THE RADICAL THEORY IN CHEMISTRY. BY JOHN JOSEPH GRIFFIN, F.C.S., HONORARY MEMBER OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY JOHN JOSEPH GRIFFIN, 119 BUNHILL ROW. 1858. [Th* Author Reserves the Riyht of Publishing Translations in France, and Germany.' LONDON : PRINTED BY W. CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET. - PREFACE. Ix this work I propose to prove that the laws of Organic Chemistry are as simple and orderly as the laws of Inorganic Chemistry, and that the confusion which prevails in the former is attributable in no degree to irregularity in organic com- pounds, but to a disregard of the true laws of the science and a devotion to false hypotheses. The work includes a critical inquiry into the authority and importance of the doctrines which are commonly accepted by chemists as sound, and of others, which I recommend for adoption, as better proved and of more universal application. 1 cannot enumerate these new doctrines without encroaching upon the Table of Contents, but I may specify a few ex- amples : A new theory of the constitution and atomic measure of gaseous salts and radicals. A method of determining the atomic measures and specific gravities of compound gases, from their formulas alone. A theory of the origin and metamorphoses of organic radicals. A theory of vice-radicals. A theory of salts, free from acids and bases. A consistent theory of ammoniums and amidogens, and of the salts which are formed by those radicals. A theory of anhydrides, explanatory of the constitution of those salts in which both radicals are acid radicals. An explanation of the constitution of the salts which are commonly assumed to be produced by certain imaginary compounds, called polybasic and conjugated acids. a 2 V PREFACE. Proof that the results of electrolytic experiments justify the adoption of radicals. A demonstration of the impolicy of attempting to separate Organic from Inorganic Chemistry. A systematic nomenclature, applicable to every descrip- tion of chemical compound. I adduce evidence to prove that the following Hypotheses (among many others) propagate Fallacies for Truths, and thereby obstruct the progress of the science : That water contains only one atom of each of its two elements. That elementary atoms combine in multiple proportions. That salts contain acids and bases. That such things exist as sesquioxides, polyatomic alcohols, and conjugated and poly basic acids. That all salts are formed on the model of water. That all compounds which contain azote are formed on the model of ammonia. That isolated elements do not exist, so that free chlorine and free hydrogen are binary compounds. Every experiment quoted in this work is derived from the writings of the chemists, whose theories I oppose. The argu- ments rest therefore upon facts which will not be impugned. I treat all unsettled and disputed doctrines as if the reader intended to form an independent and impartial opinion upon them. I pay no respect to any other Authority than that of Facts and the Probabilities which arise from concurrent circum- stantial evidence. The adoption of the Radical Theory would put an end to much false philosophy, would speedily extend our knowledge of organic compounds, and facilitate the study and improvement of eveiy department of the science. Lwigton Lodge, Sy den ham, 24th December, 1857. CONTENTS. PAGE On the Proximate Constitution of Acids, Bases, and Salts . .3 Reference to the publication by the Author of the theory of hydration of acids and bases in 1834 claim to its recent discovery by M. Gerhardt Professor Clark's original publication of part of the theory in 1826 detailed evidence against M. Gerhardt's claim to originality notice of the invention of unitary formulae. The Binary Theory of Salts . . . .18 Dumas's account of the merits and demerits of Lavoisier's theory of acids and bases Davy's theory of salts, page 21, resumed at page 128. The Radical Theory 25 Principles of the radical theory classification of oxygen salts in accordance with the radical theory, Atomic Weights of the Elements . . .28 Table of atomic weights choice of a standard the English formula for water = HO repudiated ; H + HO chosen ; reasons why double equi- valents of certain elements, adopted after Gerhardt basylous and basylic atoms both kinds are radicals illustrations salts of iron. Inquiry, what is meant by protoxides and peroxides ? Sesquioxides repudiated condition of iron in double salts of the so-called sesquioxides investigation of the double and triple cyanides in respect to their proportions of iron great simplification produced in the formulae of the cyanides by using the symbols of the basylic radicals inquiry, whether hydrocyanic acid is monobasic or polybasic ? Table of Examples of Compound Organic Radicals and Salts that contain them . . . .44 Composition, Specific Gravities, Atomic Weights, and Atomic Measures of Gases and Vapours . 49 Catalogue of 280 gases, showing their composition, atomic weights, atomic measures, theoretical specific gravities H = 1 ; observed specific gravities H 1, and also air = 1; examination of the facts exhibited in the table arrangement of the compounds in eleven groups characters of these groups general results radicals have an atomic measure of one volume salts an atomic measure of two volumes oxides containing one radical are irregular in measure oxygen measures nothing in its VI CONTENTS. PAGE gaseous salts inquiry into the power of oxygen considered as an acid- former oxygen never acts as a radical, nor as part of a radical, nor does it affect the equivalence of radicals. Examination of the Properties of Organic Radicals . 70 Table of Radicals arranged in the order of their basicity and acidity importance of the neutral radical vinyl = CH* discrimination of basic radicals from acid radicals reduction of basic radicals to acid radicals reduction of acid radicals to basic radicals experimental reduction of radicals the ketones the aldehydes the vinyl series of radicals a short Catechism for Organic Chemists. The Model of Water 82 What is meant by the model of water great abuse of the term gro- tesque caricatures of the formula by Gerhardt, Odling, and Buff. The Construction of Formulae . . . 84 Systematic Nomenclature . . . . .86 The object sought to be attained is an exact and easy method of reading chemical formulae the nomenclature therefore merely proposes to nominate and enumerate the constituents of each compound as set forth in its formula It involves no hypotheses other than those involved in the formulae special contrivance for distinguishing the number of atoms of oxygen examples of names applied to the 11 groups of gaseous salts, previously represented with the ordinary names. The Doctrine of Chemical Types and Substitutions . 91 Discussion between Berzelius and Dumas how their conflicting views as to radicals and types may be harmonized constitution of the compound chlorine radicals the last subject is resumed at page 131. Inquiry into the Causes which modify the Atomic Measure of Compound Gases . . . .94 Powers of different elements and radicals as exercised in gases carbon, vinyl, succinyl, salicyl, and other gases which have an even number of atoms of hydrogen sulphur nitrogen ammonia gaseous salts of ammonia chlorine, and other halogens and their salts phosphorus arsenic antimony bismuth boron silicon tin titanium tellu- rium selenium zinc mercury determination as to each element or radical f what its atomic measure is when isolated what its measure is when in salts and what condensing power it possesses over the radicals with which it combines. Tabular view of results, which show how to find the specific gravity and atomic measure of a gas, when only its for- mulae is given total insufficiency of the methods in general use for that purpose laws that regulate the atomic mctosure of the vapours of polybasic acids, as enunciated by M. Gerhardt exposition of the falla- cies involved in those laws. Applications of the Radical Theory . . .117 Anhydrides, or anhydrous acids compound anhydrides discussion of the theory of the anhydrides resumed at pages 377 and 480 degrees of oxidation of radicals intermediate metallic oxides aldides, or alde- hydes in general the chromates, illustrating the combination of anhy- drous acids with neutral salts. CONTENTS. Vii PAGE Distinction between Analytical Formulae and Synop- tical Formulae . . . . . .127 The flexibility of the new nomenclature allows names to be written to suit either description of formulae. Vice-Radicals 131 Chloric-radicals zotic-radicals sulphic-radicals metallic vice-radicals. The Phosphates 138 Discussion respecting the nature of bibasic and terbasic salts the three kinds of phosphates are models of three forms of salts that frequently occur in organic chemistry. The Phosphites and Hypophosphites . . .143 Their composition not yet satisfactorily ascertained. The Sulphates 144 Discussion of the general question respecting the constitution of bibasic salts examination of the arguments by which it has been attempted to prove that sulphuric acid is bibasic Gerhardt's arguments William- son's arguments classification of polybasic sulphates : monobasic, bibasic, tribasic, tetrabasic, pentabasic, hexabasic, heptabasic, and octa- basic conclusion drawn that sulphuric acid is monobasic, and given to form multiple salts nomenclature of the sulphates. The Polythionates 156 Investigation of the individual acids and salts of this extensive series the pentathionates tetrathionates trithionates hyposulphates hypo- sulphites sulphites sulphenetes question whether a multiple number of atoms of sulphur ever acts as a single negative radical importance of strictly discriminating the state of hydration of salts of this series new views respecting these salts and their relations to one another nomenclature of the complex oxy- sulphur salts peculiarities in the saturating capacities of the oxy-sulphur salts. The Oxalates 177 Argument against the alleged bibasic nature of the oxalates classification of multiple oxalates, which are known to be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 18 basic conclusion drawn that oxalic acid is monobasic nomenclature. The Carbonates . . . . . .183 The carbonates and bicarbonates shown to be equally bibasic. The Chlorides . 186 The chlorides are salts of a monobasic acid, but occur single, double, triple, and quadruple. Theory of Azotic Radicals 189 Sketch of a new Theory terms defined amidogen ammonium vice- amidogens vice-ammoniums nomenclature 'of vice-amids and vice- ammons varieties limits of the scheme discrimination of vice-amids and vice-ammons relation of the amids to the ammons reciprocal conversion of one into the other double salts that contain ammons Vlll CONTEXTS. PAGE and amids nomenclature of such double salts gaseous salts of amido- gen non-volatile salts of ammonium ammoniated salts. Examples of Azotic Radicals .... 199 Three classes of ammonias four classes of salts of vice-ammoniums. Investigation of the Compounds which are produced by the abstraction of Water from the normal salts of Ammonia . . . . . . 208 Amids produced by the abstraction of one atom of HHO from the neutral oxalates of vice-ammoniums amids produced by the abstraction of one atom of HHO from the neutral salts that are formed by normal ammonium with organic acids amids produced by the abstraction of one atom of HHO from the neutral salts that are formed by ammonams with organic acids non-oxidised salts of amids compounds of amids with ammons nitriles investigation of the nitrile theory transmutations of nitro- gen from the ammoniacal condition into the cyanogen condition and back again carbamide imidogen compounds imides aiiiles ami- dogen or amidated acids oxamates oxanilates amidogen acids with compound radicals anilidogen acids with compound radicals. Hydramides 228 Sulphates with Inorganic Vice-Ammons . . 229 Sulphates of Organic Vice-Ammons and Vice- Amids 231 Polythionates of Ammonia ..... 233 Sulphites containing Vice- Amids and Vice-Ammons 237 Hyposulphates containing Vice-Amids and Vice- Ammons . . . . . . . 240 Hyposulphites containing Vice-Ammons and Vice- Amids ';;.' 242 Sulphenetes containing Vice-Amids . . . 243 The Cyanides 243 Single cyanides double cyanides triple cyanides foxu-fold cyanides cyanides in double salts conjugated cyanogen is repudiated. The Sulphocyanides 247 The sulphocyanides explained as double sulphides sulphocyanogen con- sidered to be unreal and unnecessary. The Cyanates . . 250 The Nitrates 251 The nitrates can be monobasic, terbasic, and bibasic, like the phosphates. They are properly monobasic. , The Nitrites 253 The Oxides and Hydrates of Nitrogen . . 255 Azotic Radicals in Series . ... 256 CONTENTS. ix PACK Indigo . . . 257 The radical is indyl = CH 3 , which produces numerous vice-indyls by substitution of Cl, Br, and S for atoms of H objections to Berzelius's radicals section 1, salts in which indyl is the negative radical section 2, salts in which indylac ZH,CH 3 is the negative radical 'Section 3, salts in which indylac and indylam (ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ) act as positive radicals with sulphur as a negative radical section 4, salts in which sulphic- indyl C 8 H 2 S is the negative radical. The salts of the last two sections are subject to a modification of the for- mulae in consequence of the recent discovery referred to at pages 376, 480, 490. according to which the indyl contained in these salts should be described as being in the condition of a positive radical, and not as in that of a conjugated sulphic acid. The argument respecting the constitution of sulphacetic acid at page 489 explains the difference. Aniline . . ... . 274 Importance of the aniline theory new theory proposed aniline assumed to be the hydride of phenylac = ZH,CH 5 ;H table of the salts of aniline critical notes on the salts of aniline investigation of aniline and its chloric, bromic, and iodic compounds new formulae and new systematic names applied to all the salts of this series - relation of salts of phenylac ZH,C (; H 5 to salts of phenylam ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 , explaining how hydrated acids convert aniline into normal salts of phenylam. Thus: ZH,C 6 H 5 ;H + H,C1 = ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;C1- details of such normal salts of phenylam, both without and with oxygen sulphanilic acid oxanilide oxanilamide formanilide oxanilic acid nitraniline theory of nitra- niline examined cyanilide melaniline, and its salts varieties of Hof- mann's formulas for melaniline examination of his melaniline theory dicyanomelaniline varieties of formulae given for this salt examination of Hofmann's theory respecting dicyanomelaniline Cyaniline examina- tion of Hofmann's theory of cyaniline anilo-urea, or carbamide-carbani- lide investigation of Hofmann's carbanilide theory its defects the theory that urea is cyanate of ammonia shown to be more in accordance with facts metamorphoses of dicyanomelaniline melanoximide Hof- mann's theory of its production another explanation preferred theory of anilocyanic acid the anilocyanates are probably terbasic cyanates products of the decomposition of melanoximide. The Platinum Bases 308 Theory of the platinum bases causes of the errors which commonly prevail respecting them necessity of admitting the distinction of platous and platic radicals mischiefs caused by the adoption of imaginary acids and bases monstrous formulae given to the imaginary platinum bases platous salts platic salts salts of platousam salts of platicam. The Urea Theory 338 Non-permanent cyanate of ammonia' permanent cyanate of ammonia urea theory chemical reactions of urea summary of evidence respect- ing the constitution of urea proof that it is cyanate of ammonia ex- amples of ureas theory of compound ureas salts of urea. Terbasic Cyanates ...... 348 Examples of terbasic cyanates inquiry into their nature uncertainties respecting them. X CONTENTS. PAGE The Carbonates of Ammonia .... 355 Investigation of twelve varieties of carbonate of ammonia, all shown to be neutral carbonate, or bicarbonate, or mixtures when dried, they are reduced more or less to amidogen salts. Carbamie Acid, and the Carbamates . . . 359 The Ureides 360 The ureicles are compound ureas, or cyanates of ammonams, which contain an acid radical, and therefore contain one atom of oxygen more than is contained in ureas that are formed by basic radicals this theory is explained at pages 376 and 480. The Allophanates or Tetrabasic Cyanates . . 362 Table of allophanates inquiry respecting tetrabasic cyanates biuret. The Doctrine of Polyatomic Alcohols . . .366 Glycol, the Biatomic Alcohol . . .366 Method of production constitution proof adduced that glycol, the biatomic alcohol, is merely vinyl, the monatomic alcohol, disguised under a doubled formula. The Hydrocarbons which contain an even number of atoms of hydrogen ...... 368 Professor Miller's argument that these hydrocarbons are equivalent to radicals, and rank between the basic and acid radicals the fallacy of that argument proof adduced that these hydrocarbons are always pairs of radicals examination of examples salts of vinyl acetal propylic glycol and amylic glycol fallacies respecting them. Glycerin, the Teratomic Alcohol .... 374 Argument led, that glycerin is not a teratomic alcohol, but what in cur- rent phraseology is called aterbasic acid table of compounds of glycerin, in eight groups the radical glycyl = C a H 5 , shown to act as the radical of a polybasic acid investigation of forty-three salts of the glycylic acid -glycerides fats theory of their constitution, and transforma- tions uselessness of unitary formulae and of formulae on the model of water the doctrine of polyatomic alcohols is a delusion. Recent Proceedings in the French Academy of Sciences, respecting the Teratomic Alcohols . 386 Attempt to prove that glycerin is a teratomic alcohol, which can combine at once with three different acids. Examples given course of the argument total failure of the evidence to prove the truth of the too hasty assumption of the existence of teratomic powers. Theory of Polybasi and Conjugated Acids . . 395 Precautions to be taken in the investigation of this subject apparent pro- duction of bibasic and terbasic acids by doubling and tripling the formulae of monobasic acids polybasic acids thus produced are shams, and such shams must be guarded against discrimination of salts which contain uneven numbers of basic and acid radicals. There are two kinds : the bibasic and monacid; the monobasic and biacid reference to the phosphates as standards of monobasic, bibasic, and terbasic salts. CONTENTS. XI PAGE Bisulphates of Alcohol Radicals .... 399 Theory of conjugated sulphates its fallacies Guthrie's electrolytic researches respecting these salts his failure to prove the existence of conjugated acids. Professor Kolbe's Copulated Oxalates . . .408 The Malic Group of Sails 411 The malic acid erroneously assumed to be bibasic constitution of the malates the conjugated malates aspartates asparagine maleates funiarates mal-amides and phenyl-amides evidence advanced to prove that malic acid is a double monobasic acid, and that none of the acids of this group are either polybasic or conjugated. The Citric Group of Salts . . , . . 424 Examples of citrates conjugated citrates citraniles aconites citraoo- nates amidogen and aniline salts of this group investigation of these salts evidence adduced that citric acid is a triple acid, not a tribasic acid, and that it forms no conjugated acids. The Succinic Group . . . . . .441 The succinates adipates suberates sebates proof advanced that these are monobasic the pyrotartrates pimelates anchoates proof that all these are double salts the sulpho -succinates shown to be double or triple salts, but not polybasic nor conjugated. The Salicylic Group 455 Normal salicylates hippurates benzo-glycollates benzo-lactates formo-benzoylates the so-called conjugated silicylates all these salts are shown to be normal salicylates, bibasic in the manner of the car- bonates, and not conjugated. The Tartrates 461 Great variety in the constitution of the tartrates normal, neutral, or monobasic tartrates terbasic tartrates acid tartrates amidogen salts double tartrates conjugated tartrates tetrabasic tartrates double tartrates containing vice-tartryls complex tartrates simplification of the formulae of the tartrates resulting from the use of the symbols of the basylic radicals the tartrates shown to be salts of a monobasic acid, and to enter into no conjugated acids. The Xanthates 470 Sulphocarbonates or sulphoxanthates xanthomethylates xanthates xanthamylates xanthopropylates xanthocetylates sulpho-car- bamates binoxysulphocarbonates oxyxanthates xanthamides con- sideration of the questions, whether sulphide of carbon is a radical or not, and whether sulphic radicals exist xanthates containing basy- lous and basylic radicals remarkable diversity in the common synonyms and formulae of the salts of this group proof that no acid of this group is conjugated. The Conjugated Sulpho- Acids ..... 480 Suroxidation of sulphates which contain acid radicals in place of basic radicals table of salts bisulphates of basic radicals bisulphates of acid radicals double hyposulphates amidogen hyposulphates sul- Xii CONTEXTS. PAGE phites containing organic radicals amidogen sulphites methylodi- thionates ethylotrithionates consideration of the question whether the hydrogen of hydrocarbon radicals is replaceable by other complete hydrocarbons consideration of the question whether, in the sulph- acetates, the radical acetyl is present as a basic radical or an acid radical inquiry into the constitution of Buckton and Hofmann's new conju- gated acids the disulphometholic acid, and others of the same series conclusion drawn that these acids are double hyposulphates considera- tion of the conjugated acids formed by organic radicals with sulphurous acid these acids shown to be sulphites total failure of evidence to prove the existence of any conjugated sulpho-acids. The Silicates 500 Recent researches on silica gaseous salts containing silicon determina- tion of the atom, or radical, of silicon constitution of the silico-fluorides simplification of formulae effected by using the basylic radicals con- stitution of silicic acid theoretical constitution of silicates constitution of the chief varieties of known mineral silicates relations of the oxygen in natural silicates rational formulae of the silicates easy transforma- tion of Berzelius's formulae of the silicates into those required by the radical theory resulting simplification unitary formulae most suitable for the silicates investigation of several complex silicates augite lime chabasite soda chabasite vesuvian fuchsite. The Aluminous and Aluminic Radicals . .518 Evidence towards proving the separate existence of an aluminous and an aluminic radical. Thoughts on the Origin and Metamorphoses of Organic Radicals . . . . . .519 The nutriment of plants: sugars, starch, gum, woody fibre metamor- phoses of sugar into fruit essences table of the products of the meta- morphoses of sugar demonstration of the worthlessness of unitary formulae in organic chemistry development of the doctrine of meta- merism suggestion of systematic names for hydrocarbons classifica- tion of organic radicals table of the relations which the organic radicals bear to one another division of organic radicals into fifteen groups theory of the origin of radicals description of each group of radicals distinctions between bases and radicals metamorphoses of radicals conversion of acid radicals into basic radicals and basic radicals into acid radicals splitting up of complex radicals into simpler radicals neces- sity of reform in the formulae and names of compounds belonging to physiological chemistry. Daltonism The Atomic Theory The Law of Com- bination in Multiple Proportions . . . 537 Professor Miller's account of these laws the law of combination in mul- tiple proportions considered to be fallacious grounds of that opinion the atomic theory unable to prove how much of any single element constitutes a single combining proportion it must consequently be un- able to prove how much constitutes a multiple proportion Dr. Henry's estimation of Dal ton's theory Dalton's matured views and final teaching the radical defect in the atomic theory relation of the atomic weights of elements to the specific gravities of their gases the densities of four CONTENTS. Xiii PAGE elementary gases taken as the foundation of a system of atomic weights mode of determining the combining proportions of fixed elements security of this process nature of radicals and of salts fallacies de- pendent upon the law of multiple proportions salts of the sesquioxides general formula of salts inability of the law of multiple proportions to account for the origin of compound organic radicals. The Evidence of Electrolysis in favour of the Radical Theory . . . . .547 Magnus's electrolytic researches Faraday's results Gmelin's summary of facts and arguments particular facts application of electrolytic facts to the support of the radical theory Magnus's experiments prove that chemical radicals are the same as galvanic equivalents investiga- tion of the decomposition of various salts in the galvanic circuit examination of Faraday's laws of electrolysis their failure to prove that water is HO their incompatibility with Magnus's results electro- lytic evidence against the law of combination in multiple proportions reason why Daniell failed to prove the composition of sulphuric acid to be H+SO 4 reconcilement of all the results with the radical theory proof afforded that the formula of water is H+HO, and that all electro- lytic results are in accordance with this formula. Catalysis. 560 Index . . 561 A MEMOIR, containing a succinct account of the principles of the Radical Theory, accompanied by historical notes, in disproof of M. Gerhardt's claim to the invention of the theory of hydration of acids and bases, was presented to the Chemical Society in the month of June, 1855. The printing of this Volume was commenced in the Spring of 1856. The Author's illness occasioned an interruption of nearly a year. The work was afterwards slowly proceeded with until the end of the year 1857. In consequence of this interruption, and of the progress of the science during the years 1856 and 1857, it happens that the earlier sections of the work are not always in strict accordance with the later sections. Thus, the theory of the Anhydrides and that of the Conjugated Sulpho-acids, as first described, undergo important modifications in the article which commences at page 480. In such cases, the Author's opinions are to be taken as they are expressed in the latest statements. The Radical Theory in Chemistry. On the Proximate Constitution of Acids, Bases, and Salts. TWENTY-THREE years ago I read, before the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, a paper on " The Proximate Constitution of Chemical Com- pounds," and in the year 1854, I published that Paper, as part of a work entitled "Chemical Recreations''' The chemical doctrines which I then advocated differed considerably from the doctrines that were entertained by most chemists of that period, and they met with the hostility which constituted authorities commonly oppose to radical theories and organic changes. The book was well re- ceived by the public, and the edition of 3,000 copies was exhausted in two years ; but as the chief purpose of the work was to teach experi- mental chemistry, when it was reprinted, the theoretical chapter was omitted, and, though I never abandoned my radical theories, I have, from that time to the present, ceased to press them upon the attention of chemists. Even now, after a silence of nearly a quarter of a century, I return to the subject only because I am provoked to it by a challenge from Mr. Charles Gerhard t. I hope, for these reasons, that I shall not be considered importunate, especially as the subject to be discussed is one upon which the minds of philosophers are wholly unsettled, and upon which it is desirable that some intelligible and comprehensive theory should replace the multiform and misty hypotheses by which the chemical world is now governed. Mr. Gerhardt's challenge is contained in a paper that was published in Liebig's Annalen der Chemie, for August, 1854, and it runs thus: " Mr. Kolbe glows with indignation over what he calls * Williamson's Theory of Water, Ethers, and Acids.' I do not comprehend, how a theory, whose first and weightiest points were demonstrated by me several years ago, is suddenly become * Williamson's ' theory. Now, B 2' 4 THEORIES CLAIMED BY ME. GERHARDT. who was it that first said, that water was H 2 O, and not HO ; that hy- drate of potash was KHO and not KO,HO ; that oxide of potassium was K 2 O and not KO ; that ether was Ae 2 O and not AeO ; that the so-called aqueous nitric acid was NHO 3 and not K0 5 ,HO, and so forth? Who was it that devised the method of writing which is employed by Wil- liamson and the other English chemists to exhibit the differences of these methods of combination ? '* The main point which now divides chemists into two parties, lies in tJie relative atomic weights between oxides and their hydrates, ether and alcohol, the so-called anhydrous and their corresponding hydrated mono- basic acids. According to the old school, all hydrated oxides alcohol as well as the hydrated monobasic acids contain the elements of water. This now did I, before all other chemists, deny. Caustic potash, alcohol, acetic acid, I said, contained no water: Berzelius and the old school doubled the atomic weights of these bodies, and declared that they con- tained water. This is the fundamental difference between the two theories. " For a long time, I and Laurent were the only advocates of my opinions. Afterwards Chancel adopted them, and at a later period Williamson." Such are Mr. Gerhardt's claims. I undertake to reply to them, because I can prove that he has no title to the theories which he so boldly claims. As the question must be treated historically, I begin by inquiring, when it was that Mr. Gerhardt himself first published these theories ? He tells us, 1 that it was in the year 1842. I ask, then, did any one else publish the same theories before that year? That is the question to which I am about to reply. In the year 1826, Dr. Thomas Clark published in Glasgow, for the use of his students in the Mechanics' Institution, a series of Tables of Chemical Formulse, a copy of which I now reprint. The formulae given in these Tables for water is HO,H ; that for anhydrous potash is PO,P ; that for alcohol is HO ; CH,H ; CH,H,H. Ether and hydrate of potash do not appear in Dr. Clark's Tables ; but the formulae of the hydrated acids, namely of aquafortis, oil of vitriol, oxalic acid, acetic acid, &c., show that all these contain as base a single atom of hydrogen, and are without water. Examples : Aquafortis . . . AO,O,0 ; H Oil of vitriol . . SO,O; H Oxalic acid . . . CO,O ; II Acetic acid . . . CH,H,H; CO,O; H Comptes Rendus des Travaux de Chimie, 1850, p. 428. TABLES ILLUSTRATIVE OF MR. CLARK'S CHEMICAL LECTURES, DELIVEEED TO THE GLASGOW MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, SESSIONS 1826-7, & 1827-8. Atomic Weights, or Primitive Combining Proportions of Simple Substances. SIGN. Aluminum - - - Al 7 Magnesium [Ammoniacum (A H, H, H, H) Am 9] Manganese Antimony - - An 22 Mercury Arsenic - - - As 38 Molybden Azote - - A 7 Nickel Barium _ Ba 35 Osmium Bismuth _ Bs 36 Oxygen Boron _ _ B 11 Palladium Bromine _ Br 38 Phosphorus Cadmium - Cd 28 Platinum Calcium _ _ Ca 10 Potassium Carbon - _ _ C 6 Khodium Cerium _ _ Ce 23 Selenium Chlorine _ _ Ch 18 Silicon Chrome _ _ Chr 14 Silver Cobalt _ _ Cb 15 Sodium Columbium - _ _ Cl 92 Strontium Copper - - Cp 16 Sulphur Fluorine - F 9 Tellurium Glucinum - _ _ Gc 13 Tin - Gold _ G 33 Titanium Hydrogen - H 1 Tungsten Iodine - _ I 62 Uranium Iridium _ _ Id Yttrium Iron _ _ Ir 14 Zinc - Lead _ _ Ld 52 Zirconium Lithium - - Li 5 SIGN. - Mg 6 - Mn 14 _ Mr 50 _ Mo 24 _ Ni 15 _ Os _ 8 _ Pd 28 _ Ph 16 _ Pt 24 _ P 20 _ R ? _ Se 20 _ Si 8 - Sv 55 _ So 12 _ Sr 22 _ s 8 _ Te 32 _ Tu 29 _ Tt 16 - Tg 48 _ U 72 _ Y 16 _ Zn 16 - Zr 17 Gases and Vapours of which one volume corresponds with one atom. SIGN. Oxygen Azote - Hydrogen Chlorine Iodine - - Mercury Prussine, or Cyanogen Sulphurous acid Sulphuretted hydrogen A H Ch I Mr CA SO SH 8 7 IS* 62 50 13 16 8* SIGN. Seleniuretted hydrogen - - . SeH Nitrous acid - - - A 0,0 23 Perchloride of tin - Ch Tn, Ch 65 Perchloride of titanium ChTt,Ch 52 Chloride of silicium - - ChSi,Ch 44 Fluoride of silicium FSi, F 26 Gases and Vapours of which two volumes correspond with one atom. Water - - - - HO,H 9 Nitric oxide - _ - AO 15 Nitrous oxide - AO.A 22 Carbonic oxide _ _ - CO 14 Carbonic acid _ _ - C0,0 22 Deutoxide of chlorine Ch 0, 34 Gas of marshes _ - - CH,H,H,H 8 Olefiant gas - - CH,H,H,H; C 14 Alcohol - HO; CH,H; C,H,H,H 23 Sulphuret of carbon - - C S, S, S, S 38 Muriatic acid - Ch,H 18^ Hydriodine acid - - - IH 62t Hydroprussine acid - - CA,H 13^ Ammonia - AH,H,H 81 Phosphuretted hydrogen - PhH,H,H? (Dumas) 17t Arseniuretted hydrogen - AsH, H,H ( Do. ) 39' Protochloride of phosphorus Protochloride of arsenic - Ch, Ph, Ch, Ch Ch As, Ch, Ch 70 93 Chloride of boron - - - Ch B, Ch, Ch 65 Fluoride of boron - FB,F,F 28 Chloride of cyanogen - - Ch, C A 31 Chloride of carbonic oxide - Ch,CO; Ch 50 Chloride of olefiaut gas Ch(CH,H,H,H; C;)Ch 5 Gases and Vapours of which four volumes correspond with one atom. Phosphuretted hydrogen, (spon- 1 ph H phHH p hHHH? (Dumas) 51 taneously inflammable) / Oxides of Lead. Brown ----- LdO 60 Yellow - - LdO, Ld 112 Intermediate? - LdO,Ld; LdO 172 Red - - LdO,Ld; LdO; LdO 232 Peroxide of tin Tn 7 Protoxide of tin - - TnO,Tn 66 Titanic acid - - TtO 24 Silica ----- Si 16 Sulphurous acid - - - SO 16 Carbonic acid - - - - C0,0 Nitrous acid A 0,0 23 Hydrosulphur acid - - - S H Muriatic acid - - - - Ch H Hydriodine acid - - - - I H 62 Hydroprussine acid - - - CA, H 13 Oil of vitriol SO,0;H 24^ Aquafortis - A 0,0, ; H 31 Chromic acid - - - ChrO,0;H 30 Oxalic acid - - Formic acid Succinic acid .- - Acetic acid - Tartaric acid Sulphuret of sodium Sulphuret of potassium Sulphuret of ammoniacum - - Sulphuret of barium - (The above sulphurets are soluble, Sulphuret of antimony - Sulphuret of copper Sulphuret of copper, with copper - Sulphuret of iron - Bisulphuret of lead (pyrites) Sulphuret of lead (galena) Sulphuret of lead, with lead Cinnabar - - - - - Ethiop's mineral - - - Sulphuret of tin - Mosaic gold - Zinc blende - - - Copper pyrites - - Chloride of sodium - - Chloride of potassium - Sal ammoniac - Chloride of barium - Chloride of copper - - - Chloride of copper, with copper - Chloride of gold - - Protochloride of iron - Perchloride of iron Chloride of lead - Corrosive sublimate - - Calomel - Protochloride of tin - Perchloride of tin - Chloride of zinc - - Sulphate of soda - Sulphate of potash Sulphate of ammonia Sulphate of lead - Sulphate of barytes - - - Sulphate of lime (alabaster) Sulphate of copper Sulphate of manganese Sulphate of iron - - - - Sulphate of zinc - Sulphate of magnesia - - Sulphate of mercury Do. with mercury - - Bisulphate of tin - Persulphate of iron - - Persulphate of manganese - Sulphate of chrome Sulphate of alumina SIGN. CO,0;H 22 H,CO,0 ; H 23 CH,H ; C0,0 ; H 29^- CH,H,H ; C0,0 ; H 30 - CH,H; C0,0,0; H? 37 SSo 20 SP 28 SAm 17 SBa 43 the following are insoluble.} SAn 30 SCp 24 SCp,Cp 40 Sir 22 SIr,S 30 SLd 60 SLd,Ld 112 SMr 58 SMr,Mr 108 STn 37 STn,S 45 SZn 24 SCp,SIr 46 ChSo 30 ChP 38 ChAm 27 ChBa+ W = 53 + 9 = 62 ChCp + 1^ W = 34 + 13^ = 47* ChCp,Cp 50 ChG 51 Chlr 32 Chlr; ChIr,Ch 82 ChLd 70 ChMr 68 ChMr,Mr 118 ChTn+2W = 47 + 18 = 65 ChTn,Ch 65 ChZn 34 S0,0; So+5 W = 36 + 45 = 81 SO,0;P 44 SO,0;Am 33 SO,0;Ld 76 SO,0;Ba 59 SO,0;Ca + W = 34+9 = 43 SCsO;Mn + 2j W = 38 + 22^ = 6oJ SO,0;Ir +3 W = 38 + 27 = 65 SO,0;Zn +3i W = 40 + 31 SO,0;Mg+3f W = 30 + 3l| SO,0;Mr = 6lJ 74 SO,0;Mr;Mr 124 SO,0;Tn: S0,0 77 SO,0;Ir: SO,0;Ir; S0,0 100 SO,0;Mn: SO,0;Mn; S0,0 100 SO,0;Chr: SO,0;Chr, S0,0 100 SO,0;A1: 30,0; Al; S0,0 86 SIGN. Potash alum SO,0;P+SO,0; A1;SO,0;A1; S0,0 + 12 W = 44 + 86 + 108 = 238 Nitrate of lead A0,0 0; Ld 83 Nitrate of barytes - - A0,0,0; Ba 66 Nitrate of strontites A0,0,0; Sr + 2 W = 53 + 18 = 71 Nitrate of iron A0,0,0; Ir + 3* W = 45 + 31* 76* Nitrate of copper - A0,0,0; Cp + 3* W = 47 + 31 1 78| Nitrate of potash A0,0,0; P 51 Nitrate of ammonia - A0,0,0; Am 40 Nitrate of soda A 0,0,0; So 43 Nitrate of silver A0,0,0; Sv 86 Yellow chromate of potash - ChrO,0; P 50 Yellow chromate of lead ChrO,0; Ld 82 Oxalate of ammonia - C0,0; Am 31 Oxalate of lime C0,0; Ca 32 Acetate of lead CH,H,H;CO,0; Ld + 1W = 81* + 13* = 95 Acetate of soda CH,H,H;CO,0; So + 3 W = 41* + 27 - = 68* Acetate of lime CH,H,H;CO,0; Ca -f- 3 W = 394 + 27 = 66* Acetate of copper - CH,H,H;CO,0; Cp + W = 45 J + 4^ = 50 Tartrate of potash - CH,H;CO,0,0; P 57 Examples of Acid Salts. Hydrosulphurate of potassium Supersulphate of potash SH,SP SO,0;H: SO,0;P 36* 86} Red chromate of potash - ChrO,0; H: ChrO,0;P ? 80} Cream of tartar CH,H;CO,0,0; H: CH,H;CO,0,0; P 94 Examples of Sub-salts. Goulard's extract - - CH,H,H;CO,0;Ld: LdO,Ld 193* Red chromate of lead ChrO,0;Ld: LdO,Ld: ChrO,0;Ld 276 Examples of Double Salts. Sulphate of potash and magnesia SO,0;P: SO,0;Mg -f- 3 W = 74 + 27 = 110 Sulphate of potash and zinc SO,0;P: SO,0;Zn + 3W=84 + 27 = 111 Ferroprusside of potassium - CA,lr;CA,P: CA,P + 1$ W = 93 + l.> = 106 Carbonate of lead - . * C0,0; Ld 0,Ld 134 Carbonate of barytes * - ' C0,0; Ba 0,Ba 100 Carbonate of strontites C0,0; Sr 0,Sr 74 Carbonate of lime - CO,0;CaO,Ca 50 Carbonate of magnesia C0,0; MgO,Mg 42 Carbonate of iron - C0,0; Ir 0,Ir 58 Carbonate of manganese C0,0; MnO,Mn 58 Carbonate of zinc - C0,0; Zn 0,Zn 52 Carbonate of soda - - C0,0; So 0,So + 10 W = 45 + 90 144 Do. C0,0; So 0,So + 7 W = 54 + 63 117 Do. C0,0; So 0,So + W = 54 + 9 63 Carbonate of potash C0,0; P 0,P + 2 W = 70 + 18 88 Carbonate of ammonia C0,0; AmO; Am 48 Supercarbonate of potash - C0,0; HO,H: CO,0;PO,P = 101 E. KIIULL & SON, PRINTERS. DISPROOF OF GERHARDT'S CLAIMS. 9 The theories indicated by these formulae were fully developed in Dr. Clark's lectures. I heard some of those lectures delivered ; I had at the period referred to, frequent discussions with Dr. Clark on these subjects ; it is easy to prove the genuineness of the printed tables, because the printer's name is attached ; and the proof is therefore conclusive, that some of the fundamental theories, which Mr. Gerhardt claims to have first published in 1842, were publicly taught by Dr. Clark to the mechanics of Glasgow sixteen years previously. All these theories were minutely described in my publication of 1834, with many additions that had occurred to me during several years' con- sideration of the subject. That book attracted the special notice of another French chemist M. Dumas, who, in a course of lectures de- livered in Paris in 1837,* treated it with frequent and unsparing ridicule. Five years afterwards, Mr. Gerhardt discovered the theories of which my book, thus publicly condemned in Paris, contained the full development. I shall quote two or three passages from that book to show the won- derful coincidence between Mr. Gerhardt's theories of 1842 and mine of 1834. Firs ?irst example, respecting the Hydrate of Potash. This compound is not contained in Dr. Clark's Tables. Mr. Gerhardt's formula for it is KHO, and he states it to be one of the strong points of his theory, that the hydrated protoxides contain no water. Upon that fundamental idea is founded the modern method of representing the composition of salts in reference to the composition of water, taken as a model. The three formulas H Q K o K o H U K U H contain the essence of this system. Mr. Gerhardt declares that he originated that theory in 1 842 ; but here is my account of it, published eight years previously : I quote from Chemical Recreations : " The hydrate of a metallic protoxide contains one atom of oxygen, one atom of hydrogen, and one atom of metal. " Every chemist but myself assumes the hydrates of metallic protoxides to consist of metallic protoxides combined with water. They make this assumption even in cases where the hydrates have been exposed, under common atmospheric pressure, to a red heat, without suffering decomposition or giving off a particle of steam. . . . But my opinion is, that the hydrates of the metallic protoxides contain neither protoxides nor water, but are constituted of one atom each of metal, oxygen, and hydrogen. This is the ultimate constitution what the proximate constitution is, I cannot tell. It may be KH+O, or KO-}-H, 1 Lecons sur la Philosophise Chimique, 8vo. Paris, 1837. 10 ON PROXIMATE AND ULTIMATE CONSTITUTION. or K+HO; we have no means of determining which. I rest upon the ultimate constitution." l What I meant by the difference between the PROXIMATE and ULTI- MATE constitution of a compound, is explained in the following quo- tation : * *' I have denounced the doctrine of proximate constitution as the ever- flowing source of chemical blunders, whilst in treating of the limits of combination, and in the discrimination of positive and negative sub- stances, I have admitted the doctrine in its substantial features. Permit me to reconcile these apparent contradictions. " According to my theoretical notions, every compound is formed of a positive substance and a negative substance, each of which may be either an element or a compound. Thus the compound AB contains the posi- tive element A and the negative element B. The compound AAB con- tains the positive element A and the comparatively negative compound AB. The compound ABB contains the comparatively positive com- pound AB and the negative element B. Yet this is all matter of theory and opinion, for I am unable to prove that the compound AAB is not formed by the direct combination of AA with B, and the compound ABB by the direct combination of A with BB. The latter is the pre- vailing theory the theory of DALTON ; and though I disbelieve it, and consider it utterly inconsistent with the facts of chemistry, it may be true. But even admitting its truth, the light it throws on chemical composition is a feeble one ; for what does it discover when brought to bear upon the compound ABC ? Does this compound arise from the simultaneous combination of the three elements, or does AB combine with C, or AC with B, or A with BC? And in the case of the com- pound ABCC is this constituted of A+BCC, or AB+CC, or ABC+C, or AC+BC, or AAC+BBCCC? These are cases of perplexity, in the disentanglement of which the atomic theory is of no service. It boots not that we know how many elementary atoms of A,B, and C are contained in a given compound. These are but the ultimate constituents ; and what we want to know is, how these are combined together into proxi- mate constituents. " This is a problem for future times to solve, and it is a problem of that importance that we are not warranted in assuming its solution, merely for the purpose of grounding a nomenclature and a system of arrangement upon the assumed solution. Yet this is done in the anti- phlogistic nomenclature and theory. It is assumed that sulphate of barytes contains barytes and sulphuric acid, that nitrate of potash contains potash and nitric acid, that caustic soda contains protoxide of sodium and water; and these assumptions form the groundwork of the French 1 GRIFFIN, J. J., Chemical Recreations, 7th edit. 1834, page 229. 8 Ibid, page 242. ON PROXIMATE AND ULTIMATE CONSTITUTION. 11 theory and nomenclature the groundwork of the theory adopted by the gifted Berzelius, who has spent twenty years in vain attempts to esta- blish it. The root of the system of this chemist is, that in the sulphate of lead the oxygen is so divided between the sulphur and the lead, that the portion combined with the former bears to the portion combined with the latter the ratio of 3 to I . I hesitate not to say that this is an assumption incapable of proof. " Let us examine the formation of sulphate of lead with a view to discover its proximate constituents : l a. When 4 parts of sulphur are converted into sulphuric acid by digestion with nitric acid, and the solution is precipitated by a solution of lead, the resulting sulphate of lead weighs 38, containing 26 of lead, and consequently 8 of oxygen. b. When 26 parts of lead are dissolved in nitric acid, and the solution is precipitated by sulphuric acid, or by the solution of a sulphate, the resulting sulphate of lead weighs 38, containing 4 of sulphur, and 8 of oxygen. c. When 30 parts of sulphuret of lead, containing lead 26 and sul- phur 4, are converted by oxidation into sulphate of lead, the weight of the product is 38, including 8 of oxygen. d. When 35 parts of chloride of lead, which contain chlorine 9 and lead 26, are precipitated by sulphuric acid, the resulting sulphate of lead weighs 38, and contains 4 of sulphur and 8 of oxygen. e. When 30 parts of brown oxide of lead, which contains lead 26, oxygen 4, are exposed to an atmosphere of sulphurous acid gas, they absorb 8 parts of that acid, equal to oxygen 4 and sulphur 4, and pro- duce 3 8 parts of sulphate of lead. " The information afforded by the above experiments is, that sulphate of lead is composed of Lead 26 Sulphur 4 Oxygen 8 38 But none of these experiments afford the least insight into the manner in which these elements are combined together. The assumption that one-fourth of the oxygen is combined with the lead and three-fourths with the sulphur, is perfectly gratuitous. '* The most direct of the whole five experiments, e, is in favour of the 1 In one of Mr. Gerhardt's publications (his " Introduction to the Study of Unitary Chemistry ") he follows precisely this line of argu- ment, with the single difference of using sulphate of barytes, instead of sulphate of lead, as his illustration. 12 THE NATURE OF HYDRATED ACIDS. conclusion that sulphate of lead is PbO-f-SO, a conclusion very different from that which BERZELIUS comes to, but which agrees precisely with my opinion that 26 parts of lead is the quantity which is equivalent in combination to a volume of hydrogen. "It is very well to admit the doctrine of proximate constitution in theory, because it is useful in explaining a variety of phenomena, such as chemical combinations, electrical decompositions, and the like. But when we come to arrange the products of chemistry into a system, and to give them systematic names, the only safe way to view them is in relation to their ultimate constitution. It is only by founding a nomen- clature upon this basis, that we can hope to avoid the perplexities which arise from the guess-work of the proximatists. " But, it may be said, in rejecting proximate constitution, and stating only the ultimate constitution of compounds, you give false notions of secondary compounds, the properties of which depend upon the nature of their proximate constituents. Thus, sulphate of barytes derives its properties from the sulphuric acid and barytes which compose it. " I reply, No ! Sulphate of barytes derives its properties from the barium, sulphur, and oxygen which compose it, just as sulphuric acid and barytes, considered as distinct compounds, derive their properties from the same ultimate elements. In short, viewed in any light, it is the ultimate elements which determine the character of the compounds. There is a fashion, but no utility, in assuming proximate constitution, as the basis of a systematic nomenclature." Second Example. Mr. Gerhardt states that he was the first to deny, that the hydrated acids contained the elements of water. In that, how- ever, he is mistaken. Dr. Clark's Tables prove him to have taught that doctrine sixteen years previously, and I will now quote from my Paper of 1834 a full development of the theory which considers hydrated acids as salts of hydrogen. [In making this quotation I have changed figures that represent weights of ultimate elements for symbols that represent atoms the change being made according to the atomic weights given in another part of the same book.] " The following Table exhibits the constitution of a variety of com- pounds in which hydrogen is an essential constituent. I have inserted a few compounds which contain no hydrogen, for the purpose of contrast- ing their constitution with that of particular hydrogen compounds some- what related to them : ACIDS SHOWN TO BE SALTS OF HYDROGEX. 13 H _ Peroxide of Hydrogen. H 2 _ Water. H H - s Cl Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas. Muriatic Acid Gas. . H O 3 Cl Hydrate of Chloric Acid. H O 3 N Nitric Acid. Q5 N 2 Dry Nitric Acid (chimerical). O 3 N,K Nitrate of Potash. H O 2 N Hydrate of Hyponitrous Acid. H O 2 S Sulphuric Acid. O 2 S,K Sulphate of Potash. H O 2 C Effloresced Oxalic Acid. H c Bicarburet of Hydrogen. H 2 _ C Olefiant Gas. H 4 _ c Gas of Marshes. H - C,N Prassic Acid. H 3 _ N Ammonia Gas. H 4 _ N Ammonium (imaginary). H 4 - N,C1 Sal Ammoniac (Chloride of Ammonium.) H 4 O 3 N 2 Nitrate of Ammonia. H O K Caustic Potash. H Ca Hydrate of Lime (Slaked Lime). Ca 2 Anhydrous Lime (Quick Lime). H O Si Hydrate of Silica. Si 2 Silica. " I beg to call the student's particular attention to this Table, and to the following two memoranda : " I. The difference between an ACID (namely, a Tiydrated acid, and a SALT, is this : The former contains one combining proportion of hy- drogen, where the latter, instead of this hydrogen, contains exactly one combining proportion of a metal, all other constituents, both of the acid and salt, remaining the same : Examples : S,O 2 ,H = Sulphuric Acid. S ,0 2 , K = Sulphate of Potash. N,O 3 , H = Nitric Acid. N,O 3 ,K = Nitrate of Potash. C,0 2 ,H = Oxalic Acid C ,0 s , K = Oxalate of Potash. 14 THEORY OF HYDRATED PROTOXIDES. Cl, , H = Muriatic Acid. Cl, , K = Muriate of Potash. C1,0 3 ,H = Chloric Acid. C1,O 3 ,K = Chlorate of Potash. Numberless illustrations of this sort could be given, but these suffice to confirm the above proposition, viz., that the hydrated acids are simply salts of hydrogen. The reason why I wish to direct the student's atten- tion to this subject is, that in every chemical book which falls into his hand, he will find the absurd proposition gravely inculcated, that the salts CONTAIN acids ; that, for example Sulphate of potash contains sulphuric acid, Nitrate of potash contains nitric acid, Oxalate of potash contains oxalic acid, Muriate of potash contains muriatic acid, Chlorate of potash contains chloric acid ; all of which assertions are destitute of the smallest foundation in truth, and are, indeed, self-evident impossibilities. In fact, it would be quite as correct to say, that sulphuric acid contains sulphate of potash, as to say that sulphate of potash contains sulphuric acid. The truth is, that they are two distinct compounds, each of which contains the same number of constituent atoms, but neither of which does, or can, form part of the other. " II. Secondly, the difference between a hydrate of a protoxide of a metal (such as slaked lime) and an anhydrous protoxide of a metal (such as quicklime) is this : The former contains a combining proportion of hydrogen where the latter contains a combining proportion of a metal. The difference between a hydrated protoxide and an anhydrous protoxide is, therefore, the same as the difference between an acid and a salt. In both cases, one of the compounds contains a combining proportion of hydrogen, which is replaced in the other by a combining proportion of a metal. EXAMPLE : Ca,H,O Hydrate of lime. Ca,Ca,0 .... Anhydrous lime. *' This is the case with all the metallic protoxides. It is needless to incumber the reasoning with illustrations. " These hydrates of protoxides contain no water, for they contain but one proportion of hydrogen, whereas water contains two proportions. Yet they give off water when exposed to heat, and they produce nothing else than anhydrous protoxides. There is no difficulty in ascertaining how this effect is produced, or in showing the source of the constituents from which the water is produced by this experiment : CLASSIFICATION OF OXYGEN SALTS. 15 Two proportions of Hydrate of Lime. CaHO CaHO What they produce by expo- sure to heat. CaCaO HHO " The greater part of the numerous acids and salts which contain oxygen as a constituent, appear to fall within the limits of the following scheme, in which M signifies the metal or hydrogen (i. e. the electro- positive constituent), R the radical of the salt, and the oxygen ; the figures denoting the number of atoms present of the element after which they stand : CLASS I. MMRK) 1 . Silicates. Many of the salts in which both M and R are metals. Hyposulphites. II. M'R'O 2 . Sulphates. Oxalates. Chlorites. Hyponitrites (Nitrites). Manganesates. Seleniates. III. M'R'O 3 . Nitrates. Chlorates, lodates. Bromates. IV. M'R 1 4 . Perchlorates. ,, V. M 2 R 1 O 3 . These are a species of basic salts of Class 2, namely, MO + RO + MO. Carbonates. VI. M 1 R 2 O 3 . These are a species of acid salts of Class 2, namely, MO -f RO -f RO. Many metallic salts. Hyposulphates. ,,VH. M^O 3 . Sulphites. Selenites. " The SUPEK- or El-salts commonly contain an atom of a metallic salt and an atom of a hydrogen salt. Thus, bisulphate of potash contains an atom of sulphate of potash, and an atom of oil of vitriol ; binoxalate of soda contains an atom of oxalic acid, and an atom of oxalate of soda. " I think that the word ACID, taken as a substantive name, ought to be disused in chemistry. It has done mischief. It ought to be em- ployed only as denoting a quality." l Such is the theory of acids and salts, as advocated by me in 1834. With what justice can M. Gerhard t proclaim, that the first and weightiest points of this theory were originally demonstrated by him in 1842? I have yet another claim to examine. " Who was it," asks M. Ger- hardt, " that devised the method of writing, which is employed by Williamson and the other English chemists to exhibit the differences of these methods of combination ?" Now there are two " methods of writing " to be noticed in M. Ger- hardt's publications. The first consists in writing the formulae of 1 GRIFFIN, J. J., Chemical Recreations, 7th edit., 1834, pp. 92-6. 16 METHODS OF WRITING FORMULA. chemical compounds in a ternary form, as if the symbols were placed at the three angles of a triangle, ^ O. The other method of writing consists in constructing formulae in the manner which Gerhardt and Laurent term UNITARY fwmulce. These formulas are framed in accordance with the following hypotheses: namely, that salts do not consist of acids and bases ; that we know nothing of the proximate constitution of salts ; that it is impossible to determine in what manner the atoms of the ultimate elements of salts are grouped together ; that, consequently, the construction of dualistic for- mulae, which affect to explain the constitution of salts, is unwarranted ; and, finally, that the symbols composing each formula should be made to represent only a single molecule. Here then we have two decidedly different methods of writing. We have the unitary system, founded upon the know-nothing principle, and we have the ternary system, founded upon that perfect knowledge of proximate constitution, which enables the chemist unerringly to divide the components of every salt into three distinct portions, upon the model of water. I am not quite certain which of these two " methods of writing " it is that M. Gerhardt claims to have invented; but, if I may judge from the formulae commonly employed by Professor Williamson, I must con- clude that it is the triangular system to which he refers. The invention of that kind of formula may, for aught I know, be due to M. Gerhardt. It certainly does not belong to me ; and, for reasons that I shall hereafter state, I disapprove of it. But the ternary formulae are only of recent invention. The formulae that M. Gerhardt used for years previously, and which he strongly re- commended in his Journal, are the unitary formulae, in the construction of which he recommends especial care to be taken, to give no indication of the proximate constitution of the compounds which the formulae are meant to represent. In expressing an opinion adverse to such unitary formulae, I no doubt agree with the general body of chemists ; but treating the question, as I do now, historically, truth obliges me to admit, that, for their introduc- tion to chemists, it is not M. Gerhardt, but I that am responsible. The evidence of this fact is contained in the extract from my Romance of Chemistry, which I have quoted at page 10. In that article I dis- cussed the question of proximate and ultimate constitution, and after showing that the theory which assumes that salts consist of acids and bases, is one that does not admit of proof, I recommended that the for- mulae of compounds should in all cases be made to represent only their ultimate elements. I added, indeed, that such formula? should be written in a systematic manner (and not designedly hap-hazard as Mr. Laurent advises), but still I recommended the formulae to be so written as to express CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE AGAINST UNITARY FORMULAE. 17 no theory of the proximate constitution of the compounds ; and in order to show that the system thus recommended was quite practical, I pre- sented in Chemical Recreations a series of tables of unitary formulae, re- presenting nearly 800 of the then best known compounds of inorganic chemistry, to which department of chemistry alone, did I apply the unitary system. That was in the year 1834. Reconsidering the matter in 1856, and including in the reconsideration what is now known of the nature and constitution of the hydrocarbons and other compound radicals, I am of opinion that unitary formulae are equally inapplicable to organic and to inorganic compounds. We now possess, thanks to the discoveries made in organic chemistry, many of them due to Gerhardt, much positive knowledge of the proximate constitution of chemical com- pounds, and this knowledge the use of unitary formulae would hide or mystify. A mere glance at Gmelin's account of Isomerism, Polymerism, and Metamerism, 1 affords conclusive evidence of the worthlessness of unitary formulae in organic chemistry, since the cases are numerous in which a single unitary formula would indicate two, three, or four dif- ferent organic compounds. Thus, the formula C 6 H 12 O 2 would repre- sent Butyrate of ethyl . . . C 2 H 5 ,C 4 H 7 2 . Formiateofamyl . . . C 5 H l ',CHO a . Valerate of methyl . . CH 3 ,C 5 H 9 O 2 . Hydrated caproic acid . H,C 6 H U O 2 . In this case, eight well-known radicals possessed of highly-characteristic properties would be smothered by the unitary formula, C 6 H 12 O 2 . Whole pages of similar difficulties could be quoted ; but it is needless to quote them, when a single example extinguishes all faith in the precision and perspicuity of that " method of writing," which is called unitai~y. These particulars constitute my reply to Mr. Gerhardt's challenge. He asked, who first published the unitary theory of hydration ? I reply, that the unitary theory of hydrated Acids was first published by Dr. Clark, and that of hydrated Bases by me. Mr. Gerhardt took up these theories when they were neglected or decried by other chemists, and, in conjunction with Laurent, applied them to organic chemistry, and used them as a guide to numerous and brilliant discoveries. That is a real merit, which I esteem. He did chemists another important service, which many have ridiculed and few have properly appreciated. He sho\ved how they could get rid of those troublesome hypothetical compounds, the sesquioxides. For that service chemists will yet thank him. But his challenge to the world, to disprove his claim to the invention of the theories of hydration that I have cited in these pages is unjust to Dr. Clark and to me. 1 Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, vii. 66. C 18 The Binary Theory of Salts. I have already mentioned that my attack on Lavoisier's theory of the salts was treated by M. Dumas with ridicule ; but, notwithstanding his expressed contempt, my speculations appear to have roused him to con- sider how far they might endanger the continued acceptability of Lavoi- sier's theory. He describes himself to have been actuated by the argu- ments of Davy and Dulong ; but these chemists had published their theories twenty years before, and I might ask, how it happened that they remained without reply from 1816 to 1837? Was it not that my paper first brought the subject distinctly into public notice? That I may not be charged with undue presumption in claiming the credit of having first drawn attention to this subject, I will point out the fact, that none of the following systematic works contain any allusion to the binary theory of the salts as propounded by Davy and Dulong, or express any doubt of the absolute perfection of the theory of Lavoisier. Dumas, Traite de Chimie appliquee aux arts. Liege, 1848. Reprinted from the Paris edition of about 1830. Thenard, Traite de Chimie Elementaire. Paris, 1827. Gay-Lussac, Cours de Chimie, professe a la Faculte des Sciences, com- prenant 1'histoire des sels, la Chimie veg^tale et animale. Paris, 1833. The lectures were delivered in 1828. Berzelius, Lehrbuch der Chemie, ubersetzt von F. Wohler. Dresden, 1831. Gmelin, Handbuch der theoretischen Chemie. Frankfort, 1827. Scliubarih, Elemente der technischen Chemie. Berlin, 1835. Brande, Manual of Chemistry. London, 1830. Henry ) Elements of Experimental Chemistry. London, 1829. Thomson, System of Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies. London, 1831. If the Binary Theory of Salts was clearly explained, and Lavoisier's theory as clearly refuted by Davy and Dulong in 1815 and 1816, how came all these eminent compilers of systems to take no notice of circum- stances so remarkable ? M. Dumas discussed the question as follows : " I do not," he says, 1 " undertake to demonstrate that the system of Lavoisier on the constitution of the salts is exact. It was established on a principle of convenience. It is not based upon peremptory proofs ; but I willingly undertake to show that, before all other systems that have been proposed, there rise objections of still greater force than those which rest against the theory of Lavoisier. " Let us commence with the system of Davy, to the support of 1 Dumas, Leons sur la Philosophic Chimique. 8vo. Paris, 1837, P- 337- THE BINARY THEORY OF SALTS. 19 which Dulong has lent his powerful aid. According to Lavoisier there are only oxygen acids. Davy said, I will show you that all acids are hydrogen acids. You believe, said he, that the compound denoted by SO 3 is an acid. In that belief you are entirely mistaken. SO 3 is not an acid. I defy you to show me the characters of an acid in that com- pound. And strange to say, if we accepted Davy's challenge, we should be powerless ; for it is really impossible to prove that anhydrous sulphuric acid is an acid. " The true acid, said Davy, is the ordinary liquid acid, SO 3 , H ? O. But he wrote it in another manner, thus, SO 4 4-H 2 . You will readily conceive that this acid in contact with the bases ought to behave like other hydracids. Its hydrogen would form water with the oxygen of the base, and its radical SO 4 would combine with the metal ; so that the substance that we call sulphate of lead, would not be constituted like SC^+PbO, but like S0 4 +Pb. " Dulong supported the ideas of Davy by considerations on the oxalates which, on Davy's system, would result from the combination of carbonic acid with the metals ; a view which gives a ready explanation of the properties of the oxalates. "It is difficult to attack this theory of Davy's. It appears to be so well founded. It is so rational. It so greatly simplifies chemistry. It leaves us none but hydracids. All saline compounds are brought to one formula, or rather salts are abolished, and we have only binaries; for the bodies regarded as salts become the analogues of chloride of sodium. " We are tempted to adopt this theory, or at least to remain undecided between it and the theory of Lavoisier. " Nevertheless, reflection shows us two motives that repel this system ; motives so powerful, that to me they appear decisive. " The first objection is, that it is necessary to admit the existence of a number of bodies that we have never seen, and which we need never expect to see per-sulphuric acid, per-nitric acid, per-carbonic acid, &c. In a word, every oxacid would presume the existence of another com- pound containing one extra proportion of oxygen. Now, I declare, that whenever a theory requires the admission of unknown bodies, we ought to distrust it. We ought to give no assent to it, except with the greatest reserve. We should not assent until it is impossible to abstain from doing so, or at least we should assent only in presence of the most pressing analogies. The more a theory gives origin to imaginary bodies, the more we should control our credence. By acting otherwise, we should fall back into the inconveniences of phlogiston ; and, in this case, we should not have merely one phlogiston to trouble us, we should have a cloud of phlogistons. The unknown compounds would be nearly as numerous as the known compounds ; and thence would arise a confusion and embarrassment for science to which we ought not to resign ourselves, except in obedience to a real and imperative necessity. c2 \ 20 THE BINARY THEORY OF SALTS. *' There is another reason which augments the improbability of these hypotheses. Recently, it has been shown that phosphoric acid, dissolved in water, can assume three different states, in each of which it manifests peculiar properties. In fact, it forms three distinct hydrates Ph 2 5 , 3 H 2 O Ph 2 5 , 2H 2 Ph 2 5 ,H 2 0: The first of these hydrates has received the name of common phosphoric acid ; the second, of pyrophosphoric acid ; and the third, of metaphos- phoric acid. These three acids produce three different sorts of salts, in which the water originally combined with the acids, is replaced by bases, atom for atom, either partially or totally. Moreover, the three varieties of acid pass readily from any one condition into the others, either from loss of water by calcination, or from gain of water by prolonged contact with that liquid. There consequently exists, on the one hand, incon- testable differences among them, and on the other hand, indications of great natural resemblances. The simple formulas commonly assigned to these acids, exhibiting differences which we may compare to those that exist between alcohol and ether, present an intelligible account of their common features of agreement. But if, instead of considering these compounds as hydrates of the same oxacid, we treat them as different hydracids, the formulae become Ph 2 8 ,H 6 Ph 2 7 ,H 4 Ph 2 6 ,H 2 . Here we perceive grave changes in nature for bodies that pass so easily from one state to the other. We admit differences in composition of the first importance to explain differences in properties of very secondary im- portance. The effect is by no means in proportion to the cause. " I insist upon these arguments, because I can find no others to oppose to the system maintained by Davy and Dulong. The question is there- fore not decided. It is possible that this theory may suddenly rise triumphant, supported by some discovery of a nature to give it new force. But at present, I think it should be rejected, because of that innumerable multitude of imaginary compounds which it calls into exist- ence. If I could see only a part of these compounds, I should have less reluctance to believe in the existence of the rest." In this passage Dumas ascribes the binary theory of salts to Davy, into whose mouth he puts a speech, which would doubtless have astonished the Fellows of the Royal Society, unused as they are to thea- trical displays. I have looked in vain through Davy's work to find the challenge which Dumas ascribes to him. Most chemists who have dis- cussed this subject, since Dumas published the remarks which I have quoted, refer to Davy as the originator of the binary theory, but neither Graham, nor Kane, nor Miller, quote, or even refer to, the terms in which Davy set forth his doctrine. The following passages are the most explicit on this subject that I can find in Davy's works. SIR H. DAVY'S THEORY OF SALTS. 21 " It appears that this new substance [one of the gaseous compounds of chlorine and oxygen], though it contains four proportions of oxygen, is not an acid ; and hence it is probable, that the acid fluid compound of oxygen, chlorine, and water, which M. Gay Lussac calls chloric acid, owes its acid powers to combined hydrogen, and that it is analogous to the other hyperoxymuriates [chlorates], which are triple compounds of inflammable bases, chlorine, and oxygen, in which the base and the chlorine determine the character of the compound. Muriate of potassa is a perfectly neutral body ; and when six proportions of oxygen are added to it, it still remains neutral. Muriatic acid (chlorine and hy- drogen) is a strong acid ; and according to the relation above stated, it ought not to lose its acid powers by the addition of six proportions of oxygen. Till a pure combination of chlorine and oxygen is obtained, possessed of acid properties, we have no right to say that chlorine is capable of being acidified by oxygen, and that an acid compound exists in the hyperoxymuriates. We know that chlorine is capable of being converted into an acid by hydrogen, and, as I mentioned in my last paper, where this principle exists, its energies ought not to be over- looked ; and all the new facts confirm an opinion which I have more than once before submitted to the consideration of the Society, namely, that acidity does not depend upon any peculiar elementary substance, but upon peculiar combinations of various substances." Phil. Trans., read May 4, 1815. " I have discovered a gaseous combination of four proportions of oxygen, and one of chlorine, which has no acid properties. M. Gay Lussac has discovered a compound of two proportions of hydrogen, one of chlorine, and six of oxygen, which has acid properties ; but he con- siders this substance merely as chlorine acidified by oxygen, and neglects the hydrogen, without which, however, he allows it cannot exist. He supposes that this acid of one proportion of chlorine and five of oxygen, exists in all the hyperoxymuriates, but he does not support his suppo- sition by any proof. The hyperoxymuriates are, as I showed six years ago, composed of one proportion of chlorine, one of a basis, and six of oxygen. Hydrogen, in M. Gay Lussac's chloric acid, may be considered as acting the part of a base ; and it is an important circumstance in the law of definite proportions, that when one metallic or inflammable basis combines with certain proportions of a compound, all others combine with the same proportions. " M. Gay Lussac states, that if chloric acid be not admitted as a pure combination of chlorine and oxygen, neither can the nitric or sulphuric acids be admitted as pure combinations of oxygen. This is perfectly obvious. An acid composed of five proportions of oxygen and one of nitrogen is altogether hypothetical ; and it is a simple statement of facts to say that liquid nitric acid is a compound of two proportions of hy- drogen, one of azote, and six of oxygen ; and, as I showed long ago, the 22 SIR H. DAVY'S THEORY OF SALTS. only difference between nitre and hyperoxymuriate of potasli is, that one contains a proportion of azote, and the other a proportion of chlorine. " There are very few of the substances which have always been con- sidered as neutral salts, that really contain the acids and the alkalies from which they are formed. The muriates and fluates must be admitted to contain neither acid nor alkaline bases. Most of the prussiates, M. Gay Lussac has lately shown, are in the same case. Nitric and sulphuric acids cannot be procured from nitrates and sulphates without the inter- vention of some body containing hydrogen ; and if nitrate of ammonia were to be judged of from the results of its decomposition, it must be regarded as a compound of water and nitrous oxide. " Only those acids which are compounded of oxygen and inflammable bases appear to enter into combination with the fixed alkalies and alka- line earths without alteration, and it is impossible to define the nature of the arrangement of the elements in their neutral compounds. The phosphate and carbonate of lime have much less the character attributed to neutro-saline bodies than calcane (muriate of lime), and yet this last body is not known to contain acid or alkaline matter. The chloriodic acid, the phosganic acid, and the binary acids containing hydrogen, com- bine with ammonia without decomposition, but they appear to be de- composed in acting upon the fixed alkalies or alkaline earths ; and yet the solid substances they form have all the characters which were for- merly regarded as peculiar to neutral salts, consisting of acids and alkalies, though they none of them contain the acids, and only the two first of the series the alkalies, from which they are formed. " The substitution of analogy for fact is the bane of chemical philo- sophy ; the legitimate use of analogy is to connect facts together, and to guide to new experiments." On the Constitution of Acids. Journal of Science and the Arts (1816), Vol. I. art. xviii. These passages show that Davy disputed the doctrine that salts con- sist of acids and bases, but they cannot be said to show, that he formally and explicitly recommended any other doctrine. He confines himself to statements of the ultimate composition of salts. He does not say, as Dumas and his later commentators make him say, that the oxygen of a salt is all combined with the acid radical, that nitre is K-J-NO 6 , and that chlorate of potash is K-f-CIO 6 . What he says is, that chlorate of potash is Cl l + K l -f-O 6 , that nitre is N l -fK x +O 8 , that liquid nitric acid is H 2 + N l -f-0 6 . He thus makes two proportions of hydrogen equivalent to one proportion of potassium. He says also that the chlorates are triple compounds, not that they are Unary compounds of K+C1O 6 . It is, however, to this paper of Davy's, on the Constitution of the Acids, that Gmelin 1 refers, as containing his suggestion of the binary theoiy of salts, and I have failed to find any more explicit statement elsewhere in 1 Handbook of Chemistry, ii. 15. LOXGCHAMP'S THEORY OF SALTS. 23 Davy's works. It consequently appears to me that Davy had no specific theory in his mind, and that his main intention was to dispute the accuracy of M. Gay Lussac's proposition, that chlorine could be acidified by oxygen ; but at any rate his views, as expressed in these quotations, differ essentially from those subsequently published by Dr. Clark and myself, and which have been appropriated and claimed by Mr. Gerhardt. Davy certainly did not double the atomic weight of oxygen so as to reduce the total number of atoms of oxygen contained in the chlorates and nitrates from six to three, nor did he show that the acids corresponding to these salts contained a single atom of hydrogen as base and no water, nor that the hydrate of potash contained a single atom of hydrogen and no water. The peculiar theory of hydration first published by Dr. Clark, afterwards developed by myself, and now claimed by Mr. Gerhardt, is consequently a different theory from that suggested by Davy and dis- cussed by Dumas. I have not seen the paper published by Dulong. After discussing Davy's theory of the salts, M. Dumas proceeded to discuss another theory, which, he says, is due to M. Longchamp. I do not know where the original is to be found, and cannot tell whether or not M. Longchamp's theory is explained fairly. But here is M. Dumas' account of it, written in terms which I presume were intended to encou- rage M. Longchamp in the pursuit of science. " We have seen," he says, 1 " that Davy, in adjusting the composition of the salts, took the oxygen of the base to add it to that of the acid. 2 M. Longchamp has inverted that process. He wishes us to carry from the acid to the base as much oxygen as that which it already contains. According to him, sulphuric acid and protoxide of lead, combine to pro- duce a compound of sulphurous acid and brown oxide of lead, the formula of which ought to be written thus SO 2 ,PbO 2 . The sulphuric acid of commerce becomes a combination of sulphurous acid and oxy- genated water: SO 2 ,H' 2 O 2 . This is therefore the hypothesis of Davy turned topsy-turvy. " According to this plan, if you take sulphate of sesquioxide of man- ganese, which is represented by 3SO 3 ,Mn 2 O 3 , you are to see in it what is indicated by the formula 3S0 2 ,Mn 9 O 6 . After this transformation, you perceive that you have a very strong acid, the manganic acid, playing the part of base vis-a-vis to a very weak acid, the sulphurous acid ; and, above all, that these are two acids which cannot exist together, since sulphurous acid reduces manganic acid to the state of protoxide of man- ganese. " Again, suppose you have sulphate of alumina. That salt is no longer 3S0 3 ,A1 2 3 , it is become 38O 2 ,AP0 6 . Here behold A1 2 O 6 , a 1 Le9ons sur la Philosophic Chimique, 8vo. Paris, 1837, p. 344. 2 It would be just as accurate to say that he took the oxygen of the acid to add it to that of the base. J. J. G. 24 LONGCHAMP'S THEORY OF SALTS. compound that nobody knows, and the existence of which lias never been suspected. There would be a multitude of similar changes ; for it would be necessary that every salifiable oxide had a corresponding oxide containing double the quantity of oxygen, while for each acid susceptible of combination with bases, it would be necessary to find another com- pound possessing an atom of oxygen less. We should be forced to admit the existence of FeO 2 , FeO 6 , G1 2 6 , MgO 2 , KO 2 , c., &c., and of Ph 2 O 4 , Ph 2 2 , &c. *' It is useless to insist farther on the improbabilities of this theory, so much less happy than that of Davy, and which presents nothing philo- sophical." I shall not dwell on the sarcastic style, but consider the substance of this criticism. According to Dumas, it is monstrously absurd to suppose that sul- phate of lead contains sulphurous acid and brown oxide of lead. It is monstrously absurd to suppose that oil of vitriol contains sulphurous acid and oxygenated water. According to Dumas, you ought to crucify at the Sorbonne the man who proposes things so improbable and so unphi- losophical. But let us appeal from rhetoric to facts : " The peroxide of lead gives rise to some peculiar and remarkable reactions ; sulphurous acid converts it instantly into sulphate of lead. There is even ignition at the moment of combination." DUMAS, Traite de Chimie (Liege, 1848), torn. III., p. 401. " Scarcely is sulphurous acid brought into contact with peroxide of hydrogen, even diluted with much water, when its odour disappears, and it passes into the state of sulphuric acid." THENAUD, Traite de Chimie, (Paris, 1827), torn. II, p. 87. The exact opposition of the facts to the rhetoric renders comment un- necessary. Dumas's other examples are equally extravagant. The formula of the sulphate of sesquioxide of manganese, 3S0 3 ,Mn 2 3 is, as he admits, a thing of " convenience," not the representation of a fact. As a mere hypothesis, it is liable to be dealt with unceremoniously. I shall show in the course of this inquiry, that the quantity of manganese con- tained in this salt, in combination with 3 atoms of sulphur, is not 2 atoms, but 3 atoms of manganese ; that the quantity of oxygen is not j 2 atoms but 6 atoms ; that the ultimate elements are therefore, S 3 Mn 3 O 6 , which formula divided by 3, gives SMnO*, or according to the despised theory of M. Longchamp, MnO + SO, in which we have not, as M. Dumas affirmed, " a very strong acid, the manganic acid, playing the part of base vis-a-vis to a very weak acid, the sulphurous acid." We have no manganic acid at all. We have an oxidised basic radical, MnO, combined with an oxidised acid radical, SO, and we can actually produce MnO + SO, the sulphate of manganese, by heating MnO with hydrated SO. M. Dumas's ridicule is therefore entirely misplaced. THE RADICAL THEORY. 25 The same remarks apply to the tersulphate of alumina, the proper formula for which, as I shall show elsewhere, is AlcSO 2 , or AlcO,SO. The question of the constitution of the salts might be conveniently discussed in reference to any one of them. We might select oil of vitriol, and inquire, shall we write this compound HO+SO 3 , according to Lavoisier, or H + SO 4 , according to the binary theory? or, shall we double the atomic weight of oxygen, and write it H-f-SO 2 , according to the binary theory, or HO-j-SO, according to the theory ascribed to Longchamp ? It appears to me, and I hope to bring the readers of this essay to my opinion, that the doubling of the atomic weight of oxygen is absolutely essential, and that consequently one of the last two formulas must be adopted as the truest representation of the composition of oil of vitriol ; but it does not seem to be possible, either by experiment or by argument, to determine, whether the two atoms of oxygen are com- bined, both with the acid radical, or one with each of the radicals. I think it probaUe that the latter is the case, but there is no evidence to prove it ; and we are consequently at liberty to use either the formula H,S0 2 , or the formula HO,SO, according as one or the other may best answer a given purpose. The chemists who have discussed the constitution of salts, since M. Dumas published his lectures, have, with the exception of M. Gerhardt, confined themselves to the single case discussed by Dumas, of HO + SO 3 versus H-f-SO 4 . They have not considered the important effects that result from the adoption of Dr. Clark's proposal to double the atomic weights of oxygen and carbon. It seems, therefore, to be un- necessary to quote either their arguments or conclusions, which do not, in the main, differ from those of Dumas. The theory of Lavoisier is " permitted" to remain in fashion because the existing race of chemists, though aware of its fallacies, and suffering from its defects, want the courage to overthrow it, or the ability to organise a better. The Eadical Theory. The principles of the Radical Theory may be stated in a few words : Every salt is composed of two radicals, simple or compound, oxidised or not oxidised. Every element can act as a radical, except oxygen. Oxygen never acts as a simple radical, nor forms part of a compound radical. Some of the metallic elements form two radicals, which differ in weight and pro- perties. Compound radicals consist of (i) carbon and hydrogen, or (2) carbon and nitrogen, or (3) combinations of other elements, with the fore- going. For the most part, and when not otherwise expressed, the argu- 26 CLASSIFICATION OF OXYGEN SALTS. ments in the following pages refer to radicals that contain carbon and hy- drogen only. The quantity of an element which constitutes a radical is an atom, or as much as forms a single volume of gas. The quantity of a compound which constitutes a radical is as much as forms a single volume of gas. When the compound is not gaseous, the radical quantity is as much as is equivalent to a single volume of hydrogen or of chlorine. Every gaseous salt measuress two volumes, which is the measure of its two radicals. When salts contain oxygen, that element adds to their weight, but not to the measure of their gas. Though a compound radical that measures one volume in the state of gas, still measures one volume when combined with one or more atoms of oxygen, the oxygen is not to be considered as a constituent part of the radical, but only as an addition to it. Muriatic acid, HC1, may be taken as the model of a salt. Any basic radical, simple or compound, may replace H, and produce a chloride = MCI, such as chloride of potassium = KC1, or chloride of methyl = CH 3 ,C1. Any acid radical, simple or compound, may replace Cl, and produce another hydride, such as HBr, HS, or H,C 6 H 5 . When either or both radicals are oxidised, the compound is an oxygen salt. It is in all cases impossible to determine whether the oxygen of a salt is combined exclusively with either of the two radicals, or divided, equally or unequally, between them. In framing equations for the purpose of explaining theoretical opinions respecting the constitution or transformations of compounds, we may place the oxygen in that manner which best answers our special intention ; but in the construction of formulae for purposes of classification or nomenclature, the oxygen should, in all cases, be put together at the end of the formula?. Since all gaseous salts that contain two radicals form two volumes of gas, whether the radicals are simple or compound, oxidised or not oxidised, it is assumed, that every compound radical, if isolated and brought into the gaseous state, would measure one volume. In justifica- tion of this assumption, it may be added, that every compound radical that has yet been isolated measures one volume, and is the equivalent of one volume of hydrogen or of chlorine. Salts combine with one another, so as to form double, triple, quad- ruple, and other forms of compound salts. Classification of Oxygen Salts. Referring to the classification of oxygen salts, which I published in 1834 (see page 15), I have to remark, that that system requires scarcely any amendment, to adapt it to the Radical Theory of 1 8 5 6. CLASSIFICATION OF OXYGEN SALTS. 27 A. SIMPLE SALTS. CLASS I. M-f-RO is an important class of salts, comprehending water H,HO; the protoxides, K,KO; their hydrates, K,HO; many organic compounds, such as alcohol, H,C 2 H 5 0, and ether, C 2 H 5 , C 2 H 5 0; the silicates, M,SiO ; the borates, M,BO ; and such compounds as chloro- sulphuric acid, C1SO, and the oxychloride of chromium, CrClO. CLASS II. M-fRO 2 , the rational formula for which may possibly be MO+RO, comprehends the sulphates, oxalates, nitrites, chlorites, and most of the salts of organic acids, such as the acetates, formiates, ben- zoates, valerianates, &c. CLASS III. M+RO 3 . Rational formula, probably MO -fROO. The nitrates, chlorates, iodates, bromates, metaphosphates, and several salts of compound organic radicals. I am also disposed to put into this class many of the anhydrides, such as anhydrous sulphuric acid = S + SO 3 , or SO+SOO; anhydrous acetic acid = C^+C'ITO 3 , orC f H 8 O+C 2 H 8 OO ; anhydrous benzocinnamic acid = C 7 H 5 +C 9 H 7 O 3 , O r C 7 H 5 0+C 9 H 7 OO. CLASS IV. M+RO 4 . Perchlorates. B. DOUBLE SALTS, CLASS V. MM +R0 3 . Probable composition, MO,RO+MO. The salts of this class are bibasic, because the acid radical is indivisible. Examples : KK ; CO 3 . . Neutral carbonate of potash. KH; CO 3 . . Bicarbonate of potash. CaMg; CO 3 . Bitterspar. The compound of sulphuric acid with peroxide of hydrogen, belongs to this class, HO,SO+HO = HH ; SO 3 . CLASS VI. M-f-R 2 O 3 . Probable composition, MO,RO+RO. As the salts of Class V are basic salts of Class II, so the salts of this class are acid salts of Class II. -the relations of the three kinds being as follows : Class V MO,MO,RO. II MO,RO. VI MO,RO,RO. The hyposulphates belong to this class. CLASS" VII. M 2 +R 2 O 3 . Probable composition, MO,RO+M,RO ; namely, a compound of a salt of Class I. with a salt of Class II. The sulphites belong to this class, the salts of which, like those of Class V., are necessarily bibasic : KK ; S'O 3 . . Neutral sulphite of potash. KH; S 2 O 3 . . Bisulphite of potash. KNa ; S 2 O 8 . . Sulphite of potash and soda. 28 CLASSIFICATION OF OXYGEN SALTS. It has been erroneously assumed that the carbonates and sulphites are of similar constitution : they are both bibasic, and both contain 3 atoms of oxygen ; but with those relations the similarity ends. The carbonates contain one acid radical, and the sulphites contain two acid radicals ; so that their constitution is essentially different. CLASS VIII. M 3 +RO 4 . Probable composition, MO,ROO+M,MO. Example : the terbasic phosphates. The full discussion of the composition of these, and other classes of salts, will take place in subsequent sections. In order to develop the Radical Theory in the shortest and clearest manner, I have arranged the facts upon which I propose to found my arguments in the form of Tables, to which I shall add a running Commentary. I shall first bring under your notice, a Table of the Atomic Weights, or Chemical Equivalents, of the Elements. Secondly, a Table containing Examples of Compound Organic Radicals and Salts which contain them. Thirdly, a Table of Gases and Vapours. After explaining these Tables, I shall apply the facts they contain to the explanation and illustration of some problems of general chemical interest. These applications must necessarily be restricted in number, because I do not propose to write a system of chemistry, but only an account of certain philosophical prin- ciples, and I shall limit the examples to such as afford the illustrations requisite for the establishment of those principles. Atomic Weights of the Elements. ELEMENTS. Griffin. Miller. Abridged Names. 1 Aluminum . Al Ale 13.60 91 *3-7 Al- ous. Al- ic Antimony . Sb Sbc * I2 9 . 4.2. 129. Stib ous. Stib- ic. Arsenic .... As Asc tD* 75- 25. 75- Ars ous. Ars- ic. Barium .... Bismuth .... - Ba Bi Bic 68.5 213. 71. 68.5 213. Baryt. Bism- ous. Bism ic. Boron .... Bromine .... Cadmium . . . Calcium .... Carbon .... B Br Cd Ca C 3 " 6 80. 55-7 20. 12. 10.9 80. 55-7 20. 6. Bor. Brom. Cadm. Calc. Carb. 1 The use of these abridged names will be explained in the section on Nomenclature. ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF THE ELEMENTS. 29 ELEMENTS. Griffin. Miller. Abridged Names. Cerium .... Ce Cec 4 6. 3O.66 4 6. Cer- ous. Cer ic Chlorine .... Chromium . Cl Cr Crc j 35-5 27- 1 8. 35-5 26.3 Chlor. Chrom- ous. Chrom ic Cobalt .... Co Coc 29.5 IQ 7 29.5 Cob- ous. Cob- ic Copper .... Cu Cue jy.y 64. 32. 3I.7CJ Cupr- ous. Cupr ic Didymium . . . Erbium .... Fluorine .... Gluclnum Gold D E F G An 48.. 19- 4-7 IQ6 ^ j 1 J 4 8. I 9 . 1 06 6 Didym. Erb. Fluor. Glue. Aur ous Auc 1 ^ u -> 6^x Aur ic Hydrogen . Ilmenium . . . Iodine .... Iridium .... H 11 I Ir Ire v j*j i. 127. 99. 66. i. 127. 98.6 Hydr. Ilm. lod. Irid- ous. Irid ic Iron Fe 28 28 Ferr ous Fee 1 8.66 Ferr ic Lantanium . Lead La Pb 46. IOA. 46. 103 6 Lant. Plumb Lithium .... Magnesium . . . Manganese . Mercury .... L Mg Mn Mnc Hg Hc * T 6-5 12. 2 7 .6 18.4 200. IOO. 6 - 5 < 12. 16 27.6 IOO Lith. Magn. Mang- ous. Mang- ic. Mer- ous. M^er ic Molybdenum Mo Moc 46. I ^.33 45. Molybd- ous. Molybd ic Nickel .... Ni Nic J J J 29.55 IQ 7 29-5. Niccol- ous. Niccol ic Niobium .... Nitrogen .... Osmium .... Nb N Os Osc *7' I 14. & 14. 99-4 Niob. Nitr. Osm- ous. Oxygen .... Palladium . . . Pd Pdc 1 6. n 8. 53.2 Ox. Pall- ous. Pall ic Pelopium . . . Pe Pelop. 30 ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF THE ELEMENTS. ELEMENTS. Griffin. Miller. Abridged Names. Phosphorus . . . Platinum P Pt Ptc 3 1 - 99. AQ Z 98.6 Phosph. Plat- ous. Plat ic Potassium . Rhodium . . . K Rh Rhc *TrJ 39- 52. 2A. 66 39- 52.2 Potass. Rhod- ous. Rhod ic Ruthenium . . . Ru Rue yt* v ^ > 52. 7 A f\f\ 52. Ruth- ous. Ruth ic Selenium Silicon .... Silver .... Sodium .... Strontium . Sulphur .... Tantalum . . . Tellurium . . . Se Si Ag Na Sr S Ta Te Tec J^.UU 4 0. 7-5 1 08. 23. 44. 1 6. 6 4 . 2 2 39.6 14.24 108. 23 'o 43.8 1 6. 64. Sel. Sil. Argent. Nate. Stront. Sulph. Tant. Tellur- ous. Tellur ic Terbium .... Thorinum . . . Tin Tb Th Sn D*' 59-5 en. 59-5 8 8 Terb. r rhor. St ous Snc 7> 20.^ j 2 HjCflEPO 8 . . Pyruvic Acid. j 3 J 3 Pteleyl . . C 3 H 3 ,NO 2 . . fNitrite of Pteleyl. J 3 4 H,C 8 H 4 O 4 . . Mucic Acid. _/ 2 i 4 H,C 3 H 4 0* . . Adipic Acid. J T^ C 2 H 5 ,C 8 H 4 2 . Adipate of Ethyl. 3 5 Aciyl? . . H,C 3 H 5 . . Acrylic Alcohol. J TL 5 Allyl . . C 3 H 5 ,C 3 H 5 O . Oxide of AUyl. J 3 J 5 Propionyl- . H,C 3 H 5 O . . Propionic Aldide. J H,C 3 H 5 . . . Propylene. H,C 3 H 5 O a . . Propionic Acid, hydrate. C 3 H 5 ,C 3 H 5 O 3 . Propionic Acid, anhydr. 2 ; H^H^ . . Lactic Acid. J 3 j 5 H.CflBW . . Metacetonic Acid. _/ 3 J 1 Propyl . . C 8 H 7 ,C 3 H 5 2 . H^IFO . . Propylal. Propylic Alcohol. CPIF.NH 1 . . Propylamine. 3 7 Lipyl . . H,OTP/ Q ii Cumenyl . H,C 9 H n . . . Cumene. ^ H,C 9 H ll ; S 2 3 . J Cumenyl-Sulphurous \ Acid. 9 '7 Pelargyl . H,C 9 H 17 2 . . Pelargonic Acid. IO ii Cumyl . . H,C 10 H 11 2 . . Cuminic Acid. H,C 10 H 11 O . . Hydrate of Cumyl. K,C 10 H"0 . . Cumilide of Potassium. IO ii H,C 10 H 11 . . Essence of Anis. IO 13 Thymyl . H,C 10 H 13 O . . Hydrate of Thymyl. H,C 10 H 13 ; S 2 4 . ! Thymyl- Sulphuric Acid. 10 j- Camphyl . H,C'H I7 2 . . Campholic Acid. 10 19 Rutyl . . H,C 10 H 19 0' . . Rutic Acid. COMPOUND ORGANIC RADICALS. 47 c. H. Radicals. Salts. 10 J 9 Rutyl . . Am,C 10 H 19 ;S 2 \ Sulphite of Rutyl. 3 + 2Aq J Ammonium. 10 J 9 H,C IO H 19 2 . . Capric Acid. II 21 H,C 11 H 21 O 2 . . Margaritic Acid. 12 23 Lauryl . . H,C lf HO i . . Laurie Acid. J 3 25 Cocinyl . . H,C 13 H 25 2 . . Cocinic Acid. *-4 27 Myristyl H^H^O 2 . . Myristic Acid. *5 29 H,C 15 H 29 O 2 . . Benic Acid. 1 5 3 1 C I5 H 3l ,C 16 H 31 O. Palmitone. 16 3 1 Palmityl . H,C 16 H 31 O 2 . . Palmitic Acid. H,C I6 H 31 . . Cetene. C 5 H 11 ,C 16 H 31 2 . Palmitate of Amyl. 16 33 Cetyl . . H,C W H JB . . Ethal. H,C I6 H 33 ; S 2 4 . Cetyl-Sulphuric Acid. l l 33 H,C 17 H 33 0* . . Margaric Acid. C 2 H 5 ,C 17 H 33 2 . Margarate of Ethyl. 18 33 H,C I8 H? B B . . Oleic Acid. 18 33 H?C1 8 H 33 3 f f Ricinolic Acid. 18 35 H,C 18 H 35 8 . . Stearic Acid. C 5 H ll ,C 18 H 35 8 . Stearate of Amyl. T 9 37 H,C 19 H 37 2 . . Balenic Acid. 20 39 H,GH0 I ^ Butynic Acid. 21 4 1 H,C 21 H 41 O 2 . . Behenic Acid. 27 53 H,C*H M O . . Cerotic Acid. 27 55 Ceryl . . H^H^O . . Hydrate of Ceryl. 30 59 Melissyl H,C 30 H M O 2 . . Melissic Acid. 3 61 Myricyl . H,C" ) H n O . . Hydrate of Myricyl. C 30 H 6I ,C 16 H 31 O 2 Palmitate of Myricyl. Compound Organic Eadicals. The compound radicals contained in this Table are compounds of carbon and hydrogen only. They are free from oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, and sulphur. They vary greatly in composition, from For- myl = CH to Myricyl = OTH". To some of these radicals I have applied the names by which they are commonly known ; to others the names that are sometimes applied to what I should call their oxides ; while many of them are still without names. To assist in their identification, I have cited a variety of salts 48 COMPOUND ORGANIC RADICALS. that are commonly assumed to contain them. The formulae of these salts are written according to the plan advocated in this paper, and to be ex- plained in a subsequent section. A difficulty in applying names to these radicals arises from the fact, that the same combination of carbon and hydrogen apparently acts as a radical in salts of very different character. Thus, the compound C 3 !! 5 seems to represent acryl, allyl, propionyl, and the radicals of the lactic and metacetonic acids. So also C 6 H 5 represents phenyl and the radical of the citric acid. Whether in such cases we have to do with one radical or with more than one, it is at present impossible to determine. It is not unlikely that some of these are synonymous terms for the same thing, and may hereafter be dispensed with. I accept these radicals, theoretically, as the chemical equivalents of atoms of the elements. Whatever may be the complexity of the constitution of a radical whatever the number of its atoms of carbon and hydrogen I consider that it forms one molecule ; that its chemical action is that of one atom or one equivalent ; that when it acts as an acid radical, it replaces one volume of chlorine or combines with one volume of hydrogen ; that when it is a basic radical, it combines with one volume of chlorine, or replaces one volume of hydrogen. A com- pound radical is in all respects the chemical equivalent of one atom, or one volume, of any element, except oxygen. The assumption of the existence of these radicals"is purely theoretical. The evidence in support of the assumption is to be given in the following pages. Let me repeat, that I speak of radicals that contain carbon and hydrogen only. Compounds that contain oxygen or nitrogen are of a totally different character. The materials for this table have been principally derived from GMELIN'S Handbook of Chemistry and GERHARDT'S Traite de Chimie Organique. The table is not to be considered as presenting anything more than a selection of examples to illustrate what I mean by com- pound radicals and their combinations. Those who desire more detailed information may consult the two systematic works that I have just named. 49 Composition, Specific Gravities, Atomic Weights, and Atomic Measures of Gases and Vapours. The compounds named in this Table exceed three hundred. They are arranged alphabetically, according to the names in common use. They have formulae according to the system described in this Essay. The following particulars are given of each compound : 1. The observed specific gravity of the gas, stated against that of atmospheric air taken as unity ; with the name of the observer. 2. The observed specific gravity stated against the specific gravity of hydrogen gas taken as unity. 3 . The atomic weight of each compound on the hydrogen scale. 4. The theoretical specific gravity on the same scale. 5. Under the head of atomic measure I have given the number of volumes which contain an atom, or equivalent, of each gas. In connection with the proposal to mark the specific gravities of gases in numbers relating to their atomic weights, I take this opportunity of suggesting, that the vessels in which chemists are accustomed to measure gases, might be graduated in such a manner as to indicate the weight of the gases. This can be effected by adopting, as a standard gas measure, a vessel that contains one grain of hydrogen gas, the volume of which at 60 F., and 30 ins. Bar., is 46-7 cubic inches. This vessel may be divided into 100 spaces, each of which will contain T i n grain of hydrogen gas. A vessel, one-tenth of that size, =4! cubic inches, divided into 100, would have divisions, each = TJS \ V grain of hydro- gen gas. The weight of any gas measured in these vessels would be found by multiplying the measure of the gas by its specific gravity, according to the theoretical number given in the following Table. Thus, 80 measures of dry nitrogen gas collected in the small tube, at 30 ins. Bar. and 60 F., would weigh O'oSox 14 = I'I2 grain. Of course, corrections upon the measure of a gas, collected over water at another temperature, and under a different pressure, would have to be made as usual. Vessels thus graduated would be useful for class experiments, as well as for analytical purposes. To give one example, A receiver for showing the combustion of phosphorus in oxygen gas, may be known to contain TO grains of hydrogen gas. The question is, 'how much chlorate of potash will afford oxygen gas sufficient to fill it. 10 grains of H = 10 atoms of H = 10 atoms of O. The formula of chlorate of potash being KC1O 3 , the quantity required is 3^ atoms, and taking the atom of this salt at 122*5 g ra i ns we find that I22 X 3g = 408^ grains of the chlorate of potash will give the requisite quantity of oxygen gas. 50 COMPOSITION, SPECIFIC GRAVITIES, ATOMIC WEIGHTS, N- INN AND ATOMIC MEASURES OF GASES AND VAPOURS. 51 l O r u-v ro m r- * VO VO VO u-" O ON n v/^CO mVQ rf- O -^ t~- ro\Q KH VO ! rnCD CTN v,o vo o>vo vo hi r-C-q I^-VQ O O CO O CD Q oo_ ^ P tf5 O O i i a M-H-M-H- C^ W oo W w ^ S O M O O CJ O .i.i t~~ m rn O\ r-* o^ r~co vo -^t- 1-1 T^- rovo >-< v*\ r^-co O t- CM VO ro >-< o> N o> CO HH ONVO VO c^ M ~* VO CX) CO O CO ,. xr^ CM r~-VO CT\ 1-1 O M O O>oo m o O "tf- t-i r-oo r- Osco Vo CM <-< OO OO VO t~~ xo, vn mGO rt~VO rooo vo ^i- CM m '?J- II vo xr>, M VO i-iCM ovo O>MO I-COCM r-vo VO w r^- CM -^- m O i^vo CM co ro O>CO OO O> CM H ; JJ ">5;-G "00 O I -I i O d S i i i i i i3:s:3 pqpqpqpqpq | | I 1 I 1 pq pq pq PQ AND ATOMIC MEASUEES OF GASES AND VAPOURS. a a $ bo s . Q Q 3 2 a s-t -<' 1 ^ J * -s * CO O> O m i-i^ m O moo O II r^- HI ON vo ONCO M t~> vo vo $* VO t-~ u^ o M Vo r-^ qCV|CS-HM vo ro co CO I~~ I""** CT^^O _ _ r- mvq co cr\vo O -tVO . X/-AO PJ Oimo;y C bfi II rf X/-N M mV r- CO CO i-( ^H i ffioooo W Cet g ijrgljf'211'f nil?'! a^few^oSfSs^gsoaH ATOMIC MEASURES OF GASES AND VAPOURS. 55 56 COMPOSITIOX, SPECIFIC GRAVITIES, ATOMIC WEIGHTS, ' c5 C3 c3 *~\ -c3 VO rt-i-i VO M t -iv^r^ 1-1 mCT\ g B v^q oi cd co C i-" vo t-i CO O "i ' vo ON ro r-vo O O O ro O i-i oj mcs (Ml mi-. xr\co r OO O ooocovovo 1-1 M r-O\ rj-vo - O + O -6 # .S ^ lll AND ATOMIC MEASURES OF GASES AND VAPOURS. 57 i o "d T* o c ^ ^3 C3 H 3 CG co Si ^ BS S ~ QQ 'Ill ^ ^ S Ifll lo do m xr-, u->i m CO O 'x'^ r<" t~^ M r~~ oratory CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM ._ i 55 99 wo OOPQ 6699^- - - - j w w w w w &M 8 j & 5 1 o s 6? 000 5 o ^-^ J v\ir\i^v\ir\iriirsV\ir^irs wwwwwwwwww 0066000006 o wwwwwo 6666^ 'Srvfii I !> ^ ^ fQ O O O ha S I ll 8 | io^bb^^r T-.ffi pq ^ PQ fQ o ^3 o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I^lj ^ S % O C C3 .S * r5 S 6 o o 6 MM Cyanate Cyanurate ^ -2 S cs 3 a S . 58 COMPOSITION, SPECIFIC GRAVITIES, ATOMIC WEIGHTS, 11 i-^ "75 vor^ ON co cs OO vr> M coo CO V3 "-" 1 t~~ (*") t-i t~-~vo "5" O -^ VO u-i roVO t^-VO O t-- ^ VN moo m *-i vo l5 5 2 ||p 566 QJ 0-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 AND ATOMIC MEASURES OF GASES AND VAPOURS. 59 .a .s .a ^ .s .s T-; . ^ g ^ ^ s |l^sJ||i|Jl|Jl|Jllllll (D (D vo o 10 r^-vo* O vovo* vo* Tj-ON cococqcqVOVOOco mco m ' M O O O CO -^-VO m r^ -i'<^--t -i CO VT-N ONCO Vo ^N ON w m r^ O ON m rt- cs o r^ ONVO O mvncs vo I II co rj- tf^ r~~- M M O O 'J^ VOi Pfl t~-CO VO CO O CO l~~ O t~- O ON t~~ w> >M ^H co O mcs to t-VO ON m TJ- cvj M ONO t~--i -i i-VO HM VO r<~>m mvo cs O vrs I--VO ON m ^t- cs oirao^y .11 CO O ( "3- ^o M O ONVO VQ f O O ON mVO rnVo CO r<^ xo, ^00 VO r- s} r- r<^ i-i VO c^ vn O I) CO ri- CT> *-" TJ- ^- TJ- t~- mco i Vo co VO '^OVO VO M ON O i-i VO xrs xo, i . HH VO oiraojy vo\VO w O VO mVO C^I VO O VO vr> O\ m N vj-CO M O^ rn r-~oo QO O> I-H Q M i-i VO . . o CQ Oft + 64 GASEOUS COMPOUND ORGANIC RADICALS. No hypothetical specific gravities are given in this Table. No gases are admitted but such as have been actually produced, and, with a few exceptions, weighed. Hence carbon, fluorine, boron, silicon, antimony, zinc, tellurium, &c., are excluded. The Table therefore represents in its weights and measures, a mass of facts. The formulae alone are theo- retical. It enables us to take a comprehensive and trustworthy survey of that chemical region which consists of gases and vapours. It shows us on experimental evidence the weight, the measure, and the ultimate composition, and theoretically the proximate constitution, of above three hundred well-known volatile bodies. Of that large field we have an ac- curate bird's-eye view. WHAT DO WE SEE THERE ? First of all we perceive, that all the hydrocarbons that act as radicals, all those which in combination displace an atom of hydrogen or of chlo- rine, have, in an isolated state, an atomic measure of one volume. They are consequently the equivalents of one volume of one atom of one equivalent of hydrogen. That is the case with all the radicals that have yet been isolated; with methyl whose specific gravity is 15, with ethyl = 29, with acryl =41, with butyl = 57, and with amyl, whose spe- cific gravity is 7 1 ; all these radicals differing so greatly in their density, have an atomic measure equal to that of hydrogen, whose specific gravity is I. Dr. Frankland fixed the atomic measures of ethyl, of methyl, and of amyl, at two volumes each, and Dr. Hofmann argued that it ought to be four volumes. But from the peculiar point of view which is recommended in this Essay, the theoretical measure is seen to be only one volume, and the experimental evidence proves that each compound radical is equivalent to one volume of hydrogen. Secondly, it appears that there are 121 compounds two-fifths of the whole which have in common these two properties : they form two volumes of vapour, and they contain two radicals. These radicals are in some cases simple, in others compound ; sometimes they are oxidised ; sometimes not oxidised ; but the compounds all agree in the two leading characters, that there are two radicals in every compound, and that every compound forms two volumes of gas. By arranging these compounds in groups, we shall show clearly the evidence, and the peculiarities, of their binary constitution. First Group. Combinations of compound radicals with one another. 7 examples: C 4 H 9 ,C 5 H U .... Butyl-amyl. C 4 H 9 ,C 6 H 13 .... Butyl-hexyl. C 2 H 5 ,C 4 H 9 ..... Ethyl-butyl. C 2 H 5 ,C 5 H 11 .... Ethyl-amyl. OH 3 ,C e H 13 ..... Methyl-hexyl. ' ' Cam P holene - C 9 H'',C 7 H 5 Retiiiole. GASEOUS COMPOUND ORGANIC RADICALS. 65 All these radicals belong individually to the class of basic radicals, yet the differences between them are sufficient to enable them to act as basic and acid in respect to one another. The electro-chemical force is still present, perhaps in feeble action, but in action quite sufficient for the purpose of ensuring combination. Second Group. Compounds of hydrogen with a compound radical. {Hydrides.) 1 8 Examples : H,CH 3 .... Methyl hydride (marsh gas). H,C 2 H 5 . . . Ethyl hydride. H,C 3 H 5 . . . Propylene. H,C 4 H 7 . . . Butyrine. H,C 4 H 9 . . . Butyl hydride. H,C 5 H 7 . . . Likene. H,C 5 H 9 . . . Valerine (Amylen). H,C 3 H U . . . Amyl hydride. H,C 6 H 5 . . . Phenyl hydride (Benzine). H,C 6 H 11 . . . Hexylene. Caproiline. H,C 7 H r "... Toluine. H,C 7 H 7 . . . Retinnaphtha. t H,C 9 H U . . . Mesitylol. H,C 9 H U . . . Retinyl? H,C 8 H 15 . . . Caprylene. Octylene. H,C 9 H U . . . Cumenyl hydride. H,C 10 H 13 . . . Thymyl hydride. H,C 16 H 31 . . . Cetene. Palmityl hydride. Third Group. Compounds of hydrogen with an oxide of a compound radical ; or, it may be, compounds of a compound radical with oxide of hydrogen, thus CH 3 ,HO, &c. {Alcohols. Hydrated oxides. Aldides.) 1 8 Examples: H,CH 3 O . . . Methylic alcohol. H,C 2 H 3 . . . Aldehyd. H,C 2 H 5 . . . Alcohol. H,C 3 H 3 O . . . Acroleine. H,C 3 H 5 . . . Acrylic alcohol. \ ? H,C 3 H 5 O . . . Propionic aldide. J' H,C 3 H'O . . . Propylic alcohol. H,C 4 H 7 O . . . Butyral. H,C 4 H 9 O . . . Butylic alcohol. H T C 5 H 7 O . . . Angelyl hydrate. H,C 5 HO . . . Valeral. H,C 5 H U O . . . Amylic alcohol. H,C 8 H 13 O . . . Caproic alcohol. H,C 7 H 13 O. . . Oenanthol. H,C 7 H I5 O . . . Castor oil alcohol. . . Caprylic alcohol. 66 GASEOUS COMPOUND ORGANIC RADICALS. H,C 10 H II O . . . Cumyl hydrate. H,C i0 H ll O . . . Essence of anis. Fourth Group. Compounds consisting of a compound radical, com- bined with an oxide of the same radical. (Ethers. Oxides.) 3 Examples ; CH 3 ,CH 3 . . . Methylic ether. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 O. . . Ether. AsC 2 H 6 ,AsC 2 H 8 . Oxide of cacodyl. Fifth Group. Compounds containing a compound radical, combined with an oxide of a different compound radical. (Compound Ethers and Ketones.) 1 2 Examples : CH 3 ,C 2 H 3 . . . Acetone [methyl and acetyl.] CH 3 ,CH 2 O . . . Lignone. CH 3 ,C 2 H 5 O . . . Ethylate of methyl. CH^IT'O. . . Amylate of methyl. C 2 H 5 ,C 5 H ll O . . Amylate of ethyl. C 2 H 5 ,C 7 H 15 O . . Ethyl-heptyl ether. C 3 H 7 ,C 4 H 7 O . . Butyrone. C*H 5 ,CNO . . . Cyanate of ethyl. C 5 H 9 ,C 5 H 7 0. . . Camphor. C 5 H ll ,C 5 H 9 O 9 . . Peppermint Camphor. C 8 H 14 ,C 8 H 12 O? . . Cedrole. C 4 H 8 ,C 4 H 6 O? . . Suberone. Sixth Group. Compounds containing oxide of hydrogen, combined with an oxide of a compound radical. Thus : HO + CHO = H,CHO*. (Hydrated Organic Acids.) 9 Examples : H,CHO*. . . . Formic acid. H,C 8 H 3 O* . . . Acetic acid. H,C 4 H 7 O 8 . . . Butyric acid, H,C 5 H 3 O 8 . . . Furfurol. H^IFO 2 . . . Valerianic acid. H,C 8 H U O 2 . . . Caproicacid. H,(7H 5 O* . . . Benzoicacid. H,C 7 H 13 O 2 . . . Oenanthylic acid. H,C 10 H' 7 O 8 . . . Campholic acid. Seventh Group. Compounds containing an oxide of a compound radical, combined with an oxide of a different compound radical. Thus : CH 3 O+CHO = CH 8 ,CHO 2 . (Salts of Methyl, Ethyl, Amyl, Butyl, $c., with Organic Acids.) 21 Examples: CH 3 ,CH0 9 . . . ' Methyl, formiate. CH 3 ,C 2 H 8 8 . . Methyl, acetate. . Methylal. GASEOUS COMPOUND ORGANIC RADICALS. 67 CH 3 ,C 4 H 7 2 . . Methyl, butyrate. CH 3 ,CH U O 2 . . Methyl, caproate. CH 3 ,C 7 H 5 2 . . Methyl, benzoate. CH 3 ,C 8 H 15 O 2 . . Methyl, caprylate. C 2 H 5 ,CH0 2 . . Ethyl, formiate. C 2 H 5 ',C 2 H 3 2 . . Ethyl, acetate. C 2 H 5 ,C 4 H 7 O 2 . . Ethyl, butyrate. C 2 H 5 ^IPO 2 . . Ethyl, butylate. C 2 H 5 ,C 5 H 9 2 . . Ethyl, valerianate. C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 11 2 . . Ethyl, caproate. C 2 H 5 ,C 7 H 5 2 . . Ethyl, benzoate. C 2 H 5 ,C 8 H 15 2 . . Ethyl, caprylate. C 2 H 5 ,C 9 H 7 O 2 . . Ethyl, cinnamate. C 2 H 5 ,C 10 H n 2 . . Ethyl, eliminate. C 2 H 5 ^^ETO 2 . . Ethyl, laurate. C 4 H 9 ,C 2 H 3 2 . . Butyl, acetate. C 5 H ll ,C 2 H 3 2 . . Amyl, acetate. C 5 H U ,C 5 H 9 2 . . Amyl, valerianate. Eighth Group. Compounds containing an oxide of a metalloid, com- bined with an oxide of a compound radical. (Nitrites.) 4 Examples : C 7 H 7 ,N0 2 . . . Nitrite of toluine (nitrobenzoene). C 2 H 5 ,NO 2 . . . Nitrite of ethyl. C 6 H 5 ,N0 2 . . . Nitrite of phenyl (nitrobenzide). C 5 H U ,N0 2 . . . Nitrite of amyl. Ninth Group. Compounds consisting of a compound radical, com- bined with a metalloid. (Chlorides, Iodides, Bromides, Fluorides., and Cyanides.) 21 Examples: JTJL . Adipic Acid. I r 3 C 10 H 13 Thymyl. 72 DISCRIMINATION OF BASIC FROM ACID RADICALS. Ratios. Formulas. Radicals. Salts containing the Radicals. C. H. I 1-286 C7H 9 Kinic Acid. I 1-25 C^H 5 , Isotartaric Acid. I 1-222 C 9 H U Cumenyl. C 9 H U Mesityl. I J'2 C 5 H 6 . Pyrotartaric Acid. I I'l C io H u Cumyl . Cuminic Acid. C l H l Formyl . Formic Acid. C'H 1 Pteleyl. P2TT2 t Succinic Acid. H . Tartaric Acid. I r C 3 H 3 Acryl? . Acrylic Acid. Pyravic Acid. p4 TT4 f . Malic Acid. CJ H . Metatartaric Acid. C 7 H 7 Toluenyl. [C 9 H 9 Styryl. I 0-875 C"H 7 |Anisyl . fToluyl . Anisic Acid. Toluic Acid. I 0-833 C 8 H 5 [Phenyl . Citric Acid. Phenic Acid. I 0-8 C 5 H* . Citraconic Acid. I 0-778 C 9 H 7 Cinnamyl Cinnamic Acid. I 0-75 C 4 H 3 . Tartrelic Acid. I 0714 C 7 H 5 Benzyl . Benzoic Acid. f Pyromeconic Acid. I 0-6 C'H 8 i Pyromucic Acid. I Furfurol. I 0-571 C 7 H 4 Salicyl . Salicylic Acid. f Aconitic Acid. C^H 1 ; \ Fumaric Acid. 1 . .. Maleic Acid. I 0-5 f ' Phtalic Acid. ]C 4 H S J \ Tartaric Acid. 1 Tartrelic Acid. C 6 !! 3 Comenic Acid ? I 0-429 C 7 H 3 ' Gallic Acid? I 0-333 C 6 H a . Comenic Acid? I 0-143 (7H l I : : Meconic Acid. Chrysammic Acid. DISCRIMINATION OF BASIC FROM ACID RADICALS. 73 Taking into consideration the properties and the composition of the compounds named in this list, we seem to be warranted in drawing the following conclusions : 1. That carbon acts as an acid radical; that hydrogen acts as a basic radical ; and that radicals containing the two elements act as acid or basic, according as the carbon or the hydrogen exceeds a certain proportion. 2. That the compound CH 2 is one in which the acid properties of the carbon are neutralized by the basic properties of the hydrogen. This compound is olefiant gas, called by Berzelius elayl, and by Gmelin vine, a term which might with convenience be translated into VINYL, which term I propose to employ. 3. Compound radicals that contain any proportion of hydrogen greater than that of H 2 to C l , are BASIC. Those that contain any pro- portion of hydrogen less than that of H 2 to C 1 , are add. Thus C 3o H ei = Myricyl . . A basic radical. CH 2 = Vinyl . . Neutral. C so H 59 = Melissyl . . An acid radical. Hence the basic radicals occur in the above list before Vinyl, and the acid radicals after it. I speak only in a general sense, and do not mean to give to this observation the character of a fixed and absolute law. But supposing the law to be only approximately true, this list, notwith- standing its irregularities, may serve in organic chemistry the same pur- pose that Berzelius's electro-chemical arrangement of the elements serves in inorganic chemistry, namely, as a formal guide in the arrangement of basic and acid radicals. Notwithstanding the irregularities, it is evident that we may, with propriety, decide between any two radicals, that the one which contains the greater proportion of hydrogen is the more basic of the two. According to this rule, methyl is more basic than ethyl, ethyl than propyl, propyl than amyl, and so on, through the whole range of the hydrocarbons. There are exceptions to this rule, but perhaps not more than occur in Berzelius's electro-chemical list of the elements. It is a great point gained, if, setting oxygen aside, we can, from the mere inspection of the formulae of the hydrocarbons, distinguish the basic from the acid. The present uncertain practice of chemists in their dealings with salt radicals, shows the necessity of adopting some decisive method of dis- tinguishing the basic radicals from the acid. When Professor Williamson discovered his compound ethers, he was unable to name them in accord- ance, with any commonly understood system ; and consequently he gave to each compound a series of synonymes. Thus the compound which C 2 H 5 contained ^jr 3 was called the three carbon ether, the efhylate of methyle, and the methylate of ethyle. Now upon the principle that we have just laid down, methyl must, in all cases, be held to be basic against ethyl, 74 REDUCTION OF BASIC RADICALS TO ACID RADICALS. the relation of the hydrogen to the carbon being 3 to I against 2% to i. Hence, the difficulty of naming the compound is avoided, and our memories are spared the infliction of useless synonymes. It would be easy to refer to innumerable examples in the writings of Gerhardt, which show the want of this principle of classification. He finds, for example, a compound containing benzyl and acetyl, with three atoms of oxygen, 1 =C 2 H 3 -f-C 7 H 5 -f O 3 , and he calls it "acetic benzoate or benzoic acetate" Again, he finds a similar compound containing acetyl and cumenyl =C 2 H 3 +C 10 H ll -f-0 3 , and he is uncertain whether to call it acetic cuminate or cuminic acetate. Such difficulties are imme- diately resolved by the rule that has been proposed, according to which acetyi is to be considered as decidedly basic towards both benzyl and cuminyl. It is not proposed to investigate in systematic detail the proximate composition of the compound radicals, but in reference to the question whether oxygen is the acidifying principle, and to one or two doctrines that depend upon the answer to that question, it will be useful to adduce a few special illustrations. Reduction of Basic Radicals to Acid Radicals. A remarkable relation exists between many basic radicals and acid radicals, taken in pairs. Vinyl = CH 2 being the point of neutrality, certain basic radicals taken from above it in the list, are related to par- ticular acid radicals taken from below it, the difference in composition between the pair being that of two atoms of hydrogen. Examples : Basic Radicals. Acid Radicals. Methyl = C H 3 - H 2 = C H = Formyl. Ethyl = C 2 H 5 - H 2 = C 2 H 8 = Acetyl. Propyl = C 3 H 7 - H 2 = C 8 H 5 = Propionyl. Butyl = C 4 H 9 - H 2 = C 4 H 7 = Butyryl. Amyl = C 5 H 11 - H 9 = C 5 H 9 = Valeryl. Myricyl = C 30 H 61 - H 2 = C 3n H 59 = Melissyl. From this it appears that a BASIC Hydrocarbon no matter what may be the complexity of its composition, is, according to theory, con- vertible into an ACID Hydrocarbon by any process which withdraws from it two atoms of hydrogen, that being the constant difference between a basic radical of the kind referred to and its corresponding acid radical. Is this theoretical vision practically true ? Can we convert a basic radical into an acid radical, by withdrawing from it two atoms of hydro- gen ? If the answer to that question is yes, then the process of acidifi- cation I am speaking of the acidification of hydrocarbons only consists, 1 Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society (1852), V. 227. REDUCTION OF ACID RADICALS TO BASIC RADICALS. 75 not simply in the addition of oxygen, but primarily and essentially in the abstraction of two atoms of hydrogen from the compound radical that is to be acidified. The answer to the inquiry is, practically, in the affirma- tive, as regards a considerable class of radicals. Any chemical agent, or even a physical agent, such as the galvanic current, which can sepa- rate from a basic radical of the kind referred to two atoms of hydrogen produces an acid radical, or performs the essential part of the operation which is termed acidification. Oxygen, therefore, though the common agent of acidification, and chiefly because of the facility with which it converts two atoms of hydrogen into an atom of water and so removes them, is not essentially the acidifying principle. Chlorine can be made an acidifying principle ; the galvanic-battery can be made an acidifying principle ; for both can separate hydrogen from a basic radical, and so convert it into an acid radical. Beduction of Acid Eadicals to Basic Kadicals. If we examine in a cursory manner the composition of the radicals just referred to, we find that the basic radicals appear to consist of a multiple of vinyl = CH 2 , added to a single atom of hydrogen = H, while the acid radicals appear to consist of a multiple of vinyl = CH 2 , added to a single atom of formyl = CH. It follows, that if we can take from an acid radical a single atom of carbon = C, we can destroy its chemical character, and convert it into a basic radical. Take the cases just cited : Acid Radicals. Basic Eadicals. Formyl = C H - C = H = Hydrogen. Acetyl = C 2 H 3 - C = C H 3 = Methyl. Propionyl = C 3 H 5 - C = C 4 H 5 = Ethyl. Butyryl = C 4 H 7 - C = C 3 H 7 = Propyl. Valeryl = C 5 H 9 - C = C 4 H 9 = Butyl. Hence we have it, theoretically, in our power, by an alternate abstrac- tion from a radical of H 2 and C 1 to make it alternately acid or basic, through a regular course of reductions till we come at last to the elementary basic radical H ; for Amyl - H 2 is Valeryl. Valeryl - C , Butyl. Butyl - H 2 Butyryl - C Propyl - H 2 Propionyl C Ethyl - H 2 Acetyl C Methyl - H 2 Formyl - C , Butyryl. , Propyl. , Propionyl. , Ethyl. , Acetyl. , Methyl. , Formyl. , Hydrogen. ( 76 ) Experimental Eeduction of Radicals. What is here assumed to be theoretically possible, can, to a certain extent I do not know to how limited an extent be performed expe- rimentally. Kolbe has shown 1 that by the electrolysis of a valerianate = K,C 5 H 9 2 , valeryl = C 5 H 9 is converted into butyl "= C 4 H 9 , and that by the electrolysis of an acetate = K,C 2 H 3 O 2 , acetyl = C*H 3 is converted into methyl = CH 3 , the extra atom of carbon being driven off in the state of carbonic acid. " Particular interest," says Professor Miller, 2 "is attached to these researches, owing to the circumstance that in each case the compounds obtained by the electrolysis belong to a series related to an alcohol different from that which was submitted to decomposition. The vale- rianic acid thus yields an ether of the butylic series ; and acetic acid, which is a derivative of wine alcohol, furnishes the carbo-hydrogen which belongs to the wood-spirit series." Brazier and Gossleth have shown 3 that by the electrolysis of a caproate = K, C 6 H U 2 , caproyl = C'H U is converted into amyl = C 5 H", and that by the electrolysis of an cenanthylate = K, C 7 H 13 O 2 , oenanthyl = C 7 H 13 is converted into hexyl = C 6 H 13 , with evolution of carbonic acid. In all these examples, acid radicals are reduced to basic radicals by the abstraction of C l . Similar transformations can be effected chemically ; as, for example, by the joint action of heat and fixed alkalies. Thus, Professor Brodie, by heating the hydrate of myricyl = H, C 30 H 61 O, with lime and potash con- verted it into melissate of potash = K, C :HO H 59 O 2 , in which process the basic radical C^H 61 loses two atoms of hydrogen, and is reduced to the acid radical C^H 59 . In the same manner, the hydrate of ceryl = H^H^O was converted into cerotate of potash = K, C* r H 53 O 2 , where the radical ceryl = C 27 H 55 is reduced by the abstraction of H 2 to another radical not yet named = C 27 !! 53 . Dumas and Stas, by acting in this manner on ethal, or hydrate of cetyl = H, C I8 H 38 O converted it into pal- mitate of potash = K, C I6 H 31 O where the radical cetyl = C 16 H 33 is re- duced to the radical palmityl = C 16 H 31 . In all these examples basic radicals are reduced to acid radicals by the abstraction of H 2 . This pro- cess in the ordinary language of organic chemistry is called " oxidation." The Ketones. In this manner also the KETONES are prepared. 4 Here, again, we have acid radicals reduced to basic radicals by the abstraction of C l . 1 Chemical Soc. Quarterly Journal, II., 157. 2 Elements of Chemistry (1856), Part II., H2O. 3 Chemical Soc. Quarterly Journal, III., 210. 4 Gmelin, Handbook of Chemistry, VII., 136. THE KETONES. 77 Compounds exposed to Heat. A. K,C S H 3 2 + K,C 2 H 3 2 B. K,C 3 H 5 O 2 + K,C 3 H 5 O 2 C. K,C 4 H 7 O 2 + K,C 4 H 7 O 2 D. K,C 5 H 9 2 + K,C 5 H 9 2 E. K,C 7 H 5 O 2 + K,C 7 H 5 O 2 F. K,C'H 17 2 + K,C 10 H 17 2 G. I^C^H^O 2 -f- K,C 17 H 33 O 2 H. K,C 5 H 9 O 2 + K,C 2 H 3 O 2 K 2 C0 3 Compounds produced. Constant product. = C H 3 , C 2 H 3 1 = C 2 H 5 ,C 3 H 5 = C 3 H 7 , C 4 H 7 O = C 4 H 9 ,C 5 H 9 = C 6 H 5 , C 7 H 5 O = C 9 H I7 ,C 10 H 17 = C Ifl H 88 ,C 17 H 38 O = C 4 H 9 , C s H 3 O In every example two atoms of salt are decomposed, because the car- bonate of potash to be produced is bibasic = KKCO 3 . The salts are submitted to dry distillation ; the ketones form a distillate, and the fixed carbonate of potash remains behind. One of the compounds loses a single atom of carbon, and is thus reduced from an acid radical to a basic radical. Three atoms of oxygen go off with the carbon, leaving one atom with the ketone, which therefore consists in each case of an unoxidised basic radical, combined with an oxidised acid radical, con- stituting a compound of the same nature as the compound ethers described in Group 5, page 66. In A. Acetyl B. Propionyl = C. Butyryl = D. Valeryl E. Benzyl F. Camphyl G. Margaryl H. Valeryl The names usually given to these ketones are as follow : A, acetone. B, propione. C,butyrone. D, valerone. E, benzone. F, campholone. G, margarone. H. There is a difficulty respecting this ketone, because it is unknown whether the atom of carbon is abstracted from the valeryl or the acetyl. Williamson gives the formula n TT CO, which admits the L/ 4 -tl 9 ketone to contain butyl, methyl, and oxide of carbon, a composition that is by no means probable. Gerhardt says of it, 2 that " it is evidently the valeride of methyl or the acetylide of butyl," a description which suffi- ciently shows the difficulty of choice. However, whether this particular ketone is to be written C i 1,60049 One of the marvels of modern chemistry is the persistence of its professors in the practice of comparing the specific gravities of gases with that of common air taken as unity. To be consistent, they should adopt the additional absurdity of taking the composition of common air as the standard of the atomic weights. Just look at these two examples of specific gravities ! The atomic weight of mercaptan is 62 , and its specific gravity is 31 ; the atomic weight of alcohol is 46, and its specific gravity is 2 3 ; but these numbers are too simple to have the proper look of philosophical profundity, so The Authorities of our science fix the specific gravity of mercaptan at 2*15822, and of alcohol at i '60049' beautiful numbers ! which contain the quantity of Egyptian darkness necessary to render them grand and mysterious, and which confer upon the scientific world the remarkable advantages that always flow from the statement of simple facts in terms w r hich no memory can retain. THE LAWS. THAT REGULATE THE ATOMIC MEASURE OF THE VAPOURS OF POLYBASIC ACIDS, AS ENUNCIATED BY PROFESSOR GfiRHARDT. Before closing my inquiry into the causes which modify the atomic measure of compound gases, I must consider certain propositions that 1 Handworterbuch der Chemie, Band II, pp. 478, 488. 112 INQUIRY INTO THE CAUSES WHICH MODIFY have been laid down by M. Gerhardt. I copy them from his recently- published Traite de Chimie Organique, tome iv. I may, premise, that the objects which M. Gerhardt has in view, are to establish certain laws by which monobasic, bibasic, and tribasic acids may be distinguished from one another, and, in particular, to demonstrate that sulphuric acid and oxalic acid are bibasic acids. To this end, he lays down certain absolute laws, and adduces such examples as he considers sufficient to prove their accuracy and universality. I shall quote the laws and proofs, and then examine their trustworthiness. " Considered in the state of vapour and in the same volume, the neu- tral ethers of bibasic acids contain twice the radical of the alcohol, where the neutral ethers of monobasic acids contain [only once that radical." Page 653. I. 2. 3. 4. n j(7H 5 O n |C 2 H 3 O n2 JS0 2 rvJ c * 2 U [C 2 H 5 U \CH 3 U \(CH 3 ) 2 ((C*H 5 ) 2 2 volumes 2 volumes 2 volumes 2 volumes Benzoate of Acetate of Sulphate of Oxalate of Ethyl. Methyl. Methyl. Ethyl. " Considered in the state of vapour and in the same volume, the chlorides of bibasic acids (the dichlorides) contain twice the radical chlo- rine, where the chlorides of monobasic acids contain it only once." Pages 653 and 724. C^CPH'O C1,C 2 H 3 O C1 2 ,S0 2 C1 2 ,CO 2 volumes 2 volumes 2 volumes 2 volumes Chloride of Chloride of Chloride of Chloride of Benzoyle. Acetyle. Sulphury le. Carbonyle. " Considered in the state of vapour, and in the same volume, the neutral ethers of tribasic acids contain three times the radical of the alcohol, where the neutral ethers of bibasic acids contain that radical only twice, and those of monobasic acids contain it only once" Pages 658 and 694. 9. 10. ii. :C 2 H 5 02 J(C 2 H 5 ) 2 n3 J(C*H 5 ) 3 [C 2 H 3 O u }C 2 O 2 (Cy 3 2 volumes 2 volumes 2 volumes Acetate of Oxalate of Cyanurate of Ethyl. Ethyl. Ethyl. " Considered in the state of vapour, and in the same volume, the chlorides of tribasic acids (the trichlorides) contain three times the radical chlorine, where the chlorides of bibasic acids contain that radical only twice, and the chlorides of monobasic acids contain it only o?ice." Pages 658 and 725. j \ THE ATOMIC MEASURE OF COMPOUND GASES. 113 12. CP,B 2 volumes Chloride of Boron. 1 *3 C1 3 ,P 2 volumes Chloride of Phosphorus. 14. CP,PO 2 volumes Chloride of Phosphoryle. CP,Cy 3 2 volumes Chloride of Cyanuryle." These laws are evidently founded upon the examples which M. Ger- hardt has adduced to support them. According to him, the examples prove that bibasic and tribasic acids affect the atomic measure of com- pound gases, or gaseous salts, in a manner entirely different from that in which they are affected by monobasic acids ; so that, if you examine two volumes of the vapour of a salt, and find therein one, or two, or three basic radicals, the acid is with certainty known to be monobasic, bibasic, or tribasic, according to the number of the basic radicals which your examination discloses in the two volumes of vapour. In the same manner, the examination of two volumes of a gaseous chloride, and the discovery therein of one, or two, or three atoms of chlorine, proves to M. Gerhardt, that the radical with which the chlorine is combined, is that of a monobasic, bibasic, or tribasic acid, according to the number of atoms of chlorine that are discovered to be present in the two volumes of vapour that are submitted to examination. The examples that I have quoted seem to support these doctrines ; for the facts are accurate, and M. Gerhardt's inferences are plausible. But I cannot, upon evidence of this description, and of this limited ex- tent, jump at once, with that chemist, to the conclusion, that, because two volumes of sulphate of methyl contain two atoms of methyl, sul- phuric acid is bibasic, or that, because two volumes of oxalate of ethyl contain two atoms of ethyl, oxalic acid is bibasic. True as the facts are, these inferences do not necessarily follow. Let us check M. Gerhardt's examples by what we have ascertained, in another manner, to be true in regard to the measure of compound gases. Let us see why his formula? agree in all cases with two volumes of vapour, and yet fail to prove the truth of his propositions. No. i. Benzoate of Ethyl = C 2 H 5 ,C 7 H 5 2 . There are two volumes of vapour because there are two radicals. In this and all the examples the oxygen measures nothing. No. 2. Acetate of Methyl = CH 3 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 . Again, there are two vo- lumes of vapour because there are two radicals. No. 3. Sulphate of Methyl = CH 3 ,SO 2 . M. Gerhardt arbitrarily doubles the atomic weight of sulphur. I reduce it to 1 6, the usual weight. The salt, according to the corrected formula, CH 3 ,S0 2 , has two radicals, 1 M. Gerhardt's atomic weight of sulphur is twice as much as mine, and that of boron three times as much. The weights of the other elements agree with mine. I 114 INQUIRY INTO THE CAUSES WHICH MODIFY one acid and one basic; but I have shown (page 97) that sulphur, when acting as an acid radical in a gaseous salt, measures nothing. The salt is therefore complete in one volume ; and the reason that two volumes of the vapour contain two atoms of methyl, is because two volumes of the vapour contain two complete atoms of the salt. If the weight of one atom of sulphur could be proved to be 32, that is to say, the .equivalent of two atoms of hydrogen, then M. Gerhardt would have some ground for his doctrine, but as all attainable evidence proves the atomic weight of sulphur to be 1 6, or the equivalent of one atom of hydrogen, the examination of this gaseous salt affords no proof that sul- phuric acid is bibasic. No. 4. Oxalate of Ethyl = C 2 H 5 ,C0 2 . This salt is complete in one volume, because the radical carbon measures nothing when combined with other radicals. Two volumes of vapour contain two atoms of ethyl, because they contain two atoms of oxalate of ethyl. The salt therefore lends no support to the notion that oxalic acid is bibasic. M. Gerhardt makes the oxalates appear to be bibasic by doubling the quantities of all the components. His formula is not a demonstration but an assump- tion. No. 5. Chloride of Benzoyle = CPH^CIO. Two volumes of vapour contain two radicals uncondensed. No. 6. Chloride of Acetyle = C 2 H 3 ,C10. Two volumes of vapour contain two radicals uncondensed. No. 7. The compound which M. Gerhardt calls Chloride of Sul- phuryle = C1 2 ,SO 2 , is that which I have described at page 56, under the designation of chlorosulphuric acid = C1SO. An atom of this salt = CISO, measures one volume, because the chlorine alone retains its measure, the sulphur and oxygen losing theirs. Two volumes of this compound contain two complete atoms of the salt, and therefore two atoms of chlorine. M. Gerhardt's inference, that the two volumes of vapour contain one atom of bibasic sulphuryle, is a fallacy, founded upon the arbitrary assumption that one atom of sulphur weighs 32. No. 8. The salt which M. -Gerhardt calls chloride of carbonyle = C1 2 ,CO, is that which, at page 55 of this work, is called phosgene gas = CC1,C1O, according to which formula the salt is an oxychloride of chloricformyl. Upon either supposition, the salt should have an atomic measure of two volumes ; in the first case, because CO measures nothing in combination, and Cl 2 are uncondensed, and measure two volumes ; in the second case, because CC1 = an atom of formyl that contains Cl 1 , in- stead of H 1 , measures one volume, and CIO also measures one volume. The measure of two volumes is therefore due solely to the two volumes of chlorine, the carbon and oxygen measuring nothing. There is DO evidence to prove that the compound which M. Gerhardt calls carbonyle = CO is a bibasic acid radical. It does not appear that M. Gerhardt knew, or duly appreciated, the THE ATOMIC MEASURE OF COMPOUND GASES. 115 fact that oxygen, carbon, and sulphur have no gaseous measure when combined with radicals to form salts ; and that, in the salts which con- tain these elements, it is the basic radicals alone that make up the mea- sure of the compound gases. The consequence is, that his laws re- specting the measure of salts that contain the so-called bibasic acids, founded as they are upon the examination of those salts only that con- tain sulphur and carbon as radicals, are fallacious. They apply, to the exceptional cases upon which they are founded, and to nothing else. The three hundred gases described between pages 50 and 63 do net afford a single example to justify them. I pass to the consideration of the laws that relate to tribasic acids. The Example No. 9 is equivalent to No. 2. No. 10 is a repetition of No. 4. No. 1 1 is a salt, the composition of which I have already dis- cussed at page toi, where I have attempted to show that its proper measure is not two volumes, but % volume. See farther particulars on this head in the account of Example No. 15. M. Gerhardt might have brought forward a more striking example in support of his law. This is the tribasic formiate of ethyl No. 2 in the Table of Irregular Gases, formulated at page 109. This salt agrees perfectly with the law in question: C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 3 ; CHO 3 ; atomic weight, 148; sp. gr. 74; atomic measure, two volumes ; number of basic radicals, three. Un- luckily, the conformity of this salt is neutralised by the nonconformity of the parallel salt No. 4 in the same Table, namely, the tribasic formiate of methyl = CH 3 ,CH 3 ,CH 3 ; CHO 3 ; atomic weight, 103 ; sp. gr. 35-33 ; number of basic radicals, three ; atomic measure, three volumes. Upon two examples which neutralise one another we cannot prudently found a law having pretensions to general applicability. The next law relates to the chlorides of tribasic acids. No. 12. Chloride of Boron. I divide M. Gerhardt's atomic weight of boron by 3, which converts his formula from C1 3 B to C1 3 B 3 . This for- mula no doubt represents two volumes of the gas, but, as it appears to me, it also represents three atoms of the salt ; the small atom of boron is the equivalent of one atom of hydrogen or of chlorine. No advantage is obtained by treating as trichlorides compounds which can be just as well treated as simple chlorides. I therefore write C1B as the proper formula of the compound described at pages 52 and 104 in this work. Boron, as I understand it, is the base of a monobasic and not of a tribasic acid, and I will show in another section, that all the chemical reactions in which boron plays a part, can be described accurately and simply by equations that refer to it in its monobasic character. No. 13. Chloride of Phosphorus = CPP. No. 14. Oxy chloride of Phosphorus CPPO. I have shown at page I O2 how it happens that three atoms of chlorine, in combination with an atom of phosphorus, produce two volumes of vapour, either in the pre- sence or absence of oxygen : it is because phosphorus in all cases con- i2 116 INQUIRY INTO THE CAUSES WHICH MODIFY, ETC. denses the radicals it combines with from one volume each to half a volume, adding thereto its own measure of half a volume. It acts thus not only with chlorine but with hydrogen and with ethyl, and when the action takes place upon three atoms, the result is favourable to M. Ger- hardt's law. But in this case, as in the cases of carbon and sulphur, the law depends for support upon a peculiar property of an individual sub- stance. There is no evidence that all tribasic acid radicals have this power of condensation : yet the law is founded upon the assumption of its universal applicability. No. i 5. Chloride of Cyanyl = CICyl. The compound in question is the solid chloride of cyanogen, the nature of which has been discussed at page 101. Two volumes of it certainly contain three atoms of Cyl because two volumes contain three atoms of the complete salt. If we admit that the compound CylCl, measuring -- volume, is a complete salt, the radical Cyl is monobasic. The question, whether any advantage is gained by tripling the atom, and considering it polybasic, will be con- sidered when I come to investigate the properties of the so-called poly- basic acids. The point for consideration here is the influence of polybasic acid radicals upon the measure of their gaseous salts. According to M. Gerhardt, a bibasic acid radical in all cases condenses two basic radicals, and a tribasic acid radical in all cases condenses three basic radi- cals into a gaseous salt, having an atomic measure of two volumes. On the other hand, my view of this matter is, that all the radicals which produce gases have individually certain unalterable properties, such as their measure in an isolated state their measure when combined in salts the power possessed by certain radicals of condensing to one-half the volume of all radicals with which they combine. These properties they possess as against all other radicals ; and as the properties are constant, we can foresee what will occur hi the various combinations of these radicals one with another. This is the view which I have attempted to express in the Table given at page 108. The examples of salts upon which M. Gerhardt has founded his laws are all such as can be easily interpreted by these principles, and when interpreted, they prove, as I think, that M. Gerhardt's laws have not that accuracy, precision, and general applicability which he attributed to them. Founded on spe- cialties, they apply to similar specialties and to nothing more. A question which has been largely debated is, whether the atomic measures of all gases, simple and compound, ought to be fixed at TWO volumes or, as some have it, at FOUR volumes. Upon this question I will not waste a word. No man whose judgment is unprejudiced can examine the facts that are detailed in this section, and in the Table given at pages 50-63, without coming to the conclusion, that the adoption of one uniform atomic measure for gases and vapours of every description is absurd. Applications of the Eadical Theory. The object of this Essay is to show the reasonableness of the Radical Theory, and the advantages which it possesses over every other theory, in the clearness of the explanations which it affords of the proximate constitution of chemical compounds. I have dwelt at considerable length upon the compounds that produce gases and vapours, because we have in the examination of these compounds the double advantage of being able to measure and to weigh both the components and the compounds. The examination has afforded evidence more decisively favourable to the Radical Theory than any that has ever before been submitted to the consideration of chemists. I hope that the effect will be to induce them to adopt it, and to throw aside many of the limited and limiting hypotheses by which the science is now hampered. The theory of Lavoisier, that salts are composed of acids and bases ; Berzelius's doctrines respecting the salts of the sesquioxides and the relations supposed to exist between the oxygen of bases and the oxygen of acids ; the theory of nuclei, as developed by Laurent and Gmelin ; Gerhardt's notion that "free elements" are binary compounds; and the proposal to make all salts agree with the model of water are among the hypo- theses that may be advantageously discarded as unsuited to the present condition of chemical science. The explanations of particular facts, and the generalisations which they provide, are, as I think, in all cases inferior to those that are afforded by the Radical Theory ; while the formula? and nomenclature to which they lead are so intricate and puzzling, that only a few professional chemists pretend to be able to understand them. This evil is so great, that an annual complaint is made at the meetings of the British Association, that organic chemists employ an unknown tongue, and render their science unintelligible and inaccessible to men of science of other denominations. If the principles of the Radical Theory were adopted, there would remain for performance the duty of carrying the theory into practical operation that is to say, of showing in detail its effects, firstly, upon the Classification and Nomenclature of chemical compounds; and, secondly, upon the views that ought to be taken of the proximate con- stitution of different varieties of compound salts ; for it is upon these points that the existing theories and the Radical Theory most strikingly divaricate. That duty cannot be performed in a work of the limited extent of this Essay. My task is that of advocating a principle. I adduce such facts as serve to prove the truth of the statements that I advance, but I avoid details that would require a series of volumes for their complete exposition. Nevertheless, as it is necessary for the proper comprehension of the doctrines that I am advocating to show what effect the adoption of the Radical Theory would have upon the com- 118 ANHYDRIDES, OR ANHYDROUS ACIDS. monly-received formulae and names of several important classes of chemical compounds, I shall make a selection of such compounds, and apply to them the Formulas, the Names, and the Explanations, which would come into effect on the adoption of the Radical Theory, as that theory is set forth in the preceding pages. Let it, however, be borne in mind, that the NOMENCLATURE which I have suggested, though it is framed upon the Radical Theory, forms no essential part of that theory ; so that the Theory and the Nomenclature must be judged of independ- ently of each other. Among the examples which I propose to describe, I shall select some that will give me an opportunity of discussing several questions that have not hitherto come before us ; such, for instance, as relate to the doctrines of polybasic and conjugated acids ; of amids, ammonias, ammoniums, and other organic bases ; of vice-radicals, anhydrides, and double salts. These examples will enable us to grapple with, and dispose of, some of the most startling difficulties in theoretical chemistry. Anhydrides, or Anhydrous Acids. As the distinction of the proximate elements of salts into ACIDS and BASES is not recognised by the Radical Theory, it is necessary to show what view is to be taken of the compounds that are commonly called Anhydrous Acids ; that is to say, the oxidised negative radicals, which can be procured in a separate state, or uncombined with water or me- tallic bases. . The following diagram exhibits examples of anhydrous acids, con- trasted with hydrated acids : i. HO, SO (HO,SO lHO,so HO,POO HO,POO [The atomic weights of the elements in the Table are, = 16, H = i , S=i6, C = i2, P = 3i.] The compound represented by No. 1 is one atom of oil of vitriol, or hydrated sulphuric acid, the proposed systematic name for which, in accordance with the Radical Theory, and framed on the formula H,S0 2 , is HYDRA SULPHETE. No. 2 represents two atoms of hydrated sulphuric acid. If we con- sider these two atoms to be decomposed, by proper chemical means, into the two compounds distinguished by the different character of the types in the diagram, we have, as products, one atom of water = H,HO, . ' lHO,c 2 H a o f HO,C 7 H 5 O 3 ' I HO,c io H u o ANHYDRIDES, OR ANHYDROUS ACIDS. 119 and one atom of anhydrous sulphuric acid = 0,SO, or SO -f- SOO or SO S,SQ 3 . I regard this anhydrous compound, not as an acid, for it has no acid reactions, but as a SALT, consisting of two radicals ; the basic radical being one atom of sulphur combined with one atom of oxygen ; the acid radical being one atom of sulphur combined with two atoms of oxygen. This apportionment of the oxygen is, however, only conjectural. It is quite as possible that all the oxygen may be combined with one of the atoms of sulphur, and that the true formula of the compound may be S,S0 3 . I name this salt SULPHA SULPHITE. It may be objected to this proposal, that chemists have always repre- sented sulphur as an acid radical, and that there is no precedent for con- sidering it a basic radical. But, on the other hand, it may be remarked, that chemists have never hesitated to account for certain intermediate metallic oxides by admitting them to be salts, consisting of a protoxide acting as a base, and a sesquioxide or a peroxide of the same metal act- ing as an acid, combined together. Why should the argument run in two opposite ways ? If a metal, brought into different states of oxidation, can form both positive and negative radicals, and these can combine to produce a salt, why may not a metalloid, placed in similar circumstances, act in a similar manner? Moreover, we have to take into consideration the fact, that this salt S,S0 3 has, equally with the salt HSO 2 , the power of combining with neutral salts to form multiple salts. This fact is proved by the following well-known compounds, and is corroborated by the existence of similar double salts, formed by anhy- drous chromic acid with metallic chromates, and even by anhydrous acetic acid with anhydrous acetate of potash. Sulphate. Bisulphate. KSO 2 KSO 2 KSO 2 KSO 2 HSO 2 KSO 2 KSO 2 HSO 8 SSO 3 I shall show, in a subsequent section, that there is another acid of sulphur, -which differs from hydrated sulphuric acid only in having one atom less of oxygen, so that it requires the formula H,SO ; and that this acid has, like sulphuric acid, the property of forming an anhydride : H,SO } __ j^jjQ and gjgo This anhydrous compound must also be considered as a salt of sulphur ; the unoxidised atom S being the positive radical, and the oxidised atom SO being the negative radical of the salt. 120 ANHYDRIDES, OR ANHYDROUS ACIDS. Comparison of the two series of Acids. H,SO = Hydra sulphate. I H,SO 2 = Hydra sulphete. S, SO = Sulpha sulphate. | S, SO 3 = Sulpha sulphite. Diagram No. 3 exhibits the relation of hydrated phosphoric acid to anhydrous phosphoric acid. What I have said of sulphuric acid applies with equal force to phosphoric acid. The anhydrous compound POO -f- POOO or P,PO 5 is a salt in which phosphorus acts both as a basic radical and an acid radical, the two radicals being probably in different states of oxidation. This compound ought not to be called an acid. Its name, on the proposed system, and agreeing with the formula last quoted, P,P0 5 , will be PHOSPHA PHOSPHUTE. The other anhydrous inorganic oxygen acids may be treated precisely in the same way. Anhydrous nitric acid is formed from two atoms of the hydrated acid; H,N0 3 -f H,N0 8 producing H,HO + N,N0 5 = NITRA NITRUTE ; and Chromic acid, only known, and easily procured, in the anhydrous state, in beautiful red crystals, is Cr,Cr0 3 = CHROMOUS CHROMITE. In all these examples, as in all salts, the quantity of oxygen is expressed by the terminal of the name of the negative radical. No. 4 in the diagram represents the hydrated and the anhydrous acetic acid. Notwithstanding that this substance contains a compound organic radical, I propose to deal with it precisely in the same manner as with the salts that contain simple inorganic radicals ; for I consider it to be in the highest degree inexpedient to subject organic and inorganic radicals to different laws ; and, by so doing, to make a chasm between organic and inorganic Chemistry, and separate two branches of know- ledge, which ought to be one and indivisible. The anhydrous acetic acid is to be considered as a salt having protoxide of acetyl = C 2 H 3 O for its base, and binoxide of acetyl = Q2jj3Q f or j tg ac j^ j tg f ormu ] a) on that view of its constitution, will be C*ITO,(?H 8 O i , or C 2 H 3 ,C 2 H 3 3 , and the systematic name for the latter will be ACETYLA ACETYLITE. All the anhydrides of organic acids, of which a considerable number have recently been discovered, may be treated in the same way. M. Gerhardt has given to anhydrous acetic acid the name of Acetic acetate, and as he has adopted the same system of nomenclature for the anhydrides of organic acids generally applying, for example, such terms as Benzoic benzoate, and Cuminic cuminate, to compounds that consist of two radicals with three atoms of oxygen I take leave to point out the unfitness of such names. The acetates, benzoates, and eliminates, contain respectively only two atoms of oxygen. The names proper to such salts ought not to be given to compounds which, containing three atoms of oxygen, evidently belong to a different series from that to which the ANHYDRIDES, OR ANHYDROUS ACIDS. 121 acetates, benzoates, and eliminates belong. When the characters of a class of salts have been distinctly defined, the name of that class ought undoubtedly to be confined to compounds that agree with the definition. The present proposal, to consider the anhydrides as salts, in which the same negative radicals, in different states of oxidation, are assumed to act as positive and negative towards one another, being applicable to all anhydrides, whether their radicals be simple or compound, presents, at least, the good qualities of simplicity, uniformity, and precision, both in formulae and nomenclature. {TTO C 7 H 5 Ol fro C IO H II O I i a compound procured lately by M. Gerhardt. This is a double anhy- dride of a kind that appears to be as plentiful as the anhydrides of the individual organic acids. The radicals represented in No. 5 are benzyl = C 7 H 5 and cumyl = C 10 H U . These are combined, with three atoms of oxygen, into a compound of the same structure as anhydrous acetic acid. The origin of the compound is to be explained exactly in the same manner as that of the simple anhydrides; namely, two atoms of hydrated acid produce one atom of water and one atom of the anhydride : = H,C 7 H 5 O 2 \ J C 7 H 5 O 2 1 f H id = H,C 10 H n 2 } == \ C 10 H U O j + { HO Benzoic acid = H,C 7 H 5 O 2 Cumenic acid M. Gerhardt calls this anhydride by the following names : " Anhydrous Benzo-cuminic acid," " Cuminate of Benzoile," and " Benzoate of Cumyl." For want of a System of Nomenclature which would indicate to him a single satisfactory name, he begins with a profusion of synonymes. This is an example of the manner in which our books on Organic Chemistry become incumbered with useless or mischief-making names. The terms " eliminate of benzoile" and " benzoate of cumyl" are both improper, for the reasons urged in reference to the names of the simple anhydrous acids ; namely, because eliminates and benzoates are salts that contain each only two atoms of oxygen, and it is contrary to chemical logic to apply the same names to salts that contain three atoms of oxygen. The term " anhydrous benzo-cuminic acid" is improper for another reason, namely, because it is not an acid, and does not give rise to a series of salts in which " benzo-cumyl " forms the acid radical. On the contrary, when the anhydride is placed in the presence of basic radicals, the benzyl and cumyl fall apart, and produce benzoates and cuminates. In fact, this anhydride differs in no respect from the compound ethers and acetones that are described in group 5, page 66, excepting that its radicals are in a higher state of oxidation. I propose, therefore, to con- sider it as a salt, in which the radical with the greater proportion of 122 DEGREES OF OXIDATION OF RADICALS. hydrogen shall, on the principle explained at page 73, be taken to be the basic radical, and the one with the lesser proportion of hydrogen shall be taken to be the acid radical. The analytical formula of the salt will then be C'H 11 O,C 7 H 5 O 2 ; its synoptical formula will be C 10 H U ,C 7 H 5 3 ; and its systematic name will be CQMYLA BENZYLITE. All the anhydrides that contain two organic radicals, combined with three atoms of oxygen, may be formulated and named in accordance with this example. The following compounds of this class have been recently discovered by MM. Gerhardt and Chiozza. 1 C 9 H 1 /, C 7 H 5 O 3 = Pelargyla Benzylite. C 7 H 13 , C IO H0 = (Enanthyla Cumylite. C^H 9 , C7H 5 3 = Valeryla Benzylite. C 2 H 8 , C 10 H U 8 = Acetyla Cumylite. C 2 !! 3 , C 9 H 7 O 3 = Acetyla Cinnamylite. C 2 H 3 , C 7 H 5 3 = Acetyla Benzylite. C l H a , C 7 H 5 O 3 = Cumyla Benzylite. C 9 H 7 , C 7 H 5 O 3 = Cinnamyla Benzylite, Degrees of Oxidation of Eadicals. The compound radicals appear to have the same degrees of oxidation as the elementary radicals. If R is the radical, we have the series : 1. R,RO 2. RO 3. RO,ROO = R,RO 3 4. ROO No. I is what we now term a protoxide, namely, the oxide formed on the model of water. No. 2 is the oxide that exists in the salts that have the formula MRO 2 or MO -f- RO, but which is rarely obtained in a separate state. Professor Williamson has given to an oxide of this description, a name which entirely differs from that of its characteristic radical. He desig- nates the protoxide of acetyl = C 2 H 3 O by the term OTHYL. If this precedent is followed, we must have a pair of names for every radical ; one name for the radical alone, and another, entirely different, for one of its oxides. The evil may not stop there. If RO is to have a name essentially different from that of R, why may not RRO, ROO, R^O 3 , and all other oxides of the radical, also be distinguished by widely-dif- ferent names ? Surely it is better to adopt a system of names, which shall not lose sight of each radical by the time we reach its first oxide. 1 Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society. V. 127, 226. VI. 182, 184. . INTERMEDIATE METALLIC OXIDES. 123 According to the nomenclature which I have proposed, C 2 H 3 will be named ACETYLATE, which, without special definition, signifies one atom of acetyl and one atom of oxygen. Such words as othyl must require definition individually ; for othyl indicates neither acetyl nor oxygen. It may be replied to this objection, that the reason why two different names are given to the compounds in question is, that acetyl = C 2 H 3 and othyl = C 2 H 3 O are two different radicals. That reply rests, however, not on a matter of fact, but on a matter of opinion. According to the radical theory, as I understand it, othyl is not a radical, but the oxide of a radical, and it has no right to any other name than that which de- clares it to be the oxide of a radical. The oxides, No. 3, = RO, ROO, or R,RO 3 , are the anhydrides of which I have just treated. No. 4, = ROO. This oxide probably occurs in the salts that contain O 3 and 0*. Thus: MO,ROO = M,R0 3 MOO,ROO = M,R0 4 Intermediate Metallic Oxides. In reference to the classification of oxides, I may say a few words respecting those metallic oxides which occur between the protoxides and the sesquioxides, and which commonly receive the formulas M 3 O 4 and MO -f M 2 O 3 ; the latter representing the compounds as salts in which different oxides of the same metal act as base and acid to one another. The following formulas represent examples of such oxides : Fe O 4- Fe 2 O 3 = Fe 3 O 4 Magnetic oxide of iron. MnO -f Mn 8 3 = Mn 3 4 Red oxide of manganese. Cr O -f- Cr 2 O 3 = Cr 3 O 4 Chromoso-chromic oxide. M. Laurent accounts for salts of this description, by adopting a third equivalent of the metals w T hich they contain. But this proposal is inad- missible, because the fourth part of the metal contained in such com- pounds is not the equivalent of a single volume of hydrogen, nor does it make a series of salts, corresponding to those which are made by the basylous and basylic equivalents of the respective metals. I consider these oxides to be compounds of the basylous and basylic oxides, according to the following general formula : McMcO + McMO = Mc 3 M0 2 . Thus, Magnetic oxide of iron = FecFecO,FecFeO = Fec 3 FeO a Red oxide of manganese = MncMncO,MncMnO = Mnc 3 Mn0 2 Chromoso-chromic oxide = CrcCrcO,CrcCrO = Crc 3 CrO 8 124 ALDIDES, OR ALDEHYDES IN GENERAL. Corresponding nomenclature : Fec 3 FeO 2 = Ferrinic ferrete. Mnc 3 Mn0 2 = Manginic manganete. Crc 3 Cr0 2 = Chrominic chromete. Aldides, or Aldehydes in general. Gmelin describes l the aldides as follows : " When Liebig, by with- drawing two atoms of hydrogen from alcohol, converted it into the com- pound C 4 H 4 O 2 , he called that compound aldehyde, from alcohol and deAyJrogenated. More recently a considerable number of other com- pounds have been discovered, possessing a certain analogy with Liebig's aldehyde, and to these the same name has been extended. To avoid this confusion, I propose to- denote all these compounds by the generic term Aldide, reserving the original title of aldehyde for the aldide of the ethyl series." He then goes into a description, classification, and enumeration of the aldides : see the work referred to. It will suffice for my purpose to extract a few examples from his list. Let me premise, that the funda- mental experiment, referred to above, of the production of aldehyde from alcohol is, on the radical theory, to be explained as follows : H,C 8 H 5 O - H 2 = H,C*fPO. Namely, the radical ethyl is reduced to the radical acetyl by the abstrac- tion of two atoms of hydrogen. See the explanation of this theory at page 74. Both alcohol and aldehyde are salts of the same structure: they belong to the hydrated oxides, of which examples are given in group 3, page 65. Many of Gmelin's aldides are precisely of this cha- racter. I have treated, at page 78, of the production of aldides of this class. Several of Gmelin's aldides belong to the anhydrides described in the last section ; others belong to the oxychlorides, of which examples are given in group 10, page 68 ; and others are of the class of amids, of which I shall treat in a subsequent section. In short, the aldides, as grouped by Gmelin, are compounds belonging to many different series of salts, transformed into the so-called aldides by the abstraction, not only of hydrogen, but of carbon or oxygen, or sometimes of all three ; and having scarcely any common relation : Handbook of Chemistry. VII. 192. THE CHEOMATES. 125 Gmelin's Names. Proposed Formulae. a. Hydrates. Aldehyde .... E^CTPO . Acrolein .... H,C 3 H 3 O . Butyric aldide . . H,C 4 H 7 O . Valeric aldide . . . H,C 5 H 9 O . Phenous acid . . . H,C 6 H 5 O . Oil of bitter almonds H,C 7 H 5 O . (Enanthol .... H,C 7 H 13 O . O Proposed Names. Hydra acetylate. Hydra aery late. Hydra butyrylate. Hydra valerylate. Hydra phenylate. Hydra benzylate. Hydra (Enanthylate. 5. Anhydrous Acids. Lactic acid . . . Maleic Acid . . . C 3 H 5 ,C 3 H 5 5 . . C 2 H,C 2 H0 3 . . Lactyla lactylute. . Maleyla maleylite. c. Oxychlorides. Chloraldehyde . . Chlorobenzoyl . . . C 2 C1 3 ,C1O . . C 7 H 5 ,C10 . . Chlorinic-acetyla cl . Benzyla chlorate. d. Cyanates. Cyanic acid . . . . H,CyO . . NH 4 ,CyO . . Hydra cyanate. . Ammona cyanate. e. Amids. Oxamide . . . . NH 2 ,CO . . . Amida Carbate. At page 8 1 I have defined aldide in terms intended to fix its mean- ing and restrict its use. The Chromates. I introduce the chromates in this place, because they exhibit some striking examples of the combination of anhydrides with neutral salts. The anhydrous crystallized chromic acid is composed of Chromium . . 54 = Cr 2 Oxygen . . . 48 = O 3 It consequently belongs to the class of Anhydrides, and requires the formula Cr,CrO 3 , and the name Chromous chromite. The solid hydrate of this acid is unknown, although the anhydrous acid readily dissolves in water, and the solution may be supposed to contain HCrO* ; agree- ably to the equation, H,HO 4. Cr,GW = HCrO 8 + HCrO a 126 THE CHROMATES. The acid in this aqueous solution combines with peroxide of hydrogen = HO. The compound has a deep indigo-blue colour, but it is unstable, and cannot be separated from the water of solution. Its composition is probably HO,CrO + HO = H,H; CrO 8 . There are three combinations of chromic acid with potash, which have the following composition : Chromate of Potash. Usual formula, KO,Cr0 3 . Doubling the atomic weight of the oxygen we have KCrO 2 . Bichromate of Potash. Usual formula KO, CrO 3 , CrO 3 Doubling the atomic weight of the oxygen we have iK,2Cr,3^0. Doubling the formula, to get rid of fractions, we have K 2 Cr 4 O 7 . Terchromate of Potash. Usual formula, KO^CrO 8 . Doubling the atomic weight of the oxygen, this gives us KCr 3 O 5 . If we regard the chromate as the normal salt = KCrO 2 , the terchro- mate is a compound of normal chromate and chromic acid, atom to atom, and the bichromate is a compound of the normal chromate with the terchromate. Chromate = KCrO 2 = KCrO 2 Bichromate = KCrO 2 + (KCrO 2 + CrCrO 3 ) = K 2 Cr 4 7 Terchromate = KCrO 3 + CrCrO 3 = K Cr 3 5 This series is similar to that of the three kinds of phosphates, excepting that, in the present case, it is' the add radical which is variable, while in the phosphates it is the basic radical that is variable. The systematic names of these salts are as follow : Chromate of potash . . K Cr O 2 = Potassa chromete. Terchromate of potash . K Cr 3 5 = Potassa chrominute. Bichromate of potash . . K*Cr*0 7 = Potassen chromoneze. There is a salt formed by means of chromic acid and chloride of potassium which has given theoretical chemists a great deal of trouble. Here are two of its formulae and names : KC1. 2 CrO 3 = Bichromate of chloride of potassium. I 2> \ KO. (Cr < j J CrO 3 - Chrombioxychlorid-chromate of potash. This salt is probably a compound of neutral chromate of potash = KCrO 2 , with the oxychloride of chromium = CICrO, so that its formula may be KCrO 2 + CICrO or K,C1; Cr 2 O 3 . The systematic name, accord- ing to this last formula, is Potassa chlora chromenite. ANALYTICAL FORMULA AND SYNOPTICAL FORMULAE 127 There is a corresponding salt containing sulphur instead of chromium the sulphur bioxychlorid-sulphate of potash, This salt is probably a compound of neutral sulphate of potash = KSO 2 with the oxychloride of sulphur = C1SO, producing the compound KSO 2 + C1SO or K,C1 ; S 8 O 3 , the name for which is Potassa chlora sulphenite. The chromates combine with one another to produce compound salts : Double : KCrO 2 + CaCrO 2 = K,Ca ; (CrO 2 ) 2 . Triple: 2KCrO 2 + NaCrO 8 = K 2 Na; (CrO 2 ) 3 . Sextuple: AmCrO 2 + 5HCr0 2 = Am,H 5 ; (CrO 2 ) 6 . Is the chromic acid monobasic, bibasic, tribasic, or sexbasic ? Distinction between Analytical Formulae and Synoptical Formulae. In the preceding pages I have frequently shown, that the radical theory permits of the representation of salts by two kinds of formulae ; as a simple example of which I may quote the formulas employed to represent the sulphates, viz. : MO,SO and MSO 2 . The formula MSO 2 is that which expresses all that we certainly know of the constitution of the sulphates, and the arrangement of the symbols is conventional. We agree (that is the strongest ground that we can put it upon we agree} to put first the electro-positive or basic radical, and, after it, the electro-negative or acid radical ; and, at the end, we put the oxygen, because we do not know where else to put it. This formula gives a synoptical view of our knowledge of this compound, and I propose to call it a synoptical formula. In the other formula, MO, SO, we show what we conjecture to be the proximate constitution of the sulphate. In our mental analysis of this salt, we figure to ourselves, that it is a compound of oxidised metal and oxidised sulphur, atom to atom. But mental analysis is purely theo- retical, and we cannot experimentally establish the truth of this formula. Nevertheless, the analytical view of the compound assists our compre- hension of many phenomena that occur when the salt is decomposed by reaction with other salts ; and, in many theoretical inquiries, where our judgment must be entirely guided by circumstantial evidence, the analytical formulae of salts are important. The systematic nomenclature which I have proposed for adoption is 128 DAVY'S THEORY OF SALTS. founded upon the synoptical formulae, partly because these are less sub- ject to variation than the analytical formulae, and partly because they yield shorter and simpler names. It is, however, always possible, whenever it is considered desirable, to give names to the conjectured components of a salt as set forth in an analytical formula. Thus, we may call the sulphate of barytes : Synoptical formulas : BaSO 8 . . Baryta sulphete. Analytical formulae : BaO,SO . Barytate sulphate. The power of writing names to suit either formula is frequently useful, particularly in the discrimination of multiple salts. Sir Humphry Davy on the Composition of Sulphates and Salts in General. Since the article on the binary theory of salts, at page 18, went to press, a chemical friend has directed my notice to another note of Sir H. Davy's, respecting the question there discussed. As I desire to do justice to that great chemist, I copy the article in full : " The extensive class of bodies called neutral salts," says Davy, 1 " are formed by the mutual action of acids and oxides, alkalies and earths ; and in general those oxidated bodies that contain least oxygen are such as most readily enter into combination with acids ; thus the peroxides generally are either insoluble in acids, or require the abstraction of a portion of oxygen to become soluble ; and, in general, two inflammable bodies, in combining with oxygen, unite to less than the added sums of the quantity they would separately combine with to saturation. Many of the neutral salts may be considered either as combinations of per- oxides with inflammable bases or as alkalies united to acids, or as per- oxides united to oxides; for instance, the compound formed from sulphurous acid gas and potassa consists of potassium and sulphur, with three proportions of oxygen, and may be regarded as a compound of peroxide of potassium and sulphur. Sulphate of potassa contains four proportions of oxygen, and might be regarded as a compound of per- oxide of potassium and oxide of sulphur. They are, in fact, all com- pounds of oxygen with double bases; and when one fixed alkali, or earth, or oxide, separates another, it may be supposed that the basis only is changed : thus, where hydrate of potassa separates lime from its nitric solution, it may be conceived that the potassium only takes the place of calcium, and that the oxygen and water of the hydrate of 1 Elements of Chemical Philosophy, Collected Works (1840), vol. iv. page 368. First published in 1812. 129 potassium unite to this metal, and that the potassium unites to the oxygen, nitrous acid and water of the solution. " It is very easy to estimate the composition of any of the com- binations of alkalies, earths, or oxides with acids, by adding together the numbers representing their elements : thus, sulphate of soda is composed of 60 sulphur, 90 oxygen, which make two proportions of sulphuric acid ; and 88 of sodium and 30 of oxygen, which make one proportion of soda. Carbonate of lead is composed of two proportions of carbonic acid, equal to 82*8, two proportions of oxygen 30, and one of lead 398. Sulphate of lead is composed of two proportions of sul- phuric acid 1 50, two of oxygen 30, and one of lead 398 : sulphate of nickel of two proportions of sulphuric acid 1 50, and one of oxide of nickel 141 ; and these proportions agree almost precisely with the best analysis. " It appears that in the neutrosaline compounds, in which there is a perfect harmony between the proportions of the elements, the result is neutralisation; and that in this case a crystalline compound or an insoluble compound is usually formed. Thus, in the instances above mentioned, in the sulphates of soda and lead, the sulphur is a binary proportion, and the oxygen a binary proportion, or a multiple of a binary proportion ; and in the carbonate of lead the carbon is a binary proportion, and the oxygen a multiple of a binary proportion ; and, to give another instance, in the sulphate of barytes the sulphur is a single proportion, and the oxygen a single proportion, or a multiple. " When, on the contrary, there is a want of harmony in the pro- portions, the excess either of acid or basis seems to be shown in the properties of the result, and it is seldom a crystallized body. Thus, in the soluble red sulphate of iron, the number of proportions of oxygen in the oxide are three, and those of the sulphur in the acid are four, and this body is strongly acid and uncrystallizable." This note, printed in 1812, does not essentially differ from the notes subsequently published in 1815 and 1816, and which I have quoted at page 21. Davy had, previous to any of these dates, proved that chloride of sodium contained only chlorine and sodium ; that no oxygen was present, and therefore no soda ; no hydrogen, and therefore no hydrochloric acid. The substance that was par excellence a SALT, was .found to contain neither acid nor base. This discovery naturally led him to form generalisations respecting other salts. He might reasonably ask these questions : Since we know that muriate of soda contains neither muriatic acid nor soda, what certainty have we that sulphate of soda contains sulphuric acid and soda ? May not this salt, and all salts, be composed in a manner analogous to muriate of soda ? These were very natural suggestions, and the evidence before us proves that they passed through Davy's mind, and that he was the first to point out the fact, that Lavoisier's theory of acids and bases did not rest on a logical basis, But it does not appear to me that Davy went much beyond this expres- K 130 DAVY'S THEORY OF SALTS. sion of his conviction that the existing theory of the salts was bad, and that it was desirable to have a better theory. He opens the case for discussion very clearly. He says, " Many of the neutral salts may be considered either as a. Combinations of peroxides with inflammable bases, or as 6. Alkalies united to acids, or as c. Peroxides united to oxides." In proposition a, he allots all the oxygen to the basic radical = MO + R. In 6, the usual theory is accepted = MO -f- RO 3 I* 1 c the oxygen is supposed to be equally divided between the positive and negative radicals, MO 4- RO ; and this last proposition is illustrated by sup- posing the sulphate of potash to be composed of peroxide of potassium and sulphurous acid = KO 2 + SO 2 . This last was certainly a most valuable suggestion. There is no statement in these propositions, nor anywhere in the note, that Davy supposed the sulphates to be so con- stituted, that all the oxygen was combined with the sulphur ; according to the formula which Dumas assigned to him = K -f- SO 4 . But after opening the case for inquiry, Davy did not pursue it with much precision. He states, first, that sulphate of potash contains four proportions of oxygen ; then, that the sulphates of soda, lead, and nickel contain each two proportions of sulphur, eight proportions of oxygen, and one proportion of metal; and, finally, that in the sulphate of barytes the sulphur is a single proportion, and the oxygen a single proportion, or a multiple. The most important sentence in the note is that where he says, that " the salts are, in fact, all compounds of oxygen with double bases ; and when one fixed alkali, or earth, or oxide, separates another, it may be supposed that the basis only is changed : thus, where hydrate of potassa separates lime from its nitric solution, it may be conceived that the potassium only takes the place of calcium." With this exception, there is in this note no distinct setting forth of any new and peculiar theory of the salts ; and it remains to be shown whether any such theory was published by Davy, or anybody else, between 1816 and the date of Dr. Clark's Syllabus of 1826. One of Davy's instances deserves special notice : " Sulphate of potash contains four proportions of oxygen, and might be regarded as a compound of peroxide of potassium and oxide of sulphur." The theory contained hi this sentence, instead of being the binary theory, = K -j- SO 4 , which Dumas attributes to Davy (see page 19), is precisely the theory KO + SO, which he attributes to Longchamp (see page 23), and which he calls " the hypothesis of Davy turned topsy-turvy ;" so that, actually, the praises which Dumas bestowed upon Sir H. Davy belong to Dr. Clark, while the sneers which he lavished upon M. Long- champ are the property of Sir H. Davy. Vice-Badicals. In explaining the doctrine of chemical types and substitutions, I stated that the hydrocarbon radicals produced a series of secondary radicals, by exchanging part or the whole of their hydrogen, atom for atom, for chlorine, bromine, or iodine ; and, in the inquiry respecting gaseous volumes, I showed that the secondary radicals, thus produced, acted in salts the same part as the radicals from which they were derived, excepting only that the basic energy of the positive radicals diminished in proportion to the increase in the number of the substituting atoms of the negative metalloid. The reader will consult pages 93 and 101 for a detailed illustration of these general principles. The compound chlorine radicals, produced in the manner that I have described, and having the property of acting vicariously, or as substitutes, for the original radicals from which they are derived doing the duty of those radicals more or less imperfectly, as the duties of principals com- monly are done by substitutes form but one division of a series of Vicarial or Vice-Radicals that are found among the compounds of organic chemistry. The chlorine radicals were first referred to, because many of them are volatile, and it was necessary that we should under- stand their constitution, in order to comprehend certain doctrines re- specting the measure of the gases ; but I shall now give a short notice of such radicals taken generally, and including those which are fixed, as well as those which are volatile. They may be arranged in four classes. i. Vice-radicals, in which the hydrogen of the original radicals is re- placed by chlorine. These I shall call Chloric Radicals. The iodic- and bromic-radicals, form parallel series, belonging to the same class. 2, Those in which the hydrogen is replaced by nitrogen. These I shall call Zotic Radicals. 3. Those in which the hydrogen is replaced by sulphur, which I shall call Sulphic Radicals. 4. Those in which the hydrogen is replaced by metals, which may be distinguished as Metallic Vice-Radicals. I. Chloric Eadicals. The account of the chloric radicals, already given at pages 93 and 1 01, leaves but a few remarks unsaid. When the chlorine is introduced into a negative or acid radical, the vice-radical is also negative, and in forming salts with positive radicals, it acts in the same manner as the original radicals. In being monobasic or bibasic, in forming salts with one atom of oxygen, or with two atoms or three atoms, and in similar particulars, the vicar and the principal radical agree perfectly. Generally, also, the salts of the chloric radical have the same external appearance as those of the hydro-carbon radical. Their solutions do not give a pre- K2 132 ZOTIC KADICALS. cipitate with solutions of silver, and the presence of the chlorine can only be demonstrated by a process which destroys the compound. The following are examples of salts that contain chloric radicals, placed in juxtaposition with the corresponding salts of the original radicals. The nomenclature has been explained at page 94 : Radicals. Salts. r c*H 3 Acetyl < C 2 C1 8 f C 5 H 9 ValeryH I C>H 5 C1 4 f C 7 H 5 Benzyl { [ C 7 H 4 C1 Phenyl H,C 2 H 3 2 {Hydrated acetic acid. Hydra acetylete. H remarks I Hydrated trichloracetic acid. ,\j \ji \j . < TT j , i . . i [ Hydra chlorimc-acetylete. tr nsure i Hydrated valenanic acid. Jn,L/Ml O . < Tj- 7 , , , . [ Hydra valerylete. H C 5 H 5 Cl*O a I Hydrated quadrichlorovaleric acid. | Hydra chloronic-valerylete. f Hydrated benzoic acid. 1 Hydra benzylete. H C 7 H 4 C1O 8 I Hydrated chlorobenzoic acid. { Hydra chloric-benzylete. H.C'H'O C 6 H 3 C1 2 C 6 H 2 C1 3 C 6 C1 5 H,C 6 C1 5 O f Hydrated phenic acid. I Hydra phenylate. J Hydrated bichlorophenic acid. \ Hydra chlorenic-phenylate. ) Hydrated trichlorophenic acid. Hydra chlorinic-phenylate. j Hydrated quintichlorophenic acid. \ Hydra chlorunic-phenylate. The vice-radicals formed by iodine and bromine are similar in consti- tution and functions to those formed by chlorine. I refer the reader for examples to the sections on Indigo and Aniline. II. Zotic Eadicals. The acids of zotic radicals are generally produced by dissolving certain organic acids in fuming nitric acid, or in a mixture of nitric acid and concentrated sulphuric acid. The reaction may be represented as follows : ZOTIC RADICALS. 133 Employed. Produced. Benzole acid . . H,C'H 5 2 H,C 7 H 4 N0 4 . Nitric acid . . . H,N O 3 H, H O. Namely, an atom of hydrated benzoic acid and an atom of hydrated nitric acid, produce an atom of water and an atom of hydrated nitroben- zoic acid. In contemplating the composition of this new acid, we perceive two remarkable peculiarities : In the first place, the radical benzyl = C 7 H 5 is converted, by the substitution of an atom of nitrogen for an atom of hydrogen, into the vice-radical C 7 H 4 N, or, as I have proposed to formu- late it (page 94), into C 7 H 4 Z ; for which formula the systematic name will be zotic-benzyl. In the second place, we perceive that the acid formed by the vice-radical contains two atoms more of oxygen than are contained in the acid formed by the original radical. This is not a pro- perty belonging to this individual example, but is a characteristic of all the zotic radicals which contain carbon. For every atom of nitrogen which is carried into any radical, in substitution for an atom of hydrogen, two atoms of oxygen are carried into the salts of that radical ; and this is continued to the amount of three atoms of nitrogen, beyond which number substitution by this element rarely extends. The following are therefore the proportions and general limits of the zotic radicals : Expelled from the original Radicals. Zotic radicals . . . . H 1 . Zotenic radicals . . . H 2 . Zotinic radicals . H 3 . Substituted. Z 1 + O 2 . Z 2 + O 4 . Z 3 4. O 6 . In two respects the zotic radicals differ essentially from the chloric radicals. The first is, that in the latter there is no limitation to the number of atoms of chlorine that can replace atoms of hydrogen : sub- stitution may proceed till all the hydrogen of any radical is replaced by chlorine. The second point of difference is, that the salts of the chloric radicals contain in all cases the same quantity of oxygen as the salts of the primary radicals from which they are formed. The circumstance that every atom of nitrogen that goes into a zotic radical is accompanied in its transit by two atoms of oxygen has induced many chemists to conclude, that the actual substitute for each atom of hydrogen which nitric acid expels from a radical is not an atom of nitrogen = N, but an atom of peroxide of nitrogen = NO 2 , and this conclusion has induced them to formulate the salts of the zotic radicals in such a manner as to show that two atoms of oxygen in company with each atom of nitrogen are situated in the body of the compound radical. Thus : | C7 H 4 ( N 2 ) I _ Hydrated nitrobenzoic acid. 134 ZOTIC RADICALS. This symbol affects to show us, that there is in this salt one atom of oxygen that is equally combined, on the one hand, with a single atom of basic hydrogen, and on the other hand, with a complex acid radical. This complex acid radical is itself an oxide containing one atom of oxygen in combination with a nitro-conjugated radical = C 7 H 4 (NO 2 ) -f- O. This nitro-conjugated radical = C 7 H 4 (NO 2 ) is fundamentally benzyl = (7H 5 , but it is benzyl which contains peroxide of nitrogen, instead of one atom of hydrogen = C 7 H 4 -f NO 8 . Here, therefore, we have oxygen represented to be distributed in three places, combined with three different degrees of intensity, to the radicals of the salt we have, con- sequently, assumptions upon assumptions three deep, which can be jus- tified or established by no evidence, and which serve no useful purpose. {(THYNO^O ) ^ JT i* > is an affectation of knowledge a pre- tentious accuracy in a matter where accurate knowledge is unattain- able. It serves neither to register nor to convey knowledge, for it represents nothing but a speculation. I should not quarrel with it, if it were confessedly a speculation. What I complain of is, the practice too common among organic chemists, of stating such speculative views as if they represented demonstrated facts. Until we learn something certain respecting the distribution of oxygen between the positive and negative radicals of a salt, the honest, modest, prudent course for us to follow is, to put the oxygen together, and frankly confess that we do not divide it between the radicals, because we do not know how to do so with the slightest pretensions to accuracy and truth. Applying this notion to the nitrobenzoic acid, the formula becomes The leading properties of the salts of the zotic radicals are as follow : They are all monobasic. They have usually a yellow colour. Bitter. Commonly decomposed by heat, so that they do not form gases. The decomposition by heat is generally explosive. It is possible, therefore, that the nitrogen which they contain may be present in that condensed condition which I have referred to in the article on Cyanyl (page 101). Examples of Salts containing Zotic Radicals. Radicals. Salts. fCPH 5 Propionyl < I C 3 H 4 Z H.C'HPO 1 . H,C 3 H 4 Z0 4 f Hydrated propionic acid. ( Hydra propionylete. {Hydrated nitropropionic acid. Hydra zotic-propionylote. ZOTIC EADICALS. 135 Kadicals. Salts. rc 6 H 5 H,C 6 H 5 O . ( Hydrated phenic acid. ( Hydra phenylate. Phenyl . < C 6 H 3 Z 8 H,C 6 H 3 Z 2 5 ( Hydrated binitrophenic acid. ( Hydra zotenic-phenylute. [ COTZ 8 H,C"H 2 Z 3 7 {Hydrated trinitrophenic acid. Hydra zotinic-phenyleze. r cm 5 H,C 7 H 5 2 . (Hydrated benzoic acid. Hydra benzylete. Benzyl . < C7H 4 Z H,C 7 H 4 Z0 4 I Hydrated nitrobenzoic acid. ( Hydra zotic-benzylote. [ C 7 H 3 Z 2 H,C 7 H 3 Z 2 O 6 f Hydrated binitrobenzoic acid. \ Hydra zotenic-benzylaze. Cinnamyl rc 9 H 7 1 C 9 H 6 Z H,CH 7 O 2 . H^H'ZO 4 J Hydrated cinnamic acid { Hydra cinnamylete. {Hydrated nitrocinnarnic acid. Hydra zotic-cinnamylote. Lest it should be imagined that I lose sight of the difficulties that attend the management of the zotic radicals, I will cite a couple of very perplexing examples from an article on the Benzoates, written by Dr. H. Kolbe. 1 " Benzoate of oxide of phenyl (benzophenid of Laurent and Ger- hardt) (C 12 H 5 )0,C 14 H 5 3 ." Kolbe. According to my notation this compound is C 6 H 5 ,C 7 H 5 O 2 , name phe- nyla benzylete. " Benzoate of oxide of binitrophenyl. (Binitrobenzophenid of Laurent and Gerhardt.) 3 " Kolbe - According to this formula, three-fourths of the oxygen of the salt is combined with the basic radical and one-fourth with the acid radical. According to my notation, the synoptical formula is C 6 H 3 Z 2 ,C 7 H 5 O 6 , and the systematic name is zotenic-phenyla benzylaze. " Benzoate of oxide of trinitrophenyl. (Trinitrobenzophenid of Lau- rent and Gerhardt.) ma; (NO 4 )' .jo. C 14 H 5 O 3 ." Kolbe. 1 S Supplemente zum Handwbrterbuche der Chemie (1852), p. 503. 136 SULPHIC RADICALS. According to this formula, thirteen-sixteenths of the oxygen of the salt is combined with the basic radical, and only three-sixteenths with the acjd radical. According to my notation, the synoptical formula is C 6 H 2 Z 3 ,C 7 H 5 O 8 , and the systematic name is zotinic-phenyla benzylize. If I wanted to make analytical formulae for the last two compounds, I should reason in this way : The analytical formula of the phenic acid is H,C 6 H 5 O, and that of the benzoic acid is HC^C'TPO. If the basic H in the last formula is replaced by phenyl, we have the salt C 6 H 5 O, C 7 H 5 O, as exhibited in the first of the above three examples. If the replacing radical is zotenic-phenyla = CWZ 2 , the resulting salt must account for the four atoms of oxygen which always accompany Z 2 , when acting as substitute for H 2 , and we have consequently the analytical formula CTCZK^OTPO. The O 5 consists of the O l belonging to the original phenylate, and the O 4 brought into the compound by the Z a . In like manner, the vice-radical C e H 2 Z 3 gives rise to a compound which requires the analytical formula C 6 H 2 Z 3 O 7 ,C 7 H 5 O. The inspection of these analytical formulae gives rise to an important question. Can the oxidised radical (7H 5 O act as an acid radical against such oxidised radicals as C 6 H 3 Z 8 O 5 and C 6 H 2 Z 3 O 7 taken as basic radicals ? Is such an action certain is it possible probable plausible ? No ! certainly not. It would be just as extravagant to assume that, in sul- phate of potash, SO 3 acted as a base against KO as an acid. But what opinion ought we to form of these salts ? The salts in question are produced by the action of chloride of benzyl (CFIPCIO) upon binitrophenic acid = H,C 6 H 3 Z 2 O 5 and trinitrophenic acid = H,C e H 2 Z 3 O 7 . But the action which takes place is such as throws the benzyl out of the condition of a basic radical into the condition of an acid radical, because the salts finally produced contain respectively six and eight atoms of oxygen, whereas if phenyl were the acid radical, the atoms of oxygen in the salts would be respectively five and seven. I think therefore that in the formation of these salts, the nitrogen passes from the phenyl radicals into the benzyl radicals, and that the final pro- ducts of the two processes are as follows : C 6 H 5 0,C7H 3 Z 2 5 = C 8 H 5 ,C 7 H 8 Z 2 6 = Phenyla zotenic-benzylaze. C 6 H 5 O,C 7 H 2 Z 3 7 = C 6 H 5 ,C 7 H 2 Z 3 O 8 = Phenyla zotinic-benzylize. The salts formed by zotic radicals are all monobasic, because there is present in each of them only one acid radical, whatever may be the quantity of azote they contain. III. Sulphic Eadicals. The salts that contain the sulphic radicals are produced by subjecting organic acids to the action of anhydrous sulphuric acid, or of oil of METALLIC VICE-RADICALS. 137 vitriol. Each sulphic radical consists of one atom of an organic negative radical minus one atom of hydrogen plus one atom of sulphur ; and in its salts there is always present one atom more of oxygen than belongs to salts of the same organic radical in its normal state. The production of these sulphic radicals may be explained as follows. I use the radical benzyl as an example : a. Reaction when Hydrated Sulphuric Acid is used. Hydrated benzoic acid . H,C 7 H 5 O 2 ) f H,C 7 H 4 S0 3 . Hydrated sulphuric acid . H,S0 2 J ( (H,HO set free.) b. Reaction when Anhydrous Sulphuric Acid is used. }H,C 7 H 5 OM (H,C 7 H 4 S0 3 . Hydrated benzoic acid . < TT ^TTT* I ) TT VBTTC > = Anhydrous sulphuric acid S,S0 3 j [ (H,HO set free.) As an atom of water is thrown off in each case, the proportions of the acting ingredients are regulated by that contingency. But the sulphic radicals, thus produced, never give monobasic salts agreeing with the formula H,C 7 H 4 SO 3 . Formed, as they are, in the presence of an excess of sulphuric acid, they always combine with an atom of that acid, and produce a double salt of the formula : H,C 7 H 4 S0 3 + HSO a = H,H ; C 7 H 4 S 2 5 . This formula represents the structure of all the salts that contain sulphic radicals. As exhibited by the analytical formula, they are double salts ; as exhibited by the synoptical formula they are bibasic salts ; and as respects their nomenclature, we have the choice of naming them in accordance with either of these formulae. I shall give no examples of such salts in this section ; because the sulphic radicals will again come tinder our consideration in the discussion of the Constitution of Con- jugated Acids and elsewhere. IV. Metallic Vice-Kadicals. There are two kinds of metallic vice-radicals : ist. Amidogen = ZH 2 , and ammonium ZH 4 , are subject to exchange part, or the whole, of their hydrogen for metals, and thus produce compound basic radicals which may be called metallic vice-amidogens and metallic vice-ammoniums. These will come under our consideration in a subsequent section. 2ndly. Many basic compound radicals of the hydrocarbon series ex- change part of their hydrogen for metals, and thus produce compound radicals metallic vice-radicals of a special character. These are at present scarcely recognised by chemists, but in subsequent sections of 138 THE PHOSPHATES. this Essay, I trust to be able to satisfy the reader that they actually exist. In the meantime, I shall quote a single example, in order to ex- plain the proposed nomenclature of these metallic vice-radicals. CH 2 Ba represents methyl in which an atom of hydrogen is replaced by an atom of barium. The name proposed for it is barytic-methyla. The Phosphates. The following diagram exhibits the constitution of the phosphates : Graham's Formulae. 1 Proposed Formulae. 2 No. i. KO,P0 5 = KPO 3 . 2. KO,KO,PO> = KPO 3 + K 3 P0 4 = K 4 P 2 7 . 3. KO,KO,KO,P0 5 = KPO 3 + KKO = K 8 P0 4 . No. i in this Table is the metaphosphate or monobasic phosphate. No. 2 is the pyrophosphate or bibasic phosphate. No. 3 is the ordinary or tribasic phosphate. The second column represents the formulse which I am inclined to give to these salts. According to this view, the metaphosphate is the normal phosphate containing one basic radical and one acid radical, both oxidised = KO,POO. The terbasic phosphate is a compound of the normal phosphate = KO,POO, with a dioxide, or salt on the model of water = H,HO, or M,MO, or M,HO ; producing the following double salts : Analytical Formulse. Synoptical Formula. MPO 3 -f HHO = MHH, PO 4 . MPO 3 + MHO = MMH,P0 4 . MPO 3 + MMO = MMM,PO 4 . The synoptical formulae describe the terbasic phosphate as if it were really a terbasic salt, namely, a salt in which one acid radical is combined directly with three basic radicals. I do not admit the truth of that theory. On the contrary, I consider the constitution of the terbasic phosphate to be represented by the analytical formula : KO,POO -f K,KO. It is, namely, a double salt, the two components of which have each its basic and its acid radical. When we transpose this analytical formula into the synoptical formula K 3 PO 4 , we no longer express the true chemical constitution of the salt, but we obtain a formula that is useful in explaining those cases of double decomposition in which the phos- phates bear a part. I have already said, and I repeat it, that, in the 1 K = 39; P = 31; 0= 8. 2 K = 39; P = 31; O = 1 6. THE PHOSPHATES. 139 present state of chemical knowledge, a clear distinction should be made between our conjectures respecting the proximate constitution of salts and our mechanical construction of chemical formulae to be used in the registry and communication of our experience. We have knowledge enough of the transformations which the phosphates undergo, to be able to construct formulae that can accurately represent and record those transformations ; but of the internal constitution of the phosphates we KNOW nothing. Our analyses prove that in terbasic phosphate of potash, we have potassium, phosphorus, and oxygen. Using Mr. Graham's atomic weights, the atoms are K 3 P 1 O 8 . Using the atomic weights that are advocated in this Essay, the atoms are KT'O 4 . Of the manner in which the oxygen is distributed among the other elements, and in which it is combined with them, we know absolutely nothing. Mr. Graham's groupment of the elements into KO,KO,KO,P0 5 , and my groupment of them into KO,POO + K,KO, are both conjectures : nothing more ! It is consequently impossible to give an incontestable, rational formula for the phosphates, and therefore I conclude it to be best to give such a formula as is likely to be most useful in practice, and, as regards the proximate constitution of the salt, to hold my mind at liberty to form opinions as analogies and the light of circumstantial evidence may direct. I give therefore to the terbasic phosphates a terbasic formula, but I be- lieve that the terbasic phosphates are dout&e salts composed of two simple monobasic salts, and agreeing therefore with the doctrine which I am attempting to establish, that every simple salt is a binary compound of two radicals. The pyrophosphate seems to be a compound of the other two phos- phates, atom to atom. Thus : KPO 8 -f- K 3 PO 4 . There appear also to be other combinations of metaphosphates with terbasic phosphates, in proportions differing from those that constitute the pyrophosphate ; such as 4(AgP0 3 ) + AgAgO = Ag 4 P 2 7 + 2AgP0 8 . 3(AgP0 3 ) + AgAgO = Ag 4 P 2 O 7 -f- AgPO 3 . io(AgP0 3 ) + AgAgO = Ag 4 P 2 7 + SAgPO 3 . If the pyrophosphates are formulated synoptically as K 4 P 2 O 7 , they are made to appear as tetrabasic salts, which notion may, for the reasons which I have just given, be accepted for its mechanical convenience, but is not to be considered as expressing a chemical fact. The proximate constitution of the pyrophosphates, like that of the terbasic phosphates, is absolutely unknown. My opinion of it is expressed by the following analytical formula : (KO,POO + K,KO) + KO,POO. The transformation and reduction of this analytical formula to the synop- 140 THE PHOSPHATES. tical formula K 4 P 2 O 7 , is simply with a view to practical or mechanical utility. The basylic equivalents given in this Essay greatly simplify the for- mulas of the phosphates of the compounds which are commonly called sesquioxides. Thus : Instead of A1 2 3 , 3 P0 5 . Fe 2 8 , 3 P0 5 . Cr 2 3 , 3 P0 5 . 2Cr 8 O 3 , 3 PO 5 . We have AlcSO 3 . FecPO 3 . CrcPO 3 . CrcPO 8 Crc 8 P0 4 . By adopting a proper atomic weight for the basylic radical of every ses- quioxide, we are freed from the necessity of making their salts triple. In fact, three atoms of phosphoric acid were required in such salts merely because chemists took three atoms of base, instead of one atom, to com- pose each salt, and by a perverse ingenuity made the three atoms appear to be only one atom, and that one atom of such a kind that three atoms of acid were necessary to neutralise it. According to the theory which I have endeavoured to explain in this Essay, there is but one kind of phosphoric acid, and that is monobasic. The normal phosphate is the metaphosphate, which is composed of one basic radical and one acid radical. The terbasic phosphate is a combina- tion of the normal phosphate with a salt of the formula M,MO, and the bibasic phosphate is a compound of the monobasic with the terbasic phosphates. All other phosphates contain these three varieties variously combined ; or with the addition of #HHO, #MHO, or 2-MMO. I insist upon this method of accounting for the composition of the three classes of phosphates, because it is the only reasonable manner of replying to these objections to the binary theory of salts which M. Dumas founded expressly upon the constitution of the phosphates. See page 20 of this work. The propositions that the metaphosphates are M,PO 3 , that the tribasic phosphates are M^PO 3 + MMO ; and that the pyrophosphates are M,PO 8 + M 3 PO 4 , are so much in accordance with our knowledge of numerous double salts of similar constitution, that we can admit the theory without much hesitation. But the case is entirely different when we formulate the phosphates expressly as mono- basic, bibasic, and tribasic salts, thus : M,PO 3 = monobasic. M 4 ,P 2 7 = bibasic. M 8 ,PO 4 = tribasic. According to this diagram, taking the phosphorus and oxygen to- gether, we have before us three totally different kinds of phosphates, those with PO 3 , P'O 7 , and PO 4 , and we have no longer for adoption the THE PHOSPHATES. 141 simple case where one and the same acid radical combines with different quantities of the same basic radical. Then again, we have to consider the probability of the occurrence of such combinations between radicals as those which are represented in the diagram by (M -}- M -j- M -j- M) -f- (P + P) and (M -f- M -J- M) -f- P. A glance at the numerous for- mulas of gaseous salts which appear in the preceding pages will show the extreme unlikelihood of the formation of such compounds as these, and will suggest the almost unavoidable conclusion, that phosphoric acid is neither bibasic nor tribasic, but only subject to form those peculiar double salts, that SEEM to be bibasic and tribasic while considered as compounds of fictitious acids and bases. When monobasic phosphoric acid is boiled in water, it is converted into tribasic acid, without passing through the intermediate stage of bibasic acid. That experiment cannot be explained on the acid theory, but it agrees perfectly with the radical theory. The tribasic acid is the result of the direct combination of the monobasic acid with water, atom to atom, HPO 3 -f- HHO. The bibasic acid is a secondary compound that demands the previous formation of the tribasic acid, for it cannot be made by the direct combination of the monobasic acid with water, because it is physically impossible to boil HPO 3 + HPO 3 in HHO, and when more HHO is used you produce the tribasic acid. This reaction is consequently in favour of the view that I am advocating of the constitu- tion of the phosphates. In conclusion, I admit the varieties of phosphates to be as follows : Analytical Formulae. Synoptical Formulas. Monobasic, or ) metaphosphate f Tribasic or com- ) =KPO* mon phosphate j The Nomenclature of the phosphates has proved to be difficult upon every theory that has been applied to them. Comprehending many bases, and in diversities of number, the salts require names that are necessarily long, and for that reason subject to be uncouth. No sys- tematic nomenclature can give short names to double, triple, and quadruple salts, without abridgments that must introduce ambiguity with brevity. The nomenclature now proposed is fully equal to the exact expression of the composition indicated by the symbols of the dif- ferent phosphates, but it does not escape the evils of length and com- plexity to which all systematic names of the phosphates must ever be liable. The acid radicals and the oxygen of the three classes of phosphates will in all cases be indicated thus : 142 THE PHOSPHATES. Monobasic, or metaphosphates by PO 3 = Phosphite. Tribasic, or common phosphates by PO 4 = Phosphote. Bibasic, or pyrophosphates by P 2 7 = Phospheneze. The substantive portion of the names is therefore simple. The difficulty lies in the adjective portion of the name, which must nominate all the basic radicals that are present in each salt. EXAMPLES OF PHOSPHATES. Common Formulae. Proposed Formulae. Proposed Names. a. Metaphosphates. NaO,PO 5 .... NaPO 3 . . . Natra phosphite. AgO,PO 5 .... AgPO 8 . . . Argenta phosphite. A1 2 O 3 ,3PO 5 . . . AlcPO 8 . . . Alanic phosphite. Cr y O 3 ,3PO 5 . . . CrcPO 3 . . . Chromic phosphite. b. Tribasic Phosphates. 3KO,PO 5 .... K 3 P0 4 . . . Potassine phosphote. 2KO,HO,PO 5 . . K 2 H,P0 4 . . Potassen hydra phosphote. KO,2HO,P0 5 . . KH 2 ,PO 4 . . Potassa hydren phosphote. 3NaO, PO 5 + i2Aq Na 3 PO 4 + Aq 6 Natrine phosphote aquaze. ^AgO,P0 5 . . . Ag 3 PO 4 . . . Argentine phosphote. NH 4 O,NaO,HO,PO 5 Na,NH 4 ,H,P0 4 Natra ammona hydra phosphote, -f- 8Aq. -f- Aq 4 . aquote. 2 HO,C 4 H 5 0,P0 5 . . C 2 H 5 ,H 2 ; PO 4 . Ethyla hydren phosphote. HO^C'H'CXPO 5 . . (C 2 H 5 ), 2 H ; PO 4 Ethylen hydra phosphote. 3 C 4 H 5 O,P0 5 . . . (C 2 H 5 ) 3 P0 4 . Ethyline phosphote. c. Pyrophosphates. 2 C 4 H 5 O,P0 5 . . . (C 8 H 5 ) 4 P 8 7 . Ethylone phospheneze. 2KO,PO> .... K 4 P 2 O 7 . . . Potassone phospheneze. 2Cr 2 O 3 ,3P0 5 . . . Crc 4 P 2 O 7 . . Cromonic phospheneze. The above names give a necessary, and a very unfavourable, example the application of the proposed nomenclature to compound salts. The critic will instantly perceive that " microcosmic salt " is a much shorter term than " natra ammona hydra phosphote aquote ; and that " ordinary phosphate of soda" (Gmelin's name) is far easier than " natrine phos- phote aquaze ;" but then, the short and easy names do not express the constitution of the compounds, and in regard to such complex substances it will perhaps be ever impossible to find words that will accurately state their composition, and yet be short and easy. Any systematic nomenclature must be judged of by its general applicability and not by its failure in a few special and non-important instances. ( 143 ) The Phosphites. According to the researches of Railton 1 and Williamson, 2 a phosphite requires the following formula M,M,M; PO 3 . Comparing this constitution with that of a metaphosphate = MPO 3 , we observe the striking peculiarity, that with the same acid radical and the same amount of oxygen in each salt, we have in the metaphosphate one basic radical, and in the phosphite three basic radicals. At first sight, such a result appears improbable ; but a little investigation removes the apparent difficulty. The constitution of the metaphosphate is MO + POO. That of the phosphite is MO,PO + M,MO. Namely, it is a double salt, where MO,PO = MPO 2 is of the same form of constitution as the oxalates and sulphates, and M,MO of the same constitution as water H,HO, These two salts combine to form terbasic phosphite, just as MPO 3 and MMO combine to form a terbasic phos- phate. But the normal salt MPO 2 is unknown. The following are examples of phosphites : Ba,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ; PO 3 Baryta ethylen phosphite. Ba,Ba,C 2 H 5 ; PO 3 Baryten ethyla phosphite. Ba,Ba,H ; PO 3 Baryten hydra phosphite. OTFWHWH 11 ; PO 3 Amyline phosphite. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ; PO 3 Ethyline phosphite. Pb,C*H 5 ,H ; PO 3 Plumba ethyla hydra phosphite. Ba,C 8 H 5 ,H; PO 8 Baryta ethyla hydra phosphite. Sn,Sn,H; PO 3 Stenous hydra phosphite. No inorganic normal phosphite contains three atoms of metal. They have all two atoms of metal and one atom of hydrogen. Rose considers them to be bibasic, but always containing water of crystallization ; and Wurtz has attempted to prove that they are bibasic,* with a compound acid radical consisting of PH. That theory seemed to be probable when we judged from the composition of the mineral phosphites, in all of which we find H l ; but Railton's discovery of the salts Ba,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ; PO 3 . Ba,Ba,C 2 H 5 ; po 3 . C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ; PO 3 . 1 Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society (1854), VII. 216. * Proceedings of the Royal Society (1854), VII. 131. 144 THE SULPHATES. seems to overturn Wurtz's theory. Yet it is remarkable that Railton tried in vain to produce the salt Ba,Ba,Ba; PO 3 , and that in those cases of inorganic basic salts, where there is present a great excess of metal, there is also always present as much hydrogen or water as gives at least possibility to the theory of the presence of the compound radical PH in all inorganic phosphites. The Hypophosphites. The composition of the hypophosphites is uncertain. Many of the inorganic hypophosphites seem to be MPO + H,HO equal to M,H,H; PO 2 . But they cannot be deprived of this hydrogen or water, and the normal salt = MPO is unknown. Wurtz has suggested that they contain a compound acid radical = PH 2 , and that the proper formulae of the salts M,PH 2 2 . On the other hand, Kane has pointed out the existence of a salt contain- ing hypophosphite of barytes and acetone, equal to ; PO 2 = Baryta methyla acetyla phosphete. and a similar salt containing soda ; PO 2 = Natra methyla acetyla phosphete. If, on this ground, we admit the hypophosphites to be tribasic, we have still the difficulty of accounting for the circumstance that the three basic- radicals of the inorganic salts are always MHH, and never j\DLM. The Sulphates. According to the radical theory, the composition of hydrated sul- phuric acid is as follows : Analytical Formula. Synoptical Formula. HO,SO. HSO* Where H = i, S = 16, = 16. THE SULPHATES. 145 According to M. Gerhardt, sul- phuric acid is composed thus : l posed thus : 2 S0 a H 2 According to Professor Wil- liamson, sulphuric acid is com- H where H = i, S = 32, O = 16. According to the radical theory, sulphuric acid is monobasic, that is to say, it contains one atom of hydrogen replaceable by a metal. Ac- cording to Messrs. Gerhardt and Williamson, sulphuric acid is bibasic, that is to say, it contains two atoms of hydrogen which are both or either replaceable by metals. The compound which on the theory of Gerhardt and Williamson is a single bibasic sulphate, is, on the radical theory, a double salt composed of two monobasic sulphates. These theories are consequently antagonistic. I believe that the radical theory is the true one, and I shall endeavour to show that the arguments by which the bibasic theory is advocated are such as cannot command our assent. M. Gerhardt's first and main argument* depends upon the atomic measure of the gaseous sulphates. He points out that when you ex- amine a gaseous salt, of a kind that is admitted to be monobasic, such as an acetate or a benzoate, you find that two volumes of it contain one basic radical, but that when you examine a gaseous sulphate, you find that two volumes of it contain two basic radicals ; whence he infers, that sulphuric acid is bibasic. This argument is worthless, because it leaves out of consideration the fact, that the radical sulphur in the gaseous sulphates measures nothing. The consequence of that property is, that a gaseous sulphate is complete in one volume, and that if you examine two volumes of the gas, you find two basic radicals because you operate upon two complete sulphates. This attempt to prove that sulphates are bibasic is consequently abortive. M. Gerhardt's second argument depends upon the properties of the gases that contain chlorine with sulphur. Thus he points out that P f Chloride of acetyle contain C1,C 2 H 3 O. 2 volumes 01 < ^, -, . -. r , ; , ~ 10 ,-. ~. \ Chloride of sulphury le contain C1 2 ,SO*. From which, as before, he concludes that sulphur is bibasic, and acetyle monobasic. But this argument rests on no better foundation than the former. The oxy chloride of sulphur (chlorosulphuric acid) SC1O, or C1SO, is complete in one volume, because S and O measure nothing ; Traite de Chimie Organique (1856), torn. iv. p. 642. Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society (1854), VII. 182. Vide the Traite de Chimie already cited. L 146 THE SULPHATES. and in two volumes of vapour you have two complete salts, and there- fore two radicals of each kind. This and the preceding argument have been so fully discussed at pages 98, 102, and 113, that farther criticism is needless. Third argument. " Whereas monobasic acids give but one compound ether, sulphuric acid gives two, one neutral and one acid. Whereas monobasic acids give but one amide, sulphuric acid gives several." My reply to this argument is, that the compounds in question depend upon the property which sulphur possesses of forming numerous com- pound salts, not only double, but triple, fourfold, fivefold, and varieties still more complex. The property of producing compound salts is quite a different thing from the property of bibasicity, meaning by the latter term the power possessed by one acid radical of combining with two basic radicals. This is the property which, in my opinion, does not belong to sulphuric acid; and no mere enumeration of the ethers, the amides, and other double salts, which sulphuric acid unquestionably does form, can affect the point at issue, which stated in plain terms, is the assertion that two basic radicals can combine with one atom of oxidised sulphur to form a sulphate. This is the point that I deny, and M. Ger- hardt only evades the real question, when he doubles the atomic weight of sulphur, and when he adduces double salts, namely, pairs of sulphates, containing ethyl, amidogen, and other bases, to prove that one sulphate contains two basic radicals. Fourth argument. " If we determine what are the smallest possible quantities of the radical acetyl and the radical sulphury 1 which occasion chemical metamorphoses, we find that these radicals are C 2 H 8 O equi- valent to H, and SO 2 equivalent to H 2 . This naturally leads us to represent the molecule of acetic acid as monatomic, and the molecule of sulphuric acid as biatomic" Traite, iv. p. 643. Monatomic, in Gerhardt's language, signifies " derived from one atom of water;" and biatomic signifies "derived from two atoms of water." The former has one replacable atom of basic hydrogen, the latter has two such atoms. The " sulphuryl " referred to in this argument as SO 8 = H 2 , contains 3 2 parts of sulphur, and is therefore what I should call SO X 2. It is equivalent to H 2 simply because it contains S 2 . The oxygen has nothing to do with the question of basicity. Here M. Ger- hardt first assumes that two atoms of sulphur are one atom, and then finding that this so-called one atom is equivalent to two basic radicals, he calls it bibasic. The question at issue turns, therefore, upon the mere matter of fact whether 32 parts of sulphur is the " smallest pos- sible quantity " which has the power of chemical action. To dispose of that question, I shall show in this book that all the classes of salts of which sulphur is a constituent can be simply and effectively represented by formulas in which S 1 will in all cases signify 16, and not 32, parts of sulphur. If I do that, it will show that the assumption of 32 is THE SULPHATES. 147 improper, and, as a consequence, that this fourth argument is fallacious. I may, moreover, point out the remarkable circumstance that the com- pounds that are commonly called sulphides or sulphurets, all contain one atom each of M and S, where M signifies one metallic radical or one atom of a hydrocarbon radical, and S equals 1 6 parts of sulphur. The consequence of this relationship is, that when M. Gerhardt treats of these compounds, instead of using the simple formula MS, he is forced to use the bibasic formula S j ]yr ; that is to say, he is forced to make the sulphides all double, because he has doubled the atom of sulphur. See his account of the sulphurets, Traite de Chimie Organique, torn. iv. p. 700. Fifth and final argument. This argument is founded on the reaction of nitric and sulphuric acids with benzoic acid reactions resulting in the production of nitrobenzoic acid and sulphobenzoic acid. I have discussed this subject under the heads of sulphic vice-radicals and con- jugated acids, to which sections I must ask the reader to refer for intimate details. In this place I will briefly quote the results. Benzyl and nitrogen produce a deputy or vice-radical, in which the primary radical benzyl exchanges an atom of hydrogen for an atom of nitrogen, and this altered radical produces a salt, or, if you please to call it so, an acid, of this form : H.OTPZO 4 = Nitrobenzoic acid, which shows one replaceable atom of basic hydrogen. Benzyl and sul- phur also produce a vice-radical, in which benzyl exchanges an atom of hydrogen for an atom of sulphur, and this vice-radical produces a double salt, or double acid, of the form H,C7H 4 S0 3 + H,S0 2 = Sulphobenzoic acid, where there are two replaceable atoms of basic hydrogen. The main facts to be observed here are, that nitric acid, which rarely forms double salts, true to its ordinary character, forms no double salt with nitrobenzoic acid ; whereas sulphuric acid, which has an extraor- dinary tendency to produce double salts, particularly in combination with organic radicals, true to its ordinary character, forms a double salt with the sulphobenzoic acid. The nitrobenzoic acid is monobasic, because it contains one acid radical. The sulphobenzoic acid is bibasic, because it contains two acid radicals, namely, sulphic benzyl and normal sulphur. But M. Gerhardt insists upon it that sulphobenzoic acid is bibasic, because it contains one acid radical, the one acid radical contain- ing, according to him, one atom of sulphur, that one atom of sulphur weighing 32, and the salt being bibasic, in consequence of the presence of that one heavy atom of sulphur. But M. Gerhardt goes a great deal too fast. His argument proves nothing, unless you admit that 32 parts L2 148 THE SULPHATES. is one atom of sulphur. This is the grand point which he assumes to be true, which, however, it is the great object of his arguments to prove to be true, and to do which they all signally fail. Yet he seems to have satisfied himself that the force of his arguments amounted to demonstration. " Mr. Graham," he says, 1 " was the first to admit the existence of polybasic acids in his work On the Modifications of Phosphoric Acid, formulating them according to the ancient dualistic theory. A German chemist [Liebig] sought to apply the same ideas to certain organic acids ; but this chemist depending, like his predecessor, only on the composition of the salts, was unable to fix precisely the characters of the acids endowed with different degrees of basicity. I consider that I have better defined these characters by resting on the properties of correspond- ing volatile bodies (the chlorides and compound ethers). The law of the saturation of conjugated acids has, above all, permitted me to put in evidence the well-marked differences which exist between certain mineral and organic acids in respect of their basicity." I have gone over M. Gerhardt's arguments in detail, because he admits that " the whole question of polybasic acids" is comprised in those arguments. The arguments appear, however, to me, to be emi- nently futile ; and unless other admirers of polybasic acids have some- thing stronger to say, I fancy that modern chemists must content themselves, as their grandfathers did, with the possession of monobasic acids. Let us next listen to Professor WILLIAMSON ; " Chemists," he says, 2 " have long been aware of the fact, that some acids unite with bases in one proportion only, others in two or more proportions. Thus a given quantity of nitric acid forms, with what is termed its equivalent of potash, a definite nitrate of potash ; if less than this equivalent quan- tity of potash were added to the nitric acid, the product would be a mechanical mixture of the same nitrate of potash with uncombined nitric acid; if more than the equivalent of potash were added, the excess of alkali would remain uncombined. Sulphuric acid, on the other hand, is capable of forming two compounds with potash, and it depends upon the proportions in which the two substances are brought together, whether the neutral or acid sulphate is formed. " The number of compounds which an acid forms with one base is now considered as indicating its atomic weight. The weights of sul- phuric and nitric acids, which are respectively susceptible of neutralising the same quantity of potash, are termed equivalent, but these are by no means the same as their atomic weights. Sixty-three parts of nitric 1 Traite de Chimie Organique, torn. iv. p. 646. 8 Proceedings of the Royal Society, VII. 1 1 ; and Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society (1855), VII. 180. THE SULPHATES. 149 acid (nitrate of water) contain the same quantity of hydrogen as forty- five [forty-nine?] parts of sulphuric acid, and when they are neutralised by potash the whole of this hydrogen is removed, and replaced by potassium ; and if neither of the acids would combine in any other pro- portion with potash, their atomic weights would be the same as their equivalent weights. But sulphuric acid also forms a potash-compound in which half of its hydrogen is replaced by potassium, the other half remaining in the compound, whereas the smallest particles of nitric acid either exchange the whole or none of their hydrogen for potassium. " This fact is expressed in the simplest possible manner by the state- ment that the smallest indivisible particles of sulphuric acid contain two atoms of hydrogen, whilst those of nitric acid only contain one. Thus it is, that whereas the equivalent weights of the two acids are the quan- tities which contain the same amount of basic hydrogen, their atomic weights must be in the proportion of two equivalents of sulphuric to one of nitric acid. The simplest expression for one atom of nitric acid being empirically N0 3 H, we shall accordingly represent an atom of sulphuric acid by the formula SO 4 H 2 . In like manner an atom of common phosphoric acid, being tribasic, is expressed empirically by the formula PO 4 H 3 . The labours of Messrs. Laurent and Gerhardt greatly contributed to the establishment of these results, which are uncon- troverted" I will endeavour to do away with this last reproach by offering a little con tro version. I hold that the distinction drawn by Professor Williamson between the equivalent and the atom of sulphuric acid is unnecessary and inju- rious ; that the smallest indivisible particle of sulphuric acid contains only one atom of hydrogen, not two atoms ; that the simplest expres- HQ sion for an atom of sulphuric acid is HSO 2 , not S0 2 n ; that sulphuric H U acid is monobasic, not bibasic ; and that the atom of sulphur weighs only 1 6, and not 32. These opinions are supported by the following reasons : Every atom of sulphuric acid contains one atom of sulphur and one atom of hydrogen. These atoms are perfectly equivalent to one another, and either of them can be replaced by one atom, that is to say, by one equivalent, of another radical. The argument, that you can take a cer- tain quantity of hydrated sulphuric acid, and replace half its hydrogen by one radical and the other half by another radical, and thus produce a bibasic sulphate, is a good argument as far as it goes ; but when it is offered, as Professor Williamson offers it, as a conclusive argument embracing the whole question, it is a fallacy of that class, where what is stated truly of a part of a thing is assumed as being truly stated of the whole of a thing ; for you can also take a quantity of hydrated sulphuric 150 THE SULPHATES. acid and replace its hydrogen by one, or three, or four, or five, or six, or seven, or eight different radicals, and procure crystallised sulphates that contain all or any number of these radicals, and which, therefore, accord- ing to Professor Williamson's argument, ought to be called monobasic, tribasic, tetrabasic, pentabasic, hexabasic, heptabasic, and octabasic sulphates. Let us look at the evidence that shows, from experimental grounds, what is the constitution of the sulphates. In the following Table H=i,S = i6, O=i6. Monobasic Sulphates formed from H,S0 2 . HSO 8 . . . Oil of vitriol. KSO 8 . . . Sulphate of potash, and perhaps nine-tenths of all the sulphates that are known to exist. Bibasic Sulphates formed from H 2 ,S 2 4 . K,H; S 2 O 4 . K,G ; S*0 4 . Mg,Alc ; S 2 4 . Na,Mn; S 2 O 4 . K,Cr; S 2 O 4 .1 Am,Fe; Tribasic Sulphates formed from H 3 ,S 8 O 6 . Fe,Fe,Fec; S 3 O. Ba.Ba,Ca; S 3 O 6 . K,K,H ; S 3 6 . Fe,Fe,H; S 3 6 .l Fe,Fec,Fec;S 3 6 .| Mg,Zn,Mn; "" 2 Tetrabasic Sulphates Am,Am,Am,H Alc,Alc,Alc,H; S 4 O 8 . K,Fec,Fec,Fec; S'O 8 . Zn,Zn,Zn,H; S 4 O 8 . K,Alc,Alc,Alc ; S^. Mg,Co,Co,Co ; S'O 8 . Am,Am,Zn,Fe; S 4 O 8 . Am,Am,Mg,Cuc; S'O 8 . Am,Am,Cuc,Fe ; S^ 8 . K,K,Cuc.Fe ; S*O 8 . Am^m^^CucjS'O 8 . K,K,Mg,Cuc; S 4 8 . formed from H 4 ,S 4 O 8 . Zn,Alc,Alc,Alc; K,Crc,Crc,Crc; Na,Crc,Crc,Crc; Am,Crc,Crc,Crc; Fe,Fe,Fe,H ; Fec,Fec,Fec,H; K,Cuc,Cuc,Cuc; K,K,Ni,Cuc; Am,Am,Zn,aic; Am,Am,Zn,Fe; K,K,Co,Cuc ; K,K,Mn,Cuc; S 4 O 8 .1 S 4 O 8 . S 4 O 8 . S 4 O 8 . S 4 O 8 . S'O 8 . S 4 O 8 .J S 4 O 8 . S 4 O". S 4 O 8 . S 4 O 8 . Pentabasic Sulpltates formed from H 5 ,S 5 O 10 . Cuc,Cuc,Cuc,Cuc,H; S 5 O 10 . l Laurent, Chemical Method, pages 116-123. Vohl, Liebig's Annalen der Chemie, April, 1855, THE SULPHATES. Heccdbasic Sulphates formed from H 6 ,S 6 O 1Z . K,K,K,Mg,Mn,Cuc; S 6 12 . 2 [There are several salts agreeing with this formula.] ffeptdba*ic Sulphates formed from H 7 ,S 7 U . K,K,K,K,K,H,H; S 7 O U . r Octabasic Sulphatesformed from H 8 ,S 8 O 16 . K,K,K,K,Mg,Zn,Co,Cuc ; S 8 O 16 ) K,K,Alc,Alc,Alc,Crc,Crc,Crc ; S 8 O 16 V * Am,Am,Alc,Alc,Alc,Crc,Crc,Crc ; S 8 O 16 J With these examples before us, we can estimate the force of Pro- fessor Williamson's argument. He pitches upon the second group in the above Table, and he says, " Here we have a quantity of sulphuric acid which we may call two equivalents, because it contains two replaceable atoms of hydrogen ; but we can replace half of its hydrogen by potas- sium, the other half remaining in the compound. We thus procure a complete crystallizable sulphate one sulphate containing, therefore, one atom of sulphuric acid and one atom of sulphur, but having two bases, being consequently bibasic, and agreeing with the formula S0 4 H 2 ." Change the ground a little, and apply this argument to the octabasic sulphate. " We have here," we may say, " a quantity of sulphuric acid which represents eight equivalents, because it contains eight re- placeable atoms of hydrogen. We replace these atoms of hydrogen by eight atoms of different metals, and we produce a complete neutral crys- tallisable salt, whose composition is stated in the simplest possible manner by the formula K,K,K,K,Mg,Zn,Co,Cuc; S 8 O 16 ; whence it follows, that this is one sulphate one atom of a sulphate containing one atom of sulphuric acid, and therefore one atom of sul- phur ; and, consequently, sulphuric acid is proved to be octabasic, and the atom of sulphur is proved to weigh 128 (= 16 x 8)." This argument applies equally well to every one of the eight groups of sulphates arranged in the above table, and consequently proves so much, that it proves nothing at all. It would be absurd to admit that an acid is proved to be bibasic by an argument which is equally powerful in proving it to be octabasic, heptabasic, pentabasic, tri- basic, &c., &c., &c. 1 See p. 1 50. 2 Ibid. 152 THE SULPHATES. I proceed, however, to adduce the experimental evidence by means of which Professor Williamson attempts to establish his theory. I quote from the journal previously referred to : " In some papers published in the Journal of the Chemical Society two or three years ago, I endeavoured to show that the constitution of salts may be reduced to the type of water ; that acids and bases, being truly acid salts and basic salts, are perfectly conformable to the same principle ; and that, amongst other things, the difference between mono- basic and bibasic acids, &c., admits of a simple and easy explanation by it. The leading propositions in those papers have been adopted by several eminent chemists in this country and in France ; and M. Ger- hardt speedily enriched science with a series of brilliant and striking illustrations of their truth. As regards the constitution of bibasic acids, M. Gerhardt's results were, however, at variance with that theory ; and he was led to represent them by formulae equally inconsistent with his own previous views on the subject. I believe that this discrepancy is satisfactorily removed by the facts I have the honour of submitting to the consideration of the Society. " An atom of nitric acid, being eminently monobasic, is, as we have TT already shown, represented in the monobasic type water jrO by the for- mula * TJ 0, in which peroxide of nitrogen (NO 2 ) replaces one atom /"TT \ of hydrogen. In like manner, hydrate of potash ( ^-0 J is obtained by replacing one atom of hydrogen in the type by its equivalent of po- tassium ; and nitrate of potash ( ,^O ) by a simultaneous substitution of one atom of hydrogen by protoxide of nitrogen and the other by potassium. " Sulphuric acid is formed from two atoms of H o H water p ; one of hydrogen from each is removed, and the two re- f) H U placed by the indivisible radical S0 a . The series Sulphuric Acid. Acid Sulphate of Potash. Neutral Sulphate of Potash. H H K O SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 H K K explains itself. " Chemists have long known how to remove the basylous con- stituents H, K, &c. of these salts, and to replace them by others ; but THE SULPHATES. 153 it is only recently that they have learnt to remove the chlorous radicals SO 2 , NO 2 , &c. in a similar manner. To obtain the chloride of potassium from its sulphate, it is sufficient to bring the latter into liquid contact with chloride of barium ; but the same reagent would be powerless for the preparation of the chlorides of the radicals SO* or NO 2 . " M. Cahours has shown us a reagent (the pentachloride of phos- phorus) which is capable of forming from a great number of monobasic acids the chlorides of the acid radicals. Whilst extending our know- ledge of the action of the body on monobasic and organic acids, and pre- paring numerous compounds of their radicals with one atom of chlorine, M. Gerhardt examined also the nature of its action upon bibasic acids and their compounds; and states that it consists of two successive phases first, the liberation of the anhydrous acid ; secondly, the sub- stitution of two atoms of chlorine for one of oxygen in that anhydrous acid. These facts, if correct, would be unfavourable to the above view of the constitution of sulphuric and other bibasic acids ; and M. Ger- hardt adopted accordingly the old formulas, representing in their com- position an atom of water ready-formed, SO 3 H 2 O. " Confining my remarks for the present to the case of sulphuric acid, whose decomposition is doubtless typical of that of other bibasic acids, I may state as the result of numerous experiments with the most varied proportions of pentachloride and acid, performed on a scale of consider- able magnitude, that the first action of the pentachloride consists in re- moving one atom of hydrogen and one of oxygen (empirically, peroxide of hydrogen) from the acid, putting in an atom of chlorine in their H place, and forming the compound SO 2 , which is strictly intermediate Cl between the hydrated acid and the final product S0 2 C1 2 formed by a repetition of the same process of substitution of chlorine for peroxide of hydrogen. The existence and formation of this body, which we may call chloro-hydrated sulphuric acid, furnishes the most direct evidence of the truth of the notion, that the bibasic character of sulphuric acid is owing to the fact of one atom of its radical SO 2 replacing or (to use the customary expression) being equivalent to two atoms of hydrogen. Had this radical been divisible like an equivalent quantity of a mono- basic acid, we should have obtained a mixture, not a compound, of the chloride with the hydrate or, at least, the products of decomposition of that mixture. " Chloro-hydrated sulphuric acid boils at 145 cent., distilling with- out decomposition. The intensity of its action upon water varies ac- cording to the manner in which the two bodies are brought together. When poured rapidly into a large quantity of cold water, a portion of it sinks to the bottom, and only gradually dissolves as a mixture of hy- drochloric and sulphuric acids. When a small quantity of water is added 154 THE SULPHATES. to the compound, the same decomposition takes place with explosive violence. The acid dissolves chloride of sodium on the application of a gentle heat, with evolution of hydrochloric acid, giving rise to a com- Na pound of the formula SO 2 0." Cl I have quoted Professor Williamson's entire argument, because I agree with him, that sulphuric acid is typical of other bibasic acids, so that if he fails to establish the bibasic nature of sulphuric acid, the failure extends to bibasic acids in general. My conviction is, that his failure in this point is complete. Throughout his argument, Professor Williamson assumes, but never proves, that the atom of sulphur weighs 32 and not 16. If you admit this assumption as a truth, you virtually admit that the smallest possible quantity of sulphuric acid, being that which contains one atom of sul- phur, and therefore that which contains 32 parts of sulphur, is con- sequently that which contains the equivalent of two atoms of hydrogen. The admission, then, that the atomic weight of sulphur is 32, is prac- tically the admission that sulphuric acid is bibasic. This, however, is the entire question. I ask, therefore, that Dr. Williamson should prove this point, and not assume it to be true without proof ; as he lias done in the Paper from which I quote. I shall now show that his facts all agree with the notion, that the atom of sulphur weighs 16, and that sulphuric acid is monobasic. First action of the pentachloride. A quantity of hydrated sulphuric acid which contains H 2 , gives off HO and takes up Cl. My interpreta- tion of the experiment is as follows : HSO 2 , p, _ C1SO wn HSO 2 4 = HSO 2 H Namely, one atom of monobasic hydrated sulphuric acid HSO 2 or HO, SO, is converted into C1SO, which combines with another atom of monobasic hydrated sulphuric acid, and produces the double salt C1SO+HSO 2 , or H,C1 ; S 2 O 8 . This salt has a constitution exactly similar to that of a bisulphite, and it is monobasic, that is to say, it has one replaceable atom of hydrogen, which, as Dr. Williamson has proved, can be replaced by sodium, so as to produce a neutral salt, represen table by the formula Na,Cl ; S^O 3 , or C1SO -f- NaSO 2 . When treated with water, the double salt C1SO -f- HSO 2 produces hydrochloric and sul- phuric acids. Thus : H,HO + C1,SO + HSO 2 = HC1 + HSO 2 + HSO 2 . Final product of the action of the pentachloride. All the sulphuric acid is converted into C1SO ; namely THE SULPHATES. 155 HO,SO + Cl = HO + C1SO. HO,SO + Cl = HO + C1SO. Dr. Williamson writes this final product SO 2 C1 2 , but that is merely be- cause he doubles the atomic weight of sulphur ; otherwise, he must write it S 2 O 2 C1 2 = SOC1. This compound is the chlorosulphuric acid referred to at pages 56 and 102 of this work, as a gas having the atomic mea- sure of one volume. Dr. Williamson shows us that it has the faculty of combining with hydrated sulphuric acid, and Professor Rose had pre- viously shown that it combines also with anhydrous sulphuric acid. See page 63. M. Gerhardt's experiment, if it is correct, which Dr. Williamson seems to deny, may also be explained, as indeed he admits, on the notion that sulphuric acid is monobasic. Two atoms of the hydrated sulphuric acid yield one atom of water and one of anhydrous sulphuric acid : HO,SO + HO,SO = H,HO + S,SOOO. If we substitute, in this last product, two atoms of chlorine for one atom of oxygen, we have SSC1C1OO, which, being divisible by two, yields SC1O or C1SO. Here we have all the transformations that occur in the cited experi- ments all the tangible facts duly accounted for on the supposition that S weighs 16, and that sulphuric acid is monobasic; and these results are expressed in formulas and equations that are of extreme sim- plicity. Why are we to renounce an easy and satisfactory system, and jump, without necessity and without a shadow of proof, to the various conclusions, that the atom of sulphur weighs 32 ; that an atom is equal to two equivalents ; that sulphuric acid is bibasic ; that its smallest indi- visible particle contains two atoms of hydrogen ; that it is formed from two atoms of water ; that all bibasic acids are formed from two atoms of water ; and that on the model of one, or two, or more atoms of water, all salts whatever are formed ? For my part, I oppose these conclusions with a very decided negative. I do not know whether Professor Williamson attributes any logical force to the positions given to the symbols in the scattered formulae by which the constitution of the so-called bibasic sulphates on the model of water are depicted. With what relative degrees of intensity are the respective members of the following compounds combined with one another ? **0 H and SO 2 H H If, in the single atom of water, O is combined with equal intensity to 156 THE POLYTHIONIC ACIDS. THE MANY-SULPHURED ACIDS. each of the two atoms of H, then SO 2 which replaces H -f H, must possess the same combining force as H + H do collectively. But in that case S first of all monopolises O 2 entirely, and then takes up half of each of the other two atoms of O. So that, in fact, in an atom of hy- drated bibasic sulphuric acid, S 1 exercises a combining power over 75 per cent, of the oxygen, and the remaining HH, a combining power over 25 per cent. I am at a loss to perceive in what respect this final result differs from the old theory, that hydrated sulphuric acid consists of anhydrous acid = SO 3 plus water = H*O. We have merely the old system of acids and bases reproduced in another form. An old friend is presented to us with a new face. There appears to be no practical ad- vantage obtainable by departing from the old symbols, if we are to retain the old ideas. On the radical theory, the notion that the oxygen of a sulphate is divided between the basic radical and the acid radical in the unequal proportions of 75 to 25, is repudiated. Without that repudia- tion, distinctly agreed to, we had better retain the old formula. NOMENCLATURE OF THE SULPHATES. Proposed Names. Hydrated sulphuric acid H,S0 2 Hydra sulphete. [Anhydrous sulphuric acid S,SO 3 Sulpha sulphite.] Sulphate of potash K,SO 2 Potassa sulphete. Protosulphate of iron Fe,SO 2 Ferrous sulphete. Persulphate of iron Fec,SO 2 Ferric sulphete. Bisulphate of potash K,H ; S 2 O 4 Potassa hydra sulphenote. or K,H; 2 SO 2 Potassa hydra bisulphete. A tribasic sulphate Ba 2 ,H; 3 SO 2 Baryten hydra trisulphete. It is immaterial whether the double sulphates (bisulphates) are called sulphenote or bisulphete, but all sulphates of a more complex constitu- tion will be most conveniently named if called n-sulphete, tetra-, penta-, bexa-, hepta-, or oca-sulphete ; the bases being particularised in the commencement of the name. It is evident, however, that systematic names for such complex compounds as octasulphates will never come into use. If ever any salt of this description should come to be of im- portance in the arts, it will immediately acquire a trivial name, just as the tetrasulphate of potash and alumina is at present commonly desig- nated by the short word ALUM. The Polythionic Acids. The Many-Sulphured Acids. The term polythionic acids has been applied to a series of oxidised acids of sulphur which are said to be distinguished by the property of contain- ing more than one atom of sulphur. They are as follows : THE POLYTHIONIC ACIDS. THE MANY-SULPHURED ACIDS. 157 THE ANHYDROUS ACJDS. THE METALLIC SALTS. All of which are hypothetical. All considered to be monobasic. Pentathionic acid S 5 5 Pentathionate MO,S 5 5 Tetrathionic acid S 4 O 5 Tetrathionate MO,S 4 O 5 Tritliionic acid S 3 O 5 Trithionate MO,S 3 O 5 Hyposulphate MO,S 2 O> Hyposulphurous acid I S2Q2 Hyposulphite Dithionous acid j The value of the symbols in the above Table is S = 16, = 8. If I raise O to 1 6, and write synoptical formulas of the salts in accordance with the radical theory, they come out as follows : Pentathionate = M,S 5 O 3 Tetrathionate = M,S 4 8 Trithionate = M,S 3 3 Hyposulphate = M.S'O" Hyposulphite = M 2 ,S 4 3 I am obliged to double the formula of the hyposulphite, because the three atoms of oxygen cannot, like the six atoms in the other examples, be divided by 2. This Table includes all the commonly -received oxidised salts of sul- phur, except the sulphates and the sulphites. These two are excluded on the ground that they both contain only one atom of sulphur. That reason is valid for the sulphates, but not for the sulphites. The follow- ing is the formula by which a sulphite is usually represented : MO,S0 2 , where O = 8. Performing the same operation upon this salt as upon the hyposul- phite, namely, doubling the atoms, making O = 16, and throwing the symbols into a synoptical formula, the sulphite becomes M 2 ,S 2 3 . This formula, added to those in the above Table, completes the series of the so-called POLYTHIONATES. I have, in the course of this Essay, pointed it out as being generally a fact, and I have laid much stress upon that fact as an important element in the radical theory, that every salt contains two radicals, and only two ; one positive radical and one negative radical; that this is true whether the salt contains oxygen or no oxygen ; and that deviations from this general fact only occur when a salt (already containing two radicals) combines with another positive radical, as in the case of the carbonates = MO,CO + MO, or with another negative radical, as in the case of the hyposulphates = MO, SO -j- SO, to form bibasic or biacid 158 THE PENTATHIONATES. salts of a peculiar and very definite character. See page 27, double salts, Classes 5 and 6. But, as if in contradiction to these facts, or, if you prefer the ex- pression, to these opinions, we have in the formulae that profess to show the composition of the polythionates, a statement that one basic radical can combine, not only with one atom of sulphur, but with two, three, four, or five atoms. The question which arises upon that statement is this : Are we to consider these multiples of sulphur, S 2 , S 3 , S 4 , S 5 , as being each a single negative radical, or are we to explain the composition of the polythionates in some manner that is more in accordance with the leading doctrines of the radical theory? Is it possible to show that these polythionates consist of simple sulphur salts formed by single radicals ? My reply to those questions is, that the multiples of sulphur, S 2 , S 3 , S 4 , S 5 , act in no case as single negative radicals ; that the above- framed synoptical formulae give erroneous notions of the proximate con- stitution of the salts under consideration ; arid that it is possible to adduce facts to prove that sulphur acts like all other negative radicals, and produces salts with positive radicals, by combining therewith atom to atom. With these subjects for consideration before us, the reader will accompany me, with as much patience as possible, in the examination of a variety of instances and arguments upon which these theories turn. The Pentathionates. According to Wackenroder, 1 " five atoms of sulphurous acid and five atoms of hydrosulphuric acid, react upon one another in such a manner as to form one atom of pentathionic acid, five atoms of water, and five atoms of sulphur, which separate in the solid state: 5S0 2 4- 5HS = S 5 O 5 -f- 5HO + 58." The acid thus produced can be concentrated over a water-bath till it obtains the spec. grav. of 1*3, and in vacuo the spec. grav. of r6o, but it cannot be deprived of water, and its composition at the concentration of i 5 is about one atom of S'O 5 to nine atoms of H 2 O. Upon the radical theory, I account for this reaction as follows : SO + HS = HSO -f S. This simple view of the reaction accounts for all the facts, and is, I think, the true one. The compound HSO is the simplest form of the series of oxidised sulphur salts, and it bears to the sulphates the same relation that aldehyde bears to the acetates. In short, to borrow a phrase from organic chemistry, it is the ALDIDE of the sulphur series, and this relation holds true even to the double salts of the two radicals that 1 Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, II. 163. THE PENTATHIONATES. 159 are produced by the combination of the aldehydes with the hydrated acids, or by the corresponding salts with metallic radicals : Acetic Series. Sulphuric Series. Aldehyde M,C 2 H 3 O M,SO Acid M,C 2 H 3 8 M,SO 2 Aldehydate M 2 ,(C 2 H 3 ) 2 3 Sulphite M 2 ,S 2 3 . Another method of producing a pentathionate is by the action of aqueous solution of sulphurous acid on dichloride (subchloride) of sul- phur CIS 2 . Thus : CIS 2 4- SO + 1 J HC1 HHO,HHO I \ 3HSO A pentathionate can also be produced by the action of chloride of sul- phur CIS upon water, the presence of sulphurous acid not being essential : CIS + HHO = HC1 + HSO. According to Kessler, 1 Persoz obtained pentathionic acid by decom- posing hyposulphite of lead with hydrosulphuric acid. EXPLANATION : Supposing the hyposulphite Supposing the hyposulphite to be hydrated. to be anhydrous. PbHS 2 2 T jPbS Pb 2 S 4 3 ) ( 2PbS + HS [ \2HSO H 2 S 2 } = UHSO HHO ) I The hydrated pentathionic acid produced by these different reactions is sufficiently explained by the formula HSO, which, in the nomencla- ture proposed in this work, would be called HYDRA SULPHATE. This compound, you will observe, can actually be obtained in the state of a concentrated solution, of the specific gravity of 1*6. But chemists, in their wonderful love for what is occult, rarely scruple to sacrifice the known and the simple, to favour the unknown and the complex. They ignore this hydrated acid, which has been procured experimentally, which anybody can make, and which has this simple formula, and they insist upon recognising an imaginary anhydrous pentathionic acid, which is said to agree with the formula S 5 O 5 , but which they have never seen, which nobody can make, and of which they probably will never have the least knowledge. The pentathionic acid, or, as I may perhaps be allowed the liberty 1 Liebig and Kopp's Annual Report (1847-8), I. 287. 160 THE HYPOSULPHITES. of calling it, HYDRA SULPHATE, is a very unstable compound, and to this circumstance must be attributed the fact of its not having forced che- mists to give greater attention to it. A substance that comes frequently before us might be supposed to be able to command our notice ; but when it has the property of disappearing as soon as its presence is announced, it goes not only out of sight but out of mind. Thus it is with hydra sulphate, the decomposition of which follows so closely upon its formation, that we have no time to make a satisfactory acquaintance with it. In consequence of the instability of this acid, it is impossible to con- vert HSO into MSO. When we attempt to do so, by adding, for example, KHO to HSO, instead of producing, by double decomposition, the products KSO and HHO, we decompose HSO, drive off more or less of its sulphur, and give rise to the so-called tetrathionates, tri- thionates, and other varieties of sulphur salts which we have presently to examine. But the acid which is so unstable when alone becomes stable when brought into combination, and we are consequently enabled to procure, by indirect means, a variety of salts in which MSO and HSO occur, not only in combination with one another, but with other sulphur salts in great variety and in greatly-varying proportions. The Anhydrous Acid S,SO corresponding to the Hydrated Acid H,SO. I have, at page 119, explained the relation that exists between the hydrated and the anhydrous sulphuric acids. I have shown that these are both to be considered as normal salts, and that the latter is produced by the decomposition of two atoms of the former : HSO 2 + HSO 2 = HHO + S,SO 8 . Precisely the same relationship exists between the acid HSO and the anhydride S,SO ; for HSO + HSO = HHO + S,SO. This compound, which I may call SULPHA SULPHATE, is of great im- portance for the elucidation of the salts of the polythionic acids, but it is unknown in the free state, and we can only infer its existence from the composition and the properties of the salts of which it is a component. But supposing that we could isolate it, we should have a salt on the model of water, in which S would be an unoxidised positive radical, and SO an oxidised negative radical, together = S,SO. The Hyposulphites. The formula commonly given to the hyposulphites is KO,S 2 O 2 , where O = 8. If we double this formula to raise O to 1 6, and at the same THE HYPOSULPHITES. 161 time transpose the oxygen, we have the formula K^O 3 . But this. for- mula does not describe the greater part of the hyposulphites. Most of them contain H 2 O in addition to what is expressed in the above formula ; and Rose and other chemists have expressed a doubt whether it is pos- sible for hyposulphites, free from water, to exist. It is, however, a question whether the hydrogen which is found in these salts exists there in the state of water. The quantity of it is always peculiar. It rarely agrees with the quantity of water of crystallisation which is com- monly found with salts of different bases, but bears a specific relation to the quantity of sulphur which is present in each hyposulphite. If we add together the above two formula? (K 2 S 4 O 3 and HHO), we have K 8 H 2 S 4 4 , or, reduced to its simplest form, KHS 2 O 2 . This com- pound seems to be equivalent to an acid salt agreeing with the formula KSO -f- HSO, namely, a double or acid salt of the pentathionic acid. But if the hyposulphites were thus constituted, we might reasonably expect to find neutral salts of the formula KSO. Yet these salts only occur in cases where the basic radical is a metalloid or a negative hydro- carbon ; such as Chlorosulphuric acid = C1SO = Chlora sulphate. Sulphobenzide = O fl H 5 ,SO = Phenyla sulphate. Sulphonaphthaline = C IO H 7 ,SO = Naphtyla sulphate. Sulphide of benzoyle = C 7 H 5 ,SO = Benzyla sulphate. Sulphide of acetyl = C 2 H 3 ,SO = Acetyla sulphate. We find no metallic salts of this formula, but we find an abundance both of organic and inorganic salts of the formula KHS 2 O 2 , not only simple but double, and even of more complex varieties. There are also plenty of anhydrous hyposulphites of the form K S S 4 3 , and many com- pounds which appear to be constituted of these two forms of the salt, combined with one another in various proportions. It is commonly said, that no such compound is known as hypo- sulphurous acid, either anhydrous or hydrated ; but here, I think, we can derive some benefit from our investigation of the so-called pentathionic acid. Let us gather the facts together : HSO is certainly the composition of the hydrated pentathionic acid. SSO is probably its corresponding anhydride. MSO is the neutral salt which corresponds to the acid HSO, and which has been procured in salts where M is a negative radical, but not where M is a positive radical. Then, KSO + HSO = KH,S 2 0* is the double salt, or acid salt, of the series ; and this is the composition of the hydrated hyposulphites, which can be procured in great variety. M 162 THE HYPOSULPHITES. If we join together two atoms of hydrated hyposulphite, and deprive the compound of one atom of water, we produce the anhydrous hyposulphite, which also occurs plentifully: KSO 4- HSO ) J H O 1 J KSO + S ) KSO + HSO f "" \H f == \ KSO + SO f : According to these relations, the well-known but misunderstood hydrated pentathionic acid = HSO is, in fact, the " undiscovered" hydrated hypo- sulphurous acid ; the compound SSO is the non-isolated anhydrous hyposulphurous acid ; and the hydrated hyposulphite KSO + HSO is a double or acid pentathionate. These are sad complications in terms, and I will, therefore, simplify the matter by throwing aside the penta- thionic theory, and stating the facts in other words, thus : HSO = HYDRA SULPHATE is the fundamental acid, or rather hydrogen salt, of the series of oxy-salts of sulphur. SSO is its anhydride. KSO would be the normal salt of the series, but we cannot get it except with negative radicals, C 2 H 8 ,SO, &c. KSO 4- HSO = KH(SO) 8 . POTASSA HYDRA BISULPHATE is the double salt or acid salt of the series, and this can be procured in great variety, constituting the salts now considered to be hyposulphites combined with water, according to the formula 5 " * KSO,HSO. fKSO] The anhydrous salt K 8 S 4 O 3 = < KSO I is a triple salt, which bears to [ssoj the salt KSO 4- HSO the same relation that the anhydrous bisulphate (KSOM of potash = < KSO 8 > bears to two atoms of the hydrated bisulphate of ( SSOJ potash = 2 (KSO 2 -f- HSO 2 ), according to the theory that I have explained at page 119. The relation is also the same as that which bichromate of potash bears to neutral chromate of potash, as is explained in the article on the " Chromates," page 126. THE PENTATHIONATE OF BARYTA. The only salt of the pentathionic acid which has been analysed is that of baryta. According to Lenoir, 1 this salt, obtained in crystals by precipitation with alcohol, contains BaO,S 5 5 4- 2HO equal to Ba,S 5 3 4- HHO. ( where O = 8.) (where O = 16.) The relation of the pentathionate of barytes to the hydrated penta- thionic acid is shown in the following diagram : Liebig and Kopp's Annual Report (1847-8), I. 286. THE HYPOSULPHITES. 163 HSO BaSO BaSO BaSO HSO HSO HSO SSO HSO HSO HSO SSO HSO HSO SSO HSO HSO 5 atoms of the i atom of the I atom of the i atom of the Hydrated Acid Baryta-salt Baryta-salt theoretical commonly called as it exists in in crystals. Anhydrous-salt. i Acid -f 2 Water. solution. The connection of the hyposulphites with the pentathionates is remark- ably illustrated by the following comparisons : BaSO BaSO BaSO BaSO HSO HSO SSO BaSO HSO SSO SSO SSO Crystallised Crystallised Theoretical Anhydrous Pentathionate Hyposulphite Anhydrous Hyposulphite of Barytes. of Barytes. Pentathionate of Barytes. of Barytes. I conclude from these examples, that the hyposulphites and penta- thionates are both composed by the intercombination of simple salts of the formulae HSO, MSO, SSO, and that no such thing exists as a pentathionic acid of the form HO,S 5 O 5 , and that there are no penta- thionates, but such as are, like the hyposulphites, compounds of MSO with HSO and SSO. The following processes illustrate the formation of the hyposul- phites : 1 . When zinc is dissolved in an aqueous solution of sulphurous acid, we obtain, without liberation of hydrogen gas, a mixture of sulphite of zinc and hyposulphite of zinc, a. Supposing Water not to Act. 7 * _L <^OV - J Zn2 S 2 O 3 = Neutral sulphite. = \ Zn 2 ,S 4 3 = Anhydrous hyposulphite. b. Supposing Water to Act. Zn 2 \ \ ZnH,S 2 3 = Bisulphite. (SO) 4 + HHOj lZnH,S 2 O 8 = Hydrous hyposulphite. 2. A hyposulphite is also produced when an aqueous solution of an alkaline sulphite is heated in a close vessel with an excess of sulphur. a. Supposing Water not to Act. = Na*,S 4 O 3 = Anhydrous hyposulphite. M2 164 THE HYPOSULPHITES. b. Supposing Water to Act. Na 2 ,S*0 3 \ (NaHS 2 OM S* > = < M Tj'osns t Hydrous hyposulphite, 2 atoms. HHOJ In the presence of water, the hyposulphites are probably always formed in agreement with the formula MSO,HSO. Many of them crystallise in that state. This is the case with the hyposulphite of soda, perhaps the most important salt of the series, in consequence of its employment in the art of photography. This salt crystallises from its solution with so much water as to agree with the formula NaSO,HSO + 2H 2 O. The hyposulphite of barytes and many others also crystallise in the form MSO,HSO. When these salts are dried they gradually lose their water, and pass, by intermediate stages, into the form of the anhydrous hyposulphites agreeing with the formula M 8 S 4 O 3 . As an example of these progressive changes I may refer to a crystallised salt of potash, which has the formula KH,(SO)* = KSO,HSO. When this salt has been dried in vacuo, its composition is K 8 H,S 6 O 5 ; and when h has been deprived of all its water, it is K 2 ,S 4 O 3 . These relations are shown in the following diagram : 3 atoms original Salt. Partially dried. KSO + HSO) [ KSO -f HSO ) . v , , KSO + HSO I = | KSO + SO I + H,HO { Ex P elled from KSO + HSO J (KSO+ S J l 3 a 2 atoms original Salt. Wholly dried. KSO + HSO ) J KSO + SO \ , TT Tr n j Expelled from KSO + HSO j == I KSO + S J " n ' nu \ 2 atoms. These examples prove that the salts of this series have, like the silicates, an extraordinary power of combining with one another, and also of com- bining with additional atoms of what is commonly, but improperly, called the anhydrous ACID. In this case, and in all such cases, the com- pound S,SO appears to me to be a perfect salt, and to combine as such with the other salts. Although unwilling to multiply details, I must quote a few examples of hyposulphites, because I feel that the reader will naturally desire to see the important positions which I have advanced established firmly by sufficient evidence. Most of the hyposulphites agree with the two formulae that I have explained, MSO + HSO and M 2 S 4 O 3 . I shall not refer again to salts agreeing with those ordinary formulae, but select those of more complex constitution. THE HYPOSULPHITES. 16i EXAMPLES OF COMPLEX HYPOSULPHITES. Assumed proximate Constituents. Ultimate Constituents. Hydrous Salts. Anhydrous Salts. I. Am 3 ,H; S 6 5 = AmH,S 2 O 2 4- Am 2 S 4 3 . 2 pU TT3 cs r\e (2(AmH,S 2 2 ). ^ " > ? J | PbH,S 2 O 2 . 3. Na 4 ,Pb 2 ; S 12 9 = ... =s ]2(Na 2 S 4 3 ). I Pb 2 S 4 3 . 4. K 4 ,Pb 2 ,H 4 ; S 12 n = 4 (KH,S 2 2 ) + Pb 2 S 4 3 . 5 . K,Cu,H 2 ; S 4 4 = 1 KH,S 2 2 . ( CuH,S 2 O 2 . 6. K 6 ,Cu 2 ,H 6 ; S 16 O 15 = 6(KH,S 2 2 ) + Cu 2 S 4 3 . 7. Na 3 ,Cu,H 2 ; S 8 7 = 2(NaH,S 2 2 ) 4- NaCu,S 4 O 3 . 8. Na 2 ,Cu 3 ,H 5 ; s>o" = J2(NaH,S 2 2 ). |3(CuH,S 2 O 8 ). f2(Cu 2 S 4 O 3 ) 9. Cu',Hg 3 ; S 18 O 12 = . { CuHg,S 4 3 . I Hg 2 S 4 3 . 10. Am 8 ,Hg 2 ,H 4 ; S 20 17 = 4(AmH,S 2 O 2 ) + J 2 (Am 2 S 4 3 ). \ Hg 2 S 4 3 . ii. Na 2 ,Ag 2 ,H 2 ; S 8 7 = 2(NaH,S 2 2 ) 4- Ag 2 S 4 O 3 . 12. Na 4 ,Ag 2 ,H 4 ; S 12 U = 4(NaH,S 2 2 ) 4- Ag 2 S 4 3 . 13. Na 4 ,Ag 2 ; S 12 9 = . . . |2(Na 2 S 4 O 3 ). 1 (Ag 2 S 4 3 ). AUTHORITIES. (The references are to GMELIN'S Handbook of Che- mistry.^) 1. Rammelsberg, II. 454. Hyposulphite of ammonia = 3(NH 4 O,S 2 O 8 ) 4- HO. 2. Rammelsberg, V. i 59. Hyposulphite of lead-oxide and ammonia = 2(NH 4 0,S 2 O 2 ) 4- PbO,S 2 2 4- 3Aq. 3. Lens, V. 162. Hyposulphite of lead-oxide and soda = 2(NaO, S 2 O 8 ) 4- PbO,S 2 O 2 . 4. Rammelsberg, V. 161. Hyposulphite of lead-oxide and potash = 2 (KO,S 2 8 ) 4- PbO,S 2 2 4. 2Aq. 5. Rammelsberg, V. 459. Hyposulphite of cuprous-oxide and potash; with i atom of potash-salt = KO,S 2 O 2 4- Cu 2 O,S 2 O 2 4- 2Aq. 6. Rammelsberg, V. 459. Hyposulphite of cuprous-oxide and potash ; with 3 atoms of potash-salt = 3 (KO,S 2 2 ) 4- Cu 2 0,S 2 0* 4- 166 THE HYPOSULPHITES. 7. Lenz, V. 492. Hyposulphite of cuprous-oxide and soda ; with i atom of copper-salt to 3 atoms of soda-salt = 2(NaO,S 2 2 ) -+ Cu 8 0,S 2 2 + 2Aq. 8. Lenz, V. 462. Hyposulphite of cuprous-oxide and soda; with 3 atoms of copper-salt to 2 atoms of soda-salt = 2 (NaO,S 2 O 2 ) -f- 3(Cu 2 0,S 2 2 ) 9. Rammelsberg, VI. 131. Hyposulphite of mercurous and cuprous- oxide = 5(Cu 2 0,S 8 2 ) + 3(Hg 2 0,S*0 2 ). IO. Rammelsberg, VI. 78. Hyposulphite of mercuric-oxide and am- monia = 4(NH 4 0,S 2 2 ) -}- HgO,S 2 2 + 2 Aq. IT. Lenz, VI. 180. Hyposulphite of silver-oxide and soda = NaO,S 2 O 8 + AgO,S 2 O 2 -f Aq. 12. Lenz, VI. 180. Hyposulphite of silver-oxide and soda = 2(NaO, S 2 2 ) + AgO,S 2 2 + 2Aq. 13. Sir John Herschel, VI. 179. Hyposulphite of silver-oxide and soda = 2(NaO,S 2 2 ) + AgO,S 2 O 2 . 14. Fordos and Ge"lis, VI. 231. Hyposulphite of aurous-oxide and soda = 3(NaO,S 8 2 ) + AuO,S 2 2 Except among the silicates and the salts of the metallic acids, it would perhaps be difficult to find a series of salts of more complicated relations than the series exhibited in the preceding Table. The complication arises from the circumstance that the normal salt MSO, which is the basis of the series, though unstable when isolated, acquires stability when in combination, and, like all the oxy-salts of sulphur, has an unlimited tendency to form complex salts. In considering the facts that are exhibited in this Table, we speedily come to the question, What is the condition of the hydrogen in these salts ? Does it act as base to the oxidised radical SO, or does it, as all the authorities that I have quoted assume, exist in the condition of water ? I admit that the last view simplifies the formulas materially ; but the mere simplification of formula? is not the sole object of our in- quiry. What we want mainly to understand is the intimate nature of the composition of these salts ; how it is in what order the elements of which they are composed are combined with one another. Looking at the whole series, at all the kinds of the salts of the polythionic acid, it seems to me that there is no probability that the hydrogen exists in the state of water, but that there is throughout a constant recurrence of the salts HSO, MSO, SSO, and that of these elementary salts the hyposulphites and pentathionates are made up. We perceive every- where in this Table, that if we consider SO as an oxidised negative radical, there is for every atom of it a corresponding positive radical sometimes H, sometimes M, sometimes S ; all of them unoxidised. This is consequently a demonstration of the truth of the proposition, which I enunciated at page 158, that with certain specified exemptions, one THE HYPOSULPHITES. 167 positive radical never combines with a multiple number of oxidised sul- phur atoms considered as one negative radical ; but that every single oxidised sulphur atom acts as a negative radical, and combines with one positive radical. But what, it may be asked, shall we gain by admitting the divisibility of these compounds into innumerable little normal salts ? I will endea- vour to answer this question. It is admitted, that plants feed on water = HHO, carbonic acid = CO 2 , ammonia = NH 3 , with minute quantities of S and other inorganic elements. We know also that animals feed on plants. But when we come, in the practice of physiological chemistry, to examine the component parts of animals, we find, of course, the elements upon which the plants feed, but we find them in the condition of substances that have the following composition : Total atoms. Albumen . . C^H'^N^S'O 68 = 482 Caseine . . . C lar H MB N M SW = 644 Flesh fibrine . C^H'^N^S'O 68 = 482 Blood fibrine . C 298 H 22r N T40 S 2 O 92 = 660 I copy these formulae from Professor GREGORY'S Handbook of Organic Chemistry, published in 1856. They represent therefore the present state of chemical knowledge as respects these compounds. We have here a statement of the ultimate constitution of a number of important compounds, but no statement of their proximate constitution. We can- not tell how these multitudes of atoms are combined with one another, or of what innumerable little normal salts the complex salts are com- posed. Between the food of plants CO 2 , HHO, NH 3 , S and blood fibrine C^H^N^S^ 92 , there is an immense chasm. We desire to bridge it over. We want to know how the raw material has been worked up into this finished manufacture. We would fain follow the original elements, C, and H, and N, and S, through all their transmigrations and metamorphoses till they united to form the complex animal compound which so much perplexes and astonishes us. Well, then, the proper course to pursue is certainly not that of massing the elements into vast clumps, and forbearing to inquire whether these clumps are not divisible into smaller, and smaller, and smaller groups. On the contrary, the duty of the chemist is to examine the works of Nature with the greatest minuteness, to watch, as far as his power permits, the working of every atom of the substances which he undertakes to examine, and not to satisfy himself with looking at them cursorily and in the gross. These are the reasons which have induced me to point out what I consider a defect in the manner in which chemists have examined the salts of sulphur. They have stopped too readily after having grouped the elements into clumps, and have not examined with proper care in what manner these clumps are constituted. 168 THE TETRATHIONATES AND TRITHIONATES. By persisting in such a course with salts in general, they will never arrive at the comprehension of the constitution of such compounds as albumen, caseine, and fibrine, and never properly appreciate the physio- logical chemistry either of animals or plants. This is why I propose that we should push our analytical inquiries into the constitution, not only of the oxy-salts of sulphur, but of all salts, to the extremest possible extent of minuteness. The Tetrathionates. The Tetrathionates are produced by the action of iodine on solutions of the hyposulphites. Thus : JKSO-f-HSCM J SO + HSO) t KSO + HSO f " " t KSO + HSOf 2 atoms Hyposulphite. I atom Tetrathionate. Supposing the tetrathionate thus formed to be dried and deprived of one atom of water = HHO, it becomes KSO,SO + SSO = KS'O 8 . The following tetrathionates are nearly all that have been analysed Analytical Formulae. Synoptical Formulae. BaSO,SO + 2HSO = BaH 2 ; S 4 O 4 = BaS 4 O 3 + Aq. PbSO,SO + 2HSO = PbH 2 ; S 4 O 4 = PbS 4 O 3 + Aq. SrSO,SO + 2HSO + Aq 2 = SrH 6 ; S 4 O 6 = Sr SKP + Aq 8 . K SO,SO + SSO = K ; S'O 3 = K S*O. The synoptical formula seem to show the presence of the poly-sulphur radical S 4 , but the analytical formulae account for the salts in another manner. They are, namely, compounds of the normal sulphates HSO, MSO, and SSO with SO, and there is apparently no such compound as the assumed tetrathionic acid HO,S 4 O 5 , the real acid being composed as follows: H r SO,SO + HSO -f HSO = H 3 S IN. TT P4TT5 rUS/* 1 CM J O (p, f H 4 195, Biethyl-chloraniline I p. N. Hofmann. C 4 H 5 N. Hofmann. . 196, 197, 198; see Aniline, Nos. 9], 10], and 8]. Examples of the Combination of Ammons and Amids with one another. 199. ZH 3 ,C 7 H 7 + ZH,C 7 H 7 . . . Toluenylam toluenylac. 200. ZH*(C 7 H 5 ) 2 4- ZH,C 7 H 5 . . , Benzylem benzylac. 201. ZH 2 (C 9 H 7 ) 2 4- ZH,C 9 H 7 . . . Cinnamylem cinnamylac. 202. Z(CH 3 ) 2 (C 2 H 3 ) 2 4- ZCH 3 ,C 2 H 8 . Methylenic-acetylem cum methylic-acetylac. 203. ZH 2 4- ZH,C 10 H 7 Amida naphtylac. 204. ZH 2 4-ZH,C 6 H 5 Amida phenylac. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAE. 199, Lutidine, a compound isomeric with toluidine, No. 22 ; that is to say No.22 two atoms = .. No. 1 9? < 216 COMBINATION OF AMMONS WITH AMIDS. Two atoms of toluenylac hydra = one atom of toluenylam toluenylac. This accounts for the isomerism of these two salts, and supplies a hint as to the probable explanation of other cases of isomerism. 200, Hy- drobenzamide = C 21 H 18 N* = N^ Gerhardt. C 42 H 18 N 2 , Miller. 201, Cumhydramide = C^^N 2 = , Gerhardt. Miller. 202, " Acetonine, or Acetonia, a new base = C 18 H 18 N 2 . Hydrochlo- rate of acetonia forms with bichloride of platinum, an orange-yellow, crystalline double salt, (C l8 H l8 N 2 ,HCl,PtCl 2 ). The binoxalate (HO, C 18 H 18 N 2 ,HO ; C 4 6 + 2 Aq) is soluble in alcohol, and crystallises readily from this soluble." Miller, narrating the researches of Steedeler, Elements of Chemistry, Part iii, p. 312. I do not believe in the existence of this assumed " new base." Acetone itself contains acetyl and methyl, see page 77. Acetonia is composed of an ammon and an amid, including the same radicals; and the platinum-salt and the binoxalate can be explained (see Nos. 205, 206), without resorting to the expedient of creating a hypothetical " new base" to meet the special circumstances, an expedient to which organic chemists resort with a too-ready facility. When compound salts can be clearly explained by means of well- known existing radicals, what is the use of making imaginary bases ? In the present case, three atoms of methyl, three atoms of acetyl, and two atoms of azote, are rolled up into a giant base and called acetonia. This method of practising chemical synthesis is becoming really alarming. 203, Azonaphtylamine ; or seminaphtalidam = C 20 H 10 N 2 , Gerhardt. Seminaphtalidine,'or naphtidine = C IO H 5 N, Zinin. = C 20 H 6 (H 2 N) 2 , Hofmann. 204, Semaniline = CH 4 N, Zinin. = C 12 H 4 (H 2 N) 2 , Hof- mann. When hydrated acids act upon the double amids, such as are represented by 203 and 204, they produce double salts which contain both an amid and an ammon ; of which, Nos. 207 and 208 are examples : (Z(CH 3 ) 3 Ptc; Cl) Platic-methylim chlora cum {Z(C 2 H 3 ) 3 Ptc; Cl> - platic-acetylim chlora cum H;Clj hydra chlora. fZH(C H 3 ) 3 ; CO 2 ) , T t ,,. , 4 t Jyw)p2W3\3 m*l Methyhm carbete cum ace- 206. ja ; CO v : tylim carbefce aquate> {7H 3 C IO H7 Cl ) y-tra' ' n I = Naphtylam chlora cum amida chlora. j 7TJ3 n lo i^7 SO 2 1 208 < 7TT2 ' CQ 2 I = ^ a P nt y^ am sulphetecum amida sulphete. No. 207 is commonly called the bichlorhydrate of azonaphtylamine, NITRILES. 217 and No. 208 is the bisulpbate of the same base. The hydrogen of the acids is, in each case, merely sufficient to convert one of the amids into an ammon ; so that one amid remains still in the compound salt. It is possible that the last two salts may require the following formulae : 207, ZH, C 10 H 7 ; Cl + ZH 4 , Cl 208, ZH, C 10 H 7 ; SO 2 + ZH 4 ; SO 2 The compounds 203 and 204 do not form salts by combining with a single equivalent of H Cl or H SO 2 . Nitriles. 209. CN Cyana [= Cyanogen]. 210. H,CN Hydra cyana [ = Hydrocyanic acid], 211. CH 3 ,CN Methyla cyana [= Cyanide of Methyl]. When oxalate of ammonia = ZH 4 , CO 8 is deprived of two atoms of HHO, it is reduced to the condition which is shown in the following equation : ZHHHH; COO - (HHO + HHO) = Z -f C. Oxalate of ammonia. Water. Residues. All that is left of the salt is the acid radical C, and the zotic atom which was the prime agent of the positive radical. These two atoms combine together and produce cyanogen, which is usually marked CN or Cy. This compound is not a salt composed of two radicals, but a single acid radical, energetic in its chemical powers, yet having the saturating capacity of only one atom. This fact is worthy of particular notice, because azote and carbon have each, separately, the saturating capacity of one radical, though, when combined, they have together only the saturating capacity of one radical. Thus azote, which, in positive radicals, paralyses the saturating capacities of the two or four radicals with which it produces amids and ammons, has its own saturating capacity paralysed when it enters into a negative radical which contains carbon. Even when two or three atoms of azote enter into a negative radical in the presence of carbon, they all lose their saturating capacity, that of the carbon radical alone remaining active. See the account of the zotic radicals at page 132. When formiate of ammonia = ZH 4 , CHO 8 , is deprived of two atoms of HHO, the result is as follows : ZHHHH ; CHOO - (HHO + HHO) = Z + CH. Formiate of ammonia. Water. Residues. These residues are nitrogen and formyl. 218 NITRILES. When acetate of ammonia = ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 , is deprived of two atoms of HHO, the result is this : ZHHHH ; C 2 H 3 00 - (HHO 4. HHO) = Z + C 2 H 3 . Acetate of ammonia. Water. Residues. These residues are nitrogen and acetyl. In both these cases the nitrogen combines with the other residue, and in all similar cases, when the neutral ammonia-salt of an organic acid is deprived of the hydrogen of its ammonium, and of all its oxygen, the residual nitrogen combines with the residual acid radical, and produces the compounds which are called NITRILES. In an early part of this Essay, in treating of the reduction of acid radicals to basic radicals, I have shown that if you can, by any process, deprive an acid radical belonging to the vinyl series, of one atom of carbon, you reduce it at once to a basic radical. See page 75. Now it appears to me that, in the preparation of the nitriles, this reduction of an acid radical to a basic radical takes place in every instance. It is aprM improbable that the acid radical Z should combine with the acid radicals CH and C 2 H 3 , both of which are energetic acid radicals, if the acid power of the whole of them is supposed to be persistent ; but if Z is supposed to abstract C from each of the hydrocarbons, the two pair of residues then become H + CN and CH 8 + CN. = Hydrocyanic acid = cyanide of methyl. That is to say, the two acid radicals Z + CH, become one basic radical (hydrogen) and one acid radical (cyanogen), and these combine together to produce a salt, the hydrocyanic acid. So, in the second example, the two acid radicals Z -f- C 2 H 3 produce the strongly positive radical methyl CH 3 and the strongly negative radical cyanogen CN, and these combine to form the salt called cyanide of methyl = CH 8 ,CN. The evidence which I have given to prove the possibility of this reduction of acid radicals to basic radicals by the removal of an atom of carbon, is so con- vincing, that no man can doubt the fact ; and when we couple with this certainty, the fact that the products of the three processes which I have supposed to yield the substances called oxalo-nitrile, formo-nitrile, and aceto-nitrile, actually yield cyanogen, hydrocyanic acid, and cyanide of methyl, we have reasons that are almost demonstrations to induce us to believe that in all these instances the nitrogen and the carbon combine to form cyanogen, and that this cyanogen produces a cyanide with the positive radical which is formed by the residue of the decomposed acid radical. I have referred expressly to those ammonia-salts that are produced by the organic acids that belong to the vinyl series, page 79; .but the formation of the so-called nitriles is not confined to radicals of that particular series ; for the benzoate of ammonia yields cyanide of phenyl, NITRILES. 219 and eliminate of ammonia yields cyanide of cumenyl, the benzoic radical being reduced to phenyl, that is to say = C 7 H 5 to C 6 H 5 , and the cumyl radical to cumenyl = C 10 H 11 to C 9 H 11 , by the abstraction, in each case, of C l to form cyanogen with the azotic residue of the destroyed ammonium. According to this theory, azote, in the presence of sufficient radicals, exercises its prerogative of producing amidogens and ammoniums, which then form salts with oxidised carbon, with negative hydrocarbons, or with any other acid radicals, oxidised or not oxidised, which are placed within its reach. But neither amidogens nor ammoniums are produced in the absence of negative radicals with which they can form salts. When the radicals necessary to the existence of ammonium-salts are half withdrawn from them, the salts are reduced to amides or amidogen- salts. When they are all withdrawn, the salts are destroyed and the azote is set free. When this happens in the presence of carbon, the free azote combines with the carbon to form cyanogen. When it happens in the presence of a negative hydrocarbon, it splits that negative hydrocarbon into C l and a positive hydrocarbon, and produces therewith a neutral cyanide. This theory is quite consistent with well-ascertained facts respecting the formation of cyanogen, and the importance of the subject warrants my citing a few particulars, i]. When a mixture of carbonate of potash and pure sugar-charcoal is heated red hot in a porcelain tube, and common atmospheric air is passed through the tube, cyanide of potassium is produced. 2]. Many vapours that contain carbon, if mixed with vapours that contain azote, and passed through a red-hot tube, produce cyanogen. 3]. When ammonia gas is passed over charcoal strongly ignited in a porcelain tube, cyanide of ammonium and marsh gas are produced, thus : 4 (ZH 2 H) ) f 2 (ZH 4 ,CN) 3 C | := 1 CH,H. 4]. Ammonia gas and carbonic oxide, passed through a red-hot tube, produce cyanide of ammonium and water ; thus : ZH 2 H,ZH 2 H + CO = ZH 4 ,CN + HHO. 5]. When refuse animal matter, such as horns, hides, hoofs, &c., are heated red-hot in a close vessel with carbonate of potash and iron filings, the triple cyanide of iron and potassium = K 2 FeCy 3 , is produced. The phenomena that occur in this last example are complicated ; but the final product alone is what we have to consider. It is evident that the ammoniacal compounds which these animal substances contain in large quantities with an excess of carbon are converted during the operation into cyanogen, the hydrogen and oxygen of the compounds being wholly disengaged, because the cyanogen combines with the potassium and iron, without the intervention of oxygen. 220 NITRILES. RECONVERSION OF THE NITROGEN OF CYANOGEN INTO THE AMMONIACAL CONDITION. It is not only possible to remove nitrogen from amidogen or ammo- nium into cyanogen; but to perform the reverse operation of forcing the nitrogen of a cyanide to transmigrate into the ammoniacal condition. Of course, these transmigrations result from the fact, that nitrogen can act either negatively or positively, according to the pressure of the posi- tive or negative forces that are made to control it, and that it changes its condition with every sufficient change in those controlling forces. Examples : ]H,CN4-H,C1 ) JZH 4 ,C1: [ ' \H,HO -h H,HOJ =: \ H,CH0 2 One atom of hydrocyanic acid, one atom of hydrochloric acid, and two atoms of water produce, one atom of chloride of ammonium, and one atom of hydrated formic acid. One atom of cyanide of potassium, two atoms of hydrochloric acid, and two atoms of water produce, one atom each of chloride of ammo- nium, chloride of potassium, and hydrated formic acid. , JK,CN 1 JK,CH0 8 3' \ H,HO + H,HO f == I ZH 2 ,H. One atom of cyanide of potassium boiled in a close vessel with two atoms of water produces one atom of ammonia and one atom of for- miate of potash. One atom of cyanate of potash, one atom of water, and two atoms of hydrated sulphuric acid, produce one atom each of sulphate of ammonia, sulphate of potash, and free carbonic acid. . (ZH*,CNO 1 7TT47TT4PO. 5' { H,HO + H,HO f == ZH ' ZH ' C0 ' One atom of urea (cyanate of ammonia) heated in a sealed tube with two atoms of water, produces one atom of carbonate of am- monia. If we examine the nature and consequences of these various reactions, and then ask ourselves the question, whether the nitriles consist of CARBAMIDE. 221 nitrogen combined directly with unchanged negative radicals, Z -{- CH, Z + C 2 H 3 , Z + C 3 H 5 , Z + C 4 H 7 , Z + C 5 H 9 , Z + C 7 H 5 , &c., or whe- ther they are cyanides of the corresponding positive radicals ? we can scarcely come to any other conclusion than that which has been drawn above, namely, that the NITRILES are in all cases to be considered as CYANIDES, and that nitriles proper, or compounds of nitrogen with nega- tive radicals, do not exist. [Consult the investigation into the constitution of the compound com- monly called anilocyanic acid, Article Aniline, No. 95.] Carbamide. 212. ZH 4 ; CyO, Ammona cyanate = [carbamide or urea]. 213. ZH*(C 6 H 5 ) 2 ; CyO, Phenylem cyanate = [carbanilide]. 214. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO, Phenylam cyanate = [carbamide-carbanilide]. The following formulae represent the neutral carbonate of ammonia : Analytical formula. Synoptical formula. ZH 4 O + ZH 4 + CO ZH 4 ,ZH*,CO 3 . If we imagine two atoms of HHO to be abstracted from this com- pound, the residue will be as follows : ZH 2 + ZH 2 + CO. This formula represents CARBAMIDE. If we ask ourselves the question, whether this formula probably represents the constitution of this residue, we must, before we make a reply, take into consideration the following particulars, which I have in the preceding pages almost demonstrated to be matters of fact. 1. One atom of Z can, with facility, hold either H 2 or H 4 in the form of a positive radical ; but H 4 more effectually than H 2 . 2. When Z is freed from H, in the presence of C, it combines with C, and produces cyanogen. 3. If any positive radical is present, the resulting cyanogen com- bines with it to form a salt. What is to prevent the occurrence of these reactions among the elements that constitute carbamide ? I can see no counteracting force whatever, and I believe that, in the circumstances that are presented by the process above described, azote would infallibly fulfil its usual func- tions, and that the so-called carbamide, with the formula ZH 2 ,ZH 2 ,CO, would become ZH 4 ,CNO, or ammona cyanate, a compound which, in the usual language of chemists, is called cyanate of ammonia, or briefly UREA. I can find no sufficient reason to retain either the name carba- mide or the formula upon which that name is based. The opinions of 222 IMIDOGEN COMPOUNDS. DUDES. ANILES. chemists are at present divided upon this subject ; but I trust that the facts and contingencies which I have pointed out in this Essay respecting the properties of ammoniums, amidogens, and cyanogen compounds, and the demonstration of the circumstances which regulate the amazing power of transmigration possessed by the element azote, will bring them to agree in the propriety of my conclusions. The arguments which bear upon the constitution of carbamide axe precisely similar to those which must be used if I were to enter into a description respecting the constitution of the compounds which Dr. Hofmann has called carbanilide and carbarn ide-carbanilide. The former of these compounds is represented by No. 213, and the latter by No. 214. I refer the reader for a complete investigation of these two compounds to Aniline, No. 90], The usual formula given to carbamide is H 2 N,CO, Hofmann; but as the radical theory doubles the weight of the atoms of C and O, this formula requires to be changed to H 2 N,H S N,CO, to express the same percentage relations. The constitution of "Urea" will be more fully discussed in a sub- sequent section. Imidogen Compounds. Imides. Aniles. According to Dr. Hofmann, the IMIDES are produced by the abstrac- tion of four equivalents of water [that is, two equivalents on the radical theory] from an acid salt of ammonia. He tells us, that the imide resulting from the binoxalate of ammonia has not as yet been formed ; but that we have representatives of the imidogen compounds among the derivatives of camphoric and phtalic acids. See page 208. Let us first see, why the binoxalate of ammonia produces no imide : Binoxalate of Ammonia. "Water. Residue. } - (HHO.HHO) = { I This residue produces hydrocyanic acid = H,CN, and carbonic acid = CO 8 , which do not enter into combination ; and this is the reason why oximide " has not as yet been formed," and why it never will be formed. Decomposition of Bicamphorate of Ammonia. Bicamphorate of Ammonia. Water. Residue. ZH 4 ; C 5 H 7 2 \ J HHO \ JZ + C'H 7 H ; C 5 H 7 2 j "" t HHO j == |H + C 5 H 7 8 . What becomes of this residue ? According to Dr. Hofmann, it produces camphorimide, the formula of which is HN,2C 10 H 7 O 2 . Correcting the IMIDOGEN COMPOUNDS. IMIDES. ANILES. 223 atomic weights of C and O, this formula becomes HN,2C 5 H 7 0. The first part of this formula is Hofmann's " Imide " = HN. I dissent from this theory entirely, and I consider that no such thing as an imide exists. Let us compare the residues of the two processes just referred to : (Z + C ]Z + C 5 H 7 First residue, < H ' ^Q 2 Second residue, < jj ^_ Q 5 jj7Q2 If the three radicals Z -f- C 4- H can combine together, what is to prevent the combination of the three radicals Z -j- C 5 H 7 -f- H, which are placed in contact under precisely similar circumstances ? The reason for the combination in the first case is the tendency of carbon and nitrogen to form cyanogen. The reason for the combination in the second case is the power of nitrogen in the presence of two free radicals and an oxidised negative radical to produce a salt of an amidogen. The result of the combination in the first case is an acid radical which takes up the basic hydrogen left free by the disengagement of car- bonic acid. The result of the combination in the second case is a basic radical which combines with the camphoric acid left free by the abstraction of the hydrogen, and the final product is a neutral salt with a vice-amidogen base, thus : ZH,C 5 H 7 ; C 5 H 7 2 = Camphorylac camphorylete. Decomposition of BipJitalate of Ammonia. Precisely the same thing takes place when biphtalate of ammonia is decomposed. ZH 4 ; C 4 H 2 2 1 ( HHO 1 J Z: C 4 H 2 H ; C 4 H 2 2 f " | HHO f : t H ; C 4 H 2 2 . = ZH,C 4 H 2 ; C'H'O 2 = Phtalylac phtalylete. Dr. Hofmann's name and formula for this compound are HN, 2 C 8 H 2 O 8 = Phtalimide. It is needless to give more examples of the imides, for they would be repetitions of camphorimide, with the mere change of the acid radical. It will suffice to quote a few varieties of these salts in a Table. In all cases they are neutral salts, containing the full quantity of oxygen required by the acid radical, but having a vice-amidogen as basic radical. It may perhaps be urged that even my formula contain ZH, and that the salts may therefore contain imidogen ; but since ZH must occur in every amidogen and ammonium, in which all the hydrogen has not been replaced, this argument proves nothing. There is no such thing as isolated imidogen, and a theoretical one is not required. 224 IMIDOGEN COMPOUNDS. JMIDES. ANILES. EXAMPLES OF IMIDES AND ANILES. a). Amidacs. (Imides.) 215. ZHjCPH 5 ; C 7 H 5 2 . . Benzylac benzylete. 216. ZH,Ba; C 7 H 5 2 . . Barytac benzylete. 217. ZH,Na; C 7 H 5 O 2 . . Natrac benzylete. 2 1 8. ZH,C 5 H 7 ; C 5 H 7 2 . . Camphory lac camphorylete. 219. ZH,C 2 H; C'HO 2 . . Fumarylac fumarylete. 220. ZH,C 4 H 2 ; C 4 H 2 O 2 . . Phtaly lac phtalylete. 221. ZH,C 2 H 2 ; C 2 H 2 2 . . Succinylac succinylete. 6). Amidecs. (Aniles, etc.) 222. Z,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 3 ; C 2 H 3 O a . . Ethylic-acetylac acetylete. 223. Z^EP^H 5 ; C 7 H 5 O 2 . . Benzylic-phenylac benzylete. 224. Z,C 5 H 7 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 5 H 7 O a . . Camphorylic-phenylac camphorylete. 225. Z,C 4 H 2 ,C 6 H 5 ;C 4 H 2 2 . . Phtalylic-phenylac phtalylete. 226. Z,C*H 2 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 2 . . Succinylic-phenylac succinylete. SYNONYMES AND USUAL FORMULAE. 215. Benzimide = HN,2C 14 H 5 8 , Hofmann. 216, Amidobenzoate of barytes = BaOC l4 H 4 NH 2 O 3 = C 14 H 4 Ba(NH 2 )0 4 , Voit. 217, Amido- benzoate of soda = C l4 H 4 Na(NH 2 )O 4 , Voit. These two salts are liable to another interpretation. See Tribasic cyanates. See also No. 474 in this series. Voit's Memoir may be seen in the Quarterly Journal Chem. Soc. ix., 268. 218. Camphorimide = HN, 2C 10 H 7 O 2 , Hofmann. 219. Fumarimide = C 8 H 8 NO 4 , Gerhardt. 220. Phtalimide = HN, 2C 8 H 2 2 , Hofmann. 221. Succinimide, or bisuccinamide C 8 H 4 O 4 } = C 8 H 5 NO 4 = 2(C 8 H 4 4 )H 2 N a = C 16 H 10 N 2 O 8 = C 8 H 4 4 I N 8 , Miller. H 2 j 222. Ethyl-diacetamide, or azoture of ethyle and of diacetyle ( C 2 H 5 = C 6 H U N0 2 = N { C 2 H 3 Gerhardt. { C 2 H 3 223. Phenyl-dibenzamide, dibenzanilide, or azoture of phenyle and of dibenzoile C 6 H 5 = N I C'H'O Gerhardt. AMIDOGEN ACIDS. 225 Compare Dibenzanilide, No. 223, and Benzanilide, No. 180, with the ammonium-salts to which they respectively correspond : No. 223. ZC 7 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CWO 2 I j ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 7 H 5 2 H 2 ; H 2 2 ( == 1 H; C 7 H 5 2 No. 1 80. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 7 H 5 O 1 H; HO j : 224. Camphoranile; anilocamphorimide = C 32 H 19 NO 4 = C 12 H 5 N,2C 10 H 7 8 , Hofmann. Phenyl-camphorimide, or azoture of phenyle and of cam- phoryle J14 8 Gerhardt. 225. Phenyl-phtalimide, phtalanile, or azoture of phenyle and phtalyle = C 14 H 9 N0 2 = N f Gerhardt. Phtalanile, or anilophtalimide = C 12 H 5 N,2C 8 H 2 O 2 , Hofmann. 226. Suc- cinanile, or anilosuccinimide = C 20 H 9 N0 4 = C' 2 H 5 N,2C 4 H*0 2 , Hofmann. Phenyl-succinimide, or azoture of phenyle and of succinyle ^ f Gerhardt. The compounds No. 223 to 226 belong to the class which Dr. Hof- mann calls " aniles." They are derived from the acid salts of phe- nylam : ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; (7H 5 O a I j H 2 O ) _ ZC 7 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 7 H 5 O H; C 7 H 5 O 2 f " \ H 8 O ( : No. 223. The salt No. 222 shows that this series is not confined to aniline, but has a general character. The Anilidogen (C 6 H 5 N), which is commonly assumed to be present in the " aniles," is a phantom. Amidogen Acids. Amidated Acids. Amided Acids. The amidated acids are produced when one atom of HHO is abstracted from an acid salt of ammonia. Example : Binoxalate of Ammonia. Water. Residue. ZH 4 ; CO 8 ) TT nn _JZH 2 ; CO H; C0 8 f " -] H; CO* This residue is a double salt, consisting of an atom of normal hydrated oxalic acid and an atom of a salt containing amidogen as a base. This double salt is called oxamic acid. See page 195. The single atom of hydrogen is replaceable by a positive radical, and all the other elements Q 226 OXAMATES. of the salt pass into the new salt. We may apply a systematic name to oxamic acid either according to its analytical or its synoptical formula, thus : ZH 2 ,CO+HCO 2 = amida carbate cum hydra carbete. H,ZH 2 ; C 2 3 = hydra amida carbenite. The latter is the briefest name, and it is sufficiently explicit. The follow- ing are some of the salts of this " acid " : A. OXAMATES. 227. H ; ZH 2 ; C 2 3 . . . Hydra amida carbenite. 228. Am; ZH 2 ; C*0 3 . . . Ammona amida carbenite. 229. Ba;ZH 2 ;C 2 O 3 . . . Baryta amida carbenite. 230. Ag;ZH 2 ;C 2 O 3 . . . Argenta amida carbenite. 231. CH 3 ; ZH 2 ; C 2 3 . . . Methyla amida carbenite. 232. C 8 H 5 ; ZH 2 ; C 2 3 . . Ethyla amida carbenite. 233. C 2 C1 5 ; ZH 2 ; C ? O 3 . . Chlorunic-ethyla amida carbenite. 2 34. C 5 H U ; ZH 2 ; C 2 O 3 . . Amyla amida carbenite. 235. CH 2 Ca; ZH 2 ; C 2 3 . . Calcic-methy la amida carbenite. Analytical Formula; ZH 2 , CO + H r , CO 2 . USUAL NAMES. 227. Oxamic acid = C 4 NH 3 O 6 . 228. Oxamate of ammonia. 229. Oxamate of barytes. 230. Oxamate of silver. 231. Oxamethylane ; oxalformamester = C 6 NH 5 O 6 = C 2 H 3 Ad,C 4 O 6 , Gmelin. 232. Oxamethane; oxalvinamester ; oxalovinate of ammonia = C 8 NH 7 O 6 = C 4 AdH 6 ', C 4 O 6 , Gmelin. 233. Chloroxamethane ; chloroxethamide = C 8 NH 2 CP0 6 = C 4 AdCP,C 4 8 , Gmelin. 234. Oxamylane = C U H W NO, Gerhardt. 235. Methyloxamate of lime = C 4 N (H, C 2 H 3 ,Ca) O 6 , Gmelin. At No. 231, there is a remarkable divergence in the ordinary nomen- clature of these salts. Organic chemists first introduce us to "Oxamic acid," and then, the basic hydrogen of the " acid " being replaced by Am, Ba, Ag, &c., we obtain salts which we are desired to term oxamates. That course is quite proper if we admit the existence of oxamic acid. But no sooner does a positive hydrocarbon appear in the place of the basic radical, when, presto ! the oxamate vanishes and we find that we are dealing w r ith an amethane ! " The amethanes formed by wood-spirit are called methylanes or formamethanes ; these formed by common alcohol, ethylanes, vinamethanes, or simply amethanes ; and those formed by fusel-oil, amy lanes, or mylamethanes." Gmelin. And what is the use of all these trivial, non-systematic names ? Why did not oxamate of methyl, of ethyl, and of amyl, answer the purpose? What good end is obtained by dividing the salts of oxamic acid sup- posing we submit to have oxamic acid into two battalions, and calling one of them oxamates and the other amethanes ? The first false step in this course is that of applying the name " acid " to the double salt No. OXANILATES. 227 227 = ZH 2 ,CO-|-HC0 2 . That is an illogical commencement, and leads to the vague and confused notions according to which the other names are perpetrated. B. OXANILATES. 236. H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 3 . . . Hydra pheny lac carbenite. 237. Ba; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 O 3 . . Baryta pheny lac carbenite. 238. Ag; ZH, C 6 H 5 ; C 2 O 3 . . Argenta phenylac carbenite. 239. Am; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 O 3 . . Ammona phenylac carbenite. J Am ; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (TO 8 \ Ammona phenylac carbenite 2 4 a \H : ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 3 ( cum hydra phenylac carbenite. JZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 O 3 ( Pheny lam phenylac carbenite cum [ ' \ H ; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 O 3 | hydra phenylac carbenite. Analytical formula of No. 236: ZH,C 6 H 5 ; CO + H r ,CO* SYNONYMES: 236. Oxanilic acid; anilo-oxamic acid = H,C*0 4 ; C 12 H 6 N,C 2 2 = C 16 H 7 N0 6 = HO.C 2 O 3 ; C I2 HN,C 2 2 = HO.C 2 j ^l^N C 2 3 . Hofmann. See Aniline, No. 50]. 237. See Aniline, 51], 238 and 239 are analogous salts to No. 237. 240. Acid-oxanilate of ammonia = NH 4 0,C 2 1 ^^ C 2 3 + HO . C 2 j ^^ C 2 3 . Hof- mann. 241. See Aniline, 52]. The oxanilates differ from the oxamates by containing phenylac instead of amid, I see nothing to prevent the occurrence of similar salts with any other amidac, each salt being formed in agreement with the following general formula : H r ; ZH,M r ; C 2 3 = hydra amidac carbenite ; in which formula M r signifies a replaceable radical = C m H n . C. AMIDOGEN-ACIDS WITH COMPOUND EADICALS. 242. H; ZH 2 ; (C 5 H 7 ) 2 3 . . Hydra amida camphorylenite. 243. H; ZH 2 ; (C 4 H a ) 2 O 3 . . Hydra amida phtalylenite. 244. H; ZH 2 ; (C 5 H 8 ) 2 3 . . Hydra amida sebamylenite. 245. H; ZH 2 ; (C S H 2 ) 2 O 3 . . Hydra amida succinylenite. 246. Ag ; ZH 2 ; (C 2 H 2 ) 2 3 . Argenta amida succinylenite. Analytical formula of No. 242 : ZH 2 ,C 5 H 7 O + H r ,C 5 IFO 8 . These salts differ from the oxamates 227 to 235, only by containing compound acid radicals instead of the simple carbon radical of the oxalic acid. Their derivation and structure are perfectly analogous to those of the oxamates. USUAL NAMES. 242. Hydrated camphoramic acid = HO,H 2 N, CH 14 O S , Miller. 243. Phtalamic acid = HO,H 2 N,C 16 H 4 O 5 , Miller. 244. Sebamic acid = C^H^NO 6 , Gerhardt. 245. Succinamic acid, Q2 228 HYDRAMIDES. I H or hydrate of succinylammonium = O < ,~ 4j4i\TT2 Gerhardt. ^, 246. Succinamate of silver = | N/^jj^ixjp Gerhardt. D. ANILIDOGEN-ACIDS WITH COMPOUND RADICALS. 247. H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (C 5 H 7 ) 8 3 . Hydra phenylac camphorylenite. 248. H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (C 4 H 8 ) 2 O 3 . Hydra phenylac phtalylenite. 249. H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (C 4 H 6 )*0 3 . Hydra phenylac suberylenite. 250. H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (C*H 2 ) 2 3 . Hydra phenylac succinylenite. Analytical formula: ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 5 H 7 O-f H r ; C'H 7 ^. These compounds are Dr. Hofmann's anilic or anilidogen acids. They differ from the salts of section C only in containing phenylac instead of normal amid. Hofmann's names and formulae are as follow : 247. Camphoranilic acid = H,C 10 H 7 O 4 ; C 12 H 6 N,C 10 H 7 O 2 . 248. Phtalanilic acid . = H,C 8 H'O* ; C 12 H 6 N,C 3 ffO 2 . 249. Suberanilic acid . = H,C" H 6 O 4 ; C 12 H 6 N,C 8 H 6 8 . 250. Succinanilic acid . = H,C 4 H*0 4 ; C 12 H 6 N,C 4 H 2 2 . This concludes the investigation of the four classes of dehydrated compounds described by Hofmann at page 208. Hydramides. jZH* \ZH,C 8 H 7 |ZH : C 8 H 7 C 8 H 7 O 2 I ^ n ^ s } 7 ^ ac am ida anisylenite. C 5 H 3 1 > Furfurylac amida furfurylenite. C 7 H 5 O ) rvTT5/-\2f Chlorinic-benzylac amida benzylenite. \_> -Li. \_/ I 2 5 2 -\ZH,C 5 H 3 (ZH 2 2 53-{zH,C'H 2 Cl 3 C 7 H 5 O ) /-vTT5/~v2Y Brominic-benzylac amida benzvlenite. v^ i V_/ J ^ GERHARDT'S NAMES AND FORMULAE. 251. Anishydramide = C^H^N 2 *} 3 = N 2 | ^ TT S ^ 252. Furfuramide = C 15 H 12 N 2 O 3 = N 2 K ) 3 253. Chlorosamide = C 21 H I5 C1 3 N 2 3 = N 2 K C7 2^ C ^^ XX 2 54. Bromosamide = C 8l H 15 Br 8 N 2 3 = N*j ( C7 H 4 (Br)O) 3 These hydramides are double salts, each of them containing an SULPHATES WITH INORGANIC VICE-AMMONS. 229 "amide" similar to No. 153, with an "imide" similar to No. 215. Only a few of them have been discovered, but there can be no doubt that many more will be found, now that their nature is understood. Sulphates with Inorganic Vice-Ammons. GROUP A. 255. ZH 4 256. ZH 3 Zn 257. ZH 3 Cuc 258. ZH 3 Ag 259. ZH 3 Pt SO 2 Ammona sulphete. SO 2 Zincam sulphete. SO 2 Cupricam sulphete. SO 2 Argentam sulphete. SO 2 Platousam sulphete. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULA. 255, Sulphate of ammonia = NH 4 0,SO 3 . 256 to 259, These salts are sulphates containing the vice- ammoniums to which I have given the name of ammonam. See page 193. Namely, they are sulphates of normal ammonium in which H 1 has been replaced by M l . They are commonly considered as sulphates of metallic protoxides combined with one atom of ammonia. For an account of No. 259, see Platinum, No. 43. GROUP B. 260. ZH 8 Mn; SO 2 + ZH 2 ,H Mangam sulphete cum amida hydra. 261. ZH 3 Zn ; SO 2 + ZH a ,H Zincam sulphete cum amida hydra. 262. ZH 3 Cd; S0 8 + (ZH 2 ,H) 2 Cadmam sulphete bis amida hydra. 263. ZH 3 Co; S0 2 + ZH 2 ,H Cobaltousam sulphete cum amida hydra. 264. ZH 3 Ni; S0 2 -f-ZH 2 ,H Niccolousam sulphete cum amida hydra. 265. ZH 3 Ag; S0 2 + ZH 2 ,H Argentam sulphete cum amida hydra. These compounds are examples of the ammoniated salts, of which I have given an account at page 198. It seems needless to quote their ordinary names, as the formulas render them obvious. No. 260 is sul- phate of manganese with two atoms of ammonia = MnO,SO 3 -{-2NH 3 . The names of the others correspond to this example. GROUP C. 266. ZH 4 268. c 269. SO 2 + H,S0 2 Hydra ammona bisulphete. SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 271 [ 4 ; SO 2 'e; SO 4 E 4 ; SO 2 xs; SO 2 SO 2 , ! > V 27 M Pb; SO 2 JZH 4 ; SO 2 2 "4' I Zn; SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 SO 2 277 ' JGuc'; SO 2 JZH 4 ; SO 2 2 7 8 'iH g c;S0 2 IZH 230 SULPHATES WITH INORGANIC VICE-AMMONS. This group consists of double sulphates, in each of which normal ammonium is one of the positive radicals. The systematic names are omitted, to save room. They may be found by substituting the name of the characteristic radical in each salt for the word hydra in the model name added to No. 266, thus : No. 271 is Ferrous ammona bisulphete. 272 is Ferric ammona bisulphete. The ordinary name of No. 266 is bisulphate of ammonia = NH 4 0,S0 3 4- HO, SO 3 . The usual name of No. 267 is sulphate of soda and ammonia. GROUP D. 279. ZH 4 ; SO 8 + 3(Alc,S0 8 ) + Aq 18 . 280. ZH 4 ; SO 2 + 3(Crc,S0 2 ) + Aq 12 . 281. ZH 4 ; S0 2 + 3(Mnc,S0 2 )+Aq 12 . 282. ZH 4 ; SO 2 + 3(Fec,S0 2 )-f Aq 12 . This group 'consists of the compounds that are commonly called AMMONIA- ALUMS. The systematic name for No. 279 is, ammona sulphete tris alic sulphete cum aquabete. Its common name is sulphate of alumina and ammonia, with 24 atoms of water of crystallization, = (NH 4 0,SO 3 ) +(A1 2 8 ,3SO 8 ) + 24Aq. Gmelin. = (HO,S0 3 ,HAd + 6Aq)+Al 2 3 ,3SO 3 + i8Aq. Kane. These formulae apply equally to the other examples, only changing Al 2 for Cr 2 , Mn 2 , and Fe 2 ; for in all these salts, the usual theory of chemistry assumes the existence of a tersulphate of the sesquioxide of the characterizing metal. GROUP E. f ZH 4 ,S0 2 ] 283. < Uc,SO 8 >Uric ammona bisulphete, bis uric hydrate. I (Uc,HO) 2 j j ZH 4 ,S0 8 1 Ammona sulphete cum ammona niccolou- 2b 4- \ ZH 4 ,NiO | sate. J(ZH 3 Cuc,S0 2 ) 2 |Bis cupricam sulphete cum ammona am- 2b 5- JZH 4 ,ZH 4 f monate. 2864 I cf 3 UC ' SO* r^P*" 01 " 1 cu P ric bisulphete. 287. j H' HO [Merousim sulphete cum merous hydrate. 288. < TT^ C 'T T , >Mericcim sulphete cum meric hvdrate. | Hgc,HO j 289. f C ' 2 platicamsul P netecum P latic sulphete. SULPHATES OF ORGANIC VICE-AMMOXS AND VICE-AMIDS. 231 USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAE. 283, Sulphate of uranic oxide and ammonia = urano-ammonic sulphate = NH 4 O,SO 3 + U 2 O 3 ,S0 3 + 2Aq. Gmelin. It may be well to put here the usual name of No. 269 : it is Sulphate of uranous oxide and ammonia = uranoso-ammonic sulphate = NH 4 O,S0 3 + UO,SO 3 . Gmelin. 284, Niccolo-sulphate of ammonia = NH 4 O,NiO = NH 4 O,SO 3 . Gmelin. 285, Cupro-sulphate of ammonia ; cuprum ammoniacale = NH 3 ,CuO + NH 4 O,SO 3 . Gmelin. 286, Sesqui- basic sulphate of cupric oxide and ammonia = NH 3 ,2CuO,2SO 3 , or NH 3 , CuO,SO 3 4- CuO,SO 3 . Gmelin. Observe, that Nos. 257, 277, 285 and 286, are all ammoniacal sulphates of copper. 287, Trisulphate of mer- curous oxide with mercurous amide = Hg 2 ,NH 2 + 3Hg 2 0,S0 3 . Gmelin. 288, Trisulphate of mercuric oxide with mercuric amide, or ammoniacal turpethum = Hg,NH 2 -f 3HgO,S0 3 . Gmelin. 289. See Platinum, No. 8 1.] Sulphates of Organic Yice-ammons and Yice-amids. 290. ZH 3 ,CH 3 ; SO 2 . Methylam sulphete. 291. ZH 3 ,C 2 H 3 ; SO 2 . Acetylam sulphete. 292. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; SO 2 . Phenylam sulphete. 293. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 a ; SO 2 . Chloric-phenylam sulphete. 294. ZH 8 ,C"H 4 I; SO 2 . lodic-phenylam sulphete. 295. ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 , Cue ; SO 2 . Cupric-phenylam sulphete. 296. ZH 3 ,C 7 H 7 ; SO 2 . Toluenylam sulphete. 297. | < H > C8 ^. SO 2 1 ^^2 >Hydra indylac sulphenote. 2 9 8. { ZH ' C ^ Q /^\2 "1 cr)a >Plumba indylac sulphenote. 299-f ZH3 ' C8] SO 2 1 <^ 2 iHydra indylam sulphenote. j ZH 8 ,C 10 H 7 3 i *7TJ2 co 2 [Naphtylam amida sulphenote. f Z,C 2 H 2 ,C 7 H 5 SO 2 i Succiny lie - benzylac sulphete cum \ C 8 H 5 SO 2 j phenyla sulphete. JZ,C*H 2 ,C'H 2 SO 8 ISuccinylec sulphete cum phenyla J ^ * 1 /^tfiTT^ SO 8 f sulphete. J ZjC^^C 7 !! 5 SO 2 JBenzylec sulphete cum phenyla 33- \ C 6 H 5 SO 2 f sulphete. I Z,C 7 H*,C'H 3 SO 2 1 Acetylic - benzylac sulphete cum jW^J.. "v /^6TJ5 SO 8 j phenyla sulphete. (ZC'H U ,C 7 H 5 SO 2 tCumylic - benzylac sulphete cum 305- | C 6 H 5 SO 8 ) phenyla sulphete. 306. ZH,(CH 8 ) 3 ;S( )' 2 + 3(Alc,SO 2 ) 4- Aq l8 = Methylim sulphete tris alic sulphete cum aquabete. 232 SULPHATES OF ORGANIC VICE-AMMONS AND VICE-AMJDS. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAE. 290, Sulphate of methylamine = C 2 H 5 N,HSO 4 . 291, Neutral sulphate of acetosamine = 2C 4 H 5 N,2HO, S 2 O 6 , Gerhardt. 292, See aniline 24]. 293, See aniline 26]. 294, See aniline 27]. 295, See aniline 25]. 296, Sulphate of toluidine = 2C 14 H 9 N,S 2 O 6 ,2HO, Gerhardt. 297, See indigo, 48]. 298, See indigo, 49]. 299, See indigo, 46]. 300, Bisulphate of seminaphtalidam, orbisulphate of azonaphtylamine = C 20 H 10 N 2 ,S 2 O 8 ,2HO, Gerhardt. See No. 208. 301. fc' 4 H> o 2 ( Diazoture of sulphophenyle, of C 14 H 5 O 2 { benzoile, and of succinyle " = N 8 C 12 H 5 S 8 O 4 Gerhardt. [ = C 60 H 24 N 8 S 4 16 C 12 H 5 S 2 4 [C 8 H 4 I Azoture of sulphophenyle, and _ 3 2> | of succinyle = C 20 H 9 NS 2 8 = Dibenzo - sulphophenylamide = (C 40 H 15 N 8 8 N), or^ 303. Azoture of sulphophenyle and of benzoile = C 80 H r5 NSO 4 O 4 C 12 H 5 S 2 4 C 8 H 4 O 4 [C 14 H 5 (C 18 H 5 ,2SO 2 (C 6 H 5 S0 2 Gerhardt. Miller. Gerhardt. (C 7 H 5 O ;c i2 H 5 s 2 o 4 4 H S O 2 Gerhardt. [C 14 H 5 2 For an account of the preparation of this salt, see No. 327. Azoture of sulphophenyle, of benzoile, and of benzoile = C 40 H 15 NS 2 8 (" Azoture of sulphophenyle, of 304. < benzoile, and of acetyle = Azoture of sulphophenyle, of benzoile, and of cumyle = = C 46 H 21 NS 2 O 8 C 12 H 5 S 2 O 4 305 C 4 H 3 O 2 C 12 H 3 S 2 4 ( = C^IFNSO 4 C 80 H 11 2 C 6 H 5 S0 2 Gerhardt. Gerhardt. Gerhardt. 306. The alum of trimethylamine = S0 3 ,N G IO H U O - 3SO 8 ,A1 2 3 + 24 aq. S 8 6 Gerhardt. Professor Miller quotes No. 303 as an example of a " tertiary amide, in which each equivalent of the hydrogen of ammonia is displaced by an THE POLYTHIONATES OF AMMONIA. 233 equivalent of an organic radicle," and he apologizes for its " inharmonious and unwieldy name." It would, perhaps, have better suited the cir- cumstances if he had apologized for the wildness of the theory which gave rise not only to the name, but to the formula? ; or does Professor Miller really believe in the proposition, that such compounds as C I4 H 5 2 , and C 14 H 5 3 , and (more wonderful still) C 12 H 5 S 8 O 4 , can each replace one of the three atoms of hydrogen which belong to ammonia, and in company with the nitrogen, constitute an ammonia, merely an ammonia, and not a salt ? Does he believe that the formulae which I have quoted from Gerhardt to represent the compound No. 301, prove the constitu- tion of that compound to be that of an ammonia ? It seems to me, that this new " ammonia type " of Gerhardt's is a press by means of which anything you wish to put out of your way hydrogen, metals, hydro- carbons, metalloids, oxygen, nitrogen, and everything else is to be screwed into the form of an " ammonia," without regard to possibility, necessity, or utility. It is a short and sharp way of getting rid of troublesome things, just as novelists 'and dramatists kill off characters who become superfluous. The ammonia type is an accommodating thing in its own way. Just as the bed of Procrustes suited all men, pro- vided the short men were racked longer and the long men were cut shorter, so the ammonia type suits all nitrogenous salts, provided they are properly trimmed to fit it. The Polythionates of Ammonia. This section includes the salts that are formed by dry ammonia gas with anhydrous oxy sulphur acids. 307. ZH 2 ,SO + ZH 4 ,SO . . Amida sulphate cum ammona sulphate. 308. ZH 2 ,SO + H,SO . . Amida sulphate cum hydra sulphate. 309. ZH 2 ,SO + ZH 4 C1 . . Amida sulphate cum ammona chlora. 310. ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ; S 2 3 . . . Ammona ammona sulphenite. 311. H,ZH 4 ; S 2 O 3 . . . . Hydra ammona sulphenite. 312. H,ZH 2 ; S*0 3 . . . . Hydra amida sulphenite. 313. ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ; S 5 ^ 3 . . . Ammona amida sulphenite. f H ; ZH 2 ; S 2 O 3 ) Hydra amida sulphenite cum *- T 4 ZH 4 ; ZH 2 ; S 2 3 f ammona amida sulphenite. 315. ZH 4 ,S 2 O 2 4. ZH 2 ,S 2 O* . Ammona sulphenete cum amida sulphenete. 316. ZH 4 ,S 2 O 3 Ammona sulphenite. 317. ZH 4 ,S 3 O 3 Ammona sulphinite. 234 THE POLYTHIOXATES OF AMMONIA. 3170. ZH 4 ,S0 2 + (HSO) 2 . Ammona sulphete bis hydra sulphate. JZH 4 SO 4 HSO1 Hydra ammoiia bisulphate cum 3 ' | (ZH 4 ) 2 ; S 4 3 f ammonen sulphonite. 319. (ZH 4 ) 2 ,S 4 3 -f- -jAq Tris ammonen sulphonite cum aquate. USUAL NAMES AXD FORMULA. 307. ZH 2 ,SO -f- ZH 4 ,SO . . Amida sulphate cum ammona sulphate. According to Miller, this compound is produced by mixing dry sul- phurous acid gas SO with an excess of dry ammoniacal gas. Two volumes of SO and four volumes of ZH 2 H, that is to say, two atoms of each compound, combine to form this salt. Miller calls it sulphurous ammonide = H 3 N,S0 2 . Gmelin does not admit of its existence. 308. ZH 2 ,SO + H,SO . . Amida sulphate cum hydra sulphate. Miller informs us, that this compound is produced when an excess of dry sulphurous acid gas is mixed with dry ammoniacal gas. Gmelin states, on the authority of Rose, that in whatever proportions the two gases are mixed, they always condense in equal volumes. Miller's for- mula is H 3 N,2SO 2 . Gmelin gives it two formula, NH 3 ,2SO 2 and NH 8 ,SO,SO 3 , and names it sulphit-ammon. It differs from bisulphite of ammonia, No. 311, by one atom of water, thus Z H*' S O + HS [ = ZH4S 2 + HSO - When it is dissolved in water, it speedily produces sulphate and trithio- nate of ammonia ZH 2 ,SO + HSO ZH 2 ,SO 4 HSO H 2 O H 2 O ZH 4 ,S0 2 \ HSO > = Trithionate of ammonia. HSO ) ZH 4 ,SO 2 = Sulphate of ammonia. Compare the note descriptive of No. 315. 309. ZH 2 ,SO 4 ZH 4 C1 . Amida sulphate cum ammona chlora. A mixture of sal-ammoniac and sulphamide = NH 2 ,S0 2 4 NH 3 C1, Gmelin. A white soluble powder. Sulphamide = ZH 2 ,SO has not been isolated. 310. ZH 4 ; ZH 4 ; S 2 O 3 . . Ammona ammona sulphenite. THE POLYTHIONATES OF AMMONIA. 235 Analytical formula = ZH 4 ; SO -fr- ZH 4 ,S0 2 . Usual name: Neutral sulphite of ammonia. 311. H; ZH 4 ; S 2 O 3 . . Hydra ammona sulphenite. Analytical formula = ZH 4 ,SO + H,S0 2 . Usual name: Bisulphite of ammonia. 312. H ; ZH 2 ; S 2 3 . . Hydra amida sulphenite. A hypothetical compound ; not yet produced. Its supposed constitu- tion is = ZH 2 SO -f H r S0 2 ; the H r being replaceable by a positive radical. Usual name : Sulphamic acid = HO,H 2 N,S 2 O 5 , Miller. The formula of the sulphamates, according to the radical theory, is ZH 2 SO + M r SO 2 , or M r ; ZH 2 ; S 2 O 3 . That is to say, they are common bibasic sulphites, in which ZH 2 is constantly one of the two basic radicals. According to Dr. Miller's formula, this acid is what I may call an amidated hypos ulphate ; but we have not the slightest evidence to show that the amidogen in this salt acts as part of the acid radical, nor that the salt is a hyposulphate. In fact, if ZH 2 be admitted to be a basic radical, then the existence of two positive radicals in the salt is suf- ficient proof that it is not a hyposulphate. See the note on oxamic acid, page 195, and in the oxamates, page 226. 313. ZH 4 ;ZH 2 ;S 2 3 . . Ammona amida sulphenite. Analytical formula = ZH 2 ,SO + ZH 4 ,SO 2 . Produced by transmitting a current of dry ammoniacal gas = ZH 2 H over anhydrous sulphuric acid = S,SO 3 , keeping the latter in excess. Common names : Sulphuric ammonide or Sulphat ammon = H 3 N,SO 3 , Miller. Sulphate of ammon = NH 3 ,SO 3 , Gmelin. Sulphamide, Dumas. Sulphat ammon, Rose. It is, of course, the ammonium salt of the hypothetical sulphamic acid, No. 312; and it is sometimes called the sulphamate of ammonia. Gmelin describes a " deliquescent sulphate of ammon," which seems to agree with the formula ZH 4 ; ZH 2 ; S 2 O 3 + aq. f H ; ZH 2 ; S 2 3 ) Hydra amida sulphenite cum 3 * 4- 1 ZH 4 ; ZH 2 ; S 2 3 j "ammona amida sulphenite. " According to Jacquelain, this compound may be procured in beau- tiful transparent crystals by transmitting the vapour of anhydrous sul- phuric acid into ammoniacal gas in excess ; the solid compound thus obtained is fused in a current of dry ammonia, and dissolved in water. The crystals obtained on evaporation consist of 3(H 3 N) -}- 4SO 8 . Al- though the solution of this compound has an acid reaction, it gives no precipitate with salts of baryta." Miller. Compare the three formulas 312, 313, 314. It is evident that 314 represents a double salt composed of 3 12 -j- 31 3. It is what might be called, according to the ordinary theory, the acid sulphamate of ammonia ; 236 THE POLYTHIONATES OF AMMONIA. but Miller does not give it that name. The reader will find it important to notice the evidence afforded by this salt of the existence of double sulphites. The presence of the replaceable atom of H r is the cause of the acid reaction. The non-precipitation of salts of baryta MAY be due to the formation of a soluble double salt agreeing with the formula j Ba;ZH 2 ; S 2 O 3 ) tZH 4 ;ZH 2 ; S 2 OT JZH 4 ; S 2 O 2 ) Ammona sulphenete cum 3 1 5 | ZH 2 ; S 2 O 2 j amida sulphenete. I have alluded at page 1 70 to the existence of a class of oxysulphur salts which agree with the formula H r ,SO + SO or H^SW This compound may be a double salt of that series, but its composition is un- certain. I have grouped the elements into a different formula at No. 308. Other views of the composition of this salt are described in Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, vol. ii., p. 456. It is possible that salts may exist which agree with both formulae. 316. ZH 4 ; S 2 O 3 .... Ammona sulphenite. A compound containing S 2 O 3 , with one positive radical, constituting what Gmelin properly calls a hyposulphate. His formula is NH 4 0,S S O 5 , (with aq 1 , which I have omitted in the above formula). 317. ZH 4 ; S 3 O 3 . . . Ammona sulphinite. jZH 4 S0 2 | Ammona sulphete bis hydra )(HSO) 2 [ sulphate. Miller quotes H 4 NO,S 3 O 5 as the formula of the trithionate of ammonia which is produced by the decomposition of the salt No. 308. This for- mula would require No. 317; but in the presence of water, the compound that would be produced is that which is represented by the formula No. 317^. Consult the Theory of the Trithionates, page 168. a JZH 4 SO + HSO) Ammona hydra bisulphate 3 |(ZH 4 )*; S 4 O 3 f * cum ammonen sulphonite. 319. (ZH 4 ) 2 ; S 4 O 3 -f- aq Tris ammonen sulphonite cum aquate. Gmelin's. hyposulphite of ammonia = 3(NH 4 O,S 2 2 ) -f- HO, admits of explanation either by No. 318 or 319, according as it is considered to be a hydrated or an anhydrous salt. See the Theory of the Hyposulphites, page 1 60. ( 237 ) 320. CH 3 ; ZH 2 ; 320*. C 7 H 5 ; ZH 4 ; 321. H; ZH, C 6 H 5 322. ZH 4 ; ZH, C 6 H 5 323. Ag; ZH, C 6 H 5 324. Ba; ZH, C 6 H 5 325. C 7 H 3 ; ZH, C 6 H 5 326. C io H ii ;ZH, C 6 H 5 327. Ag; ZC 7 H 5 ,C 8 H 5 328. OH 5 ; ZAg, C 8 H 5 329. H; ZH, C io H 7 33- K; ZH, C'H 7 331. K; ZH, C 7 H 7 332. ZH 4 ; ZH, C 7 H 7 333- (ZH 3 , C 8 H 3 ) 2 ; Sulphites containing Vice-Amids and Yice-Ammons. The conditions of the existence of a sulphite are that it shall contain two positive radicals, two atoms of sulphur, and three atoms of oxygen. S 2 O 3 Methyla amida sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Benzyla ammona sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Hydra phenylac sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Ammona phenylac sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Argenta phenylac sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Baryta phenylac sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Benzyla phenylac sulphenite. S 2 3 Cumyla phenylac sulphenite. S 2 3 Argenta benzylic-phenylac sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Benzyla argentic-phenylac sulphenite. S 2 3 Hydra naphtylac sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Potassa naphtylac sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Potassa toluenylac sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Ammona toluenylac sulphenite. S a O 3 Indylarnen sulphenite. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAS. 320. CH 3 ; ZH 8 ; S 2 O 3 . Methyla amida sulphenite. Analytical formula = ZH 2 SO + CH 3 ,S0 2 . This salt corresponds to 3 13, with the exception that the replaceable positive radical is CH 3 instead of ZH 4 . It is, therefore, according to the usual theory, the sulphamate of methyl, the trivial name of which is sulphomethylane. Gmelin's new German systematic name is Schwefel-Formamester = C 2 H 3 Ad,2SO 3 . He also quotes the following formula = C 2 H 5 NS 2 O 6 and C 2 H 3 O,S 2 AdO 5 . Ger- hardt's name and formulae are, Sulphamethylane, or sulphamate of methyl = C 2 H 5 NS 2 6 INH 2 (SO 2 ) 2 O| C 2 H 3 O| ' an( ^ ^ e a ^ s *^ e m f rma ti n > tnat " sulphamic acid represents the hydrate of an oxide of ammonium in which H is replaced by SO 2 ." I might reasonably inquire, whether " the hydrate of an oxide of ammonium," in which H has been replaced by SO 2 , STILL REMAINS " the hydrate of an oxide" of ammonium ? For my part, I consider an ammonium having the formula (ZH,H,SO S ,S0 2 ) to be a monster whose existence is impossible. The following is Professor Gregory's account of this compound : " When a current of ammonia is made to act on the neutral sulphate of methyl, there is produced a crystalline compound C 2 H 3 NS 2 6 , which 238 SULPHITES CONTAINING VICE-AM1DS AND VICE-AMMONS. has been called sulphamethylane, and may be viewed as oxamethylane, in which sulphamide, SO 2 ,NH 2 , has been substituted for oxamide, C 2 O 2 , NH 2 ; or SO 2 , for C 2 e . It may also be considered, if oxamethylane be the oxamate of oxide of methyl, C 2 H 3 O -f C 4 H 2 NO 5 , as composed of oxide of methyle and a peculiar acid, formed of hyposulphuric acid and amide, or rather of sulphuric acid and sulphamide, and which may be called sulphamic acid ; and its formula will be C 2 H 3 O + (S 2 O 5 , NH 2 ), or C 2 H 3 + (SO 3 + NH 2 ,SO 2 ). On this view, sulphamethylane is the sulphamate of oxide of methyle." Handbook of Organic Che- mistry (1856), page 179. This paragraph contains an excellent summary of the views that are now entertained by organic chemists in respect to this compound, and these views manifest a state of bewilderment which is calculated to inspire little confidence in the minds of chemical students. 320*. C'H 5 ; ZH 4 ; S 2 O 3 , Benzyla ammona sulphate. Usual Name : Sulphite of benzosum and of ammonium (SO = C 7 H 5 (NH 4 )O,SO 2 = O 2 {C 7 W Gerhardt. (NH 4 . 321. H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 Hydra phenylac sulphenite. Analytical for- mula = ZH,C 6 H 3 ; SO + H r SO 2 . Compare this formula with No. 312. The salts are similarly constituted, excepting that one of them contains amid as a constant basic radical, where the other has phenylac. In both salts there is one replaceable atom of hydrogen, H r , which gives rise to a series of neutral sulphites. Usual names. Sulphanilic acid ; anilamic sulphuric acid, or anilosul- phamic acid = C 12 H 7 NS*O 6 = HO . SO 3 ; C I2 H 6 N,SO 2 = HSO 4 C 12 H 6 N,SO 2 = HO . S | ^ SO 3 . Hofmann. Sulphanilic acid, or phenyl-sulphamic acid = C 12 H 7 NS 2 6 , Gerhardt. Sulphanilic acid = HO,C l2 H 6 NS 2 O 5 = HO,C 12 H 5 ,HN,S 2 5 , Miller. Sul- phanilic acid is formed by heating aniline with strong sulphuric acid. 322. ZH 4 ; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 , Ammona phenylac sulphenite. 323. Ag; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 , Argenta phenylac sulphenite. 324. Ba; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 , Baryta phenylac sulphenite. 325. C7H 5 ; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S'O 3 , Benzyla phenylac sulphenite. 326. C 10 H"; ZH,C C H 5 ; S 2 O 3 , Cumyla phenylac sulphenite. These five salts are formed by the replacement of H, in the so-called Sulphanilic "acid" No. 321, by the positive radicals that are exhibited by the different formulae. Of course, these are the salts that are com- monly called sulphanilates. I will nevertheless quote the ordinary names and formulae of each salt. SULPHITES CONTAINING VICE-AMIDS AND VICE-AMMONS. 239 322, Sulphanilate of ammonia = C 12 H e (NH 4 )NS 2 O 6 , Gerhardt, = NH^SJ^SO 3 , Hofmann. 323, Sulphanilate of silver = C 12 (H 6 Ag)NS 2 6 , Hofmann. 324, Sul- phanilate of barytes = C 12 (H 6 Ba)NS 2 O 6 , Hofmann. 325, Analytical ibrmuke, ZH,C 6 H 5 ; SO+C 7 H 5 ; SO 2 . Usual names : Benzo-sulphophe- (C 12 H 5 , 2 S0 2 ) nylamide = < C 14 H 5 O 2 V N, Miller. Azoture of sulphophenyle, of (C 6 H 3 S0 2 benzoile, and of hydrogen = N < C 7 H 5 O Gerhardt. The following I H reaction exhibits the formation of this salt from No. 342, when acted upon by the compound C 7 !! 5 , CIO = Benzyla chlorate, commonly called chloride of benzoyl. v JZH,C 6 H 5 ; SOU (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; SO ) v *<> 342 { Ag ; SO }LJ w; so 2 }= No * 325> C 7 H 5 ; ClOJ ( Ag; Cl 326, Azoture of sulphophenyle, of (C 6 H 5 SO 2 cumyle, and of hydrogen = N ^C 10 H U Gerhardt. = C 16 H 17 NS0 3 I H It is amusing to notice the varieties in the formulae which the ingenuity of chemists has provided for the sulphanilates. The salts are evidently formed on a single model, but the formulas are very agree- ably diversified, and all in accordance with the well-known philosophical axiom, that " the farthest way round is the nearest way there." 327, Ag; ZC 7 H 5 ,C 8 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 . Argenta benzylic-phenylac sulphenite. 328. C 7 H 5 ; ZAg,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 . Benzyla argentic-phenylac sulphenite. Nos. 327 and 328 are different formulas to represent the sarne~com- pound. The salt differs from No. 323, in havmg the amidec ZC 7 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 , instead of the amidac ZH,C 6 H 5 . It may also be compared with the salt No. 325, from which it is prepared, and from which it differs by con- taining ZAg,C 6 H 5 instead of ZH,C 6 H 5 . Whether the silver acts as a base per se, or is in the condition of argentic-phenylac is undetermined. The following reactions are interesting, but undecisive in this particular : (7H 5 ; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 ) JC 7 H 5 ; ZAg,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 Ag; N0 3 f \ H; NO 3 . C 7 H 5 ; ZAg,C 6 H 5 ;S 2 3 ) JZC 7 H 5 ,C'H 5 ; SO 2 ] C 7 H 5 ; CIO f := ) C 6 H 5 ; S0 2 [ The product of the last reaction is the salt No. 303. Usual name of No. 327 : C 12 H 5 , 2 S0 2 Benzosulphophenylargentamide = C 14 H 5 O 2 [> N, Miller 240 HYPOSULPHATES CONTAINING VICE-AMIDS AND VICE-AMMONS. rc 6 H 5 so 2 Azoture of sulphophenyle, of 1 = N Q benzoile and of silver. j . 329. H; ZH,C IO H 7 ; S 2 3 , Hydra naphty lac sulphenite; Analytical formula = ZH,C 10 H 7 ; SO + H,SO 2 . Thionaphtamic acid = C^H'NS^O 6 , Gerhardt. Compare with No. 337. 330. K; ZH,C W H 7 ; S 2 O 3 ; Potassa naphtylac sulphenite. Thionaphtamate of potash, Gerhardt. Similar salts are formed with ZH 4 ,Ba,Pb, instead of K. Compare with No. 338. 331. K; ZH^^E 7 ; S 2 3 . . . Potassa tolueny lac sulphenite. 332. ZH 4 ; ZH,C 7 H 7 ; S 2 3 . . Ammona toluenylac sulphenite. These salts are called thiotolamates or thiotoluolates. Formula?.: C 14 NH 8 KS*0 6 and C 14 NH 8 (NH 4 ) 2 SO 3 , Gmelin. The thiotolamic acid has not been isolated. 333. (ZH 3 ,C 3 H 3 ) 2 ; S 2 3 , Indylamen sulphenite. See Indigo, No. 50.] Hyposulphates containing Yice-Amids and Vice- Ammons. A hyposulphate must contain two atoms of sulphur, three atoms of oxygen and one positive radical. 334- ' g Hydra phenylac bisulphenite. (ZBa C 6 H 5 S 8 O 3 ) 335. -j R ' osQaf Baryta barytic-pheny lac bisulphenite. 336. < A ^' ' oQ3 > Argenta argentic-phenylac bisulphenite. 337- |^ Cl H7 ) 2 ; jp 3 3 i Naphtylem amida bisulphenite. 33 s ' |\ Cl H7 ^: gl^l Naphtylem argentec bisulphenite. 339. ZH 3 Zn; S S O 3 -f ZH 2 H Zincam sulphenite cum amida hydra. 340. ZH 3 Ni ; S 2 3 -f- 2ZH 2 H Niccolousam sulphenite bis amida hydra. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULA. 334. H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (S J O 3 ) 2 , Hydra phenylac bisulphenite. Analytical formula (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; SO 2 + SOI See page 172. \ H; SO 2 + SO) Compare this compound with No. 321. The basic radicals H and HYPOSULPHATES COXTAINIXG V1CE-AMIDS AND VICE- A MM ON S. 241 ZH,C 6 H 5 , are combined in 321 with S 2 O 3 , in 334 with twice S 2 3 ; or, reversing the standard, we have, to the same quantity of S 2 O 3 , in 321, four basic radicals, in 334 two basic radicals. Hence, 321 is a sulphite and 334 a double hyposulphate. This compound is produced by heating dry sulphanilic acid with fuming sulphuric acid. It was discovered by Buckton and Hol'mann, who call it disulphanilic acid, and give it the formula C 12 H 7 NS 4 12 . According to these chemists, it is a peculiar and perfectly new bibasic acid, which forms salts that agree with the formula C 12 (H 5 M 2 )XS 4 12 . There is, however, no evidence to prove the existence of this peculiar acid, or to warrant the formulating of the salts which it produces as if they contained any new acid. They appear to be double hyposulphates and nothing else. (ZBa,C H H 5 ; S 2 O 3 \ ^ 335. < p ' 02Q3 \ -Baryta barytic-pheny lac bisulphemte. 336- \ AO-- S 8 O 3 I J ^- r enta argentic-pheriylac bisulphenite. These are salts of the so-called "disulphanilic acid," No. 334. They can be formulated in a more simple manner thus : 334. ZH 2 ; C 6 H 5 ; (S^ 3 ) 2 = Amida pheny la bisulphenite. 335. ZBa 2 ; C 6 H 5 ; (S 9 3 ) 2 = Barytec phenyla bisulphenite. 336. ZAg 2 ; C 6 H 5 ; (S 2 3 ) 2 = Argentec phenyla bisulphenite. But these formula are founded on the notion of the complete disruption of the aniline ; and I cannot tell, from the account which has been pub- lished by Messrs. Buckton and Hofmann, whether this disruption takes place or not. These formula? account, in a very simple manner, for the bibasic property of disulphanilic acid. (ZH 2 ,(C'H 7 ) 2 ; S 8 3 | AT , . , ., ,. . , . 337. wua. QS( Naphtylem amida bisulphemte. ( ZH 2 ( 10 H 7N ) 2 S 9 3 ) IZAffAo" g?Q 3 > ^aphtylem argentec bisulphenite. When thionaphtamic acid (No. 329) is prepared, its mother-liquor yields a compound having different properties, but the same percentage composition as that acid. See Gerhardt, on the authority of Piria, Traite de Chimie Organique, tome iii. 472. Gerhardt calls it Naphthionic acid and Sulpho-naphtalidamic acid. His formula is OH 9 NS 2 6 ; and that of the salts is C 20 H 8 MNS 2 6 . These formulae agree precisely with those which he gives for the thiomiphtamates. We give, however, some sort of reason for the isotnerism which is found here, if we ascribe to one set of salts the formulas given at Nos. 329 and 330, and to the other set those given at Nos. 337 and 338. It is favourable to this sugges- tion, that the salts which I have formulated as hyposulphates are much R 242 HYPOSULPHITES WITH VICE-AMMONS AND VICE-AMIDS. more difficult of decomposition than those which I have described as sulphites. This power of withstanding the decomposing action of reagents is characteristic of the hyposulphates generally. 339. ZH 3 Zn; S 2 O 3 -f- ZH 2 H. Zincam sulphenite, cum amida hydra. Gmelin calls this salt the Ammonio-hyposulphate of zinc-oxide = 2NH 3 4- ZnO,S 2 O 5 . 340. ZH 3 Ni; S 2 O 3 -f- 2ZH 2 H. Niccolousam sulphenite cum amida hydra. Gmelin's name and formula : Ammonio-hyposulphate of nickel-oxide = 3 NH 3 + NiO,S 2 5 . Hyposulphites with Vice-Ammons and Vice-Amids. 341. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; SO -f HSO. Phenylac sulphate cum hydra sul- phate. 342. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; SO + AgSO. Phenylac sulphate cum argenta sulphate. 343. ZH,C 8 H* ; SO + C1SO. Phenylac sulphate cum chlora sul- phate. 344. (ZH 3 Zn) 2 ; S 4 3 . Zincamen sulpifbnite. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULA. 341. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; SO + HSO. Phenylac sulphate cum hydra sulphate. Sulphophenylamide, or azoture of f C 6 H 5 SO 2 sulphophenyle and of hydrogen = N < H Gerhardt. = C 6 H 7 NS0 2 ( H 342. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; SO -f AgSO. Phenylac sulphate cum argenta sulphate. Azoture of sulpho-phenyle, of f C 6 H 5 SO 2 silver, and of hydrogen = = N < Ag Gerhardt. C 6 H 6 NS0 2 I H See No. 325. 343. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; SO-j-ClSO. Phenylac sulphate cum chlora sulphate Chloride of sulpho-phenyle = C 12 H 5 S*0 4 C!, Gerlardt. These three salts may also be formulated thus : 341. H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (SO) 2 . . Hydra phenylac bisulphate. 342. Ag; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (SO) 2 . . Argenta phenylac bisulpbate. 343. Cl; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (SO) 2 . . Chlora phenylac bisulphate. 344. (ZIFZnf; S 4 3 .... Zincamen sulphonite. Ammonio-hyposulphite of zinc-oxide = NH 3 -f ZnO,S 2 2 , Gmelin. ( 243 ) Sulphenetes containing Yice-Amids. j ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 2 ) Phenylac sulphenete cum 345- \ C 6 H 5 ; S a 2 j phenyla sulphenete. Gerhardt's name and formula for this salt are (C 6 H 5 S0 2 Azoture of disulphophenyle and of hydrogen = N< C 6 H 5 SO 2 I H This salt is procured from No. 342 by a reaction which I have de- scribed at page 171. The Cyanides. The constitution of cyanogen and the cyanides has been already dis- cussed, first in the investigation of the " sesqui oxides," at pages 38 to 43, and secondly in the article on the " nitriles," at pages 217 to 221. A third discussion will be found in the inquiry into the nature of the salts of "aniline," beginning with No. 62 in that series, and another in the article on " Urea." There remain only a few particulars which require illustration under this head, the most important of which is, perhaps, nomenclature. SINGLE CYANIDES. 346. HCy . . . Hydra cyana. 347. KCy . . . Potassa cyana. 348. AgCy . . . Argenta cyana. 349. FeCy . . . Ferrous cyana. 350. FecCy . . . Ferric cyana. 351. AuCy . . . Aurous cyana. 352. AucCy . . Auric cyana. 3^3. ZH 4 ,Cy . . Ammona cyana. 354. ZH 2 ,Cy . . Amida cyana. 355. ZH 3 Pt,Cy . Platousam cyana. 356. ZH 2 (C 7 H 5 ) 2 ,Cy Benzylem cyana. 357. AsC 2 H 6 ,Cy . Cacodyla cyana. 358. CH 3 ,Cy . . Methyla cyana. 3 59. ZH,CH 3 ; Cy . Methylac cyana. 360. C 5 H u ,Cy . . A my la cyana. 361. ZH,C 5 H U ; Cy Amylac cyana. 362. C 6 H 5 ,Cy . . Phenyla cyar- 363. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; Cy Phenylac cya a. cyana. R2 244 THE CYANIDES. 364. ZH,C r H 7 ; Cy Toluenylac cyana. 365. Z(C 2 H 5 ) 2 ; Cy Ethylec cyana. 366. Z,C 5 H u ,C 6 H 5 ;Cy Amylic-phenylac cyana. DOUBLE CYANIDES. 367. HFecCy 2 . 368. KFecCy 2 . 369. HAgCv 2 . 370. KAgCy 2 . 371. HCocCv 2 . 372. AgCocCv 2 373. HCrcCy* . 374. FeFecCy 2 . |ZH 3 ,C 7 H 7 ; . Hydra ferric cyanen. . Potassa ferric cyanen. . Hydra argenta cyanen. . Potassa argenta cyanen. . Hydra cobaltic cyanen. . Argenta cobaltic cyanen. . Hydra chromic cyanen. . Ferrous ferric cyanen. ^ iToluenylam toluenylac cy alien. > \<7Tr natru. p" >Cumenylam cumenylac cyanen. r. j^SSs ! p y |Phenylam phenylac cyanen. [Lin. ,u 1 ; VX j TRIPLE CYANIDES. Hydren ferrous cyanine. Potassen ferrous cyanine. Ferrenic ferrous cyanine. Cuprenous ferrous cyanine. Cuprenic ferrous cyanine. Ethylen ferrous cyanine. Zincen baryta cyanine. 378. HHFeCy 3 . . 379. KKFeCy 3 . . 380. FecFecFeCy 3 . 381. CuCuFeCy 3 . . 382. CucCucFeCy 3 . 383. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,Fe,Cy 3 384. ZnZnBaCy 3 . . FOURFOLD CYANIDES. 385. FeFec 3 Cy 4 . 386. KNaFec 2 Cy*. 387. CuAg 3 Cy 4 " . 388. KAuc 3 Cy 4 . Ferrous ferrinic cyanone. Potassa natra ferrenic cyanone Cuprous argentine cyanono. Potassa aurinic cyanone. CYANIDES IN DOUBLE SALTS. (ZH ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy) Phenylac cyana cum phenylac 3 b 9- |ZH,C 5 H 5 ; H | hydra. j ZH ,C 7 H 7 ; Cy 1 Toluenylac cyana cum tolueny- 39- ] ZH ,C 7 H 7 ; H f lac hydra." j ZH ,C 10 H 7 ; Cy ) Naphty'lac cyana cum naphty- 39 1 {ZH ,C 10 H 7 ; H f lac hydra.' THE CYANIDES. 245 (ZH,C 6 H 4 C1; Cyl Chloric-phenylac cyana cum 39 2 - \ZH,C (i H 4 Cl; H \ chloric-phenylac hydra. I ZH C 6 H 5 Cv I 393' I ZH 3 'c 6 H 5 01 I Piien y lac C 7 ana cum phenylam chlora, JZH ,C 7 H 7 ; Cy( Toluenylac cyana cum toluenylam 394- }ZH 3 ,C 7 H 7 ; Cl j chlora. JZH ,C 10 H 7 ; Cy I Naphtylac cyana cum napthtylac 395-jZH 3 ,C 10 H 7 ; Cl j chlora. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAE OF THE CYANIDES. SINGLE CYANIDES. 346, Hydrocyanic acid; prussic acid = C 2 NH = HCy, Gmelin. 347, Cyanide of potassium = C 2 NK, Gmelin. 348, Cyanid'e of silver = AgCy, Gmelin. 349, Protocyanide of iron; ferrous cyanide ; ferrocyaneisen ; eisencyanur = C 6 N 3 Fe 3 or FeCy, Gmelin. 350, Sesquicyanide of iron; ferric cyanide; eisencyanid = C 6 N 3 Fe 2 = Fe 2 Cy 3 , Gmelin. See page 39 in this work. 351, Protocyanide of gold; aurous cyanide = AuCy, Gmelin. 35 2 > Tercyanide of gold; auric cyanide = AuCy 8 , Gmelin. 353, Cyanide of ammonium; hydrocyanate of ammonia = NH 4 Cy = NH 3 ,HCy = C 2 N(NH 4 ), Gmelin. 354, Cy- anamide, or azoture of cyanogen and hydrogen = CH 2 N 2 = N(CN,H,H), Gerhardt. 355, see Platinum, 49]. 355, Unnamed substance = OTBPN 2 , Robson, Quarterly Journal Chemical Society, iv. 228; who supposed it to be benzhydramide (see No. 200). 357, Cyanide of cacodyle = C 6 NAsH 6 = C 4 ArH 3 ,C 2 NH, Gmelin. 358, Acetonitrile = C 2 H 3 C 2 N; cyanide of methyl, Hofmann. 359, Methyl-cyanamide, or cyanic methylamide = C 2 H 4 N 2 = N(CH 3 ,Cy,H), Gerhardt. 360, Cya- nide of amyle; capronitrile; cyanhydramilic ether; cyanmylafer = C 12 NH 1! _ C 10 H',C 2 NH, Gmelin. 361, Amyl-cyanamide, or cyanic amylamide = C 6 H U N 2 = N(C 5 H ll ,Cy,H), Gerhardt. 362, Benzonitrile ; cyanide of phenyle = C 14 H 5 N, Gerhardt. 363* Phenyl-cyanamide ; cyananilide = C 7 H 6 N 2 = N(C 6 H 5 ,Cy,H), Gerhardt. See Aniline, 62]. 364, To- luyl-cyanamide = C 8 H 8 N 2 = N(C 7 H 7 ,Cy,H), Gerhardt. 365, Diethyl- cyanamide = C 5 H'N 2 = N(C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,Cy), Gerhardt. 366, see Ani- line, No. 83]. DOUBLE CYANIDES. 367, Hydroferricyanic acid; ferripmssic acid; red forroprussic acid ; ter-hydrocyanate of ferric oxide = C 6 N 3 H 3 ,C 6 N 3 Fe 8 = 3HCy,Fe 2 Cy 3 , Gmelin. 368, Ferricyanide of potassium; red ferro- cyanide of potassium ; red prussiate of potash ; red ferroprussiate of potash = 3 KCy,Fe 2 Cy 3 = C ti N 3 K 3 ,C 6 N 3 Fe 2 , Gmelin. See page 40 of this work. 369, Argentoprussic acid = HCy,AgCy, Gmelin. 370, Ar- gentocyanide of potassium = KCy,AgCy, Gmelin. 371, Hydrocobaltid cyanic acid = C 6 N 3 H 3 ,C 6 N 3 Co 2 = 3 HCy,Co 2 Cy 3 , Gmelin. 372, Cobaltid- cyanideof silver = C 6 N 3 Ag 3 ,C 6 N 3 Co 2 = 3AgCy,Co 2 Cy 3 , Gmelin. 373, Hydrochromidcyanic acid = 3 HCy,Cr 2 Cy 8 = C 8 N 3 H 3 ,C 6 N 3 Cr 2 , Gmelin. 24G THE CYANIDES. 374, Prussian blue; Turnbull's Prussian blue = C 6 N 3 Fe 3 ,C 6 N 3 Fe 3 = 3FeCy,Fe 2 Cy 3 , Gmelin. See page 41. 37 5 > Cyanotoluidine = Cy 9 C"H'K,- Hofmann. 376, Cyanociimidine = Cy,C i8 H' 8 N, Hof- mann. 377> Cyaniline = Cy,C 12 H 7 N. See Aniline, 84], where the reason for doubling the formulas of the salts 375, 376, and 377, is given. TRIPLE CYANIDES. 378, Hydroferrocyanic acid; ferroprussic acid; ferruretted chyazic acid = 2HCy,FeCy = C 6 N 3 FeH 2 , Gmelin. 379, Yellow prussiate of potash ; ferrocyanide of potassium ; ferroprussiate of potash = K 2 FeCy 3 = OTFTeK 8 , Gmelin. 380, Ordinary Prussian blue (not TurnbiuTs ; see No. 374, and refer to page 40) = C 6 N 3 Fe 3 , 2 C 6 N 3 Fe 2 = 3FeCy,2Fe 9 Cy 3 , Gmelin. 381, Cuprous ferrocyanide = Cu 4 FeCy 3 , Gmelin. 382, Cupric ferrocyanide = Cu 2 FeCy 3 = C 6 N 3 FeCu 2 , Gmelin. 383, Ferrocyanide of ethyl = (C 4 H 5 )*FeCy 3 = C 6 N 3 FeAe 2 , Gmelin. 384, Cyanide of zinc and barium = BaCy, 2ZnCy, Gmelin. FOURFOLD CYANIDES. 385, Prussian green; green cyanide of iron = C 6 N 3 Fe 3 ,3C 6 N 3 Fe 2 , Gmelin. 386, Double salt, red prussiate of potash and soda = K 3 Na 3 Fe 4 N 12 C 12 = C 2 N 8 feKiNa, Laurent. 387, Cupro- cyanide of silver = 3AgCy,Cu 2 Cy, Gmelin. 388, Auridcyanide of po- tassium = KCy,AuCy 3 , Gmelin. CYANIDES IN DOUBLE SALTS. 389, Melaniline, see Aniline, 63]. 390, Metoluidine = C 30 !! 17 ]^ 3 , W. Wilson. 391, Menaphthalamine = C 42 H ir N 3 , Hofmann. These three compounds have evidently a corresponding structure. Hence, the criticism given in the note to Aniline, 63] may be held to apply to the whole of them. 392, see Aniline, 71]. 393, see Aniline, 64]. 394, Hydrochlorate of metoltiidine = C^IFN^HCl. 395, Hy- drochlorate of menaphthalamine = C 42 H 17 N 3 HC1, Hofmann. The theory, according to which I have formulated and named the cyanides, does not require the assistance of any hypothetical secondary radicals, such as cobalti cyanogen, chromicyanogen, platinocyanogen, ferrocyanogen, ferricyanogen, &c. But it requires the acceptance of the theory of basylous and basylic atoms, as it is described at pages 3 2 to 43. The ordinary theory, even with the aid of numerous secondary radicals, provides the cyanides with formulae which are much more com- plicated than those that are provided by the radical theory. ( 247 ) The Sulphocyanides. 396. H,Cy,S 2 . . . Hydra cyana sulphene. 397. K,Cy,S 2 . . . Potassa cyana sulphene. 398. ZH 4 ,Cy,S 2 . . Ammona cyana sulphene. 399. Cu,Cy,S 2 . . . Cuprous cyana sulphene. 400. Cuc,Cy,S 2 . . Cupric cyana sulphene. 401. Hg,Cy,S 2 . . Mercurous cyana sulphene. 402. Pt,Cy,S 2 . . . Platous cyana sulphene. 403. Bic,Cy,S 2 . . Bismic cyana sulphene. 404. C 2 H 5 ,Cy,S 2 . . E thy la cyana sulphene. 405. CH 3 ,Cy,S 2 . . Methyla cyana sulphene. 406. ZH 3 Zn,Cy,S 2 . Zincam cyana sulphene. 407. ZH 3 Pt,Cy,S 2 . Platousam cyana sulphene. 408. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy ; S 2 Phenylam cyana sulphene. 409. ZH 2 (C 6 H 5 ) 2 ,Cy,S 2 Phenylem cyana sulphene. 410. ZH 3 ,C 3 H 5 ; Cy ; S 2 Allylam cyana sulphene. 411. Cu,Cuc,Cy s S 4 . Cuprous cupric cyanen sulphone. 412. K,Ag,Cy 2 ,S 4 . Potassa argenta cyanen sulphone. 413. H,Pt,Cy 2 S 4 . . Hydra platous cyanen sulphone. 414. K,Pt,Cy 2 ,S 4 . . Potassa platous cyanen sulphone. 415. Ag,Pt,Cy 2 ,S 4 . Argenta platous cyanen sulphone. 416. ZH 4 ,Cy 3 ,S 4 . . Ammona cyanine sulphone. 417. ZH 3 K,Cy 3 ,S 4 . Potassam cyanine sulphone. 418. ZH 3 Ag,Cy 3 ,S 4 . Argentam cyanine sulphone. 419. K,Hg*,Cy 3 ,S 6 . Potassa merenous cyanine sulphade. 420. H,Ptc 2 ,Cy 3 ,S 6 . Hydra platenic cyanine sulphade. 421. ZH 4 .Ptc 2 ,Cy 3 ,S 6 Ammona platenic cyanine sulphade. 422. K,Ptc 2 ,Cy 3 ,S 6 . Potassa platenic cyanine sulphade. 423. Ag,Ptc a ,Cy 3 ,S 6 . Argenta platenic cyanine sulphade. 424. Hg,Ptc 2 ,Cy 3 ,S 6 . Mercurous platenic cyanine sulphade. 425. Fe,Ptc 2 ,Cy 3 ,S 6 . Ferrous platenic cyanine sulphade. 426. H 2 ,Cy,S 3 . . . Hydren cyana sulphine. 427. H,ZH 4 ,Cy,S 3 . Hydra ammona cyana sulphine. 428. H,Cy,S 3 . . . Hydra cyana sulphine. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAE. f jH,Cy,S 2 = Hydra cyana sulphene. *' (HS -f- CyS = Hydra sulpha cum cyana sulpha. This is the compound commonly called hydro-sulpho-cyanic acid, and which is regarded by most chemists as a compound of hydrogen with a hypothetical radical called sulpho-cyanogen H -f- CyS 2 . I do not believe 248 THE SULPHOCYAX1DES. in the existence of sulpho-cyanogen ; and I consider these compounds to be double sulphides, containing sulphide of cyanogen in combination with a sulphide of another radical = H r S -f- CyS. 397, Sulpho-cyanide of potassium = K,NC 2 S 2 or K,Scy, Miller. = C 2 NK,S 2 , Gmelin. 398, Sulpho-cyanide of ammonium = NH 3 , C*NHS 2 , Gmdin. 399, Cuprous sulpho-cyanide = C 2 NCu 2 ,S 2 , Gmelin. 400, Cupric sulpho-cyanide = C*NCuS 2 , Gmelin. See No. 411. 401, Mercurous sulpho-cyanide = C 2 NHg 2 S 2 , Gmelin. 402, Protosulpho- cyanide of platinum = PtCyS 2 , Buekton. 403, Sulpho-cyanide of bis- muth = C 6 N 3 BiS 6 , Gmelin. The triple quantities of cyanogen and sulphur are to accommodate the triple (basylous) atom of bismuth. Of course, if the basylic atom is accepted, the triplication of the formula is needless. 404, Sulpho-cyanide of ethyl, or hydro-sulpho-cyanic ether = C S H 5 NS 2 = C 4 H 4 ,C 2 NHS 2 = C*H 5 S,C 2 NS, Gmelin. 405, Sulpho- cyanide of methyl = C 2 H 3 S,C 2 NS = C 2 H 3 ,C 2 NS 2 , Gmelin. 406, Am- monia-sulpho-cyanide of zinc = NH 3 ,C 2 NZnS 2 , Gmelin. Similar salts are formed by ammonams containing cadmium, copper, &c. 407, Sul- pho-cyanide of platos-ammonium = PtH 3 NCyS 2 , Buekton. 408, Hydro- sulpho-cyanate of aniline = C 12 H 7 N,HC 2 NS 2 , Hofmann. 409, Sulpho- carbanilide, or anilo-sulpho-carbamide = C 12 H 6 N,CS, Hofmann. Diphe- nyl-sulpho-carbamide, or diazoture of diphenyle and of sulpho-carbonyle f CS = N 2 <^ (C 6 H 5 ) 2 , Gerhardt. 410, Thiosinamine, or sulphuretted diallyl-urea = C 4 H 8 N 2 S [ CS .= N*{<7H, Gerhardt. \ W 411, Cuproso-cupric sulpho-cyanide, or Kupfer-rhodanur-rhodanid - C 4 N 2 Cu 3 S 4 = C 2 NCu 2 S 2 ,C 2 NCiIS 2 , GmeKn. 412, Sulpho-cyanide of silver and potassium = C 2 NKS a ,C 2 NAgS 2 , Gmelin. 413, Hydro-platino-bisulpho-cyanic acid =HPt2(CyS 2 ), Buekton. 41 4, Platino-bisulpho-cyanide of potassium = KPtC 4 N 2 S 4 or KPt 2 (CyS 2 ), Buekton. 415, Platino-bisulpho-cyanide of silver = AgPt2(CyS 2 ), Buekton. 416, Sulpho-mellonic acid = . N1H 4 ) fCy, Gerhardt. In other places he writes the for- N H mute = C 6 H 4 N 4 S 4 = (NCyH 2 ,2CyHS 2 ). 417 and 418 are sulpho- mellonates or salts of the " acid," No. 416. If I reckon this acid as a THE SULPHOCYANIDES. 249 salt of ammonium (the " acids " of organic chemists are frequently neutral salts of ammonium), then the salts 417 and 418 differ from the acid 416, in containing ammonams instead of normal ammonium. In 417 it is potassam ZH 3 K; in 418 it is argentam ZH 3 Ag; but other salts are known which contain the radicals ZH 3 Na,ZH 8 Ba,ZH 3 Sr, ZH 3 Ca,ZH 3 Mg, &c. 419, Sulpho-cyanide of mercury and potassium = C 2 NKS a ,2C a NHgS 2 , Gmelin. 420, Hydroplatino - tersulphocyanic acid = H,Pt3CyS 2 , Buckton. 421, Platino-tersulphocyanide of ammo- nium = NH 4 ,Pt3CyS 2 , Buckton. 422, Platino-tersulphocyanide of po- tassium = KPtC 6 N 3 S 6 , or KPt 3CyS 2 , Buckton. 423, Platino-tersulpho- cyanide of silver = Ag,Pt 3(CyS 2 ), Buckton, 424, Subplatino-tersul- phocyanide of mercury = Hg 2 Pt 3(CyS 2 ), Buckton. 425, Platino-ter- sulphocyanide of iron = FePt 3CyS 2 , Buckton. 426, H 2 CyS 3 , or according to the analytical formula HS + HS -+- CyS. This compound seems to throw discredit upon the theory which assumes the existence of sulphocyanogen ; for we have here a com- bination of three sulphides, which view is corroborated by the constitu- tion of the next salt in the list, No. 427, which contains HS + ZH 4 S 4- CyS. The salt No. 426 has given theoretical chemists a great deal of trouble. Gmelin calls it Hydrothio-sulphoprussic acid, and gives it all these formulae: C 2 NH 2 S 3 = C 2 NH,S 2 HS = C*AdS,S 2 = C 2 AdS 2 4-2CS 2 . He also quotes the following : C 2 NHS 2 ,HS, Zeise. C 2 NHS 2 4 HS, Berzetius, in which formula C 2 NH represents a peculiar radical, Urene. C 2 AdS.S 2 , Laurent. 427, Hydrothio-sulphoprussiate of ammonia, or hydrothio-cyanide of ammonium = NH 3 ,C*NH 8 S 8 = C 2 NH(NH 4 )S 3 , Gmelin. See preceding note, 428, Hydropersulphocyanic acid, or sulphuretted hydrosulphocyanic acid = C 2 NHS 3 = C 2 NHS 2 ,S = H,C 2 NS 3 - C 4 N 2 H 2 ,S 6 = C 2 NAdS 2 4 2CS 2 , Gmelin. Here is another compound which, in the relations of Cy to S, does not agree with the sulphocyanogen theory. This, how- ever, is one of those compounds with multiple atoms of sulphur, the nature of which I do not understand. ( 250 ) The Cyanates. 429. H, CyO . . . Hydra cyanate. 430. Ag, CyO . . . Argenta cyanate. 431. CH 3 , CyO . . . Methy la cyanate. 432. C 2 H 5 , CyO . . . Ethyla cyanate. 433. C 5 H u ,CyO . . . Amyla cyanate. 434. C 6 H 5 , CyO . . . Phenyla cyanate. 435. ZH 4 , CyO . . . Ammona cyanate. The cyanates are salts that are formed on the model of water, M r ,CyO, M r ) or T > 0, where M r signifies one replaceable positive radical, O = 16, and Cy = (C = 12 and*N = 14). They are consequently equal to simple cyanides plus one atom of oxygen. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAE. 429. Cyanic acid = CyO,HO, Gerhardt, or HO.CPNO, Miller. 430. Cyanide of silver, or argentic carbonimide = N| . , Gerhardt. 431. Methyl-cyanic ether = C 2 H 3 0,C 2 NO, Miller. Cyanate of methyle ; methyl- carbonimide; or azoture of = C(CH 3 )NO = methyle and of carbonyle also P | Q- i Gerhardt. 432. Cyanic ether = C 4 H 5 0,C I NO, Miller. Cyanate of ethyle ; ethyl- , ~~ carbonimide; or azoture of = C(C 2 H 5 )NO = N j ethyle and of carbonyle ako , Gerhardt. 433. Amyl-cyanic ether = C IO H II O,0 I NO, Miller. {psrrii g , Gerhardt. 434. Anilocyanic acid, Hofmann. See Aniline, 95]. Cyanate of phenyle ; phenyl- , carbonimide ; or azoture of = C(C 6 H 5 )NO = N | phenyle and of carbonyle Gerhardt. THE NITRATES. 251 435. Cyanate of ammonia. A full investigation of this compound is given under the head of " The Urea Theory." A variety of complex cyanates are described under " Aniline," Nos. 89] to 99]. The Nitrates. The formula usually given to a Nitrate is MO,N0 5 , where = 8. Doubling the atomic weight of the oxygen, these proportions give us analytically, MO -f NOO ; and synoptically, M,N0 3 . As the nitrates have not formed the subject of conflicting discussion among chemists, in consequence of the scarcity of their acid salts and double salts, I shall trouble the reader with only a few notes and queries respecting them. 436. H,N0 3 = Hydra nitrite. Usual name, hydrated nitric acid = HO,N0 5 . 437. K,NO 3 = Potassa nitrite. Usual name, nitrate of potash = KO,N0 5 . The change in the name from nitrate to nitrite is rather unlucky, as there is, on the ordinary theory, another class of salts called nitrites; but the change is unavoidable in carrying out a systematic nomenclature. 438. PbNO 3 . Plumba nitrite. [ = Neutral nitrate of lead.] | PbNO 3 -f PbPbO 439- { rPb 3 N0 4 ( PbNO 3 4. PbHO } , 44- } or PWH.N0 4 | Plumben ( (PbNO 3 4- PbPbO) 4 PbNO 3 ) , 44 1 ' 1 or = Pb 4 N 2 O 7 f plumbone nitreneze. These sub-salts correspond in their construction with the three varieties of phosphates. They have not the permanency nor the properties of the phosphates ; but they resemble them in their proximate constitution in their atomic structure. Phosphates. Nitrates. Monobasic . . Pb P O 3 PbNO 8 T , . f Pb 3 P0 4 Pb 3 N0 4 Tbasic . . . 4 Pb 2 HN O 4 Bibasic . . . Pb 4 P 2 7 Pb 4 N 2 7 See the Article on the Constitution of the Phosphates, pp. 138-142,, 442. CH 3 ,XO 3 . . . Methyla nitrite. 443. ZH 3 ,CH 3 ;NO 3 . . Methylam nitrite. 444. C 2 H 5 ,NO 3 . . . Ethyla nitrite. 252 THE NITRATES. 445. Z(C 2 H 5 ) 4 ; NO 3 . . Ethylom nitrite. 446. C 5 H U ,NO 3 . . . Amyla nitrite. 447. Z(C 5 H U ) 4 ; NO 3 . Am'ylom nitrite. 448. C 6 H 5 ,NO 3 . . . Phenyla nitrite. 449. ZH 8 ,C 6 H 5 ; NO 3 . Phenylam nitrite. The salts 442 to 449 are examples of nitrates having as basic radical, either a compound radical, or a vice-ammonium containing one or more atoms of a compound radical. USUAL NAMES. 442, Methylic nitrate. 443, Nitrate of methyla- mine. 444, Nitrate of ethyle. 445, Nitrate of tetrethylammonium. 446, Nitrate of amyle. 447, Nitrate of tetramylammonium. 448, Nitro- phenic acid, or nitrophenole. 449, Nitrate of aniline. As these salts are cited here simply as examples of nitrates, I say nothing about their bases, which are explained in other sections. 450. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO + H NO 3 Phenylam cyanate cum hydra nitrite. 451. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO + AgNO 3 Phenylam cyanate cum argenta nitrite. USUAL NAMES. 450, Nitrate of carbanilamide. 451, Nitrate of silveroxide carbanilamide. Cited as examples of nitrates in combination with salts containing a different acid. ARE THE FOLLOWING SALTS TO BE CONSIDERED AS DOUBLE Nl- TRATES ? 452. C 7 H,NO 8 + H, NO 3 Chrysyla hydra bin itrite. 453. C 7 H,NO 3 -f K, NO 3 Chrysyla potassa binitrite. 454. C7H,N0 3 + Pb, NO 3 Chrysala plumba binitrite. 455. C 7 H,N0 3 + Pb 2 H, NO 4 Chrysyla nitrite cum plumben hydra nitrote. 456. C7H,NO 3 + ZH 4 , NO 3 Chrysyla ammona binitrite. 457. (7H,N0 3 -f- ZH 2 , NO 2 Chrysyla nitrite cum amida nitrete. 458. C 7 H,NO 3 + ZH 3 Ba,N0 3 Chrysyla barytarn binitrite. USUAL NAMES. 452, Chrysammic acid = C I4 H 2 (NO 4 ) 2 4 . 453, Chrysammate of potash = C 14 HK(NO 4 ) 2 4 . 454, Chrysammate of lead = C 14 HP(N0 4 ) 2 4 . 455, Sub-chrysammate of lead = C 14 HPb(NO 4 ) 2 O 4 , PbO,HO. 456, Chrysamidic acid = C 14 H S (N0 4 ) 2 NO 4 . 457, Chry- samide = C 14 H 3 (NO 4 ) 2 NO 2 . 458, Chrysamidate of barytes = C 14 H 4 Ba (N0 4 ) 2 NO 4 . These names and formulae are by Gerhardt. The salt No. 456 appears to be the neutral salt of ammonia corre- sponding to the acid, No. 452, and to the potash salt, No. 453 ; and the existence of the corresponding amide, No. 457, seems to prove the truth of this idea. But it was found that the salt, No. 456, could exchange H l for Ba 1 , and produce the salt No. 458 ; and for this THE NITRITES. 253 reason alone, the neutral salt, No. 456, was called an " acid." This muddle, as in many similar cases, has arisen from a misconception of the character of the radical (ZH 3 Ba). These metallic vice-ammoniums have not hitherto been recognised by chemists ; but I trust that the evidence which I shall bring together in the articles on Indigo and Platinum will prove to chemists their existence and importance. See also pages 137 and 193. 459. C 2 H 5 ; Bi; (NO 3 ) 2 or C 2 H 5 ,N0 3 + BiNO 3 Ethyla bismous binitrite. Nitrate of bismuthethyle = C 4 H 5 Bi,O 2 ,2NO 5 , Gerhardt. f j ZH, C 6 H 5 ; NO 3 ) Phenylac nitrite cum argentic-phenylac 4 60 ' \ ZAg,C 6 H 5 ; NO 3 j nitrite. Binitrodiphenamate of silver = C 24 H U Ag(NO 4 ) 2 N 2 4 , Gerhardt. There are various salts having the same formula as 460, with Ag exchanged for another radical. ANHYDROUS NITRIC ACID. The anhydrous nitric acid is derived from the decomposition of two atoms of the hydrated acid, thus : HO,NOO 1 . ( HO NOO } HO,NOO( \H ~ 0,NOO( The Nitrites. The terms nitrous acid, hyponitrous acid, and hyponitric acid are used by chemists with a perplexing vagueness. There is but one kind of salt, though we have three kinds of name for it. Nitrites agree with Nitrates in having the same positive and negative radicals, but Nitrites have only two-thirds of the quantity of oxygen which is necessary to constitute Nitrates. If Nitrates have the formula HO,NO 5 , Nitrites re- quire the formula HO, NO 3 . According to the radical theory, these salts are distinguished thus : Nitrate of potash = KNO 3 = Potassa nitrite. Nitrite of potash = KNO 2 = Potassa nitrete. The following examples of Nitrites nearly all contain debateable " bases," so that the usual formulae of the salts differ entirely from those that are given here. I refer the reader, in those cases which are im- portant, to the sections in which the evidence respecting the nature of the bases is investigated. 461. ZH,C 2 H 5 ;N0 2 . . Ethylac nitrete. 462. ZZn,C 2 H 5 ; NO 2 . . Zinc-ethy lac nitrete. 254 THE NITRITES. 463. ZZn 8 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 ; NO 2 . Zincen-ethylem nitrete. 464. ZH,CH 3 ; NO 8 . . Methy lac nitrete. 465. ZZn,CH 3 ; NO 2 . . Zinc-methylac nitrete. 466. ZZn 2 (CH 3 ) 2 ; NO 2 . Zincen-methylem nitrete. 467. ZH,C 7 H 7 ; NO 2 . . Toluenylac nitrete. 468. ZH,C 10 H 7 ; NO 2 . . Naphtylac nitrete. 469. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 . . Phenylac nitrete. . JZH,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 ) Phenylac nitrete cum hvdra 47 't H ;CyOf ' cyanate. 47 1 . Z,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 . Ethylic-phenylac nitrete. 472. ZH 3 ,C 7 H 5 ; NO 2 . . Benzylam nitrete. (ZH 3 ,C 7 H 5 ; NO 2 ) Benzylam nitrete bis hydra (H;Cl) 2 f ' chlora. ZH 3 ,C7H 5 ; NO 2 ( Benzylam nitrete bis hydra (H;SO 2 ) 2 ( sulphete. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAE : Nos. 461 to 466. Examples of Professor Frankland's Dinitroethylates and Dinitromethylates. See those sections in the article on Conjugated Acids. 467, Nitrotoluidine = C 14 H 8 (NO 4 )N, Gerhardt. 468, Nitronaphtylamine = C 20 H 8 (N0 4 )N, Gerhardt. 469, Nitraniline. See Aniline, No. 54]. 470, Carbamide nitrocarbanilide. See Aniline, No. 58]. A variety of double salts, containing No. 469 as a constituent, are described in the article " Aniline," between Nos. 54] and 61]. It is important to observe that I consider No. 461 = ZH,C 2 H 5 ; NO 2 as the same kind of salt with No. 469 = ZH,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 . Upon comparing this view with the theories of Frankland and Hofmann respectively, very curious divergencies in the mode of accounting for facts will be seen. 471, Ethyl-nitraniline . J 474< t fH> ) = CTNOMN. IC 4 H 5 ) Hofmann. 472, Biamidobenzoic acid = C 14 H 4 (NH 2 ) 2 4 , Voit. 473, Hydro- chlorate of biamidobenzoic acid = C 14 H 4 (NH 2 ) 2 O 4 ,2HC1, Voit. 474, Sulphate of biamidobenzoic acid = C 14 H 4 (NH 2 ) 2 O 4 ,S 2 H 2 O 8 , Voit. In Nos. 472 to 474 "it is remarkable that biamidobenzoic acid does not combine with bases, but forms well-crystallized salts with acids, whence the name of acid is not very appropriate for it," Voit. See his Memoir, Quarterly Journal Chemical Society, ix. 271. It seems to me, that an " acid " with such properties might be conveniently classed with sul- phate of potash, which, on these grounds, has an equal right to be called an "acid." The biamidobenzoic acid will be referred to more par- ticularly in another section. ( 255 ) The Oxides and Hydrates of Nitrogen. The formulae of the oxides and hydrated oxides of nitrogen are usually written in accordance with the supposition that the atomic weights of their elements are, N_= 14, H = i,O = 8. In this work, the atomic weights of these elements are fixed at N = 14, H = i,O= 16. These proportions necessarily give entirely new formulae to the compounds, and it seems proper to give a short general notice of them, to prevent mis- apprehension. OXIDES. , CORRESPONDING HYDRATES. 475. NO = Nitrate. | 476. NO 2 = Nitrete. i 477. N,NO = Nitra nitrate. | 480. H,NO = Hydra nitrate. 478. N,NO 3 = Nitra nitrite. | 481. H,NO 2 = Hydra nitrete. 479. N,N0 5 = Nitra nitrate. I 482. H,NO 3 = Hydra nitrite. According to the radical theory, all the compounds from No. 477 to 48 2 should be considered as salts. USUAL NAMES AND FORMUL/E. 475, NO = Nitrate. Nitric oxide, binoxide of nitrogen, deutoxide of nitrogen NO 2 . Atomic weight, 30; specific gravity of gas, 15; atomic measure, 2. Neutral to test papers. 476, NO 2 = Nitrete. Peroxide of nitrogen ; hyponitric acid ; sometimes nitrous acid = NO 4 . Atomic weight, 46; specific gravity of gas, 23 ; atomic mea- sure, 2. Reddens litmus. 477, N,NO = Nitra nitrate. Nitrous oxide ; protoxide of nitrogen ; laughing gas = NO. Atomic weight, 44; specific gravity of gas, 22 ; atomic measure, 2. Neutral to test papers. 478, N,N0 3 = Nitra nitrite. Nitrous acid; sometimes hyponitrous acid; meaning, of course, the anhydrous acid = NO 3 . Atomic weight, 76 ; specific gravity and atomic measure of the gas not yet determined. 479, N,NO 5 = Nitra nitrate. Anhydrous nitric acid = NO 5 . Atomic weight, 1 08 ; specific gravity and atomic measure unknown. 480, H,NO = Hydra nitrate. Unknown ; unrecognised ; unnamed. 481, H,N0 2 = Hydra nitrete. 256 AZOTIC RADICALS IN SERIES. Hydrated nitrous acid = HO,NO 3 . Atomic weight, 47. This is the acid which corresponds to the nitrites, Kos. 461 to 474 in this series 482, H,NO 3 = Hydra nitrite. Hydrated nitric acid = HO,NO 5 . Atomic weight, 63. This is the acid already referred to at No. 436 in this series. I have included among the hydrates a compound (No. 480) that is not recognised by chemists, but which will, in all probability, be dis- covered when it is looked for. It is the compound which corresponds in the nitrogen series with the salt HSO ( = hydra sulphate or penta- thionic acid) in the sulphur series. The corresponding anhydrous com- pound is known in the nitrogen, though not known in an isolated state in the sulphur series. There seems to be no reason why the hydrated form of the acid should not exist in the nitrogen as well as the sulphur series. The following equation represents a transformation that is, a priori, by no means improbable : No. 477 = N,NO\ JHN01 Two atoms of Water = H,HOJ ' : 1HNOJ : No. 480. I am not pleading that this compound HNO really exists. I am only showing that the radical theory indicates its possible existence, which is a sufficient reason to induce us to look for it, especially as it is required to complete a series. Azotic Eadicals in Series. The next three sections contain the "bases" that are usually called Indigo, Aniline, and Platinum. In these sections I shall show a com- plete series of the salts of these " bases," which are unquestionably three of the great " difficulties " in theoretical chemistry. I have chosen them as examples because they are difficult ; because I wish to show that the Theory and the Nomenclature which I am advocating, do not give way under the pressure of difficulties ; and finally, because my conclusions respecting these bases are so different from those of chemists in general, that the results of the investigation may be taken as a fair example of what may be expected from the application of the proposed radical theory to chemistry in general. I have, in regard to these bases, quoted the arguments fully and discussed them freely ; so that the reader will find the cases stated ready for his judgment. He will have to answer such questions as these : Are the Theory and Nomenclature that are proposed for the salts of Indigo better or worse than those of Berzelius ? Are those proposed for the salts of Aniline better or worse than those of Hofmann? Are those proposed for the Platinum bases hotter or worse than those of Gros, and Reiset, and Raewsky, and Gerhardt ? Of course, the consideration of the replies proper to be made to these INDIGO. 257 questions, involves the consideration of the merit of the leading doctrines of the radical theory and of the chemical nomenclature, which, though forming no part of the radical theory, I have grafted upon it. A peculiarity to which I must direct the reader's attention in refer- ence to these three bases, is, that the salts of indigo, aniline, and pla- tinum, though all salts of vice-ammons or vice-amids, differ in structure from one another essentially. The general character of the indigo salts agrees in no respects with that of the salts of aniline or platinum, and the salts of aniline are throughout quite unlike the salts of platinum. So also the theories which chemists have employed to explain these salts are extremely different from one another, and the various nomenclatures that have been proposed have scarcely any points in common. But the radical theory and its nomenclature apply with equal facility to the whole of these complicated and diversified salts. The compre- hensiveness of the theory, and the flexibility of the nomenclature, satisfy every demand ; and these are prime requisites in a theory and nomen- clature that pretend to fulfil the requirements of a science which is so eminently expansive and progressive as the science of chemistry. Indigo. The principal compound of the Indigo series is INDIGO BLUE, which is represented by the empirical formula OWNO, where C = 12, H = i, N = 14, O = 1 6. Gerhardt considered this oxidised compound to be the radical of the indigo series, and he called it Indyle. Berzelius thought it expedient to distinguish the compounds of indigo by a variety of radicals, and he accordingly adopted the following : C 16 H 3 N = Flavinden C 16 H 4 N = Porrinden C 16 H 5 N = Inden. = Isaten. C*H"N = Polinden. C 32 H 12 N 2 = Eosinden. C 3, H i 3]N T 2 = Xanthinden. [In these formulas C = 6.] For these radicals he provided formulae in which the svmbols were written in Greek. It is proposed, on the present occasion, to adopt, as the radical of the Indigo series, a Hydrocarbon agreeing in composition with the formula C 8 H 3 , and to call it INDYL. This radical is subject to have part, or the whole, of its hydrogen replaced by chlorine, bromine, and sulphur ; and, in this manner, to produce the following Vice-Radicals : 1 In all quotations of ordinary formulae, it is to be understood that C = 6, O = 8, H = i,N = 14. s 258 INDIGO. VlCE-lNDYLS. C 8 H 8 S C 8 HC1 2 C 8 HBr 2 C 8 HC1S C 8 C1 2 S C 8 Br 2 S rC 8 H 2 Cl = Chloric-indyl. Bromic-indyl. Sulphic-indyl. Chlorenic-indyl. Bromenic-indyl. Chloric-sulphindyl. Chlorenic-sulphindyl. Bromenic-sulphindyl. The Vice-Radicals that contain chlorine and bromine without sulphur, act like normal Indyl. They have the same saturating capacity, and their salts have the same proportion of oxygen. The sulphic vice- radicals, as usual, take additional oxygen, and form double salts. The indigo series presents no other peculiar radical than indyl. They all contain either amidogens or ammoniums, and in all of them the radical indyl is found, sometimes as the negative radical, and sometimes as a component of the vice-amid or vice-ammon, which forms the positive radical. The indigo salts are quite regular in all other respects ; so that Berzelius's army of Greek radicals may be dismissed as needless super- numeraries. Section i . SALTS IN WHICH INDYL is THE NEGATIVE RADICAL. i]. ZH 2 ; C 8 H 3 = Amida indylate. It is assumed that INDIGO BLUE or Indigotine is a salt which con- tains the radical indyl, acting as an acid radical, in combination with one atom of oxygen, and with normal amidogen acting as a basic radical ; which combination requires the following formula and name : ZH 2 ;C 8 H 3 = Amida indylate. It is no part of the business of this Essay to describe either the pro- perties or preparation of the substances to which allusion is made. I may refer those who wish for detailed information respecting the Indigo Salts, to the following works, in which are described all the compounds that I shall refer to in this article. GMELIN, Handbuch der Chemie, Band vi. LIEBIG'S Handworterbuch der Chemie, Band iv., several articles written by STRECKER, from which I quote BERZELIUS'S names. GER- HARDT, Traite de Chimie Organique, tome iii. Shorter notices will be found in the Treatises on Organic Chemistry by Professors Gregory and Miller. -, JZH 4 ; CWC)) Ammona indylate cum amida 2 J' JZH 2 ; OTPOJ : indylate. By certain chemical processes, indigo blue can be converted into a substance which is called Indigogen, or WHITE INDIGO. The process which effects this change is called " reduction," and the resulting com- IXDIGO. 259 pound is also called Reduced Indigo. The act of reduction consists in adding one atom of hydrogen to one atom of blue indigo, and thereby converting ZH 2 ,C 8 H 3 O into ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 O. This new formula is not in accordance with the amidogen and ammonium theories. H 3 forms neither an amidogen nor an ammonium. It is not therefore immediately evident how the additional atom of hydrogen is connected with the indigo blue, and chemists have given many different explanations of this difficulty. Berzelius even resorted to the expedient of adopting a special radical, Isaten = C 8 H 6 N to explain it. According to him, indigo white should be called Isaten oxydul. Nevertheless, what it is difficult to understand of this occurrence in relation to one atom of the compound, becomes easy if we regard it as taking place with two atoms ; for, if two atoms of indigo blue take up two atoms of hydrogen, and produce a compound that agrees with the following formula, we perceive that the difficulty is gone, and that we are looking upon a change that is analogous to many that occur with other compounds of the azotic series : IZH*,C 8 H 3 O) Ammona indylate cum amida Indigo white = | ZE[25C 8 H 3 } indylate< ' According to this view of the transformation, indigo blue is a simple indylate with an amidogen base, and indigo white is a double indylate, with one amidogen base and one ammonium base. In so far as per centage relations are in question, those formulae agree perfectly with the analytical results ; but in respect to the assumed proximate constitutions of these salts, the only evidence that can be offered in proof of their accuracy is, that the relations of the salts to all other salts of the indigo series are such as would exist if the constitutions that are assumed to be true, could be proved to be true. The great assumption made in respect to indigo white is, that it contains a salt of Ammonium combined with a salt of Amidogen. Hitherto, such combinations have not been ad- mitted, because they have been overlooked and misunderstood ; but the numerous examples of their existence which I have cited in this Essay must remove all reasonable doubts respecting the possibility of their existence. 3], One of the agents employed to reduce indigo blue to indigo white is grape sugar, and the process of reduction may be represented as follows : J_J1V1 r 7"tT2 (~ > 8yT 3 (~)') \ZH 2 ic 8 H 3 0[ " h CH 2 + H 2 0. {: : ^}+H,CHO Indigo blue, Grape Water. Indigo white, Formic 2 atoms. sugar. i atom. acid. s2 2GO INDIGO. A more elaborate and intricate explanation of this process, founded on the current theory of chemistry, is given in Professor Gregory's Hand- book of Organic Chemistry, page 365. Indigo white is subject to reconversion into indigo blue by a process which is usually called " oxidation ;" that is to say, when it is exposed to atmospheric air, O l of the air takes H 2 from the indigo to form water ; the ammonium ZH 4 is thus " oxidised " into the amidogen ZH a , and the indigo white again becomes indigo blue. If the theory, according to which I am endeavouring to explain the constitution of the indigo salts, is true, it shows, among other things, that the processes which are commonly called oxidation and reduction, are either incorrectly understood by chemists, or are described in veiy awkward phraseology. Let us consider the present case in detail. We convert two atoms of indigo blue into one atom of indigo white, by the addition of two atoms of hydrogen, and we call this process " reduction." What is reduced? Surely not the indigo. We reverse the operation. We convert one atom of indigo white into two atoms of indigo blue, by taking away two atoms of hydrogen, and this process we call " oxidation." What is oxidised ? Certainly not the indigo. The ways and means by which the results are brought about are, theoretically, of no moment. The facts are, that hydrogen is either added or removed. The words intimate that oxygen is added or removed. Many of the misty hypotheses that have been published respecting the metamorphoses of the various salts of indigo have no doubt had their origin in the ambiguity that has been occasioned by the abuse of the words oxidation and reduction. 4]. ZH 2 ; C 8 H 8 2 = Amida indylete. Indigo blue, when submitted to the action of certain agents which impart oxygen, such as nitric acid and chromic acid, takes up another atom of oxygen, and produces the compound which is usually called ISATINE, and which possesses the following constitution : ZH 2 ;C"H 3 2 = Amida indylete. This compound differs from indigo blue by containing an additional atom of oxygen. Berzelius called it Indenoxyd. Gmelin's formula is C 16 NH 5 2 ,O 2 - Laurent's formula C l6 H 5 Is T O 4 . 5]. ZHK ; C 8 H 3 2 = Potassac indylete. 6]. ZHAg; CH 8 O S = Argentac indylete. When Amida indylete Isatine is acted on by a cold solution of caustic potash, it exchanges an atom of hydrogen for an atom of potas- sium, by which exchange its positive radical amida is converted into potassac. ZH 2 ; Cm) 2 + KHO = ZHK; C 8 H S 2 + HHO. IXDIGO. 261 A similar salt, 6], can be prepared with silver, and indeed the formula ZHM r ; C 8 H 3 2 is that of a series of salts which contain amidac radicals. These salts are called by different chemists, Isatites, Isatides, and Isati- nides. Their usual formula is C 16 NH 4 MO 4 . (ZH 3 K ; C 3 H 3 3 = Potassam indylite. 7], JzH 3 Ag; C 8 H 3 3 = Argentam indylite. |ZH 3 Ba ; C 8 H 3 3 = Barytam indylite. 8]. ZH 4 ; C 8 H 3 O 3 = Ammona indylite. When Amida indylete Isatine, No. 4] is acted on by a hot solu- tion of caustic potash, the power of the azotic radical is enlarged, the amida becomes potassam, and the salt assumes another atom of oxygen. Thus : ZH 2 ; C 8 H 3 2 + KHO = ZH 3 K ; C 8 H 3 3 . By proper operations, the experimental details of which do not belong to this investigation, the potassium in this salt can be replaced by barium, silver, or hydrogen ; giving origin to salts that agree with the formulae marked 7] and 8]. It is important to notice the difference of the effects that are produced by treating isatine with a hot and with a cold solution of caustic potash. The relations of amidogens to ammoniums are often essentially changed by circumstances that chemists overlook as insignificant. By one of those misnomers that are so frequent in organic chemistry, the normal salt of this series, represented by No. 8], is called an " ACID." Gregory calls it ISATINIC ACID ; and Miller's name for it is ISATIC ACID. The denomination " acid" is founded on the assumption, that the atom of azote, and three out of the four atoms of hydrogen which are here ascribed to the basic radical of the salt, all belong to the acid radical. Of course, there is no evidence to support that notion. According to the theory now under consideration, the Isatinic or Isatic acid corresponding with the salts 7] and 8], would be constituted as follows, H'jOTPO 8 ; but no such compound is known. The other salts cited above are com- monly called Tsatate of potash, Isatate of silver, and Isatate of barytes. The formula usually ascribed to the imaginary isatic acid is C I6 NH 7 O 6 , or HO,C 16 H 6 N0 5 . Formula 8] and formula 4] show, that hydrated isatic acid is the neutral salt of ammonia of which isatine is the amide. That is, I believe, the true relation of these two salts. It will be seen that a great many of the salts of the indigo series differ from one another to the extent of the difference in the quantity of hydrogen that is required to convert an amid ZH 2 into an ammon ZH 4 ; all other constituents of the salts, ex- cept oxygen, remaining the same. Of course, this peculiarity is not con- fined to the indigo series, but is a general property of the azotic radicals. 262 INDIGO. -, (ZH 4 ; C 8 H 3 O 2 ) Ammona indylete cum amida 9J- |ZH 2 ;C 8 H 3 2 ( : indylete. When " reducing" agents are made to act upon isatine = ZH 2 ; C 8 H 3 2 , the result is exactly similar to that produced when they act upon blue indigo ; namely, two atoms of isatine take up two atoms of hydrogen, and produce a compound which has the composition represented by for- mula 9]. This compound differs from white indigo by containing two additional atoms of oxygen, just as isatine differs from blue indigo by containing one additional atom of oxygen. The name that is usually given to it is ISATHYDE. Berzelius called it Isatenoxyd. Its ordinary formula is C 16 H 6 NO 4 . -, JZH 4 ; OWO 2 ) Ammona indylete cum amida IO J* \ZH 2 ; C 8 H 3 0( indylate. The salt 9] rests upon the experiments of Laurent. Erdmann considers the salt to have the composition that is indicated by the common formula C 16 H 6 N0 3 , which is equivalent to formula No. 10]. A com- pound of this per centage composition has been described under the name of Isatan, which Berzelius rendered Isaten sesquioxydul. 1 proceed to quote a few examples of the salts of indigo that contain the chloric and bromic vice-radicals. 11]. ZH 2 ;C 8 H 2 C10 2 = Amida chloric-indylete. 12]. ZHAg; C 8 H 2 C10 2 = Argentac chloric-indylete. The salt No. 1 1] differs from the salt No. 4] only by containing chloric indyl = C 8 H*C1, instead of normal indyl = C 8 H 3 . The salt No. 12] differs from the salt No. 6] only by the same substitution. The ordinary names for the salt No. n] are chlorisatine and chlo- risatinase, and the formula is C 16 H 4 C1N0 4 . Berzelius's formula is C 16 H 4 NO 3 ,C1O, and his name is Basisches unterchlorigsaures porrinden- sesquioxydul ! 13]. ZH a ; C 8 H 2 Br0 2 = Amida bromic-indylete. The common names are bromisatine and bromisatinase = C ie NBrH 4 4 . 14]. ZH 2 ; C 8 HC1 2 2 = Amida chlorenic-indylete. Common name: Bichlorisatine = C I6 NC1 2 H 3 4 . Berzelius's formula (translated from the Greek) is C 16 H 3 N0 2 ,2C1O. His name is Unter- chlorigsaures flavindenoxydul. A comparison of the formute No. u] and No. 14] with Berzelius's INDIGO. 263 names and formulae for the same compounds, will show how far that great chemist was led astray by his misconception of the nature of the compounds which I have called VICE-RADICALS. 15]. ZH 2 ; C^B^O 2 = Amida bromenic-indylete. i6J. ZHK; C^B^O 2 = Potassac bromenic-indylete. Common names : No. 1 5] is Bibromisatine, bromisatinese = C 16 NBr 2 H 3 4 , Laurent. No. 16] is called Bibromisatite of potash C 16 H 2 KBr 2 N0 4 , Gerhardt. ZH 3 K ; C 8 H 2 C1O 3 = Potassam chloric-indylite. ZH 3 Ba ; C 8 H 2 C10 3 = Barytam chloric-indylite. ZH 3 Ag ; C?H 2 C1O 3 = Argentam chloric-indylite. ZH 3 Pb ; (OT'CIO 3 = Plumbam chloric-indylite. 1 8]. ZH 4 ; C 8 H 2 C10 3 = Ammona chloric-indylite. The salts represented by formulae 17] and 18] are commonly called Chlorisatates and Chlorisatinates, and the usual formula is C I6 NC1H 5 M0 6 . No. 1 8] is the Chlorisatic "Acid," in agreement with the formula HO,C 16 H 5 NC10 5 . Berzelius's name for it is Indenoxydul chlorige Saure. This "acid" cannot be separated from solution, and is, in fact, un- known. The series 17] and 18] agree precisely with the series 7] and 8], except in containing chloric-indyl instead of normal indyl. fZH 3 K ; C 8 HC1 2 8 = Potassam chlorenic-indylite. ZH 3 Ba ; C 8 HC1 2 3 = Barytam chlorenic-indylite. 19]. JzH 3 Cuc; C 8 HC1 2 3 = Cupricam chlorenic-indylite. ZH 3 Pb ; C 8 HC1 2 O 8 = Plumbam chlorenic-indylite. (ZH 3 Ag ; C 8 HC1 2 3 = Argentam chlorenic-indylite. 20]. ZH 4 ; C 8 HC1 2 3 = Ammona chlorenic-indylite. The salts represented by the formulae No. 19]] are commonly called Bichlorisatinates. No. 20] is the Bichlorisatinic " Acid," answering to the formula HO,C 16 H 4 C1 2 N0 5 or C I6 NCPH 5 O 6 . Berzelius's name for this acid is Porrinden-chloric acid - C 16 H 4 ]N",C1 + CIO 5 -f, HO. The relation of these salts to those represented by formulae 7], 8], and 17], 1 8], is so evident, that it is needless to offer any discussion. 21]. ZH 4 ; C 8 H 2 Br0 3 - Ammona bromic-indylite. Common name : Bromisatic acid = C 16 NBrH 6 O 6 . Compare it with 18]. 22]. ZH 3 K ; C 8 HBr 2 3 = Potassam bromenic-indy lite. 23]. ZH 4 ; C 8 HBr 8 O 3 = Ammona bromenic-indy lite. Commonly called Bibromisatinates. No. 23 is the Bibromisatinic " Acid"^HO,C 16 H 4 Br 8 N0 5 . Compare 22] with 19], and 23] with 20]. 264 INDIGO. No. 18" . ZH 4 *.?! . ZH 3 Ag 21 . ZH 4 20 . ZH 4 2 3 . ZH 4 22]. ZH a K Ai \ZH 2 ; CHCFO'I chlorenic-indylete. Common names : Chlorisathydese, Laurent. Bichlorisathyde = C 32 H 8 C1 4 N 2 O 8 . Unterchlorigsaures porrindenoxydul = C 16 H 4 N0 2 5 2C1O, Berzelius. Compare the salts No. 24] and 25] with normal isathyde, No. 9]. It is evident that the three salts differ in no other respect than that, in two of them, a portion of the hydrogen of the radical indyl is replaced by chlorine. Yet Berzelius thought it proper to assume that these salts contained three totally-different radicals isaten, inden, and porrinden ; and that these radicals were present in remarkable conditions of com- bination. Thus, 9] was the " peroxide of isaten ;" 24] was the " basic hypochlorite of the sesquioxide of inden;" and 25] was the " hypo- chlorite of the protoxide of porrinden." Here we see how things which are naturally simple and regular can be distorted and made perplexing by the vices of an erroneous hypothesis. Berzelius would not admit that chlorine could replace hydrogen in radicals, and he was driven to advance a host of assumptions, each of which was a thousand times more incredible than the single assumption which he repudiated. Section 2. SALTS IN WHICH INDYLAC is THE NEGATIVE EADICAL. I mean by INDYLAC, a vice-amid which contains one atom of Indyl = ZH,C 8 H 8 . ZH 2 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 = Amida indylacate. ZH 2 ; ZH.C'iraO = Amida chloric-indylacate. , (ZH 2 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 ) Amida indylacate cum amida indy- 1- JZH 2 ; C 8 H 8 2 f ' lete. INDIGO. 265 Amida chloric-indylacate cum amida chloric-indylete. Amida bromenic-indylacate cum amida bromenic-indylete. Amida indylacate bis amida iridylete. Bis amida indylacate cum amida indvlete. Tris amida bromenic-indylacate cum amida bromenic-indylete. Amida indylacate cum ammona indylaccete. Amida chloric-indylacate cum ammona chloric-indylaccete. Amida chlorenic-indylacate cum ammona chlorenic-indylaccete. Ammona indylaccete cum amida indvlete. Ammona chloric-indylaccete cum amida chloric-indylete. Ammona chlorenic - indylaccete cum amida chlorenic-indylete. Barytam indylaccete cum amida indylete. Argentam chlorenic-indylaccete cum amida chlorenic-indylete. Ammona indylaccete. Cupriccem indylaccete. Argentam indylaccete. Argentam chloric-indylaccete. I have placed the above formulae together, in order to show the rela- tionship of the multiple salts of indigo, and to draw attention to the slight, but perfectly definite, differences by which they are individually characterised. All the formulae from 26] to 45], contain an assumption that appeared 29]. | Z TT 2 \ ZH,C 8 H 2 C10) C 8 H 2 C10 8 | i (ZH 2 30]. | ZH2 ZH^HBi^O 1 C 3 HBr 2 2 (ZH 2 " ] - is ZH,C 8 H 3 ) C 8 H 3 2 } C 8 H 3 2 J fZH 2 32] ' JZH 2 ZH,C 8 H 3 ) ZH,C 8 H 3 I C 8 H 3 O 2 J ZH 2 , ZH 2 333- ZH 2 ZH 2 ZH,C a HBr 2 ZH,C 8 HBr 2 ZH^HBi^O C 8 HBr ? 2 i (ZH 2 34]- jzH 4 ZH,C 8 H 3 \ ZH,C 8 H 3 O 2 j -, ;ZH 2 35]- jzH 4 ZH,C 8 H 2 C1O } ZH,C 8 H 2 C10 2 | 3 6 ]' {zH< ZH,C 8 HC1 2 O ) ZH,C 8 HC1 2 2 J -i I ^-ti 37]- J Z H ZH,C 8 H 3 2 1 C 8 H 3 O 2 j 3 8 1- JZH* ZH,C 8 H 2 C10 2 1 C 8 H 2 C1 0'j n (ZH 4 391- {zH 2 ZH,C 8 HC1 2 2 ) C 8 H C1 2 2 ( 401 P 3 4 _!* i 7TT 2 ZH,C 8 H 3 2 1 H C 8 H 3 2 f All | ZH3A S 4 1 -!' }ZH 2 ZH,C 8 HC1 2 8 I C 8 HC1 2 2 | 42]. ZH 4 43]. ZH 2 Cuc 2 44]. ZH 3 Ag 45]. ZH 3 Ag ZH,C 8 H 3 2 ZH,C 8 H 3 2 ZH,C 8 H 3 2 ZH,C 8 H 2 C10 2 266 INDIGO. in none of the formulas from i] to 25]. This consists in the employ- ment of a vice-amidogen, INDYLAC -- ZH,C 8 H 3 , as an ACID RADICAL. I shall be asked, how I justify so novel and irregular a proceeding ? I reply, by the success with which it is followed. No assumption hitherto made by chemists has availed to raise the formulae of the indigo salts out of the mists of empiricism. With this assumption, their composition is made intelligible and regular. The end justifies the means, because order is better than muddle. NOTICES OF THE INDIVIDUAL SALTS. No. 26]. ZH 2 ;ZH,C 8 H 3 = Amida indylacate. Compare with No. 4]. ZH 2 ; C 8 H 3 O 2 = Amida indylete (Isatine). When isatine is treated with ammonia ZH 2 ,H, the compound No. 26] is produced, one atom of water H,HO being given off. ZH 2 ; OTTO* + ZH 2 H = ZH 2 ; ZH.CPEPO + H,HO. In this operation, the residue of the ammonia ZH, combines with the indyl C B H 3 to form the vice-amidogen Indylac. The resulting salt 26] ZH 2 ) if formulated " on the model of water " would look thus : ^JT najpf O. If we contrast the radicals ZH 2 with ZH,C 8 H 3 , and ask which is the more acid of the two, taking for our guidance the properties of radicals which have been described at page 73 of this work, we come to the con- clusion that ZH,C 8 H 3 is more acid than ZH 2 , and consequently that the proper formula for the compound which contains both is that given in 26] = ZH 2 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 0. The ordinary names of this compound are as follow : Imesatine = C'-'H^O 2 , Gerhardt. Porrindenoxydulamid = C 16 H 4 NO 2 NH 2 , Ber- zelius. 27]. ZH 2 ; ZH,C 8 H 2 C10 = Amida chloric-indylacate. This salt differs from No. 26] only in containing chloric-indyl = instead of indyl = C 8 H 3 . It is prepared by acting upon chlorisatine instead of normal isatine. This remark applies to the salts of the vice- indyls generally. Whatever compound salt you can make with indyl, you can also make with chloric-, chlorenic-, bromic-, or bromenic-indyl. I cannot go into experimental details, and it is needless to repeat this general remark at the mention of every formula. The ordinary names for No. 27] are chlorimesatine = C I6 H 5 C1N 8 2 , Gerhardt. Imechlorisatinase, Laurent. JZH 2 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 O 1 Amida indylacate cum 2BJ. J ZH . C 8 H 3 O 2 j amida indylete. A compound of the two salts, 26] and 4], atom to atom. INDIGO. 267 Usual names: Imasatine = C 32 H U N 3 6 , Gerhardt. Polindenoxyd = C 32 H U N 3 ,O 6 , Berzelius. 29]. The chlorine compound parallel to 28]. Common name : Chlorimasatine = C 32 H 9 C1 2 N 3 6 , Gerhardt. Imachlo- risatine, Strecker. 30]. The bromine compound parallel to 28]. Usual names : Bibromimasatine = C 32 H 7 Br 4 N 3 6 , Gerhardt. Imabi- bromisatine, Strecker. Amida indylacate bis amida indylete - A compound of one atom of the salt 26] with two atoms of the salt 4], Common name : Isatilime = C^IPN'O 10 , Laurent. o-l 7TT ywrw Bis amida mdylacate cum = amida i A compound of two atoms of 26] with one atom of 4]. The ordinary name of this salt is Isatimide = C^H^N'O 8 , Laurent. Compare the single salt 26] with the three multiple salts 28], 31], 32]. 33], A salt, said to be very beautiful, accidentally obtained by Laurent, but not producible at pleasure. His name and formula are, Carmindine bibromee = C 64 H 15 Br 8 N 7 O 10 . The most interesting circumstance respecting this salt is, that it seems to indicate the existence of salts that belong to the series 26], 28], 31], 32], but extending beyond the last of these. -, JZH 2 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 1 Amida indylacate cum ammona 34J-JZH 4 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 2 j : indylaccete. This salt is procured by heating the isamate of ammonia No. 42]. HHO is driven off, and No. 34] remains. ZH 4 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 2 ) J ZH 2 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 O 1 + H,HO. ZH 4 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 2 J == \ ZH ^ ZH,C 8 H 3 2 J The compound thus procured contains one atom of the salt 26] and one of the salt 42]. Compare 34] with 10]. The difference between the two salts is, that the two atoms of indyl in 10] are replaced by two atoms of indylac in 34]. Common "names : Isamide, Amasatine = C 32 H 14 N 4 6 , Laurent and Gerhardt. Polindenoxydammoniak = C 3 " 2 H U N 3 O 6 + NH 3 , Berzelius. 35], 36], These salts correspond to 34] but have chloric- and chlo- renic-indyl instead of indyl. Common names : No. 35]. Chlorisamide = C 32 H 12 C1 2 N 4 O 6 . No. 36]. Bichlorisamide = C 32 H 10 C1 4 N 4 6 . 268 IXDIGO. ZH 4 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 2 1 _ Ammona indylaccete cum ZH 2 ; OTTO 8 !" = amida indylete. Compare with 9]. & 3 O 2 I = Amm ?? a . ^ vlete cum ^ J (ZH 2 ; C 8 H 3 O 2 j amida indylete. The only difference in the composition of the two salts, Nos. 9] and 37] is, that in the latter one atom of indyl is replaced by one atom of indylac. The salt 37] contains one atom of isamate of ammonia 42] combined with one atom of isatine 4], It is procured by acting upon isatine with ammonia. ZH 2 ; C 8 H 3 O 2 + ZH 2 H) f ZH 4 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 O 2 ZH 2 ;C 8 H 3 2 f == IZH 2 ; C 8 H 3 2 The common names of this compound (No. 37) are as follow: Isamic acid; Imasatic acid = C 32 H 13 N 3 O 8 , Gerhardt. Imasatinic acid, Laurent. Isatinamic acid. Rubindenic acid, Berzelius. Isamsaure = HO, C 32 H 12 N 3 7 , Strecker. 38] and 39] are salts similar to 37] but containing chloric and chlo- renic-indyl instead of indyl. No. 38] is commonly called chlorisamic acid = HO,C 32 H 10 C1 2 N 3 O 7 . No. 39] is called Bichlorisamic acid 40]. This is the barium salt of the Isamic acid, No. 37]. Between the composition of No. 37] and No. 40], there is only the difference that Ammona = ZH 4 is replaced by Barytam = ZEPBa. The or- dinary name for the salt represented by No. 40] is Isamate of barytes = BaO,C 32 H 12 N 3 O 7 . 41]. This is the silver salt of the "acid" formulated by No. 39]. Its common name is the Bichlorisamate of silver. 42]. ZH 4 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 O 2 = Ammona indylaccete. This is the ammonia salt of the " acid" formulated by No. 37]. It is formed thus : ZH 4 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 2 1 JZH 4 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 O 2 ZH 2 ; C 8 H 3 O 2 + ZH 2 ,Hf : '- JZH 4 ; Z As I consider the salt No. 37] to be a compound of two salts, so I con- sider the result of this reaction to be a product of two similar salts, and therefore I limit the formula to what is given in 42]. The common name of 42] is the isamate of ammonia. I have already stated that when it is strongly dried, the loss of water transforms it into the salt No. 34]. 43]. ZIPCuc 2 ; ZH,C 8 H 3 2 = Cupriccem indylaccete. 44]. ZH 8 Ag; ZH,C 8 H 3 2 = Argentam indylaccete. These two salts are modifications of No. 42], the ammona of 42] being INDIGO. 269 replaced by Cupriccem in 43] and by Argentam in 44]. Common names : No. 43] is Isatinkupferamrnonium = C 16 NH 2 (NH 4 )Cu 2 4 , or C l6 N 2 H 6 Cu 2 O 4 , Gmelin. Isatinkupferoxydammoniak = 2CuO,C 16 H 3 N0 2 + NH 3 , Strecker. No. 44] is Isatinsilverammonium = C 16 NH 3 (NH 4 )Ag0 4 , Gmelin. C l6 NH 4 (NH 3 Ag)O 4 , Laurent. Isatinsilberoxydammoniak = AgO, C 16 H 4 N0 3 + NH 3 , Strecker. 45]. ZH 3 Ag; ZH,C 8 H 2 C10 2 = Argentam chloric indylaccete. This salt differs from No. 44] only by containing chloric-indyl instead of indyl. Common names : Chlorisatinsilverammonium = C 16 NC1H 2 (NH 4 ) AgO 4 , Gmelin. AgO.C 16 H 3 ClNO 3 + NH 3 , Strecker. Chlorisatite of argentammonium = C l6 H 3 (NH 3 Ag)ClN0 4 , Gerliardt. SECTION 3. SALTS IN WHICH INDYLAC AND INDYLAM ACT AS POSI- TIVE RADICALS, WITH SULPHUR AS A NEGATIVE RADICAL. Indylac, as already explained, is a vice-amid containing one atom of Indyl = ZH,C 8 H 3 . Indylam is a vice-ammon containing one atom of Indyl - ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 . A. Bisulphates. = Hydra indylac sulphenote. 01 ) 48]. < Tb; ZH,C 8 H 3 ; 8 2 4 = Plumba indylac sulphenote. 49]. \ K ; ZH^H 3 ; S 2 4 = Potassa indylac sulphenote. (Ba; ZH,C 8 H 3 ; S 2 O 4 = Baryta indylac sulphenote. B. Sulphite. (ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ;SO) ] 50]. {ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; S0*( : \ = Indylamen sulphenite. [= ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; S 2 3 J C. Hyposulphite? 51]. ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; S 2 0? = Indylam sulphenate. , (ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; SO 2 ) = Hydra indylam sulphenote. '* | H ; SO 2 ] " (or, Hydra indylam bisulphete.) This salt is the Acide sulfisataneux of Laurent, the Sulfisatanige Saure o Strecker. Formulae: HO,C 16 H 6 N0 3 ,2S0 2 . I cannot understand why those proportions of sulphur, oxygen, and basic radicals which constitute what is commonly called a sulphate should ever be considered to form a sulphite. Organic chemists are too often guided in their opinion of what 270 INDIGO. a salt is, by their knowledge of the materials they use to make it, or the products they obtain when they decompose it. A salt, while it exists, is neither its antecedent nor its subsequent. Its name ought to state what it is, and not allude to circumstances that attend its construction or destruction. A sulphate contains one positive radical, one atom of sulphur, and two atoms of oxygen. A sulphite contains two positive radicals, two atoms of sulphur, and three atoms of oxygen. These, at least, are the relations insisted upon by the radical theory, but, under all theories, these salts present differences which no chemist is entitled to overlook. 47]. ZH 4 ; ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; S 2 4 = Ammona indylam sulphenote. This is the ammonia-salt of the " acid" No. 46], Its usual names are Sulfisatanite d'ammoniaque, Laurent. Sulfisatanigsaures ammoniak, Strecher. Formula : C 16 H 10 N 2 S 2 O 8 (with 2Aq. omitted in the above for- mula). This salt is not readily decomposed. Hydrochloric acid does not disengage sulphurous acid from its solution. Salts of barium pro- duce no precipitate therein. The salt No. 47] is prepared by mixing bisulphite of ammonia with an alcoholic solution of sulphesatyde. 48]. H; ZH^H 3 ; S 2 4 = Hydra indylac sulphenote. 49]. K ; ZHjOTP ; S*0* = Potassa indylac sulphenote. The " acid " No. 48] differs from the " acid " No. 46] only by con- taining indylac instead of indylam ; all other things remaining the same. The salts 49] differ from the salt 47] in the same particular. The dif- ference is the same as that which distinguishes the Binoxalates from the Oxamates. The acid 48] is prepared by digesting indigo blue in concen- trated hydrated sulphuric acid in a close vessel : ZH 2 ,C 8 H"0 ) f ZH,C 8 H 3 ; SO 8 ) N R1 H, S0 2 l = J H ; S0 2 f No ' 4 8 J' H, SO 8 J t H ,HO = water. With diluted acid, and free access of air, the salt No. 57] is produced. The acid No. 48] has received a variety of names, and been the subject of many different hypotheses. Sulphate of indigo; Gremlin-sulphuric acid, W. Crum; Sulphindigotic acid; sometimes, hyposulphindigotic acid ; indigblauschwefelsaure ; Schwefelsaurer indigo ; Losliches indig- blau; Indylinschwefelsaure; Sulfindylsaure; Acidesulfindylique,DMmas; Acide sulfmdigotique. Formula^. : C 16 NH 5 S 2 O 8 = C lfi NH 5 O 2 , 2 S0 3 , Gmelin. HO,C 16 H 4 NO,2SO 3 ( = Sulphindylic acid), Milkr. The salts 49] are commonly called Sulphindylates. The usual formula of the potash salt is KO,C 16 H 4 NO,S 2 O 6 . It has also been called Indigo carmine and soluble indigo. I copy the following passage from Dr. Gregory's account of the salts No. 49]. " The sulphindigotate appears to be strictly a hyposulphin- INDIGO. 271 digotate, and its formula is in all probability, C 16 H 4 N0 2 ,S 2 5 + KO. Dumas' view, according to which the salt is a double sulphate, analogous to sulphovinate of potash, C 16 H 4 NO,SO 3 + KO,S0 3 , is not supported by the chemical relations of these substances. Dumas conjectured that indigo blue was analogous to alcohol, and that its formula was C 16 H 4 N,0 + HO, the body C 16 H 4 N,O being analogous to oxide of ethyle. But this view is far-fetched, and does not agree with the chemical rela- tions of indigo. It would make, for example, white indigo C 16 H 4 N,O + H + HO or C 16 NH 4 4- 2 HO, both most improbable formulas." Hand- book of Organic Chemistry (1856), p. 367. I disagree entirely with Dumas' view, that indigo blue has a structure analogous to that of alcohol, and I have shown that its structure re- sembles that of an amide : H,C 2 H 5 = Alcohol. ZH 2 ,C 8 H 3 O = Indigo blue. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O = Acetamide. Nevertheless, I agree with Dumas, that the structure of sulphate of indigo resembles that of sulphovinate of potash ; the two salts being for- mulated in my notation as follow : IT paws Q*n* _ J Sulphovinate of potash. "\ Potassa ethyla sulphenote. K . 7TT rspre . ca J In( %otate of potash. K , ZH,C = j pota sa . nd ^ c sulphenote . The sole difference exhibited by these two salts, is the replacement" of ethyla by indylac, both of which are basic radicals. It is not very clear what Dr. Gregory means by a hyposulphindigotate. The formula that he proposes for the salt shows those proportions of S and O which con- stitute a sulphate, not a hyposulphate ; moreover, a hyposulphate, though it is biacid, is monobasic (see page 172), and it could only have indigo and potassium together, as a base in the form of an amidogen or ammonium. The respective quantities of the oxygen and sulphur, how- ever, agree with the composition of nothing but a double sulphate. 50]. ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; S 2 3 = Indylamen sulphenite. This salt is what, in the existing nomenclature, would be called the "neutral sulphite" of indylam. It is the Sulfasatyde, or Sulfisathyde of Laurent and Erdmann ; the Isatenoxysulphuret of Berzelius. For- mulae : C 16 H 6 N0 3 S, Laurent. C 32 H 12 N 2 O 6 S 2 , Gerhardt. 3C' 6 H 6 NO 4 + C 16 H 6 NS 4 , Berzelius. 51]. ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ;S 2 = Indylam sulphenate. This salt is given on the authority of Laurent, after whom it is copied into all the works on Chemistry. The ordinary names and formulae are 272 INDIGO. Sulfesathyde, Isathyde bisulfuree = C 16 H 6 NO*S 2 , Laurent. Bisulfisa- thyde = > 2 H 12 N 2 4 S 4 , Gerhardt. Isatenoxysulplmret = C 16 H 6 NO 4 -f- C 16 H 6 NO 4 , Berzelius. The salt is prepared by passing sulphuretted hydrogen into a solution of isatine. The formula 51] is an uncommon form of an oxysalt of sulphur, and I think that the true formula of the salt is that of a hyposulphite : f ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; SO \ f | ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; SO] Either or H; SOf |ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; SO S: SO See the account of the constitution of the hyposulphites, page 160. Gmelin ascribes to this salt (ffandbuch der Chemie, Band vi., 423,) the formula C 32 JS T2 H 12 O 4 S 2 , adding the authority of Erdmann and Laurent; but I imagine that this is an error in quoting the figures ; otherwise we should have the simple formula : ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ;SO = Indylam sulphate. SECTION 4. SALTS IN WHICH SULPHIC-INDYL is THE NEGATIVE RADICAL. The nature of sulphic vice-radicals has been explained at page 136. The salts of sulphic-indyl have the usual characters of such radicals. They are all double salts if viewed in relation to their analytical formulaa and bibasic salts in accordance with their synoptical formulas. Analytical Formula. Synoptical Formula. 5]- ill'; s H T} = ZH< ; ZH< = C H!S? 5 - Ammona sulphic-indylite cum I = Ammona ammona indyl- ammona sulphete. ) sulphenute. 52]. ZH 4 ; ZH 4 ; C 8 H 2 S 2 5 = Ammona ammona indylsulphenute. 53 J. K ; ZH 4 ; C 8 H 2 S 2 5 = Potassa ammona indylsulphenute. 54 j. K; ZH 4 ; C 8 HC1S 2 5 = Potassa ammona chloric-indyl- sulphenute. 55], K; ZH 4 ; C 8 C1 2 S 2 5 = Potassa ammona chlorenic-indyl- sulphenute. 56]. K; ZH 4 ; (/"BrtSFQ 5 = Potassa ammona bromenic-indvl- sulphenute. ZH 2 ; C 8 H 2 S0 3 ) _ Amida sulphic-indylite cum ZH 8 , C 8 H 3 : S0 2 f = indylam sulphete. 573- 58]. = ZH 2 ; ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; C"H 1 S I S = Amida indylam indyl- sulphenute. ZHK ; C 8 H 2 SO 3 \ _ Potassac sulphic-indylite cum ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; S0 a f = indylam sulphete. = ZHK ; ZH 3 ,C 8 H 3 ; C 8 H 2 S 2 6 5 = Potassac indylam indylsulphenute. INDIGO. 273 52]. ZH 4 ; ZH 4 ; C 8 H 2 S 2 O 5 = Ammona ammona indylsulphenute. The ordinary names and formulas of this salt are as follow : Isatosul- phite of ammonia = C l6 H fi (NH 4 )NO 6 ,2SO 2 , Gerhardt. Isatinschweflig- saures amrnoniak = C 16 NH 6 (NH 4 )O 6 ,2SO 2 , Gmelin. The Isatinosulphites are formulated by several chemists thus : C 16 H 5 N0 4 ,2SO* + MO. But this formula is deficient of HO. 53]. K ; ZH 4 ; C 8 H 2 S 2 O 5 = Potassa ammona indylsulphenute. This is the potash-salt corresponding to the ammonia-salt No. 52]. Com- mon names and formulae : The isatmosulphite of potash = C 16 H 6 KNO 6 , 2 SO' 2 , Gerhardt. Isatinschwefligsaures kali = C 16 NH 6 ,KO 6 ,2S0 2 , Gmelin. This salt occurs with water of crystallization, which can be driven off by heat ; but it is also possible to drive off so much of it that the salt 53] becomes reduced to the salt 49]. Hence these two salts are frequently confounded in chemical works. The Isatinosulphurous acid, which would correspond to salts 52] and 53], is unknown. Gmelin gives its formula as C 16 NH 7 S 2 O' - C 16 NH 7 O 6 ,2S0 2 , which would cor- respond to the following : H ; ZH 4 ; C 8 H 2 S 2 O 5 = Hydra ammona indylsulphenute. 54]. K; ZH 4 ; C 8 HC1S 2 O 5 = Potassa ammona chloric-indylsul- phenute. 55]. K; ZH 4 ; C 8 C1 2 S 2 5 = Potassa ammona chlorenic-indyl- sulphenute. 56]. K ; ZH 4 ; C 8 Bi- 2 S 2 5 = Potassa ammona bromenic-indyl- sulphenute. These three salts differ from 53] by having the hydrogen of the indyl partly replaced by chlorine and bromine as well as by sulphur. In 5 5] and 56] the hydrogen of the radical is entirely replaced. The vice- radicals of the four salts are as follow : 53J 54 C 8 H 2 S = Sulphic-indyl. C 8 HC1S = Chloric-sulphindyl. C 8 C1 2 S = Chlorenic-sulphindyl C 8 Br 2 S = Bromenic-sulphindyl. These salts afford remarkable examples of the great substitution that can take place in radicals, without disturbing the structure of their salts. The ordinary name of No. 54] is the Chlorisatinsulphite of potash; of No. 55] the Bichlorisatin sulphite of potash; and of No. 56] the Bi- bromisatinsulphite of potash. Hence, the ordinary names of the salts from No. 52] to 56] are quite erroneous. A sulphite contains S 2 -f- O 3 ; but these salts contain S' 2 -f- O 5 , and they are evidently double sulphates, including that addi- tional atom of oxygen which always accompanies a sulphic vice-radical. T 274 ANILINE. Each salt may receive a systematic name either according to the analytical or the synoptical formula, as is shown at No. 52]. Analytical Formula. Synoptical Formula. 57]- |zH ]ZH,C 6 H 5 ; CO f 42]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ;CHO 43]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 O 44]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 O 45J. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 4 H 7 O 46]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 5 H 9 47]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; OH^ 48]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 8 H 7 O 2 49]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 9 H 7 [ZH,C 6 H 5 ; CO) 50]. H;C0 2 f l = H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 3 51]. Ba; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 O 3 , (ZH 3 ,C e H 5 ; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 3 ) 52 J' \ H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 O 3 j fZH,C 6 H 3 ; C 2 H 2 01 ) 53]. H;C 2 H 2 2 f ( = H ; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; (C 2 H 2 ) 2 3 J 54]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ;N0 2 n (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 55J- { H;C1 \HPtc 2 ; Cl 3 f ZH,C 6 H 5 ;NO 2 ) I; CO 2 ) f 2(H H 5 H;CyO ZH,C 6 H 5 ;N0 2 1 f Argenta benzylic-phenylac sul- phenite. Bis phenylac sulphenite cum hydra cyana. Phenylam phosphite. Phenylam hydren phosphote. Phenylamen hydra phosphote. Phenylamen hydren phos- pheneze. Phenylam carbete. lodic-phenylam carbete. Bromic-phenylam carbete. Hydra chloric-phenylam car- benote. Phenylac carbate. Phenylac carbate cum amida carbate. Phenylac formylate. Phenylac succinylate. Phenylac acetylate. Phenylac butyrylate. Phenylac valerylate. Phenylac benzylate. Phenylac anisylete. Phenylac cinnamylate. Phenylac carbate cum hydra carbete ; or Hydra phenylac carbenite. Baryta phenylac carbenite. Phenylam phenylac carbenite cum hydra phenylac carbenite. Hydra phenylac succinylenite. Phenylac nitrete. Phenylac nitrete cum hydra chlora. Phenylac nitrete cum hydra platenic chlorine. Phenylac nitrete bis hydra carbete. Phenylac nitrete cum hydra cyanate. 278 TABLE c (ZH,C 6 H 5 ;NOM 59]. ^ZH,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 H;Cy J 60]., !'7"tT /"^6"CJ5 !Vr > k2 Zji,v^ 1 ; I\LJ ZH,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 Cy;Cl 1 ZH,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 61]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 Cy;Cl Ptc 2 ; Cl 2 62]. ZH^H 5 ; Cy 6 , IZH,C 6 H*;Cy 1 & 3> JZH,C 6 H 5 ; H j 61 (ZH,C 6 H*;Cy I' \ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl I 6 , lZH,CH*;Cy 5J- \ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Br 1 66]., (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; Cy ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; I I 6 , (ZH,C 6 H*;Cy 7J \ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; SO 2 I 681 (ZH,C 6 H*;Cy 6b > 1ZH 8 ,C 6 H 5 ;N0 3 ) ZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy 1 ZH, C 6 H 5 ;H 09]. ZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,Ag;NO 3 fZH,C"H 5 ;Cy ) 7 0]., ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CO 2 H;C0 2 1 n JZH,C 6 H 4 C1; Cy 1 7 I J' {ZH,C 6 H 4 C1;H J -, JZH,C 6 H 4 Br; Cy } 7 2 J'\ZH,C 6 H 4 Br;H -, (ZH^'H 4 !; Cy 73J- |ZH,C 6 H 4 I; H I -, (ZH,C 6 H 4 Br;Cy 1 74J- izH 3 ,C 6 H 4 Br;Cl j (ZH,C 6 H 5 ;Cy ) ]JZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;C1 I = Ptc 2 ; Cl 2 J TABLE OF THE SALTS OF AX1LIXK. = Bis phenylac nitrete cum hydra cyana. = Bis phenylac nitrete cum cyana chlora. Bis phenylac nitrete cum cyana chlora bis platic chlora. = Phenylac cyana. = Phenylac cyana cum phenylac hydra. = Phenylac cyana cum phenylam chlora. = Phenylac cyana cum phenylam broma. = Phenylac cyana cum phenylam ioda. = Phenylac cyana cum phenylam sulphete. = Phenylac cyana cum phenylam nitrite. Bis phenylac cyana cum phenylac hydra cum argentic-phenylam nitrite. Phenylac cyana cum hydra phenylam bicarbete. Chloric-phenylac cyana cum chloric-phe- nylac hydra. Bromic-phenylac cyana cum bromic- phenylac hydra, lodic-phenylac cyana cum iodic-phenylac hydra. Bromic-phenylac cyana cum bromic- phenylam chlora. Phenylac cyana cum phenylam chlora bis platic chlora. TABLE OF THE SALTS OF ANILINE. 279 I Phenylac cyana cum phenylam I Auc 3 ' CP I : Chl ra triS aUrk Chl ra * !ZH, C 6 H 4 C1 ; Cy ) Chloric - phenylac cyana cum ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 C1; Cl \ = chloric-phenylam chlora bis ^H Ptc 2 ; Cl 2 J platic chlora. f ZH, C 6 H 4 Br; Cy | Bromic - phenylac cyana cum 78]. < ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 Br; Cl V = bromic-phenylam chlora bis I Ptc 2 ; Cl 2 J platic chlora. 79] . & I H; Cy ( 7TT f^TT 5 C*v \ ai J r/ij XTTS ' r? _ Bis phenylac cyana cum cyana 79] r c : | o Q -, }(ZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy) 8 { _ Tris phenylac cyana cum phe- 8 > I ZH, C 6 H 5 ; H / : nylac hydra. 81]. ZCH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;Cy = Methylic-phenylac cyana. 82]. ZC 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy = Ethylic-phenylac cyana. 83]. ZC 5 H U ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy = Amylic-phenylac cyana. (7TT n 6 !^ 5 Pw 1 84]. |zH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy } = Phen y lam phenylac cyanen. -, j ZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy + HC1 1 _ Phenylam phenylac cyanen bis b 5> JZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy + HC1 J = hydra chlora. Q/n JZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy + HPtc'Cl 3 \ _ Phenylam phenylac cyanen bis y& > |ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy + HPtc 2 Cl 3 J = hydra platenic chlorine. -, JZH,C 6 H 5 ; Cy + HAuc 3 ClM _ Phenylam phenylac cyanen bis 8 7J- |ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy + HAuc 3 Cl 4 j ' hydra aurinic chlorone. QQ1 JZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy +HN0 3 \ _ Phenylam phenylac cyanen bis |ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy + HNO 3 j = hydra nitrite. 8 9; 92. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO = Phenylam cyanate. ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO = Phenylem cyanate. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy ; S 2 = Phenylam cyana sulphene. ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy ; S s = Phenylem cyana sulphene. CC 6 H 5 CvO ^ 1 Jc 6 H 5 'c = Bis pheny la cyanate cum hydra I H/Cy " c 6 H 5 CvO ^ I = j " 'i I = I * rf I " cyana I Ag,Cy ' 'i I = Bis phenyla cyanate cum argenta I " 280 CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILINE. 95]. C 6 H 5 ,CyO '= Phenyla cyanate. ^1 (H,CH 3 O + C 6 H 5 ; CyO = Hydra methylate cum phenyla cy- 9 -I" 4 anate. I = H,GH B ,C e H ; CyO 8 = Hydra methyla phenyla cyanete. -, j H,C 2 H 5 O + C 6 H 5 ; CyO = Hydra ethylate cum phenyla cyanate. 97J- \H,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 = Hydra ethyla phenyla cyanete. fi -, j H,C 5 H U 0+C 6 H 5 ; CyO = Hydra amylate cum phenyla cyanate. 9 8 > \H,C 5 H ll ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 = Hydra amyla phenyla cyanete. 99-1* )CZHC 6 H 5 ' C Vi = ^ >nen y^ a cyanate tris phenylac cyana. Critical Notes on the Salts of Aniline. i]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ;H = Phenylac hydra. This is the salt that is commonly called Aniline. It is prepared by fusing hydrate of potash with isatine. See Indigo, 4]. The action is represented in the following equation : ZH 2 ,C 8 H S OM fZH,C 6 H 5 ;H 4 K,HO f = ^(KK,C0 3 ) 2 IIP Ore atom of isatine and four atoms of hydrate of potash produce one atom of aniline, two atoms of carbonate of potash, and two atoms of hy- drogen. Hofmann, Memoirs of the Chemical Society (1845), iii., 271. Many other names have been given to aniline: Kyanol, Crystalline, Benzidam, Phenylamide, Amaphenase, Phenylia. It is formulated as C 12 H 7 N and C 1S H 5 ,H 2 N. Hofmann, acting on the presumption that aniline contained ammonia, endeavoured to prove that the composition was C I2 H 4 -}- NH 3 ; but he did not succeed in procuring a radical of the form C I8 H 4 ; although many of his formulae, as will hereafter be seen, are framed on the assumption that the aniline salts contain such a radical. It is remarkable, that in the conversion of isatine into aniline, the radical indyl = C 8 H 3 is converted into the radical phenyl = C^H 5 ; in which transformation two atoms of carbon are abstracted from, and two atoms of hydrogen are added to, the original radical. This transmutation renders it probable that chemists may hereafter be able to effect consider- able changes in the composition of the organic radicals which occur as products of vegetable and animal life. 2]. ZH,C 6 H 4 C1;H = Chloric-phenylac hydra. CHLORANILINE, BROMANILIXE, IODANILINE. 281 Hofmann's names : Chloraniline and Amachlophenese. His formulae H \C1 N. Prepared by acting upon chlorisatine, Indigo 1 1], with caustic potash : ZH 2 ,C 8 H 2 C10 2 ) 4 K,HO f (ZH,C 6 H 4 C1; H { (KK,CO 3 ) 2 The reaction is quite parallel to that which occurs when normal isatine is acted upon. See No. i. Hofmann remarks that "the capacity of saturation of chloraniline is the same as that of aniline, although the atom of the latter is lower than that of the former by the difference of the equivalents of chlorine and hydrogen (442*65 12*50 = 430*15)." Mem. Ch. Soc. ii., 277. Of course ! The capacity of saturation is the same, because phenylac and chloric-phenylac are each one radical, with the saturating capacity of one atom. All the vice-amids and vice-ammons, whatever their composition or atomic weight, have the saturating capa- city of one volume of hydrogen. 3]. ZH,C 6 H 4 Br; H = Bromic-pheny lac hydra. Bromaniline ; Amabrophenese ; Bromophenylamine = C I2 (H 6 Br)N H H C 12 N. Hofmann. Prepared by the action of potash on bromisatine, Indigo 13], Hofmann. 4]. ZH,C 6 H 4 I;H = lodic-phenylac hydra, lodaniline = C 12 (H 6 I)N. Hofmann. 5]. ZH,C 6 H 3 Br 2 ; H = Bromenic-phenylac hydra. Dibromaniline ; amabrophenese ; Dibromophenylamine = C l2 (H 5 Br 2 )N H H C 12 ( N. Hofmann. 1 As I must refer to many of Dr. Hofmann's formulae, which are gene- rally written in double or triple lines, I shall, to save room, write them in a single line, thus : C I2 (H 6 ,C1)N, unless there appears reason to quote them graphically. CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILINE. 6]. ZC 5 H U ,C 6 H 5 ; H = Amylic-phenylac hydra. 7]. ZC 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ;H = Ethylic-phenylac hydra. These two compounds contain amidogens, in which both atoms of hydrogen are replaced by compound radicals. Hofmann's names and formulae for No. 6] : Amylaniline ; Amylophe- nylamine c tie i f H = C"H ir N = ( His names and formulae for No. 7] : Ethylaniline ; Ethylophenylamine = C 16 H 11 N = C 12 L^ 5 1 N = Jc i4 H 5 VN. There exists a similar compound with CH 3 , instead of C 2 H 5 and C 5 H", but which in other respects agrees with Nos. 6] and 7]. The compounds fr6*ni No. i] to No. 7] are commonly called " bases." They contain one atom of replaceable hydrogen. When this hydrogen is replaced by an anhydrous radical, we obtain salts with an amidogen base, such as Nos. 8] to n] ; but when the " base" combines with a " hydrated acid," the hydrogen of the " acid," added to that of the " base," is just sufficient to convert the amidogen into an ammonium. Thus, Aniline i] = ZH,C 6 H 5 ; H, with hydrochloric acid = HC1, pro- duces hydrochlorate of aniline = ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl, shown by No. 12] in the Table. The " bases " which contain chloric and bromic-phenyl act exactly in the same manner as those which contain normal phenyl ; and hydrated oxygen acids act precisely like hydrochloric acid ; so that it is possible to produce a great number of salts by preparing these bases, or hydrides of vice-amids, and then simply combining them with hydrated acids. The experimental processes are in some cases complicated ; but so far as respects the theory of these compounds, nothing can be simpler. The entire aniline series consists of salts of Phenylac and Phenylam with double salts containing both of these radicals, and with a few mul- tiple and irregular salts. The differences in the aniline salts depend, either upon the nature of their negative radicals, or upon certain peculiar forms of double and triple salts which admit of easy explanation. In consequence of this great regularity, I shall pass over all duplicate salts with a brief notice, and only dwell upon those prominent substances which invite critical examination. Dr. Hofmann's series of papers on aniline, in which the methods of preparation, and the properties of all the salts are described in detail, being easily accessible, in the Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, I shall not enter unnecessarily upon those subjects, but confine myself, as closely as a clear identification of the compounds will permit, to the discussion of formulae and names. THE SA.LTS OF ANILINE. 283 8]. ZH,C 6 H 3 Br 2 ; Br = Bromenic-phenylac broma. Tribromaniline ; amabrophenose = C 12 (H 4 Br 3 )N. H Tribromophenylamine N. Hofmann. This is a neutral salt, not a base; a bromide of an amidogen con- taining a bromenic radical. 9], ZH,C 6 H 3 C1 2 ; Cl = Chlorenic-phenylac chlora. Trichloraniline ; amachlophenose = C 12 (H 4 Br 3 )N, Hofmann. Of similar constitution to the preceding salt. 10]. ZH,C 6 H 3 Br 2 ;Cl = Bromenic-phenylac chlora. Chlorodibromaniline ; amachlobrophenose = C 12 (H 4 ClBr 2 )N, Hofmann. ii]. ZH,K;C 6 H 5 = Potassac phenyla. Anilide of potassium = K,NH 2 ,C 12 H 4 , Hofmann. 12]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;C1 = Phenylam chlora. Hydrochlorate of aniline = C 12 NH 7 ,HC1, Fritzsche. 13]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;Br = Phenylam broma. Hydrobromate of aniline = C 12 H 7 N,HBr, Hofmann. 14]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;I = Phenylam ioda. Hydriodate of aniline = C 12 H 7 N,HI, Hofmann. 15]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 C1;C1 = Chloric-phenylam chlora. Hydrochlorate of chloraniline = C1H,C 12 (H 6 C1)N, Hofmann. 16]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 Br;Cl = Bromic-phenylam chlora. Hydrochlorate of bromaniline = ClH,C 12 (H 6 Br)N, Hofmann. 17]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 I;C1 = lodic-phenylam chlora. Hydrochlorate of iodaniline = C 12 (H 6 I)N,HC1, Hofmann. 1 8]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 I;I = lodic-phenylam ioda. Hydriodate of iodaniline = C 12 (H 6 I)N,HI, Hofmann. 19]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 3 Br 2 ; Cl = Bromenic-phenylam chlora. Hydrochlorate of dibromaniline = ClH,C 12 (H 5 Br 2 )N, Hofmann. -, JZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 C1; Cl 1 _ Chloric-phenylam chlora 20J< { Ptc 2 ; Cl 2 ] : bis platic chlora. 284 CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILINE. Chloraniline arid bichloride of platinum = C1H,C 18 (H 6 C1)N + Cl 8 Pt, Hofmann. In this case, and in all similar cases, I use the platic atom, in order that the number of positive radicals, = Ptc 8 , may equal the number of negative radicals = Cl 2 , and that we may thus get rid of the necessity of assuming the existence of ^chlorides. See the article on the " Platinum Bases." o -, IZH^C'H 4 !; Cl ) _ lodic-phenylam chlora bis r \ Ptc 8 ; C1 8 | : platic chlora. Bichloride of platinum and iodaniline = C 18 (H 6 I)N,HC1 + PtCl 8 , Hqf- mann. 22]. ZH 8 ,C 6 H 5 ,Hgc; Cl = Meric-phenylam chlora. Chlorquicksilver-aniline, Gmelin = C l2 NH 7 ,HgCl, Gerhardt. Hofmann has analysed a salt of the following constitution : ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,Hgc ; C1+ 2(HgcCl) = Meric-phenylam chlora bis meric chlora. 23]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;N0 3 = Phenylam nitrite. Ordinary name : Nitrate of aniline. The composition is equivalent to that of an atom of hydrated nitric acid combined with an atom of aniline ; the hydrogen of these two compounds being just sufficient to convert the amidogen into an ammonium ; as explained in the note to No. 7]. ZH^H 5 ; H + HNO 3 = ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; NO 3 . Phenylac hydra -f- Hydra nitrite = Phenylam nitrite. The compound called Nitraniline, No. 54, is the Amide of this salt. 24]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;S0 2 = Phenylam sulphete. Sulphate of aniline = C 12 NH 7 ,HO,SO 3 , Zinin. The composition is equi- valent to that of a compound of an atom of hydrated sulphuric acid with an atom of aniline : 5 ; H + HSO* = ZEP.OTP; SO 8 . Phenylac hydra -f Hydra sulphete = Phenylam sulphete. 25]. ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,Cuc; SO 2 = Cupric-pheny lam sulphete. Sulphate of copperoxide-aniline = C 1? NH 7 ,CuO,SO 3 , Gmelin, Hofmann. 26]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 C1;S0 8 = Chloric-phenylam sulphete. Sulphate of chloraniline = S0 3 ,C 12 (H 6 C1)N + HO, Hofmann. Compare the following two formulae : No. 2]. ZH,C 6 H 4 C1;H No. 26]. ZH 3 ,CH 4 C1; SO 8 . Hofrnann calls No. 2] Chloraniline, and No. 26] Sulphate of chlora- niline, and his formulae are : SULPHANILIC ACID. 285 C 12 | ^ } N and S0 3 ,C' 2 j **' | N + HO. These names and formulae effectually hide the important fact, that No. 2] is a salt of an amidogen, and No. 26] a salt of an ammonium. Such is the result of the adoption of " bases " instead of "basic radicals." They darken what they are intended to enlighten. 27]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 I; SO 2 = lodic-phenylam sulphete. Sulphate of iodaniline = C 12 (H 6 I)N,HSO 4 , Hofmann. J28]. H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 = Hydra pheny lac sulphenite. 29]. Ag; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 = Argenta phenylac sulphenite. 30]. Ag; Z,C 7 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 = Argenta benzylic-phenylac sulphenite. These three salts are all sulphites, and are, therefore, bibasic. See page 171. No. 28] has an atom of hydrogen replaceable by a positive radical, and on that account is called by Hofmann an " acid." No. 29] is the silver salt of that acid. No. 30] contains benzylic-phenyl in place of normal phenyl, but in other respects it is the same as No. 29]. Hof- mann's formula for No. 28] is HS0 4 C 12 H 6 N,SO 2 , and his name is Sul- phanilic acid. Both name and formula ignore the existence of a sulphite. Gerhardt calls it Phenyl-sulphamic acid, and gives it the formula C 12 IFNS 2 6 . Miller gives two formulae: HO,C 12 H 5 ,HN,S 2 O 5 and HO,C 12 H 6 NS 9 5 . Gerhardt's name and formula for No. 30] are as follow : [ C 12 H 5 S 2 O 4 Azoture of sulphopheny le N^C 14 H 5 2 = of benzoile and "of [Ag silver. By this ingenious superstructure a bibasic neutral sulphite is made to look like an ammonia. Gerhardt calls No. 29] Sulphanilate (or pheny 1- sulphamate) of silver = C 12 H 6 AgNS 2 6 . Consult Azotic Radicals, No. 321], also the section on Conjugated Acids. 31]. (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 ) 2 + HCy = Bis phenylac sulphenite cum hydra cyana. According to the formula, this salt is a compound of two atoms of a hyposulphate see page 172 with one atom of hydrocyanic acid. Hofmann gives the following account of it : " Concentrated sulphuric acid forms with Melaniline (see No. 63) a copulated sulphuric acid, which, as it appears, possesses this remarkable composition, C 26 H 13 N 3 S 4 12 , which crystallises, and produces soluble salts with all bases." Supple- mente zum ffandworterbuche der Chemie, 271. 286 CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILINE. 32] to 35] are phosphates of phenylam, which do not require par- ticular notice ; No. 32] is the monobasic salt. Nos. 33] and 34] are tribasic; and No. 35] is tetrabasic, or, as it is commonly called, bibasic. See page 142. They are all given on the authority of Nicholson. 36]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;CO a = Phenylam carbete. Neutral oxalate of aniline = C 2 O 3 ,C 12 H 7 N + HO, Hofmann. The com- position of this salt is equal to that of an atom of hydrated oxalic acid and an atom of aniline : H,C0 8 + ZH,C 6 H 5 ;H = ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CO 2 . Hydra carbete -}- Phenylac hydra = Phenylam carbete. 37]. ZIPjOH 4 !; CO 2 = lodic-phenylam carbete. Oxakteofiodaniline = C 12 (H 6 I)N,HC 2 O 4 , Hofmann. 38]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 Br; CO 2 = Bromic-pheny lam carbete. Oxalate of bromaniline = C 2 O 3 ,C l2 (H 6 Br)N,HO, Hofmann. 39]- { ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 C1; CO 2 1 Hydra chloric-pheny lam H ; CO 2 ] : carbenote. ) , \Hofmann. Binoxalate of chloraniHne = 2C 2 O 3 ,C I2 (H 6 C1)N + HO, Hofmann. 40]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ;CO = Phenylac carbete. Oxanilide = C^N.W = C 14 H 6 NO 2 ) = NH 2 ,C 2 2 ,C 12 H 4 Gerhardt's name is Diphenyl-oxamide or diazoture of diplienyle and f C ? 2 hydrogen = C 14 H 12 N 2 2 = N 2 j(C 6 H 5 ) 2 Oxanilide is the amid of the ammonium-salt No. 36], viz. : ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CO 2 - HHO = ZH,C 6 H 5 ; CO. 41]- { ZH,C 6 H 5 ; CO) Phenylac carbete cum amida ZH 2 ; CO | = carbete. Oxanilamide = C 16 H 8 N 2 4 = C 12 H 6 N,C 2 O 2 ; H 2 N,C 2 O 2 , Hofmann. A double salt containing the amid of the ammonium series and that of the phenylam series. 42]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ;CHO = Phenylac formylate. Formanilide ; phenyl-formiamide ; azoture of phenyl, of formyl, and of fC 6 H 5 = N^CHO, I H hydrogen = (7H 7 NO = N \ZH 3 ,C 6 H 3 ;Br j : broma. 67]. { J ZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy ) _ Phenylac cyana cum phenylam \ZH 3 ,C 6 H 8 ; I ( " ioda. ZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy 1 _ Phenylac cyana cum phenylam ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; SO 2 j " sulphete. JZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; N0 3 f " nitrite. Here are half-a-dozen double salts that exhibit great similarity in com- position. Their characteristic salt is Phenylac cyana, No. 62], which occurs in all of them. The other salts of these compounds have been already described individually. No. 63] contains No. i] ; No. 64] contains No. 12] ; No. 65] contains No. 13] ; No. 66] contains No. 14] ; No. 67] contains No. 24] ; No. 68] contains No. 23.] If we begin our examination of these compounds with No. 63], we perceive that this salt produces all the others by direct combination with hydrated acids. Thus, No. 63- HC1 Hydrochloric acid = No. -f. HBr Hydrobromic acid = 65 + HI Hydriodic acid = 66" -f HSO 2 Sulphuric acid = 67' + HNO 3 Nitric acid. 6S~_. The hydrogen in phenylac hydra added to the hydrogen of each acid is just enough to convert phenylac into phenylam, or produce an ammonium from an amidogen. See the explanatory note after No. 7]. Now let us turn to the account of those salts, that has been given by Dr. Hofmann, their discoverer. You will find it in the Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society (1847), vol. i. p. 285. No. 63] is called MELANILINE, and it is said to have these characters : "It is a new conjugated alkaloid. A conjugated base which saturates only one equivalent of acid. It has scarcely any action on vegetable colours. It is only slightly soluble in cold water. It dissolves easily in all acids, and with most of them forms crystallised salts. With respect to its basic properties, melaniline is nearly allied to aniline. An aniline salt cannot be decomposed by melaniline. nor has aniline any action on the salts of the other base." Hofmann. u2 292 CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILINE. There is not one of these characters that is not perfectly consistent with the formula which I have given to the compound in No. 63]. The reason is evident why it saturates only one equivalent of acid ; namely, because it contains only one replaceable atom of hydrogen. The action of vegetable colours results from the presence of the H l of the aniline atom, but as the compound is only slightly soluble, the solution can have only a feeble action. Aniline has no action on salts of melaniline, because phenylac can displace neither phenylac nor phenylam. The name melaniline was adopted in consequence of a relationship or an analogy which Dr. Hofmann supposed to exist between this body and the compound that is usually called melamine. According to my way of formulating these two compounds, they are as follow : Melamine = ZH 2 ,Cyl = Amida cyanyla. f ZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cyl Phenylac cyana cum = tZH,C 6 H*;Hi = phenylac hydra. The relationship that exists between these two compounds is certainly very distant ; a sort of Scotch-cousinship a great many times removed. Dr. Hofmann is, however, quite right in the following statement. " From the mode in which it is formed (viz., by the action of chloride of cyanogen on aniline) the basic atom of melaniline may be regarded as an intimate combination of aniline with cyanilide, whence the rational formula of the new compound assumes the following shape : C 26 H i3 N 3 = c 12 H 6 NCy, C 12 H 7 N." Melaniline. Cyanilide. Aniline. This equation, transformed into my notation, is 5 ; H. No. 63] = No. 62] + No. i]. Hofmann's names and formulae for the salts Nos. 64] to 68] are as follow : . Hydrochlorate of melaniline = C 26 H 13 N 8 ,HC1. 65 66 68 . Hydrobromate of melaniline = C 26 H 18 N 3 ,HBr. . Hydriodate of melaniline = C 86 H 13 N 3 ,HI. . Sulphate of melaniline = C 26 H 18 N 8 ,HS< . Nitrate of melaniline = C 2(! H 13 N 3 ,HNO 6 . He has given another series of formula? for these salts similar to the following example : No. 64] = C' 2 H 7 N,C 12 H 6 NCy,HCl. MELANILIKE. 293 For melaniline, No. 63], he has proposed the five following formulas : I. 2. H H C 12 3. C- 69]. C 26 H 13 N 3 . 4. NH 3 + An 2 ,Ad,O. wllPVP At! fl2TT4 1 H 1 IN, cy IN. H 5 J C 12 H 5 J Ad = NH 2 . 5. (C' 2 H 5 ) 2 ) Cv N. (H 4 N) J Bis phenylac cyana cum = phenylac hydra cum ar- gentic-phenylam nitrite. H 7 N,C 12 H 6 N,Cy. (ZH, C 6 H 5 ;Cy\ ZH, C 6 H 5 ; H j ZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy 1 ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 , Ag;N0 3 ( This compound will be understood by comparing the formula with Nos. 63] and 68] ; considering it to be a compound of these two salts, and that the radical phenylam of No. 68] is replaced in 69] by the radical argentic-phenylam ; or, in other words, by supposing that two atoms of No. 63] combine with one atom of nitrate of silver, Ag,NO 3 , to form the double or acid salt No. 69]. Hofmann's names and formulae are: Nitrate of silver and melaniline = 2 (C 26 H 13 N 3 ), Ag, NO 6 = 2(C 12 H 7 N,C 12 H 6 NCy,),AgN0 6 ; and, in another place, Nitrate of pro- toxide of silver-melaniline = AgO,N0 5 ,2C 26 H 13 N 3 . He says the com- position is " somewhat uncommon." It is, however, by no means uncommon to find ammoniums that contain metallic radicals in sub- stitution for hydrogen. It is only uncommon to find organic chemists who admit the fact that such ammoniums exist. fZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy ] 70]. |ZH,C 6 H 4 Br; H f = bromic-phenylac hydra. Hofmann's Dibromomelanilme = C 26 (H u Br 2 )N 3 . -, JZH,C 6 H 4 I; Cy \ _ lodic-phenylac cyana cum 73J- |ZH,C 6 H 4 I;H J = iodic-phenylac hydra. Hofmann's Diiodomelanilme = C 12 l N, C 12 j^JNCy. 294 CRITICAL NOTES OX THE SALTS OF ANILINE. Compare Nos. 71], 72], 75] with No. 63]. They agree exactly, excepting that the phenyl of 63] is replaced by chloric-, bromic-, and iodic-phenyl in the other salts. The salts remain the same in structure and in general properties. -, JZH, C 6 H 4 Br; Cy) _ Bromic-phenylac cyana cum ' (ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 Br; Cl j = bromic-phenylam chlora. Hofmann's Hydrochlorate of dibromomelaniline = C 8e (H ll Br 8 )jS T3 ,HCl . -i I vtra /--6Tj5 ' r7 1 Phenylac cvana cum phenylam / S . SS . f - * . Pt 2 n 2 1 chlora bis platic chlora. Hofmann's Bichloride of platinum and melaniline = C 26 H I8 N 8 HCl,PtCl 2 = C l2 H 7 N,C' a H 6 NCy,HCl,PtCl 2 . TZH, C 6 H 5 ; Cy 1 Phenylac cyana cum phe- 76]. ^ZIFjC'H 5 ; Cl I = nylam chlora tris auric 1 Auc 3 ; CT j chlora. Hofmann's Terchloride of gold and melaniline = C !6 H 13 N 3 ,HCl,AuCl 3 = C u H 7 N,C w H 8 NCy,HCl, AuCl 8 . fZH, C 6 H 4 C1 ; Cy) Chloric-phenylac cyana cum 77]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 C1; Cl I = chloric -phenylam chlora bis platic chlora. , C 6 H 4 C1 ; Cy) 3 ,C 6 H 4 C1; Cl I = Ptc 8 ; CPJ Hofmann's Bichloride of platinum and dichloromelaniline {TT6 | f TJ5 ) j I N, C 12 j Q 1 N,Cy ,HCl,PtCl 8 TZH, C 6 H 4 Br; Cy] Bromic-phenylac cyana cum 78]. ^ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 Br; Cl I = bromic-phenylam chlora Ptc 2 ; C1 2 J bis platic chlora. Hofmann's Bichloride of platinum and dibromomelaniline = C 26 (H ll Br 2 ) N 8 ,HCl,PtCl 2 = C 12 H N, C 18 *l N,Cy,HCl,PtCl 2 . cyana cum This salt is produced by the action of cyanogen on melaniline, Hof- mann gives it the name of Dicyanomelaniline, and liberally assigns to it D1CYANOMELANILIXE. 295 six different formulae, which give us certainly the opportunity of choice, but necessarily accompanied by its embarrassments : SP = Cy 2 ,C 26 H 13 N 3 = CyC l2 H 7 N;Cy,C 12 H 6 NCy = C 12 H 7 N,C 12 H 6 NCy{^ = NH 3 (2AnCy,AdCy) H ) rn \ = Cy H IN, Cy^Cy C 12 H 5 J (C 12 H 5 J Grnelin's name and formulae are Bicyanmelanilin = C Z4 Cy 3 Ad 2 H 7 ,H 2 . Compare No. 79] with No. 63.] There really seems to be no difficulty in the matter, and no necessity to marshal such an army of formulae. The transformation which takes place in this process is of the simplest possible character. Two atoms of cyanogen, combine with one atom of melaniline, converting H l from a negative into a positive radical, and pro- ducing a triple cyanide. But let us listen to Dr. Hofmann : " In dicyanomelaniline the basic properties of melaniline are still per- ceptible : they appear, however, less prominent than in the descendants of substitution. The cyanogen base dissolves with great facility in dilute acids in the cold. On adding ammonia to the acid solution, a few moments after it has been made, a white precipitate is thrown down, consisting of unaltered dicyanomelaniline. I have, however, vainly tried to prepare salts of this base" Hofmann, Quarterly Jour. Chem. Soc. 1848, i. 309. " I have vainly endeavoured to produce crystallized combinations of dicyanomelaniline with acids. In fact, the only experimental evidence of the basic nature of this substance is the remarkable facility with which it dissolves in mineral as well as vegetable acids." Idem, 1849, ii. 307. Those who look at formula No. 79] will feel little surprise that Dr. Hofmann should fail in preparing salts by adding acids to such a " base." They will feel more surprise that he should attach to the word " base " a meaning with so wide a latitude. cum (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; Cy } ~. 79 ]JzH,C 6 H 5 ;Cy I = Bls P hen ? ac 1 Cy ' Cl ) c y ana cnlora - Discovered by Laurent. Chlorcyaniled ; formulas : C 30 N 5 C1H 12 C 24 Cy 3 Ad 2 H 7 ,HCl, Gmelin. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; Cy ) _ 9 = Bl * r> hen y lac C 7 ana cum 70*1 ziLcm 9 cv H;CyO ycra cyanate Anilinammeline = C^N^H^O 8 , Gmelin. 296 CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILINE. -, j(ZH,C 6 H 5 ; Cy) 3 l _ Tris phenylac J * t ZH,C 6 H 5 ; H f : cyana cum phenylac hydra. Compare with Nos. 62] and 63]. According to Hofmann, when melaniline is heated, aniline distils over, and leaves a residue that has the following composition: C 54 H 85 N 7 ; and he says, "The simplest inter- pretation of this formula consists in regarding it as a compound of the aniline-mellon with three equivalents of aniline. Mellon . . . C 6 N 4 Aniline-mellon . C 6 N 4 (C 12 H 4 ) = C 13 H 4 N 4 C^IPN 7 = C 18 H 4 N 4 + 3 C 12 H 7 N. " If this formula actually represents the composition of the body in question, its formation would be the result of the separation of two aniline atoms from three equivalents of melaniline. 3 C 26 H 13 N 3 2C 18 H 7 N Quar. Jour. Chem. Soc. ii. 323. This conclusion is correct ; but why does he go to it by so round- about a process ? What have we to do with mellon or aniline-mellon, or with C 6 H 4 , or C 12 H 4 , or C 18 H 4 N 4 ? The process and its interpretation are extremely simple, and require none of these far-fetched luminaries to enlighten them. Thus : Used. 3 atoms of No. 63] ZH,C 6 H 5 ;Cy) ZH,C 6 H 5 ; Cy( ZH,C 6 H 5 ; Cy ZH,C 6 H 5 ;H ) ZH,C 6 H 5 ;H 1 ZH,C 6 H 5 ; H j ZH,C 6 H 5 ZH,C 6 H 5 ZH,C 6 H 5 ZH,C 6 H 5 JZH,C 6 H 5 1ZH,C 6 H 5 Obtained. Cy Cy Cy H HI Hf i atom of No. 80]. 2 atoms of No. il. ZCH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cy = Methylic-phenylac cyana. ZC 2 H 5 ,C 6 H S ; Cy = Ethylic-pheny lac cyana. ; Cy = Amylic-phenylac cyana. 81 82 83 These salts are so simple that they require no explanation, names and formulas are as follow : Gerhardt's , J (Methyl-phenyl-cyanamide, or I cyanic methylanilide /' = [CH 3 lcf rc 2 H 5 C 6 H C CYANILINE. 297 fC 5 H 11 8 -j fAmyl-phenyl-cyanamide, or l^iajjie^s _ ]S[Jc 6 H 5 *J' | cyanic amylanilide J | ^ These three formulae exhibit the usual excellencies of Gerhard t's " type ammonia," and make simple things complex with remarkable facility. We are here called upon to believe (if we can) that cyanogen can replace hydrogen in ammonia, and that the result is still an ammonia. 84]. I^'CTP,- Cy} = Phen y lam P hen 7 lac This formula is intended to represent the compound which Dr. Hofmann calls Cyaniline, and which he represents by the following formulas: C 14 H 7 N 2 = Cy,C 12 H 7 N. According to Dr. Hermann's opinion, cyaniline is formed by the direct union of one equivalent of aniline and one equivalent of cyanogen. Those materials produce ZH,C 6 H 5 ; H + Cy. But this formula repre- sents the radical phenylac in combination at once with two different radicals, H and Cy. To overcome this irregularity, I double the formula, which produces No. 84], a double salt which is quite in accordance with many other salts of phenylac. See Nos. 64] to 70]. The solutions of cyaniline are perfectly neutral, and the compound resembles a neutral salt much more than it does a base. 85] to 88]. These formulae represent examples of the compound salts which are formed by cyaniline. This compound combines both with hydrated acids and with the metallic chlorides, and always in such a manner that the phenylac cyana and phenylam cyana are both combined with the hydrated acid and the chloride. These relations are shown by the formulae. These compounds are prepared with difficulty, because cyaniline is readily decomposed by water. " The constitution of the salts of cyaniline," says Hofmann, " is similar to that of the aniline salts. These compounds are, in fact, aniline salts, which have become associated with tiie elements of cyanogen. I have, however, vainly tried to obtain a salt of cyaniline by passing a current of cyanogen gas into an alcoholic solu- tion of an aniline salt." If, in accordance with Dr. Hermann's opinion, we formulate the salts of cyaniline so as to be similar to the salts of aniline with cyanogen as an adjunct, " associated," as he calls it, which I understand to mean, not combined, but hanging on loosely, they will appear as follows : ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + Cy. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + 2PtcCl + Cy. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + 3 AucCl + Cy. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; 8 5 86] 88 The hydrogen of the hydrated acids is just enough to convert the phe- 298 CRITICAL NOTES OX THE SALTS OF ANILINE. nylac into phenylam, and this simplifies the formula greatly. But what is the function of the cyanogen in these salts after the hydrated acids have converted them into salts of phenylam ? Is this a case where we have biacid salts ; or is the cyanogen, as Hofmann assumes, a ** copula," an unexplained and unexplainable adjunct of the phenylam? " The for- mation of this base," he says, " offers one of the first instances in which an organic alkali is found associated with another compound, the presence of which does not affect its saturating capacity." What gives chlorine the power in these special cases, and only in these special cases, to nullify the saturating capacity of cyanogen ? Upon the whole, I am of opinion, that it is safest to consider these compounds as quadruple salts, such as they are exhibited by formula Nos. 85] to 88], page 279. The assump- tions of Dr. Hofmann lead to consequences that are too important to be admitted without sufficient evidence. I cannot understand the position of an "associated" radical, which has no functions to perform. That is not according to the common course of nature, which makes every atom do its duty. 89]. ZEP.O'H 5 ; CyO = Phenylam cyanate. Hofmann's Carbamide-carbanilide, or Anilo-urea. Procured by the action of hydrated cyanic acid = HCyO upon aniline = ZH,C 6 H 5 ; H. 90]. ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ;CyO = Phenylem cyanate. Hofmann's Carbanilide. These two compounds belong to the class of Ureas, that is to say, each of them is a cyanate of an ammonium ; and they differ from one another onlyvin the circumstance, that the radical phenylem of No. 90] contains twice as much phenyl as is contained in the radical, phenylam of No. 89]. Nevertheless, these two salts form the subject of a special theory by Dr. Hofmann, and as I consider that that theory is fallacious, I shall quote his arguments in full. " The method by means of which I first obtained anilo-urea, viz., the action of hydrated cyanic acid on aniline, very naturally suggested the idea that this compound must be considered as an analogue of urea ; as urea containing the elements C 12 H 4 . Urea NH 3 HC 2 N0 2 , Anilo-urea . (C 12 H 4 )NH 3 HC 2 NO 2 , and hence the name under which I have described it. " This mode of regarding it is, however, not supported by the chemical deportment of the compound ; in anilo-urea we no longer find a remnant of basic properties, [i] I have vainly endeavoured to combine it with acids, in order to produce compounds analogous to nitrate or oxalate of urea. The presence of these acids does not increase the solubility of the aniline compound in water, and the crystals deposited on CARBANILIDE. CARBAMIDE-CABBANILIDE. 299 cooling retain no acid. My attempts to form a platinum-salt have likewise been unsuccessful. [2]. " The formula of anilo-urea admits, however, of another interpretation, which is strikingly supported by experimental evidence. The following equation : C 14 H 8 N 2 2 = NH 2 ,CO; C 12 H 6 N,CO, shows that we may consider this substance, likewise, as a double com- pound of carbamide with its conjugated analogue. The existence of such double compounds is by no means isolated : in a Memoir on the Meta- morphoses of Cyaniline, which I intend shortly to present to the Society, I shall have to describe a body of perfectly similar construction, viz., a compound of oxamide with oxanilide, corresponding in every respect to the preceding substance. [3]. Carbamide-carbanilide . . NH 2 ,C O ; C 12 H 6 N,C O . Oxamide-oxanilide . . . NH 2 ,C 2 2 ; C l2 HN,C 2 2 . I was very curious to submit this idea to the test of experiment, and was fortunate enough to meet with a reaction, which leaves little doubt regarding the structure of anilo-urea, or carbamide-carbanilide, as the substance more properly should be called. I found that, when submitted to the action of heat, this compound actually splits into its proximate constituents ; one of which, the carbanilide, is the principal product of the reaction, whilst the other, unable to exist at the temperature at which the separation takes place, undergoes a further metamorphosis, and can be recognized only in its derivatives. " In submitting anilo-urea to the action of heat, the substance fuses without decomposition ; on increasing, however, the temperature above the fusing-point, torrents of ammonia are evolved, while the liquid in the retort solidifies to a crystalline mass, which again liquifies, and ultimately distils on a further elevation of the temperature. If the process be in- terrupted as soon as the evolution of ammonia ceases, and the solid begins to liquefy again, the residue in the retort consists of carbanilide and cyanuric acid. On treating this mixture with a large quantity of boiling water, the w r hole of the cyanuric acid, together with a small quantity of the other substance, is dissolved. In order to obtain the cyanuric acid, the aqueous solution is evaporated to dryness, and the residue extracted w r ith alcohol, when carbanilide is dissolved, and the acid remains in a state of purity. The properties of cyanuric acid are so marked, that I have omitted to analyse the product ; its comportment with solvents, and emitting also the well-known odour of cyanic acid when heated, appearing quite sufficient to obviate all chance of mistake. " The production of carbanilide, of ammonia, and of cyanuric acid in this reaction, admits of an easy explanation, if we recollect that carbamide is actually a submultiple of urea, which, as is well known, when sub- 300 CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILIXE. mitted to dry distillation, is converted into ammonia and cyanuric acid. " Two equivalents of the compound contain the elements of two equi- valents of carbanilide and one of urea : [4] 2C 14 H 8 N 2 2 = 2C 13 H 6 NO Carbamide- Carbanilide. Urea : Carbanilide. and the following equation exhibits the final results of the destruction of carbamide-carbanilide by heat [5] : 6C U H 8 N 2 2 = 3 NH 3 + 6C I8 H 6 NO + H 3 ,C 6 N 3 6 . Carbamide- Carbanilide. Cyanuric acid. Carbanilide. " The substance which I have described in the preceding pages claims some interest, as the first conjugated amide which was discovered, and as the first member of a class of compounds which has been enriched in so remarkable a manner by the investigations of MM. Gerhardt and Laurent." Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, 1848, ii., 42. Remarks on the above statement. i] Anilo-urea is a neutral salt and not a base ; and it has no replaceable hydrogen, except what constitutes the ammonium. Why should it have " a remnant of basic properties?" 2]. The so-called salts of ordinary urea are not normal salts formed by a base with an acid, but double salts containing two complete single salts. It is not necessary that every urea should form double salts. 3]. These two salts are, as I view them, not perfectly similar, but perfectly dissimilar. Just double the atomic weight of the carbon and oxygen, and then examine how the two compounds are individually affected by that simple operation, which, remember, is not a special operation suggested for this occasion, but one to which all compounds are made to submit, when brought under the rule of the radical theory. The compounds are then : NH 2 ; C 12 H 6 N,CO. NH 2 ,CO; C 12 H 6 N,CO. The second compound is No. 41] in the above Table. The first com- pound is No. 89]. Surely there is no " perfect similarity" here? The difference in the relative quantities of C and O, in the two compounds, is a difference which produces a perfect dissimilarity in the compounds. No. 41] can be a double oxamide; No. 89] cannot, because of the absence of the necessary quantity of CO. No. 89] can be a cyanate, having the necessary ingredients in the necessary preparations. No. 41] cannot be a cyanate, because of the unsuitableness of the proportions of its constituents. CARBANILIDE. CARBAM1DE-CARBANIL1DE. 301 4]. Even this short equation is more explicit when made according to the radical theory. Two atoms of No. 89 produce one atom of No. 90, and one of urea = ammona cyanate ZH 4 ,CyO. Thus: ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 1 ( ZH 2 , (C 6 H 5 ) 2 ; Cy 0. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyOJ : (ZH 4 ; CyO. 5]. The following diagram shows the final results of the decom- position. Thus exhibited, these results support the Urea theory, and are adverse to Dr. Hofmann's opinions : Acted upon. Produced. ZH,CH>;Cvo Thus, two atoms of 89] Phenylam cyanate, produce one atom of 90] Phenylem cyanate, one atom of ammonia, and one atom of cyanuric acid. I conclude therefore that the salts 89] and 90] are not examples of " con- jugated amides," and that the terms carbamide-carbanilide and carbanilide convey views that are erroneous. The urea theory is much simpler and more probable, and is SUPPORTED, though Dr. Hofmann thinks otherwise, by the chemical deportment of each of the compounds. " Aniline, when introduced into an atmosphere of phosgene gas, solidifies at once into a crystalline mixture of carbanilide and hydro- chlorate of aniline : " 2C 12 H 7 N + COC1 = C 12 H 7 N,HC1 + C 12 H 6 N,CO." Hofmann. I prefer the following equation : Used. Produced. 4(ZH,C 6 H 5 ; H) 1 f ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CNO CC1,C10 [2(ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl). 91]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;Cy;S 2 = Phenylam cyana sulphene. 92]. ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ;Cy; S 2 = Phenylem cyana sulphene, On a comparison of the formulas Nos. 91] and 92] with Nos. 89] and 90], it will be perceived that these salts exactly correspond to one another. No. 91] is the sulphocyanide of phenylam, and No. 92] is the sulphocyanide of phenylem. Dr. Hofmann's name for No. 91] is Hydrosulphocyanate of aniline, and his formula is C 12 H 7 N,HC 2 NS 2 . His name for No. 92] is Sulpho- carbanilide, and his formula is C 12 H 6 N,CS. The first formula, after doubling the atomic weight of the carbon, agrees with No. 91] ; but, on account of the odd atom of carbon in the last formula, I must double the whole formula, which then agrees with No. 92]. 302 CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILINE. The compound No. 92] can be procured by the action of aniline on bisulphide of carbon ; thus : v J ZH,C 6 H 5 ; m f ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CN ; S 2 = No. 92. NO. I. - | ZH)C 6 H 5. H ( = I JJ. S CS 4 J I H ; S METAMORPHOSES OF DICYANOMELANILINE. " The products arising from the decomposition of dicyanomelaniline (No. 79) belong to the most remarkable substances which have been brought to light by this investigation" p. e. of aniline and its derivatives], Hofmann. For this reason I will add a short account of these products : fC 6 H 5 ,CyO } Bls 1611 c ' anate cum 93]. 'CvO = v TT V I hydra cyana. I H ,Cy J The formula of dicyanomelaniline is given at No. 79], It is : (ZH,C 6 H 5 ;Cy) 2 + HCy. a). When dicyanomelaniline was heated with hydrochloric acid, it produced a considerable quantity of chloride of ammonium, and a new salt which Dr. Hofmann calls Melanoximide or Oxamelanile, and which proved on analysis to have the following composition (in Hofmann's numbers) : C 30 H U N 3 O 4 . " This formula," he says, " readily explains the transformation of dicyanomelaniline under the influence of acids. One equivalent of this substance assimilates four equivalents of water, while two equivalents of ammonia combine with the acid. Dicyano- Melanoximide. melaniline. 6). " This determination leaves no doubt respecting the composition of the new substance, and this is moreover supported by various pheno- mena of transformation which I shall describe hereafter. The formula derived from analysis, although correctly enumerating the elements grouped in the compound, leaves us quite in the dark respecting their actual arrangement, and consequently of the position which has to be assigned to the substance. c). "A rational interpretation of the analysis was, however, greatly facilitated by the previous study of the decomposition of cyaniline. The conversion of this substance into oxalates of aniline and ammonia, or rather into compounds derived from those salts by elimination of water, (oxanilide and oxamide,) at once gave the clue to the nature of the Me- lanoximide. It may be considered as binoxalate of mclanilino, less four equivalents of water : METAMORPHOSES OP DIG YANOMEL ANILINE. 303 C 26 H I3 N 3 ,HC ? 4 + HC 2 4 = C 30 H 15 N 3 8 C 30 H 15 N 3 8 - 4HO = C 30 H U N 3 4 Binoxalate of Melanoximide. Melaniline. cT). " Experiment supports this view in an unequivocal manner. On adding ammonia or potash to an alcoholic solution of the compound, the liquid readily solidifies into a crystalline mass. These crystals are melaniline ; the mclLer liquor contains a considerable proportion of oxalic acid." Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, ii. 310. From these experiments Dr. Hofmann draws the conclusion that the substance under examination is what, in an ammonia series, would be called an Imide, and in the aniline series is an Anile ; i. e., the " bin- oxalate of melaniline less 4 equivalents of water" I venture to show the reader that the conclusions to which we are led by the radical theory, though very different from these, are far simpler and more probable. I shall explain the first reaction (a) by an equation : Used. Produced. fZH,C 6 H 5 ; CN 79]. {ZH,C 6 H* ; CN fC 6 H 5 ,CNO| No. 93]. H, CN |C 6 H 5 ,CNO!> Melanoximide Hydrochoric]H,Cl Acid 1H,C1 H, CN J =C 15 H U N 3 O 2 . ZH 4 , Cl ) Chloride of vy IJLJL,J.J.W i ZH 4 , Cl I Ammonium. Here we have the whole process completely developed. There is no evidence that binoxalate of melaniline is first formed and then decomposed to produce the new compound ; nor is it necessary to resort to * .ch an assumption, nor to imagine that we have to deal either with an Imide or an Anile. The salt 93] appears to be a compound of two atoms of cyanate of phenyl and one atom of hydrocyanic acid. The predisposing cause of the decomposition of the dicyanomelaniline is, probably, that the two atoms of Z, in the presence of Cl arid of abundance of H, exer- cise their usual function of enlarging their amidogens to ammoniums. These ammoniums might be expected to include the phenyl that is present in the salt under decomposition ; but they do not, and we may reasonably infer thence, that the attachment of the phenyl to the cyanogen prevents it. I have shown in other cases (see 85] to 88]) the probability that phenylic radicals can combine with cyanogen in pre- ference to chlorine, and in the presence of chlorides. I do not agree with Dr. Hofmann, that we are " quite in the dark respecting the actual arrangement of the elements in this compound," because his own experiments make the grouping of the constituent salts tolerably clear. 304 CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILINE. The experiment described in paragraph d) is perfectly in accordance with the above explanation, and may be stated in an equation as follows : fC 6 H 5 ,CNCM (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; CN) 93 1. I CTP.CNO ZH OTL* H \ H,CN Caustic j K,HO K,C0 8 \ Oxalate of potash \ K,HO J [ K,CO 2 j potash. J(C 6 H 5 ,CyO) 2 l Bis phenyla cyanate cum argenta \ Ag,Cy f cyana." This salt is the silver-salt of the preceding compound, No. 93], which has merely changed its basic H for Ag. Dr. Hofmann's analysis confirms this formula, but he is in great doubt about its propriety. He says, " Several of the amidogen-compounds which have been ex- amined, such as camphorimide and phtalimide, have the properties of weak acids : they combine, for example, with protoxide of silver. The actual nature of these combinations is scarcely understood. Some con- sider them as compounds of the imides with the oxides ; others as imides in which hydrogen is replaced by silver ; melanoximide is also feebly acid .... and yields a precipitate with nitrate of silver." The metallic compounds to which Dr. Hofmann alludes are the vice-radicals and vice- amids which contain substituting metals. See pages 137 and 191. His analysis leaves no doubt respecting the regularity of the salt No. 94,], which may serve as an example to convince chemists " by whom these compounds are scarcely understood," that it is quite pos- sible to understand them perfectly, if they will take the trouble to examine the facts which prove their existence and nature. 95]. C 6 H 5 ,CyO = Phenyla cyanate. This compound was produced by the action of heat on melanoximide No. 93], its relation to which is obvious at a glance. Dr. Hofmann calls it ANILOCYANIC ACID. His formula is C 14 H 5 NO 2 . He informs us that when this compound is treated with aniline it yields carbanilide (a), and that when it is heated with ammonia it is converted into carbamide-carbanilide (b). These transformations can be readily repre- sented by the new formulae, thus : \ J Na 95] = C 6 H 5 ,CyO 1 _ ZH 2 ,(C 6 H 5 ) 2 ; CyO = No. 90]. a > JNo. ij = ZH,CH>; H ( = "cSSHSE" (No. 95] = C 6 H 5 ;Cy01 = ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO = No. 89]. \Ammonia = ZH 2 ; H / Carbamide-'carbanilide. H,CH 3 -f C 6 H 5 ,CyO = Hydra methylate cum phenyla cyanate. = H,CH 8 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 = Hydra methyla phenyla cyanete. ANILOCYANIC ACID. 305 -, (H,C 2 H 5 0+C 6 H 5 ; CyO = Hydra ethylate cum phenyla cyanate 97 > { =H,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 = Hydra ethyla phenyla cyanete. JLJ.,^ j.j. ll O+C 6 H 5 ,CyO = Hydra amylate cum phenyla cyanate. = H,C 5 H n ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 = Hydra amyla phenyla cyanete. " Anilocyanic acid dissolves in the alcohols with considerable evolution of heat, clear liquids being formed, which, after some minutes, deposit magnificent crystals, I have convinced myself by analysis that the ordi- nary alcohols absorb one equivalent of anilocyanic acid, giving rise to the production of the following series of compounds : Methyl-compound C 16 H 9 NO 4 = C*H 4 O 2 + C 14 H 5 N0 2 Ethyl-compound C 18 H U NO 4 = C 4 H 6 O 2 + C 14 H 5 NO 2 Amyl-componnd C 24 H 17 NO 4 = C 10 H 12 O 2 + O' 4 H 5 NOV Hofmann, Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, ii., 319. He immediately afterwards suggests that these compounds may be carbani- lates or anthranilates, such as C 4 H 5 ,C 14 H 6 NO 4 = Carbanilate or anthrani- late of ethyl. These salts are formed, experimentally, by the direct combination of the salt C 6 H 5 ,CyO with the salts H,C'H 5 O, H,CH 3 O, and H,C 5 H"0; precisely in the same manner as we produce a terbasic phosphate by combining a monobasic phosphate with similar salts on the model of water. I see no reason for doubting that these salts are terbasic cyanates, any more than I do for doubting whether there are such compounds as terbasic phosphates. REACTIONS OF ANILOCYANIC ACID, or PHENYLA CYANATE, C 6 H 5 ; CyO. The following reactions, (a) to (/), of the compound represented by No. 95] = C 6 H 5 ; CyO, are given by Dr. Hofmann with a view to prove that the compound is an ACID (Anilo-cyanic acid) analogous to cyanic acid. Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, ii., 315. But they seem to prove only the presence of cyanate of phenyl, a salt in which H 1 of hydrated cyanic acid has been replaced by the radical phenyl C 6 H 3 . a.) C 6 H 5 ,CNO) f 7 TT r 6TT5 TT XT i ilTTTA I JZH,C 6 H 5 ; H = No. i] Caustic potash J'JJQ J == | KK > C 3 The cyanogen is decomposed; its carbon takes the potassium and oxygen, and forms carbonate of potash ; its nitrogen takes the phenyl and hydrogen, and forms aniline or phenylac hydra, No. i]. Two atoms of caustic potash are necessary to supply the quantity of K and O required to complete the carbonate, and of H to complete the aniline. *). C 6 H 5 ,CNO) UTTB , Hydrochloric acid H, Cl } = \ ' ; JiJ 8 ,5 J Water . . . H| HO J ( CO* set free. x 306 CRITICAL NOTES ON THE SALTS OF ANILINE. In the presence of water and of the strong negative radical, Cl, first of all phenylam is formed, and then phenylam chlora, No. 12], commonly called Hydrochlorate of aniline ; while the carbon carries oft' the oxygen in the state of carbonic acid. c). CTP ; CNO) f ZH,CH> ; SO 1 N g1 Q . , . . , ]H,SOO Im'l H ; S0 2 f JNa 2b > Sulphuric acid | Hjgoo | j ^ In the presence of strong sulphuric acid, the cyanogen is decomposed, carbonic acid is set free, and the azote forms phenylac and then sul- phanilic acid, No. 28] = ZH,C 6 H 5 ; SO + HSO 2 , "or H; ZH,C 6 H 5 ; S 9 3 . cif). C 6 H 5 ; CNO) f ZH 2 ,(C 6 H 5 ) 2 ; CNO = No. gol C 6 H 5 ;CNOI = \ CO 2 H ; HO j I In the presence of water, the cyanogen is decomposed, slowly at mean temperature, rapidly if heated ; carbonic acid is given off, and the azote produces phenylem cyanate, No. 90], commonly called Carbanilide. _\ r^PT 5 PNO 1 "/ ' *'"*"' I "7TJ2 /PCTTS'NS . PXrn "NTrv ^o,"i No. i] =ZH,CH 5 ;H f* R '^ C When No. 95] is treated with aniline, No. i], it produces carbanilide (phenylem cyanate), No. 90]. C ^ a [ \= ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CNO = No. 89]. When No. 95] is treated with ammonia = ZH 2 H, it produces car- bamide-carbanilide (phenylam cyanate), No. 89]. These experiments do not prove that the compound C 6 H 5 ,CyO is an acid; but what they do prove is, that nitrogen acts up to the character that I have assigned to it as a constructor of radicals. When it is in the presence of carbon, and without the materials necessary to constitute an amid or an ammon, it forms cyanogen ; but so soon as materials are placed within its reach, wherewith it can make a salt of an amid or an ammon, it immediately forms such a salt, and leaves the carbon to its destiny, which appears to be that of occupying and removing the oxygen. What the precise result is, in each case, depends partly upon the nature of the materials that are employed, partly upon their relative quantities, and the manner of putting them together. In cases a and c the materials produce phenylac ; in cases 6 and / they produce phenylam ; in cases d and e they produce phenylem. In the presence of potassium the carbonic acid remains in the state of carbonate of potash. In the absence of positive radicals it flies off as gas. On the subject of the transmigration of azote from amids and ammons MELAXOXIMIDE. 307 into cyanogen, and thence back again into amids and ammons, the reader will find some additional particulars in the Article on " Nitriles," at page 217. At a later period (January, 1856,) Dr. Hofmann ascribed to anilo- cyanic acid the formula C 14 H 6 NO 2 . Proceedings of the Royal Society, viii. 13. But his analyses give C 14 H 5 NO 2 (November, 1849), Quar- terly Journal of the Chemical Society (1850), ii. 314. {C 6 H 5 CvO ) /<7-LT per ! p \3 ( == Yhenjla, cyanate tris phenylac cyana. When melanoximide is distilled, the compounds produced are carbonic oxide gas, anilocyanic acid, and a residue having the following composition : C 56 H 23 N ro* (Hofmann's numbers) = C" 8 H 23 N 7 O l = No. 99]. This de- composition may be accounted for as follows : Used. Produced. 3 atoms of No. 93. C s H 5 ,CyO C 6 H 5 ,CyO C 6 H 5 ,CyO C 6 H 5 ,CyO -f HCy C 6 H 5 ,CyO + HCy C 6 H 5 ,CvO + HCv JCO) Carbonic ICO I oxide, [CO] 3 atoms. C 6 H 5 ,CyO) 2 atoms } C 6 H 5 ,CyO| of 95]. C 6 H 5 ,CyO ZH,C 6 H 5 ,Cy I i atom ZH,C 6 H 5 ,Cy ( of 99]. ZH,C"H 5 ,Cy J When water is present, additional reactions take place and complicate the phenomena. Thus : C 6 H 5 ,CyO) fZH 2 ,(C 6 H 5 ) 2 ; CyO - No. 90]. C 6 H 5 ,CyOl = < CO* set free. H, HO j I Every atom of water decomposes two atoms of No. 95], C 6 H 5 ,CyO, and their materials produce one atom of carbanilide, No. 90], ZH 2 ,(C 6 H 5 ) 2 ; CvO, and one atom of carbonic acid, CO 2 . In reviewing Dr. Hofmann's account of the compounds of aniline, I have restricted my remarks to the individual substances selected for examples, and I have not entered upon the general speculation, whether the aniline bases are most consistent with Berzelius's idea that they all contain ammonia = NH 3 , or with Liebig's, that they all contain amido- gen = NH 2 , &c. On these points Dr. Hofmann does not appear to have satisfied his own judgment, and his wavering arguments certainly settle nothing. In 1844 he quotes aniline with the formula C 18 H 7 N. In 1 848 he is favourable to Berzelius's theory, and aniline is NH 3 ,(C 1S H 4 ). In 1850, farther researches make him incline to Liebig's view, and aniline H] is quoted as H V N. In 1856, aniline becomes again what it was in C 12 H 5 J x 2 308 THE PLATINUM BASES. 1 844, C 12 H 7 N. In most cases these formulae are given doubtingly, as if the arguments that are urged to support them had riot appeared conclu- sive to their author. As the theory of azotic radicals which I have advanced in this Essay is of wider application than any of the theories that have been advocated by Dr. Hofmann, and as the aniline salts, if my views are correct, must fall in with all other salts of azotic radicals, I leave it to the reader to form his own opinion respecting them, when I have placed before him the azotic theory in a more complete state. The Platinum Bases. It is impossible to examine the salts of platinum, and their distin- guishing names and formula?, without being driven to the conclusion that, on these matters, chemists are in a muddle. Of course, the muddle is unnecessary, and might be removed. It does not depend upon difficulties inherent in the salts ; for they are simple and regular, and their transmutations are characteristic and intelligible. The muddle is purely theoretical. It is the produce of the clumsy con- trivances by which, from time to time, the salts of platinum have been EXPLAINED. If we could get rid of these explanations, w r e should get rid of the muddle, since the salts themselves are orderly ; but, unhappily, chemists cherish two favourite dogmas, the retention of which perpetuates the muddle. These are the dogmas : 1. " There is only one chemical equivalent of platinum" 2. " The salts of platinum are composed of acids and bases." REMARKS ox THE FIRST OF THESE DOGMAS. M. Gerhardt, some years ago, showed chemists the propriety nay, the necessity, of admitting the existence of two chemical equivalents of platinum, and he proved to them that this would diminish the muddle amcng its salts. Some ridiculed this notion, and some said it was " a very ingenious theory ;" but I believe that no one, excepting Laurent, admitted its truth. They preferred the muddle. Now I cannot understand why chemists persist in playing the part of Sphinx, and puzzling the world with philosophical riddles that require an (Edipus to solve them, when a plain, simple, and useful course is proposed for their adoption. I cannot perceive what principle of reason guides their judgment in this matter. They will not admit the existence of a " second equivalent" of platinum, and they will admit the exist- ence of a score of *' platinum bases " of the most monstrous and extra- vagant proportions and composition. And thus they encourage muddle. THE PLATINUM BASES. 309 I have collected for this section about a hundred of the principal salts of platinum. I have arranged them in four classes, and given them the formula which they ought to have in accordance with the radical theory. I have added to each salt its ordinary formulae, its difficultly-pronounce- able names, and such other information as is necessary to identify it, and to contrast the existing system with that which is now offered to replace it. I admit the existence of two chemical equivalents of platinum. A heavy atom which has the atomic weight of 99, and a light atom of half that weight. The first is to be called the platous atom, and the second the platic atom. These two chemical atoms produce two distinct classes of salts, being those which are commonly called salts of the protoxide, and salts of the peroxide of platinum. An inspection of the formulae which I have given in the following Table, Nos. i] to 33] will convince any one whose judgment is unperverted by the " idols of the schools," that the separa- tion of the salts Nos. i] to 15] from those of Nos. 1 6] to 33], on the pretence that the former are salts of the protoxide, and the latter salts of the peroxide of platinum, is an unqualified absurdity. Oxygen is power- less in the matter. The real difference in the two classes of salts is obviously in the PLATINUM and ONLY in the platinum; and the true question for investigation is, What is the NATURE of that difference ? The nature of that difference is, that the platous salts contain the heavy atom of platinum, and the platic salts contain the light atom ; all other elements of the salts remaining the same. The difference that exists between the platous and platic salts, exists also between the salts of platousam and platicam. By platousam, I mean an ammonium which contains one platous atom ; by platicam, an ammonium that contains one platic atom. These ammoniums act as positive radicals, and each of them produces a variety of salts. These salts are given in the following Table, where Nos. 34] to 68] are salts of platousam, and Nos. 70] to 100] are salts of platicam. Throughout these extended sets of salts, the characteristic of the first set is the presence .of the platous atom, and of the last set the presence of the platic atom. It is completely in the power of the chemist to produce at pleasure either the platous or the platic atom. The certainty of the very exist- ence of platinum is not greater than the certainty that the chemist has it in his power to produce at will either platous salts or platic salts, either salts of platousam or salts of platicam. And to do this, he must produce either the platous or the platic atom. The following are the facts which guide him : 1 . When platinum is acted on by a negative radical, in the presence of an excess of positive radicals, the platous atom is produced. 2. When platimim is acted on by a negative radical, in the presence of an excess of negative radicals, the platic atom is produced. 310 THE PLATINUM BASES. The salts that are described in the following Tables, are produced by processes that are in perfect accordance with these facts. The salts of platousam are all produced by the action of positive radicals in excess ; and it is only in this class that we meet with those combinations of neutral salts with ammonia, which in Gerhardt's language are called salts of diplatosamine ; while on the other hand, we perceive in the salts of platicam a total absence of an excess of ammonia, and in their formation the constant recurrence of the splitting up of platous into platic atoms by the energetic action of negative radicals presented to the platinum in excess. It is scarcely possible to conceive the existence of evidence of a circumstantial character more conclusive than is presented by the salts that are described in these Tables in support of the principle which I am advocating, that platinum has two different chemical atoms, that either of them is producible, or convertible into the other, at the will of the chemist, and that to the diversity of their reactions all the salts of pla- tinum owe their peculiar characteristics. What I have stated respecting the mutability of the chemical atom of platinum is strictly in accordance with what I have stated in another section see page 34 respecting the mutability of the chemical atom of iron. I have shown there, that under the action of an excess of positive radicals, the ferrous atom is formed, and that, under the pressure of an excess of negative radicals, the ferric atom is produced. This kind of reaction is no doubt common, in a greater or lesser degree, to all elements which are endowed With the property of producing two dif- ferent radicals. The natural tendency of matter to come to an equilibrium occasions these peculiar chemical elements to form their larger or their smaller radical according as the circumstances in which they are placed demand the one or the other. The power to control the elements, and make them produce the basylous or basylic atoms as he requires them, depends entirely on the chemist's ability to arrange the circumstances in which the elements are to be made to act. This was the secret of the " wonderful lamp." When Aladdin rubbed the lamp, the genius appeared to do his bidding. When the chemist desires to pro- duce a particular chemical atom, he arranges the proper circumstances, and nature does his bidding. By admitting the mutability of elementary chemical radicals to be the result of a natural law which is in continual operation, we are enabled to account, in a simple and easy manner, for a great variety of complex chemical phenomena, which are otherwise perfectly unaccountable. Under these circumstances, it is extraordinary that chemists persist in rejecting evidence which is clear and abundant, for no better reason than that Dalton, fifty years ago, defined a chemical equivalent to be one in- divisible atom. Why are we to be bound by a definition which never rested on evidence stronger than a surmise, when that definition is con- tradicted by the facts accumulated by fifty years of analytical research ? THE PLATINUM BASES. 311 We have to this day no evidence of the existence of indivisible atoms. We have abundant evidence of the power possessed by more than twenty elements to produce two different chemical atoms, each of them having the power of a radical, and each being able to produce a series of salts differing in quality from the salts produced by the other radical. But fashions in chemistry are not always regulated by experimental evidence. Dal ton's theory is become an " idol of the schools," and sacrifices are made to it. REMARKS ON THE SECOND DOGMA. " The salts of platinum are composed of acids and bases" The reader is requested to look over the formulae that accompany the synonymes in the following Table of 99 salts of platinum. The doctrine that every salt is composed of an acid and a base, has, in this case, led its votaries to the adoption of some extraordinary absurdities. According to that doctrine, a normal nitrate is composed thus: MO, NO 5 , where MO is the base, and NO 5 is the acid. But here is an exquisite platinum- nitrate, No. 85] : 4NH 3 ,Pt 2 ClO'\2N0 5 . That doctrine professes to dis- countenance binitrates, but here it admits the existence of a binitrate. That doctrine declares it to be a fundamental law, that in every salt the number of atoms of anhydrous acid must be equal to the number of atoms of oxygen in the base. Yet here we have five atoms of oxygen in the base, and only two atoms of anhydrous acid to bring that base into equilibrium. Then, what a base it is ! What a radical it contains ! four atoms of nitrogen, twelve atoms of hydrogen, two atoms of platinum, and one atom of chlorine are all conglomerated into one basic clump that clump is oxidised into a base by five atoms of oxygen, and that one base is then combined directly with two atoms of anhydrous nitric acid to form a nitrate. This is gravely recorded as matter for belief by phi- losophers who are too squeamish to admit the possibility that platinum can produce two different chemical atoms. In order to escape this last difficulty, and to do reverence to the Daltonian " idol," they take a salt which, as formula 85] shows, contains four complete ammoniums and four acid radicals, and which therefore is a quadruple salt ; and, after setting aside as the "acid," the clump " 2NO 5 ," they cram all the other ingredients into the " base," thus making a salt by a series of processes every one of which is in violation of the laws that constitute the doctrine which they pretend to support. I ask any independent thinker whether this is not "muddle?" whether it is not a striking example of the ability to swallow a camel and strain at a gnat ? Here is another admirable example of theoretical architecture : H 3 1 ' PtCU H 3 312 THE PLATINUM BASES. This salt, as I regard it, is formed on the model of sal-ammoniac ; a chlo- ride of an ammonium, in which one atom of hydrogen has been replaced by one platic atom, and which requires on the radical theory the simple formula which I have given to it in No. 70], viz., ZEPPtc; Cl. But this radical formula is very simple, and it contains the heterodox platic atom; it is therefore doubly objectionable to the established chemical authorities. The orthodox view of the salt is this : " It is the chloride of an ammonium. This ammonium has one of its atoms of hydrogen replaced by another ammonium. This other ammonium has one of its atoms of hydrogen replaced by the protochloride of platinum, and thus we obtain the compound : NCI." H 8 ' But some of our orthodox chemists dissent from this view of the salt. They do not admit the truth of this theory of involved ammoniums, where the smaller is made to include the greater. Instead of grouping the elements in that form, they put them side by side in regimental order, thus : Pt 2 Cl 2 O 2 H 12 N 4 + O 2 , and they call this regiment a BASE " Raewsky's base." The particular nature of this " base" is not made by any means clear to us. Whether the elements are combined in any special grouping, or whether they stand side by side like posts in a pallisade, a series of chemical nullities waiting for the " acid " that is to rail them into united action, we are not informed. By similar processes, chemists manufacture a host of " platinum bases," of which I will try to quote a few examples. I hope I shall quote them satisfactorily, but it is so difficult to know when you have the whole of a " platinum base," that in extracting it from its salts, you are very liable to take away a few atoms too many, or leave behind a few that ought to be taken. In the estimation of many orthodox chemists, however, if we may judge from the following formula?, a few atoms more or less in a platinum base seems to be considered a matter of little importance : 1. Gros'sbase . . . PtClH'N 2 -f O or PtClH 8 N,NH 4 O. 2. Reiset's first base . PtH 6 N 2 + O or PtH 2 N,NH 4 O. 3. Reiset's second base . PtH 8 N -{- O or ^H NO. 4. Raewsky's first base Pt 2 Cl O 3 H 12 N 4 + O 2 . 5. Raewsky's second base Pt 8 Cl 2 O 2 H 12 N 4 + O 2 . Grimm's Notation. Hofmann's Notation. 6. Gerhardt's Platosamine NH 2 Pt = ^lNO,HO. THE PLATINUM BASES. 313 Grimm's Notation. Hofmann's Notation. H 4 N> NO HO Pt j 8. Gerhardt's Platinamine . . NHpt 2 = I ^ } NO,HO. f H ) 9. Gerhardt's Diplatinamine . N 2 H 4 pt 2 = 1 pt 2 V NO,HO. [H 4 N] The next six are given by Grimm on the authority of Kolbe : {Pt } TT3 >N. N 1 1 . Ammon-Platammonium = < Pt > N. 12. Oxyplatammonium J IN. H 4 N) 13. Amraon-Oxyplatammonium = N. IIP] f PtCl ) 14. Chlorplatarnmonium = < p > N. 15. Ammon-Chlorplatammonium (HN) = ^PtCHN. Iff j All these bases, and as many more as can be produced by numerous variations in the methods of writing the formulae, the student of chemistry is led to believe to be necessary for the explanation of the salts of platinum. In the Renowned History of the Seven Champions of Christendom it is recorded that the Necromancers of the middle ages no doubt, the orthodox chemists of that period were in the practice of defending unsafe positions by Fortifications and Giants and Dragons of hideous aspect and ugly names, all constructed of MIST. It seems to me that the Platinum Bases have been made of the same material by descendants of those Necromancers in order to protect the rickety theory of acids and bases which they delight to honour. These " bases " are, actually, mere mist castles built in the air, with no solid foundations. If you touch them with the inflexible rod of the Radical Theory, it smashes them, and they vanish. The true platinum 314 PLATOUS SALTS. radicals which bear examination, and do not fly into mist, if you ask them a question or two, are the following : the platous atom = Pt, the platic atom = Ptc, platousam = ZH 3 Pt, and platicam = ZH 3 Ptc. With these only, I proceed to formulate the entire series of the salts of this malicious metal, which, acting the part of the chemical " Puck," has hitherto led philosophers a pretty dance into all sorts of quagmires. It is high time for orthodox chemists to unmuzzle their wisdom, and begin to inquire whether "acids" and "bases" have not been " idolized " a little too long ; and whether it is safe for them to continue to treat with supercilious contempt all proposals to examine into the constitution of salts, because the proposers decline to worship with them the misty phantoms which were the progeny of the half-knowledge, half- ignorance of a preceding generation. Salts of Platinum. DEFINITIONS OF THE PLATINUM RADICALS. PLATOUS signifies the heavy chemical atom of platinum. Atomic weight, 99. Symbol, Pt. PLATIC signifies the light chemical atom of platinum. Atomic weight 49-5. Symbol, Ptc. PLATOUSAM signifies an ammonium in which one atom of hydrogen has been replaced by one platous atom. Symbol, ZH 3 Pt. PLATICAM is an ammonium in which one atom of hydrogen has been replaced by one platic atom. Symbol, ZH 3 Ptc. Thes'e four Radicals produce four distinct Classes of Salts. Class I. Platous Salts. 1. Pt,PtO . . . ' . . Platous platousate. 2. PtS Platous sulpha. 3. PtCl Platous chlora. 4. PtCl + ZH 4 C1 . . . Platous chlora cum ammona chlora. 5. PtjZEFjS'O 8 . . . Platous ammona sulphenite. 6. PtI Platous ioda. 7. PtCy Platous cyana. 8. H,Pt,Cy 2 Hydra platous cyancn. 9. ZH*,Pt,Cy 2 .... Ammona platous cyanen. 10. K,Pt,Cy 8 Potassa platous cyanen. 1 1. (K,Pt,Cy 2 ) 5 + KCy . . Pentakis potassa platous cyanen cum potassa cyana. PLATOUS SALTS. 315 1 2. (ZH 4 ,Pt,Cy 2 ) 5 4- ZH 4 Cy Pentakis ammona platous cyanen cnm ammona cyana. 13. Pt,Cy,S 2 Platous cyana sulphene. 14. K,Pt,Cy 2 ,S 4 .... Potassa platous cyanen sul- phone. 15. Ag,Pt,Cy, 2 S 4 . . . . Argenta platous cyanen sul- phone. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAE OF THE PLATOUS SALTS. In these Formula, O = 8. Pt = 99. i, Protoxide of platinum; platinous oxide = PtO. 2, Protosulphide of platinum; platinous sulphide = PtS. 3, Protochloride of platinum ; platinous chloride ; chloroplatinous acid = PtCl. 4, Chloroplatinate of ammonium = NH 4 Cl,PtCl, Peyrone. (This is the model of three series of salts. In one of them, the chloroplatinites, ZH 4 is replaced by K or some other metal. In the other two series, the two atoms of Cl are re- placed by Br 2 or I 2 , giving rise to the bromoplatinites and iodoplatinites.) 5, Sulphite of platinous oxide and ammonia = NH 4 O,S0 2 -\- PtO, SO 2 . 6, Protoiodide of platinum ; platinous iodide ; iodoplatinous acid = PtI. 7, Protocyanide of platinum; platinous cyanide = PtCy. 8, Hydro- platinocyanic acid = HCy,PtCy. 9, Platinocyanide of ammonium = NH 4 Cy,PtCy. 10, Platinocyanide of potassium = KCy,PtCy. Numbers 9 and 10 are models of a large class of salts, which differ only in having, in the place of ZH 4 and K, one of these radicals, Ba, Ca, Mg, Cue, Hgc, Ag. n, Platino-platinidcyanide of potassium = K 6 Pt 5 Cy 11 = KCy,5KPtCy 2 . 12, Platino-platinidcyanide of ammonium = (NH 4 ) 6 Pt 5 Cy 11 = NH 4 Cy,5(NH 4 PtCy 2 ). There are many other salts on the model of Nos. 1 1 and 1 2, in which ZH 4 and K give place to Na, Ca, Mg, Pb, Fe, &c. 13, Sulphocyanide of platinum = PtCyS 2 . 14, Platino-bisulphocyanide of potassium = KPtC 4 N 2 S 4 = KPt2(CyS 2 ). 15, Platino-bisulphocyanide of silver = AgPt 2(CyS 2 ). Nos. i to 12 are given on the authority of Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry. Nos. 13 to 15 are on the authority of Buckton. ( 316 ) Class II. Platic Salts. 16. Ptc,PtcO . . . . Platic platicate. 17. Ptc,HO .... Platic hydrate. 1 8. PtcS Platic sulpha. 19. PtcCl Platic chlora. 20. KC1 4- 2PtcCl . Potassa chlora bis platic chlora. 21. NaCl 4- 2 PtcCl . Natra chlora bis platic chlora. 22. ZH 4 C1 + 2PtcCl . Ammona chlora bis platic chlora. 23. Ptcl Platic ioda. 24. ZH 4 I 4- 4PtcI . Ammona ioda tetrakis platic ioda. 25. H,Ptc 8 ; I 3 . . . Hydra platenic iodine. 26. Pt,Ptc 2 ; I 3 . . . Platous platenic iodine. 27. PtcSO* .... Platic sulphete. 28. KC1 4- 2PtcCy . Potassa chlora bis platic cyana. 29. ZH*C1 + 2PtcCy . Ammona chlora bis platic cyana. 30. ZH 4 , Ptc*,Cy 8 . . Ammona platenic cyariine. 3 1 . K,Ptc 2 ,Cy a . . . Potassa platenic cyanine. 32. ZH 4 ,Ptc 2 ,Cy 8 ,S 6 . . Ammona platenic cyanine sulphade. 33. K,Ptc 2 ,Cy 3 ,S 6 . . Potassa platenic cyanine sulphade. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULA OF THE PLATIC SALTS. In these formulae O = 8, Pt = 99. 1 6, Platinic oxide; bioxide of platinum = PtO 2 . 17, Hydrate of platinic oxide; platinic hydrate = Pt0 2 ,2HO. 18, Bisulphide of pla- tinum; platinic sulphide = PtS 2 . 19, Bichloride of platinum ; platinic chloride ; chloroplatinic acid = PtCl 2 . 20, Chloroplatinate of potassium = KCl,PtCl 2 . 2 1 , Chloroplatinate of sodium = NaCl,PtCl 8 . 22, Chloro- platinate of ammonium = NH 4 Cl,PtCl 2 . There are other salts on the model of Nos. 20 to 22. The salts that are called chloroplatinites are formed on the model of No. 4. 23, Biniodide of platinum ; platinic iodide; iodoplatinic acid = PtI 2 . 24, lodoplatinate of ammonium = NH 4 I,2PtI 2 . (Instead of the name and formula which I have given in the Table, we could also write ZH 4 ,Ptc 4 ,P = Ammona platonic iodune). 25, Hydriodate of platinic iodide = PtI 2 ,HI. 26, Sesqui-iodide of pla- tinum = Pt 2 ! 3 . (This seems to be a salt precisely corresponding to No. 25. There are equivalent salts with K,Na, &c., instead of Pt; and a corresponding series with Br instead of I). 27, Sulphate of platinic oxide; platinic sulphate = PtO 2 , 2 SO 3 . Two atoms of sulphuric acid are required, because two atoms of oxygen are assumed to be present in the base in combination with only one atom of metal ; so that eight atoms of oxygen are demanded by the current theory, while two atoms SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. 317 suffice on the radical theory. 28, Bicyanide of platinum with chloride of potassium = KCl,PtCv 2 . 29, Bicyanide of platinum with chloride of ammonium = NH 4 Cl,PtCy 2 . 30, Platinidcyanide of ammonium = NH 4 Cy, PtCy 2 . 31, Platinidcyanide of potassium = KCy, PtCy 2 . 32, Platino-tersulphocyanide of ammonium = NH 4 ,Pt 3 CyS 2 . 33, Pla- tino-tersulphocyanide of potassium = KPtC 6 N 3 S 6 = KPt 3 CyS*. Nos. 32 and 33 are models of a series of salts in which K and ZH 4 are re- placed by Fe, Hg, Ag, Pb, and H. See Buckton, Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, vii. 22. The names and formulae from No. 16 to 31 are taken from Gmelm's Handbook of Chemistry . Class III. Salts of Platousam - ZHTt. 34. ZH 3 Pt; Cl Platousam chlora. 35. ZHTt; Cl + ZH 2 ,H . . Platousam chlora cum amida hydra. 36. ZHTt; Br Platousam broma. 37. ZHTt ; Br + ZH 2 ,H . . Platousam broma cum amida hydra. 38. ZHTt; I Platousam ioda. 39. ZHTt; I + ZH 2 ,H . . Platousam ioda cum amida hydra. 40. ZHTt; HO' Platousam hydrate. 41. ZHTt; ZHTtO . . . Platousam platousam ate. 42. ZH 4 ; ZHTtO .... Ammona platousamate. 43. ZHTt; SO 2 Platousam sulphete. 44. ZHTt; SO 2 + ZH 2 ,H . Platousam sulphete cum amida hydra. 45. ZHTt; NO 3 Platousam nitrite. 46. ZHTt ; NO 3 + ZH 2 ,H . Platousam nitrite cum amida hydra. 47. ZH 4 ; ZHTt; CO 3 . . . Ammona platousam carbite. ft (ZH 4 ; ZHTt; CO 3 . . .) Ammona platousam carbite cum 5< jZH 4 ; ZHTtO . . . .( ammona platousamate. 49. ZHTt ; Cy Platousam cyana. 50. ZHTt,Cy + AgCy = Platousam cyana cum argenta cyana. 51. ZHTt,Cy 4- ZnCy Platousam cyana cum zinca cyana. 52. ZHTt,Cy + CoCy = Platousam cyana cum cobaltous cyana. 53. ZHTt,Cy -f- Ni Cy = Platousam cyana cum niccolous cyana, 54. ZHTt ; Cy ; S a . . . . Platousam cyana sulphene. 55. ZH 4 ; ZHTt ; S 2 O 3 . . . Ammona platousam sulphenite. ^ j ZH 4 ; ZHTt ; S*0 3 . . I Ammona platousamine bisul- 50. | ZH 3p t . ZH 3 Ft . S20 3 ^ ^ j phenite. 318 SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. JZH 4 ; ZH 3 Pt; S'O 3 . . .\ 57'lZH 4 'zH 4 ' S 2 O 3 ( Anmionme platousam bisulpnenite. 8 I(ZH 4 ; ZH 3 Pt; S'KD 3 ) 2 ) i A Bis ammona platousam sulphenite ' *(ZH 4 ;C1 j cum aramona chlora dcmi-aquate. jZH 4 ; ZH 3 Pt; S 8 O 3 i A Ammona platousam sulphenite * \ ZH 3 Pt ; Cl I" 1 " cum platousam chlora aquate. 60. ZH 3 Pt; Cl + ZH 3 Cuc ; Cl Platousam chlora cum cupricam chlora. 61. ZH 3 Pt ; Cl + ZH 3 Hgc ; Cl Platousam chlora cum mericain chlora. 62. ZH 3 Pt; Cl + ZH 3 Pb ; Cl Platousam chlora cum plumbam chlora. 63. ZH 3 Pt; Cl -f ZH 8 Zn ; Cl Platousam chlora cum zincam chlora. 64. ZH(CH 3 ) 8 Pt;Cl + ZH 2 ,H Platous - methylem chlora cum amida hydra. 65. ZH^IPyPt; Cl + ZH 2 ,H Platous-ethylem chlora cum amida hydra. 66. ZH(C 8 H 5 ) 2 Pt; C1 + ZH 8 ,H Platous - phenylem chlora cum amida hydra. 67. ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,Pt;Cl . . . Platous-pheriylam chlora. 68. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl-f PtCl = Phenylam chlora cum platous chlora. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULA OF THE SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. 34]. ZH 3 Pt; Cl = Platousam chlora. This formula represents a compound which contains the following pro- portions of the respective elements : Nitrogen. . . . i atom = 14 Hydrogen ... 3 atoms = 3 Platinum . . . i atom = 99 Chlorine . . . . i atom = 35*5 There are several ways of preparing a compound of this composition, and the compounds thus prepared, though similar in their ultimate com- position, have different properties, and give rise to the notion that they differ in their proximate constitution. Three varieties may be specially noticed : a). TJie Green Salt of Magnus is prepared thus : A solution of proto- chloride of platinum (3] Platous chlora) in hydrochloric acid is super- saturated with ammonia. The platous atom undergoes no change, and the quantity of chlorine remains the same, but they combine with SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. 319 ammonia, and the question is, in what manner are the four atoms, Z -j- H 3 , connected with the two atoms Pt -f- Cl. In formula 34] it is assumed that Z -f- H 3 + Pt have produced the vice-ammon platousam, and that this is combined directly with the chlorine. But the facts admit of various other explanations. Thus, we may assume that the platous chlora PtCl combines directly with the ammonia salt to salt and produces the double salt = PtCl -f- ZH 8 ,H ; and, since many salts of platousam possess this property of combining with ZH 2 ,H (see Nos. 35, 37, 39, 44, 46), it is not unreasonable to suppose that the same power of combination may also exist in the platous salts. Another explanation is, that the combination may be of the same nature as the hydrochlorate of ammonia (see page 197); and, in that view, may require the formula ZH,Pt ; H -f- HC1. In this formula ZH,Pt represents a vice-amidogen ; the formula ZH,Pt ; H the cor- responding ammonia, and the formula HC1 the hydrochloric acid requisite to constitute a hydrochlorate of this peculiar ammonia. One of the methods of preparing the compound under consideration consists in adding platous chlora, = PtCl, to the salt represented by formula 35] = ZH 3 Pt; Cl -f- ZH 2 H, which may thus produce a com- pound of the following formula, (ZH 3 Pt; Cl -f ZH 2 H) -f PtCl. Finally, we can imagine the existence in this compound of the radical platousem = ZH 2 Pt 2 , which would then require the following formula : ZH 2 Pt* ; Cl -f ZH 4 C1. We have thus five formulas, all of which express the same quantities of the same elements, but differ greatly in their proximate arrangement, and every one of which has some claim to be considered the right formula : i). ZH 3 Pt;Cl. 2). PtCl + ZH 2 H. 3). ZH,Pt; H + HC1. 4). (ZH 3 ,Pt;Cl + ZH 2 H)+PtCl. (ZH 2 Pt 2 ;Cl 1ZH 4 ) .( It is not unlikely that some of the duplicate salts of this series may require formulae similar to No. 5), containing platousem instead of pla- tousam ; but in the present state of our knowledge of these compounds, while it is easy to construct such formulae, it is impossible to ascribe them with any certainty to the proper compounds. 6). The Yellow Salt. Preparation i). The compound No. 35], = ZEPPt ; Cl + ZH 2 H, is heated as long as it gives off ammonia. 2). The gree'n salt is dissolved in a boiling solution of sulphate of am- monia. When the solution cools, the yellow salt is deposited. There are several other methods, but none which gives any precise information respecting the proximate constitution of the salt. When the yellow salt is dissolved in aqueous ammonia, the salt No. 35] is reconstituted. The yellow salt is sometimes called the hydrochlorate of Reiset's second base. c.) Tlie Red Salt. Carbonate of ammonia is added, drop by drop, 320 SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. to a boiling solution of neutral protochloride of platinum, No. 3] : the red salt crystallises when the solution cools. If carbonate of ammonia is added at once in great excess to a cold solution of protochloride of platinum, the yellow salt is produced. There appear to be several other compounds of this same percentage composition (see Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, vi. 300), but neither the methods of preparing them, or of converting them into other com- pounds, nor their properties or reactions, enable us to allot to them with certainty any one of the above formulae in preference to the others. The prevailing opinion of chemists is, that the green salt contains twice as many atoms as the other salts, but this opinion does not rest on any strong foundation. Synonymes. Chloride of diplatosammonium, Buckton. Ammonio- protochloride of platinum, with one atom of ammonia = NH 8 ,PtCl, Gmelin. Hydrochlorate of platosamine = ClH,NH 2 Pt, Gerhardt ; but according to him the green salt is chloroplatinite of diplatosamine = PtCl 2 H,N 2 H 5 Pt. Platammoniumchlorur = 3 NCI, Grimm (the fHN] vellow salt). Ammon-Platammoniumchloriir-Platinchlorur = <\Pt > Icr j NCI + PtCl, Grimm (the green salt). 1 Miller calls the yellow salt Hydrochlorate of platosamine (Reiset's second base) = PtH 3 N,Cl ; while he calls the green salt Magnus's green salt (Reiset's first base) = PtH 6 N*Cl + PtCl. This last formula agrees with No. 4) in the above list of possible formulae. An objection to this particular formula is, that it is difficult to understand how it happens that (ZH 3 Pt ; Cl + ZH 2 H) + PtCl does not instantly become ZH 8 Pt; Cl + ZH 3 Pt; Cl, a com- pound which requires formula i). 35]. ZIPPt; Cl 4- ZH 2 H . Platousam chlora cum amida hydra. Under the head of " Ammoniated Salts," at page 198, I have ex- plained the nature of the compounds that are formed by the combination of ammonia with neutral salts. It is of importance to bear in mind that these compounds are double salts, because it clears away one of the difficulties in the theory of the platinum bases. Gmelin's name and formula for this salt are Ammonio-protochloride of platinum, with two 1 Grimm's names and formulae are quoted from Liebig's Handworter- buch der Chemie, Band vi. To save room, I shall here quote his ^-lino formulae in one line, thus : (H 4 N,Pt,Cl 2 )NCl 4. PtCl. The reader will understand, that the quantities that are placed within the parenthesis, and pointed off by commas, must be placed in a column to represent Grimm's formula. SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. 321 atoms of ammonia = 2NH 3 ,PtCl. He gives the following account of its preparation. " Protochloride of platinum is immersed in aqueous ammonia, and boiled with it, the liquid being frequently renewed till the green compound of Magnus, which is formed at first with evolution of heat, is dissolved, after which the solution is evaporated to the crys- tallizing point. The green salt of Magnus may likewise be treated in a similar manner. (Reisefy" These reactions seem pretty clear : First reaction : PtCl + ZH 4 ,HO = ZH 3 Pt,Cl + HHO. Second reaction : ZH 3 Pt,Cl + ZH 4 ,HO - ZH 3 Pt,Cl 4. ZH 2 H -f HHO. Gerhardt's name for No. 35] is Hydrochlorate of diplatosamine = HCl,N 2 H 5 Pt. Grimm calls it Ammon - Platammoniumchloriir = (H 4 N,Pt,H 2 )NCl. Buckton's name is Chloride of diplatosammonium = PtH 6 N 2 Cl. Miller calls it Hydrochlorate of diplatosamine (or Reiset's first base) = PtH 6 N 2 ,Cl. When this salt is heated in a tube, it gives off ZH 2 H, and produces the yellovi variety of No. 34]. When its solution is mixed with solution of No. 3], it produces the green variety of No. 34]. Buckton has de- scribed a remarkable reaction with this salt. He mixed a solution of it with sesquichloride of iron, expecting to obtain a double chloride similar to those described at Nos. 60] to 63]. In that expectation he failed; but he procured a precipitate which, on analysis, proved to be Platicam chlora, No. 70] = ZH 3 Ptc,Cl. After precipitation of the iron solution by an excess of the platinum salt, he found the solution to contain no sesquichloride, but only protochloride of iron, the disengaged equivalent of chlorine, having, according to him, united itself to the platinum chloride, as represented in the following equation : PtH 6 N 2 Cl 4 Fe 2 Cl 3 = PtClH 6 N 2 ,Cl + 2 (Fed). According to my notation, this reaction is explained as follows : ZH 3 Pt ; Cl 4- ZH 2 H + Fec 3 Cl 3 = ZH 3 Ptc ; Cl 4- ZH 3 Ptc ; Cl + Fe 2 Cl 2 . That is to say, the three ferric atoms in the presence of a basic com- pound become two ferrous atoms, and abandon one atom of chlorine. This free chlorine converts the one platous atom into two platic atoms, and sufficient hydrogen and nitrogen to form two vice-ammons being present, the products are two atoms of platicam chlora, and two atoms of ferrous chlora. ZH 3 Pt; Br = Platousam broma ZH 3 Pt ; Br 4 ZH 2 H = Platousam broma cum amida hydra. ZH 3 Pt ; I = Platousam ioda. 39J. ZHTt; I 4. ZH 2 H = Platousam ioda cum amida hydra. 322 SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. These four salts are evidently the corresponding salts to 34] and 35], the only difference being in the replacement of the negative radical Cl by Br or I. It is consequently needless to enter into details respecting them. 40]. ZH 3 Pt;HO = Platousam hydrate. Dr. Hofmann, speaking of the Platosamine bases, says" The free base, H 3 ) which Brodie has recently produced, has the composition p } NO,HO, r l ) and is consequently a true Platosammoniumoxydhydrate." Supplemente zum ffandworterbuche der Chemie, p. 473. I can find no account of this substance. Compare No. 40] with No. 41]. Which of these salts did Brodie discover ? 41], ZBPPt; ZH 3 PtO = Platousam platousamate. This compound is produced when No. 42] is exposed to heat. ZH 4 ; ZH 3 PtO 1 J ZH 8 Pt ; ZH 3 PtO ZH 4 ; ZH 3 PtO) == \ZH 2 H + ZH 2 H + HHO. This is the hydrate of Gerhardt's Platosamine, and Reiset's second base. It forms a grey porous mass, insoluble in water and in ammonia. Dr. Miller's formula for Platosamine is PtH 3 N,O. 42]. ZH 4 ; ZH 8 PtO = Ammona platousamate. This compound is obtained by precipitating the solution of the sulphate No. 44] with baryta-water : ZH 3 Pt; SO 8 + ZH 2 H + BaHO = ZH 4 ; ZHTtO + BaSO 2 , or by acting upon the salt No. 3 5] by oxide of silver (that is to say, newly-precipitated, or in the state of hydrate) : ZHTt; Cl + ZH 2 H + AgHO = ZH 4 ; ZHTtO + AgCl, Gmelin gives it the formula 2NH 3 ,PtO,HO, and calls it Ammonio-pro- toxide of platinum, or Platinite of ammonia, with two atoms of ammonia and one. atom of water. According to Berzelius, the formula is NH 8 PtO + NH^. If O is taken = 16, this formula agrees with mine. Grimm calls it Ammon - platammoniumoxydhydrate = (H 4 N,Pt,H 2 ) NO.HO. Gerhardt's formula is N 2 H 5 Pt + 2HO. The first division of this formula = N 2 H 5 Pt, represents an imaginary base which Gerhardt called Biplatosamine or Diplatosamine. Dr. Miller's formula for Dipla- tosamine is PtH 6 N 8 ,O + HO. A name by which this compound is frequently distinguished is "Reiset's first base." Reiset's "second" base is the radical of No. 41]. Dr. Hofmann gives the following account of the present compound. " The constitution of the base is not so SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. 323 simple as that of the Platosammoniumoxydhydrate (No. 40). It con- tains the elements of that compound -f I equiv. ammonia PtH 6 N 2 0,HO = * NO.HO -f H 3 N. We have at this moment nothing to guide us in forming an opinion of the manner in which this equivalent of ammonia is combined with the Piatosammoniumoxydhydrate. If we adopt Graham's idea, that when ammonia combines directly with bodies that contain hydrogen, it may be considered as ammonium, replacing one atom of hydrogen, then we may consider Platosamine as an ammonioplatosammoniurnoxyd, composed according to the following formula : H 2 I H 4 N I NO.HO. Pt j I may remark that the tendency of bases to combine with a second equivalent of ammonia is frequently manifested in complex compounds." Supplemente zum Handudrterbuche der Chemie, 473. In this passage Hofmann adopts the notion, that ammonium ZH 4 can replace H l in ammonium, a notion which appears to me to be subversive of the very idea of an ammonium. I have not met with Mr. Graham's advocacy of this strange proposal. The salt 42] has strong alkaline properties ; its solution is nearly as corrosive as that of caustic soda ; and it rapidly attracts carbonic acid from the atmosphere. The formula which I have given to it is equi- valent to that of anhydrous soda : ZH 4 ,ZH 3 PtO = the salt No. 42]. Na ,Na O = anhydrous soda. With hydrochloric acid, the salt 42] produces water and the chlorine compound 3 5] : ZH 4 ; ZHTtO + HC1 = (ZH 3 Pt; Cl + ZH 2 H) + HHO. 43]. ZH 3 Pt; SO 2 = Platousam sulphete. Formed by boiling Platousam ioda, No. 38] = ZH 3 Pt,I, with aqueous sulphate of silver. Gmelin calls it Ammonio-sulphate of platinous oxide y with one atom of ammonia = NH 3 ,PtO,SO 3 + HO. He says that this water cannot be separated. In that case, the formula 43] should be ZH 3 Pt,S0 2 -f- $aq. The salt reddens litmus strongly. By solution in ammonia, it is converted into No. 44] . Grimm describes it as Sulphate of platosamine = (PtH 3 )NO.S0 3 . 44]. ZH 3 Pt; SO 2 + ZH 2 H = Platousam sulphete cum amida hydra. Y 2 324 SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. The preparation is described in the note to 43]. It can also be prepared by adding strong sulphuric acid to Platousam chlora cum amida hydra, No. 35] = ZH 3 Pt; Cl -f ZH 2 H. In the last case, the reaction' falls entirely upon the chlorine of the salt : Cl + HSO 2 = SO 2 + HC1. The salt forms transparent square-based octahedrons, which have no action on vegetable colours. Gmelin calls it Ammonio-sulphate of pla- tinous oxide, with two atoms of ammonia = 2NH 3 ,PtO,SO 3 . Grimm calls it Sulphate of ammon-platammoniumoxyd = (H 4 N,Pt,H 2 )NO.S0 3 . Gerhardt's name is Sulphate of diplatosamine. 45]. ZH 3 Pt;N0 3 = Platousam nitrite. Formed by boiling Platousam ioda, 38] = ZH 3 Pt; I, with aqueous silver nitrate (AgNO 3 = argenta nitrite). The reaction is simply a case of double decomposition : ZH 3 Pt ; I + AgNO 3 = ZH 3 Pt ; NO 3 + Agl. The solution of the crystallized salt reddens litmus strongly. It is con- verted, by solution in ammonia, into the salt No. 46]. Gmelin calls it Ammonio-Nitrate of platinous oxide, with one atom of ammonia = NH 8 ,PtO,N0 5 . It is Gerhardt's Nitrate of platosamine = NH'Pt, NHO 3 . Sometimes called the Nitrate of Reiset's second base. 46]. ZH 3 Pt; N0 3 + ZH 2 H = Platousam nitrite cum amida hydra. This salt is prepared by acting upon platousam chlora cum amida hydra, No. 35] = ZH 3 Pt; Cl + ZH 2 H, either with nitrate of silver AgNO 3 , or with nitric acid = HNO 3 , when double decomposition ensues. Gmelin's name for this salt is Ammonio-nitrate of platinous oxide, with two atoms of ammonia = 2NH 3 ,PtO,NO 5 . It is Gerhardt's Nitrate of diplatosamine = N 2 H 5 Pt,NHO 3 . Grimm's name is Nitrate of ammon- platammoniumoxyd = (H 4 N,Pt,H 2 )NO.NO 5 . Miller calls it Nitrate of diplatosamine (Reiset's first base) = PtH 6 N 2 O,N0 5 . 47]. ZH 4 ; ZEPPt ; CO 3 = Ammona platousam carbite. This formula represents a neutral carbonate, in which platousam and ammona form the two positive radicals. These radicals are the same as those which occur in the salt No. 42] = ZH 4 ; ZH 3 PtO. It is formed when a solution of the salt No. 42] is exposed to a current of carbonic acid gas : ZH 4 ; ZH 3 PtO + CO 2 = ZH 4 ; ZH 3 Pt; CO 3 . This salt is Gerhardt's Carbonate of diplatosamine, and Grimm's Car- bonate of ammon-platammoniumoxyd = (H 4 N,Pt,H 2 )NO.C0 2 +HO.CO 2 . This formula leads Grimm to call it the add salt, and he allots the term SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. 325 neutral salt to the one which I have formulated in No. 48], so that, in my opinion, he misnames both. gl JZH 4 ; ZH 3 Pt; C0 3 | _ Ammona platousam carbite _ 4 ; ZH 3 PtO J " cum ammona platousamate. or thus, as a tetrabasic salt : (ZH 4 ) 2 ; (ZH 3 Pt) 2 ; CO 4 = Ammonen platousamen carbote. This salt is a compound of No. 47] with No. 42]. It is produced by exposing a solution of No. 42] to atmospheric air. Grimm's formula for the so-called neutral salt is (H 4 N,Pt,H 2 )NO.C0 2 + HO. He also notices a sesquicarbonate with the formula (Pt NO. COM \H* J / + HO.CO 8 , the occurrence of which is improbable. Miller, also, calls No. 47] Bi- carbonate of diplatosamine (Reiset's first base) = HO,PtH 6 N 2 O,2CO 2 . It is worthy of remark, that a salt which, on the Radical theory, is a tibasic neutral carbonate, may, on the theory of " acids and bases," be represented as a monobasic bicarbonate. 49]. ZH 3 Pt;Cy = Platousam cyana. The cyanide of platousam. It is produced, in company with hydro- cyanate of ammonia, by saturating the protoxide No. 42] with hydrocyanic acid (HCy = hydra cyana). Thus : ZH 4 ; ZH 3 Pt,0 + H 2 Cy 2 = ZH 4 Cy + ZH 3 Pt,Cy + HHO. The products are platousam cyana, ammona cyana, and water. It is also produced by passing cyanogen gas through a solution of No. 42]. The separated oxygen gives rise to some secondary reactions. Buckton con- siders the most convenient method of production to be that of decom- posing Platousam chlora No. 34] = ZH 3 Pt; Cl by Potassa cyana = KCy, which is a case of direct double decomposition : ZH 3 Pt,Cl + KCy = ZH 3 Pt; Cy + KC1. The decomposition of the salt No. 49] by nitrate of silver = AgNO, argenta nitrite, is as follows : ZH'Pt'cv 1 - I ZH3pt ' N 3 + ZH2H = No - Ig,NO'i II AgCy + PtCy = No. o TT 2 ) Synonymes. Hydrocyanate of platosamine = p f [ N.HCy and Cyanide p f H 3 ) of platosammonium = p > N.Cy, Buckton. 326 SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. 5 5 1 52 53 . ZH 3 Pt ; Cy -f- AgCy = Platonsam cyana cum argenta cyana. . ZH 3 Pt ; Cy -f- ZnCy = Platousam cyana cum zinca cyana. . ZH 3 Pt ; Cy -f- CoCy = Platousam cyana cum cobaltous cyana. . ZH 3 Pt ; Cy -f- NiCy = Platousam cyana cum niccolous cyana. These are double cyanides, which differ from those that were described, at Nos. 8] to 10] only by containing platousam instead of platous atoms. They are procured by the action of platinocyanide of potassium, No. 10], upon ammoniacal solutions of salts of the respective metals. 54]. ZH 3 Pt,Cy,S 2 = Platousam cyana sulphene. Buckton calls this salt the Platino-bisulphocyanide of diplatosammonium = PtH 6 N 2 ,Pt 2(CyS 2 ). It is similar in constitution to the salt No. 13], excepting that it contains platousam instead of the platons atom ; but Buckton doubles the constituents to make the salt agree with his double sulphocyanides, Nos. 14] and 15]. The unsupported notion that half the platinum is combined with the imaginary sulpho-cyanogen, and the other half with the ammonia, does not warrant the doubling of the formula?. 55]. ZH 4 ; ZH 8 Pt; S 2 3 = Ammona platousam sulphenite. This sulphite, and the four compounds represented by Nos. 56] to 59], are produced by the action of sulphite of ammonia on the different modi- fications of platousam chlora, No. 34]. The compounds Nos. 56] and 57] are produced either by the red or the green salt; those represented by Nos. 58] and 59] are produced by the yellow salt. The comparison of these products with the various doubtful formulas attributable to the salt 34] (see page 319), has not enabled me to clear away the difficulties which rest on this point. 60]. ZH 8 Pt; Cl + ZH 3 Cuc ; Cl = Platousam chlora cum cupricani chlora. This salt is a double chloride of platousam and cupricam ; that is to say, it contains chlorides of two vice-ammoniums, each of which contains one metallic atom in place of one atom of hydrogen. The salts Nos. 61] to 63] are of similar constitution. Buckton, who discovered these salts, describes them as compounds of chloride of diplatosammonium, No. 35], with chlorides of the respective metals. Thus, No. 60] is chloride of diplatosammonium combined with chloride of copper = PtH 6 N y Cl,CuCl, Buckton. See his Memoir, Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, v. 213. It is much more probable that they are double chlorides of ammonams, in agreement with formulae 60 to 63]. 64]. ZH,CH 8 ,CH 3 ,Pt; Cl + ZH 2 H = Platous-methylem chlora cum amida hydra. ^Ethylammon-^thyl-Platammonium j C 4 H 5 SALTS OF PLATOUSAM. 327 This salt differs from No. 35], only by having two atoms of methyl in the vice-ammon instead of H 2 . Hofmann's name and formula for this salt are, Methylobiplatosammoniumchlorid = C*PtH l N 2 Cl, Grimm calls it Methylammon-Methyl-Platammoniumchloriir, I C 2 H 3 ) and he gives it this magnificent formula, which is JH 3 f recommended by a high degree of improbability. The f C 2 H 3 ^ NCI. existence of an ammonium within an ammonium is an < Pt assumption to which I can in no case agree. [ H 65]. ZH,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,Pt; Cl + ZH 2 H = Platous-ethylem chlora cum ami da hydra. Similar to No. 64], excepting that it contains (C 2 H 5 ) 2 instead of (CH 3 ) 3 . Hofmann's name : ^Ethylobiplatosammoniumchlorid = C 8 PtH l4 N 2 Cl. Grimm's name and formula : NCI. 66]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ,Pt; Cl + ZH 2 H = Platous-phenylem chlora cum amida hydra. Similar to 64] and 65], but having two atoms of phenyl instead of H 2 . Grimm's name is Phenylammon-Phenyl-Platammonium chloriir, with a five-line formula of similar architecture to the two that I have cited for Nos. 64] and 65], and liable to the same objection. 67]. ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,Pt ; Cl = Platous-phenylam chlora. Similar in constitution to platousam chlora, No. 34], excepting that H 1 is replaced by C 6 H 5 . A salt of a violet colour. Discovered by Raewsky ; said by him to correspond to the green salt of Magnus, and to be capable, like that salt, of assuming a variety of isomeric conditions. If that is the case, this compound may hereafter supply information which may lead to the accurate discrimination of the compounds that I have described in the note to No. 34]. 68]. ZH 8 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + PtCl = Phenylam chlora cum platous chlora. A garnet-coloured compound, discovered by Raewsky. Formula = C l2 H 7 N,PtCl.HCl, a form which, according to Hofmann, is not yet represented in the ammonia series. ( 328 ) Class IV. Salts of Platicam = ZH 3 Ptc. 70]. ZH 3 Ptc ; Cl = Platicam chlora. 71]. ZH 3 Ptc; Cl -f PtcCl = Platicam chlora cum platic chlora. 72]. ZHTtc; Cl + ZH 3 Ptc; Br = Platicam chlora cum pla- ticam broma. 73]. ZHTtc; Cl + ZHTtc; SO 2 = Platicam chlora cum pla- ticam sulphete. 74]. ZH 3 Ptc; Cl + ZHTtc; CO 8 = Platicam chlora cum pla- ticam carbete. 75]. ZHTtc; Cl + ZHTtc; NO 3 = Platicam chlora cum pla- ticam nitrite. 77]. ZHTtc ;C1 + (ZHTtc)TO 4 = Platicam chlora cum pla- ticamine phosphote. 78]. ZHTtc; NO 3 + ZHTtc; CO 8 = Platicam nitrite cum pla- ticam carbete. 80]. ZHTtc; HO -f PtcHO = Platicam hydrate cum platic hydrate. 81]. ZHTtc; SO 2 + PtcSO 2 = Platicam sulphete cum platic sulphete. 82]. ZHTtc; NO 3 + PtcNO 3 = Platicam nitrite cum platic nitrite. 83]. ZHTtc; NO 3 + PtcHO + aq = Platicam nitrite cum platic hydrate aquate. ZHTtc ; CO 2 I,, _ Platicam carbete cum platic p tc ; HO ( " hydrate demi-aquate {ZHTtc; Cl ] Platicam chlora bis platicam (ZHTtc; NO 8 ) 2 1 = nitrite cum ammona pla- ZH 4 ;PtcO J ticate. f ZHTtc ; Cl ] Platicam chlora cum pla- 8 6]. < (ZHTtc) 2 ; CO 3 V = ticamen carbite cum ( ZH 4 ; PtcO J ammona platicate. -, J ZHTtc ; NO 3 ) _ Platicam nitrite cum am- b 7 J- 1 ZH 4 ; PtcO ) mona platicate. , I (ZHTtc; NO 3 ) 3 ) Tris platicam nitrite cum J'| ZH 4 ; PtcO f ammona platicate. {ZHTtc ; NO 3 ] Platicam nitrite bis platicam (ZHTtc ; CO 2 ) 2 I = carbete cum ammona pla- ZH 4 ; PtcO ' ticate. 90]. ZH'^^Ptc; Cl = Platic-phenylam chlora. Q -, J b 4J- j SALTS OF PLATICAM. 329 91]. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 3 ; Cl + 2PtcCl = Phenylic - ethylam chlora bis platic chlora. 92]. ZH,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl+2PtcCl = Phenylic-ethylem chlora bis platic chlora. 93]. Z(C 2 H 5 ) 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl -f 2PtcCl = Phenylic-ethylim chlora bis platic chlora. 94]. ZH 2 ,CH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + 2PtcCl = Phenylic-methylam chlora bis platic chlora. 95]. ZCH 3 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 5 H U ,C 6 H 5 ;C1 + 2PtcCl = Zot-methyla-ethyla-amyla- phenyla chlora bis platic chlora. 96]. Z,(CH 3 ) 4 ,C1 + 2PtcCl = Methylom chlora bis platic chlora. 97]- Z(C 2 H 5 ) 4 ,C1 + 2PtcCl = Ethylom chlora bis platic chlora. 98]. Z(C 5 H U ) 4 ,C1 + 2PtcCl = Amylom chlora bis platic chlora. -, (ZC 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; NO 2 ) Ethylic-phenylac nitrete cum 99-J* I H,Ptc 2 ; Cl 3 ] hydra platenic chlorine. 100]. ZH 2 ,C 8 H 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + 2PtcCl = Phenylic -acetylam chlora bis platic chlora. USUAL NAMES AND FORMUL/E OF THE SALTS OF PLATICAM. 70]. ZH 3 Ptc ; Cl = Platicam chlora. This salt is produced by the action of sesquichloride of iron = FecCl, on the salt No. 35] = ZH 3 Pt; Cl + ZH 2 H. See the note descriptive of No. 35]. It is also produced by the action of chlorine gas on the same salt: ZH 3 Pt; Cl + ZH 2 H + Cl = ZH 3 Ptc; Cl + ZH 3 Ptc; Cl. There are many other methods of obtaining it. It is produced when- ever basic power is removed from a salt of platousam and chloric power applied instead. Pt 1 then becomes Ptc 2 . Also produced by boiling No. 71] with ammonia, and by acting on No. 75] with strong hydrochloric acid. Synonymes. Ammonio-bichloride of platinum = 2NH 3 ,PtCl 2 , Gmelin. Bihydrochlorate of diplatinamine = N 2 H 4 pt 2 ,2HCl, Gerliardt. Ammon- chlorplatammoniumchlorur = (H 4 N,PtCl,H 2 )NCl, or else Miller quotes a hydrochlorate of diplatinamine with the formula PtH 5 N 2 ,Cl. I can find no account of such a salt. Miller also quotes the hydrochlorate of Gros's base, with the formula PtClH 6 N*Cl. This 330 SALTS OF TLATICAM. agrees with No. 70]. Gros's base he gives as PtClH 6 N 2 O, not isolated. The nitrate of Gros's base is No. 75]. 71]. ZH 3 Ptc; Cl + PtcCl = Platicam chlora cum platic chlora. This salt is produced by the action of chlorine on Magnus's green salt, No. 34] = ZH 3 Pt ; Cl. The chloric power converts Pt l into Ptc 2 , and then produces the salt No. 71]. According to Gerhardt, there is an intermediate salt produced, in the form of a red crystalline power, which appears to be a compound of Nos. 34] and 71]. Thus, ZH 8 Pt,Cl -f- (ZH 3 Ptc; Cl + PtcCl). He calls it chloroplatinate of diplatos- amine. Gerhardt's name and formula for No. 71] are Bichlorhydro-chloro- ( PtPPTT ) platinate of diplatinamine = -j ^^ > N 2 H 4 pt 2 . Grimm's name and formula = Ammon-chlorplatammoniumchloriir-platinchlorid = (H 4 N, PtCl,H 2 )NCl + PtCl 8 . Ammonio-bichloride of platinum = NH 8 ,PtCl*, Gmelin. Bi-hydrochlorate of platinamine = NJIpt 2 ,2HCl, Gerhardt. Miller's name and formula are Bihydrochlorate of platinamine (Ger- hardt's base) = PtH 3 N,Cl 2 . Gerhardt makes a distinction between the products of the action of chlorine gas upon solutions of the yellow and the green variety of platousam chlora, No. 34] ; and hence the different names and formula which I have ascribed to him. The analytical results of the different products are the same ; excepting that one salt is anhydrous, and the other, when dried at 120 C, retains about two per cent, of water. In other respects the evidence of differences in these products is not suf- ficiently clear to remove any of the difficulties that have been described in the note appended to No. 34]. 72]. ZH 3 Ptc; Cl + ZH 3 Ptc; Br = Platicam chlora cum platicam broma. Produced by adding bromine to the salt No. 35] = ZH 3 Pt ; Cl + ZH 2 H. In this case Pt l becomes Ptc 2 , bromine is assumed, and thus the salt 72] is formed. It has an orange-yellow colour, and its solution gives with silver-solution a precipitate containing AgCl and AgBr. The production of this salt affords clear evidence in support of the opinion which I have expressed, that in the presence of an excess of chloric, bromic, or iodic power, the platous atom becomes converted into platic atoms. Synonymes. Ammonio-chlorobromide of platinum = 2NH 3 ,PtClBr, Gmelin. Ammon - Bromplatammoniumchlorur = Pt(Cl,Br)N 2 H 6 = (H 4 N,PtBr,H 8 )NCl, Grimm. 73]. ZHTtc; Cl 4- ZH 8 Ptc; SO 8 = Platicam chlora cum platicam sulphete. SALTS OF PLATICAM. 331 \ Produced when the salt No. 70] is dissolved in strong sulphuric acid and heated to drive oft' muriatic acid : 2(ZH 3 Ptc ; Cl) + HSO 9 = ZH 3 Ptc ; Cl + ZH 3 Ptc ; SO 2 + HC1. It is also produced when the salt No. 75] is heated with sulphuric acid, in which case nitric acid is driven off. Synonymes. Ammonio-sulphate of oxychloride of platinum = 2NH 3 , PtC10,SO 3 , Gmelin. Bichlorhydro-sulphate of diplatinamine = N 2 H 4 pt 2 , S0 4 H 2 + N*H 4 pt 2 ,2ClH, Gerhardt. Gros's sulphate. Sulphate of Ammon-chlorplatammoniumoxyd = (H 4 N,PtCl,H 2 )NO.SO 3 , Grimm. 74]. ZH 3 Ptc; Cl -f- ZH 3 Ptc; CO 2 = Platicam chlora cum platiaam carbete. Produced by adding oxalic acid to the solution of the salts Nos. 73] or 75], Gros. Synonymes. Ammonio-chloroplatinous oxalate. Ammonio-oxalate of oxychloride of platinum = 4NH 3 + C 4 (PtCl) 8 O 8 , Gmelin. Bichlor- 2 EL 2 O 4 ) hydro-oxalate of diplatinamine = , >2N 2 H 4 pt 2 , Gerhardt. Oxalate of Ammon-chlorplatammoniumoxyd = (H 4 N,PtCl,H 2 )NO.C 2 3 , Grimm. 75]. ZH 3 Ptc; Cl + ZH 3 Ptc ; NO 3 = Platicam chlora cum platicam nitrite. Produced by the action of nitric acid on the salt No. 34] Magnus's green salt thus : ZH 3 Pt ; Cl ) f ZH 3 Ptc ; Cl + ZH 3 Ptc ; NO 3 ZH 3 Pt ; Cl V = < Pt, half the platinum thrown dawn, H;N0 3 ] [Hd set free, Gros. Synonymes. Ammonio-nitrate of oxychloride of platinum = 2NH 3 , PtClO,NO 5 , Gmelin. Bichlorohydro-nitrate of diplatinamine = N 2 H 4 pt 2 , NH0 3 ,C1H, Gerhardt. Nitrate of Ammon-chlorplatammoniumoxyd = (H 4 N,PtCl,H 2 )NO.N0 5 , Grimm. Nitrate of Gros's base = PtClH 6 N 2 O, NO 5 , and also (PtCl,2H 3 N,O)NO 5 , Miller. " Gerhardt," says Professor Miller (Elements of Chemistry, part ii., 1066), " views the salts of Gros as biacid salts of diplatinamine, in some of which two acids are present. A serious objection to this supposition, however, is afforded by the fact that Gros's hydrochlorate abandons only half its chlorine when mixed with the solution of nitrate of silver. It ought to give up the whole were Gerhardt's theory correct." Professor Miller's difficulty does not exist in the facts, but in the erroneous theory which guides his reasoning. If I were to ask him to explain WHY nitrate of silver, acting upon the salt No. 70], ought to throw down all the chlorine ? the reply would, no doubt, be, that it is, or rather should be, simply a case of double decomposition. ZH 3 Ptc ; [ PtCl NO, I PtOVNO,HO 4- PO 5 4- HO, Grimm. ( 332 SALTS OF PLATICAM. Cl + AgNO 3 = AgCl + ZH 3 Ptc ; NO 3 . That reaction does not indeed take place, but the cause of the different reaction that really takes place is obvious. Thus : ZH 3 Ptc;Cl ) [ZH 3 Ptc;Cl 1 XT ZH 3 Ptc; Cl I = \ ZH 3 Plc; NO 8 f JNa 75- Ag;N0 3 ] 1 Ag;Cl This reaction is precisely analogous to that which takes place in the pre- paration of No. 75], by adding nitric acid to No. 34], and to that which occurs in the preparation of No. 73]. When the double salt No. 75] is produced, it resists decomposition by nitric acid, by nitrate of silver, and even by sulphuric acid. That is the solution of the problem. 77]. ZH 3 Ptc; Cl 4. (ZH 3 Ptc) 3 P0 4 = Platicam chlora cum platicamine phosphote. Synonymes. Sesquichlorhydro-phosphate of diplatinamine = N 2 H 4 pt 2 , P0 4 H 3 4. N*H 4 pt 2 ,ClH, Gerhardt. Phosphate of Ammon-Chlorplatam- moniumoxyd and Ammon-Oxyplatammoniumoxyd H 4 N ) [ H 4 N] tCl 1 NO, I PtOV H 2 j ( fff Phosphate of Raewsky's base = Pt 2 ClH 12 N 4 O 5 ,P0 5 ,HO, Miller. 78]. ZH 3 Ptc; NO 3 4- ZH 3 Ptc; CO 2 = Platicam nitrite cum platicam carbete. A combination of nitrate of platicam with oxalate of platicam. Synonymes. Binitro-oxalate of diplatinamine = N 2 H 4 pt 2 ,C 2 H 2 O 4 4- N 2 H 4 pt 2 ,2NHO 3 fC 4 H[NHpt 2 (NH 4 )]O 8 ) Bioxalate of diplatinammonium = } NHO 6 Nitric acid I N[NHpt 2 (NH 4 )]O 6 f Nitrate of diplatinammonium = 2C 2 3 ,2N0 5 ,2PtO 2 ,4NH 3 . All these formulas are given by Gerhardt. They are striking examples of the exercise of the ingenious art of giving apparent complexity to things which are naturally simple. 80]. ZH 3 Ptc; HO 4. PtcHO = Platicam hydrate cum platic hydrate. Produced by adding an excess of ammonia to a boiling solution of nitrate of platinamine No. 83]. Small brilliant yellow crystals. Caustic potash does not dissolve it, nor expel ammonia from it (because caustic potash and this compound are both hydrated basic radicals of the same order). It readily dissolves in acids. SALTS OF PLATICAM. 333 Synonymes. Platinamine = NHpt 2 -f 2Aq, Gerhardt. Oxyplatam- moniumoxydhydrate = (PtO,H 3 )NO.HO + HO, Kolbe. Platinamine - NH 3 ,PtO 2 + 2Aq, Gmelin. Miller ascribes to Platinamine (Ger- hardt's base) the formula PtH 3 N,O a , which in my notation would be either ZH 3 PtO, or ZH 3 Ptc,PtcO; but no such compound appears to have been produced. Gerhardt's Platinamine requires the formula that is given to No. 80]. 81]. ZH 3 Ptc; SO* + PtcSO 2 = Platicam sulphete cum platic sulphete. Produced by dissolving platinamine, No. 80] in sulphuric acid. Yellow powder; acid; soluble. Synonymes. Sulphate of platinamine = NH 3 ,Pt0 2 ,2SO 3 , Gmelin. Bi- sulphate of platinamine = NHpt 2 ,SO 4 H 2 , Gerhardt. 82]. ZH 3 Ptc; NO 3 + PtcNO 3 = Platicam nitrite cum platic nitrite. Produced by mixing nitric acid with No. 83], and evaporating. A yellow powder. Binitrate of platinamine = NH 3 ,Pt0 2 ,2N0 5 , Gmelin. Binitrate of platinamine = NHpt 2 ,2HN0 3 , Gerhardt. Binitrate of platinamine = PtH 3 N,0 2 ,2N0 5 , Miller. 83]. ZH 3 Ptc; NO 3 + PtcHO + HHO (dried at I2OC) = Platicam nitrite cum platic hydrate aquate. Produced by boiling the chloride No. 71] with nitrate of silver, until the chlorine is wholly abstracted by the silver. Synonymes. Neutral nitrate of platinamine = NHpt 2 ,NHO 3 -f- 2 aq, Gerhardt. Ammonio-nitrate of platinic oxide = NH 3 ,PtO 2 ,NO 5 4- 3 aq, Gmelin. Nitrate of Oxyplatammoniumoxyd = (PtO,H 8 )N O.NO*-f 3HO, Grimm. Neutral nitrate of platinamine = PtH 3 N,0 2 ,N0 5 3HO, Miller. Q -, JZH 3 Ptc; CO 2 ) t _ Platicarn carbete cum platic 1 ' 1 Ptc ; HO j ~ hydrate demi-aquate. Produced by adding oxalate of ammonia to No. 8 3]. Yellow crystals which explode when heated. This is Gerhardt's neutral oxalate of pla- tinamine = C 2 H 2 4 ,2NHpt 2 -f 3Aq. [Query DOES PLATICCEM OCCUR AS A RADICAL AMONG THE PLATINUM SALTS ? PLATICCEM is the vice-ammon = ZH 2 Ptc 2 , produced by replacing H 2 in ammonium by two platic atoms. The five salts Nos. 80] to 84] can IKJ conveniently formulated with such a radical. Thus : No. 80 = ZHTtc 2 ; HO + Aq. Platiccem hydrate aquate. 334 SALTS OF PLATICAM. 8 1 = ZH 2 Ptc 8 ; SO 8 -I- HSO 2 . Platiccem sulphete cum hydra sulphete. 82 = ZH 2 Ptc 2 ;NO 3 +HN0 3 . Platiccem nitrite cum hydra nitrite. 83 = ZH 2 Ptc 8 ; NO 3 + Aq 2 . Platiccem nitrite aquete. 84 = ZH*Ptc 2 ; CO 2 -f iAq. Platiccem carbete sesquiaquate. These are the principal salts of the series to which Gerhardt ascribes his " platinamine," which may hereafter be proved to beplaticcem, although our present information is not conclusive on that point.] (ZH 3 Ptc;Cl ) Platicam chlora bis platicam 85]. <(ZH 3 Ptc; NO 3 ) 2 > = nitrite cum ammona pla- [ZH 4 ;PtcO j ticate. Produced by the action of concentrated nitric acid on Magnus's green salt, No. 34], Raewsky, whose formula is 4NH 3 ,Pt 2 ClO 5 ,2N0 5 . Pro- duced by the action of nitrate of silver upon the salt No. 70]. Brilliant yellow small hard rhombic crystals, which explode when heated. The property of exploding when heated is apparently concurrent with the presence of the compound ZH 4 ; PtcO. The salts which, in com- bination with ZH 4 ; PtcO, compose the compounds Nos. 85 to 89, that is to say, the chloride, nitrate, carbonate, and oxalate of platicam, do not seem to be explosive either when isolated or when combined in pairs, provided the salt ZH 4 ; PtcO is absent. But when this salt forms part of a compound, the compound is explosive. It is on account of this peculiarity that I prefer the formula ZH 4 ; PtcO to the formula ZH 3 Ptc ; HO, which would make the several salts appear as basic salts. But the formulae of these salts, as given by different chemists, are by no means concurrent even as regards the ultimate constituents of the salts, and while uncertainty prevails on that score, no satisfactory analytical formulae can be written. Synonymes. Ammonio-binitrate of oxy chloride of platinum, Gmelin. Sesquichlorhydronitrate of diplatinamine = N 2 H 4 pt 2 ,2NHO 3 -f- N 2 H 4 pt 2 , C1H, Gerhardt. Double Nitrate of Ammon-Chlorplatammoniumoxyd and Ammon - Oxyplatammoniumoxyd = (H 4 N,PtCl,H 2 )NO.NO 5 + (H*N,PtO,H 2 )NO.NO 5 -f HO, Grimm. Binitrate of Raewsky's base = Pt 2 ClH 12 N 4 O 5 ,2N0 5 , Miller. f ZHTtc ; Cl ] Platicam chlora cum platic- 86]. < (ZH 3 Ptc) 2 ; CO 3 V = amen carbite cum ammona [ ZH 4 ; PtcO J platicate. Synonymes. Raewsky's ammonio-carbonate of oxychloride of pla- tinum = 4NH 8 ,Pt 2 ClO\2C0 2 , Gmelin. Sesquichlorhydro-carbonate of diplatinamine = N 2 H 4 pt 2 ,CO 3 H 2 + N 2 H 4 pt 2 ,ClH + Aq, Gerhardt. Car- SALTS OF PLATICAM. 335 bonate of ammon-chlorplatammoniumoxyd and of ammon-oxyplatammo- niumoxyd = (H 4 N,PtCl,H 2 )NO.CO 2 + (H 4 N,PtO,H 2 )NO.C0 2 4. HO, Grimm. 3 3 Ptc ; NO 3 ) _ Platicam nitrite cum ammona I 4 ; PtcO j = platicate. Synonymes. Ammonio-nitrate of platinic-oxide = 2NH 3 ,Pt0 2 ,NO 5 4- Aq, Gmelin. Neutral nitrate of diplatinamine = N 2 H 4 pt 8 ,NH0 3 -f Aq, Gerhardt. Neutral nitrate of ammon-oxyplatammoniumoxyd = (H 4 N, PtO,H 2 )NO.N0 5 4 HO, Grimm. Neutral nitrate of diplatinamine = PtH 6 N 2 2 ,NO 5 ,HO, Miller. fift -, l(ZH 3 Ptc; NO 3 ) 3 ) _ Tris platicam nitrite cum -J* { ZH 4 ; PtcO j = ammona platicate. Synonymes. Ammonio-sesquinitrate of platinic oxide = 4NH 3 ,2Pt0 2 , 3 NO 5 4- Aq, Gmelin. Sesquinitrate of diplatinamine = 2N 2 H 4 pt 2 , 3NHO 3 + Aq, Gerhardt. Neutral nitrate of ammon-oxyplatammonium- oxyd = (H 4 N,PtO,H 2 )NO.N0 5 4 HO, Grimm. Sesquinitrate of di- platinamine = 2(PtH 6 N 2 O*),3N0 5 ,HO, Miller. f ZH 3 Ptc ; NO 3 ) Platicam nitrite bis platicam 89]. ^(ZH 3 Ptc; CO 2 ) 2 1 = carbete cum ammona pla- lZH 4 ;PtcO J ticate. Synonymes. Sesquinitro-oxalate of diplatinamine (C 4 H[NHpt 2 (NH 4 )]0 8 ) Bioxalate of diplatinammonium = { \ + 2 aq. [ N[NHpt 2 (NH 4 )]0 6 J Nitrate of diplatinammonium = 2C 2 3 ,NO 5 ,2PtO a ,4NH 3 ,HO, Gerhardt. Compare this formula with that quoted in the note to No. 78]. Grimm "calls this compound Oanlate of ammon-oxyplatammoniumoxyd with nitric acid /H 4 N) v = 2 (PtO \ NO.C 2 3 ) 4 HO. NO 5 . H J / Grimm quotes the following as Gerhardt's formula? : JC 4 H 2 O 8 .N 2 H 4 pt 2 l \NH0 6 . N 2 H 4 pt 2 j " 90]. ZH 2 ,C 6 H 5 ,Ptc ; Cl = Platic-phenylam chlora. A rose-red salt, discovered by Kaewsky. Formula quoted by Hofmann: 2(C 12 H 7 N),PtCl 2 . This salt is said to be produced by acting upon 336 SALTS OF PLATICAM. No. 67] with hydrochloric acid ; but other compounds must be formed simultaneously, because this statement leaves H -}- Ptc unaccounted for. 91]. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + 2PtcCl = Phenylic-ethylam chlora bis platic chlora. Synonyme Ethylaniline-platinchloride = C 12 5 } N,HC1 -f PtCl 2 , Hofmann. Chlorplatin-salzsaures vinanilin = C^NH'SHCl + PtCl 2 , Ghnelin. 92]. ZH,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + 2PtcCl = Pheny lie-ethyl em chlora bis platic chlora. Synonymes. Biethylaniline-platinchloride = C 20 H 15 N.HCl.PtCl 2 , Hof- mann. Chlorplatin-salzsaures bivinanilin = C^NH^HCl + PtCl 4 , Gmelin. 93]. Z(C 2 H 5 ) 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + 2PtcCl = Phenylic-ethylim chlora bis platic chlora. Synonymes. Chlorplatin-salzsaures trivinanilin = C 24 NH 19 ,HC1 -f- PtCl 2 (equal to Hofmann's C l2 H 5 (C 4 H 5 ) 3 NCl,PtCl 2 ), Gmelin. 94]. ZH*,CH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; Cl + 2PtcCl = Phenylic-methylam chlora bis platic chlora. Synonymes. Methylaniline - platinchloride = C 12 (H 6 ,C 2 H 3 )N,HC1 + PtCl 2 , Hofmann. 95]. ZCH 3 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 5 H 11 ,C 6 H 5 ;C1+ 2PtcCl = Zot-methyla-ethyla- amyla-phenyla chlora bis platic chlora. Synonyme. The platinum-salt of methylethylamylphenylammonium = C 28 H S4 NCl,PtCl 2 C 2 H 3 C 4 H 5 C io H u NCl,PtCl 2 , Hofmann. C 12 H J 96]. Z(CH 3 ) 4 ,C1 -f 2PtcCl = Methylom chlora bis platic chlora. Synonyme. The hydrochlorate of tetramethylammonium combined with bichloride of platinum cm 3 ) = C"H 12 NCl,PtCl 2 = C 2 H 8 C 2 H 3 C 2 H 3 J 1 NCl,PtCl 2 , Hofmann. SALTS OF PLATICAM. 337 97]. Z(C 2 H 5 ) 4 ; Cl 4- 2PtcCl = E thy lorn chlora bis platic chlora. Synonyme. The platinum-salt of tetrethylammonium C 4 H 5 C 4 H 5 C 16 H 20 NCl,PtCl 2 = C 4 H 5 C 4 H 5 NCl,PtCl 2 , Hofmann. 98]. Z(C 5 H n ) 4 ; Cl + 2PtcCl = Amylom chlora bis platic chlora. Synonyme. The platinum-salt of tetramylammonium C 10 H U C 10 H n C io H u C 10 H 11 NCl,PtCl 2 , Hofmann. -, (ZC 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 3 ;N0 2 ) _ Ethylic-phenylac nitrete cum 99J- \ H, Ptc 2 ; Cl 3 j = hydra platenic chlorine. Synonyme. Ethylnitranilm-platinchloride f H5 1 = C 12 { NO 4 I N,HC1 + PtCl 2 , Hofmann. Dr. Hofmann's " nitraniline " theory is discussed at page 288. The pos- sibility of the existence of such an ammonium as is here represented, is inadmissible : r IP ) P I NO 4 I N,H. I C 4 H 5 j i oo]. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;Cl = Phenylic-acetylam chlora bis platic chlora. Synonyme. Chloroplatinate of phenyl - acetosamine = C*HYC 1S H 5 ) N,HCl,PtCl 2 , Gerhardt. ( 338 ) The Urea Theory. NON-PERMANENT CYANATE OF AMMONIA. When the vapour of hydrated cyanic acid (= H,CyO) is passed into dry ammonia gas ( = ZH 2 ,H), we obtain a white voluminous crystalline powder, which chemists in general agree in calling CYANATE OF AMMONIA, and the composition of which is stated to be H 4 NO,C*NO ( = ZH 4 ,CyO). This powder is very soluble in water, and its cold solution, when freshly prepared, has the following properties : 1. It disengages ammonia on the addition of a cold solution of caustic potash : ZH 4 CyO + KHO = ZH 2 H + KCyO + HHO. 2. When treated with acids, it gives off cyanic acid (a) and carbonic acid (6). (a). ZH 4 ,CNO + H,S0 2 = ZH 4 ,S0 2 + H,CNO. (6). ZH 4 ,CNO + H,HO ) J 2 (ZH 4 ,S0 2 ) H,SO* + H,S0 2 j : 1 c 8 The first reaction is simply a case of double decomposition between the cyanate of ammonia and the hydrated sulphuric acid. The seeond reaction is owing to the circumstance, that hydrated cyanic acid is readily decomposable by water into carbonic acid and ammonia : H,CNO + H,HO = ZH 2 ,H + CO 2 . This transformation is accelerated when a strong acid is present, which can take up the ammonia and expel the carbonic acid as gas : ZH*,H + HSO 8 = ZH 4 ,S0 2 . In equation (&), these two reactions are represented as occurring simultaneously. PERMANENT CYANATE OF AMMONIA. When the solution of cyanate of ammonia has been prepared two or three days ; or when, soon after being prepared, it is either boiled or gently evaporated to the crystal- lising point ; or when the white powder, described above, is exposed for some days to the air, or is slightly fused, before being brought into solution; then the resulting solution is found to contain a substance which is possessed of other properties than those above described, and this substance has received from chemists the name of UREA with the clump formula C 2 H 4 N 2 O 2 ( = CH 4 N 2 O) and sometime that of CARBAMIDE, first with the formula NH 8 + CO, and latterly with the formula C 2 2 ) H 2 }N 2 ( = ZH 2 ,ZH 2 ,CO). H' THE UREA THEORY. 339 Berzelius represented it as a conjugated ammonia compound, having the formula NH 3 ,C 2 HNO 2 , to which he gave the name of urenoxyd-ammonia ; but this notion has not been adopted by other chemists. UREA THEORY. Before I enter upon the examination of the proper- ties that are said to distinguish Urea from the non-permanent Cyanate of Ammonia, I may state that I consider the composition of the two substances to bear to one another the same relation as that which is borne by the gaseous salts of ammonia to the solid salts of ammonium. See page 197. The non-permanent cyanate of ammonia, which is pro- duced by the action of hydrated cyanic acid upon gaseous ammonia, is a double salt, constituted in accordance with the formula ZH 2 , H -f- H,CyO, while the permanent salt, into which it so soon changes, is the true cyanate of ammonium, constituted according to the formula ZH 4 ,CyO. The names of the two substances should be, in agree- ment with this idea, as follow : ZH 2 ,H + H,CyO = Amida hydra cum hydra cyanate. ZH*,CyO = Ammona cyanate. The supposition that urea should be esteemed to be carbamide = ZH 2 ,ZH 2 ,CO, is not well sustained by facts, as I have shown in the preceding pages, particularly in the arguments respecting the Nitriles, page 217; Carbamide, page 221; the Imides, page 222; Anilo-urea and Carbanilide, page 298, and in treating of various other compounds of minor importance. CHEMICAL EEACTIONS OF UREA. I proceed to show that the best- known chemical reactions of Normal Urea (No. i in the table of examples at page 349), and the Compound Ureas (Nos. 2 to 18), justify the theory which is now advanced. I. " Neither cyanic acid nor ammonia can be discovered in urea, but if a solution containing a mixture of nitrate of silver and urea be boiled for some time, it is partly resolved into cyanate of silver and nitrate of ammonia." Miller (Elements of Chemistry, iii. 609). This argument and illustration are ill-adjusted to one another. The decomposition, when completed, is as follows : ZH 4 ,CyO + Ag,NO 3 = ZH 4 ,N0 3 + Ag,CyO. If urea is converted by nitrate of silver into cyanate of silver and nitrate of ammonia, however slowly the operation proceeds, surely there is a "discovery," both of cyanic acid and of ammonia in that salt, for neither of these compounds are contained in the nitrate of silver. Besides, we are told by Liebig and Wohler, that if the mixture of the two salts is evaporated to dryness, the transformation is perfect. Hence the opinion, so frequently expressed by chemists, that " neither cyanic acid nor ammonia can be discovered in urea," is unwarranted by experimental facts. 2 2 340 THE UREA THEORY. 2. A cold solution of urea mixed with a cold solution of caustic potash does not liberate ammonia. This is the experiment which distinguishes urea from the non-permanent cyanate of ammonia, which, under these circumstances, gives off ammonia. But it is a prodigious jump from this characteristic (which is explained at page 342) to the statement that " ammonia cannot be discovered in urea." 3. A complete decomposition of urea occurs when it is fused with hydrate of potash ; the products being carbonate of potash and gaseous ammonia : ZH 4 ,CNO) fKK,C0 3 = Carbonate of potash. K,HOl = K,HOJ Here the potassium carries off the carbon and oxygen, while the nitrogen produces amids, and ultimately ammonias, with the hydrogen. 4. One atom of permanent cyanate of ammonia (urea) heated in a sealed tube, with two atoms of water, produces one atom of carbonate of ammonia : ZH 4 ,CNO -f HHO,HHO = ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ; CO 3 . At pages 219 and 220 I have fully explained the theory of this reaction. 5. When urea is fused, it gives off ammonia gas, and leaves cyanuric acid : ZH 4 ,CyO = ZH 2 ,H + H,CylO. When the heat is increased, the cyanuric acid volatilises as cyanic acid. If this meets in the apparatus with gaseous ammonia, it again produces the non-permanent variety of cyanate of ammonia = ZH 2 ,H -f- H,CyO, in the form of a white powder. This is often referred to as being a sublimate of undecomposed urea. Of course, it is readily inconvertible into urea by the usual processes. 6. Chlorine, when transmitted into an aqueous solution of urea, resolves the latter into carbonic acid and nitrogen, whilst hydrochloric acid is formed : ZH 4 ,CNO + HHO + 6C1 = CO 2 + 2N + 6HC1. In this case the nitrogen is set free, in accordance with the observation that was made at page 219, that ammoniums are only produced when there are present, not only sufficient basic radicals to constitute the am- monium, but also negative radicals with which the ammoniums can instantly combine. It is true that water is present in this case, and might be supposed able to supply the requisite hydrogen, but there is no means of escape provided for the oxygen. 3. According to Wurtz, dry chlorine gas, passed through melted THE UREA THEORY. 341 urea, forms cyanuric acid, sal-ammoniac, hydrochloric acid, and nitrogen. This decomposition may be represented in an equation, thus : 2(ZH 4 ,CyO)) (2(H,CylO) + ZH 4 C1. 3 C1 S :: l2(HCl ) + N. 8. Urea boiled with excess of oil of vitriol is completely resolved into carbonic acid gas and sulphate of ammonia (Dumas) : ZH 4 ,CNO 1 J2(ZH 4 ,SO 2 ) 2(HS0 2 ) + HHO( ; | CO 2 . The cyanate of potash suffers decomposition in a similar manner. See Reaction 4, page 22O. This comparative experiment proves that the C and N of the cyanates can be separated from one another by an acid, under production of carbonic acid gas. 9. According to Millon, one atom of urea decomposed by two atoms of nitrous acid, produces carbonic acid, nitrogen, and water : ZH 4 ,CNO] (CO 2 H,N0 2 l = = < / T r ^9TTn/-v\i AT 11 alcohol {zH<;C'H'OJ |(H,C'H'0)' = Alcohol. SUMMARY OP THE EVIDENCE. The question to be answered is, ought urea to be considered as carbamide = ZH 2 ,ZH 2 ,CO, or as cyanate of ammonia = ZH 4 ,CNO ? It is needless to ask if it corresponds to the clump formula CH 4 N 2 O, because that formula is confessedly a declara- tion of ignorance of any form of proximate constitution. The decision, then, lies between carbamide and cyanate of ammonia, and that decision 342 THE UREA THEORY. depends in a great measure upon considerations which I have fully discussed in other parts of this work, and to which I have already asked the reader to refer. The main argument urged in favour of the carbamide theory, is, that urea readily produces carbonic acid and ammonia when it is heated with hydrated alkalies and strong acids. But that argument was certainly not based upon a full consideration of the character of the azotic radicals, and of the transmigrations which azote undergoes under the pressure of different chemical forces. These transmigrations I have traced in great detail, and I may say that it is demonstrated, that a cyanate can give off carbonic acid as readily as if it contained carbonic oxide or even carbonic acid ready formed, provided you supply the radicals that are necessary to occupy the azote which the cyanate liberates when it gives off the carbonic acid. It is simply a question of the balance of the powers which are brought into simultaneous operation. Then, in regard to the disengagement of ammonia, we find that a cold solution of an alkali does not liberate it, but that a hot solution liberates it, and that fusion of the mixed salts in the dry state liberates it. A corresponding action has been described in the treatment of isatine with caustic potash. See page 261. In that case a cold solution of KHO has this reaction : ZH 2 -f KHO = ZHK + HHO ; while a hot solution has this reaction : ZH 2 -f KHO = ZH 3 KO. Applying this illustration to urea, we may imagine that the mixture ZH 4 ,CyO -f- KHO (cold) pro- duces ZH 3 K,CyO -f- HHO, in which case no ammonia is expelled ; but that when KHO (hot) is applied, the reaction becomes ZH*,CyO -j- KHO = KCyO + ZH 4 ,HO( = ZH 2 ,H + H,HO), which, of course, disengages ammonia. In the presence of an excess of potash, the reaction does not end here, but, as is shown by reaction 3, the cyanogen is next decom- posed, and the final results of the decomposition of the urea are ammonia and carbonate of potash. To enter farther into details would be only to repeat what I have said in the sections to which I have made reference. Briefly, I may conclude, that every one of the reactions of urea agrees with the theory, that its true constitution is that of cyanate of ammonia = ZH 4 ,CyO. The notion that it is carbamide = ZH i ,ZH i! ,CO, is discordant with the whole series of facts that have been disclosed in the course of this investigation of the theory of the azotic radicals. ( 343 ) Examples of Ureas. NORMAL UREA. 1. ZH 4 ; CyO . . . Ammona cyanate. COMPOUND UREAS. Group A. 2. ZH 3 ,CH 3 ; CyO . . . Methylam cyanate. 3. ZH 3 ,C 2 H 5 ; CyO . . . Ethylam cyanate. 4. ZH 3 ,C 3 H 5 ; CyO . . . Allylam cyanate. 5. ZH 3 ,C 5 H U ; CyO . . . Amylam cyanate. 6. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO . . . Phenylara cyanate. 7. ZH 3 ,C 7 H 7 ; CyO . . . Toluenylam cyanate. 8. ZH 3 ,C 10 H 7 ; CyO . . . Naphty lam cyanate. COMPOUND UREAS. Group B. 9. ZH 2 (C H 3 ) 2 ; CyO . . . Methylem cyanate. 10. ZH 2 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 ; CyO . . . Ethylem cyanate. 11. ZH 2 (C 5 H 11 ) 2 ; CyO . . . Amylem cyanate. 12. ZH 2 (C 3 H 5 ) 2 ; CyO . . . Allylem cyanate. 13. ZH 2 (C 6 H 5 ) 2 ; CyO . . . Phenylem cyanate. 14. ZH 2 (C 10 H 7 ) 2 ; CyO . . . Naphtylem cyanate. COMPOUND UREAS. Group C. 1 5. ZH 8 ,C H 3 ,C 2 H 5 ; CyO . . Methylic-ethylam cyanate. 1 6. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 5 H U ; CyO . . Ethylic-amylam cyanate. 17. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO . . Ethylic-phenylam cyanate. COMPOUND UREAS. Group D. 1 8. Z(C 2 H 5 ) 4 ; CyO . . , . E thy lorn cyanate. SALTS OF UREA. 19. ZH 4 ,CyO + HNO 3 . . . Ammona cyanate cum hydra nitrite. 20. ZH 4 ,CyO + AgNO 3 . . Ammona cyanate cum argenta nitrite. 21. ZH 4 ,CyO + 2 AgNO 3 . . Ammona cyanate bis argenta nitrite. 22. ZH 4 ,CyO -f HCO 2 . . . Ammona cyanate cum hydra carbete. 344 THEORY OF COMPOUND UREAS. 23. ZH 4 ,CyO -f HCyO . . . Ammona cyanate cum hydra cyanate. 24. ZH 4 ,CyO -f- NaCl . . . Ammona cyanate cum natra chlora. 25. H,CyO + HC1 . . . Hydra cyanate cum hydra chlora. 26. ZH 3 ,CH 3 ; CyO + HNO 3 . Methylam cyanate cum hydra nitrite. 27. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO + AgNO 3 Pheriylam cyauate cum ar- genta nitrite. THEORY OF COMPOUND UREAS. The Compound Ureas differ from Normal Urea precisely to the same extent that all the salts of vice-ammoniums differ from the corresponding salts of normal ammonium, namely, by the replacement of H l , H 2 , H 8 , or H* of the ammonium by an equal number of equivalents of compound radicals. The compound ureas are, therefore, in all probability, con- structed in the same manner as normal urea, so that if the latter is to be considered as a cyanate of ammonium, the former must be considered as cyanates of vice-ammoniums. If it were in accordance with discovered facts to consider normal urea as carbamide, it would be equally in accordance with facts to represent the compound ureas as compound car- bamides. This representation is, in fact, made by many chemists, and I have quoted, between pages 298 and 301, the arguments by means of which one of the most distinguished investigators of organic bases has endeavoured to fix the character of carbamides upon the two salts that are numbered 6 and 13 in the above Table. I have examined the bearings of his arguments, and pointed out their weakness, and I have drawn from that examination the conclusion, that the doctrine of car- bamides is invalid, and that the chemical reactions of the two compounds in question, demonstrate that they are undoubtedly cyanates of vice- ammoniums. Dr. Hofmann, as I have shown, decides in favour of the carbamide theory. Gerhardt admits that " as it is possible to represent ordinary urea as a cyanate of ammonia, it is evident that compound ureas can. be equally expressed by similar rational formulae;" but he decides in favour of the " type ammonia," and gives to the ureas a series of formula of which the following are examples : {CO < Ethylamyl-urea . 1 _ No. 1 6 in the Table f CO C 8 H 5 C 5 H" H 2 THEORY OF COMPOUND UREAS. 345 In these formulae C = 12, O = i6, and the symbol CO signifies an oxidised radical, which Gerhardt calls carlonyle, and which he considers to be the equivalent of H 2 . These formulas represent, therefore, a double atom of ammonia, and neither a cyanate nor a carbamide. It is needless to discuss this proposal, because I have explained, at page 233, the phi- losophy, or rather the phantasy, of the ammonia type. USUAL NAMES, FORMULAE, DERIVATIONS, &c., OF THE COMPOUND UREAS. It would be a waste of time to go over the compound ureas, one by one, and recite at length and examine critically the names, formulae, and theories, that have been attached by different chemists to each of them. A glance at the Table from No. 2 to No. 18, shows the relative compositions of these salts, and how completely they all agree with the two propositions, that they are cyanates, and that they contain vice-ammoniums. In Group A, we have ammonams ; in Groups B and C we have ammonems ; in Group D an ammonom. I shall quote a few of the common names and formulae, in order to identify the compounds, and refer to some of their modes of derivation and their characteristic reactions ; but I assume, once for all, that I am speaking of cyanates of vice-ammoniums, and I shall only quote other formulae to explain the views of other chemists. GROUP A. Nos. 2 to 8. Cyanates of Ammonams. 2. Methyl-urea = H 3 (C 2 H 3 )N 2 C 2 2 , Miller. He describes it as being derived from methyl-cyanic ether (see No. 43 1 , page 250,) and ammonia, thus : C 2 H 3 0,C 2 NO -f- H 3 N, and as being a urea in which the place of one equivalent of hydrogen has been supplied by one equivalent of the radical of the ether. Thus : Ordinary urea = H'( H)NVO'| From hydrated cyanic acid v ' ( and ammonia. Methvl-urea = H 3 (C 2 H 3 )N 2 C 2 2 { Fram , me % lc y anic ether ' I and ammonia. It is evident, that this is a reaction, in which the cyanate of a compound hydrocarbon is converted into the cyanate of an ammonam, by the assumption of ammonia, thus : ZH 2 H + CH 3 ,CyO = ZH 3 ,CH 3 ; CyO. Gmelin gives the following formulae for methyl-urea : C 4 H 6 N 2 O* = C 2 H 2 ,C 2 H 4 N 2 2 = Gerhardt' s formula on the ammonia type I have quoted above from vol. 4 of his Traitt. In vol. I he gives these two formulae : 346 THEORY OF COMPOUND UREAS. C 4 H 6 N 2 8 = N '' in which C = 6 ' = The last of these formulae is formed on the model of water, in which one of the atoms of hydrogen is assumed to be replaced by methyl, and the other by the very strange compound NCyH 3 , which he calls cyanammo- nium, a thing which exists only in symbols. The examples Nos. 3 to 8 I may pass over without further notice, as their usual names and formula? would be parallel to those of methyl-urea, and exhibit the same crudeness. No. 6 is described at page 298!! GROUP B. Nos. 9 to 14. Cyanates of Ammonems. When the cyanates of basic radicals are placed in contact with water, they evolve carbonic acid and produce cyanates of ammonems. Thus : Methyla cyanate 1 _ JCH 3 ,CNO] fZH 2 ,CH 3 ,CH 3 ; CNO = No. 9. No. 431, p. 250} ~ \CH 3 ,CNOl = \ CO 2 H,HOJ ( The salts Nos. 10, n, and 12, are produced in the same way. No. 13 has been fully discussed as No. 90 of the aniline series. No. 14 is produced by the action of heat on the oxalate of naphtylamine ( = ZH 3 ,C'H 7 ; CO 2 = naphtylam carbete). Usual names : No. 9, Di- methyl-urea. No. 10, Diethyl-urea. No. u, Diamyl-urea. No. 12, Diallyl-urea ; diacryl-urea ; sinapoline. No. 13, Diphenyl-urea ; flavine; and carbanilide. No. 14, Dinaphtyl-carbamide, or naphtalidamic carba- mide. I will notice the usual formulae for one salt only, No. 13. Hof- mann's formula I have quoted at page 300 : Gerhardt's (vol. i) ( CO Gerhardt's (vol. 4) = C 13 H 12 N 8 O = N*j(C*H Miller's = C^H'^O 2 = 2(C 12 H 5 )N 2 . H'j From these specimens it will be seen that while Hofmann advocates the carbamide theory, Gerhardt first proposes the model of water, and then the ammonia type, and that in the last form he is followed by Miller. GROUP C. Nos. 15 to 17. Cyanates of Ammonems. These salts differ from those in Group B merely by containing two different compound radicals instead of two equivalents of the same com- pound radical. Usual formulae for Ethyl-methyl-urea, No. 1 5 : SALTS OF UREA. 347 Gerhardt's (vol. i) = Gerhardt's (vol. 4.) = C 4 H'N 2 O = N 2 CO CH 3 C 2 H 5 H 2 C 2 2 Miller's = C 8 H'N 2 O 2 = C 4 H 5 C 2 H 3 H 2 N 2 = C 6 H 9 N, ) HO,CyOj Here, restricting ourselves to two authors, we have, first, the clump for- mula, that innocent thing which resembles a direction-post with the inscription rubbed out, and which does not send us astray only because it does not tell us to go anywhere; secondly, we have the model of water ; thirdly, the ammonia type ; to both of which I have given else- where their proper modicum of praise ; and fourthly, we have a binary formula, which assumes the salt to consist of hydrated cyanic acid, in combination with the ammonia called methyl-ethylamine ( = methylac ethyla, No. 27, page 200). The objection which I have to make to this last formula is, that it represents an extreme improbability ; for the amidogen salt ZH,CH 3 ; C 2 H 5 , put in contact with the hydrated acid H,CyO, would produce the ammonium salt ZH 2 ,CH 3 ,C 2 H 5 ; CyO. We cannot admit that the non-permanent cyanate of ammonia is rapidly converted into the permanent cyanate of ammonium, and at the same time insist that the permanent compound cyanates or ureas assume and retain the form that belongs to the fugitive cyanates. GROUP D. No. 1 8. Z(C 2 H 5 ) 4 ,CyO. Ethylam cyanate. Miller's name for this salt is Tetrethyl-urea, and his formulae are : C 2 O 2 1 C 18 H 20 N 2 2 = 2(C 4 H 5 )VN 2 = 2(C 4 H 5 )j Gerhardt, vol. i = NCy * Vol. 4 = N 2 SALTS OF UREA. Nos. 19 to 27. Normal urea and the compound ureas combine with hydrated acids and with neutral salts, to form double salts, such as are represented in the Table of examples, Nos. 19 to 27. All the compounds formed with hydrated acids retain their acid reactions. There is, of course, no neu- tralisation of the saturating capacities of the acids effected by the ureas, which have been inconsiderately and improperly termed " bases." They 348 TERBASIG CYANATES. combine with acids, not in the sense in which anhydrous potash is assumed to combine with anhydrous sulphuric acid, effecting the neu- tralisation of its acidity ; but in the sense in which neutral sulphate of potash combines with hydrated sulphuric acid, producing a double salt, but not affecting the saturating capacity of the hydrated acid. The application of the term " base " to a neutral salt when acting in this manner has produced much of the ambiguity which pervades most chemical writings on the subject of the salts which contain hydrogen. It is needless to enter into details respecting these compounds indi- vidually. Their composition is evident from the symbols, and I only insist upon the broad fact, that these are double salts, and that to regard them as compounds of acids with a base is improper. Urea is never, under any circumstances, a " base." Terbasic Cyanates. In describing Dr. Hermann's Anilocyanates, I have suggested (see page 305) that these salts may have the constitution of Terbasic Cyanates, or be produced by the combination of a monobasic cyanate with a salt formed on the model of water, H,CH 3 + C 6 H 5 ,CyO = H,CH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . See Aniline, No. 96, and No. 3 in the follow- ing Table. There are many other salts that have similar proportions of ultimate constituents, and which are liable to a similar interpretation ; while the processes by which some of them are prepared, and the pro- ducts of their decomposition, give strength to this hypothesis. Never- theless, many of the facts upon which we must build the theory of ter- basic cyanates are liable to so many other interpretations, that I can only state the hypothesis in a general form as one for consideration, and not as one that is established. Certainly, the arguments which I have adduced at pages 305 and 306 are strongly in favour of the supposition that the anilocyanates are terbasic cyanates ; but the evidence respecting some other of the compounds in the following Table is neither so direct nor so conclusive as that respecting the anilocyanates, though, as it appears to me, it is sufficiently affirmative to warrant my grouping the compounds into a class for future investigation. We cannot produce terbasic cyanic acid, because, as I have pointed out at page 338, when hydrated cyanic acid = H,CNO acts upon water = HHO, they are resolved into ammonia ZH 2 H and carbonic acid = CO 2 . But this reaction is no disproof of the existence of terbasic cyanates, containing other basic radicals than H,H,H; because we have examples of the production of some of these salts by the direct action of hydrated cyanic acid upon hydrated oxides formed on the model of water, as will be seen in the following descriptions : ( 349 ) Examples of Terbasic Cjanates. 1. H, H, C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra hydra phenyla cyanete. 2. H, C 6 H 5 , C 6 H 5 ; CyO 8 . Hydra phenyla phenyla cyanete. 3. H, CH 3 , C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra methyla phenyla cyanete. 4. H, C 2 H 5 , C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra ethyla phenyla cyanete. 5. H, C 5 H U ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra amyla phenyla cyanete. 6. H, K, C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra potassa phenyla cyanete. 7. H, Na, C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra natra phenyla cyanete. 8. H, Ba, C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra baryta phenyla cyanete. 9. H, Sr, C 6 H 5 ; CyO* . Hydra stronta phenyla cyanete. 10. H, Ca, C 6 H 5 ; CyO 3 . Hydra calca phenyla cyanete. 1 1 . H, Mg, C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra magna phenyla cyanete. 12. H, Ag, C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra argenta phenyla cyanete. 13. H, Cue, C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra cupric phenyla cyanete. 14. H, H, CH 3 ; CyO 2 . Hydra hydra methyla cyanete. 15. H, Ag, CH 3 ; CyO 2 . Hydra argenta methyla cyanete. 1 6. H, Zn, CH 3 ; CyO 2 . Hydra zinca methyla cyanete. 17. H, H, C 2 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra hydra ethyla cyanete. 1 8. H, C 2 H 5 , C 2 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra ethyla ethyla cyanete. 19. H, H, C 5 H n ;Cy0 2 . Hydra hydra amyla cyanete. 20. H, H, C 4 H 9 ; CyO 2 . Hydra hydra butyla cyanete. 21. H, H, (JW ; CyO 2 . Hydra hydra tolueny la cyanete. 22. H, H, C 9 H 11 ; CyO 2 . Hydra hydra cumeny la cyanete. 23. CH 3 , CH 3 , ZH 4 ; CyO 2 . Methyla methyla ammona cyanete. 24. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 , ZH 4 ; CyO 2 . Ethyla ethyla ammona cyanete. 25. Hgc, Hgc, ZH 4 ; CyO 2 . Meric m eric ammona cyanete. 26. H, H, ZH 4 ; CyO 2 . Hydra hydra ammona cyanete. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULAE OF THE TERBASIC CYANATES. 11. H,H,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydren phenyla cyanete. Anthranilic acid; benzamic acid; carbanilidic acid = C 14 H 7 N0 4 = HO. CO 2 ; C 12 H 6 N, CO = HO.C(O,C 12 H 6 N)C0 2 , Hofmann, who adds, that he considers these three acids to be identic. Phenyl-carbamic, carbam'lic, or anthranilic acid = C 14 H 7 N0 4 = \ Gerjiardtf Anthranilic acid (HO,C 14 H 6 NO 3 ), Miller. Benzamic; carbanilic, or amido-benzoic acid = C 14 H 7 NO 4 = HO,C 14 H 4 ,H 2 N,O 8 , Miller. A great many other formulaa have been applied to those substances, the proximate composition of which is not understood, nor is it yet even 350 TERBASIC CYAN AXES. decidedly ascertained whether there is one, or two, or three compounds of different properties having the same ultimate composition = C 7 H 7 N0 2 . While suggesting that the compound No. I may be a terbasic cyanate, in agreement with the formula H,HO -f- C 6 H 5 ,CyO, it is proper to place before the reader some of the other formulas, according to which the ultimate composition may be interpreted. a). C 6 H 5 ; ZH 2 ; CO 2 . This represents an amide derived from a neutral carbonate, having one equivalent of ammonium and one of phenyl, thus : C 6 H 5 ; ZH 4 ; C0 3 -HHO = C 6 H 5 ; ZH 2 ; CO 8 . By some chemists the formula a) would be understood to signify the carbamate of phenyl. b). ZH,C 6 H 5 ; H; CO 2 . This represents an anilidogen acid derived from the bicarbonate of phenylam by abstraction of HHO : ZH 8 ,C 6 H 5 ; H; CO 3 -HHO = ZH,C 6 H 5 ; H; CO 2 . c). ZH 2 ,C 7 H 5 2 . In this case all the carbon of the compound is placed together so as to increase the acid energy of the negative radical, and the nitrogen then forms an amid with the two basic radicals. Most of the salts in the table are liable to this treatment, but it happens in regard to many of them that the true amids having the same ultimate composition are otherwise known, and have properties that differ from those of the substances that are referred to in this Table. The formulae which I have quoted from Miller, Hofmann, and Gerhardt, represent acid radicals, which include carbon in combination with amidogen or phenylac. It is needless to resort to the expedient of framing imaginary conjugated radicals, while we have before us several more probable and more simple methods, by means of which the transformations of the compounds can be sufficiently explained. Of these several formulae I prefer that which regards the compounds as being terbasic cyanates ; but we have not sufficient knowledge of facts to be able to decide exclusively in favour of this or of any one formula. Anthranilic acid, when heated, produces aniline and carbonic acid gas: H,H,C 6 H 5 ; CNO 2 = ZH,C 6 H 5 ; H + CO 2 . The formulae marked a), 6), c), suit this experiment equally well, so that the experiment proves nothing beyond the accuracy of the clump formula C 7 H 7 NO 2 . Benzamic acid is said not to produce aniline when heated. 2]. H,C 6 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 8 . Hydra phenylen cyanete. A combination of anilocyanic acid with hydrated oxide of phenyl. Hofmann. Thus : C 6 H 5 ,CyO + H,C 6 H 9 O = H,CH 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . 3]. H,CH 8 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 8 . Hydra methyla phenyla cyanete. See TERBASIC CYAN AXES. 351 Aniline 96]. A compound of the same composition, discovered by Chancel, is called by Gerhardt the phenyl-carbamate of methyl, or carbanimethylane. 4]. H,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra ethyla phenyla cyanete. See Aniline 97], Also Chancel's compound, called by Gerhardt phenyl-carbamate of ethyl, or carbanilethane. This last compound is converted by ammonia into alcohol and anilo-urea (Aniline 89) : H,C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 ) (ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO = Anilo-urea. ZH 2 H j : : j H,C 2 H 5 = Alcohol. 5]. H,C 5 H U ,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra amyla phenyla cyanete. See Aniline 98]. 6]. H,K,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra potassa phenyla cyanete. Benzamate of potash. Phenyl-carbamate of potash. Scarcely known. 7]. H,Na,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra natra phenyla cyanete. Amido-ben- zoate (Benzamate) of soda = C u H 4 Na(NH 2 )0 4 , Voit. Quart. Jaurn. Cliem. Soc., ix. 269. 8, 9, 10, n]. Amido-benzoates or benzamates of barytes, strontia, lime, and magnesia ; described by Voit, (loc. cit.) There is also a phenyl-carbamate of lime, Chancel. 12]. H,Ag,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra argenta phenyla cyanete. Carba- nilate of silver ; anthranilate of silver ; benzamate of silver. 13]. H,Cuc,C 6 H 5 ; CyO 2 . Hydra cupric phenyla cyanete. Benza- mate of copper ; carbanilate of copper. 14]. H,H,CH 3 ; CyO 2 . Hydren methyla cyanete. Two compounds answer to this formula, both of which have undergone, and still undergo, much discussion. Whether or not either of them belongs to this category has yet to be finally determined. They are named urethylane, (carbamate of methyl or carbomethylane) and glycocoli. Urethylane is formed by saturating wood-spirit with the vapour of cyanic acid. This reaction gives us H,CH 3 O -f- HCyO, which is precisely the composition of a terbasic cyanate. It is also produced by passing gaseous chloride of cyanogen into wood-spirit mixed with water, which is also in accordance with this idea : H,CH 3 + HHO + CyCl = H,H,CH 3 ; CyO 2 + HC1. It suffers the following decompositions : H,H,CH 3 ; CNO 2 ) fZH 4 ,S0 2 Sulphate of ammonia, i ]. Sulphuric acid H; SO 8 1 = m,CH 3 O Wood spirit. Water H; HO J [ CO 8 Carbonic acid. H,H,CH 3 ; CNO 2 ) f KK,CO 3 Carbonate of potash. , 1r ,. . , JK;HO } = M,CH 3 Wood spirit. 2 . Caustic potash < T7 - ' -r^ | ^ TT9 TT A (K ; HO J [ ZH 2 ,H Ammonia. 352 TERBASIC CYANATES. These reactions are precisely such as arise from the decomposition of a compound that contains cyanogen, and agree perfectly with Formula 14]. Urethylane is also called carbamate of methyl, and is assumed to contain the hypothetical carbamic acid. See page 359. Glycocoll, or sugar of gelatine, is obtained by the action of alkalies and acids upon gelatine. It combines with acids without neutralising them ; its solution reddens litmus feebly ; these are characters which agree very well with the above formula. It can exchange H l for a metal, especially for Zn, Cue, Pb, Ba, and Ag. Nos. 15 and 16 in the Table are examples of such salts. They can be formed by heating the hydrated oxides of the metals with a solution of glycocoll : H,H,CH 3 ; CyO 2 1 J H,Ba,CH 8 ; CyO 2 Ba; HO] : ( H;HO. When glycocoll is boiled with acetate of copper, acetic acid is expelled, and a compound of glycocoll with oxide of copper is obtained in solu- tion : H,H,CH 3 ; CyO 2 ) (H,Cuc,CH 3 ; CyO 8 Cue ; C 2 H 3 2 | : t H; C 2 H 3 2 . 15] and 1 6]. Salts of glycocoll. See last note. 17]. H,H,C 2 H 5 ; CyO 8 . Hydren ethyla cyanete. The clump for- mulas of several known compounds agree with this formula. The most important of these are urethane (or carbamate of ethyl), sarkosine, alanine, and lactamide. But if there exist several acid radicals having the formula C 3 H 5 , respecting which I have made some inquiries in the section on glycerin, it is probable that there are several amides isomeric with lactamide. The compounds that are here referred to, though alike in ultimate composition, differ from one another in certain pro- perties, but have not had their characters fully determined. It is therefore impossible to say how many of them, if any, ought to be embraced in the category of terbasic cyanates. I do not enter into details, because I find among them no facts that point out conclusive arguments respecting the proximate composition of these several salts. 1 8]. H,C 2 H 5 ,C 8 H 5 ; CyO 8 . Hydra ethylen cyanete. Ethylurethane, or ethyl-carbamate of ethyle = C'H U NO 4 = C G H 6 (C 4 H 5 )NO 4 , Gerhardt. Produced by heating cyanate of ethyl with alcohol in a closed glass tube, thus: H,C 2 H 5 O -f C 8 H 5 ,CyO = H,C B H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ; CyO 2 . It is decomposed by caustic potash, which produces alcohol, cthylamine, and carbonate of potash, thus : + C'H'SCNO) [H,C 2 H 5 O Alcohol. KHOV = ^ZH,C*H 5 ;H Ethylamine. KHO I (KK,C0 3 Carbonate of potash. TERBASIC CYANATES. 353 When heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, it produces carbonic acid, sulphate of ethylamine and sulphovinic acid : ZH 3 ,C 2 H 5 ; SO 2 Sulphate of ethylamine. - SO 2 } Sul P hovinic add ' CO H,C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,CN0 2 H,S0 2 H,S0 2 H,S0 8 These reactions all agree with the theory that ethylurethane is a terbasic cyanate, containing two atoms of ethyl. 19]. H,H,C 5 H U ; CyO 8 . Hydren amyla cyanete. Amylo-urethane, or carbamate of amyle, discovered by Mr. Medlock ( Quart. Jour, of the Chem. Soc., ii. 212). Formula?. : = C 12 H 13 NO* = C l H 13 N + 2C0 2 = C 10 H n O,C 2 j N Il. This salt was produced by the action of ammonia on the chloro-carbon- ate (i. e. the chloric-formylete) of amyle, thus : C 5 H H ,CC1O 2 ) J H,H,C 5 H n ; CNO 2 . ZH 2 H + ZH 2 HJ : I ZH 4 ,C1. When this salt is distilled with caustic baryta, it produces ammonia, carbonic acid, and hydrated oxide of amyle : H,H,C 5 H U ; CNO 2 ) fZH 2 H BaHO I = BaBa,C0 3 . BaHO j When heated with sulphuric acid, it produces sulphamylic acid and ammonia, with evolution of carbonic acid (and sulphurous acid ?) : H,H,C 5 H U ; CNO 2 ) [C 5 H U ,S0 2 1 , , HS0 2 i = \ H,S0 2 f Sul P h amyhc acid. HSO 2 ) The sulphurous acid must have proceeded from a subsequent decompo- sition of part of the sulphamylic acid. These reactions show that amylo-urethane agrees perfectly with the character of a terbasic cyanate. Another compound w r hich corresponds to the same formula as amylo- urethane is leucine ; but though its reactions do not indicate so clearly as those of amylo-urethane that its composition is that of a terbasic cyanate, yet there are many points of resemblance. It combines with metals to form salts, of which the following is an example : H,Pb,C 3 H a ; CyO 2 . By dry distillation leucine produces amylamine and carbonic acid, thus H,H,C 5 H n ; CNO 2 = ZH,C 5 H n ; H + CO 2 . 20]. H,H.C 4 H 9 ; CyO 2 . Hydren buty la cyanete. Carbamate of tetryle ; 2 A 354 TERBASIC CYANATES. butylic urethane ; tetrylic urethane = C 10 H U N0 4 , Gerhardt. It is pro- duced, according to Humann, by acting on butylic alcohol with liquid chloride of cyanogen : 4 (H,C 4 H 9 0)) 2(CNCl)l = HHO C 4 H 9 ,C 4 H 9 ; CO 3 = Carbonate of butyl. H,H,C 4 H 9 ; CNO 2 = No. 20]. C 4 H 9 ;C1 = Chloride of butyl. ZH 4 ; Cl = Sal-ammoniac. According to Humann, the formula is ,. This is interpreted in Gmelin's Handbook (x. 149) c H r 1 to signify that the salt is a compound of carbonate of butyl w r ith carbamide = OTTO, CO" + CNH'O. The objections to this supposi- tion are, that it includes belief in a compound of the existence of which we have no evidence (carbamide, see page 22 1), and that, besides this, the theory is less probable, and the formula more complex, than the theory and corresponding formula now advanced. 21]. H,H,C 7 H 7 ; CyO 2 . Hydren toluenyla cyanete. The toluamic acid of Cahours. 22]. H,H,C 9 H U ; CyO 2 . Hydren cumenyla cyanete. The cumin- am ic acid of Cahours. 23]. CH 3 ,CH 3 ,ZH 4 ; CyO 2 . Methylen ammona cyanete. A com- bination of methylic ether *= CH 3 ,CH 3 with cyanate of ammonia = ZH 4 ,CyO. This is Gmelin's anhydrous carbonate of methylamine = C 2 H 5 N,C0 2 . Gerhardt's formula are C 2 4 ,2C 2 H'N and C'H 4 (-HC :; H 5 N)NO 4 . He assumes in it the presence of a methyl-carbamic acid = C 4 H 5 N0 4 , of the existence of which we have no proof, and for which there is no necessity. The salt, 23], is produced by the com- bination of two volumes of carbonic acid = CO 8 with four volumes of methylamine, see page 61 = 2(ZH,CH 3 ; H), and the product might be formulated thus : ZH 3 ,CH 3 ; ZH,CH 3 ; CO 2 , in which form it is analogous to the anhydrous carbonate of ammonia. See No. i] in the series of carbonates of ammonia on the next page. 24]. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,ZH 4 ; CyO 2 . Ethylen ammona cyanete. This salt is of similar composition to No. 23], excepting that it contains methyl instead of ethyl. It is subject to the same diversity of explanations, and gives origin to another hypothetical acid, the ethyl-carbarn ic acid. 25]. Hgc, Hgc, ZH 4 ; CyO 8 . Merenic ammona cyanete. This salt is formed when successive portions of red oxide of mercury suspended in water are mixed with a warm solution of urea : Hgc,HgcO + ZH 4 ,CyO = Hgc,Hgc,ZH 4 ; CyO 2 . THE CARBONATES OF AMMONIA. 355 26], H,H,ZH 4 ; CyO 2 . Hydren ammona cyanete. This salt looks like the " acid " which corresponds to the three preceding salts. Its occurrence is possible : H,HO + ZH 4 ,CyO, namely, an atom of cyanate of ammonia combined with an atom of water ; nevertheless, I shall show in the note to No. i] of the carbonates of ammonia, that this compound has better claims to a different interpretation. The Carbonates of Ammonia. I. ZH 4 , ZH*,W 2. ZH 4 , ZH 4 ,CO 3 (ZH 4 , ZH 4 ,CO 3 1 3' |ZH 4 , ZH 2 ,C0 2 / 4- H, ZH 4 ,CO 3 ZH 4 ,CO 3 ) 5- < 'H ZH 4 ,C0 3 ^ZH 4 , ZH 2 ,C0 2 j fZH 4 , ZH 4 ,C0 3 ZH 4 , ZH 4 ,C0 3 -,., \ ' J \ onr>win'na rOTniro rnrn a ran lira j ^ ' trHHOif ammona carbite curn aquute. !Q/TT yTT4 r^O 3 *\ ? CO 2 I ^ C ^i sn 7^ ra ammona carbite cum carbete 2(HHO)j [In the above table, H = i, O = 16, C = 12, Z = 14.] 2 A 2 356 THE CAKBOXATES OF AMMONIA. These carbonates of ammonia are all described, after the researches of Heinrich Rose, in Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistmj, vol. ii. pages 430 to 435. In Gmelin's formulae, C = 6 and O = 8. The difference between these atomic weights and those which I have adopted, causes great differences to appear in the formula? of the salts. The salt No. i] = ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,CO 2 is produced when carbonic acid gas and ammonia gas act upon one another. In whatever proportions they are mixed, they always combine and condense in the proportions of two volumes of carbonic acid = i atom CO 2 and four volumes of ammonia = 2 atoms or ZH*H -f ZH 2 H. This compound is noticed in the Table at p. 50 as the hypothetical carbamate of ammonia. The atomic measure is six volumes, which is the measure of its component gases. Gmelin calls this salt anhydrous mono-carbonate of ammon = NH 3 ,CO 2 . Gerhardt says of this salt, that " the density of its vapour has been found equal to 0^9, Bineau, or to 0*8992, Rose, and that, consequently, the formula C 2 4 2NH 3 corresponds to eight volumes, like those of cyanhydrate, sulphhydrate, and chlorhydrate of ammonia," Traite de Chimie, i. 196. This is, however, a mistake; the measure is six, not eight, volumes, and it disagrees with the measure of the other gaseous salts of ammonia. See pages 50 and 99. The salt, No. i], may be conceived to be formed from the neutral carbonate of ammonia, No. 2], by the abstraction of an atom of HHO, thus : (ZH 4 + ZH 4 + CO) - HHO = ZH 4 + ZH 2 CO. 2]. = ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,C0 3 . This is the neutral carbonate of ammonia. It is produced when the salt No. I is dissolved in water : ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,C0 2 -f HHO = ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,C0 3 . But it cannot be procured in the solid state. When the aqueous solution is evaporated, ammonia = ZH 2 H escapes before the salt crystallises, and a more acid product is left. 3]. ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,CO 3 -f ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,C0 2 . This is Gmelin's hydrated mono- carbonate of ammonia = 2NH 3 ,HO,2CO 2 , or NH 3 ,C0 2 -f NH 8 ,HO,CO 2 . " It is crystalline, it may be sublimed without change in composition ; but if it is dissolved in water, it cannot be recovered from the solution ; because, even at ordinary temperatures in vacuo, ammonia is disengaged from 'it, and an acid salt is obtained." Gmelin. I consider the solution to contain the salt, No. 2], because ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,CO 3 ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,CO a +HHO 4]. H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 . This salt is Gmelin's bicarbonate of ammonia with two atoms of water = NH 3 ,HO,C0 2 + HO,CO'. A crystalline salt, less soluble and less volatile than the neutral salt No. 2]. 1 ofyw* 7 w* f THE CARBONATES OF AMMONIA. 357 Of course, No. 2 and No. 4 are the two normal carbonates of ammo- nium. All the other salts in the Table are modifications or combinations of these two. 5]. 2(H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 ) + ZH 4 ,ZH*,CO 2 . A compound of two atoms of the bicarbonate of ammonium No. 4], and one atom of the amidogen salt No. i]. This is Gmelin's sesquicarbonate of ammonia with two atoms of water = 2NH 3 ,2HO,3CO 2 , or according to Rose, NH 3 ,C0 2 + NH 3 , 2 CO 2 , 2 HO. It is the carbonate of ammonia of commerce. When the vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid is passed over this salt, carbonic acid gas is disengaged, and ordinary sulphate of ammonia is produced. f H, ZH 4 ,C0 3 1 fZH 4 ,SO 2 H, ZH 4 ,C0 3 [ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,C0 2 ^ S,SO 3 |ZH 4 ,S0 2 <{ZH 4 ,S0 5 ZH 4 ,SO 2 S,S0 3 J I 3 (C0 2 ) " The salt effloresces in the air, forming a friable mass of bicarbonate of ammonia, while anhydrous carbonate of ammon sublimes." Rose. Thus: ' jl j l H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 = HZH'COS + ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,C0 2 . ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,C0 2 J 1 H ' ZH ' C( No. 5] = No. 4] -f- No. i]. When the sesquicarbonate No. 5] is acted upon with small quantities of water, neutral carbonate of ammonia is first dissolved, and bicarbonate is left undissolved. By the action of successive small doses of water, a series of solutions are obtained which differ in their relative contents of monocarbonate and bicarbonate of ammonia. If, on the other hand, the salt is dissolved in a large quantity of water, and the solution is heated, carbonic acid is disengaged, and the proportion of monocarbonate of ammonia is increased. The instability of these two salts, both in aqueous solution and when exposed to air, gives origin to a great variety of mixtures. 6]. 3(ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,C0 3 ) + 2(H,ZH 4 ,CO 3 ). A compound of three atoms of neutral carbonate of ammonia No. 2] with two atoms of bicarbonate No. 4]. Gmelin's five-fourths carbonate of ammonia with five atoms of water = 4NH 3 ,5C0 8 ,5HO. Sublimes when the salt No. 5] is slowly heated. 7]. 2 (ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,C0 3 ) + 2(H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 ) + ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,CO 2 . Composed of two atoms of No. 2], two atoms of No. 4], and one atom of No. i], Gmelin's five-fourths carbonate of ammonia with four atoms of water = 4NH 3 ,5CO 2 ,4HO, or 2(NH 3 ,HO,C0 2 ) + 2NH 3 ,2HO,3C0 2 ; or, ac- cording to H. Rose, 3(NH 3 ,C0 2 ) -f- NH 4 O,2CO 2 . Produced by the same process as No. 6]. There is, according to Rose, another salt, which contains 1 2 atoms of water. 358 THE CARBONATES OF AMMONIA. 8]. ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,C0 3 4. 2 (H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 ) + 2 Aq. A compound of one atom of neutral carbonate No. 2], two atoms of bicarbonate No. 4], and two atoms of water. Gmelin's sesquicarbonate of ammonia with five atoms of water = 2NH 3 , 3 CO 2 , 5 HO. When the sesquicarbonate No. 5] is in solution in water, it may be considered to be constituted as follows : 2(H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 ) + ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,CO 3 . 9]. 2(H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 )+Aq. 10]. 4(H,ZH 4 ,CO 3 ) + Aq. The bicarbonate of ammonia No. 4] combined with a little water of crystallisation. ii], ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,CO 3 4- 6(H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 ) + 5Aq. A compound of six atoms of bicarbonate of ammonia with one atom of neutral carbonate and five atoms of water. Gmelin's seven-fourths carbonate of ammonia = 4NH 3 , 7 C0 2 , i 2 HO, or probably = NH 3 ,HO,C0 2 -f- 3 (NH 3 ,HO, 2CO*) + 8HO. I2j. 8(H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 ) 4- CO 2 + 2 Aq. Eight atoms of bicarbonate of ammonia with one atom of carbonic acid and two atoms of water. Gmelin's nine-fourths carbonate of ammonia = 4NH 3 ,9CO 2 ,ioHO. Produced by evaporating the salt No. 5] over oil of vitriol in vacuo. Probably only a mixture. It appears from this investigation that the carbonates of ammonia when in solution in water consist of the neutral carbonate No. 2] or the bicarbonate No. 4], or mixtures of these two normal salts ; that the sesquicarbonate No. 5] when in solution contains two atoms of bicar- bonate and one atom of neutral carbonate, and that the various salts upon being crystallised take up water, arid when sublimed lose water, and are partly changed into amidogen salts. The instability of the carbonates of ammonia, and their great tendency to combine with one another, give rise to a series of complicated formulae ; but the theory of their constitution is very simple. The practice of representing multiple salts as containing all their bases in a clump, directly combined with all their acids in another clump, is one of those vicious practices grown out of the theory of " acids " and " bases," which have produced great confusion in chemical theories, and much impeded the progress of organic chemistry. While the carlxmates of ammonia may all be represented as multiple salts contain- ing the neutral carbonate, the bicarbonate, and the amidogen salt No. i], f. e. the so-called carbamate, we find Gmelin representing them by such formulae as these : 2NH 3 -f iHO -f 2C0 8 4NH 8 + 4HO + 5CO 2 . 2NH 3 -f- 2HO -f 3CO 8 2NH 8 -f 5HO + 3C0 2 . 4 NH 3 4. 5HO + 5C0 8 4NH 3 + loHO + 9CO 2 . 4NH 3 4- 1 2 HO 4 7 CO 2 . These formula? show us the materials with which the salts are prepared, THE CARBAMATES. 359 or the products which result from their decomposition, but no power of belief in the truth of the doctrine of combination in multiple proportions can give plausibility to the notion that we have here before us true representations of the proximate constitution of the different carbonates of ammonia to which these formulaa refer. The Carbamates. If we suppose the neutral carbonate of ammonia No. 2] = ZH 4 ,ZH 4 , CO 3 , to be deprived of an atom of water, we have as the result the compound ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,C0 8 , which I have described as No. i] of the carbonates of ammonia. If we suppose the salt to be deprived of a second atom of water, it is then reduced to ZH 2 ,ZH 2 ,CO, which is equal to ZH 4 ,CNO, the last of these formula? representing cyanate of ammonia, and the preceding one carbamide, both of which compounds have been already fully discussed at pages 221 and 338. If, on the other hand, we suppose an atom of water to be abstracted from an atom of bicarbonate of ammonia, the resulting product is H,ZH 2 ,CO a ; since H,ZH 4 ,C0 3 - HHO = H,ZH 2 ,C0 2 . This product does not appear among the many carbonates of ammonia, nor has it been produced by any experiment whatever. Nevertheless it forms an imaginary acid, which chemists have agreed to call Car- bamic acid, and in which it is assumed that the amidogen and the carbonic acid form together a conjugated acid which is in combination with a replaceable atom of basic hydrogen = H r + ZH 2 ,C0 2 , or H r O -j- ZH 2 ,CO. According to this theory, when H r is replaced by a basic radical, we have a Carbamate, of which kind of salt the following may serve as examples : ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,C0 2 = Carbamate of ammonia. CH 3 ,ZH 2 ,CO 2 = Carbamate of methyl, or urethylane. C*H 5 ,ZH 2 ,CQ 2 = Carbamate of ethyl, or urethane. C 5 H U ,ZH 2 ,C0 2 = Carbamate of amyl, or amylurethane. C 4 H 9 ,ZH 2 ,CO 2 = Carbamate of butyl, or butylic urethane. The .view which it seems necessary to take of these salts, if we retain the idea of the existence of carbamates, is, that they are direct compounds of oxamide with oxides of the positive radicals. Thus : ZH 4 + ZH 2 CO, and CH 3 O + ZH 2 CO. That appears to be not an unlikely composition for the carbamate of ammonia, described above as No. i of the carbonates of ammonia ; but as respects the other salts, where we have no second atom of azote to deal with, this composition seems to be less probable than that of terbasic cyanates, and I have ac- oOO THE URE1DES. cordingly included the above four urethanes among the terbasic cyanates : see Nos. 14, 17, 19, and 20 in that series. This operation enables us to dispense with the hypothetical carbamic acid, which, having the theoretical composition of one atom of ammonia combined with one atom of carbonic acid, will probably never be produced, for the same reason that it is impossible to form the terbasic cyanic acid. See page 348. Even the carbamate of ammonia can be represented as a probable member of the group of terbasic cyanates, as I have shown at No. 26 in that series: ZH 4 ,ZH 2 ,C0 2 = H,H,ZH 4 ; CNO 2 . The Ureides. 1. ZH 3 ,C 2 H 3 ; CyO 2 .... Acetylam cyanete. 2. ZH 8 ,C 4 H 7 ; CyO 2 .... Butyrylam cyanete. 3. ZH 3 ,(m 9 ; CyO 2 .... Valerylam cyanete. 4. ZH 8 ,<7H 5 ; CyO 2 .... Benzylam cyanete. BlAMIDOBENZOIC ACID. 5. ZH^C 6 !! 5 ; CyO 2 .... Phenylam cyanete. The ureides differ from the compound ureas by containing two atoms of oxygen instead of one atom. That is the main difference. The ureides all contain acid radicals in their ammoniums. The ureas some- times contain acid radicals, but in general they contain basic radicals. According to Miller (Elements of Chemistry, iii. 617), the ureides are " salts of urea from which the elements of water have been abstracted;" but if we look at the salts of urea formulated in the Table at page 343, Nos. 19 to 27, we shall be puzzled to find a single example of a salt of urea, which is convertible into a ureide by the abstraction of the elements of water. Indeed, as every ureide is equivalent to an entire compound urea + O l , it is evidently impossible to convert a compound urea into a ureide by abstracting from it the elements of water. The ureides No. I to No. 4 were formed by Zinin and Moldenhauer by acting on urea with oxy chlorides of acid radicals. Thus : ZH 4 ,CyO + C^CIO = ZH 8 ,C 2 H 3 ; CyO 2 -f HC1. Ammona Acetyla _ Acetylam Hydra cyanate. " " chlorate. ~" cyanate. "~ chlora. Nos. 2,3, and 4 were formed in the same manner. According to this view of the composition of the ureides, they are Monobasic Cyanetes, which form a remarkable contrast with the Terbasic Cyanetes ; there being to the same quantity of cyanogen com- bined with the same quantity of oxygen, in the salts of one series, one basic radical, and in those of the other series three basic radicals : M,M,M;CyO 8 = Terbasic cyanate. [ ZH 4 ; CyO 2 = Ureide. THE UREIDES. 361 USUAL NAMES AXD FORMULAE OF THE UREIDES. il. Acetureide = H 3 , C 4 H 3 2 ,N 2 C 2 2 ] 2]. Butyrureide = H 3 , C 8 H?O 2 ,N 2 C 2 2 [ - A Valerureide = H 3 ,C 10 H 9 2 ,N 2 C 2 2 f 4]. Benzureide = H 3 ,C 14 H 5 2 ,N 2 C 2 2 ) Gerhardt's names are i], Acetyl-urea; 2], Butyryl-urea; 3], Vale- ryl-urea ; 4] , Benzoyl-urea. He gives two sets of formulae, both in tome iv. of his Traite de Chimie. At page 886. il C 6 H 6 N 9 4 - NC ^ H3 1 ij. C H JN O - C 4 H 3 2 .O f At page 765. i]. C 3 H 6 N 2 8 = 2]. C 5 H IO N 2 2 = 3]. C 6 H 1S N 2 2 = 4]. C 8 H 8 N 2 2 = CO H 3 CO H 3 CO t H 3 CO 2]. NCyH 3 \ ~ C 8 H 7 2 .Of C 10 H 9 2 .O -i rH>W NC y H3 I 3J. c 1 IN < - n ioiT9n2nr 4]. C NCyH 3 O \ C 14 H 5 2 .O Two authors thus supply us with five formulae for each of the ureides. We have the clump formula?, both with large and with small atoms of C and ; we have the model of water, including in each example the impossible-ammonium NCyH 3 ; we have the double type ammonia ; and finally, we have a series of formulas formed according to no type and after no model. Gerhardt quotes the following decompositions by heat as illustrating the composition of these compounds : 3 C 6 H 6 N 2 4 Acetyl-urea. = Cy 3 H 3 0* + = Cyanuric acid. + 3 C 4 H 5 N0 2 . Acetamide. [ CO 2N 2 H ;Cy <0*. THE ALLOPHANATES. 363 The strongest objection to this theory exists in the fact that, in the pre- sence of four positive radicals, the two atoms of azote might be expected to produce two amidogens, and leave the carbon to take up the oxygen. The above compound would then assume the following form : f ZH 2 ;CO 1 |ZH,C 2 H 5 ; COO j This is an amidogen salt, agreeing to a certain extent with the oxamates described at page 226, but differing from those salts by having a vice- ammon instead of a non-azotised radical in the oxalate, which, however, is a difference which renders the existence of such an amidogen salt im- probable. Table of Allophanates.* 1 . H,H,H,C 2 H 5 ; Cy 2 O 3 . . . Hydrine ethyla cyanenite. 2. H,H,H,CH 3 ; Cy 2 3 . . . Hydrine methyla cyanenite. 3. H,H,H,C 5 H U ; Cy 2 O 3 . . . Hydrine amy la cyanenite. 4. H,H,H,Ba ; Cy 2 O 3 . . . Hydrine baryta cyanenite. BIURET. 5. H,H,H,ZH 4 ; Cy 2 3 . . . Hydrine ammona cyanenite. The first four of the salts in this Table have received a variety of names, but at present they are called Allophanates. The last-named salt is called Biuret, or bicyanate of ammonia. i]. H 3 ,C 2 H 5 ; Cy ? O 3 . This salt is produced when the vapour of hydrated cyanic acid is passed into alcohol or ether : H,CNO 4- H,CNO + H,C 2 H 5 0. Discovered by Liebig in 1846. It was originally called the Ureo-car- bonate of ethyl, and was assumed to contain the ureo-carbonic acid, which Gmelin (Handbook, vii. 377) describes as C 2 Ad 2 2 ,2CO 2 = C 4 N 2 H 4 O a . No such acid is known, and subsequently Liebig and Wohler ascribed to this salt the name of Allophanate of ethyl, or Allo- phanic ether, which it still bears. Gmelin's formula for it is C B N 2 H 8 P = C 4 H 5 0,C 4 N 2 H 3 O 5 . Gerhardt's formula is C 4 H 3 (C 4 H 5 )N 2 6 . When decomposed by heat, the allophanic ether produces alcohol and cyanuric acid : H 3 ,C 2 H 3 ; Cy 2 O 3 = H,C 2 H 5 O + 2HCylO. The Allophanic Acid, which is assumed to be present in this salt, but which has no separate existence, has these formulae assigned to it : C 4 N 2 H 4 6 = C 4 Ad 2 O 8 ,O 4 , Gmelin. Gerkardt. 364 THE ALLOPHANATES. O 5 , Miller. NH 2 CO.C0 2 ,HO,(C 2 NH0 2 ), Hofmann. HO.C 4 N 2 H 3 5 , There appears to me to be little probability of truth in any of these assumptions. The non-isolation of allophanic acid has been accounted for by assuming that when it is separated from its salts by a stronger acid, it immediately decomposes into carbonic acid and urea. I shall examine this explanation in the note to the barytic salt, No. 4]. 2]. H 3 ,CH 3 ; Cy*0 3 . This compound is "formed by passing the vapour of hydrated cyanic acid into pure wood spirit : H,CyO + H,CyO + H,CH 3 0. Discovered by Richardson in 1837; then called Ureo-carbonate of methyl, and afterwards called Allophariate of methyl. The theory is the same as that of the last example. 3]. H 3 ,C 5 H U ; Cy 2 3 . Formed in the same manner as the preceding salts, by passing the vapour of cyanic acid into hydrated oxide of amyle : H,CyO + H,CyO + H,C 5 H"0. When heated, it falls into its original constituents, save that the cyanic acid becomes cyanuric acid. 4]. EP,Ba; Cy'O 3 . This salt is produced by acting on a solution of allophanic ether, No. i], by a cold solution of hydrate of barytes: No. i] = H 3 ,C 2 H 5 ; Cy'O 3 ) J H 3 ,Ba; Cy*O 3 = No. 4]. Barytic water = Ba; HO f == \ C 2 H 5 ; HO = Alcohol. When the solution of the barytic salt No. 4] is heated, the products are as follow : TT3 ~R r 2^3 ( Ba,Ba ; CO 3 = Carbonate of barytes. TT3R ; fSrv 1 C 2 = Carbonic acid. H 3 ,Ba ; Cy 5 !) 3 } = < 7TT 4 r m H,HO J ZH 4 ',CyOf = Urea > 2 atoms ' When the barytic salt is acted on by a strong acid, it disengages car- bonic acid with brisk effervescence, and produces urea. Neither ammonia nor free cyanic acid are disengaged : Ba,CNO ) fZH 4 ,CNO [,H,H,CNOOV = <^ COO H,SOO J I Ba,SOO This decomposition is quite in accordance with the general action of hydrated sulphuric acid upon the cyanates. It is commonly stated that, when allophanic acid is separated from its salts by a stronger acid, it cannot be retained in an isolated state, because BIURET. 365 it has the property of immediately decomposing into carbonic acid and urea. The ideal of allophanic acid is formed on certain properties be- longing in part to ammonia, and in part to cyanic acid. The hydrated allophanic acid, corresponding to the allophanates described in the above Table, should have the formula H,H,H,H ; Cy s 3 . It is easy to foresee what must occur if this acid was set free in an aqueous solution by the action of hydrated sulphuric acid on the barytic salt No. 4]. I will put the reaction into the form of an equation : H 3 ,Ba; Cy 2 3 ) JH 4 ; Cy 2 O 3 H; S O 2 j : [Da; S O 2 That is the first reaction. But the following would immediately follow : H 4 ,Cy 2 3 = ZH 4 ,CyO + CO 2 . The solution would then be ready to suffer any of the reactions described under the article relating to the ureas. It is evident, throughout these reactions, that we have to deal with salts of cyanic acid, and with nothing else, and that there is no evidence of the existence of an allophanic acid answering to any of the six formulas which I have cited above from the writings of different chemists. 5]. H 3 ,ZH 4 ; Cy 2 3 . This compound, commonly called Biuret, and sometimes Bicyanate of ammonia, has not been included in the list of Allophanates. Miller gives it these two formulae : C 4 H 5 N 3 4 , 2 Aq = HO,H 4 NO, 2CyO, 2 aq. It is prepared by keeping urea for some time in a melted state at the temperature of 300. There is a simultaneous production of ammonia, cyanuric acid, and melanuric acid. When the salt No. 5] is strongly heated, it is decomposed into ammonia, cyanuric acid, and water : H 3 ,ZH 4 ; Cy 2 O 3 = 2H,CylO + ZH 2 H + HHO. Biuret. = Cyanuric acid + Ammonia -f- Water. With this section, I close my inquiry into the Theory of the Azotic Radicals. ( 366 ) The Doctrine of Polyatomic Alcohols. THE doctrine of polyatomic alcohols is founded upon the properties of a substance described by M. Wurtz (Comptes Itendus, July, 1856) under the name of glycol, and upon those of some compounds of glycerin which have been investigated by M. Berthelot (Ann. de Chimie, iii., xli. 2 1 6). The polyatomic alcohols are said to possess the properties of uniatomic alcohols, but to have the power of combining with more than one equivalent of acid. Glycol is called a Biatomic alcohol and glycerin a Teratomic alcohol. Professor Miller, the President of the Chemical Society, in his Annual Address to that body in March, 1857, described " WURTZ'S brilliant discovery of the biatomic alcohols, of which glycol is the type" as one of the chemical memorabilia of the past year. I am therefore bound to notice this new and important doctrine. Grlycol, the Biatomic Alcohol. According to M. Wurtz (loc. cit.), glycol is prepared by acting on the iodide of ethylene, C 4 H 4 P (the iodised compound corresponding to Dutch liquid) by dry acetate of silver ; one equivalent of the former to two equivalents of the latter. There is a disengagement of carbonic acid gas and olefiant gas ; iodide of silver is formed, and the resulting mixture is submitted to distillation. The product then obtained is called by Wurtz the diacetate of glycol, and is said to result from the reaction depicted in the following equation : C 4 H 4 1 4 F 2 O 8 ) = 2AgI + CWO'l O 4 Ag C 4 H 4 O 2 ) Iodide of Acetate Iodide of Binacetate ethylene. of silver. silver. of glycol. [In this equation, C = 6, O = 8.] Before proceeding farther with my notes from M. Wurtz, Jet me draw the reader's attention to the fact that every article in this equation is quoted in double proportions. We may ask, why are these double quantities necessary ? Why not make use of single proportions ? We have no evidence that iodide of ethylene is constituted thus : C 4 H 4 P. It may be formed thus : C*H*I. In chemistry, what is true of double proportions ought to be true of single proportions ; for nature acts the same upon grains as upon tons. I will reduce the ingredients that are named in the above equation uniformly to single proportions, correct the atomic weights of C and O, and put the equation into the form that I have commonly used throughout this volume, It then reads thus : GLYCOL, THE BIATOMIC ALCOHOL. 367 CH 2 ,I + Ag,C 2 H 3 2 = Ag,I + CH a ,C 2 H 3 2 . Vinyla Argenta Argenta Vinyla ioda. acetylete. ioda. acetylete. This simple operation produces a magical effect. The glycol vanishes ! Instead of binacetate of diatomic glycol, we see only neutral acetate of uniatomic vinyl. When a uniform reduction in the quantities of all the ingredients concerned in a chemical reaction makes a fundamental change in the nature of the products other conditions being alike the reaction is one that demands a careful investigation. We cannot place unexplained mysteries in the rank of established truths. It would be a new axiom in philosophical chemistry to assume that Nature, operating upon 200 grains of a mixture, produces other results than when it operates upon 100 grains; that when it acts upon two atoms of a mixture, the products are not the same as when it acts upon one atom. We must make a clear distinction between effects that are produced by natural operations and those which arise from the management of figures arranged in equations. I return to M. Wurtz : " If it is true that this body [t. e. the binacetate of glycol] contains the elements of two equivalents of acetic acid, or, if you'please, two equivalents of the radical acetyle [i. e. C 4 H 3 2 ], as indicated by the formula, it is evident that, when it is decomposed by the agency of alkalies, it ought to give two equivalents of acetic acid for each equivalent of matter decomposed. This fundamental property has been established by the following experiment." I do not quote the experiment because I do not dispute the fact. As much of the acetate of vinyl as contains two equivalents of acetyle must necessarily yield to experiment two equivalents of acetic acid ; but that fact respecting the acid does not prove the proposed doctrine respecting the base, namely that C 2 H 4 represents One Radical that two atoms of vinyl make one atom of glycol. M. Wurtz finds that by distilling acetate of glycol with hydrate of potash, pure glycol is produced. According to my notation this reaction would be represented as follows : KHO - K,C 2 H 3 O 2 + H,CH 2 O. Vinyla Potassa __ Potassa Hydra acetylete. ' hydrate. ~ acetylete. "" vinylate. But M. Wurtz says that " the method of producing glycol shows that it contains the group C 4 H 4 that is to say, olefiant gas, and that its con- n4TT4 j Stitution can be expressed by the formula TT 2 [0 4 , which represents a TT2J group of two molecules of water, TT 2 [0 4 , in which H 2 is replaced by the diatomic radical C 4 H 4 ." 368 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. This sentence, in which every quantity of the acting elements is doubled, gives rise to the inquiry, Does C*H 4 , or, in corrected numbers, C 2 H 4 , represent one atom of ethelene or two atoms of vinyl ? Why must we double the proportions ? I have, on several occasions in the course of this work, see pages 73, 79, 96, and 108 (which the reader will do well to re-consult), shown the importance of the radical Vinyl, and the necessity of recognising it under the formula CH 2 , which represents one volume of gas. I am not aware that any experiment exists, or that any argument has been advanced, which can establish, or even recommend, the formula C 2 H 4 as of superior authority or utility to the formula CH 2 . For these reasons I consider that ethylene and glycol are non-existent, and that the doctrine of diatomic alcohols, founded upon their assumed existence, and owing its sole authority to the apparent results of equations constructed with double equivalents, is a fallacy. I am, nevertheless, rejoiced that M. Wurtz has discovered the acetate and the hydrate of vinyl, because they serve to show that the character which I assigned to vinyl was not ill-founded. As the Neutral Radical, which stands between the positive and the negative radicals as hydrogen stands between the metals and the metalloids its importance cannot be overrated, and it is surprising that chemists have not long since recognised this compound as the key to the system of compound organic radicals. CONSIDERATIONS RESPECTING THE HYDROCARBONS WHICH CONTAIN AN EVEN NUMBER OF ATOMS OF HYDROGEN. I copy the following observations from Professor MILLER'S Elements of Chemistry, 1857, part iii., page 431 : " Glycol is derived indirectly from olefiant gas, and there can be no question that the hydrocarbons homologous with olefiant gas will, before long, assume a much more important position in the theory of organic chemistry than has hitherto been assigned to them. *' A paper by Mr. Buff, communicated to the Royal Society by Dr. Hofmann (Proceedings Roy. Soc., viii. 188), contains some important observations on the derivatives of olefiant gas. There are, it must be remarked, two classes of hydrocarbons which yield uniatomic alcohol radicles ; one of these is homologous with ethyl, and is represented by the formula (C n H B + j) ; this class has been long known and ex- tensively investigated. The second series has only recently attracted the notice of chemists ; it is homologous with allyl (C 6 H 5 ), and is repre- sented by the formula (CJi^^. Allyl is the only member of this series which has been carefully examined. " These two groups of hydrocarbons are intimately related to each other, and, probably, the members of the latter series will hereafter be obtained from the former by a general method analogous to that by GLYCOL, THE BI ATOMIC ALCOHOL. 369 which Berthelot and De Luca have succeeded in obtaining allyl from glycerin. " Now, intermediate between these two groups is a third, which has already been long recognised viz., the group of the hydrocarbons which are homologous with defiant gas, represented by the general formula (C 2n H 2n ) ; and which, it may be remarked, would be produced by the combination of the corresponding terms of the two groups previously alluded to, CJR^ -f (C n H n + 1 ) = (C 2n H 2ll ). It is only recently that these hydrocarbons have been regarded as radicles ; yet they are undoubtedly compounds of this nature, but they differ essen- tially from the radicles of the two other groups, inasmuch as their molecules are biatomic, or are capable of displacing two equivalents of hydrogen ; whilst the radicles typified by ethyl and allyl are uniatomic, and only represent one equivalent of hydrogen. " We have already examined the nature of Dutch liquid a compound, the molecular composition of which was then indicated by the formula (C 4 H 3 C1,HC1): the view thus represented harmonizes well with the decom- positions which Dutch liquid experiences when treated with potash ; but the compound may also be regarded as the result of a combination of the diatomic radicle (C 4 H 4 ) with two equivalents of chlorine, thus (C 4 H 4 )"C1 2 , and as such it may be termed bichloride of ethylene ; the biatomic character of ethylene (C 4 H 4 )" being indicated here by the notation (") affixed to the radicle. Bromine and iodine also combine with olefiant gas, and form corresponding compounds (C 4 H 4 )"Br 2 ; and (C 4 H 4 )"I 2 . " There can be little doubt but that glycol is the type of a new class of homologous alcohols, each of which will form the starting point of numerous series of collateral derivatives." REMARKS. The two classes of compounds which Professor Miller, following MM. Wurtz and Buff, here refers to as having each an odd atom of hydrogen, are those which at page 73 I have distinguished into basic and acid radicals, according as the proportion of hydrogen which each contains is above or below that which is demanded by its carbon for the constitution of a multiple of vinyl. The third class of compounds namely, those which have an even number of atoms of hydrogen are characterised by Dr. Miller as being " undoubtedly compounds of the nature of radicles," and as being " biatomic, or capable of displacing two equivalents of hydrogen." This doctrine appears to me to be unsound, for the following reasons : I. Because such compounds are frequently not radicals, but salts namely, pairs of radicals, consisting of hydrides of radicals, or compounds of radicals with each other, of which compounds examples are given at pages 64 and 65 of this work, under the head of First and Second Group of Gaseous Salts. These compounds have in the state of vapour twice the volume of radicals proper. Every compound formed by a basic radical with an acid radical of the vinyl series, see page 79, and 2 B 370 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. every compound formed either by a basic or an acid radical of this series with hydrogen, must have an even number of atoms of hydrogen, and yet will not be a radical, but a salt consisting of two radicals. 2. Because there are examples of radicals which contain an even number of atoms of hydrogen, but which are not necessarily biatomic ; witness, vinyl = CH 2 , and succinyl = C 2 H 2 ; and which do not displace two equivalents of hydrogen. In the vapour of the salts of these radicals, the radical itself measures nothing. See page 96. 3. Because the practice of making uniatomic radicals appear to be biatomic by the crude process of doubling the formulae is a violation of the law of simplicity, a law which nature always follows, and which science cannot disregard without ceasing to be science. I might urge many other facts that tell against this doctrine ; but the article on compound organic radicals, printed between pages 44 and 81 of this work, anticipates almost every argument that need be advanced. For the reasons stated in those arguments, I do not consider that there is A SERIES OF RADICALS intermediate between the positive and negative radicals of the vinyl series. Vinyl itself is certainly intermediate ; but the compounds that are called the homologues of this radical namely, the hydrocarbons that are multiples of CH 2 are, for the most part, either hydrides of positive or negative radicals, or salts composed of positive combined with negative radicals ; and it is a mistake to ascribe to such double compounds the character of single biatomic radicals. The bichloride, bibromide, and biniodide of ethylene ought, in my opinion, to be called the neutral chloride, bromide, and iodide of vinyl. The existing evidence is entirely in favour of this assumption. The Dutch liquid is composed of one volume each of chlorine and vinyl (olefiarit gas). It has the specific gravity of 49*5 (see page 54), which agrees with the atomic weight of the compound CH 2 ,C1, and with one volume of vapour, which is the measure of the chlorine alone, since vinyl measures nothing in its salts. Regnault's bibromide of ethylene has the specific gravity of 94, which agrees with the formula CH 2 ,Br, and with one volume of vapour. The iodide of ethylene does not produce a gas ; but the double formula usually given to it (C 4 H 4 I 2 ) has nothing to sustain it, and analogy justifies us in describing this salt with greater simplicity and more accuracy as CH 2 ,I. There is a sulphide of ethylene (C 4 H 4 S 2 ) which is equal to CH 8 ,S = vinyla sulpha, and a sulphohydrate of ethylene (C 4 H 4 S 2 ,2HS), which may be written CH 2 ,S + HS = H ; CH 2 ; S 8 = hydra vinyla sulphene. This compound produces salts, of which an example may be quoted in CH 2 ,S 4- PbS = Pb ; CH 8 ; S 8 = plumba vinyla sulphene. I shall add a short notice of the compounds that have been recently described by MM. Buff and Wurtz. According to M. Buff", sulphocyanide of potassium decomposes both GLYCOL, THE BIATOMIC ALCOHOL. 371 chloride and bromide of ethylene, and produces sulphocyanide of ethy- lene, according to the following equation : C 4 H 4 C1 2 + 2KCyS 2 = 2KC1 + C 4 H 4 Cy 2 S 4 . Is it not evident that a result is arrived at here, as in M. Wurtz's argument, by a mere duplication of the ingredients which are named in the formulas? Avoiding that duplication, the equation is as follows : CH 2 ,C1 Vinyla chlora. K,Cy,S 2 Potassa = KC1 + Potassa chlora. CH 2 ,Cy,S 2 . Vinvla cyana cniora. cyana sulphene. sulphene. This equation is quite intelligible. We have proof of the existence of vinyl and of its power to act as a radical, and to form salts with chlorine, sulphur, cyanogen, &c. Why are we to renounce vinyl, in order to believe in ethylene, of the existence of which we have less evi- dence, and then to renounce ethylene to believe in glycol, of the existence of which we have no evidence ? The analyses of acetal by M. Stas, and by Baron von Liebig, showed the composition of that compound to be C 12 H I4 4 , the atomic weight of which is 1 1 8. M. Stas found the specific gravity of the vapour to be 59. Gmelin suggested (Handbuch der Chemie, Bd. iv. 807,) that the composition represented a copulated compound of 2 atoms of ether with I atom of aldehyde = 2C 4 H 5 O + C 4 H 4 O S = C 18 H 14 4 , but he admitted that its behaviour with alkalies and solution of silver rendered the pre- sence of aldehyde improbable ; and as it appeared to me to be difficult: to account for its atomic measure of two volumes, on the supposition of its containing so many radicals as Gmelin assumed, I suggested, at page 57 of this work, that it might contain ethyl and butyl, but I marked it (?), because I had no facts or authority to support such a suggestion. M. Wurtz now quotes the composition of acetal as C 4 H 4 C 12 H 14Q4 = C 4 H 5 C 4 H 5 O 4 , which is similar to Gmelin's arrangement of the formulas, but M. Wurtz considers the compound to be diethyline of glycol. By distilling a mix- ture of alcohol and wood spirit with sulphuric acid and manganese, he prepared two corresponding compounds containing methyl, making to- gether the following series ; all of which he considers to be compounds C 4 H 5 C 4 H 5 O 4 . C 4 H 5 C 2 H 3 O 4 . C 2 H 3 Q2JJ3 O 4 . 2B2 372 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. If now, we correct the atomic weights of C and O, and reduce the duplicate to single quantities, these relations justify the following for- mulae : A. C 2 H 5 ,CH 2 = Ethyla vinylate. ^' I T H 3 'cH 2 O I = Ethyla vinylate cum methyla vinylate. C. CH 3 ',CH 8 = Methyla vinylate. The atomic weight of the compound A, which represents Acetal, is according to this formula 59, which agrees with the specific gravity of the vapour on the idea that it forms one volume, the ethyl alone retaining its measure, and the vinyl and oxygen losing theirs. The atomic weight of the compound B is 104. It ought to measure two volumes, and its specific gravity should be *-%* = 52. Now M. Wurtz found the specific gravity to be 3*475 against air = i, which is equal to 50*283 against H = i. The atomic weight of the salt C is 45. Its vapour ought to measure one volume, and its specific gravity ought to be 45. This is equal to spec. grav. 3'!! against air = i. I do not know what M. Wurtz found it to be. I have a note stating it to be 0*8535, wn ih is evidently an error, either in the Comptes Rendus or in my transcrip- tion, which I have no opportunity to correct. " I find," says M. Wurtz, " that other salts of silver are decomposed with great facility by the iodide of ethylene. The benzoate of silver thus gave me an oleaginous neutral compound which is no doubt benzoate of glycol. Consequently, the method which I have described may produce an infinite number of neutral compounds, holding a middle place between the ethers and the fats." In the absence of exact information, I surmise that the reaction here alluded to is as follows : CH 2 ,I + Ag,C 7 H 5 2 = Ag,I + CH 2 ,C'H 5 2 Vinyla Argenta Argenta Vinyla ioda. benzylete. ioda. benzylete. ] PROPYLIC GLYCOL AND AMYLIC GLYCOL. I copy from M. Wurtz : " I have proved the existence of propylic glycol and amylic glycol. A. " By acting upon acetate of silver with bromide of propyleno C 6 H 6 Br 2 , I produced diacetate of propylic glycol. C 6 H 6 ) = C 4 H 3 2 lo* = C U H 12 O 8 . C 4 H 3 2 \ B. " I prepared diacetate of amylic glycol by acting on bromide of arnylene C 10 H 10 Br 2 with acetate of silver. GLYCOL, THE BIATOMIG ALCOHOL. 373 C l H 10 ) C 4 H 3 2 1 O 4 = C 18 H 16 8 ." Wurtz. C 4 H 3 2 j I confess that I do not understand the terms that are used in this description, or rather, the sense in which the terms are used. Why is the group of atoms C 6 H 6 called propylene when in combination with bromine, and propylic glycol when in combination with acetyl and oxygen ? Why is the group C 10 H 10 called in one form of combination amylene and in another form amylic glycol ? Propyl is not present in the first group, because an equivalent of propyl contains H 7 ; it is pro- pionyl that is present in propylene. Amyl is not present in the last group, because an equivalent of it contains H 11 . It is valeryl that is con- tained in amylene. Overlooking the latitudinarianism of these terms, I will state my view of the reactions which they are used to describe. Bromide of propylene I consider to be a double salt = C 3 H 5 ,Br -f- HBr = H; C 3 !! 5 ; Br 2 = Hydra propionyla bromen, and the bromide of amylene to be also a double salt = C 5 H 9 ,Br + HBr = H ; C 5 H 9 ; Br 2 = Hydra valeryla bromen. The reactions described by M. Wurtz are, according to my notation, as follow : A JC 3 H 5 ,Br + HBr ) JC 3 H 5 ,C 8 H 3 2 + H,C 2 H 3 O 2 A 'lAg,C 2 H 3 2 + Ag,C 2 H 3 2 / l- \AgBr + AgBr R ( C 5 H 9 ,Br + HBr 1 J C 5 H 9 ,C 2 H 3 2 + H,C 2 H 3 2 *' \ Ag,C 2 H 3 2 + Ag.OTPO 1 j : = t Ag Br + Ag Br Both of these equations represent ordinary examples of double decom- positions. Supposing the experiments to be correct, which I do not question, in each case, a BINACETATE is produced, but not a binacetate of a diatomic alcohol. On the contrary, the first is a binacetate of propionyl and of hydrogen, and the second a binacetate of valeryl and of hydrogen. There is no evidence of the formation of such things as propylic glycol and amylic glycol ; I do not even so much as understand what is meant by those terms ; and I cannot admit that phantom compounds which result from the mere duplication of formula?, are to be received as substantive compounds, different from those that are exhibited by the same equations when the ingredients are taken in single proportions. To admit that the effects produced by the mere doubling of symbols is sufficient, in the absence of corroborative evidence, to prove the existence of new sub- stances, is to make chemistry a pastime for speculative arithmeticians. It is remarkable that throughout these investigations into the biatomic alcohols, by M. Wurtz, by M. Buffj and by Professor Miller, every result is come at by means of equations that contain duplicate quantities of all the acting substances, and that when you uniformly reduce the 374 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. quantities from double to single, the biatomic-alcohol theory breaks down ; glycol, stripped of its double, is seen to be vinyl ; propylic glycol and amylic glycol become shadows of shades ; and the whole fabric and its fairy creatures vanish like a mediaeval enchanted castle at the touch of truth. The pen destroys them as the pen created them. Glycerin, the Teratomic Alcohol. I am so far from considering that GLYCERIN is a teratomic alcohol, that I hold it to belong to that class of compounds which are commonly called terbasic acids. Instead of being a base which requires three equi- valents of acid to neutralise it, I think it is an acid which can neutralise three equivalents of base. The following formulae are framed in accord- ance with this opinion : Group A. 1. H,H,H; C 3 H 5 3 . . . Hydrine glycylite. 2. C 3 H 5 ,C 3 H 5 O 3 .... Glycyla glycylite. 3. ZH 4 ,C 3 H 5 O 2 . . . . Ammona glycylete. 4. H,C 3 H 5 Hydra glycyla. 5. C 3 H 5 ,I Glycylaioda. Group B. C 3 H 5 4 C 3 H 5 4 C 3 H 6 O 4 6. H,H,C 2 H 3 7. H,H,C 7 H 5 8. 9. 10. H,H,C 16 H 31 u. H,H,C 5 H 8 12. H^C^H 35 13. H,H,C 5 H 9 14. H,(C*H 8 ) 9 ; C 8 H 5 5 15. H,(C a H') 2 ; C 3 H I 3 C 3 H 5 O 4 C 3 H 5 4 C 3 H 5 O 4 Hydren acetyla glycylote. Hydren benzyla glycylote. Hydren butyryla glycylote. Hydren oleyla glycylote. Hydren palmityla glycylote. Hydren sebamyla glycylote. Hydren stearyla glycylote. Hydren valeryla glycylote. Group C. Hydra acetylen glycylute. Hydra ethylen glycylite. Group D. 16. H^H'O* + (H,C 4 H 7 O 8 ) 2 Hydra glycylete bis hydra butyrylete. 17. H,C 3 H 5 O'+ (H^^H^O 2 ) 2 Hydra glycylete bis hydra oleylete. GLYCERIN, THE TERATOMIC ALCOHOL. 375 18. H,C 3 H 5 2 +(H,C 16 H 31 O 2 ) 2 Hydra glycylete bis hydra palmitylete. 19. H,C 3 H 5 2 -f- (H,C :8 H 35 O 2 ) 2 Hydra glycylete bis hydra stearylete. 20. H,C 3 H 5 O 2 + (H,C 5 H 9 O 2 ) 8 Hydra glycylete bis hydra valerylete. 21. H,(C 4 H 7 ) 2 22. H,(C 18 I 23. H,(C 16 H 31> 24. H,(C I8 H M ) 25. H,(C*H 9 ) 2 Group E. C 3 H 5 O 5 . Hydra butyrylen glycylute. C 3 H 5 O 5 . Hydra oleylen glycylute. C 3 H 5 O 5 . Hydra palmitylen glycylute. C 3 H 5 O 5 . Hydra stearylen glycylute. C 3 H 5 O 5 . Hydra valerylen glycylute. 26. (C 2 H 3 ) 3 27. (C 7 H 5 ) 3 28. (C 4 H 7 ) 3 30! (C 16 H 31 ) 3 C 5 H 9 ) Group F. C 3 H 5 6 . . Acetyline glycylaze. C 3 H 5 O 6 . . Benzyline glycylaze. CPH'O 6 . . Butyryline glycylaze. C 3 H 3 O 6 . . Oleyline glycylaze. C 3 H 5 O 6 . . Palmityline glycylaze. C 3 H 5 O 6 . . Stearyline glycylaze. C 3 H 5 O 6 . . Valeryline glycylaze. 33. C H 5 ,C10 .... 34. C 3 H 5 ,C1O + HC1 . . 35. C 3 H 5 ,BrO + HBr . 36. H^H'O 2 + HC1 . 37. H^ffO 2 + C 3 H 5 ,IO 38. H,C 3 H 5 2 + C 2 H 3 ,C10 39. H,C 3 H 5 O 2 + (7H 5 ,C1O Group G. Glycyla chlorate. Glycyla chlorate cum hydra chlora. Glycyla bromate cum hydra broma. Hydra glycylete cum hydra chlora. Hydra glycylete cum glycyla iodate. Hydra glycylete cum acetyla chlorate. Hydra glycylete cum benzyla chlorate. H,H,C 3 H 5 ;S0 4 ) Ca r ;S0 2 f !Ba r ;P0 3 ) ^^^JH^a 1 ; CWO 3 } 42. H 3 ;C 3 H 3 Z 2 7 . 43. H 3 ; C 3 H 2 Z 3 9 . Group H. Hydren glycyla sulphote cum calca sulphete. Baryta phosphite cum hydren baryta glycylite. Hydrine zotenic-glycyleze. Hydrine zotinic-glycyloze. 376 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. I. H,H,H;C 3 H 5 3 = Hydrine glycylite. The clump formula commonly given to glycerin is C 6 H 8 O 6 . Doubling the atomic weights of C and O, this becomes C 3 H 8 O 3 . Chemists have differed greatlv in their opinions respecting the proximate constitution of this compound. For the sake of brevity, I will abstain from any his- torical notice of such opinions, and only describe the theory which I am about to use. I assume, then, that in glycerin there is an acid radical which agrees with the formula C 3 H 5 , which is Gerhard t's GLYCYL with- out the oxygen, and I adopt this name to distinguish it. Glycyl can form salts with one basic radical and two atoms of oxygen, an example of which is given in No. 3, = ZH 4 ,C 3 H 5 O 2 ; but hydrated glycylic acid possesses, like hydrated phosphoric acid, the power of forming terbasic salts by combining with water, or with salts formed on the model of water. Thus : H,C 3 H 5 2 + HHO = H 3 ,C 3 H 5 3 = No. i. These three atoms of basic hydrogen are jointly and separately replace- able by other radicals, and these may be either basic or acid radicals, but are more frequently acid than basic. On glancing over the above Table, it will be seen, that in many cases where the salts are of similar structure, where, for example, one acid radical is in combination with three basic radicals, there is a remarkable difference in the complement of oxygen, the atoms of which vary- according to the series 3,4, 5, and 6. In the different orders of phosphates, the quantity of oxygen varies with the number of basic radicals that are present in the salts ; but in the glycylites (or glycerides, as they are usually termed), the quantity of oxygen varies while the number of radicals remains unchanged. A little consideration of the facts exhibited in the Table of Examples enables us to explain this peculiarity. The synoptical formula of terbasic glycylic acid, No. i (hydrine gly- cylite), is H,H,H ; C 3 H 5 3 . When the atoms of hydrogen are replaced by basic radicals, no change occurs in the quantity of oxygen required to complete the glycylite; witness the salt No. 15, which contains two atoms of ethyl, and the formula of which is H,C 2 H 5 ,C*H 5 ; (^IPO 3 . But when the replacing radicals are such as, under ordinary circum- stances, act as acid radicals, then each acid radical which goes into the glycylite in the character of a basic radical, carries with it into the salt one additional atom of oxygen. Thus, every salt in Group B has one such pseudo-basic radical, and the oxygen is, in consequence, increased from 3 atoms to 4 atoms in each salt. In No. 14 of Group C, and in all the salts of Group E, there are two such radicals, and the oxygen is increased in every instance from 3 atoms to 5 atoms. In the salts of Group F there are three of these radicals, and the quantity of oxygen is, GLYCERIN, THE TERATOMIC ALCOHOL. 377 therefore, raised from 3 atoms to 6 atoms. In Group D, each compound contains three acid radicals and three basic radicals, forming three com- plete salts ; and there are present in all only 6 atoms of oxygen, namely, two for each salt, because none of the acid radicals act as basic radicals. In short, so far as this series of salts is concerned, the truth of this im- portant fact is demonstrated. The property thus shown to be possessed by acid radicals of taking an additional atom of oxygen when they act the part of basic radicals, is not restricted to the radicals which enter into the composition of the gly- cerides. The inquiry into the constitution of the Anhydrides has taught us otherwise. See page 118. When sulphur, or acetyl, or benzyl, forms salts with hydrogen, or with any basic radical, either metallic or compound, the salts require a complement of two atoms of oxygen ; but when the same acid radicals form salts with an acid radical in the place of a basic radical, the oxygen is always increased from two atoms to three atoms. For that reason, all the anhydrous acids have O 3 where the corresponding hydrated acids have O 2 , so also all the compound anhy- drides, or salts composed of two different acid radicals, have s , though the neutral salts of each of the same acid radicals have only O 2 when they contain basic radicals. I am not declaring that this peculiar property of the acid radicals is universal, but it is certainly exercised very frequently, and it deserves more attention than chemists have hitherto been pleased to bestow upon it. In subsequent sections relating to the constitution of polybasic acids, I shall have to speak of it again. 2. C'H^IPO 3 . Glycyla glycylite. This compound is the anhy- dride or anhydrous acid of the glycerine series. Gerhardt calls it the oxide of glyceryle, and Professor Miller characterises it as " the supposed glyceric ether." It is evidently derived, like other anhydrides, by the abstraction of water from the monobasic hydrated glycylic acid. H,C 3 H S 2 ) JC 3 H 5 ,C 3 H 5 3 H,C 3 H 5 2 ( | H,HO The preceding paragraph accounts for the presence of O 3 in the anhy- dride, when the hydrated acid contains only O 2 . It shows also the exact accordance of this compound with the compounds called anhydrous acids. I see no reason whatever for imagining it to belong to any other class than this, and I am not surprised at the doubting state of mind which led Professor Miller to call this compound the " SUPPOSED " glyceric ether. 3. ZH 4 ,C 3 H 5 O 2 . Ammona glycylete. Professor Miller informs us that, "When an alcoholic solution of bibromhydrin (C 6 H 6 Br 2 2 ) [= No. 35 in the above Table] is submitted to the action of gaseous ammonia, the hydrobromate of a new base, glyceramine, C 6 H 9 NO 4 (Ber- thelot and De Luca) is produced, whilst bromide of ammonium is formed. 378 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. The correctness of the formula given for this base is however question- able." (Elements of Chemistry, iii. 383.) If we admit that water takes part in the reaction, the equation becomes intelligible, thus : No. 35 = C 3 H 5 ,BrO + HBr] fZH 4 ,Br ZH 3 + ZH 3 l = JZH 4 ,< H,HO j (HBr. The " hydrobromate of a new base " is merely a double salt of hydro- bromic acid with the salt No. 3, which is the glyceramine. 4. H^H 5 = Hydra glycyla. 5. C 3 H 5 ,I = Glycyla ioda. " Glycerine treated with biniodide of phosphorus yields gaseous propylene C 6 H 6 , a distillate of water and iodopropylene, C 6 H 5 I, and a residue containing certain oxygen-acids of phosphorus, together with free iodine, undecomposed glycerine, and a trace of red phosphorus. The formation of iodopropylene is due to a reducing action exercised by the PP on the glycerine. The liberation of C 6 H 6 appears to be of secondary importance." Berthelot and De Luca (in Gmelin's Hand- book of Chemistry, ix. 489). The compounds which are here called propylene and iodopropylene appear to me to be the hydride and the iodide of glycyl; but the variety in the names that are given to hydrocarbon radicals which are isomeric, if not identical, with glycyl is very perplexing. Thus, C 3 H 5 , occurring as an acid radical in a series of salts, has for some years been called allyl. Latterly, Dr. Hofmann (Proceedings, Royal Society, viii. 33), has changed the name to acryl, although acryl already had fixed upon it the signification of C 3 H 8 , which formula indicates another radical, produced, like allyl, from glycerine. The term Allyl is therefore overthrown, and we are at liberty to use acryl to signify either C 3 H 3 or (^H 5 , which, as these radicals are nearly related, and both producible from glycerine, is a mighty convenient latitude, and highly conducive to perspicuity. 1 The compound C 3 H 5 is also called mesityl; it is the radical of Pseudo-acetic acid, which has also been called lutyroacetic acid; it is the radical of metacetonic acid ; it is the radical of propylene ; it is the radical of lactic acid; it is the radical of propionic acid and of propionic 1 A new number (26, vol. viii.) of the Proceedings of tlie Pioyal Society, which has just appeared, contains a paper by Dr. Hofmann, read i^th June, 1857, in which he returns to the old name of Allyl. " It is never too late to mend." GLYCERIN, THE TERATOMIC ALCOHOL. 379 aldide ; it is propionyl ; it is sixe ; it is the hydride of tritylene ; it is the radical ofpropylal ; &c., &c., &c. When organic chemists can bring up their languid energies to the point of acknowledging the existence of such things as radicals, taking that word in the restricted sense in which it is used in this Essay, one of their first subsequent labours must be that of identifying and dis- criminating the radicals from one another. Is it creditable to the present race of chemists that we should have nearly a score of names for the hydrocarbon C 3 H 5 , and that these names should have attached to them characteristics of classes of salts so ill made out that it is impossible to say whether the formula C 3 H 5 represents one thing only, or twelve, or twenty different things ? whether it indicates one performer assuming a variety of characters, like Miss Horton or Mr. Woodin when playing their monopolylogues, or is the representative of a whole company of actors, each possessing an ascertainable individuality ? Such a state of uncertainty should not and need not continue. Looking at it from a business point of view, there is an obvious solution of the problem. The radicals which constitute this mob can either be distinguished from one another, or they cannot. They can be proved to be alike, or to be different. If they can be distinguished, it ought to be done, and their characters ought to be laid down with precision ; if they cannot be distinguished, the useless duplicate names should be abandoned ; for it is absurd to retain distinctions in words where there are no differences in things. At present, I confess that I am unable to identify the radical which in the above formula, Nos. I to 5, I have called glycyl. It may be glycyl ; it may be allyl ; it may be acryl ; it may be lactyl ; it may be propionyl. In all probability these five names signify only one thing ; and, in the mean time, I assume only that the formula C 3 H 5 represents the hydrocarbon which transmigrates through the 44 salts that are named in the above table, and that the word glycyl means this radical. USUAL NAMES OF THE COMPOUNDS, Nos. 6 to 32. Group B. 6, Monacetin. 7, Monobenzoicin. 8, Monobutyrin. 9, Monolein. 10, Monopalmitin. u, Sebacin. 12, Monostearin. 13, Monovalerin, Group C. 14, Biacetin. 15, Biethylin. Group D. 1 6, Bibutyrin. 17, Biolein. 18, Bipalmitin. 19,61- stearin. 20, Bivalerin. Group^. 21, Bibutyrin. 22, Biolein. 23, Bipalmitin. 24,61- stearin. 25, Bivalerin. Group F. 26, Teracetin. 27, Terbenzoicin. 28, Terbutyrin. 29, Terolein. 30, Terpalmitin. 31, Terstearin. 32, Tervalerin. " The most important compounds which result from the action of 380 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. acids upon glycerin are those termed glycerides, which are analogous in composition to the various fats and oils. Berthelot has recently suc- ceeded in forming these bodies by the direct union of the acids with glycerin, and has obtained, in the course of his investigation, not only a large class of these bodies which were not previously known, but has been successful in the attempt to re-combine glycerin with the fatty acids, so as to reproduce several of the natural fats (Ann. de Chimie, III., xli. 2 1 6). According to the researches of this chemist, stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids, each forms three compounds by its union with glycerin ; the act of combination is, however, attended by the separation of water in each case. . . . The following Table contains a list of these compounds with the formulas of the decomposition which appears to attend their formation. For the sake of convenience, the formulas of the hydrated acids are written without indicating the basic water in the usual manner: thus, stearic acid (HOjC^fPO 3 ) is written Stearic Acid. Glycerin. Monostearin = C 42 H 42 8 = C^H^O 4 + C 6 H 8 O 6 - 2 HO Bistearin = C^EPO 12 = 2(C 36 H 36 4 ) -f C 6 H 8 O 6 - 2HO ? Terstearin = C U4 H U0 12 = 3 (C 36 H 36 O 4 ) -f C 6 H 8 6 - 6HO. Acetic Acid. Glycerin. Monacetin = C 10 H 10 O 8 = C 4 H 4 O 4 + C 6 H 8 O 6 - 2HO Biacetin = C 14 H 18 O 10 = 2 (C 4 H 4 4 ) -f C 6 H 8 6 - 4 HO Teracetin = C 18 H 14 O 12 = 3 (C 4 H 4 4 ) + C 6 H 8 6 - 6HO. " It might have been expected, that in the formation of these com- pounds the quantity of water separated should have been somewhat different, and that the proportions in each of the three' compounds should have been 2 HO in the first, 4.HO in the second, and 6HO in the third, each equivalent of the hydrated acid losing an equivalent of water, whilst the single equivalent of glycerin, in the act of combination, should lose I, 2, and 3 equivalents of water, according to the number of equivalents of acid with which it is combined. "According to Berthelot, terstearin, terpalmitin, and terolein, are identical with the stearin, palmitin, and olein of the natural fats, and they are produced by the combination of 3 equivalents of the hydrated fatty acids (C n H M O 4 ) with i equivalent of glycerin, the act of combination being attended with the separation of 6 equivalents of water. " All these neutral compounds of the fatty acids with glycerin are insoluble in water, but are soluble to some extent in boiling alcohol, and are readily soluble in ether. If treated with concentrated acids, they are decomposed and acidified in the same manner as the natural fats ; and they are all saponifiable that is, they are decomposed, like the natural fats, into a fatty acid and glycerin, when boiled with an alkali. It has been found that whether monacid, biacid, or teracid in composi- GLYCERIN, THE TERATOMIC ALCOHOL. 381 tion, these fats are all neutral in their reactions, and, moreover, when decomposed, they all yield glycerin of the same composition and condition of hydration." Miller {Elements of Chemistry, 1857, part iii. 381). I have quoted only two examples from the Table given by Professor Miller, because these are sufficient to show the amount of information which they contain. They give us the relations of the acids and glycerin to the resulting compounds, but they make no attempt to explain, what we chiefly wish to have explained, the internal constitu- tion of these compounds. Terstearin is merely said to be C I14 H 110 O 12 , and we are left to guess, as we can, at the possible proximate constitution of the salt which is represented by this great unhewn block of 236 ultimate atoms. The following paragraph, which Professor Miller appends as a foot- note to his phrase " supposed glyceric ether " {Elements of Chemistry, iii. 383), contains the only hints towards a knowledge of the proximate constitution of the glycerides which he ventures to advance : " Glycerin, however, if it be an alcohol, cannot be a monatomic alcohol, but it must be teratomic ; in which case it may be formed, as Gerhardt suggests, upon the type of two double molecules of water, and its radicle (C 6 H 5 O 2 ) may be named gtycyl, in order to distinguish it from Liebig's glyceryl (C 6 H 7 ). The relation of the three acetins to glycerin would then be the following : Glycerin. Acetin. p605r\2} TT) petrs/^si fjr\ lo 2 lo 2 - in 2 lo 2 - H j u 'H/ u ' C 4 H 3 2 j U 'H( U ' Biacetin. Teracetin. H |^"'C 4 H 3 2 ( 2; (>H 8 2 J Cr 'C*H 8 O s " Wurtz, however, considers glycerin to be formed upon the type of three double molecules of water, jj 3 |o 6 ; a view which is more con- sistent with the general theory of these compounds; C 6 H 5 being a teratomic radicle, or representing three equivalents of hydrogen, thus :. Glycerin. Glyceric ether. Acetin. Biacetin. Teracetin. H 3 ' (C 6 H 5 )( 2 H When I look at the real model of water HHO and compare its 382 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. simplicity with the intricacy of these giant formula?, I marvel at the latitude of interpretation in which organic chemists indulge! While professing to account for the composition of these salts upon their alleged resemblance to the model of water, we have here one chemist extending his model to four atoms, and another to six atoms of water, and twisting these into a variety of strange and fantastic forms. These are not examples of adherence to a scientific standard, but of the play of a capricious fancy. The difficulty which Professor Miller starts in regard to the quantity of water which is expelled during the reaction, gives rise to the double set of formulas which I have given in Groups D and E. The com- pounds in Group D represent the results of M. Berthelot's analyses ; and which have been objected to, not only by Dr. Miller, but by M. Ger- hardt, and by Mr. Watts (editor of Gmelin's Handbook). The salts of Group E are the (presumed) same compounds formulated according to a suggested correction of Gerhardt's, which consists in deducting HHO from each salt (equal to 2HO according to Dr. Miller's notation). As all the series of salts are formed by heating together the acids and glycerin in closed glass tubes, for different lengths of time and at different degrees of heat, and the effect produced is the gradual formation and separation of water from the anhydrides that are formed simul- taneously, it is possible that both sets of salts may be formed, though, certainly, those of Group E seem to be of more probable occurrence than those of Group D. Let us now see how these various salts agree with the notion that formula No. i = H,H,H; C 3 H 5 3 represents the true composition of glycerin, according to which formula glycerin is a terbasic acid, and the glycerides are salts in which the so-called fatty acids act the part of bases against glycerin acting as an acid. The following examples represent, in detail, the reactions which take place when 'hydrated terbasic glycylic acid is heated with hydrated acetic, butyric, and stearic acids, and with alcohol. Group B. H,H,H; C 3 H 5 O 8 \ (H,H,C 2 H 3 ; C 3 H 5 4 = No. 6. Acetic acid. H ; C 8 H 3 O a J \ H ; HO H,H,H ; C 3 H 5 O 3 I J H.H.C^H" ; C 3 H'O 4 = No. 1 2. Stearic acid. H; C^ETO 2 ft H ; HO Group C. H,H,H; C 3 H 5 O 3 1 '_ JH,C ! H 3 ,C 2 H 3 ; CWO 5 = No. 14. Acetic acid. 2(H ; C 2 H 3 O s ) f \ 2(H ; HO) H,H,H; C'H'O 3 \ (H,C'H 5 ,C*H 5 ; C 3 H 5 3 = No. 15. Alcohol. 2(H;C 2 H 5 O)( | 2 (H, HO) GLYCERIN, THE TERATOMIC ALCOHOL. 383 Group D. H,H,H ; C 3 H 5 O 3 1 _ f 2(H,C 4 H 7 O 2 ) + H,C 3 H 5 O 2 = No. 16. Butyric acid. 2 (H ; C 4 H 7 O 2 ) f " \ H ; HO Group E. H,H,H ; C 3 H 5 O 3 1 _ J H,C 4 H 7 ,C 4 H 7 ; C 3 H 5 5 = No. 2 1 . Butyric acid. 2(H ; C 4 H 7 O 2 ) j " \ 2(H ; HO) Group F. H,H,H ; C 3 H 5 O 3 1 _ JC 2 H 3 ,C 2 H 3 ,C 2 H 3 ; C 3 H 5 O 6 = No. 26. Acetic acid. 3 (H ; C 2 H 3 O 8 ) ) " \ 3 (H ; HO) H,H,H ; C 3 H 5 O 3 j (C 18 H^C I8 H 35 ,C 18 H 35 ; C 3 H 5 O 6 = No. 31. Stearic acid. 3 (H ; C 18 H 35 2 ) f " \ 3 (H ; HO) It will be observed, that in the formation of these compounds there is a gradual progression from the condition of normal hydrated acids to that of perfect anhydrides. Thus, the salt No. 6 is equal to H,C 2 H 3 O 2 4- H,C 3 H 5 O 8 , or hydrated acetic acid plus hydrated glycylic acid ; and the salt No. 31 is equal to (?W,C*B*. There are similar salts with Ba, Ag, H 3 . and Pb instead of Ca. The formula No. 40 is founded upon the notion that the compound is a double sulphate (Ca,SO 2 + H,H,C 3 H 5 ; SO 4 ), the salt Ca,S0 2 is neutral and H,H,C 3 H 5 ; SO 4 is terbasic. There are four atoms of oxygen in the latter instead of two ; one atom extra because it is terbasic acid, and another atom because it contains an acid radical acting as a basic radical. 41, Phosphoglycerate of Barytes = C 6 H 6 Ba 9 O 6 ,HO,P0 5 , Gmelin. Gerhardt gives the following formula to phosphogly eerie acid, which he fC 3 H 5 0) calls bibasic: OVPO I. 42, Nitroglycerine = C 6 H 6 (N0 4 ) 2 6 , De (H 4 . J Vrij. 43, Nitroglycerine = C 6 H 5 (NO 4 ) 3 6 , Railton. When boiled with aqueous potash, these compounds produce glycerine and nitrate of potash : No. 42]. H 3 ,C 3 H 3 Z*O 7 ) J2(KNO 3 ) (K,HO) [ : (H 3 ,C 3 H 5 3 = No, i]. No. 43]. H 3 ,C 3 H 2 Z 3 9 \ J 3 (K,N0 3 ) (K,HO) 3 j : }H 3 ,C 3 H 5 3 = No. i]. These two compounds, Nos. 42, 43, have been described as belonging to the salts of zotic radicals described at page 132: but I shall show, at page 394, that they admit of another and a better interpretation. The Doctrine of " Polyatomic Alcohols " is now ready for the reader's judgment. I have placed the evidence before him, and he is to decide upon it. My summing up of it is as follows : 1. There is no such thing as Glycol meaning thereby a radical different from Vinyl ; a radical that can produce a binacetate, but not a monacetate. 2. There is consequently no biatomic alcohol, because the visionary glycol is the only evidence to support the doctrine of biatomic alcohols. 3. It is easy to account for the composition of the glycerides on the assumption that glycyl is the radical of a terbasic acid. 4. It is impossible to give a rational account of the composition of the glycerides on the assumption that glycyl is the radical of a teratoraic alcohol. 5. There is consequently no evidence to support the theory of teratomic alcohols. 6. The Doctrine of Polyatomic Alcohols is a delusion. 2c 386 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. Eecent Proceedings in the French Academy of Sciences, respecting the Teratomic Alcohols. Just as the final proof of the preceding article on POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS was about to be sent to press, I read in a French scientific newspaper (La Lumiere, 29th August, 1857), the following Article, No. I . The broad statements respecting the existence of acid quater- nions, contained in this Article, and the strong approval of the teratomic-alcohol theory attributed to M. Chevreul, induced me to delay the printing of my Article until the arrival of the Comptes JRendus of 1 7th August, 1857, from which I have extracted the Summary, No. 2. These two papers give the reader the latest experimental researches, and the newest doctrines, on the subject of the teratomic alchohols. After reading them, I sent my Article, as it stood in type, to press, considering it was needless to alter it, because its facts, arguments, and conclusions, were in no respect invalidated by the new discoveries. No. i. "AT THE SITTING OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, IN PARIS, ON THE i7TH AUGUST, 1857, " M. Chevreul communicated to the Academy, in the names of the authors, MM. Berthelot and De Luca, a complete treatise on the com- pounds which glycerine, considered as a teratomic alcohol, produces on combining with chlorhydric, bromhydric, and acetic acids. " It results from this investigation, that glycerine presents, in com- parison with alcohol, precisely the same relations that phosphoric acid presents in comparison with nitric acid. This latter acid forms with bases only a single series of neutral salts, that is to say, the monobasic nitrates; whereas phosphoric acid produces with bases three distinct series of neutral salts, namely, the monobasic metaphosphates, the bibasic pyrophosphates, and the ordinary tribasic phosphates. " Similarly, alcohol produces with acids only a single series of neutral compounds, namely, the Ethers, formed by the union of one equivalent of alcohol with one equivalent of acid ; whereas glycerine forms with acids three distinct series of neutral compounds. Among these compounds, some result from the union of one equivalent of glycerine with a single equivalent of acid, and correspond to the meta- phosphates ; others result from the union of two equivalents of acid and one equivalent of glycerine, and correspond to the pyrophosphates ; whilst, finally, the third class, identic with the natural fatty bodies, GLYCERINE, THE TER ATOMIC ALCOHOL. 387 result from the action of one equivalent of glycerine with three equiva- lents of acid, and correspond with the ordinary phosphates. "MM. Berthelot and De Luca undertook the investigation of a certain number of double and triple compounds, which result from the simultaneous union of one equivalent of glycerine with two or even with three different acids ; these complex compounds are so much the more interesting, that their analogues are found among the natural fatty bodies. The compounds of this order are easy of production, it being only necessary to act upon glycerine with several acids at once. The results at which the authors arrived, complete the study of the glycerine compounds, considered as derivatives of a triatomic alcohol, constituting the most complete and most general type which has ever been made known, of the compounds formed by three acids combined with glycerine, either singly, doubly, or triply. " MM. Berthelot and De Luca have prepared a neutral compound, which contains glycerine, bromhydric acid, and chlorhydric acid ; another containing glycerine, chlorhydric acid, and acetic acid ; a third, containing glycerine, bromhydric acid, and acetic acid. They have also prepared several intermediate compounds ; and, finally, they have pro- cured a compound which contains at the same time glycerine, chlor- hydric acid, bromhydric acid, and acetic acid, and which is the first compound ever prepared in which three different acids are combined with a single equivalent of glycerine. " M. Chevreul earnestly pressed upon the notice of the Academy the importance of this new discovery, declaring it to be unprecedented, and as throwing a flood of light upon the constitution of glycerine." No. 2. THE COMPOUNDS FORMED RY GLYCERINE WITH CHLORHYDRIC, BROM- HYDRIC, AND ACETIC ACIDS. By MM. BERTHELOT and DE LUCA. Comptes Rendus, i^th August, 1857. " After different attempts to form complex compounds by the succes- sive reactions of two or three distinct acids upon glycerine, we were led, in order to avoid the formation of very complicated mixtures, to cause the acids to act upon the glycerine simultaneously and in the nascent state. We produced the above-named acids in equivalent pro- portions, and at the cost of the glycerine itself, by treating that body with acetic chloride and acetic bromide. It is known that these last compounds, when treated with water, reproduce acetic acid in company with chlorhydric or bromhydric acid : C 4 H 3 C10 2 + 2HO = C 4 H 4 4 + HC1. 1 1 In my notation = C 2 H 3 ,C10 4- H,HO = H,C 2 H 3 0* + HC1. J. J. G. 2 c 2 388 THE DOCTRINE OF POLYATOMIC ALCOHOLS. . " Tlie reaction of these bodies upon glycerine, even when cold, is extremely violent. By operating upon pure glycerine, and sometimes upon glycerine mixed with acetic acid, we have obtained : Acetodichlorhydrine : C 10 H 8 C1 2 O 4 = C 6 H 8 6 + C 4 H 4 4 + 2HC1 - 6HO, a neutral compound, volatile at about 2O5C., decomposable by barytes with regeneration of glycerine ; by alcohol and chlorhydric acid with formation of acetic ether ; AcetochlorTiydrine : C l H 9 C10 6 = C 6 H 8 O 6 + C 4 H 4 4 + HC1 - 4HO, a neutral body, volatile at about 250 C. ; Diacetochl&rhydrine : C 14 H U C10 8 = C 6 H 8 O 8 + 2C 4 H 4 4 + HC1 -6HO, a body which volatilizes at about 245 C., and which it is difficult to obtain free from triacetine. " The acetic bromide gives origin to analogous compounds which it did not appear to be necessary to examine in detail. "Finally, glycerine, treated by a mixture of equal equivalents of acetic chloride and acetic bromide, has furnished : Acetochlorhydrdbromhydnne : C lo H 8 ClBr0 4 = C 6 H 8 6 + C 4 H 4 O 4 + HC1 + HBr - 6HO, a neutral compound, volatile at about 228 C., and the first compound in which three distinct acids have been found combined at the same time with a single equivalent of glycerine. " According to these facts, and to those which we have already pub- lished, the three acids, chlorhydric, bromhydric, and acetic, can, by combining with glycerine, produce at least nineteen distinct neutral compounds, of which the following is a list : GLYCERINE, THE TERATOMIC ALCOHOL. 389 QQQQQQPOQOOOOOOOOOO i"^"i P"1 i^l !"*"! t"^ i"^"l r^i ft M I I I I I I I I I I 6 066 vo vo vo vo vo vo vo I I I I I I i I I fQCQ9~,s-i n' > ~>^' 5 -''-a) r ^ ^ ^^U 5 2 -S -S U? -g o g S j*i -S ^ 3 | ^fr'l o |3|| ||||.| HI | ^QQoQ o o <^S 2 6 , Sulphate of potash and zinc. S 2 6 , Sulphate of potash and ethyl. " Now, in the first place this view is contradicted by the fact that the oxyde of ethyl in the second of these salts cannot be driven out by 1 On the Sulphovinates, and on Amylophosphoric Acid and the Amylophosphates. By F. Guthrie, B.A, Ph. D., Quarterly Journal of tJie Chemical Society (1856), IX. 131. 2 D 2 404 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. a more powerful base, as is the case with its analogue, the oxide of zinc, in the inorganic sulphate. Even on continued boiling with potash, the ether is not given off as alcohol. The difficulty of maintaining this view, again, is materially increased when we reflect that in the Neutral sulphate of ether, the one atom of ether may be eliminated or exchanged for water, or a base, much more easily than the other ; and that the so-called neutral ethers, such as acetic, nitric, or oxalic ether, on being boiled with caustic potash, are transformed under formation of alcohol, into the potash salts of the corresponding acids. 1 " These considerations render it more than doubtful whether the metallic oxide and the oxide of ethyl be equally basic in function. It seemed desirable, that new facts should be gained for the elucidation of this point. I imagined that such facts might be furnished by the behaviour of an aqueous solution of the sulphovinate towards the gal- vanic current. For if, in the sulphovinate of potash, both the potash and ether be united as base with the sulphuric acid, we should be justified in expecting, on electrolysing a concentrated aqueous solution of this salt, that, at the + pole, sulphuric acid and oxygen would be liberated, and, at the pole, potassium (potash and hydrogen), together with ethyl (or ether or some ethyl compound, possibly hydride of ethyl). " Into a cold, concentrated, aqueous solution of sulphovinate of potash, free from sulphate of potash, I accordingly introduced two platinum electrodes, in such manner that they were separated by a porous clay cell. The electric current from four Bunsen's carbo-zinc elements was sufficient to effect a lively disengagement of gas at both poles, accompanied by an evolution of heat which rendered cooling from the exterior necessary. In a short time the liquid surrounding the + pole showed a strong acid reaction. The gas which was here liberated smelt distinctly of aldehyde, and consisted of oxygen and car- bonic acid. The liquid at this pole gave, with chloride of barium, a white precipitate which was insoluble in hydrocloric acid. Sulphuric acid was therefore present in the free state. At the same time, the liquid at the pole assumed an alkaline reaction, and the gas there 1 These arguments proceed on the unwarranted assumption, that the properties of organic sulphates ought to be the same as the properties of the inorganic sulphates. We might as reasonably argue, that the inorganic sulphates ought all to have uniform properties, and that sulphate of magnesia cannot be a sulphate because it is not insoluble, like sulphate of barytes. J. J. G. BISULPHATES OF ALCOHOL RADICALS. 405 liberated proved to be pure hydrogen. I satisfied myself, by careful examination, of the entire absence of all carboniferous gases, nor could I detect at this pole the slightest traces of ether or alcohol. " It was imagined that the sulphuric acid and the aldehyde, which appeared at the -f- pole, might be secondary products of decomposition, effected by the oxygen, in statu nascenti. To get rid of this secondary decomposition, I formed the -f pole of amalgamated zinc. On com- pleting the circuit, a lively disengagement of gas took place at the pole, as before, while, on the other hand, at the + pole, no gas at all was liberated, and neither aldehyde nor sulphuric acid were formed. The zinc electrode, however, soon became covered with a pellicle of sul- phovinate of zinc, which, after a time, broke the electric current. Again, a fresh solution being taken, the liquid at the + pole was made strongly alkaline with carbonate of potash. On the introduction of platinum electrodes, carbonic acid was plentifully liberated at the + pole, but as no sulphate of potash could be detected, it followed that this was due to the liberation not of sulphuric, but of sulphovinic acid. " In the same manner, making use of platinum electrodes, I electro- lysed an aqueous solution of amylosulphate of potash, and recognised precisely analogous phenomena. At the -f- Pl e > oxygen was liberated, and a distinct smell of valerianic acid noticeable. The solution around this pole became acid, and contained sulphuric acid. At the pole the liquid became distinctly alkaline, and the gas there liberated was, as before, pure hydrogen. The slightest traces of fusel oil or amylic ether would at once have been recognised, by their powerful odour, had they been separated. The liquid at the pole remained inodorous. " From these experiments I believe the conclusion may legitimately be drawn, that in amylosulphate and sulphovinate of potash, the oxides of ethyl and amyl have not the same function as the potash, but they are combined with the sulphuric acid in a different, and, as it appears, a more intimate manner. The fact that, on electrolysis, these organic oxides remain with the sulphuric acid, and accompany it to the -f- pole, shows that the potash alone is the electro-positive constituent of these KO ) salts, and that the formula /-^TTSQ > S 2 O 6 expresses a hypothesis on the constitution of sulphovinate of potash which rests upon false assump- tion. " It seemed to me of importance to examine in a similar manner the ethylophosphates, and to see whether in these the organic oxide is liberated at the -f- pole, as in the sulphovinates, or whether it goes to the pole. For this purpose, the amylophosphate of potash was chosen, because, if the oxide or hydrated oxide of amyl were liberated, together with the metallic oxide, at the pole, it would be at once re- cognised by the mere odour. On introducing the platinum electrodes into a concentrated aqueous solution of amylophosphate of potash, sepa- 406 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. rated into two portions by a clay cell, hydrogen was liberated at the pole, and oxygen, together with carbonic acid at the -f- pole. The solution at the latter pole assumed an acid reaction, and smelt distinctly of valerianic or butyric acids (evidently secondary products of decom- position), the liquid at the pole became alkaline but remained odourless. " From this it would appear that in the amylophosphates, and, gene- rally, in the ethylophosphates, we are not at liberty to assume that the organic oxides are combined in the same manner as the metallic oxides ; that is, as base. Accordingly, we must not understand the ordinary for- mulae for ethylo- and amylophosphate of potash 2 KO \ prv > , 2 KO \ pr . 5 o^p ir ^" tf wtfK)r J as if the organic oxides played the same part in them as does the basic water in the ordinary tribasic phosphate of potash TT~ I . PO 5 , but we must rather assume that the phosphoric acid, together with the oxide of amyl, forms a bibasic amylophosphoric acid." With submission to Dr. Guthrie, I hold that the results of his experi- ments are entirely at variance with the conclusions which he is pleased to draw from them. He considers that " on electrolysis, the organic oxides remain with the sulphuric acid, and accompany it to the -}- pole, showing that the potash alone is the electro-positive constituent of the salts." But his experiments prove, that when ETHYL is operated upon, instead of going with the sulphuric acid to the + pole, it suffers decom- position into hydrogen, which goes to the pole, and the acid radical acetyl, which goes in the form of aldehyd to the + Ethyl = C^ 5 - H* = CTP Acetyl. So also the experiments prove that when amyl is operated upon, it does not go with the sulphuric acid to the -f- pole* but is decomposed into hydrogen, which goes to the pole, and the acid radical valeryl, which goes to the + pole in the form of valerianic acid : Amyl = C 5 H U - H* = C 5 H 9 Valeryl. The result is the same in the presence both of sulphuric acid and phos- phoric acid. Neither of these acids prevents the reduction of ethyl to acetyl, nor of arnyl to valeryl, and Dr. Guthrie' s assumptions that ethyl and amyl go to the + pole in combination with the strong acids, be- cause he finds then acetyl and valeryl are consequently unwarranted, and at variance with his experiments. I have already drawn attention to the BISULPHATES OF ALCOHOL EADICALS. 407 general fact, that compound radicals which contain one atom of hydrogen above the proportion contained in any multiple of the neuter radical vinyl (see page 76) are in most cases basic or positive radicals, but con- vertible into acid or negative radicals by the abstraction of two atoms of hydrogen. Dr. Guthrie's experiments confirm this general fact; they prove that ethyl is reducible to acetyl, and amyl to valeryl, that the abstracted hydrogen goes to the pole, and that the two acid radicals, go, as they ought to go, to the + pole, with the sulphuric and phos- phoric acids ; but this is the very opposite from proving that ethyl and amyl are acid radicals, that they act as such in the sulphovinates and the amylo phosphates, and that, when these salts are electrolysed, the radicals in question accompany the mineral acids to the + pole ; and, therefore, I say that Dr. Guthrie's arguments are at variance with his experiments. The electrolysis of the organic radicals, if we may judge from the experiments quoted at page 76, and from these new experiments made by Dr. Guthrie, appears to be subject to the following general con- ditions : i). When negative radicals in the state of salts of potash are operated upon, the negative radicals lose carbon and become positive radicals. Thus valeryl becomes butyl, acetyl becomes methyl, caproyl becomes amyl, and cenanthyl becomes hexyl. 2). When positive radicals in the state of sulphates, phosphates, &c., are operated upon, they lose hydrogen and become negative radicals. Thus, ethyl becomes acetyl, and amyl becomes valeryl. Dr. Guthrie's experiments have served to enlarge our knowledge of these particulars, and to strengthen the argument respecting the consti tution of the conjugated sulphates ; only he misunderstood his results, and drew his conclusions in favour of the wrong side of the argument. The result of this investigation is to confirm the opinion with which I set out, and with which I trust the reader will now agree, namely, that all the sulphates which contain positive radicals of the vinyl series, in company with metallic radicals, are merely double salts. I find nowhere either experiments more decisive, or arguments more cogent, in support of the doctrine of conjugated acids (as distinct from double salts) than the arguments and experiments of Dr. Guthrie. And this conclusion applies, not merely to the sulphates, but to the phosphates, sulphites, hyposulphates, carbonates, oxalates, and all similar " conjugated " salts. The whole of these I take to be double salts, in which simple salts of inorganic positive radicals are combined with simple salts of organic positive radicals ; and I would recommend the dismissal from chemical science of the entire series of denominations of conjugated acids to which misunderstood experiments and fallacious arguments have given origin. 408 THEORY OF POLYEASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. Professor Kolbe's Copulated Oxalates. Professor Kolbe has advocated the doctrine, that the acid radicals of the vinyl series see page 79 are all compounds of basic radicals with carbon, and, consequently, that all their salts are oxalates copulated with basic radicals, according to the following examples : HO.(C 2 H 3 )~C 2 ,0 3 = Acetic acid. KO.(C 2 H 3 )~C 2 ,0 3 = Acetate of potash. (C 4 H 5 )0.(C 2 H 3 )^C*,0 3 = Acetate of ethyl. HO. H -^C 2 ,0 3 = Formic acid. HO.(C 8 H 9 )~C 2 ,0 3 = Valeric acid. In these formulas C = 6, O = 8, H = i. This theory is advocated at great length in the Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, vols. iii. and iv. According to this doctrine, we are to believe that every neutral salt of an organic acid is an oxalate possessing a sort of appendage or tail, which is copulated with it without affecting its neutrality, although in every instance the tail is a complete basic radical. Thus, a formiate is an oxalate with a tail of hydrogen ; an acetate is an oxalate with a tail of methyl ; a valerianate is an oxalate with a tail of butyl ; and so on Jbhrough the entire vinyl series of acid radicals. The proof of the correct- ness of this doctrine consists of the single fact, that these acids can be decomposed, electrically and otherwise, into carbon and their corre- sponding basic radicals. I admit the fact. See pages 75 and 76. But I consider the doctrine thus based upon the fact to be absurd, and in order to prove its absurdity, I will carry it to its legitimate con- sequences. For the sake of the argument, I admit that the acid radicals of the vinyl series are each reducible into an atom of carbon and an atom of a basic radical. I have discussed this matter fully between pages 73 and 8 1 . Thus, an acetate can produce methyl and a valerianate can produce butyl. "Right!" says Kolbe, "and therefore the acetates contain methyl, and the valerianates contain butyl." Just, however, as every acid radical of the vinyl series can be made to produce a basic radical by abstraction of C 1 , so can every basic radical of that series be made to produce an acid radical by abstraction of H 2 ; and if we are to consider that every acid radical contains a basic radical, we may with equal reason assume that every basic radical con- tains an acid radical, and when we depict the acetate of potash as con- taining an oxalate copulated with methyl, we may depict the sulphate of PROFESSOR KOLBE'S COPULATED OXALATES. 409 ethyl, as containing hydrated sulphuric acid copulated with hydride of acetyl. Stated in my notation, these changes would be as follow : K,C 2 H 3 O 2 = K,C0 2 + CH 3 Acetate of potash = Oxalate of potash -f- Methyl. C 2 H 5 ,S0 2 H,S0 2 + H,C 8 H 3 Sulphate of ethyl = Sulphuric acid + Hydride of acetyl. The result is, that as, in all salts formed by an acid radical, we have, according to Kolbe, not the nominal acid radical, but practically the cor- responding basic radical, so in all salts formed by a basic radical, we must have, not the nominal basic radical, but its corresponding acid radical. Everything falls out according to the rale of contrary : our acids contain bases, and our bases contain acids. In salts of acetyl we have only methyl. In salts of ethyl, we have only acetyl. And this prin- ciple of regularity extends through the whole series of radicals which are described in the Table on pages 79 and 80. The full force of the prin- ciple is felt, if we ask ourselves the question, What is the actual consti- tution of any given acid in that list ? Take, for example, the valerianic acid, which is near the bottom of the Table. According to Kolbe, this acid contains butyl, not valeryl. If we admit that statement to be true, then we go on as follows founding our conclusions upon facts that are equally true in valeryl is butyl; in butyl is butyryl; in butyryl is propyl ; in propyl is propionyl ; in propionyl is ethyl ; in ethyl is acetyl ; in acetyl is methyl ; in methyl is formyl ; in formyl is hydrogen. All these radicals therefore are contained in the radical of valerianic acid, granting only the truth of the assumption, that a radical CONTAINS what you can make it PRODUCE. It is certain, that from the acid radicals you can produce the basic radicals. It is equally certain, that from the basic radicals you can produce the acid radicals : but when you jump from these facts to the inference, that these acid radicals and basic radicals respectively CONTAIN the corresponding basic radicals and acid radicals, ready-formed ; you go astray. What a thing has been, or what a thing may become, is not the same as what a thing is. To confuse these ideas, or to use them indis- criminately, is a breach of scientific exactness. Experiment is our guide in such matters. Experiment shows us the composition of acetyl. It shows us how to convert ethyl into acetyl, and acetyl into methyl. Experiment shows us that acetate of potash contains those proportions of carbon and hydrogen, which constitute neither ethyl nor methyl, but acetyl. Such are the facts. According to these facts, we must judge of the merit of Kolbe's theory, that acetate of potash contains not acetyl, but methyl, a theory which appears to me to be a denial of facts. The doctrine which leads chemists astray in matters of this sort is 410 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. due to Gerhardt, who thus expounds it (Introduction to Unitary Che- mistry) : " In the dualistic system of chemistry, bodies are represented such as they exist (at the time of examination). This method is incompatible with the unitary system, which bases its definitions upon the metamor- phoses of bodies, j. e., upon their previous state, or upon their future combinations. In this respect it evidently attains the special aim of chemistry, viz., the discovery of the laws which govern the transforma- tions of matter." According to this doctrine, the special duty of chemists is to take cognisance of things which once did exist, or which may chance to exist hereafter, but to neglect the things which do exist at the time of examination. The unitary system disdains present existences, and only values the historical and the prophetical. To represent bodies as they exist is left for chemists who follow the despised dualistic system. The special aim of unitary chemists is directed above and beyond the depart- ment of actual existences. It deals only with the past and the future. Lighted by this luminary, we perceive that acetyl is not acetyl but once was ethyl, and may hereafter become methyl ; that valeryl is not valeryl, but in the past was amyl, and in the future may be butyl. The brightness of this theoretical light renders invisible the things that are illuminated only by the dim medium of common sense. But that is evidently desirable. Radicals " such as they exist " are beneath the notice, and incompatible with the objects which unitary chemists spe- cially aim at, under the guidance of this new light. By a parity of reasoning, we discover in common life, that bankrupts and heirs-at-law are men of property ; because a man's fortune consists, not in what he possesses, but in what in past times he has squandered away, or in what in the future he may chance to inherit. " The proper definition of a thing," says Gerhardt, " is not what it is, but what it has been, or what it may become" A man, whose fortune is a matter of history or a matter of expectancy, is, therefore, a man of fortune. Professor Kolbe's copulated oxalates are the heirs-at-law of the acid radicals. When the acid radicals come to destruction when they die the death their substance is the inheritance of the copulated oxalates. But when the Professor argues, that the heirs-at-law are the present pos- sessors of the estate, he anticipates the fact, and pronounces a judgment which is erroneous. A present acid must be held to contain a present radical. ( 411 ) The Malic Grroup of Salts. The formula commonly assigned to MALIC ACID is : (2HO,C 8 H 4 8 ), in which H = i,C=6, O = 8; and as the 2HO are replaceable by two other bases, this compound is an example of what is called a BIBASIC ACID. I propose to consider it, not as a bibasic salt, but as a double salt, constituted in agreement with the following formula : H,C 2 H 3 O 3 + H,C 2 H0 8 ; in which H = i, C = 12, O = 16. This formula contains two assumed acid radicals = C 2 !! 3 and C 2 !!. The former is equivalent in its proportions of elementary atoms to acetyl, and the latter to aconyl, fumaryl, maleyl, and perhaps to several other acid radicals. I do not know whether the radical C 2 H 3 of the malic acid is the same thing as the radical C 2 H 3 of the acetic acid, nor whether the radical C*H is the same as any other radical of the same ultimate com- position. I wish to give in this place no opinion respecting the identifi- cation of these isomeric radicals, and for the purposes of the present dis- cussion, I shall indicate these assumed radicals by temporary names; thus : C 2 H 3 will be called Myl. C 2 H> Dyl. In agreement with these assumptions, crystallised malic acid = H r ,C 2 H 3 3 + H r ,C 2 H0 2 , will be called Hydra mylite cum hydra dylete, The two atoms of H r are both, or either, replaceable by other basic radicals, and the products of that replacement, combined in pairs, pro- duce the salts that are called malates. The mylites and dyletes can separately undergo the various modifications to which all single salts are subject, without suffering separation from one another. As long as they remain conjoined, they constitute the malates. When the conjunction is dissolved, the products of the decomposition receive other names. Yet, while the mylites and dyletes continue in combination, their basic radicals sometimes undergo modifications which cause the compound salts. to receive other names than malates, as will be seen in the descrip- tion of the following examples : SALTS BELONGING TO THE MALIC GROUP. Group A. Malic Acid, cryst. io H,C 2 H 3 3 + H,C 2 H0 2 . . Hydra mylite cum hydra dylete. 412 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. Group B. Neutral Malates. 2. Ag,CT[ 8 3 4- Ag,C 2 H0 2 . Argenta mylite cum argenta dylete. 3. Ca,C 2 H 3 O 3 4- Ca,C 2 H0 2 . . Calca mylite cum calca dylete. 4. Pb,C 3 H 3 3 4- Pb,C 2 H0 2 . Plumba mylite cum plumba dylete. 5. Zn,C 2 H 3 O 3 4- Zn,C 2 H0 2 . . Zinca mylite cum zinca dylete. 6. ZH 4 ,C*H 3 3 4- ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 . Ammona mylite cum ammona dylete. Group C. Acid Malates. . Ca,C 2 H 3 O 3 -f H,C 2 H0 2 . , Calca mylite cum hydra dylete. . Zn,C 2 H 3 O 3 4- H,C*H0 2 . . Zinca mylite cum hydra dylete. 9. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 4- H,C 2 H0 2 . Ammona mylite cum hydra dylete. Group D. Double and Basic Malates. 10. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 4- Zn,C 2 HO 2 . Ammona mylite cum zinca dy- lete. 11. Pb,C 2 H 3 3 4- Pb 8 ,C 2 H0 3 . Plumba mylite cum plumbine dylite. Group E. Amyl-Malates. 12. C 5 H ll ,C 2 H 3 3 4-H,C 2 HO 2 . Amyla mylite cum hydra dy- lete. 13. C 5 H ll ,C 2 H 3 3 -f Ca,C 2 HO 2 . Amyla mylite cum calca dylete. 14. C 5 H U ,C 2 H 3 O 3 4- ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 Amyla mylite cum ammona dylete. Group F. Aspartic Acid. 15. ZH 2 ,OH 8 8 4- H 5 C 2 HO 2 . Amida mylete cum hydra dy- lete. Group G. Aspartates, Class a. 1 6. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 8 2 4- K^HO 2 . Amida mylete cum potassa dy- lete. 17. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 4- Ba,C 2 H0 2 . Amida mylete cum baryta dy- lete. 1 8. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 4- Ag,C 2 H0 2 . Amida mylete cum argenta dylete. THE MALIC GROUP OF SALTS. 413 19. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 -f Pb,C 2 H0 8 . Amida mylete cum plumba dy- lete. 20. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 4- ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 . Amida mylete cum ammona dylete. Group H. Aspartates, Class 6. 21. ZHBa,C 2 H 3 2 + Ba,C 2 H0 2 . Barytac mylete cum baryta dylete. 22. ZHPb,C 2 H 3 O 2 + Pb,C 2 HO 2 . Plumbac mylete cum plumba dylete. 23. ZHAg,C 2 H 3 2 4 Ag,C 2 HO 2 Argentac mylete cum argenta dylete. Group I. Aspartates, Class c. JZH 3 Pb,C 2 H 3 O 3 + Pb,C 2 HO 2 ) Plumbam mylite cum plumbac 2 4- JZH Pb,C 2 H 3 O 2 4- Pb,C 2 HO 2 J mylete bis" plumba dylete. Group K. Aspartic Acid with other Acids. JZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 4- H,C 2 HO 2 ) Amida mylete cum hydra dy- 2 5'{ HS0 2 + HSO 2 f lete bis hydra sulphete. H0 2 1 Amida mylete cum hyd HC1 f lete cum hydra chlora. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 + H,C 2 H0 2 1 Amida mylete cum hydra dy- f Group L. Asparagine. 27. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 + ZH 2 ,C 2 HO . Amida mylete cum amida dy- late. Group M. Asparagine with Bases. 28. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 + ZHK,C 2 HO . Amida mylete cum potassac dylate. 29. ZH*,C 2 H 3 2 + ZHAg,C 2 HO Amida mylete cum argentac dylate. 30. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 + ZHCuc,C 2 HO Amida mylete cum cupricac dylate. Group N. Asparagim with Acids. (ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 + ZH 2 ,C 2 HO 1 Amida mylete cum amida dy- 3T ' I AgNO 3 4- AgNO 3 J late bis argenta nitrite. IZH 2 ,C 1! H 3 O 2 4- ZH 2 ,C 2 HO ) Amida mylete cum amida dy- 2 f ' \ HCO 2 4- HCO 2 f late bis hydra carbete. mida mylete cum ami late cum hydra chlora. I ZH a ,C 2 H 3 2 4- ZH 2 ,C 2 HO Amida mylete cum amida dy- H,C1 J 414 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. Group 0. Malic Phenyl Amides. 34. ZH.C'H 5 ; C 2 H 8 O 2 +H,C 2 H0 2 Phenylac mylete cum hydra dylete. 35. ZH,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 H 3 O 2 + ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 Phenylac mylete cum ammona dylete. 36. ZH,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 H 3 O a +Ag,C 8 H0 2 PheAylac mylete cum argenta dylete. 37. ZH,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 H 3 2 +ZH,C 6 H';C 2 HO. Phenylac mylete cum phenylac dylate. 38. Z,C*H 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 3 . . . Mylic-phenylac dylite. Group P. Maleic Acid. 39. H,C 2 HO a Hydra maleylete. Group Q. Makates. 40. K^HO 8 Potassa maleylete. 41. K,C 2 HO 2 + H^HO 2 . . Potassa hydra bimaleylete. 42. Ag^'HO 2 Argenta maleylete. 43. Ag,C*HO 2 -f H,C*HO 2 . . Argenta hydra bimaleylete. 44. ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 Ammona maleylete. 45. ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 + H,C 2 H0 2 . . Ammona hydra bimaleylete. 46. Pb^HO 2 Plumba maleylete. 47. Cuc,C 2 HO 2 Cupric maleylete. 48. ZH 3 Cuc,C 2 HO 8 + Aq. . . Cupricam maleylete aquate. Group R. Fumaric Add. 49. H,C 2 HO 2 Hydra fumarylete. Group S. Fumarates. 50. K,C 2 HO a Potassa fumarylete. 51. K,C 2 HO 2 + H^HO 2 . . Potassa hydra bifumarylete. 52. Ag,C 2 HO 2 Argenta fumarylete. 53. ZH 4 ,C*HO* Ammona fumarylete. 54. ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 + H^HO* . . Ammona hydra bifumarylete. 55. Pb,C 2 HO 2 Plumba fumarylete. 56. Pb^HO 2 + Pb,PbO . . Plumbine fumarylite. 57. (Pb^HO 2 ) 4 + Pb,PbO . Tetrakis plumba fumarylete cum plumba plumbate. 58. (Fec,C 2 HO 2 ) 4 + Fec,FecO . Tetrakis ferric fumarylete cum ferric ferrate. 59. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H0 8 Ethyla fumarylete. THE MALIC GROUP OF SALTS. 415 Group T. Fumaric Amides. 60. C 2 H,C 2 HO 3 ..... Fumaryla fumarylite. 61. ZH*,C 2 HO Amida fumarylate. 62. ZH,C 2 H; C 2 H0 2 . . . . Fumarylac fumarylete. 63. Z,C 2 H 3 ,C 2 H 3 ; Z^H^HO 5 Mylec dylecute. 64. ZH^HO+ZIFHgc 2 ; C 2 H0 2 Amida fumarylate cum meric- cem fumarylete. USUAL NAMES AND FORMULA OF THESE SALTS. Group A. Malic acid in crystals: i. H,C 2 H 3 3 + H,C 2 H0 2 . Hydra mylite cum hydra dylete. This formula represents, as I have already stated, the crystallised malic acid. Usual formulas : C 8 H 6 0' = C 8 H 6 4 ,0 6 , Gmelm. 2HO, C 8 H 4 8 , Miller. These formulae represent the acid as bibasic, with an acid radical = C 4 H 4 . For an account of the Decompositions of Malic Acid, see the subsequent particulars respecting the reactions of salts of the Malic group, Nos. i and 2. Its production from aspartic acid; see Reactions, No. 6, page 422. Group B. Neutral Malates. General formula : C 8 H 4 M 2 O 10 . 2, Ma- late of silver. 3, M. of lime. 4, M. of lead. 5, M. of zinc. 6, M. of ammonia. Group C. Acid Malates. General formulae: C 8 H 5 M'0 10 . 7, Bimalate of lime. 8, Bimalate of zinc. 9, Bimalate of ammonia. Decomposition of bimalate of ammonia by heat. See Reactions, No. 3. Group D. Double and Basic Malates. 10, Double malate of zinc and ammonium. 1 1, Basic malate of lead. In this salt, the radical Dyl is in the condition of a terbasic salt, according to the usual terbasic formula Pb,C 2 H0 2 + Pb,PbO = Pb 3 ,C 2 HO 3 . A considerable number of the malates contain water, and might have formulas in accordance with No. 1 1 . Thus, the bimalate of ammonia No. 9, in the crystallised state, might have the formula ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 O 3 + H 3 ,C*HO 3 . Group E. Amyl-Malates. 12, Amyl-malic acid = C 18 H 16 O 10 = C 8 H 5 (C lo H n )0 10 . 1 3, Amyl-malate of lime = C 18 H 15 CaO l . 14, Amyl-ma- late of ammonia = C 18 H 15 (NH 4 )O 10 . Gerhardt, after Breunlm. Here we have a " conjugated acid" and its salts; but according to my notation, No. 12 is a bimalate, precisely equivalent to No. 7, and Nos. 13 and 14 are double salts equivalent to No. 10. It is certain that similar salts could be prepared with other radicals instead of amyl, and there is no necessity to make conjugated acids of any of them. Group F. No. 1 5. Aspartic acid, or Malamic acid. Compare this compound with the Bimalate of ammonia No. 9, thus : 416 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AXD CONJUGATED ACIDS. No. 9 = ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 O 3 + H,C 2 HO 2 . Ammona mylite cum hydra dylete. No. 1 5 = ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 + H,C 2 H0 2 . Amida mylete cum hydra dylete. H 2 O 1 = Difference. On referring to page 225, it will be 'seen, that the difference between binoxalate of ammonia and oxamic acid is precisely the same as the dif- ference between bimalate of ammonia and aspartic acid. Aspartic acid, like oxamic acid, produces a series of salts, and it is, like oxamic acid, a double salt, with the single difference, that its two acid radicals are not alike. Production of aspartic acid from the hydrochlorate, see Reactions, No. 5, page 422. Its conversion into malic acid, see Reactions, No. 6. Its production from asparagine ; Reactions, Nos. 7 and 8. Chemists are not agreed as to the basicity of aspartic acid ; but the investigators have pointed out three varieties of salts, answering to the formula? C 8 NH 6 M0 8 ( = class a), C 8 NH>M 2 O 8 ( = class 6), and MO, C 8 NH 6 MO 8 ( = class c), of each of which I have quoted some examples, Nos. 1 6 to 24. See Gmelin (Handbook of Chemistry, 1856, x. 234). Group G. Nos. 16 to 20. The salts of this group are evidently monobasic aspartates, formed in exact accordance with the oxamates ; see page 226, but differing in the quantity of oxygen, and hi having two dissimilar, instead of two similar, acid radicals. Production of aspartate of ammonia, No. 20, from asparagine, No. 27. See Reactions, No. 9, page 422. Ghvup H. Nos. 21 to 23. These salts, of which many more might be cited, containing the radicals Ca, Cue, &c., differ from those of group G, by containing metallic vice-amids instead of normal amid ; but they are alike in all other respects. As chemists are not accustomed to admit the existence of these metallic vice-amids, this little group of salts has puzzled them greatly. Gmelin says, "As it is improbable that an amidogen acid should be bibasic, and as Liebig has not given the mode of preparation of the salt which he analysed, Laurent doubts its purity." To which Mr. Watts adds, " Liebig's ' result is, however, confirmed by those of Dessaignes, Pasteur, and Wolff." The analyses are no doubt correct, and they confirm the accuracy of the theory that I have advanced respecting the nature of these metallic vice-radicals. Group I. No. 24. Aspartates, class c. Several similar salts occur, in which Pb is replaced by the radicals Ba, Ca, Ag, and Hgc. This salt is evidently intermediate between the malates and the aspartates ; that is to say, it is a combination of a malate with an aspartate, atom to atom. The upper half of the formula No. 24 is equivalent to the bimalate of ammonia No. 9, supposing ammonia ZH 4 to be replaced by plumbam ZH 3 Pb, and H to be replaced by Pb, and the lower half of the formula is the same as that of the aspartate No. 22. THE MALIC GROUP OF SALTS. 417 Group K, Nos. 2 5 and 2 6 are examples of salts produced by the com- bination of aspartic acid with mineral acids. No. 2 5 contains one atom of aspartic acid and two atoms of hydrated sulphuric acid. No. 26 con- tains aspartic acid and hydrochloric acid, atom to atom. See Eeactions, Nos. 4 and 5, page 422. Group L. No. 27. Asparagine, or Malamide, Gerhardt's Diazoture of malyle and of hydrogen. Formulas: C 8 N 2 H 8 6 = C 8 Ad 2 H 4 O 4 ,O 2 , Gmelin. Compare formula 27 with formula 6, which represents the neutral malate of ammonia, from which the double amid is derived. The dif- ference is equal to two atoms of HHO. Thus : No. 6. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 + ZH 4 ,C 2 HO 2 Ammona mylite cum ammona dylete. No. 27. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 + ZH 2 ,C 2 HO Amida mylete cum amida dylate. H 2 O l + H 2 O l = Difference. Again, compare this difference with the difference found to exist between No. 15 and No. 9. From these comparisons it appears that No. 9, the bimalate of ammonia, by losing one equivalent of water, is converted into aspartic acid,' and that No. 6, the neutral malate of ammonia, on losing two equivalents of water, is converted into aspara- gine. The same comparison shows that aspartic acid is a regular amidogen acid, and that asparagine is a double amid. Gerhardt wishes us to consider asparagine as an ammonia, and he represents it by the following formula : rC 4 H 4 3 N 2 | H 2 ( H 2 I have already so fully expressed the reasons why I disapprove of the proposal to formulate oxidised compounds as "ammonias," that I need not take special notice of this formula.' Conversion of asparagine into aspartic acid; see reactions, Nos. 7 and 8, page 422. Conversion into aspartate of ammonia, No. 20; reactions, No. 9. The relations which the two ammoniacal salts, No. 6 and No. 9, bear to the amidogen acid No. 1 5 and the double amid No. 27, are, according to the general facts which I have developed in the section on the azotic radicals, such as to show that malic acid acts under all circumstances, as it necessarily must act if it contains TWO acid radicals, instead of only one. This being the case, it is but fair to assume, that, where we have the properties and powers of two radicals, these two radicals are present in substance. Group M. Combinations of Asparagine with bases. Nos. 28 to 30. 2 E 418 THEORY OF FOLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. Besides these three salts, other salts of similar structure are formed by the basic radicals Ca, Cd, Pb, Hgc, Zn, &c. On comparing the formula of these salts with the formula of aspara- gine, No. 27, we perceive that the amount of the difference between them is, that one of the amids in No. 27 is replaced in the salts by a metallic amidac. Usual names: 28, Asparagine with potash. 29, As- paragine with silver oxide. 30, Asparagine with cupric oxide, Gmelin. Potassic, argentic, and cupric asparagine, Gerhardt. The latter says that ammonic asparagine appears to be unattainable ; for if asparagine is dis- solved in aqueous ammonia, and submitted to spontaneous evaporation, the ammonia flies off, and the solution yields crystals of pure asparagine. He offers no explanation of this difficulty. I suggest that it is due to the fact that ammonium = ZH 4 can never replace hydrogen in a vice- ammon or vice-amid that one ammonium or amidogen cannot involve another. Hence the salt No. 27 can produce such salts as Nos. 28 to 30, but the metals K, Ag, and Cue, though replaceable by many other metals, cannot be replaced by the radical ZH 4 . Neither can ZH 2 in No. 27 be replaced by ZH 4 , unless at the same time O 1 becomes O 2 ; but in that case, the ammonic asparagine would become aspartate of ammonia No. 20 ; or, if both atoms of ZH* were replaced by ZH 4 , with O 1 additional for each radical, then the salt No. 27 would be converted into neutral malate of ammonia No. 6. Consequently, the production of ammonic asparagine is impossible. Group N. Combinations of Asparagine with hydrated adds and with salts of mineral acids. Nos. 31 to 33. No. 31 is a combination of one atom of asparagine with two atoms of nitrate of silver. No. 32 contains one atom of asparagine with two atoms of oxalic acid ; No. 3 3 is a com- bination of one atom of asparagine with one atom of hydrochloric acid. Group O. Malic plienyl amides, or Anilides of malic acid. Nos. 34 to 38. These salts have been described by Arppe (Ann. der Chem. u. Phar., 1855, xcvi. 106). I quote from Gerhardt (Traite de Chimie Or- ganique, tome iv., 915). 34. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 2 + H,C 2 HO 2 . This compound is called Phe- nyl-malamic acid, or malanilic acid, and the formula given to it is C*>H 11 NO 8 = C 8 H 6 (C 12 H 5 )NO 8 . Compare it with aspartic acid. No. 15. The only difference between them is the replacement of normal amid by phenylac; thus: No. 15 = ZH 2 ; C 2 H 3 O 2 + H,C*H0 2 . No. 34 = ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 2 + H,C 8 HO 2 . Like aspartic (or malamic) acid, this compound, Phenyl-malamic acid, produces salts by exchanging H for basic radicals, of which salts Nos. 35 and 36 are examples. This acid is perfectly similar to the anilidogen acids described at letter D, page 228, save only that it has two different acid radicals, instead of two acid radicals of the same kind. THE MALIC GROUP OF SALTS. 419 35. Phenyl-malamate of ammonia. 36. Phenyl-malamate of silver ; formula C 20 H 10 AgN0 8 . 37. Phenyl-malamide or malanilide ; formula C 32 H I6 N 2 O 6 = C 8 !! 6 (C l2 H 5 ) 2 N a 6 . 38. Phenyl-malimide, or malanile; formula C^H'NO 6 = C 8 H 4 (C 12 H 5 ) NO 6 . The reactions of these salts are precisely conformable to what would necessarily be predicted of the reactions of anilidogen salts. When the salt No. 38 is boiled with aqueous ammonia, it produces the salt No. 35. Thus: Z,C S H 5 ,C 2 H 3 ; C 2 H0 3 \ JZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 O 2 + ZH 4 ,C*HO 2 . H ; ZH 4 O j == \ This product is converted by barytic water into the phenyl-malamate of barytes = ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 2 + Ba,C 2 HO 2 , which can be converted by the action of sulphuric acid into the acid No. 34. This acid is evidently the anilidogen acid corresponding to an unknown acid malate of phenylam, thus : ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 3 + H,C 2 H0 2 = The double amid No. 37 is in the same way derived from the unknown neutral malate of phenylam, thus: j ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 O 3 1 J ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 2 + ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO. \ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 HO 2 j == [ H 2 O + H 2 O. Finally, No. 38 is the "anile" (see page 224, letter b) produced by the abstraction of HHO from the "anilidogen acid" No. 34, thus: ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 2 + H,C 2 HO* We perceive all through this set of changes that the acid radical of the malic acid, acts precisely as it must act if it consists of two dif- ferent radicals. There are also, under all circumstances, present in each compound, exactly the number of atoms of oxygen and of basic radicals, which form the complement of two acid radicals, one possessing the power to form normal salts with O 3 , and the other with O 2 . Group P. No. 39. Makic Acid. Production of maleic acid. See Reactions, No. I, page 420. Group Q. Nos. 40 to 48. Mdeates. Gerhardt terms this a bibasic acid, and gives it the formula C 8 H 4 8 = C 8 H 2 6 ,2HO. But there is not the slightest evidence to prove its possession of bibasic powers, excepting the occurrence of acid salts, such as are represented by Nos. 41, 43, 45. 2 E2 420 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. I have shown, in respect to the sulphates and oxalates, that such acid salts, or double salts, cannot be accepted as examples of true bibasic salts, and, besides, many organic acids, universally admitted to be mono- basic, exhibit examples of such acid salts. I may instance the acetates, the margarates, the stearates, and the benzoates. Gmelin's formulas for maleic acid and its salts are as follows : C 4 H 2 O 4 = maleic acid ; C 4 HMO* = monomaleate; C 4 HMO 4 ,C 4 H 2 O 4 = bimaleate. His formula for the ammonam salt No. 48 is NH 4 O,C 4 HCuO 4 + Aq. Group R. No. 49. Fumaric acid. Production of fumaric acid. See Reactions, No. I, page 420. Group S. Nos. 50 to 59. Fumarates. The fumaric acid produces a few acid salts such as Nos. 51 and 54; but most of its salts are neutral, on the model of No. 50. It also produces basic salts, such as are repre- sented by Nos. 56, 57, 58. It has been called a bibasic acid, but with- out necessity, and to no useful end. 59, Fumarate of ethyl. Decom- positions : see Reactions, Nos. 10 and u, page 422. Group T. Nos. 60 to 64. Fumaric Amides. 60, Fumaric anhydride ; anhydrous ramaric acid ; anhydrous maleic acid = C 8 H 2 6 . This may be supposed to result from the abstraction of two atoms of HHO from one atom of malic acid, No. I : H,C 2 H 3 3 + H,C 2 H0 2 = jjo 2 It is prepared by heating maleic or fumaric acid. Buchner gives an ac- count of a salt produced by heating the bimaleato of magnesia ( Gmelin's Handbook, viii. 157) which requires the following formula: 2(Mg, C 2 HO 2 ) + C 2 H,C 2 HO 3 . This salt is equivalent in structure to the bi- chromate of potash. See page 126. K 2 Cr* O 7 = Bichromate of potash. Mg 2 (C 2 H) 4 O 7 = Bimaleate of magnesia. 61, Fumaramide = O'NWO 4 . Production ; see Reactions No. 1 1 . De- composition; Reactions, Nos. 12 and 13, page 423. 62, Fumarimide = C 8 NH 3 O 4 . 63, Hydrated fumarimide = C 8 NH 3 O 4 + Aq. Produc- tion ; see Reactions, Nos. 3 and 1 4. 64, Fumaramide with mercuric oxide = C 8 N 2 H 6 O 4 ,2HgO. These names and formulas are quoted from Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, vol. x. REACTIONS OF SALTS OF THE MALIC GROUP. i . When malic acid, No. i , is heated in a retort, it suffers decom- position and produces water, and either maleic acid, No. 39, or fumaric acid, No. 49. It depends upon the regulation of the heat and its dura- tion, whether the chief product is maleic acid or fumaric acid. H,C 2 H 3 3 + H,C 2 H0 2 = (H,C 2 H0 2 ) 2 + HHO. THE MALIC GROUP OF SALTS. 421 A long-continued heat of about 1 80 C. produces the two acids in about equal quantities. A suddenly-raised heat of 200 C. produces chiefly maleic acid. A long-continued heat of 1 50 C. converts malic acid chiefly into fumaric acid. There is nothing in these results which deter- mines whether the salt H,C 2 HO 2 , which I have assumed to exist ready- formed in the malates, is the maleic or the fumaric acid, nor to show which of these acids is the product of the decomposition of H,C 2 H 3 3 into H,C*HO 2 + HHO. Of the two isomeric acids (the maleic and the fumaric), the maleic seems to be most volatile; but it requires a higher degree of heat to volatilize it than that which suffices (if long-continued) to convert the malic acid, and the maleic also, into fumaric acid. 2. When malic acid is gently heated with oil of vitriol, it produces carbonic oxide gas (Dobereiner) and acetic acid (Liebig) : H,C 2 H 3 3 + H,C 2 H0 2 = H,C 2 H 3 2 + (CO) 2 + HHO. It is possible that the salt E^OTPO* assumed to be contained in malic acid, may contain the radical of the acetic acid ; but this production of acetic acid from malic acid is not alone sufficient to prove that that sup- position is a fact. The circumstance that the malic-acid radical = C 4 H 4 can readily produce the radical = C 8 H l , is another fact that leads to the idea that the malates may contain C 2 H 3 as well as C 2 H' ; it being at the same time pretty certain that C 4 H 4 is NOT C 2 H 2 -f C 2 H 2 , which would make it a multiple of the succinic radical. While assuming that the radical of the malic acid consists of the two radicals C^H 3 and C 2 H l , I do not pretend to be able to identify either of these radicals with other iso- meric radicals. I only wish to demonstrate the probability, at least, of there being, in fact, two radicals and not one radical, present in malic acid, and thereby to explain the cause of the bibasic power of that acid. The identification of the individual radicals is a matter for experimental research. 3. When the bimalate of ammonia No. 9 is heated to 160 200, it gives off water, and is converted into the salt No. 63 : ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 + H,C 2 H0 2 ) j Z,C 2 H 3 ,C 2 H a ; Z,C 2 H,C 2 H0 5 ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 -f H,C 2 H0 2 ( := \5(H,HO). This is also produced when the hydrochlorate of aspartic acid No. 26 is exposed to heat : ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 -f- H,C 2 H0 2 + HC1\ J Z,C 2 H 3 ,C 2 H 3 ; Z,C 2 H,C 2 HO 5 ZH 2 ,C i H 3 2 + H,C 2 H0 2 -fHClf == | 2 (HC1) + 3 (H,HO). Chemists are not agreed respecting the composition of the salt No. 63. It is sometimes called Aspartic acid minus water = C 8 NH 7 O 8 3HO. Sometimes it is said to be hydrated ramarimide = CPNBPO* + Aq. It seems to be a salt in which two amidecs include all the acid radicals of 422 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AXD CONJUGATED ACIDS. the two decomposed salts. I Lave given examples of such salts in the indigo series, at page 265. 4. When the compound No. 63 is boiled with hydrochloric acid, it produces the crystalline hydrochlorate of aspartic acid, No. 26. Z,C 2 H 3 ,C 2 H 3 ; Z,C 2 H,C 2 H0 5 ) I ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 + H,C 2 HO 2 -f HC1. 2(HC1) -f 3(H,HO) j " |ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 + H,C 2 H0 2 + HC1. 5. When the hydrochlorate of aspartic acid, No. 26, is dissolved in hot water, the solution divided into two equal parts, the one saturated with ammonia and the other added to it, the mixture thus formed yields on cooling an abundant crystallization of aspartic acid. [The hydro- chloric acid being separated in the state of sal-ammoniac.] 6. When aspartic acid, No. 15, is acted upon by nitrous acid in the presence of nitric acid, nitrogen is disengaged and malic acid produced : ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O a + H,C 2 H0 2 ) J H,C 2 H 3 3 + H,C 2 HO 2 H,N0 2 f == \ N,N + HHO. Here, the reaction seems to be entirely restricted to the amidogen salt. 7. Diluted sulphuric acid converts asparagine, No. 27, into ammonia and aspartic acid, No. 1 5 : ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 + ZH 2 ,C 2 HO 1 j ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 + H,C 2 HO 8 H,SO a + H,HO f " I ZH 4 ,SO 2 8. The solution of asparagine, in strong hydrochloric acid evaporated at a gentle heat, leaves sal-ammoniac and aspartic acid : ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 + ZH 2 ,C 2 HO 1 J ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 + H,C 2 HO 2 HC1 + HHO f := I ZH 4 ,C1 g. When asparagine, No. 27, dissolved in water, is sealed in a glass tube, and heated till the pressure amounts to three or four atmospheres, it is converted into aspartate of ammonia, No. 20, without liberation of any permanent gas : ZH (JEW + ZH 2 ,C 2 HO) JZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 + ZH 4 ,C 2 HO 2 H 2 , Of == ( 10. The fumaric ether or fumarate of ethyl, No. 59, is converted by hydrate of potash into fumarate of potash, No. 50, and alcohol : C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H0 2 + KHO = H,C 2 H 5 + K,C 2 H0 2 . 11. The same ether is converted by aqueous ammonia into alcohol, water, and fumaramide, No. 61 : CfH'.C'HO 1 1 JH,C 2 H 5 O + H,HO ZH 4 ,HO j " {ZH 2 ,C 2 HO THE MALIC GROUP OF SALTS. 423 12. When fumaramide, No. 61, is heated for some time with water, it is converted into fumarate of ammonia No. 5 3 : ZH 2 ,C 2 HO + HHO = ZH 4 ,C*H0 2 . 13. When fumaramide is heated with aqueous potash, it gives off ammonia, and produces fumarate of potash, No. 50. ZH 2 ,C 2 HO -f KHO = K^HO 2 + ZH 2 H. 14. The hydrated fumarimide, No. 63, see Reactions, No. 3, is de- composed by water, and yields fumarimide, No. 62 : fZH,C 2 H; C 2 H0 2 = { ZH,C 2 H ; C 2 H0 2 1 H;H O. Z,C 2 H 3 ,C 2 H 3 ; Z,C 2 H,C 2 H0 5 = If we disregard the slight differences in properties which distinguish the maleates from the fumarates, we have good grounds for considering that the formula which I have assigned to malic acid is the true one, and that it is not a bibasic acid, but a compound of two monobasic acids : H,C 2 H 3 3 + H,C 2 H0 2 . All the chemical reactions among the malates and the products of their decomposition are such as ought to occur if this supposition were true ; and in opposition to it, we have only the bare, vague, unproved notion, that the radical of a bibasic acid possesses all the powers and properties of the radicals of two monobasic acids. I have no faith in that doctrine. It seems to me to be demonstrated by the universal properties of radicals, that every one of them, as long as it continues to be an inde- pendent radical, has, under all circumstances, the saturating capacity of one volume or one atom, a chemical force which nothing can alter. The idea, that one acid radical can neutralise two basic radicals, or, as it is phrased, become bibasic, is in opposition to the essence of a radical. Only when the materials which constitute a radical pass into the form of a different radical, can its saturating capacity change. One radical may be split into two radicals, or several radicals may combine to form one radical, as in the ammoniums. But every radical, so long as it preserves its identity, acts as a unit, as a single volume, a single atom. In strict terms, it cannot be bibasic nor biacid, and the existence of bibasic salts in any other sense than that which has been explained at page 397 is an impossibility. 424 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. The Citric Group of Salts. The citric acid is commonly received as the Model " tribasic " acid of the organic series. Its formula is 3HO,C I2 H 5 U , in which 3 HO repre- sent bases replaceable by 3 MO, by 2 HO + MO or by HO + 2 MO. If I double the atomic weights of the carbon and oxygen, and put this formula into the shape commonly adopted in this work, I produce H 3 ,C 6 H 5 O 7 , where C 6 H 5 7 is a constant quantity, and H 3 are replaceable by any three basic radicals. The tribasic theory of citric acid is due to Liebig. Several chemists have expressed an opinion that it is a compound acid, Berzelius seems to have considered it to contain two atoms of citric acid of the formula (2C 4 H 2 O 4 ) and one atom of aconitic acid (C 4 H0 3 ). Dumas assumed that it consisted of oxalic acid C 2 O 3 , acetic acid C 4 H 3 O 3 , and oxal-acetic acid C 4 (H 2 ,C 2 2 )0 3 . Pebal thought that it contained one atom of C 4 HO 3 and two atoms of CWO 4 . I adopt the idea that tribasic citric acid is a triple salt, containing not only three basic radicals, but also three acid radicals, and I propose to write the formula thus : (H,C 2 H 3 3 ] 2 l , or H,C 2 H 3 8 + 2 (H,C 2 H0 2 ). o s j I shall apply to the radicals exhibited in this formulas the same pro- visional names that I have used in the section on malic acid ; and I propose to show by examples that all the citrates, and the salts that are derived from them, have the constitution and the chemical characters, which they would necessarily have, if the citrates were triple salts, formed in accordance with the above formula, and having not only three basic radicals, but three acid radicals, each possessing the power of in- dependent chemical action. EXAMPLES OF CITRATES. H ,C 2 H 3 3 ) I. { H ,C 2 H 0*1 Hydra mylite bis hydra dylete. H ,C 2 H 2 J K ,C 2 H 3 8 ) K ,C*H O 2 > Potassa mylite bis potassa dylete. K ,C*H 2 J H ,C 2 H 3 8 ) K ,C*H O 2 } Hydra mylite bis potassa dylete. THE CITRIC GROUP OF SALTS. 425 K ,C*H 3 3 ) H ,C 2 H O 2 1 Potassa my lite bis hydra dylete. H ,C 2 H 2 j ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 ) 5. < K ,C 2 H 2 > Ammona mylite bis potassa dylete. K ,C 2 H 2 J ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 | 6. < H ,C a H 3 O 2 > Ammona mylite bis hydra dylete. ,C 2 H 3 O 2 j fZH 4 , . < H , ( H , f H,C 2 H 3 3 ) 7. < ZH 4 ,C 2 H O 2 1 Hydra mylite bis ammona dylete. (ZH 4 ,C 2 H O 2 J (ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 O 3 H,C 2 H 3 3 ) Ammona mylite bis ammona 8. 1 ZH 4 ',C 2 H O 2 + H,C 2 H O 2 1 dylete cum hydra mylite (ZH 4 ,C 2 H O 2 H,C 2 H 2 J bis hydra dylete. f K ,C 2 H 3 O 3 Sbc,C 2 H 3 3 ) Potassa mylite bis potassa 9 J K,C 2 H0 2 +Sbc,C 2 H0 2 V dylete cum stibic my- [ K ,C 2 H O 2 Sbc,C*H O 2 j lite bis stibic dylete. ( Ba ,C 2 H 3 O 3 H ,C 2 H 3 O 3 ) Baryta mylite bis baryta i o. { Ba ,C 2 H O 2 + Ba ,C 2 H O 2 1 dylete cum hydra mylite I Ba ,C 2 H O 2 Ba ,C 2 H O 2 J bis baryta dylete. f K ,C 2 H 8 O 3 H ,C 2 H 3 O 3 ) Potassa mylite bis potassa ii J K 5 C 2 H0 2 + ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 l dylete cum hydra my- l K ,C 2 H O 2 ZH 4 ,C 2 H O 2 J lite bis ammona dylete. ( Ag,C 2 H 3 3 | ) Argenta mylite bis stibic I2c <^Sbc,C 2 H0 2 + AgSbcO > dylete cum argenta sti- Sbc,C 2 H O 2 bicate. I Argenta mylite bis argen- P j i i i 4-o rivlpfp oiiiYi P/lloft VI- 1 J 1 L. myhte bis calca dylete cum argenta calcate. fCH 3 ,C 2 H 3 3 ] 14 J C H 3 ,C 2 H 2 > Methyla mylite bis methyla dylete. [C H 3 ,C 2 H O 2 ) f H ,C 2 H 3 3 ) 15 JC H 3 ,C 2 H 2 V Hydra mylite bis methyla dylete. (C H 3 ,C 2 H 2 J 'CH 3 ,C 9 H 3 3 | 1 6. { H ,C 2 H O 2 l Methyla mylite bis hydra dylete. H ,C 2 H0 2 J 426 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. (C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 3 3 ) 1 7 .{ C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 0*1 Ethyla mylite bis ethyla dylete. (C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 2 j fC 5 H u ,C 2 H 3 3 ) 1 8. \ H ,C 2 H O 2 V Amyla mylite bis hydra dylete. C 5 H u ,C 2 H 3 3 ) H ,C 2 H O 2 V I H ,CTH 2 j 19. C 5 H U H ,C 2 H0 2 J 1 l Am y la m y lite cum ethyla dylete CUm [C 5 H ll ,C 2 H 3 3 ] 20. < ZH 4 ,C 2 H O 2 1 Amyla mylite bis ammona dylete. r C 5 H 11 C 2 H 3 O 3 1 J > I Amyla mylite cum potassa dylete 2 1 \ &- * v> -ti v-' A i i i i j TT psTj r^ I cum hydra dylete. Jl ,O H U J ^H a ,C 2 H 3 2 ) 22. { ZH 2 ,C 2 H O \ Amida mylete bis amida dylate. ZH 2 ,C 2 H ) fZH 3 ,CH>; 1 H, Phenlam mlite bis r H0 2 24 bis Ag; C 2 H0 8 f H C^tPO 3 ! 25 JzH ,C 6 H^' ; C 2 H i H > r f ra f m >" lite bis (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HOJ dylate * 26. IZH ,c e ip c^n'o 3 ! Ar f ^ m r lite bis P hen >* lac ,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 HO 'Ba;C 8 H 3 O 8 ' 21 <(ZH C 6 H 5 - C 2 HO L JUW * 1 J ru * m y^ ite bis phenylac ZH,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 HO ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C^^O 3 ),,, ' Phenlai bls rZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 O 8 1 29. ZH cH 5 c 2 H o 1ZH>H';C 2 HOJ ^ j ZH ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 2 ) Phenylac mylete cum dy 3 a lZ,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O 8 } lic-phenylac dylete. THE CITRIC GROUP OF SALTS. 427 I H ; C 2 H 3 3 ) Hydra mylite cum dylic- 3 1 ' \ Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O 2 J phenykc dylete. )Ag ; C 2 H 3 O 3 1 Argenta mylite cum dylic- Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O 2 ] phenylac dylete. EXAMPLES OF ACONITES. 33. H ,C 2 HO 2 Hydra aconylete. 34. Ag ,C 2 H0 2 Argenta aconylete. 35. C 2 H 5 ,C'HO 2 Ethyla aconylete. j K ,C 2 H0 8 1 Potassa aconylete cum hydra aco- 3' \ H ,C 2 H0 2 f nylete. J K ,C*HO 2 1 Potassa aconylete bis hydra acony- 37' J 2 (H,C 2 HO 2 )) lete. JZH 4 ,C 2 HO* 1 Ammona aconylete cum hydra 3 b ') H,C*H0 2 ( aconylete. {ZH 4 ,C i! HO 2 1 Ammona aconylete bis hydra aco- 2(H,C 8 H0 8 )j nylete. Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 8 ) Aeonylic-phenylac acony- H ; C 8 HO 2 1 lete cum hydra aconylete. Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 8 HO 2 ) Aconylic - phenylac acony- Ag ; C 2 H0 2 j lete cum argenta aconylete. J Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 2 ) Aeonylic-phenylac aconylete 4 2 ' }ZH, C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO j cum phenylac aconylate. 43. | :^ ' EXAMPLES OF CITRACONATES. Hydra tiylete cum hydra dylete. 44. C 3 H 3 ,C 2 HO 3 Tryladylite. ( H C 3 H 8 O 2 \ 45. -j 7 TT 4 '/-(2tT Q2f Hydra try lete cum ammona dylete. I H C 3 H 3 O 2 \ ' ' I A c*H O 2 1 cum argenta dylete. 4-7. j A ^'f 2 H DM A r enta tr ylete cum argenta dylete. j r2tI5 ri3TT3pv21 48. |c 2 H 5 C 2 H 2 [ Ethyla trylete cum ethyla dylete * Pb ,C 3 H 3 O 2 ) Plumba trylete cum plumbine dy- Pb 3 ,C 8 HO 3 f lite. ( ) C 2 H CIO f Tryla chlorate cum d >' la chlorate - 428 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. 51. ZH,C 3 H 3 ; C 2 H0 2 Trylac dylete. (ZH 2 C*H O ) 5 2 ' | H 'csjpQaf Amida dylate cum hydra trylete. (ZH 2 ,C 2 HO) . . , , i 53* 1 Ba C 3 H 3 O 2 ( Amida dylate cum baryta trylete. JZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 8 1 Phenylac trylate cum phe- 54' (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O f nylac dylate. JZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 3 \ Phenylac trylate cum hydra 35 '[ H;C 2 H0 8 | dylete. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 3 \ Phenylac trylate cum am- ZH 4 ; C 2 H0 2 { mona dylete. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 3 O ) Phenylac trylate cum barvta BajC^HO 2 } dylete. 58. Z^ff^H 5 ; C 2 HO* Trylic-phenylac dylete. 59. Z^H^H 4 ! ; C 2 H O 2 Trylic - iodic - phenylac dylete. 60. Z,C 3 H 3 ,C 6 H 3 Z 2 ; C^HO 6 Trylic- zotenic- phenylac dylaze. * JZH,C 6 H 3 Z 2 ; OWO 5 1 Zotenic-phenylac trylute \ H ; C 2 H O 8 f cum hydra dylete. , (ZH,C 6 H 3 Z 2 ; C 3 H 3 5 \ Zotenic-pheriy lac trylute " \ Ag ; C 2 H O 2 j cum argenta dylete. INVESTIGATION OF THE CITRATES. i]. H,C 1 H 8 8 + 2(H,C 2 H0 8 ). Hydra mylite bis hydra dylete. The hydrated citric acid. In this acid there are three atoms of hydrogen which are all, or one, or two of them, replaceable by other basic radicals, giving rise to the three kinds of salts which characterise the citrates, and which are illustrated by examples in Nos. 2,3, and 4. There are three varieties of citric acid obtainable in the solid state, in accordance with the following formulae : A). H.CWO 3 + 2(H,C 2 H0 2 ). B). H,C 2 H 3 3 + 2 (H,C 2 H0 2 ) + HHO. fH,C 8 H'0 3 + 2(H,C 2 HO')l, C >' \H,C 2 H 3 3 + 2(H,C 2 H0 8 ) f + l Ia A). The acid which corresponds with the normal salts. It is pro- duced by heating the crystallised acids to 2I2F. B). The com- mercial acid, which crystallises when the solution is slowly evaporated. Its ordinary formula is (3HO,C 12 H 5 O U ,2 aq.). C). This acid is pro- duced by saturating the solution at 212, and allowing it to cool and THE CITRIC GEOUP OF SALTS. 429 crystallise. Compare the acids B and C with the salts Nos. 12 and 13, which have corresponding formulae. 2]. K ,C 2 H 3 O 3 + 2(K,C 2 HO 2 ) = Trimetallic citrate. 3]. H,C*H 3 3 + 2(K,C 2 H0 2 ) = Bimetallic. 4]. K ,C 2 H 3 O 3 + 2(H,C 2 H0 8 ) = Monometallic. 5]. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2(K,C 2 H0 2 ). This is an example of a neutral, or trimetallic salt, which has different metals as basic radicals. 6]. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2(H,C 2 H0 2 ). Monometallic or acid salt of ammonium ; of the same order as the potassium salt No. 4.] 7]. H,C 2 H 3 O 3 + 2(ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 ). Bimetallic salt of ammonium, corresponding to the potassium salt No. 3]. The trimetallic salt of ammonium = ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2(ZH 4 ,C 2 HO 2 ), can only be prepared in solution; but No. 22 represents the amidogen salt which corresponds to it. A great number of citrates are formed according to one or other of these three models. It is useless to quote them, because the fact will not be contested. It is sufficient to say, that these are the common forms of the citrates, and that they may all be represented as triple salts. Q1 JZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 O 3 + 2(ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 ; ?4' 1 H ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2( H ,C 2 HO ! K,C 2 H 3 3 + 2 ( K,C 8 H0 2 )) Sbc,C 2 H 3 3 + 2(Sbc,C 2 H0 2 )f Ba ,C 2 H 3 O 3 + 2( Ba ,C 2 H0 2 )) H ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2 ( Ba ,C 2 H0 2 )f ii J K ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2( K ,C 2 H0 2 )1 \ H, C 2 H 3 3 + 2(ZH 4 ,C 2 H0 2 )f Nos. 8, 9, 10, ii are examples of double citrates, each of which con- tains six monobasic salts, all in the proportions necessary to constitute citrates. The. relation of these salts to the simpler kinds, Nos. i to 7, is so evident on an inspection of the formulae, that comment appears to be needless. 12]. Ag,C 2 H 3 3 + 2(Sbc,C 2 H0 2 ) + AgSbcO. , ( Ag,C 8 H 3 3 + 2( Ag,C 2 H0 2 H 1 3J- \Ca ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2 (Ca ,C 2 HO 2 ) f In No. 12, one atom of a citrate is combined with a salt on the model 430 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. of water. In No. 13, two atoms of a citrate are combined with a salt on the model of water. These two models are not uncommon among the citrates. If all the radicals of both formulae except C*H 3 and C 2 H were exchanged for hydrogen, the salts would resemble the crystallised acids B and C, No. i. The structure of these salts becomes intelligible, if we assume that the mylite which forms part of them is subject to become terbasic. No. 1 2 would then be represented thus : Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 3 O 4 4- 2(Ag,C 2 H0 2 ) = Stibinic mylote bis argenta dylete. The corresponding crystallised acid (B, No. i) would be : IP.CTPO* 4- 2(H,C 2 H0 2 ) = Hydrine mylote bis hydra dylete. In these cases, I separate the citrate into three salts which are mono- basic in general, but one of which is, in these examples, terbasic. 14]. CH 3 ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2(CH 3 ,C 2 H0 2 ). 15]. H ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2 (CH 3 ,C 2 H0 2 ). 16]. CH 3 ,C 2 H 3 O 3 + 2( H,C 2 H0 2 ). These three salts are the citrates of methyl. A comparison of Nos. 14, 15, and 1 6, with Nos. 2, 3, and 4, shows that the salts are precisely the same, excepting that the potassium of the latter is replaced in the former by methyl, atom for atom. Yet Gerhardt and other chemists give to the salts Nos. 1 5 and 1 6 the denomination of " conjugated acids." No. 15 is their Methyl-citric acid, and No. 16 is their Dime- thyl-citric acid. The only ground for this assumption is, that salts of lime can be formed with these " acids." In that case, we have with No. 1 5, Ca ,C 2 H 3 O 3 + 2(CH 3 ,C 2 HO 2 ). with No. 1 6, CH 3 ,C 2 H 3 3 + 2(Ca, C 2 HO 2 ). Both of these salts are citrates equally with Nos. 1 5 and 1 6, and ought not to be removed from that class merely to make imaginary conjugated acids. There is not a particle of evidence to prove that the methyl and the citric radicals are conjugated into a single acid radical. Methyl-citric acid arid Dimethyl-citric acid are phantoms. 17] 1 8 19 20 2 i -f C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H0 2 + C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H0 2 . + H ,C 2 H0 2 + H ^HO 2 . C 5 H ll ,C 2 H 3 3 4- C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H0 2 + H ,C 2 HO 2 . C 5 H U ,C 2 H 3 O 3 4- ZH*,C 2 HO 2 4. ZH 4 ,C 2 HO 2 . C 5 H U ,C 2 H 3 3 4- K ,C 2 H0 2 4. H,C 2 H0 2 . According to my method of looking at these salts they are all citrates, triple salts formed in exact accordance with the constitution of citric THE CITRIC GROUP OF SALTS. 431 acid, and with the varieties of metallic citrates described above. But Gerhardt, reporting Breunlin's researches, will have the last four to be salts of "conjugated acids" No. 18 is the Amyl-citric acid, Nos. 20 and 21 its salts, and No. 19 is the Ethylamyl-citric acid. In the amyl- citric acid, four radicals out of the six that are present in the salt are assumed to be conjugated into an acid radical, which then of course is bibasic. In the last example, five of the radicals (C 2 H 3 , C 2 H, C 2 H, C 5 H 11 , and C 2 H 5 ,) are conjugated into one acid radical, which has H l to combine with as the corresponding and only remaining basic radical. The formula supplied for the last salt are C 26 H 22 14 = C 12 H 6 (C 4 H 5 ) (C l H ll )O u . There is not the slightest necessity for this conglomerating process, nor has it any beneficial result. Conjugated acids are not merely enemies to the accurate discrimination of facts, and to the precise knowledge of intricate details : they are great high priests of false philo- sophy. In salt No. 1 9, if we consider it as a triple salt, we have an intel- ligible view of its composition; but if we regard it as " ethyl amyl-citric acid," we must suppose that two basic radicals, ethyl and amyl = C^H 5 + C 5 H", combine with the three acid radicals = C 2 H 3 + C 2 H + C 2 H, to form a single acid radical = C 13 H 21 , which has then only a saturating capacity equal to H 1 . What has become of the saturating capacities of all the component radicals which are assumed to be condensed into this mammoth radical ? What proof have we that the radical C 13 H. 21 is really formed ? None whatever. 22]. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 -f- 2(ZH 2 ,C 2 HO). CITRAMIDE. This is the amid which corresponds to the unknown trimetallic or tri- basic citrate of ammonia. That salt can be prepared in solution though it cannot be procured in crystals. I wish to draw attention to the fact, that as every one of the three atoms of ammonium belonging to this salt is converted into amid, every one of the three salts loses simultaneously one atom of oxygen, and the result is the production of an amidogen salt which contains only four atoms of oxygen instead of the seven atoms which belong to the normal citrate. Thus : ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 3 = HHO + ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 2 . ZH 4 ,C 2 H O 2 = HHO + ZH 2 ,C 2 H O . ZH 4 ,C 2 H O 2 = HHO + ZH 2 ,C 2 H . Now, if we knew to a certainty that the citrate of ammonia was a triple salt, consisting of one atom of ZH 4 ,C 2 H 3 O 3 and two atoms of ZH 4 ,C 2 HO*, this result is precisely what we must predicate as certain to occur on the occasion of its conversion into a triple amid. Conversely, therefore, the facts afford excellent evidence in proof of the triple nature of the acid radical of the citrates. Of this conclusion, the following details respect- ing the phenyl amids afford ample corroborative evidence : 432 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. 23]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 3 + 2( H , 24]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 2 + 2(Ag,C 2 H0 2 ). No. 23 is commonly called the Citrate of aniline. The other citrates, containing respectively two and three atoms of phenylara (ZH 8 ,C 6 H 5 ) have not been discovered, though we are acquainted with their amids. No. 24 is a salt in which the mylite of phenylam has been converted into an amid, the mylete of phenylac, while the two atoms of hydrated dylic acid have both been converted into dylate of silver. These changes prove unquestionably, that while the three salts which constitute a citrate remain in combination with one another, they yet individually retain their chemical powers unimpaired, and can exhibit the phases of all reactions to which they are respectively competent, as decidedly as if the tripartite union were dissolved. No. 24 is described by Pebal as the silver salt of bibasic citro- monanilic acid = 2 AgO,C 24 H ll N0 10 . Here we have another " conjugated acid," which, like all the acids conjugated in this manner, is an unwar- ranted invention and a useless incumbrance. 26 *1 28 H, C 2 H 3 3 + 2 (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO). Ag, C 2 H 3 O 3 + 2(ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO). Ba, C 2 H 3 3 4- 2(ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO). . ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 O 3 4- 2(ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C'HO). These four salts agree exactly with one another in structure. The only difference among them is, that the basic radical H, in No. 25, is replaced in the other salts by Ag, Ba, and ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 . In every example, the mylite, or single salt with the radical C 2 H 3 is a normal salt with O 3 , and is accompanied by two atoms of an anile (phenyl-amid) with the acid radical C 2 H. These amids have each, of course, only one atom of oxygen, the total quantity of oxygen in each salt being five atoms. Here, therefore, each of the three acid radicals which constitute the citric acid acts precisely as if it were an independent acid radical. Comparison of No. 28 with No. 23 : No. 23]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 H 3 3 H; C 2 H0 2 H; C 2 H0 2 No. 28]. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 3 . ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO. ZH ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O . In No. 28, two atoms of oxygen are deficient because two basic radicals are vice-amids (phenylac). If two atoms of HHO could be combined with No. 28, we should have the tribasic citrate of aniline which has not yet been discovered. If two atoms of HHO could be combined with No. 25, we should have the bibasic citrate of aniline, also at present unknown : H ; C 2 H 3 O 3 } (H ; CWO 3 . ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO + H 2 ()l = ^ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O 8 . ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C*H O + H 2 OJ iZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O 2 . THE CITRIC GROUP OF SALTS. 433 Usual names of these four salts. No. 25], Citrobianilic acid = C 36 H 18 N 2 10 = HO.C 36 H 17 IS T2 9 , Pebal Phenyl-citrobiamic acid, Ger- hardt. Monobasic-citro-monanilate of aniline = C I2 H 7 N,HO.C 12 H 5 N, C 12 H 5 9 , Fehling. Aniline salt of monobasic citromonanilic acid = C 12 H 7 N.HO.C 24 H'NO 9 , Pebal Hence Pebal giyes two entirely different names and formula?. I do not perceive, from his description, that there is a corresponding difference in the things. Nos. 26, 27, and 28 are Citrobianilates. 26] = AgO.C 36 H 17 N 8 9 . 27] = BaO,C 36 H 17 N 2 9 . 28] = C 12 H 7 N.HO.C 36 H 17 N 2 9 , Pebal Ac- cording to this chemist, "the composition of these salts shows that the acid is monobasic." (Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, v. 287.) I cannot agree that citrobianilic acid is shown to be monobasic, because it appears to me that there is no such thing in existence as citrobianilic acid ; and once again, I say, that these conjugated acids are a nuisance, alike repugnant to truth and to convenience. 29]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 2 + 2(ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO). Compare Nos. 22 and 29. The latter is the phenylac compound cor- responding to the amid compound represented by the former. Compare 29 with 28. There is simply a difference of HHO in one salt; the phenylam mylite of No. 28 is reduced to phenylac mylete in No. 29; the other two salts in each compound remaining the same. Usual names : Citronanilide = C 4S H 23 N 3 8 , Pebal. Phenyl-citramide = C 12 H 8 (C 12 H 5 ) 3 N 3 8 . Also Triazoture of citryle, of triphenyle, and of hydrogen 1 } Gerliardt. J While Pebal is contented with a clump formula, Gerhardt resorts to the ammonia type, and forces three oxidised salts to appear in the garb of a triple atom of ammonia ; a proceeding which is not warranted, and it will be seen, at No. 32, that the ammonia type breaks down when applied to other examples in the citric group. 3 3 1 ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 O 2 + Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 2 . H ; C 2 H 3 3 + Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 2 . Ag; C 2 H 3 3 + Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 3 ; C 2 H0 2 . These three salts give important testimony in favour of the theory which I am advocating. Each of the three formulas is divided into two parts. The first part of No. 30] is an amid similar to the first part of No. 29]. The first part of Nos. 31 and 32 resemble the corresponding parts of Nos. 25 and 26. In these parts of the three salts there is, therefore, nothing peculiar. The interest lies in the second part of the formulae, which is the same in all three examples, and which represents the com- 2 F 434 THEORY OF POL YB ASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. pounds that are commonly called Aniles, examples of which are given at page 224, and the theory of which has been fully explained in the section that commences at page 222. The usual names and formula} of tWese three salts are as follow : 30]. Citrobianil = C^H'WO 8 , Pebal Phenyl-citrimide; Citrobia- nile, or diazoture of citryle, of diphenyle, and of hydrogen = C 18 H 16 N 2 O 4 f (C 6 H 5 ) 2 ) = N 2 { C 6 H 5 4 I, Gerhardt. ( H j "Citrobianil may be supposed to be formed from bibasic citrate of aniline by separation of 6HO : C 18 H 7 N.HCh C 12 H 7 N.HO C 12 H 5 U - 6HO = C 36 H 16 N 2 8 ." Pebal HOJ 31]. "Monobasic citromonanilic acid = CPff'NO 10 . It may be re- garded as monobasic citrate of aniline minus 4HO : C 18 H 7 N.HO) HO I C 12 H 5 U - 4HO - C^H-'NO 10 ." Pebal. HOJ 32]. The silver salt of monobasic citromonanilic acid = AgO. C 24 H 10 N0 9 , Pebal. I cannot find that Gerhardt has anywhere reduced Nos. 3 1 and 3 2 to " type ammonia." These salts in fact are such as would require an extreme amount of pressure to fit them to that type ; for against one atom of azote we have in 31] the following substitutes for hydrogen: H = i atom, C 6 H 5 phenyl = i atom, C 6 H 5 O 4 citryle = 3 atoms, and O in excess. These atoms will make neither an azoture nor a diazoture, and therefore " type ammonia" breaks down. Pebal makes no attempt to explain the constitution of these salts. He shows their mode of derivation from normal salts, but concludes in each case with a clump formula and a name drawn from the store-house of conjugated acids, that much-frequented place of refuge for distracted theorists. Tried in any way, these compounds present great difficulties on the theory that the citrates are tribasic but monacid. We have the follow- ing atoms to deal with : No. 30]. Z,ZH,C 6 H 5 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 6 H 5 O 4 . No. 3 iJ. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 6 H 5 O 5 . No. 32]. ZAg,C a H 5 ; C 6 H 5 O 5 . Presented in this light, these basic radicals are unintelligible fragments, and the variations in the quantity of oxygen are difficult to be accounted THE CITRIC GROUP OF SALTS. 435 for. The usual theoretical explanation given of salts that contain such fragmentary radicals is, that they are SO-AND-SO minus SO-AND-SO. That explanation tells us how they came to be what they are, but that is not a sufficient explanation. I want to know what they are while they are in the state in which we have them. Gerhardt tries to evade this difficulty by telling us, that the proper definition of a thing is, not what it is, but what it has been, or what it may come to be ; an unsatisfactory argu- ment, which I have discussed at page 410. Now, on the theory that the citrates are triple salts, the formulae 30, 3 1 , and 3 2 present no difficulties whatever. We can account, not only for the variations in the quantity of the oxygen, but for every separate radical, and show that it is doing its proper duty. Thus : ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 O 3 ) fH 2 ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 2 1 ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O 2 1 = { H 3 2 + Z ,C 6 H 5 ; C*H I No. 30. H ; C 2 H 3 2 J [H I ; C 2 H 2 j A citrate containing two Water, Residue. atoms of phenylam 3 atoms. The abstraction of HHO from the first salt simply converts it into an amidogen salt. The abstraction of 2 HHO from the other two salts, leaves such a residue as constitutes an imide or an anile, the theory of which I have fully explained in the article on Imidogen compounds at page 222, to which I have already referred. The azotic radical No. 226, page 224, is the exact counterpart of the second half of the formulae of Nos. 30, 31, and 32. Thus: Z,C 2 H 2 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 O 2 Succinylic-phenylac succinylete. Z,C 2 H ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O 2 Dylic-phenylac dylete. Again, No. 31 requires merely the addition of two atoms of water to be restored to the condition of its normal salt No. 23. H ; C 2 H 3 3 } f Zff.OTP ; Z,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H O + H 4 2 \ = J H ; C 2 H O 2 C 2 HO j ( _ H;C*H0 2 No. 31 -f- Water = No. 23. The same quantity of water applied to No. 32 would produce the fol- lowing salt, which is nearly related to No. 23 : ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 3 3 + Ag,C 2 H0 2 + H,C 2 H0 2 . These considerations prove, almost with the force of mathematical demonstration, that the citrates ought to be considered to be triple salts, each having, not only three basic radicals, but also three acid radicals. On that supposition you can account fully for all their reactions and 2 F2 436 THEORY OF POLY BASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. transformations, without the necessity of resorting to conjugated acids, type ammonia, or other cumbersome or rickety hypotheses, contrived to make things pleasant, or serving to mix them into a muddle. If, on the contrary, you insist that citric acid shall be considered a terbasic acid, I ask you to explain, how it comes to pass, that the citric acid radical C 6 H 5 so thoroughly and effectually holds in the majority of cases, all the chemical powers of three separate radicals, and yet frequently suffers their abnegation to such an extent that you cannot dispose of the positive radicals without a reinforcement of six or eight conjugated acids ? It is easy to declare off hand that a terbasic acid radical has the powers of three monobasic acid radicals ; but when you come to account for the variations in the quantity of oxygen and for the constitution of amides, imides, aniles, conjugated acids, and similar imaginary compounds to which the terbasic doctrine drives you ; the difficulties and contradictions which assail you are so unconquerable, that you are driven, in despair, to take shelter behind that convenient dummy the unitary formula. INVESTIGATION OF THE ACONITES. When citric acid is exposed to heat, it disengages carbonic oxide and carbonic acid, and yields a residue which is called Aconitic acid, and which is commonly indicated by the following formula : 3HO,C 12 H 3 9 . " Aconitic acid is isomeric with fumaric and malaBic acids. Hydratod aconitic acid contains the elements of two equivalents of water less than hydrated citric acid: 3 HO,C 12 H 3 9 + 2HO = 3 HO,C 12 H 5 11 . Meed, aconitic acid derives its principal interest from its close connection with citric acid, and from the light which its composition throws upon some apparent anomalies in relation to the separation of water from the crystallised acid and its salts." Miller (Elem. Chem. iii. 343). Doubling the atomic weights of C and O, and re-arranging the for- mula, we produce H 3 ,C 6 H 3 O 6 . These numbers represent a terbasic acid, but this acid is made terbasic without necessity, and I divide the for- mula by 3, which leaves H,C 2 HO 2 . Dr. Miller's remarks respecting the difficulties which depend upon the different degrees of hydration of citric acid, I have disposed of in the Notes to Nos. I and 1 3 of the citrates. The formula to which I have reduced the aconitic acid, H,C 2 HO 2 , agrees exactly with the formula of the acid which I have in the sections on the Malates and the Citrates called Hydra dylete. I cannot undertake to determine whether the radical C 2 !! = DYL is the radical of the aconites, the malseates, or the fumarates. That must remain for special deter- mination. I have hitherto used the term Dyl to signify C' 2 H, in order not to prejudge the question. But I shall use the term aconyl in describing the aconites. The Table of Examples, Nos. 33 to 42, afford sufficient specimens of INVESTIGATION OF THE ACONITES. 437 the different varieties of aconites. No. 33 is the aconitic acid. Nos. 34 and 35 are examples of neutral salts. Nos. 37 and 39 are examples of the triple salts, which probably gave rise to the notion that the aconites were terbasic : K,C 2 H0 2 + 2(H,C 2 H0 2 ) = KH 2 ,C 6 H 8 O 6 . The salts Nos. 36 and 38 afford examples of double aconites. These were procured by Baup by dividing a quantity of acid into two parts, neutralising one part by a base, and then mixing the whole. The crystals were subsequently analysed, and were found to agree with formulae that lead to Nos. 36 and 38. Gerhardt and Gmelin, prepossessed with the idea that the aconites were undoubtedly terbasic, concluded that Baup's experiments were inexact ; but experiments are not necessarily inexact, because their results disagree with a theory which is itself un- founded. !Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 2 \ H ; C 2 H0 2 j Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 2 ( Ag; C 2 HO 2 j These salts are precisely like the salts 3 1 and 3 2 of the citric series, ex- cepting that they contain only one kind of acid radical, instead of two different acid radicals. The theory of the constitution of these salts is the same as that by which I have explained the citric salts. Gerhard t's name for No. 40 is Phenyl-aconitamic, or aconitanilic acid = C 24 H 9 N0 8 = C 12 H 6 12 + C 12 H 7 N - 4HO. No. 41 is the silver salt of that hypo- thetical conjugated acid. 42]. J Z,C 2 H,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 H0 2 I ZH ,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 HO[ This is evidently the combination of an amidogen salt with an imidogen salt (using the current phraseology of Chemistry). Gerhardt calls it Phenyl-aconitimide ; aconito-bianile ; or diazoture of aconityle, of di- phenyle, and of hydrogen. He gives these formulas : = C 36 H 14 N 2 O 6 = C 11 H 4 (C li H) i N 1 0'; also C I8 H M N I O 8 r(G 6 H 5 ) 2 = NV C 6 H 3 3 ; I H and the following to explain the origin of the compound : C l2 H 6 la + 2 C 12 H 7 N - 6HO = C 36 H 14 N 2 6 . These three phenylac compounds were discovered by Pebal. On the radical theory, No. 42 is accounted for by the following equation : 438 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 8 ) f HHO + ZH ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO ) ZH 3 ,C 6 H*;C*H0 2 = JHHO) I H ; C 2 H0 2 J 1 1 HHO ( + Z ' C H ' U j These three derivatives from aniline present great difficulties of explana- tion if we treat aconitic acid as terbasic. What these difficulties are, I have explained at the end of the section on the citrates. On the other ha$d, if we treat aconitic acid as monobasic, we can account for the con- stitution of these amids easily and satisfactorily. I repeat, then, that the formula of aconitic acid is H r ,C*H0 2 , and that it is monobasic. The assumption of the formula 3HO,C 18 H 3 9 , and the declaration of the terbasicity of this acid are justified only by the doctrine, that it is easy to convert a monobasic acid into a terbasic acid by tripling the formula. See page 395. INVESTIGATION OF THE CITRACONATES. The common formula of the Citraconic acid is 2HO,C 18 H 4 O 6 , and it is esteemed to be BIBASIC. I propose to show that its reactions and trans- formations are such as indicate that it is a double monobasic salt, having two different acid radicals, and agreeing with the following formula: H,C 3 H 3 2 + H,C 2 HO a . As this acid can be prepared by heating aconitic acid, it is probable that the radical C 2 H is aconyl; but as the acid is commonly procured by heating citric acid, and as I do not wish to prejudge the question re- specting the identity of these isomeric radicals, I shall, as before, call the radical C'H dyl, while the other radical CT 3 shall be called tryl. This radical agrees in composition with acryl, the radical of acrolein, and with the radical of the pyruvates. All these radicals are produced by heating other hydrocarbons. They may be one and the same thing, but I cannot say that they are so, and therefore I use the term tryl, as a provisional name for the acid radical C 3 H 3 , as it occurs in the Citra- conates. Examples of Citraconates are given in the Table, Nos. 43 to 62. As many of these salts present forms of combination which have been already examined minutely, I shall pass over them briefly. 43]. H,C B H'O i + H,C*HO a Hydra trylete cum hydra dylete. This is the hydrated aconitic acid. Being a double acid, it has two re- placeable atoms of hydrogen, and in that sense is truly bibasic ; but, as each of these basic radicals is combined with a separate acid radical, the salts are not bibasic in the ordinary sense of that term, but are biacid as well as bibasic. 44]. This is the citraconic anhydride or anhydrous citraconic acid = C'H^C'HO 3 , which agrees precisely with the compound anhydrides described at page 121. 45] and 46] are examples of acid citraconates. 47] and 48] are examples of neutral citraconates, 49] is INVESTIGATION OF THE C1TRACONATES. 439 a compound salt in which one of the constituent salts. is tribasic. 50] is the oxychloride of citraconyl; which Gmelin calls Chloropyrocitryl. A moist air converts it into hydrochloric and hydrated citraconic acid : C 3 H 3 ,C10 + H,HO _ H,C B H0 1 + HC1 C 2 H ,C10 + H,HO ~ H,C 2 H O 2 + HC1 The oxychlorides in general have one atom of chlorine and one atom of oxygen with each organic radical. The same proportions occur here. There are two atoms of chlorine and two atoms of oxygen, because there are two organic radicals. 5 1] is the Citraconimide, formed by the action of heat on the citraconate of ammonia, No. 45] : 45J -1 _ j H ; C 3 H 3 O 2 ) JZH,C 3 H 3 ; C 2 H0 2 = 51]. ZH 4 ; C 2 H0 2 j == 1 HHO + HHO = water. -52] is called Citraconamide, and also Citraconamic acid. The term Ci- traconamide is improper, because it implies the amide of the neutral citraconamate of ammonia, which must have this composition : ZH 2 ,C 2 H0 2 + ZH 2 ,C 3 H 3 2 ; whereas No. 52] is the amide of the acid citraconate of ammonia, and therefore the term citraconamic acid is preferable. No. 53] is the barytic salt of that acid. There are similar salts with Pb and Ag instead of Ba. These salts belong to the amidogen acids with compound radicals, group C, page 227. Compare 242 (in that page) with 52, and 246 with 53. 54], This is the double amidogen salt, formed from the (unknown) neutral citraconate of aniline. Thus : ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 3 O 2 _ ZH,C 6 H 5 ;C 3 H 3 O + HHO ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 2 * ZH,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 H O + HHO. 55]. This salt bears the same relation to the acid citraconate of aniline, which 54] bears to the neutral salt, excepting that it is necessarily pro- duced by the abstraction of only one atom of water. Thus : ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 3 O 2 _ ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 3 O + HHO H ; C 2 H O 8 = H ; C 2 H O 2 55] belongs to the anilidogen-acids with compound radicals, Group D, page 228. The salts of this class are called acids, only in accordance with Gerhardt's law, that " any substance is an acid which contains hydrogen capable of being replaced by metals by double decomposition." 56] and 57]. These are merely examples of salts corresponding to the imaginary "acid" No. 55- 58]. Z,C 3 H 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H0 8 59], Z,C 3 H 3 ,C 6 H 4 I ? C 2 HO 2 6oJ. Z^H^H'Z 2 ; C 2 H0 6 440 THEORY OF POLYBAS1C AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. No. 58 is an "anile" similar to those described in Group 6), page 224. No. 59 is similar to 58, but contains iodic-phenyl instead of normal phenyl. No. 60 is similar, but contains zotenic-phenyl instead of normal phenyl. The presence of two atoms of azote in this vice-radical causes the salt No. 60 to have four atoms of oxygen more than the cor- responding salts Nos. 58 and 59- See the account of the iodic and zotic vice-radicals at page 132. No. 58 is derived from the acid citra- conate of phenylam by the abstraction of two atoms of HHO. Thus : ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 3 O a _ Z,C 3 H 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 HO 2 H ; C'H O 2 ~ HHO + HHO. 61]. This salt is perfectly equivalent to 55, excepting that it contains zotenic-phenyl instead of normal phenyl, and consequently has four addi- tional atoms of oxygen. 62]. The silver-salt of the "acid" 61. This salt is equivalent to 57, excepting that, like its acid, it contains Z 2 -}- O 4 instead of H 2 in the phenylac. Usual names of these aniline compounds. 54]. Diphenyl-itaconamide, or diazoture of diphenyle and of itaconyle = C 17 H 16 N 2 O 2 [ C 5 H 4 2 = N 2 (C'H 5 ) 2 ; I H 2 also Itaconanilide = C 10 H fl (C 12 H 5 ) 2 N 2 4 , Gerhardt. 55]. Phenyl-itaco- namic, or Itaconanilic acid = OWNO" = C l H 6 (C 12 H 5 N0 6 , Gerhardt. 6 (C 1 Citraconanilic acid = HO.C^H^NO 5 = HO.C 12 H 6 N,C'H 4 O 5 , Fehling. 58]. Phenyl-citraconimide ; citraconanile = C i2 H 9 NO 4 = C'H 4 (C I2 H 5 ) NO 4 , Gerhardt. 59]. lodophenyl - citraconimide, or Citraconiodanile = C l H 4 (C 18 H 4 I)]S T O 4 , Gerhardt. 60]. Dinitrophenyl- ' citraconimide = C l H 4 (C' 2 H 3 (NO 4 ) 8 )NO 4 = C 22 H'(NO 4 ) 2 N0 4 = Gerliardt. Citraconbinitranil C 12 4 N.C 10 H 4 4 , Fehling. acid = 6il. Dinitrophenyl - citraconamic aci = C l H 6 (C 18 H 3 (NO 4 ) 2 )NO 6 , Gerhardt. In 55 and 61, we have, according to Gerhardt, two more conjugated acids ; for which assumptions there is, as usual, neither evidence nor necessity. I have treated these complicated compounds (the Citraconates) very briefly, because, as I have mentioned, every form of combination which they exhibit has repeatedly come under our consideration in the preceding pages, and it appears to be useless to repeat explanations and demon- strations with which the r^,der may reasonably be supposed to be by this time sufficiently acquainted. ( 441 ) The Succinic Group. I have suggested at page 81 the desirableness of classified Tables of compound radicals, which should exhibit all that are known, and indi- cate the place and composition of such as are unknown. And at page 79 I have given a Table representing the radicals which constitute the vinyl series. In that Table I have pointed out a regular series of Acid radicals, which, beginning with formyl = C'H 1 , proceeds by the addition of atoms of vinyl = C^H 2 , one after the other, to form the series C 2 H 3 , C 3 H 5 , &c., up to Melissyl = C 30 H 59 , at which point we reach the limit of known acid radicals of this series. In the same Table I have described a series of Basic radicals, which, beginning with hydrogen H 1 , proceeds by the addition of atoms of vinyl, C 1 H 2 , one after the other, to form the regular series CH 3 , C ? H 5 , &c., up to Myricyl = C 30 H 61 , where the limit of basic radicals of this series hitherto discovered by experiment is again reached. In the same manner, I now proceed to describe a regular, though only a short, series of acid radicals, which we may conceive to be formed by commencing with a single atom of carbon = C 1 , and adding to it, one by one, a succession of atoms of vinyl = C 1 !! 2 . We thus produce a series of acid radicals, which are all necessarily distinguished by having an even number of atoms of hydrogen, in which respect they differ essentially from the radicals of the vinyl series, all of which contain an uneven number of atoms of hydrogen : C + CH 2 = C 2 H 2 = Succinyl. C + 2CH 2 = C 3 H 4 = Adipyl. C -f- 2CH 2 = C 4 H 6 = Suberyl. C + 4CH 2 = C 5 H 8 = Sebamyl. This is the limit of the series as far as it is known at present. These radicals produce the following monobasic acids, each with two atoms of .oxygen : Common Names. H,C 2 H 2 2 = Hydra succiriylete . . Succinic acid. H,C 3 H 4 O 2 = Hydra adipylete . . Adipic acid. H.CftFO 8 = Hydra suberylete . . Suberic acid. H,C 5 H 8 2 = Hydra sebamylete . . Sebacic acid. These acids, and all their salts, have the faculty of forming interme- diate double salts, and thus produce the following series : Common Names. (H,C 2 H 2 O 2 (Hydrasuccinyletecum . . ., tH,C 3 H 4 2 j hydra adipylete. Pyrotartanc acid. 442 THEORY OF POLYBAS1C AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. Common Names. |H,C 3 H 4 2 )Hydra adipylete cum ^ v |H,C 4 H 6 2 f hydra suberylete. Pimehc acid ' I H,C 4 H 6 2 1 Hydra suberylete cum A , . tH,C*H 8 2 f hydra sebamylete. Anchoic acid * These seven acids are commonly assumed to be Bibasic, but, making a distinction between bibasic salts and double salts, I deny that there is any evidence to sustain this bibasic character. I shall show, that the first four acids are decidedly monobasic, that the last three are double acids, which act precisely as if each contained two separate acid radicals, and that the supposition that they contain special bibasic radicals is erroneous. Before I proceed to the examination of these acids individually, I will refer to the relations which they bear to certain acids of the vinyl series : H,C 4 H 7 O 2 + O 3 - H,HO = H,C 2 H 2 2 + H,C 2 H 2 2 Butyric acid. Succinic acid, 2 atoms. H,C 5 H 9 O 2 + O 3 - H,HO = H,C 2 H 2 2 + H,C 3 H 4 O 2 Valerianic acid. Pyrotartaric acid, i atom- H,C 6 H ll O" + 0* - H,HO = H,C 3 H 4 2 + H.C'H'O" Caproic acid. Adipic acid, 2 atoms. H,C 7 H 13 2 + O 3 - H,HO = H.C'H'O 1 + H,C 4 H 6 O 2 (Enanthylic acid. Pimelic acid, i atom. HjC 8 IPO* + O 3 - H,HO = H,C 4 H 6 O 2 -f H,C 4 H 6 O 2 Caprylic acid. Suberic acid, 2 atoms. H,C 9 H 17 O 2 + O 3 - H,HO = H^H'O 8 + H,C 5 H 8 O 2 Pelargonic acid. Anchoic acid, i atom. H,C 10 H 19 O 2 + O 3 - H,HO = H,C 5 H"O 2 -f H,C 5 H 8 O 2 Rutic acid. Sebacic acid, 2 atoms. According to this Table, when a volatile acid of the vinyl series is decomposed by 3 atoms of oxygen, one atom of water = HHO sepa- rates, and the residue forms two complete acids of the succinic group. Experiment confirms this theoretical view in frequent cases ; the acids with an even number of atoms of hydrogen being often produced when the acids of the vinyl series are heated with nitric acid. So, inversely, when the acids of the succinic group are heated alone, they give off carbonic acid = CO 2 , and produce volatile acids of the vinyl group. The succinic group of acids is sometimes called the oxalic acid group, and it is made to commence with the radical C, and the acid H,CO 8 = hydra carbete or hydrated oxalic acid. Placing that acid = H,CO 2 , before succinic acid = H,C 2 H 2 2 , we might expect to find the intermediate double acid : EXAMPLES OF THE SUCCINIC GROUP. 443 {TT ri O^l r'ri 2 R 2 O 2 i Hydra carbete cum hydra succinylete, but no bibasic acid of this composition has hitherto been observed. Table of Examples of the Succinic Group. A. THE SuccitfATEs. 1. H ,C 2 H 2 2 Hydra succinylete. 2. C 2 H 2 ,C 2 H 2 8 Succinyla succinylite. j 2(H ,C 2 H 2 O 2 ) ) Bis hydra succinylete cum succinyla *-.VOTP,OTXP f succinylite. 4. K ,C 2 H 2 2 Potassa succinylete. K ,C 2 H 2 O 2 IPotassa succinylete cum hydra succi- H,C 2 H 2 2 f nylete. J K ,C 2 H 2 O 2 ) Potassa succinylete tris hydra succi- t 3 (H,C 2 H 2 2 f nylete. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 O 2 Ammona succinylete. j \ ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 2 ) Ammona succinylete cum hydra H ,C 2 H 2 2 } succinylete. 9. Ag,C 2 H 2 2 Argenta succinylete. 10. CH 3 ,C 2 H 2 2 Methyla succinylete. 11. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 2 2 Ethy la succinylete. j K ,C 2 H 2 O 2 IPotassa succinylete cum magna suc- I2 '\ Mg,C 2 H 2 2 f cinylete. 13. Mg 3 ,C 2 H 2 3 Magnine succinylite. Azotic Compounds of Group A. 14. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 2 . . . . Amida succinylate. 15. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 O . . Phenylac succinylate. - IZH 2 ,C 2 H 2 0) , ., . . ., 1 I H C 2 H 2 2 I ' ' ' -"^y^ ra ami da succmylemte. (ZH 2 ic 2 H 2 O| I 7* I A C 2 H 2 2 I * ' ' ^ r g enta ami da succmylemte. . JZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 O) I H- C 2 H 2 O 2 I * "ydra pheny lac succmylemte. JZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 0) J 9* j Ag- C 2 H 2 O 2 ( ' ^ r g enta ptenylac succmylemte. 20. ZH,C 2 H 2 ; C 2 H 2 O 2 . Succinylac succinylete. 21. ZAg,C 2 H 2 ; C 2 H 2 O 2 . Argentic-succiny lac succinylete. 22. ZC 2 H 2 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 O 2 . Succinylic-phenylac succinylete. IZH 2 ; C 2 H 2 O) Amida succinylate cum ar- 2 1' jZHAg ; C 2 H 2 Oj gentac succinylate. 444 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. Chlorine Compounds of Group A. 24. C 2 H 2 ,C1O .... Succinyla chlorate. 25. H,C 2 C1 2 O 8 .... Hydra chlorenic-succinylete. 26. K,C 2 C1 2 O 8 .... Potassa chlorenic-succinylete. 27. C 2 CP,C 2 C1 2 O 8 . . . Chlorunic-ethyla chlorenic-suc- cinylete. Sulpho-succin ates . (H C^ffO 2 1 28. ^TT'CQS > Hydra succinylete cum hydra sulphete. I C 2 H 2 C'H^ 3 ) 2 9* I fH'sO 8 "> [Succinyla succinylite bis hydra sulphete. ( ZH 4 ',C 2 H 2 2 ) A 20 < H QajpAal A mmona succinylete cum hydra succmy- I ^/r/m c^a\ I lete bis ammona sulphete. j f I ' I 1 2 TT82 1 Potassa succinylete cum hydra succinylete 2 (K SO 9> ) I ^ s Ptassa sulphete. { I TT '^ajTgQslPlumba succinylete cum hydra succinylete ' J2(Pb',SO 2 ) ) bis P lumba sul P nete - (H C 2 H 2 O 2 ) TT- '^Q 2 j-Hydra succinylete cum potassa sulphete. Pb'c 2 H 2 2 ) Pb'sO 2 [Plumba succinylete cum plumba sulphete. ( C 2 H 2 C 2 H 2 O 3 ) ' I 2(C 'sO 2 "i [Succinyla succinylite bis calca sulphete. { JC 2 HBa,C 8 H*0 3 )Barytic-succinyla succinylite bis baryta 3 't 2(Ba,S0 2 ) f sulphete. B. THE ADIPATES. 37. H,C 3 H 4 2 . . -. Hydra adipylete. 38. Ca,C 3 H 4 2 . . . Calca adipylete. 39. Ag jCWO* . . . Argenta adipylete. 40. C t H B ,C B H 4 1 i . '. Ethyla adipylete. C. THE SUBERATES. 41. H,C 4 H 6 2 . . . Hydra suberylete. 42. ZH 4 ,C 4 H 6 O 8 . . . Ammona suberylete. 43. Ag,C*H*O* . . . Argenta suberylete. 44. Pb,C 4 H 6 O 2 . . . Plumba suberylete. J Pb 3 ,C 4 H 6 O 3 ) Plumbine suberylite cum 45- ] Pb,C 4 H 6 O s ( ' ' ' plumba suberylete. 46. CH 3 ,C 4 H 6 2 . . . Methyla suberylete. EXAMPLES OF THE SUCCIISIIC GROUP. 445 47. C 2 H 5 ,C 4 H< : 0' 2 . . . Ethyla suberylete. 48. ZH 2 ,C 4 H C O . . . Amida suberylate. 49. ZH ,C 6 H 5 : C 4 H 6 O . Phenylac suberylate. ( 7TT r^W 5 r* 4 TT 6 O 1 50. 1 j ; C 4 H 6 O 2 I ' Hydra P hen y lac suberylenite. 5 1 . ZH ' I g^, . Argenta phenylac suberylenite. D. THE SEBATES. 52. H ,OH 8 O 2 . . . Hydra sebamylete. 53. K ,C 5 H 8 O 2 . . . Potassa sebamylete. 54. Ag ,C 5 H*O 2 . . . Argenta sebamylete. 55. CH 3 ,C 5 H 8 O 2 . . . Methy la sebamylete. 56. C 2 H 5 ,C 5 H 8 2 . . . Ethyla sebamylete. 57. ZH*,C 5 H 8 O . . . Amida sebamy late. ~ H 5 H 8 O 2 ( ' ' ' Hydra amida sebamylenite. 59. "H,H,C 3 H 5 ; C 5 H 8 O 4 . Hydren glycyla sebamylote. E. THE PYROTARTRATES. ( H ,C 3 H 4 2 \Hydra adipylete cum hydra b0 ' \ H ,C 2 H 2 2 ( succinylete. 61. C 3 H 4 ,C 2 H 2 3 Adipyla succinylite. J ZH 4 ,C 3 H 4 O 8 ) Amniona adipylete cum am- 62 ' ^ ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 O 2 f mona succinylete. ZH 4 ,C 3 H 4 2 )Ammona adipylete cum hy- H ,C 2 H 2 2 f dra succinylete. , i Ba ,C 3 H 4 O 2 ) Baryta adipylete cum baryta 6 4' 1 Ba ,O 2 H 2 O a f succinylete. Ba,C 3 H 4 O 2 i Baryta adipylete cum hydra H , C 2 H 2 O 2 f succinylete. Pb ,C 3 H 4 O 2 1 Plumba adipylete cum plum- Pb ,C 2 H 2 O 2 f ba succinylete. Pb 3 ,C 3 H 4 O 3 \Plumbine adipylite cum Pb ,C 2 H 2 O 2 ( plumba succinylete. Pb 3 ,C 3 H 4 3 )Plumbine adipylite cum Pb 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 3 | plumbine succinylite. C H 3 ,C 3 H 4 2 1 Methyla adipylete cum me- C H 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 2 f thyla succinylete. C*H 5 ,C 3 H 4 2 ) Ethyla adipylete cum ethyla 70. j c 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 2 2 | succinylete. J Alc 3 ,C 3 H 4 3 | Alinic adipylite cum hydrine 7 1 ' \ H 3 , C 2 H 2 O 3 j succinylite. J ' \ 446 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND COXGUGATED ACIDS. (Bic 3 ,C 3 H 4 O 3 )Bisminic adipylite cum bis- i ' (BicH 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 3 ) mic hydren succinylite. (Uc 3 ,C 3 H 4 O 3 lUrinic adipylite cum uric 73- |UcH 2 ,C 2 H 2 3 / hydren succinylite. Azotic Compounds of Group E. Adipylac succinylete. Adipylic-phenylac succinylete. Adipylic-zotic-phenylac suc- cinylote. Phenylac adipylate cum hy- dra succinylete. Phenylac adipylate cum plumba succinylete. Zotic-phenylac adipylite cum hydra succinylete. F. THE PIMELATES. , Hydra suberylete cum hydra adipylete. . Argenta suberylete cum argenta adipylete. G. THE ANCHOATES. 1 H C 4 H 6 O 2 f * Hyd ra sebamylete cum hydra suberylete. JA r)4ij 6 O 2 l . Argenta sebamylete cum argenta suberylete. 'puTj6f)2f Baryta sebamylete cum baryta suberylete. C 5 H 8 O 2 1 'c 4 H 6 O*l ' P Qtassa sebamylete cum hydra suberylete. 74. ZH,C 3 H 4 ; C 2 H 2 2 . . 75. Z,C 3 H 4 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 0* 76. Z,C 3 H 4 ,C 6 H 4 Z ; C' 2 H 2 4 (ZH,C 6 H 5 C 3 H 4 O 1 77' { H C 2 H 2 O 2 ) 7 8 -| ZH) pT C 3 H 4 0\ C 2 H 2 2 ( k JZH,C 6 H 4 Z C 3 H 4 3 ) 79- 1 H C 2 H 2 2 f 80. 81 82. [,C 3 H 4 2 f IAg,C 4 H0 8 i lAg,C 3 H 4 2 | Investigation of the Succinic Group of Salts. THE SUCCINATES, GROUP A. Nos. i to 36. l]. H,C 2 H 2 S Hydra succinylete. 2\. C 2 H 2 ,C 2 H 2 3 .... Succinyla succinylite. 3]. 2(H,C i H 2 O 2 )4-C 2 H 2 ,C 2 H 2 3 Bis hydra succinylete cum succinyla succinylite. These three salts represent succinic acid. No. i] is the crystallised acid. No. 2] is the anhydrous acid. No. 3] is the sublimed acid, INVESTIGATION OF THE SUCCINATES. 447 which contains two atoms of the hydrated acid, and one atom of the anhydride, or in all, four atoms of the radical succinyl. Gerhardt doubles the formula of succinic acid, and calls it BIBASIC ; many organic chemists imitate him ; but the practice is unnecessary, and the consequences are more injurious than beneficial. All the salts can be perfectly well accounted for on the supposition that succinyl is mono- basic, and agrees with the formula C 2 H 2 . This radical has no atomic measure in gaseous salts. See page 96. 4]. K ,C 2 H 2 O 2 7]. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 2 sa- il]. . CH 3 ,C 2 H 2 2 C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 2 2 . 9]. Ag,C 2 H 2 2 These five salts are examples of neutral monobasic succinates. , J 5>\ K,C 2 H 2 O 2 H,C 2 H 2 2 ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 2 H,C 2 H 2 2 -, I2 > J K,C 2 H 2 2 }Mg,C 2 H 2 2 These are examples of double salts, of similar constitution to the double sulphates (page 150) and double oxalates (page 179). 6], K,C 2 H 2 O 2 + 3 (H,C 2 H 2 2 ). * A quadruple salt, equivalent to the quadroxalate of potash (page 179). 13], Mg^JTO 3 - Mg,C 2 H 2 2 + Mg,MgO. A terbasic succinate, similar in structure to the terbasic phosphates and other salts of this character, which have been frequently explained in the preceding pages. Succinates with Azotic Radicals, Nos. 14 to 23. The salts of this group present forms of combination which have been so frequently quoted and criticised, that it seems to be scarcely necessary to go through their investigation individually. No. 14] is Succinamide, derived from the neutral ammonium salt No. 7. No. 15] Succinanilide, corresponding to No. 14, but containing phenylac instead of normal amid. 16]. Succinamic acid. See No. 245, page 227. 17]. A salt of the acid No. 16. 18]. Succinanilic acid. See No. 250, page 228. 19]. A salt of the acid No. 18. 20]. Succinimide ; see No. 221, page 224. 21]. Succinimide, in which H 1 is replaced by Ag l . 22]. Suc- cinanile; No. 226, page 225. 23]. A double atom of succinamide, in which one of the atoms of ZH 2 has been replaced by ZHAg. The salts of this group have been thoroughly investigated in the Theory of the Azotic Radicals, particularly between pages 222 and 228. Chlorine Compounds of Group A, Nos. 24 to 27. 24]. The oxychloride of succinyl. 25]. Succinic acid, in which all the hydrogen of the acid radical is replaced by chlorine. 26], Potash 448 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. salt of the chlorinated acid No. 25. 27]. Succinate of ethyl, No. 1 1, in which all the hydrogen, both of the succinyl and the ethyl, is replaced by chlorine. The Sulpho-succinaies, Nos. 28 to 36. It is stated in most chemical works that the sulpho-snccinates contain a compound acid, the sulpho-succinic acid, which is composed of sul- phuric acid and succinic acid, and which is TERBASIC. Gerhardt's for- mula for it are as follow : C 8 H 6 S 2 H -f 2 aq. = C 8 H 6 O 8 ,2S0 3 + 2 aq. (Traite de Chimie, ii. 470), and C 4 H 6 S0 7 = O 3 SO'^ ^.^ iy> 6ll< Millei / s formu]a is 3 HO, C^IPO 5 , 2 SO 3 , 2 aq. I am unable, however, to find any evidence to prove the existence of this compound or conjugated terbasic acid, and it appears to be far more probable that the salts are compounds of succi- nates with sulphates, sometimes neutral and sometimes with excess of acid. The formulae Nos. 28 to 36, are framed in accordance with this opinion. 28]. H,C 2 H 2 2 + H,SO*. A double salt containing one atom each of hydrated succinic acid and hydrated sulphuric acid. These proportions agree with Miller's formula and with Gerhardt's first formula. It is a double acid, and not a single bibasic acid with a compound radical. 29]. C'H 2 ,C 2 H 2 3 +2(H,S0 2 ). This compound agrees with Gerhardt's second formula. It is the acid which is assumed to be formed by the action of anhydrous sulphuric acid upon hydrated succinic acid ; thus : H,C 2 H ? 2 ) (C 2 H 2 ,C 2 H 2 8 H,C 2 H 2 2 l = { H,SO S,S0 3 J I H,SO 9 The acid 29] is equivalent to two atoms of the acid 28], less one equi- valent of HHO. It is half in the hydrated condition, and half in the condition of anhydride. H ,C 2 H 2 2 4- ZH 4 ,S0 2 ) [ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 O 2 4- ZH 4 ,S0 2 ) H ,C 2 H 2 2 + K ,S0 2 ) K ,C 2 H*O 2 4- K ,SO 2 j H ,C 2 H 2 2 4- Pb ,S0 2 i Pb ,C 2 H 2 2 4- Pb ,S0 2 j These three compounds afford examples of the salts that are commonly called terbasic sulpho-succinates. There are, indeed, three metallic -, 3J- INVESTIGATION OF THE SULPHO-SUCCINATES. 419 radicals in each of these examples, but there is also in each one atom of basic hydrogen, which makes the salts tetrabasic. There is no proof that this atom of hydrogen forms a conjugated acid with the sulphur and the succinyl. On the contrary, the salts are evidently double salts of the form of the hydrated acid No. 28, and are therefore tetra-acid as well as tetra-basic, or, in other words, are quadruple salts. 33]. H,C 2 H 8 2 + K,S0 2 . This salt is produced by mixing a solution of No. 3 1 with a solution of No. 28. This is the simplest form of the acid salt of the series. It resembles one-half of each of the double salts Nos. 30, 31, and 32. 34]. Pb,C 2 H 2 2 + Pb,S0 2 . This is the form of the neutral salt of the series, and it resembles the second half of each salt of the series of double salts, Nos. 30, 31, 32. That is to say, those three double salts result from the combination in pairs of salts of the forms shown by Nos. 33 and 34. When the salt No. 34 is dried, it loses water, and falls into the com- pound shown by the following formula : C 2 HPb,C*HPb0 3 + 2(Pb,S0 2 ), Fehling. In this case the radical succinyl C 2 H 8 is converted into the metallic vice- radical Plumbic-succmyl C 2 HPb. 35]. C 2 H 2 ,C 2 H 2 3 -f 2 (Ca,S0 2 ). This compound represents the semi-anhydride No. 29, with its basic hydrogen replaced by calcium. The formula represents the salt after it is dried at 212 F. When in solution, it has an acid reaction, and pro- bably has then the constitution represented by formula 33, viz.: H^ffO 2 + CaSO 2 ; because IC 2 H 2 ,C 2 H 2 3 + 2(Ca,S0 2 ){ JH,C 2 H 2 2 + CaSO 2 ) I -f H , H O \ "- JH,C 2 H 2 2 + CaS0 2 f 36]. C 2 HBa,C 2 H 2 3 + 2(Ba,S0 2 ). This salt contains barytic-succinyl C 2 HBa. The formula represents the composition of the salt dried at 212 F. If dried less, so as to contain HHO more, its composition would be equal to that of the salt 32, namely : JH,C 2 H 2 2 -J- Ba,SOM \Ba,C 2 H 2 2 + Ba,S0 2 .f No. 36 is the only salt of the series which warrants the common assumption, that the sulpho-succinates contain three atoms of H in the acid, and three atoms of H replaceable by basic radicals. It is, never- theless, an exceptional, and not a normal, form of the sulpho-succinates. There is a remarkable diversity in the constitution of the salts of this 2 G 450 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. acid, arising from the facility with which it gives off successive quantities of HHO during the process of drying ; but, notwithstanding this di- versity, we perceive nowhere any symptoms of the existence of a con- jugated acid radical composed of succinyl and sulphur. I conclude, therefore, that the sulpho-succinates are double salts composed of sul- phates and succinates, combined together, either in their normal con- dition, or in various states of dehydration. THE ADIPATES. GROUP B. Nos. 37 to 40. Professor Miller's formula for adipic acid is 2HO,C 12 H 8 6 . Cor- recting the atomic weights of C and O, and dividing the whole formula by 2, we produce HjCPEPO*, which agrees with No. 37. No com- pound of adipic acid is known, which warrants the doubling of the formula to make the monobasic acid appear to be bibasic. THE SUBERATES. GROUP C. Nos. 41 to 51. The formula commonly given to suberic acid is 2HO,C I6 H I9 O 6 , which represents it to be bibasic. After correcting the weights of C and O, and reducing the formula to the monobasic form, we have H,C 4 H 8 O 2 , which agrees with No. 41. There are no bibasic suberates. No. 45 is a tetrabasic salt of similar structure to the pyrophosphates. The amidogen salts are perfectly regular, and prove this acid to be mono- basic. No. 48 is suberamid, evidently derived, in the usual way, from the neutral ammonium salt No. 42 by the abstraction of HHO. No. 49 is the corresponding anilide, differing from No. 48, only by the replacement of amidogen ZH 2 , by phenylac ZH,C 6 H 5 . Gerhardt's names and formula for this salt are as follow : Diphenyl-suberamide, or ] I = N*H'(C 12 H 5 )*(C 8 H 6 8 ) 2 * / JT* ' Diazoture of diphenyle and of suberyle. Tratte, iv. 778. - -^ By comparing these four formula? with No. 49 (ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 4 H 6 O), the reader will perceive how much he gains in knowledge and convenience by doubling the formula to make the acid bibasic, and how much by throwing it into the form of the ammonia type. No. 50 is one of the so-called anilidogen acids, Gerhardt's name and formula for which are as follow : Phenvl-suberamic or suberanilic acid. = NH(C' 2 H 5 )(C 8 H 6 O e ) 2 01 Traite, ii. 735. ( HQj INVESTIGATION OF THE SEBATES. 451 Here we have a formula on the model of water, according to which we are required to believe that the radical nitrogen = N, the radical hydrogen = H, the radical phenyl = C 6 H 5 , two atoms of the radical suberyl, each = C 4 H 6 , and two atoms of oxygen = O 2 , are all com- pressed into a single conjugated radical which is the equivalent of one atom of hydrogen = H l . Gracious goodness, how these organic chemists speculate upon our credulity ! Hofmann's formula for No. 50 is H,C 8 H 6 4 ; C 12 H 6 N,C 8 H 6 2 . 51. This is the silver salt of the "acid " No. 50. THE SEBATES. GROUP D. Nos. 52 to 59. The common formula of sebacic acid is 2HO,C 20 H 16 6 . After cor- recting the weights of C and 0, and dividing the formula by 2 to bring it down to the monobasic standard, we have H,C 5 H 8 O 2 , which agrees with No. 52. All the salts, Nos. 53 to 59, agree with the assumption that sebacic acid is monobasic. In Nos. 52 to 56, the quantity of oxygen is O 2 . In the rest, it differs. No. 57 is sebamide, and has, therefore, only one atom of oxygen. No. 58 is sebarnic acid, already quoted at page 227. It possesses O 3 . No. 59 is the compound of glycerine and sebacic acid, which Berthelot calls sebacine. I have quoted it at No. n, page 374. In that case, I have represented glycyl, and in this case sebamyl, as the acid radical. That is of little moment, as these radicals are nearly equivalent to each other. The salt No. 59 contains 4 atoms of oxygen, namely O*, because the normal glycylates (allylates?) and the normal sebates both require that quantity of oxygen ; O 1 extra because the salt contains an acid radical acting as a basic radical ; and an additional O 1 because the salt is terbasic. Conse- quently the O 4 are essential. Professor Miller gives for this salt, Berthelot's unitary formula of C^EPO 16 , which affords a good example of the utter worthlessness of unitary formulae in organic chemistry. These gentlemen have the help of the theory, that sebacic acid is bibasic. They have the help of the theory, that glycerine is teratomic, and therefore requires three acids, or three atoms of acid, to neutralise it. Yet, with these helps, they cannot get beyond a unitary formula to describe the constitution of the sebate of glycerine, and in that unitary formula they represent as many ultimate atoms as would make nearly three atoms of sebacine instead of one. Even after correcting the atomic weights of C and O, the quantities of every element are clouble what they ought to be. In that way only is it, that the sebates can be made to appear to be bibasic. THE PYROTARTRATES. GROUP E. Nos. 60 to 79. I consider a pyrotartrate to contain an adipate in combination with a succinate. Thus : 2G 2 452 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. No. i = H,C 2 H 2 8 ) _ - (H,C 2 H 2 No. 37 = H,C 3 H 4 2 ( = So> bo |H,C 3 H 4 The pyrotartrates are truly bibasic, but they are also biacid. They con- tain two basic radicals ; they also contain two acid radicals ; and these two acid radicals are succinyl C 2 H 2 and adipyl C 3 H 4 . There is no evidence to prove that these salts are bibasic with a single acid radical. All the facts show, that two acid radicals are present in each salt. The azotic compounds, Nos. 74 to 79, are intelligible only on that supposi- tion. I consider it needless to examine the salts individually. A glance at the list of examples instantly supplies abundant evidence of the justness of these assumptions. Every salt contains two atoms of basic hydrogen, which may be replaced together or separately. If both are replaced, we have a neutral salt, Nos. 62, 64, 66, 69, 70. If only one is replaced, we have an acid salt, Nos. 63 and 65. In No. 61 we have the pyrotartaric anhydride. Represented as con- sisting of two radicals C 3 H 4 -f- C" 2 H 2 -f O 3 , this salt is intelligible, and the formula agrees with that of all the other anhydrides ; but if we represent it as containing only one radical C 5 H 6 + O 3 , it disagrees with every anhydride that has been spoken of in the preceding pages, and we have, without necessity, and to accomplish no good end, to inaugurate a new class of anhydrous acids. That is a course of proceeding which the law of simplicity forbids. We do not require another class of anhydrides; we can do very well with one class; and the evidence is not in favour of, but strongly against, the existence of the supposed radical C 5 H 6 . I therefore adhere to formula 61. TERBASIC PYROTARTRATES. In Nos. 67, 68, 71, 72, and 73, we have examples of terbasic salts. The usual formula? of these salts are very complicated, but, for brevity sake, I forbear to quote them ; parti- cularly as a discussion upon them would not illustrate the particular point which is now under consideration, which is, the biacid nature of the pyrotartaric acid. In each of these terbasic salts, there is an addition of oxygen corresponding to the additional quantity of basic radicals. PYROTARTRATES WITH AMIDOGEN BASES. The salts, Nos. 74 to 99, prove decidedly, that pyrotartaric acid contains two acid radicals. Upon that supposition, these six salts are quite regular. Upon the suppo- sition that only one acid radical is present, the formula? of these salts present clumsy improbabilities. In this case I must go a little into detail. 74]. ZH,C 3 H 4 ; C 2 H 2 O 8 . Gerhardt's name and formula for this salt are as follow : Pyrotartrimide, or azoture of pyrotartryl and of hydrogen CTTNO 2 = N INVESTIGATION OF THE PYROTARTRATES. 453 Of course, Gerhardt considers C 5 H 6 2 to be the equivalent of IP, and so it is; not, however, because H 2 is necessary to complete an am- monia, but because C 3 H 4 is equal to H 1 , and C 2 H 2 is equal to another H 1 . The amidogen salt, No. 74, is derived from the unknown normal ammonium salt ZH 3 ,C 3 H 4 ; C 2 H 2 3 . There is O 3 in this normal salt, because the basic radical contains an acid radical; otherwise the salt produced by the acid radical C 2 H 2 would require only O 2 . Hence the amidogen salt No. 74 contains O 2 , and the pyrotartaric radical is evidently separable into the acid radical C 2 H 2 and the radical C 3 H 4 , which forms part of the vice-amidogen. If we disregard the ammonia type, and write the salt with Gerhardt's radicals, thus : ZH ; C 5 H 6 2 , we have a salt with an imidogen base, the existence of which appears to me to be impossible, for reasons which I have assigned in the article on the imidogens, commencing at page 222. 7.5], Z,C 3 H 4 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 2 . Gerhardt's phenyl-pyrotartrimide, or pyrotartranile = C 10 H 6 (C 12 H 5 ) NO 4 = C'IPNO 4 . 76]. Z,C 3 H 4 ,C 6 H 4 Z; C 2 H 2 4 . Gerhardt's nitrophenyl-pyrotartrimide, or pyrotartronitranile = C'H 6 (C 12 H 4 N0 4 )NO 4 = C 2 *H 10 N 2 O 8 . 77]. ZH,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 4 + H; C 2 H 2 2 . Gerhardt's phenyl-pyrotartramic acid, or pyrotartranilic acid = C 10 H 8 (C 12 H 5 )N0 6 = C 22 H 13 N0 6 . 78]. This is merely the lead-salt of the " acid," No. 77. 79]. ZH,C 6 H 4 Z; C 3 H 4 3 + H; C 2 H 2 2 . Gerhardt's nitrophenyl-pyrotartramic acid, or pyrotartronitranilic acid = C l H 8 (C 12 H 4 NO 4 )N0 6 = C 22 H 12 N 8 10 . What do Gerhardt's formulae teach us in regard to the proximate constitution of these amidogen salts ? Absolutely nothing. On the other hand, the analysis of these salts on the principles which lead to the formulae Nos. 74 to 79 afford strong proof of two facts ; ist, that these salts contain amidogens; 2ndly, that pyrotartaric acid contains two acid radicals, one of which forms part of the amidogen contained in each salt. It is important to notice the effects that would be pro- duced by the conversion of these amidogen salts into normal ammonium salts : 74]. ZH 3 ,C 3 H 4 ; C 2 H 2 3 . , ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 3 H 4 2 ) 75J. ZH 2 ,C 3 H 4 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 O 3 . 77 J- H ; C 2 H 8 2 f 76]. ZH 2 ,C 3 H 4 ,C 6 H 4 Z ; Cm) 5 . Q1 ZH 3 ,C 6 H 4 Z; C 3 H 4 O 4 ) 7 B > H ; C 2 H 2 2 f 454: THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. The compounds marked 74, 75, and 76, are all succinates. But normal succinates possess only O 2 . In 74 and 75 we find O l extra, because of the presence of the acid radical adipyl in the condition of a basic radical. In 75 to 78 we have phenyl in the basic radical, but phenyl does not carry O l extra into its salts, like acid radicals proper. In 76, we have O 5 , namely O 2 for the normal succinate, O 1 for the adipyl, and O 2 for the nitrogen substituted for hydrogen. In 77 we have an acid pyrotartrate precisely similar to No. 63, and containing the normal quantity of oxygen. In the parallel salt, 78, we have O 8 extra on account of the substituted nitrogen. Thus we can account for every atom, and we find that each has its duty to do, and does it. THE PIMELATES. GROUP F. Nos. 80 and 81. The Pimelates are composed of suberates and adi pates, combined atom to atom. No. 80 shows the composition of hydrated pimelic acid, and No. 81, that of its neutral salts. THE ANCHOATES. GROUP G. Nos. 82 to 85. The Anchoates have been recently discovered by Mr. G. B. Buckton (Quarterly Journal Chemical Society, x. 166) among the products obtained by treating Chinese wax with nitric acid. According to Professor Brodie, Chinese wax contains two of the superior members of the vinyl series of radicals ; its composition being <^H j c? 7 H M O i = Cer J la cerotylete. When this salt is heated with strong nitric acid, it splits up into a variety of salts, which contain radicals both of the vinyl series and of the succinic series. Since the radicals of the vinyl series are con- vertible into radicals of the succinic series by oxidation and loss of hydrogen, while the radicals of the succinic series are convertible into those of the vinyl series by loss of carbonic acid, see page 442, it is of course to be expected that, when any salt which contains a complex member of the vinyl series is heated with nitric acid, various members of both series of radicals, all less complex in structure than the radical that is operated upon, will appear amongst the products of the decom- position. Accordingly, Mr. Buckton found all the following compounds in the liquor produced by the operation above described : Belonging to the Succinic Group. Belonging to the Vinyl Group. Anchoic acid. (Enanthylic acid. Suberic acid. Butyric acid. Pimelic acid. Caprylic acid. The formula? given by Mr. Buckton to the anchoates are as follow : THE SALICYLIC GROUP. 455 C 18 H 16 O 8 = Anchoic acid. C l8 (H 14 Ag 2 )O 8 = Anchoate of silver. He considers the anchoic acid to be a new and peculiar bibasic acid ; but the only evidence produced in support of the bibasic character is the acid potash salt, No, 8 5 ; which, to my mind, is no evidence at all, since this compound may be explained as a double salt composed of neutral sebate of potash and hydrated suberic acid. When the ami- dogen salts of this "acid" come to be examined, they will no doubt be found to be analogous in constitution to those of the pyrotartaric acid. In conclusion, I assume it to be proved, that all the salts of the suc- cinic group, like those of the malic and citric groups, can be described with precision as MONOBASIC Salts; and that there is no evidence to justify the assumption that they are BIBASIC. In the absence of proof of the existence of bibasic characters, the law of simplicity demands our stedfast adherence to the Monobasic Theory. The Salicylic Group. The Salicylates appear to me to be formed on the model of the Car- bonates, and they are consequently BIBASIC in the same definite sense that the carbonates are bibasic. Thus : MO + MO + C O .= M,M ; C O 3 = Carbonate. MO + MO + C 7 H 4 O = M,M; C 7 H 4 O 3 = Salicylate. There is no known salt which bears to the salicylates the relation that the oxalates bear to the carbonates, namely, a salt of the formula MO -f C 7 H 4 O = M,C 7 H 4 O 2 . The salts that are now called salicylites have the formula M,C 7 H 5 O 2 , which resembles that of the benzoates. They are monobasic, and the radical C 7 H 5 does not belong to the sali- cylic group. I propose to call that radical spiryl. Then, salicylous acid, or the hydride of salicyl, the essential oil prepared from the flowers of the meadow-sweet (Spircea ulmaria), will be H,C 7 H 5 2 = Hydra spirylete. It is possible that salicyl = C 7 H 4 , may be hereafter discovered to be a double radical ; but I have at present no evidence of such a discovery, and therefore I admit it to be a single radical, having the power to pro- duce salts with two basic radicals, in the manner of the carbonates. 456 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. 32. 73. 34. Examples of Salts that contain Salicyl. A. NORMAL SALICYLATES. . Hydra hydra salicylite. Hydra hydra salicylite cum salicylete. . Salicylete. . Baryta baryta salicylite. . Plumba plumba salicylite. . Cupric cupric salicylite. Hydra baryta salicylite. . Hydra plumba salicylite. Hydra cupric salicylite. . Hydra ammona salicylite. Hydra amida salicylite. . Potassa cupric salicylite. . Baryta cupric salicylite. . Hydra methyla salicylite. . Baryta methyla salicylite. . Argenta methyla salicylite. . Potassa methyla salicylite. . Methyla methyla salicylite. . Ethyla methyla salicylite. Amyla methyla salicylite. . Hydra ethyla salicylite.' . Ethyla ethyla salicylite. . Hydra amyla salicylite. ACID RADICALS ACT AS BASIC. Hydra acetyla salicvlote. . Methyla cumyla salicylote. Methyla succinyla salicylote. . Hydra benzyla salicylote. Methyla benzyla salicylote. . Ethyla benzyla salicylote. Amyla benzyla salicylote. . Hydra benzylac salicylite. C. HIPPURATES. ZH,C 2 H 3 ;C 7 H 4 O 3 . Hydra glycolac salicylite. I. H ; HrVTlJ4/~l3 ; L/ xl v_r . (H ; H ; C 7 H 4 O 3 ) 2 '\ (7H 4 2 j 3- C 7 H 4 O 2 . 4. Ba Ba ; C 7 H 4 3 . 5. Pb Pb ; C 7 H 4 O 3 . 6. Cue Cue ; C 7 H 4 O 3 . 7. H Ba ; CWO 3 . 8. H Pb ; CWO 3 . 9. H Cue ; C 7 H 4 3 . 10. H ZH 4 ; C 7 H 4 3 . ii. H ZH 2 ; C r H 4 8 . 12. K Cue ; C 7 H 4 3 . 13. Ba Cue ; GOTO 3 . 14. H C H 3 ; C 7 H 4 3 . 15. Ba C H 3 ; CWO 3 . 1 6. Ag CH 3 ; C 7 H 4 O 3 . 17. K CH 3 ;C 7 H 4 O 3 . 1 8. CH 3 CH 3 ; C 7 H 4 3 . 19. C 2 ^ C H d ; C- H 4 3 . 20. C 5 H 11 C H 3 ; (7H 4 O 3 . 21. H C 2 H 5 ; OTPO 8 . 22. C 2 H 5 C 2 H 5 ; C 7 H 4 O 3 . 23. H C 5 H 11 ; C^O 3 . B. SALICYLATES IN WHICH 24. H C 2 H 3 C 7 H 4 O 4 25. CH 3 C io H u C 7 H 4 4 26. CH 3 C 2 H 2 C 7 H 4 O 4 27. H (7H 5 C 7 H 4 4 28. CH 3 C 7 H 5 C 7 H 4 4 29. C*H 5 C 7 H 5 C 7 H 4 O 4 30. C 5 H 11 , C 7 H 5 C 7 H 4 4 31. H;ZI I,(7H 5 C 7 H 4 3 H Ag ZH 4 ZH^H 3 ; (7H 4 O 3 Argenta glycolac salicylite. Ammona glycolac salicylite. EXAMPLES OF SALTS THAT CONTAIN SALICYL. 457 (ZH 4 ; ZH,C 2 H 3 ; C 7 H 4 3 ) Ammona glycolac salicylite "{ H ; ZH,C 2 H 3 ; C 7 H 4 3 | * cum hydra glycolac salicylite. 36. C 2 H 5 ; ZH,C 2 H 3 ; C 7 H 4 O 3 . E thy la glycolac salicylite. 37. H ; ZH,C 2 H 3 ; C 7 H 3 ZO 5 Hydra glyeolac zotic-salicylute. 38. Ag ; ZH,C 2 H 3 ; C 7 H 3 Z0 5 Argenta glycolac zotic-salicy- lute. D. BENZO-GLYCOLLATES. 39. H ; C*H 3 ; C 7 H 4 O 4 . . . Hydra glycola salicylote. 40. Ag; C 2 H 3 ; C 7 H 4 O 4 . . . Argenta glycola salicylote. 41. Ba ; C 2 H 3 ; C 7 H 4 4 . . . Baryta glycola salicylote. E. BENZO-LACTATES. 42. H ; C 3 H 5 ; C 7 H 4 4 . . . Hydra lactyla salicylote. 43. Ag ; C 3 H 5 ; C 7 H 4 4 . . . Hydra lactyla salicylote. F, MANDELATES, OR FORMO-BENZOYLATES. 44. H ; CH 3 ; C 7 H 4 O 3 . . . Hydra methyla salicylite. 45. Ba ; CH 3 ; C 7 H 4 O 3 . . . Baryta methyla salicylite. 46. Ag; CH 3 ; C 7 H 4 3 . . . Argenta methyla salicylite. G. SALICYLATES, CONTAINING BROMIC AND CHLORIC-SALICYL. 47. H;H ;C 7 H 3 C10 3 . . Hydren chloric-salicylite. 48. H;H ;C 7 H 3 Br0 3 . . Hydren bromic-salicylite. 49. H ; H ; C 7 H*Br 2 3 . . Hydren bromenic-salicylite. 50. H;H ;C 7 HBr 3 O 3 . . Hydren brominic-salicylite. 51. H; CH 3 ; C 7 H 3 C1 O 3 . . Hydra methyla chloric-sali- cylite. 5 2 . H ; C 2 H 5 ; C 7 H 2 Br 2 3 . . Hydra ethyla bromenic-sali- cylite. H. SALICYLATES, CONTAINING AZOTIC-SALICYL. 53. H;H jCWZO 5 . . Hydren zotic-salicylute. 54. H ; H ; C 7 H 2 Z 2 O 7 . . Hydren zotenic-salicyleze. 55. H;H ;C 7 HZ 3 O 9 . . Hydren zotinic-salicyloze. 56. H ; ZH 4 ; CWZO 5 . . Hydra ammona zotic-salicvlute. 57. H ; Z H 2 ; C 7 H 3 Z O 4 . . Hydra amida zotic-salicylote. 58. H;Pb ;C 7 H 3 Z0 5 . . Hydra plumba zotic-salicylute. 59. Pb; Pb ; C 7 H 3 Z O 5 . . Plumba plumba zotic-salicylute. , (H;Pb ;C 7 H 3 Z0 5 ) Hydra plumbine bis zotic-sali- Da tPb;Pb ;C 7 H 3 Z0 5 f ' ' cylute. 61. H ; C 2 H 5 ; C 7 H 3 Z O 5 . . Hydra ethyla zotic-salicylute. 62. H ; Ba ; Cm^O 7 . . Hydra baryta zotenic-salicyleze. 63. Ba ; Ba ; C 7 H 2 Z 2 O 7 . . Baryta baryta zotenic-salicyleze. 458 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. 64. H ; CH 3 ; C 7 H 2 Z 2 O 7 . . Hydra methyla zotenic-salicv- leze. 65. ZH 4 ; CH 3 ; C 7 H 2 Z 2 Cy . . Ammona methyla zotenic- salicyleze. 66. H ;CH 3 ;C 7 HZ 3 9 . . Hydra 'methyla zotinic-sali- cyloze. Investigation of the Salts of Salicyl. GROUP A. NORMAL SALICYLATES. i]. H; H; C 7 H 4 3 . 2].| H; H; tfH^j. 3]. C 7 H 4 2 . No. i is the hydrated salicylic acid, No. 2 the anhydrous salicylic acid, and No. 3 is salicylid. The two latter are produced by acting on sali- cylate of soda by oxy chloride of phosphorus. Thus : H; Na;C 7 H 4 3 H; Na; C 7 H 4 3 H; Na; C 7 H 4 3 + CPPO NaPO 3 NaCl + NaCl + HC1 H ; H ; C 7 H 4 3 + C 7 H 4 2 = No. 2. C 7 H 4 2 = No. 3. The term " anhydrous " acid was given to No. 2 by Gerhardt, on the presumption that the radical salicyl was C 7 H 5 , a constitution which is incompatible with the fact that the salicylates are bibasic. No. 3 is the true anhydrous salicylic acid, just as CO 2 is the anhydrous carbonic acid. Nos. 4] to 23], with the exception of No. n], present examples of normal salicylates, neutral and acid, the whole of which are so regular that they scarcely demand explanation. A very few words will suffice. No. II is the salicylamid derived from the ammonium salt No. 10. No 14 is the oil of winter-green, gaultheric acid, hydrate of methyl- salicyle, salicylate of methyl, methyl-salicylic acid, or methyl-spiroylic acid, for it has all these names, and more. Nos. 15 to 20 are salts of the methylsalicylic acid. No. 21 is ethylsalicylic acid, and No. 23 is amylsalicylic acid. There is, of course, not the least necessity to treat these salts as conjugated acids. An inspection of the Table shows that they are all regular bibasic salicylates, and that the salts from No. 4 to 1 3 have the same right to be elevated to the rank of conjugated acids as the salts from Nos. 14 to 23. GROUP B. SALICYLATES WHICH CONTAIN ACID RADICALS IN THEIR BASES. The salts from No. 24 to 30, all contain an acid radical acting as one of their basic radicals, and consequently every one of them possesses an INVESTIGATION OF THE SALTS OF SALICYL. 459 additional atom of oxygen, in accordance with the observation which I have recorded at page 376. In other respects, these salts resemble normal salicylates. In No. 3 1 , the amidogen salt is deficient of O l , be- cause it is an amidogen salt. If it were completed to an ammonium salt, the O 3 would have O 4 like the other salts in Group B. Gerhardt's names for this group of salts are as follows : 24, Anhydrous aceto- salicylic acid, acetate of salicyl, or salicylate of acetyl. 25, Cuminate of methylo-salicyl, or oxide of cumyl and methylo-salicyl ; formula C 7 H 4 (CH 3 )0 2 \ n C'H U I 26, Succinate of methylo-salicyl, or oxide of succinyl and methylo- salicyl C^CCH^CA n = C 7 H 4 (CH 3 )0 2 J U * C 4 H 4 2 ,O In this formula everything is doubled, in order to make succinyl appear to be a bibasic radical. 27, Anhydrous benzosalicylic acid, benzoate of salicyl, or salicylate of benzoile. 28, Benzoate of methylo-salicyl, or oxide of benzoyl and methylo-salicyl. 29, Benzoate of ethylo-salicyl, or oxide of benzoyl and ethylo-salicyl. 30, Benzoate of amylo-salicyl. 3 1 , Benzoylsalicylamid. Gerhardt's formulae show that he considered the salicyl radical to be C 7 H 5 , and that he assumed that it had the power of exchanging H 1 for a complete hydrocarbon. It appears to me, that that assumption is erro- neous and hazardous. The hydrogen in amidogens and ammoniums can be exchanged for complete radicals, bui I do not believe that, in any case, the hydrogen of a hydrocarbon can be replaced by another complete hydrocarbon. If such substitutions could occur, the individuality of all compound radicals, and consequently the power to identify them, would speedily be lost. In Gerhardt's formulae for No. 26, we perceive that he places oxygen in five different situations, a pretty wide scattering of one element in one salt, to be advocated by the great champion of unitary formulae. THE CONJUGATED BENZOATES. GROUPS C to F. The salts constituting Groups C to F, Nos. 32 to 46, are usually re- presented as salts of conjugated acids, containing benzyl as one of their negative elements. I refer them in preference to the salicylic group, for the following reasons : 1 . They are not conjugated salts, but merely bibasic salts, and their quantum of hydrogen agrees with that of salicyl and not with that of benzyl. 2. The quantity of oxygen contained in each salt agrees with that 460 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. which is necessary to constitute a salicylate, and not with that which is required to complete a benzoate. 3. In so far as regards the properties of the salts, and the products of their decomposition, they may be as properly referred to the salicylic as to the benzoic group. A glance over the relationship of the radicals which are depicted in the Tables, will satisfy the reader that these reasons are forcible. Usual Names of the Salts. C. HIPPFJEATES. 32, Hippuric acid. 33, Hippurate of silver. 34, Hippurate of ammonia. 35, Acid hippurate of ammonia. 36, Hippuric ether. 37, Nitrohippuric acid. 38, the silver salt of the acid No. 37. I refrain from quoting the common formula?, because I have so fre- quently discussed the merits and demerits of all kinds of formulae, that farther repetitions are needless, unless peculiar points require elucidation. D. BENZOGLYCOLLATES. 39, the benzoglycollic acids. 40, its silver salt. 41, its barium salt. E. BENZOLACTATES. 42, the benzolactic acid. 43, its silver salt. F. MANDELATES. 44, the mandelic acid. 45, its barium salt. 46, its silver salt. The mandelates, 44, 45, 46, are isomeric with the gaul- theriates, 14, 15, 16 just as the hydride of salicyl is isomeric with benzoic acid, both = H,C 7 H 5 2 . I do not know whether they are identic as w r ell as isomeric. I might fill a long chapter with an inquiry into the merits of the dif- ferent theories that have been suggested to explain the constitution of these four classes of salts. But if the reader will kindly look into the systematic works of Gerhardt, Gmelin, &c., and compare the various hypotheses he finds there with that which is now presented to him, he will have no difficulty in determining on which side there is simplicity and probability of truth. Group G. CONJUGATED SALICYLATES, CONTAINING BEOMIC AND CHLORIC-SALICYL. There is nothing in these salts that requires particular explanation. The quantity of oxygen is the same as that which is required to com- plete normal salicylates, because the bromic and chloric vice-radicals take the same quantity of oxygen to form salts as do the corresponding normal radicals. Group H. CONJUGATED SALICYLATES, CONTAINING AZOTIC-SALICYL. These salts differ from normal salicylates only by containing zotic- salicyl instead of normal salicyl, and an increase in the quantity of oxygen in each salt, at the rate of O 2 for every Z l which goes into the acid radical. ( 461 The Tartrates. The atomic weights represented by the symbols given in the follow- ing Table are stated at page 28. GEOUP A. TARTARIC ACID. 1. H,C 2 H 2 3 2. C 2 H 2 , C 2 H 2 5 H,C 2 H 2 3 + H,C 2 H 2 3 C 2 H 2 , C 2 H 2 5 GROUP B. NORMAL, NEUTRAL, OR MONOBASIC TARTRATES. 4. K ,C 2 H 2 3 8. Ag,C 2 H 2 3 12. Fee ,C 2 H 2 3 5. Na ,C 2 H 2 3 9. Pb,C 2 H 2 3 13. ZHHgc 3 ,C 2 H 2 3 6. ZH 4 ,C*H 2 O 3 10. Cuc,C 8 H 2 3 14. CH 3 ^KPO 3 7. Ca ,C 2 H 2 3 ii. Sn ,C 2 H S 3 15. C 2 H 5 ,C*H 2 3 1 8. H 2 Bic,C 2 H 2 4 19, H 2 Na,C 2 H 2 4 20. K,C 2 H 2 3 GROUP C. TERBASIC TARTRATES. 16. Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 9 4 17. Uc 3 ,C 2 H*0 4 ACID TARTRATES. ] 21. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 3 AMIDOGEN SALTS. Amida tartrylete. )TJ -, , . , [Hydra amida tartrylenute. ^ **W amida tartrylenute. GROUP D. H,C 2 H 9 3 ] 21. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 3 + H,C 2 H 2 3 GROUP E. 22. ZH 2 ,C 2 H 9 2 . . 2 3'{ = H; ZH 2 ; (C 2 H 2 ) 2 O 5 !zH 2 ,C 2 H 2 2 + f" GROUP F. DOUBLE TARTRATES. 28. Na,C 8 H 2 3 + Ba ,&&& 29. Na,C 2 H 2 3 + ZH 4 ,C 3 H 2 3 30. Na,C 2 H 2 3 4- Mg ,C 2 H 8 O 8 GROUP G. CONJUGATED TARTRATES. 35. C*W ,C 2 H S 3 + Ba ,C 8 H 2 3 36. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 9 O 3 4- Ag,C 2 PI 2 O 3 37. C 5 H ll ,C 2 H*0 3 + H .C^HPO 8 K,C 2 H 2 3 38. C 5 H U ,C 2 H 2 3 4- Ag,C 2 H 2 3 25. K,C 2 H 2 3 + Na ,C 2 H 2 3 26. K,C 2 H 2 3 + ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 3 27. H 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 8 + H,C 2 H 9 O 3 C H 3 ,C 2 H 2 3 + K,C*H 2 3 31 22 33 34. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 2 3 462 THEORY OF POLY BASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. GROUP H. TETRABASIC TARTRATES. 39. Na ,C 8 H 2 8 4- H 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 4 40. H ,C 2 H 2 3 + Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 41. Na ,C 2 H 2 O 3 4- Sbc s ,C 2 H 2 4 ZH 4 ,C 2 H 8 8 4. Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 K ,C 2 H 2 3 4- Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 44. Ba .C'EPO 8 4- Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 45. Ag ,C 2 H 2 3 + Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 46. Pb ,C 2 H 2 O 3 4- Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 47. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 O 8 4.Asc 3 ,C 2 H 8 O 4 42. 43. 48. 49. 50. 5 1 - 52. 53- 54- K ,C 8 H 2 3 4- ZH 4 ,C 2 H 2 3 + H ,C 8 H 8 O 3 -j- H ,C 8 H ? 3 + K ,C 8 H 2 O 3 4- Na ,C 2 H 2 3 4- KptgTTsr^ 3 i jV-f il \J -f- H ,C 2 H 2 O 3 4- K ,C 2 H 2 3 + Fec 3 ,C 2 H 2 () 4 Fec 3 ,C 2 H i> O 4 HFec 2 ,C 2 H 2 (3 4 Crc 8 ,CH a 4 Crc 3 ,C 2 H 8 () 4 Cuc 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 B 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 4 U 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 U 3 ,C 2 H 8 O 4 GROUP I. DOUBLE TARTRATES, CONTAINING VICE-TARTRYLS. 57. H .CTffSbcO* + Sbc ,C 2 HSbc0 3 58. K ,C 2 HSbc0 3 + Sbc,C 2 HSbc0 3 59. Ba ,C 2 HSbc0 3 + Sbc . 60. Ag,C 2 HSbcO 3 + Sbc 61. Pb,C 8 HSbc0 3 + Sbc ,C 2 HSbc0 3 62. K ,C 2 HBicO 3 + Bic ,C 2 HBicO 3 63. K ,C 2 HB 8 + B ,C 2 HB O 3 GROUP K. COMPLEX TARTRATES. ( H 3 ,C*H 2 O 4 4- Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 4 } 64. | H 3 ',C 2 H 8 H 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 f ^ j Sbc^H 2 O 3 -f Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 8 O 4 5 '] Sbc,C 8 H 8 O 3 4- Sbc ,C'H 2 K ,C 2 H 2 O 3 -h Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 8 O 4 ) H ,C 2 H 8 O 3 4. H ,C 2 H a O 3 ) 66.- or else H ,C 2 H 2 O 3 4_ Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 4 ) K ,C"H 2 O 3 -f H ,C 2 H 8 O 3 ) K ,C 8 H a O 3 _l_ Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 4 , /r_ K,C*H 2 O 3 4- H ,C 2 H 2 O 3 67.' K ,C 2 H 8 O 3 -f H ,C 2 H 8 O 3 K ,C 4 H 8 O 3 -f H ,C 2 H 8 O 3 , Q j KH*,C 2 H 2 O 4 Sbc 8 ,C 2 H 2 O 4 ) tb '| K ,C 2 H a O 8 4. Sbc 3 ,C 8 H 2 4 f 69. Sbc ,C'H SbcO 3 4- Sbc 8 ,C 2 H SbcO 4 70. Sbc 8 ,C 2 H 2 O 4 4- Uc 3 ,C'H 2 O 4 7 r. Sbc ,C 2 H SbcO 3 4- Uc 3 ,C 2 H SbcO 4 72. BaH 2 ,C 2 H 8 O 4 -f Sbc 3 ,C'H 2 O 4 73. Sbc 3 H 2 ,C 2 H 4 O 5 Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 8 O 4 INVESTIGATION OF THE TARTRATES. 463 GROUP L. ANILIDES OF TARTARIC ACID. 74. ZH ,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 H 2 O 2 . . Phenylac tartrylete. ZH ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 O 2 ( Phenylac tartrylete cum H ; C 2 H 2 O 3 j ' ' hydra tartrylite. ZH ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 O 2 ) Phenylac tartrylete cum Ba ; OTP0 8 f ' * baryta tartrylite. J ZH ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H 2 2 \ Phenylac tartrylete cum 7 7 ' \ Ag ; C 2 H 2 3 j ' ' argenta tartrylite. 78. Z,C 2 H 2 ,C 6 H 5 ;C 2 H 2 4 . . Tartrylic-phenylac tar- try lote. The constitution of TARTRYL, the radical of Tartaric Acid, is C 2 H 8 . Its salts are monobasic, but they combine with one another in endless variety. The classification in the Table is intended to show the prin- cipal forms of the compound salts which are thus produced. A peculiarity of tartaric acid is, that it not only gives origin to salts which resemble the salts of monobasic acids, usually so-called, such as the acetates ; but also to the acid salts and double salts which charac- terise the acids that are commonly called bibasic, such as the sulphates and oxalates; and, finally, to a third series, which includes the three different forms of salts that so remarkably distinguish the phosphates. Thus, in Group B, we have a series of monobasic salts ; in Group D, acid double salts ; in Group F, neutral double salts ; in Group C, we perceive terbasic salts, formed like the terbasic phosphates; and in Group H, we find combinations of monobasic salts with terbasic salts, affording compounds that are precisely similar in constitution to the bibasic pyrophosphates. The variety which exists among the tartrates is still further increased by the circumstance that, under the action of heat, the radical tartryl can exchange one atom (the half) of its hydrogen, for a metalloid or an acidifiable metal, and thus produce a vice-radical, which retains the power of forming salts. Among the vice-tartryls thus produced, I may cite stibic-tartryl, arsanic-tartryl, ferric-tartryl, chromic-tartryl, bismic-tartryl, uranic-tartryl, and boric-tartryl. Examples of the salts of these vice-radicals are quoted in Groups I and K. A knowledge of these particulars enables us to comprehend the con- stitution of the tartrates, which would otherwise appear to be not a little perplexing. I shall briefly run over the list of examples, and quote the common names of the leading salts. A particular account of the whole of them may be seen in the Tratte de Chimie of Gerhardt, and the Handbook of Chemistry of Gmelin. GROUP A. Tartaric Acid. i]. Crystallised tartaric acid. The formula given by Gerhardt is C 8 H 6 O 12 . Gmelin's formulae are C 8 H 6 O 12 and C 8 H 6 6 ,O 8 . These formula? represent the acid as bibasic, and they 464 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. assume the atomic weight of C to be 6, and that of O to be 8. As these formulae of the acid are so much more complicated than that which is given in No. i, it may be inferred that the formula?, that are given by the same chemists to the various tartrates, are also more com- plicated and cumbersome than those that are given in the above Table. That is actually the case ; but I shall forbear the quotation of them, because they present no particularly novel points, and I have already sufficiently discussed the ordinary characters of organic formula?. 2]. The tartaric acid anhydride. 3]. A combination of the anhydride with two atoms of the hydrated acid. This compound is usually called tartrelic acid. A similar compound, containing one atom of the anhy- dride with six atoms of the hydrated acid, has been called tartralic acid. I mention these particulars to show that various combinations are formed by hydrated and anhydrous tartaric acid, and that chemists are in the habit of describing such compounds as new acids. It may be doubted whether that practice is judicious. If you apply heat to a number of atoms of hydrated tartaric acid, or of any tartrate, you can, according to the degree of heat applied, and to the duration of its appli- cation, drive off more or less HHO, and consequently more or less change the constitution of the substance so exposed to heat. When the crystallised acid is so treated, the product may be a mere mixture of and is not necessarily a new acid. When a salt is so treated, it passes from one class to another class of the salts described in the foregoing Table, and seems to become a new salt, yet when the dried salt is ex- posed to the action of water, it recovers ts original condition. Group B. Normal, Neutral, or Monobasic Tartrates, of potash. 8 of soda. of ammonia. 10 of lime. 1 1 of silver. 1 2 of lead. 1 3 of copper. 1 4 of tin. 15 of iron. of mercury-ammonium. of methyl. of ethyl. The characteristics of the salts of this group are, that one basic radical is combined in them with one atom of normal tartryl and with O 3 . These monobasic salts can be converted into apparently-bibasic salts, by the easy process, described at page 395, of doubling the formula?. Thus, 4 O 6 , X 2 becomes KKC 4 H 4 O 6 , to which formula it would be judicious to add in all cases cui bono ? GROUP C. Terbasic Tartrates. These salts agree in composition with the terbasic phosphates see page 138 ; thus, No. 16 is Sbc,C 2 H 2 3 -f Sbc,SbcO, namely, it is a monobasic tartrate of Group B, combined with a salt formed on the model of water. 16], Neutral tartrate of anti- mony. 17]. Tartrate of sesquioxide of uranium. 18]. Tartrate of bis- INVESTIGATION OF THE TARTRATES. 465 muth. 19]. Neutral tartrate of soda. The acid tartrate of soda is No. 39. As commonly represented in chemical books, the salts 16 and 1 7 contain (-5 aq) in addition to the constituents represented in these formulae. Thus No. 16 is represented as 2Sb0 3 ,C 8 H 6 O 12 , and No. 17 as 2U 2 O 3 ,C 8 H 6 12 , which formulas are expressed by No. 73. This differ- ence may be due to the presence of a little extra water, or it may arise from error in analysis. The tartrates lose water gradually while in course of drying, and there is no fixed temperature at which standards can be taken, while they suffer from the disadvantage that, being fre- quently decomposable by pure water, they cannot be washed clean previous to analysis. However, the presence of additional water in these salts does not invalidate the terbasic formulas, any more than the presence of water of crystallisation invalidates the formulae of the terbasic phosphates. No. 1 9 represents a neutral crystallised salt which has been frequently analysed, and the composition of which appears to be free from doubt. These salts are of course all changed in composition when heated. No. 1 6 represents a salt dried at iooC. If heated to i9OC, it is changed into No. 69. This is explained by the following equation : Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 1 j Sbc,C 2 HSbcO 3 + Sbc 3 ,C 2 HSbcO 4 Sbc 3 ,C 2 H 2 4 f : j H O + H There being in No. 1 6 no ready-formed water separable by the increased heat, the tartryl undergoes substitution of Sbc for H, to the extent of half its hydrogen, but never more without entire destruction to the acid. In like manner, No. 17 produces a salt equivalent to No. 69, but having 6Uc instead of 6 Sbc. The salts Nos. 16 and 17 combine together, to produce the compound ^No. 70, and when this compound is dried at 200 C, it is reduced to the condition of No. 71. The salt No. 16 com- bines with three atoms of hydrated acid and three atoms of water to form the quadrotartrate No. 64. It combines with three atoms of mono- basic tartrate (not known in the separate state) to form the quadruple salt commonly called acid tartrate of antimony No. 65. It combines with one atom of the monobasic acid No. i , to form the tetrabasic salt No. 40, and when No. 40 is dried at i6oC, it produces the double vice- tar try late No. 57. It is evident, from these examples, that if C 2 H 2 , the acid radical of tartaric acid, was as indestructible by heat as P, the acid radical of phosphoric acid, it would be easy to produce among the tartrates, with any given positive radical, every variety of salt which is producible among the phosphates. When No. 19 is heated, it loses HHO and becomes No. 5. No. 18 probably undergoes a similar reduction to Bic,C 2 H 2 3 . GROUP D. Acid Tartrates. 20]. This is the fundamental salt of the tartaric series cream of tartar or bitartrate of potash. 21]. The acid tartrate of ammonia. Soda forms a similar salt, namely, Na,C 2 H 2 O 3 -4- H,C 2 H 2 3 . 2n 466 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. GROUP E. Amidogen Salts. 22]. Tartramide, derived, as usual, from the normal tartrate of ammonium No. 6, by abstraction of H,HO. 23]. Tartramic acid, derived from the acid tartrate of ammonia No. 21, by abstraction of H,HO. 24]. Tartramate of ethyl, or tartramethane. No. 22, tartramide, is quoted at No. 172, page 21 1, in the list of amids. No. 23, tartramic acid, belongs to the amidogen acids with compound radicals, which are described in Group C, page 227. The evidence from analogy offered by these compounds is in favour of the theory that tar- taric acid is monobasic. GROUP F. Double Tartrates. These salts are of the same rank as the double sulphates, page 150, and the double oxalates, page 179. The arguments which I have employed to prove the monobasic nature of sulphuric and oxalic acids apply equally to tartaric acid, and need no repetition. 25]. Tartrate of potash and soda. Salt of Seignette. Rochelle salt. 26]. Tartrate of potash and ammonia. Tartarus solu- bilis ammoniacalis. 27]. Tartrate of potash and copper. 28]. Tartrate of soda and barytes. 29]. Tartrate of soda and ammonia. 30]. Tar- trate of soda and magnesia. GROUP G. Conjugated Tartrates. The conjugated tartrates contain imaginary acids formed in accordance with the fallacious doctrine which I have examined in the chapter on the Bisulphates of the Alcohol Radicals, page 399. All the conjugated tartrates, as is shown by the formulae Nos. 31 to 38, consist of double tartrates, each containing one positive radical of the vinyl series, and one positive radical of the inorganic series. 31]. Tartaromethylic acid, or methyltartaric acid. 32]. Tartaro- methylate of potash. 33]. Tartarovinic acid. 34]- Tartarovinate of potash. 35]. Tartarovinate of barytes. 36]. Tartarovinate of silver. 37], Amylotartaric acid, or tartramylic acid. 38]. Tartramylate of silver. Trusting that the reader will examine the arguments which I have urged in the chapter on the Bisulphates of the Alcohol Radicals, and will apply them to the corresponding bi tartrates, it is only necessary for me to make here the remark, that the so-called " conjugated " tartrates afford no evidence in favour of the bibasic nature of tartaric acid, but, on the contrary, tend to prove it to be monobasic. GROUP H. Tetrabasic Tartrates. These salts are tetrabasic and biacid, and agree exactly in constitution with the bibasic phosphates, which are also tetrabasic and biacid, and cannot be divided into salts that are bibasic and monacid, because of the uneven number of their atoms of oxygen. These salts are produced by the combination of salts of Group B with those of Group C, atom to atom. It is the same with the phosphates. A monobasic salt and a terbasic salt make together the intermediate wrongly-called bibasic salt. All the salts of Group H suffer loss of water when heated, and they are thus changed into salts belonging to other groups. No. 39 minus HHO, produces a salt equivalent to No. 20 in Group D. INVESTIGATION OF THE TARTRATES. 467 No. 40 HHO becomes No. 57. 43 HHO 58. 44 HHO 59. 45 HHO becomes No. 60. 46 HHO 61. 54 HHO 63. In this change, the tetrabasic and biacid salts are transformed into double monobasic salts, with a conversion of normal tartryl into vice- tartryl. There is, however, no permanent alteration of the acid radical ; for if the salts of Group I are treated with water, the normal radical C 2 H 2 is again formed, and the salts resume their original constitution. Many of the salts of Group H take up, when crystallised, or when newly precipitated and undried, more water than I have represented in the formula. In particular, tartar emetic No. 43, and several equivalent salts, take up half an atom more water, and assume the constitution that is exhibited by No. 68. With still more water, they acquire the form of No. 72, and with still more, that of No. 73. 39]. Acid tartrate of soda. 40]. See note to 16. 41]. Tartrate of antimony and soda. 42]. Tartrate of antimony and ammonia. 43]. Neutral tartrate of antimony and potash dried at 1 00 C. Tartar emetic. Tartarised antimony. When this salt is crystallised, it has the com- position shown by No. 68. When it is dried at 200 C, it becomes No. 58. When ^8 is dissolved in water, it again becomes equal to 43. 44]. Tartrate of antimony and barytes dried at 100 C. When dried at 25OC, it changes to No. 59. When in crystals its composition is epresented by No. 72. 45]. Tartrate of antimony and silver, air-dried. When dried at i6oC, it changes to No. 60. 46]. Tartrate of anti- mony and lead. When dried at 230 C, it becomes No. 61. 47]. Tartrate of arsenious acid and ammonia. 48]. Tartrate of potash and peroxide of iron dried at 100 C. 49]. Tartrate of ammonia and per- oxide of iron. 50]. Tartrate of peroxide of iron, according to Gmelin's formula = 2Fe 2 O 3 ,3C 8 H 6 O 12 . If No. 50 were deprived of Aq 1 , it would be reduced to the condition of two atoms of No. 12. 51], Tartrate of sesquioxide of chromium. 52]. Tartrate of potash and sesquioxide of chromium. 53. Tartrate of soda and cupric oxide. 54]. Tartrate of potash and boron. Borotartrate of potash. Soluble tartar. Dried at iooC. When it is heated to 28oC, it is changed into No. 63. 55]. Tartrate of uranous oxide dried at 100 C. 56]. Tartrate of potash and uranous oxide. GROUP I. Double Tartrates containing Vice-Tartryls. These salts have been so frequently referred to, that farther detail seems needless. The only salt that has not been specially alluded to, is No. 62, which is com- monly called the tartrate of potash and bismuth, dried at 200 C. When the salts of this section are dissolved in water, they must be con- sidered to be again restored to the condition of the salts contained in Group H. GROUP K. Complex Tartrates. This list might be extended to a 2 H 2 468 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. great length, the habits of tartaric acid being such as tend to the in- definite production of such multiple salts. It is sufficient to give a few examples. Nos. 64, 65, 69, 70, and 71, have been already explained in the article on No. 16, Group C. 64]. Supertartrate of antimony. 65]. Acid tartrate of antimony. 66]. Acid cream of tartar, dried at iooC. This may be considered as a compound of tartar emetic, No. 43 , with two atoms of hydrated tartaric acid, No. i ; or as a compound of tartrate of antimony No. 40, with bitartrate of potash, No. 20. 67]. A compound of one atom of tartar emetic, No. 43, with three atoms of cream of tartar, No. 20. 68]. Crystallised tartar emetic; see No. 43. 69, 70, and 71]. See note to No. 16. 72]. See note to No. 44. It is the crystallised tartrate of antimony and barytes. 73]. The freshly- precipitated neutral tartrate of antimony; see No. 16. GROUP L. Anilides of Tartaric Acid. The compounds formed by tar- taric acid with aniline have been described by Arppe ( Quarterly Journal Chemical Society, viii. 179), from whom I copy the following names and formula : 74]. Tartanilide = C 32 H 16 N 2 8 = 2C 12 H 7 N.C 8 H 6 O 12 - 4HO. 75]. Tartanilic acid = C^IFNO 10 . 76]. Tartanilate of barytes = BaO. C 20 H 10 N0 9 . 77]. Tartanilate of silver = AgO.C 20 H 10 NO 9 . 78]. Tar- tanil = CTEPNO 1 = C 18 H 7 N.C 8 H 6 O 12 - 4HO. So long as chemists confine themselves to unitary formulae, or to the equally-enlightening formula of " so-and-so minus so-and so," they must be puzzled to account for the variations in the quantity of oxygen pre- sented by such salts as the above. But on the radical theory, and assuming the propriety of the amidogen theory which I have advanced, every atom described in these formula? can be rationally accounted for. In 74, we have O 2 , because the normal tartrate of phenylam must have O 3 (viz. ZH 3 ,C 6 H 5 ; C 2 H*O 3 ). In 75, 76, 77, we have O\ because there is present one amidogen tartrate with O 2 , and one normal tartrate with O 3 . In 78,- we have O 4 , because tartryl, when acting as a basic radical, carries O* extra into its salts, and in this salt C 2 H 2 replaces H 1 . In other respects 78 agrees exactly with 74. These anilides prove that tartryl is C 2 H 2 , and monobasic. In the foregoing explanation of the constitution of the Tartrates, I have made use of the radicals which, at page 33, I denominated BASYLIC. They effect a decided simplification in the formulae, by displacing some commonly -received extravagancies. For example, No. 50, the Tartrate of the peroxide of iron = H,C 8 H 2 O 3 + HFec 2 ,C 2 H 2 4 , is described by Gmelin as follows : 2Fe 2 3 ,3C 8 H 6 12 . The symbol C 8 H 6 12 contained in the above formula, is Gmelin's aormula for hydrated tartaric acid ; that of his anhydrous acid being INVESTIGATION OF THE TARTRATES. 469 C 8 H 4 10 . We have consequently in this salt, according to this formula, two atoms of base and three double or bibasic atoms of acid. The reason that there are present these proportions of base and acid is, that there are six atoms of oxygen in the given quantity of base, and there must consequently be six atoms of monobasic acid ; for it is a law, ob- servable by those who profess to believe in the existence of acids and bases, that a salt must have an atom of acid for every atom of oxygen that is contained in its base. Turn now to the consideration of the constitution of the double tartrate of potash and peroxide of iron, No. 48 in the above list = K,C*H 2 3 + Fec 3 ,C 2 H 2 O 4 . Gmelin's formula for this salt is C 8 H 4 K (Fe 2 2 )0 12 , and Professor Miller's formula is KO,Fe 2 8 ,C 8 H 4 10 . In these formulae, the law that enjoins a certain correspondence between the quantities of the acid and the base, is set at defiance. Why so ? We have four atoms of oxygen in the bases, and we ought therefore to have two atoms of bibasic acid; but we have only one atom. Why so? How comes it that the usual law is observed in the tartrate of iron, but not in the tartrate of potash and iron? Why, in the latter case, is Nature a rebel against the law of the philosophers ? Simply because the law is absurd, and Nature cannot observe it. Take the formula KO,Fe 2 3 ,C 8 H 4 O 10 , and ask yourselves the question, which of these components of the salt is the acid and which is the base ? Is Fe 2 3 a base ? If so, the salt ought to have twice its present quantity of acid. Is Fe 2 3 an acid ? If so, we want a base for it, for KO only suffices to saturate half the quantity of acid which is expressed by the symbols C 8 H 4 O 10 . In short, whether you treat the sesquioxide of iron as acid or as base, you are equally unable to give a rational account of the composition of this salt. So it always is, when you trust to the theory of the sesquioxides to explain a critical case. Your guide betrays you, and down you sink into inextricable muddle. That is surely sufficient reason to induce you to doubt the trustworthiness of your guide, and to look for assistance upon which you can depend. Examine, then, the value of the help offered by the basylic radicals. See how the radical theory applies to these two tartrates. Gmelin's first formula = 2Fe 2 O 3 ,3C 8 H 6 O 12 , corrected for water be- comes 2Fe 2 O 3 ,3C 8 H 4 O'. Correcting the atomic weights of the carbon and oxygen, this becomes Fe 4 O 3 ,C l2 H 12 O 15 . Exchanging the four ferrous atoms for six ferric atoms, and putting the oxygen together, the product is Fec 6 ,C I2 H l2 18 . Dividing this formula by 6, we have Fec,C 2 H 2 O 3 , which corresponds with No. 1 2, and in fact shows that the salt expressed by Gmelin's immense formula, which comprehends 88 ultimate atoms, can, on the radical theory, be clearly expressed by a formula that con- tains only 8 ultimate atoms, or the eleventh part of Gmelin's quan- tities. Including the water of Gmelin's formula, the reduced formula becomes No. 5? which contains 19 ultimate atoms. 470 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. The formulae for the double salt is KO,Fe 2 O 3 ,C 8 H 4 O 10 . Correcting the atomic weights of the iron, the carbon, and the oxygen, and collecting the oxygen together, this formula becomes K,Fec 3 ,C 4 H 4 O 7 , and this thrown into the analytical form becomes K,C 2 H 8 3 + (Fec,C 2 H 2 3 + Fec,FecO), which is equal to No. 48, a formula that exhibits no difficulties, and excites no doubts respecting the functions performed by the atoms of iron. How simple this explanation appears ! How the radical theory scatters the mists that are produced by the hypotheses of " acids " and " bases," and " sesquioxides " scientific shams, which nominally serve to explain the constitution of the tartrates, but actually to puzzle and bewilder you ! The Xanthates. A. SULPHOCARBONATES, OR SULPHOXANTHATES. 1. H ,H ,CS 4 ,S 2 . . Hydren xantha sulphene. 2. ZH 4 ,ZH 4 ,CS 4 ,S a . . Ammonen xantha sulphene. 3. K ,K ,CS 4 ,S 8 . . Potassen xantha sulphene. 4. Fe ,Fe ,CS 4 ,S 2 . . Ferrenous xantha sulphene. 5. Fee ,Fec ,CS 4 ,S 2 . . Ferrenic xantha sulphene. 6. C H 3 ,C H 3 ,CS 4 ,S 2 . . Methylen xantha sulphene. 7. C 2 H 5 ,C 2 H 5 ,CS 4 ,S 2 . . Ethylen xantha sulphene. 8. K ,C 2 H 5 ,CS 4 ,S 2 . . Potassa ethyla xantha sulphene. B. XANTHATES. a). Xanth&twthylates. 9. CH 3 ,CH 8 ,CS 4 O . . . Methyla methyla xanthate. 10. K ,CH 3 ,CS 4 O . . . Potassa methyla xanthate. 1 1 . Pb ,GH 3 ,CS 4 O . . . Pltimba methyla xanthate. b). Xanthates. 12. H ,C 2 H 5 ,CS 4 O . . Hydra ethyla xanthate. 13. C 2 H 5 ,C*H 5 ,CS 4 O . . Ethyla ethyla xanthate. 14. C H 3 ,C 2 H 5 ,CS 4 O . . Methyla ethyla xanthate. 1 5. ZH 4 ,C 2 H 5 ,CS 4 O . . Ammona ethyla xanthate. 1 6. K ,C 2 H 5 ,CS 4 O . . Potassa ethyla xanthate. 17. Na ,C 2 H a ,CS 4 O . . Natra ethyla xanthate. 1 8. Ba ,C 2 H 5 ,CS 4 O . . Baryta ethyla xanthate. 1 9. Pb ,C 2 H 5 ,CS 4 O . . Plumba ethyla xanthate. 20. Cu ,C*H*,CS 4 . . Cuprous ethyla xanthate. THE XANTHATES. 471 c). Xanthamylates. 21. H ,C 5 H U ,CS 4 O . . Hydra amyla xanthate. 22. C 5 H ll ,C 5 H ll ,CS 4 . . Amyla amyla xanthate. 23. CH 3 ,C 5 H ll ,CS 4 . . Methyla amyla xanthate. 24. C*H 5 ,C 5 H ll ,CS 4 O . . Ethyla amyla xanthate. 25. ZH 4 ,C 5 H U ,CS 4 . . Ammona amyla xanthate. 26. K ,C 5 H ll ,CS 4 O . . Potassa amyla xanthate. 27. Pb ,C 5 H ll ,CS 4 O . . Plmnba amyla xanthate. d~). XantJwpropylates and Xantlwcetylates. 28. K,C 3 H 7 ,CS 4 O . . . Potassa propyla xanthate. 29. K,C 16 H 33 ,CS 4 . . . Potassa cetyla xanthate. Gerhardt. Xan- thamylamide = C 12 H 13 NO 8 S 2 , Johnson. Obtained by the action of am- monia on the salt No. 37. The explanation is the same as that just given of the process for preparing No. 43. The only thing that prevents the formation of simple and exact formulae for the different orders oi xanthates, is the want of a precise knowledge of the proximate constitution of the sulphide of carbon. Until that knowledge is obtained, all possible formulae for its salts must be subject to uncertainty. Yet the salts are so simple, so regular, and so evidently related to one another in groups, that there is no excuse for the wild extravagance of the names by which they all are commonly designated. In the construction of these names there has been a total disregard, not only of scientific order but of common intelligence. In only one particular can they be considered to be successful, which is, in effectually concealing the information which they profess to carry. It would be scarcely possible to pick out from among them a single name after which an impartial student of chemistry could undertake to write a formula of the salt to which it refers. That result infers the arrival at a degree of perfection in the art of concealing knowledge which I reckon to be the ne plus extra of non-scientific nomenclature. ( 480 ) The Conjugated Sulpho- Acids. Under the head of Conjugated Sulpho-Acids, I propose to give some account of the salts that are produced by the action of sulphuric acid upon compound organic radicals. Many of these salts have already passed incidentally under our notice in the review of other groups of salts; but it is still necessary to give them a formal and systematic examination, partly that I may place the subject before the reader in a complete state, and partly that I may be able to supply corrections which recent discoveries have rendered it necessary to make in preceding statements. I propose, now, when interpreting the proximate constitution of the conjugated sulpho-acids, to avail myself of the fact which I first pointed out at page 376, namely, that when a radical which, under ordinary cir- cumstances, acts the part of an ACID radical, goes into a salt in the cha- racter of a BASIC radical, it carries with it an additional quantity of Oxygen. I have said at page 376, that it takes with it one additional atom of oxygen ; but I must correct that expression. When the radical belongs to the vinyl series, or to any series which produces normal salts with O 2 , then the transferable quantity of oxygen is indeed O l ; but when the radical belongs to those which produce normal salts with O 3 , then the transferable quantity of oxygen is O 2 . Hence it is, that the com- position of the nitric acid anhydride is N,NO 5 , that of the phosphoric acid anhydride P,PO 3 , and that of the tartaric acid anhydride C 2 H 2 , C 2 H 2 O 5 . I regret to have to repeat here, what I have stated at page 377, that I cannot point out which are the radicals that act as transporters of oxygen into salts, and which do not so act. I am unable to draw a clear line of distinction between them. Generally speaking, all the acid radicals of the vinyl series, and many of those which belong to the series TiCH 2 H 9 , take up O 1 additional when they act as basic radicals. On the other hand, phenyl and most of the radicals of the series riCH 2 H 7 , act as basic radicals without taking up additional oxygen. A few radicals of frequent occurrence, such as benzyl, sometimes take up addi- tional oxygen, and sometimes, in circumstances apparently similar, dis- pense with it. These anomalies may hereafter disappear. In the mean- time, the main fact, that certain acid radicals take up O 1 or O 2 extra, when they pass into salts to act as basic radicals, is so certain, and leads to such remarkable elucidations of difficult theoretical points, that the nature and extent of the action demand a thorough investigation. THE CONJUGATED SULPHO-ACIDS. 481 BISULPHATES OF BASIC RADICALS. Group A. Bisulphates with Radicals of the Vinyl Series. {C* T_T3 C/^2 \ r 'cQg? Methyla sulphete cum hydra sulphete. {C 2 H 5 SO 2 ) j *gQ[ Ethyla sulphete cum hydra sulphete. 3. C 2 H 5 ,SO 2 -f Pb ,S0 2 Ethyla sulphete cum plumba sulphete. (C 2 H 5 ,S0 2 + H,S0 2 ) Ethyla sulphete cum hydra sulphete plus r |C 5! H 5 ,SO 2 + Pb ,S0 2 | ethyla sulphete cum plumba sulphete. I C 2 H 5 ,SO a + Pb ,SO 2 ) Ethyla sulphete cum plumba sulphete plus 5 ' (C 2 H 5 ,SO 2 + Pb 3 ,SO 3 | ethyla sulphete cum plumbine sulphite. ( C 3 H7 SO 2 ) 6. < j> 'cQaf Propyla sulphete cum baryta sulphete. 7 8. < TT 'gQ2f Amyla sulphete cum hydra sulphete. {C 8 H 17 SO 2 ) ^ H 'so 2 1 O ct yl a sulphete cum hydra sulphete. I (} 4 H 9 gQ2 ] . < TT- '<>Butyla sulphete cum potassa sulphete. {rn6TT33 CQ2 . 'sO 2 ( ^ et . v ^ a sulphete cum hydra sulphete. Group B. Bisulphates with Radicals not of the Vinyl Series. {C 6 H 5 SO 2 ) TT 'OQS[ Phenyla sulphete cum hydra sulphete. I C 6 H 5 SO 2 ) I2 * 1C H 3 'sO 2 1 -^henyla sulphete cum methyla sulphete. (C 8 H 5 SO 2 ) '| Piien y la sul phete cum barytic-methyla sulphete. (C 10 !! 13 SO 2 ) 14. -j jj 'sO a I T % m 7 la sulphete cum hydra sulphete. )C 10 H 13 SO 2 ) ^ Ba 's0 2 ( Th 7 m J la sulphete cum baryta sulphete. BISULPHATES OF ACID RADICALS. Group A. Bisulphates containing Radicals of the Vinyl Seiies, {H C 2 H 3 O 2 ) m'sO 2 ) 2 I H y^ ra acet 7 lete bis hydra sulphete. {C 2 H 3 SO 3 ) ^ H 'SO 2 | -^ cet y^ a sulphite cum hydra sulphete. 2 i 482 THEORY OF POLY BASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. 1 8. Argentic-acetyla sulphite cum argenta sulphete. (C 3 H 4 Ba SO 3 ) 21. -jg 's0 2 f Barytic-propionyla sulphite cum baryta sulphete. {C 3 !! 5 SO 3 ) H 'SO 2 ( P r P ion yl a sulphite cum hydra sulphete. ( ZH 3 C 3 H 5 SO 3 ) 2 3* |ZH 4 ' ' gQ > Propionylam sulphite cum ammona sulphete. I r^4TJ6T3 tJO 3 \ 24. \ -g a '^Qij j> Barytic-butyryla sulphite cum baryta sulphete. I C 4 H 7 SO 3 ) 2 5. \ jj ' gQ 2 > Butyryla sulphite cum hydra sulphete. Group B. Bisulphates containing Benzyl. f Q7JT5 SO 3 ) 26. < jj 'g O2 > Benzyla sulphite cum hydra sulphete. (C 7 H 5 SO 3 ) 2 7* I Ba 'SO 2 ( ^ enz y la sulphite cum baryta sulphete. 28. Benzyla sulphite cum argenta sulphete. 30. < . 'gQ 8 > Argentic-benzyla sulphite cum argenta sulphete. ( C7H 5 SO 3 1 3 *' I C 2 H 5 'SO 2 f ^ enz y^ a su lphi te cum ethyla sulphete. 32. Z y 3 Q-2jj5 .'go 2 ! ^ enz y^ a su lphite cum ethylam sulphete. t Q7JJ5 gQ3 J 33. )r*H 3 "N" 'SO 2 1 ^ enz yl a sulphite cum natric-ethyla sulphete. ( C 7 !! 5 SO 3 ) 34' ] C 2 R 4 B- 'SO 2 ! ^ enz yl a sulphite cum barytic-ethyla sulphete. G-roup C. Bisulphates containing Anisyl, Cinnamyl, or Spiryl. ( TT C^H'O 3 1 35. < /TT ' SO 2 V -^y^ ra ams ylite bis hydra sulphete. THE CONJUGATED SULPHO-ACIDS. 48o TT r* 8 TT 7 o 3 \ CBa SO 2 } 2 ! H y dra anis 7 lite bis baryta sulphete. I TT f^TT^O 3 ) 37. {/pu ' goT I ^ dra anis y lite k is P lumba sulphete. 38. j j_j- ' gQ 2 > Anisyla sulphote cum hydra sulphete. I C 8 H 6 Ba SO 4 ) 39. <- SO 2 I Barytic-anisyla sulphote cum baryta sulphete. ( C^JrPPb SO 4 1 40. < p, < f Plumbic-anisyla sulphote cum plumba sulphete. (C 9 H 7 SO 3 ) 41. Q*O 3 1 * m ' S 2 O 3 f ^ ar y t i c ' met hyl a sulphenite cum baryta sulphenite. \ CH 2 Ag , S*0 3 1 Argentic-methyla sulphenite cum argenta sul- *1A ,S 2 3 f phenite. ( 7TT 3 47. < ^pT4' ' o 8 Q3 - Methylam sulphenite cum ammona sulphenite. I Q*pp S 2 O 3 I 48. <|TT 's 2 O 8 ( ^ tu y^ a sulphenite cum hydra sulphenite. lC 2 H 4 Ba ',S 2 3 U 49. < g $ 8 O 3 ( ^ ar y tlc ~ etn } T * a sulphenite cum baryta sulphenite. !ZH 3 C 2 H 5 S 2 O a i /pi*' ' c*o 8 Ethylam sulphenite cum ammona sulphenite. JC 3 H 7 ^O 3 )^ 51. 's 8 O 3 l Barytic-phenyla sulphenite cum baryta sulphenite. s 8 O 3 GROUP C. ffyposulphates containing Naphtyl. f/^10TT7 O2pv8 1 55- ' g2Q3 [ Barytic-naphtyla sulphenite cum baryta sulphenite. GROUP D. ffyposulphates containing Anisol. (Toluenyl?) J C 7 H 7 ,S O 2 -f Ba,SO 2 ) Toluenyla sulphete cum hydra sulphete 57- \ H ,S O* + Ba,S0 2 f bis baryta sulphete. R (C 7 H 6 Ba,S 2 O 4 | Barytic - toluenyla sulphenote cum baryta sul- 5 8 '\Ba ,S 2 O 3 ( phenite. ( C* 7 H 7 S 2 O 4 1 59* I H 's 2 O 3 l Toluenyla sulphenote cum hydra sulphenite. jk} \J J Group E. Amidogen Hyposulphates. S 2 O 3 | C2Q3 [ Phenylac sulphenite cum hydra sulphenite. S 2 3 jBary tic-phenylac sulphenite cum baryta sill- s' 3 ! phenite. S 2 O 3 | Argentic phenylac sulphenite cum argenta sul- S 2 O 3 ( phenite. S 2 O 3 ) qn*f Phenylac sulphenite cum amida sulphenite. S 2 O 3 1 > Phenylac sulphenite cum barytec sulphenite. 60. ZH,C 6 H 5 H , f ZBa,C 6 H 5 r '| Ba, 62. JZA&CW 6 3 . { V H5 6 r ZH,C 6 H 5 6 4' j ZBa 2 SULPHITES. Group A. Sulphites containing Radicals of the Vinyl Series. C H 3 ; S 2 8 Hydra methyla sulphenite. C H 3 ; S 2 O 3 Baryta methyla sulphenite. C H 3 ; S 2 O 3 Argenta methyla sulphenite. C H 3 ; S*O 3 Plumba methyla sulphenite. C H 3 ; S 2 O 4 Plumbine methyla sulphenote = CH 3 ,SO+Pb 3 ,SO 3 Methyla sulphate cum plumbine sulphite. C H 3 ; S 2 O 3 Potassa methyla sulphenite. C H 3 ; S 2 O 3 ) Potassa methyla sulphenite cum hydra me- C H 3 ; S 2 3 f thyla sulphenite. C 2 H 5 ; S ? O 3 Hydra ethyla sulphenite. C 2 H 5 ; S 2 3 Ethyla ethyla sulphenite. C 2 H 5 ; S 2 8 Potassa ethyla sulphenite. 65. H 66. Ba 67. Ag 68. Pb 69. / Pb 3 i r^i 70. ( = OJ K f K 7 1 - I H 12. H 73- C 2 H 5 74- K THE CONJUGATED SULPHO-ACIDS. .485 75. Ag; C 2 H 5 ; S 2 O 2 Argenta ethyla sulphenite. 76. Ba; C'H 5 ; S*O 3 Baryta ethyla sulphenite. 77. H ; C 5 H 11 ; S 2 O 3 Hydra amyla sulphenite. 78. Ba; C 5 H 11 ; S 2 O 3 Baryta amyla sulphenite. Group B. Sulphites of the Radicals rcCH 2 H 7 and rcCH 2 H' 3 . 79. H;C 6 H 5 80. Cue; C 6 H 5 81. H;C 7 H 7 82. Ba;C 7 H 7 Ba; C 8 H 9 H ; C 9 H 11 H; C'H 7 K; C l H 7 87. Ag;C 10 H 7 88. H;C 10 H 13 89. Ba;C 10 H 13 83. 84. 85. 86. S 2 3 Hydra phenyla sulphenite. S 8 3 Cupric phenyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Hydra toluenyla sulphenite. S*O 3 Baryta toluenyla sulphenite. S 2 3 Baryta xylenyla sulphenite. S S O 3 Hydra cumenyla sulphenite. S 8 O 3 Hydra naphtyla sulphenite. S*O 3 Potassa naphtyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Argenta naphtyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Hydra thy my la sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Baryta thymyla sulphenite. 90. 91. 92. 93- 94. 95- 96. 97- H; H; H; K; If: .Del ? H: H; C C C C C C C C H'Cl HC1 2 Cl 3 H 2 C1 HC1 2 Cl 3 H 4 C1 3 10 H 5 Br 2 Group C. S'dphites containing Chloric Vice-radicals. S 2 3 Hydra chloric-methyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Hydra chlorenic-methyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Hydra chloririic-methyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Potassa chloric-methyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Argenta chlorenic-methyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Baryta chlorinic-methyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Hydra chlorinic-naphtyla sulphenite. S 2 O 3 Hydra bromenic-naphtyla sulphenite. Group D. Amidogen Sulphites. {ZH 2 SO ) j J CQ[ Amida sulphate cum hydra sulphete. I ZH 2 SO ) 99. I ^T'C:O* f Amida sulphate cum methyla sulphete. I jOw J I Phenylac sulphate cum hydra sulphete. I Phenylac sulphate cum baryta sulphete. > Phenylac sulphate cum argenta sulphete. SO ) -iQf Toluenylac sulphate cum ammona sulphete. (ZH,C 6 H 100. < H IZH,C 6 H 5 Ba 101. 103. | 104 ZH,C 7 H 7 ZH 4 SO SO so so [ Toluenylac sulphate cum potassa sulphete. 486 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. {ZH C 10 H 7 SO ] H SO 2 1 Na P^ t y lac sulphate cum hydra sulphete. 1 06. 107. 108. 109. ( j = Zn ; C H 3 Ba ; C H 3 Mg; CH 3 Ca; C H 3 H;CH 3 j ill. Zn;C 2 H 5 (SO) 8 112. Ba;C 2 H 5 (SO) 3 113. Ag;C*H 5 (SO) 3 114. Cuc;C 2 H 5 (SO) 3 115. Na;C 2 H 5 (SO) 3 1 1 6. C 2 H 5 ;C 2 H 5 (SO) 3 f H ; C 2 H 5 ll jA JC 2 H 5 , 1 = 1 H, (SO) 3 SO 1 3 2 2 ( METHYLODITHIONATES. (SO) 2 Zinca methyla bisulphate. (SO) 8 Baryta methyla bisulphate. SO 2 Magna methyla bisulphate. Calca methyla bisulphate. Hydra methyla bisulphate. Methyla sulphate cum hydra sulphate. ETHYLOTRITHIONATES. Zinca ethyla trisulphate. Baryta ethyla trisulphate. Argenta ethyla trisulphate. Cupric ethyla trisulphate. Natra ethyla trisulphate. Ethyla ethyla trisulphate. Hydra ethyla trisulphate. Ethyla sulphate cum hydra sulphenete. INVESTIGATION OF BISULPHATES OF BASIC RADICALS. According to many chemists, the salts of this section, Groups A and B, Nos. I to I 5, are conjugated sulphates, a class of salts in which the organic radicals are supposed to be combined with the sulphur and oxygen into monobasic conjugated acids. I have examined that theory in the Article which commences at page 399, and shown that it is not tenable, and that these salts ought to be described, as I have described them in this Table, as double sulphates. Each salt in these two groups has four atoms of oxygen. In Group A, the organic radicals are all such as belong to the vinyl basic series. In Group B, they are such as belong to other series, but none of them have assumed the extra atom of oxygen which distinguishes certain acid radicals when they act as basic radicals. Usual Names of these Bisulphates of Basic Radicals. GROUP A, i]. Sulphomethylic acid. The atom of basic hydrogen is replaceable by any other basic radical. 2]. Ethylosulphuric acid, or sulphovinic acid. The basic hydrogen, H 1 , is replaceable by any other basic radical, and produces a great variety of double sulphates. 3]. An example of a normal sulphovinate, which is commonly said to be monobasic. 4], A biacid sulphovinate. 5]. A bibasic sulphovinate. In this case one of the four sulphates contained in the salt has O 3 , in consequence of THE CONJUGATED SULPHO-ACIDS. 487 the presence of two extra basic radicals, the analytical formula being Pb,S0 2 + Pb,PbO. Salts equivalent to No. 3, are produced by ex- changing Pb for ZH 4 , Na, K, Ba, L, Sr, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, &c. 6]. The barytic salt of trityl-sulphuric acid = C 6 H 7 BaS 2 O 8 , Gerhardt. 7]. Sulphobutylate of potash. 8]. Sulphamylic acid. 9]. Octylsul- phuric acid. 10]. Cetyl-sulphuric acid. All these acids exchange H l for any other basic radical. GROUP B. n], Sulpho-phenic acid. The H 1 is replaceable by a basic radical. 12] and 13] seem to me to be salts of precisely the same character as No. 1 1 , the hydrogen in that salt being replaced by CH 3 to produce 12, and by CH 2 Ba, to produce 13. Gerhardt, however, con- siders No. 1 2 to be a " conjugated acid." He calls it Methyl-sulpho- phenic acid, and gives it this formula The single atom of hydrogen represented in this formula he represents to be replaceable by barium, and so accounts for the production of the salt No. 13. In this theory, Gerhardt assumes that the radical methyl replaces one atom of hydrogen in the radical phenyl. Most of the modern French chemists, following Gerhardt, frequently resort to this practice of representing the hydrogen of hydro-carbons as replaceable by other complete hydro-carbons, atom for atom. To me, this practice ap- pears to be highly pernicious, and one that, if carried out, would destroy the power of identifying radicals. But it is as unnecessary as it is dangerous. In the present instance, it is done merely to accommo- date the formula to the barytic radical in No. 13, but surely it is better to adopt the theory of " metallic vice-radicals," page 137, which cannot possibly produce the muddle that must necessarily ensue from admit- ting the notion that hydro-carbons can replace hydrogen in other hydro- carbons, and produce compound intermediate hydrocarbons. According to Gerhardt, the organic radical which is present in methyl-sulphophenic acid is a hydro-carbon = C 7 H 7 . This agrees in composition with toluenyl, or with the radical which is commonly assumed to be present in anisole, and in fact Gerhardt calls the acid, not only methyl-sulpho- phenic acid, but also sulphanisolic acid. The question naturally arises, what radical is actually present in the salt? Is it anisol, or toluenyl, or methyl plus phenyl, or any other combination of radicals which can together amount to C 7 H 7 ? Why, without the slightest necessity, should we adopt a practice which evidently opens a door to such inter- minable confusion ? 14]. Thymylsulphuric acid, or sulphothymic acid. 15], The baryta salt of that " conjugated acid." 488 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. INVESTIGATION OF BISDLPHATES OF ACID RADICALS. Examples Nos. 1 6 to 42. These salts are either double sulphates or triple salts. The hydro- carbon that is present in each of them, is an acid radical. Consequently, there is in each salt an addition to that quantity of oxygen, which is required to complete a normal sulphate, when its hydrocarbon is basic. I will introduce the explanation of these salts by an account of some recent researches by MM. Buckton and Hofmann (Proceedings of the Royal Society, vii. 544, and viii. 158; also Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society. 1856, ix. 241). When acetamide is acted upon by fuming' oil of vitriol, the results are such as may be represented as follows : JZH 4 ,SO 2 ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 0] ZH 2 ,C 2 H 3 Oy = (H^O 2 ) 8 ] f H',C*H 3 \ H,S0 2 I H,S0 2 JCH 3 ,S 8 3 1 H,S*0 3 I ,C0 2 u* = d. Two atoms of acetamide and eight atoms of sulphuric acid produce in the main (for the products vary according to the manner of conducting the process) as follows : a. Two atoms of sulphate of ammonia. These carry off the nitrogen. b. A combination of one atom of hydrated acetic acid with two atoms of hydrated sulphuric acid = No. 16]. c. A double or acid hyposulphate of methyl = No. 44. d. An atom of carbonic acid, set free. The methods of separating the three salts, a, b, c, are described by MM. Buckton and Hofmann, but need not be repeated here. By operating upon other am ids in this manner, similar results were ob- tained. Each decomposition affording a salt belonging to the Bisul- phates of Acid Radicals in company with another salt belonging to the Double Hyposulphates with basic radicals. The production of the salt c depends, of course, upon the reduction of the acid radical to the cor- responding basic radical by the expulsion of C 1 . That is effected by using a sufficient excess of acid, and a suitable high temperature: CO 8 then flies off, and the nascent basic radical combines with the sulphuric acid. GROUP A. Bisulphates of Radicals of tJie Vinyl Series, Nos. 16 to 25. THE CONJUGATED SULPHO-ACIDS. 48 9 1 6]. H,C 2 H 3 2 -f 2(H,S0 2 ) This triple acid can be obtained in the state of dehydrated crystals that have the composition represented by the formula. The usual crystals contain aq. in addition to what is represented in the formula. This compound is the sulphacetic acid of organic chemists : Melsen's formula for it is C 4 (H 2 S0 2 )O 3 ,SO 3 2HO -f 2Aq. By an abstraction of HHO, the compound No. 16 is reduced to No. 17. 17]. C 2 H 3 ,S0 3 + H,SO*. Miller's formula for sulphacetic acid is 2HO,C 4 H 2 S 2 8 , and Hofmann's formula is C 4 H 4 S 2 10 , both of which represent it as a bibasic conjugated acid. I have not, however, met with any analysis of an acid of this composition, although the form agrees with that of many of the normal salts. 1 8]. C 2 H 2 Ba,S0 3 + Ba,S0 2 . The sulphacetate of barytes. Hofmann's formula = C 4 (H 2 Ba 2 )S 2 O 10 . Gmelin's formula = C 4 H 2 Ba 2 4 , 2 SO 3 . Miller's formula = 2BaO, C 4 H 2 S 2 O 8 . These formulas all intimate the presence of a bibasic conju- gated acid. Now, let us examine this point, whether the evidence is sufficient to prove the existence in these salts of an acid radical which is conjugated of acetyl and sulphur. Suppose the acid No. 1 6 to be deprived of an atom of HHO. The residues would be C 2 H 3 ,H,S,S,O 5 , and the question to be solved is, in what order do these atoms combine with one another to form a com- pound salt ? T . H.CPH'SO* C 2 H 3 ,S0 3 Is it so: H | s()2 ;orso: ^0* ? According to the first supposition, we have a double salt, containing a sulphic vice-radical, such as I have described at page 136, which radical, in this case, is sulphacetyl = C 2 H 2 S, where H l is replaced by S 1 , sub- ject to the addition of O l to the oxygen of every salt into which the conjugated radical enters. This supposition, as I have shown at page 137, agrees with the composition of the salts; and according to it, the salt, No. 1 8], cited above, would be represented by the formula : Ba,C 2 H 2 S0 3 + Ba,S0 2 . But this supposition leaves out of consideration the important fact, to which I have adverted in the beginning of this Section, namely, that an acid radical can act the part of a basic radical, provided an addition of oxygen is made to its salts. On that principle the formula No. 17 is founded ; for in the salt which that formula represents, we have a sulphate with acetyl for its basic radical, and consequently with O 3 as its quantum of oxygen. 490 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. The objection that applies to this formula is, that sulphacetic acid (like all the acids of this category) is bibasic, while the double acid, represented by formula 1 7, contains but one atom of basic hydrogen. To meet that objection, another fact comes into play, namely, the fact that hydrocarbons, when acting as basic radicals, can exchange an atom of hydrogen for a metal, and produce a metallic vice-radical. I have proved this to be the case in so many instances, that I do not hesitate to cite it as a fact that is incontestable. These considerations drive the argument into a corner. We have to choose between these two probabilities : does acetyl in the sulphacetates exist as an acid radical in combination with sulphur = C 2 H 2 S, or as a basic radical in combination with a metal = C 8 H 2 M ? I am decidedly in favour of the latter opinion, and I do not now, as I once did, consider the existing evidence to be in favour of the occurrence of sulphic radicals. When I wrote the Article on sulphic radicals at page 136, and those on the sulphur salts of indigo between pages 269 and 274, I was favour- able to the theory of sulphic radicals ; but the facts developed during the investigation into the polyatomic alcohols respecting the power of acid radicals to act as basic radicals under certain conditions of suroxida- tion, together with the ever-increasing proof of the existence of basic hydrocarbons containing metals by substitution for hydrogen, have com- pletely changed my opinion; and I now consider that the evidence which tends to prove the existence of sulphic radicals is outweighed by that which tends to prove the contrary, and consequently that flre have no right to assume that such things as conjugated sulpho-acids exist. I shall show that all the salts that are collected under this head are subject to an interpretation which is independent of the theory of conjugated acids. I conclude, therefore, that the salt No. 1 8 is properly represented as a double sulphate, one of the salts being in its normal state, and the other containing barytic-acetyl, and, therefore, an additional atom of oxygen. C 2 H 3 .SO 3 H ,C 2 H 3 2 -, = HBa 2 ,S0 3 or (Ba,SOy. = W The barytic salt No. 19 is procurable in crystals, which may be ex- plained by either of these two formulae. According to the first formula, we have a sulphate of acetyl combined with a terbasic sulphate. Both salts contain O 3 , the first because of the presence of an acid radical, the second because of the presence of three basic radicals. According to the second form we have hydrated acetic acid, in combination with two atoms of sulphate of barytes. This form agrees with the hydrated acid No. 16, and is, I think, the most probable. When this salt is heated, HHO goes away, and a new arrangement of atoms occurs, which produces the salt No. 1 8. THE CONJUGATED SULPHO-ACIDS. 491 20]. C 2 H 2 Ag,S0 3 + Ag,S0 2 , the silver salt of the same acid. Numerous other salts might be quoted, but none which afford additional evidence on the point now discussed. In matters of this sort, cumulative concurrent evidence adds to the probability of the truth of a theory, but does not make it certain. 21]. C 3 H 4 'a ,SO 3 + Ba ,SO 2 . 22]. C 3 H f ,SO 3 + H ,SO 2 . 23]. ZH 3 ,C 3 H 5 ,S0 3 + ZH 4 ,S0 2 . 24]. C 4 H 6 Ba ,S0 3 + Ba ,SO 2 . 25]. C 4 H 7 ,S0 3 + H ,S0 2 - Usual Names: -21]. Sulphopropionate of barium = C 6 (H 4 Ba 2 )S 2 10 , Buckton and Hofmann. 22]. Sulphopropionic acid. 23]. Sulphopro- pionate of ammonium : (the relation of this salt to the acid No. 22, plus two atoms of ammonia = ZH 2 H + ZEPH, is seen at a glance). 24]. Sulphobutyrate of barium = C 8 (H 6 Ba 8 )S 2 O', Buckton and Hof- mann. 25]. Sulphobutyric acid. These salts differ from the sulphacetates only by the substitution of propionyl = C 3 H 5 , and butyryl = C 4 H 7 , for acetyl = C 8 H 3 . The theory which applies to sulphacetic acid applies to every acid of this description. It is, I think, wrong to call them " acids." They are simply double sulphates modified by the quantity of oxygen which is governed by the organic radicals and metallic vice-radicals. Group B. Bisulphates containing Benzyl, Nos. 26 to 34. No. 26 in this series is sulphobenzoic acid, and the other salts, from 27 to 34, are sulphobenzoates. The theory of these salts is precisely similar to that of the preceding group, and it is useless to cite them individually for discussion. One or two points may be noticed. No. 27, the monobarytic salt, is a form that has not yet been found among the salts of the preceding group. The salts Nos. 31 to 34 have been recently described by Limpricht, who is of opinion that; the acid of No. 3 1 con- tains not only sulphur and benzyl but ethyl. He calls it ethyl-sulpho- benzoicacid. The ammonia salt, No. 32, he calls ethyl-sulphobenzoate C 14 H 4 S 8 O 6 ) of ammonia, and the formula which he gives for it is /~ 4 TTSX-NTT \ O 4 . My interpretation of these salts is entirely different. I consider No. 31 to be a double sulphate, but having O l extra, because of the presence of benzyl in the condition of its basic radical : the ethy], of course, demands no additional oxygen. When a metal acts upon this double salt, the odd atom of hydrogen in the ethyl is exchanged for it, and thus the salts 33 and 34 are produced. When ammonia acts upon No. 31 it simply converts the ethyl into ethy lam, which, being a normal ammonam, de- mands no additional oxygen, as is seen in No. 32. 492 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. Group C. Bisulphates containing Anisyl, Cinnamyl, and Spiryl. Nos. 35 to 43. The bisulphates that contain anisyl have been recently investigated by Zervas, under the guidance of Hofmann (Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1857, viii. 494; Quarterly Journal Chemical Society, 1857, x. 211). The compounds were prepared by the action of fuming sulphuric acid on anisic acid. 35]. H,C 8 H 7 3 + 2(H ,S0 2 ). 36]. H^IFO 3 + 2(Ba,SO*). 37]. H,C"H 7 3 + 2(Pb,S0 2 ). These were crystallised salts, for which the discoverer gives the following formulae : for 35, C 16 H 8 S 2 18 + 2aq. for 36, C 16 (H 6 Ba 2 )S 8 12 + 2 aq. for 37, C le (H 6 Pb 2 )S 2 O 12 + 2 aq. No. 35 is called sulphanisic acid, and the others are sulphanisates. 38]. C 8 H 7 ,S0 4 + H ,S0 8 . 39]. C 8 H 6 Ba,SO 4 + Ba,SO 2 . 40]. C 8 H 6 Pb,S0 4 + Pb,S0 8 . No. 38 is produced by heating the crystals of 35 at 100 C. No. 39, by heating the crystals of 36 at 170 C. JN"o. 40, by heating the crystals of 37 at 176 C. Theory. There is here no evidence of the formation of the "conju- gated" sulphanisic acid. The first three salts are combinations of sulphates with hydrated anisic acid. The others differ from these in consequence of having each undergone an abstraction of HHO. The effect of this abstraction of HHO is, to throw the anisyl into the condition of a basic radical, and as this acid radical requires O 3 for its normal salts, on be- coming basic, it carries with it O 2 , and consequently raises the oxygen of the sulphate into which it enters from O 2 to 0*. In this respect only do the sulphanisates differ in principle from the sulphacetates and sul- phobenzoates. 41]. cm 7 so 3 + H, so 2 . 42]. C 9 H 6 Ag,S0 3 + Ag,S0 2 . No. 41 is the sulphocinnamic acid, and 42 its silver salt. There are many other salts similar to No. 42. It is evident at a glance that these salts resemble those which contain benzyl, group B, and that they require no other theoretical explanation. 43]. C 7 H 5 ,S0 4 + H,S0 8 . Hofmann quotes this formula (or rather he quotes C U H 6 S 8 O 12 ) as that of another new conjugated acid, the sulpho-salicylic acid, recently dis- THE CONJUGATED SULPHO- ACIDS. 493 covered by Mr. Baldwin Duppa. No particulars are given respecting the salt. The correctness of this formula is doubtful. C 7 H 5 represents spiryl, not salicyl, but spiryl could scarcely require O 4 in its sulphate, INVESTIGATION OF DOUBLE HYPOSULPHATES. A Hyposulphate contains two atoms of sulphur, three atoms of oxygen, and one positive radical (see page 172). There is no a priori argument against the possibility of the formation of double hypo- sulphates. I conclude thence, that the salts in the Table, from No. 44 to 59, are all double hyposulphates, and that they contain no conjugated acids of any description whatever. It may be urged in opposition to this opinion, that the properties arid reactions of these salts are not in accord- ance with the properties and reactions of hyposulphates ; but it does not appear to me that the properties and reactions of hyposulphates are, at present, known with such perfection that much reliance can be placed on arguments which depend solely upon that knowledge. The process by which these salts are produced has been described in general terms at page 488. All the basic radicals that are contained in the salts that form groups A, B, C, are truly basic, and therefore they bring no additioanl oxygen into the salts. In group D, we perceive the radical (7H 7 , the nature of which I do not understand, but which has evidently the power of an acid radical of the benzyl series, and consequently adds O 1 to its salts. All the other particulars that are exhibited by the formulae, from Nos. 44 to 59, have been so fully discussed, that the reader will imme- diately comprehend the meanings that these formula? are intended to convey. But as the discovery of these salts is but recent, and as their discoverers are impressed with the conviction that they have discovered five or six NEW ACIDS, I will quote some of their names and formulae. My impression is, that the salts are hyposulphates, and nothing else. If this impression is correct, I apprehend that little favour is due to mere names which imply the existence of conjectural conjugated acids. Not one such acid ought to be recognised as existent without conclusive evidence in its favour. The law of simplicity commands us to admit in chemistry of the existence of no greater variety of substances than nature actually produces : they are numerous enough in all conscience. Every new conjugated acid, and every new polyatomic base, which speculative chemists adopt inconsiderately and without necessity, is an injury to the exactness and an obstacle to the progress of true science. Groups A and B. Names and Formula given by Messrs. Euckton and Hofmann. 44]. Disulphometholic acid = C 2 H 4 S 4 18 . 45]. Disulphometholate of barium = C 2 (H 2 Ba 8 )S 4 12 . 494 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. 46]. Disulphometholate of silver = C 2 (H 2 Ag 2 )S 4 12 . Disulphometholate of Ammonium = C 2 [H 2 (NH 4 ) 2 ]S 4 12 . Disulphetholic acid = C 4 H 6 S 4 O r n 48] 49 5 2 . 53. 54] Disulphetholate of barium = C 4 (H 4 Ba*)S 4 O 12 . Disulphetholate of ammonium = C 4 [H 4 (NH 4 ) 2 ]S 4 O 12 . Disulphopropiolic acid = C C (H 8 )S 4 O 12 . Disulphopropiolate of barium = C 6 (H 6 Ba a )S 4 O 18 . Disulphobenzolic acid = C 12 H 6 S 4 O 12 . Disulphobenzolate of barium = C 12 (H 4 Ba 2 )S 4 O 12 . Group C. Names quoted by Gerhardt. 55]. Disulphonaphtalic acid; thionaphtic acid; hyposulphonaphtic acid = C io H 8 S 4 O 12 = C 20 H 8 + 4(SO 3 ,HO) - 4HO. 56. Disulphonaphtalate of barytes = C 20 H 6 Ba 2 S 4 12 . Group D. Names of Zervas and Hofmann. 57]. Disulphanisolate of barium = C 14 (H 6 Ba 2 )S 4 O u -f- 2 aq. This salt is evidently a quadra-sulphate, the four basic radicals of which areBa, Ba, C 7 H 7 , and H. The salts Nos. 58 and 59 were inferred to exist, rather than proved to exist, by these chemists. Looking over these salts, there seems to be no evidence to favour the assumption of the existence of a series of conjugated sulpho-acids, but much to prove the accuracy of the formulae which are given in the Table, and according to which these salts are all hyposulphates. The radical marked C 7 H 7 is derived from anisyl C 8 H 7 by abstraction of C 1 . Hofmann calls it anisol. Is it toluenyl = C 7 H 7 , or some other isomeric radical ? It acts here as an acid radical, whereas toluenyl acts as a basic radical (see No. 81). Group E. Amidogen Hyposulphates. Usual Names. -60]. Disulphanilic acid = C 12 H 7 NS 4 12 , Euckton and Hofmann. 61]. Distil phanilate of barium = C 12 (HW)NS 4 O 12 , B. and H. 62]. Disulphanilate of silver = C 12 (H 5 Ag 2 )NS 4 12 , B.andH. 63]. Di- thiobenzolic acid = C 12 H 8 N 2 S 4 O 12 , Hilhenkamp. Phenyldisulphodiamic acid, Hofmann. 64]. The barium salt of that acid. The salts of this group have been described at page 240. There is a peculiarity in their composition which I do not understand. If HHO is added to the Z H 8 C 6 H 5 * S 2 O 4 ) amidogen salt No. 60 we produce r \ g ? Q 3 \ . The upper member of this salt represents twice as much sulphur and oxygen as belongs to a sulphate in combination with only one basic radical. If 2 (HHO) is added to the double amidogen salt No. 64 we produce ZH 8 C 6 H 5 S 2 O* 1 ZH 2 'B 2 S 2 O 4 I ' ^ s * s a d u ble salt, with a similar disproportion of THE CONJUGATED SULPHO-ACIDS. 495 acid radicals to basic radicals. Other examples occur, see page 241, in which amidogens seem to be equally competent with ammoniums to act as basic radicals in hyposulphates. INVESTIGATION OF THE SULPHITES. A sulphite contains two atoms of sulphur, three atoms of oxygen, and two positive radicals. See pages 171 and 237. The salts described in the Table, from Nos. 65 to 97, are all formed in accordance with these particulars, and consequently are entitled to be called sulphites. The common practice of organic chemists is, however, to represent them as salts of conjugated acids, chiefly under the sup- position, that the organic radical which is present in each salt is not present in the character of a basic radical, but is conjugated with the sulphur into a compound acid radical. The arguments by which that supposition is supported have been examined in the article which com- mences at page 399, in which I have shown that the evidence adduced, instead of proving the existence of conjugated acids, proves exactly the reverse. Referring the reader to those arguments and facts, I assume here, that all the compound radicals which appear in this Table are present in the salts in the condition of basic radicals, that the salts are sulphites, and that the theory of conjugated acids is totally inapplicable to every one of them. Even the chloric- and bromic-vice-radicals, some of them containing two or three atoms of chlorine or of bromine, with no hydrogen, still act in these salts as basic radicals, and have no effect on the quantum of oxygen which is demanded by the sulphur for the formation of normal sulphites. GROUP A. Sulphites with Alcohol Radicals. Nos. 65 to 78. 65} H; CH 3 ; S 2 3 = CH 3 ,SO + H,S0 2 . The H being replaceable, this acid gives rise to the salts that are formulated in Nos. 66 to 7 1 , and to many others. This acid has been called Sulphosomethylic acid. Hyposulphomethylic acid, Gmetin. Acide methyl -sulfureux ; acide methyl-dithionique, or sulfomethyl-sulfurique = C 2 H 4 S 2 6 = 'S 2 6 , Gerhardt. Acide sulfoformique, Laurent. Methylunterschwefelsaure, or Hydrated hyposulphate of methyl = C 2 H 3 ,S 2 O\HO, Kolbe. In applying the term hyposulphate to a salt of this formula, Kolbe seems to have considered only the relations of the sulphur and oxygen, and to have forgotten that with these proportions of S and O, the presence of two basic radicals makes a sulphite, while a hyposulphate requires only one basic radical. But probably Kolbe was guided in his opinion by the notion that in this case the hydrogen alone acted as the basic radical, and that the methyl 496 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. = C 2 H 3 acted merely as a neutral, indifferent, powerless, hanger-on, like the basic radicals in his copulated oxalates, which I have described at page 408. However, the mistaking of sulphites for hyposulphates is not peculiar to Kolbe, but is a common practice among organic chemists. 66] to 71]. These are salts of the "acid" No. 65, and therefore demand no particular explanation. No. 71 is a double or acid salt. No. 69 is a salt one half of which is terbasic. In this example we have the proportions of S and O which are proper to a normal sulphate, but with twice the ordinary number of basic radicals. 72]. H ; C 2 H 5 ; S 2 ^ = C 2 H 5 ,SO -f H,SO 2 . This is commonly called the Ethylosulphurous acid. Nos. 73 to 76 are examples of its salts, of which many more might be quoted. No. 73 is also called the sulphite of ethyl, and affords an instance of an organic salt, which, for a wonder, organic chemists have omitted to convert into a conjugated acid. 77]. The hyposulphamylic acid. 78]. Its barium salt. GROUP B. Sulphites containing Radicals of the Series nCH 2 H 7 , and rcCH 2 - H 13 . 79]. H ; C 6 H 5 ; S 2 O 3 = C 6 H 5 ,SO -f H,S0 2 . All the salts of Group B have this constitution. The H, of course, is replaceable by a basic radical, and gives rise in each case to a series of salts. Usual names. 79]. Funeschwefelsaure, Gmelin. Acide phenyl-sul- fureux or acide sulfobenzidic Hyposulphobenzidic acid, Gregory. Sulphobenzolic acid = HO,C 12 H 5 S 2 5 , Miller. 8oJ. The copper salt of the acid 79. 81]. Sulphotoluy lie acid. Thiotoluic acid. Acide sulfobenzoenique. Toluolschwefelsaure. 82]. Its barium salt. 83]. The barium salt of xylenyl-sulphurous acid, or Sulpho-xyloic acid. 84]. Cumenyl-sulphurous acid. Sulphocumenic acid. 85]. Sulphonaphtalic acid. Naphtyl-sulphurous acid. Hypo- sulphonaphtalic acid. Naphtyl-dithionic acid. 86 and 87]. Salts of the acid No. 85. 88]. Thymyl-sulphurous acid, Sulphocymenic acid, or sulphocamphic acid, Gerhardt. 89]. Its barium salt. GROUP C. Sulphites containing Chloric Vice-Radicals. The salts Nos. 90, 91, 92, differ from the salt No. 65, only by the substitution of chloric-, chlorenic-, and chlorinic-methyl, in the place of normal methyl. The resulting salts retain the usual form and the usual quantity of oxygen. The salts Nos. 93, 94, and 95, differ to the same extent from the normal salts Nos. 70, 67, and 66. The salts Nos. 96 and 97, differ from the salt No. 85, only by the replacement of naphtyl by chlorinic- and bromenic-naphtyl. THE CONJUGATED SULPHO-ACIDS. 497 Nevertheless, these simple relations have been overlooked, and chemists have given to these salts a variety of very complex names and formula?, depending upon equally complicated and diversified theories ; for a full account of which I refer the reader to Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, vii., 295 to 303, and 351. Usual names. 90]. Chloro-sulphosomethylic acid, Gmelin. Chlor- elayl - Unterschwefelsaure, chlorelaylhyposulphuric acid, or chloro- methylodithionic acid = HO . /C 2 j^TpS 2 ^ 5 , Kolbe. Acide sulfoformique chlore, Laurent. Acide metholique chlorosulfure, Gerhardt. 93]. One of its salts. 91]. Bichlorosulphosomethylic acid, Gmelin. Chlorformyl - Unterschwefelsaure, Dichloromethylodithionic acid, or chloroformylohyposulphuric acid = HO.C 2 ", 2 PS 2 ,0 5 , Kolbe. Acide sulfoformique bichlore, Laurent. Acide metholique bichlorosul- fure, Gerhardt. 94]. Its silver salt. 92], Terchloro-sulphosomethylic acid, Gmelin. Terchlorinated Sulphosomethylic acid, Gmelin. Chlor- kohlen-Unterschwefelsaure, chlorocarbohyposulphuric acid, or trichloro- methylodithionic acid = HO . (C 2 C1 3 )^S 2 ,O 5 , Kolbe. Acide sulfofor- mique triehlore, Laurent. Acide metholique trichlorosulfure, Gerhardt. 95]. Its barium salt. According to Kolbe, the chloric vice-radical which forms part of each salt, is copulated with the two atoms of sulphur into a single acid radical. That process apparently converts the salts from sulphites into hyposulphates. But there is no evidence that this copula- tion takes place ; the salts can be described with simplicity as sulphites ; and the existence of the copulated hyposulphates is highly improbable. 96]. Trichloro-sulphonaphtalic acid 97]. Bibromo-sulphonaphtalic acid ! Gerhard , In these last two formulae, chlorinic-naphtyl, or bromenic-naphtyl, in company with two atoms of sulphur and two atoms of oxygen, are made to -be collectively equal to H 1 . This arbitrary ascription of the model of water to compounds which are evidently double salts is not to be justi- fied. The manufacture of conjugated acids in this easy way is a farce. GROUP D. Amidogen Sulphites. Nos. 98 to 105. The salts of this group have all been described in former sections and it is consequently needless to dwell upon them again in detail. The 2 K 498 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. amidogen sulphites are all to be considered as double sulphates minus HHO ; for if we suppose an addition of HHO to be made to each of the salts in this Table, they immediately become converted into normal bisulphates or double sulphates. Thus : ZH 2 ,S04-HHO JZH 4 ,SO* H ,SO 2 = t H ,S0 2 -, ZH,C'H 7 ; SO + HHO _ JZH 3 ,C 10 H 7 ; SO 2 H ; SO 2 = I H ; SO 2 Usual Names. 98]. See 312, page 233. 99]. Sulphomethylane ; see 320, page 237. 100]. Sulphanilic acid; see 321, page 237, and 28, page 285. 101] and 102]. Salts of sulphanilic acid; see Nos. 324 and 323, page 237, and No. 29, page 285. 103] and 104]. Thiotol- nates; see Nos. 331 and 332, page 240. 105]. Thionaphtamic acid; see No. 329, page 240. IJTVESTIGATION OF THE METHYLODITHIONATES. The Methylodithio- nates have recently been described by Dr. J. T. Hobson ( Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, 1857, x. 248,) as part of a " New Series of Organo-Thionic Acids." The name mettiylodithionates was not well chosen, because Gerhardt has already applied it to another series of salts, the acid sulphites of methyl, forming Group A of this Table ; see note to No. 65. Dr. Hobson's methylodithionates were prepared by acting upon zinc-methyl with sulphurous acid. The formulae which he gives, as representing the results of the analyses, are as follow : f r* 2 H 3 1 1 06]. Methylodithionate of Zinc ZnO,S 2 I Q3 \ (r 2 H 3 l 107]. Methylodithionate of Baryta BaO,S 2 .j ^ j- i/~12TT3l O 3 j )C 2 H 3 ) O 3 I 1 10]. The " acid" was found to be very unstable, and could not be procured in a condition fit for analysis. Its composition was calculated from that of the salts. It appears to me, that this " methylodithionic acid" has no existence, and that these salts are hyposulphites, constituted in accordance with the formula which I have explained in the article commencing at page 160. The salt No. 106, for example, is CH 3 ,SO 4- Zn,SO Methyla sulphate cum zinca sulphate. The other salts are constituted in a similar manner. THE CONJUGATED SULPHO-ACIDS. 499 INVESTIGATION OP THE ETHYLOTRITHIONATES. The Ethylotrithionates have been described by Dr. J. T. Hobson ( Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, 1857, x. 55). They were produced by acting on zinc-ethyl with sulphurous acid. They are, like the methylodithionates, stated by Dr. Hobson to be part of a "New Series of Organo-Thionic Acids." The formulas which he assigns to the salts are as follow (I omit water of crystallisation) : ZnO ,S 8 (C 4 H 5 )O 5 . Ethylotdthionate of zinc. BaO ,S 3 (C 4 H S )0 5 . Ethylotrithionate of baryta. AgO ,S 3 (C 4 H 5 )O 5 . Ethylotrithionate of silver. CuO ,S 3 (C 4 H 5 )0 5 . Ethylotrithionate of copper. NaO ,S 3 (C 4 H 5 )O 5 . Ethylotrithionate of soda. C 4 H 5 O,S 3 (C 4 H 5 )O 5 , Ethylotrithionate of oxide of ethyl. HO, S 3 (C 4 H 3 )O 5 . Ethylotrithionic acid. Dr. Hobson's theory is expressed thus : " The compound [No. in] is the zinc salt of a new acid, formed by the substitution of one equiva- lent of oxygen in three equivalents of sulphurous acid by ethyl." This supposition is by no means sufficient to prove the existence of a con- jugated acid. I do not believe that the ethyl goes thus into the acid radical. That assumption is negatived by the evidence given in the section which commences at page 399. I therefore consider ethyl as sustaining in these salts its normal character of a basic radical. If we could consider zinc-ethyl to be a radical, (and its atomic measure of one volume might tend to lead us to that opinion,) then, these salts might at once be described as trithionates, using that term in the sense in which it is used in the Article at page 168. Thus, the salt called ethylotrithionate of zinc, No. in, would be rendered ZnC'H^O 3 . But I am of opinion, that zinc-ethyl is not a radical, but a salt. The grounds of that opinion are stated at page 106. Hence, these salts cannot be trithionates. If we throw the synoptical formula No. 1 1 1 into an analytical formula, we produce : C 2 H 5 ,SO Zn,SO,SO and comparing this formula with that of the different polythionic salts, which I have described in the Article commencing at page 1 56, I con- clude that the ethylotrithionates are compounds of a sulphate = C 2 H 5 ,SO (page 159) with a sulphenete = Zn,SO,SO (page 170). The circum- stance that salts of this constitution are at present nearly unknown, is no obstacle to their acknowledgment when they are made known. Hitherto, in fact, they have not been looked for, and, as I have shown in the investigation into the constitution of the polythionates, many varieties of oxy sulphur salts have been disregarded, because the minds of 2 K 2 500 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. chemists were preoccupied by erroneous notions respecting their consti- tution. The sulphenetes are salts in which sulphurous acid = SO, is combined with a salt of the form MSO, just as the hyposulphates consist of SO combined with a salt of the form MSO 2 . In such a supposition there is nothing improbable, and by accepting it we are provided with satisfactory formulae for the salts now in question, and freed from the necessity of admitting without proof the existence of a conjugated acid. I have gone somewhat into detail respecting the " Conjugated Sulpho- acids," because chemists are in the common practice of taking for granted that such compounds actually exist; for which reason I have thought it proper to show them, that we have no evidence to prove the existence of even a single acid of this description. Our Books, indeed, are crammed with their Names, but Nature objects to make the Things. The Silicates. Much controversy has taken place respecting the composition of silica and the silicates. Different chemists have ascribed to silica the follow- ing formulae : SiO 3 , SiO 2 , and SiO. Berzelius. Gmelin. Thomson. In the year 1834 ^ suggested that silica ought to be denoted by Si^, and the neutral silicates by MSiO. These formulae seem now, after twenty-four years of research and reflection, to be more probable exponents of the truth than any of the other formula?. The most recent " researches on silica " have been made by Colonel Philip Yorke (Proceedings of the Itoyal Society, April 1857, viii. 440). His method of operating was that of " determining the quantity of car- bonic acid which is displaced from excess of an alkaline carbonate in fusion, by a given weight of silica." The results were as follows : When car- bonate of potash was used, the experiments indicated the formula SiO 8 . When carbonate of soda was used, the formula indicated was SiO 3 . When carbonate of lithia was used, the formula became SiO. These experimental results gave, therefore, no satisfactory theoretical result. The process led to nothing, because silicates of fixed alkalies, whatever their composition, fuse with indefinite quantities of silica, and produce a variety of silicates, which differ in composition, according to the pro- portions of the ingredients in the mixtures, the degree of heat employed, and the time of its duration. To this principle it is that glasses and glazes owe their variety. THE SILICATES. 501 Colonel Yorke's conclusions were as follow. " After guarding him- self from drawing any decided inference from the experiments recorded, the Author concludes by observing that at present he can see no alterna- tive but to admit of more than one equivalent for silicic acid (that is to say, of more than one acid), the value of which is determined by circum- stances, such as the presence of water and the nature of the base to which it is presented. The existence of such different silicic acids has been already suggested by chemists at different periods, particularly by Ebelmen and Laurent, and lately by M. Fremy." I think we may come to a more satisfactory result respecting the atomic weight of silicon, if we examine the constitution of its gaseous compounds, and proceed, as I have done in the investigation of the compound radicals, from gases to solids, with the single view to make out, if we can, how much of the element which is under investigation is ths chemical equivalent of a single volume of hydrogen. That quantity of the element must be accepted as its atom. Silicon must submit, like other elements, to this rule. Its atom, or Radical, is that quantity which replaces a volume of hydrogen. In the Table of Gases, printed between pages 50 and 63, we have the following examples of gases that contain silicon : Atomic measure. Silicate of amyl, or amyla silate . . C 5 H u ,SiO . . . ^-volume. Silicate of ethyl, or ethyla silate . . C 2 H 5 ,SiO . . . ^volume. Chloride of silicon, or sila chlora . Si,Cl . . volume. Fluoride of silicon, or sila fluora . . Si,F % volume. Chlorosulphide of silicon, or sila J Si,S 1 A 1 sulpha bis sila chlora . . . . { (Si,Cl) 2 f ' If we suppose the radical Si which appears in these formulae to be, in all the examples, replaced by H, we should have the following series of well-known salts : C 5 H U ,HO = amylic alcohol. C 2 H 5 ,HO = common alcohol. H ,C1 = hydrochloric acid. H ,F = hydrofluoric acid. 2(HC1) -j- HS = a mixture of two atoms of hydrochloric acid with one atom of hydrosulphuric acid. Here then is evidence clear and convincing, as far as it goes, that the quantity of silicon, which is the equivalent of H 1 , is that which is marked in the Table by Si 1 . An examination of the constitution and specific gravities of the respective gases fully explains the weight of this radical. 502 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. The composition of Silicate of Amyl = Amyla silate, is : Amyl = (m 11 = 71 Silicon = Si = 7*5 Oxygen = O = 16 94'5 If this is doubled, it becomes 189, which represents its theoretical spe- cific gravity, whereas Ebelmen's experiments showed it to be 1 69 3 ; which, though not a very accurate number, is sufficient to prove that the atomic measure of this gas is half a volume. Now, the correspond- ing gas, with H l instead of Si 1 , amylic alcohol = C 5 H U ,HO measures two volumes. The cause of this differerence is explained at page ic8, where I have shown that H l , when it forms part of a salt, measures i volume, and does not alter the measure of the radical with which it combines to produce that salt, whereas the measure of silicon in a salt is o volume, while it diminishes the measure of the radical with which it combines to form that salt from i volume to half a volume. Hence it is, that all the siliceous gases measure half a volume for each atom of silicon which they contain. This explanation applies to all the five gases which are quoted above. The chloride of silicon, or sila chlora = SiCl, has the following composition : Silicon = Si = 7*5 Chlorine = = 35-5 43-0 The theoretical specific gravity is 86, while Pierre found it experi- mentally to be 85*94. In the same way, the atomic weight of the silicate of ethyl, or ethyla silate = C*H 5 ,SiO is shown in the Table, at page 58, to be 52*5; its theoretical specific gravity to be 105 ; and its experimental specific gravity, as determined by Ebelman, to be 105 '92. The fluoride of silicon, or sila fluora = SiF, has an atomic weight of 26*5, and a theoretical specific gravity of 53, which Dumas found experimentally to be 52 '09. Finally, the triple salt, the chlorosulphide of silicon = 2 SiCl + SiS has the atomic weight of 109*5, wmcn corresponds to the theoretical specific gravity of 73, its measure being ! volume, and this specific gravity is corroborated by the experimental weighings of Pierre, which gave 73*51. These facts afford strong evidence in favour of the statement, that the atomic weight of silicon is 7 5. I adopt that conclusion as true, and I proceed to show how exactly it accords, not only with the composition of the siliceous gases and the chief artificial salts, but with the infinite variety of complex mineral silicates. THE SILICATES. 503 The composition of anhydrous silica, on this theory, is as follows : Per Cent. By Expt. Silicon, 2 atoms =7-54-2 = 15 =48*39 48*275 Oxygen, i atom = 16+1 16 = 51*61 51*725 = Si,SiO = Sila silate. The Chloride of Silicon is decomposed by water, and produces hydro- chloric acid and hydrated silica ; thus : SiCl 4- H,HO = H,SiO 4- HC1. This hydrated silica H,SiO is the model of the neutral silicates. The basic radical H is replaceable by any other basic radical. There are other varieties of hydrated silicic acid besides this normal hydrate. Doveri has shown that when it is air-dried at 60 F., its composition is : H 2 ,Si 4 3 = 2(H,SiO) 4- Si,SiO; and that when it is dried at 212 F., it becomes : H 2 ,Si 8 5 = 2(H,SiO) 4- 3(Si,SiO). We have consequently three, probably more, forms of hydrated silicic acid ; H,SiO, H 2 ,Si<0 3 , H 2 ,Si"0 5 , all of which forms agree with many kinds of salts, both natural and factitious. Thus, there are three precisely similar varieties of silicate of ethyl, which are described in the following page. Fluoride of Silicon = SiF = Sila fluora. When this gas acts upon water, one-third of the silicon separates as hydrated silica, and the solu- tion contains hydrofluosilicic acid : SiF 4- SiF 4- SiF \ ]H,SiO 4-HHOf : \HF + 2(SiF). This product HF 4- 2 (SiF) = HSi 2 F 3 is the hydrofluosilicic acid. The H 1 is replaceable by many other basic radicals, which replacement produces a variety of triple salts, called Silico-fluorides. According to Berzelius's atomic weights, the preceding reaction is commonly represented as follows : 3 SiF 3 4- 3 HO = 3 HF. 2 SiF 3 4- SiO 3 . In this equation O = 8, and Si signifies 3 times 7 * 5 of silicon, and this triple atom necessarily causes a triplication of all the other elements that are concerned in the reaction. But even with this triplication, the representation is not accurate, for SiO 3 represents anhydrous silica, whereas the experiment produces hydrated silica, which demands 3 HO in addition to what is scored in the above equation. 504 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. Usual Formula;. Proposed Formula?. 3 NH 4 F . 2 SiF 3 ZH 4 Si 2 F 3 Al* F 3 . 2 SiF 3 Ale Si 2 F 3 3 Ba F . 2SiF 3 Ba Si 2 F 3 3Fe F . 2 SiF 3 Fe Si 2 F 3 Fe 2 F 3 . 2SiF 3 Fee Si 2 F 3 3Cu 2 F . 2SiF 3 Cu Si 2 F 3 3Cu F . 2SiF 3 Cue Si 2 F 3 3 Hg 2 F . 2SiF 3 Hg Si 2 F 3 3 Hg F . 2 SiF 3 HgcSi 2 F 3 3 H F . 2SiF 3 H Si 2 F 3 A comparison of these two equations shows that a great simplifi- cation of formulae is produced by adopting the small atomic weight for silicon = 7 ' 5. I may add a few examples to show this difference : SILICO-FLUORIDES, Of Ammonium . . Aluminum . . Barium Iron (ferrous) Iron (ferric) . . Copper (cuprous) Copper (cupric) . Mercurous Mercuric . . . Hydrogen . . . The analytical form of the proposed formulas is H r F + 2(SiF) where H r is the replaceable atom. The names of such salts may be chosen to suit either the synoptical or the analytical formulas ; thus : HSi 2 F 3 = Hydra silen fluorine. HF -f (SiF) 2 = Hydra fluora bis sila fluora. FeSi 2 F 3 = Ferrous silen fluorine. FecF + (SiF) 2 = Ferric fluora bis sila fluora. Silicates of Ethyl. I have quoted the composition of one silicate of ethyl; but Ebelmen has described three varieties (Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, viii. 478-81). Gmelin's Formulae. Proposed Formulae. Disilicate of ethyl = 2C 4 H 5 O, SiO 8 C 2 H 5 ,Si O Monosilicate of ethyl = OHK), SiO 2 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 ,Si 4 O 3 Bisilicate of ethyl = C 4 H 5 O,2SiO 2 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 ,Si 8 O 5 These three varieties of silicate of ethyl correspond with the three descriptions of hydrated silicic acid referred to at page 503. I do not however admit these salts to be, as Colonel Yorke suggests, salts of different acids, but simply different kinds of multiple silicates : The Monosilicate, being The Bisilicate, being a triple salt : a fivefold salt . C 2 H 5 ,SiO C 2 H 5 ,SiO C 2 H 5 ,SiO C 2 H 5 ,SiO Si ,SiO Si ,SiO Si ,SiO Si ,SiO Bis ethyla si late Bis ethyla silate cum sila silate. tris sila silate. The Disilicate, being the normal salt : C 2 H 5 ,SiO Ethyla silate. THE SILICATES. 505 For if we consider a difference in the proportion between the basic radicals and the silicon, or between the silicon and the oxygen, to be, in each case, the indication, or the proof, of the existence of a different silicic acid, we must prepare ourselves to accept of at least a HUNDKED Silicic Acids, for it would be easy to point out that number of varieties in the formulae of well-known natural or artificial silicates. Silicate of Amyl. I have described this salt by the formula C 5 H u ,SiO : Varrentrap describes it as 3C 10 H u O.Si0 3 ; Gmelin as 2C 10 H 1I O,Si0 2 = C a) H 22 SiO 4 ; Gerhardt as C 40 H 44 8 Si 4 = 4(C 10 H"0,SiO). These high numbers result solely from the false estimate taken of the weight of the atom of silicon. Gmelin's Si = 7 5 -f 2 ; the others = 7*5 + 3. One of these numbers causes duplication, and the other triplication of all the elements associated with the silicon. I pass now to the consideration of MINERAL SILICATES, the compo- sition of which I propose to explain in accordance with the notion that MSiO expresses a neutral or normal silicate, the M or basic radical in which is replaceable by hydrogen, or by any metal, either of the basylous order or basylic order, the difference between which I have explained at page 33. The normal silicates thus formed, of all the different orders = H,SiO, R,SiO, and Kc,SiO, can combine with one another, and also with an- hydrous silica = Si,SiO, and with salts formed on the model of water = H,HO, H,MO, and M, MO. Thence arise all the varieties of natural and factitious silicates neutral, acid, and basic. It follows from these premises, that every silicate contains twice as many radicals as it contains atoms of oxygen. Thus every simple silicate is MSiO, and every complex silicate is in which R signifies any basylous atoms, such as H, K, Na, Ba, Fe, Mn, &c., and Re signifies any basylic atoms, such as Ale, Fee, Mnc, &c., while x, y, z, are collectively equal to two atoms, the quantity of oxygen being one atom. There does not seem to me to be the slightest probability that, in the formation of the complex silicates, there is first produced a complex silicic acid, containing a multiple number of atoms of silicon, and that this complex acid then combines with an equally complex base containing a multiple number of basic radicals. On the contrary, I consider the complex silicates to be formed by simple silicates combined with one another, atom after atom, and that each step in this additive process produces a special silicate. I hope to make this notion clear by means of the formulae that are given in TABLE I. 506 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. TABLE I. THEORETICAL CONSTITUTION OF SILICATES. A. B. C. D. E. MMO+ SiSiO-f 4MSiO+ 2MSIO+ MSiO-f nMSiO nMSiO nSiSiO wSiSiO nSiSiO M M Si Si M Si k M 3 Si O 2 k M Si 3 O 8 k M Si 3 2 k M* Si 2 O 3 k M 2 Si 4 O 3 k M 2 Si 4 O 3 d M Si 5 O 3 k M 5 Si 3 O* M 3 Si 5 O 4 k M 2 Si 6 O 4 d M Si 7 O 4 M 6 Si 4 O 5 k M 4 Si 6 O 5 k M 4 Si 6 O 5 d M 2 Si 8 O 5 k M Si 9 O 5 k M 7 Si 5 O 6 k M 5 Si 7 O 6 M 4 Si 8 O 6 d M 2 Si 10 6 d M Si"0 6 M 8 Si 6 O 7 k M 6 Si 8 7 k M 4 Si 10 O 7 k M 2 Si 12 7 k M Si ,3 7 M 9 Si 7 O 8 M 7 Si 9 O 8 M 4 Si l2 8 d M 2 Si u 8 d M Si 15 8 M 10 Si 8 9 k M 8 Si 10 9 k M 4 Si l4 O 9 M 2 Si I6 O 9 k M Si lr O 9 M ll Si 9 QIC M 9 Si^O 10 M 4 Si 16 10 d M 2 Si 18 lo d M Si 19 10 M l8 Si lp O u k M l Si 1? O n k M 4 SWk M 2 Si 20 O u M Si 2 '0 u M 13 Si I 1() 12 M"Si l3 12 M 4 Si 20 12 d M 2 Si s? 0' 2 d M Si^O 12 M u Si 12 O 18 k M l2 Si u 13 M 4 Si 22 O 13 M 2 Si^CPk M Si^O 13 M l5 Si 13 14 M 13 Si I5 14 M 4 Si 24 14 d M 2 Si 26 14 d M Si 27 u M I Si U ,5 M 14 Si 16 O l5 k M 4 Si 26 O 15 M 2 Si^O^k M Si 29 O 15 In this Table, Si = 7- 5 . O = 16. Column A. It is supposed that a salt formed on the model of water = M,MO combines with a normal silicate = M,SiO, atom after atom, to produce the series of silicates that are here represented, and perhaps others that are beyond the limits of the Table. Column B. In this case it is supposed that an atom of anhydrous silica = Si,SiO combines with a normal silicate = M,SiO, atom after atom, to produce another series of silicates, necessarily differing in con- stitution from the former. The salts represented in Column A. all contain a small excess of base. Those of column B., an equal excess of acid. Column C. This column begins with the salt M 4 Si 6 O 5 , which is sup- posed to be transferred from column B., and to have been formed by the addition of 4MSiO to SiSiO. The operation is now considered to be reversed, and the anhydrous acid SiSiO is added instead of the salt MSiO, atom by atom, to the salt M 4 Si 6 O 5 , so as to produce the series of superacid salts given in this column. Column D. In this case the salt M 8 Si 4 O 3 , transferred from column B., is increased by successive additions of SiSiO, till it forms the series of salts represented in the Table. Nearly all the varieties of "Glass" belong to the silicates that are inscribed in this column. Column E. The salts depicted in this column are produced by the combination of the neutral silicate = MSiO with successive atoms of anhydrous silica = SiSiO. The salts are consequently all acid salts. THE SILICATES. 507 ' The letter R frequently inserted in this Table intimates that the silicates so marked are known and of frequent occurrence. The letter d signifies that the salts are duplicates, and that similar, and more generally simpler, formulae will be found in other columns of the Table. The foregoing theory is now to be applied to the investigation of mineral silicates. TABLE II. CONSTITUTION OF THE CHIEF VARIETIES OF KNOWN MINERAL SILICATES. RAMMELSBERG'S FORMULA. GRIFFIN'S . B. C. FORMULA. Oxygen of the Silicates of Silicates of D. Base. Acid. Protoxides. Sesquioxides. I. I 12 RO,4Si0 3 R 2 O 3 ,i2SiO 3 R 2 Si 24 13 2. 9 RO, 3 SiO 3 R 2 3 , 9 Si0 3 R Si 9 O 5 3- 6 RO,2Si0 3 R 2 3 , 6Si0 3 R 2 Si 12 7 4- 41 2RO, 3 SiO 3 2 R 2 3 , 9 Si0 3 R 4 Si w O" 5- 4 3 RO,4Si0 3 R 2 3 , 4S10 3 R 2 Si 8 O 5 6. 3 RO, SiO 3 R 2 3 , 3 Si0 3 R Si 3 O 8 7- 2 3 RO,2SiO 3 R 8 3 , 2Si0 3 R 8 Si 4 O 3 8. ~s 2RO, SiO 3 2R 2 3 , 3 Si0 3 R 4 Si 6 O 5 9- 3 RO, SiO 3 R 2 3 , SiO 3 RSi O 10. 3 4RO, SiO 3 4R 2 O 3 , 3 Si0 3 R 8 Si 6 O 7 u. 1 9 RO,2Si0 3 3 R 2 3 , 2Si0 3 R 6 Si 4 O 5 12. 2 6RO, SiO 3 2R 2 3 , SiO 3 R 4 Si O 3 I 3- 3 3 9 RO, SiO 3 3 R 2 3 , SiO 3 R 3 Si O 2 Rammelsberg's Nomenclature of the above Salts. i, Fourfold silicates. 2, Threefold silicates. 3, Twofold silicates. 4, One-and-a-half fold, or sesquisilicates. 5, Four-thirds silicates. 6, Neutral or normal silicates. 7, Two-thirds, or half basic silicates. 8, Half or basic silicates. 9, One-third, or twofold basic silicates. 10, One- fourth, or threefold basic silicates, n, Two-ninths, or three- and-a-half-fold basic silicates. 12, Sixth, or five-fold basic silicates. 13, Ninth, or eight-fold basic silicates. In Rammelsberg's formula, S = 22*5, O = 8, In column D., S = 7 5, O = 16. TABLE II. is extracted from the "Einleitung" to Rammelsberg's Handworterbuch des chemischen Theils der Miner alogie, Berlin, 1841, a work of great utility to all who study the chemistry of mineralogy. According to Rammelsberg, who follows closely the system of Berzelius and the Berlin school of chemists and mineralogists, the silicates are divided into two categories the silicates of protoxides, and 508 THEORY OF POLYBAS1C AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. the silicates of sesquioxides. These require the formulae exhibited in the Table, in columns B. and C. Innovations suggested, i]. The atomic weight of silicon is to be reduced from 22*5 to 7 * 5. 2]. The atomic weight of oxygen is to be raised from 8 to 16. 3]. Every sesquioxide is to be considered to contain not R 2 but Re 3 , that is to say, not two combined basylous atoms, but three separable basylic atoms. Effect of these Innovations, i]. All the formulae in column B. are transformed into those represented in column D. 2]. All the formula in column C. are transformed into those represented by column D., excepting that, instead of R., it is necessary to write Re. By these trans- formations, the formulae that represent basylic silicates are made to agree in atomic quantities with those that represent basylous silicates ; whereas the formulae of column C. are atomically three times as great as those of column B. These changes are of importance when considered in relation to what the chemical mineralogists, by a peculiar figure of speech, call rational formulae ; for it appears to me that the formulas which commonly bear this title are singularly irrational. TABLE III. (except the last column) is an extract from a larger Table of the same kind which is given in Rammelsberg's Drittes Supplement zu dem Handworterbuch des chemischen Theils der Mineralogie, Berlin, 1847. The object of this Table is to show the relation that exists between the oxygen of the water, of the protoxides, of the sesquioxides, and of the anhydrous silicic acid contained in various classes of silicates. I have added the last column to show my view of the constitution of the same salts. The alterations which I have made in the atomic weights of oxygen, silica, alumina, &c., necessarily affect the formulas of the silicates to a great extent ; but there is one consequence which is extremely remark- able, and, which, though it follows as a mathematical necessity, I had not foreseen, and first noticed with surprise. Rammelsberg gives in this Table simple numbers to intimate the relations which the oxygen of the different radicals of the silicates bear to one another. These are stated in column B. of the Table. Now, according to my atomic weights, these numbers, just as they stand, (and the observation applies to the whole of Rammelsberg's Table as well as to the short extract from it which is given as a specimen in Table III.) these numbers express the numbers of the radicals that are present in each silicate, and are collectively twice as great as the total number of the atoms of oxygen. Consequently, the formation of formula? in accordance with the radical theory is simple in the highest degree, as will be seen on comparing the formulae in the last column of Table III. with the formulae in the preceding columns. Rammelsberg's formulae as given in this Table are intended to show THE SILICATES. 509 o 3 ps - CO gob w* LH GRIFFIN'S ooo^o&g gllllll m ^ 3 r^ ^ o9 |rj |TJ |T] <1 O J CO HJ i " Hi t> H o S ooo *-^ C ^^ c3 ^TJ ^ L ^1 ^4^ 3 c^ o M ^^ ^s] ^5 0) ^^ rQ p^ ^^ ^^ C^ 04 ro c^t^^ r^i ro c<*^ <^*i rn m U-N a H ^ Pgo 9cO^CO CO _S^ ^ ^ N <5 5 < 00600 CO CO CO CO CO CO ^ CL| s^ <1 tt s^ * C/3 H ^> ^ s 53 ^^ oi HO <*5 ^ _o "8 r Si S "M I "c^ . y 0) * G> +j 'u-i G Q> O ' 4 - J -f ' < O iS -^ | | | o ^ bJD i Z 1 *- O cn a) t '1 l S B S iSj O 'O ^ of S ^2 C 'b C3 ,5 .11 c3 P S? S "^3 O ^ H^ ^ E- 1 i <3 CO OO O"'N 6 CD 13 t O CO ooo WjS^ n " c ~ ~ ooo "6" " DQ ooooo 02 05 02 CO- M H 0^55565 n c Si 9 0? -Griffin. , .. j CaO,Si0 3 + Al 2 3 ,Si0 3 + 3HO. Rammelsberg. Scolezite. . H . Ca . Alc . sw g^* NaO,SiO 8 + Al*0 3 ,Si0 3 + 2 HO. Xammelsberg. H < Na l Alc 3 Si 6 6 . Griffin. A ,. j ^NaO,2Si0 3 + 3(Al 2 3 ,2Si0 3 )+6HO. Xammelsberg. Analcime . ^ J ' \ 3CaO,2Si0 3 + 3 (AFO 3 ,2Si0 3 ) + i2HO. Rammelsberg. ' \ H 4 Ca l Alc 3 Si 8 8 . Griffin. TABLE IV. is an extract from a Table, comprehending all known silicates, which is given in the second volume of Rammelsberg's ffand- wdrterbuch, already quoted. In the second column of this Table we have the so-called " rational formulae " of the different silicates. This term is used to signify that we have here an account of what is com- monly considered to be the proximate constitution of the substances. In this Table, the rational formulas are tolerably simple, excepting a few near the lower end ; but the rational formula?, constructed for many other minerals, are excessively complicated, as I shall presently show. Let us endeavour to ascertain what is the actual value of these rational formulas. Take the last in the list, that of Laumonite, as an example. This mineral, according to the information supplied in Table III., con- tains 3CaO, 3A1 2 3 , SSiO 3 , I2HO; and, in Table IV., these substances are put into the form of the following rational formulaB : 3 CaO, 2Si0 3 + 3 (A1 2 3 , 2Si0 3 ) + I2HO. For this classification of the elements of the salt there is no evidence whatever. First, we have a salt in which three atoms of lime are assumed to be combined directly with two atoms of silicic acid, a mode of combination which agrees, indeed, with the law respecting what is called " combination in multiple proportions," but not with the laws of nature, which preside only over binarv combinations ; nor even with the THE SILICATES. 513 law of Berzelius, that a salt must contain an atom of acid for every atom of oxygen which is present in the base. Then, one atom of this irregular salt is assumed to be combined directly with three atoms of another irregular salt in which one atom of alumina A1 2 3 is stated to be com- bined with two atoms of silicic acid. Finally, there are twelve atoms of hydrogen set aside as water, without any attempt to prove that none of it exists in the salt in any other condition. The formula, therefore, is crammed with assumptions that are taken, without evidence, for facts, and its use is to make difficult of comprehension what otherwise is simple and clear for Take, on the contrary, the formula which is supplied for the same mineral by the radical theory, and which is We can trust this formula, because the quantities are the result of analysis, and because every radical which it represents is known to be the equivalent of a volume of hydrogen. The compound contains eight simple silicates, which the formula makes known at a glance. Nothing would be gained by converting this unitary formula into a rational formula : Thus, Or thus, Or thus, Ca ,SiO Ca SiO + HSiO Ca ,SiO Alc,SiO AlcSiO + HSiO 3Alc,SiO Alc,SiO AlcSiO + HSiO /j.H ,SiO. Alc,SiO AlcSiO + HSiO. H ,SiO H ,SiO H ,SiO H ,SiO. These formulas are useless, because all the information which they give is given at a glance by the unitary formula without needless display. And that great advantage results from giving to all the elements of the silicates such equivalents or atomic weights as level the whole to uni- form simplicity. I do not admit of the existence of sesquioxides in sili- cates. I recognise therein the presence of salts formed on the model of water = H,HO ; M,SiO, &c., and these alone. Before I conclude the description of Laumonite, I may point out the difference that exists between the number of atoms which are demanded by Berzelius's notation, as employed by Rammelsberg, to represent the composition of that mineral and the number which is demanded by the radical theorv. 2 L No. of Atoms No. of Atoms No. of Atoms in when corrected after Rammelsberg's for new Division Formulae. Atomic Weights. by 3. 3 3 I 12 12 4 6 9 3 8 24 8 . 48 24 8 514 THEORY OF POLYBASIC AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. ELEMENTS. Ca. . H . . Al. . Si . . o . . 77 72 24 A glance over the preceding Tables will show that this great reduction in the number of atoms takes place generally when the formulae are recast to suit the radical theory ; and it affords a powerful argument against those absurd and troublesome marplots the sesquioxides, to the imagined presence of which the formulae of the natural silicates are indebted for most of their extravagance. So long as chemical mineralo- gists persist in introducing sesquioxides into their formulae of silicates'; so long as they continue to patronize the doctrine of combination in multiple proportions ; so long as they exclude from their comprehension the facts, that a silicate is a very simple salt, and that simple silicates combine with one another to make complex silicates ; just so long must their "rational" formulae be models of irrational modes of thought ; just so long must they be fancy sketches, based upon guesses, incapable of proof, unworthy of credit puzzling, useless, obstructive. COMPLEX SILICATES. I will quote a few examples of complicated silicates, to show in what manner the new method of notation is qualified to meet the difficulties which they present. AUGITE. In the foregoing Tables I have quoted the manganese augite = 3MnO,2SiO 3 Rammelsberg. Mn 2 Si 4 Griffin. The manganese of this mineral is subject to be replaced by Ca, Mg, Fe, in various proportions, without any other change taking place in the composition of the mineral. Consequently these varieties are obtained : a. Mn 2 Si 4 O 3 b. Ca'Mg 1 Si 4 O 3 (Ca 1 Mn 2 ) 2 Si 4 3 (Ca'MgW) 2 Si 4 3 (Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn) 2 Si 4 O 3 c. Ca'Fe 1 Si 4 3 a. Examples of Rammelsberg's formulae for these minerals : For 6. 3MgO,2Si0 3 + 3CaO,2SiO 3 . For/. 2 (3MgO,2Si0 3 ) -f 3( 3 CaO,2Si0 8 ) THE SILICATES. 515 The condensed, or synoptical formula/, can be easily expanded to an analytical formula representing whole atoms, as follows : 3Ca ,SiO. R 6 Si 12 O 9 = 2 p I e g 'g)o' In makin g this change of formula it is to be 3 Si JSKX observed that the basic portion of formula /, namely (Ca^g^e 1 ) 2 , sig- nifies Ca|,Mg|,Fe| , of two atoms. If these fractions are made into whole numbers, the two atoms become six atoms, or are multiplied by three, in which case the silicon and the oxygen of the salt must also be multiplied by three. CHABASITE. Among many formulae for this mineral, Rammelsberg gives the following : [ 3 CaO,2Si0 3 + 3 (Al 2 3 ,2SiO 3 ) + i8HO] + 2 [ 3 NaO,2Si0 3 + 3(AP0 3 ,2Si0 3 ) + iSHOJ. This formula contains the following ultimate atoms: 3Ca,6Na,54H, i8Al,24Si,i62O, in all 267. When the atomic weights are corrected, they become 3Ca,6Na,54H,27Alc,72Si,8iO; in all 243. When these corrected numbers are uniformly divided by 9, they produce the following formula : H 6 (Na 2 Ca I ) 1 Alc 3 Si 8 9 . Gmelin's formula for this soda chabasite (which is also called Gmelinite) is = 2NaO,iCaO,3Al 2 3 ,i2SiO 2 ,i8HO. This formula is equivalent to the above. His formula for lime chabasite is iNaO,3CaO,4Al 2 3 ,i6SiO 8 , 24HO, which produces the formula H 6 (Na 1 Ca 3 ) 1 Alc 3 Si 8 9 . It is remarkable that Gmelin's two formulae differ considerably in the proportions of silica, alumina, and water. Yet, when they are recast to suit the radical theory, they harmonize exactly, and prove that the actual differences between the two salts exist only in the quantities of sodium and calcium, all other elements remaining the same. The new formulae show this fact significantly : the others conceal it. p H 6 (Na 2 Ca 1 ) 1 Alc 3 Si 8 9 , Compare- H 6 (Na 1 Ca 3 yAlc 3 Si 8 O 9 , 2NaO, i CaO,3 Al 2 3 ,i 2SiO 2 , 1 8HO. iNaO,3CaO,4A! 2 3 , i6SiO 2 ,24HO. Upon first looking at the last two formulae, it seems impossible that the minerals can agree precisely with one another in their proportions of hydrogen, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen ; yet they do so, and by doing so they show how faulty is the existing theory which succeeds in smothering facts of such importance. 2 L 2 516 THEORY OF POLYBAS1C AND CONJUGATED ACIDS. VESUVIAX. Idocrase. Gmelin gives the general formula 3CaO, 2SiO 8 + AP0 8 ,SiO 2 . This becomes reduced to CaAlcSi 2 O 2 . Rammelsberg's formula is 3RO,SiO 3 +R 2 O 8 ,SiO 3 ; which yields the same result. Gmelin gives the following formula, which exhibits the vicarious elements of this mineral. 49CaO, 5MgO, 2Fe 2 O 3 , i6APO 3 , 54SiO 2 , with an atomic weight of 4125 "2. This formula permits the following reduction : Ca Mg Fe Al Si O 49 5 4 32 54 216 = Gmelin's atoms. 49 5 6 48 1 08 1 08 = After correcting the atomic weights. 54 54 108 108 i 122= Division by 54. Hence the formula? of this complicated salt is in round numbers Ca l Alc 1 Si 2 2 , or, with almost perfect accuracy : 8Ca SiO Ca 8 Mg 1 Fec 1 Alc 8 Si 18 18 = iMgSiO SAlcSiO iFecSiO. FUCHSITE. Dr. Schafhautl supplies the following formula for Fuchsite (Gmelin 1 s Chemistry, iii. 450). 38 ( 3 KO,Si0 3 )-f 2 ( 3 NaO, Si0 3 ) + 360 (Al 2 3 ,Si0 3 ) -f 24 (Cr 3 3 , 3 SiG 3 ) + 1 8 (MgO,Si0 3 )-f 12 (Fe 2 3 , 3SiO 3 ) + 9 CaF 2 . Bravo ! This is the ne plus ultra of chemical accuracy ! So charming a performance deserves an attentive examination. The ultimate atoms here represented are U4K, 6Na, i8Mg, 24Fe, 480, 72oAl, 5268!, 29040, gCa, i8F; in all 4387. When the atomic weights are cor- rected, the number of atoms becomes 4383, and they permit of arrange- ment into simple silicates in accordance with the radical theory as follows : 1080 Alc,SiO) 72 Crc,SiOU 1 188 = 9 (Alc 30 Crc'Fec 1 ) 1 ,SiO 36 Fec,SiOJ 1 8 Mg,SiO) 114 K ,SiOU i38 = i( K^VMg 1 V,SiO 6 Na ,SiOJ 126 Si ,SiO =126 = 1 Si ,SiO 1452 Neutral silicates. = (KNaMg) l (AlcCrcFec) 9 Si 19 O ll + T VCaF; nearly equal to KAlc 9 Si' 2 O n + T VCaF, and not very far from AlcSiO. THE SILICATES. 517 These details show that Dr. SchafhautTs giant formula is of no more- use than the shortest possible formula. The affectation of marvellous accuracy in analysis which this formula displays, goes for nothing, because we know that such a degree of accuracy is beyond the power of human manipulation. The short formula gives us an idea of the composition of this mineral. The comprehension of Dr. Schafh'autl's formula is about as easy as the comprehension of the distances of the fixed stars, expressed in lines or millimetres. These examples are sufficient to show in what manner I propose to formulate the natural silicates. I double the atomic weight of the oxygen ; reduce the atom of silicon to one-third of Berzelius's number or to one-half of Gmelin's number ; and dismiss the sesquioxides in a body. The formulae, written on the model of (R*Rc y Si*) 2 O', then become simple and uniform. It may perhaps be objected that the formulae which I recommend for the designation of the silicates are unitary, whilst I have in other sections of the work strongly objected to the use of unitary formulae. I reply to that objection, that the formulae of the silicates are unitary by necessity, and that nevertheless they differ entirely in nature from the unitary formulae which are often applied to the hydrocarbon salts. In the next section I shall show that the unitary formulae C 16 H 32 O* exhibit the composition of sixteen different salts, which contain sixteen different basic radicals, and sixteen different acid radicals ; the presence and composition of not one of which can be inferred from the inspection of the formula C 16 H 32 O 8 . No such difficulty can possibly occur from the use of the formulas which I have recommended for the silicates. I do not enter upon the consideration of the Classification and Nomenclature of the Silicates. The number of vicarious atoms which they contain renders the construction of a convenient System and the application of a correct Nomenclature a matter of difficulty, for the dis- cussion of which no space is left in this volume. With this section I conclude my investigation into the constitution of the polybasic and conjugated acids; not because the subject is ex- hausted, but because the figure at the top of this page warns me of the necessity of bringing the discussion to a conclusion. I set out with the expression of the opinion, that every normal salt is a binary compound, consisting of one basic radical and one acid radical. I hope that the facts and arguments which I have advanced in the course of the discussion will have satisfied the reader that this opinion was advanced with reason. It is a point of considerable importance in chemical philosophy. Conjugated and polybasic acids, like complicated organic bases, are obstacles to the progress of chemical science. I have 518 THE ALUMINOUS AND ALUMIX1C RADICALS. endeavoured to expose the fallacies upon which they are founded, and I shall rejoiee if that exposure helps to destroy their credit. The Aluminous and Aluminic Eadicals. In the Table of Atomic Weights, I have ascribed two equivalents to Aluminum: the aluminous equivalent, Al = 15.65, and the alum in it- equivalent, Ale = 9.1 ; the latter corresponding to the ferric atom, and the former to the ferrous atom. I have been induced to suggest two equivalents of aluminum, in con- sequence of the results of the recent experiments of Mr. Crum, one of which is represented in the following diagram : AlcSO 2 AlcSO 2 + AlcSO* Pb,C 2 H 3 8 Pb,C 2 H 3 O 2 Pb,C 2 H 3 2 Produce Pb,S0 2 ) Pb,SO 2 l Pb,SO 2 ) A1,C 2 H 3 O 3 A1,C 2 H 3 8 C*H 3 2 Kamely, an atom of the compound commonly called Tersulphate of alumina, mixed with 3 atoms of acetate of lead, produce 3 atoms of sul- phate of lead, i atom of binacetate of alumina, and I atom of free acetic acid. That is to say, as much alumina as saturates 3 atoms of sulphuric acid, can saturate only 2 atoms of acetic acid. I am inclined to explain this result, by supposing that the 3 aluminic atoms in the sulphate are converted during the' process of double decom- position, into two aluminous atoms, which take up two atoms of acetic acid, and leave the third atom free. The free acid is left, however, without a base. If it takes H from the water of the solution to supply that want, either oxygen must be liberated, or peroxide of hydrogen be dissolved in the mixture. Thus : C 2 H 3 2 + HHO = H,C 2 H 3 2 + , CWO 2 . WTTn H,C 2 H 3 O 2 . or else, 2 3 2 + HHO = * + This assumption of two different radicals of aluminum is countenanced by other facts detected by Mr. Crum, namely, that there are two hydrates of alumina possessed of very different properties, and that the acetate of alumina can be so altered by heat as to lose its powor of acting as a mordant. I am not able to say, that the aluminous atom, as distinct from the aluminic atom, certainly exists ; but Mr. Cram's researches certainly point towards such a conclusion, and are difficult of explanation on the ordinary theory of salts. ORIGIN AND METAMORPHOSES OF ORGANIC RADICALS. 519 My friend, Mr. W. D. Clark, has communicated to me another fact which seems also to point to the conclusion, that there are two different oxides of aluminum. If a quantity of calico, mordanted with alumina, is boiled with a quantity of madder a little too small to dye the cloth of a desired colour, the operation entirely fails. The cloth does not obtain a faint shade of the desired colour, corresponding with the insufficient quantity of madder, but there is produced an entirely different compound by which the cloth is sometimes spoiled. This result seems to show it to be possible to convert the Mordanting oxide of aluminum into the Non-mordanting oxide even after its combination with vegetable fibre. These facts are quite in accordance with the theory which I have advanced respecting the transmutability of basylous and basylic radicals. Thoughts on the Origin and Metamorphoses of Organic Eadicals. A great proportion of the solid mass of plants consists of compounds which contain carbon united to those proportions of oxygen and hydrogen that are necessary to compose water. C + HHO. We can account for the production of such compounds by assuming that water and carbonic acid combine together, under separation of the quantity of oxygen which is not required for these organic compounds. The separation of the oxygen, and the combination of the residues appear to take place, under circumstances which I shall state more explicitly hereafter, in the cells upon the leaves of the plants which are exposed to sunshine. COO + HHO give off OO and produce CHHO. This product appears to me to be the oxide of the important neutral radical which I have called VINYL = CH 2 . Accordingly, I propose to give to this compound the formula CH 2 O, and to call it Vinylate. The relation borne by vinylate to certain important neutral vegetable substances may be expressed as follows : CH 2 O. Vinylate. This is the composition of Fructose, sugar of fruits, or grape sugar. C + (CH 2 0) 4 . Dried milk sugar. C + (CH*0) 4 -f HHO. Milk sugar, nndried = CH 2 O. C + (CH 2 0) 5 . Starch. Cellulose. Woody fibre (flax, cotton, paper). C -f (CH 2 0) 5 + HHO,HHO. Glucose. Starch sugar = (CH 2 0) 6 f Aq. C -f- (CH 2 0) 2 . Lignin, but which is of variable composition. C + (CH 2 O) 7 . Inulin. C 4- (CH 2 O) U . Cane sugar. Arabin (gum arabic). 520 ORIGIN" AND METAMORPHOSES OF ORGANIC RADICALS. The above important compounds, comprehending woody fibre, the gums, starches, and sugars the solid structure of trees, and the sweet juices of fruits, seem to be all reducible to compounds of vinylate united, atom after atom, to a single atom of carbon = C + CH 2 + ^H 2 + CH 2 , &c. When these compounds lose their single atom of carbon, they are all reduced to the condition of vinylate or grape sugar. Thus, when cane sugar is acted on by an alkali or an acid, the atom of carbon is removed and grape sugar remains. So also when starch or woody fibre is acted on by an acid, the atom of carbon is removed, and grape sugar or vinylate remains. It would be an important discovery in the chemical arts, could we find a method of combining with a multiple of grape sugar this odd atom of carbon which converts it into starch or into cane sugar. But at present our chemical power is limited to the decomposition of the higher orders of organic compounds. We cannot recompose them. It appears, from these considerations, that vinylate, or the simplest form of sugar, is the nutritive principle of plants, the material which is employed to form the various radicals which the different orders of plants, and the different organs of each plant, demand for their support. The metamorphoses of the sugar probably takes place in the cells of the green leaves, of the blossoms, or of the fruit ; in those parts, namely, where it is acted upon by the light and heat of the sun, and where it is able to disengage its superfluous oxygen. It is difficult to form a precise idea of the processes by which this change of sugar into radicals, or into salts composed of radicals, is effected. Probably the walls of the cells in which the operations occur consist of azotic substances, which give them the power of galvanic batteries. It is possible that the azotes of those cells may be endowed with very active powers, and may, according to certain conditions of osmose, regulated by light, heat, air, and water, run incessantly backwards and forwards through its various characters of amidogen-, ammonium-, and cyanogen-former, and thus repeat in each particular cell those processes of construction and transformation of radicals which I have endeavoured to describe and classify in treating of the theory of azotic radicals. Millions of such cells exist in a tuft of grass or the twig of a plant. It is known that they are azotic ; it is known that azotic cells have a powerful action even on dead vegetable matter (as in fermentation) ; it is known that plants grow vigorously after a thunder-storm ; and these conditions are all favourable to the idea that the conversion of sugar into compound radicals is the work of azote, acting with intense electrical force in the cells of plants exposed to air and light. When the oxygen is disengaged, the residue of the components of sugar can produce an astonishing variety of radicals which differ accord- ing to the wants of the plants, or to other special circumstances which lead to their production. I will quote a few instances. ORIGIN AND METAMORPHOSES OF ORGANIC RADICALS. 521 a). When jargonelle pears are in course of ripening, the compound which gives them their odour and flavour is produced by the metamor- phosis of 7 atoms of CH 2 O minus O 5 . The product is C 5 H U ,C 2 H 3 O 2 , which I may call amyla acetylete, or the acetate of amyl, a compound which is now made artificially, and sold under the name of pear-oil or essence of jargonelles. In the production of this essence, one atom of sugar is divided into H -f- CH. 5 atoms of CH 2 then become attached to the odd atom of H, producing amyl = C 5 H U , and I atom of CH 2 to the atom of CH, producing acetyl = C' 2 H 3 . For this salt, and for all the salts of the vinyl series, only two atoms of oxygen are required, so that all the rest of the oxygen belonging to the atoms of vinylate which are required to produce the salt must be disengaged. All the ethereal essences which give fragrance and flavour to ripen- ing fruits appear to be produced in the same manner. Thus : C 3 H IO O 2 , the residue left by the expulsion of O 3 from five atoms of sugar, produces CH 3 ,C 4 H 7 2 = methyla butyrylete, or the butyrate of methyl, which is the essence of the apples called rennets. C IO H W O* produces C 5 H U ,C 5 H 9 2 = amyla valerylete, or valerianate of amyl, the essence of other varieties of apples. C 6 H 12 O 2 produces C 2 H 5 ,C 4 H 7 O 2 = ethyla butyrylete, or the butyrate of ethyl, the oil which yields the flavour of the pine-apple. C l 'H 22 O 2 produces C 2 H 5 ,C 9 H' 7 O 2 = ethyla pelargylete, or the pelargo- nate of ethyl, which is the essence of quinces. C 9 H i8Q 2 pr(X i uces C 2 H 5 ,C 7 H 13 2 = ethyla cenanthylete, or cenanthylate of ethyl, an oil which gives flavour to Hungarian wine. It is probable that the flavour of many wines may thus be imitated. The metamorphoses of sugar into these fragrant essences is only a single example selected from a multitude of possible changes. The Table of Examples on the following page exhibits a more enlarged view of these interesting metamorphoses. 522 ORIGIN AND METAMORPHOSES OF ORGANIC RADICALS. PRODUCTS OF THE METAMORPHOSES OF SUGAR. From C 4 H80 From C 8 H'60* From C 12 H* 4 2 From C^H^O 2 = 4 atoms of Sugar = 8 atoms of Sugar = 12 atoms of Sugar = 1 6 atoms of Sugar minus O 2 . minus O 6 . minus O 1 ". minus O' 4 . H ,C 4 H 7 2 H ,CH 15 2 H ,C 12 H S3 2 H ,C 16 H 31 2 C 1 H 3 ,C 3 H 5 2 C 1 H 3 ,C 7 H I3 2 C 1 H 3 ^"ITO 2 C 1 H 3 ,C 15 H ?9 O 2 C 2 H 3 ,C 2 H 3 2 C 2 H 5 ,C 6 H II 2 C 2 H 5 ,C 10 H 19 2 C 2 H 5 ,C 14 H 87 2 C'H^C'ITO 2 C 3 H 7 ,C 5 H 9 O 2 C 3 H 7 ,C 9 H 17 O 2 C 3 H 7 ,C 13 H 85 2 C 4 H 9 ,C 4 H 7 2 C 4 H 9 ,C 8 H 15 O 2 C 4 H 9 ,C lf H iB 1 C 5 H ll ,C 3 H 5 O 2 C 5 H U ,C 7 H 13 2 C 5 H",C 11 H 8I O 8 C 6 H 13 ,C 2 H 3 O 2 C 6 H 18 ,C 6 H U 2 C 6 H 13 ,C'H I9 2 (TH^C'H 1 O 2 C 7 H 15 ,C 5 H 9 O 2 (7H I ,C 9 H I7 > C 8 H 17 ,C 4 H 7 O 2 C 8 H' 7 ,C 8 H 15 2 C 9 H^C 3 H 5 O 2 C 9 H 19 ,C 7 H I3 2 C l H 2l ,C 2 H 3 2 C IO H 21 ,C 6 H 11 O 2 C U W,C 1 H 1 O 2 C 11 H 23 ,C 5 H 9 2 C 12 H* 5 ,C 4 H 7 O 2 W*H,j \ - Naphtylam chlora cum naphtylac cyana. (ZH,'c i H 7 ; CN] C. < ZH,C 10 H 7 ; CN I = Bis naphtvlac cyana cum hydra cyana. I H; CNJ [ C'H ? ; CNO D. { G l H'; CNOl= Bis naphtvla cyanate cum hydra cyana. I H ; CN j Hofmann's names for these salts are as follow : B. Hydrochlorate of menaphthalamine = C 42 H 17 N 3 HC1. C. Dicymenaphthalamine = C 46 H 17 N 5 = CWN 3 + Cy 2 . D. Menaphthoximide = C 46 H 15 N 3 O 4 . He tells us that " menaphthoximide may be viewed as binoxalate of menaphthalamine minus 4 equivalents of water C 4g H' 7 N 3 HC*0 4 ,HC 2 4 - 4HO = CFHPWj Binoxalate of menaphthalamine. Menaphthoximide. and this view is corroborated by the deportment of the substance with potassa, which reproduces menaphthalamine and oxalic acid." Proceed- ings of the Royal Society, 1856, viii. 12. I see nothing to prove that binoxalate of menaphthalamine ever had any existence, and I account for the last-mentioned reaction thus : C l H 7 ,CNO } f ZH,C 10 H 7 ; H 1 _ A D.{C 10 H 7 ,CNO |ZH,C'H 7 ; CNj H,CN According to this view, menaphthalamine is a "new base," but not a new radical. It is only a new double salt, of the same nature as melaniline, which I have investigated at page 291. The introduction of what chemists call a " new base " is by no means to be considered as the discovery of a new radical. Lest the reader should at any time feel a difficulty in distinguishing a " base " from a " radical," let me remind him, that a radical is the equivalent of one volume of hydrogen or of chlorine, and possesses the saturating capacity proper to one volume of either ; whereas a base is a heterogeneous mixture of atoms, which have no specific chemical duty to do, and which, as to number, are with- out limit, and, as to collocation, are without order. A radical may be compared to a thorough- trained soldier, who forms part of a system, is accustomed to discipline, and acts according to order. A base is a Bashi Bazouk, who is thoroughly untrained, who despises system, is unaccustomed to discipline, and is obedient only to the dictates 534 ORIGIN AND METAMORPHOSES OF ORGANIC RADICALS. of caprice. Any harum-scarum fellow answers for a Bashi Bazouk. Any conglomeration of atoms serves as a base. But a soldier must be a man who knows his duty and does it. A radical is a collection of atoms determinate as to quantity, orderly as to system, and always prepared to fulfil the functions which its position in the system it pertains to imposes upon it. In short, the difference between a radical and an organic base is like the difference between order and disorder. GROUP P. This group, purely hypothetical, is inserted to account for the starting radicals in the columns D, F,H, K,M,0. I suppose that originally C 1 combines with H 1 or with C'H 1 , and that C 1 is then added atom after atom, till the several products which are exhibited in this column are produced ; after which these radicals, acting as units, combine with successive atoms of CH* to produce the radicals which form the groups given in the different columns of the Table. It is however just as easy to imagine that the radicals are first formed in accordance with the methods of production explained in reference to the vinyl radicals, and that these radicals then become subject to the successive additions of atoms of C 1 . Or, on the other hand, some of them may be explained as being derived from radicals actually belonging to the vinyl series, by the artificial expulsion of a limited quantity of hydrogen. Thus terbasic glycerine = H,H,H,C 3 H 5 3 when deprived of HHO produces monobasic allylic acid = H,C 3 H 5 2 , and when de- prived of a second atom of HHO, it produces acrolein = H,C 3 H 3 0, in which we have an acid radical belonging to Group D. This last reaction differs in no respect, or degree, as respects the change in the radicals, from that which converts alcohol into aldehyde. H,C 2 H 5 - H 2 = H,C 2 H 3 0. It is unquestionably a fact that the basic radicals are reducible to acid radicals by the abstraction of H 2 , and it does not seem unreasonable to assume that the acid radicals themselves may be capable of snstaining successive abstractions of H*, by artificial means, so as to produce the more highly carbonised radicals. Thus C 5 H U may become in succession C 5 H 9 ,C 5 H 7 ,C 5 H 5 ,C 5 H 3 ; and in like manner C 9 H 19 , may become C 9 H 17 , C 9 H 15 ,C 9 H 13 ,C 9 H 11 ,C 9 H 9 ,C 9 H 7 ,C 9 H 5 . These are points that are capable of experimental investigation, and are not likely to pass unheeded. Besides these groups of radicals, I have endeavoured to trace the existence of others, but without useful results. For example, the Group wC+CH 2 produces C 4 H 2 and C 6 H 2 , but no other known radicals; and the Group C-j-nH produces CH,CH 2 ,CH 3 , and then stops, as there is no known hydrocarbon radical- with a greater proportion of H to C than is found in methyl. On looking over these homologous groups of radicals, the remarkable fact strikes us, that the greater proportion of them are produced by a very direct process from sugar or vinylate, and that most of ORIGIN AND METAMORPHOSES OF ORGANIC RADICALS. 535 the others seem to be derived by processes, which, though indirect, are short and obvious, from the same substance. Sugar in the form of CH 2 is the raw material which life in plants works up into the in- numerable finished manufactures which vegetables expose to the admi- ration of mankind and among which animal life finds sustenance. The METAMORPHOSES of Organic Radicals have been so often dis- cussed in the preceding pages, that I need only refer to the main facts. Acid radicals can be transformed into basic radicals by the abstraction ofC 1 . Thus: Formyl = C'H 1 - C 1 = H = hydrogen. Acetyl = C 2 H 3 - C 1 = C'H 3 = methyl. Allyl = C 3 H 5 - C 1 = C 2 H 5 = ethyl. Benzyl = (7H 5 - C 1 = C 6 H 5 = phenyl. On the other hand, basic radicals can be reduced to acid radicals by the abstraction of H 2 . These matters have been so fully discussed at page 74, in the article at page 399, and incidentally on several other occasions, that I need enter now into no details. When hydrides of acid radicals are sealed up in glass tubes with a saturated solution of hydracids in water, and heated to 212 F., they are changed into chlorides of the corresponding basic radicals. In this way acid radicals are converted into basic radicals by the addition of H 2 , instead of the abstraction of C 1 . Berthelot thus produced the following metamorphoses : Propionyla hydra . C 3 H 5 ,H -f HC1 = C 3 H 7 ,01 Propyla chlora. Valeryla hydra . C 5 H 9 ,H + HC1 = C 5 H ll ,Cl Amyla chlora. Capryla hydra. . C 8 H 15 ,H + HOI = C 8 H' 7 ,C1 Octyla chlora. Palmityla hydra . C l6 H 3l ,H + HC1 = C 16 H 33 ,C1 Cetyla chlora. And, by acting in the same manner on what he calls Ethylene by hydrobromic acid, he produced bromide of ethyl : CH 2 + CH 2 + HBr = C 2 H 5 ,Br Vinyl, 2 atoms. Ethyla broma. By a process quite equivalent to this, the hydrides of amidogens are converted into chlorides of ammoniums. Thus : ZH 2 H + HC1 = ZH 4 ,C1. Many transformations of this description will be seen under the head of Aniline, page 274. Akin to this process is also that by which the amids of oxygen acids are converted into normal ammonium salts. Thus : ZH 2 ,CO + HHO = ZH 4 ,C0 2 . 536 ORIGIN AND METAMORPHOSES OF ORGANIC RADICAL. These transformations have been illustrated by innumerable examples during the investigation of the azotic radicals. Another method of metamorphoses consists in converting complex radicals which contain many times CH 2 , into radicals of a simpler kind, by the action of nitric acid. An example of this mode of procedure is referred to in the article on the Anchoates at page 454. The doctrine of Vice-Radicals has been fully explained and illustrated in the preceding pages. A vice-radical is a hydrocarbon in which the hydrogen has been more or less replaced by Cl, Br, I, N, S, or a metal, and which, notwithstanding that replacement, still acts the part of a radical. Many acid radicals can be made to act as basic radicals, provided they are supplied with a certain excess of oxygen. This excess of oxygen is demanded by such radicals even when they form part of an ammonium. Many other processes of metamorphoses might be noticed, and have been already described in this work; but they are reducible to three classes : a). They change a basic radical into the acid radical next below it by the abstraction of H 2 , or into the acid radical next above it by the addition of C l . b). They change an acid radical into the basic radical next below it by the abstraction of C l , or into the basic radical next above it by the addi- tion of H 2 . c). They reduce a complex radical to one or more radicals of a sim- pler constitution. What chemists have need of at present, are processes which will enable them to imitate the operation of nature, in forming complex radicals from simpler kinds by the addition of atoms of CH 2 to a nucleus, or by combining together ready-formed atoms of the simpler kind to produce those of the complex kind. That power is, however, more to be desired than expected. The metamorphoses of organic radicals which depend upon the trans- mutations of azote, and those which take place in living animals, I must decline to touch upon. They are too important to be slighted, and I have not considered them sufficiently to be warranted in pronouncing clear opinions upon them. The theories which I have advanced in this work respecting the existence, the nature, the properties, the origin, and the transformations of hydrocarbon radicals must, if they represent what is true, have a great effect in changing the commonly-received formulae of azotic and animal substances, which are extremely unsatisfactory. The " unitary" formula which I have quoted in page 167 are, con- fessedly, declarations of ignorance of anything beyond the knowledge afforded by destructive analyses; while the "rational" formulas gene- rally met with are in the highest degree fanciful such as DALTONISM THE ATOMIC THEORY. 537 2o(C 36 ff 5 N 4 10 . 2HO) + 8EPNS + H 2 NP = albumen of eggs. (C 36 H 25 N 4 O U . 2HO) + H 2 NS + H 2 NP = fibrin of ox-blood. 6(C 36 H 25 N 4 O n . 2 HO) + S 2 O 2 = fibrin-protein. I copy these formulas from Lehmann's Physiological Chemistry, 1851, vol. i., where they are attributed to Mulder. The application of the radical theory to these compounds would no doubt produce formulae of a much simpler character ; but the investigation is one for which I can- not afford time. Daltonism. The Atomic Theory. The Law of Com- bination in Multiple Proportions. The " LAWS OF CHEMICAL COMBINATION " at present recognised by chemists are explained by Professor Miller as follows : "The relative proportion in which the different elements unite is regulated by fixed laws. These important laws, which are three in number, regulate the mode of combination of every known chemical compound. These are usually termed the laws of chemical combination. 1 . " The first of these laws is the law of Definite Proportions, which, although of great simplicity, is one of fundamental importance to the science of chemistry. This law may be stated in very few words ; it is as follows : In every chemical compound* the nature and the proportions of its constituent elements are fixed, definite, and invariable" 2. " The second law of combination is usually termed the law of Multiple Proportions. It frequently happens that a pair of elementary bodies unite together in more than one proportion. The compounds so obtained are very different from each other ; but there is still a uniformity in the plan upon which these compounds are formed, and the propor- tions of the two elements in each are very simply related. The law of multiple proportion may be thus stated : If two elements, A and JJ, unite together in more proportions than one, on comparing together quan- tities of the different compounds, each of which contains the same amount of A, the quantities of B will bear a very simple relation to each other ; such as A + B, A -f 2 B, A + 3 B, A + 4 B, &c.; or, 2A + 3B, 2A -f 56, 2A -{- 78, &c.; or, A + B, A -f- 36, A -f 58, &c. Water, for instance, is a compound of oxygen and hydrogen ; in I oo parts, by weight, there are, as already mentioned, 88*9 of oxygen and 1 1*1 of hydrogen. But there is another compound of oxygen and hydrogen known to chemists, termed the peroxide of hydrogen. By 538 DALTONISM THE ATOMIC THEORY. analysis it has been found that 100 parts of this body contain 94/1 of oxygen, and 5-9 of hydrogen. Now, on comparing together the quan- tities of oxygen which in these two compounds are united with an equal quantity, say I part of hydrogen, it is evident that in water, for i of hydrogen there are 8 of oxygen : Since ii'i : 88-9 : : i : 8. And by a similar process it is seen that in the peroxide of hydrogen, for I part of hydrogen 1 6 of oxygen are present : 5-9 : 94-1 :: i : 16. The quantity of oxygen combined with the hydrogen in the peroxide, being just double what it was when combined with the same quantity of hydrogen in water. " A similar simple proportion between the quantities of the com- bining elements is found to hold good in every series of compounds formed by the union of two elements with each other. A certain quantity of one of the elements combines with a certain quantity of the other ; in the next compound with twice as much as in the first ; in the next with three times ; in the next with four times that quantity, and so on. Sometimes the proportion is rather less simple, two proportions of one element combining with 3, 5, 7, or 9 of the other. " This important law, which was first clearly established by Dalton, was explained by him by means of his Atomic Theory. Upon this hypothesis, the ultimate particles of each element are considered to be uniform in size and in weight for that element, and moreover to be in- capable of farther subdivision. When bodies unite chemically, as the particles of the same element have all the same size and relative weight, the proportions in which they combine must be definite ; and farther, if they unite in several different proportions, those proportions must be simply related to each other. Thus, water may be conceived to be a compound in which each separate particle of hydrogen is united with a single particle of oxygen ; and peroxide of hydrogen would be repre- sented as consisting of a combination of two particles of oxygen with each particle of hydrogen. 3. " This explanation will simplify the consideration of the third law, which is usually known as the Law of Equivalent Proportions. It may be stated as follows : An elementary substance, in combining with other elements, does so in a fixed proportion, which may be represented numeri- cally. " If a certain proportion of an element, A, unites with certain other fixed quantities of different elements, B, C, D, &c., to form compounds AB, AC, AD, &c., the quantities of B, C, and D, which so unite with A will also be the quantities, in which B and C, C and D, combine LAW OF COMBINATION IN MULTIPLE PKOPORTIONS. 539 to form compound BC, BD, CD, &c." Elements of Chemistry, 1855, i. 12. I devote the following pages to the exposition of facts, which show that the " law of combination in multiple proportions" the main-spring of the atomic theory, is unsound ; that it is founded on a fallacy, and that, being fallacious, it necessarily leads to practices which are injurious to chemical philosophy. The particular fallacy to which I allude is this : a). IT is a. fact, that compounds exist which contain uneven numbers of the elements of which they are composed; such as A + A+B;A-fB-fB; A-f-A + B-fB + B. b). It MAY BE a fact, that these compounds are constituted by the direct combination of all the atoms of one kind with all the atoms of the other kind. Thus : AA + B; A + BB; AA + BBB. c). It MAY BE & fact, that chemical combination never takes place except between single atoms of elements, or single equivalents of com- pounds, in which case the compounds which contain the number of atoms of A and B specified above, must make certain intermediate com- pounds. Thus : A + AB; AB + B; AB + (AB + B). The supposition marked c is in accordance with the electro-chemical theory. The supposition marked b, sets the electro-chemical theory at defiance ; for as it is against all experience in electrolytic researches, that a compound represented by the formula A 2 B 3 , should be separated into A A, going off at one electrode, and BBB going off at the other ; so I conceive it to be equally opposed to electro-chemical probability, that combination should take place directly between such clumps of atoms as AA and BBB. But, the law of combination in multiple proportions is founded upon the supposition which is marked b. It takes for granted, but never pre- tends to offer the slightest proof, that combination actually occurs between multiple proportions of atoms. Now, if the supposition which is marked c should prove to be true, that which is marked b must neces- sarily be false, and in that case the law of combination in multiple pro- portions is false ; while so long as it remains uncertain, whether sup- position b or supposition c is true, it is a fallacy to reason as if supposition b was absolutely known to be true. The Jaw of combination in multiple proportions is therefore unsound and not to be trusted. We are indebted for this law to Dalton, and we have only to look into the writings of that philosopher to find how feeble and uncertain is the evidence upon which the law is founded. Indeed, while Dalton laid 540 DALTONISM THE ATOMIC THEORY. down this law respecting the combination of elements in multiple pro- portions, he confessed that he was totally unable to determine how much of any single element constituted a single proportion. If he was unable to determine how much constituted a single proportion, surely he was in- competent to determine how much constituted a multiple proportion, and if, while in this state of ignorance respecting the very premises of his argument, he made laws which implied the possession of accurate knowledge, though, by accident, the laws might prove to be true, there was far greater chance of their proving to be false. I copy the following statement from the Memoirs of John Dalton, by Dr. W. C. Henry, published by the Cavendish Society in 1854. " It must be conceded, in limine, that the great atomic generalisation does not stand on the solid basis of induction, which is here, in its first announcement, claimed for it, by its illustrious Author. Even assuming the existence of elementary atoms of different weights (itself obviously hypothetical), we are not in possession of the mathematical elements necessary to infer ' from the relative weights in the mass, the relative weights of the ultimate particles or atoms of the bodies.' All that is certainly established, is, the proportions by weight in which bodies com- bine, in Dalton's words, ' the relative weights of the simples, which constitute a compound.' Now these relative or equivalent weights are, on the atomic hypothesis, the products of the atomic weights into the number of atoms. Consequently, to infer the unknown atomic weights from the known equivalents, we require the number of atoms. But these numbers cannot be ascertained in the case of a single chemical compound. They can only be gathered, according to grounds of proba- bility, from various relations and arguments, to be hereafter enumerated. This general statement may be made clear by a single example. It is established by experiment, that 8 parts by weight of oxygen combine with i part by weight of hydrogen. Let W and w represent the un- known atomic weights of oxygen and hydrogen, and N and n the numbers of atoms present in each mass respectively, Then N W = 8 and nw = I 8 i And W = -r r and w = N n Wand w cannot be inferred without knowing ^Vand n. "Mr. Dal ton derived the numerical value of N and n from a suppo- sition, which, though highly probable, is still nothing more than an hypothesis. He maintained, that the most stable combinations must be binary, and that when only a single combination of two elements was known, it was probably binary. Water was the only compound of oxygen and hydrogen then known to exist. He therefore regarded it as constituted of one atom of oxygen and one atom of hydrogen. Hence LAW OF COMBINATION IN MULTIPLE PROPORTIONS. 541 .A' and n being identical, the atomic weights will be represented by the equivalents 8 and i. For W : w :: ~ - :: 8 : i. N n To bring out more distinctly the hypothetical character of this reasoning, it may be observed, that Berzelius never admitted water to be a ' binary compound ;' but inferred from its being constituted of i part by volume of oxygen and 2 parts of hydrogen by volume, that it consists of i atom of oxygen united with 2 atoms of hydrogen. Substituting i and 2 for N and n in the above formula, we obtain 1 6 as the weight of the atom of oxygen, hydrogen being unity. " Mathematical certainty is, therefore, not attainable (even if we admit the existence of atoms of different weights) in any single atomic determination. It is in vain to contend for a higher degree of evidence than that of probabilities, in support of the atomic hypothesis itself; or still less of special calculations of the weights of elementary and com- pound atoms. " After this distinct avowal, it will be more satisfactory to recal Dalton's mode of estimating the number of atoms in compounds, in his own words, as expressed in the Appendix to his second volume, 1827, and as therefore conveying his matured views and final teaching. " ' The second object of the atomic theory, namely, that of investi- gating the number of atoms in the respective compounds, appears to me to have been little understood, even by some who have undertaken to expound the principles of the theory. When two bodies, A and B, combine in multiple proportions; for instance, 10 parts of A combined with 7 of B to form one compound, and with 14 to form another, we are directed by some authors to take the smallest combining proportion of one body as representative of the elementary particle or atom of that body. Now it must be obvious to any one of common reflection, that such a rule will be more frequently wrong than right. For, by the same rule, we must consider the first of the combinations as containing I atom of B, and the second as containing 2 atoms of B, with i aton or more of A ; whereas it is equally probable by the same rule, that the compounds may be 2 atoms of A to i of B, and i atom of A to i of B respectively ; for, the proportions being 10 A to 7 B (or, which i$ the same ratio, 20 A to 14 B), and 10 A to 146, it is clear by the rule, that when the numbers are thus stated, we must consider the former combination as composed of 2 atoms of A and the latter of i atom of A, united to i or more of B. Thus there would be an equal chance for right or wrong. But it is possible, that 10 of A, and 7 of B may correspond to i atom A, and 2 atoms B; and then jo of A, and 14 of B, must represent i atom A, and 4 atoms B. Thus it appears the rule will be more frequently wrong than right. It is necessary not 542 DALTONISM THE ATOMIC THEORY. only to consider the combinations of A with B, but also those of A with C, D, E, &c., as well as those of B with C, D, E, &c., before we can have good reason to be satisfied with our determinations as to the number of atoms which enter into the various compounds. Elements formed of azote and oxygen appear to contain portions of oxygen, as the numbers i, 2, 3, 4, 5, successively, so as to make it highly improbable that the combinations can be effected in any other than one of two ways. But in deciding which of these two we ought to adopt, we have to examine not only the compositions and decompositions of the several compounds of these two elements, but also compounds which each of them forms with other bodies. I have spent much time and labour upon these compounds, and upon others of the primary elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and azote, which appear to me to be of the greatest importance in the atomic system ; but it will be seen that I am not satis- fied on this head, either by my own labour or that of others, chiefly through the want of an accurate knowledge of combining proportions.' " This extract proves that Dalton, at the time of his " matured views and final teaching," in the year 1827, was unable to determine, by the help of his atomic theory, how much of any single element constituted a single combining proportion. Thirty years, fruitful in chemical dis- coveries, have since elapsed. But the disciples of Dalton are, at this time, as unable as was the philosopher himself, from the beginning to the end of his career, to determine the atomic weight of any single element by the help of the atomic theory. The defect is a radical one ; and a " fixed law," affecting " to regulate combination in multiple pro- portions/' instituted in virtue of a theory which cannot distinguish multiple proportions from single proportions, can only be regarded as a house built upon shifting sands, liable to be moved hither and thither with every wave of adverse doctrine. RELATION OF THE ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF ELEMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF THEIR GASES. Among the methods that have been suggested for determining how much of an element constitutes a combining proportion, the one which is" apparently least liable to error, is that which considers the specific gravities of elementary gases to be the expression of their combining proportions. Upon that idea, the atomic weight of oxygen is = 1 6 that of hydrogen is = I chlorine is = 35*5 nitrogen is = 14 It was pointed out by Gay-Lussac in the year 1809, that the combining weights of the elements which produced gases, bore a relation to the weights of single volumes of gases, so that combination actually LAW OF COMBINATION IN MULTIPLE PROPORTIONS. 543 took place either between even volumes of gases or between simple multiples of even volumes. Thus nearly at the same time that Dalton invented the atomic theory, Gay-Lussac discovered this law of nature. Of these two things, Gay- Lussac's has proved to be by far the most beneficial. The difference in value between the two systems is easily shown by a few examples. One volume of hydrogen and one volume of chlorine produce two volumes, or one atom, of hydrochloric acid. This would agree with either theory. Two volumes of hydrogen and one volume of oxygen form one atom of water, which in the state of gas measures two volumes. Equal volumes of hydrogen and oxygen produce peroxide of hydrogen. Of course, equal volumes may signify O l + H 1 , or O 2 -f- H 2 . This compound is unknown in the state of gas. We have seen that in the interpretation of the constitution of water 5 Dalton went upon no fixed ground. He considered it to be composed of one atom of each element, because it was the only compound of oxygen and hydrogen with which he was acquainted. Professor Miller's argument is scarcely more cogent. " Water," he says, " may be conceived to be a- compound in which each separate particle of hydrogen is united with a single particle of oxygen ; and peroxide of hydrogen would be repre- sented as consisting of a combination of two particles of oxygen with each particle of hydrogen." But if, as Berzelius originally suggested, we take a single volume of each of the four gases above named to represent a single combining pro- portion, we are freed at once from doubt and difficulty, at least as far as respects these four elements and their compounds. Thus : One vol. of chlorine = Cl 1 _ TT _ Hydrochloric acid. One vol. of hydrogen = H J 2 volumes. One vol. of hydrogen = H ) _ TTQ _ Peroxide of hydrogen. One vol. of oxygen = O f volume unknown. Two vols. of hydrogen = HH ) _ TTTTQ _ Water. One vol. of oxygen = O f 2 volumes. Two vols. of nitrogen = NN 1 _ -VT^/^ _ Protoxide of nitrogen. One vol. of oxygen = O j 2 volumes. One vol. of nitrogen = N j _ -^Q _ Deutoxide of nitrogen. One vol. of oxygen = O j ~ 2 volumes. One vol. of nitrogen = N 1 _ -\rr\r\ _ Peroxide of nitrogen. Two vols. of oxygen = 00 f 2 volumes. The point to be observed here the great point, the useful point, the deciding point, is, that we not only WEIGH the combining proportions, but we also MEASURE them, and we acquire by that means a security which Dalton's atomic theory can never afford us. If the resulting volumes of the compounds produced by the combination of these gases 544 DALTONISM THP] ATOMIC THEORY. had been marked by regularity, the security afforded by this method of reasoning would no doubt have been perceived by chemists long ago ; but the irregularity of the atomic measures of these compound gases obscured the view which chemists ought to have taken of their compo- sition and components. Consult the " Inquiry into the Causes which modify the Atomic Measure of Compound Gases," page 94. Let us follow out the argument derived from the constitution of gases. Only a few of the elements produce gases at the ordinary tempera- ture of the air, and we must derive the atomic weights of the fixed or non-volatile elements by indirect processes. Yet the reference to the densities of the four gases, as fundamental authorities, is of the greatest importance. I frame upon it the observation that The combining proportion of any element is the quantity which is chemi- cally equivalent to a single volume of hydrogen or of chlorine. I take hydrochloric acid as the model of a chemical compound, or as I have called it, for shortness, a SALT. The formula is HC1, in which H and Cl represent two elements, each of which is separately replace- able by other elements. To these two replaceable halves of a salt, whether simple or compound, I apply the term RADICAL : in this example, H is the basic radical and Cl is the acid radical. If Cl is replaced by Br, we procure the salt HBr; if replaced by I, we pro- cure the salt HI. The quantity of Br which replaces 35-5 parts of Cl weighs 80; the quantity of I weighs 127. If these quantities of Br and I are raised by heat into vapour until they measure as much as one volume of chlorine, the specific gravities of the vapours become as follow : Cl = 35-5; Br = 80; I = 127. Consequently, these replacements confirm the accuracy of the rule, and fix the atomic weights of Br and I. On the other hand, if we replace the basic H in HC1 by a metal, as by potassium, barium, silver, &c., we produce KC1, BaCl, AgCl, &c., and these quantities of metals com- bine equally well with the equivalent quantities of Br and I, to produce the neutral salts KBr, KI, BaBr, Bal, and AgBr,AgI ; consequently, the quantities K, Ba, and Ag are the equivalents of H. Proceeding in this manner, we gradually discover how much of each known element is the equivalent either of H 1 or Cl 1 . The quantities thus determined are quoted in the Table which is printed at page 28, and which I take the liberty to call here, a Table of Simple Radicals. In the course of this proceeding, experiment develops the peculiarity, that certain metals possess the power to form two simple radicals which differ from one another in weight, but not in their chemical equivalency, each being able to replace H 1 and to neutralise Cl 1 , Br 1 , or I 1 , and to prpduce a series of neutral salts, equivalent to one another in chemical power, LAW OF COMBINATION IN MULTIPLE PROPORTIONS. 545 but possessed of entirely different physical properties. Thus iron can produce a radical the weight of which is 28, and another, the weight of which is 1 8-f , and these two radicals produce two extensive series of salts, which differ greatly in their properties, but only in their compo- sition to the extent that 28 by weight of iron in one salt is replaced by i8| of iron in the other, all other elements in the salts remaining the same. From the fact that these radicals produce salts that are perfectly and characteristically distinct from one another, I assume that the radicals themselves, though both produced by iron only, are perfectly different radicals. This argument is pursued at page 32, and I need not repeat it. On the Daltonian theory, this parallelism in the sets of salts is not acknowledged to exist. Instead of it, a triplication is made of all the ingredients of one of the sets of salts, and the triple atoms are in each salt divided into an imaginary conglomeration of three atoms of " acid " and a "base" consisting of two atoms of metal and three atoms of oxygen, with which base the three atoms of acid are assumed to be combined. I have given an example of such salts at page 37. These complex salts are taken under the especial patronage of the law of com- bination in multiple proportions. They are commonly called salts of the sesquioxides, and their assumed composition is, without exception, ima- ginary and unreal. The formula which I have adopted as the model of a salt, namely, HC1, is of great importance as regards organic compounds. I have shown that a vast number of organic compounds may be arranged in three groups : A, Basic Radicals. B, Acid Radicals. C, Salts. The basic radicals are equivalent to H, or a single volume of hydrogen ; the acid radicals are equivalent to Cl, or a single volume of chlorine ; the salts are equivalent to HC1, or to two volumes of hydrochloric acid : the evidence in support of these facts is given in the Table of Gases at page 49, and in the commentary which follows it. This evidence is abundant and conclusive. It proves that a radical measures one volume, and that it is of no importance as respects its measure whether a radical is simple or compound, whether it is oxidised or not oxidised. In short, it proves that one volume is the measure of a chemical equiva- lent, an acting quantity, a combining proportion, or an atom, give it what name you please, and therefore that one volume of an elementary gas is the quantity with which we may begin to construct our Table of Atomic Weights. The entire set of laws which are founded on the "atomic theory" are utterly insignificant, when compared with the results which thus naturally flow from Gay-Lussac's discovery re- specting the combination of gases, and Berzelius's perception of its utility. * 2N 546 DALTONISM THE ATOMIC THEORY. The discovery of the fact that radicals of every description are the equivalents of H 1 and Cl 1 , and that two radicals complete a salt, whether oxygen is present or not, reduces the theory of salts to great simplicity, and goes far to obliterate the needless and absurd distinction which is usually made between inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. I need scarcely refer in this summary to matters of detail that have been amply developed in the article on the gases, such as the fact, that oxygen, carbon, sulphur, and radicals with an even number of atoms of hydrogen, measure nothing in gaseous salts; nor to any other of the peculiarities of the elements of gases, the elimination of which has enabled me to give to the theory of gases a useful degree of exactness. See page 108. If the law of combination in multiple proportions was well founded, and could explain anything, it might be useful in organic chemistry to explain the production of complex organic radicals. Let us see how it helps us there. Turn to page 525, and look down Group A. What does the law of combination in multiple proportions teach us in reference to the radicals which are formulated in that column? Reading the Table, in accordance with this law, we may say " One atom of carbon combines with three atoms of hydrogen to form one atom of methyl. Twenty-seven atoms of carbon combine with fifty-five atoms of hydrogen to form one atom of ceryl. Thirty atoms of carbon combine with sixty- one atoms of hydrogen to form one atom of myricyl." That is the teaching of the law of combination in multiple proportions ! Can any human being believe such statements to be true? What kind of " affinity " is it which induces 30 atoms, all alike, to combine with one another into a clump, which induces 61 other atoms, also all alike, and in the presence of 30 different atoms, to combine with one another into another clump, and which then induces the two clumps to combine into one compound ? I confess, that this doctrine of combination in multiple proportions is beyond my powers of comprehension, and I cast it aside as a useless incumbrance. I do not believe that the radicals of Group A, page 525, are in any case formed by the direct combination of all their carbon with all their hydrogen. On the contrary, I believe that the radicals of this group, like those of all other groups, are built up progressively by the method which I have described in the last section. The evidence in favour of this supposition is the fact, that at each step of the progression, a definite radical is produced which possesses an ascertainable in- dividuality. Thus, H is a radical = Hydrogen. C-f H is a radical = CH, Formyl. CH+H is a radical = CH 2 , Vinyl. CH 2 +H is a radical = CH 8 , Methyl. EVIDENCE OF ELECTROLYSIS IN FAVOUR OF THE RADICAL THEORY. 547 Then, in another series we have H + CH 2 = CH 3 , methyl. CH 8 -f-CH 2 = C'H 5 , ethyl, C*H 5 + CH 2 = C 3 H 7 , propyl, and so on to C 29 H 59 -f CH 2 = C 30 H 61 , myricyl. In this process of construction, everything goes on step by step, and every step is of use. There is no evidence of the occurrence of those monstrous jumps of one mighty block of atoms to join another mighty block, which the law of combination in multiple proportions calls upon its votaries to credit. When a galvanic circuit shall be found to require 30 zincodes and 6 1 platinodes, and shall be able to decompose an atom of myricyl in such a manner as to throw off 30 atoms of carbon at the zincodes and 61 atoms of hydrogen at the platinodes, and shall thereby give us some reason to believe in the possibility of " decomposition in multiple propor- tions," it will be time to begin to believe in the assumed fact of "combination in multiple proportions;" but there is no necessity to adopt this belief, till we have witnessed the performance of that experiment. The Evidence of Electrolysis in favour of the Eadical Theory. As the terms employed by writers on electro-chemistry differ greatly, I take the liberty to prefix a list of synonyms. Negative Pole ; pole ; cathode ; platinode ; negative electrode. To this pole go Hydrogen, Metals, Alkalies. Positive Pole ; -f- pole ; anode ; zincode ; positive electrode. To this pole go Oxygen, Chlorine, Acids. A. MAGNUS'S RESULTS. An interesting series of u electrolytic researches " has just been pub- lished by Professor G. Magnus (Poggendorf s Annalen der Physik und Chemie, No. 9, i857 Band cii.), from which I extract the following 1 2 results ; referring to the original essay for details. 1. For i equivalent of oxygen disengaged [in the voltameter], when cuprous chloride is acted on, 2 equivalents of copper are deposited. 2. From stannous chloride, Sn-f-Cl, for i equivalent of oxygen, I equivalent of tin. 2N2 548 EVIDENCE OF ELECTROLYSIS 2. From stannic chloride, Sn-{-2Cl, for I equivalent of oxygen, half an equivalent of tin. Hence, an atom of stannous chloride requires for its decomposition half as much electrical power as an atom of stannic chloride. 4. When the current went from the voltameter first through cupric sulphate and then through cuprous chloride, twice as much copper was deposited in the latter as in the former. 5. There is no evidence in favour of Darnell's supposition of the decora posability of CuO-f SO 3 into Cu+SO 4 . 6. When an aqueous solution of pure crystallised iodic acid is acted upon, i equivalent of iodine is deposited on the negative electrode and 5 equivalents of oxygen are set free on the positive electrode. 7. It requires five times the electric power to decompose an atom of iodic acid = I -f- O 5 , that it requires to decompose an atom of water = H+O. 8. The same electric power is required to separate the same quantity of oxygen from iodic acid and sulphuric acid, while for H l disengaged by the sulphuric acid only I-i- is deposited by the iodic acid. 9. To decompose an atom of ferric sulphate = Fe 2 3 + 3 SO 3 + Aq into ferrous sulphate 2(FeO -f- SO 3 ) and into oxygen 0, and sulphuric acid SO 3 , it requires the same power as to decompose an atom of water H + O, and also the same power as to decompose FeO + SO 3 into iron on the one side, and oxygen and sulphuric acid on the other. I o. The same power is required to separate a simple substance from a binary compound as is required to separate it from a complex saline compound. 1 1 . This result may present a difficulty to chemists, who can only conceive the decomposition of a salt to be into an acid and a base ; for, according to this view, the power which is required to decompose the oxide must also be strong enough first to separate the oxide from the acid, and then to decompose the oxide. But this difficulty falls away if we consider the galvanic decomposition to be a distributive action of the electricity (eine vertheilende Wirkung der Electricitat). 12. How greatly the atoms which are equivalents in galvanic action differ from chemical atoms is shown by the following examples : Chemical Atoms. Galvanic Equivalents. H + H + 1 + 50 ii + o CuO -|- SO 3 + 5Aq CuO + SO 3 + 5Aq Cu + Cl Cu + Ci 2 Cu + Cl 2Cu -f- Cl Sn + Cl *Sn -f Cl 2Sn + Cl Sn + Ci IX FAVOUR OF THE KADICAL THEORY. 549- B. FARADAY'S RESULTS. 13. " Electrolytes must consist of two ions." 14. " There is but one electrolyte, composed of the same elementary ions, at least such appears to be the fact, dependent upon a law, that only single electro-chemical equivalents of elementary ions, can go to the electrodes and not multiples." 15. "Electro-chemical equivalents coincide, and are the same with ordinary chemical equivalents." 1 6. "A very valuable use of electro-chemical equivalents will be to decide, in cases of doubt, what is the true chemical equivalent, or definite proportional or atomic number of a body ; for I have such a conviction that the power which governs electro-decomposition and ordinary chemical attraction is the same, and such confidence in the overruling influence of those natural laws which render the former definite, as to feel no hesitation in believing that the latter must submit to them also. Such being the case, I can have no doubt, that assuming hydrogen as i, and dismissing small fractions for the simplicity of expression, the equivalent number or atomic weight of oxygen is 8, of chlorine 36, of bromine 78*4, of lead 103*5, ^ * m 59' & c ' notwith- standing that a very high authority doubles several of the numbers." 17. " The equivalent weights of bodies are simply those quantities of them which contain equal quantities of electricity or, if we adopt the atomic theory or phraseology, then the atoms of bodies have equal quantities of electricity naturally associated with them. But I must confess I am jealous of the term atom ; for though it is very easy to talk of atoms, it is very difficult to form a clear idea of their nature, especially when compound bodies are under consideration." Henry's Memoirs of JDalton, page 1 06. C. GMELTN'S SUMMARY. 1 8. An electric current decomposes an atom of an oxygen salt in the same time as it decomposes an atom of water or chloride of lead. 19. When sulphate of soda is decomposed it is found that the volume of detonating gas collected in the voltameter is equal to the volume of hydrogen obtained in the negative division of the decomposing apparatus together with that of the oxygen evolved in the positive division, and that for every 9 parts (one atom) of water decomposed in the voltameter, 32 parts (one atom) of soda are set free in the negative, and 40 parts (one atom) of sulphuric acid in the positive division. 20. If the voltameter consists of fused chloride of lead, then an atom of lead is deposited for every atom of sulphate of soda, or sal-ammoniac, or chloride of sodium, which is decomposed in the cells. 550 EVIDENCE OF ELECTROLYSIS 21. These experiments are favourable to the supposition that the oxygen-salts should be regarded as compounds of metals with the so-called salt-radicals, e.g., sulphate of soda not as NaOjSO 3 , but as Na,S0 4 ; and that the same quantity of electricity which serves to sepa- rate an atom of oxygen, chlorine, or iodine, from an atom of hydrogen, or a metal, is likewise exactly sufficient to separate an atom of SO 4 , or any other compound salt-radical from an atom of metal. Daniell. 22. Matteucci obtained the same results by subjecting other salts to similar treatment. For every atom of water decomposed in the voltameter he obtained from the saline solution i atom of hydrogen gas, I atom of oxygen, i atom of base, and i atom of acid. 23. The theory which regards sulphate of soda as Na,S0 4 certainly affords the simplest explanation of its electrolysis. Since, however, many weighty reasons may be urged against the adoption of this hypo- thesis, the following explanation may for the present be admitted. Sulphate of soda is NaO,S0 3 ; decomposition by the electric current is exerted only on the soda (since, by Faraday's law, SO 3 is incapable of direct decomposition). Sodium separates at the negative pole, where it decomposes water and yields soda and hydrogen gas. The oxygen which was combined with the sodium is transferred, together with the sulphuric acid, to the adjacent atom of sodium. An atom of oxygen is set free at the positive pole, and since the sodium which was combined with it goes towards the negative pole, the sulphuric acid is set free by secondary action, or rather it passes from its state of combination with soda into that of combination with w r ater. 24. In the case of sulphate of copper, &c., similar actions take place, ex- cepting that the metal liberated by the current does not decompose water. 25. The decomposition of oxygen-salts of ammonia is most satisfac- torily explained by adopting the ammonium theory of Berzehus, according to which, sulphate of ammonia, for example, which always contains water, is to be regarded as sulphate of oxide of ammonium (NH 4 O,SO 3 ). The electric current decomposes the oxide of ammonium, just as it does a metallic oxide, into oxygen and ammonium, and the latter is resolved into hydrogen gas which escapes, and ammonia which remains in solution. According to this view, the direct action of the electric current is confined to the decomposition of metallic oxides, and the transference of the acid from the decomposing oxide to the water is merely a consequence of this action. (Hess's Observations on Daniell's Theory, in Pogg. Ann., 53, 505). Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry, i. 460. D. PARTICULAR FACTS. 26. It is clearly proved by experiment that for every 32 grains of zinc which is dissolved in any one cell of the battery, 9 grains of water are decomposed in the voltameter. Miller. IN FAVOUR OF THE RADICAL THEORY. 551 27. If the current is made to pass first through fused iodide of lead, and then through fused chloride of tin, for each 32 grains of zinc dissolved in any one cell of the battery, 104 grains of lead, and 59 grains of tin will be separated on the respective platinodes, whilst 126 grains of iodine, and 36 grains of chlorine will be evolved on the respective zincodes. Miller. 28. When starch which contains both iodine and bromine is subjected to the action of the current, the mixture becomes blue at the negative pole and orange-coloured at the positive pole, showing that iodine is transferred to the former and bromine to the latter. De la Rive. 29. When dilute phosphoric acid is acted upon, and the oxygen and hydrogen are collected apart, it is found that while one atom of water is decomposed, only from one-fifth to one-fourth of an atom of phosphoric acid is carried over to the positive pole. Daniell. 30. When hydriodic acid is electrolysed, hydrogen goes to the negative pole, and iodine and oxygen to the positive pole. Matteucci. 3 1 . Aqueous solution of iodide of potassium yields iodine at the anode, potash and hydrogen gas at the cathode. Faraday. 32. Fused protochloride of tin is resolved into metallic tin and bichloride of tin, the latter escaping in vapour. Faraday. 33. Aqueous solution of sal-ammoniac is resolved into chlorine at the positive pole and hydrogen and ammonia at the negative pole. Hisinger and Berzelius. 34. Solution of common salt gives chlorine at the positive pole, hydrogen gas and soda at the negative pole. Higgins and Draper. 35. Hydrate of potash yields oxygen gas at the anode, and at the cathode hydrogen gas and potassium. Davy. APPLICATION OF ELECTROLYTIC FACTS TO THE SUPPORT OF THE RADICAL THEORY. I proceed to show that these electrolytic facts are in accordance with the radical theory, and in particular with the following axioms : 1. A salt is a compound of two radicals, simple or compound, with or without oxygen. 2. Water is a salt, whose constitution is represented by the formula H-fHO. 3. All combination is binary. One basic radical combines with one acid radical. 4. Combination in multiple proportions never takes place. 5. Chemical radicals are the same as galvanic equivalents. In the following explanations, I take the facts in the order of the fore- going list. The symbols have now the values given at page 28. i . Cuprous chloride, CuCl, gives Cu, with ^ O in the voltameter. 552 EVIDENCE OF ELECTROLYSIS Because Cu is the basylous atom = 64 combined with Cl. Both Cu and Cl are equivalent to H. Consequently ^(HHO) is decomposed in the voltameter. If HHO were set free in the voltameter, that is to say, 2 parts or 2 volumes of hydrogen, and 16 parts or I volume of oxygen, the equivalents of HH, namely, C1C1 and CuCu, must be set free in the cells. Magnus's " I equivalent of oxygen," signifies 8 by weight, or % volume of gas, so that if the equivalent of is doubled, the equivalent of the deposited metals must also be doubled. On this point, consult No. 16, page 556. 2. Stannons chloride, SnCl, gives Sn for^O. Because Sn is the basylous atom =59, combined with Cl. Both atoms = H. Hence (HHO) is decomposed. 3. Stannic chloride, SncCl, gives Snc or Sn, for O. Because Snc is the basylic atom = 29*5, combined with Cl. Both atoms = H. Hence ^(HHO) is decomposed. Magnus's idea that the atom of stannous chloride requires for its de- composition half as much electrical power as the atom of stannic chloride is a fallacy. If Cl is put as the standard, the same power sepa- rates it from each salt, but with the deposition of Cu in one case, and Cue in the other, the former radical being twice as heavy as the latter. 4. When cupric sulphate = CucSO 2 and cuprous chloride = CuCl are acted on by the same current, the first gives Cue = 32, and the second gives Cu = 64, because both of these are radicals of the same chemical and voltaic equivalence. 5. Read Gmelin's summary of facts and opinions as to Daniell's Theory, Nos. 1 8 to 25. I do not know in what manner the oxygen of a salt is divided between the basic radical and the acid radical, and the whole series of electro- lytic researches gives no conclusive results on this point. When sulphate of copper = Cuc,SOO, which consists of two radicals with two atoms of oxygen, is decomposed in the presence of water, I apprehend that hydrated sulphuric acid is instantly constituted at the cost of an atom of water; thus : jCuc,SOO] [Cue + H,SOO (Cuc,SOO \ = { Cue -f H,SOO Water HHOJ [ O According to this equation, 64 parts of copper are deposited while 1 6 parts of oxygen are disengaged, which agrees with the statical re- sults. The reason that two atoms of the copper salt are decomposed is, that water contains two atoms of hydrogen, and demands two atoms of sulphur with which to combine. See No. 16, page 556. The passage of the electric current through a solution of sulphate of copper, may be represented thus : IX FAVOUR OF THE RADICAL THEORY. 553 A. Before the current passes. - Pole CucSOO CucSOO CucSOO CucSOO CucSOO CucSOO HHO B. After the current passes. Cue Pole Cue SOOCuc SOOCuc SOOCuc SOOCuc SOO soo HH Pole. Pole. o Before the current passes, (A.), the atoms of sulphate are supposed to be in contact with water, ready to act in case of need, which I take it we must admit to be the constant duty of the water of a solution. After the current passes (B.), an atom of oxygen is given off at the positive pole, two atoms of hydrated sulphuric acid are deposited there, and simultaneously two cupric atoms are deposited at the negative pole. The electric power is transferred through the solution in the manner shown by the diagram. In this explanation, I have supposed that the cupric sulphate is Cue -f- SOO; let us see how it would act if its composition were CucO -f SO. A. Before the current passes. - Pole Cue - Pole Cue CucOSO CucOSO HHO B. After the current passes. CucOSO CucOSO CucOSO CucOSO OSOCuc OSOCuc OSO OSOCuc OSOCuc oso 1 HH Pole. Pole. O There is no effect represented here which helps to decide the question whether the oxygen of a sulphate is entirely combined with the sulphur, or divided equally or unequally between the sulphur and the metal. The movements of oxygen are too subtle for detection either by chemical re- actions or electrolysis. 6. When a salt which contains iodine as its negative radical without oxygen, is electrolysed, the iodine is deposited on the positive pole ; see iodide of potassium (27 and 31) and hydriodic acid (30); but when iodic acid (H,IO 3 ) is electrolysed, the iodine is deposited on the negative pole, and the oxygen is given off on the positive pole. 7, 8. The disengagement of O 5 from diluted sulphuric acid leaves the sulphuric acid in its original condition, so that the O 5 come entirely from 554 EVIDENCE OF ELECTROLYSIS water, and must liberate H 10 . The disengagement of O 5 from iodic acid leaves nothing but iodine, its hydrogen and oxygen being all disengaged ; but since HIO 3 does not contain O 3 , we must examine more closely what this reaction signifies : When this compound is exposed to electrolysis, I imagine that it gives off its oxygen atom by atom, producing a series of acids which may be represented by the following formulae : JHIOOO , ni l - IHIOO ' IHIOO 2 2< IHIOO " IHIOO 3 j' 1 TTTO ~i , IHIO 04 4- {mo +c I"-** 6. 1 J +HHO By five successive operations, each equivalent to the decomposition of an atom of water, and each therefore yielding O 1 , it gives oft' in all O 5 . Arrived at this point, the last O and the two atoms of H combine together, and the iodine is finally isolated. It is easy to understand, that as the iodine is deposited on the negative pole, the liberated oxygen must act there upon the water, and cause a corresponding reaction at the positive pole. Every O 1 lost by the iodic acid takes H 2 from the water at the negative pole, and therefore throws off O 1 at the positive pole. The correspondence of the decomposition of one atom of iodic acid with the disengagement of O 5 from sulphuric acid is clear enough, but it remains equally clear that the acid radicals of iodic and sulphuric acid are each one radical, and that each effects the decomposition of 5HHO. 9. I conceive this reaction to take place as follows : (FecSO 2 ) (FeSO 2 ) ^ FecSO 2 1 \ FeSO 2 1 (FecSO 2 ) (HSO 2 ) f FecSO 2 I FeSO 2 ) 4 FecSO 2 1 {FeSOH [FecSO 8 ] IH SO 2 ] H,HO O Under the action of the electric current, which decomposes an atom of water and sets free H 2 , the ferric atoms of these sulphates become con- verted into ferrous atoms. Six ferric atoms produce four ferrous atoms, and set free SO 2 -|- SO 2 to take up the free H 2 and produce two atoms of hydrated sulphuric acid. The separation of H 2 from water sets O 1 free. Extensive as this reaction appears in the diagram, the electrolytic action takes place only upon one atom of HHO, and therefore corre- sponds with , HHO in the voltameter. The presence of the basic hydrogen thus set free, is the predisposing cause of the reduction of IX FAVOUR OF THE RADICAL THEORY. 555 the ferric atoms to ferrous atoms. I have fully explained the nature of this operation at pages 34 and 310 in this work. The reduction of ferrous sulphate to iron, oxygen, and sulphuric acid, referred to in 9 as being effected by the same amount of electric power as the decomposition of H + HO, may be explained as follows : FeSO 2 + H Fe + HSO 2 FeSO 2 + H = Fe + HSO 2 O O Here again the effect is practically produced by the electro-decomposition of one atom of water. 10. The statement made at this number is true within certain limits, but not in an absolute sense. One unit of electric power decomposes one equivalent of an iodide and liberates one atom of iodine, see 27, 31 whereas five units of electric power are demanded to decompose one equivalent of hydrated iodic acid, and liberate one atom of iodine, see 6, 7, 8. The statement is probably true of all salts that contain TWO RADICALS with no oxygen, or with O 1 , or with O 2 , but not with O 3 ; for the salts of iodine with O 3 , just referred to, and those of phosphorus with O 3 , see 29 both require additional force. The uniformity of the action upon salts that contain 0, O 1 , O 2 , depends upon the contemporaneous reaction on one atom of water H -f- HO ; the special results in each case varying according to the individual properties of the radicals submitted to elec- trolysis ; such as the power of the separated metal to remain metallic, as copper, or to form a hydrated alkali, as potassium, or that of the acid radical to fly off in gas as chlorine, or to remain in the liquid as hydrated acid, like sulphuric acid. 1 1 . The difficulty which Magnus alludes to in this number, is for me non-existent. Every lase and every acid is for me a SALT. All these three classes of compounds contain on the radical theory two radicals, and are subject to decomposition by the same amount of electric power, provided their quantum of oxygen presents no hindrance. But if I felt a difficulty on this point, and required an explanation, I should be dis- satisfied with that which is given by Magnus ; because I am unable to comprehend how "the same power" can perform distributively twice the work that it can perform collectively. 12. Magnus's conclusion, that ''galvanic equivalents are not the same as chemical atoms" is a fallacy, which arises from the reasonings prompted by his atomic weights (viz., O = 8, water = H + O, &c.) and which disappears when the equivalents are adjusted to suit the atomic weights of the radical theory. Thus Water should be = H,HO. Hydrated iodic acid ~ H,I0 3 556 EVIDENCE OF ELECTROLYSIS Ciipric sulphate = CucSO 2 Cuprous chloride = CuCl Cupric chloride = CucCl Stannous chloride = SnCl Stannic chloride = SncCl. The explanations which I have given prove that the chemical and gal- vanic atoms are perfectly equivalent. Be it remarked, however, that the chemical equivalents are not atoms according to the common scale of atomic weights, but radicals in accordance with the radical theory, which acknowledges that both tin and copper make two different radicals, each of which is the equivalent of an atom of hydrogen, even in the electric current. 13. This first law of electrolysis, as laid down by Faraday, seems to be true, arid to be destructive of the law of combination in multiple pro- portions ; for if chemical and electrical action is the same, how can we logically admit that chemistry can combine together multiple propor- tions which electricity cannot separate? 14. This result must be compared with the results obtained by Magnus, such as the electrolysis of the compounds Cu Cl Sn Cl CucCl SncCl These results seem to be in opposition to the law which is here laid down by Faraday, but they agree perfectly well with the theory that the basylous and basylic atoms are different radicals produced by the same element, and act severally as elementary ions. I 5. Electro-chemical equivalents agree with radicals. 1 6. I agree with Faraday's general principle, but not with all the atomic numbers which he has deduced by means of it. Those of chlorine, bromine, and lead I agree to. That of tin represents the stannous radical, and must be coupled with another to represent the stannic radical. Faraday's experiment (32) is not adverse to this proposal. He found that SnCl was resolved by electrolysis into SncCl 4- Snc, namely, the combined action of heat and electricity splits Sn into Snc -}- Snc, half the metal remains behind and the volatile SncCl flies oft' in vapour. My chief objection lies to Faraday's number for oxygen = 8, which is only half what it ought to be. It is no doubt true that half a volume of oxygen gas is separable in electrolysis, with one volume of hydrogen gas ; but it is equally true, that one volume of oxygen gas is separable with two volumes of hydrogen ; and the law of galvanic equivalency is sufficiently obeyed, if it is shown, that for every volume of oxygen which is disengaged, there is a simultaneous disen- gagement of two volumes of hydrogen ; for the electrolysis of water into HH -}- O, that is to say, into two volumes of hydrogen and one IX FAVOUR OF THE RADICAL THEORY. 557 volume of oxygen, is the product of TWO electrolytic operations ; the first of which separates H -f- HO into H and HO, while the second separates HO into H and O. It is a consequence of this twofold electrolysis, that the same current which decomposes 18 parts of water in the voltameter, decomposes two atoms of any normal salt upon which it is made to act, and sets free four radicals, two of them basic and two acid : thus, the decomposition of 1 8 parts of HHO in the voltameter is accompanied by the simultaneous Deposition of Cu 4- Cu 128 parts. Cue 4- Cue = 64 parts. Sn -f- & n = 1 1 8 parts. Snc 4- >Snc = 59 parts. Na + Na = 46 parts. and Separation of Cl 4- Cl SO 2 4- SO 8 Cl 4. Cl Cl -f- Cl SO 8 + SO 2 From 2Cu Cl = No. i. 2CucSO 2 = No. 4. 2Sn Cl = No. 2. 2SncCl = No. 3. 2NaS0 2 = No. 19. Thus, when the voltameter, or standard of electrolytic power, is the quantity of water that undergoes decomposition, there is, in all cases, for each HHO that is decomposed, or each O that is set free, a decom- position effected of two atoms of a normal salt, which sets free two positive radicals and two negative radicals, it being perfectly indifferent, as respects the electrolytic power, whether the positive radicals are of the basylous or the basylic description. If the reader prefers to have this result stated in the usual cabalistic language of chemists, I may say, that the same current can separate a greater quantity of metal from a "protofsctft*' than it can from a "persalt." When the voltameter of a circuit contains a binary compound free from water, such as rased chloride of lead, then the current which decom- poses one atom of the standard and liberates its two radicals, will also decompose one atom of any normal salt through which it passes ; thus : Pb 4- Cl Pb + I Na,SO 2 ZH 4 ,C1 Na,Cl Sn,Cl = No. 20. = No. 27. Hence it follows, that Faraday's laws of electrolysis agree precisely in sense with the radical theory, and differ only in the form of expression which was accommodated by him to the current views of chemists. If water is taken to be constituted of H 4- HO, and oxygen is fixed at 1 6, we still agree with Faraday's results. 17. Here, again, we have a law which is opposed, and justly op- posed, to the law of combination in multiple proportions. If the equivalent radicals A. and B. contain equal quantities of electricity, that is to say, equal powers of chemical combination, it is impossible for 558 EVIDENCE OF ELECTROLYSIS them to neutralise one another when presented for combination in such assortments as A + 2B, A + }B, A + 46 2A + 38, 2A + 56, 2A + 76. See the quotation from Professor Miller, at page 537. So also the formation of the organic radicals C 30 + H 61 , C 30 + H 39 , &c., page 525, must be impossible. If we consider the nature of these examples, we must conclude that if the law of combination in multiple propor- tions is true, those of electro-chemistry must be false ; for they are perfectly incompatible. 1 8. This observation agrees with No. 10 of Magnus's results, and needs no further remark. 19. The decomposition of sulphate of soda here described may be represented as occurring in a circuit, thus : A. Before the current passes. -Pole H HO H HO Na, SO 2 Na, SO 8 Na, SO 8 Na, SO 8 Na, SO 8 Na, SO 2 HHO B. After the current passes. H - Pole H HO Na HO Na SO 8 Na SO 3 Na SO 8 Na SO* Na SO 8 SO 8 HH Pole. Pole. This scheme shows distinctly how it happens that one volume of oxygen is given off at the + pole, and two volumes of hydrogen at the pole, and how, corresponding with these proportions of the two gases, we have two equivalents of hydrated sulphuric acid at the -f- pole, and two equivalents of hydrated soda at the pole. 20. This agrees precisely with Faraday's proportions: 2 atoms of sulphate of soda = 2 atoms of lead = 2 atoms of chlorine = 1 8 parts by weight of water. See No. 1 6. 21. What Daniell and Gmelin call NaSO*'is what I call NaSO 8 . Daniell's experiment proves nothing respecting the distribution of the oxygen between Na and S. That puzzle still awaits a solution. 22. Numbers which corroborate those given in 19. 23 and 24. Already sufficiently explained at No. 5. 25. The first effect produced on an oxidised salt of ammonia would probably resemble that produced on a salt of soda. See ?9. Hydrogen would escape, and \ve should have in solution the hydrate ZH* + HO. If the electrolytic action proceeded, the next decomposition would be into ZH 2 ,H + H,HO ; namely, water would be separated, and ammonia produced. This may go off as gas, or finally be resolved into N -J- H 3 . IN FAVOUR OF THE RADICAL THEORY. 559 26. The reaction Zn -f- H,SO* = H + Zn,S0 2 is equal to HHO ; or if we double the figures we have = HHO in the 27. These quantities represent the weights of radicals, as already- explained. 28. Another example of the separation of iodine at the negative pole. In 27 and in 30 it is separated at the positive pole. Hence, even ener- getic elements can act either as basic or as acid radicals, according to the force impressed upon them by other radicals with which they are in contact. 29. Compare this experiment with the note to No. 8. 30. Electrolysis of hydriodic acid = HI. The oxygen gas is, of course, derived from water, which is decomposed simultaneously. The quantity of oxygen increases with the dilution of the acid and the strength of the current. The quantity of hydrogen which is disengaged at the negative pole is always equal to that which is disengaged in the water voltameter ; because HI is equal to H,HO, and so far as water is con- cerned, H,HO in the solution is equal to H,HO in the voltameter. 3 1 . Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of iodide of potassium : A. Before the current passes. - Pole | H HO |K I | K I|K I|K I | + Pole. B. After the current passes. - Pole HI HO K | I K | I K|I K ] I + Pole. 32. See No. 16. 33. Decomposition of sal-ammoniac : Cl at the + pole. ZffCl yields 34. Electrolysis of common salt : N c Cl at the + pole. H,HO 35. Decomposition of hydrate of potash (Davy) : ( O at the + pole. K,HO yields |K J^.^, SUMMARY. I consider the evidence that is afforded by these electro- lytic experiments to be entirely in favour of the radical theory. Magnus's 560 CATALYSIS. results prove that radicals, and not atoms, are the galvanic equivalents. The tendency of the whole of the experiments is to show, that H -f- HO is the true formula for water. With the aid of this formula every electrolytic experiment is easily and clearly explained. Without it, you must adopt Magnus's conclusion, that " galvanic equivalents differ from chemical atoms," and thus unsettle the electro-chemical theory, and settle nothing. The experiments of Faraday and Daniell distinctly agree with the radical theory. Those of Magnus are identified with it, and incom- patible with any previous theory. The only ground upon which English chemists can persist in ascribing to water the formula HO, is, that they have been accustomed to do so for fifty years. That water is a binary compound of oxygen and hydrogen, was the first deduction from the Atomic Theory, and it has been a fruitful source of fallacies and difficulties during the entire period of its supremacy. There will be no simplicity in chemical formula, and no logic in chemical theories, until this Idol of Daltonism is overthrown. Catalysis. Chemical combinations and decompositions sometimes occur in the presence of substances which seem to cause these reactions, but which are not changed by them. Some facts described in these pages may help to explain this mys- tery. I . The element azote by producing an amidogen converts three radicals into one ; by producing an ammonium, it converts five radicals into one. It can let free these radicals by combining with C l to produce an acid radical ; and these changes can be reversed. 2. Certain metals produce two radicals. Thus Cu can become Cue 2 , and Cue 2 can become Cu. Sn can become Snc 2 , and Snc 2 can become Sn. Fe 2 can become Fee 8 , and Fee 8 can become Fe 2 . All these changes take place according to the amount of basic or acid power that is brought to bear upon the materials; such changes in the number of radicals, produce an enor- mous alteration in the saturating capacity of a given quantity of matter; and as it is possible that the acting substances may end as they began, a great effect is produced by a hidden cause. [ 561 ] INDEX. ACETAL, constitution of, 371 Acetates, atomic measure of, 112 Acetin, varieties of, 379, 389 Acetochlorhydrin, 388 Acetochlorhydrobromhydrin, 388, 391 Acetodichlorhydrin, 388 Acetone, 50 Acetonia, 216 Acetonitrile, 60, 218 Acetyl, bromide, 50 chloride, 50 iodide, 50 oxychloride, 50 perchloride, 56 Acetyla acetylite, 120 Acetylam, 191 Acetylamine, 50, 201 Acetylate, 123 Acetyl-urea, 361 Acid, acetic, 50 1 anhydrous, 50, 120 aconitic, 438 adipio, 450 allophanic, 362 amyl-citric, 431 amyl-malic, 415 amyl-salicylic, 458 anchoic, 454 anilocyanic, 304 anthranilic, 349 aspartic, 412, 415 benzamic, 349 benzoic, 52 biamidobenzoic, 254, 362 bibromo-sulphonaphtalic, 497 bichloro-sulphosomethylic, 497 bromhydric, 52 butyric, 52 anhydrous, 53 campholic, 53 camphoramic, 227 caproic, 53 Acid, carbamic, 359 carbanilic, 349 carbonic, 53 cetyl-sulphuric, 487 chloracetic, 55 chlorhydric, 54 chlorous, 54 chloro-sulphosomethylic, 497 chrysammic, 252 citraconamic, 439 citric, 424 its varieties, 428 argument that it is not a tribasic acid, but a triple acid, 424 citrobianilic, 433 citromonanilic, 434 co3rulin-sulphuric, 270 cuminamic, 354 cyanhydric, 56, 245 cyanic, 250 dimethyl-citric, 430 disulphanilic, 241, 494 disulphanisolic, 494 disulphetholic, 494 disulphobenzolic, 494 disulphometholic, 493 i disulphonaphtalic, 494 disulphopropiolic, 494 dithiobenzolic, 494 dithionic, 157 dithionous, 157 ethylamyl-citric, 431 ethylosulphurous, 496 ethylsalicylic, 458 ethylsulphobenzoic, 491 ethylotrithionic, 499 formic, 59 fumaric, 414, 420 gallic, 531 gaultheric, 458 glycollic, 44 2 o 562 INDEX. Acid, glycylic, 374, 382 hydrobromic, 52 hydrochloric, 54 hydrocyanic, 56, 245 hydrofluosilicic, 503 hydroiodic, 59, 551 hydrosulphuric, 62 hypochlorous, 54 hyponitric, 61, 253 hyponitrous, 253 hypophosphorous, 144 hyposulphamylic, 496 hyposulphuric, 157 hyposulphurous, 157 insolinic, 532 iodic, 548, 554 iodohydric, 59, 551 isamic, 268 isatic, 261 isatinamic, 268 isatinic, 261 malamic, 415 malanilic, 418 maleic, 414, 419 malic, 411 argument that it is a double acid, not a bibasic acid, 411 methyl-citric, 430 methylodithionic, 498 methyl-salicylic, 458 methyl-spiroylic, 458 methyl-xanthic, 474 nitric, 61, 251, 256 anhydrous, 61, 253 nitrous, 61, 253 octyl-sulphuric, 487 oenanthylic, 61 organic, defined, 81 oxamic, 195, 226 oxanilic, 227, 287 pentathionic, 157 phenic, 45 phosphoglyceric, 385 phosphoric, 138, 551 phosphorous, 143 potassio-sulphuric, 402 pyrogallic, 531 pyrotartranilic, 453 radicals, conversion into basic ra- dicals, 75, 535 radicals act as basic radicals with additional oxygen, 376, 480 salicylic, 62, 458 salicylous, 62, 455 sebacic, 451 Acid, sebamic, 451 selenious, 62 silicic, 501 hydrates of, 503 suberic, 450 suberanilic, 450 succinic, 446 succinamic, 447 succinanilic, 288, 447 sulphacetic, 489 sulphamic, 235 sulphamylic, 487 sulphanilic, 238, 285, 498 sulphanisic, 492 sulphindigotic, 270 sulphobenzidic, 496 sulphobenzoic, 491 sulphobenzolic, 496 sulphobutylic, 487 sulphobutyric, 491 sulphocarbonic, 473 sulphocinnamic, 492 sulphocumenic, 496 sulphocymenic, 496 sulphocyanic, 247 sulphoglyceric, 385 sulphomethylic, 486 sulphonaphtalic, 496 sulphophenic, 487 sulphopropionic, 491 sulphopurpuric, 274 sulphosalicylic, 492 sulphosomethylic, 495 sulphosuccinic, 448 sulphothymic, 487 sulphotoluylic, 496 sulphovinic, 400, 486 sulphoxyloic. 496 sulphuric, 62 anhydrous, 62, 119 sulphurous, 62 tartanilic, 468 tartaric, 461, 463 tartaromethylic, 466 tartarovinic, 466 tartramic, 466 tartramylic, 466 terchloro-sulphosomethylic, 497 tetrathionic, 157 thionaphtamic, 498 toluamic, 354 trichloro-sulphonaphtalic, 497 trithionic, 157 valerianic, 63 xanthic, 475 INDEX. 563 Acidification, 75 Acidity, its relation to basicity, 73. Acids, anhydrous, 118 and bases, theory of, 18 consequences to which that theory leads, 311, 358 amidogen, 208, 225 amidogen, with compound radicals, 227 anilidogen, 228 constitution of, 3 conjugated, theory of, 395 copulated, 399 coupled, 399 colligated, 399 monobasic, how convertible into polybasic, 395 organic, their atomic measure, 66 nomenclature of, 89 polybasic, theory of, 395 polythionic, 156 peculiarities in their saturat- ing capacity, 173 tri basic, atomic measure of, 112 Aconites, 427, 436 Acrolein, 50 Acryl, 50 Acrylic alcohol, 50 Adipates, 444, 450 Agalmatolite, 511 Air, atmospheric, 50 Albite, 512 Alcohol, 56, 65, 81, 88 acrylic, 50, 65 amylic, 51, 65 butylic, 52, 65 caproic, 53, 65 caprylic, 53, 65 castor-oil, 53, 65 methylic, 59, 65, 88 propylic, 62, 65 Alcohols, nomenclature of, 88 polyatomic, 366 Aldehyde, 50 Aldehydes. See Aldides Aldides defined, 81 examples of, 65 nature of, 124 nomenclature of, 88 preparation of, 78 Alkarsin, 53 Allophanates, 362 Allophanic ether, 363 Allyl, sulphocyanide, 50 versus aery], 378 Alumina, binacetate, 518 tersulphate, 518 Aluminic radical, 518 Aluminous radical, 518 Amethanes, 226 Amid, defined, 193 Amida carbate, 194 indylate, 258 Amidac, defined, 193 Amidacs, hydrides of, 199 salts, 224 Amidated acids, 225 Amidec, defined, 193 Amided acids, 225 Amides, 208 Amidogen theory, 190 gaseous salts of, 196 acids, 208, 225 with compound radicals, 227 hyposulphates, 484 sulphites, 485, 497 Amidogens, nature of, 99 Amids, conjugated, 299, 301 hydrides of, 199 conversion into ammons, 194 non-oxidised, salts of, 215 production of various classes of salts of, 209, 211, 213 relation to ammons, 193 table of, 211 Amines, 201 Ammon, defined, 193 carbonate of, 356 Ammon chlorplatammonium, 313 Ammon oxyplatammonium, 313 Ammonam, defined, 193 Ammonams, salts of, 202 Ammonem, defined, 193 Ammonems, salts of, 203 Ammonia, anhydrous, oxysulphur salts of, 233 alums, 230 atomic measure, 50, 99 bicarbonate, 356 . carbamate, 50, 359 carbonate, 355, 359 compounds of, 100 constitution of, 99 cyanate, permanent ,338 non-permanent, 338 hydrochlorate, 50 hydrocyariate, 50 hydrosulphate, 50 hydrotellurate, 50 is a salt, not a radical, 196 2 o 2 564 INDEX. Ammonia, its salts are of two classes, those of amidogen and those of ammo- nium, 197 polythionates, 233 sulphate, electrolysed, 550 type, 210, 232, 297 Ammonias, compound, 201 classified table of, 199 Ammoniated salts, 198, 229 Ainmonim, denned, 193 Aramonims, salts of, 204 Ammonium theory, 190 salts of, 198 cannot exchange H for Cy, N,0, or NO 2 , 288, 289, 297 Ammoniums, formulae of, 202, 207 compound salts of, 205 of impossible constitution, 311,323, 337, 346 Ammonom, defined, 193 Ammonoms, salts of, 204 Ammons and amids double salts of, 195 Ammons combined with amids, 215 Ammons converted into amids, 194 Amyl, 50 acetate, 51 borate, 51 chloride, 51 cyanide, 51 hydride, 50 hydrosulphide, 51 iodide, 51 nitrite, 51 oxalate, 51 silicate, 51, 501, 505 sulphide, 51 valerianate, 51 Amylamine, 201 Amylaniline, 282 Amylec, 193 Amylen, 63, 373 Amylic alcohol, 51 Amylic glycol, 372 Amyl-malates, 412, 415 Amylom, 193 Arnylosulphates electrolysed, 405 Amylo-urethane, 353 Analcime, 512 Analytical and synoptical formulas dis- tinguished, 127 Anchoates, 446, 454 Angelyl, 51 Anhydrides, 118 amended theory, 377, 480 double, 121 Anhydrides, nomenclature of the, 90, 120 Gerhardt's, 120 Anhydrous acids, 118 Aniles, 222, 224 Anilides of tartaric acid, 468 Anilin-ammeline, 295 Aniline, 51, 274 bases, general view of, 307 salts, critical notes on, 280 table of its salts, 276 theory, 275 Anilo-urea, 298 Anis, essence of, 51 Anthranilates, 305, 349 Antimoniuretted hydrogen, 51 Antimony, salts of, 104. Antimony, terchloride, 51 Apple-oil, 521 Arabin, 519 Argentac, 191 Argentam, 191 Arsen-ethyl, 58 Arsenic, 51 chloride, 51 iodide, 51 oxide, 51 atomic measure, in gases, 103 Arseniuretted hydrogen, 51 Arsen-triethyl, 52 Asparagine, 413, 4 '7 with acids, 413, 418 with bases, 413,417 Aspartates, 412, 416 Atomic measure of gases, simple and compound, tabular view of, 49 63 measure of gases, question whether all, simple and compound, have the same measure, 116 measure of compound gases, causes which modify the, 94, 107 measure of the vapours of poly- basic acids, 111 . theory, inquiry into the, 537 theory, unable to determine what constitutes an atom, 542 theory, of no use in explaining the constitution of organic radicals, 546 weights, table of, 28 weights of gases, 49 Augite, 511, 514 Auric radical, 34 Aurous radical, 34 Azote, the constructor of basic radicals. 306 INDEX. 565 Azote, its transmigration from ammo- niums into cyanogen, 217 ; and back from cyanogen into ammoniums, 220, 306 Azotic bases, their nature, 274 radicals, examples of, 199 theory of, 189 in series, 256 Bamlite, 511 Bases, constitution of, 3 their relation to acids, 311 their relation to basic radicals, 275, 282, 285, 295, 533 Basic and acid radicals discriminated, 73 radicals reduced to acid radicals, 74, 406 Basicity of radicals, 70 of conjugated acids, 402 Basylic atoms or radicals, 33 radicals in salts, i. e. : . in alums, 230 in chlorides, 33, 187 in cyanides, 39 in oxalates, 37, 181 in phosphates, 140 in silicates, 507, 514 in sulphates, 150, 554 in tartrates, 465, 468 in xanthates, 473 Basylous atoms or radicals, 33 and basylic atoms, their relation to xanthates, 473 relation in silicates, 507 Benzoates, atomic measure, 112 Benzoicin, 379 Benzoile, chloride, 52 chlorohydride, 52 Benzo-glycollates, 457, 460 Benzo-lactates, 457, 460 Benzole, 61 Benzonitrile, 61 Benzoyl-urea, 361 Beryl, 511 Biatomic, the term defined, 146 alcohol, 366 Bibasic acids, atomic measure of their gases, 112 Binary theory of salts, 18 Binoxysulphocarbonates, 471, 476 Bismuth, chloride, 52 atomic measure in gases, 104 Bisulphates of alcohol radicals, 399, 481 containing acid radicals, 481, 488, 489 Biuret, 363 Boron, chloride, 52 fluoride, 52 its measure in gases, 104 Bromine, 52 Bromaniline, 281 Bromhydrine, 389 Bromic-indyl, 262 Bromic-phenyl, 275 Bromic-phenylac, 281 Bromic-radicals, 132 Bromic-salicylates, 457 Bromides, organic, 67 Bromisatine, 262 Bucholzite, 511 Bustamite, 511 Butyl, 52 acetate, 52 bromide, 52 chloride, 52 cyanide, 52 hydride, 52 iodide, 52 Butyl-amyl, 52 Butyl-hexyl, 52 Butylene, 52 chloride, 52 Butylic alcohol, 52 mercaptan, 52 Butyral, 52 Butyrin, 379 Butyrone, 53, 62 Butyryl-urea, 361 Cacodyl, 53 its measure in gases, 104 chloride, 53 cyanide, 53 oxide, 53 oxychloride, 53 sulphide, 53 Camphogene, 53 Campholene, 53 Camphor, 53 Camphorimide, 224 Cane-sugar, 519 Caproic alcohol, 53 Caproiline, 59 Caproyl, 59 Caprylene, 53 Caprylic alcohol, 53 Carbamide, theory, 221 Hofmann's arguments, 298 objections to them, 300 theory compared with the theory, 298, 341 Carbamates, 359 566 INDEX. Carbamide-carbanilide, 298 Carbamide-nitrocarbanilide, 289 Carbanilates, 305, 349 Carbanilide, 298, 306 Carbon, an acid radical, 73 its measure in gases and salts, 95 protochloride, 54 bichloride, 54 sesquichloride, 54 sulphide, 53, 472 Carbonates, constitution of, 183 essentially bibasic, 183 acid, 184 basic, 184 double, 184 neutral, 184 with organic radicals, 185 Carbonic acid, 53 oxide, 53 Carbonyle, 114 Castor-oil alcohol, 53 Catalysis, 560 Cedrene, 53 Cedrole, 53 Cellulose, 519 Cetene, 54 Chabasite, 512, 515 Chemical types, 91 Chinese wax, 454 Chloral, 55 Chloraldehyd, 55 Chloral, hydrate, 55 Chloraniline, 281 Chlorbenzid, 56 Chlorcyanilid, 295 Chlorenic-methyl, 54 Chlorenic-ethyl,' 94 Chlorenic-vinyl, 54 Chloretherose, hydrochlorate, 56 Chlorhydrin, 384, 389 Chloric radicals, nature of, 93, 131 their measure in gases, 101 nomenclature, 94 Chloric-ethyl, 55, 94 Chloric-indyl, 262 Chloric-methyl, 54, 94 Chloric-oxide, 54 Chloric-phenyl, 275 Chloric-phenylac, 280 Chloric-salicylates, 457 Chlorides, constitution of, 186 if polybasic or not ? 186 multiple, 188 their atomic measure, 101 of organic radicals, 67 Chlorides of bibasic acid radicals, 112 of tribasic acid radicals, 112 electrolysis of, 551 Chlorine, 54 substitutions for H, 93 gases containing it, 54 oxides of, their measure, 102 vice-radicals, 93, 131 Chlorinic-radicals, 94-, 132 Chlorinic-methyl, 54 Chlorisatates, 263 Chlorisathyde, 264 Chlorisatin, 262, 281 Chloroform, 54 Chloro-hydrated sulphuric acid, 153 Chloro-nitrous gas, 56 Chlorplatammonium, 313 Chloro-sulphuric acid, 56, 114, 145, 155 Chlorovinic formiate, 55 Chromates, 125 Chromium, its atomic measure in gaseous salts, 102 oxychloride. 56 Chromous chromite, 120 Cimolite, 511 Cinnamol, 63 Citraconamide, 439 Citraconates, table of, 427 double salts of monobasic acids, 438 Citrates, table of, 424 shown to be triple salts of mono- basic acids, 424, 435 Citric group of salts, 424 Citrobianilates, 433 Citrobianile, 434 Citronanilide, 433 Classification of organic radicals, 525 Combining proportion of an element, defined, 544 Comenates, 532 Compound radicals, tables of, 44, 70, 79, 525 Compounds produced by the abstraction of water from the salts of ammonium, 208 Composition of gases, table of, 49 Conjugated acids, theory of, 395 of the benzoic group, 4 59 citric group, 430 salicylic group, 458, 460 sulphuric group, 399, 480, 486, 495 of the tartaric group, 461 xanthic group, 470 cyanides, 246 INDEX. 567 Copper, electrolysis of its salts, 552 554 Copulated oxalates, 408 Cream of tartar, 463 Cumenyl hydride, 56 Cumyl, hydrate, 56 Cupric atom, 34 sulphate, electrolysed, 548, 552 Cuprous atom, 34 chloride, electrolysed, 548 Cuprousam, 191 Cyananilide, 290 Cyanates, 250 their measure as gases, 100 terbasic, 305, 348 tetrabasic, 362 Cyanides, constitution of, 38, 43, 217 221, 243246 single, 39, 243 double, 40, 244 triple, 39, 244 fourfold, 42, 244 decomposition of, 41, 220 their atomic measure, 108 organic, 67 are not nitriles, 217 Cyanilide, 291 Cyaniline, 297 Hofmann's theory, 297 its insufficiency, 298 Cyanite, 511 Cyanogen, 38, 56 bromide, 56 chloride, 56 consideration of the proposal to abolish free cyanogen, 38 conjugated, a needless hypothesis, 246 Cyanurates, their atomic measure as gases, 100 Cymen, 63 Daltonism, 537 Davy, on the composition of salts, 21, 128 Definite proportions, 537 Definition of compounds,Gerhardt's theory of, and its consequences, 410 Diacetochlorhydrin, 388 Dibromaniline, 281 Dibutyrosulphurin, 390 Dicyanomelaniline, 294 metamorphoses of, 302 Dicymenaphthalamine, 533 Dinitromelaniline, 290 Dioptase, 511 Diplatinamine, 313 Diplatosamine, 313 Disulphanilates, 494 Disulphanisolates, 494 Disulphetholates, 494 Disulphobenzolates, 494 Disulphometholates, 493 Disulphonaphtalates, 494 Disulphopropiolates, 494 Dutch liquid, 54 Elayl, 73, Electrolysis gives evidence in favour of the radical theory, 548, 560 its laws are incompatible with those of combination in multiple proportions, 547, 557 applied to conjugated acids, 404 Electrolytes, 549 Electrolytic researches, 547 Elements, table of, 28 atomic weights of, 30 names of, 28 symbols of, 28 proposal to abolish them, 38 relation of their atomic weights to the densities of their gases, 542 Equivalent proportions, law of, 538 Equivalency of radicals not affected by oxygen, 69 Equivalents are sometimes assumed to be different from atoms, 148 are the same as radicals, 34 Erenite, 511 Ethel ene bibromide, 54 Ether, 56, 66, 81 Ethers, compound, 66, 8.1 nomenclature, 89 necessity of, 73 chlorinated, 55 Ethyl, 56 acetate, 57 benzoate, 57 borate, 57 bromide, 57 butyrates, 57 caproate, 57 caprylate, 57 carbamate, 57 carbonate, 57 chloride, 55, 57 chlorocarbonate, 55 cinnamate, 57 cuminate, 57 cyanate, 57 cyanurate, 57 cyanylate, 57 formiate, 57 568 INDEX. Ethyl, formiate tribasic, 57 hydride, 57 iodide, 57 laurate, 58 nitrite, 58 oxalate, 58 phosphite, tribasic, 58 pyromucate, 58 succinate, 58 silicate, 58 non- volatile, 501, 504 sulphide, 58 bisulphide, 58 hydrosulphide, 58 sulphite, 58 sulphocyanide, 58 valerianate, 58 Ethyl-amyl, 58 oxide, 58 Ethyl-butyl, 58 Ethyl and methyl, oxide, 58 Ethyl and methyl, oxalate, 58 Ethylamine, 58 Ethylaniline, 282 Ethylin, 379 Ethyl-oenanthyl ether, 58 Ethylophosphates, electrolysis, 405 Ethylopiperidine, 63 Ethylotrithionates, 486, 499 Ethyl-urethane, 57, 352 Euclase, 511 Fats, relation to glycerin, 384 Felspar, 512 Ferric atom, or radical, 33 Ferric salts, 33, 35 Ferric sulphate, electrolysed, 548, 554 Ferrous atom, or radical, 33 Ferrous salts, 33, 35 Ferrous sulphate, electrolysis, 548, 554 Fluorides, organic, 67 their measure in gases, 101, 108 Formanilides, 286 Formo-benzoylates, 457, 460 Formomethylal, 60 Formulas, construction of, 84 consequences that result from their duplication and triplication, 366, 395 Formyl, 58 chloride, 54 perchloride, 54 suboxide, 531 Fructose, 519 Fruit essences, nature of, 521 Fuchsite, 516 Fumaramide, 420 Fumarates, 414, 420 Fumaric amides, 415, 420 Furfurol, 59 Gadolinite, 511 Galvanic equivalents, 548, 555 Garnet, 512 Gases and vapours, tabular view of their composition, &c., 49 inquiry into the causes which mo- dify their atomic measure, 94 tabular view of these causes, 108 measure of the condensation effected by special radicals, 108 atomic measure, rule to calculate, 110 specific gravity,rule to calculate,! 10 such as have irregular atomic mea- sure, 96, 109 of polybasic acids, examination of Gerhardt's theory, 111 Clark's table of, 5 Glucose, 519 Glyceramine, 377 Glyceric ether, 377 Glycerides, 376 Glycerin, 374, 376 wonderful account of its basic power, 386 fallacies in that account, 391 Glycocoll, 352 Glycol, 366 Glycyl, 376 salts of, 374, 392 Glycylites, 376 Grape-sugar, 519 Gross's platinum base, 312 Guajacene, 51 Gum-arabic, 519 Hexyl, 59 Hexyline, 59 Hippurates, 456, 460 Homologous series, 527 Homology, 527 Hydra acetylete, 50, 89 aconylete, 427, 438 adipylete, 444, 450 broma =z HBr, 52 butyrylete, 52 cWora=HCl, 54 cyana = HCy, 243 cyanate = HCyO, 250 formylete, 59, 189 fumarylete, 414 ioda =HI, 59, 551 iodite, 548, 553 INDEX. 569 Hydra maleylete, 414, 419 nitrate = HNO, 255 nitrete^HNO 2 , 255 nitrite, = HNO 3 , 251, 255 cenanthylete, 61 phenylate, 45 sebamylete, 445, 451 silate, 503 suberylete, 444 succinylete, 446 sulphate, 120, 160 sulphete, 118, 156 tartrylite, 461 " valerylete, 63 Hydramides, 228 Hydranzo thine, 477 Hydrated alkalies, theory of, 9, 14 acids, theory of, 4 Hydrides of radicals, 65 nomenclature of, 88 Hydrocarbons, with an even number of atoms of hydrogen, discussion respect- ing, 368 cannot displace hydrogen in other hydrocarbons, 459, 487 Hydrocyanic acid, 42 Hydrogen, as a gas, 59 acts as a basic radical, 73 its atomic measure in salts, 69, 108 Hypophosphites, 144 Hyposulphates, constitution of, 172 . double, 493 containing vice-ammons and vice- amids, 240 various, 483, 484 Hyposulphites, with vice-amids and vice- ammons, 242 constitution of, 160 complex, 165 Idocrase, 516 Imasatine, 267 Imesatine, 266 Imides, 222, 224 Imidogen compounds, 208, 222 Indigo, 257 blue, 258 multiple salts of, 264 oxidised, 260 oxysulphur salts of, described, 269- 274 ; theory corrected, 490 reduced, 259 sulphate of, 270 white, 258 Indigogen, 258 Indigotine, 258 Indyl, 257 conversion into phenyl, 280, 532 conversion into salicyl, 532 Indylac, 264 salts in which it is the positive ra- dical, 269 salts in which it is the negative ra- dical, 264 Indylam, 269 Inulin, 519 lodaniline, 281 lodic-phenylac, 275, 281 lodic -radicals, 132 Iodides, their measure in gases, 101 metallic, their electrolysis, 551 organic, 67 Iodine, 59 Iron, its ferrous radical, 33 its ferric radical, 33 essential difference between the fer- rous and ferric radicals, 35 circumstances under which the fer- rous and ferric radicals are respectively produced, 36, 310 electrolysis of its salts, 554 the peroxidation and protoxidation of its salts explained, 37. cyanides containing, 38 double salts of, 37 Isathyde, 262 Isatides, 261 Isatimide, 267 Isatine, 260, 280 Isatinides, 261 Isatites, 261 Jargonelles, essence of, 521 Ketones, atomic measure, 66 defined, 81 how prepared, 76 nomenclature of, 89 Klumene gas, 58 Knebelite, 511 Kolbe's copulated oxalates, 408 Laumonite, 512 Leucite,512 Lignin, 519 Lignone, 60 Likene, 59 Lime, trisilicate, 511 Magnus's platinum salt, 318 Malamide, 417 Malates, acid, 412,415 basic, 412, 415 double, 412, 415 neutral, 412, 415 570 INDEX. Malates, shown to be double salts of mono- basic acids, 411-423 Maleates, 414, 419 Malic group of salts, 411 < summary of their chemical reac- tions, 420 Malic-phenyl amides, 414, 418 Mandelates, 457, 460 Manganese, silicate, 511 Manganic radical, 34 Manganous radical, 34 Marsh gas, 59 Meconates, 532 Meerschaum, 511 Melaniline, 291 Hofmann's diversified theories, 293 salts of, 292 Melanoximide, 302 its decomposition by heat, 307 Menaphthalamine, 532 Menaphthoximide, 533 Mesitylol, 59 Metallic oxides, Intel-mediate, 123 vice radicals, 137 evidence of their occurrence, 304, 416, 467, 490 Metamerism, 17 traced to its cause, 523 Metamorphoses of organic radicals, 519 Metaphosphates, 138 Menthene, 59 Mercaptan, 58 Mercuric radical, 34, 59 bromide, 59 chloride, 59 iodide, 59 sulphide, 59 Mercurous radical, 34 bromide, 59 chloride, 59 Mercury, 59 its measure in gases, 107 Mericac, 191 Merousac, 191 Mesitylene, 59 Methyl, 59, 66 acetate, 59 benzoate, 59 borate, 59 bromide, 60 butyrate, 60 caprylate, 60 chloride, 54, 60 chloric, 54 caproate, 60 Methyl, cyanide, 60 cyanurate, 60 cyanylate, 60 fluoride, 60 formiate, 60 tribasic, 60 hydride, 59 iodide, 60 nitrate, 60 salicylate, 60 succinate, 60 sulphide, 60 bisulphide, 60 sulphate, 60 sulphocyanide, 60 sulphocarbonate, 60 xanthate, 60 Methylal, 61 Methylam, 192 Methylamine, 61 Methyl and amyl oxide, 60 Methylem, 192 Methylene, bichloride, 55 Methyl-hexyl, 60 Methylic alcohol, 59 Methylic-amylac, 191 Methylic ether, 59 monochlorinated, 55 bichlorinated, 55 terchlorinated, 55 Methylim, 192 Methylodithionates, 486, 498 Methylopiperidine, 63 Methylom, 192 Methyl-urea, 345 Milk-sugar, 519 Mineral silicates, 505 Model of water, 82 Monatomic, defined, 146 Multiple combining proportions, laws of, 537 they are fallacious, 539 improbable if not impossible, 546 incompatible with the facts of electrolysis, 547, 556, 557 Mutability of simple radicals, 310 of azotic radicals, 217221 Naphtha, 61 Naphthaline, 61 Natrolite, 512 Nicotine, 61 Nitra nitrate = N,NO, 255 Nitra nitrite = N,N0 8 , 255 nitrute = N,N0 5 , 120, 255 Nitraniline, 288 INDEX. 571 Nitrate =NO, 255 Nitrates =M,N0 3 , 251 Nitrete = N0 2 , 255 Nitriles, 208, 217 Nitrites = M,N0 2 , 253 gaseous, 67 Nitrobenzide, 61 Nitrogen, 61 protoxide, 61 deutoxide, 61 peroxide, 61 atomic measure of, 99 Nitroglycerine, 385, 394 Nitrotoluine, 61 Nomenclature, systematic, 86 numeration of radicals, 86 numeration of oxygen, 86 numeration of water, 88 examples of, 87 of amidoo-ens and ammoniums, 190 of multiple salts. See malates, citrates, tartrates, aniline, platinum. &c. (Enanthol, 61 Okenite, 511 Oleene, 59 Olefiant gas, 63, 73, 96 oil of, 54- Olein, 379 Olivine, 511 Origin of organic radicals, 519 Othyl, 122 Oxalates, 177 complex, 182 copulated, 408 their measure as gases, 95, 112 Oxamates, 226 Oxamelanile, 302 Oxamide, 194 Dumas's strange theory, 209 Oxanilamide, 286 Oxanilates, 227, 287 Oxanilide, 210, 286 Oxidation, nature of the process so called 260 Oxychlorides, 68, 90 Oxygen, 61 has no measure when in gaseous salts, 68, 95 no quantity of it increases the measure of its gaseous salts, 69 is not a radical, not the equivalent of any radical, nor a constituent of radicals, 69 Oxygen not the acid-former ; not the sole cause of acidity, 70 salts, classification of, 26 Oxyplatammonium, 313 Oxyxanthates, 471, 477 Palmitin, 379 Paraffine, 61 Pear-oil, 521 Pentathionates, 157, 158 Peppermint camphor, 51 Perchlorovinic formiate, 55 Petrolene, 61 Phenakite, 511 Phenyl, cyanide, 61 .hydride, 61 nitrite, 61 relation to aniline, 275 Phenyla cyanate, 304 Phenylac, 190, 193, 275 Phenylam, 193, 275 cyanate, 298 Phenylec, 191 Phenylem, 275 cyanate, 298 Phosgene gas, 55, 114 Phospha phosphute, 120 Phosphates, constitution of, 138 considered in reference to the theory of poly basic acids, 138 nomenclature of, 141 Phosphites, 143 Phosphoglycerates, 385 Phosphorus, 61 terchloride, 61 pentachloride, 62 oxychloride, 62 its measure in gases, 102 Phosphuretted hydrogen, 62 hydriodate of, 62 hydrobromate of, 62 Phtalimide, 223, 529 Pimelates, 446, 454 Pine-apple oil, 521 Piperidine, 63 Platammonium, 313 Platic atom or radical, 309 ,3 14 salts, 316 Platicam, 191, 309, 314 salts of, 328 Platiccem, 333 Platinamine, 313 Platinum bases, 308 Platinum bases, theoretical, 312 discussion respecting the platous and platic radicals, 308 572 INDEX. Platinum salts, 314 the transformations of the platous aud platic radicals, 309, 321 Platosamine, 312 Platous atom or radical, 309, 314 salts, 314 Platousam, 309, 314 salts of, 317 Platousem, 319 Polyatomic alcohols, 366 are fallacies, 385 Polybasic acids, theory of, 395 fallacies in Gerhardt's laws re- specting the measure of their gases, 111 insufficiency of Gerhardt's argu- ments in support of, 148 Polybasic properties of oxy-sulphur acids explained, 173 Polythionates, 157 nomenclature of, 175 of ammonia, 233 Potassac, 191 Potassec, 191 Propionic aldide, 62 Propyl, butyrate, 62 Propylene, 62, 373 bromide, 62 Propylic alcohol, 62 glycol, 372 Protoxides, 14 Proximate and ultimate constitution of salts discriminated, 10 Prussian blue, two kinds, 40 Pyromeconates, 532 Pyrophosphates, 138 Pyrotartranile, 453 Pyrotartrates, 445, 451 terbasic, 452 aniline salts, 463 Quinces, essence of, 521 Radical, what constitutes a, 501, 544 atomic measure of a, 94 theory, principles of the, 25 applications of the, 117 supported by the evidence of electrolytic facts, 548 Radicals, elementary, table of, 28 compound organic are equivalent to elementary radicals, or atoms, 48 all of them measure one volume as gas, 64, 68 < those which contain an even num- ber of atoms of hydrogen have no mea- sure in their gaseous salts, 96 Radicals, classification to show their rela- tions, 525 their origin and metamorphoses, 519 their behaviour in voltaic current, 407 table of, in the order of their pro- portions of carbon, 44 table of, in the order of their basi- city, in which the carbon is taken at unity, 70 table of the vinyl series, 79 necessity of a more accurate discri' mination of radicals, 379 their multitudinous names, 379 reduction of acid radicals to basic radicals, 75, 407 reduction of basic radicals to acid radicals, 74, 407 acid from basic, how distinguished, 73, 545 metamorphoses, various modes of, 535 azotic, theory of, 189 degrees of oxidation, 122 Radicals, (Vice-): containing Cl instead of H, 93, 131 Z instead of H, 132 S instead of H, 136, 472 Metals instead of H, 137 Raewsky's platinum base, 312 Reduction, nature of the process so called, 260 Reiset's platinum base, 312 Rennets, essence of, 521 Retinnaptha, 63 Retinole, 56 Retinyl, 56 Rochelle salt, 466 Salts, constitution of, 3, 18 binary, theory of, 1 8 are composed of two radicals, 69, 544 in which the number of acid and basic radicals is uneven, how explained, 397 Clark's table of (1826), 5 Griffin's classification of (1834), 15 Ditto (1857), 26, 397 their atomic measure is two vo- lumes, 68, 95 their electrolysis, 552 with one atom of oxygen, 89 organic, nomenclature of, 90 normal , 397 INDEX. 573 Salts, bibasic and monacid, 397 monobasic and biacid, 397 tetrabasic and biacid, 397 ' peculiarities in their saturating ca- pacities, 173, 423 Salicyl, 455 its atomic measure in salts, 96 salts containing, 456 Salicylamide, 458 Salicylates, 455, 458 with acid radicals, 456 Salicylic conjugated acids, 458 group of salts, 455 Salicylid, 458 Scolezite, 512 Sebacin, 379,451 Sebamide, 451 Sebates, 445, 451 Selenium, its atomic measure in gaseous salts, 105 Seleniuretted hydrogen, 62 Sesquioxides, the theory pernicious. See basylic radicals. the chief obstacle to the simplifica- tion of the silicates, 514 Silica, 500 Silicates, on the, 500 normal, 505 general formula, 505 theoretical constitution of, 506 constitution of chief varieties of known mineral silicates, 507 relation of the oxygen of their radi- cals, 509 rational formulae of, 511 inquiry into the worth of their ra- tional formulae, 512 easy transformation of the formulae of Berzelius into those of the radical theory, 508 simplification of the formulae of sili- cates, 514 classified tables of, 506-512 Siliceous gases, peculiarities of their atomic measure, 501 Silico-fluorides, 503 Silicon, determination of its equivalent, 502 its measure in gases, 105, 501 chloride, 62, 501, 503 fluoride, 62, 501, 503 chlorosulphide, 62, 501 Soda, sulphate, electrolysis of, 550, 558 Specific gravities of gases, 49 Spiryl, 455 Stannic chloride, electrolysis of, 548, 552 Stannous chloride, electrolysis of, 548, 552 Starch sugar, 519 Stearin, 379 Stib-ethyl, 58 Stilbite, 512 Styrol, 63 Suberamide, 450 Suberates, 444, 450 Suberone, 62 Substitution, 91 Sucdnamide, 447 Succinanile, 447 Succinanilide, 447 Snccinates, 443, 446 Succinic group of salts, 441 series of radicals, 441 Succinimide, 447 Succinyl, its measure in gases, 96 oxy chloride, 447 Sugar, varieties of, 519 metamorphoses of, 522 Sulpha sulphate =S, SO, 120 Sulpha sulphite = S, SO 3 , 119 Sulphacetates, 489 Sulphacetyl, 489 Sulphamethylane, 237 Sulphamide, 234 Sulphanilates, 285, 498 Sulphanisates, 492 Sulphasatyde, 271 Sulphates, on the, 144 atomic measure in gases, 112 inquiry respecting their assumed bibasic character, 145 Davy's theory, 128 multiple salts, 150 nomenclature of, 156 double, of alcohol radicals (conju- gated), theory, 400 of vice-ammons, 229 of vice-umids, 231 Sulphenetes, 170 of vice-amids, 243 Sulphic-indyl, 272, 490 vice-radicals, 136, 472, 490 Sulphide of carbon, 53, 471 Sulphindigotates, 270 Sulphindylates, 270 Sulphites, on the, 171 essentially bibasic, 171 acid, 171 neutral, 171 organic, 484 574 INDEX. Sulphites, with amidogens, 237, 485 conjugated, 495 with chloric radicals, 496 often miscalled hyposulphates, 495 Sulphobenzoates, 491 Sulphobutyrates, 491 Sulphocarbamates 471, 476 Sulphocarbanilide, 301 Sulphocarbonates, 470, 473 Sulphocyanides, 247 Sulphocyanogen, 247 Sulphogly cerates, 385 Sulphomethylane, 498 Sulphopropionates, 491 Sulphosuccinates, 444, 448 Sulphovinates, theory of, 400 biacid, 486 bibasic, 486 monobasic, 486 Guthrie's attempt to prove their existence by electrolysis, 403 causes of its failure, 406 Sulphoxanthates, 470, 473 Sulphur, as a gas, 62 its measure in gaseous salts, 97 chloride, 63 dichloride, 63 terchloride, pentasulphate of, 63 Sulphuretted hydrogen, 62 Sulphuryl, 146 Synoptical formulae, 127 Systematic nomenclature, 86 Tartanilates, 468 Tartanilide, 468 Tartramide, 466 Tartrates, table of, 461 great variety of forms of, 463 acid, 461, 465 neutral, 461, 464 terbasic, 461, 464 amidogen salts, 461, 466 double, 461, 4tf6 conjugated, 461, 466 with sesquioxides, 468 tetrabasic, 461, 466 with vice-tartryls, 461, 467 complex, 461, 467 Tartryl, 463 Tellurium, its measure in gases, 105 Telluretted hydrogen, 63 Tephroite, 509 Teratomic alcohols, 366, 374 Tetrathionates, 157, 168 Thiotoluates, 498 Thymyl, hydride, 63 Titanium, its measure in gases, 105 chloride, 63 Tin, its measure in gases, 105 chloride, 63 electrolysis of its chlorides, 548 its stannic radical, 556 its staunous radical, 556 Toluine, 63 Toluol, 63 Trithionates, 157, 168 Troostite, 511 Turpentine, essence, 63 Type ammonia, 210, 232, 297 Types, chemicals, theory of, 91 Unitary formulae, origin of, 16 unsuited to organic compounds, 17 . why they should be dissected, 167 demonstration of their worthless- ness, 523 Urea and carbamide theories compared, 298, 339 theory, summary of evidence re- specting it, 341 chemical reactions of, 339 salts of, 343 Ureas, compound, 343 theory of, 344 Ureides, 360 are merely ureas with acid radicals, and O 1 extra for that reason, 480 Ureo-carbonates, 363 Urethane, 57, 352 Ure thy lane, 351 Valeral, 63 Valerin, 379 Valerine, 63 Valeronitrile, 52 Valeryl, 63 Valeryl-urea, 361 Vapours, table of, 49 Vesuvian, 512, 516 Vice-amids, theory of, 190 discrimination of, 1 90 nomenclature of, 190 sulphates of, 231 sulphites of, 237 hyposulphates of, 240 hyposulphites of, 242 Vice-ammons, theory of, 190 discrimination of, 191 nomenclature of, 190 salts of, 202 . inorganic, sulphates, 229 organic, sulphates, 231 sulphites of, 237 INDEX. 575 Vice-ammons, hyposulphates of, 240 hyposulphites of, 242 Vice-indyls, 258 Vice-phenylac, 275 Vice-phenylam, 275 Vice-radicals, theory of, 131 atomic measure of, 101 their saturating capacity equal to that of normal radicals, 131, 281 Vice-tartryls, 463 Vinyl, the neutral radical, its importance as the substratum of organic radicals, 63, 73, 78, 96, 519, 520 its measure in gases, 96 its series of radicals, 79, 527 doubled, to produce the imaginary glycol, 367 Voltaic equivalents, 549, 556 Water, constitution of, 31, 82, 557 electrolysis of, 549, 557 model of, 82 model of, grotesque caricatures of, 84, 381 White indigo, 258 Williamite, 511 Wine-oil, 521 Wollastonite, 511 Woody fibre, 519 Worthite, 511 Xanth, 53, 472 Xanthamide, 471, 478 Xanthamylates, 471, 476 Xanthates, 470, 474 Xanthic ether, 60, 475 Xanthocetylates, 471, 476 Xanthomethylates, 470, 474 Xanthopropylates, 471, 476 Xanthyl, 53, 472 Z, value of symbol, 94 Zinc, its measure in gases, 106 Zinc-ethyl, 58, 63 its measure as a gas, 106 Zircon, 511 Zot, signification of, 94 Zotic radicals, 132 -dF LONDON: PRINTED BY \V. CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD-STREET AND CHARING-CROSS. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. CHEMICAL RECREATIONS; A POPULAK MANUAL OF EXPEEIMENTAL CHEMISTRY. \ Illustrated by many hundred Woodcuts. TENTH EDITION. Part I., Crown 8vo. Price 2s. Cloth, containing ELEMENTABY EXPERIMENTS. THE SAME WORK, PART SECOND. THE METALLOIDS; AND THKfe COMBINATIONS WITH ONE ANOTHER : AIR ; VjTATER ; THE GASES ; THE ACIDS. THE SAME WORK, PART THIRD, THE METALS ; AND THEIK SALTS AND OKES. In the Second and Third Parts of the above Work, now in preparation for Press, the Author intends to give POPULAR ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE RADICAL THEORY, showing the advantages offered by that theory in the explanation of the elementary facts and theories of General Chemistry. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days prior to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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