface, shape, rivers, and coast of Bohol. Tell about its soil. Its agricultural products. Its manufactures. Its people. Its ex- ports. Its chief towns. Spell. Legazpi, settled, Magellan, Mactan, Tagbilaran. Negros and Panay Negros is the fourth island of the Philippines in size. A lofty mountain range divides the island into two provinces. What are they called ? In the northern part of Negros is the volcano Canldon, the highest mountain in the Visayas (2496 meters = 8192 feet). ^Do you know the story of " Harisaboqued " and Canlaon ? Oriental Negros has few rivers and harbors. Dumaguete, the capital, is a great hemp port. Bais is an important sugar town. Corn, cacao, and some tree cotton are raised. Rope, bayones, jusi, and sinamay cloth are made. The thickly populated island of Siguijor belongs to Oriental Negros. Hemp is its chief product. Weaving Occidental Negros is the larger and richer of the two provinces. It has a wide coastal plain, but few harbors. The soil is vol- canic and rich. Bacolod, the capital, is a prosperous town. Silay is the most important port. In the northeast part of the province much tobacco is raised. Occidental Negros raises more sugar than any other province. One reason for the great produc- tion of sugar is because many of the planters use steam sugar mills. These do the work better and faster than the old carabao mills. In some parts of Negros the rivers furnish power to turn the mills. Panay is a little smaller than either Samar or Negros, but has more people than both of these islands together. Nearly a mil- lion people live in Panay. Lofty 60 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PKIMEB, mountain ranges divided it into three provinces. Name them. The products of Panay are like those of Negros. Sugar, rice, alcohol, copra, corn, and cacao are raised, as well as tobacco, pepper, pineapples, and dye wood. An important industry of Panay is weaving sinamay, jusi, pina, and cotton cloth. Loading sugar at Iloilo Iloilo is the second city in size in the Philippines. It has a very large commerce. The products of Panay and of the rich plain of Occidental Negros are brought here by small vessels. From Iloilo they are sent to Manila and to China, Japan, England, and other parts of the world. Iloilo has fine wharves and a good harbor. Sugar is the chief export. Janiuay and Cdbatuan are im- portant towns in Iloilo province. In Capiz province there are wide, low plains near the coast. The chief products are sugar and alcohol. Sacks, hats, and bas- kets are made. Capiz is the capital and chief town. Antique is separated from Iloilo and Capiz provinces by a high mountain range. The coastal plain is very narrow. In the narrow valleys rice and other agricultural products are raised. Alcohol and cloth are important products. San Jose, the capital, is a beautiful town overlooking the sea. Sibalom, Pandan, and Calivo are large towns. Helps. What island of the Philip- pines is fourth in size ? Tell what you know about Canlaon. Describe the surface of Negros. Name two products, two towns, and three manu- factures of Oriental Negros. What island belongs to this province ? What is the chief product of Siquijor ? What is the chief product of. Occi- dental Negros ? Why is so much sugar raised in this province ? Name two important towns. What is the population of Panay ? Describe the surface of Panay. What are the agricultural products ? Name two industries. Why is Iloilo an important city ? What does it export ? What other important towns are in Iloilo province? Describe the surface of Capiz prov- ince. What are the chief products ? What is the capital ? Describe the surface of Antique province. What are the products ? Name the capital. Large towns. Spell. Canlaon, Harisaboqued, Siquijor, Bacolod. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 61 Romblon and Palawan Provinces. The province of Romblon in- cludes the islands of Romblon, Tobias, Sibuyan, and some other small islands. The central is- land, Romblon, is small, but has a large population. The harbor is one of the best in the Philip- pines. Cattle, copra, coconut oil, mats, and marble, 1 are exported. The people are Visayans. Tablas and Sibuyan are poor- er islands than Romblon. Here the people live mainly by fishing. Palawan is the main island of the group that forms the province Palawan. A mountain range runs through its center. Some peaks are more than two thou- sand meters high. The Tag- bamias and Bataks, wild people, live in the mountain forests. They carry on a trade in wax and other forest products with the Visayans of the coast. Moros live in the southern part of the island. The population of Pala- wan is about ten thousand. There are some plants and an- imals in Palawan province that are not found in other parts of the Philippines. One is a long- nosed animal that eats ants. Another is the pelandoc, or little mouse deer, of the island of Baldbac. This deer is less than a 1 Marble is a fine kind of building stone. foot high. The Malay or sun bear is found on the island of Palawan. Puerto Princesa, on a fine harbor, is the capi- tal. Here the gov- Malay bear eminent has a great farm where prisoners are sent from other islands to culti- vate the land. Gum, wax, rattan, and timber are the chief exports. The Cuyos islands belong to the province of Palawan. Cuyo has a large population. Turtle fishing is an industry there. The Calamianes islands and many other small islands also belong to Palawan province. On the island of Culion the government has built a town for the lepers of the Philippines. Helps. Name the more important islands belonging to Kombl<5n prov- ince. What is said about the harbor of Komblon ? About the products ? The people ? What is said of two other islands of this group? Describe the sur- face of Pa law a n. Who are the people? What is the population? What wild Mouse deer animals are 62 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PKIMEE found in this province ? What city is the capital ? What colony is at the capital ? What are the exports ? What other islands belong to Palawan province? What is said of Cuyo? What colony is on Culidn ? Spell. Marble, Sibuyan, Tagbanua, Balabac, Calamianes, Cuyos, Culidn. 3. The Mindanao Group Mindanao is about the size of Luzon. Its coast is irregular. There are six large bays, but few good harbors. The mountains are near the sea and surround the island like a wall, except where a few large valleys open on the coast. Mt. Apo (3143 meters = 10,312 feet) is the highest moun- tain in the Philippines. Mindanao is formed by three large peninsulas : Surigao, Cota- bato, and Zamboanga. A great mountain range runs through each peninsula. The valley of the Agusan river There are two large river systems, each of which drains a rich valley. The Agusan river is bordered with thick forests. Near its mouth, groves of coco- nut palms and great fields of hemp grow along its banks. Only a few thousand people live in the valley of the Agusan. The inhabitants of the large towns are Yisayans. Hemp and rice are the chief products. The largest river of Mindanao is the Mindanao, or Rio Grande de Mindanao. It is 483 kilo- meters from the source of this river to its mouth. In the great valley of the Minda- nao there are only four large towns. Abaca, copra, gutta-percha, and forest products are the exports. The industries are few, and many thousands of hectares of land re- main un- plan ted. Igno- rance, war, and slavery have caused this rich country to remain a wilder- ness. There are several large lakes in Mindanao. Many Moros live around Lake Lanao. Spices grow in the same region. West of the Lanao region lies the Zamboanga peninsula. The only large town Moro boat on Lake Lanao THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 63 A view at Zamboanga Copyright, 1904, by D. Encinas. there is Zamboanga. It is the chief port of Mindanao for the export of hemp, copra, and gutta-percha. The people of this peninsula are Visayans, Moros, and Subanos. The Subanos are a peaceable, wild tribe. They are timid and poor, because for centuries the Moros made slaves of them. There are many other tribes like the Subanos living in differ- ent parts of Mindanao. High mountain ranges, dense forests, and many rivers, make travel so difficult that these wild tribes do not know each other, and they do not know the civilized people who live in the towns. For these reasons they remain ignorant and savage. Mindanao has more unused rich soil than any other of the islands of the Philippines. This great island has only five hundred thousand people, and half of these are wild. Surigao and Misamis prov- inces in the north are inhabited chiefly by Visayans. Hemp and copra are the main exports. Surigao and Cagaydn are the principal towns. The Moro Province. All of southern and western Mindanao belongs to the Moro province. The Sulu Archipelago is also a part of the Moro province. The people of this province are nearly all Moros. Moros. In the first row are a sultan and three dattos The government of the Moro province is different from that of any other province. It is partly military. The governor of the Moro province has great power. This is given him because the people of this part of the Philip- pine Islands are so often at war 64 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER with each other. The governor general of the Philippines ap- points the governor of the Moro province. The Moro province is divided into five districts, each of which has its own governor. Mindanao is the richest in soil and forests of all the islands of the Philippines. The peo2ile are few. Many of them are wild; many are Moros. Helps. How large is Mindanao? Describe the coast of Mindanao. Where are the mountains ? What is the highest mountain ? What are the two great rivers ? Describe the Agii- san valley. How many inhabitants has this valley ? Who are they ? How many large towns are in the Mindanao valley? What are the products of this valley ? Why is so much fertile land in Mindanao unused ? What is the most important lake of Mindanao? What people live near this lake ? What are the products ? What people inhabit Zamboanga peninsula ? Name the exports of Zamboanga. Why are there many tribes in Mindanao ? How many inhabitants has Mindanao ? Name the two Christian provinces. Who are the inhabitants ? Name the products. Towns. Where is the Moro province ? Who inhabit this province ? Tell about the government of the Moro province. Spell. Mindanao, Surigao, igno- rance, slavery, wilderness. The Sulu Archipelago The Sulu Islands are the tops of a mountain range, most of which is beneath the sea. Nearly all the islands are too small to be of great value for farming. The people live by fishing and trading. They are Moros. In former days the people of these islands were pirates. They were ruled by a sultan and dattos. The Spaniards never fully con- quered the Moros. For hundreds of years the Moros were the enemies of the Christian Filipi- nos. Whenever they could, they burned the towns along the coasts of the Visayan islands, and carried away the people as slaves. Jolo is the principal island of the Sulu group. It is small, but fertile and thickly populated. Rice, coffee, tobacco, and hemp are raised. In the forests are valuable building woods. Pearl fishing is a great industry. The Moros dress in bright colors. The men wear a short sword, or kris. They are skillful workers in steel and brass, and build fine boats. The Sulu archipelago is in- habited by Moros. Pearl fishing is the leading industry. Helps. How were the Sulu islands formed? How do the people live? What did they do formerly? How were they ruled? What is the chief island ? What are its products ? What THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 65 Copyright, 1104, by D. Enemas. Jolo, looking south from the lighthouse is taken from the sea ? How do the Moros dress ? What do they manu- facture ? Spell. Archipelago, pearl, sultan, Christian, Mahometan, kris. Review Questions on the Visayan and Mindanao Groups. Name the six great Visayan islands from east to west. Which is the largest ? Which has the most people ? In which is the highest mountain ? In which is the most weaving done ? In which of these islands do Negritos live ? Name the two largest cities. Which has the most foreign commerce ? Which island produces the most sugar ? Which is famous in history ? Which of the Visayan provinces has the most people? In what Visayan island is marble found ? Name the three great peninsulas of Mindanao. What provinces are in Mindanao ? Name the capital of each. What great lake is in Mindanao? Which is the greatest river? The highest mountain ? What are the chief products of Mindanao ? The chief port ? What people live in Min- danao and the Sulu archipelago? PART IV THE CONTINENTS AND COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD I. ASIA 1. Asia as a Whole Surface. Asia is the largest of the continents. Nearly one third of all the land, and more than one half of all the people in the world, are in Asia. The Philippine Islands are Asiatic islands. Most of the plants, wild animals, and peoples of the Philippines, came from Asia. In Asia are the highest moun- tains of the world, the Himalayas, Find them on the map. North of these mountains is the great, high plateau of Tibet. North of Tibet lie great deserts, 1 and be- tween the deserts and the Arctic ocean is the great Siberian plain. West of Tibet are several lower plateaus, some of them fertile, and some desert. East of Tibet lie the great plains of China and Indo-China. In southern Asia there are three great peninsulas. Name them. Climate. The great continent of Asia extends from near the 1 A desert is a country where there is little or no rain, and therefore, no plants or animals. equator to the Arctic ocean, and has every kind of climate. The southeastern part has much rain because of the warm ocean winds. Central Asia is dry and barren because it is far from the sea. Southwestern Asia is very hot, and northwestern Asia is the cold- est inhabited region in the world. Plants. Much grain is raised in northern Asia. China and Japan produce a great part of the world's tea. In southern Asia cotton, sugar-cane, rice, and coconuts grow. In the large islands south of Asia are found tea, coffee, tobacco, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, nutmegs, and many other useful plant products. In southern and in northern Asia are vast forests. Animals. There are many wild animals in Asia. The ele- ph an t , camel, rhinoce- ros, lion, tiger, wolf, reindeer, Elepll ant 67 10 20" 30 4IP ;">0 Gl 6<\ J Longitude E 70* Eat F .1 70 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Reindeer and bear are found there. Horses, cattle, sheep, and goats are numer- ous in cen- tral Asia. In south- ern Asia are many strange reptiles and birds. People. Eastern Asia is in- habited by the yellow race. In the southeastern part most of the people are brown. In India and in western Asia most of the peo- ple belong to the white race. The natives of northern Asia are Mongolians, but many Russians now live there. Helps. Which, continent is the largest ? How much of the land of the world is in Asia ? What part of the people of the world are in Asia ? From what continents did most of the plants, animals, and people of the Philippines come ? What are the highest mountains of the world ? Where are they ? Describe the northern part of Asia. The eastern part. The west- ern part. Which part of Asia is coldest ? Which part is hottest ? Which part has the least rain? The most rain ? Name the chief pro- ducts of northe rn Brown bear Asia. Of eastern Asia. Of southern Asia. Of the islands south of Asia. What race lives in eastern Asia? In south- eastern Asia ? In India and western Asia ? In northern Asia ? Spell. Tibet, Siberian, Himalayas, reptiles, elephant. Asia (See the map on pages 68 and 69.) Map Questions. What ocean is north of Asia? East? South? What con- tinent is west ? Southwest ? Name a sea south of Asia. A large gulf. What sea is between Asia and Africa ? What long sea is west of Asia ? What two seas are between Asia and Europe ? Name three seas east of Asia. What sea is southeast ? Name the three great pen- insulas of southern Asia. What is- land is south of India? Wnat group of is- lands is south of In do-China? What group of islands is southeast of China ? What islands are east of Asia ? What ocean is east of the Philip- pines? What sea is southwest of Mindanao ? Between the Philippines and Asia ? What island is north of Luzon ? To what country does it be- long ? What group of islands are southwest of the Philippines ? Name the most important of these islands. Which is nearest the Philippines? What group of small islands is south of Mindanao? What city in Java is the capital of the Dutch East Indies ? In what direction is Hongkong from where you live? Sargon? Singapore? Batavia ? Tiger ASIA In what part of Asia are the high mountains? In which direction do they run? What empire lies north- east of the Himalaya mountains? What city is its capital ? Name two rivers of China. What country is east of China ? What is its capital ? What great country is in the northern part of Asia ? Name three rivers that now into the Arctic ocean. What mountains are west of Asia ? To what empire does southwestern Asia belong? What famous city is in the region east of the Mediterranean sea? What country is between the Caspian sea and the Persian gulf ? What is its capital ? What large country is south of the Himalayas ? What city is its capital ? On the delta of what large river is it situated ? Name the coun- tries of Indo-China. What peninsula is in the southern part of Indo-China? What large city is at the end of this peninsula ? What strait is between the Malay peninsula and Sumatra? What small island belonging to Great Britain is south of China ? 2. The Countries of Asia The East Indies The great archipelago between Asia and Australia is called the East Indies. The Philippines are really the northern part of this group. Most of the East Indies belong to the Dutch, a people of Europe, and are called the Dutch East Indies. The sur- face, climate, products, and peo- ples of the Dutch East Indies are much like those of the Philip- pines. The most important of these islands are Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Celebes, and the Moluccas. Borneo is the third largest is- land in the world. Some of the Moros came from Borneo. Tim- ber, coffee, rice, pepper, and tobacco are the chief products. Northern and western Borneo belong to the British, a people of Europe. Sumatra raises fine tobacco and has rich coal and tin mines. The Moluccas or Spice Islands produce many spices. The Filipi- nos used to go to these islands with the Spaniards to fight the Dutch. Drying coffee in Java Java is a little larger than Luzon. Thirty million people live on Java. Much of the world's coffee comes from Java. Much rice, sugar-cane, spice, tea, and tobacco are raised there. The 72 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER people of Java, and of nearly all the other East Indies, are Malays. Most of them are Mahometans in religion, like the Moros. The Dutch have taught the Javanese to work hard, and they have fine farms. They have few schools and are not so free as the Filipinos. Batavia, in Java, is the capital of the Dutch East Indies. The Dutch rule most of the East Indies. The people are Malays. Tea, coffee, and spices are the chief products. Helps. Where are the East Indies ? To what nation do most of them belong ? What are the chief islands ? Which is the largest island of the East Indies. Who own Borneo ? What are the chief products of Borneo ? Of Suma- tra ? Of the Moluccas? Tell about the size of Java. The population. The products. The people. Their religion. Their schools and govern- ment. What city is the capital of the Dutch East Indies? Spell. Celebes, Moluccas, Batavia, Sumatra, Javanese. A sedan chair in China The Chinese Empire The Chinese empire covers nearly one fourth of Asia, and one fourth of all the people in the world live in it. Tibet is the western division of this great empire. The peo- ple live chiefly by herding sheep and cattle. Chinese Turkestan and Mongolia are desert high- lands. The people are chiefly herders. Manchuria is a fertile region with large towns. It produces wheat, millet, and cattle. China. The eastern part of the Chinese empire is China. Most of China is a fertile low- land. The rainfall is heavy. The great river valleys of this region are the home of one fifth of the human race. The Yangtze river is deep and long, and the products of the great plain of China come down this river. The Hoangho, or Yel- low river, is swift and muddy. It often overflows its banks and destroys villages. Shanghai, near the mouth of the Yangtze river, is a great seaport. Canton is the largest city in Asia. Many of the Chinese in the Philippines came from Can- ton. Victoria, on the island of ASIA 73 Hongkong, has the largest ocean commerce of any city in the Victoria and harbor at Hongkong world. This island is ruled by the British. Victoria has a large trade with the Philippines. The capital of the Chinese empire is the city of Peking. The Chinese belong to the yel- low race. Most of them are farmers, and they are very in- dustrious. Their houses are usu- ally poor, and their villages dirty. Rice, sugar, vegetables, tea, silk, and cotton are the principal pro- ducts. Beautiful china ware is made. China is a very old nation. The Chinese make but little pro- gress, because they do everything as their fathers did. They rev- erence their ancestors, and are ruled by an emperor. The Chinese empire is one of the oldest and largest in the world. The Chinese people work hard. Tea and silk are the chief products. The people make little progress. Helps. How much of Asia does the Chinese empire cover ? How many people live in this empire ? De- scribe Tibet, its people and their occu- pations. Describe Mongolia and Chi- nese Turkestan. Describe Manchuria and its products. Tell about two great rivers of China. Tell about Shanghai. Canton. Hongkong. Peking. The chief occupation of the Chinese. The chief products of China. Why do the Chinese make but little progress ? Spell. Yangtze, Hoangho, Shang- hai, Peking, Turkestan, Manchuria. Thousands of people live in little boats on the river at Canton The Japanese Empire Japan is a group of islands north of the Philippines. The area of these islands is a little more than that of the Philippines. The surface is mountainous, and the coasts are irregular. There are many volcanoes in Japan. There are so many Japanese that nearly all the good land is cultivated. There are few horses and cattle. Much of the work is done by hand. 74 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Japan produces much tea and silk. Rice, wheat, and other grains are raised, and silver, copper, and coal are mined. Much of the coal used in the Philippines comes from Japan. The Japanese make many beau- tiful things of metal, ivory, and wood. They make fine porcelain. A Japanese temple Tokio, the capital, has many temples and parks. It is one of the great cities of the world. Yokohama is a great seaport. Nagasaki is the seaport of Japan nearest to the Philippines. For hundreds of years it has traded with the Philippines. Kobe, Osaka, and Kioto are important commercial and manufacturing towns. Formosa is a part of the Japa- nese empire. Most of the in- habitants are Chinese, but the mountain peoples are Malayans. A part of Formosa once belonged to the Philippines. Korea is a peninsula covered with steep hills and fertile val- leys. It has rich mines. The peo- ple are like the Chinese. Korea is a kingdom, but Japan rules it. People and History. Most of the Japanese belong to the yel- low race. For hundreds of years they did not let foreigners enter their land. In 1854 the United States made Japan allow for- eigners to enter. Then the Japa- nese began to send their young men to Europe and to America to study. They established many schools. They bought machinery and built factories. Japan has become one of the great countries of the world. The Japanese are ruled by an emperor, called a mikado. They are very patriotic. Traveling in Japan Japan is a group of mountain- ous islands. The people are in- dustrious and intelligent. Tea, silk, coal, and manufactured arti- cles are exported. ASIA 75 Helps. Where is Japan? What is the area of Japan? Describe the surface. Name the products. Name an export to the Philippines. Name some of the manufactures. What is the capital of Japan? Name four other large cities. Tell what you know about Formosa. Korea. About the people and history of Japan. Spell. Porcelain, Tokio, Naga- saki, Formosa, Japanese, Mikado, pa- triotic. Indo-China The peninsula of Indo-China is crossed from north to south by high mountain ranges. One of these mountain ranges running far to the south forms the Malay peninsula. The Mekong and the Irawadi are the chief rivers. Rice, sugar, tobacco, and spices are raised. There are several countries in Indo-China. The people belong mainly to the yel- low race. French Indo-China is ruled by France. Its chief divisions are Tonkin, Anam, Cochin- China, and Cambodia. Which of these is nearest the Philippines ? Sai- gon, the capital, is a great port. Much rice is brought from Saigon to Manila. Siam is a kingdom. The peo- ple belong chiefly to the yellow race, but many are Malayans. Bangkok, the largest city of Indo-China, is the capital of Siam. A temple in the Malay peninsula The Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States. These are Malayan countries in the southern part of the Malay pen- insula and neighboring islands. They are ruled by the British. From this region some of the fore- fathers of the Filipinos came. The climate and products are much like those of the Philippines. Half the tin in the world comes from the Straits Settlements. Singapore, the capital, is a great seaport. Most steamers from Europe to China, Japan, and the Philip- pines, stop at Singapore. Burma belongs to India, but the people and products are much like those of the rest of Indo-China. Rangoon is the most important city. Indo-China is ruled ~by the French and English. The people are Mongolians and Malayans. Singapore is a great seaport. Helps. Describe the surface of Indo-China. The products. What are the divisions of French Indo-China? What peninsula forms the southern part of Indo-China? Who are the 76 PHILIPPINE GEOGBAPHY PRIMES people ? What is said of Saigon ? Of Siam ? Where are the Straits Settle- ments and the Federated Malay States ? How are they ruled ? Who came from there long ago? Tell about the products. About Singapore. About Burma. Spell. Mekong, Irawadi, Cambodia, Saigon, Bangkok, Singapore, Kan- goon. A girl of Burma India, Southwestern Asia, and Siberia India. Northern India is a vast plain called Hindustan. Southern India is mostly a pla- teau called the Dekkan. The climate of India is hot. Some- times it is very dry, and at other times there is much rain. Most of the people of India are poor farmers. They raise rice, wheat, cotton, tea, tobacco, opium, and many other products. In India are great coal mines. The chief manufactures are cloth, rugs, and jewelry. Large amounts of cotton, wheat, rice, and tea are exported to England, and opium is exported to China. Calcutta, the capital, Bombay, and Madras are the largest cities. Lucknow, Delhi, and Benares are noted for their palaces and tem- ples. India has three hundred mil- lions of people. Many of them are called Hindus. The Hindus belong to the white, or Caucasian, A small town in India A temple in India race, but are brown in color. The people of India speak many languages, and are of many tribes. They are divided into castes, or classes. Every one must follow the occupation of his father, and no one can rise to a higher class. For this rea- son they make little progress. The people of the island of Cey- lon are very much like the people ASIA 77 of India. Rice, coconuts, and tea are the chief products of Ceylon. Picking tea in Ceylon Once there were many little kingdoms in India. Nearly two centuries ago the English be- came the rulers of , India and of Ceylon. They have done much for these countries by giving them better government. India is a large, hot country, with three hundred million inhab- itants. Most of the people are poor farmers. Wheat, cotton, tea, and rice are exported. The coun- try is ruled ~by the English. Southwestern Asia has three plateaus. There are few rivers. The climate is dry, and much of the land is desert. Most of the people belong to the white race. The three chief countries are Asi- atic I'urkey, Arabia, and Persia. In Asiatic Turkey the herding of sheep and goats is the chief occupation. Weaving rugs and shawls is an important industry. Jerusalem is the city where Jesus Christ was crucified. Arabia is mostly a hot desert. Wandering tribes of Bedouins live in tents. They raise cattle and the famous Arabian horses. Coffee and dates are exported. Asiatic Turkey and a large part of Arabia belong to the Turkish empire. The other part of the empire is in Europe. A view of Jerusalem Persia is more fertile than Ara- bia. The Persians raise fruits, wheat, rice, and cotton, and have many sheep and cattle. Teheran is the capital. The ruler of Per- sia is called the shah. Siberia is much larger than Europe. It covers nearly one third of Asia, yet has fewer people than the Philippines. Millions of horses and cattle, and much wheat and corn, are raised in Siberia. Great forests 78 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER are found there. Siberia be- longs to Russia, a country of Europe. The natives are of the yellow race, but most of the people are Russians. Irkutsk and Tomsk are the chief cities. Lake Baikal is the largest fresh- water lake in Asia The climate is very cold. The Russians have built a great railroad from St. Petersburg in Europe to Vladi- vostok in eastern Siberia. Russian Turkestan is a low- land. It produces grain and cotton. The people are Tartars, of the yellow race. Transcaucasia is a mountain- ous country belonging to Russia. Large amounts of petroleum are shipped from Baku. Southwestern Asia is chiefly made up of dry plateaus. Sibe- ria is a very large, cold country, with few inhabitants. Helps. What is northern India called? Southern India? What is said about the climate ? The occupa- tion of the people ? What are the chief products ? How many people are in India ? To what race do most of them belong ? Why do they make little progress ? What is said about Ceylon ? About the cities of India ? Who rule India ? Describe the surface of south- western Asia. Name the three chief countries. Of what race are the people of these countries? What is the chief occupation in Asiatic Tur- key ? What is manufactured ? What famous city is in Asiatic Turkey? What are the people of Arabia called? What are the products of Arabia ? Of what empire are Asiatic Turkey and Arabia a jpart? What are the A school in Turkey products of Persia? What city is the capital ? What is the ruler called ? Tell about the size and the popula- tion of Siberia. What are the pro- ducts ? To what country does Siberia belong ? To what race do the natives belong? What large lake is in Sibe- ria? What are the chief cities? What is said of Russian Turkestan ? Of Transcaucasia ? Spell . Calcutta, Madras, Dekkan, Hindustan, Bedouins, Ceylon, Jerusa- lem, Teheran, Tartars. Review Questions on Asia. What part of all the land in the world is in Asia? What part of the people of the earth live in Asia ? What mountains are in the center of Asia? What plateau north of the Himalayas ? What lies next north of Tibet? What great plain is in the northern part of Asia? What lies east of Tibet? Name the peninsulas of southern Asia. Tell about the climate of Asia. EUROPE 79 What plants grow in the north ? In the south ? In the east ? In the is- lands south of Asia ? Where are there forests in Asia? Name some of the wild animals of Asia. Where are many of the tame animals found ? What people live in India and in the west of Asia ? In the east? In the south ? Name the chief countries of Asia in the order in which you have studied them. Which country is nearest the Philippines ? What is its capital ? Which is the largest of the Asiatic islands? What people live in the Dutch East Indies? What is their religion? What are the chief pro- ducts ? Which is the largest empire of Asia ? How many people are in it ? What are the chief products of China? What is the capital? The largest city? Name the two largest rivers. To what country do Formosa and Korea belong ? What is the capi- tal of Japan? What are the chief products ? What has made Japan great ? Name three countries of the penin- sula of Indo-China. Name three great cities of Indo-China. How many people live in India ? Who rules India ? In what country is Jerusalem ? For what is it famous ? Name the " other countries of south- western Asia. What three countries of Asia belong to Russia ? Which is the largest? II. EUROPE 1. Europe as a Whole Surface. Europe, like Asia, has three mountainous penin- sulas in the south. Name them. As in Asia, its highest mountains run east and west, north of these peninsulas, and a great plain slopes away from the mountains to the Arctic Ocean. Two thirds of Europe is in this great plain and in the smaller plain that lies west of the Alps. Coasts. The coasts of Europe are very irregular. This gives many good harbors, and Europe has a great ocean commerce. Climate. The mountains of Europe cool the hot winds that blow from the torrid zone. Therefore the summers of north- ern Europe are not very hot. The winters there are cold. In the southern part of Europe the climate is warm in the summer and mild in the winter, because the mountains shut out the cold winds from the north. The winds from the ocean bring much rain to western Europe, but eastern Europe has a dry climate. Agricultural Products. Wheat and rye are the principal grains of Europe. Famous grapes and wines are produced. From beets much sugar is made. The pro- duction of beet sugar has low- EUROPE 81 ered the price of cane sugar in the Philippines. Tobacco, flax, 1 and silk are raised in some parts of Europe. Wild Animals. There are not many wild animals in Europe, because there are not many great forests. The bear, reindeer, wild pig, and wolf are found . There are many fish in the wa- ters near the coast. Polar bear Industries. Europe is the greatest manufacturing region in the world. Many kinds of beautiful and useful articles are made in Europe. The manu- factured products are sold in all parts of the earth. There is much farming, but not enough food is raised to feed the people. Much grain and meat are brought from America and Australia. People. Europe contains four hundred millions of people one fourth of all the people in the world. They belong mostly to the white race. Northern Europe has cold winters, and southern Europe is warm. Europe has good harbors 1 A fine cloth called linen is made from the fiber of flax. and a great ocean commerce. Manufacturing is the chief occupa- tion. The population numbers four hundred millions, and nearly all belong to the white race. Helps. Name three ways in which Europe is like Asia. Name the three peninsulas of southern Europe. How much of the surface of Europe is in the northern and western plain ? What kind of coast has Europe? What advantage does a coast of this kind give a country? Describe the climate of northern Europe. Of southern Europe. Of western Europe. Of eastern Europe. Name the agri- cultural products of Europe. What is said about beet sugar ? Name the wild animals of Europe. What is the chief occupation ? What is said about farming? How many people live in Europe ? To what race do they belong ? Spell. Alps, seals, whales, regions. Europe (See map on page 83.) Map Questions. What ocean is west of Europe ? North? What three large seas south ? What continent east? What mountains east of Eu- rope ? Southeast ? What mountains in the central part of southern Eu- rope ? What three peninsulas on the south of Europe ? What great country occupies the northeastern part of Europe? What city is its capital ? Name four rivers of Eussia that flow south. What river flows into the White Sea ? Into the Gulf of Eiga? Name two Eus- sian lakes. What sea west of Eussia? What river flows into the Baltic sea? What gulf is between Eussia and Sweden ? 82 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER What two countries in northwest- ern Europe ? Name their capitals. What country south of Norway and Sweden ? What is its capital ? What sea west of Denmark ? What country southeast of Denmark? What is its capital ? What two small countries west of the German Empire ? Name their capitals. What islands north- west of Holland and Belgium ? What city in England is the capital of the British empire ? What is the capital of Scotland? Of Ireland? What great seaport is on the west coast of England ? What country south of the British Isles ? What city is its capital ? What two countries occupy the southwestern peninsula of Europe ? Name their capitals. What mountains between France and Spain ? What small mountainous coun- try is east of France ? The highest mountain in Europe is in this coun- try. What is its name? What river runs north from the Alps mountains to the North sea ? South- west to the Gulf of Lyon ? Southeast to the Adriatic sea ? East to the Black sea ? What country southeast of Switzer- land? What is its capital? What country east of Switzerland ? What is its capital ? Name three small countries south of Austria-Hungary. What sea is southeast of Italy ? What country is east of the Ionian sea ? What is its capital ? What sea east of Greece ? What country north and east of this sea ? What is its capital ? On what strait is Constan- tinople situated ? 2. The Countries of Europe Russia and the Northwestern Countries Russia. This country is as large as the rest of Europe. The whole country is a vast plain, and farming is the chief occupation. Wheat, flax, and rye are the great crops. Many cattle, sheep, and horses are raised. Wheat and petroleum are the chief exports. A view in Moscow The most important cities are Odessa, in the south, Moscow, in the interior, and St. Petersburg, the capital, in the north. St. Petersburg is farther north than any other large city in the world. Eussia is an empire. The ruler is called the czar. Most of the people are poor and ignorant, and have little part in the government. Norway and Sweden. These countries are full of mountains 84 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER and forests, and have a cold climate. The people of the two countries are much alike. Nor- way sends lumber to other parts of Europe, and much iron is mined in Sweden. There is much fishing, but little farming in these countries. Why ? Both Norway and Sweden are kingdoms. A view in Norway Denmark. This little country owns the islands of Iceland and Greenland. Greenland is the largest island in the world. The people of Denmark are called Danes. They are sailors, fisher- men, and farmers. Four fifths of the land is cultivated. Denmark is a kingdom, but the people have much freedom. The Danes are relatives of the inhabitants of Norway and Swe- den. The people of all these countries are brave and intelli- gent. Long ago they were famous sailors and fighters. They conquered England and northern France, and discovered America many hundreds of years before Columbus lived. Russia is a vast plain. Most of the people are ignorant farmers. The people of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark have been famous sailors. Helps. How large is Russia ? What part of this empire is in Asia ? What is the chief occupation of the people ? The products ? Name the three chief cities. What is said of the government ? Of the people ? Describe the surface of Norway and Sweden. What are the products? What kind of government have they ? What two islands belong to Den- mark ? What occupations have the people ? What kind of government has Denmark? For what are the people of northwestern Europe famous in history? Spell. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland. People from the most northern part of Europe The German Empire and Austria- Hungary Northern Germany is a plain across which most of the rivers run to the north. Which way, EUROPE 85 then, does the land slope? In the south there are mountains with mines of coal, iron, and zinc. A view on the Rhine The valley of the Rhine river produces famous grapes and wines. Rye, potatoes, and beets are im- portant crops. Germany is a great manufacturing country. Toys for children in all parts of the world are made in Germany. Many cannon and other things made from iron are manufactured there. Some of the most famous schools and universities of the world are in Germany. The Germans are fine musicians and artists. Berlin, the capital, is famous for its beautiful build- ings and streets, and its great university. Hamburg is a great commercial port. Leipsic is the greatest book market of Europe. Germany is an empire made of small kingdoms. It is noted for its schools, manufactures, and art. Austria-Hungary. The empire of Austria-Hungary is a union of two countries. Most of the Austrians are Germans in race and speech. In Hungary there are several peoples, most of whom belong to the yellow race. The people of the different parts of the empire often quarrel. Why ? The products of Austria are like those of Germany. There is also much tobacco grown. The A street in Vienna One of the gates of Berlin government raises and sells the tobacco just as the government once did in the Philippines. Vienna, the capital of Austria- Hungary, is very large, and is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Fine furniture is made in Vienna, and some of it is sent to the Philippines. PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Hungary is less hilly than Austria. It has rolling, grassy plains on which great herds of horses feed. Wheat, tobacco, and grapes are other important pro- ducts. Budapest is the capital. Austria- Hungary is inhabited ~by several peoples. Most of them are Germans. 1 hey are farmers and manufacturers. Helps. Describe the surface of Germany. Name some agricultural products. Some products of the mines. What is said of the manufactures? Of the schools ? For what is Berlin famous ? Hamburg ? Leipsic ? Who are the Austrians ? The Hungarians ? What are the products of Austria? What does the government raise and sell ? What is the chief city of Aus- tria? What is said of it? Name a manufactured ar- ticle that is sent to the Philippines from Vienna. De- scribe the surface of Hungary. The products. Spell. Austria, Hungary, Vienna, Hamburg, Leipsic. Swiss children Switzerland and the Low Coun- tries Switzerland is a country of mountains and lakes. Most of the Swiss live in the grassy mountain valleys. They raise cattle and make famous wood carvings, fine watches, and silks. Because of its beautiful scenery, more than a million and a half people visit Switzerland every year. Taking care of these travelers is a very important occupation. The two greatest Zurich cities are Zurich and Geneva. Berne is the capital. Switzer- land is a very old republic. Switzerland is a small moun- tain republic. The people live by raising cattle, ~by manufactures, and l)y caring for travelers. Scene in Holland Holland is often called The Netherlands; that means "the low- lands." A part of the country is below the level of the sea. What do you think keeps out the water ? EUROPE 87 A little Dutch girl Two thirds of the land is culti- vated. Cattle raising is one of the chief occupations. Holland has many people in a small country. It is less than one third as large as Luzon, yet it has more inhab- itants. It is a kingdom, but the people have much power. They are like the Germans in race'. The Hol- landers are of ten called the Dutch. There are many more people in the Dutch colonies than in Holland. Where are some of these colonies ? Rotterdam is a great port. The Hague is the capital. Here a court meets that judges between nations. Holland is a small ~but famous country. Its people have great colonies in Asia. They rule most of the brown race. Belgium is flat and low, like Holland. It is the most thickly populated country of Europe. It is ab6ut one fourth as large as Luzon, but has nearly as many people as all the Philippines. All of Belgium is like a garden. Grain and vegetables are grown and much flax. Fine linen cloth and laces are made from the flax fiber. In the south are mines of coal and iron. Brussels, the capi- tal, and Antwerp, are great cities. Belgium is a kingdom. The Kongo State, in Africa, is a colony ruled by the king of Belgium. Belgium is like Holland, but has more manufactures. Helps. Switzerland. Describe the surface of Switzerland. What do the people raise ? What do they manu- facture ? Name another occupation. Why do people visit Switzerland? What are the chief cities ? What kind of a government has Switzerland? Holland. What is another name for Holland ? Describe the surface. What is one of the chief occupations ? How large is Holland ? What is the population ? What are the people called ? Name two of the cities. What is said of the government ? Belgium. Describe the surface. What is said of the population ? Of the people? Name the products. The large cities. What kind of a government has Belgium? What colony in Africa is ruled by the king of Bel- gium? Spell.- Dutch, Netherlands, Hague. Am- sterdam, Brus- sels, Antwerp. of Belg . um spinning 88 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER France The French call their country "beautiful France." It is about twice as large as the Philippines. It has a moist climate, and its soil is the richest of western Europe. France is well drained by rivers and canals. Most of the country is a rolling plain. 1 The products of this plain are like those of Germany. Grapes and the olive flourish in the south. Wine and oil, two great exports of France, are made from them. France makes more wine than any other country. The French are famous in music and art. They make beau- tiful silks, laces, and pottery. Coal and iron are mined and fine machinery is manufactured. and Havre are seaports with a great ocean commerce. Most of the copra of the Philippines is A street in Paris A public garden in Paris Paris, the capital, is the most beautiful large city in the world. It is the third of all cities in size. The finest theaters in the world are found in Paris. Marseilles 1 A rolling plain is a plain that has gentle slopes and small hills. sent to Marseilles. Lyons is the second city of France. More silk is sold here than in any other city in the world. France has colonies in every continent, except Australia, and in many islands of the sea. There is a great French colony near the Philippines. What is it? France is a republic. It is the only great republic in Europe. France is famous for manufac- tures and art. It has colonies in five continents. Helps. What do the French call their country ? How large is France ? What is said of the climate and soil of France ? What are some of the products ? For what are the French famous ? What do they make ? What is mined ? Name an important manu- factured article. What is the capital of France? How large is Paris ? For what is it famous? Name two seaports. For what is Lyons famous? Spell. Marseilles, Havre, Lyons, theater. EUROPE 89 Spain and Portugal The Spanish peninsula is a high plateau with many mountain ranges. Much of the plateau has little rain. Most of the people live along the coast and in the river valleys. The climate of southern Spain is one of the warmest in Europe. Hot winds come from Africa. The mountains keep away the cold winds from the north. In the north and west, the climate is moist and equable. There are great herds of sheep and goats. Olives, oranges, and Madrid has fine pictures and palaces, but few manufactures. Orange trees at Cordova grapes are plentiful. There are rich mines of copper, lead, iron, and mercury. The most valuable mines are those of mercury. More of this metal is produced in Spain than in any other country. Madrid, the capital of Spain, is near the center of the plateau. Palace of the king of Spain Barcelona is the greatest commer- cial city of Spain. Cadiz is a great seaport. Seville is the city from which Magellan sailed for the Philippines. The products of Portugal are much like those of Spain. Cork and wines are the chief exports. Lisbon, the capital, and Oporto are the chief cities. The Spaniards and the Portuguese are much alike in race and language, but the common people have little educa- tion. History and Government. Spain and Portugal are king- doms. A few hundred years ago they were among the most power- ful nations. Their sailors were famous. Magellan, a Portuguese, sailing in Spanish ships, found the Philippines. Spain and Portugal once had as colonies nearly all of North and South America, and parts of Asia and Africa. They have lost most of their colonies. 90 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Spain and Portugal once had great colonies, but have lost them. The common people are indus- trious, but have little education. Helps. What is said of the people of Spain and Portugal ? Of the sur- face of the Spanish peninsula ? Of the climate of southern Spain? Of northern and western Spain ? What are the products of Spain ? What mines are in Spain ? What is the capital? Name three other cities. What are the products of Portugal ? The two chief cities ? What kind of governments have Spain and Portugal ? Tell something of their history. Spell. Portuguese, Seville, mer- cury, powerful. Italy and Greece Italy is a warm and fertile pen- insula. It is a little smaller than the Philippines, but has four times as many people. In the northern part of Italy are high mountains. From these northern mountains another range runs through the peninsula to the island of Sicily, far to the south. In the northeast is the broad, fertile valley of the Po river, and on the west is a coastal plain. Italy has a long sea- coast, but has few ships, be- cause there are few good harbors. Cattle are raised in northern Italy. Rice, fruits, and silk are important products. Italy is the second country of the world in the production of wine. Milan cathedral Rome is the capital. It was built nearly three thousand years ago. The Pope lives at" Rome. The finest ruins of Europe are found there. Two thousand years ago the Italians ruled nearly all the civilized world. Naples and Vesuvius Farming in Naples is the largest city of Italy and the greatest in com- merce. Near Naples is Vesuvius, a famous volcano. EUROPE 91 Venice is a city built on many islands, and its people go about in A street in Venice boats. Columbus, who discov- ered America, was born in Genoa. Italy has a warm climate and a large population. Fruits, silk, and wine are exported. Rome was once the capital of a world empire. Italy is famous for its art Greece. The kingdom of Greece is a mountainous penin- sula. Grapes, figs, and olives are the chief products. Long ago Greece was a great empire ; now she has lost most of her lands and power. Athens, the capital, is famous for its ruins of great temples. Much of the art and learning of Europe came from Greece. Greece is mountainous. It was once a great empire. Athens ivas famous for art and learning. Helps. Italy. What kind of a cli- mate has Italy ? Compare Italy with the Philippines in size. In popula- tion. Where are the mountains ? The valley of the Po ? A coastal plain ? What is said of the seacoast and harbors? Name the chief pro- ducts of Italy. What city is the cap- ital ? Who lives at Rome ? Why is Rome famous in history ? What is the largest city in Italy? Name other cities. How does Venice differ from other cities ? Who was born at Genoa? For what is Italy famous ? To what country do many Italians go ? Greece. Describe the surface of Greece. What are the products? Tell about the history of Greece. What city is the capital ? For what is it famous? What has Europe ob- tained from Greece ? Spell. Naples, Venice, Genoa, Italians, Athens. Ruins of a beautiful temple in Athens The Turkish Empire The Turks came into Europe from Asia. They now rule lands in Asia, Africa, and Europe. What country of the Turkish empire in Asia have you studied ? The Turks are Mahometans. Nearly all the other people of Europe are Christians. 92 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER In European Turkey the soil is fertile, and farming is the princi- pal occupation ; but the govern- ment is bad, and the land is poorly cultivated. The ruler is called A mosque at Constantinople the sultan. The capital, Con- stantinople, is a beautiful city. Why has it a fine situation for commerce ? The Turks are Mahometans. Farming is the chief occupation in European Turkey. The govern- ment is bad. Helps. What is the religion of the Turks ? Their chief business ? In what continents do they rule lands ? What is the ruler called ? What city is the capital ? Spell. European, Constantinople, situation, business, commerce. Great Britain The British Isles include Eng- land, Scotland, Wales, and Ire- land. Their area is a little more than that of the Philippines. Forty millions of the white race live in the British Isles. Most of them are English. There are no very high mountains. The great forests have been cut down. The British empire is the greatest that the world has ever seen. One fifth of all the land, and one fifth of all the people in the world, belong to the British empire. In Asia, Great Britain rules India and some smaller countries. Nearly half of North America and all of Australia be- long to her. Many parts of Africa are British. How did the British get this great empire ? One of the palaces of the king of England Situation. One reason why the British empire has become so great is because the British Isles are surrounded by the ocean. Many of the people were sailors and fishermen. These men be- came the discoverers and con- querors of new lands. Products. Another cause oi the growth of Great Britain is EUROPE 93 the nature of her products. The climate is moist, but the soil is not so fertile as that of some coun- tries. There is some farming, but not enough to support so many people. But there are great mines of coal and iron. The coal and iron and manufactures of iron are sent all over the world in British ships. The British build many steel warships and make many guns. With these Great Britain gained and holds her empire. The British have more ships than any other people. Men. Besides these things, a great country must have indus- trious and intelligent men. Eng- land has such men. Many great inventions, such as the railway engine, were made by English- men, and old and famous univer- sities and schools are in England. is made. Liverpool, the second largest city in Great Britain, is a great commercial port. London, the capital, is the largest city in the world. There are seven millions of people in and near London. More ships go to that city than to any other port in the world. Much of the Philippine sugar and tobacco is sent to London. The people of London own mines, ships, and railroads in almost every country in the world. Glasgow is the largest city of Scotland. More steamships are made in Glasgow than in any other city. Edinburgh is a fa- mous city. Ships at Liverpool Cities. Great Britain is, then, a manufacturing country. The weaving of cotton and of woolen cloth is one of her chief indus- tries. Leeds and Manchester are the cities where most of the cloth A house in Ireland Ireland is a poor country. Millions of Irish have gone to the United States. Dublin and Belfast are the chief cities. The British empire is the great- est in the world. Its situation and products, and the intelligence and industry of its people, have made it great. 94 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Helps. How large are the British Isles ? Name them. How many peo- ple have they ? Of what race are the people ? Describe the surface of Great Britain. How large is the British em- pire ? How many people are in it? Name some of the countries of the world that belong to Great Britain. Name three things that helped to make the British empire great. What is the chief industry in Eng- land ? Name two cloth-weaving cities. A great commercial city. The largest city in Great Britain. What is said about London? Name two Scotch cities. What is said about the people of Ireland? Name some Irish cities. Spell. Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, conqueror. Review Questions on Europe. How many people in Europe ? Of what race are they ? Name the countries of Europe in the order in which you have studied them. What countries of Europe have a cold climate? Warm climate ? What is the largest city of Europe ? The second largest ? What city is the greatest silk market in the world ? In what country are many toys made ? Where are many watches made ? In what country is the most wine produced ? Which country is famous for its universities ? Which country is very low ? W T hich country is very mountainous? Name two re- publics in Europe. In which city does the Pope live ? From what city did Magellan sail ? Of what country is the czar the ruler ? The sultan ? Which is the greatest empire of the world ? What made it great ? Which country of Europe conquered the Phil- ippines ? III. NORTH AMERICA 1. North America as a Whole Surface. A great plain extends from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic ocean. It is one of the largest plains in the world. Near the center of this plain are the Great Lakes. On its west is the western highland. The Rocky mountains are its chief mountain system. West of the highland lie the Cascade, Sierra Nevada, and Sierra Madre ranges. Then comes the Pacific coastal plain. East of the great plain is the eastern highland. It consists of several plateaus and the Appa- lachian mountains. East of the Appalachians is the Atlantic coastal plain. Plants. Near the Arctic ocean no plants of value grow. Be- tween the frozen land and the Great Lakes are vast forests. The central part of the Great Plain produces all kinds of grain, especially wheat, corn, and oats. In the southern part cotton, sugar, tobacco, and rice grow. In the most southerly part of the continent are great forests of NORTH AMERICA 95 RELIEF MAP OF NORTH AMERICA hard woods and tropical fruits. Animals. In the north lives Many plants were brought to the the great polar bear, as white as Philippines from this region. snow. The musk ox and the 96 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER reindeer also live in this cold region. Farther south the great grizzly bear and the black bear live in the mountains. East of the Missis- sippi few except deer are found. Musk ox I II t h e Western Highland there are bears, pumas, or mountain lions, wild sheep with great horns, antelope, and many deer. The seas and rivers of North America abound in fisn - Wild sheep People. Before the white men came from Europe the Indian or the red race, lived in America. Now most of the 100,000,000 people are of the white race and speak English. Their forefathers came from Europe about four hundred years ago. They rule the other races of the continent. They have many fine cities, churches, and schools. They mine great quantites of coal, iron, silver, gold, and copper. They have great manfactures of all kinds, many railroads, and a great com- merce. Most of the inhabitants live in the southern part of the north temperate zone. North America has a great central plain and an eastern and a western highland. Valuable min- erals and metals are mined. Most of the people are white and speak English. Helps. - Describe the surface of the cen- tral part of Xorth Ame r ic a between the Arctic ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. What lies near the center of the Great Plain ? What is west of the Great Plain? East of the Great Plain? Where are the coastal plains? What plants grow- north of the Great Lakes ? What are the products of the central plain ? Of the southern plain? Of the east- ern plain ? Of the western plain ? Of the southern plateau ? Grizzly bear A North American schoolhouse NORTH AMERICA. $8: :, : , : . , : : PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER Of what races are the people of North America ? What is the popula- tion? In what part do most of the white people live? What do these people do? North America (See map on page 97.) Map Questions. W^hat ocean is north of North America ? East of North America? West of North America ? W T hat large island is north- east of North America ? What group of islands is southeast ? W T hat conti- nent is close to North America on the northwest? What continent is south of North America ? What large country in the northern part of North America? What is its capital ? What country is in the cen- tral part of it ? What city is its capi- tal ? What country is south of the United States ? Name its capital. W T hat part of North America lies south of Mexico ? Of what country is Alaska a part ? What strait is between Alaska and Asia? What bay is between North America and Greenland ? What strait ? What large bay is east of the Dominion of Canada? What gulf is south of the United States ? What sea is be- tween the West Indies and South America? What isthmus connects North and South America? Name five islands of the West Indies. Name two mountain ranges in the western part of North America. What mountains in the eastern part ? How many Great Lakes are there ? What river flows northeast from the Great Lakes ? W r hat great river flows south through the central plain ? Name three branches of this river. What river in Alaska? Name two rivers in the western part of the United States. 2. The Countries of North America The three great countries of North America are Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Can- ada is a part of the British em- pire. The United States and Mexico are republics. The United States of America Surface. More than half the country is low, level land. The Pacific coast is a narrow plain. The mountains of this coast are near the sea. East of the Pacific Coast range rise the snowy peaks of the Sierra Madre and Cascade mountains. They form the west- ern border of the Rocky moun- tain highland. For hundreds of miles to the east of the Cascade mountains lies a high plateau, broken by mountains and deep valleys. The Columbia and the Colorado rivers cross this plateau. This region contains a few fertile valleys, but much of it is covered with barren rocks and sandy deserts. Many of the lakes are salt. The eastern edge of this highland is about a mile above the level of the sea. From there the land falls away very slowly toward the great Mississippi river. The Mississippi valley is nearly 2000 kilometers (1250 miles) wide. The western part of this valley is called the great plains, or western plains. The land on these plains is good for grazing, but not for agriculture, because there is little rain. The central part of the valley is a vast lowland. On the north, east, and south are forests. South and west of the Great Lakes the grassy plains are called "prairies." The soil of these prairies is deep and rich, and some of the largest crops of grain in the world are raised here. The eastern highland abounds in coal, iron, and petroleum, and has large forests of hardwood trees. The Atlantic coastal plain is low and sandy. Along this coast are many great bays and good harbors. There are five great lakes and thousands of smaller ones. Climate. The climate of the United States is temperate. There are cold winters in the north, and warm summers both in the north and in the south. Rain falls most abundantly in the eastern part of the country. The western plains and highland are dry. In the southwest there are great deserts where it is very hot. The United States is so large, and has such vast moun- NORTH AMERICA ,, ; ::*/.: ;. ;, : $JJ tain ranges, that every kind of climate is found there. Products. The United States produces more corn, cotton, and tobacco than any other country. It cuts more lumber, mines more coal and metals, and produces more petroleum than any other country. One third of all the manufactures of the world are made in the United States. One half of all the railroads of the world are in the United States. It is richer than any other country, and its people earn much more each year than those of any other country. A room in an American house People and History. The white people of the United States came from Europe about four hundred years ago. Most of the first settlers came from England. They settled on the Atlantic coast. In 1776 they became independent and formed a new 100: PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER country. The Appalachian moun- government for all the states. The tains, the fear of the Indians, highest official of the federal gov- and the lack of roads, long kept ernment is the President. He is the people on the eastern coast. At length they set- tled the country from ocean to ocean. They bought or conquered the land of the In- dians. The The Capitol building at Washington chosen by all the peo- ple once every four years. Congress, the body elected to make laws for the whole country, meets in Washing- ton. A "te r r i- central part of the country they bought from France. Most of the southwestern part they took from Mexico by war and purchase. The population of the United tory" is a part of the United States ruled directly by the fed- eral government. Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands are terri- tories of the United States. The States is about eighty millions. Philippines are a possession or de- It is about thirty times as large pendency ', of the United States, as the Philippines, and has ten times as many people. The United States has a tem- perate climate, and great, fertile Government. The United plains. It is the richest of all States is made up of forty-seven countries because of its agriculture, states. Each state has a governor mines, forests, manufactures, and and a government of its own. commerce. A fine climate and The state legislature is a bcdy of rich soil, with industry, education, men, elected by the people, who and free government, ham made it make laws for their own state, great. Each state has a govern- At Washington, the capital of the ment, and there is a federal gov- country, is the central or federal, ernment for all the states. NORTH AMERICA Helps. What are the three great countries of North America? How much of the United States is lowland? Describe the surface of the western highland. What two great rivers in it (see map) ? Toward what great river does the eastern side of this highland slope ? How wide is the Mississippi valley ? Where in this valley are there forests ? Prairies ? What are found in the eastern highland? What is said about the Atlantic coastal plain ? What kind of climate has the United States ? Where does the most rain fall ? Where are there deserts ? From what country mainly did the white people come to America ? When ? Where did they settle? What three things kept them from settling earlier in the West ? When did the United States become independent? What can you say of the government of each state? Of the federal government? What city is the capital of the United States ? What is Congress ? How is the President chosen ? For how long ? What territories has the United States ? What dependencies ? Spell. Cascade, Colorado, Missis- sippi, federal, Congress, Washington. The Groups of States (See map on inside of back cover of this book.) There are five groups of states, the New England, the Middle Atlantic, the Central, the South- ern, and the Western states. The New England States Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Ehode Island, and Connecticut. Surface. The six states east of the Hudson river are called the New England states. Can you tell why? The surface of this group is hilly. There are many lakes and short rivers. Most of the rivers have falls and run swiftly. For what can they be used ? There are many bays and good harbors. In the mountains of New England Commerce. This part of the country is nearest Europe. Many large vessels carry goods from the ports of New England across the Atlantic. We can see that on this coast there must be many fishermen and sailors. Lumbering. There are many ships built, because there are large forests, especially in the state of Maine. The largest wooden ships in the world were built in Maine. Manufacturing. Most great ships are made of iron and steel, and many of them are made in New England. The people there make machinery, and send it to all parts of the world. There are many factories for making GEOGRAPHY PRIMER small iron articles, like tools, and firearms. New land makes more cotton and leather shoes than any part of the United States. nails. Helps. Name the live groups of Eng- states. Describe the surface of the cloth other Where cloth is woven Farming. There are many small farms in New England. Veg- etables, eggs, butter, and milk are produced. In the valley of the Connecticut river much tobacco is grown. Cities. Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, is the largest city of New England. It is the second most important seaport in the United States. The man- ufactures of New England, and cattle and grain from the west, are sent from Boston to Europe and to other countries. Harvard University, the largest and oldest university in the United States, is at Cambridge, near Bos- ton. More than four thousand students attend this university. The New England states are hilly. They have fine harbors and many ships. They have many fac- tories, and some great universities. New England states. Name these states. What is said of the coast? Of the commerce ? Of lumbering ? Of manufacturing ? Name some of the manufactures of New England. What are the farm products ? What is the chief city ? What is shipped from Boston? What famous university is near Boston? Spell. Firearms, leather, Connecti- cut, Massachusetts, Harvard. The Middle Atlantic States New York, Pennsylvania, New Jer- sey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia. Surface. The mountains of this group of states are higher, and the rivers larger, than those of the New England group. Name the three great bays along the coast. Loading hay Products. In the northern part of this group, grain, hay, fruits, and vegetables are raised. In the southern part much corn and tobacco are grown. The mountains of these states have rich coal and iron mines. They furnish material for many fac- NORTH AMERICA 103 Copyright, 1905, by Irving Underbill. A view of the business part of New York City tories, and manufacturing is the chief occupation of these states. New York State is called the " Empire State," because it is so great and rich. This state is larger than Luzon. It has nearly as many people as the Philippines, and far more wealth. New York City is the largest city in the United States, and the second largest city in the world. It has about 3,500,000 inhabitants, and is the greatest manufacturing city in America. New York has a good harbor, and many wharves and ships. railroads bring manufactures from smaller cities to New York. There the goods are loaded upon ships and sent to all parts of One of the great bridges in New York City The products of the rich Central states are sent there by way of the Great Lakes, the Erie canal, and the Hudson river. Many A large engine in a factory the world. Because of its man- ufactures and commerce, New York has become the greatest city of the Western Hemi- sphere. By and by it will be- come the greatest in the world. Philadelphia is a great man- ufacturing city. Many ships and railway engines are made there. Baltimore is a great port and commercial city. Pittsburg is the center of the iron industry. Washington is the capital of the country. The government 104 PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHY PRIMER buildings are among the finest in the world. Thousands of people who do the work of the govern- ment live in Washington. The most important laws for the Philippines are made in Washing- ton by Congress. The Middle Atlantic states have many factories and a great com- merce. New York, is the second greatest city in the ivorld. Phila- delphia and Baltimore are impor- tan t commercial cities . Washing ton is the capital of the United States. Helps. What group of states is next west of the New England states ? Name them. What is said of the sur- face of this group ? Of the coast line ? What are the agricultural products? The products of the mines ? What state is called the "Empire State"? Why ? What is said about the size of New York City ? Of its manufactures ? Why has New York a great commerce ? Name two manufactures of Philadel- phia. Why is. Pittsburg important ? Why is Washington great ? What is done in Washington that is of impor- tance to the Philippines ? Spell. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington. The Central States Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota. These states lie in the great central plain between the Appa- lachian and the Rocky moun- tains. This group of states con- tains half the people of the United States and produces most of the food of the country. Large amounts of wheat, corn, and oats, and many cattle, sheep, Herding cattle on the western plains and hogs are raised. Coal is abundant, and there are many factories, railroads, and large cities. Forests cover the north- ern part of some of these states. The largest furniture factories in the world are in Michigan. Many ships, both of wood and iron, are made on the shores of the Great Lakes. Corn is the greatest crop of the United States, and Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, and Ne- braska form the great corn belt. Large numbers of cattle, hogs, horses, and sheep are raised in these states. The part of the Central states that lies west of the Mississippi river is the greatest wheat-pro- ducing region in the world. Wheat is the most valuable of grains. The United States sends much wheat to Europe and Asia. NORTH AMERICA 105 In the far western part of the St. Louis is the second city of United States the climate is too the Central states in size and im- dry for wheat to grow well, portance. It is at the junction Here are the great plains where of two great rivers. Name them, millions of cattle, sheep, and It is also a great railroad center, horses are raised. Horses, wool,, wheat, corn, to- A large bacco, and beer are its chief exports. Cincin- nati and Cleveland amount of coal is mined in the east- ern states of this group. Along the shores of Lake Su- perior are the larg- est iron are great manufac- turing cit- ies. . Min- neapolis is noted for its flour mills. A business street in Chicago mines in the world and also great copper mines. The deepest mine in the world is there. It goes down into the earth more than 1500 meters (nearly one mile). _, . . , . mals carry their young in a pocket in the skin. Millions of sheep and many cattle are raised in Australia. Much of the meat eaten in Manila comes from Australia. Horses, cattle, lumber, and coal are also exported to Manila. Wool, gold, and meats are sent to Europe. The na- tives of Aus- tralia are Negroes. They are among the lowest sav- a g e s on earth. Most of the people belong tO the An Australian savage 126 PHILIPPINE GEOGKAPHY PRIMER white race. Nearly all of them are of British descent. Australia is a part of the British empire. It is a, commonwealth of five states. Like Canada, Australia has much self-government. It is a prosper- ous country. Melbourne and Syd- ney are great cities. A street in Sydney New Zealand is a group of mountainous islands southeast of Australia. The climate is cool and equable. There are many forests. The soil is rich. Gold, wool, and meat are the chief exports. There are a few native Malayans, but most of the peo- ple are white. New Zealand is a self-governing colony of the British empire. New Guinea is one of the largest islands in the world. The people are wild and fierce Ne- groes. To what three countries does New Guinea belong ? Smaller Pacific Islands. There are many other islands in the Pacific ocean. Most of them are the tops of old volcanoes that have come up above the sea. The people of these islands are mainly Malayan in race. They are not highly civilized. They are ruled by different nations of Europe and by the United States. The people live by farming and fishing. Copra is the main export of most of the islands. Australia is the smallest conti- nent. The climate is dry. Wool, meats, and gold are exported. New Zealand is a prosperous colony of Great Britain. The people of the small Pacific islands are Malayans. Helps. How does Australia com- pare in size and population with the other continents? Describe the sur- face. The climate. Animals. Plants. What are the exports of Australia to Manila? The exports to Europe ? Who are the natives of Australia? Of what race are most of the people ? Tell about the government. What are the chief cities ? Where is New Zealand? Describe the surface. The climate. What are the products ? What kind of govern- ment has New Zealand? What is said of New Guinea ? How were most of the smaller Pa- cific islands made? Who are the people? How are they governed? How do they live? What is the chief export? Spell. Australia, Melbourne, Syd- ney, New Zealand, kangaroo. -"l^ii^oi APPENDIX SIZE AND POPULATION OF THE EARTH, CONTINENTS, AND COUNTRIES Length of the Earth's Axis Length of the Earth's Equator Area of the Earth's Surface Area of the Ocean SQUARE MILES Asia (with islands) 17,056,000 Europe 3,842,000 Africa . . 11,512,000 North America ....... 9,430,000 South America 6,856,000 Australia (with islands) 3,456,000 Antarctic Lands ...... 254,000 THE PHILIPPINES 114,410 THE UNITED STATES (with possessions) . 3,806,279 The East Indies (with Philippines) . 787,302 The Chinese Empire . . . . 4,300,900 British Indian Empire 1,917,621 The Japanese Empire 161,135 Mexico 767,258 Cuba . . 44,015 Brazil 3,300,816 Argentina 1,083,551 The British Isles 121,367 The German Empire (in Europe) 210,232 France 207,217 Spain . 191,986 The Russian Empire 8,785,187 7,900 24,902 SQUARE MILES 196,940,000 144,500,000 POPULATION 1,600,000,OOC 906,674,000 396,406,000 140,274,000 105,806,000 38,482,000 6,458,000 7,636,000 84,907,156 43,237,000 426,047,000 300,164,000 46,495,000 13,606,000 1,573,000 14,334,000 4,957,000 41,608,000 56,367,000 38,962,000 18,235,000 130,941,000 THE TWELVE LARGEST CITIES OF THE WORLD London (England) New York . Paris . Berlin Tokio Chicago POPULATION 4,649,000 3,437,202 2,714,000 1,889,000 1,819,000 1,698,575 Vienna Canton St. Petersburg Philadelphia Constantinople Calcutta POPULATION 1,675,000 1,600,000 1,313,000 1,293,000 1,203,000 1,121,664 THE FIVE LONGEST RIVERS Mississippi-Missouri Nile . . . Amazon 4,200 3,700 3,300 Yangtze Kongo . 128 3,000 2,900 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNITED STATES AND ITS POSSESSIONS SOTE: The maps of Hawaii, Samoa, Guam and Wake Is. same scale aa map of Philippine Islands. Longitude West 85 from Greenwi