The ucATioN Act 1 ■ AND AFTER rtV H. HENSLEY HENSON B,0. mnrjiuHN di co. one SHILUf^G r%'^t r\ H- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE EDUCATION ACT AND AFTER BY THE SAME AUTHOR LIGHT AND LEAVEN : Historical and Social Sermons. By the Rev. H. Hensley Henson, B.D., Fellow of All Souls' ; Incumbent of St. Mary's Hospital, Ilford. Crown 8vo, 6s, " These able discourses have a wider interest than usually attaches to pulpit literature. They are not wanting in such expositions of Scripture or admonitions to a good life as form the basis of all similar pieces. But they are also rich in instruction in the early history of the Church in Britain, they are often opposite to matters of ecclesiastical controversy that are still prominently debated by divines, and they have a certain economic interest as traversing the teaching of the Christian Socialists. They are always reasonable as well as \igorous, and they are none the less impressive because they regard the needs of a life on this side of a hereafter.' — Scotsman. ' ' Masculine and sensible utterances. The book is able and courageous, and can be recommended to the special notice of ' the clergy and ministers of all denominations.' " — Glasgcnu Herald. APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY: As Illustrated by the Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians. By H. Hensley Henson, B.D., Fellow of All Souls', Oxford. Crown 8vo, 6s. " A worthy contribution towards some solution of the great religious problems of the present day." — Scotsman. "The book is earnest, rapid; the preface is golden." — Birmingham Gazette. "A very striking work." — Literature. " The book is vigorous and suggestive, with many trenchant criticisms upon the theology of the present day." — Times. " A very vigorous and interesting little volume." — Saturday Rer'iruf. "An extremely able book, and one much needed at the present time." —Church Gazette. DISCIPLINE AND LAW. By H. Hensley Henson, B.D., Fellow of All Souls', Oxford; Incumbent of St. Mary's Hospital, Ilford; Chaplain to the Bishop of St. Albans. Fcap. 8vo, 2S. 6d. "An admirable Lenten manual, and well worth securing." — Church Review. "The addresses are full of helpful and suggestive thoughts."— C/;«r- o( that king describe5 him in his last years as monstrously and irrationally suspicious and cruel. " There is probably " — observes the greatest of living historians, Theodor Mommsen — " no royal house o( any age in which bloody feuds raged in an equal degree between parents and children, between husbands and wives, and between brothers and sisters ; the Emperor Augustus and his governors in SjTia turned away with horror from the share in the work o( murder which was suggested to them. Not the least revolting trait in this picture of horrors is the utter want of object in most o( the executions, ordained as a rule upon groundless suspicion, and the despairing remorse of the perj-^ctrator, which con- stantly followed." '^ A monarch o( whom all this can be said is certainly capable of any barbarity, however gross and wanton. It is, moreover, certain that he left behind him the memor>- o( an extremely ' E^/^'^ra/i^ EtsiK^-r.s.,7, p. aj6. • Ptvtimts »/ (Jk4 AVw<#« Effuf^itf^ vol. ii. p. iSo. 6 82 THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER ruthless tyrant. In the curious apocryphal book known as The Assumption of Moses ^ written — we are assured by the learned editor, Dr. Charles — during the early life of our Lord, or possibly contemporaneously with His public ministry, there is a reference to Herod which may serve to show the character he bore in the age which had knowledge of him. He is there de- scribed as "an insolent king," "a man bold and shameless," who "will cut off the chief men [of the Jews] with the sword and will destroy them in secret places, so that no one may know where their bodies are ; " and it is added, " he will slay the old and the young, and he will not spare." ^ There appears to me, therefore, no difficulty in believing that the tyrant ordered the slaughter of a score of infants — there would not have been more in Bethlehem and the adjacent hamlets — if his gloomy and ferocious temper had been roused by some rumour of political danger in the alleged birth there of the King of Israel. It is perhaps worth while to emphasise the fewness of the victims of Herod's cruelty, for the current opinion is still affected by the ecclesiastical tradition, which exaggerated their number beyond all limits of possibility. " The sword being thus made sharp by Herod's commission," — so runs Jeremy Taylor's account of the event, — " killed fourteen thousand pretty babes ; as the Greeks in their Calendar and the Abyssines of Ethiopia do * Tht Asiumption of Moses, edited by Charles, pp. 21, 22. THE EDUCATION ACT— AxND AFTER 83 commemorate in their offices of liturgy. For Herod, crafty and malicious, that is, perfectly tyrant, had caused all the children to be gathered together ; which the credulous mothers (supposing it had been to take account of their age and number, in order to some taxing), hindered not, but unwittingly suffered themselves and their babes to be betrayed to an irremediable butchery." The excellent bishop continues in this strain, depicting, with all the resources of his eloquence, " this great weeping, when fourteen thousand mothers in one day saw their pretty babes pouring forth their blood into that bosom whence, not long before, they had sucked milk."^ All this is mere rhetoric ; for, as Dr. Edersheim points out, " considering the population of Bethlehem, the number of the slaughtered babes could only have been small — probably twenty at most." 2 It is, I think, not superfluous to emphasise the petty scale of the atrocity, for the popular exaggera- tion confers on the sacred narrative an aspect of improbability which does not properly attach to it. But, after all, the difficulty belongs, not to this particular episode, but to the whole narrative which includes it, and that difficulty seems to me really serious. Let mc observe, in passing, that there is nothing about which a religious man's conscience ought to be more sensitive than the ' Works, vol. ii. p. 126. ' Life attd Times of Jesus, vol. i. p. 214, 84 THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER language of his prayers. The merest suspicion of unreahty is disturbing; to acquiesce in unreality, even where the actual point at issue is apparently unimportant, implies a departure from sincerity, and every conscious departure from sincerity has the promise of the worst spiritual treason. Of course every public liturgy tends to be archaic ; in it are preserved phrases which have partially lost meaning, notions which no more command assent, references which are no longer valid. How far this must be acquiesced in will be a question hard to decide ; but surely the principle which determines the decision must not be any other than that of devotional sincerity. So far from resenting as an unworthy and unpalatable impatience of harmless and venerable forms that anxious and questioning spirit of our time which brings all things to the test, and will accept no substitute for truth, we ought to welcome it as the very temper of Christianity. It was a Christian apostle, writing to Christians, who laid down the bold and salutary rule : " Prove all things : hold fast that which is good." Assuming, however, the truth of the record, what do we mean when we say in the Collect that, in Herod's massacre. Almighty God "made infants to glorify Him by their deaths"? The evangelist, if the question had been proposed to him, might have pointed — as indeed he does point — to the fulfilment of prophecy, " Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet." But the prophecy which he quotes from THE EDUCATIOxX ACT— AND AFTER 85 the 31st chapter of the canonical book of Jeremiah has no reference to the massacre of the Innocents by Herod, but to the restoration of the Jews then suffering under the Chaldseans. The promise is that Rachel's " children shall come again to their own border." So far from commending his nar- rative to our acceptance, the frequent reference to the prophets, ill understood and wrongly applied, is regarded by the modern student as not the least suspicious circumstance about the author of S. Matthew's Gospel. The pious Churchman will be attracted by the pathetic reflections which Keble uttered in his verses for this festival. The unconscious babes were " baptized in blood for Jesus' sake," and, as such, stood at the head of the countless host who have endured the suffering of death in His cause; and as such we may believe that He regarded them, and for their sake looked with solemn affection upon all children. " Mindful of these, the first-fruits sweet Borne by the suffering Church her Lord to greet ; Bless'd Jesus ever loved to trace The 'innocent brightness' of an infant's face." This exercise of pious fancy, legitimate enough for purposes of edification, perhaps, does not help us much when we seek to put some adequate meaning into the Collect for Innocents' Day. How did the unconscious infants glorify God by their deaths ? Perhaps the answer may be found in two considerations. I. The criminal violence of the cruel king. 86 THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER terror - driven into savagery by his conscience- pointed jealousy, was after all defeated, and only remains on record to show the futility of human resistance to the purpose of God. Herod's victims live in the memory of mankind as so many evidences of Herod's failure to frustrate the redemptive mission of Christ. His crime became ministerial to God's glory. The Innocents, who fell before his sword, gave the first example of that passive resistance which was destined to become one of the most potent factors in Christian history. This festival brings home to us with greater force even than Christmas Day itself the wondrous paradox of the Incarnation. The Son of God is not only neglected and outcast, but pursued by the persecutor's sword, when He, " for us men, and for our salvation, comes down from heaven, and is incarnate." 2. But there is another sense in which the Innocents "glorified God by their deaths." They illustrated one aspect of the Incarnation, and (in a measure) prophesied one of its most blessed con- sequences. Dr. Hort, in his delightful lectures on the Ante-Nicene Fathers, dwells on the " compre- hensiveness" of the Christianity which S. Irenaeus, the greatest of the company, set forward against the Gnostic perversions. I borrow from his pages a quotation which will serve to explain the point which I desire to make. S. Irenaeus is insisting on the genuineness which marked every aspect and incident of the Incarnation of God in Christ. THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER 87 "For He came to save all through Himself: all, I mean, who through Him are born anew unto God, infants and little children, and boys and youths, and elders. Accordingly He came through every age, with infants becoming an infant, hallowing infants ; among little children a little child, hallowing those of that very age, at the same time making Himself to them an example of dutifulness, and righteousness, and subjection ; among young men a young man, becoming an example to young men, and hallowing them to the Lord. So also an elder among elders, that He might be a perfect Teacher in all things, not only as regards the setting forth of the truth, but also as regards age, at the same time hallowing also the elders, becoming likewise an example to them. Lastly, He came even unto death, that He might be the first begotten from the dead. Himself holding the primacy in all things, the Author of life, before all things, and having precedence of all things." ^ The historic Incarnation implied the recognition, interpretation, and consecration of humanity in all its normal aspects and activities. Infancy and childhood belong to the Incarnate as truly as manhood. Christ takes those stages of human development, and makes them also ministerial to His mission of divine self-discovery. The dis- tinctive character of the child is hallowed to be the agent of Revelation, and, as such, is intrusted to ' Hort, The Aute-Nicene Fathers, p. 72, 88 THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER the reverent consideration of the Church. The Incarnate approaches us not merely as "the Teacher sent from God ;" not merely as the " Righteous One," whose holy example challenges our imitation ; not merely as the Victim of the world's sin, who for our sakes died on Calvary ; not merely as the Conqueror of the Grave ; but also as the Infant of Bethlehem and the Boy of Nazareth. And this aspect of His incarnate life has been printed on the memory and bound upon the conscience of the Church by that gospel of Christ's birth and childhood, in which the slaughter of the Innocents is the most tragic feature. Thus these babes were the unconscious ministers of a great purpose of blessing. Christ's words with respect to " the man blind from his birth" might be applied to these first victims of His crusade of mercy. They did not sin, or their parents, that they suffered so cruel a fortune, but they died "that the works of God might be made manifest." They illustrate the work- ing of that mysterious, persistent, all -prevailing Providence, which, going to work in a world dis- ordered and undone, having to work upon the sin-tangled mass of human action, accepts both and bends them to its own service, transforming the fruits and agencies of malediction into the springs and potencies of blessing. All this on the assumption, which our Liturgy unfalteringly makes, that the record of the massacre at Bethlehem is properly record of fact. But let the opposite assumption — which cannot be thought THE EDUCATIOxN ACT— AND AFTER 89 improbable in itself, and which I know no sound reason for branding as religiously inadmissible — be made, and even so our commemoration to-day need not be destitute of worthy and edifying sig- nificance. Read the narrative, if you will, as indicating not what actually happened, but as what the men of the first century thought might well have happened, and the moral it points is hardly less inspiring, and not a whit less true. We see as in a mirror the unveiled countenance of that " hard pagan world " to which the Incarnate came. Commonly the veils of distance, of culture, of educational associations, perhaps of unconscious prejudice, lie thickly over the facts of ancient civilisation, and we imagine them other than they were. Here is an exhibition of the brutal callous- ness which marked the treatment of infancy and childhood. Herod's alleged atrocity was, as I have shown, thoroughly accordant with the accus- tomed habit of his government. Herod, in spite of his terrible family history, was not altogether an unworthy representative of ancient kingship, and his court was a famous centre of classical culture. We do no injustice to the society of the time if we take this record of the Innocents as a witness to the chronic contempt of infant life which then ruled in men's minds. And this witness, delivered in the heart of the tradition of Christendom as to the advent of Jesus Christ, suggests and even compels the reflection, how blessed an influence that advent has had on the fortunes of children. It provokes 90 THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFl'EH the inquiry, why that influence has been wielded : and it leads directly to the answer, which, indeed, leaps to the eyes of the student of historic Chris- tianity, that the element in Christ's religion which has induced this high reverence for children, out of which so much happiness has flowed, is precisely that belief in the Incarnation which has ruled the thought and guided the action of Christians from the first. Matthew Arnold's fine insight did not fail him when he fastened on Christ as the Child, and pictured Him in that guise as winning the world. Faith was victorious over the old, inbred evils of society while men " Could see the Mother with her Child, Whose tender, winning arts Have to His little arms beguiled So many wounded hearts ! " The Mother with the Crowned Child in her arms is no unfit symbol of the religion of Jesus. These tender and fragile forms are set forward in the gospel of the Incarnation as the commissioned envoys of the Eternal. Before them in their weakness perforce must bend the strength and wisdom of manhood, for they carry the authority of those spiritual graces of love and innocence by which alone manhood is strong and wise; they make the appeal of weakness and sacrifice, to which all that is pure and God-like in manhood goes out in homage. If you want a test by which to gauge the Christianity of a nation, to discover the fidelity of a church, nay, to bring to light the character THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER 91 of a man, you have it here. How are women and children regarded and treated? What is their place in the scale of political and social interests ? What is the tone and habit of society with respect to them ? The year which is now all but ended has been very full of discussions about children. It will take rank as a year of decisive importance in the educational history of this country. Will you grant me your indulgence, if on the last Sunday in the year I claim your attention for a few observations on that vexed and solemn question of our national education ? I was one of those who indulged the hope (which, even now, I cannot bring myself to surrender) that the time had arrived when men of goodwill in every section of the Christian Church might lay aside merely denominational ambitions, and combine in a settled and deliberate policy of Christian education in the State schools. In spite of all the acrimonious con- troversy of the last few months, I will not believe that the great experiment in national education, to which by the new Act we are now committed, is destined to be compromised and obstructed in advance by sectarian reluctance to see it succeed. Let me deprecate the view, very natural in poli- ticians and very weightily supported, that we of the Church have, in this controversy, magnified a detail at the expense of the main interest. The principle at stake in the recent educational dis- cussions has been religious. Two conceptions of national education have been in conflict : the 92 THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER Christian conception, represented, however un- worthily, by the Denominational schools ; and the secular conception, hardly recognised anywhere as yet, but properly latent in the system created by the Act of 1870. The other questions were of greater immediate importance, but they raised no point of principle, and were not much disputed among educational authorities. And if this be the case, then, to any one who can lift his eyes above the immediate political issues, it is the religious question which is of supreme importance. I said this at the beginning of the year, I say it again at the end. You must forgive my persistence, but in this cause persistence is my duty. Far be it from me to profane this famous pulpit by any partisan plea. It needs no saying that I hold no brief for any party, political or religious ; but, standing in this place, as in duty bound, on the last Sunday of a year in many respects unusually important in our national life, I cannot escape the responsibility of appealing to my fellow-citizens on an issue of the utmost national gravity. I venture with the greatest deference to address myself to the Noncon- formists, for whom — as they know well — I have a sincere affection and respect, and whose religious fellowship I desire and work for. Upon them now mainly depends the issue whether the new Act is to be the beginning of a stable and equitable re- organisation of our popular education on a basis of definite Christianity, or whether it is to inaugurate THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER 93 a period of acute sectarian conflict, out of which the only possible escape will be the adoption of a secular system pure and simple. The Act is evidently not the final settlement for which some of us dared to hope a year ago. It is a transitional measure, paving the way for something else. In determining what that ultimate solution of the problem will be — whether Christianity is to be the basis of our national education, or the absence of Christianity — the principal share will belong to the Nonconformists. The decision is in their hands, for without their aid the Church of England is not strong enough to resist the waxing forces of secularism. This is my apology for appealing publicly and most earnestly to them. The new Education Act, whatever defects it may have, does — if it is fairly and considerately worked — make possible the establishment of a modus Vivendi^ by which, on the one hand, undoubted Nonconformist grievances shall be greatly miti- gated or altogether removed, and, on the other hand, the strong convictions of English Churchmen shall not be wounded. I ask you to accept this Act provisionally, and to join us in working it honestly. Trust us so far as to give us the chance of working with you in this matter. Let the faults of the Act come out in the working of it, and let us unite in righting them when actual experience has shown what they are. Don't pledge yourselves in advance to a course of unconstitutional violence, and suffer yourselves to be hurried into an attitude 94 THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER of un-Christian hostility, but meet us in the same spirit of justice and conciliation in which we desire to meet you. I entreat you to rise above the lower considerations of sect and party, and to think only of those sacred interests of the children of England, which we, who call ourselves Christ's disciples, are bound to guard. It is not for the children of Churchmen and Nonconformists that I ask you to take thought. They will be taught the faith of Jesus elsewhere than in the State schools — at home, in Sunday school, in church or chapel. My plea is not for them, for whom it seems to me the politicians, lay and clerical, exclusively think ; but I plead for those multitudes of children, derelict on the ocean of life, cursed from their cradles with drunken or vicious parents, hindered and polluted by the thousand circumstances of daily life, who must find whatsoever knowledge of God and duty which they shall have in the schools to which the merciful severity of the law drives them. In face of their sore spiritual necessity, which the com- bined efforts of all the Christians in England will barely suffice to meet, I beseech you look well to your action now. See to it that you are not hurried by the force of political passion into taking steps which shall hasten the supreme disaster of a merely secular system of popular education. I have been led to speak on a subject which necessarily is now paramount in our minds. The solemn pageant in Canterbury Cathedral yester- day afternoon reminds us of one whose name will THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFTER 95 be inseparably linked with the cause of Christian education. You will permit me to dedicate the last sentences of a sermon, already, I fear, unduly protracted, to his honoured memory. National education was the first and the last cause to which that long career of public service was devoted. That must be a very obtuse or a very prejudiced mind which does not feel the moral greatness of a devotion so sustained and so sincere. Henceforth the cause of religious education in the State schools will be associated in the recollection of Englishmen with one whose piety and whose patriotism were, by universal admission, more than commonly robust and genuine. "He being dead yet speaketh." His memory will defend the cause for which he contended so long and so well. The strong con- viction of such a man with such a record ought to weigh with his countrymen, ought to prohibit the cheap invective of partisanship, ought to make even political opponents slow to adopt an attitude of irreconcilable hostility. Immunity from error indeed is not secured even to the best and the wisest of men, but at least we may be sure that the gravest risks attend opposition to any course which can command the deliberate allegiance and lifelong exertions of men like Frederick Temple. I pray God that in the evil days which are surely coming upon us — days of waxing strain and stress in human life, of growing bitterness between classes, of breaking loyalties, and failing hearts — England may never wholly lack among her rulers in Church 96 THE EDUCATION ACT— AND AFl^ER and State men like him whom we have lost, men of God in a God-forgetting world, strong, simple, and sincere, before whom shams stand discovered, and in whom the fear of God has left no room for the fear of man. FKINTEU BY MORRISON AJs'D GIEB LIMITED, EDINBURGH A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS OF METHUEN AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS : LONDON 36 ESSEX STREET W.C. CONTENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS, ... GENERAL LITERATURE, . METHUEN's standard I.inRARV, DYZANTINE TEXTS, LITTLE LIBRARY, . LITTLE GUIDES, , LITTLE lllOGRAPHIES, . 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Bigg, D.D., late Student of Christ Church. Third Edition. Pott 8va, Cloth, 2S ; leather, 2s. 6d. net. [Library of Devotion. ' The translation is an excellent piece of English, and the introduction is a masterly exposition. We augur well of a series which begins so satisfactorily.' — Times. Jane Austen. PRIDE AND PREJU- DICE. Edited by E. V. Lucas. '/tfo Volumes. Pott Zro. Each volume, cloth, IS. 6d.; leather, 2s. 6d. net. [Little Library. NORTHANGER ABBEY. Edited by E. V.Lucas. Potf&vo. Cloth,zs.6d.; leather, 2S. dd. net. [Little Library. Constance Bache. BROTHER musi- cians. Reminiscences of Edward and Walter Bache. With 16 Illustrations. Crotun Zvo. 6s. net. R. S. S. Baden-Powell, Major-General. THE DOWNFALL OF PRE.MPEH. A Diary of Life in Ashanti, 1895. With 21 Illustrations and a Map. Third Edition. Large Crown Zvo. 6s. THE MATABELE CAMPAIGN, 1896. With nearly 100 Illustrations, Fourth and Cheaper Edition. Large Croivn Zvo. 6s. Graham Balfour. THE LIFE OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. 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Second Edition. Cro^vn Z7'0. q.s. 6d. [University Extension Series. H. de B. Gibbins, Litt.D., M.A., and K. A. Hadfleld, of the Hecla Works, Sheffield. A SHORTER WORKING DAY. Cro-.fn Zvo. zs. 6d. [Social Questions Series. Edward Gibbon. THE decline and FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. A New Edition, edited with Notes, Appendices, and Maps, by J. B. Bury, LL.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. /« Seven l'olu>nes. Demy Zvo. Gilt top, Zs. 6d. each. Also, Crown Zvo. 6s. each. 'At last there is an adequate modern edition of Gibbon. . . . The best edition the nineteenth century could produce.' — Jilanchester Guardian. ' A great piece of editing.' — Academy. MEMOIRS OF MY LIFE AND WRIT- INGS. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by G. Bikkueck Hill, LL.D. Crown Zvo. 6s. ' An admirable edition of one of the most interesting personal records of a literary life. Its notes and its numerous appendices are a repertory of almost all that can be known about Gibbon. ' — Manchester Guardian. E C. B. 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See also George Herbert. George Gissing. See Dickens. A. D. Godley, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. LYRA FRIVOL A. Third Edition. Fcap. Zvo. 2S. 6d. VERSES TO ORDER. Cr.Bvo. SECOND STRINGS. Fcap. Zvo. ss. 6d. A new volume of humorous verse uniform with Lyra Frivola. ' Neat, brisk, ingenious." — Manchester Guardian. ' The verse is facile, the wit is ready.' Daily Mail. ' Excellent and amusing.' — St. James's Gazette. Miss Goodrich-Freer. See Susan Ferrier. P. Anderson Graliam. THE RURAL EXODUS. Crown Zvo. zs. bd. [Social Questions Series. F. S. Granger, .M.A., Litt.D. PSYCH- OLOGY. Second Edition. Crou-n Zvo. ■2S. 6d. [University Extension Series. THE SOUL OF A CHRISTIAN. Crown Zvo. 6s. A book dealing with the evolution of the religious life and experiences. E. MQueen Gray. GERMAN PASSAGES FOR UNSEEN TRANSL.\TION. Crjwn Zvo. 2S. 6d. P. L. Gray, B.Sc, formerly Lecturer in Physics in Mason University College, Bir- min;jham. 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See Thackeray. John Hackett, B.D. A HISTORY OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH OF CYPRUS. With Maps and Illustrations. Dcvty Zvo. 15s. net. A. C. Haddon, Sc.D., F.R.S. HEAD- HUNIERS, BLACK, WHITE, AND BROWN. With many Illustrations and a Map. Deiny^vo. 15J. A narrative of adventure and exploration in Northern Borneo. It contains much matter of the highest scientific interest. R. A Hadfield. See H. de B. Gibbins. Fv. N. Hall and W. O. Neal. THE ANCIKNT RUINS OF RHODESIA. With numerous Illustrations. Dctny Zvo. ■21 s. net. F. J. Hamilton, D.P., and E. W. Brooks. ZACHARIAH OF MITYLENE. Trans- lated into English. Demy Zvo. j7S.6ii.uct. [Byzantine Texts. D. Hannay. A SHORT HISTORY OF 'line ROYAL NAVY, Fkom Eaklv 'i'lMES TO THE Presk.nt Day. Illustrated. 'J'wo P'olumes. Demy ivo. 7 J. (xi. each. Vol. I. 1200-1608. A.T. Hare, M.A. THE CONSTRUCTION OF LARGE INDUCTION COILS. With numerous Diagrams. Demy ivo. ts. Clifford Harrison. READING AND R i: A D E K S. i-ca/-. Sto. qs. 6-. Sven Hedin, Gold Medallist of the Royal Geographical Society. THROUGH ASIA. With 300 Illustrations from Sketches and Photographs by the Author, and Maps. T1V0 Volumes. Royal Zvo. 36^. net. T. F. Henderson. A LITTLE BOOK OF SCOTTISH VERSE. I'ottZvo. Cloth, IS. 6d. net ; leather, ss. 6d. net. [Little Library. See also D. M. Moir. W. E. Henley. ENGLISH LYRICS. Croiun Zvo. Gilt top. 31. 6d. W. E. Henley and C. Whibley. A BOOK OF ENGLISH PROSE. Crown Zvo. Buckram, gilt top. 6j". H. H. Henson, M.A., Fellow of All Souls', Oxford, Canon of Westminster. APOS- TOLIC CHRISTIANITY : As Illustrated by the Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians. Cro7i'n Zvo. 6s. LIGHT AND LEAVEN : Historical and Social Sermons. Crown Zz'o. 6s. DISCIPLINE AND LAW. Reap. Zvo. 2s. 6d. George Herbert. THE TEMPLE. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by E. C. S. Gibson, D.D., Vicar of Leeds. Pott Zvo. Cloth, 21. ; leather, 2x. 6t/. net. [ Library of Devotion. This edition contains Walton's Life of Herbert, and the text is that of the first edition. Herodotus : EASY selections. With Vocabulary. By A. C. Liuuell, M..\. Reap. Z7'ii. ts. 6d. W. A. S. Hewing,!!. A. ENGLISH TRADE AND FINANCE IN THE SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURY. tnw«8ro. _ [University Extension Scries. T. Hubert. THE AIK GUN : or. How the Mastermans and Dobs, 6s, ; leather, 6s. net. 'The Empire has found a singer; it is no depreciation of the songs to say that statesmen may have, one way or other, to take account of them.' — Manchester Guardian. F. G. Kitton. See Dickens. W. J. Knox Little. See St. Francis de Sales. Charles Lamb, THE ESSAYS OF ELIA. With over 100 Illustrations by A. Garth Jones, and an Introduction by E. V. Lucas. DetnySvo. \os.6d. 'This edition is in many respects of peculiar beauty.' — Daily Chronicle. ELIA. AND THE L.\ST ESSAYS OF ELIA. Edited by E. V. Lucas. Pott Svo. Cloth, \s. 6d. net; leather, 2s. 6d. net. [Little Library. THE KING .\ND QUEEN OF HEARTS : An 1805 Book for Children. Illustrated by William Mulreadv. A new edition, in facsimile, edited hy E. V. Lucas. \s. 6d. This little book is a literary curiosity, and has been discovered .ind identified as the work of Charles Lamb by E. V. It is an exact facsimile of the original edition, which was illustratctl by Mulrcady. Professor Lambros. ECTHESIS CIIRO.N'IC.V lUiiled by. /Vwv Svo. TS. 6d. net. [Byzantine Texts. Stanley Lane-Poole. THE LIKE OF SIR HARRY PARKKS. A Nciu and Cheaper Edition. Crmim Svo. 6s, A HISTORY OF EGYPT IN THE MIDDLE A G E S» Fully Illustrated. Crown Sz'O. 6s. A3 i8 Messrs. Methuen's Catalogue F. Langbridge, M.A. RALLADS OF THE I'.RAVK : I'oems of Chivalry, Enterprise, Courage, and Constancy. Second Edition. Crmvn ^vo. 2S. (id. ' The book is full of splendid things." — William Law. A SERIOUS CALL TO A DEVOUT AND HOLY LIFE. Edited, with an Introduction, by C. Bigg, D.D., late Student of Christ Church. Poit Zvo. 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It is the result of a well-known partnership between author and artist. 'A beautiful children's book." Black and White. ' The most inimitable verses and interest- ing pictures.' — Daily Chronicle. ' Of quite unusual charm.' Daily Telc^aph. See also Jane Austen and Mrs. Gaskell and Charles Lamb. Lucian. Six dialogues (Nigrlnus, Icaro-Menippus, The Cock, The Ship, The Parasite, The Lover of Falsehood). Trans- lated by S. T. Irwin, M.A., Assistant Master at Clifton ; late Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford. Crcnvn Zvo. 3J. 6d. [Classical Translations. L. W. Lyde, ISLA. A COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE BRITISH EM- PIRE. Third Edition. Crown Zvo. zs. [Commercial Series. Hon. Mrs. Lyttelton. WOMEN AND T i 1 1: 1 !<. W ( J k K . Crinvn Zvo. _ 2J. td. ' Thoughtful, interesting, practical.' — Guardian. 'The book is full of sound precept given with sympathy and wit.' — Pilot, Lord MacaiUay. CRITICAL AND HIS- TORICAL ESSAY.S. Edited by F. C. Montague, M.A. Three Volumes. Cr. too. ds. each. 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A book that deserves to live. Sheila is the sweetest heroine who has lived in a novelist's pages for many a day. Every scene and every incident has the impress of truth. It is a masterly ro- mance, and one that should be widely read and appreciated.' — UTomine^ Leaiier. W. Satchel! THELANDOFTHELOST. Cratvn Bvo. 6s. Marshall Saunders. ROSE A CHAR- LITTE. Crcyivn Bvo. 6s. W. C. Scully. THE WHITE HECATOMB. Crmon Bvo. 6s. BETWEEN SUN AND SAND. Crcrwn Bvo. 6s. A VENDETTA OF THE DESERT. Crown 8rc 3^. 6d. Adeline Sergeant. Author of ' The Stor>- of a Penitent Soul.' A GRE.-VT LADY. Crown Biio. 6s. THE MASTER OF BEECHWOOD. Crown Svo. 6s. BARBARA'S MONEY. Second Edition. Cro'vn Srv. 6s. ' Full of life and incident, and Barb.ira is a delightful heroine.' — Daily K.rpress. ' An unusually entertaining story.' — World. W. F. Shannon. THE MESS DECK. Cro^tm Bvo. -^s. 6d. JIM TWELVES. Second Edition. Crown Bvo. 3i-. 6d. 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