mm ■■ • V I ■■^■i ■1 ■■■■■ ■ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE ■Ml I ■fa I flnr 1 ■ a" ■I ■ . \0r THAT STICK THAT STICK BY , CHARLOTTE M. YONGE in AUTHOR OF 'THE HEIR OF REDCLYFFK,' 'UNKNOWN TO HISTORY, ETC. IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I ILontion MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1892 All rights reserved v.l CONTENTS CHAPTER I Honours . CHAPTER V The Peer . CHAPTER VI The Weight of Honours . PAQ] 1 CHAPTER II Honours reflected . .15 CHAPTER III What is Honour? . . • 33 CHAPTER IV Honours waning . 4S 60 vi CONTENTS CHAPTER VII PAGE Mortons and Manners . . . .68 CHAPTER VIII Second Thoughts . . . . .81 CHAPTER IX The Heir -Presumptuous . . . .88 CHAPTER X Coming Honours . . . . .106 CHAPTER XI Possession . . . . . .116 CHAPTER XII The Burthen of Honours . . .128 CHAPTER XIII The Dower House . . . .135 CHAPTER XIV W'i -sthaven Versions of Honours . . 146 CHAPTEE XV The Pied Roue . . . .164 CONTENTS vii CHAPTER XVI PAGE What is Rest ? . . .177 CHAPTER XVII On the Surface . . . . .189 CHAPTER XVIII Desdichado . . . . .199 CHAPTER XIX The Dolomites . . . . .214 CHAPTER XX Ratzes ...... 226 CHAPTER XXI The Heir-Apparent .... 235 CHAPTER XXII Oct of Joint ..... 242 CHAPTEE I HONOURS ' Oh, there's that stick. What can he want ? ' sighed one of a pair of dignified elderly ladies, in black silk, to the other, as in a quiet country-town street they saw themselves about to be accosted by a man of about forty, with the air of a managing clerk, who came up breathlessly, with a flush on his usually pale cheeks. ' Miss Lang ; I beg pardon ! May I be allowed a few words with Miss Marshall ? I know it is unusual, but I have something unusual to tell her.' ' Nothing distressing, I hope, Mr. Morton,' said one of the ladies, startled. vol. i B 2 THAT STICK chap. ' Oh no, quite the reverse,' he said, with a nervous laugh ; ' in fact, I have unexpectedly come into a property ! ' ' Indeed !' with great astonishment/ I congratulate you,' as the colour mounted in his face, pleasant, honest, but with the subdued expression left by long- years of patience in a subordinate position. ' May I ask ' began the other sister. ' I hardly understand it yet,' was the answer ; 'but I must go to town by the 5.10 train, and I should like her to hear it from myself.' ' Oh, certainly ; it does you honour, Mr. Morton.' They were entering the sweep of one of those large substantial houses on the outskirts of country towns that have a tendency to become boarding- schools, and such had that of the Misses Lang been long before the days of the High School. ' Fortunately it is recreation-time,' said Miss Lang, as she conducted Mr. Morton to the drawing-room, I HONOURS 3 hung round with coloured drawings, in good taste, if stiff, and chiefly devoted to interviews with parents. ' Poor little Miss Marshall ! ' murmured one sister, when they had shut him in. ' What a loss she will be ! ' 'She deserves any good fortune.' ' She does. Is it not twenty years ? ' ' Twenty-two next August, sister.' Yes, it was twenty - two years since Mary Marshall had been passed from the Clergy Orphan Asylum to be English governess at Miss Lang's excellent school at Hurminster. In that town resided, with her two sons, Mrs. Morton, the widow of a horse-dealing farmer in the late Mr. Marshall's parish. On discovering the identity of the English governess with the little girl who had admired the foals, lambs, and chickens in past times, Mrs. Morton gave invitations to tea. She was ladylike, the sons unexceptionable, and no objection could reasonably 4 THAT STICK chap. be made by the Misses Lang, though the acquaint- ance was regretted by them. Mr. Morton, the father, had died in debt and distress, and the eldest son had been thankful for a clerkship in the office of Mr. Burford, a solicitor in considerable practice, and man of business to several of the county magnates. Frank Morton was not remarkable for talent or enterprise, but he was plodding and trustworthy, methodical and accurate, and he had continued in the same position, except that time had made him senior instead of junior clerk. Partly from natural disposition, partly from weight of responsibility, he had always been a grave, steady youth, one of those whom their contem- poraries rank as sticks and muffs, because not exalted by youthful spirits or love of daring. His mother and brother had always been his primary tin nr 'lit ; and his recreations were of the sober-sided sort — the chess club, the institute, the choral society. i HOXOUES 5 He was a useful, though not a distinguished, member of the choir of St. Basil's Church, and a punctual and diligent Sunday-school teacher of the least interesting boys. To most of the world of Hurminster he was almost invisible, to the rest utterly insignificant. Even his mother was far less occupied with him than with his brother Charles, who was much handsomer, more amusing and spirited, as well as far less contented or easy to be reckoned upon. But there was one person to whom he was everything, namely, little brown-eyed, soft- voiced Mary Marshall. She felt herself the happiest of creatures when, after two years of occasional evening teas and walks to Evensong at St. Basil's, it was settled that she should become his wife as soon as his salary should be increased, and Charlie be in condition to assist in supporting his mother. Ever since, Mary had rested on that hope, and the privileges it gave. 6 THAT STICK chap. She had loyally informed the Misses Lang, who were scarcely propitious, but could not interfere, as long as their pupils (or they believed so) surmised nothing. So the Sunday evening intercourse became more frequent, and in the holidays, when the home- less governess had always remained to superintend cleaning and repairs, there were many pleasant hours spent with kind old Mrs. Morton, who, if she had ever wished that Frank had waited longer and chosen some one with means, never betrayed it to the girl whom she soon loved as a daughter. Two years had at first been thought of as the period of patience. Charles had a situation as clerk in a shipping office at Westhaven, a small seaport about twenty miles off, and his mother was design- ing to go to keep house for him, when he announced that his banns had been asked with the daughter of the captain and part-owner of a small trading vessel of the port i HONOURS 7 The Hurminster couple must defer their plans till further promotion ; and so far from helping his mother, Charles ere long was applying to her, when in need, for family expenses. Then came a terrible catastrophe. Charlie had been ill, and in his convalescence was taken on a voyage by his father-in-law. There was a collision in the Channel, and the Emma Jane and all on board were lost. The insurance did not cover the pecuniary loss ; debts came to light, and nothing was left for the widow and her three children except a seaside lodging-house in which her father had invested his savings. The children's education and great part of their maintenance must fall on their uncle ; and again his marriage must wait till this burthen was lessened. Old Mrs. Morton died ; and meetings thus became more difficult and infrecpient. Frank had hoped to retain the little house where he had lived so long ; 8 THAT STICK chap. but his sister-in-law's demands were heavy, and he found himself obliged to sell his superfluous furniture, and commit himself to the rough attendance of the housekeeper at the office, where two rooms were granted to him. Thus had year after year gone by, unmarked except by the growth of the young people at West- haven and the demand of their mother on the savings that were to have been a nest-egg, while gray threads began to appear in Mary's hair, and Frank's lighter locks to leave his temples bare. So things stood when, on this strange afternoon, Miss Marshall was summoned mysteriously from watching the due performance of an imposition, and was told, outside the door, that Mr. Morton wantrd to speak to her. It was startling news, for though the Misses Lang were kindly women, and had never thrown obstacles in the way of her engagement, they had I HONOURS 9 merely permitted it, and almost ignored it, except when old Mrs. Morton was dying, and they had freely facilitated her attendance. ' Surely something as dreadful as the running down of the Emma Jane must have happened ! ' thought Mary as she sped to the drawing-room. She was a little brown mouse of a woman, with soft dark eyes, smooth hair, and a clear olive complexion, on which thirty -eight years of life and eighteen of waiting had not left much outward trace ; for the mistresses were good women, who had never oppressed their underling, and though she had not met with much outward sympathy or companionship, the one well of hope and joy might at times suffer drought, but had never run dry, any more than the better fountain within and beyond. In she came, with eyes alarmed but ready to console. ' Oh, Frank, what is it ? What can I do for you ? ' 10 THAT STICK chap. ' It is no bad news/ was his greeting, as he put his arm round her trembling little figure and kissed her brow. ' Only too good.' ' Oh, is Mrs. Charles going to be married ? ' the only hopeful contingency she could think of. ' No/ he said ; ' but, Mary, an extraordinary incident has taken place. I have inherited a property.' ' A property ? You are well off ! Oh, thank God ! ' and she clasped her hands, then held his. ' At last ! But what ? How ? Did you know ? ' ' I knew of the connection, but that the family had never taken notice of my father. As to the rest I was entirely unprepared. My great-grand- father was a younger son of the first Lord Northmoor, but for some misconduct was cast off and proscribed. As you know, my grandfather and father devoted themselves to horses on the old farm, and made no pretensions to gentility. The elder branch of the I HONOURS 1 1 family was once numerous, but it must have since dwindled till the old lord was left with only a little grandson, who died of diphtheria a short time before his grandfather.' ' Poor old man ! ' began Mary. ' Then — oh ! do you mean that he died too ? ' ' Yes ; he was ill before, and this was a fatal blow. It appears that he was aware that I was next in the succession, and after the boy's death had desired the solicitor to write to me as heir-at- law.' ' Heir-at-law ! Frank, do you mean that you are ' she said, turning pale. ' Baron Northmoor/ he answered, ' and you, my patient Mary, will be the baroness as soon as may be.' ' Oh, Frank ! ' — and there was a rush of tears — ' dear Frank, your hard work and cares are all over ! ' ' I am not sure of that,' he said gravely ; ' but, 12 THAT STICK chap. at least, this long waiting is over, and I can give you everything.' ' But, oh ! ' she cried, sobbing uncontrollably, with her face hidden in her handkerchief. ' Mary, Mary ! what does this mean ? Don't you understand ? There's nothing to hinder it now.' She made a gesture as if to put him back from her, and struggled for utterance. ' It is very dear, very good ; but — but it can't be now. You must not drag yourself down with me.' ' That is just nonsense, Mary. You are far fitter for this than I am. You are the one joy in it to me.' ' You think so now,' she said, striving to hold herself back ; ' but you won't by and by.' ' Do you think me a mere boy to change so easily ? ' said the new lord earnestly. ' I look on this as a heavy burthen and very serious respon- sibility: but it is to you whom I look to sweeten i HONOURS 13 it, help me through with it, and guard me from its temptations.' ' If I could.' 1 Come, Mary, I am forced to go to London immediately, and then on to the funeral. I shall miss the train if I remain another minute. Don't send me away with a sore heart. Tell me that your affection has not been worn out by these weary years.' ' You cannot think so, Frank,' she sobbed. ' You know it has only grown. I only want to do what is best for you.' ' Not another word,' he said, with a fresh kiss. ' That is all I want for the present.' He was gone, while Mary crept up to her little attic, there to weep out her agitated, uncertain feelings. ' Oh, he is so good ! He deserves to be great. That I should be his first thought ! Dear dear 14 THAT STICK CHAP. I fellow ! But I ought to give him up. I ought not to be a drag on him. It would not be fair on him. I can love him and watch him all the same ; but oh, how dreary it will be to have no Sunday after- noons ! Is this selfish ? Is this worldly ? Oh, help me to do right, and hold to what is best for him!' And whenever poor Mary had any time to herself out of sight of curious eyes, she spent it in concocting a letter that went near to the break- ing of her constant heart. CHAPTER II HONOURS REFLECTED On the beach at Westhaven, beyond the town and harbour, stood a row of houses, each with a garden of tamarisk, thrift, and salt-loving flowers, frequented by lodgers in search of cheap sea breezes, and some- times by families of yachting personages who liked to have their headquarters on shore. Two girls were making their way to one of these. One was so tall though very slight, that in spite of the dark hair streaming in the wind, she looked more than her fifteen years, and her brilliant pink- and- white complexioned face confirmed the im- pression. Her sister, keeping as much as she could 16 THAT STICK CHAP. under her lee, was about twelve years old, much more childish as well as softer, smaller, with lighter colouring and blue eyes. Going round the end of the house, they entered by the back door, and turn- ing into a little parlour, they threw off their hats and gloves. The younger one began to lay the table for dinner, while the elder, throwing herself down panting, called out — ' Ma, here's a letter from uncle. I'll open it. I hope he's not crusty about that horrid low millinery business.' ' Yes, do,' called back a voice across the tiled passage. ' I've had no time. This girl has put me about so with Mrs. Leeson's luncheon that I've not had a moment. Of all the sluts I've ever been plagued with, she's the very worst, and so I tell her till I'm ready to drop. What is it then, Ida ? ' as an inarticulate noise was heard. • Ma ! ma ! uncle is a lord ! ' came back in a gasp. II HONOURS REFLECTED 17 ' What ? ' 1 Uncle's a lord ! Oh ! ' ' Your uncle ! That stick of a man ! Don't be putting your jokes on me, when I'm worrited to death ! ' exclaimed Mrs. Morton, in fretful tones. 'No joke. It's true — Lord JSTorthmoor.' And this brought Mrs. Morton out of the kitchen in her apron and bib, with a knife in one hand and a bunch of parsley in the other. She was a handsome woman, in the same style as Ida, but her complexion had grown harder than accorded with the slightly sentimental air she assumed when she had time to pity herself. ' It is ! it is ! ' persisted Ida, reading scraps from the letter ; '" Title and estates devolve on me — family bereavements — elder line extinct." ' ' Give me the letter. Oh, you gave me such a turn ! ' said Mrs. Morton, sinking into a chair. vol. i c 18 THAT STICK chap. ' What's the row ? ' said another voice, as a sturdy bright -eyed boy, between the ages of his sisters, came bouncing in. ' I say, I want my grub — and be quick ! ' ' Oh, Herbert, my dear boy,' and his mother hugged him, ' your uncle is a lord, and you'll be one one of these days.' ' I say, don't lug a man's head off. Who has been making a fool of you ? ' ' Uncle Frank is Lord Northmoor,' said Ida impressively. ' 1 say, that's a good one ! ' and Herbert threw himself into a chair in fits of laughter. ' It is quite true, Herbert,' said his mother. ' Here is the letter.' A bell rang sharply. ' Bless me ! I shall not hear much more of that bell, I hope. Run up, Conny, and say Mrs. Leeson's lunch will be up in a moment, but we were hindered ii HONOURS REFLECTED 19 by unexpected news/ said Mrs. Morton, bustling into the kitchen. ' Oh dear ! one doesn't know where one is.' ' Let her ring,' said Ida. ' Send her off, bag and baggage ! We've done with lodgings and milliners and telegraphs, and all that's low. We shall all be lords and ladies, and ever so rich.' ' Hold hard ! ' said Herbert, who had got possession of the letter. ' He doesn't say so.' ' He'll be nasty and mean, I daresay,' said Ida. ' What does he say ? I hadn't time to see.' Herbert read from the neat, formal, distinct writing : ' " I do not yet know what is in my power, nor what means I may be able to command ; but I hope to make your position more comfortable and to give my nephew and nieces a really superior education. You had better, however, not take any steps till you hear from me again." There, Ida, lots of schooling, that's all.' 20 THAT STICK chap. ' Nonsense, Bertie ; he must — if he is a lord, what are we ? ' Hunger postponed this great question for a little while ; but dinner had been delayed till the after- noon school hour had passed, and indeed the young people agreed that they were far above going to their present teachers any more. 'We must acquire a few accomplishments,' said Ida. ' Uncle never would afford me lessons on the piano — such a shame ; but he can't refuse me now. Dancing lessons, too, we will have; and then, oh, Conny ! we will go to Court, and how they will admire us ! ' At which Herbert burst out laughing loudly, and his mother rebuked him. ' You will be a nobleman, Herbert, and your sisters a nobleman's sisters. Why should they not go to Court like the best of them ? ' ' That's all my eye!' said Herbert. 'The governor has got a young woman of his own, hasn't he ? ' II HONOURS REFLECTED 21 ' That dowdy old teacher ! ' said Ida. ' Of course he won't many her now.' ' She will be artful enough to try to hold him to it, you may depend on it,' said Mrs. Morton ; ' but I shall take care he knows what a shame and disgrace it would be. Oh no ; he will not dare.' ' She is awfully old,' said Ida. ' Not near so old as Miss Pottle, who was married yesterday,' said Constance, who, at the time of her father's death, and at other times when the pre- sence of a young child was felt to be incon- venient at home, had stayed with her grand- mother at Hurminster, and had grown fond of Miss Marshall. ' Don't talk about what you know nothing about, Constance,' broke in her mother. ' Your uncle, Lord Northmoor. ain't going to lower and demean himself by dragging a mere school teacher up into the peer- age, to cut out poor Herbert and all his family. 22 THAT STICK chap. There's that bell again ! I shall go and let Mrs. Leeson know how we are situated, and that I shall give her notice one of these days. Clear the table, girls ; we don't know who may be dropping in.' This clone, chiefly by Constance, the sisters put on their hats, and sallied forth with their astounding news to such of their friends as were within reach, and by the time they had finished their expedition they were convinced of their own nobility, and prepared to be called Lady Ida and Lady Constance Northmoor on the spot. When they came in they found the parlour being prepared for company, and were sent to pro- cure sausages and muffins for tea. Mrs. Morton had, on reflection, decided that it was inexpedient to answer her brother-in-law till she had ascertained, as she said, her just rights, and she had invited to tea Mr. and Mrs. Eollstone and, to Constance's delight, bis little daughter Eose, their neighbours a ii HONOURS REFLECTED 23 few doors off; but as Eose was attending classes, it had been useless to go to her before. Mr. Eollstone was a great authority, for he had spent the best part of his life in what he termed the first families of the highest circles. He had been hall boy to a duke, footman to a viscountess, valet to an earl, butler to a right honourable baronet, M.P., and when he had retired on the death of the baronet and marriage with the housekeeper he had brought away a red volume, by name Burke's Peer- age, by which, as well as by his previous know- ledge, he was enabled to serve as an oracle respect- ing all owners of yachts worthy of consideration. If their names were not recorded in that book, he scorned them as ' parvenoosj however perfect their vessels might be in the eyes of mariners. The edition was indeed a quarter of a century old, but he had kept it up to date, by marking in neatly all the births, deaths, and marriages from the Gazette — 24 THAT STICK chap. his daily study. His daughter, a nice, modest-looking girl of fourteen, Constance's chief friend, came too. His wife was detained by her lodgers, but when he rolled in, with the book under Ins arm, there was a certain resemblance between himself and it, for both were broad and slightly dilapidated — the one from gout, the other from wear, and the red cover had faded into a nondescript whity- brown, or browny- white, not unlike the complexion of a close-shaven face. He was carefully arrayed in evening costume, and was very choice in his lan- guage, being, in fact, much grander than all his aristocratic masters rolled into one ; so that though Mrs. Morton tried to recollect that she was a great lady and he had been a servant, force of habit made her feel his condescension when he held out his puffy white hand ; and, with a gracious bend of his yellow-gray head, said, ' Allow me to offer my con- gratulations, Mrs. Morton. I little suspected my li HONOUES REFLECTED 25 proximity to a lady so nearly allied to the aristo- cracy.' ' I am sure you are very kind, Mr. Eollstone. I had no notion — Ida can tell you I was quite over- come — though when I came to think of it, my poor, dear Morton always did say he had high connec- tions, but I always thought it was one of his jokes.' ' Then as I understand, Mrs. Morton, the lamented deceased was junior to the present Lord Northmoor ? ' ' Yes, poor dear ! Oh, if he had but lived and been eldest, he would have become his honours ever so much better ! ' ' Aud oh, Mr. Eollstone, what are we ? ' put in Ida breathlessly, while Eose squeezed Constance's hand in schoolgirl fashion. ' Indeed, Miss Ida, I fear I cannot flatter you with any change in your designation. If your respected parent had survived he might have become the Honourable Charles, but only by special grant 26 THAT STICK CHAP. from Her Majesty. It was so in the case of the Honourable Frances Fordingham, when her brother inherited the title.' ' Then at least I am an Honourable ! ' exclaimed Mrs. Morton. ' I am afraid not, Mrs. Morton. I know of no precedent for such honours being bestowed on a relict ; but as I understand that Lord Northmoor is no longer in his first youth, your son might succeed to the title, and, in that case, his sisters might be ' — he paused for a word — ' ennobled.' ' Then does not it really make any difference to us ? ' exclaimed Mrs. Morton. ' That would rest in the bosom of his lordship,' said Mr. liollstone solemnly. ' I declare it is an awful shame,' burst out Ida, while Constance cooed 'Dear uncle!' 'Hush, hush, Ida!' said her mother. ' Your uncle has always treated us handsomely, and we II HOXOURS REFLECTED 27 have every reason to expect that he will continue to do so.' ' He ought to have us to live with him in his house in London, and take us to Court,' said Ida. ' Oh, Mr. Eollstone, is he not bound to do that ? ' And Constance breathed, ' How delicious ! ' Mr. Eollstone perhaps had his doubts of the figures Mrs. and Miss Morton would cut in society, but he contented himself with saying, ' It may be well to moderate your expectations, Miss Ida, and to remember that Lord Northmoor is not compul- sorily bound to consult any interests but his own.' ' If he does not, it is perfectly abominable,' cried Mrs. Morton, ' towards his poor, only brother's children, with Herbert his next heir-apparent.' ' Heir - presumptuous,' solemnly corrected Mr. Eollstone, at which Ida looked at Constance, but Constance respected Eosie's feelings, and would not return her sister's glance, only blushed, and sniggered. 28 THAT STICK CHAP. ' Heir-apparent is only the eldest son, who can- not be displaced by any contingency.' ' And there's a horrid, little, artful school teacher, who drew him in years ago — before I was married even.' said Mrs. Morton. ' No doubt she will try to keep him now. Most likely she always knew what was going to happen. Cannot he be set free from the entanglement ? ' ' Oh ! ' gasped Constance. ' That is serious,' observed Mr. Eollstone gravely. ' It would be an unfortunate commencement to have an action for breach of promise of marriage.' ' She would never dare,' said Mrs. Morton. ' She is as poor as a rat, and could not do it ! ' ' Well, Mrs. Morton,' said Mr. Eollstone, ' if I may be allowed to tender my poor advice, it would be that you should be very cautious and careful not to give any offence to his lordship, or to utter what might be reported to him in a sinister manner.' ii HONOURS EEFLECTED 29 ' Oh, I know every one has enemies ! ' said Mrs. Morton, tossing her head. After this disappointment there was rather less interest displayed when Mr. Eollstone proceeded to track out and explain the whole ISTorthmoor pedi- gree, from the great lawyer, Sir Michael Morton, who had gained the peerage, down to the failure of the direct line, tracing the son from whom Francis and Charles Morton were descended. Certainly Miss Marshall must have been wonderfully foresighted if she had engaged herself with a view to the succes- sion, for at the time it began, the last Lord North- moor had two sons and a brother living ! There was also a daughter, the Honourable Bertha Augusta. ' Is she married ? ' demanded Mrs. Morton. ' It is not marked here, and if it had been men- tioned in the papers, I should not have failed to record it.' ' And how old is she ? ' 30 THAT STICK chap. 'The author of this peerage would never be guilty of the solecism of recording a lady's age,' said Mr. Kollstone gravely ; ' but as the Honourable Arthur was born in 1848, and the Honourable Michael in 1850, we may infer that the young lady is no longer in her first youth.' ' And not married ? Nearly Fr Lord North- moor's ase. She must be an old cat who will set her mind on marrying him,' sighed Mrs. Morton, ' and will make him cut all his own relations.' ' Then Mary Marshall might be the better look- out,' said Ida. ' She could never be unkind,' breathed little Constance. ' There is no knowing,' said Mr. liollstone ora- cularly ; ' but the result of my observations has been that the true high-bred aristocracy are usually far more affable and condescending than those elevated from a lower rank.' ii HONOURS REFLECTED 31 ' Oh, I do hope for Miss Marshall,' said Constance in a whisper to Eose. ' Nasty old thing — a horrid old governess,' re- turned Ida ; and they tittered, scarcely pausing to hear Mr. Eollstone's announcement of the discovery that he had entered the marriage in 1879 of the Honourable Arthur Michael to Lady Adela Emily, only daughter of the Earl of Arlington, and the death of the said Honourable Arthur by a carriage accident four years later. Then Herbert tumbled in, bringing a scent of tea and tar, and was greeted with an imploring injunc- tion to brush his hair and wash his hands — both which operations he declared that he had performed, spreading out his brown hands, which might be called clean, except for ingrained streaks of tar. Mr. Eollstone tried to console his mother by declar- ing that it was aristocratic to know how to handle the ropes ; and Herbert, sitting among the girls, 32 THAT STICK CHAP, n began, while devouring sausages, to express his intention of having a yacht, in which Kose should be taken on a voyage. No, not Ida; she would only make a fool of herself on board ; and besides, she had such horrid sticking-out ears, with a pull at them, which made her scream,- and her mother rebuke him ; while Mr. Eollstone observed that the vouns gentleman had much to learn if he was to con- form to aristocratic manners, and Herbert under his breath hung aristocratic manners, and added that he was not to be bored, at any rate, till he was a lord ; and then to salve any shock to his visitor, proceeded to say that his yacht should be the Rose, and invite her to a voyage. ' Certainly not till you can behave yourself,' replied Rose ; and there was a general titter among the young people. CHAPTEE III WHAT IS HONOUR ? ' Here is a bit of news for you,' said Sir Edward Kenton, as, after a morning of work with his agent, both came in to the family luncheon. ' Mr. Burford tells me that the Northmoor title has descended on his agent, Morton.' ' That stick ! ' exclaimed George, the son and heir. 'Not altogether a stick, Mr. Kenton,' said the bald-headed gentlemanly agent. ' He is very worthy and industrious ! ' Frederica Kenton and her brother looked at each other as if this character were not inconsistent with that of a stick. VOL. i D 34 THAT STICK CHAP. ' Poor man ! ' said their mother. ' Is it not a great misfortune to him ? ' ' I should think him sensible and methodical,' said Sir Edward. ' By the way, did you not tell me that it was his diligence that discovered the clause to which our success was owing in the Stockpen suit ? ' ' Yes, Sir Edward, through his indefatigable diligence in reading over every document connected with the matter. I take shame to myself,' he added, smiling, ' for it was in a letter that I had read and put aside, missing that passage.' ' Then I am under great obligations to him ? ' said Sir Edward. 'I could also tell of what only came to my knowledge many years later, and not through him- self, of attempts made to tamper with his integrity, and gain private information from him which he had steadily bafHed.' in WHAT IS HONOUR ? 35 ' There must be much in him,' said Lady Kenton, ' if only he is not spoilt ! ' ' I am afraid he is heavily weighted,' said Mr. Burford. 'His brother's widow and children are almost entirely dependent on him, more so, in my opinion, than he should have allowed.' ' Exactly what I should expect from such a sheep,' said George Kenton. ' There is this advantage,' said the lawyer, ' it has prevented his marrying.' ' At least that fatal step has been averted,' said the lady, smiling. ' But unluckily there is an entanglement, an endless engagement to a governess at Miss Lang's.' ' Oh,' cried Freda, who once, during a long absence of the family abroad, had been disposed of at Miss Lang's, ' there was always a kind of whisper among us that Miss Marshall was engaged, though it was high treason to be supposed to know.' 36 THAT STICK chap. * Was that the one you called Creepmouse ? ' asked her brother. ' George, you should not bring up old misdeeds ! She was a harmless old thing. I believe the tinies were very fond of her, but we elders had not much to do with her, only we used to think her horridly particular.' ' Does that mean conscientious ? ' asked her father. ' Perhaps it does ; and though I was rather a goose then, I really believe she was very kind, and did not want to be tiresome.' ' A lady ? ' asked her mother. ' I suppose so, but she was so awfully quiet there was no knowing.' ' Poor thing ! ' observed Lady Kenton, in a tone of commiseration. ' I think Morton told me that she was a clergy- orphan,' said Mr. Burford, ' and considered her as in WHAT IS HONOUR ? 37 rather above him, for his father was a ruined farmer and horse-breeder, and I only took him into my office out of respect for his mother, though I never had a better bargain in my life. Of course, however, this unlucky engagement cannot stand.' ' Indeed ! ' said the Baronet drily. ' Would you have him begin his career with an act of baseness?' 'No — no, Sir Edward, I did not mean ' said Mr. Burford, rather abashed ; ' but the lady might be worked on to resign her pretensions, since persistence might not be for the happiness of either party ; and he really ought to marry a lady of for- tune, say his cousin, Miss Morton, for I understand that the Northnioor property was never considerable. The late Mr. Morton was very extravagant, and there are heavy burthens on the estate, by the settlement on his widow, Lady Adela, and on the late Lord's daughter. Miss Lang tells me likewise that Miss Marshall is full of doubts and scruples, 38 THAT STICK CHAP. and is almost persuaded that it is incumbent on her to drop the engagement at any cost to herself. She is very conscientious ! ' ' Poor thing ! : sighed more than one voice. ' It is a serious question,' continued the solicitor, ' and I own that I think it would be better for both if she were induced to release him.' ' Has she no relations of her own ? ' 'None that I ever heard of. She has always spent her holidays at Miss Lang's.' 1 Well, Mr. Burford,' exclaimed Freda, ' I think you are frightfully cruel to my poor little Creep- mouse.' 'Nay, Freda,' said her mother; 'all that Mr. Burford is considering is whether it would be for the happiness or welfare of either to be raised to a position for which she is not prepared.' ' I thought you were on her side, mother.' ' There are no sides, Freda,' said her father Ill WHAT IS HONOUR ? 39 reprovingly. 'The whole must rest with the persons chiefly concerned, and no one ought to interfere or influence them in either direction.' Having thus rebuked Mr. Burford quite as much as his daughter, he added, ' Where is Lord North- moor now ? ' ' He wrote to me from Northmoor after the funeral, Sir Edward, saying that he would return on Saturday. Of course, though three months' notice would be due, I should not expect it, as I told him at first ; but he assures me that he will not leave me till my arrangements for supplying his place are complete, and he will assist me as usual.' ' It is very proper of him,' said Sir Edward. f It will be awkward in some ways,' said Mr. Burford. ' Yet I do not know what I could other- wise have done, he had become so necessary to me.' 'Stick or no stick,' was the family comment of 40 THAT STICK chap, hi the Kentons, ' there must be something in the man, if only his head is not turned.' { Which,' observed Sir Edward, ' is not possible to a stick with a real head, but only too easy to a sham one.' CHAPTEE IV HONOURS WANING 'And who is the man?' So asked a lady in deep mourning of another still more becraped, as they sat together in the darkened room of a Northmoor house on the day before the funeral. The speaker had her bonnet by her side, and showed a kindly, clever, middle-aged face. She was Mrs. Bury, a widow, niece of the late Lord; the other was his daughter, Bertha Morton, a few years younger. She was not tearful, but had dark rings round her eyes, and looked haggard and worn. ' The man ? I never heard of him till this terrible loss of poor little Mikey.' 42 THAT STICK CHAP. ' Then did he put in a claim ? ' ' Oh no, but Hailes knew about him, and so, indeed, did my father. It seems that three genera- tions ago there was a son who followed the instincts of our race further than usual, and married a jockey's daughter, or something of that sort. He was set up in a horse-breeding farm and cut the connection ; but it seems that there was always a sort of com- munication of family events, so that Hailes knew exactly where to look for an heir.' ' Not a jockey ! ' ' Oh no, nothing so diverting. That would be fun !' Bertha said, with a laugh that had no merri- ment in it. ' He is a clerk — an attorney's clerk ! What do you think of that, Lettice ? ' ' Better than the jockey.' ' Oh, very respectable, they say ' — with a sound of disgust. ' Is he young ? ' iv HONOURS WANING 43 * No ; caught early, something might be done with him, but there's not that hope. He is not much less than forty. Fancy a creature that has petti- fogged, as an underling too, all his life.' ' Married ? ' ' Thank goodness, no, and all the mammas in London and in the country will be running after him. Not that he will be any great catch, for of course he has nothing — and the poor place will be brought to a low ebb.' ' And what do you mean to do, Birdie ? ' ' Get out of sight of it all as fast as possible ! Forget that horses ever existed except as means of locomotion,' and Bertha got up and walked towards the window as if restless with pain, then came back. ' I shall get rid of all I can — and come to live as near as I can to Whitechapel, and slum ! I'm free now.' Then looking at her cousin's sorrowful, wistful face, ' Work, work, work, that's all that's 44 THAT STICK chap. good for me. Soberly, Lettice, this is my plan/ she added, sitting down again. ' I know how it all is left. This new man is to have enough to go on upon, so as not to be too beggarly and bring the title into contempt. He is only coming for to- morrow, having to wind up his business ; but I shall stay on till he comes back, and settle what to do with the things here. Adela and I have our choice of them, and don't want to leave the place too bare. Then I shall sell the London house, and all the rest of the encumbrances, and set up for myself.' ' Not with Adela ? ' ' Oh no ; Adela means to stick by the old place, and I couldn't do that for a constancy — oh no,' with a shudder. ' Does she ? ' in some wonder. ' Her own people don't want her. The Arlingtons are with her now, but I fancy she would rather be sitting with us — or alone best of all, poor dear. iv HONOUKS WANING 45 You see, she is a mixture of the angel that is too much for some people. How she got it I don't know, not among us, I should think, though she came to us straight out of the schoolroom, or I fancy she would never have come at all. But oh, Lettice, if you could have seen her how patient she has been throughout with my father, reading him all about every race, just because she thought it was less gall and wormwood to her than to me, and going out to the stables to satisfy him about his dear Night Hawk, and all the rest of it. When she was away for that fortnight over poor little Michael, I found to the full what she had been, and then after that, back she comes again, as white as a sheet, but all she ever was to my father, and more wonderful than all, setting herself to reconcile him to the notion of this new heir of his — and I do believe, if my father had not so suddenly grown worse, she would have made us have him up to be introduced — all out of 46 THAT STICK chap. rectitude and duty, you know, for Adela is the shyest of mortals, and recoils by nature from the underbred far more than we do. In fact, I rather like it. It gives me a sensation. I had ten times rather this man were a common sailor, or a tinker, than just a stupid stick of a clerk ! ' ' Then Adela means to stay at the Dower House ? ' ' Yes, she has rooted herself there by all her love to her poor people, and I fancy, too, that she does not want to bring Amice up among all the Arling- ton children, who are not after her pattern, so she intends to bear the brunt of it, aud not leave Northmoor, unless the new-comers turn out un- bearable.' ' She goes away with her brother now.' ' Oh yes, she must, and Lord Arlington is fond of her in a way ! Can't you stay on with me, Lettice ? ' ' I wish I could, my dear Birdie, but I am IV HONOURS WANING 47 anxious about Mary ; I don't think I must stay later than Sunday.' ' Yes ; you are too devoted a mother for me to absorb. Never mind, you will be in London, and I shall soon be within reach of you. You are a comfortable person, Lettice.' CHAPTER V THE PEER Poor Miss Lang ! After all her care that her young pupils' heads should not be turned by folly about marriage and noblemen, the very event she had always viewed as most absurdly improbable had really occurred, and it was impossible to keep it a secret ; though Miss Marshall did her very best to appear as usual, heard lessons with her accustomed diligence, conducted the daily exercises, watched over the instructions by masters, and presided over the needlework. But she grew whiter, more pinched, and her little face more mouse-like every day, and the elder girls whispered fancies about her. ' She chap, v THE PEER 49 had no doubt heard that Lord Northmoor had broken it off ! ' — ' A little poky attorney's clerk, of course he would.' — ' Poor dear thing, she will go into a consumption ! Didn't you hear her cough last night ? ' — £ And then we'll all throw wreaths into her grave ! ' — ' Oh, that was only Elsie Harris ! ' — 'Nonsense, Mabel, I'm sure it was her, poor thing. Prenez garde, la vieille Dragonne vient.' That Lord Northmoor was to come back by the mail train was known, and Miss Lang had sent a polite note to invite him to afternoon tea on the Sunday. The church to which he had been for many years devoted was a district one, and Miss Lang's establish- ment had their places in the old parish church, so there was not much chance of meeting in the morning, though one pupil observed to another that ' she should think him a beast if they did not meet him on the way to church.' It is to be feared that she had to form this VOL. I E 50 THAT STICK chap. opinion, but on the other hand, by the early dinner- time, tidings pervaded the school that Lord North- moor had been at St. Basil's, and sung in his surplice just as if nothing had happened ! The more sensa- tional party of girls further averred that he had been base enough to walk thither with Miss Bur- ford, and that Miss Marshall had been crying all church time. Whether this was true or not, it was certain that she ate scarcely any dinner, and that Miss Lang insisted on administering a glass of wine. Moreover, when dinner was finally over, she cpjietly crept up to her own room, and resumed her church-going bonnet — a little black net, with a long- enduring bunch of violets. Then she knelt down and entreated, ' Oh, show me Thy will, and give me strength and judgment to do that which may be best for him, and may neither of us be beguiled by the world or by ambition.' V THE PEER 51 Then she peeped out to make sure that the coast was clear — not that she was not quite free to go where she pleased, but she dreaded eyes and titters — out at the door, to the corner of the lane where for many a Sunday afternoon there had been a quiet tryste and walk. Her heart beat so as almost to choke her, and she hardly durst raise her eyes to see if the accustomed figure awaited her. Was it the accustomed figure ? Her eyes dazzled so under her little holland parasol that she could hardly see, and though there was a movement towards her, she felt unable to look up till she heard the words, ' Mary, at last ! ' and felt the clasp of the hand. ' Oh, Frank — I mean ' ' You mean Frank, your own Frank ; nothing else to you.' ' Ought you ? ' And as she murmured she looked up. It was the same, but still a certain change 52 THAT STICK chap. was there, almost indescribable, but still to be felt, as if a line of toil and weariness had passed from the cheek. The quiet gray eyes were brighter and more eager, the bearing as if ten years had been taken from the forty, and though Mary did not perceive the details, the dress showing that his mourning had not come from the country town tailor and outfitter, even the soft hat a very different article from that which was wont to replace the well-cherished tall one of Sunday mornings. ' I had not much time,' he said, ' but I thought this would be of the most use,' and he began clasping on her arm a gold bracelet with a tiny watch on it. ' I thought you would like best to keep our old ring. ' If — if I ought to keep it at all,' she faltered. 'Now, Mary, I will not have an afternoon spoilt by any folly of that sort,' he said. ' Is it folly ? Nay, listen. Should you not get V THE PEER 53 on far far better without such a poor little stupid thing as I am ? ' ' I always thought I was the stupid one.' • You — but you are a man.' ' So much the worse ! ' c Yes ; but, Frank, don't you see what I mean ? This thing has come to you, and you can't help it, and you are descended from these people really ; but it would be choice for me, and I could not bear to feel that you were ashamed of me.' ' Never ! ' he exclaimed. ' Look here, Mary. What should I do without you to come back to and be at rest with ? All the time I was talking to those ladies and going through those fine rooms, I was thinking of the one comfort I should have when I have you all to myself. See,' he added, going over the arguments that he had no doubt prepared, ' it is not as if you were like poor Emma. You are a lady all over, and have always lived with ladies ; 54 THAT STICK chap. and yet you are not too grand for me. Think what you would leave me to — to be wretched by myself, or else I could never be at home with those high-bred folk. I felt it every moment, though Miss Morton was very kind, and even wanted me to call her Birdie. I did feel thankful I could tell her I was engaged.' ' You did ! ' ' Yes ; and she was very kind, and said she was glad of it, and hoped soon to know you.' ' Oh, Frank dear, I am sure no one ever was more really noble -hearted than you,' she almost sobbed ; ' you know how I shall always feel it ; but yet, but yet I can't help thinking you ought to leave it a little more unsettled till you have looked about a little and seen whether I should be a very great disadvantage to you.' ' Seen whether I could find such a dear, unselfish little woman, eh ? No, no, Mary, put all that out V THE PEER 55 of your head. We have not loved one another for twenty years for a trumpery title to come between us now ! And you need not fear being too well off for the position. The agent, Hailes, has been continually apologising to me for the smallness of the means. He says either we must have no house in London, or else let Northmoor. He cannot tell me yet exactly what income we shall have, but the farms don't let well, and there is not much ready money.' ' Every one says you ought to marry a lady of fortune.' ' My dear Mary, to what would you condemn me ? What sort of lady of fortune do you think would take an old stick like me for the sake of being my Lady ? I really shall begin to believe you are tired of it.' ' Stick ! oh no, no. Staff, if ' — and the manner in which she began to cling was answer full and 56 THAT STICK chap. complete ; indeed, as she saw that her resistance had begun to hurt him as much as herself, she felt her- self free to throw herself into the interests, and ask, ' Is Northmoor a very nice place ? ' 'Not so pretty as Cotes Kenton outside. A great white house, with a portico for carriages to drive under, and not kept up very well, patches of plaster coming off; but there is a beautiful view over the woods, with a purple moor beyond.' ' And inside ? ' ' Well, rather dreary, waiting for you to make it homelike. They have not lived there much for some time past. Lady Adela has lived in the Dower House, and will continue there.' ' Did you see much of them ? ' ' Not Lady Adela. Poor lady, she had her own relations with her. She had not by any means recovered the loss of her little boy, and 1 can quite understand that it must have been too trying for V THE PEEE 57 her to see me in his place. I understand from Hailes ' ' Your Mr. Burford,' said Mary, smiling. ' That she is a very refined, rather exclusive and domestic lady, devoted to her little girl, and ex- tremely kind to the poor. Indeed, so is Miss Morton, but she prefers the London poor, and is altogether rather flighty, and what Hailes calls an unconven- tional young lady. There was a very nice lady with her, Mrs. Bury, the daughter of a brother of the late Lord, a widow, and very kind and friendly. Both were very good-natured, Miss Morton always acted hostess, and talked continually.' ' About her father ? ' ' Oh no, I do not think he had been a very affectionate father, and their habits and tastes had been very different. Lady Adela seems to have latterly been more to him. Miss Morton was chiefly concerned to advise me about politics and social 58 THAT STICK chap. questions, and how to deal with the estate and the tenants.' He seemed somewhat to shudder at the recollec- tion, and Mary certainly conceived a dread of the ladies of Northmoor. It was further elicited that he meant to help Mr. Burford through all the work and arrangements consequent on his own succession, indeed, to remain at his post either till a successor was found, or the junior sufficiently indoctrinated to take the place. Of course, as he said, six months' notice was due, but Mr. Burford has waived this. During this time he meant to go to see ' poor Emma ' at Westhaven, but it was not an expedition he seemed much to relish, and he wished to tie for it till he could definitely tell what it would be in his power to do for her and her children, for whose education he was really anxious, rejoicing that they were still young enough to be moulded. Then came the tea at Miss Lang's — a stately v THE PEEE 59 meal, when the two ladies were grand ; Lord North- moor became shy and frozen, monosyllabic, and only spasmodically able to utter ; and Mary felt it in all her nerves and subsided into her smallest self, under the sense that nobody ever would do him justice. CHAPTEE VI THE WEIGHT OF HONOURS The next was a fortnight of strange and new ex- periences. Lord Northmoor spent most of his days over the papers in the office, so much his usual self, that Mr. Burford generally forgot, and called to him as 'Morton' so naturally that after the first the other clerks left off sniggering. There Sir Edward called on him, and in an interview in his sitting-room at the office asked him to a quiet dinner, together with the solicitor ; but this was hardly a success, for Mr. Burford, being at home with the family, did all the talking, and Frank could not but feel in the presence of his master, and CHAP. VI THE WEIGHT OF HONOUES 61 bad not a word to say for himself, especially as George and Freda looked critical, and as if ' That stick ' was in their minds, if not on their lips. The only time when he approached a thaw was when in the hot summer evening Lady Kenton made him her companion in a twilight stroll on the terraces, when he looked at the roses with delight, and volunteered a question about the best sorts, saying that the garden at Northrnoor had been much neglected, and he wanted to have it in good order, ' that is ' — blushing and correcting himself — ' if we can live there.' Lady Kenton noted the 'we' and was sorry to be here interrupted. ' We shall do nothing with him till we get him alone,' she said. 'We must have him apart from Mr. Burford.' Before this, however, they had to meet him at a very splendid party, given with all the resources of the Burford family at their villa, when the county 62 THAT STICK chap. folks, who had no small curiosity to see the new peer, were invited in full force, and the poor peer felt capable of fewer words than ever to throw at them. Lady Kenton ventured on asking Mrs. Burford to introduce her to Miss Marshall, taking such presence for granted. ' Oh, Lady Kenton, really now I did not think that foolish affair should be - encouraged. It is such an unfortunate thing for him ; and as Miss Lang and I agreed, it would be so much better for both of them if it were given up.' ' Is there anything against her ? ' ' Oil no, not at all ; only that, poor thing, she is quite unfitted for the position, and between our- selves, in the condition of the property, it is really incumbent on his Lordship to marry a lady of for- tune. At his age he cannot afford romance,' she added with a laugh, being in fact rather inferior to vi THE WEIGHT OF HONOURS 63 her husband in tone, or perhaps in manners. Indeed, she was of all others the person who most shrivelled up the man whom she had always treated like a poor dependent, till her politeness became still more embarrassing. Among all the party, Sir Edward and Lady Kenton were those with whom he was most nearly at ease, for they had nothing to revoke in their manners towards him, and could, without any change, treat him as an equal whom they respected; nor did they try to force him forward into general conversation — as did his host — with the best intentions. Lady Kenton, under cover of Miss Burford's piano, asked him whether she might call on Miss Marshall, and saw him flush with gratitude and pleasure, as he answered, ' It will be very kind in you.' Lady Kenton knew enough of the ways of the school to understand when to make her visit, so as 64 THAT STICK chap. to have a previous conversation with Miss Lang, whom of course she already knew. That lady received her in one of the drawing-rooms, the folding doors into the other were shut. ' I have told Miss Marshall/ said Miss Lang, ' that the room is always at her service to receive Lord JSTorthmoor, though, in fact, he never comes till after business hours.' ' He is behaving very well.' ' Very honourably indeed ; but poor Miss Marshall is in a very distressing position.' ' Indeed ! Is she not very happy in his con- stancy ? ' ' She is in great doubt and ditliculty,' said Miss Lang, 'and we really hardly know how to advise her. She seems sure of his affection, but she shrinks from entering on a position for which she is so unfit.' ' Is she really unfit ? ' VI THE WEIGHT OF HONOURS 65 Miss Lang hesitated. ' She is a complete lady, and as good and conscientious a creature as ever existed ; but you see, Lady Kenton, her whole life has been spent here, ever since she was sixteen, she has known nothing beyond the schoolroom, and how she is ever to fulfil the duties of a peeress, and the head of a large establishment, I really cannot see. It might be just misery to her, and to him, too.' ' Has she good sense ? ' 'Yes, very fair sense. We can trust to her judgment implicitly in dealing with the girls; and she teaches well, but she is not at all clever, and could never shine.' ' Perhaps a person who wanted to shine might be embarrassing,' said Lady Kenton, rather amused. ' Well, it might be so. The poor man is certainly no star himself, but surely he needs some one who would draw him out, and push him forward, make a way in society, in fact.' VOL. I f 66 THAT. STICK CHAP. ' That might not be for his domestic happi- ness.' 'Perhaps not, but your Ladyship has not seen what a poor little insignificant creature she is — though, indeed, we are both very fond of her, and should be very much relieved not to think we ought to strengthen her scruples. For, indeed,' and tears actually came into the good lady's eyes, ' I am sure that though she would release him for his good, that it would break her heart. Shall I call her ? Ah ! ' as a voice began to become very audible on the other side of the doors, ' she has a visitor.' 'Not Lord Northmoor. It is a woman's voice, and a loud one.' Presently, indeed, there was a tone that made Lady Kenton say, ' People do scent things very fast. It must be some one wanting to apply for patronage.' 'I am a little afraid it is that sister-in-law of his,' said Miss Lang, lowering her voice. ' I saw VI THE WEIGHT OF HONOURS 67 her once at the choral festival — and — and I wasn't delighted.' ' Perhaps I had better come another day,' said Lady Kenton. ' We seem to be almost listening.' Even as the lady was taking her leave, the words were plainly heard — ' Artful, mean-spirited, time-serving viper as you are, bent on dragging him down to destruction ! ' CHAPTEE VII MORTONS AND MANNERS ' Shillyshally/ quoth Mrs. Charles Morton over her brother-in-law's letter. ' Does he think a mother is to be put off like that ? ' So she arrayed herself in panoply of glittering- jet and nodding plumes, and set forth by train to Hurminster to assert her rights, and those of her children, armed with a black sunshade, and three pocket-handkerchiefs. She did not usually wear mourning, but this was an assertion of her nobility. In his sitting-room, wearing his old office coat, pale, wearied, and worried, the Frank Morten, 'who CHAP. VII MORTONS AND MANNERS 69 could be turned round the finger of any one who knew how/ appeared at her summons. She met him with an effusive kiss of congratula- tion. ' Dearest Frank ! No, I must not say Frank ! I could hardly believe my eyes when I read the news.' ' Nor I,' said he. ' Nor the dear children. Oh, if your dear brother were only here ! We are longing to hear all about it,' she said, as she settled herself in the arm-chair, a relic of his mother. He repeated what he had told Mary about the family, the Park, and the London house. ' I suppose there is a fine establishment of ser- vants and carriages ? ' ' The servants are to be paid off. As to the carriages and the rest of the personal property, they go to Miss Morton ; but the executors are arrang- ing about my paying for such furniture as I shall want.' 70 THAT STICK chap. ' And jewels ? ' ' There are some heirlooms, but I have not seen them. How are the children ? ' ' Very well ; very much delighted. Dear Herbert is the noblest boy. He was ready to begin on his navigation studies this next term, but of course there is no occasion for that now.' ' It is a pity, with his taste for the sea, that he is too old to be a naval cadet.' 'The army is a gentleman's profession, if he must have one.' ' I must consider what is best for him.' ' Yes, my Lord,' impressively. ' I am hoping to know what you mean to do for your dear brother's dear orphans,' and her handkerchief went up to her eyes. ' I hope at any rate to give Herbert the education of a gentleman, and to send his sisters to good schools. How are they getting on ? ' VII MORTONS AND MANNERS 71 'Dear Ida, she is that clever and superior that a master in music and French is all she would want. Besides, you know, she is that delicate. Connie is the bookish one ; she is so eager about the examina- tion that she will go on at her school ; though I would have taken her away from such a low place at once.' ' It is a good school, and will have given her a good foundation. I must see what may be best for them.' ' And, of course, you will put us in a situation becoming the family of your dear brother,' she added, with another application of the hand- kerchief. ' I mean to do what I can, you may be sure, but at present it is impossible to name any amount. I neither know what income is coming to me, nor what will be my expenses. I meant to come and see you as soon as there was anything explicit to 72 THAT STICK chap. tell you ; but of course this first year there will be much less in hand than later.' ' Well/ she said, pouting, ' I can put up with something less in the meantime, for of course your poor dear brother's widow and children are your first consideration, and even a nobleman as a bachelor cannot have so many expenses.' ' I shall not long continue a bachelor,' was the answer, given with a sort of shy resolution. ' Now, Lord Northmoor ! You don't mean to say that you intend to go on with that ridiculous affair; when, if you marry at all, it ought to be one who will bring something handsome into the family.' ' Once for all, Emma, I will hear no more on that subject. A twenty years' engagement is not lightly to be broken.' ' A wretched little teacher,' she began, but she was cut short. ' Remember, I will hear no more of this, and ' vii MORTONS AND MANNERS 73 (nothing but despair of other means could have inspired him) ' it is for your own interest to abstain from insulting my future wife and myself by such remonstrances.' Even then she muttered, ' Very hard ! Not even good-looking.' ' That is as one may think,' said he, mentally contrasting the flaunting, hardened complexion be- fore him with the sweet countenance he had never perceived to be pinched or faded; and as he heard something between a scornful sniff and a sob, he added, ' I am wanted in the office, so, if you have no more to say of any consequence, I must leave you, and Hannah shall give you some tea.' ' Oh, oh, that you should leave your poor brother's widow in this way ! ' and she melted into tears and sobs. ' I can't help it, Emma,' he said, distressed and perplexed. ' They want me about some business 74 THAT STICK chap. of Mr. Claughton's, and I can't keep them waiting. These are office hours, you know. Have some tea, and I will come to you again.' But Mrs. Emma swallowed her sobs as soon as he was gone, and instead of waiting for the tea, set forth for Miss Lang's. On asking for Miss Marshall she was shown into the drawing-room, where, after she had waited a few minutes, nursing her wrath to keep it warm, the small figure appeared, whom she had no hesitation in accosting thus — ' Now, Miss Marshall, do I understand that you are resolved to attempt thrusting yourself on his Lordship, Lord Northmoor's family ? ' Mary, entirely taken by surprise, could only falter, ' I can only do whatever he wishes.' ' That is just a mere pretence. I wonder you are not ashamed to play on his honourable feel- ings, when you know everything is changed, and that it is absolutely ridiculous and derogatory for vii MOKTONS AND MANNERS 75 a peer of the realm to stoop to a mere drudge of a teacher.' ' It is,' owned Mary ; but she went back to her formulary, ' it must be as he wishes.' ' If he is infatuated enough to pretend to wish it, I tell you it is your simple duty to refuse him.' Whatever might be Mary's own views of her duty, to have it inculcated in such a manner stirred her whole soul into opposition, which was shown, not in words, but in a tiny curve of the lips, such as infuriated her visitor, so that vulgarity and violence were under no restraint, and whether all self-command was lost in passion, or whether there was an idea that bullying might gain, the day, Mrs. Morton's voice rose into a shrill scream as she denounced the nasty, mean-spirited viper, worming herself The folding doors suddenly opened and in a dignified tone Miss Lang announced, ' Lady 76 THAT STICK chai\ Kenton wishes to be introduced to you, Miss Marshall.' Mary made her little formal bend as well as her trembling limbs would allow her. Her cheeks were hot, her eyes swam, her hand shook as Lady Kenton took it kindly, while Mrs. Morton, too strong in her own convictions to perceive how the land lay, exclaimed, ' Your Ladyship is come for the same purpose as me, to let Miss Marshall know how detrimental and improper it is in her to persist in holding my brother, Lord Northmoor, to the unfortunate engagement she inveigled him into.' To utter this with moderate coolness cost such an effort that she thought Mr. Eollstone could not have done it better, and was astonished when Lady Kenton replied, ' Indeed, I came to have the pleasure of congratulating Miss Marshall on, if it be not impertinent to say so, a beautiful and rare per- severance and constancy being rewarded.' vii MORTONS AND MANNERS M ' As if she had not known what she was about,' muttered Mrs. Morton, not even yet quite con- founded, but as she saw the lady lay another hand over that of still trembling Mary, she added, ' Well, if that is the case, my lady, and she is to be encour- aged in her obstinacy, I have no more to say, except that it is a cruel shame on his poor dear brother's children, that — that he has made so much of, and have the best right ' and she began to sob again. 'Come,' said Miss Lang, as if talking to a naughty girl, 'if you are overcome like that, you had better come away.' Wherewith authoritative habits made it possible to her to get Mrs. Morton out of the room ; while Mary, well used to self-restraint, was struggling with choking tears, but when warm-hearted Lady Kenton drew her close and kissed her, they began to flow uncontrollably, so that she could only gasp, ' Oh, I beg your pardon, my lady ! ' 78 THAT STICK chap. ' Never mind,' was the answer ; ' I don't wonder ! There's no word for that language but brutal.' ' Oh, don't,' was Mary's cry. ' She is his, Lord Northmoor's sister-in-law, and he has done every- thing for her ever since his brother's death.' ' That is no reason she should speak to you in that way. I must ask you to excuse me, but we could not help hearing, she was so loud, and then I felt impelled to break in.' ' It was very very kind ! But oh, I wish I knew whether she is not in the right after all ! ' ' I am sure Lord Northmoor is deeply attached — quite in earnest,' said Lady Kenton, feeling rather as if she was taking a liberty. ' Yes, I know it would grieve him most dread- fully, if it came to an end now, dear fellow. I know it would break my heart, too, but never mind that, I would go away, out of his reach, and he might get over it. Would it not be better than his vil MORTONS AND MANNERS 79 being always ashamed of an inferior, incompetent creature, always dragging after him ? ' ' I do not think you can be either, after what my daughter and Miss Lang have told me.' 'You see, it is not even as if I had been a governess in a private family, I have always been here. I know nothing about servants, or great houses, or society, not so much as our least little girl, who has a home.' 'May I tell you what I think, my clear,' said Lady Kenton, greatly touched. ' You have nothing to unlearn, and there is nothing needful to the position but what any person of moderate ability and good sense can acquire, and I am quite sure that Lord Nbrthmoor would be far less happy without you, even in the long-run, besides the distress you would cause him now. It is not a brilliant, showy person that he needs, but one to understand and make him a real home.' 80 THAT STICK chap, vn ' That is what he is always telling me,' said Mary, somewhat cheered. ' Yes, and he could not help showing where his heart is,' said the lady. ' Now the holidays are near, are they not ? ' 'The 11th of July.' ' Then, if you have no other plans, will you come and stay with me ? We are very quiet people, but you would have an opportunity of understanding something of the kind of life.' ' Oh, how very kind of you ! Nobody has been so good to me.' 'I think I can help you in some of the diffi- culties if you will let me,' said Lady Kenton, quite convinced herself, and leaving a much happier woman than she had found. CHAPTER VIII SECOND THOUGHTS Though Miss Lang was shocked and indignant at Mrs. Morton's violence, she was a wise woman, and felt that it would be better tact not to let such a person depart without an attempt at pacification ; so she did her best at dignified soothing, and listened to a good deal of grumbling and lamenta- tion. She contrived, however, to give the impression that as things stood, Mrs. Morton would be far wiser to make no more resistance, but to consult family peace by accepting Miss Marshall, who, she assured the visitor, was a very kind and excellent person, not VOL. I G 82 THAT STICK chap. likely to influence Lord Northmoor against his own family, except on great provocation. Mrs. Morton actually yielded so far as to declare she had only spoken for her dear brother-in-law's own good, and that since he was so infatuated, she supposed, for her dear children's sake, she must endure it. Having no desire to encounter him again, she went off by the next train, leaving a message that she had had tea at Miss Lang's. She related at home to her expectant daughter that Lord Northmoor had grown ' that high and stuck-up, there was no speaking to him, and that there Miss Marshall was an artful puss, as knew how to play her cards and get in with the quality.' ' I wish you had taken me, ma,' said Ida, ' I should have known what to say to them.' ' I can't tell, child, you might only have made it worse. I see how it is now, and we must be mum, or it may be the worse for us. He says he will do VIII SECOND THOUGHTS 83 what he can for us, but I know what that means. She will hold the purse-strings, and make him meaner than he is already. He will never know how to spend his fortune now he has got it ! If your poor, dear pa had only been alive now, he would never have let you be wronged.' ' But you gave it to them ? ' cried Ida. 'That I did! Only that lady, Lady Kenton, came in all stuck-up and haughty, and cut me short, interfering as she had no business to, or I would have brought Miss Mary to her marrow -bones. She hadn't a word to say for herself, but now she has got those fine folks on her side, the thing will go on as sure as fate. However, I've done my dooty, that's one comfort; and now, I suppose I shall have to patch it up as best I can.' ' I wouldn't ! ' said Ida hotly. ' Ah, Ida, my dear, you don't know what a mother won't do for her children.' 84 THAT STICK CHAP. A sigh that was often reiterated as Mrs. Morton composed a letter to her brother-in-law, with some hints from Ida on the spelling, and some from Mr. Eollstone on the address. The upshot was that her dear brother and his fiancic were to believe her actuated by the purest sense of the duty and anxiety she owed to them and her dear children, the orphans of his dear deceased brother. Now that she had once expressed herself, she trusted to her dear Frank's affectionate nature to bury all in oblivion, and to believe that she should be ready to welcome her new sister-in-law with the warmest affection. Therewith followed a request for five pounds, to pay for her mourning and darling Ida's, which they had felt due to him ! Lord Northmoor did not quite see how it was due to him, nor did he intend to give whatever his dear sister-in-law might demand, but she had made him so angry that he felt that he must prove his viii SECOND THOUGHTS 85 forgiveness to himself. Mary had not thought it needful to describe the force of the attack upon herself, or perhaps his pardon might not have gone so far. He sent the note, and added that as he "was wanted at Northmoor for a day or two, he would take his nephew Herbert with him. This was something like, as Mrs. Morton said, a kind of tangible acknowledgment of their relation- ship and of Herbert as his heir, and it was a magnificent thing to tell all her acquaintances that her son was gone to the family seat with his uncle, Lord ISTorthmoor. She would fain have obtained for him some instructions in the manners of the upper ten thousand from Mr. Eollstone, but Herbert entirely repudiated listening to that old fogey, observing that after all it was only old Frank, and lie wasn't going to bother himself for the like of him. The uncle was fond of his brother's boy, and 86 THAT STICK chap. had devised this plan partly for the sake of the pleasure it would give, and partly because it was impossible to form any judgment of his character while with the mother. He was a fine, well-grown, manly boy, and when seen among his companions, had an indefinable air of good blood about him. He had hitherto been at a good clay-school which prepared boys for the merchant service, and his tastes were so much in the direction of the sea, that it was much to be regretted that at fourteen and a half it was useless to think of preparation for a naval cacletship. He was sent up by train to join his uncle at Hurminster, and the first question after the greeting was, ' I say, uncle, shan't you have a yacht ? ' ' I could not afford it, if I wished it,' was the answer, while Punch was handed over to him, and Lord Northmoor applied himself to a long blue letter. VIII SECOND THOUGHTS 87 ' Landlubber ! ' sighed Herbert to himself, with true marine contempt for a man who had sat on an office-stool all his life. ' He doesn't look a bit more of a swell than he used to. It is well there's some one with some pluck in the family.' CHAPTEE IX THE HEIR-PRESUMPTUOUS Herbert began to be impressed when, on the train arriving at a little country station, a servant in mourning, with finger to his hat, inquired after his Lordship's luggage, and another was seen presiding over a coroneted brougham. 'I say,' he breathed forth, when they were shut in, ' is this yours ? ' ' It is Miss Morton's, I believe, at present. I am to arrange whether to keep it or not.' They were driving over an open heath in its summer carpet-like state of purple heather, dwarf gorse, and bracken. Lord Northmoor looked out, CHAP, ix THE HEIK-PRESUMPTUOUS 89 with thoughtfulness in his face. By and by there was a gate, a lodge, a curtseying woman, and as they passed it, he said, ' Now, this is Northmoor.' ' Yours, uncle ? ' 'Yes.' ' My ! ' was all Herbert could utter. It seemed to his town-bred eyes a huge space before they reached, through some rather scanty plantations, another lodge, and a park, not very extensive, but with a few fine trees, and they thundered up beneath the pillars to what was, to his idea, a palace — with servants standing about in a great hall. His uncle would have turned one way, but a servant said, ' Miss Morton is in the morning-room, my Lord,' and ushered them into a room where a lady in black came forward. ' You did not expect to find me here still,' she said cordially ; ' but Adela is gone to her brother's, 90 THAT STICK CHAP. and I thought I had better stay for the division of — of the things.' 'Oh, certainly — I am — glad/ he stammered, with a blush as one not quite sure of the correctness of the proceeding. ' I wouldn't have intruded ' ' Bosh ! I'm the intruder. Letitia Bury is gone — alas — but,' said she, laughing, 'Hailes is here — staying,' she added to relieve him and to lessen the confusion that amused her, ' and I see you have a companion. Your nephew ? ' ' Yes, Herbert, my late brother's son. I would not have brought him if I had known.' ' A cousin,' she said, smiling, and shaking hands with him. ' Boys are my delight. This is quite a new experience.' Herbert looked up surprised, not much liking to become an experience. He had had less intercourse with ladies than many boys of humbler pretensions, for his mother had always scouted the idea of send- IX THE HEIR-PRESUMPTUOUS 91 ing her children to a Sunday-school, and she was neither like his mother's friends nor his preconceived notions. ' There ! for want of an introduction, I must introduce myself. Your cousin Bertha, or Birdie, whichever you like best.' Frank was by no means prepared to say even Bertha, and was in agonies lest Herbert should presume on the liberty given him ; but if the boy had been in the palace of Truth, he would have said, ' You old girl, you are awfully old to call your- self Birdie ! ' For Birdie had been a pet name of Rose Rollstone ; and Bertha Morton, though slim and curly-headed, had a worn look about her eyes, and a countenance such as to show her five-and- thirty years, and to the eyes of fourteen was almost antediluvian; indeed, older observers might detect a worn, haggard, strained look. He was somewhat disgusted, too, at the thin rolls of bread-and-butter on the low table, whence she proceeded to hand tea- 92 THAT STICK CHAP. cups, as he thought of the substantial meals at home. When they had been conducted to their rooms, and his uncle followed to his, he broke out with his perpetual, ' I say, uncle, is this all the grub great swells have ? I'm awfully peckish ! ' ' That's early tea, my boy/ was the answer, with a smile. ' There's dinner to come, and I hope you will behave yourself well, and not use such expressions.' ' Dinner ! that's not such a bad hearing, but I suppose one must eat it like a judge ? ' ' Certainly ; I am afraid I am not a very good model, but don't you do anything you don't see me do. And, Herbert, don't take wine every time the servants offer it.' At which Herbert made a face. ' Have you got any evening shoes ? No ! If I had only known that the lady was here ! It can't be helped to-day, only wasli your face and hands well ; there's some hot water.' IX THE HEIR-PRESUMPTUOUS 93 'Why, they ain't dirty,' said the boy, surveying thein as one to whom the remains of a journey were mere trifles, then, with a sigh, ' It's no end of a place, but you swells have a lot of bores, and no mistake !' Upstairs Herbert roamed about studying with great curiosity the appliances of the first bed- chamber he had ever beheld beyond the degree of his mother's ' first floor,' but downstairs, he was in the mood of the savage, too proud to show wonder or admiration or the sense of awe with which he was inspired by being waited on by the very marrow of Mr. Bollstone, always such grand company at home. This daunted him far more than the pres- ence of the lady, and though his was a spirit not easily daunted, he almost blushed when that person- age peremptorily resisted his endeavour to present the wrong glass for champagne, which fortunately he disliked too much at the first taste to make an- other attempt. Lord Northmoor, for the first time 94 THAT STICK CHAP. at the foot of his own table, was on thorns all the time, lest he should see his nephew commit some indiscretion, and left most of the conversation to Miss Morton and Mr. Hailes, the solicitor, a fine- looking old gentleman, who was almost fatherly to her, very civil to him, but who cast somewhat critical eyes on the cub who might have to be licked into a shape befitting the heir. They tried to keep their host in the conversation, but without much success, though he listened as it drifted into immediate interests and affairs of the neighbourhood, and made response, as best he could, to the explanations which, like well-bred people, they from time to time directed to him. He thus learnt that Lady Adela with her little Amice had been carried off ' by main force,' Bertha said, ' by her brother. But she will come back again.' she added. ' She is devoted to the place and her graves — and the poor people.' ix THE HEIR-PRESUMPTUOUS 95 ' I do not know what they would do without her,' said Mr. Hailes. 'No. She is lady-of-all-work and Pro-parson- ess — with all her might ' ; then seeing, or thinking she saw, a puzzled look, she added, ' I don't know if you discovered, ISTorthmoor, that our Vicar, Mr. Woodman, has no wife, and Adela has supplied the lack to the parish, having a soul for country poor, whereas they are too tame for me. I care about my neighbours, of course, after a sort, but the jolly city sparrows of the slums for me ! I long to be away.' What to say to this Lord Northmoor knew as little as did his nephew, and with some difficulty he managed to utter, ' Are not they very uncivilised ? ' ' That's the beauty of it,' said Bertha ; ' I've spotted my own special preserve of match- girls, newsboys, etc., and Mr. Hailes is going to help me to get a scrumptious little house, whence I can get 96 THAT STICK chap. to it by underground rail. Oh, you may shake your head, Mr. Hailes, but if you will not help me, I shall set my unassisted genius to work, and you'll only suffer agonies in thinking of the muddle I may be making.' ' What does Lady Adela say ? ' asked Mr. Hailes. ' She thinks me old enough to take care of myself, whatever you do, Mr. Hailes ; besides, she knows I can come up to breathe ! I long for it ! ' The dinner ended by Bertha rising, and propos- ing to Herbert to come with her. It was not too dark, she said, to look out into the Park and see the rabbits scudding about. ' Ah ! ' said Mr. Hailes, shaking his head as they went, ' the rabbits ought not to be so near, but there has been sad neglect since poor Mr. Morton's death.' It was much easier to get on in a tete-a-tete, and before long Mr. Hailes had heard some of the per- plexities about Herbert, the foremost of which was IX THE HEIR-PRESUMPTUOUS 97 how to make him presentable for ladies' society in the evening. If Miss Morton's presence had been anticipated, either his uncle would not have brought him, or would have fitted him out beforehand, for though he looked fit for the fields and woods in male company, evening costume had not yet dawned on his imagination. Mr. Hailes recommended send- ing him in the morning to the town at Colbeam, under charge of the butler, Prowse — who would rather enjoy the commission, and was quite capable of keeping up any needed authority. For the future training, the more important matter on which he was next consulted, Mr. Hailes mentioned the name of a private tutor, who was likely to be able to deal with the boy better under present circumstances than a public school could do — since at Herbert's age, his ignorance of the classics on the one hand, and of gentlemanly habits on the other, would tell too much against him. VOL. I h 98 THAT STICK chap. ' But/ said Mr. Hailes, ' Miss Morton will be a very good adviser to you on that head/ ' She is very good - natured to him/ said Frank. ' No one living has a better heart than Miss Morton/ said Mr. Hailes heartily ; ' a little eccentric, owing to — to circumstances. She has had her troubles, poor dear ; but she has as good a heart as ever was, as you will find, my Lord, in all arrange- ments with her.' Nevertheless, Lord Northmoor's feelings towards her might be startled the next morning, when he descended to the dining-room. A screen cut off the door, and as he was coming round it, followed by his nephew, Bertha's clear voice was heard saying, 'Yes, he is inoffensive, but he is a stick. There's no denying it, Mr. Hailes, he is a dreadful stick.' Frank was too far advanced to retire, before the meaning dawned on him, partly through a little ix THE HEIR-PRESUMPTUOUS 99 explosion of Herbert behind him, and partly from the guilty consternation and colour with which the other two turned round from the erection of plants among which they were standing. Yet it was the shy man who spoke first in the predicament, like a timid creature driven to bay. ' Yes, Miss Morton, I know it is too true ; no one is more sensible of it than myself. I can only hope to do my best, such as it is.' ' Oh, Northmoor, it was very horrid and un- guarded in me, and I can only be sorry and beg your pardon,' and while she laughed and held out her hand, there was a dew in her eyes. ' Truths do not need pardon,' he said, as he gave a cousinly grasp, ' and I think you will try kindly to excuse my deficiencies and disadvan- tages.' There was a certain dignity in his tone, and Bertha said heartily — 100 THAT STICK chap. ' Thank you. It is all right in essentials, and chatter is of very little consequence. Now come and have some breakfast.' They got on together far better after that, and began to feel like relations, before Herbert was sent off with Mr. Prowse to Colbeam. Indeed, through- out the transactions that followed, Bertha showed herself far less devoted to her own interests than to what might be called the honour of the family. Her father's will had been made in haste, after the death of his little grandson, and was as concise as possible, her influence having told upon it. Know- ing that the new heir would have nothing to begin with, and aware that if he inherited merely the title, house, and land, he would be in great straits, the old Lord had bequeathed to him nearly what would have been left to the grandson, a fair propor- tion of the money in the funds and bank, and all the furniture and appurtenances of ISTorthmoor ix THE HEIR-PRESUMPTUOUS 101 House, excepting such articles as Bertha and Lady Adela might select, each up to a certain value. Lady Adela's had been few, and already chosen, and Bertha's were manifestly only matters of per- sonal belonging, and not up altogether to the amount named ; so as to avoid stripping the place, which, at the best, was only splendid in utterly unaccustomed eyes. Horses and carriages had to be bought of her, and it was she who told him what was absolutely necessary, and fixed the price as low as she could, so as not to make them a gift. And he was not so ignorant in this matter as she had expected — for the old habits of his boyhood served him, he could ride well, and his scruples at Miss Morton's estimate proved that he knew a horse when he saw it — as she said. She would, perhaps, have liked him better if he had been a dissipated horsey man like his father. He would have given her sensations — and on his side, considering the 102 THAT STICK CHAP. reputation of the family, he was surprised at her eager, almost passionate desire to be rid of the valuable horses and equipages as soon as possible. When, in the afternoon, she went out of doors to refresh herself with a solitary ramble in the Park after her morning of business, she heard an alter- cation, and presently encountered a keeper, dragging after him a trespasser, in whom, to her amazement, she recognised Herbert Morton, at the same moment as he exclaimed : ' Cousin Bertha ! Miss Look at this impudent fellow, though I told him I was Lord Northmoor's own nephew.' ' And I told him, ma'am,' said the keeper, touch- ing his hat, ' that if he was ten nephews I wouldn't have him throwing stones at my pheasants, nor his Lordship wouldn't neither, and then he sauced me, and I said I would see what his Lordship said to that.' ' You must excuse him this time, Best,' said Miss Morton; 'he is a town -bred boy, and knows no ix THE HEIK-PRESUMPTUOUS 103 better, and you had better not worry his Lordship about it.' ' Very well, Miss Morton, if it is your pleasure, but them pheasants are my province, and I must do my dooty.' ' Of course, quite right, Best.' she answered ; ' but my cousin here did not understand, and you must make allowance for him.' Best touched his hat again, and went off with an undercurrent of growl. ' Oh, Herbert, this is a pity ! ' Miss Morton exclaimed. ' Cheeky chap ! ' said Herbert sulkily. ' What business had he to meddle with me ? A great big- wild bird gets up with no end of a row, and I did nothing but shy a stone, and out comes this fellow at me in a regular wax, and didn't care half a farthing when I told him who I was. I fancy he did not believe me.' 104 THAT STICK chap. ' I don't wonder/ said Bertha ; ' you have yet to learn that in the eyes of any gentleman, nothing is much more sacred than a pheasant.' * I never meant to hurt the thing, only one just chucks a stone,' muttered Herbert, abashed, but still defensive and offended. ' I thought my uncle would teach the rascal how to speak to me.' ' I'll tell you what, Herbert, if you take that line with good old servants, who are only doing their duty, you won't have a happy time of it here. I suppose you wish to take your place as a gentleman. Well, the greatest sign of a gentleman is to be courteous and well-behaved to all about him.' ' He wasn't courteous or well-behaved to me.' { No, because you did not show yourself such a gentleman as he has been used to. If you acted like a tramp or a poacher, no wonder he thought you one ' ; then, after a pause, ' You will find that much of your pleasure in sport depends on the ix THE HEIR-PRESUMPTUOUS 105 keepers, and that it would be a great disadvantage to be on bad terms with them, so I strongly advise you, on every account, to treat them with civility, and put out of your head that there is any dignity in being rude.' Herbert liked Miss Morton, and had been im- pressed as well as kindly treated by her, and though he sulked now, there was an after-effect. CHAPTEE X COMING HONOUES With great trepidation did Mary Marshall set forth on her visit to Coles Kenton. She had made up her mind — and a determined mind it could be on occasion — that on it should turn her final accept- ance of her twenty years' lover. Utterly inexperienced as she was, even in domestic, not to say high life, she had perhaps an exaggerated idea, alike of its requirements and of her own deficiencies ; and she was resolved to use her own judgment, according to her personal ex- perience, whether she should be hindrance or help to him whom she loved too truly and unselfishly to allow herself to be made the former. chap, x COMING HONOURS 107 She was glad that for the first few days she should not see him, and should thus be less distracted and biassed, but it was with a sinking heart that she heard that Lady Kenton had called to take her up in the carriage. Grateful as she was for the kindness, which saved her the dreariness of a solitary arrival, she was a strange mixture of resolution and self - distrust, of moral courage and timidity, as had been shown by her withstanding all Miss Lang's endeavours to make her improve her dress beyond what was absolutely necessary for the visit, lest it should be presuming on the future. Lady Kenton had a manner such as to smooth away shyness, and, with tact that perceived with what kind of nature she had to deal, managed to make the tea-table serve only as a renewal of acquaintance with Frederica, and an introduction to Sir Edward, after which Mary was taken to the schoolroom and made known to the governess, a 108 THAT STICK chap. kindly, sensible woman, who, according to previous arrangement, made the visitor free of her domains as a refuge. The prettiness and luxury of the guest-chamber was quite a shock, and Mary would rather have faced a dozen naughty girls than have taken Sir Edward's arm to go in to dinner. However, her hostess had decided on a quiet course of treatment such as not to frighten this pupil, and it had been agreed only to take enough notice of her to prevent her from feeling herself neglected, until she should begin to be more at ease. ISTor was it long before a certain sparkle in the brown eyes showed that she was amused by, and appreciative of, the family talk. It was true, as Lady Kenton had told her, that she had nothing to unlearn, all she wanted was confidence, experience, and ease, and in so humble, gentle, and refined a nature as hers, the acquisition of these could not lead to the disclosure of anything x COMING HONOURS 109 undesirable. So, after the first day of novelty, when she had learnt the hours, could distinguish between the young people, knew her way about the house so as to be secure of not opening the wrong doors, and when she had learnt where and when she would be welcome and even helpful, she began to enjoy her- self and the life, the beauty, and the leisure. She made friends heartily with the governess, fraternised with Freda, taught the younger girls new games, could hold a sort of conversation with Sir Edward, became less afraid of George, and daily had more of filial devotion to Lady Kenton. The books on the tables were a real delight and pleasure to her, when she found that it was not ill-mannered to sit down and read in the forenoon, and the discus- sion of them was a great help in what Freda called teaching her to talk. Visitors were very gradually brought upon her, a gentleman or two at first, who knew nothing about her, perhaps thought her the 110 THAT STICK chap. governess and merely bowed to her. There was only onereal contretemps, when some guests, who lived rather beyond the neighbourhood, arrived for afternoon tea, and, moreover, full of curiosity about Lord Northmoor. Was it true that he was an attorney's clerk, and was not he going to marry a very inferior person ? ' Certainly not,' said Lady Kenton. ' He is engaged to my friend, Miss Marshall.' The said Miss Marshall was handing the sugar, while Freda was pouring out the tea. She had been named on the ladies' entrance, and the colour rose to her eyes but she said nothing, while there was a confusion of, ' I beg pardon. I understand.' ' Report makes a good many mistakes,' said Lady Kenton coolly. 'Mary, my dear, you have given me no sugar. It was the first time of calling her by her Chris- tian name, and done for the sake of making the equal intimacy apparent. In fact, Mary was behaving x COMING HONOURS 111 herself better than the visitors, as Lady Kenton absolutely told her when a sort of titter was heard in the hall, where they were expressing to Freda their horror at the scrape, and extorting that Miss Marshall was really a governess. ' But quite a lady,' said Freda stoutly, ' and we are all as fond of her as possible.' It showed how much progress she had made that even this shock did not set her to express any more faint-hearted doubts, and, when Lord Northmoor arrived the next day, the involuntary radiance on both their faces was token enough that they were all the world to each other. Mary allowed herself to venture on getting Lady Kenton's counsel on the duties of household headship that would fall on her ; and instead of being terrified at the great garden- party and dinner-party to be held at Coles Kenton, eagerly availed herself of instruction in the details of their management. She had accepted her fate, 112 THAT STICK chap. and when the two were seen moving about among the people of the party they neither of them looked incongruous with the county aristocracy. Quiet, retiring, and insignificant they might be, but there was nothing to remark by the most curious eyes of those who knew they were to see the new peer and his destined bride; in fact, as George and Freda privately remarked, they were just the people that nobody ever would see at all, unless they were set up upon a pedestal. Mary still feebly suggested, when the marriage was spoken of, that it might be wiser for Frank to wait a year, get over his first expenses and feel his way; but he would not hear of her going back to her work, and pleaded his solitude so piteously that she could not but consent to let it take place as soon as possible. They would fain have kept it as private as possible, but their good friends were of opinion that it was necessary to give them a start with some x COMING HONOURS 113 Mat, and insisted that it should take place with all due honours at Coles Kenton, where Mary was treated like a favoured niece, and assisted with counsel on her trousseau. The savings she had made during the long years of her engagement were enough to fit her out sufficiently to feel that she was hringing her own wardrohe, and Lady Kenton actually went to London with her to superintend the outlay. ' Whom would they like to have asked to the wedding ? ' the lady inquired, herself naming the Langs and Burfords. ' Of course,' she added, smiling, ' Freda and Alice will be only too happy to be bridesmaids. Have you any one whom you would wish to ask ? Your old scholars perhaps.' ' I think,' said Mary, hesitating, ' that one reason why we think we ought to decline your kindness was — about his relations.' Lady Kenton had given full license to the pro- VOL. I I 114 THAT STICK CHAP. priety of calling him Frank with intimate friends, but Mary always had a shyness about it. ' Indeed, I should make no question about ask- ing them, if I had not doubted whether, after what passed ' ' That is all forgotten,' said Mary gently. 'I have had quite a nice letter since, and ' ' Of course they must be asked,' said Lady Kenton; 'I should have proposed it before, but for that scene.' ' That is nothing,' said Mary ; ' the doubt is whether, considering the style of people, it would not be better for us to manage it otherwise, and not let you be troubled.' ' Oh, that's nothing ! On such an occasion there's no fear of their not behaving like the rest of the world. There are girls, I think ; they should be bridesmaids.' This very real kindness overcame all scruples, X COMING HONOUES 115 and indeed a great deal might be forgiven to Miss Marshall in consideration of the glory of telling all Westhaven of the invitation to be present at ' my brother Lord Northrnoor's wedding, at Sir Edward Kenton's, Baronet.' He gave the dresses, not only the bridesmaids' white and cerise (Freda's choice), but the chocolate moire which for a minute Mrs. Morton fancied ' the little spiteful cat ' had chosen on purpose to suppress her, till assured by all qualified beholders, especially Mrs. Eollstone and a dressmaker friend, that in nothing else would she have looked so entirely quite the lady. And Lady Kenton's augury was fulfilled. The whole family were subdued enough by their surround- ings to comport themselves quite well enough to pass muster. CHAPTEE XI POSSESSION So Francis Morton, Baron Northnioor of Northmoor, and Mary Marshall, daughter of the late Eeverend John Marshall, were man and wife at last. Their honeymoon was ideally happy. It fulfilled a dream of their life, when Frank used, in the holidays spent by Mary with his mother, to read aloud the Waverley novels, and they had calculated, almost as an impossible castle in the air, the possibility, of visiting the localities. And now they went, as assuredly they had never thought of going, and not much impeded by the greatness that had been thrust on them. The good-natured Kentons had chap, xi POSSESSION 117 dispensed his Lordship from the encumbrance of a valet, and though my Lady could not well be allowed to go maidless, Lady Kenton had found a sensible, friendly person for her, of whom she soon ceased to be afraid, and thus felt the advantage of being able to attend to her husband instead of her luggage. Tourists might look and laugh at their simple delight as at that of a pair of unsophisticated cockneys. This did not trouble them, as they trod what was to them classic ground, tried in vain the impossible feat of ' seeing Melrose aright,' but re- velled in what they did see, stood with bated breath at Dryburgh by the Minstrel's tomb, and tracked his magic spells from the Tweed even to Staffa, feeling the full delight for the first time of mount- ain, sea, and loch. Their enjoyment was perhaps even greater than that of boy and girl, for it was the reaction of chastened lives and hearts ' at leisure 118 THAT STICK chap. from themselves/ nor were spirit and vigour too much spent for enterprise. They tasted to the full every innocent charm that came in their way, and, above all, the bliss of being together in the perfect sympathy that had been the growth of so many years. Their maid, Harte, might well confide to her congeners that though my lord and my lady were the oldest couple she had known, they were the most attached, in a quiet way. They were loth to end this state of felicity before taking their new cares upon them, and were glad that the arrangements of the executors made it desirable that they should not take possession till October, when they left behind them the gorgeous autumn beauty of the western coast and journeyed southwards. The bells were rung, the gates thrown wide open, and lights flashed iu the windows as Lord and Lady xi POSSESSION 119 Northmoor drove up to their home, but it was in the dark, and there was no demonstrative welcome, the indoor servants were all new, the cook-house- keeper hired by Lady Kenton's assistance, and the rest of the maids chosen by her, the butler and his subordinate acquired in like manner. It was a little dreary. The rooms looked large and empty. Miss Morton's belongings had been just what gave a homelike air to the place, and when these were gone, even the big fires could not greatly cheer the huge spaces. However, these two months had accustomed the new arrivals to their titles, and likewise to being waited upon, and they were less at a loss than they would have been previously, though to Mary especially it was hard to realise that it was her own house, and that she need ask no one's leave. Also that it was not a duty to sit with a fire. She could not well have done so, considering how many were doing their best to 120 THAT STICK chap. enliven the house, and finally she spent the evening in the library, not a very inviting room in itself, but which the late lord had inhabited, and where the present one had already held business interviews. It was, of course, lined with the standard books of the last generation, and Mary, who had heard of many, but never had access to them, flitted over them while her husband opened the letters he had found awaiting him. To her, what some one has called the ' tea, tobacco, and snuff ' of an old library where the books are chiefly viewed as appropriate furniture, were all delightful dis- coveries. Even to ' Hume's History of England — nine volumes ! I did not know it was so lone ! Our first class had the Student's Hume. Is there much difference ? ' 'Eather to the Student's advantage, I believe. Half these letters, at least, are mere solicitations for custom ! And advertisements ! ' xi POSSESSION 121 ' How the books stick together ! I wonder when they were opened last ! ' ' Never, I suspect/ said he. ' I do not imagine the Mortons were much disposed to read.' 1 Well, they have left us a delightful store ! What's this ? Smollett's Don Quixote. I always wanted to know about that. Is it not something about giants and windmills ? Have you read it ? ' ' I once read an odd volume. He was half mad, and too good for this world, and thought he was living in a romance. I will read you some bits. You would not like it all.' ' Oh, I do hope you will have time to read to me ! Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. All these volumes ! They are quite damp. You have read it ? ' ' Yes, and I wish I could remember all those Emperors. I must put aside this letter for Hailes — it is a man applying for a house.' 122 THAT STICK chap. ' How strange it sounds ! Look, here is such an immense Shakespeare ! Oh ! full of engravings,' as she fell upon Boydell's Shakespeare — another name reverenced, though she only knew a few selected plays, prepared for elocution exercises. Her husband, having had access to the Institute Library, and spent many evenings over books, was better read than she, whose knowledge went no farther than that of the highest class, but who knew all very accurately that she did know, and was intelligent enough to find in those shelves a delight- ful promise of pasture. He was by this time sighing over requests for subscriptions. ' Such numbers ! Such good purposes ! But how can I give ? ' ' Cannot you give at least a guinea ? ' asked Mary, after hearing some. ' I do not know whether in this position a small sum in the list is not more disadvantageous than xi POSSESSION 123 nothing at all. Besides, I know nothing of the real merits. I must ask Hailes. Ah ! and here is Emma, I thought that she would be a little impatient. She says she shall let her house for the winter, and thinks of going to London or to Brighton, where she may have masters for the girls.' ' Oh, I thought you meant them to go to a good school ? ' ' So I do, if I can get Emma's consent ; but I doubt her choosing to part with Ida. She wants to come here.' ' I suppose we ought to have her ? ' ' Yes, but not immediately. I do not mean to neglect her — at least, I do hope to do all that is right ; but I think you ought to have a fair start here before she comes, so that we will invite her for Christmas, and then we can arrange about Ida and Constance.' 124 THAT STICK chap. ' Dear little Connie, I hope she is as nice a little girl as she used to be ! ' ' With good training, I think, she will be ; and the tutor gives me good accounts of Herbert in this letter.' ' Shall we have him here on Sunday week ? ' ' Yes, I am very anxious to see him. I hope his master gives him more religious instruction than he has ever had, poor boy ! ' Though not brilliant or playful, Lord and Lady Northmoor had, it may be perceived, no lack of good sense in their strange new surroundings. It was hard not to feel like guests on sufferance, and next morning, a Sunday, was wet. However, under their waterproofs and umbrellas trudging along, they felt once more, as Mary said, like themselves, as if they had escaped from their keepers. Nobody on the way had the least idea who the two cloaked figures were, and when they crept into the seat nearest the xi POSSESSION 125 door they were summarily ejected by a fat, red- faced man, who growled audibly, ' You've no busi- ness in my pew ! ' However, with the words, ' Beg your pardon,' they stepped out with a little amusement in their eyes, when a spruce young woman sprang up from the opposite pew, with a scandalised whisper — ' Mr. Euddiman, it's his Lordship ! Allow me, my Lord — your own seat ' And she marshalled them up to the choir, followed closely by Mr. Euddiman, ruddier than ever, and butcher all over, in a perfect agony of apology, which Lord Northmoor in vain endeavoured to suppress or silence, till, when the guide had pointed to a handsome heavy carved seat with elaborate cushions, he gave a final gasp of, 'You'll not remember it in the custom, my Lord,' and departed, leaving his Lordship almost equally scarlet with annoyance at the place and time of 126 THAT STICK chap. the demonstration, though, happily, the clergyman had not yet appeared, in his long and much- tumbled surplice. It was a case of a partial restoration of a church in the dawn of such doings, when the horsebox was removed, but the great family could not be routed out of the chancel, so there were the seats, where the choir ought to have sat, beneath a very ugly east window, bedecked with the Morton arms. In the other division of the seat was a pale lady in black, with a little girl, Lady Adela Morton, no doubt, and opposite were the servants, and the school children sat crowded on the steps. It was not such a service as had been the custom of the Hurminster churches ; and the singing, such as it was, depended on the thin shrill voices of the children, assisted by Lady Adela and the mistress ; the sermon was dull and long, and altogether there was something disheartening about the whole. xi POSSESSION 127 Lady Aclela had a gentle, sweet countenance and a simple devout manner ; but it was disappointing that she did not attempt to address the newcomers, though they passed her just outside the churchyard, talking to an old man. Lady Kenton would surely have welcomed them. CHAPTER XII THE BURTHEN OF HONOURS A fearful affair to the new possessors of Northmoor was the matter of morning calls. The first that befell them, as in duty bound, was that from the Vicar. They were peaceably writing their letters in the library, and hoping soon to go out to explore the Park, when Mr. Woodman was announced, and was found a lonely black speck in the big dreary drawing-room, a very state room, indeed, which nobody had ever willingly inhabited. The Vicar was accustomed to be overridden ; he was an elderly widower, left solitary in his old age, and of depressed spirits and manner. However, Frank had been used chap, xii THE BURTHEN OF HONOURS 129 to intercourse with clergy, though his relations with them seemed reversed, and instead of being patron- ised, he had to take the initiative ; or rather, they touched each other's cold, shy, limp hands, and sat upright in their chairs, and observed upon the appropriate topic of early frosts, which really seemed to be affecting themselves. There was a little thaw when Lord Northmoor asked about the population, larger, alas, than the congregation might have seemed to show, and Mary asked if there were much poverty, and was answered that there was much suffering in the winter, there was not much done for the poor except by Lady Adela. ' You must tell us how we can assist in any way.' The poor man began to brighten. ' It will be a great comfort to have some interest in the welfare of the parish taken here, my Lord. The influence hitherto has not been fortunate. Miss Morton, VOL. i K 130 THAT STICK chap. indeed — latterly — but, poor thing, if I may be allowed to say so, she is flighty — and uncertain — no wonder ' At that moment Lady Adela was ushered in, and the Vicar looked as if caught in talking treason, while a fresh nip of frost descended on the party. Not that the lady was by any means on stiff terms with the Vicar, whom, indeed, she daily con- sulted on parochial subjects, and she had the gracious, hereditary courtesy of high breeding ; but she always averred that this same drawing-room chilled her, and she was fully persuaded that any advance towards familiarity would lead to something ob- noxious on the part of the newcomers, so that the proper relations between herself and them could only be preserved by a judicious entrenchment of courtesy. Still, it was more the manner of the Vicar than of herself that gave the impression of her beincj a formidable autocrat. After the frost xii THE BURTHEN OF HONOURS 131 had been again languidly discussed, Mr. Woodman faltered out, 'His Lordship was asking — was so good as to ask — how to assist in the parish.' Lady Adela knew how scarce money must be, so she hesitated to mention subscriptions, and only said, ' Thank you — very kind.' ' Is there any one I could read to ? ' ventured Mary. ' Have you been used to the kind of thing ? ' asked Lady Adela, not unkindly, but in a doubting tone. ' No, I never could before ; but I do wish to try to do something.' The earnest humility of the tone was touching, the Vicar and the autocrat looked at one another, and the former suggested, ' Old Swan ! ' ' Yes,' said Lady Adela, ' old Swan lives out at Linghill, which is not above half a mile from this house, but too far off for me to visit constantly. I 132 THAT STICK CHAP. shall be very much obliged if you can undertake the cottages there.' 'Thank you/ said Mary, as heartily as if she were receiving a commission from the Bishop of the diocese. 'Did not Miss Morton mention something about a boys' class ? ' said Frank. ' I have been accus- tomed to a Sunday school.' Mr. Woodman betrayed as much surprise as if he had said he was accustomed to a coal mine ; and Lady Adela observed graciously, ' Most of them have gone into service this Michaelmas ; but no doubt it will be a relief to Mr. Woodman if you find time to undertake them.' This was the gist of the first two morning calls, and there were many more such periods of penance, for the bride and bridegroom were not modern enough in their notions to sit up to await their visitors, and thankful they were to those who would xii THE BURTHEN OF HONOURS 133 be at the expense of finding conversation, though this was not always the case ; for much of the neighbourhood was of a description to be awed by the mere fact of a great house, and to take the shy- ness of titled people for pride. Those with whom they prospered best were a good-natured, merry old dowager duchess, with whom they felt themselves in the altitude to which they were accustomed at Hurminster ; a loud-voiced, eager old squire, who was bent on being Lord Northmoor's guide and prompter in county business ; also an eager, gushing lady, the echoes of whose communications made Frank remark, after her departure, ' We must beware of encouraging gossip about the former family.' ' Oh, I wish I had the power of setting people down when they say what is undesirable, like Miss Lang, or Lady Adela ! ' sighed Mary. ' Try to think of them like your school girls,' he said. 134 THAT STICK chap, xii The returning of the calls was like continually pulling the string of a shower-bath, and glad were the sighs when people proved to be not at home ; but on the whole, being entertained was not half so formidable as entertaining, and a bride was not expected to do more than sit in her white silk, beside the host. But the return parties were an incubus on their minds. Only they were not to be till after Christmas. CHAPTER XIII THE DOWER HOUSE Over the hearth of the drawing-room of the Dower House, in the sociable twilight that had descended on the afternoon tea-table, sat three ladies — for Lady Adela and Miss Morton had just welcomed Mrs. Bury, who, though she had her headquarters in London, generally spent her time in visits to her married daughters or expeditions abroad. Amice had just exhibited her doll, Elmira's last acquisition, a little chest of drawers, made of match- boxes and buttons, that Constance Morton had taught her to make, and then she had gone off to put the said Elmira and her companions to bed, 136 THAT STICK CHAP. after giving it as her grave opinion that Lady North - moor was a great acquisition. ' Do you think so ? ' said Mrs. Bury, after the laugh at the sedate expression. ' She is very kind to Amice, and I do not think she will do her any harm/ said Lady Adela. ' Governessing was her metier,' added Bertha, ' so it is not likely.' 'And how does it turn out ? ' ' Oh, it might be a good deal worse. I see no reason for not living on here.' ' And you, Birdie ? ' ' No, I couldn't ! I've been burning to get away these seven years, and as Northmoor actually seems capable of taking my boys, my last tie is gone. I'm only afraid he'll bore them with too much Sabbatarianism and temperance ! He is just the cut of the model Sabbath-school teacher, onlv he vexes Addie's soul by dashes of the Ritualist.' xin THE DOWER HOUSE 137 ' Well/ said Mrs. Bury, ' the excellent Mr. Wood- man is capable of improvement.' ' But how ? ' said Lady Adela. ' Narrow ritualism without knowledge or principle is a thing to be deprecated.' ' Is it without knowledge or principle ? ' ' How should an attorney's clerk get either ? ' 'But I understand you that they are worthy people, and not obnoxious.' ' Worthy ! ' exclaimed Bertha. ' Yes, worthy to their stiff backbones, worthy to the point of utter dulness ; they haven't got enough vulgarity even to drop their h's or be any way entertaining. I should like them ever so much better if they ate with their knives and drank out of their saucers, but she can't even mispronounce a French word worse than most English people.' ' No pretension even ? ' ' Oh no ; if there were, one could get some fun 138 THAT STICK chap. out of it. I have heard of bearing honours meekly, but they don't even do that, they just let them hang on them, like the stick and stock they are. If I were Addie, it would be the deadly liveliness that would drive me away.' ' Nay,' said Adela ; ' one grows to be content with mere negations, if they are nothing worse. I could be driven away, or at least find it an effort to remain, if Lady Northmoor were like her sister-in- law.' ' Ah, now, that's just what would make it toler- able to me. I could get a rise or two out of that Mrs. Morton. I did get her to be confidential and to tell me how much better the honours would have sat upon her dear husband. I believe she thinks that if he were alive he would have shared them like the Spartan kings. She wishes that " her brother, Lord Northmoor" (you should hear the tone), " were more worldly, and she begs me to impress on xni THE DOWER HOUSE 139 him the duty of doing everything for her dear Her- bert, who, in the nature of things, must be the heir to the peerage.'" ' I am sure I hope not,' said Lady Adela. ' He is an insufferable boy. The people about the place can't endure him. He is quite insolent.' 'The animal, man, when in certain stages of development, has a peculiar tendency to be un- pleasant,' observed Bertha philosophically. ' To my mind, Master Herbert is the most promising of the specimens.' ' Birdie ! He is much worse than his uncle.' 'Promising, I said, not performing. Whatever promise there may have been in Northmoor must have been nipped upon the top of a high stool, but if he has sense enough to put that boy into good hands he may come to something. I like him enough myself to feel half inclined to do what I can towards licking him into shape, for the honour of 140 THAT STICK CHAP. the family ! It is that girl Ida that riles me most.' ' Yes/ said Lady Adela, ' she behaved fairly well in company, but I saw her tittering and whispering with Emily Trotman in a tone that I thought very bad for Emily.' ' She's spoilt ; her mother worships her,' said Bertha. ' I had a pleasing confidence or two about how she is already admired, or, as Mrs. Morton calls it, how the gentlemen are after her ; but now she shall not put up with anything but a real gentleman, and of course her uncle will do something handsome for her.' ' Poor man ! I wish him joy. Has he more belongings ? ' ' Providentially, no. We have the honour of standing nearest to him, and she seems to have none at all, unless they should be attracted by the scent.' xiii THE DOWER HOUSE 141 'That is not likely,' said Lady Adela ; 'she was a clergy orphan, and never heard of any relations.' ' Then you really know no harm of them, in these four or five months ? ' said Mrs. Bury. ' No ; except having these relations,' said Adela. ' Except being just sensible enough not to afford even the pleasure of laughing at them,' said Bertha. ' Nay, just worthy enough ' — she said it spitefully — ' not even to give the relief of a good grumble.' ' Well, I think you may be thankful ! ' ' Exactly what one doesn't want to be ! ' said Bertha. ' I like sensations. Now Letitia is going to come down with a prediction that they are to become the blessings of our lives, so I am off ! ' And as the door closed on her, Lady Adela sighed, and Mrs. Bury said — ' Poor Birdie ; is she always in that tone ? ' 'Yes,' said Lady Adela; 'there seems to be 142 THAT STICK chap. always a bitter spot in her heart. I am glad she should try to work it out.' ' I suppose living here with her father tended to brooding. Yet she has always done a good deal.' ' Not up to her powers. Lord Northmoor never ceased to think her a mere girl, and obstructed her a good deal ; besides, all his interest being in horses, she never could get rid of the subject, and wounds were continually coming back on us — on her.' ' On you as w T ell, poor Addie.' ' He did not understand. Besides, to me these things were not the raw scene they were to her. It has been a very sad time for her. You see, there is not much natural softness in her, and she was driven into roughness and impatience when he worried her over racing details and other things. And then she was hurt at his preferring to have me with him. It lias been very good and generous in her not to have been jealous of me.' XIII THE DOWEK HOUSE 143 ' I think she was glad he could find comfort in you. And you have never heard of Captain Alder?' ' Never ! In justice, and for the sake of dear Arthur's wishes, I should be glad to explain ; but I wonder whether, as she is now, it would be well that they should meet.' 'If it is so ordained, I suppose they will. What's that ? ' It was Lord and Lady Northmoor, formally an- nounced, and as formally introduced, to Mrs. Bury. They had come, the lady said, when they were seated, with a message from ' Old Swan,' to ask for a bit of my lady's plaster for his back to ease his rheumatism at night. His daughter was only just come in from work, so they had ventured to bring the message. ' Is any one coming for it ? ' ' I said we would bring it back,' replied Mary, ' if you would kindly let us have it.' IU THAT STICK chap. ' Why, it is a mile out of your way ! ' ' It is moonlight, and we do so enjoy a walk together,' she answered. 'Well, Adela,' said Mrs. Bury, when they were gone with the roll of plaster, 'I agree that they might be worse — and by a great deal ! ' ' Did he speak all the time ? ' ' Yes, once. But there are worse faults than silence; and she seems a bonny little woman. Honeymooning still — that moonlight walk too.' ' I can fancy that it is a treat to escape from Mrs. Morton. She is depths below them in refine- ment ! ' ' On the whole, I think you may be thankful, Adela.' ' I hope I am. I believe you would soon be intimate with them ; but then you always could get on with all sorts of people, and I have a shrink- ing from getting under the surface — if I could.' xni THE DOWER HOUSE 145 And indeed, further intercourse, though not without shocks and casualties, made Mary North - moor wish that Letitia Bury had been the per- manent inhabitant ; above all, when she undertook to come and give her counsel and support for that first tremendous undertaking — the dinner-party. Lady Kenton was equally helpful at their next; and Sir Edward gave much good advice to his lord- ship as to not letting himself be made the tool of the loud-voiced squire, who was anxious to be his guide, philosopher, and friend in county business — advice that made Frank's heart sink, for thus far he felt only capable of sitting still and listening. VOL. I CHAPTEK XIV WESTHAVEN VERSIONS OF HONOURS 1 Thank you, a bit of partridge, Mr. Kollstone, if you please.' 'Excuse me, Mrs. Grover. This is a grouse from Lord Northnioor's own moors, I presume,' replied Mr. Eollstone, to the tune of a peal of laughter from Herbert and exclamation — 'Not know a grouse !' — for which Ida frowned at him. ' Yes, indeed,' said his mother ; ' we had so much game up at my brother's, Lord North - moor's, that I shall quite miss it now I am come away.' ' Flimsy sort of grub ! ' growled an old skipper. CHAP, xiv WESTHAVEN VERSIONS OF HONOURS 147 ' Only fit for this sort of a tea — not to make a real meal on, fit for " a man " ! ' The young folk laughed. Captain Purely was only invited as a messmate of Mrs. Morton's father. ■ You'll excuse this being only a tea,' went on Mrs. Morton. ' I hope to have a dinner in some- thing more of style if ever I return here, but I could not attempt it with my present establishment after what we have got accustomed to. Why, we never sat down to dinner without two men- servants ! ' ' Only two ? ' said Mr. Eollstone. ' I have never been without three men under me ; and I always had two to wait, even when the lady dined alone.' Mrs. Grover, who had been impressed for a moment, took courage to say — ' I don't think so much of your grouse, Mrs. Morton. It's tasty and 'igh.' 148 THAT STICK chap. ' High game goes with high families/ wickedly murmured Herbert, causing much tittering at his corner of the table ; and this grew almost convulsive, while another matron of the party- observed — ' Mrs. Macdonald, Mr. Holt's sister in Scotland, once sent us some, and really, Mrs. Morton, if you boil them down, they are almost as good as a pat-ridge ! ' ' Oh, really now, Mrs. Holt ! I hope you didn't tell Mrs. Macdonald so ! ' said Mrs. Morton. ' It is a real valuable article, such as my brother, Lord Northmoor, would only send to us, and one or two old friends that he wishes to compliment at Hur- minster. But one must be used to high society to know how such things should be relished ! ' ' Are Lord Northmoor's moors extensive ? ' asked Mr. Iiollstone. ' There's about four or five miles of them,' re- sponded Herbert ; ■ and these grouse are awfully shy.' xiv WESTHAVEN VERSIONS OF HONOURS 149 ' Ah, the Earl of Blackwing owns full twenty miles of heather,' said the ex-butler. ' Barren stuff ! ' growled the skipper ; ' breeding nothing worth setting one's teeth into ! ' 'There are seven farms besides,' put in Mrs. Morton. ' My brother is going to have an audit- clay next week.' 'You should have seen the Earl's audits,' said Mr. Eollstone. ' Five-and-twenty substantial tenant- farmers, besides artisans, and all the family plate on the sideboard ! ' ' Ah, you should see the Northmoor plate ! ' said Mrs. Morton. ' There are racing cups, four of them — not that any one could drink out of them, for they are just centre-pieces for the table. There's a man in armour galloping off headlong with a girl behind him ■ Who did your uncle say it was, Conny ? ' ' The Templar and Eowena, mamma,' said Con- stance. 150 THAT STICK CHAP. 'Yes, that was the best — all frosted. I liked that better than the one where the girl with no clothes to speak of was running like mad after a golden ball. They said that was an heirloom, worth five hundred ' ' Lord Burnside's yachting cups are valued at five thousand,' said Mr. Eollstone. ' I should know, for I had the care of them, and it was a respon- sibility as weighed on my mind.' So whatever Mrs. Morton described as to the dignities and splendours of Northmoor, Mr. Eollstone continued to cap with more magnificent experiences, so that, though he never pretended to view himself in the light of a participator in the grandeur he described, he continued, quite unintentionally, so to depreciate the glories of Northmoor, that Mrs. Morton began to recollect how far above him her sphere had become, and to decide against his future admission to her parties. XIV WESTHAVEN VEKSIONS OF HONOUKS 151 The young ladies, as soon as tea was over, retired into corners in pairs, having on their side much to communicate. Eose Eollstone was at home for a holiday, after having begun to work at an establish- ment for art and ecclesiastical needlework, and it was no small treat to her and Constance to meet and compare their new experiences. Eose, always well brought up by her father, was in a situation carefully trained by a lady head, and watched over by those who deepened and cultivated her religious feeling; and Constance had to tell of the new facilities of education offered to them. Ida was too delicate for school, their mother said, and was only to have music lessons at Brighton, or in London whenever the present house could be parted with ; but Herbert had already begun to work with a tutor for the army, and Constance was to go to the High School at Colbeam and spend her Sundays at North- moor, where a prettily-furnished room was set apart 152 THAT STICK chap. for her. She described it with so much zest that Eose was seized with a sort of alarm. ' You will live there like all the lords and ladies that papa talks of, and grow worldly and fashionable.' 'Oh no, no,' cried Constance, and there was a girlish kissing match, but Eose seemed to think worldliness inevitable. ' The Earl my papa lived with used to bet and gamble, and come home dreadfully late at night, and so did my lady and her daughters, and their poor maid had to sit up for them till four o'clock in the morning. Then their bills ! They never told his lordship, but they sold their diamonds and wore paste. His lordship did not know, but their maid did, and told papa.' Constance opened her eyes and declared that Uncle Frank and Aunt Mary never could do such things. Moreover, she averred that Lady Adela was always going about among the cottages, and xiv WESTHAVEN VERSIONS OF HONOURS 153 that Miss Morton had not a bit of pride, and was going to live in London to teach the dust-pickers and match-box makers. ' Indeed, I don't think they are half as worldly in themselves,' she said, ' as Ida is growing with thinking about them.' ' Ah, don't you remember the sermon that said worldliness didn't depend on what one has, but what one is ? ' ' Talking of nothing better than sermons ! ' said Herbert, coming on them. ' Have you caught it of the governor, Con ? I believe he thinks of nothing but sermons.' And Constance exclaimed, 'I am sure he doesn't preach ! ' ' Oh no, nothing comes out of his mouth that he can help ; trust him for that.' ' Then how do you know ? ' ' By the stodgy look of him. He would be the awfullest of prosers if he had the gift of the gab.' 154 THAT STICK chap. ' You are an ungrateful boy,' said Eose. ' I am sure he must be very kind to you.' ' Can't help it,' said Herbert. ' The old fellow would be well enough if he had any go in him.' ' I am sure he took you out hunting,' exclaimed Constance indignantly, 'the day they took us to the meet. And he leapt all the ditches when you ' He broke in, ' Well, what was I to do when I've never had the chance to learn to sit a horse ? You'll see next winter.' 1 Did you hurt yourself ? ' asked Eose, rather mischievously. To which Herbert turned a deaf ear and began to expatiate upon the game of ISTorthmoor, till other sounds led him away to fall upon the other tete-d-tete between Ida and Sibyl Grover. In Ida's mind the honours of ISTorthmoor were dearly purchased by the dulness and strictness of the life there. ' My uncle was as cross as two sticks if ever XIV WESTHAVEN VERSIONS OF HONOURS 155 Herbert or I were too late for prayers, and lie said it was nonsense of Herbert to say that kneeling at church spoilt his trousers — kneeling just like a school child ! It made me so faint ! ' ' And it looks so ! ' ' I tried, because Lady Adela and Miss Bertha and all do,' said Ida, ' and they looked at me ! But it made me faint, as I knew it would,' and she put her head on one side. ' Poor dear ! So they were so very religious ! Did that spoil it all ? ' ' Well, we had pretty things off the Christmas- tree, and we lived quite as ladies, and drove out in the carriage.' • No parties nor dances ? Or were they too religious ? ' ' Ma says it is their meanness ; but my aunt, Lady Northmoor, did say perhaps it would be livelier another year, and then we should have had some 156 THAT STICK chap.' dancing and deportment lessons. I up and told her I could dance fast enough now, but she said it would not be becoming or right to Lady Adela's and Miss Morton's feelings.' ' Do they live there ? ' ' Not in the house. Lady Adela has a cottage of her own, and Miss Morton stops with her. Lady Adela is as high and stand-offish as the monument,' said Ida, pausing for a comparison. ' High and haughty,' said Sibyl, impressed. ' And the other lady ? ' ' Oh, she is much more good-natured. We call her Bertha; at least, she told us that we might call her anything but that horrid Cousin Bertha, as she said. But she's old, thirty-six years old, and not a bit pretty, and she says such odd things, one doesn't know what to do. She thought I made myself useful and could wash and iron,' said Ida, as if this were the greatest possible insult, in which Sibyl acquiesced. kiv WESTHAVEN VERSIONS OF HONOURS 157 ' And she thought I should know the factory girls, just the hands/ added Ida, greatly disgusted. 'As if I should ! But ma says low tastes are in the family, for she is going to live in London, and go and sit with the shop-girls in the evening. Still I like her better than Lady Adela, who keeps her- self to herself. Mamma says it is pride and spite that her plain little sickly girl hasn't come to be my Lady.' ' What, doesn't she speak to them ? ' said Sibyl, quite excited. ' Oh yes, she calls, and shakes hands, and all that, but one never seems to get on with her. And Emily Trotman, she's the doctor's daughter, such a darling, told me such a history — so interesting ! ' ' Tell me, Ida, there's a dear.' ' She says they were all frightfully dissipated ' (Ida said it quite with a relish) — ' the old Lord and Mr. Morton, Lady Adela's husband, you know, and 158 THAT STICK CHAP. Miss Bertha — always racing and hunting and gamb- ling and in debt. Then there came a Captain Alder, who was ever so much in love with Miss Bertha, but most awfully in debt to her brother, and very passionate besides. So he took him out in his dogcart with a fiery horse that was sure to run away.' ' Who did ? ' ' Captain Alder took Mr. Morton, though they begged and prayed him not, and the horse ran away and Mr. Morton was thrown out and killed.' ' Oh ! ' with extreme zest. ' On purpose ? ' ' Miss Bertha was sure it was, so that she might have all the fortune, and so she told him, and flung the betrothal ring in his face, and he went right off, and never has been heard of since.' ' Well, that is interesting. Do you think he shot himself ? ' ' No, he was too mean. Most likely he married xiv WESTHAVEN VEKSIONS OF HONOURS 159 a hideous millionaire : but the Mortons were always dreadful, and did all sorts of wicked things.' 'I declare it's as good as any tale — like the sweet one in the Young Ladies' Friend now — " The Pride of Pedro." Have you seen it ? ' 'No, indeed, uncle and aunt only have great old stupid books ! They wanted rue to read those horrid tiresome things of Scott's, and Dickens's too, who is as old as the hills ! Why, they could not think of anything better to do on their wedding tour but to go to all the places in the Waverley novels.' 1 Why, they are as bad as history ! Jim brought one home once, and pa wanted me to read it, but I could not get on with it — all about a stupid king of France. I'm sure if I married a lord I'd make him do something nicer.' ' I mean ma to do something more jolly,' said Ida, ' when we get more money, and I am come out. 1G0 THAT STICK CHAP. I mean to go to balls and tennis parties, and I shall be sure to marry a lord at some of them.' ' And you will take me,' cried Sibyl. ' Only you must be very genteel,' said Ida. ' Try to learn style, do, dear. It must be learnt young, you know ! Why, there's Aunt Mary, when she has got ever so beautiful a satin dress on, she does not look half so stylish as Lady Adela walking up the road in an old felt hat and a shep- herd's-plaid waterproof! But they all do dress so as I should be ashamed. Only think what a scrape that got Herbert into. He was coming back one Saturday from his tutor's, and he saw walking up to the house an awfully seedy figure of fun, in an old old ulster, and such a hat as you never saw, with a knapsack on her back, and a portfolio under her arm. So of course he thought it was a tranip with something to sell, and he holloaed out, " You'd better come out of this ! We want none of your xiv WESTHAVEN VEKSIONS OF HONOUKS 161 sort." She just turned round and laughed, which put him in such a rage, that though she began to speak he didn't wait, but told her to have done with her sauce, or he would call the keepers. He thinks she said, " You'd better," and I believe he did move his stick a little.' ' Ida, have done with that ! ' cried Herbert's voice close to her. ' Hold your tongue, or I'll ' and his hand was near her hair. ' Oh, don't, don't, Herbert. Let me hear,' cried Sibyl. ' That's the way girls go on,' said Herbert fiercely, ' with their nonsense and stuff.' ' But who ? ' ' If you go on, Ida ' he was clutching her braid. Sibyl sprang to the defence, and there was a general struggle and romp interspersed with screams, which was summarily stopped by Mr. Eollstone ex- vol. i m 162 THAT STICK chap. plaining severely, ' If you think that is the deport- ment of the aristocracy, Miss Ida, you are much mistaken.' ' Bother the aristocracy ! ' broke out Herbert. Calm was restored by a summons to a round game, but Sibyl's curiosity was of course insatiable, and as she sat next to Herbert, she employed various blandishments and sympathetic whispers, and after a great deal of fuss, and ' What will you give me if I tell ? ' to extract the end of the story, ' Did he call the keeper ? ' ' Oh yes, the old beast ! His name's Best, but it ought to be Beast ! He guffawed ever so much worse than she did ! ' ' Well, but who was it ? ' And after he had tried to make her guess, and teased his fill, he owned, ' Mrs. Bury — a sort of cousin, staying with Lady Adela. She isn't half a bad old party, but she makes a guy of herself, and xiv WESTIIAVEN VERSIONS OF HONOURS 163 goes about sketching and painting like a blessed old dra win g-master. ' ' A lady ? and not a young lady.' 'Not' as old as — as Methuselah, or old Eolypoly there, but I believe she's a grandmother. If she'd been a boy, we should have been cut out of it. Oh yes, she's a lady — a born Morton ; and when it was over she was very jolly about it — no harm done — bears no malice, only Ida makes such an absurd work about every little trifle.' CHAPTER XV THE PIED ROOK Constance Morton was leaning on the rail that divided the gardens at Northmoor from the park, which was still rough and heathery. Of all the Morton family, perhaps she was the one who had the most profited by the three years that had passed since her uncle's accession to the title. She had been at a good boarding-house, attending the High School in Colbeam, and spending Saturday and Sunday at Northmoor. It had been a happy life, she liked her studies, made friends with her com- panions, and enjoyed to the very utmost all that Northmoor gave her, in country beauty and liberty, chap, xv THE PIED ROOK 165 in the kindness of her uncle and aunt, and in the religious training that they were able to give her, satisfying longings of her soul, so that she loved them with all her heart, and felt Northmoor her Lrue home. The holiday time at Westhaven was always a trial. Mrs. Morton had tried Brighton and London, but neither place agreed with Ida : and she found herself a much greater personage in her own world than elsewhere, and besides could not always find tenants for her house. So there she lived at her ease, called by many of her neighbours the Honourable Mrs. Morton, and finding listeners to her alternate accounts of the grandeur of North- moor, and murmurs at the meanness of its master in only allowing her £300 a year, besides educating her children, and clothing two of them. Ida considered herself to be quite sufficiently educated, and so she was for the society in which she was, or thought herself, a star, chiefly consisting 166 THAT STICK chap. of the families of the shipowners, coalowners, and the like. She was pretty, with a hectic prettiness of bright eyes and cheeks, and had a fallowing of the young men of the place ; and though she always tried to enforce that to receive attentions from a smart young mate, a clerk in an office, a doctor's assistant, or the like, was a great condescension on her part, she enjoyed them all the more. Learning new songs for their benefit, together with extensive novel reading, were her chief employments, and it was the greater pity because her health was not strong. She dreamt much in a languid way, and had imagination enough to work these tales into her visions of life. Her temper suffered, and Constance found the atmosphere less and less congenial as she grew older and more accustomed to a different life. She was a gentle, ladylike girl, with her brown hair still on her shoulders, as on that summer Saturday she stood looking along the path, but xv THE PIED ROOK 167 with her ears listening for sounds from the house, and an anxious expression on her young face. Presently she started at the sound of a gun, which caused a mighty cawing among the rooks in the trees on the slopes, and a circling of the black creatures in the sky. A whistling then was heard, and her brother Herbert came in sight in a few minutes more, a fine tall youth of sixteen, with quite the air and carriage of a gentleman. He had a gun on his shoulder, and carried by the claws the body of a rook with white wings. ' Oh, Herbert,' cried Constance in dismay, ' did you shoot that by mistake ? ' ' No ; Stanhope would not believe there was such a crittur, and betted half a sov that it was a cram.' ' But how could you ? Our uncle and aunt thought so much of that poor dear Whitewing, and Best was told to take care of it. They will be so vexed.' 168 THAT STICK chap. ' Nonsense ! He'll come to more honour stuffed than ever he would flying and howling up there. When I've shown him to Stanhope, I shall make that old fellow at Colbeam come down handsomely for him. What a row those birds kick up ! I'll send my other barrel among them.' ' Oh no, don't, Bertie. Uncle Frank has one of his dreadful headaches to-day.' ' Seems to me he is made of headaches.' ' Yes, Aunt Mary is very anxious. Oh, I would have done anything that you had not vexed them now and killed this poor dear pretty thing ! ' said Constance, stroking down the glossy feathers of the still warm victim, and laying them against her cheek, almost tearfully. ' Well, you are not going to tell them. Perhaps they won't miss it. I would not have done it if Stanhope had not been such a beast,' said Herbert. ' I shall not tell them, of course,' said Constance ; xv THE PIED ROOK 169 ' but, if I were you, I should not be happy till they knew.' ' Oh, that's only girl's way ! I can't have the old Stick upset now, for I'm in horrid want of tin.' ' Oh, Bertie, was it true then ? ' ' What, you don't mean that they have heard ? ' ' That you were out at those Colbeam races ! ' ' To be sure I was, with Stanhope and Hailes and a lot more. We all went except the little kids and Sisson, who is in regular training for as great a muff as the governor there. Who told him ? ' ' Mr. Hailes, who is very much concerned about his grandson.' ' Old sneak ; I wonder how he ferreted it out. Is there no end of a jaw coming, Con ? ' ' I don't know. Uncle Frank seemed quite knocked down and wretched over it. He said some- thing about feeling hopeless, and the old blood coming out to be your ruin.' 170 THAT STICK chap. ' Of course it's the old blood ! How did he miss it, and turn into the intolerable old dry fogey that he is, without a notion of anything fit for a gentleman ? ' ' Now, Herbert ' ' Oh yes. You should just hear what the other fellows say about him. Their mothers and their sisters say there is not so stupid a place in the county, he hasn't a word to say for himself, and they would just as soon go to Portland at once as to a party here.' ' Then it is a great shame ! I am sure Aunt Mary works hard to make it pleasant for them ! ' 1 Oh yes, good soul, she does, she can't help it ; but when people have stuck in the mud all their lives, they can't know any better, and it is abomin- ably hard on a fellow who does, to be under a man who has been an office cad all his life, and doesn't know what is expected of a gentleman ! Screwing us all up like beggars ' xv THE PIED ROOK 171 ' Herbert, for shame ! for shame ! As if he was obliged to do anything at all for us ! ' ' Oh, isn't he ? A pretty row my mother would kick up about his ears if he did not, when I must come after him at this place, too ! ' ' 1 think you are very ungrateful,' said Constance, with tears, : when they are so good to us.' ' Oh, they are as kind as they know how, but they don't know. That's the thing, or old Frank would be ashamed to give me such a dirty little allowance. He has only himself to thank if I have to come upon him for more. Found out about the Blackbird colt, has he ? What a bore ! And tin I must have out of him by hook or by crook if he cuts up ever so rough. I must send off this bird first by the post to confute Stanhope and make him eat dirt, and then see what's to be done.' ' Indeed, Bertie, I don't think you will see him 172 THAT STICK chap. to-night. His head is dreadful, and Aunt Mary lias sent for Mr. Trotman.' ' Whew ! You have not got anything worth having, I suppose, Conny ? ' 1 Only fifteen shillings. I meant it for But you shall have it, dear Bertie, if it will only save worrying them.' ' Fifteen bob ! Fifteen farthings you might as well offer. No, no, you soft little monkey, I must see what is to be made of him or her ladyship, one or the other, to-day or to-morrow. If they know I have been at the place it is half the battle. Consequence was ! Provided they don't smell out this unlucky pie- bald ! I wish Stanhope hadn't been such a beast ! ' At that moment, too late to avoid her, Lady Nbrthmoor, pale and anxious, came up the path and was upon them. ' Your uncle is asleep,' she began, but then, starting, ' Oh, Conny. Poor White- wing. Did you find him ? ' XV THE PIED ROOK 173 Constance hung her head and did not speak. Then her aunt saw how it was. ' Herbert ! you must have shot him by mistake ; your uncle will be so grieved.' Herbert was not base enough to let this pass. He muttered, ' A fellow would not take my word for it, so I had to show him.' She looked at him very sadly. ' Oh, Herbert, I did not think you would have made that a reason for vexing your uncle ! ' The boy was more than half sorry under those gentle eyes. He muttered something about ' didn't think he would care.' She shook her head, instead of saying that she knew this was not the truth ; and unable to bear the sting, he flung away from her, carrying the rook with him, and kicking the pebbles, trying to be angry instead of sorry. And just then came a summons to Lady Northmoor to see the doctor. 174 THAT STICK CHAP. Yet Herbert Morton was a better boy than he seemed at that moment ; his errors were chiefly caused by understanding noblesse oblige in a different way from his uncle. Moreover, it would have been better for him if his tutor had lived beyond the neighbourhood of Northmoor, where he heard, losing nothing in the telling, the remarks of the other pupils' mothers upon his uncle and aunt ; more especially as it was not generally the highest order of boy that was to be found there. If he had heard what the fathers said, lie would have learnt that though shy and devoid of small talk, and of the art of putting guests together, Lord Northmoor was trusted and esteemed. He might perhaps be too easily talked down ; he could not argue, and often gave way to the noisy Squire ; but he was certain in due time to see the rights of a question, and he attended thoroughly to the numerous tasks of an active and useful county man, taking all the xv THE PIED ROOK 175 drudgery that others shirked. While, if by severe stress he were driven to public speaking, he could acquit himself far better than any one had expected. The Bishop and the Chairman of the Quarter Sessions alike set him down on their committees, not only for his rank, but for his industry and steadiness of work. Nor had any one breathed any imputation upon the possession of what used to be known as gentility, before that good word was degraded, to mean something more like what Mrs. Morton aspired to. Lord and Lady Northmoor might not be lively, nor a great accession to society, but the anticipations of either amusement or annoy- ance from vulgarity or arrogance were entirely disappointed. No one could call them underbred, or anything but an ingrain gentleman and lady, while there were a few who could uphold Lady Northmoor as thoroughly kind, sweet, sensible, and helpful to her utmost in all that was good. 176 THAT STICK chap, xv All this, however, was achieved not only un- consciously but with severe labour by a man whose powers could only act slowly, and who was not to the manner born. Conscientiousness is a costly thing, and Strafford's watchword is not to be adopted for nothing. The balance of duties, the perplexities of managing an impoverished and in- volved estate, the disappointment of being unable to carry out the responsibilities of a landlord towards neglected cottagers, the incapacity of doing what would have been desirable for the Church, and the worry and harass that his sister-in-law did not spare, all told as his office work had never done, and in spite of cpiiiet, happy hours with his Mary, and her devoted and efficient aid whenever it was possible, a course of disabling neuralgic head- aches had set in, and a general derangement of health, which had become alarming, and called for immediate remedy. CHAPTEK XVI WHAT IS EEST? Best, there is nothing for it but immediate rest and warm baths,' said Lady Northmoor to Constance, who was waiting anxiously for the doctor's verdict some hours later. ' It is only being overdone — no, my dear, there is nothing really to fear, if we can only keep business and letters out of his way for a few weeks, my dear child.' For Constance, who had been dreadfully frightened by the sight of the physician's carriage, which seemed to her inexperienced eyes the omen of something terrible, fairly burst into tears of relief. ' Oh, I am so glad ! ' she said, as caresses passed VOL. I N 178 THAT STICK chap. — which might have been those of mother and daughter for heartfelt sympathy and affection. 1 You will miss your Saturdays and Sundays, my dear,' continued the aunt, ' for we shall have to go abroad, so as to be quite out of the way of every- thing.' ' Never mind that, dear aunt, if only Uncle Frank is better. Will it be long ? ' ' 1 cannot tell. He says six weeks, Dr. Smith says three months. It is to be bracing air — Switzerland, most likely.' ' Oh, how delightful ! How you will en- joy it ! ' ' It has always been a dream, and it is strange now to feel so downhearted about it,' said her aunt, smiling. ' Uncle Frank is sure to be better there,' said Constance. 'Only think of the snowy mount- ains — xvi WHAT IS REST ? 179 Mont Blanc is the monarch of mountains ; They crown' d him long ago On a throne of rocks, in a robe of clouds, "With a diadem of snow.' And the girl's eyes brightened with an enthusiasm that the elder woman felt for a moment, nor did either of them feel the verse hackneyed. 'Ah, I wish we could take you, my dear,' said Lady Northinoor ; then, ' Do you know where Herbert is ? ' ' No,' said Constance. ' Oh, aunt, I am so sorry ! I don't think he would have done it if the other boys had not teased him.' ' Perhaps not ; but, indeed, I am grieved, not only on the poor rook's account, but that he should have the heart to vex your uncle just now. How- ever, perhaps he did not understand how ill he has been all this week. And I am afraid that young Stanhope is not a good companion for him.' ' I do not think he is,' said Constance : ' it 180 THAT STICK chap. seems to rne that Stanhope leads him into that betting, and makes him think it does not signify whether he passes or not, and so he does not take pains.' Herbert was not to be found either then or at dinner-time. It turned out that he had taken from the stables the horse he was allowed to ride, and had gone over to display his victim to Stanhope, and then on to the bird-stuffer ; had got a meal, no one wished to know how, only returning in time to stump upstairs to bed. He thus avoided an interview with his uncle over the rook, unaware that his aunt had left him the grace of confession, being in hopes that, unless he did speak of his own accord, the vexatious know- ledge might be spared to one who did not need an additional annoyance just then. Lord Northmoor was not, however, to be spared. He was much better the next day, Sunday, a good XVI WHAT IS BEST ? 181 deal exhilarated by the doctor's opinion ; and, though concerned at having to break off his work, ready to enjoy what he was told was absolutely essential. The head-keeper had no notion of sparing him. Mr. Best regarded him with a kind of patronising toleration as an unfortunate gentleman who had the ill-hap never to have acquired a taste for sport, and was unable to do justice to his preserves ; but towards ' Mr. Morton ' there was a very active dis- like. The awkward introduction might have rankled even had Herbert been wise enough to follow Miss Morton's advice ; but his nature was overbearing, and his self-opinion was fostered by his mother and Ida, while he was edged on by his fellow-pupils to consider Best a mere old woman, who could only be tolerated by the ignorance of ' a regular Stick.' With the under - keeper Herbert fraternised enough to make him insubordinate ; and the days when Lord Northmoor gave permission for shooting. O' 182 THAT STICK chap. or for inviting his companions for a share in the sport, were days of mutual offence, when the balance of provoking sneer and angry insult would be difficult to cast, though the keeper was the most forbearing, since he never complained of personal ill -behaviour to himself, whereas Herbert's demon- strations to his uncle of ' that old fool ' were the louder and more numerous because they never produced the slightest effect. However, Best felt aggrieved in the matter of the rook, which had been put under his special protection, and being, moreover, something of a naturalist, he had cherished the hope of a special Northmoor breed of pied rooks. So while, on the way from church, Lady Adela w;is detaining Lady Northmoor with inquiries as to Dr. Smith, Best waylaid his master with, 'Your lordship gave me orders about that there rook with white wings, as was not to be mislested.' XVI WHAT IS REST ? 183 'Has anything happened to it?' said Frank wearily. 'Well, my lord, I sees Mr. Morton going up to the rookery with his gun, and I says to him that it weren't time for shooting of the branchers, and the white rook weren't to be touched by nobody, and he swears at me for a meddling old leggings, and uses other language as I'll not repeat to your lord- ship, and by and by I hears his gun, and I sees him a-picking up of the rook that her ladyship set such store by, so it is due to myself, my lord, to let you know as I were not to blame.' ' Certainly not, Best,' was the reply. ' I am exceedingly displeased that my nephew has behaved so ill to you, and I shall let him know it.' ' His lordship will give it to him hot and strong, the young upstart,' muttered Best to himself with great satisfaction, as he watched the languid pace quicken to overtake the boy, who had gone on with his sister. 184 THAT STICK chap. Perhaps the irritability of illness had some effect upon the ordinary gentleness of Lord Northmoor's temper, and besides, he was exceedingly annoyed at such ungrateful slaughter of what was known to be a favourite of his wife ; so when he came upon Herbert, sauntering down to the stables, he accosted him sharply with, ' What is this I hear, Herbert ? I could not have believed that you would have deliberately killed the creature that you knew to be a special delight to your aunt.' Herbert had reached the state of mind when a third, if not a fourth, reproach on the same subject on which his conscience was already uneasy, was simply exasperating, and without the poor excuse he had offered his aunt and sister, he burst out that it was very hard that such a beastly row should be made about a fellow knocking down mere trumpery vermin. 1 Speak properly, Herbert, or hold your tongue,' xvi WHAT IS REST? - 185 said his uncle. ' I am extremely displeased at find- ing that you do not know how to conduct yourself to my servants, and have presumed to act in this lawless, heartless manner, in defiance of what you knew to be your aunt's wishes and my orders, and that you replied to Best's remonstrance with in- solence.' ' That's a good one ! Insolent to an old fool of a keeper,' muttered Herbert sullenly. ' Insolence is shameful towards any man,' returned his uncle. ' And from a foolish headstrong boy to a faithful old servant it is particularly unbecoming. However, bad as this is, it is not all that I have to speak of.' Then Herbert recollected with dismay how much his misdemeanour would tell against his pardon for the more important act of disobedience, and he took refuge in a sullen endeavour at indifference, while his uncle, thoroughly roused, spoke of the sins of 186 THAT STICK chap. disobedience and the dangers of betting. Perhaps the only part of the lecture that he really heard was, ' Eemember, it was these habits in those who came before us that have been so great a hindrance in life to both you and me, and made you, my poor boy, so utterly mistaken as to what becomes your position. How much have you thrown away ? ' Herbert looked up and muttered the amount — twelve pounds and some shillings. ' Very well, I will not have it owed. I shall pay it, deducting two pounds from your allowance each term till it is made up. Give me the address or addresses.' At this Herbert writhed and remonstrated, but his uncle was inexorable. ' The fellows will be at me,' He said, as he gave Stanhope's name. ' You will see no more of Stanhope after this week. I have arranged to send you to a tutor in XVI WHAT IS KEST ? 187 Hertfordshire, who I hope will make you work, and where, I trust, you will find companions who will give you a better idea of what becomes a gentleman.' In point of fact, this had been arranged for some time past, though by the desire of Herbert's present tutor it had not been made known to the young people, so that, coining thus, there was a sound of punishment in it to Herbert. The interview ended there. The annoyance, en- hanced in his mind by having come on a Sunday, brought on another attack of headache ; but late in the evening he sent for Herbert, who always had to go very early on the Monday. It was to ask him whether he would not prefer the payment being made to Stanhope and the other pupil after he had left them. Herbert's scowl passed off. It was a great relief. He said they were prepared to wait till he had his allowance, and the act of considera- tion softened him, as did also the manifest look of 188 THAT STICK chap, xvi suffering and illness, as his uncle lay on the couch, hardly able to speak, and yet exerting himself thus to spare the lad. ' Thank you, sir,' actually Herbert said, and then, with a gulp, ' I am sorry about that bird — I wish I'd never told them, but it was Stanhope who drove me to it, not believing.' ' I thought it was not your better mind,' said his uncle, holding out his hand. ' I should like you to make me a promise, Herbert, not to make a bet while I am away. I should go with an easier mind.' 'I will, uncle,' said Herbert, heartily reflecting, perhaps, it must be owned, on the fewer oppor- tunities in that line at Westhaven, except at the regatta, but really resolving, as the only salve to his conscience. And there was that in his face and the clasp of his hand that gave his uncle a sense of comfort and hope. CHAP^EE XVII ON THE SUKFACE Lady Adela, though small and pale, was one of the healthy women who seem unable to believe in any ailments short of a raging fever ; and when she heard of neuralgia, decided that it was all a matter of imagination, and a sort of excuse for breaking off the numerous occupations in which she felt his value, but only as she would have acknowledged that of a good schoolmaster. Their friendly inter- course had never ripened into intimacy, and was still punctiliously courteous ; each tacitly dreaded the influence of the other on the Yicar-in-Church matters, and every visit of the Westhaven family 190 THAT STICK chap. confirmed Lady Adela's belief that it was undesirable to go below the surface. Bertha, who came down for a day or two to assist at the breaking -up demonstration of the High School at Colbeam, was as ever much more cordial. The chief drawbacks with her were that cynical tone, which made it always doubtful whether she were making game of her hearers, and the phil- anthropy, not greatly tinged with religion, so as to confuse old-fashioned minds. She used to bring down strange accounts of her startling adventures in the slums, and relate them in a rattling style, interluded with slang, being evidently delighted to shock and puzzle her hearers ; but still she was always good-natured in deed if not in word, and Lord Northmoor was very grateful for her offer of hospitality to Herbert, who was coming to London for his preliminary examination. She had come up to call, determined to be of use xvn ON THE SURFACE 191 to them, and she had experience enough of travelling to be very helpful. Finding that they .shuddered at the notion of fashionable German ' baden' she ex- claimed — ' I'll hit you off ! There's that place in the Austrian Tyrol that Lettice Bury frequents — a regular primitive place with a name — Oh, what is it, Addie, like rats and mice ? ' ' Eatzes,' said Adela. ' Yes. The tourists have not molested it yet, and only natives bathe there, so she goes every year to renovate herself and sketch, and comes back furbished up like an old snake, with lots of drawings of impossible peaks, like Titian's back- grounds. We'll write and tell her to make ready for the head of her house ! ' ' Oh, but ' began Frank, looking to his wife. ' Would it not be intruding ? ' said Mary. ' She will be enchanted ! She always likes to 192 THAT STICK chap. have anything to do for anybody, and she says the scenery is just a marvel. You care for that ! You are so deliriously fresh, beauties aren't a bore to you.' ' We are glad of the excuse,' said Frank gravely. ' You look ill enough to be an excuse for any- thing, and Mary too ! How about a maid ? Is Harte going ? ' ' No,' said Mary ; ' she says that foreign food made her so ill once before that she cannot attempt going again. I meant to do without.' ' That would never do ! ' cried Bertha. ' You have quite enough on your hands with Northmoor, and the luggage and the languages.' ' Is not an English maid apt to be another trouble ? ' said Mary. ' I do not suppose my French is good, but I have had to talk it constantly ; and I know some German, if that will serve in the Tyrol.' ' I'll reconcile it to your consciences,' said Bertha triumphantly. ' It will be a real charity. There's xvii ON THE SUEFACE 193 a bonny little Swiss girl whom some reckless people brought home and then turned adrift. It will be a real kindness to help her home, and you shall pick her up when you come up to me on your way, and see my child ! Oh, didn't I tell you ? We had a housemaid once who was demented enough to marry a scamp of a stoker on one of the Thames steamers. He deserted her, and I found her living, or rather dying, in an awful place at Botherhithe, surrounded by tipsy women, raging in opposite corners. I got her into a decent room, but too late to save her life — and a good thing too ; so I solaced her last moments with a promise to look after her child, such a jolly little mortal, in spite of her name — Boaclicea Ethelind Davidina Jones. She is two years old, and quite delicious — the darling of all the house ! ' ' I hope you will have no trouble with the father,' said Frank. vol. i o 194 THAT STICK chap. ' I trust he has gone to his own locker, or, if not, he is only too glad to be rid of her. I can tackle him/ said Bertha confidently. ' The child is really a little duck ! ' She spoke as if the little one filled an empty space in her heart ; and, even though there might be trouble in store, it was impossible not to be glad of her present gladness, and her invitation was willingly accepted. Moreover, her recommendations were generally trustworthy, and Mary only hesitated because, she said — ' I thought, if I could do without a maid, we might take Constance. She is doing so very well, and likely to pass so well in her examinations, that it would be very nice to give her this pleasure.' ' Good little girl ! So it would. I should like nothing better ; but I am afraid that if you took her without a maid, Emma would misunderstand it, and say you wanted to save the expense.' xvn . ON THE SURFACE 195 ' Would it make much difference ? ' ' Not more than we could bear now that we are in for it, hut I fear it would excite jealousies.' ' Is that worse than leaving the poor child to Westhaven society all the holidays ? ' ' Perhaps not ; and Conny is old enough now to be more injured by it than when she was younger.' ' You know I have always hoped to make her like a child of our own when her school education is finished.' Frank smiled, for he was likewise very fond of little Constance. There was a public distribution of prizes, at which all the grandees of the neighbourhood were expected to assist, and it was some consolation to the Northmoors, for the dowager duchess being absent, that the pleasure of taking the prize from her uncle would be all the greater — if The whole party went — Lady Adela, Miss Mor- 196 THAT STICK chap. ton, and all — and were installed in chairs of state on the platform, with the bright array of books before them — the head-mistress telling Lady North - moor beforehand that her niece would have her full share of honours. No one could be a better or more diligent girl. It quite nerved Lord Northmoor when he looked forth upon the sea of waving tresses of all shades of brown, while his wife watched in nervousness, both as to how he would acquit himself and how the exertion would affect him ; and Bertha, as usual, was anxious for the credit of the name. He did what was needed. Nobody wanted any- thing but the sensible commonplace, kindly spoken, about the advantages of good opportunities, the con- scientiousness of doing one's best. And after all, the inferiority of mere attainments in themselves to the discipline and dutifulness of responding to train- ing, — it was slowly but not stammeringly spoken, xvii ON THE SURFACE 197 and Bertha did not feel critical or ashamed, but squeezed Mary's hand, and said, ' Just the right thing.' One by one the girls were summoned for their prizes, the little ones first. Lord Northmoor had not the gift of inventing a pretty speech for each, he could do no more than smile as he presented the book, and read its name ; but the smile was a very decided one when, in the class next to the highest, three out of the seven prizes were awarded to Con- stance Elizabeth Morton, and it might be a question which had the redder cheeks, the uncle or the niece, as he handed them to her. It was one of the few happinesses that he had derived from his brother's family ! After such achievements on Constance's part, it was impossible to withhold — as they drove back to Northmoor — the proposal to take her with them, and the effect was magical. Constance opened her eyes, 198 THAT STICK chap, xvii bounded up, as if she were going to fly out of the carriage, and then launched herself, first on her uncle, then on her aunt, for an ecstatic kiss. ' Take care, take care, we shall have the servants thinking you a little lunatic ! ' ' I am almost ! Oh, I am so glad ! To be with you and Aunt Mary all the holidays ! That would be enough ! But to go and see all the places,' she added, somehow perceiving that the desire to escape from home was, at least ought not to be approved of, and yet there was some exultation when she hazarded a supposition that there was no time to go home. CHAPTEE XVIII DESDICHADO Home — that is to say, Westhaven — was in some commotion when Herbert came back and grimly growled out his intelligence as to his own personal affairs. Mrs. Morton had been already apprized, in one of Lord Northmoor's well-considered letters, of his intentions of removing his nephew to a tutor more calculated to prepare for the army, and she had accepted this as promotion such as was his due. However, when the pride of her heart, the tall gentlemanly son, made his appearance in a savage mood, her feelings were all on the other side, and those of Ida exaggerated hers. 200 THAT STICK CHAP. ' So I'm to go to some disgusting hole where they grind the fellows no end,' was Herbert's account of the matter. ' But surely with your connection there's no need for grinding ? ' said his mother. Herbert laughed, ' Much you know about it ! Nobody cares a rap for connections nowadays, even if old Frank were a connection to do a man any good.' 'But you'll not go and study hard and hurt yourself, my dear,' said his mother, though Her- bert's looks by no means suggested any such danger, while Ida added, ' It is not as if he had nothing else to look to, you know. He can't keep you out of the peerage.' ' Can't he then ? Why, he can and will too, for thirty or forty years more at least.' ' I thought his health was failing,' said Ida, putting into words a hope her mother had a little too much sense of propriety to utter. XVIII DESDICHADO 201 ' Bosh, it's only neuralgia, just because he is such a stick he can't take things easy, and lark about and do every one's work — he hasn't the least notion what a gentleman ought to do.' ' It is bred in the bone/ said his mother ; ' he always was a shabby poor creature ! I always said he would not know how to spend his money.' ' He is a regular screw ! ' responded Herbert. ' What do you think now ! He was in no end of a rage with me just because I went with some of the other fellows to the Colbeam races; and one can't help a bet or two, you know. So I lost twelve pound or so, and what must he do but stop it out of my allowance two pound at a time ! ' There was a regular outcry at this, and Mrs. Morton declared her poor dear boy should not suffer, but she would make it up to him, and Herbert added that ' it had been unlucky, half of it was that they were riled with him, first because he had shot 202 THAT STICK chap. a ridiculous rook with white wings that my lady made no end of a fuss about.' ' Ah, then it is her spite/ said Ida. ' She's a sly cat, with all her meek ways.' Herbert was not displeased with this evening's sympathy, as he lay outspread on the sofa, with the admiring and pitying eyes of his mother and sister upon him ; but he soon began to feel — when he had had his grumble out, and could take his swing at home — that there could be too much of it. It was all very well to ease his own mind by complaining, but when he heard of Ida announcing that he had been shamefully treated, all out of spite for killing a white rook, his sense of justice made him declare that the notion was nothing but girl's folly, such as no person with a grain of sense could believe. The more his mother and her friends persisted in treating him as an ill-used individual, the victim xvill DESDICHADO 203 of his uncle's avarice and his aunt's spite, the more his better nature revolted and acknowledged in- wardly and sometimes outwardly the kindness and justice he had met with. It was really provoking that any attempt to defend them, or explain the facts, were only treated as proofs of his own generous feeling. Ida's partisanship really did him more good than half a dozen lectures would have done, and he steadily adhered to his promise not to bet, though on the regatta day Ida and her friend Sibyl derided him for not choosing to risk even a pair of gloves ; and while one pitied him, the other declared that he was growing a skinflint like his uncle. He talked and laughed noisily enough to Ida's friends, but he had seen enough at Northmoor to feel the difference, and he told his sister that there was not a lady amongst the whole kit of them, except Eose Kollstone, who was coming down for her holiday. ' Eose ! ' cried Ida, tossing her head. ' A servant's 204 THAT STICK chap. daughter and a hand at a shop ! What will you say next, I wonder ? ' ' Lady is as lady acts,' said Herbert, making a new proverb, whereat his mother and sister in chorus rebuked him, and demanded to know whether Ida were not a perfect lady. At which he laughed with a sound of scoffing, and being tired of the discussion sauntered out of the house to that inexhaustible occupation of w T atching the boats come in, and smoking with old acquaintances, who w T ere still congenial to him, and declared that he had not become stuck-up, though he was turned into an awful swell ! Perhaps they were less bad for him than Stanhope, for they inspired no spirit of imitation. When he came back a later post had arrived, briiiLrinrr the news of Constance's successes and of O O the invitation to her to share the expedition of her uncle and aunt. There was no question about xvin DESDICHADO 205 letting her go, but the feeling was scarcely of congratulation. ' Well, little Conny knows how to play her cards ! ' 'Stuff — child wouldn't know what it meant,' said Herbert glumly. ' Well,' said his sister, ' she always was the favourite, and I call it a shame.' ' What, because you've been such a good girl, and got such honours and prizes ? ' demanded Herbert. ' Nonsense, Herbert,' said his mother. ' Ida's education was finished, you know.' ' Oh, she wasn't a bit older than Conny is now.' ' And I don't hold with all that study, science and logic, and what d'ye call it ; that's no use to any one,' continued his mother. ' It's not as if your sisters had to be governesses. Give me a girl who can play a tune on the piano and make herself agreeable. Your uncle may do as he pleases, but 206 THAT STICK chap. he'll have Constance on his hands. The men don't fancy a girl that is always after books and lectures.' ' Not of your sort, perhaps/ said Herbert, ' but I don't care what I bet that Conny gets a better husband than Ida.' ' It stands to reason,' Ida said, almost crying, ' when uncle takes her about to all these fine places and sets her up to be the favourite — just the youngest. It's not fair.' ' As if she wasn't by a long chalk the better of the two,' said Herbert. 1 Now, Bertie,' interposed his mother, ' I'll not have you teasing and running down your sister, though I do say it is a shame and a slight to pick out the youngest, when poor Ida is so delicate, and both of you two have ever so much better a right to favours.' ' That's a good one ! ' muttered Herbert, while Ida exclaimed — xvill DESDICHADO 207 ' Of course, you know, aunt has always been nasty to me, ever since I said ma said I was not strong enough to be bothered with that horrid school ; and as to poor Herbert, they have spited him be- cause he shot that ' ' Shut up, Ida,' shouted Herbert. ' I wouldn't go with them if they went down on their knees to me ! What should I do, loafing about among a lot of disputing frog-eaters, without a word of a Christian language, and old Frank with his nose in a guide-book wanting me to look at beastly pictures and rum old cathedrals. You would be a fish out of water, too, Ida. Now Conny will take to it like a house afire, and what's more, she deserves it ! ' » ' Well, ma,' put in the provoked Ida, ' I wonder you let Conny go, when it would do me so much good, and it is so unfair.' ' My dear, you don't understand a mother's feel- ings. I feel the slight for you, but your uncle must 208 THAT STICK chap. be allowed to have his way. He is at all the expense, and to refuse for Conny would do you no good.' 'Except that she will be more set up than ever,' murmured Ida. ' Oh, come now ! I wonder which looks more like the set-up one,' said Herbert, whose wider range had resulted in making him much alive to Ida's shortcomings, and who looked on at her noisy style of flirtation with the eye of a grave censor. Whatever he might be himself, he knew what a young lady ought to be. He triumphed a little when, during the few days spent in London, Constance wrote of a delightful evening when, while her uncle and aunt and Miss Morton had gone to an entertainment for Bertha's match-box makers, she had been permitted to have Eose Eollstone to spend the time with her, the carriage, by their kind contrivance, fetching the girl both in going and coming. xvni DESDICHADO 209 The two young things had been thoroughly happy together. Eose had gone on improving her- self; her companions in the art embroidery line were girls of a good class, with a few ladies among them, and their tone was good and refined. It was the fashion among them to attend the classes, Bible and secular, put in their way, and their employers conscientiously attended to their welfare, so that Eose was by no means an unfitting companion for the High School maiden, and they most happily compared notes over their very different lives, when they were not engaged in playing with little Cea, as the unwieldy name of Miss Morton's protfyte had been softened. She was a very pretty little creature, with big blue eyes and hair that could be called golden, and very full of life and drollery, so that she was a treat to both ; and when the housemaid, whose charge she was, insisted on her coming to bed, they begged to superintend her evening toilet, vol. I p 210 THAT STICK chap. and would have played antics with her in her crib half the night if they had not been inexorably chased away. Then they sat down on low stools in the balcony, among the flowers, in convenient proximity for the caresses they had not yet outgrown, and had what they called ' a sweet talk.' Constance had been much impressed with the beauty of the embroidery, and thought it must be delightful to do such things. ' Yes, for the forewoman,' said Eose, ' but there's plenty of dull work ; the same over and over again, and one little stitch ever so small gone amiss throws all wrong. Miss Grey told us to recollect it was just like our lives ! ' ' That's nice ! ' said Constance. ' And it is for the Church and Almighty God's service ? ' ' Some of it,' said Hose, ' but there's a good deal only for dresses, and furniture, and screens.' xvin DESDICHADO 211 ' Don't you feel like Sunday when you are doing altar-cloths and stools ? ' asked Constance reverently. ' I wish I did/ said Rose ; ' but I don't do much of that kind yet, and one can't keep up the being serious over it always, you know. Indeed, Miss Grey does not wish us to be dull ; she reads to us when there is time, and explains the symbols that have to be done ; but part of the time it is an amusing book, and she says she does not mind cheerful talk, only she trusts us not to have gossip she would not like to hear.' ' I wonder,' said Constance, ' whether I should have come with you if all this had not happened ? It must be very nice.' ' But your school is nice ? ' ' Oh yes. I do love study, and those Saturdays and Sundays at Northmoor, they are delicious ! Uncle Frank reads with me about religion, you know.' 212 THAT STICK chap. ' Like our dear Bible class ? ' ' Yes ; I never understood or felt anything before ; he puts it so as it comes home/ said Constance, striving to express herself. ' Then I have a dear little class at the Sunday school.' ' I am to have one, by and by.' ' Mine are sweet little things, and I work for them on Saturdays, while Aunt Mary reads to me. I do like teaching — and, do you know, Eose, I think I shall be a High School teacher ! ' ' Oh, Conny, I thought you were all so rich and grand ! ' ' No, we are not,' said Constance lazily ; ' we have nothing but what Uncle Frank gives us, and I can't bear the way mamma and Ida are always trying to get more out of him, when I know he can't always do what he likes, and nasty people think him shabby. I am sure I ought to work for myself.' xvin DESDICHADO 213 ' But if Herbert is a lord ? ' ' I hope he won't be for a long long time/ cried Constance. ' Besides, I am sure he would want all his money for himself! And as to being a teacher, Aunt Mary was, and Miss Arden, who is so wise and good, is one. If I was like them I think it would be doing real work for God and good — wouldn't it, Rose ? Oh dear, oh dear, there's the carriage stopping for you ! ' 1 CHAPTEE XIX THE DOLOMITES The summer was a very hot one, and the travellers, in spite of the charm of new scenes, and the wonders of everything to their unsophisticated eyes, found it trying. Constance indeed was in a state of constant felicity and admiration, undimmed ex- cept by the flagging of her two fellow-travellers in the heated and close German railway cars. Her uncle's head suffered much, and Lady Northmoor secretly thought her maid's refusal to accompany them showed her to be a prudent woman. How- ever, the first breath of mountain air was a grand revival to Lord Northmoor, and at Innsbruck he CHAP, xix THE DOLOMITES 215 was quite alive, and walked about in fervent delight, not desisting till he and Constance had made out every statue on Maximilian's monument. His wife was so much tired and worn-out, that she heartily rejoiced in having provided him with such a good little companion, though she was disappointed at being obliged to fail him, and get what rest she could at the hotel. But then, as she told him, if he learnt his way about it now, he would be able to show it all to her when they had both gained strength at Eatzes. Bertha had obtained full instructions and a welcome for them from Mrs. Bury, a kindly person, who, having married off her children while still in full health and vigour, remained at the service of any relation who needed her, and in the meantime resorted to out-of-the-way places abroad. The railway took them to Botzen, which was 216 THAT STICK chap. hotter still, and thence on to Castelruth, whence there was no means of reaching Eatzes but by mule or chaise a i^orteux. Both alike were terrible to poor Mary; however, she made up her mind to the latter, and all the long way was to her a dream of terror and discomfort, and of trying to admire — what she knew she ought to admire — the wonderful pinnacle-like aiguilles of the Schern cleaving the air. For some time the way lay over the great plateau of the Scisser Alp — a sea of rich grass, full of cattle, where her husband and niece kept on trying to bring their mules alongside of her to make her participate in their ecstasy, and partake of their spoils — mountain pink, celestially blue gentian, brilliant poppy, or the like. Here the principal annoyance was that their mules were so obstinately bent on not approaching her that she was in con- stant alarm for them, while Constance was absolutely wild with delight, and even grave Frank was ex- xix THE DOLOMITES 217 hilarated by the mountain air into boyish spirits, such as impressed her, though she resolutely pre- vented herself from lowering them by manifesting want of sympathy, though the aiguilles that they admired seemed to her savage, and the descent, along a perilous winding road, cut out among precipices, horrified her — on, on, through endless pine forests, where the mules insisted on keeping her in solitude, and where nothing could be seen beyond the rough jolting path. At last, when a whole clay had gone by, and even Constance sat her mule in silence and looked very tired, the fir trees grew more scanty. The aiguilles seemed in all their wildness to be nodding overhead ; there was a small bowling-green, a sort of chalet in two divisions, united by a gallery : but Mary saw no more, for at that moment a loose slippery stone gave way, and the bearers stumbled and fell, dragging the chair so that it tipped over. 218 THAT STICK chap. Constance, who had ridden on in front with her uncle, first heard a cry of dismay, and as both leaped off and rushed back, they saw her aunt had fallen, and partly entangled in the chair. ' Do not touch her ! ' cried Frank, forgetting that he could not be understood, and raising her in his arms, as the chair was withdrawn ; but she did not speak or move, and there was a distressing throng and confusion of strange voices, seeming to hem them in as Constance looked round, unable to call up a single word of German, or to understand the exclamations. Then, as she always said, it was like an angel's voice that said, ' What is it ? ' as through the crowd came a tall lady in a white hat and black gown, and knelt down by the prostrate figure, saying, ' I hope she is only stunned ; let us carry her in. It will be better to let her come round there.' The lady gave vigorous aid, and, giving a few orders in German, helped Lord Northmoor to carry xix THE DOLOMITES 219 the inanimate form into the hotel, a low buildino- of stone, with a high-pitched shingle roof. Constance followed in a bewilderment of fright, together with Lenchen, the Swiss maid, who, as well as could be made out, was declaring that a Swiss bearer never made a false step. Lady ISTorthmoor was carried into a bedroom, and Constance was shut out into a room that photographed itself on her memory, even in that moment — a room like a box, with a rough table, a few folding-chairs, an easel, water-coloured drawings hung about in all directions, a big travelling-case, a few books, a writing-case, Mrs. Bury's sitting-room in fact, which, as a regular sojourner, she had been able to secure and furnish after her need. From the window, tall, narrow, latticed, with a heavy out- side shutter, she saw a village green, a little church with a sharp steeple, and pointed-roof houses covered with shingle, groups of people, a few in picturesque 220 THAT STICK chap. Tyrolese costume, but others in the ordinary badly cut edition of cosmopolitan human nature. There was a priest in a big hat and white bordered bands discussing a newspaper with a man with a big red umbrella ; a party drinking coffee under a pine tree, and beyond, those strange wild pointed aiguilles pointing up purple and red against the sky. How delightful it would all have been if this quarter of an hour could be annihilated ! She could find out nothing. Lenchen and the good-natured- looking landlady came in and out and fetched things, but they never stayed long enough to give her any real information, the landlady shouting for ' Hemzel,' etc., and Lenchen calling loudly in Ger- man for the boxes, which had been slung on mules. She heard nothing definite till her uncle came out, looking pale and anxious. ' She is better now,' he said, with a gasp of relief, throwing himself into a chair, and holding out his xix THE DOLOMITES 221 hand to Constance, who could hardly frame her question. ' Yes, quite sensible — came round quickly. The blow on the head seems to be of no consequence ; but there may be a strain, or it may be only the being worn out and overdone. They are going to undress her and put her to bed now. Mrs. Bury is kindness itself. I did not look after her enough on that dreadful road.' ' Isn't there a doctor ? ' Constance ventured to ask. 'No such thing within I know not how many miles of these paths ! But Mrs. Bury seems to think it not likely to be needed. Over-fatigue and the shake ! What was I about ? This air and all the rest were like an intoxication, making me forget my poor Mary ! ' He passed his hand over his face with a gest- ure as if he were very much shocked and grieved at himself, and Constance suggested that it was 222 THAT STICK chap. all the mule's fault, and Aunt Mary never com- plained. ' The more reason she should not have been neglected/ he said ; and it was well for the ex- cluded pair that just then the boxes were reported as arrived, and he was called on for the keys, so that wild searching for things demanded occupied them. After a considerable time, Mrs. Bury came and told Lord Northmoor that he might go and look at his wife for a few moments, but that she must be kept perfectly quiet and not talked to or agitated. Constance was not to go in at all, but was con- ducted off by the good lady to her own tiny room, to get herself ready for the much-needed meal that was imminent. They met again in the outer room. There was a great Speise saal, a separate building, where the bathers dived en masse ; but since Mrs. Bury had made the place her haunt, she had led to the xix THE DOLOMITES 223 erection of an additional building where there was a little accommodation for the travellers of the better class who had of late discovered the glories of the Dolomites, though the baths were scarcely ever used except by artizans and farmers. She had this sitting-room chiefly made at her own expense with these few comforts, in the way of easy folding- chairs, a vase of exquisite flowers on the table, a few delicate carvings, an easel, and drawings of the mountain peaks and ravines suspended every- where. Besides this there were only the bedrooms, as small as they well could be. They were summoned down to the evening meal, and the maid Lenchen was left with Lady North- moor. There was only one other guest, a spectacled and rather silent German, and Constance presently gathered that Mrs. Bury was trying to encourage and inspirit Lord Northmoor, but seemed to think 224 THAT STICK chap. there might be some delay before a move would be possible. They sent her to bed, for she was really very tired after the long walk and ride, and she could not help sleeping soundly ; but the first thing she heard in the morning was that the guide had been desired to send a doctor from Botzen, and the poor child spent a dreary morning of anxiety with no- thing to do but to watch the odd figures disporting themselves or resting in the shade after their baths, to try a little sketching and a little letter-writing, but she was too restless and anxious to get on with either. All the comfort she got was now and then Mrs. Bury telling her that she need not be frightened, and giving her a book to read ; and after the mid- day meal her uncle was desired by Mrs. Bury, who had evidently assumed the management of him, to take the child out walking, for the doctor could not xix THE DOLOMITES 225 come for hours, and Lady Northmoor had better be left to sleep. So they wandered out into the pinewoods, preoccupied and silent, gazing along the path, as if that would hasten the doctor. Constance had perceived that questions were discouraged, and did her best to keep from being troublesome by trying to busy herself with a bouquet of mountain flowers. The little German doctor came so late that he had to remain all night, but his coming, as well as that of a brisk American brother and sister, seemed to have cheered things up a good deal. Mrs. Bury talked to the German, and the Americans asked so many questions that answering them made things quite lively. Indeed, Constance was allowed to wish her aunt good -night, and seeing her look just like herself on her pillows, much relieved her mind. vol. I Q CHAPTEK XX EATZES Things began to fall into their regular course at Batzes, Lady Northmoor was in a clay or two able to come into Mrs. Bury's sitting-room for a few hours every clay ; but there she lay on a folding- chaise - lounge that had been arranged for her, languid but bright, reading, working, looking at Mrs. Bury's drawings, and keeping the diary of the adventures of the others. Her husband would fain never have left her, but he had to take his baths. These were in the lower story of the larger chalet. They were taken in rows of pinewood boxes in the vault. He chap, xx KATZES 227 muttered that it felt very like going alive into his coffin, when, like others, he laid himself down in the rust -coloured liquid, 'each in his narrow cell' in iron ' laid,' with his head on a shelf, and a lid dosing up to his chin, and he was un cheered by- conversation, as all the other patients w T ere Aus- trians of the lower middle class, and their Tyrolean dialect would have been hard to understand even by German scholars. However, the treatment certainly did him good, and entirely drove away his neuralgia, he walked, rode, and climbed a good deal with Constance and a lad attached to the establish- ment, whose German Constance could just under- stand. And while he stayed with his wife, Mrs. Bury took Constance out, showed her many delights, helped her crude notions of drawing, and being a good botanist herself, taught the whole party fresh pleasures in the wonderful flora of the Dolomites. Now and then an English traveller appeared, 228 THAT STICK chap. and Lord Northmoor was persuaded to join in expeditions for his niece's sake, that took them away for a night or two. Thus they saw Caprile Cadore, St. Ulrich, that town of toys, full of dolls of every tone, spotted wooden horses, carts, and the like. They beheld the tall points of Monte Serrata, and the wonderful ' Horse Teeth,' with many more such marvels ; and many were the curiosities they brought back, and the stories they had to tell, with regrets that Aunt Mary had not been there to enjoy and add to their enjoyment. So the days went on, and the end of Constance's holidays was in view, the limit that had been in- tended for the Kur at Eatzes ; but Aunt Mary had not been out of doors since their arrival, and seemed fit for nothing save lying by the window. Constance had begun to wonder what would be done, when she was told that a good-natured pair of English travellers, like herself bound to school xx RATZES 229 terms, would escort her safely to London and see her into the train for Colbeam, just in time for the High School term. ' This will be the best way/ said her aunt, kissing her. 'You have been a dear good girl, Conny, and a great pleasure and comfort to us both.' ' Oh, auntie, I have not done anything, Mrs. Bury has clone it all.' ' Mrs. Bury is most kind, unspeakably kind, but, my dear dear girl, your companionship has been so much to your dear uncle that I have been most thankful to you. Always recollect, dearest Conny, you can* be more comfort to your uncle than anybody else, whatever may come. You will always be a good girl and keep up your tone, and make him your great consideration — after higher things ; promise me.' ' Oh yes, indeed, auntie dear,' said the girl, somewhat frightened and bewildered as the last kisses and good-byes were exchanged. Since the 230 THAT STICK CHAP. travellers were to start very early the next morning on their mules for Botzen, whither Mrs. Bury meant to accompany them in order to make some purchases, Lord ISTorthmoor went with the party to the limits of his walking powers, and on the slope of the Alp, amid the fir- woods, took his leave, Mrs. Bury telling him cheerfully that she should return the next day, while he said that he could not thank her enough. He bade farewell to his niece, telling her that he hoped she would by and by be spending her holidays at Northmoor if all went well. Constance had begun to grow alarmed, and watched for an opportunity of imploring Mrs. Bury to tell her whether Aunt Mary were really very ill. Mrs. Bury laughed, and confided to her a secret, which made her at once glad, alarmed, and important. ' Oh, and is no one to know ? ' said little Con- stance, with rosy cheeks. ' Not till leave is given,' said Mrs. Bury. ' You xx EATZES 231 see there is still so much risk of things going wrong, that they both wish nothing to be said at present. I thought they had spoken to you.' ' Oh no. But — but ' and Constance could not go on, as her eyes filled with tears. ' Is there special cause for anxiety, you mean, my dear ? Hardly for her, though it was unlucky that she was as unknowing as you, and I don't see how she is to be taken over these roads into a more civilised place. But I shall stay on and see them through with it, and I daresay we shall do very well. I am used enough to looking after my own daughters, and nobody particularly wants me at home.' ' That's what Aunt Mary meant by saying you were so very good ! ' ' Well, it would be sheer inhumanity to leave them to themselves, and the mercies of Eatzes, and there seems to be no one else that could come.' ' I'm glad I know ! ' said Constance, with a long 232 THAT STICK chap. breath. ' Only what shall I do if any one asks me about her ? ' ' Say she had a nasty fall, which makes it un- desirable to move her just yet. It is the simple truth, and what you would have naturally said but for this little communication of mine.' ' I suppose,' said Constance, in a tone Mrs. Bury did not understand, ' it will be all known before my Christmas holidays ? ' ' Oh yes, my dear, long before that. I'll write to you when I have anything to tell.' For which Constance thanked her heartily, and thenceforth felt a great deal older for the confidence, which delighted as well as made her anxious, for she was too fond of her uncle and aunt, as well as too young and simple, for it to have occurred to her how the matter might affect her brother. After seeing much more on her road than she had done before, and won golden opinions from her xx KATZES 233 escort for intelligence and obligingness, she was safely deposited in the train for Colbeam, without having gone home. She had made up her mind to pass Sunday at her boarding-house, and was greatly surprised when Lady Adela called on Saturday to take her to North- moor for the Sunday. ' Now tell me about your uncle and aunt,' the good lady began, when Constance was seated beside her. ' Yes, I have heard from Mrs. Bury, but I want to know whether the place is tolerably comfortable.' ' Mrs. Bury has made it much better,' said Con- stance. ' And it is so beautiful, no one would care for comfort who was quite well.' ' And is your uncle well ? Has he got over his headaches ? ' she asked solicitously. In fact, the absence of Lord and Lady Northmoor had done more than their presence to make Lady Adela feel their value. She was astonished to find 234 THAT STICK chap, xx how much she missed the power of referring to him and leaning on his support in all questions, small or great, that cropped up ; and she had begun to feel that the stick might he a staff; besides which, having imbibed more than an inkling of the cause of detention, she was anxious to gather what she could of the circumstances. She was agreeably surprised in Constance, to whom the journey had been a time of development from the mere school girl, and who could talk pleasantly, showing plenty of intelligence and observation in a modest lady-like way. Moreover, she had a game in the garden which little Amice enjoyed extremely, and she and her little Sunday class were delighted to see one another again. It resulted in her Sundays being spent at Northmoor as regularly as before, and in Amice, a companionless child, thinking Saturday brought the white after- noon of the week. CHAPTER XXI THE HEIR-APPARENT 'My dear Addie, 1 You have no doubt ceased from your exer- tions in the way of finding nurses, since the telegram has told you that the son and heir has considerately saved trouble and expense by making his appearance on Michaelmas morning. It was before there was time to fetch anybody but the ancient village Bettina. Everything is most pro- sperous, and I am almost as proud as the parents — and to see them gloat over the morsel is a caution. They look at him as if such a being had never been known on the earth before ; and he really is a 236 THAT STICK chap. very fine healthy creature, most ridiculously like the portrait of the original old Michael Morton Northmoor in the full-bottomed wig. He seems to be almost equally marvellous to the Eatzes popula- tion, being the first infant seen there unswaddled — or washed. Bettina's horror at the idea of washing him is worth seeing. Her brown old face was almost convulsed, and she and our Frau- wirthin concurred in assuring me that it would be fatal to der Heine baron if he were washed, except with white wine and milk at a fortnight old ; nor would they accept my assurance that my three daughters and seven grandchildren had survived the process. I have to do it myself, and dress him as I can, for his wardrobe as made here is not complete, and whatever you can send us will be highly acceptable. It is lucky that Northmoor is a born nurse, for the women's fear of breaking the child is really justifiable, as they never handled anything xxi THE HEIR- APPARENT 237 not made up into a mummy ; moreover, they wish to let all the world up into Mary's room to behold the curiosity, I met the priest upon his way and turned him back ! So we have pretty well all the nursing on our hands, and happily it is of the most satisfactory kind, with the one drawback that we have to call in the services of a ' valia ' ; but on the other hand we have all been so much interested in a poor little widow, Hedwig Grantzen, whose husband was lost last spring in a snow-storm, that it is pleasant to have some employment for her. Such a creature as came over on chance and specula- tion — a great coarse handsome girl, in exaggerated costume, all new, with lacy ribbons down her back ; but I rode over to Botzen, and interviewed her parish priest about her, and that was enough to settle her. Every one is asleep except myself, and Mary's face is one smile as she sleeps. ' This is going to be posted by the last of the 238 THAT STICK chap. tourists, luckily a clergyman, whom we begged to baptize the boy, as there is a possibility that snows may close us in before we can get away. ' So he is named Michael Kenton, partly after my own dear brother as well as the old founder, partly in honour of the day and of Sir Edward Kenton, who, they say, has been their very kind friend. It really is a feast to see people so wonder- ingly happy and thankful. The little creature has all the zest of novelty to them, and they coo and marvel over it in perfect felicity. When you will be introduced to the hero, I cannot guess, for though he has been an earlier arrival than his mother's in- experience expected, I much doubt her being able to get out of this place while the way to Botzen is passable according to the prognostics of the sages. What splendid studies of ice peaks I shall have ! Your affectionate cousin, ' L. Bury.' xxi THE HEIR-APPARENT 239 A telegram had preceded the letter. One soon followed by Mrs. Bury's promised note had filled Constance's honest little heart with rapture, another had set all the bells in Northrnoor Church ringing and Best rejoicing that ' that there Harbut's nose was put out of joint/ a feeling wherein Lady Adela could not but participate, though, of course, she showed no sign of it to Constance. A sharply- worded letter to the girl soon came from her mother, demanding what she had known before- hand. Mrs. Morton had plainly been quite unpre- pared for what was a severe blow to her, and it was quite possible to understand how, in his shyness, Lord Northmoor had put off writing of the hope and expectation from day to day till all had been fulfilled sooner than had been expected. It was the first thing that brought home to Constance that the event was scarcely as delightful to her family as to herself. She wrote what she 240 THAT STICK chap. knew and heard no more, for none of her home family were apt to favour her with much correspond- ence. Miss Morton, however, had written to her sister-in-law. ' Poor Herbert ! I am sorry for him, though you won't be. He takes it very well, he really is a very good sort at bottom, and it really is the very best thing for him, as I have been trying to persuade him.' Bulletins came with tolerable frequency from Eatzes, with all good accounts of mother and child, and a particular description of little Michael's beauties ; but it was only too soon announced that snow was falling, and this was soon followed by another letter saying that consultation with the best authorities within reach had decided that unless the weather were extraordinarily mild, the journey, after November set in, was not to be ventured by Lady Northmoor or so young a child. There would be perils for any one, even the post- xxi THE HEIE-APPAKENT 241 men and the guides, and if it were mild in one valley it might only render it more dangerous over the next Alp. Still Mrs. Bury, a practised and enterprising mountaineer, might have attempted it; but though Mary was rapidly recovering and the language was no longer utterly impracticable, the good lady could not bear to desert her charges, or to think what might happen to them, if left alone, in case of illness or accident, so she devoted herself to them and to her studies of ice and snow, and wrote word to her family that they were to think of her as hybernating till Easter, if not Whitsuntide. VOL. i r CHAPTEE XXII OUT OF JOINT Constance had, of course, to spend her Christmas holidays at home, where she had not been for nine months. Her brother met her at the London terminus to go down with her, and there, to her great joy, she also saw Eose Eollstone on the platform. Herbert, whose dignity had first prompted him to seek a smoking carriage apart from his sister, thereupon decided to lay it aside and enter with them, look- ing rather scornful at the girls' mutual endear- ments. ' Come, Conny, Miss Eollstone has had enough of CHAP, xxii OUT OF JOINT 243 that,' he said, ' and here are a lot going to get in. Oh my, the cads ! I shall have to get into the smoking carriage after all.' ' No, don't. Sit opposite and we shall do very well.' Then came the exchange of news, and — ' You've heard, of course, Eosie ? ' ' I should think I had,' then an anxious glance at Herbert, who answered — ' Oh yes, mother and Ida have been tearing their hair ever since, but it is all rot ! The governor's very welcome to the poor little beggar ! ' ' Oh, that's right ! That's very noble of you, Herbert,' said both the girls in a breath. ' Well, you see, old Frank is good to live these thirty or forty years yet, and what was the good of having to wait ? Better have done with it at once, I say, and he has written me a stunning jolly letter.' 244 THAT STICK chap. ' Oh, I was sure he would ! ' cried Constance. ' I'm to go on just the same, and he won't cut off my allowance,' pursued Herbert. ' It is just as my papa says,' put in Eose, ' he is always the gentleman. And you'll be in the army still ? ' ' When I've got through my exams ; but they are no joke, Miss Eose, I can tell you. It is Conny there that likes to sap. What have you been doing this time, little one ? ' ' I don't know yet, but Miss Astley thinks I have done well and shall get into the upper form,' said Constance shyly. ' I got on with my German while I was abroad, trying to teach Uncle Frank.' At which Herbert laughed heartily, and de- manded what sort of scholar he made. ' Not very good,' owned Constance ; ' he did for- get so from day to day, and he asked so many questions, and was always wanting to have things xxn OUT OF JOINT 245 explained. But it made me know them better, and Mrs. Bury had such nice books, and she helped me. If you want to take up French and German, Bertie ' He shrugged his shoulders. ' Don't spoil the passing hour, child. I should think you would be glad enough to get away from it all.' ' I do want to get on,' said Constance. ' I must, you know, more than ever now.' ' Oh, you mean that mad fancy of going and being a teacher ? ' ' It is not a bit mad, Herbert. Eose does not think it is, and I want you to stand by me if mamma and Ida make objections.' ' Girls are always in such a hurry,' grumbled Herbert. ' You need not make a stir about it yet. You won't be able to begin for ever so long.' Eose agreed with him that it would be much 246 THAT STICK CHAT. wiser not to broach the subject till Constance was old enough to begin the preparation, though, with the impatience of youth to express its designs and give them form, she did not like the delay. ' I tell you what, Con,' finally said Herbert, ' if you set mother and Ida worrying before their time, I shall vote it all rot, and not say a word to help you.' Which disposed of the subject for the time, and left them to discuss happily Constance's travels and Herbert's new tutor and companions till their arrival at Westhaven, where Constance's welcome was quite a secondary thing to Herbert's, as she well knew it would be, nor felt it as a grievance, though she was somewhat amazed at seeing him fervently em- braced, and absolutely cried over, with ' Oh, my poor injured boy ! ' Herbert did not like it at all, and disengaging himself rapidly, growled out his favourite expletive of ' Eot ! Have done with that ! ' xxn OUT OF JOINT 247 He was greatly admired for his utter impatience of commiseration, but there was no doubt that the disappointment was far greater to his mother and Ida than to himself. He cared little for what did not make any actual difference to his present life, whereas to them the glory and honour of his heir- ship and the future hopes were everything — and Constance's manifest delight in the joy of her uncle and aunt, and her girlish interest in the baby, were to their eyes unfeeling folly, if not absolute unkind- ness to her brother. ' Dear little baby, indeed ! ' said Ida scornfully. 'Nasty little wretch, I say. One good thing is, up in that cold place all this time he's sure not to live.' Herbert whistled. ' That's coming it rather strong.' And Constance, with tears starting to her eyes, said, ' For shame, Ida, how can you be so wicked ! Think of Uncle Frank and Aunt Mary ! ' 248 THAT STICK chap. ' I believe you care for them more than for your own flesh and blood ! ' exclaimed her mother. ' "Well, and haven't they done a sight deal more for her ? ' said Herbert. ' You turning on me too, you ungrateful boy ! ' cried Mrs. Morton. Herbert laughed. ' If it comes to gratitude,' he said, and looked significantly at the decorations. ' And what is it but the due to his brother's widow ? ' said Mrs. Morton. ' Just a pittance, and you may depend that will be cut down on some pretext now ! ' ' I should think so, if they heard Ida's tongue ! ' said Herbert. 'And Constance there is spitefulness enough to go and tell them — favourite as she is ! ' said Ida. ' I should think not ! ' said Constance indignantly. ' As if I would do such a mean thing ! ' xxii OUT OF JOINT 249 ' Come, come, Ida,' said her mother, ' your sister knows better than that. It's not the way when she is only just come home, so grown too and improved, " quite the lady." ' Mrs. Morton had a mother's heart for Constance, though only in the third degree, and was really gratified to see her progress. She had turned up her pretty brown hair, and the last year had made her much less of a child in appearance ; her features were of delicate mould, she had dark eyes, and a sweet mouth, with a rose-blush complexion, and was pleasing to look on, though, in her mother's eyes, no rival to the thin, rather sharply-defined features, bright eyes, and pink -and -white complexion that made Ida the belle of a certain set at Westhaven. The party were more amicable over the dinner-table — for dinner it was called, as an assertion of gentility. ' Are you allowed to dine late,' asked Ida patron- isingly of her sister, ' when you are not at school ? ' 250 THAT STICK chap. ' Lady Adela dines early,' said Constance. ' Oh, for your sake, I suppose ? ' ' Always, I believe,' said Constance. ' Yes, always,' said Herbert. ' Fine people needn't ask what's genteel, you see, Ida.' That was almost the only breeze, and after dinner Herbert rushed out for a smell of sea, inter- spersed with pipe, and to ' look up the inevitable old Jack.' Constance was then subjected to a cross-examina- tion on all the circumstances of the detention at Eatzes, and all she had heard or ought to have heard about the arrival of the unwelcome little Michael, while her mother and sister drew their own inferences. ' Really/ said Ida at last, ' it is just like a thing in a book.' Constance was surprised. ' Because it was such a happy surprise for them,' she added hastily. xxir OUT OF JOINT 251 'No, nonsense, child, but it is just what they always do when they want a supposititious heir.' ' Ida, how can you say such things ? ' ' But it is, Conny ! There was the wicked Sir Eon aid Macronald. He took his wife away to Belgrade, right in the Ukraine mountains, and it ' 'Belgrade is in Hungary, and the Cossacks live in the Ukraine in Eussia/ suggested Constance. ' Oh, never mind your school-girl geography, it was Bel something, an out-of-the-way place in the mountains anyway, and there he pretended she had a child, just out of malice to the right heiress, that lovely Lilian, and he got killed by a stag, and then she confessed on her death-bed. I declare it is just like ' ' My dear, don't talk in that way, your sister is quite shocked. Your uncle never would ' 'Bless me, ma, I was only in fun. I could tell 252 THAT STICK chap. you ever so many stories like that. There's Broughton's, on the table there. I knew from the first it was an impostor, and the old nurse dressed like a nun was his mother.' ' I believe you always know the end before you are half through the first volume/ said her mother admiringly ; ' but of course it is all right, only it is a terrible disappointment and misfortune for us, and not to be looked for after all these years.' The last three Christmastides had been spent at Northmoor, where it had been needful to conform to the habits of the household, which impressed Ida and her mother as grand and conferring distinction, but decidedly dull and religious. So as they were at Westhaven, perforce, they would make up for it ; Christmas Eve was spent in a tumult of preparation for the diversions of the next day. Mrs. Morton had two maids now, but to her they were still ' gals,' not to be trusted with xxii OUT OF JOINT 253 the more delicate cookeries, and Ida was fully en- gaged in the adornment of the room and herself, while Constance ran about and helped both, and got more thanks from her mother than her sister. Ida was to end the day with a dance at a friend's house, but she was not desirous of taking Constance with her, having been accustomed to treat her as a mere child, and Constance, though not devoid of a wish for amusement, knew that her uncle and aunt would have taken her to church, where she would have enjoyed the festal service. Her mother would not let her go out in the dark- alone, and was too tired to go with her, so she had to stay at home, while Herbert disported himself elsewhere, and Constance underwent another cross- examination over the photographs she had brought home, but Mrs. Morton was never unkind when alone with her, and she had all the natural delight of youth in relating her adventures. Mrs. Morton, 254 THAT STICK chap. however, showed offence at not having been sent for instead of Mrs. Bury — ' So much less of a relation,' and Constance found herself dwelling on the ragged- ness of the pass, and the difficulties of making oneself understood, but Mrs. Morton still persisted that she could not understand why they should have got into such a place at all, when there were plenty of fashionable places in the newspaper where they could have had society and attendance and everything.' ' Ah, but that was just what Uncle Frank didn't want.' 'Well, if they choose to be so eccentric, and close and shy, they can't wonder that people talk.' ' Mamma, you can't mean that horrid nonsense that Ida talked about ! It was only a joke ! ' ' Oh, my dear, I don't say that I suspect anything — oh no, — only, if they had not been so close and queer, one would have been able to contradict it. xxii OUT OF JOINT 255 I like people to be straightforward, that's all I have to say. And it is terribly hard on your poor brother to be so disappointed, after having his expectations so raised ! ' and Mrs. Morton melted into tears, leaving Constance with nothing to say, for in the first place, she did not think Herbert, as yet at least, was very sensible of his loss, and in the next, she did not quite venture to ask her mother whether she thought little Michael should have been sacrificed to Herbert's expectations. So she took the wiser course of producing a photograph of Vienna. END OF VOL. I Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh £*/ / DATE DUE CAYLORO r R i NT ED IN U- S A 1