GIFT OF ( UN IV y } LINALPHA /* A _s -f- - -?- - x o r r c /- ^./ A/. - - ~f A- A. - A- -a/ _ > X (* <0 InLtLAjC irplv-el. attf jD^rw?^ (J GLSIS^U/ /cm, ' (rff A W\ A/U*-OCcC, L*> C^nX. 1Ae/xy /Z-cc/vexy ' v * H ^ f ^ 4 *" ou&*tf (* ~fj? /, J? u \n\jaL ^/u/c-Ky I>^&^Y< an- t<5 Co ^^^ ^f>^^^ct^d^ WJ- X/-.A-- 5? x* b6. XT P / ' cVL irr fir*- f^~ * - T f ^ " A do p A A ' Some Brief, Varied, Lineal Outlines [-, means place of vowel indicated without actually writing it] LINALPHA has word signs or special signs for, among other words: "is", "as", "his", "has", "use" (uze), "use" (uce), "was", "this", "these", "those", "so", "say", "saw"; a final -s -z for endings and plurals distinguished from s, z, in little words (word signs), and from s in "ous"; a final "ous" as in (dangers) dangerous; a final cy (s-); an initial (or vowel before) -s distin- guished from initial -z; and two ways of showing initial s- (no vowel before); briefly a separation of many things in providing for s hitherto badly mixed. There are separate word signs for "know", "no", "not" "in", "on", "any", "now", "new", "anew", "anything", "nothing", "know there", "not there", "now there", "any other", "no other", "another", "neither", "knew there." There are separate signs for "all", "only", "include"; outlines in -1 separated from outlines in 1-. Different ways of distin- guishing r- from r, m- from m, p from b, p- b- from -p -b; "by", "up", "upon", "before" distinguished; u- f- v- from -w -f -v; t- d- distinguished from -t -d; a special sign for "to"; another special sign for "to the"; a special sign for "that"; a th, dh for parts of outlines; another th- dh- for word signs; a third class of distinctions in th dh, for less frequent words by joined initial vowels. "By" is distinguished from all other words in b, "and" from all other words in n; "other", "eyther", "eether", "author", "otherwise", "authorise", have their respective signs. "Of", "for", "ever", "over", "very", "after", "even", "often" have separate word signs. Every preposition or word of place (including its variations for "a" or "an", "the" and "there"), is distinguished from every other preposition. "Should" from "shall". Joined affixes for "ful", "val", "fully", "ively". "Can" distinguished from "can't" and "could". "Come" is distin- guished from "go", "came" from "come", "company" from "Co.", "exp-" from "k-sp"; "it is not" from "does not"; "is not'' from "has not"; "anybody" from "nobody"; "write" from "wrote"; "read" (reed) from "read" (redd); "writing" from "reading". There are separate outlines for "to", "at", "out". "Then" is distinguished from "than", "been" from "upon"; "the other" from "that there"; "accrue" from "agree"; "prove" from "approve"; "work" from "argue"; "were" from "we are"; "community" from "unity" and from "comminute". "Per", "pro", "apper", "appro", are everywhere distinguished a word sign for "particular", a word sign for "opportunity". "Give" from "gave"; "belief" from "believe"; "last" from "least"; "great" and "greatly" from "gradual" and "gradually"; "grant" from "ground"; "had" from "ought"; "find", "found", "have not" have separate word signs. "Con" from "com"; they can be written as joined strokes or used as detached vowels. Sugges- tive, not exhaustive; "there are others." (Copyright, 79/5, by Robert Macarthy Williamson, 20 Walter St., San Francisco, California.) ' -farme.; \ t> RULES. *^-> ^Vj. A small hook (turning against the clock), on a straight stroke, reads for -f ,-y. as in /> ^f.^L, vocalized forf,as in S_S_ -- ^ vocalized for -=- *fi 44&/1S -4>W4> OL^ The hook is enlarged for_ / ____ ~r>_ 'Un^K^w J^u, Vocalized for rare word, as i _ f ., ^ The small circle <> for *s > 2,and the "big circle o for -ss. *sgt ^zz final She circle o foir -Sj-z, final is written om eitner side of a straight stroke, to allow the shortestciib in writ ing; outlines or phrases as in - * -~^\ but, the circle cannot be always ~^)^*f \ *-<^' kept; on the same side, as in _r^_. . -^*- __ ^-B*? __ also to distinguish one sigm from another >x^ ,A _ j - Big circle for -sz^ -zzj, as in _ (Che oreads last, as in ^A^^^^^J^ 4 ^ _,. ctU--< - %2^ CX 2 ln - rrB > ^^S le written only on tha left hand ^ide of thej f ._^ _____ F __/5> __ ^ ^ .. . the other- side bein* wanted for wunctuation circle mak*a lineality and Breaks angularity -at . -st final is xnade by a final circle aa in j 6> A X_7__/V\ ** -zd aa ^ Is usea insteaa "Wher* -ns takes s or st after; the -^stroke ia used, ex; ^ n loop +** -n t -n~n -ng, A final loop for -n (showing that no vowel follows] is written on ftie upper side or right; side (' the test loininff sides) of a straight stroke, ,ex. O ~ A Slr-fr 1^14/TVjC/VU (ftykvr\* / ~*"*** v^'v** \) * / Vl^ Or on the inside of a cufcve, The stroke written half length shows that t or d follows the -n, as in -^ -~ ? ~ s ^- a Big loop for ~n>-n or "' .. sijjfa)an> To distinguish QAff from the more f request signs inje, ^ ^>^^w Phrased, for ^f ^X T" c-ew '3^^ & ^^^sS^ c(a Cct/n Ve. CcHMxyvot dcx^L The - after the final loop is written^ as i n x^> After horizontal stroke* ( as in Lineal Alphabet) there is no vi used for ap f ssr> The -ji.% as well as being written by loop and circle, can si_lso: be written lay <^*i. e^as in Q ( Pinal hooks and also final loops. Notice v..^v **_ and j^y^have final hooks and also final loops fox: L , The ho.okl >S-z after f loop is is hook a written after * ' ^j \j t Final s-, as in Final -OUS, as * na l Is written -oo^v^ gan Waaol ^p 0j Inal Hooks, going^ witli the clock, foirt-n, d-n. Sxtra lineal consonant aolely for word signXf s~* s-\ S~3 & ^ leaving XV_/i_ ^.which are hooked and looped orithe_side going with the clock, for t-n f d>n^ ff ^ A _jA A w\ A ^ A> A: _^-8 followeror toth hook and loop toy "being turned oa a loop, as The sion<\ls shaded for -n in /-^giving a joining for phrasing .It may Jbe urtt%vw^ shaded for n and -^g in a fe-wrarelnstances, Tinal ^ (en) and n- (ne) distinguished.Pinal ^ is wrfc^en by a nook or loop as Pinal f- TT is written ~fs-v after a curve / L-f, l- -^ovvi\eY\F~> r n jfi. "OrdI fiirrnft var't%Tnf*.**44 ^a i t signs without final hooks or final loops. To reduce the percentage of hooks and loops ;f or -n, ~ng, and -n^n y and at the same time add to. the variety of .lineal outlinejthe circle is used as follows: A , ctiio- written as Pinal -sioni, -tion, -salon, ^ a9__ -=*_ ***"- _ gv _ W^'-i, &.3i _ ^<*&t&r ^'. ^fftty***W<^lsn.>' : - nxlic&r*. By vocalizing infrequent a^i-.. _ZV small circles cam be usecTin writing, |^M^A^ t ^f^r^, N \ r -s-sion large circle Af ter r and lesion -s-eion6.ittle used). * 'V except ^^ __ . r/\ &.^ _ /> -7 , TvUvv/j After word signs the Bios reada for has le -BBioa for hyg , gaytion" .Final k-tioni, g-tion,ia writ tea rrom rlgti-^olefias, * tn, Written upward, generally second placeor final Give initially the word aecomd. HALVING for Jti d . and the.Strokes are written half length to show '.Strokes half '^^ Nearly all word signs are written half length to show that the follows: s\_^ Xf^iy? ^-<-_rW -/~-r show t. d; eff^/rtfie., -$3 ,^~^L f ^- i*~%*.fc; ** A stroke is sometime* halved for tl^as in INITIAL halving for sonancy, TTTI-MAI /**. strokes arein. a few ins tances, n iStteS half "lenstl to show sonancy,ae, r ^^^~\ r/\" T* "^ocxmtL ^ro^^ -^occA L "^^ro^f ^ A^cxAfl- x- 1 Sk-, s-g, the exceptional, initial^eaiai^ final. Sk- "is writ ten _<-f^| S-g is writtea^l^)^, allowing ' the lineal^- _ana.. combinations^-^ All the frequents in ak are written, ^_ Vocalize Large circle >S5fei Sk can he written lineally "by sh-k, as Sh-t consonant, --the more frequent Sh- t the circle on the under side of , the horizontal straight stroke It can frequently be cut down to^o The small circle reads for s, extra letters for s, the circle' goes on the shortest cut. S-a^initial. s-s initial is circle iQedjally,usea for sh^, also for ss. ,ta "Cash", K-sa, and exp, expl. The only comparatively frequent oine ink-ah IB | all infrequent,, may "be positionedor vocalized as a,*. _ A ^ Exp, exh. Outlines in exp, exb, are divested of unlineality and "bad joinings "by "being written as, ^ S^c^J^ -- The' circle in kskis on the upper sideof the stroke The circle in Summary? o _o- 5^ the under 0-7 r To the straight k stroke beingjasedfoir as, and to a lesser extent for is , where it does not clash, ..^fep 1 * iB aB an * so ^ ^^ te written by c in phrase where no ^ clash with plural ending or other- circled outline,aa, Initial s- is written in some cases "by the dowa down<~stroke curve, Con, com prefix*Co7i-anGL com are written "by down k stroke*, The con or com may "be om itted where out- line or context is sufficient as w re 8llowl1 ^ vowel indication, generally, it should not T>e, and is here not lef * to "beguessed Uvj&4W&$*n C^Si Ltfz&WTi ^ ^Y~<^ ro? ^^- o3pi*^ In 'phrasing the con^and com may detached vowela . Initial loops for r,'l, kr, gr.iHorisontal strokes are. looped initially forr and lj as in> v^i-vr^j^u ^^-^ -* 9 A^^ ^nruL^vtrTno/uJ-Jv -idixyie. feut^o^up'letterft the looping is for Circle combination for kl-, gl; , <2LsJasl not being needed for 1-^1 "Ici-m is shortened -^* 1 * outline or phrase* <<^ Initially eA^x6-e^ eAt^x^x^iA-xZ^/ K-k. K-k is written), a B E-K, how writtenr-k is written^) as ^ . . Double lengthening or lengthening, Up strokes Up strokes are lengthened for t "before, as, (~ lenthened fo r ~* ^' ^ X ^..(^^S ,.^J*Zgt!S. tTL-Oxx&r- UrK-arfevA/ "t^xAnje^/^ ia lengthened for All other _horlao.ntal strokes are lengthened for . Xv-X Ho down- strokes are lengthened. Unlinealities are a snare. Shorthand, should be, can be, and here is on one. line of elliptic movement* Some sighs and outlines i_ for these words, and not vocalised^or a ^y other words V^-T-tfce preposition;, has a hook to join. in phrases* '"*- Hie hooked sign may be vocalized in phrase for Initial hook for n. Before up strokes a hook is written for preposition and is also used in outlines. */< are turnedupon them.are used '01 for a straightening -m is written as in allowing the glide to be used for. ^^^ ^^s The hooked m may also "be " used to show vowel before, . . T-n written upwards. t-n,t-ng,d-n, d-ng, ch-n are written up by ^ , as also a large number of lines in st-n, stng --i -' v, y^ ^-^ ._ -^-n -/w T after N is writ ten 5'^^"^^^ To mark the less frequent sign and to show a vowel .beforethe t is written by a vertical down stroke, as i' an advantage, is hooked with a snail ho ok for easy joining, ex.,;/- The small joining ho ok preserves the lineal movemen^and very frequently allows t to be omitted- tr Heads as -nl- used only for- - tead e as -nkl-,'0nly for & &- M j, and R f how written. To allow of signs in r, b, and g^ ^r-em, 1-sm, d-sm, are written respectively, as in 3- Allows kl-m gl-m to be written All, -1. Initial tick and small circle to make initialvovrel in word sign ^^ Initial Uck and ^rge circle to show -1 i n other wordsas in H. Final -r, r- 8 . r ie in almost every , lf^ a written up, the only time it is written doS Sing rarely to distinguish it ** ? --- " / . Final -r is generally distinguished from r- *>y a hooked re, ex. t THE GLIDE ALPHABET. The glide down stroke letters or t, d, ch, j, and p, b, are used after r, 1, s ia ^t= *afi seems. we.? can; &e WTI^WJ without clash,ex. tt .p^e/nm Mnations in 1. lineal (1 has "been in much greater need of representation than r.)ord always , . medial as lnuirflri?e or final: ^-jfcn Extra f|_v f used mainly as v, and only in the following frequent outlines :_^-- t . can he omitte TICKS. "Time is of the essence ". 2)etached Ticke, the time killers in shprthandare got rid of Lineal use* for joined UP ticks: The UP tick is never used separately ( detached) ;"but, joined, is xised as in , T-m, d-m, initial , writ ten as in s -^ Ted. -ted ie written generally as in A A -"vf . ./ 1 VI /vt*4.j.< After n and f , v, as vl After up letters as " . do no * follow the rule of initial loop for lcr-gr- ^ tut *** * reduced shortened form of -& /) The word sign Ch^j-l.^.A/^tWr ^>. /--^r f^^f A///^-/^ ^^le^ *-&&***~$~<3Ui ^wc^^ferT (gi 0-E D SIGN S ^ m-) - 1 ' 2 Js S-otrf > o >-.: tio r ^ 5? S? s_^ .. v^. cm. __ _ _ %A^ 0X6^^ tm, /a/ i fa <&***& r^ ATI. ot/ny .rf rt rt C wi , (V Cnr -tp , ot, '^ rYLt / & A y-^ /7 /f j Q ^ l}~ /\ F O d '/