SPECIAL EDITION THE LITERATURE OF ALL NATIONS AND ALL AGES COPYRIGHT, 1900 R. BEVSCHUAG, PlNX ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE THE) LITERATURE OF ALL NATIONS AND ALL AGES HISTORY, CHARACTER, AND INCIDENT One Gundrcd Demi-teintc Plates from Paintings 6y Ibe Oforia's Bc$t Hrtists COMPLETE IN TEN VOLUMES VOLUME IV CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA ST. LOUIS E. R. DU MONT IQOO Copyright, 1899, By ART LIBRARY PUBLISHING CO. Copyright, 1900, By E. R. DU MONT GREEK LITERATURE PERIOD IV 9 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY g HERODOTUS 12 The Egyptian King^s Treasure 14 Pythius the Lydian 17 The Battle of Marathon 20 THUCYDIDES 25 Harmodius and Arislogiton 27 [ The Sword and the Myrtle} 30 Pausanias the Spartan 30 The Character of Pericles 35 Clean's Victory at Sphacteria 36 Alcibiades Vindicates Himself 43 XENOPHON 48 How Xenophon Became a General 50 The Ten Thousand Reach the Sea 53 Gobryas the Assyrian 57 Araspes and Panthea ; 62 The Visit of Socrates to Theodota 69 The Choice of Hercules 71 EARLY GREEK PHILOSOPHERS 76 The Seven Wise Men 79 Knowledge of God 80 The Golden Age 80 The Symbols of Pythagoras So The Golden Verses of Pythagoras 81 ANACREON 84 On His Lyre 85 The Weapon of Beauty 85 Cupid as a Guest 86 The Ideal Portrait 87 In Praise of Wine 88 754834 2 TABI.U OF CONTENTS. PAGE GREEK LITERATURE- PERIOD IV. (CONTINUED). Plea for Drinking 88 Anacreori's Dove 89 The Grasshopper 90 Cupid and the Bee 91 LATIN LITERATURE PERIOD III 92 SAI.I.UST 95 Jugurtha at Rome 95 Caius Marius Seeks the Consulship 99 CAIUS Juuus C^SAR ioi Cczsar's First Invasion of Britain 102 The Battle of Pharsalia 109 VIRGII, 112 Tityrus and Meliboeus ..114 Pollio . "7 Orpheus and Eurydice 119 Laocoon and his Sons 121 The Death cf Priam 123 Dido on the Funeral Pile 125 The Young Marcellus 129 The Descent of Avernus 130 HORACE 131 To the Roman People 132 Maecenas, Patron and Friend 134 His Daily Life in Rome 134 Invitation to Phyllis 135 The Literary Bore 136 Horace 1 s Monument 138 OVID 139 Niobe 141 Pyramus and Thisbe 147 Baucis and Philemon 150 TiBur.ius 155 Elegy to Delia 155 Sulpicia on Cerinthus Going to the Chase 156 Cerinthus to Sulpicia 157 PROPERTIUS 158 The Image of Love 158 Love's Dream Realized 159 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 3 PAGE PERSIAN LITERATURE PERIOD III 160 KHAKANI 161 The Unknown Beauty 161 NlZAMI l62 Ferhad the Sculptor 163 The Eye of Charity 165 The Oriental Alexander 165 The World Beyond 166 JELAI,EDDIN RUMI 167 The Merchant and the Parrot 168 The Destiny of Man 170 The Fairest Land 171 The Lover's Death 171 The Religion of the Heart 172 SADI 173 Proem to the Gulistan 174 The King's Gift to the Dervish 178 The Wrestlers 179 The Judge's Transgression 180 The Sinner and the Monk 184 The Moth and the Flame 185 King Toghrul and the Sentinel 186 ITALIAN LITERATURE PERIOD II 187 LUIGI PUI,CI 190 Orlando and the Giants 191 The Villain Margutte 196 NICCOLO MACHIAVEI,I