^_^yf^ .-^ \ -y^gi ■•^mi BANCROFT LIBRARY 1859 1909 Official Program Comsitocfe OBolbcn jubilee July, 3rd, 4th and 5th VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA J Be Loyal to Your State Ord er MaltR ose Royal L ■or- B r Deer "None Made Better None Better Made" Brewed and Bottled by RENO BREWING CO.. Inc. EAST 4th AND SPOKANE STREETS If you have never bought Suits, Dresses Undermuslins .'. Underwear, J73dorn.a. Train Service Express Lvs Virginia City 4:50 p. in. " Gold Hill 5:01 p. ni. Arr Mound House 5:30 p. m. Arr Carson 6:00 p. ni. Arr Reno 7:35 p.m. Local Lvs Virginia City 7:45 a. m. ^^ ^^, •• Lvs Gold Hill 7:56 a. m. \^" Arr Mound House 8:30 a. ni. ^ •• Arr Carson... 9:20 a. ni. Arr Reno 11:40 a. m. Train from Carson to Minden leaves Carson at 9:55 a. ni., ar- iig at Minden at 10:35 a. m. On night of July 5th a special train will leave Virginia City 1 o'clock, for Reno and intermediate points. Buy Pianos s«inw.y & sc. Mehii„ •^ & Sons, Henry F. Miller, ~~^~^~"~~~~"~~^^"^~^~ William Poole, Starr, Vos«, Shoninger, Waldorf, Goel/ mann & Co., all made in New York and Boston. With a Guarantee Player-Panos — Mehlin & Sons, Lauter, all bought direct from manufacturers and can save you all other expenses. Leave orders with Mrs. W. H. Eddy. For Ca.a.o, and Price, call or write J^ J^ MarinCf MUSlC CO., Phone 1475.... 38 W. 2nd Street, Reno, Nev. Reno Reno Livery Co. WhCIl 111 RcnO ^'^^"^ ^*^ Put Up Your Horses at Fashion or Overland Stables Divide Grocery Carnival Goods Groceries The Little Emporium Virginia City, Nev. C. LIVINGSTON F. GEBF.RS Pioneer Steam Laundry Virginia City, Nevada Oldest established Laundry in the Stale of Nevada. If you have any laundry work to be done, you cannot do better than to give it to us. Our reputation as- sures you entire satisfaction, and you know that our charges will be entirely reason- able and the work promptly performed. Phone 85 and wagon will call. The Crystal Saloon Seattle Brewing & Malting Co. Seattle, Wash. = ^^ Brewers and Bottlers of the Celebrated BEER a Strictly Western Product Sold Everywhere New Vigor and Strength in Every Drop I Reno Branch H. POHLE, Agf. afci^ P. 0. Box 843 QUEEN VIRGINIA II (MISS RETA McCOURT) The Sawdust Cornei ARNOLD KLAUS, Proprietor 2 South C St. Virginia City, Nevada This Resort, known all over the Coast, is better than «ver for the reception ol Carnival visitors. When you are in want ol a Good Drink or a Fine Imported Cigar and Music This is the place to get it, and you will Hnd something doing every minute during Carnival week. Take the hunch. CARNIVAL COMMITTEES Chairman of Committees— W. V. RYAN PROMOTION-Dr. J. J. Sullivan, Frank Blake. Ed Blake. MUSIC AND DANCE-W. T. Moran. Gar Edwards. George Corbett. PARADE — W. Locklin, Avery Powers, Alex Winsmore, Ed. Stotenberg, D. R. Morgan. SALUTE AND FIREWORKS-L. Otten, H. Fanning, Fred Beck. EXERCISES— F. P. Langan. Prof. Comerford. Prof. Smith, Prol. Kline. Geo Noel. rRANSPORTATlON-T. F. Short, Ed. Carney, Con Ahem, C. Hanak. R. Rauhut, Len Gallagher. A. Young. ATTRACTIONS— John Bruce. John Durham, W. Evans. DECORATIONS-L. Hall. A. Gerny. W. V. Ryan, Joe Keman, Rufe Henrichs. iv'< THE COMSTOCK '^HIS year the Comstock will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. What does this mean? It means a celebration, a thanks- giving that w^ill pay tribute to the best blood and sinew of the land; to the heroes who toiled over weary miles of desert and plain in search of treasure; to heroes who are now grown feeble with the passing years; to the heroes who have passed to the Great Beyond, It means a celebration that will recall a vast ser- ies of events — the unearthing of millions of dollars of silver and gold, the restoration of the nation's credit in her darkest hour — the building of palaces, ocean cables, and telegraph lines that span Mayh ood & Kenny Retail Grocers... Fresh Fruits 1 Virginia City, Nevada THE COMSTOCK— Continued a continent. It means tribute to feats in mining unsurpassed, to victories gained in the face of seeming defeat, to orators, statesmen, writers, scientists, actors. It means that for the last time the fast fading band of white haired pioneers will sip again from friend- ship's loving cup which was laid down so many years ago and which for the last time will be raised in reverence as silent as in other days it was joyous and gay. No other mining camp in the wide world had a Mackay, a Fair, a Flood and an O'Brien. Here once was the home of Mark Twain, of Dan DeQuill, of Goodwin, of Dagget and num- erous others who would have shed lustre only for the greater con- Agency of the Bank of California Transacts a General Banking Business J. W. ECKLEY. Agent Virginia City. Nevada The California Brewery C and Smith Streets Near National Guard Hall COOL, SHARP B ER SANDWICHES TO ORDER Free Lunches Side Rooms For Families Virginia, City, NcV. R. Noce Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Wine and Liquor — Fruits=— Established 1868 111 North C Stree H. S. Beck Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Pianos and Organs 87-89 South C Street Virginia City, Nevad; The Central Market This old stand still maintains the reputation that has made it famous. When you want something really fine in the line of meats you may be sure that your wants can be filled here better than at any other place. Virginia City. Nevada HENRY NELEIGF \ \ ?5^ ^^< 1 J_^ • .*• um\ . •»«! THE COMSTOCK--Continued stellations. Here was nurtured the brilliant Michaelson family, one a winner of the Nobel prize for his discovery on the speed of light, and one for her success as an author. Here was developed the romantic but unfortunate career of Sandy Bowers and his wife. The streets of the Comstock are paved with ore that gives good values. Truly they are paved with gold and silver. With the same shovels, in past years, fortunes were gathered together and thrown away. The old Comstockers took only the best and all else was thrown away to bleach and whiten on the dumps. For this reason alone the prosperity of the old lode is assured for M. Black & Pope Assayers and Chemists 29 South C Street Virginia City, Nevada Mrs. L. Peyser Dry and Fancy Goods The Latest Notions and Ready-Made Garments », Specialty Virginia City, Nevada Piper s Opera House Skating Rink I V Dont Forget The Finest Floor in the State Skating Every Afternoon Tuesday and Saturday Nights The Big Day Is Sunday Alternoon E. J. Dwyer & Co. ====^ Virginia City, Nevada ==^=^=:=r Merchandise you buy from us is always useful Just received a tremendous stock ol Spring and Summer Goods Frank J. Sullivan -Dealer in- Candies, Fancy Groceries This is the best place in Virginia City to get your Carnival Noveltie- including Refreshments, Fireworks, Etc. American Bread -— - Pies Bakery cake w. . . r-^ K J , and Candy Virginia City, iNevada *' Pollard Candy Store One Door South of Bank Virginia City, Nev. Tobaccos Ice Cream and Candy THE COMSTOCK— Continued long years to come even if another ton of ore be never taken from the mines. But the history of silver mining throughout the world refutes any such supposition. For silver mines in Mexico, Spain, Belgium, Germany and many other places that have been w^orking for cen- turies are still producing the precious metal. No single instance does history tell of a silver lead petering out. So the Comstock Golden Jubilee, while paying tribute to past glory and past achievement, will be also the commencement of a new era of prosperity that may even surpass the glory of other days. The Nixon National Bank ' Reno, Nevada : UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARY CASH CAPITAL. ONE MILLION DOLLARS ===== with which is affihated = The Bank oi Nevada Savings and Trust Co. The«e banks have the largest capital and surplus of any banks in the State and afiord every protection to depositors and are prepared to extend prop>er ac- commodation to the business interests of the community. OFFICERS GEO. S. NIXON ... - Pr«ident F. M. LEE Cashier GEO. F. TURRTITIN - Vice-Pres. R. C. TURRITTIN - - Asst. Cashier Benzoated Almond Cream An Elegant Preparation for Chapped Hands. Face or Any Roughness ol the Skin Removes Tan and Sunburn Pioneer Drug Store B. F. SHAW, Prop. Virginia City. Nevada Chuna Kee cioth ■Dealer in- Ung iVCe ClotMng and G ing ana groceries Marco MiSSivich IceCreamP, ream rarior Two Doors South of Odd Fellows* Hall, Virginia City, Nevj While in Virginia Don't Fail to Visit The Crosby Company's Department Store John McGrath 44 South C St., Virginia City, Nev. Dealc Groceries, Provisions, Fine Wines, Etc. PROGRAM First Day, July 3rd. The following is a detailed program of the Comstock Golden Jubilee. It is believed to be complete enough to be a reliable guide: 2:00 p. m. Opening of the Comstock Golden Jubilee. Signal- ized by the blowing of whistles, ringing of bells, firing of cannon, etc. 2:30 p. m. Coronation ceremonies of Queen Reta, at the opera house. Her Majesty, the Queen— MISS RETA McCOURT Maids — Miss Mazie Harris, Miss Ella Blake Pages — Evelyn Evans, Irma Kline Master of Ceremonies — Hon. F. P. Langan, assisted by the Queen Committee, Harry James, Dr. H. A. McNeil, J. E. Wade 3:00 p. m. Reception in honor of Her Majesty, Queen Reta at the Opera House. Distribution of souvenirs from the Queen to the young Americans. 3:30 p. m. Children's aerial entertainment, at the court house. At great expense Wright Bros, the famous aeronauts, have been secured for this occasion. ON THE TRAIL Don't forget to visit this line of Side Shows. The greatest in the country, barring none. McCourt & Wright Fir^-Class Saloon High Grade Liquors | Choice Wines Imported and Domestic Cigars Virginia City, Nevada PROGRAM— First Day, Continued 8:00 p. m. Queen Reta will touch the electric button and the night will be transformed into day. The greatest electrical display ever witnessed in Nevada. 9:00 p. m. Coronation Ball at National Guard hall. A number of up-to date specialties will be introduced which will make this ball one of the main features of the carnival. Second Day, Sunday, July 4th. 1:30 p. m. Independence Day exercises at the opera house. Overture Comstock Band Prayer Rev. Father Murphy Opening Remarks George N. Noel Poem Miss P. Burnett Music Comstock Band Declaration of Independence George R. Young Song Selected Oration.. Hon. H. F. Bartine Benediction Rev. Pitcaithly Music . Comstock Band 3:30 p. m. Baseball game at Recreation grounds. Purse $100. Nevada Press Club vs. Virginia Stars. This game is for the championship of the state. 8:30 p. m. Sacred concert. Comstock band, R. H. Hoskins, leader. People's Market Fresh and Cured Meats Be^ that Money Can Buy C Street Virginia City, Nev. Joe Miller ^,^ ^ Wood Virginia City, Nevada = ^"'' ^= Coal THOS. COCKRING Wines, Liquors Cigars C Street, Virginia City, Nevada A. M. Britt 3„«,„ RENO. NEVADA IjCer and Agent Cook Mineral Water Soda WaterS 3rd Day, Monday, July 5th 1 :30 p. m. sharp. Independence Day parade. The line will contain a float with a Burleigh drill in operation. Order of Parade First Division Sheriff R. B. Henrichs Chief of Police Daniel O'Hagan Deputy Sheriffs D. P. Morgan, and W. J. Jennings Constable R. H. Thomas Grand Marshal, J. W. Eckley. Line aides — George Wilson, W. J. Douglass Comstock Lady Aides Walter Tonkin, marshal, and aides. Comstock Band, R. H. Hoskin, leader. Governor D. S. Dickerson and staff G. A. R. Phil Kearney Post No. 10 The Boys of '59 in Carriage E. Penrod and Oscar Steele Mrs. J. M. Davis Leading Bookseller and Stationer Best Assortment of Carnival Novelhes A/' • • /^-i \T of all Descriptions Virginia Lity, l\ev. BROWN & DABOVICH Dealers in Candies, Cigars, Tobaccos, Family Groceries Ice Cream and Family WineS T3^3les Our Sodas Telephone No. 183 Specialty 10 South C Street, Virginia City, Nevada V. Polose C Sreet, Virginia City, Nev. Blacksmithing Horseshoeing General Repair Work Kerney & Lynd Be^ Wet Goods C Street on the Com^ock Virginia City, Nevada Don't Forget Us PROGRAM, Third Day— Continued Second Division Chief Aide — John Matheson Assistant Aides — S. M. Stone, Chas. C. Derby and L N Bullock. Washoe Valley Lady Aides Carson Eagle Band. A. Meyers, leader. Virginia City Miners Union Carson Aerie Eagles Divide Hose company on Float, M. Dandurand, foreman Reno Aerie of Eagles Overman Mining Company's Float, "the Output of the Comstock Comstock Electrical Union, I. B. E. W. 6 1 3 and Float, "the Sub-Station Virginia, Gold Hill and Silver City Miners' Unions, and float, "A Burleigh Drill in Operation" Comstock Aerie Eagles No. 523 Queen Reta, maids and mounted Escort Chas. Butters & Co., Ltd. Floal, "Shipping Bullion" Lent and Brooks, Great Wild West Show, with Captain Sam Jack and his mounted warriors, pony express, scouts, clowns, etc. Nevada Hardware & Supply Co. Tin and Agateware Plumbing Supplies Ranges Roolings Tents Assayers Supplies Camp Stoves, Etc. Paints and Oils Mine, Mill and Electric Suppplies 209-215 Sierra Street Reno, Nevada George Noel . . . Attorney-at-Law . . . Virginia City, Nevada C. H. Miller Attorney-at-Law Dayi on Nevad RENO ^ENO, the chief commercial and educational city of Nevada, lies in Washoe county, at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains, but a few miles from the Nevada-California line. It is the largest city in the state and is surrounded by rich agricultural lands, vast ranges, productive mineral territory and many thriving towns of smaller size which contribute to its prosperity. Imme- diately adjacent to its eastern limits is the city of Sparks, where are located the intermountain shops of the Southern Pacific rail- way, the greatest artery of commerce in Nevada. At Reno is located the University of Nevada, supported by the state and encouraged by large private gifts, its principal bene- factor being Clarence Mackay, son of John W. Mackay of Com- slock fame. The city is splendidly equipped with public and private schools, a business college, and in addition to its predomi- nance as a business center is the educational seat of the state. During the past six or seven years it has almost quadrupled its population. City improvements have kept pace with its growth md all of its business streets have been paved, the city completely ^'wered and scores of fine business buildings have displaced the tructurer of earlier days. From the Truckee river, rising in the Sierra Nevadas, comes unlimited electrical energy for light and power. The same stream supplies the vast agricultural area of the Truckee Meadows, in which Reno is situated, with water for irrigation purposes, its sur- plus waters being diverted far below the city into the Carson sink where they are reclaiming an empire of land I hat is being alloted to settlers by the United States government. West of Reno are located immense timber tracts from which Nevada and much of California derive their supply of lumber. In Gray, Reid, Wright Cc Nevada s Biggest, Best and Busiest Store Everything for Personal Adornment or Household Usage Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled Reno=Two Big Stores =^Carso Riverside note When in Reno visit the Riverside, there you will be treated in the Good Old Comstock Way. The Old Comstock Manager Knows What You Want H.J.GOSSE.Manager RcnO, Neva( RENO— Continued every direction there are great ranges for sheep and cattle, rich mining districts, salt deposits and agricultural lands. Taking advantage of its splendid railroad facilities and its geographical location the merchants, manufacturers and financial interests have pursued the most progressive methods. Large de- {lartment stores with complete slocks, machine shops, packing houses, stock yards, wholesale houses, lumber yards, modem ho- tels, interurban and street railways and all the other requisites of a wholesale center have been established. The climate of Reno is mild, the summers not excessively hot and the winters short. Continual breezes blowing from the mountains temper the heat of summer. Reno has thoroughly equipped schools, many churches, clubs, pleasure resorts, technical training schools, and unlimited opportun- ities for health, comfort and investment. ifteno Printtng Co, Completely Equipped with the Most Modern Facilities For COMMERCIAL PRINTING You are judged by the Stationery You Use. Get the BEST and HAVE IT PRINTED RIGHT 21 EAST SECOND ST.. RENO, NEVAD WE PRINTED THE JUBILEE PROGRAMM High Grade Watches J Speciahy Jewelry Neatly Repaired Sali^Jaction Gusranlrrd Paul R araus Watchmaker and Jeweler ^*^'" Street At Present at Bcckerts Barber Shop Lyon County. Nevada \ ,rqin.. C.iv. Nevad, Dick Randall Stock Farm Dayton, Nevada ooiled Live Stock When You Sleep Sleep on a Breuner Mattress Reno, Nevada he Nevada Brewery >w theC.&C. Mine \ irginia City. Nevada Nevada Brewery Beer Made in a Most Scientilic Manner From the Purest Material Stop! ^ Look Listen ! When in Virginia Don t Forget === to Call at ==^= YOUNG'S Fine, Large, Airy Billiard and Pool Rooms Free Lunch Day and Night <^n South C Virginia City, Neva Street dust C ^awaust Isomer That's the Name of the Place and that's where you can get a good, cool Steam Beer Only the Best Served Over the Bar \ ou know where the place is; il you don t. ask somehody. You can always spend a pleasant time in Billiard and Pool Parlors >i I' KLAUS. Proprietor Virginia City, Nev. Reno Wholesale Liquo: St ore ( Incorporated) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars 315 Sierra Street Also Agents for Wieland s and Frederick s Beers and All Kinds of Solt Drinks 215 Ralston St. J. S. CORECCO, Mgr. Reno, Nevada lEiMO Pbintino Co. 21 East Second S^ Lfthomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Makers Stockton, Calif WT. JAN 2]. 1908 hM' _v y-iVf^" mf